. . COLLECTORS OF . . ifporfing ^oo^(f and ifporting 9nnfd Will find my Catalogue of Great Utility. SENT POST FKEE ANYWHERE. THEY are frequently issued, and always contain a Choice Selection of Books by Surtees, Scrope, Egau, "Nimrod" (Apperley), and many other notable wi-iters upon one or other subject, or generally interesting to lovers of any form of Field Sports, Athletics, Games, and other Recreations, Indoor or Outdoor, with, it is believed, the Largest Variety in the World, under one roof, of Sporting Prints, coloured and plain, by Aiken, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Howitt, Leech, "Phiz," Scott, and innumerable other attractive artists. Buyers of other branches of literature are catered for with corresponding diligence, and equally favourable opportunities of constant acquisitions. LISTS OF WANTS customers may favour me with will be always kept before me, and attended to with the most sedulous care. BOOKS PURCHASED TO ANY EXTENT. A single book is not beneath my notice ; an extensive and costly library will be as easily negotiated, and upon the most Liberal Terms. Invariably Immediate Cash in Every Transaction. Waffer S^ ifpeneerj 27, NEW OXFORD STREET (Xcar the British Muscuw), Cam ana^Tel.,ra^^cJMrcss : LQN DON, W. C. ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. A larpre selection always in stock, such as : Sporting Magazine, 26 vols., 1808-1828, price £5 59. ; Surtee's Ask Mamma, first edition, 35s. ; Apperley's Nimrod Abroad, 2 vols., first edition, 25s. ; Egan's Sporting Anecdotes, 1325. £4 As. ; Williamson's Oriental Field Sports (large paper), 1807, £4 4s. ; Vyner's A Treatise on Fox Hunting, £4 4s. ; Bailey's ^lagazine of Sports, 12 early vols., £2 lOs. (many odd parts in stock) ; Daniel's Rural Sports, 1813, 25s. ; Thornton's Sporting Tour in France, 2 vols., £3 3s.: Analysis Hunting F"ield, 1840, £6 6s. COLLECTORS' CATALOGUE, just issued, containing works on Angling, Archery, Cockfighting, Cards, Cricket, Driving, Fencing, Hunting, Racing, Shooting, Horses, Dogs, and Game, and many rare and valuable first editions, post free to collectors. TO COLLECTORS.— Please send me your list of Sporting or other books wanted. 1 can get you anything, no matter how rare. I am always open to buy good works, or exchange them for others. EDWARD BAKERS GREAT BOOKSHOP, ^k"rBiR'ig?N^gi^!^^ The lAhrary Manual* A Guide to the Formation of a Library, and the Values of Eare and Standard Books. By J. H. Slater, Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition, Eevised and Greatly Enlarged. In cloth gilt, price 7s. 6d. nett, by post 78. lOd. Engravings and Their Value. Containing a Dictionary of all the Greatest Engravers and their Works. By J. H. Slater. New Edition, Eevised and brought up to date, with latest Prices at Auction. In cloth gilt, price 15s. nett, by post 15s. 5d. Painters and Their Works. A Work of the Greatest Value to Collectors, and such as are interested in the Art, as it gives, besides Biographical Sketches of all the Artists of Eepute (not now living) from the 13th Century to the present date, the Market Value of the Principal Works Painted by Them, with Full Descriptions of Same. In 3 vols., cloth gilt, price 37s. 6d. nett, by post 38s. 3d. Autograj^Ji Collecting. A Practical Manual for Amateurs and Historical Students, containing ample information on the Selection and Arrange- ment of Autographs, the Detection of Forged Specimens, &c., &c., to which are added numerous Facsimiles for Study and Eeference, and an extensive Valuation Table of Autographs worth Collecting. By Henry T. Scott, M.D., L.E.C.P., &c. In leatherette gilt, price 7s. 6d. nett, by post 7s. lOd. A Guide to the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, In Gold, Silver, and Copper, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with their Value. B}' the Isde Colonel W. Stewart Thorburn. Third Edition. Eevised and Enlarged, by H. A. Grueber, F.S.A. Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price 10s. 6d. nett, by post 10s. lOd. English Potter g and Porcelain. A Guide fur Collectors. Handsomely Illustrated with En- gravings of Specimen Pieces and the Marks used by the different Makers. New Edition, Eevised aud Enlarged. By the Eev. E. a. Downman. In cloth gilt, price 5s., by post 5s. 3d. LONDON: L. UPCOTT (tILL, 17o, STRAND, W.C. Price £4 4s« net. BRITISH DEER AND THEIR HORNS. By J. GUILLE MILLAIS, P.Z.S., &c. With 185 Text and full-page Illustrations, 10 Electro-Etchings and a Coloured Frontispiece. ALSO A Series of Unpublished Drawings by Sir Edwin Landseer, which were formerly on the walls of Ardverikic. A Handsome Prospectus, on the Paper used for the Work, with specimens of two of the Illustrations, will be sent on application. Also by Mr. MILLAIS: GAME BIRDS AND SHOOTING SKETCHES. Illustrating the Habits, Modes of Capture, Stages of Plumage, and the Hybrids and varieties which oCrcur among them. New and Cheaper Edition, 8vo, printed on Art Paper, bound in Buckram. With 57 Illustrations, by the Author, and Frontispiece by the late Sir J. E. IMillais, Bart., P.R.A. Price 1 8s. net. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 37, PICCADILLY, & 140, STRAND, LONDON. ROBS0N & e©. DEALERS IN RARE AND IMPORTANT SPORTING BOOKS AND PRINTS In All Classes. ANGLING; Dogs; Cock-Figbting ; Shooting; Hunting; Horsemanship ; Hacing ; Choice Early Mezzotints of Racehorses Oriental Field Sijorts ; Falconry ; Boxing ; Bull Fighting ; Wrestling ; Fencing ; Coloured Illustrated Books by Aiken, Leech, and others; Sets of "Sporting Magazine," Kennel Club, Badminton Library, &c. ** Tom and Jerry" Series, " Life in London," " English Spy," i^c, illustrated by Criiikshank, Kowlandson, and others, ALWAYS IN STOCK. Catalofjae forwarded on apxtlication, and Inspection of Stock invited. 23, Coventry Street, Piccadilly, London, W. 3 9090 014 559 849 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. ^^dibslerf amity Library of Velerirafy Medtcme Gurmnirigs School of Veterinaiy Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. A DESCRIPTIVE SURVEY OF A COLLECTION OF ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED WORKS OF A SPORTING AND RACY CHARACTER, WITH AN APPENDIX OF PPJNTS RELATING TO SPORTS OF THE FIELD. By J. HERBERT SLATER. Editor of ''BooJ: Prices C^irrent," and ''■Sale Prices. Author of " Tlie Romance of Bool: Collecting," " Tlu Library Manual," '■'Engravings and their Valve," '^ Ronnd and about the Bookst(dls," etc, etc. London : L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. 1899. PRINTED BY SURBITON TIMES," LIMITED, SURBITON HILL, S.W. CONTENTS. PAGE. Illustrated Sporting Books .. 1- -140 Additions and Corrections ... .. 140- -150 Appendix of Prints as under : — ... .. .. Ballooning 154 Boxing 156 Bull and Badger Baiting, Dog Fightin §. Ratting 158 Coaching, Driving, Riding .. 159 Cock Fighting 164 Coursing .. 165 Fishing ... .. 165 Hunting ... .. 166 Portraits (Sportsmen) ... 174 Portraits (Race Horses) ... 177 Racing 182 Shooting (including Sporting Dogs) 187 Various 190 BARGAINS in Everything and Any- thing are readily secured through The Bazaar, Ex- chani^e and Mar News- paper, which is used by Private Persons for disposing o^ things they no longer require. THE paper for Buying, Selhng and Exchanging by Private Persons. Get a copy and judge for yourself. TELEGRAMS: "BAZAAR, LONDON." at Newsagents. 2d. at Bookstalls. By post for S Stamps, OFFICE: 170, STRAND, LONDON. ADVICE on every possible subject may be obtained on appHcation to T/ie Bazaar, Exchange and Mart News- paper, which has the largest staff of Eminent Experts o( any paper in the Kingdom, and these Experts freely advise its readers. THE paper for Amateurs. Get a copy and judge for yourself. EXTRA SUPPLEMENTS Well Illustrated, The Ladies' (Fashions), each Month, 1st Wed.; The Philatelists' (Stamps), 2nd Wed. ; The Home (Domestic), 3rd Wed. The Cyclists' (Wheeling), 1st Mon. ; The Sportsman's (Sport), 2nd Mon. ; The Garden (Horticulture), Srd Mon.; rbe Dog Owners' (Doga), Last Mon. INTRODUCTION There are one or two points which I think it necessary to elaborate for the assistance of those who may have occasion to consult this Catalogue of Sporting Books and Prints. In the first place it will be observed that, with very few exceptions, oi:dy English illustrated books are dealt wath. The vast majoritj^ of sporting books contain illustrations or at least a frontispiece. Those which do not are generally very old, but even the majority of these have been reprinted with illustrations, and consequently come within the scope of the work and are noticed accordingly. Bibliographers who have dealt with this branch of literature have hitherto adopted one of two methods of arrangement. They either catalogue the works they notice under the names of their authors, or else in order of date. Both these methods seem to me to be more or less misatisfactory. Quick reference is what is now sought for in books of the kind. In furtherance of this desirable end I have adopted a system of titular arrangement, adding cross references where necessary, and supplying an index of author's names. For instance, Apperley's "Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton " is popularly quoted as the " Life of John Mytton." Though the biography nuist therefore be looked for under "Memoirs," I have added a cross reference, and many other books are dealt with, when the necessity demands, in precisely the same way, so that with the assistance of the index very little time need be spent in turning to any book that may be required. If a book cannot be found under what the reader believes to be the correct title, reference should be made to the Index, and in any case attention is called to the additions and corrections on page 140, et seq. The Prints are arranged under subjects for the reason that many of them have no well-known titles or, at any rate, no titles that are quoted in the same way on all occasions. Vlll INTRODUCTION. It will be observed that not only sporting books, sitrictly so called, are catalogued, but books of a racy character also. Pierce Egan's " Life in London, " the work entitled "Fashion and Folly, or the Buck's Pilgrimage,' and many other old time publications of a similar character are thus dealt with. When these books were written the word "Sport" had a much wider application than it has now. The prices given throughout the volume have nearly all been realised by auction within the last twelve months. In the case of some very scarce and valuable books it has been found necessary to draw upon a much greater period of time, since books of this exclusive kind may not appear more than once or twice in the market for many years. As a rule, however, the quoted values will be found approximately accurate, having regard to the condition and binding mentioned after each entry. It may be observed that in the case of books worth more than about £1, bookseller's prices would necessarily be considerably higher ; under that amount they would not seem to vary so much from the auction values quoted. The reason for this will be sufhciently obvious. All the books and prints included in this descriptive survey, which are not quite new and in print, have a distinct tendency to advance in price. They are, year by year, becoming more difticult to meet with, and some of them will, in the near future, be practically unobtainable. So far as Angling Books are concerned, reference should be made to the extensive library of books of this character formed by the late Mr. Edward Snow, of Boston, U.S.A., which was sold by Messrs. Sotheby, on November 30th, and following day, 1898. The prices realised at this sale were, however, considerably above the average. J. H. SLATER. May 1st, 1899. ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS Above the Snow Line. Mountaineering Sketches between 1870 and 1880, by Clinton Dent, 1885. 8ro. pp. xiv. 327. 4.S. (cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Academic de I'Espee, L', par Girard Thibaulfc, 1628. Atlas folio, Portrait, 9 plates of armorial bearings and 46 large plates by Bolswaert, Crispin de Passe, and others. £15 (cf., sound copy). There is only one edition of this book, and neither the place where it was published nor the name of the printer is mentioned. M. Pieters thought that it was printed at Leyden by the Elzevirs. Academy for Grown Horsemen, An, by "Geoffrey Gam- bado " (H. \V. Bunbury), and Annals of Horsemanship, by the same, 1787-91. 2 vols. 4to. The Academy contains 12 plates, and the Annals of Horsemanship 17, all after H. W. Bunbuiy. £1 12s. (old cf.) Ayiother edition^ 1808. 4to. Plates as before. £1 Is. (bds., uncut). Another edit'/ on, 1809. 8vo. 29 col. pi. by Rowlandson. £1 5s. (bds.) Another ((Vfton, 1^12. Fol. 29 col. pi. £1 5s. (bds.), £2 2s. (mor. ex.) Another edition, n. d. 8vo. Ackermann. 29 col. pi. by Rowlandson and others. £2 10s. (orig. bds.) An edition of 1822, in 2 vols., roy. 4to., is of no impor- tance, and of but little value. The plates are reduced copies. B 2 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Account of the Game of Curling, with songs for the Canon-Mills Curling Club, by "A Member of the Duddhig- ston Curling Society" (John Ramsay), 1811. Privately printed and scarce. £1 4s. (of.) Another edition, 1882. 8vo. 250 copies printed. 4s. (parchment). Across Country, by "Wanderer," 1882, 8vo. Col. plates, 7s. 6d. (hf. mor.) Across England in a Dog Cart, by James John Hissey, 1891. 8vo. Illustrated. 8s. (orig. cl.) Adventures in the Air of Great Aeronauts, By W. De Fonvielle, 1877. Cr. 8vo. Illustrations. 3s. 6d. (cl.) Translated from the French by J. 8. Keltie. Adventures of Dr. Comicus, in 12 cantos, By a Modern Syntax, n. d. 8vo. 15 col. pi. £1 5s. (hf. russ.) Adventures of a Post Captain, By a Naval Officer. 1st ed. 1817. 8vo. with 25 col. pi. by Williams. £4 12s. (orig. bds., uncut) £1 12s. (hf. cf.) Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, a Poem in four Cantos, by John Mitford. 1st ed. 1818. 8vo. with 20 full page col. pi. by Williams. £1 16s. (cf. ex.) Second edition, 1819. 8vo. Col. plates as before. £1 5s. (calf). This work is sometimes quoted as ' ' The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy," by Alfred Burton, but "Alfred Burton" wa,s merely the nam de plvme of Captain John Mitford, R.N., above named, and the books are one and the same. See also "Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome." Advice to Sportsmen, . . . with Anecdotes of the most renowned Shots of the day, by " Marmaduke Markwell," 1809. 12mo. Plates by Rowlandson. £3 10s. (orig. bds., col. plates). 16s. (cf., plain plates). ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. 3 ^roplaustic Art, The, or Navigation in the Air by the use of Kites or buoyant Sails, by George Pocock, 1827, 4to. Col. plates. 12s. (orig. bds.) African Hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi, by W. O. Baldwin, 1863. Cr. Svo. Illustrati SPORTING BOOKS. / Angler's Magazine, The : or Completa Fisherman, to which is added the Angler's Dictionary, By a Gentleman who has made Angling his study upwards of Twenty Years. l)i(hli)i, 1760. 8vo. t*l 8s. (mor. ex., line copy.) Angler's Note Book and Naturalist's Record, The. Illustrated. 1880-88. 2 vols. 8q. 8vo. 5s. (the '' Green " and "Yellow" Series, el.) Angler's Souvenir, The, by "Paul Fisher" (W. A. Chatto). 1st ed. published by Tilt, 1835. Post Svo. pp. X, 192. Steel plates of fish, flies, angling scenes, &c. by Beckwith tt Topham. Each page within woodcut border. 10s. (orig. cl.) l()s. (L.P. Sq. 8vo., orig. cl.) Re-issued by Bohn, in 1845 and 1847, 8vo., and by Warne and Co., n.d. (1877), Square 8vo. at 7s. 6d. Engraved title and plates. The last-named edition is not complete, and the plates are much worn. Angler's Sure Guide, The, (by R. Howlet), 1706. 8vo. Front, and plate of tish. 5s. (cf.) Angler's Yade Mecum, The, by W. Carroll, 1818. 8vo. 12 pi., containing views of 194 different flies, coloured by hand. 12s. (bds. ) Contains pp. viii. 128. Angler's Yade Mecum, The, or a Compendious yet full Discourse of Angling, &c., by "A Lover of Angling" {James Cheetham), 1st. ed. 1681. 12mo. No illustrations. £4 10s. (cf.) ^Second edition, 1689. 12mo. 2 plates. £2. (orig. sheep). Third edition, 1700. 12mo. No illustrations. 18s. (hf. cf.) One illustrated copy of this edition is known, and probably there are two distinct editions of this date. Angling, being the first part of a series of familiar letters. on Sporting, by Robert Lascelles. 1st ed. n.d. (1815), J. Comes. 8vo. pp. 123. Three illustrations. Three parts, treating of Angling, Shooting, and Coursing. £2 10s.(cf.ex.) t^econd edition, 1818. 8vo. Same plates. £2 10s> (cf. ex.) 8 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Angling Sketches, by Andrew Lang, 1891. 8vo. 3 etchings, by W. G. Burn-Miirdock. £1 (L.P., 150 copies only). 6s. (small paper, cl.) Another edition, 1895. 8vo. pp. xii. 185, with 3 etchings by \V. G. Burn-Miirdock. Published at 3s. 6d. Angling Songs, by Thomas Tod Stoddart, with memoir by Anna M. Stoddart, 1889. Post 8vo. 3s. (cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Angling Sports, 1823-25. Oblong 4to. 8ix humorous col. pi, by H. Aiken. £9 (sewed). Angling Sports : in Nine Piscatory Dialogues, by Moses Browne, 1773. 8vo. Front. 5s. (antique bds.) This is the third and best edition. The first edition, entitled "Pis- catory Eclogues," appeared anonymously in 1729, and the second in the author's poems ten years later. Angling Travels in Norway, by Fraser Sandeman, 1895. 8vo. Illustrated with 4 col. plates, 57 full page and other engravings. 5s. (orig. cl.), 12s. (hf. vellum, L. P.) 200 copies were printed on large paper. Annals of Gallantry, or the Conjugal Monitor, by A. Moore, 1814-15. 3 vols. 8vo. Col. plates, by Geo. Cmik- shank. £10 10s. (uncut). Second edition, same date, and same number of volumes and plates, £10 10s. (ihid.) Annals of Horsemanship, by "Geoffrey Gambado" (H. W. Bunbury). 1st edition 1791. 4to., with 17 engravings a,fter H. W. Bunbury. 16s. (old cf.) See Academy for Annals of Newgate, The, or the Malefactor's Register, 1776. 4 vols. 8vo. Plates. £1 10s. (calf, sound copy). Annals of Sporting, by "Caleb Quizem, Esq.," and his various Correspondents, 1809. 8vo., with col. plates by ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. V) AVoodward and Rowlandson. £4 (orig. bds., uncut). £2 lOs. 4r^. 8vu. Bohn. 3s. (cl.) British Dance of Death, n. d. 8vo. Coloured plates by E. Cruikshank and others. £2 4s. (uncut). British Deer and their Horns, by John Guille Millais^ 1897. Impl. 4to. pp. xviii. 224. With 185 Illustrations, mostly by the author, 8 from drawings by Sidney Steel, 2 by E. Roe. ... A series of unpublished sketches by Sir E. Landseer, &c. ^2 18s. (as issued). Published at it4 4s. net. British Field Sports, by "William Henry Scott" (John Lawrence). 1818. 8vo. 34 plates after Berenger and cuts by Bewick, including title, often missing. £2 (orig. bds. ) ; m 17s. (russ. ex.) Another edition, 1820. 8vo. Same plates. £1 5s. (hf. cf.) See also Delineations of British Field Sports. British Field Sports (Orme's), see Orme's Collection of British Field Sports. British Game Birds and Wild Fowl, by Beverley R. Morris. 1st ed. 1855. Roy. 4to. 60 col. pi. ^1 Is. (calf). Another edition, n. d. 4to. 60 col. pi. 15s. (orig. cl.) British Golf Links, by Horace G. Hutchinson, 1897. 4to. pp. viii. 331. Some copies were printed on Large Paper (Folio). 12s. (as issued, 4to). British Manly Exercises, see Scientific Swimming. British Preserve, The, by Samuel Howitt, n. d. 4to. 36 etchings. 4s. (hf. bd.) Published originally in 9 parts. t^econd edition, n. d. Roy. 8vo. 2s. (cf.) ILFATSTRATKO SPORTING BOOKS. 23 British Proverbs, ;i series of six plates containing a large lunnber of coloured illustrations, by Henry Aiken. 1824. Oblong folio. £7 (bound up in nior. ex., uncut, tine set). British Sportsman, The, by Sanuiel Howitt, 1812. Oblong 4to., with 70 col. plates. £1 4s. (calf). British Sportsman, The, by William Augustus Osbaldiston (1792). 4to., with front. ;ind plates, pp. G64, ii. 7s. (cf.) Brown's Sporting Tour in India, by William Shapter Hunt, 1865. Oblong folio, with 42 etched plates. 12s. (hf. cf.) By Hook and by Crook, by Fraser Sandeman, 1892. 8vo. pp. Tiii. 255. 100 copies |)rinted on L.P. (4to.) £2 8s. (cl., uncut, L.P.) Cabinet of Comicalities, by T. Spiller, n.d. 8vo. CoL plates by G. Cruikshank. i,l 5s. (wrappers). Camp Fires of the Everglades, The, or Wild Sports in the South, by C. E. Whitehead. 1891. Roy. 8vo. pp. x. 298. Plates on Japan paper and other illustrations. £1 4s. ^. £2 15s. (old cf.) 30 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Another edition, 1710. 8vo. Plates, £2 28. (cf. ex.) This (according to "La Bibliographie de rEscrime," par Yigeant) is the first work on Fencing published in the United Kingdom — an erroneous statement. See True Arte of De- fence, His Practise, Paradoxe of Defence, Mars his Field, and Schoole of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defence, all of which were previously published in this country. Compleat Fisherman, The, being a large and particular account, &c., by James Saunders. 1724. 12mo. Front. 5s. (cf.) Reprinted without date (but about 1800) under the title of ' ' The Fisherman : or the Art of Angling Made Easy," by " Guiniad Charfy, Esq." Compleat Gamester, The, by Richard Seymour. Enlarged by C. Johnson. 1754. 12mo. Front. 16s. (cf. ex.) This is a late edition, the 5th having appeared in 1734, 12mo. ; the 6th in 1739, 12mo. ; the 7th in 1750, 12 mo., and the 8th in 1754, 12mo. Compleat Gentleman, The, fashioning him absolute in the most necessaiy and commendable qualities, &c., by Henry Peacham. 1st edition, 1622. 4to. Engraved title. 16s. (cf.) Aiwther editio)i, m27. 4to. 8s. (cf.) Another edition^ 1661. 4to. Engraved title. 10s. (old cf.) The last edition of a work extensively used by Dr. Johnson in the compilation of his dictic^nary, all the definitions of tarms of blazonry being taken from it. Compleat History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, &c., of both sexes; to which is prefixed the Thieve.'?' new Canting Dictionary, by Alexander Smith. 1719-20. 3 v id, vary clean) ; ^'S 15s, (cf. extra). Days and Nights in the Desert, by Parker Gillmore, 1888. 8vo. pp. viii. 234. Illustrations. 2s. 6d. (orig. cl.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, by William Scrope. Tinted plates and cuts after Landseer and others. 1st edition, 1843. Roy. 8vo. iilO 10s. (orig. cl.); £11 lis. (ibid); £4 10s. (hf. cf. gt.) Second edition, 1854. Roy. 8vo., with all the plates. £2 10s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1885. 8vo. Glasgow, with the plates. 10s. (cl.) Days in Clover, by "The Amateur Angler" (Edward Marston). 1892. 12mo. Seven plates. 5s. (L.P. parch- ment). 150 copies were printed for England on Large Paper. Day's Journal of a Sponge, by "Peter Pasquin," 1824. Oblong 4to. Six col. etchings. jL2 2s. (original wrappers); jLI (mor. ex. ; very fine copy). Days of Deer Stalking in the Forest of Atholl, by Wm. Scrope. 1st ed., 1838, Roy. 8vo. Engravings and litho- graphs after the Landseers and the author. £7 15s. (hf. mor. gt.) ; £8 (orig. cl., good copy). Second edition. Platas as before (with one extra). 1839. 8vo. ^o (orig. cl.); :£6 10s, (orig. cl.); £3 10s. {ibid.) TJiird edition, 1847. 8vo. Two plates by Sir Jl Land- seer and 12 wood engravings by Chas. Landseer and the author. £1 Is. (hf, mor) ; £1 6s. (orig. cl. ) Another edition, 1883. 8vo. Same plates. 10s. (cl.) Another edition, 1894. 8vo. Illustrated. 5s. (orig. cl. ) Published at 12s. 6d. D 2 36 ILLUSTKATEl) SPORTING BOOKS. Another edition, 1897. 8vo., pp. xviii. 304, with 10 plates after Sir E. Landseer. Forming Vol. 5 of 8ir H. E. Maxwell's "Sportsman's Libraiy." Published at 15s. Death's Doings, consisting of numerous original composi- tions in verse and prose . . by Tom Hood, R. Mont- gomery, and others. Second and lest edition, 1827. 2 vols. 8vo., with 30 full p. etchings by Richard Dagley. 10s. (orig. bds.) The Jirst edition was published in 1826, with 24 etchings, by Dagley. 8s. (orig. bds.) Deep Sea Fishing and Fishing Boats : by Ednmnd W. H. Holdsworth, 1874. 8vo. Illustrations. 8s. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Deer Forests of Scotland, The, by A. Grimble. 1st and only edition, 1896. Large 4to. pp. xxiv. 324. 8 illustrations, by A. Thorburn. £1 8s. (hf. vel. as issued). 500 copies of this book were published at £2 10s. net. Deer Parks and Paddocks of England, The, by James Whitaker, 1892. 8v(). £1 15s. (orig. cl.) Deer Stalking, by Sir Robert Frankland, n. d. (1830). Oblong folio. 10 lithographs. Privately printed, 12s. (hf. bd.) Deer Stalking, by A. Grimble, 1886. 8vo. pp. x. 115. Plates. 8s. (orig. cl.) ; 21s. (L.P., orig. cl.) Deer Stalking in the Highlands of Scotland, by Lt. -Gen. H. H. Crealock, 1892. Folio. 255 copies printed. 40 full page plates and numerous cuts in the text. pp. xviii. 194. £11 (orig. cl.) Delineations of British Field Sports, together with the various Methods of Poaching, 1882. Folio, with 24 large lithographic plates by S. Aiken. ;£3 5s. (hf. mor.) Derby Carnival, The, London's Great Outing. 1869. Oblong 4to. Tinted folding plate and woodcuts by " Phiz,'* 12s. (orig. wrappers). ILLUSTRATED SPORTIXCr BOOKS. 37 Derby Day, The. The Road and the Course. 186fi. Folio. r the Frolics of Fortune, a Coniic^ Satirical Poem for the Squeamish and the Queer, in 12 Cantos, by a Surgeon, 1828. 8v<>. 14 full p. col. pi. in the style of Rowlandson. £1 (hf. cf.); £2 5s. (cf., sound copy). Doings in London, or Day and Night Scenes of the Frauds, Frolics, Manners and Depravities of the Metropolis, by George Smeeton, 1828. 8vo. 33 plates after R. Cruikshank. £2 (orig. bds., uncut). Another edition, 1840. 8vo. £1 Is. (orig. cl.) ; 6s. (hf. cf.) Doldenhorn and Weisse Frau, The, by Abraham Roth, 1863. Roy. 8vo. 11 col. pi., 4 other illustrations and a map. 10s. (orig. cl.) Dolomite Mountains, The, by Josiah Gilbert and G. C. Churchill, 1864. Cr. 8vo., with 2 col. maps., 6 col. pi. and 27 woodcuts by Whymper. 18s. (cl., uncut); £1 5s. {ibid.) Don Juan, containing his Life in London, or a True Picture of the British Metropolis, by Alfred Thornton, 1st ed. 1821- 22. 2 vols. 8vo. 30 humorous coloured plates. £7 7s. (calf gilt, line copy). Another edition, 1825-26. 2 vols. 8vo. £6 15s. (cf., fine copy). Double Armed Man, The, by the New Invention : shewing some famous exploits atchieved by our Brittish Bowmen, by ILLlSTRATKh SPORTING BOOKS. 39 *'W. N. Archer" (William Neade), 1025. Sin. 4to. 18 leaves, 8 full page woodcuts. £12 10s. (mor. ex.) Down the Road, or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coach- man, by C. T. S. Birch Reynardson, 1st ed. .1875. 8vo. Col. plates by H. Aiken. HI 16s. (orig. cl.) ; £2 5s. (ibid.) Second vdition, 1875. 8vo. Col. plates by H. Aiken. 13s. (hf. cf.) Doctor Gomicus, s" Adventures of Doctor Comicus. Driffield Angler, The, in two parts, containing descriptions of the different kinds of P'resh Water Fish, itc, by Alexander Mackintosh. 1st ed. n. d. (1806), Gainsborough. 8vo. pp. xi. 346, with portrait. 4s. (hf. cf.) This work again appeared in 1821 under the title, "The Modern Fisher, or Driffield Angler.'" Drive through England, A, by James John Hissey, 1885. 8vo. pp. xiv. 391. Illustrated by the author. 8s. (orig. cl.) Driving Discoveries, h Series of 7 col. jd. l)y Henry Aiken, 1817. Oldong folio. £7 10s. (mor. ex., very fine <30py). Dry Fly Entomology, ))y Fred. M. Halford, 1897. 2 vols. 8vo., with 28 jdates, some coloured. 16s. (hf. mor.) An {■dition-de-hixc of 100 co])ies was issued. Dry Fly Fishing in Theory and Practice, by Fred. M. Halford, 1889. Im])l. 8vo. Plates. £2 (mor. g. t., L.P.) 100 copies were ])rinted on Large Paper. Duell Ease, a Worde with Valiant Sj^irits shewing the abuse of Duells, by G. F., 1635. Sm. 4to. Engraved title, by Marshall. -£2 2s. (cf . ) "Eagle's Nest" in the Valley of the Sixt, The, by Alfred Wills. 1st ed.. 1860. 2 maps and 12 tinted plates. £1 4s. (orig. cl.) 40 ILLUSTRATED SPORTI^a BOOKS. Second edition, 1860. 2 maps and 12 tinted plates. £1 4s. (orig. cl.) This second edition is quoted as "the best." Eastern Hunters, The, Wild Sports in India, &c., hy J. T. Newall, 1866. 8vo. Plates. 6s. (cl. gt.) Easy and Familiar Rules for attaining, &c., set- Art of Fencing. Eccentric Excursions, or Literaiy and Pictorial Sketches, of Countenance, Character and Country, &c., 1807. 4to., with 100 humorous coloured plates })y (t. M. Woodward. £11 (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy). Eccentric Song Book, The, n. d. Hvo. J. Baily. Col. folding front, by Geo, Cruikshank. £5 (wrappers). This is very scarce, only one or two copies ])eing known, Ecole de Cavalerie, pnr Robichon de La Gueriniere, Faris, 1733. Fol., with Equestrian portraits and plates, mostly after the designs of Parocel. £1 15s, (cf.) Another edition, 1736. 2 vols. 8vo. 7s. (cf, ) The best of the octavo editions. Another edition, 1751. Folio. Same plates, Ijut worn, and therefore inferior, 15s. (cf.) Ecole des Armes, L', s ' School of Fencing. Eglington Tournament, The, held 30th August, 1839. A series of 21 large col, plates and illuminated initial letters, by Richard Doyle, 1843. Folio, i'2 10s. (mor, ex., g. e.) A small and uninqjortant book was ])u])lished at Glasgow, by Orr and Sons, in 1839, giving a descriptive account of this famous passage of arms. This appears to be the only book specially devoted to the subject in the British Museum Library, Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, An, and a New and Complete Treatise on the Art . 8vo. Plates. £1 12s. (hf. mur., uncut). .Second edition, 1791. 8vo. Plates. £1 12s. (hf. mor., uncut). Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, by G. M. Woodward. 1st ed., 1808. 12mo. 5 folding and full page col. caricatures by Rowlandson ; £2 (orig. bds., uncut). Another edition, 1801>. 12m<>. Plates as ))efore. £1 Pis. (])ds., uncut). Essay to prove that the Jurisdiction and Conservancy of the Thames, &c., see Description of the River Thames. Essays on Hunting, containing a Philosophical Enquiiy into the Nature and Pro})erties of the Scent, Arc, edited by William Blane. 1st ed. (1781). 8vo. pp. xxviii. 135. 10s. (cf.) Extracted from "An Essay on Hunting, by a Country Squire." A second edition of this book, with "The Method of Hare-hunting practised by the Greeks, By a Sportsman of Berkshire," appeared without date (l)ut 1782 ?). OS. (cf.) See Cynegetica ; Essay on Hunting. Evelina, or Female Life in London, })eing the Histoiy of a Young Lady's Introduction to Fashionable Life and the Gay Scenes of the Metropolis, 1822. 8vo. Col. plates by William Heath. A very scarce book, probably £10 (hf. cf. as published). Evening's Amusement, An, or the Adventures of a Cockney Sportsman, 1846, Roy. 8vo.. with 92 full page plates by R. Seymour. 20s. (cf.)" Everybody in Town and Everybody out of Town, a series of 12 coloured plates by G. M. Woodward, 1796. 4ts. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Another ed.ition, 1S74:. 8vo. 8 illustrations. 2s. (orig. cl.) Forest Sketches, Deer Stalking and other Sports in the Highlands Fifty Years Ago. 1805. 8vo. Plates, lis. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. Fortnight's Ramble through London, A, or a complete display of all the Cheats and Frauds practised in that Great Metropolis. 1st ed., 1795. Post 8vo. Front, and vignette title by Isaac Cruikshank. 7s. (<>rig. cf. ) Fower Chiefest Offices belongyng to Horsemanshippe, The, That is to say the Office of tlie I>reeder, of the Rider, of the Keeper and of the Ferrer, by Thos. Blundeville, Black Letter, numers. (cf. , fair copy). Another edition, 1597. 4to. £5 5s. (vellum); £3 (ibid.) Another edition, 1Q09. 4to. £1 6s. (cf.) (S'ee Art of Riding newlie Corrected. Fowler in Ireland, The, by Sir Ralph Payne Gallwey, 1882. 8vo. pp. xiii. 503. Illustrations. 12s. (cl.) Published at 21s. ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. 51 Foxhound, Forest and Prairie, by "Bvooksby"^ (Edward Peiinell-Elnihirst), 1892. Roy. 8vo. , col. plates and wood- cuts by Sturgess and Mar.shnian. 5s. (orig. cl. ) Pn])lished fit 10s. tkl. Fox-Hunting Atlas of every County in England, by Walker. Col. maps. n.d. 10s. (hf. mor. ) Another edition appeared in 1892. Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Possessions of North America, The. by Henry William Herbert, 1849. 8vo. pp. xvi. 455. Illustrations. 16s. (orig. cl.) Second edition., 1850. 8vo. New York. Front, pp. 359. Third edition, 1851. 8vo. New York. Front, pp. xviii. 359, with a Supplement. Another edition, 1859. 8vo. New York. Portraits of Horses on India paper and many woodcuts. 12s. (orig. cl.) Afterwards reprinted under the title of ' ' Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing . , of North America " (1873), 12mo. New York. Fur and Feather Series, The, The Grouse, 1894. 8vo. Illustrations. M2 10s. (hf. parchment, as issued, L.P.); 5s. (cl., Small Paper). The Partridge, 1893. 8vo. £2 10s. (hf. ])archment, as issued, L.P.); 5s. (cl., Small Paper). The Pheasant, 1895. 8vo. £2 10s. (hf. ],arclnnent, as issued, L.P.) ; 5s. (cl., Small Pa])er). The Salmon, 1898. 8vo. £2 10s. (hf. ])archment, as issued, L.P.) 5s. (cl., Small Paper). The Trout, 1898. 8vo. Prices as before. Large and Small Paper. The title "Fur and Feather," was subsequently changed to "Fur, Feather and Fin," so as to include books on Angling. Fysshynge with an Angle, see Here begynneth, &c. k2 52 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Game and Wild Animals of South Africa, -^cc Portraits of the Game, &c. Game Birds and Shooting Sketches ; illustrating the Habits, Modes of Capture. Stages of Plumage and the hybrids and varieties which occur amongst them, by John Guille Millais. Front, coloured and tinted plates, by Su- J. E. MiUais, 1892. Fol. £3 10s. (hf. mor.) Published at £5 5s. Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway, by L. Lloyd, 1867. 8yo. Woodcuts, 48 chromos and ma])s (in IK.cket). £1 5s. (orig. cl.); £2 10s. (ihid.) Game Birds and Wild Fowl, their Friends and their Foes, hy A. E. Knox. 1850. 8vo. Plates. 25s. (orig. cl.) Game Fowls, their Origin and History, modes of Feeding, Training and Healing, l)y J. W. Cooper. 1869. 8vo. Col. plates. 15s. (orig. ]jictorial cl.) Another edition, quoted as n.d. 8vo., coloured plates. £3 3s. (mor. gt.) Gamekeeper at Home, The, by Richard Jefferies. 1st illustrated edition, 1880. Sq. 8vo. 10s. (orig. pictorial cl.) The 1st. and 2nd. eds. of this work were published in 1878 without illustrations. Gamekeeper's Directory, The, by • T. B. Johnson," 1820. 8vo. Cuts. 2s. (bds.) Game of Pallone, The, historically considered, by A. L. Fisher, 1865. 8v<). Front, and woodcuts. 5s. (cl.) Published at 3s. 6d. Gamonia ; or the Art of Preserving Game, by Lawrence Rawstorne, 1837. 8vo. 15 col. pi. by J. T. Rawdins and others. £6 (mor. , ex. g. e. ) ; £3 (mor. ) Genealogy of the English Race Horse, The, by Thomas. Hornby Morland, 1810. Front. 14s. (hf. cf.) ; £1 10s. (mor. ex., uncut). ILLUSTKATKl) SPOKTTNd HOOKS. 53 General History of the Lives and Adventures of the most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, iV:c., to which is added a genuine account of the A^oyages and Phniders of the most Notorious P^a-ates, by Cliarles Johnson, 1734. Folio, the best edition, 26 plates. £0 15s. (calf); £15 10s. (russ. gt.) Originally pul^lished in 73 weekly num))ers, at 2d. each, or 20 monthly parts, at 8d. Another edition, 1736. Fol. 26 plates, ^d 15s. (calf). Aiwther edition, Birmingham, 1742. Fol. 26 plates. £o (of. ex.) Another edition, 1814. Edinburgh. 8vo. Front. 6s. d copy, old cf. ) Gentleman's Recreation, The, in four pait.s, viz. hunting, hawking, fowling, tishing, by Nicholas Cox. 1st. ed. 1674. 8vo. Front, and 4 folding plates. The "Directions for Blowing the Horn " is often missing. £6 (calf, fine and perfect copy). Second edition, 1677. 8vo. Four folding plates. £1 10s. (old. cf.) Third edition, 1%H(J. 8vo. Four folding plates. £1 i)s. (old. cf.); £2 10s. (ibid.) Fourth edition, 1697. 8vo. Four folding plates. £1 6s. (old cf.) Fi_fth edition, 1706. 8vo. Four folding plates. £1 16s. (mor. ex.) ILLUSTRATKD SPORTING BOOKS. 55 i^ixth edition, 1721. Hv<>. Four folding plates. ^2 (cf. ex. g.e,, tine copy). Gentleman's Tutor for the Small Sword, The, <>i' tho Ouniplefce English Fencing Master, by H(enry) B(lackwell), 1730. 4ti). Six fall page woodcuts of postui'es. £i 5s. (cf.) Glaciers of the Alps, The, being a Narrative (jf Excursions and Ascdnts, by John Tyndall. 1st ed. 1860. Cr. 8vo. Front, and 61 wood engravings. £1 10s. (orig. cl. , uncut). Another editio)t, with prefatory note by Mrs. Tyndall, 18U6. 8vo. pp. xxvi.. 445. with 58 engravings. 3s. (el.) Published at 6s. 6d. Glenmahra, or the Western Highlands, by Sir Randal Roberts, 1870. Post 8vo. Sporting illustrations by the Author. 2s, 6d. (orig. cl.) Golf, a Royal and Ancient Game, edited with an intro- duction by Robert Clark, 1875. Sm. 4i;o. Front, and illustrations by Birket Foster, Drumniond and others. £3 (orig. cl.) £5 5s. (L.P. as issued). Another rditio)i, 18U3. 8vo. pp. xxvii., 304. Golf, ^'v Badminton Library, The. Golfing Annual, The. This annual publication was com- menced in 1888 under the? editorship of C. R. Bauchope. Tlie volume for 1897 forms the tenth of the series and was published at 6s., as also was the volume for 1896. Vols. 1, 2, 3 appeared at 2s. 6d., vols. 4, 5 and 6 at 3s. 6d., and vols. 7 and 8 at 5s. Good Grey Mare, The, by George John Whyte Melville, 1870. Oblong 4to. 19 illustrations by G. M. Scarletc. 5s. (wrappers). Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, or Cant Terms peculiar to the University of Cambridge, S^c. 1824. 8vo., with 6 col. and other plates. 15s. (bds. uncut). Grand Master, The : or the adventures of Qui Hi ? in Hindustan. 1st ed., 1816. 8vo. 27 col. plates by Row- landson. £2 (iiiss.) : Mi 8s. (hf. cf. ) 56 ILLUSTRATED SPORTIXO BOOKS. Gretna Green Bolt-a, by Aithiir O'Bradley, n.d. (1830). Oblong 4to., Ackermann. Col. front, by Henry Aiken. £2 OS. (mor. ex., uncut, tine copy). Greyhound in 1864, The, being a second edlrion of the ait of breeding, rearing and training greyhounds for [)u})lic running, by " Stonehenge " (John Henry Walsh). 1804. 8vo. Illustrations. 5s. (cl.) First edition, 1853. 8vo. Illustrations. 12s. (cl.) Published at 21s. Another edition, 1875. 8vo. Illustrations. 5s. (cl. ) Guide to Norway and Salmon Fisher's Pocket Companion, by J. Jones, edited })y Frederic Tolfrey. 1848. 12mo., pp. xxiv. 230, Avith 8 col. plates of flies, (is. (cl.) Puldished at 15s. Guide to the Cricket Ground, including Histoiy of che Oame, Definition of Terms, etc., by George H. Selkirk. 1867. Post 8vo., with plates and a scoring sheet. 7s. (cl). Gun and Camera in Southern Africa, by H. A. Bryden, 1893. 8vo., ])p. xiv. 544. Ma}) and illustrations. 6s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. Gun and its Development, The, with Notes on Shooting, by W. W. Greener. 1st ed., n.d. (1881). 4to., with 342 full page and other engravings of guns in all ages. 4s, (orig. cl.) Published at 10s. 6d. There are many editions of this well-known work ; a fourth apjieared in 1880 ; a fifth in 1892 ; and the sixth and last in 1896. Gun, Rifle, and Hound in East and West, by " Snaffle, "^ 1894. 8vo. Illustrations. 4s. (cl.) Published at 16s. Handbook of Angling, A, teaching fly-fishing, &€. with the Natural Histoiy of River Fish, hy ' Ephemera ' (E. Fitzgibbon). 1st ed. 1847. 8vo. Numerous woodcuts. 5s, (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1848. 8vo. Cuts. 5s. (orig. cl.) Third edition, 1853. 8vo. Cuts. 5s. (orig. cl.) Fourth edition, 1SQ5. 8vo. Cuts. 3s. (orig. cl.) TLLUSTEATEP SPOKTIXO HOOKS. 57 Handbook of Shooting, hy '' NewtcmeiiHis," 1868. 8v(>. Illnstrafcioiis. Published at (ni. Handbook of Swindling, by "The late Capt. Bara])bas Whitefeather " (Douglas Jerrold), 1830. 12ino. With platas by "Phiz." 8s. (orig. pictorial cl.) Handbook to Boxing ; being a Coiu])lete Instructor in the Alt of Self Defence, and Chronology of the Prize -ring, by Owen Swift. 1848. 8vo. Outs. 5s. (sewed). Handley Cross : or Mr. Jorrock's Hunt, by the Author of "Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour" (R. S. Surtees). T»r4.... ,(bu fe' 1854). Published in 17 parts (March, 1853, to October, 1854). in red wrappers, designed by Leech ; afterwards in demy 8vo. as a])ove. Contains 17 col. pi. and 84 woodcuts by Leech. £10 10s. (orig. parts) ; £2 10s. (orig. cl.) ; £4 15s. (ihid.) Another edition, n.d. (1888), Bradbuiy, Agnew &: Co. Ool. plates by Wildrake and otliers. 10s. (cl.) "Handley Cross, or the Spa Hunt," another novel by Surtees, first published in 3 vols., post 8vo., 1843, is not illustrated. £1 10s. (orig. cl.) Hawbuck Grange; or The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Es<|., by the Author of "Handley Cross ; or the Spa Hunt" (R. S. Surtees), 1847. Demy 8vo., with eight full page etchings by " Phiz.'' ^kS (orig. scarlet cloth) ; £3 10s. {ihid.) Another edition, n.d. (1884), witli coloured reprints of the plates. 10s. (cl.) This series of sketches appeared in BeJr.<; Life during the winter seasc^n of 1846-7. Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fishing, see Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng. Editions 1586 and 1596. Helps and Hints to Protect Life and Property, with in- structions in Rifle ;ind Pistol Shooting, ])y Lt. Berenger, 1835. 8vo. Illustrations by G. and R. Cruikshank, Aiken and others. IDs. (cl. uncut). Pu])lished at 14s. 58 ILLUSTKATED SPORTIXO BOOKS. Here begynneth a Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle> by Juliana Barnes, or Berners. Black letter, woodcut on title, repeated on reverse, cuts in text and ornamental initials, London. Wynkyn de Worde. n.d. (1532). Small 4to,, the first separate edition. The only copy known sold at the Ashburnham sale for £360. See also '' Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng." Hibernia Yenatica, by Maurice O'Ccmnor Morris, 1878. 8v,.. Photographs. 8s. (cl.) Publishsd at 10s. 6d. A series of lettars on Fox Hunting in Ireland, 1876-77» reprinted from TJic Fidd. Highland Gathering, A, Sporting Stories, by Edward Lennox Peel, with 31 illustrations by C. & E. Whymper, from original sket;;h3s, 1885. Post 8vo. pp. xiv. 185. 3s. (cl.) Published at 10s. 6d. Highland Sport, by Augustus Grimble. 1894. 4to. Ten plates by A. Thorburn. £1 12s. (hf. vel. as issued). Pu})lished at 42s. Highland Sports and Highland Quarters, by Herl)ort Byng Hall. n.d. (1847). 2 vols. 12mo. Illustrated. 15s. (orig. cl.) Highlands of Central India, The, by Capt. J. For.syth. 1871. 8v(_). Map, col. plates and cuts of sporoing trophies. 14s. (orig. cl.) Published at 18s. Another edition, 1889. 8vo. Illustrations. 6s. (cl.) Published at 12s. High Life and Towers of Silence, by Elizabeth A. F. Burnaby, 1886. Cr. 8vo., pp. xii. 195. Illustrations. 4s. (orig. cl.) High Mettled Racer, The, a series of 6 col. engravings after Henry Aiken. 1821. Folio. £7. (Good original impressions). High Mettled Racer, The, to wliich are added many inter- esting anecdotes of the Race Ht)rse, by the late Charles Dib- din. 1831. 12mo. Engravings by R. Cruikshank. 5s. (bds.) ILLUSTRATED .SrORTINCr BOOKS. 59 Highways and Horses, by Athol Maudsley, 1888. Svo., pp. xxxii. 471. l^i.-ites. 6s. (orig. cl.) Hillingdon Hall; or The Cockney Squire, by th3 author of ''Handley Oross" (R. 8. ISuitees). 1845. 3 vols. IV^t 8vo. This 1st e. Ma[) and ten platas. 16s. (calf). A few copies were printed on tine paper, and the value of tliese is somewhat liigher. History and Art of Horsemanship, The, by Richard Berenger, 1771. Two vols. 4to, Front, and 16 pi. by Baillie. 16s, (cf.) This is a translation of Xenophon's Treatise on Horsemanship, wiuh a dissertation on the ancient chariot, 1. Im])l. fol. Col. ])lates by the author, £2 5s. (hf. mor. ) Hog Hunting in the East and other Sports, by J. T. Newall, 1867. r.) Humours of Fleet Street and the Strand ; being the Lives mid Adventures of the most noted Ladies of Pleasure, &c. , by an Old Sportsman, n,d, (1749). 8vo. Two parts usually found in one vol. Front. £3 (calf). Humours of the Hunting Field, by G, Finch Mason. n.d. (1886). Oblong, fol. Illustrations. 7s. (bds.) Hungarian and Highland Broad Sword, 1799. Oblong fol. 24 plates by Rowlandson. Etched under the direction of Henry Angelo & Son. £i5 6s, (wrappers). Angelo was fencing master to the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster, Hunger's Prevention ; or, the Whole Art of Fowling by Water and Land, by Gervase Markham, 1655. 12mo. Woodcuts, £6 (orig. sheep., fine cc^py). The first edition appeared in 1621. 12mo., pp. 285. Woodcuts. Hunt's Yachting Magazine, Commenced in 1852. Numerous maps, plates, charts, S:c. £8 8s. (36 vols. 1852- 87. Orig, blue cl.) ; £2 15s, (16 vols, 1852-67, hf, cf.) Hunter's Arcadia, The, by Parker Gillmore, 1886. 8vo., pp. xvi. 300, Full page woodcuts. 4s, (orig. cl.) Hunt Room Stories and Yachting Yarns, by Augustus Grimble, 1884. 8vo, Plates. 3s. (cl.) Hunter's Progress, The, a series of 16 plates illustrating a Hunter's Life, n.d, (1850). Oblong 8vo. 6s. (orig. cl.) Hunting, or Six Hours Sport by Three Real Good Ones, six col. plates, by H, Aiken, 1823, 4to. jiG 6s. (wrappers). Hunting Bits, a series of 12 large col. plates by "Phiz." Chapman and Hall. n.d. (1865), oblong folio. £2 2s. (orig. bds.) 64 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Hunting Directory, The, containing a compendious view of the ancient and modern system of the chase, &c., by "Thomas B. Johnson." 1826. Hvo. with plates, 14s. (cf.) Published at 9s. Hunting Field, The, by "Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1850. 8vo. Front. 2s. (hf. bd.) Hunting Grounds of the Great West, The. A Description of the Plains, Game and Indians of the Great North American Dessrt, by Richard Irving Dodge, 1876. 8vo, Port., map and illustrations by Ernest Griset. 10s. (hf. cf.) This is an English edition of the " Plains of the Great West and their inhabitants," })ublished at New York in 1876. Hunting Grounds of the Old World, l)y "The Old She- karry " (Henry A. Leveson), 1860. 8vo. tinted plates, published in series. 6s. (cl., first series relating to India, Circassia and Algeria). Published at 21s. Another edition, 1867. 8vo. Published at 6s. Another edition,, 1870. 8vo. Published at 5s. Hunting in Hard Times, n.d. (1889) oblong folio, with letterpress and 20 humorous coloured plates by Georgina Bowers. 3s. (original bds.) Published at 12s. Hunting in the Himalaya, by Robert H. W. Dunlop, 1860. F'cap. 8vo. Map and plates after Wolf. 3s. (hf. bd.) Hunting Reminiscences, by A. E. Pease, 1898. 8vo. Illustrations, including two based upon sketches by Sir Frank Lockwood. Published at 21s. net (hf. bd. ) Hunting Reminiscences : ct)mprising Memoirs of Masters of Hounds, etc., by "Nimrod" (C. J. Apperley), 1843. Demy 8vo. 32 uncoloured full page plates and maps by Wildrake, Aiken, and Henderson. £3 3s. (orig. cl.) ; ii4 OS. {ibid., fine copy). Hunting Sketches, 1859. Oblong folio. 8ix col. plates, after Aiken. ^2 10s. (orig. hf. binding). ILLUSTKATED SPORTING BOOKS. 65 Hunting Songs, Ballads, &c., by Rowland Eyles Egerton Warburton. 1st. ed. 1834. 8vo. Col. port, and plates. £3 10s. (orig. cl., uncut). Another edition, 184G. 4to. Illustrations. £1 IBs. (hf. mor.) Another edition, 1855. Oblong 8vo., with four etchings by " Phiz." £1 2s. (orig. wrappers). Another edition, 1859. 8vo. An important edition, as it differs considerably from the preceding ones. £1 (cl.) Another edition. 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s. (hf. bd.„ uncut). Published at 5s. See also "Three Hunting Songs." Hunting Tours, descriptive of various Fashionable Countries and Establishments, &c., by "Cecil" (Cornelius. Tongue), 1864. Post 8vo. Col. front. 5s. (cl., uncut). Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, by Theodore Roosevelt, 1885. 4to. New York. pp. xvi. 318. 10s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, London, 1886. 8vo. pp. xvi. 347. 7s. 6d. (cl.) Published at 18s. Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text Book, The, see Fly Fisher's Text Book. Illustrated Handbook of Cricket, by William Lillywhite, 1st. ed. 1844. 8vo. Portraits. 12s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1888. 8vo. pp. 30. 5s. Illustrations for Landscape Scenery, 22 coloured plates of hunting, riding, coaching, ttc, by Henry Aiken, 1821. 4to. £3 12s. (hf. rox.) Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by William Brockedon, 1828-9. 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to. , with 109 plates by Fin den. £1 10s. (L.P. 4to. proof plates, hf. mor.) Of this work 12 copies were printed in 2 vols, atlas folio, proof plates, at £63. The few sold by auction in recent years have only realised about 35s. each on the average (mor., g.e.) F ^Q ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Brockedon's "Passes of the Alps," as the work is familiarly called, first appeared in 12 parts and was after- wards published in book form as above. Aiwther edition, n.d. (1877). 2 vols. 4to. 12s. (hf. mor.) Illustrations to Popular Songs, 1825. Oblong fol. 43 col. plates by H. Aiken. -£4 4s. (hf. bd.) ; £6 (hf. mor.) ; ;£8 10s. (orig. seven parts, wrappers). Impartial and Brief Description of the Plaza ... of Madrid and the Bull- Baiting there, by Jacobus Salgado, 1683. Sm. 4to., folding view. £4 12s. (calf). Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. 7. Impressions of a series of Animals, Birds, &c., from a Set of Silver Buttons relative to the Sports of the Field, engraved by J. Scott, after drawings by A. Cooper. Edited by T. Gosden, 1821. 8vo. £2 10s. (L.P., fine copy in calf, g.e.) ; £1 10s. (calf). Improved Art of Farriery, The, and a Treatise on Racers, Hunters and Dogs, by James White and W. H. Rosser, 1851. 8vo. Plates. 3s. (cl.) Improved System of Fencing, wherein the use of the small sword is rendered perfectly plain and familiar, &c., by C. Martelli, 1819. 8vo. Folding plate. 4s. 6d. (cf.) In and Beyond the Himalayas, a Record of Sport and Travel in the Abode of Snow, by Samuel James Stone, 1896. Bvo. pp. xvi. 330, with 16 plates by Whymper. 6s. (orig. cl.) Published at 16s. Incidents of Foreign Sport and Travel, by Fitzwilliam Thomas Pollok, 1894. 8vo. pp. vi. 427. Illustrations. 4s. {orig. cl.) Published at 16s. Indispensable Accomplishments, a set of six coloured Hunting Scenes, by R. J. Humphrey, 1811. 4to. £4 4s. {wrappers). ILLUSTRATED SPORTINa BOOKS. 67 India Sporting Review. Commenced in March, 1845, as a continuation of tlie " Bengal Monthly Sporting Magazine." Portraits and plates. ^10. (16 vols. 8vo,, hf. bd.) See Bengal Monthly Sporting Magazine. Indian Game, from Quail to Tiger, by William Rice, .1884. 8vo. pp. iv. 221, with 11 tinted Lithographic Plates. 8s. {orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Indian Spices for English Tables, or a Rare Relish of Fun from the Far East, &c. , by George F. Atkinson, 1860. Oblong 4to. 120 humorous sketches. £1 (orig. bds.) Indian Sports, 1828-9, published in parts, lithographic plates drawn by Sir C, D'Oyly. Folio. £1 8s. (two parts paper covers). In Haunts of Wild Game, a Hunter- Naturalist's Wander- ings from Kahlamba to Libomo, by F. Vaughan Kirby, 1896. ^vo. Illustrations by C. Whymper. Portrait and map. 10s. (cl.) Published at 25s. Inn-Play, The ; or, Cornish Hugg- Wrestler, by Sir Thomas Parkyns. 1st. ed. 1713. 4to. £1 15s. (cf.) Second edition, 1714. 4to. Woodcuts. £1 12s. (cf. gt.) Third edition, 1727. 4to. Woodcuts. £1 10s. (cf.); £6 6s. (mor., the author's own copy) ; £4 (old mor. L.P.) Another edition, n.d., Bailey. Post 8vo. Two folding plates by R. Cruikshank. 10s. (sewn). Instruction du Roy en I'Exercise de Monter a Cheval, L', par A. de Pluvinel, Paris, 1625. Folio. Front., 57 folding plates by Crispin de Pass and 4 portraits of Louis XIII., Pluvinel and others. The printed title, is frequently missing. £22 (calf, with title.); £30 (old. cf. gt. The Ashburnhani copy). Another edition, 1Q27. Folio. £6 (cf.) Another edition, 1640. Folio. £7 (mor. ex.) Another edition, 1666. Folio. £2 10s. (cf.) F 2 (58 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Instructions for Taming Horses, by John S. Rarey^ 1858. 12mo. pp. vi. 233. Illustrations. 4s. (cf.) Several other editions of this work were published under various, alterations of title, notably a second of 1858, edited by "Scrutator," 1859. 12mo. ; [1874.] 8vo. pp. vi. 236, (Routledge), and 1876. 8vo. Sec Horses and Hounds. Instructions How to Play at Billiards, &c. . . . with the Art and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Archery, and Cockfighting, 1687. 8vo. Frontispieces. £1 18s. (calf, rebacked). Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in all that relates to Guns and Shooting, by Lt.-Col. P. Hawker, 1st ed., 1814. Second edition, 1816. 8vo. Plates. £2 2s. (mor. ex., fine copy). £1 5s. (L. P. cf., tinted front.) Third edition ,1824. 8vo. Plates. £2 (bds., uncut); £1 2s. (hf. russ. gt.) Fourth edition, 1S25. 8vo. Plates. 18s. (cf., four jjlatea col.) Fifth edition, 1826. 8vo. Plates. 6s. (cf., platefi uncoloured). Sixth edition, 1830. 8vo. Plates. £1 Is. (mor. ex.) Another edition, 1838. 8vo. Plates. 10s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1844. 8vo. Plates. £1 Is. (cf. ex.) Eleventh edition, 1859. 8vo. Plates. 10s. (hf. bd.) More often than not some and not all of the plates are hand coloured, the rest being left plain. The value of any given copy depends primarily on the number of coloured plates it contains. See also " Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker," ante. Introduction to the Field Sports of France, An, being a Practical View of Hunting, Shooting, &c., by R. O'Connor. 1846. Sm. 8vo. pp. xix. 304. Illustrations of Fish, etc. 5s. (cl.) Second edition, 1847. 8vo. pp. xxiv. 324. Illustra- tions. Published under the title of "The Field Sports of France." 3s. (cl.) ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. G9 Introductory Course of Fencing, An, by George Ronald, 1827. 8vo., with live lithographs. 6s. (orig. cl.) Another tdition, 1846. 8vo. Pul^lished at 3s. 6d. See Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Art of Fencing. Irish Melodies, a series of 42 humorous plates illustrative of Moore's - Irish Melodies," by Sir C. E. S. n.d. (1850 '?) Oblong 4to. £3 3s. (mor. ex., uncut, very fine copy). Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps, The, by Samuel William King, 1858. 8vo. Plates. £1 (orig. cl.) Jerks in from Short Leg, by ", Quid " (R. A. Fitzgerald), 1866. 4to. Engravings by Du Bellew. 12s. (orig. blue cl.) Johnny Quae Genus, see History of Johnny Quae Genus. Jolly Angler, The, or Waterside Companion, The, by J. March. 1st ed. n.d. (1833). 8vo. with 80 woodcuts, front, and pp. vi., ii., 96. 8s. (cf.) Second edition, n.d. (1836). 80 woodcuts, front, and pp. 106. 8s. (cf.) Third edition, n.d. 8vo. 80 woodcuts, front, and pp. 106, about the same value. ' There are later editions all containing pp. 100, except the fifth (n.d.), which has 101. Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities ... by R. S. Surtees, 1838. 8vo. Originally published in the JSfe^ir Sporting Maxfamne (July, 1831 — Sept. 1834) ; afterwards in volume form, as above. Contains 12 full page plates by "Phiz." ^8 8s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1839. 8vo. 12 plates as before. £4 5s. (cf. ex. fine copy). Another edition, 1843. 8vo., with title and 14 plates and Title by H. Aiken, all coloured. £8. (orig. cl.) 70 ILLUSTRATED SPORTIXG BOOKS. Another edition, 1869. 8vo., with the col. plates as before. £1 16s, (orig. cl.) This edition contains the extra papers. "A Ride to Brighton," "A Week at Cheltenham," and "The Day after the Feast." Another edition, 1874. 8vo. 16 col. plates by H. Aiken. 14s. (cl.) Journal of the Household Brigade, The, 19 vols, (all published), 1862-80. Ports, and plates. £1 4s. (orig. cl.) Jubilee Book of Cricket, by Prince Ranjitsinhji, 1897. Three issues as follows : 1, Edition-de-luxe, on hand-made paper, with 22 photogravures and 85 full page plates, each copy signed. Published at £5 5s. Crown 4to. 2, Fine paper edition, with full page plates on art paper. Published at £1 5s. Roy. 8vo. 3, Popular edition. Published at 6s. Crown 8vo. Kings of the Turf, by " Thormanby " (Wilmot Dixon), 1897. 8vo., with 32 portraits. 10s. (cl.) Published at 16s. Kingsclere, by John Porter, edited by Byron Webber, 1896. 8vo., pp. 388. Portraits of the Author and the Duke of Westminster, and 17 plates of race -horses, 1869-76. Plates. £2 2s. (orig. cl.) Large Game Shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas and Northern India, by Alexander A. A. Kinloch, 1885. Calcutta. 4to. pp. vi. 237. Illustrated by photogravures. 20s. (orig. cl.) Latham's Faulconry, or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, by Simon Latham. 1st edition. 2 parts, 1615-18. 4to> Each part has a separate title page, pagination and register. £25. (cf., clean copy). Another edition, 1633. 4to. 2 parts. Woodcuts. £6 6s. (vellum). Another edition, 1653. 4to. 2 parts. Woodcuts. £5. (cf.) Another edition, 1658. 8vo. 2 parts. Woodcuts. £3 3s. (cf.) Another edition, 1662. 2 parts. Woodcuts. 8vo. £3. (cf.) Lays of the Deer Forest, by " John Sobieski Stuart " and "Charles Edward Stuart." 1848. 2 vols. F'cap. 8vo. Fronts. 14s. (orig. red cl.) Published at 21s. Written by John Hay Allan and Charles Stuart Hay Allan. Leaves from a Hunting Journal, 1880. Oblong 4to. 20 large plates with lithographed text, by Georgina Bowers. 6s. (hf. leather). Published at 21s. Lecture on the Art of Self Defence, by Pierce Egan (?) Cr. 8vo. Front, representing Lord Byron sparring with Jackson,, and portraits of prize-fighters. 1845. Cr. 8vo. 10s. (cf.);. 17s. (cl., uncut). Le Morvan, its Wild Sports, Vineyards, and Forests . translated from the French of Henri de Crignelle, by Captain Jesse. 1851. Crown 8vo. Front. 5s. (cloth). Le Morvan is a hunting district in France. 72 ILLUSTRATED SPOKTIXG BOOKS. Letters to Young Shooters, by Sir Ralph Payne Gallwey. 1st series, 1890. 8vo. Published at 7s. 6d. 2nd series, 1892. 8vo. Published at 12s. 6d. 3rd series, 1896. 8vo. pp. 660, with 200 illustrations by C. Whymper. Published at 18s. £1 10s. (the three series, orig. cl.) Life and Death of a Racehorse, The, exemplified in his various stages of existence, till his dissolution, by Thomas Gooch, 1792. Folio. 6 aciuatinta plates. £9 (hf. cf.); £5 (ibid.) See also Life of a Racehorse. Life in Ireland, see Real Life in Ireland. Life in London, or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. ... by Pierce Egan. 1st edition, 1821. DemySvo. Originally pu])lished in parts, after- wards in boards. Three folding sheets of music follow p. 118, and there are 36 coloured plates by J. R. and G. Cruikshank. Some copies on Large Paper. £24 (L. P., boards) : £13 10s. SmaU Paper, orig. bds., fine copy) ; £6 (mor. ex.) ; £2 16s. d.) New and Complete Guide to the Art of Riding, A, Teaching tlie whole System of Horsemanship, by Charles Steward, 1821. 8vo. Plates. 2s. 6d. (orig. bds.) 82 ILLUSTRATED SPORTlNd BOOKS. New and Complete Newgate Calendar, by William Jackson. 1800-8. 7 vols. 8vo. Published originally in 112 monthly parts. Plates. £1 6s. (cf.) Another edition, 1818. 9 vols. 8vo. Plates. £1 16s. (mor.) ; £1 4s. (cf.) ; £4 10s. (bds., uncut). New Complete Sportsman, The, or the Town and Country Gentleman's Recreation, by George Morgan, n.d. (about 1770.) 12mo. pp. iv. -302. Engraved front. 10s. (orig. sheep. ) This is a re-issue, with certain alterations, of Thomas Fairfax's "The Complete Sportsman " ('G BOOKS. Old Coaching Days in Yorkshire, by Tom Bradley, 1889. 8vo. Illustrations. 9s. (red or green cl.) Old Coachman's Chatter, An, with some Practical Remarks on Driving, by Edward Corbett, 1890 (1891). 8vo. pp. viii. 304. Col. front, of "The Wonder, a minute to 12,'* and 7 Lithographs by John Sturgess. 8s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. Old English Squire, The, a Poem in ten Cantos by John Careless, Esq., with upwards of 20 humorous coloured plates in the style of RowJandson, 1821. Impl. 8vo. £6 (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy). Old Forest Ranger, The, or Wild Sports of India, by Col. Walter Campbell, 1853. 8vo. Plates. 3s. (orig. cl.) The First edition was published in 1842. 8vo. It is of little importance. Old Q, a Memoir vi William Douglas, fourth Duke of Queensberry, K.T., by John Robert Robinson, 1895. 8vo. Frontispiece Portrait of the Duke and 5 plates. 3s. (Orig. red. cl. ), see Piccadilly Ambulator, The. Old Sports and Sportsmen, or. the Willey Country, by John Randall, 1873. Post 8vo. Sketches of Tom Moody and Squire Forester. 3s. (orig. cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Another edition, 1875. Post 8vo. 2s. (cl.) Published at 5s. On a Sunshine Holiday, by "The Amateur Angler." (Edw^ard Marston), 1897. 12m(>. Plates on India Paper. 4s. (orig. cl.) On Plain and Peak : Sporting and other Sketches of Bohemia and the Tyrol, by Randolph LI. Hodgson, 1898. Svo. pp. viii. 254. Illustrated. Published at 7s. 6d. On the Box Seat from London to Land's End, by James John Hissey, 1886. 8vo. pp. xviii. 404, with 16 full page plates by the author. 10s. (orig. cl.) On the Frontier, Reminiscences of Wild Sports, Personal Adventure and Strange Scenes, by J. S. Campion, 1878. 8vo., with 8 plates. 4s. (orig. cl.) ILLI'STJIATKI* Sl'OllTINC^ I'.OOKS. 87 One Day from the Diary of a Stag, by Mrs. Hanbiiry, 1st ed. 1847. 0))l(»iig4t(). iUarge etchings by E. li. .Smyth of the proceedings at a Stag-hunt near Ipswich, (is. (as issued). Published at 10s. Second edition, I.S47. Oblong 4to. Published at 12s. Ordini di Cavalcare, ste Newe Booke, &c. Oracle of Rural Life, The, An Almanac for Sportsmen Farmers, Gardeners, and Country Gentlemen, for the year 1839. 8vo., with 14 illustrations. Continued in 1840, 8vo., 14 plates ; then continued as The Sporting Oracle and Almanac of Rural Life f.)r 1841. 8vo. Edited by '' Yates," afterwards incorporated in the Sporting Almanac and Oracle of Rural Life for 1842-44. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. ;4:i 5s, (the 6 vols, calf.) Oriental Field Sports, )jy Thomas Williamson, 1807. Oblong folio. 40 col. pi. by S. Howitt and the Author. £b 15s. (hf. cf.) ; ^8 (mor., fine copy) ; ^9 15s. (hf. russ.) The best edition, the plates being on a large scale. First published in 20 num})ers or parts worth about :£20. Another edition, 1808. 2 vols. Lnpl. 870. 40 col. pi. (reduced). ^2 (russ). Large Paper copies were issued in 4to. Another edition, 1819. Oblong fol. 40 col. pi. £9 (hf. mor.) A reprint of the edition of 1807. This edition is also met with in 2 vols. Roy. 4to., with 40 coloured plates as before, but reduced. £2 (calf). Oriental Sporting Magazine, The, edited by Raymond. Plates and photos. The 1st volume was published at Calcutta in 1835 and there is a ''first "and " new " series. £6 15s. (16 vols, cf.) Orme's Collection of British Field Sports, by Edward Orme, 1807. Atlas folio, with 20 col. pi. from designs by S. H[owitt]. £50 (russ. gt.) ; £32 (hf. cf.) Outline Sketches in the High Alps of Dauphine, by T. G. Bonney, 1865. 4to. Map and plates. 12s. (cl., uncut). 88 ILLUSTRATED SJ'ijKTlXa BOOKS. Pallas Armata, or Militarie Instructions for the Learned, &c., by Sir Thomas Kellie, 1G27. 4to. Edinburgh. Engraved portrait of Author on title. ^2 12s. (cf.) Reprinted in Richard Bannatyne's ''Memorials." Pallas Armata. Military Essays of the Ancient Grecian, Roman, and Modern Style of War, by Sir James Turner, 1683. 4to. pp. 372. Portrait ])y R. White. £3 15s. (calf). Pancratia, or a History of Pugilism. 1812. 8vo., with a portrait. £1 (hf. mor.) Paradoxes of Defence, wherein is proved the true grounds of Fight taken in the short auncient weapons, etc. By George Silver, 1599. Sm. 4co., with arms of the Earl of Essex on reverse of title, woodcut and ornamental initials, £70 (old cf.) An extremely scarce book illustrating some scenes in the Elizabethan dramatists. According to Lowndes the collation is ''Sig. A, six leaves, Al probably blank, B to K in fours, E having live leaves, two of which are marked E3." Hazlitt's collation is as follows: "A, 6 leaves, B — K in fours. Dedicated to Robert Earl of Essex, whose arms, gartered, are on the back of the title. " Particulars and Recommendations of the Stadium, or British National Arena for Manly and Defensive Exercises at the Residence of the late Lord Cremorne, on a space of twenty-four acres extending from the King's Road, Chelsea, to the Thames, &c., by Baron De Berenger, 1st ed. 1834. 12mo. Etchings by Geo. Cruikshank. 14s. (wrappers); £2 5s. (mor. ex., duplicate set of col. etchings). Another edition, 1835. 12mo. £2 4s. (mor. ex., duplicate- set of col. etchings). Passes of the Alps, see Illustrations of the Passes, &c. Peaks and Valleys of the Alps, The, by Elijah Walton, with descriptive text by Thomas George Bonney, 1867. Folio, with 21 col. lithographic plates. £1 16s. (hf. mor., g. e.) ILLUSTUATED SrORTlNCJ P.OOKS. 89 Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, by Members of the Alpine 'Club, first series, 1859. Second series, 2 vols., 1862, together 3 vols., 1859-62. Illustrated. £o (orig. cl.) ; ^4 4s. (hf. of., gt.) First series, third edition, 1859. £1 '(orig. cl.) First series, 4th ed, and second series, 1st ed., 3 vols. 1859-62. £4 6s. (orig. cl.) First series, 1st ed. £1 5s. (orig. cl.) Pedestrianism, or an Account of the ])erformances of ■celebrated Pedestrians .... with a full Narrative of Captain Barclay's Public and Private Matches, by Walter Thorn, Aberdeen, 1813. 8vo. Portrait. £2 (cf. extra, fine copy) ; 10s. (bds., uncut). Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest, by the aid of popular Toys and Sports [by J. A. Paris], 1st ed. 1827. 3 vols. Post 8vo. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 12s. '(orig. bds.) There are several later editions of this interesting • and instructive book, all of them being of little importance from a monetary standpoint. Piccadilly Ambulator, The, or, Old Q(ueensberry), contain- ing Memoirs of the Private Life of that Ever-Green Votary of Venus, by J. P. Hurstone, 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. Col. front, -tl 10s. (2 vols, in 1, hf. mor.) See Old Q. Pictorial Gallery of English Race Horses, containing por- traits of all the ^\'inijing Horses of the Derljy, Oaks, and St, Leger Stakes during the last 13 years, by George Tattersall, 1844. 8vo. Bohn. 90 engravings by Aiken, Herring and others. £2 10s. (cl.) ; £7 7s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Published at 21s. Another edition, '' during the last 20 years," 1850. 8vo. Bohn. About the same value. PictuP3, A, of the Manners, Customs, Sports and Pastimes •of the Inhabitants of England, by Jehoshaphat Aspin, 1825, ■ 8vo. pp. iv. 296. Plates. 4s. (bds.) Pictures of Sporting Life and Character, by Lord William Pitt Lennox, 1860. 2 vols. Or. 8vo. 5s. (orig. cl.) Though 'dated 1860 this work was published the previous year. 90 ILLUSTRATED SPOKTIXG BOOKS. Pierce Egan's Anecdotes (original and selected) of the- Turf, the Chase, the Ring and the Stage, 1827. 8vo., with 13 col. pi. designed and etched })y Theodore Lane. £4 10s, (cf. ex.) ; £2 14s. (hf. cf.) Originally published in 12 parts, now very seldom met with. £6 lOs. (11 parts only, with all faults). Pierce Egan's Book of Sports and Mirror of Life, embracing the Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage, 1832. 8vo. Originally issued in 25 weekly parts at 3d., woodcut on the tirst page of each part, afterwards in boards with a pictorial title page. £2 (orig. bds.); 16s. (hf. cf.) Another edition^ 1836. 8vo., with the same cuts; of a little less value. Pioneer Work in the Alps of New Zealand, a record of the first Exploration of the chief Glaciers and Ranges of the^ Southern Alps, by A. P. Harper, 1896. 8vo. Map and 40 plates. £2 10s. (text and plates on Japanese vellum. Only 20 copies printed at £5 5s. each). Pioneers of the Alps, The, a Collection of Sketches of the- Lives of those who first conijuered the great Peaks, by C, D. Cunningham and Capt. Abney, 1887. 4to. Portraits. 25s. (orig. cl.) ; £3 5s. (L. P. as issued). Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings, by an Old Angler and Bibliopolist (Thomas Boosey), 1835. 12mo. Front, pp. xvi. 255 and 20 unpaged leaves containing a catalogue of books on Angling. 5s. (cl.) Piscatoris Poemata, Vel Panegyricum Carmen in Diem Mangurationis Olivari, &c., London, 1656. Folio. Front, of arms, and portraits of Bulstrode Whitelock and Oliver Cromwell, by Faithorne. £3 18s, (mor. ex., title mended).. Piscatory Eclogues, -^ee Angling Sports. ILLI'STRATED SPORTING BOOKS. 91 Plain or Ringlets? By the author of " Handley Cross" (R. S. 8urtees), 1860. Originally published in 13 monthly parts, in red wrappers designed ])y Leecli. Afterwards in demy 8vo. as above. First title, and 1 3 plates in colours, 44 woodcuts, all by Leech. £2 18s, (orig. cl.); £1 10s. (hf. cf.) ; £2 8s. (10 parts only). Another edition, n.d. (but 1888), Bradbury, Agnew tt Co., with Leech's col. plates and cuts, 7s. 6d. (cloth). Plaine and Easie Way, A, to remedy a Horse that is foundered in his feete, by Nicholas Malbie ; 1583. 4to. Thomas Purfoote. Curious engravings. £14 (mor. ex.) The j&rsfc edition of this scarce Ijook was published in 1576. 4to. Four leaves. Sig. A without pagination. There ia another edition of 1594. 4to. Same collation. Plains of the Great West, see Hunting Grounds of the Great West. Plaza of Madrid, Bull Baiting there, see Impartial and brief Description. Pleasures of Human Life, The (by James Beresford), 1807. 8vo. Engraved title. , front, and col. plates by Rowlandson. £1 10s. (hf. mor., uncut). Pocket and the Stud, The, or Practical Hints on the Management of the Stable, by ''Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1st ed. 1848. 8vo. Cuts. 2s. (cl.) Third edition, 1857. 8vo. 2s. (cl.) Polo, by J. M. Brown, 1st ed. 1895. Cr. 8vo. Illustrated by Bradley. 2s. (cl.) Published at 5s. Second edition, 1896. Cr. 8vo. pp. 204. Same illustra- tions. Published at 5s. Portraits of Celebrated Race Horses of the Past and Present Centuries (1702-1870), by Thomas Henry Taunton, 1887-88. 4 vols. 8vo. £2 10s. (hf. bd., uncut) ; £4 4s.. (ihid.) "92 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa, by Sir W. C. Harris, 1840. Folio. 31 large col. pi. £7 10s. (hf. mor. gt., g. e.) ; £4 (hf. mor.) Published ■at iulO 10s. or on Large Paper at £21, but reduced by Bohn in 1849 to £6 6s. Originally published in 5 parts. The first edition contains vignettes of heads, horses and skins not reproduced in Bohii's reprint. Post and Paddock, by " The Druid " (H. H. Dixon), 1862. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. 5s. (orig. cl.) Reprinted by Yinton & Co. in "The Druid Sporting Library," 1895. Practical Angler, The, by " Piscator " (William Hughes), 1842. 8vo., with 6 plates by Beckwith and others. 4s. portraits and plates by Cooper and others. 8s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1860. Post 8vo. Port, and plates. 8s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1862. 8vo. Revised. 3s. (orig. cl.) Reminiscences of Frank Gillard. (Huntsman) with the Belvoir Hounds, 1860-96, by Cuthbert Bradley, 1898. Impl. 16mo. pp. 314. Published at 15s. Reminiscences of the Turf, with Anecdotes and Recollec- tions, &c., 1st ed. 1886. 8vo. pp. xiv. 466. 6s. (cl.) Published at 16s. Second, edition, 1886. 8vo. pp. xiv. 466. Published at 16s. Third edition, 1891. 8vo. pp. xiv. 345. Portrait. 4s. (cl.) Published at 16s. ILLUSTRATED SFOKTING BOOKS. 99 Riding Recollections, by George John Whyte-Melville, 1875. 8vo. Illustrations by E. Giberne. 6s. (cl.) Pub- lished at 12s. Cheaper editions appeared in 1878 and 1880, at 6s. and 2s. respectively. Also forms Vol. I. of the collec- tive issue of Why te- Melville's works, pu})lished 17th October, 1898, under the editorship of Sir Herbert Maxwell, M.P. Ool. fronts, and other illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Riding Recollections and Turf Stories, by Henry Custanc , 1894. 4to. pp. XV. 304, with 9 Portraits of Race Horses 6s. (orig. cl.) Rifle and Hound in Ceylon, The, by Sir S. W. Baker, Isfc. ed. 1854. 8vo. Lithographic plates. 19s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1857. 8vo. Plates. 2s. (orig. cl.) Published at 4s. 6d. Another edition, 1874. 8vo. T*lates. 3s. (orig. cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Rifle Manual, The, and Firing, 1804. Oblong folio. Numerous coloured plates, with descriptive text. jLo (mor. extra, uncut, fine copy). Rifle and Spear with the Rajpoots : being the Narrative of a Winter's Travel and Sport in Northern India, by Alan Gardner, 1895. Impl. 8vo. pp. xvi. 336. Illustrated ■ from photographs and sketches by the author, &c. 8s. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Road Scrapings, by Foxe, 1840. Oblong 4to. £i 15s. (hf. mor.) Road Scrapings, a series of 12 oloured plates by C. C. Henderson, n.d. Oblong folio. £L 5s. (hf. bd.) Road Scrapings; Coaches and Coiching, by Capt. Martin E. Haworth, 1882. 8vo. pp. viii. 202. Illustrations. 5s. (orig. cl.) h2 100 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Rock Climbing in the English Lake District, by Owen Glynne Jones, 1897. 8to. pp. xxv. 284. Illustrated with 30 full page collotype plates and 9 diagrams of the chief routes. 10s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. net. Rod and the Gun, The, being two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, by James Wilson, 1st ed. 1840. Cr. 8vo. 7 steel plates by Aikman and Miller and about 50 woodcuts. 7s. 6d. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1841. 8vo. 5s. (orig. cl.) Third edition, 1844.. 8vo. 5s. (orig. cl.) Originally published in the Encyclopasdia Britannica (8th ed.) Revised and enlarged in book form. Rod Fishing in Clear Water, by Fly, Mhmow, and Worm, by Henry Wade, n.d. (1860). 8vo. Col. and other plates, of natural and artificial flies. 10s. (orig. cl. ) Rod in India, The, by H. S. Thomas. 1st ed. Mangalore, 1873. 8vo. Illustrations of Fish and Tackle. 18s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, London, 1881. pp. xxvi. 436. 6s. (cl.) Romford's Hounds, i^ec Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds. Rouge et Noir, The Academicians of 1823, or the Greeks, of the Palais Royal and St. James, by Charles Persius, 1823. Post 8vo. Col. front. 5s. (orig. bds.) Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry, published by the War Office, 1796. 8vo., with 29 col. and other folding plates. 12s. (bds., uncut). An American reprint was prepared by Robert Hewes of Boston and published there in 1798. A second edition appeared in 1802. These American editions are much scarcer than the English issue above-named. Run with the Stag Hounds, A, 1863. Folio. 12 chromolithographic plates by " Phiz." ^2 10s. (as issued). Rural Chivalry, a series of six plates of Fighting Cocks^ engraved by J. Fahey from drawings by Weigall. 4to. Ackermann. i,2 10s. (wrapper). ILLU.STKATED f^rORTING BOOKS. 101 Rural Life of England, The, l»y William Howitt, Ist ed. 2 vols. 18:-)ook of John CoLiuhoun, 1858. 8vo. pp. x. 205. 7s. (orig. cl.) A Second Edition appeared the same year at 5s. Salmon-Fishing in Canada. By a Resident. Edited by Col. Sir J. E. Alexander, 1860. Post 8vo. Front., map and humorous cuts. 5s. (orig. cl.) Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing, by Sir Humphrey Davy, 1st ed. 1828. 12mo. Illustrated. 5s. (bds.) Second edition, 1829. 8vo., with six plates and woc)dcuts. ^1 (mor. ex.) Third edition, 1SS2. 12mo., with six plates. 4s. (cf.) Fourth edition, 1S51. 12mo. Woodcuts. 4s. (cf.) The first two editions were issued without any author's, name. In the fourth a number of woodcuts take the place of the engraved plates, which had by that time become much worn. Saviolo's Practise of Duelling, see-His Practise. Scandinavian Adventures during a residence of upwards of 20 years, by L. Lloyd, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Map, 12 tinted plates and 102 woodcuts. £1 5s. (original figured cl.) Scenes and Recollections of Fly Fishing in Northumber- land, Cumberland and Westmoreland, by '' Stephen Oliver '* (W. A. Chatto), 1834. 8vo. Woodcuts. 4s. (orig. cl.) ILLUSTRATED SPOUTING BOOKS. 103 Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands, by Edward H. D. E. Napier, 1840. 2 vols. 12ino. Plates. 10s. (cl.) Published at 21s. Scenes from the Snow Fields, ))eing illustrations of the I'pper Ice- World of Mont Blanc, 1859. Folio. With 19 col. pi. by E. T. Coleman, from sketches made on the spot, £2 10s. (orig. cl.) Published at X3 3s. Scenes on the Road, a series of 18 coloured plates by C, Newhouse, n.d. Oblong folio, ^ei 18s. (hf. bd.) School of Fencing, The, with a general explanation of the principal attitudes and positions, by Henry Angelo. Text in English and French. 1765. Roy. oblong folio. 47 plates. £2 16s, (hf. cf . ) Another edition, 1787. Oblong 4to. pp. viii. 150. 47 plates. £1 2s. (bds.) ; £1 18s. {ibid, very clean copy). This work was first published, Londres, under the title of " L'Ecole des Amies," 1768. Oblong folio. 47 plates. £2 10s. (uncut). School of Recreation, The, or the Gentlemen's Tutor to those ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Racing, &c., by R.H. 1719. 12mo. Front, in 6 compartments. £1 (cf. ex.) First edition, 1684. 12mo. Front. £1 12s. (calf). Another edition, 1Q9G. 12mo. Front. £1 18s. (cf. ex.) Another edition, 1701. 12mo. Front. £1 16s. (old cf.) Another edition, 1732. 12mo. Front. £2 (orig. sheep). Schoole of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defence, The, by Joseph Swetnam. 1617. Small 4to., 7 woodcuts. £22 (cf.) This scarce treatise is very similar to the work written by Vincentio Saviolo under the title " His Practise " (q.v.) It contains 115 leaves, the last of wdiich is occupied by the monogram of Nicholas Okes, the printer. 104 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Schools and Masters of Fence, from the Middle Ages to the 18th Centurj^ ))y Egeiion Castle. 1st. ed. 1884. 4to., pp. lii. 254, with 141 woodcuts in the text. Front, and 6 carbon plates. 15s. (orig. cl.) Published at 31s. 6d. Another edition. 1892. 8vo. pp. Ixxviii. 355. Revised. 3s. 6d. (cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Schreiner's Sporting Manual, a Complete Treatise on Fishing, Fowling, and Hunting, as applicable to this Country, by William H. Schreiner. Philadelphia, 1841. 12mo. pp. 147. Front, and illustrations. 5s. (cl.) Science of Gunnery, The,' as applied to Military and Sport- ing Arms of England, etc., by W. Greener. 1846. 8to. Engraved title, and illustrations, 7s. (orig. cl.) A prior edition of somewhat less value was pul^lished in 1841. 8vo. Scientific Angler, The, a general and instructive work on Scientific Angling, by David Foster, n.d. (1882). 8vo. Port, coloured and other plates. 3s. (orig. cl.) Published at 6s. Another edition, 1886. 8vo. 4s. (orig. cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. An edition also appeared in September, 1898. Scientific Swimming, being a series of instructions by which Swimming may be readily attained, Ijy John Frost. 1816. 8vo., with 12 plates. 6s. (calf). Published at 8s. Another edition. 1818. 8vo. Neiv York. Most of the plates in this work are reproduced in " British Manly Exercises," ])y Donald AValker. 1834, 12mo., 1837, 12mo., 1847, 18mo. (the eighth ed., edited by " Craven. ") These and other editions of the same book are of small importance. Scots Fencing Master, The, or Compleat Small Swordman, in which is fully described the whole guards, etc., by W(illiam)- H(ope), Gent. 1687. 8vo., with 12 illustrations in the text. i:6 18s. (old cf.) Second edition, 1692. 8vo., published under the title of "The Compleat Fencing Master." See Compleat Fencing Master, The. ILLUSTRATED SrORTING BOOKS. 105 Scott and Sebright, by "The Druid" (H. H. Dixon), 1862. 8vo. Plates. 8s. (orig. cl.) Another edifioii. Revised and re-edited (1880). 8vo., pp. xi. 418, l)elonging to "The Druid Sporting Series." Scourge, The, or Monthly Expositor of Imposture and Folly, 1811-16. 12 vols., 8vo. Col. caricatures ])y G. Cruik- shank and others. £11. (11 vols, only, hf. cf.) This Periodical commenced in January, 1811, and was •carried on until the end of 1816. Complete sets of volumes are very rarely met with. Scrambles amongst the Alps in 1860-69, by Edward Whymper. 1st ed. 1871. 8vo., maj) and illustrations. £1 10s. (orig. cl.) Fourth edition, 1893. Svo. £1 9s. (orig. cl.); .£2 (Mi- tion de luxe, hf. mor.) Scraps from the Sketch Book of Henry Aiken, 1821. Oblong folio. 42 plates of sporting subjects. £o 10s. (cf. ex.^ plates coloured, fine copy) ; £1 5s. (orig. bds. broken^ plates plain). See also New Scrap Book. Sea Fishing as a Sport, by J. H. Lambton Young. 1st •ed. 1865. F'cap. 8vo. Plates. 2s. 6d. (cl.) Second edition, 1872. 8vo. pp. xvi. 220, with coloured plates and woodcuts. 2s. 6d. (cl.) Published at 5s. Secrets of Angling, The, teaching the choicest Tooles, Baits and Seasons for the taking of any Fish, in Pond or River, by I. D. (John Dennys), 1613. 8v"o., woodcut on title. £25 (cf. ex.) Second edition, n.d. (1620?) 8vo. Only one copy known. Third edition, 1630. 8vo. Only one copy known. Fourth edition, lQo2. 18mo. Front. £15 (mor. ex.) Another edition, 1811. 8vo. 100 copies printed. £3 lOs. (bds.) This work was reprinted in Edward Arber's " An English ^Garner," 1877. 106 ILLUSTIlATEl) SPORTINd BOOKS. Select Trials at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey, for- Murder, Robberies, etc., from 1720 to 1764. Two Series, in 8 vols. 8vo. 1742-64, with fronts, to the lirst four vols. £5 OS. (cf. ex. by Bedford, fine copy). Self Defence, or the Art of Boxing, by Edward Donnelly ; edited by J. M. Waite (1879). 8vo. Illustrations. Pub- lished at 2s. 6d. and Is. Seventeen Trips through Somaliland : A Record of Explora- tion and Big Game Sliooting, 1885 to 1893 ... by Capt. H. G. C. Swayne, 1895. 8vo. pp. xx. 386. Illus- trations and maps. 6s. (orig. cl.) Severale wayes of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, accord- ing to the English manner ... by Francis Barlow, 1671. Oblong 4t(). Engraved title and 12 etchings by Hollar, under each of which is a four-line verse. A copy of this very scarce book realised ji7 10s. at the sale of the library of the late Edward Snow, held at Sotheby's on Novem- ber 30, 1898. There is a set of 12 prints of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, which is usually catalogued under the name of Francis Barlow. These are sometimes extracted from the above-named work, and at others reprinted from retouched plates. Seymour's Sketches, illustrated in prose and verse, by Alfred Crowquill, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. 8s. (hf. cf.) Includes numerous sporting subjects. Seymour's Sketches. See Sketches by Seymour. Shooter's Guide, The, by " B. Thomas " (Thomas B. John- son). 1st ed. 18(J9. 12mo. Illustrated. 5s. (orig. bds.) The second, third and fourth editions, the last being con- siderably enlarged and improved, appeared respectively in 1810, 1811 and 1814. The sixth edition appeared in 1820. All these are unimportant. Shooting, a series of 8 representations and engraved title by Robert Frankland, 1813. Oblong folio. £7 7s. (mor.. ex., uncut, tine copy). ILLUSTRATED SPORTIXW HOOKS, 107 Shooting, or One Day's Sport of Three Real Good Ones, however ignorant of Sporting Rules, 182o. Oblong fol. 6 large col. plates l)y Henry Aiken. £5 10s. (mor. ex., good set). Shooting and Fishing Trips in England, France, Alsace, &c., by " Wildfowler," '' (Snajjshot," and others, 1870-7. 4 vols. 8vo., plates. 20s. (orig. cl.) Consists of pajjers contributed to BelVs Life in London, and other journals. The above-mentioned work is in two series, the second comprising Shooting, Yachting, and Sea Fishing Trips. Shooting and Salmon Fishing, ])y Augustus Grimble, 1892. Large Paper in 4to., pp. xi. 259, with 18 full page illustra- tions by Thorburn and others. £2 5s. [hi. vellum) ; 8s. (Small Paper in 8vo., orig. cl.) The Small Paper copies were published at 16s. Shooting Directory, The, by Richard Badham Thornhill, 1804. 4to., col. port, and plates. £2 2s. (hf. cf.) Shooting in the Himalayas, a Journal of Sporting Adven- tures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, &:c., by Frederick Markham, 1854. 8vo. Tinted plates. £1 10s. (orig. cl.) Shooting in Thibet. >SVc Large Game Shooting, &c. Short Introduction for to learne to Swimme, A, gathered out of Master Digbie's Booke of the Art of Swimming . , . by Christopher Middleton, 1595. Sm. 4to., with 40 wood- cuts after those in Everard Digby's " De Arte Natandi " (q.v.) A copy of this scarce book is in the Bodleian. Short Sketches of the Wild Sports in the Highlands, by Charles William George St. John, 1878. 8vo. Woodcuts. 15s. (cl.) Short Stalks, or Hunting Camps, North, South, East, and West, by Edward North Buxton, 1892. Roy. 8vo. pp. xii. 405, with 67 illustrations })y AVhymper, Wolf, and others. 10s. (buckram, as issued). Published at 21s. 108 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Second edition. 1893. 8vo. pp. xiii. 405. 8,s. (cl.) Pub- lished at 21s. A Second Series, comprising Trips in Somaliland, Sinai, the Eastern Desert of Egypt, &c., 1898. Impl. 16mo. (9f in. by 6 J in.), pp. 238. Numerous ilhistrations and maps. Published at 21s. Short Treatise of Hunting, A, compyled for the delight of Noblemen and Gentlemen, by Sir Thomas Cockaine, 1591. Sni. 4to. Woodcuts. £15 10s. (calf, one leaf missing.) Printed in Black Letter. Shot-Gun and Sporting-Rifle, The, and the Dogs, Ponies, Ferrets . . . used with them in the various kinds of Shooting and Trapping, by " Stonehenge " (John Henry Walsh), 1859. 8vo. Illustrations. 5s. (cl.) Published at 10s. 6d. Another edition, 1862. 8vo. Illustrations. 2s. 6d. (cl.) Show Folks, The, by Pierce Egan, 1831. 12mo., with 9 woodcuts, by Theodore Lane. 5s. (wrappers, as issued). Silk and Scarlet, by "The Druid" (H. H. Dixon), 1859. 8yo. Eight portraits of Hunters, Jockeys, S:c. 5s. (orig. red cl.) AnotJier edition, Revised and re-edited (1880). 8vo. Belonging to "The Druid Sporting Series." Sixteen Scenes taken from the Miseries of Human Life, by "One of the Wretched," 1807. Oblong 4to., with vignette, oitle, and 16 coloured plates by J. A. Atkinson. £3 10s. (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy). Sketch Book, The, by Heniy Aiken, a series of 42 plates by Henry Aiken, 1821. 4to. £1 10s. (cf.) Another edition, 1826. 4to. £3 5s. (hf. bd., plates coloured). ILLUSTllATKl) SPOUTINCt BOOKS. 109 Sketches, the Stable, the Road, the Park, the Field. A series of 6 coloured plates, by Henry Aiken, 1854. Folio. £1 15s. (cf. ex., orig. wrappers bound up). Sketches, by Seymour. Five parts, containing 180 etch- ings of sporting subjects, and five title pages, printed on papers of different tints, n.d. (1835-36), G. S. Tregear. £5 (nior. ex.); £6 10s. {ibid.) Another issue, n.d. 4t(). Published by Fry, with 2 engraved titles, and 24 etchings, by R. Seymour. ^1 5s. (orig, bds.) A reprint was published by Hatten, n.d., oblong 4 to. It contains the 180 humorous designs. " Seymour's Sketches, illustrated by prose and verse by A. Crowquill," appeared in 2 vols., 8vo., 1841. Neither of these works is of much value. Sketches in the Hunting Field, by Alfred E. T. Watson, 1880. 8vo., pp. X. 256. 19 illustrations by Sturgess. 6s. (orig. cl.) Sketches of Field Sports, as followed by the Natives of India, with observations on the Animals ; a Description of the Art of Catching Serpents, with remarks on Hydrophobia and Rabid Animals, etc., by DanielJohnson, 1822. 8vo. Front. 78. (bds.) Published at 10s. 6d. Sketches on the Road, 1835. Oblong 4to. Sporting j)lat3s by Newhouse, engraved by Reeve ; col. by hand. £1 15s. (orig. cl.) Sketching Rambles, or Nature in the Alps and Appennines, by Agnes and Maria E. Catlow, 1861. 2 vols, 8vo., with 20 tinted plates. 5s. (orig, cl.) Slang, a Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, &c., by "John Bee" (J. Badcock), 1823. 12mo. Folding col. front. £2 (bds. uncut). Smoking Hunt, The. Hand- coloured plates, by C. L. Smith, 1826. Oblong folio. £2 (cloth). 110 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Snob a L'Exposition, by "Crafty," 1867. Small oblong fol, 40 humorous plates of racing, hawking, &c. 16s. (orig. pictorial boards). Snob a Paris, by "Crafty," 1867. Small oblong fol. 40 caricatures of racing, chasing, shooting, S:g. 16s. (orig. pictorial bds.) Snobson's Seasons, being Annals of Cockney Sports, n.d. 8vo., with 92 col. plates. 18s. (cl. as issued). Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies, by John Palliser, 1853. Post 8vo. Plates. 5s. (calf). Some Account of English Deer Parks, by Evelyn Philip Shirley, 1867. 4to. Illustrations. £2 10s. (orig. cl.) ; £3 15s. (Ibid.) Songs of the Chace. iSee Nimrod's Songs of the Chace. Songs of the Chace, &c., 1811. 8vo. Front, and en- graved title by J. Scott. 18s. (caK). £1 Is. (mor. g.e.) Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club. Probably printed 1858. Vignettes by members of the club. £2 18s. (hf. mor. gt.) Another edition, enlarged, 1S79. 8vo. Vignettes. £1 8s. (orig. cl,, uncut). Songs, Parodies, Duets, Choruses, &c., in an entirely new Burletta of Fun, Frolic, Fashion, and Flash, n.d. 8vo. One coloured plate. Published by John Lowndes at Is. See Life in London. Specimens of Riding near London, Drawn from Life, by H. Aiken, 1823. Fol. 18 col. plates. £9 9s. (mor. ex., fine copy) ; £10 10s. (orig. hf. binding) ; £7 15s. (original 3 parts, with wrappers). Sponge's Sporting Tour, by the author of " Handley Cross " (R. S. Surtees), 1853. Originally published in 13 monthly parts, red wrappers designed by Leech ; afterwards in demy ILLUSTRATED SPORTINO ROOKS. Ill ■Bvo. as above. Contains 13 col. ]»lites and numerous wood- cuts all by Leech. £2 15s. (orig. cl.); £2 10s. (ihid.) ; SiSlOs. (ibid.); £S 8s. (orig. parts). Ayiother edition, ISm. 8vo. £1 Gs. (orig. cl.) ; £1 10s. {ibid.) Another edition, n.d., 1888. Col. plates by Wildrake and others. 10s. (cl. as issued). Sport, Fox Hunting, Salmon Fishing, Covert Shooting, p. vi. 55. Photographs. £1 3s. (cl.) Published at 42s. Sport and War, or Recollections of Fighting and Hunting in South Africa, by General John Jarvis Bisset, 1875. 8vo. 5s. (cl.) Published at 14s. Sportfolio : Portraits and Biographies of Heroes and Heroines of Sport and Pastime, 1896. Folio ; pp. 144 ; 144 portraits. 3s. (cl.) Published at 6s. Sport in Moray, sec Natural History and Sport in Moray. Sport in Norway, and where to find it, by M. P. Barnard, 1864. F'cap 8vo. Illustrations. 4s. (orig. cl.) Sport in the Alps in the past and present . . . with some sporting reminiscences, &g., by W. A. Baillie Grohman, 1896. 8vo., pp. xv. 356. Illustrations. 7s. (cloth). Published at 21s. Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland with Rod and Gun, by Thomas Speedy, 1884. 8vo., pp. xviii. 412. More than 60 illustrations by Crealock. 5s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. 112 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Second edition, 1886. 8vo., pp. xx. 444. Illustrations. 5s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. Sport, Travel, and Adventure in Newfoundland and the West Indies, by Capt. W. R. Kennedy, 1885. 8vo., pp. x. 399. Illustrations by the author. 8s. (orig. cl.) Sport with Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters, by A. M. Mayer, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustrations. £1 8s. (hf. rox. t.e.g.) A few copies were published on Large Paper at £4 4s., with Japan proofs and other illustrations. £2 8s. (hf. rox.) Sporting, edited by " Nimrod " (C. J. Apperley), 1838. Inipl. 4to. 38 steel plates and woodcuts, after Gainsborough^ Landseer, and others ; text by Tom Hood and others. £1 10s. (orig. cl.) Sporting Adventures in the Far West, by John Mortimer Murphy, 1879. 8to. 5s. (orig. cl.) Published at 18s. Sporting Adventures in the New World, or Days and Nights of Moose Hunting, by Lt. Campbell Hardy, R.A., 1855. 2 vols. 12mo. Fronts. 12s. (orig. cl.) Sporting Adventures of Mr. Popple, The, by G. H. Jalland, 1898. Oblong 4to., with 10 coloured plates and other illustrations. Published at 6s. Sporting Almanac, sec Oracle of Rural Life. Sporting Alphabet, The, a series of 26 humorous engravings and a title page, by William Heath, n.d. (1840). 8vo. £,1 14s. (hf. cf.) Sporting Anecdotes, original and select, including charac- teristic sketches of eminent persons who have appeared on the turf, etc., by an Amateur Sportsman. Isted. 1804. 8vo., with 16 illustrations, by Bewick. £1 (cf.) ; £2 10s. (cf. ex., fine copy). Another edition, n.d. (1807). 12mo. 8s. (cf.) ILLUSTRATED SPOUTINO BOOKS. 113 Sporting Anecdotes, original and selected, including numerous characteristic portraits of persons in every walk of life, ... by Pierce Kgan. Best ed. 1825. 8vo. Plates and woodcuts by K. Cruikshank and others, and 2 col. plates })y J. R. Cruikshank. £3 12s. (pictorial bds. uncut) ; £'S (cf. ex., g.e.) New York edition. 2 vols., 1823. 8vo. Woodcut frontis- piece. £2 (cf. ex., uncut). The First English edition appeared in f'cap 8vo., 1820, with front, by J. R. Cruikshank, and 8 plates of hunting, tishing, &c. £1 10s. (orig. ])ds.) Sporting Annual, sec Finch Mason's Sporting Annual. Sporting Architecture, by George Tattersall (1841). 4t()., with 43 fall page and other illustrations by Vyner and others. 10s. (orig. cl.) Sporting Days in Southern India, by Lt.-Col. A. J. O. Pollock, 1894. 8vo. pp. xx. 252. Illustrations. 7s. (orig. cl.) Published at 16s. Sporting Dictionary, The, and Rural Repository of General Information upon every Subject, &c., by William Taplin. 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. 8s. (cf.) Sporting Discoveries: or. Miseries of Shooting, being Hints to Yining Sportsmen, a series of 7 coloured plates by "Ben Tally Ho." S. and J. Fuller, 1816. Oblong 4to. £4 4s. (orig. wrappers.) Sporting Facts and Sporting Fancies, by " Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1853. 8vo. 13s. (hf. mor.) Sporting Fish of Great Britain, with notes on Ichthyology, by H. Chijlmondeley Pennell. 1886. 8vo., pp. 185, with 16 lithographs of fish in gold, silver, and colours, £2 (Large Paper, hf. bd.) Published at 15s., or on Large Paper at 30s. Sporting in Algeria, by Edward Vernon Harcourf, 1860. (1859?). F'cap. Svo. Map and col. front. 2s. (cl.) I 114 ILLUSTRATED SPORTTN(; ROOKS. Sporting Incidents in the Life of Another Tom Smith, Master of Fox-hounds, by Tom Smith, 1867. Cr. 8vo. front. ■and illustrations on tinted paper. £2 4s. (cl. uncut). Sporting Magazine, The, or Monthly Calendar of the Turf, the Chace, &c. Illustrations. This serial commenced in 1792. £250 (1792 to 1870. 156 vols. 8yo. 2 vols, missing, and 7 in half cf. ; all the rest in green of. gt. uni- form). £190 (1828-70. ' 84 vols, in the orig. parts ; nearly aU clean and fresh). £17 10s. (1792-1803. 22 vols. orig. hf. cf.) See New Sporting Magazine. Sporting Mirror, The, edited by Diomed, 1881-6. Complete in 10 vols. 8vo. Portraits. £1 12s. (10 vols. hf. cf.) Sporting Notionsj n.d. Oblong 4to. 20 col. plates ])y Henry Aiken. £5 10s. (wrappers.) Sporting Oracle, The, and xllmanac of Rural Life, for 1841, edited by " Vates." 12 whole page sporting plates, l)y R. B. Davis. 6s. (paper covers.) This periodical was afterwards incorporated in "The Sporting Almanack," which was then produced as "The Sporting Almanack and Oracle of Rural Life. " 1842-44. 8vo. ^ee Oracle of Rural Life. Sporting Recollections, by G. Finch Mason, 1885. 8vo., pp. XV. 200, with 102 illustrations. 4s. (orig. cl.) Sporting Reminiscences of Hampshire, 1745 to 1862, by ^sop, 1864. 8vo. 4s. (cl.) Published at 6s. 6d. Sporting Repository, The: Horse Racing, Hunting, Ooursing, Shooting, Pugilism, &c., 1822. 8vo. McLean. 19 €ol. plates, by Henry Aiken. £17 (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy.) Sporting Review, The, a monthly Chronicle of the Turf, the Chase, &c., edited by "Craven." Illustrations by H. Aiken and others. This serial commenced in 1839. £3 (1839-44; 12 vols., hf. cf.) illUkSTRated «portin(I books. 115 Sporting Rifle, The, and its l*rojectiles, by James Forsyth, 1863. Post 8vo. 3 plates. 2s. (cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Second edition, rewritten and enlarged, 1SQ7. 8vo. Illus- trations. 2s. (cl.) Published at 7s. 6d. Sporting Satirist, The, a series of 12 col. plates, by Henry Aiken, 1839. 4to. £2 5s. (cf, ex.) Sporting Scenes and Country Characters, by " Martingale " '( — White), 1840. 8vo. Illustrations by Aiken, Landseer, and others. 16s. (cl., uncut) ; £1 5s. (cf. ex.) Sporting Scenes among the Kafiirs of South Africa, by Alfred Wilks Drayson, 1858. 8vo. Col. plates by Harrison Weir. 5s. (cl. uncut). Sporting Scrap Book, The, a series of 50 col. plates designed and engraved by Heniy Aiken. McLean, n.d. .(about 1824). Oblong 4to. M 15s. (hf. mor.) ; idO (ibid. ) Sporting Sketch Book, The, by J. W. Carleton, 1842. 8vo. 11 engravings. £1 8s. (cf. ex. uncut, original covers bound up, fine copy). Sporting Sketches, 1826. 4to., with 17 plates, four etch- ings on each, by H. Aiken. £4 10s. (cf.) Sporting Sketches, by G. Finch Mason, n.d. (1879). Oblong folio. 7s. (bds.) Fourth edition, n.d. (1882). Oblong fol., i)p. 22 3s .(bds.) Sporting Sketches at Home and Abroad, by ' ' The Old Bush- man," n.d. Or. 8vo. Coloured illustrations by Georgina Bowers. 5s. (cl.) Sporting Sketches with Pen and Pencil, by Francis Francis and Alfred W. Cooper, 1878. 4to., with 36 engravings £1 10s. (cl.) Published at 21s. Sporting Songster, The, sec Fairbairn's Sporting Songster. I 2 116 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Sporting Tour through various parts of France, in the year 1802, by Col. Thomas Thornton, 1806. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait of the author and 49 plates by Merigot and Scott, and tail pieces by Scott and Bewick. £2 5s. (hf. cf.) Sporting Tour through the Northern Parts of England, and parts of the Highlands of Scotland, by Col. Thomas Thorn- ton, 1804. 4to. 16 plates after Garrard. £1 10s. (bds. uncut). Another edition, 1806. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait of the author in colours, plates. i^7 (L.P. old russ. ex.) ; £1 15s. (cf. gt., Small Paper). Reprinted in '"The Sportsman's Library" (q.v.) with coloured plates by G. E. Lodge. Portraits and selections from the original illustrations, pp. xviii. 332. Sporting World, The, by ''Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1858. F'cap. 8vo. Front. 2s. (cl.) Sports and Adventures in the Highlands, see Wanderings in the Highlands. Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days, in England, Scot- land, Ireland, &c., by C. T. S. Birch Reynardson, 1887. 8vo. 6 col. pi. 6s. (orig. cl.) Sports and Pastimes, a series of 10 large coloured plates, by John Leech, 1865. Atlas folio. £7 7s. (in cover) ; £9 (ibid.) Sports and Pastimes of Merry England, by Thomas Miller, n.d. (1859). Crown 8vo. 21 illustrations by Harrison Weir and others. 3s. Od. (orig. cl.) Published at the same amount. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, by Joseph Struts Isted., 1801. 4to., col. plates. £2 8s. (L. P., hf. russ.); £3 10s. (ibid, bds.) Second edition, 1810. 4to. 40 col. plates. £1 15s. (hf. mor.); £2 10s. (russ.) Another edition, 1S30. 8vo. 140 plates. £1 3s. (L.P., cl. uncut) ; 15s. (orig. 10 monthly parts). ILLUSTRATED .SPOUTING BOOKS, 117 Another edition, 1833. 8vo., with 140 engravings. 3s. s, and others. Front, and vignettes by Bewick. HI 8s. (hf. russ.); £1 10s. (orig. bds.) Another edition, 1845. 4t(). Plates. £1 5s. (cf., sound copy). Sportsman's Yocal Cabinet, The, by Charles Armiger, 1830. Post 8v(). Front. 5s. (bds. uncut). Sportsman's Year Book, The, edited by C. S. Colman and A. H. Windsor. Vol. 1 appeared on December 15, 1898. Spring Tide, or the Angler and his Friends, by John Yonge Akermann, 1850. 12mo. Portrait and woodcuts. 2s, (cL) Second edition, 1852. 12mo. Portrait and woodcuts. 2s. (cl.) Stable Practice, or Hints on Training for the Turf, the Chase, and the Road, by "Cecil" (Cornelius Tongue), 1852, Post 8vo. 4s. (orig. hf. binding). Stable Talk and Table Talk, or Spectacles for Young Sportsmen, by ''Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1845-6. 2 vols. 8vo. 8s. (cl. uncut). Stadium, The, sec Particulars and Recommendations of the Stadium. Stag Hunting on Exmoor, see Records of Stag Hunting, &c. Stage Coach, The, or the Road of Life, by John Mills^ 1843. 3 vols. 8vo. 9 plates by "Standfast." £1 15s. (cl. uncut). ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. 121 State Lottery, The: a Dreain, by Samuel Roberts, 1817. • 8vo. Folding col. front. ^1 5s. (bds. uncut). Steeple Chase, The : A series of G oblong folio coloured plates, by Henry Aiken. £4 10s. (fair). St. James's, a Satirical Poem, 1827. Post 8vo. £1 5s. (cf.) Published by Colburn at 6s. This Poem has reference to Crockford's Gaming Rooms, then situate in St. James's Street, W. Story of Mont Blanc, The, by Albert Smith. 1st ed., 1853. Post 8vo. Published at 10s. 6d. Col. front, and numerous cuts in the text. 10s. (orig. orange cl.) Second edition, 1854. 8vo. Enlarged, plates. 5s. (cl.) Stranger's Safeguard, The, against Cheats, Swindlers, and Pickpockets, 1819. 12mo. Front. 5s. (hf. cf.) Stray Notes on Fishing and Natural History, by Cornwall Simeon, 1860. 8vo. Front, and woodcuts. 3s. (cl.) ^Second edition, 1863. 8vo. Front, and woodcuts. 3s. (cl.) Stray Sport, by J. Moray Brown, 1893. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 50 illustrations. 6s. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Stud Farm, The, or Hints on Breeding for the Turf, the Chase, and the Road ... by "Cecil" (Cornelius Tongue), 1873. F^cap. 8vo. Front. 3s. (cl.) Stud, for Practical Purposes and Practical Men, The, by " Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1849. 12mo. Plates. 2s. (cl.) Another edition, 1858. F'cap. 8vo. 2s. (cl.) Such Things Are: a series of 26 coloured plates by Henry Heath, Heidman, and others, 1835. 4to. £7 (mor. ex., uncut ; iine copy). Summer Months among the Alps, with the x'^scent of Monte Rosa, by T. W. Hinchliff, 1857. Cr. 8vo. 4 col. plates and maps. 15s. (orig. cl.) Sword Exercise of Cavalry, The, 1796. 8vo. 26 folding plates. 3s. (bds., uncut). 122 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS, A book entitled "Sword Exercise for Cavalry," with 6- engravings, London, 1799, 8vo., is mentioned by Mr. Egerton Castle in his "Schools and Masters of Fence." Symptoms of being Amused : a series of 42 coloured plates by Heniy Aiken, 1822. Oblong folio. £6 10s. (orig. half binding with label on side) ; £5 {ihid.) First published in 7 parts. Syntax, see Tour of Dr. Syntax ; Tour of Dr. Syntax through London ; Syntax (Dr.) in Paris. Syntax (Dr.) in Paris : a Tour in Search of the Grotesque, 1820. 8vo. 18 coloured plates in the style of Rowlandson, £2 (hf. rus-s.) ; £b 5s. (bds., uncut). System of Equestrian Education, A Exhibiting the Beauties and Defects of the Horse, by Philip Astley, 1801. 8vo. Portrait and plates. 2s. (bds.) A tifth edition appeared the same year, and an eighth at Dublin in 1802. Takings : or the Life of a Collegian, 1821. 8vo. 26 plates by R. Dagley. 4s. (boards) ; £1 5s. (plates, coloured ; russ.) Tales and Traits of Sporting Life, by Heniy Corbet, 1864.. Post 8vo. Col. front, und vignette of "Ascot Heath, 1838," on title. 2s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Tales of Humour, Gallantry and Romance, Selected and Translated from the Italian. 1st ed., 1824, 8vo., with 16 etchings by George Cruikshank. £1 10s. (hf. mor.) A)iother edition, 1827. 8vo. Etchings as before. £1 (cf. ex., with the cancelled plate of the Dead Rider). Tauromachia : or the Bull Fights of Spain, by Luke Price. 1852. Imp. folio. 26 chromo-litliographic plates mounted on cardboard, with text. £4: 4s. (in a portfolio) ; £2 (hf , mor. ) Terrific Register, The : or Record of Crimes, Judgments, Providences, and Calamities, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. Engrav- ings. £1 5s. (hf. mor.) ILLI^-^TRATEP SPORTIXCr F.OOKS. 123. Theory and Practice of Fencing, see Army and Navy Gentleman's Companion. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India, by George P, Sanderson, 1878. 8vo. Plates. £1 (hf. mor.); published at 15s. Second edition, 1879. 4to. Col. front., map and plates. 10s. (cl.); published at 15s. Sixth edition, 1896. 4to. Illustrated. Gs, (cl.); pub- lished at 15r. Thoughts on Hunting, in a series of Fainiliar Letters to a Familiar Friend, by Peter Beckford. Isted., 1781. Small 4to. Front, by Bartolozzi (Diana preparing for the chase), and plans of Kennels. Sarvm. £l 5s. (cf. gt.) Second edition, 1782. 4to. Front. 13s. (hf. cf.) TJiird edition, 1796. 8vo. 20 plates (1st illustrated ed.) £2 5s. (hf. cf. ex.) Fourth edition, 1802. 4to. pp. 360. Front, by Barto- lozzi, £1 Is. (hf. russ.) Another edition, 1810. 8vo. , with 11 plates by Scot-*^, and woodcut by Bewick on title. £1 5s. (bds., uncut) ; £1 16s. (L.P., bds., uncut) ; £4 (L.P., mor. ex.) Another edition (1820). 8vo. Front, and numerous vig- nette cuts by Bewick. £3 (mor. ex., g.e., tine copy) ; £1 Is. (russ. gt.) Another edition, 1840. 12mo., with a chapter on Coursing, Another edition, 1879. 8vo. 5s. (orig. cl.) ; pulilished at 14s. Another edition, 1881. 8vo. pp. xi. 269. Illustrated. 5s, (orig. cl.) ; published at 14s. Three Bookes of Colloquies concerning the Arte of Shooting in Great and Small Peeces of Artillerie, by Cyprian Lucar, 1588. Small folio. Folding and other woodcuts. £3 (hf. cf.) This work is a translation from the Italian of Nicolo- Tartaglia. 124 ILLUSTRATED .SPOE,TI^G BOOKS. . Three Great Runs, the Waterloo, the Greatwood, and the Harequin Run, 1889. 4to. Photographs. £2 (orig. cl.) Three Hunting Songs, by Rowland Eyles Egerton War- burton, 1855. Oblong 8vo. 4 plates by "Phiz." £1 10s. (orig. wrapper). Only 250 copies printed. *Se(3 also " Hunt- ing Songs, Ballads," &c. Through a Field Glass, by George F. Underbill and H. S. Sweetland, 1896. 8vo. Illustrations by L. Thackeray. Is. 6d. (pictorial boards). Published at 3s. 6d. Tiger Shooting in India, by William Rice, 1857. Roy. 8vo., with 12 lithographic plates from sketches by the author. jL2 15s. (orig. red cl.) Tit Bits of the Turf, by Finch Mason, n.d. Oblong folio, with 16 tinted plates. £1 Is. (bds., as issued). To all Sportsmen. . . . Above thirty years practice in Horses and Dogs ; . . . The Rat-Catching Secret ; On Fowling Pieces, S:c., by Colonel George Hanger, 1814. 8vo., with folding frontispiece aftsr Reinagle. 10s. (bds.) Another edition, n.d. (1816). 8vo. Folding front. lOs. (bds.) Tom and Jerry, see Life in London. Tom and Jerry : or Life in London ; the songs, parodies, ■&C., in the Burletta, founded on Pierce Egan's work, 1821. •Svo. Col. front, of Mr. Wilkinson as Bob Logic, by George Cruikshank. jLl (wrappers). Tom and Jerry : or Life in London ; an entirely new Whimsical, Local, Melodramatic . . . Drama as performed at Davis's Royal Amphitheatre, London, 1822. •8vo. One coloured plate. Published by .John Lowndes at Is. £1 (wrappers), ^^ee Life in London. Tom and Jerry : or Life in London, with a copious Vocabulary of Flash and Cant. Dublin, 1822. Post 8vo. <^ol. front. 12s. (sewn). ILLUSTRATED SPORTINC} BOOKS. 125 Tom and Jerry, Hongs, Duets, &c., in the Burletta, pro- duced at the Adelphi Theatre, 1821. 1st ed. 1821. 8vo. Col. front, of Mr. Wrench as Corinthian Tom, by J. R. Cruikshank. £1 5s. (sewed). Another edition, n.d. (1822). Lowndes. Col. front. £1 5s. (sewed). Sec Life in London. Tommiebeg Shootings, The : or a Moor in Scotland, by Thomas Jeans, 1860. 8vo. Illustrated by P. Skelton. 6s. (orig. cl.) Tom Moody's Tales, edited by Mark Lemon, 1864 (1863). 8yo., with i;j plates by H. K. Browne. 18s. (cl.) Tom Raw, the Griffin, a Burlesque Poem [by Sir Charles D'Oyley], 1828. Roy. 8vo. 25 humorous col. plates by Rowlandson. £4 (bds. uncut); £2 14s. (hf. russ., uncut). Touch at the Fine Arts, A: a series of 12 humorous coloured plates, with descriptions, by Henry Aiken, 1824. Impl. 8vo. McLean. £8 (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy) : £3 3s. (orig. bds.) Tour in a Phaeton Through the Eastern Counties, A, by James John Hissey, 1889. 8vo. pp. xiv. 403. Map and 16 illustrations by the author. 12s. (orig. cl.) Tour in Sutherlandshire, A, by Charles William George St. John, 1849. 2 vols. 12mo. 10 full-page illustrations. £1 8s. (orig. cl., uncut). Second edition, with an appendix on the Fauna of Suther- land, by J. A. Harvie-Brown, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. 12s. (cl.) Published at 21s. Anothtr edition, 1891. 8vo. pp. 320. Published at 4s. 6d. under the title of "A Sportsman and Naturalist's Tour in Sutherlandshire." 2s. (cl.) Tour of Dr. Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque, 1821. 8vo. 20 col. plates by W. Reed. £1 10s. (hf. mor.) ; £3 (cf. ex.) ; £4 (orig. bds.) 126 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque : a Poem, by William Combe. 1st ed. 1812. 8vo. First appeared in the Poetical Magazim (May, 1809, to April, 1811), after- wards in volume form, as above, at 21s. 31 col. plates (in- clusive of front, and engraved title) by Rowlandson. Many later editions, notably a 4th and 5th in 1813, a 6th in 1815, and a 9th in 1819, all with the same col. plates. ''Crowquill's Edition " appeared in 1838. Second Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of Consolation : a Poem, by William Combe. 1st ed. 1820. 8vo. First ap- peared in th.Q Poetical Magazine, afterwards in volume form, as above. 25 col. plates by Rowlandson. There are several later editions with the same coloured plates. Third Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of a Wife : a Poem, by William Combe. 1st ed. 1820. 8vo. First appeared in the Poetical Magazine, afterwards in volume form as above. 25 col. plates by Rowlandson. There are several later editions of this tour, all having the same coloured plates. The Miniature edition of the three Tours was published by Ackermann in three small volumes in 1823-28, at 21s., with Rowlandson 's plates, coloured but reduced in size. Nattali and Bond's reprint. 3 vols. 8vo., n.d. (1855). Green cloth ; with all the col. plates. Hoiten's Reprint. 8vo., n.d., with 80 col. plates. Green cloth. Prices of single volumes and of two or more volumes vary greatly according to date, binding, and quality. The follow- ing are recent auction values : — Tour in Search of the Picturesque. 1st ed. 1812. £1 6s. (calf) ; £1 (half calf) ; £1 9s. (boards, uncut) ; £4 12s. (mor. ex.) ; £4 4s. (cf. gt.) ; £2 (boards, uncut). First Tour, 1813 ; Second and Third Tours, together ■3 vols, the last two 1st editions, £4 18s. (calf) ; £4 4s. {ihid. ) Nattali and Bond's Reprint. 3 vols., n.d. £2 16s. (calf gilt) ; £1 14s. (cloth). ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS, 127 The Three Tours. First, 9th ed. 1819 ; second, 2nd ed. 1820 ; third, 1st ed. 1821. ^ (orig. bds. ; backs broken). Second Tour in Search of Consolation. 2nd ed. 1820. £1 Is. (calf ; binding broken). The Three Tours ; Ackermann's " Miniature Edition." 3 vols. 16mo. 1823-28. £1 12s. (orig. boards, uncut) ; £2 (ibid.) First and Second Tours. First Tour, 3rded. 1813; Second Tour, 2nd ed. 1820. £2 8s. (hf. mor. and hf. cf.) The Three Tours. First, 6th ed. 1815 ; Second and Third, 1st eds. 1820-21 ; together 3 vols. £6 10s. (cf. extra, by Tout). Third Tour ; in Search of a Wife. 1st ed. 1820. £o 10s. {orig. boards, fine copy). Tour of Dr. Syntax through London, 1820. 8vo. Coloured vignette title ("Dr. Syntax and his Spouse "), and 19 plates, by Williams. £2 (hf. russ.) Originally issued in 8 parts. Very scarce in this form. £14 (orig, parts in wrappers) ; £d 10s. (orig. bds., fine copy). Tour of Mont Blanc and of Mont Rosa, The, by James David Forbes, 1855. 8vo,, with tAvo maps and several wood- cuts, 3s. (orig. cl.) Tournament, The : or Days of Chivalry ; a Poem, 1823. Roy. 8vo,, with 24 col, plates. 16s. (cf.) ; £l 15s. (mor. ex., uncut). Published at 15s, Toxophilus, the Schole of Schootinge, conteyned in two Bookes, by Roger Ascham. 1st ed. 1545. 4to. Front, of Royal arms. £1 17s. (5 leaves inlaid and some stained, Ash- burnham copy) ; £18 10s, (old cf., ibid.); £12 15s. (russ. gt., ibid.) ; £30 10s. (orig. cf., presentation copy, ibid.) Another edition, 1571, 4to, Black Letter ; woodcut on title, £2 15s. (old cf., title stained). Another edition, 1589. 4to, £3 10s, (old mor.,gt.); £5 {ibid.) 128 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Another edition, 17S8. 12mo. A nearly verbatim reprint of the edition of 1545. 16s. (cf., sound copy). Another edition, 186Q. 12mo. 3s. (cl.) The chief title " Toxophilus " is the same in all these editions, but the second title often varies from that given above. Training in Theory and Practice, by Archibald Maclaren, 1866. 8vo. Illustrated. 3s. (cl.) iSecond edition, revised and enlarged, 1874. 8vo. 4s. (cl.) Traite de Fauconnerie, par Schlegel and Wulverhorst, 1845-53. Atlas folio. Front, and 16 col. plates. £S 8s. (hf. mor.) Trapper's Guide, The : a Maiuial of Instructions for Cap- turing Fur-Bearing Animals, &c., by S. Newhouse. 1st ed. 1865. 8vo. Illustrations. 13s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1867. 8vo. 5s. (cl.) An American book, written by a practical trapper and inventor of the " Newhouse Trap," a description of which is given in the work. Travel and Adventure in South East Africa, being a narra- tive of eleven years spent on the Zambesi and its tributaries, with an account of the colonization of Mashunaland . by F. Courteney Selous, 1893. 8vo. pp. xviii. 503. Map and 58 engravings of scenery, hunting subjects, &c. 20s. (cf. ex., good copy) ; 8s. (cloth). Published at 25s. net. Travel and Adventure in the Congo Free State and its Big Game Shooting, by Bula N'Zau, 1894. 8vo. Illustra- tions. 5s. (cl.) Published at 14s. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator, by Edward Whymper, 1892. Roy. 8vo. Maps and illustra- tions. 10s. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. There is a Supplementary Appendix to this work, with contributions by H. W. Bates and others, 1892. 8vo. pp. xxii. 147. Illustrated. 7s. 6d. (cl.) Published at 15s. ll/LrSTKATKI> SPOllTINU HOOKS. 129 A Second edition of the work appeared in 1892 at 21s. Travels in the Air : bein^ a History of Balloon Ascents, by- James G. Glaisher, Flaiuniarion, and others, 1871. Roy. 8vo. 118 engravings, some coloured. 10s. 6d. (orig. cl.) I'ublished at £1 5s. A new and revised edition. The tirst was published in 1871 (1870). 8vo. Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other parts of the I'ennine Chain, by James David Forbes. 1st ed. 1843. Impl. 8vo. Maps and illustrations, jiil (orig. cl.) ; £1 10s. (ihid.) Another edition, 1845. 8vo. Maps and illustrations. rCl 10s. (orig. cl.) Travels through the Rhetian Alps in the year 1786, hy Albanis Beaumont, 17V)2. Folio, with 2 large plates in aquatint. 15s. (cf. ) l*ublished at £3 3s. Tread Mill, The, or Tom and Jerry at Buxton : a Serio- comic Burletta. 1st ed., n.d. (cir. 1820). Col. front, by R. Cruikshank. £2 10s. (pictorial wrappers). Treatise of Modern Faulconry, A, to which is prefixed an Introduction shewing the l*ractice, &c. , by James Campbell, 1773. 8vo. Front. 5s. (ct.) ; 14s. (bds.) Treatise on English Shooting, see Art of English Shooting. Treatise on Equitation, or the Art of Horsemanship, by J. G. Peters, 1835. 8vo. 27 full page plates. 5s. (bds. uncut). Treatise on Falconry, .^'c Treatise upon Falconry. Treatise on Fencing, A, l)y Captain Miller, 1738. Folio. Consists of 15 plates engraved by Scotin, and one columii of text. 14s. (hf. cf.); £1 12s. (nior. g.e.) Treatise on Fly and Fly Hooks, by Jackson, 1885. Impl. 8vo. , with 10 coloured platen, only 120 c;)pies printed. £2 (hf. mor.) K 130 ILLUSTRATED SPOKTI^"^, BOOKS. Treatise on Greyhounds, with Observations on the Treat- ment and Disorders of them, by a Sportsman, 1810. 12mo. Pront. 4s. (cf.) Treatise on Modern Education, see Compendious Treatise, &c. Treatise on Skaiting, A, founded on Certain l*rinciples deduced from many years' experience, by Capt. Jones, 1797. 8vo. Copperplates. 10s. (cf., sound copy). Treatise on the Art of Dancing, A, by Giovanni Andrea Gallini, 1762. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. 19s. (calf). Treatise on the Art of Riding, by H. G. English, 1890. Cr. 8vo. Portrait and illustrations. 4s. (orig. cl.) Pub- lished at 10s. 6d., and afterwards reduced to 5s. Treatise on the Care, Treatment, and Training of the English Racehorse, by Richard Darvill, 1828. 8vo. Plates. £1 17s. (orig. bds.) A second volume appeared in 1834, but the third, which it announced, never appeared. A second edition appeared in 2 vols., 8vo., 1840, 8s. (hf. bd.), and a third in 184G, 8vo., 8s. (hf. bd.) Treatise on the New Broad Sword Exercise, with 14 divisions of movements as performed at Newmarket, 1798. F'cap. 8vo., with 5 plates. 5s. (cf.) Treatise on the Proper Condition for all Horses, by *' Harry Hieover " (Charles Brindley), 1852. 12mo. Illus- trations. 2s. (cl.) Fourth edition, 18Q1. F'cap. 8vo. 2s. (cl.) Treatise on the Science of Defence, A, for the 8word, Bayonet, and Pike, by Anthony Gordon, 1805. 4to., with 18 numbered plates and one without number. £1 14s. (mor. ex.) Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Art of Fencing, A, by George Roland, 1823. 8vo., with 12 lithographic plates. 14s. (calf). ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. 131 Second edition, 1824. 8to. See Introductory Course of Fencing. Treatise on the Utility and Advantages of Fencing . . . to which is added a dissertation on the use of the Broad Sword, by Mr. Aiigelo, 1817. Obhnig folio. ' 47 platss by Gwyii and Ryland, and 6 etchings by Rowlandson. Mezzotint portrait of the Chevalier St. George, by William Ward, aft jr Browni. £5 (cf.) ; £4 8s. (w^rappers). The author w^as the son of the well-knowai Henry Angelo. The plates are the same as those in '' The School of Fencing" {q.v.) with the portrait and Rowlandson 's etchings added. Treatise upon Falconry, A, by J. 0. Belamy, 1841. 8vo. Front. 10s. (orig. cl.) Trials for Adultery ; or the History of Divorces, being Select Trials at Doctors Commons, 1781, &c. 7 vols. 8vo. Plates. £15 (hf. cf.) ; £3 (cf., no plates). Copies of this book are frequently found to have been denuded of all or some of the plates. Trip to Town, A ; a series of 12 oblong folio coloured plates, w4th descriptive verse above each, by Rowlandson, 1822. Roy. folio. £17 (mor. ex., iine copy, uncut). Triviata : or Cross-road Chronicles of Passages in Irish Hunting History, during the Season of 1875-6, by Maurice O'Connor Morris, 1877. 8vo. Illustrations. 5s. (orig. cl.) TroUer's Guide, The: a new and Complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Trolling or Fishing for Pike, by T. F. Salter. 1st ed. 1820. 8vo. IllustratioixS. 5s. (bds. uncut). Second edition, 1830. 12mo. with 28 cuts. 2s. (bds.) Third edition, 1841. 8vo., with 28 cuts. 12mo. Revised by the author. 5s. (cl.) Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales, by George Agar Hansard, 1834. 8vo. pp. xix. 223. Vignette on title. 6s. (cl.) k2 132 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Trout Flies of Devon and Cornwall, and when and how to> use them, by G. W. Soltau, 1847. 8vo. 2 tinted plates of flies. 4s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 185(5. 8vo. Same plates. 4s. (cl.) True Art of Angling, The : or the Best and Speediest way of Taking all Sorts of Fresh- Water Fish, etc., by S. (J.) Gent, 1696. 24mo. Published at 6d. Front, and wood- cuts, pp. vi. 160. Scarce. £2 15s. (without covers). Second edition, 1697. 24mo. Third edition, 1704. 24mo. Issued under the title of "The Compleat Fisher, or the True Art of Angling." Fourth edition, 1716. 24mo. Issued as " The Compleat Fisher." Fifth edition, 1725. 24mo. A reprint of the last. All the above editions were published at 6d. , and copies of the earlier ones are now very scarce. Several later editions, appeared, e. g., n.d. Price 9d., n.d. ; price 6d. 1740 and 1770 ; the last in 12mo. Some of these were published under the title of " The Complete Fisher." True Arte of Defence, The, plainlie teaching .... the manner and forme how a man may safelie handle all sorts of weapons as well offensive as defensive. With a treatise of Disceit or Falsinge, by Giacomo di Grassi ; Englished by J. G., gentleman, 1594. 4to. Cuts. Extremely rare. There is a perfect copy in the Bodleian. True Enjoyment of Angling, The, by H. Phillips, 1843. 8vo., with portrait, songs and music. 8s. (cl. uncut). 100- copies of this book were printed on Large Paper (roy. 8vo.), with over 60 engravings, some of which are occasionally found coloured by hand. £11 lis. (mor. ex., very fine copy, 20 of the plates coloured, L.P.) True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishing, Trolling &c., by William Shijjley, edited by Ephemera (K. Fitzgibbon), 1838. 12mo. pp. xii. 264. The Large Paper copies, of which a few were printed, have the cuts on India Paper. £1 (L.P.,. calf gilt). ILLUSTRATED SroRTIiNG BOOKS. 133 Turf, the Chase, the Ring and the Stage, The, see Pierce Egan's Anecdotes. Tutor's Assistant, The : a series of huniorous coloured plates, by Henry Aiken, 1823. Oblong folio. £5 15s. (nior. ex., tooled to a pattern, very fine copy). Tutor's Assistant, The : Involuntary Thoughts and New Symptoms ; 26 lithographic plates, by Henry xllken, 1824. Folio. :£1 lOs. (pictorial covers). Tweed and ©on : or Recollections and Reflections of an Angler, by James Locke, 1860. Cr. 8vo. Front. 4s. (cl. ) Twelve Months, The : or a Pleasant and Profitable Dis- <3ourse of Every Action . . . Proper to each Particular Month. ... As also of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, etc., by Matthew Stevenson, 1661. Small 4to., with 12 copperplate engravings of the months. ji^25 (hf. mor.) Twelve Packs of Hounds : being a Collection of Sketches •of some of the Hounds and their Masters, by John Charlton, 1891. Oblong folio. Full page col. plates and sketches in sepia. 12s. (white cloth as issued). Published at £3 .3s. Tyburn Chronicle, The : or Yillany Displayed in all its^ Branches ; Lives, Tryals and Adventures of Notorious Male- factors. 4 vols., n.d. 8vo. J. Cooke. Plates. £2 10s. engraved figures. £l 13s. (old of.) Second (dltion, 1729. 8vo. Folding sheet as bef'^rj. 10s. (hf. of.) The same engraved sheet is found in New, Short and Easy- Method of Fencing (q.v.) Voyage in the Sunbeam, A : Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months, by Annie Brassey. 1st ed. 1878. 8vo. 118 illustrations, chiefly after drawings by A. G. Bingham. 10s. Publi.shed at 21s. Second edition, 1878. 8vo. Published at 21s. Fourth edition, 1878. 8vo. Published at Is. Cheaper editions were subseque-tly published in 1880, and the text has been revised for the use of schools. Voyage of the Nyanza, being the Record of a Three Years* Cruise in a Schooner Yacht in the Atlantic and Pacific, by James Cumming Dewar, 1892. 8vo. pp.- xviii. 4(56, with two photograviires and numerous full page and smaller engravings. 7s. (orig. cl.) Published at 21s. Yue du Simplon. 40 full page col. plates of Alpine Scenes, n.d. (published 1835). Oblong 4to. 3s. (as issued). Wanderings among the High Alps, by Alfred Wills. Isfc ed. 1856. 12mo. 3 tinted plates. £1 5s. (orig. cl.) Second edition, 1868. F'cap. 8vo. Enlarged. 5s. (cl.) Wanderings in Patagonia, or Life Among the Ostrich- Hunters, by Julius Beerbohm, 1879. 8vo. Map and wood- cuts. 5s. (hf. cf.) Wanderings in the Highlands and Islands: . • • being a Sequel to " Wild Sports of the West," by William Hamil- ton Maxwell. 1st ed. 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait of the author, 18s. (orig. cl.) Another edition, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s. (orig cl.) Published under the title, " Sports and Adventures in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland." 136 ILLUSTRATED SPOKTl^U BOOKS. Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc and the Jungfraii Alps, by George B. Cheever, n.d. (circa 1847). 8vo., with 3 plates. 2s.V;d. (cl.) Wars of Wellington, The : a Narrative Poem in 15 cantos, hy '' Dr. Syntax," with "six engravings" (coloured), 1821. 4to. Sometimes met with having 25 additional col. plates by W. Heath. £6 (hf. mor. extra, with the 25 plates) ; £2 8s. (orig. hf. mor., g.e., 6 col. pi., tine copy). Warwickshire Hunt, The, from 1705-1836, describing many of the most splendid rims, etc., by '* Venator " (John Cooper), 1837. 8vo. Front, and vignett.^s. .£4 10s. (hf. mor,, uncut). Way to Get Wealth, A, containing sixe Principall Voca- tions or Callings ... by G(ervMse) M(arkham), 1st collected issue (according to Hazlitt), 1625. 4to, ^Voodcuts. £2 2s. (cf. gt.) £2 5s. (oldcf.); Sixth edition, 1638. Sra. 4to. Cuts. Seventh edition, 1648. Sm. 4to. Cut' i:i5s. (cf. gt.) Eighth tdition, 1653. Sm. 4to. Cut.' Ninth edition, 1657. Sm. 4to. Cuts Tenth edition, 1660. Sm. 4to. Cuts. £1 17s. (oldcf.); -£2 16s. (orig. cf., fine copy). The second book (there are six, the last l)y Master W. L.) treats of Hawking, Angling, and Cock Fighting. The com- pilation consists of a re-issue of Markham's ''Farewell to Husbandly," 1625; " Cheap and Good Husbandly," 1623; ■" Countiy Contentments," 1623, and Lawson's "'New Orchard and Garden," 1623, each with the several title-page, pagination, and register. There are a number of other editions than those mentioned, notal)lv a loth pul)lished in 1695. Where There's a Will There's a Way : an Asceno of Mont Blanc without Guides, by Charles Hunt and E. S. Kennedy, 1856. Post 8vo. Map and plate. 16s. (orig. cl.) Published at 5s. 6d. ILLUSTRATED SPOirn>;(J J'.OOKS. 137 Whole Art of Fishing, The, to which is added the Laws of Angling. E. Cuiil, 1714. 12ni(). Front, of an angling scene. 7s. 6d. (cf.) Second edition, 1727. 8vo. l*ublished under the title of " The Gentleman Fisher. " N o frontispiece. .2s. (cf.) Wilderness Hunter, The : An Account of the Big Game of the United States, by Theodore Roosevelt, 1893. • 8vo. Coloured and plain plates. 10s. (orig. cl.); £1 4s. (L.P., 4to., orig. cl.) Wild Beasts of India, The, s" Thirteen Years Among the Wild Beasts, &c. Wild Fowler, The, a Treatise on Ancient and Modern Wild Fowling, historical and practical, by Ileniy Coleman Folkard. 1st ed. 1859. 8vo. ,^1 5s. (orig. cl. ) Published at 21s. TJiird edition, lS7b. Plates. 13s. (orig. cl.) Published at 15s. Fonrth edition, 1897. 8vo. pp. xviii. 380. Published at 12s. (M. Wild Fowler, The : a treatise on Ancient and Modern Wild Fowling, by Henry Coleman Folkard, 1859. 8vo. Plates. £1 5s. (green cloth). Second edition, 1864. 8vo. Plates. Kls. (orig. cl.) Third edition, 1875. 8vo. Plates. 13s. (orig. cl.) Wild Men and Wild Beasts : tScenes in Camp and Jungle, by Lt. -Col. Gord(jn Cumming, 1871. Sq. 8vo. Illustra- tions by Col. Baigrie and others. 12s. (orig. cl.) Published at 24s. A later edition appeared in 1872 in 8vo. at 18s. and 4to. at 24s. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa, by Edward H. D. E. Napier, 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. 10s. (cl.) Published at 21s. Wild Sports in Ireland, being Picturesque and Entertaining Descriptions of several Visits paid to Ireland, by "John Bickerdyke " (Charles Henry Cook). 1897. 8vo. pp. xii, 227. Illustrations from photographs by the author. 4s. {orig. cl.) Published at 6s. 138 ILLUSTRATED SPORTING BOOKS. Wild Sports in the Far West, by Friedrich Gerstaecker, 1854. Post 8vo. Tinted plates by Harrison Weir. 3s. (cl.) Second edition, 1856. 12mo. Translated from the German '' Sfcreif und Jagdziige diirch die Yereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas, " published at Dresden in 1844. Wild Sports in the Highlands, see Short Sketches of the Wild Sports, &c. Wild Sports of India, The, with Remarks on the Breeding and Rearing of Horses, by Henry Shakespear. 1st ed. 1860. F'cap, 8vo. Not illustrated. 4s. (cl.) Second edition, 1S()2. F'cap. 8vo. Much enlarged, with a p£10 10s. Huntsman Taking Hounds to a Cover, by 0. G. Lewis, after Rosa Bonheur, artist's i)roof. £1 10s. The Huntsman Rising, and The Gamester Going to Bed, two coloured plates, by Rowlandson, 1807. 20s. (original impressions). In Full Cry, by Samuel Howitt, in colours. Good. <£l 12s. The Leicestershire Hunt, a set of four coloured plates : " A Struggle for the Start," ''The First Ten Minutes," " Symptoms of a Skurry in a Pewy Country,'' and "The Death," folio. .£2 10s. (fair set). Leicestershire, a set of four hunting subjects, after J. Dean Paul, in colours. Good. £10 10s. Again, very fine. £26 5s. The Leap, The Death, after Aiken, by Bentley, in colours. Good. £4. The Life and Death of Tom Moody, a series of four plates, by Charles Hunt, after Pollard, in cohjurs. Good. £3 18s. Again, fair, £1 6s. The Lion Hunt, by Scheltius a Bolswert, after Rubens. £1 8s. (tine impression). 172 APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. A Litter of Foxes, after G. Lorraine Smith, by J. Grozer. Good. £1. The Lucky Sportsman, by F. D. Soiron, after Morland, printed in colours, very fine and scarce. Large margin. £50. The Meet, Breaking Cover, Full Cry, The Death, a series of four coloured plates, by Charles Hunt, after Henry Aiken, about 35in. by 24in. Fairly good, £2 10s. ; good, £11 5s. The Meet, Breaking Cover, Full Cry, The Death, the set of four oblong coloured plates, by T. Sutherland, after Henry Aiken, 1824. The set. Good. £12. The Meet of the Vine Hounds, by VV. H. Simmons, after Calvert, published in 1844. Fine lettered impressions. £2 5s. Meeting at Cover, Breaking Cover, Full Cry, and The Death, after Aiken, by Sutherland, a set of four, in colours. Fine. £21. The Meeting of Her Majesty's Staghounds on Ascot Heath, by William Bromley, after F. Grant, published on Jan. 1st, 1839. Good. 18s. The Meltonian, or the Pleasures of the Chase Developed, a set of 30 coloured plates, with dedication und frontispiece, by G. L. Jukes. Good, in four frames. £50. "One of the Right Sort," and "One of the Wrong Sort," by Henry Aiken, about 12in. by llin. Good. £2. The Otter Hunt, after Sir E. Landseer, by C. G. Lewis, artist's proof, signed by the engraver. £10. Again, signed by the painter, £21. La Promenade du Matin, Depart pour la Chasse, and La Chasse au Cerf, after C. Vernet, by Levachez, three plates, in colours. Good. £2 5s. The Quorn Hunt, after H. Aiken, by F. C, Lewis, a set of eight, in colours, with original wrapper. Very fine. £30. The Quorn Hunt, after H. Aiken, by F. C. Lewis, four plates, in colours. Good. £7 17s. 6d. APPENDIX OF SPORTI^'^r PRINTS. 173 The Stag at Bay, by Thomas Landseer, after Sir Edwin Landseer. ^42 (artist's proof). £54 (ibid. ) Stag and Hare Hunting, a series of four prints, published without name of Painter, Engraver, or Publisher, but dated 1797. Fair. 14s. Stag Hunting by Moonlight, by Johann Jacobe, after Casanovo. Good, full margins. I7s. Sir M. M. Sykes' Hounds Breaking Cover, after H. B. Ohalon, by Wolstenholme. Very line. £11 lis. Curiously enough the principal figures in Chalon's painting, and consequently in the print, do not include Sir Mark Sykes. The man standing under the tree in the foreground is Foxton, the earth stopper, while the man on the brown horse under the broken tree represents Robert Bower, of Welham. William Carter, who hunted the hounds at the time, is the central figure, and his sou Thomas Carter is seen jumping his horse out of cover. Sir Mark Sykes is on a white horse in a little group in the back-ground. Tattersall's and Smithfield, a pair after S. Aiken, in colours. Fair. 14s. Two Hacks, by G. T. Stubbs, after George Stubbs, in colours. Fair. £1 4s. Treeing the Fox, and The Meeting Place, after Davis, ])oth in colours. Good. £6 10s. The Unicorn Destroying a Huntsman, by Jean Juvet, ("The Masterof the Unicorn.") Fine impression. £12 12s. ; again, fair, £4. Unkennelling, after Aiken, by Sutherland, proof, in colours. £2. Unpleasant ; The Scramble, c^^c. , after H. Aiken, a set of five, in colours. Good. £10. View near Oakham, and A View near Melton Mowbray, after Aiken, a pair, in colours. Very good impressions. £7 10s. 1*^4: APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. A Village Meet, i)roof before all letters, in colours. Fair. £1 10s. Weighing the Deer, after F. Tayler, by T. L. Atkinson, artist's proof. Good. £1. Worcestershire, a set of four hunting subjects, by Fielding, after Woodward, in colours. Good. £12. Yellowham Wood, and The Cock-Tails Done, after Hodges, by Aiken and Reeve, a pair, in colours. Good. £7. PORTRAITS OF SPORTING CELEBRITIES. Portraits of Prizefighters ; the series of 17 prints en- graved by P. Roberts, from drawings by J. R Cruikahank. Old and good impressions. £5 10s. Francis Duckenfield Astley and His Harriers, after B. Marshall, by Woodman. Good. £2 15s. ; again, £1 10s. James Belcher, the Prizefighter, of Bristol, after Ailing- ham, l)y E. Clint, printed in colours. Fine. £5 5s. Thomas Belcher, the Prizefighter, after D. Guest, by 0. Turner, proof. Fine. £7 7s. Thomas Belcher, by Charles Turner, after B. Marshall, mezzotint, proof with full margins. £6. Bendigo (William Thomson), the Prizefiighter, by 0. Hunt, in colours ; William Neat, a Prize Fighter, after Rippingille, by J. F. Lewis. Both fair. £1 Is. J. B. Blanchard, the ^'Eronaut, by J. Newton, after R. Livesay. Good lettered impression. 7s. John Broughton, a Prizefighter, mezzotint, published by W. Richardson ; the same, whole length, after Hogarth, a lithograph. Both good impressions. £2 18s. Buckhorse, a Prizefighter, mezzotint, proof before any letters. Good. £2 15s. APPENDIX OK SrORTIN<} PRINTS. 175 Deaf Burke, after Meyer, by C. Hunt ; and Young Dutch Sam, after East, two Portraits of Prizefighters. Good. iei3s. Thomas Cribbi the Prizefighter, after D. Guest, by J. Young, proof, first state. Very fine. iilO. Tregonwell Frampton, Esq., Father of the Turf, after Wooton, mezzotint, by J. Jones. Good. £3 15s. Thomas Futrell, a Prizefighter, of Warwickshire, after W. H. Kingsbury, in colours ; and Thomas Winter (Spring), A Prize Fighter. Fair. IQs. George III., full length portrait in the character of an Archer. Published in 1795, and dedicated to the Kentish Bowmen. Good. £3 12s. Geo. III. was appointed Oaptain General of the Honourable Artillery Company in March, 1766. John Gully, the Prizefighter, wliole length in private ■dress, a mezzotint. Good. £2 10s. John Gully, the Prizefighter, whole length, mezzotint, open letter proof . Fine. £7 7h. John Gully, by Lopez. Good. £1 lOs. Johnny Hannan, Prizefighter, in colours ; George Taylor, the Bruiser, after Hogarth. Both good. £1 8s. Joshua Hudson, a Prize Fighter, in colours ; and Thomas Shelton, also a Prize Fighter. The pair, £1. Richard Humphreys, mezzotint, l)y John Young, after Hoppner, proof, with full margins. Very fine. £17 17s. Again, proof with etched letters. £15 15s. William Innes, " To the Society of Goffers at Blackheath,'' after Abbott. Very fine. £21. John Jackson, the Prizefighter, mezzotint, by Charles Turner, after B. Marshall, open letter proof. £5 5s. William Long, Huntsman of tlie Duke of Beaufort, by Ohaiies Hunt. Good. £1 Is. 176 APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. Vincent Lunardi, the ^ronaut, by Bartolozzi, after R. Cosway. Good lettered impression. 6s. Daniel Mendoza, iu fighting attitude, by H. Kingsbury^ after T. Robineau, very rare. Good. £4 4s. Daniel Mendoza, a Prizefighter, by Gillray, good im- pression of a scarce print, £1 ; again, earlier impression, £1 18s. MolineuX) a Prizefighter, by J. Young, after D. Guest, open letter proof, £4. Again, open letter proof. Fine. £7 7s. Molineux, a Prizefighter, l)y Dighton. Fair. 6s. Young Norley, a Prizefighter, after W. D., by C. Denn, in colours. Fair. 13s. Thomas Oldaker, Huntsman to the Berkeley Hounds, after Marshall, by R. Woodman. Fine. £7 17s. 6d. Philip Payne, the Duke of Beaufort's Huntsman, a mezzo- tint, by Charles Turner, after T. R. Davis, open letter proof. £5 5s. Henry Pearce, a Prizefighter, by Lopez. Good. £1 10s. Mr. Delme Radcliffe and his Harriers, 1833, in colours. Fair. £2 5s. William Richmond, a Prizefighter, after Sharpels, by W. M. Fellows. Fair. 10s. Dutch Sam, a Prizefighter, by and after P. Roberts, in colours. Fair. 5s. James Sayer, a boy fishing, by Richard Houston, after Zoffany. £3 16s. (proof before letters, full margin). Tom Bayers ; Heenan, both in colours. Good. £2 IDs. George Wilson, the Pedestrian, accomplishing his task of walking 1,000 miles in 20 days, by Williams, in colours, 1815. 4to. 6s. Ari'ENDIX OF SPORTINO PRINTS. 177 Mr. Tattersall, a mezzotint, by John Jones, after T. Beach. Good. £5 5s. Johnny Walker, the Prizetii^'hter, after A. S. Henning, by G. Hunt, })rinted in colours. Good. £2 6s. Again, fair, 15s. James Ward, the Prizetighter, aftar Finnic, })y T. Wool- notli, open letter i)roof. Good. £2, James, Duke of York, as a Boy, Playing Tennis, line en- graving, by , n.d. (rir. 1665). 10s. PORTRAITS OF RACEHORSES. Portraits of Racehorses, a series of 40 portraits of 18th century racehorses, with descriptive letterpress beneath, 1753. 8vo. £3 18s. (wrappers). Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, a series of mezzotints published by Laurie and Whittle ; and a series of small line engravings published by Sayer. Sixteen prints. Fair. £1 2s. Portraits of Racehorses, a set of 18 coloured prints of The Winners of the Derby and their Riders, from 1827 to 1845, inclusive, wanting that for 1840, after paintings by Herring, Hancock and Hall, engraved by Reeve, Hunt and Harris. All published by 8. and J. Fuller, except that for 1842, which has Ackermann's name. Offered by Messrs. Robson and Co., of Coventry Street, at £35. Portraits of Racehorses, a set of 30 coloured prints of The Winners of the St. Leger and their Riders, from 1815 to 1845, inclusive, wanting that for 1833, after paintings by Herring, Ferneley, Hancock and Hall, engraved by Reeve, Sutherland, Hunt and others. Published by S. and J. Fuller and R. Ackermann. This series was recently on sale by Messrs. Robson and Co., of Coventry Street, W., for £52 10s. Portraits of Racehorses, a series of six uncoloured plates, by Richard Houston, after Seymour and Spencer, mezzo- tints, with ornamental borders, full margins. Good. £3 10s. N l78 APPENDIX OF SPOUTINCJ PRINTS. Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, with their Jockeys, a set of 12 plates, by Richard Houston, after Seymour, not coloured. Good. £6 10s. Portraits of Racehorses, by Seymour and Spencer, en- graved by R. Houston, 14in. by 12in., 1755-56. The horses were six in number, and comprised Chestnut Arabian, Bay Boston, Dormouse, Bald Charlotte, CuUen Arabian, and Sedbury. ' The set, £o 5s. Portraits of Racehorses, 1755-56, from pictures by Seymour and Spencer, the series of 12 mezzotints engraved by R. Houston. Fine impressions with full margins, uniformly mounted in a portfolio. £12 5s. Portraits of Racehorses, with their Pedigrees, Achieve- ments, &c., 1740-53, a series of 33 line-engravings from pictures by T. Spencer and others. Very line old im- pressions, bound with the original wrappers in a volume, oblong folio, smooth calf gilt. £20. Portraits of Racehorses, with their Jockeys, viz. , Othello, Basto, Carlisle, Second, Young Cartouch, Bonny Black, Bald Charlotte, Creeping Molly, Lamprie, Childers, Fear- nought, Old Cartouch, Fox, Sedbury, Molly, and Bay Bolton, in all 16 plates, after James Seymour, with pedigrees and performances, T. Butler, 1753. 01)long 4to. £12 5s. Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, after Seymour and Spencer, by R. Houston, a set of six. Good. £3 18s. Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, with Jockeys up, after Spencer, printed in colours, with letterjjress, a set of eight. Good. £7. Portraits of Racehorses, coloured portraits of, by J. Rogers, size 23in. by 17in., published by McLean in 1826. About 10s, each. The series includes the portraits of " Cannon Ball," "George," " Selim," and others. Portraits of Racehorses, a series of six coloured prints of racehorses, by Shayer and others, n.d. Folio. The subjects APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. 179 are "Van Troiiip," "Kettledrum," "Alice Hawthorn," *' Formosa," " Pero Gomez," and "The Baron." £5 (good impressions, full margins). Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses, by G. T. Stu))bs, after G. Stubbs, a series of eleven plates in colours. Good, iull lis. Portraits of Celebrated Horses, 13 oblong folio litho- graphic plates, proofs on India Paper, selected and retouched by James Ward, R.A., the artist. £20 (bound up in Russia). On another occasion, the same set, proofs and re- touched as before, brought £2 15s. only. Antonio and Jerry, after J. F. Herring, by Sutherland, a pair, in colours. Good. £3 15s. Barbarossa, aft:!r H. B. Chalon, l)y W. Ward ; and Van- dyke, after the same, by W. 8ay. Both good. £5 15s. Bloomsbury and Grey Momus, after J. F. Herring, by C. Hunt, a^pair, in colours. Good. -B2 5s. Bobtail, a celebrate:! Racer, by and after John Whessell, in colours. Good. 18s. Brilliant and Tantrum, after Shaw and Sartorius ; and A. Racehorse, after Seymour, by Burford, three plates. Good. £1 16s. Bungay and Adonis, after B. Marshall, by C. T. Stubbs. Good. £2. Copenhagen, by William Say, after Smyth, in colours. Good. £1. Again. Very fine. £2 5s. Diamond, after B. Marshall ; and Smolensko, after Sar- torius, by W. Ward, proofs. Fine impressions. £9 19s. 6d. Diamond and Hambletonian, both by John Whessell, after Sartorius. Good. £1 8s. Dick Andrews and Penelope, celebrated Racers, both by and after John Whessell, in colours. Good. £1 8s. N 2 180 APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. Dr. Syntax, after J. F. Herring, by C. Turner, touched proof. Fine. £6 15s. Eclipse, by T. Burke, after G. Stubbs. Good. £2 12s. Eclipse, after G. Stubbs, by T. Burke. Good. £3 3s. Eclipse, mezzotint, by Thomas Burke, after George Stubbs, in colours. Fine. £4 4s. Eclipse, by George Stubbs, after T, Burke, uncoloured. Very scarce. Fine impression. £4 10s. Eleanor, by and after John Whessell, in colours. Good. 18s. Eleanor and Parasol, by and after John Whessell, the pair, in colours. Good. £3 10s. Firetail, mezzotint, published by Sayer and Bennett, uncoloured, very scarce. Good. £3 10s. Grey Diomed and Smolensko, both after Sartorius. Good. £2 5s. Gimcrack, after Sartorius ; Eclipse, after Stubbs ; Buzzard ; and Skyscraper. Fair. £1 6s. Gimcrack, after Stubbs, by G. T. Stubbs, open letter proof. Good. £1. Godolphin, an Arabian, by James Scott, after Stubbs. Good. £1 Is. Highflyer, after S. Gilpin, proof before all letters. £2. Highflyer, after S. Gilpin, by F. Jukes, proof. Good. £2 2s. Jupiter, by W. Ward after S. Gilpin, open letter proof with full margin. Good, £1 12s. Jupiter, after S. Gilpin, by W. Ward, open letter proof. Fine. £3 13s. 6d. Little Driver, jockey up, by H. Roberts, after Spencer, pedigree of the horse at either side and list of prizes below, published August, 1751. Good. 12s. APPENDIX OF SJ-ORTINO PRINTS. 181 Mambrino, by G. T. Stiibbs, in colours. Fair. lis. Meteora and Parasol, both by and after John Whessell, in colours. Good. £1 15s. Morel, with Jockey and Trainer, after H. B. Chalon, by W. Ward, proof before any letters. Very good impressions. £Q 16s. 6d. Orlando, winner of the Derby in 1844, by Charles Hunt, after J. F. Herring, in colours. Good. £1 8s. Orville and his Trainer, with a list of his performances at Brighton, Newmarket, Doncaster, and York, by J. Scott, after Clifton Thompson. Fine proof with margins intact. £3 15s. The same, proof in colours. Very line. jtlO 10s. Pavilion, ridden by Chifney ; and Violante, ridden by Buckle, after H. B. Chalon, by W. Ward, open letter proofs. Fine. £9 19s. 6d. Pavilion, after H. B. Chalon, by W. Ward, proof before any letters. Fine. ii6 6s. Pavilion, rode by Chifney, by T. Burke, engraver's proof before any letters, touched by the artist. Very hne. £8 10s. Phenomena, after Sartorius, by John Whessell ; Tarrare, after Dolby ; the latter a proof, both in colours. Good. £2 5s. Pumpkin, after G. Stubbs, A.R.A.,by G. Townley Stubbs, in colours. Good. £l 12s. Quiz, by W. Ward, engraver's proof before any letters. Very line. £11 6s. Rosette, by W, Ward, engraver's proof before any letters, touched by the artist. Very fine. £7 15s. Again, the aame in print state. Very fine. £4 18s. Sir David, by W. Ward, after Chalon, engraver's proof before any letters, touched by the artist. Fine. £4 4s. Sir Peter Teazle, after Gilpin, by W. Ward, proof ; and Mambrino, after Stubbs, by C. Hodges. Good. £4 4s. 182 AITEJSDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. Tandem, after J. Pollard, by Gleadah ; and Coventry, by and after Fellowes, a pair, in colours. Good. £7 7s. Trumpeter and A^iolante, celebrated Racers, both by and after John Whessell, in colours. Good, £1 16s. Yiolante, rode by Buckle, by T. Burke, engraver's proof before any letters, touched by the artist. Very fine. £4 15s. Violante, by and after John Whessel, in colours. Good. £2. Volunteer, by G. T. Stubbs, in colours. Fair. lis. RACING. Ascot : Returning from Ascot Races, by Edward Duncan, after Henderson. Good coloured impression. £3 3s. Ascot: His Majesty's Gold Plate, after J. Pollard, in colours. Good. £4 4s. Ascot : The Oatlands Sweepstakes, after Sartorius, by Edy, in colours. Fine. £5. Aylesbury Grand Steeplechase, ran in Februaiy, 1866, by C. Bentley, after Aiken, in colours. Good. £5 5s. Aylesbury Grand Steeplechase, a set of four plates, in colours, by Harris, after Pollard. Veiy good. £18 18s. Bramham Moor Hunt Races, the set of six coloured plates, after H. Watkins Wild. Fair. £1 5s. The Breeding and Training of Racehorses, the series of six engravings by W. Elliott, from pictures by T. Smith, a fine uniform set. £13. Chantilly Races, 1841, engraved by C. Hunt, a set of four aquatints. Good. £3 5s. Chantilly Races, 1841, after Campion and Herring, two proofs in colours. Good. £11. A Country Race Course : Preparing to Start ; Horses Running, both by Jenkins, after Mason, in colours. In- different. £1. A.FrEM»IX OF SPORTING PRINTS. 183 A Country Race Course, after W. Mason, by Jukes and Jenkins, a very line uncoloured impression. £7. Mr. Coventry's Sacripant Winning at Epsom, in colours. Good. £4 OS. Derby Pets, a series of four plates, in colours, after Pollard. Fair. £1 5s. Derby Stakes, 1820, after H. Aiken ; Racing, by the same ; others after S. Aiken, Stubbs, etc. , all old coloured impres- sions. Seven plates. Good. jc6 15s. The Derby Stakes of 1828 and 1829 ; and The Ascot Gold Cup, 1829, after J. Pollard, a set of three, in colours. Good. £10. The Derby of 1839, after Pollard ; and the Derby of 1820, after Aiken, both in colours. Fair. £2 2s. The Derby of 1848, after Charles Hunt, in colours. Fair. 8s. The Derby : Panoramic View of the Derby, four strips, about 5 feet long by 5 inches wide, coloured, in a black and gilt frame. Very rare. £21. The Derby : a pair of coloured plates, after J. F. Turner, engraved by Charles Hunt ; Start for the Derby ; Coming in for the Derby (40iin. by 27iin.), 1870. Inferior. 15s. The Derby : Coming in for the Derby, after J. F. Turner, by Charles Hunt, in colours. Good. £2 14s. The Derby ; Going to the Derby ; the Settlement at the Corner, four long strips, coloured, in a black and gold frame. Very rare. £25 10s. Doncaster Races, by Harris, after Pollard, a series of four plates in colours. Good. £3 10s. Doncaster Races : The St. Leger of 1836, after Pollard, by Harris, a set of three, in colours. Good. £9. Doncaster Races, after Pollard ; and the St. Leger of. 1839, after J. F. Hemng, both in colours. Good. £6 6s. 184 APPENDIX OF SPORTING PKINTH. Doncaster Great St. Leger, 1859 ; and Grand Stand, Ascot, 1859, by J. F. Herring, a pair, coloured. Fair. 14s. Epsom, after J. Pollard, by C. Hunt, a set of six, in colours. Very tine. £31. Epsom Races, by J. Pollard, in colours. Very tine. ^12 10s. Epsom Races (the Derby), by J. Pollard, in colours. Very fine. 4il5. Epsom Races, by Sutherland, after Aiken, a pair, in colours. Good. £4 10s. Epsom Races, after Pollard, by Smart and Hunt, a set of three, in colours. Very fine. ;i^31. Epsom : The Great Derby Stakes, after J. Pollard, in colours. Good. M4: 4s. Epsom, Goodwood, and Ascot Races, after Pollard, by Pyall, a set of three, in colours. Fine. £18 10s. Epsom (The Derby) ; Ascot (The Oatlands Sweepstakes), both by J. Edy, after Sartorius. Good. £5 5s. iSee Ascot, supra. Epsom Downs, 1848: The Grand Stand; The Stewards' Stand ; and The Winning Post, after Aiken, a series of three coloured lithographs. Good. £2 10s. Epsom Giand Stand ; and Goodwood Grand Stand, after Pollard, by Reeve, both in colours. Good. £6. Epsom National Derby Day, open to all Nations, 1851 : a folding coloured print, by Henry Aiken, opening to about 8 feet, published by Ackermann, n.d. (1851). £3 3s. (pic- torial bds.) See Race and The Road, The. Post. The Field and the Road, both by Charles Hunt, after J. F. Turner, in colours. Good. £2 12s. Goodwood : The Grand Stand at Goodwood, by C. Hunt, jn colours. Good. £4 15s. APPENDIX OF SPOKTINc; PRINTS. 185 The High Mettled Racer, by Thomas Sutherland, after Aiken, a series of six plates, in colours. Good. ^5 15s. The Last Horse Race run before Charles II., by Francis Barlow, a very rar and curious plate. Good, £12 10s. The Leamington Grand Steeplechase, a set of four plates, in colours, by C. Hunt, after Turner. Fair. £3 5s. Life and Death of a Racehorse, a series of six plates, in aquatint, by and after Gooch, 1792. Fine. £9 9s. Again, £1 6s. (inferior). The Liverpool Great National Steeplechase, 1839, after Harris, plates 1 and 4, in colours. Fail". £1 10s. Match between Flying Dutchman and Yoltigeurfor £1,000, Run at York on May 13th, 1851, by Charles Hunt, after Harry Hall, in colours. Good. £b 5s. The same, very fine, £14 14s. ; the same, uncoloured, good, £1. A Match for One Thousand Pounds, after Pollard, in ■colours. Fair. £1 12s. Newton Races, 1831, aft«r C. Towne, l)y Hunt, in colours. Good. £5 5s. The Punchestown Races, view of the Grand Stand with the Prince of Wales on a White Horse, by T. L. Sayer, after Barraud. 34in. by 17in. £2 15s. (artist's proof, good). Mr. Osbaldeston's Match against Time, by Harris, after H. Aiken, in colours. Fair. 16s. Race and The Road, The, Epsom 1851, a folding coloured print, by Henry Aiken, opening to about 8 feet, describing scenes on the road to Epsom and the race for the Derby Stakes, published by Ackermann, n.d. (1851). £3 3s. (pic- torial bds.) iSee Epsom National Derby Day. Supra. Race for the Great St. Leger Stakes, 1836, by John Harris, after Pollard, in colours. Fine. £3 10s. Race for the Great St. Leger Stakes, l)y Charles Hunt, in •colours. Good. £2 5s. 186 APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. Race between Bay Malton and Gimcrack, by Richard Houston, after Sartoriiis, nncoloiired, a very scarce print. Good. £3 10s. Race : Bay Melton beating King Herod and the Field, by R. How, uncoloured. Scarce. Good. £3 10s. Racing Incidents, a set of six coloured plates, by Thomas Rowlandson, scarce. Good. £7. Racing Subjects, a set of eight plates, each about 18in. by 12in. lengthways, in colours, by S. Aiken, jun., an extremely rare set. £99 15s. (in old, common frames, tolerably good impressions). Five Racers Preparing to Start, after C. Yernet, by Debou- court. Very tine. £8 18s. 6d. St. Alban's Steeplechase, a set of four plates by Reeves and Hunt, after Pollard, with the " Key." Good. £4 4s. The St. Leger, 1812 ; and Start for the St. Leger, 1816, after Clift«ni Thomson, both in colours. Fair. £3 15s. Scenes on the Road, or a Trip to Epsom and back, by John Harris, after James Pollard, a series of four plates in colours. £2 8s. (fair) ; £16 (very fine) ; £24 3s. (ihul) Start for the Derby, and Coming in for the Derby, after F. C. Turner, a pair, coloured. Fair. £1 Is. The Steeple Chase, a set of six 4to coloured j^lates, by Henry Aiken. Good. £5 5s. Steeple Chase Scenes, a set of six folio coloured plates, after Henry Aiken. Good. £7 7s. A Steeplechase, after H. Aiken, a pair, in colours. Good, £3 10s. The First Steeplechase on Record, a series of four coloured plates, by John Harris, after Henry Aiken. £2 18s. (good). £7 7s. (fine set). This well-known series has been reprinted more than once. The reprints are frequently offered for sale at about 30s. the set. APPENDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. 187 Chances of the Steeplechase, a set of seven coloured plates, all after J. Pollard. Fairly good set. £10. The Trademan's Plate, Chester, 1839, by John Harris, after T. C. Turner, in colours. £1 4s. (good). Training, Starting, Running, After Running, a set of four coloured plates, by Hunt, after Pollard. Good. . £10. The Walk, Starting, The Race, Rubbing Down, a set of four coloured plates, by Sutherland, after Aiken. Very iiiie, £22. The Wolverhampton Stakes, 1839, after F. C. Turner, in colours. Fair. 10s. Worcester Race Course, after Ziegier : and St. Albans Tally-ho Stakes, after Pollard, both in colours. Fine. £9 10s. SHOOTING (including SPORTING DOGS). Ball, painted and engraved by C. Turner, old impression in colours ; and Dogs Fighting, by the same. Good. £1 18s. The Beagles, by Thomas Reeve, after Wolstenholme, in colours. Good. £1 16s. Cover Shooting, a pair, by Thomas Reeve, after Wolsten- holme, in colours. Good. £3 10s. Crib and Rosa, by J. Scott, after A. Cooper, open letter proof ; and the same, a modern impression. £1 6s, Crib and Rosa, after A. Cooper, by J. Scott ; Jem Burns' four pets, after Clater, both open letter proofs. Very fine. £6 6s. Dash, a pointer in the possession of Colonel Thornton, by Robert Pollard, in colours. Good. £2 15s. Deer Stalking, a series of six plates by Ansdell, viz.. Shot, Chase, Examining Ground, Deer Disturbed, Waiting for Help, Returning Home. £1. Fair. 188 APPEXDIX OF SPORTING PRINTS. Duck, Snipe, Woodcock, Pheasant, Partridge, and Grouse Shooting, a series of six plates by Charles Hunt, after Turner, in colours. Good. £6. Duck Shooting, by Charles Catton, after Morland, in colours. Good. £4 10s. A Famous Setter, after H. B. Chalon, hy W. Ward, proof before any letters. Good. £1 Is, A Famous Newfoundland Dog, after H. B. Chalon, by C. Turner, open letter proof. Very tine. £2 10s. The First of September, Morning and Evening, by William Ward, after Morland. £30 (very tine paii', in colours) ; it 16 (ibid.); £o 10s. (fair, in colours); jil 12s. (uncoloured, good). The First of September, after D. Wolstenholme, by Reev^e, a pair, in colours. £2 15s. Going to the Moors, Going to Cover, a j>air, after S. Aiken, in colours. Fair. 14s. Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, and Wild Fowl Shooting, a set of four plates, by Thomas Sutherland, after Wolsten- holme. £6 10s. (uncoloured, good) ; itCi 6s. (coloured, good). Again, tine, coloured, £15 10s. Grouse Shooting, Wild Fowl Shooting, Snipe Shooting, ;") Doctor Comicus, :iS Enjilish Dance of Deiith, 41 Horse Accomi>lislinients, (ii Hnngarian Broail Sword, (>.i Hnmonrist, The.O.'^ Ingenionsly Tormenting, 4;< Johnny Qnfe Genns, 60 Mati-imonial (Comforts, 7() Military Adventures of Johnny Xewcome, 7s Old English S(iuire, St> Pleasures of Human Life, 1>1 Qui Hi ? in Hindustan, v>rt Sketches of the Lower OrderH, 24 Syntax in Paris, 122 Tom Raw, the (iriffin, 125 Tour of Dr. Syntax, 12(J Treatise on Education, 27 Utility of Fen. •iiig, i:;l Roworth, C, 11 Russell, Kev. Jno. , 77 S. S. (J.).lo2 St. John, (;. W. G. , 107. 12:. St. John, G.,81 St. Johu.H. C.,84 Salgado , J. , 6(5 Saltan, G. \V.,132 Salter, R. , 78 Salter, T. F., ti, i:n Salvin,F. H.,45 Sandeman, F. , 8, 2:5 Sanderson, (4eo. P.', ]2:{ San Don;ito, Priiic! de, SKi': Douii- dov. A Satchell.T., 142 Saunders, Jas. , ao Saunier, (i. de, 145 Saviolo, V.,r.9 Scarlett, G. M. , 65 Schlegel and Wulverhorst, 123 Schreiner, W. H. , 104 Scott, J., 60, 120 Scott , S. , 142 " Scott, William Henry," 22, HO Scrope, Wm. , 11, 35, 119 ' ' Scrutator," ske Horlock, K.W. Sebright, Sir J. S. , 85 Segar, Sir W., 21, 61 Selkirk, G. H. , 56 Selous, F. C. , 128, 145 Seymour, Richd. , 30 Seymour, Robert, 43, 75, l()f», 147 ' ' vShadow , " 78 Shakespear, Hy. , 138 Sharp, Henry, 93 Shearman, M. , 15 Shields, G. 0.,33 Shipley, Wm. , 132 Shirley, E. P., 110 Shirley, Thomas, 141 Sidney, Saniuel, 20 Silver, Geo. , 88 Simeon, C. , 121 Sinclair, CaptaiTi, 34 Sinclair, A., 16 Sinigaglia, L., 25 Sketchley, W., 26 Smeeton, Geo., 38 Smith, Alex. ,30 Smith, Allterfc, 121 Smith, G. L. , 100 • Smith, Horace, 47 Smith, J. T.,134 Smith, Thomas, 45, 73, 119 Smith, Tom, 114 " Snaffle," 56 Solleysell , Jacques de , 31 , 148 Somerville, Wm. , 24, 34, 60 " South, Theophilus," SEEChittjr,E Speedy, Thos., Ill Spiller, T.,23 " Sportsman, A," 130 Springfield, RoUo, 61 Steednian, Chas. , 76 Steel , A. G. , 15 Stevens, Chas. , 75 202 Stevenson, Matthew, 133 Steward, Chas., 81 Stewart, W. C.,92 Stocciueler, J. H. , 17 Stoddart, T.,6 Stoddart,T. T.,8,11 Stone, S. J., 66 " Stonehenge," see Walsh, J. H. Stradanus, J. , 134 Strutc, Jos. , 116 Stuart, Chas. Edw. , 71 Stnart, John, 19 Stuart, John So>>ie.ski, 71 Stubbs , Geo. , 5 Sturgess, Jno., 17, 33, 51, S5, 86, 94 Suffolk, Earl of, 16,41 Sullivan, Sir E. , 16 Surtees, R. 8., 4, 14, 57, 59, 69, so, 91, 110 Swayne, H. G. C. , 106 Swetnam, Joseph, 1<)3 Swiflet, R., 76 Swift, Owen, 57 Syntax, Dr., see Combe, Wm. "Syntax," Dr. 127, 136 Taplin, Wm.,113 Tarcaglia, N., 123 Tattersall, Geo. , 33, 89, 113 Taunton , T. , 46 Taunton, T. 11. , 91 Taylor, Jas. , 34 Theakston, M. , 147 Thevenot, M. , 13 Thibault, G..1 Thorn, Walter, 89 " Thomas, B. ," see Johnson, T. B Thomas, H. S. , 100 'Ihompson, R. F. M. , 149 Thormanby, see Dixon, Wilniot Thornhill, R. B. , 107 Thornton, A., 38 Thornton, Col. Thos., 116, liy Tolfrey, P., 56, 117 Tomlinson , K. , 11 Tongue, C. , 65,97, 120, 121 " Touchstone, S. F. ," 60 Tristram, W. (). , 26 Turberville, Geo. , 21, 83 Turner, Sir .James, 88 Turnor, C. H.,14 "Twenty-Bore," 149 Twici, Wm. , 12 Tyn. td., by post 2s. dd. Boat Sailing for Amateurs, Practical. Containing Particulars of the most Suitable Sailing Boats and Yachts for Amateurs, and Instructions for their Proper Handling, &c. Illustrated with numerous Diagrams. By G. Christopher Davies. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, and with several New Plans of Yachts. In cloth gilt, price 5s., by post 5s. 4rf. 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Shows clearly all the Main, and most of the Cross, Roads, Railroads, and the Distances between tho Chief Towns, as well as the Mileage from London. In addition to this, Routes of Thirty of the Most Jntercsiing Tours are printed in red. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. The map is printed on specially prepared vellum paper, and is the fullest, handiest, and best up-to-date tourist's map in the market. In eloth, price Is., hy post \s. 2d. Dainties, Englisb and Foreign, and How to Prepare Them. By Mrs. Davidsox. In pajicr, price Is , hij po^t Is. 2d. Designing, Harmonic and Keyboard. Explaining a System whereby an endless Variety of Mo.st Beautiful Designs suited to numberless Manufactures may be ol)tained by Unskilled Persons from any Printed Music. Illustrated by Numerous Explanatory Diagrams and Illustrative Examples. By C. H. Wilkinson. Demy 4^o, dcth gilt, price £5 3s. netl, by ^wsf £3 3s. 8(7. Dogs, Breaking and Training: Being Concise Directions for tho proper education of Dogs, both for the Field and for Companions. Second Edition. By "Pathfinder." With Chapters by UuGii Dalziel. Illus- trated. In cloth gilt, price 6s. 6rf., by post 6s. lOd. Dogs, British, Ancient and Modern: Their Varieties, History, and Characteristics. By Hu<;h Dakziel, assisted by Eminent Fanciers. Beautifully Illustrated with COLOURED PLATES and full-page Engravings of Dogs of the Day, with numerous smaller illustrations in the text. This is the fullest work on the various breeds of dogs kept in England. In three volumes, demy Svo, cloth yilt, itrice 10s. bd. each, by post lis. each. Vol. I. T^of/s Uned in Wield Sports. Vol. Iff. I*racticol Ken/ml 31rice 2s. bd., by post 2s. 9d. Pottery and Porcelain, English. A Guide for Collectors. Handsomely Illustrated with Engravings of Specimen Pieces and the Marks used by the different Makers. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By the REV. E. A. DOWNMAN. 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I7i cloth gilt, price lOs.bd., bypostlOs. lid. Rabbits, Diseases of: Their Causes, Symptoms, and Cure. With a Chapter on The Diseases of Cavies. Reprinted from " The Book of the Rabbit" and "The Guinea Pig for Food, Fur, and Fancy." Jn paper, price Is., by post Is. 2d. Rabbits for Prizes and Profit. The Proper Management of Fancy Rabbits in Health and Disease, for Pets or the Market, and Descriptions of every known Variety, with Instructions for Breeding Good Specimens. By Charles Rayson. Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price 2s. bd., by post 2s. 2d. Also in Sections, as follows : General Mannqenient of Rnbhits, Including Hutches, Breeding, Feeding, Diseases and their Treatment, Rabbit Courts, &c. Fully Illustrated. In paper, price Is. , by post Is. 2d. Exhibition Rahhits, Being descriptions of all Varieties of Fancy Rabbits, their Points of Excellence, and how to obtain them. Illustrated. In paper, price Is., by post \s. 2d Road Charts (Registered). 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A Description of the Holiday Resorts on the Coasts of England and Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man, giving full particulars of them and their attractions, and all information likely to assist persons in selecting places in which to spend their Holidays according to their individual tastes. Illustrated. Twenty-second Year of Issue. I7i cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. lOd. Sea Terms, a Dictionary of. For the use of Yachtsmen, Amateur Boat- men, and Beginners. By A. Ansted, Fully Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price Is. bd. nett, by post 7s. lid. Shadow Entertainments, and How to Work them : being Something about Shadows, and the way to make them Profitable and Funny. By A. Patter. SON. Illustrated. In paj)er, price Is., by post Is. 2d^ Shave, An Easy: The Mysteries, Secrets, and VVhole Art of, laid bare* Edited by Joseph Morton. Price Is., by post Is. 2d. Sheep Raising and Shepherding. A Handbook of Sheep Farming. I y W. J. 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In cloth case, price. 2s. bd., by post 2s. 2d.; leather, price 3s. 6^., Ini post 3s. 9rf. A cheap form is issued printed on paper and made up as a small book, ^jnce Is., by post Is. Id. Sleight of Hand. A Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs ard Others. New Edition. Revised and Enlarged Profusely Illustrated. By E. Sachs. In cloth gilt, price bs. bd., by post 6s. lOd. Snakes, Marsupials, and Birds. A Charming Book of Anecdotes, Adven- tures, and Zoological Notes. A capital Book for Boys. By Arthur Nicoi.s, F.G.S., F.R.G.S., &c. Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price Is. bd., by post 3s. lOd. Solo 'Whist. A Practical Manual both for Beginners and Advanced Students, with Amended Exhaustive Code of Laws. By C. J. Melrose. In cloth gilt, price 3s. bd., by post 3s. lOd. t Sporting Books, Illustrated. A Descriptive Survey of a Collection of English Illustrated Works of a Sporting and Racy Character, with an Appendix of Prints relating to Sports of the Field. 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Demy 4rice 3s. bd., by post Is. lOd. "Whist, Scientific: Its Whys and Wherefores. Wherein all Arbitrary Dicta of Authority are eliminated, the Reader being taken step by step through the Reasoning Operations upon which the Rules of Play are based. By C.J. Melrose. With Illustrative Hands printed in Colour. In cloth gilt, jyrice 6s., Inj post 6s. bd. Wild Birds, Cries and Call Notes of, Described at Length, and in many instances Illustrated by Musical Notation. In paper, price Is., by piost Is. 2d VrUdfowling, Practical: A Book on Wildfowl and Wildfowl Shooting. By Hy. Sharp. The result of 25 years experience Wildfowl Shooting under all sorts of conditions of locality as well as circumstances. Profusely Illus- trated. Demy 8w, cloth gilt, price 12s. bd. nett, by post 12s. lOd. W^lld Sports in Ireland. Being Picturesque and Entertaining Descriptions of several visits paid to Ireland, with Practical Hints likely to be of service to the Angler, Wiidfowler, and Yachtsman. By John Bickerdyke, Author of 'The Book of the AU-Round Angler," &c. Beautifully Illustrated from Photographs taken by the Author. In cloth gilt, price 6s., by post bs. 4d. 170, Strand, London, W.G. 13 Window Ticket "Writing. Containing full Instructions on the Method of Mixing and Using the Various Inks, &c., required, Hints on Stencilling as applied to Ticket Writing, together with Lessons on Glass Writing, Japanning on Tin, &c. Esi)ecially written for the use of Learners and 8hop Assistants. By Wm. C. Scott. Jn paper, price Is., by post Is. 2d. Wiro and Sheet Gauges of the W^orld. Compared and Compiled by C. A. B. Pfeilsciimidt, of Sheffiehl. In paper, price !«., by post Is. Id. IBfood Carving for Amateurs. Full Instructions for producing all the different varieties of Carvings. Sl'^COND EDITION. Edited by 1). Dennino. In paper, price Is., by post Is. 2d. W^orkshop Makesliifts. Being a Collection of Practical Hints and Suggestions for tlie use of Amateur Workers in Wood and Metal. 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