2^iS-?.;-;V«:;,V^ •?^Kr;, ::;:,:;•:••-■ e?:mons_hawkins hardvjare co Harness Catalogue ns SPECIAL HARNESS CATALOGUE SEASON 1910 and 1911 Emmons - Hawkins Hardware Co. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Hardware, Tools, Stoves, Household Goods, Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition, Contractors' and Blacksmiths' Supplies, Building Material, Paints and Oils, Gas Fixtures, Mantles, Iron, Steel, Etc. HUNTINGTON, W. VA. THE WEXNER COMPANY, AKKON, OHIO 3 9090 013 421 652 This catalogue presents to your notice a representative line of Harness, Harness Parts and Kindred Goods for the Fall of 1910 and the Spring of 1911. While this is an advance catalogue, giving a fair idea of the goods usually in demand for the general trade, we might add that we are in position to supply on short notice almost anything desired by the contractor, the farmer, the stableman, etc. Mail orders may be intrusted to us, with the assurance that our prices will be the lowest consistent with shipping facilities and market conditions. Huntington is situated on the Ohio River and enjoys the advantage of four important railway lines, thereby securing good rates by both river and rail. We make special effort to ship all goods the day the orders are received. We think our friends will agree with us that it is more satisfactory to place your orders with an established house close at home, with a good repu- tation for reliability and fair and honorable dealing, than it is to send your orders far away to dealers not well known to you. Write us for quotations on your season's requirements. We are thankful to our many friends for their liberal patronage, which has made possible our Extensive Stock and Efficient Service, to merit a continuance of their many favors will be our constant aim. EMMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO.. Huntington, W. Va. 3 Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01 536 ^■vf EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^ Single Buggy Harness Bridle. — % inch, flat check and winker stay, overcheck, patent leather blinds, ring bit. Lines. — %-inch, buckle and billet, all black. Breast Collar. — Folded, short loops, to buckle. Hames. — 3% pounds. Japanned, short loop tugs. Traces. — 1-inch, double and stitched, to buckle. Collar. — Black buggy. Saddle.— 2 V-inch, cloth lined, full pad. Shaft Tugs. — %-inch, leather loop. Belly Bands.— 1-inch, Griffith, %-wrap straps. Turnback. — %-inch. round buckle-on crupper. Hip Straps. — %-inch, double. Breeching Body. — Folded, full layer. Holdbacks. — %-inch. union loop buckles. No. 100— Single Buggy Harness. With Breast Collar. X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete No. 101— " " " " Collar and Hames X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete. Per set. $13.00 14.00 Bridle. — %-inch, box loops, flat winker stay, overcheck. patent leather blinds, ring bit. Lines. — %-inch, buckle and billet, all black. Breast Collar. — Folded, short loops, to buckle. Hames. — SV-2 pounds. Japanned, short loop tugs. Traces. — 1%-inch. double and stitched, to buckle. Collar. — Kip buggy. Saddle. — 3-inch, cloth lined, full pad. Shaft Tugs. — 1-inch, box loop. Belly Bands.— 1 ¥4 -inch, Griffith, %- wrap straps. Turnback. — %-inch, round buckle crupper. Hip Straps. — %-inch, double. Breeching Body. — Folded. %-inch layer. Holdbacks. — %-inch. union loop buckles. No. 105 — Single Buggy Harness. With Breast Collar. X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete No. 106 " " " " Collar and Hames. X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete. Per set. $14.50 15.50 ^■^.f EnMOrqS-HAWKlNS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. V_ 3 Single Buggy Harness Bridle — %-inch. metal loop cheeks, flat winker stays, patent leather blinds. Lines — % x %-inch. buckle and billet. Hames and Tugs — Japanned, brass or nickel, 1 %-inch loops and buckles. Traces — iVfe-inch, doubled and stitched, to buckle. Collar— No. 100. Breast Collar — Folded, metal loop tugs. Saddle — 3-inch, leather pad, strap. Shaft Tugs— 1-inch, with billets. Belly Band— Double, % x iVt- inch. Breeching Body — Folded, with layer, metal loop tugs. Turnback — %-inch, double, Eng- lish style. Hip Straps — %-inch. double. Holdback Straps — %-inch. No. 120 — Single Buggy Harness. With Breast Collar. XC or Japanned Trimmings. Complete No. 121 — " " " ■' Collar and Hames. X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete. Per set. $14.50 14.50 Bridle — %-inch, metal loop cheeks, round winker stays, patent leather blinds. Lines — %-inch, buckle and bil- let. Hames and Tugs — Brass or nickel trimmed, metal loops. 1%-inch. Traces — 1%-inch, single strap, to buckle. Collar— No. 104. Breast Collar — 2Vo-inch curved. 1%-inch traces, attached, split neck strap. Saddle — 3-inch, leather lined, strap. Shaft Tugs — 1-inch, metal loops. Belly Band— GrilTith style, %- inch wrap straps. Breeching Body — 1%-inch, sin- gle strap, metal loop tugs. Turnback — %-inch, sewed crup- per. Hip Straps — %-inch, split. Holdback Straps — %-inch. Per set. No 110 — Single Strap Buggy Harness. With Breast Collar. Solid Brass or Nickel Composition Trmiming.-. Complete .■•■■••:•• *16 .40 No. Ill — Single Strap Buggy Harness. With Collar and Hames. Solid Brass or Nickel Composition Trim- mings. Complete 16.50 4 ^^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Single Buggy and Wagon Harness Bridle — %-inclr, metal loop cheeks, round winker stays, patent leather blinds. Lines — % x 1-inch, steel billets. Hames and Tugs — Brass or nickel trimmed, metal loops, 1%-inch. Traces — 1%-inch, single strap, to buckle. Collar — Xo. 104. Saddle — 3-inch, swell strap, leather lined. Shaft Tugs — 1-inch, metal loops. Belly Band— Griffith style, iy2- inch. Breeching Body — iVa-inch, sin- gle strap, %-inch metal loop tugs. Turnback — -Ji-inch, English, buckle crupper. Hip Straps — %-inch, double. Holdback Straps — "/s-inch, brass loops. No. 115 — Single Strap Buggy Harness. Solid Brass or Nickel Composition Trimmings. Complete. Per set. .$17 . 50 Bridle — T-s-inch, flat cheeks, fla;t winker stay and side reins, red blinds, ring bit. Lines — 1-inch, with buckles and billets. Hames— Red, X C ball top. Traces — 1 %-inch, double and stitched, 5V2 feet with 12- inch heel chains. Collar— Black split. Saddle — oVo-inch, short leather pad, S A tree. Shaft Tugs — With bar buckles and dee billets. Belly Bands— Flat. Turnback — 1-inch, with safe. Hip Straps — %-inch, double. Breeching Body — Folded, with layer. Holdbacks — 1-inch, with union loop buckles. No. 125 — Single Wagon Harness. X C Trimmings Complete _^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ Single Wagon and Express Harness bii- and 12- Bridle— 1-incli, Hat cheeks, Hat winker stays and side reins, red blinds, ring bit. Lines — 1-inch, buckles and lets. Hames— Red, X C ball top. Traces — 1%-inch, double stitched, 5V2 feet, with inch heel chains. Collar— Black split. Saddle— 5y2-inch, short leather pad, S A tree. Shaft Tugs— With bar buckles and dee billets. Belly Bands— Flat. Turnback — 1%-inch, with safe. Hip Straps — li/4-inch, double. Breeching Body — Folded, with layer. Holdbacks— 1%-inch. union loop buckles. No. 130 — Single Wagon Harness. X C Trimmings. Complete No. 131 — ■■ " ■■ Full Brass Trimmings. Complete Bridle — %-inch, bo.x loop cheeks, round winker stays, flat side cheek, half cheek bit. Lines — 1-inch. Hames — Red, ball top, box loop tugs. Traces — 1%-inch, double and stitched. Collar— No. 30, kip Saddle — 4-inch, full padded en- amel, cloth lined. Shaft Tugs— 1%-inch, with bil- lets. Belly Bands — Folded, leather loops. Turnback — "/s-inch. buckle crup- per. Hip Straps — %-inch, double. Breeching Body — Folded, box loop tugs. Holdbacks — 1-inch, roller buckle, leather loops. No. 135— Single Express Harness. Full X C or Japanned Trimmings. Complete. Per set. $27.00 e ^^f EPIMOMS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Single Express Harness Bridle — '^-inch, box loop cheeks, round winker stay, round side check, half cheek bit. Lines — lx1%-inch, buckle and billet. Hames — Red, ball top, 1%-inch box loop tugs. Traces — 1%-inch. double and stitched, with cockeyes. Collar — Kip, team. Saddle — 5-inch, leather pad. sin- gle strap skirts. Shaft Tugs — 1%-inch, 1 '4-inch billets. Belly Bands — Folded, leather loops. Turnback — 1 x 1%-inch, buckle crupper. Hip Straps — Vs-inch, double. Breeching Body — Folded, box loop tugs. Holdbacks — 1% - inch, leather loops. No. 145 — Single Express Harness. Full X C Trimmings Bridle — %-inch, round reins and winker stay, nose band, swell blinds. Lines — 1%-inch, buckle and billets. Hames — Brass ball top. Traces — 1%-inch, three-row stitched, attached to hames. Collar— No. 80. Choke Strap — 1-inch. Saddle — 5 - inch, harness leather skirts, leather pad. Shaft Tugs — 1%-inch. Belly Bands— Folded. Turnback — 1%-inch, buckle crupper. Hip Strap — 1 inch, fancy split. Breeching Body — Double and stitched. Holdbacks — iVi-inch, leather loop. No. 155 — Single Express Harness. Brass Trimmings. Complete. Per set. $50.00 _.vf E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^ Double Team Harness Bridles — %-inch, Pigeon Wing blinds. Lines — %-"ich by 16 feet. Hames — Red stage, X C ball top. Traces — 1%-inch by 4V2 feet, chain 3y2-8-2 stage. Collar— No. 9. Breast Chains— 26-8-2. Choke Straps— iVt-inch. Back Bands— Folded, l^/i-inch layer and billets. Breeching — Stage, %-inch. Holdbacks — %-inch. Can also be furnished with iVo-inch traces at $1.00 advance. No. 140 — Double Team Harness. X C Trimmings. Complete Bridles — %-inch, flat winker stays, cup blinds, fancy fronts, ring bits. Lines — 1 inch by 16 feet. Hames— Red, X C. ball top. Traces— 1 %-inch by 41/2 feet, double and stitched, 3% feet stage chain. Collars— No. 31, kip. Breast Straps — 1%-inch, with slides and snaps. Choke Straps — 1%-inch. Back Bands— Folded, 1%- inch reverse billets. Belly Bands— Folded, iVi- inch buckles. Breeching — Folded, 1%-inch turnback, %-inch double hip straps, %-inch hold- backs. Can also be furnished with 1%-inch traces at $2 00 extra. No. 150 — Double Team Harness. X C Trimmings. Complete 8 ^■^fE?lMO:^S -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ Double Team Harness Bridles — 1-inch, harness leather cup blinds, round winker stays, fancy face piece, brass fronts, ring bits. Lines — 1%-inch by 16 feet. Hames — Red, dandy brass ball top. Traces — 2-inch, heavy, double and stitched, with clips, and 3% feet heavy stage chains. Collars — No. 55, fair throatless. Breast Straps — 1^'2-inch, with snaps and slides, or Covert's No. 218 breast chains. Choke Straps — 1^2-inch. Back Bands— Red. felt lined, IV2- inch reverse billets. Belly Bands— Folded, l^A-inch buckles. Breeching — Folded, iVL'-inch turn- back, 1-inch double hip strap, 1-inch holdbacks. This harness can also be fur- nished heavier at advance price. No. 160 — Double Team Harness. Japanned Trimmings, with Brass Top Hames and Spots. Complete. Per set. $58.00 Bridles — %-inch, heavy cup blinds, face piece, round winker stays, ring bits. Lines — 1-inch by 18 feet, extra heavy. Hames — Dandy concord bolt, brass ball tops. Traces — 2-inch front parts, 1%- inch rear parts, with hooks. Collars — Heavy team No. 80. Breast Straps — 1%-inch. Breeching — 1%-inch folded, 1%- inch layer. 1%-inch back straps, 1%-inch side straps, iy>-inch side backers. No. 165 — Heavy Team Harness. Japanned Trimmings, Brass Ball Hames. Without Collars. Per set. $90.00 ^f EPIMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ 9 Slip Harness Saddle— Swell shape, harness top and pad. Shaft Tugs— %-inch, with billets. Belly Bands— %-inch, flat. Turnback — %-inch. Hip Straps — %-inch, double. Breeching Body — Folded. Holdbacks — %-inch. Per set. No. 1— X C Trimmed -ffi.OO Saddle— 5^i-inch, harness leather top and pad, S. A. tree. Shaft Tugs — 1-inch, with billets. Belly Bands— %-inch, flat. Turnback — %-inch. Hip Straps — %-inch. double. Breeching Body— Folded, 1-inch, layer. Holdbacks — %-inch. Per set. No. 2— X C Trimmed $8.00 Saddle— 6-inch, straight skirts. S. A. eather pad. Shaft Tugs— iVj-inch. Belly Bands— lV2-inch. Turnback — 1%,-inch. Hip Straps — 1%-inch. Breeching Body — Folded, 1%-inch layer Holdback Straps— 1 %-inch. Per set. No. 3— With 1%-inch Breeching. X C Trimmings $14.00 No. 4- •• iVs • " 13.50 No.5- '■ 1 ■ " 13.00 lO ^C E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Hip Straps and Breeching Cart or Dray Breeching. Bodies. Hips. Kidney Straps. Turnback Per Set. No. 15—2% iVs 1 iVs $5.50 No. 16—3 iVi 1% iVi 6.50 No. 17— 3 V^ 1% 1% 1V2 7.70 No. 18—4 1% iy2 1% 9.50 Lead Hip Straps. With Snaps and Folded Crupper. No. 10 — 1 -inch Hip Straps, 1%-incli Turnbac :k. . $3.60 No. 11— iy4 •• " 2y2 •• . 4.80 No. 12— lya " " " 3 . 6.00 No. 13—1% " " " 3y2 " 6.50 No. 14—2 r-rr^ 4 . 8.50 ^^ ^^ ^^H 1^^^^^^^ Rj No. 20. Stage Breeching Folded, with Layer, Metal Clips, Brass Loops and Buckle Shields, Snaps. Size, inches Vi Vb 1 iVs iy4 iy2 Per Set $5.50 6.50 7.20 S.OO 9.00 10.00 Mine Hip Straps. All Straps Sewed to Leather Center. Per set. No. 30 — 1%-inch Cross and Back Straps, 2-inch Hip Straps $5.00 ^vf EJMMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. v_ Harness Breeching No. 31. Stage Breeching. Wide Fold, with Layer. Double-in Rings, Brass Trimmings, Snaps. Size, inches 1 iVi IV2 Per Set $8.00 9.00 10.00 No. 34. Yankee Breeching. Folded, with Layer, Metal Loops and Clips, Snaps. Size, inches % Per Set $5.50 '/s iVs IV2 iVz 6.50 7.25 8.00 9.00 10.00 No. 32. Stage Breeching. Folded, with Layer, Metal Clips and Loops, Snaps. Size, inches % V% 1 iVs iVi IV2 Per Set $5.00 5.50 li.OO 6.50 7.00 S.50 No. 37. Yankee Breeching. Folded, with Layer, Metal Clips, Brass Loops and Buckle Shields, Snaps. Size, inches % Yb 1 iVs VA IV2 Per Set $5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.70 9.50 12 ^^f EMMONS -PiAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HCTNTINGTON.W. VA. j^^ Flat Harness Breeching No. 40. Flat Breeching. Size. Bodies. Hips. Stays. Gallis Straps. Per Set. 2 -inch 2 -inch 1 -inch %-inch "i-incli... $3.60 2% 3 3 SVa " 31/2 4 " 4 1V2 2 2% 3 1 iy4. 1 1% 4.50 5.50 6.30 7.30 No. 46. Flat Breeching. Size. 2 -inch 2%. " 3% " 4 Bodies. Hips Stays. Gallis Straps. Per Set. inch 1 -inch 1 inch 21/2 3 3 ¥2 4 IV2 2% 3 1^'2 2 2% 3 ij-inch Vs 1 1% $4.20 5.30 6.30 7.50 8.40 Express Saddles Short Leather Pad, Harness Leather Single Strap Skirts, Iron Jockey. Each. No. 44— X C Plate. 4 inches $4 . 60 No. 45— " " 5 " 6.00 No. 46 — Brass Trimmed. 4 inches 5 . 00 No. 47— ■■ ■■ 5 " 6.80 Enameled Leather, Full Pad, Patent Leather Skirts. Eacli. No. 55 —XC Plate. .-. inches $7.50 No. 55V2— •' ■■ 5'2 •• 8-30 No. 56 — Brass Trimmed. 5 inches 8.50 No. 56V2_ ■• '■ 5¥i " 9.20 ^■vf EriMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. "^^^ 13 Harness Saddles Patent Leather Jockey, Spring Tree, Leather Pad, Patent Leather Skirts, Leather Lined, Nickeled, Brass or Imitation Rubber Trim- mings. Each. No. 13 — 3 inches wide, 1 inch Bearers .$1.40 Iron Jockey Tree, Split Leather Pad, Harness Leather Skirts, Ja- panned or X C Trimmings. Each. No. 22y2 — 2Vj inches wide, % inch Bearers .... $2.10 No. 23 — 3 inches wide, 1 inch Bearers .... 2.40 No. 231/2 — 3V2 inches wide, 1 inch Bearers .... 2 .70 Harness Leather Skirts, Short Leather Pad, S. A. Tree, Brass Spots, iV'-inch Bearers. Each. No. 35 — .5 inches wide, X C Trimmed $7.60 No. 36 — 6 inches wide. X C Trimmed 8 . 50 No. 45 — r> inches wide. Brass Trimmed 8. 50 No. 46 — li inches wide. Brass Trimmed 9.50 Tassels and Tail Bands Hair Tassels. Assorted Colors — Red, Orange or Green. 12 Length, inches 10 Dozen Pairs $4 . 00 5.00 15 6.00 Tail Bands. No. 5— Nickel Plated Per dozen. . .. $2.00 14 _^^ EMMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W.VA. ^^_ Cart Saddles and Pads No. 122. No. 12.5. Rach. No. 122— Short Leather Covered Saddle. Leather Pad. 1%-inch Girth. lU.-inch Billet $6.00 No. 125— Double Leather Covered Saddle. " " 1% " " l'- ' " ^-50 Breast Straps Riveted, with Japanned Slides and X C Snaps. 24 Inches Long. Dozen pairs. No. iVi— 1% inches wide $18.00 No. iVa— 1% " •• 20.00 No. iy4— 1% " ■• 22.00 / Riveted, with Roller Snap. X C Snaps and Buckles. 24 Inches Long. Dozen pairs. No. 211/2— 1% inches wide $27.50 No. 21%— 1% " " 30.00 No. 22 —2 " " 33.00 ^^f E?lMONS-HAWKJNS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. 9^^ 15 Harness Parts IVt dozen. No 12 — Single Wagon Lines, 's inch x 13 feet. Creased. Sewed on Snaps. Riveted Bucl^_ Harness Buckles No. 2. Horseshoe Harness Buckles. Japanned. Inches % % Ve 1 iVs iVi iVa Per Gross.... $1.20 1.45 1.90 2.45 3. so 4.00 6.00 Gross in Box... 2 1 1 1 V2 Ya Vi No. 20. Plain " Sensible " Harness Buckles. Japanned. Inches % Per Gross .$1 90 Gross in liox ... 1 Vs 1 iV's iVi IV2 2.50 3.10 3.90 4.70 6.30 No. 50X. Barrel Roller Harness Buckles. Japanned. Inches % y* ys VA iVa 1% Per Gross. Gross in Box $1.40 1.65 2.00 2.30 3.20 3.80 4.80 5.80 2 111 1/2 1/2 Vi Vi No. 93. Warner Union Loop Buckles. Japanned. Inches Vs 1 iVs VA Wz \Vi Per Gross .$5.10 5.80 6.70 8.00 10.10 13.80 Gross in Box ^k V2 V4 '4 Vi Va No. 4. Horseshoe Trace Buckles. Japanned. Inches % 1 iVe Wi IV2 1% Per Dozen $0.30 .35 .40 .50 .65 .80 Dozen in Box 2 2 2 2 2 2 No. 22. Plain " Sensible '" Trace Buckles. Japanned. Inches Vb 1 iVs 1^4 iViz Per Dozen $0.45 .60 .70 .90 1.20 Dozen in Box 2 2 2 2 2 No. 74. Malleable Roller Harness Buckles. Japanned. Inches .. % % Vb 1 iVs 11/4 IV2 1% 2 Per Gro. $1.00 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.50 2.75 3.25 4.00 5.20 Gross in Box 2 2 1 1 ^4 % 1/2 ' 1/2 No. 161. Loop Roller Harness Buckles. Japanned. Inches V2 Vi Vs 1 iVe W* IV2 Per Gross.... $1.70 2.50 3.25 3.70 4.60 5.50 7.20 Gross in Box.... 1 1 % % H % % ^■>,f EPIMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ H> Harness Hardware Japanned Harness Rings. Inches V2 Vs % % 1 iVe VA Per Gross $0.54 .54 .58 .68 .86 .96 1.14 Gross in a Box 2 2 2 1111 Japanned Breeching Rings. Inches VA 1% VA 1% 2 2Vi 7}A iVi 3 No. 4 Gauge, per gross $1.25 .... 1.45 1.55 1.70 No. 3 " " " 1.45 1.60 1.80 3.05 2.20 2.70 No. 2 ■' " " 1.80 2.00 2.15 2.40 2.70 3.05 3.40 No. " " " 4.10 4.40 5.10 5.60 5.95 6.30 Gross in a Box 1 % V2 H % '4 % V* % Harness and Breeching Dees. Medium Pattern. % ys Inches ■ Vb Per Gross $0.68 Gross in a Box 2 2 1 Heavy Pattern. Inches 1 Per Gross $1.54 Gross in a Box Vz VA VA VA 1% 78 1.00 1.30 1.44 1.54 2.64 3.26 4.20 % V2 VA VA 2.40 3.36 % 1/2 VA 4.56 2 6.04 Breast Strap Slides. Malleable Iron. Standard Weight. Japanned. Size VA Weight per gross, lbs 35 Per Gross $6.25 One-Tivelfth Gross in a Box. VA VA 40 45 6.25 7.25 Size, inches Per Dozen . Heavy Team Trace Hooks. With Screw and Roller. VA $1 . 50 One Doccn in a Box. VA 1.60 2 1.80 ZA 2.10 Martingale Rings. Duranoid. Red, White and Blue. Nos 1 2 Size, inches 1% IV2 1% Per Gross $9.00 10.00 11.00 Three Do~en in a Bo.v. 3 1% i2.no Wood. Nos Size, inches Per Gross . . Red, White and Blue. 2 1% 4 1% 15.00 5 2 18.00 4 One Dozen in a Box. 20 _ •■ 7.00 Riveted Five-Ring Halters. Black Leather. Per dozen. No. 489— 1 -inch $4.70 No. 499—1% " 5.95 Hand-Sewed Five-Ring Halters. Black Leather. Per dozen. No. 600— 1%-inch $6.45 Web and Rope Halters Sewed Web Halters. Assorted Colors. Per dozen. No. 431— Web Trimmed $1.30 No. 432 — Leather Trimmed.. 1.45 Champion Adjustable Halters. Assorted Colors. Per dozen. No. 255— .A.11 13-Cord Web.. $1.70 Adjustable Rope Halters. Metal Spliced Loops. Per dozen. No. 787— Va-inch Sisal $0.65 No. 793—% '■ " 85 ^^fEI^lMOMS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 33 Riding Saddles No. 90. Somerset. Tree 15% x IIV2 inches Skirts , 9x16 inches Stirrup Leathers % inch Stirrups 3 inches Girth Fancy cotton Pad Hair stuffed Leather Fair Each, $4.50. i No. 92. Somerset. Tree 15% x 11% inches Skirts 10% X 19 inches Stirrup Leathers 1 inch Stirrups 4 inches Girth Fancy cotton Pad Hair stuffed Leather, . .Fancy, with black enamel leather seat, quilted Seamed Jockeys. Each. $8.00. 24 ^^^ EMMOJSS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. 9^^ Riding Saddles No. 55. Kilgore. Tree 16% inches Skirts 10% X 18 inches Stirrup Leathers. 1 inch Stirrups 4 inches Girth Fancy cotton Seat Calf, padded and quilted Pad Sheeting lined Leather Fair Each, $9.00. No. 58. Kentucky Kilgore. Tree 17 inches Skirts 11% x80 inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth 11-cord Seat Plain, seamed jockeys, leather housing Pad Osnaburg lined Leather Fair Each, $10.50. ^^f EJnnOJNS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Riding Saddles Sheepskin and Osnaburg Pads. All Fair Leather. No. 120. Imitation Spring Seat. Tree 16 inclies, Somerset Skirts 11 X 20% inches Stirrup Leathers 1 inch Stirrups 4 inches Girth 10-cord Seat. .Calf, star stitched, hand raised Each, $11.50. No. 127. Ky. Spring Seat. Tree... 16 inches, Ken'ky Somerset Skirts IIV2 X 201/2 inches Fenders 8% x 13V4 inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth 10-cord Seat Calf, roll cantle Each, $15.50. No. 121. Ky. Spring Seat. Tree 16 .x 13 inches, Somerset Skirts 12% x 23 inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth 11-cord Seat. . Calf, star stitched, hand raised Each, $15.00. 3« ^^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. v_ Riding Saddles No. 122. Kentucky Spring Seat. Tree 16 x 13 inches. Kentucky Somerset Skirts 12% X 23 inches Stirrup Leathers ly^ inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth 13-cord Seat Calf, star stitched, hand raised, roll cantle P^d Sheepskin and Osnaburg Leather Pair Each, .$16.. 50. / No. 128. Kentucky Spring Seat. Tree 16 .x 13 inches, Kentucky Somerset Skirts 12% X 23 inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth 11-cord Seat Calf, star stitched, hand raised Pad Sheepskin, Osnaburg lined Leather Fair Each, $15.00. ^^e EMJIOMS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTONW. VA. 9,^ 37 Riding Saddles No. 175. McClellan. Tree.. 16% inches, full leather covered, with brass shields, and coat straps. Skirts Sqnare, round corners Fenders 8% x 14% inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches Girth Gray hair, Texas Leather Black or fair Each. $lf>.no. No. 176. McClellan. Tree.. 17 inches, rawhide covered, with brass shields, and coat straps. Skirts Square, round corners Fenders 8% x 15% inches Stirrup Leathers ., 1% inches Stirrups 4 inches, leather covered Girth Gray hair, Texas ring Leather Black or fair Each, $16.00. 2» ^^vf EriMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON . W. VA. ^^_ Riding Saddles No. 142. Buena Vista. Tree IS inches Skirt 23 inc ie> Seat Plain kip Fenders 17x9% inches, patent loop Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Tie Strap and Riggring 1% inches Girth '. 20 strand white cotton Stirrups 5-inch, sawed Texas Pads ;' Full sheep, linsey lined Each, $30.00 No. 145. Buena Vista. Tree 18 inches Skirt 25 inches Seat Calfskin, machine quilted, hand raised Fenders 18 x lO'i; inches, patent loop Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Girth Straps 1 Vi inches Girth Long buckle Stirrups 5-inch, solid bent Texas Pads Full sheep, linsey lined Each, $35.00. vfEPlMONS -HAWKINS H ARDWARE CO. HUN TING TON. W. VA. 9^^ T Ladies' Riding Saddles 2« These Saddles are built on the right principles for ease and comfort to the rider as well as to the horse. The material and workmanship are the best that can be produced. No. 223. Parkside Saddle. Tree 18 inches, Park Skirts 19 X 22 inches Pad Sheepskin, linsey lined Girth 4 inches, white Surcingle 4 inches, white Stirrup Slipper Seat Pigskin Each, .$30.00. No. 3W. Ladies' Astride Saddle. Tree 17-inch, leather lined Skirts 12'^' X 22% inches Stirrup Leathers 1% inches Stirrups Small safety Girth Plain wliitc English web, buckle and tie Seat Genuine pigskin Leather Fair Each, $2ii.OO. •^^ ^.^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^^ Saddle Parts Plain Cotton Saddle Girths. With Buckles. .". inches wide, .36 inches long. Per dozen. . .. $1.50 Corded Cotton Saddle Girths. W ith Rings. 30 and 36 inches long. Per dozen. . .. $3.40 Corded Cotton Saddle Girths. With Buckle-. :;(i .mil :;i-. inches long. Per dozen. . . . $2. -10 Per dozen. Texas Corded Cotton Saddle Girths. 20 Strand Plain $5 00 20 ■■ 1 Tongue 5.. 50 •' •• ■■ •■ " 20 " 2 Tongues 6 . 00 Per dozen. California Saddle Girths. Soft Gray Hair. 2 Bars. IS Stiands $ 8-60 Hard " " 2 " 18 " 4 Cord 15.50 Saddle Fenders. Per pair. Size, 8% X 13 inches. Black or Fair $1.80 " 8y2Xl5y4 " ■' ■• " 2.00 " 8%xlG " " " " 2.30 Saddle Stirrups. Dozen pairs. 4 inclies. Sawed Elm $2 . 50 6 3.00 4.00 3 Stirrup Straps. To Buckle. Fair or Black 1, cither. 1 i: ch wide. Dozen pairs. . . . $13.00 _^f EPIMONS-HAWXINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 'H Horse Collars Per dozen. No. 104— Buggy Collar. Full Kip. Pieced Shoul- der. Open Top. .A.bout 10i'..-inch draft .$25.00 Per dozen. No. 9— Team Collar. Black Split Leather Back and Rim, Fair Collar Leather Face, Pop Stitched. About ISV^-inch draft $29.00 Per dozen. No. 11 — Team Collar. Split Leather Back and Rim, Baker Print Face, all Thread- Sewed. About 14V2-inch draft $14.00 Per dozen. No. 14 — Team Collar. Split Leather Back and Rim, Tick Face, all Thread-Sewed. .^bout 14y2-inch dr.itt $14.00 32 ^^g E?L"-IONS-HANVKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ Horse Collars Per dozen. No. 3— Team Collar. Full Metal Stitched, Black- Collar Leather Back and Rim. Fair Leather. Wool Face. .About 14-inch draft $36,0!) Per dozen. No. 60 — Team Collar. I'up Sr.ur.ca. Wool Face. Black Collar Leather Back and Rim. Fair Leather Face. Sole Leather Pad. About loVj-inch draft $48.00 For service in heavy farm or team work. Per dozen. No. 40— Team Collar. Pop Stitched, Black Col- lar Leather Back and Rim. Fair Leather Wool Face, Sole Leather Pads. About 14V.>-inch draft $42.00 Per dozen. No. 222— Team Collar. Wool F;iCcJ, I'op Stitched. Flexible Throat, all Fair Collar Leather, Patent Fastener. Sole Leather Pad. About 16-inch draft $50.00 A good heavy Collar for any purpose. _^e EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 33 'orse Collars Per dozen. No. 75— Extra Heavy Scotch Collar. Solid Back. Patent Flexible Throat witli Extra Throat Piece. Best Selected Heavy Rus- set Kip Stock. E.xtended Face forming Solid Welt, Thong Leather Sewed Edges, Double Thong Sewed Rim, Wool Face, one Buckle with Thong Sewed Bil- let, Heavy Pressed Pad. Hand Finished.. $60.00 Will adjust itself to anv shape neck, needs no Collar Pad. Per do^en. No. 126— Medium Weight Team Collar. Full Kip, Fair Face. Black Back and Rim, Full Thong Sewed, Pieced Back. Whole Rim. Peak Top, one Buckle, Pressed Sole Leather Pad, 16-inch draft $48.00 Per dozen. No. 127— Heavy Team Collar. Fair Face, Black Back and Rim, Full Thong Sewed, Pieced Back, Whole Rim, Peak Top, one Buckle, Sole Leather Pad, Riveted on; 16-inch draft .$46.00 Per dozen. Boston Dray. Heavy Pattern. Black Kip Back and Rim, Black Kangaroo Face, Full Thong Sewed, Concord Seam. . Whole Back and Rim Lined with Duck, Pocket filled with Curled Hair, Peak Top, one Buckle $50 . 00 ; 34 ^^(f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Hames No. 2. Hook. No. 2r>. Lace. " Damascus " Finish, the new substitute for varnish or oil, is used on all these Hames. Has all the good points of both varnish and oil and eliminates the objectionable features. It covers all steel parts and retains luster. It fills the grain of the timber and retains the gloss. It collects neither dust nor dirt, as the oil finish. It does not mar in transit like varnish. It is a hard, durable, and lustrous finish. No. 6. Concord. Hook on Back. Dozen pairs. No. 2— Hook Hame. Two-Loop Plow Hame. Steel over Top. Varnished Backs and Trimmings, Damas- cus Finish. Wrought Steel Trimmed. Regular Horse and Mule Sizes. Weights, about 40 to 45 pounds per dozen pairs $ T . 95 No. 25— Lace Hame. Two-Loop Plow Hame. Steel over Top. Varnished Backs and Trimmings, Damas- cus Finish. Wrought Steel Trimmed. Regular Horse and Mule Sizes. Weights, about 45 to 50 pounds per dozen pairs ' -^^ No. 100 — Farmers' Strap Hame. Loose Bottom Snap. Painted Red, Bronze Top, Japanned Trimmings. Double Weight Hooks, Steel Trimmed. Sizes. IT to 24 inches. Weights, about 42 to 60 pounds per dozen pairs 11.25 No. 120 — City Dray Hame. Stiff Bottom Loop. Painted Red, Bronze Top, Japanned Trimmings. Double Weight Hooks, Wrought Steel Trimmed. Sizes, 17 to 23 inches. Weights, about 63 to 100 pounds per dozen pairs 19.05 No. 6 — Concord Hook Hame. Drop Forged Steel Hook on Back, Swivel and Ring. Polished Back, Dam- ascus Finish. Sizes. 18 to 22 inches. Weight, about 50 to 60 pounds per dozen pairs 19.80 No. 10— Concord Hook Hame. Same as No. 6, except Heavier 25 . 80 Hali Dozen Pairs in a Bundle. _^f EMMONS-HAVVKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 35 Hames No. 61. Coiicorrl. Hook on Side. ^- No. filLS. I. one Star. In the Lone Star attachment there are no screws or bolts to remove, no tools required to change the adjustment and no pins to rust or corrode. The construction is most simple. No. 166St. Northern Standard. No. I66S0. Southern Standard. Dozen pairs. No. Gl-Concord Hook Hame. % x Vi-inch Steel Back. Damascua Finish, Japanned Trimmings. Drop Forged -Steel Concord Hook, iVs-inch Mortised Top Loops. One s:ze only, to fit 16 to 2n-inLh Collars. Weight. T5 pounds per dozen pairs *l'-" No. 61SL— Same as No. 61, except with Lone Star Attachment and Grooved Wood. Weight, 80 pounds per dozen pairs No 166St —Regular Clip Acorn Top Hame. Painted Red, Japanned Back and Trimmings, X C Ball, %-inch Oval Hame Back Steel, Clip, Holdback Plate, 2-inch Bolt. Sizes 18 to 24 mches. Weights, about 56 pounds per dozen pairs No. 166So.-Southern Standard, %-inch Oval Hame Back Steel, Stiff Bottom Loop, Wrought Steel Hooks and Staples, Malleable Oval Line Rings, Painted Red, Japanned Trimmings. X C Ball. Sizes IS to 24 inches. Weight, about 50 pounds per dozen pairs No. 166LS— Same as No. I66S0., except with Lone Star Attachment and Grooved Wood. Weight, 65 pounds per dozen pairs 20.10 14.25 13.05 17.10 Half Dosen Pairs in a Bundle. 3<> ^^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^^ Hames No. loLS. We carry an extensive stock of Hames at all times, and in consequence are able to fill orders immediately on receipt. No. mic. No. 90H. Dozen pairs. No 15— Globe Ball Top Hook Hame. Painted Red, Japanned Trimmings, X C Ball, %-inch Oval Hame Steel, Double Wrought Steel Hooks, Rings and Staples. Hook on side. Weight, about 60 pounds per dozen pairs *^^ ■ "^ No. 15LS— Same as No. 15, except with Lone Star Attachment 21.00 No. 21— Concord Ball Top Clip Hame. Painted Red with White Stripe, X C Ball, 1%-inch Mortise Top Loops, '.s X Tfi-inch Hame Steel, Loose Bottom Loops, 2%-inch Bolt, Swivel, Link and Ring. Sizes 19 to 22 inches. Weight, about 80 pounds per dozen pairs 26.25 No. 90C— Clip Ball Top Hame. Holdback Plate. Painted Red, Japanned Trimmings, X C Ball. Heavy %-inch Oval Concave. Convex Steel, 2-inch Staples. Sizes 19 to 24 inches. Weights, about 68 to 76 pounds to the dozen pairs 24 . 45 No. 90H— Hook Ball Top Hame. Weights, about 70 to TS pounds per dozen pairs. Otherwise same as No. 90C 25.95 ^■vf E?lMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. 9^^ 37 Mine and Lumber Hames No. 1- Beagle Mine Hames. Low Top. Dozen pairs. -Heavy Varnish, Black Finish. F'urnished with Lantern Hooks; 14 to 22 inches. Weights, 85 to 100 pounds per dozen pairs $32.00 Pennsylvania Pattern Miners' Hames. Dozen pairs. No. 66 — Heavy Varnish, Black Finish. With Line Ring, Lantern Hook and Hip Strap Loops. 14 to 22 inches. Weights, 95 to 120 pounds per dozen pairs $32.00 No. Beagle Mine and Lumber Hame. High Top. Dozen pairs. 2 — Pennsylvania Fastener, Heavy Varnish, Black Finish; three sizes, 14 to 18, 17 to 21, 20 to 24 inches. Weights, 90 to 100 pounds per dozen pairs $32 . 00 Pennsylvania Pattern Mine and Lumber Hame. Dozen pairs. No. 67 — High Top. Improved Pennsylvania Fas- teners. Heavy Varnish, Black Finish. Sizes adjustable, 14 to 18, 17 to 21, 20 to 24 inches. Weights, 95 to 120 pounds per dozen pairs $32.00 38 ,^^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Hame Fasteners ^^ The " Success " Hame Fasteners. Stronger and more easily adjusted than any leather hame strap or other metallic fastener. Will not shrink or swell in dry or wet weather Easily put on; cannot become detached from hames or get out of working order. Indestructible; will last as long as the hames. Hook box end into the off hame, closing down hook so that the hame fastener cannot become detached. The " Success ' Per dozen. Fastener. Bronzed Steel $4 . 50 The " Dodson " Hame Chain. The cut represents this chain in its latest improved form. The links are strengthened and stiffened by corrugations, which also add much to the fine appearance of the chain. The body part hooks into the hame loop and is securely held there by the thumb piece, itself held by a first-class spring which, by its position, is secure from accident. This feature permits' the chain to be transferred from one pair of hames to another, and in much less time than a hame strap can be. The end of the chain can be snapped up out of the way if desired. Are all steel, strong, secure and light. They work easily. never yield nor slip. They will outwear a dozen leather hame straps, and they can be hitched and unhitched in much less time. They do away with every objection that applies to other hame chains. They fit all work hames and all sizes of collars. "'^*??^ The "Dodson" Fastener. Bright Steel. Per dozen. . .. $4.00 Knotted Hame Strings. Per dozen. Per doien. Harness Leather. % x 36 inches $1.90 I Raw Hide. % x 36 inches $180 %x36 " 3.10 I " ■' VsxSa " 2 00 Harness Leather. %-inch. No. 2. Riveted $1.80 " " % " No. 2. " 2.10 1 " No. 1. Sewed 2.70 1% " No. 1. '■ 3,00 1% " No. 1. " 3.60 Leather Hame Straps Per dozen Per dozeo. Raw Hide. 1%-inch. Double and Stitched $5.00 1% " 5.50 Double Repair Hook. Lone Star Hook. Hame Repair Hooks. Double Repair Hooks. Polished. For Regular Hames .°^^"$l'."b Lone Star Repair Hooks. Polished. For Lone Star Attachment 2.50 One Dozen Pairs in a Box. _^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 39 Hame Clips and Staples Two Hole. Three Hole. ^^^ ^^^^^ Hame Clip, %-inch. Two Hole. For all Common Hames. X C Plate $5.75 % •• Three " X C Plate ''■68 Two Dozen in a Box. Clip Staples. Per gross. %-inch. Common, with Burr.s. X C Plate $5.75 %6 '-20 Three Dozen in a Box. Hame Rivets. Length, inches ^^^^ No. 7 Gauge, per pound Square Staples. Per gross. s/lexlVn and 1%-inch. X C Plate $7.20 % X 1%, 2 and 2y2-inch. " " '^•20 Tic'o Dozen in a Box. $0.21 .211/2 .23 .23 Collar Pads " Rex " Collar Pad. Brown and white drill, composite stuffing, four rows of quilting, three hooks. Made in lengths 16 to 25 inches. "Red Edge" Collar Pad. Old gold drill, composite stuff- ing, five rows quilting, four hooks. .\ strip of red felt (not pinked) in- serted and extending around the outer edge gives the pad a hand- some and finished appearance. Felt Collar Pad. For heavy team collars. Only the best grade of felt is used in the manufacture of these pads. Good smooth stock, strong colors, four hooks. Per dozen. Lengths, 16 to 25 inches $5.00 16 " 25 " 6.00 16 " 25 " 5.50 16 " 25 " 6-50 Cl/11—" Tapatco " Felt Pad. Orange Color. 11 inches wide. Lengths, 16 to 25 inches 9.00 No. 162N/12— " Rex." Brown and White. No. 162N/14— " No. 63N/12— " Red Edge." Old Gold. No. 63N/14— No. 12 inches wide. 14 12 14 *0 ^vf E?l?IONS -HAWKINS PiARD WARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Saddle Pads and Housings Style K Saddle Pads. Face of pad is fawn felt, pinked felt edges, composite stuffing, space in center is left open or iinstuflfed; it possesses all tlie merits of a felt saddle housing and a stuffed pad combined, the thickness is sufficient to guar- antee against any injury by the saddle, while the stuffing used insures complete absorption of the perspiration. Style W Saddle Pads. Made of old gold drill, excellent quality, composite stuffing, high-class workmanship, space in center is left open or unstuflfed; briefly summed up, they are first-class. Style K, No. 12— Size, 26 x 34 inches. Style W, No. 2— " 26x32 Per dozen. Heavy Blue Drill Back $9 . 60 Old Gold Drill 4 . .50 Silver King. .X.i, U.S. Per dozen. Silver King — Gray Graduated Felt. Citizens' size $18.00 No. lis — ^G-inch Felt. Blue, Green, Orange and Red. .Assorted Figured Boot Web Trimming. Stars in Corners 8 .00 One Dozen in a Bundle. No. A102 — Cart Saddle Pad. White Drill. 18x21 inches. Open Center. r dozen. $3.50 _^C EflMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^ 41 Horse Blankets All Shaped Blankets Are Furnished Complete with Two Surcingles and All Leather Straps. Each. No. 2 — Extra Heavy Mangled Bagging. Unlined. 72 inches $1.35 No. 3— Extra Heavy Mangled Bagging. Half Lined. 73 inches 1.80 No. 4— Extra Heavy Mangled Bagging. Three-Quarter Lined. 76 inches 2.25 No. 55— Extra Heavy Mangled Bagging. Full Wool Lined, 76 inches 2.70 No 9 — Mangled Burlap. Full Buckskin Kersey Lined. Bound Front, Short Stay, Extra Stay. 76 inches.. 2.90 No. 10— Mangled Bagging. Bound Wide Front. Long Stay. Wide Surcingles. Full Buckskin Kersey Lined. 76 inches • 3.15 No. 120-Mangled Bagging. Wide Double Bound Front, Wide Long Stay and Surcingles. 40 inches deep. ^^_ 76 inches long No. 33— Brown Duck. Full Wool Lined. 76 inches No. 36— Brown Duck. Full Wool Lined. Short Stay, Dark Blue Trimmed. 76 inches No. 38— Brown Duck. Full Kersey Lined. Short Stay, Red Trimmed. 76 inches 3.30 No. 40— Brown Duck. Full Kersey Lined. Wide Blue Trimmed. 70 inches 3-60 Ail-Over Blankets. Open Fronts. Two Straps. Each. ^S^fe^sSiSd^^LSaiS^ 2.70 2.85 No. 15— Heavy Bagging. Full Kersey Lined. Cable Front. Leather Surcingle Strap. 76 inches $3.75 No. 275— Brown Duck. Buckskin Kersey Lined. Cable Front. Red Trimmed. Leather Surcingle Strap. 76 niches 4.35 No. 100— Fawn Stable Blankets. Red Trimmed. 76 inches 5.55 Gypsy. Geneva. Square Blankets. Red Horn. Wine Wool Ground. Red, Navy Blue and White. Wide Headings. 76 x 80 inches /■ Grey Ground, Plum, Red, White, Black Wide Body Stripes and Headings. 80 x 84 inches Reddish Mix and Seal Brown Ground. Narrow Red and Blue Stripes. Red, Green, White and Black Headmgs. 80 .X 84 inches Cyclone. Fancy Plaid: Iron Grey Ground. Seal Brown, White, Red and Green Fancy Drop-Box Plaid and Headings. 76 x 80 inches Highlander. Red and Black Fancy Checker-Board. 76 x 80 inches Kennebec. Double Woven Drop-Box Plaids. Assorted Fancy Colors. 76 x 80 inches Savoy. Fancy Drop-Box, Fine Wool Plaids. Assorted Colors. 76 x 80 inches Astor Double Woven, Heavy Weight Plaid. Green, Black and White Plaid. 84 x 90 inches 2.40 2.70 3.45 3.30 3.45 4.35 6.90 8.40 No. No. No. No. No. No. Waterproof Covers Heavy Black Fabric. Hame and Trace Leathers Heavy Brown Waterproof Duck. Hame Leathers, Shaft Openings and Trace Leathers Extra Heavy Waterproof White Duck. Hame Leathers, Shaft Openings and Trace Heavy Black Fabric, Hame and Trace Leather.s Superfine White. Hame Leathers, Shaft Openings and Trace Leathers 75— To Head or to Breast. Extra Heavy Special Brown Waterproof Duck, Rubber Lined Back, Hame 1 .cathcrs. Shaft Openings and Trace Leathers 2443— To Head. SOX— To Head. 40 — To Head. l.e.ithcrs . 2444— To Head. 60— To Breast. Each. $4.50 5.25 5.70 6.00 7.50 7.50 We are prepared to take care of all orders for Plush Lap Robes in plain and fancy patterns, Fur Robes, Linen Dusters, Fly Nets, Cooling Blankets, etc. Correspondence solicited and best prices guaranteed. 42 vfEJMMOJNS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. J^^ Back Bands and Webbing Back Bands without Hooks. Heavy Cotton Webbing, Leather Bound Ends. No. 1 Webbing. No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 " Daisy " Hook. Per dozen. 3% inches wide, 39 inches long $2.25 4 •• " 39 '• ■■ ..._ 2.60 3I/2 '• " 39 " " 2.25 4 " " 39 " •• 2.60 Back Band Hooks Only. Japanned. Dozen pairs. For 3y2-inch Back Bands $0.50 •■ 4 ■' '• '■ 55 Complete Back Bands with Hooks. Per dozen. 'Daisy" Hooks, with No. 1 Webliing. 3Vj inclies wide $2.75 " No. 1 ■• 4 ■■ •• 3.10 " " " No. 3 " 3V-> " ■' 2.75 " No. 2 " 4 " " 3.10 Back Band Webbing. White Cotton. Put Up in Rolls of 100 Lineal Feet. Sold Only in Full Rolls. No. 1 — 3% inches wide. No. 1—4 No. 8—3% " " . No. 2 — 4 Per 100 feet. .... .$G . 00 6 . 50 6.00 6.50 One Roll in Package Leather Back Bands. Plain flat leather, creased. Leather trace loops, sewed and riveted on. Turnback loop in center, riveted on. 40 inches long. Width, inches 3 3Vi! 4 Per dozen $15.50 17.50 20 . 00 Leather Back Bands. Plain flat leather, creased. Leather trace loops, with buckle and billet sewed on, with turnback loop in center. 39 inches long. Width, inches 3 3% 4 No. 30— Plain, per dozen $16.00 18.00 20.00 No. 32— Felt Lined, per dozen.... 12.50 14.00 15.50 " Kraker " Adjustable Back Bands. The total length is 42 inches, but can be adjusted readily to 39 and 36 inches. Width, 5 inches. Padded entire length with four rows of quilt- ing. The adjustable hook is made of malleable iron, securely fastened to the band by means of four rivets. Leather washers are used underneath the rivets as a further precaution against their being loosened on account of anv unusual strain. Kraker Adjustable. 8-ounce White Duck. Padded and Quilted. Per dozen, 42 inches long $3.00 ^.yfEPlMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 43 Team and Drovers' Whips Per doz. No. 5062— All Leather Team Whip. Russet Braided, Buck Stitched, Eight Plait, Red Wired Handle, Leather Loop, Lace Cracker. 5 feet long $7 . 50 6 feet long ^ •°*' Per doz. No. 5043— All Leather Team Whip. Russet Oiled Cover, Buck Stitched, Russet Horsehide Points, Leather Loop, Lace Cracker. 5 feet long $10.00 6 feet long H ■ 00 7 feet long 12 .00 Per dor. No. 5001— .\11 Leather Wagon Whips. Oiled Tanned Buck Stitched Cover, Braided Lash, Leather Loop, two Buttons, Loaded Handle. 4 feet long $12.00 4V2 feet long 13.50 5 feet long 15.00 6 feet loog 18.00 Per doz. No. 5086 — Swivel Drove Whip. Six Plait Raw Hide, California Style. Button at Handle. Swivel Wood Handle. 6 feet long $11.50 7 feet long 13 00 8 feet long 14 . 50 Whip Lashes Texas Lashes. California Style. Rawhide Leather. Per dozt;!! No. 5119— Four Plait. 6 feet long $7.00 7 " " 8.00 " " 8 " " 9.50 " 10 " " 11.00 Georgia Ox Lashes. California Style. Heavy Swell at Loop. Rawhide Leather. No. 5143— Four Plait. feet 6 " 7 " long Per dozen. $7.00 8.00 t( it " 9.00 44 ^^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Buggy Whips waterproof! DUSTER Per doz. No 10 — Waterproof Java. Black. Smooth Finish. Round End. Loop Snap. 6 feet $1 .20 Per doz. No. 15 — O. K. Java. Assorted Colors. Two Combination Buttons. Loop Snap. 6 feet $1 . 80 eilA\NiT e^AV^MiRl IL ^aiCGEST BOOM Otf EARTH j| Per doz. No. 25 — Prime Java Stock. Loaded. Black, Wine and Green Colors. Fine Finish. Round End. Load Cap. Two Combination Buttons. Philadelphia Snap. 6 feet $3 .00 Per doz. No. 35 — Solid Japanese Reed. Black. Fine Finish. Loaded Handle, .\ssorted Color Handles. Japanned Cap. Two Combination Buttons. Philadelphia Snap. 6 feet $4.20 Per doz. No. 50 — Raw Hide. From Snap Through Cap. Loaded. Black. Japanned Cap. Two Combination Buttons. Philadelpliia Snap. 6 feet....'. $6.00 Per doz. No. 75 — Extra Quality Raw Hide. From Snap Through Cap. Black. Fine Finish. Japanned Cap. Two Combination Buttons. Rubber Lined from Snap to Cap. Hand Made English Snap. 6 feet $9.00 W^y^SM^' ^ ^^' ■%■- Per doz. No. 100 — Extra Heavy Stocked Raw Hide. 7/12 length. Black. Extra Fine Finish. Seamless Vulcanized Rubber Inner Cover. Rubber Cushioned Cap. Combination Chased Buttons, English Hand Made Silk Snap. 6 feet $12.00 _^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ *-> Drop Top Whips Per doz. No 774— Java Cab Whip. Linen Color. Black Painted Handle. 1-inch Plain Nickel Head. 1%-inch Ferrule. 3-foot Drop. Loop Snap. 3^/2 feet $3.00 Per doz. No. 748— Java Coach Whip. Loaded. Wine Color. 1%-inch Plain Nickel Head, with Cushion End, and 1V2- inch Plain Nickel Ferrule. Two Plait Nankeen and Light Russet Top. 3-foot Drop, Wound Keeper. Philadelphia Snap. 5 feet $3.00 Per doz. No. 741 Java Hack Whip. Loaded. Wine Color. Cap Load and Nine Combination Buttons. 4-foot Linen Color Drop Top. Wound Keeper. Philadelphia Snap. 5 1- feet $6.00 The "Wheeler" Whip Assortments These assortments consist of the most popular styles of Whips and will sell readily and yield a good profit to the retailer. With one of the Whip Racks shown below, they will make an attractive addition to your store. Write for net prices. 57-Whip Assortment. No. 10 — Twelve Whips at 10 cents each No. 15 — Twelve ■• 15 No. 25— Six •■ 25 No. 35— Six •■ 35 No. 50— Six " 50 No. 75— Six 75 No. 100— Three " 1.00 No. 774— Two •■ 25 No. 748— Two " 25 No. 741— Two " 50 $1 20 1 80 1 50 2 LO . . . : 3 00 4 50 3 00 50 50 1 00 Fifty-seven Whips, which retails for . . . . $19. 10 45-Whip Assortment. No. 10— Twelve Whips at 10 cents each $1.20 " 1.80 " 1.50 " 2.10 " 1.50 " 2.25 " 3.00 No. 15 — Twelve " 15 No. .25— Six " 25 No. 35— Six " 35 No. 50— Three " 50 No. 75— Three " 75 No. 100— Three " 1.00 Forty-five Whips, which retails for $13.35 Whip Racks Xo. :;. No. 1— Circular. Holds 225 Whips. IGV2 inches Outside Diameter, Malleable Iron $18.00 No. 2— Straight. Holds 30 Whips. Length 15% inches. Malleable Iron 4.00 4<> ^^f EnriO:NS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W.VA. ^^_ Curry Combs No. 35. No. 060. No. .30%. ' Per doz. No. 35 —6 Bars. .\11 Steel. Steel Loop Handle. Lacquered $0.56 No. 066 — 6 Bars. Steel. Open Back. Oval Face. Lacquered. Enameled Handle, Nickeled Ferrule 1.00 No. 30V2 — 6 Bars. " " " Lacquered. Carmine Handle, Steel Ferrule. With Mane Comb SO -\o. 063. No. 063 — 6 Bars. Open Back. Oval Face. Lacquered. No. 063>'o— 6 Bars. Per doz. HnauK-lcd Handle $1.00 With Mane Comb 1.25 Xo. 083T. No, 068. Xo. 189T. Per doz. No. 083T— 8 Bars. Open Back. Oval Face. Tinned. Enameled Handle $1.50 No. 068 — 6 Bars. " '' " " Lacquered. " " Wire Back Grasp 1.15 No. 189T— 8 Bars. Close " " " Tinned. " " 2.00 -Xo. I6714. No. 1S.3. Xo. .SOO. Per doz. No. 167V'2 — 6 Bars. Close Back. Oval Face. Lacquered. Enameled Handle. With M.ine Comb $1.65 No. 183 — 8 Bars. " " " " " " '• 1.45 No. 800 —8 Bars. " " " " " " " 1.68 _^f EMMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON . W. VA. v_ 47 Horse Brushes Per doz. No 3— Army Pattern 10 Rows, Gray Tampico Center, Black Outside Row, Flat Face, Embossed Green Leatherette Back, Patent Leather Strap. 8% inches . . . ........ $ 4.50 No. 5— Oval Pattern. 11 Rows, Black Tampico, Oval Face, Embossed Black Leatherette Back, Embossed Leather Strap. 9 inches ;;,■,■■•■■ >;-'- T r, i-V ; ' W ' ' " 'tf' "k' ' ' T r ' ' " ^'^° No 66^0val Pattern. 9 Rows, Gray Tampico Center, White Outside Row, Flat Face, Embossed Green Leatherette Back, Enameled Leather Strap. 9 inches ....... ............... 3.93 No. 213— Oval Pattern. 12 Rows, Red Mi.xed Tampico, Oval Face. Plain Red Enameled Leather Back, Fair Leather Strap. 9 inches ;■•.•••: ^- : ' \- ' ' 'X ' V W- i-' ' u j 'i-' '■ ^'^^ No. 50— Oval Pattern. Extra Quality. 15 Rows, White Imitation Bristles, Ova! Face, Embossed 1-air Leather Back. Fair Leather Strap. 9 inches A'T't^ ■^- i" ' yii ' ',' ^^''^ No 67— Oval Pattern. 17 Rows. Black Bristle Casin.g. Imitation Center, Oval Face, Embossed Black Leather Back, Harness Leather Strap. 9 inches. ............................ ••... •••;;•■ ^'"^ No 45— Oval Pattern. 15 Rows. All Bristles, Gray and Black Mixed, Oval Face, Embossed Orange Leather Back, Orange Leather Strap. 9 inches .;-■,■• ;^- •■■• V^ • V ■•■■;• c' V " V" ' W '" d' ' T ^*°° No. 226— Army Brush. Warranted. 15 Rows. All Black Bristles, Flat Face. Embossed Sole Leather Back, Fair Leather Strap. 9 inches *• '^ ■ 0" ""'■IWl.iJtlUjil t'lil II L 1 1 >.> »n«^ ■• >» ■■ III ■ ij ■■ iMI^ mMWl**'^^ p J No. 0248— Dandy Horse Brush. Palmetto Fiber. 10V2 mches lung. Polished Back $3.35 No 2541 — ■■ " Imitation Palmetto. 10 " " " " 3-20 No. 257— •• ■• " Rice Root. 10V2 " " Varnished " 6.25 Per doz. No. 381— Jockey Horse Brush. Palmetto Fiber $2 . 50 Cotton and Wool Cards s'"~t£^-'— -■ Nos. 9 and 83. No. 28. Per doz. No. 9— Cotton Card. 9% x 4% inches 54.25 2.75 3 . 80 No. 83— Wool Card. 9% x 4% " No. 28— Mixing Cards. No. 28 Wire. 9% x 4% inches. 48 ^^f EJIMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. j^^ Bridle Bits ^SSSSS!^ Per doz. No. 845— Wire Ring Bit. X C Plate, 2-iach Rings, li-incli Twisted Wire Mouth $0.92 Per doz. No. 47 J — Jointed Wrought Ring Bit. X C Plate, 2"i-inch Rings, 6-inch Mouth. 7 lbs to the dozen $1.20 No. 47S— Stiff Mouth 1.20 Per doz. No. 852— Jointed Malleable Snaffle Bit. X C Plate, 2-inch Rings, 3-inch Cheeks, Sli-inch Mouth. Weight, 4% lbs. per dozen $2.30 Per doz. No. 67 — Wrought Ring Bit. Wrought Steel Twisted Mouth. 2%-inch Rings, X C Plate, Jointed or Stiff $1.20 Per doz. No. 855— Wire Ring Bit. X C Plate, 2 Mi-inch Rings. 6-inch Dciuble Twisted Wire Mouth $1.40 Per doz. No. 865— Wire Snaffle Bit. X C Plate. 1%-inch Rings. 2''i-incli Cheeks, 5%-inch Twisted Mouth $1.20 Per doz. No. 8521 2— Stiff Malleable Snaffle Bit. X C Plate, 2-inch Ring's, 3-inch Cheeks, 5%-inch Mouth. Weight, 4% lbs. per dozen... $2.30 wKmrn^^r/^/frr/fT' Per doz. No. 115— Malleable Twisted Ring Bit. 2-inch Ring, X C Plato, Stiff or Jointed $0.80 Per doz. No. 197 — Wilson Four-Ring Bit. Malleable Iron, X C Plate. Outside Rings 2Vi inches. Inside Rings, 1% inches «2 .00 ^f EMMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Bridle Bits 49 Per doz. No. 732 — Wrought Port Bits. X C Plate, 5-inch Cheeks, 1^'s-inch Rings, 1-inch Check Loops, 4y2-inch Mouth, %-inch Port... $7.50 Per doz. No. 636— Malleable Port Bit. X C Plate, 6i4-inch Cheeks, l^-i-inch Check Loops, 1%-inch Wrought Line Rings, 4%-inch Mouth, lo-inch Low Port $2-00 Per doz. No. 632— Malleable Port Bit. Heavy Pattern, X C Plate, 5-inch Cheeks, 1%-inch Rings, 1-inch Check Loops, 4%-inch Mouth, %-inch Port $1-36 No. 0632 — Light Pattern 1-26 Per doz. No 112— J. I. C. Driving Bit. Double Steel Wire Mouth. Malleable Cheeks. X C Plate, iVa- inch Rings, %-inch Check Loops, 3%- ■ inch Snaffles, 5-inch Mouth .$2 . 00 Per doz. No. 930— Texas Port Bit. Blued Malleable Iron, 5-inch Cheeks, 1-inch Check Loops, 4%- inch Mouth, 1%-inch Port $1.30 No. Per doz. 600— Malleable Mule Port Bit. Light Pattern, lapanned, 1-inch Line Loops, 5%-inch Cheeks, 4io-inch Mouth, l-inch Port 1.38 Half Dozen in a Box. ^^ _^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. y^ Riding Spurs ^ Dozen pairs. No. 661— Cuban Eagle. X C Plate. iVs-inch Malleable Rowell $2.00 Nickel Plated. iVs-inch. " " ' 4.00 Dozen pairs. No. 619— Malleable Iron. X C Plate. 1-incli Heel. ■ys-inch Rowel $1.40 Dozen pairs. No. 679— Spring Steel. XC Plate, %-inch Rowel $2.00 Dozen pairs. No. 610— Solid Brass. Polished. %-inch Blued Rowel $3.60 No. 650— Malleable Iron. X C Plate Rowel Dozen pairs, ■'■■i-inch $1.60 Dozen pairs. No. 611- Solid Brass. Polished. iVs-inch Blued Rowel $4.00 Dozen pairs. No. 693 — Eureka. Spring Steel. Fine Blued I'^ii- inch Rowel S4.no Half Dozen Pairs in a Box. Dozen pairs. No. 707 — Eureka. Two Close Set Buttons. Black Leather $3.00 No. 708— Vo-inch Black Leather. Dozen pairs. $1.40 ^■vf EJHMONS-HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ Harness Hooks 51 Cast Iron. Drilled Holes. 1 er doz. No. 161 — .') inches. Japanned $0.85 No. 165— 61- " " 1.10 No. 166—8 " " 1-30 Heavy Cast Iron. Drilled Holes. Per doz. No. 169 — inches. Japanned $1 .05 No. 170— S '■ " 1.15 No. 171— 10 " " 1-30 One Dozen in a Box. Hitching Rings, Hooks and Weights No. 17. Per doz No. 17— Wrought Ring and Screw, Galvanized. 2Vi!-inch Ring ?2.30 No. 10— No. 12— Hook. To Drive. Plain Iron. 5%-inch Spike " Galvanized. 5% One Dozen in a Box. Hitching Weights. >Ios. 10 and 12. Per doz. No. 179— Weight, 10 pounds. Japanned. No. 180— '■ 13 $6. 9. Wagon Umbrellas This Umbrella spreads 70 inches and has eight heavy detachable steel ribs, 40 inches in length. The top notcher is especially designed to cover the hooks and protect the cover. Ribs and stretcher made of special tempered steel. Removable cover of heavy drill, which is more serviceable than duck. The metal end socket, iVi inches in length, is clinched to rawhide and then sewed on the cover. The pole, \V2 inches in diameter, made of extra selected hard- wood, oil finished. All metal parts are japanned. Heavy Wagon Umbrellas. 8 Steel Ribs. Extra Heavy Drill. Complete, with All Fixtures. Per rloz. $30.00 52 ^.vf E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Frank Miller's Preparations HARNESS OIL ^W^^ Miller's Harness Oil. This Oil has earned for itself the repu- tation it has so long maintained, being superior to anything produced for the purpose — softening and preserving the leather. No. 0- No. 1- No. 2- -In Half Pint Cans. - •■ Pint - ■• Quart One dozen in a box Per doz. . $3.00 . 6 . 00 . 9.50 Miller's Harness Dressing. A superior article for general use. Unequaled for use in liv- ery, express and private stables. An indispensable article wher- ever harness is in use. Gives a beautiful finish that will not peel, crack or smut, and to which dust will not stick. In Pint Cans. " Quart •• One dozen in a box. Per doz. . $5.50 . 9.00 I. X. L. Harness Oil. .•\ cheaper grade of Harness Oil than the Frank Miller Oil. It is superior to anv article of this class in the market. Per doz. No. — In Half Pint Cans. One dozen in a box.. .$3.00 No. 1— ■• Pint '■ ■• ' 4.50 No. 2 — ■■ Quart " " " " " .. 7.00 Miller's Axle Oil. Superior to castor oil, lasts longer and will not gum. Will not run from the boxes, if properly used. Not affected by climatic changes. In Pint Cans. One dozen in a box. ■■ Quart ■■ " " " '■ . Per doz. . $4.50 . 9.00 Bickmore Gall Cure $e&reAndWorkTh£Hor5E- f5|/r7'^° UPON ""^e"* K }^o^sesGCatfIe (.UAfthNTECr UNDEftTME fOOB AND DRUGS ACT. JUfiE 30 l90b. NO 509 BeSure And Work The Horse -f<7/5» ^SAl/A'G- Ge//s. Scratches. Cuts SoreSfiou/ders,. Necks ^ndBacHs Mud ■Sca/d&.Gorns.Greasedtfeels 3ncf M/nori Wounds ISores upon Horses an d Csrrie. , Manufactured and Ouar< •s BicKmore Gall Cure Co. OLD .TOWN. ME. U.S.A. I by \ Si ta^WorKj!;f !£E 25 c ^eSureAndWorkTheHorse- Per doz. In 2-ounce Boxes. One dozen boxes in carton $3.00 The manufacturers guarantee every box of Gal! Cure. Money refunded if it fails to cure Collar or Saddle Galls upon horses, under the harness, while the horse is worked; Chafes, Bruises, Cuts, Mud Scalds, Scratches, Grease Heel, Rope Burn, or any minor wound or sore upon horses and cattle. It gives immediate relief and quick cure for cracked, sore teats in cows, and for mange in dogs. ^■vf EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ 63 Jacks and Wrenches STEEL BUGGY, CARRIAGE AND WAGON JACKS. This is a powerful Jack, operated by pinion and lever, and is so constructed that the greatest leverage is obtained. When the load is lifted and the handle is down, the jack becomes locked and holds load in position until lever is raised. Three sizes. Per dozen. No. — Buggy Size. Capacity. 500 pounds. Weight about 6 pounds $12.00 No. 1— Carriage •• " 1000 " " " 11 " 16.00 No. 2— Wagon " " 1800 " " " 15 " 24.00 \ CARRIAGE WRENCHES No. 7320C— Malleable Wrenches. For 1 -inch A.xle Nuts. ¥>, %, %-inch openings. No. 7320F— 1% l-i, %, % Per dozen. .. . $1.50 . .. 1.50 Links, Rings and Swivels PLAIN REPAIR LINKS. Per gross. %-inch Iron $3.25 %6 •' " 3.30 % •■ ■' 4.50 V. " ■• 8.25 % •' ■■ 12.75 END LAP LINKS. PLAIN LAP RINGS. Per gross. Per gross. %G-iiich I ron. iV-inc h inside $2.70 %-inch Iron. 2i/L> -inchdiam. $12.60 % " 9 4.50 % " •• 3 18.00 % " 2% " 9.00 % " 2% " 15.00 % " 3 16.50 % " 3 21.75 KEYSTONE CONNECTING LINKS. The Keystone Connecting Link for connecting new or repairing broken chains I W 'IPI'SHi "f ^"y '^'"'^ '* composed of two corresponding halves centrally pivoted on the same n'm. i'¥mi ^'^'s. The inner flat face of each is pivoted with a projecting lug and recess, so ,^^*>„^„^ - ^Jml th.1t when closed and in use they mutually interlock, and by abuttmg agamst each ""^^^ ' -^^^"^ other, lateral displacement of the two halves, and consequent spreading or parting fgr^^^^m^^ is rendered impossible. The Keystone Link is drop forged from an especially tough grade of bar steel. Size, mches Mi %G % "/lo ^2 % % 1 Per dozen $2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 4.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 MALLEABLE CHAIN SWIVELS. mm^^ ^B^^iHI^^''~Nll Length, inches zys 2^/4 3 41/4 4% 5 Size Eyes, inches % -yie % % % ^J Size Wire, inches % %6 %6 % "/io ?iG Per pound ... ... -.• 54 ^.^f E?l?IONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ Trace Chains 6V2- 8-2—61/2 feet lo ig- 6 Li nks to foot. ¥4 -in 6V2-10-2— 6y2 8 ¥4 • 7 -10-2—7 8 Vi ' 7 -10-1— T 8 %2 ' 7 -10-0—7 8 5/16 ' 7 -12-0—7 10 %6 ' 7 -14-0— T 12 %e • Straight Link Trace Chains. English Standard. 6 1/4 " 6 1/2 " 8 1/2 " 101/2 " 11 111/2 " Per pair. . . $0 . 92 1.07 ,. 1.33 , . 1.42 .. 1.75 , . 2.05 . . 2.70 Butt or Half Trace Chains. Western Pattern. 30- 8-1 — 30 inches long. 7 Links to foot, %2-inch Wire. SSVo lbs. per dozen pairs. "40 29 35 30 36 30-10-1—30 9 " " %2 ' 30- 8-2—30 7 " " Vi ' 36- 8-2—36 7 '• " Vi ' 30-10-2—30 9 " " Vi • 36-10-2—36 9 " " 1/4 ■ Per pair. Buckeye Stage Chains. Western Pattern. 31/2-10-1 — 31/2 feet long. 9 Links to foot, %2-inch Wire. 61 lbs. per dozen pairs. 31/2-12-1—31/2 " " 11 " " " %2 " " 62 " " " " . Per pair. Cart Back Chains Single. 5 feet long, %6-inch Wire. 30 pounds per dozen. 4 '■ " %2 '• •■ 25 •' •' " . Per c'oz. Double. Twisted Link. 4M> feet long, %6-inch Wire. 63 lbs. per dozen. Per doz. _^f EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. »^_ Wagon Chains Each. Wacon Stay Chains. SelTcolored. 26 inches long. 5/ig_,„ch Wire. Weight, 30 pounds per dozen $0.50 " ■• ■• " " 36 " " %- " " 45 o" Waeon Tongue Chains. Self-Colored. 36 inches long. 5/jg.i„ch Wire. Weight, 32 pounds per dozen, S .." " " " 36 " " %- " " " 54 Per pair. , . $0 . 70 .90 Per doz. Wagon Lock Chains. Self-Colored. 43 inches long. SAs-inch Wire. Weight, 4 pounds each $5.20 ^ - '• •< %- " " " 5% fi.OO 42 Wagon Stretcher Chains. Self-Colored. 42 inches long, %-inch Wire. Weight, 9 pounds each. Each. $1.00 Fifth, or Rolling Chain. r Length, feet ... 10 12 %6-in.{ Aver. Wt. lbs.. 14% 15 [ Per pound 14 1511. 16 IIV2 f Length, feet . . %-in. -^ Aver. Wt„ lbs. [ Per pound . . . 10 I5V2 12 19 14 16 33% 24% Single Breast Chains. Brinlit. 26-8-2. Vi-inch Wire. Weight, 30 pounds per dozen . Per doz. . $5.00 Double Breast Chains. Bright. 26-10-2. V^-inchWire. Weight, 42 pounds per -dozen . Per doz. . $9,00 Sliding Breast Chains. Bright. 26-8-2. Vi-inch Wire. Weight, 31 pounds per dozen . Per doz. . $9.00 5^ ^Vf E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Halter Chains in ^ - •;._,-;--^.^. American Pattern Halter Chains. Niagara Pattern Halter Chains. Size Numbers 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 American. 4%' feet long. Per dozen $1.65 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.S5 2.05 2.30 2.65 6 •■ •• '• •' 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.35 Niagara. 4^^. " " •' " 1.65 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.85 2.05 2.30 2.65 6 " " " " 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.35 Half Dozen in a Box. Cow Ties Niagara Ohio Pattern. Ohio Pattern. Per doz. No. 00 — 4 feet 10 inches. 14 pounds to dozen.. .. $3.25 j No. 00 — 4% feet. 19 pounds to dozen. No. 000—5 '• 17 " " " 3.75 1 5 '■ 28 Per doz. . $3.60 . 4.80 Tie-Out Chains Niagara Tie-Out or Picket Chains. Regular length 30 feet. Swivel Snap on one end, 1%-inch Ring on the other end and Swivel in center. Picket Chains are wrapped singly in strong paper packages; 6 packages in a bundle, 7 to 10 dozen to a barrel. Per doz. ,^ Niagara Pattern. 30 feet long. No. 1 Wire. Weight, about 28 pounds per dozen $26.00 30 " " No. " '• " 38 30.00 ^■vf EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 67 Single and Doubletrees Per doz. No. 1— Plow Singletree. Varnished. Length. 26 inches. Size of wood, 2% x 1% in. Wt., 34 lbs. per doz ... $2.50 Ciiiter Clip '16 inch. End Clips % inch. Hooks Vi inch. No. 2— Plow Singletree. Painted Red. Length, 26 inches. Size of wood, 2% x 1% in. Wt, 38 lbs. per doz. . . 3.00 Center Clip % inch. End Clips "id inch. Hooks ''ie inch. Per doz. No. 13— Plow Doubletree. Varnished. Length, 36 inches. Size of wood, 2% x 2 in. Wt., 68 lbs. per doz . . $4.00 Center Clip 'So inch. Center Hook 'ie inch. End Clips Vw inch. No. 14— Plow Doubletree. Painted Red. Length, 36 inches. Size of wood, 2% x2 in. Wt., 75 lbs. per doz.. 5.00 Center Clip % inch. Center Hook Vi inch. End Clips Vs inch. Per doz. No. 9V,_Wagon or Contractors' Singletree. Painted Red. Heavy Malleable Strap Ends. Wt., 90 lbs. per doz. $7.00 Center Clip % inch. Ring V2 inch, Hooks % inch, size of Wood 2% x 2 x 36 inches. Per doz. No. 90A— Wagon Singletree. Varnished. Length, 36 inches. Size of wood, 2% x2 in. Wt., 74 lbs. per doz. Center Clip "i,; inch. Ring T/j, inch. Ferrule, l^J inch. Hooks % inch. No. 90 —Wagon Singletree. Varnished. Length, 36 inches. Size of wood, 2% x 2 in. Wt., 84 lbs. per doz. Center Clip % inch. Ring V4 inch, Ferrule H4 inch. Hooks % inch. Per doz. No. 100— Wagon Singletree. Full Strap Back. Varnished. 36 inches. Wood, 2% x 2 in. Wt., 90 lbs. per doz. Center Clip % inch. Ring % inch, Full Strap hi inch. Hooks % inch. ^^ _^f EflMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Heider Single and Doubletrees Per set. Two-Horse Plow Doubletree Set. Doubletree, I%x3%x42 inches, with Steel Clevis and Wood Riveted at each end; two Singletrees. 2% X 30 inches, with Welded Center Clips with Rings, Malleable Ferrules with Steel Hooks, Hickory, Painted. Striped and Varnished. Weight, 15 pounds per set $1.70 Six Complete Wagon Sets Crated. A complete set consists of the following: One Doubletree, 2 x 4 x 48 long, with wrought plates, lockpin clevis clip and stay chain ring and wood riveted at each end. Two Singletrees, 2% x 36, with welded center clips with ring, malleable fer- rules with steel hook. One Neckyoke, 2% x 40, with center irons and malleable ferrules with steel ring. Center clip on Singletrees are put on hot. Hickory wood only. Weight, per set, 30 pounds. Cut shows six sets of Hickory Painted Wagon Sets, crated. The crate is built tn fully protect them in shipping from being marked or scratched. Six Complete Sets, in Crate, Painted, Striped and Varnished. Weight, 225 lbs. per crate Luse Safety Neckyokes. This Neckyoke is simple and sure. It is strong and cannot get ofif the pole until the yoke is turned half way over. It cannot hammer the pole, therefore it is noiseless. The band of the yoke is of two pieces of malleable iron, which is firmly riveted on each side of the swivel bolt. The safety device can be readily understood from the cut. The pole cannot drop out when one of these Neckyokes is used and makes an absolute safety. Neckyoke, Complete. Varnished. _^fE?lMONS -HAWKINS H.\RDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 59 Doubletrees and Neckyokes Per doz. No . 12— Wagon Doubletree. Malleable Clevises. Wood^x 4 x 48 inches. Weight, 160 pounds per dozen... $'^.00 No. 45— Wagon Neckyoke. Varnished. Size of Wood, 2% x 40 inches. Ironed complete . Single and Doubletree Irons Per doz. . $7.00 Nos. 7.? and ~5hi. '^'J- " Dozen sets. No 73 —Plow Singletree Sets, %-inch Center Clip. Two '/io-inch F.nd Clips, with %-inch Hooks $3.20 No. 751 2— " " Mb '/is " %6 " ■' 1-90 No. 77 " Doubletree " % " " " with V:; " Hook. Two Ve-inch End Clips 3.30 Dozen sets. Wagon Singletree Sets. One %-inch Center Clip with ■'ir.-nKh Rin^'. Two 'ie-inch End Clips, with %-inch Hooks «* • 50 Neckyoke Irons No. 78. So. 80%. Per doz. No. 78 —Neckyoke Center Irons. Complete with %6-inch Eyes, %-inch Links, 3 x %6-inch Ring '^on No. 80^4— Neckyoke Ferrule and Ring. 1 %-inch Ferrule, 3x %-inch Ring 1-30 ^O ^vf EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. j^^ Anti- Rattlers No. 1 — Burton Anti-Rattler. Blue Temper Steel. No. 2— " No. 4— " No. 2. No. 4. Per doz. Vs-inch. With Bolt Holder $3.00 Vs " Without Bolt Holder 1.25 iVs " " " " 1.50 A practical Quick-Shift and .\nti-Rattler combined. Simple and low in price. .'\ttaches to any buggy, old or new, working in common shaft eye and shackle. Shafts or pole can be attached or detached, or change made, in an instant without tools of any kind. Is well made throughout of best material. Spring is high grade steel, oil-tempered, and every shifter is thoroughly tested. Has no rubber, leather or brass bushing to wear out in a short time, and is guaranteed to give good service. The Improved Quick-Shift. For %-inch Bolt. Tempered Steel Spring. Japanned I'er doz. . $4.00 Axle Washers Solid Axle Washers. Per box. nch Axle. Five Sets in a Box $0.96 •■ 1.12 For %- " '%6 " 1 " iVs " 1% These Washers are made from best oak-tanned and cut from whole stock. 1.18 . 1.38 1.44 leather Coil Axle Washers. Per box. %-inch. Five Coils (100 Washers) in a Box $0.30 1 " " " " 35 iVs ■■ " " " 40 114 " " " " 45 Made of best oak stock, full of the life and elasticity of the original leather, which gives the most satisfactory service. Rein Supporters Read's Rein Supporters, Imitation Rubber. Nickel Plated. A simple, practical, common-sense device that prevents acci- dents, saves annoyance, adds to pleasure of driving. Reins never get under horse's tail. Their simplicity, practical working, orna- mental appearance, little cost, make them appeal strongly to the driving public. Quarter dozen pairs on display card. Per doz. To attach to Breeching $3.00 3.00 ^■vfEriMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. ^^_ «?l Horse Clippers A strong, well-made and finished medium price Clipper. Entirely taken apart by re- moval of tension bolt. All metal parts nicely polished. Black enameled handles and nickel plated ferrules. A satisfactory, neat and taking article. Weight, about IV2 pounds. No. 25 — Standard Hand Clipper. Polished. Full Length, 10% inches. 3%6-inch Plate. Each. $1.75 No. 40— Ball Bearing Hand Clipper, Nickel Plated. Full This Clipper is made from the best material throughout, is finely polished and nickel plated, has nickeled ferrules and oval turned hardwood handles finished in imitation of vulcanized rub- ber. The anti-friction or ball bearing feature is so constructed that the balls are securely held in the cap by the spring piece, thus avoiding any unnecessary loose parts to be mislaid when the Clipper is taken apart. Each. Length, 11 inches. 3%6-inch Plate $3.00 This is a very strong, substantial and satisfactory article, finely finished and nickel plated and recommended as the most satisfactory Ball Bearing Fetlock Clipper ever brought out. The anti-friction or ball bearing feature is so constructed that the balls are securely held in the cap, thus avoiding any unnecessary loose parts to be mislaid when the Clipper is taken apart. Has strong outside spring of best music spring wire. Plates are carefully ground and have strong coarse cutting teeth. No. 100 — Ball Bearing Fetlock Clipper. Fine Finish and Nickel Plated. 6% inches long. 1%-inch Plate. Each. $2.50 Mule Shears No. 1090 — Hilger Mule Shears. Half Polished. Curved Blades. Full Length, 9 inches. Half Dozen in a Box. Per doz. . $4.30 62 ^.yf EMMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON.W. VA. v_ Horse Clipping Machines Enclosed Type Clipping Machine. Ball Bearing. A new Clipping Machine, sturdy, compact, perfect in every detail of material and workmanship, and at a price within the reach of every farmer and horseman in the land. Cast iron tripod with 1-inch tubular upright, japanned. All gears are cut from solid steel, made file hard and enclosed in dust-proof metal box. They run in oil and operate practically without friction or wear. Crank handle runs slowly, but the machine \j-orks rapidly. The steel flexible shaft is canvas covered. Extra Knives, for Horse Clipping Machines, $2.50. Each. No. 1 — Horse Clipper. Enclosed Type. Crank Handle. Complete with Knife and Handle, and 6 feet of Flexible Shaft. Weight, about 36 pounds $6.75 Sheep Shearing Attachment. Consisting of Solid Jointed Shearing Shaft. Shearing Handle, four Combs and four Cutters 7 . 75 Combination Horse Clipper and Sheep Shearer. Complete 14 . 50 T The 20th Century Horse Clipping Machine. It turns easily and works fast, and anybody can operate it. It is sus- pended from the ceiling by a rope, which enables the operator to reach every part of a horse with ease. Gear is 12-inch, positive drive. Flexible shaft is steel. Knives are highest grade, same as furnished on other machines. No stable is too small to profit from the use of the 20th Century Clipper. The 20th Century. To suspend from ceiling by rope. 12-inch Gear. Complete with Flexible Shaft. Each. $5.00 Electric Clipping Machine. The motors of these machines are extra well made and are furnished complete so that they can be attached to electric incandescent light socket. The flexible shaft is 6Vi feet long, and connects directly with the armature shaft of the motor. This eliminates short bends in the shaft near the point of connection, and gives the utmost freedom of motion. The motors are perfectly made, and are self-oiling. Any one can make the connection and the machine can be started or stopped by merely turning the ordinary electric switch, the same as with an incan- descent lamp. Absolutely noiseless. Has a self-oiling device, can be started and stopped instantly, requir- ing but little current, cannot be injured by careless handling; can be hung out of harm's way when not in use. No electrician is required to install same, connection being made in identically the same manner as screwing in an incandescent lamp globe. Each machine is furnished with automatic starting box. When ordering, be sure and specify voltage if direct current. If alternating current, specify voltage, number of alternations and periodicity. /I Each. Electric Clipping Machine. 110 Voltage Direct Current. Weight, boxed, 80 pounds $40.00 " " " 220 " " " " " 80 " 60.00 " " " Alternating Current. Weight, boxed, 80 pounds 85.00 ^^f EJHMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ 63 Rivets and Burrs App roximate Number Rivets and Burrs to Pound. No. ¥4 % hi % % % 1 1«. 1% Burrs 8 70 4 78 5 64 53 48 46 44 39 36 85 6 105 96 74 68 61 56 54 50 180 7 211 171 150 132 110 97 91 79 72 368 8 284 227 178 156 136 116 100 93 88 417 9 365 276 228 184 169 156 133 124 113 620 10 411 336 275 223 206 180 162 ... 820 11 416 545 360 400 320 325 944 12 292 257 221 185 ... 1167 Copper Rivets and Burrs. In Half Pound Boxes. No. 7— Uniform Lengths: %,%, y2, %,%,%. 1. iVi. l'/4 in . .$0.52 .\ssorted Lengths : %, V2, % and % in 55 No. 8— Uniform Lengths: Vt, %, V2, %,%,Vs. 1, 1%, IV2 in . .53 .\ssorted Lengths : %, %, % and % in 56 No. 9— Uniform Lengths: %, %, ¥2, %, %, %, 1 in 55 Assorted I, engths: %, %, % and % in 58 No. 10— Uniform Lengths: %,%,%,%,%, '/s in 57 Assorted Lengths: %, Va, % and % in 60 Five Pounds. 10 Boxes, in Carton. In Quarter Pound Boxes. No. 7 — Uniform Lengths: %,%,%,% in 55 .Assorted Lengths : %, %, % and % in 57 No. 8 — Uniform Lengths: %, Va, %, % in 56 .Assorted Lengths : %,V2,% and % in 58 No. 9— Uniform Lengths: %, Va, %,% in 58 Assorted Lengths: %, Va, % and % in 60 No. 10— Uniform Lengths: %, Va, %, % in 60 .Vssorted Lengths: %, %, % and % in 62 Three Pounds, One Dozen Boxes, in Carton. Coppered Iron Rivets and Burrs. In Half Pound Boxes. Per lb. No. 7 — Uniform Lengths: %, V2, %,%,%, I'm $0.39 .•\ssorted Lengths; %, %, % and % in 43 No. 8 — Uniform Lengths: %,%,%,%,%, 1 in 40 Assorted Lengths : %, V2, % and % in 44 3/16 .1/16 5/16 6/lS 7/16 8/16 No. 9— Uniform Lengths: %, V2, %, %, % in . .Assorted Lengths: %, V2, % and % in. No. 10 — Uniform Lengths: V2, %,%in. .'\ssorted Lengths: %, V2, % and % in. Per lb. $0.41 .45 .43 .47 No. 1 Japanned Tubular Rivets. Uniform Lengths. 1,000 in a Box. Assorted Lengths. In Papers. 12 in Carton. Per Inch.... 4^6 ?io %6 %6 ^16 %6 ^ i%8 I 50 in a Box. %e to ^ig Per 1,000 $0.95 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 [lOO " " %6 to %6 carton. $0.7.i 1.40 4/16 5/16 6/16 7/16 S/IG I Copper Bevel Clinch Rivets. No. 1 — .Assorted %6 to fie. In Paper Boxes of 100 Rivets. 12 Boxes in Carton. Per carton. .$0 . 70 Draw Gauges Japanned malleable iron hollow handle, polished head, 4-inch pol- ished steel slide, graduated %-inch, with set screws. Total length, 5 inches. Weight, about 12 pounds per dozen. Per doz. No. SlVj- Tempered Steel Blade $25.00 Packed Six in a Box. 04 ^^f E?lMONS -HAWKINS HARDWARE CO. HUNTINGTON. W. VA. ^^_ Riveting Machines The "Rex" Riveter. This machine is designed to meet the demand for a low-priced machine, but the quality is not slighted in the least. At the price there is no better machine made. For No. 1 Tubular or Bifurcated Rivets, adjusts automatically to any length rivet. Case hardened steel plunger and anvil, malleable iron frame, finished in black Japan. One in a paper box. Shipping weight per dozen, 38 pounds. Black Japanned. Gilt Fir Weight, 2% pounds. Per doz. $12.00 The "Victor" Riveter. Made of malleable iron and hardened steel, and is absolutely first-class and fully guaranteed as to workmanship and material. Will do perfect work with No. 1 Rivets, either tubular or split. Sets Rivets all lengths, up to and including lO'io- It automatically adjusts to all lengths without change of any kind. This machine is especially adapted for harness and repair work. Has a larger throat opening than any machine of this class on the market. The "Victor" Riveter. Two Coats Black Japan, Gilt Letters. Weight, about 4 pounds. Per doz. $18.00 The " Best Yet " Riveter. Provided with a punch for punching the buckle 'holes. This machine will be found the handiest tool on earth for quickly repairing harness, belting and straps of all kinds. It automatically adjusts and will set any length tubular or split, harness or shoe rivets without change of any kind. When punching for buckles lav a board, one inch thick, on the face of the anvil and your strap on this board; then by pushing the lever of the machine down you will be able to force the punch through the leather with the greatest ease. " Best Yet " is bound to outsell all others. The " Best Yet" Riviting Machine. Double Japanned, Gilt Finish. Weight, 3% pounds. r*er doz $24.00 Spring Punches No. 1— Single Tube. No. 4 — Four Tubes. No. 6— Six Tubes. Per doz. Assorted Sizes, Nos. 3 to 9. Screw Tubes, Forged Steel $ 6.00 Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10. " " " " 20.00 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Screw Tubes, Forged Steel 24.00 Webster Family Library of Veterina.7 Medicine Cummings School ot Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 VVestboro Road North Grafton, MA 01 536