■' J / NATIONAL Steeplechase Association. ORGANIZED, JANUARY 4th, 1895. INCORPORATED, FEBRUARY 18th, 1895. MEMBERS, CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, BY-LAWS, RULES OF RACING. OFFICERS. President, AUGUST BELMONT, Vice-President, H. DeCOURCY FORBES. Treasurer and Honorary Sea-etary, S. S. HOWLAND, Secretary, H. G. CRICKMORE. STEWARDS. To serve one year : To serve two years : To serve three years : August Belmont, A. J. Cassatt, H. DeCouecy Forbes, F. H. Prince, Foshall, Keene, J. 0. Green, J. G. Follansbee. S. S. Howland, F. Gebhaed. NEW YORK : •T. J. O'Brien & Son, Printers and Stationers, 122 East 23d Street. 1895. MEMBERS. A Albxandbb, John E . . . N. Y. Alexandre, J. H N. Y. Allen, Philip , , . N. Y, Altemus, L, C Penn. AsTOB, J.J N. Y . B Baenes, John S N. Y. Baetlett, Hon. Fea.nklin N. Y. Beaed, Feancis D , N. Y. BeAED, J KOBINSON. , N. Y. Belmont, August N. Y. Belmont. 0. H. P R I. Belmont, Pbeet N. Y. Bbeesfoed. John G N. Y. BiED, 0. W.... N. Y. BowEEs, John M , N. Y. Beadpobd, J. H Mass. Beown, Alex Md. Beown, Jesse D. C. Brown, Neilson , Penn. Buck, H. A N. Y. Buckley, Julian G N. Y. C Cameeon, Bennehan N. C. Canee, Haeeison K Penn. Cabman, Eichaed N. Y. Oaeeoll, Royal Phelps N. Y. Case, H. P N. Y. Cassatt, a. J Penn. Claeke, Joseph Cal. Clasox, Augustus , N. Y. Clyde, B. F Penn. Clyde, Thomas N. Y. COLLIBE, P. F N. Y. Costbb, Chaeles N. Y. Curtis, De. Holbbook N. Y. IV. MElMBEiiS. D Datis, E. W R. I. JDONNEE, J. O N. Y. Ddlany, H. Roziee \ ...... B. C. E Elliott, Duncan N. Y. Ellis, E. N N. Y. Ellis, W. S Penn. Eustis, Geoege D. C. EusTis, W. C , D. C. F Fairfax, Henet Va. FOLLANSBEB, JoHN G Cal. FoEBEs, H. DeColecy N. Y. G Galway, Jabies , ^ N. Y. Gebhaed, F N. J . Gould, Geoege J N. J. Geeen, Dr. J. O . . . , Ky . Geiscom, Clement A Penn. Geiswold, F. Geay N. Y. Gdlivee, W. C ; N. Y. H Haggin, J. B Cal. Hareison, Mitchell Penn, Havbmeybr, C. F N. Y. Heaest, W. E Cal. Hbckscher, J, G N. Y. Heebeet, H. L N. Y. Hill, Dr. Eichard S Md. Hitch, F. D N. Y. Hitchcock, Center N. Y. HOWLAND, S. S N. Y. Hunter, John . N. Y. I IsELiN, C. Oliver N. Y. J Johnson, Capt. F. G Canada. Jones, Feank W Mass. K Kane, Delancey N. Y. Keenb, Foxhaxl P N. Y. Keene, James R N. Y. Kennedy, H. Van Kbnsselaee N. Y. Kelly, Edward N. Y. Kip, Laweence N. Y. KiRKMAN, V. L Tenn. Knapp, Dr. G. Lee N. Y. L La Montagne, E. C N. Y. Lawrence, J. G. K N. Y. Lawrence, Prescott N. Y. Lent. Eugene Gal. LoGiN, John A D. C. LORILLARD, PiEEEE, JB , N. Y. Mc McCuLLOuGH, E. H Penn. McDonald, Charles B 111. Macdonough, W. O'B Cal. McKay, Twombly Hamilton N. J. McLean, John R D. C. M Mackey, F. J. 111. Maddos, James K , , Va. Maitland, Thomas A , N. Y. Matthbr, C. E Penn. Mills, Ogden N. Y. Moore, Clarance D. C. Morgan, J. Pierpont N. Y. MoRRBLL, Edward Db V Penn. Morris, A. Newbold N. Y. Morris, Henry J Penn. Mortimer, Richard N. Y. MuNN, H. N N. Y. Murphy, Daniel Cal. Murphy, Daniel N. Y. MEMBEES. Oeleichs, Hbemann N, Y. O'ElELLY, F. C N. J. p Palmee, Kichaed S N. Y. Pkeein, Clutoed Ohio Pbtees, Kichaed N. Y. Pfizee, Chaeles, Je N. Y. Pollock, Geoege N. Y. POTTBE, E. C N. Y. Peince, F. H Mass. R Randolph, Edmund N. Y. Eandolph, p. S. P Penn. Rathbonb, J. L Cal. Riddle, S. D Penn. Riddle, L. W Penn. ROBBINS, S. HOWLAND N. Y. ROBY, E. WiLLAED N. Y. RuppEET, J. , Je N, Y. Saneoed, John N. Y. SCHEEMEBHOEN, AUG N. Y. Smith, Sidney J N. Y- Stewabd, John A. Jr N. Y. Steathy, Col. J. A. L Canada. T Tailee, W. H N. Y. Thayee, Bayaed Mass- Thompson, L. S N. J. Thompson, W. P N. J- Thompson, W. P., Jb N. J- TowNSEND, Isaac . . N. Y. TOWNSEND, J. R N. Y. Van Beunt, E Cal . Vandeebilt, Cobnelius N. Y. ViNGUT, H. K N. J. W VVadswokth, Ceaig W N. Y. Wadswoeth, James S N. Y. Walcott, a. F.. N. Y. Waeburton, Baeclay H Penn. Webb, Ceeighton N. Y. Webb, Seward Vt. Wetmoee, Hon. G. Peabodt R. I. White, Stanford N. Y. WiDENEE, Joseph E Penn. Williams, Thos. H. , Je Cal. WiNTHEOP, R. D N. Y. WoEK, Geoegb N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION National Steeplechase Association We, August Belmont, of Hempstead, Queens County, New York, H. DeCoukc? Foebes, of New York City, New York, Samuel S. Howland, of Grove- land, Livit'gston County, New York, James O. Geeen, of Louisville, Kentucky, and Feedeeick Gebhaed, of Eatontown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, all being of full age and citizens of the United States of America and a majority being residents of the State of New York, desiring to form a corporation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 213 of the Laws of 1891, the same being an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed April 20, 1891. entitled "An Act to provide for the formation of Corporations for Im- proving the Breeds of Domestic Animals," i)o Hereby Certify. Fiest: The name by which the corporation shall be known is "National Steeplechase Association." Second: The particular objects and purposes of said corporation are as follows: The investigating, asceitaining and keeping of a record of the pedigrees of horses; the instituting, maintaining, controlling and publishing of a stud book or book of registry of horses in the United States of America and Canada; the promoting and holding of exhibitions of such horses; and generally for the purposes of improving the breed thereof, by encouraging and advancing steeplechasing and hurdle racing throughout the X. ARTICLES OF INCOEPOEATION. United States, by supervising such races, by com- piling, publishing and enforcing of proper rules to govern such racing, by licensing of meetings, of trainers and of jockeys, and by such other means as may be proper. Third: The number of Directors who shall manage the affairs of said corporation shall be nine. Fourth: The first Annual Meeting of the members of the corporation shall be held on the 9th day of January, 1896. Fifth: The names and places of residence of the Directors who shall manage the affairs of the corpora- ation until such first Annual Meeting, are as follows: Names: Places of Residence: August Belmont, . . Hempstead, Queens County, New York. H. DeCourcy Forbes, New York City, New York. Samuel S. Ho WLA.ND, . Groveland, Livingston County, New York. Louisville, Kentucky. Eatontown, New Jersey. Haverford, Pennsylvania. Bayside, New York. San Francisco, Califoriiia. Frederick H. Prince, Boston, Massachusetts. James 0. Green, . Frederick Gerhard, A. J. Cassatt, . . Foxhall p. Keene, John G. Follansbeb Sixth: The principal office of said corporation is to be located in the City and County of New York. In Witness Whereof, we have made, signed, ac- knowledged and filed this Certificate. Dated, New York, February 15th, 1895. August Belmont, H. DeC. Forbes, S. S. Rowland, J. O, Green, F. Gebhaed. AETICLES OF INCOEPOKATION. XI. State of New Yoek, i [■ss. City and County of New Yoek. ) On this 16th day of February, 1895, before me personally appeared August Belmont, to me person- ally known and known to me to be one of the in- dividuals described in and who made and signed the foregoing Certificate, and he duly acknowledged to me that he had made, signed and executed the same for the purposes therein set forth. EDWARD CORNELL. [seal] Notary Public, Orange County. Certificate filed in New York County. State of New Yoek, ) City A^'D County of New Yoek. ) On this 15th day of February, 1895, before me personally appeared H. DeCourcy Forbes, Samuel c>. Howland, James 0. Green and Frederick Geb- hard, to me personally known and known to me to be four of the individuals described in and who made and signed the foregoing Certificate, and they severally duly acknowledged to me that they had made, signed and executed the same for the purposes therein set forth. EDWARD L. PURDY, [si All.] Notary PnUic, (148), N. Y. Co. State of New Yoek, ) Iss. Office of the Seceetaey of State. ) I have compared the preceding with the original Certificate of Incorporation of National Steeplechase Association filed and recorded in this office on the XII. AETICLES OF INCOKPOKATION. 18tli day of February, 1895, and do hereby certify the same to be a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original. Witness my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this 18th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. JNO. PALMEE, [SEAL. ] Secretary of State, State of New Yoek, City and County of New Yoek. I, Heney D. Pdeeoy, Clerk of the paid City and County, and Clerk of the Supreme Court of said State for said County, Do Certify, that I have compared the preceding with the original Certificate of Incorpora- tion of National Steeplechase Association on file in my office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original. Endorsed, Filed and Recorded February 19th, 1895, 9 H. 57 M. In Witness Wheeeof, I have hereunto subscribed mv name and affixed my official seal, this 19th day of February, 1895. HENRY D. PURROY, [seal. ] Ckrk, [endoesed] Certificate of Incorporation of National Steeplechase Association. State of New Yoek, Office of Seceetaey op State. Filed and Recorded February 18th, 1895. ANDREW DAVIDSON, Deputy Secretary of State. BY-LAWS OF National Steeplechase Association. Keported to the Stewards by the Committee, H. De Courcy Forbes and Dr. J. O. Green, and adopted March 4, 1895. BOAED OF STBWAEDS. 1.— The Directors of the Corporation shall also be the Stewards of the Association, and whenever the word Steward is used in these By-Laws it shall be taken and held to in- clude the term Director. Of the nine Stewards named as Directors in the Certificate of Incorporation, three shall serve for one year, three for two years and three for three years, their names to be determined by lot. The first year shall be taken and held to terminate on the 9th day of January, 1896. 2.— Vacancies in the Board of Stewards occurring during the year shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board at any regular meeting of the Board, or at any special meeting called for the purpose of filling such vacancies. 3. — The Board of Stewards shall meet on the first Thurs- day of every month, and whenever called together by the Secretary, at the request of the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, or of any two of the Stewards. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 4. — The Board of Stewards shall annually elect from among its own members, a President, Vice-President and Treasurer. It shall also annually elect from among its own members, or from among the other members of the Associa- tion, a Secretary and such other officers, officials and com- mittees as it may deem necessary. 5. (I. )— The Board of Stewards shall hays full and complete control of- all the affairs of the Association; it shall make, publish and enforce rules for racing, the conduct of meet- ings, the licensing of trainers, jockeys and gentlemen riders, etc. ; it shall fix and may alter the amounts of initia- tion fees and dues to be paid by the members; it shall appoint and remove Deputy Stewards, officers and officials, and generally conduct the affairs of the Association. 5. (II ) — As incidental to and part of the powers above mentioned, the Board of Stewards shall have power to recog- nize any Association which shall adopt rules conforming to those of this Association for the management and control of races to be held by Hunt Clubs, Country Clubs or approved members of the same, with the sanction of the Governors of their respective Clubs. 6. (I.) — The Board of Stewards may appoint from its own members an Executive Committee to consist of five members, and such Committee may exercise, in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Stewards, all of the powers of such Board. (II.) — Three members of the Executive Commmittee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Committee. The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of all of its action and proceedings, and such action and proceedings shall be, from time to time, reported to the Board of Stewards at the meetings of such Board, and the minutes of the Executive Committee shall be read at such meetings of the Board. 7. — The funds of the Association shall be devoted solely to the purposes for which the Association was incorporated, and no part thereof shall at any time be divided among its members, and in case of the dissolution of the Association shall be devoted to such uses for the purposes of improving the breed of horses as the Stewards shall determine. MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION. 8. (I.) — The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on the first Thursday after the first Monday in Janu- ary in each year, at such time and place as the Board of Stewards may select. (II )— In case a quorum cannot be obtained at any Annual Meeting, such meeting may be adjourned for a period not exceeding one month. If at any Annual Meeting or at an adjournment thereof no Stewards be elected to fill the places of those whose terms of office shall have expired, the latter shall continue to hold office and discharge the duties thereof until the election of their successors. (III.)— It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Asso- ciation to mail to each member thereof, at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting, a notice of said meet- ing and the place and hour at which it will be held. 9. — The Secretary shall keep a book with the post-office addresses of members of the Association, and members. XVL BY-LAWS. must see that the addresses therein entered are their correct ones. 10. — At each annual meeting of the members of the Asso- ciation three Stewards shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present in person or by proxy, to hold office for three years, and to fill the places of those whose term of office shall have expired. 11. — A quorum at an annual meeting shall consist of not less than one-fifth in number of the members of the Associa- tion, present in person, or represented by proxy, and in no case shall consist of less than nine members of the Associa- tion, present in person or represented by proxy. SPECIAL MEETINGS. 12. — A Special Meeting of the Association may be called at any time by the Stewards, and shall be called by the President on the written application of one-third of the members of the Association. 13. (I.)— All notices of special meetings shall contain the subjects to be considered thereat, and none other shall be acted upon. (II.)— All notices for special meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary, in the same manner as the notices of the annual meeting. 14. — A quorum at a special meeting of the Association shall be governed by the conditions of By-Law No. 11. ELECTION OF MEMBEES. 15. — The members of the Association shall be the original incorporators, together with the Directors named in the BT-LAWd. XVn. Certificate of Incorporation and such other persons as may from time to time, be duly elected to membership and qualify as such pursuant to the provisions of the By-Laws. 16. (I.)— All applications for membership must be pro- posed and seconded in writing by members of the Association. (II. ) The name of the applicant together with the names of his proposer and seconder, must be posted in the Secretary's office for at least ten days before it can be acted upon by the Stewards of the Association. (Ill) All members must be elected by a unanimous vote of the Board of Stewards. The name of a person whose application for membership has been rejected, cannot again be presented within twelve months. (rv.) The initiation fees and dues of all members elected must be paid within fifteen days of the date of their election, or said election may be cancelled by the Board of Stewards. 17. —All subscriptions and dues shall be payable in advance on the 15th day of January in each year. The annual dues shall be $25. All members elected after the 1st day of May, 1895, shall be required to pay an initiation fee of $50. 18. Any member of the Association failing to pay his yearly dues or subscription by the first day of Apiil follow- ing, shall cease to be a member. EXPULSION OF MBMBEES. 19. (I.)— In case the conduct of any member of the Asso- ciation shall, in the opinion of the Board of Stewards, or of any twenty members of the Association (who shall certify the same to the Board of Stewards in writing), be considered injurious to the Association, the Board of Stewards shall be especially summoned to consider the case, and should they find the charge proven, they may call upon the member to resign, or dismiss or expel him. (II.) Such decision oi' the Board of Stewards shall be without appeal. AMENDMENTS. 20. These By-Laws, with the exception of By-Law 7, may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Stewards by a majority vote, provided that ten days notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to each member of the Board, or at any annual or special meeting of the Association, by a majority vote of the members of the Asso- ciation ; provided, however, that, in such case, a written notice of such proposed amendment be mailed to each member of the Association, at least two weeks prior to the holding of the meeting at which it is to be considered, and that a copy thereof be posted on the bulletin board of the Association in the of&ce of the Secretary, for the same period. But By-Law 7 shall not be amended, except by a unanimous vote of all the members of the Board of Stewards, or by unanimous vote of all the members of the Association, present in person, or represented by proxy, at any annual or special meeting of the Association, due notice having been given as above provided, that such a proposed amendment would be presented at such meeting. Rules of Racing, These rules apply to all meetings held under the sanction of the National Steeplechase Associa.tion and to all races run at such meetings. PART I. INTEKPKETATION OF WORDS AJfD PHKASES. 1- (I. ) In the New England States and the States of Recognized New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, -*^««^*^"S'«- Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, a recognized meeting is a meeting held under the sanction of the National Steeplechase Association, the Jockey Club or the National Hunt Association. (II.) A recognized meeting held in any part of the United States, excepting the States named above and the District of Columbia, is a meeting held under the sanction of the American Turf Congress, or a Turf Authority having a reciprocal agreement with the National Steeplechase Association for the mutual enforcement of sentences passed upon persons guilty of fraudulent practices on the turf. (III. ) A recognized meeting held in any foreign country is a meeting held under a Turf Authority of the country in which it is held having a reciprocal agreement with the American Steeplechase Associ- ation for the mutual enforcement of sentences passed upon persons guilty of fraudulent practices on the turf. Wherever the word •' Steward " or "Stewards" stewards. only is used, it means Steward or Stewards of the meeting, or their duly appointed deputy or deputies. EinLBS OF RACING. The "Registry Office " is the office for the time Registry Office. being appointed as the Registry Office by the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association. ' ' Registered " and ' ' Registration " mean Registered and " registererl," and " Registration " at such office. Registration. (N. B.) The present Registry Office is the Office of the Secretary of the National Steeplechase Association. Is such publication as the Stewards of the Na- ^^3ar tional Steeplechase Association shall designate. (N B The spirit of the Time^ is so designated.) The "Forfeit List"' is a record of arrears which Forfeit List have been notified by the Clerk of the Course of any meeting held under these rul<^s, or by the Registry Office of the Jockey Club or the National Hunt Association, and by any Turf Authority having a reciprocal agreement with the National Steeplechase Association for the mutual enforce- ment of forfeits. A " Horse " includes mare, gelding, colt and fforse. filly. A maiden is a horse which has never won a race Maiden. (other than a match or private sweepstakes) in any country. A Maiden means a maiden at the time of the start. A "Race" means purse, sweepstakes, private J^ace. sweepstakes, cup or match. A "Purse" is a race to be run for money or Purse. other prize, without any stake being made by the owners of the horses engaged and which is void if two horses in entirely different interests are not entered for it. A ' ' sweepstakes " is a race in which stakes are to Sweepstakes. be made by the owners of the horses engaged, and any such race is still a sweepstakes when money or other prize is added. A public sweepstakes is void if three subscrib- ers do not engage horses in it. A private sweepstakes is one to which no money is added and which has not been advertised pre- vious to closing. A " cup " is any prize not given in money, C'm^- BULES OF EACING. C A ' * handicap " is a race in which the weights to Handicap. be carried by the horses are adjusted by the handi- capper for the purpose of equalizing their chances of winning. A " free handicap " is one in which no liability Free Handicap. is incurred for entrance money, stake or forfeit, until acceptance of the weight, either directly or thi'ough omission to declare out. A ' ' private handicap " is one in which the Private weights are agreed upon among the parties to it, Handicap. and which has not been publicly advertised pre- vious to the engagement being made. A "post race" is one in which the subscribers Pos< i2ace. declare at the usual time before a race for declar- ing to start, the horse or horses they are to run, without other limitation of choice than the rules of racing and the conditions of the race prescribe. A "produce race " is one to be run by the pro- Produce Race. duce of horses named or described at the time of entry. A " selling race " is one, the conditions of which Selling Race. require that every horse running, if a loser, may be claimed, and if the winner must be offered for sale by auction. Weight for age means standard weight according Weighifor Age. to the rules of the course where the race is run or its conditions, and remains a weight for age race even though there be penalties and allowances. A race at " catch weights" means one for which Caich Weightt. the riders need not weigh before or after the race. The "nominator " is the person in whose name Nominator. a horse is entered for a race. ' ' Owner " includes part owner or lessee. Owner. "Authorized Agent" means an agent q.^. Authorized pointed by a document signed by the owner, and ^^^" " lodged at the Kegistry Office, or, if for a single meeting only, with the Clerk of the Course for transmission to the Registry Office. Authorized agent includes sub- agent, if authority to appoint a sub-agent is provided for by the document. "Arrears" are any sums iinpaid in respect of -^ '■'"''«' *'«• fines, fees, entrance money, stakes, subscriptions. KULES OF RACING. forfeits and purchase money in races with selling allo-wances. It is a "walk-over" when only one horse or Walk- over. horses belonging to a single interest are at the post ready to start for a race at the appointed time. PART II. CALCULATION OF TIME. (I. ) When the last day for doing anything under Dates falling on these rules falls on Sunday, it may be done on the Sunday. following Monday, unless a race to which such act relates is appointed for that day, in which ease it must be done on the previous Saturday. (II.) A "month" means a calendar month; a, Month and Day. "day" means twenty-four hours. PAET III. EEGULATIONS FOR RACE MEETINGS. (I ) All meetings held under these rules in the Meetings must be New England States and in the States of New York, Sanctioned. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, and the District of Columbia, must be sanctioned by tbe Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association. (N. B. The National Steeplechase Association will not sanction meetings held by Country Clubs or Hunt Clubs ) (II.) At any meeting advertised to take place Number of solely under these rules, there shall be in each *^^^^i'^^^''*<**^*' day's programme at least two Steeplechases, one of which must be three miles or upwards. (III.) There shall be no Steeplechase less i\x.a,VL. Distances. two miles, and no hurdle race less than one and one-half miles. (IV.) In all Steeplechase courses excepting for -^«»i&«'% '^e^P^' races exclusively for hunters there shall be at least "jl^^S' Ser five fences in every mile. There shall be a Water ^^^np, etc. Jump at least twelve feet wide and two feet deep, to be left open or guarded only by a per- pendicular fence not exceeding two feet in height. There shall be in each course at least one ditch RULES OF KACING. < five feet wide and two feet deej), which ditch shall be guarded on the taking off side, by a single rail and on the landing side there shall be a fence three feet six inches in height, and if of dead brushwood or gorse, two feet in width. The minimum perpendicular height of any jump shall be 3 feet, 6 inches. (V.) In all Hurdle race courses there shall be not J^'^^^^^r of less than four flights of hurdles in the first mile, Hurdle Races. with an additional flight of hurdles for every quarter of a mile or part thereof beyond that distance, the height of the hurdles being not less than three feet six inches from the bottom of the lower bar to the top of the upper bar. (VI. ) In Steeplechases and Hurdle Kaces exclus- Races for ively for hunters, the distances, dimensions, ""'^''*- number and character of fences, prescribed by the National # Hunt Association shall govern at all meetings under these rules. (VII. ) The lowest weights in handicaps shall be : -^«^««^ Weights For Steeplechases, - - - - 135 pounds. ^^ ^««^^««^*- For Hurdle Races and races for Hunters on the flat, - - 130 pounds. PART IV. POWERS or THE STEWARDS OP THE NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE ASSOCIATION. 4. (I.) The Stewards of the National Steeplechase Authority to Association have power to license any meeting, to License Meetivgs be run under these rules ; to recognize or refuse to p^iH'^^ recognize any meeting or meetings as they may see fit ; to grant and withdraw licenses to jockeys ; to prohibit any person from acting in any official capacity in connection with a meeting ; to invest- igate any case which may appear to them to require their interference (whether or not referred to them by the Stewards of a meeting), and give a final decision thereon ; they have power to impose any fine not exceeding $'250, and to warn any person off all the courses where these rules are in force. . EULES OF KACING. (II. ) The stewards of the National Steeplechase No Cognizance Association take no cognizance of any disputes or ^J" Betting. claims with respect to bets. PAKT V. STEWARDS FOB MEETINGS. (I.) There shall be at least two Stewards for Two stetvards. every meeting. (II ) Each Steward may appoint a deputy at any Deputy sieivard,- time, or if there be but one Steward present, he may be shall, in case of necessity, appoint one or more Appointed. persons to act with him. If none of the Stewards are present the officers of the Association owning the course shall request two or more persons to act during the absence of the Stewards. In case of emergency, the Stewards may, during a meeting, appoint a substitute to fill any of the offices for that meeting only. (III.) Every complaint against an official shall Complaints in be made to the Stewards in writing, signed by the Writing. complainant. (IV.) The Stewards shall have full power to Authority on make (and if necessary to vary) all such arrange- -^'»<'« Courses. ments for the conduct of the meeting as thev see fit, and under special circumstances, to put off any race from day to day until a Sunday intervene. (V.) The Stewards have control over, and they Free Access. and the Stewards of the National St«eplechase Association have free access to all stands, weighing- rooms, enclosures, and other places in use for the purpose of racing. (VI. ) They shall have power to exclude from all Who may be places under their control : excluded from (a.) Every person who is warned ofE the turf. ^"''^ Courses. (b.) Every person whose name has been pub- lished in the unpaid forfeit list until the default is cleared. (c.) Every person who has been reported as a defaulter, until it has been officially notified that his default is cleared. ETJIiES OF BACING. iJ (d.) Every person who has been declared by the turf authorities of, or by the Stewards of any recognized meeting in this or any other country, to have been guilty of any corrupt or fraudulent practices on the turf. (VII.) They shall also have supervision over all Overnight entries to over-night events and declarations to-^"''**'*' handicaps. (VIII. ) The Stewards have power to regulate and Authority over control the conduct of all officials and of all trainers, <^^^ Employees. jockeys, grooms and other persons attendant on horses. (IX. ) The Stewards have power to punish at their Power to Punish. discretion any person subject to their control with a fine not exceeding $200 00 and with suspension from acting or riding at the same meeting, and to report to the Stewards of the National Steeple- chase Association should they consider any further action necessary. (X.) 'J he Stewards have power to determine all Power to questions arising in reference to racing at the Investigate races. meeting, subject to appeal under Part- XXI, and should no decision have been arrived at by the Stewards within seven days of the objection being lodged, the Clerk of the Course shall then report the case to the Stewards of the National Steeple- chase Association, who may at their discretion decide the matter, and if they consider there has been negligence, may order any additional expense arising therefrom to be defrayed out of the funds of the meeting at which the case occurred. (XI.) The Stewards have power to call for proof power to call for that a horse is neither itself disqualified in any Proof, etc. respect, or nominated by, or the property, wholly or in part, of a disqualified person, and in default of such proof being given to their satisfaction, they may declare the horse disqualified. (XII.) The Stewards have power at any time to May make order an examination by such person or persons Examinations as they think fit, of any horse entered for a race, or which has run in a race. (XIII.) The Stewards as such, shall not enter- Nothing to do tain any disputes relating to bets, with Bets. 10 RULES OF BACING. PART VI. OPFICIALS OP MEETINGS. 6. An Inspector of the Steeplechase Courses shall Inspector of be annually appointed by, and will receive \a^ Steeplechase instructions from the Stewards of the National °^''^^^' Steeplechase Association. 7. The following ofl&cials shall be apjDointed fox jsfamed Officials. every meeting, subject to the approval of the Stewards, viz : Handicapper, Clerk of the Course, Clerk of the Scales, Forfeit Clerk, Starter, and one or more Judges. One person may, however, be ap- pointed to fill two or more offices under this rule. 8. In all applications for licenses for meetings, the Names of names of all persons who are to act as officials of Officials must he the meeting must be given. given. 9. In case of emergency, the Stewards may, during Substitutes may a meeting, appoint a substitute to fill any of the be appointed. above namtd Oifices for that meeting only. 10. The Clerk of the Course or his deputy shall Clerk of the attend the Judges during each race; he shall ^''"'■*^- discharge all the duties whether exjDressed or implied, required by the rules of racing, and report to the Stewards all violations of the rules of Racing or of the Regulations of the Course coming 'under his notice ; he shall keep a complete record of all races ; he shall receive all stakes, forfeits, entrance money, tines, arrears, purchase money in selling races, and pay over all the money collected by him to the Treasurer. 11. The Handicapper shall append to the weights for Handicapper. every handicap, the day and hour from which winners will be liable to a penalty, and no altera- tion shall be made after publication. 12. (I.)' The Clerk of the Scales shall exhibit the Clerk of the number (as allotted on the official card) of each Scales. horse for which a jockey has been weighed out, and shall forthwith furnish the Starter with a list of such numbers, and the numbers shall not be taken down until the horses are started, (II,) If extra or special weight be declared for any horse, such weight shall be exhibited oil the UTILES OF BACING. ll Notice Board ; also any declaration to win, or alteration of colors. (III.) He shall in all cases weigh in the riders of the horses and report to the Stewards any jockey not presenting himself to be weighed in. (IV.) The Clerk of the Scales shall always put 2 lbs. extra into the scales to prove that the horse has not carried too much weight. (V.) He shall at the close of each day's racing send a return to the office of the Secretary of the National Steeplechase Association, of the weights carried in every race, and the names of the jockeys, specifying overweight,. if any. 13. (I ) The Starter shall give all orders necessary starter. for securing a fail- start. (II.) He shall report to the Stewards all cases of misconduct by jockeys when under his orders. (HI. ) He shall report to the Stewards the time at which each race was actually started ; also the time of the first, if any, false starts, which shall be held to fix the time of starting for that race. H e shall also report by whom, or by what cause any delay was occasioned. 14. (I.) The Judge or Judges must occupy ihe j^cig^g^ Judges' box at the time the horses pass the winning post, and then- sole duty shall be to place the horses. They must announce their decisions immediately, and such decisions shall be final unless an objec- tion to the winner or any placed horse is made and sustained. Provided, that this rule shall not pre- vent the Judges from correcting any mistake, such correction being subject to confirmation by the Stewards. (II.) The Judge or Judges shall, at the close of each (lay's racing, sign and send a report of the result of each race to the office of the Secretary of the National Steeplechase Association. 15. The Forfeit Clerk shall be in attendanae on Forfeit Clerk. every race day of each meeting for the purpose of enforcing the forfeit list, and for collecting forfeits due. 12 KtJLES OF BA.Cli^"G. PART VII. OMITTED CONDITIONS. 16. (I.) When the weights are omitted from the ^"5''<'" »/ conditions of any race, the horses shall carry ^^^^'^*' weight for age, subject to penalties and allowances. (II. ) When a scale of weights for age is not fixed Weights to be by the regulations of any course, or by the condi- ca^-J-^ed. tions of a meeting or race, the following scale shall govern : ^o-r steeplechases 3 year olds - - - 138 pounds. 4 " " - - - 150 " 6 " " - - - 162 6 " " and aged - . 172 FOR HURDLE RACES AND RACES ON THE FLAT. 3 year olds _ - - 140 pounds. 4 " " - - - 155 5 " " ... 165 " 6 •' " andaged - 168 ExcejDt in handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, mares three years old and upwards shall be allowed 5 lbs. before the 1st of September and 3 lbs. after- wards. Geldings shall be allowed 3 lbs. (III.) For other races on the flat the scale of weights adopted by the Jockey Club shall govern, and in respect of such races welter weights shall be twenty-eight pounds above the weights for age. 17. (I.) When no course is mentioned, it shall he ^^^^^^ion of as follows : ^''"'''''' If thr ee years old, two miles. If four years old, two miles and a half. If five years old, three miles. If six years old or upwards, four miles. And if the horses be of different age, the course shall be fixed by the age of the youngest. (II.) When no day is fixed for a race, it shall ^/"«^«y««'»«^' be run on the last day of the meeting, unless otherwise agreed by all the parties engaged, and sanctioned by the "Stewards. PART VIII. RACE HORSES. 18. All horses entered for races to be run undei Eegistration of these rules must, for purposes of identification, be horses. registered in the Registry Office. Applications aULES OP EACING. IjJ for registry must be accorapanied by a certificate clearly establishing the identity of the horse and giving the name, if any, sex, age, color, marks and pedigree if known. The registry fee is $2.00 for each horse. 1^« If a horse entered for a race has not been regis- Horses may tered prior to the day upon which the race is to be o^''"*'" temporary run. the Clerk of the Course may issue, upon the '^^^'^^c«^«- payment of a fee of $25, to go to the Kegistry Office, a temporary certificate of registry permit- ting the horse to start on that day only, provided the horse has been properly entered and his identity is satisfactorily established. 20. If a horse that has been properly entered, hut Horses not has not been registered, start in a race, he shall disqualijied. not, on that account, be disqualified, but his owner shall be fined $100, to be paid to the Kegistry Office. N. B — Horses registered in the Registry Office of the Jockey Club, or of tiie National Hunt Association, shall be deemed to be registered. 21. No horse shall run for a Steeplechase, or When three-year- a Hurdle Race, until September 1st of the year ^'^^s'^i^J/'^^- in which he is three years old. 22. Horses must be named before they run the Horses must be second time. named. 23. Whenever the name under which a horse has run Changing names. at a recognized meeting in any country is changed, the old name, as well as the new name, must be given until he has run three times over the course of a recognized association, and if he first runs under the new name in a race at a meeting held under these rules, the change of name must be notified to the Registry Office. 24. (I. ) Every person subscribing to a sweepstake or Decision of entering a horse in a race to be run under these Stewards must rules accepts the decision of the Stewards on any ^^ C'^cepted. question relating to a race or to racing. (II.) At the discretion of the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association or of the Stew- ards, and without notice, the entries of any person or the transfer of any eutry may be refused. 25. A horse is not qualified to run for any race unless Horses must be he is duly entered for the same. ^^^y ^'"■^^red 14 EUliES OF EACING. 26. No horse is qualified to be entered or run which Disquatijled is wholly or partly the property of, or in any way -^^^^""^ ^^""^^' under the care or superintendence of a disqualified ''^orLZ ^^^ person. 27. Any horse which has been the subject of fraud- Fraudulent ulent practice may be disqualified for such time ^V^'^^''^'''^^™"^/ and for such races as the Stewards shall determine. "^"" ^''^' 28. (I. ) Joint subscriptions or entries may be made joint by two or more owners in their individual names, subscriptions and or in the name of a partnership duly registered. enij-ies. (II.) If any of the parties to a joint subscription or entry die, its rights and liabilities remain m the survivor or survivors, subject to filing with the Secretary of the Stewards of the National Steeple- chase Association any change of interest in the efigagement. 29. The list of entries shall be closed at the adver- Entries to close tised time, and no entry shall be admitted on any p advertised ground after that time. In default of observance ^^^' of this rule, the receiver of nominations shall be reported to the Stewards, and unless the nom- inator can prove to their satisfaction that the entry was made in due time, it shall be void. PART IX. ENTKIES, PAKTNEKSHLPS, ASSUMED NAMES. 30. (I.) Entries and declarations of forfeit shall be Entries and made in writing, signed by the owner of the horse Declarations in or of the engagement, or by some person deputed ^'^^'■'*"^- by him. (II.) Entries and declarations made by telegraph May be shall be equally binding. telegraphed. (Ill) Entries to all races must be -puhlished, Entries must excepting entries f r over- night events. be published. 31. (I-) An entry shall state the name or assumed What Entries name of the owner, the name, or description of the shall state. horse if unnamed, and if the race be for horses of different ages, the age of the horse entered. (II ) In entering a horse for the first time, it Full description shall be identified by stating its name (if it has «/ ^<'»*«« injirtt any), its color (when possible), whether a horse '"^'■2'- BULES OP BACING. 15 mare or gelding, and the names or description of its sire and dam. If the dam was covered by more than one stallion, the names or description of all must be stated. In all cases such pedigree or descrip- tion must be given as will clearly distinguish the horse entered from all other horses ; and if the pedigree of the sire and dam is unknown, the Stewards may at any time require in confirmation of the entry such further particulars as to where, when and from whom it was purchased or obtained, as will identify it. (III.) This description of the horse must be When description repeated in every entry until a description of him "i^y 6« omitted. has been published in the programme or list of entries of a recognized Association. (IV.) In any entry after such publication his name and age will be sufficient. (V.) If a horse be entered with a name for the first time in several races closing at the same place on the same day, the description need not be given in more than one of such entries, 32. (I.) All partnerships must be registered annually Partnerships with the National Steeplechase Association. must be registered (II.) All partnerships and the names and ad- -^/^^g^Jf ^^^ dresses of every person having any interest ma . horse, the relative proportions of such interest, and the terms of any sale with contingencies, or of any lease or arrangements, must be registered at least half an hour previous to the race, with the Secre- tary of the National Steeplechase Association, or with the Clerk of the Course, for transmission to the Secretary of the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association, before a horse sold with contingencies, or leased, or which is a joint pro- perty, caft. start for any race ; and all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for every stake or forfeit. (III.) All statements of partnership, sales with To wAom contingencies, leases or arrangements, shall declGar^^'""*"5'ssfta^'6« to whom winnings are payable and with whom the^"^^^ ^' power of entry or declaration of forfeit rests, and ghall be filed and posted in the o^Bce of the ^&QV§' 16 EHLES OF RACING. tary of the Stewards of the National Steeple- chase Association and published in the Kacing Calendar, but the real names of persons who have registered assumed names shall not be disclosed. The signature of each party to a ' partnership is required. 33. (1.) An owner or partnership of owners may Assumed Names. assume a name which must be filed with the Sec- retary of the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association, and such assumed name must be so filed at least twenty-four hours before the same is used. (II.) An owner cannot have more than one assumed name, nor can he use his real name in any subscription or entries so long as he has an assumed name registered. (III.) An assumed name cannot be registered which has been already registered, or is the real name of any owner of race horses. (IV,) An assumed name cannot be changed dur- ing the calendar year of its registration, but it may be abandoned at any time and the real name or names substituted in all entries or subscriptions. PAET X. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY, ETC. 34. (I. ) In the event of a horse being entered for Errors in entries a race with the wrong age, or an incorrect or im- ™«2/ *« corrected perfect description according to the rules of racing, onp^ment of the entrj'^ may be corrected on the payment of a fine of $10 for each entry, provided it be proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards that the error was accident ial, and provided also that the correction be made before the numbers are exhibited for that race, and provided f mother that error as to age be corrected before the weights for a handicap in which the horse is engaged are announced. (II.) On the payment of the fine the entry of a horse may within a like time be omitted from a race for which it was not qualified, e. g., a colt for a filly stakes, but no horse may be substituted. BULES OF EACING. 17 (III.) The fines under this rule to go to the winner, unless the winner be the person fined, when his fine shall go to the second horse, (IV. ) When an hour for closing is stated, entries Entries or or declarations of forfeit for sweepstakes cannot be Declarationf, received afterwards. ^^^^ ""'^ ^''^^^ (V. ) If the hour is not stated, they may be mailed or telegraphed up to midnight of the day of closing, but if miscarriage is alleged, satisfactory proof of the mailing or telegTaphing must be presented within reasonable time, or the entry or declaration of forfeit shall not be received. (VI ) In the absence of notice to the contrary, entries and declarations of forfeit happening on the eve of and during a race meeting, close at the office of the Clerk of the Course at the Course. (VII.) A person who subscribes to a sweepstake Subscriptions before the time fixed for naming, can transfer the Transferable. right of entry under one or more of his subscrip- tions. (VIII. ) An entry of a horse in a sweepstake is Subscriptions a subscription to the sweepstake. A subscription ^^.Tj"^ ** cannot be withdrawn, but before the time of closing ^^y le^orrected. an entry of a horse in any race may be corrected or another horse may be substituted. (IX.) Supscriptions and all entries or rights ot Subscription void entry under them become void on the death of the if'>^ominator subscriber, except when a horse is sold with the ^^^' engagement and transfer by the subscriber, and acknowledgment of liability by the purchaser, both in writing, have been delivered to the Clerk of the Course previous to the death of the sub- scriber, or, except when entries under his sub- scription have been previously made by the transferee of a right of entry. (X. ) If either party to a match die, the match is ofi:. 35. (I.) No horse shall be considered as struck out of Declarations and any of his engagements until the owner or some ^^*^"^ '^"' "/ duly authorized person shall have given notice in "^"^^™*" ^• writing, or by telegTaph to the Clerk of the Course where the horse is engaged. 18 KUIiBS or BACING. (II.) The day and hour of its receipt shall be recorded and early publicity given thereto. . (III). The striking of a horse out of an engage- ment is irrevocable, (IV.) Omission to strike a horse out of an engagement, not sold or transferred with him, does not entitle his owner to start him, or to the stakes if he wins. (V.) The notification of the death of ahorse shall be equivalent to a declaration of forfeit. (VI. ) When a horse is sold with his engagements, Sales with or any part of them, the seller cannot strike the Engagements. horse out of any such engagements, but, on default of the purchaser, remains liable for the amount of forfeit in each. (VII ) In all cases of sale by private treaty, the Proof of transfer written acknowledgement of both parties that the of engagements horse was sold with engagements is necessary to ^"^^ be filed. prove the fact, but when the horse is sold by public auction or claimed out of a selling race, the adver- tised conditions of either sale or race are sufficient evidence. (VIII.) If certain engagements only be speci- 9,"'^ fiexl. those only are sold with the horse. fp7c?^7soid. PAKT XI. ENTEANCE MONEY, TOEFEITS, STAKES, ETC. 36. (I.) Entries for pui'ses, in the absence of condi- Entries for tion or notice to the conti'ary, are to be made at the.P"''?^*' ^'^^^ office of the Clerk of the Course, at the course, by "'"'^^• 4 o'clock p. M., of the day previous to the race, or, if there be races at the course that day, within thirty minutes after the last race. (II ) No entry for a purse shall be received after the time for closing. (III.) Entrance money for a purse is not Entrance money returned on the death of a horse or his failure to not returnable. start for any cause whatever. (IV.) Entries in purses are uot voia on tbe^«/'*»'"\"P«''*"^f J J.1- £ J.1 • 1. ^- . :-' '^ not void by 4eatlj of the nom;nato;', ^^^^^^ ^ EtTLSS OF EACIN&. 19 (V.) Entrance money, forfeits, stakes and arrears Entrances and must be paid in casli (if so required), to the Clerk ^''^^^^**^^^^«*"'^ of the Course, and entrance money must be paid at the time of entry, except entrance money for free handicap purses. 37. (I.) Ihe nominator is liable, as well as eyeiy Ailpersoms partner in the horse, at the time of nomination, and owning interests also any purchaser of the horse whose acceptance of *^ *"^*' "''^^• the engagement has been lodged with the Clerk of the Course and accepted by the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association, for the entrance money and stake or forfeit. (II.) A person making a wrong nomination is equally liable. (III.) Every horse will be considered as having Owner liable started and be liable for whatever is due for so after Jockey doing, when its jockey has been weighed and its ^"^^^ number displayed. (IV.) A subscriber to a sweepstakes is liable for V transferee the stake or forfeit, but if he transfer the right of gubscr^^er liable. enti'y to any other person he is liable only in case of default by the transferee. (V.) A person making an entry under another per- Wkensiibscr-iher son's subscription where forfeit must be declared "^'^^^'*^'^- by a particular time, shall, if he does not declare forfeit by that time, be considered to have taken the engagement upon himself, and it shall be transferred to his name. (VI.) A jockey shall not be weighed out for any stake'^. Entrance race unless there shall have been previously paid : ^foney and ,.. . ^ J- p ■, ^ L J y Arrears must be (a.) Any stake, forfeit or entrance money ^^^^^ f^^f^^g payable by the owner or nominator in respect to weighing out. that race. (b.) All arrears due from any person for such horse, or due for the same or any other horse from any person by whom such horse is wholly or part- ly owned, or in whose name or under whose subscription he is entered, PAET XII. THE UNPAID FOEFEIT LIST. 38. (I.) An unpaid Forfeit List shall be kept at the Forfeit List to be Kegistry Office, and may be published in the published. 20 BULES OP BACING. Calendar on tlae first days of January, April, July and October. It shall include all arrears which shall have been notified by the Clerk of the Course of any meeting held under these rules, or by the Kegistry Of&ce of the Jockey Club or the National Hunt Association, and by any turf authority hav- ing reciprocal arrangements with the National Steeplechase Association for the mutual enforce- ment of forfeits. (II.) Where a person is prevented by these rules Arrears paid to from entering or starting a horse for any race 'so7is and him, or in his name, or under his subscription, or ^orjeiTusL'^^ of which he is or was at the time of entry, wholly or partly the owner, can run for any race, and no horse which shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards to be directJy or indirectly under the care, training, management, or superintendence of a person whose default has been twice published in the Kacing Calendar, shall be qualified to be entered or run for any race. So long as any horse is in the Forfeit List, such horse shall not be qualified to be run for any race. (IV.) The entry of a horse which, or the owner of Persons which, is in the Forfeit List, shall not be accepted, nominativg and any person nominating a horse in contraven- ^[stZmy hefiZd tion of these rules may be fined $100. PAET XIIL Qualification of Stabtees, starters must U 39. (I.) A horse shall not be qualified to run in a race named 30 unless he has been announced as a starter and ^^^^^^^^ ^^-^^^^ RtlLES OF EACING. 21 the natne of his jockey given to the Clerk of the Course or the Clerk of the Scales not less than 30 minutes before the time appointed for the race, which shall, at the close of the previous race of the day, be indicated on a dial conspicuously placed. (II ) Any subsequent change of jockey must be Sanction of sanctioned by the Stewards, and if satisfactory ^^^^^^ ^ . 1 • , 1 rv ii 1 1. ±T no division. m first place, is to be run ofl on the same day, at the RULES or RACING. 29 time the Stewards appoint, but at an interval of not less than twenty minutes, unless the race admits of division and the owners agree to divide, or one of the horses making such a dead heat be withdrawn. (II. ) The other horses shall be deemed to have other Horses, been beaten, but they shall be entitled to iheiv ^ow placed. place (if any) as if the race had been finally deter- mined the first time. (III. ) If in running a dead heat off, either horse In case of afoul should be disqualified, it shall be decided by the inrunning off. Stewards whether the disqualification shall extend to tbe loss of the second place, and, if so, the horse that originally ran third shall be entitled to the second place. 62. When a dead heat is run for second place, and Dead heats for an objection is made to the winner of the race, iJ l^Zlt^ibTecZd^'' such obje-tion be declared valid in time for the J^!""^^ dead heat to be run off on the day of the race, the Stewards may direct it to be run off accord- ingly ; otherwise the horses which run the dead heat shall divide. 63. If a dead heat be run by two or more horses for Bead heats for second or any lower place in a race, the owners *^/^^^^^ '^^^'* shall divide, subject to the provisions of the last-^ "^^" preceding rule. 64. In races on the flat, every horse running a dead Horses running heat for first place shall be deemed the winner of -j;f^Sn««,y the race until the dead heat is determined, or the owjiers divide. owners agree to divide, and if the owners agree to divide, each horse which divides, shall be deemed a winner of the race, and be liable to any penalty for the full amount he would have received if he had won. 65. Every horse running a dead heat for second Dead heat for or a lower place shall be liable to any penalty or '^rZ^SJZ''' 1 ^ -i-i ii T ■ i n 1 placemayoe disability attaching to the place. penalized. DEAD HEATS. STEEPLECHASE OR HURDLE RACES. In steeplechase or Hurdle Kaces a dead heat ^««<^ '^«<^**/'"' 66. shall not be run over, but the money shall he'jl^^Jif;^ll°hall divided. In such an event the horses so dividing not be run off. shall only be considered to have won their share of the money. 30 RULES OF BACING. 67. When owners divide they shall divide equally Division to be all the moneys and other prizes which any of ^^^^^^ *"■ ^^^ ^'**** them could take, if the dead heat were run off. 68. If the dividing owners cannot agree as to which When owners can- of them is to have a cup or other prize which coxi not agree on not be divided, the question shall be determined ^'^'"^^^°^- by lot by the Stewards, who shall decide what sum of money shall be paid by the owner who takes such cup, or other individual prize, to the other owner or owners. 69. On a dead heat for a match, the match is off. Matchoffif dead heat. PART XX. SELLING EACBS. 70. In selling races which close within 48 hours of Can only start the race day, no owner shall start more than one '^^^ Horse. horse. 71. The winner of every selling race must be sold "^^^ner to be at auction, (unless entered not to be sold, under *" the conditions of the race.) 72. (I.) Every horse running in a selling race, exce-pt msp^sal of sw- the winner, is liable to be claimed for the selling plus after price plus the value of the purse or stake by ^^^^^^^^ *^^*- the owner of aay other horse running in the race. The sale of the winner shall take place immediately after the race, and the surplus over ■ the selling price shall go one half to the second horse and ttie other half to the race fund, or the whole to the race fund if no second or third horse be placed. (II. ) Every horse running a dead heat for first ^ow Horses run- place in a selling steeplechase or hurdle race shall be ning dead heats sold, but the price for which each horse is entered ^™ s^epiechases to be sold shall be increased by the difference''^ ^^ e races between the value of the purse or stakes actually won and the value of the purse or stakes that would have gone to the winner if the race had been won outright by one horse. The surplus, if any, over the amount for which each horse is sold and the selling price (increased as above provided), shall go to the race fund, StJLES OP RACING. 31 (III.) If sold or bought in, the horse shall not Home!^ not paid leave the place of sale -wilho-at permission of the-'^"*"^^^'^^^^^'* Olerk of the Course, and if the horsS be not paid "^^'^" for within 15 minutes, or the price secured to his satisfaction, he may direct the horse to be put up a second time, and the purchaser at the first sale shall be responsible for any deficiency arising from the second, and shall be treated as a defaulter until it is paid. (I. ) Owners of horses placed shall have priority All Horses other of claim in the order of theplaces, and if the owners ^'*«« '^e winner of two or more horses having equal rights claim, ^'"^^^^^^*'"^'*- they are to draw lots. The owner of the winner has the last claim. (II.) No person can claim more than one horse. Can only claim one. (III.) Every claim must be made in writing to the How and when Clerk of the Course or the Clerk of the Scales not claimed. later than a quarter of an hour after the winner has passed the scales, and must be accompanied by the purchase money if required. (IV.) The price of every horse claimed must be Must he paid to paid to the Clerk of the Course and an order C'^erA; 0/ »7owrae. given by him for the delivery of the horse. (Y.) In the case of a horse being claimed, if the If claimant price be not paid within 15 minutes after the claim <^«/««?^s- is made, the claimant forfeits his right : but the owner may insist on the claimant taking and paying for the horse, and if he refuse or neglect to do so, he shall be treated as a defaulter in respect of the price. If a horse walk over, or there be no second horse Walk-over for placed for a selling race, the winner is still liable ^^^^'^'^9 race. to be sold, but he shall receive all the money offered by the conditions of the race to the winner, and any surplus from the sale shall go to the race fund. The following special provisions apply to claim- Special pro- ing and selling races : visions for selling (I .) In case of a dead heat for a race on the flat, ^^^ cZamm^ the time for claiming or selling is postponed until ^"'^**' the dead heat is run off. (11.) If an objection to the winner of a selling jace be not decided before the time for seUing, the 32 RULES OF BACING. horse objected to and the horse subsequently adjudged to be the winner shall be put at auction, and any surplus from the sale of either shall be treated as surplus from the sale of the winner, but liability to be sold shall end with the day of the race. (III.) If an objection to a horse which has been claimed be declared valid, the claimant may within such a time as the Stewards consider reasonable, reject or return the horse and place on the forfeit list any default by the owner in repayment of the price. (IV.) Any person refusing to deliver a horse bought or claimed in a selling race shall be ruled off, and the horse shall be disqualified for all races (V.) Any person failing topay for a horse bought or claimed in a selling race may be ruled o£E. (VI.) Any person who shall attempt to prevent another person from bidding on the winner of a selling race, or claiming any horse in such race, or demand any portion of the surplus from the owners of borses which are entitled to it, or any owner running selling races who may make an agreement for the protection of each others horses in contravention of these rules shall be ruled off. (VII.) In all cases of races with selWng con- Cannot sell or ditions in which horses may be entered, or may run '^^''^noTteU^ not to be sold, only such horses as run to be sold, gou. shall be liable to be sold or claimed, and with this exception the foregoing rules relating to selling races shall apply. PAKT XXI. DISPUTES, OBJECTIONS, APPEALS, ETC. 76. (I.) Every objection shall be decided by ih.e objections shall Stewards, but their decisions shall be subject to be decided by appeal to the Stewards of the National Steeplech ase ^^'^ Stexoardt. Association, so far as relates to points involving the interpretation of theee rules, or to any question other than a question of fact, on which there shall be no appeal, unless by leave of the Stewards, and with the consent of the Stewards of the National BULKS OF BACING. 33 Steeplechase Association. Notice of appeal must be given in writing to the CJerk of the Course within 48 hours of the decision being made known. (11.) In deciding a question on appeal, the Appeal may be Stewards of the National Steeplechase Associaition i^^ferred to a may call in any member of the National Steeple- ^''^'^"^ ™''*^^^- chase Association to their assistance, or may, if they think the important e or difficulty of the case require such a course, refer it to a general meeting. (I.) Every objection must be made by the owner, Objections by trainer or jockey of some horse engaged in the race, ^'*°"^ ''^'*«™ «^ or by the officials of the court^e, to the Clerk of the Scales, or to one of the Stewards. (II.) All objections must be put in writing and signed by the objector. (III.) An objection cannot be withdrawn with- out l^ave of the Stewards (IV.) The Judge or Judges or their authorized Judges must substitute must occupy the Judge's box, at the aZmakTprmnpt time the horses pass the winning post. The decision. decision must be announced immediately, and such decision shall be final unless an objection to the winner or any placed horse or horses is made and sustained ; provided that this Knle shall not prevent the Judge from correcting any mistake, such correction being subject to confirmation by the Stewa'ds. (V.) All costs and expenses in relation to deter- Cost and expenses mining an objection or conducting an inquiry shall of objection to be paid by snch person or persons and in such pro- '"^^^^"^ • portions as the Stewards shall direct. (VI. ) Before considering an objection, the Clerk May require a of the Course or Stewards may require a (\Q.<3^fP'^-'^i posit, which shall be forfeited if the objectioi is decided to be frivolous or vexatious. VII.) If an objection to a horse engaged in a objection may be race be made not later than noon of the day of the made before a race, the Stewards may require the qualification to ^^^^' be proved before the race, and in default of such proof bein^it>idraivn. or train horses, or be allowed the privileges of the course during such time. 79. (I.) License will be granted only under the fol- Jockeys shall not lowing conditions : Jockeys shall not be owners or *e Owners. part owners of any race horse. (II.) Leave may be given under exceptional cir- Leave to oioa cumstanccs on special application, to jockeys io^^orstsmaybe own one or more horses, but this permission will^'""^ * ' only be granted by the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association when a jockey is also a trainer and the horse is trained in his own stable. 80. (I ) Any jockey who shall be proved to the satis- Jockeys must not faction of the Stewards to have any interest in ^«*- any race horse or to have been engaged in any betting transaction, or to have received presents from perso! s other than the owner, will have his license at once revoked (II.) Any person knowingly acting in the capac- ity of part owner or trainer of any horse in which a jockey possesses any interest, or making any bet with or on behalf of any jockey, or otherwise aiding or abetting in any breach of the orders of the Stewards, will be ruled off. 81. The term of all contracts between jockeys o^ud Jockeys their employers shall be filed wiih tue Stewards -^*^^''"^''*- of the National Steeplechase Association and must be approved by them before a license be RULES OF KACING. 37 granted and such contracts shall contain a pro- vision that in case a jockey's license be revoked or suspended, the salary ol the jockey shall in the former case cease, and in the latter ease during the time of his suspension. 82. (I.) If a jockey engaged for a race, or for aspeci- Engagements of tied time, refuse to fullill his engagements, or lio. Jockeys. jockey ride without the consent of his employer, the Stewards may fine or suspend him, and may also fiue the owner or trainer for whom he rode. (II ) Employers retaining the same jockey have precedence according to the priority of their re- tainers. (III.) Conflicting claims for the services of a jockey are to be decided by the !Ste wards. ^3' In the absence of a specified contract the fee for Jockeys winning a winning mount shall be in all Steeplechases and "'"^ losing fees. Hurdle Eaces $50, and for a losing mount $:^d. For all races on the flat the fee for a winning mount shall be $25, and for a losing mount $10, unless specified by contract. STABliE EMPLOSBES. 84. ([ ) In the absence of special agi-eement, engage- Engagements of ments of riders, erooms or other attendants on f*''^"'^'^"^:'"'" , 1 • -.11. • ^ ■ 1 j_T hnracs ana effect horses in a racing stable terminates with ^^^ of violating current year. same. (II.) Any such person breaking his engagement shall not be allowed on the grounds of any association w^here these rules are in force. (III.) No owner or trainer shall tngage any such person who has not a written discharge from his last employer. (IV.) Any person prevented by this rule from obtaining or retaining employment shall have the right of appeal to the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association. (V.) Any owner or trainer infringing this rule shall be fined not less than $100, and if he continue to empluy or harbor such person after notice has been served on him by the late employer through the Clerk of the Course, either personally or by 38 RULES OF RACING. letter addressed to his usual post office, he shall be ruled off. PART XXIII. BACING COLOBS. 85. (I.) Racing colors shall be registered with the ^^^^^^^ ^^^ors Jockey Club or with the National Steeplechase s/iaW fee Association, either annually on payment of $1.00, Registered. or for life of the person registering on payment of $25.00. Colors so registered shall not be taken by any otber person. All disputes as to the right to particular colors shall be settled by the Stewards of the Jockey Club, or by the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association. (II.) Any person running a horse in colors other Running in than those registered in his own or assiimed name wrong colors. without a special declaration over night to the Clerk of the Course (at a time prescribed) shall be lined not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00. (III.) A special declaration is also required where the owner is not the nominator. (IV. ) Jockeys must wear the colors of the owners jsrumber on arm of the horse, and a number on the arm or on the or saddle cloth. saddle cloth (as may be prescribed by the Stewards), corresponding to the number of the horse as exhibited after weighing out. (V.) Any deviation from the recorded colors of Change of colors the owner that may be granted by the Stewards is "'"- ^"^'^'^^ Board. to be immediately posted on the Notice Board. (VI.) Under special circumstances a horse may Under special be allowed to run in the name of the trainer, and circumstances in colors not those of the owner. tuowfd!'''^ PART XXIV. DISQUALIFICATIONS OF PEBSONS AND HORSES. 86. (I.) If any person give or offer, or promise, Sn&es and 6rifee directly or indirectly, any bribe in any form to taking. any person having official duties in relation to a race or race horse, or to any trainer, jockey, or agent, or to any other person having charge of, or access to, any race horse ; or KULES OF BACING. 39 (II.) If any person having official duties in relation to a race, or if any trainer, jockej^ agent or other person having charge of, or access to, any race horse, accept or offer to accept any bribe in any form ; or ^^. ^ (III.) Wilfully enter, or cause to be entered, or entering a to start for any race a horse which he knows or be- disqualified lieves to be disqualified ; or horse.. (IV.) If any person be Ruilty of, or shall conspire Conspiracy to with any other person for the commission of, qx ^'^^ ^j'P"^P^ shall connive at any other person being guilty ^'^"'^ ^'^**" of any other corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to racing in this or any other country. Every person so offending shall be ruled off. 87. (I.) Every person ruled off the Course of a rec- -Ejfeci of being- ognized association is ruled off wherever these ^'"'«^^#'' rules have force (II.) When a person is ruled off, and so long as his exclusion continues, he shall not be qualified, whether acting as agent or otherwise, to subscribe for or to enter or to run any horse for any race, either in his own name or in that of any other perison, and any horse of which he is the nominator, or is or was at the time of entry wholly or partly the owner, or which after one month from his exclusion shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards to be, or to have been directly or indirectly, under his care, training, management or superintendence, shall be dis- qualified (HI.) If a horse run at any unrecognized meet- Effect of ing, he is disqualified for all races to which these running, rules apply. XSitir (lY.) Any person acting in any official capacity unrecognized and any owner or trainer running horses, and any meetings. jockey riding the same at any unrecognized meet- ing, shall be disqualified for all races to which these rules apply ; all other horses under the control of such owner or trainer shall also be disqualified. 40 RTJLFS or EAdNG. PART XXV. GENEKAL POWEES OF STEWABDS. 88. (I.) When there is no specified penalty for vio- 'S'^eiwards may lation of the rules or racing or of the regulations <^'^"iuahjy, fine, . ., .1 t>,j_ T 1 L T 1 sw^pend or rule of the course, the Stewards have power to disqual- o^_ ify, fine, suspend, expellfroni or rule off. (II ) If any f-ase occur which is not provided for by these rules, it shall be decided by the rul^s of The Jockey Club. If no rule of The Jockey Club is found applicable to the case, then it shall be decided by the Stewards in such mauner as they may think just and comformable to the usages of the turf. PART XXVI. SPECIAL RULES FOE STEEPLECHASES AND HURDLE EACES. 89. (I.) In Steeplechases and Hurdle Races, any Horses gettivg horse getting away from his rider maybe remounted awayfromndtrs in any part of the same field or enclosure in which "* Steeplechase rr .1 '' ^ .11 1.111 11 Hurdleractsrtiay the occurrence took place, but should such horse ^g remounted. not be caught until he shall have entered another field, then he shall be ridden or brought back to the one in which he parted from bis rider Any rider so losing his horse may be assisted in catching him and remounting him without risk of disquali- fication: and in the event of a rider being disabled, his horse may J^e ridden home by any person of sufficient weight, provided he qualified according to the conditions of the race. No penalty shall be exacted for carrving overweight in this instance. Note. — In artificially constructed steeplechase courses and in hurdle races the sp^^ces between the fences or hurdles are considered as fields or enclos- ures for the purpose of this rule. II If any flag-po=t or boundary mark be placed Riders mvst be in the course or altered after the riders have been notified of shown over the ground, or had thpi course pointed c^<^'>^9''sinany out to them, it shall not be considered binding or ^^" of any effect unless such addition or alteration shall have been particularly named, previous to starting, to all the riders in the race, by one^of the EULES or EACI^G. 41 stewards, the Clerk of the Course, or by their representatives. III. If a horse refuse any fence or hurdle in a Sorses refusing. race, and it can be proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards that he has been led over it by any of the bystanders, or has been given a lead over by any horseman not riding in the race, the horse shall be disqualified. PAET XXVII. Hunters' Qualifications, 90. (I) No horse shall be qualified to start in races ^wnfers mM«< exclusively for hunters at meetings held Tindex have Certificate^ these rules, unless with a certificate from the National Hunt Association. (II) Only persons holding licences from the Gentlemen National Hunt Association as gentlemen riders, ridtrs. or qualified riders, will be allowed to ride as such in races at meetings held under these rules. PART XXVIII. New EuiiEs. No new rule of racing can be passed, nor can Changes in rules *,„ -;;-■; ---— v^- ii*^i^g v.„,xi K,%^ ^aoBcu, isun Kan f^ flanges tnr\ any existing rule be rescinded or altered without and proposed the proposed new rule, recission or alteration "«"" r«^«« "»^' being previously advertised three times in the "'^^«»*^'*«* Calendar, nor without notice being given in such advertisement of the meeting of the Stewards of the National Steeplechase Association at which it is to be proposed, and no rule, recission or alteration of a rule shall take effect until it has been confirmed at the meeting ensuing that at which it has been passed, nor until it has been twice subsequently published in the Calendar. 42 EULES OF B AGING. PART XXIX. Fees and Fines. 92. (I.) All fees ani fines shall be paid to the ^^^s and Jlnes credit of the National Steeplechase Association, ™a?Lmr''* *" bj' the Association holding the meeting. steeplechase (n.) Fines must be paid within 48 hours ; if°^^?<*'^"- delmquents may be ruled on the course. g^^^^ hours. 93. The following fees are also payable : (I) The registration fee for horses shall be $2 for each horse. Such lee must be paid before registration. (II) For every registration of a foreign horse $5. (III) For every registration of authority to act generally on behalf of an owner, $1.00. (IV) For every registration or change of an -assumed name, $15.00. (V) For every registration of partnership, and •:Oii every change thereof, $1 00 for each horse. v(VI) For every annual registration of colors $1.00. (VII) For every registration of colors for life, $25.00. (VIII) For registration of foreign and veterin- ary certificates. $5.00. (IX) For filing an agreement with a jockey, $1.00. (X) For collecting unpaid forfeits, five per cent. (XI) For change of name, $25. (XII) For license to Jockey, $10 annually. INDEX Rule. Section. Ages of Horses, calculation of — Part VIII— Page 12 " correction of errors in 34 1 minimum, at which can run 21 AUowances-Part XV— Page 23 for non-winners 45 3 ' for produce races 45 2 not cumulative unless so declared 44 5 not granted for horses beaten 45 3 omission to claim does not disqualify 45 1 to mares and geldings 16 2 " when to be claimed 45 1 Appeals— Part XXI (see "Objections")— Page 32 Allowalof 76 1&2 " deposit may be required 77 6 " limit of time for 76 1 Arrears— See "Forfeit List" " definition of 1 disabilities from 38 3&4 liabilityfor 37 1,2.3,4,5 must be paid in cash 36 5 payment of before running 37 6 publication of in Forfeit List 38 1 paid to qualify horse 38 2 Assumed names— Part IX -Page 14 " " cannot be changed but may be aband- - oned 33 4 fee for use of 93 4 " •' must be registered 33 1 no duplicate, or real name of other person allowed 33 3 only one permissible at same time 33 2 " " real name not to be used during con- tinuance of 33 2 "Authorized Agent"— definition of 1 Betting, no cognizance by Stewards 4 2 " Stewards not to entertain complaints 5 13 Bribes to ofllcials, riders or other persons 86 l&a Calculation of Time— Part II— Page 6 '•Calendar," definition of 1 " Catch weights," definition of 1 44 INDEX. RcLE. Section, Claiming— Part XX.— See "Selling Races."— Page 30 ... . calculation of price, if claimed 72 1 how and when made 73 3 if claimant defaults or refuses to pay 73 5 75 5 in case of dead heat 75 1 in case of objection 75 2&3 limitation of power to claim 73 2 of beaten horses in selling races 72 1 order for delivery of horse necessary 73 4 priority of right to 73 1 refusing to deliver horse claimed 75 4 payment for 73 4 Clerk of Course, how appointed 7 duties of 10 " to notify riders of changes in steeple- chase courses 89 2 Clerk of Scales, how appointed 7 duties of 12 1 to 5 Colors— Part XXIII— Page 38 " alteration of 12 2 85 " fine for running in wrong and not declaring. . 85 2 " jockeys must wear owner's colors 85 4 " registration of and fee for 85 1 Complaints. See " Objections," 5 3 " by whom, and to whom made 55 7 Corrupt practices, penalty for, etc.— Part XXIV 86 4 Courses. See "Steeplechase Courses." Crossing, penalty for 55 1&2 " Cup," definition of 1 " to be given, though walked over for 40 6 " need not be given if walked over for by ar- rangement 40 7 Dates, falling on Sunday 2 1 " Day," definition of 2 2 Day of race, how supplied, if omitted from conditions . . 17 2 Dead heats— Part XIX— Page 28 '' division after 61 & 67 division after in case of dispute 68 how other horses placed 61 2 " in case of foul in running off 61 3 " in selling races 75 1 " in steeplechases and hurdle races 66 " for second place when winner objected to.. 62 " liability of winners for penalty 64 " liability of horses second or lower for penalty 65 match off 69 " for second or lower place, division obliga- tory 63 " when to be run off 61 1 INDEX. 45 Rule, Section. DeatlL of nominator, cancel entry. 34 9 & 10 " in joint subscriptions 28 2 Declaration of Forfeit— Part IX— Page 14 " " must be made in writing 30 1 " ' ' are irrevocable 35 3 & 4 " " by telegraph equally binding. . 80 2 " " during meeting to close with Clerk of Course 34 6 " " engagements not revoked un- less declaration made 35 1 " " notification of death of horse, equivalent to 35 5 " " provision in case of sale with engagements 35 6 " " receipt to be recorded and pub- licity given 35 2 " " when to be made.... .. . 34 4 Declaration to win, when and where to be made 54 " " to be exhibited 12 2 " of colors, necessary when not registered.... 85 2 Defaulters, exclusion of 5 6 " for stakes and forfeits 38 3 Deputy ofi&cials, power of Stewards to appoint 9 " Stewards, appointment of 5 2 Disabilities of persons and horses in unpaid forfeit list. . 38 3 of persons ruled off 87 1&2 '• of suspended Jockeys 78 7 Disputes, Objections, Appeals, etc. — Part XXI — Page 32. Disqualifications— Part XXIV— Page 38 " of persons, general 86 & 87 of horses 25, 26, 27 & 87 " of horses, for foul riding, or short of weight 55 " horses not disqualified for failure to register 20 Disqualified horses and persons subject to investiga- tion 5 11 Distances, minimum for hurdle race 3 8 " minimum for steeplechase race 3 3 " what to be, when not mentioned in con- ditions 17 1 Engagements, disability of seller to declare out horses sold with 35 6 " requisite proof of purchase with 35 7 " if any specified, only those sold 35 8 Entrance Money, for purse, not returned 86 3 liability for 37 1, 2 & 3 " " must be paid in cash, if so required. . 36 5 " " returned if race void 43 1 " " when to be paid, and to whom ...... . 37 1 to 6 46 INDEX. Rule. Section. Entries— Part IX— Page 14 " by persons or horses in Forfeit List not ac- cepted 38 4 " for purses, not void if nominator dies 36 i ' joint entries 28 1&2 " must be published except for over night events 30 3 " not admitted after closing time 29 34 i 36 2 " void by death of subscriber 34 9 Entry, correction or omission of on payment of fine ... 34 1 & 2 " duringmeeting to close with Clerk of Course.. 34 6 form of ... 30 1&2 " for purse.=<. when and to whom made 6 " if lost or miscarried in mails 3t 5 '* in making, accept decisions of Stewards. . 2t 1 '• limit of time for 84 5 " may be rejected and transfer of refused 24 2 " particulars and description required .^1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 " withdrawal, transfer or alteration of 34 7&8 Fees— Part XXIX— Page 42 " how and when paid 92 & 93 " for racing colors 85 " to Jockeys 83 Fines— Part XXIX— Page 42 ." " for correction of entries 34 3 " for foul riding 55 2 ' ' for starting without registration 20 " for wrong colors 85 2 " for how and when paid 92 2 Forfeits— Part XI— Page 18 " declaration of made in writing or by tele- graph 30 1&2 ♦' notification of death of horse equivalent to declaration 35 5 " notifii ation of declaration to be made to Clerk of Course 35 1 " liability for 37 1 to 5 " liability for in case of sales 35 6 " payment of to qualify 38 2 " returned if race void 43 1 " to be paid in cash if required 36 5 '• when to be paid and to whom 36 5 37 6 Forfeit Clerk, duties of 15 Forfeit List— Part XII— Page 19 " definition of 1 contentsof 38 1 " disabilities of persons and horses pub- lished in .. 38 3&4 INDEX. 47 KuLE. Section. Forfeit List.— Penalty for entering a horse when pub- lished in 38 4 '' persons m may be excluded Irom race courses 5 S " publication of 38 1 " unpaid list kept at Eegistry Office 38 1 Foul riding, penalty for same 55 & 56 '• Free handicap," definition of 1 " See " Handicap.'' *' Handicaps," definition of 1 " alterations after publication not permis- sible 11 " correction of errors as to age in 34 1 " day and hour of liability for penalty 11 '• free handicap, definition of 1 " minimum weight for 3 7 " private handicap, definition of 1 " Stewards to supervise declarations 5 T Handicapper, appointment of 7 " duties of 11 Horses-Part VIII— Page 12 " definition of 1 " calculation of age of change of names of 23 " disqualification of when in Forfeit List 38 3 " disqualification of when subject of fraudulent practices 27 form of entering — Part IX— Page 14 " may be remounted in steeplechase or hiirdle races... 89 1 " may be withdrawn if disabled 39 4 may be run in name of trainer 85 (> " method of claiming in selling races 73 3 ' ' not qualified to start unless duly entered 25 " partnership in — Part IX — Page 14 " proof of qiialification of 5 11 " qualifications for starting 39 ' ' registration and desci iption of 18 " refusing jump, not to be led ^9 3 sale with engaj^ements.. 35 & " temporary certificate of registry 19 " when considered starters and liable for all dues 37 » " winning without registration '20 Hunters Qualifications — Part XXVII — Page 41 Hunters races, rules National Hunt Association to gov- ern 3 6 " qualifications for 90 Hurdle races, minimum distance 3 3 ' ' for hunters, how ruled 3 6 " See " Steeplechases " Hurdles, number and height of 3 5 Inspector of steeplechase courses, how appointed 6 48 INDEX. RtriiE. Section. Interpretation of words and phrases— Part I — Page 3. . . Jockeys, cliange of 39 2 contracts must be registered 81 engagements of 82 1, 2 & 3 fees for mounts 83 fined if late at post 60 2 foul and careless riding, penalty for 55 & 56 misconduct of, at post , 13 2 53 5 not permitted to bet 8 ) name to be reported thirty minutes before race. 39 1 numbers on arm or saddle clotli 85 riding at unrecognized meetings 87 3&4 shall not be owners 79 1 exceptions to above 79 2 Jockeys Licenses, Part XXII— Page 35 " when boys may ride without license. 78 6 " conditions for granting 79 " disabilities of jockeys when with- drawn 78 7 feefor 78 3 how obtained 78 1 & 2 " may be revokei or suspended 78 2 " may ride pending application for 78 4 " to gentlemen and qualiiied riders. ... 78 1 " penalty for employment of unlicensed 78 5 Jostling, penalty for 55 3 Judges of meetings, how appointed 7 duties of U 1&2 " " decisions of 77 ' 4 " " may correct any mistakes 77 4 " " must occupy their box 77 4 not in Judges' stand, race to be run over 58 Jumps, number and description of 3 4 & 5 " rules National Hunt Association as to, to apply. 3 6 of horse must be registered 32 2 License for meetings 4 1 to Jockeys 4 1 " " regulations for— Part XXII— Page 35. " Maiden," definition of 1 " allowances not prohibited 45 3 Matches, off on death of either party to 34 10 " off in case of dead heat 69 Meetings— Parts III, IV and V— Pages 6, 7 & 8 " arrangements for may be made or changed. 5 4 " deputy Stewards and substitutes for officials may be appointed 5 2 disqualified persons excluded from 5 6 " recognized, ' definition of 1 INDEX. 4:9 Rule. Section. Meetings.— Stewards for and powers of— Part V— Page 8. to be sanctioned 3 1 Month, definition of 2 2 Names, assumed. See " Assiimed Names." of horses 22 " " registration of and fee for 18 " " change of 23 fee for 93 1 New Rules— PART XXVIII -Page 41 .- "Nominator," definition of 1 liabilityof 36 & 37 Numbers of horses starting to be furnished the starter. 12 1 to be exhibited until the start 12 1 exhibition of. Clerk of Scales re- sponsible for 12 1 " " on arm or saddle cloth 85 4 time for exhibiting 46 1 Obj ections— Part XXI -Page 32 *• by whom, when, and how made 77 " cost of determining 77 5 " decision of Judges 77 4 deposit on 77 6 decided by Stewards, subject to appeal. . . 76 1 efteet of disqualification by objection 77 13 grounds of 77 8 to 11 ifbeforerace 77 7 limit of time for determination of 5 10 " money retained pending investigation.... 77 15 " provisions in case of dead heat 62 " selling races 7.5 2&3 recovery of money, not being sustained. . . 77 14 withdrawal of 77 3 Officials— Parts IV, Y, YI— Pages 7, 8 & 10 " appointment of 7 " complaints against 5 3 " deputies of substitutes, appointment of...'... 9 " names of, to be given in applications for licenses 8 • ' one person may fill two or more offices 7 " only on course during race 49 " at unrecognized meetings, penalty 87 4 Omitted conditions — Part YII— Page 12 " as to weights 16 1 " as to distance 17 1 as to day 17 2 " Owner," definition of 1 Ovemightevents, Stewards to supervise 5 7 Partnerships— Part IX — Page 14 in horses to be registered and pub- lished 32 1,2&3 partners jointly, and severally liable. .. 32 2 50 INDEX. KuLE, Section^ Payments, eo trance money, forfeits, stakes and arrears. 36 5 Penalties— Part XV— Page 23 " calculation of winnings with a view to ascer- tain 41 1 to 4 " as applied to selling races, in wliich horses running are not to be sold 44 4 " exemptions from in selling races not to ap- ply to other races 44 4 " for winning a fixed sum, means in one race. 41 3 " liability for in case of disput e 44 1 " no relief from, for being beaten in one or more races 45 3 " not cumulative unless so stated in conditions 44 5 " no penalties for running second or lower.. 44 2 " not incurred in private sweepstakes or matches 44 3 provisions when dead heat 64 Penalty for carrying overweight without declaring 60 5 " being late at post 50 2 change of jockeys 39 2 connection with unrecognized meeting s 87 3 & 4 " corrupt practices 86 4 crossing, jostling, fouling, etc 55 (St 56 dismounting after race before obtaining per- mission 60 3 " disobedience or misbehavior at post 53 5 " employing stable employees without charac- ter 84 3&5 employing unlicensed jockey 79 5 " entering a hurse whilst in forfeit list 38 4 " entering or running disqualified horse 86 3 " failure to start horse entered 48 intimidation in and violation of rules for selling races 75 6 not weighing in after race 12 3 " running in wrong colors 85 2 " stable em}ployes breaking contracts 84 2 " training horses of or aiding jockeys in bet- ting 80 2 Persons, excluded from race courses 5 6 except officials excluded from course diiring race 49 Post— running wrong side of 55 4 " Post race," definition of 1 Power of Stewards— Parts IV and V— Pages 7 & 8 " Stewards N. S. A 4 1 & 2 " " Stewards of meetings 5 1 to 13 Postponement of race 5 4 " Private handicap," definition of 1 " Private sweepstakes," definition of 1 " " exempt from penalties 44 3 Prizes — Part XIV— Page 21 " amount of won, how calcu ated 41 1 to 3 " cup to be given, though walked over for 4u 6 INDEX. 51 EuLE. Section. Prizes — Deductions from 40 3 " distribution of to second or other lurees in case of -walk over 42 " how applied 40 & 42 " minimum value of 40 4 ' ' provisions, when race void 43 1 " to be withheld until objection decided 77 15 " to second horse 40 5 ' ' value of challen ge cup not calculated till finally won 41 4 " in case of walk over 40 8 ' ' value of must be advertised 40 1 " when cup or added money need not be given. 40 7 " Produce race," definition of 1 '• Public sweepstakes," definition of 1 Pui'chaser, liability of, for arrears on horse 38 2 " Purses,'' definition of 1 " entries for, provisiins covering Part XI — Page 18 Qualification of hunters— Part XXVII— Page 41. Qualification of starters— Part XIII— Page 20. . . Eace Horses— Part VIII- Page 12 " Eace," definition of 1 " at wrong weights, or distance, etc 58 " for hunters, rules National Bunt Association to govern ... 3 6 " match ofl' in case of death 34 10 " mode of estimating value of 40 3 " minimum distance, steeplechases and hurdle races " minimum value of " qualification ol horses for " when a race shall be run over again " Eacing Calendar," definition of 1 " Eecognized Meetings," definition of "Eegistry Ofl&ce," definition and location of "Eegistered" and "Eegistration,' definition of Eegistrations, agreements and contracts with jockeys.. * as uimed names ' ' failure to procure not to disqualify horse. of colors of riders " of horses necessary, and application for. " partnerships in horses " temporary certificates of 19 Eegistration fees— Part XXIX— Page 42 Eegulations for race meetings — Part III — Page 6 Eeports of races to be made Fiders, fined if late at post " gentlemen and qualified for hunters races . " licensed jockeys— Part XXII— Page 35 3 3 40 4 90 1 68 81 33 1 20 85 1 18 32 lto3 19 93 lto8 3 lto6 10 12 5 14 2 50 2 90 2 52 INDEX. Rule. Section. Riders, not returning to weigli in to be reported 12 3 " reported for misconduct 13 2 " to present themselves to be weighed in 60 1 " exceptions to same 60 1 Rules-Part XXVIII— Page 41 '• how passed, altered or rescinded 91 Running— Part XVII— Page 26 effect of crossing or foul riding 55 " leading horse entitled to any part of the course 55 1 " wrong side of post 55 4 " wrongweights, course, or judges not in stand 58 Sale, contingencies must be registered 32 2 " with engagements 35 6 " " " by private treaty 35 7 " " " if purchaser defaults 35 6 " " " only those specified sold 35 8 "Scratches." See " Ceclarations." Selling Race— Part XX— Page 30 " definition of 1 " all but winner liable to be claimed 72 1 " application of surplus after sale 72 " dead heat in steeplechases and hurdle races, both horses to be sold.... 72 2 •' selling pnce increased in such cases 72 2 " entries limited in races closing forty-eight hours of race 70 " failing to pay for horse bought or claimed 75 5 " horses entered not to be sold 75 7 " horses not paid for to be sold again 72 3 " how non winners may be claimed, paid for, moved, and if not paid for 73 1 to 5 " in case of dead heat in race on flat 75 1 " in case of objection to horse claimed 75 3 " in case of objection to winner 75 2 " in case of walk-over 74 " penalty for intimidation and violation of selling rules 75 6 " permission of Clerk of Course necessary for obtaining horses sold or bought in. 72 3 ' ' priority of claim in 73 " refusing to deliver horse sold or claimed. 75 4 " when liability to be sold ends 75 2 " winners to be sold and time of 71, 72 «Si 75 Special rules, steeplechases and hurdle races— Part XXVI— Page 40 Stable employees, must have written discharge 84 3 " penalty for employing without character 84 5 INDEX. 53 Rule. Skction. Stable employees, right to appeal 84 i " breaking engagements 84 2 " termination of engagements 84 1 Starter, authority and power to act at post 53 3, 4 & 5 " disobedience to commands of to be reported . . 63 5 " duties and powers of 13 1, 2 & 3 " how and by whom appointed 7 " may place vicious horses behind the line 51 2 " statement of and assistant conclusive 53 6 •' when horses in starter's hands 52 1 Starting-PartXVI— Page24 " horses may be dismounted at 52 3 " horses may be led into position for 62 2 " no recall after flag falls 53 2 " signals for 50 1 " to be made by flag 53 2 " void, when horses in front of post 53 1 Starters, named thirty minutes before race. 39 1 ' ' positions at post to be determined by lot 51 1 " qualifications of— Part XIII— Page 20 to be fined if late at post 50 2 Steeplechases 3 6 " horses led or given a lead disqualified. ... 89 3 " inspector to be appointed annually 6 " limit of time for 43 2 " minimum distance 3 3 " number each day 3 2 '* provisions covering horse getting away from rider , 89 1 " when second horse not placed.... 43 2 Steeplechase courses, description of water and Liver- pool jump.-. 3 4 " number of fences in each mile. . 3 4 " riders to be notified of any change " what constitutes fields or enclos- urep 89 1 " for hunters, prescribed by National Hunt Association . 3 6 Stewards, definition of 1 Stewards of N. S. A.— Part IV- Page 7 " " decide questions on appeal 76 1&2 " " general power to disqualify, fine, suspend, expel, etc 88 1 " " have free access to all meetings. 5 5 " " may refuse entries and transfer of entries 24 2 " " no cognizance of betting 4 2 '* " powers of 4 1 " " sanction all race meetings 3 1 " " to adjudicate disputes as to col- ors 85 , " " to adjudicate disputes as to jock- eys 81 & 82 54 INDEX. Rule. Section. Stewards of Meetings and their powers— Part V— Page 8. " " authority over officials, trainers, jockeys and employees 5 8 " " control of and free access to all stands, etc 5 5 " " decide objections, subject to ap- peal 76 1 " *' determination of dispules by 5 10 ' " li Qiit of time for decisions of 5 10 " " may be appointed by officers of association 5 2 " " may appoint deputies and fill of- fices for meetings ... 5 2 " , " may take cognizance of foul rid- ing 55 7 " " minimum number of 5 1 " " bot to entertain disputes as to bets 5 13 " " to notify riders as to changes in steeplechase courses 89 2 " " have power to appoint substitutes for absent officials 9 " " have power to exclude disquali- fied persons 5 6 " '• have power to investigate races.. 5 10 " " have j)ower to order examination of horses and persons 5 12 " " have power to postpone a race 5 4 " " have power to punish and fine 5 9 " " have power to require proof of qualification 5 11 " " have power to supervise declara- tions to handicaps and overnight entries 5 7 " " have power to make all arrange- ments 5 4 •• Striking out." See "Declarations." Subscriptions— Part X— Page 16 " correction and withdrawal of 34 8 " joint subscriptions 28 1&2 " right of transfer 34 7 " void by death of subscriber or nomi- nator 34 9 '■ exceptions to above 34 9 " what constitutes a subscription 34 8 " when subscriber liable for 37 4&5 "Sweepstakes" or "stakes,'' definition of 1 " minimum value of 40 4 '' must be paid in cash If demanded 36 5 " private sweepstakes, winner exempt fro m penalties 44 3 " returnable if race void 43 1 •' winner takes all stakes ia case of walk- over 42 IWDEX. 55 Rule. Section. Time, calculation of — Part II— Page 6 2 1&2 for claiming and paying after selling race 72 & 73 limit of, for steeplechases 43 2 limit of, between winner and second 43 2 rnnniiig off dead heat 61 1 to start first race when not announced 39 5 for weighing in fiO 1 for weighing out and exhibiting numbers 46 1 when a race declared void, shall be run over 58 Turf authorities 1 2&3 Transfer of entries or subscriptions 34 7 Unpaid forfeit list -Part Xtl. See Forfeit List— Page 19. Value of races, how calculated and deductions 40 2, 3 & 4 minimum to winner 40 4 ■ Walk-over, definition of— Part XVII— Page 26 1 " by arrangement cuj) or advertised money may be withheld 40 7&8 distribution of second and third money 42 for selling race 74 ' ' regarded as winning 40 6 41 2 ' ' when walk-over not necessary 59 Water jump , description of 3 4 "Weight for age," definition of 1 Weight, allowances of claimed do not disqualify 45 1 effect of running at wrong weights 58 exemption of in selling races not to apply to other races 44 4 extra or special to be exhibited 12 2 for races on flat, when not fixed 16 3 minimum in handicaps ,. 3 7 no allowance of to beaten horses 45 3 not to carry extra for running second or lower,. 44 2 to be carried when not fixed by conditions 16 1 & 2 2 1 :>s margin to be put in scale 12 4 Weighing out— Part XV— Page 23 " hood, martingale, etc., to be included. . 46 2 more than 5 lbs. overweight not allowed. 47 2 " notice of overweight or change in weight to be posted 47 4 " no whip or bridle allowed on scales 46 3 overweight to be declared 47 1 owners responsible for weight carried . . 47 3 time for 46 I Weighing in— Part XVIII-Page 28 " more than 2 lbs. overweight not allowed. 60 5 " penalty for not 60 2 " Welter weight," definition of 16 3 Winnings, how calculated 41 1 to 4