J / feasure enicfes n— — nifirnnr I li Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.arcliive.org/details/racingpleasureveOOhoug The Houghton Sulky Co, Marion, Ohio, U. S. A. Wholesale Price List Catalo]^ No. 6 TERMS: Prices are NET, f. o. b., Marion, Ohio. Parties without satisfactory mercantile rating should furnish references, letter of credit with order, or work will be shipped C. O. D. freight or express, to avoid delay, in which case $5.00 or $10.00 must accompany order as guarantee of good faith. Individuals as a rule have no mercantile rating, often are wealthy and local credit high, but we have no way of knowing this, hence our terms are alike to all. Positively no goods shipped on consignment. No freight allowance unless authorized. Claims for deduction must be made on receipt of goods. We pay return charges for money on all C. O. D. shipments. Seven railroads and four express companies are represented at Marion, Ohio. We obtain the lowest transportation rates possible. See catalog No. 6, page 2. To please your customer, to make more money with half the talk — handle The Hoiijghton Line. V^l-|^^ do "others" say — • "Just as good as Houghton's" ? Two Wheelers Style No. No. 100. Derby Special Sulky, any size, com- plete with best cushion with weight pocket. Alu- minum lined wood rims, brass automobile tire pump, wrenches, repair outfit etc, $160 pattern $140.00 No. 9. Houghton Special Sulky, any size com- plete with best cushion with weight pocket. Alu- minum lined wood rims, brass automobile tire pump, wrenches, repair outfit, etc, $150 pattern 130.00 Covers are Extra, as Listed Page 4. No. n . Light Speeding Cart, complete with cushion, polished brass screen. Aluminum lined rims, tire pump, wrenches, repair outfit, etc., regular $75.00 pattern 72.00 No. 70. Model Training Cart, complete with brass screen, Aluminum lined wood rims, tire pump, wrenches, repair outfit, etc., regular $65 pattern 61.50 No. 6. Matinee or Training Cart, complete with brass screen. Aluminum lined rims, tire pump, wrenches, repair outfit, etc., regular $60 pattern 56.00 No. 3. Jog Cart, Pneumatic Tire, complete with cushion, basket, carpet, tire pump, repair outfit, wrenches, etc., regular $65.00 cart 62.50 No. 3-G. Jog Cart Cushion tire, complete with cushion, basket, carpet, tire pump, wren- ches, repair outfit, etc., regular $65.00 cart... 62.50 No. 5. Utility Cart, Cushion tire, steel wheels, complete with basket, carpet, wrenches, tire pump, repair outfit, etc., regular $60 pattern 55.50 No. 55. Utility Cart, Cushion tire, wood wheels, complete with basker, carpet, wrenches tire pump, repair outfit, etc., regular $65 pattern 60.00 No. 10. Peerless Cart, steel tires, complete with basket, carpet, wrenches, tire pump, re- pair outfit, etc., regular $55 pattern 46.50 Two Wheelers-Continued No. 10-C. Peerless Cart, Cushion tire, complete with detachable basket, carpet, wrenches, tire pump, repair outfit, etc , regular $65 pattern 55.50 No. 11. Favorite Cart, Steel tire, complete with basket, carpet, wrenches, etc., regular $40 cart 33.00 No. 11-R. Favorite Cart, V?, in. rubber tires, complete with basket, carpet, wrenches, etc., regular $45 cart 42.00 No. 14. Houghton Long Shaft Break Cart, steel tires, complete with cushion, leather trace extensions, and boot over the basket, regular $50 cart 44.00 No. 14-R. Houghton Long Shaft Break Cart, lin. Rubber tires, complete with cushion, leather trace extensions and boot over the basket, regular $60 cart 54.00 Parts-Two Wheelers No. Net Price 100 Derby Special Wheels, with Palmer tires $24.50 100 Derby Special Wheels, with Derby Special Tires 24.50 100 Derby Special Wheels, without tires 15.00 9 Houghton Sulky Wheels, with tires 22.50 9 ,, ,, ,, without tires 13.50 77 Speed Cart Wheels, with tires 23.00 77 ,, ,, ,, without tires 14.00 70 Training Cart Wheels, with tires 23.50 70 ,, ,, ,, without tires.... 14.00 6 Matinee Cart Wheels, with tires 23.50 6 ,, ,, ,, without tires 14.00 3 Jog Cart Wheels, with tires 27.50 3 ,, ,, ,, without tires 14.00 5 Jog Cart Wheels, Steel, with cushion tires 23.50 55 Jog Cart Wheels, Wood, with cushion tires 28.50 In ordering wheels specify height, viz., 24, 26, or 28 inch. All wood rims are aluminum lined. (See catalog, Page 7.) For speed, strength, and durability, our wheels are unequaled. Tires Palmer Racing tire, 24" or 26"xl^" or No. 1^8" $ 9.50 Palmer Racing Tires, 28"xl^" or V/s" 10.00 100 "Derby Special" sulky tire, 24" or 26"xl3/^' 9.50 9 Houghton sulky tire, 24", 26" or 28" 9.00 77 Speed Cart tire, 26"xl>^" 9J^ 70 Training Cart tire, 26"xl}^" 9.50 6 Matinee Cart tire, 26"xl^" 9.50 3 "Houghton Roadster" Cart tire, 28"xlf^" 13.50 Order size and height of tire wanted. Palmer tires are not made with lugs. Our Palmer tires at extra cost are made with heavier tread — wear longer — are are fast and lively. Our different tires are especially adapted for their particular purpose — made for speed and wear-thoroughly guaranteed. Tires will NOT RIM GUT— will HOLD BETTER-are FASTER on our Aluminum lined wood rims. Cushions Sulky cushion, English cordoroy, weight pocket 5.50 Speed cart cushion, English cordoroy, with roll 3.00 Training cart cushion, cordoroy, with roll 3.00 Jog cart cushion, cordoroy with roll 3.00 Break Cart cushion, cordoroy, with straps 3.00 Shipping Covers "Peerless" waterproof sulky cover, leather tips $ 9.00 "Peerless" waterproof cart cover, leather tips 9.00 "Standard" fleeced sulky cover, leather tips... 5.50 "Standard" fleeced cart cover, leather tips 5.50 These covers are adjustable and fit any make. See full particulars page 8, catalog No. 6. Mud Boots - Dashes Mud boots to fit No.'s 3, 5, 55 or 10 carts $2.50 Screens, bolished brass — fit any make cart 4.50 Dashes, leather — fit any make cart 2.50 Four Wheelers Style No. 16 Speedway Special, Cushion tire $ 168.75 17 Speedway Special „ ,, No. 8 Top 218.75 35 Riverside Speed Wagon, Cushion Tire 137.50 36 Riverside Speed Wagon, Cushion Tire, N0.8T0P 175.00 40 New York Driving Wagon, Steel Tire 100.00 57 Special Top Buggy, No. 1 Top, Steel Tire 100.00 57 Special Top Buggy, No. 3 Top, ,, ,, 103.62 57 Special Top Buggy, No. 5 Top, ,, „ 120.00 57 Special Top Buggy, Storm Top ,, ,, 118.75 50 Special Top Buggy, No. 2 Top, ,, ,, 115.62 50 Special Top Buggy, No. 4 Top, ,, ,, 118.75 50 Special Top Buggy, No. 7 Top, ,, ,, 131.25 31 Supreme Top Buggy, No. 2 Top ,, ,, 115.62 31 Supreme Top Buggy, No. 4 Top ,, ,, 118.75 31 Supreme Top Buggy, No. 7 Top ,, ,, 131.25 34 Supreme Corning Buggv, No. 2 Top, Steel Tire 116.87 34 Supreme Corning Buggv, No. 4 Top, Steel Tire 120.00 34 Supreme Corning Buggy, No. 7 Top, Steel Tire 132.50 29 Gad-AboutWagon,No.l Top, Steel Tire 100.00 29 Gad-About Wagon, No. 3 Top, ,, ,. 103.62 29 Gad-About Wagon, No. 5 Top, ,, ,, 120.00 30 Supreme Run-About, Open, ,, ,, 95.00 33 Supreme Corning Run-About ,, ,, 92.50 With Pheaton Seat ,, ,, 95.00 28 Gad-About Wagon, Pheaton Seat, Steel Tire 90.00 65 "Three Quarter" Runabout, Steel Tire 137.50 60 "Three Quarter" Top Buggy ,, ,, 181.25 24 Euclid Beach Wagon, Open „ ,, 131.25 24 Euclid Beach Wagon, Eng. Canopy Top, Steel Tire 156.25 26 Country Club or Golf Wagon, Steel Tire 200.00 20 Ideal Park Surrey, Open ,, ,, 100.00 20 Ideal Park Surrey, Canopy Top ,, ,, 118.75 20 Ideal Park Surrev, English Canopv Top Steel Tire....'. 118.75 See Top and Trimming Schedule Page 44, Catalog No. 6. Extra Parts-Four Wheelers 1 inch rubber tire, extra $ 21.00 }^ in. rubber tire, extra 18.50 % in. rubber tire, extra 16.50 Leather boot, any style, extra 2.50 Rubber Dust Hood, extra 2.50 Leather Dust Hood, extra 4.50 Leather Side Curtains 6.50 Leather Back Curtains 3.50 Rubber Mat for carpet, extra 1.00 Dickey cushion, extra 4.00 Jockey Fenders on Runabouts 3.00 Single bend Buggy Pole, high class 20.50 Single bend Surrey Pole, very fine 18.50 Single bend Speed Wagon Pole, extra fine 31.50 Nickle Pole Trimmings, extra 2.50 Shafts, Buggy or Surrey complete 7.50 Shafts for Nos. 16, 35. or 60 9.00 Leather Bow Sockets 2.50 Tops No. 1 Leather finished Rubber $ 18.75 No. 2 „ „ „ 22.50 No. 3 Leather Quarter 25.00 No. 4 Full Leather 30.00 No. 5 „ „ 33.75 No. 6 „ „ 37.50 No. 7 „ „ 43.75 No. 8 „ „ 60.00 HOW TO ORDER Order by Catalog number — specify color wanted. If sulky, give height, width, length stirrup, weight etc., wanted, he explicit. FREIGHT or EXPRESS, which? Where no shipping directions are given, we ship as under the circumstances we think most satisfactory to our customers. To avoid mistakes, a double system of checking and inspection is used and every efford made to fill orders cor- rectly. Should a mistake occur, advise us at once. Our work is carefully packed, crated and delivered in good order to the transportation company, whose receipt we will mail you, and upon who recourse for claims, damages and overcharges must be made. READ THE GUARANTEE, PAGE 2, CATALOG No. 6. Our Stock is Large, New, Up-To-Date. All wire or telephone orders filled promptly. Our Aluniiuum Lined Rims prevent accidents. No rim cutting, no loose joints, tire holds better, are faster — see Catalog No. 6, page 7. HOUGHTONS Not only "Friends" but also Satisfied Users Extracts from letters endors- ing a few of the forty-four ^yles known as The Houghton Line the produdt of thorough, prac- tical designers; fine^ of sele(5t materials; experienced work- manship; a modern, well- equipped plant; and a good Big Bunch of Pride .... HOUGHTON MAKION, OHIO HOUGHTOX OF MARION, OHIO The Style No. 77 is really a training or matinee sulky. It is built on the principles of a sulky. The shafts are bent to special patterns, allowing plenty of room for free action of the horse. The weight of the driver hangs on a truss strong enough to carry four or five people if necessary, and further distributes the weight on both sides oltbe axle journal alike while many carts throw the weight almost entirely on the inside bearings. It is also furnished Itke a sulky; leather-covered stirrups, a fine corduroy cushion, hair-filled, leather facings hand sewed. Leathers sewed on points of shafts. Wheels are interchangeable with our sulky. The hubs are provided with a special flange fitting into the axle tips, relieving the knockout axle of nearly all of the strain. Acci- dent-proof bearings with direct guaranteed locked spokes; the "Aluminum Lined" wood rims with Hq" guaranteed raised tread, bolted on tires, making the very best wheel equipment on the market. Remember you can buy carts for less money — in fact we build them ourselves — but if you want the best and fastest you should buy this cart. Finest cart 1 ever rode. H. C. Hersey, Minn. Best light cart on the market. Chas. E. Dean, ill. 1 like your No. 77 cart very much. A. McDonald, Mass. Has every other cart not only beaten but distanced. J. S. Karns, Canal Dover, Ohio, The most satisfactory hitch I have ever had. Walter Pal- mer, Hi. A model of beauty and the best rider I ever sat on. Dick Wilson, Ind. The most perfect cart 1 ever saw. C. C. Thomas, Ala. The nicest and most practical cart we have ever tried, N. T. & W. D. Kirby, 111. Pleases me better than any other. C. A. Niles, Ind. It is light, strong, easy runaing and pretty. J. E. White- selle, Texas. Light, stiff, strong, very neat, runs as true as a top. Wal- ter H. Harrison, Tenn. The cart is fine. Nicest one I ever saw. D. B. Mc- Nenamin, Md. HOUGHTOX OF MA.RION, OHIO Style No. 16, Speedway Special. For Sho^".-A .' -H HOUGHTOX OF MA.RION, OHIO A Ne>v^, Modern Style Cart for General Use. Fitted with either 1 " guaranteed cushion tires or steel tires, also with a cushion and mud boot at slight extra cost if de- sired. This cart is constructed along the lines of a regular jogging cart, with a steel axle, 38" light wheel, long easy- riding spring, a cart that may be used on the worst of roads or the best of tracks. Furnished regularly with I " cushion tires, nickle steel rail, seat upholstered in leather. This cart iii connection with one of our light track carts and sulkies, make a very complete outfit for the trainer. Below are found a few extracts from letters we have recently received: Style No, lO, I am simply delighted with your style No. 10 Peerless cart. D. A. Miers, N. J. To say I am well aleased with your No. 1 Peerless cart is putting it mildly. Robert H. Clark, Ind. Your No. 10 Peerless cart is the best I ever saw. H. L. Bear, Texas. I like your No. 10 Peerless cart very much. C. P. Seid- ler. Conn. I am highly pleased with your No. 10 Peerless cart. C. E. Pitman, N. J. The slickest trick in the business. Dick Wilson, Ind. A very handy all purpose cart. W. G. Durfee, Cal. Sold mine at a profit and want another. Herbert Dayton, Coiin. Other Styles In High Wheeled Carts. Style No. 1 1 is a high wheel, steel or rubber tire cart for brie passenger. Very best quality. Style No. 1*2, about the same in design, construdted fbr two passengers, has- many exclusive features. Our No. 14 long shaft break cart is by all odds the best vehicle on the market today for its purpose, and aside from its being an exceptionally easy rider it is constructed of the very finest of material and finished superbly. Our Catalog is very Interestinii. HOUGHTON OF MARION, OHIO The Most Ri^id— Strongest Truss Made. A Real "Bridge Truss". HE axle truss is the all-important part o( a sulky. Without a rigid and scientific axle truss results cannot be obtained. In de- signing the Houghton Sulky Truss the very best principles of bridge construction were used. In (act the truss is so constructed that no matter whether it is used in the high or low sulky the same rigid, strong system is maintained. This construction has been pro- nounced by the very best of civil and bridge engineers to combine the greatest possible strength with minimum weight of materials. Horsemen and drivers, both on milfc and half-mile tracks, who are carefully studying the construction of this sulky are every day becoming more and more convinced of its superiority. It is absolutely imptossible to build a sulky as strong and as rigid in the same amount of weight in any other construction. This has been definitely decided by the most severe critics. The principle of secure- ly gluing and clipping the two arches at the ends of the center truss is the greatest feature and is thoroughly cov- ered by patents. The unique system of hand-forged steel braces between the arches is another great addition to its strength, and while it is the most expensive axle-truss to build, since all special forgings are used and required, all Tital points are clipped, leaving the wood to full strength, the sulky as a whole represents the highes ideas known to the art of sulky building. The heaviest of drivers need have no fear in using the Houghton, and we are ready at all times to compare its rigidity with any other truss in the same weight to substantiate our claim. Especiably Desirable for Foreign or Half-mile Tracks. HOUGHTON OF MARION, OHIO Handsomely finished, and at good as I ever rode. It fits more different sized horses than any other make. E. F. Geers, Tenn. I like this sulky very much. Lon McDonald, Mass. 1 like it real well. Chas. E. Dean, III. Will use your sulky to the best horses in my stable. Dick McMahon, III. You surely have a great sulky. Andy McDowell, Pa. Best sulky out. Have used them all. Knap McCarthy, Ind. Like your sulky very much. Ship me another. H. H. Helman, Cal. I am convinced your sulky is superior. Dick Wilson, Ind. No sulky suits me as well as the Houghton. W. G. Durfee, Cal. I use your sulky to "Shakespeare" and like it. W. L. Spears, Ky. Best sulky I ever sat on. Crit Davis, Ky. The finest I ever rode. Mat Laird, Ohio. Can't see how they can be improved upon. Chas. W. Kenyon, Iowa. I like your sulky very much. Eld. Allen, Iowa. Like your sulky very much. Ship me another. A. Tul- lis, Iowa. No other sulky can suit me as well. M. E. McHaffey, Ind. From one to two seconds (aster than most others. H. H. Stokes, Ohio. The Houghton Sulky lor mine. They stand the knocks. G. L. Swisher, Ohio. I am very much pleased with your sulky. J. C. Packer. Pa. I have had many sulkies but none pleases me as well as yours. Jos. Wright, Va. Without doubt the (attest and best sulky made. Chas. W. Wettich, Pa. It certainly it a bird. W. H. Peters, Ohio. Pre(er your tulky to all others. H. R. Tyson, Del. It's a beauty. Highly pleased. More orders toon. Chas. Butcher, Mont. "Doris B" drew your sulky when she broke all the world's race records on ice. B. R. Hepburn, Ont. Best sulky in the world (or our use. J. S. Brown, Vienna, Austria. I am certainly pleased with your sulky. Edw. B. Schwitzer, Vienna, Austria. Would not use any other make. I like it above all others. P. J. Kellar, Chrittchurch, N. Z. HOUGHTON'S Indestructible "Aluminum Lined" Wood Rim. im\s^y\TQ\^ n: "The rim with the doubt and the risk left out." Mr. Trainer and Driver: OU no doubt will remember the criticism and "knocks" that were given the low seat long hitch sulky when it was first introduced, yet to-day all manufacturers of high-class modern sulkies are building nothing else. When the aluminum lined wood rim was first brought out it of course was given the usual criticism, including the knocks. All the things which we have heard said about this rim would fill volumes, how- ever absolutely none of the theories advocated by those who have never used the rim have proven true, while from exp>erience it has proven the greatest safeguard ever offered. One of our customers made the statement a few days ago that if all sulkies were made equal he certainly would give us his business on the strength of the "aluminum lined" rim alone. A few of the arguments used against this rim are absolutely preposterous. One of our cu^omers was informed ? that these rims weighed three pounds heavier to the pair. Another theory. The fact of the matter is that with the additional strength of the alumnum lining we are able to use a wood rim of smaller size so that the construction is often lighter than the old style non-supported wood rim. There isn't a single argument that has ever been raised against this rim that has from use proven true, yet all the claims that we have made for it have been fulfilled. This improvement is offered to you at an ex{>ense of hundreds of dollars to us for your beaelit and your protection. You must be satisfied. We have some of the best and oldest designers in the business, but no hard-shellt, who will not profit from suggestioiu of practical horsemen. Let youi next be a Houghton. Why do "others" say — "Just as good as Houghtons"? u ^^ ^ W. H. HOUGHTON. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. V. GORDON STAIR. Sec'y. and Sales Mer. CARMI F. CHURCH Treas. and Credit Mgr. J / / CATALOG N96 Jn o CO i n o a complete fine of\e/)icfe.y^ sulfa Gfejorall jyjeedin^purposes r3 n^ . n The HQUj^IitonSvilkyGompariv M a'r. I O N , O H I o *u.s. a. The Plant is new. modern — facilities the very best. Terms Cash with ortiei >a>iiiK C. O. D. charjjes — or by express C. O. D., or by freight with sight draft attached to Bill of Lading mailed to local bank providing S5.00 or SIO.OO is sent with order to guarantee transporta- tion charges. See Price List. Shipping Facilities Marion is located on the main line of the Erie; C. & E. C. C. C. & St. L. ( New York Central Lines i; Hocking Valley and Penn- sylvania Railroads; also the C. D. & M. and the C. M. & B. electric lines. The Wells Fargo, American, Adams and southern Ex- press Companies are represented. Foreign Trade Special attention is given to the execution of export orders. All goods are closely and carefully packed and boxed, delivered by freight free on board Tra n s- A 1 1 a n t i c docks. Terms cash with order or on delivery on docks. H o u g h t o n*s Satis faction-or-your- Money-Back G u a r a n tee H*.>l.C,H i Oi\ Mmiiitx \ cmcios are constructed by the highest class mechanics. Further, every possi- ble care is exercised in the selec- tion of the finest materials. All parts are thoroughly inspected in each department. Every vehicle shipped from our factory must be as represented and meet with the buyer's approval in every respect. If not satisfactory, they may be returned by freight and the purchase price vs'ill be re- funded. We have utmost faith in our product and conscientiously recommend it. We further shall cheerfully replace without charge any part returned to our factory by reason of imperfect material or ^vorkmanship. Vehicles or parts returned to our factory must be carefully crated and plainly tagged, shovs'ing by \vhom shipped, and transporta- tion charges must be prepaid. A letter and bill of lading sh<^uld he mailed stating what the shipment includes, and why it is returned. We cannot be responsible for damages to returned parts when they are carelessly packed. Repair bills or replace- ments not allowed unless authorized by us. Your confidence vk'ill not be abused. "ABITT-tlCBEST" Stars of 1909 "The Houghton is a handsome sulky and as good as I ever rode. It fits more different horses than any other make". E. F. GEERS. 1 use several Houghton sulkies every year and find them very satis- factory in every way". A. McDonald. The succeeding pages illustrate and describe modern racing vehicles with special speed acquiring requisites — stylish, comfortable pleasure vehicles — the product of practical designers, who have made this work a life study — the most modern plant in the world, equipped with cost reducing machinery and devices, the most skilled artists in their various lines — so that in buying a Houghton you not only save money — but you get absolutely the best. ^ ' sha liai^ifM' ■^ Houghton vehicles have enjoyed another year of prosperity, — great prosperity. Mark w^ell that vi^ord "great," but better yet, mark well that word "another." Houghton sulkies have never known other than successful years. This is narrative. — FACTS, and such facts cannot be the matter of luck but purpose, — the result of motive and pride. The sulky that is a good sulky from every inception, — each successful year being a good sulky bettered, — is not a "luck sulky." Luck may have made some sulkies successful for a season, but luck never turned out a successful sulky year after year, ONE YEAR AFTER ANOTHER, — that takes genius, native genius, manufacturing genius and the strict obser- vance to the wants of critical drivers. Houghton sulkies are the product of all these. That all six of the largest money winning trotters the past season drew the Houghton; that 72 per cent of the amount won by the thirteen largest money winning trotters used Houghtons; that over 53 per cent of the purses from Cleveland to Lexington was won to the Houghton (more than was won to all other s ulkies combined) is not a matter of LUCK but stamps the Houghton as "The World's Best" in sulky construction. You can pay more money for sulkies than is asked for the Houghton, — likewise you can buy sulkies for less money, but you cannot buy a sulky as good as the Houghton at the price for which the Houghton is sold. Regarding the Houghton sulky. Thomas VV. Murphy, th^- largest money ^vinning trainer of the past season says: "I used one of your sulkies with Baroness Virginia' in winning the Kentucky Futurity. The Houghton, surely went to the front that day for it was one of the greatest colt races ever trotted. Hike the Houghton sulky and think it second to no other." Thomas VV. Murphy. A finish in the keiilucky i ulum> . The greatest colt race ever trott*. Below are some interesting figures taken from the records of the Grand Circuit and Lexington Meetings, Season 1909. The Houghton was equally prominent on haU mile and foreign tracks. Cleveland Meeting Total purses offered $23,000 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 9,400 Including the Ohio $5,000 stake, the largest of the meeting, won by "Bob Douglass." Buffalo . Meeting Total purses offered $23,600 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 17,000 (over 70 per cent) Including the Empire City stake, $10,000 purse won by "Bob Douglass," Queen City by "The Har- vester," The Lafayette by "Penisa Maid." Readville Meeting Total purses offered $79,500 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 48,000 (over 60 per cent) Including the second renewal of the Great American Handicap $35,000 purse won by "Baron Alcyon." ■The first $50,000 Handicap was also won by "Allen Winter" to a Houghton.) Hartford Meeting Total purses offered $21,000 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 11,000 Including the Charter Oak $10,000 stake won by "The Harvester." Syracuse Meeting Total purses offered $30,000 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 15,600 Including the Chamber of Commerce won by "The Harvester" and the Empire State $10,000 purse won by "Penisa Maid." Columbus Meeting Total purses offered $76,700 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 30,000 Including the Hoster $10,000 purse won by "Penisa Maid." The Columbus $3,000 purse won by "The Harvester," The Buckeye $5,000 purse won by "Penisa Maid." Lexington Meeting Total purses offered £75,200 Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky 45,000 Including the Great Kentucky Futurity $14,000 purse won by "Baroness Virginia," the Blue Grass Handicap f 5,000 purse won by "Major Mallow," The Walnut Hall and the Classic Transylvania won by "Penisa Maid." Total amount of purses offered .... Total purses won to the Houghton Sulky $329,000 176,000 Over 53 per cent, or more than was won to all other sulkies Combined. Total winnings of thirteen IcTgest money winning trotters . $145,614 Total amount won by horses drawing the HOUGHTON SULKY 104.650 About 72 per cent or 2V2 times more than ivas won to all other sulkies combined All Six Largest Money-zvinning Trotters of 1909 Margin. 2:05% — Driven by McDonald. Penisa Maid. 2:04'/4— Driven by Shutt. Baroness Va., (3) 2:08 '/i— Driven by Murphy. Baron Alcyon, 2:15 '/i— Driven by Ernest. The Harvester, 2:06%— Driven by Geers. Bob Douglass, 2:06%— Driven by McDonuld Drt-'wthe Houghton sulky in \\ inning rac '*Are You Winning?*' Henry Riding a Houghton A careful study of the Houghton Sulky truss convinces anyone that it is the most scientific ever designed. In the construction of a sulky truss the same as a bridge truss, the upper and lower chords are necessary. Again, both these chords or arches must be securely joined at either side to form a solid and scientific truss. Consult any bridge engineer and you will be convinced of this fact. This is the principle upon which the Houghton sulky truss is founded. It is due to this principle that the Houghton sulky is more rigid, weights com- mensurate, than any other on the market. The upper and lower chords or arches are connected with perpen- dicular and diagonal braces. This completes the system. No truss rods which interfere with the hock action of the horse are necessary on the Houghton, and no matter whether it is used on a high or low sulky, the same rigid center truss is maintained. All vital points on the Houghton sulky truss are secured with clips, necessitating special forgings at considerable extra expense, — but the full strength of the wood is preserved. In "bolting," a much cheaper operation, the best part of the wood is cut away. It is impossible for the Houghton sulky truss to roll or spread on the corner. The shafts are bent on graceful lines, having ample width, — very rigid and roomy at the points. The special shape of the shaft allows a close or extended hitch at the girth without chaffing. The stirrups are set low to afford the driver a more comfortable position. The extreme popularity of the Houghton sulky is due to the fact that as a whole it is mechanical perfection. 'Mt'SarnTy Durtee Mai ■J"' k The Houghton Original The Houghton "aluminum lined" wood rim *' Aluminum Lined" ^^^ P^°;;^^ thoroughly practical. The wood J r» • ^^^ with remforced locked joints atter being Wood Ktm leaded, is lined on the circumference, first with a waterproof linen plaster, tar coated between the glue joint and the linen, then a sheet of specially formed and tempered aluminum, as will be shown in the cut. The edges of the aluminum lining are rolled over the edges of the wood rim and positively prevent rim cutting. This rim is offered as the only water proof, rust proof and indestructible wood rim on the market, and as Mr. Geers says, is an added improvement over the ordinary glue joint. | ^ s Tires Hubs Tires ^^ extra expense our tires are made of the very finest special fabric and pure rubber, and fully guaranteed not only for wear but also for speed. Palmer tires furnished when specified but are not made with lugs. Hubs The Houghton hub illustrated herewith is mechanically perfect. Note that the one cone is stationary on the hollow sleeve, through which the knockout axle bolt passes, while the other, the adjusting cone, is locked with a lock nut. Both cones and balls are of the finest steel. The heavy felt washers inside the dust caps oil the bearings automatically. The direct locked spokes of "Diamond E" grade, with solid brass, sleeve trimmed nipples are used exclusively. Malioi _\Iurph\ McDonald 'Xb >»MJh^Of iii!>l f. Covers For the protection of sulkies or light carts, both in shipping and in storage, a shipping cover is almost a necessity. In fact, they are generally conceded as a regular equip- ment. For use on the styles No. 9, No. 100, No. 77, No. 70 and No. 6, we furnish fleece-lined covers in two grades, made in three sections — the frame, or body cover, and two wheel pockets. All wearings parts reinforced with leather. All material fleece-lined. The frame cover is fitted with special draw strings, allow- ing adjustment so that the Houghton covers will fit most any make sulky. Illiistratina: tlie manner of fittinji Sulky or Cart Covers. The Peerless cover is made of a heavy fleeced water proof material chemically treated, which furnishes absolute protection. The standard cover, most commonly used, is made of heavy fleece-lined flannel, wearing parts reinforced with leather. Cushions The same style cushion is used on the No. 9, No. 100 and No. 99 sulkies. All are furnished with weight pockets and are very neatly hand sewed throughout. The tops are of finest English narrow ribbed corduroy, bottoms and facings of finest quality leather with hand sewed welts, fine hair filling, producing an exceptionally fine and serviceable article. :^:.J.u Three reinsmen of world renown who are very enthusiastic in their recommendations of the Houghton. Three Houghtons around the First Turn for a $10,000.00 Purse. ^ r'r f \ I I t > f i i n>>i t> rni\ ■k That Histot ical Classic, The Transylvania of 1 909 "Penisa Maid," 2 : 04^4, established a new record for the Historical Tran- sylvania stake of 1909. Four of the six starters as well drew the Houghton sulky exclusively. It is a remarkable fact that all four horses drawing the Houghton sulky finished in the money. All four were w^ll tried horses, many times victorious. All four drivers were artists at the business and know full well the value of a high class sulky, when sulky speed means so much. "Are You Winning?' Besides — "There is honor in using: a good sulky" Rock Rapids, Iowa. Dec. <>, 1909. •I used the Houghton sulky witli Penisa Maid' in all of her races and it gave tlie best of satisfaction". M. D. SHUTT. 0^vner and Driver of "Penisa Maid" 2:04 . All Four Money Winners Drew the Houghton Sulky Exclusively. 9 tllj \ K 'h The Houghton Sulky The style No. 9 is most universally used, especially Style A^O. 9 for racing on half mile and foreign tracks. The universal satisfaction this sulky has given places it as the best on the market today, regardless of price. It is conceded to be the strongest sulky in a given amount of weight. That it is a fast sulky has been absolutely proven. To be convinced that it is a winner one needs only to refer to the many pages of this book, demonstrating what the sulky has done for others — the best kind of a guarantee as to what it can do for you. The first glance convinces anyone that it is exceptionally high class. The principle upon which this sulky is built is symmetrical. It is one of the few sulkies that is constructed with a scientific "sulky truss," although there are many "truss axles" on the market. This style is built along the same lines as the Derby Special, the body irons being a trifle heavier. Nothing but the very finest of second growth wood is used. All forgings are of finest imported steel and iron. The wheels are fitted with Houghton Aluminum Lined Wood Rims for \y% Palmer, or Houghton racer tires. (Wheels fully described on page 7.) Trimmings of hand buffed enameled shoe leather, black calf skin or full finished black pebbled goat skin. Painted regularly in French carmine, coach green, royal blue, or black. Superbly finished. Any other color combination to order. "Major Mallow", 2:04' 4, owned and raced by Wert Mallow. During the past season "Major Mallow" broke the track record at Clarksburg. Wheeling and Fairmont, in- cluding the sta'e record of West Virginia, also track records at Rockport. Canton and London, Ohio. In addition to this marvelous record on half mile tracks "Major Mallow" was the fourth largest money winning pacer on mile tracks. "Are You Winning?' ' His first year to a Houghion siiik\ nhicli lie iircM wchisuily. 10 ^ I . r N w r The Houghton Sulky ^^^ complete description, see pages 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Style No. 9 Furnished regularly 30 inches high, 48 inches wide between axle nuts. Equipped with 1^ inch Derby Special "bolted on" tires. Palmer only when ordered. Trimmed in russet leather, dull finished pebble goat skin or hand buffed black patent shoe leather. Large automobile foot pump, heavily nickel plated ; repair outfit, wrenches, tools, etc., complete with each sulky. Weight from 28 to 34 pounds. Crated for shipment, 75 pounds. What the Houghton HAS DONE should interest YOU. See pages 4 and 5. 11 ( . I ! '. i: The Derby Special ^^ ^^e Derby Special we offer a model that repre- Sltvlp yVo / 00 sents the highest possible attainment in the art of sulky building. To meet the demand for an exceptionally light and rigid sulky for use principally on mile tracks, we brought out the style No. 100. In outline it resembles the style No. 9, but in detail a great deal more time and effort is spent in its construction ; all wood works are carefully selected ; all forgings of high carbon steel, draw filed and hand polished before painting; all truss braces are made of special oval steel instead of round, which lightens the sulky materially. The axle and fork tips are forged from solid Norway iron and are so designed as to give the greatest possible strength with the minimum amount of weight. Stirrups of special pattern are set low — very comfortable. The wheels are fitted with the Houghton "aluminum lined" wood rims for 15/4 inch Palmer special racing tire which are used regularly. The hub of a special design is somewhat lighter than our regular pattern. The spokes of "Diamond E" high tension, piano wire steel, swaged very light, are fitted with solid brass sleeve trim nipples, which will not rust. In fact, the sulky is constructed all through with the idea of an extremely light, very fast and rigid sulky for special race purposes. The trimmings, of hand buffed, enamel shoe leather, are finely hand sewed and turned. Painted regularly in French carmine, royal blue, or black, or any other color combination to order. Unlike the ordinary gloss varnish finish, all Derby Specials are hand polished, similar to high-grade furniture, pianos, etc. No other sulky in the world is finished in like manner, and while the process means much more expense, it produces a surface that is not easily marred, and that will not only __^ look better but stand up much longer than the regular gloss finish. The SIO.OOO Hosier -Colum- bus Stake. All three draw- ing the Houghton Derby Special. The Houghton ^von. Shuit PentSii Maid McDonald Mamin Haas General H. 12 ^^ Shu jimi'^hi ■k The Derby Special Standard size in this model — 29 inches high, 46 Style No. 100 inches wide between axle nuts (51 inch track cen- ter) ; any size to order. Furnished regularly with 1^4 inch Palmer tires. or Derby Special "bolted on" tires when ordered. Equipment includes a large automobile foot pump of solid brass, finely polished and heavily lacquered, repair outfit, tools, wrenches, etc. Weight from 28 to 32 pounds. Crated for shipment, 65 pounds. "A Study in Action"— See Page 48 13 * * In Foreign Lands The great popularity of the Houghton sulky is not confined simply to the States, but in all foreign countries where it has been used it is the acknowledged leader. For use on foreign tracks our sulkies and carts are specially constructed. A careful study of the necessities of the different countries places us in a position to furnish the proper requirements. Most of our foreign cus- tomers prefer the Dunlap double tire as illustrated here. This we are prepared to furnish on any of our styles both in the steel rim as shown and in the special Houghton "aluminum lined" wood rim. The special wheel with the "aluminum lined" wood rim and Dunlap tires is universally endorsed and for this outfit, repairs may be had at any part of the globe. Since turf vehicles are more or less a specialty we are prepared to furnish estimates on any vehicle used in any particular locality. Our modern facilities for manufacturing enable us to give you work as you want it, at a less price than it can be obtained elsewhere. ■"Faniazia" i3» 2:20' j. Switzer up. Champion three year old money winner of Austria, win- ning 50.300 crowns to the Houghton Sulky exclusively, of which Mr. Switzer says. "I am certainly well pleased with your sulky.'" Edwin B. Swiizer, Vienna. Austria "St. Vallient Vincent" 2:11' 4. Brown up. .\lr. Brown's stable the past season won over S34.000. all to the Houghton Sulky, of which ."Vlr. Bro%vn says, "The best sulky in the world for our use. " J. S. Brown. Vienna. Austria 14 Houghton CcirtS Houghton carts are no less popular than Houghton sulkies. The complete line comprises carts for every conceivable purpose in connection with the harness horse. There are many special advantages found in each style cart herein illus- trated and described. Careful catering to the wants of practical trainers has done m.uch to perfect the Houghton cart. All Houghton track carts are furnished with the "aluminum lined" wood rims, which during the early training months will positively withstand all climatic conditions, in that the glue joint is absolutely reinforced. It is with very much pride that we refer to the fact that all prominent trainers highly endorse the Houghton cart. Wood Wheels For use on styles Nos. 3, 5, or 55 carts. Especially > ushion Tire Strong, light and neat. Exclusive pattern 28 inches high with 1 inch or 1^/^ inch or 1^4 irich cushion tires. (See cut.) Carefully constructed of the finest second growth hickory, equipped with Houghton special bearings, described on page 7, interchangeable w^ith wire wheels with the same knockout axles. Our cushion tires are fully guaranteed. 15 ^' 'i'iji* ilDii:';?Jii. S^ Houghton Speed Cart The lightest "guaranteed" training, matinee or Style No. 77 workout cart on the market. The style No. 77 speed cart should more properly be called a matinee or workout sulky. It's built like a sulky, as fine as a sulky, also it's as fast as a sulky. The driver's weight is hung on a substantial truss, one that is highly recommended by the very best of authorities in bridge engineer- ing, distributing the weight on both sides of the axle journals alike. (Many carts carry the weight on the inside bearing almost exclusively.) This cart is positively guaranteed to carry more weight than any other cart on the market of the same weight. The shafts are bent to special patterns, carefully worked out, the same as a sulky shaft. The stirrups are hung from the shaft and cross bar and afford the driver a very comfortable position. The cart is equipped regularly with a fine corduroy cushion with leather facings, all hand sewed, hair filled ; a large dirt shield of brass wire cloth, with detachable, unbreakable feet; leather covered stirrups; the Houghton special wheel with direct lock spokes; aluminum lined woo4 rims, guaranteed bolted on tires, either 13/^ inch or 1^ inch; a large automobile tire pump, tools, wrenches, repair outfit, Vtc. "The fiiie>l tan I ever rode". H. C. Hersey. Supt. International Stock Food Farm "Tlif best light cart on tliL- market." Chas. E. Dean of "Miner Heir" Fame. 'Dan Patch" "King of all harin'ss horses." gits his workouts to a Houprhton No. 77 regularly. 16 'h Houghton Speed Cart o^ ^^^0""^ °f '^^ ^^"y ^^^^^^^ advantages, ^t lo /Vo 77 ^^^^ model is often referred to as "The Matinee ^ * Favorite." Elegantly finished regularly in French carmine, royal blue and primrose yellow. Other colors to order. Trimmed in either brown calf skin, dull finished black pebble goat skin or hand buffed French patent enameled leather, neatly hand seWed throughout. Weight from 40 to 44 pounds. Crated, 85 pounds. The heaviest of matinee drivers are fearless when mounted on the Houghton with "aluminum lined" wood rims. 17 '^ The Houghton For workout, matinee, jogging, speeding or show pur- Training Cart poses. This style has been, by one of our customers, Style No. 70 most fittingly called "The Trainer's Friend." The special design and shape of this cart, principally the shafts, as will be noted in the illustration below, affords not only the most convenient cart for getting in and out, with greater room for hock action, but produces a very easy rider without any horse motion whatever. Embodied in this cart are many principles found in our very best track sulkies; for instance, the double wood forks running from the shafts to the wheel, bolting directly to the axle bolt. Also the weight of the driver is hung on the patented axle truss and not on the heel of the shaft. In fact, the cart resembles a track sulky only that it is furnished with a fine graded, easy riding spring, m.aking it extremely desirable for workout, training or matinee purposes. The frame work is of the very finest second growth material. The truss cross bar (shown above) in connection with the circle bar produces a cart that is very rigid at the hitch point. All forgings are of finest imported iron. No malleables used. The many years of entire satisfaction given by the cart makes it too well known to deserve of further comment. Equipment in- cludes whip socket, automobile foot pump, wrenches, re- pair outfit, tools, etc. Sir John S. 2:04'/2. W^. L. Vance. Marysville. Cal., Owner 18 # The HoUShtOtl Equipment includes an extra large, fine, solid brass dirt Training Cart screen, belted on, easily detached, and guaranteed against Style No. 70 breakage. Attached to the bottom of the dirt shield is a narrow canvas dust protector extending between the foot stirrups, running back from the screen about 10 or 12 inches. This dust pro- tector prevents all dirt from being thrown into the lap of the driver, and does not interfere with the driver's position in any manner. The wheels are fitted with the Houghton Special hub, direct spokes, "aluminum lined" wood rim, 1% inch, guaranteed, heavy tread tires; trimmed in either dull finished, black or brown leather, all hand sewed. Stock colors, carmine, royal blue or primrose yellow — any color to order. Weight, 45 pounds. Crated for shipment, 90 pounds. 19 -^ ^k The HoUShtOn ^ thoroughly practical, high class, light, low seat Training Cart training and jogging cart, used for track or street Sltvle A^O 6 work, matinee or work-outs. Constructed on the lines of the No. 3 so universally endorsed. The original "Houghton Idea" of hanging the spring in swinging shackles produces not only a very easy riding cart, but one without any horse motion whatever. While this cart is sold at a popular price, it is constructed entirely of select second growth hickory and finest imported iron and steel forgings, and is thoroughly guaranteed to carry any weight driver, stand the rough usage and hard knocks and will not spread. For all purposes this cart has no equal and is shipped anywhere on approval. You to be your own judge. The split hickory forks from the shaft to the wheel, bolting directly to the axle bolt (same as on our best track sulky) is an added feature over the regular steel brace riveted to the wheel house, which is a very dangerous and inferior construction. Built with the regulation low seat, with a neat, bent seat rail. The seat is hair padded and upholstered in leather. • The wheels are fitted with the Houghton "aluminum lined" wood rim, 114 inch, guaranteed, raised tread, bolted on tires; direct "Diamond E" spokes, with finest water, dust and accident proof bearings — a complete wheel that is absolutely the best on the market. S3|^ The trimming is of finest dull finished leather, neatly fitted and sewed ; fine oxidized brass dirt shield, securely fastened with detachable, forged steel feet. "1 cannot find any other Racing Vehicl that suit me as well as Houghton's. W. G. Durfee Cop-.i lie Ore— Uiiitee up. winning tiistist heat race ever paced in California 20 + Hn (VO The Houghton Each cart is fitted complete with a first class real foot Training Cart pump, tool and repair outfit, wrenches, etc. Finished Style No. 6 superbly in French carmine or coach green regularly — other colors to order. Fine corduroy cushion may be had on this cart at $2.25 net extra. Weight from 44 to 48 pounds. Crated for shipment, 90 pounds. All low seat training carts are finished with the original Houghton, time tried "aluminum lined" wood rims, which are absolutely necessary for early spring training. 21 ^ ) 11 V \y f The Houghton Cart For road, jogging and training purposes — the Style JN'o. 3 most staple combination cart on the market. Per- fectly balanced, a very easy rider, free from horse motion, very rigid in axle construction,' thoroughly guaranteed, has given years of entire satisfaction. This cart is constructed entirely of finest second growth hickory throughout, and is very desirable for either road or track purposes. A comfortable seat is hung on a graded spring in swinging shackles directly over the center of the wheel — a construction that is mechanically perfect. Furnished with detachable basket and carpet for road work and regular jogging. With these parts removed, which can be done instantly, the rider finds an easy, comfortable position in the stirrups attached to the seat arms, which are well spread, affording plenty of room for the free action of the horse. Equipped with the double split hickory forks from the shaft to the wheel, guaranteeing a light running cart with minimum wear on the, tires. This cart is furnished with 28 x 1^ inch guaranteed pneumatic Houghton roadster tires or with 1^ inch solid' cushion tires on guaranteed steel or wood wheels, described on page 15. Cresce>vs at the home of Dan Patch. , L-rintendent H. C. Hersey in Winter Garb. lliustr:uiii!,f tne Practicability of the Mud Boot which may be used on Nos. 3. 5, 55 or 10 Carts. 22 »^^^—-l^m — The Houghton Cart Equipment includes a detachable foot rest, carpet, Style No. 3 a fine cushion of English corduroy, well padded with best quality of hair, a real foot pump, wrenches, repair outfit, etc. The trimmings are of brown calf skin or dull finished black pebble goat skin, all hand sewed. Finished regularly in carmine and coach green. Other colors to order. Mud boot, $2.50 extra. Weight from 60 to 65 pounds. Crated, 125 pounds. 23 ^ 'iiiij ilti!i«>iiiDj:{3yL*v/ -4lj)i! Cushion Tire Cart The special design for use on country roads, rough Style No. 55 tracks ; in fact, any place where a pneumatic tired With Wood Wheels cart would be subjected to tire punctures. Embodies all the desirable features of style No. 3 (description on page 22), after which it is patterned, including the double wood forks from the shaft to the wheels connecting the axle bolt, which assures its true running and lasting qualities. Guaranteed not to spread, not to fall to pieces (as a great many cushion tired carts do). To have absolutely no horse motion. The Houghton Special wood wheels described on page 15. The equipment includes foot basket, carpet, tools, wrenches, etc. Mud boot, $2.50 extra. Finished finely in carmine and coach green regular. Other colors to order. Dull finished pebble goat skin trimmings. 24 |^ ^ j'jj^ lLtjLU»>lili)jj3iiJJ^.^ moiujt/ I" Cushion Tire Cart Different from the No. 55, on opposite page, only in Style No. 5 ^^^ wheels. The Houghton cushion tired, steel With Steel Wheels wheels are fully guaranteed ; built on the same line as OUT sulky wheels, described on page 7, only pro- portionately heavier. The direct, heavy spoke and special rim for cushion tires are well tried, guaranteed features. Either the No. 5 or No. 55 can be furnished with the style No. 3 seat and cushion, as shown herewith, at $3.00 net extra. Equipment, furnishings, etc., same as No. 55. Furnished with 28 x l^/s Houghton Roadster tires at $2.50 net extra. A cart must be especially built for cushion tires — these are. 25 I" ■ ^ rimj'Mjii ¥' The Peerless Cart The Peerless is unquestionably the best "all pur- Style No. 1 pose" cart ever offered. Built in standard track, it may be used for all kinds of road work. With the basket and carpet removed (which is done instantly), the stirrups on the seat arms for a foot rest, affords a practical cart for jogging and show pur- poses. As is shown in the illustration at the bottom of the page, it may be furnished with a mud boot at $2.50 extra. A most desirable hitch for fall, winter or spring use ; in fact, any season of the year. Patterned after the No. 3 cart so well known on the market, it combines all of the beneficial features of being easy to mount, perfectly balanced, very easy riding and absolutely free from horse motion. The axle construction on "this cart is without question the strongest possible to produce. The ^ inch steel axle is especially shaped to allow the bolting and clipping of the shaft at the heel. The wood truss above is also connected to the shaft and spooled to the steel axle, making a perfect truss and affording a rigid shaft at the hitch points. The long, finely graded spring in swinging shackles (the original Houghton idea) makes it a very easy rider. This cart is no experiment, but is highly endorsed by most proficient reinsmen. The frame work is of select second growth hickory; forgings of best steel and imported iron; painted and trimmed in a high class manner, unlike most road carts. Shipped on approval. I^ine corduroy cushion free. "Your No. 19 Peerless cart is the slickest trick in the business." DICK WILSON. AileenWilson. lA^- 26 T The Peerless Cart wheels 38 inches high over rubber. A grade, 6 inch Style No. 1 compressed band hub, with 1 inch cushion, 1/^ inch solid rubber, or 3/^ inch steel tires. Axles, Ya inch. Dragon brand steel double collar plain tapered spindles, hand fitted boxes, 4-8 track. Equipment includes detachable foot rest, with carpet, nickel steel rail, fine corduroy hair filled roll cushion, axle washers, whip holder, wrench, etc. Mud boot, $2.50 extra. Painted carmine or coach green regularly — any color to order. Crated for shipment, 175 pounds. Hickory rail stick seat illustrated herewith, $1.00 extra. 27 -Jjjs iiuili?Jiiau JJiJJIiJJ^, ■I Long Shaft Break Cart A thoroughly practical and serviceable cart. ^tMlo /Vn 14 ^ necessity for the stock farm or sales ^ ' stable ; invaluable for breaking colts, in that, with the long shaft it guides easy for the colt and places him in a position where he cannot injure himself or the driver. Breeders and farmers fre- quently buy it for general road use. In this it has a decided advantage over any other break cart and is the most useful article in the stable. Long, easy springs ; seat for two passengers ; extra strong, selected, second growth hickory shafts, with the Houghton Special axle. The special construction of this axle in connection with the cross bar and spring hanging produces a cart which is very rigid and will wear longer than any other con- struction on the market, and is positively free from horse motion. Best grade wheels, 44 inches high, 1 inch tread, fully described on page 31. Steel tires regular, 1 inch Hartford rubber tires, $9.00 extra. Furnished in 4 feet 8 inch track regularly — wide track when ordered. Foot rest with dust and mud boot furnished regularly. Hand forged seat rail with unbreak- able feet. Trimmed regularly in black patent leather, with fine serviceable cushion of English corduroy and harness leather trace extensions free with each cart. Painted in carmine and primrose yellow, neatly striped. Many "choppy-gaited" horses are the direct result of the heavy, cumber- some, unbalanced, straight shaft break carts. Get a Houghton and start right. "Vour No. 14 is absolutely the be.s*' long shaft break cart we have ever seen or used." HIPPLE & MEYERS. Dealers in High Class Horses Marion. Ohio. Especially desirable as a high class show cart. 28 * rrIK k^ ^mfsB Long Shaft Break Cart This can is built especially strong through- Style No. 1 4 °^t' ^^ ^^ described on the opposite page. Unlike most break carts, it is not cumber- some, being designed with the idea of lightness combined with strength, and principally after the suggestions and ideas of practical trainers and horsemen. The combination of features that distinguish this cart from the ordinary makes is especially desirable as a general-purpose vehicle for the farm and about the stables of the horsemen. It is practical and a most durable vehicle to have about the place, as it can be used for a variety of purposes, thus saving the expense of several different kinds of vehicles. Built entirely in our ozvn plant — sold with the Houghton Guarantee 29 -^ J a il£>lli>j>l£ij> :?; Uiiv, '^■- The Favorite Caft The Favorite is a general all purpose or utility cart. Style No. 11 For training, jogging, exercising or any road work; for the show ring, stock farm or rural mail carrier, its many special features will be most highly appreciated. The exclusive axle construction is the most rigid ever invented ; correctly balanced and handy to mount and dismount. The long spring, properly graded, carries any weight driver; hung in swinging shackles is very easy riding. The shafts are very rigid, of selected second growth hickory ; ^ inch steel axle ; band wheels 44 inches high ; steel tires regular. Solid rubber tires furnished, when ordered, extra ; track, regular 4 feet 8 inches, 5 feet 1 inch if ordered ; seat, 37 inches from ground, with padded bottom. Foot basket with army duck dirt shield, free with each cart. Carmine or coach green is regular. Crated, 175 pounds. Roll cushion, $2.50 net extra. 30 ♦■ PART SECOND Four WheelefS Along with our ime of Turf vehicles we manufacture four-wheelers as hereinafter illustrated and described. These are built by the same workmen, who thoroughly understand the proper distribution of materials — workmen who build racing sulkies that are compelled to carry from eight to ten times their own weight. This guaran- tees quality and the very best of style. Our workmen do not know how to build cheap jobs. We do not want them to know how. That's why the Houghton line of four-wheelers is recognized today as absolutely the best on the market. That's why we build better vehicles for less money than manufacturers who are confined to four-wheelers only. Body These vehicles contain numerous special and important features, as the Houghton Special body. Ordi- narily the body of a buggy is made from culls. The illustration herewith shows white ash strips about three inches in width, running lengthwise, the edges rounded, securely screwed to cross bars, all finished in the natural wood, nicely polished. No nails no bottom boards to break through or rot off; proper ventilation. This is only one of the many special features of the Houghton. Wheels ^^ ^^^ ^^^ very best wheel made by the Pinneo & Daniels Wheel Company. No further guarantee is necessary. Time has proven this. Axles Houghton Special axles are made from the very finest high carbon steel with straight taper, case hardened spindles, hand fitted boxes; Caffrey flange nuts with broad sole-leather washers ; perfect fitting ; noiseless and easy running. Springs Constructed on special lines from the very finest quality high carbon steel. Very elastic and exceptionally easy riding. Brass bushed heads. 31 ^ i\ -^ r f r ; jr I kv ftfi_f f) iKVfj y # Speedway Special The Speedway special is the lightest speeding Stvlp Wn 1 6 wagon on the market guaranteed to safely carry two ^ ' passengers. Its individuality, extreme lightness and desirability for speeding purposes, having great clearance under the front •axle, are universally admired. Empire ball bearings, illustrated on page 33, assure a light running turnout with proper adjustment to guarantee against rattle. Furnished with 1 inch Hartford cushion tires on 32 and 34 inch light wood wheels of select quality. Axles fitted with wood caps, cemented and clipped. Full wrought Brewster fifth wheel, with wrought iron, hand forged, reach connections. The body is strictly hand made, with plenty of leg room in front. Shafts, high bend pattern. Bull dog couplings, trimmed in pebble goat skin sewed on the points. Full hand sewed cushion of imported wool dyed broadcloth or hand buffed leather. High pile Wilton rug. Solid foot dash of grain leather, silk stitched. Finished regularly in royal blue or black. Other color combination to order. p,„^, sea, Optiona 32 ♦ silt h: Speedway Special The great demand for a high class speed wagon c / TV IT "^^^^ ^ ^°P °^ proportionate size has occasioned the ^tyie JMO. 1 J building of the style No. 17— which represents the finest turnout of the day at a popular price. Style No. 17 is exactly the same as the style No. 16 excepting that it is furnished with the No. 8 top. (See page 44.) The new panel seat on the No. 16 is especially ironed so that it may be furnished with either a detach- able or stationary three bow top. Most customers prefer the detachable top, having the advantage of either an open or a top wagon. The three bow top is built in size and proportion to the wagon. To the right is illustrated the special, accident, dust and water proof ball bearing, which is used in connection with Speedway Special. This improved bear- ing has stood the test of time and is conceded to be absolutely the best. With the perfect adjusting devices this bearing is especially desirable for low wheeled t wagons. i our stvles No. 16 and No. 17 33 ha jiDlii>Jll'JJiSulj am ^It: Riverside Speed Wagon The Riverside is one of our latest creations. Style No. 35 ^^ up-to-date business or speed wagon, used Open largely by men of affairs. Designed to fill that long felt want for a high class com- bination speed and business wagon, combining style and easy ridirfg qualities at a popular price. Body, 21^/2 x 55 inches, strictly hand made, with water shed sills, special white ash bottom (see page 31). The seat is new in design with room for two passengers. All body and seat irons finest Norway, hand forged. Special pattern light wheels, 38 and 40 inches high, with 1 inch Hartford cushion tires. New style gear, with wood capped, long distance axles, full w^rought Brewster gear irons and reach connections. Track, 4 feet 4 inches regular. 4 feet 8 inches to order. Special graded springs, with brass bushings, open head. Finished superbly in any color ; regularly in carmine, royal blue or black. Second growth hickory shafts, neat, light, high bend, with Bradley couplers. 34 ii^ Riverside Speed Wason Combining all the desirable features of the Stvlp Mo 36 style No. 35, with the added features of the J. well proportioned light top. This wagon is different only from the No. 35 in that it is furnished with a light, suitable, three bow top. The new panel seat on No. 35 is especially ironed so that it may be furnished with either a detachable or stationary three bow top. Most customers prefer the detachable top, having the advantage of either an open or a top wagon. The three bow top is built in size and proportion to the wagon. Trimmed only in hand buffed, water grain leather. All seams, welts and valances are reinforced and hand stitched with wax ends. Brewster pattern bow sockets, covered with hand buffed bow leather, inside seams. The concealed joints have Robinson attachments. The top as a whole is a work of art, and folds neatly when lowered. Fine leather dust hood ; leather side curtains, cloth lined, regularly finished. 35 ^iMii •^ New York Driving Wagon The New York is a very popular driving Stvle No, 40 wagon ; the new panel seat is greatly ^ ' admired ; also furnished with small fen- ders or stick seat, if desired. It is perfect in appointment. Body — 20 or 22 inches by 56 inches; 7 inch panel (see page 31); hand forged seat irons. Gear — Track, 4 feet 4 inches, 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 1 inch; 7/g by {fr inch arch axles. Full circle fifth wheel with solid head plate and reach connection ; Brewster single clip both front and rear; full elliptic springs, brass bushings, easy riders. Wheels — A grade, 43 inches and 47 inches ; 3^ or ^ inch rims, "quarter sawed"; 6 inch special band hub. Absolutely and fully guaranteed. Trimmings — English wool dyed broadcloth ; leather, if ordered, hand sewed ; hair filled cushion and back ; grain front solid foot dash ; harness leather top. Painting — Carmine, coach green regular — any color to order. Equipment — High bend, second growth shafts ; heavy, hand fitted irons ; finest hand sewed leathers; Bradley couplers; Wilton rug; Melodeon cloth storm apron. Crated, 400 pounds. 36 •Ift r^ f r r rt \ £lTk f^ Special Buggy This buggy is especially designed for comfort, the seat Style No. 50 being very roomy. The body furnishes plenty of leg room. Special attention is paid to all details and Uttle things that go to make a high class buggy complete. Gear, wheels, body and dash same as No. 40 on opposite page. The seat is ironed by hand, trimmed inside to match cushion. Either drop or panel back. Furnished regularly with No. 2, 4 or 7 tops, described on page 44. Style No. 57 The style No. 57 is furnished same as No. 50 except in the trimmings. Furnished with Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 6 tops. 37 * If i t K t f V f f 1 r V i t \> < \/ #e ** Three Quarter** Runabout This is unquestionably the finest Style No 65 strictly three-quarter runabout on the market today ; in every particular and detail it is perfection and as fine as our best sulky. Shipped anywhere on approval. Body — 22 inches by 56 inches; 63/^ inch panels; special bottom (see page 31) hand forged seat and body irons throughout. Exclusive design seat. Gear — Track, 4 feet 4 inches regular ; wider, optional ; 3^ inch by ! ;' inch arched axles, brass lined, hand fitted boxes ; solid forged head plate and reach connections; Brewster single spring clips; % inch axle clips; oval pattern, open head full elliptic springs, brass bushings ; spotted spring bars ; hand turned scrolls. Wheels — Our own pattern, 43 inches and 47 inches on steel ; spokes; ^ inch rims; hub 6 inches long, very finest quality. Continued on page 39. inch 3» J -Uiii! ■Ifr "Three Quarter" Buggy Gear, wheels and body described on page 38. Style No. 60 Style No. 60 takes the same gear and body as the No. 65. The seat is finished with a fine drop back and the No. 8 top described on page 44. Trimmings — English wool dyed broadcloth or H. B. leather; hand sewed cushions, hair filled. Only the very finest of material used. Painting — Superbly finished — any color. French carmine regular. Equipment — Second growth shafts, hand fitted irons, hand sewed leathers, Wilton rug, swell storm apron. This style is designed for the benefit of high class drivers and horsemen who appreciate a fine, extra light hitch. •39 "F x; ( f i 1 1 «^ h ^ A f > C^ 1 1 1 k v rt f \ r f^ 1^ ')(^ T^he Supreme Side The "Supreme" gear certainly represents supremacy St>rins Cear ^" ^^^^ spring construction. In this gear all objection- able points have been eliminated. Weak points on former gears have been strengthened. The construction as a whole is so symmetrically arranged that breakages are almost an impossibility. For riding qualities, it must be acknowledged that this gear has positively no equal. To enjoy the fullest satisfaction one must use a side spring gear. From the above it will be noticed that the connecting spring braces independent of the body braces produces a double system of bracing, making it impossible for the gear to get out of square. An improvement over all side springs. The spring bars of finest second growth hickory are securely clipped to the spring. To these are clipped the wrought iron body loops. The hole through the front axle weakens the ordinary gear so that the axle will in time bend or break. In the Supreme gear the fifth wheel plate is constructed in such a manner as to do away with drilling this hole in the axle. The special clip tie and center spring attachment underneath the axle is a "cup and saucer" arrangement. Another added improvement. A slight turn on the nut below, automatically takes up any wear at this point, besides it will not rattle. In its entirety it is the best gear made. The construction is so perfectly combined with style that it produces the best constructed job on the market and is furnished to our customers with an absolute guarantee as such. 40 f ;)^^, Tk f\A/' Gad-About Wagon Style No. 28 An exceedingly clever, stylish, all purpose wagon. Extremely handy, constructed of the very best of material and superbly finished. A special winner in the livery. Body — Special design, 60 inches long, 22 inches wide. Low front, easy access. Special white ash bottom, described on page 31. With plenty of room for traps in the rear. Phaeton seat, neatly hand ironed. Gear — "Supreme" gear, described on page 40. Wide or narrow track. T/g inch by j;} inch Houghton special axles, case hardened spindles, hand- fitted boxes. Wheels — Finest quality, 43 inches and 47 inches high. 6 inch special band hubs, ^ or ^ inch tread. Trimmings — English wool dyed broadcloth. Spanish or regular leather, finest quality. Cloth or whipcord, if ordered. Painting — Carmine or coach green regular. Any color to order. Equipment — Second growth, hand ironed shafts. Bradley couplers, Wilton rug, melodeon cloth storm apron. Approximate shipping weight, 400 pounds. 41 r\.:' UrMltyhttift^.tt\\< imtYiXtYY * Supreme Corning Buggy This is an entirely new design. The unique Style No. 34 Corning body being exceptionally pleasing, strictly high class and well made through- out, quality being that of the No. 50 top buggy, so universally endorsed. Hung on the Supreme side spring gear, fully described on page 40. Fur- nished with either plain or phaeton seat and with any top described on page 44. Quoted regularly with tops Nos. 2, 4 and 7. Complete description of material will be found on pages 36 and 37. Body, 23 inches wide; 53 inches long is regular. This is an extremely popular style, owing to the fact that it is excep- tionally comfortable and very easy riding. Furnished with second growth, hand .ironed shafts, Houghton Special finish. Bradley couplers, Wilton rug. Melodeon cloth storm apron. Curved dash optional. 42 rr 'k Supreme Top Buggy The style No. 31, Supreme Top Buggy is con- Stvle No 31 structed along the same lines, of the same material all through as the No. 50 Special, except that It IS hung on the Supreme side spring gear fully described on page 40. Either panel or drop back and with any of the tops described on page 44. Quoted regularly with topsNos. 2, 4 and 7. A complete description will be found on pages 36 and 37. Offered to the trade as the best example of the side spring gear top buggy on the market today, both as to quality and conformation. It is especially adapted for use in the livery or localities where an easy riding buggy is desired. Furnished regularly with second growth, hand ironed shafts, Houghton Special finish. Bradley couplers, Wilton rug, Melodeon cloth storm apron. 43 ¥ ru -: r I n no h ^ f) f 1 ^ r f I Kv fl f > r f> i>t\ » v f rr- J rr • • ^ A well dressed vehicle calls for a shapely, line Tops and Trimmings , . , , ^ „ , , ^ r u, %>;, -^ finished top. Houghton tops are faultless. This is universal opinion. All trimmings are of very finest fabrics, nothing cheap or shoddy is permitted. All tops have three leather covered double buckle loops on back stay. Robinson attachments on concealed joints. Reinforced front and back wood bows. Hand forged wrought iron joints. Side curtains hook to top quarters between each bow strap to front bow socket. TOP SCHEDULE No. 1. Full leather finished, 30 ounce rubber; steel sockets: hand sewed leather finished valances; colored back, leather finished rubber side curtains. No. 2. Full leather finished, 34 ounce rubber; steel sockets; hand sewed leather valances ; leather finished rubber side curtains, cloth lined. No. 3. Leather quarters; steel sockets; colored back, leather finished rubber side curtains; hand sewed leather finished valances. No. 4. Leathej quarters; leather covered sockets; leather finished rubber side curtains, cloth lined ; hand sewed leather valances. No. 5. Full M. B. leather, select quality; leather covered sockets; leather finished rubber side curtains, cloth lined; hand sewed leather valances. No. 6. Full M. B. leather, select quality ; leather covered sockets ; full leather curtains ; hand sewed leather valances. No. 7. Full leather, finest quality; leather covered sockets; leather curtains, cloth lined ; all hand sewed welted seams and valances. No. 8. Full hand buffed water grained leather of finest grade ; leather covered sockets, inside seams, Brewster pattern ; leather curtains, full lined, hand seamed ; hand sewed, silk stitched valances ; all seams welted, hand stitched. 44 ¥ ¥ fm Ideal Park Surrey The ideal embodies all that the name implies. It is ^tvlp Mn 20 faultless in design, construction and finish, and has ^ * the unmistakable "correct look" of distinction. A light, roomy vehicle for one horse. Body — Exclusive, design, 70 inches by 28 inches; full length sill plates; all hand made. Roomy, comfortable seats, finely upholstered. Gear — Track 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 1 inch; Houghton Special axles, 1 by 1^4 inches; 6% inch spindles, hand fitted boxes; full Brewster gear irons ; oval pattern springs, with brass bushings ; exceptionally easy riders. Wheels — 40 and 44 inches, 1 inch tread; band regular; Sarven when ordered. Best grade. Painting — Regular, body and seat panels, black: seat posts to match gear; gear, any color combination. Trimmings — Broadcloth, imported cord or leather. Equipment — Oil burner lamps, grain front, solid foot dash; Wilton rug, storm apron, high bend second growth shafts; Bradley couplers. Crated, 700 pounds. Also furnished with canopy, English canopy or extension top. 45 - ■'■-■'■' -— ^-■ afl ^ jHB-w- t yy j i j ^py [^ w w ..1. II n'^.iilky f)'f)fni>TVfi ^^ Euclid Beach Wagon A decidedly novel little wagon which strongly Style No. 24 appeals to people of good taste. Its lines show individuality, and its "make-up" is decidedly dif- ferent from the ordinary "hand-me-down." Body — Exclusive design, 71 inches by 28 inches, full length sill plates, solid brass seat risers, seat handles and leisure back stays ; all highly polished. Gear — Track 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 1 inch, Houghton Special axles, IxlYs inches; 6^^ inch spindles, hand fitted boxes, full Brewster fifth wheel, oval pattern springs with brass bushings. Wheels — 40 inches and 44 inches, 1 inch tread ; shell band regular, Sarven if ordered. Best grade. Trimmings — Spanish leather ; option, Bedford cord or whipcord. Painting — Body and seat panels, black or deep blue; seat posts and cushion boxes to match gear; gear, primrose, yellow or carmine. Equipment — Full brass oil burner lamps, brass axle nuts, grain front solid foot dash; Wilton rug, storm apron and shafts. Crated, 600 pounds. Also furnished with English canopy top. 46 Country Club or Golf A very high class combination pleasure Wagon Style No. 26 and utility wagon ; correct in every detail, skillfully constructed, superbly finished, and perfect in its appointment; removable rear seat, drop tail gate. Body — 72 inches by 30 inches, cut-under front. Strictly hand made. Seat — 34 inches wide, 17 inches deep, artistic hand rails. Gear — Track 4 feet 8 inches; Houghton Special high carbon steel axles, iy% inches; rear coached, 6^^ inch spindles, perfectly fitted boxes, oval pat- tern easy springs, brass bushings, all hand forged gear irons. Wheels— Band, 36 inches and 44 inches, 1 inch tread ; the very best grade only. Trimmings— Regular, Spanish leather, Bedford cord if ordered; dickey cushion for front seat. Painting — Body and seat panels, deep blue, black mouldings; seat risers and drop bottom, primrose; gear, primrose; irons blacked off; other color combinations to order. Equipment — Brass oil burner lamps ; grain front, solid foot, silk stitched dash ; Bradley couplings ; high pile Wilton rug. Crated, 825 pounds. 47 sh^ 'dmifhUix^uUsy k ^.ls» j^ 'j "Where seconds in 'sulky speed' mean fortunes THE HOI GHTON WON A remarkable study in action", — the struggle to win the $50,000.00 American Trotting Derby, — the Turf world's most classic event. Readville, Mass., 1908. The second renewal of this great race, a $35,000.00 purse was won by "Baron Alcyon," who also drew the Houghton sulky. The two largest purses ever offered by the Trotting Turf, won to the Houghton sulky — the sulky with the winning habit. "Are You Winning?' "The Houghton sulky is the stiffest and fastest sulky I ever rode". Harvey Ernest "Baron Alcyon" Ernest up. 48 THE CAHGILL COMPANY, GRAND RAPIDS HIGH GRADE CATALOG auiUSESS