i'"'^':- t. '''•,m w < / Webster ramiiy Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummirujs School of Veterinary Medicine at Tui"iG University 200 VVestboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARirc: IfflllMlilli imi^-'if _ o y090 013 4Ub ib^ Annual Catalogue and Style Book No. 39 SEASON 1912 Twelfth Year Manufacturing Split Hickory Vehicles, Oak Tanned Harness from our Factory Direct to User OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY H. C. PHELPS . . President T. W. PICKARD . Vice-President J. E. WALSH . . Secretary L. N. REIF . . . Treasurer The Ohio Carriage Manufacturing Co. COLUMBUS, OHIO, U. S. A. ^^4l^^ i. O u o z H u < D Z < o < a: u O X o H u< O o H O a. O z < en U\ u u, o CO MM o H U < >, • ^ — JS 15 > O bfl in U (U O O ^^ i >: ■4-1 *■> u " > a mm From H. C. Phelps To My 150,000 Old Customers And to My New Customers-Everywhere Fellow Buggy Users : — I am proud to come before you here again as the personal buggy maker for l.")(i,OOU people. This is my twelfth year. I show you a map of the United States here on page 10 giving the records by states as to just where 150.000 Split Hick- ory Buggies are in use today. I have never heard of a Split Hickory Buggy that has completely worn out in the eleven years that I have made them. I know that it will pay every man who is in the market for a buggy of any kind to let me have a few words with him here on these opening pages and get the bene- fit of my experience whether he buys from me or not. My old friends know me and they know Split Hickory Vehicles. Just a Word to New Customers. From a small start eleven years ago, I have built up the largest vehicle business of its kind in the world. That means something to every buggy buyer. I now own and operate the largest ve- hicle and harness factory in the country making vehicles and harness for individ- ual customers. My 150,000 regular customers all through the United States are loyal to me and the greatest boosters for Split Hickory Vehicles any manufacturer ever had. They know that I appreciate their first orders and every order I get from them. They know that I also appreciate and thank them for the thousands of orders that I have received from their friends whom they have recommended to me on account of the high quality of my buggies and the monev that I have saved them. The enormous volume of my business, the economies that I am able to save every one of my customers on both manufactur- ing and selling and the savings I am able to ofifer you today on any vehicle or har- ness shown in this book, have been made possible largely because of the intense loy- alty and appreciation of my regular cus- tomers, for which I am truly grateful. Mutual Confidence. The reader of this book, unless he is an old customer, must judge me and my products by what he finds in these pages. My confidence in the buggies and harness that I make is proven by my liberal sell- ing plan. This book goes to you to show you the biggest selection of vehicles and harness offered in America today and must es- tablish confidence in your mind before I can hope to" receive an order from you. If you had time to read them, I could show you thousands of unsolicited testi- monial letters from customers of mine in every state in the Union. I show you plenty of examples of such letters in these pages, besides bank let- ters and references of every kind, together with my guaranty on page 14. I have been in business and selling my vehicles by mail through my catalogs for over eleven years and not only my 150,000 customers know that they can place con- fidence in everything that I claim for Split Hickory vehicles, but also the pub- lishers of hundreds of farm papers, mag- azines and periodicals of all kinds know that their readers are absolutely safe in dealing with me. I have been advertising in these papers for II years and these publishers have never. Phelps Mile ^ busies --; had a complaint or kick about Phelps or Split Hickories from any of their mil- lions of readers. These people all know that I have saved niiliiiins of dollars to purchasers of ve- hicles during the past eleven years on my plan of sellini;^ direct at factory prices. Yet no salesman or "booster" can go from my factory to you to sell you any of the goods I make. My ])roducts are introduced to you by my advertisements and this book and must "stay sold" after you get them, from the satisfaction they give you. or come back to me. So all I need is your confidence to start with. Bigger Selection — Your Gain. If you are in the market for any kind of a vehicle, you cannot get a better or big- ger selection than this book offers you. Dealers today are not in position to show buggies or sell buggies of high quality as they could a few years ago. There has been a big depreciation in the last five years in the f|uality of almost every line of buggies manufactured, ex- cept Split ITickory. You will sec the reason when you realize that since automobiles came into such general use, many buggy manufacturers rushed into the making of automol)iles or autoiuobile parts, such as bodies, etc.. and have either neglected their buggy business, or discontinued it entirely. The manufacturers who sold in the old, roundabout way through wholesalers, job- bers, and dealers, found themselves in be- tween two fires — the automobile on one side and the mail order buggy manufac- turer on the other. It has been a hard fight for them to keep their prices up. and they had to on account of the profits they had to give the middlemen. Furthermore, many of their dealers quit buying bug- gies, except in small lots, knowing they had to com])ete with the mail order house on one side and the automobile on the other. Dealers who used to buy buggies in car- loads from other manufacturers now buy only a few buggies at a time and they have to take what they can get from run down stocks, or old styles and often shop- worn buggies, way out of date. Pjut I have stuck to the buggy business. Many of my friends said, "Phelps, why don't you go into the automobile busi- ness?" T couldn't see it that way. T made up my mind that the automobile business was going to help me. T based my opin- ion on what I knew of both buggy and autouiobile conditions throughout the United States. T know buggies and T know automobiles. T have driven a buggy all my life — drive one today — and expect to always drive one. T have also driven an automobile ever since they have been anywhere near dependable, and expect to keep on driving one. The automobile will never take the place of the buggy — buggies will never take the place of automobiles. There is room for the two. Millions of people will never own an automobile. Most people who own an automobile will also own a buggy to be used when they can't use the car, or when it is too expensive to use it. Many buyers of automobiles who bought their cars two or three years ago have come back to the use of buggies exclusively. The Automobile Has Helped Make Me the Largest Buggy Manu- facturer in America. The reason I can offer you the biggest se- lection of highest grade buggies in Amer- ica today is that I have stuck to making buggies and have not been interested in making automobiles or automobile parts. T have gone right on year after year in- creasing the volume of my business and making many up to date improvements that you see as shown in this book. If you will compare the selection that you can make from this book with that shown in any other catalog published by any oth- er manufacturer in America, I am sure you will decide that Phelps is the up-to- the-minute buggy maker of America. A man wants to be proud of the buggy he owns. When he drives to town, or on any road, or in anv gathering, he wants something more than an out of date stock job vehicle. So when you go through the following pages of this latest book, I know you will appreciate that you are having the chance to select just what you want from More Buggies Than Could Be Found in 25 Dealers* Stores. I haven't anything against the dealers. Your grandfather bought a buggy at re- tail — the old way. You can buy a buggy at wholesale — the new way. Your grandfather paid from $30.00 to $80.00 excess profit — his way of buying — and now the local retail buggy dealer is mad because he cannot make you pay him the same old grandfather's profit. But times have changed "since mother was a girl." Later methods have come into vogue. People have found out they are perfectly safe buying vehicles and lots of other things Direct from the Maker without paying any middleman's profit — unless, of course, they are sentimental and want to give some fellow $25.00 or $50.00 just because they know his first name and call him "Joe" or "Bill." You have seen some howls printed in pa- pers by manufacturers of different kinds of articles against mail order manufac- turers. Now I am not going to waste much ammunition answering these cries of despair because it is too evident on the face of it that their profits are hit and that is whv thev are howling. I aiu jii>t i;<'ini; to ask all the readers of this book to look back about ten years and then answer me this one question honest- ly — have the prices of home necessities in the way of bu.'ji^ic'^, harness, vehicles, household furnitrirc. stoves, wearing ap- parel, etc.. gone up or gone down since the well-known manufacturer selling-di- rect-to-you-by-niail came into existence? You know as well as I do that the dealer used to charge $1()().0() and $l•^■).00 for the buggy that he today sells for STo 00 to SSO.OO and / sell at from $lo.00 to $50.00. He has come down just as far as he can and still get his profit out of your pocket. He has been willing to di- vide Your money with Yoii. Is it not a fact that you do not pay the local retail dealer any where near as high a price for many things as you did be- fore the ad\ ent of the mail order way of selling. lUit the times and methods and whole tendency of the buggy manufacturers sell- ing through dealers today has been against the buggy dealer and he knows it. The dealer today buys the best stock jobs that he can get but many of the styles and kinds you might want, the dealer does not carry at all. So by buying from a dealer you have to take what he happens to have, whether it reallv suits you and your family or not. In buying from my catalog, vou can get just the vehicle you want with the ad- vantage of many options ou my made-to- order plan. As you look through this book, you will realize that no dealer — in fact no twenty- five dealers' stores in many cities — couTd ])ossibly show you the great variety to choose from which you will find here, including both vehicles and harness. Why I Use My Photograph. 1 lave you wondered why I use my pho- tograph in all my advertising? i want to tell you wh}-. In the first place, 1 have no salesmen or rei)resentatives and 1 cannot pt)ssibly meet all my customers face to face. Yet I want them to know just as much as it is possible to know about Phelps and the buggies that l'heli)s makes. 1 am not pnnid of seeing my ])hotograj)h ill ])rint. Uut I am proud of Split Hick- ory \ehicles. J i)ers(jnally stand behiud every one 1 make and sell. My photograph has become part of the recognized trade-mark of Si)lit Hickory Vehicles. I ask every customer to hold me ])erson- ally responsible — to know me as a man who takes a pride in his goods and the busines.s he is conducting — the man from whom you can get satisfaction immedi- ateh' if anything should be found unsat- isfactory. My ]:)hotograpli in my advertisements and in my book and other literature is as good as !ny bond to you. It is your assurance that you are doing business with an indi- vidual — IMielps — who is constantly giving his personal attention to his business. Highest Grade That's Made. My Split Hickory Vehicles are strictly high-grade trade-marked vehicles. They must not be confused, or compared, with any other vehicles on the market at anywhere near the prices asked for them — in style, quality or finish. No other manufacturer gives the same In- dividual attention to each individual ve- hicle that is given in my factory. My factory is conducted on a plan of han- dling each individual order specially bv itself. My vehicles are made individually — one at a time — not in lots. I don't manufacture vehicles in advance from which to fill orders — I have no stock room where they are stored in quantities. In buying any vehicle from me, you are sure of getting just the vehicle you want, made-to-order as you want it, delivered fresh and new when you want it. You will not be shipped a bulk vehicle that has been in a store room for months — perhaps years — where the finish has be- come dulled, marred, cracked or shop- worn — such a vehicle as you are apt to get if you purchase through dealers. I am continually turning my raw material day by day. Every little improvement that comes up — every new st}'le — every new attachment of merit — is continually being adopted in my factories, thereby giving each customer a vehicle that is up to the very minute in every particular. Made to Order. I am the only manufacturer in the United States making vehicles in large quantities to order for individual users. This one special feature of my method of doing business has alone sold thousands upon thousands of my vehicles. By this meth- od of making vehicles to my customers' order, I can give each job individual char- acter and features impossible to obtain in any other way. I make each job for each customer just as if it were the only job I was manufacturing. The consumer has many choices as to style, finish and trimmings, ordering just the vehicle he wants — made as he wants it — permitting him to have his own indi- vidual ideas and tastes in his buggv. Thirty Days* Free Road Test. I am the originator of selling vehicles of all kinds subject to a thirty days' free road test. When I originated this idea and offered my customers the advantage of testing any vehicle they bought from me in their own way as their own on all kinds of roads, thirty days' free, to be sure that they were getting perfect satisfaction all of the old line manufacturers said I would go broke in a year. But when they said this, they were fixing their opinions on the quality of vehicles they had been selling and not on the quality of Split Hickory A^ehicles. Perhaps we were both right. Perhaps their vehicles would not stand such a test. But I knew Split Hickory Vehicles would satisfy the most critical customers. I had confidence in Split Hickory A^ehicles and confidence in the judgment and honesty of my customers, and I trusted them to give me a square deal and they in tm-n, 1.50,000 of them, trusted me with their orders, and on this plan I have built up the largest vehicle business of its kind in the world. My jilan is just a fair. s(|narc. man-to-man ])lan. I positively will not have a dissat- isfied customer anywhere. I want none of them to feel that they are not getting a vehicle exactly as represented in every particular and entirely satisfactory, riierefore. T offer this free trial plan to c\ery customer without restrictions. Put the Savings in Your Pocket. i'>\ comparing anv vehicle illustrated in this 191'-^ catalog of mine with any similar vehicle sold through dealers or any other way. you will find that you can keep an average saving of from $2."').0o to $40.00 in your pocket, according to the vehicle you select. I guarantee that for similar quality. I will save you from an average of $25.00 to $40.00 and u]) in this way. T sell direct from my factory to user. T |L,n'\e the buyer my factory price, ihc dealer, in selling you a vehicle not only has to make his ])rofit and expenses hut the jobber who sold the dealer, and the manufacturer who sold the jobber also have a profit to be taken care of. These profits are represented bv the aver- age of $?r).0(» to $40.00 and ' up that T save you according to the vehicle you choose. Tf you will study the (piality of my ve- hicles and make the 30 Day Road Test that I offer, you will see yourself that mv statement of the savings to be made, fur equal <|uality. is not exaggerated. A Word About Safety. livery vehicle T have ever made has been sold from my factr)ry by mail — Sold un- der my personal guarantee and under the representations T have made, both in my advertisements and i)rintcd matter rind ratalf isjiu's. Stop to think just a minute, if you will, and you will realize that it would be im- possible for me to carry on my business on this ])lan if I did not give every cus- tomer absolutely a square deal, and live up to every agreement and every repre- sentation that I make in my catalogs and printed matter, because they all go through the L'nited States mail. That protects you absolutely against any misrepresen- tation on my part because T could not continue to do business through tlie mail if T in any way misrepresented anything. Just a Final Word. A man's own pocket is about as near "home" as he can keep the money. So we do not hear as much these days al)out patronizing "home industries" as we did for a while. It is all right to have local pritle and be friends with your home town people, but when a man is going to buy a buggy, he might just as well himself keep the profits that the dealer would make. Always remember that the dealer has to pay a stiff price and send the money away from home to the manufacturer that he buys from. "S'our pocket is just as good a place to keep the savings (all middleman's profits) and you can spend them in your own home town just as well and a great deal more to your satisfaction than the dealer can. T do not have to tell you that. So all T ask of you now is to use your own judgment in picking out the veliicle — or harness — you want this season and let me send it to you right away under my liberal selling jilan. Then judge for yourself. ^\)urs sincerelv, H. C Phelps, President, The C^hiii Carriage Mfg. Co., fiilmnl)!!'-. Ohio. We Invite You To Visit Us If you can arrange to call on us personally, your visit will prove interesting and profitable. Our repository, which adjoins our large factories, is the largest in Ohio, and contains upwards of 200 finished vehicles and a full line of harness to select from. If not convenient to come during office hours, we will make an appointment to suit your convenience. ■' Take the South High Street car anywhere on High Street, get off at end of line and walk one square south to our office. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co. Executives of the Company T.W. PICRARD Vice Pre J <*. J"uplr. J.E.WAlyJH Jcc^A. Jalc.J- n .onager X-.N.KEIF Manufacturing Executive and Staff 'l^ 1^^^^ L.JLUCRHAUPT^ "V J ORE MAN <^ C SEAT &,E>ACK DEPT } ^^g ^ ^ r "^ <> ^V:\vrHALEN roRznAN BXACK5MITH DEPT. H.A.IMBEIO TOKEnjh.tr TATNT BEIT. T.AV: PICKARD Vice Ticej- &. u-usx. I r.WBOURGAKDEi TRAFFIC DEPT % (0 3 o ^i/ 5 u. (0 "55 »=^ 14 CAPITAL $5 000 000 TO TimOM IT MAY CONCERN; This is to certify tnat the Ohio Carriage Mrg Company, is a largo depositor witn this oank, and that we nave known the company for a number of years and have always round It prompt, reliable and toonest in all of Its dealings vritn us. They are legitimate carriage manufacturers operating a iThor- oughly equipped carriage factory. We believe that anyone haviAg dealings with this company will be treated fairly and honestly at all times Yours truly, Commercial National Bank I •^p^^^Z^trx^ OPriCERS : \V F HOFFMAN . Pbest D. E.PirTNAM, Vice Pre »^ J A.JEFFREY. Vice PhesT O A ARCHER. Cashier C\l>ir.\l- *300.000.00. SURPLUS $C33.000.00. Columbus, OHIO. To Whom It May concern :- Tlae Ohio Oarrlage Mnfg. Co., of Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, are depositors and customers ,, of this banK. They liave one of the best equipped factories in the U.S., and we consider them responsible and good for their contracts, and cheerfully recommend them as worthy of your patronage. Yours very truly. 15 Special Features We Can Furnish Tliinl I'lrMin Scat. This seat is made extra strong and covered witli a good (luality carpet. I'Vame is japanned. I'its in between two people, making a tliird seat witliout crowding. Price $1.00 iHi-t II...,. I, This dust hood is made to protect the top when it is laid back. The material used is good quality waterproof drill; is also made so that it protects the upholstering in back. Is made adjustable to fit tops on 20, 22 or 24-inch bodies. Price $1.75 Storm Protector Keep the rain, the cold and the wind out. Keep yourself dry, warm and comfortable. Price $3.25 Storm Protector. This is an illustration of our storm protector, which fits closely over the top, keeping out the rain, snow, sleet and cold, insuring absolute comfort in all kinds of weather. Has large mica glass in front, giving the driver a good view of the road, and is so attached that it can be instantly removed, making it convenient for getting in and out. The Ncvcriiiit Oil Lamp. Price for one lamp Price per pair The Neverout lamp is the most burning lamp made. I'.urns kero.^enc with one filling. Weighs but twenty ounces, is 9J4 inches high, full brass, highly polished. When ordered in place of regular lamps on surreys or phaetons, deduct for regular lamps, $2.50. $3.50 $6.50 reliable oil ten hours Brass Auto Style Lamp. Price per pair $6.00 \Vhen ordered in place of regular lamps on surreys or phaetons deduct for regular lamps. $2.50. This style brass lamp is very popular. Is suitable for phaetons, surreys, buggies, or driv- ing wagons; makes a good light and a handsome ornament. 16 17 Highest Grade Goodyear Wing Rubber Tires Doubly Guaranteed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company And By Ourselves We could furnish rubber tires from $3.00 to $5.00 per set cheaper, but you wouldn't get one- half the service. We furnish the best and our price on all sizes is lower, when you consider quality, than is quoted by any one else. Rub- ber tires add to your comfort, make riding over smooth or rough roads a real pleasure. They prolong the life of your vehicle. Solid Rubber Tire Prices These prico ari- fm- rul)l)(.T tii"(.'> in of steel tires on any four wlieel vehicle. •' '(-inch solid rubber tires . . . $13.00 7j(-inch solid rubber tires . . . $15.00 1 •inch solid rubber tires . . . $17.50 1 V^-inch solid rubber tires . . . $22.50 place Cushion Rubber Tire. (Notice hole fnr is ]i inch lower than on other cushion s; adds that much more wear to the tire.) Goodyear Wing Highest tirade Scdid Kubber Tires. Round Cushion Rubber Tire Prices Tlu>e prices arc f that are necessary on their make of tires. Is It Advisable To ^^^ customers often ask our advice as to whether or not it D R kk rT* ? would be economy and advisable for them to order their new Duy I\UDDer lires. vehicle equipped with rubber tires. Our answer to this question is invariably that it depends entirely upon the condition of the roads over which the vehicle is to be run. If ordinary dirt or gravel roads, or improved turnpike or macadam roads, rubber tires are advisable, and will give splendid satisfaction, not only adding to the comfort in making the vehicle ride easier, but will prolong the life of a vehicle and add to the service of it, because they take up sudden jars and a great deal of the vibration. Rubber tires will also make any vehicle run easier, thereby making it easier on your horse. There are lower prices quoted on rubber tires than ours, but there arc cheaper, a great deal cheaper rubber tires made than the Goodyear Wing. We could buy rubber tires at a saving of nearlj' SO per cent, but we could not conscientiously rec- ommend or guarantee a tire of this kind to our customers, and we feel that the "!)est is the cheapest," and have (pioted prices very low for a high grade rubber tire. There is but very little profit in rubl)er tires at the ])rices we -sville 4.50 4.50 Newman 4.92 4.92 Oakland 4.50 4,50 San Lucas 5.19 5.19 Santa Clara 4.50 4,^0 San Francisco... 4.50 4."0 Sacramento .... 4.50 4.50 Stockton 4.50 4.50 San Diepo 4.50 4.50 Watsonville .... 4 80 4,80 Yuba City 4,58 4,58 COLORADO— RurlinRton .3.06 3.29 Colorado Springs 3.46 3.69 Delhi 3.12 3.35 Denver 3.46 3.69 Ft. Morgan 3.12 3 35 Greeley 3.46 3.69 r.ajiinta 3.12 3.35 Leansville 4.96 5.19 Pueblo 3.46 3.69 Trinidad 3,46 3,69 CONNECncrT— .MI points in tins State with but few exceptions average, crated — Under 34 $0.97 Under 54 1.29 OKLAWARE— All points in this State with but few exceptions average, crated — I'ndi r 34 $0.86 Under 54 1.15 niSTRICT OF Washington . . . ILORID.V— Gainesville Incksonville l9 2,58 .55 1.43 .55 1.05 .86 .88 K ENTUCK Y— Continued- Henderson $0.74 Lexington 65 London 96 Lebanon 93 Louisville 59 .Mavsville 42 .Mid.llcsboro 1.03 Owcnsboro 74 Paris 65 I'ailucah 74 .'somerset 89 West Point 78 LOUISIANA- .Alexandria 2.48 Baton Rouge. ... 1.10 r.onita 2.48 Delta Point 2.40 Iowa 2.75 I afayette 2.30 New Orleans. ... 1.10 New Iberia 2.54 Ponchatoula .... 1.76 Shreveport 2.48 MAINE— .\ugusta onssissiPPi— Biloxi 1.47 2.15 Columbus 1.60 2.34 Corinth 1.42 2.07 Greenwood 1.41 2.06 Grenada 1.60 2.34 Holly Springs... 1.44 2.11 Jackson 1.43 2.09 Meridian 1.43 2.09 Macon 1.60 2.34 Natchez 1.10 1.65 Rosedale 1.70 2.49 Senatobia 1.44 2.11 Vicksburg 1.10 1.65 West Point 1.60 2.35 Yazoo City 1.42 2.07 >nssouRi— 1 Bucklin .... Cuba I Carrollton 1 Chillicothe 1 Gallatin Hannibal Jefferson City .3,S 1.58 .26 1.49 .44 1.67 .38 1.61 .59 1.82 .16 1.41 .38 1.61 .59 1.82 .54 1.77 .59 1.82 .44 1.67 .47 1.70 .59 1.82 ,59 1.82 .59 1.82 .33 1.56 ,6.? 1.85 .69 .92 .50 1.73 .99 1 ^2 .57 1.82 Kansas City 1 Lebanon 1 Liberty 1 Moberlv 1 Poplar Bluff 1 Pleasant Hill 1 Princeton 1 Plattsburg 1 Rolla 1 Springfield 1 St. Louis Sedalia 1 St. Peters St. Joseph 1 MONTANA— Benton 4.39 4.85 Columbia Falls.. 4.90 5.36 Hodees 3.52 3. 98 Rosebud 3.92 4.38 NEBRASKA— Beatrice 1.77 2.00 Falls City 1.59 1.82 Grand Island... 2.35 2.58 Hastings 2.35 2.58 Kearney 2.41 2.64 Lincoln 1.66 1.89 Nebraska Citv... 1.59 1.82 Norfolk ...'.... 2.11 2.34 Omaha 1.59 1.82 Superior 2.35 2.58 Scrfbner 1.94 2.17 NEVADA— Mill City 4.80 4.80 Reno 4.80 4.80 Ullin 4.56 4.56 NEW HAMPSHIRE— All points in this State with but few exceptions average, crated — Under 34 $0.97 Under 54 1.29 NEW JERSEY — All points in this State with but few exceptions average, crated — Under 34 $0.85 Under 54 1.15 NEW MEXICO— Albuquerque ...$3.87 $4.10 Clayton 3.47 3.70 Deming 3.82 3.82 Santa Fe 3.87 4.10 NEW YORK— Auburn Albanv Buffalo Batavia Bombay Binghamton . . . Cohoes Elmira Fredonia Gouverneur . . . Jamestown .... Lockport New York .... Poughkeepsie . . Rochester Syracuse Troy I'tica \\'atertown .... .$0.64 . .82 . .57 . .60 . .97 . .64 . .64 . .64 . .57 . .97 . .57 . .60 .60 .64 .97 .75 .85 NORTH CAROLINA— .\berdeen 1.38 Cedar Falls . . . 1.38 Charlotte 1.38 Concord 1.38 Durham 1.31 Favetteville .... 1.38 Goidsboro 1.31 Greensboro 1.31 Halifax 1.30 ITenderson 1.31 New Berne .... 1.16 Raleigh 1.31 Roxboro 1.22 Wilmington .... 1.20 Weldon 1.25 NORTH DAKOTA— .Adrian 2.65 Bismarck 2.86 Fargo 2.37 Fessenden 2.84 Grand Forks . . . 2.37 Larrimore 2.48 I eeds 2.89 St. Johns 3.01 $0.87 1.10 .77 .81 1.29 .87 .87 .87 .77 1.29 .11 .81 1.15 1.15 .81 ,87 1.29 1,00 1.15 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.90 2.00 1.90 1.90 1.88 1.90 1.67 1.90 1.76 1.73 OHIO— Athens Akron Alvordton Ashtabula Bellaire Chillicothe Caldwell Cleveland Conneaut Dayton Findlay Gallipolis Galion Hamilton Ironton Lancaster Lima Liverpool Marietta Mt. Gilead Mansfield ^Iassillon Middletown .... Newark Newcomers town New Philadelphia Portsmouth .... Piqua Springfield Steubenville Sidney Sandusky Trov Tiffin Toledo IThrichsville V^n Wert Wilmington .... Waverly Youngstown .30 .42 .54 .48 .42 .21 .39 .42 .56 .27 .33 .39 .24 .37 .39 .16 .37 .42 .39 .33 .36 .42 .34 .14 .32 .42 .36 .27 .18 .43 .36 .36 .25 .33 .39 .36 .48 .21 .27 1.82 3.11 3.32 2.83 3.30 2.83 2.94 3.35 3.47 .40 .55 .71 .63 .56 .26 .52 .56 .n .34 .44 .52 .31 .50 .52 .22 .50 .55 .52 .46 .46 .55 .46 .18 .42 .55 .48 .36 .24 .57 .48 .49 .34 .44 ■^2 .48 .64 .28 .36 .63 OKLAHOMA— Atoka $2.61 $2.61 Caddo 2.70 2.70 Claremore 2.40 2.40 Chouteau 2.40 2.40 Eufaula 2.40 2.40 Muskogee 2.40 2.40 McAlester 2.40 2.40 Pauls Valley ... 2.61 2.61 Sallisaw 2.40 2.40 Sapulpa 2.40 2.40 Wagoner 2.40 2.40 OREGON— Glendale 5.92 5.92 Portland 4.50 4.50 Roseburg 5.58 5.58 Salem 4.88 4.88 Umatilla 5.62 5.62 PENNSYLVANIA— Allegheny 49 .66 Altoona 81 1.09 Buchanan 83 1.11 Erie 57 .11 Foxburg 49 .66 fireensburg 49 .66 Ilarrisburg 81 1.09 Indiana 65 .86 Tohnstown 65 .86 Lancaster 83 1.11 McKeesport 49 .66 Kittanning 57 .77 New Castle ... .48 .63 Pittsburg 49 .66 Philadelphia 83 1.11 Reading 83 1,11 Scranton 83 1.11 Shamokin 83 1.11 Titusville 57 .11 Uniontown 57 .11 Union Citv 57 .11 Waynesboro 81 1.09 Williamsport ... .81 1.09 Wilkes-Barre ... .83 1.11 RHODE ISLAND— .Ml points in this State with but few exceptions average $0,97 $1.29 SOUTH CAROLINA— Abbeville 1.54 2.24 Anderson 1.54 2.24 Bascomville 1.50 2.18 Columbia 1.42 2.06 Charleston 1.32 1.94 Cheraw 1.50 2.18 Camden 1-52 2.21 Florence 1.50 2.18 Georgetown .... 1.48 2.15 Greenwood 1.54 2.24 Greenville 1.54 2.24 Sumter 1.52 2.22 Spartansburg ... 1.54 2.24 SOUTH DAKOTA— .'Vberdeen 2.31 2.51 Pierre 2.43 2.63 Sioux Falls 1.63 1.86 Salem 2.19 2,39 Watertown 1.92 2.12 Yankton 1.96 2.19 TENNESSEE— Bristol 1.00 1.33 Covington 1.38 2.00 Clarksville 91 1.30 Chattanooga 1.14 1.64 Cumberland Gap. 1.08 1.55 Clinton 1.22 1.76 Dyersburg 1.33 1.92 Dayton 1.14 1.64 Harriman 1.14 1.64 Jackson 1.28 1.81 TENNESSEE — Continued — Knoxville $1.14 $1.64 Lexington 1.32 1.91 Memiihis 85 1.27 Middleton 1.32 1.87 ^lurfreesboro .. 1.16 1.67 Nashville 90 1.29 Paris 1.20 1.69 TEXAS— .Ml points in this State with but few exceptions .••ver- age $2.80 $2.80 UTAH— Cisco 4.67 4.90 Ogden 4.67 4.90 Provo Citv 4.67 4.90 Salt Lake City.. 4.67 4.90 VERMONT— All points in this State with but few exceptions aver- age $0.97 $1.29 VIRGINIA— .81 .81 .81 1.12 .81 .81 .81 .81 .81 .99 .81 .81 .81 .81 .81 .81 Burkeville Buena \'ista. . . . Charlottesville . . Danville Doswell Fredericksburg. . Manchester . . . . Norfolk Orange Pulaski City. . . . Petersburg Richmond Roanoke Suffolk Staunton Vinton WASHINGTON- Olympia 4.50 Spokane 5.10 Seattle 4.50 >VEST VIRGINIA— Caperton 81 Clarksburg 57 Charleston 45 Grafton 57 Harper's Ferry.. .81 Hinton 81 Kenova 42 Littleton 57 Parkersburg . . . .42 Tunnelton 74 Wheeling 42 A\^SCONSIN— Ashland 1.37 Eau Claire 1.37 Fond du Lac... 1.29 Green Bay 1.29 Janesville 1.29 La Crosse 1.29 Milwaukee 64 Monroe 1.29 Madison 1.29 Marshland 1.29 Marengo 1.37 New Lisbon 1.29 Oshkosh 1.29 Plattsville 1.29 Porta.ge 1.29 Prentice 137 Shebovean 1.14 Waukesha 1.05 WYOMING— Bordeaux 3.80 Chevenne 3.46 Guernsey 4.05 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.58 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.33 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 4.50 5.30 4.50 1.09 .77 .60 .76 1.09 1.09 .56 .76 .56 .98 .56 1.82 1.82 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 .86 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.82 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.82 1.34 1.25 4,03 3.69 4.29 23 Our Split Hickory Wheels \Vc build two Kradcs of IniLTfjies, our Square Deal, which is our medium priced IjuRpy and our Split Hickory Special, whidi is our hiyh wrade huKKy. We use two difTerent grades of wheels on these two different grades of huKKJos. Our best wheel — which is the very best that can be made — is used on our Split Hickory Special, and while we do not furnish quite as hi^h ^rade wheel on our Square Deal Hu>,'Kit's as we do on our Split Hickory Specials, we furnish a wliecl that we fully guarantee, and a wheel that will give the very best of satisfaction. Vheels are the real foundation to a buggy or carriage. What a good foundation is to your house or barn a good set of wheels is to yt)ur buggy or carriage. The very first and really the most important thing necessary in the construction of a good wheel, is good material. No mat- ter how good the workmanship, you caimot Iniild a good wheel without good material to start with. M.MKRl.M.S — After the most careful, scientific investigation made by the Forest Service of the I'nited States governnu-nt. it h.is been dcnionstratcd by exhaustive tests of all kinds of wood that there is but one that is suitable for vehicle wheels, and that is hickory. Hickory tind)cr is not always, as a mat- ter of course, absolutely perfect. It takes judRnu-iit in the scliction of tiiiilicr that must be used, for an old and aged tree that has rtaclu-il the point wlii-ic it has commenced to decline is only tit for lirc-\vooectations. By having a large quantity of the best hickory grown to select from, we are able to produce strictly first-class split hickory wheels, and we furnish even on dur Scjuare Deal Buggies a better wheel than is found on 75 per cent of the buggies made today that are sold at around $75.00 to $85.00. \N (iRKM \>.^H 1 1' — Xext to the material comes the importance of good work- manship. After having selected stock of uniform <|uality and size, it is neces- sary to match it up. that is. spokes, rims and hubs must be matched and se- lected so as to be uniform in quality and size. To begin with, in the manu- facture of wheels, the rims of all our wheels are bent with the growth of the wood running from side to side of the stick. P'ach growth of wood forms a natural layer, one being built upon the other, giving the rim the same, or in fact, even more strength than wood made from several pieces of wood glued together. In a spoke, nature furnishes the glue, which is better than arti Good, thoroughly seasoned, tough split hickory, will not break otT s(|uarc. This illustration shows the quality of timber used. ficial glue, ar.d makes the different layers of wood much stronger than it would be possible to have them in a manufactured article. We. by our method, reinforce nature in strengthening the rims, by inserting a screw tlirough the rim on each side of each sjioke in order to sustain the wood from heavy and hard blows. When a rim of this kind is put on a wheel, it cannot split if the tires arc kept reasonably tight. We furnish screwed rim wheels on all of our Split Hickory Special Top Buggies, Split Hickory Special Runabouts and Split Hickory Special Surreys. In a Sarven patent wheel, which is the strongest wheel made, the spokes are put in the wheel in the most careful and scientific man- ner. This mitered shape in the hub forms a complete and perfect bridge around the hub. They are then riveted in by placing a rivet through the flange between every other spoke. These rivets act like a key-stone to an arch and they hold in the spokes so that they cannot come loose, provided they are f/ropcrly protected by keeping the tire tight. In our Staggered spoke wheels, the spokes are first put through a machine that leaves the tenon of the spoke in the shape as shown in the illustration on this page, marked "Tenon No. 1." It is then taken to another machine and compressed to the shape shown by the illustration marked "Tenon No. 2." Immediately after being compressed the mitereil end of the spoke is dipped into hot glue and then driven into the hub. The moisture of the glue causes the mitered end of the spoke to expand, forming a dove-tail on the inside of the hub as shown in the sectional view of hub on this page. This makes it impossible for the spokes to come loose in the nub. TIRIN'C, WHKI-.l S — ^j,p jjggj wheel ever made will prove unsatisfactory unless it is properly tired. This is an important step in the making of a good wheel. To keep the dish uniform, to get the tires just tight enough and not too tight, is a delicate ojieration. Our tires are heated before they are put on the rims. The heat expands the tires. When they cool off they shrink, and by using the utmost care we arc .ible to secure uniform results in the tiring of our wheels. The holes for the tire bolts in all tires, arc drilled. The cheap way and the quick way is to punch the holes, but we drill all holes and get better results this way. We use the best round edge steel tire that the mills can turn out for us. It is a Cautier steel, tough, pliable and will outwear anything that has ever been used in the way of tires on vehicle wheels. Sectional view of luib bhuwing how tenons dove-tail on inside of hub. Showing a piece of tire twisted cold. iM and hammered 24 Our Split Hickory Wheels BOXING WHEELS— Unless a wheel is properly boxed it will not run true, it will wobble and will not track. There are two ways of boring hubs of wheels and setting boxes. One way, which is mostly used and which we found un- satisfactory, is to center the hub and set the boxes exactly in the center of the hub to the fraction of an inch. The other way is to center the wheel, and that is the method we use. It is a little more trouble to do this and requires more careful workmanship, but it pays in the long run, for we avoid the usual complaint of wheels wobbling and not tracking. Another important thing is to set the bo.xes in tlie hubs so that they will stay where they are put. Our method is to coat each box with a heavy coating of wdiite lead. This acts as a filler and a cement between the box and the hub, and holds it tight so that it cannot come loose at any time. These little points of unusual care make a good wheel, and while it costs a little more it is the cheap- est method in the long run. BOLTING TIRES— Between each spoke we drill a buk- through the exact center of the rim, through which wj put a tire bolt, with a washer; run the nut up tight and square it. We will not accept from our wheel room any wheels where 'the holes are not drilled through the center and where the nuts are not squared up, as it is simply an example of poor workmanship and that is something that we do not permit in our factory. WHEEL GUARANTEE— The guarantee on nur wheels is covered in our regular two-year guarantee given with each vehicle, but we go even further than that and we posi- tively guarantee every spoke in every wheel and every rim to be strictly first-class, thoroughly seasoned split hickory, and if at any time during the life of the vehicle, whether in two years, five years or ten years, a wheel is broken and the material shows other than what we have repre- sented it to be, namely, strictly first-class, thoroughly seasoned split hickory, we will stand the return of the wheel and guarantee to make it good by either repairing it absolutely free of charge or furnishing a new wheel in its place. We further guarantee that the rims will not split, that the spokes will not come loose in the hubs, providing the tires are kept reasonably tight. We manufacture vehicles that are used in every civilized country of the world, where they are subjected to heavy, moist, salt air, to dry and hot air, in fact, every variety of temperature known, and to manufacture a wheel that will give satisfaction under all these conditions requires unusual care both in the selection of material and in the workmanship. Neither ourselves nor any one else could manufacture wheels suitable for certain sections. We, therefore, must make wheels that will give satisfaction under any and all conditions, no matter Imw or where they are used. ira^-Krrmsm Axle ])oxes are coated with white lead before they are set in hub. CARE OF WHEELS — In order to get the best service out of your wheels, it is necessary for you to co-operate with us by giving reasonable care and attention to your wheels. ( )r,e of the absolutely necessary things for you to bear in mind at all times, is to keep the tires tight. We are frequently asked by a customer how often should one have the tires reset on wheels. There is only one answer to this question, and that is, whenever they need it. Simi)ly because tires come loose in time is no indication whatever tliat the wheels are not strictly first-class. Any practical wheel maker will tell you that this is an absolute fact. You can reason it out for yourself. When you get your new buggy the tires on the wheels have been put on in the most careful and workmanlike manner. The tires were set hot, as we stated above, and were shrunken to the rim just as tight as they should be to insure proper service. Now, the nature of the material of which wheels are made and the nature of the steel are opposite to each other, and that cannot be changed. It is the nature of wood to shrink in hot, dry weather. It is the nature of steel to expand and grow larger in hot and dry weather, naturally this is the cause more or less of tires coming loose. Now, cold, wet, and damp weather has a directly oi^posite effect. The wood expands and the steel contracts. You must bear in mind that it doesn't take very much expansion or very much contraction to draw the rims away from the tires, if they are both working in opposite directions. Just a slight shrinkage or expansion will cause the tires to be- come loose. Do not condemn your wheels because the tires came loose. Now, we have thousands of letters in our files from customers who say that they have never had to pay out a penny for resetting tires on our wheels after using their vehicles for years, but this is something that we can- not guarantee. Neither can any other manufacturer, and if any salesman, retail dealer, or any one else tells you that a carriage manufacturer will guarantee that the tires will always stay tight, and never have to be reset, he is telling you something that is not so. We could save from $2.00 to $3.00 easily on each set of wheels we put on our buggies, and thereby reduce the price that much, but realizing the im- portance of good wheels we know that you or any other buggy user would rather pay $2.00 or $3.00 more and get the very best wheels that can be made, and that is what we give you on Split Hickory Vehicles. A photographic view of a shaft and pole dejiartmcnt. of our wheel stock room. 25 26 Split Hickory Vehicles Do Not Enter Into The High Cost of Living The High Cost of Living is Due to Too Many Hands Too many in-between people living on what one man sells and one man buys. Th-t all belongs to the old order, before quick transportation, before telephones and telegrams; before people let Uncle Sam's Mail Bags work for them. The manufacturer was a long way off in those days. He was like a big magnate care- fully guarded. Ycu had to go to the dealer. The dealer went to the jobber — the jobber went to the manufacturer's salesmen. A whole procession of people fed on one article. That's all changed. We're close together these days whether you live a hundred or a thousand miles off. I'm always right here, on the job, watching every buggy made. No need of your ap- proaching me through four or five other men. If you write, I personally read your letter within 12 to 48 hours of your sending it. Nobody stands between you and my entire factory out- put, more buggies than you would find in 25 dealers' stores. I'm never going to make more buggies than I can give my personal individual attention. While my business gets bigger every year — old customers come back for new buggies — new customers, friends of the old, keep coming — still I seem to grow with the business. I keep right on testing, examining, directing, putting in new ideas, improving styles — making every indi- vidual buggy represent my highest conception of what the best buggy on earth ought to be. Over 125,000 People Have $25 to $40 More Cash in Their Pockets To-Day Because They Are Driving in Split Hickory Vehicles If you should walk up to my factory door and say, "Phelps, bring out here the best buggy you ever made," I wouldn't have to go into my fac- tory and look carefully over all the buggies I had finished. I would simply bring out the buggy standing nearest the door and point to it. Every buggy I make stands for my best work, my best materials, my best experience, and you may de- pend on it, my best is second to none. The very fact that my Factory Prices are bringing more customers every year shows the satisfaction people take in buying right. No matter how good the article is that you buy, if you feel that you paid too much for it, you don't take the same keen pleasure in using it. You always feel as if the "Other Fellow" got the best of 3^ou. You never forget it. My customers have never had that feeling and they don't have to take my word for the saving my Factory Price makes them. They see it, feel it, prove it for themselves. It's not a trifling saving. Not a "guess-so" saving. It's a genuine, big, stare- you-in-the-face hard cash saving. It's $25.00 to $40.00, according to the size and style buggy you buy. That's too big a differ- ence for any man to pass up without investigating. And every man who wants to buy a buggy can prove any one of "PHELPS' MILE OF BUGGIES" free for 30 days. READ MY 30 DAY FREE ROAD TEST PLAN ON PAGE 13. 27 28 The Split Hickory Vehicles In Use Today Represent a Saving of 5 MILLION DOLLARS Can you wonder when you look at this 1912 catalogue, this magnificent selection of different styles, that 150,000 people insist on having PHELPS make their buggies? Insist on buy- ing at factory prices. Insist on the opportunity of my 30 Day Free Road Test. Now, there is one great big advantage about my buggies above the other buggies that are offered you, and I want to make this difference very clear to you. It's the difference between my vehicles and harness and the vehicles and harness sold by the Many Department Mail Order Houses. Remember, when you buy Split Hickory Vehicles you buy direct of the fac- tory at factory prices. When you buy of the Mail Order House you buy of a great central dealer who in turn buys of the factory and adds a profit to the factory price. Remember, when you buy SPLIT HICKORY VEHICLES you buy of the manufac- turer who makes nothing else but buggies and har- ■— ^^-^— — — ^ ness. His whole reputa- tion is at stake on those articles. The big Mail Order House handles thousands of articles. They may sell at lower prices than your home dealer, hut never at factory prices. For they have to buy of the factory, pay the factory a profit and make a profit themselves. The buggy depaftment of the Mail Order House is only one branch of the whole business. When you buy Split Hickory Vehicles you deal Five Million Dollars Is A Tremendous Item The interest alone for one year on that saving is three hundred thou- sand dollars. And that is the saving only on the SPLIT HICKORY VEHICLES in use today. Eleven years I've been selling direct to the people at factory prices. personally with the maker. I stake my reputa- tion on every buggy I sell. Every buggy is just one link in my chain of Success. My business is only as strong as the weakest link. I can't afford a single dissatisfied customer. That's the reason I don't sell a single buggy except on my ?,{) Day Free Road Test. That test is my guarantee as well as yours. Read My Binding Guarantee on Page 14, The manufacturer who sells to the Mail Order House has no reputation at stake. His name does not appear on the buggy or harness. No cus- tomer knows him. He can cheapen in a score of in- side ways. It doesn't show on the surface always. It doesn't always show the first year. But it does show in the life of the bugg}'. When you buy my buggies I stand personally re- sponsible — ' I will not skimp in any way, shape or form on any material that goes into my buggies and harness in order to "beat" somebody else's prices. I don't have to "beat" prices, for my factory prices are already naturally below the dealer's price or the prices of the Mail Order House for the same quality. There is the big point — same quality. Do not let appearances mislead you. Let my 30-Day FREE ROAD TEST show up the weak points in my buggy if there are any weak points. Don't take chances. 29 No. 1230 Split Hickory Concord Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order Cash on Deposit $54.75 $56.25 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Concord Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. Throughout the Eastern and New England States, where this type of wagon is most popular, the equal of this wagon retails for not less than $25 to $40 above our price. We enjoy an im- mense trade on it and have never yet failed to thoroughly satisfy every purchaser. We make it in a proportion that assures plenty of leg room and seat room. The springs are especially easy riding and comfortable, and made of the highest grade of steel to stand hard service. It is con- structed \vith our best wheels, axles, shafts, etc.— in fact in our very best Split Hickory Grade throughout. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 28 inches wide, 58 inches long. Rest air-dried poplar i»anels, and solid riser. Hardwood boUoin boards. ,\sh and oak frames and posts. A very stroiiv, biit light body. Seat made wide and roomy with springs in cushion and back. Heavy iron arm rails. WHKKI.S — Sarven patent, '^inch, 40 and 44 inches hiRh, ■-econd growth split hickory, V^-inrh wheels or wheels 42 and 46 inches high, if preferred. 1-inch wheels, 50 cents extra. Staggered spoke wheels, $1.00 extra. GEAR — Triple reach, full ironed and extra well braced, made very strong and substantial. Heavy unbreakable rear circle fifth-wheel. SPRINGS — Genuine Concord pattern, made of best steel, very strong and easy riding, with equalizers front and rear. AXLES — 15/16-inch, Sheldon famous 2,000-milc, high collar, long ^-inch, -40 and 44 inches high is regular where regular arched axles are used, and where high arclied axles are used wheels are Mi and 42 inches high. fan furnish .•?6 and 40inch wheels or 42 and 46-inch wheels if desired. Can also furnish ^^-inch wheels instead of ^-inch, no extra charge. I-incli wheels, 50 cents extra. Staggered spoke wheels, $1.00 extra. Warner patent wheels, $1.00 extra. CE.\R — Our famous wrought iron double reach gear, made light in appearance, extra strong and well braced. Axle IkiIs cemented 'olid to steel axles. Reaches ironed on bottom and well braced. AXLES — 2,000-milc, high collar, dust-proof steel axles, 15/16- inch. arched 2 or A'A inclics as desired. 2inch arch is regular on most styles. Where 4 '/S -inch arch is wanted instead of 2-inch, the extra charge is $2.50, and the same amount is allowed on any style runabout where 2-inch arch is wanted instead of high arch. TR.\CK — 4 feet 4 inches. 4 feet 8 inches or 5 fcef 2 inches as desired. S(»ecial width of track other than the above, $1.00 extra. For instructions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. SPRlXCiS — Elliptic style 3-plate front, 4-plate rear, with French points, round nuts in heads, tempered in oil, care- fully graded and tested. .Springs are .36 inches long, very easy riding. Cl'SHTON AND RACK— T'phnlMf-red regularly in drab- colored whipcord or dark gneii, blue or brown all wool broadcloth. Genuine leather upholstering can be furnished in place of above on stick seats, pane\ seats, or half stick and panel seats at an extra charge of $2.00, and on auto- mobile seats, $3.00 extra. PAIXTIXf; — Oil and lead system on both gear and body. We describe under eacli illustration how that particular style is reguhirly painted. This can be changed, however, to any combination of colors wanted. We i)aint gears blue, black, liglit red, dark red, brown or yellow without any change in i)rice. Painting is very substantial and put on in the best workmanlike manner. Uoth gear and body are t'nuly linished. dear is neatly striped. On sunken panel automobile seats, jjanels in seat can be painted to match gears or any other color desired. SII.XFT.S — Split Hickory Special, strictly second-growth hickory shafts, with Twentieth Century irons and bracis. Shafts are trimmed with 36-inch leatliers on points, bound si)ot leathers all around. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25 extra. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURE.S — Where straight or curved dashes are shown tiuy are 13 inches higli, pailded patent leather. Where wing dashes are shown, they are 15 inches high, padded patent leather. Heavy plaid back full size storm apron. Roller rub irons. Uradley (piick-shifting shaft couplings. Three-prong ste|JS. Padded board boot. Full length extra good (pialily carpet. .\xle wrench and everything complete. CIL\Xni'".S — Can furnish any auto seat ironed for top at an extra cost of $1.00. Tlic seat will be ironed for our patent (luick-shifting toj) attachment, which is neat, showing no unsightly irons, so that a top can be ordered at any time and put on 'in a very few minutes. Where straight dash is regular, large padded wing dash if wanted, can i)e furnished for $2.50 extra. Fenders on sides of seat, $.1 00 ixira. Rubber tires, both solid and cushion, quoted on irage 18. WETOTTT — Auto seat runabouts, approximately 500 lbs. when crated for shipment. Other style seat runabouts, 475 lbs. 32 This style seat furnished instead of stick seat; no ex- tra charge. No. 1233 Split Hickory Special Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $46.25 Cash on Deposit $47.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Carefully and fully described, and all changes that may be desired listed on page 32. For a great many years our No. 1233 Split Hickory Special Runabout has been one of our most popular style vehicles. It is a nicely proportioned, light running vehicle, light in appearance but very strong and durable throughout— is fully guaranteed in every way and is built regularly with our famous Wrought Iron Gear. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. See opposite page for optiori and changes. WHEELS — |4-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, split hickory special quality, the best wheel that can be produced. See opposite page for changes. GEAR — Double reach, well ironed and braced. See opposite page for any changes desired. SPRINGS — Three and four plate, elliptic style, very easy riding. See opposite page for changes. AXLES — 15/16-inch, 2,000 mile, arched. See opposite page for changes. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in heavy, fine quality whipcord. Springs in cushion, no springs in back. See opposite page for changes in upholstering. PAINTING — Gear, very handsome shade of red, nicely striped. Body and seat, plain black. See opposite page for changes in painting. SHAFTS — Split hickory special quality double braced and full leather trimmed. See opposite page for changes. FIXTURES — See opposite page for full description of fix- tures and for any changes wanted. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— See opposite page for any changes or any special features in the way of extras, that you might want. \\'EIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. This Split Hickory Runabou Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarant* 2 Years. 33 No. 1233 A Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear This Split Hickory Runabout Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $61.25 Cash on Deposit $63.00 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Carefully and fully described, and all changes that may be desired listed on page 32. Tills is one of our popular Automobile Seat Runabouts, l)uilt exactly the same as No. 1233 on page 33, except it has high arched axles instead of regular arch and our style A-7 Twin Automobile Seat. It' is nicelv upholstered, extra well finished an makes a very handsome and attractive job. It is regu- larly furnished with wing dash. We are prepared, however, to make changes that may be desired in the way of different color of painting and upholstering. Can also furnish this runabout with regular arch a.xles instead of high arch and with plain straight dash instead of wing dash. We make an al- h.wance of $2. .50 where straight dash is wanted instead of wing dash, and $2..')0 where regular arch axles are wanted instead of high arch. If desired, w^e can, for $1.00 extra, iron seat for top so that top can be ordered at a later date if wanted. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Rf>nV — 24 inches wide, .Sr. inches lonR. For further de- scription of body and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. WIIFEI.S — i^j-inch Sarvcn patent, 38-42 inches high. Our regular split hickory quality, the best wheel ever put on a wagon of this kind by any manufacturer. For further description of wheels and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. GE.\R— Same in every way as No. 1233, except axles are arched 4'^ inches instead of 2 inches. For further de- scription of gear and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. SPRIXr,55 — Three and four plate, elliptic style. For further description of springs and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. AXLES— lS/16-inch, 2.000 mile, arched 4'/J inches. For fur- ther description of axles and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. TR.XCK — 4 feet S inches or 3 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. CUSHION AND n.\rK — I'pholstered in extra fine quality heavy all wool blue broadcloth. For further description of upholstering and any changes, see page 32. PAINTING — Gear, wheels and shafts, handsome shade of red, neatly striped. I'.ody and seat, plain ivory black. For description of painting, see page 32. SII.AFT.'^ — RcRular split hickory special quality, double braced and full leather triinnied with 3fi-inch leathers on points. For further description of shafts and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1233. For further description of fixtures and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. CII.ANGES .AND EXTR.XS — For complete information on aiiv changes or extras wanted, please refer to page 32. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. 34 No. 1233 B Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $56.25 Cash on Deposit $58.00 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Carefully and fully described, and all changes that may be desired listed on page 32. This is our Wrought Iron, SpHt Hickory Special Runabout, with Sunken Pane! Automobile Seat, built exactly the same in every way as No. 1233 on page 33, which is fully described on page 32, ex- cept that this runabout is furnished regularly with our style A-11 Sunken Panel Automobile seat. It makes a very handsome and attractive runabout, is extra well painted, nicely upholstered and properly proportioned in every way. We can, of course, where desired, make any changes in the painting, up- holstering and general finish. These changes are all carefully and fully listed on page 32. Where wanted, and for $1.00 additional to the above price, we will furnish seat ironed for top so that top can be ordered later on if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches lone. For further descrip- tion of body and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. WHEELS — 54-'nch, Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, regular split hickory special quality, the best wheel that can be furnished. For further description of wheels and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. GE.AR — Same in every way as No. 1233. For full description of gear and any changes desired, see page 32. SPRINGS — Three and four plate, elliptic style. For further description of springs and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. AXLES— 15/16-inch, 2,000 mile, with 2-inch arch. For fur- ther description of a.xles and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in dark green, heavy all wool broadcloth. For further description of upholstering and any changes desired, please refer to page 32. PAINTING — Gear, wheels and shafts, a medium shade of red, handsomely striped. Body and seat, black with sunken panel part of seat on sides, and in the rear painted dark green. For further description of painting and any changes desired, see page 32. SHAFTS — Regular split hickory special quality, double braced and full leather trimmed with 36-inch leathers on points. For further description of shafts and any changes wanted, please see page 32. FIXTURES — Same as No. 1233. For further description of fixtures and any changes desired, see page 32. CHANGES AND EXTRAS — For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to page 32. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. 35 No. 1233 C Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $68.75 Cash on Deposit $70.75 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Runabout Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. Carefully and fully described, and all changes that may be desired listed on page 32. W'c show in our Xo. 123.'3 C our regular W'rouglit Iron. Split Hickory Special Runabout with high arched axles — our new style A-11 Sunken Panel Automobile Scat and Sunshade Canopy top. This makes a very handsome runabout. The top can be removed very quickly if desired without leaving any unsightly irons. As regularly furnished gear and wheels are painted brown with brown upholster- ing in cushion and back. Canopy top is furnished in brown to match upholstering. This combination of colors can be changed, and we can furnish light or dark red, green, black, yellow or any other color of painting on gear, and can change the upholstering in seat and back to green, or blue broadcloth in- stead of brown. No. 12:5:5 C is built exactly the same as No. 123:5 on page 33, which is fully and carefully described on page 32. Please read this description carefully. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 2A inches wide, 56 inches Iohr. For rlescription of body and changes desired, please refer to i/agc 32. WUKKLS — Jj-inch Sarvcn patent, 3!< and 42 inches high. Our regular split hickory special inches and arc equipped with a short w to the axles. This makes a very handsome run as a speed watrrm. This style gear has been very and \vc can recommend No. IS."?:? E as a runabo easy, is well proportioned and right up-to-date in and trimmed in a nice combination of colors. Th vidual taste if you prefer some other style of pa erally in every way just the same as No. 1233 o Please read the complete description as detailed made where desired. out on an Eastern I'.ike style gear. .Xxlcs are ooden axle cap whicii is cemented and full clipped aliout — is nice for light driving or it can be used popular, particularly with our Eastern customers, ut that will please you. It runs lightly, rides every respect. Is furnished regularly painted is, however, can be changed to suit your inrli- inting and trimming. This wagon is built gen- n page 33, which is fully described on page 32. on page 32 and note the changes that can be DETAILED DESCRIPTION ItODY — 24 inches wifle, 56 inches donR, style A-ll Sunken Panel Automobile scat. For further description of l)0(ly and for changes desired, see page 32. WITEEF-S — V^-inch Sarven patent, 38 and 43 inches high. Our l>est quality split hickory wheels. For changes in size or height of wheels, please refer to page 32. GF.\R — Same in every respect as No. 1233, except axles are F-"astern Hike style. This only refers to the arching of axles, as the spindles furnished are the same as on No. 1333, which has our regular high collar dust proof spindle. SPRINGS— Elliptic style, 3plate front, 4-plafe rear. For further description of springs and for changes desired, see page 32. AXI.ES — 1 ."i/l 6-inch, Eastern bike style, arched 5 inches. For further description of axles, please refer to page 32. TR.\rK — 4 feet 4 inches or 4 feet 8 inches. No other width of track furnished. CrSHION .\Nn r..\rK — t'pholstercd in dark green, heavy all wool broadcloth. For further description of uphol- stering, see page 32. P.MXTINC — Gear and wheels painted canary yellow. Body and scit. black. Can furnish seat panels painted to match gear. For changes and for further description of painting, please see page 33. SH.XFTS — Our regular split hickory special quality, with Twentieth fentury ironing anrl bracing — full leather trim- iiied with 36inch le.ithers on points. For further de- scription and for changes in shafts, see page 32. FIXTl'RFS— Same as No. 1333, fully described on page 32. (Tl.NNGKS .AND EXTRAS— Please refer to page 32 for any cli.iiines oi extras (ic-ircd. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. 38 This cut shows rear view of seat furnished on 1233 F. No. 1233 F Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $59.25 Cash on Deposit $61.00 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Carefully and fully described — and all changes that may be desired listed on page 32. This runabout is built exactly the same as No. 1233 on page 33, which is fully and carefully de- scribed on page 32, with the exception that it has high arched axles, large wing dash and our style A-2 Twin Automobile Seat — Is a verv neat and attractive runabout in appearance, runs lightly and rides easy — built strong and substantial throughout and is a style that we can recommend to our most exacting customers. It is painted and trimmed in a tasty and attractive manner. Of course the combination of colors in painting and trimming can be changed to suit your wants if desired without extra charge. Where wanted we will furnish for $1.00 extra, the seat ironed for top so that top can be ordered later if wanted. Please be sure and turn to page 32 and read carefully the full description of this runabout and note the many changes that we can make in the general construc- tion. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription of body and for any changes desired, please refer to page 32. WHEELS — 34-inch Sarven patent, 38 and 42 inches high. Our regular split hickory special quality, the best wheel that can be produced. For further description of wheels and for any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. GEAR — Same in every way as No. 1233, page 33, except axles are 4','^-inch arch. Body is hung on Bailey body loops instead of wooden spring bar. For further descrip- tion of gear and any changes desired, see page 32. SPRINGS — Elliptic style, three and four plate. For further description of springs and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. AXLES— 15/16 inch, 2,000-mile, arched 4'< inches. For fur- ther description of axles, and any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. TR.ACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in dark green, heavy all wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes desired in upholstering, see page 32. P.MNTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped; body, plain black. For further description of painting and any changes wanted, see page 32. SH.'\FTS — Regular split hickory special quality, double braced and full leather trimmed with 36-inch leathers on points. For further description of shafts and any changes wanted, see page 32. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1233, page 33. For further de- scription of fixtures and any changes desired, see page 32. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to page 32. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. This Split Hickory Runabout Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. 39 mm %,\%%XA>msm^m. No. 1233 G Split Hickory Special Runabout Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $43.25 Cash on Deposit $49.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. Carefully and fully described, and all changes that may be desired listed on Page 32. This Split Hickory Runabout Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. The style seat furnished on No. 1233 G is a popular one. It is a half panel and half stick seat — is roomy and comfortable, very handsome in appearance. Our No. 1233 G is built exactly the same as No. 1233 on page 33, with the exception of the style scat. Please refer to page 32 and read carefully the full description of this runabout as detailed there, and note the changes in construction and finish that we can make where desired. The price quoted on this runabout — as well as on all of our other Split Hickory Special Runabouts — is extremely low, at least $26.50 to $40.00 less than equal quality of material and workmanship could be secured through any retail dealer. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide. 116 inches lontr. For further de- scription of body and any changes desired, see page 32. WHEELS — Sarvcn patent K-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. Reg- ular split hickory sjJi-cial qualify, the best wheel that we can produce. For full description of wheels and for any changes that may be wanted, sec page }>2.. GF..\R — Same in every way as No. 133.'?, except P.ailoy body loops instead of wooden spring bar. For full description of gear and for any changes that may be wanted, see page i2. SPRINTfS — Elliptic style, very easy riding, 3 and 4-leaf. For full description of springs and for any changes wanted, please refer to page 32. AXr,F.5i — 15/16-inch, 2,00n-milc with regular 2-inch arch. For further description of axles and any changes that may be wanted, see page 32. TR.ACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches, as ordered. T5e sure to specify track wanted. CUSHION' AND B.XCK— I'pholstered in heavy dark green all wool broadcloth of cxtia fine quality, with soft easy riding springs in cushion. Rack upholstered soft without springs. For full description of upholstering and for any changes that can be had, if wanted, see page 32. P.MNTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped; body ■nnd scat, pl.niti black. I'nr full description of painting and for any changes wanted, please refer to page IZ. SIT.\FTS — Regular split hickory special quality, extra fine, do\il)lc braced and full leather trimmed with 3')-inch point leathers. For full description of shafts and any changes wanted, please refer to p.nge 32. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1233. For full description of fixtures or for changes that may be wanted, please refer to page 32. CII/XNGES AND EXTR.AS — For complete information for all changes or any extras that may be wanted, please refer to page 32. WEIGHT — \^^hen packed for shipment, approximately 475 lbs. 40 No. 1241 Split Hickory Buckboard PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $57.00 Cash on Deposit $58.75 Terms, how to order and 30 days' free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. DETAILED BODY— 27 inches wide, 63 inches long. Made light, but very strong, of finest hardwoods. Best hardwood seat riser and seat strongly braced. Solid carved panel on riser. Hardwood curved and braced dash, with nickel rail on dash and around body. Body of No 1^41 A is fitted with adjustable truss rods underneath "to "take ' uo any sagging and hold body straight. Seat, 32 inches. WHEELS — %-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high ^-inch round edge steel tires, hot set and full bolted be- tvyeen each spoke. Our very best grade tough split hickory rims and spokes. J^-inch wheels if wanted GEAR — Double split hickory reaches, well ironed braced. Full wrought iron, 12-inch fifthwheel wrought iron gear throughout, made for hard service. SPRINGS — Genuine Shuler roller bearing pattern, strongest and easiest riding springs for buckboards! AXLES— 15/16-inch. Sheldon's famous 2,000-mile, high col- and Full The DESCRIPTION lar, long distance, dust-proof, with split hickory, full clipped and cemented axle caps. The finest made. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. ^^^9'^j^'''7-^^^^^^ — Heavy wool, drab colored whipcord. Soft padded, lazy back, spring cushion. Green or blue cloth if preferred. Soft leather upholstering, $2.00 extra. PAINTING — Natural wood oiled and varnished throughout, with all iron work finished jet black. A very durable and attractive finish. Will paint gear or body to suit. SHAFTS — Our best second growth split hickory shafts with the twentieth century braces and 36-inch point leathers and Bradley shaft couplers. Pole instead of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTURES — Rubber rain apron, wrench, washers. WEIGHT — Net, 300 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 425 pounds. These Split Hickory Buckboa Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarante 2 Years. \ fe^« '^-•»>!^-»-5«j»a«*'ftw. ' »«i^6w*>^ No. 1241 A Split Hickory Buckboard Surrey Cash with Order $63.00 Cash on Deposit $65.00 No. 1241 A is the same in every way as No. 1241 described above, except it is made with two seats (rear seat is removable), 27 inch by 72 inch body, elliptic front spring and 1 1/16-inch axles. I'our post canopy top with fringe on No. 1241 A furnished for $13.50 extra. 41 YY^rTl^TY ^K^ ■'^^ ^...uiiiiJiJiiyi No. 1242 Split Hickory Spindle Body Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $62.50 Cash on Deposit $64.25 If Top is Not Wanted Deduct $8.50 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Wagon Sold on 30 Days Free Trial. 2-Year Guarantee. This is one of the most attractive little driving wagons made by anj'one. It is desip:ned for hard service as it is very strontrly liuilt, and we guarantee it to he thorouLrhly satisfactory from a standpoint of appearance and general durability as well as easy running and easy riding qual- ities. Special attention is called to the handsome style of body. It is a splendid value for the money and cannot possibly be duplicated at retail for less than 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent above our price DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 22 inches wide, .SS inches long, mafic of the best gra-inch, long distance split hickory axle caps, cemented solid and full clipped. TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP — Four-post canopy top with fringe as illustrated. Good rubber side and back curtains. Dark green headlining. UPIIOI.STKRING— Heavy wool, dark green broadcloth. W'hiliconl if preferred, no extra cost. Leather upholster- ing, $2.00. P.MNTINr — Body, black, with dark green center panel. Gear, rich shade of light red, neatly stripen, wrench, washers complete. Tool rack instead of body rail, no extra charge. Brake, $5.00 extra. WP'IGIIT — Net, 300 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 425 pounds. 46 No. 1247 Split Hickory Slat Oil Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order .$58.50 Cash on Deposit $60.50 Extra for foot brake, $5.00 Terms, how to order, thirty-day free trial plan explained on pages 12 and 13. Our No. 1247 Slat Wagon is built to meet the peculiar requirements of the oil fields. We know from long experience the way wagons of this type must be built to give satisfactory serv- ice — that's the way we build them. We make them of the finest materials we can buy— that's why we don't have to build them in lumber wagon proportions — that's why they outwear nine-tenths of the oil wagons sold by others. We use the finest axles made and the GENUINE SHULER ROLLER BEARING SPRINGS— that's why o\ir customers immediately notice the difference in favor of our oil wagons. We are anxious to prove our claims. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TOP — Extra heavy, extra length, full rubber, with heavy rubber side curtains. Top is also RUBBER LINED. Four bow top if wanted. BODY — 24 inches wide, 64 inches, long, bracket front. Solid heavy hardwoods throughout, well braced and ironed. Oval hardwood slats in bottom. Body is bent— not sawed — to shape. Heavy wrought iron seat supports. Wide and com- fortable solid panel poplar seat strongly braced, with springs in cushion and back. 20-inch or 22-inch by 64-inch body if wanted. WHEELS— 7^ -inch Sarven patent, 40-44 inches high, '/J-inch round edge steel tiies, hot set and full bolted between each spoke. Our very best grade tough split hickory rims and spokes. 54-inch wheels if wanted. Staggered wheels, $1.00 extra. 1-inch wheels, 50 cents extra. GEAR — Double split hickory reaches, well ironed and braced. Full wrought iron 12-inch fifthwheel. Full wrought iron gear throughout, made for hard service. AXLES— lS/1 6-inch. Sheldon's famous 2,000-mile, high col- lar, long distance, dust-proof, with split hickory full clipped. SPRINGS — Genuine Shuler roller bearing pattern. The strongest and easiest riding springs, and especially suitable for buckboards. TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. UPHOLSTERING— Fine grade Chase leather. Cloth it preferred. Genuine leather, $1.75 extra. PAINTING — Body and seat black. Gear, rich Brewster green, neatly striped. Our oil and lead system through- out. Gear color changed to suit. SHAFTS — Our best second-growth split hickory shafts, with the 20th Century braces and 30-inch point leathers and Bradley shaft couplers. Pole instead of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTURES — High patent leather dash, water-proof rain apron, wrench^ washers complete. Tool rack instead of body rail, no extra charge. Brake, $5.00 extra. WEIGHT — Net, 325 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 425 pounds. 47 48 it looks when used with one seat. Jio. 1249 Split Hickory Jump Seat "Carry-All" PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $68.75 Cash on Deposit $70.75 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13, We have studied the construction of every Jump Seat Bugg-y we could find, and have greatly improved on all other Jump Seat Buggies made. This type of buggy is, as a rule, subjected to hard usage — is heavily loaded and therefore to give satisfactory service it must be made of the best of material or it will become a rattle-trap in a short time. While built in a medium weight proportion, the quality of the material is such that it is able to sustain a heavy load. In selecting stock for it particular attention is paid to the selection of all gear woods. We use nothing but second growth white hickory in the wheels and gear throughout. We guarantee it fully. There are other Jump Seat Buggies sold, which, while apparently a few dollars lower in price, will be found, because of their inferior workmanship, finish and general material, to be 30 per cent higher in price than ours in the long run. DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL BODY — 27 inches wide, 52 inches long, measured on the bottom. Body is made of air-dried yellow poplar with ash posts and sills, very strongly constructed and braced throughout. We build this buggy in one style and propor- tion of body only, and can make no changes. There is ample leg room for four passengers. At an extra cost of $10.00 we can supply an automobile seat in the rear in place of the buggy seat. Rear seat is 33 inches wide, front seat, 24 54 inches wide. WHEELS — ?/^-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, 14 -inch round edge steel tire, full bolted between each spoke. Screwed rims. Higher or lower wheels, if warted. We use our highest grade guaranteed split hickory wheels. 1-inch wheels, SO cents extra. 5/16-inch tires, 75 cents. GEAR — Double straight grained white hickory reaches, ironed and braced, rear kingbolt rear circle interlocking fifthwheel. SPRINGS — 4-plate front, 5-plate rear, 1'/^ inches wide. Long, easy riding, oil tempered and very strong. AXLES — 1 1/16-inch, long distance, Collinge collar, dust- proof. Axle caps cemented and full clipped. Arched axles instead of dropped, if preferred. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP — Leather quarters and backstays; heavy water-prooJ rubber roof, back curtain and side curtains. Wool head- lining. Top extends sufficiently forward to protect occu- pants of front seat. 3-bow top if preferred, but 4-bow is the best. Full leather top, $6.00. UPHOLSTERING — Dark green wool broadcloth. Spring cushion and back on rear seat. Front seat soft padded. Leather upholstering both seats, $4.50 extra; or when auto seat is ordered, $6.00. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, ivory black. Our oil and lead system. Black or red gear, if preferred. SII.\FTS — Second-growth split hickory, full ironed and braced, long shaft leathers. Pole instead of shafts, $3.25; pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTURES — Handsome curved patent leather dash. Full length brussels carpet. Water-proof rain apron, quick- shifting shaft couplings, wrench, etc., complete. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— Two springs in rear, $4.00. Foot brake, $5.00. WEIGHT— Net weight, 400 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 600 pounds. This Split Hickory Carry-All Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial 2-Year Guarantee. 49 No. 1250 Split Hickory Canopy Top Farmer^s Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $70.75 Cash on Deposit $72.75 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. This Farmer's Surrey will thoroughly please and satisfy those wanting a low priced surrey, one that is suitable for pleasure or business purposes. It is a plain surrey, but is made of good honest material throughout and is substantially constructed with a view to supplying something This that will stand long years of hard service. It is neat in appearance, and the price, quality con- Split sidered, is very low. We ship it on free trial and guarantee it. Note that the rear seat is made removable, leaving ample room for carrying packages and for light marketing purposes. Hickory Farmer's Surrey Sold on 30 Days* Free Trial. 2-Ycar Guarantee. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 X 67 inches. Made of well seasoned yellow poplar, with heavy ash sills, strongly braced and ironed throughout. No other width of body furnished. SEATS — Strongly made of poplar, with good heavy posts and braces and well ironed. Spring cushions and solid panel spring backs. Rear seat is made removable. Ample seat room for two good sized persons in each seat. WHEEL.S — 'i-inch Sarven patent. "^0 and 44 inches high. Selected second-growth hickory spokes and rims. Hot set tires, H-inch thick, full bolted between each spoke. 1-inch wheels, 50 cents extra. Higher or lower wheels if wanted. CE.-\R — Double split hickory reaches, well ironed. Rear circle, rear kingbolt lifthwhecl. SPRlXnS — t-plate front, S-plate rear, VA inches wide. Oil temi>ered, strong and easy riding. Split hickory spring bars. AXLES — 1 1/16-inch, long distance, dust-proof. Split hickory axle caps cemented an's is liroadcloth, either dark green, blue or brown as selecteil. We can furnish ilrab color wlii|>cortl insteail of broadcloth without extra charge. All scat sides are lined and padded. Wheie leather upholstering is wanted instead of broadcbilh, wo furnish an extra line (|uality of dark green triniining leather, with seat sides and fall to cushion of genuine leather and not imitation. The extra charge for this in buggy seats or phaeton style scats is $J.50 extra, and on automobile style scats, $3.50 extra. We can furnish leather in tati or maroon color if preferred. We can also furnish goorl heavy car plush upholstering in seat and bark on regular buggy or phaeton seats for $3.50 extra and on automobile scats, $4.50 extra. Brewster green, black, light or dark red, brown or canary yellow, giving you your choice in these colors on our S(|uarc Deal Ituggies without changing the price. Of course, where some special color Ls wanted, such as silver bron/e, or some other special color, we have to charge extra. We can furnish anv color, that may be ' ^''^''^^'^ '^'-■^"'■•^- ^"'^ ''^'K^'^ ^-' ,^^ ^"^. \^- 54 CH.\NGi:S AM) FXTRAS— Can furnish plain, straight or AXLES-lS/16.inch. 4'''''*^^''-'''\*"'''^;?,\L''L)-\i;.'d nxTe'i proof. For further dc.crip.ion^nd any changes desired. -.^e.^rliriiigY^arc'l^ed^l-.t"'': ;:d7,cn^.;'^^7''s2.."o7''c.i/ru" see pages i>., SJ ana it. ^^.^1^ buggy seat instead of automobile scat at a rcduc- TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tion of $8.00 in price. For complete information on any tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. changes wanted or any other extras desired, please refer TOP— Three-how. leather quarter or all rubber as desired. «" P^ces 52, 53 and 54. For further description and any changes desired, see paRfS WF.TGIIT — When packed for shipment, approximately 525 52, 53 and 54. lbs. 58 No. 1255 D Split Hickory Square Deal Auto Seat Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $57.50 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $59.00 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $59.00 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $60.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construction or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. The illustration above is one of our Square Deal Buggies furnished with plain automobile style scat. This makes a very neat and attractive looking buggy; is strong and durable and very popu- lar with our customers. At the price quoted it is a splendid value. All of the special features ^his that are illustrated and described on pages 52, 53 and 54, are furnished regularly on this buggy, as it is exactly the same — built in every way just like No. 1255 on page 55, except has automo- Split bile style backstays, bent auto style bow sockets and automobile style seat. For a full and com- plete description of every part of this buggy, and for changes that can be made in the general rlicKory construction and finish, please read carefully pa^es 52, 53 and 54. Buggy DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long, furnished with style A-8 plain automobile seat. For further descrip- tion and changes wanted, please refer to pages 52, 53 and 54. WHEELS — Selected second growth split hickory. Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. See pages 52, 53 and 54 for changes. GEAR — Same in every way as No. 1235, page 55. SPRINGS— Elliptic style, three-plate front, four-plate rear. AXLES— 15/16-inch, nicely arched, 2,000-mile, dust-proof. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches as ordered. For instructions how to order correc't width of track, see page 12. TOP — 3-bow leather quarter or all rubber top as desired, with automobile style backstays and bent auto style bow sockets. For changes and for full description of top, please see pages 52, 53 and 54. CUSHION AND BACK — Upholstered in heavy dark green wool broadcloth. For changes and for further descrip- tion of upholstering, please refer to pages 52, 53 and 54. PAINTING — Gear, dark brewster green, neatly striped, body and seat, plain black. For further description of paint- ing and for changes, please see pages 52, 53 and 54. SHAFTS— Regular Square Deal quality, full trimmed. FIXTL' RES— Same as No. 1255, page 55. CH.^NGES AND EXTRAS— Can make any change as de- scribed on pages 52, 53 and 54. _ WEIGHT— VVKen packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. 59 No. 1255 E Split Hickory Square Deal Skeleton Auto Top Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash With Order, Heavy Rubber Skeleton Top $60.00 Cash on Deposit, Heavy Rubber Skeleton Top $61.75 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construction or ftnish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. On the opposite page we illustrate and fully describe the top furnished on No. IS.'jS E. This is a skeleton top, unlined, and made in automobile style, with bent sockets, curved top joints and rear extension top joints — lias automobile style backstays, and this top is made of heavy '^2 oz. English Grain Rubber Duck, absolutely water-proof and a strictly first-class top in every way. It is a style of top that is growing in popularity every day. We have sold thousands of buggies equii)ped with this style top and in every case they have given the very best of satisfaction. Please read the full description of this top on opposite page. Please be sure to read carefully pages .52, 53 and .'54 for further description and for illustration of the si)ecial features furnished on this buggy. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide. 56 inches long, piano box style. For -further description of body and for changes, please refer to pages 52, 53 and 54. WHEELS — Sarven patent, split hickory quality, '-^-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. For changis in wheels and for further description, please refer to pages 52. 53 and 54. r.E.XR — Same in every way as No. 1255 on page 55. SPRINGS — Three-plate front, four-plate rear, elliptic style. For description of springs, see pages 52, 53 and 54. .WI-ES — 15/16-inch, nicely arched. For further descrip- tion of axles, please see pages 52, 53 and 54. TRACK — » feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches as ordered. I".>r instructions how to order correct width of track, sec page 12. TOP — 3bow style, bent auto style bow sockets, automobile style backstays, skeleton unlined auto style top, made of heavy 32-oz. English rubber duck. See opposite page for further description of top. CrSHION AND R.\CK— Upholstered in dark green, heavy wool broadcloth. For changes in upholstering and for full description, see pages 52, 53 and 54. PAINTING — Gear, very handsome shade of red. nicely stiii)cd. Tlody and scat black with red panels in seat. This can be changed and seat can be furnished painted all black, or with some other color in panels if preferred. Please see pages 52, S3 and 54 for further description and for changes. SII.XFTS— Same as furnished regularly on No. 1255 Square Deal lUiggy. FI.XTrUKS— Same in every way as No. 1255, page 55. CHANGES AND EXTR.XS — Please refer to pages 52, S3 and 54 for any changes that may be desired in the construc- tion or finish of this buggy, and for the cost of any ex- tras that you may want to add. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. 60 Unlined Skeleton Automobile Style Top This shows rear and side view of our Skeleton Automobile style top, showing side curtains on, and the window lights that are furnished in rear and side curtains. These win- dow lights are made of Mica. No- tice that the curtains are fitted up very closely all around. This shows inside view of our skeleton automobile top as it appears when furnished on one of our Square Deal Buggies. Please Read Carefully the Description of Top Given Below THIS SKELETON AUTOMOBILE STYLE TOP FURNISHED ON ANY SQUARE DEAL TOP BUGGY IN PLACE OF REGULAR RUBBER TOP, $3.00 EXTRA. We call attention with a great deal of pleasure to the Skeleton Automobile Style Top illus- trated above. We have been furnishing this style top on both our Square Deal and Split Hickory Special line of buggies for several years and have a great many customers virho would not use any other kind of top. It is made especiaiV strong and substantial— is unlined, which means that it is easy to keep clean. The material is heavy 32 oz. rubber duck for roof, back curtain, side quarters, backstays and side curtains. Side curtains are carefully fitted so as to make the top absolutely waterproof. We have proven by actual use that a top of this kind is better than the ordinary leather quarter or full rubber top— it looks better— especially on an automobile seat— than the regular top, and it will wear longer and is a better protection from the rain, wind and storm. As the illustration shows, we furnish large Mica window lights in back and side curtains, joints are curved and there is an extra extension curved joint on the outside. Bow sockets are bent auto style. This top is regularly furnished on No. 1255 E, but can be furnished on any other automobile seat buggy at the price quoted, namely, $3.00 above the regular price of rubber top on any Square Deal Buggy. If you are interested in this top and want to see a sample of the ma- terial of which it is made, write us, we will be glad to forward you a sample free. YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IN ORDERING YOUR BUGGY WITH ONE OF THESE TOPS You will be more than pleased with it and consider it well worth the slight difference in cost over the ordinary top. 61 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. No. 1255 F Split Hickory Square Deal Wide Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $52.50 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $54.00 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $54.00 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $55.50 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained, pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construc- tion or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. No. 1255 F is our regular Square Deal Buggy built in every way exactly the same as No. 1255, page 55, which is fully described on pages 52, 53 and 54, except that it has 26 inch body instead of 24 inch, 1-inch wheels instead of ^-inch, 1 1-16-inch axles instead of 15-16 inch, and 4 and 5 plate springs instead of 3 and 4 plate, and 4-bow instead of 3-bow top. This makes a good, wide, roomy, heavy buggy, suitable for any purpose and will give the best of satisfaction. Please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54, which give a complete description of this buggy and shows illustrations of many of the special features regularly furnished and also gives in detail any number of changes that can be made if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 inches wide, and 56 inches long. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 5J, 53 and 54. WHEELS — Selected second growth split hickory, Sarven patent style, 1-inch, with heavy 5/16-inch tires, 40 and 44 inches higli. For further dt-scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. GE.\R — .Same as No. 1255, except it is furnished with I 1/16- inch axles and four and fivc-plate springs, with wood ."ilTring bars instead of Railey loops. For further informa- tion and any changes desired, sec pages 52, 53 and 54. SPRIXG5? — Four-plate front five-plate rear, elliptic style. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. AXLES— 1 l/16inch. 2,000-mile, dropped. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- Uuns how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — Four-bow, leather quarter or all rubber as desired. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. CUSHION .\Xn n.\CK— Upholstered in dark green, wool broadcloth. For further description of upholstering and extra charge for leather trimmings instead of cloth, or any other changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. TWTXTIXG — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, Iil.iin black. For further description and any changes litsired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. .'SHAFTS— Same as furnished on No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. FIXTURF-S — Same as No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. CH.XXGKS AXn extras — For complete information on any changes wanted, or any extras desired, please refer to p.iKts 52, 53 and 54. WI^IGIIT — When packed for shipment, approximately 565 pounds. 62 I No. 1255 G Split Hickory Square Deal Wide Auto Seat Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $62.50 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $64.00 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $64.00 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $65.50 Ter-ms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construc- tion or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. This buggy is the same as the one on the opposite page except that it is equipped with our new style A-11 Sunken Panel Automobile seat — has bent auto style bow sockets and auto style backstays. Aside from these changes it is exactly the same as No. 1255 F on the opposite page. We have a great many customers who want plenty of seat room in an automobile seat buggy and who want a little heavier buggy than the average. In our No. 1255 G we are building a buggy to suit this very purpose, and at the price quoted it is a splendid value in every way. Please be sure and read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54 which give a very complete description of this buggy and mention a great many changes that can be made in the construction and finish if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 inches wide, 56 inches long, furnished with TOP — Four-bow, leather quarter or all rubber as desired, style A-11 Sunken Panel Automobile Seat. For fur- For further description and any changes desired, see ther description and changes wanted in body, please re- pages 52, 53 and 54. „/" ^° P^'^J'', "• " and 54. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in dark green, wool \\ HEELS— Selected second growth split hickory, Sarven broadcloth. For further description of upholstering and patent style, 1-inch, with heavy 5/16-mch tires, 40 and extra charge for leather trimmings instead of cloth, or 44 inches high. For further description and any changes any other changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. t, . t»t.t.t»t,- ^ , i t, , • . -t. , f-tr \T, c AT lo-r ■ ■ r • , i . t PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body ,,77]'?"'^ as ^o. 1235, except It is furnished with pigjn black. For further description and any changes 1 1/16-mch axles and four and five-plate springs, with desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. wood spring bars instead of Bailey loops. For further ctjatt-tc c r • t, j -n- ,ore t7 r .u j information and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 SHAFTS— Same as furnished on No. 1255. For further de- and 54. scriprtion and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. SPRINGS — Four-plate front, five-plate rear, elliptic style. For FIXTURES — Same as No. 1255. For further description and further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. 53 and 54. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on AXLES — 1 1/16-inch, 2,000-mile, dropped. For further de- any changes wanted, or any extras desired, please refer scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, S3 and 54. to pages 52, 53 and 54. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 565 tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. lbs. 63 No. 1255 H Split Hickory Square Deal Phaeton Seat Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $50.00 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $51.50 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $51.50 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $53.00 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained, pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construction or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. Our No. 12,')5 H is our Square Deal Buggy furnished with phaeton style seat, which is a style of seat that is very popular and has been in use for a great many years. It is a nice, wide, roomy and comfortable seat, well upholstered and makes a nice buggy. For a full and complete descrip- tion with changes, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. WHEELS — Selected second growth split hickory. Sarven patent style. 7/8-inch, 40-44 inches high. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. GEAR — Same as No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, sec pages 52, 53 and 54. SPRINfiS — Three and four plate, elliptic. For further de scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54 AXLES — 15/16-inch, 2.000 mile, arched. For further de scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54 TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. For instruo lions how to order correct width of track, see page 12 TOP — Three bow, leather quarter or all rubber, as ordered For further description and any changes desired, se< pages 52, 53 and 54. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in dark green wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. P.MNTINC — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, plain black. For further descriprtion and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. SH.XFTS — Same as furnished on No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, S3 and 54. CH.\NGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes wanted or any extras desired, please refer to pages 52, 53 and 54. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 515 lbs. 64 No. 1255 I Split Hickory Square Deal Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $47.50 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $49.00 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $49.00 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $50.50 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construc- tion or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. This is our Square Deal Buggy with Corning Style Body. Many of our customers prefer this style body because of its convenience in getting in and out. Outside of the change in body it is exactly the same as No. 1255 on page 55, which is fully described on pages 52, 53 and 54, and a great many changes enumerated which can be had if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 52 inches long, bottom measure- ment. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. WHEELS — Selected second growth split hickory, Sarven patent style, ^-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, S3 and 54. GEAR — Same as No. 1255, page 55. For further descrip- tion and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. SPRINGS — Three and four-plate, elliptic. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. AXLES — 15/16-inch, 2,000-mile, arched. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For in- structions bow to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — Three-bow, leather quarter or all rubber, as ordered. For further description and any changes desired, set pages 52, 53 and 54. CUSHION AND BACK — Upholstered in dark green, wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes de- sired, see pages 52, S3 and 54. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, plain black. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. SHAFTS— Same as furnished on No. 1255. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. FIXTURES — Same as No. 1255. For further description and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes wanted or any extras desired, please refer to pages 52, 53 and 54. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 500 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guarante Two Yea 69 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. No. 1255 J Split Hickory Square Deal Fancy Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order, Rubber Top $50.50 Cash with Order, Leather Quarter Top $52.00 Cash on Deposit, Rubber Top $52.00 Cash on Deposit, Leather Quarter Top $53.50 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full and complete description, with illustration of special features furnished regularly on our Square Deal Buggies, and for any changes that may be desired in the construc- tion or finish, please read carefully pages 52, 53 and 54. We have a great many customers who want their bufrpfies finished up a little fancier than the ordinary run. and we are building our No. 1255 J especially to meet this demand. The body is nicely and neatly striped with a handsome ornament on the seat risers; top is furnished trimmed with pinkinjr and fancy stitching in side quarters and backstays, with mirrors in backstays. This buggy is full silver mounted with dash rail, seal handles, arm rails and panel rail. Now. please bear in mind that this is not a real fancy buggy, but is gotten up in a neat and attractive manner and presents a very handsome appearance. DETAILED DESCRIPTION ]>OI)V — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For rlescription and P.MNTING — Gear, bright carmine red, with ne,it. black any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. striping. Body, black with fancy design on panels and WIIF.ELS— Selected second growth split hickory, Sarven ""'f!, '■'*^''*- , -, , xr ,or^ t^ r , patent. Jg-inch. 40 and 44 inches high. For further dc- SII.\FTS— Same as furnished on ^o 1255. For further scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. description and any changes desired, see pages j2, 33 GP:.\R— Same as No. 125S on page SS. For further de- ^A"^,,^iUe c r • i. j tvt nee i i -.i. scription and any changes desired, sec pages 52, 53 and 54. FIXTURES-Same as furnished. on No. 12SS regularly, with ,..,..Tx-^r. ^1 1 r 1 . ii-_- T- > • .• the addition of double bar, nickel-plated dash rail, nickel- SPRINnS— Three and four-plate, elliptic. For description ,^,^.jj ^.^..^j i,a„fiit.s, nickel-plated arm rails and nickel-plated and any changes desired, see pages 32, 53 and 54. p3„^.l ^ail over back. These, of course, can be omitted if .VXLES — 15/1 6-inch, 2.000-mile, arched. For further de- not wanted at the following reduction in price: Dash rail, scription and any changes desired, see pages 52, 53 and 54. 50 cents; panel rail over back, 50 cents; arm rails, 75 cents; mn t/^-v jf.o-1. efio-t, T? •. seat handles, 50 cents; mirrors in backstavs can be left out TR,\CK--4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- ^^ ^ reduction of 50 cents; pinking and fancy stitching tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. ^„^,,,, ,,p ,^,fj ^ff ,„|, ^^ ^ reduction of 25 cents. For fur- TOP — Three-bow. leather quarter, or all rubber as desired. ther description ami any changes desired, please refer to with fancy stitching and pinking in backstays and side iTiijcs 52, 53 and 54. <|uarters, aned axles if preferred. SPRINGS— Heavy, la^-inch, five-leaf Concord pattern with e<|ualizers front and rear. Graded for easy riding with light or heavy load. SH.AFTS — Our best second-growth split hickory shafts with the 20th Century braces and 30-inch point leathers. Pole instead of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. TR.XCK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. P.MNTINC — Body and seat, ivory black, highly finished; gear, Brewster green, richly striped. Red, black or yellow gear, if wanted. Oil and lead system of hand painting used. I'PHOLSTERINC — Genuine hand grained leather through- out. T.in or m.iroon leather, if preferred. All-wool cloth, $1.50 reduction. FIXTURES— Full length Brussels carpet, water-proof rub- ber rain apron, heavy "I'.oston" leather strapped boot, wrench, washers, quick shifting shaft coupling co'^P'^t'^j Strapped genuine leather boot, $2.00 extra. Brake, $5.00 extra. WEIGHT— Net, 425 pounds. -Approximate shipping weight, 600 pounds. 70 No. 1271 Split Hickory Heavy Western Concord Buggy PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $80.00 Cash on Deposit $82.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. This is the largest, heaviest, roomiest and strongest buggy made by us or any other manufac- turer. Read the description carefully — note the proportions of body and gear. While it is a heavy buggy and intended for use on the roughest roads, it runs very easy and is not too large for one horse to handle. While the springs are made for extra heavy carrying capacity, they are graded to ride easy with a light or heavy load. Western dealers sell buggies in this proportion, but of an in- ferior quality for from $125.00 to $150.00. DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL BODY — 30x60 inches. Panels are made of air dried pop- lar and are convex and extra thick. Back of body made sloping as illustrated. Corners are steel cased, making opening impossible. Heavy ash frames and seat posts. No stronger body can be made. SEAT — Phaetonette pattern. Extra high back, deep sides and deep cushion. Seat is made of best grade air dried poplar, strongly braced. Springs in cushion and back. Seat room is full 37 inches. WHEELS — 1^^-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, S'le-inch tires. Riveted rims. Boxes set in white lead. Hot set electrically vifelded round edge steel tires. Full bolted between each spoke. Split hickory, second growth, rims and spokes. Better wheels are not made. 114-inch wheels, $2.50. Ji-inch tires, $1.00. GEAR — Heavy Concord style. Three split hickory, full ironed and braced reaches, mortised to headblock. Nor- way iron clips and bolts. Heavy full circle, unbreak- able, guaranteed fifth-wheel. SPRINGS— Heavy IK-inch, five-leaf Concord pattern with equalizers, front and rear. Graded for easy riding with light or lieavy load. These springs are made of the finest grade of refined steel with lips on each side to hold them in alignment. AXLES — 1 '/8-inch, long distance, with Collinge Bell collar. Best refined one-fHece steel. Split hickory axle caps cemented and full clipped. IJ^-inch axles, $1.50 extra. Dropped axles if preferred. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. See catalogue page 12. TOP — Heavy hand grained, wide leather quarters and back- stays. Extra heavy water-proof rubber roof, back and side curtains. Heavy all-wool headlining. Sewed front, also rear valances. Rear bow socket is reinforced. Top is made extra long and strong. Heavy rubber visor in front of top for protection against rain and sun. Full leather top, $5.00. Leather side curtains, $5.00. Top is made 4-bow with rear extension joint on outside. UPHOLSTERING — Genuine hand grained leather through- out. Tan or maroon leather if preferred. All-wool cloth, $1.50 reduction. PAINTING — Body and seat, ivory black, liighly finished; gear, Brewster green, richly striped. Red, black, or yel- low gear if wanted. Oil and lead system of hand painting used. SHAFTS — Extra heavy, strictly second growth, straight grained hickory. Shaft arms l'/4x2 inches, extra heavily ironed and doubly braced. Long shaft leathers. No better shafts are made. Pole in place of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTURES— Full length brussels carpet. High padded patent leather dash. Strapped rubber boot as il- lustrated. Leather strapped boot instead of rubber, $1.75 extra. Bradley quick shifting shaft couplings. Heavy substantially made and attached foot brake regularly fur- nished. If not wanted, deduct $4.00. Heavy rubber rain apron, wrench, whipsocket, washers and everything com- plete for u?e. WEIGHT— Net, 475 lbs. Shipping weight, 650 lbs. This Split Hickory Concord Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. 2 Year Guarantee. 71 No. 1272 Split Hickory Light Phaeton PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $72.75 Cash on Deposit $75.00 Terms, how to order and our 30 days free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Phaeton Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. This is the lowest price high grade phaeton on the market. There is nothing cheap about it, but the price, which is $35 to $50 less than your dealer would have to charge you for one as good. W e build it light but of a high-grade of material throughout and make it roomy enough to be comfortable for two large persons. Order it — if you are not satisfied we won't ask or expect you to keep it. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Nicely moulded, with a very comfortable seat meas- uring 34 inches in width by 18 inches in depth on top of cushion. WHEELS-jStrictly second growth split hickory. Sarven patent, J's-inch, 38 and 46 inches high, with heavy round edge steel tires, screwed rims. Staggered spoke wheels, $1.00 extra. 1-inch wheels, 50 cents extra. GE.\R — Singje pierch. double braced on each side, rear circle and rear kingbolt fifth-wheel. SPRINTiS — Sheldon's genuine 4 and S-plate easy riding French point elliptic springs. AXLES — 2,000-mile, high collar, dust-proof, Sheldon's gen- uine steel axles, snlit hickory axle beds cemented to axles. Front axle dropped, rear axle slightly arched. TRACK — ♦ feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP — Genuine first-class No. 1 leather quarters and back- stays, heavy water-proof rubber roof and back curtain, rub- ber side curtains, dark green heavy wool cloth lining in roof, back curtain and backstays. Full leather top fur- nished for $5.00 extra. Leather side curtains instead of rubber, $5.00 extra. SEAT AND BACK— Upholstered in dark green heavy ALL WOOL broadcloth; soft easy riding coiled springs in cush- ion and back. Blue broadcloth or drab colored whipcord furnished, if preferred, no extra. Genuine leather trim- mings furnished instead of broadcloth, $2.75 extra. PAINTING — Our regular oil and lead system on both gear and body. Body painted black with dark green mouldings, neatly striped. Gear, dark Brewster green, with neat and attractive striping. SHAFTS — Full ironed and full leather trimmed, 36-inch point leathers. Pole in place of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURES — Handsome curved patent leather dash, good quality velvet carpet in bottom, nickel plated oil-burning lamps, fenders over rear wheels, quick shifting shaft couplings, storm afnon, steps and axle wrench. CH.\NGES — Gear can be painted any color wanted. Wing dash instead of regular curved dash, $5.75 extra. Leather covered bow sockets in place of japanned, $2.75 extra. Child's seat in front of body, $3.50. Bradley shaft coup- lers, 75 cents extra. WEIGHT— Net, 350 lbs. Approximate shipping weight, 575 lbs. 72 No. 1273 Split Hickory Phaeton PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $100.00 Cash on Deposit $103.00 Terms, how to order and 30 days free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. This is our finest phaeton. Strictly high grade in material and workmanship, it presents a very handsome appearance and is one of the most attractive styles we make. It is very roomy, easy rid- ing and light running. We guarantee absolute satisfaction and a saving of at least 33% per cent to 50 per cent compared to dealers' prices on anything they can offer in an equal quality. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Roomy and comfortable, with seat measuring 36}/2 inches wide on top of cushion, 19 inches deep. WHEELS — Strictly second growth split hickory, ^-inch, 38 inches high front, 46 inches rear, screwed rims, Sarven patent style. Staggered spoke wheels, $1.00 extra. GEAR — \'ery strong, double braced, full ironed, has rear circle and rear kingbolt interlocking fifth-wheel. SPRINGS — Elliptic style, 4 plate front, S plate rear, Sheldon's genuine French p;int, oil tempered, easy riding springs. AXLES — 15/16-inch, slightly dropped in front, arched rear, high collar, dust-proof, 2,000-mile, steel axles. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP— 3-bow leather quarters and leather backstays, with heavy water-proof rubber roof, back curtam_ and side curtains. Leather top with rubber side curtains instead of leather quarter top, $5.50 extra. Leather covered bow sockets instead of enamel, $3.00 extra. CUSHION AND BACK— tTpholstered in dark green all- wool English broadcloth: soft, easy riding coiled springs in cushion and back. Blue broadcloth furnished instead of green, if preferred. Leather upholstering instead of cloth, $3.00 extra. PAINTING — Gear, dark brewster green, neatly striped. Body, black with green mouldings, neatly striped. Body can be painted green with black mouldings, if pre- ferred. Gear may be painted any color desired, without extra charge. SHAFTS — Full leather trimmed; our regular split hickory quality, with 36-inch leathers on points. Pole furnished instead of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTLTRES— Genuine patent leather wing dash, good qual- ity all-wool velvet carpet, oil-burning, handsome style lamps, genuine patent leather fenders. Bradley quick shifting shaft couplings, plaid back water-proof rain apron, steps and axle wrench. CHANGES— Two springs furnished in rear instead of one, $4.00 extra. Brass auto-style oil-burning lamps instead of regular, $3.50 extra. Child's seat behind dash, $3.50 extra. WEIGHT— Net, 380 pofnds. Approximate shipping weight, 600 pounds. This Split Hickory Phaeton Sold on 30 days' Free Trial. Guarante 2-Years. 73 What Our Customers Think of Our Split Hickory Special A li«M)sr FOR C.OOn^'EAR TIRKS. CollinsvilU-, Al:i.. July 1. I "11. The Ohio Carri.iKc Mfn- <^'o., (.'oluinhus. ()hio. OntUiiun:— On luiu- 2i. IW). I received one of your Split Hickory Special UuKKies with I'niii. cushion ruhbcr tires, and it has jiiven entire satisfaction. It has luin in use for the past two years, hut it does not look .ns if it had been used more than one year, and the tires are still on it and can run many more miles yet. I have heard several people sav thcv were the best tires that have ever been around here. I don't believe there is a better buRKy made than your Split Hickorv Special. I am ihinkinR of biiyinK another one this fall, and if 1 do it will be a Split Hickory. Whenever I have an opportunity. I will speak a good word for you. Yours truly, ' F. M. IIARBONi:. $2.00 FOR REPAIRS IN 8 YEAR.S* rSF>. .\tkins. Ark.. AuRUst 17. 1911. The Ohic Carriage Mfg. Co.. Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen:—! have received your 1911 catalogue, and also two letters. I intend to order a runabout about Oc- tober 1st or the 15th. I want to say that your Split Hickory Buggies arc O. K., for my father. J. L. Alcwine, has owned one of your Split Hickory Specials for eight years and it is still a good buggy. He has not been out but $2.00 for re- pairs. It has outlasted $90.00 buggies. Yours very truly, O. M. ALEWINE, R. F. D. 3, Rox 44. EQUAI. TO $125.00 BUGCrES IX C.\MFORNIA. ^ Bangor, Cal.. March 21. 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Cientlemcn: — I received my buggy in perfect shape on the 24th. I am more than pleased with it and I do not hesitate to recommend you to anyone. It is equal to any $125.00 buggv here in the West. Thanking you very much for the way you have treated me. I remain. Respectfully yours, • F. CLARENCE DARBY. COtXDN'T DUPLICATE IT FOR LESS TH.VN $1. 50.00. Moneta, Cal., October 18, 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co.. Columbus, Ohio. Cientlemcn: — Received the buggy 1 ordered from you and am very much pleased with it. It has a beautiful finish and I shall take good care of it. Several people have been looking at it and want to know what it cost. I couldn't get a buggy like it here for less than $150.00. Respectfully yours, J. A. CAMERON. SATISFACTORY BrOOIES AXD A SQUARE DEAL BKEED.S CONFIDENCE. Gunnison, Colo., January 17, 1911. Mr. H. C. Phelps. Pres., The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: — We had considerable correspondence last spriiig, which ended in Mrs. Ilarlman getting one of your "Special Buggies," which has proven so satisfactory I am calling again. This time I want a "Milk Wagon." In your catalogue you do not show any cuts of them, but I know if you make them they are O. K. What have you to offer? Respectfully yours, B. -\. IIARTMAN. BUGGY AND RUNABOUT ARRH-ED SATISFACTORY. Hockessin, Del., January 27, 1911. Mr. H. C. Phelps, Pres., The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: — The buggy bought of you seven years ago has given very good satisfaction and also thr runabout bought of you three vears ago. I can say that you certainly use good material in building your vehicles, as I had a young horse run awav with me last summer and upset me in the run- about, then fell down on the shafts without doing any damage to speak of. Knowing you will give this letter your best attention, and wishing you success. I am. Yours truly, HENRY C. MITCHELL. EVEN \ RETAIL DE.VLER HAS TO ACKNOWIJiDGE OfK <|l'AI.ITY. Shiloh, Ga.. May 19. 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Colunihus, Ohio. Gentlemen: — I will write you a few lines to let you know I received mv buggy and harness all O. K. 1 like it all right anrl think it is' a good strong buggy. I had one retail dealer tell me it was a whole lot better looking buggy than he expected me to get. , , t t I thank you for your promptness, and when I have the opportunity of speaking a good word for you, I will certainly do so. Yours very truly, _^_,^ ,„ r\. B. FOSTER. W-E SUPPLIED THREE BUGGIES IN TinS FAMILY. Rankin, 111., February ^^, 1911. H. C. Phelps. Pres.. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus. Ohio. Dear Sir: — Your letter received today, and as I am an old customer of yours, having ordered three buggies from you in the last five years, not saying I am wearing them all out that quick, as the boys each have one of your vehicles, and they certainly speak good for themselves, as they arc so strong and lasting. My newest buggy from you has been out two years in July and 1 am surprised that it has kept so well, for all of the use. Please send me your latest catalogue in 1911 and it is nearly possible that I can work up a new order or probably two orilers around here for you. Can you furnish me a good set of breeching harness, suitable for farm use, so that the brecchings can be re- moved if not needed for fichl use ? Yours respectfully, CLAUDE il.WlMKRSTRAM). .SAVED $40.00 IN INDIANA WHERE LOTS OF BU(i(iIES ARE MADE. Sheridan, Ind., lunc 2t,, 1911. .Mr. H. C. Phelps, Pres., The Ohio Carriage .Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: — We received our buggy ami harness all right. We think they are fine. We have driven out several times in it and every one who sees it thinks we have saved at least $40.00 and they say we could not have bought the harness for less than $20.00 here. Well, we must say that we are more than pleased and thank you for your courteous treatment and your fair deal- ing. Everything was just as you promised it would be. Yours truly. R. E. McCORY, R. F. D. 26. BE.\TS THE $100.00 BUGGIES IN KANSAS. Wintield, Kaiis., November 3, 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: — My buggy came in yesterday. Freight not quite so much as I expected. The crate and buggy in fine shape, considering its long trip. Am highly pleased with the rig. Doji't think the work- manship can be beat. It is neat and snug and runs like a sewing machine, and discounts anything offered here at $100. Thanking you for your good treatment, and hoping that I may be able to help you do more business at this end, I am. Yours very truly, G. T. ASH BURN. RUBBER TIRES GOOD AFTER TWO YEARS' USE. Falmouth. Ky.. February 19, 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: — I am glad to say I do not need a new buggy at this time. 1 am still using my Split Hickory buggy that I bought from you two years ago. It is almost as good as new and has the same set of rubber tires on it as when I bought it. Yours truly, C. A. HOLTON. SA'^'ED $2.';.00. East llolden, Me., August 22, 1911. II. C. Phelps, Pres., The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: — I received my buggy June 29th in good shape and am well pleased in every way. I know 1 saved $25.00 in buying from you. Thanking you for what you have done for me, I am, S'ours truly, ASA J. LYFORD, R. F. D. No. 1. SAVED $20.00 TO $2.->.00. Princess Anne, Md., August 8, 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: — I received the buggy O. K., and am very well pleased with it. I feel certain I saved $20.00 to $25.00 by purchasing from you. Wishing you future success, I am. Yours truly, G. S. WIDDOWSON. RUN ONE SPLIT HICKORY SPECI.VL 8 YEARS. West Branch, .Mich., April 1, 1911. II. C. Phelps, Pres., The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: — Rei)lying to your letter of Thursday, I beg to state that I intend to send you an order for a buggy the last of this month. I bought my last buggy of you when I lived in Midland, about 8 years ago, and have not wore it out yet. so you can tell whether or not it has been a good one. The reason I do not want it until some time in May is on account of the bad roads, and my old buggy will do. I remain. Yours truly. THOM.XS IIORXE. LOOKS WELL AFTER 4 VE.^RS' CONSTANT. H.VRD USE. Dansvillc. N. Y.. June 16, 1911. Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus. Ohio. Gentlemen: — Yesterday my "Special Buggy" came, arid I am delighted with it. \Ve set it up this morning and it is certainly stylish, well finished and seems to be the equal of the higher [Triced vehicles I looked at here. Last night I saw one of your buggies that has been in constant use for some four years and it looks very well yet. and I know it has had much hard use over rutty, frozen and muddy roads, and aside from the tire tightening there has not been one bit of expense for repairing. Will send you an order for a harness soon. Yours truly, C. V. CLARK, R. F. D. 3, 74 Split Hickory Wrought Iron Gear P'urnished on all of our Split Hickory Special Buggies and Runabouts. The best gear that can pos- sibly be made. Fifthwheel is full 12 inch, rear circle Norway wrought iron guaranteed for life. Is made without a weld — cannot rattle — cannot break. If any part of our wrought iron fifth- wheel ever breaks at any time, we will replace it free of charge. The tensile strength is 60,000 pounds to the square inch. Kingbolt is double locked in head block plate taking off all the strain. Not a working part turns on a nut to loosen it. Full 12-inch rear circle wrought iron fifthwheel. Every buggy user knows and realizes the im- portance of a strong, reliable gear on a buggy. Ninety out of a hundred of the accidents that are caused in runaways and otherwise are the cause of defective gear parts. It is an easy matter to break an ordinary fifthwheel and tear the front part of the gear loose from the body, throwing out the occupants of the buggy, and in many cases causing serious injury and death. We have adopted for our split Hickory Special the best fifthwheel that money and skill can produce. You can rest assured that you are absolutely safe in a Split Hickory Special when furnished on our wrought iron gear. There is no possible chance of breaking it. As stated above, the fifthwheel is made without a weld. It is a solid drop wrought iron forging. It has cost us a great deal of money to perfect our wrought iron gear, and it is a great deal more expensive than other gears that we could furnish on this buggy, but we are sure that you — or any other buggy user — would rather pay a little more for your buggy and get the best gear that can be put on it. Please remember that our Wrought Iron Gear is furnished on all Split Hickory Special Buggies and Runabouts 3-prong kingbolt, solid Norway wrought iron. Nothing but the best Norway wrought iron can be twisted and hammered cold like this. Sectional view of kingbolt. 75 OVER 85000 OWNERS ARE RIDING IN SPLIT HICKORY SPECIALS TODAY AT AN AVERAGE SAVING OF $25.00 TO $40.00 EACH 76 i-fw^ m w V ^luaiedjno i I l^[^flP'i2S lbs 84 No. 1277 G Split Hickory Special New York Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $56.50 Cash on Deposit $58.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. This is one of our Split Hickory Special Top Buggies that we build especially for our New York and Eriern trade It is buik regularly with a heavy 30 oz. Fairfield Rubber top-has Iropped axles and high wheels-a buggy that is very popular constructed this way^ All of the spe- cial features that are illustrated and described on the large folder between pages 76 and 77 are relnl-ir on this as well as on all of our other Split Hickory Special Buggies. The combination of colons can be changed of course, in both painting and trimmings-in fact there are numerous rban^es that can be made, all of which are covered in the description on the large folder. We carffrni ^au omobile 'eat instead of buggy seat, either style A-7 or style A-11 at an advance over the regular cost of $10.00. Leather Quarter Top furnished in place of Rubber Top, no extra. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— 24 inches wide, S6 inches long piano box style. Description and changes in body see folder, pages 76 and //. WHEELS— ?^-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. Can furnish higher wheels if desired. For further description of wheels and for changes in size and m height, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. GEAR— Our regular Split Hickory Special. Wrought Iron Gear, as fully described on the large folder. SPRINGS— Elliptic style, 3 and 4 _ plate. Please see large folder for full description of springs. AXLES— Slightly dropped, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, lS/16-inch For changes and for further description of axles, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and II. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP— 3-bow, heavy 30-oz. Fairfield Rubber, lined with wool cloth and made in every way the same as regular top de- scribed on large folder between pages 76 and 77, except that it is all rubber instead of leather quarter. ihis makes a good top and is con'^idered by a great many ot our customers as better than leather quarter top. CUSHION AND BACK — Upholstered in heavy, ALL WOOL dark green broadcloth, unfadable dye. For further de- scription of upholstering and for changes that can be made where wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and n. PAINTING— Gear, verv handsome shade of red, neatly and artistically striped. Body and seat, plain jet black. for further description of painting and any changes that may be desired, please see large folder. SHAFTS— Split Hickory Special, Twentieth Century style, full trimmed and ironed as described on the large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. FIXTURES— Everything complete. Please refer to folder for full description of fixtures. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For information as to changes wanted or any extras desired, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarantee* 2 Years. 85 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. No. 1277 H Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $70.50 Cash on Deposit $72.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. \Vc illustrate and describe here one of our Split Hickory Special Ru.ugies, with brass trim- niinijs ;;n(l automobile seat. It makes a very handsome and attractive vehicle and has been one of our popular style. We can recommend it to anyone wanting something a little different than the ordinary, and particularly a vehicle that presents a fancy appearance. This job has brass seat rail, brass hub bands, brass buttons, brass top prop nuts and brass seat handles on sides of seat, also, brass dash rail. Is painted and trimmed in a very attractive manner. Of course this combination of colors in painting and trimming can be changed if desired, and we can also change the general construction by leaving of¥ the seat rail, hub bands, dash rail or any special feature of that kind which is not wanted, and will do so where desired, reducing the price correspondingly. Please refer to the large folder between pages 7f) and 77, and read carefully the full description of this buggy which is given there — note the number of special and attractive features that are reg- ularly furnished and the many changes that can be had if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inchp«; wide. ••C inches long. Description of liody anrl changes wanted, sec fohJer between pages 76 and 77. WIIKEI-S — 7-^ -inch. Sarvcn patent, 40 and 44 inches high. Regular split hickory special f|uality. Our best wheels. Furthir description of wheels and changes that can he made in size and height, see folder between pages 76 and 77. CiK.VR — Our regular split hickory special, wrought iron gear, as fully de'^cribed on the large folder. SPRINGS — Elliptic style, very easy riding, three and four plate. See large folder for further description of springs or for changes that can be had if wanted. AXT.ES— Nicely arched. 2nnn-milc. dust-proof. IS /16-inch Full ilescription of axles and changes on the large folder, TR.\CK — 4 feet S inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc tions how to order correct width of track, sec page 12 TOP — Three-bow, leather quarter and leather backstays, au tomohilc style with auto style backstays, bent auto mobile style bow sockets. F"or further description of top and for changes, please refer to the large folder. (TSinON .\N1) BACK— ITpholstered in heavy AI.I.-WOOT., ilark green broadcloth. For further description nf up- holstering and changes, please see large folder between pages 76 and 77. P-AINTTNC — Gear, very handsome shade of yellow, with neat, black tine line striping. Body and seat, plain jet black. For further description of painting and for changes that can be had, please refer to large folder. Sn.\FTS — Split hickory special quality. Twentieth Century style. Full trimmed and ironed as described on the large folder, between pages 76 and 77. FIXTURES — Everything comes complete as described on the large folder. rn.\NGES AND EXTRAS— .\11 changes and extras are inovided for in the cicscription on the large folder be- tween jiages 76 and 77. WEIGHT — When parked for shipment, approximatelv 525 lbs. 86 No. 1277 I Split Hickory Special Cutunder Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $77.25 Cash on Deposit $79.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. We illustrate and describe here our Split Hickory Special Top Buggy with cutunder body, which permits of short turning in any place. It is furnished regularly with Sunken Panel Auto- mobile Seat, with bent bow sockets and auto style backstays. Has large wing dash, high arched axles and is a very attractive and right up-to-date job in every respect. It is painted and trimmed very handsomely, but the combination of colors in the painting and trimming can be changed if desired, and we refer you to the full and complete description of this buggy and for_ any changes that you may want, to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. We furnish this job in two widths of body only, 22 and 24 inches, and do not carry any other widths than these. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scriprtion of body see, large folder between pages 76 and n. Can furnish 22-inch instead of 24-inch body if wanted, at no extra charge. WHEELS — 7^-inch, Sarven patent. 38 and 42 inches high. Regular Split Hickory special quality — our very best wheels. For description of wheels and any changes in size or height, refer to folder between pages 76 and 17 . GEAR — Same as No. 1277 in every way, except axles have 4>4-inch arch. For description of gear, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11 . SPRINGS— Elliptic style, three and four plate. For full description on springs, see folder between pages 76 and 11. AXLES— 2,000-mile, lS/16-inch, with 4'^-inch arch. For full description of axles, see folder between pages 76 and 11. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — Three-bow, leather quarters and backstays — automobile style backstays — twin curtain lights in back curtain — bent auto style bow sockets. For further description of top and any changes wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and n. CLTSHION AND BACK — LTpholstered in heavy dark green, ALL WOOL broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. PAINTING — Gear, painted yellow. Body and seat, black, with green p/anels in seat. Gear is very handsomely striped. For further description of painting and any changes wanted see large folder between pages 76 and 11. SHAFTS— Split Hickory Special quality. Twentieth Cen- tury style, as described on large folder between pages 76 and 77. Full leather trimmed and double braced. For further description of shafts and for any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. FIXTLTRES— Same in every way as No. 1277, except has handsome large curved wing dash. For further descrip- tion of fixtures and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. CHANGES AND EXTRAS — For complete information as to any changes or extras wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarantee 2 Years. 87 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. No. 1277 J Split Hickory Special "Kentucky" Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $57.50 Cash on Deposit $59.25 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be de- sired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. The above illustrates our Split Hickory Special as gotten up for some of our particular trade who want a nice light appearing buggy on arched axles and witli strapped boot. This buggy is built exactly the same in every way as our regular Spbt Hickory Special with tlie exception that it is regularly furnished with 22-inch body, light tlircc-bow top and light 3y^-\nch wheels. We can furni-h full drop back of the design shown above instead of solid panel spring back where want- ed without any change in price. We can recommend this style buggy to you as something that will please you very much, and want to call your attention to the fact that all of the special fea- tures illustrated and described on the large folder between pages 70 and 77 come regular on this buggy, and we also detail on the large folder many changes that can be made where desired, such as full leather top, leather trimmings, leather covered bow sockets, etc. DETAILED DESCRIPTION JU)I)V— 22 inches wide, 56 inches long, with regular buggy scat. Refer to folder between pages 76 and 77 for further description of body and ciianges that may be desired. WIIKKI.S — M-inch. .Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. Our very iiest wheels. Please refer to the large folder for further description of wheels and for changes that can be had in height and in size. (-,K.\R — Our famous wrought iron, Split Hickory Special gear, as fully described on the large folder. SPRINGS — Klliptic style, 3plate front, 4-platc rear, very easy riding. Further description of springs, see large folder. AXr.ES — 2.000-mile, dust-proof, nicely arched. Further de- scription of axles and changes, refer to the large foliler. TR.NCK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — 3bow, leather quarters and leather backstays. Top is fully described on the large folder, and changes that can be had if desired arc also listed there. Cl'STITOX .Wn P.ACK— TTpholstcrcd in dark green. .ALL WOOL liro.i(k-lnth. For further ose, and we have no hesitancy in recommending it to you and guaranteeing that it will give perfect satis> faction. 92 No. 1277 M Split Hickory Special Phaeton Seat Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $59.00 Cash on Deposit $60.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. We illustrate here our phaeton seat buggy. This is a style of seat that has been Popular with many of our customers in past years on account of its room and comfort. It is a very handsome S^in appearance, and if you want something extremely comfortable we know you will be well pleased with this. Outside of the seat this buggy is built exactly the same as our Spht Hickory Special Ttyle No. 1277 as described on the large folder between pages 76 and _ 77. Please read carefully the full description and note the many changes that can be made in both construc- tion and finish. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription of body, and any changes desired, please re- fer to the large folder between pages 76 and 11. WHEELS— 74-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, regular split hickory special quality. The best wheels that we can produce. For full description of wheels and for any changes wanted in size or height, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. GEAR— Same as No. 1277 in every way. For further de- scription and any changes wanted on gear, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. SPRINGS — Elliptic style, three and four-plate. For full description, and any changes desired on springs, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. AXLES— 2,000-mile, lS/16-inch. nicely arched. For fur- ther description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — Three-bow, leather quarters and leather backstays. For further description and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11 . CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and ll . PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped; body, plain black. For further description of painting and any changes wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and /I. SHAFTS— Split hickory special quality, as described on large folder between pages 76 and 11. Full leather trimmed and double braced. For further description of shafts and for any changes wanted, please refer to large folder be- tween pages Id and 11. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1277. For full description of fixtures, and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to large tolder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 515 lbs. Tkis Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. 93 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. No. 1277 N Split Hickory Special Wide Heavy Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $62.25 Cash on Deposit $64.00 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. We suDolv our No. 1277 N to a great many liverymen and to other customers who want a good wide/heavy and very strong buggy. This buggy is built of the same material as our regular Split Hickory Special, but it is built wider and heavier all the way through. Has 26-inch body in- stead of ''4-inch 1-1/1 r,-inch axles instead of 15/16-inch, 1-inch wheels with 5/l6-inch steel tires instead of 7/8-inch with l/4-inch steel tires. Has 4 and 5 plate springs instead of 3 and 4 plate, and although the illustration does not show it. the top is furnished with outside extension joints instead of the regular inside concealed joints, which make a stronger top. For a complete descrip- tion and for changes that can be had if desired, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 ^"^ " DETAILED DESCRIPTION TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For in- structions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. P.MNTINC — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped: body, plain black. For further description of painting, and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. SH.AFTS — Split hickory special quality as described on large folder between pages 76 and 77. Full leather trimmed and double braced. For further description of shafts and for any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1277. For full description of fixtures and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. CHANCiF.S AND EXTRAS — For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT — When packed for shipmient, approximately 550 lbs. BODY — 26 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription of body and any changes desired, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40 and 44 inches high with 5/16-inch steel tires. Sarven patent style, split hickory special qual- ity the best wheels that money can produce. For any changes desired in wheels, please refer to large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. GEAR— Same as No. 1277 on large folder, in every way, except built heavier all the way through. For further description and any changes wanted on gear, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. SPRINGS — Heavy, but easy riding, elliptic style, four- plate front, five-plate rear. Full description of springs and for any changes wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. AXLES — 1 1/16-inch, 2,000-mile dropped. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. TOP — Four-bow, leather quarters and leather back stays with outside extension joints. For further description of top, and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. 94 No. 1277 Split Hickory Special Wide Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $59.00 Cash on Deposit $60.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features and for any changes that may be desired For full desmpuo^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ j^^g^ j^j^^^ between pages 76 and 77. TtiU U our regular Split Hickory Special Top Buggy, same in every way as No. 1277 illus- .r.teH and described on the large folder between pages 76 and 77, except that it is regularly fur- W with bodv 26 inches wide instead of 24 inches, and has outside extension joints instead o nished with body ^b /"^7^. r' Vhis makes a good wide, roomy and comfortable buggy, without ™a\tg T/extremeT; heavT FoJtyonI" anSS^Plentyof roo?^ in body and plenty of seat room, we recommend No. 1277 O. _.^., DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— 26 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription of body and any changes desired please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. GEAR— Same as No. 1277 in every way For full de- scription and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. , u- u WHEELS— '/s -inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high Regular spHt hickory special quality, the best wheels that can be furnished. For full description of wheels and for any changes wanted in size or height of wheels, please refer to large folder between pages /6 and 7/. SPRINGS— Elliptic style, three and four-plate. For fur- ther description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. , , j AXLES— 15/16-inch, 2,000-mile, arched. For further de- scrfption and an^ changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. . , t^ - ^ TRACK-4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12_ TOP-Four-bow, leather quarters and leather backstays. For further description and any changes desired in top, see large folder between pages 76 and //■ CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped; body, plain black. For further description of painting, and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. SHAFTS— Split hickory special quality as described on large folder between pages 76 and 77. Full leather trimmed and double braced. For furf :r description of shafts and for any changes wanted, please refer to large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. FIXTURES-Same as No. 1277. For full description of fixtures and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. CH\NGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. 95 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guarantee( Two Years No. 1277 P Split Hickory Special Side Spring Top Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $58.00 Cash on Deposit $59.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. 1 >.'3 Split irckcry Buggy Cc'.don Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. The illustration here shows our Split Hickory Special Top Buggy furnished on long easy rid- ing Amesbury side springs. Outside of the gear it is built in every way exactly the same as No. 1277 illustrated and described on the large folder between pages 76 and 77. Please read this description very carefully and take particular notice of tlic many special and attractive features regularly furnished. We "can furnish No. 1277 P with full drop back instead of solid panel back if de- sired without change in price. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. For further de- scription of body and any changes desired, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. VHEP'LS — Sarven patent, regular split hickory special, the best wheels that can be furnished. Jit-'nch, 40 and 44 inches high. For full description of wheels and for any changes wanted in size or height of wheels, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 11. GEAR — Same as No. 1277, except as to springs. For full description of gear and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. SPRIXnS — Long, easy riding Amesbury side springs as illustrated. For full description of springs and for any changes wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. AXLES— 15/16-inch, 2.000-mile, arched. For further de- scription, and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 77. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — three-bow, leather quarters and leather backstays. For further description and any changes desired in top, tee large folder between pages 76 and 11. CUSHION AND BACK — Upholstered in heavy, dark green, all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped; body, plain black. For further description of painting, and any changes wanted, please refer to large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. SII.XFTS — Split hickory special quality as described on large folder between pages 76 and 77. Full leather trimmed and double braced. For further description of shafts and for any changes wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 77. FIXTURES — Same as No. 1277. For full description of fixtures and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately SIS lbs. 96 No. 1277 Q Split Hickory Special Wide Corning Body Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $58.50 Cash on Deposit $60.25 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. No l^T? O is our regular Split Hickory Special Top Buggy with Corning body, built wide and roomv Body is 26 inche^s wide and this insures plenty of room in body and p enty of seat room. UiT furnished retular with 4-bow top and outside of these changes ,t is exactly the same as No. 277 iluTtra 5d and fully described on the large folder between pages 76 and 77 Please read the description on this folde^r carefully and note the number of special features regularly furnished on this buggy. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 inclies wide, 52 inches long, bottom nieasure- ment. For further description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. WHEELS— Split hickory special quality, the best wheels ever put on a vehicle. Sarven patent style, %-inch; 4U and 44 inches high. For further description of wheels and for changes in height and size, that can be made it desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. ^ GEAR— Same as No. 1277, except axles are dropped instead of arched. For further description of gear and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. SPRINGS— Three and four-plate, elliptic stvle. For fur- ther description of springs and any changes desired, please see large folder between pages 76 and //. AXLES— lS/16-inch, 2,000-mile, slightly dropped.. For fur- ther description of axles or for any changes desired, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and //. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 1-. TOP — 4-bow pattern, leather quarters and backstays. 3-bow top furnished, if desired. For further description and any changes desired in top, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. CUSHION AND BACK — Upholstered in dark green, heavy all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes wanted in upholstering, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. PAINTING — Gear, dark P,rewster green, neatly striped; body, plain black. For further description and any changes wanted in painting, please refer to large folder between pages 76 and 11. FIXTURES— Same as No. 1277, which is fully described, together with any changes desired on large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— See large folder between pages 76 and 11 for full information on any changes or extras wanted. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guarantee Two Year 97 No. 1277 R Split Hickory Special Wide Corning Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $68.50 Cash on Deposit $70.50 This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. juaranteed 2 Years. Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. This is our Split Hickory Special Top Buggy with Corning body 26 inches wide, equipped with our style A-11 Sunken Panel Automobile seat, making a wide, roomy and comfortable body and seat. Has 4-bow top with auto style backstays, bent auto style bow sockets and twin curtain lights in back curtain. Is a nice buggy in appearance, built extra strong and substantial, and suit- able especially for large people or for elderly people who want plenty of seat room. For a full and complete description of the material and workmanship of this buggy, please read the description as given on the large folder between pages 76 and 77, and note that we can make a large variety of changes in the construction and finish. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 inches wide, 52 inches long, with A-11 Sunken Panel automobile seat. For full description of body, see large folder. GE.\R — Our wrought iron gear as fully described on the large folder between pages 76 and 11 . WIIPIKLS — 7^. inch, Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. Our best wheels. For full description of wheels and for any changes that you may want, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. SPRINTi.S — Elliptic style, .3-plate front, 4-plate rear. Springs are fully described on the large folder. AXI,P:S — l.S/16-inch, 2,000-mile, slightly dropped. For full description and changes, see large folder. TR.\CK— 4 feet 8 inches or .S feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — J-bow, leather quarters and leather backstays. Rubber roof and back curtain, and rubber side curtains. Bent automobile style bow sockets and auto style backstays. For further description of top and changes, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 11. CUSHION AND RACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all wool broadcloth. For further description and changes in upholstering, see large folder. P.MNTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, nicely striped. Body and seat, plain black, or if wanted can furnish panels in seat painted green to match gear. For further descrip- tion of painting and changes, see large folder. SII.AFTS — Split hickory special quality, with Twentieth Cen- tury ironing, as fully described on the large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. 1-lXTlTRES — Same as No. 1277 in every respect as describe! on the large folder between pages 76 and 11. CHANCES AND EXTRAS— These are all covered on the large folder. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 535 lbs. 98 No. 1277 S Split Hickory Special Phaeton Style Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH_SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $66.00 Cash on Deposit $68.00 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. This is a style of bu^gy that we have been b ^.^ for a great^.any seasons as^^w^e have S'lightrand lasie'^^nntg^'ll \:\%i'llT;.itlr a nice, comfortable phaeton style seat, with Jood high seat sides and high back. Has fenders over the rear wheels and oil burning amps I. weU made, a strongly built buggy in every respect, and wdl give Thebes of satisfaction. Th^^^ material and workmanship are ust exactly the same as all of our Spht Hickory Specials as de Tcribed on the large folder between pages 76 and 77. Please read the description carefully and note the changes that can be made if desired. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— 24 inches wide, 52 inches long, Corning style, with phaeton style seat. For full description of body please refer to the large folder. GEAR— Our famous wrought iron gear, as fully described on the large folder. WHEELS— ?-^-inch, Serven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. Our best split hickory wheels. For full description of wheels and changes please see large folder. SPRINGS— 3 and 4-plate, elliptic style, as fully described on the large folder. AXLES — lS/16-inch, 2,000-mile, dust proof, slightly dropped. For further description of axles see large folder. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track see page 12. TOP 3-bow leather quarters and leather backstays, extra long top. See large folder for further description and for changes. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green all wool broadcloth. For further description of upholster- ing and for changes see large folder. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, nicely striped. Body and seat painted black. For changes and for further description of painting, please refer to large folder. SHAFTS— Split hickory special quality, with Twentieth Century ironing. Full leather trimmed. For further de- scription and illustration of shafts see large folder. FIXTURES — Everything complete, same as furnished on our regular split hickory special buggies, and including oil burning lamps and fenders. CHANGES— Can leave off lamps or fenders or both, if de- sired, on this buggy at a reduction in price. Can make any other changes that may be desired. Please see large folder for detailed changes that can be made. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment, approximately 525 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarantee 2 Years. 99 No. 1277 T Split Hickory Special Shuler Spring Top Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $58.00 Cash on Deposit $59.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on Thirty Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed Two Years. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. This is our regular Split Hickory Special Top Buggy with body luing on Shuler roller bearing springs. We have furnished a great many of our buggies with Shuler springs and they have in every case given excellent satisfaction. We do not hesitate to recommend this as a very easy riding, thoroughly strong and substantial buggy, and one that will give the best of satisfaction. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 24 inches wide, 56 inches long. Can furnish Shuler springs on 20 or 22-inch body, but do not carry thcin for 26-inch body. For further description of body and any changes desired, please refer to the large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. WHEELS — Split hickory, special quality, the best wheels ever put on a vehicle; Sarvcn patent style, ^-inch; 40 and 44 inches high. For further description of wheels and for changes in height and size that can be made, if desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. GE.AR — Same as No. 1277 in every way, except as to springs. For full description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 11. SPRINOS — Shuler Roller Hearing, very easy riding and doubly guaranteed by both the maker and ourselves. For further description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. AXLES — 15/16-inch, 2,000-mile, arched. For further de- scription and any changes desired, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. TR.VCK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. Tor — Three-bow; leather quarters and leather backstays. For further description and any changes desired, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. CrSIIION AND RACK— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. For further description and any changes desired in upholstering, see large folder be- tween pages 76 and 11. P.MXTINC — Cicar, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Rody, plain black. For further descriprtion of painting and anv changes wantetl, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. FIXTURES — Same as No. 1277. For full description of fixtures and any changes desired, see large folder between jiages 76 and 11. CHANCES AND EXTR.\S— For complete information on any changes or extras wanted, see large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 51S lbs. 100 No. 1277 V Split Hickory Special Southern Buggy Built on Our Famous Wrought Iron Gear PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $58.50 Cash on Deposit $60.25 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and illustration of special features, and for any changes that may be desired on this buggy, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. We build this buggy especially for our Southern customers. It is made light but thoroughly strong and substantial. Has full drop back instead of regular solid panel spring back, handy style top, genuine leather trimmings in cushion and back. Body is hung on Bailey loops and the painting and upholstering are strictly first class throughout. We can furnish ornamenting and fancy striping on body if desired. We can also furnish this buggy hung on long easy riding Ames- bury side springs at an extra cost of $1.50 over the regular springs. For further description and illustration of all special features furnished regularly, and for detailed changes that we can make if desired, please refer to the large folder between pages 76 and 77. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 22 inches wide by 56 inches long. For further description of body please see large folder. GEAR — Our famous wrought iron gear as fully described on the large folder. WHEELS — M-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. Higher or lower wheels or heavier wheels furnished as detailed in the full description and changes on the large folder. SPRINGS — 3 and 4-plate, very easy riding, elliptic style. Please see large folder for full description of springs. AXLES — 15/16-inch, 2,000-mile, dust proof, as fully described on the large folder. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — 2j4-bow, handy style, leather quarters and backstays, heavy rubber roof and back curtain, full length top. Can furnish 3V2-bow top or either three or four-bow regular top as desired. For further description of top and for changes, please refer to large folder. CUSHION AND BACK— Upholstered in strictly No. 1 Morocco leather, with leather seat ends and leather fall to cushion. Springs in cushion, no springs in back. Back is full drop style. Panel back furnished with springs in place of drop back without extra cost. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Body and seat, plain black. Can change painting, furnish- ing any color desired. See large folder for further de- scription of painting and for optional changes. SHAFTS — Split hickory special quality, with Twentieth Cen- tury ironing. See large folder for illustration and further description of shafts. FIXTURES— Everything complete, just the same as fur- nished on all of our split hickory specials. See large folder for complete description of fixtures. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— All changes and extras are cov- ered on the large folder between pages 76 and 77. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment, approximately 500 lbs. This Split Hickory Buggy Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarantee 2 Years. 101 No. 12103 Split Hickory Special Surreys The detailed description KJveii below applies to all the surreys illustrated on pages 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109, the only differences being stated in the short descriptions under each illustra- tion. All these surreys on the pages referred to above are made in the same grade of material throughout as Xo. 12103 on page 103 and described on this page; the difference in the prices being due to the differences in the styles of bodies, seats and tops. It will be clearly understood by read- ing this description that we are prepared to make almost any change you may want, and build, trim and finish the surrey you select to suit your own ideas and tastes. We positively cannot, however, make any changes in the proportions of the bodies and seats. SPECIAL FEATURES All tops arranged so they can be instantly removed, converting the surrey into an open job. Sheldon's High Collar, 2000-Mile Dustproof Axles. Velvet Carpet. Tops all made extra long to afford Full Protec- tion, and are Waterproof. Good, Heavy, Waterproof Plaid-Back Storm Apron. Screvi^ed Rim, Split Hickory Wheels, Best Qual- ity. All Axle Boxes set in White Lead. All Axle Caps cemented solid to Axles. All Gears made Double Perch, strictly first-class. Split Hickory Stock, thoroughly seasoned. Rear Circle and Rear Kingbolt Interlocking Fifth-wheel. Finish Extra Fine throughout. Every Part Fully Guaranteed for two years. Any Surrey shipped anywhere on our 30-Day Free Road Test Plan DETAILED DESCRIPTION AND CHANGES Below we give a description in detail of each feature, with such changes mentioned as, in our opinion, will likely be wanted. If any other changes are required, please write us. We can make almost any changes you may desire. BODY — Straight sill, as shown, 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. Made with extra heavy sills, hardwood bottom, pop- lar panels, heavy iron rocker plates. SE.\TS — Regular surrey seats as shown. All seats are roomy and comfortable, well ironed and braced, with good high backs and high seat sides. WHEELS — Split hickory special quality, our best wheel. Sar- ven patent style, 1-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. Can furnish ^-inch wheels instead of 1-inch, where desired, but only recommend 7-s-inch wheels for surreys where roads arc ex- ceptionally good, and where light loads are to be carried. l>i-inch wheels furnished instead of 1-inch, $2.00 extra. GEARS — Double reach on all styles. Double braced and have rear circle and rear kingbolt interlocking fifthwhcel. SPRINGS — Sheldon's famous French point, elliptic easy- riding four and five plate steel springs, especially graded for easy riding and full carrying capacity. AXLES— Arched front and rear, Sheldon's 2,000-mile, dust- prroof, high collar steel axles, 1 1/16-inch with cemented split hickory axle caps. The axles furnished regularly are plenty heavy enough for any purpose and it is not neces- sary to ever order heavier axles. We can, however, where specially wanted, furnish IJ^-inch axles for $1.00 extra. Dropped axles furnished in place of arched without extra charge. Can furnish any surrey with high 4'/2-inch arched axles for $2.50 extra. TR.ACK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP — Extension top, full length with genuine hand grained leather quarters and backstays, heavy grade waterproof rubber roof and back curtain, heavy rubber side curtains all around. Lining in top dark green wool cloth, back curtain and backstays lined with same. Full leather top furnished with rubber side curtains instead of leather quarter top for $8.00 extra. Leather side curtains all around instead of rubber, $18.50 extra. CANOPY TOP — All canopy tops are 4-post with dark green cord and tassel fringe, heavy, dark green wool headlining, heavy colored back side curtains all around. CUSHIONS AND RACKS— Upholstering is extra fine quality heavy dark green imported wool broadcloth, soft easy-riding automobile style springs in cushions and backs; sides of scats lined and padded. Blue or wine colored broadcloth or drab colored whipcord instead of green cloth furnished, no extra charge. Genuine leather upholstering in seats and backs, $4.50 extra. On auto scats $6.00 extra. P.XINTING — Bodies and seats painted black, with all mould- ings neatly striped. Gears painted dark brewster green with neat glazed carmine striping. Seats may be furnished painted dark green with black body, if preferred, (tears may be painted wine, red, yellow or black instead of green, if preferred, no extra. The finish on all our Split Hickory Surreys is extra fine and the paint is very durable. SHAFTS — Strictly second growth split hickory stock. Extra heavy surrey shafts furnished, carefully ironed and full leather trimmed with 36-inch point leathers. Pole fur- nished in place of shafts. $.1.25 extra. Pole furnished in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTITRE.S — Handsome patent leather end rail dash. Full Itngtii all-wool extra fine quality carpet. Nickel plated hnndsoine pattern oil-burning lamps. Full length and full width genuine leather double fenders. Bradley quick shifting shaft couplings. Extra heavy water-proof plaid back storm apron. Wrench and everything complete. CH.ANGES — Extra for foot brake. $5.00. Two springs in rear inste.nd of one, $4.00. Rubber tires furnislufl instead of steel tires at prices quoteil on page 18. "Neverout" solid brass oil-burning lamps furnished in place of reg- ular nickel lamps at prices quoted on page 20. Large handsome regular brass carriage lamps furnished in place of regular, at prices quoted on page 20. Handsome solid brass ^j-inch robe rail on back of front seat, $1.25 extra. WEIGHT- Net, 500 pounds. Crated, 750 pounds. 102 No. 12103 Split Hickory Special Extension Top Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $92.50 Cash on Deposit $95.25 Full description on page 102 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Brass robe rail furnished on back of front seat on any surrey $1.25 No. 12103 A is exactly the same as 12103, except it has a canopy top instead of extension top. These Split Hickory Surreys Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial Guaranteec Two Ycart No. 12103 A Split Hickory Special Canopy Top Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $87.50 Cash on Deposit $90.25 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. 1 1-16 inch ball-bearing axles on Surreys $15.00 extra 103 No. 12103 B Split Hickory Cutunder Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order. $ 97.50 Cash on Deposit $100.25 Cash with Order with Canopy Top (No.l2103 C) $92.50 Cash on Deposit with Canopy Top (No.l2103 C) $95.25 Terms, how to order, our 30-days' free trial plan explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This Split Hickory Surrey Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. This surrey is the same in every way as No. 12103, illustrated on page 103, and described on page 102, except it is made with cut-under body, which makes the difiference in the price. Cut- under bodies are preferred by many, because they permit of shorter turning. There is no differ- ence in the strength, as our cut-under bodies are heavily reinforced over the wheel house with iron straps to insure great strength. DETAILED DESCRIPTION wide, 71 inches long. See page 102 for fur- BODY — Cutunder style, 26 inches Made to turn short as illustrated. ther description of body. SEATS — Regular surrey pattern as illustrated. For further description of seats see page 102. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40-44 inches high, our best wheels, Sarven patent style. Sec page 102 for changes and for full de- scription of wheels. GEAR— Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS— Same as No. 1210.1, as fully described on page 102. AX LE.S— 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/16-inch. See page 102 for full description and for changes in axles. TOP — Extension top, full length, hantl grained, leather quarters and backstays, heavy wool lining, rubber &ide curtains all around. For further description and changes that may be wanted in top, see page 102. CUSHIONS AND B.ACKS— Upholstered in heavy dark green all wool broadcloth. See page 102 for full descrip- tion of upholstering and for changes. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SIL\FTS — Surrey size, full leather trimmed, and especially well ironed. See page 102 for full description of shafts and for changes. FIXTURES— Fully described on page 102. CH.\NGES — See page 102 for full description and infor- mation as to any changes that may be desired. WEIGHT— Net, 500 pounds. 750 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 104 No. 12103 D Split Hickory Auto Seat Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $112.50 Cash on Deposit $115.50 Terms, how to order, and our 30-day free trial plan fully explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This surrey is the same in every way as No. 12103, illustrated on page 103 and described on page 102, except it has our new style sunken panel auto seats, which makes the difference in price. This is a very handsome and stylish carriage, with roomy and comfortable seats, plenty of leg room, easy riding and light enough for one horse. Quality considered, our price is very low. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Straight sill, 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. See page 102 for full description of body. SEATS — Style A-11, sunken panel auto seats, measuring 321/^ inches on top of cushion. For full description of seats, see page 102. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40-44 inches high; our best wheels, Sarven patent style. See page 102 for changes and for full description of wheels. GEAR— Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS — Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. AXLES — 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/16-inch. See page 102 for full description and for changes in axles. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. For instruc- tions how to order correct width of track, see page 12. TOP — Extension top, full length, hand grained, leather quarters and backstays, heavy wool lining, rubber side cur- tains all around. For further description and changes that may be wanted in top, see page 102. CUSHIONS AND BACKS— Upholstered in heavy dark green all wool broadcloth. See page 102 for full descrip- tion of upholstering and for changes. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SHAFTS — Surrey size, full leather trimmed and specially well ironed. See page 102 for full description. FIXTURES — Fully described on page 102. CHANGES — See page 102 for full description and informa- tion as to any changes that may be desired. WEIGHT — Net, 52S pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 750 pounds. This Split Hickory Surrey Sold on 30 Days' Free TrUl. Guaranteed 2 Years. 105 No. 12103 E Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $117.50 Cash on Deposit $120 ;50 Terms, how to order, and our 30-day free trial plan fully explained, pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This Split Hickory Surrey Sold on 30 Days* Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. This surrey is the same in every way as No. 12103, illustrated on page 103 and described on page 102, except it has cut under body, fancy English umbrella top, and our new style sunken panel auto seats, which makes the difference in price. This surrey is exceptionally handsome and at- tractive in appearance. It is roomy, comfortable, easy riding, and $40.00 at least cheaper than retail prices. If you want something very stylish this surrey will please you beyond your expectations. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Cutunder style, 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. Made to turn short as illustrated. See page 102 for fur- ther description of body. SEATS — Style A-11, sunken panel, auto seats, measuring 32^4 inches on top of cushion. For full description of seats, see page 102. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40 and 44 inches high, our best wheels, Sarven patent style. See page 102 for changes and for full description of wheels. GEAR— Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS — Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. AXLES— 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/16-inch. See page 102 for full description and for changes in axles. TOP — Handsome sunshade top, with fringe and lining to match upholstering in seat. For further description of top and changes that may be wanted, see page 102. CUSHIONS AND BACKS— Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. Sec page 102 for full de- scription of upholstering and for changes. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SHAFTS — Surrey size; full leather trimmed and especially well ironed. See page 102 for full description of shafts. FIXTURES — Fully described on page 102. CH.XNGES — See page 102 for full information. WEIGHT — Net, 515 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 750 pounds. 106 No. 12103 F Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $107.S0 Cash on Deposit $110.50 Terms, how to order and our 30 days' free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This surrey is the same in every way as No. 12103, illustrated on page 103 and described on page 102 except it has canopy top instead of extension top and is built with our latest style hand- some sunken panel auto seats. This surrey is all that a good surrey should be— stylish, well pamt- ed, roomy, easy riding, easy running and very strong and durable. Best of all, our price saves you a dealer's big profit of $30 to $50. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Straight sill, 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. See page 102 for full description of body. SEATS— Style A-11, sunken panel, auto seats, measuring 32y2 inches on top of cushion. For full description of seats, see page 102. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40 and 44 inches high, our best wheel, Sarven patent style. See page 102 for changes and for full description of wheels. GEAR — Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS— Same as No. 12103, as fully irscribed on page 102. AXLES— 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/16-inch. See page 102 for full description and for changes in axles. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. TOP — 4-post canopy, with dark green cord and tassel fringe and heavy green wool headlining, heavy colored back side curtains and rear curtains. For further description and changes desired, see page 102. CUSHIONS AND BACKS — Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. See page 102 for full de- scription of upholstering and for changes. PAINTING — Gear, dark brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SHAFTS — Surrey size; full leather trimmed and especially well ironed. See page 102 for full description of shafts and for changes. FIXTURES— Fully described on page 102. CHANGES — See page 102 for full description and informa- tion as to any changes that may be desired. WEIGHT— Net, 515 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 750 pounds. This Split Hickory Surrey Sold on 30 Days Free Trial. Guarant 2 Years, 107 No. 12103 G Split Hickory Special Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $112.50 Cash on Deposit $115.50 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained, pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This Split Hickory Surrey Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. This surrey is the same in every way as No. 12103, illustrated on page 103 and described on page 102, except it is made with cut-under body, canopy top, and our new style sunken panel auto seats, which makes the difference in the price. This is a very attractive surrey, neat and stylish and an exceptional bargain at our price for a strictly high grade guaranteed job. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Cutunder style, 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. Made to turn short as illustrated. See page 102 for further description of body. SEATS — Style A-11, sunken panel auto scats, measuring iZ'/j inches on top of cushion. For full description of seats, see page 102. WHEELS — 1-inch, 40 and 44 inches high, our best wheels, Sarven patent style. See page 102 for changes and for full description of wheels. GEAR — Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS — Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. AXLES — 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/6-inch. See page 102 for full description and for changes in axles. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or S feet read page 12. 2 inches. Be sure to TOP — 4-post canopy, with dark green cord and tassel fringe and heavy green wool headlining, heavy colored back side curtains and rear curtain. For further de- scription and changes desired, sec page 102. CUSHIONS AND BACKS— Upholstered in heavy dark green all-wool broadcloth. See page 102 for full description of upholstering and for changes. P.MNTING — Gear, dark Brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SHAFTS — Surrey size, full leather trimmed and specially well ironed. See page 102 for full description of shafts and for chan^;s. FIXTURES— I- ully described on page 102. CHANGES — See page 102 for full description and infor- mation as to any changes that may be desired. WEIGHT — Net, SIS pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 750 pounds. 108 No. 12103 H Split Hickory Special Auto Seat Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $117.50 Cash on Deposit $120.50 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this surrey, see page 102. This surrev is the same in every way as No. 12103 illustrated on page 103, and described on page 102 except it has cut-under body and our latest style sunken pane auto seats, which makes This th? difference in the price It is a very strong surrey, roomy, comfortable, easy riding and _ very stlish and'Lndsom^lV fini Dealers charge $150. to $175 for auto seat surreys far inferior to Split to this one and a trial order subject to test and comparison will prove our claims correct. jj.^^j^^^^ DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— Cutunder style as illustrated; 26 inches wide, 71 inches long. For full description of body, see page lU^. SEATS— Style A-11, sunken panel auto seats, measuring 321/^ inches on top of cushion. For full description ot seats, see page 102. WHEELS— 1 -inch, 40-44 inches high, our best wheel, Sarven patent style. See page 102 for changes and for full description of wheels. GEAR— Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. SPRINGS— Same as No. 12103, as fully described on page 102. AXLES— 2-inch arch, front and rear, 2,000-mile, dust-proof, 1 1/16-inch. See page 102 for full description and tor changes in axles. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to TOP — Extension top, full length; hand grained, leather quarters and backstays; heavy wool lining; rubber side curtains all round. For further description of top and any changes that may be wanted, see page 102. CUSHIONS AND BACKS — Upholstered in heavy dark green, all-wool broadcloth. See page 102 for full de- scription of upholstering and for changes. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green; body, black. See page 102 for full description and for changes. SHAFTS — Surrev size; full leather trimmed and especially well ironed. See page 102 for full description of shafts and for changes. FIXTURES— Fully described on page 102. CHANGES — See page 102 for full description and informa- tion as to any changes that may be desired. WEIGHT — Net, 525 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 750 pounds. Surrey Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guarante 2 Years. 109 No. 12111 Split Hickory Family Surrey EXTRA WIDE AND ROOMY SEATS; LIGHT RUNNING, EASY RIDING. A ONE-HORSE SURREY THAT WILL TAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY On the opposite page we show our 1912 Family Surrey, wliich we can furnish with either canopy or extension top, as desired. This has been one of our most popular surre ys on account of the scat room, lightness in ap- pearance, strength and durability. It is a high- class surrey in every way. and one that will com- pare favorably with those that retail for $150.00. SPECIAL FEATURES OF OUR FAMILY SURREY Both Canopy and Extension Tops are made so they can be taken off. Seats measure 35^ inches in width on top of Cushions. Bodies extra well and strongly made. Heavy Rocker Plates. Heavy Sills and Sill Plates. 2^ to 3 inches more Seat Room than on other Surreys. Handsome Oil-Burning Lamps. Full Length Genuine Leather Double Fenders. Extra Long Waterproof Top. Soft, Easy Riding Auto Springs in Cushions and Backs. Extra Heavy Unfadable Wool Cloth. Finest Quality Oil and Lead Painting. Strictly Second Growth Split Hickory Screwed Rim Wheels. Sheldon's 2000-Mile High Collar Dust-proof Steel Axles. Sheldon's Genuine French Point Easy Riding Elliptic Springs. Fine Full Length All-Wool Heavy Velvet Carpet. Heavy Waterproof Plaid-Back Storm Apron. Correct Proportion Throughout. Special Fine Finish. Every part Guaranteed Fully for Two Years. Shipped ansrwhere on 30-Day Free Trial Plein. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — Very handsome HesiRn, handsomely moulded, made with heavy ash sills, with heavy steel rocker plates on the side of sills. Panels are poplar. Seat frames thoroughly seasoned bone dry ash. Body is extra well made through- out. Body measures 28 inches wide, 70 inches long, scats SSyi inches wide, with good high backs. WHEELS — Strictly second-growth split hickory, Sarven pat- ent, 1-inch, 40-44 inches high, with screwed rims. Axle boxings set in white lead. Tired with heavy JiJ-inch oval edge steel tires bolted between each spoke. Staggered spoke wheels furnished in place of Sarven patent, $1.00, i;i-inch wheels instead of 1-inch, $2.00 extra. We do not recommend wheels on this surrey lighter than l-inch. CiE.AR — Double perch, strictly second-growth split hickory perches, ironed on the bottom and braced to rear axle. Has rear circle and rear kingbolt interlocking fifthwhecl. SPRTNn.S — Sheldon's genuine French point, four-plate front, five-plate rear, 36 inches wide, graded for especially easy riding. Springs arc made to carry all of the weight pos- sible to load on this surrey and at the same time ride especially easy with a lighter load. AXLES — Sheldon's S.OOOmile, high collar, dust-proof steel axles, nicely arched, front and rear, with split hickory axle caps cemented and full clipped. Axles are 1 1/U) inch. Can furnish 1 ^^-inch in.stead of 1 1/16-inch for $1.00 extra. TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. SEATS AND B.\CK.S — Upholstered in heavy dark-green all wool broadcloth. Spring cusliions and spring backs. Scat sides lined and padded. Can furnish blue or wine colored broadcloth or drab colored whip cord without extra charge. Genuine leather cushions and backs, $4.50 extra. TOP — EXTENSION TOP — Full length genuine leather quar- ters and backstays, heavy water-proof rubber roof and b.ic k curtain. Head lining dark-green wool cloth. Back ciirt.iin and backstays lined with the same. Heavy rubber side curtains all around. All leather top with rubber side cur- tains furnished instead of leather quarter top for $8.00 extra. Leather side curtains instead of rubber, $18.50 extra. C.XNOPY TOP — Regulation four-post canopy with handsome cord and tassel fringe, heavy water-proof rubber duck roof, dark-green wool lining in top, heavy rubber side curtains all around. P.MNTING — Body and seats painted black, mouldings neatly striped. Gear, dark Brewster green with neat, fine line striping. Painting is strictly first class. Oil and lead system used throughout. Both gear and body extra well finished. Painting is not only handsome in appearance and the finish especially fine, but is durable and will give the best of satisfaction. Can paint gear black or can paint body i)Iack and seats dark green if wanted, or any other com- bination of colors desired. SH.AFT.S — Extra heavy surrey shafts, strictly second-growth split hickory stock, extra well ironed, full leather trimmed with .36-inch point leathers. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25 ext.a. Pole furnished in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURES — Full length genuine leather double fenders, handsome nickel-plated ril burning lamps, full length gooil quality velvet carpet in bottom, plaid back water-proof storm apron, handsome curved four-bar patent leather dash, Bradley quick-shifting shaft couplings and axle wrench. CITANflES — Furnished with solid rubber tires at prices <|U()|((1 on page 18. Can furnish any combination of colors in trimming or painting desired. Silver line rail over (lash, SO cents extra. Two springs in rear in place of one, $4.00 extra. Foot brake, $5.00 extra. For price on our solid brass "Never-Out" oil-burning lamps, or our regular brass carriage lamps instead of regular lamps, see page 12. Can furnish handsome solid brass half-inch robe rail on back of front seat for $1.25 extra. WRIGHT— Net, 550 pounds. HOO pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 110 No. 12111 Split Hickory Family Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $95.50 Cash on Deposit $98.25 (Not made with cutunder body) Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. For full description and any changes wanted on this Surrey, see page 110 We cannot furnish auto seats on this style Canopy top as illustrated instead of Extension top will be furnished at a reduction in price of $5.00. A BIG ROOMY FAMILY SURREY AT A LOW PRICE 111 This Split Hickorj Surrey Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial Guaranteec! 2 Years. This Split Hickory Surrey "?old on 30 Days' ^ree Trial. Guaranteed Years. No. 12112 Split Hickory Three-Quarter Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order. $95.00 Cash on Deposit $97.75 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. No. 12112 is our lightest surrey. It is a strongly constructed vehicle, easy riding, light run- ning, and while it is built as light as is consistent with durability, there is plenty of seat room. The seats on this surrey measure across the top of the cushion 33 inches. There is plenty of leg room in the front and plenty of room between the front and the rear seat. This surrey is nicely upholstered — well painted — has a good full length leather quarter extension top — hand- some end rail dash — double reach gear and our best grade of split hickory wheels. If you are wanting a nice, light, comfortable surrey our No. 12112 will suit you in every way. We do not hesitate to recommend it very highly to anyone wanting a first-class job. Its equal bought at retail anywhere would cost you at least $25.00 to $40.00 more than our price. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 26 inches wide by 71 inches long, with good heavy sills and heav^ sill plates. Panels are made of thoroughly seasoned poplar and the body is well ironed and braced throughout. Seats have good high backs and high seat sides and are very comfortable. WHEELS — Our best split hickory quality, Sarven patent, ^-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. ^-inch round edge steel tires, full bolted between each spoke. Can furnish 1- inch wheels instead of ?^-inch for 50 cents extra. Stag- gered spoke wheels instead of Sarven patent, $1.00 extra. GE.AR — Strongly made with rear circle rear kingbolt fifth- wheel. Double split hickory reaches full ironed on bottom and braced to rear axle. Gear is made extra strong and substantial. SPRINGS — 4-plate front, 5-pIate rear, specially graded and oil tempered. Very easy riding. Wood spring bar in front, Railey loop in rear. Can furnish wood bar in rear instead of Bailey loop if desired. AXLES— -1 1/16-inch nicely archej with true sweep. Our long distance dust-proof pattern, made with high collar. Axle beds cemented and full clipped to front antl rear axles. Dropped axles furnished instead of arched without change in price. High arched axles furnished instead of regular arch for $3.50 extra. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches as ordered. Be sure to specify width of track wanted. TOP — Extension pattern curved joints. Leather quarters and leather backstays. Heavy waterproof rubber roof and back curtain with rubber side curtains all around. Top is lined with dark green heavy wool headlining. Back cur- tain and backstays lined with the same. Full leather top furnished instead of leather quarter top with rubber side curtains, $6.00 extra. Leather side curtains furnished in- stead of rubber, $16.00 extra. CUSHIONS AND BACKS— Both seats are upholstered with good heavy all-wool dark green broadcloth of unfadable dye. Sides of seats are nicely tufted. Blue cloth fur- nished instead of green without extra charge. Genuine leather upholstering in cushion and backs, $5.00 extra. P.'MNTING — Gear, dark Brewster green nicely and neatly striped. Body and seats painted black. We take special care with the painting and fmish of this surrey, giving it a strictly first-class job throughout. Can furnish black running gear or can furnish panels of seats painted to match gear either green or red if desired, without extra charge. SH.XFT.S — Second growth split hickory qualitv, Twentieth Century style, full leather trimmed with 30-inch leathers on points. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25 extra Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURES — Handsome genuine patent leather end rail d.ish. full height. Good quality carpet in bottom. Quick shifting shaft couplings. H.-indsomc pattern nil burning lamps. Full length and width double fenders, axle wrench, storm apron and everything complete. CHANGES AND EXTRA.S— Two springs furnished in rear instead of one, $4.00. Foot brake, $5.00 extra. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment this surrey will weigh approximately 675 pounds. 112 No. 12113 Split Hickory Three-Quarter Auto Seat Surrey PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $109.00 Cash on Deposit $112.00 Terms, how to order, thirty-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. This is our lightest automobile seat surrey-is a very popular style, well constructed all the way through-nicety proportioned and finished in our very best style. Is furmshed regularly with our st>^e All Snnken Panel Automobile Seats, with good high comfortable backs-has double genume leather fend- ft; handsome oatternorbur^ genuine leather end rail dash, good quality carpet, long distance hesitancy in recommending it to anyone wanting a good first-class vehicle of this kind. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY— 26 inches wide by 71 inches long. Has good heavy sills with heavy rocker plates. Poplar panels made strong and well braced throughout. Seats are sunken panel auto- mobile style and measure 34 inches in width on top ot cushions. We do not build this surrey with cut-under body. WHEELS— Our best split hickory quality Sarven patent 7i-inch, 40 and 44 inches high. ^-inch round edge steel tires full bolted between each spoke. Can furnish l-mch wheels instead of r/g-inch for 50 cents extra. Staggered spoke wheels instead of Sarven patent, $1.00 extra. GEAR— Strongly made with rear circle, rear kingbolt fifth wheel Double split hickory reaches full ironed on bottom and braced to rear axle. Gear is made extra strong and substantial. SPRINGS— 4-plate front, S-plate rear, specially graded and oil tempered. Very easy riding. Wood spring bar in front Bailey loop in rear. Can furnish wood bar in rear instead of Bailey loop if desired. AXLES— 1 1/16-inch, nicely arched with true sweep. Our long distance dustproof pattern, made with high collar Axle beds cemented and full clipped to front and rear axles. Dropped axles furnished instead of arched without change in price. High arched axles furnished instead of regular arch for $2.50 extra. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches as ordered. Be sure to specify width of track wanted. TOP- Extension pattern curved joints. Leather quarters and leather backstays. Automobile style backstays. Heavy waterproof rubber roof and back curtain with rubber side curtains all around. Top is lined with dark green heavy wool headlinings. Back curtain and backstays lined with the same. Full leather top furnished instead of leather quarter top with rubber side curtains, $6.00 extra Leather side curtains furnished instead of rubber, $16.00 extra. CUSHIONS AND BACKS— Both seats are upholstered with good heavy all wool dark green broadcloth of unfadable dve Sides of seats are nicely tufted. Blue cloth fur- nished instead of green without extra charge^ Genume leather upholstering in cushions and backs, $5.00 extra. PAINTING — Gear, dark Brewster green nicely and neatlj striped Body and seats painted black. We take special care with the painting and finish of this surrey, .giving it a strictly first-class job throughout. Can furnish black running gear or can furnish panels of seats painted to match lear, either green or red, if desired, without extra charge. . . SHAFTS— Second growth split hickory quality, Twentietn Century style, full leather trimmed with 30-inch leathers on points. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25 extra. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURES— Handsome genuine patent leather end rail dash, full height. Good quality carpet in bottom Quick shitt- ing shaft couplings. Handsome pattern oil burning lamps. Full length and width double fenders, axle wrench, storm apron and everything complete. CHANGES AND EXTRAS— Two springs furnished in rear instead of one, $4.00 extra. Foot brake, $5.00 extra. WEIGHT— When packed for shipment this surrey will weigh approximately 675 lbs. 113 This Split Hickory Carriage Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. No. 12114 Split Hickory Light Carriage PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $112.50 Cash on Deposit $115.00 Furnishec] with canopy top instead of extension top at a reduction from above price of $6.00. Furnished with one spring in rear instead of two at a reduction from above price of $3.00. Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained, pages 12 and 13. This is a good, well made and nicely finished family carriage, not a heavy cumbersome vehicle, but made roomy and comfortable, and light enough for one good size horse. As you will notice in the illustration, it is furnished regularly with two springs in rear which makes it very easy rid- ing. Has handsome curved dash — is finely upholstered in both seats — has a good full length \uater tight extension top. Wheels, springs, axles — in fact, the whole construction throughout is strictly first class and ecjual to our very highest grade of vehicles. Equal quality in a carriage like this will sell everywhere at retail for not less than $175.00 and up to $225.00. DETAILED DESCRIPTION RODY — 28 inches wide, 12 inches long, cutunder style, with heavy rocker plates. Body extra well ironed and braced throughout. Scats 36 inches wide on top of cushions, high backs and high seat sides. WHEELS — 1-inch Sarvcn patent, strictly second growth split hickory, .■?8 and 44 inches high, screwed rims, heavy round edge steel tires, IJg-inch wheels instead of 1-inch, $2.00 extra. Staggered spoke wheels instead of Sarven patent wheels, $1.00. extra. OE.AR — Extra strong, double reach with rear circle and rear kingbolt interlocking fifthwhecl. One spring in front, two springs in rear. SPRINGS — Sheldon's genuine, French point, oil tempered, easy rirling elliptic s[7rings. 4-plate front, 5-plate rear. \'ery easy riiling, strong and durable. AXLE.S— Heavy 1 1/16-inch, Sheldon's high collar. 2,000 mile, dust-proof, steel axles, nicely arched. Split hickory axle beds cemented front and rear. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches, as ordered. l?e sure to specify track wanted. TOP — Oenuine leather f|uarter extension top, with leather backstays, all wool headlining in top, heavy water-proof rubber roof, b.ick curtain and side curtains. All leather top furnished instead of leather (|uarler top. with rubber side curtains, $S.OO extra. Leather side curtains furnished instead of rubber, $18.50 extra. When cano|>y top is ordered, we furnish regular 4-post canopy fop with cord and tassel fringe and heavy water-proof rubber side and rear curtains. CUSHIONS AND RACKS— Trimmed in he.-ivy dark green all wool broadcloth, fast color. Springs in cushions and backs, seat sides lined. Rlue cr brown cloth furnished instead of green, no extra. Genuine leather cushions and backs, $5.00 extra. P.MNTING — Our regular oil and bad system on both gear and body. Gear painted dark Rrewster green, neatly striped. Rody black. Scats dark green with mouldings black, neatly striped, l.oth body and gear highly finished. Can furnish gear painted black or any other color desired. Can furnish body and seats black or make any reasonable changes desired. SH.'VFTS — Our best split hickory surrey shafts, strictly second growth stock. Full ironed aufl full leather trimmed, with 36-inch point leathers. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTURES — Handsome patent leather curved dash, velvet carpet in bottom, full length and full width double leather fenders over rear wheels, nickel-plated oil-burning lamps, storm apron, quick shifting shaft couplings and axle wrench. CIL\NGES — Brake furnished where wanted for rough roads, $5.00 extra. Handsome solid brass robe rail for back of front seat, $1.25 extra. Handsome brass carriage lamps or solid brass "Never-out" lamps furnished at prices quoted on page 16. WRIGHT— When packed for shipment this carriage will weigh, approximately 750 pounds, including crating lum- ber. 114 For stick seats in- stead of panel seats, add $3.00. No. 12115 Split Hickory Park Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order .$50.75 Cash on Deposit $52.25 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. This Park Wagon is lower in price than any other Park Wagon made, quality considered. In constructing it we eliminate all costly extra features that were not absolutely necessary, and every cent that goes into its construction is used to supply a good grade of material and work- manship. It is designed to meet the requirements of those who want a plain, substantial, com- fortable and easy riding general purpose four-passenger vehicle. The rear seat is removable so that it can be used for business as well as pleasure purposes. We recommend it — ship it on trial, and fully guarantee it. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 25x68 inches, with 7-inch panels. Body construc- tion is of air dried, yellow poplar with strong ash braces, very substantially made. No other width of body fur- nished. SEATS — Strongly made and braced, roomy and comfort- able. Spring cushions and solid panel spring backs. Front seat stationary, rear seat removable, except when furnished with extension surrey top. GEAR — Double split hickory reaches, rear circle, rear king- bolt fifthwheel. WHEELS— J^-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high, split hickory rims and spokes; 54-inch round edge steel tires, full bolted between each spoke. 1-inch wheels, SO cents extra. 5/16-inch tires, 75 cents. SPRINGS — 4-plate front, S-plate rear, 1^ inches wide. Oil- tempered, strong and easy riding. AXLES — 1 1/16-inch front and rear, split hickory axle caps cemented and full clipped. Dropped axles, if preferred. Long distance axles, 50 cents extra. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. See page 12. UPHOLSTERING — Good grade of imitation leather through- out. Dark green or blue cloth, $2.50 extra. Genuine leather upholstering, $5.00. PAINTING — Body, ivory black; gear, Brewster green. Light or dark red gear, if preferred. Both body and gear are well painted by our oil and lead system. SHAFTS — Well made, straight grained, split hickory shafts. Long shaft leathers. Braces on shafts if wanted, 50 cents extra. Pole in place of shafts, $3.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $5.25. FIXTURES — Genuine leather dash. Water-proof rain apron, wrench and washers. Carpet in bottom, $1.00. Brake, $5.00. TOPS — 4-post canopy top with headlining and fringe and rubber curtains, $10.50. Full rubber extension top, $13.50. Leather quarter extension top, $16.50. WEIGHT— Net weight, 425 lbs. Shipping weight, 650 lbs. This Split Hickory Park Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. 2-Year Guarantee. 115 No. 12116 Split Hickory Democrat Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $64.75 Cash on Deposit $66.75 Furnished with 4-post canopy top, with curtains all around, at an extra cost of $1 1.00 Terms, how to order, 30-day free trial plan explained pages 12 and 13. This Split Hickory Democrat Wagon Sold on 30-Days' Free Trial. Guaranteed 2 Years. In our Split Hickory Democrat wagon we are furnishing a style of vehicle that is very popular with a great many of our customers. It is a vehicle that is suitable for both pleasure and business purposes; is well and strongly made, nicely finished, well upholstered, runs light and makes a very substantial and comfortable vehicle for any use. Both seats are removable, and where desired, it can be furnished with a canopy top at the extra cost quoted above. We give special care and atten- tion to the construction and finish of this wagon, for in a great many cases it is used to carry heavy loads, and a vehicle of this kind requires the utmost care in all details. We can recommend it very highly to our most exacting customers, and at the extremely low price quoted we guarantee a big saving over the cost of equal quality purchased from any retail dealer. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 32 inches wide, 75 inches lonp. M.iHe with good heavy sills, corners well braced. Has drop t.-iil gate. Both seats are removable and measure 37 inches in width across top of cuRhions. We do not furnish this vehicle with any other width or length of body. WHF.y",I,S — Split hickory quality, Sarven patent, ?^-inch, 40 and 44 inches high, with round edge, !4-inch steel tires, full bolted between each spoke. Can furnish wheels 38 and 42 inches high, or 42 and 46 inches high without extra charge. 1-inch wheels in place of ^-inch, 50 cents extra. .S /16-inch tires furnished on 1-inch wheels in- stead of J — Special drop pattern. Trueblood pattern in front, coach style in rear. No other style axle furnished on this vehicle. Axles are 1 1/16-inch, which are plenty heavy enough to carry as heavy a load as desired in this ve- hicle. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches as ordered. Re sure to specify width of track wanted in ordering. CUSHIONS AND RACKS— Trimmed in good heavy quality wool broadcloth. Box frame, spring cushions, panel spring backs. Sides of seats are lined and padded. Good quality Chase leather furnished instead of cloth without extra cost. Genuine leather upholstering in both seats, $4.50 extra. PAINTING — Body, black, well painted and nicely finished. Gear, dark Brewster green, neatly striped. Can furnish light or dark red or black gear instead of green without additional charge. SII.XFTS — Second growth, split hickory quality. Full braced ami full le.ither trimmed with 36inch point leathers. Pole furnished in place of shafts, $3.25 extra. Pole in addi- tion to shafts, $5.25 extra. FIXTl^RES — 4bar genuine leather dash. Good quality, full length carpet in bottom. Water-proof rain apron. Bradley quick shifting shaft couplings. Two steps on each side of body. Axle wrench, washers and everything com- plete. WEIGHT — When packed for shipment this wagon will weigh approximately 600 lbs. 116 Why Should He Put the Money in His Pocket When I Can Keep It in Yours If the dealer could do you any real service in selling you a buggy I wouldn't be selling direct to the people at factory prices. I never would have sold 150,000 Split Hickory Vehicles. They would have bought of the dealers. If the dealer could do anything for you that I can't do, I would today be selling to the dealer. I would get just as much from him for my buggies as from the people direct and I could sell in quantity instead of buggy by buggy in- dividually. But what can the dealer do for you? Point by point let us put down the facts. You can take time to read these facts. They're all in your interests — your saving. In the first place the dealer would get from you $25 to $40 more money than my factory price. What would he do with that money? Improve the buggies? No, after paying his own expenses he would pocket the profit. Would he keep you posted every year by show- ing you the latest buggies — all the new and im- proved styles? No, the dealer shops and buys where he can get the biggest bargain. If I sold to the dealer I would first have to cheapen my buggies so as to make my buggies as cheap as the other factories who sell at lower prices. The dealer might show you one or two or three new styles, the rest would be old and they'd have to stay in his shop until sold, getting dull and unseasonable. Would the dealer let you test any buggy you wanted any way you wanted to test it for an entire month? Did you ever know a dealer who sold his buggies on such a liberal plan? Well, then, just what is the dealer's service to you in buying a buggy? Where is his claim to your trade? Aren't you entitled to buy where you get the biggest selection — the latest models, the lowest prices — the best offer — the most sure guarantee —the chance to TEST THE BUGGY YOU SE- LECT 30 DAYS to be certain it's the right buggy for you? Then — a large percentage of my customers have personal tastes in their buggies. They LOOK ON PAGE 10. SEE WHERE SPLIT want their own ideas carried out. Can the dealer make your buggy to order without its costmg you any more than the ready-made buggy? Cer- tainly not. There are a whole lot of things you can buy better of a dealer than by sending to the factory, but when it comes to a big thing like a buggy there's enough money in the transaction to war- rant your dealing direct with the factory. You wouldn't send to the factory for a pound of nails. You'd prefer to pay the dealer a little more for the convenience of his carrying the goods in stock, but a buggy is a totally different proposi- tion. When it comes to paying the dealer $25 to $40 —and that's the actual saving you make on my factory price — you wonder whether it will do more good in your town or your community in the dealer's pocket or in yours. You're living in the same town as the dealer. You can make the money go just as far there as he can. Your wife can do just as much with $25 to $40 as the dealer's wife — maybe more. If you hire me for your buggy maker you're hiring the best buggy expert in the country to Iniild your buggy. That means something. Prestige always counts. It means something that your house is built by the best_ carpenter, that your suit is made by the best tailor. Same with your buggy. What dealer could point to one hundred and fifty thousand regular customers? My customers are my sales force._ My cus- tomers have built up my new business _ from year tc year — the largest vehicle business in the world selling direct to the people at factory prices. Have all these people been working for my interests in sending me their neighbors' and friends' business? No— people don't work for other people for nothing. My customers have boosted SPLIT HICKORY VEHICLES for their own interests and their own profits. They have boosted Split Hickory Vehicles because they are the best made, fairest sold, longest wear- ing vehicles built today. HICKORY VEHICLES ARE TRAVELING TODAY. 117 Mr. Herman Taylor — Chatham, Mass. Chatham. Mass.. July 17th, 1911. The Ohio Carriage Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: The Spring wagon No. 12125 light wagon which you shipped mc June 28th, arrived here in good shape. I am well satisl'ied with it — think it is very good value for the money. My folks all say it is very easy riding and good comfortable seats. Yours truly. HERMAN TAYLOR. EXCERPTS FROM JUST A FEW OF HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS RECEIVED Mr. T. D. Bpnre, Cheshire, Ohio. — Bougrht No. 12123. "Your claim that you have the best spring wagon on earth for the money is well founded." .Mr. D. C. Benjamin, Blaclc Creelt, N. Y. — Bought No. 12123. "I am very much pleased with the job you did for me. Wheels arc extra strong. It cost me $10.00 less than it would here even after freight was paid." Eva J. Nelson, .Stanle.v, N. T. — Bougrht No. 12123-B. "The wagon is very comfortable and easy running. It has been carefully examined by different people who were favorably impressed. One man says we bought it for $20.00 less than we could have bought it of a local dealer." Mr. R. D. Mrlntyre, Sherwood, W. Va.— BoiiRht No. 12123. "I am well pleased with the wagon. I think I saved $15.00 by buying from you." Mr. Isaiah C. Elklns, South Windham, Me.— Bought No. 12125. "After using the wagon purchased of you over a year ago, I find it equal to its representation. I am satisfied with it." Mr. Fred S. Delvey, Warwick, Mass. — Bought No. 12123. "I am well pleased. Saved $1.5.00. \\'hen in want of another vehicle shall buy cf you." Mr. Peter Cales. Bellepoint, W. Va. — BonRht No. 12123. "The wagon bought of you over twelve months ago is giving good satisfaction. I use it in hauling wheat, etc., over ten miles of rough roads. I haul 50 dozen of eggs every month and haven't broken an egg. It is easy riding and looks as good as new." Mr. A. C. VanouR, Slonx Rapids, Iowa. — Bought No. 12123. "My retail dealers do not carry as good a wagon at $70.00 a? yours cost me at $64.00 with extras ordered. I easily saved $15.00. It rides easy. I hauled 14 bushels of wheat and it carried it without a strain. Was not scratched in shipment." Mr. Wm. J. r.Iendeninic, Delhi, N. Y.— Bonifht No. 12123. "The wagon is nil you claim it to be and more. It gives the best of satisfaction." Mr. SylTenter Wilson, Gloiister, Ohio. — Bonifht No. 12123. "I saved $25.00 in buying of you. The workmanship is good. The easiest riding vehicle I ever used." Mr. O. Frank Gmman, Deansboro, N. Y. — Bontcht No. 12 1 23-11. "We are much pleased with the >pring wagon. Found it exactly as represented. Saved $15.00. Is very easy riding, roomy and well finished." Mr. Se«Iey Bratkett, Windham, N. Y.— Bonjcht No. 12123. "I am satisfied it is the nicest spring wagon in this country. Everyone says so. 1 calculate I saved $25.00." Mr. H. C. Trantham, Strafford, Mo.— Bourht No. 12123. "Liked the spring wagon so well will buy one of your buggies. Everybody thinks the wagon is the best made and has the nicest finish of any spring wagon in the country. Rides very easy." Mr. D. E. Crosby, Brunswick, Mich.— Bonfrht No. 12123. "It is far the slickest rig I ever saw. I have my doubts that it could be bought here for $80.00. Compared it with a $65.00 rig bought from a local dealer. If the dealer's job isn't a cheap affair compared to mine, hen, I am no judge. The harness, too, is all right." Mrs. M. J. Calkins, Port Crane, N. Y.— Bongrht No. 12123. "The wagon came in good condition. I am much pleased. It will be a good advertisement for you." Mr. Wm. H. Owens, HillssTove, R. I. — Bonsrht No. 1212S. "The wagon I got from you I have used three or four times a week for six years, averaging 30 miles a day, load- ing as much as 900 lbs. Have had the tires set once, cost- ing me $3.00. I am well pleased." Mr. S. W. Fooler, ShirleysbnrB, Pa. — Bonx-ht No. 12124. "Saved at least $20.00. .\ person makes no mistake in ordering from your factory." Mr. A. J. Reed, Wesfport. Md.^Bonjfht No. 12123. "I am much pleased. It seems to be as vou represented it." Mr. Isaac A. HawIey.HawIeyville, Conn. — Bon^ht No. 12126. "Wagon reached here all right and is a good one. I am well pleased." Mr. O. W. Loomis, Andover, Ohio. — BouR-ht No. 12123-A. "The wagon is a dandy. Was waiting to see a man that is going to get a spring wagon this fall. He saw mine and said he would send for one." Mrs. Harrison Miller, Bartonsville, Pa. — Bonjjht No. 12123. ".Anyone intending to bny a wagon of any kind will save one-third nf the price by buying of you. The wagon is giving perfect satisfaction." Mr. John Simpson, Pontlac, Mich. — Boncrht No. 12123. "No fault to finil with the wagon. I am well suited. The money is in the bank subject to your order." Mr. T. L. Cox. Rnndleman, N. C. — BouRrht No. 1212S. "Received the wagon and harnes'; in fine condition, and thank you for your prompt shipment and honorable and gentlemanly treatment. Will at every opportunity speak a good word for your firm. I saved from $25.00 to $30.00." Mr. Pan! Marker, Merrlfleld. Minn.— Bonirbt No. 12123. "The wagon came in good condition and is O. K. Will send you the name of a prospective buyer." 118 Will You Give Me the Chance to Prove that This Is the Best Spring Wagon in the World for the Money? ONE EXAMPLE IS WORTH A THOUSAND ARGUMENTS 1 DO not want any man to jump at conclusions — to judge A this wagon by its attractive appearance alone. Beauty in a spring wagon is only paint deep. Paint on most spring wagons covers the cause for a multitude of future troubles and expense. When you buy a spring wagon, you cannot |i^ afford to pay your money for appearance iBh^.' alone. You want strength, durability, easy rid- ^^^ ing, andeasyrunningqualities— you want acom- bination of materials and workmanship that will insure many years of satisfactory service. The average manufacturer or dealer simply sells you a wagon at a certain price. I sell you more than that. I sell you wagon service! Cost is a future consideration. You cannot tell what a wagon costs you until it is worn out. The longer it lasts the more satisfactory service you get out of it, the cheaper it is in the long run; the sooner it wears out— the more it has cost you. I solicit your order for this wagon with the following claim: There is not a spring wagon sold by any dealer or manufacturer in the United States'at a cost of from $10.00 to $30.00 above my price that is the equal in quality of material, workmanship, correct construction or finish of my No. 12123. That is a broad claim, but I want the chance to prove it. I can prove it. My reputation for square dealing gives me the right to ask that chance. Nominally, my guarantee on this wagon is for two years, and I sell it on one month's free trial, but my personal guarantee to you is that no matter whether it is two months, two years, or ten years, if you ever find a piece of material in it that is not what I guaranteed it to be, I will replace it! My moral obligation doesn't stop at the expiration of two years. I have been making spring wagons for years, and I never have and never will put my name- plate on a wagon that I cannot conscientiously say has good honest workmanship and material in it throughout. I have never before been able to offer my customers a wagon the equal of No. 12123 at the price, I positively know it to be the best wagon in the world for the money. My competitors have by their own wagons proven it to be so. I bought samples of about all the wagons I could find advertised. I ripped them apart, I dug under the paint. I found much material that would not in my opinion even make good firewood. I found workmanship bordering on criminal care- lessness. Yet, their advertised claims were that their wagons were perfect in every detail. I know why spring wagons wear out. I know what parts wear out first. I know what will and what won't stand years of hard service in the way of different materials. I am not in business for a day. I want my sons to sell your sons spring wagons if they succeed to my business, and I am building wagons today that will make it easier for them to do so. I am today reaping the benefit of the fact that my old spring wagon customers have long mem- ories. That is why I am today selling more spring wagons than all of my competitors selling by mail put together. TaL-A Mv AflvirP if you are in the market I aiVC my XTUY1\,v» for a spring wagon, or- der my Leader No. 12123. You take no chance. If it isn't smtisfactory to you whether you find it to be as represented or not ; if you do not find it by com- parison to be better than any spring wagon that you can find for from $15.00 to $20.00 above my price; if you— for any reason — are not satisfied with the wagon, send it back at my expense and I will guarantee to immediately refund your money in full. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF LEADER SPRING WAGONS Nos. 12123, 12123 A, 12123 B ILLUSTRATED ON PAGES 122-123 BODY — 34 inches wide, 7^2 feet long, 8^ and outside panel braces. Malleable braces inches deep, outside measurement. Body is made bolted on posts inside and through body, as per with extra heavy frame, with heavy cross sills illustration. Drop end gate opening full width of 119 Showing steel bound round front corners. body with inside hinRcs ami slroiiK Ki»tc locks, iup fd^c of body ironed all around. I Itavy steel 1) >nnd round corners to pre- vent oj^eninK- l5ody panels are made of best yellow air dried pojilar. with extra iuavy ash and oak l>osts and braces. II a r d w o o d bottom boar d s. Clearance space from bottom of seat to tloor of body, 11 inches. Distance from body to ground without load, M inches, l.xtreme heiirlit of wagon when furnished with top, S'J inches. SEATS— Both seats removable. Plenty of leg room between seats. Heavy phaeton pattern seals, with round steel bound corners, very se- curely ironed and braced. (See illustration.) Seats are made of best grade air dried yellow poplar. Backs are 17 inches high above tops of cushions. Seats measure on top of cushion, 3G Showing ironing of seats. Showing rourded steel bound seat corners. inches. Distance from level of seat cushion to floor, 16 inches. Depth of cushion, 16 inches. Soft easy riding springs in cushions and backs. Particular attention is directed to the fact that these seats are not the ordinary cheap, nailed to- gether wagon seats usually supplied, but they are the genuine phaeton pattern, with solid panel backs. These seats are not only more handsome in appearance, but twice as strong as ordinary seats. WHEELS — Rims full 1 inch, tires measure 1 1-16 inches wide, :{S and 42 inches high, '4- inch round edge steel tires, full bolted between each spoke, and electrically welded, making prac- tically a one-piece continuous band of steel. Rock elm hubs, boxes set in white lead, rims are riveted as illustrated. We guarantee the Showing rivi-ls through rims. rims and spokes used in these wheels to be the highest grade of selected split hickory, and that better or stronger wiieels cannot be made. !]/»- inch wheels, $l.r>0 extra, l^^-inch wheels, $.'{.00 extra. o-Hi-inch tires, 75 cts. ^-inch tires, $1.00 extra. U P H O L - STERING — Heavy black im- itation leather, guaranteed very comfortable and very durable — easily kept clean and will wear almost, if not fully, as well as genuine leather. Do not confuse this upholstering with the cheap, thin painted drill or rubber furnished by others on their so- called good spring wagons. Seat sides are padded and upholstered. Genuine leather upholstering on both seats, $3.75. Dark green heavy cloth upholstering, $2.00. Corduroy, $2.50. AXLES — 1^-inch, best grade refined steel, with double collar and oil retaining and circulat- ing groove on spindle. Rear axle is coached pattern, front axle has heavy straight grained Showing measurement of scat. Showing heavy double collar axle. split hickory axle cap cemented, glued and full clipped. These are the easiest running friction wagon axles made. lJ4-inch axles, front and rear, $1.75 extra. TRACK— 4 feet 8 inches, or 5 feet 2 inches. Re sure to read page 12. SPRINGS— Hayes spring in front, full plat- form in rear. Rear springs 4 plate l->^ inches wide and made of best grade oil tempered re- fined steel. Graded and graduated to ride easy with light or heavy load. Hayes spring in front has five leaves in lower section, three leaves in each upper section. Hayes spring is attached to heavy wide hardwood bolster with heavy head bolts. The bolster is securely attached to the body, making a very rigid construction. The Hayes spring gear construction regularly fur- nished is especially recommended, as it is not only strong and easy riding, but it enables coupling the gear up shorter, which permits of turning shorter, and by shortening the gear makes the wagon pull easier. GEARS — Heavy straight grained second growth split hickory reaches, I's inches thick. Ironed full length and securely clipped to rear axle and bolted into fifthwheel. Heavy wrought 120 iron braces from reaches to rear axle. Heavy- unbreakable full circle fifthwheel. (See illustra- Showing regular gear construction. tion.) This fifthwheel is very superior to those furnished on any other spring wagon. The first cost of it is $1.00 more than other manufacturers Showing heavy reaches full ironed and bolted. pay for their ordinary wagon fifthwheels. This fifthwheel has a special oil retaining groove, and turns very easily. We give a special guarantee on it. blocks. Showing heavy full circle fifthwheel. Heavy, securely clipped split hickory head In general, the gear on this wagon is heavier, stronger, and better constructed, and of better material than on other wagons made at any price. SHAFTS — Extra heavy straight grained split hickory double bend wagon shafts. Heavily ironed. Braces extending from shaft eye beyond crossbar and on crossbar. Extra heavy corner braces. Heavy single tree, iron ferrule and pat- ent iron trace holder on ends. Heavy harness leather hold back loops, trace carriers, and evener straps on single-tree. Pole in place of shafts, $2.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $4.75. PAINTING— Body and seats, black, with two rich dark Brewster green center panels, hand- somely ornamented and striped. Gear, rich shade of red, neatly striped. This color scheme is recommended as it makes a very attractive, yet not loud or gaudy, finish. Green gear if pre- ferred. Yellow or oak gear, $1.00 extra. Special attention is called to the fact that these wagons are painted with the same number of coats of paint, and with the same care that our surreys are painted, making them suitable for pleasure or business purposes. Our oil and lead hand brush work process is used. No part of the wagon is dipped. This makes a vast difference, not only in the appearance cf the wagon, but in the durability of the painting. FIXTURES— 12-inch patent leather dash, with strong dash braces, whipsocket, long and short steps on each side of body, wrench, wash- ers, anti-rattlers and everything complete ready CHANGES AND EXTRAS— Waterproof storm apron, $1.00. Hand or foot brake, $4.75. Lettering on side of body or seat, 10 cents per letter. Carpet in bottom of body, $1.25. Allow- ance for one seat, $4.00. Dash moulding, 50 cents extra. WEIGHT— Net weight without top and as regularly built, 525 lbs. Approximate shipping weight as regularly built and securely crated, 750 lbs. TOP DESCRIPTIONS Top No. 1, $10.75 extra. TOP NO. 1. — Four-post canopy top with roil-up side cur- tains. This top is made of heavy, waterproof rubber, on root over hardwood frame, with 4 heavy iron posts securely bolted under body, on sides of body and to roof. Side curtains are supplied all around an ' are of heavy, waterproof material. Top is lined with green cloth. Top is removable. Top No. 2, $11.00 extra. TOP NO. 2. — Same as Top No. 1, except has detachable side curtains with deep fringe. Top removable. Top No. 3, $14.00 extra. TOP NO. 3. — Made of heavy rubber, guaranteed water- proof, with heavy green head lining. Side curtains all around. The $14.00 price is for full rubber top. Price for leather quarter top is $17.00. Th'.: top not removable. Top No. 4, $17.50 extra. TOP NO. 4.— Six-post express top, made full length over bodv, with hood extending over dash. Top built entire length, with round, bent bow frame. Hardwood slats, covered with heavy rubber waterproof duck. Hardwood side rails well braced to body. Roll-up side curtains extending full length of body. This top is removable. 121 No. 12123 A Cash with Order $52.50 Cash on Deposit $54.00 No. 12123 A is the same as No. 12123, except it has 4-plate elliptic front spring with split hickory spring bars. Illustration on page 120 shows correct construction of rear of body. These Split Hickory Wagons Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial 2-Year Guarantee. No. 12123 B Cash with Order $52.00 Cash on Deposit $53.50 No. 1212."? B is the same as No. 12123 except it has 4-plate elliptic front spring and 4-plate el- liptic rear sprmgs. This spring construclion is esjiecially suitable when wagon is to be used exclusively for carrying passengers. Illustration on page 120 shows correct construction of rear of body. 122 o bi) cd t/i a> .S u o P ed cd 4^ o CO o o CO w *— u a oJ a u o ^ - (0 G < M *■• Q fi < .2 CO X H O Po in u CO PSEG H OQ Q U O Q D 123 No. 12124 Split Hickory Full Platform Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS Cash with Order $64.50 Cash on Deposit $66.50 This Split Hickory Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. 2-Year Guarantee. For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. This is our strongest, most heavily constructed and propoitioiiod spring waRon. Tt is intended for hard service. 'Ihe scats arc rcniovalile so that it is suitable for pleasure or business purposes. In pen- era! construction tiiroughout — as to grade of material and workmansliip, it is the same as our Leader wagon described on pages 119-1:21, except it has a nuich heavier gear, full platform springs and a wider body. It will easily sustain a load of over 1,000 lbs. on average roads and will stand more use and abuse than wagons of its pattern sold elsewhere at $:30.00 above our price. DETAILED DESCRIPTION I'.ODY — 7 feet 6 inches long, 3f) inches wide. iounrocess employed. This wagon is handsomely and very durably painted. TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. FIXTl'RES — 12-inch, genuine leather dash (not a cheap imitation leather), whipsockct. steps on side of body, wrench, washers, everything complete. JOBS- .Add 50 cents extra to top prices quoted on page 121 to cover additional cost of making these tops in tlie larger size for this size body. KXTR.XS AND CH.NNGES — Waterproof storm apron, $1.00. Ilanil brake. $4.75. Lettering on side of body or seat, 10 cents per letter. Carpet in bottom of body, $1.25. WEIGHT — Net weight without top. 550 lbs. ,\pproximate siiippnig weight, securely crated, 800 lbs. Write for ether extras or changes wanted. 124 No. 12125 Split Hickory Light Spring Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS Cash with Order. $44.75 Cash on Deposit $46.25 Terms, how to order and 30-day free trial plan fully explained on pages 12 and 13. Where strength, light running and easy riding qualities are wanted, this wagon will fully meet the requirements. In the grade of material and workmanship, it is practically the same as our Great Leader Spring Wagon, No. 12123, but it is made in a smaller proportion throughout. We make this wagon to meet the demand of a general purpose combination business or pleasure wagon. It is strong enough for business purposes and handsomely finished. A great many people prefer a vehi- cle of this kind to a cheap surrey. AT RETAIL THIS WAGON WOULD BE CONSIDERED CHEAP AT $65.00. We will unhesitatingly ship this wagon on our Free Trial Plan, with the under- standing, if not satisfactory, it can be returned and your money refunded in full, without question. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 33 inches wide, 84 inches long, outside measure- ment. Full width drop end gate. Selected yellow poplar panels, well braced. Heavy hardwood bottom boards. Side panels are bolted through sills. Corners of body are steel bound to prevent spreading. Very strongly made body. SEATS — Made of selected yellow poplar, extra well braced and ironed. Solid panel spring backs and spring cush- ions. 33 inches across top of cushion. Both seats re- movable. UPHOLSTERING — Heavy grade, best imitation leather, guaranteed to wear and look well. (Don't confuse this trimming with the thin, cheap drill, painted oilcloth or canvas usually furnished by others.) Genuine heavy leather with imitation fall and seat sides on both seats, $3.75; cloth, $2.00; heavy corduroy, $2.50 extra. WHEELS — ?^-inch Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches, 1- inch wide, ;<4-inch thick, oval edge, best grade hot set, electrically welded steel tires, full bolted between each spoke. These_ wheels are guaranteed to be made of best selected, straight grained split hickory. 1-inch wheels. 50 cents; IJ^-inch wheels, $1.50; 5/16-inch tires, 75 cents; riveted rims, $1.00; staggered wheels, $1.00. AXLES — 1 1/16-inch front, IJ^-inch rear. Front axle heav- ily capped with split hickory axle cap, cemented and full clipped. Rear axle coach p»attern without wood cap. Axles made of best refined steel, IJ/g-inch axle in front, 75 cents. SPRINGS — Long four-leaf front, three-leaf rear, elliptical. Best grade oil-tempered, graded to ride easy with light or heavy load. Heavy split hickory spring bar. GEAR AND FIFTHWHEEL— Double split hickory reaches, well ironed and braced. Heavy, unbreakable, guaranteed fifthwheel. Norway wrought iron clips and bolts used throughout. A very strong gear. SHAFTS — Best grade split hickory, heavy wagon shafts. Heavy irons on heel and cross bar. Heavy harness trace carriers and single-tree loops. Pole in place of shafts, $2.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $4.75. PAINTING — Our oil and lead system, all hand brush work.. Gear, light red, neatly striped. Body, black, handsomely striped and ornamented. Seats, black. Yellow gear, $1.00 extra. Green gear, no extra. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. FIXTURES — Genuine leather dash, whipsocket, wrench, washers, two steps on each side. TOP — Well made, four-post canopy top with roll-up or de- tachable curtains, $10.75. Full rubber extension top, $14.00. Leather quarter extension top, $17.00. EXTRAS — Hand or foot brake, $4.75. For other changes or extras, write us. WEIGHT — Net weight as regularly constructed, about 425 lbs. Shippring weight, as described, with shafts, 625 lbs. 125 No. 12126 Split Hickory Light Three-Spring Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $43.50 Cash on Deposit $45.00 This Split Hickory Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. 2-Year Guarantee. For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. This is our lightest general purpose business or pleasure spring wagon. While it is made lighter throughout in general proportions than most of our other spring wagons, to meet the re- quirements of those who want something to use with one horse altogether, and for pleasure pur- poses, it is weU suited. It is a very neat wagon in appearance, and we have no hesitancy in fully recommending it and guaranteeing it. The material used throughout is strictly selected stock. At retail this wagon would easily command a price of $15.00 or $25.00 above our figure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 30 y. 70 inches out.side measurement. Made of se- lected yellow poplar panels with strong heavy braces, fully reinforced. SK.ATS — Seats are removable. Made in style as illustrated. Ilalf-pancl backs, con^tructeil of selected yellow poplar and well braced. Full panel back instead of half panel, $1.00 additional. WHEELS — yA-'inch. Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. 54-inch round edge steel tires, bolted between each spoke. Wheels are guaranteed made of selected second-growth straight grained hickory. 1-inch wheels, 50 cents exlra. 5/16-inch tires, 75 cents extra. CE.\R — Double split hickory reaches, well ironed and braced. Rear circle ri-ar kingbolt fifthwhecl. Norway wr.iught iron clips and bolts throughout. Gear is light but very strong. SPRTXG.c; — I.ong elliptic, 41enf front, with two 4-1enf springs in rear. i;^-inch wide, oil tempered and very easy riding, with light or heavy load. Heavy split hickory spring bars. AXLES— 15/1 6-inch, fan-tailed front, P/^-inch coach pattern rear. No woodwork on rear axle. Split hickory wooden cap on front axle cemented and full clipi)ed. 1 l/16inrh front axle, 75 cents extra. Long distance axles, SO cents extra. TR.XCK — } feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. UPHOLSTERING — Heavy grade of best imitition leather, guaranteed to wear and look well. (Do not confuse this with cheap paintt-d oil cloth or canvas covering furnished by others on cheap wagons.) Crenuine Icatlur trimming on both seats, $3.75. P.MNTING — Body and scats, ivory black, neatly striped. Gear, rich shade of light red, neatly striped. Our oil and lead system, all hand brush work. (jrein or dark red gear, no extra cost. Yellow gear, $1.00 additional. SH.XFTS— Straight grained split hickory shafts, ironed and well braced. Pole in place of shafts. $2.50. Pole in ad- dition to shafts, $4.75. FIXTURES — Genuine leather dash, wrench, washers and anti- rattlers. CIL\NGES AND EXTRAS— Hand or foot brake, $4.50. Waterproof storm apron, $1.00. Carpet, $1.25. Dash rail, 50 cents. WEIGHT — Net weight, 375 pounds. Approximate shipping weight, 550 pounds. 126 No. 12126 A Split Hickory Light Delivery Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $39.00 Cash on Deposit $40.50 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. No. 12126 A is the same in general size and proportion throughout as No. 12126 described on These the opposite page, except it has one seat without lazy back, and is made with flare boards, which makes a very suitable wagon for light marketing and deliver}^ purposes. While it is a light de- livery wagon, it is constructed of good material — made strong and substantial throughout, there- fore will stand lots of hard usage. Split Hickory Wagons Sold on Thirty day Free Trial. 2 Year Guarantee, No. 12126 B Split Hickory Light Spring Wagon PRICED WITH SHAFTS AND STEEL TIRES Cash with Order $54.00 Cash on Deposit $55.50 For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. No. 12126 B is the same in general construction and proportion throughout as No. 12126 de- scribed on opposite page, except it is supplied with a four-post canopy top, with standards well braced to body and top. Roof is covered with heavy water-proof material and the fringe is long and of a good quality. Headlining is supplied in top; also good water-proof detachable curtains. Solid panel back in place of half panel back supplied at an extra cost of $1.00 127 Cash with Order $44.00 Cash on Deposit $45.50 This Split Hickory Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial. 2 Year Guarantee. This Split Hickory Wagon Sold on 30 Days' Free TrUL 2 Year Gtianuitee. No. 12128 Split Hickory Low Down Long Body Wagon For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 8 feet long, 36 inches wide, outside measure- ment. Corners and top edges heavily ironed. Longi- tudinal inch thick bottom boards. Heavy iron strips full length of bottom boards. Drop gate. Body hangs 31 inches from ground. Strong roomy scat, with soft cush- ion, imitation leather trimmed. Well braced wood dash. WHEELS — I'g-inch, Sarven patent, 40 and 44 inches high. 5 16-inch round edge steel tires full bolted between each spoke. Our highest grade split hickory wheels. 134-inch wheels, $1.75 extra. -}^-inch tires, $1.00 extra. .\XLES — IJs-inch front, split hickory caps. IJ^-inch rear coach pattern, best refined steel. 1^-inch axles, $1.50 extra. SPRIN'GS — Long, oil tempered, 4-leaf front and rear, lyi inches wide. Heavy split hickory, straight grained spring bars, front and rear. GE.\R — Double split hickory, licavily ironed and braced reaches. Heavy unbreakable fifth-wheel. Norway wrought iron clips and bolts. Built for hard service. S1I.\FTS — Heavy straight grain split hickory. Heavily ironed and braced. Pole in place of shafts, $2.25. Pole in addition to shafts, $4.75 extra. PAINTINCi — Our oil and lead hand brush work. flear, light red. Green gear, no extra. Yellow gear, $1.00 extra. TR.\CK — 4 feet 8 inches or S feet 2 inches. Re sure to read page 12. CHANGES .\ND EXTRAS— Hand or foot brake, $4.75. Write us for other changes. WEIGHT — Net weight, 600 lbs. Shipping weight, approx- imately, 700 lbs. Cash with Order $53.50 Cash on Deposit $55.00 No. 12228 Split Hickory Cut Under Delivery Wagon For instructions how to order and terms, see pages 12 and 13. DETAILED DESCRIPTION BODY — 7 feet 6 inches long, 40 inches wide, 10 inches deep, outside measurement. Heavy hardwood throughout. Longitudinal bottom boards with iron strips. Extension cross sills in rear, also center outside braces. Iron- bound corners. Drop end gate. Heavy well braced flare boards. Heavy well braced toe board. Strongly braced and roomy seat. Imitation leather upholstering. Side panels bolted through sills. WHEEL.S — 1^-inch, Sarven patent, 34-inch front, 44-inch rear, riveted rims, 5/16-inch tires, best grade split hickory full bolted wheels. fg-inch tires, $1.00 extra. l^^-mch wheels, $1.75. .\XLES — i;iinch wood capped front and rear for strength •ind carrying capacity. Best refined steel. 1^-inch axles, $1.50. SPRINGS— l^inch wide, five-leaf front, 1 J^-inch five- leaf rear. Best oil tempered, strong and elastic springs. GF,\R— Heavy single reach. Bolted on both sides, iull length. Full circle unbreakable guaranteed lifth-wheel. Wrought iron clips and bolts. ,. , . , . i i SHAFTS — Extra heavy straight grained split hickory, double bend shafts with driver's steps. PMNTING — Bodv. handsome brewster green, tastily striped. Gear, light red' with hcivy black striping. Green gear, if preferred. Yellow gear painting, $1.00 extra. Lettering, ten cents per letter. . TR.\CK— 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to read page 12. ^ _, „ , . F.XTRAS— Heavy hand lever brake, $4.75. For other changes or extras, write us. , ..m ... WEIGHT— Net, 550 lbs. Shipping weight, about 750 lbs. 128 Split Hickory Carts SOLD FOR CASH WITH ORDER ONLY No well equipped farm is complete without a good, strong cart of this kind. WE MAKE A BETTER CART THAN OTHER MANUFACTURERS BECAUSE WE DO NOT USE "CULL MATERIAL," AS THE OTHERS DO. We use exclusively good, straight gram hickory that we can safely guarantee. A cart, as a rule, is subjected to hard service and it should be made doubly strong. As it is a vehicle that should last many years, it pays to get a good one, and that is the kind that we have to ofifer you in these styles. We are not prepared to make any changes whatever. We manufacture these carts in large quan- tities during the dull season and have prepared them for almost immediate shipment when your order is received, consequently will make no changes whatever from the way they are described below. Made as Described Only GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Quick Shipment Not Sold on Free Trial Split Hickory Skeleton Road Cart Style No. 12129 ^ Price, Cash with Order $14.00 BODY — Bent hickory seat supports; ironed on inside; very strongly braced; two-passenger cane bottom seat. WHEELS — Sarven patent, %-inch, 46 inches high, lxJ4-inch oval edge steel tires. Wheels are made of good grade of hickory and are fully guaranteed. AXLES — 1-inch double collar, best quality refined steel. SPRINGS — Four leaf, graded and oil-tempered, very strong and easy riding. Springs are hung in swinging shackles. SHAFTS — Best grade of split hickory, well ironed and braced. PAINTING — Carmine red throughout. No other painting furnished. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to specify track wanted. WEIGHT — Approximate shipping weight, 150 pounds. Split Hickory Skeleton Road Cart Style No. 12229 Price, Cash with Order $12.75 SEAT — Two-passenger slat seat. WHEELS — Sarven patent, 46 inches high, lxi4-inch oval edge steel tires. Wheels are of the best grade split hickory and are guaranteed. AXLES — 1-inch double collar, best quality refined steel. SPRINGS — Four leaf, graded and oil-tempered, very strong and easy riding. Springs are hung in swinging shackles. SHAFTS — Best grade of split hickory, well ironed and braced. PAINTING — Carmine red throughout. No other painting furnished. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to specify track wanted. WEIGHT — Approximate shipping weight, 150 pounds. Split Hickory Phaeton Body Cart Style No. 12329 Price, Cash with Order $15.50 BODV — Strongly made, cushion and lazyback hinged to body; cushion box under seat; wood dash. ■,■,/■ u WHEELS— Sarven patent, 46 inches high, J^-inch with Ix^-mch round edge steel tires. Wheels are made of carefully selected split hickory, fully guaranteed. AXLES — 1-inch double collar, best quality refined steel. SPRINGS — Four-leaf, oil-tempered, easy riding. SHAFTS — Best quality split hickory, trimmed and strongly ironed. PAINTING — Body, black; gear, rich carmine red. TRIMMING — Imitation leather on cushion and lazyback. TRACK — 4 feet 8 inches or 5 feet 2 inches. Be sure to specify track wanted. WEIGHT — Approximate shipping weight, 175 pounds. 129 Do Any In This List of Our Customers Live Near You? If not, no matter where you live we can give you the names of customers who have pur- chased harness or vehicles from us living near you. We want yon t(i get other evidence besides our catalogue statements concerning the superiority of our goods. Tiic man best qualified to ex- press his opinion about them is the one who has paid his good hard earned money for them and tested them out under all conditions. His experience is worth something to you. He wouldn't recommend our goods unless he could conscientiously do so. We receive thousands of voluntary testimonials every year concerning the quality of our harness. Our customers are always well pleased. You should profit by the experiences of other.- H you wrote your name on the bottom of a testimonial letter to us, you would do so only because you felt sure that you had been rightly treated and that our promises to you were fulfilled. H we have succeeded in pleasing, without exception, every customer who has bought harness from us, it is only reasonable to suppose that your case will be no exception. We want your order because we know we can give you more value than you can get elsewhere. Mr. .\dani Breitenbach, Jr., North Tonawanda, N. Y. — Bought No. 13165. "H.Trncss bought of you List summer one of the nicest I have ever seen. Couldn't buy it here for one-third more." Mr. A. H. Bieman, Moscow, Ohio. — Bought No. 12139. "The harness purchased of you last spring I am well pleasLil with. They have given me entire satisfaction." Mr. .JoHppli <;a.\-iiian. Scenery Hill, Pa. — Bought No. 12139. "I wouldn't trade the harness bought of you for any $16.00 set sold in this part of the country. Refer anyone to me wanting to know about the quality of your harness." Mr. Chas. Finn, AuKTUHta, N. Y. — Bought No. 12IG3. "We are very well pleased with the single and also double combination harness." Mr. Robt. T. Kelly, Bedford. Ohio.— Bought No. 12146. "Harness is very satisfactory. Double set of harness rc- ceivcil by my brother cannot be bought here for what you ask for it." Mr. E. H. White, Osage, Iowa.— Bought No. 12139. "Harness has been in constant use in I-ivcry for over one year, and has given entire satisfaction. I saved money buy- ing of you. Use this if you wish." Mr. Chas. F. Wickham, Belmore, Ohio. — Bought No. 12151. "Kvirvbody admires my harness very much. I saved at least $6.00. You have my permission to use this letter with my signature." Mr. Geo. Seamans, Perrjs Mills, N. Y.— Bought No. 12150. "I found the harness to be O. K. Couldn't be bought here for less than $22.00. They are in use every day and wear well." Mr. William Iloimes, r^^ylls. 111.— Bought No. 12139. "Harness was really more than I expected. They are right up to the minute in style. I saved $4.00 or $5.00 in the cost." Mr. J. A. Devore, Guernsey, Ohio. — Bought No. 12139. "Harness is well proportioned and wears like iron. I saved $7.00 by buying of you. Use this letter if you wish." Mr. Newton Bright, Eminence, Ky. — Bought No. 12148. "The harness bought of you in 1910 is the seconil set I have used of your make. I was well pleased with both. They are strong and durable and well pioportioned. I saved $5.00 on each set." Mr. L. Judson Grant. Wapping, Conn.— Bought No. 12151. "The carri.igc harness bouKht last year 1 have used almost constantly. It has been used by school children nearly every day. The care of it has been neglected, but it is wearing well an 1 retains its looks better than I expected. The metal loops are a great advantage in a harness." >lr. T>>on E. Worthley, Frye, Maine. — Bought No. 12139. "I am well pleased. The equal of this harness from our local harnessmaker would cost $10.00 more." Mr. Stephen Cook, West Grove, Pa. — Bought No. 12139. "Harness is all I could expect it to be — satisfactory in every porticular and well worth the money." Mr. Oliver H. Kennlnger, Honey Brook, Pa. — Bought No. 12139. ".\m perfectly satisfied with the harness. ITstd it con- tinuously since I purchased it. Not a break in the straps. 1 saved one-third of the cost." Mr. Peter Simpson, Melrose, Wis. — ^Bought No. 121(>6. "Found the harness better than I expected for the money. It is made of good material and I saved $8.00." Mr. W. C. Hatch, Beaver Dam, Va. — Bought No. 12166. "It is a pood harness for the money. Rain does not stiffen it. I like it very much." Mr. Frank D. Bentzel, Dover, Pa. — Bought No. 12150. "I was thoroughly satisfied with the harness you sold me last year. It never cost me a cent for repairs. If I blacken it up it looks as good as the day I got it. 1 saved money buying of you. I bought it for style and not for price." Mr. M. B. Darman, Mill Hall, Pa. — Bought No. 12141. "The harness I bought of you look well and wear well." Mr. D. C. Webb, Eyola, Minn.— Bought No. 12151. "The harness I bought of you for $16..^0 I couldn't buy at our home harness shops for less than $25.00. It is satis- factory in proportions and wearing qualities." Mr. M. I>. Barker, Stoneville, N. C— Bought No. 12150. "The harness I purchased of you is in every way satisfac- tory and up to recommendation. ^Ilavc used it continually and it shows no sign of weakness." Mr. C. li. Ferguson, Jamestown, Ind. — Bought No. 12139. "We saved 20 per cent on the harness bought of you last year. The style is up to any we can find." Mr. Paul A. Hespel. SchnylervUle, N. Y.— Bought No. 12139. ".Am more than pleased with the harness, and I find it as you advertise, that I cannot find a weak spot from bit to cruri)er, even today. The total cost with the expressage is $14.00. Harness of the same style costs $18.50 here. I save! money ami obtained just what I wanted. You may publish this testimonial." 130 "Ohio Brand" Oak Tanned Harness The Only Brand Sold Under a Written Guarante A FEW OF OUR SKILLED HARNESS MAKERS Why We Choose to Sell Our Harness at Lower Prices Than We Could Get For Them That our harness prices are far lower than have ever before been quoted by any manufacturer, jobber or dealer is an admitted fact. When compared side by side v/ith other harness, and our price made known, we practically have no competitors. Manufacturers and dealers have told us that we were foolish not to get more profit out of our goods — that they were worth it — but our business is founded on the SCIENCE OF SERVICE and we prefer to conduct our business along lines that mean the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. It is a well-known fact that in these progressive times no business concern can prosper unless they render service to their cus- tomers that is entirely satisfactory. We are in business to make money. We claim no philan- thropic motives whatever in quoting the low prices that we do. There is a good, common sense reason for it that will appeal to the man of common sense judgment. The Reason Why The greater the saving we effect for our customers, the more money they make in buying from us instead of elsewhere, and the better pleased they are with their purchases, the more they will advertise us; the more voluntary and favorable advertising we get the more harness we sell; the more harness we sell, the more we make; the more harness we make, the cheaper we can buy our raw materials. It is an endless chain— the better we serve our customers the more business we do. Consequently, our net profits at the end of the year are greater. Our interests are mutual. We sell more harness than any other concern in the business. Price makes the volume for us. The volume makes the low price possible. We can sell you harness cheaper than a dealer can buy it from the manufacturers, because he cannot buy enough to enable the manufacturer getting the price down. We repeat, that the reason for our low price is the SCIENCE OF SERVICE. Result— The more we save our customers, and the better we serve them, the more we benefit ourselves. 131 What Our Claims for Superiority are Based On T R A O BREECHING BODY BREAST COLLATl'BOaY .TURN BACK HIP StRAPS 8. BREECHING LAYERS CROWN THROAT SMALL PIECES LATCHES STRAPS f ALL BELOW DOTTED LINES DISCARDED ♦ r t This illustrates our method of cutting hides. We reject the "belly stock" and use only the "first cuts." LEATHER WE USE We use exclusively Oak Tanned "Packers" steer hide, taken from the cattle that have been shipped to the packing houses at Chicago, for slaughter. Such cattle have attained full growth and their hides are tirm and tough. We use no chemically tanned leather. "Hemlock" tanned or "chemically" tanned hides produce cheap leather. Such leather can hardly be told in appearance from the oak tanned, but it is far inferior in wearing qualities. It cracks, peels and breaks very easily, as the fibres in it have been rotted in hasty "chemically tanning." OUR WORKMEN Boys and women, as employed by some harness manufacturers, produce cheap harness, but not good harness. We employ none but skilled mechanics, and we lind it economical to do so. Our factory system is conducive to the highest grade of workmanship. Every man is a specialist in his particular line. He has a model to go by, and his finished product must positively come up to the inspector's model. Our workmen are surrounded with every possible working facility for the production of the highest grade of harness. They are provided with massive Campbell-Bosworth Lock-Stitching Machines, the work of which has long since proven far superior to hand stitching, for no man, no matter how skillful, can sew, for instance, a set of traces, as firmly or as evenly. In sewing with this machine we use nothing but Barbour's finest grade of linen thread, except where we use silk thread. You will find no cotton thread in our harness to rot and rip. OUR HARNESS IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROPORTIONED The highly pleasing high-grade appearance of our harness is materially due to the fact that it is properly proportioned and well balanced. It is not clumsy in certain parts and small in oth- ers, but each pa^t bears a relative proportion to the other parts, as in proportion to the strain it must sustain. Some harness producers make up in quantity what the parts lack in quality. OUR MOUNTINGS AND FINISH No matter what the workmanship on a harness may be, or what grade of material is used, it can- not be pleasing to the eye unless it has that finished appearance which is indicative in itself of high grade harness. In dressing our harness and polishing it, we do not dip it in vats and then let it dry, but each strap is blacked with a brush and rubbed to a high polish, working the blacking into the grain in such a way that it will not rub off. The mountings are not only neat in appearance, but are thoroughly durable. We use nickel on com- position or solid nickel mountings and not the cheap "nickel washed" mountings which will rub and scrape off. We use only the selected parts of the hide as indicated in illustration at top of this page. The discarded jiarts are called "belly stock." It doesn't make good harness because it is usually thin and full of "cuts and grubs," and other imperfections. As a rule it is spongy and flanky, and will pull out of shape easily. We could not aflford to use it in our high grade harness. The demand, however, for belly stock exceeds the supply, and we are always able to sell it to other harness concerns who make the so-called "cheap" harness sold by catalogue houses. Most manufacturers use the entire hide, and don't sell the belly stock, 132 .Shipment of Rejected Belly Stock from our Factory. Read Our Guarantee and "Money Back" Agreement With You Our first agreement is to absolutely guarantee to save you money. We positively agree to send you harness that will thoroughly please and sat- isfy you. If we fail to do so, which is most un- likely, then we take the harness back at our ex- pense for freight both ways and refund every cent of your money immediately. No matter whether j-ou find the harness up to our claims or not, if it don't suit you, your privilege is to return it. The only condition we impose is that you do not use it and soil it. Make any com- parison you care to, any reasonable test you want to, then if you decide to keep it our "Guar- antee Tag" is your future protection and assur- ance of durability. Isn't our agreement a fair one? Every Set Guaranteed This Way. Important ! What Size Is Your Horse ? If your horse weighs over 1250 pounds, because it takes longer strap work throughout, the harness will have to be made larger and it will cost you $1.00 extra on single sets, and $2.00 ex- tra on double sets. All our harness is made adjustable to fit horses weighing from 800 pounds to 1250 pounds. Our Only Terms and Prices The prices quoted in our catalogue are positively our very lowest. We have but one price to everybody, no matter how many sets are wanted. Our only terms are Cash-with-Order, un- less you are ordering a vehicle at the same time, which you are ordering on our Cash-on-De- posit plan, in which case you can also deposit the orice of the harness. We positively will not ship harness Collect on Delivery, as our profit is too small to pay collection charges. Freight on Harness The freight is insignificant when you consider the saving that we effect for you. To points East of the INIississippi and North of the Ohio River, the freightage is between 25 and 50 cents. To Southern States, it is from 75 cents to $1.25; to the far West, from $1.50 to $2.50. The freight on three sets of single harness or two sets of double harness is no more than on one set, as the railway companies make a minimum charge for 100 pounds. While one set would not weigh 100 pounds, you would be charged for 100 pounds just the same. If, however, a vehicle is ordered at the same time, the harness is packed in the vehicle shipment and you only pay freight on the actual weight of the harness. If you order a set of harness without a vehicle, try to in- terest some friends to order with you to save freight, as the freight on two or three sets will be no more than on one set. Changes and Extras We prefer to furnish our harness just as we illustrate and describe it, with such changes as are provided for in the descriptions. We make it up as our experience has taught us is the cor- rect way. We are not, however, arbitrary as to making changes and will do so, making no charge except where the change is one that affects the cost of making the harness. On any harness you have the option, without extra charge, of open or blind bridle, sliding or Grifiith style belly band, overcheck or side rein. For buckled crupper add 25 cents extra on single har- ness, 50 cents on double harness. Handholds in lines^ 75 cents. Padded lines, $1.00 extra. If there are any other changes you want made, write us plainly just how you want the harness changed, and we will tell you what it will cost you. Hitch Reins and Tie Straps Our prices do not include hitch reins. They were not figured in the cost of our harness. There is a great difference of opinion as to what is the most suitable size and kind, and as it is a matter of opin- ion, and should depend on the horse to be hitched, we prefer to sell you, at actual cost to us, exactly the strap or rein you think you need, as follows: HITCH REINS. §^-inch 20 cents 54-inch 30 cents %-inch 40 cents l-inch SO cents NECK TIE STRAPS. 1 -inch by 1 -inch $0.90 1^-inch by l;^-inch 1.00 154-inch by H^-inch 1.2S liX-inch by 1^-inch 1.50 How to Order Use our order blank. Order by number and page. If you order collar and hames harness, we can't fill your order unless you tell us what size collar 3'ou want. You must also tell us the size of your horse. Read above explanation about size of horse. 133 20-Inch Collar. The Styles We Especially Recommend — and Why Our "Big S« >» IX Leaders f No. 12139 Single Buggy Harness Page 139 No. 12141 Single Buggy Harness " 141 No. 12151 Single Buggy Harness " 151 No. 12159 Single Surrey Harness " 159 No. 12163 Double Harness " 163 No. 12165 Combination Harness " 165 WE are certain that the harness you really need is in the above list. Look them over. We recommend that you order one of these sets, not because it would afford us a larger profit than if you selected some other style — for it certainly wouldn't — but because you will be getting nearer one hundred cents in actual harness value for every dollar you pay us than any manufacturer, dealer, jobber or small harness maker could possibly offer you. RETAIL DEALERS AND SMALL HARNESS MAKERS ADMIT OUR CLAIMS The well posted harness user will need no urging to buy one of these sets after he has read the .full description and examined the illustrations closely, which we guarantee to be exact. If you arc not well posted, accept our advice, order one of these sets, let some thoroughly exj)cricnccd harness- maker examine it — it will speak for itself, and if you cannot say that it is the best harness you ever saw for the money — send it back. There won't be any questioning or quibbling. We will refund your money instantly. The very best proof that we can offer you, aside from thousands of testimonials that we have received (like those we print on page 130) from customers who are using "I'ig Sixes," IS that scores of dealers and jobbers throughout tlie United States are offering us orders for quantity lots at the same prices we sell them to you direct for one set. When retail dealers, who are our keenest competitors foi your trade, admit that they cannot buy harness at lower prices than you can; and when you know that the dealer must make a profit on his sales, which is from $5.00 to $20.00, according to the harness, isn't it the strongest argument that you should buy from us direct and save the dealer's profit? Our capacity — large as it is — is not large enough to per- mit of our accepting orders that are offered us for quantity lots by dealers and jobbers in addition to our regular busi- ness with consumers direct. We are not selling to dealers. OUR BIG SIXES CANNOT BE PITRCH.ASED THROUGH DE.M.ERS. DON'T ALLOW ANY DEALER TO MIS- LEAD YOU AND OFFER YOU A CHEAP SUBSTITUTE. WHY WE CAN AFFORD TO QUOTE THESE LOW PRICES In giving especial prominence to these six sots of harness, it is not our intention of "hurrahing" anybody into iiuying them. If you were here to make your selection, the mere statement of what the price is, and the laying before you of the harness for your own examination would be all the sell- ing argument required. It is only reasonable for anyone who is interested to ask that we state a good reason why we can afford to quote lower prices than other manufacturers on this sort of harness. We do not claim to be the only concern in the country making good harness. We freely admit that other harness manufacturers, and even retail dealers can quote you prices that will be about the same as our price, but the remarkable thing about this harness is that it is so far superior to other manufacturers' harness at the same price, when the question of quality, workmanship and style is considered. Other manufacturers can offer you harness of about the same price, but you would find a vast difference in the quality. There are three things that will govern any manufac- turer's ability to undersell his competitors. 1st. A large demand. 2nd. Superior manufacturing facilities. 3rd. Capital that will enable his buying for spot cash, and in such quantities that his first cost will be lower than his competitors. We have already created the demand, which is increasing to a point that will this year necessitate our enlarging our plant. We have the skilled labor which the size of our business enables our employing the year around. We have the capital to buy for cash — because we do no credit business and sell for spot cash. WE BUY MORE HARNESS RAW MATERIAL THAN ANY OTHER HARNESS MANUFACTURER IN AMERICA Were it not for the fact that we sell two sets of harness where the average manufacturer only sells one, our price on these "Big Six" Leaders would be utterly impossible. Our profit is made by doing a big volume of business, and therefore we can afford to quote extremely close prices and take a very small profit on each set. WHEN WE FIRST OFFERED THESE "BIG SIX" LEADERS THREE YEARS AGO, OUR COMPETITORS PREDICTED OUR FAILURE They said it would be impossible for us to continue to sell these harness at the price that we were quoting, but they flid not count on the fact that every set of harness we sold would be the ilircct means of selling another set for us. We figured it that way in arriving at our decision to quote these prices, and our business judgment proved good. C)ur harness business has now grown to that point where we can sell a set of harness direct to a consumer at a |;rice that is in most cases less than what it wouhl cost a small harness- maker to produce it — a price lower than the first cost to a dealer. Our Prices on these "Big Six" Leaders Exemplify the Working of our "Science of Service explained on page 131. Methods 134 Here's My Personal Agreement With You, If you can find a set of Single Buggy Harness oSf «f "iy ^"^ /,!'/" ^^.^'!'' at S20 00 that compares at all favorably with my No. 12139, after a strap- Sy-straP comparison, 1 will willingly take back my harness a my expense for freight bo?h ways and refund your money m full '"""^^■^'^'^helPS. Note the Superior Construction Throughout! Patent lever latch fastener. Very secure. Quickly and easily operated. No straps to buckle or unbuckle in ad- justing collars. Showing style and front view of bridle. Showing heavy hand part of the lines with '"i^^i^ J^P ^^"f :k-stitch sewing, ^s-inch fore parts, l^g-mch hand parts. 135 =n* Showing billet end This illustrates the flexibility of our saddle and shows how it conforms to the back of any size horse. spriHR of line. This illustrates the general style of out liaiidsome saddle, regularly furnished. / CAMPBELL- BOSWORTH LOCfC-STtTCH / This fancy style ivorycttc rosette is sur.iilied on this and all our "BIG SIX" LEADERS. At an extra charge, which will be quoted on request, we are prepared to supply em- blematic rosettes for all secret orders, such as Masonic, Oild Fellows. Woodmen, K. of P., etc. Glass initial rosettes, 10 cents extra. i[i[iiiriTiiiiifiTiiiiii iJUUUiJJiJ jj. — -' [■ Section of rami)bell-Rosworth lock-stitchcd trace. This lock-stitching is used throughout on this harness, and a guarantee th.nt the stitches will not rip is given for the life i<( the harness. 136 This illustrates our heavy overcheck with doubled and stitched end piece. This illustrates our breeching. Note the three-ring stays with box loops and handsome raised layers. Special attention is called to the extended breeching ends forming safes under breeching ring. Style "A" collar and hames. Traces at hame ends are ar- ranged with nickel plated out- side clip with patent leather layer. Detailed Description and Sizes of Parts BRIDLES — 5^-inch, blind, overcheck. Made of our finest stock throughout, all round edge finished, with all small laps hand stitched. Round winker stays. Three rows stitched patent leather blinds. Hand raised degreased leather box loops. Harness leather beveled nose piece. Fine patent leather silk stitched front. Patent metal over- check loops. Overchecks are extra heavy with doubled and stitched ends. Handsome rosettes. Straight bit. Jointed if preferred. Open bridle of same quality, no extra charge, or round side rein, no extra. LINES — Black 7^ -inch fore parts, I'/^-inch hand parts. 13'/2 feet long, with steel spring billet ends. Round edge throughout. Center lap is long and scalloped, firmly sewed with linen thread. The line stock used is guaranteed "first cut." You can feel safe with these lines. BREAST COLLAR — Full 3-inch single strap, cut V shaped to prevent choking. Selected heavy stock is used and fin- ished round edge. Neck strap is 1 ^-inch single strap tap- ered and attached to box loop tugs. Trace layers on breast collars are long and scalloped and raised. TRACES — n^i-inch single strap. 7 feet 6 inches long from center of breast collar. Reinforced trace ends are doubled and lock-stitched making them doubly strong where strain and wear are greatest. The trace stock is our finest leather and will pull a ton. Sewed to breast collar regularly. Buckled traces, 60 cents extra. BELLYBANDS — Single strap double sliding; inside part 1^- inch, outside part 7.^-inch. Griffith style if preferred, no extra charge. SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch solid leather doubled and lock- stitched, I'/^-inch degreased box loops and swinging dees, with ?^-inch billets. S.\DDLES — Our patent flexible pattern. Made full 3-inch with single strap skirts, patent leather housings measuring full 4-inch, three rows stitched patent leather jockeys and pug seat. Back bands full 1-inch with swinging bearers. Pads stuffed with French goat hair and have Genuine Enamel Leather Bottoms. These are the finest and most durable flexible saddles made and will comfortably conform to any horse. They are ventilated which prevents sore and chafed backs. Don't accept an imitation in the shape of one of the many so-called flexible saddles offered, but re- member this patent flexible saddle with Mosher's patent saddle-tree can only be purchased through us. This saddle is guaranteed positively against breakage. BREECHING— Full 1 ^4-inch single strap with breeching butts extended to form "safes" under rings. Long wide raised and scalloped layers on breeching body. 7'^-inch breeching straps made of heavy selected stock with 6-inch lap at buckles. Turnback is cut IJ-^-inch and died out to s^-inch, reversed, hand raised, scalloped and stitched. Hip straps are J4-inch. Large flaxseed crupper sewed on. Buckle crupper, 25 cents e.xtra. This breeching is made full box loop ivith three-ring doubled and stitched stays. You can stop short from a fast trot and not rip or burst this breeching. TRIMMINGS — Davis rubber throughout of hatidsome pat- tern. Will furnish genuine "nickel on composition" mount- ings without extra charge. Special attention is directed to the fact that on this harness where nickel mountings are ordered we furnish genuine "nickel on composition," not simply nickel plating on iron, which will rust ofl^ in a very short time, giving a very ugly appearance to the harness. 5-piece brass saddle trimming, no extra charge. 5-piece gold saddle trimming, $1.00. Full genuine rubber trim- ming throughout, $3.00 extra. WHEN FURNISHED WITH COLLAR AND HAMES When this harness is furnished with collar and hames, we give a choice of the following: Style "A" regular single strap 1 '4-inch traces with reinforced ends attached directly to the hames with patent leather ends. Style "B" traces attached to hame tugs with 4^ -inch box loops with patent leather ends. Outside nickel or brass clips riveted on. See illustration of this very handsome and strong hame tug. The box loop on hame tug is made of degreased stock and will hold its shape. COLLARS — Full kip buggy, solid rim collars reinforced at point where hame draught comes. Collar is equipped with Marshall's patent lever latch fastener. No buckles or straps to worry you in cold and wet weather. We want to emphasize that these are not cheap split-leather or hog- skin collars, but are fine kip collars. H.^MES- Full 3^-pound, japanned, with nickel or Davis rubber terrets. SPECIAL NOTE — Style No. 12139 can be ordered as a com- bination collar and hames, or breast collar harness by ordering an extra breast collar, in which case a charge of $2.25 extra will be made for the extra breast collar, above the collar and hames price. One set of traces will be furnished, arranged to buckle to the hame tugs 01 onto breast collar. EXTRAS AND CHANGES — For horses weighing over 1,2S0 pounds, add $1.00; forked hip straps, 50 cents; forked neck straps with ring, $1.00. For other changes see page 133. 137 ^'^\-ur.,m! — • No. 12139 "Big Six" Leader Buggy, Runabout or Surrey Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $15.00 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $15.50 1. Oak tanned leather. 2. "T(ip cut" leather (not "belly stock"). 3. Symmetrical proportions. 4. Full length straps — not skimpy; thick straps — not thin. 5. Round edge finish throughout. 6. Durable mountings. 7. Highly "finished" leather with the blacking "worked" into the fil^res to protect them and give high polish. 8. "Degreased" bo.x loops that will h.ild their shape and not get flabby. 9. Lock-stitching throughout. 10. Linen thread stitches. 11. Silk stitched bridle fronts. 12. Three rows stitched patent leather blinds. 1.3. Solid sewed layer on crown piece. 14. Heavy overcheck with doubled and stitched ends. 15. Harness leather nosoliand. READ COMPLETE DETAILED DESCRIPTION, PAGES 134 TO 137 There Isn't A Weak Spot On This 138 No. 12139 "Big Six" Leader Buggy, Runabout or Surrey Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $13.25 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $13.75 16. Very handsome pattern "whip and horseshoe" rosettes. 17. "Wide and thick" Hnes with spring billet ends. 18. Wide curved breast collar, with raised, scalloped layers. 19. "Wide and thick" traces. 20. Reinforced, doubled and stitched trace ends. 21. "Wide and thick" breeching. 22. Three ring breeching stays 23. Reinforced breeching stays. 24. Breeching extended under breech ring to form safe. 25. Flexible humane saddle extra wide. 26. Hair-stufifed saddle pad. 27. Patent leather housings on saddle. 28. Flaxseed-stuf^'ed crupper. 29. Kip collar with patent "lever latch" fastener. 30. Very LOW PRICE AND STRONG GUARANTEE. READ COMPLETE DETAILED DESCRIPTION, PAGES 134 TO 137 Harness From Bit To Crupper! 139 We want to show you how you can prove to your own satisfac- tion that this is the greatest harness value ever sold by anyone. two Order this harness on ai)i>roval. tlun ask your retail harness dealer to let you compare this harness sidc-by-side. and strap-lOr-strap with any single lOUU-d iiariiess in his shop which he sells for as much as $10.00 above our price. First, compare bridles: (see illustration, page 135) is your dealer's bridle hand sewed? Has it a solid layer on crown piece? Are all laps hand stitched? Is his overdraw check and end piece strong, heavy, firm stock? Does it compare in appearance with ours? Now, the breast collar: Is his made strong like ours, with long scalloped 1-inch layers all around? ' Has it the same layer on breeching also? Does your dealer's harness have large de- greased box loops, with patent leather ends for traces? Look at our traces: (see illustration on page 163.) Are his traces genuine hand raised with round leather filler, doubled and lock-stitched? Is your dealer's harness box loop throughout? Look at our box loop tugs! Get the dealer to just try to show you that his saddle is the equal of ours. Now place the sets of lines side-by-side: Are his lines V& by V/s inches with spring billet ends? How do they compare? Feel the thickness of ours. Are his iines "top cut," firm, tough oak stock like ours, or cheap, flimsy "belly stock?" Which lines would you feel safest behind with a vicious horse? Don't take any chances on lines— get the best. Examine the breeching of his harness and compare it with ours. Notice the width of them and the stock of the leather. The usual breeching on harness at this price is skimpy IJ/^-inch stock, with short one-inch straight layers. If your dealer will let you cut open the breeching fold, it is ten chances to one that you will find it stuffed with paper in the folds to fill them up and give them a heavy appearance. You will not find any such deception practiced in our harness. Compare the hold back straps and see if his are up to ours in size and quality. Buggies have been wrecked because of poor hold back straps. There is another thing that we do not want you to overlook. Compare the mountings and notice there is not a single hook, terret, bit or buckle, or any other part made of cheap X. C. or iron japanned. You will find them all to be Davis rubber, or nickel on composition or brass. This makes a big difference in the cost of mounting the harness. FINALLY, if both sets of harness are of the same width, same proportion of straps, and same length, put the two sets on the scales and see which Vvcighs the most. The weight of the strap work in a set of harness determines the quality of the leather. You will find ours are from one to two pounds heavier than cheap harness, which denotes thickness and firmness of stock. BRIDLE — ?<-inch blind, overcheck (open bridle if pre- ftrrcl). Fnr illustration and further description of bridle, sec iKiyc 135. LINES— 7^ -inch fore parts, li^-inch hand parts, spring billet ends, silccted "first cut" stock throughout. For further description of lines, see page 136. HAMES— 3'<-pound japanned, with nickel, brass or Davis rubber iL-rrcts. lAME TUGS — i;^-inch box loop with handsome patent leather ends, outside plated clip rivutcd on. Rox loop is made of dcgreased stock which insures its holding its shape. This is the most handsome and durable box loop hanie tug made. COLI..\R — Full kip buggry solid rim, collars reinforced at point where hame draught comes. Collar is eiiuipi^ed with Slarshall's patent lever latch fastener. No buckles or straps to worry you in cold and wet weather. We want to em- phasize that these are not cheap split leather or hog skin collars, but are fine kip collars. TR.\CE.S — I'^-inch heavy selected, doubled and stitched stock throughout, raised like illustration of trace on page 163. The traces are sewed with linen thread through- out and are the handsomest and strongest traces that can Ik- jirciiluced. SADDLE — Genuine flexible pattern with Moshcr's patent spring steel tree. For full detail description of saddle see illustration and de- scription on page 136. BELLYBAND— 154 -inch folded, ?^-inch lay, one ?|inch single strap bellyband looped to folded part with two soft loops. (Griffith style, if preferred, with ^-inch wrap strap, no extra charge.) SHAFT TUGS— Full 1-inch doubled and stitched, with !•/$- inch degreased box loop, swinging dee, Jg-inch billet. BREECHING — Full l^-inch body with 1-inch raised scal- loped layci- all around. Forked hip strains with 2'/^-inch degreased and hand-sewed box loops on lead-ups. Hip straps are -^^-inch. Holdback straps are much longer than those usually furnished and are made full Tii-inch of se- lected heavy stock, with 6-inch lap at buckle and points stitched down. Turnback cut IJs-inch, died down to ii inch, reversed, hand-raised, scalloped, doubled and stitched body. Flaxseed stuffed sewed crupper, regular. Buckled crupper, 25 cents extra. TRIMMING— Davis rubber throughout. "Nickel on com- I)osition" mountings, if preferred, no extra charge. Gen- uine rubber mountings throughout, $3.00 extra. Note that there are no cheap XC or black japan buckles on any part of this harness. SPECIAL NOTE— This harness can be ordered as a com- bination, collar and hames or breast collar harness by ordering an extra breast collar, in which case a charge of $2.25 above the collar and hames price will be made for extra breast collar. The traces will be arranged to buckle onto the hames tugs or onto the breast collar. EXTR.VS .\ND CH.VNGES — For horses weighing over 1,250 pounds, add $1.00. Fur other changes see page 133. ^'^sBlg When ordered as breast collar harness the style breast collar supplied is as per the illustration. It is made of selected stock, full two inches wide, with one-inch scalloped layer running full length of breast collar with 4'-<-inch box loops with safes under the buckles. The neck strap is full 1'4 inch with scalloped layer running full length and with doubled and stitched points. See Explanations concerning this and our other "Big Six" Leaders on page 134. 140 J No. 12141 "Big Six" Folded Buggy Harness Be sure to read page 134 PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $12.50 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $13.00 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $14.25 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $14.75 FULL DESCRIPTION ON OPPOSITE PAGE We challenge any harness maker in the United States to produce the equal of this harness in material, workmanship, mountings and finish at our price. Make any comparison you care to. JUDGED BY RETAIL PRICE STANDARDS IT WOULD BE CHEAP AT $20.00 141 .^" No. 12142 Medium Grade Single Strap Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $ 8.25 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $ 8.50 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $ 9.75 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $10.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch box loop cheeks, 1 J^-inch crown piece with layer on crown and our patent metal overcheck loops, overcheck or side rein, patent leather hiinds with flat winker stay, patent leather brow band stitched in colored thread. We will furnish open bridle of the same quality, if preferred, without extra charge. LINES — ;8-inch, 13 feet long, creased edge, buckle ends. BREAST COLLAR— U^-inch creased edge, 1^-inch single strap creased edge traces attached. Breast collar measures 7 feet from the center to the ends of the traces. Heavy neck Etrap. BELLYBANDS — Flat, 1-inch, single strap body, J^inch wrap straps, Griffith pattern. SADDLE — 2^-inch, iron jockey, enamel drill bottom, J^-inch douliled and stitched backhands, leather backhand loops, ^4 -inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— Ji-inch, track pattern, center bar buckles. BREECIIINC — U^inch body, single strap, two ring stays, ^-inch layer, .^^-inch turnback, 5^-inch hip straps, and >4- inch breeching straps. Creased edge throughout. TRIMMING— Full black japan only. While we consider it economy in the end to order a better harness (say our "Big Six Leader Single Strap") yet we have no hesitancy in recommending this style to those who lind it neces- sary to buy a very low priced set. This harness will prove better than you ever before thought it possible to buy at our price. It is equal to what others charge $3.00 more for. We sell it on approval and guarantee it. Don't confuse our low priced harness with those sold by catalogue supply houses — it's different and far better. 142 Jw*-.. No. 12143 Medium Grade Folded Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $7.50 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $7.75 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $8.50 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $8.75 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE-^8-inch cheeks, flat side rein or overcheck, patent SADDLE-2r/-inch, iron jockey, enameled drill bottom. leather blinds. Open bridle of equal quality at same price. ^-^^^^^ tUG— ^-inch, doubled and stitched; ?4-inch bil- LINES— Flat, black, leather, .>^-inch, to buckle. lets. BREAST COLLAR— Folded, full length layer, with traces belLYBANDS— Flat, f^-inch. attached; double and stitched 1-inch trace. , c . ■ • ( .^ BREECHING — Folded, full length layer, ^-inch hip strap, TRIMAIING— Black japan. No other style of trimming fur- iiKE,E.»„niiNv.i— x-umc . , , 34 -inch breeching straps, nished. We offer this as a dependable cheap folded harness. If we did not know that it would give good service we could not afford to offer it for sale. It is plain but substantial and if you cannot afford a better set, like our "Big Six Leader Folded Harness," you are safe in expecting entire satisfaction in this one. Even on our very cheapest set we attach our Guarantee Tag and sell it on approval. 143 ^^ No. 12144 Single Strap Driving Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $13.00 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $13.50 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $14.50 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $15.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch; box loop cheeks. Patent leather, grain lined, three row stitched, blinds. Round winker stays. Strong, flat overcheck, with solid noseband. Patent leather front, fancy rosettes, tested half cheek, driving bit. LINES — 7/j;.inch foreparts. 1-inch hand parts. Steel spring billet ends. Our very best grade lines. BRE.\ST rOLL.\R — 2'i-inch curved single strap with split neck straps with box loop tugs and line rings. TR.XCES — I'^-inch, heavy single straps, with double and stitched reinforced ends and raised scalloped layers. SADDLE — Straight pattern. Made on ZVi-inch tree. Heavy single strap skirts. Patent leather jockey. Double and stitched back bands. BELLYR.\NDS — Double sliding flat single straps. SII.VFT TUr.S — I inch, doubled and stitched, box loop tugs. BREECIIINri — I'j-inch. firm, single strap bodies, scalloped and raised layers. 5^-inch split hip straps, with box loop tugs. Scalloped solid turnback, seed stuffed, sewed crup- per. j4-inch hold back straps. TRIMMINGS — Davis rubber throughout. Nickel, if pre- ferred. This is one of tlie most popular sets of buRRv harness wc make. We sell hundreds of sets each year and every purchaser is well pleased. The price, when quality is considered, is remarkably low. It is neat and very strong and, of course, wc sell it on approval and fully guarantee it in every strap. Note the line rings on neck straps to prevent lines from becoming entangled on shaft tips. 144 No. 12145 Light Single Strap Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $13.00 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $13.50 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $14.75 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $15.25 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — 5^-inch. Box loop cheeks. Patent leather, grain lined, three row stitched, track style blinds. Heavy crown with sewed layer, patent leather fronts. Ivorette rosettes. Hand sewed winker stays. Degreased box loops. Large ring cheeks. Bridle is made round edge throughout of the finest oak leather. LINES— All Russet, 7^ -inch foreparts. 1-inch hand parts. Steel spring billet ends. Scalloped points and round edge finish. Our best guaranteed lines. BREAST COLLAR— 2'/^ -inch single strap, curved pattern. TRACES — li^-inch single strap with doubled and stitched reinforced ends. Scalloped raised points on breast col- lar. SHAFT TUGS — 1-inch doubled and stitched, solid dees and degreased box loops, with sewed billets. SA.DDLF — 2M-inch flexible treeless pattern. Brown full chrome leather bottom, doubled and stitched back bands, with strap and dees. Patent leather skirts and housings. A very strong and handsome saddle. BELLYBANDS— 1^-inch body with ^^-inch outside sliding loop. BREECHING— Single strap body, three ring flat stitched stays, scalloped points and box loop tugs. Scalloped turn- backs, seed stuffed crupper sewed on. f:J-mch hip straps. 54-inch holdbacks. TRIMMINGS — Davis rubber throughout. Nickel, if pre- ferred. A fine, neat, but strong track or light driving harness, the saddle bottom being covered with a fine light brown chrome leather, soft as a kid glove, yet wears better than enamel leather, mak- ing this a beautiful harness of high value at a low price, suitable for a buggy or runabout. A very attractive set of harness fully guaranteed, and our price saves you $5.00. 145 f No. 12146 Two Minute "Matinee Track" Harness PRICE Cash with Order $13.50 Cash on Deposit $14.00 DESCRIPTION BRini.E — ^inch box loop cheeks, fine patent leather grain lined blinds, track style, solid crown with layer, patent leather fronts, ivoryette rosettes, round stitched winker stays and side reins or flat overchcck with solid moulded leather nosebands, all sewed leather loops, half-cheek tested driving bits. LINES — Rest quality harness leather fore parts, ^-inch wide with j^pring billet ends. 1-inch hand parts, black or russet leather. SII.\FTS TUGS— Doubled and stitched, with degreased box loops. BF.LLYBANDS— Flat bodies, doubled and stitched, \% inches wide, outside ^-inch looped on. BREAST COM-AR — 2'/S inches wide, made from heavy solid single strap harness leather, curved shape to prevent choking, round edge finish. TR.'\CES — lli inches wide, with scalloped and raised points whtre attached to breast collar, doubled and stitched at back end and reinforced. S.XHDLF; — Straight pattern, Blue Ribbon style, heavy patent leather skirts, patent leather jockey, with safe between ter- rcts to reinforce the top, enamel leather, hair stuffed, full pad bottom, metal strap end dees, 1-inch doubled and stitched swinging bearers, 7;^. inch bellyband billets. BREECHING — I'Mnch flat, heavy harness leather body, scalloped and raised layer, solid scalloped turnback, seed stuffed dock attached, sewed ij^-inch flat round edge hip strap, smooth and solid, ^-inch holdbacks with sewed loops, heavy substance solid stock, flat, doubled and stitched three ring stays, round edge finish. TRIMMINGS — Imitation rubber, very handsome, neat pat- tern, saddle trimmed in brass; nickel mountings if pre- ferred. Genuine rubber, $3.50 extra. This is one of the neatest and handsomest sets of harness we manufacture. It is made in a neat, yet strong proportion thr(jughout, and is handsomely mounted and finished. It is suitable for track use and is a very desirable set to use for light driving purposes. Notice the handsome saddle, which is the genuine "Blue Ribbon" pattern. You would pay your local harness maker or dealer ?7.50 more for a harness of this style and quality and consider it cheap. Order a set on approval. We guarantee satisfaction and attach our Guarantee Tag to each set. 146 No. 12147 Round "Featherweight" Driving Harness PRICE Cash with Order $15.25 Cash on Deposit $15.75 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE— Open, round leather fronts, round throat latch round leather sewed cheeks with buckle billet end, solid crown with neat scalloped layer stitched on. ivoryette ro- settes, fancv pattern, solid three ring overcheck with pat- ent check 'holders, solid harness leather noseband, half cheek tested driving bit, f.ne, light and durable through- out. LINES— ^-inch beaded foreparts, guaranteed round leather belting filled, with steel spring billet ends, making them very strong and durable, 1 5 8-inch hand parts m russet leather. SHAFT TUGS— Doubled and stitched, with degreased box loops and solid leather billets. BELLYB.\NDS— Flat bodies, doubled and stitched, IJi inches wide, outside %-inch looped on. BREAST COLLAR— 2 '/> inches wide, curved or V-shaped style, heavy single strap leather, round edge finish, with neck straps, round and ^ stitched centers, folded at top where they rest on horse's neck. TR-VCFS 1'^ inches wide, with scalloped and raised points where attached to breast collar, doubled and stitched at back end and reinforced. SADDLE— Single strap skirts, patent leather jockey, enamel leather hair stuffed bottom pad, strap end dees, 1-incii double and stitched bearers, black pug seat and a guar- anteed flexible steel tree. Saddle is straight pattern. BREECHING— 1^-inch, heavy single strap, harness leather with scalloped raised layer, solid scalloped turnback, with seed stuffed dock sewed on, round hip straps with j4-inch points, flat doubled and stitched stays with round edge finish, 34-inch solid heavy holdback straps, with sewed loops and round edge finish. TRIMMINGS — Imitation rubber of handsome pattern, nickel if preferred. Genuine rubber, $3.50 extra. Just the harness to show off a fine horse. THIS SET IS A BEAUTY. It is iTiade hght but very strong and is beautifully finished and mounted. Selected '"first cut" stock used throughout^ Strong and safe enough for ractng purposes, and appropriate for light pleasure drmng^ V. e keep our competitors guessing as to how we can quote this prtce. Others charge $22.50 or $25.00 for this grade and style of harness. Guarantee Tag attached, of course. 147 w <. J No. 12148 Medium Weight Buggy Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $12.75 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $13.25 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $14.50 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $15.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch box loop cheeks with patent leather blinds; l^g-inch crown with raised layrr: flat overcheck with nose piece, or will furnish with rniind side reins, if so ordered. Patent leather fronts, silk stitched; fancy ro- settes; choice of either stiff or jointed bits. Will furnish open bridle of equal equality at same price. LINES — Full 13 feet long, "g-inch with 1-inch hand parts. Round edge finish with spring billet ends. BRE.AST COLLAR AND TRACES— 2;/^-inch V-shapcd sin- gle strap breast collar with I 's-inch single strap traces attached, scalloped points, doubled and stitched ends, \%- inch neck strap, with J^-inch points, round edge finish. BELLYH.VND — I'/j-inch wide single strap, double sliding, or. if preferred, will furnish Griffith style. S.\DDLE — 2 '/-S -inch flexible saddle with full pad. Enamel leather bottom, patent leather skirts and jockey, 1-inch doubletl and stitched ring backhand, Ji-inch billet. .Saddle is extra well made. This Style is an old favorite and always gives the highest satisfaction. Of the thousands of sets of it we have sold every set has "stayed sold." The weij^ht and proportion is medium, but the grade of leather is the best and we unhesitatingly guarantee it and sell it on approval. It is finely mounted and finished and presents a handsome appearance. Note especially the strong high grade saddle. 148 SHAFT TUGS — 1-inch doubled and stitched with two rows of stitching, box loops. BREECHING — I'A inches wide, single strap, three ring breeching stays, 5^-inch small box loop tugs, .}4-inch breech- ing straps, ^-inch hip straps, ^-incli solid scalloped turn- back and sewed crupper. TRIMMING — Imitation rubber throughout, or if preferred, will furni Ii nickel trimmings. When ord.red witli collar and hames, we furnish a fine quality patent leather back collar, with S'A-pound hames am! lJ4-''ich single strap traces attacheil. SPECLXL NOTK: — This harness can be ordered as a com- bination collar and hames or breast collar harness, by simply ordering an e.Ntra breast collar, in which case a charge of $J.OO above the collar and hames price will be made for extra breast collar. The traces will be ar- ranged to buckle onto the hame tugs or onto the breast collar. No. 12149 Genuine Rubber Mounted Buggy Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $19.75 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $20.50 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $21 .75 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $22.50 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — 5^-inch box loop cheeks, patent leather blinds with three rows of stitching, I'/^-inch crown with nicely scalloped layer and our patent metal overcheck loops, 3 buckle flat overcheck with patent leather noseband stitched, ^-inch patent leather front with fancy stitching, round winker stays, i/2-inch throat latch. LINES— ?^-inch fronts, I'^-inch hand parts, spring end bil- lets, extra long 7-inch lap, round edge, smooth finish, full 13 feet long. BREAST COLLAR— 21/^ -inch, V-shaped, martingale loop, nice hand raised layer, box loop tugs, 1 14 -inch traces at- tached, with doubled and stitched ends, U^-inch neck strap with J^-inch points, all smooth, round edge finish. Length from center of breast collar to end of traces, 7 feet. BELLYBANDS— 13/i-inch, doubled and stitched bodies, Grif- fith style with Ji-inch wrap straps. This is a very handsome and high grade harness, just what you need to show off an excep- tionally fine animal. It is made of selected, firm material throughout and mounted with very handsome pattern Genuine Rubber. Your custom harness maker could not duplicate it for less '^'Vemember every ring, buckle, hook and terret is genuine rubber, not partially ^"bber rnount- ed but full rubber throughout. This set is better than most dealers carry in their stock. We giv-e a strong guarantee on it throughout and sell it on approval The illustration fails to do justice to this set and we want you to see it before buying elsewhere. 149 SHAFT TUGS— 1-inch, hand raised, doubled and stitched with two rows stitching track style, box loops. SADDLE — 21^-inch, hand laced, patent leather jockeys with two rows stitching, track pattern, low set terrets, leather covered seat, swell patent leather skirts with %-inch bil- lets, enameled leather bottom, pad well stuffed with curled hair, nicely quilted, 1-inch hand raised back bands. BREECHIXG— U<-inch body, hand raised scalloped layer, three ring hand raised doubled and stitched stays with two rows stitching, box loop tugs, ?^-inch breeching straps, ^-inch turnback, 5^-inch hip straps, all round edge, smooth finish. TRIMMING — Genuine rubber throughout. When ordered with collar and hames, we furnish an extra fine collar with patent leather back, kip nm and face, 31/2- pound japanned hames with Davis rubber or nickel terrets and draft eye, IJ^-inch single strap traces attached, full length, with doubled and stitched reinforced ends and patent leather loggerheads. No. 12150 General Purpose Single Strap Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $17.00 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $17.50 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $19.00 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $19.50 DESCRIPTION BRini.F. — ^-inch hox loop cheeks, patent leather blinds with three rows stitching, round winker stays, 1 '^-inch crown piece, with nice hand raised scalloped layer, inn- patent metal overcheck loops, three buckle ovcrcheck with harness leather nosepiecc, fancy stitched, '/-inch throat latch, fancy stitched patent leather browband. LINES — 7!;-inch fronts, I'^-inch hand parts, full 13 feet long with spring end billets, extra length, 7-inch lap, smooth, round edge finish. BRKAST COI.r,.\R — .Vinch, V-shaped, single strap, with long, fancy scalloped layer, l':j-inch single strap traces attached, with doubled and stitched ends. Length from center of breast collar to ends of traces, 7 feet. Ij4-inch neck strap with ^-inch forked points, line rings in neck strap. BEl.I-YR.WDS — Single strap, \H inches wide, body ex- tended to form safes under buckles, ^-inch billets, ^-inch wrap straps, Griffith style. SADDLE — 2V2-inch laced, patent leather jockey with three rows of stitching, track pattern, low set terrets, jockey plate, leather covered seat, 2 '/i -inch patent leather skirts, 7^-inch billets, enameled leather bottom, pad stufTed with curled hair and nicely quilted. 1-inch hand raised doul)lcil and stitched backhands with our patent metal backhand loop. SIT.XFT TUCS— Track style, doubled and stitched with two rows stitching, box loops. l'>UKECinXG — 114-inch body, single strap with long scal- loped hand raised layer, safes under breeching rings; doubled and stitched and raised stays with box loops, %• inch breeching straps. 7;;.inch turnback, forked hip strap, all smooth, round edge finish. TRIMMINGS— Solid nickel. (English brass, if preferred.) SPECI.AL NOTE — This harness can be ordered as a com- bination collar and hames and breast collar harness, by simply ordering an extra breast collar, in which case a charge of $2.25 above the collar and hames price will be made for the extra breast collar. The traces will be ar- ranged to buckle onto the hame tugs or onto the breast collar. This general purpose harness is suitable for a huRgy, runabout or light surrey. The propor- tions are gciu-rous throughout, and the quality of stock is guaranteed to be our very best. This harness would retail at $C).()0 al)ovc f)ur price. Special attention is called to the handsome and strong saddle and forked hip and neck straps. Tlie mountings are very attractive in design and are guaranteed to be solid nickel or English brass pattern. We attach our "Guarantee Tag" to each set, and sell it, of course, on our liberal money-back plan if not satisfactory to you. 150 f/ No. 12151 "Silver King" General Purpose Harness One of the "Big Six" Family PRICE Cash with Order $16.50 Cash on Deposit $17.00 We originated this handsome style two years ago, and our competitors, quick to recognize its beauty, style and practicability, have copied it and are offering imitations of it. at prices rang- ing from $18.00 to $-25.00. No one has attempted to duplicate it at our price. They cant afford to. This design, suitable for any style vehicle, is a big improve- ment over ordinary shaped harness. The non-tarnishing metal loops make stronger and safer "keepers" for strap ends than leather or box loops, and they are neater and more attractive in appearance. The rounded form of neck and hip straps, not only look better, but as they will slide with the motions of the horse, they insure a perfect balance of breast collar and breeching at all times. This prevents chafing of the horse also. This harness is identically the same in quality and strap pro- portions as our "Big Six" Leader, described on pages 135 to 137. We improved the form of it, Init couldn't improve the quality. We willingly ship this harness on approval and fully guarantee it as to wearing qualities. We can honestly recommend it to be a bet- ter harness value than you can possibly buy elsewhere at our price. 151 No. 12152 Extra Heavy Single Strap Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $17.25 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $18.00 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames $19.25 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $20.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch, box loop cheeks, finely stitched, hand raised harness leather front, round side rein or flat over- check, as desired, patent leather blinds, with three rows stitching, round winker stays, 1^^-inch crown, with scal- loped layer, and our patent metal overcheck loops, ^-inch throat latch. LINES — 1-inch fronts, IJ^-inch hand parts, 13 feet long, with spring billet ends, round edge finish. BREAST COLLAR— Single strap, iV^ inches wide, V- shapcd, with nice hand raised scalloped layer, 1 '4 -inch single strap traces attached, with doubled and stitched ends. Measurement from center of breast collar to end of traces, 7 feet 2 inches. 1 54 -inch neck strap with i^-'nch points, all smooth, round edge finish. BELLYRAND — I'^-inch single strap, doublff sliding; ?^-inch outside sliding bellyband, combination style. SADDI-E — Full 3-inch, with 4-inch patent leather housing, enameled leather bottom, pad well stuffed with curled hair; patent leather jockey, japanned scat, 2|4inch single strap skirts with 7^-inch billets. 1-inch doubled and stitched swinging backhands. SHAFT TUGS— 1 -inch doubled and stitched, with two rows of stitching, ^-inch dee billets, box loops. P.REECHING — 2-inch body, nice hand raised scalloped lay- er, heavy, hand raised three ring stays, doubled and stitched with two rows stitching, box loop tugs, safes un- der breeching rings, 1-inch breeching strap's. 1-inch re- versible turnbacks with buckle crupper, 'g-inch hip straps, all round edge, smooth finish. TRIMMING— Full Davis rubber regular. Can furnish nickel, if preferred. SPECIAL NOTE — This harness can be ordered as a com- bination collar and hames and breast collar harness, by simply ordering an extra breast collar in which case a charge of $2.2.'i above the collar and hames price will be made for the extra breast collar. The traces will be ar- ranged to buckle onto the hame tugs or onto the breast collar. When ordered with collar and hames, we furnish a full kip barouche collar, finely made and finished, with two buckles and pad. Hames, 3'/. pounds, nickel or Havis rubber terrets and draft eye. single strap traces attached, (> feet long, with patent leather loggerheads. This harness is extra heavy throuRhout. Note the description of lines, breast collar, traces, breechintr, bcllj-bands. etc. It is not only wider in strap proportions, but selected especially for the thickness and firmness of the leather, as it is intended for, and suitable for hard usa^e on rouRh roads, and with any buRf^^y, li^ht spring wa^on, or surrey. While it is made primarily for great strength, it is a handsomely finished and mounted set. Our "Guarantee Tag" is attached to every set We can, at our price, easily save you $5.00 to $7.00 compared with dealers' prices on a set as good as this one. 152 No. 12153 Extra Heavy Single Strap Harness PRICE Cash with Order, Breast Collar $15.25 Cash on Deposit, Breast Collar $16.00 Cash with Order, Collar and Hames . $17.25 Cash on Deposit, Collar and Hames $18.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch, box loop cheeks. Patent leather, grain lined blinds, with three rows stitching. Round winker stays, hand sewed. Heavy flat overcheck, solid leather noseband. Double beaded patent leather front. Fancy rosettes. Tested half cheek bits with large check nngs. Round edge work throughout. LINES — 1-inch, heavy foreparts, I's-inch hand parts. Spring billet ends. Lines cut from best selected hrm, heavy stock. BREAST COLLAR — 3-inch, single strap, curved. TRACES— U^-inch, heavy single strap, with doubled and stitched reinforced ends. Scalloped point, hand raised layer on breast collar. Oak tanned, top cut stock throughout. SADDLE — Made on 3-inch tree, with wide, single strap skirts and very wide swell housings. Hair stuffed underpad. Patent leather jockey. 1-inch doubled and stitched back- bands. Enameled leather bottom. SHAFT TUGS — 1-inch, doubled and stitched; degreased box loops. IJREECHING — 2-inch, heavy, single strap; scalloped raised points; ?^-inch scalloped turnback. Three ring flat, doubled and stitched stays. 7Mnch flat hip straps. 1-inch hold- back straps. BELLYBANDS— Double sliding or Griffith style. Doubled and stitched bodies, 1^-inch wide, 7/^-inch outside belly- band looped on. TRIMMING— Davis rubber throughout. Nickel, if preferred, no extra cost. Note the heavy proportions throughout. This is -^ ^-tr\strong set fo^ hauHng heavi^^ loaded pleasure vehicles or light sP^ine^^;;ag°"^Thc traces and breeching are extra heavy ^^%ti:'rs\"Lr^:L^£lyedNoTand;I?rl^r^ lots of it. We fully guarantee every strap, and sell it on approval, of course. 153 No. 12154 Swiss Spaced Loop Harness High Grade and Very Stylish PRICE Cash with Order $20.75 Cash on Deposit $21.50 DESCRIPTION BRIDLE — ^-inch box loop cheeks, patent leather blinds with three rows stitching, round winker stays, IJ-^-inch crown piece with hand raised scalloped layer, harness leather stitched noseband, round siile rein, 5i-inch finely finished hand raised bridle front, l j-inch throat latch. A very handsome bridle. Liverpool bit. LINES — '»-inch fronts with I'g-inch hand parts, full length, 13 feet, with spring ends, extrn long lap. .\ll round edge, smooth finish. P.RLAST COLL.\R— Genuine Swiss pattern, 2'end this harness to you for your approval. Just compare it with what your dealer wants to charge you So. 00 to $10.00 more money for— compare it side-by-side and strap-by-strap. If you do. you'll pocket the middleman's profit yourself, and thereby patronize the one greatest "home industry" that interests you most — j'our own pocket book. Kememl)er if the harness don't suit you, you lose nothing — all we ask is an honest compari- son. If you keep it (and we know you will) test out under any use you care to that YOU con- sider fair, and if it breaks in any part, we will replace it free. Read the descriptions carefully: examine the illustrations closely. Note the style; the illustra- tion is exact. Consider how the bridle is made, with patent leather grained blinds; hand sewed winker stays, and leather, silk-stitched, brow bands; handsome box loop cheeks. The saddle is a beauty; the bearers run full length of the saddle, affording an even balance. The saddle is made in large size with genuine leather, tufted bottom, patent leather skirts. The collar is whole stock and not patched, and is a genuine kip, hand stuffed collar of the highest grade. The hames are not the cheap malleable kind, and will not break. The draught eyes and terrets are not the cheap electro-plated and washed kind, but are made solid nickel-on-composition. Note the hand- some raised, doubled and stitched traces which are made of oak stock with an extra layer at the heel or dart holes to strengthen them. BRIDLE — ^inch. box loop, with narness leather noseband and round side rein. Blinds are patent leather, three row stitched, with round hand-stitched winker stays. Brow band is all leather throughout, stitched with fine silk thread: box loops on bridles are made from degreased leather, insuring stability and preventing flabbincss when wet. Flat overchcck instead of round side rein, if pre- ferred, no extra charge. LINES — 7i-inch by I'^-inch flat, "first cut" stock, full length, all black. HAMES AND Tl'GS — Hames nre heavy wrought iron and will not break as malleable hames will. The draught eyes and lerrcts are nickel flated or brass and the plating is not cheap electro or "'wash" plating. Hames are full S'/i- pound with box loop hame tugs attached. COLL.\R — Genuine extra high grade kip leather, handsomely finished, very smooth stock and hand stuffed, collar is all black. Patent lever latch fastener is furnished on collar. No buckles and straps en collar to worry you in cold and wet weather. TR.\CES — Extra heavy stock, full ly^inch doubled and stitched, with reinforcing at dart holes to strengthen. Special attention is called to the fact that the.sc traces are raised, presenting a much more handsome appearance than the ordinary flat traces. SADDLE — 3^^-inch size, straight pattern with best quality enamel leather tufted bottom, patent leather skirts, patent leather panel jockey, doubled and stitched heavy running bearer or backhands. Note that the saddle furnished is a side trimmed saddle, that is, the terrets arc set forward so that the backhands run freely all around the saddle. This insures comfort for the horse, as with this style run- ning backhands the saddle cannot be pulled out of place. SHAFT TUGS — linch, doubled and stitched, with box loops. BF.LLYBANDS— Rellybands are folded and stitched, full Pi inches wide, with 7^-inch buckle and leather loops. BREECHING — Folded and stitched, cut extra wide with layer, two rows of stitching, reinforced at each end to strengthen breeching ring. Breeching dees are firmly sewed in (thereby overcoming what is usually a weak point). The turnback is solid, and not pieced. It is furnished with a liner on the bottom side for hip straps fii-inch split hip strap, turnback '/^-inch size, holdbacks full 7|i-inch. breeching tugs are box loop made of degreased stock. TRIMMINGS— Regularly furnished are nickel. Will fur- nish handsome pattern br.iss or imitation rubber, if pre- ferred, without extra charge. SPECIAL NOTE — .\t an additional charge of $2.50 we will supply an extra breast collar so that the harness can be used cither as breast collar or collar and hames set. The breast collar will be arranged so that regular traces can be buckled right onto it. BE SURE TO READ PAGE 134 ABOUT OUR "BIG SIX" LEADERS 158 No. 12159 "Big Six" Leader Single Surrey Harness PRICE Cash with Order $18.25 Cash on Deposit $19.00 COMPLETE DESCRIPTION ON PAGE 158 This is the Greatest Bargain in Surrey Harness Ever Offered By Any One rau!r:: „°::.L"rn.r/a:r3:LT'L?;:rre,.n-„a.e u„„ecessa. wa.e, pro.s ana expenses. If You Don't Find This Harness All You Expect It to be and Highly Satisfactory-Send It Back to Us-We'U Refund Your Morey 159 I' No. 12160 Extra Fine Grade Surrey Harness PRICE Cash with Order $23.75 Cash on Deposit $24.50 DESCRIPTION BRIDI.Fl — ^-inch box loop checks, patent leather surrey blinds, round, well sewed winker stays, round side reins, long layer sewed on crown piece, metal gag chains sewed on crown layer, fancy chain fronts with metal rosettes to match, nickel half cheek driving bits with large rings. Noseband in bridle. LINKS — 'i-inch foreparts with buckle and billets, 1-inch hand |/arts, all round edge finish, made of good selected solid leather. II.XMES .\N1) TL'GS— Iknt top hames, 3'/j-pound wrought iron, black body with composition metal terrets, tugs with safes and solid box loops. TR.XCKS — Made to buckle. I'^inch, 6 feet long, doubled and stitched and rcinforcerl at ends. .Ml round edge finish. S.\I)1)F-E — .V.'-inch with patent leather skirts, coupe end linish, enameled leather bottom, laced and tufted through- out. I'atent leather jockeys, 1-inch backhands, doublol and lock-stitched, "-^-inch billets. SH.\FT TUGS— 1-inch doubled and lock-stitched with bellvband billets. j-inch and I5ELLV I'..\N I )S— Double, \ 'A inches wide, folded stitched, with ?s-inch buckles. CHOKE STR.AP — JlS-inch single strap, round edge finish, witli handsome pattern patent leather ornamental drop as illustrated. I'.REECHING — Folded bodies with wide layer and two rows stitching all round. Forked double hip straps, -^-inch round edge finish with -^^-inch box loop tugs, 's-inch solid scalloped turnbacks with crupper to buckle, "g-inch hold- back straps, round edge finish. COLL.AR — The collar furnished on this harness is the highest grade selected i>atent leather, bent top, capped, with russet face and is vcrv handsome and very strong and service- able. TRI.MMING — Nickel throughout, or brass, if preferred. This harness will please you highly if you want tiic linesl set of single Surrey harne.ss made. Retail dealers and custom harness makers charge $30.00 to $40.00 for its equal. The leather stock is the highest grade "top cut" oak tanned stock, and the workmanship, mountings and finish could not be improved upon. This harness presents a very stylish and "swagger" appearance and is just the set you need to complete a stylish horse and vehicle turnout. Fully guaranteed, of course. 160 Double Expense Double Profit DEALER? STQRi RENT ADVERTISING SALLSfviANS Salary salesman's rr fare salesman's HOTEL Bl salesman's miscelaneous expense advertising for dealers bad acc0un4ts COST or MATERIAL COST OF LABOP OVERHEAD EXPENSE PROFIT ^^ PROFIT LABOR materials overhe:ad expense advertising ACCOUNTS RANGE .XES — light s. fuel dealer's salary dealers profit CONSUMER Two Minutes Spent on This Diagram Will Show You Exactly How I Can Save You $25 to $40 Just add up for your own satisfaction these expenses of the dealer and the jobber. 19 different expenses have to be "tacked on" every buggy you buy in the old way. Look at my factory expenses. Is there any mystery about my being able to save my customers $35 to $40 on every buggy they buy? Isn't it plain that for every dollar of profit the dealer or jobber or the mail order house makes you get that much less quality in your buggy? When I say Mail Order House I refer to the many-department Mail Order House that is the same as a great central dealer who in turn buys of the factory, pays the factory a profit and makes a profit him- self. It is you who pay the rent and fuel and lighting and clerk hire. You pay by get- ting a poorer buggy. Split Hickory Quality never has to be cheapened to pay several profits out of your money. All your money goes into the bug- gy, it pays for quality in materials, qual- ity in labor. That's what you want — one hundred per cent buggy. But you want to be sure of what you're getting before you hand your money to Phelps or anyone else — no matter what the price. You want to be sure of a buggy that will stand up for longest service. You want a buggy to take you over any road in any kind of weather. You want a buggy without a single weak spot. I have been making Split Hickory Ve- hicles over eleven years and I have never yet heard of a single Split Hickory Buggy that has worn out. You never have heard and you never will hear of any such trouble as broken wheels from people driving the famous Split Hick- ory Buggies — guaranteed two years but lasting the longest lifetime of any buggy in the world today. There is only one way to be sure in buy- ing any kind of buggy. That is to try out the buggv in your own way — over your own roads. To use it as you intend to use it. For your protection and for my protec- tion—to make sure every customer T sell is a satisfied customer— I sell my buggies on the most liberal, sure test any manufacturer has ever ofifered— on 30 Days' Free Road Test. Read My 30 Days' Free Road Test Plan on Page 13. 161 Full Detailed Description of "Big Six'' Leader Double Buggy or Surrey Harness No. 12163 Those who call on us personally to make their liarncss purchases usually stop at this set. Now let us assume that you have evidenced y.ur cunhdence in our business integrity by order- ing a set of this harness subject to our agreement on pane i:i:!. lo do yourself lull juilicc and to insure your settiuK the best possible value for your money, let us also assume that you have another set (made by some competitor at a higher price) ready to compare with ours Now let us see if the harness proves our claims made for it— that it is llih Hi-.bl H.\K- NESS IN THK WORLD for the money— let us make an honest comparison, and pick both sets First notice the handsome general appearance, the smooth tinish and the high grade look in ffcneral of our harness. Handle it all vou care to. Does any of the blacking rub (.fT on to your hands denoting a cheap finish? Does it seem properly proportioned throughout? Are the buckles, rings".' hooks and terrets of a heavy and durable pattern? .'\rc the straps wide and of full length? How about the thickness of the straps? .... .., ,, ...» , The thickness, you know, denotes either "top cut leatlur or belly stock. A strai that is not thick is poor stock. , ., ., . .111 How arc the parts on our harness made that correspond with tliosc parts on tlie lasi har- ness you bought that gave out first? , . , r ,, t . 1 . ^ Now let us analyze the different parts of the harness carefully. Let us compare quality and workmanship, taking the most important parts of the harness first, those parts that must bear the greatest strain— those parts that usually give way first. , „ , Did you ever see a? high grade, as well made, and in general, as handsome saddle pads on any set of double harness at any price? The catalogue explanation given below concerning the saddle will better enable vour fullv appreciating their merits. Read it carefully. The traces ari' the next most important. (Read the catalogue explanation and note the illus- tration of our traces.) Do the traces come up to our agreement? How do they compare with the other fellow's traces? Would vou trade our traces for his? Scnitinize everv inch of the bridles. Did you ever pull on a firmer, or stronger, or hand- somer set of lines? .And would you feel as safe driving a vicious horse with the other fellow's lines as vou would with these on our harness? Just 'look these collars over carefully. Do you find any pigskin or any sheepskin leather in the makeup? .\re the other fellow's collars made of genuine kip and patent leather stock like ours? Rip one of the collars open, if you care to, and see how it is stuffed. Did you notice that our hames are riot the light, flimsy, cheap, malleable kind that usually break easily? ... , . .,, , ,, , But why go further? Tf you will make this sort of a comparison you will do yourself and us full justice, and you will better appreciate by making such a comparison, just what is the real value we are offering you in this harness. Vou can do us no gi'eater favor than by making the comparison suggested. nRIDI.E— Full i<-inch box loops, three row stitched patent leather blinds, three buckle overcheck. Solid layer on crown. Patent metal overdraw loops. Handsome patent leather silk stitched front. Handsome fancy horse spur and whip !. -inn ivorvette rosettes. All small laps on ovr- -. throat latch, etc.. are hand stitched. Bu. n crown that hold winker stays in place ^re metal loops which are firmly sewed to the crnwn. ::i^.I:!nK the bridles holdinR their shape. These bridle* are -itronR, neatly proportioned and have a hand- some and finished appearance. Open bridles if preferred. LINES— T<-inch front parts. l»^-inch hand parts, with spring billet ends. Lines are cut from selected stock, are round edge finish and guaranteed free from any defects. You can feel safe with these lines when driving a vicious animal. rOLL.VRS — Handsome half-patent style. Rim and face arc highest grade selected genuine "kip" stock: back is best grade patent leather. The collars are very handsome and strong and add greatly to the general "dressy" appearance of the harness. All 'Trip" instead of half-patent collars, if preferred. IL\^fES — Ftill .''j-pound solid terrets. Single draught eyes, iiiinch spread straps with rings; Ji-inch hame straps. Outside plated clips riveted !• traces. TlTlKB.VrKS — Cut out of heavy stock. Handsome scal- loped and raised pattern. Flexible, flaxseed stuffed heavy cruppers. Buckled instead of sewed crupper. 50 cents. RELLYB.XNDS— Folded and stitched with 7ubleil and stitched, raised centers. TRIMMING.S— HANDSOME PA fTERN DAVIS RURlJEIi THROl^CiHOlTT. Cicnuinc "Nickel-on-composition." if preferred, or 6-piece brass trimming, balance I)avis rubber, if preferrerl, no extra. 6-piece :'cnuine ; c.bber saddle trimming, $2.50. HIP STRAPS AND BREECrilNC— When ordered at the extra cost (lurted, hip straps v,'ill be furniihcd that are ')i-inch size, with hanilsoine pattern patent leather drop, reverse buckle on inside end. Breeching furnished will be of the same quality as the bal.TUce of the harness and will have .^-ring stays, with "li-inch ipiarter straps. This combination makes a very strong and handsome appearing breeching. No. 12163 ^'Big Six" Leader Double Buggy or Surrey Harness PRICE Cash with Order $27.25 Cash on Deposit $28.25 Hip Straps $1.75 Hip Straps and Breec]iing $3.50 BE SURE TO READ PAGE 134 At the same price we will supply this harness in breast collar pat- tern. When so furnished we use l^j-inch single strap traces with heavy reinforced three dart hole ends, and Stowell's Patent Breast Collar Irons. The Equal of lihis Harness Has Never Been Sold for Less than $40.00 at Retail READ ABOUT THIS TRACE IN DESCRIPTION ON OPPOSITE PAGE 163 Full Description of "Big Six" Leader "Two-in-One" Combina- tion Single or Double Harness No. 12165 A Brand New Money Saving Idea in Harness. A Harness that can be used Double or Single. It Fills a Long-Felt Want. An Original Harness Sold by Us Exclusively. Two Sets of High Grade Harness at a Price Dealers Charge for One Set of Medium Grade HOW THIS SAVES YOU $28.25 Dealer's Price of one set of Double Harness equal to our No. 12163 $40.00 Dealer's Price of one set of Single Harness equal to our No. 12139 20.00 Total $60.00 Our price of No. 12165. (A combination of the above two sets) 31.75 Net savings to you $28.25 OR, at our regular prices for a complete set of No. 12139 with Collar and Hames and a com- plete set of No. 12163, this combination "Two-In-One" set at our price saves you $10.50. WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS This harness was desiyned to cut down your harness bill and make one set do the- work of two sets. While the idea is a new one it is thoroughly practical. We have tested it out fully and offer it to our customers wiiii that assurance and back it up with our guarantee of durability and "Money back" approval test as explained on page 133. No. 1216.'j is identically the same in style, (luality, strap proportions, etc., as our "BIG SIX" LEADER DOUBLE II.\R.\KS.S described on page 1G2, e.xcept— IT IS SUPPLIED WITH V/4- INCH SINGLE STRAP TRACES. WITH REINFORCED DOUBLED AND STITCHED ENDS, AND. IN ADDITION TO ALL THE PARTS NECESSARY FOR A DOUBLE HAR- NESS. IT IS SUPPLIED WITH— An Extra Set of Single Lines as used on An Extra Set of Breeching as used on An Extra Set of Hold Back Straps as used on An Extra Set of Hip Straps as used on An Extra Outside Bellyband as used on One Set of Shaft Tugs as used on HOW THE SADDLE PADS ARE ARRANGED The saddle illustration shows just what changes are nec- essary prei)aratory to using f)ne-half this set as a single har- ness. The sitible t" sinK'lc harness is made The change can be made without taking the harness off the horse. Remem- ber that it is not necessary to change saddles or to un- buckle bellybands: neither will turnback and crupper have to be changed in any way. Special attention is called to the extra wide and heavy pads. These arc not in any way a makeshift article, and in every part these are built for service. Read complete description of these pads on page 162. )64 No. 12139 No. 12165 "Big Six" Two-in-One Combination Double or Single Harness 'r Cash with Order- PRICE $31.75 Cash on Deposit $32.75 How No. 12165 Looks When Used as a Single Harness Anyone who ever drives double and single needs a harness of this kind. Full description on opposite page. Be sure to read page 134. / Vi 165 No. 12166 Popular Price Double Harness PRICE Cash with Order $21.00 Cash on Deposit $21.75 Extra for Hip Straps $ 1.50 Extra for Hip Straps and Breeching $ 3.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLES — H-inch, plain cheeks, cup or square blinds, flat side . ns or ovcrchccks. LINKS— Check lines, with snaps, 7{i-inch by 14 feet lonn. ll.\MK> AND TL'GS — Full black japan iron hamcs with 1 Vi-inch box loop buckle tugs. TRACKS — I'B-inch, doubled and stitch^-d. Tl'RNHACKS — J^-inch, with round crupper buckled on. C'()KI..\RS — Full black buggy, with patent lever latch collar fasteners. BELKYHANDS— Jg-inch folded and stitched. S.\Dr)I.ES — Coach pad pattern saddles, soft stuffed, with "s-inch trace bearers. YOKE STRAPS— I'i-inch. C HOKE STRAPS— 7.s-inch. TRIMMING — Full black j.-ipan throughout. If preferred, can furnish XC silver. HIP STRAPS AND HRKECHINC— When ordered with liip strap and liiecchinR. we furnish breechinn, single strap, with "fi-inch turnback and -^ii-inch hip straps with box loops, ^-i-inch side straps. THIS TS AN OLD F.WORTTF.. This is a -splendid value for the money. We have contin- ued this s»vlc in our catalo-uc for many years, and it has in all cases proven entirely satisfactory to those orr'erinp it. Knowinp it to be made of a good j^irade of stock, nicely proportioned and handsomely finished, we recommend it in the belief, based on our past experience, that it will prove thoroughly satisfactf)ry. We expect no trouble at all in convincing purchasers of this har- ness that it is worth from $10.00 to $12.00 above our price as compared with harness sold at retail. Your money will be williuKly refunded in full if you are not satisfied with it. Remember that it is guaranteed in every strap, and is sewed on our Campbell-Rosworth lock-stitchinjj; machine. While it is a plain harness, it is very pleasing in appearance and good enough to use with a first class buggy or surrey. 166 No. 12167 ^^lowa" Double Driving Harness PRICE Cash with Order $28,50 Cash on Deposit $29.25 Extra for Hip Straps $2.00 Extra for Hip Straps and Breeching $4.25 DESCRIPTION BRIDLES — §^-inch. Box loop cheeks. Patent leather grain toms are hair stuffed. Heavy flat skirts with fancy seal- lined blinds, with three rows stitching. Round winker loped trace bearers and wide beaded housings. stays sewed to blinds by hand. Heavy overcheck. Half t^t't3tv.tti « /-r-c ■,/ • i i-j n i , , , ,- , . cheek driving bits with large rings. Fancy rosettes, 1 LiKM^ACKh—%-inch solid scalloped and plugged for hip leather loops, all sewed and blocked up. Round edge straps, l^laxseed stuffed crupper sewed on. Buckled crup- finish throughout. P'^''^' ^0 cents extra. LINES — All black, J^-inch foreparts; IJ/^-inch hand parts, CHOKE STRAPS — ^-inch heavy single strap with buckle spring billet ends. Round edge finish. Russet hand parts, and billet end, round edge finish, no extra charge. Those are our strongest oak-tanned- „., c-tti «t>c , rr • i • i . . ,- stock lines. iOKE STRAPS — lJ4-inch single strap, heavy firm stock. HAMES— 7-pound wrought iron. Black body composition BELLYRANDS— I'/^-inch wide, folded and stitched with y/s- metal terrets to match mountings on harness. '"'^" buckles. TRACES— 1^-inch, heavy single strap with doubled and COLLARS— All black, extra high grade genuine "kip stock" stitched reinforced ends, with three dart holes; scalloped collars, handsomely finished, and hand stufl^ed. Patent safe where attached to hames. Traces are made of best lever fasteners. grade oak stock. MOUNTINGS — Nickel-on-composition throughout. Davis PADS — Concord style as illustrated. Wide and comfort- rubber, if preferred. Mountings are handsome pattern able on your horses and very strong and durable. Bot- and are guaranteed. The pads are the special distinguishing feature of this harness. Read the description of them above. You'll like it. If you don't, we refund your money. This harness is an all purpose set, suitable and strong enough for carriage as well as buggy use. It is neat, and durable and of course we fully guarantee it. 167 kiotJL'''^'' No. 12168 Extra Heavy General Purpose Double Harness PRICE Cash with Order $30.00 Cash on Deposit $31.00 Extra for Hip Straps $2.00 Extra for Hip Straps and Breeching $4.50 DESCRIPTION BRIUI.KS — H-inch, box loop cheLks, patent leather, grain TURNBACKS — Solid scalloped, plugged for hip straps. Flax- lined blin^ No. 12169 Highest Grade Double Driving Harness PRICE Cash with Order $35.00 Cash on Deposit $36.00 Extra for Hip Straps $2.00 Extra for Hip Straps and Breeching $4.00 DESCRIPTION BRIDLES — ^-inch, box loop cheeks, 1^-inch crowns with PADS— Full patent leather tops, J'A inches wide at top, scalloped layers, extra fine patent leather fronts, silk tapering to 3 inches at bottom. Length from water hook stitched, three-row stitched patent leather blinds, round to tip, 12 inches, heavy raised bead on side of iron trees, winker stays, handsome ivoryette rosettes, three-buckle sewed-on leather welts at edge, genuine leather bottoms, overchecks with harness leather nose pieces, wrought bits hair stuffed the entire length. These pads are sewed and extra overcheck bits. First-class bridles all the way throughout, not tacked. Top of iron jockey leather cov- through, of best selected stock. ered, and heavily stitched, heavy single strap, IJ^-inch LINES— Beaded fronts, l;i-inch hand parts, with spring skirts, heavy raised center trace earners, Urbana style billet ends, selected first grade stock. Regularly furnished water hooks. all black. Fair leather hand parts, if preferred Will sup^ TURNBACKS— 3^-inch, scalloped, flaxseed stuffed cruppers, ply ^8 -inch flat fore parts if desired^ Soft leather quilted ^ Buckled cruppers, 50 cents extra, hand parts, either black or russet, $1.00 extra. ^^ TRACES— Best selected oak tanned stock, I'/g inches by 7 BELLYBANDS— Folded and stitched, ^-inch buckles. feet, doubled and stitched, raised center, riveted to hames, YOKE STRAPS— 1 H-inch, single strap, round edge finish, patent leather points, three dart holes at heels. Traces 1^-inch, single strap, riveted to hames, and with rein- CHOKE STRAPS — 7^-inch wide by 3 feet long, J^-inch forced ends, no extra charge. Traces buckled to box billets. ^'^ . Breeching, single strap body. Selected stock to match the COLLARS— Full patent leather, bent closed top, rims,_ backs balance of the harness. T^g-inch side straps. and peaks best selected patent stock faces russet kip lea- ther, extra fine. If preferred, we will supply with straight MOUNTINGS — Davis rubber throughout. Genuine "Nickel- open top full patent style, with kip face. These collars on-composition," if preferred. are strictly high grade and guaranteed. Can also supply with six-piece brass, balance Davis rubber at HAMES— 3 '/.-pound iron hames. plain draft eyes, complete no extra charge Genuine rubber mountings, with Walker with spreaders and rings, plated clips, 5^-inch hame straps. rubber compound, all black hames, $5.00 extra. We make this elegant set to meet the wants of those who desire the finest double harness procurable. In quality of leather, workmanship, finish and mountings it is the finest that can be bought. You would have to pay $10.00 to $20.00 more at retail but you would get nothing bet- ter. It will improve the appearance of the finest carriage and team you may use it with. 169 No. 12170 Oak Tanned Heavy Farm Team Harness PRICE Cash with Order, no Collars $39.75 Cash on Deposit, no Collars $41.00 Extra for 2 Collars $ 5.30 DESCRIPTION BRIDLES — 7^. inch, box loop short cheeks; large harness leather square blinds (cup blinds, if preferred), round winker stays, round side reins, brass ornanu-nted face pieces and fronts; brass rosettes; wrought bits and bit straps. LINKS — Best selected heavy stock, 1 inch throughout, 18 feet long; buckles and billets on ends and extra snaps. Lines \hicle. $ HARNESS. (-^^^ ^f Extras Style No from page in Catalogue. Collar and Hames or Breast Collar Kind of Trimmings I We recommend the Regular Tiimming.s in Catalogue Descripti Overcheck or Side Rein Bridle Open or Blind Bridle If Collar and Hames, give Size of Collar Weight of Horse (When harnesis is wanted for a horse weighing over 1.250 lbs., add to the price S\.00 for Smgle Set, and Be Hure to sriTe size of Collar — can't ftll yonr order if you don't. $2. no for Double Set.) Price, $. Signed (Write ynur name here.) (OVER) Write Further Instructions Here. If you Order on our Cash-on-Deposit Terms have the Banker or Express Agent with whom you have made the Deposit, Certify to this Deposit by Filling in this Space Below and Signing it. HE OHIO CARRIAGE MFG. CO., Date (oLUMBrs, Ohio. .f.ntlemen: This will certify that has this day deposited (Name of DopoBltor here.) uTt^^ subject to the conditions of this order, which will be forwarded to you 30 days from the late of arrival of goods ordered. It is agreed and understood that if party making this deposit is not satisfied with he goods received after trial and returns them within 30 days from the time they are received, this money dc- )Osited here in payment for them is to be returned to the depositor, when notice is received from you that you have ccefvtd the goods returned. It is further agreed that this deposit is to be promptly sent to you at the expiration )f 'id