no. 2 OR TUBULAR, SCOTCH AND STEEL NAMES, MANUFACTURED BY JiMERICAN RAME M BIT 00., 55, 57 and 59 N. J. R. R. AVENUE, NEWARK, N. J., U. S. A. "THE QUALITY MAKERS. ft Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries TDBDU SCOTCH 1 Ik 159 HAMES. BRASS LONG SPOT jR^^^U^'^^i Ball ^ LCCSE S^DG^erret W^^ Bevel Edge Steel Back American Hame & Bit Co., = "The Quality Makers" = Newark, N. J., U. S. A. 7 — - - J MANUFACTURED BY i^MERlCAM HAME AWD BIT CO. 55, 57 and 59 N. J. R. P, Ave., NEWARK, N. J. U S, A. ''the: quality makers' AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. TO THE TRADE It affords us pleasure to submit to our present and prospective customers our No. 2 Illustrated Price List of Hames. Our aim will be to serve you better in the future than in the past, and merit an increase of your confidence and patronage. We assure you of just and fair treatment at all times. THE FLAT BACK TUBULAR HAME Always the best, is now perfection. From the Hayden patent iron gas pipe Hame, we have evolved by progressive methods, our SEAM- LESS STEEL FLAT BACK TUBULAR, of half the weight and double the strength, without increasing cost. OUR REVERSIBLE TUBULAR Meets the demand where a good Hame is wanted at a low price. From WELDED STEEL TUBING we have constructed a neat, light, strong and durable Hame, that fits either side of Collar. In this — "The Age of Steel" — it should be universally used. OUR HOLLOW STEEL— NO WOOD Has no equal — No competitor. Superior in every way to other cheap Hames. Combines LOOKS; STRENGTH, QUALITY and PRICE. SCOTCH & STEEL HAMES Have been very much improved and reduction in price should place us in line for a share of this trade. "THE QUALITY MAKERS." RMS. NET CASH, 60 DAYS, with exchange on NEW YORK. A CASH DISCOUNT of 2 per cent 30 days from date of invoice. No allowance for exchange. BILLS OVERDUE subject to sight draft. PRICES AND TERMS subject to change without notice. No charge for Boxes or Cartage. All claims for errors must be made on receipt of goods. Packages by mail or sent out to pack will be at risk of purchaser. After delivery of goods to Transportation Companies, we will not be responsible for delay, loss or damage. NOTE: — It is expressly understood that all orders imply an acceptance of above terms. THIS TRADE MARK GUARANTEES. OUR MOTTO. HIGH GRADE GOODS, PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION, PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT, STYLES THAT ARE EXCLUSIVE, AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. Teamster's Delight, 2Y' Ball. New York Style, 1^" Ball. Chicago Special, 21" Ball. li" StayTerret. IJ" Concord Terret. IJ" LooseSwedgeTerret. PRICES ON PAGE 5 ARE FOR N. Y. STYLE, IJ" BALL. For If' Ball ADD For 2" Ball ADD .30 .50 For 2i" Ball ADD For 2i" Ball ADD 1.00 1.50 ALL BALLS FIT ANY SIZE TUBULAR OR SCOTCH HAME. We furnish any of our Hames with changes irrespective of cuts. A clear statement of what you want is all that is necessary. "THE QUALITY MAKERS. SEAMLESS STEEL, FLAT BACK TUBULAR HAMES. Hayden's Patent. Any Length. Per Pair. No. 11 12 14 15 1146 1148 1149 1156 1158 1159 1166 1168 1169 1176 1178 1179 141 151, 161 171 Size of Tubing. Full Japan _ _ - X. C. Ball only Nickel Ball only Brass " " Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball " Short Spot, Close Plate " Long Spot, " " Brass Terret, Loop and Ball _ Short Spot, Close Plate " Long Spot, " " Close Silver Terret, Loop and Ball " Short Spot " " Long Spot Solid Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball " " Short Spot, Close Plate " " Long Spot, " " P'ull Close Nickel " " Brass - - " " Silver " " SoHd Nickel 1^ ir H" 2.30 2.60 3.00 2.30 2.60 3.00 2.70 3.20 3.60 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.20 4.60 5.50 5.10 5.50 6.70 2.90 3.30 3.80 3.90 4.30 5.00 4.60 5.00 6.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 6.50 7.50 9.00 3.40 3.80 4.30 4.60 5.00 6.20 5.60 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 18-00 10.00 11.00 14.00 OPTIONS Square Staple and Triangle. Concord or Loose Swedge Terrets. ADDITIONS PER PAIR COVERING ALL HAMES. Back Strap Rings, Japanned Hold Back Plates, Swivel Backers, Links and Rings, Bolt Eyes-Any Size, Heavy Cart Hooks, Rooney Staples, Brazed Loop Draft, Three Hole Clips, Four .10 Back Strap Rings, Close Plated . 10 Links and Rings, " " .10 Bolt Eyes, . 10 Two Hole Face Clips," .30 Three " " " " . 30 Brazed Jug Drafts, Brass or Nickel .50 Brazed Express Terrets," " " .40 Brazed Manhattan " " " . 10 Universal Stays, " " " . 40 Close Plating to Drafts, .40 .70 .90 .60 .90 .50 .50 .80 .50 .50 ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. EVERY PAIR TAGGED WITH OUR GUARANTEE. AMERICAN'HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. SEAMLESS STEEL, FLAT BACK TUBULAR NAMES. Hayden's Patent. Heavy Barrel Ball, If" X 2^ For this Style Add to List, Page 5 $3.00 ANY SIZE. ANY LENGTH. ANY SHAPE. Chime Bell, Brace Top, For this Style Add to List, Page 5 $6.00 Showing 1|" size, Long Spot, Stay, Staple and Clip. FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. EVERY PAIR TAGGED WITH OUR GUARANTEE. "THE QUALITY MAKERS." SEAMLESS STEEL, FLAT BACK TUBULAR HAMES. Hay den's Patent. Three Ball Style. All Balls U" CO < a v CO o en CO >— • > P* orq m Oi o o Showing 1|" Short Spot, Brazed on Terret, Staple and Clip Stay Terret sent tinless otherwise ordered- FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. EVERY PAIR TAGGED WITH OUR GUARANTEE. 8 AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. SEAMLESS STEEL, FLAT BACK TUBULAR NAMES. Babbitt Style. Hay den's Patent. Any length or size Hame. Per Pair. No. B 1159 Brass Long Spot, Close Plate 37.00 " B 1169 Silver " " Electro Silver Trim. 44.00 " B 1179 Sol. Nickel Long Spot, Close Plate 40.00 " B 151 Full Close Brass 45.00 " B 161 " " Silver, Ele. Sil. Trim. 56.00 " B 171 " " Solid Nickel 48.00 SOLID BRASS SEAMLESS TUBULAR. Any length — IJ" size only. Solid Brass. PerPair. No. 151 S-SoHd Brass 10.00 Electro Nickel on Solid Brass 11 . 00 Add for IJ" Ball «< 2" " .. 21'/ " " 2V " " Barrel Ball Style " Three Ball " " Chime Bell ' When ordered with Japan Staple, End Eye and Clip, Deduct 50 FOR ALL OTHER ADDITION SEE PAGE-^5 ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. ''EVERY PAIR TAGGED WITH OUR GUARANTEE. "THE QUALITY MAKERS." SEAMLESS STEEL, FLAT BACK TUBULAR HAMES. Hayden's Patent. LOW TOP SINGLE. LOOSt SWEDGE TERRET. Any^length. ly iize only. 'No. 1 Full Japan 2 X. C. Terret only 47 Nickel Terret only 49 " Long Spot, Close Plate 57 Brass Terret only Per 59 Long Spot, Close Plate 67 Close Silver Terret only 69 " " Long Spot 77 Solid Nickel Terret only 79 " " Long Spot, Close Plate 4 Full Close Nickel 5 " " Brass 6 " " Silver 7 " " Solid Nickel Add for Stay or Concord Terrets Pair. 1.60 1.70 2.00 3.20 1.90 3.00 2.50 4.50 2.20 3.50 6.00 5.50 9.00 6.50 30 Showing Hold Back for Double use. List is for single or Express use. BEST EXPRESS HAME MADE. LIGHT, STRONG AND DURABLE. FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. EVERY PAIR TAGGED WITH OUR GUARANTEE. IMPORTANT. Our guarantee covers all Seamless Steel Tubular Hames and means that they must not only give satisfaction, but are replaced FREE OF CHARGE. Do not ask your customer any questions, He is entitled to a new Hame for every one that proves defective. ASK FOR THE HAMES OF THE QUALITY MAKERS" 10 AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. WELDED STEEL— REVERSIBLE— TUBULAR NAMES. HIGH TOP. LOOSE SWEDGE TERRET. RING IN STAPLE. r 17/18 inch Collars ] Stock lengths fit I 19/20 " I 21/22 " [23/24 " 1 inch size only. Showing Short Spot, Bolt, Link and Ring. Per Pair. No. 211 Full Japan ' - - 1.60 " 212 X. C. Ball only - 1.70 " 214 Nickel Ball only - 2.00 " 215 Brass •' " . .1.90 226 X. C. Terret, Loop and Ball 1.80 " 228 X. C. Short Spot - 2.20 " 246 Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball 2.30 " 248 " Short Spot, Close Plate 3.40 " 249 " Long Spot, " " 4.40 " 256 Brass Terret, Loop and Ball 2.10 " 258 " Short Spot, Close Plate 3.00 " 259 " Long Spot, " " 3.80 " 276 Sol. Nic. Terret, Loop and Ball 2.60 " 278 " " Short Spot, Close Plate 3.70 " 279 " " Long Spot, " " 4.70 " 241 Full Close Nickel - 8.00 '• 251 " " Brass - 7.00 " 271 " " Solid Nickel 9.00 Add for Band Stay or Loose Oval Stay . 20 Showing Cross Section. ANY SIZE BALL FURNISHED AT LISTED ADDITIONS. FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. BOTH SIDES OF HAMES ARE CLOSE PLATED USED ON EITHER SIDE OF COLLAR, SINGLE OR DOUBLE. "THE QUALITY MAKERS." 11 WELDED STEEL— REVERSIBLE— TUBULAR NAMES. LOW TOP. LOOSE SWEDGE TERRET. RING IN STAPLE. r 18/19 Collars ] Stock lengths^ fit^ 20/21 " j^ 1 inch size only. [ 22/23 Showing Long Spot, Staple, Ring and Clip. Per Pair. 1.20 1.30 1.60 1.50 2.00 2 . 70 Showing Cross Section. Full Japan X. C. Terret only X. C. Long Spot, - Nickel Terret only Short Spot, Close Plate " Long Spot, " " Brass Terret only - 1 . 40 Short Spot, Close Plate, - 1.80 " Long Spot, " " 2.40 Solid Nickel Terret only 1 60 " Short Spot, Close Plate 2.20 " Long Spot, •' " 3.00 Full Close Nickel 6.00 " Brass - 5.00 SoHd Nickel 7.00 Add for Band Stay or Loose Oval Stay .20 AN EXCELLENT HAME FOR FARMERS AND GENERAL USE. FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. USED ON EITHER SIDE OF COLLAR, SINGLE OR DOUBLE. BOTH SIDES OF HAMES ARE CLOSE PLATED 12 AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. HOLLOW STEEL HAMES— NO WOOD. LOOSE OVAL TERRET. HOLD BACK PLATE. SWINGING END EYE. r 18/19/20 Collars. Two lengths fit \ 21/22/23 Per Dozen Pair. No. 2111 Full Japan or X C Ball only 13.00 " 2112 X C Trimmed '• 2114 Nickel Ball only " 2115 Brass " " " 2146 Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball " 2149 " Long Spot " 2156 Brass Terret, Loop and Ball " 2159 " Long Spot 14.00 16.00 15.60 22.00 31.20 20.00 28.80 Showing- Loose Oval Terret. For Bolt Eye— Link and Ring ADD For Loose Stay ** CASE LOTS ONLY. 2 DOZEN PAIR. BEST CHEAP HAME|EVER MADE. STRONG ENOUGH FOR ANY USE. ALL WEARING PARTSj EASILY REPLACED. WILL NOT WARP, ROT OR BREAK. ONE SIZE. TWO LENGTHS. 2.40 2.40 "THE QUALITY MAKERS." 13 HOLLOW STEEL HAMES— NO WOOD. LOOSE OVAL TERRET. HOLD BACK PLATES. SWINGING END EYES. rr. 1 ^. _ ,''18/19/20 Collars. Two lengths fit <^ 21/22/23 " Per Dozen Pair, No. 3111 Full Japan or X C Terret 9.00 " 3146 Nickel Terret 10.20 " 3149 " Long Spot 15.60 " 3156 Brass Terret 9.60 " 3159 " Long Spot 14.40 For Bolt Eye— Link and Ring ADD 2.40 For Loose Stay 2.40 CASE LOTS ONLY. 2 DOZEN PAIRS. BEST CHEAP HAME EVER MADE STRONG ENOUGH FOR ANY USE. ALL PARTS EASILY REPLACED. WILL NOT WARP, ROT OR BREAK. ONE SIZE. TWO LENGTHS. Showing Loose Oval Stay. 14 AMERICAN HAME AND BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. New York Style, 1^" Ball. Heavy. Light. Medium. Showing Long Spot, Stay and Rooney Staple. In ordering SCOTCH for double use always state STYLE OF TERRET and if INSIDE SPECIAL LOOP or ALL TERRET. Also KIND OF TRACE and ATTACHMENTS wanted. ''THE QUALITY MAKERS." 15 STEEL BACK SCOTCH HAMES. No. Ill " 114 " 115 " 146 " 148 •' 149 " 156 " 158 " 159 " 166 " 168 " 169 " 176 " 178 " 179 41 51 61 71 ength. Light, Medium or Heavy. Hand Made. Varnished or Black Woods. Per Pair Full Japan - - - - 2.40 Nickel Ball only 2.80 Brass " " . - 2.70 Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball 3.30 Short Spot, Close Plate - 4.50 Long Spot, 5.00 Brass Terret, Loop and Ball - 3.10 Short Spot, Close Plate 4.00 " Long Spot, " " - 4.50 Close Silver Terret, Loop and Ball 4.50 " " Short Spot - 6.00 " " Long Spot 7.00 SoHd Nickel Terret, Loop and Ball - 3.50 Short Spot, Close Plate 5.00 " Long Spot, " - 5.50 Full Close Nickel , 10.00 " " Brass - 9.00 " Silver 14.00 •' Solid Nickel ^- 11.00 ANY SIZE BALL FURNISHED AT LISTED ADDITIONS. FOR ALL OTHER ADDITIONS SEE PAGE 5. ALWAYS GIVE SIZE AND SHAPE OF COLLAR. All our Scotch Hames have Japan and varnish — OVEN BAKED. 16 AMERICAN HAME & BIT CO., NEWARK, N. J. ROONEY STAPLEjt^ HOLD BACK. CART HOOK. SQUARE STAPLE AND TRIANGLE. BOLT EYE AND LINK & RING. TUBULAR WITH JUG DRAFT. STAY TERRET, CONCORD TERRET. LOOSE SWEDGE TERRET. 'THE QUALITY MAKERS." 17 TUBULAR AND SCOTCH HAME TRIMMINGS. PER SINGLE DOZEN. BALLS TO SCREW ON OR RIVET. Fit all our Hames. Brass. Nickel. Sol. Nickel. New York Express. li"Diameter. 2.40 3.00 4.00 St. Louis Express. 13// " 3.60 4.40 6.00 Drayman's Pride. 2" 6.00 7.00 9.00 Chicago Special. 21// 9.00 10.00 12.00 Teamster's Delight. 2i" 12.00 15.00 18.00 Heavy Barrel. lf"x2i"" 19.20 22.80 27.60 LOOPS. Jap. or X. C. Brass. Nickel. SoL Nickel. i"—n" V'—ll" i"—iV 1"— ir Inside Spread. .52 .68 .92 1.08 1.20 1.34 1.60 1.80 Three Prong. .68 .80 1.08 1.34 1.34 1.60 1.80 2.20 TERRETS. Jap. or X. C. Brass. Nickel. Sol. Nickel. 1"— IJ" v—n" V'—iy y'—iv Band Stay. 2.16 2.40 4.00 4.80 5.20 6.00 7.20 8.00 Loose Swedge with Stud. .50 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.60 4.80 Concord, with Shield. 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.40 7.20 8.00 Concord, without Shield. 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.80 6.00 EXTRAS. Polished or Japanned . 1" — 1^" Polished or • Japanned. v—ir Staples. .40 .50 Hold Back Plates. 1.00 1.20 Swivel Backers. .80 .80 Bolt Eyes complete. 2.40 2.40 Links and Rings. .80 .80 Rooney Staples. 2.80 3.00 Back Strap Ring.^. .50 .50 Cart Hooks. 1.80 2.40 HEAVY STEEL HAME CLIPS. 2 Hole. 3 Hole. 4 Hole. 1"— 11" 1"— ir 1"— li" Polished or Japanne ?d. 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.70 2.40 3.20 Close Plated Bow. 1.80 2.40 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.40 Brass, Face Plated with Rivets. 4.20 4.80 6.00-6.60 7.20 8.00 Nickel, •' (<