Science IN THE FROM WW H.KELLER. TEMPLE OF MUSIC. , EASTON.PA. ^<;u TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ^v«i£y/ ^V „fc^-.\ '3" 9090 01T-549 360 -^ '.2:^ r-'^ CiirnminQS School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 d^^ ^^t;-. Science in the Stable OR, HOW A HORSE CAN BE KEPT IN PERFECT HEALTH AND BE USED WITHOUT SHOES, IN HARNESS OR UNDER TME SADDLE, WITH THE REASONS WHY. JACOB R. LUDLOW, M. D., Xate Staff Surgeon Ta. S, Brm?. Xieut.sColonel big 3Brevet. Easton, Pa.: Press of The Eschenbach Printing House. 1894, THIS LITTLE MONOGRAPH IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE SURGEON GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY, BY THE AUTHOR. flH Copyrighted, January, i894. jV TO animal so mucH enlists our sympa- thies as tlie Horse. His strength, beauty, and docility, appeal to our finer sentiments, and his utility makes him in- dispensable to our comfort, and often an ab- solute necessity in carrying on the work of life, whether of business or pleasure. But we have all been so annoyed by the many ailments to which he is subject, and the ill condition into which he so often falls, that many people who have kept horses merely for pleasure have been led to dispense with them entirely. And this trouble is continually on the increase. As wealth and refinement ad- vance, our horses are becoming more and more worthless. The value of a horse depends, chiefly, on his speed and endurance. If he has endurance without speed, he still has a value ; if he has speed with great endur- ance, he is invaluable. But if he has neither speed nor endurance, he has no value whatever. I have frequently noticed the possessors of fine teams afraid to dash out fifteen or twenty miles of an afternoon, lest their horses should suffer. Others drive two or three miles at a leisurely gait, every few days, apparently to benefit the health of the horse, without regard to their own pleasure or amusement, and the only sat- isfaction that seems possible is the display of a fine-looking and well-groomed team — a mere matter of pure ostentation. The horse must be constantly coddled, in the stable and out of the stable. He cannot stop any considerable time without being wrapped up in a warm blanket, and is always the subject of much care and solicitude. Such a state of things was unknown fifty years ago. Horses were then subordinate to man, not man to the horse. A man then took no pride in his horse, unless he could do something. He recognized the fact, that a horse was a locomotive ani- mal, and did not rate him high unless he could go and endure. Mere beauty of form and sleekness of coat, however desir- able, did not satisfy. They did not, in those days, worship '^ stable furniture." Note, that at that time blankets were little used, — never on saddle horses, — and the stables were carelessly built and very open. Glazed windows in barns or sta- bles were almost unknown. Now-a-days I frequently see horses com- ing from the country, blanketed to the ears, while standing in the street, with the thermometer at 60, and the sun shining. Fully half the horses we see on the street are stiff, or more or less lame. Now there must be something wrong to account for all this. Some persons have ascribed it, in rather a nebulous way, to the effects of civiliza- tion. But how does civilization act upon the horse, to produce this result ? Others again lay all the blame on the horse's shoes, and the farrier is found fault with. Those who refer all this trouble to civil- ization, instance the horses of semi-civil- ized people, that are exceptionally hardy, although they receive little care, and a great deal of bad and cruel treatment. Those who put all the blame on the shoes and the farrier, cite these same people in evidence, and because they never shoe their horses, therefore, the argument is, they never get stiff or lame. I think I shall be able to show how civilization injures the horse, and at the same time makes shoeing necessary. When we inquire into the natural history of the horse, we find that he is. lO pre-eminently^ an outdoor animal. In his wild state he is never housed. Night and day he is in the open air. Rain or shine, cold or hot, in storms of all degrees, he has no protection. He never creeps into caves for shelter, like the bear ; nor does he burrow, like the rat or beaver. He is not a nest builder, nor a nest seeker. He stays in the open, seeking the lee side of a hill, or thicket, perhaps, and herding together to find protection. His instincts keep him from going i7ito thickets for cover to avoid the attacks of carnivora. He seeks safety by flight, and therefore pre- fers the open plain. If we notice the things around and about us, we must see that the horse never suffers from cold as man suffers from it. II No one has ever seen a horse with his ears frozen, nor his feet frozen, no matter how much exposed to the bitterest cold. But many of ns have had personal experi- ence of frozen ears, and I have seen many persons with frozen feet, involving the loss of the whole foot, and this, in spite of wollen stockings and warm, thick shoes, and at the same time, not exposed to nearly the degree of cold that the horse resists without detriment. When we undertake to care for an ani- mal, the first and most essential thing is to place him as much as possible in his natural environment. A musk-ox cannot live much below the confines of the Arctic region. When seals are placed in the aquarium of a 12 museum, they would die if the tank was not kept constantly supplied with ice. The common domestic rabbit will thrive in a warren ; it is a burrowing animal, and needs protection from the cold. The hare, or our common wild field rabbit, would die in a warren ; it must have free, fresh air, which the common domestic rabbit does not need, and could not stand. The hawk would die in a cage in a parlor, while the canary bird thrives there and would die of cold if exposed to conditions that are essential to the hawk. So it is with the horse. His nature re- quires an abundance of fresh air all the time^ and he cannot be well, or do well, without it. We thoughtlessly compare a horse 13 with ourselves. Man, who is a house- building animal, requiring warm clothing, artificial heat, and cooked food, fancies that he must place a horse in surround- ings that would be comfortable to himself. So he wraps him up in a blanket, and puts him in a warm close stable. If he has the means, and values his horse highly, he builds him a stable with matched hard wood, oiled and polished, and ceils it tight overhead. He puts in glazed windows, so as to have plenty of light, and a ventilating shaft, perhaps a foot in diameter, in the ceiling, with a clos- ing valve, which is always shut in cold weather, and when left open, ventilates the stable about as much as taking a cork out of a bottle ventilates a bottle. He 14 puts him knee-deep in straw, or on a good thick bed of saw-dust, and then imagines his horse is happy. He gives him the best of oats, and hay, and water, and would give him fried oysters and chicken salad if the horse would eat it, simply because he likes such things himself. Now he shuts his horse up in this way to keep him warm and comfortable. He believes his horse should be kept warm because he himself needs warmth. He quite ignores the fact that he does not try to keep his own apartments warm by sim- ply closing the doors and windows, but uses stoves and heaters to keep the tem- perature comfortably warm, letting in fresh air from without. He knows that he would be injured if the air became foul and close. 15 But his dominant idea being warmth, he loses sight of the fact, that in shutting the horse up in a close room, to keep him warm, he must of necessity poison him with foul air. The consequence of this is, that the horse rubs himself, and tears his blanket, because he is too hot, or his skin itches. He kicks against the enclosure to break an opening to let in the air ; he loses his appetite, and he gets stiff or lame, or out of condition in some way. Then comes veterinary therapeutics, and endless contrivances, to correct what are considered his vicious habits. The trouble is, he is trying to make an out-door animal live in-doors, and that without giving him decent air to breathe. He supplies himself with a constant i6 change of air, but seems to think that his horse needs none. What he thinks most important is warmth. He, in short, is try- ing to keep a hawk as he keeps a canary, or to force a field rabbit to burrow in a warren. A horse that gets enough to eat will not be mjured by the cold^ nor suffer from it in any way. Major Arthur T. Fisher, late 21st Hus- sars, in a book published in London, 1891, referring to this subject, records many things that are well worth repeating. On page 8, et. seq,^ he says: ''Without ''the requisite supply of fresh air, it is "impossible to maintain horses in perfect "health and condition. The wilful, pig- " headed ignorance of grooms, in this re- 17 "spect, is proverbial. They are so afraid "that the horses under their charge will "catch cold, and their coats will "stare," "as it is termed, that they invariably stop "up every crevice and ventilator in a "stable, in cold weather, thereby thinking "to secure the end they have in view, "whereas they are all the time but taking "the most certain steps to insure the very " evil they would avert. It is well known, "and I may say, an undisputed fact by "all those who know anything about the "subject, that horses, young horses espe- " cially, on coming into stables from grass, "are nearly always affected with throat, " and often with lung ailments, in a greater " or less degree, while assuming the reverse " to be the case, and when they are removed i8 ^' from stables to grass, they rarely, if ever, "suffer from tHe change, thus proving "how absolutely essential pure air is to "their well-doing. Despite all that has " from time to time been advanced on this "subject, excepting in large establish- "ments, a well and properly ventilated " stable seems to be the exception rather "than the rule, and there are many of the " larger establishments, which I could name " if I chose, where such details are very "unduly cared for, and the ventilation is " by no means what it should be, although "the fittings, etc., of the stable may be "very smart and lavishly carried out in "other respects and the horses' names "painted up in gold letters, etc., and all " that style of thing, I have very often in 19 ^^ such stables been well nigh, stifled with ''the overloaded atmosphere * * * . In ''cavalry regiments, young horses which "are purchased as remounts, are chiefly "obtained in Ireland, and these come over " thence, in batches, varying in number as ''they are required. They are packed in "cattle trucks, and started on their jour- "ney, and often have to travel in severe "weather, with no other protection from " cold than their own coats. Yet, on their "arrival, few, as a rule, seem any the " worse for it, beyond fatigue and accidents, "the result of kicks, etc., and it is very " rarely, if ever, that they are affected with "coughs and colds. They are nearly all " brought straight from grass, yet, within a " few days after being placed in stables, and 20 "with every precaution taken to insure " ventilation, the doors and windows of the "stable being left open day and night, " and but very few being placed in each " stable, they nearly all suffer from coughs "and colds, which generally end in stran- " gles. During the autumn maneuvers of " 1875, I was with my own regiment, and "two other cavalry regiments, encamped " for some days, in a place called Colony " Bog, near Aldershot. It was a time to "be remembered very ruefully by all who " took part in them, by reason of its cheer- "less, wet misery, for during the ten days " we were there, I can truthfully assert, "that it rained almost incessantly, day " and night, and what, even in a dry sum- "mer, was always more or less of a bog. 21 became a lake. Until we had been tliere for some days, exposed to all tbis incle- mency of tbe weather, the horses had not as much as even a single blanket to cover them, and yet, notwithstanding this exposure, though it is true, they were affected by the cold and wet, (and it was cold and wet), in other ways, colds and coughs were unheard of. Again, at the same time, an officer of my regiment had, of necessity, to take out with him into camp — he being short of horses — an old and favorite charger, which, at the time of her going out of the stables in barracks, was suffering from a severe cold. In a few days she was quite well again. * * . If people would but give their horses a chance of breathing the 22 " air they should breathe, and which is so " essential for them, they would save them- " selves much anxiety and expense, con- " sequent upon the frequent visits of the '^ veterinary surgeon, and their horses "would be more fit to look at, and more "fit to go, than is but too often the case. ♦ * * * " Generally speaking, a horse does not "catch cold from exposure. It is rather "from the want of fresh, pure air, as I en- "deavored to show at the commencement "of this book (as above quoted in full). "With mankind, a cold generally is fol- " lowed by a cough ; with a horse the cough "generally precedes the cold. A horse " coughs, and the groom declares it to be "nothing but a little stable cough. This 23 "description should be rendered as a hot "stable cough. In such a case, it is more "than probable that, there being an utter "absence of proper ventilation in the sta- "ble, the impure vitiated air had irritated ^' the mucous membrane, and so caused the "cough. The irritation, unless treated "promptly, spreads, and a cold is the re- "sult; the horse gets dull and restless, " refuses his corn, and all the several stages "of a bad cold ensue; the nostrils dis- " charge, the poor horse is perfectly "wretched, the owner is obliged to walk, " and has probably to pay a veterinary sur- "geon a long bill, and all for the want of "a little attention to proper ventilation." The above is from an officer known as one of the very best and most accom- plished horsemen in England. 24 His views of taking care of horses are, However, entirely from tHe standpoint of the horseman^ and in otHer parts of His book I notice that he does not always carry His deductions from the observed facts to their logical conclusions. In his chapter on the construction of stables, he falls into the common error of thinking and acting as if the horse might be injured by too much fresh air, and therefore, in many places, gives directions about wrap- ping him up and regulating the amount of ventilation permissable. Not fully appreciating the physiological principles involved that should govern in this matter, he is prone to be misled by his own subjectivities, and perhaps an unconscious traditional bias, and therefore 25 too often ignores what lie sees and records as objective facts, in favor of some unscien- tific fancies. I have, however, quoted his facts and observations freely because these accord with my own experience, and as adding very valuable testimony on this subject. But to resume. It is very well known that the young horses that are brought from the west for the eastern markets are kept out of doors constantly, in all seasons of the year, with- out shelter, except perhaps, in some cases, an open shed for protection against the worst storms, and they come east in ex- cellent condition, clean-limbed, supple and healthy. But very soon after their arrival they are put in warm, close stables, and 26 they suffer from sickness, and this is called getting acclimated, when the truth is, they get sick simply because deprived of the pure air that is essential to their vigor and health. It matters not whether the air is hot, as in our summers, or cold, as in our winters; they equally enjoy it, and thrive only when the air is pure and fresh. Coldness, or heat, is of the smallest consequence. Freshness is essential. Dryness, or damp- ness, counts little. A horse will be per- fectly well in a damp, dewy meadow, when kept their night and day, and in all kinds of weather. Dampness is nothing. Fresh- ness is everything. And now let us inquire why this fresh- ness is so essential. 27 When the blood has been distributed to the various parts of the body, by the arteries, and has served its purpose of nour- ishing the tissues, it is picked up by the venous capillaries, and carried back, by the veins, to the heart, for redistribution. It is now forced to go through a process of purification before re-entering the arte- ries. It comes back to the heart, purple in color, loaded with carbon waste, and the effete remains, of the growth and de- cay of cells. Not one drop of that blood is allowed to enter the arteries again until it has passed through the lungs and been exposed freely to fresh air. Not only this, but the fluid contents of all the lympha- tics, and of all the lacteals with their loads of emulsed fat, and the new material. 28 from tlie stomach and liver digestion, are all mixed with the blood in the veins, on its way to the lungs. Nature emphasizes this process in a marked degree. Only a portion of the blood is sent to the kidneys for purification, and yet this purification is essential to life. But in the case of the lung circulation, every drop must go — new material, and old material, — all must receive the vivifying effect of fresh air. Here, in the lungs, the blood is quickly changed from purple to scarlet. The car- bon wastes seize upon the oxygen of the air, and are burned up, throwing off, as the result, chiefly carbonic acid gas, just as a stove sets off carbonic acid gas by the burning of coal. Various volatile sub- stances are at the same time got rid of, 29 which give more or less odor to the breath, and these, with the carbonic acid, etc., are exhaled by the animal with every breath. Now, the result of this combustion of material in the lungs is, as in the stove, productive of heat and here we find the great source of animal heat. Every time the animal takes in a breath of air, it con- sumes a portion of the oxygen of the air, in making heat and carbonic acid, and as this process goes on, ten or fifteen times a minute, the air in a circumscribed space, as in a close room or stable, becomes rap- idly exhausted of oxygen and overloaded with carbonic acid and other impurities, and less and less fit to carry on the vital processes. New oxygen must be supplied, and the carbonic acid blown away. If it 30 IS not supplied, as in the case of a close stable, the purple, impure venous blood, coming to the lungs, finds an inadequate supply of oxygen, and the changes so es- sential to life are only partially effected. The waste is not all consumed, and, con- sequently, we have loss of animal heat not only, but the unburned tissue waste is carried back by the arteries to the tissues, in spite of nature's care to prevent it, and acts as a poison to the whole body. Nature, truly, sets up certain vicarious actions, to partially remedy the defect, but is handicapped in its efforts. It sets the kidneys to do extra work, and the urine becomes loaded, and the kidneys may suf- fer damage, for trying to do what should have been done in the lungs. The skin 31 takes on extra duty, and we have excessive sweating ; and various scaly, itching, and unsightly eruptions make their appear- ance. These unburned and poisonous tissue wastes affect the muscles, and stiffness of the shoulder manifests itself, or weakness of the back, or muscular defect somewhere. The hoofs become slowly impaired and lose their toughness, and become brittle and weak. The nervous system suffers, and the animal loses vivacity, vigor and endurance. Touching the brain, you have the temporary delirium, known as ''blind staggers." Affecting the co-ordinating centres, you have stumbling and ''string- halt." Settling upon the digestive tract, "crib biting" and "wind sucking" and 32 colic appear. Affecting the ligamentous and bony parts, ''spavin" and ''splint" result, and in tHe eye all those changes of nutrition which result in partial or com- plete blindness. I think it is not too much to say, that about 98 per cent, of the disa- bilities to which horses are at present lia- ble are traceable to deficient oxidation of the tissues, caused by withholding the supply of fresh air which their nature re- quires. When a horse is violently exercised, all the tissue changes are accelerated. The heart beats quicker. The breathing is hurried. Why ? Because there is more waste tissue to be disposed of The blood rushes to the lungs for more oxygen, and the lungs hurry the breathing to meet the demand. 33 If the horse is in good condition, the blood well oxydized, and the cells of the various tissues thoroughly healthy, as in a horse who has been liberally supplied with fresh air, the blood rapidly takes up the oxygen, the extra waste caused by the exercise is burned up, and exhaled as car- bonic acid gas, and becomes harmless. Of course, the extra heat generated by the increasing supply of waste, and its rapid combustion in the lungs, warms up the body, and, as the organism would be seriously damaged if the temperature rose above 99 degrees, the automatic mechan- ism that regulates the temperature causes an increased action of the sweat glands of the skin, and the coat of the animal be- comes wet with perspiration, or, merely 34 moistened, in proportion to the violence of the exercise and the state of the weather ; and the evaporation of this perspiration cools down the body and keeps it at the normal temperature, and no harm to the animal results. But if the horse has been deprived of his full allowance of air by a period of close stabling, and his blood is only par- tially oxydized when this fresh rush of tissue waste is poured into the blood, the lungs become congested because they are behind their work and cannot dispose of the extra load put upon them, and it is not an uncommon occurrence for such horses to die from this lung congestion in a short time, or from a resultant pneumonia, and if they recover at all, they are a long 35 time in bad condition, to tlie great loss and inconvenience of the owner. Even if the horse escapes the immedi- ate danger to the Inngs, the increased waste, chiefly of the muscles, caused by the severe exercise, increases the demand for oxygen, and if he is taken back to his accustomed close stable, where the supply of oxygen is insufficient, his embarrass- ment is very much aggravated, and the blood becomes more loaded than before with these unconsumed materials, which, floating in the blood current, act, as I said before, as poisons to the tissues, especially to the muscles, which are supplied with an enormous amount of blood, and there- fore are much more exposed to the action of these poisons ; and the muscles, being 3^ the motive power of the animal, are among the first of the organs to show that they suffer ; and it is after violent and continued exercise that, in horses kept as described, we often have an acute or sudden attack of muscular breakdown, commonly called "chest founder." Now, it can be seen readily, I think, that a horse in the condition above de- scribed would have had a much better chance to recover if, instead of being closely stabled after the exercise, he had been left for hours in the open air. That might have given him the necessary oxy- gen to dispose of his extra load of waste. In speaking of the automatic action of the heat regulators, alluded to before, it might be as well to digress a little, and 37 inquire as to the propriety of warmly blanketing horses after severe exercise. What is the condition of the animal that comes in reeking with swxat ? It is cer- tain that his body has been extremely heated, as shown by his sweating. What will happen if he is allowed to stand in the open air ? The horse is still panting, which shows that he is hurrying the com- bustion of his tissue waste ; the heart is beating quickly, to send the blood quickly to the lungs, to have its burden of waste products burned up, and consequently, he is thereby still making an additional amount of heat. If allowed to stand in the open air, the extra heat being genera- ted will quickly dry the coat, and as the heat subsides, the hair will rise slowly, if 38 the air is cool, or cold, and thus prevent the too rapid dissipation of the heat, and the animal resumes his condition as be- fore. The self-regulating heat apparatus will bear some consideration, and it may as well be spoken of in this connection. When the air is mild, the coat will re- main smooth. If the air becomes cooler, the coat will rise, just in proportion to the change of temperature, and becomes loose and fluffy in the cold. This, practically, thickens the coat and makes it warmer. If, however, a horse that is sufficiently fed, suffers from cold which the rising of the coat is not adequate to relieve, another automatic operation is set to work, and he begins to shiver; that is, the muscles that 39 move the skin, and whose common use is to shake off insects that annoy the animal, are set in motion all over the body, and this adds to the heat production, by in- creasing the waste of tissue, — just as the exercise of the muscles of locomotion have that effect when the animal is at work. Now, if the air becomes warmer, or the horse is exercised, the coat will slowly fall. Thus, when it is necessary to keep in and preserve the heat, the coat rises, and prac- tically becomes thicker, just enough to pre- serv^e the proper equilibrium of tempera- ture, not allowing it to fall much below 99 degrees, and when it is necessary to increase the heat dissipation, the coat falls, or slowly becomes moist, just enough to control the temperature from rising above 99 degrees. 40 In a healtliy horse in summer, a reverse action may be observed. If the animal is standing or moving slowly in the hot sun, the hair will be seen to rise, to shut off the effect of the sun and to preserve the skin from being too much heated. Here the coat is practically thickened, to keep the sun from injuring the skin — to keep the heat out, — just, as in winter, the coat rises to keep the heat in. I have often noticed the rising of the summer coat in the hot sunshine. It puts on the appearance of cut velvet. The far- mers say the horse raises his coat to keep off the flies. If, however, when the summer coat is up against the sun's rays, you quicken his motion, and consequently his internal fires, 41 down will go his coat, and moisture will begin to appear. He is now cooling him- self, by the process of evaporation, just as he does with his winter coat in cold weather. We have been considering the condition of a horse just brought in after severe ex- ercise. Shall he be closely stabled and blanketed ? I have tried to show that this is not good practice. Scarcely any one would think of throwing him a mess of grain immediately. Yet there is a phy- siological reason for this, which it might be well to consider. When a horse is brought in hot and sweating, we have shown that this condition is owing to the rapid combustion of his tissue waste. He has now all he wants to do until he cools off by the evaporation of the wetting na- 42 ture has given him and the gradual sub- sidence of his internal fires. If we now give him a mess of grain, we are adding fresh fuel to the fires, as the newly diges- ted grain is poured into the blood and carried on into the lungs, increasing the work of the lungs. Thus scientific theory is perfectly in accordance with the ordinary practice of horsemen in this particular. Whether the withholding of water is of so much importance, I am not prepared to say. There seems to be some difference of opinion on that subject. It is proba- bly safer to err on the side of care. Yet the loss of water, by the sweating of the animal, would seem to indicate that the loss should be made good, and his thirst will always induce him to drink. If the 43 water was warmed, it could not do harm, and might be of great advantage, by in- creasing the fluidity of the blood. The practice in regard to this seems to vary in different localities, and experience ought to settle the question. But it can only be settled satisfactorily by experience with horses that have not been closely confined in stables, because horses that have been deprived of their full allowance of air for any considerable time are in a pathological condition, and what would obtain with them could not be predicated of horses in perfect health. The experience of our "cowboys" would be of value on this point. It is a common practice, however, of many owners of horses in the South and West to ride their horses 44 until they are reeking witli sweat, let them drink when they please, and leave them in the open air, without protection of any kind. But these horses, if stabled at all, are kept in stables about as fresh as out- doors. I have spoken of the automatic arrange- ment for regulating and maintaining a normal temperature existing in a healthy horse. When horses have been too closely stabled the delicacy of this mechanism is impaired. Their skins seem to be unnat- urally wet, and the perspiration oozes out on the slightest exertion, and when in their summer coats a very short drive will give them the appearance of being var- nished. This is looked upon by many as a marvel of skillful grooming. It is sim- 45 ply a pathological condition — a sort of colliquative sweat. When in winter coat it causes so mucli inconvenience that it has induced a practice, now quite general, of clipping or singeing — removing the winter coat entirely, — and this seems to be necessary, and even advantageous, un- der these circumstances. But this whole trouble, this inordinate sweating, this ''leaky skin," is produced by the poisonous action of the unconsumed tissue w^aste, caused by the deprivation of oxygen, acting probably through the vaso- motor nerves, deranging the delicate ad- justments so essential to health. I wish here to call attention to a fact which is a matter of common observation. It has often been noticed that horses 46 will sometimes shiver in a close stable in cold weather. The thing that naturally suggests itself to the keeper is a blanket, and I have known at least three blankets to be applied, and the animal would shiver still. Now, paradoxical as it may at first appear, this shivering is produced by the closeness of the stable, and if the animal is taken outdoors this shivering will in a short time cease. It will be remembered, as has been stated before, that the great source of animal heat is the oxidation of the tissues. If the animal is kept in an enclosure where the oxygen supply is de- ficient, he cannot bum his tissue waste well, and therefore cannot keep up his heat ; he is cooling down too much. If you cut off the supply of material to be 47 burned, as in starving animals, they will sHiver too. It makes no difference, as to tlie production of animal heat, whether you give insufficient food or insufficient oxygen. The result as to heat production will be the same, just as in a stove you get similar results from using little fuel or shutting off the draft. In other words, you get the same objective symptom of shivering whether you starve the animal by withholding food or withholding oxy- gen. When food supply is in excess, espec- ially if the amount of fresh air is limited, nature has a fashion of relieving the blood of the excess of carbonaceous material by storing it up as fat — and especially as subcutaneous fat, — and the animal, instead 48 of burning the excess or excreting it in any way, packs it up for future use, and in this way renders it harmless. Now this is all very well for a prize ox intended for the shambles or exhibition at a county fair, but the excess of fat is an encumbrance to the horse, by its added weight not only, but a heavy layer of fat under the skin, by its non-conducting properties, keeps in the animal heat, and in one that is driven rapidly is a serious impediment, and requires a more profuse perspiration to preserve the equilibrium of temperature. All practical horsemen know this, and avoid driving a very fat animal at a rapid rate. Horses used for racing are "trained down" by active ex- ercise, to prevent this accumulation, and 49 instead of fatness we have force. Some persons take great pride in having their horses look fat, and smooth, and plump ; and this is all very well for those who like it and are satisfied with a three- or four- mile-an-hour gait, but it will not do for rapid traveling. It will answer for a mill horse or a brewer's team, but not for a roadster, or a trotter, or a hunter. I think I have now shown sufficiently how civilization, or at least our civiliza- tion, causes the infirm condition of our horses, and how it necessitates the use of shoes, because horses kept as our horses are commonly kept cannot be driven with- out shoes. The hoof will not get used to it, and every trial of this kind will result in failure. 50 But if we consider the subject carefully, we must see that all people who use their horses without shoes have one thing in common, and only one thing, and it is this : that none of them have stables. There is no exception to this rule. Therefore, if w^e wish to dispense with shoes, we must dispense with stables. But it is next to impossible to dispense with stables, absolutely so in cities and towns. A stable, then, must be looked upon as a necessary evil, and our aim should be to minimize the evil, or, if possible, eliminate it entirely. The evil is in the restricted supply of oxygen, and this can only be corrected by making the stable as fresh as the pasture ground or the prairie. I have been experimenting in this way 51 for the last five years, and I find that a stable can be built that will give absolutely the same results as are gotten by dispens- ing with them altogether, and the horses kept in such stables can be used without shoes, either in harness or under the saddle. I have driven my own gig horse without shoes for nine months — winter, spring and summer, — and my saddle horse has not been shod in a year, although riding him from March to December over ma- cadam roads, boulder stone pavement, vit- rified brick, and country roads, and his hoofs are perfect. Everyone knows that saddle work is harder on the feet than work in harness, and my usual weight is 170 pounds. His feet wear true and 52 smooth, and His liind feet keep their points, are nicely oval — we may say spoon-shaped, — his front feet are slightly worn at the toes — rounded a little, just as an iron shoe wears at this point. The farriers and veterinarians who have seen him, and known how much and how long I have used him without shoes, consider the re- sult as very wonderful. It is hardly necessary to recount the advantages of this method. Besides the expense and trouble of sending a horse to the shop to have him shod, at least a dozen times a year, he, of course, never ''cuts" himself — he is in no danger of "calking" himself, an accident so common in winter when sharp-shod ; he is not subject to "capped elbow," he never "balls" in snow. 53 and lie does not slip on the ice. This I know from personal observation. Neither does he slip on wet and slippery asphalt or vitrified brick, or any of the smooth- faced pavements of cities, which have been so much complained of by horsemen as dangerous on account of their extreme slipperiness in wet weather. I have carefully compared the growth of the hoof of an animal stabled as de- scribed with that of horses brought from city stables and turned to pasture without shelter for a course of four or five months. If one will observe the effect on the nutrition of the hoof that occurs in a horse that has long been closely stabled and is then turned outdoors to pasture, he will see that this effect can easily be recognized by 54 the naked eye. The hoof grows about a quarter of an inch per month, so that in three months three-quarters of an inch of new hoof will have been formed. It is so different that its growth can be followed by the eye, month by month. Its grain is finer, its surface smoother, it is much bluer in color, and it is also a little smaller in diameter — about one-sixteenth of an inch on each side. This can be followed in a pasture field, for about five months, to the closing of the pasture season, and is accounted for by the farmers as due to the dampness of the ground and the dew on the pasture. But I have followed it through the entire year in a stable that is absolutely fresh, and have compared the hoofs grown in such a stable with those 55 grown in a pasture field, and they are absolutely identical. But when the horses are taken from the pasture and put back in their accustomed close stable, the re- verse change will be observed. If the hoof is washed so as to expose its surface, the changes in the growth of the hoof will be quite distinct. Now it will be coarser, rougher, and less blue — or rather grayish — and a little larger. Five months in open pasture will give about one inch and a quarter. Seven months of close stabling will give one inch and three-quarters, mak- ing about three inches as the length of the hoof It is a little more than this, but the difference is here practically of no consequence. Now the last inch and three-quarters, of course, is grown last, 56 and therefore that will be above, and the inch and a quarter of good hoof, having grown in the pasture the summer before, will be below, and that you will find if the foot is examined in the spring. I have observed it in scores of farmers' horses, in the spring, when there happened to be snow on the ground, which washed the feet in coming to town and exposed the grain of the hoof to view as they were standing on the street. It was the great difference in the hoof grown in the open air from the hoof grown in an ordinary stable that attracted my attention, and when I found I could preserve this open air character, and continue its growth during the whole year, I determined to test its strength practically, and the result I have already stated. 57 If you divide the time necessary to grow a new hoof from the matrix (coronet) to the free edge, which requires about twelve months, and keep the animal four months in the open air and then four months in a closed stable, and then again four months in the open air, an examination of the hoof then will show three bands of growth, easily distinguishable. At the free edge about one inch of good healthy strong hoof, the first grown of the series, then about one inch of rough, weak hoof, formed in the second four months, while in the closed stable, then about one inch of good hoof, extending to the matrix (coronet), and grown during the time of the last four months, in the open. I have occasionally observed such hoofs. In observing these 58 changes in the character of the hoof, it is of course necessary that in alternating between close stabling and open air, the transition should be sharp and decisive, otherwise the result will not be clearly defined. It is very well marked in the case of farmers who shut their horses up very closely in banked-stables during the winter, using them but little, and keep- ing them outdoors most of the time in the warmer months. If the alternations are irregular, or not pronounced, the result will be correspondingly confused and ob- scure. This change of nutrition extends from what we can see to what we cannot see. It would scarcely be reasonable to sup- pose that one part of the hoof — the outer 59 shell, for instance — would undergo a change of nutrition so marked and ob- servable without corresponding change in other parts of the hoof The sole would necessarily be effected in the same man- ner and degree. I had an accidental illustration of this in my own horse, while driving one day in February, when the weather was cold, and with a few inches of snow on the ground, I noticed that he suddenly limped for a few paces. As this had not occurred be- fore, it attracted my attention. It passed off immediately, however, and I thought no more of it, as he traveled over the frozen streets without showing any dis- comfort, and trotted into the carriage- house, with its hard plank floor, without 6o any sign of inconvenience. On acciden- tally taking up his front foot, as I was in the habit of doing occasionally, to my sur- prise I found a ten-penny cut nail which had entered the cleft of the frog and was bent over and lying flat on the sole. On taking hold of it, I found it quite loose, but could not get it out, and the hostler coming up, seized it with pincers and pulled it out, tearing the frog somewhat in doing so. On examining the nail, the end was found bent around in the form of a hook, which accounted for the difficulty in pulling it out, and likewise, for the tearing of the frog. Now this nail, which was a new one, must have been straight when it entered the frog, and could only have been bent by encountering the hard 6i and tough laminae of the sole. When the point first impinged against the sole, as it was driven in by the blow of the foot, it was felt, and caused lameness for a few steps, but being deflected, and its point bent round, it could go no further, and the subsequent blows of the foot flattened it against the sole, and it caused no more in- convenience. The horse showed no lame- ness afterward, and I doubt if it would have caused any trouble had it remained. I have known horses to have the sole of the foot penetrated, with considerable bleeding, by accidentally stepping on the sharp point of a dry lilac-stock that had been cut off obliquely. What would be- come of wild horses if their feet were so vulnerable ? How long would they escape the wolves ? 62 At tHe risk of a little apparent repeti- tion, I wisli to refer a moment to the effect of dryness and humidity upon the hoof. It will be observed that as the hoof grows during the winter — that is, for the five months from the first of November to the first of the following April, — the coarse, weak hoof that is grown in the closed stable during that time gradually pushes down before it the portion of good hoof that was grown during the previous sum- mer — that is, in July, August, September and October, — and in the spring — that is to say, in April, May and June — the wear will be entirely on this good portion of the hoof. But by about the first of July this part of the hoof will be worn out and the wear will begin on the weak winter growth, 63 and this will continue during tHe rest of the summer and the following fall, and the difference in the strength of the two growths will be noticeable. This has given rise to the belief, which is very general, that the hot dry roads of this season of the year have caused the hoof to become weak and brittle, not perceiving that the animal is really wearing upon the weak growth of the previous winter, and its weakness and brittleness are owing to its having been grown in a closed stable, and not to the hot, dry roads. So in the spring and early summer, when the hoof seems stronger and better, its condition is thought to be owing to the coolness and wetness of the roads. It is therefore a common belief that wetness and moist roads are good for 64 a horse's feet, not understanding that at this time the strong portion of the hoof grown in the previous summer and early fall is bearing the strain. Now it must be apparent that dryness or wetness cannot be important factors as effecting the strength or condition of the hoof, else why is the hoof equally good in Ireland, where it is almost constantly wet and cool, and in Arabia, where it is almost constantly dry and hot ? Anyone who has noticed the hoofs of dead horses lying in the fields, not only for months, but for years, without *any perceptible change, must see that wet does not soften them or dryness make them friable, nor even freez- ing cause their disintegration. The hoof is not hygroscopic to any appreciable ex- 65 tent anymore than a bull's horn. If it were otherwise, horses that are worked in water, or on muddy roads, for weeks at a time, as they constantly are, would be very soon disabled, and horses that traverse the hot and sandy deserts of Arabia would soon have nothing of the foot left but a friable, broken-up mass of crumbling hoof. And thus we can see how futile must be the effect of poultices and wet applications and the various hoof ointments that are so much relied on to improve the texture and condition of the hoof They simply produce the effect of a temporary varnish, improving, perhaps, its appearance, and thus deceiving the eye without affecting in any way its substance. Any change in the quality and texture 66 of a hoof must be effected at the time of its growth at the matrix. When a layer of hoof is formed, the work is completed so far as the active vital pro- cesses are concerned. These vital pro- cesses are active only within the hoof, in the sensitive parts, not in the outer insen- sitive parts — the hoof proper, as distin- guished from the foot, — and the hoof be- comes, and is to all intents and purposes, an inorganic product. It has the proper- ties of hardness, elasticity, toughness and durability. It is insensitive, and resists decay or change, whether on the living animal or removed from the foot, and its removal makes no difference in these pro- perties. It is as resistant to change as ivory or 67 whalebone. Its quality depends on the condition of the blood of the animal at the time of its formation. As it was formed, so it remains, and it can only be modified by conditions that effect its nutrition as it is gradually being constructed. And now we can truthfully say, — ^'' a pede herculem^^ — as the foot is, so is the horse. If by securing and maintaining a perfectly healthy environment for our ani- mal, we get perfect feet, all the other tissues of the body will share in the betterment. But no one must suppose that a horse kept as I have described will go without shoes in a few weeks, or months. If used^ he must be kept shod for at least a year, because it takes that length of time to grow an entire hoof, and he must not be 68 allowed to contract "tlmish," and if lie is suffering from "thrush," it must be cured, or otherwise his frog will be tender and he will not be able to go. Of course, no horse should be allowed to have thrush, as it is produced by standing on fermenting dung, and is evidently microbic in its nature. It is therefore easily preventable, and is cured by a number of microbicides, such as carbolic acid, sulphate of zinc, corrosive sublimate, etc. But perhaps the most convenient is dry calomel. I have spoken of this, rather more in detail than I otherwise would, even trench- ing a little on medication, which is rather the province of the veterinarian, and some- what foreign to the general line of thought we have been pursuing, because " thrush " 69 is among tHe few diseases that are not de- pendent upon the condition of the air, but is due to the pollution of the stall by the excrement of the animal. Here let us observe, that the horse, one of the cleanliest and most fastidious of animals, does not seem to possess these traits when stabled. This plainly shows that he was never intended to be stabled. Nest-building or nest-hunting-animals are always tidy about their sleeping places. Everybody must have observed that dogs never soil their beds, and this is true, in every instance, and of all such animals ; even the hog, that was certainly never noted for his neatness, has this instinct. But the horse is entirely indifferent to, and exercises no care in this matter at all. 70 Why? Simply because a nest is foreign to his nature. When he urinates, how- ever, he carefully extends his fore legs, to avoid having them spattered and soiled. He uses care here. But when you put him in a stable and force him to sleep in a nest, contrary to his nature, his instincts, not having been educated to the caring for and keeping of a nest, are at fault, and necessarily so in an animal whose home is the open plain, and who seldom, or never, sleeps twice in the same spot, but finds a fresh place to rest whenever his needs require. In whatever direction we look, whether we take into view his natural history, and study him in his wild state, or as we find him among savage or semi-civilized peo- 71 pies, or, as lie is under our own care, ob- serving his Habits and bis instincts, and tbe diseases and disabilities to which he is subject, we cannot fail to recognize the fact that in his whole organization and development he is a free, wild, roaming child of the air, without local habitation, gathering his food where it grows, seeking it wherever it may be found, and migrat- ing from place to place, as suits his com- fort and convenience. When we catch him and restrain him of his liberty, for our own use, and teach him to do our bid- ding, we must not restrain him of his right to breathe his native air, and we must also be careful to supplement his lack of the nest-keeping instinct by taking care of his nest for him. 72 These two things are essential to his well-being : pure air to breathe and a clean stall to stand in. It is not my intention to describe, mi- nutely, how a stable should be built. The details of this must depend on varying and varied conditions. It should, however, be supplied with plenty of windows, but without any glass in the sash. Wire screening, of about one eighth inch mesh, is much better, as it lets in both light and air, and at the same time shuts out the larger flies and other insects, and protects the horse from annoyance by children and other thoughtless or malicious persons, and causes the air to come in slowly and steadily, without much blowing. There should be no shutters on these windows. 73 as tlie stablemen are sure to shut tliem on cold or stormy nights and in wintry weather. I say this from personal expe- rience, as I was obliged to have them re- moved from my stable for this very reason. They should be protected, however, by a hood, or some other contrivance, to keep out driving rain, or drifting snow — not that rain or snow would hurt the horse, for it would not, but is inconvenient and unpleasant for the attendants and owner. How this is to be done is a matter for the builder or architect to manage. My stable has a ten-foot overhang on the north side, and most of my windows are on that side. Only one window on the east gives me any trouble at all in this way, but as the snow falls on the floor, in 74 front of the manger, it is easily swept np, and gives me no concern. The ventilators should be large and ar- ranged at the discretion of the builder. But they must be ventilators in fact, and not alone in name. They should have no closing valve, for they should remain open all the time. It should be remembered, however, that to maintain an air current, requires the expenditure of force, and this must be provided for in some way. In winter I find nothing better than an open grate fire in the stable, and in summer I have found that the sun's rays falling on the roof and front of the building can be utilized, and is sufScient to excite a satis- factory current, and is quite inexpensive. This, however, is a matter of mechanical detail. 75 But it must not be forgotten that a sta- ble requires much more air than a dwell- ing house. Aside from the fact that a horse requires more fresh air than a man, from his original nature and constitution — not being an animal that in his wild condition seeks any shelter, — aside from this, I say, his habits differ very much from those of man. As I have already said, he urinates in his stall, or box, and drops his dung w^here he stands, and this requires an extra allow- ance of air to keep down unpleasant and unwholesome odors. What would be the condition of the air in a bed-room if man adopted the habits of the horse? And yet we have seen that, ordinarily, man sup- plies himself with a much larger amount 76 of air than he gives his horse. Neither should we forget that the air of a close stable is a hotbed of microbic forms. All kinds of pathological germs multiply here with great rapidity, and if the horse is in- jured by kicks, or other accidents, he will be very liable to suffer from this cause, and as tuberculosis and tetanus, especially the latter, are common among horses, and as these diseases are now considered of microbic origin, his risks are increased by this exposure. Finally, the method of stabling we have been advocating commends itself to us, not only because it conserves the health and well-being of the animal, but also as a matter of convenience to the keeper. As there are no window-shutters to be opened 77 and shut, they require no attention; the stable requires no airing in the morning, because it is always aired ; and when being cleaned and swept, the dust is immediately carried out by the air currents, so as not to be annoying. But it should be distinctly understood and remembered, that the inorganic dust is much less harmful than the organic dust — those microscopic germs, before spoken of, which, though they cannot be seen, are potent for evil, ^'the invisible powers of the air," whose acquaintance we have formed only in recent years, which commit their depredations in the quiet, and on the sly, and which revel most where the air is most foul and most stagnant. But of much more consequence is the 78 fact that a horse may be kept in such a stable, weeks and months, without injury. As ordinarily kept, a horse must be taken out and exercised at stated periods, or he will suffer. But he may be abso- lutely confined to such a stable without be- ing taken out at all, especially if kept in a box, and he will suffer no harm. He will not get stiff, his legs will not ''stock," nor will he lose his appetite. He will remain perfectly well. I have seen this done so often, in the last two years, that I cannot be too positive about it. And this means a good deal in long storms and inclement weather of any kind. To illustrate this, I will say, that during the last two years I have seen a fine Ken- tucky saddle horse so stiffened in the 79 shoulders by hard riding and close stab- ling that he had been condemned as per- fectly worthless, and sold for a few dollars, after having undergone all the traditional treatment for that condition, for a long time, without benefit. This horse was so disabled that he could hardly get in or out of the stable; he could not step backward with his left foot at all, being obliged to drag it when moving, or trying to move, in that direc- tion. This horse, kept as I have herein indicated, and without any other treat- ment whatever, in six months could be ridden with little show of lameless, in one year he moved nicely, and in eighteen months was practically well. For the first year, he was almost constantly in his box. 8o and only taken ont at long intervals. For the first five months he was not taken out at all, and yet his improvement was constant and continuous. So these conditions, thor- oughly maintained, conserve not only, but at the same time restore health. Colonel Ingersoll is reported to have said, that "if he had made the world, he would have made health catching, instead of disease." That result to horses will be realized if the conditions I have described are fully complied with. At the risk of seeming prolix, I will add here, that I have seen a young horse, "over at the knees," with swelled hocks, and in bad condition generally, completely recover in a year by this method, and re- main well, though subjected to constant 8i hard usage, and tliat animal is still in per- fect condition; and a horse so disabled from what is commonly called "heaves," that it could scarcely be driven, completely cured in less than a year, and subsequently sold as a sound animal. Cases of so-called " sweeny," — paresis of the supra and infra- spinatus muscles of the shoulder,— various eye diseases, etc., have disappeared with- out medication of any kind, under this method, and during last winter (i892-'93), the coldest winter we have had for years, out of a dozen horses so kept, not one had a cough or cold, or suffered from sickness in any way, although I frequently saw, on very cold days, the nostrils covered with frost from the congealed vapor of the breath. No horse was blanketed, and no horse shivered. 82 It will be found also that the behavior of a horse leaving a cool, fresh stable on a cold morning, is in marked contrast with the conduct of a horse leaving a close, warm one. The former comes out quietly and sprightly; he sniffs the cold air, but is not unduly excited by it. He seems to enjoy it without the least discomfort, while the latter is nervous, restless, exci- ted, sometimes shivers, can hardly be kept quiet, and is difficult to control. Drive the first-mentioned horse five miles or so, and at the end of the drive he is just as fresh and free as at the start — sometimes even more so. He sweats, if at all, very moderately, and he is quite ready for another dash. The latter, after driving 83 about the same distance, will lose spirit, toss His head up and down, as if fatigued, lop his ears, require the touch of the whip, every little while, to prevent his lagging, and move reluctant, as " the whining school-boy, creeping like snail unwillingly to school," — and instead of sweating on his neck, shoulders and flanks, as in the former case, will sweat profusely all over, and to such a degree as to have forced upon us the practice of clipping and singe- ing, as before mentioned. On stopping, it suggests the necessity of a blanket, which is never needed in the case of the first- mentioned horse, who can stop after a drive in the cold air with perfect impunity. I have seen my own horse,and he was a high- strung and nervous animal, stand an hour 84 tied to a post at the curbstone, after a drive, when the thermometer was near zero, and instead of being restless and impatient, have found him quietly dozing. The horse blanket then, instead of be- ing, as many think, a positive necessity, is merely a matter of fancy — ornamental, perhaps, but quite unscientific, — giving much more comfort to the owner than to the animal. Personally, I never use one. It should not entirely escape our atten- tion, that when we cover a horse with a blanket, no matter how much imaginary pleasure it may afford us, we are really only trying to protect the toughest part of the animal, — his roof, as it were, where the skin is the thickest, and the coat heaviest, and the sensibility the least, — while the 85 cold air has free access to the under parts of the body, where the skin is the thinnest, and the coat lightest, and the sensibility much the greatest. The truth of it is, we have not hereto- fore been governed in these matters by reason, but rather by a sickly sentimen- tality and unknowledge. A horse cannot speak. He is incapable of expressing his wants, or feelings, in articulate language. If he could, he would indulge in a great deal of profanity, very likely. But to the observant, he need not talk. When he pricks up his ears, and is quick and vigo- rous in his movements, his eyes bright, and eats with a relish, and does not shiver, one may safely come to the conclusion that he is not unhappy. 86 If what I have written is true, and it is true, the greater part of veterinary medi- cine will have to be rewritten. All the diseases produced by the defi- cient oxidation of tissue must be elimina- ted, and aside from accidents, traumatisms, etc., very many horse diseases, now recog- nized, will go the way of '' miliary fever," and such like afflictions of mankind that flourished two or three hundred years ago, when physicians shut their patients in close rooms, stuffed cotton in the key-holes, caulked the window and door cracks, sweltered the sick under loads of blankets, and gave hot drinks to sweat out disease, until at last it was found that fresh air and cleanliness had a value, and now even the names of these diseases are found only in medical text-books of a century ago. 87 Tliere was, of course, some excuse for these old doctors. Little was then known of the functions and philosophy of respi- ration, and even the existence of a pul- monary circulation had hardly been dis- covered, and was not at all understood. But this excuse is not available for us in the closing days of the nineteenth century, and it is a sad commentary on the intelli- gence of educated man, and we may add, of the medical profession, that in this re- gard we have retrograded instead of ad- vancing ; and in caring for our horses, we are practically behind the semi-civilized, and even savage races. ^m^t^BT Family Library of Veterinary Medldn© Cymmings School of Veterinary Medidnae* Tufts University 200 Westboro Road ||orth6fanon,MA 01530 IP^ ;^#'