■r.n^ M JOHNA.SEAVERNS M^ PPv. ^^^^ F^w^'' §M- WM' iy^.(Ai^i . r<^:T<^ ^ Wmm^i$ L :^'^ u 7^^\J! 9Mh^: A ».j/- ■Jir-j>^' _i»^ i'»;>\a \..i<'t(».-:.*- ill \ \k « s; 1^1 J. J. THE HORSE; HOW TO BUY AND SELL. GIVING THE POINTS WHICH DISTINGTHSH A SOUND FROM AN UNSOUND HORSE. BY PETER HOWDEN NEW YORK: ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, 53 & 54 LAFAYETTE PLACE. 1902. Entered, according to Act of Cougrcss, iu the year 1887, by the O. JUDD CO., In the Office ol the Librarian of Cougress, at Washington. PUBLISHEES' PREFACE. The rapidly growing fondness among both sexes for Horses in the United States, is very naturally develop- ing a desire for knowledge regarding the points and characteristics of this noble animal. Hitherto this knowledge has been confined to few. The present volume abounds in general information, stated in so clear and simple a manner as to enable every one to intelligently buy and sell a horse. PREFACE. The object of the jiresent work is to explain, in the simplest manner, what constitutes a sound and what an unsound horse; to note doubtful points, and such things as operate against the proper development of the animal in all parts; and further, as an '' unsound horse" is often less dangerous and more useful than the common ac- ceptation of the word "unsound" would imply, I shall take pains to distinguish real from imaginary defects. To recapitulate the objects of this little treatise, they are — 1. To ascertain what constitutes strict soundness in the horse. 2. To note deviations from soundness unimportant except as to their effect on the market value of the animal. 3. General observations on used horses. As, of necessity, these subjects sometimes run into each other, a copious index at the end of this book will save the reader any perplexity, and enable him to find what he wants. There have from time to time lieen published plenty of books upon tlie real and imaginary perfections of the horse; but it must ])e admitted that no horse ever came up to the standard of excellence set up by the authors of these works. Of course not. These writers have brought together a collection of equine excellences, and made it appear to the general reader that a sound and good horse possesses them all. Such argument is not based on common sense. As well expect to find the av- 7 8 PREFACIl. erage human form as divinely beautiful as the Apollo Belvidere or the Venus de Medici; or, at least, to reject as models for the student in sculpture or painting all subjects not ^*^ thoroughly up to the mark." Nobody, nothing, is perfect according to our own artificial stan- dards; but with a little attention to practical detail, as laid down by men of experience, and a large allowance of common sense, we may find the tools for our work. There are few horses that would stand the strict test of examination for purposes of unqualified warranty, even among those that have not been worked; but few indeed would be those that had been worked that would not fall under the denomination of unsound. One of the most experienced men in the business, who dealt for many years in horses for those who can and will have the best animals in the country, said, "Not one in three of fresh unused horses would pass an examination; and when a horse has reached five years without work, reject him. Do not trouble yourself to find out what it is, there is certainly something wrong about the brute." My experience bears out this counsel. In quadrupeds and men destined to labor, there must be some inherent deficiency in them if they go long without work. It should be borne in mind that, even where " price is no object," the purchaser cannot insure the possession of a perfect animal, according to any abstract standard. There are very few really bad horses, and, providing horses are properly "placed," that is, put to their right use^ the use to which nature fitted them — all difficulties in dealing in horse-flesh will vanish. There is not a grain of sense or truth in the assertion that the horses of to-day are far inferior to the "well-bred horse of old." Again, exceptions do not always prove the rule, and the references to one or more old beauties amongst a lot of young and not beautiful animals go for nothing; or prove no more than that the favorites of older days were not over- PREFACE. 9 worked. Horses not over-worked improve in beauty from eight to sixteen years. During that period the car- tilage becomes absorbed, the head smaller and sharper m outline; the prominent bones and tissues again present a youthful roundness, the legs become fine, and the ten- dons acquire a sharp, well-defined appearance; the horse himself might be taken by a good judge to be much younger than in reality he is, did not his mouth bear ev- idence to the contrary. The connoisseur, however, rarely needs the evidence of the mouth, the general shape and contour of the horse being in most cases sufficient. It may be some consolation to those whose knowledge or rather predilection for certain horses is derived from books, to learu that large '^ users" very rarely ol)tain ex- actly such horses as they would choose, they therefore adopt the wise course of balancing one thing with an- other, and purchase the best they can get. The present Duke of Wellmgton recently observed of a horse:— ^^ A great many faults might be found with his hocks; he could not pass an examination. But I do not mind, I know well enough he is a good wearer, and I will give you a cheque for him." The duke's observa- tion proved him to be a practical horseman; in short, a good judge. Horses are essentially animals for use, and although the whole modern system of breeding and train- ing tends to produce animals compactly built and beauti- ful to look upon, still no amount of training will conceal from the practised eye the features useful or useless for the purpose in view. THE HORSE ; HOW TO BUY AND SELL When the extensive and widely ramified trade in horses is considered, the prevailing ignorance of the public as to the laws both physical and civil, relating to then^ sound- ness or unsoundness, is a matter of surprise. Many people appear to think that such knowledge is confined to the larger dealers and proprietors, so that, when a private individual — though a really bad judge of horse-flesh — succeeds in selling, most innocently, a horse that a short time afterwards becomes lame, he immedi- ately acquires the reputation of being "a knowing one" — ^' a deep hand;" etc. It is hoped this little work will aid m protecting botli buyer and seller from useless litigation. It will be my aim both to free the Warranty from the fallacious security with which it too often invests the purchaser, and to re- move the bugbear terrors that surround the seller and too often prevent his obtaining a proper value for a horse. From not knowing the extent of liabilities incurred by the warranty, he is led from motives of prudence, to de- cline warranting even horses that are sound. I shall also sliow when a horse should not be rejected because he is unsound, and why, frequently, a sound horse should be avoided. The late Professor Coleman used to say, ^^ any devia- tion from nature is an unsoundness." The opinions of most writers, since his time, embrace the same doctrine. To differ from the learned professor altogether would ])Q presumptuous; although, I tlimk, whilst he put his 11 12 THE HORSE. meaning into short and quaint language that it might be easily understood, he calculated upon its receiving a liberal construction. Still, however, the professor con- sidered the above definition of unsoundness a neat and concise explanation of a difficult subject. The exceptions may not be very numerous with regard to strict soundness, but there may, nevertheless, be many deviations from nature which, instead of impeding the animal functions, are of great service in adapting domes- ticated animals to the artificial state in which they have to live. Let us take an illustration. The hands of the artisan or laborer, rendered coarse and hard by his daily vocations, must be considered a deviation from nature; but a man with delicate hands, who occasionally goes boating, is aware, from the blisters he gets on his hands, of the convenience and comfort of a more liorny texture of skin. If it were customary for people, upon being taken into any kind of employment, to be "warranted," could a man with these hard hands be warranted sound, ^. e., in a natural state, or capable of doing his work proi)erly? Nevertheless, though deviating from nature, the horny hand is the best adapted to hard work. If tlie hands of a man had never done hard manual labor, but had always been employed m writing, his skin would remain unaltered, thin, and tender, and he would be adjudged sound, in consequence of his not deviating from nature; Init his hands must undergo an alteration of structure l)efore he could earn his food by plowing or digging. It IS not, therefore, the training alone, but the altered structure consequent thereon, that is required; yet no one will deny that the adapted structure is the most valuable for performing the requisite labor. Devia- tions equally slight or unimportant should not vitiate a warranty in horse-flesh. 8ucli vitiation is, however, often attempted, leading to enormous expense, tedious litiga- HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 13 tion, and frequently the breaking-up of long-established friendships, every one of which evils might be easily pre- vented by a thorough understanding of the subject I would elucidate. The works on the soundness and un- soundness of horses that have hitherto come under my notice have been, for the most part, compilations or refer- ences to cases that have been litigated, which cases, in- stead of being of any value or service to those unac- quainted with the structure and habits of the horse, have only served to mystify them. WARRANTY. It has been almost universally supposed that a warranty extends to a definite period. Some nnagine that, if any- thing happens to render a horse unsound during the first month after purchase, the horse can be returned. Others extend the period, and, when told that the warranty does not go forward, but, on the contrary, back from the time of its date, want to know the use of such a document. USE OF WARRAIS^TY. The folloAving are the advantages to be derived from the possession of a warranty. Supj^ose a horse should Ije- come ill or diseased within such a reasonable time after purchase as to lead to the belief that the ailment, in all probability, had been caught prior to the sale of the ani- mal, then it could be returned as unsound, because it did not fulfil the conditions of the warranty at the time it was given. Or suppose, within a few days after the pur- chase has been made, the horse becomes lame, and it is possible to prove that the lameness existed prior to the 14 THE HORSE. cluinge of ownership, and that the horse had not been nsed. as is generally the case with horses of his chiss, for six weeks after his cure, then the animal is returnable. A horse, therefore, that is turned out to gi'ass after having been afflicted with lameness (unless it can be proved that he has been out for a very considerable period, and that he has been sound during a portion of that time), cannot projierly be warranted as sound, and is returnable if he becomes unsound in the part affected before. Provided that the animal had been properly used ac- cording to his class and condition, and that no lameness takes place within a month after he commences work, whether in the service of his new or his late owner, the warranty would cease at the end of a month. The safest way, therefore, is not to warrant the horse until he has been at least six weeks at ordinary work after a perfect cure has been effected. As there are some physicians who assert that nobody is perfectly sane, and that every one is insane upon one topic or another, so there will be found enlightened vet- erinarians who assert that there are no sound horses. Certainly not, if they have ever done a day's work. If the slightest deviation from the state in which the colt was, prior to beginning work, it is to be significant of un- soundness, I grant that with used horses they are right. The hard condition of the working horse, which really is the cause of his endurance, is, according to this dictum, an unsoundness ; because the very work necessary to pro- duce this desired condition will in most cases effect some slight alteration of structure. Nor is the charge of the veterinary surgeon respecting unsoundness much less deserving of censure. Horses were made for the use of man; and many of the devia- tions from nature brought on by that use, so far from causing inconvenience to the animal, assist him in the work he has to do. Are we not justified, then, in at- HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 15 tributing certain alterations in the structure of animals to the goodness of nature, rather than in questioning their soundness when such alteration, instead of being detri- mental, is for their benefit? Taking substantially, however. Professor Coleman's comprehensive definition of warranty for my text, I will proceed to give a list of the most usual causes for i-eject- ing warranted horses; distinguishing those marks or pecu- liarities which are really only blemishes from those which do render the animal unsound; and, to make the work as complete as possible, I will endeavor to make clear the vices of the horse, with their attendant consequences. EXAMINATION. On the horse being led out of the stable, it is usual to walk up to his withers to ascertain if he is of the required height, as there is generally a difference between the ap- parent measure in the stable and that taken out of doors, arising from the want of level in the stall. Next, you should stand before the middle of the chest, to see whether there is any difference in the size of the two fore-feet. THE FEET. COXTRACTIOI!^. Contractions, Avhether arising from original malforma- tion or from subsequent lameness, are by many pro- nounced unsound. Others admit, where no inconven- ience arises from a naturally small foot, that it does not constitute an unsoundness. Why should feet naturally IG THE HORSE. small or niiiTOW at the lieels, caused by being redred on high, dry, or hard soil, be pronounced unsound? Nature has made the small foot as perfect as the larger one. The inside, or sensitive foot, is not too large for the horny case, nor has it with difficulty been squeezed into the case; but the hard, horny case fits the inside with l^erfect ease. Where contraction is the cause of lameness, it usually arises from changing a natural state of living to one that is artificial. The heat or dryness of the stable is one of the principal causes of contraction, as it aggra- vates the inflammation produced by work and by the stimulating nature of the food. Reason, therefore, would suggest that the horse reared in the softest and wettest ground, and having the largest- sized foot, would be most likely to receive injury from the change; and so it has proved in innumerable cases. Great attention and care may keep such feet moderately sound for a short time; but they become crippled almost as soon as they are worked. Not so with the naturally smaller but harder hoof, which has been accustomed to something nearer to the stable dryness; it is not, there- fore, from this cause, so soon inflamed. Horses with small hard feet have less fatty membrane to carry, having generally been reared on hard dry grounds. Food not be- ing so plentiful in these situations as on the moist, soft, and fertile plains, they have had to travel farther for it; deriving much good from the exercise thereby mduced, and especially from the dry and bracnig air of more hilly regions. Horses whose hoofs are naturally small and hard are, therefore, better prepared in every way for the treatment they have to undergo in their apj^renticeship to work. They have less useless weight of their own to carry; they are already accustomed to hard dry ground, and to more violent exercise. Horses witli small hoofs ai"e more moderate in their action: their feet are not subject to violent inflammation. AVhen inflammation does take HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 17 place, it is usually slow, and some time elapses before it produces lameness; with a little care they are generally kept in health, and must be pronounced to be Soui^^D. OPEX HOOFS. The larger-footed horse has more useless weight of his own, not only from having been accustomed to wet, low situations, but also from having had, when young, a greater abundance of food. From having had less exer- cise, and from the heavy atmosphere having induced quiet, the horn of his hoof has become thin, soft, and weak. The action of this class of horse is high, which is peculiarly bad for the shape of his feet. This habit has been partly acquired through his having been obliged in marshy situations to clear his feet from the soil; but in some horses bred on plains it arises from the position of the shoulder. It must be obvious to every one, that bringing these horses into dry stables, and making them work upon hard and dry ground, aggravated by their high action, does a greater violence to them than to the small-footed animal; and, as a natural consequence, a very little work pro- duces serious inflammation, pumice-sole, and sometimes perpetual lameness. These diseases are not merely the result of neglect; they are induced by putting the horse to a kind of Avork for which he is totally unfitted. The large-hoofed horse, certainly in his earlier years, should be put to moderate if not slow Avork, with as little weight upon his back as possible. FLAT FOOT. Where the sole of the foot is large and flat, and slightly convex, and where the heels are open, it is often mis- 18 THE HORSE. taken for u good open foot, even though the horny cover- ing is too thin and soft. Such a foot will not stand much work; but if its peculiarities are not the result ot disease, the foot may be considered Soui^D. PERFECT FOOT. The intermediate foot, that is, a foot between the con- tracted and open one, may be deemed perfection; but, as this degree of excellence is rarely met with, we must be satisfied with that which is the nearest approach to it. PUMICE SOLE. If the sole of the foot is in the slightest degree convex, or lower at tho middle than at the sides, it may be inferred that the horse has had inflammation of the foot, which has divided some of the laminae that attach the inner foot to the horny covering. These laminae, which are one thousand in number, in the healthy foot support the entire weight of the horse, as it were, on springs, instead of letting it rest on the sole alone. In the early stage of inflammation but few of these laminae are injured. The presence of pumice-sole stamps the horse as Uksoukd. THE KNEES. Upon the spotless purity of the knees too much stress is often laid, but security alone is the object to be con- sidered. A properly-formed horse, with his fore and hind quarters proportioned to each other, and his action straight and true, will not fall, except from over fatigue. Here do not deceive yourself, but take care, HOW TO BUY A:N"D SELL. 19 that in proportion to the beauty or length of the hind quarters be also the obliriuity or slanting of the shoulder- blades. The wither has nothing to do with this — so far as regards thinness, height, and other fancies — but it is best when thick at the lower part next the back. A horse thus chosen, with broken knees, unless the tendon is injured, is safer and better, if he has decent hind quarters, than one having upright shoulders, high withers, and all the popular requisites, even with the most immaculately-covered knees. Depend upon it he will have broken knees before he is eight years old. If he escapes' it till then, it is a clear proof that he has never been tried; for the first time he is so, down he will be sure to dro]). AVhen your chief desire is that your horse should not fall, care less about the length and beauty of the hind quarters than the proper form of the fore ones, unless price is no object, when you may have the nearer approx- imatiou to perfection. Upright shoulders are not of much consequence in harness, as the weight of draught assists the balance. The mere cutting of the skin, without further injury, does not render the horse weaker on his legs than he was before the accident. You may be assured that he was as frightened at falling as his rider; and the only mischief he has done is m having decreased, not his working, but his market, price. BROKEN KKEES. Should the horse at any time have been wounded by falling, the injury he has sustained is to be taken into consideration. If he has been down at all, even though the skin has not been broken, there will always remain a scurf under the hair, which, to the practised eye, is easily perceptible. '^0 THE HORSE. Where this is all the damage he has sustained, he is neither unsound nor blemished. Where there is an obvious scar from a cut of the skin, it is evidence of a broken knee, let the accident have occurred when or how it may; never heed the excuses offered, take it for granted that it was done against the animal's will, by coming in contact with the ground. This state of broken knee is sound, and the mark a blemish only, provided it is healed over and the skin formed. Prior to this state of perfect cure, from the time of the accident the horse is Unsouxd. Should the injury, however, have been sufficient to divide the extensor tendon, or otherwise impede or alter the action of the animal, although the part is healed over, he is U:n^soujs^d. SWOLLEN KNEES. Another case of injured, though not always broken, knees, may as well be mentioned; that is, where they are swollen: the horse is then Unsound. Where they are of a wenny, or capped, or callous nature, neither increasing nor diminishing, nor requir- ing extra care, and the action or work of the horse is not interfered with, the horse is Sound. But, if the wenny, capped, or callous feature is very conspicuous, it is a blemish, and, where it interferes witli the action or work, the horse is Unsound. THE EYES. The eyes require a very careful examination, as on their proper action our safety and comfort in the use of the animal mainly depend. now TO BUY A^STD SELL. 21 A horse with perfect eyes never shies, unless from mismanagement and savage cruelty; and even then he may be cured. He may look at various objects, and, when fresh from want of exercise, he is likely enough to play and frisk on observing different things, particularly such things as pass him quickly; but he may, neverthe- less, be perfectly free from vice. It is absolutely necessary that good light should be obtained, in order to inspect the eyes, and care should be taken that the animal be kept quiet for a sufficient time to enable you to observe these organs narrowly and colleotedly. The light best suited for this purpose is that which comes from above, and above only, like that which proceeds from a lantern roof, as in picture- galleries and ill some riding-schools. The next best light comes from the skylight common in the latter, or in a covered ride with a light above. Having placed tlie horse immediately under the light, you will be able to see and examine every defect as clearly as thougli you were looking at a piece of crystal. The best position one can generally adopt is to put his head in the stal^le- door, placing yourself in the shade, inside the stable, and looking through one of the eyes with great care, towards the light. When satisfied with the inspection, proceed with equal deliberation and pains to examine the other eye. Now stand opposite the animal's face, and examine both eyes well, by looking through them towards the stable or shade. It does not always follow that, liecause one eye is perfect, the other may not be tainted, althongh this may not be obvious at the moment. Any disease in the eye, even from the slightest cold or inflammation, until it l)e completely cured, or until it has terminated m total blindness, stamps the animal as Li nsound. All eyes predisposed to inflammation, although not actually affected by this complaint at the time of the 22 THE HORSE. warranty being drawn up, must be considered to stamp the horse as Uksound. Where there is reason to suppose that all tendency to inflammation in these organs has ceased, whether from the animal's age or otherwise, if there are any marks of injury remaining — as is mostly the case — from the small- est cataract, not larger than a needle's point; or if there IS the slightest dilatation of the pupil, the horse is Uksound. In other words, a horse with either eye not actually perfect is, if not blind, unsound. TOTAL BLINDXESS. If the animal is totally blind, either with one or both eyes, then there is no danger accompanying his use beyond what can be easily calculated upon; and if he is capable of doing the same work as other horses of his class similarly afflicted, he may l)e warranted sound, ranking only as Blemished. THE MOUTH. The age of the horse may be ascertained by examining the teeth and general ajipearance of the mouth. Taking it for granted that the reader will be acquainted with the peculiar structural marks, as reference can easily be made to plates on the su])ject, it only remains for me to state, that, by careful study and proper opportunity, one may learn to ascertain the age of the horse with tolerable accuracy, until the animal has turned his twentieth year. This is allowed by j^hose who have had the ojiportunity and wish to ascertain the trutli; but it is the interest of many to keep up the vulgar error that beyond the age of eight the horse's age cannot be calculated Avith any car- HOW TO BUY AKD SELL. 23 tamty. It is for this reason no one lias a horse more than eight years old for sale! CONTRACTED FEET. Having already considered the general formation of the feet, we now take np the near fore one, to see whether it is in any way diseased, or whether there are symptoms of its having formerly been so. To describe what slionld be the width of heel, and other peculiarities which form a perfect foot for each horse, would be indeed superfluous; such knowledge can be acquired only by study and practice. To point out the result of eacli defect when ascertained, so that the initiated may judge for themselves, is all that can be at- tempted. The thorough horesman is the only one who will appreciate more elaborate description. This asser- tion may perhaps appear over-confident; but, if blame attach to it, I liope those who have urged me on will lighten the burden. Thorough horsemen are compara- tively few, but the incompetent are numerous. This work, it is to be hoped, will be the means of adding to the former by decreasing the latter. It is a matter of dispute whether contraction of the foot renders tlie horse unsound or not. All will agree, where the climate is exceedingly hot and the horse goes sound, that this is a much better wearing foot, and more likely to keep free from lameness than the expanded soft hoof, which, from being wide, and predisposed in the sole to concavity, is, par excellence, pronounced sound; yet, in fact, while the narrow foot will stand equally well on wet, and on hard dry soil, on the latter the wide-spread flat foot will quickly give way on account of its proneness to injury from its softness. 24 THE HORSE. As feet of this description are adapted only for the work such horses are required to perform in their native country, it may j^erhaps be riglit enough to call them sound, prior to receiving injury. It is for the buyer to judge whether or not they are adapted to the work he requires. Still, why this weakly foot should be allowed to pass as sound, to the prejudice of the other, I have always been at a loss to know. The colt foaled with certain sized feet — the effect of the soil on which it was bred — although it has never been afflicted with lameness or dis- ease of any kind, is said to have contracted feet, and is condemned as unsound, because it is imagined that its hoofs are narrower than Fancy's prescribed limits. '^ He is unsound," says one; ^^lam doubtful," says another, " whether, according to law, it is unsoundness; he seems to go very well at present. He might have been better had they been a little more open. " Why should this be? In the human bemg, not only in different nations, but in the same country, we see peo- ple with feet of various sizes, but they are all equally capable of walking and of common exertion. I never knew a fast runner or a great walker amongst bipeds who had an extremely large foot; on the contrary, tlie feet of pedestrians, properly so called, are mostly, if not of the moderate size, rather under it. '^ Yes," some will say, *M3ut the human foot is not confined within a box of horn, capable of yielding but slightly." Most true; but nature fits the horn to the foot, and not the foot to the horn. Horses, therefore, which have naturally small feet, but not so small as to cause them inconvenience, may witli- out doubt be pronounced Sound. Should the various reasons stated in this and previous articles not be convincing, I may say that some of tlie best veterinary surgeons are of opinion that, where now TO BUY AKD SELL. 25 contraction is not attended by inconvenience to the ani- mal, it onglit not to be deemed an unsoundness, althougb in England it was legally decided as such many years ago. Some persons, however, pronounce it consistent with soundness, in spite of that decision. Professor Coleman once remarked, that he " cared not what had been decided, no Jury, after such evidence as would now be brought into court, could decide in favor of so absurd a law." The statutes respecting soundness have altered, and must continue to be altered, with the advance of time and improved veterinary knowledge. In Xenophon's time, when horses were not shod, the hardest hoof was consid- ered the best and soundest, because it wore the longest, although it was upright and contracted. When instruct- ing his soldiers how to choose horses, he describes these feet; but at the same time shows that he was aware of the evils of contraction brought on by disease, and he gives directions how it may be avoided. I shall here only add that extreme developments are as bad as mal- formations produced by disease or work. ARTIFICIAL CON-TRACTION". Artificial contraction, which must most always be the result of disease, let the disease arise from bad manage- ment, bad shoeing, neglect, or whatever cause, may bring on inflammation. The horny sole will not contract upon its contents, until either in action, or in the stable, the horse ceases to rest some of his weight upon his heels. This resting contracts the internal foot; the heat con- tracts the horn to it, and alters the secretion, so that the horn either gets thicker and stronger, or so thin and ten- der as to become what is called a shelly hoof. This shows that naturally small and narrow feet are very different 2 26 THE HOESE. from artificial contraction, wliicli can be cured only at the earliest stage of the disease. It may subsequently be sometimes relieved; but rarely, after an inflammation of a few weeks' standing, without a powerful remedy being applied, will there be so decided a cure effected as that the horse may be pronounced sound. If the contraction arose from a disease that had been cured, and the horse had been doing the work of horses of his class for six weeks without inconvenience or extraordinary care, then he IS Sound. Lameness from contraction is preferable to the lame- ness consequent upon convex or pumice sole; the latter unfitting the horse for any but slow or moderate work. In order that I may not be misunderstood in treating of artificial contraction, I should mention the exception to tlie rule, though I do not think tliat contraction which comes on gradually, and without an injury from a second- ary natural cause, should be considered artificial. For instance, if from want of exercise the frog receives no pressure, the inside of the foot has less work to perform, and gradually shrinks or wastes, and the horn contracts. When this takes place gradually, without inflammation, and without causing lameness or inconvenience, the horse is Sound. CORNS. Corns are an unsoundness. They are mostly on the inside heel, lookin;^ like a bruise or extravasated blood. They are more or less troublesome, according to the na- ture of the foot. In the low-heeled, thin, and brittle hoof, they are the worst and most troublesome; in the stronger hoof they are of less consequence; provided they are not soft corns or others of a serious character, and if the horse is a very superior animal, with good hoofs. HOW TO BUY AN^D SELL. 27 going sound at the time^ I should not reject him for my own use. Where the feet are otherwise good, with care and proper shoeing corns are soon cured. I Avould give the owner a short time to try and cure soft corns if the horse is otherwise sufficiently good. While a corn of any kind exists, the animal is ITNSOu:srD. Corns may be produced in so sliort a period, that, should you discover them immediately after purchase, you cannot return the horse, unless you can prove they existed prior to purchase. If any reader of this, witli feet most tender from bad corns, is wincing away in tight boots, he should be in- formed that there is no analogy between human corns and those of horses. The corn of the horse is a bruise similar to that caused by pinching up a piece of the skin, so {IS to leave the blood underueath, and which, previous to going away, assumes a black appearauce. In the horse it is best to cut them out, and keep off the pressure till thoroughly recovered. Soft corns are the least common with horses, and are nearer akin to those of the human being. Animals afflicted in this way are Unsound. SAND-CRACK. This is a crack or fissure mostly situate in the inside quarter of the forefoot, beginning just below the coronet, between hair and hoof, and passing down towards the bot- tom of the foot. Attention should be paid to this the moment it is discovered, wlien the requisite treatment and two or three days' rest will enable the horse to go sound in his work. In a few days the bandages may be taken off. The horse will most probably remain free from sand-crack till about the same time in tlie following year, when, unless strict attention is paid to it, he may 28 THE HORSE. throw another. While the sand-crack is in existence the animal is Unsouxd. When cured, he maj' be warranted as sound; but so long as the hoof is unsightly from the cure, it is a tem- porary Blemish. Where any marks of the sand-crack still remain at the time of the warranty being taken, in order to render the seller more secure, it would be advisable to make this dis- ease an exception. The horse is not returnable if one or more of these fis- sures appear immediately after he becomes the property of the purchaser, because he is considered sound until they are formed. Dry, brittle, thin hoofs are the most subject to this disease, particularly where the action is high and the weather dry and sharp. Attention, with slight stimulants, will do much to strengthen these lioofs, and render them less subject to cracks. Should these cracks be neglected till sand and dirt find their way through the fissures, they become troublesome to lieal, and are frequently the cause of permanent lameness. FALSE QUAETER. False quarter is a horizontal fissure in the inside quarter of the hoof. What has been said of sand-crack, applies in a o^reat measure to this also. Till a cure is effected, the horse is Unsound. Tliin, weak hoofs are most subject to this, though treading with one foot upon the other will produce it in any feet. If the horse goes sound, and does not re({uire particular treatment, he may be warranted as such. While any mark remains, it must be regarded as a blemish; but a blemish arising from a tread or accident on a good hoof will probably not appear. now TO BUT AND SELL. 29 THEUSHES. Thrushes are situated in the frogs of the feet, render- ing them ragged, and causing a fetid moisture to exude. Unless bad, and of old standing, they are not an un- soundness, and are readily cured in twenty- four hours; yet, as they constitute disease, and are deviations from the general rule of health, as implied in a warranty, and therefore oj^en to dispute, I Avill endeavor to make you sufficiently acquainted with the subject to form an opin- ion for yourself, while giving the reasons for altering the rule. The frogs are evidently intended to relieve the other portions of the foot from some of the weight of the horse. Besides the interior structure proving this, no stronger evidence of this use of the frogs can ])e adduced than that want of pressure will of itself produce thrushes, and that, when the foot is not too far gone (fleshy), gentle pressure greatly assists a cure. Stopping the feet imj^roperly with dung, and allowing it to remain too long in tlie hoofs, will also produce them. The best preventive is pressure and cleanliness; for, when the frogs become a little rag- ged, loose sand, dirt, or small gravel insinuating itself into the place affected will ultimately cause a running and tenderness; and where thrushes are already formed, the greatest attention to cleanliness is required. Proj^er care and attention, however, will effect a cure in a few hours. Until the frogs become bad or troublesome, or the heels become tender or fleshy, they should not be considered an unsoundness; but when the original structure of the frog has become so altered as to be perpetually tender, render- ing the horse liable to drop at every step, he is then un- questionably Unsoun-d. One reason why slight thrushes should be considered as not rendering the horse unsound is, that they are of lit- th consequence, and easily cured; another reason is, that 30 THE HORSE. sliglit tliruslies m^iy be produced in twelve liours in the most healthy feet, that is, the frog may be made to pro- duce a moist secretion in that time. No one, therefore, would be justified iu giving a warranty were slight thrushes to be regarded as an unsoundness, as any one not pleased with his bargain would only have to produce them to be almost certain of success in an action against the seller. This is, therefore, allowed to be one of the deviations from the general rule — that any alteration of structure renders the horse unsound. In cases where thrushes, however slight, are known to exist, the best and most secure way is, to warrant vvith this exception; as a litigious buyer might, if he did not like tlie horse m other respects, make this a plea for going into court to see whether he could not return his bargain, by making the existence of the disease a matter of im- portance. He would not gain his point, but the vexation and annoyance are better avoided. Where thrushes are the result of severe contraction, this state of contraction is an XJi^souNDi^ESS. To stop thrushes, when to a certain extent they are an- swering the purpose of setons, provokes more active in- flammation. In the contracted foot, more especially, they should have their course, until they have arrived at a cer- tain state. Til en they should be stopped, in order to pre- vent worse diseases; they must, however, be dried gradu- ally and with caution, and then the horse will most prob- ably be SouKD. BAR SHOES. Wherever bar or round shoes are required, even though for a temporary purpose, the horse is unsound; for no disease is cured, whether sand-cracks, corns, thrushes, or whatever else it may be, s6 long as these are necessary. HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 31 LEATHER SOLES. What has been said of bar shoes applies equally to leather soles also; for, Avhere it is necessary to use these to enable the horse to perform his work safely or properly, as he requires extra care, the horse is not sound, let the cause be what it may. Xo one will dispute that leather soles are of great good, enabling many a horse to work soundly that otherwise would be in great pain. They are much safer than bar shoes, where they answer the purpose, as the horse has a better hold of the ground. They are also less likely to produce thrushes or waste the frogs. For some feet, gutta-percha is better adapted than leather, on account of its being harder, and less yielding to sharp stones, partic- ularly in wet wx^ather. It is not so well, however, when the sole is not to be covered, except in the case of corns. RING BONES. Ring bones are situate above the hoof, being an ossifi- cation of the cartilages at the top of the coronet. If seen only in front of the pastern, whence the disease generally extends itself round the front of the hoof, in form of a ring, it is frequently of little consequence; but where it approaches the heels, the horse is fit for slow work only, the flexibility of the cartilage by its altered structure be- ing lost. The Ct^rtilage is likely to be fractured by the ascent of the mternal structure of the hoof on any ex- treme pressure being given to the frogs, either from ac- celerated speed or from treading on a stone. At slow work horses with these hoofs often last for years without accident, but when they do fracture the ossified part, they should be at once destroyed, or turned out till the frac- ture is united, in which case, though not sound, they 32 THE HORSE. often go apparently soundly, though they are ever after- wards liable to accidents. AV hen this cure occurs they do not move in pain, but are still Uxsoukd. Where the disorganization is only in front of the pas- tern bone, and not in the way of any joint, or approach- ing the heels, all inflammation or disease has disappeared. The animal will suffer no inconvenience from quick work, and IS therefore sound, but shows a Blemish. CANKER. Thrushes neglected will turn to canker. This disease m the hoof is easily detected, and is very troublesome to cure. A cankered horse is Unsound. WINDGALLS. Windgalls are situate at the Ijottom of the cannon bone on each side of the leg, just above the j^astern joint, at the union of these two bones. They yield to pressure. They appear to the eye like small enlargements, and feel soft to the hand when it is jiassed over them. They are not an unsoundness in themselves, unless, as m rare instances and very extreme cases, they occasion lameness. They are a proof that the horse has done work, their size depending upon the age at which this work was done, and the neglect the horse was subjected to at the time. Unless they are of the Avorst kind (the largest size), I never would reject a superior horse for windgalls. They are no inconvenience to him, and are not an unsound- ness, becoming less and less as the work is decreased till they disappear altogether; they are never seen in very old and fairly-worked horses. With the exception of the above-mentioned case, horses having windgalls are Sound. HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 33 BANDAGES. Where the constant use of ban(la<^es is required to enable a horse to perform the ordinary work cf liorses of his chiss, he is U:N^sou]srD. Bandages are good things j^roperly applied, and there is a great deal of humanity in their seasonable appropria- tion and right use. You should remember, however, that there may also be '' too much of a good thing," and that by over doing the thing, or bandaging miproperly, you defeat your own j^urpose. Why is the hair on that horse's legs so curled? I can never see it without pitying the poor brute, and thinking of the purgatory he has endured, through the ignorance of the groom — ignorance it must be; kindness dictated the use of bandages, but kindness did not intend them tc be a torture, which they became by being thus tight and stopping circulation. As errors arising from good nature are the easiest cured; once show that these errors cause the pain which should be prevented, and they are not likely to occur again. When bandages are used, they should never be drawn tightly round the horse's legs, for in that case they weaken instead of strengthen, and cause the hair to curl. Put bandages lightly and easily round the leg; a very little keeps them up, and should they come down a hundred times, it is better than that the horse should be tortured once. There are very few who will not, in a trifling number of applications, acquire the habit of fitting them so easily that they are a great comfort and very serviceable to the legs under many cir- cumstances, and will not curl the hair or leave unsightly marks; nor will they, when thus properly put on, punish the horse, or slip down. SPLEIn'TS. Splents are hard bony lumps at the inside of the leg, towards the back of the cannon bone, anywhere below 34 THE HOUSE. tlie knee and above the pastern joints, but mostly mid- way between the joints named, in which situation they are of the least consequence. They are occasioned by breaking tlie colt too young, by blows from the fork to make him lift his legs olf the straw when his bed is being made, kicks from the groom, blows from each other, or received in leaping, from strains, from being over- weigh ted, and from cutting the inside heel too low, whereby too much weight is thrown upon the sesamoid bone, which is the small bone at the back of the leg or cannon bone, and between it and the tendon. While forming, they frequently occasion great lame- ness, on account of the inflammation going on whde nature is uniting the small bone (sesamoid) behind to the cannon (or large bone of the leg), that they may strengthen one another. Generally splents are only found on the legs of young horses; for, although nature does not again disunite the bones, she absorbs those lumps which are conspicuous in the young horse. After this union, it is presumed that the horse is not as springy as before; I must say, however, I never dis- covered any difference in elasticity. But, as they do not inconvenience him after they are completely formed, and all inflammation has ceased, so that he goes free from pain (and as it is allowed that his legs are stronger and less liable than formerly to injury) it is a blemish of the least consequence only, and the animal can be Avarranted as SouKD. As the horse gets older, these excrescences disappear, although the union of the bones is asfirm as ever. SPEEDY CUT. Speedy cut is seen on the inside, and rather on the hind edge and lower corner, of the knee. Sometimes the HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 35 bone is enlarged without any bald place to assist in detect- ing the habit, at others the skin only is cut; sometimes both. Like other enlargements, it may increase from an almost imperceptible size and little inconvenience, to a size both conspicuous and unsightly, as well as dangerous. Speedy cut is occasioned by the horse twisting his legs in action, so as to strike the shoe or foot of the one leg against the knee of the other. It is done when the horse is going faster, or being driven more up to the bit, at the same time stepping higher, than he is capable of doing with propriety. Horses given to this action are mostly good-cou raged, and a thorough horseman who knows how to make them step without touching, at the same time bringing out their good qualities, sometimes obtains a pleasant horse quite cheaply. To others than good horsemen, such animals are very dangerous — dear at a gift. Boots are a little safeguard. Down hill is their worst chance, and the attempt at hold- ing them up, except by the thorough horseman, too often brings them down. Reject them if you value your limbs and neck, although they are allowed to be sound; and properly so, where they are capable of going at the usual pace without inconvenience, performing the usual work of horses of their class (not speedy cutters) with ordinary usage, without the necessity of boots or more than ordinary care. But where, as is frequently the case, the horse cannot travel usual distances at the ordinary pace, Avith the common rate of horsemen, without seriously cutting and otherwise endangering himself, there ought to be a difference; I myself do not believe that he is sound. I would recommend the seller, where there is the least tendency to this defect, always to except speedy cutting in his receipt; otherwise, he is likely to get into a dilemma. The door is open for dispute. Where is the 36 THE HORSE. man who is not a horseman in his own estimation? Who is there among our acquaintances that, if he is not a whip or horseman of the first water, is not considerably above the average? Do you know any one so modest as to allow that he belongs to the second-class? On the contrary, have you not found that, however ignorant they may have been before they had a horse, witli their first they liave become miraculously invested with all the abilities of Phaeton? Well, then, they have only to state their case to a lawyer, when he replies that it is a capital plea for an action; but actions are expensive and vexatious, and as all the evils above enumerated are to be avoided by a little caution, will it not be better to use it? HOCKS. The hocks are an important part of the horse; his speed, strength, and capalulity to perform certain kinds of work depending almost entirely, if not altogether, upon these joints. The blood horse cannot be a racer without sufficient leverage in tlie hocks to give him both speed and strength. The hunter must be but a poorleaper without a certain perfection here; and then, in proportion to this desirable state, all other things combining, so will he vary from the best to the worst horse of his description. The parade or menage horse, in order to be good and capable of continuing even for a few minutes at the height of parade action, must have these parts quite as strong as any other description of horse. The military horse, again, although not having them called into such violent exertion, or so frequently as the three kinds above-mentioned, yet from being set a great deal upon his haunches, and luivingto halt suddenly, and being heavily weighted, rc({uires much strength here. now TO BUY AND SELL. 37 This is one of the principal reasons why these horses are usually found such good workers. Ladies' horses, perhaps have their hocks most tried in proportion to the weight they carry, from their contin- ually cantering. This pace is most calculated to try these joints, from the long exertion required in the one pace. If proper horses for ladies to ride, they are *^well upon their haunches," and stop as well as the charger, with their hind leo-s well under them. o In fact, no horse can be either easy, safe, or satisfactory to ride, that does not take a large proportion of his burden on his hind legs. The hackney has some relief by change from one pace to the other. But to be superior, he must take the weight on his hind legs; this enables him to go in a corky, light, and springy manner, — no shaking. You will hear this perfection thus described: ''He goes as light as a cork," ''would not break an cgg.'^ Horses thus trained cannot shake you; neither can they fall or stumble. The harness horse has neither to canter nor leap, neith- er has he weight upon his back. Here you have to con- sider the speed required, and the weight he lias to draw, with the style of action you desire; whether you will be satisfied with merely being moved along, or whether you wish to make a dash; how mucli of a pace, of action, or of grandeur, you require or are willing to sacrifice. CURBS. Curbs are hard bony enlargements at the back and on the lower part of the hock. They may be of such little consequence as to he called only enlargements on the seat of curb, or large enough to be curbs. While forming, the horse is sure to be lame. Either they are a proof that the hocks are ill-formed (weak), or are the result of mis- 38 THE HORSE. management^ over-work, strains, or blows. Ignorant breakers are the principal originators of curbs. Kicking in harness, or against the stalls, or any hard substance, will produce them on the best-formed hocks. When they have assumed a decided form, and have become hard bony substances, and all inflammation has left, if the horse goes sound, do not reject him, should he suit in all other respects. Whether a curbed horse is sound or unsound is a mat- ter of dispute. There are partisans on both sides, but I think tbe majority agree with me in opinion that, where he is capable of doing all the work required of horses of his class, as well with the curbs as without them, he is Sou:n'D. If the curbs are large enough to be distinctly seen, or are disfigured by treatment or otherwise, they are Blemishes. To save trouble and expense, the best way, where there IS the slightest enlargement, or the least doubtful qual- ity, is to make an exception in the warranty. (See copy of receipt, with warranty, on a sul^scquent page.) Where the hocks are naturally ill-formed and weak, the horse is Unsound. AVhile forming, the liorse being lame, it is almost use- less to mention that he is indisputably Unsouxd. It is now to be hoped that from all I have said you will see that it is your fault if, from this cause, you lose a good horse from fastidious fear, or take a useless one screened by customary subterfuge. SPAYIKS. Spavins are enlargements on the mside, and rather to- ward the front of the hock; they are produced in the same manner as curbs. HOW TO BUY AKD SELL. 39 If completely formed and low down, quite away from the joint, and rather behind, and the horse goes sound, having hocks otherwise perfect, do not reject him. These also occasion difference of opinion. You never find a hunter that has done any work, without his having either the seat of curb or that of spavin enlarged. He is, nevertheless, sound, and capable of doing work better than the younger ones. Both diseases are brought on by the same causes. Perhaps, of the tw^o, the sj^avin is more the result of severe work, when there is generally some lit- tle stiffness. Too often the groom treats the wrong places; or if he does treat the right ones, yet the evil is only deferred, for if the horse is continued at severe work, the spavins will form and re-form. Proj)er treat- ment may prevent their being of the larger size, and may lessen the evil. When they have formed, and the horse does his work like the rest of the old ones who have gone through the same process, the groom commends himself for the result, and the owner congratulates himself upon the improved constitution (strength) of the horse. Taking all parts of the hocks into consideration, if they are affected by what is termed enlargement on the seat of spavin, the disease being determined, and not likely to increase, I need hardly say that, if the horse goes sound, he is, according to common sense, Sound. The law, how^ever, being unsettled, cases having been decided both ways, the best way is, as in the case of curb and other diseases, to except spavins in the war- ranty. Here it may he as well to state the opinion of a well- known sportsman and horseman, not on account of its being an exclusive opinion of his own, but as the opinion of most practical men of his class. He states, that there are no hunters without curbs or spavins, or both, and that they are Sound. Horses with enlarged hocks, going sound, are sold al- 40 THE HOESE. most every day, with a warranty, without the least suspi- cion being entertained of their being wrong. All those acquainted with hunting establishments and the hocks of horses must be aware that there does not seem to arise any inconvenience from the practice. Why then should not this custom become a law ? At all horse repositories, you will see horses with these enlargements, but going sound, sold with a warranty, the buyer rarely discovering that there ever was the least flaw. CAPPED HOCKS. Capped hocks are the result of blows, not unfrequently from kicking, or rubbing against sharp corners of the stall-post. Stone or fluted iron pillars at the back end of the stalls are the most frequent cause. They are un- sightly, but they in no way inconvenience the animal, unless suppuration takes place, when they heal soon, and the swelling disappears. While tbis su]ipuration is go- ing on, and the wound is unhealed, as there is a disease in progress, the horse is Unsound. Although in itself simple, there is no telling with cer- tainty wbat will be the result: but when the horse is cured, he is Sound. Where these is no appearance of suppuration taking place, he is Sound. AYhere capped hocks, from their size, become a disfig- urement to the borse, a suspicious sign on harness horses, they must be recorded as a Blemish. GROGCtY. Horses that are what is usually termed groggy do not Dod, or, rather, bow their heads, on account of being now TO BUY AXD SELL. 41 equally lame with l^otli forefeet. Their ears are placed backwards when in action, and there is a peculiarity about their stepping, as if from anxiety to retain their feet upon the ground each time they touched it. There is also a peculiarity iu the working of the shoulder-blades, and, in spite of their mostly going well upon their haunches to relieve their forefeet, they are very shaky and unpleasant . more especially when put into the canter. Some consider tlicm easy in the trot. They ought, how- ever, to be used only in harness, or where there is no weight on the back: they are Unsound. LAME. Horses when more tender in one foot than the other — presuming it is the forefoot or leg — droop the head when they step upon the unsound foot, and raise it when stepping on the sound one; they also step " longer '^ with the lame one tlian the sound one, and keep it a shorter time on the ground. You may hear the lame foot touch the ground lighter than the sound one with its hard, firm, short step. Lameness is the language of pain, ex- pressing no more than the animal really feels; it tells the plain and honest truth, with the greatest simplicity. Is not this the strongest api)eal to our sympathies? Ought we not to attend to their dictates, and do all we can to relieve their sufferings? A little care at the proper period will often prevent a lameness becoming permanent. Slight attention will re- lieve the pain of the incurable. Many horses, which go lame with weight upon their biicks, will go sound in single harness, because the weight is lessened; and often, where lame here, will go sound in double, because there is no weight at all. Instead of riding a lame horse, try single or double har- ness. There are some who can perform slow work with- 42 THE HORSE. out 2:)ain5 even on the road, wlien tliey are no longer fit for fast work; and even when the road is too hard, they may work about a farm. I need hardly add that there is great cruelty in keeping horses to any fast work when lame in it, and that frequently at slow Avork, particularly on soft ground, they will become sound if kept a suffi- cient time employed upon it. From the preceding 0I3- servations, you will see the propriety of having the liorse ridden prior to purchase. One fallacy I must here point out, as it is often prac- tised by persons who would not be guilty of cruelty, if they imagined they were perpetrating it; and many others maybe deterred by the money consideration: it is the mistake of keeping horses at work when they are lame, thinking that they will work sound. It must be remem- bered that all lameness, with rare exceptions, is curable (if proper remedies are resorted to) witli perfect rest at the commencement of the disease. But if lameness contin- ues without remedy beyond six weeks, some disorganiza- tion will take i)lace. The diseases of horses are rapid in their progress and quickly come to a definite termination; and though, after neglect, the disease may be mitigated, the horse can never be restored to perfect soundness, but will most probably l^e a cripple and in pain to the end of his days. In the earliest stages of the disease, too, the injured part is more easily discovered. This is more than half the cure. Nor is the veterinarian to be l)lamed for not being too confident as to the immediate seat of disease. The horse cannot point to an affected part and say, " There I feel the pain;" but together, horse and doctor will soon un- derstand enough of each other to liit upon the spot and work riglit. When lame l)elnnd, horses carry their heads high, go with a catch of the hind leg, and roll the hips. Every species of lameness and tenderness is an Unsoundness. HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 43 KHEUMATISM. Eheumatism can be discovered only when the horse is lame^ and, consequently, unsound; but shoukl you be able to prove that the horse was afflicted with rheuma- tism within a reasonable time of purchase, and that he was subject to that disease before you purchased him, — even though he was going sound at the time of purchase, — if he was warranted, lie is returnable. This is a dis- ease generally brought on horses by carelessness and the supposition that they are never afflicted by it. Horses should not be exposed to draughts, particularly in the stable, the flooring of which, more especially the straw, should be dry for them to lie upon. As horses are ex- posed to damp and cold out of doors, people imagine it matters not what condition the stable may be in, think- ing only that, if foul, it may spoil their coats. Out of doors and at liberty horses are not exposed to draughts; whenever they can they will get out of them ; and when unpleasantly cold, will move about and warm themselves. This they have not room to do in the stable. Do they ever lie down in the wet out of doors? They choose the driest spot they can find; and when cold, they will either roll and get an extra layer of dirt as a covering, or other- wise exercise themselves. For this disease it is usual to treat in the vicinity of the round bone. Therefore, when you see marks of blis- tering, setons, or firing on this part, even though the horse at the time of examination goes free from lameness, you have reason to apprehend occasional inconvenience from the temporary lameness occasioned by this com- plaint; and, while subject to the return at intervals, or where it is a determined complaint of the horse, the ani- mal is Unsound. Where the cure lias been effected some time and no re- lapse had occurred, as it is clear that the malady has not 44 THE HORSE. become a constitutional com])laint of tlie horse, then it may be considered that a permanent cure has been efPect- ed, and the animal be warranted as Sound. THOROUGH PINS. There are few horses who have done any work with- out acquiring thorough pins. They are a windgall in the hock. Unless they cause inconvenience, which is rarely the case, the horse is Sound. BLOOD SPAVIN. Blood spavin is the enlargement of the thigh vein, where it passes over the inside of the hock. It is known by giving way and disappearing in a great degree upon pressure being applied below it; Init it returns as soon as the pressure is removed. Blood spavins never produce lameness, and are of rare occurrence. Severe strains, bruises, or other local injuries are the cause. Some will not admit that the disease is an unsoundness, while oth- ers maintain that it is. Be it which it may, in those cases where it proves of no consequence, it can only be fastidiousness to refuse the horse; therefore, no reasona- ble person will object to this being excepted from the warranty. Blood spavins may be produced in an instant. Oue step or slip is sufficient; therefore, admitting it is an un- soundness, and you discovered one, half an hour after purchase, you could not return the horse, unless y(m could prove he had had it prior to })urchase. This may appear strange at first sight; but v/hen you reflect that, even though you may not have moved the horse one yard, a slip in the stall, a blow, or getting up in a hurry, may produce them, you must see tliat it is no HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 45 more than Just tliiit the seller's responsibility should end with delivery; m at least so far that it becomes your duty after acceptance, should the defect appear, to prove that the disease or tendency thereto existed prior to delivery or date of warranty. BOG SPAVIK. Bog spavin is a windgall on the inside front of the hock joint. After it is once formed, and all heat and iuiiam- mation are gone, it is rarely of any cou sequence. Where it does not interfere with the horse's action, and he has done the ordinary work of horses of his class for the required time since it formed, without extra rest, or inconvenience, then is he Soui^D. STRING HALT. This disease may be at once detected by the awkward catch of the leg affected, the action of this leg being much higher than the others, and drawn up by a jerk. It is seldom seen in both hind legs. The collapse of the mus- cle, which is by some persons supposed to be the cause of this peculiar action, is occasioned by the interior of the muscle having been formed into a kind of cyst or bag by an abscess Avhich, having discharged the pus, leaves the interior of the muscle open. It is frequently supposed to arise from inflammation of the nerve; while others say it is an excess of energy without disease; if the latter is the case, and the horse experiences no pain, or weak- ness, or anything to prevent it from working as well as ever, he is Sound. This defect should, however, always be mentioned by the vendor. But supposing others to be right who conjecture that 46 THE HORSE. it is occasioned by an inflamed nerve^ then it must be Unsouj^d. I should, therefore, advise the warranty to have this disease excei^ted. LOW HIP. One hip being lower than the other is occasioned by a blow having knocked the lower one out of its place. It is, in fact, a fracture, and the broken ])art being unre- placeable, is drawn down by the muscles and unites below its original place. When the horse ceases to go lame, as he usually soon does, he is sound; it must, nevertheless, be recorded in the warranty as a Blemish. OTHER diseases OF JOIN^TS. With the other joints all difficulty is soon removea, as they show their diseases by lameness, and when well they are 8oui^d. If any enlargement or scar remains, it is a Blemish. GREASE. Grease is a disease seldom seen in well-managed stables. It is a proof of neglect. If recent, it is easily cured, and is, therefore, of little consequence. Till cured, the horse is Unsound. Afterwards, Sound. CRACKED HEELS. When of recent occurrence, cracked heels are of less consequence than grease. Till cured, the animal is Unsound. Afterwards, Sound. HOW TO BUY AKD SELL. 47 SWOLLEN LEGS. AVheii swollen legs proceed from dropsy, or farcy, or are of long standing, and therefore a sign of general debility, they are difficult of cure, and the horse is mostly useless, except for slow work, and therefore UXSOUK^D. In the milder forms, where the swelling arises either from too much fatigue, or from want of medicine, whether tonics, depletants, or exercise, until cured the horse is Ujs^sound. When the swelling is permanently removed Soukd. STARING COAT. Where the horse's coat is harsh, dry, and staring, you may at once make up your mind that he is IIn^sound. If he has not an active disease, he has a chronic one. Koarers, whistlers, those with old coughs and broken wind and subject to megrims, old crib biters, wind- suckers, etc., etc., all have their coats more or less af- fected. WENS. A wen situate about the upper part of the windpipe, or upon any main vein or artery, where it is likely to be of consequence, is an Unsoundness. But if wens occur on other parts, as on the top of the hock, termed cap hock, on the elbow, or on any other place where they are of little consequence, and could be removed without danger if they should become an incon- venience, but at present aj^pear at a fixed and determined size and form, then is the horse Sound. 48 THE HORSE. CUTTING. Should there be any places on the inside of the pastern joint which have at some period had the hair knocked off by the foot of the opposite leg, which yon may know to be the fact by the little bald places that remain ever after, yon must examine the action and present condition of the horse, so as to ascertain whether it was weakness, poverty, being over-worked, or worked too young, bad horsemanship, or a natural defect in the action of the horse, that induced cutting. This last ought to be an unsoundness, according to the rule laid down, and is so, where the malformation is so serious as to render the horse naturally incaj^able of doing the work of horses of his class, unless, whatever his breed, he is to be numbered with the slow-draught horses; in tluit case he is inefficient, not being capable of the ordinary work of horses of his class. When a horse uses his legs so awkwardly that on the least exertion he must cut them — whether the peculiar gait of the animal has been acquired by bad management, or from usaoje in the breakinp*, or from malformation — my opinion is that he is Unsound. The law should be governed by common sense, and a jury, I feel confident, Avould be of the same opinion; for in this latter case it is only by extreme care and not tiring the horse that you can keep his legs from becoming raw. AYhile the legs are in that state any horse is Unsound. It requires care to keep him from falling. Cuts prevent his doing the work of horses of his class with ordinary care, and this renders him doubly dangerous, as horse- men will not be troubled with so unsatisfactory an animal. Where the horse has been cut through over-fatigue or poverty, and has recovered from the weakness conse- quent thereon, requiring no more care than other horses, the wounds being healed, lie is Sound. HOW TO BUY AN^D SELL. 49 RAT TAIL. Rat tail is indiscriminately employed to describe the tail of the horse when it is either quite free from hair or partially so. It does not prevent the horse in any way from being Sound. Although unsightly, it is not a blemish that will enable the purchaser to return the horse, as it is impossible not to notice so glarmg a disfigurement. When it is covered by false hafr, or any other fraud is practised in order to hide it, the offence is punishable. This is considered by some a sign of a good horse. What the loss of the hair off the tail has to do with the (jualities of the animal we do not pretend to fathom; perhaps tbe notion has arisen from the naked stump giving an appearance of width to its quarters. The itching occasioned by disease sometimes causes both good and bad horses to become minus their tail-hair. Keeping the tail well and frequently washed with soft soap will always reproduce the hair in the earlier stages, and not unfrequently in cases of long standing. UKNERVI^J^Ct. Horses having had the operation of neurotomy (popu- larly called unnerving) performed upon them go free from lameness, with action more or less high, their step being hard and heavy; the height of action and degree of hardness of tread depend on tlie way the operation is performed and the place operated uj^on. To discover whether the high operation has been performed, that is, depriving of feeling every portion of the leg and foot below the marks described, pass the hand along the back sinew; if the horse catches up the leg sharply, this ought to excite j^our suspicion. If you find one or two little knobs or lumps, you have still stronger reason for sus- 3 50 THE HORSE. picion; but if it is, on these scars being pressed, that he lifts his legs suddenly, depend upon it that he has been unnerved there, and that therefore they will never wear any great length of time, — most probably not three months. Should the sym])toms just described present themselves on feeling along the back of the pastern, between the junction of the cannon-bone and the pas- tern, and the foot, the oj^eration of neurotomy has been performed at that place. In the latter case, the unnerving has been performed on the back of the pastern -joint, the foot being deprived of feeling at the hinder portion only. The horse is capable of showmg any injury the other portions of the foot receive, — as pricks from the black- smith, bruises from stones, etc. He therefore stands a better chance of having his ailments attended to before it is too late. How long thiy will work, api)arently sound, after the operation, is altogether a lottery; in some instances, with the lower operation, the horse works free from pain for many years; therefore, in some cases of lameness, it is an act of humanity to have the horse unnerved, as it may save him many years of suffering, and enable him to retain his serviceableness to the last. But it is seldom worth any one's while to buy under such risk, particularly if recently performed; for, should the navicular disease be present, although, since the opera- tion, the animal has been free from lameness, a fracture of the union of the navicular and coffin bones at the minute joint which they form within the horny hoof will be the result, and speedy death from mortification will most probably follow. COURAGE. That the horse does not give way readily to pain, there are nnmerous instances on record. He rushes on the HOW TO BUY AKD SELL. 51 sword when lie feels the point pierce his bosom. How- ever fatioTied or ill he may be, on he plods his weary way till death kindly relieves him. What other animal does this? Man himself sometimes dies from over-exertion, but seldom while in the act. The dog — the faithful companion who never forsakes his master — when over- fatigued will lie down on the wayside, leaving his friend to proceed alone; no entreaty can urge him unto death. Not so the poor, ill-requited, over-worked, abused horse; neither pain nor privation checks his services, as the fol- lowing authenticated anecdote, as well as many other instances which must rush upon the memory of every horseman, or of any one who reads a newspaper, serves to illustrate; besides, the circumstance serves to show the effect of the operation, described in the preceding article on unnerving when performed upon an improper subject, and the indomitable spirit just referred to. Hearing the following tale related as having occurred in Scotland, I took some pains, when travelling through that country, to ascertain the particulars. The mare which is the subject of this story belonged to a Mr. Miens, a large coach proprietor in Glasgow. After some trouble I saw him, when he told me the mare I referred to was a chestnut, that she ran a stage between Carlisle and Glasgow as leader, that she had been unnerved — the high operation — and that the disease for which she was operated upon was the navicular. One dark night, about three or four months after the opera- tion, the coachman felt her drop, but she recovered her- self, and ran to the end of the stage. She was then dis- covered to be very lame, and, upon examination in the stable, it was found that the whole of the foot was off, and that she must consequently have run some distance on the stump of the leg bone. The next morning the foot was discovered at a distance of not less than two miles fl'om the inn she arrived at, and, from other marks 52 THE HORSE. upon the road, it was clear that the poor beast must have come at least that distance on the raw and dislocated stump. I have entered more fully into this operation than into any other, as I have often found it difficult to make people understand how it is that the horse is not sound or cured by that operation which takes away the lameness. Although the lower portion of the limb is never restored to its natural quick sensibility, if the horse works free from pain for from two or three years, there is every probability that he will continue to do so, the nerve being united, the horse can perform all the work of horses of his class; yet, until Ave have better data to go upon as to the mischief resulting from injuries in consequence of this muffled or deadened sensation, he must still be pronounced Ui^^soukd. CHIIiTKED BACK. Chinked back, which is a slight dislocation or injury of the vertebras or of the spinal cord running through them, is caused by the horse being pulled up suddenly by an unskillful horseman, or being over-weighted. The mis- fortune occurs in a moment, where the horse is stopped on the instant, unless his legs are properly placed at the precise time; it is therefore dangerous for any but an accomplished horseman to attempt it, and more es- pecially from the circumstance that the horse is not a re- turnable purchase if you discover this defect a few min- utes after purchase, unless you can prove that the injury existed prior to his becoming your property. When the horse drops at the pastern joint of the hind legs wliile being ridden, you have reason to apprehend this defect, particularly where you find that the front of the hind pastern joint has been cut or injured at any time, or that HOW TO BUY Ai^D SELL. 53 the horse grunts on being backed, or winces on being pressed on the affected part. Unsoukd. Where the injury is slight, chinked-back horses fre- quently carry light weights very well, but are best in har- ness, more particularly in double harness. How long they may keep usable depends on the management of those who use them, and upon their proper adaptation to their work. Unsound. BROKEN BACK. The name sufficiently explains this injury. It is known by an aggravation of all the symptoms mentioned in chinked-back, added to which broken-backed horses can- not kick. They may work a little as leaders in carts, or do other slow work. At all events, when you are a buyer, consider them useless and Unsouxd. DHOPPING BEHIND. Dropping behind, or knuckling with the pastern joint or joints, may l)e produced by chinked or broken back. (See both these articles.) In either of these cases the horse is Unsound. Where, as is frequently the case, it is merely occa- sioned by a pressure upon tlie kidneys from want of med- icme, until the physic, when applied, has ceased to affect him, the horse is Unsound. When the medicine has worked off, if he no longer drops, he is Sound. Sometimes an awkward-fitting saddle will occasion him to drop as above described. Here you have only to re- move the cause, when it is hardly necessary to add that the horse is Sound. 54 THE HORSE. STUMBLIKG. In the well-formed horse, stumbling is an impossibil- ity, unless he is leg-weary, the shoes do not fit properly, or the saddle hurts him; mind not what either the saddler or groom says, but depend upon it that the saddle does hurt him, if, upon examination, you find that the shoes do not hurt. I liaA^e seen too many instances of their mis- takes to care what they say, and am convinced that very few really know when a saddle does fit. I have bought many horses that had got into disgrace for this fault, but they have never stumbled after they came into my pos- session. The secret was, I took care to have a saddle that fitted both the horse and my own ideas. (See article on Broken Knees. ) Persevere in using a misfitting saddle, and the horse will fall. LAMEKESS. Should your horse go lame behind when mounted, and not at other times, as this most probably is caused l^y the saddle pressing on the backbone, try another saddle. The same remark applies to his going lame before, under sim- ilar circumstances, except that in this case the saddle hurts the foreparts. If, when the saddle is changed, he goes free from lame- ness, the animal may be considered Sound. DROPPIN^G BEFORE. Dropping before, or knuckling with the pastern joint of the forefoot, if not occasioned by tender feet or weak- ness, but arising solely from youth or carelessness, does not affect the horse's soundness. Tlie exceptions are treated under their respective heads; in these cases horses are Unsound. HOW TO BUY A:SD SELL. 55 Dropping before may be occasioned b}' treading on a stone, by a misfitting saddle, or by accidents of any kind. In either of tlie last-mentioned cases, the horse is Soujq"D. See the preceding three articles. If the dropping-before arises from malformation or ten- der feet, the horse is Uksound. FLESHY HEEL. Fleshy heel is an abnormal structure of the frog, wherein the sensitive part of the foot becomes too mncli exposed, the horse thereby being more or less tender ac- cording to the progress of the disease, and therefore Unsound. CUNNING LAMENESS. In those cases in wliich horses are said to sliam lame- ness, that is, appearing sound at one time and unsound at another, tliere is invariably something wrong; it is not a case of shamming, but of painful reality. (See tlie ar- ticle on ''Unnerving.") In such cases a reason can always be found, either in a slight touch of rheumatism, paralysis, or non-adjustment or misfit of the saddle. To illustrate tliese facts, I will mention one out of the many cases that have come under my notice. A friend of mine had a delightful little mare, remark- able for her height in the withers, named ''Brunette." This mare I Avas rerpiested to examine with a view to- wards discovering the rationale of her continually stum- bling in a very serious manner, and at uncertain iind un- expected times. She was certain, if she made one initiatory stumble, to continue stumbling all day; contrariwise, if she did not 56 THE HORSE. stumble soon after starting, she might be trusted to do her day's work throughout, without stumbling. Upon examining her as to form, etc., I concluded that the cause of this misbehaA-ior must be in some fault in her tackle, and I therefore inquired whether she always wore the same saddle. I was told that she wore various sad- dles, which were shown to me; I therefore selected and marked one for her use, and very shortly afterwards she ceased stumbling. Her groom had always considered this habit to be a mischievous trick on her part, induced by her recollect- ing having been ])rouglit home by her master in conse- quence of the stumbling; and he told me that if she had been well punished in the first instance, she would have had the trick flogged out of her, and would have given no subsequent troul^le. I myself believe that had such a course been adopted, the mare would have had her kuees broken, and that fistula would soon have been developed upon ber withers. As it now appeared that, though she had ceased to stumble or go lame when ridden with an ordinary saddle, she invariably went lame when ridden by a lady. I was asked Avhether I could account for this peculiarity other- wise than by cunning. Again I referred the evil to the saddle; and, upon inquiry, I found that the owner had hitherto been unable to procure a side-saddle of such a make as not to raw the back of the mare when used by a lady for an hour or two at a time, making it necessary, therefore, that the next day should be, so to speak, wasted in paying attention to the abrasion thus produced. I also ascertained that the stuffing of the side-saddle had been altered and shifted every time slie went out — about three times a week. I sent for tlie saddler and showed him what was wanting; but he either could not, or Avould not understand me; and altliougli he had liad the saddle several times under his hands, lie had not been able to alter it. HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 07 SO as to make it fit for more than one or two day's work. Ilappening to be present on the last occasion on which he brought back the saddle, and knowing how repeatedly he had failed to make it fit, I made some remarks which ex- cited his anger, and he declared that no one could succeed better than he had done, and defied any one to make a lady's saddle that would not hurt the mare. I therefore altered the saddle myself, anl successfully; for, during several subsequent years in which my friend kept and used the mare, she never went lame, never had a sore back, and never made one single stumble. How often has it fallen to my lot to see good horses sacrificed needlessly, through the use of insuflacient or inappropriate tackle, and apparently becommg lame and weakened! BEARING-REIN. Among the many advantages of dispensing witli tho bearing-rein, not the least is that of doing away with the nut which fastens the hook m the saddle, as this not un- commonly hurts the horse's back, producing, if not broken knees and fistula, at least a troublesome sore on the withers. Whether such a result be the smallest pimple or the larsfcst wen, the merest abrasion or tlie foulest ulcer, the horse is, in any case Unsound. When the sore is healed, and the horse is restored to perfect usefulness, he is again Sound. When tiie saddle hurts the horse so much as to cause him to go lame, or to fall upon his knees, and no sore is visible on the removal of the saddle, he is Sound. But, should there be any wound caused by the saddle, the animal is, until cured. Unsound. Under no circumstances should the bearing-rein l)e tight. When it is too tight it prevents the animal from 58 THE nORSE. throwing the necessary weight upon the collar, disturbs the circulation to the head, and causes apoplexy, me- grims, and other evils. But in double harness the bear- ing-rein should be sufficiently tight to prevent the horses from catching their bits in the pole-piece, though this prevention is sometimes attempted by removing the lower bar from the bit. What is thereby avoided, however, at the bottom of the bit, frequently occurs to an equal ex- tent by the catching of the cheek of the bit in the other horse's head-gear. I have dwelt thus far upon the injuries arising from a misfitting saddle, as they cause great annoyance and pain to the horse, as well as inconvenience to the owner, and are easily rectified by any one who will take the trouble to look in the right direction for the cause; especially as the same remarks apply to all parts of misfitting trapping, such as saddles, bridles, harness, rollers, head-stalls, etc. For in this case, what is true of one part applies to all the horse's furniture, when even the slightest injury is caused to him. A misfitting bridle or winker may, and often does, pro- duce blindness or severe shying; yet this, like many other simple things, has been often overlooked or misappre- hended, from a natural proneness to forget that "great events from little causes spring." Thus, in '-'Brunette's" case, before named, I proved that the fault lay in the saddle. Some persons attributed her habit of stumbling to cunning; others, of a more scientific turn of mind, stated it, variously, to be partial paralysis; the remains of an old strain only felt by the mare Avhen carrying a one-sided weight; or the result of an old strain, which, owing to the almost imperceptible changes in the atmosphere, affecting, as such changes do, the constitutions of all animals, affected her more at one time than at another. True it is that the weather and atmos])here exercise now TO BUY AKD SELL. 59 considerable influence on tlie health and spirits of horses; it is, nevertheless, unnecessary to seek out remote and unaccountable causes, until we have examined the more matter-of-fact ones which are within our reach. SII^EWS. When the sinews at the back of the fore legs become thickened, ])etween the knee and the pastern joint, as there is always more or less weakness or irritability re- sulting from old strains, the horse is U:n^soui^'D. When the sinews of the hind leg, between the hock and the pastern, become thickened, even if this thickening vanishes when the horse takes exercise, he must be held to be UisrsouKD. If, on the contrary, such thickening be the result of a blow, appears callous, does not occasion inconvenience, and does not decrease when the horse is at exercise, the horse must, in that respect, be esteemed Sound. Great care must, in such cases, be taken that he do not kick wlien in harness. BEOKEN WIJTD. The disease, broken wind, is easily recognized by the horse's peculiar suppressed cough when at exercise, after a hearty meal, or upon being changed from one kind of atmosphere to another, — as, for instance, from the stable air to a cold and foggy atmosphere, or vice versa. If you observe a horse thus afflicted, when he is quiet, you may notice that the flank appears to distend and con- tract tv/ice while the ribs rise once. Immediately after brisk exercise this labored breath is still more apparent; the nostrils being more or less dis- 60 THE IIOESE. tended, and t\ 2>ecnliiir seam or wrinkle between them be- ing perceptible, whereas in horses of "good wind" no such mark can be found. Broken-winded horses are Unsound. ROARING. Horses afflicted with the disease named roaring make, when galloping or trotting, a peculiar noise, the nature of wdiich is sufficiently indicated by its name. Such horses, upon being suddenly agitated, checked, or pulled up short, make more or less of this noise, according to the i^rogress the disease has made. Roaring is a chronic disease of the windpipe, or perhaps, more correctly, the remains of such a disease; but when it is not acute or se- rious, the horse does not appear to suffer much incon- venience from it in its earlier stages, although the noise caused by it is very unpleasant; if the horse is put to fast work, tlie noise will increase, till it at last becomes most distressing to both horse and user. The roarer's coat usually indicates a departure from robust health, however fat the horse may be. Such a horse is adapted to slow work only, and is Unsound. GRUNTING. Although grunting, which is produced in the horse by his being suddenly agitated by the use of spur or whip, or by his being pulled up hastily, is not unlike roaring, yet as he does not make the former sound on any other occasion, I believe the two affections, roaring and grunt- ing, to be quite distinct. The coat of the grunter does not imidy disease. HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 61 I myself luive never known, nor have I ever met any one who has known, this complaint to change into roar- mg; yet, as many persons think it probahle that it might do so, and that it may be the remains of some disease, the horse is considered to be Unsouxd. My opinion is that the noise proceeds from nervous- ness, and not from any disease; and that as it does not hinder the animal from performing the laljor due from one of his class, the horse is Souxd. However, as opinions differ upon this subject, tlie safest course is to bar even grunting in a warranty for sound- ness. WHISTLING. Tlie presence of whistling is easily ascertained by a sharp gallop, which will quickly cause, if it be jDresent, the w^heezing or whistling noise. This malady may or may not be curable. When it is only attendant upon another disease, the whistling will vanish with the dis- ease: thus, for instance, it frequently accompanies a cold, but, on the cold being cured, vanishes and is not heard again. AVliere it assumes a chronic form, as it fre- quently does when produced by water on the chest, by inflammation of the lungs, or by injury to the windpipe, it IS incurable. As the cold is, per se, an unsoundness, whistling is, of course, in this, its least aggravated form, an Unsoundness. When a good and serviceable horse has become affected with whistling only m his gallop, and not m his trot, he does not suffer inconvenience from this pace, and he may advantageously, if suited to that kind of work, be put into harness; and although there may exist some lit- tle wheezing, a fair pace does not distress the animal; he 62 THE HORSE. may be usefully employed in harness-work, while his whistling will be drowned by the noise of the wlieels: he is, however, Uis^souKD. WHEEZING. See the article on ''Whistling." COUGH. However simple or however recent in origin a cough may be, while it lasts the hone is Unsound. It is of great importance that immediate attention be paid to the horse on the first symptoms of cough being noticed, while the cure is easy. The diseases to which horses are liable are, for the most part, rapid in progi-ess; every hour of delay increases the difficulty, and in a short time the disease becomes developed in an acute or chronic form, condemning the horse to a life of base drudgery, and making him miserable to the end of his days. CHRONIC cough. While some horses, when laboring under chronic cough, are almost useless, others are but little inconven- ienced and are as useful as ever: they are all, however. Unsound. See the article on " Cough. COLDS. A horse suffering from cold in the head, which often produces whistling, is, for the nonce, Unsound. See articles on " Cough " and ''Whistling." HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 6o ASTHMA. Asthma may be recognized by the short, soft cough that it produces. In some cases the inconvenience caused by this complaint IS but shght, the horse giving merely a scarcely perceptible cough on coming out of or going into the stable, and the more in the winter than in sum- mer: the extent of such cough depends upon the atmos- phere and cleanliness of his box. Very commonly, horses touched with asthma do not cough when working, nor seem distressed like broken-winded horses. Such horses often last many years, fulfilling the func- tions of their particular class, without inconvenience; yet, as there is chronic disease present, be ides an as- sumed predisposition to injury of the lungs, they are IlKSOU^q^D. CRIB-BITIKG. Orib-biting is a habit that some horses nave, of taking hold of the manger with the teeth, or of resting the jaws upon it, accompanied by a disagreeable noise caused by sucking in and ejecting wind. It is a trick which horses sometimes learn of one another, but it is generally caused by neglect in providing work for these naturally active animals; by omitting, when young, to keep them, when unexercised, on a mouthing bit; and by allowing them to stand idle in the stable with no food before them, es- pecially when their heads are tied up, so that they can- not amuse themselves by picking about in their beds. The stomach of the horse has a natural tendency to keep distended, and therefore, if it be not replenished with food, it will become filled with air, and, if distended by too profuse a supply of the latter, will cause uncom- fortable sensations to him : in which case, as he is, by na- ture, incapable of eructating; reason or instinct, which- 64 THE HOUSE. ever expression you prefer, induces him to iidopt this method as the most eli'ectual means of relieving himself from this inconvenience. In its earlier stages, a little well-timed attention will cure a horse of this practice; and if he be in good con- dition, and his coat smooth, soft, and pliable, he is, in spite of this halnt, Souxd. As crib-biting will, in all probability, if not quickly checked, lead to serious results, specified in the following article, it miiy be deemed to be a Vice. In the more advanced stages of crib-biting, neglect will have allowed the stomach and digestive organs to become aUected, and the horse, being therefore diseased, will be Uksolkd. In this latter stage of the disease the horse is thin, his coat stares or looks unthrifty, and his hide becomes tight; his cure is then difficult to effect, and is generally troublesome, if not impossible, to bring about. prevention of crib-bitixg (in the early stages.) Moderating the work will frequently cure horses of crib-biting, and will, where they appear vv^eakly and out of order, and their coats '^ stare," (even though they be not crib-biters,) reinstate them in health. In the latter cases an earlier release for the night from work should be oranted when circumstances allow. eating beds. Many persons feel alarmed at their horses eating their beds; and very frequently m such cases grooms physic their horses with a view -towards preventing this habit; HOW TO BUY AXD SELL. 65 certainly, while the nausea resulting from the medicine lasts, the desired effect is produced; but, when the nausea is gone, the horse returns more ravenously than ever to the practice, and so, eventually, by repeated physickmgs, the healthy tone of the stomach is destroyed, and the refu- sal to eat sufficiently is met with extra medicine, in a vain attempt to restore the appetite which has been wan- tonly and foolishly damaged. To such alarmists a few observations concerning this craving of the horse may be useful. I myself have been asked to pro\T[de some preventive for this habit, and my invariable answer has been, — '' Keep better food be- fore the horse; never let him stand too long without ex- ercise or sufficient to eat, and you may depend upon finding that he will never eat his dirty bed." If you follow this advice, you may be sure that he will not eat dirty straw, and that, if he does eat a little clean straw from his new bed, he does so only either when he finds an unthreshed ear, or when, having been too highly fed, he picks up a little to distend his stomach with some- thing rather less nutritious than his accustomed fare. Bed-eating is not a disease, and a horse with this habit can be warranted as Sound. And, as it is not attended by any real inconvenience, but is often a proof of good constitution, it is not even regarded as a Vice. Arabs are delighted when they see a horse eat his own dung, saying that that is a proof that he will not starve. More harm is done by letting horses stand too long without food than by putting too much before them; and although it is true that a ravenous horse does occasion- ally burst his stomach by excess in eating, as for instance, when he gets loose and finds out the corn-bin, yet such cases occur only when he has been much restricted in his diet, or has been worked for many hours, at a spell, with- out food. These cases are of very rare occurrence, and 66 THE HORSE. would be still more uncommon were proper and sufficient food regularly supplied. Who has ever heard of a stage-coach horse, unstinted in his food, eating to this excess; or a horse at grass bursting himself in this manner? Craving horses are the horses that should be selected for real work, but they are liable to become crib-biters if too strinoent a rule be observed in the matter of food or o exercise. On the other hand, it is the horse having a delicate stomach, and not the hard-worker, that requires pamper- ing and nursing, care being taken that he be not fed ad nauseam. Such a horse, on account of his indisposition to feed or work, does not show much evidence of i)ast labor. Except where under medical treatment, he is Soujstd. THE sou:n^d horse. The sound horse is often too delicate to undergo an amount of work which distresses the legs, but he is nev- ertheless much coveted; while the useful horse, possessing good stamina, the power to work without causing pain to himself, and every evidence that he will long retain that power, is too often rejected, because he shows a few signs of past work. Horse-buyers are too apt to be frightened at trifles through their ignorance of real and imaginary defects. When horses are being tried, it is no uncommon occur- rence to see an animal brought out with a little enlarge- ment upon some part of him. He is instantly rejected, with, — ''I can never think of having that!" Another is brought forward that has some other trifling ailment, and he is sent back with the remark, ^' Put him m; that's quite enough! " A useless one may, probably, be brought HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 67 forward next. He is sound, because there is not even a bump, speck, spot, or blemish upon him! He is accepted with — ^^That will do." The secret why such an one is so purchasable has to be learned. It is, however, most fre- quently the case that the horse has no pluck, or is too weak to hurt his limbs. He can never do a day's work, and costs more for nursing, petting, and physicking, than it would take to keep tAvo useful ones; yet the latter are always "ready." For this reason, we must have a distinct class of horses: the second-hand horses, or the " used ones," as they are generally called, — and these should be warranted as " used horses," — that is, as show- ing some signs of having done work. They will, how- ever, be treated upon, and more particularly described, in another part of this work. WIND-SUCKIISTG. This habiu is somewliat similar to crib-biting, except that the horse does not take hold of anything, and that the noise frequently differs slightly. It is a species of crib-biting, and is more difficult to cure, as the horse is out of condition when it is addicted to wind-suckmg. The muzzle is of no use in this case, and to effect a cure the same discipline must be observed as that recommend- ed for crib-biting. Sometimes crib-biting degenerates into wmd-sucking, which latter disease is caused by rubbing over the manger filthy and greasy messes, in oi'der to pre- vent the horse from biting the wood. The disease of wind-sucking renders the horse Uksound. WEAVING. Weaving is a habit of moving from side to side in the stall, something in the manner of a weaver's shuttle, but 68 THE HORSE. really more like the restless habits of confined animals in a menagerie. AVeaving is generally contracted tliiough idleness^ and is frequently learnt on board ship. Weav- ers are mostly nervous horses, full of energy, good work- ers, and Sound. TO CURE WEAVING. The same steps may be taken to cure weaving, as are mentioned in the preceding article: m addition, it is well to fasten the horse with tv/o pillar reins attach.ed respec- tively to each side of the halter, and tight enough to j^re- vent him from swinging or swaying. DULLNESS. Having examined the more general reasons for reject- ing horses at sale, we have now to consider causes of sec- ondary importance, yet such as must receive attention. The nostril is one of the most important parts of the horse to be attended to: it is much overlooked. There are many horses that are called dull, sorry jades, who will be found to go for a short distance good-humoredly and at a good pace, and then draw in, bearing a severe pun- ishment rather than improve their pace. '' AYhat a dull, lazy brute it is!" cries its owner, but in reality he is neither dull nor lazy. The cause of his difficulty lies m the smallness of his nostril, which is not sufficiently large to permit enough air to pass up for purifying the blood as it passes through the animal's lungs. The con- sequence is, that with every increase of speed the animal siiffors acute pam. This too small nostril is the cause of slowness or dullness in all inferiorly-bred horses. HOW TO BUY AKD SELL. 69 Where horses are well-bred, dullness is more likely to arise from a contraction of the bones than from a diminu- tive nostril. Where speed and continuous labor, therefore, are re- quired, the above two provocations to dullness should be well looked into: even in thorough-bred horses we find some imperfection or other; and it should be borne in mind that a horse falling short of qualities sufficient for making hmi a first-rate racer, may make a good country hunter, or hackney. For the hundredth time I say — Adapt a horse to the work best suited to his condition, and all will be well. Of course this plan will sometimes alter a horse's class, but, being equal to the work of the class into wdiicli he is drafted, he is Soukd. Where disease creates dullness, he is Un^sound. MALFORMATIONS. Malformations arc not an unsoundness unless the horse is diseased or lame, or is prevented from doing the w^ork of the class to w^hich he belongs. Where there is any doubt of the horse's ability to stand the work of his class upon the supposition that the af- fected part has not been permanently healed, the buyer is naturally anxious to try the horse before he purchases it. Now, as there seems to be very absurd ideas enter- tained by many persons as to what may be done with horses on trial, and as the subject is of much importance to both buyer and seller, perhaps I cannot do better than devote some space to it. THE TRIAL. Having satisfied yourself upon the general merits of the horse, try him, and, whilst trying him, use him fairly, 70 THE HORSE. according to the treatment to which horses of his class and condition are subjected. Thus, suppose you are in Avant of a horse able to trot twelve miles an hour, and upon trial of one you put him to that pace without the consent of the owner, in such case, should any accident or subsequent ilhiess occur or be presumed to occur to the horse as the result of the trial, you may be made to take him at the price agreed upon before starting (and a price should be always agreed upon), or you may be made to pay the damage done to him, should the owner feel dis- posed to compel you so to do. It may seem inconsistent that you should not be permitted to risk accidents, with penalty for their occurrence, by trying a horse at the full speed he should go as one of his class; but as there may be so many interpretations put upon what is a just and what an unjust trial, it is best to have with you at the time the owner or his agent; for if you took the horse further than you were authorized to do by the owner, if you drove it faster, or took it over a different road than the one stipulated, and did this in the absence of the owner or his representative, you would have to pay the cost of any damage done to the animal; but not so if the owner were with you, and he made no objection to your methods of operation. Again, if you state that you want a saddle-horse, and receive such an one, but instead of using him for the sad- dle, you try him in harness; for any accidents accruing therefrom you will be liable; so that if you only mark him with the collar, or m any other trifling way, nay, should you rub off a few hairs so as to interfere with the imme- diate sale of the horse, or depreciate his price, the owner can insist upon your taking him off his hands or paying for the injury done. If you want a saddle horse, and try liim as you would a hunter, then are you liable for accidents, although they may occur at another part of the trial, because it may be HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 71 that the improper exertion to wliich he has been sub- jected may have conduced to the accident. A particuLar condition, to be acquired only by a cer- tain treatment or training, will enable the horse to ac- complish any extraordinary work, as m the case of the racer, the hunter, and the trotter. But the further re- moved he is from his legitimate work, so much greater is the chance of the animal's being rumed, even when ex- ercised for a short time only. You should also bear in mind that horses for sale are generally in the very worst possible condition to bear fatigue: they are got up to catch the eye and are made as soft and sleek as possible. In the ''selling state" they are, so to speak, all fat; in their ''trained state," all muscle. It is the opinion of many horse-buyers that horses should always be in a "trained condition;" but the simple and ordinary re- quirements of commercial transactions render this, gener- ally, impossible. The trotter is the horse kept nearest this state of training, being mostly in the hands of those who possess only one horse, and who are consequently always putting their animal to the trial. A really sound trotter is, therefore, a most uncommon thing: the excep- tions must be sought in those studs where trotters are kept only as match horses and for short distances. Trot- ters are of all horses the most tried — the most overtried. Many indifferent horsemen would have no hesitation at driving the trotter, but they would as soon attempt to fly as to mount the racer. Neither extreme is good. Horses should not be too much worn when sold, and they certainly should not be got up to such a pitch of sleekness and delicacy that attacks of inflammation or other diseases would be at- tended by more than ordinary danger to the animal. Dealers of course would prefer keeping their horses in a more rugged and vigorous condition, but hitherto buy- ers have looked at horses as butchers do at oxen, and val- 72 THE HORSE. ued them in proportion to the amount of fat they carry. Of course this is an error; but improvement is beginning, for the dealers m live meat do certainly look for many things now besides fat, and they are right. Perhaps this place is as good as any other to remark upon the absurdity of buying an animal that had once in his life performed a particular feat, instead of seeking to possess horses of capacity for general usefulness. As well accept for man-servant a decrepid old man who once in his life was most active and had done the state some service. Choose a horse, as you would a man, for his ability and willingness; then husband his resources, and you may have a good and faithful servant for many years. SURFEIT. Should surfeit amount to more than a few spots upon the outside of the quarters, particularly the hind quar- ters, it is of little :^onsequence. If you are desirous of hav- ing the horse, but from the number of spots upon him you apprehend farcy, it will be advisable in making the bargain to stipulate for a cure of the disease within a fortnight. AVith proper treatment, the mere surfeit may be cured in that time. Until cured, however, the horse is Unsound. BLEEDIKG. Accepting the definition of soundness that it is perfect health, whilst every deviation is indicative of unsound- ness, then the simple necessity for drawing blood renders the horse unsound, and consequently, until the orifice made by the lancet is liealed, he is Unsound. HOW TO BUT AND SELL. 73 MEDICINE. To require a dose of medicine is an unsoundness; therefore, as in the case last mentioned, until the effect? of the medicine are removed, the horse is Unsound, diet and exercise. Requiring a particular treatment of either diet or ex- ercise — a treatment widely different from that which is ordinarily adopted — is a deviation from soundness. dealers' horses. After studying* the preceding part of this book, more particularly the contents of the three last paragraphs, the question may naturally arise — '''How is it possible that dealers' horses pass at all; for, certainly in tlie case of high-priced horses, attention must be paid to every little nicety with a view towards securing sound animals? " It is just this, that as the buyer compels the vendor to keep his horses m a state so highly '' finished," the buyer must make allowances or he will never effect a purchase. If a horse is capable of undergoing the trial as well as other horses in the same adipose state, being, in all other respects, just as he should be according to the rules laid down in this work, then he is Sound. Nobody but the purchaser is to blame for a horse, with no one perceptible defect, having around it as it were an atmosphere of doubt and uncertainty; but where he does not mean to put the horse immediately to work, but intends to bring him to it properly by degrees, the animal will not suffer. But if horses newly pur- 4 74 THE HORSE. chased from the dealer's hands are at once put to work without due consideration, some severe disease often ac- crues, which, if it does not kill them off, may render them cri^^ples for life. When this really occurs — and it is by no means unfrequent, the purchaser blames the vendor, who does not deserve it. because, were he not to keep his horses in the finest possible condition, he could not command a high price for them. This accounts for the general complaint of the difficulty in obtaining good saddle horses. SADDLE HORSES. To make a good saddle horse is a work of time, and during the process of training he must be ridden by good horsemen who know what they are about. To break him in well, you will subject him to many little accidents; and certain little things, the result of the exercise, will be sure to make their appearance, which will be construed to be the result of work. Over-fastidious buj^ers will often be thus deceived, and reject a well-trained saddle horse for a sleeker animtd whose action is not set. Therefore let it be noted as a fact that until certain crotchets and fancied imperfections are overlooked, and are no longer bugbears, we shall want good saddle horses. Those who are fortunate enough to possess such a treasure will not part with it until it is fairly worn out; nor would a dealer be at the trouble of producing another, unless he could insure for it a price commensurate with the pains required for the operation. It is a common complaint that the horses of the pres- ent day do not lift their feet sufficiently high, in tlie same way that they did when saddle horses were more per- fect, this fault in them being erroneously attributed to HOAV TO BUT AKD SELL. 75 their breed. The thorough-bred horse may oe taught to lift his leg as high and bend his knee as well as any other, even after he has been trained for racing; and he then is better than the old-fashioned saddle horse, be- cause safer and easier, and his breed renders him capable of doins: more work. HUNTERS. After reading the above remarks upon saddle horses, you may naturally ask. How is it, then, that we have good hunters now in some portions of the country? It is because known hunters are seldom offered for sale in a pursy state; or, if they are in such a condition at any time, they undergo a thorough training before they are set to work. The remark also applies to young horses that are bought for the purpose of making hunters: it would indeed be a raw hand that would take a fat hunter into the field. Again, hunters are known, and exchange hands upon their merits. Who ever refused the best horse in the hunt because he had windgalls, enlarged hocks, or any of the thousand and one objections made to other and unknown horses? If the hunter is capable of performing cleverly the various standard feats of the hunting-field, many an imperfect piece of his symmetry is overlooked. *' Besides," remarks some one, '^broken knees in the hunter are not of any consequence." From this I beg to dissent. Of all the horses I should least like the hunter to be a tumble-down, and for this good reason: — the shoulders of the tumble-down are upright, so that at par- ticular leaps he can not extend his fore-legs sufficiently to come down on his fore-feet, and most likely when he thus over-jumps himself, he comes down head first. I am confident there never was an instance of the 76 THE HORSE. rider being killed by his horse rolling heels over head upon him unless that horse were upright in his shoulders. Although I hate any horse approaching to a tumble- down for any purpose whatever, I should prefer that a saddle horse should fall with me on the road, though he should cut himself to pieces, rather than I v;ould risk leaping with an upright-shouldered liunter. In severe leaps there is more force required than in ordinary riding, and therefore the obliquity is more needed. But I would rather avoid both. I hate the action of these horses. VICES. In speaking of the vices of horses, we must first observe that a Avarranty of soundness does not infer that the horse is free from vice, unless such be particularly expressed. Next, you must bear in mind that a very vicious horse may be a very sound one, and that, too, because perhaps on account of his bad habits his OAvners may have been afraid of using him. Vice may be either that which is dangerous to those who have to do with the animal, being confined to either the stable, to the work generally, or to only one partic- ular kind of work; or it may be of a nature to effect only the horse himself, or his master in a pecuniary point of view, by lessening the value. Of such last may be men- tioned wind-suckers, crib-biters, ^veavers, horses having a determined trick of getting loose in the stable, (although there may be a certain degree of innocence in their mis- cliief,) for they may be the caiis3 of injury to themselves or others. Kicking one another, or at people, either in their work or at any otlior time, if with ill nature, is a Vice. Biting one another, or tlioso al)out tliem, unless in now TO BUY AND SELL. 77 play, or Avliatevcr trick tends to the injury of themselves or others, is a Vice. In the first or most serious class of vices may be enumerated — kicking and biting in or out of the stable; kicking at the leg of the rider or driver, either when mounting into the saddle or at any other time; or rearing, or running away, or rubbing the rider's leg against anything, or lying down when Avanted to proceed, or falling on the side, or stopping suddenly when in a fast pace, or violently insisting upon going to any i)lace that the horse hap^iens to have been at before. Jibbing, or refusing to proceed, is a vice: so is backing against the owner's will, or turning round with violence when not re(|uired so to do, unless this results from mis- management of the user. A refusal to stand still in order to be mounted, if from ill nature, may be classed under this head. Bucking or raising the back when mounted, and then putting the head between the fore-legs and jump- ing, is a disagreeable and dangerous vice; so is the trick of swelling out the body till either the girths or straps to which they are buckled give way. If horses are guilty of any of the vices here enumerated and have been sold as well-broken horses, warranted free from vice, they are returnable. The half-broken colt may be guilty of some of these habits without being vicious; but thenceforth it depends upon the way of procedure. This being merely a catalogue of vices, some of them will be more particularly described under their respective headings, together with their causes, effects, and reme- dies, in order that buyers may know where certain vices are barred, or whether they amount to a reason for the total rejection of the horse or not. Should you, however, put a horse into harness without having a guarantee that he is quiet to drive, and he then proves guilty of one or more of the active vices, you cannot return him. 78 THE HOUSE. * Warranted quiet in harness" bars all injurions vices affecting tliat particular work. There is one vice, how- ever, said to be questionable, although I doubt it; that is '^ jibbing," or refusing to move when required to do so. But where the horse runs back, there can be no doubt about the vice proving dangerous and a bar to a perfect warranty. Lying down, another trick of a Jibber, is also a dangerous vice, if only on account of the shafts, inde- pendently of other and personal risks. Also, where the horse, after standing awhile, goes oS with a violent rush, rear, or plunge, there can be no doubt of the danger (except in skillful hands), or of the vice. This also requires some qualification, as a mere jump, lift, or start at a canter may be magnified by the timid. Again, it is a query whether it is not the coachman, rather than the horse, that is in fault; and in the former case the horse is not do be held to be vicious. A horse may be quiet in harness, yet very vicious and dangerous out of it, either in the stable or to ride. These are not included in a warranty of "quiet in har- ness," because in the last two cases he is out of the har- ness. " Free from vice," added to " quiet in harness," signifies that the animal is also quiet in the stable. He may, however, be vicious to ride, so that where he is wanted for this purpose also, " to ride " must be added in the warranty, as the seller may contend that he sold him for harness only. The receipts hereafter given will show how all these difficulties may be overcome. A simple warranty of soundness does not necessarily imply quietness. A horse may be as vicious as possible, so much so as to become almost useless, and at the same time not render himself returnable. *' Free from vice or any general inclination to do mischief," alludes to the stable as well as to the work of the horse. Still he may not be well broken, as thig does not imply that he is so or HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 79 otherwise; therefore, the being thus untutored woukl not make him returnable. But, if, though unbroken, he has acqaired bad tricks or vices, he is returnable. Add "quiet to ride," and he must perform this. He may, nevertheless, not be broken further than just to 'M)ack," as it is termed — that is, to allow any one to be upon his back with the saddle while he carries him about. The phrase, a "good back," "good hunter," "ladicc' horse," "menage," or "quiet in harness," or for whatever other purpose he may be required, should be sjiecified. As an assistance, I give a few forms of receipt, which may be easily adapted to suit any purpose required. RECEIPTS 0:Nr WARRANTIES. May, 18—. Received of , for a gelding, warranted sound, free from vice, and quiet to ride or drive, five hundred dollars. — A. B. N. B.^Tliis includes the commonest purpose, with quietness both within and without doors; also souudness. Any qualification may be left out or added; as for example : — June, 18 — . Received of , two hundred dollars, for a chestnut mare, warranted sound, with the exception of a slightly enlarged hock — (juiet to ride. — B. 0. The hock being the only exception, should there be any other unsoundness, the purchaser can return the horse; but not for vice, as that is not mentioned; neither is harness- work. Both of these, therefore, are at the buyer's risk. July, 18—. Received of , three hundred dollars, for a brown horse, warranted sound, with the 80 THE HOEiSE. exception of an enkirgemeiit at the back of the near hock, OQ which he goes at present free from kmeness. A good hunter. C. D. Any other unsoundness vitiates this warranty; or if it can be proved that he went Uxme on the excepted hock at the time of trial, he is returnable. Here he is only for one purpose, and may not be worth anything for any otlier work. But if he fulfills the warranty by being a good hunter, he does all that can be naturally ex2)ected of him. Good hunters are often useless for hackney- work. August, 18 — . Eeceived of , two hundred dollars, for a gray gelding, warranted sound, with the exception of , and upon which I warrant he has gone sound from to and np to the time of my giving this receipt. He is ({uiet m harness and a good hackney. D. E. Here the warranty, as far as the doubtful part, runs back to given time — upon the length of time that the horse has gene free from mcor-venience, and you place your reliance upon his continuing to do so. If, therefore, you iJiid that he has been lame on the excepted part with- in the period named, he is returnable, but not otherwise — this defect of lameness having been particularly speci- fied in the warranty. It will be readily perceived that any particular vice, vices, or defects, whether of eyes, limbs, wind, etc., etc., may be thus excepted; therefore, one more example will suffice. September, 18 — . Received of , the sum of dollars, for a black horse, sixteen hands high, warranted sound, with the exception of an enlarge- ment on the off forefoot, but upon Avhicli he has gone sound during the whole of the last three months, since its formation. He is six years old. HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 81 HEIGHT AXD AGE. The last form is also a warranty of age — that he is past his fifth and not yet m his seventh year; for horses never alter less than one year at a time. If you can prove he has not arrived at his sixth year, or that he has entered his seventh, you can, if you are so disposed, return the horse. You will perceive that this last receipt is for a horse — meaning thereby an entire one — neither gelding nor mare. His height is also mentioned; but if you have any particular reason for stating his exact height, it must be on the special warranty placed after the word "height," and not Ijefore it, or it will be presumed that you might have had him measured at the time of purchase. In order to avoid quibbling, it is the best way, where a given height is required, to put the horse under the standard. Even then there is much sleight of hand going on. Strict attention must, therefore, be paid if you are in any way particular to an inch. From the foregoing observations it will be seen that a simple warranty — '' free from vice," applies to the stable only; to be quiet in his work, and each particular kind of work, must be specified, as in the first receipt. QUIET IN^ HARN"ESS. "Warranted quiet in harness" does not imply the long usage of a horse to that particular kind of work, or that he has become particularly handy. All that it engages is that the horse has been used sufiiciently to prove that any coachman of tolerable ability may drive him without accident. Therefore, after buying a horse thus warrant- ed, before you put yourself to any expense in returning him on account of an accident, be sure the accident was not caused through your own negligence. A little iiegli- 82 THE HORSE. gence or mismanagement mtiy do a great deal of mis- chief. Too rough a liand upon a sensitive mouth, or a little nervousness or improper treatment in the driving, or inattention to the harness, may be all the fault, and, after being put to great expense and inconvenience, you may still be obliged to retain the horse, as all those things that seemed the effect of vice have been occasioned by want of skill. A chance kick or rear, if merely in play, as is gener- ally the case when the animal is too fresh or in the habit of looking or playing on seeing certain objects (which some would term shying), is not a vice, and does not render the horse returnable, where it can be proved that he was in a good humor or wanted work. Any mischief that might result would be at the risk of the buyer. But where the seller allows any one to try a horse in harness, whilst thus too fresh, without giving a caution, all mis- chief that ensues falls upon the vendor's shoulders. Where this caution is given, he must either be a very good or a very foolhardy coachman to be his own driver until the seller has driven a little of this play out of him. SHYING. When horses shy, it is either from unsoundness, play, or vice. It is generally occasioned by disease in the eye: cataract is the most common. Should the horse start at a little water or froth lying in the roacl, you may almost depend upon this disease being present, even though it exists in the shape of a speck no bigger than a pin's point. After cataracts are formed in the eye, that part of the pupil which is affected becomes opaque. Cataracts vary from the smallest specks to the obliteration or total opacity of the pupil, the shying increasing up to the last stage of blindness. Inflammation or cold in the eye HOAV TO BUY AND SELL. 83 will also produce shying. Every one of these stages, from the slightest inflammation to complete blindness of the affected eye or eyes, makes the horse Unsound. When there is no inflammation present, the various diseases of this orgxm are easily detected, as well as the injury which the eyes have received from the imflamma- tions they have already undergone; but as this is only to be acquired by practice, it will be unnecessary for me to occupy further space in attempting to explain that which would not assist those who are not already acquainted with the eye under all circumstances. I would merely ob- serve, as a general rule, that the eyes of those horses most sul)]ect to disorder appear small, and the upper lid wrinkled: they are termed '^ buck-eyed." Every stage of shying proceeding from disease is an Unsoundness. Not so where it is a matured habit produced by either a nervous or brutal user; in that case it is a Vice. It is not, however, a vice till it becomes a confirmed luibit, because if, during the early stages the horse changes into judicious hands, he ceases to do wrong. Patience, and care in riding and drivnig will soon cure this. When the horse starts or plays from want of exercise, or from a sudden noise, of an unusual kind, or where it arises from standing in a dark stable, provided that the eyes are not seriously injured, and that the pupils soon contract from the dilatation the dark has occasioned to their natural size, he is free from vice and Sound. To keep him sound the purchaser must put him into a lighter stable, when his eyes will keep right, and he will not shy; but if he be kept in the dark, disease will soon follow, and the animal Avill be, consequently, rendered Unsound. In the two last cases the horse is free from vice. 84 THE llORSE. Young liorses occasioiuiUy sliy from Imviiig chronic di- latation of the pupils, and are then Unsound. But where such dilatation is not chronic, as shown above, the defect is soon removed. Where the dilatation is the natural effect of age alone, if the horse merely looks or glances at objects without jumping or turning so as to occasion inconvenience, he is Sound. But if he stops suddenly, jumps to one side, or turns round quickly, whether resulting from defective sight, disease, old age, or any combination of these causes, the horse is Unsound. STARTING. starting is a Vice. See articles on *' Shying" and ''Bolting." BOLTING — running AWAY. Bolting, or running away, is a serious Vice. This does not, however, apply to the young horse when he jumps suddenly at any object that ai)pcars m a quiet by-road, or when he looks curiously at anything strange to him; he may even, under such circumstances, move over askew to the other side of the road, but this must not be considered to be a vice. Good riding is all that such a horse requires. If his eyes are perfect, he is Sound. PLAY — playfulness. Gamboling and good-humored play, resulting from plenty of ease, are not detrimental to the horse's value. HOW TO BUT AND SELL. 85 and they are easily got rid of, or, at the least, lessened by a little exercise. They may be considered to be, generally, a proof of a strong and \igorous state of health. A true horseman does not think any the Avorse of a horse for his playfulness; but as a nervons person might be alarmed at this habit, and put himself to some ex- pense in trying to effect a return of the horse to the vendor, it is well to add that, as playfulness is not a vice, the horse is not, on that account, returnable. But such a temper in a horse as is decidedly capricious or mischievous constitutes a Vice. The act of a horse looking slily or askance at any ob- jects that happen to catch his eye, while he is passing, must not be mistaken for shying; for the indecision of the rider's hand will convey a feeling of fear to the horse's mind through the effect of the bridle upon the mouth, while the horse will frequently anticipate the approach of a danger which is, in fact, imaginary, by feeling an un- due pressure, or a sudden and undecided loosening or tremulous motion of the rider's legs or knees. He is, consequently, suddenly alarmed, fancies that the very first object which he meets is the cause of the supposed danger, and tries, as instinct prompts him, to avoid it. If a horse that has 1)een ridden by a nervous rider for a few times only be taken in hand by a thorough and clever-handed horseman, it will be found that he will re- cover his self-confidence in a very few days' work. It is a fault of greater or less magnitude, according to the time that may be required for its eradication, and therefore, until the cure be effected, and it be certain that no injury will accrue from past mismanagement, such a fault is a Vice. The horse that will not even step over a straw, when ridden by an undecided and hesitating rider, will fre- quently take any le;ip with him who rides with a cool de- 86 THE HORSE. termination and a steady hand: so tliat, when the horse has contracted no permanent habit, but shies only while he is ridden m a nervous manner, as the fault is not in the horse, but in the master, the act of so shying does not constitute a Vice. Vice does not always render the animal returnable to the vendor. If, through nervousness or any fault in management, you induce the horse to shy, you must not, on that account, attribute any blame to him; and, m order to enable you to succeed in effecting a return of the animal, you must be in a position to prove that he was, under proper management, addicted to shying pre- vious to your purchasing him. Facilis decensus averni ! Bad habits are far easier to inculcate or to acquire than good ones. It is easy to sell or to buy a horse, be he good or bad, but impossible to furnish, or acquire suddenly, the art of managing liim properly. The above remarks as to the ease with which a horse contracts a habit of shying apply with equal force to all other habits which may be induced m him, either inside or outside the stable; such as biting, kicking, plunging, jil)bing, savaging, etc. SKITTISHNESS. Horses that are highly fed, and at the same time un- derworked, frequently acquire a way of spasmodic start- ing and playfulness, and are then called skittish; such horses being, by the uninitiated, not uncommonly called shiers. A.s the skittishness goes off on the horse being put to serious and hard work, it is not to be deemed a Vice. MEDICINE. A dose of medicine given to a horse, even though he require it, may make him unsound, until the pbysic has HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 87 ceased to affect him. Under the same category of spe- cifics, I must mclude training, and sweating to get down some of the sui3erflnons fat; all trainers, however, know that these processes may be overdone. Any deviation from health is an Unsoui^dness. Until the effect of the medicine has passed off, there is such a deviation from health, as is proved by the altered pulse, the derangement of appetite, and general dullness. Besides, owing to the great susceptibility of the stomach of the horse, until the effect has ceased, the ultimate result is uncertain; a dose, innocuous to one horse, being often almost, if not quite, fatal to another. It is better understood now than it was formerly, that, if the medicine, in proper quantities and at right times, has been administered to the horse, either to qualify him for work different from that to which he has beeu accus- tomed, or to restore him to his usual condition; as, for instance, on his return from grass, or on the commence- ment of his preparation for racing or hunting, and, if you can be satisfied that the dose was moderate, not in- jurious in its properties, and administered to the horse at the time when he was in a proper state of perj^ara- tion to receive it, there is no great risk in purchasing him. I should not have gone so lengthily into the sub- ject of caution requisite in these cases, were it not that many still adhere to the system of giving a ball consist- ing of calomel (a medicine rarely necessary), and other drugs sufficient to rum all the horses in a whole troop of cavalry. We cannot wonder, when we recollect the preposterous doses that were habitually given to horses a few years ago, that they often either destroyed the poor creatures, or rendered them permanently decrepit. It does not occur every day that there is any necessity to buy a horse wiien still under the effects of physic; yet there are cases w^hen, from rivalry among those who know 88 THE HORSE. him, anxiety is manifested to i)urcliase a horse who would not, under other circumstances, be or be likely to be sold; and m such instances the successful competitor runs con- siderable risk. In spite of the unimportance in many cases, I think it right to show what dangers and chances may occa- sionally hapiien, as I have often been questioned on the subject. A short time since, two gentlemen were, at the same time, considering about buying a horse that was just then in physic, with a view to the preparation for a match m which he was engaged. One of the gentlemen had of- fered to purchase the horse as soon as the medicine had worked off: the other, in the meantime, consulted me as to what consequences might be apprehended, and, after I had examined the horse, and iiad satisfied myself as to his appearance, bought the horse, much to the chagrin of his more cautious rival. STR A INGLES. It is frequently a matter for deliberation whether it would be advisable to buy a horse laboring under stran- gles (in whatever stage the disease may happen to be), or, in some cases, whether it would be prudent to purchase a horse which, though not actually afflicted with this dis- ease at the time, yet shows symptoms of its approach. In aged horses the appearance of strangles must be noted with some suspicion, as the horse generally has the disease while young, and very rarely more than once, while the older horse Is more subject to glanders, which is sometimes mistaken for strangles. Strangles may so debilitate an old horse as to degenerate mto glanders . Strangles is a disease which, if i)ropcrly attended to on its first api)oarance, rarely terminates fatally m tlie result HOW TO BUY A:N^D SELL. 89 denoted by the name: such a result is a very scarce ex- ception to the geneml rule — recovery. While the horse is under the influence of strangles, he is Ui^souxD. In order to prevent mistakes, it would be an improve- ment, where there is tlie least sus^iicion of strangles, to have the warranty qualified by the addition of the words, '^ Except the strangles." This disease is curable within a few days; it rarely attacks old horses. COLDS. Cold in the head, of long standing, may be mistaken by those n^t conversant with the disease, for strangles, while it is, in fact, the worse of the two, and is of a far more serious nature than most people imagine. While the comparatively innocuous disease, strangles, is much dreaded, cold, until it shows its seriousness by extreme 'running, is thought lightly of. Cold, if long neglected, frequently degenerates into glanders; in any case, while the horse is suffering from it, he is Unsound. GLANDERS. Glanders, which bears a very similar appearance to that of strangles, is a complaint of the very worst character. Glanders runs for years, if it does not, in the interim, terminate in death. It is easily communicated either by inoculation or imbibition; its contagiousness, however, is very doubtful, as sound horses have been known to stand for years in the same stables with glandered ones without contracting 90 THE HOESE. the disease; indeed, sound and glandered horses have been known to work together without the disease being communicated. Common causes of the disease are — overwork, an insufficient quantity of nutritious food, debility, and foul, close stables. Where the precaution laid down at the end of the article on " Strangles " has been observed, and there is no longer a doubt that the disease is of a more serious nature than that of strangles, the horse should be returned to the vendor, the chance of effecting a care being very small; besides, there is danger of the attendant becoming inoc- ulated, the expense of promoting the cure is heavy, and the time that will elapse before the horse is sound and fit for work is considerable. Glanders is seldom accompanied by any cough, but one nostril is generally, in the early stages, affected, there being a running from the nose of a glandered horse of a more glue-like or colloid nature than that in strangles; and it is useful to know that while the matter that runs from the nose in the former disease sinks in water, that which flows in strangles and cold, floats. Until the disease has made some progress, the horse appears to be in good health, and his eyes bright and clear; but it is prudent not to place too much reliance upon this absence of symptoms. The moment that you have any grounds for suspicion, procure a donkey or some other animal of little value — even a rabl)it — and let him l)c inoculated with the matter; a few liours will decide whether the disease is or is not present. Should glanders be unmistakably discovered, the sooner both animals are destroyed the better. The inoculation of the donkey with the suspicious matter is not an inhuman act; for it is only the possible sacrifice of one life, to insure tlie ])rescrvation of we know not how many. Even tlie lives of the attendants are at HOW TO BUY AND SELL. 91 stake, as it is well known that the reception of giandered matter in the slightest scratch or ahrasion of the skin is almost certain to terminate fatally. Although the difference between cold, strangles, and glanders is sufficiently marked to be generally distin- guished, yet no description of them will render it safe for the uninitiated to decide with certainty which disease it is. The best plan is to put alone by themselves all horses afflicted with strangles or severe cold in the head, par- ticularly if they have been recently purchased; this will, at all events, prevent any chance of glanders, if present, being communicated to the other horses. . It is hardly necessa^*^' to add that a giandered horse is Unsound. BASTARD-STRANGLES, OR VIVES. AVhen a horse has not had the strangles at the usual time, that is, generally, between the second and fourth year, he is fre([uently attacked by this disease, being in fact the strangles delayed till a later period of life than usual: Vives really meaning a revival of the attack, which is frequently called by old farriers, bastard- strangles, or vives, and wliich is a more obstinate com- plaint than true strangles. Vives is not often, in itself, fatal, nor difficult to cure, if attended to without delay; but, if neglected, it is often followed by very serious results, such as broken-wind, or even glanders; it is originated by a severe cold too long neglected. The accompanying cough is more violent than that in strangles. A horse laboring under vives or bastard-strangles is Unsound. Should you have bought the horse with an expressed 02 THE HORSE. understanding that the disease under which he is labor- ing was the strangles only, and that he was, in other respects, sound, you may return him if the complaint is found to be the vives, on the score of his not fulfilling the conditions of the warranty. BENT BEFORE. When the fore-legs of the horse are bent forward at the knee, he is said to be bent before: this may proceed from overwork, or from j)ain in the feet resulting from contraction, inflammation, etc., but it more frequently proceeds from flat feet. In these cases, the animal is Unsoukd. When the cause does not consist in pain, and when the deviation from the natural line is but slight, and the horse can do his proper work without inconvenience, even then, as in the case of total blindness, the defect may be visible, but he is Soukd. When the profile of the fore-legs has a deviation of anytliing more than the very slightest, it is a Blemish. You must not be talked over into the belief that the horse wasdef