FOR Ladies C>:^J-0:^0:3ir€:^:$rO:*<^*'0^0*<^;5l^O:^E<^«-^ '^^"^■-^^^ •--'■-^^^-'H^ebyr,.,,^^!^'' ^K5*€5^e54l- Mrs. Power O'Donoghue !K^^ 1 ■ *«^- ^. ■'■.■■ -/'V; v'.-.^i^^^^-^^-^^-^.-. :■^•V■- Riding for Ladies. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Scliool of Veterinary IVledicine ^ Tufts University 200 Westboro Road Noitn Grafton, iV!A 01 536 1 JOHN A. SEAVERNS . La FA YETTE , PhOTO ■ D U B L I N. OUaa- W.THACKER &C?. LONDON. The Common Sense of Riding. Riding for Ladies WITH HINTS ON THE STABLE. BY Mrs. Power O'Donoghue, author ok "ladies on horseback," "a beggar on horseback," etc. ILLUSTRATED BY A. CHANTREY CORBOULD. LONDON: W. Thacker & Co., 87, Newgate Street CALCUTTA: THACKER, SPINK, & CO. BOMBAY: THACKER & CO. LIMITED. 1887. LONDOIS : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited. STAMFORD STREET AND CUARING CROSS. TO MY FRIEND LADY GLOVER, WIDOW OF THE LATE SIR JOHN HAWLEY GLOVER, R.N., G.C.M.G., GOVERNOR OF NEWFOUNDLAND. A SMALL TOKEN OF SYMPATHY, AFFECTION, AND ESTEEM. CONTENTS. CHAP. Introduction PAGE ix I, —Ought Children to Ride . . . . I II.— For Mothers and Children II III.— First Hints to a Learner . . . . 24 IV.— Selecting a Mount .... 32 v.— The Lady's Dress on Horseback 43 VI. — The Lady's Dress on Horseback— (f^w/mw^^ ') . 54 VII. — Bitting . 63 VIII.— Saddling . 81 IX. *♦ Learning to Ride"— How to Sit, to Wal K, TC Canter, and to Trot . . . , . 92 X. Reins, Voice, and Whip . . f . IDS XL— Riding on the Road .... . 122 XIL— Paces, Vices, and Faults . . 135 XIII.— A Lesson in Leaping .... . 146 XIV.— Managing Refusers .... . 158 XV. — Falling . 166 XVI.— Hunting Outfit Considered . 179 XVIL— Economy in Riding Dress . . . 188 XVIIL— Hacks and Hunters .... . 203 XIX.— In the Hunting-Field . 217 XX.— Shoeing . . 231 XXL— Feeding . . 241 XXIL— Stabling . 250 XXIIL— Doctoring . . 262 XXIV.— Breeding »' . 280 XXV.— Training . 292 XXVI.— A Budget of *' Tips " . 307 Index . . 339 INTRODUCTION The work to which these few lines are meant to form a preface does not aspire to the dignity of containing any- thing resembling an exhaustive treatise on each, or any of the numerous minor subjects connected with the principal one of Equitation. It is simply a collection of useful and practical hints on matters that pertain to the horse and his management — no study of things abstruse being brought into requisition, or any complicated theories put forward for guidance. The instructions given are of the plainest and easiest description, and are the result of an experience which has in some instances been rather dearly bought ; the experiments described have been duly tested, the recipes tried, the systems explored, and the rules set forth rigidly investigated before being recommended. The unexpected success which attended the publication of " Ladies on Horseback " induced the Messrs. Ingram, proprietors of the Lady's Pictorial^ to commission me, some little time ago, to write for them a set of articles of a b Xll INTRODUCTION. prepared in part from very rough sketches made by my own hand, I think I shall have said enough to form a suitable " preliminary canter " to this volume, and may prepare to go up to the starting-point, and begin my race. N. P. O'D. .^ \ 'i^mmmm »• ->• -Ti, ASSISTING HIM. i'f^ /. 175- A HORSE'S PETITION TO HIS OWNER. Going up hill. Whip me not. Going down hill, Hurry me not. On level road, Spare me not. Of hay and corn, Rob me not. Of pure water, Stint me not. Of fresh air, Deprive me not. To damp bed, Subject me not. With brush and sponge. Neglect me not. Home from grass, Physic me not. Tired or hot, Wash me not. Sick or cold, Chill me not. With bit and reins, Jerk me not. When you are vexed, Strike me not. When old and grey, Despise me not. When past my labour. Work me not. When sick and dying, Leave me not. And, when dead — FORGET ME NOT. RIDING FOR LADIES. ^ '> CHAPTER I. OUGHT CHILDREN TO RIDE? HE "Common Sense of Riding, which formed the title under which these writings were first fur- nished to the pub- lic in the columns of a London journal, supplied a fitting heading for the articles at the time, very little con- cerning stable or general horse man- agement being ap- pended to the instructions offered to equestrians. The expediency of adding to the work formed a necessity for altering the title ; but the original one, if used here, would B ■^S^^^>ii-., - ''rTi*^^?^- >!%/■>>;■. ^-v^-^-c- 1- -*-i-T^' ^-^?K^-'^''"-^'^* iS ■h^ RIDING FOR LADIES. set forth precisely the manner in which I am about to deal with the subject that I have taken in hand. To discard preamble, and plunge at once in medias reSy is usually the wisest and most common-sense manner of coming at and coping with the difficulties surrounding crotchety questions : and surely one of the foremost in the category of such is the often-heard inquiry, " How shall I best learn to ride ? " To offer instruction on any subject to persons who fancy they have no need of it, is at all times mere waste of time and trouble. My remarks, therefore — embracing, as it is m.eant they shall, a variety of matters especially interesting to ladies — will be addressed throughout to those only who really feel their need of friendly counsel, who are anxious to learn, and are willing to benefit by such hints and instructions as my varied experiences of horses and horse- management enable me to give them. Before entering fully upon my pleasant task, I would say that although many men, and very many youths, may learn a useful lesson or two from matters upon which I shall touch, or possibly deal with in detail, my observations will be directed chiefly to ladies, my desire being to take each separately, as it were, into my confidence, and speak to her less as teacher to pupil than as friend to friend. It seems to me that to adopt the homely pronouns " you " and " I " will be more convenient and concise than adhering to the stereotyped and old-fashioned terms " the reader," and " the author " — modes of expression which are as a rule unnecessarily formal, and most un- OUGHT CHILDREN TO RIDE? comfortably cold, When, therefore, I begin my subject, I shall suppose that you are a novice, with but a very shadowy idea of the subject on which you wish to be enlightened ; but when I say "novice," I do not necessarily mean a child. Indeed, I hope that you are not one, for it is widely known that I object very strongly to children riding, my reasons for doing so being founded on the surest and most common-sense principles. The point is one which has of late years led me into discussions with very many high- class authorities on equitation, but I have never for a moment swerved from my fixed opinions, and many of my keenest opponents have, from time to time, ranged them- selves on my side. It is indeed a matter of surprise to me that anybody possessed of even moderate reasoning capacity can advocate infantile equestrianism. The two arguments which defenders of it make their strong points, namely, that it is " splendid exercise," and that it imparts a courage which is beneficial in after life, can, while admitted, be counterbalanced by so many genuine drawbacks and objections, that their boasted efficacy runs considerable risk of being regarded as a thing of nought. Before, however, dealing with the con's of the case, let us take up the pro's in rotation. It is splendid exercise. Granted ; but rolling hoop is quite as good, while ball-playing, tennis, badminton, and every other game that sets the blood in motion and calls the muscles into active play, may be styled equally beneficial. All the advantages which are derivable from exercise — and they are many — can be had without riding ; B 2 RIDING FOR LADIES. this is an admitted fact ; and, being so, it serves to sweep away suppositious inferences respecting the superiority of equine practice, or training, over that of any other sort. So much for the oft-quoted plea of " exercise." With regard to the question of courage, it cannot be denied that a certain and useful amount of confidence is imparted to all young persons who participate largely in pursuits which have a smack of daring or danger about them. Watch, for example, the peasant girls who inhabit the country districts of Ireland. They climb steep mountains, descend jagged cliffs, run barefooted along sharp ledges and high rugged walls, without thought of dano-er, or trace of fear. And why } Because from child- hood they have been accustomed to it. It goes, then, without saying that early practice does impart an amount of bravado, which may in later life be found useful on occasion ; but, having acknowledged this, I feel that I have done my entire duty towards the advocates of a system to which I strongly object, and I shall, therefore, proceed, in all fairness, to demolish their theories by a clear and simple setting forth of the evils which are, in my opinion, attendant upon early equestrian pursuits. Few persons will be found to dispute the fact that a child on horseback, especially a girl, runs at least as many risks as a grown person. She may at any moment be jerked off, run away with, overpowered by the strength or temper of her mount, cannoned against by awkward or reckless riders, or subjected to the unpleasantness of discovering that the animal she herself is riding is given OUGHT CHILDREN TO RIDE ? 5 to slipping-, stumbling, falling completely under her, or behaving in some unseemly manner that is entirely beyond her powers to check or control. To these dangers and discomforts — as well as to many others with which eques- trians, old and young, are uncomfortably familiar — she is at all times liable to be exposed, and, this being an admitted truth, I ask whether it can for a moment be asserted that a child is as capable as an adult of coping with such risks ? The answer miLst be " No." The perils are the same for both — while the weaker side is absolutely unable to grapple with them when they arise. I speak from ex- perience, and strive to teach from it also. Having been largely associated with juvenile riders, especially in country parts of England, the knowledge which I have picked up from their absolute want of it has proved most fitting and serviceable to me when offering hints and instructions to others of similar age. Five years ago I had the un- happiness of seeing a pretty child who was riding with me seriously hurt, through her horse falling under her while traversing an extremely rutty road. He made what is called a double stumble, and had her hands possessed the cunning, or her arms the strength, to have pulled him together after he had made the first blunder, he would undoubtedly not have gone down ; but he was a slovenly animal, — one that wanted " collecting " and keeping well in hand : two things of which my tender little companion knew nothing whatever ; nor was she capable of putting them in practice, even had it been otherwise. About the same time I saw another bright-eyed little * RIDING FOR LADIES. maiden run away with over the " breezy downs." Her horse, fresh and frohcsome, started with mine at a Hght canter, and for awhile we kept nicely together ; but presently — after a quarter of a mile or so — her mount began to romp with his head, and finally breaking into a gallop, made off at terrific speed, lashing the damp turf from beneath his flying hoofs, and laying back his wicked ears until they rested flat upon his neck. I knew that the youngster he was carrying had abundance of pluck, even without any very distinct knowledge of the art of riding, so I shouted to her with all my might to sit close and leave him his head (we were going up hill at the time), and to give him the whip when he tired, which I knew he very soon would do, with a long, heavy incline in front of him. I might as well have spoken to the wind. Terror, and consciousness of her own ignorance robbed the child of her wits : she gripped the pommel with her right hand, tugged at the reins with her left, and, after swaying about in a manner that makes me sick to think of, finally fell off, and was picked up bruised and bleeding, and so entirely unnerved as to render it a matter of extreme difficulty to persuade her ever to ride again. As for the horse, he was not personally any the worse of his escapade, but, having conquered his rider, he was ever afterwards rightfully considered an unsafe animal for a lady to mount. I have seen children over and over again subjected to the most fearful risks through riding horses that were too much for them. It is so easy for a girl to be overpowered, — and, once she is so, good-bye for ever to all or any pleasure OUGHT CHILDREN TO RIDE ? in riding the animal who has been her conqueror. He will always remember his victory, and presume upon it. Horses are not simpletons ; their wisdom, on the con- trary, is astonishing. Allow them to vanquish you once, and they will pursue their advantage to their lives' end. There are other reasons, also, on which I ground my objections to children riding. Little girls are exceedingly apt to grow crooked. It is all sheer nonsense to say "they will not if they sit straight!' inasmuch as young riders never do, as a rule, fall into the desired method ; or, if for awhile it is a thing accomplished, they very speedily fall out of it again, when fatigue overpowers them, or the groom has shortened their stirrup-leather too much, or when a large amount of pressure upon it during a long ride has stretched it to an uncomfortable length. It is the merest sophistry to argue that such things ought not to occur, seeing that they do, and are in fact happening every day around us. One child out of five hundred may, perhaps, be an habitual straight-sitter, but to counterbalance her perfection in this particular, the remaining 499 will be either hanging to one side or the other (usually the near, or left side), or sitting square enough, it may be, yet with the right shoulder thrust forward and upward, thus sowing the seeds of a deformity which in ten years' time, when the little one of eight shall have grown into a belle of eighteen, will have become an incurable disfigure- ment, one which all the arts of the most skilful modiste cannot by any possibility cover, or the most seraphic charms of face and manner serve to put out of sight. 8 RIDING FOR LADIES. The frame of a child, even the most robust, is too weakly and delicate — too liable to grow " out of form " — to render equestrian exercise a fitting pursuit for persons of tender age. Nature has not ruled that her frail handiwork shall be roughly or unfairly strained, and when it is, the penalty is certain to follow, in disarranged system, weakened or injured muscular development, misplaced shoulder-blades, undue tension of the tendons of the left leg — or contraction of them, which is worse — accompanied by an unnatural languor and a constant craving for permission " to go and lie down," which, in so many cases, children are observed to manifest. The absurd assertion that no girl can excel as a horse- woman unless she begins to practise the art when a child has been so often and substantially refuted that to attempt further contradiction of it would be merely to entail loss of time. Suffice it to say that some of the finest equestrians the world has ever produced have been entirely ignorant of riding until after their arrival at womanhood, or, at all events, until childish days had been left far in the rear. Of these a foreign Empress is a noteworthy example, while many others, whose names in park and hunting-field are familiar as household words, might go to swell the list. " Well, but really " — I fancy I hear some unconvinced matron saying — " I cannot see that my children are any- thing the worse for riding every day. I myself rode when I was their age, and it never seemed to do me any harm." Granted, madam ; but question yourself, whether you have a right, because yoit have had the good fortune to escape the evils usually consequent upon a OUGHT CHILDREN TO RIDE ? prejudicial system, to encourage your offspring to go in the way of contracting them. As well might you boast of having escaped contagion during an attendance on a fever patient, and then (presuming on your own lucky chance) thrust your children deliberately into an infected house. No ; if you are a wise parent, or guardian, advocate early instruction in pianoforte-playing and its study, also in drawing, painting, and such branches of educa- tion as will expand and benefit the understanding, with- out unduly straining the yet undeveloped resources of the body ; encourage likewise such exercises as are of a healthful and suitable nature— but compel the young folks of whom you have charge to leave riding alone, at all events until the fourteenth year has been well got over : because, just as in singing the vocal organs are weak, and the voice apt to alter and break about that period (which is the case with girls as with boys, although very many fail to know or believe it), so, in like manner, the frame of a young girl is delicate and unstrung, and is absolutely incapable of enduring strain or fatigue without incurring consequences which, even if not made much account of at the time, will most likely in after life cause themselves to be dismally felt. About fifteen, or from that to twenty, is an excellent time for a girl to learn to ride— by which I mean that she ought not to attempt it before- the first-mentioned age while the last will not be one whit too late. Boys may begin whenever they choose ; their position on horseback obviates the possibility of growing shoulder-crooked, while 10 RIDING FOR LADIES. custom which enables them to ride with a leg on each side of the saddle, equalises their seat, and fairly dis- tributes the amount of stress which pressure on^ the stirrups entails upon both nether limbs. Moreover, they are infinitely stronger, even from babyhood — can bear any amount of knocking about, and so far from being injured by an occasional spill or two, are immensely benefited by making moderate acquaintance with mother earth. It is not so with girls, and around them all my sympathies entwine. >-.v^'^'' , ~^-^ ?'/•».-*■■>.' z^- ./--. ^v^^ / CONQUERED HIS RIDER. ( II ) CHAPTER II. FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. It is a rare thing to take up a cookery book in which the reader is not solemnly warned against the evils attendant upon frying chops and steaks in the pan, the deterrent paragraph usually winding up with : " Nevertheless, for the benefit of those who will not be brought to acknowledge the superiority of the gridiron as a cooking utensil, we append a few instructions." It is as though the writer of the volume meant solemnly to say, " I have told you how to avoid the horrors of dyspepsia ; but, if you will go in for them, I may as well show you the least objectionable way of doing it." On this principle, or something bearing a close resem- blance to it, I have, as in duty bound, made known my objections to girls of immature age being permitted to indulge in equestrian exercise; and having eased my conscience by doing so, I shall lay down a few rules for the guidance of those who pay no heed to friendly warnings, but prefer taking their own way, and who, in short, will have the pan, in preference to the gridiron. First, then, I will surmise that the child to be instructed is at least five years old. There are, I am aware, mothers 12 RIDING FOR LADIES. of families who actually put their infant children into panniers, because they "look pretty" in them, and send them out on ponies for an hour's jolting, with their poor little heads bobbing pitifully about, and brain and spine alike suffering from the so-called exercise. There are fathers, too, who think that their boys ought to ride before they are well capable of walking, and who in consequence of this belief clap them on to wide-backed, rough-actioned animals, regardless of the dangers to which, by so doing, they are exposing the feeble frames of their hapless offspring. To aid such persons by offering any sort of instruction as a help to their objectionable practices would be like assisting at a murder, or showing a torturer how to get on with his work. I was choosing some articles at the establishment of a fashionable saddler a short time ago, when the proprietor stepped forward and requested me to look at an instru- ment (I can call it by no other name) which he had just completed to order. It was a child's saddle, with a con- trivance not unlike a brazier, arising from the centre of it, well furnished with padding and straps. This unique appliance was, it appeared, the invention of the father of the unfortunate infant for whose benefit it had been manu- factured, and his pride in its appearance, and in his own cleverness, was quite unbounded. Determined that his son, aged three, should begin his lessons in horsemanship at that early period of life, and resolved to secure him from tumbling off (the only thing in the shape of danger to which he gave a moment's thought), he conceived the idea of buckling the infant into the " brazier," which was FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. meant to come right up under the armpits, and by this means avert all possibility of a fall. It had apparently never struck this intelligent inventor of curiosities that the pony might fall as well as the boy, and that if it did, the little rider could scarcely fail to be seriously if not fatally injured, owing to the impossibility of his falling clear of the prostrate animal. If a child of tender years must ride, by order of an ill- judging parent or caretaker, let it do so upon a safety-pad, fitted with a well-stuffed back, in order to prevent that of the child from becoming fatigued by remaining too long unsupported. The pad-pony should be a light, elastic walker, and of necessity perfectly docile and quiet. He must, of course, be led : his paces being properly regulated, and his head kept quite straight. A good contrivance for this — and indeed for leading any description of horse — is a stout bamboo cane, fitted with a swivel snaphook. The pad-pony should be ridden with a mild snaffle bridle, with loops somewhat large — and I am a great advocate iox flap-reins : by which I mean a straight but not over-tightened band, extending from the flap of the saddle to the loop or ring of the bit, on either side — an admirable contrivance, which keeps the pony's head in position, and also serves as a check against restiveness or starting. The girths should be broad and strong, and not too slack, and the pad should be made without a tree, and be composed of some soft roughened material, ornamented or not — according to fancy, and the outlay to be involved in the matter. T4 RIDING FOR LADIES. The advantage of having a strap in front is apparent for a very young child. It should, however, be used only when the pony is led, and when he cannot therefore possibly make off or fall down. In such case, and such only, it may be approved, inasmuch as it imparts a certain '/. >- PONY WITH FLAP-REINS. amount of confidence to an infant learner, and is likewise of assistance in ensuring an upright seat ; but I should like to see it discontinued after the first few lessons, and the back of the pad also removed when a trifle more experience has been gained. About eight years old is the very earliest age at which a FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. i$ girl should, under any circumstances, be permitted to ride on a side-saddle, or to mount the back of an unled animal. I prefer a small horse to a pony for the initiatory lessons, as being generally better paced and better broken. The child should not at first be allowed to touch the bridle at all. She should sit perfectly square and erect, her figure well balanced, her shoulders thrown back, and her arms folded upon her breast, while an attendant walks alongside her horse and keeps his paces evenly regulated. This is the correct method of teaching a child how to ride from balance, — an accomplishment most desirable for every class of rider. The ordinary fashion of putting a little one up, and giving her the reins to hold on by, is about as efficient a plan of instruction as teaching the same child to play the piano by ear only — thus ignoring the very first principles of the art — or running-up a building without laying a foundation-stone. Circus-children, the most beautiful balance-riders in the world, are taught to ride at first without ever torching the reins ; and nothing else that could be suggested would ever be capable of giving the same firmness of seat. If the learner be a boy, he should be taught his first lessons without stirrups ; but I would not deny the assis- tance of such support to a little girl, as her position on the saddle would otherwise entail much extra fatigue upon the left leg. Be it understood, however, that the stirrup should be taken away after the first few lessons, and the child be instructed to ride for at least an hour a day with- out any such aid ; otherwise she will trust to it, when riding, i6 RIDING FOR LADIES. for the remainder of her life, and to ride/;w;^ the stirrup is one of the most objectionable practices into which a young person can possibly fall. When a firm and even seat has been obtained, without the help of reins or stirrup, the former (of the very lightest — , / Xf -^'-' YOUNG CHILD S SADDLE. description, and single) may be entrusted to the little learner's hands, but the flap-reins must not by any means be discarded. When the child is perfectly at home on her horse, and has learned to treat his mouth with the utmost gentleness, FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. I7 and not on any account to pull at the bridle, a canter may be indulged in, by the attendant attaching a long rein to a cavesson and urging the horse to a gentle pace, making him lead always with the right leg, and pulling him up directly he changes to the left. The child should be most carefully watched during the exercise, and any tendency to hang over on one side or the other, or to lift one shoulder, or poke the neck, be at once checked. The saddle should be level-seated — covered with buck- skin, for a beginner — and should have no off-pommel. This latter appendage is happily almost obsolete, except with the most old-fashioned saddles, and is entirely unnecessary, as well as unsightly, for it affords no additional safety to the rider, and youthful learners are especially apt to lay hold upon it in any imaginary danger^ — an excessively bad practice to acquire. As the term " level seat " applied to side saddles may not be generally understood, I will give a few words of explanation : — The ordinary side saddle, being made with the arch of the tree raised to clear the withers, is necessarily much higher in front than behind, and as a consequence the knee is thrown up in a cramped and fatiguing position ; it is difficult thus to keep the figure erect, an aching back ensues to the rider, and frequently torture to the horse. The level-seated saddle has the steel front-part cut quite away over the withers, and replaced by a pad of soft leather, giving that horizontal shape from front to rear so much desired, yet so seldom found. These saddles were introduced and perfected by Messrs. Nicholls and Co., of C i8 RIDING FOR LADIES, 2, Jermyn Street, London, who have carefully studied the comfort of both horse and rider, and assisted by the ex- perience and suggestions of that well-known authority, Mr. Wilson of Albington Manor, late master of the Vale of White Horse Hounds, have produced really admirable side saddles. Trotting must be taught when the pupil has been per- fected in the canter. It is not an easy thing either to teach or learn, but I shall come at the principles of it by-and- by. Trotting should be practised on soft, springy ground, never on a road, and the horse on which the lessons are taken should be very light of action, and of even paces. Otherwise, the punishment to the learner will be great, and the teacher's difficulties equally trying. Little girls learning to ride should be dressed in neat skirts, just long enough to cover the feet ; loose-fitting jackets — (jerseys are excellent) — hair left flowing, never fastened up ; and soft hats or caps, well secured under the chin, in such a manner as to prevent the possibility of their coming off. Whips should not on any account be allowed until some degree of proficiency has been attained, and the proper use of them should then be strictly pointed out, and as strictly adhered to. With this matter I shall likewise hereafter deal, as also with the question of spurs — articles which, I may here observe, should never, under any pre- text whatever, be granted for children's use. A child should be taught to mount her horse with ease when assisted, as also the expediency of being able to do so without any help at all : this latter by simply letting FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN. 19 down the stirrup-leather — taking it up, of course, to the required length, or rather shortness, when seated securely on the saddle. She should likewise practice dismounting without assistance. No active child should ever think of requiring a helping hand. To lift the right leg deftly over the up-crutch, take the left foot from the stirrup, gather the skirt well together with the right hand — making certain that no portion of it is in any way caught upon the pommels —and then to jump lightly down, is the proper method of dismounting. To be lifted — except for very young pupils — is extremely babyish. How long a child should be permitted to ride at a stretch is a question very often asked me, and one to which I find some difficulty in giving a satisfactory reply. Some children are strong, and can both endure and enjoy an amount of exercise that would knock a delicate child completely up. Again, some are passionately fond of the art, while others care but little about it, and (as is well known) the things that one likes are seldom liable to cause fatigue, except when carried beyond the ordinary limits of moderation. The counsel I would give is this : Watch carefully for any sign of lassitude, or display of weariness on the part of the pupil, and stop the riding as soon as such appears. What I mean to convey is, that if a child complains of feeling tired during her lesson, she should at once be permitted to dismount ; or if after, say, an hour's ride on the road she is conscious of fatigue, the time should on the fiext occasion be shortened to three-quarters, or even to C 2 20 RIDING FOR LADIES. half, and subsequently increased, according as the pupil gains experience and strength. Nothing should be left undone to inspire confidence in the breast of a child-rider. Her mount should be the gentlest, her teacher the kindest, all her appliances (saddle, &c.) new, comfortable, and reliable. Girths that are apt to break, for instance, give a child uncomfortable impressions, — and early ideas or opinions on any subject are certain to influence the entire of the later life. Be it remembered, however, that although everything should be done to make the youthful learner feel at ease, while striving at the same time to impart proficiency, no approach to self-conceit, or desire to " show off," should be for an instant encouraged. Modesty of demeanour is quite as charming out of doors as within. The child who pays attention to her seat, her hands, her horse — in short, to what she is doing — will make a better and more reliable horsewoman (even though she may be awkward at first) than will she who looks about for admiration, while neglecting the principles on which she has been taught. It is like the plodding student and the flippant-tongued. One will answer every question with tolerable smartness, out of the shallow depths of a superficial knowledge, while the other, though missing, may never- theless be engaged in laying up a store of learning, which v/ill in after life stand her in good stead. Now, a word specially addressed to children, and I shall close my chapter. Be uniformly kind to animals, especially to the horses that carry you. Let humanity be a portion of your religion. Discipline, properly exercised, is just i Yhimi//^ v^^/ >x/ r-^'^^.r r^ "pleader" and his mistress. /r AiN "ORIGINAL ' ATTITUDE. 32 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER IV. SELECTING A MOUNT. The purchase of a saddle horse requires a grave amount of consideration, especially as ignorant persons are apt to think that " anything will do for a beginner." Every second person to whom you make known your requirement will be ready to put you in the way of securing " the nicest little horse in the world." Gentlemen friends from every quarter will have something cut and dried for you to invest in ; amateur dealers will persecute you ; professionals will harry your life out ; John, the coachman, will make himself odious by recommending some highly undesirable animal and stolidly determining to see no virtue in any other. You won't know at first what his object can possibly be, but by-and-by you will find out that he and the owner of the property have come to an agreement concerning a certain little " tip " to be made over to John, in the event of his inducing you to become the possessor of the decided acquisition in horseflesh on which his own affections are set ; and then, when you decline to be victimised, John will assume a stony appearance, and obstinately refuse to be interested in any other purchase. You should be slow to select a horse, with a view to SELECTING A MOUNT. 33 buying him, unless you can command the aid of a competent and disinterested judge. Do not take the onus upon yourself, for I grieve to say there is not any species of trade in which there is so much dishonesty and such a terrible amount of deception. If, however, you should happen to be thrown altogether upon your own resources, act thus (or get some one to do it for you) : Go to the most respectable of the trade ; it is your best safeguard. In former times, men like Scott and Anderson were so far above suspicion that the veriest tyro was safe in their hands. There are others of the present day of whom the same may be said. Find out one of them, tell him to what price you can go, and see the best that he can give you for it. If he happens to have what pleases you in price and appearance, get the animal examined by a reliable veterinary surgeon, and ask for a trial. Buy nothing without it. If refused, rest assured that some- t];iing is amiss. Dealers and grooms, even the honestest of them, have ways of their own for pulling horses together, and making them step up and show themselves : ay, and for covering their defects, too, of which ladies, as a rule, know nothing at all. Therefore, when you fix upon an animal, get him ridden by a friend on whose judgment you can rely, — not in a hurried manner, in the dealer's yard, but for an hour or so upon the road — and also for a turn upon grass. A correct opinion can then, but not otherwise, be formed concerning his paces, and the amount of training and discipline to which he has been subjected. A lady's horse should, as I have said, possess perfect D 34 RIDING FOR LADIES. manners. If he romps with his head, pulls heavily against the hand, leans weightily upon the bit, crosses his legs, goes clumsily upon his shoulders, or, in short, renders his rider in any way uncomfortable or unsafe, he is as un- suitable for you as though he were addicted to some actual vice. To be brief, he is not fitted for his office. If, on the contrary, he can be ridden upon grass with a common snaffle and a single rein — not pulling, and going well up to his bridle — the making of his mouth has at least been properly attended to ; he is fit to be a lady's horse. I do not consider that any animal is so who requires a curb ; but the subject of bitting is of too great importance to be merely touched upon here. I shall give some practical advice about it in a future chapter. In the event of your purchasing a horse from a friend, adopt precisely the same rules as though buying him from a dealer, unless the animal be one with whom you are perfectly well acquainted. In such a case his price will J^e the only question ; but if there is nothing amiss with him, and your friend is a person of honesty and good sense, he will freely grant you both a trial and an opinion, and will be rather pleased than otherwise that you should demand them, as the responsibility of the sale will then be lifted from his shoulders. In selecting a horse, discard anything that is too large. A lady who is not a welter-weight does not require a weight-carrier, nor does she look well upon one either. See that he has good fore-legs, and has not any tendency to being what is termed " over at the knees," for if he has SELECTING A MOUNT, 35 an inclination that way he will be very likely to come down, and a sure-footed horse is positively essential to the comfort and safety of a lady rider. Bent knees denote a weakness of the muscles and tendons of the back of the leo- and are therefore to be reckoned as fatal to a roadster, although, strange to say, they are not thought nearly so objectionable in a racer, his price being in some instances not very materially lessened by them. This is owing to the fact that in the gallop they do not tell against an animal, wh?le in the trot they do, very materially. *' Diamond," who was, some years ago, the winner of many important races, was so marred in appearance by this defect, that when standing still he always looked ready to topple over upon his knees ; yet sportsmen know what a brilliant cross-country performer he was, and what a price Joe Anderson — dear old man ! still living, and hearty, though deaf as any post — gave for him after his win at La Marche. I have not the objection that most persons have to a hollow-backed horse, especially when designed to carry a lady's saddle. It is infinitely preferable to anything approaching a roach-back, and animals distinguished by it are, strange to say, generally possessed of a variety of excellent points — extreme good temper and docility bein among the most prominent. An unduly m.arked sinkin of the spine is certainly not to be desired, but an animal who has what grooms term *' a touch of a dip," need not on any account be rejected for it. A wise purchaser will always make a careful examina- tion of the angles of the lips. A decided hardness about D 2 cr fc> or 36 RIDING FOR LADIES. them, although an unfavourable symptom, need not condemn the animal ; it may have been occasioned by abuse of the bit, or by the use of an improper one. A cicatrix on the mouth is a defect, as showing that the true skin has been removed from its place, and if a decided induration, or anything like a lump can be felt in the vicinity of it, evidence is afforded that the animal is a puller. He ought not to be purchased for a lady's use. A good foot is an indispensable adjunct. I am not in favour of over long, or excessively sloping pasterns, although they are preferable to those that are either too much shortened, or unduly upright. Where the latter defect exists, it indicates, in my opinion, a thickening and rigidity of the flexor muscles, and produces an unsafe method of planting the feet, particularly in walking. A light, supple pliant pastern is a great beauty. I have often watched a thoroughbred racer trotting over turf. The fetlock actually tips the groimd, or seems to do so, at every step, and if elasticity and slenderness of this portion of a horse's anatomy were to be regarded as indications of weakness, very few finely-bred animals would ever pass the post at all. Strong high hoofs, with broad, firm, well-shaped heels, are most desirable ; though I know that in saying this I am challenging a large array of contrary opinions. I have heard many persons found their liking for low hoofs on the crround that an excess of horny substance checks expan- sion, and pinches the internal substance. This is, with all due respect, a fallacy. The hoof caujiot press upon or injure the internal portion of the foot, any more than a SELECTING A MOUNT. 37 well-developed skull can bruise or hamper the healthy brain which it has been created to protect. I cannot believe in the excellence of short, straight hoofs, with A NATURAL AND AN UPRIGHT PASTERN. narrow heels, nor can I forego my opinion, although once or twice I have had to fight for it, that the best bred and safest horses have their feet standing close together, with the toes pointing forwards^ in preference to a tendency to HOOFS. point either outwardly or in. The leg should be straight and firm, the knee-joint flat and broad, the shin hard, the forearm lengthy, and the limbs large and well-developed 3^ JAWING FOR LADIES. where they emerge from, or rather join, the trunk. The thorax should be wide ; a narrow one is invariably accom- panied by low withers (a great defect), and by upright shoulders, which is another. As it is, moreover, sacred to the purposes of respiration and circulation, its proper dimensions should be regarded as an all-important point. A nice horse, in colour, for a lady to ride is a dark chest- nut or bay. Browns and blacks are generally serviceable also, but greys and roans are objectionable, owing to the hairs coming off upon the habit. About fifteen-two is a good height for a horse which is to carry a rider of average proportions. He should have well-set sloping shoulders — oblique pasterns — clean, shapely legs — firm feet — and long, easy, swinging action, which is vastly better and more comfortable than that chin-knocking motion which lovers of what is showy run after and affect. The lady's horse should carry his head handsomely, being neither a star- gazer nor a borer, and his back should be somewhat longer than might be thought altogether desirable in a horse intended for a man to ride, in order to give ample room for the side-saddle. He should have a moderately high fore- hand, be firm and flexible in all his movements, and be at least 20 lb. above the weight he is meant to carry ; by which I mean that if you are, say, 8^ St., or from that to 9 St., and that your saddle and appurtenances (including your riding gear) weigh 2 st. extra, or a trifle over, you should select for your use an animal well up to 13 st. or there- abouts. To overweight a horse is both cruel and unwise, especially when a lady is the aggressor — which sounds strange, as female equestrians generally ride with tolerably SELECTING A MOUNT. light hands, and rarely stop out for any great length of time together, except on particular occasions. Never- theless, their position on horseback, sitting far back and in a side attitude, entails a good deal of additional fatigue upon an animal ; nor has the lady's horse the ad- vantage (a great one) which pertains to that of a man — namely, being eased now and again by the rider standing in the stirrups when gallop- ing, or jumping off for a moment or two when oppor- tunity offers. I have always thought it a pity that ladies do not select their saddle horses with a view to their being somewhat in keeping with their own style of appearance. It would be an immense advantage if they did, A slender, wil- lowy figure will always look best on a light-limbed animal — one of spirit and breeding, full of quality, and as nearly as possible thoroughbred — whereas a rider oi more matronly build should select an animal of medium height, with broad, strong back, power- ful quarters, big, healthy hocks, and stoutly-built forelegs. She will look infinitely better on him, and be more safely carried, than if mounted upon a slender weed. 40 RIDING FOR LADIES, So much for appearance. Now a brief word about other matters. Do not buy a horse that is not a g"ood walker, however perfect he may seem to be in other respects. I have ahvays attached great importance to an animal's walking powers. It is a pace more generally adopted than any other when out for a pleasure ride, and if you really want to enjoy this last-named recreation, have nothing to do with an indifferent walker, though he be offered you for a song. About four and a half miles an hour is a good walking pace — excellent, indeed, when leaving stable. The horse that accomplishes it will generally walk at the rate of five miles an hour when coming home. A good walker will neither stumble, drop, shuffle, nor break. Everybody knows what the first and third mentioned of these defects signify. " Dropping " is a most uncomfortable fault : a sort of inclination to d^ick do%v?iwards in front, or indeed more generally with the hinder part of the body. Few young horses that are not overweighted are apt to do it, and when they do, it is a sign of weakness of the muscles ; they are unsafe to ride. " Breaking " is an inclination to get into a canter, or trot, and is one of the symptoms of defective training. I like to see a horse walk steadily down hill, with head well up, and feet firmly planted. It is an excellent test. " Brushing " is a dangerous drawback, and so is " cutting.'* The first means striking one ankle against the other : the second is hitting the shoe against the other leg — a practice which involves considerable wounding and bleeding. Fast trotters frequently do it — therefore, if selecting one, look SELECTING A MOUNT. 41 out for its signs. A horse that cuts or brushes with the /^r^ is thoroughly unfit for saddle use : he may come down like a shot at any moment. The training of a lady's horse should render him steady in every respect : perfectly quiet to mount, light mouthed, and ready to obey the smallest touch of the rein, with- out showing skittishness. An animal that bounces about when his mouth is felt, or whilst waiting to be mounted, is anything but a treasure to possess. He should not be a puller, though ridden in any description of bridle — nor should his action when trotting be rough or jerky. If this latter be not looked to, his rider will constantly suffer from undue fatigue. That a lady's horse should be sound and healthy is nothing short of a necessity — nor ought he to have any glaring defects, or blemishes, visible about his person — although a single one, if it be trifling— the result, say, of a former wound, blister, or scar — need not cause him to be rejected ; in fact, it often happens that some excellent animals can be had quite cheap at the end of a hard hunting season, because they have got a little bit knocked about, although in many cases it does not tell against them in the smallest degree. Very many persons— Irish at all events — will remember the beautiful "Adonis " who created so marked a sensation in the parade of prize-takers before the Lord-Lieutenant at one of the last of the Dublin Horse Shows, that was held in the grounds of the Royal Dublin Society in Kildare Street. He had a conspicuous blemish on the right side of his chest, the result of a car-shaft that had been driven through 42 RIDING FOR LADIES. his body only five months previous to the show ; yet his patching up had been almost perfect, and he commanded an excellent price, though nothing at all to be compared with the sums I had been offered for him before the accident occurred. This carries out what I have said re- specting the chances of being sometimes able to secure a good animal, even a prize-winner, at a comparatively low figure, owing to some outward blemish, which, although slightly disfiguring, is not in any way prejudicial to the health, action, or general appearance of the intended pur- chase — or to his real value, when considered from a " useful purpose " point of view. ( 43 ) CHAPTER V. THE lady's dress ON HORSEBACK. I THINK I shall make this a chapter upon Dress. Not that the subject ought, perhaps, rightfully to come in just here, without first introducing some more details about the horse — but I know it to be a popular one with ladies, and it will make a pleasing variety from drier matter, which can be made to hold over very well until by-and-by. In the days of Gottfried and the fair Maid of Ghent, ladies rode upon long-tailed palfreys, attired in embroidered robes of velvet or brocade. A century later we find them wearing cloth manufactured into riding gear, but fashioned so extraordinarily as to set us marvelling how on earth they ever bore the weight, or kept their skirt-tails even moderately clean. So far down as the first half of the present century trailing habits were worn, and about that period we find many allusions to the absurd custom, which would seem to convey something like admiration of it. For example, Charlotte Bronte, describing the return of a riding-party in ' Jane Eyre,' says, " Her purple riding-habit almost swept the ground ; " a very questionable grace, in my opinion, and a highly dangerous one. Even in the present day our risible faculties are some- 44 RIDING FOR LADIES. times excited by the sight of some countrified equestrian, clad in the old-fashioned attire of our mothers' or grand- mothers' epoch — skirt six feet long, and quite four yards in width ; bodice with long basque, neck completely open, displaying a huge expanse of shirt, finished off below the chin with a red bow, or a blue one, or a green, as the case may be ; sleeves of enormous dimensions, both wide and long, and braiding enough to set up a regiment of Hussars. There was a girl in the park last season who wore a habit such as I have described, with the addition of soiled white kid gloves, and an extraordinarily tall hat, with a very narrow straight leaf, and evidently much too large to fit her head, for it went bobbing over her eyes at every step of her ungainly steed. Thousands of laughing glances were directed towards her, but she never minded, and only seemed pleased ; possibly she thought they were signs of admiration — and her pleasant, healthy face was aglow with delighted satisfaction. What a pity, I thought, that she had not the benefit of that inestimable looking-glass, a friend's eye. Somebody ought to have told her what an exhibition she was, yet evidently nobody did ; so ready are we to ridicule others, without offering help. A learner's first costume may be as primitive as her knowledge of the art — yet certain particulars concerning it ought not to be overlooked, and while considering them I shall adopt my former unceremonious mode of address, and speak as friend to friend. To begin, then, with your head. Leave your hair THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 45 floating, perfectly loose — untrammelled by so much as a ribbon. The object of this is that you may not have any temptation to remove your hands from the position in which the master has placed them, or anything to divert your mind from the subject with which it is engaged Were you to take your riding lessons with hair plaited neatly up in a coil, you would probably become conscious, after a round or two of jolting, that a tail was sticking uncomfortably out at one side, while a cold hair-pin would perhaps make you shudder by sliding down your back. Then, if your hand was not immediately lifted to rectify it, the tail would rapidly increase in length and volume, and a perfect rain of hair-pins would begin to descend upon your shoulders. This is precisely what a riding-master dreads and detests — for fingers and attention are alike employed to rectify the damage, which cannot be done in a hurry, but takes a long time, — and so discomfort reigns para- mount until the lesson is over. Always, while a learner, ride with your hair unbound, and wear a soft hat or cap upon your head, fastened securely with an elastic beneath the chin. This latter does not look pretty, but that need not matter very much ; there will not be many to see it, and even were it otherwise, the sensible among them would applaud your foresight, and commend you for providing against the discomforts attendant on a hat that would go rolling off with every motion of the horse you were riding. Your jacket should be more than easy-fitting : it should be loose — ^allowing the figure full play, and giving special 46 RIDING FOR LADIES, liberty to the arms, which should never be hampered in any way. The shape of it need not trouble you ; beauty and fashion can be dispensed with till by-and-by. Your skirt should be wide and short ; the make of it will not matter ; — as in the case of the jacket, let " cut " give place to comfort. Do not wear a hard stiff collar, or anything that would irritate or distract your mind. Never wear petticoats on horseback, even from the first. To do so is a grave mis- take. I advocate the purchase of proper riding trousers, to be worn from the very beginning, and they, of course, obviate the necessity for any such garment. I have heard persons speak in favour of flannel combinations, made to fit quite loose, and must confess that, having never tried them, I am not in a position to condemn, but my prejudices are certainly not in favour of them. If not fitted with elastic below the knees, they would most assuredly ruck up and make their wearer miserable ; and if so supplied, the legs of them would turn round and round until the backs were almost twisted to the front, a state of things terribly uncomfortable, and one that could not be remedied without getting off. If, however, there is a decided predilection in favour of these extremely undesirable garments, the twisting process may in great measure be obviated by attaching a piece of good firm elastic, long enough to pass under the sole of the foot, to each side of the leg of the combinations. This answers the purpose of a man's trouser strap, but must, if adopted by a lady, be worn under the boot. It is, I must say, surprising to me that the THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 47 combination, or knickerbocker garment, should ever have received the notice of juvenile riders, inasmuch as it leaves the leg, from the knee down, entirely uncovered, save by the stocking, except when long boots are worn ; and we all know that the limbs of a learner are far more tender and liable to abrasion than are those which have become saddle-hardened and inured to rubs. Boots should be well-fitting, broad-soled, and made without buttons, bows, or anything that could possibly catch in the stirrup, or require disentanglement when about to dismount. High heels should 7iever be worn. Gloves are of little consequence, provided that they are soft and large. Of the two I like to see beginners ride without them, except when the weather is cold. A good strong woollen or cloth pair will then be found preferable to any kind of leather. A whip you will not require, therefore I need not speak of it ; neither will you have any need of a spur. Having thus disposed of your requirements as a learner, we come to consider your more advanced costume, and I shall find need to speak of every requisite for park, road, and country riding — reserving the hunting outfit for the last. If you are a moderate rider, three hats will be sufficient for you ; a silk one, which I prefer low-crowned ; a jerry, or melon-shaped ; and a soft felt. These should be all of the finest quality ; in fact, I may here take occasion to warn you against cheap or indifferent articles of riding apparel ; they are, in all instances, by far the dearest in the 48 RIDING FOR LADIES. end. For my own part I really look with horror upon low-priced articles of clothing — not from any snobbishness, far from it, but because I have always found them wear so badly, look so unsightly after short service, and adapt themselves so indifferently to the wearer, that a perfect abhorrence of all so-called "bargains" has been the not unnatural result. You should have at least two riding-habits — one of heavy, the other of light material. Wolmershausen and Co., of Curzon-street, Mayfair, are constantly showing a variety of beautiful stuffs, suitable for all places, in towm and country, and for all weathers likewise. They are the introducers of the famous " Curzon Red," in reality a dark claret-colour of most charming hue, fine texture, and durable quality, being perfectly impervious to the effects of rain or sun. I am frequently asked for advice respecting the newest fashion in the cut of riding habits — the form or shape of the bodice, and so forth. The very best I can give is to go to a good maker, and leave the matter entirely in his hands, not hindering him by the setting forth of any ideas of your own. If he be a master tailor he will know his business, and will not relish interference. Should you, however, be called upon to give directions to a provincial or country workman of doubtful capacity, send for a good pattern of a skirt, and then get your tailor to cut it out in coarse, rough calico, and to tack it lightly together. Finally, let him adjust it to your shape when on horseback^ making quite certain that the fit of it shall be THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 49 perfect before attempting to cut it out in cloth. By this simple process you and he will be spared much disappoint- ment, and you will be saved unnecessary expense. A well- cut habit-skirt should fit without wrinkle or fold ; it should be barely long enough to cover the left foot ; there should not be a particle of superfluous cloth about it ; the end of the hem should form a line as nearly as possible horizontal ; and the circumference inside the hem should certainly not exceed two and a-half yards, even for the most matronly rider. I adhere to the belief that no habit-skirt can be properly adjusted unless the maker of it can have the advantage of adapting it to the figure of the intended wearer while she sits on horseback. All fashionable tailors have model or block horses, on which they mount their customers, and by no other plan can a perfect fit be secured. It must be borne in mind that the better shaped a habit-skirt is for riding the more unsightly it looks when seen on a standing figure, or when held in the hand ; in fact, it is then a seemingly hideous and " all wrong " thing, full of irregu- larities, and apparently without form and void — whereas, when viewed in the saddle, it adapts itself to the figure of the wearer, and falls into perfectly correct and shapely lines. All modern habit-bodices are made entirely without per- ceptible basque, having merely the coat-tail at the back. Some are made to open at the throat, and these look smart with a white or pale buff scarf tie. Others, again, are slightly opened at the waist, or very much so at the breast, dis- playing fancy waistcoats of various kinds and patterns, E 50 RIDING FOR LADIES. some of them quite startling in colour and design. The fashion is, in my opinion, not one to follow. The nicest shaped bodice for a lady is one made closely buttoned up, almost to the throat, showing merely a small linen collar above the braid or neck-band, with the addition of a neat tie of no conspicuous colour. The bodice itself should be entirely free from ornament of any sort whatever. I think it a good plan, although some tailors reject it, to have two large strong hooks attached to the back of the bodice, with eyes of corresponding size affixed in proper position to the band of the skirt. When these are fastened there can be no danger of getting " out of gear." Bodices which open much at the throat are very apt to give colds and coughs to the wearers of them. There is an old saying that pride feels no pain, and certainly ladies who fancy their own appearance in this particular style of garment are unfortunately only too apt to forget, or over- look, its tendency to admit the chill blasts and treacherous breezes which frequently make havoc with the most delicate portion of the frame. Nobody could condemn the practice of muffling up the throat more heartily than I do myself, but to leave the chest exposed to harsh wintry ^yinds— as I frequently see done— with only a trifle of silk or muslin to serve as a protector, seems to me to be positively suicidal. I therefore recommend that when open bodices are worn in chilly weather, a fold of chamois, or warm soft flannel, should be placed across the chest. A habit-bodice should fit closely, without crease or wrinkle, but ought not to be by any means tight ; if it be so, THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 51 all comfort in riding will be destroyed. I am confidently of opinion that half the ladies who canter their horses in the park and never attempt to trot them, only adopt the fashion because they themselves are too tightly laced to effect the rise in the saddle. This system of compression is a great mistake. If ladies could only be induced to believe it, it certainly adds nothing to their charms, for Nature will not allow herself to be put out of sight, and the figure that is crushed in at the centre by unduly tightened corsets must bulge out above or below them — sometimes both — in a manner that is by no means pleasant to contemplate. Putting aside, therefore, all questions connected with hygienic principles, the fashion of squeezing the waist is not one to be recommended. I believe that a great many ladies who are not by any means naturally stout or clumsy, are made to appear so by wearing cheap and ill-fitting corsets ; while, on the other hand, figures that are inclined to embonpoint can, with the assistance of a judicious and capable stay-maker, be invested with an appearance of grace and slimness that is not by nature their own. To expect a habit-cutter to fit a bodice over a seven-and-sixpenny corset, with two long bones, bald and unsoftened, sticking up at the top of the back, hip-pieces too wide, and front steels long and obtrusive, is as great a piece of injustice as to expecj; an artist to paint a picture with broken brushes, or a cook to furnish a banquet without the proper materials. I cannot refrain from dwelling a little upon this subject, because it seems to me that ladies are very often — without E 2 52 RIDING FOR LADIES. meaning it, perhaps — a trifle unjust, not to say tyrannical, blaming their tailors, and even speaking against them in influential quarters, for faults in fitting, which are in reality entirely attributable to their own obstinacy (combined, perhaps, with a little bit of parsimony), in neglecting the advice given them : namely, to purchase well-made corsets from an artist in that particular branch of industry. To lay a good foundation is at all times, howsoever applied, an excellent rule, and the corset is the foundation on which the habit-bodice must, as it were, be built. Your figure may be ever so charming in all its outlines and details, but if that which helps to mould it is in reality only calculated to disfigure, the eflect cannot be otherwise than unsatisfactory and bad. Habit-sleeves ought not to be too long. To end within two inches of the hand is the correct thing, the space to be filled up by a spotless linen cuff. Ample room should be given at the elbows, and at the setting-in of the sleeves, — otherwise there will be discomfort, and a continual tendency to run up. The system of shotting habits at the hem has happily entirely gone out. According to the present rule of skirt cutting, it certainly is not required, but for fair equestrians who are unduly nervous about exposing even the smallest portion of understanding, a good plan is to have a band of broad elastic affixed to the inside of the skirt, in such a position as to enable the toe of the right foot to be thrust through it, while a similar band does duty for the left These appliances cannot be properly arranged by THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 53 even the most skilful tailor, unless the wearer of the habit is ready to seat herself on horseback, or on a block horse, for his benefit and assistance. The necessity for this is obvious, as the precise position of the bands, or loops, must be regulated by the rider's length of limb, otherwise they may be altogether wrongly placed, and, when used, have only the unsatisfactory effect of dragging the skirt completely out of form. Some authorities have censured me for advocating this plan at any cost, declaring it to be highly dangerous in case of a fall. I should like to know how it is so, seeing that it does not involve the possibility of dragging, or place a lady in any sort of peril. The theory is about as sensible as others of the kind, which ignorant persons — or men who attempt to write for ladies — not un- frequently lay down. For riders who are, nevertheless, apprehensive of danger from this source, reassurance may be found by using NicoU's patent safety-band for the right foot opening with a spring — so that, in the event of a fall, the rider is not kept in a cramped position upon the ground, but can at once make an effort to regain her feet, without trouble to herself or damage to her garments. Ladies who ride much in the country, especially in summer weather, will derive comfort from the possession of a gingham habit, or one of very lightest dust-coloured summer cloth. I have had one of the latter myself, and it wore splendidly — bearing a couple of washings into the bargain when disfigured by dust on which a shower of rain had fallen. I would have it borne in mind, however, that cheap though the material may be, it must be tailor-made, otherwise it will not be fit to wear. 54 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER VI. THE lady's dress ON HORSEBACK {continued). No amateur manufacture can possibly look well on horseback. The effect is like that which is produced when men play cricket or tennis in home-made flannels, or go to fancy balls, or private theatri- cals in costumes manufactured by their wives. Please do not imagine that nobody ever does such things. To think so would be indeed a fallacy — but the effect is not a bit more ludicrous than that of amateur tailoring, especially when a back view of the latter is obtained. Riding trousers come next for mention. Many ladies prefer them to breeches, and when worn, they should be made of chamois, with cloth to match the habit extending from the foot to about midway between the knee and the hip. Chamois, if of good quality, is soft, elastic, serviceable, AMATEUR MANUFACTURE. THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 55 and most pleasant for wear, and side buttons are preferable to an opening in front. Small, firm, well-adjusted straps should be affixed to the ends of the legs, to prevent the possibility of rucking up — an indescribably uncomfortable sensation. These straps may be made of leather, though many prefer elastic. I do not think it matters much which cf the two is used for ordinary riding, but if the latter, it should be quite an inch in breadth, and should have a slit vorked in it, button-hole fashion, at each end (leaving a ^ood piece of the stuff beyond the slit), and by this means De made to fasten to two buttons, stitched very firmly, one 3n either side of the hem of the leg — on the inside, of course. By adopting this arrangement the straps can be readily changed — a great advantage, for elastic soon gets worn out ; and if you are a wise and methodical manager you will have a second pair of straps always ready at hand, to provide for unexpected contingencies. No lady who rides much can possibly do without at least two pairs of riding-trousers : a pair for each habit being in fact the correct thing. I think it will be a boon for ladies to know that Messrs. Tautz have introduced an acceptable novelty in ladies' riding and hunting breeches, a really beautiful and durable article made of deer-skin — soft as velvet, and elastic as a glove. Perfection in fit is secured through the medium of a lady "fitter," who is specially relegated to the department, and it is a point in favour of these breeches that they can be worn quite as readily and comfortably with leggings or gaiters as with the more sporting " tops." 56 RIDING FOR LADIES. The reference to these latter re-introduces the subject of boots : one on which I have already lightly touched. Never wear them tight — adopt the very plainest fashion— and let the soles be moderately thick. If you prefer Wel- lingtons — which many do — have your trousers cut away at the instep and buttoned close at the ankle, with a small strap to pass under the foot when in its stocking ; or have the boots drawn over the trousers, a la militaire, so that you can get into both at the same time. Captain Horace Hayes pointed out to me the utility of this plan, and I hav0 found it answer excellently for myself— but it is not every lady who can be brought to see the wisdom of wearing boots large enough to admit of it. If a spur be required, select a Sewarrow ; but I am against the indiscriminate use of such an appliance, and always maintain that if a lady is riding a properly broken horse she can have no possible need of a spur for ordinary road or park riding. When hunting, it is, in my opinion, an absolutely necessary adjunct, as also when training young or vicious horses — but such employment is altogether dis- tinct from quiet, everyday exercise, and requires, in fact, an entirely different equipment, of which the spur forms only a part. Stockings for riding should always, even in summer, be of a heavier and warmer description than those worn when walking, or in the house. I would have you remember, also, that to garter them will have a tendency to make your feet cold — a thing by no means pleasant or desirable, — therefore use suspenders to keep them up. THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 57 Corsets have already been discussed. Never, if at all inclined to stoutness, use what is called a riding-belt, or stay ; in other words, an abbreviated and thoroughly unsatisfying contrivance, neither high enough nor suf- ficiently strong to serve as a support for the figure. It is only excessively slight and naturally erect women who can at all indulge in the wearing of such flimsy articles. Web drawers of very light texture, such as are worn by men, will be found agreeable for wear, and being so close- fitting I have never found them move, or cause any discomfort. Chemises should be made barely long enough to meet the saddle, or if worn a shade longer they should be fashioned in the form of trunks, extending about midway down the thighs. Nothing that can possibly ruck up should ever be worn. I like to see chemises made in the form of a man's shirt, so far as neck, breast, and sleeves are concerned — but collars and cuffs should be movable, and all appliances complete for rendering an immediate change of these articles a matter of no difficulty whatever. Ladies who do not adopt the shirt-like form of chemise frequently complain of the difficulty of keeping their cuffs in right position. The best way to do this is to attach a little loop of single-cord round elastic to the inside of the habit-sleeve, and place a small firm button on the back of the cuff, around which the elastic can be fastened with perfectly satisfactory results. Pins should never be employed for any purpose, except about the head. This sounds strange, but I shall come 58 RIDING FOR LADIES. to it by-and-by. Ribbons ought not to be used as ties, especially gaudy ones — nor ought anyt/wtg coloured (including veils and flowers) ever be worn by a lady rider who desires to lay claim to the possession of even ordinary good taste. In this I am strongly opposed to the opinions of " Vielle Moustache " and other well- known authorities ; but every man, and of course every woman, has a full and just right to his and her own views upon all such matters, and when we put them in print for the benefit of others, it is with the object of directing and advising by the reasonableness of them, rather than of coercing by their weight or power. Gloves should be of doeskin — or strong, fine quality leather. They should be double-stitched in every part, have at least two buttons, and be amply large, in order to allow full play for the fingers and the muscles of the hand, as likewise to admit of circulation going freely forward — for extremities soon become chilled if cramped up in coverings in which they cannot be easily and freely moved about. I do not like white gloves, or yet black ; a nice dark shade of tan looks well — and some black stitching on the backs is a decided improvement. No ornaments ought to be worn when riding. A small stud should fasten the collar : never a brooch ; ear-rings and bangles should be left at home ; a watch-chain should not be seen crossing the breast of a habit-bodice, nor should a handkerchief ever be worn protruding from the front of the bosom. This latter custom is simply an abomination, which no rider of good taste would ever dream THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK. 59 of adopting. Some, I know, regard it as chic : a principle that makes them also keep their elbows out from their sides — but with the vagaries of such persons I have happily little to do, and certainly have very little sympathy. Veils should be of black net, cut just deep enough to cover the tip of the nose, without reaching below the nostrils, and they ought to be sufficiently long to twist into the form of a knot at the back of the hat, where they should be secured with two short steel pins. Those which have round shiny black heads are the best, being easily seized upon, even by gloved fingers, when the hand is put back for the purpose of removing them. You will observe that I have said the veil should be twisted^ not actually knotted, at the back of the leaf of the hat — for when it is the latter, there is always difficulty in undoing it, and frequently the hat itself has to come off before the veil can be successfully got rid of Dust- veils, of grey or black gauze, are extremely useful in the country, but ought not to be worn in town — nor should any description of white veil ever be seen on a lady's riding-hat, even though she be exercising in the wilds of Connemara, or in a district as lonely as the deserts of the East. Whips are of many sorts and patterns. Select the plainest among those of good description, and on no account carry one that has a tassel appended. Never use a hunting-crop except when going out with hounds, and do not despise a neat little switch if riding in the heart of the country. 6o RIDING FOR LADIES. I think I have but one more point to notice before concluding this portion of my subject. Be certain that your hair is always most securely put up before setting out to ride ; unless, indeed, you are a juvenile, and wear it loose. Make sure also that your hat is so well fastened that it cannot, by any possibility, come off, either by the influence of a high wind, or the sudden action of your horse. A good deal must, of course, depend upon the manner in which you arrange your coiffure. If your locks are abundant — sufficient to make into a stout coil at the back of your head — an elastic loop to pass under it will be found an advantage. Should your hair, however, happen to be light-coloured, this will look badly, and I therefore recommend a plan which I have myself found very effectual. Procure two steel pins such as I have recom- mended for veil-fasteners — only much longer ; pass them through the leaf of the hat, about three inches apart ; then weave them securely in and out, in a tranverse direction, through the roll or plait of your hair, keeping the points of them turned well outward. No danger can possibly accrue from this system of pinning, if properly performed, even though you may be unfortunate enough to fall upon your head any number of times in the day. For girls who wear their hair flowing free, I cannot recommend any really perfectly safe method of securing a hat, except by an elastic passed beneath the chin. It is not a pretty way, certainly, but juveniles need not care much about that. You will find a warm winter jacket a great comfort in THE LADY'S DRESS ON HORSEBACK:. 61 chilly weather. It ought to be tailor-made, and lined with satin, to ensure its being easily slipped on and off over the habit bodice. A little braiding will be a great set-off to this, and a trimming of any good dark fur will also enhance its appearance. I like astracan myself. The Empress of Austria, when hunting in Cheshire in 188 1, wore a lovely over-jacket of dark blue cloth, trimmed with a deep bordering of astracan, with collar and cufTs of the same becoming fur. Large frog buttons, with double loops of twisted braid, extended down the front. The corners were rounded, and the shoulders ever so slightly raised at the setting in. When she took it off one day at luncheon time, I saw that it was lined with very glossy purple satin, through which ran a tiny yellow stripe. Nothing could have been prettier or more becoming. A rain-proof cape, or jacket, will be likewise essential. If you get the former, attach an elastic the circumference of your waist to the inside of it at the extreme back— hem the ends of this, and stitch a hook on one and an eye on the other, to enable them to fasten in front. This will prevent the wind from getting underneath the cape, and you can ride quite comfortably, even in squally weather, by bringing the ends of the elastic over the froiits of the cape before securing them around your waist. If you ride much in winter time, when wet days are of frequent occurrence, you will find a couple of pairs of celluloid cuffs, with collars to match, extremely useful. They are universally known, and are now very cheap. All india-rubber houses keep them, and they can be had, I RIDIXG FOR LADIES. believe, in every size. Being impervious to wet, they are an improvement upon even the best starched Hnen (which they strongly resemble in appearance), seeing that the latter gets limp and wretched-looking after even a trifling shower. I think I have now entered into all particulars respecting your ordinary riding gear. That for hunting will occupy a chapter later on. Bear in mind that the more plainly you are dressed, the quieter your appearance, and the less ob- trusive your style, the more ladylike you will appear, and consequently the more to be commended and admired. It is only horsebreakers and women of inferior social standing who seek to attract attention by conspicuous action and costume. A lady shows best that she is one by neither doing nor wearing anything that is in the smallest degree calculated to provoke remark. I have really often thought that the reason why many ladies look so much better in their riding-habits than in ordinary walking attire, is that there is so much less op- portunity, when so dressed, for wearing what is unbecom- ing, or for conforming to silly fashions which only ser\c to distort and destroy all the beauties of the human form divine. On horseback we are spared the unsightli- nesses of dress improvers, high heels, and high shoulders ! The natural outline of the figure is revealed to us, and with it we can find but little fault. " God made man in His own image," said a country preacher to whom I listened a short time since, " but woman makes an image of herself!" ( 63 ) CHAPTER VII. BITTING. Having now provided yourself with a suitable mount for road and park purposes, and likewise a supply of riding apparel sufficient to answer all purposes until you come to hunt, it will be necessary for you to turn your attention to the interesting subjects of bitting, saddHng, and general turning out. These things ought of necessity to precede the actual riding — for you certainly cannot mount your steed until he has been saddled and bridled, and to know how to accomplish this yourself is in the highest degree important. In the present day, when equestrianism is not only a popular amusement but amounts almost to a craze, it is astonishing to find the amount of ignorance that prevails among riders upon subjects with which they ought to be at least tolerably well acquainted, before laying claim to the terms " horsemen " and " horsewomen." In no department that I can think of, or name, is this lamentable want of knowledge so clearly displayed as in the important one of bitting. That ladies are not, as a rule, very conversant with the subject is scarcely to be wondered at, for most lady-riders give no thought to anything on earth save the 64 RIDING FOR LADIES. pleasure of the motion, and the fit of their habits and gloves. They have undergone a certain description of superficial training, which just enables them to know how to sit, and how to hold the reins between their fingers, but the real pleasure of being thoroughly en rapport with their mount — knowing what bit he will go best in, and feeling conscious that he is not enduring torture from being wrongly bridled or saddled — are things altogether denied them. It is precisely the same principle on which ladies execute showy pieces on the piano, without at the same time having the smallest knowledge of the theory of music, or any idea of why it is that pressure upon the pedals is capable of altering the sound. It is a sorry fact, but a certain one, that nine-tenths of the ladies who ride in the Row — pulling equally, as they often do, upon both reins — would stare at you in helpless amazement, or blush " celestial rosy red," if asked to describe the difference in action between the curb bit and the snaffle. They do not know. Nobody has ever told them, because it has never occurred to them to ask. They are simply aware that there are two leathers, attached by some unknown means to the horse's head, and that they are supposed to hold these nicely between their fingers, and look as charming as they can ; but what the leathers are for, or why there are two of them, or yet, why some other ladies of their acquaintance ride with a single rein while they have been given a double one, are things of which they have not the very faintest notion. Lip-straps, cheek-pieces, throat-lashes, ports, cannons, &c., terms with which even moderately BITTIAG. 65 skilled horsewomen are familiar — have never been so much as heard o(, or even inquired about The existence of this species of ignorance among lady-riders is not hearsay. I speak from practical knowledge, having proved it upon many different occasions. " Pooh, nonsense ; what do /care about your old leathers ! " laughed a merry-hearted Cork girl to whom I was once striving to explain some necessary matters ; " I just hold on, and let the beast carry me — and what more on earth do I want } " And away she w^ent, helter-skelter, after the hounds, as she spoke — holding on, true enough, to both reins, with a good firm grip ; and the beast did carry her, to some purpose too, up to a big drain — and finding his mouth unfairly dealt with in the taking- off, landed her deftly into it, and ungallantly galloped away. With men — those who ride, I mean — ignorance con- cerning bitting ought never to exist, yet I have been fairly astounded at finding out how very little many of them know about the matter. An officer, who was considered a good man to hounds, and who owned a couple of racers to boot, looked actually quite puzzled w^hen it was observed to him one day that he was riding his hunter in a very severe bit (a saw-mouth bridoon, attached to a snaffle), and said, *' By George, I don't know. I suppose my confounded servant put some queer thing or another on him, for the beggar won't go a yard!" He had actually mounted his horse and set out for a day's hunting without so much as casting a glance at the animal's head. Nor was his by any means an isolated case. Now a practical word or two about some of the bridles F 66 RIDING FOR LADIES. most generally in use — beginning with the common, smooth- jointed snaffle, which has ever been my favourite bit. This, when sufficiently wide and large, forms an absolutely perfect bridle, and its action is extremely simple, restraining the horse by pressure on the bars of the mouth when his head is carried more or less perpendicularly, and on the corners when the head is lifted or lowered. Owing to the centre of the mouthpiece being jointed, there is very little COMMON SNAFFLE. pressure on the tongue, which is one of the many points in favour of this admirable bridle. The common snaffle must not in any wise be confounded with the ringed-snaffle which has a noseband attached to the inner rings, kept in place by pieces of leather stitched round them and brought under the ends of the cheeks. It may be made to act severely by drawing one pair of reins tight and sharp, thus causing all the pressure to con- centrate upon the horse's nose — and is then called a New- market snaffle. BITTING. 67 I append sketches, of a common jointed snaffle, the easiest and nicest bit that a thoroughly-trained horse can possibly go in, and also a double-ringed one, such as I have just described. The latter is frequently used by men when breaking young horses in Irish hunting-fields, and is very useful when servants have to be entrusted with the handling of animals, for, severe though it may be made, it cannot spoil a horse's mouth so easily as can any description of curb. There is not among the whole range of bits any so mild or suitable to a learner as the common snaffle. Captain RINGED SNAFFLE. Horace Hayes, writing to me on the subject, says : " The more imperfect the rider, the greater the necessity for using a snaffle bridle ; but this," he adds, " goes without saying. Persons are at times found to express such mad ideas about horses and bitting that to reply to them is only to encourage their folly." A big smooth bridoon (with or without horns), and a solid Portmouth bit and curb, will be found a capital hunting bridle. It has always been a favourite with me for horses that do not want to get their tongues over the bit, and where this objectionable habit does not exist, the common-jointed snaffle or Pelham will be found very nice F 2 68 RIDING FOR LADIES. also. In using it, however, you must see that the head- stall is long enough for the pressure to lie on the bars of the horse's mouth. This should always be looked to by the rider. If it has a tendency to crumple the lips at the corners, it is wrong, and partakes of the nature of a gag. The Pelham bridle finds 7naiiy advocates : Major Whyte Melville liked it, for instance, — and for showing off paces JOINTED PELHAM. (if this alone be desired), I approve of the Hanoverian Pelham, but not particularly for anything else. The New- market snaffle is a capital bit for pullers, and the American snaffle with india-rubber mouthpiece is a pleasant bridle, largely used in the States for trotting purposes. The Segundo, formerly a great favourite, is a very powerful controller — while the Melton mouth-bit is deservedly a BITTING. 69 prime favourite with many riders. The Liverpool is greatly used for harness, and seems to have quite superseded the old Buxton, the bottom bar of which made it uncomfortably liable to catch on the pole-end or shaft. I dislike seeing a gag employed, and consider it alto- gether unnecessary, except for a buck-jumper, or an animal who determinately " bores " his head in a downward posi- tion ; nor am I at all in favour of the tivisted snaffle, SEGUNDO. MELTON BIT AND BRIDOON. which is a very severe bit, and does not answer any purpose, so far as I have ever been able to make out, that the chain-snaffle cannot be made to fulfil ; for if severity be required, it can be obtained by twisting the chain before putting it into the horse's mouth. I hate to see it, however, and never would permit its use in my own stables, except in the case of some animal that was known to be of an unusually fractious, or, I might say, evil temper. Severity in bitting 70 RIDING FOR LADIES. is, in my opinion, very rarely necessary ; and taking into account the cruelty of it, I dislike it excessively, and always cry it down. I saw a man in Cheshire, when the Empress of Austria was hunting there, riding in a terrible bridle. He had a strong, wiry rope-bit attached to the horns of an ordinary snaffle — and it must have been frightfully severe, for the LIVERPOOL. — FOR HARNESS ONLY. horse's mouth was bleeding at both corners. I remarked to the Kaiserin that it was no wonder she was anxious to get away from that part of the country, if her sensitive eyes were often thus shocked. She looked at the man — at the horse — at the man again — and then said one word — '' Brute ! " It was certainly expressive, and concise, — and she spoke it in right sound English too, which I thought a very good thing. BITTING. 71 The ordinary term " bit and bridoon " means simply a curb and a snafiFle. The latter has been already explained. The common curb is merely a mouthpiece attached to two cheeks, and is curved in the centre, forming what is called a " port," while a chain is attached to the cheeks in such a way that when the curb-reins are drawn tight, the chain presses upon the chin of the horse, and so restrains him. CAMBRIDGE BIT. There is much variety in the shape of curbs, a Chifney being the strongest, and therefore the most capable of misuse in unpractised hands. A really good double bridle for ordinary riding is a Dwyer curb (which has very short cheeks), and a common smooth snaffle. The Cambridge bit is also very generally esteemed. For hunting purposes, I like the snaffle bridle to have half horns only, as being less likely to be drawn in a ^2 RIDING FOR LADIES. scurry through the horse's mouth, taking the curb along with it. I have seen this happen once or twice, with very unpleasant results. To say that an animal is " hard-mouthed " is a very general expression ; but the notion that he is so constantly arises from his being improperly bitted. Something or another is thrust into his mouth that does not go near fitting it, and as a consequence has no more effect in either checking or guiding him than if it were tied to his tail. When a horse is badly bitted, and controlled at the same time by HALF-HORNED HUNTING SNAFFLE. incompetent hands, the double evil is almost too great to be endured ; but when a proper bit is applied, there is far less suffering and inconvenience on the part of the animal, even though subjected to the hands of a very unlearned master. Timid riders ought to know, and remember, that as a horse is governed by his mouth — ^just as a ship is by her rudder — it will be wise to devote especial attention to that quarter, in order to avert the danger that may other- wise ensue. A skilful and experienced hand at the bridle will always prove the best means of success, and ensure BITTING. 73 the greatest amount of safety ; but, where this does not exist, the natural or acquired defect may in great measure be counterbalanced by the application of a suitable bit. Persons have positively laughed at me when I have spoken of having a horse's mouth measured — and yet there are three interior measurements which ought to be carefully made before fitting an animal with a bit: these are, the width of the mouth, taking the measurement from the chin- groove — the exact width of the channel in which the tongue rests — and the height of the bars of the mouth, by which I mean from the surface of them to the undej^nost point of the chin-groove. If a bit with a port is to be used, the horse's tongue ought also to be measured. It often happens that from improper bitting horses acquire an ugly trick of working their tongues over the mouthpiece. I had two that did it, but cured them by riding them for awhile with a snaffle only, and then care- fully fitting them as described wath suitable bits. Correct bitting will ensure complete control, or ought to do so, without inflicting pain. Anything that involves suffering ought to be discarded— although I do not wish it to be understood that I object to such pain in bitting as will compel an unbroken horse to drop his head to the correct position, or yield to the hands that are training him. Remember, however, that a curb unduly tightened, or a bit that is too severe, will often make a horse poke out his chin— and you must not then drag at him, but rather eive him ease. When an animal has a bit forced into his mouth that he feels will not suit him, he tries to RIDING FOR LADIES. tell his master so by all the means that lie within his power. He exhibits restlessness when the bridle is put on : gapes, mouths, flings his head about, and carries it (when urged into motion) either on one side, or unduly high or low. There is by nature very little so called " vice " in horses. Comparatively few of them are born unruly, but many are made so by improper treatment on the part of those in whose charge they are at times unfortunately placed. There should be one established law in bitting : never use any bridle that your horse after a trial will not face. Were this advice attended to there would be fewer accidents, and far fewer unsightly exhibitions of danger and discomfort than we are at present accustomed to see. A well-placed bit will just clear the tusks in a horse's mouth, and in that of a mare will lie one-inch above the corner teeth. A considerate rider will always look to these things himself before mounting ; will see, for instance, that the throat-lash is not drawn too tight, and that the pressure of the bit lies exactly on the bars of the mouth. These bars are formed much like the tibia, or human shin-bone, the minor edge being sharper and more salient than the outer, where it rounds off. Their shape varies in different horses. In hard-mouthed animals they are round, low, and furnished abundantly with fleshy substance ; in a tender mouth they are very lean and sharp ; and in what may be styled a good mouth, they are moderately so, without exhibiting too great an inclination to either of the first-named conditions. I like to see a good wide mouthpiece used ; it is a vast BITTING. 75 deal better to have it too wide than too narrow, and I give you the advice in case you do not go on the principle of measurements, which some ridicule. Let your mouthpiece be at all events not less than five inches inside (and even this will be found narrow for many horses), with cheeks rather short, and set otctivardly. If a port is used it will be much better to have it opening laterally, from two to two and a-half inches. The unsightly habit of lolling out the tongue arises from the pressure to which it is, or has been, subjected, by the whimsical shapes of many of the mouthpieces in general use, .n'0'^^— > REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. 109 beeinning-. It is a sensible method : one which all colt- breakers adopt, and they are not bad judges of such matters. Ladies, however, rarely adopt the practice ; it is not allowed in many of the most approved schools — but, in my opinion, " Put both hands to your bridle " is excellent premonitory advice. Begin by riding with a bridoon, or snaffle rein, only. Let your fingers lie above it — not underneath, — the thumbs pointing toward one another, at a distance of about three or four inches apart, the off leather resting between REINS : TWO HANDS. the third and little fingers of the right hand, while the slack of the near passes between the first finger and the thumb. The illustration will show you what I mean, and demonstrate how by this rule both hands have equal com- mand upon the bridle. To shorten your reins quickly : let go the slack of the off one with the left hand, and slip it forvv^ard on the near leather, until you have judged (rapidly, of course) of the correct length ; then take the off one between the thumb 1 lO RIDING FOR LADIES. and forefinger of the left hand, and you establish a cross- rein, the right hand quitting its hold instantly, and taking up its original position. I append an illustration of my SHORTENING REINS. meaning, and strongly advise a little practice of it, which can be readily managed even in the house, by utilising tape or ribbon reins attached to the back of a chair. The method thus described is an admirable one for shortening a single bridle when coming up, say, to a fence at which a horse may require some holding; and I likewise append a REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. Ill little sketch of how the bridle ought to hang, and the hands be held, when going over. When you want to ride leisurely, in park or on road, with the reins in one hand only — a thing at times not at all to be deprecated — draw the near rein between the third and little fingers of your left hand, and bring it out between the first and thumb, while the off one is made to cross it in the palm of the hand, thus : — REINS IN ONE HAND — FIRST POSITION. Then turn the hand with the knuckles upward, as here represented, REINS IN ONE HAND — SECOND POSITION, and a correct position will be ensured. You should avoid working the fingers about when 112 RIDING FOR LADIES. riding, as doing so is very apt to shift the bit in the horse's mouth. Your hand may go back and forth with a "give-and-take" movement, but not from side to side on any account. The best method of riding with double reins can, I think, be most effectually shown by illustration. This represents REINS FIRMLY IN BOTH HANDS. the reins held firmly, though not tightly, in both hands ; while that on the next page shows an easy style of going — one that is nice to adopt when proceeding at a walking pace. When trotting, the reins may be dropped by the right hand, which should then be lowered to the level of the saddle — the whip pointing dowmvards. If you wish to ride with one rein only, though with a REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. 113 double bridle, hold the snaffle rein in your left hand in the manner already described, and loop the curb over your little finger, in order that it may be readily taken up when required. I may here say that, despite the directions which I WALKING PACE. have taken pains to give on the subject of holding reins I adhere to the belief that so long as they are held flat and smooth, there need not really be any fixed rule about the handling of them. If elbows, shoulders, and wrists are in proper position, it matters comparatively little how fingers may be held — and beginners are, as a rule, a great deal too much worried and puzzled about a matter which generally I 114 RIDING FOR LADIES, simplifies itself according as a knowledge of more im- portant things is acquired. At the same time, there is with this, as with everything else, a right and a wrong side to the subject; and in order to avoid the wrong, it will perhaps be as well to adopt the orthodox right method from the very beginning. There is, however, nothing at all wrong in occasionally moving the reins about and changing them from one hand to the other. All good riders do it, and it is vastly better than adopting the stiff, set style which would-be fine riders sometimes affect : namely, placing the hands in one position when setting out, and scarcely ever altering them from it. A good horse- woman will sedulously avoid everything that is stiff or un- graceful, and will move about in her saddle with as much pliant ease as though seated at home in an easy chair. The unsightly rigidity obsen^able about the figures and demeanour of some lady-riders — especially those whose " teaching " has been too finely drawn — is certainly not a thing to be copied or admired. Having now discussed the subject of reins, we come to consider the "Voice" as a means of controlhng and managing the horse. I have always considered the effect and power of the voice as second only in usefulness to those of the bridle. Horses are intelligent and sensitive beyond what most persons can be induced to think or believe. I know to a certainty that they not only listen to, and are influenced by, every sound that issues from their riders' lips, but absolutely gather his meaning and desires from the various inflexions of his REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. 115 voice. I know that they love their masters and mistresses, and look to them for teaching, just as dependent children ask you what it is that you wish them to do. There is something inexpressibly beautiful in this loving intelligence on the part of animals — this sympathy between horse and rider, which, in a former chapter, I strove to say something about. Horses are in reality the very noblest of God's created things — excepting, of course, man as he ought to be. They have, so far as their endowments permit, all the attributes that go to make the human character lovable and good, supplemented by a rare fidelity, such as is un- happily seldom met with among those who are fashioned in the Creator's own image. I have read, and been told a great deal, about horses that were " obstinate brutes," and " wicked devils," and " outrageous beasts," and everything else that was hateful and bad — and have listened with a bursting and indignant heart to accounts of thrashings, and starvings, and spurrings, and mouth-burnings, and other wickednesses, which have made me feel how infinitely superior was the so-called brute creation to that which it is made to serve. I confess that it has not been my lot to come across any specimens of this much-talked-of vicious sort, excepting in one or two rare instances, where I knew that vice had been engendered by bad and cruel treat- ment. I have no doubt that horses, like human beings, are sometimes born with evil natures — sometimes, but not very often. I have not met with any of them, and the few with whom I have ever had trouble have invariably been those whom wanton cruelty or rank injustice had in the first I 2 ii6 RIDING FOR LADIES. instance spoilt. There are very few horses indeed — even the most unruly — that cannot be tamed, or made amenable and obedient, by the hands and voice oi a kind and judicious trainer, and for this sort of work women are especially fitted. I mean, of course, women of courage and mind ; not such as would scream at sight of a spider, or go into fits if a mouse chanced to cross the floor. A woman's voice carries great power along with it, and the touch of her light firm hands can effect things at which a man's would utterly fail. Gentleness goes ever in advance of force, and leading is preferable to driving. Even if you have to scold, or whip, there is a way of doing both that is temperate and wise, and that will never create ill-will between you and your horse. Fight an animal, and he will fight you in return ; coax him by the gentleness of your action and the sound of your voice, and he will be pretty certain to yield. It is just the difference between " lead " and " drive." Such, at least, has been my experience. I saw a horse some time ago in the west of Ireland, caged like a wild beast, and fed with a pitchfork through the bars of his door. Nobody would go near him, he bore such a bad name, and the appellation his groom bestowed upon him— "A tattherin' divii ! " — was certainly more expressive than refined. I offered to buy him ; his owner said I might have him for nothing ; but I gave what I thought fair, and took the horse home. The creature was ^wild from savage treatment. He had known nothing but blows and threats, and angry epithets : things that he had learned to understand only too well, and was, seemingly REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP, 117 ever expectant of, and waiting for. I taught him something different — and how ? — by the simple power of my voice. It is not a particularly musical one, by any means, except in the ears of animals, but to one of these it has never yet uttered an angry word, — and the horse came to know it, and to listen for it, and to neigh at the sound of it, and by- and-by we got to understand one another quite well, and the great, big, foolish old head, all defaced and disfigured as it was by hard knocks and bad usage, used to rest lovingly upon my shoulder, while I stroked the ears that in former days had so often been laid back in 'angry vindictiveness against a harsh and cruel task-master. " He'll take the nose off your face some day, the treacherous brute ! " an ex- attendant upon my new pet once said to me. But, needless to say, it was a libel : my nose is still intact. The horse learned to love me, and to caress and obey from that feeling. I believe he would have died for me. When I hunted him he jumped the biggest places at a word from my lips. Without whip, curb, or spur I rode him for many a day, over the difficult Ward country, and he never once played me a shabby trick. Poor fellow ! He had not a particle of beauty about him ; indeed, I think he was ridiculously ugly, in all save prejudiced eyes ; but he had an honest heart, one that would have broken rather than have grieved or disobeyed his owner ; and when I had to shoot him (he broke his back, leaping a drain with a friend to whom I had unfortunately lent him for a day's schooling), he turned such an eye upon me as I cannot to this day think of without a lump in my throat that is very seldom there. ii8 RIDING FOR LADIES. The voice, as an instigator and soother, is alike powerful with the horse, if we only know how to use it ; and being so, it is a pity that it should ever be employed for any other purpose than that which is good. Teach your horse from the beginning to know the sound of your voice — the various tones which signify approval, warning, encouragement, and reproof — and by them you can teach him to obey you, just as you can with the reins. I do not altogether approve of speaking to strange horses when mounted upon them. Were I, for instance, to borrow a hunter for a day's outing, I don't think I should be inclined to talk much to him ; I should fear that he might not understand me, and that mis- chief might consequently ensue. I have, in fact, seen men get tremendous falls in the hunting field through shouting at hired mounts, just when they were rising at their fences — frightening the animals out of their wits by so doing, and throwing them completely off their balance. With your own horses, however, it ought to be quite a different thing. You should so accustom them to the sound of your voice that, no matter how it may be raised, it shall have no startling effect upon them. An intelligent animal will soon come to know and judge of your meaning by the tone in which you speak to him, and will learn his own name, too, marvellously quickly, if frequently called by it, a thing that will be a great aid to you in training him. He will very soon also comprehend the meaning of such terms, as " Trot," '' Canter," " Stand," " Walk," and so forth, REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. 119 and will ere long obey every mandate that comes directly and firmly from your lips. " Hi, over ! " is, for instance, a capital incentive for making a horse fly his fences without hanging at them, — but you must never trade upon an animal's intelligence for the purpose of fooling him, or showing off. I once knew a man who boasted that by simply saying " go ! " he could make his mare jump fifteen feet of an ordinary field, and he tried it twice or thrice for the benefit of unbelieving acquaintances ; but, when next he took the animal out to hunt, and raced her at a brook, with the hitherto magic word screamed loudly in her ear, it proved to be a very decided case of "go," and "go in" also, for she just planted her toes on the brink of it, and, stopping short, sent her over-confident rider head foremost into the water. The use of the whip as a means of managing a horse is, unfortunately, too often entirely misunderstood : to hurt, frighten, or coerce with it being seemingly the chief object with many riders. Allowing that all three may at times be necessary — as in the case of vicious horses, for instance — ladies will very rarely find it to be the case, their mounts being, generally speaking, of a gentle and docile type. Leaving, therefore, the abuses of the whip on one side, its uses in the hands of a competent horsewoman are usually reduced to the part which it may be made to fill in helping her to guide her mount on the off side — ^just as a man's second leg assists him in doing — and, in like manner, to press him up to his work. This can, of course, be best accomplished by the aid of a stout hunting-crop, carried I20 RIDING FOR LADIES. handle uppermost, as a rule : although there are times when to shift the position of the whip, and press the heaviest part against the horse's flank, will be found very- effectual, particularly when negotiating ugly trappy fences, or turning sharp corners at a brisk trot. For example, when, in the latter case, the turn is to the right, the rider's body should be bent slightly to the off side of her mount, and her leg be pressed lightly but firmly against his flank on the near side. This preserves an even balance, and will often save a fast flippant trotter from coming right down. When the turn is to the left, the body should be inclined a little that way, while the whip handle is judiciously pressed against the off side, thus preventing the animal's quarters from swinging too suddenly round. I may here take occasion to say that corners ought never to be turned without both hands being put to the bridle, and a support given to both sides of the horse ; if to the right, the leg the strongest — if to the left, the whip. When the pace is very quick, and the turn is a decidedly sharp one, the horse's hind legs will need to be brought under him all the quicker, for which reason the body of the rider must sway well with his motion, while the necessary support is, at the same time, given on either side. I shall conclude my observations about the uses of the whip by saying — use it as little as you can to punish, and as much as you can to aid. Above all things, never take it up in anger, nor for a moment forget that the creature on whom the stroke is about to fall is sensitive to its lightest touch, and is fully capable of being ruled without severity. REINS, VOICE, AND WHIP. 121 The same remarks apply also to the spur — the abuses of which are even more general and lamentable than are those of the whip. 1™ THE HORSE LEARNED TO LOVE ME. 122 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XL RIDING ON THE ROAD. I HAVE hitherto been surmising that your rides have been upon your own horse : one specially purchased for you, and perfectly trained for a lady's use. If such a state of things could always be ensured, equestrianism would be a safe and delightful pastime for the gentler sex — but, unfortu- nately, it cannot be so. Ladies who are much in the saddle are called upon often to ride a variety of horses, and under such circumstances their position is an awkward one, if unaccustomed to manage any save thoroughly- trained and well-mannered animals. To have none other for one's own use is at all times advisable, so far as it can be done, but occasions may arise when you will have to prove your claim to a higher title than that of merely a " nice " or *' ladylike " rider. Say, for instance, that you are stopping at a country house, your invi- tation to which has not been extended to your horse, or yet to your groom, and that there are riding parties every day, which you are invited to join, your host some- times supplying you with a mount, and a neighbour occa- sionally offering to lend you one, it is scarcely probable that, having a different animal to carry you every time RIDING ON THE ROAD. 123 you go out, you can hope to escape discovering the un- comfortable effects which pernicious training, or subsequent injudicious handUng, invariably bring about. To be pre- pared for these — not to be taken aback by them — to be ready to face every emergency, and overcome every difficulty in the way of equitation — is the true meaning of the word " horsewoman." It shall be my office, then, in this chapter to endeavour to tell you as concisely as possible how to act (in all cases of ordinary road-riding), when called upon to control horses with whose ways you are not altogether familiar. In the first place, when your mount is led to the door, be ready in time to go out and inspect him. This you can readily do while the laggards of the party are preparing for their ride. In using the term "inspect," I do not mean that you are to assume a confident, boastful air, or proceed to make an ostentatious examination, as though nobody knew anything about horse business save your- self. This would only make you appear ridiculous, and be calculated to incur dislike. You should go quietly to your horse's head, and while affecting to be engaged in caressing him, run a hasty eye over the following points : that the saddle is quite clear of the play of the shoulders, and yet not too far back ; that the girths are tight enough, and the surcingle not too loose, although decidedly easier than the girths ; that the headstall is sufficiently long, and in every way easy-fitting — the curb-chain the correct length — the lip-strap on — the martingale (if a standing one) of easy length, and if a running, so arranged that the 124 RIDING FOR LADIES. pull of the reins shall be in the proper place — namely, at the top of the withers. If you find nothing to correct, you may account yourself fortunate ; if, on the contrary, you perceive that anything is amiss or out of place, signify the same quietly to the groom, and then go indoors, or turn aside, while he rectifies it. There is something positively unkind in standing staring at a servant while he attends to matters which you have pointed out to him for correction. Ten to one, if you do so, he will grow confused beneath your scrutiny, and will leave his task imperfectly accom- plished. Consideration for others ought at all times to be a part of your religion. Give no unnecessary trouble ; do as much for yourself as you possibly can ; never speak harshly to even the humblest ; strive to put everybody at ease ; look away from an embarrassed person until he has recovered his composure ; and if you detect a failure or shortcoming in a servant's work, tell him gently about it — quietly, and without impatience — and it will probably be rectified very much sooner than if you scolded or stormed. For my own part, I have no liking for grooms at all, and regard most of them as the veriest eye servers ; but I know there are times when they are unjustly blamed. In this matter I once got a useful lesson at an English country house. My horse was brought to the door without a lip-strap, and with things in general so very indifferently turned out that, being in a hurry, I got provoked, and began to say more than my custom usually was. The groom, whose eyes were cast down, looked pitifully at me as he answered, " Forgive me to-day, ma'am, please. My little child died RIDING ON THE ROAD. 125 this morning ! " And the great tears rolled down the poor fellow's cheeks, and I felt grieved for having spoken im- patiently to him when his heart was so sore. It was a lesson not to be forgotten, for there are times with ourselves when sickness or trouble prevents us from attending properly to our tasks ; and servants are liable to similar weaknesses. It will be well, when you are seated comfortably in your saddle and have felt your horse's mouth a little, to inquire of your host (should the animal belong to him) whether or not he has any peculiarities, or " little tricks," for which it may be as well you should be prepared. You will be almost certain to hear " No," for it is a strange coincidence that men are quite as infatuated about their equine pos- sessions as women are about their children, and will never on any account be induced to believe that such a thing as a fault can possibly exist in the nature or training of any of their stud. At the same time, it can be no harm to ask^ and then, if the owner can be reluctantly brought to acknowledge that he " wants a bit of rousing," you may prepare yourself for the discomforts of riding a slug, or, if the animal is allowed to be " a trifle skittish," you can ask for an ounce or two of diachylon, or the same quantity of birdlime, to stick yourself well in the saddle ! Joking apart, it is really an unwise thing to be too foolhardy about riding strange horses. The most coura- geous equestrian in the world ought not to fancy herself above asking, in a pleasant off-hand way, for some in- formation concerning the character of her casual mount ; 126 RIDING FOR LADIES. in fact, the more accomplished the rider, the more necessary it may be to do so, for there are many owners of horses who know very Httle themselves about riding, or of the perils attendant upon supplying ladies with unsuitable mounts — and the consequence is, that if there happens to be in the stable a creature whom that Irish groom, already mentioned, would call a "tattherin' divil," he is quietly told off on a hunting day, or otherwise, for the use of the lady or gentleman who may be esteemed the most capable of managing him. A Hungerton farmer — one of a big class — once volun- teered to lend me a magnific?ent high-flyer to negotiate the big thorn fences with the Quorn pack. I was foolish enough to accept, without asking anything about the animal, except whether he could jump ; and when I tell you that between Beeby and Scraptoft he gave me two falls, that he knocked down a boy on a pony, and damaged a wrecker to the extent of a couple of sovereigns, besides bringing me home without a hat, and with my face well stuck over with thorns and a general need of surgical assistance all about .me, it will be readily imagined that the "high-flyer" was not exactly an eligible beast for a lady to ride. But his owner only stood in the doorway laughing from ear to ear when he saw me, and uttered a great " guffaw " on hearing the recital of his property's misdeeds. " Glory be to Christmas ! I thought you could ride anything ! " was all that he said, fairly doubled in two with merriment at the sight of my forlorn appearance, and I answered crossly enough, that had I been as wise RIDING ON THE ROAD. 127, when setting out as I was on returning, I would have seen that the animal was differently bitted, and have clothed myself in sackcloth— to say nothing of ashes — instead of in the best hunting-gear of which I was possessed. " Well, you never asked me a word about him," his owner said, still in a roar, " or I'd have told you that he was a rum one when once he got going ! " and as I had nothing to say in reply to this, I took myself and my rags upstairs out of sight, and spent the next day in bed, with a leech to my eye, and plasters all over my body. To return to the subject of road-riding. Always strive to make your horse start from the door at a walk. If he is properly trained he will step nicely out, nodding his head as he goes ; but no matter how quiet he may appear, it will not be well to leave him an entirely loose rein. You should keep a light but firm hold upon the bridle, so as to be ready at a second's warning to bring restraining pressure to bear upon his mouth. If you want a horse to walk fast, ride him with the snaffle only ; but when in the park, or desirous of showing off, you will best bring out his action by a light use of the curb. If he is a very highly-mettled animal, and anxious to get off on first setting out, do not irritate him by keeping him back with too tight a rein. Allow him to trot away pretty freely at the beginning, and after awhile he will be almost certain to settle down and walk collectedly for you with a slack bridle. To hold a horse in, and then whip or spur him to make him walk, is but to turn his courage to vice. My counsel is, leave him his head, and when he attempts 128 RIDING FOR LADIES. to break — namely, to get into a trot or canter — at a time when it is your wish that he should walk, pull him gently up and make him begin again. By adopting this method, and preserving as strict a command over your own temper as over the reins, you will soon teach almost any horse to walk correctly. I believe that in no other pace can there be found such true experience of the meaning of " light hands." This admirable attribute — which, it must be confessed, is gene- rally confined to women — signifies absolute control over an animal with scarcely any display of force — a sort of elastic touch, by which accomplished riders convey their meaning to their mounts through the almost imperceptible action of the bit, acted upon by the reins held lightly with the fingers. This is a poor explanation, but it will do to serve as a guide, until experience shall have taught you far better than printed instructions ever can. I would have you remember that although a very perfect walker may be permitted to go forward for a good space with a loose rein, he should never, if tired, be allowed to do so, for even one moment. Hold him with a firm, even hand, keeping a judicious watch upon the bridle, and drawing his head rather downward and toward his chest. By this means he will be constrained to bring his hind legs well and regularly under him. Young riders are often exceedingly incautious when taking beaten horses home after a hunt, desiring to affect the seemingly careless seat and equally unstudied handling of the reins which are the prerogatives of finished horse- RIDING ON THE ROAD. 129 women. These, having complete confidence in themselves, can afford a certain show oi no7ichalance, but it will not do for students to follow their " carelessness," until their own claim to both " hands " and " seat " shall have become perfectly ensured. You must, when walking, keep your horse collected : by which I mean that he is to be kept well on his haunches, and prevented from crossing his legs. Let him pick his own steps if going over rutty or uneven ground ; move with him as he moves, turn as he turns, so as to be, as it were, a portion of him, and, when going round a corner, do not pull his head any further in that direction than will just enable you to see his eye. Having thus considered the subject of instructing an im- perfectly-broken horse to walk well upon the road — in such a manner as shall gain for him the reputation of being a good roadster, or covert hack — we will now say a few words about trotting. When you want an animal to change from a walk to a trot, signify your wish to him by a light movement of the bridle in his mouth, a pressure of your leg and whip-handle, and an indication of your meaning by a slight rising in the stirrup. When he begins to go, keep him thoroughly well collected, but not on any account too tightly reined in. Timid equestrians do themselves and their mounts great injustice by fancying that a tight grip of the bridle, and consequent shortening of the horse's head, is in any way calculated to ensure their safety. It is exactly the contrary way. Allow somebody to rein back your own head and neck, and then attempt to walk down K i:;o RIDING FOR LADIES. an unknown staircase, or go in and out among obstacles that you cannot see. Ten to one you will make a blunder, and come down ; whereas, had you been left your head, your progress would in all probability have been perfectly easy and safe. I hope I shall succeed in making my meaning distinctly understood in this matter, because it really is a most important one. I just want to illustrate the difference between permitting an animal to go all abroad (or what Tom Cannon calls " slummucking ")— and reining him in so very tightly that he cannot see where he is expected to plant his feet. On your complete knowledge of this essential subject, one-half, if not more, of your success as a horsewoman must inevitably depend, and in my anxiety that you should grasp the meaning of it, I may, perhaps, be found fault with for referring to it too often, or for speaking of it in too homely a fashion. This is, I am aware, an age of false refinement : one in which a writer has to grapple with extraordinary difficulties, being stig- matised as " coarse " when he ventures to set forth home and useful truths, and "vulgar" when he writes humor- ously or introduces a spice of fun. Now, it is not my way to care in the least whether or not such terms are applied to me by outsiders (my friends can judge for themselves) but I would a good deal rather any day be a " vulgar " practical writer, doing some good in my generation, than a "refined" useless one, and I think it necessary to make reference to the matter in this place, because I have a o-reat deal yet to say on subjects connected with the one on which I am writing, and if I am to dress up my RIDING ON THE ROAD. 131 sentences in flowers and satin ribbons, instead of suffering the plain meaning of them to appear, I may go on writing for many months to come, and yet fail to make myself properly understood in the end. You must bear in mind that the trot is the horse's natural pace, and that when not overpressed he will go further and with less fatigue to himself when regulated to it, than at either a canter or gallop. At the same time, he must not on any account be urged beyond the limit of his powers, for such a course is not only cruel, but dangerous — inas- much as an animal going a hard pace cannot, if he makes a mistake, recover his balance as rapidly as if proceeding at the even rate of eight, or from that to ten miles an hour. I consider the latter excellent going indeed ; too fast, in fact, unless the remainder of your party happen to be as well mounted as yourself — for nothing on earth is more indicative of bad taste than riding perpetually in front of those who are in company with you. I am not, as a rule, at all in favour of allowing a horse to break from a trot to a canter, or from one pace of any kind to another, but there are times — when going long distances, for instance — at which a humane rider will permit her mount to do so by way of rest and change, rather than keep him perpetually going at precisely the same pace, in order to gain for him the name of an excep- tionally fine trotter. Your rise and fall in the saddle should be light, graceful, straight, easy, and accurately in time with the movements of your horse's forelegs. By attending to this rule when K 2 132 RIDING FOR LADIES. riding on the road, you will save yourself and your mount a great deal of unnecessary fatigue. If you find, when trotting, that your horse is going in an uncomfortable, one-sided manner, giving now and again a strange sort of cow kick, you may be confident that the saddle is hurting him. In such a case dismount at once, and if at all close to home, put the bridle over your arm and lead him the rest of the journey. Should it happen, however, when you are a long distance away, you must only take him very quietly indeed, until you are near enough to walk the remainder of the way yourself. It is on just such emergencies that the practice, which I have so staunchly recommended, of wearing comfortable easy-fitting boots, comes most usefully in. I have seen ladies remain seated upon the backs of most palpably suffer- ing horses, simply because they were absolutely incapable of walking even half a mile in the boots which they had donned for riding. Never allow your horse to get into a jog-trot when in company with a riding party, or in the park — but remember that it is a most valuable pace at which to bring home a tired hunter. A very light easy canter, wherever the road is soft, or where there is sufficient grass by the side of it to take the jar off his feet, or else what is known as the " ioo-" will be the most humane way of getting him safely to his stable. Many lady riders imagine that cantering is a safer as well as a pleasanter pace at which to travel, than trotting (whether fast or slow) can ever be. This is really a great RIDING ON THE ROAD. jj mistake ; trotting is the safest pace at which a horse can go, provided that he is sound-footed. I shall strive to explain the reason in a few words. When cantering, the off fore and off hind leg are advanced together, leaving the others in the rear ; thus the diagonal legs of the two pairs are not set down simultaneously. If you listen to a perfectly sound horse trotting on a road, you will hear four even beats ; but in the canter it m.ay be only two or three, according as the animal's weight is adjusted. When trotting he makes his diagonal legs serve him turn about, so that when one pair is going forward, the other is sustaining his weight in an equal, or perfectly even manner ; not in a one-sided way, as is the case in the canter. A sound-footed horse, trotting at a regular pace, always has two diagonal supports under him, and two coming to their assistance, for which very reason fast trotting is a dangerous pace when a leg or foot happens to be unsound, or when a slovenly motion is indulged in. A horse trotting quickly should never be pulled up in a hurry. You should bring him to a slow trot by shortening the reins, and then to a walk by sitting down in the saddle, and talking to him in a language that he will very readily learn to comprehend. In reining a horse back, you must keep in mind the fact that he cannot move at all if you drag him so suddenly backward that he gets both hind-legs under him together. It is a revolting and heartrending sight to see the way in which draymen beat unfortunate horses about the breasts and bellies by way of punishment for not backing heavy loads far enough, when, in reality, the wretched animals 134 RIDING FOR LADIES. are in such position that they cannot by any possibility move their extended hind-legs. I saw a cruel instance of this in Liverpool a few months ago : a carter savagely beating his horse, a crowd of persons looking on, and one or two among them abusing the man in no measured terms ; yet not one had the sense to tell him that if he would only lead the horse c^\^\\y forward, even a step or two, and then back him, doing the same thing every time that he came to a stop, the desired object would very soon be attained — which it was, as soon as the proper method had been tried. This is just the principle of reining back. The horse must be collected, and brought square on his legs every time that he resists, and be again brought under the influence of the bridle, for backing purposes, when he has come to an even stand. I fancy it will be almost superfluous to tell you to observe strictly the rules of the road — namely, to keep to the left, except when you have to pass anything going your way, in which case you must get by on the right of it. ( 135 ) CHAPTER XII. PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. Cantering is a very nice pace for park or road riding, when the ground is soft, and not cut up by stones. A trained horse will start from a walk to a canter at a very slight indication from his rider, but surmising (as in the last chapter) that you have accepted the loan of a somewhat unmannerly or not sufficiently educated mount, you must induce him to canter by collecting him well on his haunches (from which the motion is in reality performed), touching him with the whip on the off side, and drawing his head gently round to the near until he makes a start. When he does so, balance yourself in time to his movement, and use the bridle lightly, with a very slight give-and-take motion of your hands. Do not allow him to get into a gallop ; but, at the same time, remember that it will be cruel to keep him cantering too long, especially unless you permit him to change his leg, for which purpose you must pull him quietly up, and reverse the movement by which, in the first instance, you have urged him to go off. A slow, handsome canter, collected and dignified, looks extremely well no doubt in the park, but it is terribly trying to a horse when kept up 136 RIDING FOR LADIES. too long ; in fact, a smart, stirring gallop will not distress him nearly so much. When cantering keep your knees firmly pressed against the pommels — sit close to the saddle, like a part of your horse — and throw your shoulders well back. The very nice pace called a hand-gallop may be in- dulged in by slackening the rein a little, and encouraging your mount by voice or bridle to go a trifle faster. The hand-gallop never distresses a horse, even a broken-winded one ; it is a joyous, exhilarating motion, in which both steed and rider find pleasure. Conversation need not be stopped by it, or even interrupted for a moment, and it will be found a delightful pace at which to go to covert in the morning, or to travel on to the next one, when " blank " has been called at the first. The hand-gallop is only pastime — mere play, without any peril — but the gallop proper, to which I now come to allude, is a very serious business indeed for a young rider to take in hand. If your horse is a trained one, you have only to sit down close when he gallops, and hold the reins firmly in both hands : your seat secure, your body as motionless as you can make it, your elbows like hinges, your hands low on the withers, keeping your horse's head straight and steady, while you give-and-take with his every stride, and on no account, or under any circumstances whatever, keep a dead pull on his mouth. I shall surmise, however, as before (for the purpose of instructing you) that your steed is not by any means per- fect, and that he will probably give you a good deal of PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. 137 trouble before you have quite done with him. He will not be likely to have all the vices, or even one-half of those for which I am about to prepare you, but you will pro- bably meet with them in one form or another at different periods of your career as a horsewoman : therefore a few words about such matters will not, I think, be amiss. If called upon to ride a puller, get his head up, and then drop your hands a little to him, to see whether he will yield to your will. If he fails to do so, catch the reins short, draw back your foot, give him one good pull, and then another : in short, a succession of them — but yield to him always between whiles, and speak to him in a quiet, soothing manner. Do not attempt to fight him, or he may run away with you, and that is nasty for a lady. If you think that he has the bit between his teeth, you may saw at it from side to side until you get him to release it. Boring is a very unpleasant vice, if I may call it one. Few horses have it naturally, and I attribute it in most cases to an undue use of the curb. I have found that the best method of treating it is to take up the cheek-pieces of the headstall. If a horse bores to one side (a most un- sightly habit), attach the throat-latch to the ring of the snaffle-bridle by a small strap on the side opposite to that on which the head is bent. This is generally effectual, because it brings the mouthpiece to bear upon the gum. A kicker is not a pleasant mount for a lady, and the powers which some animals possess in this especial line are simply astonishing. As a rule you will perceive, either by the laying back of your horse's ears, or a queer wriggle 138 RIDING FOR LADIES. of his body, that he is going to do something that will stamp him as a villain, and if these indications are accom- panied by a backward turning of a very whitened eye, look out at once for your life ! Many horses will, however, give no warning of any kind, and they of course are the most dangerous sort. Thoroughbreds are quite dreadful in this particular. They will kick when going a brisk gallop. I have twice had my hat lashed by the tails of high kickers — and the most stunning fall I ever got in my life was through being caught napping by one of these volatile gentlemen, who pretended to be going up to his bridle in the most collected manner possible (when exercising one day in frosty weather, in a wood), and suddenly shot me off like an arrow from a bow ! — so high, too, that to this day I am ready to swear I saw the tops of the bare elms, while the force of my contact with the ground, when at length I came down upon it, gave me concussion of the spine, from which I suffered for several succeeding months. A horse that kicks must be ridden in a severe bit, except in cases where it is only an ebullition of spirits. Where this is the case, ride him hard, and get it out of him ; when it amounts to an actual vice, you must keep him partially in order by using a bit such as I seriously decry for other forms of misdemeanor, and when he begins his unpleasant pranks get his head well up, so that he can't force it between his knees, and bend him round until you compel him to turn. By doing this a few times he will probably leave off kicking. To ride a kicker in the hunting-field is highly injudicious PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. 139 and unfair. Some excellent hunters, however, though not by any means confirmed kickers, will lash out dangerously when riders are crowded together at a gap, and this is about the very worst time at which a horse can possibly misconduct himself. When riding one of this sort, you must be content to pay the penalty of his vagaries by isolating yourself from the rest of the field — a disadvantage, of course, for all riders naturally make for the best places at which to get out ; and if, in spite of this, you are pressed upon by others, you must put your hand to the back of your waist, the fingers turning outwards, and motion slightly with them, in order that those in the rear of you may know that they are in peril. Buck-jumping is another most unpleasant vice, although happily not a very common one in this country. I have only come across one horse who possessed it. He belonged to a Meath farmer, and I bought him for a song on account of his failing. He got me off five times the first day that I attempted to ride him, and so delighted was he with him- self when he succeeded in gaining the odd number, that he actually kept bucking about, like a playful goat, all around me — squealing and romping, and flourishing his horrid heels at me — while I lay exhausted upon the ground, too much bruised to be able to get up without help. After this I put a gag-snaffle on him, pulled the reins sharply when he attempted to get his head down, and then, when he lowered it in spite of me, let the leathers slip through my fingers on to his neck, leaned back as far as ever I could (still, however, keeping hold of the reins), and the moment I40 RIDING FOR LADIES. I was able to get a pull at him, turned him round and round from one side to the other, until both he and I were pretty tired of the work. All things considered, I cannot conscientiously recommend a buck-jumper for a lady's use. Rearing is a very dangerous vice for a horsewoman to have to contend against, owing to the side position which she occupies in the saddle. If ever you are unlucky enough to have to mount a rearer, do not touch him with a curb at all ; ride him on the snaffle only, and when he attempts to rise up with you, lean well forward and clutch his mane firmly with your hands, holding the bridle very loosely all the while, and touching him sharply with your heel. Do not on any account lay your whip upon him, be it ever so lightly. I myself have found the butt end of such an article, brought down briskly between the ears of a rearer, a very efficient mode of bringing him to his senses, — but please bear in mind that I do not either advocate or recommend it : in fact, rather than do so, I should prefer to warn you against it, for once, when, flushed with my own success, I chanced to say something in favour of the system, my temerity brought thirty-two letters down upon me (most of them from horrified old gentlemen who declared that their daughters were prac- tising on the carriage horses !), and the columns of more than one sporting paper were inundated for a month or two with an inane correspondence. I have found a rearing bit most useful at times ; but, if taken aback when riding without one, it will be well to follow the practice of holding on to the mane with one PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. 141 hand, say the left, while with the right the reins are pulled in a downward direction, bringing the horse's head round ever so little, in order if possible to make him change his leg. The fact is, there are vicious rearers whom nothing will cure — cunning ones who know enough never to tumble back upon you, and are sufficiently amenable in other ways to encourage the hope that something may be made of them — playful ones who transgress more from skittishness than vice — and timid ones who, having suffered from too severe bitting, throw themselves upward as soon as they feel the touch of the bridle upon their mouths. An accomplished horsewoman will soon distinguish the dif- ferences which mark these various offenders, and will act with coolness and judgment, according as her training may point out to her. I believe that to be perfectly cool on all occasions, never to be flurried, or taken unawares, and above all things never to lose temper, no matter how trying the circumstances, will best ensure successful equestrianism, both for men and women. To expect to ride without encountering difficulties and worries, as well as risks and dangers, is only to look for something that cannot possibly be attained. Ride, of course, you may — if to sit calmly on a slug's back, and walk him round a grass field, or along a country road, can be called riding — but the term, in the sense in which I apply it, means something very different indeed. It is replete with dangers and anxieties of all sorts, but surely it is worth them. Many a time, when I have come in fagged, heated, and dirty, after battling with a young beginner — or ragged and weary after a hard day's 142 RIDING FOR LADIES. hunting through bush and briar, it has been said to me, " Surely the pleasure, such as it is, cannot repay you for the toil." Utter nonsense, of course ! Is any trouble, or any loss, for an instant remembered in the joyous burst of music with which hounds rattle their fox out of covert, or the delight of feeling a hitherto intractable youngster bending at length submissively to one's will ? Often and often now, when sitting alone in my quiet study, or watching the active pleasures from which I am wholly debarred, I feel how truly I have " had my day " — a most happy one — and how willingly I would go through the same sufferings, if consequent upon the same joys. Tempora miitantur. Even so, let it pass. Shying cannot properly be called a vice, though many consider it one. I think it generally proceeds from defective vision, and where this is the case the animal may be led quietly up to the object of his aversion, and shown that it is nothing very dreadful after all. Shying at a bicycle or road-engine is so extremely natural that the rider — so far from showing any anger against his mount — ought to soothe and quiet him by every means in his power. A young, fresh horse will shy at a bird, a piece of paper — anything — but a clever equestrian should never be dis- composed by such trifles. A steady seat ought to be sufficient security against all possible disaster. Stumbling is a very unpleasant weakness, though not a vice. Being too heavily shod is often a cause of it, and this of course can be remedied ; but there is little chance of effecting any good when the fault proceeds from defective PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. 143 muscular action, or from malformation of the feet Neither can it be cured when it arises from the shoulders being too straight, or the forelegs shaky. A bad, cramped trotter without any proper knee action, is extremely likely to stumble and come down, and all that a rider can possibly do with such a one is to keep him well collected — I do not mean reined in, but going properly up to his bridle — and to make him bring his hind legs under him, at whatever pace he may be going. I greatly dislike the habit, common among ignorant riders and drivers, of striking a horse when he stumbles : it cannot then effect any good, and is calculated to give him an unpleasant habit of prancing about when- ever the mishap occurs. Disquietude in mounting is a very serious fault. Some horses plunge and dance in a highly dangerous manner — the result of nervousness, or of having at some time or another been frightened by some mischance. When this is the case the horse ought to be held for a moment or two by the snaffle rein only, quite close to the cheek, and be spoken to at the same time in a soothing manner. He should never on any account be scolded, and by-and-by, when he quiets down a little, the groom should stand at his head, and hold the snaffle-reins firmly but lightly in both hands. If you perceive that he (the attendant) is not thoroughly master of his business, it will be yours to see that he does not by any movement bring the curb into action, or pinch the horse's jaw. Running away is a desperate vice for a lady to have to grapple with, and my own experiences of it warn me to put 144 RIDING FOR LADIES. others on their guard. If a horse is known to be a runaway, never be induced to trust yourself upon his back. He will do it again at some time or another, even though his first offence may have almost passed out of mind, and it will be better that you should give him a wide berth. I must candidly say, however, that I would rather, for my own safety, ride ten practised runaways — what are called old hands at it — than one mad, frightened horse that had lost his wits from some real cause of alarm. The best advice that I can give in either case is this : Do not keep a dead pull upon the reins, because that will not be a particle of use ; in fact, by doing so you will only be supporting his head, and giving him stamina to go faster. Try by a snccession of strong jerks and pulls to prevent him getting fully into his stride, for once he does so you may bid good-bye to any chance of stopping him until he has run himself clean out. A horse that is not a confirmed runaway may be checked by sawing his mouth hard with the snaffle, but my advice is, do not try to stop him at all, if you have fair going ground before you, or that you can possibly breast him up any sort of incline. In such case, let him go — sit close down in your saddle — and when you feel him slacken, take up your whip in earnest, and give it him within an inch of his life. This latter advice, how- ever, only applies to "rogues" — animals who habitually run away and endanger their riders. To whip a really startled horse would be both cruel and unwise ; nor is it ever judicious to do so in cases where the going is not both fair and open in front of you. If run away with in park or PACES, VICES, AND FAULTS. 145 street, you must endeavour to keep clear of trees and vehicles, and strive to get your horse stopped as best you can. Happily, such catastrophes do not very often occur. I am against the theory that a rider ought in all in- stances to stick to a runaway horse. As a rule it is better to do so, but there are decidedly a few exceptions. A pet idea of my own is to bring him down, in whatever way it can best be done ; but I do not for a moment want to persuade others to do this. One man's meat is another man's poison ; and on this principle a plan which is, or has been, successful in my own hands might prove a dangerous failure in another's. I once stopped a maddened horse that had made away with me at Melton, by letting him have his head for about a furlong, or something less, and then giving him one stupendous tug with the reins. The sudden jerk to his mouth caused him to cross his legs, and he came down a " thundering cropper," giving me one, of course, also ; but riding, as I always did, in a plain racing stirrup, without having my foot thrust " home," I got clear off, and escaped without any more serious injury than a very severe shaking. The sensation was not a nice one, I confess, and the peril was great ; but, on the whole, I should prefer it again to enacting Mazeppa, or something like it, on the back of a wild steed, who would probably not stop until he had landed his rider at that fatal bourne from whence no traveller returns. 146 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XIII. A LESSON IN LEAPING. Surmising that you are now as perfect as possible in park and road riding, you must qualify yourself as a huntress^ by learning to jump every kind of obstacle that will be likely to come in your way. Indeed, it is advisable for every rider, even though destined to spend a lifetime without ever hearing the music of the hounds, to acquire practice in leaping, as a means of improving the seat and securing immunity from possible danger and inconvenience. I mean to convey, that to a lady equestrian who knows nothing of sitting over a jump, a long ride in the country will be likely to prove somewhat embarrassing, seeing that newly-cut ditches and small sheep-hurdles are frequently to be met with, and where some members of the party jump them and others hang back, the difference of opinion will not tell in favour of the laggards. To be ready for all emergencies is the rule of good riding, and even if country difficulties have not to be encountered, there may be times — probably will be — when an animal will bounce suddenly forwards, or bound into the air from very exuberance of spirits, and if his rider has not learned to sit over a fence it will be ten to one against her keeping her position in the A LESSON IN LEAPING, 147 saddle. An unprepared or untaught rider is always thrown forward by a horse's leap, and the object to be gained by teaching is to be able to offer suitable resistance to this — and to do so, no matter how sudden or unexpected the movement may be. Some excellent authorities assert that a lady's first leaping lessons ought always to be in a school. I object to the word " always " in this instance, and should like to substitute " generally." Without in the very least depre- ciating the excellence of school teaching — for it sometimes IS excellent, though oftener the reverse — I have nevertheless undertaken to teach " riding without a master," and with this object in view I shall offer a few hints upon the subject in a simple, common-sense fashion, which I hope may prove profitable to those who wish to learn. I think it an excellent plan, if in the country, to begin by practising over fallen trees — or if a place can be found where two or three of these have been felled together and are lying at short distances from one another, so much the better. Such a spot affords capital schooling-ground. Small ditches too, and cuttings, are very nice — and so are little streams that don't call for much exertion on the part of the rider to enable her to get over them. If, however, your surroundings are not such as will admit of your practising over natural obstacles of an easy nature, have one or two artificial ones erected, in the shape of small hurdles, interwoven with gorse or some such matter, but strive to avoid taking your first leaps over a bar — a thing at which many horses are apt to go " slovenly," owing to the L 2 148 RIDING FOR LADIES. fact that they see the daylight underneath, and have sense to know quite well that they are only being humbugged. When you have acquired a certain amount of confidence over such trifling obstacles as I have mentioned, it will be well for you to enlist the services of a good rider, and ask him to pilot you over a few easy fences, and to show you the way through a gap or two, with perhaps a small ditch on the off or landing side. You must avoid being too ambitious, or over-confident, if you happen, fortunately, to get on well at first. The horse on which you practice should be a steady, easy jumper, neither too flippant nor at all apt to refuse, and you should ride him without a spur, until such time as you are qualified to take him into the hunting-field. When going straight at a leap, sit firmly in the centre of your saddle, your head well up, your eyes looking right between your horse's ears, the snafiie reins in both hands, with just a slight feeling upon your mount's mouth, without any attempt at holding him back or clinging by the bridle to secure your own safety. Never on any account contract the habit of clutching short at the reins, or at any part of the saddle, in order to help you in preserving your balance — nor should you throw up your hands, which must in all instances be kept low and steady. When approaching a leap, bend your body slightly backwards from the waist up, at the same time keeping your seat firmly in the middle of the saddle, that you may not be disconcerted by the action of the loin-muscles of the horse. The degree to which this " leaning back " is to be carried must of course A LESSON IN LEAPING. 149 depend altogether upon the size and nature of the leap to be accomplished ; for example, at a big-drop, or down-jump, a good rider will almost touch the horse's croup, but you must never lose sight of the fact that it is the shoulders that are to be bent flexibly backwards (returning to an upright position on landing), and not any part of the body that lies below the waist. The two great secrets of leaping are, to sit like a centaur while your waist and shoulders adapt themselves pliantly to the movements of your horse — and never to interfere with his mouth. Plenty of headroom has always been my cry ; I believe that where it is attended to there is very rarely an accident. Horses, even those that are not very highly trained, are marvellously clever, and will generally put their feet in the right places if allowed to see where they are to put them, but a rider might just as well blind- fold a horse at once — tie a thick bandage across his eyes — ■■ and then expect him to fence safely, as draw the reins so tight when he is rising that even if not absolutely thrown down by the action, he is prevented from seeing where he is expected to land. A horse cannot possibly do his work well or generously when compelled to carry his rider with his mouth — nor can a rider derive the pleasure that he is seeking while sitting altogether wrongly in the saddle. It is quite beautiful to see the way in which young horses fence when their mouths are not interfered with. I have often taken a raw youngster out over a trappy country, with only leading reins on him, or long ropes, and have jumped alongside of him over the little ditches, transported with ISO RIDING FOR LADIES. delight at the manner in which he gathered his haunches under him, and the clever way in which, on landing, he planted his feet. It is really charming to watch them, and most sad to think and know that by-and-by, when some professedly fine, but in reality totally ignorant rider gets upon their backs, every second fence or so will witness a cropper, and the young, fleet-limbed, spirited creatures will be beaten, and pulled at, and called " brutes," and sworn at too, as though it were not the clumsy hands at their mouths that were in reality bringing them to grief. Good hunters are, times out of number, thrown down by their riders. A lady, for instance, borrows a mount for a day, and hears from his owner (who perhaps knows very little indeed about horsemanship) that he's a " capital goer, but wants a little lifting at his fences." I have heard that idiotic expression made use of hundreds, nay, thousands of times. Well, out she goes ; the animal, fresh and buoyant, starts away at a nailing pace, and when not interfered with goes skying over obstacles from which others are turning away, — but the half-frightened rider on his back has that word " lifting " imprinted upon her sensitive brain, and the moment the horse takes off at the first big fence, up go her hands with a sudden haul at the bridle, and the animal, surprised and thrown off his balance by the action, lands unevenly, if he lands at all, and very likely gives her a severe fall. There is not one on earth who is more against permitting any " slummucking," or romping, or going " abroad," than I am myself ; to keep a horse well collected has always been my teaching ; leave him his head when coming up to o to So H < FQ <5 W o A LESSON IN LEAPING. 151 a fence ; let him stretch his neck to see what it is ; keep a light, very light, feeling upon the snaffle when he makes his effort ; and, as he lands, but not till then, give him a gentle support with both hands — especially if the jump is a very big one, in order that he may not " peck." Bear in mind, however, that if you attempt this support too soon — when he is in the air, for instance, or in fact until he needs it — you will undoubtedly throw him down. Practice will teach you all these things far better than anything else, but a careful study of them should not on any account be despised. Horses do not as a rule like schooling. I believe they abhor it ; there is not any kind of excitement about it — no emulation, no company, nothing, in short, to keep up the " go," — therefore I maintain that more falls are to be had when practising in this way (owing to the fact that animals will not jump so generously as when actually going the pace), than are ever to be met with in the hunting-field. Still, it must occasionally be done, especially where young hunters are to be kept in practice — and I strongly advise you to undertake the doing of it yourself, rather than entrust your favourites to a heavy-handed groom, who will rattle the lives half out of them, and cram them at their fences in a manner calculated to spoil them utterly for your own subsequent use. Never believe anybody who tells you that the best eques- trians sit forward when their horses jump, and backward when they land. Such is really not the case at all. In some instances they may have begun by doing so — taught probably by a military riding-master to think it the proper 152 RIDING FOR LADIES. thing — but one or two sounding knocks upon the nose or in the middle of the forehead, received through inability to regulate the precise time for the two distinct movements, have taught them to discard the theory as nonsensical, which it most certainly is. I believe a great deal in having confidence, and in the power of imparting the same feeling to your horse ; also, in keeping both him and yourself in perfect good temper. Ride him with judgment, and he will soon learn to under- stand exactly what it is that you want of him. Never take him too fast at wide ditches, or at fences that necessitate a rise ; in all such instances suffer him to measure his stride ; — give him time— don't hustle him — (an unwise and horrid habit), let him gather his hind legs well under him, and on no account hold him hard on the curb. Remember, likewise, that you must always leave him sufficient length of rein to enable him to extend his neck. I am against going over fast, even at water, unless the place is a formidably wide one. I think that undue haste mtist prevent a horse from measuring his stride, and that this is the reason why animals so frequently take-off too soon, and consequently either over-jump themselves, or land short. They have done it with myself, many times, in the early days of my riding career ; there is scarcely a branch of the Lara in which I have not been ducked, and surely ex- perientia docet. Moreover, a horse cannot possibly last in anything like a fast run, unless he is kept collected. A sprawler very soon comes to the end of his tether, while fair-and-easy goes far in the day. This is particularly the A LESSON IN LEAPING. 153 case where ridge and furrow, or marshy ground, have to be traversed. You should accustom your horse to do small places slowly ; blind fences and ugly trappy obstacles must be negotiated with deliberation, for the very worst falls are got through hustling animals at such things as these. You should never take your horse's attention for a moment from his work. A bad rider comes "fighting up" to a fence : spurring, striking, and jagging at his horse's mouth — and somehow the good riders are not sorry when the fretted animal jerks his tormentor off, and gallops away without him. A mind at ease and undisturbed is absolutely essential to a fencer ; to strike or spur him at a critical moment will probably throw him out of his stride, and may be the means also of throwing the rider out of the saddle. There are certain varieties of jumps which it will be well to consider in detail, especially as beginners are apt to think that if they succeed with tolerable credit in getting over a few small cuttings in the country, they are fully qualified to take foremost place in the ranks of fair Dianas. In timber-jumping, to begin with, you must remember that a horse quite fresh from his stable will naturally be able to accomplish much more than when half pumped out ; and as a fall over timber is much nastier for a lady than almost any other description of casualty, I strongly advise you not to urge an animal that has jumped, say, four feet ot timber with you at the first go off, to do more than three, or three and a-half, at the second. The reason is simply this : to accomplish timber safely a horse must risQ well a.t it ; this 154 RWING FOR LADIES. he cannot do if at all pumped out, and the consequence is that he hits it with his knees, or chest, and gives himself and his rider a terrific fall. There are fences that may be taken at a swing, others that can be scrambled over, and others again that must be negotiated deliberately, requiring more coolness than courage to accomplish the doing of them safely — but timber must be got over in thoroughly hunter- like fashion, or a terrific crash will be the result. High stiff rails, or gates, have more perils for riders than any other obstacle that can be met with in the hunting-field, not even excepting walls ; for many hunters will go collectedly and steadily at these latter, when a four or five-barred gate, with the daylight showing through and letting them see what is on the other side will be either refused, or done in decidedly slovenly fashion, in which case the latter state is infinitely worse than the first. In taking an up-jump, throw your head and shoulders well back, so that you may escape being struck in the face, and leave your horse unlimited headroom, for the danger of a leap of this description is, that the animal may not get his quarters sufficiently under him to land safely on his legs, and may in consequence be in danger of going back : in such case, if he is in the slightest degree trammelled about the mouth, he will be unable to stretch his neck or make the necessary struggle to recover himself Many ladies have a horror of going over water, the dread of immersion being no doubt the paramount cause of it ; but I have always thought that a good wide brook, or a narrow branch of a river, was about the safest of all / 1 D I— > O C P3 A LESSON IN LEAPING. I55 obstacles to encounter. In saying this, I of course mean where the banks are sound, for if either the taking-off or landing-ground happens to be marshy or rotten, there in nothing more conducive to a ducking. Horses do not, as a rule, enjoy jumping water ; some blood ones don't object to it, but most animals hate it, and will refuse if they can, especially where they have at any time had what is called " a cold bath." Should you ever happen to be riding a horse who, on seeing water, gradually shortens his stride, and " shuts up " as he approaches it, do not try to get him over, for you may be certain that he will not have it. All very fine, it may be, to talk about not allowing yourself to be conquered, but the strongest effort in the world won't make a horse jump water safely when he once refuses it, and it will not be pleasant to stand cudgelling him upon the bank, while he plants his toes in the sedges every time that you bring him back to it, with an air as though he were saying, "You may keep me here till doomsday, but over it I won't go, unless you hire a skiff to carry me." A good water-jumper, going skimming along, ought to clear eighteen or twenty feet : even five-and-twenty not being over-much accounted of (with Irish horses, at all events) where the banks are sound ; yet, as a rule, a brimming brook of fourteen feet will generally stop at least half a large field. There are two reasons for this : firstly, if the water is visible from a distance, horses slacken, and riders funk ; and secondly, if it runs between banks, they gallop up to look at it, and then, all is lost. 156 RIDING FOR LADIES. The better bred a horse is, the better water-jumper he will assuredly be. Coarse-bred horses who are clever enough at ordinary fences, will almost always go clumsily at water, if they can be got to go at it at all ; the reason being that clean-bred horses are the only really good stayers^ and as deep or wide water is seldom met with at the beginning of a run, they alone have the stamina to carry them safely over, after galloping perhaps a stiff line of country for thirty minutes or so, with scarcely any check. When jumping water, give your horse a very long rein, and don't touch him with the curb. Steady him when coming up to it, and again on landing, in order that he may get safely away on the other side, and not either peck or sprawl. If you have to jump a thorn fence, and that it is leaning towards you, be sure there is something ugly on the other side, and go at it with sufficient determination to give your horse the necessary impetus for a safe get-over. If, on the other hand, the ditch is on the taking-off side, and that the hedge leans away from you, take him very steadily and deliberately — letting him see exactly what he has to do. Finally, if the horse that you are riding happens to be old, or what is called " dickey," namely, shaky on the fore- legs, be careful about jumping him when the ground is hard. This applies likewise to tender-footed animals. I have ridden horses in February who travelled delightfully over soft slushy ground, and fenced splendidly when up to their fetlocks in mud, — yet, when March came round, and, lands were dry and hard, they stood still and shivered at A LESSON IN LEAPING. 157 the sight of even an ordinary sheep-hurdle or small scoured drain. To force a horse to jump, under such circumstances is inhuman and unwise. SET LIKE A CENTAUR — PLENTY OF HEADROOM. 158 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XIV. MANAGING REFUSERS. Riding refusers is unprofitable work for ladles, yet nothing seems to be more general in every hunting-field. I firmly believe that men ground their well-known objec- tions to ladies hunting chiefly on this very thing, — nor is it altogether to be wondered at. What, for instance, can be more annoying to a well-mounted straight-going hunter than to have a lady get in front of him at a fence — the only negotiable spot in it, perhaps — and keep him and a number of others back, though hounds are running in the next field, while she whips, and kicks, and jags the mouth of a horse that is determined not to have it .-* Of course the rule in all such cases is that the rider of the refuser shall at once pull off and suffer the rest of the field to go by ; but ladies never seem to remember that it applies to them, or ought at least to do so, quite as much as to their brethren or pilots, and so they resolutely hold the place, dragging first with one rein and then the other, and shouting " Go on " with great apparent bravery, while the horse dances and sidles, and shows every tooth in his head, owing to the continued drag upon his mouth, and dis- gusted horsemen turn away with very naughty expressions MANAGING REFUSERS. 159 scarce checked upon their lips, and gallop off to seek some other means of getting over. I have seen this sort of thing scores of times, and have felt angry and sorry about it together— angry at witnessing the punishment to the horse, as well as at being kept back myself when I wanted to get forward, and sorry for the ignorance, and occasionally the tejuper^ which was the cause of it all. Most riders — ladies especially — seem to have a firmly- rooted conviction that horses only refuse from vice, and consequently they form an idea that to whip it out of them will be the very best method of procedure that they can possibly adopt. A more ignorant theory could not by any possibility be acted upon. Unskilled riders, or those who are unpossessed of sufficient bodily strength to pull their horses well together when coming up to a fence (so as to make the animals shorten their stride and collect themselves before reaching it), will frequently meet with refusals ; whereas, an accomplished horsewoman, even though la- bouring under the disadvantage of being mounted upon a vastly inferior animal, will be carried safely over, without any attempt to baulk. The truth is, a horse that is ridden either wildly or carelessly at his fences will be almost certain to refuse them, because he feels instinctively that he cannot take the jump with safety, or knows perhaps that, owing to the non-regulation of his speed, he will be compelled to take-off too soon, or not soon enough. This is one reason for refusing. Horses do not like endangering themselves; they are often more methodical, more cool- i6o RIDING FOR LADIES, headed — shall I say more sensible ? — than their riders ; and where an animal feels that he cannot jump a place with safety to himself, he will generally decline having anything to do with it at all. There are, of course, some big, bold, fearless hearts — ^just as there are among riders — that will go for everything, houses included, should such happen to come in their way, and give no thought at all to conse- quences ; but they are not always the best sort for ladies fo ride. Something cool and collected will be found much better. Allowing, then, that timidity — or, more properly speaking lack of co7ifide7ice — is the primary cause of refusals, we have to consider it in juxtaposition with another, which will be far more difficult to deal with — namely, obstinacy, or sulk. I know quite well that when readers arrive at this point they will at once want to be told how they are to distin- guish between the two. I did, when I found that from time to time I had to contend against both evils. Well, I am about to tell you all that I know of it. When you are coming up to something which you know quite well your horse can easily accomplish, and you never- theless feel him give a sort of wriggle under you, while at the same time he begins to stiffen himself and drop out of his stride, you may know that he means roguery, and consequently be prepared for his sticking his toes in the ground when he gets up to it, and assuming a stony aspect, as though he were indifferent to conse- quences, and would be quite willing to stop there for a MANAGING REFUSERS. i6i week, or even a fortnight, without grumbling, provided that you were obHging enough to carry him his water and corn with tolerable regularity. If, on the contrary, he gallops boldly up to the obstacle, throws his head forward, pulls it suddenly back, shivers slightly, and at once commences a retrograde movement, while signs of sweating break out upon his skin, you may be certain that he is refusing from timidity and net from vice. He lacks confidence in his powers, for some reason or another, unknown perhaps to you, but of which he himself is perfectly cognisant. He may have weak hocks, and be afraid to venture upon propelling himself, for fear of falling short. The hind quarters— hind legs, in fact— are the real propellers, the front ones being chiefly serviceable as supports : and if a horse feels that he cannot depend upon himself behind, he will naturally hesitate about rising to a leap. Watch, for example, a dog when recovering from a fit of sickness. He may, perhaps, be very anxious to get upon some particular chair, couch, or window cushion, which in the days of his robust health was a perfectly easy jump for him — yet now he is so weak on his hind legs that, althoug-h a strono- desire to take the leap is palpably present with him, timidity nevertheless keeps him standing looking at it, and moving uneasily about in front of it ; crouching at one instant as though prepared to make his spring, and the next rising upwards with a sort of whine, as though he gave it hope- lessly up. It is just because he is timid about propelling himself. The goal cannot be reached by a mere extension of the body, or by any action of the forelegs, and the M 1 62 RIDING FOR LADIES. hinder ones are, owing to their weakness, absolutely unable to accomplish their natural work. It is precisely so with the horse. Where hocks or hind- quarters are in a condition that deprives him of proper propelling power, he will certainly hesitate about exercis- ing or bringing them into muscular play ; nor can we right- fully offer him either chastisement or blame. Again, an animal's hesitation about taking a jump may arise from a terror of experiencing painful concussion on landing. Corns will cause this, so will splints, or injured or tender ligaments of any description. It is often the case that w^hen a horse baulks at a fence his rider is able to remember that he jumped the preceding one only half generously, and landed perhaps very gingerly after his effort. Where this is the case the animal should never be pressed. To compel him to take a leap for which he shows unwillingness may entail a bad fall for both him and his rider : the former being, under all circumstances, a good deal the more to be pitied. When a horse refuses from timidity, and you yet have reason to know that there is nothing whatever w^rong with him, take him back a bit from the fence, and send him at it again, sitting well down in your saddle, and catching a determined hold of his head, with the hands held low and the reins well apart. Speak encDuragingly to him at the same time, and press him up with your leg on the near side, and the handle of your hunting-crop on the other ; but do not on any account cut or spur him, unless you know him to be a rogue — in which case give him plenty of it, in a MANAGING REFUSERS. 163 wise and temperate way ; but never enter into a determined warfare with him unless you are absolutely certain that you can come off the victor. My experience is that once a horse resolutely baulks, with a fixed determination to continue to do so, no man on earth — and certainly no woman — can by any possibility conquer him while on his back. Under such circumstances it will be better to strive to accomplish the desired purpose in some other way ; either get off, if you are in a suitable place for it, and that your reins and whip are long enough, and by so doing make him have it, or — which will be better — take him to another part of the same fence, and don't begin by fighting him, but rather leave it to his honour to carry you generously over, and ten to one he will. I greatly disapprove of punishing a horse severely at one spot ; it is highly calculated to give him a thorough hatred of jumping, and to spoil his temper also in a way that may not easily be remedied. Moreover, it is cowardly in the extreme, for the battle is almost entirely one-sided. Were the dumb combatant able to whip and spur and swear in return, the rider would have a very small chance of abusing him for any length of time together ; but it is because the creature is ignorant of his own strength and power that he submits himself a slave to man's too cruel rule. Now, another hint or two before proceeding to a different subject. Horses will sometimes refuse through feeling themselves " out of hand," or being ridden timorously by inexperienced riders. Where this is likely to be the case, such a bridle M 2 i64 RIDING FOR LADIES. as a Pelham, for instance, ought not to be employed, but rather a good powerful double hxidX^, the curb of which may be used when galloping, and the pressure of it released for that of the snaffle when just coming up to a fence. I have seen horses, many times, refuse through their riders having the horrid practice of throwing up the right arm just at the critical moment of rising : by way, I suppose, of affecting a hard-riding air, or perhaps of obtain- ing some imaginary balance of the body. The habit is a most hateful one, and frequently causes a horse to " rush," in cases where he is too bold to baulk or absolutely to refuse. It is also extremely apt to make him swerve, owing to the fact that the pressure is retained on one side of his mouth only, in place of being preserved evenly upon both. I may say in conclusion that that capital sportsman, Captain Horace Hayes, once told me of somebody, who, by a very clever expedient, cured a horse of refusing water- jumping. The animal, it appears, used always to baulk at water, and then, when pressed, jump right into the middle of it with a terrific splash. One day a happy thought struck his owner, and he at once proceeded to put it in practice. An artificial water-jump was by his direction constructed upon his own lands, and at the bottom of it, quite sunk from view by weighting, he placed a quantity of thorny bushes. When the affair was satisfactorily completed, he had the horse led quietly out, got upon his back, and rode him boldly at the obstacle. The animal tried to stop as usual, and ended (as usual also) by jumping slap into the middle ; but on this notable occasion, he scrambled out MANAGING REFUSERS. 165 with astonishing celerity, and ever afterwards fairly fleio every water-jump that he happened to come across. The thorns, easily picked out, did him no harm in the world, while the lesson was productive of an immensity of good. 'V ■''■::->^ / MEANING ROGUERY. 1 66 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XV. FALLING. To be able to fall well is an art in itself— but it is one at which, unfortunately, very few ladies excel ; therefore, not to fall at all will in their case be much better than to do so in even the most artistic fashion. At the same time to dispense with falls must in a measure mean to dispense with riding also — that is, with riding straight to hounds ; and as this latter enjoyment is, to a keen sportswoman, the very greatest pleasure that earth can possibly afford, I cannot wish to see any of my readers deprived of it, and have therefore determined to devote this chapter to the subject of various kinds of falls — the circum- stances under which they generally happen, the way to avoid meeting them, and the best method of escaping being injured by them when they chance to occur. To escape falls will to many ladies be the most interesting portion of my subject ; therefore, we will consider it first. To begin, then : you should decline riding any save the most perfect horses. A rusher, refuser, runaway, or any- thing else associated with the vices which have already been treated of, should be at once put beyond the pale of your favour ; nothing short of positive perfection should ever FALLING. 167 tempt you to mount. Secondly, you must never on any account be in a hurry, nor allow others to hustle you. Though hounds may be in full cry within a field of you, and only a single small fence dividing, you must take your time, deliberately, and without flurry. Thirdly, you must never under any circumstances make for the fastest ro7ite, nor jump a big place to get on terms with the pack ; on the contrary, you must let the hard-riding fraternity go by on all occasions, and then, warned by their mishaps, calmly pick your own places, and get through gaps and gates as best you can. Fourthly, you must watch the very first signs of tiring that are visible in your horse, and on per- ceiving them give in at once, and either ride or rail him quietly home. Fifthly, you must be decidedly wealthy, to allow of your purchasing marvels that can never by any chance contrive to put a foot astray. Sixthly, you must be a first-class judge of horseflesh, to enable you to find out such unheard-of acquisitions : and seventhly, you must possess a calmness of temperament very rarely to be met with among horsewomen — coupled with a wisdom to which that of Solomon, or Minerva, was a mere bagatelle. I fancy, having got thus far, that I hear some lady asking rather disconsolately ivliy I thus jest about serious matters, and whether it is really not possible, except on the conditions I have named, for an equestrian to ride to hounds without receiving falls, — and I at once answer that, according to my ideas of straight riding, it certainly is not. Whenever I hear a lady boast that she can ride two, three, or four da)'s a week without ever 1 68 RIDING FOR LADIES. getting a tumble, I at once surmise that she must be a very mild goer indeed ; that she never rides hard except on exceptional days, when a country with which she is per- fectly familiar happens to be traversed, and that the click of her horse's hoofs is heard far oftener upon the roads than is the thunder of them on the broad fields, where bull- finch and yawning chasm offer difficulties with which the " cautious ones " do not care to meddle. There is no denying the fact that if you mean to harden your heart and go straight, not stopping to take mental measurements of any obstacle that you may chance to encounter, falls will assuredly be your portion, and probably a good many of them, too ; for you must remember that no matter how perfect may be your skill in the saddle, or how admirable the training of your steed, such things cannot afford you complete immunity from danger, so long as the hunting-field is flooded (which it unfortunately is) with ignorant horsemen, mounted on all kinds of animals — rough-riders, who care little about jostling and cannoning, provided that they themselves succeed in getting foremost places — and children, chiefly young boys, whose parents indulge them with mounts (no matter of what sort, provided they have four legs to carry them) during the long Christmas vacation, and who, with the fearlessness of ignorance, dash hither and thither, without any regard whatever for their own safety, much less for that of others. One of the very worst falls I ever got in my life was caused by a schoolboy on a pony. The little chap burst wildly through a hedge close to Notley Abbey, where I happened FALLING. 169 to be waiting quietly, in hopes that the fox might break that way — and, cannoning right against me, caught my horse on the quarters, and turned him a complete somersault, burying me beneath his weight. Fortunately there were not many out, for it was a Chilton day, and the weather was very boisterous ; had things been otherwise I could not have escaped being ridden over, for the game broke at the precise instant of my fall, and the field, such as it was, came streaming right over the fatal fence. On another occasion, when down at the bottom of a deep drain, a horsebreaker on a colossal mount tumbled crash on top of me, and neither of us looked handsome when dragged out — nor for a good many days after. It is, therefore, manifest that however valuable skill and good horseflesh may undoubtedly be, we are largely depen- dent upon others for our safety, or its reverse, when we go to hunt, and as Carlyle's theory of " mostly fools " is never in any place so clearly set forth as in the hunting-field, it will be well not to go thither with an over-confident feeling respecting our own powers, but rather to adopt the pithy prayer of the old Hobb's Hill huntsman, " From all bad riders and wild horses, good Lord deliver us ! " I would have you bear in mind that it will be a grand help to you upon all occasions to keep cool, to avoid flurry and fuss, and above all things to steer clear of " funk," which is as bad as panic, or a trifle worse. It is the least flurried riders who always come ofT the best, in two senses of the word, — therefore, while falls are not by any means to be made light of, they should be taken as coolly as possible, nor I70 RIDING FOR LADIES. should demonstration of any sort ever be made over them. I saw a lady get two falls one day with Sir Bache Cunard's pack at Holt Wood, and although her face was a sorry sight when turning homewards after the last one, she made infinitely less fuss about it than did an irrepressible damsel who had merely scraped her cheek against a thorn-bush. You should never jump off at once when a horse bungles, but keep steady in the middle of your saddle and give him plenty of rein. Time enough for a man to show his quickness when his knee touches the ground, and for a lady in a similar predicament the best course will be to sit still, deal him out unlimited rope, grip his mane firmly — leaving his mouth alone — and ten to one he will recover himself Of course I am speaking now of the plan to be pursued in case of a slow fall : one that is preceded by a scramble — in fact, a " bungle " as I have chosen to call it. When an animal comes down a weighty cropper, there is seldom much time for reflection, or choice of action either ; the great point then is to come off as best you can. To roll clear of the horse is the secret in most heavy falls, and this can only be done where the foot is absolutely free from the stirrup, and the habit from the pommels of the saddle. For this reason I again most strongly advocate the use of a plain racing-stirrup for ladies in the hunting-field, as it has not any sort of machinery that can possibly get out of order, and is therefore independent of the variable atten- tions bestowed upon such matters by unthinking grooms. A good plain stirrup, made large enough to release the FALLING. 171 foot, even if thrust " home," is the safest and best in which an equestrian can ever ride. I approve (as already stated) of the spring-bar attachment, and think that every lady before setting out to hunt ought to see for herself that the spring is open. I know that this theory is not a popular one among horsewomen, as they think it is apt to entail the loss of a stirrup in a quick run ; but this is an error, for the stirrup-leather will seldom or never come away if properly treated (by which I mean not leant upon) — except in case of strong pressure being brought to bear upon it, as, for instance, in the event of a fall. An accom- plished horsewoman will never ride from the stirrup, but will use it merely as a support for the foot, and will be altogether independent of it, even if entirely taken away. With untrained riders it is, of course, different, and to their churning motion in the saddle, and heavy hang upon the stirrup-leather, one half the sore backs and other sufferings to which ladies' horses are liable, are altogether attributable. A habit-skirt, if properly constructed, cannot possibly catch upon the pommels when the wearer receives a fall. I have already given suitable instructions concerning the cut of habits, and would here take occasion to say that a marvellously improved plan, introduced by Thomas & Sons, of South Molton Street, has been lately shown me. It consists of cutting the skirt with one seam less than usual, and making it without any hem around the bottom. Of this latter I greatly approve. It has frequently happened that a skirt, when caught on the pommel, has torn down- 172 RIDING FOR LADIES. wards as far as the hem, and been there arrested, owing to the resistance offered by the strength of the doubled cloth. Where the hem is done away with, this danger ceases to exist, and the skirt looks if anything better than those that are finished in the ordinary way, I strongly recommend the innovation. The most dangerous fall that a lady can get is one into a deep ditch, or drain, with her horse on top of her ; the least dangerous is when he comes down with her on the flat, and gives her a chance to roll clear of him. The best course to pursue in the first instance is to remain perfectly quiet, provided the horse does so also, until rescued. If your head happens to get under water, or that you are in any physical suffering entailed by the position in which you are placed, it will of course be incumbent upon you to endeavour to extricate yourself from it, but even in so awful a moment you should strive to remember that a prostrate horse will be far less likely to injure you than a struggling one, and that if you begin to move, or to pull his head about (as I have seen some frightened ladies do), he will probably make violent efforts to get upon his feet, and may hurt you very severely before help arrives. If the place is very deep, and narrow at the bottom, and that you are partially under the horse, strive for your life to keep his head down, in order that he may not attempt to rise, and so trample you in his endeavours. He cannot get up so long as you can prevent his lifting his head ; therefore, if you can contrive to throw a leg across it, or an FALLING. 173 arm, or any other portion of your body, do so, but never drag at the rein when in such a position. Strive if possible, however, to retain a Hght hold of it, in order that, in the event of the animal managing to regain his feet without mischief, he may not get altogether away from you. Cool- ness and courage will be the best companions upon so trying an occasion. When a thoroughly practised horsewoman gets a fall of this description, it is generally through riding a beaten horse at a place that is too big for his exhausted powers to carry him safely over — an error into which almost all enthusiastic riders are apt to be led ; or it may occur through the landing-ground being rotten, or broken away. When this latter is the case, the horse's hind legs slip from beneath him, and he hangs for a dreadful moment, half-in, half-out of the ravine, beating a frantic tattoo with his fore-feet upon the brink, while the hinder ones struggle to find something that may serve as an assistance against the otherwise inevitable going back. A moment like this is supremely dreadful for both horse and rider. The latter, if a man, may swing himself off in the twinkling of an eye, and jump on to the bank, keeping a hold of the bridle all the while, and by it may assist his mount to regain terra firma when he is safely landed there himself; I have seen it done by smart horsemen over and over again, — but no lady that ever entered a hunting-field can possibly do it without a hand being stretched from the bank to assist her. I recall instances, and think of them with horror, of finding myself hanging over an abyss — for such it always 174 RIDING FOR LADIES. seems to an excited fancy — watching my horse's forelegs striving to plant themselves, feeling the struggling quarters seeking some help from below, seeing the scarlet nostril laid level with the earth, the eager neck outstretched, the panting muscles brought strongly into play — hearing the anxious snort, dealing out abundant rein, and uttering words of encouragement in the vain hope that the horse may succeed in righting himself — conscious, nevertheless, that he is sinking lower and lower, seeing then a friendly hand outstretched to assist me, feeling the welcome grip of it, clutching strongly at it as it drags me to the bank, knowing that I have never let go the bridle during that terrible moment of suspense, making use of it then to draw my brave horse to a place of safety, looking down with a shudder into the chasm from which we have both escaped, and finally, with a laugh, and a LaiLs also, jumping merrily into the saddle again, and scurrying away in the hope of picking up the hounds. But there came an instance of misadventure which ended less happily — when there was no strong hand to rescue or help — when the awful backward crash occurred only too surely, and oblivion followed, to be succeeded in time by a consciousness that for ever and ever the sight of happy hunting-fields, and the sound of huntsman's horn and hounds' joyful opening-out were gone away, to be known no more on earth. Such things are sad awakenings from sweet fitful dreams. I pray that all my young readers may be spared them ; and with more than one fate to warn, I urge that discretion may at all times usurp the place of FALLING. 175 valour or ambition, and that no feat may be attempted which will be likely to involve dire, if not fatal results. Better be a live dog than a dead lion ; and a few who are now disabled would rather have their bodies intact to-day, than have ever known the uncertain pleasures that are attendant upon being Kings and Queens of an hour. I do not say that it is so with myself A short life and a merry one is much more suited to my elastic temperament ; but there are others, young, beautiful women, whose feet have only touched the threshold of life's loveliest and brightest doorway, who are nevertheless looking back — with tears. To resume, however. The second description of fall on which I have touched : namely, one on the flat, is only dangerous according as the horse may or may not attempt to roll when down. If he falls fairly on his knees and nose, you may manage (as I have explained) to retain your seat in the saddle, and may even assist him to get upon his legs ; many fine horsewomen do it : but if you try the experiment you must not forget to sit well back, not only in order to take the weight off his shoulders, but to save yourself from getting knocked in the face. If you watch the movements of a fallen animal, you will perceive that at the instant that he steadies himself on his knees when rising, he instinctively flings 2ip his head, a motion abso- lutely necessary for the restoration of his balance ; if at such a moment you happen to be leaning forward in the saddle, you will be certain to receive severe punishment, and perhaps be disabled for the remainder of the day. If, in falling, the horse turns over upon his side, you cannot 176 RIDING FOR LADIES. do any better than strive to get clear of him ; but do not on any account let go the rein if you can possibly help it So long as you can keep hold of it you will not only prevent your mount from getting away over the country, but will save yourself from possible contact with his heels, for it stands to reason that he cannot have both his back and fore-quarters turned to you at one and the same time, and if you have a hold of his head he certainly cannot twist himself round to kick at you. I know quite well that there is an ignorant idea abroad relative to the danger of holding on to the bridle of a fallen horse. " Let him go ! let him go ! " shrieks the multitude, when any mishap is witnessed ; and the poor, unlearned, frightened rider follows the foolish advice, and away goes the steed, with reins and stirrups flying — lashing out, perhaps, in his exuberance at finding himself free — and is perhaps not brought back until the wearied owner has had to relinquish all hope of catching up the hunt, and been compelled also to walk some miles of the road homewards. No, never if you can help it, relinquish your hold of the bridle when you and your horse are together making the acquaintance of mother earth, but remember the rule, '' a long rein," even when not upon his back. Should a horse peck with you, a very nasty kind of fall, I tell you candidly that you will be almost certain to come off over his head, unless you are sitting glued to your saddle and very far back indeed ; but, as this is a sort of tumble which does not often happen, except when riding a deep drop, or crossing something very wide, you may FALLING. 177 prepare yourself for possible contingencies when going at the jump by allowing your body, from the waist upwards, to lie back almost to the croup, while you deal out un- limited rein, and keep your seat as firmly as any rock. In this way you cannot possibly be pulled over the animal's head, and by leaving him plenty of bridle you will still further stave off the probability of mischance. When a horse falls with you into water, stick to him if you possibly can, and clutch firmly by his mane, while leaving him the entire length of the bridle. If you happen to come right off, keep alongside of him as well as you are able, retaining a light hold of the rein, and assisting your- self by the saddle, the stirrup, or any other thing that may present itself, provided it does not in any respect hamper his movements or interfere with his mouth. I strongly advocate keeping the bridle in your hand if you can possibly manage it, but you should not on any account make use of it as a means of support. To do so will be to drag your horse's head under water, a thing involving very serious results. So long as you leave an animal abundant room to stretch his neck he will not drown, even in the deepest river, and if you keep a cool head, and assist yourself by the saddle until you can lay hold of some side bushes, or until assistance shall arrive, neither will you, however near it you may fancy yourself to be. When a horse falls with you into a ditch and immediately regains his footing without unseating you, do not allow him to essay getting out at the same spot at which he bungled, for probably the bank may be rotten, or broken N 178 RIDING FOR LADIES. away by the hoofs of other horses, and may thus occasion him to go back again. You should rather urge him. forward a Httle distance, in whichever direction his head is: turned, and as soon as your eye detects a sound spot in the bank, collect him for his effort, throw him the reins, and sit well back while he struggles up the side. I do not mean that you are ,to hang back, this will only impede him, but keep your head well away from him, or his may strike you a blow that will take you a long time to forget. Do not neglect, however, in the event of walking a horse alono- a ditch which is skirted by thorn or hedge, to look out for protruding brambles, and push them aside with your hand as you go forward, lest your face suffer. On no account neglect this precaution. The instructions given in the present chapter will be found especially applicable to ladies who are fond of cut- ting out a line of country for themselves, or whose pilots may either have got lost in the fray, or may not be suf- ficiently quick in turning to the rescue to prove of any immediate assistance in case of need. In a forthcoming chapter on "hunting," I shall have something to say on each of these subjects. . a...^ away ffoi^riksaLcLi ^; 'T^ ^^ ^^g^"^"^ ( 179 ) CHAPTER XVI. HUNTING OUTFIT CONSIDERED. It is time that we should now consider the additions and alterations which will be necessary for your wardrobe before it can be pronounced a complete one for a lady who intends to hunt. A very great deal must, of course, depend upon whether you mean to be an inveterate huntress, or only to enjoy the pleasures of an occasional day out. Following- the hounds thrice a week, and sometimes oftener, I have found the following outfit sufficient : two silk hats, two jerry ditto, and two soft felt; two Melton cloth riding habits; one thoroughly rainproof ditto ; one ordinary cloth, for mild days, such as are to be met with even in winter time ; two pairs of hunting breeches ; six chemises ; six pairs of web drawers ; six web vests ; two corsets ; two pairs of Wellingtons ; six pairs of fine wool stockings ; six pairs of silk ditto ; one Latchford spur ; three pairs of strong leather gloves ; one hunting crop, with long lash attached three net veils ; one celluloid collar, with cuffs to match six linen collars and cuffs ; two woollen neck-mufifiers two silk ditto ; one rainproof cape or jacket ; one warm, N 2 j8o riding for ladies. lined jacket, to fit over habit-bodice ; and one Newmarket overcoat, to wear when driving to and from covert. It will be only necessary to notice a few of these articles in detail, having already given advice concerning most of them. To begin, then, with stockings. Wear woollen ones if you want to have your feet always dry and com- fortable, with a pair of silk drawn over. Nobody who has not tried this plan can possibly realise the warmth and comfort of it — especially when the outer stocking is of spim silk ; a material in itself almost as warm as wool. If the sensation of wearing wool next the skin is objected to, the silk may be worn underneath. As a rule, however, it is only cheap wool stockings that " tickle " ; the finer kinds seldom do, and I cannot recommend the " cheap and nasty " in any article of riding gear, no matter how com- paratively unimportant it may seem to be. Your breeches for hunting should be especially well- made ; large enough in the seat not to burst in case of a fall, and long enough in the thigh not in any way to hamper the knees. Nothing save a garment of this description can be worn with top boots, nor will any- thing else do so well for hunting, or be half so com- fortable. They should be carried below the calf of the leg, in order to check the tendency to work up, and ought to have the last four or five inches made of silk, or better still, good serviceable satin, by which I certainly do not mean the abomination known as cotton-back, which in reality gives no wear at all. This arrange- ment will prevent the top of the boot (a Wellington, of HUNTING OUTFIT CONSIDERED. i8i course), from being overcrowded or bulky, and is in fact, for many reasons, a desirable one. The legs of the breeches should button from the knee down — four buttons being ample to allow— and the fastening of the right leg should be on the inside, while that of the left is on the outside, in order to prevent rubs. These breeches, if made of cloth, should be lined with chamois ; but I prefer deer- skin to any other kind. With regard to securing perfection in the fit of them — a thing indispensable where comfort is desired — it will not be at all necessary to submit to a tailor's measurements. Very few ladies indeed would like to do so, and it is pleasant to know that nothing of the kind is required. Application to any first-class house will bring back the necessary directions, simply given, for self-measurement, and by paying attention to these and forwarding the precise particulars, a perfect fit will be ensured. In saying this, I would draw attention to the words printed in italics, for there is no other article of ladies' riding apparel which can be, and so frequently is, utterly and completely ruined by incompetent cutters. I have heard ladies say that they made their own hunting-breeches and found them answer very well. No doubt they may do so, by ripping up an old tailor-made pair, and proceeding to cut out exactly by them ; but that they can succeed in the first instance without a pattern to go by, I cannot bring myself to believe, any more than I can credit the expediency of home millinery and dressmaking, except when attempted by unusually clever and competent hands. 1 82 RIDING FOR LADIES. I do not like riding trotiso's for hunting, although many are wedded to a firm belief in them. If adopted, they must, of absolute necessity, be the exact colour of the habit, must be made long enough to allow even fuller freedom to the knees than in ordinary riding, and be fastened beneath the arch of the foot with a leatJier strap (always leather for hunting purposes), although elastic is in some respects not to be despised, inasmuch as it yields easily with pressure, and is consequently not altogether undesirable when the trousers have been made too short in the legs. It very soon wears out, however, as stated in a former chapter, requires constant renewing, and is unpleasantly apt to give way when least expected to behave badly — very often on hunting days, or when a long distance from home — and then good-bye to everything save extreme discomfort, for the trouser-leg will assuredly ruck up, and a good many lady riders — and, indeed, gentlemen also — have a disagreeable knowledge of what that means. I now come to speak again of boots, a subject on which I have already given some advice. The so-called fashion- able boot — an awful invention, utterly misshapen, with toe narrow and pointed, and long heel protruding like a spike from almost the centre of the sole- — must be altogether dis- carded. It is to be hoped that this will not go hard with sensible girls, or women. Nobody can ride with comfort who is not prepared to lay aside all cherished prejudices in favour of cramped feet, hour-glass waists, and gloves that are two sizes too small for the hands they are meant to protect. I do not believe that anybody really admires a stuffed doll HUNTING OUTFIT CONSIDERED. 183 > ^ on horseback. The elegance of the figure depends upon its flexibiHty, and a supple foot is in its own way quite as much to be commended. If the boots are too tight, the feet will be cold ; nothing on earth conduces so largely to that oft-complained-of evil as wearing boots that are dispro- portionately small and close-fitting. The foot should be able to move freely within its covering, even though clad in the double stocking which I have so confidently recom- mended. A broad sole, wide toe, and flat broad heel, placed properly back, as far as the natural heel, are the requisites for a comfortable riding-boot. I have already drawn attention to the fact that a consider- able distance has sometimes to be walked in boots that have been made, ostensibly, for riding in alone. For example, a horse may get away from his rider after a fall, and leave her to walk across several fields — over very rough ground perhaps — ay, and to climb fences, and get through rutty gaps too, before arriving at a point at which he can be brought up for her to remount him ; while, in addition to all this, a gentle - hearted equestrian will often of her own accord like to get off, when taking a tired horse home to his stable, and will walk alongside of him with the bridle thrown over her arm, a piece of humanity which eases her own limbs as well as his. To have comfortable pliant boots, and everything else pro- portionately easy-fitting, will be found both healthy and wise. In short, a lady dressed for riding ought to be able when dressed to take down or put up her hair, draw off her boots and put them on again, and walk a mile or two witJi them on, if required, without feeling any desire whatever to 1 84 RIDING FOR LADIES. remove them after the exercise. This — if it will only be believed — can be accomplished without any unsightly clum- siness, or necessity for making feet or figure look in the least degree larger than if tortured and compressed into unnatural proportions. Well-made clothing, composed of pliant materials and properly put on, will never impart an appearance of bulk, even if worn sufficiently easy-fitting to be slipped on and off at a moment's notice ; while ill-cut garments, unnaturally strained and tightened, will make figure and extremities look absolutely larger than they really are. Who, for instance, that has ever seen a No. 6 glove stretched upon a hand that ought to take at least four sizes larger has ever been deceived into believing that there was not something painfully amiss } Straining seams, fingers only half drawn on, and ominous gaps, yawning and wide, where the first buttons ought to fasten, attest the "vanity of vanities" against which we have been warned. With boots and corsets it is just the same, — and yet, despite the uncontrovertible evidence brought to bear upon the matter, ladies still persist in destroying the symmetry of their appearance, undermining their health, and leaving themselves exposed to disparaging observations, rather than give up the follies into which an undue desire to appear '' slim " have by degrees drawn them. After all, when we come to consider the subject, is it really worth while to undergo suffering and inconvenience in order that one or two persons may, perhaps, say, "That girl has small feet " ; or " What a slender waist that lady has ? " Ten to one the utterers of such remarks never think a second time HUNTING OUTFIT CONSIDERED. 18; about them, but turn away to make their comments upon the next person who chances to come in their path — and for this trifling gratification, distress and pain are borne, and the seeds of inward disease are in some instances suffered to take root. If anything that I can say, in this -or future chapters, shall have even a trifling influence in deterring my sisters from destroying the natural attributes which a wise Creator has apportioned to them, I shall deem myself happy in having written it, and feel that my eflbrts have not been altogether in vain. . The Newmarket coat, for going to covert, is, I think, the only article of which I have not now fully spoken. The nicest of these are made of dark strong melton, or beaver cloth — the latter wears splendidly — and are lined all through with good satin, being well quilted about the bodice to keep out the cold. Some ladies aflect the coachmen's garment, a drab coat, with double capes, but I have a strong objection to it myself The collar should be made pretty deep, so as to be capable of turning up about the neck in wet or chilly weather, and the skirts should come quite down to the feet. It is almost superfluous to say that an overcoat of this description should be cut so as to fit very easily over the habit, nor need I add that the task of fitting should be entrusted to none save a really first-class tailor. Ladies have frequently inquired of me, by letter and other- wise, what ought to be the price of various articles of riding apparel. Indeed, to judge by the number of communi- cations which have from time to time reached me, a great and stirring interest appears to be centred in the matter, i86 RIDING FOR LADIES. and the fact that I at times delay answering the multitude of writers who ask questions and beg for immediate replies is not really attributable to any discourtesy, but is rather the result of over-work, coupled with a sense of difficulty in detailing the average cost of a variety of articles which are manufactured in every quality — good, bad, and indifferent — the cheapest, or lowest priced, being in all cases the dearest in the end. A thoroughly good article will look respectable to the very last bit, while a cheap one can never be made to do so at all. I can, for my own part, see no virtue in the so-called " bargains " in which many ladies are so curiously fond of investing. I use the word " curiously " advisedly, for to me it is most strange how sensible prac- tical women, who on most subjects have their wits well about them, are nevertheless afflicted v^^ith a positive craze for bargain-hunting, and are willing to bear any amount of pushing and trampling upon, in slummy shops with " Sell- ing off" emblazoned in large letters all over the windows, for the very doubtful satisfaction of carrying home some three or four pairs of half-soiled gloves at one shilling per pair, or a few yards of mildewed ribbon at something very much too dear for it. The average cost of riding gear, every article being of the best and finest description, may be thus set down. Silk hats, from £\ \s. each ; jerry ditto, 14^-. ; soft felt, \2s. 6d. ; melton riding habits, £12 12s. each; rainproof ditto, ;^io los. ; ordinary cloth, ^10 lOs. ; summer cloth, £Z ^s. ; gingham or holland, £^ k,s. ; riding breeches, £4. 4s. per pair; buckskin, £6 6s. tO;^8 ^s. ; trousers (chamois lined), HUNTING OUTFIT CONSIDERED. 187 from £2 2s. to i^3 3^-. Chemises, 8s. each. Web drawers (silk), £1 los. per pair ; (cotton), ys. 6d. ; vests (silk), £1 IS. each ; (cotton), 5^-. Corsets (satin), £4 4s. ; sateen (red), £2 los. ; sateen (white), £2 2s. Wellington boots, £^ 2,s. per pair. Wool stockings, 3^. 6d. ; pure silk, ditto, 16^. ; spun silk, 6s. 6d. Latchford spur (plated), £1 is. ; japanned, 9^-. 6d. Gloves, 5^. 6d. per pair. Celluloid collar and cuffs, 4s. Rainproof jacket, £2 2s. Cape, £1. Warm over-jacket, with braiding, £6 6s. Newmarket covert-coat, from ;^io to ;^I2. It would be impossible to lay down any rule for the price of whips, as much must necessarily depend upon the mounting ; but I have always thought that with them, as with all other articles of riding apparel, the plainer they are the better. A good hunting-whip with long lash attached averages from £1 los. upwards. '■; Every article that I have named may be had at a very much lower price ; in fact for half (or even less) the ordinary cost that I have set down, but the question of course remains, "Are cheap things, as a rule, worth purchasing?" 1 88 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XVII. ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. To economise well is a great art, and unfortunately very few persons understand it. The public mind wavers as a rule between two views of the matter — excessive parsimony, or continual hunting after cheap things. When I say " cheap," I mean low-priced ; for brummagem articles, no matter of what description, are always the very reverse of cheap. " I have got such a bargain," says one dear friend to another, displaying some trumpery thing which would have been dear at half the price given for it ; and away goes the friend and invests in a similar treasure, only to regret her want of wisdom when too late to retract. The true secrets of economising are : first never to buy anything that you do not absolutely require ; second, to purchase every article of the very best description ; and third, to take care of your things when you have got them. These three rules will go far if attended to, but, like the Siamese twins, separate them and they will die. A word, then, about each — taking them in rotation as named. Buy nothing that you do not want. It is a general weakness with ladies to infringe this rule. They are fond of shopping, and shopmen know it, and pander to the fami- ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 189 liar infirmity — not only detaining them twice as long as is necessary at every counter, but showing them an endless variety of articles, by way of tempting them to buy. The artifice succeeds only too often, and the consequences are a lightened purse, and an unnecessarily burdened wardrobe. To have too large a stock of clothes is in every way a mistake. They become old-fashioned before they are half worn out ; they encourage and engender moths ; they form a cumbrous baggage if compelled to move ; and they are a source of embarrassment and trouble if taken away with one on visits — seeing that in this age a lady rarely enjoys the luxury of a wardrobe in her bedroom, except in her own house. Most of us consider such a commodity a necessity when at home, but when we go visiting it is a luxury absolutely denied us. I do not mean to say that there is not an imposing piece of furniture so styled in the sleeping apartment allotted to us ; there almost always is ; it looks quite magnificent, generally, with its shining panels and tempting mirrored centre — but, alas, it is a delusion and a snare ! We find that the doors are immovable : they are locked ; the hostess has it filled with her own fineries, and has either forgotten to remove them, or has said to herself that it would be too great a trouble to do so : the visitor can manage very well without it — has she not got her imperials, and the bed-rail — and the drawers of the toilet- table to keep her brushes and things in, and what more can she reasonably want ? To say that this is not the way in good houses is both foolish and untrue ; for it is so in the very best. It may be the fault of my lady's maid, or house- I9D RIDING FOR LADIES. keeper — probably it is, in many instances — but it is my lady's fault in a great measure also, inasmuch as she has neither seen to the comforts of her guest, nor made in- quiries concerning them. However this may be, or with whomsoever the fault may lie, the wardrobe is a sealed book, into which we are not permitted to peer, and so we cast our despairing ^y^s around us for some substitute, and brighten as we perceive a tempting-looking chest of drawers ; but it likewise is a deception, for it is found to contain articles of children's clothing folded away in the top receptacles, while the lower ones have toilet linen in them, and the big deep one at the bottom contains a bolster doubled in two, like a huge sausage put away to keep. This being the case, we shake a dismal head, and proceed to lay out our neat habit-skirts and other things on the bed- rail, and on the backs of the chairs ; and by-and-by, when we return to our room to dress for dinner, we find that a remorseful hostess, or a conscience-stricken maid, has un- locked one of the mighty doors of the mysterious "sealed book," and has graciously crammed three or four satin gowns on to one of the back pegs, leaving the front ones free to hold whatever we may be pleased to hang upon them. Sometimes even this small boon is not vouchsafed, and we run the tether of our visit with only chair-backs to depend upon for hanging purposes, and with the cheerful consciousness that all the maids in the establishment have tried on and admired themselves in every single article beloneinsf to us for which we have been unable to find room in our trunks. I once caught a smart abigail in an ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. rgi" English house pirouetting before the cheval-glass, dressed in my riding-breeches, and grinning delightedly, with a hand on each side of her waistr By way of punishn:ient, I made her divest herself of the trifles in my presence, and by so doing found that she had augmented the evil by making an entirely wrong use of one of my silk vests — while as an end to all bitterness, she had actually fitted on my stockings and boots. ■ It being then an established fact that a superabundance of clothing is both an encumbrance and an extravagance which leads to waste, I think I have succeeded in proving that the first on my list of theories — namely, to buy nothing that is not absolutely required^is at least worthy of consideration. Of course, there is no rule that has not an exception, and there may be times — although they come but rarely — when there will be a perceptible ad- vantage in purchasing clothing in advance: for example, when one is obliged to go for a lengthened period to some out-of-the-way place where things are absolutely not ob- tainable. In such, or similar cases, the regulation practice may be broken through, although even then it will be better, if possible, to secure the services of a friend who will purchase and send them out according as they are required. The second point on which I have given advice — namely, to buy none save the best articles — is one upon which I must resolutely hold by my opinion, despite the fact that my expression of it in a sporting journal in which, some time ago, I quoted a list of probable prices, called 192 RIDING FOR LADIES. down upon me such a vortex of letters — some of inquiry, others upon the extravagance of my ideas — that I fairly sat down under the shower in a state of bewilderment, and felt that the only way in which I could reply to such a multitude, or at all hope to satisfy them, was to select the first opportunity of writing a disquisition on economy — the present venture being the result. I have, as stated, been repeatedly and anxiously pressed to say what I thought the price of sundry articles of riding-gear ought to be, and as the subject was a difficult one to propound, have thought it best to give the amount usually paid for goods of first-class description, leaving it, of course, to the intelligence of the reader to surmise (even when not plainly stated) that prices vary according to quality, and acknowledging that it is quite possible for a lady to furnish herself with a com- plete hunting outfit at a very much lower scale of charges than that which I cited in my last. It is just a question of how long she expects her things to wear, and how well she expects them to look when the first gloss (always an arrant deceiver) has worn off them. Low-priced articles never stand the test ; they may look fairly well to the eye when first put on, but time and weather place a stamp upon them with which the owner cannot but feel disappointed. Take a few examples. It seems to many a great extravagance to give a seemingly high price for a riding-hat, when at half the shops in town a fairly good-looking one can be bought for half the money. Quite true. But place the two hats side by ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 193 side together after a hard season's continual wear and tear, and see whether the Lincoln and Bennet or Madame White will not be bravely holding its own, when the other is only fit for the dustman's cart. In like manner, you may pur- chase a riding habit for five guineas, — I have seen them made to order scores of times at that price — but I have never yet seen one of such articles able to hold up its head after immersion in a muddy stream, while very many of them could not even stand a heavy shower of rain without showing spots or " cockles," or both. Then, again, you can get a Newmarket covert coat for £^ — not at all a bad-looking one either — quite a jaunty article, in fact ; a neat plaid if you like it, and gorgeous big buttons if your fancy happens to turn that way, — but just think of the seams that are all machine-stitched, ready to act shabbily by you at the most inconvenient moments, and of the uncertain nature of the material, which is dreadfully wont to wear " tender " in highly important places : under the arms, for instance, and where the collar fastens in front ; and of the awful moments which you will have to endure, tugging hard at it, or getting somebody else to do so, in order to work it off; and think of the still more painful and embarrassing ordeal that awaits you in endeavouring to draw it over your habit-bodice, to which it seems to cling as provokingly as though birdlime had been scattered over both, — all because it has not any nice, smooth, slippery satin liil^ng to make it slide easily over the gar- ment that it is meant to coven Even if perchance your persuasions have induced the maker of the wonderful O T94 RIDING FOR LADIES. thing to augment Its monetary value by the insertion of a satin lining in the bodice, you perceive with horror, after an incredibly short period of time, that the silk facing has completely worn off it, and that long stretches of dis- coloured cotton threads are intersecting the fabric in every inconvenient direction. With boots and gloves it is just the same ; you can get them very cheap. I have seen capital-looking boots in shop windows ticketed eight shillings per pair, and gloves is. 6^d. (always a ha'penny, when it is not three farthings), and I have no doubt that plenty of people buy them — they must do so, or such things would not be so numerous ; but an important query remains behind : namely, how long can these ariicles be made to last — even such of them as look moderately decent at the first go-off? There are, however, without doubt, very many ways in which small economies may be justifiably practised, with results by no means discreditable to the appearance of even the most dashing equestrian. If, then, you want to appear at all times fairly well turned out, and yet cannot command sufficient capital from your dress allowance to enable you to extend your custom to first-class houses, you can take a " tip " or two from the following hints : — Look carefully over the columns of the various lead- ing journals which contain an *' exchange and mart," and you will be almost certain to see some advertisements of riding habits made by high-class makers and only worn a few times — occasionally never worn at all, and only parted with because the owner has been compelled to give up ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 195 riding, or is going away. If the size of the waist seems to suit you, answer without delay, and if, when sent on ap- proval, you find that the cut and quality are good, close at once with the bargain, and get such alterations effected in the article as may happen to be required. I have known one or two ladies with very moderate dress allowances who secured really excellent riding habits in this way, — but, of course, everything will depend upon the maker ; a high- class house rarely or never turns out an indifferent cloth, and the cut is certain to be good. Again, you may be able to borrow a pair of well-made riding trousers from some intimate lady friend, and if you are smart and can make a couple of pairs for your own use by the pattern lent you, it will be a great saving of expense. Breeches will be more difficult to accomplish successfully : in fact, I regard the cutting of them by amateurs as very nearly impossible, so perhaps they had better not be attempted : but, with proper self-measurements and a good pattern before you, I can see no reason why comfortable riding-trousers should not be creditably turned out. When making these, cut the linings for the different parts the exact size of the various pieces, and take care to tack piece and lining together before running up the whole. If this is not done you will experience great difficulty in adjusting the linings when the garment has been put together — indeed, you will probably fail completely, for it is a most difficult thing to do, and the plan I have named is a very good one, although the seams cannot (when it is adopted) look quite as neat on the inside as if a tailor had had the doing of the job. If C) 2 196 EIDING FOR LADIES. you want to avoid the trouble of arranging linings at all, procure some strong soft chamois leather, make your trousers of it, and cover them from a short distance above the knee with cloth similar in colour to that of which your habit is composed. Use silk thread for seam-sewing — strong, and of the best quality — and when putting on the buttons wind the thread round and round the stems after you have stitched them firmly to the garment, so as to form a sort of artificial shank ; then fasten off very securely upon the wrong or inner side. If your resources are extremely limited, do not buy silk hats at all. Low-priced ones are mere delusions, and it will be better for you to invest the amount usually given for second-rate articles— say from I2s. to IS^-. — in a good, serviceable felt, or billycock, which will stand a large amount of ordinary knocking about. By wearing riding trousers instead of breeches you can dispense with Wellingtons, and be content with ordinary boots ; anything that you can walk comfortably in will do, but remember I do not believe that any woman has ever yet been able conscientiously to say that she walked " com- fortably," or indeed otherwise than miserably, in narrow- waisted, high-heeled boots, with toes an inch wide (or some- thing less) at the tip. A street or two may be traversed in such articles without actual pain, or any perceptible show of inconvenience, but a walk of five miles will probably necessitate the services of a chiropodist, while half the distance will show a decidedly altered gait. The third item of advice which I have given you, namely ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 197 to take good care of your things when you have them, is one to which you will do well to take heed. Negli- gence concerning the guardianship of one's wearing apparel generally proceeds from one of two causes : either from a natural carelessness of disposition, which leads to all sorts of shiftless and untidy ways ; or to a foolish desire — if among wealthy or showy people — to affect an air of in- difference concerning cost. I have seen examples of both these dispositions ; a girl who just stepped out of her riding- gear, and left it there behind her, habit wet and muddy, hat spotted w^ith rain, veil never folded, boots flung anywhere, whip and gloves in different corners, sometimes in different rooms, or on the hall table, to be certainly missing w^hen next wanted to be used : a sort of girl who kept jam-pots in her press, and matches in her work-box, and who I'ooted for everything she wanted, precisely as a dog does when burying a bone. On the w^hole, however, I am not quite certain whether she is not preferable to one of the vainer sort, who strides over sharp stones, and plunges in and out of muddy pools w^hen there is any distance to be w^alked, rather than have it supposed that she is picking her way in order to save her boots ; who eats bread-and-butter without removing her gloves, for reasons of a similar sort ; and who puts on a smile of unconcern when her hostess's lap-dog makes a meal off her whip-lash, or mistakes the handle of it for a bone. Few things are more to be avoided than a studied care- fulness about matters of costume — when others are by, — 198 RIDING FOR LADIES. the practice, for instance, of tucking up a mantle rather than sitting upon it — of smoothing the back of the skirt before taking a seat — of guarding the hands from contact with any object that may possibly impart a soil to the gloves — and so forth, all of which are signs of lack of breeding, and are, as a rule, peculiar to persons unac- customed to mix in society, — but the opposite extreme is quite as little to be admired. The best bred are those who appear wholly unconscious of having anything on that is worth fussing about : just as the best dressed are invari- ably those upon whose costume no onlooker would ever pass a remark. To have a set place for everything is economy of both time and substance : you will then know precisely where to look and where to find. You should have neat trees made for your boots, and insist upon the regular use of them being observed. Brush your riding-habit carefully yourself, unless you have a maid who can be trusted to do it properly : namely, in a downward direction always, and never from hand to hand. Should it be wet, hang it in a cool, dry place, but not close to a fire — and place a stick across the skirt on the inside, in order to aid the drying process. Do not attempt to brush off mud spots until the cloth is perfectly dry. Stretch your gloves upon block hands, made the size and shape of your own, and if they have been wxt, be all the more careful about doing so. Make a frequent inspection of the stitching of them, and mend with a fine needle and silk any portions that may have given way, or ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 199 seem likely to do so. Look to the buttons also, in order that you may not be inconvenienced at unexpected times. If you wear a silk riding-hat, never be induced to allow an iron to touch it, except when wielded by a professional hand. Y6u can renew it yourself by wiping it very lightly with a sponge just dipped in warm water, going carefully round and round, always the one way. When the hat is dry, brush it gently with a very soft brush, and finish with a silk handkerchief. A black veil that has become discoloured by dust may be restored by dipping it a few times in cold water, shaking the wet from it, and stretching it neatly out upon a rail or line to dry. It will not require any ironing if nicely picked out with the fingers. Another way is to put the veil, when damp, between two soft cloths — old lawn handkerchiefs will do — and pat it smoothly out with the hands, leaving it then to dry without hanging. Your celluloid collar and cuffs will wash beautifully in your basin, and will require no making-up, beyond a light wiping with the towel on which you dry your hands. The material is a marvellous invention, introduced by our friends across the silver streak, and is invaluable to equestrians in wet weather, as it never becomes limp after rain : a great improvement upon linen in this respect, as in many others also. To conclude my list of economies : If you cannot afford the price of silk drawers and vests, fine cotton ones in summer, and merino in winter, will make good substitutes ; 200 RIDING FOR LADIES. but silk is not an extravagance in the long run — it wears so well and feels so delicious next the skin. Silk under- clothing of all kinds is a great luxury, and considering the benefits that arise from the use of it, I question much whether ladies of even very moderate incomes will, at the end of twelve months, find themselves any the poorer for investing in it. If silk stockings are thought too dear for wearing under or over cotton ones — and certainly they are an expensive item of dress — fine cotton ones will do very well ; but there are few ladies who do not possess a supply of silk for dinner and evening wear — and these, Avhen old, or deficient in colour and freshness, will serve the purpose quite as well as new ones. While on the subject of "colour" it will not be amiss to give a hint or two about the proper method of washing silk and woollen underclothing. Silk stockings, vests, chemises, pocket-handkerchiefs, and so forth, ought to be washed as follows :— Mix six tablespoonfuls of bran with four quarts of water, put it to boil, and stir while boiling. When ready, pour into a tub, place the articles in it, and move them lightly about with a stick until the water is cool enough to bear the hand ; then wash rapidly in the usual way, but without using soap. Rinse in three or four waters, hang out to drain in a bright, dry atmosphere, and iron while damp, placing a piece of fine muslin between the iron and the article on which it is used. This receipt will be found to answer admirably also for white flannels or woollens. For coloured ones the water must be in a ECONOMY IN RIDING DRESS. 201 lukewarm state. Neither silk nor woollen garments should ever be wrung. On the subject of corsets I have from time to time received a vast number of letters, most of them wailing over my well-knQwn abhorrence of cheap goods. Surely the matter is one of which ladies ought to be able to judge for themselves. I did not know that it was possible to obtain a really good corset, made specially for one's-self, of best materials, and by a superior artist, for less money than I am accustomed to quote, — nor do I believe that it is. At the same time, corsets (like everything else) will be found ready manufactured in various qualities, and at different rates of charge. I have seen windows full of them in London, and even at expensive Eastbourne and Bourne- mouth, ticketed \s. \\\d.\ After this, who need complain of prices ? The papers teem with advertisements of " ready^ made corsets " of all patterns and descriptions, and I have heard many persons say that they have found them answer perfectly well. This being the case, I cannot see why the articles should not be given a trial, or why ladies of limited resources, and with figures easily fitted, should pay two or three guineas for a corset, when " perfect treasures," or, at all events, something that will suit quite well (and that will not go to pieces all at once), can by all accounts be had for less than an eighth of the sum. I once went to a famous London oculist, to consult him about the right sort of glasses to be used for extreme short-sightedness, and was quite prepared for his pre- scribing some rather costly affairs ; but, to my surprise, 202 RIDING FOR LADIES. he said, very pleasantly, " Just go to an optician and suit you7'self. Don't mind what he says ; select something that you can see well through, and that does not in any way distress your sight, or cause your eyes to feel on the strain. Years ago," he added, " I found that I wanted glasses myself, and coming across an old man sitting at the corner of a street with a tray of them before him, I chose a pair/-s and feet. Further good points are, a back powerful enough to bear any weight that he is meant to carry ; hind HACKS AND HUNTERS. 211 quarters with propelling powers to land him safely over his fences ; a good chest, with lungs inside of it sufficiently sound to allow of his galloping without showing signs of distress ; and good eyes to enable him to see where he is gomg. STRAIGHT FORE LEGS. VERY DEFECTIVE. Straight fore-legs, such as are shown in the illustration, are an absolutely essential quality — and they should emerge from the trunk with plenty of firm muscle as well as good fleshy substance. Legs that are too close together, or too far apart, are alike defective, and ought not to be over- looked. P 2 212 RIDING FOR LADIES. A hunter for a lady's use need not, as a rule, be over fifteen hands in height, or about 15-2 for a man of ordinary stature. Of course top-weights of either sex must have something proportionately big to carry them, but my experience is that clever hunters of iy2 or 3 can negotiate even the biggest country with safety, and I believe there TOO FAR APART. are a greater number of perfect fencers of that height than can be found among those above it. Small horses, whether hunters or steeplechasers, have distinguished themselves brilliantly from time to time all over the world, yet the rage for tall ones is very great. About ten years ago, at the Islington Horse Show, there were forty hunters (out of 100 entries) that were over 16 hands high, and they HACKS AND HUNTERS. 213 were among the very first sold, some of them to extremely diminutive purchasers. I was speaking about this a year or two ago to a dealer, and asking him his opinion re- specting the cause, when he made me laugh by answering, " Well, you see, big horses makes big fences look a trifle smaller, and that's something to them as rides." I have always considered it a good plan to select a hunter, with due regard to the country in which his purchaser intends to hunt. For example, if hilly, or composed of wide grass lands, or plough, good breeding will be decidedly essential, because with it good staying powers will be com- bined ; if trappy, or difficult, requiring constant pulling up at fences and careful getting over, extreme cleverness will be far more valuable than blood. Even a broken- winded horse will, if cautious and clever, be more useful over such a country, than a flyer or very flippant jumper — because he can catch his wind between his efforts, and will not be likely to exhibit distress. If you cannot count upon a horse's pedigree, when looking for a blood one, you can generally judge him by his haunch. I think it an excellent test of breeding. A well-bred haunch and handsomely carried tail, impart a dignity of appearance which is unmistakable, and they are certainly far in advance of the rounded quarter and droop- ing caudal appendage which my sketch on the succeeding page represent. Still further commendable points in a hunter are long shoulders, high withers, broad hips, and loose flanks : this latter in order (as I have heard it expressed) that he may 314 RIDING FOR LADIES. " dash " his haunches under him at the big jumps. He should have good shoulder action, but it matters little (as I have said) about that of the knees. A hunter is thought to be in his prime at six years old, and if this be the case, every hunter in the kingdom — especially those with which dealers have anything to do — must be just arrived at that happy meridian, for surely no one has WELL-BRED HAUNCH. ILL-BRED HAUNCH. ever yet inquired the age of such an animal without being told that he was "just six year old," or " rising " it. I have known some admirable hunters, however, who had passed the familiar landmark by four years or upwards ; and in the west of Ireland I saw one, and rode him too, who was said to be eighteen years old, and certainly a finer fencer it has rarely been my lot to handle. HACKS AND HUNTERS, 2 £5 I do not, however, as a rule, recommend young horse- women to purchase aged hunters. I have generally found them to be too crafty and clever, calculating their distances too finely, and leaving themselves nothing at all to spare. Better mount a young rider on a young, generous goer, who will give himself a couple of feet or more over the mark. Never judge of a hunter from seeing him jump in cold blood, because many animals that will perform calmly and collectedly over a schooling-ground, become so tremen- dously excited in the hunting-field that they are altogether beyond the powers of a lady to control. I need not say that horses of this class are not only unpleasant, but are highly dangerous mounts. I always advise ladies who have invested in anything that they find disappointing — either a rusher, refuser, plunger, or anything else — to entrust him at once to thoroughly competent hands to break him of the vice. I believe largely in horse-dealing farmers of the straight- riding sort. A horse given up to one of these will be exercised about the lands through the summer months, taught to get slowly through gaps and over difficult fences, made to stand quietly to be mounted, and ridden temper- ately but with determination when hounds begin to run. A hunter that pulls should never be made use of by a lady, but for my own riding I have always preferred an animal that gave me something to do to hold him, to one that stuck his head in the air and refused to take hold of his bridle. I don't know anything that renders a lady 2i6 RIDING FOR LADIES. more helpless in a quick run than a horse that is too light- mouthed, and that flings his head up every time he feels the action of the bit. I would not take a present of such a one for my own use. It is an excellent plan for ladies to train their hunters to follow them when on foot. Suppose that in the course of a run you happen to come to some awfully cranky place : cramped, difficult, and highly dangerous to ride, you may find it pleasant and advisable to get off and scramble it, and your steed will follow you beautifully if you have him trained. It is quite easy to do it ; accustom him to the tone of your voice, and if in the country take him out on summer evenings with a leading-rein and a pocketful of carrots. You will not have much difficulty after a while, and it is quite worth the trouble, even if you are disposed to think it such, which I never did. There used long ago to be certain counties celebrated for good hunters. Ireland was, and \s,J7istly famous, both for breeding and training youngsters of a style fit for any hunting-field : but posts, telegraphs, and telephones have placed us far more on a level than w^e used to be, and I don't believe that there is now anything like the advantage enjoyed by our fathers and grandfathers in purchasing direct from a breeder. I may wind up by saying that no horse is worthy of being called a hunter that cannot be turned in a very small circle, that jumps with his hind-legs stretched out behind him, or that won't at all events attempt any fence at which his owner may wish to turn him. 2 ^£ ?a-^i^_2 '*J{c '^^ to (^, (UtUUcu^.^^rorz 250 RIDING FOR LADIES, CHAPTER XXII. STABLING. I THINK it highly probable that horse-owners who read this chapter will be already supplied with stabling-, be it such as it may, and I think it equally probable that whereas some will be ready to compare their premises with those that I shall advocate, and be anxious to effect such improve- ments as I shall venture to suggest, others will turn scoffingly away from my hints, with the declaration that they have kept horses all their lives, and have pulled along very well indeed without any of the new-fangled nonsense of the present day. Of course it is not for such persons that I care to write, or want to do so ; on the con- trary, I prefer to address my remarks to those who desire to learn. By setting forth the exact principles on which a stable should, according to my ideas, be built and managed, I shall be affording information to such as shall either be desirous of building anew, or of effecting a series of alterations in premises discovered to be faulty — although hitherto perhaps considered complete. To begin then. If choice of situation can be had, select that which will admit of draining, and shelter from cold winds. The aspect should be southern, and the soil dry. STABLING. 251 A stable ought never to be built in a hollow, or near a marsh, nor ought the foundation to be sunk in clay. These things generate damp, and where this evil exists we may expect to find coughs, farcy, glanders, bad eyes, and a thousand attendant misfortunes. If the foundation of a stable cannot be of chalk or well-drained gravel, the proper plan will be to excavate, put in superior drains, and fill up the area to be occupied with concrete. The surface drain- age may be connected with the underground, if desired, or mxay be quite distinct from it. Surface drains, if not con- structed in a manner that will admit of their being cleaned out from day to day, had best be dispensed with, and open channels substituted, leading to the outside of the stable. Walls should be composed of bricks, glazed on the inside, as such do not hold any dirt. Posts should be of oak, in preference to iron — and of the same stout material divisions of stalls and boxes should be made. If expense is not an object, however, brick will be better still for the construction of these. The roof of a four-horse stable should be at least ten feet high, and that of a six-horse twelve to fourteen, which will be ample. When too lofty, a cold atmosphere pre- vails ; when too low there is need for very large ventila- tors, which create a current, not always either safe or pleasant. I do not at all approve of paved flooring, although it is so general. Roughened asphalte is the best ; or a most perfect floor may be made by laying a concrete foundation, made up with gas-tar, some three or four inches thick, with 252 RIDING FOR LADIES. stable clinkers set and bedded in it, and the whole grounded in with Portland cement. I am a great advocate for box stalls, and would never allow an animal of mine to be tied up by the head. It is a barbarous and cruel practice, leading to all kinds of evils, both visible and concealed. A box should be at least twelve feet by fourteen, and I prefer it much larger. If it be of brick, it ought to be lined with wood, and this again with zinc in all places that the horse can use his teeth upon. Projections of every kind should be avoided, as they are apt to be injurious when the occupant moves rapidly, or rolls to refresh himself. In a stalled stable a box may be made by converting the end stall into one. This can readily be done by having a gate that can be hung on the stall-post and fastened against the w^all. A screen, hung on rollers from a top bar, is better than a door for closing up a box-stall. It never gets out of order, nor can any horse — even the most ingenious — succeed in open- ing it when once it is let down. Where stalls are used they ought to be at least ten feet in length, and six and a-half or seven in width. The flooring of stalls should never slant to any perceptible degree. When it does there is a continual strain upon the back sinews and flexor muscles of the horse, and this he strives to relieve by moving backwards, and resting his hind toes in the gutter, — a practice which grooms call a vice. ' A stable door ought not to be less than eight feet high ; this will enable a horseman to ride out when mounted. •It should be quite five feet wide, and divided into two STABLING. 25-5 parts, upper and lower, in order that the former may be conveniently opened in warm weather. It should likewise be free of any fastening that projects in even an apparently trifling degree. Good ventilation is an absolute necessity in a stable ; but in saying this I do not mean that it should be over- done. Up to the year 1788 the subject was but little thought of, and ever since that period there has been a constant outcry against "hot" stables. Such, no doubt, are highly dangerous, but so are cold ones ; and many persons insist upon confounding hot with foiil, whereas the terms need have no connection whatever with one another. In cases of sickness it may be necessary to keep a horse in a warm stable, but no ailment that ever was heard of can possibly be benefited by being nursed in a foul or vitiated atmosphere. There is a great deal of talk about temper- ature with regard to stables, but very little indeed con- cerning purity : a matter which ought really to engage far more attention. To ventilate a stable properly there ought to be apertures for taking away the foul air, and further apertures for admitting a fresh supply — and these must be placed high up, near the roof; otherwise they will tend to make the stable unduly cold. When air is exhaled from a horse's lungs it is both lighter and warmer than that which surrounds it, conse- quently it ascends to the highest part of the building, and if permitted to escape there it can do no harm. If, however, there is no aperture so high up, it remains at the top until 254 RIDING FOR LADIES. it grows cold, and then descends, to be breathed and re- breathed by the animal over and over again. I cannot get persons to believe this, or even to understand it. The rooms that they themselves occupy are at times positive hotbeds of unwholesomeness — every window shut tight, doors likewise shut and often heavily curtained, while sand- bags are employed in various directions to exclude every breath of fresh air. Such persons sleep all night long in a vitiated atmosphere, and think that they are doing wonders if, in the event of the morning being excessively bright and fine, they open a little bit of the window /"r^w the bottom. To tell them that this is injurious would have no effect whatever ; it is comfortable, feels warm, at least — and what matter about the rest ? " New-fangled notions : nothing else " — and so on, and so forth. Impure air in stables is one of the evils to be most guarded against. There may be openings large enough to admit a certain quantity of fresh air, but they are of little use unless there are others also for the purpose of letting out that which has been already breathed, before it has had time to grow cool. The best windows by far, both for lighting and venti- lating, are ordinary sash-windows, well constructed, and reaching quite to the ceiling. These should be made to open readily at top and bottom, and should be fitted with cords and pulleys of the very best description. I know, of course, all the modern appliances off by heart, and am quite ready to admit the excellence of some of them — indeed, many — but for general all-round usefulness I prefer the kind that STABLING. 255 I have advocated. Sash-windows are capable of affording a splendid current of air: when the horses are out, for instance, or when the weather is tremendously hot — and they can be made available for the same purpose even when the occupants of the stalls and boxes are in their places without creating a dangerous draught, for the air can be directed ceilingwards by means of screens or wire blinds. Another advantage that sash-windows possess over other kinds is that there is nothing about them to get out of order, except the cords — and these can, of course, be quite readily renewed ; in fact, most handy stablemen are cap- able of effecting such simple repairs without having to enlist the services of outsiders at all. I like to see windows glazed with rough plate ; it is ex- tremely strong and durable, and is in every way to be com.mended before the 18-inch glass, which is both frail and shabby. Blinds ought to be fitted to the windows, or outside shutters employed, in order to keep out the heat and glare in summer time. Stables should be well lighted. I do not at all approve of the half-and-half system of lighting which generally pre- vails, and I strongly condemn the darkness which is too often to be found in them. I cannot be made to believe that horses, children, flowers, or anything else, can possibly thrive and be healthy in the dark. Abundance of light and air is my maxim, and I smile to myself when I see persons blinking disconsolately in the sunlight, and wondering where the " draughts " are coming from. Those accus- 256 RIDING lOR LADIES. tomed to live in hot-houses call every breath of air a draught, and because it is the fashion (a most pernicious and objectionable one) to darken up dwelling-houses until every ray of God's beautiful sunshine and sweet glad light is entirely excluded, they think that to enter a room where all the blinds are up, and where sunshafts are darting in through pleasantly opened windows, is something too awful to be endured. In like manner, grooms will, when allowed, shut out every ray of light from the houses in which their charges spend the long hours of their captivity, and will tell you — if you have the patience to listen to such nonsense — that " horses thrive better in the dark." Do not believe a word of it. Just watch a horse brought sud- denly out of a dark stable, in daylight, into the yard ; look closely at his eyes, how the pupils instantly contract, and the lids rise and fall, with a rapid pained movement, not to be mistaken. The animal cannot see a single yard before him, and when he stumbles, or halts, or steps gingerly, the groom has harsh names and cruel punishments ready for him at command, provided always that the master or mistress does not happen to be by. You should insist upon having a plentiful supply of light and air for your horses, for by so doing, although " death cannot ultimately be defeated, life may be prolonged." I do not disapprove, as some do, of having the hay loft directly over the stable, but I greatly object to the common method of dispensing the contents of it through a trap-door in the roof It is a most pernicious practice, allowing draughts to penetrate right down upon the horses' heads, and filling STABLING. their eyes and nostrils with hay-seeds and dust. Naturally when an animal knows that it is feeding-time, and sees the opening of the trap, its head is uplifted to catch the first morsel, and, as a consequence, its sensitive organs suffer at once. Moreover, there have been times when the fork, carried in the hand of a careless stableman, has slipped from him through the opening, and inflicted serious injury upon the occupant of the stall below. When the hayloft is over the stable the floor of it should be of brick or concrete ; if of wood, there will always be a difficulty about excluding vermin, which are the pests of every ill-managed stable. The outer yard should be partially roofed, but where this is not the case there ought to be an adjacent room with a paved or asphalted floor, for purposes of clipping, singeing, &c., none of which operations ought ever to be performed in a stable or box. For night lighting I approve of gas, when available ; and if in the country, of lamps fixed with staples. Pro- vision should be made for an abundant supply of water, arranged according to the source from whence it is most readily derivable ; and to the ordinary stable apparatus, a long water-hose, together with a number of fire buckets, ought to be added. The rack, manger, and drinking-trough should be level to the horses' knees — the bottoms of them to reach almost to the level of the ground. This arrangement enables animals to eat and drink as nature intended that they should. The manger, which should be lined with zinc, ought to be fitted S 2s8 RIDING FOR LADIES. with a footguard ; it is an excellent preventive against waste of food while eating. I look with abhorrence upon the ordinary water-pot with chain and plug. It soils the water if not kept most scru- pulously clean, and frets the horse besides. I approve of those that move upon a pivot, thus enabling the refuse liquid to be at once turned out, and the pot itself kept perfectly sweet and clean. For bedding I do not think that anything is better than prime wheaten straw, properly shaken down and evened, to secure the comfort of the horse when he stretches or rolls. To leave it in lumps is both wasteful and cruel, for when it is so an animal cannot rest upon it for more than a very short period of time. He becomes restless and disquieted, he fidgets about, just as we do when we have the misfortune to be put to sleep on a hard, lumpy, uncomfortable bed, — and by-and-by he stands up, fretted, and declines to stretch himself any more. Thus his rest is disturbed and broken, and he is unfitted for his work next day. Straw must of course be frequently changed, according as it becomes littered, broken up, or damp. It is some- times left open to the inroads of dogs and poultry, a thing that ought to be guarded against for various reasons, among which may be counted the liability of vermin, which very soon find their way to the horse. The best place for a granary is over a shed or coach- house. It ought to be a cool, airy apartment, with concrete floor, and walls lined with glazed brick. In small estab- lishments the corn chest supplies the place of one. This, STABLING. 259 if used, ought never to be kept in the stable, owing to the chances so frequently occurring of its being left open by mistake, and horses breaking loose and gorging themselves almost to death. It should be placed in a loft, with a tube or shaft attached to bring the corn to the place where it is required. Every stable ought to be provided with a copper, or boiler, for heating water and cooking food. This, both in town and country, should be considered an indispensable appen- dage. It is a great advantage, as well as a saving, to have the boiler made of malleable iron, which will stand every kind of hard usage without sustaining injury. It should be placed in a room that will afford space for all kinds of cooking implements, coolers, pails, &c., and a supply of coals as well. The entrance to this should be sufficiently wide to admit a good-sized wheelbarrow, or a cooler on wheels, and there should be a good lock to fasten the door. The furniture ought to include a couple of iron ladles for mixing or measuring the food, and a water-pipe with a stopcock running into the boiler. The stable " cupboard," or press, must not be overlooked. It is a receptacle intended to hold working implements — such as combs, brushes of all kinds, sponges, scissors, chamois leathers, or " shammies," as servants call them for shortness — and a variety of other matters. The groom should have a key for this, and the master or mistress will do well to have another, in order that he or she may inspect it occasionally, and ascertain that it is not put to any improper use. S 2 26o RIDING FOR LADIES. A groom's bedroom is a decidedly necessary addition to a stable, — horses so frequently become ill in the night, or fall to kicking, or get halter-cast when tied up, or contrive to break loose and go wandering about the stable, — in fact, so many things, that this special chamber ought never to be left unprovided, or untenanted. I speak now of establishments where a number of horses are kept ; where there is only one, or perhaps two, and that they are properly seen to the last thing at night, there will not, as a rule, be any actual necessity for a groom to sleep on the premises. A common appendage to many country stables is a water-pond. It is usually made to serve for washing and watering the horses, washing the carriage, bathing the fowls, and drowning supernumerary pups, kittens, and stray cats. I strongly recommend its removal— or at all events, the removal of any servant who leads a horse to drink at it, fetches water from it for feeding purposes, or drags any vehicle through it for the ready disposal of the mud upon the wheels. Harness and saddle rooms should be entirely distinct from stables. They should contain stoves or fireplaces, and should be perfectly dry, lightsome, and well aired. There should be an abundant supply of racks for whips, &c., brackets for saddles, pegs for bridles, a good wide shelf for miscellaneous articles, and a lock-up press for horse-clothing, leg bandages, and other matters of a like description. A cat about a stable is a decided acquisition ; therefore secure a respectable grimalkin of steady, sober habits, and STABLING. >6i give her the run of the place. She and the horses will be fast friends in a very short space of time ; she will get her own living, with the addition of a trifle of milk now and again, and will ask no warmer bed in winter than the sleek back of one of her equine companions. ■^^^h^ ^ : :^- -./^V^- '^^'-C" *r.> FAST FRIENDS. 263 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XXIII. DOCTORING. In all cases where a horse falls sick, or meets with an acci- dent, the proper course to pursue is to send at once for a thoroughly competent veterinary surgeon. To delay about doing so may be to lose a valuable animal, or at all events to involve a much longer attendance than would otherwise have been necessary, and therefore the mistaken effort at economy which tardiness generally represents, wall, in nine cases out or ten, be entirely defeated. There may be times, however — in country districts, for instance — when to send for a surgeon will involve a very long and wearisome delay, and when to keep an ailing or injured animal altogether without assistance or relief until his arrival, may be productive of most serious results ; it will, therefore, be apparent that, although a little know- ledge is in many instances esteemed " a dangerous thing," it is certainly not so with regard to the subject which we have now in hand. For my own part, my knowledge of horse-doctoring is decidedly limited, and my surgical education still more incomplete, yet there have been occasions on which I was able to prescribe for horses, both my own and others', with perfect success, and to keep pain DOCTORING. 263 and sickness at all events at bay, until the arrival of a qualified V.S. To sit down and do nothing, or to cry and moan over some injured favourite, is a very feeble and ineffectual mode of action ; far better be up and doing : provided always that you know ivhat to do, and do it in the right way. Now, as I do not (as stated) pretend for a moment to be a skilled doctor, I shall content myself with giving a few recipes (the results of my own experience), for the treatment of ordinary well-known and common equine ailments — touching lightly upon other matters that seem to bear upon the subject on which I have undertaken to gwQ advice. Firstly, then, I strongly object to physicking, and think it ought to be avoided when possible. Long ago it was a sort of stable craze, resorted to indiscriminately, whether needed or not To subject a whole stud of horses to a severe ''physic" every Saturday night was as common under our forefathers' regime as to eat dinner or drink a quart of sack. Happily, the practice is in great measure exploded, although it is still far too general, especially in country stables. To dose with aloes was formerly the groom's chief delight ; nothing else satisfied him, and the results were often unsatisfactory in the extreme. Even still he loves physicking so very much, that to ad-opt the oft- followed course of purchasing horse-balls and leaving them in the stable-press, is a very unwise one indeed, for the fingers of the groom positively itch to administer them, and one will certainly be smuggled down the animal's throat at some entirely wrong period if his care-taker be allowed to 264 RIDING FOR LADIES, have them at command. To keep a few properly com- pounded balls on the premises, or, in other words, " at hand," is an exceedingly wise precaution, but in keeping them I should do so under lock and key. I have scores of times saved poor horses from the abominable punishment of having nauseous physic thrust down their throats, by simply treating them with continued soft mashes — five, or even six a day, given in small quantities at a time — and so great is my faith in this treatment, that, except in extreme cases, where feverish and other symptoms are present and render physic absolutely indispensable, I would never permit any contrary system to be adopted. For merely relaxing purposes it is far before all others. When a ball must be given, have nothing to do with the horrible contrivance known as a twitch, nor yet with a balling-iron, which is another aversion. The use of this latter frequently causes the operator to sustain a broken or injured arm, for the horse throws up his head, and the holder of the iron is fairly lifted from the ground, and, as a rule, sustains some hurt to the limb. Even the improved contrivance, with the aperture at the side, which is decidedly an advance upon the old-fashioned round orifice, is open to a variety of objections ; moreover, this method of adminis- tering medicine subjects the groom, or operating surgeon, to extreme risk from kicks from the fore-feet. A startled horse almost invariably rears up, and hits out madly with his fores — a blow from one of which is not by any means soon forgotten. I have seen a ball most skilfully given by coaxing and encouraging the horse in the first instance, DOCTORING. i(i^ taking plenty of time to bring him on terms of familiarity — then drawing his tongue gently to the right side of his mouth, into which the right hand with the ball held between the first and second fingers, was inserted, and the physic quietly pushed down. It must not be supposed, however, that the operator's work is over the moment that he has withdrawn his hand ; horses have a marvellous facility for bringing up medicine, and will do so three and four, and even five times in succession, but rarely, I think, if properly adminis- tered. It is a good plan to close the animal's mouth at once, and hold it so with the left hand, while the right gently rubs the throat and manipulates the upper lip. A ball can be seen, if watched for, travelling downward along the gullet, and once it is thus viewed the task of physicking may be considered complete. It ought not, however, to be given in a hard state. If kept made up it must be re-made and softened. A drachm each of saltpetre, ginger, and Barbadoes aloes will form a mild aperient, when made into a mass with a little soft soap. If a stronger one is desired, the quantities may be doubled. I object most strongly to giving medicine by a drink. HOLDING horse's JAWS. 266 RIDING FOR LADIES. To do so almost necessitates the use of the twitch, for the ghastly performance cannot be got through at one effort. Were a whole bottleful of stuff to be poured down the throat at once, the animal would either cough it up or be choked. It is generally therefore divided into several portions, and the wretched patient is made to undergo the torment of taking the liquid abomination in a succession of doses. It is always best, when about to physic a horse, to banish all extraneous aid from the stable. A number of persons standing about, officious assistants crowding the limited space, and would-be advisers pressing their unwelcome aid, are things which only tend to embarrass and confuse the operator, and render the horse so fidgetty that to do anything with him, or for him, becomes a hopeless task. Not more than one person ought ever be permitted to be present, and not even one if his assistance can possibly be dispensed w^ith. It is a bad thing to allow a horse to drink cold water after he has been physicked ; as warm as he can be in- duced to have it will be the proper thing. I feel that I ought, before passing to another portion of my subject, to repeat my warning concerning tindiie physicking. A tendency to inflammation is repeatedly developed by it, and its evils are in every way both many and great. It should be borne in mind that well-made bran-mashes are the safest and most effectual of all laxa- tives, and that any desired condition of the bowels may be induced by regulating the number and frequency of them. When not too often repeated they act mildly, without DOCTORING. 267 inducing any of that bodily discomfort or constitutional weakness which throws the animal out of condition, and renders complete rest an absolute necessity for recovery. BHstering is a very common recipe for a variety of ills. About once in every score of cases in which it is tried the result proves that the experiment was justifiable — yet, it cannot be denied that there are times at which the remedy may in every way be suited to the disease. Blisters are, however, far too powerfully compounded ; instead of being so severe as to take off hair and skin together, they ought to be diluted with quite three times their bulk of either soap-solution or bland oil. To fire an animal and then blister him is a piece of barbarity which no educated or feeling person would ever permit. Fancy searing the legs of a timid creature with a fiery iron, and then setting a man with a coarse rough hand to rub into the raw and quivering flesh the fearful blistering substances which are unfortunately in only too common use. No wonder that the sufferer moans in its agonies, and paws the earth, and sweats and shivers from the extremity of its torture ; and after all, if people will only believe it, the treatment is (for any and every evil) most palpably wrong. Simultaneous firing and blistering cannot effect good, except in the opinion of ignorant grooms and farriers; therefore, such unspeak- able cruelty ought never to be permitted. It should be remembered, when blistering, that the action of the remedy depends more on the amount of friction employed in applying the agent, than on the bulk of vesicatory stuff employed. Brisk rubbing will be highly 268 RIDING FOR LADIES. beneficial, but roughness may well be dispensed with — and adjacent tender places should be previously covered with a layer of simple cerate, which will be a wise as well as a merciful precaution. A little at a time, also, of the blister- ing fluid should be rubbed on ; if there is too much it is apt to run upon parts that may be injured by its agency. A blistered horse should be as mercifully cared, and as gently treated during healing time, as a human patient. How earnestly do I wish that I could impress this upon persons who, without really meaning to be cruel, are so, through carelessness, or lack of striving not to be. Bleeding is another matter concerning which horse- owners ought to be cautious about placing too much con- fidence in grooms. If the blood-can is made to contain two gallons — which most of them are — the groom will, ten to one, drain the animal to fill it, or very nearly so, whereas the loss of a quart of blood would probably be quite enough for him to sustain. Horses are very generally bled after coming in from grass, when they look fat and full-bellied ; but I do not consider it a wise proceeding. As a ru^e, it is far better not to bleed at all without the advice of a com- petent V.S., and few of the better educated of the profession will be found very often advocating it. When a horse must be bled, see that his eyes are efficiently bandaged, in order that he may not start when the wound is about to be given. Make use of a fleam in place of a lancet ; it is better and more effectual, for it does not inflict a cut of unnecessary dimensions, as the lancet (if at all unskilfully handled) occasionally does. When the DOCTORING. 269 proper quantity of blood has been extracted, remove the pressure, and as soon as the flow ceases, prepare to pin up. This '3 rather a nice operation, but I have seen a lady perform it quite as well as any V.S. The wound should be left open until the lips of it become sticky ; then all hairs must be most carefully removed, the sides of the incision brought together with the greatest nicety, and closed by a twisted suture, a thing which I have made successfully in the following way : first running a pin through the integu- ment at each side of the wound, and then twisting a strong silk thread round its either extremity, after the fashion of the figure 8 turned on its side — thus, 00. I have stopped the bleeding from a wound received in the hunting-field by extemporising this kind of suture, and using a hair pulled from the horse's tail, in place of a silk thread. When the wound has so far united as to justify the removal of the pin, the patient should be so placed that he cannot rub the part, and should be fed on nourishing and readily-digested food. Slings form an excellent support for a horse that is not meant to lie down. The apparatus consists of a broad canvas belt that goes under the belly, extending from the points of the elbows backwards ; there is a supporting shaft at each extremity, to which the suspending ropes (carried from either roof or stall posts) are attached ; a breast-strap and breeching keep the belt in its place. The horse is not really suspended at all. When he is disposed to rest his legs, he has only to bend them, and the belt receives his weight : when tired of its support he again stands on 270 RIDING FOR LADIES. his feet. The breeching for this should be very strong and broad, and the belt well stuffed, and stitched like a mattress. Fomentations are usually not half carried out by grooms. If, say, a leg is to be fomented, d^ pailful of thoroughly hot water ought to be employed, and the horse's foot put down into it ; the water should then be laved through a large sponge, as high as the shoulder, and allowed to run down over the entire limb. This process should be carried on for at least half an hour, renewing the water as quickly as it cools. If a poultice or bandage is to be applied after the fomentation, it should be done immediately, before the leg has time to grow cold. Poultices should be large, moist, and' warm, and ought never to be tied too tightly on the affected part. A good poultice will not need to be changed for twenty-four hours. Having thus described a few appliances for remedying sickness and wounds, I proceed to say a word or two about the commoner forms of ailments — such, for instance, as are most calculated to need amateur doctoring, and to bring the foregoing remedies into requisition. By far the greater number of stable sicknesses are brought about by a persistent giving of indigestible food, while the remainder are, as a rule, due to exposure, cold, and chills. Indigestion can only be cured by careful dietino-, and by giving water (if that liquid is, as is customary, administered at stated intervals) before instead of after each meal. By this method the gastric juices are given fair play, which by any other can not be the case. DOCTORING. 271 Ordinary cold, which shows itself precisely as in the human subject, should be treated by clothing the body, bandaging the legs, suspending corn diet, and giving warm mashes, with occasionally a little nitre (half-an-ounce will be sufficient) introduced. If sore throat exists, a mustard poultice ought to be applied. By attending early to this common complaint, the evils attendant upon chronic cough may be averted. Inflamed and congested lungs, bronchitis, and other dangerous chest maladies should be at once treated by a surgeon ; but pending his arrival, a good deal of danger may be staved off by applying strong mustard poultices, keeping up the surface circulation, and admitting plenty of pure air. I regard ringbone, glanders, roaring, and whistling, as altogether incurable, although the second is the only one that will prevent a horse from working, the other three being merely partial disablements. A glandered animal should at once be separated from his fellows, and, as a precautionary measure, destroyed. In case of worms, a dose of about four drachms of areca nut, prepared with a grater, should be given every alternate day, mixed well through a soft and tempting mash. If this Is not found sufficiently powerful it may be increased, and a pint of linseed oil given to the patient. All " worm medicines" should be banished from the stable. Diarrhoea may be speedily arrested by giving bicarbonate of potash in small half-ounce doses. Where colic occurs there is often great internal suffering. 272 RIDING FOR LADIES. A pint of warm gruel should be at once prepared, and in it put an ounce of tincture of opium and oil of turpentine, together with double that quantity of nitric ether. The horse should be walked about as much as possible, and his attention distracted from his pain. If the attack continues obstinate, the dose must be repeated. Inflammation of the gums, or bars of the mouth, com- monly called lampass, is a very general ailment, and when horses are suffering from it they will not eat, I have never tried any treatment except a gentle aperient and a mash diet, except in one or two extreme cases where a lance was applied. The old remedies of a hot iron or an iron nail were mere symbols of cruel barbarism. Navicular disease cannot be cured, but it may be miti- gated by blistering the coronet ; and a horse affected by it may be made to go sound for awhile by dividing the sensitive nerves that supply the feet : an operation for which the services of a skilled V.S. will be, of course, imperative. Foot-fever is another ailment that ought not to be trifled with. Before the arrival of the surgeon, get the shoes taken off, the feet put into warm poultices, and administer a pur- gative medicine. Thrush is both common and curable, if taken at once. It will be necessary to remove the ragged bony particles, and treat the foot daily with an astringent dressing, having the horse at the same time so shod that the frog will, when exercising, be brought quite close to the ground. DOCTORING. 272> The presence of a corn is indicated by lameness, and a red spot in the horn, close to the heel. In most cases relief may be obtained by paring away the horn, and affixing a shoe that will effect no pressure upon the tender portion of the foot. A horse with corns will be immensely benefited and relieved by working him with india-rubber soles, as by their use the pressure is taken off the heels. Swollen legs, a very common ailment, will, in most in- stances, speedily yield to the following treatment : Com- plete immunity from hard work, regular and gentle exercise, constant bathing with tepid water in which salt has been dissolved, and careful bandaging with flannel. Splint is very general with young horses just put to work. I have seen it effectually cured on its first appear- ance by giving the horse complete rest, applying cold water bandages, and utilising a three-quarter shoe on the inner portion of the foot — a course of treatment which certainly lessens the concussion. If obstinate, the periosteum must be divided over the newly-formed deposit, and if this fails a blister will have to be resorted to, or — as a very last re- source — firing the affected part. If this operation is skil- fully performed with a pointed iron, very little blemish will ensue. It ought to be borne in mind, however, that a splint when once formed into bone cannot possibly be removed, although a horse that has good sound legs and even action need not by any means be rejected on account of it. Farcy is not an uncommon ailment among horses. It is notified by a puffy swelling covered over with little T 274 RIDING FOR LADIES. yellowish ulcers of an ugly sort ; but, if properly looked after, it will as a rule yield speedily to judicious treatment The ulcers should be opened gently with a large needle or lance, and dressed with an ointment composed of biniodide of mercury and lard. A horse thus affected ought to have plenty of walking exercise, with liberal feeding, and an abundance of fresh cool air. Tonics, both vegetable and mineral, will be found of great service. Mud-fever is consequent upon wet, hardship, and im- proper grooming. I never allowed my horses' legs to be washed after a journey, and although the uninitiated will stare at this, and self-sufficient grooms be found to rail against it, 1 advise a trial of my plan. When a horse comes in, the dirt should be removed from his legs by scraping, rubbing, and strong, rapid wisping, which will very soon leave them ready for the finishing brush. If the horse has white legs, they may be sponged next morning, and dried with a towel. This is a pleasant operation to lovers of horses, and a beautiful cleanliness is the result. Where there is mud-fever the horse should not be worked. A little aperient medicine may be given, and a linament applied, composed of liquor plumbi and olive oil — or petroleum-jelly, or " veterinary vaseline," may be tried. Despite the aptitude which many horses have to cracked heels, I never had a case of them in my own stable, and this immunity I attribute almost entirely to the rigidity with which my orders against leg-washing were carried out. Strong vigorous hand-rubbing, and perfectly dry woollen bandages when not at work, were my preventive measures. DOCTORING. 275 and whenever my neighbours had a case of them we doc- tored by applying oatmeal poultices until all inflamma- tory symptoms had subsided, and then dressed the sore parts with an ointment composed of alum and lard, with a good admixture of zinc. Saddle-galls are terribly common evils. I pointed out the causes of them in a former chapter. Ladies' horses are the chief sufferers, and therefore every lady ought to be able to attend to her own animals, should they chance to become affected. The moment that a tender spot is noticed, the horse's work should at once be stopped, and the part well bathed with cold salt and water. A little fuller's earth may then be applied. It is a great mistake, and a general one, to begin by fomenting with hot water ; such a practice only makes the skin peculiarly delicate and sensitive to future hurt. Where there is abrasion, the part should be well cleansed, bathed with zinc lotion, and smeared abundantly with zinc ointment until it heals. For collar and harness galls the same treatment will be found effectual, and the stuffing or padding of the articles that have caused the injury should be looked to without delay. Almost all hunting ladies know by troublesome ex- perience what an overreach is. I once possessed a hunter whose hind action was so extravagant that he was con- stantly hitting the fleshy heels of his fore feet, but after a while I found a remedy, or rather a preventive, by having the toes of the hind shoes set back, and rounded. My treatment for the overreach was to bathe and cleanse the wound, take away any adherent broken horn, and lay on T 2 276 RIDING FOR LADIES. a piece of cotton wool steeped in sulphate of zinc, taking care that the torn portions of the integument were pressed nicely into proper place, and the whole secured with a bandage. Wounds of all sorts should be most carefully washed, bathed, and the edges brought tenderly together. When a horse gets staked in the hunting-field, the rider ought at once to dismount, remove the glove from his right hand, and probe the depth of the wound with his index finger. If not deep, there will be no danger, provided it be attended to at once ; but to prosecute a run on an injured animal is a piece of cruelty, happily very rarely witnessed. I strongly advise, however, that a horse so hurt should be ridden or led quietly home, if within possible distance, rather than that he should be removed to an adjacent stable until sent for, which is a usual practice, meant to be merciful, but in reality extremely the reverse, as the animal stiffens on its injury, and suffers intensely in the transit. In cases of laceration of the wall of the belly and pro- trusion of a portion of the intestines, the best thing to do will be to remove the saddle without a seroncTs delay, press the exposed gut very gently back into its proper place, bring the edges of the wound together with an improvised suture (such as I have previously described), and bandage the whole tightly up. The horse must not be moved until proper assistance shall have arrived for the requisite con- veyal to his stable, where he should be kept in a standing position, with plenty of air about him, complete quietude DOCTORING. 2/7 and an allowance of very soft food. Should there be in- flammation about the wound, the application of warm wet rags will serve to allay it. Injuries to the knees from falling are among the commonest ailments of the stable. Sometimes the skin only is injured, while at others the deeper structures are involved, and cases occasionally occur in which the bones are absolutely laid bare. The treatment in all instances should commence by the most careful cleansing, with warm fomentations for half an hour or more, and should then pro- ceed as follows : for skin-deep injuries, tincture of myrrh after frequent daily bathings will prove an excellent dressing : for those of a deeper nature, the same treatment, only in- tensified, and at night a soft pad of cotton wool steeped with sulphate of zinc and secured with a bandage ; when bones or tendons are involved, the joint-oil — a white-of- egg-like substance — will be discharged, and when this occurs the horse's fate is sealed : he is absolutely valueless, and may be destroyed at once, unless he can be made of use for stud purposes. In ordinary cases of broken knees, if there is suppuration or proud flesh, a weak solution (about a twelfth part in water) of bichloride of mercury will be found useful, and in all cases the patient must be prevented from lying down. He should be walked gently about at intervals throughout the day, and be fed on nourishing food of a succulent nature. When a horse has to undergo any painful operation, a merciful owner will always chloroform him. The best way to do this is to wind a very long towel, or bandage, about 2/8 RIDING FOR LADIES. his jaws, and form a kind of tunnel with the ends ; through this the arm should be passed, the hand holding a sponge steeped in chloroform, which should be held steadily with- in four inches of the nostrils, and only removed to transfer the sponge to the other hand in the event of the first be- coming tired. When the friend who has carried us has to be destroyed, the kindest and easiest way to do it will be to open a vein and blow in a little air with an instrument made for the purpose — a sharp lance, or rather needle, hollowed in the centre, and with an air-chamber attached. Death is then absolutely instantaneous. If shooting is to be resorted to, the weapon should be placed right behind the ear, in a slightly slanting direction, the muzzle pointing for the brain. Shooting in the centre of the forehead is frequently mere butchery. In all instances of so sad a nature the eyes of the victim ought to be gently bandaged, and the whole matter conducted as silently and in the presence of as few persons as possible. Melancholy as is the destruction of an animal we have loved, and who has loved and served us in return, it is in- finitely less so than selling a worn-out or injured creature to servitude, which generally means hardship and a hard and miserable death. Such barter can bring no blessing. The eternal God of pity sends us these noblest of His creatures with the intention that they should serve us, yet not as slaves, and knowing that they must perish, yet not willing that they should do so by any unrighteous or cruel means. At our hands will their blood, I believe, be re- DOCTORING. 279 quired ; and if the faith is a peculiar one, and not deemed worthy of general acceptance, it may at least be regarded without ridicule and passed by without contempt. %:^T:i^^^4A^mm-^ 28o RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XXIV. BREEDING. This is essentially an age of ladies on horseback. They are to be met with everywhere, and at all seasons : in city, suburb, park, and country, and with the advance of eques- trian pursuits comes likewise a desire on the part of those who take pleasure in them to be made in some degree acquainted with the interesting subjects of breeding and training young horses. So at least I judge from a number of letters recently addressed to me, both at my own house and at the office of the Sporting and Dramatic News, requiring information upon matters which a few years ago were very little thought of by ladies, and certainly com- manded no amount of attention from them. With a view to answering the many questions asked me, I propose to offer a few brief hints on the best and most profitable method of breeding good and useful racers and hunters — appending a chapter on a system of training, which, having tried it myself with quite satisfactory results, I can confidently recommend to ladies, as coming entirely within scope of the resources ordinarily afforded them, both by nature and surroundings. Horse-breeding is a pleasant recreation for those whose BREEDING. 281 tastes, means, and residential qualifications enable them to carry it on, and at the same time conduce to its success. Living in the country, for example, in a house surrounded by good grass lands, a more delightful species of pastime, or one of a more engrossing kind, can scarcely be sought for or imagined, while the practical question of making money of it may be met with the assurance that it can be done. At the present crisis it is especially advisable that attention should be given to horse-breeding, as it is a matter to which, when times are bad and land-culture unprofitable, lady farmeresses and others may turn their thoughts with greater chance of profit than when sheep, cattle, and every description of farm produce brought more grist to the agriculturist's mill. Land rent is low, fodder cheap and plentiful, and labour easily obtained. Some years ago, when seasons were good, and farmers could sell their stock at a fair profit, horse-culture might not under ordinary circum- stances have been found to pay ; but it is entirely different now, and never perhaps was there a period at which good horses, especially high-class hunters, were in more substantial demand than at present. I know some persons, particu- larly in Ireland, who are ready to cry " No " to this state- ment, but the most substantial proof of its truthfulness lies in the fact that at sales, as well as at the autumn horse- shows, almost everything that is good is speedily bought up at fairly remunerative prices, while only those who demand excessive rates for second and third-rate animals carry their stock home with them, and grumble at 282 RIDING FOR LADIES. the blindness of buyers and the ticklishness of the times. Without going into any unnecessary preliminaries, I may continue my subject and say, that it will be well, when selecting a mare to breed from with a view to the production of high-class hunters, to choose one if possible that has herself been a good performer to hounds, — but remember that this is not an indispensable quality, although it may be, and is, an important one. The breeding of the animal chosen to represent maternity ought to be a point much dwelt upon ; it cannot indeed be over estimated — as coarse- bred mares are, even when well mated, certain to perpetuate unsatisfying stock. I am of opinion that compactness of form, robustness of frame, and capability of endurance, fatigue, and exertion, are far before actual beauty in the brood mare. I like to see short stout legs, thick and bulg- ing in the upper portion, denoting plenty of strength and muscle — good, fleshy, sloping shoulders, a deep chest, high withers, a strong well-ribbed frame, big broad loins, hips wide apart, substantial quarters, a high arched crest, a good sound mouth, nostrils wide and healthy, and, most im- portant of all, a sound and well-formed foot. This last point should be rigorously observed, for my experience has taught me that no outward defect is more surely hereditary than small, narrow, ill-shapen, or unhealthy feet. The same precautions may in great degree be applied to the sire — and as he is supposed to supply the locomotive power to his progeny, an animal should be chosen that has good hunter-like action, and not one whose paces are like BREEDING. 283 those of a racer or park horse. His height will not be of much consequence, provided that the mare be of suitable size, but his general form ought to be most carefully weighed A good sound constitution on the part of both mare and sire will be of the utmost importance in breeding, and for this reason I prefer young strong mares for stud purposes. It is with many a very vexed question whether or not a filly is improved by having a foal. I maintain, even against much contradiction, that she decidedly is; and I have met with a good many sound judges who have agreed with me, while on the other hand some old-fashioned horse-fanciers have told me that they would not have anything whatever to say to a " widow." I believe that the system of keeping a flock of idle brood mares has contributed largely towards the impoverishing of many a promising horse-breeding com- pany, and a few who have had the sense to see the folly of such a course have bred with much advantage from fillies, without ever suffering a particle of loss by it. A young robust three-year-old— one that has been " gentled " and taught to jump in long reins without being ridden — will prove a capital speculation as a matron, and will at four have produced a foal which need not detain her from her training beyond the weaning time. Wealthy horse-owners, who wish to go in for breeding racers, ought to keep their best and most promising foals entirely for breeding purposes : and I believe that such a speculation would answer admirably as a means of making money, and would in time astonish the world of the turf with a show of youngsters that would bid fair to sweep the 284 RIDING FOR LADIES, land. Well-nurtured animals — those that had never been subjected to any sort of training — would be certain to bring forth finer and healthier specimens of horseflesh than aged quadrupeds, who were only put to the stud because they had met with accident, or had broken down. I cannot, for my own part, believe in such animals perpetuating a V3.1uable or healthy stock ; and experience has amply proved that it is only after long periods of repose — during which the waste and exhaustion consequent upon training and running have become mitigated, if not ab- solutely cured — that racing mares and sires attain celebrity through the progeny that they produce. Turfites might pick up many a good and paying thing, if breeders would only relinquish some of their standing prejudices, and be induced to set apart a certain number of untrained animals for stud purposes, selecting the best of the foals produced by them, and keeping these apart until their sixth year ; by so doing, they would generate a company of clippers that would make fortunes for their purchasers, and fairly open the eyes of the racing world. Strange to say, the system finds but little acceptance — a fact shown by the bad, weedy, and mis-shapen lots that are sent out to contest many of our leading races. More of them break down in the training than ever actually go to the post ; and, even among the starters, how few are found in the run home really contesting the race. The horseflesh of the country has degenerated under the pur- suance of a wrong system ; and yet, it is asserted that racing is kept up to improve the national breed of chasers BREEDING. 285 throughout the land. How far it succeeds in its so-called purpose, the public markets daily testify. Wretched blood stock is everywhere to be found, and when not absolutely what could be called wretched, it is at all events decidedly poor. A number of the foals born never return the first expenses of their existence, much less of their education. Their worthlessness is soon discovered, and after awhile they are to be met with in riding-schools and job stables, between the shafts of cabs and carts, and engaged in a variety of other work for which they were never meant — their very fitness for such demeaning labour proving at once their utter lack of value for higher callings, and testifying the hollow ignorance of those who, from blind prejudice, or some other inexplicable cause, tend to per- petuate this pitiable waste and degradation. So-called " blood stock " is fast contaminating the pure native breed of the country. There is, every season, a glut of worthless bloods ; the refuse of the stud farm is sold away to the highest bidder, and he in his turn seeks to make temporary profit out of it, with the result of im- poverishing and deteriorating such chances of good things as he may happen to have among his stock. Thus it goes on from one year to another, and looks, by its continuance, as though it were meant to go on to the very end of time. My advice to would-be breeders of racers is, to discard as sires and matrons all animals that have been trained for the turf; carefully select those of good blood, pedigree, and qualifications ; reserve the best of their progeny, when brought forth, and breed from these again, ere ever they 286 RIDING FOR LADIES. are allowed to pass into a trainer's hands. In this way, and in this alone, will strength, stamina, courage, speed, endurance — all that is most necessary in a racer — be absolutely ensured. To turn back to the subject of breeding a good class of hunters — a matter which I hope will interest ladies, for whom I write — I have already given my ideas respecting the best sort of mares to select for the purpose ; and I may add that an animal during the period of gestation ought not to be by any means kept and fed in idleness. Gentle regular exercise, and plenty of it, will be good and health- ful for a mare that is in foal. Her prospects of maternity dating from May, she can with advantage be lightly worked about a farm, or in any other way — provided that she has been accustomed to it — until Christmas ; and even when actual work is suspended, daily exercise should be carefully continued. Dry uplands, and grassy ground of a hilly nature, are excellent pasturage for brood mares, who should be kept perfectly cool, and free from excitement of all kinds. An abundance of fresh water should be allowed them — as much indeed as they care to drink — together with a varied supply of light nourishing food of a cooling nature. The shelter-shed ought to open to the south, the entrance to it being wide, and the flooring hard and very dry. The mare should be left quite to herself when foaling, except in extreme cases, which fortunately very rarely occur. It will, of course, be necessary to see that she does not make her way to any dangerous place — such as an ugly oo < H m W X H O Z (4 < W BREEDING. 287 ditch, or cutting— a thing very commonly attempted in the country— but otherwise she ought not to be subjected to any kind of interference. This, I should observe, applies as a matter of course to strong healthy animals, such as are accustomed to pasturing out in almost every sort of weather , in other cases, it will be well to have a box at hand, thickly littered over, and lined about the walls with piled-up trusses of straw. If you are the mare's owner, and that she knows you and is comforted by the sound of your voice, keep close by her, and banish all others to a distance when her sufferings begin. These will most likely be short, but severe, and she will not in all probability bear them very patiently. Lead her quietly into the box that you have prepared ; and on no account permit any fuss or excitement, or ^ny peeping, to take place about her. In cases where much heaving of the flanks has occurred, I have seen small doses of sulphuric ether and cold water — an ounce of the former to three pints of the latter, well blended— given with seeming advantage ; but I do not undertake to advocate any physicking whatever at so excessively trying a period, preferring for my own part to leave Nature to herself, except where danger is anticipated : in which case it will be best to send at once for the most skilled assistance possible. As soon as matters are safely over, leave parent and offspring to themselves, ensuring for them the utmost quietude, as well as perfect freedom from even the very slightest noise. All that the mare will stand in need of at the conclusion of her troubles will be a pail of warm, gruel, 288 RIDING FOR LADIES. with a dash of old ale, or a little brandy introduced — the latter only in case of great exhaustion. The foal will require no care, except from its parent. Should the natural nourish- ment prove unprolific, the young one may be supplied with cow's milk that has been skimmed, sweetened, and slightly warmed. An infant's feeding-bottle will serve admirably for purposes of nutrition, or if such be not available, a hand may be dipped in the milk, and the tops of a couple of fingers lifted up. The hungry foal will very soon seize upon them ; but it is, in my opinion, better not to feed at all, except in cases where the youngster shows signs of evident weakness, or that the mother is unable to fulfil her natural functions. I always advocate holding up the feeding-pail when nourishment is supplied to the parent. It gives confidence, allays suspicion, and helps to tame the little one, which, after a while, will venture to pick from the hand. The nursing-stable should be airy and well ventilated, without being subject to draughts, and the feeding for the matron should consist of moist mashes, composed of bran and scalded oats, varied with an abundance of cooling vegetable food, and a constant supply of fresh soft water. Four days after foaling the mare may be put to light exercise : it will do both her and her colt a vast deal more good than being idle, and the little youngster (owing to the constant proximity of his dam's attendant) will soon grow quite tame. His timidity will vanish, he will suffer himself to be handled and caressed, will pick food out of his mother's manger, and will, when October comes round, and BREEDING. 289 he has to be weaned, be as docile and full of confidence as any animal in the stable. When that special time arrives, give him (If possible) a companion of his own age to bear him company : because he must be separated from his dam, for the benefit of both — FRATERNIZING. and he will pine it not provided with society. If one of his own species be not conveniently obtainable, procure a young calf, and let the two youngsters fraternize together ; they will soon be the best possible friends, and the colt will thus keep up his condition and not waste, as he certainly will if left to pine alone. U 290 RIDING FOR LADIES, Turn him, after weaning, into a good piece of pasture land, and feed him twice a day with oatmeal-porridge mixed with a quart or three pints of good sweet milk. The cost of this is more than doubly repaid by the increased strength and power that it affords : such feeding being far in ad- vance of the customary crushed beans, oats, hay, chaff, and other strong meat (totally unfit for babes) which grooms find such delight in giving. Hunting colts should be kept during their first three summers on good rich grass land, and be provided with a suitable shelter, to which they can retire when the sun is overpowering, or the weather severe. In the winter time they should have warm boxes to rest in at night, but had better be kept out of doors during the day, for air and exercise. Where this treatment is adopted, there will seldom be roarers in the stable. Excellent feeding for youngsters that are meant for hunting purposes is sliced mangel or swede turnips mixed with hay that has been cut into long chaff. Crushed maize added to the roots is also very good ; and oats, peas, and beans may be given to ensure variety. Carrots are, I think, far before all other vegetable diet, where the soil is favour- able to the growing of a good crop ; but, where they are scarce, mangel will make an excellent substitute. Feeding on roots alone is not advisable, even for a short period, seeing that such are composed of 20 per cent of water, and if not mixed with a proper quantity of grain or chaff, are apt to produce a variety of ailments which may be found troublesome to cure, BREEDING. 291 I like to see a colt, even when a yearling, handled nicely and lightly, and dressed every day of his life by the atten- dant who has the feeding of him. Such a course fits him for breaking-time, and prepares him in great measure for what he has to go through in his training. I am an advocate for paying close and vigilant attention to the feet, from the very beginning. I like to see toes nicely shaped by judicious paring, and, if disposed to chip or splinter, provided with suitable tips. GOOD FORM. U 2 >Q2 RIDING FOR LADIES. CHAPTER XXV. TRAINING. The pleasures of instructing a young unbroken colt are so many and great, that my sole wonder is how owners of such animals can so often make up their minds to the de- mands of the professional breaker : an individual who, in many cases, deals harshly, and in many more with a lack of judgment which is as deplorable as it is common. To enter minutely into the subject of breaking is not by any means my intention. Volumes might be written about it, and yet the difficulty which many persons experience in learning from books, might not even then be overcome. There are as many different ways of training a horse as there are of training an infant, and I cannot at all agree with the professedly wise ones who say that only one w^ay can be correct. I have found a variety of methods answer almost equally well, and I may (in some instances) say, almost equally badly, also — because everything must depend upon the nature and disposition of the animal that is to be experimented upon. Some children are naturally timid, shy, nervous, and re- thing, and cannot be taught at all except by gentle en- couragement — a sort of continual leading onward, without TRAINING. 293 any attempt to drive — while others are so sullen, obstinate, and ill-conditioned, that gentleness seems thrown away upon them, and nothing save fear and force are capable of accomplishing any good. So it is, precisely, with horses ; but, just as instances of dogged obstinacy and evil disposi- tion are happily rare among children of well-bred parents, so in like manner have I found it to be with colts that have come of a good stock. I may here take occasion to say, however, that even with the most viciously disposed animals, such as future experience proved to be incapable of any- thing either good or generous, I invariably commenced with — and persevered in — the very gentlest treatment, discarding all force, ignoring the uses of whip and spur, and seeking to subdue by the mildest and most kindly methods, until compelled to adopt severer ones by the hopelessly unimpressionable and intractable nature of some among my misguided charges. Having, then, found so wide a difference of temper and disposition to exist in the various animals with which I had to do, I long ago came to the conclusion that to lay down any fixed laws for training wa's mere fallacy and nonsense ; the system that works admirably with one may prove a dead failure with another, and taking this into account I cannot, I think, do better in a chapter like the present, than state the plan on which I always began to work, and which, as a rule, I found to succeed, better than any other. Advising you by my own experience, I should say never, when you can help it, submit young animals to a so-called professional breaker, but rather take them in hand yourself, 294 RIDING FOR LADIES. and make up your mind to three things : first, to bring all the patience of which you are possessed to bear upon your task, to enable you to govern by gentleness and forbearance, and not by tyranny and wrath ; second, that a colt must be so handled and trained that he shall never find out his own strength or power ; and third, that you must give the pupil every opportunity of seeing, smelling, feeling, and hearing things that will at first be strange to him, remem- bering that it is by the exercise of these senses that horses form their judgment of surrounding objects. I greatly object to the system of lungeing young horses in a circle, or ring. The evils of it are suflficiently mani- fested in mill-horses ; but even these are suffered to ivalk their rounds, whereas the breaker compels the youngster to trot, and even to canter when going in a comparatively narrow circle. Injury to the sight is the very commonest result of the practice, and even if it does not show imme- diately, or at the time, it certainly will later on. To travel round and round at a quick rate in an ordinary ring, forces blood to a young animal's brain, and the faster and more excited the pace the more certain will be the result. The optic nerves may be said to originate from the sensorium — being, in fact, a continuation of the brain proper — and whenever the nervous centre is congested, the sight is the first sense that becomes impaired. There are other evils also connected with the system into which I need not go ; suffice it to say that I regard it as a highly objectionable one. The tuition of a colt may be begun when he is three TRAINING. 295 months old, provided that he has been " gentled " almost from its birth. This can be done by frequently passing the hands over his body and down his limbs, dressing his mane and tail, pulling and stroking his ears, speaking caressingly to him, and in short winning his confidence by uniform manifestations of kindness and good will. The earliest trappings should be a small bridle and surcingle* made of very soft wash-leather, or calico — the intention being merely to indicate the maturer harness that is destined to succeed. Later on, when a cavesson is adopted, it must be most carefully fitted to the colt's head. The noseband is not to be too high, lest it be deprived of power — or yet low enough to rest on the soft cartilages of the nose, for fear of impeding respiration and causing pain to the animal by any jerk that it may chance to receive. It must also fit sufficiently accurately not to turn round when the rein is drawn tight. The first regular bit employed should be made of india- rubber, and this may be immediately followed by a very smooth plain snaffle, with players, or a " Rarey " bit, with wooden roller, which is very mild and nice for a beginner. When you first adjust the mouthpiece do not rein the colt's head up to any point beyond that at which he naturally holds it : no matter whether that be high or low. Give him his preliminary lessons in an enclosed place — a big barn or riding-school will be best, if you happen to be near one. Accustom your pupil to the sight of everytJdng with which he is destined to make subsequent acquaint- 296 RIDING FOR LADIES. ance : the mounting-block, saddle, stirrups, and so forth ; and remember that you cannot talk to him too much, or give him too frequent handling. Forbid the presence of other animals while you are acting as instructor, as also of any object, human or other- wise, that will be likely to distract your pupil's attention. Stand and walk on his left side, keeping pretty well back from him — and deal him out plenty of rein, or strap — just letting him feel the weight of your hand when he attempts RAREY SNAFFLE. to run from you, but not on any account drawing him in. By degrees you can shorten the rein, and when he has learned to let you walk alongside of him without running back or showing timidity, begin to teach him to lead : not by pulling him after you, or hunting him forward, but by bringing him very very gently round in a half-circle — a plan which will oblige him to shift his foot and bend his neck to your guidance. Take him both to right and left in this way, encouraging and caressing him when he obeys TRAINING. 1^1 you, and he will learn his lesson in a wonderfully short space of time. As soon as you find that he leads well in an enclosed place, take him out into an extremely quiet paddock, not allowing anybody to come near you while you do it. A good method will be to grasp the reins, close to the jaw with your left hand, while your right catches the mane, and by this means lead him gently out for an open-air spell of instruction. Then proceed as when under cover, and repeat the lesson every day. At eighteen months old a colt that has been bred on your own land ought to have gone through all the preliminaries of his education, and at that age the dumb-jockey may be brought into use with a pair of imitation legs and light little stirrups to hang on either side. Reins formed partially of india-rubber should be passed through the terrets and fastened to the bit, and these must not be drawn by any means tight, lest the colt be induced to bear upon them — or lest he rear, and fall backwards. A quarter of an hour is the longest period that a lesson of this description ought to occupy, and the pupil's mouth should be well wetted both before and after. If terror is excited, the utmost encouragement should be given, and no harshness be for even an instant resorted to. These lessons may be continued, with slight variation, until the young animal shall have entered his third year, at which epoch a very light rider may be mounted on him, with rigid instructions not to interfere in any way with the bridle, except as a means of guiding. In fact, to prevent the 298 RIDING FOR LADIES. possibility of his doing so to any mischievous degree, the india-rubber reins may with advantage be continued ; but the best way of all will be to back the animal yourself : always provided that you are a sufficiently light weight for the purpose. When the saddle is first placed in position, the extremest gentleness must be observ^ed. Allow him, beforehand, o to look at it, smell it, in short satisfy himself about it, and then proceed to rub it softly down his neck, pausing if he shows fear, and slipping it gradually backwards until you quietly lift it into its place. When it is fairly on his back, you should lift it again, and again replace it, and keep moving it gently about in order to give him confidence, and when you have induced him to stand quite still, fasten it with a racmg surcingle instead of an ordinary girth, as it is more readily adjusted, and need not be drawn so tight. To mount him successfully, place him so that the mounting-block shall be just behind his shoulder ; ascend the block with the utmost coolness and quietness, and while standing on it proceed to pet your pupil, stroking him, talking to him, and "gentling" him as though he were a timid child. If he shows signs of alarm, go no further for a while, but wait quietly— no matter how long it may be— even deferring the lesson to another day, until he shall have gained complete confidence in your instruc- tions. Half the horses that refuse to stand to be mounted have been rendered rider-shy (if I may coin a word) by scolding, and harsh treatment shown them in their early TRAINING. 299 training. No attempt should be made at mounting a colt until he has become perfectly reconciled to his trainer's standing over him, and also to the pressure of a hand on the saddle, and a foot passed in and out through the stirrup. To facilitate his standing quiet, place his head to a wall, — or, if he must be held, entrust the task to a steady quiet man, who will stand straight in front of him, fondling his nose and ears, and who will when necessary lay hold of the cheeks of the bridle, above the bit, but never of the bit itself, nor yet of the reins. Do not, when mounted, touch the animal with your heel to start him, or attempt to meddle with his mouth in any hurried way. Speak to him coaxingly, and draw one rein very gently, in order to make him shift his leg and move — then walk him quietly about, repeating the lessons in turning, stopping, and backing, which you have already given him on foot If he shows restiveness, or an incli- nation to fight, slip off at once, and proceed with the old method of instruction — because you must not attempt to battle with him until you are quite certain that you can conquer. This is one of the most important principles in correct training, and one which, I regret to say, is most shamefully overlooked. " I won't let him conquer me," says the ignorant breaker, when the timid creature stands still and shivers, and refuses to do what it has not yet learned to comprehend. Greater nonsense could not possibly be spoken. There can be no victory, for either horse or man, until there has first been a battle, and if the man is wise he will not begin one, lest he should fail to prove himself the 300 RIDING FOR LADIES. master, and the horse ever after refuse to obey his hand. Severity in training is merely an ebullition of the breaker's temper, and there is no necessity for such when dealing with a creature that is really anxious to learn and obey. Gentle indications will, in all save extreme cases, accom- plish tenfold more than brute force. Such, at all events, is my conclusion, after very close and practical study of the subject in hand. Leaping ought not, as a rule, to be taught until the animal has attained its fourth year, nor ought the pupil to be mounted during the lessons for the first three or four months that are devoted to them. To lead in long reins, turning the colt in a nice quiet paddock that has a low hedge or gorsed hurdle across the middle of it, will be the proper method, and, as all young animals are imitative, it will be a great advantage to have an old skilled horse taken over the jump several times in easy fashion, in view of the youthful learner. I have made youngsters jump brilliantly over hurdles that were raised by degrees a great deal above their original height, by simply standing on the off side of them with a measure of corn in my hand, and shaking it temptingly, calling out cheerily at the same time, and always plentifully rewarding my pupils when the boundary had been cleared. This sort of teaching is only pleasant excitement for the colt ; it is not task-work ; it injures neither structures nor temper, and is unattended by either accident or risk. The training of horses, both racers and hunters, as at present conducted, is conducive of many evils, as is proved TRAINING. 30 r amply by the fact that one-half the animals that come fresh from the trainers' hands are debilitated by the wrong systems pursued, and are far less capable of enduring exertion than before they were taken in hand. The physick- ing the brow-beatinq- the harshness, scolding-, and fiehtinp- are one and all tremendously pernicious and wrong. The vast majority of horses will, if properly treated, accept their duties without force ; and even the most viciously inclined may be conquered, or at least subdued, without any approach to brutality. I may cite one case as a sample of many : an animal I once bought for a song, and subsequently would not have sold for any money that could have been offered. By telling you of the method by which I contrived to cure him of his bad name, you may be guided how to act should any similar occasion chance to arise in your own stable. By the aid of a powerful dose of physic — administered with extreme difficulty, I confess, by a strong and resolute man — and aided by a few light whiffs of chloroform, we succeeded in getting the horse so sick and stupid that he suffered himself to be handled almost without opposition. In fact, I could go up to his head, and stroke and fondle it as though he had been the quietest animal alive. We then littered a lofty shed with quite a foot deep of dung and straw (tan would, however, have been better for the purpose), and having led him into it we put on him a single-rein bridle, with a wooden gag-bit, — this latter because he presently showed an inclination to bite. We then tied up the reins quite close to the withers, put a "^02 RIDING FOR LADIES. breaking surcingle on him, passed a soft strap round the near pastern joint, Hfted up the foot as though we were about to shoe him, and passing the strap round over the fore-arm, buckled it firmly, but in such a way as not to hurt the horse. I gentled him, as much as he would allow me, about the head, while my assistant worked, and we then led him about the shed for twenty minutes or more, on STRAP FOR OFF FORE-LEG. STRAP FOR NEAR FORE-LEG. three legs, by which time he was tired, but seemingly too dull to be much irritated. The next operation was to place a second strap around the off fore-leg, draw it pretty tight, and pass the long end of it through one of the rings sewn on to the belly part of the surcingle. My helper then put a big strong glove on his right hand, caught a firm hold of the strap, and when the horse lifted his leg in an endeavour to hop, drew it gradually close, and brought him gently I TRAINING. 303 Upon his knees. Our object was to make him He down, for I never would countenance — under any pretence, or for any operation — the forcible casting of a horse with which I had anything whatever to do. Finding that he was sullen and would not move, I came to the near side of him, and drew his head gradually towards me by one rein, speaking soothingly to him all the while ; I then bade my assistant go to his off side and bear against it, just behind the shoulder, with a steady, even, close pressure — and after about twelve minutes' patient waiting, I had the joy of seeing him lie quietly down upon the litter. So far my plan of subduing by gentleness had succeeded. The moment that he was fairly down I made his hind legs quite fast, and then began my plan of taming. I gently stroked every one of his limbs separately, rubbed his trembHng head, pulled and fondled his ears, un- buckled the bit for an instant and gave him from my hand sliced carrots, lettuce, and I think an apple or two. He was in a wretched state, poor beast ! for want of care and grooming, so I got a nice brush, and went caressingly over every part of his body with it, talking to him as though he had been a frightened child. After an hour or so we took off the straps, drew out his fore-legs, and encouraged him to get up. He seemed very dazed when he did so, but was seemingly quite subdued — and having given him a feed, we left him alone for the night* * The celebrated Mr. Rarey has been accredited with the invention of this system, or something very nearly approaching it ; but so far back as half-a-century ago, Mr. Allen McDonogh, one of the best and 304 RIDING FOR LADIES. The next day we had another and worse scene to go through ; the evil spirit was not altogether gone out of the horse, as events very soon showed us. We had to resort to the same strapping-up process, and when he was on his knees he actually fought with us till he turned over ; but I encouraged him to get up again (in the same cramped position, of course), and to make a second fight — treating him with steady firmness, and never giving in for a moment, but striving all the time to quiet him and make him lie down. He did so at length — from sheer exhaustion, T believe — for his obstinacy and violence had lasted over an hour, and I and my patience were alike almost worn out. When he was down I scraped the sweat from him with a scraper, gave him water and lettuce, went over every inch of his body with a wisp, and made my assistant pretend to shoe him, by lifting each of his feet and tapping them gently with a hammer. Finally I showed him a saddle and bridle, laid them under his nose, and stroked him with them — and ended by actually putting them on him with scarcely any difficulty at all. Then I shut myself alone with him in the shed, and fed, petted, and talked to him unceasingly for upwards of an hour, until all the untract- ableness had seemingly gone out of his disposition. His poor wild, bloodshot eyes grew calm and placid, and he actually rubbed his nose at last against my hand. I am certain that I shall be accounted a terrible fool, but I greatest of riders, trainers, and authorities, tried it with success in his own training-stables, and subsequently (some five or six years ago) taught it to me at Athgarvan Lodge, Curragh. TRAINING. 305 believe I wept for joy — and the best of it all was that I had gained my victory without the horse having any suspicion that he was conquered. If I had thrashed him into sub- jection — allowing that such a thing were possible — he might have obeyed me for awhile, although hating me — but by dint of never using a particle of harshness, and granting him his own time to make concessions, I am firmly convinced that he considered himself the better animal of the two, and was magnanimous enough to obey me from chivalrous motives, w^hile believing that he need not do so at all. After that day I had not any trouble with my charge, and in less than a week I was riding him about the place with only an ordinary bridle. He subsequently manifested an extraordinary affection for me, and whether the system that I pursued with regard to his taming was or was not one of which ordinary horse-owners will be found to ap- prove, I can only say that it succeeded to perfection, and that I have seen it tried twice or thrice since, on my recommendation, with excellent results ; but I never advise the adoption of it, except in cases such as I have described, where an animal has been rendered vicious by extreme bad treatment, or has inherited a disposition for sullenness and obstinacy which cannot otherwise be brought under control. Before bringing this chapter to a close, I would wish to add that a colt in his fifth year may be ridden once or twice a week with harriers, or once with foxhounds, if the meet be very near his stable — but he must never on any X 3o6 RIDING FOR LADIES. account be pressed, or run to the end of his tether, for it is an absolute fact that if a young animal is once suffered to find out for himself that he is beaten, he will never while he lives get to the close of a long or trying run. This may, by some, be regarded as a fallacy, but many practical authorities will, I think, endorse what I say. ( 307 ) CHAPTER XXVI. A BUDGET OF "TIPS." Mouths and Mouth-pieces. — The shape, delicacy, or toughness of a horse's tongue does not in the least con- tribute towards making his mouth either tender or harsh; but a difficulty is thrown in the way of bitting when the tongue is broad in form, because in such case it covers the bars of the mouth, and so prevents the mouth-piece from acting properly upon them. The tongue is endowed with immense susceptibility to pain or pressure, and any undue compression of it causes intense suffering and fretting, and entirely obviates the action of the bridle. I consider that rollers, olives, twists, and all such devices, are not only useless encumbrances, but are instruments of destruction as well. The severity or mildness of a mouth-piece is regulated by the thickness of that portion of the cannons which acts upon the bars of the mouth. The curb-chain ought to sit exactly on the beard, or chin, of the horse. If he is tender-mouthed, it should be left very slack. Country Riding-Suits for Men. — If you want to ride in luxury in the country, get measured for a knickerbocker garment, with continuations in the form of breeches, fitting X 2 3o8 RIDING FOR LADIES. perfectly below the knee. This most sensible novelty can be worn with or without leggings, so that if desired for rough usage on the moors, the additions can be dispensed with, or added if wanted for saddle use. Hunting Breastplates are approved by many keen sportsmen. I give a sketch of one. Hustling Horses.— Never hustle a horse at a gap, or in a crowd, or on any account cram him at his fences. Give him time. He has, as Major Whyte Melville used to say, " to carry the bigger fool of the two, and to think for both." Brushing.— For a horse that "brushes" procure a leathern boot, the colour of the foot, made of prepared A BUDGET OF " TIPS:' 309 horse-skin, having the hair left on, and laced up the leg. On, or just over the seat of injury, a concave piece of stout leather should be let into the covering, and the hollow thus formed (which acts as a protector) should be filled up with a small pad of lint, previously saturated with zinc lotion. This serves to cure the sore, and also prevents a recurrence of it. I append a sketch. Sawmouth Bridoon. — This is a terribly severe bit, and one which no good judge of training would permit to be used among his horses. It is calculated to destroy rather than to instruct. The illustration shows the nature of it. To Shoe a nervous or vicious horse, or a young sensi- 3IO RIDING FOR LADIES. tive colt, take him to a skilled farrier — one who has a good temper in addition to his other endowments — and while he is working, take up your stand at the animal's head, at the same side as that on which the farrier is engaged. Hold the bridle loosely in your hands, dispense with blinkers, and let the horse see what is going on. You can manage this by allowing him to turn his head when he tries to do so. Do not permit any third person to come in the way during the operation. It is a good plan to stand a horse that is to be shod close by a wall. If the smith be unfortunately a duffer at his work, instruct him to smooth the leg downwards from the shoulder or thigh, as the case may be, lifting it up and putting it down again, if the horse seems frightened, and even going away for a moment, and again returning, in order that confidence may become fully established. The safest and surest method of overcoming irritability or nervousness is to exercise a quiet kindness, combined with a cool firmness of purpose ; and to accomplish this end, one, or at most two, persons, will be infinitely better than a number. The adjoining sketch shows a horse under treat- ment on principles of which I do not profess to approve, although I am willing to acknowledge that there are cases in which actual vice can only be overcome by severity and brute force. The custom here depicted of casting an intractable animal for the purpose of getting him shod is common enough in almost all cavalry stables, and is seldom accompanied by any cruelty, save on rare occasions, when the attendant who carries the whip makes use of it to practical purpose — a thing not often called for. When a horse is to ( }' ^ < < >< Pi < W en oi O en O U l-H O en < U A BUDGET OF ''TIPS:' 311 be shod thus, the ground about him is usually covered with sacks, to break the force of his fall ; but these the artist has not thought it necessary to depict. Broken-winded horses require regular work, and regular feeding. A generous diet, composed of oats, beans, and barley, will be very good for them ; and in place of hay give about six pounds of wheaten straw every alternate day, with carrots very frequently. Veterinary Quacks. — No man has a right to be called a veterinary surgeon who has not a diploma. A pretender may assume the name — often does, in fact — but quackery soon expires. When a Horse clears his Nostrils immediately on .being pulled up, it is a sign that he has wind enough to go both further and faster in his next gallop. When a minute elapses the pace may still be increased, though not much ; but when two minutes go over without the expected snort, it is a proof that the exercise has been a little too hard for the animal's condition. Remember, when exercising a young one, that you must not take too much out of him. Frequent protrusion of the muzzle is a sign that distress is at hand, and a settled thrusting forward of it shows that the horse is at very nearly all that he can do. Restlessness in horses — or temper, as many call it — is more frequently noticeable in summer than in winter time, and is caused by the troublesome flies which stick all 312 RIDING FOR LADIES. over the animals' bodies. These creatures torment some tender-skinned horses almost to madness ; and when a stamp is given, ears put back, or a leg lifted as if in pain, immediate search ought to be made for the occasion of it. Horses at pasture can, as a rule, defend themselves with their teeth, feet, and tails : that is, when the latter appen- dages are left them ; but in this country, so eminently the seat of wisdom and freedom, the effective instrument is invariably removed, and Nature most unfairly handicapped, — as if the sorrows of servitude are not sufficiently great and numerous without augmenting them by caprice. Bales are simple bars of wood, used largely in cavalry stables to separate the horse-stalls. They are furnished at each end with iron links, by means of which they are sus- pended to hooks fastened at the head and heel-posts. Sometimes they are made of iron, but well-seasoned oak is quite sufficiently strong for the purpose. The usual dimensions are eight feet long, and four inches in diameter, and they are placed at a distance of about three feet from the ground. The top part may be a fixture ; but one end or the other ought to be so arranged that in case of a horse getting partially under it when lying down, it will move readily upwards, according as the animal pushes it in his rise. I have a strong objection to bales, because they admit of horses biting and injuring one another, and are in other ways undesirable ; but that they are cheaper than travises, I am, of course, prepared to allow. It is, however, almost their sole claim to notice. A BUDGET OF ''TIPS:' S'S An idle Groom is generally an eye-server. The wisp is oftener in his hand than the brush. When a horse does not look amiss on being brought to the door, and yet that his skin leaves a dirty whitish stain on the fingers when they are pressed into it, the fact is proved beyond all doubt. Thin-skinned horses will not stand a curry-comb ; nor is it necessary to use one where good strong brushes are supplied, and made a proper use of. The Curry-comb, when employed at all, should describe a sweeping movement — never a rubbing one — and the utmost gentleness should always accompany the using of it. When the proper Grooming of a horse is neglected, he suffers in consequence. Lice, for instance, are never seen in animals that are even moderately well taken care of ; but when once these pests appear, the spread of them is amazingly rapid. Nothing but care and cleanliness will eradicate them. Make a strong lather of black soap, wash well with it, then again with clean water, and finally anoint the patches where the lice are with a little mercurial oint- ment. If they have spread over the surface of the body, make a strong decoction of tobacco, and smear liberally with a sponge. The same treatment will do for dogs. To remove the soft coating of Hairs that grows on the inside of a horse's ears is not only unnecessary, but is absolutely cruel. It has been furnished to the animal as 314 RIDING FOR LADIES. a protection against dust, flies, and dirt ; and when taken away, the ears are left exposed to the influence of the three combined. All appearance of untidiness may be done away with by holding the ear in the left hand with the edges of it nicely evened, and then clipping lightly along them with a sharp scissors. I would never on any account permit nose-hairs to be clipped, or otherwise removed. Horses are immensely sensitive to any interference with them, and for sundry reasons they ought not to be meddled with. A Horse that is Cast under the Manger cannot possibly rise until he is drawn backwards by an attendant. Every time that he attempts to get up he strikes his head, and is thus brought forcibly down again. In a properly-constructed stable such a thing could not, how- ever, occur. Old-Fashioned Mangers ought to be boarded in, so that no hollow may exist under them. Filling Horses' Feet. — I am totally against this system, but, when those who are partial to it are bent upon carrying it out, they should see that it is done with fresh moss, soft and very damp, pressed well into, the feet, and tucked away on the inside of the shoes. The Semi-Military and Travelling saddle is made to fit any horse, and is in great request among officers A BUDGET OF " TIPS:' 315 servine abroad. Peat & Co., of Piccadilly, have patented it, and the sealed pattern is at the War Office. Biting the Collar-Rope. — If you want to see a horse do this, leave him a rope about two or three feet too long ; shut him up in a close stable, and give him nothing to do. It is not a vice, but rather one of the many signs of weariness and idleness in which dumb animals indulge. I append a sketch of a rope-biter. A Horseman's Skill in the management of his bridle- hand consists in the discretion with which he makes the bit be felt It ought never to be used too severely, and its 3i6 RIDING FOR LADIES. effects should be moderated by the mildness and pliability of the hand. When Boiling Grain of any kind, give it plenty of water, and keep it constantly stirred. If you neglect this necessary precaution, it will stick to the bottom of the boiler, and the burned part will acquire a nasty nauseous taste. According as the water evaporates, add a fresh supply. Never let the liquor boil over ; it is a great waste to do so, as it contains a large amount of nutriment. Oats will need more boiling than beans ; these latter more than barley, carrots and turnips more than potatoes. Four measures of oats, boiled and bursting, will fill seven measures ; four of beans, something over eight and a half; while four of barley will fill quite ten. I have proved all these statistics in my own stable. False Quarter is a defect of the outer wall of the foot. I give a sketch of the only possible relief for it. Rick in the Back will necessitate the throwing up of the sufferer for at least six months. He must be placed in a roomy stall, the hair over the seat of injury be carefully A BUDGET OF " TIPS:' 317 removed, and the place kept moist with cloths dipped in a lotion composed of tincture of arnica two ounces, and water one pint. Soft nourishing food must be given, but no medicine on any account whatever — the restoration to finish with liquid blistering of a judicious kind. The safest Arrangement for Side Saddles, to avoid risk of being hung up, or dragged after a fall, is that adopted with " the level seat saddle," by Messrs. Nicholls of Jermyn Street. They have patented a bar for the stirrup leather, extremely simple in construction, and which will instantly disconnect it, should a rider have the misfortune to get her foot caught when falling over the off-side of the saddle. An elastic safety-band, stretched across the heads, will, when a fall occurs, prevent the habit catching on the saddle, — and the unpleasant predicament of a horse galloping about, with his rider suspended by the skirt, head downwards (as witnessed sometimes in the huntino-- field), will be avoided. Take a Pistol with you on all occasions when going to hunt, and in case of hopeless injury occurring to your mount, make use of it, with all the quietness and celerity you can command. Horses, when left to themselves, rarely meet with mishaps ; it is, therefore, only fair that their riders should protect them against unnecessary torture. Ladies' Spurs. — I have pleasure in appending sketches of the only three of these — that I know of — that are manu- factured for ladies' use. The Sewarrow is, I think excel- 3i8 RIDING FOR LADIES. lent. Lady equestrians frequently use a small pair of hunting spurs of the shape worn by men — the right one having a knob in place of a rowel. These are used with Hessian boots, and look well when dismounted. The spike of the spur is in all cases made amply long to fulfil its WITH ROWEL GUARD. SE WAR ROW. BOX-SPUR. purpose ; to wear one of immoderate length would neces- sitate having it made specially, and could not effect any good. I like " box " spurs myself, and have always worn them ; but there is nothing objectionable in the strap, and it has the advantage of being readily adjusted to any sort A BUDGET OF " TIPSy 319 of boot, whereas boots fitted with box spurs are generally costly articles. Crib-Biting may be prevented by removing all wood- work from the vicinity of the horse, and if he persists in ly' gnawing his stable-partitions, smear them well with aloes, and he will soon desist. " Dishing " is a common expression among horsey people. It signifies throwing out the forelegs in a kind of side manner, which looks badly in the trot. I have seen some very good horses do it, but it would certainly be 320 RIDING FOR LADIES. called defective action. To " dish " with one foreleg only is a very frequent thing. Bandaging. — When a horse's legs have to be bandaged, it is a good plan to coil the bandages completely round the pastern, close to the hoofs, winding them around the legs in spiral form (each coil overlapping the other) until the legs are bound up to the knees or hocks, where the bandages are secured. The pressure must be equal, and not too tight. The strings should admit a finger after being tied. I have never found a horse so treated attempt to lie down, and it is far less irksome to an animal than being tied up by the head. Habit-cutting is now perfection at most of the high- class London houses. Bodices are exquisitely made — some with stand-up collars, others slightly lapelled, to show a portion of habit-shirt or tie. The backs are cut with long seams, and the buttons placed low, so that even a naturally short-waisted figure appears the contrary, being lengthened and improved. The shaping in front is excel- lent. The skirts are so artistically cut and seamed that they fit at the back as closely as a man's hunting breeches, while the shaping at the knee is supplemented by a most artistic and novel arrangement underneath, a sort of hollow, into which the up-pommel fits completely, thus obviating the necessity of having folds of cloth lying between the right leg and the saddle. These skirts, held back by the hand when the wearer is dismounted, look neat, and are of convenient walking length. A BUDGET OF " TIPSr Wall-licking. — If a horse shows a tendency to this, leave a lump of chalk in his manger. A piece of rock-salt left there as well will never be amiss. Signs of Megrim.— When a horse suddenly throws up his head, and holds it in the air and on one side, be assured he has a megrim, and will be in danger of falling if driven further without a stop. Pull up at once, and if cold water can be had anywhere within reach of you, dash a bucket of it over his head and neck. Benumbed Leg. — When, for taming purposes, a horse's leg is strapped up for any length of time, it becomes benumbed, and ought, when let down, to be rubbed vigorously before the animal is allowed to walk upon it If this is not done he will probably fall Hints for Amateur Jockeys. — The moment you know that you are beaten in a race, pull up. You can gain nothing by flogging your horse to the finish. If going well and gamely, let him alone ; if not, catch him with both hands, and give him two or three kicks with the spurs, I never advocate waiting, unless the mount is a very game one. Jump off with the lead, and hold it as long as you can. Age Symptoms. — A horse that has passed his fourth year has four incisors in each jaw, all fully grown. A SEzVTED Shoe signifies a regular, or ordinary, shoe, which has only as much upper surface left as will admit of the crust resting upon it. Hiring Horses. — Windsor, Cheltenham, and Oxford Y 322 RIDING FOR LADIES. are about the best places I know of for jobbing light-weight hunters. When an animal is found to suit, it ought to be at once secured for the season. Horses can be had at Barnstaple for Exmoor. Oxford is within reach of five packs of fox-hounds. Capital hunting quarters can be had there, and excellent horses — cheap too, in vacation time, as there is not any one to ride them. Defective Vision. — A horse that has any defect in his sight should be at once rejected by the buyer. It is the only safe way in dealing, unless the desire is to buy a blind animal at a blind price. There is generally a plausible reason given for every suspicious appearance, whether it be a sightless eye or a pair of broken knees. Blinkers. — I greatly disapprove of these for breaking. Let the colt or horse see what you are doing. In this I am aware that many disagree with me, but I usually hold to my opinions, as I do not form them in a hurry. Amateur Blacksmiths. — If you want to be inde- pendent of the forge when frost sets in, you can do it in this way. As soon as the hunting season has fairly begun, have your horse's shoes made with square holes punched at the extremities and at the toes. Have these fitted with slightly tapering plugs of steel, with sharp pro- jecting points. The plugs should be about two inches in leneth. and must be made to fit the holes both accurately and tightly, but not to go quite through the shoe to the foot. When frost appears, and you want to go out, insert the plugs yourself in the holes, tap them slightly on the points A BUDGET OF " I'JPSr 323 with a hammer, and when the horse puts his weight on them it will drive them " home." The plugs will last for three or four days, and are both cheap and easily renewed. When you require to take them out, another quiet tap or two (delivered a little at the side) will start them, owing to the taper on the part that fits into the shoe. "Hot Fitting."— I entirely approve of this, when properly conducted. It would need a very lengthy appli- cation of a hot shoe to affect the hoof to any depth — quite four minutes to cause a marked increase of temperature in the upper part of the foot — while, in reality, the hot shoe is not usually applied for more than three or four seconds. Temperature of Stables. — The average temperature of a stable should be about 48° F. Never clip until the whole of the winter coat has appeared — then do it once for the entire season. Leaving the saddle-place undipped will be more likely to provoke galls than to prevent them. Supply of Hay. — Six pounds of hay per diem is quite sufficient for a horse, when plenty of other food is given. Too much hay is a mistake. Quartern. — Everybody knows that this weighs 2jlbs. Stable Forks. — Do away with steel, and use wooden ones. Shoes. — A set ought to last four weeks, unless the work be constant and the going very hard. Hunting Scarlet.— Do not don red in the hunting Y 2 324 RIDING FOR LADIES. field until your " salad " days are over. It is a remarkable colour, and of late many excellent sportsmen have discarded it altogether. This may, perhaps, be owing to the fact that ladies are putting it on ! Two fair Dianas who ride very straight with the Meath hounds adopted scarlet last season, and doubtless many more will ere long follow suit. It is not to be admired, in my opinion, and can scarcely fail to remind the beholder of things usually associated with street-organs and itinerant grinders of these instruments ! "Unknowing" Ones. — Ignorance concerning horsey subjects is quite common among ladies who are otherwise well educated, and, indeed, highly informed. Mrs. Beecher Stowe relates of herself, in her ' Sunny Memories,' that when dining one day with Earl Russell she spoke of hunting as " a vestige of the savage state," when, to her great aston- ishment, she saw laughter on all the men's faces. No wonder. Fox hunting, or rather riding to hounds is an art not yet a century old. Two of our most popular author- esses — I might, perhaps, say the two most popular — make such egregious mistakes on the subjects of hunting, racing and betting, that men laugh, and women who know, say, " What a pity it is ! " Hunting Centres. — A young Londoner cannot do better than try his hand with the Surrey Foxhounds, or with one of the Kentish packs. The hills of Surrey afford good hunting ground, despite the flints, and the superfluity of coverts. A BUDGET OF " TIPS:' 325 When a Horse is Collar-shy, or nervous about the adjustment of the crupper, have the latter made to unbuckle, and procure a collar that opens at the top. This is, of course, in case of being unable to reassure the animal by kindness. Put beating and scolding entirely aside ; they have probably led to the evils that have to be cured. The Foot " Home " in the Stirrup was for long a favourite theory of mine, and one which I myself practised — especially when travelling long distances, or going the pace,— but then, I always rode in a plain little racing stirrup, made sufficiently wide to enable the foot to work easily in it, so that there was no possibility of its " sticking," or proving otherwise dangerous. Finding, however, that, despite repeated warnings, ladies would persist in adopting the various forms of so-called safety-stirrups, in which the foot was absolutely embedded, the stuffing over the instep helping to tighten the hold, I thought it safest and most conscientious to discard my theory altogether and advo- cate riding from the ball of the foot To keep perpetually saying, " Do as I do," partakes rather of the egotistical and self-sufficient, even where one may fairly add, " And no harm will ensue," — but if, added to this, there is apparently a strong desire on the part of those spoken to to have their own way, it is surely wise to offer them such direc- tions as will best obviate the chances of mishap. Here, for instance, is an example of my meaning : Suppose that I am in the habit of reading in bed, using a safety-lamp for doing so, and I discover that it is a practice in my house- 32 6 RIDING FOR LADIES. hold and elsewhere for others to read by the light of a half- burnt candle, insecurely fastened into its socket in the candlestick, and laid perhaps upon the pillow, — will it not be better and safer for me to decry altogether the practice of night reading, than to keep perpetually urging (without hope of success) that safety-lamps ought in all cases to be adopted ? When a Carriage is kept covered in a coach-house, the cover ought to be constantly aired. Never permit Water to Dry of itself on a vehicle, or it will certainly leave stains. Aprons, Heads, etc., that are composed of enamelled leather, should be washed w^ith soap and water, and rubbed well with linseed oil — the former being constantly unfolded, and the latter kept fully stretched. Moths can be prevented from settling in the linings of vehicles by mixing camphor and turpentine in a saucer, and placing it inside, with all the windows drawn up. The evaporation of the mixture will serve the purpose well. Bolts and Clips of vehicles should be constantly looked to, and tightened if loose ; and all repairs should be done at once, nothing being allowed to lie over. Horse-collars should be so made that the weight attached to the traces shall be distributed over the surface of the shoulders when pulling, not concentrated on one point, or, almost as ba'd, perpetually rubbing up and down. A collar cannot be considered fitted, simply because it A BUDGET OF " TIPSy r^j appears all right when the horse is standing still. Set him going at a good pace, and then judge of it. If he be a high- crested animal, he will probably need a collar quite two inches longer than seemed necessary when he stood at ease. If the traces are attached too low to the hames, they will draw the collar away from the upper part of the shoulder. This can only be remedied by shifting the point of the draught, till a proper bearing has been obtained. Bencraft Hames. — There is sometimes immense diffi- culty in fitting horses that are peculiarly shaped with collars that will not gall them ; in such cases the above may be tried, as by using them the draught can be shifted to suit the shoulders or the height of the wheels. They have an awkward appearance, but nevertheless serve their purpose admirably. Shaft-tugs should be of a length to suspend the shafts at exactly the correct height, by which I mean the centre of the swell of the pad-flaps, measured both ways. When the shafts are much bent, the tugs must be shorter than if ordinarily straight. The traces must be of proper length, otherwise the correct horizontal position of the shaft-tugs cannot possibly be maintained. When too short the motion of the horse forces tugs and pad forward, thus drawing the crupper uncomfortably tight — and when too long, the vehicle is drawn by the tugs instead of by the traces. It is rare to sit behind a horse that one can pronounce properly harnessed in every particular. A KiCKING-STRAP will be worse than useless — it will 328 RIDING FOR LADIES. chafe and irritate — unless properly put on. A strap that is either too light or the reverse, or that passes in a direct line from shaft to shaft, had better not be used at all. It ought to be just loose enough, nothing more, to allow of the horse travelling without feeling chafed by it, and should be fastened at least two inches behind the hip-bones, as a loin-strap would be. Fitting the Bit to the Horse's Mouth. — This, as I have already stated, is an advisable plan. A Buxton or Liverpool bit is commonly employed in harness, but if a horse has a light mouth, he may travel well in a snaffle. Buxton bits are made without ports. Experience will tell whether the reins ought to be buckled to the cheek or to the bars. In my opinion, almost all horses go well in properly fitting bits. I altogether disap- prove of the enormous affairs with cheeks eleven inches long, and weighing quite two pounds, which ignorance sometimes makes use of. I believe that comparatively few animals require bits of larger dimensions than one and three-quarter inches for the upper cheek, and three and a- half for the lower. This latter ought never to be more than double the length of the upper portion. Even when the reins are fastened to a ring below the cheek, the weight of the projecting arm will effect the leverage of the entire affair. Horses addicted to Running away frequently lay hold of the cheek of the bit ; it is a fault in large measure cultivated by using bits that are too broad for the mouth. A BUDGET OF " TIPS:' 329 To avoid it, the cheeks might be bent backwards, after the Wimbush pattern. Correct Bitting gives control in harness without in- flicting pain. Any suffering that cannot be got rid of by the horse dropping his head to the right position, is barbarous cruelty, however it may be glossed over or concealed. Half the horses that one se^ in London and elsewhere, poking their chins in an unnatural manner, are made to do so by the use of powerful bits and severe curb-chains — yet ignorance cannot be brought to see it, although the evils of it are frequently and earnestly set forth. Blinkers are generally considered indispensable ad- juncts to harness. Why, T do not know. Bearing-reins are only tolerable when the snaffle bit is suffered to hang well below the corners of the mouth, and when the reins themselves are of such a length that the instant the horse lifts his head and sets off, they become amply slack. I cannot at all see why they should be thought an absolute necessity for draught purposes, when not used in the saddle. There are, of course, cases in which they are advisable ; when, for instance, extremely nervous or badly-broken animals are of necessity driven through crowded thoroughfares ; but otherwise I cannot believe that they are either necessary or ornamental. Fashionable Coachmen concoct an instrument of torture by drawing up the gag-bit until the horse's mouth is dragged back quite two inches : a curb much too long and very much too wide being next added, and 330 RIDING FOR LADIES. strained up to the last extremity of tightness. The cruelty of ordinaiy bearing-reins is unspeakably great, and to the use of them may be attributed the loss of sight in many fine young horses — undue pressure on the glands that lie just under the angles of the jaws being the fruitful cause of this melancholy evil. Nagging at a horse's mouth when driving him is a most objectionable practice, and one that is, unfortunately, too generally indulged in. If an animal appears sluggish, the driver finds it easier to rouse him temporarily by means of chucking at his mouth, than by either a suitable use of the whip, or an investigation into the general state of his health : a low or disordered condition of which is far more frequently th^ cause of sluggishness than the " roguishness," of which helpless animals are often wrongfully accused. In Driving a Pair the arrangement of the coupling- reins is a matter of vast importance ; for, should one horse be naturally faster in pace than his fellow, the whole com- fort of the drive will depend upon being able to regulate the two animals to the same rate of going. To do this the coupling-rein of the fast horse must be shortened by bring- ing the buckle closer to the driver's hands, so that a pull will act on him before checking in any degree the speed of the other horse. Coupling-reins should come to within six inches of the driver's fingers. I have seen a pair of run- aways stopped in a short time by laying a firm hold upon the two inside reins, and dropping the outer ones. Cantering in Harness is a very common fault, and can A BUDGET OF '' TIPS:' 33r only be stopped by pulling up and starting afresh at a trot. A canterer in double harness may be controlled by putting on him a pair of single harness-reins, as well as the double ones. Tandem. — I am not an admirer of tandem, but it is a good way of exercising saddle-horses in the summer time, and keeping them in condition. They should be always placed as leaders. Steady, powerful harness horses will be best to use as wheelers, the comfort and safety of the driver being dependent upon their paces and behaviour. A leader should be full of courage, and go always in the collar and up to the bit. An improvement that I have been told of for tandem-harness is to have three bars fastened to the shafts : an effectual means of preventing the leader from stepping over the traces. Position when Driving. — I strongly object to the standing position — as though merely leaning against the box-seat of the vehicle — which many gentlemen-drivers adopt. I believe that such an attitude must leave the driver almost powerless to assist or resist his horses. The position when driving should be firm, upright, and decided ; the elbows hanging at ease, close to the hips, but not laid against them ; the arms nicely rounded, and the hands held at a moderate distance from the body. Nothing can be worse than seeing the arms of the driver dragged forward by the action of the horses that he is meant to control ; nor can anything be much more objectionable than flinging up the wrists when coming to a stop, instead of shortening 332 RIDING FOR LADIES. the reins by passing the right hand quietly in front of the left. . Really First-class Drivers rarely trust to holding the reins in one hand only, even in single harness ; or, if they seem to do so, the right hand is ever ready to be laid upon the off or right hand rein, while the forefinger falls naturally upon the near one ; by this means a gentle pressure can be exercised either by it or by the exterior angle of the hand which rests upon the off leather. A good coachman will always at starting take the reins in both hands ; and animals ought to be trained to start slowly and collectedly — not with anything that resembles a jerk. The " show " in which some drivers delight to indulge, both at starting and when the horses are at rest, by first flicking them with the whip and then pulling them sharply up, can- not be too strongly deprecated. The Whip, although esteemed a necessary adjunct to driving apparatus, should be used as sparingly as possible — more, in fact, as an instructor, than as a means of inflicting punishment. There is nothing nicer in driving than seeing the whip in rest, and the horses, fearless of its severities, going gaily up to their bridles, restrained by a master hand. To BE ABLE TO DRIVE A TEAM is not considered a great feat by many men, or, indeed, by some women, in these latter days ; but of course there is driving and driving — both of different sorts. I approve of studying under a first-class wagoner, and being guided entirely by him. To be a good four-in-hand driver requires courage, coolness A BUDGET OF " TIPS." 333 temper, decision, quickness, strength and clearness of sight, flexible hands, and good staying power in the arms and back. I have seen but one woman in my life who was able to drive a team of full-sized horses in best English style ; and I can only recall the names of seven or eight men who could do so. Hundreds, of course, attempt it, and satisfy themselves that they are doing splendidly ; whereas, the contrary is, as a rule, the case. Team-driving is not suitable work for ladies. The mere exertion of holding four free-going horses for even an hour at a stretch is so great that, unless the muscles of the arms have been strengthened by sculling, practising with dumb-bells, or other gymnastic exercises, the driver will be thoroughly done up, and at the mercy of any mischance that may occur, before half the journey has been got over. A strong, firm-handed, full-muscled man, with a cool nerve, a quick eye, and his heart in the work he is engaged at, will make the best driver of a dashing four-in-hand. The "golden youth" who stand bolt upright against sloping cushions, curling and uncurling their whips, touching up leaders that need no touching, or letting them get out of hand — and double-thonging steady-working wheelers, are simply objects to laugh at, or to pity, or both. To WIELD THE WHIP in a workman-like manner may be practised without horses, by sitting at ease on an elevation, with a good instructor close at hand. There are correct uses for every part of it, down to the very point : a proper position for the stick, and proper ways of using it 334 RIDING FOR LADIES, at various lengths — all of which have to be learned ; and nobody can be called a coachman who is not intimately familiar with them — so much so that he can cany his whip without apparently thinking about it, and hold it, use it, and curl it, as if by a kind of instinct — precisely as all these ought to be done. A Team should be trained to Stand perfectly still until the driver gives the word to go. A restless, uneasy, shuffling, while the apron is being adjusted, the whip taken up, and the reins gathered, is both unsightly and un- pleasant. The Wheelers in a four-in-hand coach ought to start it and turn it round, without the leaders ever feeling the traces ; and they ought to stop the vehicle with the traces of the leaders resting quite slack. A GOOD Driver will have his leaders so in hand at the start that when they move they will be out of the collars, and entirely clear of the splinter-bars. Practice should be on level ground, and on roads devoid of traffic. None save really first-class drivers ought ever attempt to pilot a coach through a crowded thoroughfare. Plenty of novices do it, and delude themselves with the notion that they are driving beautifully, when in reality they are only clearing the road — for, as a rule, people leave a passage for a four-horsed coach, chiefly I fancy through fear of being run down by it if they don't speedily get out of its way. A BUDGET OF " TIPSr 335 Driving a Team is, on the whole, very far from child's play, and it needs a smart wagoner to know and carry out all the nice points of the art : how, for instance, to make the wheelers work, when to put on the drags, when to run down without them, how to regulate the pace, especially when descending a steep decline, how to go nicely and col- lectedly over the tops of all hills, whether great or small, with numerous other minor matters, which study and practice can alone teach. Fourteen miles an hour is a tremendously fast pace for leaders to trot. Such a rate of going would necessitate that the wheelers should gallop. Speed is, I always think, far less necessary than stamina in a four-in-hand team. A well made up quartett, of which every horse has two good ends, ought to travel from London to Epsom at a fair steady pace, and come back in the evening in spanking style. A Team that will Trot briskly up the hill to the Star and Garter at Richmond at the rate of, say, eight miles an hour without the whip, may be pronounced a real good thing. If Four Horses cannot be matched in height, I advocate conceding the difference to the wheelers. Age will not matter very much — nor will colour — for merely useful work ; but go and action are all important. A GOOD AND HUMANE DRIVER always looks to the con- dition of each horse separately, when halting after a long 336 RIDING FOR LADIES. drive. An oatmeal drink with the chill taken off, and an abundance of water splashed about the legs, prove great refreshers. Exhausted horses are immensely benefited by getting a scrape down, together with a '' pick-me-up " of warm ale. An Upper Jaw Bit, and an Over Draw Check will teach a youngster (when training for harness) almost as much sense as he will learn by two months' handling. The apparatus sobers him — stops that peculiar, one-sided, twisting kind of kick, or " lurch," which beginners when fresh are wont to indulge in — and, in short, teaches him to trot his level best, without the aid of a kicking-strap. It is called the " Carleton " Check — I presume from its in- ventor's name — and consists of a very small bar snaffle, not much thicker than an ordinary lead pencil, with a loose ring at either end. Straps, about half an inch wide, are buckled to these rings, and are connected above the horse's nostrils by a narrow upper noseband : on the same principle as an ordinary chin-strap. This little noseband is necessary to keep the bit called an "upper jaw bit " in its place : namely, under the upper jaw, just as the regular bit is upon the under jaw. The little mouthpiece is very slightly curved— a mere segment of a circle — and from it the two straps run up the horse's nose, and are joined too-ether on his forehead to prevent them chafing his eyes. They are then continued between the ears, and along the mane, to the water hook. At the spot where they pass the headpiece they run through two square loops, in A BUDGET OF " TIPSy 337 which are "rolls," or rollers, to allow the straps free play. They are joined at the ends, and are made to hook over the water hook, after which a tiny contrivance is slipped 071 the hook, which renders it impossible for the horse (let him fling his head about as he chooses) to throw the rein off the hook. The hand, however, can release it in a flash — and the whole affair is a perfect marvel of neatness and ingenuity. Its good effects are, to raise the head, extend the neck, and give free play to the lungs. It likewise lengthens the gait, steadies the horse, prevents breaking, obviates " hitching " behind, takes the pull off the driver's hands, and brings out a horse's trot, if he has any at all in him. The evils are, that it spoils a handsome erect carriage, lowers the crest, and makes the animal poke his nose in an unsightly manner. In short, it is invaluable for training a road horse, or trotter, but the habitual use of it is un- desirable and even cruel, for a horse cannot possibly bend while he has it on. So rigid are its effects, and so im- possible is it for an animal to lower his head while wearing it, that I am of opinion it would put an effectual " stopper " upon the tricks of the most confirmed buck-jumper livino-, if connecting-straps were just passed, say, underneath the saddle, and attached firmly to the crupper. This is merely an idea, — but I should like to see it tested in a practical way. The Kemble Jackson is another kind of bit employed very largely in the States, especially in Kentucky, which is a very horsey district, — one of the most so, indeed, in z 33B RIDING FOR LADIES. America. The Jackson can be used with or without an upper jaw bit, and has the reins of the check to run through loops directly tmder the ears — where some tandem lines go. This has the effect of giving a lofty carriage to the head, without making the horse poke his nose as the Carleton does. No noseband is employed with it, and the wearer can hold his head in handsome position — which is an immense advantage with a carriage horse, in which up- headedness is an essential attribute. It is in some points quite before the Carleton, which latter (if constantly used) imparts absolute rigidity to the muscles of the neck, and intensifies the evil known as " £?2£;^ "-neck ; but for helping the trot, and teaching sense to a youngster, the Carleton beats anything that I have ever seen. ( 339 ) INDEX. Abrasion, 275 Accidents to children, 6 Adjusting mouthpiece, 74, 87 Administering ball, 265 Adonis (hunter), 42 Age at which to begin to ride, 10 Age of hunters, 214 Age symptoms, 321 Ailments, 271 Aloes, 263 Amateur blacksmiths, 322 Amateur jockeys, 321 Amateur tailors, 54 Anecdote of boy on pony, 168 Anti-rearing bit, 76 Appliances for young equestrians, 70 Apron (carriage), 326 Aspect of stables, 250 Attitude when driving, 331 Balance riding, 15, loi Bales, 312 Balling-irons, 264 Ball mixture, 266 Balls, 263 Bandages, 270 Bandaging, 320 Bandaging eyes, 269 Bargains, 188 Bars of the mouth, 74 Baulking, 163 Beans, 246 Bearing-reins, 329 Bedding, 258 Bencraft hames, 327 Bit and bridoon, 71 Bitting, 63, 328, 329, 336, 337 Bleeding, 268 Blemishes, 41 Blinds, 255 Blinkers, 322, 329 Blistering, 267 Blood can, 268 Blood stock, 285 Bodices, 50 Boiled barley, 247 Boiler, 259 Boiling corn, 243 Boiling grain, 316 Bolts (carriage), 326 Boot for horse, 309 Boots (for riders), 47, 56, 182 Boring, 137 Box stalls, 252 Breakfast (hunting), 221 Breaking (alteration of pace), 128, 131 Breaking in, 293 Breaking intractable horse, 301 Breastplates (hunting), 308 Breeches, 55, 180 340 INDEX. Breeding, 280 Breeding centres, 216 Bridle hand, 315 Bridles, 66 Bridling, 86 Broken knees, 277 Broken wind, 311 Bronchitis, 271 Brood Mares, 282 Brushing, 308 Buck jumping, 139 Bungling, 170 Buxton bit, 328 Calkins, 234 Cambridge bit, 71 Cantering, loi, 132, 135 Cantering in harness, 330 Carefulness, 198 Carriage covering, 326 Carrying shoe, 228 Cast under manger, 314 Cats, 260 Celluloid, 61, 199 Chaff, 247 Chifney bit, 71 Children mounting, 18 Children riding, 5 Chilled water, 248 Chloroform, 278 Clearing nostrils, 311 Clips (carriage), 326 Clover hay, 247 Cobs, 209 Colds, 271 Colic, 272 Collar shy, 325 Collars, 326 Confidence, 152 Congested lungs, 271 Consideration for servants, 124 Contrast in articles, 192 Cooked food, 241 Cooking apparatus, 259 Coolness in danger, 141 Cork girl, 65 Corns, 238, 273 Corn chest, 258 Corsets, 201 Costume for hunting, 180 Costume for road and park, 44 Costume for young learner, 18 Country riding suits, 307 Coupling reins, 330 Courtesy, 229 Covert coats, 185 Covert hack, 204 Cow kick, 132 Cracked heels, 274 Crib-biting, 319 Cupboard (stable), 259 Curb chain (adjusting), 87 Curry-comb, 313 Cutting out a single line, 227 Cutting out riding trousers, 195 Defective vision, 322 Demeanour at meet, 223 Destroying animals, 278 Diamond (racer), 35 Diarrhoea, 272 Diet for foal, 290 Dishing, 319 Dispensing with stirrup, 15, 103 Disquietude in mounting, 143 Ditch and drain falls, 172 Docking, 311 Doctoring, 262 Doors, 252 Down jumping, 149 Draught, 256 Drinks (physic), 266 Dropping, 40 INDEX, 341 Dumb jockey, 297 Dwyer curb, 71 Ear hairs, 313 Economies, 188 Educated smiths, 238 Elbows, 103 Empress in Cheshire, 70 Escaping falls, 166 Exercising youngsters, 31 1 Experience with mare in field, 119 Experiment with a mare, 78 Fallen trees, 147 Falling, 166 Falling on the flat, 175 False economies, 194 False quarter, 316 False refinement, 130 False teaching, 151 Farcy, 274 Fashionable coachmen, 329 Feeding, 217, 241 Feeding pail, 288 Fencing, 149 Filling feet, 314 Fire buckets, 257 Firing, 273 First class drivers, 332 Flap reins, 13 Fleam, 269 Flies, 311 Flooring, 251 Fluid physicking, 266 Foal bands, 53 Foal feeding, 288 Foot fever, 272 Foot "home," 100, 325 Foaling, 286 Foaling-box, 287 Fomentations, 270 Ford crossing, 22 Fore-legs, 211 Fractured hoof. Friction, 268 239 Gag-bits, 68, 69 Galloping, 136 Gaping, 75 Getting teams together, 334 Girthing, 90 Girths, 85 Glanders, 271 Glazing, 255 Gloves, 47, 258 Going at a leap, 148 Going fast at water, 152 Granary, 258 Grooming, 313 Groom's excuses, 242 Groom's bedroom, 260 Gruel, 247 Habit-cutting, 320 Hacks, 203 Half horned hunting snaffle, 72 Hames, 326 Hand galloping, 136 Hands, 108, 128 Hanoverian Pelham, 68 Hat fasteners, 60 Hats, 47, 186, 199 Harness rooms, 260 Haunches, 213 Hay, 246 Hayloft, 256 Heel horn (removing), 235 Heel opening, 233 Heels, 236 Height of hunter, 212 Helpers, 266 Hiring horses, 321 Hocks, 205 Holding the reins, 107 342 INDEX. Hollow back, 35 Hoofs, 37 Horse balls, 264 Hot fitting, 323 Hunters, 203, 209 Hunters in harness, 208, 244 Hunting, 217 Hunting breastplate, 308 Hunting centres, 324 Hunting colts, 290 Hunting outfit, 179 Hunting scarlet 323 Hustling, 308 Idle grooms, 313 , Ignorant officer, 65 Immersion, 177 Impure air, 254 Incidents with Quorn hounds, 126 Indiarubber reins, 297 Indiarubber shoes, 237 Indiarubber soles, 273 Indigestion, 271 Inflamed gums, 272 Inquiring peculiarities, 125 Inspecting mounts, 123 Instructing youngsters, 296 Irish peasants, 4 Joe Anderson, 35 Jog trot, 232 Joint oil, 277 Judging hunters, 215 Jumping off a bungler, 170 Jumping youngsters, 300 Keeping hold of bridle when down, 176 Kemble Jackson mouthpiece, 337 Kickers in hunting-field, 228 Kicking, 137 Kicking-strap, 327 Knee injuries, 277 Laceration, 276 Ladies' horses described, 35-42 Lampass, 272 Laxatives, 267 Leaders, 331, 334 Leaping, 146 Learners' riding costume, 44 Leg-straps, 302 Leg-washing, 274 Level feeding, 257 Level-seated saddles, 17 Lever's West-countryman, 249 Lice, 313 " Lifting " at fences, 150 Light hands, 128 Lighting (stables), 255 "Little tricks," 125 Liverpool bit, 69 Lolling out the tongue, 75 Losing shoes, 228 Lungeing, 294 Maddened horse, 145 Mangers, 257, 314 Martingales, 77, 78 Mashes, 248 Matching horses, 335 Measurements of food, 244 Measurements of mouths, 73 Measuring boiled grain, 315 Megrim, 321 Melton mouthpiece, 68 "Mostly fools," 169 Moths, 326 Mounting, 93-96 Mounting youngsters, 298 Mouthpieces, 307 Mouths, 307 Mud-fever, 274 INDEX. 543 Nagging, 330 Navicular disease, 272 Negligence in caring clothes, 197 Newfoundland feeding, 248 Newmarket coats, 185 NichoU's patent stirrup, 85, 317 Night lighting, 257 Nosebands, 77 , Numbed legs, 321 Nursing stables, 288 Oats, 245 Obnoxious equestrians, 225 Oculist, 201 Offside riding, 90 Opening veins, 278 Operations, 278 Outfit for park and road riding, 47 Overdraw draw check, 336 Overlooking mount, 123 Over-reach, 275 Pad-pony, 13 Paces, 135 Pair, driving, 330 Pasturage for brood mares, 286 Patent bar, 317 Pecking, 176 Peculiarities, 125 Pelham bit, 68 Pendulous shoe, 240 Pests of the hunting-field, 168 Pets, 249 Physicking, 263 Pick-me-ups, 336 Pilots, 226 Pinning up, 269 Pistol, 318 Pleader (hunter), 22 Plugs (steel), 322 Points, 210 Poking the chin, 73 Ports, 71 Position on horseback, 97 Posts, 251 Poultices, 270 Preparation for hunting, 217 Pressing youngsters, 306 Price list, 187 Probing, 276 Projections, 252 Propellers, 161 Pullers, 137 Pulling up, 133 Purchasing horses, 33 Quartern, 323 Racehorse trotting, 206 Racing, 298 Bailing hunters, 221 Rainproof garments, 61 Rarey bit, 295 Rasping hoofs, 234 Rearing, 140 Rearing bit, 76 Refusers, 158, 164 Reining back, 133 Reins, their uses, 107, 114 Restlessness, 311 Rick in the back, 316 Riding-habits, 48 Riding hats, etc., 199 Riding masters, 27 Riding to Courtown, 25 Riding to covert, 222 Ringbone, 271 Rising in saddle, 102 Road riding, 122 Roaring, 271 Roguery, 1 60 Rolling clear, 170 Roofing, 251 Ropebiting, 315 344 INDEX. Rules of the field, 272 Rules of the road, 134 Running away, 143, 328 wS ADDLE-BAR (Bom's), 84 Saddle-cloths, 85 Saddle fitting, 84 Saddle-galls, 275 Saddle measurements, 84 Saddling, 80, 88 Saddling youngsters, 298 Safety pad, 13 Safety stirrups, 85 Salt in manger, 320 Sash windows, 254 Sawmouth bridoon, 309 Schooling, 151 School teaching, 147 Screw leaping head, 84 Seated shoe, 321 Secrets of leaping, 149 Segundo bit, 68 Self-teaching, 275 Selecting a mount, 29, 32 Sending by road, 221 Servants, teaching, 28, 99 Setting off, 127 Sewarrow, 56, 317 Shaft-tugs, 327 Sheep's horn shoes, 237 Shifting saddle, 229 Shoeing, 231 Shoeing nervous horse, 309 Shoes (to last), 323 Shooting, 278 " Show " in driving, 332 Shying, 142 Silk under clothing, 199 Sires, 282 Situation (of stable), 250 Skirt without hem, 199 Slings, 269 Sluggish, 329 '* Slummucking," 150 Smiths, 238 Snaffles, 66, 67 Soft mashes, 264 Sole paring, 233 Sore throat, 271 Speed for team, 335 Splint, 273 Spurs, 317, 318 Spurs, their uses, 121, 140 Stable forks, 323 Stabling 256 Staking, 276 Stall measurements, 252 Stalls, 252 Stanhope bit, 68 Starting youngsters, 244 Stirrups, 85 Stockings, 180 Stumbling, 142 Straw, 258 Suitability of hunting-field for ladies, 224 Supply of hay, 323 Surface drains, 251 Sutures, 269 Swollen legs, 273 Taking tired horses home, 128 Taming, 303 Tandem, 331 Team driving, 332, 335 Team practice, 334 Team standing, 334 Temperature of food, 243 Temperature of stables, 253, 323 Thorn-fencing, 156 Three-quarter shoe, 273 Throwing up the arm, 164 Thrush, 273 Tidiness, 198 INDEX, 345 Timber jumping, 153 Timidity, 160 Timidity in riding, 30 Tips (shoes), 236 Toepieces, 234 Tongue over the mouthpiece, 73 Training, 292 Training hunters to follow, 216 Trap-door, 256 Trappings for colt, 295 Trappy jumping, 154 Trappy obstacles, 153 Travelling saddle, 314 Treatment after hunting, 229 Treatment after physic, 266 Treatment of tired hunters, 229 Trotting, 129 Trousers, 54, 182 Turning corners, 120 Twitch, 264 UnderclothIxNG, 57 Unknowing ones, 324 Up-jumping, 154 Upland hay, 246 Upper jaw bit, 336 Uses of the whip, 119 Valise (to carry), 220 Variety in feeding, 248 Vegetable diet, 246 Veils, 59 Ventilation, 253 Veterinary quacks, 311 Vices, 137 Vicious horses, 1 15 Voice, 114 Walking paces, 127 Wall-licking, 321 Walls, 248, 251 Washing silk articles, 200 Waste in stables, 245 Water for hunters, 222 Water-jumping, 155 Water ponds, 260 Water pots, 258 Water stains, 326 W^eaning, 289 Weighty shoes, 234 Wheelers, 330, 334 Whips, 59 Whistling, 271 Width of mouthpiece, 75 Wielding whip, 333 Windows, 254 Wisdom in riding, 227 Wisping, 274 Worms, 271 Wounds, 276 Yards, 257 Yearlings, 291 Youngsters in leading reins, 149 LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITKD, STAMFORD STKEET AND CHAKING CROSS. 2 A A D VER TISEMENTS. ?>\7 WM. SCOTT & CO., LADIES' TAILORS, 37, DUKE STREET, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON. ''■^0Mh \-^m:'^"" WM. SGOTT & GO., HABIT MAKERS TO THE AUTHORESS. {For Specimeft see Frontispiece.) Sole Makers of the ROYAL MEATH HABIT. 37, DUKE STREET, St. JAMES'S, LONDON, And at SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN. 2 B J- 48 A D VER TISEMENTS. BEST QUALITY, HAND-SEWN BOOTS AND SHOES, At 30 per cent, less than West End prices. ESTAB. 1839. N. THIERRY. ^^ The Largest Stock and Largest Sale in England of LADIES' Riding Boots. ESTAB. 839. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER IN A FEW DAYS. SPECIAL LASTS KEPT FOR EVERY CUSTOMER. Ladies' Riding- Boots, ^_ All Patent Leather, O^S. Ladies' Riding Boots, ^/-|~ All Patent Leather, 5^^' r\ N n 70, REGENT STREET, QUADRANT, W. 11^48, GRESHAM ST., & 131, FENCHURCH ST., E.G. MANCHESTER, 2, St. Ann's Square. LIVERPOOL, 5, Bold Street. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES POST FREE. PRICES OF A FEW ARTICLES, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. BOOTS. Button or Lace 16/6 Do. do. Polish, LoTiis XV. Heels, 21/- Do. Alpine or Tourist, 23/- to 25/- SHOES. Oxford Tie Morocco, 10/6; Glace, 12/6 Do. do. Glace Zid, Louis XV. Heels, 17/6 Patent Dress Court Shoes 7/6 A LARGE STOCK of Children's Boots and Shoes, very durable and comfortable, at Moderate Prices, and EVERY VARIETY OF GENTLEMEN'S RIDING, SHOOTING, WALKING, AND DRESS BOOTS AND SHOES. AN OLD BOOT IS SITFFICrENT GUIDE FOR SIZE TO ENSTTRE A GOOD FIT. PLEASE NOTE !— 70, Quadrant, Reg-ent Street, as there is another house same name in the street- A D VER TISEMENTS. 349 The most noted firm of Ladies^ Taihrs iii the world, and be it said the most original.''^ — Court Journal. By Special Appointments to Her Majesty the Queen. H.B.H. the Princess of Wales. H.R. and I.H. the Duchess of Edinburgh. Ci^; H.R.H. the Princess Louise. H.E.H. the Princess Mary of Teck. By Special Appointments to H.I.M. the Empress of Eussia. H.M. the Queen of Denmark. H.M. the Queen of Portugal. H.R.H. the Duchess of Connaught. H.R.H. the Princess Beatrice. LADIES' TAILOR, ^ O/, 4- 26, Conduit ^'^reet, J_(Ondon, W. o^* >>. % RIDING HABITS, ^.< < >e^^ WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Their new Safety Skirt, cut on an entirely new principle, combines with elegance the greatest xomfort and security to the wearer. •' Habits are still worn short * * * Redfern has introduced a novelty which, while giving greater freedom to the pomniel knee and rendering- the risk of the habit catching much less than usual, fits to a nicety." — Daily News, Nov. 23rd, 1882. SPECIALIT IES IN COVERT & DRIVIN G COATS, Branches-COWES (I.W.), PARIS, and NEW YORK. To Ladies living in the country a?id abroad, Messrs. ^ETtYY.^'S forward Patterns of the new:st tnaierials for habits, ^^c. post free on application, ajid guarantee a perfect fit without a personal interview. 2 li 2 350 ADVERTISEMENTS. HENRY PEAT & CO., SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, By Appointment to H.R.H, the Priace of Wales, 1 73, PICCADILLY, LONDON. SADDLERY OP EVERY DEgORIFTION FOR INDIA, AMERICA, AND THE COLONIES. JAMES MCMILLAN, HUNTING BOOT MAKER, 104, JERMYN STREET, PICCADILLY, 8.W. LADIES' 'ECONOMICAL/ 'PARK/ 'CROSS COUNTRY/ 'TROPICAL,' ' NEWMAPtKET,' AND ALL KINDS OF RIDING BOOTS. AD VER TISEMEN TS. :>:> HOARE & SONS, Specialite Ibabit fIDahera & XaMce' ^ailore, 252 & 253, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. ESTJ^BLISHEHD 1847- " Ladies looking for high-class Tailoring at reasonable charges for Cash payment would do well to give this old-established House a visit." '* Evidently, only the most careful and experienced Foremen Tailors and best Workman- ship obtainable are employed." Habits for Park or Country, from 5 to 8 Guineas. Specialite "PRINCESS" Habit, as worn by H.I.M. the Empress of Austria. HOARE & SONS' own Registered Shape, from 6 to 9 Guineas. Walking or Travelling Gowns, 4 to 8 Guineas. Ulsters, from 3 Guineas. Covert Coats, from 2J Guineas. Specialite for Travelling — Lady's Ocean Coat (regd. ), with Removable Cape and Hood, from 4 Guineas. COUNTRY ORDERS. Ladies can now be fitted as perfectly as if in Town by the assistance of a Pattern Bo'Hce (which can be sent by post), and a few measures taken by our Registered System, thercbv avoiding trouble and delay. This department is un ler the personal supervision of a member of the Firm, and has proved most successful in every instance. Patter7iSy Estimates, and Illustrations of the Newest Fashions Post Free. 352 A D VER TISEMENTS. IF YOU DESIRE REALLY WELL-POLISHED BOOTS, USE E. BROWN & SON'S ROYAL MELTON IAN BLACKING. It renders them beautifully soft, durable, and waterproof, while its lustre equals tne most brilliant patent leather. E. BROWN & SON'S NONPAREIL DE GUICHE PARISIAN POLISH for Dress Boots and Shoes, is more elastic and less difficult in its use than any other. E. BROWN & SON'S WATERPROOF VARNISH, for Hunting, Shooting, and Fishing Boots, is strongly recommended to all Sportsmen. E. BROWN & SON'S BROWN TOP-BOOT FLUID, POLISH, and POWDERS of all Colours. E. BROWN & SON'S MELT'>NIAN CREAM, for Renovating all kinds of Patent Leather, Furniture, &c. E. BROWN & SON'S ROYAL KID REVIVER for all kinds of Black Kid, Leather, &c. E. BROWN & SON'S WATERPR9OF HARNESS POLISH is far superior to all others ! it requires neither Oil nor Dye. MANUFACTORY: 7, GAERICK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. And at 26, Rue Bergere, Paris. ^3urbcgors to ^n IHajcstg, WERE AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL, 1862. Retail Everywhere. Telephone, 3765. RICHARD T. MARTIN, Ladie^' Tailor h\\^ Costumier, TO THE Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, 85 & 86 grafton street, dublin. CELEBRATED FOR TI[AYELLING AND WALKING COSTUMES, GOWHS, COATS, DOLMAHS, AND JtAJLJUJLiM vx XjLxxJoJL JL c5i A large Assortment of all the leading Home and Foreign Materials always in Slock. A?i Inspeclion Solicited. ADVERTISEMENTS. 353 ALFRED MANNING, l^OBE^, MODE^, NoUVEAUTE^^ TO HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF WALES, AND THE IRISH COURT, 102 and 103, GRAFTON STREET, MR. JOHN FREEMAN, F.R.C.V.S., IDeterinar^ 3^nficmar^, 33, D^TVSON STREET, DUBLIK, AND GEORGE'S STREET, KINGSTOWN. 354 AD VER TISEMENTS. T. H. FIELDER, 78, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN, Late of LONDON, PARIS and NEW YORK, LADIES' TAILOR, NOTED FOR MANTLES, FURS, WALKING, TRAVELLING, TENNIS, AND YACHTING GOWNS, JACKETS, COATS, AND ULSTERS. COSTUMES FROM STOCK AND TO ORDER. LyADIE^' ryVILOI^ TO HER EXCELLENCY COUjMTE^^ OF ABERDEEN, COUJMTE^^ OF CAR]My\RVON, AND THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Ladies living at a dista?tce can rely on a PERFECT FIT by se7iding a Bodice for size. THE BEST MATERIALS, THOROUGHLY SHRUNK. Full Sets of Patterns and Designs Post Free. RIDING HABITS TO ORDER, FITTED IN THE SADDLE. Perfection of Cut and Style. Accurate Fit Guaranteed. MODE R A TE PRICES. Dtscoicnt 5 per Cent, for Cash. T. H. FIELDER, 78, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN W. TH ACKER &- CO., LOXDON. O >- " 033 "Splendidly Illustrated Record of Sport."— Graphic. In Demy 4to. Thirty Plates and Map, £2 2s. LARGE GAME SHOOTING IN THIBET AND THE NORTH-WEST. By colonel ALEXANDER A. KINLOCH. " Colonel Kinloch, who has killed most kinds of Indian game, small and great, relates incidents of his varied sporting experiences in chapters, which are each descriptive of a different animal. The photogravures of the heads of many of the animals, from the grand gauer, popularly miscalled the bison, downwards, are extremely clever and spirited." — Times. 356 TH ACKER, SPINK &- CO., CALCUTTA. ^-^^ ■'^m STERNDALE'S MAMMALIA OF INDIA. One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations. \%s. od. IV. TH ACKER &- CO., LONDON, 157 In Imperial i6nio. Uniform with "Riding," " Hindu Mythology," and " Riding for Ladies." 18;^. od. K NATUEAL HISTOEY OF THE MAMMALIA OF INDIA. By R. a. STERNDALE, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., &c. AUTHOR OF " SEONEE," "THE DENIZENS OK THE JCNGLE," " THE AFGHAN KNIFE," ETC. WITH 170 ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR AND OTHERS. " The notices of each animal are, as a rule, short, though on some of the larger mammals — the lion, tiger, pard, boar, &c. — ample and interesting de- tails are giv«n, including occa- sional anecdotes of adventure." — The Ti7nes. "Has contrived to hit a happy mean between the stiff scientific treatise and the bosh of what maybe called anecdotal zoology." — The Daily N'ews. " The very model of what a popular natural history should be."- -Knowledge. De^i^e^s op the 'Jukqees. •^:" ^^-^- f~ '>'-^ / V ^ '* ^-^c:^* 1/ . i ^-^^-^^^^Mir'-' '-;>: ^'V /. . ' V,'' 7/.V^ -,^,-. ■\ J. » ^ ^-^ f>f- -7>^. ■4 ( i Cv c-r^-^' * J K-, 3"%^ fe/f^ >>0 TV Hv«V* y -^ -r^i 3s>tt^ Kt^ ^t. ^i \\ / / *^] r5f By R. a. STERNDALE, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., etc. IV. T HACKER &- CO., LONDON. 359 Oblong Imperial 4to. i6i'. DENIZENS OF THE JUNGLES H ^nirjg of ^fectffKiS of IMxl^ Huimat^g, ILLUSTRATING THEIR EORMS AND NATURAL ATTITUDES. WITH LETTERPRESS DESCRIPTION OF EACH PLATE. By R. a. STERNDALE, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., AUTHOK OF "natural HISTORV OF THE MAMMALIA OF INDIA," " SEONEE." E I C. I. — Denizens of the Jungles. Aborigines — Deer — Mon- keys. II.— "On the Watch." Tiger. III. — "Not so Fast Asleep as he Looks." Panther — Mon- keys. IV.— "Waiting for Father." Black Bears of tlie Plains. v.— "Rival Monarchs." Tiger and Elephant. VI. — " Hors de Combat." Indian Wild Boar and Tiger. VII.— "A Race for Life." Blue Bull and Wild Dogs. VIII. — " Meaning Mischief." The Gaur — Indian Bison. IX.- "More than His Match." Buffalo and Rhinoceros. X.— "A Critical Moment." Spotted Deer and Leo- pard. XI.—" Hard Hit." The Sambur. XII.— "Mountain Monarchs." Marco Polo's Sheep. " The plates are admirably executed by photo-lithography from the author's originals, every line and touch being faithfully preserved. It is a volume which will be eagerly studied on many a table. Mr. Sterndale has many an amusing and exciting anecdote to add to the general interest of the work." — Broad Arrow. " The Volume is well got up and the Drawings are spirited and n.dXvL'SdA..^^— Illustrated London Nezus. LAYS OF IND. By Aliph Cheem. COMIC, SATIRICAL, AND DESCRIPTIVE. 3Potm£i Hlu^tratibc of ^nglo^ifttUiaii ICifc. Seventh Edition. Enlarged. Cloth, gilt. los. 6d. » " This is a remarkably bright little book. ' Aliph Cheem,' supposed to be the nom-de-pliime of an officer in the i8th Hussars, is, after his fashion, an Indian Bon Gaultier. In a few of the poems the jokes, turning on local names and customs, are somewhat esoteric ; but, taken throughout, the verses are characterised by high animal spirits, great cleverness, and most excellent fooling." — The World. " Highly amusing ballads and songs, which have already in a former edition warmed the hearts and cheered the lonely hours of many an Anglo-Indian, the pictures being chiefly those of Indian life. There is no mistaking the humour, and at times, indeed, the fun is both ' fast and furious.' Many portions remind us of the ' Bab Ballads.' One can readily imagine the merriment created round the camp fire by the recitation of ' The Two Tnumpers,' which is irresistibly droll.'' — Liverpool Mercury. " One of the most superb little presentation books we have ever seen." — Indian Mail. "The 'Lays' are not onlyAnglo-Indian in origin, but out-and-out Anglo-Indian in subject and colour. To one who knows something of life at an Indian 'station' they will be especially amusing. Their exuberant fun at the same time may well attract the attention of the ill-defined individual known as ' the general reader.' " — Scotsman. IV. TH ACKER &- CO., LONDON. 361 Uniform with "Lays of Ind," "Riding," &c. los. 6d. HINDU MYTHOLOGY VEDIC m PURANIC. BY Rev. W. J. WILKINS, OF THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, CALCUTTA. Illustrated by very numerous Engravings from Drawings by Native Artists. REVIEWS. " His aim has been to give a faithful account of the Hindoo deities such as an intelligent native would himself give, and he has endeavoured, in order to achieve his purpose, to keep his mind free from prejudice or theological bias. To help to completeness he has included a number of drawings of the principal deities, executed by native artists. The author has attempted a work of no little ambition, and has succeeded in his attempt, the volume being one of great interest and usefulness ; and not the less so because he has strictly re- frained from diluting his facts with comments of his own. It has numerous illustrations." — Home News, ♦* Mr. Wilkins has done his work well, with an honest desire to state facts apart from all theological prepossession, and his volume is likely to be a useful book of reference." — Guardian. " In Mr. Wilkins' book we have an illustrated manual, the study of which will lay a solid foundation for more advanced knowledge, while it will furnish those who may have the desire, without having the time or opportunity to go further into the subject, with a really extensive stock of accurate infor- mation." — Indian Daily News. In Imperial i6mo., uniform with " Lays of Ind," " Riding," " Riding for Ladies," &c. Ss. 6d. THE TRIBES ON MY FRONTIER gilt |«bian IJaturalisl's ^orngn iolitg. By EHA. With Fifty Illustrations by F. C. Macrae. TIFFIN. This remarkably clever work most graphically and humor- ously describes the surroundings of a Mofussil bungalow. The twenty chapters embrace a year's experiences, and provide endless sources of amusement and suggestion. The numerous able illus- trations add very greatly to the interest of the volume, which will find a place on every table. THE CHAPTERS ARE— I. A Durbar. II. The Rats. III. The Mosquitos. IV. The Lizards. V. The Ants. VI. The Crows. VII. The Bats. VIII. Bees, Wasps, ethoc genus omne. IX. The Spiders. X. The Butterfly : Hunting Him. XI. The Butterfly: Contemplating Him. XII. The Frogs. XIII. The Bugs. XIV. The Birds of the Garden. XV. The Birds at the Mango Tope. XVI. The Birds at the Tank. XVII. The Pouhry Yard. XVIII. The White Ants. XIX. TheHypodermatikosyringophoroi. XX. Etcetera. "Always amusing and never dull." — Field. " Full of accurate and unfamiliar observation."— ^rt/wr^av Review. "Has the advantage of needing no preliminary knowledge of Natural History for its enjoyment." — H- estminster Review. W. TH ACKER &- CO., LONDON. 363 Imperial i6mo. i8j. od. Uniform with "Lays of Ind," "Hindu Mythology," "Riding," "Natural History of the Mammalia of India," &c. A POPULAR HANDBOOK OF INDIAN FERNS. By colonel R. H. BEDDOME, AUTHOR OF "the FERNS OF BRITISH INDIA," "THE FERNS OF SOUTHERN INDIA." "It is the first special book of port- able size and moderate price which has been devoted to Indian Ferns, and is in every way deserving of the extensive circulation it is sure to obtain." — Nature, June 14th, 1883. "I have just seen a new work on Indian Ferns which will prove vastly interesting, not only to the Indian people, but to the botanists of this country." — hidian Daily News. "'The Ferns of India.' This is a good book, being of a useful and trust- worthy character. The species are familiarly described, and most of them illustrated by small Hgnves.^' -Gardene7's^ Chronicle. "Those interested in botany will do well to procure a new work on the 'Ferns of British India.' The work will prove a first-class text-book." — Free Press. THREE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. 2 C 364 TRACKER, SPINK &^ CO., CALCUTTA. Uniform with *' Riding for Ladies." Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. Imperial i6mo. los. 6d. RIDING: ON THE FLAT AND ACROSS COUNTRY. 21 (Butbe to practical fjorscmansljip. By CAPT. M. H. HAYES. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED BY STURGESS. S4JMi*%^2> K, Illustrated Sportiitg and Dramatic Ncius. — "The book is one that no man who has ever sat in a saddle can fail to read with interest." The Field. — "The general directions are in most cases in accordance with our own opinions ; and Mr. Hayes has supplemented his own experience of race-riding by resorting to Tom Cannon, Fordham, and other well-known jockeys for illustration. 'The Guide' is, on the whole, thoroughly reliable ; and both the illustrations and the printing do credit to the publishers." The Sporting Life. — " It has, however, been reserved for Captain Haye'? to write what in our opinion will be generally accepted as the most comprehensive, enlightened, and 'all round ' work on riding, bringing to bear as he does not only his own great experience, but the advice and practice of many of the best recognised horsemen of the period." W. TH ACKER &- CO., LONDON. 36: In Imperial i6mo. Illustrated. Zs. 6d, INDIAN RACING REMINISCENCES: BEING ENTERTAINING NARRATIVES AND ANECDOTES OF MEN, HORSES, AND SPORT. ILLUSTRATED WITH TWENTY-TWO PORTRAITS AND A NUMBER OF SMALLER ENGRA VINGS. By CAPT. M. HORACE HAYES. AUTHOR OF "riding ON THE FLAT AND ACROSS COUNTRY," "VETERINARY NOTES FOR HORSE OWNERS," "TRAINING AND HORSE MANAGEMENT IN INDIA," ETC. — o"» " The book is full of racy anecdote .... He is well known as an authority on everything connected with the horse and horse-racing." — BeU's Life. "All sponsmen who can appreciate a book on racing, written in a chatty style and full of anecdote, will like QxiJtain Hayes' latest work." — Field. "The book is valuable from the fact that aiany hints on the treatment of horses are included."— ///wj- trated Sportittg and Dramatic A'e7vs. " Many a racing anecdote and many a curious character our readers will find in the book, which is very well got up, embellished with many portraits." — Baily's Magazine. 2 C 2 ':;66 TH ACKER, SPINK &- CO., CALCUTTA. Second Edition, in Crown Svo, Illustrated. ioj-. 6^. YETERIMRY NOTES FOR HORSE-OWNERS. AN E VER Y-DA Y HORSE BOOK. By CAPT. M. HORACE HAYES. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Saturday Review. — *' The work is written in a clear and practical way." The Field.— '•'■Oi the many popular veterinary books which have come under our notice, this is certainly one of the most scientific and reliable. The author tells us, in the preface to the first edition, that any merit which the book may possess is to be ascribed to the teaching of the Principal and Professors of the New Veterinary College at Edinburgh, where he studied. It is much to be desired that every student would make so much use of his opportunities as Capt. Hayes has done. "Some notice is accorded to nearly all the diseases which are common to horses in this country, and the writer takes advantage of his Indian experiences to touch upon several maladies of horses in that country, where veterinary' surgeons are few and far between. The des- cription of symptoms and the direc- tions for the application of remedies are given in perfectly plain terms, which the tyro will find no difficulty in comprehending ; and, for the pur- pose of further smoothing his path, a chapter is given on veterinary medicines, their actions, uses, and doses. This information will be most acceptable to the majority of horse- owners, and may be invaluable on an emergency when no advice better than that of the village cow doctor can be obtained." IV. T HACKER &- CO., LONDON. 367 Crown 8vo. 71. dd. m \ A PLANTER'S LIFE IN ASSAM By GEORGE M. BARKER. WITH SEVENTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. This book aims at conveying to all interested in India and the Tea industr)' an entertaining and useful account of the topo- graphical features of Assam ; the strange surroundings — human and animal — of the European Resident ; the trying Climate; the Daily Life of the planter ; and general details of the formation and working of Tea Gardens. The illustrations, \ by the Author, add greatly to the in- "'■* terest of the work. ASSAMESE. NAGA WOMAN. "Mr. Barker has sup- plied us with a very good and readable de- scription, accompanied by numerous illustrations drawn by himself. What may be called the business parts of the book are of most value." — Cojitem- porary Review. "Cheery, well-written little book." — Graphic. " A very interesting and amusing book, artistically illustrated from sketches drawn by the Author." — Mark Lane Express. 368 THACKER, SPINK &^ CO., CALCUTTA. Fourth Edition, Crown 8vo. {in preparation). lAMUhh OF QAI^DRNINQ FOR BENGAL AND UPPER INDIA. By THOMAS A. C. FIRMINGER, M.A. THOROUGHLY REVISED AND BROUGHT DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME BY J. H. JACKSON, Editor of *' The hidian Agriculturist,'''^ -*o*- PART I. Operations of Gardening. Chap. I. — Climate — Soils — Manures. Chap. II. — Laying-out a Garden — Lawns — Hedges — Hoeing and Dig- ging — Drainage — Conservatories — Betel Houses — Decorations — Im- plements — Shades — Labels — Ver- min — Weeds. Chap. III. — Seeds — Seed Sowing — Pot Culture — Planting — Cuttings — Layers —Gootee — Grafting and In- arching — Budding — Pruning and Root Pruning — Conveyance. Chap. IV. — Calendar of Operations. PART IL Garden Plants. 1. Culinary Vegetables. 2. Dessert Fruits. 3. Edible Nuts. 4. Ornamental Annuals. 5. Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Perennials. IV. TH ACKER &^ CO., LONDON. 369 Crown 8vo. 'js. 6d. MANUAL OF Agriculture for India, By Lieut, R POGSON. r-!-r-i>^i, 1. Origin and Cliaraoter of Soils— 2. Ploughing and Preparing for Seed —3, Manures and Com- posts. —4. Wheat Cultivation. —5. Barley.— 6. Oats.— 7. Rye.— 8. Rice.-9. Maize.— 10. Sugar- producing Sorghums.— 11. Common Sorghums.— 12. Sugarcane. - 13. Oil Seed. -14. Field Pea Crops.-16. Ball or Pulse.— 16. Root Crops.— 17. Cold Spice.- 18. Fodder.— 19. Water-Nut.— 20. Ground-Nut.— 21. Rush-Nut or Chufas.- 23. Cotton. — 23. Tobacco.— 24. Mensuration.— Appendix. REVIEWS. "POGSON'S AGRICULTURE. •* The work seems to us both in thoroughness of execution and in clearness of arrangement en- tirely to fulfil all the hopes that have been formed of it. We cannot doubt that the Government will heartily take up this most valuable book, and circulate it both in the original and vernacu- lar translations throughout the length and breadth of the land ; nor should a moment be lost, for it represents one of the most important and most promising lines on which we can meet that terrible Malthusian difficulty."— y^/Z^w'j- Indian Mail. "A work of extreme Home News. "Mr. Pogson's advice followed by both native and European agri- culturists, for it is eminently practical and devoid of empiricism. His little volume embodies the teaching of a large and varied experience, and deserves to be warmly supported." — Madras Mail. practical value." — may be profitably :i I MfH ^. Its! *:^^ 370 TH ACKER, SPINK &- CO., CALCUTTA. Complete in One Volume, loj-. ; Interleaved, lis. A TEXT BOOK OF INDIAN ^ BOTANY : MORPHOLOGICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL, and SYSTEMATIC. By W. H. GREGG, Lecturer on Botany, Hughli College. With 240 Illustrations. IV. TH ACKER &= CO., LONDON. 371 Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. The Indian Cookery Book. A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK TO THE KITCHEN IN INDIA ADAPTED TO THE THREE PRESIDENCIES. Containittg Original and Approved Recipes in every department of Indian Cookery ; Recipes for Sumtner Beverages and Home-made Liqueurs ; Medicinal and other Recipes ; together with a variety of things worth knowing. By A THIRTY-FIVE YEARS' RESIDENT. Third Edition, Revised. Training and Horge Management in India. By Captain M. HORACE HAYES, Author of "Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners," "Riding," &c. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Sj. dd. " No better guide could be placed in the hands of either amateur horseman or veterinary surgeon." — Tiie l/eterinary Journal. " A useful guide in regard to horses anywhere Concise, practical, and portable." — Saturday Review. 372 THACKER, SPINK &- CO., CALCUTTA, Prepared for the use of the Survey Department of India, and published under the authority of the Government of India. Royal 8vo. 30J. od. A Manual of Surveying for India; DETAILING THE MODE OF OPERATIONS ON THE TRIGONOME TRICAL, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND REVENUE "^m- SURVEYS OF INDIA. COMPILED BY Sir H. L. THUILLIER, K.C.S.L, Royal Artillery, AND LiEUT.-CoL. R. SMYTH, late Bengal Artillery. W. TH ACKER &- CO., LONDON. 373 One Vol. Small 8vo. 5^. od. TALES FROM INDIAN HISTORY: BEING THE 2lnnals of 3^^^^^ retolb in riarrattpes. By J. TALBOYS WHEELER. Forms a complete History of India from the earliest period to the present day, drawn up as a series of " Narratives" for general reading in schools and families. So far it will resemble the history of Scotland as told in Sir Walter Scott's " Tales of a Grandfather," omitting all details and disquisitions which are sufficiently given in the author's larger histories of India, and seeking to tell the progress of events in the most simple and attractive manner. Reviews of Wheeler's 'Tales from Indian History.' "While the work has been written for them (natives), it has also been written for the people of England, who will find in the volume, perhaps for the first time, the history of our great dependency made extremely attractive reading. Mr. Wheeler's narrative is written in a most graceful style ; indeed, he is master of the English language. He does not confine himself to the mere dry details of history, but tells the adventures of Indian heroes and heroines in legends of love and war ; describes the village communities of India, their organization and self-government ; delineates the results of caste, infant marriage, and other Hindoo institutions and usages as seen in the family and social life of the people in villages and towns, as well as in courts and palaces. . . . The work also contains valuable observations on the foreign relations of the Indian Empire with Persia, Russia, Turkey, and China. Altogether this is a work of rare merit." — Broad Arrow. " In going through an interesting book, the reader will be furnished with a good general notion of Indian history, and learn besides something about Indian modes of life." — Queen. "Will absorb the attention of all who delight in thrilling records of adventure and daring. It is no mere compilation, but an earnest and brightly- written book." — Daily Chronicle. "This little volume contains a history of India in the form of tales and narratives, intended by the author for the people of India as well as for those of the British Isles." — Army and Nazy Gazette. " No young reader who revolts at the ordinary history presented to him in his school books will hesitate to take up this. No one can read a volume such as this without being deeply interested." — Scotsman. J74 TH ACKER, SPmK ive and detailed Mofussil Directory, and a va^t amount of general information relating to India, its Government, commerce, postal arrange- ments, festivals, and official estabhshments. . . . The expansion of the work will be welcomed as a response to the growing requirements of commerce with India." 376 ADVERTISEMENTS. ALEXANDER SCOTT, RIDING-HABIT MAKER, 15, SODTH MOLTOB ST., GROSVENOR SQMRE, W. SPECIALITY-SAFETY SKIRTS. NEW WORKS BY CAPTAIN HAYES; IN THE PRESS. IN DEMY 8vo, SOUNDNESS AND AGE OF HORSES. A Complete Guide to all those features which require attention when purchasing Horse.<;, distinguishing mere defects from the symptoms of unsoundness, with explicit instructions how to conduct an examination of the various parts. CHAPTERS. I. — Soundness. II. — Defects which are Absolute Unsound- ness. III. — Defects which are not necessarily Unsoundness. IV. — Method of Examination. V, — How to Handle a Horse. VI. — Examination of the Mouth. VII. — Examination of the Eyes. VIII. — Examination of the Head, Neck, and Trunk. IX. — Examination of the Limbs. X. — Lameness. OBLONG 4TO. THE POINTS OF the; HO^^E- A FAMILIAR TREATISE ON EQUINE CONFORMATION. ILLUSTRATED BY J. H. OSWALD BROWN. Describing the Points in which the perfection of each class of Horses consists ; illustrated by very numerous reproductions of Photographs of Living Typical Animals, forming an invaluaole Guide to Owners of Horses. A D VER TISEMENTS. V7 HT^ IKT 1R "V TT IP A ^ TT 105, 107, & 109, OXFORD ST., W. ONLY ONE ADDRESS (( THE MANUFACTORY." OVER AGAINST NEWMAN ST, Established in the Reign of King George the Fourth, " Henry Heath, of 105, 107, and 109, Oxford Street, has a very sensible invention in the shape of a soft-banded hat for riding. The painful sensation experienced from the pressure of the usual hard hat is quite obviated in the hat manufactured by Henry Heath."— Vide The Queen. "The Hunting Hats made by this Firm deserve commendation.'* —Vide The Queen, Nov. 21, 1885. Prices 10s. 6d,, 12s, 6d., 16s., 18s. 6d., &c. In all Colours, to match Habit. NEW SHOW ROOMS FOR LADIES' HATS. *' One of the chief features of Mr. Henry Heath's manufac- tory, at 105-107-109, Oxford Street, is that hats are exactly fitted to the heads of the cus- tomer. This is ensured by a very ingenious patented inven- tion in the shape of a soft metal band, which takes the form as well as the size of the head." Post-free upon application. Prices 21s., 25s., &c. 378 AD VERTISEMENTS. DIE HABITS r^^^-: -TTzn AS RECOMMENDED BY Mrs. POWER O'DONOGHUE, the most modern authority on female equitation, are cut on the most improved Safety Principle, and are unsurpassed for Fit, Style, and Durability. A List of their Reasonable Charges will be sent on application. Tlie Latest Novelties in Tailor-Made Costumes, Coats, and Jackets. Thoimg & Song, Tailorg and HaMt fflakerg, 48, $OUTH jVl0l.T0]N( $T1^EET, KeW BoND $7., W. ^.•, -.votor , ■ •"■ ■ •■ - ■. ^.'eLerinary Medicine Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, WIA 01 536 ^:x '■*•■!*.. ■m '.% ■i^,- ■■■^^