! ^ THIS IS OUR SALESMAN m I THE BARLOW HARDWARE Ca { I CORRY, :: :: :: :: PENNSYLVANIA f 1 ^^^ i WHOLESALE IRON AND STEEL BLACKSMITHS'. MILLMEN'S AND LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES CARRIAGES AND WAGONS 1909 NET PRICE LIST NUM BER 25 DESTROY ALL PREVIOUS LISTS ■to i.. iM i« iii i i w i>i jB W t.n mo mm immmMm' ' ' r^--^>>m^ H i\ ^ iLi m m« , n i i i iii inyi l M iii t n ii iHuM iwi Webster Family Library of Veterinaiv Medicine Cummings Sclico! of Vetsrlnary ivledicine at i 3 9090 013 408 899 No. 25 Ik Barlow Hardware Co. CORRY, PA. NET PRICE LIST OF IRON AND STEEL Wagon and Carriage Hardware, Woodstock and Carriage Trim- mings, Blacksmith's Tools, Mill and Lumbermen's Supplies Carriages and Wagons THE BARLOW HAKDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Announcement We solicit comparison of our prices with those of other houses from whom you have been buying and we feel very confident that you will find it much to your interest to, at least, try us with a sample order. Our Goods are standard, same as are handled by other houses in the same line as ourselves. They are not inferior quality as some may try to make you believe. We are heavy buyers, pay spot cash for everything and are willing to sell them to you at a fair margin of profit. A successful business career of over twenty years' duration, is, we think, an earnest recommend of our commercial standing. To those who have been in the habit of dealing with us, we extend our thanks, and solicit from them a continuance of their patronage, while those who have not as yet bought from us, we ask for a trial order. PL.EASE READ CAREFUL.L.Y TERMS. The prices named in this Price List are net Cash, no discount, and subject to market changes without notice. Unless otherwise agreed cash must accompany orders. To re- sponsible parties terms will be made not longer than thirty days. No extension of time after thirty days. We will not pay exchange or express charges, as all bills are made payable at our office. SHIPMENTS. We do not ship any goods by express, C. O. D'. unless there is enough money with orders to pay charges both ways if goods are refused. All parties not known to us, or who are not rated well in commercial agencies, must pay in advance, or we will ship goods by freight in our own name and collect the bill through your banker by sending draft with bill of lading attached, if sufficient money is sent us with the order to cover freight charges, both ways. Be sure and give us the name and location of your bank. No goods will be shipped to irresponsible parties unless cash accompanies orders. If credit is desired, mail your ref- erence with your order. ERRORS. We make them, so does everybody. If we make a mistake, write us about it and give us a fair chance to correct our errors. Mistakes can often be prevented if our customers will see that the following information is given in their orders: 1st. Write name and postoffice very plainly. 2nd. Tell us your shipment point if dif- ferent from postoffice. 3rd. Date your order. 4th. How to be shipped. 5th. Quantity wanted. 6th. Articles wanted. 7th. Be sure and sign your name. We get many orders without signatures. 8th. If on R. F. D. Route give number of route. .. . ..I HOW TO SEND MONEY. Remit by postoffice money order, express money order, bank draft, or for small amounts postage stamps will be accepted. Do_ not un- der any circumstances send money in a let- ter, except by registered mail. OUR SHIPPING FACILITIES Are excellent, Corry, Pa., is situated on the following railroads: Erie, Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia & Erie of Pennsylvania Rail- road. We can ship in all directions on trunk lines. We have the following express com- panies: Well^ Fargo, American and Adams. Unless otherwise specified goods are F. O. B. cars Corry. Where shipment from factory is deemed desirable it is stated in catalogue. Our responsibility ceases when goods are delivered to transportation company. When reporting a shortage, have your agent properly note shortage on paid freight bill and send the bill to us. CLAIMS. Claims for mistakes, etc., ^ must be made immediately upon receipt of goods. Do. not under any circumstances return any goods without first writing us and receiving shipping instructions, as in some cases goods should go direct to factory, thus saving freight charges. OUR RESPONSIDILITY. We have been engaged in this business in Corry for over twenty years, and own the ground and buildings we occupy (as well as the goods contained therein) which consists of seven buildings, giving us a floor space of 50,- 000 square feet. To those unacquainted with us, our ability and willingness to perform^ our part of the contract, we refer to any resident or business house of Corry, and by permis- sion to the Citizens National Bank, or the Na- tional Bank of Corry. Our financial standing can be ascertained of any of the commercial agencies, or of any reputable bank in America. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. OUR DESIRE in different parts of the country, upon receiv- Is to please you by giving you the best ''''^ '''''' ''^^^\%'ip ^^l^r^g^^^''^'' Your prices goods in the market at lowest prices, by prompt are very MUCH LOWER than we have been shipment of goods and by courteous treatment paying, but won t the freight from Cofry to our in all cases. We will appreciate all orders, city make up the difference? To such we say large or small, and give each our most care- most emphatically NO. It is our aim to sell ful attention. y°" goods with freight added, for less money than you can buy nearer home. The weight REMARKS ABOUT FREIGHT. tables which follow will enable you to esti- Many blacksmiths and wagon makers, located mate the cost of delivery to your freight station. It is very important tliat customers should write plainly their name and post- office address. In case there is no railroad running through your town and the- goods arc to go to some other town where tliere is a railroad, give the name of that town plainly and also the county it is in. ESTIMATED WEIGHT OF ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. Round. One Foot in Length. Square. Diam. Weight. Diara. Weight. Size. Weight. Size. Weight. T^y .094 1 2.654 H .241 1% 4.278 % .165 1% 3.360 j% .330 1^4 5.280 ^e .261 1% 4.172 H .475 1^ 6.390 H .373 IH 5.019 -iV .647 iVz 7.604 tV .508 iy2 5.972 H -845 1^ 8.926 y2 .663 1V& 7.010 r\ 1-069 l.)4 10.352 ^g- .840 1^4 8.128 5/^ 1,320 1?^ 11.883 ys 1.043 2 10.616 3A 1.901 2 13.520 ^ 1.493 2% 13.440 7/^ 2.588 2J4 17.112 7^ 2.032 21/2 16.688 1 3.380 2^ 21.120 For prices of Round and Square Iron, see pages 4 and 5. ESTIMATED WEIGHT OF FLAT ROLLED IRON. One Foot in Length. Width Thickness. inches. % in. ■h in. Va in. tV in. Min. fs in. Hin. 5/8 in. ^in. yk in. 1 in. % .242 .316 .422 .528 .634 .738 .845 1.056 1.265 1.477 1.690 Vs .276 .395 .528 .660 .792 .923 1.060 1.320 1.584 1.846 2.112 Va .316 .474 .633 .792 .950 1.108 1.265 1.584 1.901 2.217 2.534 % .369 .553 .738 .923 1.108 1.294 1.477 1.846 2.217 2.588 2.956 1 .422 .632 .845 1.056 1.267 1,478 1.690 2.112 2.534 2.956 3.380 IJ^ .474 .711 .950 1.187 1.425 1.663 1.901 2.375 2.850 3.326 3.802 \li .528 .790 1.056 1.320 1.584 1.848 2.112 2.640 3.168 3.696 4.224 iVs .581 .868 1.161 1.452 1.742 2.032 2.325 2.904 3.842 4.065 4.646 1^ .634 .949 1.266 1.584 1.900 2.217 2.535 3.168 3.802 4.435 5.06f^ iVs .687 1.027 1.372 1.716 2.059 2.402 2.746 3.432 4.119 4.805 5.492 ■ iVa .740 1.106 1.479 1.848 2.218 2.589 2.957 3.696 4.435 5.178 5.914 iVs .793 1.185 1.584 1.980 2.376 2.772 3.168 3.960 4.752 5.544 6.336 2 .846 1.264 1.689 2.112 2.534 2.957 3.379 4.224 5.069 5.915 6.758 2% .899 1.343 1.795 2.244 2.693 3.141 3.591 4.488 5.385 6.283 7.181 2% .952 1.422 1.900 2.376 2.851 3.326 3.802 4.751 5.703 6.653 7.604 2M 1.005 1.501 2.006 ■2.508 3.009 3.511 4.013 5.016 6.019 7.022 8.025 2H 1.058 1.580 2.112 2.640 3.168 3.696 4.224 5.280 6.336 7.392 8.448 254 1.264 1.659 2.332 2.904 3.485 4.066 4.647 5.808 6.970 8.132 9.294 3 1.370 1.817 2.535 3.168 3.802 4.435 5.069 6.337 7.604 8.871 10.138 3^ 1.476 1.975 2.746 3.432 4.119 4.805 5.492 6.865 8.237 9.610 10.983 35^ 1.582 2.132 2.957 3.696 4.436 5.175 5.914 7.393 8.871 10.350 11.828 334 1.688 2.291 3.168 3.960 4.752 5.544 6.336 7.921 9.505 11.089 12.673 4 1.794 2.449 3.380 4.224 5.069 5.914 6.759 8.448 10.138 11.828 13.518 For prices of Flat Iron, see pages 4 and 5. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. IRON. ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. IRON TIRE. Sets of 2 Bars 12 ft. and 2 Bars 15 ft. Lengths. AVE KEEP ROUND EDGE TIRE ONLY. Sizes. Ne Front Each. t price Hind Each. Per Set. Sizes. Net price Front Hind Each. Each. Per Set. Sizes. Net price Front Hind Each. Each. Per Set. y4^V4 in. .$0.18 $0.23 $0.81 1^x5/8 in. . .74 .92 3.30 2HxJ4 in. .$1.45 $1.81 $6.50 ^x^ in. , .20 .26 .92 iHxV^ in. . .65 .79 2.85 3 xH in. . .87 1.06 3.85 1 xK in. . .23 .29 .96 iVs^H in. . .79 .99 3.55 3 xy2 in. . 1.16 1.38 5.05 1 x^ in. . .28 .35 1.25 iH^Va in. . .95 1.19 4.27 3 xH in. . 1.42 1.77 6.35 iH^'A in. . .25 .31 1.10 m^H in. . .50 .63 2.25 3 x^ in. . 1.71 2.13 7.65 i%x-h in. . .28 .40 1.35 l^x^ in. . .70 .84 3.05 3^x,\ in. . .90 1.17 4.14 l^xH in. . .34 .44 1.55 l->4x5^ in. . .87 1.04 3.80 sy2xH in. . 1.02 1.29 4.60 154x^4 in. . .29 .37 1.31 iH^H in. . 1.03 1.28 4.60 sy2xy in. . 1.38 1.68 6.10 1^X1^5 in. . .34 .44 1.55 2 xVs in. . .56 .72 2.55 3HxS/^ in. . 1.71 2.12 7.65 I'A^H in. . .37 .48 1.70 2 xy2 in. . .77 .96 3.46 syzxH in. . 1.99 2.36 8.70 l^/4x^ in. . .52 .63 2.29 2 x5/s in. . .96 1.21 4.30 4 x^ in. . 1.11 1.31 4.84 iVs^H in. . .41 .55 1.92 2 x^ in. . 1.20 1.46 5.30 4 xH in. . 1.16 1.39 5.10 iMx/ff in. . .50 .63 2.25 2;^x^ in. . .72 .87 3.15 4 xy2 in. . 1.64 2.01 7.30 l^xj^ in. . .58 .71 2.55 2^x>^ in. . .96 1.17 4.25 4 xVs in. . 1.91 2.44 8.70 l^x^ in. . .42 .56 1.95 2^X^8 in. . 1.21 1.47 5.35 4 xV4 in. . 2.24 2.71 9.90 13^x^ in. . .52 .65 2.30 iHx^ in. . .61 .73 2.65 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1^ inch $1.70 1^ inch 1-70 1% inch 1.70 lyi inch 1.70 1 inch 1.70 SQUARE IRON. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. Ji inch $1.80 H inch 1.80 V& inch 1.90 j\ inch 1.90 y2 inch 2.10 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. fff inch $2.10 H inch 2.30 1^5 inch 2.50 % inch 2.70 See Table of Weights of Iron, page 3. Iron cut to length, 1 cent per pound extra. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. IRON CUT TO LENGTH 1 CENT PER POUND EXTRA. ROUND IRON. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 11/2 inch $1-70 IH inch 1.70 114 inch 1.70 l^i inch 1.70 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1 inch $1.70 "H inch 1.80 H inch 1.80 H inch 1.90 ■^ inch 2.00 y2 inch 2.10 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. i\ inch $2.10 H inch 2.30 ^e inch 2.50 14 inch 2.70 •^ inch 4.70 HEAVY BAND AND STAKE IRON. Sizes. 3 xVa 2?4x^ 2^xj4 2^x^ 2 xK \y^yiV^ lHx)4 l^xj4 l^xJ4 Net price per 100 lbs. nch .$2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.00 nch 2.10 nch 2.10 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. lHxj4 inch $2.10 1 X14 inch 2.10 %xj4 inch 2.30 54x^ inch 2.30 4 x^^ inch 2.20 3HxA inch 2.20 3 Xt^ inch 2.20 2?4x^ inch 2.20 2j4x-^ inch 2.20 2j4x^ inch 2.20 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 2 xA inch $2.20 IJ^x^ inch 2.20 lj4xA inch 2.20 15^x1^ inch 2.20 l^xA inch 2.20 li/gx:^ inch 2.30 1 Xt's inch 2.30 ^xt^s inch 2.40 54xA inch 2.60 LIGHT BAND IRON. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 5 xj^ inch $2.40 4 yiVz inch 2.30 SJ^x^ inch 2.30 3 x^ inch 2.30 354x^ inch 2.30 SJ^xJ^ inch 2.30 HALF OVAL. IRON. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1 inch $2.30 y% inch 2.30 y^ inch 2.40 y^, inch 2.60 V2 inch 3.00 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 2j4xJ^ inch $2.30 2 x^ inch 2.30 \y^yiy% inch 2.30 IJ^x^ inch 2.30 l^x^ inch 2.30 lj4xj^ inch 2.30 HALF ROUND IRON Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1 inch $2.30 ^ inch 2.30 54 inch 2.40 y% inch 2.60 y2 inch 3.00 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. \y%yi% inch $2.40 1 x^ inch 2.40 %x^ inch 2.55 y^yiVi inch 2.70 ^xj'^ in 2.90 OVAL IRON. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1 inch $2.15 % inch 2.15 y^ inch 2.30 H inch 2.30 Yz inch 2.55 WAGON BOX IRON. SHAFT OR PERCH IRON. Sizes. y% inch, 54 inch, Sizes. 1^ 1J4 inch, inch, \% inch, 1 inch, % inch, 54 inch, Net price per 100 lbs. No. 12, Bevel Edge $2.95 No. 12, Bevel Edge 3.25 HOOP IRON. Net price per 100 lbs. No. 16 $3.40 No. 18 3.40 No. 19 3.65 No. 19 3.65 No. 20 3.90 No. 22 4.15 Bevel Edge. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1^x5^ inch $2.10 li^x^ inch 2.35 IJ^x/s inch 2.35 1 x^5 inch 2.35 1 xK inch 2.60 ANGLE STEEL. Factory shipments only. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 1^ inch and heavier $3.00 Iron cut to length 1 cent per pound extra. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Iron and Steel Cut to Length 1 Cent per Pound Extra horse: shoe bar. Sizes. Net price per 100 5/sxH inch $ 5^x54 inch HxH inch ^x^ inch 7^x^^ inch Vs^Vz inch 1 x^ inch 1 x^ inch 1 x^ inch l%xH inch lbs. 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 NORWAY OR SWEDES IRON. IMPORTED. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. Flats, 1 x^ toSxH in.. $4. 00 Flats, ?4xKto3xf5 in.. 4.00 Rounds, 1 to 1^ diam. 4.00 Rounds, H to ^ diam. 4.00 Rounds, J4 to ^ diam. 4.00 Squares, 1 to 2 diam. 4.00 Squares, 5^ to ^ diam. 4.00 Squares, J4 to ^ diam. 4.00 Cut to length 1 cent per pound extra. TOE CALK STEEL.. Round Edge. Net price per 100 lbs. $2.50 2.50 Sizes. 1 xj^ 1 x:fe ^x/g J-^xJ^ ^xj^ •K(xtV VsxVs ^x^ J^x/^ HxH /ffX^ %XT^e ^XT^ff HxA /ffX-^s 5^xA ^xH Hx^ Kx^/4 I'ffX^ ?ix^ 1^0 x^ Less bundle nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch nch 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.10 3.10 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.75 3.75 3.75 than 100 pound I cent per lb. extra. FLAT SPRING STEEL. Sizes. Net price per lb. 2 1?4 lA 1^ iKxJ4 inch SAc Cut to length 1 cent per lb. extra. ROUND MACHINERY STEEL. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. IH inch $1.95 1^ inch 1.95 lA inch 1.95 1^^ inch 1.95 1 inch 1.95 ^ inch 1.95 U inch 1.95 5/& inch 2.05 A inch 2.15 Vs inch 2.45 1^6 inch 2.55 CANT HOOK STEEL. Sizes. Net price per lb. ^xH inch 5c 1 xfV inch 5c l^x/ff inch 5c lA^A inch 5c SLEIGH SHOE STEEL. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 7/sxA inch $2.00 1 x^ inch 2.00 l^xj^ inch 2.00 lA^A inch 2.00 IH^A inch 2.00 2 xH inch 2.00 2Axy2 inch 2.00 3 x^ inch 2.00 IJ^x^ inch 2.00 l^ixH inch 2.00 2 xH inch 2.00 2Hx5^ inch 2.00 3 x^ inch 2.00 STRUCTURAL STEEL. CHANNELS. I BEAMS. ANGLES. Prices quoted on application. Shipped from factory. TOOL STEEL. Mclnnis. 8 to 10 ft. bars. ^ to lA square 8c % to lA round 8c 5^ to l^A octagon 8c i\ and A square S^c •n; and K square 9c Iff and ^ square 10c 1% and A round 8J^c /s and ^ round 9c 1^5 and ]/4 round 10c tk and Vz octagon 8J^c I'g and H octagon 9c ■fs and A octagon 10c 1 to 3xJ^ flat 9c 1 to SxVs flat 9c }i to 3x1^5 flat 93^c H to 3x14 fiat 10c Steel cut to length 1 cent per pound extra. STEEL BUGGY TIRE- Round Edge. Sizes 54x^ J4X#5 V4xA ^x^ %X^2 Vs^A %xfg 1 xfs 1 xj4 1 Xj% iy&xy4 13^x3^ 1^4 x^ i^xA l^x^ lAxVs n. . ;n. . n. . n. . n. . in. . ;n. . in. . Net price. Front Hind Per Each Each Set .$0.18 $0.20 $0.65 . .21 .23 .75 . .23 .25 .23 .80 .21 .24 .25 .31 .21 .28 .35 .31 .39 .48 .39 .43 .52 .60 .02 .28 .35 .23 .34 .40 .35 .44 .54 .44 .48 .58 .65 .67 .85 .90 1.15 .80 1.05 1.30 1.15 1.45 1.80 1.45 1.60 1.95 2.25 2.30 Iron and Steel Cut to Length 1 Cent per Pound Extra THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. CABLE CHAIN. Straight. Twist Link. Size 5 43/ ... A H Net price, lb. 10 6^ Weight, 100 ft, lbs. 50 90 123 IGO 200 250 420 590 We carry Twist Link Chain in % and ^s inch only. For Twist Link Chain add yic per lb. to above. BURKE'S TOE CALKS. Sizes. Net price per 25 lb. box. One Prong Blunt, Nos. to 6 $1.15 One Prong Sharp, Nos. to G . . . 1.25 j4 cent per pound extra in less than full boxes. STANDARD TOE CALKS. Blunt. Sharp. Sizes. Net price per 25 lb. box. Long Blunt, Nos. to G $1,15 Long Country, Nos. to 6 1.15 Long Sharp, Nos. to 6 1.25 J^ cent per pound extra in less than full boxes. BUTT CHAINS. f .l ■ .J P JH . I . ). . I ,,, . . 'iMkriiTMmmfimt'' ' Sizes. Net prices per pair. 30 in. long, 10 links to ft.. No. 2 wire with Rings $0.30 30 in. Icfng, 10 links to ft.. No. 2 wire with Hooks 35 30 in. long, 10 links to ft., No. 2 wire with Snaps 38 TRACE CHAINS. Sizes. Net price per pair. G^ feet long, 10 links to foot, No. 2 Wire with Rings $0.45 6^ feet long, 10 links to foot, No. 2 Wire with Hooks 50 6'/^ feet long, 10 links to foot. No. 2 Wire with Snaps 55 7 feet long, 10 links to foot, No. 2 Wire with Rings 55 7 feet long, 10 links to foot. No. 2 Wire with Hooks 60 7 feet long, 10 links to foot, No. 2 Wire with Snaps 65 STAY CHAINS. Sizes Net price per pair. ■^^ Link, ^ Hook $0.27 TONGUE CHAINS. Sizes. I'o Link, Net price per pair. Y2 Ring '.10.42 STEEL CUTTER SHOES. LOCK CHAINS. a^ TAPERED AND BENT. Sizes. J4xt^ Kx54 1 ^Vz 1 X5/^ inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch Net price per pair. $0.42 49 55 49 54 60 69 89 Sizes. ^s Link, 42 Net price per pair, long $0.80 CAST BOB SLED S^OES. Sizes Net price per ,32 34 36 38 40 42 44 .$0.03 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. WAGOIV NAILS. Sizes. Net price per lb. IK and l^xA in. Cone Head $0.07 114 and iHx^ in. Cone Head 07 1J4 and IJ^x^ in. Countersunk Head... .07 1% and l^x^ in. Countersunk Head... .07 STEEL HARROW TEETH. Sizes. Net price each. H inch square, 9 in. or 10 in. long $0.02J^ H inch square, 10 in. or 11 in. long 03 H H inch square, 10 in. or 11 in. long 06 Ji inch square, 12 in. long 08 STEEIi CROW BARS. WEDGE POINT. Sizes, inches 1 IJ^ 1/4 Net price each $0.40 .45 .60 WOOD-CHOPPERS' WEDGES. IH .80 REGULAR PATTERN. Solid Steel. Axe Finish, Net price, lb..$0.05J^ STEEL CHAJVNEL TIRE. Shipped direct from factory. FO%SOLID RUBBER TIRE. Sizes. Net price pet set. M inch $0.90. 7A inch 1.12 1 inch 1.25 1% inch 1.55 For wheels 3 ft. 4 in. and 3 ft. 8 in. high and lower. For price of Rubber Tire, see Wheels. CHAIN HOOKS. Wrought Iron. Grab Hooks. Flat Hooks. Sizes. Net price each. % inch Grab or Flat $0.07 ^% inch Grab or Flat 08 H inch Grab or Flat 09 •^ inch Grab or Flat 10 i^ inch Grab or Flat 14 5^8 inch Grab or Flat 18 COLD SHUTS. Wrought Iron. Net Net price price Sizes, each. Doz. K in.. $0.02 $0.20 T^s in.. .03 .20 H in.. .OSVi .35 -^ in.. .04 .4-0 Vz in.. .05 .50 §^ in.. .06 .60 B. & M. PATENT RIBBED STEEL. Sectional Views of Weights per ft. of Steel Eight ft. Bars. Net price Net price per lb. per lb. Sizes. Oz. to ft. Sizes. Oz. to ft. No. 0..3J^ $0.12 No. 41^. 9 $0.09^ No. 1..4H .11 No. 5 .11 .09K No. 2..5J^ .11 No. 6 .13 .09 No. 3.. 61^ .10 No. 7 .21^ .08 No. 4..7H .09J^ No. 8 .25 .08 Unsurpassed for Track Shoeing. This steel has been in use several years all over the country, on many of the best horses giving the most satisfactory results. Shoes of this design give a sure, firm and natural foothold on any kind of road or track; do not cup, and prevent slipping. They give a greater bearing surface for the foot, and are stiffer than any shoe of equal weight. Decreased striking surface prevents concus- sion; the horse will go with less weight and shorter foot than with any other plain shoe. For road work they are unequaled. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HARLOW IROIV HORSE SHOES. SPECIAL OFFER BARLOW IRON SHOES ALL PATTERNS AND SIZES 2 TO 6 1 KEG OR MORE, $3.75 PER KEG ASSORTED KEGS CONTAINING MORE THAN ONE SIZE, 15c PER KEG EXTRA BARLOW IRON SNOW SHOES. BARLOW IRON LIGHT SHOES. Sizes. PER KEG. Net price per keg. No. 2 to 6 Barlow Iron light pattern $3.75 No. to 1 Barlow Iron light pattern 4.00 No. 2 to 6 Barlow Iron extra light pattern 3.75 No. to 1 Barlow Iron extra light pattern 4.00 No. 2 to 6 Barlow Iron snow pattern 3.75 No. to 1 Barlow Iron snow pattern 4.00 Stock assortments one size all front — one size all hinds — one size front and hinds. Kegs containing more than one size 15 cents extra. Shoes less than 100 lbs. 4^ cents per pound. THE BARLOW IRON HORSE SHOES. Have been used by hundreds of the leading horseshoers for five years past — they are made from the best iron — we will guarantee them to give satisfaction in every possible way or they can he returned at our expense. SEND US AN ORDER FOR A SAMPLE LOT. BOSS STEEL THE BOSS STEEL TOED RACING TROTTING PLATES. RACING PLATE. PLATES. Sizes. Price Per Set. No. to 4. .. , 36c Postage per set 35c Sizes. Price Per Set. No. to 4 45c Postage per set 20c Sizes. Price Per Set. No. to 4 75c Postage per set 20c THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY^. PA. HORSESHOES. Fifteen cents extra for assorted kegs containing more than one size. PHOENIX IRON SHOES. Sj^es, ^^t price per keg. No. to 8 Phoenix Light Iron Shoes $4.15 No. to 6 Phoenix Extra Light Iron Shoes 4.15 No. to 8 Phoenix Iron Snow Shoes # 4.15 No. and 1, 25 cents advance. Price, less than 100 lbs., 4^^ per pound. PHOENIX STEEL COUNTERSUNK PHOENIX LONG HEEL SHOES. SHOES. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. No. to 5 Front and Hind $5.35 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. No. 2 to 7 Front and Hind $4.15 No. to 1 Front and Hind 4.40 HURDEN IRON SHOES. gj^es ^^^ price per keg. No. to 8 Burden Light Iron Shoes $4-l9 No. to 7 Burden Extra Light Iron Shoes 4.1o No. to 8 Burden New Easy . Iron Snow Shoes •.•••; \'\'-'\ t^ ■ Stock assortment, one size all front— one size all hinds— one size front and hinds. Price less than 100 lbs. 4J^c per pound. PERKINS» TOE AND SIHE WEIGHT SHOES. PHOENIX EXTRA EXTRA LIGHT STEEL SHOES. Net price per 100 lbs. Side Weights, to 4, Hinds only $8.35 Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. Toe Weights, to 4, Fronts only 6.35 No. to G, Front and Hind ?J.1U Price less than 100 lbs. 14 c per pound extra. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 11 OX SHOES. Ox Shoes, all sizes Net price per lb. $0.11 HORSB SHOE NAILS. BARLOW HORSE NAILS. Net price Sizes per lb. No. 5 $0.10 No. 6 10 No. 7 10 Sizes No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 Net price per lb. $0.10 10 10 MULE SHOES. RELIANCE HORSE NAILS. Net price per keg. Mule Shoes, all sizes $4.15 Price less than kegs, 4^/2 cents per pound. BARLOW HORSE NAILS. The tensile strength of iron used in the manufacture of the BARLOW HORSE NAIL surpasses that of any other material used for Horse Nails, and combining, as it does, every quality for a superior Nail, we get, by our process, a soft and uniform Nail, hardened at the extreme point for driving, the same as when made by hand, and believe we offer to the trade the most perfect Horse Nails in America; in other words, we give a better ar- ticle at the same price. Sizes No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Net price per lb. $0.12 12 12 Sizes No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 Net price per lb. $0.12 12 13 CAPEWELL HORSE NAILS. Net price Size: per lb. No. 4 Lowest No. 5 market No. 6 price. No. 7 Net price Size : per lb. No. 8 Lowest No. 9 market No. 10 price. A full stock of Capewell Nails always on hand. VULCAN HORSE NAILS. Net price | per lb. I Sizes . ..$0.35 ... .17^ . . . .15 . .. .141^ No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 Net price per lb. ..$0.14 .. .13 .. .13 Sizes No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 , Note — We have all of above Nails in both regular and city heads packed in 5 lb. paper boxes and 25 lb. wood boxes. Nails in less than 5 lb. boxes, 2 cents per pound extra. GAISTER MFG. CO.'S PEAT MOSS PETROLEUM HOOF PACKING. Before Using. All others are imitation. For use in the stable and shoeing Forge. A sure preventive and cure for all diseases which horses' feet are liable to. It has cured hundreds. No hoof can remain hard and unhealthy where it is used. You need not change the packing should your horse remain in the stable a month at a time. Used under leather with perfect sat- isfaction. It will never dry, and will not act as a poultice. It is Nature's own remedy. No. 1. 20 lb. buckets $1.25 each No. 2. 10 lb. buckets 90 each After Using. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. NEVERSLIP CALKS. THEY SAVE MONEY AND MAKE CUSTOMERS. EVERY SHOER SHOULD USE ONE. Keystone STYLES OF CALKS TO USE. Same Price Applies to All. Particular attention is directed to the selection of a style of calk suitable for the work you have in hand, care being used that calks be selected to suit conditions. No 1 Calks are adapted for snow and ice conditions, streets and roads slippery and a sure foot- ing impossible. Under these conditions the Nos. 1 and 4 Calks have no^ equal, and will do all the manufacturers claim for them. They positively "NEVERSLIP." No. 4 is the same as No. 1, except it has a square shoulder, requiring no special wrench to insert or remove. No 5 For asphalt or other hard pavements. Its construction being such that it wears flat, and the flatter the wear, the sharper the angles become, making it impossible to shp m arty "KEYSTONE"' Calks are made of an H shape material. This calk possesses features different from other calks and has many friends. Is good with or without snow or ice. Any style Neverslip Calk interchangeable with any other style of the same size. Sold only in boxes of 50. Size, inches i^ ^ Net price, per 100 Red Tip $2-00 $2.20 Net price, per 100 Blizzard 1-80 2.00 Keystone, all sizes, $2.00 per 100; Red Cross, all sizes, $2.00 per 100. fs Calks made only in Style No. 1. ^ 'A -h H $2.40 $2.60 $2.80 $3.20 2.20 2.40 2.60 8.00 NEVERSLIP HAND TAPS. NEVERSLIP TWIST DRILLS. When using Neverslip Calks in hand-made XT , . u ^ -.1 M. ..ci;.. Size of brill ..^ 19-64 23-64 ii 29-64 33-64 No other taps can be used with Neverslip ^^ ^^jj^ j^^j^ ^^^ "* Calks. Tap and Calk...:^ H -^ 'A -^ H in. Sizes ^ 3/8 /^ H ^ H in. V2 in. Shank. ...32 38 43 46 51 60c ea. Hand 25 30 35 40 45 50c ea. i^eVERSLIP TAPPING MACHINE. Stub 25 30 35 40 45 50c ea. ^, . j ,- . r r , '^^"° Shipped direct from factory. Neverslip Hand Taps are for cutting threads Consists of a base or frame in connection in the Calk holes by hand, and are used with ^^^^ ^ jj^^^^ wheel and sliding shaft for the an ordinary tap wrench. They are made to rapid cutting or tapping of threads for calks, cut a thread that corresponds exactly to the Net price each thread on the Calk, and are the only ones that Without taps $6.50 can be successfully used. With full set of Tapper Taps 8.25 We do not break boxes of Neverslip Calks. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. NEVERSLIP HORSE SHOES. NEVERSLIP SHOES are furnished in two styles, viz.: 1st, DRILLED. Have holes drilled for Neverslip Taps and Calks, and are sold by keg or pound only. 2nd, CALKED. Have Calks inserted. Are sold by the set and pair. Packed 5 set or 10 pair in a box. Drilled shoes are now sold at a price that simply covers the cost of drilling the holes (about 4 cents a set) and are therefore much cheaper for the shoer than the Blank Shoes without holes. NEVERSLIP DRILLED SHOES. NEVERSLIP CALKED SHOES. WEIGHT OF DRILLED SHOES. Weight front shoe, 0-11 oz. drilled for ^ calks 1-12 2-15 3-17 4-21 5-29 6-32 7-36 8-42 NEVERSLIP STUB TAPS. For use in repairing any damage to threads in Calk holes without removing the shoe. Sizes, inches . . ^ H -h Net price, ea. .$0.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 NEVERSLIP WRENCH. Made especially for adjusting Neverslip Calks; inserts and removes all sizes with ease and certainty. Net price each $0.50 NEVERSLIP SHOES. — PRICES. Net prices per lb. Iron Shoes, No. 2 and larger, drilled. .$0.06 J^ Iron Shoes, No. 0,and 1 07 Steel Light Hind, No. 2 & larger, drilled .09 Steel Light Hind, No. or 1. Calk Iron Shoes, sizes and .09^ Net price per set 1 $0.70 2 75 3 80 4 85 5 95 6 1.10 7 1.25 8 1.30 No shoes drilled other than regular. NEVERSLIP TAPS AND CALKS. A PATTERN DRILLED Nos 6 7 8 Holes drilled for 54 ^ V& B PATTERN DRILLED Nos 1 2 3 4 5 Holes drilled for V& Vs ^^ -h V^ -^^ STEEL HIND PATTERN- Nos 1 Holes drilled for. V& H -DRILLED. 2 3 4 tV ^ H CAN'T SLIP CALKS. Sizes, inches . . H tV /^ A H Net price, 100.. $2. 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 W^e do not break bo:s:es of Neverslip Calks. 14 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HORSE SHOE PADS. 3Iade by Reserve Rubber Company. GLOBE. IDEAL,. Canvas Back. Net price Sizes ^ per pair No. 1 $0.70 No. 2 75 No, 3 80 No. 4 85 No. 5 1.00 No. 6 1.20 Note. — This is an open pad for general use. ACME. Canvas Back. Net price Sizes per pair No. 1 $0.65 No. 2 65 No. 3 65 No. 4 65 No. 5 75 AIR CUSHION ROAD. Leather Back. Net price Sizes • per pair No. 2^ $0.95 No. 3 95 No. SVi 95 No. 4 95 No. 4^ 1.10 Note. — ^This pad is made for light driving — being not so wide as the regular air cushions. Leather Back. Net price Sizes per pair No. 1 • $0.90 No. 2 90 No. 3 90 No. 4 90 No. 5 1.05 No. 6 1.30 Note. — A full pad for general use. SARATOGA. White Rubber Leather Back. ' Net price Sizes per pair No. 1 $0.90 No. 2 90 No. 3 90 No. 4 90 No. 5 1.05 AIR CUSHION REGULAR. Leather Back. Net price Sizes per pair No. 1 $0.95 No. 2 95 No. 3 95 No. 4 95 No. 5 1.20 No. 6 1.40 Note. — The air cushion fills with air at each step, breaking concussions, used in cases of hoof lameness. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 15 horse: shoe pads, davie rubber pad. HAME BREAST RINGS AND STUDS. FRONTS ONLY. Nos 1 2 3 4 5 6 Net price, pair.. $0.90 .90 .90 .90 1.00 1.25 SOLE LEATHER— Extra Good Stock. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Net price per pair $0.11 12 15 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Net price per pair $0.17 .23 RUBBER PAD SHOE. Net price per set $2.60 3.00 3.25 Net price Sizes per set Sizes No. 3 $1.80 No. 4 No. 2 2.00 No. 5 No. 3 .. 2.30 No. 6 Pairs at one-half set price. The W, & B. Rubber Shoe consists of a forged steel frame with uneven surface, both top and bottom, over which is firmly vulcan- ized a cushion of rubber which fills a channel on the under side, swelling out at the inside of the heels, forming solid rubber pads which give frog pressure, prevent slipping, fitting cold and will wear as long as an ordinary shoe under the same conditions. Net price per doz. each No. 965 Polished with burrs $0.32 $0.04 GRAY IRON BREAST STRAP SLIDES. No. 47 Japanned. Sizes in stock ..G-l^in. J-lJ^in. Net price per doz. $0.36 $0.36 Net price each.. .04 .04 WROUGHT IRON BITS. L-1 Ya in. $0.41 .05 No. 47 Steel Mouth. Net price per doz. 2^ in. Ring and C. Plate Stiff Mouth. . .$0.60 2M in. Ring and C. Plate Jointed Mouth .60 Net price each 254 in Ring and C. Plate Stiff Mouth. . .$0.07 2^ in. Ring and C. Plate Jointed Mouth .07 HAME LINE RINGS AND STUDS. Net price per do/C. each No. 964 Polished with burrs $0.25 $0.03 LITTLE GIANT FARRIER'S TOOL BOX. Made of thor- oughly well sea- soned stock, lock cornered, m o r - tised bottom and side pieces, finely finished and thor- oughly made in every respect. _ This case, proper- ly used, will last a horseshoer very much longer than those com- monly in use. A cheap, strong, durable box for Horseshoers' Tools. Net price each $1.75 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HAME CLIPS, STAPLES AND RIVETS. Net price each. per doz. Hame Clips, 2 hole, Vs inch.. $0.02 $0.20 Hame Clips, 3 hole, Vs inch.. .03 .28 Hame Clips, 3 hole, tV inch.. .04 .38 Net price each. per doz. Hame Staples, Vs inch $0.02 $0.20 Hame Staples, r\ inch 03 .26 Net price per lb. Hame Rivets, Vs inch $0.09 Hame Rivets, 1 inch 10 TRACE DEES. Size, inches Net price, doz Net price, each 1^ IH 2 )z $0.50 .55 .65 ich 05 .06 .07 .70 .08 2^ .75 .09 REPAIR LINKS. Sizes in stock, inches, A B C D E No. 7650 Va j% Vs tV V2 Price per dozen $0.22 .32 .43 .55 .75 Price, each 02 .03 .04 .05 .07 All that is necessary in order to repair a broken chain is to open the link, hook the chain in each end of link and then close the link. No pounding or hammering. SCREW COCKEYES. Size, inches 13^ 1^4 2 Net price, per doz $0.25 .30 .40 Net price, each 03 .04 .05 CLIP COCKEYES. With Wrought Iron Clips. Net price Net price Sizes each Sizes per doz. Wi inch $0.05 ] V-. inch $0.40 IH inch 06 1)4 inch 45 UTILITY COCKEYES. Sizes, inches l}i 2 Net price, per doz $0.50 .75 Net price, each 06 .07 GERMAN HARNESS SNAPS. Sizes, inches . . . . Vs H Vs 1 1% iVz IH 2 Net price, doz. $0.15 .15 .15 .15 .26 .34 .44 .50 each DIXIE BOLT SNAPS. No. 425. Sizes, inches H 1 1^ 1^ 1^ 2 Net price, doz $0.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 Net price, each 03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .06 BREAST STRAP ROLLER BOLT SNAPS. No. 439. Size, inches 1 ^ Net price, per doz $1.60 Net price, each I'l OPEN EYE SNAPS. No. 435. Size y^ inc^ eye Net price, per doz $0.50 Net price, each 05 SNAP AND THIMBLE. Sizes Net price each Vz inch Thimble, H inch Snap $0.10 Vz inch Thimble, H inch Snap 10 Sizes Net price per doz. yi inch Thimble, Vs inch Snap $0.80 V2 inch Thimble, H inch Snap 80 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 17 STUMP JOINT RIVETS. BEVEL HEADS. Net price per Size doz. 100 J4 in. diam.$0.12 $0.90 WIRE CLINCHING NAILS. Sizes Net price per paper 4-8 and shorter $0.05 4J^-8 and longer 05 OVAL HEAD AND WAGON BOX RIVETS. WOOD SCREWS. Oval Head. Wagon Box Head. Sizes in Stock from Net price per lb. yi in. to 4 in. X ^ in. Oval or Wagon Box Head $0.06 }i in. to 4 in. X J4 i"- Oval or Wagon Box Head 05^ BOW SOCKET AND VTHEEL RIVETS. Bow Socket. Wheel Head. All sizes, net price per lb $0.07J^ BLACKSMITHS' APRON. Leather. Sizes Net price each No. 1, 28x38 in $1.60 No. 2, 26x24 in 1.50 Sheep Skin. Sizes Net price each No. 1 $1.30 No. 2 ..., 1.20 WIRE BRADS. fWW¥¥i^^^^ 5@ In 1-pound papers. Net price Net price Size per paper Size per paper H in. No. 17. .$0.10 iVz in. No. 14. .$0.06 ^in. No. 18.. .11 iy2 in. No. 15.. .07 Vs in. No. 17.. .09 154 in. No. 13.. .06 % in. No. 18.. .09 IH in. No. 14.. .06 1 in. No. 16.. .08 2 in. No. 12.. .06 1 in. No. 17.. .08 2 in. No. 13.. .06 154 in. No. 14.. .07 21^ in. No. 11.. .06 1>4 in. No. 15.. .07 2J^ in. No. 12.. ,06 Net price N Sizes per gross Sizes pe 14 in. No. 3 .$0.11 154 ' n. No. 11. H in. No. 3 . .11 154 n. No. 12. Vs in. No. 4 . .11 IK n. No. 13. Vs in. No. 5 . .12 154 n. No. 14. Vs in. No. 6 . .12 154 n. No. 15. Vs in. No. 7 . .13 154 n. No. 16. Vs in. No. 8 . .13 154 n. No. 18. H in. No. 2 . .11 15^ n. No. 7. Vi in. No. 3 . .11 1^ n. No. 8. Vz in. No. 4 . .11 15^ n. No. 9. ^ in. No. 5 . .12 IH n. No. 10. J4 in. No. 6 . .12 1^ n. No. 12. Vi in. No. 7 . .13 15^ n. No. 13. H in. No. 3 . .11 15^ n. No. 14. Vs in. No. 4 . ,11 15^ n. No. 15. ^ in. No. 5 . .12 15^ n. No. 16. H in. No. 6 . .12 IM n. No. 8. H in. No. 7 . .13 iH n. No. 9. H in. No. 8 . .14 13/4 n. No. 10. V4 in. No. 4 . .11 154 n. No. 12. ^ in. No. 5 . .12 ^V4 n. No. 13. H in. No. 6 . .13 m n. No. 14. H in. No. 7 . .14 154 n. No. 15. V4 in. No. 8 . .14 154 n. No. 16. 54 in. No. 9 . .15 2 n. No. 9. H in. No. 10 . .17 2 n. No. 10. H in. No. 5 . .13 2 n. No. 11. 7/s in. No. 6 . .14 2 n. No. 12. H in. No. 7 . .14 2 n. No. 14. % in. No. 8 .15 2 n. No. 16. % in. No. 9 . .16 2 in. No. 18. Vs in. No. 10 . .17 2^ n. No. 11. 1 in. No. 5 . .13 254 n. No. 12. 1 in. No. 6 . .14 254 n. No. 14. 1 in. No. 7 . .15 254 m. No. 15. 1 in. No. 8 . .16 2 5^ n. No. 11. 1 in. No. 9 . .17 25^ n. No. 12. 1 in. No. 10 . .18 254 n. No. 13. 1 in. No. 11 . .20 25^ n. No. 14. 1 in. No. 12 . .21 25^ n. No. 15. 1 in. No. 13 . .2^ 25^ in. No. 16. 1 in. No. 14 . .26 3 in. No. 14 154 in. No. 7 . . .17 3 in. No. 16. ly^ in. No. 8 . .17 3 n. No. 18. ly in. No. 9 . .18 4 n. No. 16. 1^ in. No. 10 . .20 4 454 in. in. No. 18. No. 18. Net price per gross $0.21 .23 .26 .29 .32 .38 .50 .18 .20 .21 .21 .25 .27 .30 .35 .42 .23 .24 .24 .27 .30 .34 .39 .45 .25 .27 .28 .30 .37 .47 .63 .31 .33 .40 .47 .41 .44 .50 .55 .53 .63 .83 .98 1.14 1.37 SILO LUGS For Round Iron Hoops. Sizes Net price each Vs inch $0.10 }i inch 13 18 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. LAFFITTE AVELDIXG PL.ATES. LOWER YOUR COSTS— IMPROVE YOUR WORK. These plates are used in the simplest pos- sible manner, the two pieces being heated to a cherry red if steel, or a white heat if iron. A piece of Laffitte Plate of sufficient size is then placed between the parts to be welded, then press them together until the Plate fuses, hammer tightly and complete by hammering in the usual way. The piece may be reheated to any desired heat without endangering the weld. Net price Each per box box $0.12 $1.00 1.25 Sizes. Light Plates for Light Forging, 10 plates in a Heavy Plates for Heavy Forging, 10 plates in -a box 15 *5at£nt£o **» trade ma"*^" Guaranteed equal to Borax, and superior to many welding compounds. Will work on iron or steel. PRICE ABOUT ONE-HALF. TRY A SAMPLE. Net price per 1 lb $0.05 Net price per 5 lbs ~ ® CHERRY HEAT AVEL.DI1VG C03IP0UND. The Best Flux known for Welding Note — This Com- pound is regularly used by thousands of Carriage Makers, Knife and Shear Manufacturers, Ma- chinists, Manufac- turers of Shovels, and Agricultural Implements, etc., all over the United States. Sorne of the largest consumers have been using it for some twenty years, having in the meantime tried every new compound which has been put upon the market. They try others, but they buy "Cherry Heat." Cherry Heat Welding Compound, net price, per 1 lb $0.15 Net price, per 5 lbs 55 CLIMAX AVELDIKG COMPOUND. ® XSTEELA ^ TRADE ^%,XL5^ girAARK And MALLEASLK Iron t» J^^^CrW ELDl^^^^ ^\ PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR WELDING FAR SUPERIOR TO COMMON BORAX. It does not have to be applied between the lap, like other compounds, but is used the same as borax. It is also far superior to com- mon borax. Net price per Net price per 1 lb.. 5 lbs. ,$0.12 . .50 REFIAED HORAX. Climax \N'elding Compound, net price per 1 'b ." $0.1;? Net price per 5 Jbs , . , 50 Net price per 1 lb. Net price per 5 lbs $0.12 , .50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. COMMON CARRIAGE BOLTS. Full Size Shank. f m Hi i D Cut Threads i\ Sr 14 in JA n r A Vz Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Lgth.Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 1 $0.01 $0.05 $0 25 $0.01 $0.07 $0.36 $0.01 $0.10 $0.49 $0.02 $0.15 $0.75 $.... $.... $.... 1^ . 01 .05 .25 .01 .0 ? .36 01 .10 .49 . . . 15^ . Dl 05 25 .01 . 07 .36 01 .10 .49 .02 .15 .75 !62 .15 1.63 1-34 . Dl 05 26 .01 07 .37 01 .10 .51 2 [)1 05 27 .01 07 .38 01 .10 .52 .15 '.81 .62 !i5 l!03 2^4 31 05 28 .01 . 0? .89 02 .15 .54 2y2 . 31 05 39 .01 OS .41 02 .15 .56 ."is ."S7 .02 ."is lioy 2Ya . 01 0-5 30 .01 0? .42 02 .15 .58 '?, Dl 06 32 .01 . OS .44 02 .15 .60 !02 .20 'hi !62 ;26 lioo 354 . 31 06 33 .01 . OS .45 02 .15 .62 31^ 31 06 34 .01 OE .47 02 .15 .65 !62 !26 i!66 .02 [26 liis 3?4 . 31 06 35 .01 Of .49 02 .15 .67 4 31 07 35 .011^ ic .51 02 .15 .69 !62 .20 1.06 .03 !25 l!25 W^ . 31 07 36 .01^ IC .53 02 .15 .71 41^ . 31 07 37 .01^ IC .55 02 .15 .74 0; .'26 1.12 .03 !25 1133 ^V^ . 31 07 38 .011^ IC .56 02 .15 .77 5 31 08 39 .02 15 .57 02 .15 .79 !62 .20 1.18 !63 ."25 l!46 514 . 31 08 40 .02 If .58 02 .15 .81 5^- . 31 08 41 .02 15 .59 02 .15 .82 .02 '.Vs 1.25 V03 ".*2*S 1.4*8 554 31 OS 43 .02 15 .61 02 .15 .84 6 01 08 43 .02 ) .63 02 .15 .85 .'oc .25 1.31 ."64 ."36 i.'ss 6i/> . .02 15 .66 02 .20 1.15 .03 .25 1.37 1.62 .02 If: .69 02 .20 1.21 .03 .25 1.43 !64 .30 1.70 7^ '. .02 1^ .72 03 .25 1.26 .04 .30 1.78 8 .02 It .75 03 .25 1.32 .04 .30 1.86 8^ . 03 .25 1.37 .04 .35 1.93 9 03 .25 1.42 .04 .35 2.00 9'^ . 03 .25 1.47 .04 .35 2.08 10 .03 .25 1.53 .04 .35 2.16 10J4 : .05 .40 2.23 11 .05 .40 2.30 113^ . .05 .40 2.38 12 .05 .45 2.45 12 1/^ . .05 .45 2.53 13 • ... .05 .45 2.61 131^ . .05 .50 2.68 14 .05 .50 2.75 14^ . .05 .50 2.83 15 .05 .50 2.91 Note. — ^^ and % in. bolts ar e packed 10( ) in a package. 1 \ in. and larger 50 in a pack- age. W e kee P cut thread bolt s only. No th ng les s than a pa ckage at 100 price. PHILADELPHIA CARRIAGE BOLTS. Oval Turned Heads. -A Hot Forged Nuts and tfUtd S'C-f,,^,^^ ill Full Square Necks. iiM_ » Cut Threads. w h & Va fs y^ Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Lgth. Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 1 $0.02 $0 15 $0.68 $0.02 $0.18 $0.88 $0.02 $0.20 $1.19 Wa .02 15 .70 .02 .18 .89 .02 .20 1.20 IH .02 15 .72 .02 .18 .90 .02 .20 1.21 IM .02 15 .75 .02 .18 .91 .02 .20 1.22 .02 15 .77 .02 .18 .93 .02 .20 1.23 2^ .02 15 .79 .02 .18 .95 .03 .25 1.26 2H .02 15 .81 .02 .18 .99 .03 .25 1.31 2?4 .02 15 .84 .02 .18 1.02 .03 .25 1.35 3 .02 18 .86 .03 .20 1.06 .03 .25 1.40 3^ .02 18 .88 .03 .20 1.11 .03 .25 1.46 3J^ .02 18 .90 .03 .20 1.13 .03 .25 1.51 334 .02 18 .93 .03 .20 1.17 .03 .25 1.55 4 .02 18 .95 .03 .20 1.20 .04 .30 1.60 ^Vz .02 18 1.02 .03 .25 1.29 .04 .30 1.70 5 .03 20 1.08 .03 .25 1.35 .04 .30 1.78 5^ .03 .25 1.42 .04 .35 1.89 6 .03 .25 1.49 .04 .35 1.98 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA- NORTH CARRIAGE BOLTS. COMMON TIRE BOLTS. Corrugated Neck. Length. 1 to ly 2 2T^ 2^ 3 3J4 3J4 3H i 4^ 454 5 5^ Net price per 100 A & H 1^ Va $0.26 $0 .37 $0.51 .27 .37 .54 .28 .40 .54 .30 .42 .56 .81 .43 .58 .32 .44 .61 .33 .46 .63 .34 .48 .67 .36 .37 .38 .39 .40 .41 .42 .43 .46 .49 .52 .54 .56 .58 .59 .60 .63 .72 .74 .75 .79 .82 .84 .86 .91 North Carriage Bolts have ribbed on Corru- gated Neck. We do not break packages of above bolts. CONE HEAD SPRING BAR BOLTS. Sizes. Net price per doz. 1*5x2^ Steeple Head . . . : $0.28 STEEPLE HEAD SPRING BAR BOLTS. Sizes. Net price per doz. Ax2 14 Cone Head $0.22 SLEIGH SHOE BOLTS. Sizes. 5^x4 inch Hy^^Vz inch f^x5 inch MxSJ^ inch ^x6 inch 5^x6 J^ inch 5^x7 inch Hx7l4 inch Net price per doz. per 100. .$0.10 . .10 10 12 12 15 18 18 .77 .82 .86 .91 .95 1.26 1.31 1.38 Lgth. IK iVz iH 2 2J4 2J^ 254 3 3^ 3/. 3^ 4 4^ 4H Price Price doz. $0.03 03 03 03 04 04 04 100. $0.12 12 12 14 15 17 17 18 Price doz. $0.04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 Price 100. $0.22 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .31 Price doz. $0.05 .05 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 ^ Price 100. $0.32 .32 .32 .33 .34 .36 .38 .40 .41 .42 .44 .50 «T" HEAD SHAFT AND WHIFFLE- TREE BOLTS. Net price per 100. $1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Length. 2 2J4 3 4 4^ ■i^ and J4 inch . , ^ff and H inch, $1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 H $2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.76 Net price pef doz. 16c 22c BOLT ENDS. Sizes ....Vz H Va % 1 iVs I'A iVa I'A Length . . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 Net price each ...2^ 4 5 7^ 11 15 22 35 37 SHAFT SHACKLE BOLTS. Sizes. Net price per doz. Hx.2l4 inch 20c tVx2J^ inch 30c THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. mm MACHINE BOLTS. ^^ Square Head. Price Price Price Price Price Price Lgth. Each Doz . 100 Each Doz. 100 1 $0.0 I $0.08 $0.41 $0.01 $0.09 $0.49 IH .0 L .08 .41 .01 .09 .49 2 .0 I .08 .43 .01 .10 .51 2J4 .0] L .09 .45 .01 .10 .54 3 .0] L .09 .47 .01 .10 .56 3H .0] L .09 .49 .02 .15 .60 4 .0^ L .10 .51 .02 .15 .63 4J^ .05 } .15 .65 .02 .15 .81 5 .05 } .15 .68 .02 .15 .85 5^ • OS .1£ .71 .02 .20 .89 6 .05 } .15 .75 .02 .20 .93 H 'A 1 $0.05 I $0.15 $0.58 $ $.... $.... I'A .05 J .15 .58 .02 .20 1.19 2 .OS .1£ .62 .03 .25 1.27 2^ .05 J .15 .66 .03 .25 1.36 3 .05 5 .15 .70 .03 .25 1.41 3H .05 J .15 .74 .04 .30 1.58 4 .05 } .15 .78 .04 .30 1.62 4^ .05 > .20 1.11 .04 .30 1.71 5 .05 J .20 1.16 .04 .30 1.79 5^ .05 J .20 1.22 .04 .30 1.83 6 .OC i .25 1.24 .04 .35 1.97 6^ .o: } .25 1.32 .04 .35 2.05 7 .01 J .25 1.37 .05 .40 2.14 7^ .OC 5 .25 1.41 .05 .40 2.23 8 .0[ 5 .25 1.48 05 .40 2.31 SVz .05 .40 2.40 9 .05 .45 2.49 9J^ .05 .45 2.58 10 .05 .45 2.66 ioy2 .05 .50 2.75 11 .05 .50 2.83 11 j^ .05 .50 2.92 12 .05 .50 3.01 13 .05 .50 3.18 14 .06 .55 3.35 16 .06 .55 3.53 In pac ^ .06 .60 4.01 .07 .70 5.40 11 .06 .60 4.13 .08 .75 5.56 11^ .06 .60 4.25 .08 .75 5.73 12 .06 .60 4.36 .08 .80 5.89 13 .07 .65 4.63 .08 .80 6.23 14 .07 .65 4.89 .08 .85 6.56 15 .07 .70 5.14 .09 .90 6.89 16 .07 .70 5.39 .09 .95 7.23 17 .08 .75 5.65 .10 1.00 7.55 18 .08 .80 5.94 .10 1.05 7.89 19 .08 .80 6.16 .11 1.10 8.43 20 .08 .85 6.40 .11 1.10 8.55 2 2^ 3 3K 4 4J^ 5 ^Vz 6 6H 7 7% 8 BVz 9 9Vz 10 lOH 11 11 J4 12 56 .15 .15 .15 .20 .20 .20 .20 Price Each $0.02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 Price]Price Price Price Price Price Pnce 100 Each Doz. 100 Each Doz. 100 $0.90 $ $ $ $ $ $. In packages of 50. Nothing less than pack- age at 100 price. COACH SCREWS. Square Head, Price Doz. $0.18 .18 .20 .20 .20 .25 .25 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .40 .40 .40 .45 .45 .45 .45 1.06 1.15 1.22 1.32 1.40 1.50 1.57 1.69 1.74 1.85 1.91 2.02 2.11 2.17 2.27 2.33 2.44 2.51 2.61 2.70 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .06 .06 .06 .25 .30 .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .40 .45 .45 .50 .50 .50 .50 .55 .55 .55 .55 1.42 1.54 1.66 1.78 1.89 2.06 2.13 2.27 2.37 2.50 2.61 2.73 2.84 2.97 3.08 3.20 3.33 3.44 3.56 2.70 2.89 3.03 3.22 3.37 3.56 3.70 3.87 4.03 4.20 4.36 4.54 4.70 4.88 5.03 Yz inch, per set of 4 $0.09 SKEIN SCREWS 54 inch, in set of 4 $0.16 5^ inch, per set of 4. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. DASH BOLTS. STOVE BOLTS. SQUARE NUTS. P^ W§ Round Head. ^^^f^^^ Concealed Head. Sizes. Net price per doz. 114x1% inch $0.25 BASTARD HEAD BOLTS. Length. 1 iVa I'A iH 3 2M 3 Net price per 100 'A $0.66 $0, $0 A .70 .73 .75 .77 .70 .81 .84 SPRING BOLTS. Sizes. 3 x-fV Net price per doz. $0.18 STOVE BOLTS. - / Flat I lead. Net price per 100 Length. t\ Va ^ /2 $0.15 $0.22 .15 .23 ^ .15 .22 $0.31 Vfi .16 .23 .31 1 .16 .23 .33 1^4 .18 .25 .35 IV. .20 .27 .37 Wa. .21 .28 .39 2 .22 .29 .41 2^4 .29 .35 .44 2'/. .32 .38 .50 254 .35 .45 . 55 3 .40 .50 .67 Round Head. Net price per 100. Length. t% i^ $0.16 V?. Va y& 1 Wa 1/2 2 2Va 2H .16 .16 .17 .17 .19 .21 .22 .23 .27 .32 .36 .40 $0.23 .24 .24 .24 .28 .29 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 $0, WROUGHT IRON TURN BUCKLES. With Right and Left Hand Stub Bolt Ends Sizes. Net price each. /2 inch $0.23 5^ inch 24 54 inch 30 %i inch 36 1 inch 42 lyi inch 48 1J4 inch 60 lYs inch 70 WROUGHT WASHERS. Sizes for Net price per lb. fs inch Bolt $0.10 ^ inch Bolt 08^ fs inch Bolt 07]^ 5^ inch Bolt 07 7/s inch Bolt 05^ ^ inch Bolt 04^ s/s inch Bolt 04 54 inch Bolt 03^ 7/s inch Bolt 031^ 1 inch Bolt 033^ TIRE BOLT WASHERS. 1% inch. J4 inch. Size Net price per lb. iy inch $0.10 inch Sizes for Net price per lb. J4 inch Bolt $0.09^^ j% inch Bolt .08 Vs inch Bolt 06 iV inch Bolt 05 J/^ Vz inch Bolt 04i^ 1^0 inch Bolt 04^ Vs inch Bolt 04 H inch Bolt 04 ?^ inch Bolt 04 1 inch Bolt 04 HEXAGON NUTS. Sizes for Net price per lb. ^% inch Bolt $0.12 Vs inch Bolt 10 ^\ inch Bolt 08 K' y, inch Bolt 07i^ ^\ inch Bolt 07 1<; 5/& inch Bolt 06K' % inch Bolt 05K 7/s inch Bolt 05^ 1 inch Bolt 05J4 TAPPED SQUARE NUTS. Sizes for Net price per lb. 34 inch Bolt $0.12i^ 1^6 inch Bolt .11 J^ Vs inch Bolt 09 tV inch Bolt 08 y2 inch Bolt 06J^ Vs inch Bolt 06 H inch Bolt 05 ys inch Bolt 05 1 inch Bolt 05 CAST IRON WASHERS. .09 Sizes for Net price per lb, Vs, H, ?8 and 1 inch diameter $0.04 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 23 DOUBLE ENDER PILES. SQUARE BASTARD FILES. Net price | Net price .Sizes. each. doz. I Sizes. each. doz. No. 7 $0.08 $0.84 No. 9... $0.10 $1.05 No. 8 09 .94 I No. 10... .13 1.16 SLIM TAPER FILES. Net price Net price Sizes. each. doz. Sizes. each. doz. 4 inch . ...$0.10 $0.95 10 inch. .$0.17 $1.70 5 inch . . .. .10 1.00 12 inch. . .23 2.43 6 inch . . .. .12 1.15 14 inch. . .35 3.31 8 inch . . .. .13 1.38 IG inch. . .40 4.45 Sizes. , 3 inch oJ/$ inch 4 inch 4 y2 inch 5 inch 5 5<2 inch Net price each. doz. $0.05 $0.51 .05 .06 .06 .07 .08 .51 .53 .57 .62 .70 Net price Sizes. each. doz. 6 inch. ..$0.09 $0.76 7 inch. . . .10 .91 8 inch.. . .12 1.08 REGULAR TAPER FILES. HALF ROUND BASTARD FILES. Net price Net price Sizes. each. doz. Sizes. each. doz. 6 inch . ..$0.15 $1.45 12 inch. .$0.27 $2.70 8 inch . .. .20 1.80 14 inch. . .25 3.50 10 inch . .25 2.17 16 inch. . .45 4.70 PLAT WOOD RASPS. Net price Net price Sizes. each. doz. Sizes. each. doz. 3 inch ..$0.05 $0.51 6 inch.. $0.09 $0.81 zy. inch .. .05 .51 7 inch. . .10 1.03 4 inch . . .06 .53 8 inch.. .12 1.30 AYz inch . . .06 .57 9 inch.. .15 1.57 5 inch . . .07 .60 10 inch.. .20 1.52 5i<$ inch . . .08 .72 MILL BASTil .RD FILES. Sizes. 5 inch 6 inch 7 inch 8 inch Net price | each. $0.08 .09 .10 , .10 doz. $0.80 .88 1.03 1.08 FLAT BASTARD Ne t price Sizes. each. doz. 10 inch. .$0.14 $1.33 12 inch. . .18 1.75 14 inch . . .25 2.30 16 inch. . .30 3.22 RE FILES. Net price Net price Sizes. each. doz. Sizes. each. doz. 4 inch . ..$0.09 $0.90 10 inch. .$0.17 $1.67 i) incn . .. .10 .94 12 inch. .22 2.81 inch . .. .12 1.03 14 inch. . .30 3.16 8 inch . .. .15 1.27 16 inch. . .40 4.23 ROUND BASTARD FILES. Sizes. 4 inch . 5 inch . , 6 inch . , 8 inch . each ,.$0.07 . .08 . .08 , . .10 Net price | doz. $0.72 .76 .84 1.03 Sizes. each. 10 inch.. $0.14 12 inch. . .18 14 inch. . .25 16 inch. . .30 Net price doz. $1.33 1.75 2.30 3.50 Sizes. Net price each. | Sizes. Net price each. 8 inch $0.25 12 inch $0.35 10 inch 30 14 inch 40 HALF ROUND WOOD RASPS. Sizes. Net price each. 8 inch $0.25 10 inch 30 Sizes. Net price each. 12 inch $0.35 14 inch 45 THE "PEELER" RASP. For Horseshoers and Wagonmakers. The only radical improvement in tools for shoeing horses in 100 years. Of saw steel, with interchangeable cutting plates, which may be resharpened as many times as a saw. The teeth are gouge-shaped and make a clean, continuous cut without •clogging. Superior to all other tools used for the purpose, as regards ease, safety and dura- bility. Sizes. Net price each. One "Peeler" rasp and file $0.75 New plates 35 File for sharpening the plates 15 24 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. horse: rasps. CORRY RASPS. Net price Price Sizes. per doz. each. 14 inch $2.80 $0.25 15 inch 3.25 .30 16 inch 4.40 .40 18 inch slim 4.40 .40 Note. — A good Rasp. BARLOW RASPS. Plain. Net price Price Each Sizes. per doz. Plain. Tanged. 14 inch $3.60 $0.35 $0.45 15 inch 4.25 .40 .50 16 inch 4.75 .45 .55 18 inch slim 4.75 .45 Note. — Equal to any made. HELLER & BROS. HORSE RASPS. Plain. Net price Price Each Sizes. per doz. Plain. Tanged. 14 inch $4.55 $0.45 $0.55 15 inch 6.35 .50 .60 16 inch 6.25 .55 .65 BLACK DIAMOND. Plain. Net price Price Each Sizes. per doz. Plain. Tanged. 14 inch $5.25 $0.45 $0.55 15 inch 5.75 .50 .60 16 inch 6.35 .55 .65 SPRING COTTERS. Sizes. Net price per box. Ys to -k diam. by IVa to 2^ in. long $0.42 Assorted 100 in a box. HORSE TOOTH RASPS. No. 4. Heller Bros. Adjustable Jointed. Net price each $1.05 Extra floats 18 INCISOR TOOTH FILE. mmm^pim Net price each. 10 inches long $0.35 BENT INCISOR TOOTH FILE. Quarter Rasp, 13 inches long. Net price each. HELLER'S PRITCHELS. Net price each. Length 12 inches $0.17 HELLER'S SOLE KNIVES. Net price each $0.28 HEADING TOOLS. Sizes, inch % -fs H H Net price each ..$0.15 .15 .15 .15 HAND COLD CHISELS. Sizes, inch V& Y^ y% Va H 1 Net price each.. $0.10 .15 .20 .30 .35 .45 PLOW ANVILS. ROUND FLATTERS PLO^V ANVILS. Sizes, lbs 4^^ Net price each $0.45 ROUND FLATTERS. Size, inches 2 SJ^ 3 Net price each $0.30 .36 .60 COUNTERSINKS. Net price each CENTER PUNCHES. .$0.25 ,$0.50 Net price each ,$0.30 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HARDIES. Sizes, inch shank Net price each . $0.2.3 $0.28 HOT CTTTKKS Sizes, inches 1% IH 1^ Net price each $0.32 .33 .41 COLD CUTTERS. Sizes, inches 1J4 1^ 1/^ Net price each $0.28 .38 .47 SET HAMMERS. Sizes, inches 1 >4 1/^ 1^ Net £)rice each $0.30 .44 .60 FLATTERS. .84 Sizes, inches 2 2 ^ Net price each $0.35 .42 .57 .62 BLACKSMITHS' HARDIES. .80 Straight. Sizes. Net price each. Half Round, % and 1 inch Shank $0.44 Straight, % and 1 inch Shank 30 CREASERS. Greasers Ntt price each. $0.28 FORE PUACH. «:iiitaliwTBii;i:)'|8pto'M ■- Net price each. Pure Punches $0.25 SQUARE PUNCH. Sizes, inches ^ ]z > s Vx Net price each $0.24 .28 .28 .28 ROUND PUNCH. Sizes, inches Net price each Net price each BOTTOM FULLER. $0.28 TOP FULLER. Shanks Yz and 1 inch. BOTTOM FULLER. Sizes. Net price each. J4 inch $0.36 A inch 37 Yi inch 39 ■h inch 39 K inch 39 ■^^ inch 40 y% inch 40 Yd, inch 42 Yi, inch 45 1 inch 50 1J4 inch 55 lYi inch 58 Sizes ^ to 1 inch. TOP FULLER. Sizes. Net price each. Ya, inch $0.43 i^ff inch 44 Y% inch 46 ■h inch 47 Y inch 48 T% inch 48 % inch 48 Ya inch 48 Yi inch 54 1 inch 59 \Y\ inch 63 \Y2 inch 67 26 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. TOP SWAGE. MASONS' HAMMER. BOTTOM SWAGE. Shank y& and 1 inch. | Sizes J4 to 2 inch BOTTOM SWAGES. | TOP SWAGES. Sizes. Net price each | Sizes. Net price each J4 inch 30c 1^5 inch 32c Y% inch 40c iV inch 41c Yz inch 41c ^^6 inch 41c Y?, inch 41c 54 inch 45c Yi inch 48c 1 inch 48c 1^4 inch 48c 1 Y2 inch 75c Sizes. Net price per lb. 3 lbs 12c 3 to 5 lbs lie 5 lbs. and over 10c Axe finish. Each in a box. BLACKSMITHS' SOLID STEEL. SLEDGES. Ya inch . . . 35c 1^5 inch . . . 35c Yz inch ... 35c xV inch . . . 36c Y2 inch . . . 41c T% inch . . . 42c Y& inch . . . 42c ^ inch . . . 43c Y^ inch . . . 46c 1 inch . . . 46c 1 14 inch . . . 53c LYi inch ... ....55c ANVIL SWAGES FOR CHANNEL TIRE. Cross Pein. Sizes , lbs. 6 8 10 Net price each $0 .36 . 48 .60 12 14 .84 16 .96 Size V4 Yz 1 1^ IYa lYs 1/2 1^8 IY4 Net price per pair inch $1-75 inch 1'75 inch 1.75 inch 1.95 inch 1.95 inch 2.25 inch 2-25 inch 2.60 inch 2-60 SHOERS' TURNING SLEDGES. BLACKSMITHS' HAND HAMMER. Pctagon Pattern. 2 2Y2 3 .28 4 4Y2 .38 .40 Sizes, lbs Net price each . . Net price each . ...$0.25 .25 ..$0.54 ,81 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SPIKE MAUL,. STRIKING HAMMKR. SOLID STEEL. SLEDGES. Double Face. Sizes, lbs 6 8 10 12 14 IG Net price each $0.36 .48 .60 .72 .84 .96 GENUINE GIANT NAIL. PULLER. Sizes. 3 to 5 lbs 5 lbs. and over. Net orice per lb. ; 8c 6c BLACKSMITHS' ANVILS. From 90 to 200 lbs. in Stock. Net price per lb. American Wrought Iron Steel Face 9J/2C Swedish Solid Steel O^^c Peter Wright, Steel Face ll^c Trenton Anvils Oyic FARRIERS' CLIP HORN ANV From 100 to 150 lbs. in Stock. Net price per lb. American Wrought Iron Steel Face 10 He Trenton Clip Horn 10 ^c Peter Wright Steel Face 12i^c Note. — Every American Anvil is made of the best American Wrought Iron and faced with best Crucible Cast Steel. Top and bot- tom are each one solid piece and welded at waist. Our Swedish Solid Steel Anvils are imported direct from Sweden, and they are the finest Anvils in the world. Both our American and Swedish anvils are warranted to be sound, to be free from flaws and to have faces hard and true. Our Peter Wright Anvils are imported di- rect from England, and are the finest Anvils in the world. We do not warrant Peter Wright Anvils. LOCOMOTIVE JACK SCREW . Diam. of Height of Lifting Net price Screw. Stand. Capacity. each. IM inch 10 inches 16 tons $1.70 134 inch 12 inches 16 tons 1.88 l.}4 inch 14 inches 16 tons 2.00 2 inch 12 inches 20 tons 2.15 2 inch 14 inches 20 tons 2.25 2 inch 16 inches 20 tons 2.65 214 inch 12 inches 24 tons 2.55 2^ inch 14 inches 24 tons 2.80 2H inch 12 inches 28 tons 3.00 2 3^ inch 14 inches 28 tons 3.40 2K inch 16 inches 28 tons 3.80 BLACKSMITHS' SWAGE BLOCKS. Shipped From Factory. Shape of No. 1, 2 and 3. Shape of No. 4 and 5 No. Size. 1 3^x10x14 2 3^x11x15' 3 4^^x11x15 4 4 xl5xl5 41^ 4^x18x18 5 6 x24x24 Net price Weight about per lb. 100 lbs. $0.03 125 lbs. .03 145 lbs. .03 165 lbs. .03 255 lbs. .03 625 lbs. .03 28 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. TIRE MEASURING WHEEL. Little Giant Net price each $1.25 WOSTENHOLiM'S FARRIERS KNIVES Net price each I. X. L. Wostenholm's Farriers' Knives. $0.3.5 POPE'S FARRIER'S KNIVES. .25 Net price each Iron Handle, with one blade $0.30 Extra Blades THE "CHAMPION" FARRIER'S KNIFE. Net price. Handles Extra Blades, each md Three Blades. .$0.85 , .20 In presenting this knife to the trade we take pleasure in saying that it is an improvement over all other knives, having many points of superiority that will be appreciated. Each and every blade is strictly first-class, and are made from S. & C. Wardlow's best English Cast Steel, highly tempered to hold a good and lasting cutting edge. 3IEL.TING LADLES. Sizes Net price each 3 inch Bowl... $0.12 4 inch Bowl Sizes Net price each 5 inch Bowl.. .$0.25 .30 BLACKS3IITHS' MANDRELS. Shipped from factory. Eiam. Diam. Weight Net No. Height. 1 32 in. 154 40 in. 2 48 in. 3 52 in. at base, at top. 8 in. 1 in. 10 in. 1 in. 12 in. 1 in. 14 in. 1 in. about 55 lbs. 90 lbs. 115 lbs. 140 lbs. 54 in. 16 m. in. 200 lbs. price per lb. $0.04 .04 .04 .04 .04 BLACKSMITHS' SLOTTED MAN- DRELS. Shipped from factory. Diam. Diam. No. Height. Weight Net price about per lb. $0.04^ .04^ .04J4 .043^ 60 lbs. 100 lbs. 125 lbs. 150 lbs, 220 lbs at base, at top. 1 32 in. 8 in. 1 in. IJ^ 40 in. 10 in. 1 in. 2 48 in, 12 in. 1 in. 3 62 in. 14 in. 1 in. 4 54 in. 16 in. '2 in. .--,. The Cheney Patent Blacksmith Cone or Ta- per Mandrel is made with a slot running nearly the whole length, as shown in cut. This is very convenient for holding the ends of iron in bending rings, or when a ring with an eye- bolt is being made, the eye and bolt lie in this slot while the ring is being rounded up. THE GENUINE EASY BOLT CLIPPER. Sizes. Net price each. No. cuts A inch or less $2.00 No. 1 cuts H inch or less 2.50 No. 2 cuts H inch or less 3.50 No. 3 cuts y& inch or less 4.00 The "Easy" Bolt Clippers are made of the very best, material; jaws are of solid steel, properly tempered, and can be adjusted to take up the wear of the joints and cutting edges. Are fitted with rubber buffers between the han- dles to avoid any jar in the hands and wrist. Every clipper fully warranted. ALLEN-RANDALL BOLT CLIPPER. 14 6 inch Bowl.. Sizes. Net price each. No. cuts up to A inch $1.75 No. 1 cuts up to y& inch 2.25 No. 2 cuts up to ^ inch 3.25 No. 3 cuts up to y& inch 4.00 No. 4 cuts up to H inch 5.00 This Clipper is without exception as good as made. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Net price each $1 .50 Extra blades loc each. This tool is the best ever devised for the pur- pose. Weight 2 lbs., length 12 inches, opens 2 inches and cuts IJ inches. It has a detachable knife, which can be replaced in a few minutes. I^IGHTNING HOOF SHEARS. The Shear. In operation. Net price each $1.75 The Shears, unlike a pair of nippers, has a square cut, not cutting on a circle; the dull, or outside bit stays where you place it; the knife passes right through to the copper, cut- ting its way regardless of nails or anything, not teaing the outside or enamel of the hoof, as is so frequently done by the nippers. A great tool. LIGHTNING CLINCHERS. Net price each $0 . This tool does entirely away with the possi- bilities of being injured by an ugly horse or colt while clinching down the nails. BLISS HOOF CUTTER. Net price each $1.80 Is most powerful. Does the best and largest range of work. Easiest kept in order. Makes easier work of hoof cutting than any other tool made. LITTLE GIANT BLACKS3IITHS' BUTTERIS. Net price each. Butteris Complete $1.50 . Extra Knives 25 Ebony wood handle, Handles adjustable to length, knives replaceable. GIANT HOOF PARER. Net price each $1 . 67 Note — The giant is the lightest, handiest, most powerful straight-cut Hoof Parer on the market. In this tool we have a principle that produces a maximum jaw movement, while the handles can be reached with one hand at any time. This too has the largest amount of leverage, with the least complication of any tool out. Extra Jaws, each, postpaid $0.64 LARSON HOOF PARER The Larson Blacksmith Pincers are drop forged from tool steel and hand tem- pered and 13 inches in length. Have wide open jaws and a wonderful lever- age owing to the short dis- tance from the rivet to the jaw clip. The han- dles are long, slim and very strong and the jaws will open wide, thereby en- abling a person to pry off any width shoe from a hoof. Net price each, $0.90 CALK DIES. Net price each. Large, for Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Calks $0.75 Small, for Nos. 0, 1 and 2 Calks 75 Per Set 1-45 Note — This will be found to be a most con- venient and serviceable tool. HORSESHOERS» KNIFE STONE. Net price each $0.10 30 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. FARRIERS' TOOLS. BLACKSMITHS' STRAIGHT LIP TOXGS. Sizes, inches 14 16 18 20 22 24 Net price ea..$0.25 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 STEEL FORGING TONGS. Sizes. 12 to 17 inch. Net price each. .♦ $0.27 BLACKSMITHS' BOLT TONGS. HELLER'S CUTTING NIPPERS. No. 24. Sizes, inches 10 12 14 Net price each $0.87 1.09 1.30 HELLER'S HOOF PARERS. No. 23. Sizes, inches '. 12 14 Net price each $1.10 1.30 HELLER'S FARRIERS' PINCHERS. For Holding Bolts or Round Iron. Sizes for .... ^ Vs 'A Vs Ya R- 1- Net price, pr.. $0.45 .45 .45 .55 .60 SOLID STEEL PICK-LP TONGS. B Sizes, inches ^18 20 24 Net price per pair $0.45 .50 .5i) HELLER'S CLINCH TONGS. Net price each $1.20 COMMON FARRIERS' PINCHERS. Sizes, inches 10 12 14 16 Net price each $0.60 .85 1.10 1.38 HELLER'S HOOF TESTERS. No. r. Size. 15 inch Net price each. $1>30 ECLIPSE HOOF SHEAR. Sizes. Net price each. 10 inch $0.45 ^^ . , 12 inch ::::::::::.: .50 Net pnce each 14 inch 55 "^otz — The spring brings the tool wide open as soon as the cut is made. .$1.20 CHAMPION BALL BEARING HOOF SHEAR. CHAMPION ADJUSTABLE HOOF PARER. Sizes. Net price each. Net price each $1.20 14 inch '*."'. . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . ■ • • • 2 *. 50 Note— Fitted with adj ustable knife, can be Extra Knives 60 replaced when worn out. TH?: BARLOW IIARDVVARK CO., CORRY, PA. CHAMPION ROUNDING HAMMER. CHAMPION B. S. HAND HAMMER. Sizes, 2, 2J4, 2M, 2M, 3 lbs. No. 4. No. 7. Met price each. Sizes. $1-1^ 2, 2J4, 2]A, 2H, 3 lbs... Net price each. $0.65 CHAMPION DOUBLE PEINED HA3IMER. CHAMPION FITTING HAMMER. No. 5. No. 8. Sizes. Net price each. Sizes. Net price each. 2, 2^, 2^, 2^4, 3 lbs $1.00 2, 2%, 21/2, 2H, 3 lbs $1.15 CHAMPION ROUND POLE DRIVING HAMMER. CHAMPION SHARPENING HAMMER. No. 11. No. 13. Sizes. 2, 214, 214, 2H, 3 lbs. Net price each. $1.15 Sizes. 14, 16, 18, 20 oz. Net price each. $0.63 CHAMPION PATTERN FITTING HAMMER. CHAMPION SQUARE POLE DRIVING HAMMER. No. 9. No. 14. Sizes. 2, 214, 214, 2.}4, 3 lbs. Net price eacl). Sizes. $1.15 14, 16, 18, 20 oz. Net price each. $0.63 CHAMPION ELECTRIC SHARPENING HAMMER. RIMMERS' HAM31E:RS. No. 12. Sizes. 3, 214, 2H, 2H, 3 lbs. Net price each. Net price each. $1.15 No. 59, Whit? Hickory Handle $1.20 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HELLER'S DRIVING HAMMERS. No. 64. »IACHINISTS» HAMMERS. Sizes. Net price each. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 oz $0.55 HELLER'S PATTERN DRIVING HAMMERS. No. 65. Sizes. Net price each. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 oz $0.65 HELLER'S HORSESHOERS' HAND HAMMERS. No. 63. Sizes. 2, 2%, 2K, 2H, 3 lbs. Net price each. $0.55 HELLER'S FITTING HAMMER. No. 62. Sizes. 2, 2J4, 2J^, 2H, 3 lbs. Net price each. $1.10 HELLER'S ROUNDING HAMMER. No. 61. Sizes. 2, 2^, 2^, 2M, 3 lbs. Net price each. $1.30 HELLER'S CAT HEAD HAMMER. No. 60. Riveting. Ball Pein Hand. RIVETING. BALL PEIN. Sizes. Net Price Sizes. Net Price No. Weight. each. No . Weight. each. 4 oz.$0.26 5-0 4 oz..$0.45 1 7 oz. .28 4-0 6 oz.. .45 2 9 oz. .30 3-0 8 oz, . .45 3 12 oz. .33 2-0 12 oz.. .45 4 15 oz. .35 1 lb. .. .46 5 1 lb. 2 oz. .38 1 1 lb. 4 oz.. .50 6 1 lb. 6 oz. .40 2 1 lb. 8 oz.. .52 7 1 lb. 10 oz. .42 3 1 lb. 12 oz.. .55 HAND. 4 2 lb. . . .58 Sizes. Net price 5 2 lb. 4 oz.. .60 No. Weight. each. 6 2 lb. 8 oz.. .65 1 2 lb. $0.53 7 2 lb. 12 oz.. .70 2 2 lb. 10 oz. .57 8 3 lb. .. .80 3 3 lb. .60 4 3 lb. 8 oz. .64 5 4 lb. 8 oz. .71 Weights do not include Handles. Note. — These Hammers are made of best quality Tool Steel and are warranted. ROBERT MANN'S SINGLE BIT AXES. Sizes. Net price per doz. Weights, 3, 3y4, 3^, 3 54 lbs $7.60 ROBERT 3IANN'S DOUBLE BIT AXES. Sizes. Net price per doz. Sizes. Net price each. Weights, 3]4, 314, ZH lbs $10.50 2, 2],^, 2}/^, 2}4, o lbs $1.30 25c advance per doz. for each J4 lb. heavier. Dozeu price on Bxes does not apply to less than a half dozen. THE BARLOW HARr/VVARK CO.. CORRY, PA. 33 HATCHETS. Shingliiip. No. 1, Shingling No. 2, Shingling Net price each. $0.50 HALF HATCHKTS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, Half $0.50 No. 2, Half 60 CLAW HATCHETS. Sizes. No. ], Claw No. 2, Claw Net price each. .$0.50 . .60 LATH HATCHETS. ■'^izes. Net price each. Underhill's J'attern $0.75 HAND AXES. ADZB2 EVE NAIL HAMMERS. No. Size. i Yi 1!^ 3 Rell Face. Weight. 1 lb. 4 oz. 1 lb. 13 oz. Net price each. $0.55 48 50 ADZE EYE NAIL HAMMERS. Weights do not include Handles. Note. — These Hammers are made of best quality Tool Steel and are warranted. Straight Face. Weight. Net price each. 1 lb. 4 oz $0.55 1 lb. 48 13 oz. 50 7 oz. 48 No. 41 4U^ Size. 1 43 CARPENTERS' ADZES. Net price, each GRXB HOES. .$1.40 Net price, per doz ^^^^^ MATTOCKS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 2, 4^^ inch cut $0.75 No. 3, 5 inch cut 87 No. 4, 5 }A inch cut 93 No. 5, 6 inch cut ] .00 Net price, per doz Dozeu price does uot npply to less than n half-ilozen of a kind. $3 . 65 ,$3.75 ,$1 .75 34 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MARTIN HORSE SHOEING RACK. Shipped From Factory. Net price each $4t^> • 00 You doubtless are already convinced by many instances, of the necessity of some pre- ventive of the danger and aid to shoeing wild horses. The limited production of the Martin Horse Shoeing Rack — such a practical inven- tion in successful use for eight years for shoe- ing vicious kicking and crippled horses — here- tofore prevented its more general sale. It pays for itself in a short time. The horse fastened in it can not injure itself, and parties we have sold to find their trade gladly pay $1.00 to $3.00 and often $5.00 ex- tra for shoeing a bad horse. You can work unmolested, and your labor is easy and more rapid. Experience has proved it especially val- uable for shoeing colts, breaking them to shoe- ing at once. Careful blacksmiths put all rest- less horses in it; their lives are no longer in danger and time is saved thereby. Hundreds of testimonials read that they would not carry on shoeing without one. A blacksmith stating that as long as he carried on shoeing, and if he could not get another, he would not sell his at any price. We guarantee the Rack to be perfectly satis- factory, and to prove that you take no risk, we agree to take back the rack and refund your money if it does not do as we promise. No horse or mule but can be held and easily shod. Strongly made of best materials. One will last a lifetime. THE BARCUS HORSE STOCKS. Shipped From Factory. We answer the following ques- tions which are often asked: 1. What is the price of your Stocks complete? $62.50. 2. How long is the frame when in use? 10 feet. 3. Do they swing out of the way when not in use? Yes, both ways up against the wall. 4. What keeps the Stocks from swinging when in use? A brace from rear end of frame to ceiling or floor. 5. How many Leg Arms go with every machine? One Leg Arm only. 6. Do you advise using two Leg Arms? Yes, and some use more, although one is used very success- fully. 7. What does an extra Leg Arm cost? $20. 8. Can you handle the hind foot as well as the front foot? Yes. 9. Is there danger of a horse getting hurt in the Stocks? No, even the veterinaries use them. 10. Do you give directions for setting up and using Stocks? Yes, very complete with every machine. Be sure to read them. 11. What is the freight on the Stocks? They are billed out at 450 lbs., knocked down and third class rate. See that you are not overcharged for freight. Net Cash price each $62.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. HOW TO Measure: hal.p patent AXLES. ' 'T=r The size of the axle is the size of the square part of the bed just back of the collar. The length of the axle is measured as in- dicated. This is equivalent to hub length. The axle box itself will measure about J^ inch less than length of axle. Give us size and length of axle as above indicated and save all errors. We are prepared to weld axles at the fol- lowing net prices. Give distance between col- lars when axles are welded, or give width of track in feet and inches. Price per set 1^^ inch and smaller / $0.95 I>4 inch 1.15 1 H inch 1.35 iVz inch 1.50 iVs inch 1.90 For shaping Axles for Drop or Arch Bed, we charge as follows: Price per set. lli inch and smaller $0.50 iVi inch ,.. .70 1^^ and iVz inch 1.00 Prices on Cranked Axles on receipt of draw- ings with exact dimensions. No. 11 HALF PATENT AXLES, FANTAIL BED. Steel Double Collar. Sizes. ^x6i^ YsxeVz 1 x6H Net price per set. $1.38 1.38 1.54 1.67 Net price Sizes. per set. 1^x63^ in $].80 15^x7 in 1.80 1^x7 in 2.19 iVaxiy^ in 3.40 No. 11 HALF PATENT AXLES, COACH BED. iftn iiiIt- Steel Double Collar. Sizes. %x6^' 1 x6y2 .1^x6^ l>4x7 Net price per set. in $1.50 in 1.64 in 1.90 in 1.90 in 2.29 Net price Sizes. per set. l^xlVz in $3.38 lKx8 in 4.15 l^xSH in 6.00 1^x9 in 7.50 No. 11 HALF PATENT AXLES, FANTAIL-SWAGED BED. No. 12 HALF PATENT AXLES, SHORT BED, OR STUBS. Ff^ffig Net price Sizes. per set. ^x6^ in $1.43 %x6j4 in 1.45 Net price Sizes. per set. ilxGi/^ in $1.47 1 x6H in 1.59 Steel Double Collar. Sizes. 3^x6 Mx6H %x6 i|x6 i§x63^ 1 x6yi 1 x7 1 1^5X6^ 1tVx7 Net price per set. $1.12 , 1.12 , 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.28 ].28 1.35 1.35 Net price Sizes. per set. 1^x6^' in $1.48 15^x7 in 1.48 lj4x6J^ in 1.80 1^x7 in. . . . .. 1.80 13/^x7 in. . . .. 2.44 13/^x7^ in. . . . . 2.44 1^x7 in. . . . .. 3.21 1^x7^ in. . . . . 3.21 1^x8 15/^x8 in 3 21 in. . . .. 4.40 No. 11 HALF PATENT AXLES, LONG SQUARE BED. Steel Double Collar. Sizes. 54x6 in ^x6^ m ^x6 m Vsxey^ in 1 x6H in 1 x7 m 1t^x63^ m 1t^x7 in 1/8X6H m Net price per set. $1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.54 1.54 1.67 1.67 1.80 Net price Sizes. per set. 1^x7 in $1.80 l^x6H in 2.19 Ij4x7 in 2.19 1^x7 in 3.08 l^x7H in 3.08 1^x7 in 3.85 1^x73^' in 3.85 15^x8 in 3.85 1^x8 in 5.00 THE MATHER "THOUSAND MILE" AXLES. Short Bed. Sizes. 3/^x61^ Vsxeyz i|x6^ 1 xey Sizes. 1^x6] 1^x7 1^x7 Net price 2.40 . . . 2.60 . . . 3.15 Net price in $2.00 in 2.00 in 2.00 in 2.25 Long Bed. Mx6^ in $2,451 l|x6i^ ?^x6^ in 2.451 1 x6i^ Above sizes in fan-tail swaged bed, 5c per set extra. It^xG^ in 2.951 li^x7 in 3.80 13^x7 in 3.201 Above sizes in coach shape, 10c per set extra. Note. — Will run 1,000 miles with one oiling. Positively dust and dirt proof. Cuts away less of hub than any other axle. Cannot get out of order. Simplicity itself. HALF PATENT DOUBLE COLLAR 2.45 2.70 Sizes. V4 in % in if in 1 in iiV m. AXLE BOXES. Net price per set. $0.47 .59 .65 Sizes. ly^ h 1% ii \y2 ii Net price per set. $0.88 1.15 1.45 1.75 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SOLID COLLAR COINCORD KXPRESS SANDAGK STEKL WAGON SKKIIVS AXLES. AND BOXES. Size 1.1/4X7 1^x73^ 15^x7 1^x7^^ 1^x8 1-5^x8 3 xlO 111. in. Net Square bed. box $ 2.93 box 8.60 box 3.60 box 4.36 box 4.36 box r..3i box 6.30 box 7.38 box 9.90 price pe Coacli shape. $ 3.18 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.80 5.75 6.75 8.00 10.90 r set. Short bed. $2.47 2.99 2.99 3.99 3.99 4.36 WAGON SKEINS AND BOXES. C03IPLETE. Net price Net price Sizes. per set. Sizes. per set. 2K-X 7 inch. $1.35 3)4 xlO inch. $2. 25 2 5^ X 7 J'j inch. 1.35 •syi xii inch... 2.33 2^2 X 8 inch. 1.43 3K' xlO nrch. . . *2.40 2-)4 X 8 inch. 1.58 3i/< xll inch. .. 2.50 2H X 8'/^ inch. 1.62 Sl'2 xl2 inch. .. 2.64 2-34 X 9 inch. l.SO 3H xll inch. .. 2.70 3 X 9 inch. 1.80 3-}i xl2 inch ... 2.82 3 X 10 inch. 2.00 4 xl2 inch. . . 3.18 I LRJCH PATENT TRUSS SKEINS. Sizes. Net price per set. 2-)4x 8 inch $2.10 2^x8J^a«ich 2.16 3x9 inch 2.35 3^ X 10 inch 3.00 3'/^ XlO inch 3.15 3 V$ X 11 inch 3 . 30 3M xll inch 3.55 3 M X 12 inch 3.75 4 X 12 inch 4.20 Note.— The best Truss Skein on the market. W^AGON SHOES. Net price eacli. 2 inch, weight each 16^-4 lbs $0.63 2^ inch, weight each lO^^ lbs 73 3 inch, weight each 22 lb.s 8() 3JX inch, weight each 24 lbs !*" 4 inch, weight each 25 lbs 98 Foiled from continuous blank of WROUGHT STEEL. Sizes. Net price per set. 2^ X 7 inch $3.74 2 'A X 7 14 inch 3 . 80 2V^x 8 inch 3.87 2>4 X 8 inch 4.05 2-)4 X 8M inch 4 .13 3x9 inch 4.33 3 xlO inch 4.46 3]4 X 10 inch 5.00 3^x11 inch 5.25 35< X 10 itich 5.53 3^x11 inch 5 . 67 314 X 12 inch 6.30 SH X 11 inch 6.65 3K X 12 inch 6.65 4 xl2 inch 8.00 LINCH PIN STEEL SKEINS AND BOXES Shipped from factory at above prices. BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS. STANDARD PATTERN. \N'idth. Sizes. Net price each. 24 inch $4.00 26 inch 4-40 28 inch 4.80 30 inch 5.00 32 inch 5.75 34 inch 6.20 36 inch 7.00 38 inch 7.85 40 inch 9-10 42 inch 10.80 44 inch 13 . 50 EXTRA LONG PATTERN. Width, Sizes. Net price each. 24 inch $ 4.50 26 inch 5.2i) 28 inch 6.00 30 inch 6 • ^ J 32 inch '^ • ^^ 34 inch 8 . 00 36 inch 8.50 38 inch ^-^^ 40 inch 10.50 42 inch 13-00 44 inch 16.00 DUCK'S NEST TUYERE IRONS. Single. Double. Net price each. No. 2, Single Duck's Nest, weight 15 lbs. $0.60 No. 2, Double Duck's Nest, weight 17 lbs. 0.70 THE nAREOW IIARDWAKK CO.. ClOKKV, \\\. \V AHHION'S TIYKRK lUONS \'ery simple and easily adjusted. Net price each $1 .50 Note. — The blast is regulated by simply re- volving the ball, which has three unequal sides. Open the bottom valve, and all cinders and ashes drop out. Weight, ;{1 lbs. AKIv'S RONS. Net price each. No. 9, Weight about 21 lbs $1.10 Note. — These Tuyere Irons are made with ball valves; are convenient and durable. POWER'S TUYKRIC AND IMRF. POT. TUYERE ANH FIRE POT I.S CAST SOLID TOC.inilER; WEKillS, COMPLETE, A POUT 4r> POUNDS. Net price, each $.1.2.') Has three different changes oi blast. Cin- ders and ashes can be let down without disturb- ing tire. It concentrates the heat just w lu re it's wanted. The fire always the same. Cannot spread at the bottom. It does away with clay, mortar, brick, etc. You can have a small or large tire as needed. NORTON'S TUYERE IRONS. Net price each. Weight, about 27 lbs $1.40 Note. — To regulate the blast, turn the large rod. The cinders and ashes may be removed by drawing out the small rod, which opens the side. The levers and spring are readily changed to either side for right or left hand use. SUTTON'S TUYERE IRON. Net price, each $2.25 A new and desirable Tuyere Iron. Having a fire-pot combined with the Tuyere Iron, it is the best thing ever invented for the forge. POWER'S FIRE POT. $1 .00 Net price, each Concentrates the heat where wanted. Fits any common tuyere iron. Prevents the fire from spreading. Keeps it clean and bright. ROOT'S NEW ACME FIRE BED AND TUYERE IRONS. The sides of the Tuyere are kept cool by circulation of air around the bowl. No clay need be usea in same. Sizes. Net price, each. No. 3, liy2 in. square, 11 54 in. deep, weight, 63 lbs $4.75 No. 4, 18 in. square, 12 in. deep, weight 80 lbs 5.75 THOMPSON'S EXTENSION FIRE TUYERE IRONS. Size. Net price each. Fire Bed 15 in. x 20 in., depth 5]/^ in., weight 50 lbs $5 .50 Any size fire, from 2 inch up to 14 inches in length may be obtained with this Tuyere. Is composed of the following parts: Grate with four slots as shown in cut, two running crosswise, remaining open all the time and two running lengthwise and which are so ar- ranged that they can be varied in size, thus controlling the length of the fire. This is ac- complished by moving the far end of the fire bed in or out by means of the long rod shown in cut. 38 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. No. 400 CHAMPION "WHIRLWIND'* BLAST ANTI-CLINKERS HEAVY NEST TUYERE IRON. »..H»*«»-*"'"'"'»'4s; CLARK COAL. REVOLVING PICK'^ THAT PICKS CLINKERS OUT OF THE SLOTS^ WITHOUT D1STURBING( THE FIRE FROM^THE TOP. Net price each. No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron is 5 in. deep, 8H in. wide and 10 H in. long, over all 12^x14^ in. Weight, 60 lbs $5.00 A TUYERE IRON THAT MAKES A "WHIRLWIND" BLAST. Registered in U. S. Patent Office. The No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron in- creases the output of a blacksmith fire from one to two hours per day with at least one- tenth to one-quarter saving in coal. This is accomplished by consuming all the heating ele- ments within the coal, and not blowing the heat or hot air out of the fire up the chimney, as is the trouble with all other Tuyere Irons. The illustration of the "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron plainly shows how it is built and how it works. It has a heavy cast iron nest into which the roar- ing white heat pressure blast of the No. 400 Blower is delivered through three slots. One of these slots is in the bottom, or centre of the nest, the other two slots are one on each side 2 inches above the centre slot on a forty- five degree angle. The roaring forcing pressure blast coming through the three slots in opposite directions, and meeting in the centre of the tuyere nest creates, in combination with the heavy cast iron walls of the heavy nest, a "Whirlwind" blast. In other words, prevents the blast from going in the air and right here is where the great success of this invention is found, as the blast coming from the three distinct di- rections, and meeting in the centre of the tuy- ere nest, creates a current of air which pro- duces a circular rotary "Whirlwind" blast, forcing the blast through the coal to the walls of the nest and again returning it to the cen- tre of the tuyere iron; giving the iron in the fire all the heating elements in the coal, which produces the hottest white heat blacksmith fire that ever was seen, making it the greatest money making invention that ever was placed in the blacksmith shop, for the simple reason that the operator not only can accomplish more work with less labor but, at the same time, elYecting a most wonderful saving in con- sumption of coal. Net Price of Coal, per doz $0.60 Is put up in neat, convenient brickettes or cakes, 23/^x8>^ inches. It is guaranteed to burn perfectly. Directions for Using. — Place a piece of Clark Coal in a brisk fire until it has become red through. Then take it out and leave it for a few seconds, until the little flame which appears, has died away. Afterwards place it in the sheet metal box or drawer and then in- sert same in the heater. Coal can be extinguished with water and used again until entirely consumed. CLARK CARRIAGE HEATERS. LEADER. Is 12 inches long. Metal throughout. Un- covered, Strong, Solidly riveted. Guaranteed to please. Weight, 4 lbs. Price, each, with one dozen coal $1.50 No. 7D. CONSIDERING THE PRICE, all of our newest improvements, adjustable side ventila- tors, too — as well as those at the ends. These regulate the draft and heat. And yet the price each is only $2.25 without coal. No. 3D. 3D' Clark Heater is made with white metal ends, has covering of Brussels carpet and is 14 inches long. Weight, 5 lbs. Price, each, without coal $2.00 5B Clark Heater is similar to the 3D, ex- cept it is only 12 inches long. Carpet covered. Price, each, without coal $1.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. .39 PRKNTISS* MACHINLSTS' VISITS NKW SHEPARI> VISES. Nos. 2 and 3 Stationary Bottom, Nos. 19 and 20. Swivel Bottom. Net price Sizes No. No. No. No. 20, 3^2 3H 4/2 Jaws open. 4M in. 6 in. iH in. Weight. each. 28 lbs. $5.75 54 lbs. 8.75 32 lbs. 7.00 65 lbs. 10.50 PRENTISS' WOOD WORKERS' VISES. Nos. 12 and 10 Nos. 27 and 26. Stationary Bottom. Swivel Bottom. Net price Sizes. Jaws open . Weight. each. No. 12, SV, in. 7 m. 30 lbs. $6.75 No. 10, W7. in. 9 5^ in. 59 lbs. 9.25 No. 27, ^V-? m. 7 in. 34 lbs. 8.00 No. 26, 4^ in. 9^ m. 67 lbs. 10.75 PRENTISS' BULL. DOG WOOD WORKERS' VISES. No. 59. Stationary Bottom. Sizes. No. 59, 414 No. 99, 414 Jaws open. 9 in. 9 in. No. 99. Swivel Bottom. Net price Weight. each. 48 lbs. $5.90 58 lbs. 7.00 SHEPARD WOOD WORKERS' VISES. No. 68. Stationary Bottom. Sizes. No. 68, 41^ in. No. 69, 4H in. Jaws open. 9 in. No. 69. Swivel Bottom. Net price Weight. each. 42 lbs. $4.25 46 lbs. 5.00 Nos. 158 to 163. Stationary Bottom. Nos. 159 to 63. Swivel Bottom. Net price Sizes. No. 158, Jaws open. 2 in. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 160, 161, 162, 163, 159, 60, 61, 62, 63, 2^ 3/2 4 2 2 2/2 3/ 4 a in. 3 in. 4 in. 6 in. 2 in. 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. 6 in. Weight. 2^ lbs. 4 lbs. 11 lbs. 16 lbs. 30 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 12 lbs. 18 lbs. 32 lbs. each. $0.65 1.05 1.40 1.95 2.75 .80 1.25 1.60 2.10 3.15 HANDY DRILL ATTACHMENTS. For Shepard's New Vises. Sizes. Net price each. Drill Attachment for Vise No. 62 and No. 163 $1-'J'5 Drill Attachment for Vise No. 63 and No. 163 2.00 Note.— This is the only Drilling Attachment that can be securely fastened to vise, thus enabling operator to do as perfect work as with expensive post or bench drill. Sockets are fitted for / inch round shank drills. PIPE VISES. Heavy made for service. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, holding J^ to 2 inch Pipe $2.25 No. 0, holding ^4 to 3 inch Pipe 3.25 40 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PRENTISS' PIPE VISE. FARRIER'S SOMD BOX WROUGHT VISK Net price each. No. A. Holds 34 to 2 in. Pipe, $1.20 WROUGHT IRON SOLID BOX VISES. ^ Net price each. No. 60, weight 60 lbs., width jaw 4 3^ in $6.75 No. 65, weight 65 lbs., width jaw 4^ in 7.40 No. 70, weight 70 lbs., width jaw 5 in.. 7.85 WROUGHT IRON BENCH SCREWS. Double thread with wood handle and movable collar. Diameter. Net price each. 1 inch $0.30 IJ^s inch 35 1% inch 40 IH inch 70 VISE BOXES AND SCREWS. No. Weight. Width of Jaw. Net price each. about 35 35 3^4 inch $3.65 40 40 4 inch 3.78 50 50 4 y, inch 4.14 No. 60 00 5 inch 4.65 65 65 5 inch 5.10 iiz 75 75 5>:J inch 5.90 2 80 80 5 Vj inch 6.30 p ^ ;»() 90 504 inch 7.20 31^ 100 100 6 inch 7.90 4^ For Vises Diameter > Jet price From of Screw. each. No 25 to 40 1 in. $2.80 No. 45 to 55 13/^ in. 3.20 No. 60 to 65 IK in. 3.20 No. 70 to 75 1^ in. 3.60 No. 80 to 85 iVs in. 3.60 No. 90 to 95 IH in. 5.20 No. 100 to 125 IM in. 5.60 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. HORSESHOERS* FOOT VISES. CHAMPION MOVABI^E FOOT VISE. "LITTLE GIANT." For forming, sharpening and welding calks on horse and ox shoes, for making bolt heads, and takes the place of an ordinary vise for bending and shaping hot iron, thus combining two machines in one. Shoe calks can be made sharp or square for winter or summer use, and the dies are so shaped that the calks are better formed than they can be in the ordinary way, and from two to three times as many. The die on which the calks are formed is of the best tool steel, and is shaped so that it forms the calk the right shape. Sharp or square calks can be formed by simply turning steel die around. Net price each. Little Giant, complete with Shoeing Dies, only $10.50 Little Giant, complete with Shoeing Dies and Bolt Heading Tools 12.50 GREEN RIVER FOOT VISE. The vise which drops open when not in use forms both sharp and straight calks, the forming die being of tool steel of proper shape. The die may be turned over for summer work. Net price each. Green River for Shoeing only $9.75 Green River for Shoeing and Bolt Head- ing $10.60 Champion Movable. Reversible in winter. steel block Made of Effective and cheap for sharpening shoes wrought iron and steel. Net price each. Champion Movable $6.75 CHAMPION STATIONARY FOOT VISE. This is the most perfect tool of its kind yet produced. By a simple adjustment the grip of the jaws is adjusted to thick or thin shoes or iron, and by adjusting the stop it can be made to lock itself or not, at pleasure, which is a feature that no other horseshoers' vise pos- sesses. The locking of the vise does away with an extra vise for filing shoes and a light touch of the toe under the foot lever releases it. They are strongly made, with steel jaws, one jaw being removable. Net price each. Champion Stationary $11.00 42 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE FAMOUS No. 400 CHAMPION STEEL BLACKSMITH BLOWER. Thl« Is the Blower that has Revolutionized the W^orld's Hand Blacksmiths* Fires and Made Blaeksmithingr a Most Profitable Business. THE FAMOUS No. 400. Made with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. WHY Is the No. 400 Blower Famous? ASK AN OWNER. Full description next page. From Stock — Net price each No. 400 Champion Steel Blacksmith Blower No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron (illustrated on page 38) Fan 12 in. in diameter, complete with Piping. Weight 150 lbs $18.00 No. 400 Champion Steel Blacksmith Blower is made for right or left-hand fires. Right-hand Blowers always furnished unless otherwise specified. No. 400 With Electric Attachment— from factory 65.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 43 THE FAMOUS No. 400 CHAMPION STEEL. BLACKSMITH BLOWER. Made with Adjustable Ball Bearing^s Only. The No. 400 Champion Steel Blacksmith Blowers and Steel Forges, after eight years of practical blacksmith work, number over 272,000 today in the hands of their very happy users. We can say with great pleasure that the No. 400 Blowers pur- chased eight years ago are today running as smooth and as noiseless as they run the first day they were placed to the fire, and in our best judgment, we believe the same can be said of the No. 400 Blower after it has been running the lifetime of the average man. The No. 400 "Patented" High Speed Spiral Gearing is the only high speed gearing that can be possibly built to run a Blower at the extreme high speed that IS necessary to produce a roaring, white heat pressure blast without ^ar/y destruc- tion of the gearing, and therefore, ask those who have the opportunity to examine any of the oldest No. 400 Blowers they can find running, and it will be seen that the gearing runs smooth, noiseless and even to the hand. It will also be found that the crank is without lost motion, which shows that the gearing and entire machin- ery of the No. 400 Blower is as good as the day it left the factory. The reason whv the No. 400 Spiral Gearing stands in a class absolutely of its own for extreme high speed, is that the No. 400 "Patented" Spiral Gearing is simple in construction and all parts are large, strong and powerful. The Spiral Shaft, which by the way is the only one piece of the entire gearing that runs at high speed, and the spiral gear are the same in size and diameter, and have the same size teeth that are used on spiral gears and shafts running at 20,000 revolutions per minute carrying a heavy load, while the No. 400 Champion Steel Blower at no time runs at a higher speed than 2,000 revolutions per minute and in a No. 400 Blower carries no load, which makes durability an absolute certainty. Another reason why the No. 400 "Patented" High Speed Spiral Gearing is dur- able is that it has a continuous meshing with a concaved spiral gear riding the spiral shaft lengthwise with eight full teeth of the spiral gear continuously meshing into eight full teeth of the spiral shaft zvhich forever makes lost motion and noise im- possible. The No. 400 Blower is furnished with the "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron which enables us to guarantee the No. 400 Blower to increase with ease the output of a blacksmith fire fully two hours per day with a saving in coal of at least once or tzvice the iirst cost of the No. 400 Blower every year it is used. This is accomplished by consuming all the heating elements in the coal. The "Whirlwind" blast does not blow the heat and hot air out of ^the fire and up the chimney as is the trouble with all other Tuyere Irons. See "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron shown on page 38. Revolutionizing and changing a mechanical custom brought down from ancient times, requires a tool of more than ordinary ability, and this achievement of revo- lutionizing the Bellows, the Lever Blowers and Lever Forges of the world, belongs to the No. 400 Champion Steel Blowers and Steel Forges. To revolutionize a sys- tem of doing work is something that comes to few of us, and therefore, has in- stilled a special pride of individuality in the construction of every No. 400 Cham- pion Steel Blower and Steel Forge that is manufactured. The general construction of this Blower is, therefore, of the finest and highest grade that can be made out of phosphor bronze and tool steel. It is supplied with adjustable ball bearings which are made of the highest grade tool steel. The cups and cones are lathe turned, hardened as hard as glass and ground to the highest possible iinish, making the most durable and practical bearing that can be con- structed by human hands. Net price each No. 400 Champion Steel Blacksmith Blowers, No. 400 Champion Whirlwind Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron, Fan 12 in. m diameter. Complete with Piping, Weight 150 lbs.— from stock $18.00 No. 420 Same except Fan 14 inches. Weight 170 lbs.— from factory 21.00 No. 421 Same except Fan 16 inches. Weight 175 lbs.— from factory 22.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. ROYAI^ BLOWER. "The Suoeexsiiil Blower" C'rauk Tiirii.s Forward or Baekward. Noiseles and ea«y to Operate. Gear oa.se i.s oil-tight and dii.st-proof. Gear.s run in a eoullniioiKs hath of oil. Fire-pot i.s SxJ>V2x4 inehes iunide. C«ear<4 are Pho.*iphor Broiixe and .Steel, flat and straight ent. No .Spiral op Worm (iear.s. A powerfnl hla.st; la.stiug: after l»ln.st. Ivin, 12 inches. Height, 47 inches. Weight, 135 pounds. Can be furnished to operate with the right arm, for left-handed smiths, when desired. Net price, complete as shown — from stock $16.00 Royal Hand and Power Blower Combined — from factory. Net price....... 20.00 THE BARLOW IIARDVVARK CO., CORRY, PA. BUFFALO No. 200 GKARKD HA^D BL.OWKK. '*^ridc of the IModeni Smithy'' Buffalo No. 200 is the latest im- proved type of hand blower — built on mechanical principles. Cut shows right-hand blower — also built left-hand if desired, on special order. Patent applied for. BUFFALO NO. 200 BLOWER AND NO. HH. TUYERE. Net price each Buffalo No. 200 with tuyere, price $13 . 75 Buffalo No. 200 without tuyere, price 13.00 No. HH. tuyere alone, price 4 . 00 Size HH. tuyere liy^xQxi in., Weight 37 lbs. Heavy cut spur and helical gears, mounted in a rigid box frame entirely independent of casing and run in oil. When once oiled blower remains in perfect condition for months. GUARANTEE. — 1st, against all cost of repairs due to wear for five years; 2d, to give the most pow^erful blast; 3d, to give the most air per revolution; 4th, to be the easiest running; 5th, to be the most durable hand blower built. Height to crank (adjustable) 38-44 in. Diameter of fan case 12 m. Weight of blower 70 lbs. GUARAINTKED CERTIFICATE. Buffalo, N. Y 190.... BE IT KNOWN, to the purchaser of this machine that same is hereby guaranteed against cost of repairs due to wear for five years from date of this certificate. All parts zvearing out within this time will be replaced free of charge f. o. b. cars Buffalo, N. Y., and no questions asked. Mention date of this certificate, name and style of the machine. The machine is also guaranteed to be of the same capacity and strictly as de- scribed in Catalog No. 77, 1907 edition. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY, LSeal.l IV. F. Wcndt, President. 46 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BUFFALO No, 201 GEARED HAND BliOWER. Right or Left Hand. Shipped Direct from Factory. BUFFALO No. 201 GEARED HAND BLOWER. Buffalo Improved Side and Center Blast. Tuyere No. HH. The immense advantage of this tuyere over all others is at once recognized. By turning the ball sideways or vertical, a blast is secured as desired. This tuyere is reg- ularly furnished with Buffalo Nos. 200 and 201 Blowers. Blower is adjustable for height, and fan cas- ing will deliver blast at any angle, but does not give quite as much air as the standard scroll fan casing used on No. 200 Blower. The weight and height same as No. 200 on previous page. See guarantee. "Pride of the Modern Smithy." Turn the crank either way. This is a right or left hand blower. Net price with tuyere $16.00 Net price without tuyere 15.50 Weight and height same as Buffalo No. 200 Blower, see previous page. Features of Buffalo No. 200 and 201 Blowers. The spur and helical gears are cut and finish- ed on special machinery. Spiral gears which transmit power by sliding contact with con- sequent friction and wear, not used in this blower. The regular wear of such gears is bound to require early replacement. The gears are held in a rigid cast-iron box frame, and cannot get out of alignment. The bearings are extra long and are bored and reamed to gauge in the solid stock. No brass boxes to wear, throwing gears out of line or requiring adjust- ment. Gears run in oil in a dust-proof case, which can be removed without disturbing the f mechanism. Gears are broad and strong, with large properly formed teeth. NANCASTER GEARED BLACKSMITH BLOWER. The Champion Lancaster Geared Blower is a well built, cheap, direct driven Blacksmith Blower, which has been built to meet the de- mand for a cheap Blacksmith Blower. This Blower, as will be seen by illustration, is supplied with the Champion Adjustable Nozzle Tuyere Iron; it is smooth running, crank turns either way to make the blast and goes out with our recommendation. The Champion Lancaster Geared Direct Driven Blacksmith Blower, with Fan 12 inches in diameter. Tuyere Iron and Piping complete. Weight 110 lbs. Price, each $10.50 THK BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, FA. WESTERN CHIEF POWER BLOWERS. Shipped from factory. FAN B1.0WER No. F2. This is a light, neat, power Fan Blower, very desirable for ventilating purposes, and has capacity for two or three forge fires. Suitable for light belting and ordinary use. Has IVa- inch pulley for belt connections. Size 1^>^ '"'''^^^ Weight 55 lbs. Revolutions l-'-'^'O to 2,000 Net price each $7.25 SMALL PRESSURE BLOWERS. Shipped from factory. For Forge Fires, Etc. These Blowers are adapted to forge fires and small, light cupola work. They are very strong and durable, smooth running, and hand- some in appearance. Sizes P3, P4 and P5 have grease cup in addition to oil cup, so that should oil cup run dry the grease cup will continue to lubricate and prevent heating. Built for service. u (U !5 PQ o il Q II 1° Q Q 1 Revolutions per min. 2 oz. Blast for Boiler Fires Revolutions per min. 4oz. Blast for Forge Fires 6 Sq. ft. of Boiler Grate Surface supplied by Blower i 1 H. P. Required about o '8' a *-> P 1 P2 P3 P4 P 5 10 15 18 20 24 5 6 7 2- 4 4- 5 7n U 3 3 3i 41 u 2 2 2h 3i 3675 3000 2600 2300 1928 4640 4000 3600 3200 2680 1 2 5 4 7 2 5 6 8 10 15 35 50 70 105 1:- 7.00 10.00 11.00 15.50 18.75 48 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE CHAMPION BLOWER. Shipped from factory. THE CHAMPION EXHAUST FAN. Shipped from factory. The Champion Blower or Exhaust Fan is constructed like the Blowers used on many of our Forges and Hand Blowers. While they are built in the most practical manner for hand power, for steam power we can only recommend them where a light current of air is required. They are built to meet a demand for a cheap Power Blower and Exhaust Fan. This blower is intended for blowing fires in portable and small stationary boilers, also for forge fires and various purposes where a small current of air is desired, and the Exhaust Fan is also intended for light work. -^^^ price each No. Champion Blower. 10 in. high. Will blow one fire $5.00 No. 00 Champion Blower. 14 in. high. Will blow two ordinary fires 6.00 No. 000 Champion Blower. 16 5^ in. high. Will blow three ordinary fires 7.00 No. 01 Champion Exhaust Fan. 10 in. high 6 . 00 No. 002 Champion Exhaust Fan. 14 in. high 7 . 00 No. 0003 Champion Exhaust Fan. 16 5^ in. high A. 25 THE CHAMPION FAN BLOWER. THE CHAMPION EXHAUST FAN. Shipped from factory. Shipped from factory. The Champion Fan Blowers are built especially for use where a large volume of blast is re- quired (instead of great pressure), and are adapted for Steam Boilers, Puddling, and Heating Furnaces, Dry Rooms, Refrigerators and Forge Fires, etc. The Champion Exhaust Fans as shown above are constructed and especially adapted for ventilating rooms, removing dust from Emery Wheels, Buffing Machines and exhaust smoke from Blacksmith Shops, etc. The Champion Fan Blower and Exhaust Fan are constructed in the best possible manner from the highest grade of material, and by first-class workmen. Price List with Sizes, Dimensions, Table of Speed and Capacities of the Champion Fan Blower and Exhaust Fan: . V ;>> No. Blowe and Exhaust Fan 111 il u 113 Qo II ^1 ^0. Revs, per min. 2- ounce Bias for Boiler Fires Revs, per min. 4- ounce Bias for Forge Fires 6 2 Sq. ft. of Boil'r Grat Surface Supplied b Blower i $ 8.00 12 4i 3i 2t^ If 3.300 4.500 1 3i 1 10.00 15 5 4 3 2 3,000 4,000 2 2 13.35 18 5i H 3 2h 2,600 3,600 4 6 3 16.65 2U 6^, 5f 3i 2^ 2,300 3,200 6 8 4 22.00 25^ 7i 7^ 4i H 1,928 2,682 9 10 5 29.50 29 i 9 9 5jt 4 1,638 2,279 15 14 6 41.25 34 10^ 10^ 6 4f 5i 1,410 1,961 18 20 7 52.50 40 12 12 61 1,194 1,662 24 27 8 60.00 45 14 14 8 6^ 1,018 1,417 30 36 9 100.00 50 16 16 n 8 878 1.234 40 48 10 134.00 57 18 18 10 9 766 1,065 52 62 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE CHAMPION STEEL PRESSURE BLOWER. Shipped from faetory. I'or Cupola Forges and I'urnaccs. Am^ The Champion Steel Pressure Blovvcr is especially adapted for Foundry Cupolas, Furnaces, Machine Shops, F"orge Fires, Sand Blast Machines, or any work . requiring forcing of air long distances, high pressure or strong blast. In locating Blower always place same as near cupola as possible. Avoid right angles or abrupt turns in blast pipes. Will produce a stronger Blast with same amount of power, than any other Blower. Price List with Sizes and Dimensions of the Champion Steel Pressure Blower: il ■5.S S3 % s d Net Price without Counter- Shaft Is. ill Face Pulley in inches Inside. "o Diameter in inches Inside of Cupola c3p Speed No. of Rev. for Melting Iron Oh .S " 12 h % 8.00 \l 1^ 2- 1 4,300 15 1 13.50 2h 2 3s 2 4,200 20 2 19.50 3 2i 4; 4 4,000 24 3 24.00 31 2i 4- 22 1,300 4,150 5 6 3,725 26 4 30.00 31- 2: 5 26 2,000 3,790 6 9 3,103 30 5 34.00 4^ 3^ 6^ 30 2,900 3,275 15 2,456 85 6 42.00 4i 3- 7- 35 4,000 3,050 «8 18 2,224 40 7 55.00 5- 31 4i 8- 40 6,000 2,900 10 24 1,814 45 8 70.00 6f lOi 46 8,600 2,820 12 30 1,619 53, 9 92.00 7-4 5^ 11^ 53 12,300 2,600 14 40 1,344 64 10 126.00 9 6i 13i 60 16,500 2,270 15 52 1,200 AVESTERN CHIEF COUNTERSHAFTS. Shipped from factory. For Pressure Blowing, Etc. SIZES Driving Pulley Tight and Loose Pulleys Diameter of Shaft _ Weight Net Price each Diameter Width Diameter Width P 1 P 3 P 5 lOf in. 14 in. 18 in. 21- in. 2^ in. 3i in. 4 in. 6 in. 7 in. 2 in. 2^ in. 3f in. i-in. li in. U in. 50 lbs. 60 lbs. 75 lbs. $ 6.00 9.00 12.00 50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORKY, PA. CHAMPION LEVER BLACKSMITH BLOWER. Shipped from factory. ACME HAND BLOWER. Fan 16-in., fly-wheel 28 in. in diameter. Has the capacity of a 50 in. bellows, with patent adjustable nozzle tuyere iron and pip- ing complete. The mecahnical self-acting and simple lever motion has nothing to get out of order, and is absolutely perfect in its construction, durable and light running, with a continuation of mo- mentum between strokes, keeping the blast regular and powerful. Every blower warranted. Net price, complete, with patent adjust- able nozzle tuyere iron and piping. .. .$8.25 CHAMPION LEVER FORGE. No. 151 With Half Hood. Net price each No. 151 Champion Agricultural Lever Forge with Half Hood. Hearth 18 in. Diam., 4 in. deep. Fan 8 in. Diam., Height 30 in. Weight, 70 lbs $7.00 Guaranteed to Give a Blast Equal to a 60-in. Bellows. Sizes. I Net price each. No. 3, without tuyere iron $16.00 THE CHAMPION AGRICULTURAL LEVER FORGE. Size of Hearth 18 in. in Diameter. Fan 8 in. in Diameter. , No. 150. With Shield. T^e Nos. 150 and 151 Agricultural Lever Forges are precisely what illustrations repre- sent them to be. They have been on the mar- ket for ten years. A great many have been sold on account of the low price. The Lever motion is operated by three (3) ratchet pawls, with gear segments as illustration shows. They are recommended as the largest Forge for the money ever built. Size of hearth 18 inches in diameter, 4 inches deep. The construction of the two Forges is precisely the same with the exception that the No. 150 has a shield and the No. 151 has Half Hood. They are highly recommended for farmers' use, and for light repair work. ^^ . , Net price each. No. 150 Champion Agricultural Lever Forge with Shield. Hearth 18 in. Diam., 4 in. deep. Fan 8 in. Diam., Height 30 in. Weight, 65 lbs $6.00 TPIE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 51 CHALIiENGE FORGE. Shipped from factory. This Forge has a capac- ity to heat iron two inches through, and very desirable for all kinds of outdoor work, where a light, strong portable forge is required. It is equipped throughout with Brass Boxes and Oil Cups, also noiseless steel Friction Clutch. Fan 9 inches. Height, 33 inches. Hearth 22 inches. Weight, 95 pounds. Sizes, No. 4C Net price, each, $8.50 THE CHAMPION LARGE COMBINATION FORGE. Shipped from factory. CHALLENGE FORGES. 1 The Champion Large Combination Forge shows a new and larger Blacksmith Forge than ever was built heretofore. Finding a de- mand for a Forge of this magnitude we, as progressors in the improvement of the Black- smith's wants, have determined to furnish a Forge for the heaviest kind of railroad work, plow work, heavy wagon work, or any black- smith making heavy work a specialty. This Forge is supplied with a hearth 38 x 52 inches and 6 inches deep for building up with fire brick. No. 430 Champion Large Combination Blacksmith Forge. Size of Hearth over all 38x53 in., Height 26 in.. Diameter of Fan 12 in., with Hood and Water Tank Complete, and No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron. Weight, 450 lbs $36.00 No. 431 Champion Large Combination Blacksmith Forge. Size of hearth over all 39x63 in. Height, 26 in. Diameter of Fan 14 in., with No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron, also Hood and Water Tank, Complete. Weight, 525 lbs. Net price each $40.00 No. 432 Champion Large Combination Blacksmith Forge. Size of hearth over all 39 x 63 in. Diameter of Fan 16 in., with No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron, with Hood and Water Tank, Complete. Weight, 635 lbs. Net price, each $42.00 Shipped from factory. These Forges have a capacity to heat 2-inch iron, and are very desir- able for toolmakers, plumbers, tinsmiths, lock- smiths, dentists, and small hardware work, heating and tempering tools, etc. Fan 9^ inches. Height, 33 inches. Hearth, 22 inches. Weight, 90 pounds. Net price each. No. 5C $9.50 Sizes. THE CHAMPION STATIONARY BLAST FORGE. Shipped from factory. Nos. 12, 12^ and 135^ Cham- pion Stationary Blast Forges are made extra heavy for all kinds of blacksmith fires, far superior to building a Forge of brick or stone, are made for pow- er, but can be used for hand power or bel- lows as well. This Forge is supplied with the Champion Blast Gate. Net price each. No. 12 Champion Stationary Blast Forge. Size of Hearth, over all, with Water Tank, 38 x 52 in., Height 26 in $17.50 No. 12 H Champion Stationary Blast Forge. Size of Hearth, over all, with Water Tank, 39 x 63 in., Height 26 in $20.00 No. 13^ Champion Sta- tionary Blast Forge. Size of Hearth, over all, with Water Tank, 48 x 73 inches. Height, 26 in $35.00 No. 11. No. 11 Champion Stationary Blast Forge. Hearth, 32 x 45 in., Height 30 in., with Hood and Water Tank com- plete $14.00 With Hood, less Tank 12.00 With Tank, less Hood 12 . 00 Less Hood and Tank 10.00 52 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. CHALLENGE FORGES Shipped from factory. This Forge has capacit}' for heating 3-iiich iron and is especially adapted to the require- ments of boilermakers, bridge builders, well drivers, miners, railroad and outdoor work. Has a perfect Tuyere Ball and blast, and size and shape of hearth permits ample room for coal and place to lay tools upon. Everything for the convenience of the workman. Fan 121/2 inches. Height, 30 inches. Hearth, 35 x ','3 inches. Weight, 130 lbs. Sizes. Net price each. No. 2C $12.8:3 tHALLEXGPJ FORGES. Shipped from factory. This Forge is adapted to the largest, heaviest work. Tt has a perfect Fire Pot, with W. C. Goose Nest to securely hold clay; also Tuyere Ball, furnishing side and center blast, all sep- arate and distinct from Hearth, and arranged to withstand the intense heat. It is equipped with Brass Boxes and Oil Cups throughout, also Noiseless Steel Friction Clutch. This Forge can be furnished reverseu, to operate with right arm, for left-handed smiths, when desired. l<"an 14^ inches. Height, 30 inches. Hearth, 33 5^x46 inches. Weight, 300 pounds. Length over all, 54 inches. Sizes. Net price each. No. IC, without Water Tank $17.81 No. 1 C, with Water Tank 19.60 CHALLENGE FORGES. Sliipped from factory. This forge has for inch spe- lean 1 2 '/j inches. Hearth 35 x 23 inches, Sizes. No. 3C a capacity heating 3 iron, and is cially adapted to the requirements of m a c h i n ists, plumbers, railroad repair shops, lock- smiths, etc. Has a perfect Tuyere Ball and blast, and size atid shape of hearth permits ample room for coal and 1 place to lay tools \^ upon. Everything for the conveni- ence of the work- man. Height, 30 inches. Weight 135 pounds. Net price each. $14.25 AVESTERIV CHIEF FORGES. Shipped from factory. A Stationarj' Blast Forge of size and con- struction suitable for all dinary shop use. Hearth 33^x46 inches. Length over all .Sizes. AA, Plain (1 tank only) .' $]0.-fO A A, (extra water tank) 12 .50 requirements of or- Height 30 inches. 54 inches. Net price each. \^ery large, heavy and strong, is clieapcr and much handsomer than a brick or stone forge. .Sizes. Net price each. HB, Plain (no rxtra tank) $14.55 r.B, (with water tank) 16.03 THE BARLOW llARDWARK CO., CORRV, PA. 53 'HK rH.4MP10]V STEEL RIVET FORGE. .Slii|)|)ed fiDiu faclory. Made with Ailjuslable Ball Bearings Only. Size of Hearth 24 x 24 in 1 9 in. in Diameter. K(.. 404. With Shield. Nos. 404 and 40rj Champion Steel Rivet I'orges have a 24-inch square hearth with angle steel legs riveted fast to hearth, as above cut shows. In construction of machinery for op- erating the blower in connection with size of fan, this Forge is precisely the same as No. 401. The only difference in the Forges being the hearth on the No. 401 is 18 inches in diameter and on this Forge 24 inches square. For many kinds of work this 24-inch square Forge may be preferable. The hearth being larger, naturally there is more surface for fire, coal, tools. Sizes. Net price each. No. 404, Champion Steel Rivet Forge with Shield. Hearth 24 x 24 in.. Height 80 in., Fan !> in. diameter, Weight 110 lbs $20.25 THE CHAMPION .STEEL BOILER- MAKERS* porgf:. Shipped from factory. Afade with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. Size of Hearth ^0 x :U) inches. J'^an 10 inches in diameter. With Shield. No. 406, Champion .Steel Boilermakers' Forge with Shield. Hearth 30x30 in., Height 30 in., Fan 10 in. diameter. Weight 1 60 lbs $24 . 75 With Water Tank, extra 3 . 00 THE CHAMPION STEEL TOOL- MAKERS* FORGE. Shipped from factory. Made with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. Size of Hearth 24 x 24 inches. l'"an 9 inches in diameter. No. 405. With Half Hood. Sizes. Net price each. No. 405, Champion Steel Toolmakers' Forge with Half Hood. Hearth 24 x 24 in.. Height 30 in.. Fan 9 in. diameter. Weight J 20 lbs $22.05 THE CHAMPION STEEL MACHINLSTS» FORGE. Shipped from factory. ^^lade with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. Size of Hearth 30 x 30 in. Fan 10 in. diameter. Nos. 406 and 4 7 Champion Steel Boiler- makers' Forges have a' 30 inch Square Hearth and Fan 10 in. in d i a m e t e r. The light run- ning and noise- 1 e s s machinery for operating the Blower for producing the blast is our marvelous high- speed s p i ral movement, fully described and guaranteed on page 45. The powerful blast it produces, with the lightness in operation, can only be appreciated when seen at ^ fire; there being no belts or friction, with all machinery closed in an oil-tight casing and every jour- nal being fitted up with adjustable ball bear- ings. Net price each. No. 407, Champion Steel Machinists' Forge with Half Hood. Hearth 30 x 30 in.. Height 30 in.. Fan 10 in. diameter. Weight, 175 lbs $27.00 With Water Tank, extra 3 . 00 With Half Hood. 54 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE CHAMPION STEEL. HORSESHOERS' FORGE. Shipped from factory. Made with Adjustable Ball Bearings only. Size of Hearth 30x3G Inches. Fan 12 Inches in Diameter. The No. 408 Champion Steel Horseshoers' Forge is virtually the No. 400 Champion Steel Blower on page 42, converted into a most practical and com- plete up-to-date Horseshoers' or Blacksmiths' Forge ever built. The No. 408 Forge is now on the mar- ket in its fourth year and has won for itself friends in all nations, among horseshoers and gen- eral blacksmiths. It is built from structural steel with perpendicular sides 6 inches wide, making the hearth 6 inches deep, rendering it in every par- ticular the most practical forge hearth ever built. We recommend the No. 408 Forge as substantial and as firm as any blacksmith can build. As will I be understood, the Blower used on this Forge is precisely the same as the No. 400 Blower illus- trated on these pages, the mechanical construction of this Blower being the highest possible to reach in the construction of machinery. For a full ex- planation of the Spiral Gearing used on the No. 408 Forge read above. The crank turns either direction to make the blast. It will make a white heat blast, guaranteed equal to the best power blast. Its parts are all machine cut from the very highest grade of tool steel and phosphor bronze. Its Ball Bearings are all adjustable and the finest that can be manufactured. No. 408. With Half Hood. No. 408 Champion Steel Horseshoers' Forge, with Half Hood. Hearth 30x36 inches. Height 30 inches, Fan 12 inches in diameter, with No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron. Weight 250 lbs. Net price each $29.25 With Water Tank, net price each 31.50 No. 409 Champion Steel Blacksmiths' Forge. Hearth 30x40 inches. Height 80 inches, Fan 12 inches in diameter, with No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron. Weight 275 lbs. Net price each 31.50 With Water Tank, net price each * 33.75 THE CHAMPION STEEL FORGE. Shipped from factory. Made with Ball Bearings only. No. 410 Champion Steel Forge has a round hearth 36 inches in diameter, constructed from steel plate as the_ illustration rep- resents. The telescope canopy hood is a new improvement not found on hand Forges before. It no doubt will be highly favored and appreciated in railroad shops, carriage or wagon shops, or any place that a large variety of work is done, as it can be raised high enough to place a large tire under it in the fire for welding, or lowered to the pleas- ing of any operator. The Hood being counter-balanced by a cast iron ring around the pipe, makes it easy to raise or lower and will remain in without any fastening, at any height desired, by the mechanic. We will guarantee it to produce a blast equal in every respect to a blast produced by a blower run by power, with one- fourth the labor required hereto- fore to make an ordinary blast. No. 410 Champion Steel Forge, Hearth 36 in. in diameter, Height 30 in.. Fan 12 in. in diameter, with No. 400 Cham- pion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti- Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron. With Telescopic Can- opy Hood. Water tank and Coal Box, Complete. Weight, 450 lbs. Net price each $44.00 THE BARLOW HARE'WABE CO., CORRY, PA. 55 THE CHAMPION STEEL RIVET FORGE. Shipped from factory. INIade with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only. No. 401. With Shield. Hearth 18 inches in Diameter. Fan 9 inches in Diameter. No. 401 Champion Steel Forge is truly an ingenious and great invention, for both em- ployer and employe. The marvelous direct drive Spiral High Speed Mechanical Movement for producing a wonderful, regular, continuous and positive blast, with such great ease, can in- deed be easily classed as a wonder of the 20th century. Nothing was ever seen to even ap- proach it for a strong, positive, regular blast. The Forge is constructed from structural steel, making it strong, stiff and light. The machin- ery is all enclosed in an oil-tight casing, and entirely noiseless. It has no belts, no small gears or friction. It is fitted up all through with Adjustable Ball Bearings. It can be taken apart for tfansportation and again set up for use in a few moments. This Forge is adapted for boilermakers and repairers. Ele- vated and Steam Railroads, Bridge and Tank Builders, Miners and Prospectors, for Govern- ment use. Race Horse Shoeing, or any portable work requiring compactness and lightness, with a strong blast. If necessary it will produce blast to weld 3H to 4 inch iron in ten min- utes. The crank to produce the blast can be turned either way. Net price each No. 401, Champion Steel Rivet Forge with Shield. Hearth 18 in. diameter, Height SO in., Fan 9 in. diameter, Weight 90 lbs $15.75 No. 402, Champion Steel Toolmakers' Forge with Half Hood. Hearth 18 in. diameter. Height 30 in.. Fan 9 in. dia- meter, Weight 90 lbs 17.10 No. 403, Champion Steel Toolmakers' Forge, with Closed Hood. For use where combustible material is kept. Hearth and fan are same as above. Weight 100 lbs 18.00 Nos. 401 J^, 402J4 and 403^ Champion Steel Forges are precisely the same in their entire construction as the Nos. 401, 402 and 403, ex- cepting the Hearth, which is much larger, be- ing 22 inches in diameter. Nos. 401 K, 402 K and 403)4 Champion Steel Forges are in their entire construction same as all the above forges, with the exception of a larger Hearth and larger Fan, the Hearth being 24 and the Fan 10 inches in diameter, which makes this a very light and compact Forge for large or heavy work. No. 401^, Champion Steel Forge with Shield. Hearth 22 in. diameter. Fan 9 in, diameter. Weight 100 lbs $18.00 No. 402 J^, Champion Steel Forge with Half Hood. Hearth 22 in. diameter, Fan 9 in. diameter. Weight 105 lbs.. 19.35 No. 403 J^, Champion Steel Forge with Full Hood. Hearth 22 in. diameter. Fan 9 in, diameter. Weight 110 lbs.. 20.25 No. 401 ?4. Champion Steel Forge with Shield. Hearth 24 in. diameter. Fan 10 in. diameter. Height 30 in., Weight 110 lbs 20.25 No, 402 )4» Champion Steel Forge, same as above with Half Hood, Weight 115 lbs 21 , 60 No. 403^, Champion Steel Forge, same as above with Full Hood, Weight 120 lbs 22.50 ALL GUARANTEES ON THE NO. 400 STEEL BLOWER APPLY TO THESE FORGES, THE CHAMPION STEEL TOOL- MAKERS' FORGE. Shipped from factory. No. 402. With Half Hood. Made with Adjustable Ball Bearings Only, Size of Hearth 18 inches in Diameter. Fan 9 inches in Diameter. 56 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE CHAMPION CAST IRON HEARTH BLACKSMITH FORGE. Shipped from factory. Made with Ball Bearings only. Size of Hearth 32x45 inches. Fan 12 inches in diameter. No. 433. With Half Hood. No. 433 Champion Cast Iron Hearth Blacksmith Forge is a new Forge and carries with it all the improvements and advantages that can possibly be had in a Cast Iron Blacksmith Forge hearth. The Blower used on this Forge is the Famous No. 400 Champion "Patented" High- speed Spiral Gearing and Blower. The capacity of this Forge is sufficient for any Blacksmith work, and we recommend it for the heaviest as well as the lightest work that is done in a general blacksmith shop. It is supplied with the No. 400 Champoin "WHIRLWIND" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron (shown and described on page 38) zcnthout extra cost. It is also supplied with our Champion "Patented" Sloped Bottom Coal Box, which is entirely out of the way, as it is beneath the level of the bottom of the hearth, which is very convenient for keeping the coal in any degree of dampness that the operator desires. Net price each No. 433 Champion Cast Iron Hearth Blacksmith Forge. Hearth 32x45 inches. Fan 12 inches in diameter, with No. 400 Champion "Whirlwind" Blast Anti-Clinker Heavy Nest Tuyere Iron. Weight 275 lbs $24.76 With Water Tank, Weight 325 lbs 27.00 Tin: BARLOW lIAKDWAkK CO., CORRY, PA. 67 KOYAIi WKSTKRN CHIEF FORCJK. Shippod from fiu-tory. No. 100. For u.se of I.,arge Blacksmith, Wagon, Plow, Railroad Shops, Etc., where Heavy Work is done, and a first-class Forge and Fii-e are needed. Fan, 12 inches. Height, 30 inches. Hearth, 31^455^ in. Length over all, 53 in. Crank Turns Forward or Backward. Capacity to heat 4-inch iron. In this Forge we combine our "Royal" style of Blower with Western Chief Standard Hearth, having Solid Fire-pot with Tuyere Ball furnishing side and center blast. We guarantee it fully. Net price each With One Tank, weight 295 lbs $22.50 With Extra Tank (as illustrated), weight 325 lbs 24.75 (Always shipped WITHOUT EXTRA TANK, unless so ordered.) ROYAIi STEEL FORGE. Shipped from factory. No. 35. For Horseshoers, Boilermakers, Repair Shops, etc. Fan, 12 inches. Height, 30 Inches. Hearth, 30x36 in. Length over all, 44 in. Crank Turns Forward or Backward. Capacity to heat 4-inch iron. In this Forge we combine our "Royal" style of Blower, with Steel Hearth, having Solid Fire-pot with Tuyere Ball furnishing side and center blast. Net price each Without Tank, weight 195 lbs $27.00 With Tank (as illustrated), weight 225 lbs. 29.25 (Always shipped WITHOUT TANK, unless so ordered.) ROYAL STEEL FOH-inch straight shank drills. Feed has run of 3 inches. Upright column drill spindle and feed screw are of best steel. Weight 140 pounds. Net price each $8.ri0 BLACKSMITHS' DRILLS. SILVER SINGLE GEARED HA^D FEED. No. i; Drills 4-inch and to center of 12-inch circle. Drill spin- dle is 1 inch steel, same as No. 2, and bored for H-inch straight drills. Feed has run of 3 inches. Upright column and feed screws are of best steel. A good substantial drill, well made of the best ma- terials, and capable of doing the work of more expensive machines. Weight 55 lbs. Net price each $4.00 SILVER DOUBLE GEARED SELF FEED. No. 1 Has extension crank and adjustable feed. Drills ^- inch and to center of 12- inch circle. Drill spindles are 1-inch steel, same as No. 2, and bored for J/^-inch straight shank drills. Feed has run of 3 inches. Upright column and feed screws are of best steel. Weight 80 pounds. Net price each $5.50 ' SILVER DOUBLE GEARED SELF FEED. No. 2 Has extension crank and adjustable feed. Drills to 1-inch holes, and to center of 141/^ -inch circle. Drill spindle bored for J/2 -inch straight shank drills. Feed has run of 3 inches. Up- right column, drill spindle and feed screw are of best steel. Weight 100 pounds. Net price each $6.50 SILVER ADA^ANCE. No. 12 Drill Size of spindle 1 inch, run of spindle 3 inches, size ol column li^; inch, greatest distance of spindle to table 14^4 inches. Fast and slow speed. Drill to center of 15- inch circle, and up to \\\- inch holes. Spindle bored for 14 -inch round shank drills. Weight 125 pounds. Net price each $7.0(t Extra for power 2.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BLACKSMITHS' JIKNCH UKII.L. Net price racli Ilacksniiths' Bench Drill $1.(50 CHAlIP10I>i SKIiF-Fr.l^l) DKILL. No. 90. Self-feed, will drill to center of a 1-13^-incli circle. It has but one speed, has back gears and will drill a hole from 1-64 to 1 inch. The bearings are all ground to a working fit out of solid metal. Spindle is bored to take in yMnch straight shank drills. Weight 100 pounds. Net price each $6.50 Extra for power 2.00 CHAMPION SELF I'EED DRILL. Drills to center of 15 inch circle. Has Double Journal Bearings to all working parts. Has full back gear. Has two speeds. Drills 1-64 to 1% inch hole. Diameter of spindle 1% inch and up and down run of 3 inches. Spindle bored to take in J^-inch straight shank drills. Weight 3 25 lbs. Net price each $8.00 Extra for power.... 2.00 'HK 1\KAV CHAMPIOIV BALI. BIi^AIt- Self-Feed Blacksmith Post Drill. Drills to center of a 16-inch circle. Weight 130 pounds. It is back geared, w-ith our im- proved third-gear principle, which gives the second speed the same crank motion as on the first speed. Has double journal bearings to all working parts. Has spindle 1]4 inch in diameter. This screw has an up and down run of 3^ inches. The spindle bored to take in ;<-inch straight shank drills. Will drill from 1-64 to 1^ inch hole. , $0.00 2.00 Net pfice each . . Extra for power LITTLE GIANT. A Strong. Serviceable Drill. Compact and thor- oughly well made machine in every par- ticular. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. General Dimen- sions. Drills to 1 in. dia- meter hole. Drills to center of 14-inch circle. Swinging table easily adjustable to height. Spindle is made of steel, and has Tool Steel Set Screw hard- ened and tempered. Spindle receives Yz- inch shank drills. ^^'cight 90 pounds. Net price each, $7,25 No. 93 No. D-^. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. CHAMPION NEW BAL.L. BEARING BLACK DIAMOND. This drill is built on a new and scientific principle, being a tool with merits worth looking into by all who are in want of a large and well-made Blacksmith Drill. The gearing is de- signed for easy and quick running, being compounded for increasing power. Drills to center to 18-inch circle from to 1^ inches. Weight 200 pounds. Net price each $15.50 Extra for power 2.00 CHA3IPION IMPROVED CUT GEARED. Shipped from Factory. No. Quick or slow motion is given to spindle. Drills to center of 16-inch circle, holes from to IJ^ inch. Weight 200 pounds. Net price each $21.00 Extra for power 3.25 BLACKSMITHS* DRILLS. CHAMPION SINGLE GEARED DRILL. CHAMPION SELF FEED DRILL. No. 2y2 The Self-Feed Wheel is entirely free from the hand feed wheel. Drills to center of 14-inch circle, from }i to 1 inch hole. Weight 130 pounds. Net price each $12.00 Extra for power 2.00 CHA3IPION IMPROVED CUT GEARED. Shipped from Factory. No. 93^ This drill in dimensions and general construction is same as No. 93, except the gearing is not protected with Double Journal Bear- ings, and for this reason is sold for less money. Weight 115 pounds. Net price each $7.50 Extra for power 2.00 THE CHA3IPION NEW BENCH DRILL. No. 7 _ Drills to center of 19-inch circle, from to 1J4 inch hole, takes J^-inch round shank drills. Weight 300 pounds. Net price each $25.00 With 10x21^ Pulleys.. 2.50 Has adjustable bed plate 26^ inches high. Weight 34 pounds. Drills up to ^ inch feed, has a run oi ZVz inches. Crank can be lengthened or shortened. It takes V& round or square shank drill bits. Net price each $5.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 63 BLACKSMITHS' DRILIiS. THE CHAMPION HAND PEED POST DRILL. No. Will drill to center of a 14-inch circle, and hole 1-64 to ^ inch. The shaft is made of 1 inch steel and has an up and down run of 3 inches. Spindle is bored for Vi inch straight shank drills. Weight 65 lbs. Net price each $4.15 NEW I3IPKOVED CHAMPION DRILL, BALL BEARING, Shipped from Factory. No. 4. The No. 4 Drill is a very large, well made and practical tool, designed in every respect for large and heavy work. The main driving gear is 10 inches in diameter and double back geared, which can be changed from fast to slow speed. Drills to center of ] 8-inch circle. Drills from J^ to iH inch hole. Weight 200 lbs. Net price each $13.50 Extra for power 2.00 AifflPENT WESTERN CHIEF. Shipped from Factory. Why it is the Best. 1st. It has three changes of speed to the feed — slow, me- dium and fast. 2d. It takes less time to change the feed than it takes to tell about it. 3d. Quick return the best yet; a move- ment of the finger does it. 4th. It has two changes of speed, fast and slow — one for light medium work and one for heavy work. The change is made in an instant, without changing the handle, and no back- ward movement. Drills to center of 15 inch circle, from to IH inch hole. Takes Yz inch round shank drills. Net price each $11.50 Extra for power 2.00 THE CHAMPION SELF-FEED POST DRILL. Removing OF (HIPS /\LL Done with the ONE tAOTION AND V/!THOUT STOPPING THE r^ACHINE No. 98 Has a single speed back gear, with our latest design self-feed. Bearings are ground to a working fit from the solid metal. Drills to center of a 14-inch circle and holes from 1-64 to 1 inch. Spindle bored to take in H inch straight shank drills. Weight 95 lbs. Net price each $6.25 Extra for power 3.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. AVESTKRN CHIF-F DRII^LS. Shipped from Faotory. Cut Gears. Back Cleared. Self-feed. Changeable Speed. Drills to center of 10-in. circle. Bores to 1^ inches. Up and down run of Spindle 4 inches. Up and down run of table, 11)4 inches. Greatest distance from table to Spindle, 13^4 inches. Size of pulleys, 8x3 '/ inches. Should run 200 revolutions per min- ute. Spindle bored for Vi or 41-64 in. ALWAYS STATE SIZE WHEN 180 lbs. Hand and shank hits. ORDERING. Weight, Hand Power Power, 190 lbs. It has two speeds, fast and slow, and for heavy drilling the slow speed is instantly ob- tained by inserting the crank handle in rim of fly wheel. The shaft on this drill (when ordered Hand Power) is left extended, to receive pulleys at any time thereafter. \\'heel Rims can be drilled by removing the table and using tlie forked sup])ort as a Wheel Holder. A special Wheel Holding Attachment, as illustrated, is furnished, when desired for %\.\Vo extra. Net price each. Hand Power (as illustrated) $]:>.(.'> Hand and Pulley Power $15.50 wheel Holding Attachment $1.35 extra. Cut Gears Onlv. LTsed in this Drill. DESCRIPTION. Automatic Self-feed. Fast and Slow speed, instant change. Drills to center of 10-inch circle. Bores to 1 J^ inches. Up and down run of Spindle, 4 inches. Up and down run of Table, 15;/^ inches. Greatest distance from Table to Spindle, 16 inches. Size of Pulleys for power. 10->4x2i/l inches. Should run 175 to 180 revo- lutions per minute. Spindle bored for Vz or 41-64 inch shank bits. ALWAYS STATE SIZE WHEN ORDERING. Weight, Hand power 215 lbs ; Weight, Pulley power No. 12. 235 lbs. The shaft "on this drill (when ordered hand power) is left extended to receive pulleys any time thereafter. . Wheel Rims can be drilled by removmg table and using forked support af a wheel holder. A Special Wheel Holder Attachment, as illustrated is furnislied, when ordered, for $1.35 extra. Net price each. Without Pulleys, Hand Power Only. .. .$18.75 With Hand Power and Pulley Power At- tachments (as illustrated) 22.00 A first-class Drill at a very reasonable price. Self-feed, with three different speeds to feed; slow, medium and fast. Double Geared for slow or fast speed. Slotted, rotating, swinging Table. Drills to center of 15-inch circle. Bores to 1^ inches. Up and down run of Spindle, 3j4 inches. Up and down run of Table, 13 inches. Greatest distance from Table to Spin- dle 13 inches. Size of pul- leys for power, 8x2 ^'g inches. Should run 200 revolutions per minute. Spindle Bored for v. or 41-64 inch shank hits. ALWAYS STATE SIZE WHEN ORDERING. Weight, 125 pounds. Wheel Rims can be drilled by re- moving table and using fork- ed support as a wheel holder. Net price each $11.50 Power attachment, Net extra 2.00 No. 7. Cut Gears Only, Used in this Drill. DESCRIPTION. Automatic Self-feed. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Drills to center of 21-inch Circle. Bores to 1 Yi inches. LTp and Down run of Spindle, 5 inches. Up and Down run of Table, \{SV2 inches. Great- distance from Table to Spindle, 19 >< inches. Size of Pulleys for Power, 10^:s.2y2 inches. Should run 175 to 180 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for H or 41-64 in. shank bits. ALWAYS STATE SIZE WHEN ORDERING. Weight, Hand power 275 pounds Weight, Pulley power 295 pounds The shaft on this drill (when ordered hand power) is left extended to receive pulleys any time thereafter. Wheel Rims can be drilled by removing table and using the forked support as a wheel holder. A special Wheel Holder Attachment, as illus- trated, is furnished, when ordered, for $1.35 extra. Net price each. Hand j'ower only $23.00 With Pulley '-5.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. WKSTERX CHIEF DRILLS. Mliipiied fr«:'iii Faolw'ry. No. 14 Description vStraiglit and Bevel Gears are Cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Horizontal, Gear driven, positive self- feed, changeable instantly to fast, slow or medium, as de- sired. Raise and lower de- vice to table. It has automatic quick re- turn, allowing rapid with- drawal of the bit at will, without stopping or reversing machine. Or, it can be set to drill any depth desired and will automatically (whether running by power or hand) reverse itself, withdraw the bit and start drilling again and again indefinitely, all without stopping the motion of the machine. Drills to center of 21-inch circle, bores, to 1 J^ inches. Up and down run of spindle, 4 inches. Up and down run of table, 16 >< inches. Great- est distance from table to spindle, 18 inches. Size of pulleys, 10^x3 3^ inches. Should run 17-5 to 180 revo- lutions per minute. Spindle bored for Yz or 41-64-inch shank bit^. Always state size when ordering. Weight (hand power) 29.5 lbs. Weight (hand and l)ower) 815 lbs. Wheel rims can be drilled by removing table and using the forked support as a wheel holder. A special Wheel Holder Attachment, as illus- trated, is furnished, when ordered, for $2.00 extra. Net price each. Hand power only $26.00 Both hand power and pulley 28.00 Wheel holder attachment, $1.35 extra. No. 16 Description A Post Drill with the fine Features of Machine Shop Floor Drills. Straight and bevel gears are cut. Fast and slow speed instant change. Hand lever feed, also horizontal gear- driven, positive self-feed, changed to fast, slow or medium speed instantly. These feeds work indepen- dent of each other and bit is lifted quickly. Raise and lower device to table. Drills to center of 24-inch circle. Bores to 1 H inches. Up and down run of spindle, 8^ inches. Up and down run of table, 15 5^ inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, ISyi inches. Size of pulleys, 10)4 x2^ inches. Should run 175 to ISO revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for ^ or 41-64-inch shank bits. Al- ways state size when order- ing. Weight (hand power) 340 lbs. Weight (hand and power) 360 lbs. Wheel rims can be drilled by removing table and using the forked support as a wheel holder. When ordered hand povver only, the shaft is left extend- ed, so that pulleys may_ be placed at any time. Net price each. Hand power only $30.00 With pulley 32.00 Special wheel holder at- tachment, $2.00 extra. ■*^^ No. 17 Description A Finished Floor Drill, both Hand and Pulley Power. Straight and bevel gears are cut. Fast and slow speed, instant change. Hand lever feed, also horizontal gear Driven, positive self-feed, changed to fast, slow or me- dium instantly. These feeds work independently of each other, and bit is lifted quick- ly- Raise and lower device to table. Drills to center of 24-inch circle. Bores to 1 J^ inches. Up and down run of spindle, SJ^ inches. Up and down run of table, 15 5/^ inches. Greatest distance from table to spindle, 18 H inches. Height of machine, 71 inches. Floor space, 15x 26 inches. Size of pulleys, 10^x2^4. inches. Should run 175 to 180 revolutions per minute. Spindle bored for Yz or 41-64-inch shank bits. Always state size when or- dering. When specially ordered we will bore Spindle to receive No. 3 Morse Taper. Weight 560 lbs. Wheel rims can be drilled by removing table and using forked support as a wheel holder. Special Wheel Hold- er Attachm.ent can be fur- nished for $2.00 net. Price, Hand and Pulley Power (as illustrated) Net price each $40.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE CHAMPION No. 25 NEAV BACK- GEARED AUTOMATIC SELF- FEEDING POST DRILL. Shipped from Factory. For Power or Hand, or Hand and Power C a m- bined. Made with Cut Gears and Ball Bearings. No. 25 Cham- pion Automat- i c Self-Feed Post Drill is a practical, up- to-date tool for all kinds of drilling. It is a single or double back- geared Drill which can be changed from one to the other in an in- stant. As the illust ration will show, the gears turn or revolve in the same direction that the crank is turned, which adds to light running and momentum of the gears. We rec- ommend this Drill for all kinds of work, drill- ing holes from to IJ^ inches. The inde- pendent countershaft, with three step-cone pul- ley to give the Drill different speeds, is of great advantage for a Power Drill. As a Hand Drill it carries our highest recommenda- tion for ease of operation and the large range of work it will do. The only Drill far more superior with the gears running the same way is the No. 220 Champion "Patented" Combina- tion Lever and Automatic Self-Feed. This drill is built with Double Back Gears which can be changed from double to single gear in an in- stant and with Bail-Bearings only, and is strictly high-grade in every respect. The Automatic Self-Feed is complete and prac- tical; the Hand-Feed Wheel, or Quick-Return Wheel, meets many demands for quick work, for Machine Shops, Carriage Builders, Railroad Shops, Blacksmith Shops, etc. The Wheel Hanger is a valuable addition for Carriage Builders, avoiding scuffing of painted wheels, etc. Its spindle is bored like Never Slip or Kant Slip Chuck to take in 41-64 inch straight shank drill bit. If specially ordered will be bored for Vz inch straight shank drill bits. Drills from to 1^ inch holes. It drills to the center of 22-inch circle; the feed screw has an up-and-down run of 6>i inches. Net price each. No. 25 Champion New Back-Geared and Cut-Geared Automatic Self-Feed and Ball Bearing Post Drill. Drills to the center of a 22-inch circle. With Cone Pulley and Countershaft. Conjplete for Power and Hand. Weight 440 lbs. $34.00 No. 25 New Back-Geared Drill with Tight and Loose Pulleys Complete for Power and Hand. Weight 350 lbs 27.00 No. 25 New Back-Geared Drill, for Hand only. Weight 325 lbs 25.00 THE No. 5 CHAMPION 20-inch SWING THREE-GEAR BALL-BEARING UP- RIGHT SELF-FEED BLACKS3IITH POST DRILL. Shipped from Factory. The No. 5 Cham- pion 20-inch Swing Three-Geared Bail- Bearing Upright Self- Feed Blacksmith Post Drill, with Quick- Return and Hand- Feed Handle is an entirely new ac- quisition in Black- smith Drills. It is a well-made and prac- tical tool, designed for a great variety of work. Its 20-inch swing makes it a Drill in a class of its own as a first-class medium-priced Drill, as the large swing enables work of much larger range to be drilled. It is possible that a single job that could not be reached by a drill with a smaller swing would pay for this Drill or at least the difference in the cost of a smaller swing drill. This Drill is both light running and powerful. It is built for light as well as the heaviest work. It has full back gear, with our latest improved third gear principle, which gives the second speed the same crank motion as on the first speed. Our improved third gear being part of the handle hub, it is therefore disen- gaged when using the first speed, saving the continuous labor of pulling along an inter- mediate gear while using the first speed, and the first speed is used for at least 90 per cent, of the drilling in the average blacksmith shops. This Drill is supplied with our latest Improved Automatic Self-Feed. The Ball Bearing will save in power and friction when drilling from 20 to 50 per cent., the larger the hole the more saved. The Quick-Return Han- dle enables the mechanic to get the bit out of the work quicker and far more easily than by the use of the top or ratchet wheel. The Quick- Return Handle is also very useful to feed by hand for holes up to H inch, especially if the drill is run by power. It drills to the center of a 20-inch circle. Diameter of spindle 1}4 inches. It has an up-and-down run of 5 inches. Spindle is bored like Never Slip or Kant Slip Chuck to take in ^-inch straight shank drills. If specially ordered, bored to take in 5^ or 41-64. It drills holes from 1-64 to IJ^ inches. No. 5 Champion 20-inch Swing Three Geared Bail-Bearing Upright Self- Feed Blacksmith Post Drill, with Quick-Return and Hand-Feed Handle. Weight, 240 lbs $17.00 2.50 Extra, for Powi THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, TA. 67 THK No. 200 NEW CHAMPION ''PAT- ENTED'* COMBINATION AUTOMATIC SELF-FEED AND I.EVER-FEED UPRIGHT POST DRILL.. Shipped from Factory. No. 200 Cham- pion "Patented" C m b i n a tion Atuomatic Self- Feed and Lever- F e e d Upright Post Drill is the smallest size Lever-Feed and Self-Feed Drill we manufacture. In its general c o n s t r u ction however, it rep- resents first-class w o r kmanship and is sold at a price w i t h in reach of all. Therefore, the small blacksmith as well as the large manufac- turer can enjoy the savings and great advantages of the Champion "Patented" Au- tomatic Self- Feed and Lever-Feed. This drill is also very easy running as all the end friction is taken from the Drill Spindle by the use of Ball Bearings. The great advantages obtained from the Champion "Patented" Automatic Self Feed and Lever-Feed are the time and labor saved by the instantaneous raising of the drill bit out of the hole just bored and again instantaneously replacing the drill bit back on the material ready to bore the next hole. These advantages ' are the same in both the Self-Feed and Lever-Feed and save in time and hard work, at least, 95 per cent, as there is no turning backwards of the Feed Screw Nut to get the Drill bit out of the work with either Feed. As illustration shows, the Lever is adjust- able, which gives the operator the advantage of more or less leverage to suit the work be- ing done. The lever is especially profitable for boring small holes, countersinking and reaming. It also makes a perfect wood bor- ing machine for a blacksmith shop. This Drill has Double Back Gears. Has two speeds. The crank on the second speed turns the same direction as the first speed and drills to the center of a 16-inch circle. The spindle has an up-and-down run of 4 inches. Has a spindle 1% inches in diameter. Is bored like Never Slip or Kant Slip Chuck to take in H-inch straight drill bits. When specially ordered will be bored to take in 5^- inch or 41-64 inch straight shank drill bits. Will drill holes up to 1% inches. Net price each No. 200 Champion "Patented" Combination Automatic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed Upright Post Drill has Ball Bearings and Drills to the center of a 16-inch circle, Weight 160 lbs $16.00 Extra for Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power 2.50 Foot Power Feed furnished complete for this Drill, extra 3.00 THE NO. 201 CHAMPION ^'PATENTED" COMBINATION AUTOMATIC SELF- FEED AND LEVER-FEED UPRIGHT POST DRILL. Shipped from Factory. Made with Cut Gears and Ball Bearings Only. No. 201 Champion "Patented" Combination Automatic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed Cut Geared Upright Post Drill represents our lat- est improvements and the finest and highest grade workmanship that can be placed on a Drill. It is a strong and powerful built tool with machine Cut Double Slfding Back Gears for quick and slow speed, or for light and heavy work. The changing of the gears from slow speed to fast speed is accomplished in an instant. All end friction is taken from the Drill Spindle by the use of Ball Bearings and, in every respect, this Drill represents our best workmanship. The workmanship on this Drill in its entire construction is our very best with cut gears and ball bearings. Drills to the center of a 21-inch circle. Spindle has an up and down run of 514 inches. Has two speeds which are changed from one to the other by changing the o-ears. Has spindle IVa inches in diameter. Spindle bored like Never Slip or Kant Slip Chuck to take in ^-inch straight shank drill bits. If specially ordered will be bored to take in \i-mch or 41-64 inch straight shank drill bits. Drills holes from to 1^ inches. Net price each. No. 201 New Combination Champion "Patented" Combination Automatic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed, Double Back Cut-Geared, Upright Post Drill, with Ball Bearings. Drills to center of a 21-inch Circle. Weight 325 lbs $25.00 Extra for Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power :" "r" Foot Power Feed furnished complete for this Drill, extra 2.50 3.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 202 CHAMPION "PATENTED" COMBINATION AUTOMATIC SELF- FEED AND LEVER-FEED DOUBLE BACK-GEARED UPRIGHT POST DRILL. Shipped from Factary. Made with Cut Gears and Ball Bearings only. One-third time saved in drilling by the use of the different Feeds. Bit is raised out of the work instantaneously by counter-balance. Has rack for raising or lowering the table. A great advantage in this Combination Feed Blacksmith Drill is that it is not only a Drill for drilling iron and steel, but with its Lever- Feed makes it the most perfect Wood-boring Machine ever manufactured. The Ball Bearings save from 20 to 50 per cent, in power. No. 202 Champion "Patented" Combination Automatic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed Upright Post Drill is the heaviest and most powerful Cut-Geared hand or hand and power Post Drill manufactured. As illustration shows, it has Double Back Gears which run in the same di- rection that the crank turns, giving the running of the Drill the benefit gained in the momentum of the gears. It will also be seen that the Bevel Gears are connected to the Drill spindle as close to the Drill-bit as possible and in con- nection with this all friction is taken from the Drill spindle by the use of Ball Bearings, mak- ing this extremely heavy drill a very light run- ning drill suitable for the lighest as well as heaviest kind of work. The gears for heavy or light work, or from single to double gears, are changed in an instant by the simple sliding of the gears. The Champion "Patented" Automatic Self- Feed and Lever-Feed on this Drill gives all the advantages of the instantaneous raising of the drill bit out of the hole bored and again instan- taneously replacing the drill bit back on the material ready to drill the next hole, which saves at least 95 per cent, in time and hard work over and above any other principle of hand drilling. Do not forget there is no turn- ing backwards of the feed screw nut when drill- ing with either the Self-Feed or Lever-Feed. The Lever is adjustable which gives the oper- ator the benefit of different leverages for differ- ent kinds of work, and is very profitable for drilling small holes, reaming, counter-sinking, and makes the drill a perfect wood-boring ma- chine. The Automatic Self-Feed and Lever- Feed are entirely independent of each other, the change from one to the other requiring but small fraction of a second. This drill is supplied with our latest designed Automatic Self-Peed which gives a cutting clear- ance to the drill-bit, and makes drilling easier, quicker, and gives longer life to the drill-bit. The Foot-Power feed can be had if specially ordered, and is quite convenient for many kinds of work, especially drilling tires and du- plicate work of the same order. This drill as will be seen by illustration is shown with three-speed Cone Pulley and Countershaft, which gives every advantage that can be had in a power drill. It can also be had with Tight and Loose Pulleys if desired. This drill is supplied with rack for raising and lower- ing the table, which stops at any point, is quick in action, and never sticks. The rack never gets in the way for drilling as it turns with the table entirely out of the way. The wheel hanger for drilling tires is also furnished, which prevents the scuffing of painted wheels. The spindle is like Never Slip or Kant Slip Chuck bored to take in 41-64 inch straight shank drill bits; if specially ordered will be bored to take in ^-inch shank drill bits. Drills to center of a 22-inch circle. Drills holes from to lJ/2 inches. Feed screw has an up-and- down run of 6 inches. Net price each. No. 202 New Champion Combination Cut- Geared and Double Back Geared Automatic Self-Feed and Lever- Feed Upright Post Drill, has Cut Gears and Ball Bearings, Drills to the center of 22-inch Circle, wnth Cone Pulleys and Countershaft complete, for Power and Hand Combined, Weight 440 lbs.. $45. 00 No. 202 Drill same as above, for Hand and Power combined, with Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power, Weight 340 lbs 39.00 No. 202 Drill same as above, for Hand only. Weight, 325 lbs 36.00 Foot Power Feed furnished complete for this drill, Extra 3.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 69 No. 203 CHAMPION "PATENTED" COMBINATION CUT-GEARED AUTO- MATIC SEUF-FEED AND LEVER- FEED UPRIGHT POST DRILL. Shipped from Factory. MADE WITH CUT-GEARS AND BALL BEARINGS ONLY. workmanship on this Drill in its entire con- struction is our very best. It drills to center of a 21-inch circle. The spindle is bored like Neverslip or Kant Slip Chuck to take in 41-G4 inch straight shank drill bits. If specially ordered, will be bored to take in J/2-inch straight shank drill bits. The pul- ley for power is 10x2 J/2 inches. Speed for ordinary work 180 revolutions per minute. Feed screw "has an up and down run of 5^ inches. Will bore holes from to IJ^ inches. Net price each. No. 20.3 New Champion "Patented" Auto- matic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed Up- right Post Drill with Cut Gears and Ball Bearings, drills to the center of a 21-inch Circle, with Cone Pulley and Cone Countershaft, complete for Power and Hand Combined, Weight 435 lbs. .$40.00 No. 203 New Champion "Patented" Auto- matic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed LTp- right Post Drill with Cut Gears ana Ball Bearings, drills to the "center of a 21-inch Circle, with Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power and Hand Combined, Weight 425 lbs 34.00 No. 203 New Champion "Patented" Auto- matic Self-Feed and Lever-Feed Up- right Post Drill as above described, for hand only, Weight 400 lbs 31.00 Foot Power Feed Furnished Complete for this Drill, Extra 3.00 THE CHAMPION NEVER SLIP OR KANT SLIP DRILL BIT CHUCK. The Champion Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Bit Chuck accomplishes what users of black- smith drills have wanted for many generations. It holds the drill bit tight and firm without the use of a set screw to keep it from turning. No .,more twisting off of set screws to try to keep the drill bit from turning in the drill chuck. In the Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Chuck the set screw is only required to hold the drill bit from dropping or falling out of the chuck. It will be seen that it is necessary to file an offset at the upper end of the drill bit shank as shown above, which requires about five minutes for each drill bit. The Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Chuck represents in every detail the old style chuck for holding round shank drills; the Never Slip or Kant Slip invention is only an addition to the upper end of the chuck. SPECIAL NOTICE. All Spindles in Champion Drills from the largest to the smallest will, in the future, be bored like the Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Bit Chuck addition WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. . Net price each. No. 1 Champion Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Chuck will fit all Champion Drills with H-inch shank and take in s/s or 41-64 inch straight Shank Drill Bits.. $1.50 No. 2 Champion Never Slip or Kant Slip Drill Chuck will fit all Champion Drills with H or 41-64 inch shank, and take in H-inch straight Shank Drill Bits 1.50 70 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. BLACKSMITHS' TIRE BENDERS. THE NEW PATENT CHAMPION TIRE BENDER. No. 1. No. 2 and 2^. Sizes. Net price each No. 1, will bend 3^ inch tire or smaller . .$4.25 No. 2, will bend 3% inch tire or smaller. . 5.00 No. 2y^ will bend 6 inch tire or smaller.. 6.00 Note. — No. 1 is made with turned rollers and bearings; will bend to a circle 30 inches diameter or larger. No. 2 and 2>^ are made with gear and pinion. BLACKSMITHS' TIRE BENDERS. The New Patent Champion Tire Bender is constructed with all the new improvements. Will bend from a fifth wheel to any size up to 3x54 inch. Its adjusting roll has an adjusting screw at each end, with a graduated indicator on each side of the bender, showing the exact size of the tire being bent, giving all the bene- fits of bending perfect tires from imperfect rolled iron. Weight 110 pounds. Net price each $7.75 THE NEW PATENT EUREKA TIRE BENDER. No. 3. Extra Heavy. This machine is double geared, has turned rollers and bearings, is very strong and dur- able, and will bend 5 inch Tire or smaller to a circle, 30 inches or larger. In bending very heavy tire two cranks may be used on opposite sides, thus giving double power. Net price, with one crank $7.25 NEW IDEAL TIRE BENDER. It is a strong and powerful tool, built with the latest improvements, adjusting screws at each end of the adjusting roll with a graduated indicator on each side of the bender showing the €xact size of the tire being bent, giving the operator full control of the work. It will bend fifth wheels as well as large tire. Net price each. No. 1 will bend 4x1 inch tire, weight 180 pounds $12.25 No. 2 will bend 6x1 ^ inch tire, weight 300 pounds 16.75 THE IDEAL TIRE BENDER. ^^^^ Net price each $8.00 Note.— In offtring the New Ideal Tire Bender we believe the merits of the machine will at once commend themselves to all. Tire bending on any of the old style benders has always been "back breaking" work. The Ideal Tire Bender with Roller Bearings will now make tire bend- ing a pleasure. Over 50 per cent of power is saved. You cannot afford to continue using the old style Bender, time and strength are too valuable. It will bend tire up to inches wide to a circle of 30 inches or larger. No. :-; Net price each Made so that the center roll can be removed, which will enable the tire being removed after bending, or a tire can be put in the machuie after it has been welded, and rolled to a true circle. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 71 NEW PATENT GIANT TIRE BENDER. Shippefl from Factory. MOLE'S TIRE SHRINKER. This illustration represents our New Patent Giant Tire Bender with the latest improvements for adjusting the roll. A very important and valuable improvement for this bender, overcom- ing all former troubles of bending irregular iron. The adjusting roll is adjusted by a screw at each end of the roll, with a graduated in- dicator on each side of the bender showing the exact size of the tire being bent, giving the operator entire control of his work, do- ing away with the unpleasantness of havmg the tire coming out twisted and not meeting at the ends. The center roll pulls out the same as the Old Style Giant. All rolls are supplied with collars. It has two speeds, one fast for light tires, the second for heavy work. Sizes. Net price each. No. 3 bends 3xH inch tire, weight 175 pounds $12.50 No. 2 bends 3x1 inch tire, w.eight 236 pounds 15.50 No. 1 bends 5x1 inch tire, weight 330 pounds 21.00 Extra heavy bends 6x1 inch tire, weight 375 pounds 23.00 STODDARD'S LIGHTNING TIRE UPSETTER. The Old Reliable. Net price each. No. 1 is a 2 inch machine $5.75 Will upset a tire from ^ to ^ inch thick and any work up to 2 inches. No. 2 is a 4 inch machine 9.50 Will upset any tire to 4 inches wide. No. 3 is a special 4 inch machine 11.75 Has two sets of loose jaws, can be ad- justed for large and small circles and also for upsetting axles up to 1^ inches thick. The Simplest and Most Durable Tire Shrinker Made. It is the only tire Shrinker that can be op- erated successfully by one man. The operation of bringing down the lever grasps the tire and does the work, raising the lever opens it. By this means it is not necessary to remove the tire until it is upset as much as required. It is especially made for heavy wagons and truck tires. It is very powerful, having a long lever. Sizes. Net price each. No. 2 Shrinker, bed 3 inches, weight 225 pounds $ 8.50 No. 3 Shrinker, bed 4 inches, weight 300 pounds 10.25 MOLE'S IDEAL TIRE SHRINKER. Particularly adapted for truck tire, and will shrink tire with a 2-foot 10-inch circle and larger. The advantages of the Ideal Mole are: The tire cannot shrink. It will shrink light buggy tire, heavy wagon tire and truck tire. The cost is but a little more than an ordinary shrinker, but, being adapted for all sizes and thicknesses of tire, it is cheaper than any other. Every machine tested and warranted against breakage for one year: Sizes. Net price each. No. 2 Shrinker, bed 3 inches, weight 275 pounds $11.25 No. 4 Shrinker, bed 4 inches, weight 350 pounds 16.75 72 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. THE CHAMPION TIRE SHRINKER. WROUGHT IRON SHEAR. Shipped from Faotorj'. This machine saves all cutting and welding of tires. It is the easiest worked, simplest, most durable and economical Shrinker in the market. It meets universal approval and a long-felt want among blacksmiths, the price being within the reach of all consumers; is managed by one man with perfect ease and works equally well on the lightest steel tire and wagon tire 4 by 1 inch. Weight 140 pounds, floor space 18x10 inches, will shrink tire 4x1 inch, will shrink axles 1J4x1J4 inches Net price each $8.50 THE LANCASTER TIRE AND AXLE SHRINKER. The Lancaster Tire and Axle Shrinker is heavy, strong and powerful, is built only in one size. Weight 200 pounds. Shrinks tires all sizes up to 4x1 inch, or ly^ inch axle. Is guaranteed to satisfy the most exact and severe tool critic. Net price each $14.25 THE IMPROVED GIANT TIRE BENDER. Net price each. No. 195, weight 255 pounds. Will cut 4 inch by ^ inch flat iron, and 1^ inch round or square iron $29.00 No. 197, weight 255 pounds. Has 12 inch knives. , Will cut 4 inch by Y\ inch flat iron, and 1 ]A inch round^ or square iron; also will cut Plow Steel from 6 to 10 inches v.-ide $3.3.00 WROUGHT IRON SHEAR AND PUNCH COMBINED. Sizes. Net price each. Extra Heavy Size Bends 6x1 inch $23.00 No. 1 Size Bends 4x1 inch 20.50 Net price each. No. 193, weight 450 pounds. Will cut 4 inch by ^ inch flat iron, and 1J4 inch round or square iron. Will punch J4 inch holes through ^ inch iron $42.00 TIIF. BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. 7.S ADAM'S DIAMOND VISES. IIADGEK BAR AND ROUND IRON SHKARS. Net price each. Complete with Felloe Boring Attach- ment' $4.00 Complete without Felloe Boring Attach- ment 2.75 LITTLE GIANT IRON PLATE FOR TIRE SETTING. Size. r> feet diameter, 30 inch hole. Net price each. $17.00 The above cut shows one of our flat Iron Tire Plates for Tire Setting. These plates are cast in one piece, and are supported by ribs. A strong plate, yet light for handling. HANDY SPLITTING SHEARS. No. Net price each $13.50 Will shear li inch Sheet Metal and less any length or width. Weight 65 pounds. It is de- signed for tinners and all workers of light metal. No. Al. Net price each. No. Al will shear %xS inch Flat, Weight 75 pounds $10.25 No. Al^ will shear ^x3 inch Flat, H inch Round, Weight 90 pounds 12.50 No. A2 will shear Hx2 inch Flat, Weight 150 pounds 15.25 No. A2H will shear ^x2 inch Flat, Ji inch Round, weight 165 pounds 20.00 BADGER-HAND PUNCH. Net price each $11.50 Will punch 14-inch hole in i^-inch plate, will punch to the center of 5 inch. Weight, 70 pounds. Adapted to all light work. Three punches and dies and a lever bar go with punch. THE LITTLE GIANT AXLE SETTER AND STRAIGHTENER. A labor and time saving machine that does its work complete. Axles bent can be accurately set without removing, making a perfect job. With the use of this machine it is not neces- sary to set axles on a new job until it is ready for the paint shop. All four axles can be straightened in less time than is usually required to remove one. Sizes. Net price each. For axles up to and including l}i in.... $5. 00 74 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. LITTLE GIANT PUNCH AND SHEAR. BLACK GIANT SHEAR, UPSET AND PUNCH. Shipped from Factory. Shipped from Factory. This is the Most Powerful Lever Punch and Shears Made. No. 1 — Will cut from ^ inch thick, 8 inches wide, and punch 5^-hole in j4-inch iron. Weight, 500 pounds. Net Cash price each $47.50 No. 2 — Will cut iron J^ inch thick and 6 inches wide, and will punch J^-inch hole in H-inch iron. Weight 325 pounds. Net Cash price each $38.00 No. 3 — Will cut iron H inch thick and 6 inches wide, and will punch J/$-inch hole in H- inch ron. Weight, 250 pounds. Net Cash price each $28.50 600 lbs. on lever gives 25,000 lbs. pressure on punch. Always ready for work, and it does the business. Made in three sizes. No. 1 cuts iron ^ inch thick up to 8 inch wide and 1 inch round; it will punch ^ hole in H-inch iron. Weight, 500 lbs. No. 2 cuts 6x54 and % round, punches J4- inch hole in H-inch iron. Weight, 350 lbs. No. 3 cuts iron 6xH, punches %-inch hole in 5^-inch iron. Weight, 250 lbs. Occupies a floor space when it is up 10x24 inches. It is simple in construction, there being only two pieces of castings in it. You can duplicate any part of it in your own black- smith shop. We furnish with each machine five sets of punches and dies, ^^, ^, i'^, V2 and 5^. Net price each $47.00 "The Proof of the Pudding Is the Eating." This old and trite saying is certainly ap- plicable to our goods. Our New Improved Black Giant Shear, Upset and Punch combined, still continued to lead the band. BADGER PUNCH AND SHEARS. Shipped from Factory. No. 33. Net price each $29.00 No. 33— Will shear J/^ in. x 2^ in. or H in. X 3 in. bars or ^ in. round iron. Will punch Vs hole in H in. plate, to center of 6 in. Weight, 310 lbs. Net price each $50.00 No. 66— Will shear Vi in. x 4 in, or H in- X 3 in. flat bars or 1 in. round. Will punch }4 in. hole in H plate to center of 6 in. Weight, 510 lbs. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE HOUSE COLD TIRE SETTER. Shipped from Factory. Our No. 2 and No. 3 Machine. Is the greatest money maker that the blacksmith has ever had a chance to get. Why? Because it will set a tire in five minutes, and at an average of 50 cents each, will earn six dollars per hour, and sixty dollars in a day; and if you buy it and advertise.it, it will pay for itself in three or four days the first dry spell that comes. Now these are facts and you can't dispute them because they are proven by testimonials, and the 1400 machines now in use in every state in the Union and in seven foreign countries. So it is up to you. Now, why won't you buy? Is it because you haven't the enterprise to make a little effort to get out of the old rut? Or, is it because you are making all the money you need? It is a joke for a man to run a shop without one. Anybody can buy one, and make it pay for itself. Write us. Net price each No. 1 Machine sets tire up to ^x2 inches $145.00 No. 2 Machine with Hand Power sets tire up to Mx3^ inches 250.00 No. 2 Machine with Power Attachment sets tires up to %x3^ inches 265.00 No. 3 Machine with both Hand and Power Attachment sets tires up to Ix4y2 inches 365.00 AVARRANTY. We warrant each machine to be made of high grade cast steel, the No. 1 ma- chine to set or reset all ordinary tires, cold, two inches wide by three-quarters of an inch thick, or all smaller sizes, on wheels from thirty to sixty inches in diameter. The No. 2 to set or reset all ordinary tires, cold, 3% inches by % inch, or all smaller sizes on wheels 30 to 60 inches in diameter. The No. 3 machine to set or reset all ordinary tires, cold, 4% inches wide by 1 inch thick, and all smaller sizes (tires wider than 2^^ inches must not be cupped or less than V2 inch thick), and to be capable of doing the work well if our instructions are carried out. All grip-keys that break on account of defects within one year from shipment will be replaced without charge, F. O. B., St. Louis, Mo. EXPLANATION. — The word "ordinary," used in the above warranty, is in- tended to cover all tires that are reasonably worth setting at all, and not tires that are rotten or so badly worn or cupped that they are of little or no service. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE SCIENTIFIC HYDRAUIilC COLD TIRE SETTER is the most powerful and effective macliine of its kind in existence and Avill set tires easier and quicker than any edg^e g^rip inaeliine made. It is an easy matter to make such a claim, hut it is another thing; ' to "Deliver the Goods/' We can "3Iake Gootl." YOU'LL BE SORRY IP YOU DON'T BUY A SCIENTIFIC. THE SCIENTIFIC WITH STEEL CONE DISHER. Shipped from Fact<;iry. FACTS that Cannot be Denied by Other Manufacturers of Edge Grip Tire Setters. FIRST — The Scientific is the easiest operated edge grip tire setter in the world. SECOND — The Scientific will set tires in less time than any other. THIRD — The Scientific has better tool steel grip jaws than any other. FOURTH — The Scientific gripping jaws are better adjusted than any other. FIFTH — The Scientific in intrinsic value is worth more money than any other. Get a catalog that fully describes it. By means of a new attachment the Scientific can be made to SET PERFECTLY wide thin tires, tires worn oval or to a thin edge, channel tires or thin buggy tires on nicely painted wheels, without marring the tires or felloes in the least. No other edge grip machine has ever done. With this machine, the tire is drawn tightly around the wheel, and shortened from 1-16 to % inch at each gripping, bv a few strokes of the hydraulic pump handle. TRY IT. If you appreciate a machine that works easily, buy a Scientific. If you like hard work, then buy a cheap machine or set tires the old way. See description and prices next page. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SIZE OP SCIEXTIFIC TIRE SETTERS. No. 2 Machine will set tires 2 x J^ or IJ/^^x Vs and smaller. Weight 1200 No. 2^< " " " '• 2J^x H or 2 x^ " " " 1300 No. 3 " " " " 3^x ^ or 3 xH " " " '^^^^ No. 4 " " " " 4 K H or '3 xl " " " 2200 No. 5 " " " " 5 xl or 4>1x1J4 " " " 4000 No. 6 " " " " 6 xl^ or 5 xl >^ " " " 6000 The sizes given above are for iron tires and if steel tires are to be set, a less size should be figured on, ranging from 1-5 to 1-3 less according to the hardness of the steel in the tire. FLOOR SPACE required for hand machines is from 4 ftx3 ft to 6 ftx5 ft and with power attachment a slight additional space. CAPACITY. So much depends upon tliC quickness of the operator in setting tires with the Scientific that we dare not give the greatest capacity with the assurance that every one will equal " it so we will state that with a No. 2^ machine tires can be set in from one to five minutes according to size of tire. There is not a blacksmith worthy the name but can set a wagon tire l^x^ every five minutes by hand, which is at the rate of twelve per hour or one hundred and twenty for ten hours. With power attachment the work can be greatly increased. Large tires, of course, require proportionately longer time than small ones. The same size of tire can be set by each size of machine, capable of setting it, in prac- tically the same time. WARRANTY. Each machine is warranted to be well made, of good material; to set or reset tires cold and of the size stated above, to be capable of doing the work as well as is done by any other edge grip tire setter, to set tires quicker and easier than can be done with any other edge grip tire setter, and to be and to do as is represented by us in letters or printed matter, if our directions are followed. Should any part of the machine prove defective or not strong enough to do a work required, it will be furnished by us free of charge. This Warranty to be in force one year from date of installation of machine. To test the merits of the machine we are willing that it should be used in competition with any other edge grip tire setter manufactured. NOTE SPECIALLY. There is one point we want to impress on the reader for his benefit as well as ours and that is he should not buy an edge grip machine without first seeing the Scientific. Words fail to convey to the mind of the casual reader the great difference in ease of operation, speed and gen- eral value of the Scientific as compared with other machines, hence we are anxious that prospec- tive purchaser of tire setters should see this one in operation. PRICE LIST OF SCIENTIFIC TIRE SETTERS. Cash Time Weight Price Price No. 2 To set tires as stated in catalog 1250 $140 $150 Ko 2y2 " " " " 1300 160 170 No'. 3 " " " " 1500 200 215 No. No. No 2200 260 275 4000 400 425 6000 550 600 Power Attachment, No. 2 . and 2 ^ 30 No. 3 and 4 40 No. -5 and 6 50 TERMS. Time Terms on all machines — One-fourth cash, balance in six equal notes one month apart. Machines are delivered on cars or boat at Keokuk, la. Machines will always be billed at time price and if paid for within ten days after receipt a discount will be allowed to make cash price. A special catalog will be mailed upon application. 78 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SILVER'S POWER BAND SAW. With Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Saw-Guide. Shipped from Factory. Fig. 820. Sizes. • Net price each. 26-inch machine, with tight and loose pulleys $56.00 Extra saw blade, 13 feet 9 inches x H inch, each 1.45 DESCRIPTION. Band Wheels — They are 26 inches diameter, and both are turned perfectly true and bal- anced. The endless rubber bands are securely cemented to the rims of the wheels in a way that will hold them to place. The upper wheel can be adjusted in any direction while machine is running, to keep saw in proper alignment. It also has up and down adjust- ment of several inches to accommodate saws of different lengths. The universal adjust- ment of this wheel will enable the user to lead the blade to any point on the face of the wheel. Saw Blades — One blade, ^-inch wide by 13 feet 9 inches long, set and sharpened ready for use, is sent with this machine. Customers may have choice of any width up to 1 inch. Brazing clamp and tongs are included with saw. Saw Guides — The one above the table is Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Guide, and serves as a good back and side support for the saw. As the back bearing revolves, the saws will not crystallize nor change in temper, and this point very materially lessens the breakage of saws. The new guide saves sixty per cent of wear and breakage of saws. Tensions — There is a spring tension on this saw to counteract the weight of the saw guide, which aids in adjusting it. It is inclosed in- side of the frame, out of the way of operator. Main Shaft — It is bored out and plugged so as to form an oil chamber for lubricating the loose pulley. Small holes are drilled into the shaft at point where pulley runs so as to lu- bricate the pulley. The oil is fed in through small hole in end of shaft. Table — The table is made of iron and is planed level on top and beautifully finished on the edge. It can be tilted to any angle up to 45°, and a stop is provided for quickly returning it to position. It is held rigidly at every point by an eccentric lever, size, 20x24 inches. Dimensions — Size of wheels, 26 inches; dia- meter, iH-inch face; distance between saw and frame, 25 inches; height under saw guide, when raised, 8yi inches; table, iron, 20x24 inches; pulleys, 10x3 inches; width of belt, 3 inches; speed, 350 to 450 revolutions; length of saw blade, 13 feet 9 inches; floor space, 30x40 inches. Shipping Weight — Belt power, 600 pounds; combination, 660 pounds. SILVER'S COMBINED FOOT AND POWER SAW. 20-Inch Iron Band Wheels. Shipped from Factory. Ullllllllllll Fig. 721. Sizes. Net price each. 20-inch machine, with gearing and foot treadles, for one or two men, no pul- leys $42.00 Extra saw blades, 10 feet 1 inch x J4 or ^ inch, each 1.10 Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Saw-Guide, extra 5.65 DESCRIPTION. This machine is arranged for foot power, as illustrated. The lower band wheel is mad^ heavy so that the running parts attain mo- mentum when sawing. The saw is geared up from the treadles so as to be able to get the proper speed for sawing. In addition to the foot treadles, which show in the picture, there is a handle on the main drive gear so that a second person may assist with heavy work. In dimensions and other respects this ma- chine is like the 20-inch saw on the preceding page. This saw may also be fitted with pulleys for belt power. In driving by belt, disconnect the foot power attachments by removing one of the gear wheels. Each saw is supplied with two saw blades and outfit for brazing broken saws. Shipping weight, foot power, 390 pounds; combination, 415 pounds. SIZES AND PRICES OF SAW BLADES. Saw Length % H J4 ^ ^ 1 in. 20 in. 10 ft. 1 in. $1.10 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.60 26 in. 13 ft. 9 in. 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.80 2.00 32 in. 16 ft. 4 in. 1.55 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.45 36 in. 18 ft. 6 in. 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.15 2.30 2.75 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SILVER'S POWER BAND SAW. With Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Saw-Guide. Shippecl from Factory. SILVER'S POWER BAND SAW. With Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Saw-Guide. Shipped from Factory. Fig. 822. 32-inch Iron Band Wheels. Size. Net price each. 32-inch machine, with tight and loose " pulleys $73.50 Extra saw blades, 16 feet 4 inches x J/^ inch, each 1.80 DESCRIPTION. Band Wheels — They are 32 inches diameter, and both are turned perfectly true and bal- anced. The endless rubber bands are securely cemented to the rims of the wheels in a way that will hold them to place. The upper wheel can be adjusted in any direction while ma- chine is running, to keep the saw in proper alignment. It also has up and down adjust- ment of several inches to accommodate saws of different lengths. Saw Blades — One blade, j4-inch wide by 16 feet 4 inches long, is sent with each saw. Customers may have choice of any width up to 1 inch. Brazing clamp and tongs are in- cluded with saw. Tension — There is a spring tension on this saw to counteract the weight of the saw guide, which aids in adjusting it. It is inclosed in- side of the frame, out of the way of operator. Main Shaft — It is bored out and plugged so as to form an oil chamber for lubricating the loose pulley. Small holes are drilled into the shaft at point where pulley runs so as to lubricate the pulley. Table — The table is made of iron and is planed level on top and beautifully finished on the edge. It can be tilted to any angle up to 45 degrees, and a stop is provided for quickly returning it to position. It is held rigidly at every point by an eccentric lever, size 24x28 inches. Dimensions — Size of wheels, 32 inches di- ameter, 1^-inch face; distance between saw and frame, 31 inches; height under saw guide, when raised, 11 inches; table, iron, 24x28 inches; pulleys, 12x3^ inches; width of belt, 3H inches; speed, 350 to 450 revolutions; length of saw blade, 16 feet 4 inches; floor space, 35x48 inches. Shipping Weight — 950 pounds. Fig. 824. 36-Inch Iron Band Wheels. Size, Net price each. 36-inch machine, with tight and loose pulleys $91.00 Extra saw blades, 18 feet 6 inches x ^ inch, each 3.00 Extra saw blades, 18 feet 6 inches x H inch, each 2.30 DESCRIPTION. Band Wheels — They are 36 inches diameter, and both are turned perfectly true and bal- anced. The endless rubber bands are securely cemented to the rims of the wheels in a way that will hold them to place. _ The upper wheel can be adjusted in any direction while machine is running, to keep saw in proper alignment. It also has up and down adjust- ment of several inches to accommodate saws of different lengths. Saw Blades — One blade, ?4-inch wide by 18 feet 6 inches long, is sent with each saw. Customers may have choice of any width up to 1 inch. Brazing clamp and tongs are in- cluded with saw. Saw Guide — The one above the table is Wright's Patent Non-Friction Roller Guide, and serves as a good back and side support for the saw. As the back bearing revolves, the saw will not crystallize nor change in temper, and this point very materially lessens the breakage of saws. . Tension — There is a spring tension on this saw to counteract the weight of the saw guide, which aids in adjusting it. It is inclosed in- side of the frame, out of the way of operator. Dimensions — Size of wheels, 36 inches di- ameter, 2-inch face; distance between sav/ and frame, 35 inches; height under saw guide, when raised, 14 inches; table, iron, 28x32 inches; pulleys, 12x4 inches; width of belt, 4 inches; speed, 350 to 450 revolutions; length of saw blade, 18 feet 6 inches; floor space, 39x57 inches. Shipping Weight— l,\lb pounds. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. AITOMATIC CLIPPER KNIFE GRINDER. Net price each. Fitted for horse clipping knives $6.00 Fitted for sheep shearing knives 6.00 Fitted for both horse and sheep knives. . 6.50 Sharpens horse clipper or sheep shearing knives in a few seconds good as new. It is automatic. Weight boxed, 36 lbs. CLIP THE HORSE. One of the greatest improvements ever in- troduced into stable management, according to the opinions of leading veterinarians, is the custom of clipping horses in the spring, which has now become so common. A clipped horse will not only do a greater amount of work on the same amount of food that a horse with his natural winter coat will do, but he will also be fresh and full of vigor, while the horse with the heavy winter coat will be dull, out of condition and seldom or never dry or clean. Clipping removes the tendency to sweat, and there is no comparison as between a long, wet coat and a short, dry one. When the winter coat is warmed up and the horse is being worked regularly it is next to impossible to thoroughly dry the coat, and this causes the animal to lose flesh, in addition to making him a prey to a multitude of ills. Big companies, which requires hundreds of horses in carrying on their business, have experimented and have found that where their horses were clipped coughs and pneumonia have been practically eliminated. Clip your horses early in the spring if you want to keep them healthy and in good condition. — The Horseman. See Horse Clippers, Pages 95 and 96, this catalogue. SILVER'S NEW BAND SAW. 20-Inch Iron Band Wheels Shipped from Factors'. :z: ____^ Fig. 720. Size. Net price each. 20-inch machine, with tight and loose pulleys , $35.00 Extra saw blades, 10 feet 1 inch x % or ^ inch, each I.ID Wright's patent non-friction roller saw guide, extra 5.70 DESCRIPTION. Ba7jd Wheels — They are 20 inches diameter, and both are turned perfectly true and bal- anced. The endless rubber bands are securely cemented to the rims of the wheels in a way that will hold them to place. The upper wheel can be adjusted in any direction while machine is running, to keep saw in proper alignment. It also has up and down adjust- ment of several inches to accommodate saws of different lengths. The universal adjust- ment of this wheel will enable the user to lead the blade to any point on the face of the wheel. Sazc Blades — Two saws are furnished with each 20-inch machine, Yj, and Vi, No. 22 gauge, 10 feet 1 inch long, set and sharpened ready for use. Customers may have choice of any width blade up to 1 inch. Hardwood guides, brazing clamp and tongs are also in- cluded with each saw. Pulleys — They are tight and loose, 7 inches diameter for 3-inch belt. A belt shifter and lever is provided as shown; no countershaft required. This machine is also made to drive by foot power. (See the following illustra- Table — Its size is 20x24 inches and is made of veneer glued together and re-inforced by an iron rib. Dimensions — Size of wheels, 20 inches; dis- tance between saw and frame, 19 inches; height under saw guide, when up, 7 inches; table, 20x24 inches; pulleys, 7x3 inches; size belt, 3 inches; length of blade. 10 feet 1 inch; speed, 350 to 450 revolutions per minute; floor space, 24x30 inches. Speed— ZbQ to 450 revolutions per minute. Shipping IV eight— 200 pounds. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. TOILKT A]\D FETLOCK CLIPPERS. HORSE CLIPPERS. Cut shows No. 10. Net price each. No. 10. Fetlock (like cut) with inter- changeable parts $1.^5 No. 20. Fetlock, 3 coil music wire spring, interchangeable parts 1.50 No. 40. Fetlock, 12 coil music wire spring with cap screw to regulate tension of spring, interchangeable parts 2.25 No. 2. Toilet, 3 coil music wire spring, interchangeable parts 1.25 No. 3. Toilet, same as No. 2 except dou- ble tension 1.35 No. 5-1. Toilet, best of material, best made, best cutting 2.25 No. 5-0. Toilet, same as No. 5-1, except has fine teeth, cutting hair very short. 2.25 HORSE CLIPPERS. Net price each. No. 20 Hotchkiss $0.75 No. 40 BB Hotchkiss 1.50 No. 50 Harvard 1.00 One of the most popular and one of the most salable Horse Clippers in the market. Is strongly constructed, perfectly fitted and adjusted. Net price each .$2.00 Our Anti-Friction Ball Bearing Horse Clip- per, recognized by the trade to be the best finished, and best working Clipper in the mar- ket. The mechanism and working qualities are perfect in every detail. Is full polished with natural finish Ebony handles. lOOa CHICAGO CLIPPER. STEWART PATENT. Net ])rice each $10.75 Has positive power; rigid base; fine strong crank handle; 6^ foot flexible steel shaft. All gears are cut from solid metal and wear- ing parts all tool steel hardened, can be turned with- either right or left hand. Com- plete with one set of Stewart one-nut tension knives in case. Weight, boxed,» 56 lbs. This machine is surprisingly strong and dur- able. The World's record for fast clipping was made with it at the St. Louis Exposition — time 13 H minutes. A boy can turn it all day without tiring. It satisfies completely the needs of the large stable. CHICAGO VETERINARV POWER FLOAT. Can be instantly attached to any of our clipping machines. Does better work than the hand float, keeps the horse's teeth in good condition. Price. Each with one file $4.25 Extra files, each 50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORKY, PA. ENCLOSED GEAR SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE. Shipped from factory. Net price, complete with 4 knives $9.75 Extra Combs, 50c; Extra Cutter, 50c; Post- age, 5c each. All moving parts are enclosed in a dust proof box, where they run in oil. This practically does away with friction and wear. It turns easily and shears fast. The gears are cut from solid steel bar, and are hardened file hard by special hardening process. They could not be harder or tougher. Weight, boxed, 40 lbs. STEWART'S 1904 SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE. Shipped from factory. Net price, complete with 4 combs and 4 cutters $12.75 Extra Combs, 50c; Extra Cutter, 50c; Post- age, 5c each. Has revolutionized the sheep-shearing in- dustry. It is scientifically simple, strong and durable, and adapted for flocks of from 5 sheep to 2,000. This machine saves wool, (about one pound to the head), saves time, saves labor, and saves the sheep. Weight, 52 lbs. Boxed, 70 lbs. NEW STEWART ENCLOSED GEAR HORSE CLIPPER. (LATEST MODEL.) No. 1. __ Net price each from stock $7.50 Has new style rigid base; tubular upright. All gears are cut from solid metal and are inclosed in a dust-proof metal box. They run constantly in a bath of oil, which reduces fric- tion to a minimum. All wearing parts are hardened tool steel. New type light, easy run- ning flexible shaft 6^ feet long. Complete with one set of Stewart one-nut tension knives. Weight, each, boxed, 36 lbs. This new machine meets the demand for a very high grade clipper at a price any horse owner can afford. Every moving part is in- closed and safe from dust and dirt of all kinds. It runs easy and cuts with the greatest speed. Is very compact; can be carried around con- veniently. By all odds a superior machine in construction, materials and action. ALL OF THESE CLIPPING r^lACHINES ARE FITTED WITH THE ONE-NUT STEWART TENSION KNIFE. Net price each. Knife and handle complete $3.50 Extra knives, per set 2 . 50 Extra bottom plates 1-50 Extra top plates 1-00 Shaft and chain, per foot 75 Shaft less chain, per foot 50 Chain, per foot 30 Handles only 1-00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. S3 THK IKOX-MAN. Shipped from factory. This is a Machine no blacksmith can aflford to do without. It is always ready for business without pay or prompting. It is acknowledged by all smiths that have had a chance to test its merits to be the greatest time and la- bor-saving tool ever placed on shop floor. The hammer is so nicely adjusted be- tween coil springs and is so perfectly under the control of the smith that all kinds of welding can be done perfectly; enabling the smith to have both hands free to handle his work. After the weld is made, the flatter or swedge can be used the same as with a helper in mak- ing a nicely-finished job. This machine is op- erated by foot power, and is so arranged that it can be ad- justed to work at any point of the anvil from the horn to the heel; can also be as quickly adjusted to work rapid for welding light work, and strikes with an exactness that no helper can attain to from the simple fact that it strikes a mechanically true blow every time. It is under the perfect control of the operator at all times. Net price each. ,$25.00 THE RE3YNOL.D'S AXLE GAUGE. PAT'D APRIL 29th, 1902. The simplest and best Axle Gauge on the market. Adjusts itself to the spindle and registers the exact amount of set or gather on the indicator plate in inch measure. Can be adjusted to any length axle. Accurate, durable and easily handled. Can be used without removing axle from vehicle. Price $3.50 each. 84 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE EASY SCREW PLATES. THE ELECTRIC SCREW PLATES. Urn mm Dimensions of the Easy. Sizes. Net prize each. No. 2 B, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 15 3/2 inches long for , the first two sizes, one 23 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting Ya'^, Vs^^, ^", H", M^" $^-5^ No. 5 B, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 15^ inches long for the first four sizes, one 23 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting Y^-'^, ^\^^ H'\ /e^ 'A^^ H'\ H'' $8.15 No. 5^ B, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 15 J^ inches long for the first four sizes, one 23 inches long for the larges sizes. Cutting 14-", fs^*, H'', iV^ Y2'', iV^ H'\ 'A'' 10-50 No. 9 B, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 15^2 inches long for the first four sizes, one 26 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting 14-", iV^, 3/8^ ^V*, Y2^', 1%'-, Vs'\ M^", /8«, 1^ . 15.50 Note. — Every set supplied with our Patented Adjustable Electric Tap Wrench. THE EASY FULL MOUNTED SCREW PLATES. Sizes. No. 55, Plate Complete in justable Tap Wrench. ^^«, ^", A", A"^, H'\ No. 551^, Plate Complete Adjustable Tap Wrench. A^«, H'', jV\ A'^ A^-, No. 57, Plate Complete in justable Tap Wrench. ^^'^ H^', /s", ^^, y&'\ No. 57 Y2, Plate Complete Adjustable Tap Wrench. 5 18 3/^16 7 14 T/12 ! Z^». IS Net price each. Box, with Ad- Cutting Y4-'\ . M^" $ 9.00 in Box, with Cutting 1420^ y&^\ W^... 11.50 Box, with Ad- Cutting Ya^^ M'°, Vs^, 1^- • 15-25 in Box, with Cutting J4^, ^^ _ngri_ I iiif.lSli>H>m-y.'Hilli'I.HiM-l Sizes. Net price each. No. 5, Plate Complete in Box. Has two Stocks, one 18 inches long for the first four sizes, one 23 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting Y4"'^, ^'5^^ ^'^ tVS A'^ H^\ ^10 $10.00 No. 5Y2, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 18 inches long for the first four sizes and one 23 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting 1420^ J>^i8^ H'", tV*, ^2^, tV-, 5/8^ 3410 12.50. No. 7, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 18 inches long for the first four sizes, one 29 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting Y^-"", iV^ Vs^'', tV*. A"^, H^\ H"", V4^ 1' 16-00 No. 9, Plate Complete in Box. Has two stocks, one 18 inches long for the first four sizes, one 29 inches long for the larger sizes. Cutting ^^o, ^5^18^ 5^18^ _7^w ^12^ ^V^ H^\ ^'^ ^^ 1' 18-50 Note. — Every Set supplied wath our Patented Adjustable Tap Wrench. THE ELECTRIC FULL 3IOUNTED SCREW PLATES. Sizes. Net price each No. 105, Plates Complete in Box, with Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cutting ,'4^- H"", j'-, ^^, H'\ ■K^" .$11 ys' 17.50 No. 105^, Plate Complete in Box, with Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cutting 14^^ ■xV^ Vs'^ iV\ Y2^-, -t^^-, H'\ M^°...- 13.50 No. 107, Plate Complete in Box, with Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cutting ^^o^ 'h'^ y&'% jV\ a"^, H'\ H'°, ^^ i'-- i^-^s No. 107^, Plate Complete in Box, with Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cutting ^^, ^^«, Vs'^ fs", A^, !%'■', H'\ V4''> Ys^ 18 ~^""* THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 85 LITTLE GIANT SCREW PLATES. Each Assortment in a Neat Wood Case. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1 has stock liVi in. long, cuts yi, ,\^ H, tV, /2 -••••$ 8.00 No. 5 has stock 23 in. long, cuts 54, is, Vs, /it, 'A, Vs, M 10-65 No. 5^ has stock 23 in. long, cuts ^, 1^, H, tV, V2, t%. H, H ;••••• 12.35 No. 6 has stock 26 in, long, cuts Vs, Vs. y2, Vs, Va, h, 1 ;•••• i^-^o No. 7 has stock 26 ni. long, cuts H, i%, Vs, A. 'A, 5/8, H, Vs, 1............. 17.00 No. 9 has stock 14 J/^ in. long for first four sizes, and 29 in. stock for the larger sizes, cuts l4> ^6, H, t^. Ay Vs' Vj H, 1 18-30 ITHER'S *'IDEAL" DRILLING ATTACHMENT. No Blacksmith, Carriagemaker. Boilermaker, Mechanic, Plumber, Repairer, Windmill and Pumpman or Worker in Iron and Steel can afford to be without this drill. Blacksmiths and Carriagemakers can do nearly all jobs of drilling without removing the work. Superior to the breast drill as no pressure is required by the operator, the chain does that. Used on any bit-stock and puts holes in iron and brass easier than the common bit and brace into hard wood. Luther's "Ideal" Force Drill works on ball bearings. Remember the chain does the press- ing on, you don't. Net price each. Style A. Takes standard or half-inch Round Shank Drill $1-00 . Style B. Takes Standard Square Shank, Bit Stock Drill. This is the style most commonly used ^0 LITTLE GIANT FULL STOCKED SCREW PLATES. Each Assortment in a Neat Wood Case. Sizes. Net price each. No. 61 cuts A, 1%, Vs, /?, A $ 8.00 No. 65 cuts i/i, i's, H, fs, ^, Vs, H 12-00 No. 6514 cuts A, A. H, iV, A, ?ff, Hy y^ 13.70 No. 66 cuts Yi, fe, Ai, Vi, Va, yk, '^ 16.00 No. 67 cuts 14, T%, y&, /?, Az, H, Va, Vs, 1 19.63 Adjustable tap wrenches are included in these sets without extra charge. NET PRICES OF PARTS FOR FULL STOCKED PATES. Size. Die. Guide. Stock. Tap. ■fs $0.85 $0.17 $0.43 $0.18 14 .85 .17 .43 .22 -1^0 .85 .17 .43 .25 Vs 1.06 .17 .43 .28 /s 1.06 .17 .65 .30 i^ 1.27 .17 .65 .35 fs 1.27 .17 .65 .40 % 1.49 .17 .65 .45 }i- 1.49 .17 .65 .53 54 1.70 .17 .65 .60 ]J 1.70 .17 .85 .70 % 2.34 .17 .85 .80 j& 2.34 .17 .85 .90 1 2.34 .17 .85 1.00 LITTLE GIANT PIPE SCREW PLATES. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1 Plate, Cutting A, H, H, H, 1 in. .$5.40 No. 2 Plate. Cutting lA, 1^» 2 in 9.00 Note. — The guides are interchangeable throughout the set for convenience in cutting nipples. Sure to cut the thread straight. The dies can be resharpened. Dies are adjustable to overcome variation in fittings on pipe. Dies and guides can be changed quickly. It is light, yet strong and durable. Dies are held by bevel. No screws to break or get out of order. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA: KNURLED CUP POINT NAIL. SETS. LITTLE GIANT PLATE DIES. Assorted Points, net price each 8c KNURLED CENTER PUNCHES. % inch diam. at knurling, net price each ..10c LIGHTNING BURRING REAMER. For Pipe, also for Countersinking. Of Fine Steel Carefully Ground to Cut Iron, Brass, Wood, etc. Net price each 75c LITTLE GIANT TAPS, COLLETS. DIES AND For Bit Brace Use. Net prices complete. Sizes i\ Va ^ V8 iV No. of threads 24 20 18 16 14 Tap Die and Collet complete $1.50 1.50 1.55 1.80 1.88 Taps only 25 .25 .28 .30 .35 Dies only 85 .85 .85 .85 .98 LITTLE GIANT RATCHET NUT WRENCHES. Each. No. 1 ^\ and % inch. 7 inch. $0.80 No. 2 fs and Vfi. inch. 8 inch. 1.00 No 3 ^ and V? inch. 10 inch. 1.40 No. 4 ^ and V4 inch. 13 inch. 2.20 No. 5 Vs and 1 inch. 16 inch. 2.85 For the use of blacksmiths and carriage- makers. For the removal of nuts the above tool will be found a most convenient one. It is complete in itself. Is strong and thoroughly made. When ordering, give number of the Explanation of the Little Giant Die. The Collet or holder is made of two pieces called a cap and a guide. The cap has a bevel slot into which the bevel die is fitted. The guide is screwed into the cap, which throws the die into the bevel of the collet and into line. To adjust simply turn the screws at the ends of dies in or out, as the adjust- ment desired requires. PRICES OF TAPS, DIES AND COLLETS FOR NEW LITTLE GIANT SCREW PLATES Nos. 1 to 9. Collets, all sizes, $0.40. Diam. No. of Threads Net price Net price In. to inch. of Tap. of Die. A 24 $0.18 $0.85 18,20 .22 .85 T^ 16,18 .25 .85 Vs, 14, 16 .28 .98 tV 14 .30 1.10 'A 12,13 .35 1.27 A 11,12 .40 1.27 H 10, 11, 12 .45 1.40 H 11 .53 1.40 \ 10 .60 1.60 \% 10 .70 1.70 ^\ 9 .80 2.34 \% 9 .90 ^.34 1 8 1.00 2.34 STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS AND FIGURES. Shipped from Factory. Net prices per Sizes letter or figure. y^ in'ch $0.15 i\ inch \l 14 inch ^^ Stamps with eyes for handle add 35c to the stamp. Note. — Stamps with three letters or less 5c per letter additional. Carefully made of best Kv,ct1;cVi H '"ch. LITTLE GIANT NUT WRENCHES. For Square or Hexagon Nuts Sizes For Bit Brace Use. 34 t'b. H BYRNE'S TIRE BOLT WRENCH CLAMP. Net price each $2.00 It should be in the shop of every Wagon maker because it reduces the work of tire setting to a minimum. Every machine guar- anteed. LANG'S TIRE BOLT WRENCHES. l^ inch Net Price Each.. .10 .12 .15.. 18. .20 Net price each $1.00 Positively the Best Nut Wrench Made for both Old and New Work. Will remove old nuts quicker than any other wrench and it is the only wrench that can be used on tP^, 14, tV and H nuts. Try one and you will use no other. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 91 DOLE & DKMING'S PATENT SPOKE TENON MACHINE. Slilppcd front Factory. This machine has been h)ng and favorably known to the carriage tool trade and its sale increases each year. The accuracy of its work adapts it to high grade wheels. It is fitted with the Star Hollow Auger and is arranged for hand or power, which adapts it for use in every shop, whether a large or small num- ber of jobs are manufactured. A fly wheel and handle has lately been substituted for hand use instead of crank, which is regarded a marked improvement. When power is applied the wheel should be removed. Felloe boring attachments with round hole bit chuck furnished with all machines unless otherwise ordered. See Fig. 717 for felloe boring attachment. Speed for power about 1,200 revolutions per minute. FELLOE OILERS. Fig. 718. Sizes. Net price each. No. 3, With Felloe Boring Attachment and No. 1 and No. 2 Augers, cutting tenons /g- to 1% inches diameter, 4 inches long $34.20 No. 3H, With Felloe Boring Attach- ment and No. 1 and No. 3 Augers, cutting tenons /^ to 1^ inches diam- eter, 4 inches long 3S.00 No. 4, With Felloe Boring Attachment and No. 2 and No. 4 Augers, cutting tenons 5^ to 2 inches diameter, 6 inches long 45.60 No. 4^, With Felloe Boring Attach- ment, and No. 1, No. 2 and No, 4 Augers, cutting tenons -^g to 2 inches diameter, 6 inches long 51.68 Nos. 3 and 3 5^ furnished without No. 1 Auger and Reducer at reduction of. , 6.08 Any of the above sizes furnished with- out Felloe Boring Attachment at re- duction of 5.32 Nos. 3 and 3^ arranged to cut tenons 6 inches long, additional 3.75 Suitable countershaft, with tight and loose pulleys, for these machines 7.60 Net price eacli. No. 1, for wide tire wheels $0.75 No. 2, for narrow regular tires 55 A light cast iron tank for treating the wheels of wagons with linseed oil. If properly used it will not only preserve your wheels indefinitely, but will save its cost in the setting the first season. DOLE & DEMING'S PATENT SPOKE TENON MACHINE. Shipped from Factory. Fig, 716, No. 1, This cut represents our No. 1 Spoke Tenon Machine, which is adapted to hand use. It is fitted with our No. 1 Star Hollow Auger, and will cut tenons any size from -i^ to 1 inch. The hub is held in a self-centering chuck, which can be revolved to present the spokes to the hollow auger. The spokes are held firmly on the rest, and in line with the auger. Thus all the tenons are cut with the shoulders uniform in width and in the same plane. With a slight transformation it can be changed into a boring machine, for boring the felloes for the spokes, giving that accuracy in the work that can be alone attained by machinery. Our new illustration shows the felloe bor- ing attachment on the machine as shipped. Bit chucks with J^ inch round hole always furnished with the felloe boring attachment unless otherwise ordered. When specially ordered we can furnish chuck with square hole, so the ordinary brace bits can be used in the machine. This size is now furnished complete with legs as shown, without addi- tional cost. Boring bits to use in connection with felloe boring attachment will be found on another page. Sizes, Net price each. No. 1, With Felloe Boring Attachment. .$18.50 No. 1, Without Felloe Boring Attach- ment 15.00 No. 2, With Felloe Boring Attachment, cuts tenons H to 1J4 inches 24.00 No. 2, Without Felloe Boring Attach- ment, cuts tenons ^ to 1 ^ inches.,., 19.00 No. 2^, With Felloe Boring Attach- ment, cuts tenons M to IJ^ inches.,., 26.00 No. 2y2, Wihout Felloe Boring Attach- ment, cuts tenons ^ to 1^ inches..., 21.00 Either size, with No. 1 Auger and Re- ducer, extra 5.76 92 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SILVER'S NE\%^ TAPER HUB-BORING MACHINE. Shipped from Factory. SILVER'S POWER TAPER HUB-BOR- ING MACHINE. Shipped from Factory. Fig. 706. With Self-Centering Hub Chuck and Quick- Acting Open Feed Nut. Centers the Hub Instantly and Accurately. Sizes. Net price each. No. 4, For light and medium work, up to 5^xl0-inch hubs, mounted on legs as shown, weight 120 lbs $27.00 No. 5, With two mandrels, for light and heavy work, up to 8xl3-inch hubs, mounted on legs as shown, weight 175 lbs 35.00 Extra bits per set (four) 1.00 DESCRIPTION. This machine is designed to bore holes in hubs of wheels in which to set the boxes, and it is operated by man power. It will bore straight or any desired taper and cut all neces- sary recesses, including that at the spokes; consequently the box is set without wedging. Fasten the wheel to the face plate by means of the screw hooks, with tlie point of the hub turned towards the machine. The cutting bit is in the point of the mandrel and the man- drel is held stationary. Set the mandrel to make a light cut and turn the wheel rapidly by means of the handle in the face plate. After making the cut it is only necessary to open the feed nut, and the mandrel is quickly withdrawn, ready for another cut. The taper is attained by throwing the back end of the mandrel to one side to a graduated scale. The wheel is trued at the rim by a simple adjust- ment of the face plate forward and backward. The machine in the picture is mounted on a handsome stand, and can be located wher- ever wanted, away from the work bench, and the user is^ free to go about the wheel with- out being cramped. Some prefer to have the machine on the bench, so it is furnished also without stand at less price, as is displayed in the price list. It is made in two sizes, Nos. 2 and 3. The smaller size. No. 2, is especially designed for light and medium work, up to hubs not ex- ceeding 7^x10 inches. No. 3 is provided with two mandrels, and is adapted to all classes of work up to hubs not exceeding 9J^xl3 inches. Fig. 708. Adapted also for Hand Use. With Self-Centering Hub Chuck and Quick- Acting Open Feed Nut. Centers the Hub Instantly and Accurately. Net price each. With two mandrels, for light and heavy work, up to 9^2x1 3-inch hubs, weight 385 lbs. $58.00 LITTLE GIANT HUB BORER. Shipped from Factory. No. 3 Special Little Giant Hub Borer. Sizes. Net price each. No. 2, Special Little Giant Hub Borer, for light and medium work $22.50 No. 3, Special Little Giant Hub Borer, for light and heavy work 33.25 Note. — This is the only machine in the world that bores taper holes, in the exact cen- ter of the hub at the spokes, true with the rim, and the right size and shape to fit any box for any hub from a sulky to a wheel having a hub s) 3-4x13 inches. PEACE'S IMPROVED SPOKE TENONING MACHINE. Every machine warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Made of best materials. Adapted to any size spoke or dish of wheel. Cuts tenons % to 1]4 in. Perfectly true. Weighs 8 lbs. A Good Machine for a Little Money. Sizes in stock. Net price each. With the felloe boring attachment $9.00 Without felloe boring attachment 8.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 98 WAGOJV BOX STRAPS. Sizes. J^xlO Kxl2 f'exl-i inch, inch, inch, inch. Eight Pieces to a Net price | per set. | Sizes. .$0.30 .33 , .35 , .40 Net price per set. ^xl2 inch $0.38 5^x14 inch 43 ^xl6 inch 46 5^x18 inch 50 IVECK YOKE CENTER IRONS. Net price each. Complete with Plate iV inch Eyes, H inch Links, 3]4^re inch Rings $0.13 Vz Extra Plates 07 NECK RULES YOKE FER- AND RINGS. Sizes. Net price each. iy2 inch inside large end $0.05 J^ iVs inch inside large end 07 IJi inch inside large end 08J^ NECK YOKE EYES AND RINGS. Sizes. Net price each. 1% inch Eye, iV inch Ring $0.00H NECK YOKE EYES. WELDED CENTER CLIPS. TT Twisted. Net price Sizes. each. H inch $0,041/^ 1% inch 05 H inch 06 Straight. Net price Sizes. each. H inch $0,031^ ■fV inch 04 % inch 05 SINGLETREE CENTER CLIPS AND RINGS. Sizes. Net price each. i>i- in. Clip,!^ in. Ring $0.06 Vs in. Clip, Yz in. Ring 07 34 in. Clip, Ys in. Ring 11 CENTER CLIPS AND HOOKS. Sizes. Net price each. Vs in. Clip, J4 in. Hooks. . $0,085^ H in. Clip, 5/q in. Hooks.. .15 SINGLETREE END CLIPS AND HOOKS. Sizes. Net price each. /s in. Clip, H in. Hook, in pairs $0.04^ SINGLETREE HOOKS AND FER- RULES. Sizes, ro inch Net price each. $0.04 K- STRAIGHT CENTER CLIPS. Sizes. Net price each. ^^ in. End Clips, length 7^ inches. .$0.03 H in. End Clips, length 8^ inches.. .03 H in. Center Clips, length 9 inches.. .035^ A in. Center Clips, length 10 inches.. .04 Vs in. Center Clips, length 11 inches.. .04^ ^ in. Center Clips, length 12 inches.. .07 WELDED END CLIPS. Sizes. Net price each. -1"^ inch $0.05 tV inch 05 Vz inch 05 Sizes. Net price each. IK inch small end ^ inch hook $0.05 J^4 1^ inch small end H inch hook 06 IH inch small end ^^ inch hook 07 154 inch small end ^^ inch hook 08 HEAVY FERRULES AND STEEL HOOKS. Sizes. Net price each. 114 inch, small end ^ inch $0.06 1^ inch, small end ^ inch 07 1 ^2 inch, small end iV inch 08 1^ inch, small end /s inch 10 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SINGLETREK IRONS IN SETS. Net price per set. One T% inch Weld?d Center Clip and 2 End Clips and Hooks t^x^ inch 15c SINGLETREE HOOKS. Size. 5^ inch Net price each. 3c SINGLETREE EYES AND HOOKS. Size. T®s inch Eye, inch Hook Net iirice each. 9c AVROUGHT IRON HAMMER STRAPS. Size. Net price each. Heavy pattern 8^ inches from center to center of Hole 7c PATENT AVAGON ROX RODS. Patent Malleable Collar. Sizes. Net price each. Narrow Track, 3 ft. 3 in 7c Wide Track, 3 ft. 7 in 8c COMMON TVAGON BOX RODS. Sizes. Narrow Track, 3 ft. Wide Track, 3 ft. 7 Net price each. 7c 8c SINGLETREE END STRAPS. Net price each BRAKE RATCHETS. Plain. With Guard. Sizes. Net price each. Brake Ratchets, Plain 12c Brake Ratchets with Guard 29c COUPLING OR REACH PLATES. Cast Iron. Wrought Iron. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, for 3^ inch Reach, Cast Iron 27c No. 2, for 4 inch Reach, Cast Iron 35c No. 3, for iy2 inch Reach, Cast Iron 37c No. 4, for 5 inch Reach, Cast Iron 40c Per pair. Wrought Iron, 9x8x6^ inch, sold in pairs with one plate small holes round and one plate small holes square 45c AVROUGHT IRON BOX BRACES. Sizes. Net price each. 1^x15^ inches 5c VzyilbYz inches 6c CAST BOLSTER PLATES. w Sizes 2^ Per set 35c 40c 3^ 3^ inch 45c 50c AVROUGHT IRON BOLSTER PLATES. Net price per set 36c 38c THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. WROUGHT WAGON BOX STAPLKS. To Rivet. Sizes. lYi inch wide, 1 J^ inch wide, 2 inch wide, Net price % inch deep % inch deep •)4 inch deep 1( each. ..Ac ...Ic WROUGHT AVAGON BOX STAPIiES. Sizes. iy2 inch wide. 1)4 inch wide. 3 inch wide . Net price each. Ic Ic Ic Clinch. PATENT CIRCLE POSTS. 1% WAGON WRENCHES. Net price each. Sizes. f^ Va Vi inch opening 8c lie inch opening 8c lie inch opening 8c lie inch opening 8c lie STEEL. TONGUE PLATES. !.«' ^ STEEL DOUBLETREE PLATES. ^^•O^. Sizes. Net price each. Steel Tongue Plates TxC'^xS inches 5c Steel Doubletree Plates 4^8x3 inches 4c STEEL WAGON RUB IRON. Sizes. Yz inch Circle Sizes. Net price per pair. To Clinch. 5^x2^ inches I'^c Net price each. '^c rpHE DICKMAN PATENT RUB IRON. WAGON TONGUE CAPS. With Hold Backs Net price each. 10c POLE CAP AVITH HOIiD BACK AND AVEAR IRON COMPLETE. Net price per pair. WAGON KING BOLTS. ifl ^^ ^^^ rrrrrrrnMfi i Countersunk Head. .4(5c Button Head. Net price each. Sizes. Net price each. Pole Cap, with Wear Iron complete 17c 1 inch Countersunk or Button Head.... 15c Pole Caps only 10c 15^ inch Countersunk or Button Head.... 20c Holdback and Wear "iron "together 7c Wa inch Countersunk or Button Head.... 25c THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MILLER'S AVAGON OR BUGGY JACKS. THE OLIVER JACK. Sizes in stock. Net price eacii. No. 1, adapted for Buggies and light work, capacity 2,000 lbs 60c No. 2, for Heavy Wagon and Trucks, ca- pacity from .3,000 to 5,000 lbs 75c This is an old and well known jack. Are always reliable and handy. VICTOR AVAGON OR BUGGY JACKS. Sizes in stock. Net price each, Cut shows position for holding 1,600 lbs. Weight 8 lbs. The simplicity of its design and wonderful lifting capacity has made it the favorite with city and country trade. Only one size needed for any car- riage or wagon. Net price each .50c PEERLESS AVAGOX AND AUTOMO- BILE JACKS. Nos. 50 and 51. For Vehicles of No. 50 2 tons No. 51 2 tons No. 52 2 tons No. 53 2 tons Nos. 52 and 53 Price Height. Rise. Weight, each. 10 in. 7 in. 4^ lb. $1.75 12 in. 9 in. 5 lb. 1.75 11 in. 6 in. 5 lb. 2.10 13 in. 8 in. 6 lb. 2.75 No. 1, will raise vehicles weighing 1 ton. .$0.60 No. 2, will raise vehicles weighing 2 tons. .95 N-o. 3, will raise vehicles weighing 3 tons. 1.40 Handled with either hand. Adjustable to any height by sliding the bracket up or down, catching the rivet in any notch desired. Will raise iyi in. with one pull of the handle, and locks by passing the center. Lifting range, 24 inches. Can also be used to set up machinery, pull posts, replace bottom fence rails, raising sills and light frame buildings. REYNOLD'S TIRE BOLTING MACHINE. This cut shows the wheel in position. Net price each $6.50 A Combination Bolt Clipper, Bolt Wrench and Tire Bolt Holder. The only machine that will successfully re- move burrs, run them on, or clip off the ends of tire bolts. Will fit any sized tap. Either operation can be performed on any ordinary buggy wheel in less than two min- utes, with perfect ease to the operator. This machine is patented and the only ma- chine of its kind on the market. Every part interchangeable and carried in stock at all times and sold at a reasonable price. ' THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORKY, PA. WROUGHT SEAT HOOKS. No. 3160. Size. Net jirice each. 3>2 and 4 inches long, either length 4J^c MAL.LEAB1.E IRON CLEVISES. SCREW PIN DOUBLETREE CLEVIS. No. 300, Net price each Sc 2 in. wide inside. 4 Yz in. entire length. No. 335, Net price each 8c 2 in. wide inside. 4>< in. entire length. Net price Width inside. Entire length each. No. 395 2 inches 4J^ inches 8c No. 420 2 inches 6 inches 10c No. 427 214 inches 6 inches 10c No. 430 2^ inches 6 inches lie Order by Number. MALLEABLE IRON CLEVISES. SCREW PIN DOUBLETREE CLEVIS. No. 480 No. 500 Width inside. 2 inches 2 inches Net price Entire length, each 4 J/2 inches 9c 5J4 inches 10c ROUND PIN DOUBLETREE CLEVIS. No. 520, Net price each 12c 2J^^ in. wide inside. 6 in. entire length. PLOW CLEVIS. Net Width Entire price inside, length. No. 2805 Vs in. 2 % in. No. 2806, light pattern. M i'l- 3 in. No. 2810 1 in. 3H in- PLOW CLEVIS. each. 4c 6c ^® No. 2820B, Net price each J4 in. wide inside. 4^ in. entire length. EVENER CLEVIS AND HOOK. No. 2831. SWIVEL HOOK. 2K in. Beam, 4 in. Clear, 9% in. entire length. Net price each 25c 98 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., COKRY, PA. AVROUGHT STEEIi DOUBLETREE CLEVISES. LOCK PIN CLEVISES. No. 3415A. Sizes. ^^^ price each. No. 3415 A Clevis, Clip and Stay 10c Chain Ring Complete, Opening in Clip for 154 in- Doubletree. LOCK PIN. No. 3400A. Size. Net price each. NO.3400A Clip for Square Back 10c Doubletree, Opening in Clip for 154 in. Doubletree. SCREW PIN. Nos. 3424A and 3425B. Size. Net price each. No. "3424A, Opening of Clevis 2 in., Length between inside and pin 3^ in., entire length of Clevis 454 i" ^^ No. 3425B, Opening of Clevis 2 in., Length between inside and pin 454 in-» entire length of Clevis 6% in 10c 3IALLEABLE IRON CLEVISES. PLOW CLEVIS. No. 2824. Net price each 15^^ 4 5^ in. extreme length. 54 in- open. WROUGHT STEEL DOUBLETREE CLEVISES. LOCK PIN. 1X71 No, 3411A. Size. Net price each. No. 3411A, Clevis, Oval, Black Clip and Stay Chain Ring Complete, Opening in Clip for 154 in. Doubletree 10c DOUBLETREE STAPLES. ■fffR No. 215. S% in. center to center. 5 in. length of shank, i/^ in. diam. of shank. 7J4 in. entire length. Net price each, threaded, with nuts. CHAIN SWIVELS. No. 771.5. B C D E F G 3^ 4J4 454 5 554 7^ inches long. T^ H H 54 Vs 1 in. Eye. 1% V& A T% f^ y^ 1"-. Wire 4 8 10 11 15 28c Price each. COLLINS WAGON BRAKE. Note. — The only Rolled Steel Brake made. Pawl, Circle and both Levers all Rolled Steel. .^^ct price each ,45.c Tlit: BARLOW HAKl^VVARE CO., CORKY, PA. vo A 24 12^ $0.33 A 24 12/. 11 $0.36 No. 6372. No. 6274. Description of No. 6272. BCD 28 32 36 in. Lever. 13 5^ 14^ 14 54 in. length of Ratchet. H 15 -i^ in. Connecting Bolt. 9/10 10 in. height from bot- tom Bracket hole to c. of Knife. .50 .65 .70 net price each. Description of No. 6274. B C 28 32 in. long. 3/i /o in. Connecting Bolt. 13/ 14^ in. length of Jiatchet. 11 11 in. height from bottom Bracket hole to c. of Knife. .50 .60 net price each. FOOT L.EVE5RS. SIDE PULL. A B 7 10 in. Foot Lever. SVi 4 in. outside Arm. 3/ 4 in. between Lever. and Arm. $0.27 .35 net price each. INSIDE PULL. 19/ in. length of Lever. 8 in. drop of Brace. 10/ in. Toe Board. 90c. net price each. Used with No. 6392 Center Brake. No. 6275. No. 6277. Description of No. 6275. 25 in. Lever. 19 in. length of Ratchet. 5^ in. Bracket hole. ■{^ in. Connecting Bolt. , , ^ 10/ in. height of bottom Bracket hole to c. of Knife. 45c. net price each. Description of No. 6277. 30 31 in. length of Lever. For light For heavy farm wagon work. 60c 65c net price each. To be attached to the side of the body. Fitted ready for use. No. 6278. Same as No. 6277, except it has a Foot pro- jection and is adapted to attach to the bottom and sides of body. A B 30 31 in. length of Lever. For light For heavy farm wagon work. 65c net price each. FOOT LEVERS. INSIDE PUSH. 9 in. Long Lever. 2^ in. Short Lever. / in. Connectnig Rod end. 47c net price each. No. 6285. No. 6283. No. 6287 INSIDE PULL. 10 in. length of Lever. 8/ in. length of Plates. -tV iti. Connectmg end. 35c net price each. INSIDE PUSH. BX , , ^ 10 in. length of Lever. 8/ in. length of Plates 5/g, in. Connecting end. 35c net price each. Rod Rod 100 THE BARLOW HARE'WARE CO., CORRY, PA. FOOT LEVERS. t No. 6290. WITH RATCHET SIDE PULL. A B 14 H 14 H in. length of Lever. 12 J^ 12 H in. length of Ratchet. ^ ^ in. Connecting Rod end. $0.40 $0.40 Net price, each. TURNBUCKL.E AND WROUGHT STUB ENDS. Threaded. FOOT LEVERS. WITH RATCHET INSIDE. PUSH. No. 62 11 11 in. length over all. 8 8 in. length of long end. 3 3 in. length of short end. 9 9 in. length of Plate. 4 4 in. radius of Ratchet. V7. ^ in. Connecting Rod end $0.50 .52 Net price each. RATCHET SIDE PUIX ROD END. No. 6295. No. 6382. C, H in. Rod, each. D, ^ in. Rod, each. Length iH $0.20 Connecting rod .... H 25 Net price each $0.07 RELIABLE WAGON BRAKES. BRAKE BEAMS. B .08 CDF 5% m iVs V2 Vz Vs .09 .09 .11 ^OR DELIVERY WAGONS A B C D 1 1 \Vz 1^ 38 to 60 88 to 56 38 to 50 38 to 5 654 654 654 ^Ya V2 ^ 5/8 H Wa 254 354 354 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. $3.40 $3.50 $5.00 $5.25 in. Shoe Journal Box, in. Body in. drop to center of Shoe. in. for Connecting Rod. in. width of Shoe. Track. Net price each. BRAKE BEAMS. FOR SPRING WAGONS AND SIMILAR VEHICLES. FOR INSIDE PUSH OR PULL BRAKE WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. WITH WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. D lYs. in. Brake Roller. %Yi in. length Lever center to center. 2J^ in. width of Shoe. Y% is- Connecting Rod Bolt. ^ ^ $2.30 Net price each. IMPORTANT.— In ordering, always state whether 4 ft. 8 in. or 5 ft. 2 in. Track is wanted. A B ^ 1 5/8 6^ 154 154 -h ^ $L55 $1.70 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 101 A 7 $1.5£ brake: be]ams. Shipped from Factory. No. 6397. FOR LIGHT AND MEDIUM CONCORD WAGONS. FOR INSIDE PUSH OR PULL BRAKE, WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. WITH WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. lys in. Brake Roller. 65^ in. length Lever center to center. 2J^ in. width of Shoe. 5^ in. Connecting Rod Bolt. $2.30 Net price each. brake: BE}AMS. A B & D shipped from Factory. A B Vs 1 m 6% m Wa TfV A $1.55 $1.70 No. 6398, FOR LIGHT AND HEAVY SPRING WAGONS, FREIGHT, TRUCK AND TRANSFER WAGONS, OMNIBUS AND DEPOT WAGONS. FOR SIDE PULL BRAKE, WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. WITH WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. A B c D E F y% 1 1 1^/8 iH 1^ 7 7^ 7^ 8 8 8H l?4 \Ya • 2% 2ys 3 3 -fk i-^ Vs . Vs ^ /ff $1.55 $1.70 $1.90 $2.30 $2.50 $3.25 1^4 in- Brake Roller. 8y2 in. length Lever center to center. 4 in. width of Shoe. ^5 in. Connecting Rod Bolt. $3.40 Net price each. brake: BEAMS. Shipped from Factory. No. 6399. FOR LIGHT AND HEAVY CONCORD WAGONS. FOR SIDE PULL BRAKE, WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. WITH WOOD FRICTION BLOCK. B 1 7/2 $1.70 C 1 ly $1.90 Vs $2.30 iVs in. Brake Roller. 8 in. length Lever center to center. 3 in. width of Shoe. •f^g- in. Connecting Rod Bolt. $2.50 Net price each. brake: shoes with slip blocks. BRAKE SHOES WITH SLIP BLOCKS. No. 6369. Iron Friction Block. With perfect contact attachment. A B C E % 1 1 1^ in. brake roller. 1^ IH ^Vs 3 in. width of shoe. 7 7 71^ 8 in. length of shoe. $0.90 .95 1.30 2.25 Net price per pair. No. 6362. Wood Friction Blocks with per- fect contact attachment. ABC Vs 1 1 1-34 IV4 2% 7 7 7J4 $0.60 .66 74 in. brake roller. 8 in. width of shoe. 8 in. length of shoe. 1.00 Net price per pair. 102 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. BRAKE COMBINATIONS. For our customers' convenience in ordering we herewith list a few of the most popular brake combinations, the component parts of which may be found on the three preceding pages. In ordering always specify whether 4 foot 8 inch track or 5 foot 2 inch track is desired; 4 foot 8 inch track will always be sent unless otherwise specified. FOOT L.EVER BRAKES. Wagon Net Prices Comb. Nos. Lever. Rod End. Brake. Capacit5^ per set. 60 A 6285 6295 D 6396 A 1000 lbs. $2.11 60 B 6285 6295 D 6396 B 1500 lbs. 2.26 61 A 6287 A 6295 A 6396 A 1000 lbs. 1.93 61 B 6287 A 6295 A 6396 B 1500 lbs. 2.11 61 D 6287 B 6296 B 6396 D 2800 lbs. 2.73 62 A 6286 A 6295 D 6396 A 1000 lbs. 2. 12 62 B 6286 A 6295 D 6396 B 1500 lbs. 2.26 62 D 6286 B 6295 F 6396 D 2800 lbs. 2.93 70 A 6285 6295 D 6397 A 1000 lbs. 1500 lbs. 2.16 70 B 6285 6295 D 6397 B 2.26 71 A 6287 A 6295 A 6397 A 1000 lbs. 1.93 71 B 6287 A 6295 A 6397 B • 1500 lbs. 2.12 71 D 6287 B 6295 B 6397 D 2800 lbs. 2.73 72 A 6286 A 6295 D 6397 A 1000 lbs. 2.16 72 B 6286 A 6295 D 6397 B 1500 lbs. 2.36 72 D 6286 B 6295 F 6397 D 2800 lbs. 2.90 84 A 6290 A 6295 A 6398 A 1000 lbs. 2.00 84 B 6290 A 6295 A 6398 B 1500 lbs. 2.20 84 D 6290 B 6295 B 6398 D 2800 lbs. 2.80 85 A 6282 A 6295 B 6398 A 1000 lbs. 2.00 85 B 6282 A 6295 A 6398 B 1500 lbs. 2.16 85 C 6282 B 6295 B 6398 C 2400 lbs. 2 . 45 85 D 6282 B 6295 B 6398 D 2800 lbs. 2.85 HAND LEVER BRAKES. 80 A 6272 A 6295 A 6398 A 1000 lbs. $1.95 80 B 6272 A 6295 A 6398 B 1500 lbs. 2.15 80 C 6272 B 6295 B 6398 C 2400 lbs. 2.50 80 D 6272 B 6295 B 6398 D 2800 lbs. 2.90 80 E 6272 C 6295 C 6398 E 3000 lbs. 3.24 80 F 6272 D 6295 C 6398 F 3200 lbs. 4.04 80 G 6272 D 6295 C 6398 G 3200 lbs. 4.19 81 A 6274 A 6295 A 6398 A 1000 lbs. 1.98 81 B 6274 A 6295 A 6398 B 1500 lbs. 2.13 81 C 6274 B 6295 B 6398 C 2400 lbs. 2.48 81 D 6274 B 6295 B 6398 D 2500 lbs. 2.90 81 E 6274 C 6295 C 6398 E 3000 lbs. 3.24 82 B 6278 A 6295 B 6398 B 1500 lbs. 2.50 82 D 6278 B 6295 B 6398 D 2800 lbs. 3.08 83 D 6275 6295 B 6398 D 2800 lbs. 2.83 90 D 6275 6295 B 6399 D 2800 lbs. 2.83 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 103 ROLLED STEEL STEPS. MALLEABLE RUBBER PAD STEPS. No. 1405. No. 1415. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 1405 B, 6^ in. drop, projection 5 in. .25c No. 1415 A, 6 in. drop, projection 6 in. .30c No. 1415 B, 7 in. drop, projection 5 in. .30c No. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 3122 A, Qy2 in. drop, 654 in. projection. 65c No. 3121 A, 6H in- drop, 6 in. projection .65c No. 1428. No. 1439. No. 1428 A, 6 in. drop, projection 6 in.. 30c No. 1430 A, 5^ in. drop, projection 5 in.. 30c RUBBER PAD STEPS. With Rolled Steel Shanks. No. 3123. Sizes. i\et price per pair. No. 3123 B, 6H in. drop, 6J4 in. projection. 65c No. 3342 A, 5^ in. drop, 5'/^ in. nrniectinn .fiOc Net price per pair, projection. 65c projection. 60c No. 1320. No. 1305. Sizes, Net price per pair. No. 1320 A, 6 in. drop, projection 6 in 50c No. 1320 B, 7 in. drop, projection 5 in 50c No. 1305 A, 6 in. drop, projection 6 in.... 55c No. 1305 B, 7 in. drop, projection 5 in.... 55c Note. — Order by number. No. 3120. No. 3331. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 3120 A, 6}4 in. drop, 6 in. projection. .65c No. 3331 A, 5J4 in. drop, 5 in. projection. .60c These are the -finest Rubber Steps made. Very handsome and for first class work. Order by number. 104 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. REVERSIBLE SEAT FASTENER. KEYSTONE BRAKE SPRINGS. Net price per dozen sets 65c Note. — Easily fastened and unfastened. .Simple and strong. THE HANDY SEAT FASTENER. Net price per dozen sets $1.35 Note. — A very convenient and handy Seat Fastener. Sizes in stock. IWJUU^' Length Outside Size Net price Over all. Diam. Wire. each. 4 in. u 12 10c 6 in. % 10 15c 8 in. Us 9 18c 10 in. iVs 8 24c 12 in. 1% 7 30c 14 in. iVs 6 40c 16 in. ll% 5 60c Note. — Our Keystone Brake Springs are made of high grade spring steel and are far superior to the common coppered market wire springs sometimes sold. They can be dis- tinguished from others by the blue temper color, which gives a fine finish. They are not japanned except to order. We carry in stock the seven sizes listed. The 14-inch spring can be used for heavy brakes or light poles. The 16-inch spring is our regular tongue, or pole spring, and will easily hold a weight of 150 lbs. Heavier pole and tongue springs made to order, in fact we make any size spring wanted. THE SECURITY END GATE FASTENER. Net price per set 20c Note. — There is nothing better made for the purpose than the Security. THE RAYMOND IMPROVED TONGUE AND POLE SPRING. FINISHED SHAFT AND POLE COUPLINGS. Complete With Eyes. Net price Net price Sizes. per pair. per doz. 7/s in. Light 'h in. Bolt 22c $2.25 1 in. Light 3/8 in. Bolt 22c 2.25 1 in. Heavy tV in. Bolt 24c 2.45 lys ■in. Heavy tV m. Bolt.... 30c 3.75 1J4 in. Heavy i\ in. Bolt 38c 4.40 FRONT BAR EYE BOLTS. Net price each 80c Note. — Is made of best spring steel, and being a compression spring can- not be injured by overloading it. Complete with eye-bolt for attaching to or tongue. The total length is 18 inches. pole Size. Net price each. T^ inch Shank . 8c 1/2 inch Shank lie THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 105 SHAFT AND POLB ElYES. Pole. Net price per pair. Sizes. Shaft. Pole. %x-^ inch 8c 8c 1 xji inch 8c 8c 1 x/jj inch 8c 8c 1 Vsxj^ inch 10c 10c lJ4x-^ inch 12c 12c STEEL, SOCKET SHAFT ENDS. It costs less and is better than repairing any other way. Easy to put on either new or old work. Sizes. Net price each. 1 H for Buggies 25c 15^ for Surreys, Carts, Spring Wagons. .. .35c The Steel Socket Shaft Ends are used for repairing broken shafts on Buggies, Carts and Express Wagons, in the short time of five or ten minutes, made >of Double Tube Steel, the inner tube being pressed in the outer tube, giving them so much greater strength that the shaft will break in any other place than where repaired, and being fully japanned they are equal to the best leather finish when on the shaft. LINDAQUIST \%AGON TONGUE SUP- PORT. AXLE CLIPS. 1 No. 21 no. {'c inch Shank. Ji inch Wide. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 2]4. Flat part 2% in 18c No. 254- Flat part 2H in 18c No. a^. Flat part 314 in 18c No. SH- Flat part 3->4 in 20c No. 4:1/2. Flat part 4^ in 25c No. 4H- Flat part 4^ in 28c No. 5%. Flat part 5^ in 30c No. 6 . Flat part 6 in 32c NORWAY IRON AXLE CLIPS. Mi Sizes. No. 2^ No. 2H No. 31/4 No. SH No. 4>4 No. 4M No. 5% No. 6. Sizes. No. sy2 No. 4. No. 41^ No. 5. No. 5V2 No. 6. No. Q'A No. 7. No. 2105. i^g inch Shank. Ji inch Wide. Net price per doz. Length of Flat part 2% in 21c . Length of Flat part 2H in 21c , Length of Flat part S% in 21c Length of Flat part 3^ in 24c . Length of Flat part 4^ in 26c Length of Flat part 4^ in 30c , Length of Flat part 5^ in 33c Length of Flat part 6 in 38c HEAVY AXLE CLIPS. No. 2108. ^ in. Shank. 1% in. Wide. Net price per doz. Flat part 3^ inches 24c Flat part 4 inches 27c Flat part 4^ inches 30c Flat part 5 inches 33c Flat part dYz inches 36c Flat part 6 inches 40c Flat part 6 5^ inches 45c Flat part 7 inches 50c SPRIN€; BAR CLIPS. HP«^^55 Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, % in. steel, suitable for all ordi- nary purposes $1.15 No. 2. ii in steel, suitable for the heav- iest purposes 1.40 Note. — Acknowledged to be the best support for lumber wagon tongues on the market. Easilj'' and quicklj^ applied, it takes the weight fi-om the horses' shoulders, keeps the tongues straight, and at the right height for hitching up. A ready seller, and once used always used. \ Sizes No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1'% inch Shank. H inch Wide. Net price per doz. 4. Flat part 4 inches 25c 4^. Flat part -iH inches 30c 514. Flat part 5]^ inches 33c oH. Flat part 5^ inches 35c eH- Flat part 6^ inches 38c 7. Flat part 7 inches 42c 7^. Flat part 7}i inches 45c BREWSTER SIDE BAR CLIPS. No. 2110. Long End 2 inch, Short End lyi inch. Shanks t's inch. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 3. Flat part 3 inches 20c No. 3H- Flat part 3^ inches 24c No. 4^. Flat part 4^4 inches 28c No. 4J4. Flat part 4H inches 32c 106 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. TIMKEN SIDE BAR CLIPS. Both ends 2J4 inches long, Shank fg inch diameter. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 2^. Length of Flat part 2^ inches... 28c No. 3. Length of Flat part 3 ' ' " FINISHED BEVELED EDGE IRONS. inches . SHAFT SHORT SPRING CLIPS. Sizes. Net price per doz. 114x3 Leaf 3.5c 1^4x4 Leaf 35c 1^x5 Leaf 35c 1^x4 Leaf 35c 1^x5 Leaf 40c 1^x4 Leaf 45c 1^x5 Leaf 45c THREE PIECE BUGGV SADDLE CLIPS. No. 2240. Sizes. Net price per pair. 1^ Wide, 14 Thick, % Eye, Vs Bolt 37c 1J4 Wide, ]4 Thick, 1 Eye, H Bolt 41c 1% Wide, r% Thick, 1 Eye, iV Bolt 41c 1^ Wide, 1^5 Thick, 1 Eye, iV Bolt 44c ROLLED STEEL POLE <-T" IRONS. Sizes. Net price each. Top T Vsx]4 in., 10 in. long, Shank Vsic^ in., 11 H in. long 15c Bottom T 1x1^4 in., 9^ in. long, Shank 1J4xJ4 ill'. 19 M in- long ] 9c ROLLED STEEL POLE HAMMER STRAPS. -Sizes. 1^x2 1^x2 1^x2 11^^x3 1^x3 1^x3 1^x2 l^^x3 iy2x2 13^x3 1^x3 1^x4 Flat Part yi inch. Half Round Shanks ^^ inch. Net price per doz. sets. ^ Flat part 80c Yi Flat part 80c U Flat part 80c Flat part 80c }i Flat part S5c H Flat part 85c H Flat part 80c H Flat part 90c J^ Flat part 90c Flat part 90c y2 Flat part 95c Flat part 95c CANOPY TOP STANDARDS AND SOCKETS. Standard. Socket. Sizes. Net price per doz. Canopy Top Standards 95c Canopy Top Sockets 72c FINISHED KING BOLTS. Net price each ,8c FINISHED ROLLED STEEL POLF] BRACES. Of No. 2275. Si^es. Net price per pair. 1 in. Eye for H Bolt yi in. round 47c 1 in. Eye for i\ Bolt ^% in. round 48c 1% in. Eye for ^\ Bolt 1% in. round 49c Flanged Pattern. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, J4 inch Shank IGc No. 2, ■:% inch Shank 17c No. 3, k inch Shank 21c No. 4, H inch Shank 30c THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. FINISHED KING BOI.T YOKES. FORGED STEEL CLEVIS. No. 3. No. 4. Collar Pattern. Collar Pattern with Brace. Sizes. Net price each. No. 3, Collar Pattern 10c No. 4, Collar Pattern 20c KING BOLT YOKE AND BRACE. No. 130. Double Reach. Sizes. No. 130, Double Reach, Net price each. 35c KING BOLT YOKE AND BRACE. No. 20 CLEVIS. Net price each. No. 20, Small Clevis, 1]4 wide, 1^ open, ^ inch diam. at bend 12c No. 20, Large Clevis, iVz wide, 1^ open, % inch diam. at bend 17c FORGED STEEL DRAW BOLTS. No. 21. DRAW BOLTS. Net price each. No. 21, Small Draw Bolts, open 1^ center to center, 54 diam., fe shank lie No. 21, Medium Draw Bolts, open 1% cen- ter to center, ^g diam., H shank 12c No. 21, Large Draw Bolts, open 2J^ cen- ter to center, if diam., }i shank 14c DOUBLE PERCH HEAD BLOCK. PLATES. Nos. 54 and 50, Single Reach. Sizes. Net price each. No. 54, Single Reach 25c No. 50, Single Reach 25c FLAT PATTERN HEAD BLOCK PLATE. Wrought Iron. Cut represents the Underside. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, For 1% in. Spring and for No. 1 King Bolt 27c No. 2, For 1% in. Spring and for No. 2 King Bolt 27c No. 3, For I5i in. Spring and for No. 2 King Bolt 30c No. 4, For IH in. Spring and for No. 3 King Bolt 35c No. 102 Sizes. No. 1, for 114 12 in. Circle Socket Pattern. Net price each. Spring, No. 1 King Bolt, 80c No. 2, for 114 Spring, No. 2 King Bolt, 12 in. Circle $1.00 DOUBLE PERCH HEAD BLOCK PLATES. No. 98. Socket Pattern. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, for 1]4 Spring, No. 1 King Bolt, 12 in. Circle 8O0 No. 2, for iy4 Spring, No. 2 King Bolt, 12 in. Circle $100 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. FINISHED HEAD BLOCK AND PERCH PLATES. SWAGED STUMP JOINTS. No. 92 For Perches. Sizes. Net price each. No. lyi in. Spring, 12 in. Circle and ^ in. Perch .75c For 1% in. Spring, 12 in. Circle and ^ in. Perch 80c FINISHED STAY BRACES. Timken. Sizes. Net price per pair. Brewster 13c Timken 18c FINISHED BODY LOOPS. Four to a set. With 12 in. Cover Flat for Buggies. Size of oval %x^^. Net price per set. No. 1118A, 5 inch Drop, 7 inch Flat 45c No. 1118C, 5H inch Drop, 7 inch Flat 45c No. 1118E, 6 inch Drop, 7 inch Flat 45c No. 1118G, 6^ inch Drop, 7 inch Flat 45c No. 1128A, 5 inch Drop 22 and 30 inch Flat 65c No. 1128C, 5H inch Drop, 22 and 30 inch Flat 65c No. 1128E, 6 inch Drop, 22 and 30 inch Flat 65c No. 1128G, 6H inch Drop 22 and 30 inch Flat 65c No. 1128 — 2 pieces 22 inch. Flat and 2 pieces 30 inch Flat to set. STRAIGHT SURREY LOOPS. Sizes. Net price per doz. T%xJ^ inch $1.10 s/sxVi inch 1.30 CONCEALED JOINTS. Sizes 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 in. Net price, pair 8c 8c 8c 9c 10c lie 12c FINISHED TOP BRACES. For 3 or 4 Bow. Net price per pair. 3 Bow Japanned 50c 4 Bow Japanned 50c WROUGHT BODY CORNER IRONS. n FLAT TOP. Width. Net price per set. % and -fff inch 7c H and ^ inch 8c J^ inch 9c OVAL TOP. Width. Net price per set. 14 and 1^5 inch 16c fs inch 18c Two long and two short connections in a set. \%^ROUGHT IRON CLIP TIES. Sizes. Net price per lb. 7/s, 1, lys, IVa, iVi, l^XT^ Hole Plain.. 5c 1, IH, 1^, 1^. IH, IJ^xS^Hole Plain.. 5c FELLOE PLATES. SURREY. Net price per pair. No. 1160D, 11 inch oval, 12 inch Flat. .... .52c Oval measurements are between inside of head and flat part on top of loop. • Ten Pounds in a Box. Sizes. Va, Vs, 1, IJ^, 1^/4. 'i-H, I'A, IH, 1^, and 2 in. Net price per lb oc THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 109 WROUGHT IRON TOE RAILS. r ^ No. 1525. Sizes. Net price each. No. 20, 23, 34, 26 13c No. 28, 30 15c r No. 1510. Sizes. Net price each. No. 20, 21, 22 inch 12c LAZY BACK ARMS AND STANDARDS. Two Back and Two Side Irons Make One Set. Net price per set. Complete, as shown in cut 15c FINISHED CANOPY TOP IRON. No. 1800, Back. Sizes. No. 1800, Front. Net price per set. 1800, Back, Ys, in. round, 53 in. high $1.20 1800, Front, % in. round, 36>^ in. high.. 1.20 Height measured from collar to top, A set consists of four pieces. MALLEABLE IRON TOE RAILS. No. 10, For Piano Bodies. Sizes. Net price each. No. 10, For Piano Bodies 20, 22, 24, 25 in $0.13 BAILEY BODY HANGERS. No. 1010. Buggy Size, to Bolt on Spring. Width, in. out to out.. 18 19 20 21 22 2?, Drop, inches 4 4 4 4 4 4 Net price per pair $0.80 .80 .80 .80 .80 .80 Holes in Spring Pad ZYz inches center to cen- ter. Give size and number. BAILEY BODY HANGERS. No. 1005. Buggy Size, to Clip on Spring. Width, in. out to out.. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Drop, in 4 4 4 4 4 4 Net price per pair $0.80 .80 .80 .80 .80 .80 Holes in Spring Pad 3^ inches, center to center. Give size and number. READ'S REIN SUPPORTERS. REINS NEVER UNDER HORSE'S TAIL OR ENDS OF HIP STRAP. - A simple, practical, convenient, common sense device. Prevent accidents, save annoy- ance, add to the comforts and pleasure of driving. Their simplicity, practical workings, ornamental appearance, little cost, make them appeal strongly to the driving public. Heavily nickeled or brass plated over a heavy copper plate, or highest grade imitation rubber. Net price per dozen pair $1.50 Greatest selling specialty on earth. On dis- play cards. Nickel and Imitation Rubber re- tail 25 cents a pair. Brass 30 cents a pair. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BRADLKY ADJUSTABLE FOOT RAIL. ROLLED STEEL BUGGY RUB IRONS. j^ ^ Sizes r\et price each. 20, 22, 24 in. long, SVz, 4, 4^ in. high 25c Give height and length when ordering. Adjustable to suit different heights of drivers. No possibility of rattle. Easily shifted and securely fastened. READ'S REIN HOLDERS. REINS ALWAYS IN PLACE WHERE THEY OUGHT TO BE. No unfastening reins, running through rings in adjusting. Simple twist of rein, it's in place and stays there. Accidents due reins catching under shaft or trace ends avoided. Sim- ple, practical; finished heavily nickeled or brass plated over a heavy copper plate, or highest grade imi- tation rubber. Net price per dozen pair $1.50 Sales more than all others comined. On dis- play cards. Nickel and Imitation Rubber retail 25 cents a pair. Brass 80 cents a pair. READ'S HORSE TAIL TIE. INSTANTLY ATTACHED. DON'T IRRL TATE OR INJURE HAIR. NO STRAPS TO BREAK, SHRINK, STRETCH. WONDERFUL SELLER. Patent Pending. A handsome device, with no hinges, buckles or metal teeth to cut the hair. Never lets go. Lined with corrugated rubber. Made of spring steel, heavily nickeled or brass plated over a heavy copper plate. On display cards. Nickel retails 25 cents. Brass 30 cents. Net price per dozen. Nickel $1.50 Net price per dozen, Brass 1.75 Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 1250 A, 5 in. long, % in. wide inside of flange 6c No. 1250 B, 6 in. long, % in. wide inside of flange 6c No. 1250 C, 7 in. long, % in. wide inside ,of flange 6c No. 1252 A, 5 in. long, 1J4 in- wide inside of flange 7c No. 1252 B, 6 in. long 1^4 in. wide inside of flange 7c No. 1252 C, 7 in. long, 1% in- wide inside of flange 8c ROLLED STEEL SPRING WAGON RUB IRONS. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 1254 A, 5 in. long, 154 in. wide inside of flange 7c No. 1254 B, 6 in. long, 1^ in. wide inside of flange Sc No. 1254 C, 7 in. long, Iji in. wide inside of flange 9c FANCY END ROLLED STEEL RUB IRONS. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 1264 A, width 2% in., flange 1 in., length 5 in 7c No. 1264 B, width 2^ in., flange 1 in., length 6 in., 8c No. 1264 C, width 2% in., flange 1 in., length 7 in 9c ROLLED STEEL ROLLER CHAFE IRONS. 1205 A. Net price per pair. No. 1205 A, 5 in. long, 2^4 in. wide 18c For End Spring Buggies. No 1200 A. Net price per pair. No. 1200 A, 5 in. long, 1J4 in. wide 15c For Side Bar Buggies. TIIK BARl.OW llARnWARl-: ClX, IJOKRV, PA. ROIiliED STEEL ROLLER CHAFE inoNs. No. 1215 A. Net price per pair. No. 1215 A, 4.5^ in. long, 2M in- wide... 20c For Stanhopes, Phaetons, etc. THE HERBRAND FIFTH WHEELS. Noi and oOy.. Sizes. Net price each. No. BVz, One Seat $1.43 No. 50H, Two Seat 1.67 WROUGHT SETS. Top plate, wrought. Back coupling wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. No. 1225 A. Net price each. No. 1225 A, 5 in. long, 214 in. wide 20c For cut under Jobs. GANON ANTI-FRICTION ROLLER WEAR IRONS. No. 5. No. 6. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 1, For Buggies and Surreys 50c No. 2, For Buggies and Surreys 55c No. 3, For Phaetons 55c No. 4, P'or Cut under Surreys 50c No. 5, For Side-bar Buggies 50c No. 6, For Concords and Phaetons 55c Note. — Give number when ordering. Nos. 66 A and 66 >^. Sizes. Net price each. No. 66 A, for Cut-under Work, back couplings malleable $1.50 No. 66H» for Cut-under Work, back coup- lings wrought 1.67 Top Plate, wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. Nos. 6 A and 10 A. Sizes. Net price each. No. 6 J/2 A, One Seat, with Back Perch Irons $1.24 No. 16 A, Two Seat, with Back Perch Irons 1-50 THE A SETS. Top Plate, wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. Back Coupling, malle- able. Note. — Give number when ordering. 112 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE HERBRAI^D FIFTH WHEELS. THE HERBRAND FIFTH WHEELS. Nos. 5 A and 50 A. Sizes. " Net price each. No. 5 A, One Seat, with Back Perch Irons $1.24 No, 50 A, Two Seats, with Back Perch Irons 1-50 THE A SETS. Top Plate, wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. Back Coupling, malle- able. Sizes. Net price each. 1 A, for Firie Light Work, 54 or ^ inch $1-50 THE A SETS. Top Plate, wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. Back Coupling, malle- able. Sizes. Net price each. No. iy2, for Fine Light Work, H or % inch $1.67 WROUGHT SETS. Top Plate, wrought. Back Coupling, wrought. Reach Iron, wrought. King Bolt, wrought. Bottom Plate, malleable. Axle Plate, malleable. Note. — Give number when ordering. No. 985 A Malleable Sets. Sizes. Net price each. No. 988 A, Two Seat, with Back Perch Irons $1-00 THE «E" BRAND FIFTH WHEELS. No. 947 C. Sizes. Net price each. No. 947 C, One Seat, 10 in. Circle 73c No. 947 D, Two Seat, 12 in. Circle $1.10 THE «E" BRAND FIFTH WHEELS. No. 952 C, Quarter Bottom Circle. Sizes. Net price each. No. 952 C, One Seat, 10 in. Circle, Double Reach 65c THE «E" BRAND FIFTH WHEELS. No. 965 H. Single Straight Perch End Spring Gears. Sizes, Net price each. No. 965 H, 12 inch Circle, 1 Perch Buggies $1.10 Note. — Give number when ordering. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 113 1 THE «E" BRAND FIFTH WHEELS. No. 950. Fur Full Drop Perch Gears End Spring or Side Bar, Sizes. Net price each. No. 950 A, 9 inch Circle, One Seat, Sin- gle Perch $ .85 No. 950 C, 9 inch Circle, One Seat, Dou- ble Perch 1.00 No. 955 A, 10 inch Circle, Two Seat, Sin- gle Perch 1.00 No. 955 C, 10 inch Circle, Two Seat, Dou- ble Perch 1.00 THE «E" BRAND FIFTH WHEELS. Anti-Rattler Attachment. Sizes. Net price each. No. 946 F, One Seat, Double Perch Back Perch Irons v 70c 9 inch Circle, I14 inch Head Block, lJ-4 inch Axle Bearing, 54 inch Perch. BREWSTER FIFTH AVHEELS. No. 930. With Anti-Rattler Attachment. For Two Passenger Vehicles. Double Perch. Double Saddle Clip. Sizes. Net price each. No. 930 A, 12 inch Circle, One Seat $ .90 No. 931 A, 12 inch Circle, Two Seat 1.10 WROUGHT FIFTH WHEELS. No. 17. Full Circle. Sizes. Net price each. lya^H Iron, 14 in. diam $2.10 llixy2 Iron, 14 and 16 in diam 2.25 No. 19.— Platform Circles. Sizes. Price per pair. 1^5x114x24 inches $0.96 ■Hxl^x26 inches 1.25 /^xl Hx28 inches 1.50 Hxl ^x30 inches 1.70 DERBY FIFTH WHEELS. No. 9. Sizes. No. 9, 1 in. Axle, H Iron, No. 9, lys in. Axle, H Iron, No. 9, 1^ in. Axle, ^4 Iron, No. 9, 1^ in. Axle, H Iron, No. 9, 1J4 in. Axle, % Iron, No. 9, 1^ in. Axle, % Iron, No. 9, IH in. Axle, Ji Iron, Net price each. 12 in. Circle. .45c 12 in. Circle. .50c 14 in. Circle.. 50c 14 in. Circle. .50c 14 in. Circle.. 75c 16 in. Circle.. 75c 16 in. Circle. .80c DOUBLE REACH DERBY FIFTH WHEELS. No. 10 J^ B. Sizes. Net price each. No. 10 H B, 1 inch Axle, 5/s Iron, 12 inch Circle 33c No. 10 J^ B, l}i inch Axle, M Iron, 14 in. Circle 37c THE BAKLOW HARDWARE CO., CORR\ , PA. KEISTOISE ^ViRK. No. 12. BREVVSTEU FIFTH WHEELS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 12, 1 inch Axle, U Iron, 12 inch Circle 60c No. 12, iVs inch Axle, M Iron, 14 inch Circle 'J'oc IMPROVED FERNALD aUlCK SHIFTERS. Net price per doz. paii .25c BURTON'S ANTI-RATTLER. Net price per doz. pair Burton's Anti Rattler and Bolt Holder No. 1 80c THE BRADLEY SHAFT COUPLING. IteTOlTID CEc^; 1903 CANADA AHI 17 1S» Net price per doz. pairs $2.00 The Fernald isn't bolted to the pole or shafts and requires no special shaft eye or lug. Can be changed from shafts to pole or pole to shafts in an instant without tools of any kind. SEE THAT Wear Plate Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 8, Buggy size for shafts only $0.70 No. 8, Buggy size for. pole only 70 No. 8, Buggy size for shafts and poles... .90 No. 8, Couplings only, without ends 55 No. 9, Surrey size for shafts only 90 No. 9, Surrey size for pole only 90 No. 9, Surrey size for shafts and poles.. 1.20 Leather Packing, $1.10 per doz. pairs. BRADLEY SHAFT AND POLE ENDS. Shaft End. ® ® TOHNSON'S. Net price per doz. pair 75c Fits any buggy, old or new. (^an be changed from shaft to pole or pole to shaft in an in- stant without the use of tools of any kind. Pole End. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 8, Shaft or Pole Ends only 25c No. 9, Shaft or Pole Ends only.... 30c TIIK BARLOW HARDWARl': CO., CORRY. PA. 31AL,LEAIJL.E IRON SAXD BANDS. Sizes. 2'/^ inch . 2)4 inch . ;^ inch . 3 1/2 inch . 4 inch . 4^ inch . 5 inch . .^i< inch . G inch . No. 7412. 3IALL.EABL,E R19i I Net price per set. $0.12 1 ;5 BANDS. Sizes. Net price per set. 2 to 2^ inch $0.20 2H to 3 inch 22 3^ inch 24 3^4 inch 27 35^ inch 30 3J4 inch 33 Turned, Papered. 1 ^ inches deep. NICKEL, PLATED POLE TIPS. No. 3845. Sizes. Net price each 1% inch $0.35 IH inch -40 iVz inch 75 PLATED SHAFT TIPS. No. 3825. Sizes. Net price per pair. H inch X C Plate $0.05 1 inch X C Plate 0<5 1 Vs inch X C Plate 00 •li'i inch X C Plate 10 Ji inch Nickel Plate 07 1 inch Nickel Plate O'j lig inch Nickel Plate I'-i 1 1'4 inch Nickel Plate 15 NICKEL PLATED NECK YOKE TIPS. No. 3830. Sizes. Net price per pair. % inch $0.45 1 inch 50 1 li inch 55 NICKEL. PLATED WHIFFLETIIEE TIPS. Sizes. No. 90. Net price per pair. $0 25 1 inch 30 1 V= inch . . 35 BUGGY NECK YOKE LEATHERS. GB Sizes. and 2 inch . . . WHIP SOCKETS. Net price each. $0.25 No. 10, for No. 15, for Wood Dash. Leather Dash. No. 18. No. 22 H Sleigh Socket. No. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 10. For Wood Dash $0.65 No. 15. For Leather Dash 75 No. 18. Black, with Band Fastener.... 1.25 No. 221-^. Sleigh Socket 1-50 No. 64. With Band Fastener 1.00 116 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. RUBBER SPRING BUMPERS. Net price _^^bl. -'^''^' for each. .A^^AIl ^'-^ in. Springs . .$0.28 J^^^M. 13/« in. Springs. . .28 fc^l— Ufc. iv. in. Springs. . .39 fli^^^^^iHa 13^ m. Springs. . .58 ^■■W^^F'WleB ^ in. Springs. . .68 THE VICTOR COIL, BUFFER. -B Sizes Net price each. No. i, For Spring 1% to 1^ in $0.65 No. 2, For Spring 1^ to 3 in 80 No. 3, For Spring 2 to 2 J^ in 1.10 Note. — Is a coil spring and is a pronounced success over the old style rubber buffer, as it is more durable, is more firmly attached, and rides easier, outlasting the spring itself, FITCH'S SAFETY WHIFFL.ETREE PIN. Net price per doz $0.25 EXCELSIOR TRACE ATTACHMENT. \' Net price Sizes. Per pr. Per doz. pr. Tapanned $0.06 $0.50 Nickel plated 15 1-50 Note. — The simplest, cheapest and most effective device for this purpose on the mar- ket. FERNALD DOUBLE TRACE HOLDER. ^ PATENTED NOV. IB. 1904. Net price, per pair $0.12 Net price per doz. pair 1.10 It releases the trace at a touch, yet when in use the trace cannot pull or work loose. THOMAS TOP PROPS. Screw Base. Net price per set F'ive Sets in a box $0.15 KNOB EYELETS. CI Front. Back. Sizes. Per doz. No. 2 $0.05 Net Per price gross $0.26 ^|g|^^. LARGE KNOB j|^BW|k EYELETS. ^H^H^^» Sizes. per gross. ^HH^bH^ No. 8, Harness Leather ^QmiP^ Centers . . . Per doz ,$0.65 .$0.08 RUBBER PROP BLOCKS. _^|i|| ^^R Ik Net price SKM Sizes. each. ^S/k JM i Two foot pieces ..$0.25 ^I2 linliiP w TOP PROP NUTS AND RIVETS. Sizes. Net price per doz. Japanned Nuts $0.10 Japanned Rivets 10 STEEL BOW SOCKETS. Size. Net price per set. 3 Bow, 29 inch $0,55 4 Bow, 29 inch 65 SINGLE SOCKETS FOR REPAIRING. Net price each. Back Bows $0.15 Front Bows 12 Main Bows 13 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 117 CARRIAGE KNOBS. No. 8. No, 20. No. 75. No. 81. Sizes. Net price per gross. No. 8, Riveting, Flat Base, Hexagon, Common 40c No. 20, Screw, Single Curtain, Hexagon Base, 5^ screw 55c No. 75, Drive, Double Curtain, Ji Round Shank 30c No 81, Drive, Double Curtain, % Round Shank, Barbed 30c WROUGHT IRON CARRIAGE KNOBS. fmtf No. 102. No. 103. No. 109. No. 110. Sizes. Net price per gross. No. 102, Wrought Iron, Drive, Barbed, 5/^ or ^ shank 40c No. 103, Wrought Iron, Rivet, Single Cur- tain 40c No. 109, Wrought Iron, Rivet, Double Curtain 45c No. 110, Wrought Iron, Drive, Double Curtain, ^ shank 40c BRASS GROM3IETS AND WASHERS. CURTAIN STRAP AND FASTENER. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. G, with Rivets 15c WAGON CURTAIN PATCHES. '_izes. i^gt price per doz. No. 4, Complete with Staples 24c ROLL UP STRAPS. Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 2, Patent Leather 4c DOUBLE LOOPS AND BUCKLES. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 7, Metal, Size of Loop ^x2 inches,. 20c No. 1, Metal, Size of Loop Mx2^ inches.. 24c Sizes. Net price per gross. No. 0, ^2 Hole 35c CANOPY TOP KNOBS AND EYELETS. SINGLE LOOPS AND BUCKLES. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 2, Metal, Size of Loop ^x2 inches. .. .35c Fastener and Eyelet. Knob. Sizes. Net price per gross. Knobs and Eyelets $1.75 Knobs only 1.00 Eyelets only 75 THE ADJUSTABLE CURTAIN FASTENER. .Sizes. M. S. Net price per doz. , 50c 118 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PERFECTION CURTAIN FASTENER. No. 1 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Sizes. Net price per doz. No. 1, For Back Stay 45c No. 3, For Fails, Concave Single 45c No. 4, To Rivet, Single Flat 45c No. 5, For Wood, Double Curtain 45c Eyelets for Perfection Curtain Fasteners. .T^c Note. — Give number when ordering. Packed one dozen in a box. PROP BLOCK WASHERS. Flat Center. Raised Center. Sizes. Net price per doz. Patent Leather Flat Center, 2 in. square hole 15c Patent Leather Raised Center, 2 in. round hole 15c TOP PROP WASHERS. Sizes. Net price per 100. No. 1, for /e i"ch Prop Leather loc o o SWEDES IRON TRIMMERS' TACKS. »WT TT T TT T Hiiiin Sizes. 2) 3 4 G 8 10 12 14 IG 18 One Dozen Papers in a Package. Net price per paper. oz. Half Weight 4c oz. Half Weight -Ic oz. Half Weight • 5c oz. Half \yeight 5c oz oz Half Weight 5c Half Weight 5c oz. Half Weight 6c oz. Half Weight 7c oz. Half Weight Sc oz. Half Weight 8c CAPPED HEAD JAPANNED LINING NAILS. TTT TTTT 20 Papers in a Package. Net price 4 oz 5c 6 oz 8 oz ,5c Net price 10 oz 5c 12 oz 5c 14 oz 5c SOLID HEAD JAPANNED LINING NAILS. In Bulk. Sizes. Net price per lb. 4, 6, 8, 10. 12 ounces 18c JAPANNED TUFTING NAILS. Sizes. Net price per paper. Japanned 22 line, 1^ inch 13c Japanned 22 line, H inch 13c T CLOTH TUFTING NAILS. Sizes. Net price per gross. Green and Blue Cloth 22 line, J inch 18c Green and Blue Cloth 12 line, 14 oz 18c Whip Cord 22 line 25c SEAMING CORD, Sizes. ;? lbs. to ball. Net price per lb. 13c TUFTING TWINE. Sizes. Net price per ball. One-half pound in ball 30c JAPANNED TUFTING BUTTONS. Sizes. Japanned 22 line. Net price per gross. , 10c CliOTH TUFTING BUTTONS. ^ Sizes. Net price per gross. Green or Blue Cloth 18c Whip Cord 20c THE BARLOW IIARDWARK CO., CORRY. PA. CURTAIN LIGHTS. BUGGY APRON. Sizes. ). 12, 1^4x5 inch ). 15, 1^x5 J/2 inches inside ». 7, Sfsxo inches inside, ). 20, 2y8x5}i inches inside, >. 14, iyixl inches inside I. 18, 3x4x7 inches inside. Keystone shape Net price Each Per doz side.. $0.05 $0.2; 05 12 20 40 45 1.10 2.00 4.00 40 4.05 OVAL CURTAIN LIGHTS. Thirty Yards in a Piece. Net price per yard. Single — S — Plain finish, 40 in. wide $0.14 CUSHION SPRINGS. Cushion. Back. Sizes. Net price per doz. Back Springs $0.12 Cushion Springs $0.20 CHASE CARRIAGE RUBBER. The very best. Sizes. Net price each. 18 oz. Rubber, IJ/i yards long $0.90 Complete, with Straps and Line Pockets. Give size of Dash when ordering. PATENT DASH LEATHER. Net price per sq. foot. Best Quality only, full hides $0.17 Best Quality only, cut 20 NEW SPRING CUSHION ATTACHMENT This consists of a steel band Js in. wide with grooves into which 3 springs are firmly inserted so they may not easily be detached. A set con- sists of 5 bands, each having 3 springs. These are to be used in stuffing box cushions. Net price each. Per strip of 3 springs $0.00 THE NEW^ "I. D." THIRD SEAT. Net price each $0.85 It makes every buggy and sleigh you own as comfortable for three persons as two, either adult or child. By the use of this seat the third person occupies the same position (over the limbs of the other two), but all the weight and inconvenience are removed from the other occupants. It needs no fastening and fits any vehicle. Sizes. Net price per vard. 32 oz., White Back, 50 inches wide $0.40 ■?2 oz., Blue Back, 50 inches wide 50 2:2 oz.. Green Back, 50 inches wide 50 Note. — We carry only the best Carriage Rubber made. PREMIUai SPRING WHIFFLETREE HOOKS. Size s. No. 1, Size 7/s No. 2, Size 1 No. 3, Size IV^ No. 4, Size 1'4 No. 5, Size IH No. 6, Size 1^ Net price per pair. in. $0.19 in. .19 xn. .22 in. .25 in. .28 in. .32 ISO THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. colli AXLE W^ASHERS. SHAFT TRIMMINGS. Sizes. Net price per 100. ^ inch Nut and Collar, 100 in Box 15c 1 inch Nut and Collar, 100 in Box 17c Ij/s inch Nut and Collar, 100 in Box 20c 1% inch Nut and Collar, 100 in Box 23c SOLID SOLE LEATHER AXLE WASHERS. Packed in Boxes of 8 Set. Net price Sizes. per set. 74 inch Axle... 3 He 1 inch Axle... 4c lli inch Axle...4Hc Net price Sizes. per set. 1]4. inch Axle. . .5c IH inch Axle. . .6c 1^ inch Axle. . .7c BUGGY-BOOT SPRING. Net price per pair 5c Our boot springs are 5^ inches long, made of best spring wire. One should be attached on each side of boot, about 3 inches from hinge and down in buggy box, so as to extend them about 1 inch when boot is closed. By far the best device for the purpose. CANOPY TOP HOOKS. i _ Cupped Hook. No. 1. No. 2. Net price per gross. Cupped Screw Hook, Japanned 75c No. 1, Plain Hook, Japanned 60c No. 2, Plain Hook, Japanned 50c HARNESS HOOKS. No. 6. Net price each $ .25 Top hook 10 H inches, lower hook 4 inches. Net price per set 60c Set consists of 2 pieces patent leather 3J^- x5Hx36 in.; 2 pieces 4x6 in.; 2 pieces 5x6 in. and 6 harness leather straps. SHAFT STRAPS ONLY. Sizes. Net price per set. Set of 2 pieces, 8, 10 and 12 in. long 12c 12 in. Straps separate. .. .Net price each 2J^c SHAFT LEATHERS ONLY. Sizes. Net price each. Point pieces, 3^x5^-^x36 in 20c Point pieces, 4 x6 x36 in 21c DRAW GAUGES. Sizes. Net price each. No. 52y2, Draw Gauges, Iron Frame. .. $1.35 CORNER MANGER. Size, 17x17x10 lard. Net price each, $1.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 121 TUFTING NEEDLES. CARRIAGE FRINGES. Sizes. No. 97. Net price each. 6 to 14 inches $0.10 Sizes. "" No. 971^. Net price each. 2 inch eyes $0.10 Glover's Needles, size 00 to 2, per paper. .12 Harness Needles, size to 4, per paper. .13 I 1 1 CAP KNIVES. No. 79. Net price each Round handles $0.20 No. 80. Net price each Flat Riveted handle $0.40 No. 76. Net price each. Square Point Roll handle $0.20 SADDLER'S KNIFE. No. 127. No. 70. iiiffl No. 6000. Net price per yard. No. 127, 5 inch Worsted Bullion $0.18 No. 6000, 6 inch, 2 Knot Worsted Gen.. .25 TRIMMERS' SHEARS. Sizes. Net price each. Tapanned Handle, Bent Shears, 8^ in. long $0.85 Japanned Handle, Straight, 814 in. long. .70 Japanned Handle, Clearcut Bent, 10 in. long 1.25 WAGON, TRUCK AND BUGGY U3IBREULAS. Oval Handles, 6 inch. Net price eacch. $1.20 Sizes. Net price each. 36 inch Heavy Drill— White $1-35 38 inch Heavy Drill— White 1-50 40 inch Heavy Drill— White I.60 Best Quality. Heavy steel rib§ and fixtures. Handles 1% inch White Ash, oiled and var- nished. 132 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. BUGGY DASHES. Sizes. 18x11 19x11 20x11 21x11 22x11 23x11 24x11 25x11 26x11 27x11 28x11 29x11 30x11 31x11 32x11 33x11 34x11 35x11 36x11 38x11 40x11 22x13 23x13 Net price each. inch $0.75 inch 82 inch 86 inch 88 inch 90 inch 92 inch 94 inch 97 inch 99 inch 1.01 inch 1.03 inch 1.06 inch 1.09 inch 1.11 inch 1.13 inch 1.15 inch 1.18 inch 1.20 inch 1.23 inch 1.30 inch 1.36 inch 98 inch 1.00 Sizes. 24x13 25x13 26x13 27x13 28x13 29x13 30x13 32x13 34x13 36x13 I 22x15 I 23x15 24x15 25x15 26x15 27x15 28x15 29x15 30x15 32x15 34x15 36x15 Net price each. inch $1.03 inch 1.07 inch 1.10 inch 1.13 inch 1.16 inch 1.20 inch 1.23 inch 1.27 inch 1.33 inch 1.44 inch 1.07 inch 1.10 inch 1.14 inch 1.18 inch 1.20 inch 1.25 inch 1.28 inch 1.30 inch 1.33 inch 1.40 inch 1.45 inch 1.50 SURREY DASHES. Sizes. Net price each. | Sizes. Net price each. 25x16 inch $1.40 | 29x16 inch $1.55 26x16 inch 1.44 j 30x16 inch 1.60 27x16 inch 1.48 32x16 inch 1.66 28x16 inch 1.52 1 j^ote — These Dashes are No. 1. Not Seconds. WARNER STORM PROTECTOR. V vWVy Combination storm apron and storm curtain. Adjustable, fastened by hooks to dash and bow. Being fastened inside top it is impossible for rain to leak in. Look-out light is brought close to occupants inside top, thus protected from rain or snow. Cut above shows storm front in actual use. Alakes a closed carriage. After the storm is over, upper part may be lowered and rolled out of way, making a fine storm apron. The front is very well made out of good materials and is a ready seller. It can be put on and taken off while sitting in the buggy, and in quicker time than any other device for this purpose. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1. 24 oz. Rubber $2.00 No. 3. 24 oz., Melodeon Cloth. 2.40 The above will fit the ordinary size top buggy. RUBBER MATTING. ADJUSTABLE DUST HOOD. To Keep Mud aud Dust Out of Top. Sizes in stock. Net price each. 20-oz. Rubber, Adjustable $1.00 Saves Top linings at a small cost. Net price per lineal foot, JG inches wide, 3-32 inch thick $0.25 For floors, hallways, aisles, steps, stairs, floors of carriages, etc. Will outwear all other floor coverings and is easily cleaned. Deadens noise, prevents slipping, soft and yielding to the step, is neat and ornamental. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY »A. 123 BUGGY TOPS. Shipped from factory. BUGGY TOPS. Shipped from factory. REGULAR THREE BOW TOP. The following tops have steel sockets, three or four-bowed. Metal loops in back stays. Corded front and black valance. Wrought iron adjustable rail and joints, nicely japanned. L^nlined back curtain. Head lining corded. DRII.L. TOP. No. 35. This top is made of leather finished enamel drill throughout. It is lined with cotton cloth. Back and side curtains are color- back drill. Net price each Cotton $6.00 20-oz. RUBBER TOPS. No. 37. Is made of 20-oz. rubber, of good quality, and is lined with either LTnion or cot- ton cloth. Side curtains and back curtain are color-back 30-oz. rubber. Net price each Cotton $6.50 Union 7.00 2ii-oz. RUBBER TOP. No. 41. Twenty-two oz. rubber is used in this top throughout. Top is lined with LTnion cloth throughout, except side and back cur- tains, which are color-back rubber $7.25 26-oz. RUBBER TOPS. No. 43. Only the best 26-oz. rubber is used in the construction of this top. Wool and Union cloth is used for lining. Side and back curtains are color-back rubber. Will outwear a leather quarter top. Union Lined $7.75 No. 45 Wool 8.25 SPL.it LEATHER QUARTER TOP. No. 55. The side quarters and back stays of this top are made of No. 1 split leather. The roof, side and back curtains are made of 20-oz. rubber. Curtains not lined. Top lined with LTnion cloth $8.50 M. B. LEATHER QUARTER TOP. No. 61. Made of machine buffed leather in the side quarters and back stays; 20 oz. rubber roof and curtains. Back curtain lined. Top lined with Union cloth $10.25 Tops Without Rail 25c Less. TOPS ARE MADE TO ORDER. Directions for Measurements, Page 125. REGULAR FOUR BOW TOP. FULL SPLIT LEATHER TOP. No. 59. This top is made of No. 1 split leather throughout, except side curtains, which are color-back rubber. Lined only with wool cloth. Net price, each $12.50 The following are regular custom made tops. Lined throughout with 8-oz. all wool lining, ex- cepting the side curtains, which are made of color-back rubber; steel bow-sockets three or four bow; adjustable wrought iron rail and joints; adjustable patent fasteners in back stays; back stays padded with wadding, and lining blinds stitched; dust lining in side quarters; hand stitched front and back valance. These tops we guarantee to be first-class in every respect. No. 3. This top is made of 24-oz. rubber drill throughout, and lined with 8-oz. wool cloth $13.00 No. 4. This top is made of 30-oz. rubber duck throughout, and lined with 8-oz. wool cloth $13.75 No. 6. This is a split leather quarter top made of No. 1 split leather, with 30-oz. rubber duck roof; back curtains and side curtains lined with 8-oz. all wool cloth $14.75 No. 7. Is a full leather top, made of No. 1 split leather throughout, except the side cur- tains, which are made of 30-oz. rubber duck; top lined with all wool 8-oz. cloth $18.75 No. 8. A leather quarter top, made of No. 1 machine buffed leather; with 30-oz. rubber duck roof, back and side curtains; top lined with 10-oz. all wool cloth $17.50 No. 9. Is a full leather top, made of No. 1 machine buffed leather throughout, except side curtains, which are made of 30-oz. rubber duck: top lined with 10-oz. all wool cloth $25.50 (Continued Next Page.) Tops Without Rail 30c Less. TOPS ARE MADE TO ORDER. Directions for Measurements, Page 125. Price F. O. B. factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BUGGY TOPS. Shipped from factory. IMITATION LEATHER TOP. Sizes. Net price each. No. 31. This top is made of imitation leather, is lined only with cotton lining, and made only in three-bow. This is a very cheap top, designed for cheap repair work. Side and back curtains are color-back. Wrought rail and joints $5.75 WHITE DUCK TOP. No. 79. This top is made entirely of heavy No. 10 White Duck. Top is not lined; bows are painted. Made in three-bow only. Wrought rail and joints $7.50 SPECIAL ACME TOP. Detachable side curtains. Back cur- tain rolls up. Covered with White Sail Duck or Colored Blue or Brov^^n and in sizes to fit seats from 40 to 48 inches out to out on Top. Net price each $4.40 Send length seat, out to out on top. BUGGY TOPS. Shipped from factory. THREE-BOW HANDY. 25 Cents Extra For This Style Above Regular Prices. FOUR-BOW HANDY. 25 Cents Extra for This Style Above Regular Prices. EXTENSION TOPS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 10, Leather-finished drill lining $ 9.50 No, 11, 20-oz. rubber. Union lining 12.00 No. 12, 24-oz. rubber. Union lining 12,25 No. 13, 30-oz. rubber, Union lining 12.75 No. 14, Split leather, Union lining 15.26 No. 15, Machine buffed leather quarter. Union lining 19-50 Tops Without Rail 30c Less. TOPS ARE MADE TO ORDER. Directions for measurements. Page 125. Prices F. O. B. factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 125 BUGGY TOPS. ROUND BUGGY UMBRELLA. HOW TO 3IKASURE FOR BUGGY TOPS All Tops Three-bow and Green Lining unless otherwise ordered. For Top give exact measure from A to B. For Full Back give exact measure from A to B and E to F. For Cushion give exact length and width on bottom. For Fall give exact width of body. PHAETON. Give distance across goose-neck where bows are attached. Give distance from center of goose-necks to bottom of seat. Give distance from goose-neck to back prop iron. Give width of back panel. EXTENSION TOP. For Spring Wagons give width of seat, dis- tance from front of front seat to front of back seat. If ironed, give distance between goose- necks of front and back seat. Give difference in height, if any. For Surrey, give the same dimensions as for Phaetons, also distance from goose-neck on rear seat to goose-neck on front seat, from front goose-neck to front of seat. TOPS WITHOUT RAIL. Give distance across goose-necks. Give width of rail at back corners. Give distance from goose-neck to prop iron where joint is attached. (Tops requiring Bows over 43 inches wide, $1.00 extra.) Net price each. No. 1. Round, with Fringe and Standard. $4. .50 No. 3. Round, with Fringe and Standard. 3.75 No. 1 — Colors Tan, Blue, Brown and Green. No. 3 — Colors Tan only. CANOPY. Shipped from factory. Cover, Lining, and Fringe, same as used on English Canopies. Covers, Specially Woven Duck, Light Color. ' Price. Price. 44x48 $ 9.50 48x60 $12.25 48x48 9.50 48x64 12.25 48x54 10.80 48x72 13.50 54x54 10.80 54x76 13.50 60x60 12.25 54x80 14.50 THREE BOW^ AVAGON SEAT TOPS. With All Irons Ready to Attach to Seat. Net price each. Covered with Blue and White Striped Duck $3.40 Note.— Regular Sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inch. Send measure of Seat from Out to Out on Top. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. COMMON CUSHIONS. Shipped from factory. Sizes. No. 20, No. 21, No. 23, No. 24, 36 INCHES AND UNDER. No Fall. Enamel Muslin $0.55 Drill 65 22-ounce rubber 75 White Duck 90 Cushions over 36x14 Extra. CUSHIONS. With Fall. $0.65 .80 .90 1.05 Net price each. With No Sizes. Springs. Springs. No. 72, 14-oz. All Wool Cloth.. $3. 25 $2.75 No. 71, 12-oz. Union Cloth 2.60 2.10 No. 75, Split Leather 3.25 2.80 No. 77, M. B. Leather 4.50 4.00 No. 70, Imitation Leather 1.75 1.35 Cushions over 28x15 inches, Extra. PLAIN SPRING CUSHION AND BACK. iffl:: Prices are for both the Plain Spring 4 Cushion and the j|| Pipe Cushion and Back and includes The Back attached to Net price per set. both Cushion and Back. solid panel. Sizes. Pipe. Plain. No. 26, No. 38, 16-oz. Cloth, Moss Top.. $6.70 No. 27, No. 39, 14-oz. Cloth, Moss Top.. 6.40 No. 28, No. 40, 12-oz. Cloth, Moss Top.. 5.90 No. '29, No. 41, Split Leather, Moss Top. 8.10 No. 30, No. 42, M. B. Leather, Moss Top 11.00 Cushions over 28 in. Long, Extra. If the Wood Panel or Sidearm Rails are Not Wanted, Deduct 50c. PIPE SPRING BACK AND CUSHIONS. Shipped from factory. PRICES SAME AS PLAIN SPRING. PLAIN TUFTED BACK AND CUSHION, 28 INCHES AND UNDER. Sizes. Net price each. No. 71 J^, 12-ounce LInion Cloth, each Back or Cushion $1.55 No. 70 J/^, Imitation Leather, each Back or Cushion 1.00 No. 731^, Whip Cord, each Back or Cushion 1.55 No. 77 H, M. B. Leather, each Back or Cushion 2.50 No 75 J^, Split Leather, each Back or Cushion 2.00 Note. — If wanted with springs add 75 cents each. Cushions over 28x15 inches. Extra. PULL BACKS. ^pmm: Net price each With No Sizes. Springs. Springs. No. 82, 14-oz. All Wool Cloth.. $3.15 $2.65 No. 81, 12-oz. Union Cloth 2.60 2.10 No. 86, Split Leather, Moss Top 3.00 2.50 No. 87, Leather, M. B 4.00 3.50 No. 80, Imitation Leather 1.85 1.35 Backs over 32 in. Long, 10c per in. extra. Note. — All Cushions are made to order. Price F. O. B. Factory. THE BARLOW HARDVVARK CO., CORRY, PA. PIANO BOX BODIES. Shipped from Factory, -1 No. 1, PIANO BOX BODY. No. 1, Piano Box Body, Straight Risers, Convex Seat, Regular Length 54 in... $4. 25 No. 2, Piano Box Body, Concave Risers, Swell Sides, Convex Seat, High Arms, regular length 54 inches 4.50 No. 3, PL\NO BOX BODY. Net price each. No. 3, Piano Box Body, Swell Sides, Con- vex Body Panels, Concave Risers, O. G. Seat, regular length 54 inches $5.00 No. 5, PL\NO BOX BODY. Net price each. No. 5, Piano Box Bod}'', with Panel Seat, Solid Bent Connen, Loose Lazy Back, Length 56 inches $7.75 No. 6, PL\NO BOX BODY. Net price each. No. 6, Piano Box Body, Moulded Sides and Rear End, with Rail Seat, Length 54 inches $9.00 Note. — Seats Ironed for Shifting Rail. Reg- ular length 54 inches, width 24 inches or under. Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped direct from the factory. PIANO BOX BODIES. Shipped from Factory. Xo. i'.'.i;u Net price each. No. 7, Park Wagon, with two Phaeton Seats, Sizes of Body 25x66 inches $9.00 No. 8. Same with Two Buggy Seats, Panel Backs Attached, Size of Body 25x66 in. 8.00 No. 15, CORNING BODY. Net price each. No. 15, Corning Body, Straight Riser High Arms, Two Lines Moulding, Con- vex Seat, Regular Size 23x50 inches. . .$6.00 No. 16, WHITECHAPEL BODY. Net price eacl No. 16, Whitechapel Body,_ Phaeton Spat, Concave Risers, Two Lines Moulding, Regular Size 29x54 inches $6.7 No. 17, CONCORD BODY. Net price each. No. 17, Concord Body, with Phaeton Seat, Body 29x54 inches $8.50 Same Style with Buggy Seat 7.50 Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped direct from factory. Price F. O. B. Factory. 128 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. ROAD ^VAGON BODY. Shipped from Factory. STANHOPE BODY. Shipped from Factory. No. 18, SPINDLE ROAD WAGON. Net price each. No. 18, Spindle Road Wagon, with High Arm Seat, Size 24x55 inches $5.25 No. 19, SPINDLE ROAD WAGON. Net price each. No. 19, Spindle Road Wagon with Phae- ton Seat, Size 23x50 inches $7.00 No. 20, Same with Spindle Seat 7.50 No. 21, Same with Buggy Seat 7.00 No. 25, CUTUNDER PIANO BOX BODY. Net price each. No. 25, Cutunder Piano Box Body, with Spindle Seat, Single or Double Bent Spindles, Metal or Wood Post Handles, Length, 56 inches $10.50 No. 26, Same, with Fancy Panel Seat. . 11.50 No. 27, CUT UNDER PIANO BOX BODY. Net price each. No. 27, Cutunder Piano Box Body, Moulded Edges, with O. G. Phaeton Seat, Length, 56 inches $11.00 No. 28, Same with Spindle Seat 10.50 Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped direct from the factory. Price F. O. B. Factory. No. 30, STRAIGHT SILL STANHOPE BODY. Net price each. No. 30, Straight Sill Stanhope Body, with Phaeton Seat, Size 23x52 inches. .$8.00 No. 31, STRAIGHT SILL STANHOPE BODY. Net price each, Nu. 31, Straight Sill Stanhope Body, with Panel Seat, Size 27x51 inches. .$9.50 PHAETONS. No. 46, PHAETON BODY. Net price each. No. 46, Phaeton Body, Size 295^x7^ inches $11.00 No. 47, PHAETON BODY. Net price each. No. 47, Phaeton, Size 29^x47^ inches. .$9.00 Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped direct from the factory. Price F. O. B. Factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. 129 SURREYS. Shipped from Factory SURREYS. Shipped from Factory. No. 56, STRAIGHT SILL SURREY BODY. No. 61, STRAIGl] i LRREY BODY Net price each. Net price each. No. 61, Straight Sill Surrey Body, size No. 56, Straight Sill Surrey Body, size 27x70 inches $12.50 27x70 inches $13.75 No. 76, CUTUNDER SURREY BODY. No. 57, STRAIGHT SILL SURREY BODY. No. 57, Straight Sill Surrey Bodj-, three- quarter size 25x27 inches $10.00 Net price each. „ . . , No. 76, Cutunder Surre}' Body, three- Net price each. quarter size 25x67 inches $15.50 With Both Panel Seats 15.00 No. 59, STRAIGHT SILL SURREY BODY. Net price each. No. 59, Straight Sill Surrey Body, Seats Convex and Concave, size 21x70 ins.. $13. 50 No. 166, SURREY. Net price each. No. 166, Surrey Cutunder, Both Seats Spindle with Metal Handle $16.50 No. 60, STRAIGHT SILL SURREY BODY. Net price each. No. 60, Straight Sill Surrey Body, size 27x70 inches $13.50 Note. — Bodies and beats are shipped from factory. Price F. O. B. Factory. No. 168, SURREY. Net price each. No. 168, Surrey, Straight Sill, Panel Seats with Metal Handles $12.50 Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped direct from the factory. Price F. 0. B. Factory. 130 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SEATS. Shipped from Factory. Buggy Seats Not Ironed Net price each $1.31 No. X, BUGGY SEATS. Net price each. No. X Seat, Ironed for Shifting Rails $1.70 No. XX, BUGGY SEATS. Net price each. No. XX Seat, Ironed for Shifting Rails with Handles $1.75 No. 1, BENT SPINDLE SEATS. Net price each. No. 1 Seat, with Metal Post Handles, for "Buggies or Surreys $3.50 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ie No. 45, BUGGY SEAT. Net price each. Semi-Stick Band Seat with Plain Band.. $4. 50 Add for Surrey, Standard size 75 SEATS. Shipped from Factory. No. 2, BENT SPINDLE SEAT. Net price each No. 2 Seat, Metal Post Braces Curved Wood Posts, for Buggies or Surreys $4.0( No. 3, BAND SPINDLE SEAT. Net price eacl No. 3 Seat, for Buggies or Surreys $4.5 No. 5M. AUTO SEAT. Net price eacl Buggy Size $5.5 Surrey Size . / 6.0 No. 28 O. G., AUTO SEAT. Net price each. Buggy Size $4.75 Surrey Size 5.50 Note, — Bodies and Seats are shipped from the factory. No. 1. AUTO SEAT. Net price each With Top and Lower Back each in one piece. Solid Bent Corners. Buggy size. $6.5 Note. — Bodies and Seats are shipped fror the factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 131 ge:ars in the white. Shipment from factory. No. 0% — BUGGY GEAR. Net price each $7 Axles — Double Collar ^fx6i/^ fan tail swedged, with point centre axle clips and beds cemented to axles. Springrs — 3-leaf graded in pairs, with wood spring- bars. Fifth Wheel — Full bearing 12-inch with hickory reaches ironed full length. Note — Will furnish 4-leaf springs, L. D. axles and wrought Bailey hoops, if desired, extra $1 50 No. 04— ELLIPTIC BUGGY GEAR. Net price each $8 . 50 Axles — Li. D. fix6% fan tail swedged, with point centre axle clips and beds cemented to axles. Springs — 4-leaf graded in pairs, with wood spring bars. Fifth Wheel — Wilcox 12-inch Derby, with bent hickory reaches, mortised in head block and ironed full length. Note — Will furnish with wrought Bailey hoops if desired, extra 70 No. 0110— ELLIPTIC BUGGY GEAR. Net price each $9.25 Axles — L(. D. t|x61/^ fan tail swedged, with point centre axle clips and beds cemented to axles. Springs — 4-leaf open head with wood spring bars. Fifth Wheel — Wilcox 12-inch Brewster slot with bent hickory reaches, mor- tised in head block and ironed full length. Note — Will furnish with wrought Bailey hoops if desired, extra 70 All Gears are shipped direct from the factory. Prices F. O. B. Factory. J 33 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Y GEARS IN THE WHITE. Shipment from factory. No. 05— BON TON GEAR. Net price each 19.25 Axles — Double Collar t|x61/^ fan tall, swedged with point centre axle clips and beds cemented to axles. ilprlngs — Genuine Bon Ton, which is recognized as being the most satisfac- tory side spring made. Note — Will take bodies from 24x54 to 25x56. Furnished with L. D. axles if desired, extra 25 No. 056— SOUTHERN SIDE SPRING GEAR, Net price each $7.50 Axles — Double Collar ifx6% rear axle coached. Springs — Side springs with rear braces from outside of springs to rear axle instead of inside. Note — This gear has no reaches, will take bodj^ 24x54. No. 045 — DOUBLE REACH SIDE SPRING GEAR. Net price each = Axles — Double Collar i|x6% fan tail and swedged. Springs — Side springs hung on loose shackles, front and rear. Fifth Wheel — Full bearing 12-inch with double reaches, iron full length. Note — Will take body 24x54. All Gears are shipped direct from the factory. Prices F. O. B. Factory. $8.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. 133 GEARS IN THE WHITE. Shipment from factory. No. 057 — CONCORD GEAR. Net price each |8 . 75 Axles — Double Collar itx6i^ fan tail swedged, with beds cemented to axles. Springs — 1% inches 4 -leaf, 52i^ inches long. Fifth Wheel — Face plate or 12 inch circle. Note — Will furnish with L. D. axles and equalizers if desired, extra 1.00 '^1^- No. 0291 — SURREY GEAR- Net price each Axles— Double Collar, It^hxIVs fan tail and swedged. with point centre axle clips. Springs — l%x4 and 5 -leaf. Fifth AVheel — Full bearing 12 inch, with reaches ironed full length. Note — Will furnish with steel bar in front and Bailey loop rear, also L. D. axles if desired, extra Prices F. O. B. Factory. $10.30 1.50 134 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. GBARS IN THE WHITE. Shipped from factory. No. 0330 — THREE SPRING GEAR. Net price each $9.75 Capacity — 800 lbs. Axles — Double Collar l^^s.^Vz in. Springs — 1% in., with carrying capacity of 800 lbs. Fifth Wheel — Short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and well Ironed. pfote — Furnished regular for body 34 in. by 84 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1.50 No. 0340 — THREE SPRING GEAR. Net price each $11.50 Capacity — 1200 lbs. Axles — Double Collar, IVsxei^ in. Springes — 1% in., with carrying capacity of 1,200 lbs. Fifth W^heel — Short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and well ironed. Note — Furnished regular for body 34 in. by 84 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1.50 No. 0212Mj — THREE SPRING GEAR. Net price each $16.25 Capacity — 1,500 lbs. Axles — Double Collar, 1 14x61/2 in. Springs — li/^ in., with carrying capacity of 1,500 lbs. Fifth W^heel — Heavy short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and heavily ironed. Note — Furnished regular for body 34 in. by 108 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1.50 All Gears are shipped direct from the factory. Prices F. O. B. Factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 135 GKARS IN THE WHITE. Shipment from factory. No. 0335— HALF-PLATFORM GEAR. Net price each ?ll -20 Capacity — 800 lbs. Axles — Double Collar, l-^xQVz in. Springs — 1% in., with carrying capacity of 800 lbs. Fifth Wheel — Short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and well ironed. Note — Furnished regular for body 34 in. by 84 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1-50 No. 0345 — HALF-PLATFORM GEAR. Net price each ?13 . 45 Capacity— 1,200 lbs. Axles — Double Collar, l%x6i^ in. Springs — 1% in., with carrying capacity of 1,200 lbs. Fifth Wheel — Short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and well ironed. jVote — Furnished regular for body 34 in. by 84 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1 • ^^ No. 0212— HALF-PLATFORM GEAR. Net price each $17.15 Capacity — 1,500 lbs. Axles — Double Collar, li/4x6i/^ in. Springs — 1% in., with carrying capacity of 1,500 lbs. Fifth W^heel — Heavy short turn, with double reaches mortised in head block and heavily ironed. Note — Furnished regularly for body 38 in. by 108 in. Will furnish triple front spring if desired, extra 1.50 All Gears are shipped direct from the factory. Prices F. O. B. Factory. me THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. No. 24— IMPROVED SINGER DUPLEX GEAR. ^ Shipped from factory. Net price each No. Axle. Springs. Capacity. f. o. b. factory. 1 1 x6J^ in. 114x42x3 and 4 800 lbs. $ 9.22 2 lHx7 in. 1^x42x4 and 5 1,000 lbs. 9.90 3 Ij4x7 in. 1^x42x4 and 5 1,200 to 1,500 lbs. 11.83 4 lHx7K in. 1^x42x5 and 6 1,700 to 1,800 lbs. 14.85 5 1^x8 in 154x40x5 and 6 2,200 to 2,500 lbs. 18.70 No. 25 — COMBINATION SINGER DUPLEX AND ELLIPTIC GEAR. Net price each No. Axle. Front Spring. Hind Spring. Capacity. f. o. b. factory. 1 1 x6K in. 154x42x3 114x36x4 Light. 800 lbs. $10.20 2 1^x7 in. ' 154x42x4 154x36x4 Heavy. 1,000 lbs. 11.05 3 lJ4x7 in. 1 3^x42x4 1^x36x4 Heavy. 1,500 lbs. 13.31 4 ' 13^x7H in. 1^x42x5 1^x36x5 Heavy. 1,800 lbs. 16.42 5 13^x8 in. 1)4x40x5 1^x36x5 Heavy. 2,200 to 2,500 lbs. 19.26 No. 26 — COMBINATION SINGER DUPLEX AND PLATFORM GEAR. No. 1 Axle. 1 x6J^ in. 15^x7 in. 154x7 in. Ij^x7% in. Front Spring. 154x3x42 154x4x42 15^x4x42 15^x5x42 Side Spring. 15^x4x36 Light. 154x4x36 Heavy. 15^x4x36 Heavy. 154x5x36 Heavy. Cross Spring. 1 Hx5x43 154x5x43 154x6x43 15^x7x43 Capacity. 800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 1.800 lbs. Net price each f. o. b. factory. $12.75 13.25 15.25 18.50 154x8 in. I>4x5x40 1^x5x36 Heavy. 1^x7x43 2,000 to 2,500 lbs. 22.25 Note. — When ordering gears please give track and length and width of body, that there may be no mistakes in filling orders. SPRINGS FOR DUPLEX GEARS. Sizes. Net price each. 154x3 leaf x42 in $1.10 154x4 leaf x42 in 1.30 15^x5 leaf x42 in 1.45 Sizes. Net price each. 1 54x4 leaf x42 in $1.35 154x5 leaf x42 in 1.60 1 54x6 leaf x42 in 1.85 All gears are shipped direct from the factory, THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA, 137 No. -FITCH IMPROVED SHORT-TURN DUPLEX GEAR. Shipped from factory. No. Axle. 1 2 3 4 5 1 xeVz in. lHx7 in. 114x7 in. Ifgx7^ in. lHx8 in. Capacity. 800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 1,200 to 1,500 lbs. 1,700 to 1,800 lbs. 2,000 to 2,500 lbs. Net price each f. 0. b. factory. $10.15 11.00 13.75 17.05 20.90 Springs. 154x42x3 and 4 154x42x4 and 5 1 5^x42x4 and 5 15^x42x5 and 6 1^x40x5 and 6 The main object in short-turn gears is that you can use a wider body and turn short. The bearing rests exactly over the center of the front and back axle, and the body fastens securely to the gear. The body does not have any sliding motion, either front or back, where there would be any chance for it to rattle or make a noise. In one-joint- reach we use a cone-shaped coupling, where it can be tightened, taking up all wear and making it noiseless. 29 — THE FITCH IMPROA ED COMBINATION SHORT-TURN DUPLEX AND PLATFORM GEAR. No. Net price each No. Axle. Front Spring. Side Spring. Cross Spring. Capacity. f. o. b. factory. 1 1 x6j4 in. 1^x3x42 1.^x4x36 1^x5x43 800 lbs. $13.00 2 1^x7 in. 1^x4x42 154x4x36 154x5x43 1,000 Its. 13.85 3 154x7 in. 1^x4x42 1^x4x36 154x6x43- 1,500 lbs. 16.40 4 ly^xlVz in. 1^x5x42 1^x5x36 154x7x43 1,800 lbs. 19.25 5 154x8 in. 1^x5x40 1^x5x36 1^x7x43 2,200 to 2,500 23.80 No. 28 — FITCH IMPROVED COMBINATION SHORT -TURN DUPLEX AND ELLIPTIC GEAR. No. Axle. 1 1 x6H in. 2 1^x7 in. 8 154x7 in. 4 lHx7J^ in. 5 154x8 in. Front Spring. 154x42x3 154x42x4 154x42x4 154x42x5 154x40x5 Hind Spring. 1^x36x4 154x36x4 11/2x36x4 11/2x36x5 11/2x36x6 CaT>acity. 800 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 1,200 to 1,500 lbs. 1,800 to 2,000 lbs 2,200 to 2,500 lbs. Net price each f. o. b. factory. $11.30 12.05 15.30 18.10 22.10 ]Vo. 32 THREE SPRING GEAR REGULAR. lio. Axle. 1 1 x6K in. 2 1^x7 in. 3 1^x7 in. 4 lJix7^ m. Front Spring. 154x4x36 Light. 154x4x36 Heavy. 1^x5x36 Heavy. 154x6x36 Heavy. Hind Spring. 154x4x36 Light. 154x4x36 Heavy. 154x4x36 Heavy. 11/2x5x36 Heavy. Net price each f. o. b. Capacity. factory. 800 lbs. $12.25 1,000 lbs. 13.20 1,500 lbs. 15.30 1,800 lbs. 18.10 We make these gears same as shown in cut for body loops in front and hang between hmd springs or for body to sit on top of springs, or for front wheels to turn under body. When wheels are to turn under body the gear is made for wheels one foot difference in height, but ^otherwise all for 4 in. difference in height of wheels. All gears are shipped direct from the factory. 138 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. No. 33— THREE SPRING SHORT-TURN GEAR. Shipped from factory^ Net price ©&ch No. Axle. Front Spring. Hind Spring. Capacity. f. o. b. factory 1 1 x63^ in. 154x4x36 1^x4x36 800 lbs. $12.50 2 1^x7 in. 1^x4x36 Ij4x4x36 1,000 lbs. 13.50 3 1^x7 m. 1^x5x36 1^x4x36 1,500 lbs. 15.75 4 13/gx7^ in. 1^x6x36 Ij4x5x36 1,800 lbs. 18.50 On this gear we use our Common Sense Short-Turn 5th Wheel, with the king bolt 5 in. back of center of axle, and is a good substantial short-turn 5th wheel. This gear is furnished for body to be hung on loop in front or to be set up on top of springs. No. 42— COMBINATION SHORT-TURN END SPRING AND PLATFORM GEAR. Net price each Side Spring. Cross Spring. Capacity f. o. b. factory. 134x4x36 1^x5x43 800 lbs. $14.50 Ij4x4x36 Ij4x5x43 1,000 lbs. 15.55 Ij4x4x36 1^x6x43 1,500 lbs. 17.00 1^x5x36 1^x7x43 1,800 lbs. 20.25 When ordering gears of this style please state whether the body is to be hung on loops in front or to set on top of front spring bar. No. Axle. Front Spring. 1 1 x6^ in. 11^x4x36 2 1^x7 in. 1^x4x36 4 Ij4x7 in. Ij^x5x36 3 1^x71/2 in. lHx6x36 No. 38— DOUBLE ELLIPTIC THREE SPRING GEAR. Bottom Front Spring. 1 14x5x36 1^x6 1^x7 1^x7 There is no use in our going on and setting forth the good qualities of this gear, as any mechanic can see at a glance that it is better adapted for grocers' wagons where a toe board is to be used on body and still hang the body low, as the front spring is much lower than a regu- lar elliptic. Spring bars furnished on front springs. All gears are shipped direct from the factory. Top Front No. Axle. Spring. 1 1 x6y2 in. 1^x3 2 11^x7 in. 1^x4 3 134x7 in. 1^x5 4 l^x7K in. iMxS Hind Net price each Spring. Capacity. f. 0. b. factory. 114x4x36 800 lbs. $13.30 11^x4x36 1,000 lbs. 14.40 11^x4x36 1,500 lbs. 17.00 1^x5x36 1,800 lbs. 20.40 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. No. 40— DOUBLE ELLIPTIC END SPRING DROP AXLE GEAR. Shipped from factory. Top Front No. Axle. Springs. 1 1 x6H m. lMx3 2 lj^x7 in. I'Axi 3 lKx7 in. lHx5 Bottom Front Net price each Springs. Capacity. f. o. b. factory. 1^x5 800 lbs. $13.00 1^x6 1,000 lbs. 14.70 lHx7 1,500 lbs. 17.00 Hind Springs, same as front, but heavier steel. This gear is adapted for any wagon where the load is wished to be as low to the ground as possible. It makes a fine gear for Grocers' Wagons, Laundry or Milk Wagons. In fact, it is a fine job for any purpose. We can build this gear with our Common Sense Short Turn 5th Wheel, and it will cost no more than with Derby 5th Wheel. Spring Bars furnished on this gear. No. 30 — P. A. BUSINESS GEAR. Net price each f. o. b. factory $ 8.00 8.75 9.60 11.60 This gear is made with our new improved cone hangers and spring loops; also cone reach and axle coupling which is perfect in its construction and perfectly noiseless. We make this gear in but two tracks, 4 ft. 8 in. and 5 ft. No. 21 — THE MOYER "BANNER'* GEAR. No. Axle. Front Spring. Hind Spring. Capacity. H %x6^ in. Ij4x4x39 1^x5x39 500 lbs. 1 1 x6J^ in. Ij^x4x39 lHx5x39 800 lbs. 2 iy&x7 in. Ij^x5x39 1^x6x39 1,000 lbs. 3 1^x7 in. lKx6x39 1^x7x39 1,500 lbs. Net price each f. 0. b. factory. No. 1, H in. Axle, for Buggy or Road Wagons, two passengers ^}^:t^ We furnish the gear complete, as shown in cut, and of first-class material, using on all the Moyer patent steel lock 5th wheel. We put up these gears for only two widths of bodies, 22 When ordering gears please give track and length and width of body, that there may be no mistakes in filling orders. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. Note.— Owing to the number of diflFerent kinds of gears, different sizes, widths of body, etc., we are unable to carry these goods in stock, consequently make all shipments direct from the factory. All gears are shipped direct from the factory. 140 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. No. 39— DOUBLE ELLIPTIC END SPRING GEAR. Shipped from factory. - Top Front Bottom Front Net price each f. 0. b. factory. No. Axle. Springs. Springs. Capacity. 1 1 x6H in. lV&x3 1^x5 800 lbs. $13.25 3 iy&x7 in. lj^x4 lj^x6 1,000 lbs. 15.00 3 lJ4x7 m. lHx5 lHx7 1,500 lbs. 17.30 For ease and durability it has no equal. Suited for light pleasure surreys, traps or business wafon. It is made of first-class material and guaranteed to give satisfaction. We furnish spring bars on this gear. No. 22— CONCORD GEAR. No. 1 has Vs in. No. 2 has 1 in. No. 3 has 1% in. No, 4 has Iji in. Net price each, f. o. b. factory. Axle $11.25 Axle 11.90 Axle 12.60 Axle 15.80 THE EXCELSIOR GEAR. This gear is designed for grocery and heavy market wagons; is low down and rides easy. When ordering gears please give track and length and width of body, that there may be no mistake in filling orders. All track measured out to out if not otherwise ordered. Capacity. Net price each. No. 1 Gear has 1 J^x7 in. axles 1,000 lbs. $13,50 No. 2 Gear has 1^x7 in. axles 1,500 lbs. 15.60 No. 3 Gear has 15^x7^ in. axles 1,800 to 2,000 lbs. 18.50 No. 4 Gear has lj^x8 in. axles 2,200 to 2,400 lbs. 21.90 All gears made 4 ft. 8 in. track unless otherwise specified. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 141 No. 36— THREE SPRING DROP AXLE GEAR. Shipped from factory. We make this gear as shown in cut with Cincinnati wrought 5th wheel and clip king bolt. We can furnish our new Common Sense Short-Turn 5th Wheel on the above gear when desired. We make this gear for four inches difference in height of wheels. Net price each No. 1 gear has 1x6 J.^ axles, front springs ly^xixSe light, hind springs Ii4x4x36 light. Capacity, 800 lbs $13.43 No. 2 gear has 1^x7 axles, front spring 1^x4x36 heavy, hind springs Ij4x4x36 heavy. Capacity, 1,000 lbs 14.38 No. 3 gear has 114x7 axles, front spring 1^x5x36 heavy, hind springs Ij^x4x36 heavy. Capacity, 1,500 lbs 16-43 When ordering gears give track required, width and length of body to be used, so there may be no mistake in filling orders. We can only furnish these gears with half Pat. axles. We measure track out to out if not otherwise ordered. All gears made 4 ft. 8 in. track unless otherwise specified. No. 37 — DOUBLE ELLIPTIC THREE SPRING DROP AXLE GEAR. We make this gear as shown with Cincinnati wrought 5th wheel and clip king bolt, or with our new Common Sense Short-Turn 5th Wheel when desired. We make this gear for four inches difference in height of wheels, ,^ . Net price each No, 1 has 1x6^ axles, front springs 1^x3, top half and lower half 15^x5, hind spring Ij4x4x36 heavy. Capacity, 800 pounds •.••••. .......... .$14.00 No. 2 has 1^x7 axles, front springs 1^x4, top half and lower half 1^x6, hind spring 1J4x4x36 heavy. Capacity, 1,000 pounds V"% ; : * J • •'"^'■^* No. 3 has l]4x7 axles, front spring 1^x4, top half and lower half lJ4x6, hind springs 1^x4x36. Capacity, 1,500 pounds • -.•••• • • ; ,* ^1'^^ When ordering gears give length and width of body and track required. We can only fur- nish these gears with half Pat. axles, and measure track out to out if not otherwise ordered. All gears made 4 ft. 8 in. track if not otherwise specified. No. 41— COMBINATION DOUBLE ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM GEAR. Net price each No. 1 has 1x6 J^ axles, front spring 1^x3, top and lower half 1^x5 plate, hind side spring 1^x4x36 lights cross springs 1^x5x43 light. Capacity, 800 pounds.. ........... .?14.7d No. 2 has 1^x7 axles, front spring 1^x4, top and lower half lJ4x6 plate, hind side spring 134x4x36 heavy, cross springs 1^x5x43 heavy. Capacity, 1,000 pounds. ........ . 15.86 No. 3 has Ij4x7 axles, front spring 15^x4, top and lower half 15^x6 plate, hind side spring 1^x4x36 heavy, cross springs 1^x6x43 heavy. Capacity, 1,500 pounds......... 17.85 No. 4 has iHxlYi axles, front spring 1^2x5, top and lower half 1^x7 plate, hind side spring 1^x5x36 heavy, cross springs Ij^x7x43 heavy. Capacity, 1,800 pounds 20.40 When ordering gears please give track required; also length and width of body to be u^x8 1 ?^x4&5x38&40 1 3^x4&5x38&40 1 ^x5&6x40&42 1 3ix5&6x40&42 1 Mx6&7x40&42 f\xl Mx24 T%xl Mx24 5^x1 Mx26 ^xl ^x28 T%xl^x28 $4 85 5 20 5 25 6 10 6 70 $21 85 22 50 25 65 31 75 37 15 $23 65 24 10 27 70 35 00 39 40 $4 95 4 95 5 40 6 30 6 75 $8 15 8 20 8 45 8 75 9 00 $4 50 4 50 5 10 5 65 6 20 Gears Nos. 15 M to 19 H gears are suitable for tinners' stove, hardware and general light busi- ness wagons — for drop pole or shafts with circles raised to allow front wheels to turn under body. For stiff pole attachment on these gears add $1.75. Raised Circle Gear No. Concord Axles Springs, Oil Tem- pered, Plain or Ribbed Plain Circles Front Plat- form only. No Springs or Axles Gear, Springs & Concord Axles Clipped Up Top Gear and Spring Pole & Eveners Ironed Complete Shafts Ironed Com- plete 15 M 16 M 17 M 18 L 18 M 19 M 13^x7 lMx7 1^x7 K 13^x8 15^x83^ lMx9 1 ^x4&5x40&42 1 J^x5&6x40&42 1 Mx5&6x40&42 2 x6&7x40&42 2 x7&8x40&42 2j^x8&9x40&42 AxlKx26 ^xl Mx26 ^xl 3^x28 ^xl 3^x28 /sxlj^x27 ,^oxlMx30 $ 6 70 7 95 8 80 10 10 10 80 12 40 $25 65 30 15 36 90 44 80 49 95 61 90 $4 95 5 40 6 30 7 00 7 20 8 10 $8 20 8 45 8 75 9 00 9 55 10 15 $4 50 5 05 5 65 6 15 6 75 7 30 All gears on this page are shipped direct from factory at Akron, Ohio. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 145 SELLE'S PATENT TRUSSED PLATFORM GEARS Shipped from factory Nos. 30 L to 34 H for light truck wagons stiff pole, and low front wheels to turn under body, suitable for heavy delivery, light truck and transfer wagons, ORDER PLATFORM GEARS by number and letter, giving width of steel, length of side and cross springs. In ordering platform gears clipped up, give full specifications as to width of steel, number of plates, length of side and cross springs, sizes of axles front and rear, length of spindle, width of track out to out, width of tire to be used, height of front and rear wheels, sizes of spokes (front and rear), width and depth of rims, thickness of tire, width and length of body and whether it shall be hung level or sloping to the rear. Gear, Top u 0) Raised Front Plat- Springs & Gear "o ^'^% Shafts Circle Concord Springs, Oil Tem- form only. Concord and ^^^r. Ironed Gear 1 Axles pered, Plain or Plain Circles No Springs Axles Spring tiff Ev Iroi om Com- No. Ribbed or Axles Clipped Bar plete Up cfio8 (-> 31 M 1 3/^x7 H IMx 5& 6x40&42 5^x1 1^x28 $12 60 $37 20 $5 60 $7 76 $5 00 31 H iy2xS IMx 6& 7x40&42 /gxl Mx28 13 10 41 80 6 00 8 00 5 50 32 M 1 l^xSM 2 X 7& 8x40&42 Hxl Mx28 14 05 48 80 6 40 8 50 6 00 32 H lMx9 2 X 8& 9x40&42 Mxl Mx28 14 50 56 00 6 80 9 00 6 50 33 M 1^x9 2Mx 8& 9x40&42 1^x1 3^x30 16 35 60 00 7 20 9 00 6 50 34 H 2 xlO 2^xl0&llx40&42 ^x2 x32 19 75 76 00 8 40 10 00 8 00 SELLE'S PATENT TRUSSED PLATFORM GIANT TRUCK GEAR FOR MERCHANDISE TRUCKS, ETC. Nos. 40 L to 46 H, a serviceable gear for transfer trucks, ice, oil tank, sprinkling and beer rol wagons. We make ice, sprinkling and beer rolj gears of selected white oak timber. 1 1 Gear, Top Raised Front Plat- Springs & Gear -B^-al Shafts Circle Springs, Oil Tem- form only. Concord and (Sg^-i Ironed Gear Axles pered. Plam or Plain Circles No Springs Axles Spring Stiff &Ev Iro Com Com- No. Ribbed or Axles Clipped Up Bar plete 41 L 1^x8 H 2Mx 7& 8x40&42 1^x1 ^x32 $22 00 $60 00 $6 80 $8 50 $6 00 , 42 L lMx9 2'^x 8& 9x40&42 /5XI Mx32 24 00 69 60 7 60 9 00 6150 42 H 2 xlO 2MxlO&llx40&42 g^^^Jil 26 00 82 80 8 40 10 00 8 00 44 H 2Mxll 3 xl2&14x40&42 30 40 106 80 10 00 j 11 00 8 00 All gears on this page are shipped direct from factory at_Akron, Ohio. 146 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. WAGON GEAR COMPLETE, READY FOR BODY Shipped From Factory. ^•^^^^*^»3^^S^** Can furnish with promptness, light and heavy Platform Gears as shown abeve complete ready to receive the body. In writing for prices, give full specifications, stating capacity and giving such description as will enable us to quote intelligently. We can save you money on this line. FARMER'S HANDY TRUCK. Shipped From Factory. Net price each. No. 8228. Free on board cars at Factory ^«o nn No. 8228. Free on board cars at Corry, Pa ^2.00 No. 8226. Free on board cars at Factory oonn No. 8226. Free on board cars at Corry, Pa 28.00 WIDE OR NARROW TRACK. CAST SKEINS ONLY. Wide track, 5 feet; narrow track, 4 feet 6 inches, center to center of tires on the ground. Bolsters are 3 feet 6 inches on wide track; 3 feet 2 inches on narrow track, between standards. Price includes wood hub wheels and pole, no whiffletrees or neckyokes. •— Size of Cast Skein Height of Wheels Size of Tire Approximate No. Front Hind Weight Capacity 8228 8226 3j4xlO in. 3 xlO in. 1 30 in. 1 30 in. 36 in. 36 in. 4 xH inches 3y2xH inches 680 lbs. 560 lbs. 4000 lbs. 3000 lbs. This truck is especially adapted to farm or orchard work, but can be readily utilized for transfer work by adding a suitable platform. The reach is long enough to couple out for a 16- foot rack or box. The bolsters are made with wrought iron sockets and removable wood standards. We furnish regularly with wood hub wheels, 30 inches and 86 inches high, but can also fur- nish with wheels 30 inches high all around, or 36 inches high all around. We believe the wood hub wheels to be stronger and of longer life than the steel wheels, but will if desired furnish steel wheels, either 28 inches, 30 inches or 36 inches high at the same price. While this truck is built of good material and finished in a workmanlike manner, it must not be expected at the same price we sell it to stand up under the same hard usage that our regular wagons would. Neither does the same guarantee apply. We will ship wood wheels unless otherwise specified. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, I'A. No. 0— HANDY WAGON. WOOD WHEELS, NAKED GEAR. Shipped from Factory. 147 THE BEST GENERAL PURPOSE FARM TRUCK MADE. This is our latest, and we believe it to be the best general purpose 2-horse farm truck made. It, in connection with our platform, combines all the advantages which are sought in a farm truck. First. Broad tire, 6 inches. "From every point of view the 6-inch tires will be the most satisfactory. Four-inch tires work down into the ruts made by the narrow tires and bind." — Professor Waters of Missouri Experiment Station. Second. Short Turn — The front wheels turn under the load, allowing the wagon to be turned in its own length. Third. The Fifth Wheel. — All our short turn styles are made with a very strong reach and an especially designed fifth wheel and large iron circle around it. This is a very im- portant point, because when a loaded wagon is coming around a short turn, the strain on the fifth wheel is great if the ground is rough or the load not well balanced, and to meet this we have kept strengthening and bracing our trucks until there is nothing like it on any other wagon. Fourth. Broad, Low Platform. — The platform can be any length or width without inter- fering with the turning of the wagon. Fifth. Your ordinary wagon box can be used on this wagon the same as on any common wagon. Sixth. Easy Draft because of its broad tires and low hitch, giving the horses a lifting advantage when pulling up into the barn. No. 9 HANDY WAGON. Two-horse, short-turn style; wheels turn under load. Standard Track — Narrow, 4 feet 8 inches; wide, 5 feet center to center of tires on ground. Bolsters, 38 >^ inches between stakes on narrow track; 42 inches on wide track. Prices include pole and wrench only. ^TJ ^ c rt c d d K u .i .« >. 4) S "5 a mm o .ax Iff o 'o < SO <. (U 101 Wood 24 28 6xj4 3^x7 3x4 J^ 26 750 lbs. 4,000 lbs. $27.00 102 ^ood 26 30 Q^Va 3^x7 3x41^ 28 800 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 28.00 103 Wood 28 32 6x'^ 3^x7 3x4 H 30 850 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 29.00 104 Steel 26 30 4xM 3^x7 3x41^ 28 625 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 27.50 105 Steel 26 30 5x3/^ Sy2K7 3x4^ 28 650 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 29.00 106 Steel 28 32 4x^ 3Hx7 3x4^ 30 650 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 28.00 107 Steel 28 32 5x^ 3Hx7 3x4^ 30 675 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 29.50 108 Steel 80 34 4xf^ 3Hx7 3x4^ 32 675 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 28.50 109 Steel 30 34 5x3/^ 3^x7 3x41^ 32 700 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 30.00 Extra Capacity — For the wood-wheel styles, 5,000 pounds capacity, add $2.00 to price; for 6,000 pounds capacity add $7.00 to price. Thickness of Tires. Ten years' experience has demonstrated that tires i^-inch in thickness on our wood wheels are amply strong and durable for all wagons of 5,000 pounds capacity or less. However, we put on 5^-inch tires at $2.50 per wagon extra. 5^-inch tires are always furnished on three-ton styles. Prices F. O. B. Factory. Note. — A catalogue illustrating other kinds will be mailed upon request. 14S THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. DEALERS' HANDY WAGON. Shipped from Factory. OUR DEALERS' HANDY WAGON WITH 28 IN. FRONT, 30 IN. REAR WHEELS AND 4x35^ IN. PLAIN TIRE. The above are considered the standard height wheels for a farm truck of this style and makes the top of bolsters 22 inches from the ground, though other heights as noted in the specifi- cations. Below we give complete specifications and wish to lay special stress on the following points: We use nothing but hickory and oak in the construction, the life of which is four or five times that of maple or other soft woods; rear hounds are angle steel with pressed steel hound plates, not merely braces as are being used on most of the cheap trucks; skeins on the standard truck are 3^x10 inches, full length bearing in hub; equipped with our best steel wheels; solid cast hub, which is stronger and better in every way than a light malleable hub; wagon is guaranteed to carry 4,000 pounds. MATERIAL: — Axles, hickory; bolsters, tongue, etc., best oak, thoroughly seasoned. STANDARDS: — 14 inches high, set in pockets made of 3 inch iron. REAR HOUNDS: — Made of 154 inch angle steel, and are bolted securely to the axles and bolsters. They are also bolted to the pressed steel hound plate, which has a bolt running through coupling pole, so that wagon can be lengthened or shortened as desired. WHEELS: — Our best steel wheels with solid cast hub; oval staggered wrought steel spokes and wrought steel tires. FINISH: — Wheel painted green; remainder of gear red and varnished, making a very neat appearance. TRACK: — Wide, 5 feet. Narrow, 4 feet 8 inches, center to center of tire. Bolsters on wide track wagon, 3 feet 6 inches; narrow track, 3 feet 2 inches, between standards. We can change the distance between the standards to suit your customer's bed without extra charge, if specified in order. 3J4xl0 in. Skein. Prices of Wagon with Plain Tire. 4000 lbs. iZapacity. Height of Wheels Size of Skein Inches >> t 6 PRICES OF DEALERS' HANDY WAGONS f. o. b. cars factory Dimensions are width and thickness of tire. Hind Inches Front Inches 4x1 4xi 5x1 5xJ 6x1 6xi 28 , 30 32 34 30 32 34 36 3j4xl0 3^x10 3^x10 354x10 4000 lbs. 4000 lbs. 4000 lbs. 4000 lbs. $18.40 20.40 21.80 22.80 $19.55 21.60 22.80 24.00 $19.55 21.65 22.80 24.00 $20.70 22.80 24.00 25.20 $20.70 22.80 24.00 25.20 $21.85 24.00 25.20 26.40 EXTRAS:— Neckyoke, $3.00 to above prices. single and doubletrees, add $1.75 to above prices. Brake, add THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 149 PIANO BODY TOP BUGGY. Shipped from factory. PIANO BODY TOP BUGGY. Shipped from factory. No. D600. Cloth Trimming and J-Seat. Net price each. Drill Top $37.80 Full Rubber Top 39.00 Full Leather Top 42.60 Leather Quarter Top 40.20 Extras. Net price each. Leather Trimming over Cloth $1.00 Drill Trimming, deduct 1.00 Leather Trimming over Drill 2.00 Spring Cushion on Drill Trimmed Job 25 Bailey Body Loops 35 DESCRIPTION. BODY-^17, 20, 22 or 24x54 inches. Concave seat risers. Body screwed, glued and plugged. GEAR — Oil-tempered, easy riding springs. 15-16 inch Long Distance axles with Collinge Bell collars. ARCH OR DROP. Full plated reaches. Rear king bolt fifth wheel. Cemented axle caps. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, ?4 or ^ inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge steel tires. PAINTING— Gear, green or red, neatly striped. Body, black, fancy decorated (plain black or neatly striped body if preferred.) UPHOLSTERING— Green or blue cloth, whip- cord, moroccoline, or genuine trimming leather. Carpet. TOP — Three or four bows. Leather quarters, rubber drill roof, back curtain, back stays and side curtains; genuine full rubber top or full drill top. Cloth lined. Storm apron. SHAFTS— Good quality. Nicely finished. No. 600. With leather quarter top will have spring cushion and padded seat ends. No. C51. Cloth Trimming, and J-Seat. Net price eact. Full Rubber Top $44.40 Full Leather Top 48.00 Leather Quarter Top 45.60 Extras. Net price each. Genuine Leather Trimmings $2.00 Leather Back Curtain on Leather l4 Top. 1.25 DESCRIPTION. BODY — 17, 20, 22 or 24x54 inches. High lazy back. Padded seat ends. Soft spring cush- ion. Concave seat risers. Swell panels. Body screwed, glued and plugged. Ja- panned seat handles. Metal edge boot. GEAR — Oil-tempered, easy riding springs. One-piece wrought iron Bailey body loops. 15-16 inch Long Distance axles with Collinge Bell Collars. Arch or drop. Full plated reaches. Full circle, double plate rear king bolt fifth wheel. Cemented axle caps. WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, 54 or % inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44; 1 inch, 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge steel tires. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) PAINTING— Gear, a fine shade of red or Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, plain black (striped or decorated if ordered.) UPHOLSTERINC^ — Green or blue cloth, whip- cord, or genuine trimming leather. Half length carpet. Carpeted side panels. TOP — Leather quarters with rubber roof and back curtain, rubber side curtains; full leather top with rubber side curtains, or genuine full rubber top. Cloth lined. Storm apron. Three or four bows. Full wrought shifting rail. We will equip any of our vehicles with rubber tires at prices named below. GUARANTEED SOLID RUBBER TIRES. ^ inch 36x40 and 38x42 $13.20 }i inch 40x44 and 42x46 14.40 ^ inch 36x40 and 38x42 15.60 7A inch 40x44 and 42x46 16.80 1 inch 36x40 and 38x42 18.00 1 inch 40x44 19-20 1% inch 40x44 21.60 Shipped from the factory. 150 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. FANCY TOP BUGGY. Shipped from factory. AUTO SEAT TOP BUGGY. Shipped from factory. No. C50. Cloth Trimmings, and J-Seat. L Net price each. Full Rubber Top $47.25 Full Leather Top 50.70 Leather Quarter Top 48.30 Extras. Net price each. Genuine Leather Trimmings $1.25 Leather Back Curtain on Leather Quarter Top 1.25 For rubber tires see bottom of page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — 17, 20, 22 or 24x54 inches. High spring back and spring cushion. Padded seat ■ ends. Genuine patent leather dash. Con- cave seat risers. Swell pasels. Body glued, screwed and plugged. GEAR — Tull sweep, oil-tempered springs. One- piece wrought iron Baily body loops. 15-16 inch Long Distance dust-proof axles with Collinge Bell collars. Arch or drop. Axle caps perfectly fitted. Full circle, double plate, rear king bolt fifth wheel. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, 54 or ^ inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44; 1 inch, 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge steel tires. PAINTING — Gear, rich shade of red or fine shade of green, fancy striped. Body, seat and back mahogany finish, elegantly deco- rated. UPHOLSTERING — Heavy green or blue cloth, whipcord, or green, maroon or tan genuine leather. Nickel seat handles, prop nuts, hub bands, double bar dash rail and lazy back rail. Fancy stitched fall. Floor car- pet; carpeted side panels. TOP — Leather quarters and leather back stays, with genuine rubber roof, back and side curtains; full leather with rubber side cur- tains, or genuine full rubber top. Cloth lining. Sewed valances. Fancy silk stitched back stays and side lacings. Three or four bows. Storm apron. Looking glass in back stays. SHAFTS— Good quality hickory. Leather trimmed. Nicely finished. Shipped from the factory. No. C233. Cloth Trimmings. Net price eacfr.. Full Rubber Top $48.60' Full Leather Top 52.20' Leather Quarter Top 49.80- Extras. Net price each- Genuine Leather Trimmings $2.00 Leather Back Curtains on Leather Quarter " Top 1.25 For rubber tires see bottom of page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — 20, 22 or 24x54 inches. Square-cor- nered wide auto seat. Padded seat ends. Soft spring cushion. Concave seat risers. Swell panels. High back. Body screv/ed, glued and plugged. Metal edge boot. GEAR — Oil-tempered, easy riding springs. One- piece wrought iron Baily body loops. 15-16 inch Long Distance axles with Collinge Bell collars. Arch or drop. Full clipped axles- and full plated reaches. Full circle, double plate rear king bolt fifth wheel. Cemented! axle caps. \VHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, % or y& inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44; 1 inch, 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge steel tires. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) PAINTING— Gear, a fine shade of red or Brewster green, neatly striped. Body, plain black (striped or decorated if ordered.) UPHOLSTERING — Green or blue cloth whip- cord or genuine trimming leather. Half length carpet. Carpeted side panels. TOP — Leather quarters with rubber roof and back curtain, rubber side curtains; full leather top with rubber side curtains, or genuine full rubber top. Cloth lined. Storm apron. Three or four bows. SHAFTS— Good quality hickory, ished. Leather trimmed. Shipped from the factory. Nicely fin- THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 151 ROAD WAGON. Shipped from factory. STICK SEAT ROAD WAGON. Shippe«I from factory. No. R89. Net price each. Imitation Leather Trimmed $31.20 Leather Trimmed 33.60 Cloth or Morocco trimmed 32.40 Extras. Net price each. With Punt Body, Full length Carpet and Body Rail $1.50 With Stick Seat 2.50 For rubber tires see bottom of page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — New style. High panel spring back. Body screwed, glued and plugged. Boot. GEAR — Long, easy riding, oil-tempered springs 15-16 inch Long Distance axles with Collinge Bell collars. Arch or drop. Rear king bolt fifth wheel. Full clipped axles and full plated double reaches. Full length body loops. Cemented axle caps. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, Va ov }i inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44; 1 inch, 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge, steel tires. PAINTING— Gear, a fine shade of green or a rich shade of red, neatly striped. Body, black, nicely decorated. UPHOLSTERING— Whipcord, cloth, genuine leather, morroccoline, or imitation leather, Brussels rug. SHAFTS— Good quality hickory. Nicely fin- ished. No. R87. Net price each. Imitation Leather Trimming $33.50 Leather Trimming 36.00 Cloth or Moroccoline 35.00 No. R189. One grade cheaper throughout. Net price each. Imitation Leather Trimming $29.40 Leather Trimming 31.00 For rubber tires see bottom of page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — Handsomely moulded. Swell spindle stick seat. Spring cushion. High patent leather dash. Body screwed, glued and plugged. GEAR — Oil-tempered, easy riding springs. 15- 16 inch Double Collar axles. Arch or drop, Rear king bolt fifth wheel. Full clipped axles. Full length body loops. Cemented axle caps. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. S in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) SHAFTS — Good quality hickory. Nicely fin- ished. WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, H or ^ inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44 1 inch, 40-44. Full bolted, round edge, steel tires. PAINTING — Gear, a fine shade of green or a rich shade of red, nicely striped. Body, black, neatly striped. UPHOLSTERING— Whipcord, green or blue cloth, or green maroon or tan leather. Carpet. Boot. 152 THE BAR LOW HARDWARE CO.. CQRRY, PA . DRIVING WAGON. BIKE DRIVING WAGON. Shipped from factory. Shipped from factory. No. C76.» Whipcord Cloth or Moroccoline. Net price each. Style K, Spindle Seat $39-00 Style H, Combination Seat 40.20 Style L, Panel Seat -J^.OO Style D, Auto Seat 42.00 No. D76. Imitation Leather Trimmed with Spindle seat or L Panel Seat. Same as C76 only one grade cheaper. Sold for cash only. Price $32.50 Extras on all above. Net price each. Genuine Leather Trimmings $2.00 For rubber tires see bottom page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — 17, 20, 22 or 24x54 inches. Swell spin- dle stick seat. Spring cushion. 12-inch patent leather dash, open hand-holds. Swell panels. Concave seat risers. GEAR— Oil-tempered springs 15-16 inch Long Distance dust-proof axles with CoUinge Bell collars. Arch or drop. One-piece wrought iron -Bailey body loop, clipped on. Full circle rear king bolt fifth wheel. Hand fitted and perfectly cemented axle caps. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) WHEELS— SECOND GROWTH HICKORY. Sarven patent, Va or 7/^ inch, 36-40, 38-42 or 40-44. PAINTING— Gear, Perfection red or Brewster green, double line stripe. Body, plain black; inside panels finished. UPHOLSTERING— Whipcord, green or blue cloth, or genuine trimming leather. Full length Brussels carpet. SHAFTS — Good hickory. Leather trimmed. Shipped from the factory. No. C210. Whipcord or Cloth. Net price each.. Style L, Panel Seat $42.00> Style H, Combination Seat 43.50' Style K, Spindle Seat 43.50' Style D, Plain Auto Seat 46.50- Extras. Net price eacB\ Genuine Leather Trimmed on all above. .$2.00' For rubber tires see bottom page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY— 22 or 24x56 inches. 12-incb patent leather dash. New style board seat. Soft spring cushion. GEAR— High arch axles. Concealed axle caps. Full circle double plate fifth wheel, rear king bolt. One-piece wrought iron Bailey body loops. Long, easy riding, open head springs. 15-16 inch Long Distance axles with Col- linge Bell collars. TRACK— 4 ft. 4 in., 4 ft. 8 in. or 3 ft. 2 in. PAINTING— Gear, Perfection red or Bronze green, double line striping. Body, plain black. WHEELS— High grade, Sarven patent, H or 7yi inch, 38-40 or 40-42. Round edge, steel- tires, or J4 or ?^-inch solid rubber tires; can also furnish 1% inch cushion rubber tires. (Be sure to specify which is desired.> UPHOLSTERING— Fine whipcord, extra; heavy green or blue broadcloth or genuine^ leather. Full length Brussels carpet. SHAFTS— Good hickory, trimmed. Shipped from the factory. Genuine leather THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 153 CANOPY TOP SURREY. Shipped from factory. THREE SPRING WAGON. Shipped from factory. ■^K^fc-^tw No. C^l. Cloth Trimming. Net price each. With Top $63.60 Without Top 55.35 Extras. Net price each. Genuine Leather Trimmings $3.00 Pole instead of Shafts 1.75 Lamps 2.00 Half Fenders 3.00 Full Fenders 6.00 For rubber tires see bottom Page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY — As shown in cut. Spring cushions. High Spring backs. Patent leather dash. Steel rocker plates. GEAR — Full sweep, oil-tempered, easy riding springs. Full length body loops. IJ^ inch Long Distance axles with Collinge collars. Arch or drop. Axle caps perfectly fitted, cemented and full clipped. Rear king bolt fifth wheel. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 8 in.) or wide (5 ft. 2 in.) WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, Ji inch, 36-40 or 40-44; 1 inch, 38-43 or 40-44; 1% inch, 20-44. Full bolted, oval edge, steel tires. PAINTING — Gear, a fine shade of green or rich shade of red, neatly striped. Body, black, nicely striped. UPHOLSTERING— Good quality of green or blue cloth, moroccoline or green maroon, or tan genuine leather. Full length worsted carpet. TOP — Canopy with rubber deck and curtains, deep fringe, cloth head lining. SHAFTS— Good quality hickory, neatly fin- ished. Shipped from the factory. No. W194. Net price each. Imitation Leather Trimming $44.40 Leather Trimming 48.00 Cloth or Moroccoline 46.20 Extras. Net price each. Canopy Top and Curtains $8.00 Pole instead of Shaft 1.75 Leather Dash . 75 Ash Body and Varnished Wheels 1,35 Yellow Gear 1.25 For rubber tires see bottom Page 149. DESCRIPTION. BODY— 30x76 inches. TWO THREE-QUAR- TER BACKS. Wood dash with nickel rail. Leather dash if ordered. Full width drop end gate. Removable seats. Hardwood floor running lengthwise. Body and seats are made entirely of selected white ash. GEAR — Three oil-tempered elliptic springs. 1% inch double collar steel axles. Norway wrought iron clips and bolts used through- out. Reach plate full length. TRACK— Narrow (4 ft. 2 in.) (or wide) 5 ft. WHEELS— SELECTED HICKORY. Sarven patent, ^ inch, 20-44; 1 inch, 38-42 or 40-44; 1% inch, 40-44. Full bolted, oval edge, steel tires. PAINTING— Gear, Brewster green or red, neatly striped or natural finish. Varnished ash body, finely striped. Painted if ordered. UPHOLSTERING— Imitation leath pegamoid, or genuine leather. SHAFTS — Good hickory. Well ironed, nicely finished. Shipped from the factory. 154 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. METAL WHEELS. Shipped from Factory. PLAIN TIRE. The farmer of today must have a low wagon and the cheapest way to get one, is to order a set of low steel wheels with either 4 inch, 5 inch, or 6 inch tire; 4 inch is considered the standard and we advise same for most all purposes. He can either use them on an old gear which he may have or can purchase very cheaply, or put them on his new farm wagon. He would very seldom want to put on high wheels, not more than half a dozen times dur- ing the year and it is very little trouble to change back and forth. We furnish these wheels to fit any size spindle, simply measure the skeins according to the directions given on page 155 and we will furnish wheels that will fit the wagon. GROOVED TIRE. This cut represents our Truck wheels which we are putting on the market for stony roads. They do not wear out the rub lock as do the wheels made with the spokes projecting through the rims. We make these wheels with special grooved rim, and allow the spokes, in addi- tion to the tapering head (as the tires are punched with tapering holes, large size out), to have a large head so as to make them per- fectly strong, in fact, stronger than can be made by countersinking the holes in tires of wheels as do other manufacturers of wheels. These Wheels are made to fit any size skein and iron axles. We particularly recommend them to the users of Wheels in stony countries, as the heads of the spokes are protected so as not to come in contact with the rocks. Grooved tires can be furnished only in 4 inch width — either ^i or J/2 inch thick. NET PRICE FOR ONE WHEEL. Diam. 3x% 3xH 4x?i 4x1/2 5x% 5xH 6x3% 6x4 24 $2.36. $2.75 $2.55 $2.95 $2.94 $3.28 $3.21 $3.69 26 2.50 2.90 2.68 3.08 3.08 3.54 3.38 3.88 28 2.68 3.08 2.81 3.23 3.32 3.82 3.64 4.18 30 2.78 8.19 3.06 3.51 3.43 3.94 3.76 4.33 82 2.88 3.31 3.31 3.81 3.57 4.10 3,91 4.50 34 3.17 3.64 3.57 4.10 3.92 4.50 4.30 4.94 36 3.28 3.77 3.75 4.30 4. OS 4.69 4.48 5.15 38 3.60 4.14 3.85 4.40 4.46 5.14 4.90 5.63 40 3.75 4.27 4.15 4.80 4.59 5.28 5.03 5.78 42 3.85 4.41 4.30 4.95 4.76 5.47 5.22 6.01 44 4.16 4.78 4.65 5.34 5.14 5.90 5.63 6.46 46 4.29 4.93 4.80 5.55 5.31 6.11 5.82 6.70 48 5.00 5.66 5.46 6. 28 6.00 6.90 0.54 7.51 Note. — Grooved Tire "Cv^heels cost 25 cents extra, each. J^ in. tired wheels carry 4000 lbs., 14 in. tired wheels carry 5000 lbs. Note. — See next page diagram for ordering. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 155 GENEVA METAL. WHEELS. Shipped from Factory. Made to fit any standard size skein 9 in., 10 in. or 11 in. long. For fitting hubs to solid axles add 30c per wheel. For hubs 12 inches long add 25c per wheel. d^;- Heavy Pattern. (1 < PI r For 1 cads 5,00C lbs. per Set of Four wheels P Net P rice per Each Wheel. PI 7. O Tire. Tire. Tire. Tire. (fi H Diam. Spokes. J4x3 3^x4 r&x5 Vzxi ^x6 s S > 24 in. 10 $4.10 $4.25 $4.40 $4.55 X 26 in. 10 4.25 4.40 4.55 4.60 ^ r 28 in. 13 4.40 4.55 4.65 4.80 w 80 in. 12 4.55 4.70 4.70 4.95 9 s 32 in. 12 4.70 4.85 4.95 5.10 > w 34 in. 14 4.85 5.00 5.10 5.25 70 36 in. 14 5.00 5.15 5.25 6.40 r» 38 in. 14 5.15 5.30 5.40 5.65 i 40 in. 16 5.30 5.48 5.55 5.70 ■* 42 in. 16 5.48 5.60 5.70 5.85 44 in. 16 5.60 5.75 5.85 6.00 m 46 in. 18 5.75 5.90 6.00 6.15 5 «4 ^ 48 in. 18 5.90 6.10 6.15 6.30 r) Give DUmelcr Httt, Give Dikmeter Here. •^Giire Oiomclcr Rem Chr« DiMMtef Hare "^^ Give DiuMkr Hcrfl. PRICES ON METAL WHEELS ARE F. O. B. FACTORIES. THEY ARE ALL MADE TO ORDER AND SHIPPED DIRECT. No. 14 HAND CART. Shipped from Factory. Size inside of body 39x20^ in- Depth 9H in. Wheel 26 in., Front 14 in. Capacity 250 lbs. Net price each $7.00 Has a wood body and is well ironed; is strong, durable, neat and light. 156 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. SARVEN PATENT HVHEELS. SETTING BOXES. When Axles and Tired Wheels are ordered, we can set the boxes if you wish, and charge for 1^-inch axles and smaller 75 cents per set, iH and 1^ in. $1.00 per set. The work is carefully done by an experienced wagonmaker. We do not set boxes in Untired Wheels. We only set boxes when old boxes are sent us charges prepaid or both axles and boxes are purchased. If you order a gear and want boxes set in the wheels add 45 cents for ex- press on axle boxes from gear factory to us. We do not paint wheels. Sa rven Wheel Net price per set. Sizes. First Second Thread. Spoke. Hub. Grade. Grade. ->4 in. if in. 6^ in. $ 7.25 $ 6.00 Vs in. iT^in. 61^ in. 7.50 6.50 1 in. IH in. 6y2 in. 8.00 6.75 1^ in. iHin. 7 in. 9.00 7.60 1^ in. l^in. 7Hin. 12.00 10.00 IH in. I'A in. 8 in. 17.00 13.00 iy2 in. IH in. 8y2 in. 20.00 16.00 THE RELIABLE PAINT BURNER. We carry only first and second grades in untired wheels. Note. — Regular heights carried in stock, 3^, 3«, 3* and 3^, 3» and S^^ We can furnish any height desired on short notice. These Wheels are strictly first-class. Half sets Wheels at half price of full sets; quarter sets at quarter pri^e of full sets and 25 cents added. WOOD HUB WHEELS. Shipped direct. Prices same as Sarven Wheels. TIRED W^HEELS. No. 15. Is an Automatic Air Pressure Burner, throw- ing a powerful blue flame from six to eight inches in length; flame can be thrown up or down or straight ahead, without changing po- sition of hand that holds. Price each $3.50 For Wheels with Tire Set ADD the follow- ing to the prices above: BRAZING TORCH. V4^y4 1 X:?5 1 X^ .$1.65 . 1.80 . 1.75 . 2.00 . 1.80 . 2.25 IJ^xi^ $2.75 IJ^xfff 3.05 1J4xt^ 3.50 l^xH 4.05 l^x^ 4.35 l^xH 6.30 SPECIAL GRADE SARVEN WHEELS. FURNISHED ONLY AVITH TIRES ALL SET. To meet competition we are offering "Special Grade" Wheels with tires attached, suitable for repair work. We guarantee them to be better than any wheel sold elsewhere at the same price. A good repair wheel. Can furnish only sizes and heights named below: Net price per Tire. Spoke. Hub. Height. set. ^x^ Min. 6y2 in. 34 38 3« 310 $7.00 V&y^% iVsin. 6H in. " 7.75 1 xK iy& in. 6^ in. " 8.50 IJ^xK 1% in. 7 in. " 10.00 iKxA iHin. 7y2 in. " 13.50 Half sets at half price of full sets; quarter sets at quarter price of full sets and 25 cents added. No, 92. The Turner Double Jet Gasoline Torch No. 92. Polished Brass, one quart size, each. $5.00 Especially adapted for Rubber Tire Work. Guaranteed to produce a 1,000 degree hotter blast than any other brazing torch now on the market. No brazing torch ever put on the market has ever equalled this one for reliable service. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 157 HEAVY-SARVKN AND WARNER WHEELS. We quote for shipment direct from the factory. Spoke 1 Maximum Net price per Set Rim Height Size Diam. Length Thread Depth Front Hind Grade 1 Grade 2 1 T 4^ 7M lA 15^ •o -^ •d -«*< $14 75 $12 00 IM 4A 7H&8 m 1 54 2J S N, 16 50 13 00 4?g 8 &8.H lA IM •:^ c . 17 50 14 50 IH 5 ' 8H&9 1^ IJ^ T) TJ 4} 19 65 16 00 I 4 5M 8H&9 15^ IM ■" 9s - ^1 23 50 20 50 1^ 6 9 to 11 1>8 IM -? " •a S fl 27 00 23 50 2 65^ 10 to 11 2 2V2 .SP « •JJ OJ 30 00 24 50 2}4 6^ 10 to 11 2}^ 2V| ^"^ ^ ^ *j 33 00 26 50 65^ 10 to 11 2M 2M >^ o K >> o S^ 36 00 28 50 23^ 7 11 to ]2 2 5^ 2M 3 a c ^ « c ^ 39 00 31 50 2H 7M 11 to 13 3 < < 42 00 33 00 SWEET'S RUBBER TIRING MACHINE. K ^mmmmsmammM \ \ \f ^^■11111 iiiTi,, fH .iignii^ 1^ ^ '*>' ■^__ ; ^^:^\. This machine is lor applying and rtpainng Rubber i ires trom J4 in. to IJ/^ in. We can fully recommend it to you as being the best ever produced. It is self contained, finishing the job without removing the wheel, takes up very little space, requires very little power, and is so simple that anyone can run it. The Rubber Tire business has reacheda condition that every repair shop, also every repository should be equipped to put on and repair rubber tires. This machine makes it possible for them to do this at a ^mall cost. We guarantee satisfaction, or no pay. Complete directions as to how to operate machine, also lengths of rubber to use on each size wheel, weights of rubber and channel and other necessary information sent with machine. Net price each $13.00 Shipped from Factory. 15? THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. RUBBER TIRE ACCESSORIES. Net price per set. Tire Wire No. 10 J^ for H, % and 1 inch rubber $0.35 Tire Cement, Net price per pint can 45 Brass Lined Brazing Sleeves on Collars, Net price per doz 15 Channel Steel Tire, See page 8. Channel Tire Swages, See page 26. WAGON SEAT SPRINGS. Sizes. 1% wide, 2 1^ wide, 2 1^ wide, 2 iVz wide, 3 ELIilPTIC SPRINGS. Net price per pair. leaf, 24 inches long $0.48 leaf, 25 inches long 50 leaf, 26 inches long 55 leaf, 28 inches long 80 No. 714, Half Double Sweep, Berlin Heads. Sizes. Net price each. 11/4x3x36 $0.90 11/4x4x36 1-05 1^/4x5x36 1-25 1 ^x4x36 1-40 1 1^x5x36 1-65 1 1^x6x36 ... 1.75 Note. — We can furnish other sizes from fac- tory. ELLIPTIC SPRINGS. SPALDING BOLSTER SPRING. No. 5. Full Elliptic Button Head. Sizes. Net price each. 1 1/4x3x34 $0-85 ^^ ^"^^^ 1^/4x4x34 90 ^^ ^^^ 114x3x36 95 1^/4x4x36 ^•'^^ Net price per set. i/x4x36 l-^O No. Springs to For 38-in. For 42-in. -ii/^n^oa " 1.65 Width. Leaf. Carry. Bolster Bolster ^ . ^xDXdo 1^ 3 1,000 lbs. $3.50 $4.00 r^AKT ssPRTTVria 11^ 4 1,500 lbs. 3.75 4.00 CAK1 SPRINGS. 1^ 4 2,000 lbs. 4.50 5.00 154 5 2,500 lbs. 5.00 5.50 2 5 3,000 lbs. 5.50 6.00 3 6 4,000 lbs. 6.00 6.50 xt x • i 3 7 5,000 lbs. 6.50 7.00 ^jzes Net price each 254' 6 6,000 lbs. 8.00 8.75 } {j,j^ ^ L- 2y2 7 7,000 lbs. 8.75 9.50 jH^f^^^ !^ 354 8 8,000 lbs. 9.50 10.25 }t^ ..^ In 254 9 9,000 lbs. 10.25 11.00 Jf^^l^^J fn 254 10 10,000 lbs. 11.00 11.75 ,^ ,?^ o^ . . , , , „ 1 54x4x40 85 Springs 6,000 capacity and larger and all 154x5x42 .. . . 1 10 42-inch bolsters shipped direct from factory. Qur springs"aVe "made 'by "the" 'best 'spring makers in the country — oil-tempered. Tested before shipping. PLATFORM SPRINGS. Cut shows No. 15 Side and No. 16 Cross Platform Springs (put together.) Width of Net price per set Steel. Side Spring. Cross Spring. 2 Cross, 4 Side Springs 154 4 leaves, 38 inches long 5 leaves, 40 inches long 700 lbs. $4.75 154 4 leaves, 40 inches long 5 leaves, 42 inches long 650 lbs. 5.10 Iji 4 leaves, 38 inches long 5 leaves, 40 inches long 900 lbs. 5.10 1^ 4 leaves, 40 inches long 5 leaves, 42 inches long 825 lbs. 5.50 15^ 4 leaves, 38 inches long 5 leaves, 40 inches long 1000 lbs. 5.60 154 4 leaves, 40 inches long 5 leaves, 42 inches long 950 lbs. 5.75 154 5 leaves, 40 inches long 6 leaves, 42 inches long 1400 lbs. 7.10 154 6 leaves, 40 inches long 7 leaves, 42 inches long 1725 lbs. 7.95 154 5 leaves, 40 inches long 6 leaves, 42 inches long 1725 lbs. 8.35 154 6 leaves, 40 inches long 7 leaves, 42 inches long 2100 lbs. 9.85 2 6 leaves, 40 inches long 7 leaves, 42 inches long 2450 lbs. 11.50 2 7 leaves, 40 inches long 8 leaves, 42 inches long 2700 lbs. 12.45 254 8 leaves, 40 inches long 9 leaves, 42 inches long 3250 lbs. 16.40 354 8 leaves, 40 inches long 9 leaves, 42 inches long 3800 lbs. 17.50 Broken Sets, Net Price per lb $0.06 54 Two-inch and larger shipped from factory. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, FA. 159 No. 1 BENT HICKORY RIMS. Sizes. 1 Xl 1 xlVs 1 X1I4 134x1^ l^xlj4 iHxlH I'Axiyi 1^X15/^ iMxi-j4 Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Eight Pieces to a set for 4 Wheels. How Packed and Heights carried in stock. Full set in bundle 3*-38-3«-3'". Per Set. ...$1.20 ... 1.20 1.20 1.20 . 1.28 Half set in bundle 32-3*-S6-3«-3i0-4. 1.251 1.85 1.95 1.35 1.95 1.65. 1.95 Full set in bundle 3*-38-3«-3i°-3«-4. 2.20 1 2,45 1 Full set in bundle SM. Half set in bundle 32-3*-3«-3S-3^''. rFull set in bundle 3»-3i<'. H xl}i Deep lixlVi, Deep 1 xiy^ Deep 1 xl% Deep BEVELED HICKORY BUGGY RIMS. $1.50 51.50] 1.50 [ 1.60 [ 1.70J Half set in bundle 32-S*-3«-38-3i0- l'/4 xl^^ lYs xiy& Deep Deep HICKORY HAY RAKE RIMS. Four Pieces to a set for 2 Wheels. .$1.00 .1.05 Full set in bundle 4^ BENT OAK WAGON AND TRXTCK RIMS. IV4. 2 2/2 3 3 sy2 4 4 "" Eight Pieces to a set for 4 Wheels. X2^ DeeJ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.^'.ll]'^'^^^^ ^^^ ^" ^""^'^ 32-3*-3«-3«-3i»-4. X 2^ Deep 3.50 Half set in bundle 3^-4. x2 Deep 2.35] xai^ Deep 2.95 J- Half set in bundle 3*-3<'-38-3i''-4. X2J4 Deep 3.50J x2 Deep 2.95 Single pieces 3-S2-3*-38-38-3i<'-4. xiyz Deep 2.75' x2 Deep 3.60 ^ }/' Ettl :::::::: 4:20 j-singie pieces 3-3=-3^.3<'-3s. xlj^ Deep 3.75 x2 Deep 4.95J NOTICE: — We do not break bundles of rims. Special sizes ordered upon request. Our rims are strictly up to grade and better quality than many firms' who grade higher. 160 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. OAK WAGON SPOKES. Fifty-two Spokes to a set. OAK WAGON SPOKES. SELECT REPAIR SPOKES. WHITE OAK SECOND GROWTH A. B. Our A. B. grade is a new grade of white oak, second growth, and is made up of selected A. and B. stock with the larger percentage of A. grade. These spokes are of excellent quality — try them. Price Per Price Per Price Per Bundle Bundle Sizes. Fronts Hinds Full Set lYz inch $1.45 $1.75 $3.20 lYf. inch 1.50 1.95 3.45 154 inch 1.75 2.20 3.95 1% inch 1.85 2.35 4.20 2 inch 2.10 2.60 4.70 2yi inch 2.20 2.75 4.95 2J4 inch 2.40 3.05 5.45 2^ inch 2.60 3.10 5.70 2 5^ inch 2.85 3.35 6.20 2^ inch 2.85 3.60 6.45 2^ inch 3.20 3.75 6.95 3 inch 3.30 3.90 7.20 We do not break bundles. Sizes. Price Each. Yi inch $0.05 1 inch 05 ItV inch 05 lYs inch 05 \Ya inch 05 iy& inch 05 \Y2 inch 05 lYi inch 05 l-}4 inch 05 Sizes Price each. lYe, inch $0.06 2 inch 06 2Y& inch 07 254 inch 08 2^ inch 08 2Y2 inch 08 25^ inch 09 2M inch 09 3 inch 10 SARVEN AVHEEL SPOKES. Net price Sizes. each. Y% inch $0.05 1 inch 05 l-h inch 05 IH inch 05 Net price Sizes each IYa inch $0.05J^ \Yi inch 06 IY2 inch 09 lYz inch 10 WHITE OAK EXTRA A OR XXX. Price Per Price Per Price Per Bundle Bundle Sizes. Fronts Hinds Full Set IY2 inch $1.10 $1.40 $2.50 IY9. inch 1.20 1.55 2.75 ly^ inch 1.40 1.85 3.25 1^ inch 1.50 2.00 3.50 2 inch 1.65 2.10 3.75 2Y9, inch 1.75 2.25 4.00 214 inch 2.00 2.50 4.50 2^ inch 2.10 2.65 4.75 2^ inch 2.30 2.95 5.25 2Y9, inch 2.50 3.00 5.50 2Y4 inch 2.65 3.10 5.75 3 inch 2.75 3.25 6.00 We do not break bundles PIN AND RED OAK— OUR SPECIAL. SHELL. BAND WHEEL SPOKES. Sizes. Price each. I Sizes. Price each. Yb inch $0.06 J^ IJ^ inch $0.06J^ 1 inch 06J4 I 1J4 inch 06^ Ifs inch OQYi WARNER WHEEL SPOKES. Sizes. Price each. | Sizes. Price each. Ys inch $0.06K I 1>^ inch $0.06^ 1 inch 061^ I 1,J4 inch 06J^ liV inch OQY2 I Sizes 1^ 1^ 2 2^ •2^ ^Ys 2/2 25^ 3 We Price Per Price Per Price Per Bundle Bundle Fronts Hinds Full Set nch $0.95 $1.20 $2.15 nch 1.00 1.30 2.30 nch . 1.10 1.40 2.50 nch 1.25 1.50 2.75 nch 1.35 1.65 3.00 nch 1.50 1.75 3.25 nch 1.55 1.85 3.40 nch 1.65 2.00 3.65 nch 1.75 2.20 3.95 nch 1.90 2.40 4.30 do not break bundles. Sizes. IY2 inch RAKE SPOKES. Sizes. ,$0.07H I 154 inch $0.07J^ Our stock of spokes, rims, hubs, shafts and general woodwork is of honest quality; we carrj' a large, clean stock and highly recom- mend same to our customers. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORKY, PA. SKCOAD <»K(>\\ Til Hl< KOItV WOOD III B Sl'OKK.S, 13 — Grade. Sizes. 7^ inch 1 inch iVs inch 1 '^ inch Net price ] per set. $.S.1.5 .'5. 1.5 3.1.5 .3.15 Net price Sizes. per set. I'/i inch $3.50 l-K i'lch 3.50 iVi inch 3.75 15^ inch 3.75 We do not break bundles. C— Grade. Sizes. Net price per set. H inch $2.20 1 inch 1 tV inch i;^ inch 2.20 2.20 2.20 Note. — Our Wood Stock is the bet Wc do not break bundles. Sizes. li/i inch. IH inch. 1^ inch. 15^ inch. Net pe price r set. $2.50 2.50 2.85 2.85 BliAC K BIRCH HI BS. Dodge Mortise Net price Sizes. per set. 5 x7 $0.90 5^x7 90 6 x7 1.00 6 x8 1.03 6 x8i^ 1.05 eVzxS 1.05 6V2x8y2 1-10 7 xSy. 1.20 7 x9 1.20 Less than full sets. Straight I'.nd. Net price Sizes. per set. 7 X 91/^ $1.20 73^x 9 1.20 8 xlO S'/^xlO 8^x11 9 xll 9 x-12 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.85 9^x12 1.90 10 xl2 2.00 10c extra per hub. BLACK BIKCH HUBS. Dodge iSIortise Cupped. Length is measured inside cup. Sizes. 7Hx 8^ 7i^x 9 8x9 7^x10 8 xlO 8^x10 Net price 1 per set. Sizes $1.25 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.65 Net price per set. 81/^x11 $1.80 9 xll 9 xl2, 9^x11 1.85 2.05 1.90 91^x12 2.10 10 xl2, 2.20 Less than full sets, 10c extra per hub. Note.— Our Hubs are all 12 and 14 Dodge mortise. Be sure to state in your order how many mortises wanted. [lALF FIJ\ISHKiJ 111 <;(,;V JSHAFT.S. ■ihed t ithout Mortise or Bar Sizes. If^xl ' l}^x2 1 'A x2 1 'gxl7^ inch 1 Hx2 inch 1^x2 inch lj/^x2^4 inch HAUP" FINISHED UOIBUF BENT HEEL WAGON SHAFTS. Net price per pan-. doz . pairs. XX XX .$1.15 $13.00 . 1.15 13.00 . 1.25 14.50 . 1.35 16.00 finished to Bar — Without Mortise or Bar. Net price per pair. Sizes. XX 1 1^x2 inch $1.50 1 ^x2 >4 inch 1.90 1^x2% inch 1.90 2 x2y2 inch 2.40 FINISHED DOUBLE BEVT HEEL W AGON SHAFTS. Finished Cross Bars Included. Net price per pair. Sizes. XX 1 ^x2 inch $1.70 1 Hx2 li inch 2.25 1 Hx2 Vi inch 2.25 2 x2 Yz inch 2.75 HALF FINISHED STRAIGHT HEEL W AGON SHAFTS. Finished to Bar. Sizes. iy2x2li inch 2 x2]/i inch Net price per pair. doz. pairs. XX XX $1.10 $12.50 , 1.85 21.00 Note. — Our Wood Stock is the best. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. No. 18 HALF FINISHED CART SHAFTS. CUTTER AND SHAFT CROSS BARS. Single Bend Finished to Bar, without Bar. Net price per pair. Sizes. XX 1^x2^ inch $1.55 HALF FINISHED SINGLE BEND POLES. Net price each. per doz. Sizes. XX XX 1^x2^ inch $1.30 $15.00 2 x2i^ inch 1.30 15.00 2 x3 inch 1.77 20.50 FINISHED SINGLE BEND POLES. Net price each. per doz. Sizes. XX XX 3^x2^4 inch $1.65 $19.00 2 x2J^ inch 1.65 19.00 2 x3 inch 2.05 24.00 HALF FINISHED DOUBLE BEND POLES. Net price • each. per doz. Sizes. XX XX 1^x21^ inch $1.30 $15.00 2 x25^ inch 1.30 15.00 2 x3 inch 1.77 20.50 FINISHED DOUBLE BEND POISES. Net price each. per doz. Sizes. XX XX 154x21^ inch $1.65 $19.00 2 x'21^ inch 1.65 19.00 2 x3 inch 2.05 24.00 Note.— Our Wood Stock is the best. FINISHED STRAIGHT OR PLAT- FORM POLES. Net price each. per doz. Sizes. XX XX 2x2^ inch $1.50 $17.50 FINISHED POLE CIRCLES. Sizes. Net price per doz. ^%, IH and 114 inch $2.60 Net price each ^^ Our Shafts and Poles are strictly up to grade and better quality than many firms who grade them higher. Finished. Net price Sizes. each. per doz. 15^x1?^ and 1^x2 inch $0.20 $2.00 1^x2 54 inch 30 3.20 BUGGY BOW^S. Four Bows to a Set. To be used with Steel Bow Sockets. Sizes. Net price per set. Buggy Bows -Kxl^ inch 32-34-36-38-40- 42-46 in $0.40 EXPRESS WAGON BOWS. Four Bows to a Set Sizes. Net price per set. ^xl5^ inch 34-36-38-40-42-44-46-48 in $1.25 jvfQte_ — Give width outside. BENT WAGON HOUNDS. Sizes. Net price each. Bent Wagon Hounds, 2x3 inch $0.90 IRON BUGGY SHAFTS. Sizes. Net price per pair. iMxl^ inches, XXX, finished in white.. $2.00 1 ^7c2 inches 2.10 The above shafts painted and trimmed for 60c extra. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. ROUND END BUGGY SINGLETREE ^VOODS. HICKORY WAGON NECK YOKE WOODS. ■fisC^ mm^ Net price. Sizes. Each. Doz. 1^x1^ inch $0.18 $1.80 1 J^x2 inch 20 2.15 1^x2J4 inch 25 2.50 SWORD OR FUAT END SINGLE- TREES. o- Net price. 2^x38 inch $0.29 $3.00 2^x42 inch 35 3.50 2.)4x44 inch 35 3 qq 3 x48 inch 40 4.25 3J4x48 inch 43 4.50 HICKORY BUGGY AND EXPRESS EVENERS. Net price. Sizes. Each. Doz. 1^4x1 .)4 inch $0.22 $2.35 lfgxl% inch 22 2.35 1^x2 inch 22 2.35 HICKORY WAGON SINGLETREE WOODS. Dressed and Rounded. Forest. 1)^x2^x48 Buggy, XXX $0.25' $2.7^5 15^x25/^x48 Express, XXX .30 3 00 l^x2J4x48 Heavy Express, XXX. .30 3 25 1^x3 x48 Heavy Express, XXX .35 3 40 HICKORY WAGON EVENERS. Oval. Net price. Sizes. Each. Doz. 2 x2^ inch $0.18 $1.85 2^x2->4 inch 20 2.00 214x3 inch 23 2.40 Round. Net price. Sizes. Each. Doz. 21/^ inch Center $0.20 $2.10 2% inch Center 22 2.35 HICKORY BUGGY AND EXPRESS NECK YOKE WOODS. '**'niiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Sizes. Net price Each. I»^x42 Acorn End, 2nd Growth. .$0.17 1^x42 Acorn End, 2nd Growth.. .18 1^x42 Acorn End, 2nd Growth 2 x42 Acorn End, 2nd Growth.. .20 Doz. $1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 ■i^^^^^^ Dressed and Rounded. „. Net price. ^^''f^- , Each. Doz. lMx]Hx48 in. Light Wagon.. $0.35 $3.75 2 x4 x48 in. Farm Wagon.. .35 3.75 TURNED HICKORY AXLES. Sizes. Net price each. 2J/^ inch Skein $0.62 2 y^ inch Skein 82 3 inch Skein 95 SJ/4 inch Skein 1.12 3 ^ inch Skein 1.05 334 inch Skein 1.40 4 inch Skein 1.55 FINISHED BUGGY NECK YOKES. Sizes. Net price each. 1^, 1^ and 2 inch, in the white $0.40 \V2, iH and 2 inch, painted black 55 JOCKEY NECK YOKE W^OODS. Net price per dozen $1.50 Net price each 15 WHITE ASH FINISHED POLES. ^ :^ Square Butts. Sizes. Net price each. 3 inch at doubletree $1.30 3^ inch at doubletree 1.30 3 1/2 inch at doubletree I.30 3^ inch at doubletree • I.35 4 inch at doubletree 1.35 THE r.ARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. IROIVKD WAGON SlIVGLETRLIES. ;.\x:2>8x3G inch. Sizes. Net price per doz. ^^ inch Center Clips and ^ inch Rings, 114 End Ferrules and ^ inch Hooks. .$4.50 Price each 40 IROAKD AA VGOX ^F.CK YOKES. Sizes. 2-5^x40 inch long Price each Net price per doz. $6.25 BTERLASTING JOflvEY >ECK YOKES. Net price per pair $1.10 Note. — The Everlasting Goods are Stronger, More Durable' and Lighter and Neater in ap- pearance than any made. CI TTER RUNNERS. Portland. vSizes. Net i)rice per pair. ]^ inch $1.00 IRONED WAGON DOUBLETREES. vSizes. Net price each. 2x4x4 8 inches long $0.70 ^CK YOKES. Sizes. No. 2 No. 10 No. 11 Acorn Ends Japanned. Net price each. Fits lli to 1^ Pole Tip $0.50 Fits IH to iy2 Pole Tip 50 Fits 19^ to iy/s Pole Tip 50 AUTOMATIC GRIP NECK YOKE CENTER. Sizes. Net price each. P.uggy $0..'?0 Carriage ' .30 Spring Wagon 30 IRONED BUGfiY POLES. Sizes. Net price each. 1 Hx2 Yi inch $3.75 3 x2 1^ inch 3.85 XXX Finished complete with Singletrees and Doubletrees, ' including Neck Yoke. Note. — We can furnish above painted black for 75c extra. OVAL BREAST YOKl- STYLE. NEW VOHK S IPP Net price per pair. No. 4S-A.— Oval woods, 2J8x2x23 in., M in. forged steel staple at center, iV in. eye-bolts, ^,5 in. rings $0.85 NEW ERA BREAST YOKE. Net price per No. 45-A. — Round woods, 1 y% in. x 21 in. split staple, -^ in. eye-bolts, fg '"• rings SPOKE WEDGES. $0.S5 No. 54-A. ^^xl^ in.. 54-B. Hxl^4 in.. 54-C. 5^x1^ in.. 64-D. -Mxl^ in. . 1,000 in package, ages. Net price per 1,000 $0.55 We do not break pack- THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, PA. 165 1 HKN'I' OAK I'OU ItliWKRS. Regular Bend, Four to a Set. Sizes. Net price jxr set. 1 M inch Tread, 3 inch Deep $1.55 3 inch Tread, 2 inch Deep 1.60 2 inch Tread. 2^-^ inch Deep 3.00 3 inch Tread, ^ inch Deep 3.40 3 inch Tread, 4 inch Deep :?.0() 3 ifR-h Trt-ad. 4Vj inch Deep ;;.80 3 incli Trc-ad, '> inch Deep 4.4.'> 3'/. inch Tread, 2 inch Deep 2.0.> HVj inch Tread. 4 inch Deej) :!.8() :! inch Tread, 2 inch Deep 3.25 ■ iVj inch Tread. 2 inch Deep 3.40 4 inch Tread. 2 inch Deep 3.00 4i< inch Tread. 3 inch Deep 3.8;") o inch Tread, 2 inch Deep .1.05 5 inch Tread, 2^:^ inch Deep 3.55 6 inch Tread, 2 inch Deep .3.85 VAI.KiNTI-\F/S PURK COI.OH.S J.\ Oil.. BLACKS. Net price per Ih. Jet Black 25c Ivory Black 23c Drop Black 32c Coach Black 31c Lettering Black 30c Refined Lamp Black 1 8c BLUES. Net price per lb. Prussian Blue 60c L'ltramarine Blue 35c REDS. Net price per lb. Western Red 40c Tuscan Red 30c English Vermillion, L and D $1.00 American \'ermillion, L and D 35c Coach Painters' Vermillion 60c Indian Red 30c Venetian Red I"c GREENS. Net price per lb. Chrome Creen, L M and D 18c Blind and .Shutter Green, L U and D 18c YELLOWS. Net price per lb. Chrome Yellow, L M O and D 23c Yellow Ochre 13c HKOWNS. Net price per IIj. R;iw :iiid liuMil' Siemia 18c Raw and P.unil ITuilu-r ITc X'andyke I'.rown 1 8c VAf.KNTINE'S SUPKRPINK COACH COLORS. GROUND IN JAPAN. Net price per lb. Coach Bl.'ick $0.31) American Vermillion, T 'I" American Vermillion, D 40 Coach Painters' X'ermillion 1 •'»" Wine Color, T 40 Wine Color, D ■*« Brewster Green, I ' "" Brewster tlrcen, D •'><> .S H KR W I N- \V I L I- 1 A M S VARMSHKS. COACH This is unquestionably the best all around varnish made. Give it a trial. It will do your work to your satisfaction. Packed in half-gallon and gallon cans. Net price each. Sizes in stock. J^ Gals. Gals. Wearing Body Varnish (finish- ing coats, best wor'K) $1.80 $3.40 Finishing Gear Varnish (finish- ing running parts) 1.58 2.05 Heavy Gear Varnish (one coat finishing, general work) 1.35 3.55 No. 1 Gear Varnish (quick dry- ing finishing, ordinary work). 1.13 2.13 Ouick Rubbing (a 2-day rub- "bing) 1.35 2.55 No. 1 Rubbing Varnish (a quick rubbing, ordinary work) 1.13 3.13 Ouick Black Rubbing \'arnish " for under coats (ordinary work) l-3-^> ^--''^ Coach Japan (for drying and ^ hardening paints) 68 l.~8 No 1 Coach (a one-coat coach varnish) 72 1.36 166 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. VALENTINE'S COACH VARNISHES. I.UCAS WAGON PAINTS. Sizes in stock. Net prices each. Per Per quart, gallon. Wearing Body Varnish (for fin- ishing coats only) $1.50 $5.75 Elastic Gear Varnish (for fin- ishing running parts) 1.25 4.75 One Coat Coach Varnish (for finishing coats on ordinary work) 1.15 4.25 One Coat Gear Varnish (for finishing running parts, ordi- nary work) 90 3.30 Quick Leveling Varnish (two day rubbing) 1.00 3.80 Crown Coach Japan (for dry- ing and hardening paints) 48 1.67 ROUGH STUFFS. Mixed Ready for Use. Net price per can. Colors. Qt. Yi Gal. Gal. Black 40c 75c $1.40 Red 40c 75c 1.40 Yellow 40c 75c 1.40 Green 40c 75c 1.40 Note. — There are no better Wagon Paints on the market than ours. Sizes. Net price each Net price each PINE TAR. lOc COAL TAR. Pt. Qt. Gal. 15c 20c 50c SHELLAC. Qt. ,20c ^Gal. 40c Gal. 55c Sizes in stock. Net price. Lawson's, in 5, 10 and 20 lb. pails, per lb. .15c Valentine's, in 10 and 20 lb. pails, per lb.. 22c White Shellac Orange Shellac Net price per can. Gal. V2 Gal. Qts. Pts. ^Pts. .$.3.00 $1.70 $1.00 $0.55 $0.30 . 2.75 1.60 .85 .50 .30 NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINTS. Net prices per can. Colors. Qt. Pt. % Pt. Citron Yellow 50c 30c 20c Vermillion 65c 40c 28c Acme Wine 50c 30c ^Oc Coach Green 50c 30c 20c Carmine Red 65c 40c 28c Brewster Green 50c 30c 20c Raven Coach Black 50c 80c 20c ASPHALTUM. Gallon cans $1.10 Half gallon cans 60 Quart cans ^ 4 5 PUMICE STONE. Net price per lb. Lump Pumice in bulk 10c Pulverized Pumice in bulk 5c WHITE LEAD. Net price per lb. White Lead in Oil, in 125^, 25, 50 and 100 lb. kegs Prices on application. OILS. Net price per gallon Challenge Machinery .. .Prices on application. Eldorado Machinery ... .Prices on application. Cylinder Machinery .... Prices on application. Raw Linseed Oil Prices on application. Boiled Linseed Oil Prices on application. Lard Oil Prices on application. Turpentine Prices on application. Japan Dryer Prices on application. Separator Prices on application. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 167 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS LARGE TIJUE Q,IJICK DRYING STRIPING COLORS. Colors in stock. Net price each. Striping Black 1 r)C Spanish Carmine 30c Empress Scarlet 20c Iroquois Red 20c Aztec Red 20c Mohawk Red 15c Coach Green 15c Fernleaf Green 15c Imperial Blue 22c Ultramarine Blue 1 6c Hoffman Brown 15c Flake White 15c Ivory White 15c Chrome Yellow 15c Yellow Ochre 15c Gold Imitation 15c Japan or Quick Drying Colors. DRY COLORS. Net price per lb. Metallic Red 2c Chrome Green 16c Venetian Red 2c Red Lead 10c White Lead 12c American Vermillion 15c Yellow Ochre 2Hc Chrome Yellow • 17c Whiting Sc Paris Plaster 3c Burnt Umber 5c Raw Umber •* 5c Ultramarine Blue 25c Lamp Black, 1 lb. papers 15c Lucasene Vermillion 25c MATHER'S THOUSAND MILE AXLE OIL. LE PAGE'S LIQUID GLU Sizes. Net price each. Small Bottles $0.10 Half pint 25 Pints 40 Quarts 65 SCRAP GLUE. Net price per lb. Best Made Scrap 15c Pulverized 15c GLUE POTS. Tinned Inside. No. 00 1 Size in pints H 1J4 IJ^' Net price each 39 43 48 AXLE GREASE. 2 3 4 2 23^ sy2 60 72 86c One pint cans, net price each, .25c Sizes. Net price each. Shining Light Axle Grease, 1 lb. Tin Cans $0.10 Shining Light Axle Grease, 3^ lb. Tin Cans 25 168 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. FRAi\K MILLKR'S HARNESS GOODS. HARNKSS SOAP. Net price each 13c Net price each. Harness Composition 18c FRANK MILLERS EAENESS SEESSINS THE FB^JIX MTT.l.KR QU OIL ,. M»HUFACTUBEO BY NBW-yoBK- Net price each. Pints Dressing 20c Quarts Dressing o5c Half pints Oil l;'>c Pints Oil 25c Net price each. Pints Axle Oil 20c Quarts Axle Oil 35c Half pints Top Dressing 25c Pints Top Dressing 40c NKAI/S carriage: TOP DRESSING. Net price each. Half pint cans 20c Pint cans 30c TINTED GLOSS PURE OIL LLCAS HOUSE PAINTS. M Sizes in stock. Net price each. Half Gals. Gals. Ots. House Colors $1.60 $0.85 $0.50 Outside White 1.65 .85 .50 P.lack 1.60 .85 .50 Vermillion 1,25 .70 Window Blind Green 1.25 .70 The Lucas is not a cheap paint, but equal to any made. C1L\LLENGE.— We give full measure, eight pints to the gallon. W^e challenge a competitive practical test of this paint against any other liquid or mixed paint in the market, wherever manufactured. It is a RECOGNIZED STANDARD for bril- liancy, durability, covering capacity and quality. While experience proves it is impossible to provide against all contingencies governing the application of paint, to produce in every ca.se a perfect or satisfactory result, either where machine or hand-mixed paints are used, we are willing to redress any dissatisfaction that may be properly chargeable to this paint. An assurance of this kind from a house of our responsibility, we think, will commend it.self to all purchasers of paint. LUCAS FLOOR PAINTS. Net price each. Color. Half Gals. Qts. Yellow $0.70 $0.40 Red 70 .40 Grey 70 .40 Brown 70 .40 Salmon 70 .40 Sage 70 .40 Green 70 .40 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 169 CHISEIi BRISTLE PLOWl^JG VAR- NISH BRUSHKS. No. 31. Palace Triple Thick White. Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.30 114 inch 40 2 inch 60 Sizes. Net price each. 2^ inch $0.80 inch ].00 BLACK CHISEL BRISTLE PLOUING VARNISH BRUSHES. No. 43. Globe Double Thick. Sizes. Net price each. I Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch lYi inch 2 inch Note.— All 2/2 3 $0.1.5 .25 .35 selected Chinese inch, inch . .$0.50 Black Bristles, very soft and elastic. Nickel bound. CHISEL FLAT BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. Crow Chisel, thick black. Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.10 1 1/2 inch 15 2 inch 20 Sizes. Net price each. 2^ inch $0.25 3 inch 30 CHISEL BRISTLE FLOWING VARNISH BRUSHES. Ruby Chisel, thick white. Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.20 iVi inch 30 2 inch 40 Sizes. Net price each. 214 inch $0.50 3 inch 60 ACME CHISELED VARNISH BRUSHES. EXTRA CAMEL HAIR MOTTLING BRUSHES. No. 309. Square. Sizes. Net price each. | Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.15)2 inch $0.30 1 '/, inch 25 2 y^ inch 40 FITCH HAIR FLOWING BRI SHF^S. No. 318. Single Thick Chisel. Sizes. Net price each. | Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.30 12 inch $0.50 iVi inch 40 I 2K' inch 60 SINGLE THICK BADGER H.^IR FLOWING BRUSHES. No. 325. Chisel. Sizes. Net price each. I Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.30 12 inch $0.60 11/^ inch 45 I 25^ inch 75 SASH TOOLS. No. 257. Extra French, No. 65. Sizes. Net price each. 8 inch $0.30 9 inch 40 10 inch 50 12 inch 60 Sizes. Net price each. Chisel. 1 inch $0.06 2 inch 08 Sizes. Net price each. 3 inch 10 14 inch $0.70 No. 252. 16 inch 80 Sizes. 1 inch Net price each. 18 inch 90 $0.10 3 inch 12 5 inch 15 Sizes. Net price each. 4 inch $0.12 6 inch 15 8 inch 18 Congo. Sizes. Net price each. 7 inch $0.20 9 inch 25 170 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. CAMEL, HAIR DAGGER STRIPERS. No. 287. Net price each. Sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 $0.15 Assorted, per doz 1.60 Diagonal Ends, CoppefWire Binding, Hair iVi to 2^2 inches long. CAMEIi HAIR LETTERING STRIPING PENCILS IN QUILLS. AND No. 283. Rose. Sizes, Net price each. 1 to 8, Lettering $0.05 Assorted, per doz 45 No. 284. Rose. 1 to 8, Striping Points $0.05 Assorted, per doz 45 COLOR BRUSHES. No. 312. Extra Camel Hair. Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.35 IH inch 50 Sizes. Net price? each. 2 inch $0.70 2^ inch 1.00 COACH DUSTERS. Net price each. $1.00 No. 222. Size. 2-0 All White, fine French Bristles, i)/^ inches long. Size 13 50 Bristles black outside with grey center. 3 5^ inches long. PLAT PAINT OR WALL BRUSHES. No. 95 Klondike. Size, inches 3 3^ 4 Net price each $0.25 .30 .35 No. 92 Hankon. Size, inches 3 3 ^ 4 Net price each $0.40 .50 .60 No. 81 Acme. Size, inches 3 3 1/2 4 Net price each $0.70 .85 1.00 JENNINGS' WAGON MAKERS' DRAW^ KNIVES. Sizes. Net price each 8 inch $0.85 9 inch 90 10 inch 95 BARTON'S No. 87 NARROW CAR- RIAGE KNIVES. Sizes. Net price each. 8 inch $0.95 9 inch 1.10 10 inch 1.15 Blades ^ to 1 inch wide, applewood handles, capped and ferruled. BARTON'S No. 88 W^AGON MAKERS' KNIVES. Sizes. Net price each. 8 inch $0.98 9 inch 1.10 10 inch 1.12 Heavy blades, 1J4 to 1J4 inch wide, black wahiut handles, capped. BONNEY ADJUSTABLE HOLLOW AUGER. No. 4. Cuts from ^ to 1 inch. Net price each ,$0.60 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 171 STE3ARNS' PATKNT ADJUSTABLK HOLLOW AUGER. No. The Jaws slide toward and from each other, and may be adjusted to any size from J4 to 11/4 inches to the scale upon head of tool. They are hardened steel and are secured by screws working in the slots at side of cutter head. The adjustable stop and graduated scale upon body regulate the length of tenon. Sizes. No. Net price each. $3.00 STEARNS' PATENT ADJUSTABLE HOLLOW AUGER. No. 3 Cuts any size tenon from ^4 to 1^ inches, and pivoted paws are provided with a gradu- ated scale by which the size of the tenon is regulated. To secure required length of tenon a movable stop is operated upon a graduated scale with rulings to sixteenths. Net price each. $3.00 .Sizes. No 3 SARGENT'S ADJUSTABLE AUGER. HOLLOW This Auger is made of malleable iron and steel, and the jaws are moved by means of right and left hand screw. It will cut any size tenon from % to 1]4 inches, and may be instantly adjusted. Length of tenon regu- lated by the adjustable stop and graduated .scale. Sizes. Net price each. No. 50 $3.90 WOOD'S "UNIVERSAL" HOLLOW AUGER. Net price each. No. B-1 $3.75 It cuts a tenon of any size from % in. up to 1?4 in-, and any length up to 4 in. Knife is adjustable to cut any desired thickness of chip without changing set of Auger as to size of tenon. ADJUSTMENT. A simple turn of the large thumb-screw makes complete adjustment for any size of tenon. Just the work of a second, without the use of any tool, and the Auger is set to any size by the gauge, with absolute ac- curacy, or to suit the size of the bit being used. There is no "cutting and trying." The adjustment is made exactly, and practically in- stantaneously. The Adjusting Screw has right and left threads, which causes the V- Block and the Knife to move toward or away from the center of the Auger, so that the tenon being cut is always central of the Auger. STEARNS' SPOKE POINTERS. With Graduated Adjustable Shank. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, Points up to 1% inches diameter. . .55c No. 2, Points up to 2y& inches diameter. . .75c GOODELL'S HACK SAWS. Sizes. . Net price each. No. 8, for 8 inch blade, solid steel 37c No. 9, for 9 inch blade, solid steel 41c STAR HACK SAW FRAME. > .till III — — » This is the best Extension Frame in the market. It is light and quickly adjusted, hav- ing strength in the middle where strength is needed. It is made of tempered steel, pol- ished and nickel plated. The handles are Cocobola wood, highly finished. It carries blades 6 to 12 inches long. Sizes. Net price each. No. 9, Star Hack Saw Frame $1.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. HACK SAW BLADES. [NNERS' SNIPS. Net price Sizes Doz. Each. 8 inch $0-49 $0-05 9 inch 5.3 .06 10 inch 64 .07 • 12 inch '9 -08 SPOKE SHAVES. ^^ Net price each. No. 1, Single, 134 inch Cutter $0.15 fl No. 3. Sizes. Net price each. No. 2, Douhle 1 H i'lch Cutter, concave and straight $0.25 HBRWOOD SCREW DRIVF^KS. Hardwood liaiidle. Sizes. Net price each. | Sizes. Net price each. 2>^ in. blade $0.18 \ 6 in. blade $0.35 ?. in. blade 20 | S in. blade 50 4 in. blade 25 I 10 in. blade 00 5 in. blade i',0 \ The best Screw Driver made. BRACE SCREW DRIVER BITS. Sizes. Net price each. 3^ inch wide $0.10 tW inch wide 10 Ys inch wide 10 Special steel, very strong. F1L.E CliEANER. Net price, each $0.08 ADJUSTABLE STEEL COUNTER-SINK. Sizes. No. 9, No. 8, Length Length of cut of cut 3 Net inches. . inches. . price each. .$1.10 . 1.25 Bl TTON S PLIERS. Sizes. Net price each. ^14 inch $0.20 (i inch 25 Sizes. Net 8 inch . . 10 inch . . price each. $0..SO 35 BENCH STOP. Net price, each .$0.55 Note. — No springs to get out of order, and no reaching under bench to operate. SCREW CLAMPS. Sizes. Net price each I Sizes. Net price each 2 5-4 in. openmg. .$0.10 7 in. opening. .$0.32 3 m. openmg. . .12 8 in. opening.. .3< 4 in. openmg. . .17 10 in. opening, . .45 ;j m. opening. . .20 12 in. opening. . .5a in. opening. . .20 SNOW'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE CLAMPS. Sizes. Net price each | Sizes. Net price each 2 in. opening $0.40)6 in. opening. . .$0.70 opening. . . .80 in. opening 45 in. opening 50 8 in. opening. . . .90 in. opening 60 A spring lever on the side permits of the Net price each. instant adjustment of this clamp without turn Without Bits , $0.35 ing the screw except to tighten the hold. Till': r.AKLuw iiAKDWAi^-: CO., toKin'. r.\. 173 PKRFECTION CLAMP. JKNNINGS' AUGKIi BITS. Sizes. Net luicc each. -' '/-foi't Clainj's $1.50 3- foot ClHmj)s l.()0 4-fout Clamps f 1.80 5-foot Clamps 2.00 Note. — These Clamps arc all nuulc of malle- able iron parts, wronght iron screws and steel bars. CLAHIv'-S KXrViNSIUiX Bn\s. Sizes. No. 1, Small, cuts No. 2, Large, cuts to 1 to ;j Net price each. .. .$0.60 . . . .00 inch Jennings' I'attern. Sizes. Net price each. | VV inch .$0.17 74 inch I'V inch H inch i\x inch J/j inch ■i^K inch S'g inch U inch i4- inch \'i inch % inch ];; inch I inch AUGKKS. Sizes, inch inch inch inch inch inch inch Vs BWIN .17 .17 .19 .22 .25 .27 .29 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .40 A I Jennin Sizes. is inch % inch A inch Vs inch iV inch Vz inch A inch Vs inch Ih inch H inch a- inch 7A inch Vi inch 1 inch GKR B gs' Genuine. Net price each. $0.20 1?() . .21 . 2 .') '. .28 . .30 . .33 .35 . .38 .41 Ts! . .49 Net price each. | Sizes. Net price eacli ' - - - ■• ■ - $0.:;." $0.20 U inch .20 H inch .21 11 inch .23 7^ inch .35 ]^ inch .30 1 inch .30 1^^ »#t##tf A It; KB BiT.s ii\ isr/rs. Sizes. Net price each. y2 inch $0.21 ^8 inch 23 H inch 25 78 inch 30 1 inch 34 Sizes. Net I l^-s inch . IJ/4 inch . lyz inch . 1)4 inch . 2 inch . e each. $0.38 .42 .53 .65 .76 s>f:ll's car bits. •^»#^^^t##^^»^= Sizes. Net price each. li inch $0.33 i\ inch 38 H inch 40 ^'g inch 45 y< inch 50 Sizes. Net price each. U inch $0.65 H inch 70 % inch 85 II inch 95 1 inch 1.00 % inch .60 Packed in a ^^\)odcn Case. In ?cts consist- ing of one bit each. I/4, 1^, H, is. /^i, A> H, U, H, iL Vs. iii, 1 inch. Net price per set. Jennings' Pattern $3.25 Russell Jennings 4.50 Irwin 3.75 PRATT'S PATENT AT GER HANDLES. Sizes. No. 1, 14 inches long. Net price each. $0.60 No. 2, 17 inches long PLLG CUTTER. '"iTirirnnnr^Mafiht Sizes. Net price each. y2 inch $0.30 i^« inch 35 Vs inch 40 174 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BIT BRACES. No. 996— S. Sizes. Net price each. 10 inch sweep $0.35 12 inch sweep 45 PLAIN BIT BRACE. No. 916— S. Sizes. Net price each. 14 inch sweep ^i '? = 12 inch sweep l-l5 10 inch sweep l-^O RATCHET BIT BRACE. No. 915— S Sizes. Net price each. 14 inch sweep $1.25 12 inch sweep 1-15 10 inch sweep 1-00 RATCHET BRACES. Both Jaws and Sleeve are made of Solid Steel. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1002, 10 inch sweep $1.60 No. 1001, 12 inch sweep 1.80 No. 1000, 14 inch sweep 1.90 SPOFFORD'S BRACES. Size. 8 inch sweep. 12 inch sweep. Each. .$0.85 . 1.05 Size. Each. 14 inch sweep. . .$1.15 17 inch sweep... 1.25 DRILL BRACE WITH BALL BEARINGS. This is a 10-inch sweep Ratchet Brace with Gear Wheels speeded about three to one; to be used for drilling. The Gear Wheel can be removed when not wanted. The Crank Han- dle, as shown in the cut, can be extended to gain more power when needed. The Chuck will hold Round or Square Shanks. Net price, each $2.50 GOODELL REVERSIBLE AUTOMATIC INTERCHANGEABLE SCREW DRIVER. Net price per set. $1.15 No. 22 It drives and draws screws automatically. Has two separate and distinct spirals. Comes with three bits. DRILL ATTACHMENTS FOR GOOD- ELL AUTOMATIC SCREW DRIVER. Net price per set. No. 2, Fitting No. 22 Aut. Screw-driver. $0.50 Consists of chuck and eight fluted drill points to be used with automatic screw-driver so as to turn it into a drill chuck same as in automatic drills. YANKEE RECIPROCATING SCREW DRIVER. Net price each. No. 30 $1-25 Three bits with each tool. Right and left hand spiral ratchet with locking device for holding rigid. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. IRON AND STEEL SQUARES. MARKING GAUGES. Description. Body Tongue. No. 1 24x2 in. 16x1 H in. No. 2 24x2 in. 16x1^ in. No. 3. 24x2 in. 16x1^ in. No. 14 24x2 in. :i6xlH in. No. 1. Coppered 16xlH in. No. 2. Coppered 16x1^ in. Sizes Net price each. No. 1, Cast Steel, 2 in. $1.00 No. 2 Cast Steel, 2 in. 1.00 No. 3, Cast Steel, 2 in 70 No. 14, Cast Steel, 2 in 60 No. 1, Coppered 1.40 No. 2, Coppered 1.30 IRON. No. 1, Iron, 1^ in $0.30 No. 2, Iron, 1^ in 35 YANKEE RECIPROCATING DRILL.. No. 62. Sizes. Net price each. No. 62, Marking Gauge $0.10 Becchwood, steel point. No. 65. Sizes. Net price each. No. 65, Marking Gauge $0.25 Boxwood, adjustable steel point, plated head, polished brass thumb screw. Sizes. Net price each. No. 70, Cutting Gauge $0.20 Mahogany, polished plated head, boxwood thumb screw, oval bar, marked steel cutter. prr^ .1 No. 71. Sizes. Net price each No. 71 $0.40 Patent Double Gauge (marking and mortise gauge combined), beechwood, polished, plated head and bars, brass thumb screws and shoes, oval bars, steel points. No. 50. Net price each. No. 50 $1.75 Drills metal as well as wood. Drills continu- ously. The head of the tool is provided with hall bearings to reduce the friction. Chuck has three jaws and holds from to -^ inch. No drill points are furnished with this drill. The movement of the drill is 8^ inch. Tool is 16 inches long. SLIDING "T" BEVELS. TWO SPEED BORING MACHINE. Best quality. \ No. 25. Sizes. Net price each. 6 inch $0.13 8 inch 21 10 inch 22 12 inch 24 The Bevel Blade can be made fast or loose by moving the Lever with the thumb of the hand which grasps the* handle, thus leaving the other hand of the workman free. Net price each. No bits $4.20 This is without doubt the best boring ma- chine on the market. It folds up nicely for the tool chest. It gives speed on one chuck two-thirds that of crank and other chuck one and one-half times of crank. Frame has up- rights and rack attachments sufficiently high for boring a hole 11 inches deep. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BOXWOOD RULES. No. BOXWOOD BULKS. T No. 6-2. No. ?<2. DESCRIPTION OF STANLEY RULE AND LEVEL CO/S RULES. No. Width. Fold. Joint. Net price each. 64 1 ft. 5y^ in. 4 Square No binding on edge 8th and ]6th 12c 57 1 ft. % in. 4 Arch Full brass bound 8th and 16th 3.^c 33 1 ft. 1 in. 4 Arch No -binding on edge 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th 35c S'Zy^ 1 ft. 1 in. 4 Arch Full brass bound 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th. 40c 68 2 ft. 1 in. 4 Round No binding on edge 8th and 16th 10c 63 2 ft. 1 in. 4 Square No binding on edge 8th, 10th, 12th and 16th 18c 62 2 ft. 1 in. 4 Square Bound 8th, 10th, 13th and 16th 35c 54 2 ft. 1 in. 4 Arch Full brass bound 8th, lOth, 12th and 16th, drafting scale 40c ZIG-ZAG RULES. BLACKSMITHS* RULE. Sizes. Net price each. No. 4, Four- foot length 30c No. 6, vSix-foot length 40c c^. xt • t Note.— Any of above Rules can be sent by "^'^^^ , ,_, _, ^ Net price each, mail. Postage from 4 (.) S cents extra. r\yo-foot, t^vo-fold graduated in 8th of inches, ■>4 in. wide 35c This rule consists of two legs made from DISSTON'S <"0!>[PASS SAWS. spring brass joined together by a brass joint, is particularly adapted for measuring hot metal, as it can be cooled by plunging in water with- J fea| B i>L-. out rusting. ^jjJP DISSTON'S HAND SAWS. Sizes, inch 10 12 14 16 18 ^ Net price, each 30 32 35 48 55c BACK SAW S. No. 7. Sizes. Net price each. No. ?, 26 inch $1.35 No. 7, 28 inch Rip 1.55 Sizes. Net price each. 10 inch $0.80 12 inch 90 14 inch 1.20 BROWN HAND SAW^S. Sizes. Net price each. 18 inch $0.60 20 inch 75 22 inch 95 26 inch 1.05 28 inch Rip 1.25 No. D 8. Sizes. Net price each. No. D 8, 20 inch $1.26 No. D 8, 22 inch 1.40 No D 8, 26 inch 1.58 No. D 8, 28 inch Rip 1.80 Note. — We carry a full line of Disston's Saws of all kinds. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BUCK BROS.' SOCKET FIRMER CHISELS. I Sizes H Ya Buck Bros. ..$0..35 ..15 .88 .42 .44 .4^ Leather Tipped Bevel Edge Clearcut .... Sizes Buck Bros. I:^ather Tipped Bevel Edge Clearcut .... )0 ,o2 .32 .35 .36 .39 .41 J'8 1 Wa \V2 \V\ $0.55 .58 .65 .68 .75 .44 .46 .49 .52 .55 .58 Net price full set. Buck Bros., yi to 2 in $5.25 Leather Tipped Bevel Edge Clearcut, y% to 2 in 5.00 BICK BROS.' SOCKET FRAMING CHISELS. iiillllliff Sizes 9s :'t "1 1 !4 1 '-i 1?^ 2 Buck Bros. ..$0.70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 1.10 SOCKET FIRMER GOcGES. Sizes Inside Bevel . Outside Bevel Sizes Inside Bevel . Outside Bevel yk yi H yi H ^ .$0.40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 . .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 . 7A 1 1% iVz IV4 2 .$0.70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 . .70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 BUCK'S TURNIIVG CHISELS. Sizes . . . . Buck's . . ^ H 1 1J4 1^ $0.30 .35 .43 .55 .65 CORNER CHISELS. iNCt price each. Size, inches 1 Buck's $1.60 AUTOMATIC BOB IN G TOOIiS. 'Ill II lUjfi Sizes. Net price eacli. No. 3. All Metal Handle with 8 Drill Points $1-^5 TRY SQUARES. No. 20. Size Blades, inches 4"^ 6 7 '4 9 10 12 Net price, each. $0.20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 COMBINED TRY AND MITRE SQUARES. Size Blades, inches iVi 6 7^4 9 12 Net price, each $0.30 .35 .40 .45 .50 Square inside and out. Blades graduated in inches. The handles of these Try Squares have a brass face firmly riveted in position and also the Handy Grip. PLATFORM SCALES. These scales have had an immense sale, and pur- chasers who buy them are satisfied. These Scales will weigh accurately, and are the best working, best looking, low priced scales made. Sizes Capacity iNO. P 6 600 lbs P 8 800 lbs PlO 1000 lbs 178 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. GENUINE BAILEY'S ADJUSTABI.E BLOCK PLANES. PLANE IRONS FOR WOOD PLANES. Nos. 91^, 9M, 15, 16. Sizes. Net price each. No. 110, 7J^ in. long, IH in. Cutter. . .$0.40 No. 120, Adjustable, 7% in., 1% in. Cutter 53 No. 9V^, 6 in. long, 1% in. Cutter 76 No 9%, Rosewood Handle, 6 in., 1% in. Cutter 95 No. 15, 7 in., 1% in. Cutter 95 No. 16, Nickel Trimmings, 6 in., 1% in. Cutter 95 GENUINE BAILEY'S PATENT SMOOTH PliANES. Sizes. Net price each. No. 1, SVi inches long, lyi inch Cutter. . $1.15 No. 2, 7 inches long, IH inch Cutter.. 1.45 No. 3, 8 inches long, 1^ inch Cutter.. 1.50 No. 4, 9 inches long, 2 inch Cutter.. 1,75 GENUINE BAILEY'S WOOD PLANES. No. 35, Handle smooth, 9 inches long, 2 inch Cutter Net price each, $1 .35 lli,iiiiilil!iii!lib!llili!iilii;;i;iiiiiiidlii;li;wliii!il!iiilm^ Sizes. Net price each. No. 26, Jack Plane, 15 inches long, 2 inch Cutter $1.10 No. 28, Fore Plane, 18 inches long, 2^ inch Cutter 1.40 No. 29, Fore Plane, 20 inches long, '2^ inch Cutter 1-40 No. 30, Jointer Plane, 22 inches long, 2^ inch Cutter 1.50 No. 33, Jointer Plane, 28 inches long, 2y& inch Cutter 1.65 Sizes, inches. . . . Net price, each. Sizes, inches. Single. . 2 2^/^ 21423^21^ 2^ 2?4 .$0.24 .25 .28 .30 ,35 .38 .40 Double. . 2 2^21^23/^21^25/^2^ Net price, each... $0.49 .50 .53 .55 .62 .70 .75 GENUINE BAILEY»S JACK AND JOINTER PLANES. w . , , , , , ,„,,„ Sizes. Net price each. No. 5, Jack Plane, 14 inches long, 2 inch Cutter $1-76 No 6, Fore Plane, 18 inches long, 2H inch Cutter 2.40 No. 7, Jointer Plane, 22 inches long, 23/^ inch Cutter 2.70 PATENT ADJUSTABLE BP^ADING. RABBET AND SLITTING PLANE. This Plane embraces (1) Beading and Cen- ter Beading Plane; (2) Rabbet and Filletster; (3) Dado; (4) Plow; (5) Matching Plane; (6) Sash Plane; and (.7) a superior Slitting Plane. Each Plane has seven Beading Tools (yi, rs, Va, rsy H, tV and ^2 inch), ten Plow and Dado Bits (Vs, T%, V4, ^, Vs, t'V, K. ^, /M and ]4 inch), a Slitting Blade, a Tonguing Tool and a Sash Tool. No. 45, Nickel Plated, with 20 Tool Bits, etc., Net price each $6.00 ADJUSTABLE CIRCULAR PLANE. No. 113. Adjustable Circular iH inch Ckitter, Net price each $2.25 Note. — This Plane has a flexible steel face which can be easily shaped to any required arc, eithe« concave or convex, by turning the knob on the front of the I'lane, THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 179 WING DIVIDE3RS. Sizes, inches 6 8 Net price, each $0.20 .25 INSIDE CALIPERS. 10 13 .30 .35 Sizes, inches 4 6 8 10 12 Net price, each $0.12 .15 .20 .25 .30 OUTSIDE CALIPERS. Sizes, inches 4 6 8 10 12 Net price, each $0.12 .15 .20 .25 .30 PLAIN SCRATCH AWL. Net price each $0.10 SOCKET SCRATCH AWL. MALLETS. Sizes. Square. Net price each. No 6 No. 9, Square Hickory, Mortised, 6H in. long, 2Hx3H in $0.20 ^'. 12, Square Lignum vitae. Mortised, >H in. long, 2Hx3^ in 35 Order by Number. THE IDEAL MALLET. Sizes. Net price, each. Iron, wood faced, weight 3 libs $0.25 POCKET LEVELS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 41, Iron with Brass Top Plate $0.12 Net price each. Polished Cast Steel, 6 inches long $0.15 \ COLORED LUMBER PENCILS. Color Net price per doz. Black $0.70 If 90 Blue 70 BLACKSMITH'S CRAYONS. Net price, per doz $0.45 Length 5 inches. Will mark Iron, Steel, Tin, etc. The mark will not burn off when the metal is used in the fire. MACHINIST'S IRON LEVELS. Sizes. Net price each. No. 38H, Iron Level, nickel plated, 4 in. long $0.35 No. 39 H, Iron Level, nickel plated, 6 in. long 40 LEVELS. No. 102. Sizes. Net price each. No. 102, Arch Top Plate, 10 to 16 in $0.30 No. 103, Arch Top Plate, 18 to 24 in 40 Two side views. 180 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PLUMBS AND LEVELS. POCKET KJNIVES. ISo. 104 and 00. Sizes. Net price each. No. 104, Arch Top Plate, two side views, 12 to 18 in. No. CO, Arch Top Plate, two side views, 18 to 24 in. 55 No. 3. No. A. $0.40 No. A — 2 IJlades, wood handle. Each. .$0.25 No. B. No. B — 3 Blades, smooth handle Each. .$o.:.o Net price each. No. .3, Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level Arch Top Plate two side views, polished and tipped, 24 to 30 inches. . $0.i»0 c '■:. No. C. F.lades. slag iiandlc. Each. .$0..jU Style of Nos. 5 and i^. Net price each. No. 5. Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Triple Stock. Arch Top Plate, two ornamental brass tipped side views, polished and tipped, 24 to .'50 inches. .$1.20 No. 9, Patent Adjustable Mahogany Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, two orna- mental brass tipped side views, pol- ished and tipped, 24 to 30 inches 1.30 No. 1). Blades, stag handle. Each. .$0.75 Style of Nos. 25 and 30. Net price each. No. 25, Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Mahogany, Arch Top Plate, im- proved duplex side views, polished and tipped, 24 to 30 inches $lf>0 No. 30, Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Cherry, Arch Top Plate, im- proved duplex side views, polished and tipped, 24 to 30 inches 1-2-J No. E. No. E — 3 Blades, stag handle. Each. .$1.00 Pearl. 2 Blades, each $0.95 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 181 STF>AK\S' No. r> .SAW VISKS. sti:akn.s' si- 1,1 -\T SAW \ ISKS. sriiooi. AMU ( III i«CH bf:lls, .siilppcil I'roiii l^'uolor.^. Ball and socket, can hold at any angle. Net price Sizes. each. No. 5, Jaw, 9y2 inches ...$0.70 \iy one movement e lever the saw is firmly clamped, after which a third jaw, faced with a solid rubber, is pressed against the saw, preventing noise and vi- bration; has patent ball and socket joint allowing favorable adjustment to tighten. Nos, 20 to 40. Sizes. No. 'A'^, JO inch planed jaw: Net price each. $0.1)0 ARM BEI.IiS. Nos. 1 to .3-FARM BELL. 4— FARM BELL. No. List. Diameter inches. 1.') 17 19 21 ^'eight Net price lbs. each. 40 $1.60 ^0 2.00 7'i 2.M 100 3.50 List No. and Diam. in inches. , 20 I 22 SC'HOOf. !ECI.EveiAMJ STQME Unmounted. Sizes. Net price per 100 lbs. 20 in. diameter, weight about 65 lbs.... $1.50 24 in. diameter, weight about 100 lbs.... 1.50 28 in. diameter, weight about 140 lbs.... 1.50 30 in. diameter, weight about 160 lbs 1.50 MOUNTED GRINDSTONES. Sizes. Net price each. Sampson No. 1 $3.50 Sampson No. 2 3.35 Sampson No. 3 3.20 184 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. BURR STEEL SAFETY LIFT. These lifts are automatic and adjustable, made of best selected steel. They art; positve in action and sus- tain the load at any point. Will lock securely on wet or greasy rope. With this lift one man can easily do the work of two. Directions. — To lower load when lower block is out of reach, grasp the hoisting rope securely before pulling on the trip rope. Hold rear end of lever down by pulling on the trip rope and allow the hoisting rope to slip back through the other hand. To lower load when lower block can be reached, pull down upon part of rope passing between block and central sheave in upper block. Easily adjusted. UNION GRINDER. Net Capacity, price No. For Rope. We ght. Pound. each. 2 Va in. 22 oz. 600 $0.55 3 y% in. 4 3-8 lbs. 800 .85 4 V2 in. 6K2 lbs. 1500 1.50 5 5/8 in. 11 lbs. 2000 1.95 6 3/4 in. 17 lbs. 2500 2.40 4^ ^ in. 10 lbs. 3000 2.85 bV2 ^ in. 20 lbs. 3500 3.35 6H ^ in. 28 lbs. 5000 3.95 The above prices include lower block, BUT NO ROPE. GRINDSTONE FIXTURES. Heavy. No. 1. Net price each. No. 1 Union Grinder $3.70 Positive Ball Clutch, Cone Bearings. For light grinding. Height 42 inches, fitted with solid emery wheel 6x^ in., with y%-\\-\. '" ' shaft. UNION GRINDER. steel w Suitable for heavier work. Is 42 inches high, has 1 inch tub- ing for column with large floor base and wall bracket. Can furnish 7 inch cotton buffing wheel with balance rings at 90c each. 6 inch bull neck polishing wheel at 90c each. Length of shaft, inches. Net price per set .35 c 21 4()c No. 2. Net price each. No. 2 Union Grinder $5.20 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. F.MMItV W HIiKLS. \ HWDV $1.10 $1.75 $2.00 8 in. diam. . 1.08 1.8.5 1.70 2.25 2.50 10 in. diam. . 1.50 1.71 2.08 2.44 3.25 12 in. diam. . 1.63 2.00 2.43 2.89 3.75 14 in. diam. . 2.00 ■2.86 3.47 4.07 4.50 IC in. diam. . 3. .10 4.10 4.50 5.00 G.OO KMERY .AVHKKT. DRKSSKR. Specially Adapted for Saw Gumming. Will carry an Emery Wheel of any size up to 10 inches in diameter, 1^4 in. thick. Weight 36 pounds. Has Babhitted Bearings 8 inches long. Adjustable Side Rest. Self -feeding Oil Cups. Net price complete. Fitted with 10 inch Cyclone Emery Wheel for Saw Gumming $7.50 ROPK. Net price each. Huntington's •'>0c Extra Cutter . ^ l~c The best tool made for shaping and dressing Emery Wheels. SCHOFIELD'S BI-TREADLE EMERY WHEEL. SISAL. Sizes. Net price per lb. 14 and -i°c in. diameter l~c Vs and iV in- diameter lie y, iu. and larger 10c Is War- M ANIL A. ranted to ,, Sizes. Net price per lb. Griud y^ in. and larger 1 '^' Fa.Mter COTTOX ROPE. iJM^ Im io- and y^ in. diameter -"^ La bor HIDE ROPE, than any -lOp Net price per lb ^ -^ ""**'''• TARRED LATH ROPE. Net price per lb ^"^ o.\ivrM. No. 2. ^^* ^'''^^ ''^'' '^: Best Foot Power Grinder made in America, Spun Oakum, best quality I**'-" because the entire weight and power of the „,,»r operator is expended in doing the work. It MARLIIM. is provided with Dust Proof Oil Cups, and ^^j. ^^^.-^^^ ^^^^ Ih made first-class throughout. .„„ .^ t a Kallc l»c Net price each $6.50 In pound balls 186 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Diain. WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS. WIDTH OF FACE. in 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 4 $1.06 $1.10 $1.18 5 1.08 1.12 1.22 $1.29 6 1.10 1.14 1.24 1.33 7 1.12 1.16 1.27 1.37 $1.58 8 1.14 1.18 1.29 1.42 1.64 9 1.18 1.24 1.36 1.48 1.73 $1.98 10 1.24 1.29 1.43 1.56 1.82 2.09 $2.36 12 1.43 1.52 1.69 1.86 2.20 2.55 2.89 14 1.75 2.17 2.58 3.00 3.42 16 1.98 .... 2.47 2.96 3.46 3.95 18 2.20 .... 2.77 3.34 3.91 4.48 20 2.43 3.08 3.72 ^37 5.02 22 2.66 3,38 4.10 4.83 5.55 $6.27 24 2.93 3.76 4.70 5.43 6.27 7.11 $7.94 28 .... .... .... 6.65 7.71 8.78 9.84 32 7.87 9.16 10.45 11.74 36 .... .... .... 9.16 10.68 12.20 13.72 CAN FURNISH OTHER SIZES. PRICES ON APPLICATION. WOOD PULLEY BLOCKS. STEEL PULLEY BLOCKS. Shell. 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch, inch, 2 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch. Double. Rope. Single. Vs inch $ .25 y2 inch 28 S/i inch 30 % inch 35 H inch 40 1 inch 50 1% inch 80 1% inch 1.35 lYs inch 2.10 iVi inch 2.40 Triple. Net price each. Double. Triple. ? .40 .50 .55 .60 .75 .85 1.35 2.25 3.00 3.90 ^ .60 .65 .70 .90 1.05 1.25 1.90 3.00 4.00 5.00 Single. Double. Shell. 3 inch, 4 inch, 5 inch, 6 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch, Rope. H inch H inch Vs Single. .$ .19 . .23 inch 24 inch 30 Vi, inch 35 inch, 1^ inch 10 inch, 1^4 12 inch, Wi, 14 inch, 1^ inch. inch . inch, nch, .45 .80 1.00 1,35 2.10 Triple, Net price each. Double. Triple. $ .35 $ .48 .43 .48 .54 .65 .77 1.20 1,35 2.25 3.00 .58 .61 .78 .95 1.15 1.50 1.90 3.00 4.00 COTTON WASTE. SHEAVES FOR PULLEYS. White Cotton Waste. Net price per lb. 10c Sizes. 3 inch 4 inch 5 inch 6 inch 7 inch 8 inch 10 inch 12 inch 14 inch Net price each. size of size of size of size of size of size of size of size of size of block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, block, 2J4 in- diameter. . 2J4 in. diameter. . 2^ in. diameter. . 3J4 in. diameter. . 4J4 in. diameter. . 5 in. diameter. , 6^ in. diameter. . lYi in. diameter. . 8J^ in. diameter. . THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 187 RUBUKR HOSli: ASBKSTOS VVICKIN*;. Sizes. Net price each. '/4 lb. Balls $0.10 'A lb. Balls 20 ASIJF.STOS Mll.h BOARD. Sizes. Net price per lb. iV, H, A. %, A inch thick $0.08 ASBESTOS ROUND ROPE PACKING. STANDARD WATER HOSE. Sizes. Net price per foot. }i inch $0.12 1 inch 16 1J4 inch 20 1 yi inch 25 2 inch 30 EXTRA QUALITY WATER HOSE. Sizes. Net price per foot. K inch $0.12 H inch 15 1 inch 20 lli inch 25 Sizes. Vz, Hf Va inch, Net price per lb. $0.15 ASBESTOS BUILDING PAPER. Net price per lb $t).08 CANDLE WICKING. Net price per lb. In Balls $0.20 CRANDALL'S RED TUBULAR MAN-HOLE PACKING. Sizes. H, y2 Vs inch, Net price per lb. $0.75 GUARANTEED WATER HOSE. J4 inch, net price per foot $0.20 GENUINE STEAM HOSE. Sizes. Net price per foot. H inch $0.40 1 inch 45 1 J4 inch 55 1^' inch 65 RUBBER LINED COTTON WATER HOSE. ROUND SOAPSi^ONE PACKING. Sizes. Net price per foot. ^ inch Standard Cotton $0.12 ^ inch Best Quality Cotton 14 We do not carry a cheap hose which sells only because of its low price; such hose is worthless for any purpose and it is a waste of your money and our money to buy it. Net price per lb. $0.06 Sizes. 1/2, H inch CRANDALL EXPANSION COIL RING PACKING. Sizes. Net price per lb. ft, Va, ft, Vs, ft. H, Vs, H, H inch.. $0.75 STEAM GAUGES. Sizes. Net price each. 200 lbs. Pressure, 5 inch Case $1.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. GALGE GLASSES Net price Sizes. per doz. >^xlO inch $0.70 1^x11 inch 80 1^x12 inch 90 1^x18 inch 95 Kxl4 inch 1.00 5^x10 inch 70 | 3/^x14 inch 1.20 5/,xll inch 80 1 Mxlf. .inch l.-IO FAVOIUTE (ir..4SS Tl BE ( I TTEJi Net price each $0.25 Note. — This simple little instrvnnent will be found as effective in its results as any one of the Glass Tube Cutters costing five times its price. BROOK'S MOLDED GASKETS. Net price Sizes. per doz. ^xl2 inch $0.90 5/^x13 inch 95 5/^x14 inch 1.00 ^xlO inch 1.00 34x12 inch 1.05 THE COMPLETE "COMBINATION" No. 2. Family Cobbler, Tinker and Harness Mend- er. A complete outfit of tools, etc., for gen- eral Shoe, Harness and Tinware Repairing. ICxcels all other sets put up. Net price each $1.40 For Glass Water Gauges, Indicators and Lubricatoi'S, Sizes V2 H y^ Net price per doz $0 . 60 $0 . 00 $0 . CO RAWHIDE liAGE LEATHER. CONTENTS. 1 Iron Stand for Lasts. 1 Iron Last for Men's Work. 1 Iron Last for Men's Work, extra large size. Iron Last for Boys' Work. Iron Last for Children's Work. Shoemaker's Hammer. Peg Awl. Patent Peg Awl Handle. Net price per square ft nit ,$0..^0 LACE CUTTERS. Net price each. Lace (fitter, cuts f^ to ^ in width $0.30 1 Harness Awl. 1 Ball Shoe Thread. 1 Ball Shoemaker's Wax. 3 Shoemaker's Needles. 3 Harnessmaker's Needles. 1 Package H inch Half -soling Nails. 1 Package J^ inch Half-soling Nails. 1 Package -/s inch Half-soling Nails. 1 Bottle Leather Cement. 1 Bottle Rubber Cement. 1 .Saw and Harness \'ise. 1 Riveting Machine. 1 Box Rivets, assorted sizes. 1 Soldering Iron. 1 Soldering Iron Handle. 1 Bar Solder. 1 Box Resin. 1 Copy Directions for Half-soling. 1 Copy Directi6ns for Tin Repairing. 2 Pair Heel Plates. 1 Shoemaker's Knife. Securely Packed in Wooden Box. TIIK BART.OW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 189 n every State GKNIIIKK GANDV STITCHED COTTON WUCK BKI/r. The rapid growth of this Belting has proven conclusively that our claim for its merits was based on a solid foun- dation, and all that was needed to prove its real worth was a practical test, under ordinary conditions. This test has been thoroughly made in nearly all if the Union with the re- that the "Original Gaudy"' has attained the highest pinnacle as a transmitter of power. Its durability and adhesive qualities we be- lieve are unequaled, and it is not aflfccted by atmospheric changes, Heat, Steam, Gas or Acid Fumes, its adaptation is by far greater than any other Belting known to the mechan- ical world. It has a honey-comb stitching, all rows being perfectly straight, and sewn under ten- sion from end to end, thus greatly adding to its durability. By an original device all part- ing or splitting of ends is obviated, hence it gives no trouble from air puffs. It has great strength, traction power and durability, and will outwear either a Leather or Rubber Belt. It is uniform in surface, runs straight and does not slip or harden. It is thoroughly stretched, leaving only the elasticity in the Duck. It is particularly adapted to damp or wet places and to where Belts are subjected to weather elements. It can be made any length without joints, thereby obviating the weakness of most other makes of Belting. In all we think it is the "King" Belt of the day. ^^'e would caution both the dealer and user of Belting alike against buying an imi- tation Stitched Gotton Duck Belt purportmg to equal the "Gandy" and we advise all pur- chasers when obtaining a Stitched Cotton Duck Belt, to be sure they get the genunic and onlv "Original Gandy" which bears the stamp of the "Original Gandy Patented:" none are genuine without it. All Belts bearing this stamp satisfaction or money refunded. Sizes liarger Than G iw. 4-i»Iy Shipped Direct from Faetory. Net Price per P'oot. 4-Plv. 6Ply. $0.07 3 .08 3^ ii .10 4 in. .12 V/z in. .13 .16 t) in. .20 7 in, .27 .31 , .33 .36 .40 2 3 3/. 4 8 8-Ply. $0.14 .17 .19 10-Ply. m. . . in. . . in. . . in. . . in. . . in. . . in, $0.34 .40 .45 .52 .58 .63 .68 1 22 in (Continued top of next column.) 12 m. 14 in. 15 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. .$0.92 . 1.02 . 1.10 . 1.17 . 1.35 . 1.45 . 1.62 GAIMDV S-Ply. liCI If) ii 16 ii IS ii 20 ii 2-1 it :;o ii ;;() ii 40 ii Endl — Continued. I 10-Ply. $0.!)0|24 in $1.80 , 95J26 in 2.05 , 1.00 28 in 2.20 , 1.10 30 in 2.36 , 1.20 36 in 2.84 , 1.45 40 in 3.15 , 2.00 44 in 3.81 , 2.30|48 in 4.11 1 2.55|54 in 4.63 |60 in •\-^'* ess Belts :; feet extra charged for splice. And shii)i)cd direct from factory. I.KATHER BELTING. Sizes. 1 inch lYa. inch lYz inch 2 inch 2^ inch 3 inch Fully Ciuaranteed. Barlow Hardware Co. Brand. Net price per foot. $0.10 ■ ■; 12 14 17 21 26 3^ inch 39 4 inch *■' 5 inch 42 6 inch 49 8 inch •. ^^;J J inch • • • -^'^ Prices subject to change without notice. ]\Totc. — We have the best Leather Belt only; no cheap grade. RUBBER BEJ>TI1\G. Barlow Hardware Co. Brand Width, in.. 1 I' 2 -Ply 3- Ply Width, 3-Ply 4-Ply $0.03 $0 . 1 ( .12 0.04 4 13 .17 IVS o.o.r '/, 0.06 0.07 8 0.09 ) 12 .. .20 ,20 .24 40 .47 Width. RUBBER BELTING. Barlow Hardware Co. Extra Brand. Net price per toot. 5 in. 4-ply • ^^f! 6 in. 4-ply "' 8 in. 4-ply " 10 in. 4-ply *;* 12 in. 4-ply .&i Note. — All of our Belting, both Leather and Rubber, is guaranteed. We will replace every foot not giving satisfaction. CUT BELT LACING. in. wide, in. wide, in. wide . Net price per Broken Bundles 100 ft. Bundles per foot. ...$1.15 $0,011^ ... 1.40 .02 ... 1.80 -OSJ^ THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA, U. S. INJECTORS. «TEAM Sizes. Net price each. No. 2, 8 to 15 H. P $5-50 No. 3, 15 to 20 H. P 6.50 No. 4, 20 to 30 H. P 8-00 No. 5, 30 to 40 H. P 9-00 No. 6. 40 to 60 H. P 12.00 Larger and smaller sizes than above shipped direct from factory. Prices on application. TUBULAR L.ANTERN Sizes, Net price each. No. 0, Tub. Lan- tern $0.50 No. 2, Tub. Lan- tern 75 No. 2, Cold Blast Tub. Lantern ...$0.90 HAM'S DRIVING LAMPS. Ham's Driving Lamp 4 in. Double Convex Lens... $2. 25 TORCHES. For Oil or Gasoline Used by Foundries, Blacksmiths and Large Establishments, Lumber Camps, Mill purposes, etc. Net price each. No. 1 No. 2 For Gasoline, $1.25 $1.00 For Oil .... 1.40 Extra burners for oil 95 Extra burners for Gasoline .85 .75 CROSS CUT SAWS. Disston's Special Deep Gummed Extra High Thin Back Champion or Peg Tooth, Size Net price each. 5 'feet long $2.40 dVz feet long 2.60 6 feet long 2.75 MOORE BROS.' CONCAVE RAZOR GROUND SAAVS. Size. Net price each. 51^ feet long $3.75 6 feet long 4.00 DISSTON'S ONE 31 AN SAWS. Size. Net price each. iVz feet long ?2-00 DRAG SAWS. No. 2 Burner, No. Tubulai Wick. Net price each Globe, 1 in. Sizes. No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge No. 11, gauge .$1.80 6x 8 inch, 5 8x10 inch, 4 J/2 8x10 inch, 5 8x10 inch, 5^ 8x10 inch, 6 .--.- --^-o- 10x12 inch, 5i/4 feet long. s„.e,- 10x12 inch, 6 feet long. No 11, gauge 12x12 inch, 5}^ feet long. No. 11, gauge 12x12 inch, 6 feet long. Net price feet long, feet long, feet long, feet long, feet long each. .$3.75 . 3.75 . 4.25 . 4.50 . 5.00 . 5.50 . 6,00 . 5.50 . 6.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 191 PATENT GROUND AND TEMPERED SOLID TOOTH CIRCULAR SAWS. 26 inches and larger skipped direct from factory. EXTRA QUALITY, SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP AND GUARANTEED AS PER WARRANTY. Diam. Thickness Inches. Ciauge. 6 18 8 18 10 16 12 15 14 15 16 14 18 13 20 13 22 12 24 11 26 11 28 10 30 10 32 10 34 9 36 9 38 9 40 9 42 8 44 8 46 8 48 8 50 7 52 7 54 7 56 7 58 7 60 6 62 6 64 6 66 6 68 5 70 5 72 5 74 5 76 5 Size of Hole, Net Price Inches. Each. % $ .85 % 1.20 1 1.80 1 2.25 IVs 2.75 1^4 3.30 114 3.75 1^ 4.50 1t^6- 5.50 1% 6.50 1% 7.50 IVz 8.50 11/2 9.50 1% 11.00 1% 12.50 1% 14.00 1% 15.50 2 18.00 2 , 21.00 2 * 25.00 2 30.00 2 35.00 2 40.00 2 45.00 2 50.00 2 57.50 2 65.00 2 72.00 2 80.00 2 90.00 2 100.00 2 112.50 2 127.50 2 145.00 2 165.00 2 187.50 Price for Beveling Extra for Each New Saws. (Grind- Additional ing or beveling old Gauge Heavier. saws extra.) .65 n.05 per gauge .80 1.20 per gauge .90 1.30 per gauge 1.00 1.40 per gauge 1.20 1.55 per gauge 1.40 1.70 per gauge 1.75 1.85 per gauge 2.00 2.00 per gauge 2.50 2.20 per gauge 3.00 2.40 per gauge 3.50 2.60 per gauge 4.00 2.80 per gauge 4.50 3.00 per gauge 5.00 3.25 per gauge 6.00 3.50 per gauge 7.00 3.75 per gauge 8.00 4.05 per gauge 9.00 4.35 per gauge 10.00 4.65 per gauge 12.00 5.00 per gauge 15.00 5.75 per gauge la.oo 6.15 per gauge 21.00 6.55 per gauge 24.00 7.00 per gauge 27.00 7.50 per gauge 30.00 No extra charge for Saws one gauge thicker than lists. Circular Saws bev- eled one gauge without extra charge up to 44 inches. 44 inches and larger bev- eled two gauges without extra charge. Circular Saws 48 inches and larger. If made thinner than 10 gauge are not warranted, and add 10 per cent, for each gauge thinner than No. 10. 19^ THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SHINGLE SAWS. WARRANTED EXTRA CAST STEEL. (Tapered and Patent Ground.) Dia 30 36 38 40 42 44 40 48 50 52 54 56 LEFT-HAND. RIGHT-HAND meter. Net price. Each. inches $16.00 inches 17.50 inches 19-00 inches 31.00 inches 23.50 inches 26.50 inches 33.50 inches 36.00 inches 42.50 inches 50.00 inches 57.50 inches 67.50 inches ^I"!?^ inches 87. oO When oidering Shingle Saws, give the fol- lowing directions plainly: Diameter in inches; thickness or gauge, at center, thickness or gauge, at rim; diameter of flange, full sketch or pattern of holes, and samples of crew by which to drill and countersink saw. If you have a flange, send it to have holes drilled in saw to ht it. If you wish us to furnish flange, send full and correct sketch of diameter, thickness, holes, etc. State whose make of machine the saw is to run upon, number of teeth, flat or counter- sunk side, and the direction in which the teeth run. (Sec cut above.) CONQUEROR SAW GAUGES. Sizes. No. 3. No. 2. No. 1. No. 0. No. 00. Net price each. Disston's for Small Circular Saws $1..')0 Disston's for Small Circular and Mill Saws 1-80 Disston's for Large Circular Saws 2.25 13isston's with I'rojecting Tongues 2.65 Disston's with Projecting Tongues 3.UU ATKIN'S EXCEUSIOR SAAV TOOJLS. SAW SETS. Extra Quality, No. 5. No. 5. llannner Saw Set 50c MORRILL'S SAW SETS. MORRILlIS NOI.SAWSET Length Gji inches. MORRILL'S N0.3 i 4 SAWSETS Length inches. Sizes. Net price each. No. L Morrill T'S 1'. for Hand Saws.. $0.40 No. 1. Morrill's, for Cross Cut Saws.... 1.20 TAINTOR SAW SET. One of the best saw sets in the market. Self adjusting except turning the anvil to change the setting. TAINTOR'S POSITIVE NO. 7. Net price each 7Uc WHITINC'S SAW SETS. Net price each ,75c Net price each. Whiting's, for Cross Cut Saws 50c DISSTON'S SIDE PIUES. Net price each. Side File, complete with Frame $1.25 File only ^0 Till-: 15ARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. m CROSS CUT SAW HANDLKS. COMMON WHEELBARROWS. g'\h'y'\ "■■■■ Sizes. Net price per pair. No. 3 $0.20 No. 4 18 CANT HOOKS. Net price each. With Iron Wood Handles $1.2.3 SOCKET PEAVV. Net price each. ^\■ith Iron Wood Handles $1.50 CANT HOOK AND '^ PEAVV CLIPS. WL m Net price B f Sizes. each. mi 2y2 inch $0.25 ^ 2^ inch 25 2ys inch 25 2^A inch 25 MALLEABLE PEAVY SOCKETS. Sizes 2,14 2H 2^ Net price each $0.-35 .35 .35 HANDLES. Net price each. per. doz. Axle handles, Single Bit $0.25 $2.00 Axle Handles, Double Bit 25 2.00 Pick Handles 20 1.50 Mattock Handles 20 1.50 Sledge Handles 20 1.50 Adze Handles 20 1.50 CANT HOOKS AND PEAVY HANDLES. Net price each. per. doz. Iron Wood, 234, 2^, 2H inch.. $0.35 $3.75 Cornell stecl-tray contractors' barrow; well made, well braced, and of the best mate- rial. This barrow is light and strong and not awkward or clumsy $4.35 Common Wood Wheel Dirt Barrows 1.50 Common Steel Wheel Dirt Barrows 1.75 Painted Steel Wheel Garden Barrows.... 3.00 STEEL SHINGLE BANDS. Net price per lb. Black Shingle Bands, guaranteed Prices on application. Galvanized Shingle Bands, guaranteed.... Prices on application. ENGINE COMPOUND. Price net per lb. In 25-lb. pails $0.15 CHARCOAL. Net price per bag. In 3-bushel bags : . .$1.00 BLACKSMITHS' COAL. Net price per 100 lbs. About 250 lbs. in a barrel $0.35 Barrels 15 SUPERIOR CHIMNEY BRICK. Net price per 100 $1.00 FIRE BRICK. Net price per 100 $2.25 FIRE CLAY. Net price per sack. Cloth sacks about 100 lbs $0.50 LIME. Net price per barrel. White lime in lumps $1.10 Hydrated lime in paper sacks, each 25 Hydrated lime, 5 sacks to the barrel.... 1.05 CEMENT. SAYLOR'S & UNIVERSAL. Net price per barrel. Portland Cement $1-40 Prices subject to market changes. HAIR. Net price per bushel. Plastering Hair $0.35 STEP LADDERS. Sizes. Net price each. 3 foot $0.48 4 foot 72 5 foot 84 6 foot 92 7 foot 1.05 8 foot 1.15 10 foot 1.40 194 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. BAG TRUCKS. With Stamped Steel Nose, Turned Bearings. Length 42 inches. Diameter of Wheels 6 inches. Weight 19 pounds. Net price each. No. 50. Bag Truck... $2. 75 WIRE. Black. Net price per 100 lbs. to 9 Prices on application. PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS. 10 Prices on application. No. No, No. Prices on application 12 Prices on application 13 Prices on application 14 Prices on application No. 15 Prices on application Galvanized. Net price per 100 lbs. No. 6 to 9 Prices on application No. 10 Prices on application No. 11 Prices on application No, '" " ■ -- . No. No, No, 12 Prices on application 13 Prices on application 14 Prices on application 15 Prices on application BARBED WIRE. Galvanized Barbed Wire. Prices on application Galvanized Twisted Wire. Prices on application Galvanized Staples Prices on application HEAVY WIRE CLOTH. Net price per sq. ft. 24 in. wide, 3x3 Mesh Galvanized 5c 24 in. wide, 4x4 Mesh Galvanized 5j4c 30 in. wide, 6x6 Mesh Galvanized 6c 36 in. wide, 4x4 Mesh Galvanized 6c GALVANIZED POULTRY NETTING. Net price per roll. Mesh $0.70 Mesh 1.05 Mesh. 1.40 Mesh 2.10 Mesh 2.80 Mesh 3.50 Mesh 4.20 Mesh 3.40 Mesh 4.25 Mesh 5.10 Note — Poultry Netting contains 150 running feet in roll. STOVE PIPE WIRE. Net price per lb. No. 17 5c No. 18 5c No. 19 5c No. 20 6c Note — This wire is packed in stones weighing 12 lbs. each. 12 in. wide. 2 in. 18 in. wide. 2 in 24 m. wide, 2 in. 36 m. wide, 2 in. 48 in. wide, 2 in. 60 in. wide. 2 in. 72 in wide, 2 in. 24 in. wide, 1 in. 30 m. wide, 1 in. 36 in. wide, 1 in. Sizes 1 2 3 4 Net price each $1.10 $1.30 $1.50 $1.75 DEEP WELL IRON PUMPS. Sizes 1 2 3 4 Net price each $4.50 $4.75 $5.00 $5.25 WOOD PUMPS. Net price each. Common Wood Pump $3.25 Force, Lined Wood Pumps 4.75 Pump Log Net price per foot, 12c Pump Couplings Net price each, 40c THE AMERICAN GROCER SCALES. Brass Scoop, Brass Beam, Brass Sliding Weight, Case Hardened Steel Points. Furnish- ed in red with gold stripes. A reliable scale worth a dozen of the cheap scales. Weight H oz. to 240 lbs. each. Packed one in a box. . $5.00 CARPET SWEEPERS. THl*: BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, I'A. 195 AMERICAN FENCE. *-R— ^ SPECIAL FARM FENCE, WITH BARBED WIRE. Good and inexpensive design for cattle, horses and sheep. By using one or more lines of barbed or plain wire will make a fence that will be high enough to turn all animals. SPECIFICATIONS— Design No. 845, Bars 8. Height in inches, 45. Stays, 12 inches apart. Net price per rod 30 cents. Net price per full roll of 20 rods, $5.50. SPECIAL SHEEP AND HORSE FENCE. The height of the fence is subject to variation by distance placed from ground. It is con- structed for the purpose of providing an efficient fence at lowest cost, where no necessity exists for a pig-tight fence. We show the fence placed 10 inches above the ground surface at the owest extremity, bringing top bar 45 inches above ground surface, SPECIFICATIONS— Design No. 635. Bars 12. Height in inches 35. Stays 12 inches apart. Net Price per rod, 25 cents; Net Price per full roll of 20 rods, $4.50. isa.n se<. niCK ^SA* J^ ' ..1.«5 «j.« H,0. ij, • ,.._,- ' 13«.P>S «.,■ i; "'-W.:^ " ' " '«,.. ».c« r— """ U=- ■""" «,. ».M • ._. ' ■ ' f'.e.. -,c» — "inr ■'«,. -,« L. >e.i>s jo.« ..G» '~~~ ^^ ;— ^ b~. ii^ N ;~7— p — :r:z :=L ^ 1 USSt^ji Iatj??- %ns^-, sme^K^ars-'Jt s««^ 5W^. ^WjjIC -^-.-vw tw No. 1452. POULTRY AND RABBIT FENCE. LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS— Top and Bottom Bars, No. 10 Wire. Intermediate Bars, No. 12 Wire. Stays, No. 13 Wire. Stays 6 inches apart. 14 Bars high. 52 inches high. Net Price 50 cents per rod; Net Price per full roll of 20 rods, $9.00. 26-in. HOG FENCE. Net Price per rod 25 cents. Net Price per full roll of 20 rods $4.50 Design No. 726. Bars 7. Height in inches 26. Stays 12 inches apart. _ More miles of this fence are used on American farms than of all other styles of wire tence combined. With the barbed wire above, it makes a fine stock fence The ^"ustratiori shows stays six inches apart, and with this close mesh is the most efficient hog fence gUAl^ii i From the beginning we have aimed to furnish a quality of steel in manufacturing American tence the best that could be produced for the purpose and services indicated. We have from time to time made improvements in the quality, temper and composition of our steel ^eric%wire ana have recently made a further stride in this direction which we are satisfied, ^^^^ F^^^^^J^^^^^'^' ^^^ most important and satisfactory advancement ever made in the manufacture of wire fencing. 196 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PERFECTED GRANITE ROOFING. Is Easy to Lay. Perfected Granite Roofing is shipped to the consumer ready for immediate use, requiring neither repainting, coating, or any other treat- ment before laying. Anyone who can handle a hammer and drive a nail properly can lay Perfected Granite Roof- ing as it should be laid by following the plain- ly given, simple directions which accompany each roll. Is made of a fibrous composition that is practically fire proof, which is evenly covered with white pebbles of uniform size by es- pecially designed machines. The material used being incombustible, the finish product will not burn, it will only char after being subjected to long continued intense heat, or contact with vigorous flames. It is Durable. Perfected Granite Roofing outlasts all other composition and metal roofings. It does not rust like tin, rot like shingles, nor crack like slate. Under all the varying conditions of the four seasons, it stands impervious. You run no risk in covering your buildings with this roofing. It has stood the test of time and is holding its old friends while making new ones rapidly. Have you tried it? Send for sam- ples. It is Waterproof. Against the heaviest rain or penetrating, melting snows of winter. Perfected Granite is an absolute protection. Properly laid, it is like one unbroken covering over the roof, shedding water rapidly and drying quickly. It wears longer than other composition roofings because it is chemically prepared to resist the effect of the weather, and heat, gases and fumes. These qualities have made Perfected Granite Roofing the standard roofing of America. Net price per square $2.75 TISBEST ROOFING. An improved high-grade prepared Roofing of superior tensile strength and durability. ■' ""'Tisbest Roofing is constructed of high grade wool-felt, very strong and long fibred, satu- rated thoroughly with a waterproofing com- pound which will not evaporate. The finished fabric is pliable, very tough and strong and absolutely waterproof. At the time of manufacture Tisbest is thor- oughly coated with a protective composition on both sides. On the upper side the coating h used of course to add to the weatherprooi qualities to enable the roofing to resist the ac tual wear and tear of the weather. On th( under side the coating protecfs the roofinj against the attack of steam or other fume- from inside the building. The protective quali ties of this coating exceed those of sane dressing, and the coating will be found mucl longer lived than the ordinary paint used oi other roofings. Tisbest Roofing is adapted to any style o architecture, being suitable either to steep o flat roofs. It can be laid over shingle roof without stripping of the shingles, as its tensil strength is sufficient to enable it to resis puncture by the roughness of the foundatior Likewise it is applicable over tin roofs o other roofings where it is desirable to avoi the expense of removing the old covering. ADVANTAGES OF TISBEST. First. — Tisbest is absolutely weatherproo By this we mean that winter snows piled thiol ly and heavily upon it will find no weak spo' in it and will not cause decay or wet-rot. H( weather will not soften it, as it contains r gummy materials to ooze out and flow towarc the gutters. Likewise it is not affected t cold temperatures and will not crack or stiffe in the severest cold snap. Zero weather wi not shrink it or cause it to lose in the slighte; its flexibility. On the other hand, when e: posed to continuous heat of 120 degrees for te months, the fabric did not lose in weight an remained flexible and pliable. In other wore there is no heat, even in the tropics (whei it has considerable sale), which is too sevej for Tisbest. See next page. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BARLOW RIJBBKR ROOFING. One ply weighing complete about 35 pounds per 108 foot roll. Two ply weighing complete about 43 pounds per 108 foot roll. Put up in rolls containing one square (108 square feet) including caps, nails and cement in sufficient quantities. One ply Net price per square $1.50 Two ply Net price per square 2.25 BLACK DIAMOND TARRKD FELT ROOFING. PRBSSGD STEEL BRICK SIDING. Shipped from Factory. Two Ply per square, |.75 Three Ply per square, .95 Coating for Roofing per gallon, .20 Coating in half bbls per gallon, .17 Coating in bbls per gallon, .15 Tin Caps for Roofing per pound, .06 Nails for Roofing per pound, .05 5 cents less per roll in 25 roll lots. A READY ROOFING WITH A REAL RECORD. Black Diamond has satisfactorily served in all climates and weather for 30 years. It was the first ready roofing made, it is still the best, carefully put together in convenient form to handle, making a strong, durable weather-proof covering. BUILDING PAPERS. Stringed Felt, (500 sq. ft. in a roll) Price per roll, $1.40 Red Rosin, Sized, (500 sq. ft. in a roll). No. C per roll, .50 Heavy Rosin, Sized, (500 sq. ft. in a roll), No. 8 per roll, 1.00 Buckskin, (500 sq. ft. in a roll) , .90 Carpet Felt per yard, .03 SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS. Sizes 3 to 24 inches. Prices on application. GALA^ANIZED BARBED WIRE. You Can Always Buy Barbed W^ire Cheaper from Is Than Any Other Place. GET OUR PRICES. ON SCREEN DOORS— WINDOW SCREENS- BLACK SCREEN WIRE CLOTH. Width— 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 inches. Net price per square foot l?4c PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Painted Net price per square, $2.13 Galvanized Net price per square, 3.60 Sheet Metal Siding lately placed on the market, is an excellent imitation of brick. On a building it is the counterpart of finely fin- ished brick, making the most attractive and handsome sheet metal covering yet produced or offered the building trade. It makes an elegant facing for stone fronts and certainly takes the place of the old galvanized iron fronts, because it is cheaper, makes a hand- somer front and is more easily applied. ROCK FACE BRICK SIDING. Shipped from Factory. C^^^Tj^e^^n^iiE^^i^ ^ssM^^>H^r:&;^6:^^^^V]^i^\lhtA^ Md^ L ^•. ^r*^^:iii^!m^^^4M^^kmi^^M^^^y^^ PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Painted Net price per square, $2.25 Galvanized Net price per square, 3.70 Size of single brick, '2 4-5x8^ inches. Sheets 60x28 inches. Its low price commends it to all. Architects, Builders and Contractors will readily see the advantages of using these pat- terns for side coverings on all buildings, in preference to the old style corrugated, beaded and other metal sidings. Used extensively for side covering on business blocks, dwellings, school houses, factories, etc. ROCK FACE STONE SIDING. No. 1. Painted Net price per square, $2.25 Ualvanized Net price per square, 3.70 Size of single stone, 7x12 inches. Sheets, 60x28 inches. ROCK FACE STONE SIDING. No. 2. Painted Net price per square, $2.25 Galvanized Net price per square, 3.70 Size of single stone, 9jx20 inches. Sheets, 60x28 inches. A square of Rock Face Brick or Stone consists of eight and four-sevenths sheets 60 inches long by 28 inches wide. In ordering Plain or Rock Face Siding, allow four to six square feet to the hundred for laps. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. Shipped from factory. BEADED SIDING AND CEILING. PRESSED STANDING SEAM ROOFING. 28 Gauge. PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Net price per square. Painted, 28 gauge $3.25 Galvanized, 28 gauge 3.80 Each sheet covers 27 inches from center to center of outside bead. In laying this, lap the end of the sheet one inch, and one bead on the side of the sheet. Nail side laps three inches, and end laps close to every bead. The beads are three inches apart. In ordering state length of sheets wanted. CORRUGATED SHEETS. 2J^ inch Corrugation. PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Net price per square. Painted, 28 gauge $2.00 Galvanized, 28 gauge 3.50 Corrugations measuring two and one-half inches from center to center and five-eighths inch deep. Regular lengths 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet by 26 inches wide and made from No. 14 gauge material and lighter. This style and size of corrugation is more largely used than any other kind for roofing purposes. Covering width about 24 inches. Net price per square. Pressed Standing Seam Painted $2.10 Pressed Standing Seam Galvanized 3.75 With cleats, add 10c per square. Is furnished in sheets with plain ends in lengths of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet. Made in all gauges. No. 24 and lighter. This has a cap on one side and a one inch flange on the other. It is a good style for steep roofs, as there are no edges to be turned up by workmen. V CRIMPED STEEL ROOFING. < sa PAINTED OR GAL\V\NIZED. Net price per square. Painted, no sticks, 28 gauge $2.00 Galvanized, no sticks, 28 gauge 3.55 With sticks, add 10c per square. This will lay 24 inches wide, as they are 24 inches from center to center of crimp. Lengths 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet. It is made from 28 to 18 gauge. This makes a cheap, durable fire- proof roofing and siding, used largely for cov- ering rolling mills, saw mills, cotton sheds, barns, etc. It can be laid upon sheeting boards, puntins, or direct to rafters. THREE CRIMP ROOFING. 96"; CORRUGATED SHEETS. R.D,6 CO- VmmimtimumilBimm miM i ii ftn i! >n>n i j. ii i i>» ii ■ i m n i . ii . i lniw ii n) wi rtu iiiii . ii :ii' !■ i| i I ?«*'■»' ttii': - 1 y < g -. - ^i "— — rT-!f^^ Ys and 1J4 inch Corrugated. PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Net price per square. Painted, 28 gauge $2.10 Galvanized, 28 gauge 3.65 Regular lengths 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet by 26 inches wide, and is made from 20 gauge and lighter. This style is used for roofing, siding, ceiling and partitions. Covering width about 24 inches. PAINTED OR GALVANIZED. Net price per square Painted, no sticks, 28 gauge $2.10 Galvanized, no sticks, 28 gauge 3.65 With side sticks add 10c per square. With side and center sticks add 20c per square. Lengths 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet. The crimps are one foot apart and represent bam board siding. The sheets lay two feet wide by full length of the sheet less one inch lap on end of sheet. Notice — All Prices on this Page are Subject to Market Changes. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 199 VAI.LEYS AND ROOF GUTTERS. GALVANIZED SL11» JOllMT EAVE TROtlGII MITRES. This Valley and Gut- Itr is made from Ternc 25 pound coated plate in any desired length; locked and soldered on one side and painted red on both sides with pure linseed oil and metallic ore. Width 10 Net price per foot G 14 8 20 12 28 in, 17c CORRUGATED ROLL RIDGING. Shipped from Factory. Net price per foot. No. 28 Gauge, painted .' 7Hc No. 28 Gauge, Galvanized 9 c Is the most perfect article on the market, and an absolute protection against storms blow- ing under. It is made with 2^4 and 1% inch corrugations. In ordering state the kind wanted. ROUND RIDGE CAP. SINGLE BEAD. Sizes ^'A 4 iVi 5 6 in. Net price each 22 25 20 26 30c DOUBLE BEAD. Sizes 3^ 4 4^ 5 G in. Net price each 27 30 30 33 37c GALVANIZED END PIECES AND OUTLET. Single or Double Bead. "'"""lie Sizes 3^1 4 4 5^ Net price each S. B.. 20 22 25 25 30c Net price each D. B.. 23 25 27 27 32c GALVANIZED SLIP JOINT END CAP. ■:iiA 4 414 5 6 in. |eTpriceVach-S:-B.-.'f 9 10 11 12c Net price each D. B.. 8 9 10 11 12c CORRUGATED ROUND GALVANIZED CORRUl^i AND SHOES. Diameter. Net price per foot. of roll. Girt. Painted. Galvanized. 1% in. 7 in. 3 c 3Kc IK in. 8 in. 3K.C 4 c 2 in. 10 in. 4Kc 5 c 2 A in. 12 in. 5J^c 6 c 3 in. 14 in. 6Hc 'i' c ELBOW SHOE c,Vf.= 2 3 4 5 6 in. Frtl En;c;ws'-. 8 10 12 15 20c Price Shoes 8 10 12 15 ~Uc GALVANIZED SLIP JOINl EAVE TROUGH. Best Quality— No Culls. SLIP JOINT SINGLE BEAD. Sizes 33^ 4 4K 5 Net price per foot 4^ 5 5/2 b 4 in. and larger shipped direct. SLIP JOINT DOUBLE BEAD. Sizes 31^ 4 4J4 5 Gin. Net price per foot... 5 6 6J^ 7 8c 3% and 4J4 Double Bead shipped direct. in Single Bead. Notlee.-All Prices on this Page ar e Subject to Market Change.. 200 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY, PA. BOUND GALVANIZED CORRUGATED CONDUCTOR PIPE. CONDUCTOR PIPE. Sizes 2 3 4 5 6 in. Net price per foot..3M 4>^ 6 7^ 10c Made in 10 foot lengths only. Much stronger and more durable than pieced con- ductor. Is not affected by expansion or con- traction. RAIN WATER CUT OFP\ Sizes 2 3 4 .5 6 in. Net price each ...30 .35 .49 .88 $1.05 The cheapest and best Cut-off ever intro- duced. Automatic, durable and simple. The only absolute self-locking automatic cut-off in the market. GALVANIZED WIRE CONDUCTOR STRAINERS. Sizes. 2 3 4 5 6 in. Net price each. 6 8 11 14 18c Invaluable for keeping leaves and similar obstruc- tions out of conductor pipe. RED IRON ORE ROOF PAINT. Sizes. Net price per gallon. One Gallon Cans 80c Five Gallon Cans 70c Half Barrels 70c Full barrels 60c One gallon will cover from 400 to 600 square feet one coat. Owing to its heavy body, ad- hesiveness and elasticity, it is far the best paint in the market for iron, tin and wood painting. TINNED CONDUCTOR HOOKS. For Wood. Sizes 2 3 4 5 6 in. Net price ea.2 3 4 5>< G3^c Heavily tinned. EAVE TROUGH HANGERS. Single Bead. Sizes. Net price doz. 31^ inch 20c 4 inch 20c 4H inch 25c 5 inch 30c 6 inch 35c This hanger is made of the best galvanized steel wire. Easily applied — cannot get out of place. SHEET IRON. BLACK. Ga. Width. Length. Net price per 100 lbs. No. 14x24x96 in $3.00 No. 16x24x96 in 3.05 No. 18x24x96 in 3.10 No. 20x24x96 in 3.10 No. 22x24x96 in 3.15 No. 24x24x96 in 3.15 No. 26x24x96 in 3.25 No. 28x24x96 in 3.25 GALVANIZED. Ga. Width. Length. Net price per 100 lbs. No. 16x30x96 in $4.00 No. 18x30x96 in 4.00 No. 20x30x96 in 4.00 No 22x30x96 in 4.25 No. 24x30x96 in « 4.25 No. 26x30x96 in 4.50 No. 28x30x96 in 5.00 Notice — All Prices on this Page are Subject to Market Changes. THK BARLOW HARDWARK CO.. CORRY, PA. 201 PONY FEEO Cl'TTER. FBKD CliTTIJK. Well Made, Light Running, Nicely Balanced. A hand cutter with one knife, of simple de- sign, for cutting hay, straw and corn stalks, and is adapted to the requirements of parties feeding one to five or six animals. It is strong, light running and nicely balanced, which makes it run steady when turning fast. Lengths of cut, %, 1, iVi, and 2 inches. Weight knocked down and packed for shipment, 165 pounds. Net price each. No. 1114. One Knife 11^ in. long $9.00 OHIO HAND FEED CUTTER. i Solidly Constructed, Nicely Finished, Light Running. Two-knife machines are sent when not other- wise specified. Weight, 165 lbs. Two Knives. Length of knives 8^ in. No. 8H, each $12.50 Net price each $2.50 CL.EARCUT FOOD CHOPPER. Sizes. Net price each. No. 200 $1.25 No. 300 1.50 Nicely tinned — will not rust. It chops — does not tear, smash, squeeze, grind. It chops meat, both raw and cooked. It chops fruits, vegetables and all other food. It is easy to operate. It is easy to adjust. It is easy to clean. It is easy to take apart and put together. There are few parts. Nothing to get out of order. It has cutters for cutting in pieces of various sizes. The cutters are made of steel; they cannot break. The cutters are self-sharpening. Four sizes of choppers are made. 202 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE IMPERIAL, ROTARY MACHINE. NOISELESS. UP-TO-DATE WASHING MACHINE. Net price each $6.50 Runs with less noise than any other Rotary Washer on the market. It is built with slid- ing cylinder on square post, insuring the great- est strength of any Rotary Gearing yet pro- duced. It has roller bearings, thereby making it, when loaded with clothes, practically noise- less. CLOTHES RINGERS. Automatic. THE AUTOMATIC WRINGER IS THE BEST WRINGER MADE. Net price each $4.00 These Wringers are guaranteed by us for five years from date of purchase. If for family use any part breaks or wears out during that time we will replace such part free of cost. Net price each. Grand $2.25 Bicycles Wringer 3.50 Easy Wringers 3.00 Net price each. .$9.50 The Up-to-date Washer will wash quickly, thoroughly and without tiring the operator or injury to the clothes. It has a rotary motion without the turning of a crank. A continuous motion without constant exer- tion. High speed with the least possible effort. It combines a flywheel with the lever motion. The lever being operated in the most natural way (a downward thrust) does not tire the op- erator, but gives great momentum to the fly- wheel, which then does the work. A down- ward thrust of the lever puts the machine in motion; it is not necessary to follow the lever down to its lowest point, but it can be released and no further effort need to be ex- erted until it starts downward again. With every motion of the lever the flywheel makes seven revolutions and the Dasher turns almost completely around. The Dasher starts slowly, gradually increases in speed and then comes to an easy stop before beginning again. There is no jerking in its movements right and left and therefore no unusual wear on the machine and the clothes will not wear and tear in the washing. This right and left movement of the Dasher causes great agitation in the water and the dirtiest and greasiest clothes are cleaned in a surprisingly short space of time. The Up-to-date Washer is built to wear and is solid and substantial. The few metal parts are simple, strong and not liable to get out of or- der. All parts are, however, interchangeable and should they be broken by accident or mis- use can be replaced at slight expense. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 203 MALLKABLB IRON RAKES. ROGERS SILVER SPOONS. Sizes 10 12 14 teeth Net price each $0.15 .20 .25 STEEL. RAKES. Full Polished. Straight Pattern. Sizes 12 14 16 teeth Net price each $0.40 .45 .50 SOLID BOW RAKES. Polished Steel, Tempered. Sizes 10 12 14 16 teeth Net price each $0.40 .45 .50 .55 WIRE LAWN RAKES. Rogers Triple Plated Tipped Pattern. Tea Tipped Pattern, Net price per set of Six $1.00 Dessert Tipped Pattern, Net price per set of Six 2.00 Table Tipped Pattern, Net price per set uf Six 2.25 ROGERS SILVER KNIVES AND FORKS. ;^^^^?^J No. 12 Rogers Triple Plated Square Handle. Net price per set of 12 pieces — 6 knives and 6 forks $3.2t LANE'S STEEL BARN DOOR HANGERS. Nos. 1 and IH- No. 30. Anti-Friction Rollers. Covered Roller Bearings. Sizes. Net price per pair No. 1 runs 5 feet 70c No. 11/2 runs 10 feet 80c No. 30 runs any length 60c All Steel, Tinned, with Handles. Teeth, net price each 50c WOOD RAKES. Eagle. $0.30 BROOKS' CORN KNIVES. Net price each ,30c O. N. T. TRACK. With Brackets, Suitable for any Hanger. In lengths of 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 feet. Net price per foot. No screws 3 ^'^ c With screws 4c BARN DOOR STAY. No. 7. Tu Scrt w. Net price each I'Jc 304 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. R. F. D. MAIL. BOX. Net price each The kind the Postoffice Department especially recommends. See order of Postmaster General, No. 739. Approved by Postmaster General, February 9, 1904, Re-approved by Special Examiners, March 9, 1907. The Ohio is made of honest material through- out; lid is made of 20 gauge Galvanized steel (very heavy) and body of 22 gauge Galvanized steel, thoroughly reinforced by a 5^ bead in front and back of opening, keeping the box in shape and making it storm proof as the cover fits snugly against the bead. No other box has this feature. Has automatic signal painted red and poised above the box, making it easily seen by the carrier; lid cannot blow open or freeze shut, nor can it be left open by mistake, as it is self-closing. The body of the box being round, pennies or mail can be removed with gloves or mittens on, and there are no cracks in it around the edges, as in the square boxes, for postal cards or change to lodge in, but both mail and change are always in plain sight of the carrier. The box can be fastened to a post, tree or any convenient object. WICKL.ESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. No. 52 R. Net price each. Top 23x14 inches. Height 12J4 inches. . .$4.00 No. 53R. Net price each. Top 33x14 inches. Height, 121^ inches. . .$5.00 These stoves have powerful 3^^ inch burners and are easy to operate and understand. They produce an intensely hot smokeless blue flame. No. 812. Net price each. Top 14x32 inches. Height, 12^ inches. . .$5.00 No. 813. No. 813. Size Top 14x32 inches. Height 12 J^ inches Net price each. $6.50 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 20;1 GASOLINK STOVES. Sliipved fr<»iu fiiftory. No. 2-H BUCKEYE JUNIOR. TWO BURNER. WEIGHT, ZSVg LBS. Top. 14x22 in. Net price $3.50 No. 3-H BUCKEYE JUNIOR. THREE BURNER. WEIGHT, Siy^ UBS. Top. 14 X 32 in. Height. 12 in. Net price $5.00 206 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. ALASKA FREEZERS. A simple, perfect working freezer. The dasher is made on scientific principles. Mixes the cream thor- oughly. Easily cleaned and does not get out of order. LiANE'S STAY ROLLERS. Sizes 2 Net price ea. 1.85 2.25 2.75 3.25 8 10 12 qt. 4.00 5.00 6.00 Adjustable. ,t x • Net price each. Adjustable, Japanned, made of Steel, ex- cept Wheels 15c DRAG SCRAPERS. The gauge of steel used in this Scraper is as heavy as that used by any of our competitors, and of a better quality. You will notice from the above cut the flange projecting around the top edge of the Scraper, which makes it 25 per cent, stiffer than a Scraper of the same gauge without the flange. The Haslup is the only Scraper made with this flange. Sizes. Net price each. No, 1. Capacity 7 cubic feet, weight about 100 pounds $4.19 No. 2. Capacity 5 cubic feet, weight about 90 pounds 3.84 No. 3. Capacity 3^ cubic feet, weight about 80 pounds 3,70 Note — Dozen price does not apply to less than a half dozen Scrapers. Shipped from factory. THE LATEST IMPROVED HASLUP PATENT WHEEL SCRAPER LEADS THEM ALL. Cupped hubs and closely fitted sand bands, make the best protection on Spindles against sand. Our wheels are strong, and our Spindles wear the longest. Description . of Sises. Net price each. No. 1. Capacity, 9 cubic feet. Size of bowl, 35 inches long, 35 inches wide, 12 inches deep. Wheels, 36 inches high. Tire, 3x^. Steel axle, IJ^ inches square, arched high, spindles turned and polished. Tongues, best quality of hard wood, heavily ironed, with double steel draft bars. Weight, 400 pounds $27.50 No. 2. Capacity, 13 cubic feet 34.00 No. 2 K Capacity, 14 Yi cubic feet 36.30 No, 3. Capacity, 17 cubic feet 40,20 Nos, 2, 2J^ and 3 are furnished with heavy wood hub wheels; hubs, spokes and rims made of thoroughly seasoned stock, Sarven or metal wheels are furnished when ordered. Nos. 2J4 and 3 wheelers are furnished regularly with snatch rod, and No. 2 when specially ordered. THE BARLOW IIAHDWARK CO.. COKKY, PA. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHS* WORK. Edited by John l?lack. 02 pages. Illustrated by 80 en- gravings. This little book deals with roof covering, roof work, gut- ters, covering flats, platforms, dormers, ridges, etc., finials, pipes, the storage and supply of water, delivery and control of water, elementary sanitation, soil pipes, closets, baths, traps, lead lining for sinks, development of surfaces so as to get the cuts for elbows, angles, etc., how flashings should be put down, snow boards, principles of water supply, drinking water supply, float tanks, hydraulics, etc. Net price each $0.25 WHAT TO DO IN CASE OP ACCIDENT. A book for everybody. 96 pages. This is one of the most useful books ever published. It tells exactly what to do in case of accidents, such as severe cuts, sprains, dislocations, broken bones, burns with fire, scalds, burns with corrosive chemicals, sunstroke, suffocation, with foul air, hanging, drowning; frost-bite, fainting, stings, bites, starvation, lightning, poisons, accidents from machinery, gun-* shot wounds, etc., etc. It ought to be in every house and workshop, for young and old are liable to accident, and the direc- tions given in this book might be the means of saving many a valuable life. Net price each $0.25 PAINTING AND VARNISHING. Edited by John Black. 94 pages. Illustrated by 20 en- gravings. A practical manual treating on materials, principles of color, mixing paints, preparation of surfaces, distemper, deco- ration, hints on dealing with customers, hints on the use of brushes, what colors to use in different rooms, etc.; varnishes and varnishing, recipes for making various kinds of varnish, graining to imitate oak, mahogany, satin wood, walnut and rosewood; marbling white veined, dove colored, red, green, jas- per, black and gold, Florentine, Sienna, etc.; inside painting and decoration gilding, sign writing, lettering, alphabets, sten- cils, monograms, etc.; outside painting, brickworks, metal work, etc. Net price each $0 . 25 HOW TO MEASURE UP W^OODW^ORK FOR BUILDINGS. THE STEEL. SQUARE POCKET BOOK. By Owen B. Maginnis, Author of "Roof Framing,' etc. "Bricklaying,' 79 Pages. 161 Illustrations. Useful Tables. Well Printed. Neatly Bound. Price, 50 cents. Copies sent post- paid on receipt of price. "^ w STEEL 1 SQUARE POCKET BOOK STDQDARII 1 A practical and handy Treatise, Giving the Best Methods of Using the Carpenter's Steel Square. By D. L. Stoddard 109 Pages. 112 Illus- trations. This is a boiled-down compendium of infor- mation about the square which can be referred to quickly, having a thorough index. Cloth bound. Price, 50 cts. Postpaid. Money back if not satisfactory. Net price each , ,.., $0.50 Net price each. .$0.50 208 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY,- PA. The books described in the list below are practical and reliable. They are 12 nio. in size — except where otherwise stated — printed on good paper and well illus- trated wherever the subject needs it and artistically bound in cloth. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of 50 cents. THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF MACHINE DESIGN. By J. G. A. Meyer. Handsomely illustrated. A simple and accurate introduction to the designing of machinery, showing and explain- ing step by step how to get the Proportions of Connecting Rods, Pistons, Cylinders, Slide Valves, Eccentric Rods for Steam Engines, Cotter Joints, Screw Wrenches, etc., etc. With full instructions for Setting a Plain Slide Valve and Eccentric. Also practical and ex- planatory hints for making all the necessary calculations and working drawings. ELECTRICAL RULES, TABLES, TESTS AND FORMULAE. By Andrew Jamieson, C. E. Illustrated. This is the most compact and thorough work in the market for the practical electrician. It contains minute directions for all calculations, tests, etc., with clear engravings of the appa- ratus employed. The following list of contents will give an idea of its scope: Formulae of the Absolute Units, Practical, Electrical, Me- chanical Heat and Light Units, — Electro-chem- ical Equivalents, Electrolysis, Heat and Light Energy of Combustion — Practical Methods of Electrical Measurements — Electrical Conduc- tors, Copper, etc. — Insulators, Gutta Percha, etc. — Submarine Cables — Aerial Land Lines — Electric Lighting and Transmission of Power. THE PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER. This work contains a number of original designs in drapery and upholstery, with full explanatory text and an immense number of working illus- trations. It gives a description of tools, appliances and materials. It tells how to upholster chairs, parlor furniture, bedroom furniture, etc. It contains rules for cutting bed-hangings, win- dow curtains, door hangings, blinds and for measuring and cutting carpets. Gives arith- metical calculations for cutting cat-pets, cur- tains, etc., mantel-board drapery, festoons, and, in short, everything pertaining to upholstery. There is nothing published in this country that is so thorough and complete in the in- structions given for upholstering as this book. COMMON SENSE IN THE POULTRY YARD. A story of Failures and Successes, including a full account of 1,000 Hens and What They Did. With a complete description of the houses, coops, fences, runs, methods of feeding, breeding, marketing, etc., and many 4 new wrinkles and economical dodges. By J. P. Haig. 192 pages, illustrated. This is a lively and entertaining work which embodies the actual experience of many years in the keeping of poultry in large and small numbers. It is the most thorough and prac- tical work on poultry in the market, and con- tains an amount of solid information which to even the keeper of a dozen fowls will make it worth many times its cost. A DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL BEE KEEPING. Discusses thoroughly nearly Five Hundred Subjects. Numerous illustrations, Notes and Practical Hints. By John Phin. Gives in condensed form an immense amount of valuable information under the different headings. Under the heads, Bees, Comb, Glu- cose, Honey, Race, Species, Sugar, Wax, and others, it brings together a large number of important facts and figures which are now scattered through our bee literature and through costly scientific works and are not easily found when wanted. HINTS FOR BEGINNERS WITH THE MICROSCOPE. By John Phin. Second Edi- tion illustrated. This book was prepared for the use of those who, having no knowledge of the use of the microscope — or, indeed, of any scientific appa- ratus — desire simple and practical instruction in the best methods of managing the instrument and preparing objects. It forms an indispens- able companion to every cheap microscope. MARVELS OF POND LIFE. A Year's Recreations among the Polyps, Infusoria, Ro- tifers, Water Bears and Polyzoa. By Henry J. Slack. Second Edition, illustrated. The object of this book is to tell the young microscopist where to look for the finest ob- jects, how to find them and to give the names, the nature and the habits of the principal ob- jects which he is liable to meet. The numer- ous cuts render it easy to identify them, and the descriptions are clear, simple and intensely interesting. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 209 The books in the list below are all practical and reliable, being specially pre- pared for self-instruction. The books are 12 mo. in size and contain from 24 to 9G pages, well printed, on good paper, and illustrated wherever the subj^ect needs it. Bound in neat paper covers. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. The cheapest series of really good technical books now in print. HOW TO BECOME A GOOD MECHANIC. By John Phin. Intended as a practical guide to self-taught men, telling what books to use; how to begin; what difficulties will be met; how to overcome them; in a word, how to carry on such a course of self-instruction as will en- able the young mechanic to rise from the bench to something higher. DRAUGHTMANSHIP. By John Black. This little manual is intended for those who desire some little knowledge of architectural drawings and to whom the study of the larger treatises would not be suitable. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. By an Old Draughtsman. A treatise on the use and care of drawing instruments. THE SLIDE RULE AND HOW TO USE IT. By Fred T. Hodgson. This is a compila- tion of explanations, rules and instruction's suitable for mechanics and others interested who wish to master the use of this time-saving calculating instrument. THE ENGINEER'S SLIDE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS. By William Tonkes. A complete investigation of the principles and uses of the Engineer's Slide Rule. HOME HANDICRAFTS. Edited by John Black. This book will be appreciated by every one who takes advantage of their spare mo- ments to construct or decorate some detail of their homes. A valuable book for the handy man. SUCCESS WITH RECIPES. By John Phin. A practical guide to success in the use of recipes, formulae, etc., with hints on chem- ical and mechanical manipulation. Intended as a supplement to all books of recipes. HINTS FOR PAINTERS, DECORATORS AND PAPER HANGERS. By An Old Hand. A most useful book treating on the prepara- tion of surfaces, materials used, mixed paints, operations, tastes in color, graining, paper hanging, estimating cost of work, useful recipes, etc. A valuable book for the amateur. DECORATING. Edited by John Black. The hints and suggestions contained in this book will be appreciated by the practical painter as well as by every householder who desires to have his home neatly and tastefully orna- mented. CONCRETE. By Frank Jay. Written by an expert of many years' exeprience in con- crete, and fully describes up-to-date methods of building walls, piers, columns, floors and chim- neys; also armored concrete construction, dams, etc. ARTIFICIAL STONE, TERRA COTTA, ETC. Edited by John Black. Concisely de- scribes the manufacture and uses of various kinds of artificial stone, terra cotta, hollow blocks, scagliolia, etc. MASONRY. Edited by John Black. This little book deals with the operation of the stone mason in a thoroughly practical mariner, describing stone cutting as well as building walls, etc. BRICKLAYING. Edited by John Black. Describes how to build walls; bonding, piers, window openings, chimneys, cornices, etc. CEMENTS AND GLUE. By John Phin. A practical treatise giving nearly 200 recipes on the preparation and use of all kinds of ce- ments, glues and paste. PLASTERING. Edited by John Black. This book contains quite a fund of informa- tion useful to the apprentice as well as the old hand at the plasterer's trade. SCAFFOLDING. Edited by John Black. The subject of the erection of proper scaiTold- ing for various purposes is practically treated in this book. Useful for everyone called upon to erect scaffolding that will be safe at the least cost in time and money. HINTS AND AIDS IN BUILDING AND ESTIMATING. A useful handbook for every one engaged in building, as it contains hints and prices, tells how to measure, explains building terms, etc. SLATING AND TILING. Edited by John Black. Many buildings now have slate or tile roofs, and this book gives concise information about the various points. RAFTER AND BRACE TABLES. By H. J. Aurlie. This time-saving reference book was prepared for the convenience of carpen- ters and builders, as it shows at sight the length of rafters and braces. WOOD TURNING. Edited by John Black. The art of wood turning is simply and clearly described in this book and will prove useful for the amateur and young wood worker. GLAZING. Edited by John Black. The information in this manual will save much time and trouble to the practical glazier, while the apprentice will find it a trustworthy guide. THE PISTOL AS A WEAPON OF DE- FENSE, IN THE HOUSE OR ON THE ROAD. By John Phin. This book aims to in- struct peaceable and law-abiding citizens in the best means of protecting themselves from the attacks of the brutal and the lawless. SHOOTING ON THE WING. By An Old Gamekeeper. Plain directions for acquiring the art of shooting on the wing. With useful hints concerning all that relates to guns and shooting, particularly in regard to the art of loading so as to kill. To which has been added several valuable and hitherto secret recipes of very great importance to the sports- man. THE SUN. A familiar description of its phenomena. By Rev. Thomas William Webb, Author of "Celestial Objects for Common Tele- scopes." SO pages; illustrated by 17 engravings. A book for everyone interested in Nature, as it simply and fully describes the sun, tells about spots, eclipses, etc. 210 thp: barlow hardware co., corry, pa. The books described in the lists below are practical and reliable. They are 12 mo. in size — except where otherwise stated — printed on good paper and well illus- trated wherever the subject needs it and artistically bound in cloth. Any book sent post paid on receipt of 50 cents. WATER CLOSETS. A Historical, Mechan- ical and Sanitary Treatise. By Glenn Brown. This book contains over 250 engravings drawn expressly for the work by the author. The drawings are so clear that the distinctive features of every device are easily seen at a glance, and the descriptions are particularly full and thorough. The paramount importance of. this department of the construction of our house renders all comment upon the value of such a work unnecessary. EASY LESSONS IN ARCHITECTURE. Consisting of a series of questions and an- swers explaining in simple language the prin- ciples and progress of architecture from the earliest times. By Thos. Mitchell. Illustrated by nearly one hundred and fifty engravings. New Edition. The present work is probably the best archi- tectural text-book for beginners ever published. The numerous illustrative engravings make the subject very simple, and prevent all mis- understanding. It tells about the different styles, their peculiar features, their origin, and the principles that underlie their construction. CARPENTER'S AND JOINER'S POCKET COMPANION. Containing rules, data and di- rections for laying out work, and for calcu- lating and estimating. Compiled by Thos. Mo- loney. Illustrated, pocket size. This is a compact and handy little volume, containing the most useful rules and merno- randa, practically tested by many years' ex- perience in the shop, factory and building; also a Treatise on the Framing Square. It is by a thoroughly practical man, and contains enough that is not easily found anywhere else to make it worth more than its price to every intelli- gent carpenter. WORKSHOP COMPANION. A Collection of Useful and Reliable Receipts, Rules, Pro- cesses, Methods, Wrinkles and Practical Hints for the Household and the Shop. By John Phin. This is a book of 164 closely printed pages, forming a dictionary of practical infor- mation for mechanics, amateurs, housekeepers, farmers — everybody. It is not a mere collec- tion of newspaper clippings, but a series of or- iginal treatises on various subjects, such as al- loys, cements, inks, steel, signal lights, polish- ing materials and the art of polishing wood, metal, etc., varnishes, gilding, silvering, bronz- ing, lacquering, and the working of brass, ivory, alabaster, iron, steel, etc. MECHANICAL DRAWING. The Student's Illustrated Guide to Practical Draughting. _ A series of practical instructions for machinists, mechanics, apprentices and students at en- gineering establishments and technical insti- tutes. By P. T. Pemberton. Illustrated. This is a simple, yet thorough book by a draughtsman of 25 years' experience. It is in- tended for beginners and self-taught students, as well as for those who pursue the study un- der the direction of a teacher. HOW TO MIX PAINTS. A simple trea- tise prepared for the wants of the practical painter. By C. Godfrey. Illustrated. This book is intended for those who have not had the benefit of a long training and ex- perience in the mixing of colors. Simple and clear directions are given, so that by a little practice the reader may be 'able to mix the various tints and shades of reds, blues, yel- lows, browns, greens, grays and colors made from blacks, japans, etc. With preliminary remarks on mixing paints, straining paints, tints and shades, use and care of brushes, to- gether with hints on displaying colors to show customers; notes on color harmony, etc., etc. The books in the list below are all practical and reliable, being specially pre- pared for self-instruction. The books are 12 mo. in size and contain from 24 to 96 pages, well printed, on good paper, and illustrated wherever the subjects need it. Bound in neat paper covers. Any book sent post paid on receipt of 25 cents. The cheapest series of really good technical books now in print. RHYMES OF SCIENCE; WISE AND OTHERWISE. By Oliver W. Holmes, Bret Harte. Ingold by Prof. Fobre, Prof. J. W. McQ. Rankine, Hon. R. W. Raymond and others. 66 pages; illustrated. A collection of scientific rhymes that will form pleasant read- ing for any one interested in science. USEFUL AND PRECIOUS MINERALS. By John Phin. Tells how to find them; how to ' test them and how to estimate their value by simple methods and easily obtained appli- ances. Intended for the use of non-experts so that they may, by simple tests, know if their "find" is valuable or only useless dirt. TRICHINAE SPIRALIS. By John Phin. How to detect them and how to avoid them. A popular account of pork-worms and flesh worms for the use of farmers, butchers and microscopists interested in these curious and dangerous parasites. A BOOK ABOUT BOOKS. Practical notes on the selection, use and care of books. In- tended as a popular guide for book buyers, students and all lovers of good reading. THE LIGHTNING CALCULATOR. Prac- tical Hints on Lightning Calculating. To which are added rules, tables, formulae, and memoranda for making rapidly those everyday calculations that are required in business, me- chanics and agriculture. A useful booK for eyeryone. No tricks, but sound facts. UIK IJARLOW IIARDWAKIC CO., CORRY, PA. hardp:ni]vg, tempering, anneal- gas, gasoline and oil engines. ING AND forging OP STEEL. HARDENINQI TEMPERINGl j^HNEALINgI By Jos. V. Woodworth, Author of "DIES. Their Con- struction and Use." About 320 pages. 200 illustrations. GASOUM£ ■ 01 1 ENGINE! ir 1902 iili!!i| |lliilllllli!iilliili!ilMiillll!liiilli:iilllii Bound in cloth. Price $2.50. A new work from d;over to core, treating in a clear, concise manner all modern processes for the Heating, Annealing, Forging, Welding, Hardening and Tempering of Steel, making it a hook of great practical value to metal work- ing mechanics in general, with special direc- tions for the successful hardening and temper- ing of all steel tools used in the arts, incuding milling cutters, taps, thread dies, reamers, both solid and shell, hollow mills, punches and dies, and all kinds of sheet metal working tools, shear blades, saws, fine cutlery, and metal cut- ting tools of all descriptions, as well as for all implements of steel, both large and small. In this work the simplest and most satisfactory hardening and tempering processes are given. The uses to which the leading brands of steel may be adapted are concisely presented, and their treatment for working under differ- ent conditions explained, also the special meth- ods for the hardening and tempering of special brands. GAS ENGINE CONSTRUCTION By Henry V. A. Parsell, Jr., Mem. A. L. Elec. Eng., and Arthur J. Weed, M. E. 20 illustrated c h a p- ters. Large 8 vo. Handsomely illus- trated and bound. 300 pages. Price $2.50. This book treats of the sub- ject more from the standpoint of practice than that of theory. The principles of operation of Gas Engines are clearly and simply described, and then the actual construction of a half horsepower en- gine is taken up step by step, showing in de- tail the making of a Gas Engine. Every illustration in this book is new and original, having been made expressly for this work. By Gardner D. Hiscox, M. E. The only American book on this subject, and a book designed for the general informa- tion of every one interested in this new and popular motive power, and its adaptation to the increasing demand for a cheap and easily man- aged motor requiring no licensed fengineer. This book treats of the theory and practice of Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines, as designed and manufactured in the United States. It also contains chapters on Horseless Vehicles, Electric Lighting, Marine Propulsion, etc. Large octavo. Illustrated by 312 engravings. 413 pages. Net price $2.50 CONTENTS. Chapter I. Introductory, Historical. Chapter II. Theory of the Gas and Gaso- line Engines. Chapter IIL Utilization of Heat and Effi- ciency in Gas Engines. Chapter IV. Heat Efficiencies. Chapter V. Retarded Combustion and Wall Cooling. Chapter VI. Causes of Loss and Inefficiency in Explosive Motors. Chapter VII. Economy of the Gas Engine for Electric Lighting. Chapter VIII. The material of power in Explosive Engines, Gas, Petroleum, Products and Acetylene Gas. Chapter IX. Carburetters and Vapor Gas for Explosive Motors. Chapter X. Cylinder Capacity of Gas and Gasoline Engines, Mufflers on Gas Engines. Chapter XL Governors and Valve Gear. Chapter XII. Igniters and Exploders, Hot Tube and Electric. Chapter XIII. Cylinder Lubrication. Chapter XIV. On the Management of Ex- plosive Motors. Chapter XV. The Measurement of Power by Prony Brakes, Dynamometers and Indica- tors. The Measurement of Speed. The Indi- cator and its Work. Vibrations of Buildings and Floors by the Running of Explosive Mo- tors. ^ . Chapter XVI. Explosive Motor Testing. Chapter XVII. Various Types of Gas and Oil Engines, Marine and Vehicle Motors. Chapter XVIII. Various Types of Gas and Oil Engines, Marine and Vehicle Motors — Continued. _ Chapter XIX. United States Patents on Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines and their Ad- juncts — 1875 to 1900, inclusive. 212 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. SKEL.ETOX OF THE HORSE. - Every horse owner has felt the need of a chart showing a SKELETON OF THE HORSE and giving the exact location of every bone, and with respect to the legs the location of the tendons and ligaments. At heavy expense for drawing and engraving we have prepared such a chart, and stibmit herewith a reduced cut to give an idea what it is like. THE ONLY THING OF THE KIND. A Chart of the Skeleton of the Horse that shows all the principal bones, and the liga- ments and tendons of the legs, and gives the names of all the principal bones, ligaments and tendons. The Chart of the Skeleton of the Horse is lithographed on heavy coated paper, 22x30 inches, in two colors, and is just the thing you want to hang up in your shop. No such chart as this has ever been issued before, and the small sum at which it is offered puts it within reach of everyone interested in the anatomy of that noble animal, man's best friend. Every Blacksmith Should Have One. Every Owner of a Horse Should Have One. Every Horseshoer Should Have One. Everybody Should Have One. Net price each Sent, carefully packed in a strong tube, for only $1.00 MAGNER'S A-B-C GUIDE TO SENSI- BLE HORSE SHOEING. By D. Magner, Au- thor of "Magner's Standard Horse and Stock Book," "Art of Taming and Educat- ing Horses," etc. Il- lustrated; 8vo, Cloth Binding. Contains 12 Colored Plates, and many other illustra- tions. Net price each. 8 vo. Cloth $1 . 00 3IAGNER'S STANDARD HORSE BOOK. By D. Magner, the well-known authority on Training, Educat- ing, Taming and Treating Horses. Large quarto vol- ume; 638 pages; illus- trations. The most complete work of the kind in existence, strongly en- dorsed by leading horse experts every- where. Chapters 21, 22, 23, and 24 devoted to dis- eases of horses and their treatment. Net price each. Half Russia Binding $2.50 Till-: BARLOW HARDWARK CO., CORRY, I'A. THE CARRIAGE TRIMMER'S MANUAL. A Practical Treatise for the Carriage Trimmer. By W. N. Fitzgerald. Containing Technical Information on Trimming, Table of Materials, Tariffs of Re- pairs, Directions for Setting and Trimming Tops, Making Cushions and other parts of Trimmings, etc. Octavo, Clotli Net price each $3.00 THE PRACTICAL I^ORSE SHOER. f4oRSE^5HO^ This book has been compiled from the prac- tical articles on horseshoeing (large numbers of them illustrated) which have appeared dur- ing the past few years in the columns of the "Blacksmith and Wheelwright." Altogether it is the most important work on horseshoeing ever published, and contains, in addition to illustrations of proper shapes of shoes for dif- ferent diseases of the feet, engravings and de- scriptions of the various methods of shoeing vicious and ugly horses and mules, and a great variety of tools, suitable and useful in horse- shoeing. It tells how to shoe horses, to cure con- traction, to prevent interfering or over-reach- ing. It tells the best method of treating corns — whether cold or hot fitting is the best. A great variety of other information not at pres- ent obtainable elsewhere will be found in its pages. Net price each. 12mo, C!r,th $1-00 USEFUL AND PRACTICAL BOOKS. Vol. I. "Practical Blacksmithing." Vol. II. "Practical Blacksmithing." Vol. III. "Practical Blacksmithing." Net price each. 12mo. Cloth $1.00 Mailed lo any address on receipt of price. PRACTICAL CARRIAGE BUILDING. VOLUME I. VOLUME II. It is a book of 224 pages, profusely illus- trated, finely printed, and bound in cloth, with ink side stamp and gold back. No Blacksmith, Carriage or Wagon Maker can afford to be without these books. The price is ONE DOLLAR, net each, and will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. AmerrcAn , }r5e,Caftle»^*5bee|>i Doctor \ :^^^^ljy McCLURE'S AMERICAN HORSE, CATTLE AND SHEEP DOCTOR. By Robt. McClure, M. D., V. S. As a stock doctor book, treating the diseases of the three most profitable as well as most common of farm animals, save the hog, this book never had a peer. It is the most valuable book ever prepared for the farmer, and if we may judge its popularity by its sale, it is the most suc- cessful book for the farmer and small stock raiser ever written. The illustrations are ex- cellent. Bound in silk cloth. Net price each $1.50 THE STEEL SQ,UARE AND ITS USES. By Fred T. Hodgson. New and Enlarged Edition Now Ready. This is the only work on The Steel Square and Its Uses ever published. It is thorough, exhaustive, clear and easily understood. Con- founding terms and scientific phrases have been religiously avoided where possible, and everything in the book has been made so plain that a boy twelve years of age, possessing ordinary intelligence, can understand it from end to end. This new edition is illustrated v.-ith over 75 wood cuts, showing how the square may be used for solving almost every problem in the whole art of carpentry, and is revised up to March, 1889. Net price each. Handsomely bound $1 . 00 214 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. "ARTISTIC HORSE SHOEING." By PROF. GEORGE E. RICH. This is a practical and scientific treatise by a thorough mechanic, who can turn a horse- shoe with the most expert, and is willing to im- part to others the information he has acquired during a lifetime spent at the forge. and in lec- turing on the horse's foot and the proper meth- ods of shoeing. His new book gives improved methods of shoeing, with special directions for shaping shoes to cure different diseases of the foot, and to the correction of faulty action. The book is filled with illustrations of differ- ent shaped shoes, each designed for a special purpose. It is not too much to say that this book is literally Worth its Weight in Gold to every man who shoes horses for a living. Every blacksmith or horseshoer will find it profitable to send for one immediately. Net price each, cloth, 12 mo $2.00 HOW TO TELL. THE AGE OF A HORSE. A Pocket Manual of Great Value. Written by Prof. Heard, a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Lon- don, and one of the Professors of the New York College of Veterinary Surgeons. The importance of knowing how to tell the age of a horse by an examination of his teeth cannot be over estimated by those who have occasion to buy horses. Such knowledge is valuable alike to the farmer, merchant and mechanic, and may often save many dollars to its possessor. By a study of this book all may learn in a short time to become experts. Engravings are given showing the shape of the teeth from the age of two and a half years up to twenty years. The tricks of the horse traders who "doctor up" the teeth of old horses to make them look young, and thus de- ceive purchasers, are fully exposed, and the matter explained so clearly that no one need be cheated. This is the most practical book of the kind ever published. There is a chapter also on Horse Character, or How to Tell the Disposition of a Horse, whether kind and gen- tle or vicious and unreliable. Net price each, cloth. $0.30 HORSES: THEIR FEED AND THEIR FEET. The author points out the true source of "Malaria," "Disease Waves," "Influenza," "Glanders," "Pink-Eye," etc., and how to pre- vent and counteract them. The work also contains a treatise on shoeing, by Sir George Cox and Col. M. C. Weld. The subjects are stated in a plain, practical, common-sense man- ner, showing how by the proper care we may add many valuable years of life and useful- ness to our horses. A Manual of Horse Hygiene, invaluable for the veteran or the novice. 12 mo, 171 pages, 20 illustrations. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Net price each $1.00 NEW BOOK ON CARRIAGE PAINT- ING. The "Complete Carriage and Wagon Paint- er," is a work of nearly 200 pages, which gives in plain language detailed directions for paint- ing Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs, besides full instructions in all the various branches, THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. including Lettering, Scrolling. Ornamenting, Striping, Varnishing and Coloring, with numer- ous recipes for mixing color. It contains near- ly two hundred illustrations. This is, without doubt, the most complete work of the kind ever issued. It contains information of value to the most expert painter, and is indispens- able to those whose opportunities for learning the business have been limited. This book will be found valuable to all, and treats, among other things, of Wagon Striping, with descrip- tion of tools employed; Wagon Lettering, with illustrations of a great variety of letters and directions how to make and shade them. Wagon Scrolling is fully described and illustrated, and also stenciling. Full description of how to paint a Wagon from beginning to end. First Coat, Second Coat, Puttying, Sand-pa- pering, Varnishing, etc. One chapter tells "How to Paint a Lumber Wagon"; another relates to "Touching Up Repair Work"; an- other "How to Paint a Cheap Job," including an Express Wagon; "How to Re-varnish a Carriage"; "Harmony of Colors"; Transfer Ornaments, and how to make them. Illustra- tions are given of a Variety of Monograms. CARFKNTRV. So much practical and valuable information for so little money, we believe, has never be- fore been presented in so desirable a form. Net price each, cloth, 12 mo $1.00 MAGNER'S STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK HOOK. A com^plete pic- torial encyclopedia of practical refer- ence for horse and stock owners. By D. Magner, author of the Art of Tam- ing and Educating Horses, assisted by twelve leading vet- erinary surgeons. Beautifully print- ed on finely finished paper, handsomely and substantially bound with portrait of the author, and 10 plate portraits of leading veterinary surgeons assisting and 17 special col- ored plates showing structure of foot, etc. 1,200 pp., 1,750 illustrations. Net price each In Cloth Binding $2.50 In Half-Russia Binding 3.00 USEFUL, INSTRUCTIVE BOOKS. At 25 Cents Each. The books in the following list are practical and reliable, being especially prepared for self- instruction. The books are 12 mo. in size, printed on good paper, and well illustrated wherever the sub- ject needs it. Bound in neat paper covers. The cheapest series of really good technical books now in print. Books on other subjects in preparation. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of 25c, or five for one dollar. A Practical Manuad edited by John Black. 92 pages; illus- trated by 100 engravings. This book treats on the principles of the subject, the strains in the various members of framed structures; joints of various kinds; simple roofs, king-post roofs, queen-post roofs, hip roofs, roofs covering buildings of irregular plan. Mansard roofs, properties of timber, flooring and timbers for supporting same; trussed beams; partitions, from simple examples to elaborate examples of trussed partitions; method of deadening sound, etc., etc. Net price each $0.25 PRACTICAL JOINERY. Edited by John Black. 92 pages; illustrat- ed by 130 en- gravings. A book that points out the best methods in the various de- p a r t m ents of j o i n e r's work such as mould- ings, classic and Gothic; tongue and groove joints, dowel joints, miter joints, lap joints, dove-tail joints, mortice and tenon joints; cut- ting timbers, making doors, paneling, hanging doors and windows; skylights; laying down floors; hardwood floors; construction of niches, etc. Woodworking machinery; picture frame rnaking, and instructions on how to use the diagonal scale. Net price each $0 . 25 THE STEEL SQUARE. By F. T. Hodgson, 48 pages, illustrated by 38 engravings. This work is in- tended as an elemen- tary introduction for the use of those who have not time to study the larger works on the same subject. The book shows how some difficult problems in carpentry and joinery are simplified and solved by the aid of the car- penter's steel square, together with a full de- scription of the tool, and explanations of the scale, lines and figures on the blade and tongue and how to use them in everyday wokr. Showing how the square may be used in ob- taining the lengths and bevels of rafters, hips, groins, braces, brackets, purlins, collar-beams and jack rafters. Also its application in ob- taining the bevels and cuts for hoppers, spring mouldings, octagons, diminished styles, etc. Net price each $0.25 216 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. «WESTCOTT'» ADJUSTABLE «S" AARENCH. Sizes in stock. Net price each. 6 inch opens to H i"ch $0.40 8 inch opens to 1 inch 50 10 inch opens to 15^ inch 65 12 inch opens to 1% inch 85 14 inch opens to 2 inch 1.15 This wrench is acknowledged to be the most convenient and most useful wrench for gen- eral use, and can be used in *many places in- accessible with the Monkey Wrench. "WESTCOTT' ADJUSTABLE "S' WRENCH. PIPE Sizes in stock. Net price each. 6 inch takes pipe from }i to H inch. $0.65 8 inch takes pipe from Vs to % inch. .85 10 inch takes pipe from >^ to 1 inch. 1.00 12 inch takes pipe from Vs to 1^4 inch. 1.40 14 inch takes pipe from Vs to 1>2 inch. 1.7o This adjustable "S" Pipe Wrench is the handiest and most convenient pipe wrench for steam or gas fitters' use, and can be used to advantage in a corner, or in a contracted space. It releases quickly and has a firm grip. HAWKEYE W^RENCH. FIVE IN ONE NUT AVRENCH. PIPE WRENCH AND THREAD CUTTERS. Best Wrench Made for Automobiles. Has more uses than any wrench made. No. 200 Regular, net price each $0.40 Net price per dozen 4 .00 Will remove "Neverslip" and "Rowe" Calks. The Best Wrench Made. This Wrench is made of 50-point open hearth drop-forged carbon steel. Jaws will take Vi to % inch pipe. DROP FORGED WRENCHES. ENGINEERS' WRENCHES. Double Head. Openings, l„.l I. ice No. Size Bolt. Inches. Length. Each 22 Vs and 'A ^and H 4 $0.10 23 A and 1/4 Mand 1/2 4 .11 2") 14 and ^ 1/2 and if ^V& .13 27 1% and H Mand U 5^ .16 29 % and iV iJand U 6% .20 31 1^6 and 'A Hand 74 7H .22 33 1/2 and 1% Vs and U 8% .25 36 f^ and % U and 1 1,4 11% .35 37 Ys and ^ iJgandli^ iiH .36 30 % and % 11/4 andl/^ iS'A .45 43 1 and 1 Vs 1% and HE 17% .65 45 11/8 and 114 IJI and 2 19^ .80 47 1 14 and 1 % 2 andSi^g 211/4 1.00 TWIN WRENCHES. 10 inches long $0.45 DOUBLE HEAD "S" W^RENCH. Thickness Price No. Size of Opening. of Heads. each. 220 Vs and iV M $0.08 221 V2 and fe -1^. .12 223 % and il % .15 223 7/8 and 1 iV .17 224 1 and iVs 1/2 .20 225 it and 11/4 ^^ .25 TRIPLE HEAD, SET SCREW WRENCH For Set Length Thickness Net price Scr. Sizes Over All. of Heads. Each. A H M 55/8 H $0.20 THIC BARLOW II AKDWAKi: CO., CoRRV, PA. 217 THE ALLIGATOR WRENCH. Lgth., No. Inches 1 5 34 •3 10 8 1() Holds Pipe, Holds Round Inches Iron, Inches % to H yi to U H to M 'A to 1 Vi to 11/4 ^ to 134 Net Price Each $0.10 WRENCHES. -T^ Agricultti Sizes. Net price each. 6 inch $0.17 8 inch 20 Sizes. Net price each. 10 inch $0.24. 12 inch 2j) 15 inch 40 COE'S KNIFE HANDLE AVRENCH. Sizes. Net price each. 6 inch $0.38 8 inch 42 10 inch 50 12 inch 59 Sizes. Net price each. 15 inch .$1.00 18 inch 1.25 21 inch 1.50 TRIMO PIPE WRENCH. Net price Sizes. Each. (i inch $0.60 S inch 65 10 inch 70 14 inch 90 15 inch 1.20 24 inch 2.25 Net Net price Price Ex Nuts. Ex Jaws $0.10 .10 .15 .20 .25 .35 $0.30 .30 .40 .50 .60 1.00 SAUNDERS' PIPE CUTTER. 12 1 OtiE VjkEEL ecROLLER, CUTTEf^. No. Cuts Pipe from Each Extra Whls. Extra Rollers. 1 2 3 ^ to 1 inch 1 to 2 inch 2 to 3 inch $0.70 1.05 2.50 $0.10 .12 .20 $0.12 .12 .20 BEMIS AND CALL COMBINATION WRENCHES. Long Nut. JSWl Sizes, Inches Net price each $1 Net J) rice extra Dogs. STILLSON PIPE WRENCHES. 10 12 15 20 $1.35 $1 .85 15 .-20 .25 Net price Sizes. Each. 6 inch $0 . 60 8 inch 65 10 inch 70 14 inch 90 18 inch 1.20 24 inch 2.25 BARNES' THREE WHEEL PIPE CUTTER. Net Net price Price Ex Nuts, Ex Taws. $0.10 $0.30 .10 .30 .15 .40 .20 .50 .•25 .60 .35 1.00 No. 1 % 2 ^ 3 IV2 4 2K2 Cut Pipe from Net prices Net Price Cutter each. inch, inch, inch, inch. .$0.90. . 1.20. . 2.00. . 4.75. Wheels. ...$0.08 . .. .10 . . . .12 . .. .15 BROWN'S PIPE TONGS. No. 1. No. I'/i, No. 2, No. 3. No. 4, Vs takes pipe takes pipe takes pipe Yi takes pipe 1 takes pipe 1 V2 to % inch, to 1 inch, to 1}4 inch, to 2 inch, to 3 inch. Net price each $0,75 .90 1.00 1,35 3,00 COMBINATION PLIERS. gi^es Net price each. 6 inch, Cornell Nickel plated $0.50 6 inch, Genuine Billings & Spencer 1.00 218 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Globe \'alve Angle Valve STANDARD GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Net Prices Each. $0.35 .40 .50 .60 .80 CHECK VALVE 5izes. Doz. Va in. .$3.36 ^ in. . 3.60 y2 in. . 4.80 M in. . 6.00 HI. . 8.40 Sizes. \Va in, \V2 in. 2 in. Net Prices. Doz. Each. $11.40 16.20 24.00 45.00 $1.10 1.50 2.25 4.00 STEA:>t COCK. Brass Check Valve Brass Steam Cock BRASS CHECK VALVES. Net Prices. Sizes. Doz. % inch $ 3 . 60 % inch 4.20 % inch 5.40 1 inch 7.80 IM. inch 10.20 1 1/2 inch 17.40 2 inch 21.60 BRASS STEAM COCKS. Net prices. Sizes. Doz. Each.. Yz inch . . . ...$ 4.20 $0.40< V2 inch ... ... 5.40 .50 % inch ... ... 7.20 .70 1 inch . . . ... 9.60 .95 1 ^ inch . . . ... 15.00 1.40 1 Yz inch . . . ... 20.40 1.90 2 inch . . . ... 27.00 2.50 GATE VALVES. Net Prices. Size. Doz. Each. 1/2 inch ... ...$ 7.20 $0.70 % inch . . . ... 9.60 .90 1 inch ... 13.80 1.25 114 inch ... ... 19.20 1.75 iVa inch ... ... 27.80 2.35 2 inch . . . ... 39.00 3.50 IRON COCKS. BRASS GAS SER VICE COCKS. IRON Cock. Brass Gas Service Cock. Sizes. Ya in. 1 in. 134 " \V2 ALL IRON COCKS. Net prices. m. Doz. .$4.20 . 4.80 . 7.20 . 8.40 Each. $0.40 .45 .65 .75 Sizes. 2 in. 2^4 'in. Net prices. Doz. Each. $11.40 19.20 25.20 63.00 $1.05 1.70 2.50 5.50 ■Sizes. Yi in. y. in. 34 in. 1 in. GAS SERVICE COCKS Net prices. Doz. Each .$3.60 $0.35 , 4.20 .40 , 5.40 .50 , 7.25 .65 BIBB AIR Sizes. \Va in. 1^ in. 2 in. COCKS. Net prices. Doz. Each. $9.60 $0.90 13.80 1.25 22.20 2.00 Straight AIR COCKS. Bibb Size ^ ^ ^^ Straight T Handle, net price each... $0.20 $0.20 $0.25 Doz 2.00 2.00 2.50 IJibb T Handle, net price each ...... .25 .25 .35 Doz 2.50 2.50 3.00 STOP AND WASTE COCKS. Doz. Each. 2 in $9.60 $0.90 5^8 in 10.80 1.00 3-^ in 12.60 1.20 1 in 21.00 2.00 Reversible. Return Bend Return Bend Close Open Sizes, inches ^ Ya, 1 1^ 13^ 2 Close, net price each $0.10 .12 .15 .20 .22 .30 Open, net price each 10 .12 .15 .20 .22 .30 Close, net price doz 96 1.20 1.44 2.00 2.20 3.00 Open, net price doz 96 1.20 1.44 2.00 2.20 3.00 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. COUPLINGS. Wrought Coupling. Reducing Coupling. NIPPLES. Doz. Black- Each Black '/4 Vs iX H 1 1/2 2 2^ 3 4 inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch $0.30 $0.03 Doz. Galv. $0.36 Each Galv. $0.04 .30 .86 .42 .60 .72 .84 1.08 1.20 2.00 2.40 4.80 .03 .04 .0.5 .06 .07 .09 .12 .14 .20 .25 .50 .36 .04 .48 .05 .60 .06 .72 .08 .96 .10 .20 .12 .28 .25 .64 .28 MALLEABLE REDUCING COUPLINGS. Sizes. Net Price Doz. Each ]4x}i in. $0.24 $0.03 H'x.yi in. Vixli in, y2KVs in. HxH in. S/A-xVy in. .24 .03 .04 .04 .05 .05 .07 1 X V4 l^x 3/4 l^^xl IJ^xl 1^x1^4 2 xl 2 xl Vz Net Price Doz. Each in. $0.60 $0.07 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.68 1.90 .10 .10 .12 .12 .18 .20 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. Elbow. Tee. Cross. PRICE ON ELBOWS ONLY, Sizes. i-s inch /4 inch (^ inch l-i inch 54 inch inch inch inch 2 inch 2 l-i inch 3 inch 4 inch Net Price. Doz. Each Black. Black. 1 $0.35 .45 .60 .95 1.20 1.45 2.25 4.20 7. 20 12.00 $0.04 .04 .04 .05 .09 .11 .13 .2:2 .40 .70 1.20 Doz. Galv. $0.48 .72 !95 1.20 1.80 2.4.1 4.20 Each Galv. $0.05 .06 .07 .10 .12 .18 .20 .40 THE AMERICAN BOILER TUBE CLEANER. Net price each. 1 I 'A I'A s. Short. inch $0.02 inch 08 inch 02 inch 02^ inch 03 inch ul inch 05 inch 00 inch 09 inch 18 inch 24 inch 40 UNIONS. Long to inches. Z'A 3/2 3/. 3K2 4 4 4H 4/2 4/2 5 5 6 $0.03 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 ,08 .10 .13 .28 .32 .55 Malleable Lipped Flanged. MALLEABLE LIPPED UNIONS. Sizes As inch . ^A inch . inch. inch. inch. 34. ¥4 Sizes 1 Net Price | Each Doz. | Sizes $0.08 $0.35 1 inch. .08 .35 114 inch. .10 .25 IH inch., .12 1.05 2 inch. .15 1.20 FLANGE UNIONS. Net Price inch. . . inch . . . inch . . . inch. . . Sizes A inch. .'4 inch . 3's inch . I i inch. H inch. 1 inch. Each Doz. f0.30 $3.00 .85 3.60 .40 4.20 .60 6.00 TEES. Net Price Each Doz. $0.03 $0.30 .03 .30 .48 .60 .84 .96 CROSSES Net Price I Sizes 2H inch inch inch .05 .00 .08 .10 Sizes -^A ^A 2 2 A 3 inch, inch . inch, inch, inch . ach Doz. .$0.05 $0.48 . .05 .48 . .06 .60 . .10 .90 Sizes 1 inch. . 1J4 inch.. lA inch.. 2 inch.. Net Price Each Doz. .$0.18 $1.65 , .20 2.15 , .25 2.40 , .30 3.00 Net Price Each Doz. ,$0.70 $7.20 , .80 8.40 , 1.00 10.80 Net Price Each Doz. $0.14 $1.44 .17 1.80 .28 2.64 .45 4.56 .65 6.60 Net Price ICach Doz. ,$0.15 $1.44 , .15 1.44 , .20 2.04 . .35 3.60 Size, inches 1J4 2 2^4 2A 2}i 3 314 3A 4 Net price, each $0.40 $0.45 $0.55 $0.60 $0.65 $0.70 $0.80 $0.85 $0.95 This cut shows a boiler tube cleaner which needs no praise from us — it speaks for itself. While the price is verj' low, this tool is far superior to many cleaners which cost twice the money. 220 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. COMPRESSION BIBBS. ENGINEER'S FAA ORITE TUBE CLEANER. Plain Bibbs Hose Bibbs COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS. Net price each $0.50 .55 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS. Size, inches Vz H Net price each .". $0.60 .65 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. .GO CAP. BUSHING. CAPS. Sizes. Each. Doz. | Sizes. Each. Doz. Vtinch ..$0.03 $0.24 I 1 inch ..$0.07 $0.60 %inch .. .03 .24 1 ]14 inch .. .10 .96 Vainch .. .04 .36 ] 31/2 inch .. .11 1.08 % inch . .05 .42 I 2 inch .. .15 1.44 Sizes. % inch % inch y2 inch . ii inch . 1 inch . 11/4 inch . BUSPIINGS. Net Price Each. Doz. ] Sizes. Each. Doz. .$0.03 $0.24 I 114 inch .$0.07 $0.54 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .24 .24 .30 .36 .48 2 inch 2V2 inch 3 inch 4 inch .08 .10 .15 .25 2 .96 1.44 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. Street Elbow Lock Nut STREET ELBOWS. Net Price. Sizes. Each. Doz. I Sizes. Each. Doz. % inch .$0.05 $0.48 1/2 inch . .06 .60 % inch 1 inch Sizes. 1% inch .$0.15 $1.44 1 y2 inch 2 inch .07 .72 .10 1.08 1 LOCK NUTS. Net Price Each. Doz. | Sizes. 14 inch .$0.02 $0.20 % inch . .02 .20 V2 inch % inch .25 1 inch 114 inch iy2 inch 2 inch CAST PLUGS. Net Price. Each. Doz. | Sizes. Sizes. % inch .$0.02 $0.18 % inch . .02 .18 1/2 inch . .02 .18 % inch . .03 .25 1 inch . .03 .30 114 inch 11/2 inch 2 inch 2 1/2 inch 3 inch .18 1.80 .25 2.64 Each. Doz. .$0.05 $0.40 , .05 .45 . .06 .60 . .08 .80 Each. Doz. $0.04 $0.40 . .06 .60 , .08 .84 . .15 1.44 . .20 2.00 Sizes. Net price each. 1^ inch $0.60 2 inch 65 2^4 inch 68 2}A inch 75 2 3A inch 80 Sizes 3 3% 3/2 4 Net price each. inch $0.90 inch 98 inch 1.05 inch 1.10 inch 1.20 STEEL WIRE TUBE CLEANER. 234 inch .... . . .65 3 inch .. .70 314 inch .. .75 3 1/2 inch .. .80 4 inch .. .90 Sizes. Net price each. [ Sizes. Net price each. 1 inch $0.30 I 2 J4 inch 11/4 inch 35 1 V2 inch 40 1 % inch 45 2 inch 50 21/4 inch 55 . STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. BLACK.— Butt Welded. Sizes. Net price per foot. Vs inch Prices on application. 1/4 inch Prices on application. % inch Prices on application. V2 inch Prices on application. % inch Prices on application. 1 inch Prices on application. 1 1/4 inch Prices on application. Lap Welded. Sizes. Net price per foot. 1 1/^ inch Prices on application. 2 inch Prices on application. 21/^ inch • Prices on application. 3 inch Prices on application. 3 V2 inch Prices on application. 4 "inch regular lengths. .Prices on application. 4 inch short lengths .. .Prices on application. GALVANIZED.— Butt Welded. Net price per foot. Prices on application. Prices on application. Prices on application. .Prices on application. Sizes. % inch 1/2 inch % inch 1 inch 1 14 inch Prices on application. Lap Welded. Sizes. Net price per foot. 1 1/^ inch Prices on application. 2 inch Prices on application. 2 l^ inch Prices on application. 3 inch Prices on application. WELL CASING. Sizes. Net price per foot. 41/4 inch regular lengths. .Prices on application. 41/4 inch short lengths .. .Prices on application. COUPLINGS. Net price each. 4 inch Pipe Couplings. .Prices on application. 4 14 inch Casing Couplings.Prices on application. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. THE BARLOW GAS AND GASOIJNG BNGINBS. Shipped from factory. GRAVITY PLAN. Complete and ready to operate. Gasoline tank hung on edge of the water tank. The construction is of the 4-cycle type, which has proven reliable. Any grade of gasoline, nat- ural or artificial gas, can be used. It is easy to start and easy to operate. These engines are complete as follows: Both water and gasoline tanks, exhaust muf- fler, starting crank, standard drive pulley, lu- bricators, electric battery and spark coil, all wired, piped and skidded, ready to run; also can of oil, packings, tools and wrenches. Gas Engines are fitted with' a gas bag in place of gasoline tank. Actual Floor H.P. Space Height Speed Pulley Weight 4 28x50 50 400 7x5 600 6 30x54 54 350 9x5 900 NET PRICE EACH F. O. B. FACTORY. 4 H.P. Engine, Gravity Plan $ 80.00 6 H.P. Engine, Gravity Plan 115.00 4 H.P. Engine, Pump Plan 85.00 6 H.P. Engine, Pump Plan 120.00 PUMP PLAN. Gasoline tank is below the engine. This cut shows engine ready for shipment, and ready to run as soon as tanks are filled. WE WILL MAIL A SPECIAL CATALOG OF THESE ENGINES, GIVING FULL DE- SCRIPTION AND GUARANTEE UPON APPLICATION. POLISHED STEEL SHAFTING. Shipped from factory. Diameter H 1 1^ iVs li>, IVa U% -^Vs U\ IV2 Ij Ifs 1^ HI 2 2% Net price per ft OV2 10 11 12i 13J 15 16i 18 20 20^ 22 23 28 3d 37 43 Ji THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. ■ aiALLEABIiB IRONS. Ins. Inside Ins. Inside Ins. Price Small End Large End Deep Doz. C 54 if % 6c MALLEABLE IRONS. No. ■ ^ Vs if 1 6c ■ ^ il 1^ 1 12c H ^ 1^ 1^ iVs 14c Jg^ G m ii% ifk 16c H 13^ I'A 15^ 18c 35. J I'A iH 1^8 20c A B C ^ H /jf in. Screw Shank 2M ^Ya 3 5/8 in. long. M 7c 9c 15c price doz. f%i§| A R \w^ H tV in. Screw Shank. \| 3 3^4 in. long. M 10c 15c Price doz. lH? No. 70. 5^ in. Screw Shank. 14 in. long. No. 120. c D E I'/l 13^ IJ^ in. diam. small end. If. llV Itk in. diam. large end. 1Y2 1^/^ lYz in. deep. 35/« 4 4 in. long. 12c 13c 14c price per pair. In pairs, right and left. 1J4 X 1^ 1J4 X lA in. diam. small end \^s X ItV 1^5 X IH in. diam. large end \Y2 2^ in. deep. A. Price per pair... 12c 414 4J4 in. long. B. Price per pair... 18c Oval Ferrule. In pairs, right and left. ^^^g^ Hook for Nos. 145 and 150. ^^amtm^^^ 4 in. long. No 140 PnVp pa r1l ."^l/c ..->-^ J No. 150. ^ in. wide. IY2 in. between Clips. 10 in. long, 7c Price each. Used with hook on No. 140. No. 165. A B C D E 1% 1^ lY '^H IM in. diam. inside small end IH IY2 15^ 1^ 1^ in. diam. inside large end 154 1^ 2^ m 2^ in. deep. 2c 3c 4c 4c 5c price each. ABC IYa 1^ 1^ iVs 1Y2 15^ 3c 4c 4c 5c price each. All sizes 15^ inches deep. No. 170. E 154 in. diam. inside small end. IJi in. diam. inside large end. 4 in. length of Shank. ■^ in. size of Shank. iy% in. center to center. 12c net price each. No. 200. Furnished threaded, with Nuts. No. 600. 3J4 inches long, fs inch Bolt. Price per doz $0.0: No. 615. Z\l inches long, fs inch Bolt. Price per doz $0.06 A 3M 8c ^Yt inches long. fg inch Bolt. 15c price per doz. THK BARLOW HARDWARE CO.. CORRY. PA. 223 MALLEABIiE IRONS. MAIilii:AIII^E IRONS WHIFFLETREE CLEVISES No. 632. FOR SHAFTS. 134xl?'8 inch Cross Bar. 11/, inch Whiffletrcc. -j\, inch Bolt. ,04 price each. FOR POLES. A ^ . r^ 1^x1^ 1^x2 in. Eyener. li\ 1/2 in. WhifEleti "-^l f, in. Bolt. With Check Loop. $0.04 $0.05 price each. No. 695. LOW PATTERN. A B CD E F G H J 13A iVz Wa 2 2^ 2^ 2J^ 2J4 3 ni wide 33/^ 4 4/2 47/8 5 J.^ 5 ^>^ 5 J4 6^ 6^ m. long $0.03 .03 .04 .06 .07 .07 .09 .11 .12 pair. No. 633. A B 3 334 $0.03 .04 D ^^ in. Bolt. 314 in. inside. .05 price each. FOR SHAFTS. B C 3^ 334 in. inside. ^ M in. Bolt. .04 .05 price each No. 640. No. 690. HIGH PATTERN. A B C D \V% 1^ 15^ IM in. wide. T^s V% V& Vi in- Bolt. $0.05 .05 .05 .06 price per pair BIG PATTERN. BE 2"%. 2K2 inch wide. 5^ 5M inch long. •^ ^ inch Bolt. .09 .12 price per paii WITH STOP. 134 in. wide. ^1/2 in. long. s/s in. bolt. $0.07^ per pair. WITH STOP. (Self Locking.) A B 15^ 1^ in. wide. 3 SH in. long. ^s ^s in. bolt. $0.05 .07 pair. No. 715. Will not unfasten should the bolt break. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. MALLEABLE IRONS. 5M i'lch long. 2% inch bed. Yz inch king bolt. Net price per pair, ,$0.10 8>8 inch long. 8J/^ inch bed. 3% inch diameter circle. 1% inch king bolt. Net price per pair ,$0.20 Nc . 740. G A H B C $0.21 ,26 .34 .35 .45 net price per pair. 14K' IGi^ 175/8 18->^ 20 in. long. iVs li/^ 15/8 13/ 1^ in. bed. Vz Vs ^ 5/8 5/$ in. king bolt T D K E F $0.61 .65 .68 .80 .98 net price per pair. 21 2.3 22 H 23^ 22 9-^ in. long. 2 2^ 2^ 23/ 2H in. bed. Va •)4 H •K ^ in. king bolt No. 736. 114 inch head block. 1^ inch axle. 9 1/2 inch circle. 2 inch drop. % inch perch. ^ inch king bolt. Net price per set. . . Order by Number. .$0.25 No. 737. IMPROVED PATTERN. A BCD E F $0.20 .22 .24 .22 .22 .24 net price per set. 1 Hi 1/ 1^8 1/ 1/ in- bolster. 1 1% 1/ 1 1 ^y& in. axle. 9 9y2 9}^ 9y2 9/ i)y2 in. circle. H H Vs Vs Vs Vs in. king bolt. No. 743. TIMKEN FIFTH WHEEL. 1 inch axle. 114 inch head block. 8J4 inch diameter circle 3^ inch king bolt. Net price per set $0.21 No. 747. SINGLE REACH GEARS. A B $1.00 $1.35 net price per set. 1^^^ IJi in. width of H. P. Plate. 14 16 in. diameter of circle, i^ fs in. king bolt. iy2 1^ in. perch. 3/s Vs in. clips. A used with iH or 2 in. Spring— If^ or 1 in. Axle. or 2% in. Spring— l-H or 1-5'^ Order by Number. B used with 1. Axle. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 226 MALLEABLE IRONS. MALLEABLE IRONS. NECK YOKE TIPS. No. 3830. Net price each. 7^ in. diameter. 4^ in. long $0.04 in. diameter. 4% in. long 05 Ys in. diameter. 4^ in. long 06 POLE TIPS. No. 748. DOUBLE PERCH GEARS. IH in. width of H. B. plate. 14 in. diam. of circle. % in. width of circle. y^ in. king bolt. 1^ in. perch. 5^ in. clips. Used with 1^ or 2 in. Spring— 1^ to IJ^ inch Axle. Net price per set A— IJ^i C— IM D— 1^4 -^^i-- — -— >^ai Net price each. diameter $0.07 diameter 08 diameter 09 diameter ^0 long. $1.15 17 in. long loop. H in. holes No. 3860. 214 in. diameter. IH Net price each $0.28 TONGUE CAP. in. wide inside. in. long. ■^5 in. hole. 12 net price each. TONGUE CAP. FIFTH WHEEL FOR SINGLE PERCH GEARS HEAVY PATTERN. D E A B C 15 161^ in. circle. 14 14 1% $0.75 IK IK .85 14 1% l}i 2 in. head block. iH IK in- perch, iH 15^ in. width circle. ^ 54 in- king bolt. 1.50 2.00 net price per set. HOLD BACK. uU'^jm*-^ji ':?mi i>L*9v > sm-i*jt m No. 3875. B 2 in. wide inside. 13?4 in. long. ■^ in. holes. .26 net price each. No. 380f B— IK in. strap,_ ... in. wided. 254 in. long. Net price per pair $0.03 HOLD BACK. No. 3810. A — 1 in. strap. 4 in. long. B — 114 in. strap. iH in. long. Net price per pair Order by Number. ,$0.05 B 2K 1054 - ■ -^ u Net price each Order by Number, 1054 TONGUE CAP. No. 3880. D 254 in. wide inside. 12 54 in. long. ^ in. holes. C 2K 1254 $0.30 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. POLE CRAB. No. 3895. A — IH in. socket. 1J4 in. loops. 6 in. length socket. 10 in. length yoke. Net price each 20c B — IJ^ in. socket. 1^ in. loops. 6^ in. length socket. 11 in. length yoke. Net price each 23c FOR SEAT. 2H in- long. 1x1 in. wide, 57 degrees angle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 4005. FOR SEAT. 4^ in. long. 2^x2j4 in. wide. 63 degree angle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair....$ .06 No. 4012. BOTTOM CORNER. 2^x2Mx3^ inch. Net price per pair, .oc r No. 4360. SQUARE EDGE. B — H in. wide, S}4 in. long. C — j4 in. wide, 3j4 in. long. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 4370. BEVELED EDGE. A — Vs in. wide, 3^ in. long. B — }i in. wide, 3]^ in. long. Net price per pair.. ..$0.05 No. 4380. SQUARE EDGE. A — 1^5 in. wide, 2>^ in. rlong. B— /g in. wide, 1^ in. long. C—Vz in. wide, 214 in. long. D— ^ in. wide, 2M in. long. E — Vs in. wide, 2% in. long. No. 4385. , F— ^ ^"- ^^d^' ^^ "'• long. G — }i in. wide, 4 in. long. Net price per pair $0.05 Order by Number. 3IALLEABLE IRONS. H in. wide, 2J^x2j4 in. long. For top of beveled right angle corner. 26 degrees bevel. Net price per pair. . .$0.05 No. 4410. No. 4400. B — ^s in. wide, 25^ in. long. D — ^ in. wide, 2^ in. long. For inside of square right angle corner. Net price per pair $0.05 A — ^ in. wide, 2 5^x2 J^ in. long. 72 degrees angle. B — yi in. wide, 2^x2^4 in. long. 75 degrees angle. For inside of beveled corner. Net price per pair ...$0.05 No. 4415. No. 4405. 34 in. wide, 3^x3^ in. long. 38 degrees bevel. For top of beveled corner. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 4462. A — T% in. wide. sy& in. long from angle. 04 degrees angle. B — S/^ in. wide, 3H in. long from angle. 51 degrees angle. C — H in. wide, 3^ in. long from angle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.06 ^\ No. 4395. U in. wide. 4x4 in. long. Top of square corner. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 4425. 3^8 in. wide. 3-H in. long. 75 degrees angle. Beveled. Net price per pair $0.06 Order by Number. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. 227 malleable: irons. No. 4060. SEAT CORNER IRONS. 2 5^x1 H in. width. % in. width of Bib. ly^ in. throw-out. 2^^ in. inside of Seat Corner to center of hole. 52 degrees angle of Panel. 70 degrees angle of Seat Corner. Net price per pair $0.06 SQUARE CORNER. ABC 2H 3M 4^ in. long \i H H in. wide. 4c 5c 6c Net nrice per pair No. 4440. BEVELED CORNER. Net price per pair. A — H in. wide, 4x4 in. long $0.05 B — H in. wide, 5x5 in. long 06 C — % in. wide, 5x5 in. long 07 All sizes 81 degrees angle. No. 4455. BEVELED. % in. wide. 4x4 in. long. 65 degrees angle. Net price per pair. $0.06 No. 4420. T PLATES. No. 3952. il^i in. long. 2H in. T. Net price per pair ^ in. wide. $0.04 T No. .3955. A — 2H in. long. 2^^ in. T. ^ in. wide. B — 3% in. long. 2J/2 in. T. ^ in. wide. C — 354 in. long. 2J4 in. T. % in. wide. Net price per pair $0.04 Order by Number. MALLKABLK IRONS. T No. 3958. ' ; A — 4J/8 in. long. 2^ in. T. ^ in. wide. % in. holes. Net price per pair 4c B — i]4 in. long. 2^ i"- T. ^ in. wide. ^ ill. holes. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 3962. 514 in- long. ^% in- T. ^ in. wide, l^ in. holes. Net price per pair $0.05 No. 3968. 6]4 in. long. 5% in. T. % in. wide, -tc in. holes. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.06 8 in. long. 5 in. T. % in. wide. % in. holes. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.07 No. 3875. i^c in. 11 J^ in. long. 6 14 in. T. 1 in. wide holes. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair $0.09 228 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. FOR FRONT SEAT. A — 5% in. Panel. 2^ in. length I of Goose Neck. 52 degrees angle. B— 6 in. Panel, 3H in. length of Goose Neck. 70 degrees angle. C— 7 in. Panel. 3 in. length of Goose Neck. 70 degrees angle. Net price each 7c No. 4600. FOR REAR SEAT. D— 5^ in. Panel, ^5^ in. length of Goose Neck. ^ in. Prop Nut. 52 de- grees angle. Net price each 7c MALLEABLE IRONS. Description of No. 4915. LAMP PROP. A — SH in. height of finger. 2% in. projec- tion. 52 degrees angle. B — 3% in. height of finger. 3J^ in. projec- tion. 72 degrees angle. Net price per pair 10c SEAT HANDLE. 2}i in. center to center of holes. 7}i in. entire length. No. 4550. A — 6 in. Panel. 3J^ in. length of Goose Neck. -^ in. Prop Nut. 70 degrees angle. C — 7ys in. Panel. 214 in. length of Goose Neck, -^ff in. Prop Nut. 72 degrees angle. B — 9 in. Panel. 2^ in. length of Goose Neck. tV in. Prop Nut. 67 degrees angle. ^ TO BE BOLTED TO SEAT. 9 A — 5 in. length over all. 2 n in. projection. 9 N^et price per pair 10c It No. 4905. TO BE ATTACHED TO GOOSE NECK. 7H in. length over all. 3 in, height of finger. 1 in. projec- tion. -^ in. hole. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair. . . . No. 4335. COACH STEP HANDLE. 3 y2 in. wide inside. 5 in. long. Net price per pair.. 15c No. 4340. SEAT HANDLE. 5 in. Panel. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair. . . .13c 10c No. 4915. ^^ Description next column. ^^ 10c No. 4910 No. 4245. SEAT HANDLE. 5J4 in^ Panel. % in. wide. 3^4 in. foot projection. 1J4 in. throw-out. 52 degrees angle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair 15c Order by Number. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEAIILK lUONS. 229 mallbiablf: iro^s No. 4250, SEAT HANDLE. 514 in. Panel. % in. wide. 3J4 '"• foot projections. 1%. in. throw-out. 52 degrees angle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair 13c SEAT IRON. 6ji in. Panel. % in. wide. 6^ in. inside corner of seat to center Back Iron. 1% in. throw- out Side and Back. 51 degrees angle of Foot. 66 degrees angle of Corner. In pairs, right and left. No. 4080. Net price per pair 14c SEAT IRON. A — 4 in. length of Brace. % in. wide. IJ^ in. throw-out. 53 degrees angle. B — 4 in. length of Brace. ^ in. wide. lYz in. throw-out. 53 degrees angle. Net price per pair 5c No. 4120. No. 4160, SEAT IRON. D — 5}i in. Panel, M in. wide. A — 5^ in. Panel, 54 in. wide, B — 6 in. Panel. ^ in. wide. C — 6H in. Panel. ^| in, wide. All sizes 1% in. throw-out. All sizes 50 degrees angle. Net price per pair 10c Order by Number. No. 4180. SEAT IRON. 4% in. Panel. 54 in. wide. 1% in. throw- out. 41 degrees angle. Net price per pair 1 Oc No. 4195. SEAT IRON. 6 in. Panel. U in. wide. 1^ in. throw-out. 40 degrees angle. Net price per pair 10c No. 5150. CANOPY TOP IRONS. USED EITHER ON TOP OR BOTTOM 01* BODY, A 6 in length over all. i'A in. length of T n7er all S in. hole in Socket, H m leptrof Boss.^^ 1 in. throw-out to center ^of n" i'in CgVo^erat -VW. 'length o'fT ov^r^all V1^" hole in Socket, l/s m- depth 7iBot: 1 in. throw-out to center of hole.^^^ Net price per pair 1 No. 5145. 5x5 in. length. M in. width. Vi in. hole in Socket. 1 in. depth of Boss. 1]4 in. throw- out to center of hole. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair l^c Order by Number, 230 THE EARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. CANOPY TOP IRONS. 5K in- Panel. 3^ in. length of foot. ItV in- projection. }i in. wide. V2 in. hole. 53 degrees an- gle. In pairs, right and left. Net price per pair 15c No. 5035 ■ No. 4985. CANOPY TOP IRON. Panel. i| in. wide. 1^ pro- A — 6 in. Panel. i| m. wide. 1/2 m. jection to center of hole. J/2 in. Socket. in. depth of Boss. 70 degrees angle. B—IYa in. Panel. \% in. wide. 1>4 in. pro- jection to center of hole. ^ in. Socket. \% in. depth of Boss. 62 degrees angle. C— 714 in. Panel. \% in. wide. iM m. projection to center of hole. Yi in. Socket. \% in. depth of Boss. 70 degrees angle. D_6% in. Panel. \% in. wide. IY2 m. pro- jection to center of hole. Y2 in. Socket. \% in. depth of Boss. 75 degrees angle. Net price per pair_ No. 5070. CANOPY TOP IRON. QY2 in. length of Back Plate. MxJ/< in. Socket. Net price per pair 15c Order by Number. BOX ROD NUTS AND WASHERS. In pairs. B — y& in. Rod. in. long. No. 5875. Net price per pair . Order by Number. ..5c MALLEABLE IRONS. No. 5475. No. 5490. LO,W PATTERN. Net price per doz. K—^Ya in. holes. \k in. high 5c B — fs in. holes. ^ in. high 8c C—ii in. holes, ^ in. high 10c D— [V in., holes. \i in. high 12c E — Yt in. holes. 1 in. high 15c G — 5^ in. holes. 1^ in. high 40c These nuts have straight holes, same as drilled (not tapered) and are ready to tap. BOX ROD NUT. B — Y^ in. Rod. 4J4 in. long. Net price each.. 3c No. 5910. SEAT SPRING HOOKS Net price each. A — 2Y2 inches long.. 3c B — 3 inches long.. 4c C — 3^ inches long. .4c D — 4 inches long.. 5c 1 and Yz inch hook. No. 5920. o No. 5980. STAKE RINGS. Net price per doz. C—Vi in. Stake. IY2 in. Ring. tV in. Wire •: .l~c D— ^ in. Stake. Wa m. Ring. f^ m. Wire /••••••v;- •;"■' E— 1 in. Stake. lV& in. Rmg. Vs, in. Wire • .......20c F— 1 in. Stake. 2 ni. Ring. ¥& in. ^ Wire ~^^ No. 5990. BOW IRONS. Net price each. A— 13^x2^4 in. Stake. 2Y2 in. deep. Y?, in. holes. 7 in. length over all • • -ISc B_ii4x2^ in. Stake. 2^ in. deep. V& in. holes. 7^ in. length over all -ISc Order by Number. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 231 mallbable: irons. No. .'>990. BOW IRONS. Price each. A — 1x2 in. Stake. 1^ in. deep. ^ in. holes. 5H in. length over all $0.08 B—iy&x2y4 in. Stake. IJi in. deep. H in. holes. 6 in. length over all 10 C — 1 3^4x2 H in. Stake. 2 in. deep. ^ in. holes. 6]4 in- length over all 12 No. 6055. BOW IRONS. B c D E F G H H H H H V4 in. deep inside 1V2 m 2 1^ 1}^ 2 in. v/ide inside SV2 37/8 4 314 31^ 4 in. long. $0.1 3 .18 .20 .15 .18 .20 net price doz. No. 6060. BOW IRONS. B — ?4 in. deep inside. 1^ in. wide inside. C — H in. deep inside. 1% in. wide inside. Holes for % inch bolts. Net price per doz $0.20 WAGON STAKE IRONS. 1^ 1% in. Stake. 5J^ 21/2 in. deep. Holes for H inch bolts 'Price each $0.0G No. 6005. 2 in. Stake. 2 34 in. deep. Holes for }i in. bolts. Price each $0.07 mallbable: irons. TOE BOARD BRACKET. 6^x654 in. long. 1 in wide. % in. holes. Net price per pair. .. .$0.1.' No. 608f No. 6365. BRAKE LOCK SHOES. Price per pair. A — 2% in. deep. Sre in. taper of block, large end. Zrs in. taper of block, small end. ^ in. depth of flange $0.15 E — 2^ in. deep. 3i§ in. taper of block, large end. S^^ in. taper of block, small end. 1^8 in. depth of flange 30 WAGON BOLSTER BRACE. Price per pair. -74 in. wide. 6J^ in. high, in. bolt. 3M in. bolster bearing. . .$0.10 B — 1 in. wide. 6% in- high. H in. bolt. 2J4 in. bolster bearing... .12 All 86 degrees Bevel. No. 6010. No. 6160. No. 6170. WAGON BOX BRACES. C — 8 in. high from shoulder. 1014 in. entire length. 3 in. projection. tV in. shank. 214 in. length of Shank. Each $0.07 A — 9% in. high from shoul- der. 12 in. entire length. 3 in. projection, j\ in. Shank. 3l4 in. length of Shank. Each $0.07 B— 1054 in. entire length. 3% in. projection, /g- in. Shank. 2K in. length of Shank. Each. ,$0.08 D — 12 in. high from shoulder. 1414 in. entire length. 3 in. projection. ^V in. Shank. 1^ in. length of Shank. Each.. $0.10 Order by Number. No. 6307. Net price each. 12^ in. long. 2J4 in. wide. S^ in. cen- ter to center of holes. 14 in. bolts. .. .$0.15 No. 6310. Net price each. 19 in. long. 3^4 in. wide. 12 in. center to center of holes. -fV in. bolts $0.25 Order by Number. 232 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. RUB IRON. No. 1600. Net price per pair. A — 3 inches long $0.05 B — 4 J^ inches long 05 C — 5 inches long 07 D — 6 inches long 07 All sizes \z in. wide inside flange. No. 1602. RUB IRON. Net price per pair, in. long. 1 in. wide inside flange. .. .$0.07 MALLEABLE IRONS. ey RUB IRON. 2 in. wide 4J^ in. long. Per pair, $0.07 No. 1605. No. 1655. RUB IRON. 5H in. long on face. 6H in. long on back. 2H in- wide. Per pair $0.07 No. 1680. RUB IRON FOR LUMBER WAGONS. 7 in. long. 4 in. wide. 1 in. flange. Net price per pair $0.15 1620. inches long, inches long. RUB IRON. Price per pair. 2% inches wide $0.07 3 inches wide 09 A— 6 B— 6^ No. 1623. RUB IRON. Net price per pair. A — 5 in. long. 1^ in. wide. 1% in. wide inside flange $0.10 B — 6 54 in. long. 1J4 in. wide. 1J4 in. wide. inside flange 15 Order by Number. No. 1645. RUB IRON. 6^ inches long. 25^ inches wide. Net price per pair $0.10 No. 1717. STEP PAD. A— 43/^x41/^ inches. Net price per pair. .$0.15 No. 1719. STEP PAD. A — 3^x414 inches. Net price per pair.. $0.15 A— 4^ per pair. .$0.12 No. 1728. STEP PAD. A — 3^x3J^ inches. Price per pair. B — 4x3% inches. Price per pair... Order by Number. .$0.08 . .10 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. MALIiEABLE IRONS. No. 1729. STEP PAD. 4^4x4 inches, net price, p air. , . . . . . . .$0.10 No. 1740. STEP PAD. A — Price per pair $0.08 3^x354 inches B — Price per pair 10 4x3^ inchee No. 1752. BODY STEP. 1 in. drop. 4^x4^^ in. Pad. 1^ in. center to center of holes, i^^ in. holes. Net price per pair $0.25 No. 1753. BODY STEP. H in. drop. 3^x3^ in. Pad. 1% in. center to center of holes, ^fg in. holes. Net price, per pair $0.20 No. 1756. BODY STEP. ^ in. drop. 4^ in. diameter of Pad. 1% in. center to center of holes. -^^ in. holes. Net price per pair $0.20 54 in. drop. 4x4^ in. Pad. 1^ in. center to center of holes. -^ in. holes. Net price per pair $0.25 No. 1768. BODY STEP. •34 in. drop. iVsxi in. Pad. 1% in. center to center of holes, -^g in. holes. Net price per pair $0.20 No. 1769. BODY STEP. ^ in. drop. 5^4 in- projection. 4x4 in. Pad. 2 in. center to center of holes. -^ in. holes. Price per pair $0.25 No. 1775. BODY STEP. A — 54 in. drop. 4J^ in projection. 3^x354 in. Pad. 1^ in. center to center of holes. T^V in. holes. Per pair $0.>5 B— 54 in. drop. 5 in. projection. 4x4 in. Pad. 1% in. center to center of holes, fs in. holes. Net price per pair $0.20 Order by Number. .^4 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. BIALL.EABI.E IROJNS. No. 1855. BODY STEP. 3 in. drop. 5>4 in. projection. 4x4 in. Pad. 5^ in. center to center of holes. -is in. holes. Price per pair 25c fB2tfi* No. 1854. BODY STEP. 2 54 in- drop. 5^4 in. projection. 4x4 Pad. 5 in. center to center of holes, t^s holes. Price per pair in. 25c 3IALLEABL.E IRONS. SLEIGH SCRAPERS. 55^ in center to No. 7545. center. Net price per pair.... 8c No. 1889. SLEIGH STEP. 4:]4 in. drop. iy^ in. projection. 3^x3^ in. Pad. ^x4x4^ in. T. i\ in. hole. Net price per pair 29c 3J/2X4 inch Pad. 15^ 15^ in. 1% iy2 in. Per pair . A C H ^ in. Nos. 1871 form Gears. No. 1871. depth of Ears. Spring. ,10c ^^^^ hole. No. 1872. and 1872 used together for Plat- Per pair 10c No. 1875. PLATFORM STEP. A — 1% in. spring. 3^x3^ in. Pad. 2% in. wide inside. 1]4 in. drop. B — 1^ in. spring. S}4-X'S}4 in. Pad. 2^ in. wide inside. 1% in. drop. C — 1^ in. spring. S%xSH in. Pad. 2H in. wide inside. 1}4 in. drop. Net price per pair 20c Order by Number. No. 1895. TIMKEN STEP. A — 4^% in. drop. 4^4 in. projection. 3Hx 31^ in. Pad. 1% in. Clip Yoke. 5 in. T. ^^ in. Clip. Net price per pair 30c No. 1901. RAISED BOTTOM. B — 6J^ in. drop. 7 in. projection. 4J/^ in. Pad. ^x4 in. T. Net price per pair 35c Order by Number. THK BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRV, RA. No. 1903. BUGGY STEP. Price per pair. A — 6H in- drop. 6^ in. projection. 3J^ x4 in. Pad. ^x4 in. T $0.35 B — 8 in. drop. 7J^ in. projection. 3^x4 in. Pad. %x4 in. T 40 C — 9^ in. drop. 6j4 in. projection. 4x 4^ in. Pad. ^x4^ in. T 45 E — 11 in. drop. 5 in. projection. 31/2x4 in. Pad. ^x4 in. T 45 No. 190^ PHAETON OR BUGGY STEP Price per pair. C — eyj in. drop. 5^)4 in. projection. 4>^x 4x4^ in. Pad. ^^x4x4^ in. T $0.30 D — 7 3^ in. drop. 8 in. projection. 5x4 i/^ in. Pad. J^x4x4 J^ in. T 45 No. 1951. SHAFT STEP. Net price per pair. '.]4 in- rise. 7 in. projection. 4J^x4J/^ in. Pad. Vs in. Clip. . . . , .$0.30 Order by Number. MALLKABLB IRONS. No. 1021. PHAETON STEP. D — Gl/j in. drop. 6 in. projection. 5 in. Pad. ^^x4x5M in- T. % in. raise to back T. In pairs, right and left. The T is curved to shape of Phaeton body sill. Per pair. .. .$0.35 No. 1^47. Price per pair. A — 61/^ in. drop. iVz in. projection. 4x 41^ in. Pad $0.45 B — 614 in. drop. 7H in. projection. 3?4x 4K in Pad 40 No. 1909. BUGGY STEP. Price per pair. A — 7 in. drop. 6J^ in. projection. 3J^x4 in. Pad. ?^x4x6 in. T $0.35 B — 6 in. drop. 7J^ in. projection. 3^x4 in. Pad. 1x5x6^ in. T -35 D— 6^ in. drop. 5^ in. projection. 3J4x 4 in. Pad. Ix5j^x6 in. T. • • • - .30 E 8 in. drop. 8 in. projection, i^ixi^ in. Pad. Ix5j4x6 in. T 45 Order by Number. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. No. 1960. EXPRESS WAGON SHAFT STEP. A — 7^ in. drop, 6% .Pad. 154x91^ in. T in. drop, 6% in in. projection, 3^x4 54 fs in. square holes. in. Pad. 1}4X9^ in. i. fs in. square noies. B — 9 in. drop, 6% in. projection, S^xiH in. Pad. Ii/4x7x9^ in. T. ^ in. square holes. In pairs, right and left, per pair $0.65 No. 6400. CHECK LOOP. C 1/8 2^ .08 D 134 E 1/ .08 .10 13^ in. loop. 3^ in. long. .10 per doz. i^ A B Vs 1 $0.06 .06 No. 6405. NECK YOKE LOOP. 7/s in. wide. 15^ in. loop, f^ in. holes. Price per doz., $0.20. oO MALLEABLK IRONS. No. 1955. EXPRESS WAGON SHAtT STEP. 4^/2 in. drop. 5% in. projection. 3x3)4 in. Pad. %x4Hx4H in- T. In pairs, right and left, per pair $0.30 Order by Number. aa No. 6430. SQUARE CHECK LOOP. A B C D E Ji 1 13^ 13-4 1/ i"- loop. IH 1^ 1^ 2 2ys in. long. $0.16 .18 .18 .20 .24 per doz. No. 6435. OVAL CHECK LOOP. No. 6427. OVAL ( :HECK LOOP. A B C D E F A B C D E H % 1 1^ 134 1^ 1^ 2 2 2 F 54 ^ 1 1^ 1^ ly in. loop. lYz in. loop. 234 in- long. 2y4 2H 2-)4 2^ $0.20 .20 .22 .22 3 .24 3^ in. long. .30 per doz. $0.16 .18 18 .20 .22 Order by Number. .24 per doz. Order by Number. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 237 MALLEABLE I RONS. [M No. 6437. ABC H 1 1^ 2^ 2H 3 $0.20 .^3 .24 ^TJTjARE check LOOP. D E 1% 1^ in. loop. SM Syi in. long. .26 .30 per doz. No." 3907. SLEIGH SHACKLE. In pairs, right and left. Draw Per pair. Axle. Clip. Bolt. A $0.10 1 in. ^^ in. Vs in. B .12 1^ in. H in. ^ in C .14 114 in. Vs in. iV in. Shaft Eyes. 1 in. 1^ in 1|4 in. No. 6650. SPRING TOP PLATE. With Square Holes A B 1 1^ $0.03 .03J^ C E F iVs I'A 1^ 1^8 lA 1^ H Vs Vs ^ .04 .04J4 .04^^ IJ^ in. Spring 1% in. Axle. ^ in. hole. .05 price each No. 6667. AXLE BOTTOM PLATE. With Round Holes. Nos. 6650 and 6667 are used together in pairs. Net price each $0.02 No. 6615. SPRING BLOCK. B C G H D E F 1^ 1% iVs lA lA 1^ 'i-Vs in. Axle lA IM IH 1^/4 iVs lA l^A in. Spring. 5A 5H 5H 5^ 554 5^ 6 in. long. $0.07 .08 .08 .09 .09 .10 ,10 .15 each. Order by Number. A 1 5A MALLEABLE IRONS. 1 No. 6620. SPRING BLOCK. A B C D E 1 iJ^ I'A 1^ 154 lA lA iVs lA lA 6 6A 7J4 TA 7A ^^ ^s Vs H -k $0.08 .08 .10 .12 .12 F IH in. Axle. lA in. Spring. 7 A in. long. •^e in. holes. .12 each. SPRING SHACKLE 1^ 'iVs l'/4 in. Bar. lA iVs lA in. Spring, fg T^g in. holes. Net price each, $0.03. B No. 6775. MEDIUM PATTERN. Vs in. Thick in Pairs. CDF lA iM 1/^ l-)4 in. from center to center of holes. ■)^ ^ ^ ^ in. holes. Net price per pair, $0.05. No. A 1^4x1^ Vs $0.03 6765. B A^-^A Vs .03 SPRING SHACKLE. C D iHxi^ 134x1^ ^ 3^ in. holes. .04 .04 price each. No. 6780. AA F A 1^ 154 2 H A A $0.04 .07 .09 Order by Number. SPRING SHACKLE. G C D E 254 2 J4 2^ 3 in. bet. Ears 1/2 5/s Va. ^ in- holes. .10 .14 .18 .20 price each. 238 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY. PA. MALLEABLE IRONS. No. 7320. BUGGY WRENCH, DEEP PATTERN. Net price each. A — ^ in. Axle Nuts. Vz, V?,, Va in- open- ing. 9 in. long $0.04 B — y?, in. Axle Nuts. Yz, Vs, H in. open- ing. 9 in. long 04 C— 1 in. Axle Nuts. Vz, H, H in. open- ing. 9^A in. long 04 D — 1% in. Axle Nuts. Vz, H, H iri- opening. 10 in. long 05 E— 1J4 in. Axle Nuts. 'A, H, 54 in. opening. 10 in. long 06 F—lVs in. Axle Nuts. 14, Vs, Va in. open- ing. lOJ^ in. long 07 G— 11^ in. Axle Nuts. V2, Vs, H- in. opening. 12 in. long QS H— 154 in. Axle Nuts. H. H, V& in. opening. 12 in. long 12 J.— 2 in. Axle Nuts. H, Ya, Vs in. open- ing. 12 in. long 14 No. 7325. BUGGY WRENCH, OCTAGON PATTERN. Each. A — To take Hexagon Nut for K in. Axle 14, H, ^A in. opening. 7?4 in. long. .. .$0.05 B — To take Hexagon Nut for ^ or if in. Axle. H, Y?,, Va in. opening. '7 A in. long 05 C — To take Hexagon *Nut for 1 or U" in. Axle. Yz, Vs, Va in. opening. SYa in. long 06 D — To take Hexagon Nut for \Y?> in- Axle Yz, H, Ya in. opening. 8J^ in. long.. .07 E — To take Hexagon Nut for 1>4 in. Axle Y2, Ys, Ya in. opening. 9 in. long 08 F — To take Hexagon Nut for lYz in. Axle Y2, H, H in. opening, 9 in. long 09 No. 7338. FINISHER'S WRENCH. For Blacksmiths or Gear Workers. Price each. A — To take Nuts for ^^ and Ya in. Bolts. 5^xH in. opening $0.05 B — To take Nuts for Ya and i^^ in. Bolts. Yz'xlY?, in. opening 05 C— To take Nuts for i"^ and Ys in. Bolts. Y&y^Ys in. opening 06 D — To take Nuts for H and -^^ in. Bolts. YAy^% in. opening 08 PERFECTION DOOR LATCH. No. 5686. 10 M in. long, 2^4 in. wide. Net price each $0.50 For right hand door only. END GATE FASTENERS. No. 5697. A B C D E F G Y2 Ys Ya Ys '^ lYs IYa in. Panel SYs 8Y2 87Ys 9A 9M 10J4 1054 in. legth Sp' $0.22 .24 .25 .26. 27 .30 .37 per pair. Crucible Steel Springs. END GATE HINGES. No. 5810. A B ;) 13 in. Panel. A 1 inch wide. $0.22 .29 per pair. UMBRELLA HOLDERS. No. 5960. A B lA IY2 in. diam. hole, 1 A 1 A in. deep. $0.05 .10 net each. A B 1% 15^ in. diam. hole. 1 1 in. deep. $0.05 .10 net each. No. 5961. WYETH RUNNER ATTACHMENTS. Adjustable, Narrow or Wide Track. Net price set. No. 1, % Axle Weight 45 lbs $5.85 No. 2, 1 Axle Weight 45 lbs 5.85 No. 3, lYs Axle VN'eight 50 lbs 6.75 No. 5, 1^ Axle Weight 60 lbs 7.00 No. 6, lYs Axle Weight 75 lbs 7.95 No 7, IY2 Axle Vveight 75 lbs 8.25 No. 8, lYs Axle Weight 85 lbs 8.75 No. 9, lA Axle Weight 85 lbs 9.00 For Carriages, Buggies, Grocers' Wagons, Hacks, Omnibuses, Laundry Wagons, Surreys, Phaetons, Dairymen's Wagons, Hearses, Oil Tank Wagons, and all kinds of low down vehicles. Clamps attach to square part of axle, relieving spindles from strain. Rear Runners are two inches higher than the front, so vehicle will set level. Painted vermillion. THK BARLOW IIARDWARK CO.. CORRV, PA. liUBBE:R TIRK. Shipped from factory* We can either furnish you with new wheels having- rubber tire or can put new rubber on your old wheels. We use only the very best grade of rubber, and can give you prompt service at all times. NET PRICE OF RUBBER TIRE. Per Strip Enough for One Wheel. Sizes, inches % Vs 1 1 Vs 1^/4 For Wheels 3 feet 2 inches diameter (or under). .$1.82 $2.07 $2.. 55 $4.02 $5.20 For Wheels 3 feet 4 inches diameter.' 1.90 2.18 2.70 4.24 5.40 For Wheels 3 feet 6 inches diameter 2.00 2.27 2.80 4.45 5.70 For Wheels 3 feet 8 inches diameter 2.12 2.38 2.92 4.55 5.90 For Wheels 3 feet 10 inches diameter 2.18 2,48 3.04 4.80 6.10 For Wheels 4 feet diameter 2.30 2.55 3.18 5.00 6.40 We are in a position to give you the best of satisfaction by placing Goodrich solid rubber tires on your new or old wheels, also by re-rubbering your old channels. Send us the height and tread of your wheels and the size tire desired and receive our prices. Where re-rubbering is desired the old channels must come to us in good condition and perfectly clean. See our prices on new wheels and get our prices for furnishing whatever size you desire complete with Goodrich solid rubber tires put on. J DAVIS PATENT TENON 3IACHINE. !?^^>*\ '^my- ^^^ light or heavy work; to be used '^^' ' '^*'""'-— "' by hand or power; fitted with tight and loose pulleys. When run by power re- move crank wheel and put on collar. Cuts tenons up to I14 inch to 4 inches long. Any Hollow Auger with 1/2 round shank may be used or chuck for square shank auger will be furnished if de- sired. Hub of wheel held on self-cen- tering rest which can be raised, low- ered, or tilted to adjust spoke to auger, thus all tenons are cut uniform. The only machine on the market that a tenon may be cut straight with the spoke on a dishing wheel. Power machine, without auger, each $32.00 Hand machine, without auger, each 25.00 With Wood's Uniyersal Hollow Auger, extra. . • ■. ■ ■ ^ 3.00 2J0 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. DOORS— WINDOWS AND PORCH TRIMMINGS. We carry a complete line of building ma- 1-LIGHT HOUSE SASH, terial and are offering to our customers, for the first time, doors, windows, and porch Size of Glass. Price each. trimmings through our catalogue. Our stock 20x19 $0.70 of these goods is selected and of the very 20x24 75 best quality and we have made our prices as 24x24 86 low as possible. 24x28 93 24x30 98 4-PANEL, DOORS IN WHITE. No. 1. No. 2. No. 2. lys Thick 1^ Thick iVs Thick Price Price Price Size. Each. Each. Each. 20x60 $.... $l-o2 $1-84 20x68 ' .... 1-68 1-85 20x68 1.77 1.87 2w ::: HI '-^^ 0*TrRi .... 1.65 .... IZ^ }-ll l-8» 94x68 1-80 .... 2«x6« !;;.'.... 2.17 1.77 1.96 28x68 2.24 1.82 2.01 28x6« •••• I'll 30x70 2.87 .... 2.59 Special 2«x6« Painted 1.35 1.46 Special 28x68 Painted 1.41 1.54 WINDOWS— 1% THICK. In measuring windows the size of the glass Is given and not the opening the window will fill. The width of the glass is always given first. 1-LIGHT STALL SASH. 2 Light Check Rail. Price Size of Glass. each. 20x24 $0.90 20x26 99 20x28 101 20x30 1.06 24x20 97 24x24 1.02 24x26 1.06 24x28 1.16 24x30 1.22 26x28 1.30 26x30 1.38 28x28 1.38 28x30 1.39 4 Light Check Rail. Price Size of Glass. each. 12x24 $1.02 12x26 1.07 12x28 1-14 12x30 1.25 14x24 1-13 14x26 1-25 14x28 1.31 12 Light Plain Rail. 1% inch. Price Size of Glass. each. 8x10 $0.88 8x12 1.01 10x12 1.14 Size of Glass. 12x16 Price each. $0.42 COTTAGE CHECK RAIL. WINDOWS. With plain upper sash. Size of Size of lower sash. lower sash. Price each. 36x42 36x14 $3.00 36x44 36x16 3.25 40x40 40x16 3.57 44x40 44x16 4.33 44x44 44x16 4.69 48x44 48x16 . 5.18 With fancy upper sash. 36x40 36x16 3.20 40x40 40x16 3.58 44x40 44x16 .- 5.51 BRACKETS. Price each. 10x12 Corner brackets $0.10 8x20 Face brackets 25 8x24 Face brackets 30 8x30 Face brackets 45 BALUSTERS AND SPINDLES. 154x20 and 24 inches long, price each $0.05 IJ^xlO Spindles, price each .03 BLOCKS Price each 4^ Corner 5 Corner .$0.05 . .05 Price each 41^ Plinth $0.10 5 Plinth 10 TURNED COLU3INS. CELLAR SASH. Single Double 3 Light Glaze. Glaze. Size of Glass. Price each. Price each. 8x10 $0.45 $0.70 8x12 50 .78 9x12 52 .81 2-LIGHT SINGLE GLAZE. Price each. 12x14 $0.56 12x16 59 TRANSOMS— 1 LIGHT. Size of Glass. 30x16—1 Light 32x16—1 Light Price each. $0.50 53 Size. Price each. 4x4—8 ft $1.00 5x5—8 ft 1.15 6x6—8 ft 1.55 8 in. Round— 8 ft... 8 in. Round— 9 ft. . . Size. Price each. 5x5—9 ft $1.35 6x6—9 ft 1.85 .$2.50 , 2.85 NEW^EL POSTS. Size. Price each. 5x5 Plain $0.70 6x6 Plain 80 Size. Price each. 5x5 Turned $0.75 6x6 Turned 85 PORCH RAIL. Ij^x3 Top or Bottom, price per ft $0.04 LATH AND SHINGLES. Prices on application. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 241 INDEX PAGE ADZES 33 Angle Valves 218 Anti Rattlers 114 Anvils 27 Aprons 17 Asbestos Building Papers 187 Asbestos Mill Boards 187 Asbestos Packing 187 Asbestos Wicking 187 Asphaltum 166 Augers 173 Auger Bits 173 Auger Handles .- 173 Augers, Hollow 170-171 Axes, Hand 33 Axes 32 Axles (all kinds) 35-36 Axle Boxes 35 Axle Clips . 105 Axle Gauge 83 Axle Grease 167 Axle Oil 167-168 Axle Setter 73 Axles, Wagon 163 Axle Washers 120 Awls 179 BABBITT METAL 182 Balusters 240 Band Saws 78-79-80 Bands, Rim 115 Barn Door Hangers 203 Barn Door Stays 203 Bar Eye Bolts 104 Bars, Crow 8 Bellows 36 Belt, Gandy .^ ... 189 Belt Lacing 189 Belt, Leather 189 Belt, Rubber 189 Belt Fasteners 182 Belt Hooks 182 Belt Studs 182 Bells, Church, School 181 Bells, Farm 181 Bends, Return 218 Bench Screws 40 Benders, Tire 70-71-72 Bench Stops 172 Bevels, T 175 Bibbs, Compression 220 Bits, Auger 173 Bits, Braces 174 Bits, Car 121 Bits, Expansion 173 Bits, Harness 15 Bits, Plane 178 Bitreadle Emery Wheel 185 PAGE Blacksmith Crayons 179 Blacksmith Drills 60-69 Blocks, Prop 116 Blocks, Porch 240 Blowers, Power 47-48-49 Blowers 42 to 50 Bob Runners 165 Bob Shoes 7 Books 207 to 215 Body Corner Irons 108 Body Hangers 109 Body Loops 108 Bolts, All Kinds 19-20-21 Bolt Clippers 28 Bolts, King 106 Bolster, Plates 94 Borax, Refined 18 Boring Machines 175 Boring Tools 177 Boot Springs 120 Bow Sockets 116 Box Braces 94 Box, Tool 15 Brads 17 Brake Ratchets 94 Brake Springs 104 Braces, Bit 174 Brackets, Porch 240 Breast Drills 61 Breast Yokes 164 Breast, Strap Slides 15 Brick 193 Brick, Fire r 193 Brushes, All Kinds 169-170 Brazing Torch 156 Buckram 119 Buffers 116-25 Buggy Aprons 119 Buggy Bodies 127 to 130 Buggies, Finished 149 to 153 Buggy Bows 162 Buggy Jacks 96 Building Paper 197 Bumpers, Rubber Spring 116 Bushings 220 Buttress 29 Button Tufts 118 CALIPERS 179 Calk Dies 29 Calks, Toe ^ Calks, Never Slip 12-13 Candle Wicking 187 Canopy 125 Canopy Top Hooks 120 Canopy Top Irons 109 Canopy Top Knobs 117 Canopy Top Standard and Sockets 106 242 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PAGE Cant Hooks 193 caps 220 Car Bits 1'^^ Carriage Fringe 121 Carriage Heaters 38 Carriage Knobs H'^ Carriage Paint 166 Carriage Rims 160 Carriage Rubbers 119 Carpet Sweepers 194 Cement 19^ Center Clips 93 Center Clips and Hooks 93 Center Punches 86-24 Chains, All Kinds ^ Chain Hooks ^ Chain Swivels 98 Channel, Tire ^ Charcoal 19^ Check Valves • 218 Chisels 1'^*^ Choppers, Food • 201 Circle Posts • •• • 95 Clamps 172-173 Clevises, All Kinds 97-98 Clinchers • • • • 29 Clips, Axle 105 Clips, Cant Hook 193 Clips, Heavy 193 Clips, Hand 16 Clips, End 93 Clips, Center 93 Clips, Saddle 106 Clips, Side Bar 106 Clips, Spring 1^6 Clips, Spring Bar 105 Clips, Tie 108 Clippers, Horse and Sheep 81-82 Clippers, Bolt 28 Clipper Parts 82 Cloth, Emery 183 Coal, Carriage Heater 38 Coal, Blacksmith 193 Cobbler Outfits 188 Cocks, Air 218 Cocks, Iron 218 Cocks, Gas Service 218 Cocks, Steam 218 Cocks, Stop and Waste 218 Cockeyes 16 Coil Buffers 116 Cold Chisels 24 Cold Shuts 8 Colors in Oil 165 Columns, Turned • -240 Combination Sets 188 Compression Bibs 220 Conductor Elbows 199 Conductor Pipe 200 Conductor Strainers '. 200 Concealed Joints 108 PAGE Compound, Welding 18 Countershafts 49 Countersinks 87-172 Couplings 219-220 Couplings, Reducing 219 Coupling Plates 94 Cotton Hose 187 Creasers 25 Crayons 179 Crosses 219 Crow Bars 8 Curtain Fasteners 117-118 Curtain Lights 119 Curtain Patches 117 Curtain Straps 117 Cushions 126 Cushions, Spring 119 Cutters, Feed 201 Cutters, Cold 25 Cutters, Hot 25 Cutters, Iron 72 Cutters, Pipe 217 Cutters, Plug 173 Cutter Runners 164 Cutter, Shoes • 7 Cutter, Tube 188 Cutters, Hoof 29 Cutting Nippers • 30 DASHES 122 Dash Leather 119 Dies, Calk 29 Dies, Trace 16 Dividers 179 Doubletrees 164 Doubletree Plates 95 Draw Bolts 107 Draw Gauges 120 Draw Knives • . . .170 Dies, Plate 86 Doors * 240 Drills, Bench 61 Drills, Blacksmith 60 to 69 Drills, Breast 89 Drill Bits, All Kinds 88 Drill Chucks 89 Drills, Hand 102 Drills, Neverslip 12 Drills, Reciprocating 175 Drilling Attachments 39-85 Dry Colors 167 Dust Hoods 122 EAVE TROUGH 199 Elbows 219 Elbows, Street 220 Emery 183 Emery Cloth • • -183 Emery Grinders 184-185 Emery Paper 183 Emery Wheels 185. THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 243 PAGE Turnery Wheel Dresser 185 Cnd Gate Fasteners 104 J^ngine Compound 193 LOngines, Gas and Gasoline 221 Kveners 163 Expansive Bits 173 Express Wagon Bows 162 Eyelets, Knob 116-117 FxVRRIERS' HAMMERS 31-32 Farriers' Knives 28 Felloes 160 Felloe Plates 108 Felloe Oilers 91 Fence .* 195 Feed Cutters 201 Fifth Wheels 111-112 Files, All Kinds 23-192 File Cleaners 172 Fire Clay 193 Fire Pots 37 Fittings, Malleable 219-220 Flatters 24-25 Flue Cleaners 219-220 Forges 50 to 60 Food Choppers 201 Foot Hammers 83 Foot Rails 110 Foot Vises 41 Freezers 206 Fringes, Carriage 121 Fullers 25 Full Backs 126 GATE VALVES 218 Gauge Glasses 188 Gauges, Steam 187 Gauges, Marking 175 Gaskets 188 Gas Engines 221 Gas Pipe ., 220 Gas Pliers 217 Gears 131 to 145 Gimlet Bits 88 Glass Tube Cutters 188 Globe Valves 218 Glue 167 Glue Pot 167 Grease, Axle 167 Grinders, Emerj^ 184-185 Grinders.-^Knife 80 Grindstones 183 Grindstone Fixtures 184 Grommets and Washers 117 Grub Hoes 33 HACK SAWS 171 Hack Saw Blades 172 Hair Plasterers 193 PAGE Half Soles isi Hammers, All Kinds ...: 31-32-33 Hammers, Blacksmiths' 26-27-31 Hammer Straps 94 Hammers, Mason 26 Hammer Trimmers 31 Hame Breast Rings and Studs 15 Hame Clips 16 Hame Line Rings and Studs 15 Hame Staples and Rivets 16 Hand Axes 33 Hand Drills 89 Hand Carts 155 Hand Taps 12-88 Handles, All Kinds 193 Handles, Auger 173 Handles, Saw 193 Hangers, Barn Door 203 Hardies 25 Harness Dressing 168 Harness Oil I68 Harness Soap 168 Harness Hooks 120 Harrow Teeth 8 Hatchets 33 Heading Tools 24 Heaters, Carriage 38 Hide Rope 185 Hoes, Grub 33 Hollow Augers 170-171 Horse Clippers 81-82 Horse Shoes 9-10-13 Horse Shoe Nails 11 Hose, Cotton 187 Hose, Rubber 187 House Paint 168 Hoof Cutters 29 Hoof Packing 11 Hoof Parers 29 Hoof Shears 29-30 Hoof Trimmers 29 Hooks, Singletree 93 Hooks, Conductor 200 Hooks, Chain 8 Hubs 160 Hub Boring Machines 92 Hub Borer 92 INJECTORS 190 Iron, All Kinds 4-5-6 Iron Cocks 218 Iron Cutters 72 Iron-Man 83 Iron Plates 73 Iron Sheet 200 Iron Siding 197-198 JACKS, AUTOMOBILE 96 Jacks, Wagon 96 Jack Screws 27 Joint Ends 108 244 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORKY, PA. PAGE KING BOLTS 106 King Bolt Yokes 107 King Bolt Yoke and Brace 107 Knife Stones 29 Knives, Saddlers 121 Knives, Cap 121 Knives, Farriers' 28 Knives and Forks 203 Knives, Harness 121 Knobs, Carriage 117 Knob Eyelets 116 LACE CUTTERS 188 Lace Leather 188 Ladles, Melting 28 Lanterns 190 Lath Yarn 185 Lath 240 Lawn Mowers 238 Lazy Back Arm and Standard 109 Lead 166 Levels 179-180 Lifts 184 Lime 193 Lining Nails 118 Links, Repair 16 Lock Nuts 220 Loop and Buckles , 117 Lugs, Silo 17 Lumber Pencils 179 MALLETS 179 Mail Boxes 204 Malleable Iron 222 to 238 Mandrills, Blacksmith 28 Mangers 120 Marlin 185 Marking Gauges 175 Mattocks 33 Melting Ladles 28 Mule Shoes 11 NAILS — Horse Shoe 11 Nails, Clinch Wire Shoe 17 Nail Pullers 27 Nail Sets 86 Nails, Wagon 8 Neck Yoke Center Irons 93 Neckyoke Eyes 93 Neckyoke Eyes and Rings 93 Neckyoke Ferrule and Rings 93 Neckyokes, Iron 164 Neckyoke Leathers 115 Neckyoke Tips 115 Neckyoke Wood 163 Needles 121 Neverslip Goods 12-13 Newel Posts 240 Nippers, Cutting 30 Nipples 219 Nuts, All Kinds 22 PAGE Nuts — Top Prop 116 Nut Wrenches 86-89-90 OAKUM 185 Oils, All Kinds 166 Oils, Axle 167 Oil Stones 183 Oil Stoves 204 Ox Shoes 11 PACKING ASBESTOS 187 Packing, Rubber 187 Packing, Hoof li Pads, Horse Shoes 14-15 Paint Burners * 156 Paint, Carriage 166-167 Paint, Floor 168 Paint, House 168 Paint, Wagon 166 Papers 197 Paper, Building 197 Paper, Emery 183 Paper, Sand 183 Paper, Hoof 29-30 Pearch Head Block Plates 107 Peavies 193 Peavy Sockets 193 Picks 33 Pinchers, Farriers' 30 Pencils 179 Pipe Conductor 200 Pipe Cutters 217 Pipe, Gas and Water '. 220 Pipe Fittings 219-220 Pipe Reamers 87-88 Pipe Screw Plates 85 Pipe Tap S8 Pipe Tongs 217 Pipe Wrenches 216 Pipe Dies 86 Plates, Welding 18 Platform Cincks 113 Planes, All Kinds 177-178 Plane Irons .178 Pliers 172 Pliers, Combination 217 Plow Anvil 24 Plow Clevises 97-98 Plugs 220 Plugs, Cutter 173 Pointers, Spoke 171 Pocket Knives ^ 180 Pole Braces 106 Pole, Buggy (Ironed) 164 Pole Circle 162 Pole Couplings 104 Pole Eyes 105 Pole Hammer Straps 106 Pole Springs 104 Pole T Irons 106 Pole Tips 115 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 245 PAGE Poles, Wagon 163 Posts, Newel 240 Porch Rail 240 Poultry Netting- * 194 Pritchels 24 Props. Top 116 Prop Block Washers 118 Pulley Blocks 186 Publications 207 to 215 Pumps 194 Punches, Fore 25 Punches, Hand 73 Punches, Round 25 Punches, Square 25 Punches, Spring 182 Punch and Shear 74 Pumice Stone 166 QUICK SHIFTERS 114 RAKES 203 Racks. Horseshoeing 34 Rail Porch 240 Rasps 23-24 Ratchet Nut Wrenches 86 Reach Plates 94 Reamer, Burring 86 Reamers, Pipe 87-88 Rein Supporters ....109-110 Repair Links 16 Return Bends 218 Revolving Punches 182 Ribbed Steel 8 Rims 159 Rim Bands 115 Rim Wrenches 90 Rings, Hame 15 Rivets, All Kinds 17-182 Rivets, Top Prop 116 Rivets, Copper 182 Rivets, Hame 16 Riveters 182 Riveting Burrs 22 Road Scrapers . 206 Rollers, Stay 206 Roll Up Straps 117 Roll Ridging 199 Rope 185 Rope Hide 185 Roofing 196-197 Roofing Steel 197-198 Rub Irons 95-110 Rubber Hose 187 Rubber Matting 122 Rubber Packing 187 Rubber Prop Block 116 Rubber Tire 239 Rubber Tire Accessories 239 Rubber Tire Machine 157 Rules, All Kinds 176 PAGE SADDLE CLIPS 106 Safety Lift 184 Sand Bands 115 Sand Paper 183 Saws, Back 176 Saws, Band 78 Saws, Hack 171 Saws, Circular 191 Saws, Cross Cut 190 Saws, Compass 176 Saws, Drag 190 Saws, Hand 176 Saw Handles 193 Saw Sets 192 Saw, Shingle 192 Saw Swages 192 Saw Tools 192 Saw Vices 181 Scales 177-194 Scratch Awls 179 Scrapers, Drag 206 Screws 17 Screws, Bench 40 Screws, Jack 27 Screw Drivers 172-174 Screw Driver Bits 172 Screw Clamps 172 Screw Plates 84-85 Screw and Plug Bits 173 Seaming Cord 118 Seats 119-130 Seat Fasteners 104 Seat Springs 158 Seat Hooks 97 Set Hammers 25 Sets, Nail 86 Setters, Tire 75-76 Sewer Pipe 197 Shafts, All Kinds 161-162 Shafting, Steel 221 Shaft Couplings 104-114 Shaft Cross Bars 162 Shaft Ends 105 Shaft Eyes 105 Shaft Irons 106 Shafts, Ironed 162 Shaft Tips 115 Shaft Trimmings 120 Shaft and Pole Ends 114 Shears, Trimmers 121 Shears, Hoof 29-30 Shears, Iron 72-73 Shellac 166 Sheaves 186 Sheep Shearing Machine 82 Shingles 240 Shoe, Rubber Pad 15 Shoes, Neverslip 13 Shoes, Mule 11 Shoes, Ox 11 246 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. PAGE Shoes, Wagon 36 Shoes, Cutter 7 Shoes, Cast Bob 7 Shingle Bands 193 Shoes, Horse 9-10 Shoeing Racks 34 Shrinkers, Tire 71-72 Shuts, Cold 8 Siding Pressed Brick 198 Siding Steel Beaded 198 Singletree Center Clips and Rings. . . 92 Singletree End Clips and Hooks.... 93 Singletree Hooks 94 Singletree Eyes and Hooks 94 Singletree End Straps 94 Singletree Hooks and Ferrules 93 Singletree Irons 94 Singletree, Wagon 164 Singletree Woods 163 Skeins and Boxes 36 Sledges, Blacksmiths' 26-27 Sliding T Bevels 175 Snaps, All Kinds 16 Snips, Tinners' 172 Sockets, Bow 116 Sole Knives 24 Spike Mauls 27 Spindles, Porch 240 Split Pulleys 186 Spokes, All Kinds 160-161 Spoke Pointers 171 Spoke Shaves 172 Spoke Tenon Machines 91-92-239 Spoke Wedges 164 Springs, All Kinds 158 Spring Bumpers 116 Spring Clips 106 Spring Cotters 24 Spring Cushion Attachment 119 Squares 175-177 Stamps, Steel 86 Standards and Sockets 106 Staples, Hame 16 Stay Braces 108 Stay Rollers 206 Steam Cocks 218 Steam Gauges 187 Steel, All Kinds 6 Steel Ribbed Shoe 8 Steel Roofing 197-198 Steel Stamps 86 Steps, Buggy 103 Step Ladders 193 Stocks and Dies 87 Stops, Bench 172 Storm Protectors 122 Stone, Knife 29 Stones, Oil 183 Stones, Grind 183 Stoves, Oil 204 PAGE Stoves, Gasoline 205 Strap Slides 15 Straps, Wagon Box 93 Striping Colors 167 Stub Taps 13 Straps, Roll Up 117 Swages 26 Swage Blocks 27 Swages For Channel Tire. . . .* 26 TACKS 118 Tail Ties 110 Taps, Neverslip 12-13 Taps, Taper 187 Taps, Dies and Collets 86 Taps, Pipe 88 Taps, Wrench 87 Tapping Machine 12 Tar, Coal 166 Tar, Pine 166 Tea Spoons 203 Tees 219 Testers, Hoof 30 Teeth, Harrow 8 Tenon Machine 239 Third Seats 119 Thread 121 Tinner Snips 172 Tire, Channel 8 Tire Benders 70-71-72 Tire Bolt Holders 90 Tire Bolt Wrench 90 Tire Bolting Machine 96 Tire Marker 90 Tire Measuring Wheel 28 Tire Setter 75-76 Tire Shrinker 71-72 Tire Upsetter 71 Tire Rubber 239 Toe Calks 7-12-13 Toe Rails 109 Toilet Clippers 81 Tool Box 15 Tongs, All Kinds 30 Tongs, Pipe 217 Tongue Plates 95 Tongue Springs 104 Tops, Buggy 123-124-125 Tops, Wagon 121 Top Braces 108 Top Dressing 168 Top Lifts 181 Top Props 116 Top Prop Nuts 116 Top Prop Riverts 116 Top Prop Washers 118 Top Knobs 117 Torches 190 Trace Attachments 116 Trace Dies 16 Trace Holders 116 THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO., CORRY, PA. 247 PAGE Trimmers, Hoof 29 Trimmers' Shears 121 Trucks 194 Try Squares 177 Tube Cleaners 219-220 Tufting Buttons 118 Tufting Nails 118 Tufting Twine 118 Turn Buckles 22 Turnbuckle Stub Ends . 100 Tuyere Irons 36-37-38 UMBRELLAS, WAGON 121 Unions 219 VALLEY TIN 199 Valves, Angle 218 Valves, Check 218 Valves, Gate 218 Valves, Globe 218 Varnish 165-166 Vise. Box and Screw 40 Vise, Machinist . 39-73 Vise, Foot 41 Vise, Pipe 39-40 Vise, Solid Box 40 WAGONS 146 to 148 Wagon Axles 163 Wagon Brakes 98-102 Wagon Box Rods 94 Wagon Box Staples 95 Wagon Box Straps 93 Wagon Hounds 162 Wagon Jacks 96 Wagon King Bolts 95 Wagon Seat Tops 125 W'agon Shoes 35 PAGE Wagon Tongue Caps 95 Wagon Tongue Supporters 105 Wagon Wrenches 95 Washers, Wrought 22 Waste 186 Washing Machines 202 Water Cut Off 200 Weights of Iron 3 Wedges, Wood Choppers 8 Welded Center Clips 93 Welded End Clips 93 Welding Compound 18 Welding Plates 18 Wheels, Buggy 156-157 Wheels, Steel 154-155 Wheel, Tire Measuring 28 Wheelbarrows 193 Whip Sockets 115 Whiffletree Hooks 119 Whiffletree Pins 116 Whiffletree Sockets 115 Whiffletree Tips 115 White Lead 166 Wicking, Candle 187 Windows 240 Wire 197 Wing Divider 179 Wire, Barb 197 Wire Brads 17 Wire Clinch Nails 17 Wire Cloth 194 Wire Stove Pipe 194 Wood Blocks 186 Wrenches, Neverslip 13 Wrenches, All Kinds. . .216-217-86-87-90 Wire Screen Cloth 194 Wringers 202 Webster Famiiy Library of Veterinary Metlicine Currimings School of Vetsrinary yedicine at Tufts University ^^- 200 Westboro Road J^ North Grafton, MA 01536 :»:&^^^^m THE BARLOW HARDWARE CO. Storeroom ^ Warehouses CORRY, PENN'A THE BRITTON PRINTING CO., CLEVELAND