FEENCH ■OACH HOftS MIMSDALE, IhC Jt.i/KtaSw1 EAETON, Proprmor JOHNA.SEAVERNS FRENCH COACH HORSES AT SEDGELKY FARM HINSDALE, DuPAGE COUNTY, ILL. Owned and Bred by K. M. BARTON For prices, etc., address W. E. JANKS, Superintendent HINSDALE, ILLINOIS HARWEGNIES & HOWELL, 76-78-80-82 Sherrran St , Chicago INDEX STALIvIONS INDRE Page 8 -J Page Name Page Ymm i» visEUR ij TENGEUR 1^ REGENT 1- Induce 30 Indian 31 Isard 32 Marquis .' 33 Palladio 34 Paramount 35 Adolphe Ampere. Armand Adept t; Ardeur -;„ Elegant ^ Enniu-s Eligius., Empereur Esquire ^" Gaillard -^ Gauthier ^^ Index ^^ Pluton 36 Petrarch 37 Puritain 38 Plutarch 39 Quadrille 40 Talisman 41 Tristan 42 NIARBS Page . 43 Name Ada Adalina '^* Amelia Berence Elissa Eneide Etoile ^V 45 46 47 48 Florence. 51 Esmeralda 52 Fleur de Lis 54 Gabrielle 56 Gallia 57 Genevre 58 Gazelle III 59 Giatina 60 Gloria 61 Grande Dame 62 Iras 63 Inada 64 Irma 66 Iphigenia 67 Irene o» Ismene 69 Inez 70 Isaura '2 Isabelle 74 Isis 75 Jurande '6 Name Page Juno 77 Leota 68 Leona 79 Letitia 80 Liberte 81 Luella 82 Mignon 83 Mimindre 84 Minerva 86 Mirantha 88 Minuette 89 Paquita 90 Palestine 91 Portia 92 Patience 93 Pandora 94 Plaisance 95 Peerless 96 Princesse., 98 Qualitye 99 Tepita 100 Treasure 101 Trapese 102 Thalia 103 Valeria 104 Verona 105 Vestal 106 Violette 106 ILIvUSXR AXIOMS Indre between pages 8 and 9 Quadrille between pages 40 and 41 Indre in Action Pepino ... Viseur.... Vengeur. Eligius.. . r4 10 14 16 24 Tristan Florence Genevre. Palestine Brown 42 50 58 90 43 51 59 91 Swiss Cattle page 108 SEDGELEY FARM. Sedgeley Farm lies south of the village of Hinsdale, which is the prin- cipal station between Chicago and Aui-ora on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, being about seventeen miles from Chicago. The stallion barns arc about three and a half miles from Hinsdale station and an equal distance from Willow Springs station on the Santa Fe and Alton railroads. . Shipping facilities are nearly equal by the three roads, but the Postoffice address is Hinsdale, Du Page County, Illinois. From Chicago trains require from half an hour to forty minutes to reach Hinsdale. Trains are very fi-equent in both directions. There are long-distance telephones at the farm. The farm consists of about 1,050 acres of rolling land. It is about 200 feet above the level of Lake Michigan. Artesian wells furnish abundant water for the stock in all the fields. Tlie pastures are fenced with Page woven wire. The barns are well ventilated and warm. In the spring of 1893 two French Coach fillies and one stallion, all coming one year old, were purchased at Oaklawn from the late Mr. Dunham. One of these fillies, named Palestine, grew to be the champion coach mare of the Chicago Horse Show in 1897, having taken first honors in the class of marts at Madison Square Garden the previous year. The stallion Inkermann took first prize at the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, and has taken numerous other premiums, being second only to his sire Indre at the Chicago Horse Show of 1897. During the following five or six years Mr. Dunham let two or three choice fillies go to Sedgeley each season. These, with their produce, now make about forty mares of producing age. About twelve of these are daughters of Indre and an equal number are daughters of Perfection. The majority of the fillies produced on the farm are grand-daughters both of Indre and Perfection. This combination of blood gives finish, action, docility, fire, size and as much speed as is consistent with the other necessary qualities in a useful harness horse. The blood of the great French sire of race horses Phaeton is an almost absolute insurance of kindness of disposition, and of courage and gameness. Owing to the broad-minded spirit in which the late Mr. Dunham spared to Sedgeley Farm some of the choicest bred of his young fillies each year, the Sedgeley Stud now contains as high an average in quality of brood mares as can be found anywhere. Palestine, Gabrielle, Eneide, Inez (the only daughter of Phaeton in America) , Ismene, Vestal, Esmeralda and others that have never been beaten in the show ring (except some of them by their own stable mates), are now in the prime of usefulness. It has been easier to get together such a high grade collection of mare? than to find the outstanding stallion or stallions suitable to mate with them. The French Government intends to see to it that the best sallions are not exported, and the leading breeders in France are so under the domination of the Government that it is very rarely that a breeder will sell his very best for export. Nevertheless some stallions of outstanding merit have been broutrht to this country and the Sedgeley Stud now contains three imported SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG trotting bred stallions that are wortliy a place in the highest rank of those in service in their native country. Of Ikdre it is sufficient to say that he never locked better or showed to better advantage than he does to-day. He was foaled in 1886 and has the promise of many years of usefulness. I saw his sire, the great Phaeton, still doing service in the 26th year of his age. The photograph of Indre, taken this year (see page 8 ), shows the characteristic life and power of a great horse. Besides Indre the Sedgeley Stud now contains the two young horses im- ported last year, Viseur and Vengeur. Viseur is a son of the great stallion Kepi, O'ne of the great race winners of his time and a horse that has been successful in the stud. Viseur's dam is the great brood mare Isis, daughter of Paquerette another of the great race winners, herself a daughter of the great IMiodestie. It is safe to say that no coach stallion of eqifal breeding on both sides has been brought to America in jnany years, Viseur has out- standing excellence in finish, action and speed, and should bo worthy to keep up the standard and even to improve upon the quality of the Sedgeley brocd mares. Vengeur is also a very highly bred horse with size and weight and finish, and showing phenomenal action both in front and behind. Pepino is one of the best sons of Perfection. His dam was sired by GeofTroy, the predecessor of Perfection at Oaklawn. Pepino has size, con- formation and action, and has been very successful as a sire. Besides the imported stallions and Pepino there are a number of young stallions bred at Sedgeley which are good enough for service with such of the mares as are not closely related to them. There are at present three sons of PALESTINE at Sedgeley, two sons of Eneide, one of Tepita, one of Quality, two of Esmeralda and others of other mares, sired by Inkermann, Regent and Pepino, that might be used extensively in service at Sedgeley were it rot for the fact that they are closely related to so many of the mares. As it U these young stallions are occasionally used for service with excellent results. Farmers and horsemen interested in the breeding of useful and ornamental harness horses are invited to visit the stud and see the show horses now on the farm. The young stallions are, of course, for sale, and the number of brood mares is now sufficient to admit of some of the mares being parted with. THE FRENCH COACH HORSE. The idea of systematically iuiproving the horse in France was developed in the times of the Crusaders and under the feudal system. When the Moors were hurled back from the Spanish part of the Frankish realm by Charlemagne's invincible troops, in the beginning of the ninth cen- tury, hundreds of stallions from the deserts came as the spoils of war to the Frankish warriors, and later in the Crusades the descendants of these horses proved their vast superiority. Rivalry between the feudal war lords stimu- lated their vassals to the improvement of the horses in every fighting band, and so the good work went on until 1G80, when the Royal Haras was estab- lished at Le-Pin for the purpose of improving the native breeds by the in- fusion of blood of the desert. The stallions first kept in this Haras ha\e left their mark indelibly on the French breeds. Nothing tries the horse resources of a nation so severely as war, and from the first the French cavalry has been the best mounted in the world. From this early war horse stock has been developed the French Coacher and Trotter of to-day. The use of the race course and the selection of the best onlv as breeders have been the stepping stones to the evolution of the present mag- nificent type. In founding the Government Haras the French ofllicials had a single object in view, to wit: to produce a horse of blood and bone, of size and substance, beauty, endurance and speed, that could be used in harness or under saddle, that would carry a soldier, his arms and kit, or make good time on the road attached to the heavy diligence. He must be able to trot or gallop fast, go long distances and endure great fatigue without breaking down. As most of the work was required at the trot, trotting races under the saddle were endowed as early as the beginning of the last century, the actual speed test not alone governing the verdict, but individuality, action and general fitness to peq:)etiiate the breed entering into the decisions of the judges. The horse that filled this bill had to be a strictly useful animal, no dress parade "dude" or undersized fast one was accepted. The government bought the stallions that were awarded the prizes, and when the stallions -vere placed in the Haras the breeders were asked to pay stud fees ranging from five to thirty francs (from one to six dollars). Thus was the good work begun, and though the demands of the times have changed as civilization has ad- vanced, the basic methods have changed but little, the old principle of buying the stallions proven by actual test to be the best, at liberal prices, and stand- ing them at nominal fees, still prevails. From the beginning absolute soundness and freedom from all constitutional or hereditary defects have l>een insisted on by the government examiners. As civilization advanced the demand for a finer, equally enduring and large, though faster, horse grew also, and the demand was supplied by selection and the introduction of large, strong boned, finely finished thoroughbreds. The race course was continued in use as a means to sift the* good from the bad. Wise laws were passed prohibiting the use of undersized or unworthy stallions, stricter regulations surrounded the acquisition of government money. SEDGEIrEY FARM CATAI,OG and the grant was increased from year to year, and the very foremost talent in the nation was employed to manage the various Government Haras. This brings us down to some forty years ago, since which time tlie methods have not been materially changed, save in the way of the progress that w^ould naturally be made under such circumstances by so progressive a nation aa the French. A description of the methods now^ in vogue will, therefore, serve to call attention to the wisdom displayed by the French people in perfecting their favorite breed. Never for a moment in the evolution of the Coach breed have the French breeders lost sight of the strict utility of the horse, and while speed has been increased at the trot just as greatly proportionately as it has in this country, size, substance, beauty of conformation, endurance and style have been increased in like measure. The result is the development of the type now accepted all over the world as the best for coach and carriage uses. Beginning with the race course as the great sifter, or, more properly, sepa- rator — always the greatest factor in the improvement of light horses — we find that the French Government annually adds to trotting races an enor- mous sura of money; in addition an equally large, if not larger, sum is spent each year in the purchase of breeding stallions. The French Stud Book was established in 1833. The organization of the trotting course had been accom- plished two years previous, the government keeping clearly in mind the fact that the real value of every horse must ultimately be measured very largely by his endurance. Long distance races were, therefore, established. Very few are trotted by trained horses or colts under two miles. For three-year-olds and older horses the distances are from four to five miles, and always on a sod track, under the saddle and carrying not less than 120 to 170 pounds. Their reason for trotting under the saddle and on the turf is that it necessi- tates high round knee action, the only truly beautiful movement for a. car- riage horse. Also that a high step shortens the stride. Speed must, there- fore, be obtained by a quicker movement. From the time of the inauguration of the trotting races there has been a constant improvement. Between 183G and 1842, the ofRcial records give the time of one hundred and forty-four horses that were contestants in races. The fastest time made for 2i miles was 7 minutes, 42 2-5 seconds. In 1842, twenty-six horses are officially reported; 1852, one hundred and five, fastest time being 2i miles in 7 minutes and 40 seconds; 1862, eighty-seven, time, 2^ miles, 6 minutes, 41 seconds; 1872, two hundred and sixty-four; 1882, seven hundred and eighty-eight; 1891, thirteen hundred and ninety-nine, three hundred and twelve of which trotted races from two to three and three-quarters miles in distance at a speed rate of under three minutes per mile, one hundred and thirty-seven under 2:50, one hundred and twelve under 2:45, and sixty-two under 2:40. One hundred and one of the three hundred and twelve were three years old. Average distance, 2 1-16 miles; average time per mile, 2:50. Slowest time of the one hundred and one, distance, 2i miles, 3 minutes per mile. Fastest time for three-year-olds, distance, 2* miles, 6 minutes, 33 sec- onds — 2:37 1-5 per mile. Best time, five-year-olds, distance, 3 J miles, 8 minutes. Best time, five-year-olds, distance, 35 miles, time, 9 minutes, 44 seconds. In 190O the French Government owned and stood for service over 3,000 stallions, more than two-thirds of them being of the coach breed of horses. FRENCH CCACH HORSES. In 1870 the management of the Government Haras or studs was vested in the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, under the immediate super- vision of a director-general, eight inspectors, twenty-six sub-directors, ten superintendents and twenty-six veterinaries. In order to be eligible to an appointment to one of the above offices, the candidate must be a graduate of the "Ecole de Haras du Pin," a school loeated at the Haras of Pin for the education of men to whom shall be confided the future management of this department of the government. In the organization by the government of the administration of the Haras, there has been one central object constantly kept in view, that is the encourage- ment of the people by every means possible, to adopt a higher standard of breeding. In order that this purpose might be accomplished, the choicest stal- lions of the different breeds and types were introduced into each locality, and offered for use to the mare owners at a nominal fee of service. They consist, first, of stallions owned by the government; second, stallions belonging to private individuals inspected and approved by the government, such approved stallions receiving from the government as long as they are so kept in service from 300 to 3,000 francs per annum, according to their breeding and superior excellence; third, authorized stallions, animals that by government inspection are pronounced of good quality and woithy of public patronage. To further prevent the use of inferior individuals a decree was issued in 1885 excluding from public service all stallions not authorized by the government. We thus see the French Government a most liberal patron of the breeder and the stallioner, but further than this, it becomes an important factor in sustaining the prices of the finest types of all breeds, as the hundreds of stal- lions of the very highest order of merit that they are obliged to buy annually to supply the Haras, creates a constant demand for the best types at very high prices. The valuable qualities claimed for the French coach hor.=«es over those of other coach breeds are based upon a system of breeding not possessed by any other race. The breeding of all classes of domestic animals in every other country is conducted by individual enterprise and the outgrowth of individual ideas. Therefore the fixity of type is greatly affected, or destroyed altogether, by the variety of opinions entertained by the large number of people of different tastes engaged in breeding; hence so general a lack of that uniformity of character so highly esteemed and so necessary in every successful breeding animal. The French coach breed, instead of being the product of a multi- plicity of ideas, has been developed under the exclusive guidance of the Director-General of the National Studs of France; and as these officials are educated in the same school from generation to generation, are taught to value the same form, seek for the same qualities and pursue the same system, we can understand how it has been possible for them to attain such high perfection and great uniformity in the horses of that country. Very briefly stated such is the history of the French Coach Horse, the accepted model of which is to-day conceded the world over to be the best carriage and road horse on EARTH. SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG IN SERVICE AT SEDGELEY FARM. INDRE 386. GRAND PRIZE OF HONOR. Bronze statue of French trotting horse, modeled by Isadora Bonheur, offered by the breeders through the French government for the best collec- tion of French Coach horses, trotting families, shown at the World's Columbian Exposition. Award made by M. M. de Humeres, Government Director, Indre head of collection. Gold medal awarded by the Minister of Agriculture of France in 1889, as an emblem of the highest distinction to best stallion, ALIj BREEDS of Coach and Carriage stallions competing. First prize over ALL BREEDS, at the Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Sixty stallions in competition from England and various parts of Europe. Sweepstakes, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, French Coach stallion trotting family. First prize in class, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, trotting family French Coach breed. First prize World's Columbian Exposition. 1893, for best French Coach stal- lion with his get. (Trotting family.) Winner of "Chicago Horseman" Champion Medal, offered for best Coach stallion, any breed, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. First prize Chicago Horse Show, 1894, for best French Coach stallion, 4 years and over. Second prize (Perfection, first prize.) Chicago Horse Show, 1894, for stallion, any breed, qualified to get high-class Carriage horses. The Columbian winners, all breeds, Cleveland Bays, Hackneys, German Coach and French Coach, all in the ring. First prize at the National Horse Show, Madison Square Garden. New York, 1896. COACH HOBSE CHAMPIONSHIP OVER ALL BREEDS, 15-2 and under 16 hands. Hackneys, German Coaehers, Cleveland Bays, Trotters and Thorougbreds in competition, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First prize with four of his get, Frencb Coach trotting family, Chicago Horse Show, 1897- First prize in class, French Coach trotting family, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Second prize with get (Perfection 1st), Illinois State Fair, Springfield, 1898. Chestnut; 16 hands; foaled April 2, 1886; imported 1889; bred by M.. Brion, of Calvados; got by the government stallion Phaeton. Dam Bettina by Eigollot, he by. Pretty Boy out of the dam of Ulysse II. 2d dam Jeanne D'Arc by Conquebant, he by Kapjrat out of Elisa by Cor- sair. 3d dam Jeanne La Folle by The Heir of Linne, he by Galaor out of IMrs. Walker by Jereed. 4th dam Jeanne by Conquerant, he by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair. 5th dam imported mare Arab Origin. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Emelina by Highflyer. Beningbrouoh, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. 00 o o 3 P.O xto W rt v H s a tJ o , , C6 o« • 4; u t^ M s c Qv c 2- rt jj O •y. z; X u ^ 5 11 c -^ m -o o ;:; r; tf) CO m «3 t— ( XJ ^ ^_ 3 V. ca 1- te , f Phaeton \ I Chestnut. Rec. 21/- m- in 7 :4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-yr. Rec. 2yom. in 6 :16. Harley, 3 and 4-yi-. Rec. 2 1/) m. in 6:23 3-5, 2 13-16 m. in 7 :23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16m. in 7:12. 3%m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-y c. Rec. 2m. in 5 :10. Tricoteuse, 3 & 4-vr. Rec. 3%m. in 10 :01. 2 15-16m. in 7 :35. Neva, 4-yr. I Rec. 2y2m. in 6:36. J Finlande, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :"l2. Bazole, 5-yr. Rec. Si/gm. in 8:26. Mandragore, 5-yr. Rec. 2yom. in 6:31. Montjoie, 5-yr. Rec. 2y3m. in 6 :34. Bonne Mere, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:34. Flore, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:34. Etincelle, 5 yr. Rec, 334m., 10:28 2-5. And 115 others, winners of races : also the sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. fThe Heir of I Linne ; Sire of i Pactole, 4-yr. I Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:33. I 4m. in 11 :06. Y'y Songerai, 4-yr. Rec. 3%m., 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Rec. 4m. in 12 :23. IJ/sm. in 5 :03. Orpliee, 3-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:58. And! 26 other win- ners of races ; | also the sire of the dams of 62 winners of races. I Ambition ^ Dam of Phaeton. I Rec. 2y2m., 7:4-5. [ Grand dam of 1 Indicateur, 3-yr. ' Rec. 2m. in 5 :19. Dcpoque, 4-vr. Rec. 2y2m. in '6:40. Fauvet-te II, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2mi. in 6:44. Java, 4-yr. Rec. 2%m. in 6 :52 3-5. ( James Watt, 3-yr. 1 Rec. 2y2m. in 6:43. f tGaiaor Bay. I Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cup. tMrs. Walker J Celebrated brood l mare of beautiful conformation, trans- I mitting to her pro- geny her valuable qualities. tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :14. Picotin. Rec. 2m. in 6 :11. MUc. de ticrquiny. Rec. 2ymi., 7 :22. Ellsa .". Rec. 2 yam. in 8:35. Dam of Conqucrant, 3-yr. Rec. 21/^m. in 7:55. Lycopode. Rec. 3%m., 11:05. tRigollot '. . . . Chestnut. Rec. 334 m. 4-yr in 10 :36. Winner of the trot- ting derby at Pont I'Eveque, in 1876. Sire of Olqa. 5-yr. Rec. 2 3/im. in 7 :34. Rigoleuse, 4-vr. Rec. 2y2m. in 7:01. FuVmi Coton, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 6 :0d. Bitter, 4-yr. Rec. 2 yam. in 7 :44. And ten other win- ners of races. Bettina Awarded the dis- tinction as great brood mare at the World's Colum- bian Exposition. Dam of Indre. First Prize over all breeds, Universal Exposition, Pa- ris, 1889. Grand Prize of Honor, "Bon- heur Bronze," and Swee p stakes: World's Colum- bian Elxposition. Champion winner all Coach breeds, Chicago Horse Show. 1894. Champion winner all Coach and Carriage breeds; First Prize, with K e t , Chicago hoi-se Show, 1897. *Impfli.euse holds world's trotting record, four-year-old mare, for 3 miles in race, 7 :42. Rouen, 1890, under saddle. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting R<^cords of France, published annually bv M. Tiercelln, Secretary, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. Jeanne d'Arc Chestnut; 16% hands. Rec. 114 m. in 4 :26. Dam of Heliotrope, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :,3"8. *Impetieuse, 4-vr. Rec. 3m. in 7 :42. La Hardiere, 3-yr. Rec. 1 % m. in 5 :02. 214 m., 6:48 3-5. , tPretty Boy j Sire of ] RigoUot, 4-yr. Rec. 3%m., 10:36. 1 I Rebus, 4-vr. -{ Rec. 2y.m. in I 7 :27 3-5. bam of U lyssee II Ulyssee II. Winner of the Grand Prix de Pont-l'Eveque, 1879. Rec. 2ym. in 7 :24. Dam of RigoUot. Rec. 3%m.. 10:36. Winner of the Derbv at Pont- l'Eveque, 1876. tConquerant Bay. Rec- (3-yr.), 2y2m. in 7 :55. Sire of Capucine, -i-vr. Rec. 3'^,m. in 9 :47. And 110 others, winners of races. Sire of the dams of 97 winners of races. Jpanne la Folle. . . Half sister tQ Modestie. Rec. 4ra. in 11 :06. Phaeton. Rec. 2 V> m. in 7 :4-5. Pactole. Rec. 2y,m. in 6 :08. Muley Moloch ,... Winner of the St. Leger, Doncaster and Champagne. Dairoletta by Amadis. Jereed. Winner of the Doncaster and Champagne. Priam Mare by Priam Winner of Good- wood Stalses. Anqlais. Trotting family Dau. of 1 nconnue tCorsalr. Sire of Mirene, Rec._2y2m. in 8 :04. Elise by Marcellus. Dam of Elisa. Re- cord 2i'2iii. in 8 :35. Idle Boy. Winner of 2o great races. Lena by Glaucus. "Winner of the Goodwood Stakes and the Oaks. Novllle. Record 2y2m. in 7 :34. Sire 70 win- ners of races. Irlandaise. Grand dam of two govei'nment stallions. tKapirat. Sire of Lycopode, Rec. 3% m., 11:05. Elisa, Record 2y2m. in 8 :35. Dam of Lyco- pode. Rec. 3% m. in 10:05. tThe Heir of Linne. Sire of Pactole. Record 2y2 m. in 0:08. Jeanne by Conquerant. Rec. (3-yr.), 2y2 m. in 7 :55. SEDGEI,EY FARM CATAI^OG IN SERVICE AT SEDGELEY FARM. PEPINO 1413. Bay; foaled February 18, 1894; got by Perfection. Dam Tempest by Geoffroy, he by Racoleur out of Athalante by Mont- morency. 2(i dam Tigresse by Tigris, he by Lavater out of Modestie. 3d dam Fleur D'Ete by Enrage, he by Utrecht out of a daughter of The REa>EALER. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir PeTesi, brown, foaled 17-84, by Highflj'er out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg, by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Geoffroy, bay, foaled 1885, by Racoleur out of Athalante by Montmorency. Racoleur, bay, foaled 1873, by Abrantes out of a daughter of Elu. Abrantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensk© Mare by Sniolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker, by Herod, etc. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister T'urk. Babtlet's Guilders by Darley Arabian. Tigris, brown bay, foaled 1875, by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heir of Linne. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by In- vincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. ' Perfection ■{ Sweepstakes ; First Prize in class : First Prize, with get ; World's Co- lumbian Exposi- tion. Champion winner all Coach and Carriage breeds; with get ; First Prize in class ; First Prize, with get ; Chicago get ; Chicago Horse Show, 1894. First Prize, Ameri- can Horse Show, Chicago, 1891. First Prize in class, . and First Prize, i with get, Nation- al Horse Show, New York, 1896. Grand Coach Horse Challenge Cup over all breeds, any age or size; Championship over all breeds; First Prize in class ; First Prize, with get ; Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First Prize, with get, Illinois State Fair, Springfield, 1898. Tempest Second I'rize World's Colum- bian Exposition, 1893. tBanyuls Sire of Mercedes. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Minister of Agri- culture. Gavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. Charlotte Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1886, with Pa- quarette by side. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1887, with Perfection by side, purchased by the Emperor of Brazil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Exposition. Geoffroy. First Prize, with get. at American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1889. tQulclet Sire of Mile, des Tourellcs. Rec. 2yom. in 7 :02. Sire of the dam of Koecy. Rec. 2%m. in 6 :56. Diana Dam of the Government stallions Fabius and O ranger. tPage Has four half broth- ers in the Na- tional Haras. Sara Winner of First Prize at Meautis. Winner of Brood Mare Prize. Con- cours of St. Lo, 1882, with Char- lotte at side. t Racoleur. Half brother to "[Karibon. fNodor. Athalante. Grandam of Superb. First Prize, York, 1896. f tLumlneux. I Grand sire of Ro- .^ saniond and Fan f re- I 111 die. 1 Sultane. By jSultan. Sire of Tentative. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :07. I tsollde. Sire of tBuci, I ^Esperence and the ■{ dams of -^Fabius I and Siroc. '- tVendetta. Dam of fVtrecht and '\Tancrede. f tidomenee. Sire of Kagel and I Sapeur, belonging ■{ to the French Gov- I ernment. I Karaide. Half sister to Modestic. Rec. 4 m. in 11 :06. , tRay Grass. I Sire of ^Ray Grass J le jeune. \ Charlotte. Winner of First Prize at St. Lo, 1888, 1889, 1890. ' tAbrantes Sire of the dam of Email. Rec. 3M< m. in 8 :08 3-5. Bonne Miere. Rec. 2yo m. In 6:31. And 21 other win- ners of races. Mysotis i Dam of Jactator II. 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. In 5 :24, and Racoleur. Montmorency. New JLavater. Sire of Duigcne. Rec 2 1/2 m.' in' 7 :33. It«c- 2 ¥2 m. in 6 :25. Sire of "^ ^^^ '^^^ other win- Tlgresse. Full sister to Citron. Winner of Govern- ment Prize at Rouen, 2 m. in 5 :44 ; and in 6 other races as a 3-yr.-old. Iris. Rec. 2 5-16m. in 5 :47. Grande Dame. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:20. Kan, 4-yr. ^ Rec. 2 5-16m. in I 5:51. And 120 other win- ners of races : also the sire of the dams of 9 I winners of races. i Fleur d'Ete, ^ Dam of Citron, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m- in 6:35. ners of races. Modestie. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6 :33. 4 m. In 11 :06. Dam of Hcmine. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6 :16. 3% m. in 9 :44. Enrage All of the above trotting France, published annually tStallions owned by the performances are race records copied from the official Trotting Records of by M. Tiercelin, Secretary, 12 Rue l," Arcade, Paris. French Government. 11 12 SEDGEI^EY FARM CATAI^OG FOR. REFERENCE. REGENT 2151. First Prize, Illinois State Fair, 1901. Second Prize, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Cliestnut; foaled June 1, 1895; imported 1898; bred by M. Detmaiinteaiix, of La Manehe; got by the government stallion Leveraut. Dam Norma by Colporteur, he by Normand out of Zaine by Conquerant. 2d dam Grenadiere by Noville, he by Ipstlanxy out of Therence by Turk. 3d dam Eclatante by Mointfort, he by Arc-en-ciel out of Fourgeres bj Faugh-a-Ballagh. 4th dam Soeur de Racoleur by ABRAXTES,-he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 5th dam Mysotis by Elu, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. 6th dam Frettllon by Solide, he by Nestor out of a daughter of Jaggard. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. PllAETON, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley IMoloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a. daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Colporteur, broAvn bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of a daughter of Con- querant. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat by Voltaire. Dtvus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Eleetrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede oiit of a daughter of Voltaire by Imperieux. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by . Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. NoviLLE, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. The Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Montfort, bay, foaled 1869, by Arc-en-Ciel out of Fourgeres by Faugh-a- Ballagh. < tit tLeveraut ... Rec. (3-yi-.) '2 in 5 :33. Second (his half sister K oleah tirst, 248 entries) Fi-ench Trotting Derby, 189 1. Trotted in 12 races and won money in every race. Sire of Qucrcij, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :10. QuettreviUe, 3-yr. Rec. lYs m. in 4:321/2. Qu'en-dira-t-on, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :21 2-5. 21/2 m. in 7:24. Parade, 3 and 5-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :21 2-5. 214 m. in 5 :51. Quartier Maitre, 3- yi'- Rec. 2 m. in 5 :37. Qui Vive, 3 and 4- yi". Rec. 1 9-10 m. in 5:08. 21/2 m. in 6:35. Risque-a-Tout. 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :33. CommeUcs, 4-yr. Rec. 2 1-3 m. in 6:20. Pierrot, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :09 1-5. And sire of 14 oth- ers, winners of races. Full brother to ^Oalba, 3-yr. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :45. Winner in St. Leger. Rec. 21/0 m. in 6 :50. j Won 12,205 franca 1 as 3-year-old. 1^ Norma -J Herself a prize win- ner. Al.so winner with her prod- u c e. Sold t o the Government as a mare of the higliest class. Dam of Regent. Trial rec. 2 m. at 2 :45 per m. In training when purchased, but never raced. tStallions owned by the French Gov- ernment. tPhaeton Ilec. 21-. ni. in ' 7 :0U 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6 :16. Uarley, 3 and 4 yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :23. Indre. Champion of both continents ; four times over all breeds ; ten times winner of first prize. And 125 others, win- ners of races ; also s:re of the dams of 46 winners of races. Fleur-de-Genet Dam of ■\Leveraut, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :33. "^Galha. 3-yr. Rec. 2Mj m. in 6 :45. Winner in St. Leger. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6 :50. Won 12.205 francs as a 3-year-old. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 8 :02. Won 24,240 francs as a 3 and 4- year-old. 1/2 m. Rec. Rec. Rec. :06. tThe Heir of Linne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 21/0 m. in 6 :33. 4 m. in 11 :06. Ambition Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 21/2 m. i 7 :00 4-5. Grandam of Indicateur, 3-vr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :19. :04. tColporteur Rec. (3-yr.) in 6 :56. Sire of Ininwrtel, 4-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 6 :41 2-5. Janidcoton, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :32 2-5. Keepsake, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :38 3-5. Lais. Rec. IVs m- in 5 :19. Jarnae. : m. in 5 :55. Leader. I'/s ni. in 5 :37. Litrette. 2 m. in 6 Grenadiere Awarded prize of honor as filly at Concours St. Lo. 1890. and as brood mare at ("oncours Rouen, 1892, and has proven a remark- able breeder. tGall Sire of Jeannette. Rec. 2m. in 6:12. Dalila. Rec. 2 m. in 6 :22. Balzaine. Rec. 214 m. in 7 :19. Belle-de-Jour Dam of Capncine, 3-yr. Rec. 3% m. in 9 :47. Intendant, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :42. Junon, 3-yr. Rec. 2% m- in 7 :17. Harmonic, 3-yr. Rec. 1% m. in 5 :55. tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) 21/2 m. in 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg. 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:40. Vi/rago. Rec. 3% m. in9 :56. Hardy, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7 :55y2. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :39. And 76 others, win- ners of races. Zaine Dam of Baptiste Lc More. Rec. (3-yr.) 2 13-16 m. in 8:50. Colporteur. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :56. Hidalgo. Rec. 1 Ys m. in 5 :09. Novllle Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :01. Sire of Begonia. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :33. Destinee. Rec. 3% m. in 10:12 Eclatante Half sister to Bourn. 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m- in 7 :25. Esperancc. Kec. 1% m. in 5 :44. :00. tOalaor. Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. Mrs. Walker. Grandam of Allumette. Rec. 21^ m. in 7 Crocus. Sire of Favorite. I Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :14. ^ Elisa. Rec. 21/2 m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant, 3-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 7 :55. Lycopode. Rec. 3% m. in 11 :05. f Kaplrat. Sire of Lycopode. I Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 7 ^ Conquerant. I Rec. 2% m. in 7 :55. I Balcon and Elise. tDau. of Sir I Henry DImsdale. ( tinkermann. Grandsire of I Capucine, 3-yr. ! Rec. 3% m. in 9 :47. ] Intendatit, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:42. I Fatlney. - Dam of St. Rigomer. Government 'stal- lion of great re- nown. ( fDlvus. Sire of Normand, 3-yr. I Rec. 2y2 m. in J 7 :03 4-5. 1 Miss Trouphon, 3- yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7:49. I Christiane. - Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:54. Norjn/ind. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7:03. tConquerant. Rec. (3-yr.) 21/2 m. In 7:55. Sire of Corp-ucine. Rec. 3% m. in 8:04. And sire of 108 other winners. Atlante. Second dam of Colporteur. Rec. 21/2 m. la 6:56. Hidalgo. Rec. 1 Ys m. in 5 :09. Ipsilanty. Sire, of ^Neuberg and Notre Dame. Therence. . Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :33. Dam of Hersilie. Rec. 4ys m. in 11 :05 tMontfort. Sire of Bourn, 4-yr. Rec. 2 y2 m. in 7 :25. Esperance. Rec. 1% m. in 5 :44. Sister of Racoleur. I 14 SEDGEI^EY FARM CATAI,OG IN SERVICE AT SEDGELEY FARM. VISEUR 2626. Brown, foaled June 13, 1899, imiK>rted 1902, got by Kepi. Dam Isis by Domino Noir. 2d dam Paquerette by Conqvekakt, he by Ivapirat ovit of Elisa by Corsair. 3d dam Modestie by The Heir of Linne, he by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jeeeed. 4th dam Negresse by Ugolin, he by Parisien. 5th dam Nigra by Lahore, he by Ledstone out of daughter of Buzzard. 6th dam Milady by Eastham, he by Sir Oliver out of Cowslip by Alex- ANDEE. 7th dam IVIartine by Ranconneur, he by Young Topper. 8th dam daughter of Corbeau. Kepi, foaled 1888, by Flibustier out of Therenee by Kilometre. Flibustier, foaled 1883, by Phaeton out of Voltigeuse by Parthenon. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Babtlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845 by Old Phenomenon. Conquerant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volun- teer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foalod 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Go- dolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regu- lus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. (0 Kepi ;••■• i First place winner in 41 races. Rec. 1 m. in har- ne-ss at 2 :20 per mile. 1 1-18 m. in harness at 2 :27 3-5 per mile. 2 m. in harness at 2 :31 2-5 per mile. 2 1-5 m. in harness at] 2 :30 per mile. 21/2 m. in harness at 2 :30 2-5 per mile. 2% m. in harness at 2 :29 3-5 per mile. 2 4-5 m. in harness at 2 :36 per mile. 3 m. in harness at 2 :31 1-5 per mile. tFlibustier Rec. 1 5-6 m. 5:071/1. Sire of Kepi, Rec. 1 m. in 2 Rieuse, Rec. 2% m. 7 :16 1-5. Leda, Rec. 2:42% per etc. ■:• < :20. fPhaeton J Rec. 2 Vi m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6 :16. I Harley, 3 and 4-yr. 1 Rec. 2% m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :23. EsoUere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :12. 3% m. in 10:22. Escapade III. 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :10. And 125 others, win- ners of races ; also sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. ( . Voltigeuse <{ fThe Heir of Linne. Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11 :06. Ambition. Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 7 4-5. Grandam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :19. Isis i Rec. 1% m. in 5 :42. |- t' m. in 6 :33. Rec. 4 m. in 11 :06. Second dam of Tioris. Sire of Iris. Rec. 2 5-16 m. in 5 :47. And 123 other winners of races. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Secretary , 12 Rue I. Arcade. Pans. tStallions owned by French Government. 1.5 16 SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG IN SERVICE AT SEDGELEY FARM. TENGEUR 2525. Bay, foaled April 10, 1899, imported 1902, got by Jagellon. Dam Bettina by Canut. 2d dam Rapide by Nagel. Jagellon, foaled 1887, by Valencourt out of Deborah by Conquerant. Valencourt, foaled 1877, by Niger out of a daughter of Beaugeu by Fitz- Pantaloon. Niger, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Canut, foaled 1880, by Hick out of Edith by Elu. Hick, foaled 1863, by Merlerault out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Merlerault, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of Sylvio. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Catton out of Smolensko IMare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. Golujipus, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Maxe by Herod. INIercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). IMarske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister TYirk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Nagel, foaled 1869, by Idomenee out of a daughter of Lahore. IDOMENEE, chestnut, foaled 1864, by Serenader out of Buci by Eylau. Serenader, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 17 ADOLPHE. Sire: First prize Trans- Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. First prize Illinois State Fair, 1898, 1900 and 1901. First prize New York State Fair, 1900. Black, foaled May 6, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pluton. Dam Ada by Perfection. 2d dam Adalie by Gideon, be by Hirami (Arab) oi:t of Stockwell mare. 3d dam Ada. Pluton, bay, foaled April 30, 1898, by Inkermaim out of Palestine. Inkermann, cbestnut, foaled April 5, 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Rey- nolds. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by TTie Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley IMJoloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuxEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus ovit of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by IMarske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Guilders by Darley Arabian. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay , foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1800, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by INIoses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8"os. WIalton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter ovit of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Raehael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg bv Bverlv Turk (1080) out of a daughter of Spanker. 18 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATALOG AMPERE 2744. Bay, foaled April 9, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Amella, by Inkermann. 2d dam Ada by Perfection. 3d dam Adaxje by Gedeon, he by Hirami (imported Arab) out of Stockwell. 4th dam Ada (bay). Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter oif Crocus. The Heir op Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jer€«d. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadia. MiiLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Oeiville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrougb out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Blaek-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Inkermann, chestnut, foaled 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Reynolds. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QmcLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Gov- ernor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HORSES. 19 ARMAND. Brown; foaled April 19, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Amelia by Inkermaxx. 2d dam Ada by Perfectiox. 3d dam Adalie by Gedeox, he by Hirajii (imported Arab) out of Stockwell mare by Stockwell. 4tli dam Ada ( bay ) . Hegent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. XiEVERAUT, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linxe, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Oalaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay^ foaled 1810, by Orviille out of Eleanor by Whiskey. OR\^LLE, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. 3ENINGBROUGH, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. Xing Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Inkermaxn, chestnut, foaled 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Reynolds. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by Tlie Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Cliarlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QxncLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineu.K out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daugjiter of Gallon. Teouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cjpron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. 20 SEDGKLEY FARM CATALOG ADEPT 2743. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut; foaled March 15, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Adalika by Perfection. 2d dam Adalie by Gedeon, he by Hirami (imported Arab) out of Stockwell mare by Stockwell. 3d dam Ada (bay). Eegent, chestnut, foaled in 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley JNIoloch out of Darioletta by Atnadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. OfivaLLE, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of EVelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Gro- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quielet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tbouville, bay, foaled I860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor, Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Paritsan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGiiFLYEK, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1G80) out of a daughter of Spanker. FRENCH COACH HORSES. ARDEUR. Dam First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Brown, foaled May 20, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Adalina by Perfection. 2d dam Adalie by Gedeox, he by Hirami (imported Arab) out of Sl-ockweli mare by Stockwell. 3d dam Ada (bay). Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linxe, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley iloloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEy Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Qiville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, bj- Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. Kjxg Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1704. by ilarske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Ai'abian (1724). Marske,* brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887. by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot 8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachacl by I'.lank by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar o.it of CApron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743. by Partner out of ]Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718. by Jigg out of sister to iMixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. 22 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATALOG ELEGANT. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1903. First prize Illinois State Fair, 1898. Second prize Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. (Gabrielle first.) Bay; foaled May 10, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam Eneide by Indre. 2d dam EUsabeth by Normand. 3d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 4th dam Junon by Ecuyeb, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 5th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 6th dam by Young Superior, he by Superior. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoff roy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QxncLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 18G7, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eaehael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by RigoUot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY IMjoloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foalea 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by "Wliiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnuni Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchcm out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matciiem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 28 ENMUS 2746. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Illinois State Fair, 1898. Second prize Trans- Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Brown; foaled June 14, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam Eneide by Indre. 2d dam Elizabeth by Normand. 3d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Fledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 4th dam Junon by Ecuyer, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 5th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 6th dam by Young Superior, he by Superior. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoffroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gulion. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heie of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Aniadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Gany'MEDE, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, ba y, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- 'flyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled ISll, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by INlagnum Bonuin out of Flora by Lofty, by Go- dolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regu- lus by Godolphin Arabian. ^Iatchem Tbay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay. foaled 1734. by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724), out of Roxana. 24 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATA1,0G ELIGIUS 2287. Second prize New York State Fair, 1900. (Pluton first.) Second prize Illinois State Fair, 1900. (Pluton first.) Sire: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Dam:. First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897. (Palestine first.) Bay; foaled April 22, 1-898; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Inkermann. Dam Esmeralda by Perfection. 2d dam, Elisabeth by Normand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. 3d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 4th dam Junon by Ecuyer, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 5th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 6th dam daughter of Young Superior. 7th dam Merlerault Mare. Inkermann, chestnut, foaled AjDril 5, 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Rey- nolds. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Wliiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solidde. QxncLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-GladiatoT out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillnn by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HORSES. 25 EMPEREUR. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897, (Palestine first). Chestnut; foaled April 30, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Esmeralda by Perfection. 2d dam, Elisabeth by Normand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. 3d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 4thi dam Junon by Ecuyer, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 5th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 6th dam by Young Superior, he by Superior. Eegent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod^ etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by ^Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 18G7, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 18G0, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator o\it of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter oue of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. NoRMAND, brmvn bay, foaled 18G9, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymmede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839. by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xebkes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer. Young Rattler, bay, foalod 1811, by Rattler out of tlie Snap ^fare by Snap. SEDGKIyEY FARM CATAI^OG ESC^UIRE 2746. Second prize, with dam, New York State Fair, 1900. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897, (Palestine first). Chestnut; foaled March 16, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Esmeralda by Perfection. 2d dam Elisabeth by Normand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat, 3d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 4th dam JuNOx by Ecuyer, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 5th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. ♦ 6th dam daughter of Young Superior. 7th dam Merlerault Mare. Regent, chestnut, foaled in 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. liEVERAUT, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by GalL Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, broAvn, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews, MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Or\ille„ bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrongh out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveler, Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os, Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dtmgannon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum nut nf Flora by Lofty, by Go- dolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773. by :\I:iiro\vn, 1724), out of Roxana. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 27 GAILLARD 2747. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Madison Square Garden, New York, 1896. First prize Trans-IVlississippi Exposition, Omaha^ 1898. Chestnut; foaled April 23, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Gabkielle j.y Perfection. 2d dam Gavotte by BAjSTYtH^s, he by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. 3d dam Eapide by Telemaqtje, he by Noville out a daughter of Aefidavitt. 4th dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ucohn, he by Pakisien. 5th dam by William, he by Tarrare out of Ida by Whalebone. 6th dam by Eailleur, he by Young Eattler out of a daughter of Highflyer. Eegent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by LcA'eraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Le\'eraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled, 1830, by Muley out of Xancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Bbningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyu"LS, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QxncLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gl.\ihator, chestnut, foaled 1833. by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784. by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Telemaque, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Xoville out of a daughter of Aflfidavit. No\^LLE, black, foaled 1809, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 28 SEDGBLEY FARM CATALOG GAUTHIER 3383. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Madison Square Garden, New York, 1896. First prize Trans- Mississippi Exposition, Omalna, 1898. Chestnut; foaled March 31, 1901; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Gabrielle by Perfection. 2d dam Gavotte by Banyuls, he by Quiclet out" of a daughter of Solide. 3d dam Eapide by Telemaque, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 4th dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ugolin, he by Parisien. 5th dam by William, he by Tarrare out of Ida by Whalebone. 6th dam by Railleue, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Highflyek. Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, i>y Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleu de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mi-s. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King FfeRGUS, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Miarske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Tkouville, bay, foaled 18G0, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Telemaque, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. Noville, black, foaled 1S69, by Ipsilanty out of Thercnce by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 29 INDEX 3384. First prize, with dam, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut J foaled June 13, 1901; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Inez by Phaetox. 2d dam I saure- Clemen CE by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Peschiera. 3d dam Amaranthe by Niger, he b\' Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 4th dam Fleurette by Serenader, lie by The Troubadour. 5th dam.ToisoN d'Or by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 6th dam by Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine [Arab] . 7th dam La Louve bj' Chasseur, he by Eastham out of ^Iarquise. .8th dam by Valient, be by Equator. 9th dam by Eclatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyer. 10th dam La Vidvid by VID^^D, he by Vagabond. J 1th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 12th dam Mare of Medavy, owned by M. Neveu. Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Le^teraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by Tlie Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by [Muley ^loloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1 830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MULEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by ^ATiiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay. foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775. by Eclipse out of Pollj' by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by INIarske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolph in Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750. by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732. by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Cherbourg, bay. foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera. Normand, brown bay. foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859. by Quebec out of a daughter of Elect rique. Qu-ebec, bay, foaled 1850. by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839. by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834. by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. 30 SEDGEI/KY FARM CATAI,OG INDUCE 2500. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Black; foaled April 7, 1899; bred at Sedgeley Farm, got by Romulus. Dam Inez by Phaeton. 2d dam Isaure-Clemence by Ciierboukg, he by Nobmand out of Peschieh v. 3d dam Amaranthe by Nigb:b, he by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Beul. 4th dam Fleurette by Serenader, he by The Troubadour. 5th dam Toison d'Or by Tipple Ciuer, he by Defence out of Deposit. ■6th dam by E^^lau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine [Arab]. 7th dam La Louve by Chasseur, he by Eastiiam out of Marquise. •8th dam by Valient, be by Equator. 9th dam by Eclatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyer. 10th dam La Vidvid by VIdvid, he by Vagabond. 11th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 12th dam Mare of Medavy, owned by M. Neveu. HoMULUS, by Indre out of Liberte by Domino Noir. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. Xing Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera. NoRMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Go " :4-5. Sire of Ellora. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6 :16. Harley, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :1V.. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Kec. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :12. 3% m. in 10:22. Escapade III, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :10. And 125 others, winners of races ; also sire of the dams of 46 win- I ners of races. | 1^ Bettina J «,= f Dam of ^ '='^^® °^ Indre. Winner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7 :42. Winner of 28 races. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :38. La Hardiere. Rec. IT'S m. in 5 :02. tThe Heir of Linne.. Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. 4 m. in 11 :06. r tGalaor. I Winner of the Man- ^ Chester Trade Cup. Mrs. Wallarb. JiGQ by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Glaneur, black, foaled 1884, by Valdempierre out of Fille-de-Coeur by The Norfolk Phenomenon. Valdempierre, brown bay, foaled 1877, by Normand out of a daughter of Conquerant. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap, Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, hj Godolphin Arabian. Galea, bay, foaled 1862, by Pledge out of a daughter of Sylvio. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensk© Mare by Smolensko. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht cut of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utrecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Prince, chestnut, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris, etc. SEDGE1,EY FARM CATALOG ESMERALDA 1360. First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897, (Palestine first). Second prize, with colt, Chicago Horse Show, 1897, (Palestine first). Second prize New York State Fair, 1900, (Palestine first). Dam ot Euclid, champion weanling colt, any breed, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Bay; foaled May 25, 1892; got by Perfection. Dam Elisabeth by Normand, he by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. 2d dam Olga by Abrantes, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. 3d dam Junon by Ecuyer, he by Ursin out of a daughter of Lagopede. 4th dam Camelia by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 5 th dam by Young Superior, he by Superior. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyiils out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuicLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 18G0, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Mo>es. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by (Sodolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Ctxrwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Abrantes, bay, foaled 1856, by Pledge out of a daughter of Noteur. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1833 by Catton out of Smolensko Mare. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. Gohanna, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Rcgulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). < o < (0 Perfection Sweepstakes World's Columbian Expo- sition. First Prize, in class, World's Colum- bian Exposition. First prize, with get. World's Co- lumbian Exposi- tion. Champion winner all Coach and Carriage breeds, as qualified to produce high- class carriage horses, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. Champion winner all Coach and Car- riage Breeds, with get, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. First Prize, in class, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. First Prize, with get, Chicago Horse Show. 1894. First Prize Ameri- can Horse Show, Chicafe'o, 1891. Sire of 14 first-prize winners. World's Cblumbian Expo- sition. Elisabeth Dam of Ismerie. Rec. 31/8 m. in 8:00. 2% m. in 6:38. Winner of 37 races. Eneide. First Prize World's Columbian Expo- sition, 1893. EtoUe. Second Prize World's Colum- bian Exposition. Esmeralda. First prize World's Columbian Exposi- tion. f tBanyuls Sire of Mercedes. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Pans, 1889. Awarded Medal of Honor by the Min- I ister of Agricul- '^ ture. Oavotte. Winner of First Prize, American Horse Show, Chi- cago, 1891. Charlotte Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 188U, with Par querctte by side. Winner Brood Mare Prize, St. Lo, 1887, with Perfection by side, purchased by the Emperor of Bra- zil, 1887. Won Honor Prize and Queen's Cup at the Brazilian Ex- position. tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) 2 Mi m. in 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in t> :40. Virago. Rec. 3% m. in 9 :56. Hardy, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7 :5.")^^. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 21/) m. in 6 :39 4-5. And 76 others, win- ners of races, also sire of the dams of 52 other win- ners. tQuiclet ■{ Sire of Mile, des Tourelles. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 7 :02. I Sire of the dam o£ Koecy. Rec. 2% m. in 6:56. Olga. Winner of First Prize, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Dam of Da Capo. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7 :2o. Tempete and Aldee owned by the French Govern- ment. Diana Dam of the Government stallions Fabius and O ranger. tPage Has four half broth- ers in the Na- tional Haras. Sara Winner of First Prize at Meautis. Winner of Brood Mare Prize, Con- cours of St. Lo, 1882, with Char- lotte at side. tDivus Sire of Normand, 3-yr. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7 :03 4-5. Mi3s Trophon, 3-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 7 :49. Sire of the dam of Quick. Rec. 8 Vh m. in 25 :55. Christiane Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 21/2 m. in G :54. Norma nd. Rec. 2V'' ni- 1° 7 :03 4-5. jUssy. Abrantes Sire of the dam of Emuil. Rec. SVs m. in 8 :08 3-5. Bonne Mere. Rec. 2 Vim. in 6:31. And 19 others, win- ners of races. Junon Winner of First Prize at Ar- gences, 187 4. Winner of First Prize at Ar- gences, with colt, 1875. J Lumineux Grand sire of Ro- samond and Fan- freluche. Sultane. By jSuItan. Sire of Tentative. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :07. tSolide. Sire of jBuci, jEsperence and the dams of jFaiius and Siroc. tVendetta. Dam of fUtrecht and ^Tancrede. tidomenee. Sire of Nagel and Sapeur, belonging to the French gov- ernment. - Karaide. I Half sister Modestie. Rec. in 11 :06. r tRay Grass Sire of J Grass le jeune. to 4 m. Ray Charlotte. Winner of First Prize at St. Lo., 1888, 1889, 1890. tQuebec. Sii-e of "xDomi- nant and ^Apis, government stal- lions. Dau. of tElectrique. Winner of Grand Prix de Versailles. tKapirat Sire of Lycopody. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :00. Dau. of tDebardeur. Brother of ^Ran- conncur. tPledge. Sire of Irma. Rec. 3% m. in 11 :09. Dau. of tNoteur. Sire of dam of Dejalma. Rec. 2% m. in 7 :54. Ecuyer. By iUrsin. Sire of '7 government stallions. Camelia. By Troarn. of the dam ^Destin. Sire of All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, 12 Rue I.'.'Vrcade. Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 53 54 SEDGEI,EY FARM CATAI,OG FLEUR DE LIS 951. Second prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second in Sweepstakces, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Dam of Fanfare, who took Sweepstakes at the Chicago Horse Show In 1897. Brown bay; foaled May 28, 1890; bred by M. Gregoiie, of Oine; got by the government stallion Glaneur. Dam Fanchette by Galea, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Sylvio. 2d dam Elvire by Esculape, he by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigs- BERG. 3d dam by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. 4th dam. by Napoleon, he by Bop. Booty out of the Pope IVIabe, 5th dam by Massoud Arabian. Glaneub, black, foaled 1884, by Valdempierre out of Fille-de-Coeur by The Norfolk Phenomenon. Valdempierre, brown bay, foaled 1877, by Normand out of a daughter of Conquerant. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 18-59, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Galea, bay, foaled 1862, by Pledge out of a daughter of Sylvio. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler by Rattler, etc. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensk© Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GoLUMPUs, bay, fo.aled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GOHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod, by Tartar, etc. Mercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar, by Partner, etc. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utrecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Prince, chestnut, foaled 1849, by Don (Juiohotte out of a daughter of Marengo. f tGlaneur j Rec. (3-yr.) 21/2111. in 6 :56. Marie iStuart, 3-.vr. Rec. 21/^m. in 7 :"20. One of tlie winners in the Derby, 1887. tValdemplerre .... Rec. (4-yr.) 2y2 m. in 7 :10. Sire of Jonguille. Rec. 21401. in 6 :03. Joyexise III. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :42 4-5. Dona Sol. Rec. 214 m. in 6:07. Hecla. Rec. 2 1/^ m. in 6 :48 4-5. Isahelle, 3-vr. Rec. 2y2ni. in 7:02. Joconde, 3-yr. Rec. 114 m. in 3 :34. tNormand Rec. 2 1/2 m. In 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 2 1/201. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3%m. In 9:56. And 78 other win- ners of races. I """^'tno Second dam of Fier A. Bras, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. In 6:47. l^ tDlvus. Sire of Normand. Rec. 2 Va m. in 7 :03 4-5. Chrlstiane. Dam of Bataclan IV. Record 2i^m. in 6:54. tCcnquerant. Record 2i^m. In 7:55. Fille de By Success. Rec- ord 1 7-8m. in 5 :56. tPerruquier. r Fllle de Couer.... Dam of Herminie. Rec. 1 7-8m. In 5 :25. Olaneur. Rec. 2yjm. In 6:56. and Nankin and Rachel. Fanchette , V Winner of First ■^ Prize at the Con- coTirs at Le Pin. Dam of Athos. Rec. 2i/2m. in 7 :18. Forget Me Not. Winner of First Prize at the Con- cours at Le Pin. Winner of First L Prize at the Con- cours Reginal at Alencon, 1888. Galba Half brother of "^Abrantes. i Bamboula. ^Oriental and tC/mber. Mai. Rec. 2y!m. in 7 :35. Rec. 2m. in 5 :29. Elvire Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1885. Old Phenomenon. Grand Sire of iN o ir m nt and fPhosphare. Anglais. tNorfolk Phenomenon .... Sire of Severine. Rec. 2y2ni. in 6:50. (^ Bayadere. Rec. 3% 01. In 10 :42. And 49 other win- ners of races. I I L Dame de Coeur ^ Rec. 2y2m. in 7:04. 1 Dam of t Bon Couer. Rec. 3m. In 11 :03. Joli Couer. Rec. 2Mim. in 7:44. f tRoyal Oak. I Sire of Poetess, C tpiedge I Dam of three Derby I ci-^ .?* 1 winners. tWIld Fire. Sire of Herminie. Rec. 2%m. In 7.16. Dau of Friedland. Winner of Elssal, Paris, 1838. Sire of Irma. Rec. 3% m. In 11 :09. Ida. Rec. 2% m. in 7:54. winners. Dau of tYoung Rattler. Sire of fDiomede, ^Xerxes and t.Do- rus. I Dau. of *- Half sister to ilAonceau. ^Prince Colihri. iFatibello. fRamsay and ^Vlachmdr. c tEsculape I Sire of Quinet. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :50. And eight stal- lions owned by the French gov- ernment. f Sylvlo. Winner of Grand Prix Royal Parls^ -! 1831. Dau. of ,- t Utrecht. Sire of eleveo J Government Stal- 1 lions. L Dau. of tKoenlgsberg. Dam of two fam- o u s Government Stallions. Dau. of tTioDle Cider. Winner of the July Stakes at New Market. Dau. of tNapoleon. AH of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tierceliu. Secretary, 12 Rue 1,'Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 65 56 SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG GABRIELLE 1378. First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, shown with sire, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Madison Square Garden, New York, 1896. First prize Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Dam of Gallion, First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901, and First prize Illinois State Fair, 1901. Dam of Gallia, First prize Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Bay; foaled March 10, 1893; got by Perfection. Dam Gavotte by Banyuls, he by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. 2d dam Rapide by T^lemaque, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 3d dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ugolin, he by Parisien. 4th dam by William, lie by Tarraee out of Ida by Whalbone. 5th dam by Eailleur, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Highflyer. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGQ by Byerly Turk ( 1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Telemaque, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. NoviLLE, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845; by Old Phenomenon. Josathat, brown bay, foaled 1865, by Ugolin. Ugolin, bay, foaled 1854, by Parisien. Parisien, bay, foaled 1849, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Biron. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Higirflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Ix»fty, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HORSES. 57 GALLIA 2291. First prize Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Dam: First prize Madison Square Garden, New York, 1896. First prize Trans-Mississippi Exposition, 1898. Sire: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut; foaled March 27, 1898; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by luker- mann. Dam Gabrielue by Perfection. 2d dam Gavotte by Banyuls, he by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide:. 3d dam Rapide by Telemaque, he by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 4th dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ugolin, he by Parisien. 5th dam by William, he by Tarrare out of Ida by Whalebone. 6th dam by Railleur, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of HiGHFLTiaL Inkermann, chestnut, foaled 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Reynolds. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Araadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whi.skey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-anff-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 17G4, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. BARTLEfr's Childers by Darley Arabian. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1807, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Iartisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-S'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachel by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. 58 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATAI^OG GENEVRE 2183. Sire: First prize, in class, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, shown with sire. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, shown with sire. National Horse Show, New Yorl<, 1896. First prize. Class 39, National Horse Show, New Yorl<, 1896. Second prize, with get (Perfection 1st), National Horse Show, New Yorlc, 1896. Second prize, with get (Perfection 1st), Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Second prize, in class (Perfection 1st), Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Bay; foaled March 31, 1898; got by Partisan. Dam Gazelle by Omental, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Emib. 2d dam Fil-en-quatre by Umber, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 3d dam Favorite by Coleraine, he by Coleraine out of Yorkshire Mare. 4th dam Pres de Terre by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 5th dam by Extreme by Emule out of a daughter of Talma. Partisan, bay, foaled 1893, by Perfection out of Tranquille by Aristocrate. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lxjmineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. TBOuraiLE, bay foaled 1860. by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clenieiitine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Revellw. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Hebod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Pabtneb, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen. Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Obiental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir, Jactatoe, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chap- man. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Tbance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon, etc. Umber, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. Golumpus, bay, foaled 1802, by Golianna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GtOHANNA, bay, foaled 1790, by ^Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 59 GAZELLE III 1971. Winner second prize, Class 37, National Horse Show, New Yorkc, 1896. Bay; foaled April 26, 1896; got by Partisan. Dam Gazelle by Oriental, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. 2d dam Fil-en-quatre by Umber, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. 3d dam Favorite by Coleraine, he by Coleraine out of Yorkshire Mare. 4th dam Pres de Terre by Troarx, he by Gax'YMEDE out of a daughter of The Juggler. 5th dam by Extreme by Emule out of a daughter of Talma. Partisan, bay, foaled 1893, by Perfection out of Tranquille by Aristoerate. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banjiils out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Ltjmineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Gk>dolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGO by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Oriental, chestnut, foaled 1870, by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. Jactator, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chap- man. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Umber, bay, foaled 1854, by Pledge out of a daughter of Polecat. Pledge, bay, foaled 1846, by Royal Oak out of a daughter of Young Rattler. Royal Oak, brown bay, foaled 1823, by Catton out of Smolensko Mare by Smolensko. Catton, bay, foaled 1809, by Golumpus out of Lucy Gray by Timothy. GOLUMPUS, bay, foaled 1802, by Gohanna out of Catherine by Woodpecker. GoHANNA, bay, foaled 1790. by Mercury out of Herod Mare by Herod. Mercury, chestnut, foaled 1778, by Eclipse out of Tartar Mare by Tartar. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlefs Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. 60 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATALOG GIATINI 1988. First prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Brown; foaled May 26, 1896; got by Indre. Dam GoELETTE by RivoLi, he by Conquerant out of a daughter of Coleraine. 2d dam Naaide by Tigris, he by Lavater out of Modestie. 3d dam by Esculape, he by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsburg. 4th dam Alexina by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 5th dam Josephine by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 6th dam La Duplex by Duplex, he by Pickpocket oiit of a daughter of Young Rattler. 7th dam Pickpocket Mare by Pickpocket, he by St. Patrick out of Hedlet IVIare. 8th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavtus out of a daughter of Ambrosid. 9th dam La Bachant by Bacha (Arab). 10th dam daughter of Dagout (Turk). 11th dam daughter of Glorieux. 12 th dam daughter of King Pepin. . . Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Llack. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764 by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). RivoLi, bay, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Coleraine. Conquerant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchera out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 61 (GLORIA. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize Madison Square Garden. New York, 1896. First prize Trans-IVlississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Chestnut; foaled April 15, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam Gabrielle by PERiTXXiox. 2d dam Gavotte by Bantuls, he by Quiclet out of a daughther of Solide. 3d dam Rapide by Telemaque, he by Xoville out of a daughter of Affidavit. 4th dam Cocote by Josaphat, he by Ugolix, he by Parisien. 5th dam by Wilxiam, he by Tarrare out of Ida by Whalebone. 6th dam by Railleur, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Highfltee. Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Le\^raut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet, by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrev^s. Muley, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. I\JNG Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Blaek. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banj-uls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, bj- Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Troxts'Ille, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled. 1774, by Herod out of Rachel by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Telemaque, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Noville out of a daughter of Affidavit. Novtlle, black, foaled 1869, by Ipsilanty out of Therence by Turk. Ipsilanty, black, foaled 1864, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of a daughter of Sylvio. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 62 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATALOG GRINDE DAME 3389. Dam: First prize Cliicago Horse Show, 1897. Brown; foaled April 17, 1901; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam GiATixA by Indre. 2d dam Goelette by RivoLi, he by Conquerant out of a daughter of Col£E- AINE. 3d dam ISTaiade by Tigris, he by Lavater out of Modestie by The Heib of LiNNE. 4th dam by Esculape, he by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. 5th dam Alexina by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Jug- gler. 6th dam Josephine by Tipple Cider, he bj' Defence out of Deposit by Blacklock. 7th dam La Duplex by Duplex, he by Pickpocket out of a daughter of Young Battler. 8th dam Pickpocket Mare by Pickpocket, he by St. Patrick out of Hedlet- Mare. 9th dam La Pilott by Pilot, he by Octavius out of a daughter of Ambrosid. 10th dam La Bachant by Bacha [Arab]. 11th dam daughter of Dagout [Turk]. 12th dam daughter of Glorieux. 13th dam daughter of King Pepin. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoff roy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banynls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Goveraor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, bro\vn, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina b'y Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HORSES. IRAS. Dam winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach mares. Awarded diploma of honor and subsidized by the French government. First prize, in collection. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Bay; foaled 1899; got by Perfection. Dam INADA by Carnaval, he by Conqueraxt out of a daughter of Bassom- PIERRE. 2d dam JUI.IANA bv Elu, he by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. 3d dam VOYAGEUSE by Gaulois, he by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. 4th dam Brillante by Jericho, he by Biron out of a daughter of L'Aigub. 5th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 6th dam L'iMPERiEUSE, by Imperieux, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volontaire. 7th dam daughter of Adrossan. 8th dam by Snail, he by Stamford out of a daughter of Eclipse. 9th dam daughter of Seduisant. 10th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 11th dam daughter of LjA Parfait. perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls bay foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Ouiclet 'bay; foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of ^uUan. Smine^-x, chestnut, foaled 1867, by TrouviUe out of a daughter of Gahon- TROUyiLLE, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clemenane by Ooyer^o • Ktz-GladIator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reseller. GLADIATOR, chestnut, foaled 1833. by Partisan out of Paul me 1^ Moses. PARTISAN, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8 os. WALTON, bay: foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Iigh™ bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). HEROD, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by lox. „ ,, . pl"/^™m8, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JIOO by Byerlv Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. CABNAVAl, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Conquerant out of a daughter of ISa,- Cor-QZ^rbay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. KAP.'irf bavTaied 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler^ iVAi-iKAi, uy, Tmnerieux out of a daughter of Pilot. yo.XA,»., brown bay. foaled 1^33 ^, Jmp r^e .^__^ ^^ ^ ^^^ .^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^"a™ b f .'ed 18U, b/Battler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. eI™ bay foaled 1784, by Magnun, Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Go- MAC.'vM''B''o:ft:M';'b:v. foaled 1773, by Mateben, out of a daughter of E.gulu, MAXct,rbt:''f:a^: nil by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. 64 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATAI,OG INADA 407. Winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach mares. The dam of this mare was awarded diploma of honor and subsidized by the French Government. First prize, in collection, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Fauvette 11, daughter of Juliana, and half-sister to Inada, was awarded, as a three-year-old, diploma of honor by the government, trotting a mile and a quarter at the rate of 2:40, carrying 132 pounds. She afterward won a number of races in her three-year-old form, trotting one race of two and a quarter miles, under saddle, over a turf track, carrying 154 pounds, at the rate of 2:43 per mile. Ellora, daughter of Juliana, full sister to Fauvette II, and half-sister to Inada, was one of the fastest trotters on the French turf. She only trotted seventeen races, and was first in fourteen, trotting one race of two and a half miles, under saddle, over a turf track, carrying 168 pounds, at the rate of 2:30 per mile. Bay; foaled April 20, 1886; imported 1889; bred by M. Lallouet, of Orne; got by the government stallion Carnaval. Dam Juliana by Elu, he by Adalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cidee. 2d dam Voyageuse by Gaulois, he by Fitz-Pantaloon out of a daughter of Montaigne. 3d dam Brillante by Jericho, he by Biron out of a daughter of L'Aigle. 4th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 5th dam L'Imperieuse by Imperieux, he by Young Rattler out of a daughter of VOLONTAIRE. 6th dam daughter of Adrossan. 7th dam daughter of Sjsail, he by Stamford out of a daughter of Eclipse. 8th dam daughter of Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a davighter of Voltaire. 9th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 10th dam daughter of La Parfait. Carnaval, brown bay, foaled 1880, by Conquerant out of a daughter of Bas- sompierre. Conquerant, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire cut of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of a daughter of Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Go- dolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. f Carnaval Purchased by the French Govern- ment, and kept at the National Har- as of La Pin. f tConquerant Rec. 2y2m. (3-yr.) in 7 :35. Sire of Capucine. Rec. 2l^ m, in 6 :21 3-5. 3%m. in 9 :47. Dictateur. Rec. 3 % m. in 10:14. La Maine. Rec. 2m. in 5 :10. Rivoli. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :30. And 106 others, winners of races ; also sire of the dams of 97 win- ners of races. Fanfare Juliana I Dam of *Ellora. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:16. Fauvette III. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:44. Gitana. Rec. 2^m. in 6:05. tKapirat Sire of Lycopode. Rec. 2y2m. in 7:00. Conquerant. Rec. 2 yam. in 7 :55. Balcon and Elise. Elisa Rec. 2y2m. in 8:35. Dam of Conquerant. Rec. 214 m. in 7 :55. Lycopode. Rec. 2y2m. in 7:00. Polypode. Elisa and Surprise. tBassompierre .... Sire of FridoUn. Rec. 214m- in 6:11. JEcorce. -( Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :19. Ruhi-s. Rec. 2 ll-16m. in tVoltaire. Sire of Kapirat, L'Aigle and Mon- taigne. Dau. of tThe Juggler. Sire of Oalba, Gallon and Inter- perte. tCorsalp. Sire of Mircne. Rec. 2%m. in 8:04. Elise. By Winner Cup. Marcellus. of Ascot 8:29. Dau. of of Idalls Sire of ■fTaconnet. jCarrigan. i Pilot. fDiogene. jTrocerdo. I in in Toison d'Or Dam of jElii. Sire of ■fjactator. iSorcier. ■\Tancrede. And 13 other Gov- ernment stallions. tElu Sire of the dam Jactator //. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :24 2-5. Francis III. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :53. Napier. Rec. 1 7-8 m 5:11. Fregate. Rec. 2 % m. 6 :57 1-5. Heliodore. I Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :59 ; . ,^ , , and 19 other win- I ^P^"'°'!i, -^ i- i tPerformer. By Performer out of a Dau. of Old President. Etoile du Solr. By SylviOj sire of 26 Government stallions. fPrlnce Collbrl. By Sylvia, sire of j Fatibello and Lion- 1 ceau. Dau. of ^ tWild Fire. Sire of Hermi- nie. Rec. 2%m. in 7 :16. tDon Quichotte. Sire of t-Prwice, ^L e ni d a s and ^Sancho. Dau. of tChapman. tTipple Cider. Winner of the July stakes at New Market. Dau. of Eyiau. Winner of the Grand Prix Royal, Paris. tFitz Pantaloon. Sire of court. Rec. in 7 :02. Talen- 2y2m. ners of races. Voyageuse ^ Sister to Theresa. Second dam of Dora and Qlorieux. Sire of the dam of Jaseuse. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:39. LaVoice, 3-yr. Rec. 2 yam. in 6 :45. Lubin, 3-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :19. Brilliante Sister to Ida lE 1964. First prize Trans-iVIississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. First Prize Illinois State Fair, 1898 and 1900. First prize Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Dark brown; foaled March 4, 1897; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Parthian. Dam Irma by Indre, he by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. 2d dam Gazelle II by Acquilla, he by Niger out of a daughter of Centaxjre. 3d dam Gazelle by Oriental, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Emir. 4th dam 1^l-en-Quatre by Umber, he by Pledge out of a daughter of Pole- cat. 5th dam Favorite by Coleraine, he ty Coleraine out of Jument du York- shire. 6th dam Pres-de-Teere by Troarn, he by Ganymede out of a daughter of The Juggler. 7th dam daughter of Extreme, he by Emule out of a daughter of Eastham. Parthian, bay, foaled 1892, by Perfection out of Germain by Niger. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dimgannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Ttirk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly, by Black-and-all- Blaek. Acquila, black, foaled 1878, by Niger out of a daughter of Centaure. Niger, black, foaled 1869, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 70 SEDGEIyEY FARM CATALOG rSEZ 1358. First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, with dam. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize. Breeders' Collection, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. First prize, with foal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Chestnut; foaled May 31, 1892; bred by M. Constant Forcinal, Orne; imported in dam; got by the government stallion Phaeton. Dam Isauee-Clemence by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Peschiera. 2d dam Amaranthe by Niger, he by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 3d dam Fleurette by Serenader, he by The Troubadouk. 4th dam ToisoN d'Or by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 5th dam by Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine [Arab]. 6th dam La Louve by Chasseur, he by Eastham out of JSIarquise. 7th dam by Valient, he by Equator. 8th dam by Eclatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highelyer. 9 th dam La Vidvid by Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 10th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 11th dam Mare of Medavy, owned by M. Neveu. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Wliiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 17G4, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blecklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera by Extase. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foalod 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811. by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 17S4, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foalod 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. tPhaeton Rec. 2V2^- in ^ ^-^■ Sire o£ Ellora, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :16. Ha/rley, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16in. in 7 :23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16m. In 7:12. 3%ni. in 10:22. Escapade III., 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :10. Tricoteuse, 3 and 4- yr. Rec. 3% nivin 10:01. 2 15-16m. in 7 :35. Neva, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2in. in 6:36. Finlande, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5.12. Bazole, 5-yr. Rec. 8%m. in 8 :26. Mandragore, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :31. Montjoie, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:34. Bonne Mere, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2ni. in 6 :34. Aad 118 others, winners of races ; also the sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. Isaure Clemence, 4-«vr Rec. 2y2m. in 6:49. Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1889. Winner Prize 1890. Winner of First Prize at the Con- cours of Alen- con, 1891, and at the Concours Hippique, Paris, 1891. of First at Le Pin, jThe Heir of Linne Sire of Phaeton Rec. 2V2ni- in 7 4-5. p'actole. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2 Vim. in 6:33. Rec. 4m. in 11 :06. Y'lj Songerai, 4-yr. Rec. 3%m. in 10:45. Jean Bart, 5-yr. Rec. 4m. in 12 :23. And 27 others, winners of races ; also the sire of the dams of 62 winners of race.s. Ambition Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 2 yam. in 7 4-5. Grand dam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :19. Depoqiie, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :40. Fauvette II., 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :44. Java, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :52 3-5. James Watt, 3-yr. Rec. 2V.m. in 6:43. tCherbourg Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :40. Winner of the Derby at Rouen. 1883, and 11 other races. Sire of Kaboul, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :06 2-3. Fine Champagne, 4-yr. Rec. 2%m. in 6:51. La Force, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :14. Quarantaine. 3-yr. Rec. 2yom. in 6:37. And 52 others, winners of races. I Amaranthe J *- Rec. 3-yr. 2yom. ^ in 7 :39. Dam of Isaure Clemence. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:49. Kyrielle. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:51. Grisctte. Jenny L'ouviere. [ tGalaor -^ Winner of the Manchester Trade 1 Cup. Mrs. Walker One of the most celebrated brood mares of her pe- riod, of beautiful c o n f o r m a- tion, transmitting to her progeny the valuable qual- ities of her noted ancestry. tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2y2m. in 7:14. Picotin. Rec. 2m. in 6 :11. Mile, de Serquigny. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 :22. Elisa Rec. 2V2m.. in 8 :35. Dam of Conqiierant. Rec. 2V2ni. in 7 :55. Irycopode. Rec. 2y.m. in 7 :00. Nluley Moloch. Winner of St. Leger. Dairoletta. By Amadis. Jereed. Winner of Don- chester Cup. Priam Mare. By Priam. Win- ner " of Goodwood Stakes. tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2m. in 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherhowg, 4-yr. Rec. 2yom. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3%m. in 9 :56. And 78 other winners of races. Peschiera Dam of Cherbourg. 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :40. Farceur. Rec. 2 yo m. in 6:39 4-5. Destrier, 4-yr. Rec. 3%m. in 10 :18. tNiger Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2m. in 7 :05. Sire of Serpolette. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :35 1-5. And 94 others, winners of races. Fleurette Winner of First Prize at Mesle sur Sarthe. Dam of Hava^ie. Rec. 2m. in 6 :03. Amaranthe. Rec. 2y2m. in 7:39. r Anglais. [_ Dau. of Inconnue. tCorsair. Sire of Mirene. Rec. 2y2m. in 8:04. Ellse by tMarcellus. Second dam of Polypody. tDivus. Sire of Normand. Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2m. in 7 :03 4-5. Christiana. Dam of Bataclan IT. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:54. tExtase. Sire of Ecoliere and Peschiera. Ainta. Sister to Serpo- let-Bai. Rec. 2yom. in 7 :11 2-5. tThe Norfolk Phenomenon. Sire of 52 win- nei's of races. Miss Bell. Dam of Travatl- leuse. Rec. l%m. in 4 :07. tSerenader. Sire of Ettidiant. Rec. 3% m. in 10:32. Toison d'Or. Dam of fElu, sire of the dam of iEl- lora, 4 yr. Rec. 2%m. in 6:16. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, Rue L'Arcade, Pans. fStallions owned by the French Government. 71 SEDGEI,EY FARM CATAI,OG ISAURA 1376. First prize, in class, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, with dam. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, breeders' collection. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut; foaled March 14 1893; got by Indre. Dam Isaure-Clemence by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Peschiera. 2d dam Amaranthe by Niger, he by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Beix. 3d dam Fleurette by Serenader, he by The Troubadour. 4th dam ToisoN d'Or by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 5th dam by Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine [Arab]. 7th dam by Valient, he by Equator. 8th dam by Eclatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyer. 9th dam La Vidvid by Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 10th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 11th dam Mare of Medavy, OAvned by M. Neveu. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, got by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dait^letta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera by Extase. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay. foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown 1724) out of Roxana. < Indre First Prize over J all breeds, Uni- ] versal Exposi- | tion. Paris, 1889. I Gold Medal offered by French Gov- ernment for best carriage stallion, | any breed. i Grand Prize of Honor W^orld's 1 Columbian Expo- | sition, "Bonheur Bronze." Sweepstakes a t World's Colum- bian Exposition. First Prize, in class, W o r 1 d's Columbian E x- position. First Prize, with get. World's Columbian Expo- sition. Champion winner all coach breeds, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. First Prize, in class, Chicago Horse Show, 1894. Sire of Ionian, Inkermann, Instant, Isaure, Eneide, Peerless and Italie. First-Prize w i n- n e r s. World's Columbian Expo- sition. Isaure Clemence, 4-yr Rec. 2 Yam. in 6:49. Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1889. Winner of First Prize at Le Pin, 1890. Winner of First Prize at the Con- cours of Alen- con, 1891, and at the Concours de Hippique, Par- is, 1891. tPhaeton Rec. 2 Yam. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:16. Harvey, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16m. in 7 :23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16m. in 7 :12. 3%m. in 10:22. Escapade III., 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :10. And 125 others, winners of races ; also sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. Bettina Dam of Indre. Winner First Prize Universal Exposi- tion, Paris, 1889. 1 Jeanne d'Arc tThe Heir of LInne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec 2y2m. in 6:08. Modestie, 5-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:33. 4m. in 11 :06. Ambition Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 2y2m. in 7 4-5. Grandam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :19. tRigollot Rec. (4 : yr.) 3%m. in 10 :36. Winner of the Trot- ting Derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga, 5-yr Rec. 2%m. in 7:34. And 13 other win- ners of races. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yr. Rec. 3m. in 7 :42. Winner of 28 races. Heliotrope. Rec. 2m. in 5 :38. La Hardiere. Rec. lYsm. in 5:02. tCherbourg Rec. 2y2m. in 6.40. Winner of the Der- by at Rouen, 1883, and 11 other races. Sire of Kaboul, 4-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :06 2-3 Fine Champagne, 4-yr. Rec. 2%m. in 6:51. La Force, 3-yr. Rec. 2m. in 5 :14. Quarantaine, 3-yr. Rec. 2y2m. in 6:37. And 02 others, win- ners of races. Dam of Impetieuse. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :44. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :38. La Hardiere. Rec. 1 % m. in 5 :02. tNormand Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2 m. in 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 2y. m. in 6:40. Virago. Rec. 3% m. in 9 :56. And 78 other win- ners of races. Peschlera I Dam of Cherbourp, 4-yr. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :40. Farceur. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6 :39 4-5. Destrier, 4-yr. Rec. 3% m. in 10:18. r tNlger ' Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2 m. in 7:05. Sire of Serpolette. Rec. 2% m. in 6 :35 1-5. And 94 others, win- ners of races. tGalaor Winner of the Manchester Trade Cup. Mrs. Walker. Grandam of Al- lumette. Rec. 2^4 m. in 7 :04. tCrocus Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7 :14. * Elisa. I Rec. 2y2 m. in 8 :35. tPretty Boy. Sire of Rebu^. Rec. 2 V-i m. in 7 :24. Daughter of Ulyssee II. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7 :24. tConquerant. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7 :55. Jeanne la Folle. By The Heir of Linne. winners of 31 races. tDlvus. Sire of Normand. R£C. (3-yr.) 2y2 m. in 7 :03 4-5. Christlane. Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 2y2 m. in 6:54. tExtase. Sire of Ecoliere and Pcschiera. Anita. Sister to Serpolet- Bai. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7 :11 2-5. tThe Norfolk Phenomenon. Sire of 52 winners of races. Miss Bell. Dam of Travail- Icuse. Rec. Hi m. in 4 :07. tSerenade. Sire of Etudiant. Rec. 3y2 m. in 10 :32. Amaranthe Rec. (3-yr.) 2y2m in 7 :39. Dam of Isaure Clemence. Rec. 2 yam. in 6:49. *- Kyr telle. Rec. ^Viva.. in 6:51. La Valliere. Rec. 2 yam. in 6:56. Nougat. Rec. 2m. (less 150 yds.) in 5 :19. Orisette. Jenny L'ouviere. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, 12 Rue 1,'Arcade. Pans. tStallions owned by the French Government. 73 Fleurette Winner of First Prize at Mesle sur Sarthe. Dam of Havane. Rec. 2 m. in 6 :03. Amaranthe. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7 :39. Toison d'Or. Dam of Wlu. Sire of the dam of El- lora. 4-vr. Rec. 2^ m. in 6 :16. 74 SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG ISABEL 3390. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, with dam, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, breeders' collection. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Bay; foaled March 1, 1901; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam ISAXJRA by Indre. 2d dam Isaure-Clkmence by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Pesciiiera. 3d dam Amaranthe by Niger, he by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Miss Bell. 4th dam Fleurette by Serenader, he by The Troubadour. 5th dam ToisoN d'Or by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 6th dam E:ylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine (Arab). 7th dam La Louve by Chasseur, he by Eastham out of Marquise. 8th dam by Valient, he by Equator. 9th dam by Eclatawt, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyer. 10th dam La Vidvid by Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 11th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 12th dam Mare of Medavy, owned by M. Neveu. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoffroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay foaled 1879 by Quielet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867 by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut foaled 1833 by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811 by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay foaled, 1799 by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784. by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). I^dre, chestnut, foaled 1886. by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadia. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Obville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera by Extase. NoRMAND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. FRENCH COACH HORSES. ISIS 2505. Dam: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, with dam, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, breeders' collection, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Bay; foaled March 27, 1899; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam IsAURA. by Indke. 2d dam Isaxire-Clemence by Cherbourg, he by Normaxd out of Peschiera. 3d dam Amaranthe by Niger, he by Norfolk PhEx\ome::s'on out of Miss Bell. 4th dam Fleurette by Serexader, he by The Troubadotjr. 5th dam ToisoN d'Or by Tipple Cider, he by Defence out of Deposit. 6th dam Eylau, he by Napoleon out of Delphine (Arab). 7th dam La Loute by Chasselt:, he by Eastham out of Marquise. 8th dam by Valient, he by Equator. 9th dam by Eclatant, he by Bacha out of a daughter of Highflyer. 10th dam La Vidvid by Vidvid, he by Vagabond. 11th dam La Petite Matador by Matador. 12th dam Mare of Medavt, owned by M. Neveu. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoffroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867 by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville bay, foaled I860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiat-or out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut foaled 1833 by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811 by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay foaled, 1799 by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784. by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by Tlie Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of IMrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830. by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by ^Vhiskey. OR\^LLE, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera by Extnse Normand, brown bay. foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834. by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay. foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. 76 SEDGEI.EY FARM CATAI^OG JURANDE 413. Dam of Inkermann, first prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Also dam of Italic, first in breeders' collection. Jurande Is a full sister to Sans Vergogne, winner of 20,740 francs, and winner of the Saint Leger of 1884, trotting the race of two miles and a half, under saddle, over a turf track, carrying 137 pounds, at the rate of 2:40 per mile. Jurande is a half-sister to Hemine, winner of the French Trotting Derby in 1888, and the fastest mare of her age ever produced in that country, she having won a total of 57,735 francs as a three-year-old. Jurande has, besides these, seventeen half-brothers and sisters that have all trotted the long races over the rough tracks of that country, under saddle, carrying from 150 to 175 pounds, at better than a three-minute gait. One hundred and eighty-seven sons and daughters of the grandsires of Jurande have been winners in the annual races of France, aggregating 800,000 francs; one of them alone winning over 100,000 francs, trotting a two mile and a half race, under saddle, carrying 155 pounds, at the rate of 2:32 per mile. Fifty-one sons of the grandsires of Jurande have been owned by the French government, and stood in the National Haras. Bay; foaled March 25, 1887; imported 1889; bred by M. Allix Courboy, of La Manehe; got by the government stallion Reynolds. Dam ]\IiNUiT by Lavatek. 2d dam coach mare purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. CoNQUERAj^T, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. EIapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matciiem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown 1724) out of Roxana. Lavateb, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Tbe Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henrietta by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. JUNO. Bay; foaled 1901; got by Peer. Dam JuRANDE by Reynolds. 2d dam MiNUiT by Lavatek. 3d dam coach mare purchased by M. Pierre from the stables of Napoleon III. Peer, dark bay, foaled 1896, by Perfection out of Eclatante by Courtisan. PERi'ECTlON, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouvilxe, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Parti.san, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8"os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG, by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Reynolds, chestnut, foaled 1873, by Conquerant out of Miss Pierce by Success. CoNQUERANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Ivapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg, etc. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by In- vincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 78 SEDGEI^EY FARM CATAl,OG LEOTA 2191. Second prize, in class, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Second prize, with colt, Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo^ 1901. Dam winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach Mares. First prize at Montebourg, 1886. First prize at Valogne, 1888. First prize at Valogne, 1889. First prize, French Breeders' Bronze, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize, in class. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Light chestnut; foaled June 29, 1897; got by Indre. Dam LiBEETE by Domino Noir, he by Lavatee out of La Pastoukelle by Pace. 2d dam Negro by Norfolk Hero. 3d dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 4th dam Miss Bell (mother of Niger). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. G'alaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Dairoletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 17G4, by Marske out of Spiletta by Efigulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomeuon out of Henriette by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 79 LEONA 3391. First prize Illinois State Fair, 1901. Second prize, with dam, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Chestnut; foaled May 29, 1901; got by Perfection. Dam Leota by Indre, he by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. 2d dam Liberte by Domino Noir, he by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. 3d dam Negro by Xorfolic Hero. 4th dam Queex by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 5th dam IStlss Beix (dam of Niger). Perfection, bay, foaled 1SS7, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quielet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. l"RouviLLE bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1874, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, Jby Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of a sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerlj^ Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Hbhr of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853. by Galaor out of Mrs. W^alker by Jereed. GAJLA.0R, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MlTLEY Moloch, bro\vn, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Or\t:lle, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrougii, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blecklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. SQUfRT, chestnut, foaled 1732. by Bartlct's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. 80 SBDGKI^EY FARM CATAt,OG LETITIA. Brown; foaled July 25, 1902; got by Perfection. Dam Leoxa by Indee, he by Phaeton out of Bettina by Regollot. 2d dam Liberte by Domino Noie', he by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. 3d dam Negko by Norfolic Hero. 4th dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 5th dam Miss Bell (dam of Niger). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banydls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sulton. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouvjlle, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fik-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Ttirk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indee, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Eegulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blecklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845 by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 81 LIBERIE 365. First prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach Mares. First prize at Montebourg, 1886. First prize at Valogne, 1888. First prize at Valogne, 1889. First prize French Breeders' Bronze, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize, in class. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Brown bay; foaled April 30, ISSG; imported 1889; bred by M. Xoe!, of La Manche; sired by tbe government stallion Domino Noir. Dam Xegro by Norfolk Hero. 2d dam Queex by Eclipse, he by PERFOKiiER out of Leda by Tigris. 3d dam Miss Bell (Mother of Niger). DOMixo Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858. by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomexox, black, foaled 1845. by Old Phenomenon. Eclipse, bay, foaled 1S4G, by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. sedge;l,ey farm catalog LUELLA. Dam winner of first prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach Mares. First prize at Montebourg, 1886. First prize at Valogne, 1888. First prize at Valogne, 1889. First prize French Breeders' Bi onze. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize, in class, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut; foaled 1901; got by Indie. Dam LiBERTE by Domino Noir, he by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. 2d dam Negro by Norfolk Hero. 3d dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 4th dam Miss Bell (mother of Niger). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of JIi's. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Oiville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Qrvllle, bay, foaled 1799, by B<'ningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrougii, bay, foaled 1791. by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1 175, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Eegulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blecklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. Eclipse, bay, foaled 1846, by Performer out of Loda by Tigris. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 83 MIG>0> 3392. Sire: Championship over all Coach and Carriage Breeds, same age and sex, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First prize Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Chestnut; foaled July 15, 1901; got by Paladin. Dam iliJiiXDRE by Ixdre. 2d dam Mimosa by Cherbourg, he by Xormaxu out of Peschi^ra. 3d dam Gekaxce by Phaeton, he by The Heir of Lixxe out of a daughter of Crocus. 4th dam Glorieuse by Seducteur, he by Xoteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. 5th dam Ecoliere by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Kramer. 6th dam Therese by Destin, he by Usite out of a daughter of Troarn. 7th dam Brillaxte by Jericho, he by BiROx out of L'Aigle by Voltaire. 8th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Vaxiext. 9th dam L'Imperieuse by Imperieux, he by Youxg Rattler out of a daugh- ter of VOLOXTAIRE. 10th dam daughter of Ardrossax. 11th dam by Sxail, he by Stamford out of a daugther of Eclipse. 12th dam by Seduisaxt, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaire. 13th dam daughter of L'Aueyrox. 14th dam daughter of La Parfait. Paladix, dark bay; foaled 1896, by Perfection out of Modestine by Corporteur. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. BAi^YULS, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumixeux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Galion. Trouviixe, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara" by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Paulino by Moses. Partisax, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-S'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). iNDRE, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina.by Rigollot. Phaetox, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Lixxe, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of :Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by ]\Iuley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by :Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. :^1uley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Benixgbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. KixG Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). 84 SEDGEIyEY FARM CATAI.OG MIMINDRE 1981. First prize, shown with sire, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Second prize, in class, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Dam winner of Sweepstakes, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, in class. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, collection. World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. Chestnut; foaled SeiJtember 17, 189G; got by Indie. Dam jVIimosa by Cherbourg, he by Xormand out of Peschie:ra. 2d dam GekXnce by Phaeton, he by The Heir of Lixne out of a daughter of Crocus. 3d dam Glorieuse by Seducteur, he by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. 4th dam Ecolieke by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Kramer. oth dam Therese by Destin, he by Usite out of a daughter of Tuoarn. 6th dam Brillante by Jerico, he by Birox out of L'Aigle by Voltaike. 7th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 8th dam L'iMrERiEUSE by Imperieux, he by Young Rattlek out of a daugh- ter of Volontaire. 9th dam daughter of Ardrossan. • 10th dam hj Snail, he by Stamford out of a daughter of Eclipse. 11th dam by Seduisant, he by Ramsay cut of a daughter of Voltaire. 12th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 13th dam daughter of La Parfait. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1880, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 18.53, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Okville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blecklegs by Hutton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Cheebourg, bay, foaled 1880, by ISTormand out of Peschiera. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1809, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Qxjebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young Highflyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Indre "{ First Prize over all breeds, Universal Exposition. Paris. 1S89. Gold Medal offered by French Gov- ernment for best carriage stallion, any breed. Grand Prize of Honor. "^'Grid's Columbian Expo- sition. "Bonheur Bronze." Sweepstakes. World's Columbi- an Exposition. First Prize in Class. World's Columbian Expo- sition. First prize. with get. TV'orld's Co- lumbian Exposi- tion. Champion Winner all Coach breeds, Chicago Horse Show. 1894. First Prize in class. Chicago Horse Show. 1894. First prize in class. National Horse Show, New York. 1896. Champion winner all Coach and Carriage breeds: First prize in class; First Prize, with get; Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Mimosa < First Prize in Class, World's Columb- ian Exposition. Sweepstakes World's Columbian Exposi- tion. First Prize in lection same hibition. Mimosa's sire dam both winners of Derby ; one sister of her was winner the Derby, another full ter was the Col- Ex- m. in 7 4-5. tPhaeton Rec. 21/2 Sire of Ellora. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:16. Harleij, 3 and 4-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 18-16 m. in 7 :23. Ecoliere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. in 7:12. 3% m. in 10 :22. Escapade III. 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :10. And 125 others, win- ners of races ; also sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. Bettina Dam of Indre. Winner First Prize Universal Expo- sition, Paris, 1889. Sister to Impetieiise, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7 :42. Winner of 28 races. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m in 5 :38. La Hardiere. Rec. 1% m. in 5 :02. Cherbourg Rec. 2 V2 m. in 6 :40. Winner of the Derby at Rouen, 1883. and 11 other races. Sire of Kahoul, 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :06%. Fine Champaone, 4-vr. Rec. 2% m. in 6:51. La Force, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :14. Quarantaine. 3-yr. Rec. 21/. m. in 6 :37. The Rose, 3-yr. Rec. 21/0 m. in 6 :40. And 51 others, win- ners of races. tThe Heir of Linne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :08. Modestie, 5-vr. Rec. 21/, m. In 6 :33. 4 m. in 11 :06. Ambition Dam of Phaeton. . Rec. 21/^ m. in 7 4-5. Grandam of Indicateur, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :19. tRigollot Rec. (4-yr.) 3% m. in 10 :36. Winner of the Trot- ting Derbv at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olya, 5-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 7:34. And 13 others, win- ners of races. Jeanne d'Arc Dam of Impetieuse. Rec. 2 1/2 m. in 6 :44. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :38. La Hardiere. Rec. I'/s m. in 5 :02. tNormand Rec. 3-vr. 2i/, m. in 7 :03"4-5. Sire of Cherbourg, 4-yr. Rec. 2Vj m. in 6:40. Virofjo. . Rec. 3% m. in 9 :56. And 76 other win- ners of races. Peschiera . Dam of Cherbourg. Rec. 21/0 m. Farceur, Rec. 2 1^ 6 :39 4-5. Dei^ trier 4-yr. tGalaor. Winner Manchester Cup. Mrs. Waitcer. Grandam of liuiiette. Rec. m. in 7 :04. of the Trade 4-Tr. in 6 :40. 5-yr. and were the full dam of and sis- dam Rec. 3% m. in 10:18. f tPhaeton 1 Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-yr. I Rec. 2 1/1 m. in 6:16. And 126 others, win- ners of races : also the sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. Al- 21/2 tCrocus. Sire of Rec. 21/2 m. Elisa. Rec. 2% m. Favorite. in 7 :14. in 8 :35. tPretty Sire Rec. 21/, Boy. of Rebus, m. in 7 :24. Daughter of Ulyssee II. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :24. tConquerant. Rec. 2 V, m. ii Jeanne la Folle. By The Heir of Li/nne. Sire of 31 winners of races. tDivus. Sire of Sormand. Rec. 3-vr. 2% m. in 7 :03 4-5. Christiane. Dam of Bataclan IV. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:54. tExtase. Sire of Ecoliere. Pescheria. Anita. Sister to Serpolet-Bai. Rec. 21/2 m. in 7 :11 2-5. tThe Heir of Linne. Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:08. Ambition. Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 2 Vi m. in 7 4-3. I Gerance -i Rec 2 m. in 5 :25 2-5. Winner of the Derby of Trotters at Rouen. 1887. and the Grand Prize of the Govern- ment at Flers. 1887. Dam of La France, ."'-yr. Rec. 2I0 m. in 7 :2<>. All of the above trottine performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Tiercelin, 12 Rue L'Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 85 of two winners. Derby Glorieuse Dam of (ie.rance. 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :25 2-5. tSeducteur. Sire (if La Grislere, Centaur, Glorieuse. Ecoliere. 86 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATALOG MIXERS 1993. Dam winner of Sweepstakes, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, in class, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, in collection, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Dam of Minuette, first prize Pan-American Exposition, 1901. Bay; foaled May 17, 1895; got by Ixdre. Dam Mimosa by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Peschiera. 2d dam Gerance by Phaeton, he by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. 3d dam Glorieuse by Seducteur, he by Noteur out of a daughter of Fati- BELLO. 4th dam Ecoliere by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Kramer. 5th dam Therese by Destin, he by Usite out of a daughter of Troarn. 6th dam Bri t.t . an te by Jericho, he by Biron out of L'Aigle by Voltaire. 7th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valiext. 8th dam L'Imperieuse by Imperieux, he by Young Rattler out of a daugh- ter of Volontaire. 9th dam daughter of Ardrossan. 10th dam by Sxail, he by Stamford out of a daughter of Eclipse. 11th dam by Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaire. 12th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 13th dam daughter of-LE Parfait. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Xancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Cherbourg, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera. Norm AND, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859. by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850. by Ganjonede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xerxes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. > Indre First Prize over all m. in 6 :23 3-5. 2 13-16 m. in 7 :23. EcoUere, 4-yr. Rec. 2 13-16 m. In 7:12. 3% m. in 10:22. Escaijade III, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :10. And 125 others, win- ners of races : also sire of the dams of 46 winners of races. Bettina Dam of Indre. Winner First Universal tion. Paris. Sister to Impetieuse, 4-yr. Rec. 3 m. in 7 :42. Winner of 28 races Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :3S. La Ha/rdiere. Rec. I'v4 m. in 5 :02. fThe Heir I of Linne ^ Sire of Pactole. 4-vr. ( Rec. 2yo m. in 6:08. ^ Modestic, 5-vr. Rec. 2 Vo m. in 6 :33. 4 m. in 11 :06. . Prize Expo- 1889. Ambition Dam of Phaeton. Rec. 214 m. in 7 4- Grandam of Indicateur, 3-vr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :19. tRigollot Rec. (4-vr. I 3% m. in 10 :36. Winner of the Trot- tingr Derby at Pont I'Eveque in 1876. Sire of Olga. 5-vr. Rec. 2% m. in 7:34. And 13 others, win- ners of races. ■ Jeanne d'Arc Dam of Impetieuse. Rec. 21/2 m- in 6 :44. Heliotrope. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :3S. La Hardiere. Rec. 1% m. in 5 :02. tNormand Rec. 3-yr. 2i^ m- in 7 :03 4-5. Sire of Cherhoury, 4-yr. R??"*?"^ in-6-:4K ] «^^- -^.^.^ ' ^'' Winner of the ""-'- ' Vitaoo. < Derbv at Rouen. 1883 and 11 other races. Sire of Eahoiil. 4-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :06 73. Fine Champagne. 4-yr. Rec. 2% m. in 6 :51. La Force, 3-yr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :14. Qiiarantaine. 3-yr. Rec. 2Vo m. in 6 :37. The Rose, 3-vr. Rec. 21/0 m. in 6 :40. And 51 others, win- ners of races. ago. Rec. 3% m. in 9 :56. And 76 other win- ners of races. Peschiera Dam of Cherbourg. 4-vr. Rec. 2 14 m. in 6 :40. Farceur, 5-yr. Rec. 2i/> m. in 6 :39 4-5. Destrier, 4-yr. Rec. 3% m. in 10 :1S tPhaeton Rec. 2 Vi m. in 7 4-5. Sire of Ellora, 4-yr. Rec. 21^ m. in 6 :16. Gerance i And 126 others, win- Rec. 2 m in 5 :25 2-5. Winner of the Derbv of Trotters at Rouen. 1887. and the Grand Prize of the Govern- ment at Flers. 1887. Dam of La France, 3-vr. Rec. 214 m. in 7 :20. ners of races : also the sire of the dams of 46 win- ners of races. tGalaor. Winner of the Man- chester Trade Cup. Mrs. Walker. Grandam of AUu- mette. Rec. 2yo m. in 7 :04. tCrocus. Sire of Favorite. Rec. 2y2 m. in 7:14. Elisa. Rec. 2% m. in 8 :35. tPretty Boy. Sire of Reins. Rec. 21 o m. in 7 :24. Daughter of Ulyssee II. Rec. 2yo m. in 7 :24. I tConquerant. ] Rec. 2 V2 m- in ''' =55. " Jeanne" ta Folle. By The Heir of Linne. sire of 31 winners of races. f tDivus Sire of I 'Kormana. ] Rec. 3-yr. 2y2 m. m I 7 :03 4-5- I Christiane Dam of Bntaclan Iv- Rec. 2 lo m. in 6 :54. tExtase Sire of EcoUere. Pcscheria. Anita Sister to Serpolet-Bat. Rec. 2V2 m- 1° 7 :11 2-5. tThe Heir of Linne Sire of Pactole, 4-yr. Rec. 21-2 m. in 6 :08. Ambition Dam of phaeton. Rec. 2y. m. in 7 4-5. Glorleuse Dam of Gerance, 3-vr. Rec. 2 m. in 5 :25 i i^Seducteur Sire of La Grisierc. Centaur. Gloricuse. Ecoliere All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of Frace, published annually by M. Tiercelin, 12 Rue !«' Arcade, Paris. tStallions owned by the French Government. sedgeIvE;y farm catai^og MIRANTHA 2607. First prize, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Dam: Sweepstakes, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, in class. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. First prize, collection, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Bay, foaled June 14, 1899; got by Perfection. Dam Mimosa by Cherbourg, he by Normand out of Peschieea. 2d dam Gerance by Phaeton, he by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. 3d dam Glorieuse by Seducteur, he by Noteur out of a daughter of Fati- BELLO. 4th dam Ecolieee by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Kramer. 5th dam Therese by Destin, he by Usite out of a daughter of Troarn. 6th dam Brillante by Jericho, he by Biron out of L'Aigle by Voltaire. 7th dam Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a davighter of Valient. 8th dam L'iMPEaiiEUSE by Imperieux, he by Young Eattlee out of a daugh- ter of Volontaire. 9th dam daughter of Ardrossan. 10th dam by Snail, he by Stamford out of a daughter of Eclipse. 11th dam by Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaire. 12th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 13th dam daughter of Le Parfait. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. Lumineux, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled I860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). CHEaiBOURG, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera. Noemand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850, by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay, foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. Xeexes, bay, foaled 1834, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Young High- flyer by Highflyer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Godolphin Arabian. Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Matchem, bay, foaled 1748, by Cade out of a daughter of Partner by Jigg. Cade, bay, foaled 1734, by Godolphin Arabian (brown, 1724) out of Roxana. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 89 MINUETTE 2739. First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Chestnut; foaled April 11, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Regent. Dam, MixERVE by Indre. 2d dam Mimosa by Cherbotjrg, he by Norm and out of Peschiera. 3d dam Geraxce by Phaetox, he by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. 4th dam Glorieuse by Seducteur, he by Xoteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. 5th dam Ecoliere by Extase, he by Thesee out of a daughter of Kramer. 6th dam Therese by Destix, he by Usite out of a daughter of Troarn. 7th dam Brillante by Jericho, he by Biron out of L'Aigle by Voltaire. 8th dam by Ida by Basly, he by Eastham out of a daughter of Valient. 9th dam L'Imperieuse by Imperieux, he by Young Rattler out of a daugh- ter of Volontaire. 10th dam daughter of Ardrossan. 11th dam by Snail, he by Stamford out of a daugther of Eclipse. 12th dam by Seduisant, he by Ramsay out of a daughter of Voltaire. 13th dam daughter of L'Aleyron. 14tli dam daughter of La Parfait. Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by Gall. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MULEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by ]Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod, by Tartar, etc. IOng Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1704, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regiilus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1880. by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of ;Mrs. Walker by Jereed. CiiERBOiTiG, bay, foaled 1880, by Normand out of Peschiera, by Extase. Normand, brown bay, foaled 1869, by Divus out of a daughter of Kapirat. Divus, black, foaled 1859, by Quebec out of a daughter of Electrique. Quebec, bay, foaled 1850', by Ganymede out of a daughter of Voltaire. Ganymede, bay. foaled 1839, by Xerxes out of La Louve by Chasseur. SEDGEIvEY FARM CATAI^OG PAQUITA 1389. Second prize Illinois State Fair, 1900, (Palestine first). Full sister to Palestine. Winner of Grand Coach Horse Challenge Cup, over all breeds, any age or size, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Championship over all breeds, 16 hands and over, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First prize, in class, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. First prize Madison Square Garden, New York, 1896. Bay; foaled June 9, 1894; got by Perfection. Dam Paquekette by Omega, he by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. 2d dam Atlante by Hussien, he by Seducteub out of a daughter of Mas- TKILIX). 3d dam Patere by Pater, he by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. 4th dam by Vandebmulen, he by Van Tromp out of Miss Julia Bennett. 5th dam by Hautin, he by Xerxes out of a daughter of Jaggard. 6th dam by Lahore, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzard. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quielet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godol- phin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Omega, bay, foaled 1870, by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utrecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Prince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa, by Dungannon. Hussien, brown bay, foaled 1863, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Mastrillo. Seducteur, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteur, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of tlie Pope Mare by Waxy Pop*. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleer, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of E m. 7:04. in Negresse Dam of Mode.'itie. Rec. 4 m. In 11 :06 Second dam of Tigris. Rec. 2V2 m. in 7 :33. Sire of Iris. Rec. 2 5-16 m. In 5:47. And 123 other win- ners of races. tUgolln. Sire of Peppino. Rec. 3% m. in 8:54. Nigra. Second dam of Questor. Rec. 2i/, m. In 8 :35. Modestie Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. 4 m. In 11 :06. Dam of Heminc. I Rec. 21/2 m. In 6 :16. 3% m. in 9:44. Jachcre. Rec. 21/2 m. in 6:33. Rec. 3% m. In 8:20. I Paquerette. Rec. 2% m. in 7:53. Feuille de Lierre. I Rec. 2 m. in 5 :50. All of the above trotting performances are race records copied from the Official Trotting Records of France, published annually by M. Ticrcelin, 12 Rue 1,'Arcade, Paris. fStallions owned by the French Government. 97 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATAI^OG PRINCESSE. Bay; foaled May 20, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Eligius. Dam Paquita by Perfection, he by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. 2d dam Paquerette by Omega, he by Esculape out of a daughter of Otto- man. 3d dam Atlante by Hussien, he by Seducteur out of a daughter of Mas- TRILLO. 4th dam Patere by Peter, he by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. 5th dam by Vandermulen, he by Van Tromp out of Miss Julia Bennett. 6th dam by Hautin, he by Xerxes out of a daughter of Jaggard. 7th dam by Lahore, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzard. Eligius, bay, foaled 1898, by Inkermann out of Esmeralda by Perfection. Inkermann, chestnut, foaled 1892, by Indre out of Jurande by Reynolds. Jndre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Darioletta by Amadis. MULEY MoLocH, brovvn, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MULEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LuMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Omega, bay, foaled 1870, by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utrecht, baj', foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Prince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Mnina by Tigris. Rylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens. lltANCE, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. FRENCH COACH HORSES. QUALITYE II 1996. Second prize Trans- Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Second prize Illinois State Fair, 1898. (Berence first.) Bay; foaled April 2, 1896; got by Carnavalet. Dam QuAUTYE by Quality, he by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer. 2d dam Fetj-de-Joie by Nanteuil, he by Ignace out of a daughter of Vol-au- Vent. 3d dam Feu-de-Joie by Feu-de-Joie, he by Seducteur out of a daughter of The Repealer. 4th dam Idomonee by Idomene, he by Serenadee out of a daughter of Eylau. 5th dam daughter of Nanteuil. Carnavalet by Carnavalet out of Miss Quality by Quality. Carnavalet by Conquerant out of a daughter of Eclipse. CONQUERANT, bay, foaled 1858, by Kapirat out of Elisa by Corsair, by J. C. Knox's Corsair. Kapirat, bay, foaled 1844, by Voltaire out of a daughter of The Juggler. Voltaire, brown bay, foaled 1833, by Imperieux out of the dam of Raphael by Pilot. Imperieux, bay, foaled 1822, by Young Rattler out of a daughter of Volunteer. Young Rattler, bay, foaled 1811, by Rattler out of the Snap Mare by Snap. Rattler, bay, foaled 1784, by Magnum Bonum out of Flora by Lofty, by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Magnum Bonum, bay, foaled 1773, by Matchem out of a daughter of Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. Quality, bay, foaled 1872, by Centaure out of a daughter of Wanderer. Centaure, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteur, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteur, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804; by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. Chanticleer, bay, foaled 1787, by Woodpecker out of a daughter of Eclipse, by Marske, etc. Woodpecker, chestnut, foaled 1773, by Herod out of Miss Ramsden by Cade, by Godolphin Arabian. Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Nanteuil, chestnut, foaled 1869, by Ignace out of a daughter of Vol-au-Vent. Ignace, chestnut, foaled 1864, by Centaure out of a daughter of Lanercost. Centaure, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteur, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello, etc. Feu-de-Joie, chestnut, foaled 1861, by Seducteur out of a daughter of The Repealer. Seducteur, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteur, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede, etc. Idomenee, chestnut, foaled 1864, by S«renader out of a daughter of Eylau, Seeenadeb, chestnut, foaled 1851, by The Troubadour. iOO SEDG^I^EY FARM CATAI,OG TEPITA 1992. Dam of Tristan: First prize Illinois State Fair, 1901. First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Bay; foaled June 11, 1896; got by Indre. Dam Paquerette by Omega, he by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. 2d dam Atlante by Hussien, he by Seducteub out of a daughter of Mas- TRIIXO. 3d dam Patebe by Pater, he by Victorieux out of a daughter of Assault. 4th dam by Vandermulen, he by Van Tromp out of Miss Julia Bennett. 5th dam by Hautin, he by Xerxes out of a daughter of Jaggard. 6th dam by Lahore, he by Ledstone out of a daughter of Buzzard. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Ctocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. G-ALAOR, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. Muley Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Oxville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Heroil, by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- ' dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Ttirk. Omega, bay, foaled 1870, by Esculape out of a daughter of Ottoman. Esculape, bay, foaled 1860, by Utrecht out of a daughter of Koenigsberg. Utrecht, bay, foaled 1854, by Prince out of a daughter of Eylau. Prince, bay, foaled 1849, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Marengo. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826,, by Trance out of Hehe by Rubens. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Heiod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). I]t-ssii.;.\, l)ro\vii bay, fonlcd 1863, by Scductour out of a daughter of Mastrillo. Seducteur, bay, foalod 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. NoTEUR, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau, bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 101 TREASURE. Dam winner of First prize at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1889. Awarded gold medal of honor by the Minister of Agriculture, competition open to all breeds of Coach Mares. First prize at Montebourg, 1886. First prize at Valogne, 1888. First prize at Valogne, 1889. First prize French Breeders' Bronze, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Second prize in class. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, Dam of Trapeze, first prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Black; foaled June 18, 1896; got by Indre. Dam LiBERTE by Domino Noib, he by Lavater out of La Pastoureixe by Pace. 2d dam Negro by Norfolk Hero. 3d dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 4th dam Miss Bell (mother of Niger). Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by Kang Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by In- vincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. skdge;i.ev farm catai^og TRAPESE 2741. First prize Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo. 1901. Black; foaled April 13, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Peplno. Dam Treasure by Indre. 2d dam Liberte by Domino Noir, he by Lavater out of La Pastourkt.t.f. by Pace. 3d dam Negro by Norfolk Hero. 4 th dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Led A by Tigris, 5th dam Miss Bexl (dam of Niger). Pbpino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by GeofTroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. FiTz -Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. - Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg, by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Bbningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of La Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henrietta by Invincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foalod 1845 by Old Phenomenon. FRENCH COACH HORSES. *lfe THALIA. .Baj; foaled April 20, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam Treasure by Indee. 2d dam Liberte by Domino Noir, he by Lavater out of La Pastoxjeelm: by Pace. 3d dam Negro by Norfolk Hero. 4th. dam Queen by Eclipse, he by Performer out of Leda by Tigris. 5th dam Miss Bell (dam of Niger). Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoffroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMiNEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Ti-ouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. FiTZ- Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rarhael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay,, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. Jigg by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Tndre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Ctocus. •■ The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of ^Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick AndrcAvs. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1790, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791. by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, cliestnut. foaled 1764, by Marskc out of Spilctta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Domino Noir, black, foaled 1881, by Lavater out of T.»a Pastourelle by Pace. Lavater, brown bay, foaled 1867, by Y out of Candelaria. Y, black, foaled 1858, by The Norfolk Phenomenon out of Henriette by In- vincible. Norfolk Phenomenon, black, foaled 1845, by Old Phenomenon. 104 SEDGEI^EY FARM CATAI^OG VALERIA. Chestnut; foaled May 10, 1902; bred at Sedgeley Fann; got by Regent. Dam Vestal by Indre. 2d dam Vesta by Tamar, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. 3d dam by Pimpant, he by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Naviqateur. 4th dam by Interprete, he by Centaxire out of a daughter of Tancrede. Regent, chestnut, foaled 1895, by Leveraut out of Norma by Colporteur. Leveraut, chestnut, foaled 1888, by Phaeton out of Fleur de Genet by GalJ. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The HraR of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by BeningbroUgh out of Evelina by Highflyer, by Herod, etc. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod, by Tartar, etc. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 17G4, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Marske, brown, foaled 1750, by Squirt out of a daughter of Blacklegs by Hut- ton's Bay Barb. Squirt, chestnut, foaled 1732, by Bartlet's Childers out of a daughter of Snake by Lister Turk. Bartlet's Childers by Darley Arabian. Indre, chestnut, foaled 188fi, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Tamar, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jactator, chestnut, foalod 1865. by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Tdalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Tdalir, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapjnan. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foalod 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Trance, bay, foalod 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by \Vhiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1709, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784. by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foalod 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). FRENCH COACH HORSES. 105 VERONA 2292. Sire: First prize World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Chestnut; foaled June 22, 1898; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Parthian. Dam Vestax. by Iadke. 2d dam Vesta by Tajiar, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Fra.ncais. 3d dam by Pimpant, he by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateub. 4t]i dam by Inteirprete, he by Centaure out of a daughter of Tancrede. Parthian, bay, foaled 1892, by Perfection out of Germain by Miger. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuls, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. Quiclet, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor Fitz-Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dnngannon. Sir Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Eachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of IMrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. IviNG Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Tamar, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jactator, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Elu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina bj^ Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rutens, by Buzzard. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by WTiiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by DungSnnon. 106 SEDGEIvEY FARM CATAL,OG TESTAL 1392. ' Second prize in harness, 17 competitors, Chicago Horse Show, 1897. Chestnut; foaled August 3, 1893; got by Indre. Dam Vesta by Tamab, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Fbancais. 2d dam by Pimpajjt, he by ViCE-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateur. 3d dam Interpbete, he by Cextauke out of a daughter of Tancrede. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by Muley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by Muley out of Nancy by Dick Andrews. Muley, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbbough, bay, foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. King Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Eclipse, chestnut, foaled 1764, by Marske out of Spiletta by Regulus by Go- dolphin Arabian (1724). Tamab, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Franeais. Jactator, chestnut, foaled 1865. by Flu out of a daughter of Eylau. Flu, chestnut, foaled 1860, by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. Sylvio, bay, foaled 1826, by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Trance, bay, foaled 181/, by Phantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808, by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peteb, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. HiGHFLYEB, bay, foaled 1774, by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Heeod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tabtab, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. PiMPANT, bay, foaled 1871, by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigateur. Vice-Roi bay, foaled 1855, by Gainsborough out of a daughter of Merlerault. Gainsborough, bay, foaled 1845, by Gainful. Interprets, bay, foaled -1804, by Centaure out of a daughter of Tanci-edc. Centaure, bay, foaled 1858, by Seducteur out of a daughter of Merlerault. Seducteur, bay, foaled 1852, by Noteur out of a daughter of Fatibello. Noteub, bay, foaled 1847, by Eylau out of a daughter of Diomede. Eylau bay, foaled 1835, by Napoleon out of Delphine by Massoud Arabian. Napoleon, bay, foaled 1824, by Bob Booty out of the Pope Mare by Waxy Pope. Bob Booty, chestnut, foaled 1804, by Chanticleer out of lerne by Bagot, etc. FRENCH COACH HORSES. 107 VIOLETTE 2742. Bay; foaled March 16, 1900; bred at Sedgeley Farm; got by Pepino. Dam VESTAii by Indre. 2d dam Vesta by Tamar, he by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. 3d dam by Pimpant, he by Vice-Roi out of a daughter of Navigatecr. 4th dam by Ixterprete, he by Centaure out of a daughter of Tancrede. Pepino, bay, foaled 1894, by Perfection out of Tempest by Geoffroy. Perfection, bay, foaled 1887, by Banyuls out of Charlotte by Page. Banyuis, bay, foaled 1879, by Quiclet out of a daughter of Solide. QuiCLET, bay, foaled 1872, by Lumineux out of a daughter of Sultan. LUMINEUX, chestnut, foaled 1867, by Trouville out of a daughter of Gallon. Trouville, bay, foaled 1860, by Fitz-Gladiator out of Clementine by Governor. Fitz-Glauiator, chestnut, foaled 1850, by Gladiator out of Zara by Reveller. Gladiator, chestnut, foaled 1833, by Partisan out of Pauline by Moses. Partisan, bay, foaled 1811, by Walton out of Parasol by Pot-8'os. Walton, bay, foaled 1799, by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Sib Peter, brown, foaled 1784, by Highflyer out of Papillon by Snap. Highflyer, bay, foaled 1774. by Herod out of Rachael by Blank, by Godolphin Arabian (1724). Herod, bay, foaled 1758, by Tartar out of Cypron by Blaze. Tartar, foaled 1743, by Partner out of Meliora by Fox. Partner, foaled 1718, by Jigg out of sister to Mixbury by Curwen Bay Barb. JiGG by Byerly Turk (1680) out of a daughter of Spanker. Indre, chestnut, foaled 1886, by Phaeton out of Bettina by Rigollot. Phaeton, chestnut, foaled 1871, by The Heir of Linne out of a daughter of Crocus. The Heir of Linne, chestnut, foaled 1853, by Galaor out of Mrs. Walker by Jereed. Galaor, bay, foaled 1838, by jNIuley Moloch out of Diaroletta by Amadis. MuLEY Moloch, brown, foaled 1830, by ISIuley out of Xancy by Dick Andrews. MuLEY, bay, foaled 1810, by Orville out of Eleanor by Whiskey. Orville, bay, foaled 1799, by Beningbrough out of Evelina by Highflyer. Beningbrough, bay. foaled 1791, by King Fergus out of a daughter of Herod. Kjng Fergus, chestnut, foaled 1775, by Eclipse out of Polly by Black-and-all- Black. Tamar, chestnut, foaled 1875, by Jactator out of a daughter of Francais. Jacatator, chestnut, foaled 1865, by Elu out of a daughter of Eylau. Exu, chestnut, foaled 1860. by Idalis out of a daughter of Tipple Cider. Idalis, chestnut, foaled 1842, by Don Quichotte out of a daughter of Chapman. Don Quichotte, bay, foaled 1835, by Sylvio out of Moina by Tigris. SYL^^o, bay, foaled 1826. by Trance out of Hebe by Rubens, by Buzzard. Trance, bay, foaled 1817, by Pliantom out of Pope Joan by Waxy. Phantom, bay, foaled 1808. by Walton out of Julia by Whiskey. Walton, bay. foaled 1799. by Sir Peter out of Arethusa by Dungannon. Brown Swiss Cattle In addition to its stud of French Coach Horses the Sedgeley Farm HAS THE LARGEST HERD of IMPORTED AND PURE BRED BR.OWN SWISS CATTLE IN THE UNITED STATES CHOICE YOUNG BULLS AND HEIFERS for ^ a t e. Prices and catalogue furnished on application. — — BkciWN >U1^S Cl>\V l-LAWETIA l.'L' 1 Groui' of Brown Swiss Calves Under Six Moxths Old