■^ f.^ ^ WORKS ON HORSEMANSHIP AND SWORDSMANSHIP, IN THE Hitvavg of F. H. H U T H . |«»I«I®I9||^I'9I«I«I BATH : CHARLES SEERS, PRINTER, ARGYLE STREET 1890. ;^-5) Horsemanship. WORKS ON Horseniaiiship and Swordsmanship, IN THE LIBRARY OF F. H. HUTH. 1497. I- A Poem in Latin hexameter verse in honour of " Illustris Dux Saxonia; Princeps AlbertUS, Theutonicus Achilles," including an epitome ol the wars in Lower Germany. Printed at Lyptzick anno Christi 1497. Small 4to, M., 7| in. by 5^ in. Vellum. 1515. 2. Libri de re Rvstica, A Nicolao Angelio uiro con- sumatissimo nuper maxima diligentia recogniti et typis excusi, cum in dise et expositione omnium dictionum. Catonis. Varronis. Collumellse. Palla dij quae aliqua enucleatione indigebant. M. Catonis. Lib. L M. Terentij Varronis. Lib. IIL L. Junij Moderati Columella;. Lib. XI L Eiusdem arboribus Liber separatus ab alijs. Palladij. Lib. XI I H. De duobus dierum generibus, simulq ; de umbris et oris, quae apud Palladium. 4 HORSEMANSHIP. 1515 — cotiiinued. Impressum Florentise opera et impressa Philippi Juntae. Anno a natiuitate. D.XV. Supra mille (15 15) mense Julio, Leone Decimo Pontifia;. 8vo. 339 pp. M., 8f in. by s| in. 1538. 3» Vegetii Renati artis Veterinariae, sive Mulomedi- cinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem sediti. Opus sane in rebus medicis minime asper- nandum. Basiliae. Anno 1528. Excvdebat Joannes Faber Emmevs Ivliacencis. 4to. M., S,\ in. by 5| in. First edition. Contains title within woodcut border. 72 leaves, paged on one side only ; besides Epistola Dedicatoria, and Index. Olive morocco, gilt edges. 1530. Veterinariae Medicinae Libri IL Johanne Rvellio Svessionensi interprete. Parisijs apud Simonem Colinaeum. 1530. Folio. 120 pp., index, engraved title, and many large initial letters. M., 12 J in. by 8| in. This work embodies the fragmentary writings of several HORSEMANSHIP. 5 1530 — continued. ancient Greek authors, dating from about A.D. 225 to A.D. 950. Their names are : — Absyrtus, Anatolius, Hippocrates, Himerius, Pamphilus, Hierocles, Tibe- rius, iEmih'us Hispanus, Africanus, Mago Carthagi- nensis, Theomnestus, Eumelus, Didymus, Pelagonius, Archedemus, Litorius Beneventanus, and Diophanes ; and their writings are translated into Latin by Ruellius. Dedication : — Christianissimo Galh'arum Regi Francisco ejus nominis primo Johannes Ruellius. There is a rudely-executed equestrian portrait of Francis on the Title. 1555.-^ ^5?) Ordini di Cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le natvre de' Cavalli, emendare i vitii loro, et amma;strargli per I'uso della guerra, et commodita de gli huomini. Compost! dal Signer Federico Grisoni, Gentil'huomo Napolitano. Con gratia et privi- legio. In Vinegia, appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi, alia bottega d'Erasmo. I553- 8vo. 222 pp. M., 6 in. by 3I in. Vellum. 1566. /'e.^La Gloria del Cavallo. Opera dell' illvstre S. Pasqval CaraCCiolo. Divisa in diecilibri: 6 IIORSEMANSIIII'. 1566 — continued. Ne' qvali oltra gli ordini pertinent! alia Caualleria, si descriuono tutti i particolari, che son necessari neir alleuare, custodire, maneggiare, & curar caualli ; accommodandoui essempi tratti da tutte I'historie antiche & moderne, con industria & giudicio dignissimo d'essere auertito da ogni X Caualliero. Con dve Tavole copiosissime, I'vna delle cose notabili, I'altra delle cose medicinali. Con privilegi. Appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari. In Vinegia. 1566. 4to. 971 pp. Vignette on title. M., 8 J in. by 5 J in. 1573. /7?)I1 Cavalerizzo, di Messer Clavdio Gorte, di ^''^ Pauia. Nel qvale, si tratta della natura de' Caualli del modo di domargli, & frenargli, e di tutto quello, che a Caualli, & 11 buon Caualerizzo s'appartiene. Accresciuto, emendato, & ornato di vtilissime cose molto piaceuoli. Appresso Alessandro Marsilij. In Lyone. 1573- Con priuilegio del Christianissimo, Re di Francia. 4to. 162 pp. and index. M., 9^ in. by 6| in. Engraved Title, and many large Initial Letters to commencement of Chapters. Air Invitissimo, Potentissimo, et Christianissimo, Re di Francia, Carlo Nono. HORSEMANSHIP. 7 1579. 8. L'Ecvirie dv S. Federic Grison, Gentilhomme Napolitain. En laquelle est monstr^ I'ordre & I'art de choisir, dompter, piquer, dresser & manier les cheuaux, tant pour I'vsage de la guerre qu'autre commoditt^ de Ihomme. Auecques figures de diuerses sortes de mors de bride. N'aguieres traduite d'ltalien en Francois, & nouuellement reueutj & augmentee, & enrichie d'abondant de la figure «& description du bon Cheual. Chez Guillaume Auuray, rue S. Jean de Beauuais, a lenseigne du Bellerophon couronn^. A Paris. 1579. 4to. 128 leaves, paged on one side only. Vignette on title. 48 woodcuts of bits, and i plate of a horse. M., 8f in. by 6^ in. Bound by Cuzin. 1580. q The foure chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship; that is to sale, the ofiice of the Breeder, of the Rider, of the Keeper, and of the Ferrer. In the First part whereof is declared, the order of breed- ing of Horses. In the second, how to breake them, and to make them Horses of seruice. Con- teining the whole Art of Riding latelie set forth, and now newlie corrected, and amended of mania faults escaped in the first printing, as well touch- 8 HORSEMANSHIP. 1580 — cojitimied. ing the Bits, as otherwise. Thirdlie, how to diet them, as well when they rest, as when they trauell by the way. Fourthlie, to what diseases they be subiect, togither with the causes of such diseases, the signes how to knowe them, and finaUie how to cure the same. Which bookes are not onlie pain- fullie collected out of a number of Authours, but also orderlie disposed and applied to the vse of this our countrie. By Thomas BlundeuiU, of Newton Flotman, in Norffolke. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, being the assigne of William Seres. 1580. 4to. Divided into 4 distinct parts, each having its own engraved title, as given under, and each part numbered by itself. The whole contains 50 plates of Bits, 2 pages of Horse-Shoes, numerous large initial letters, and finals. Part 1. contains 23 pp. ; Part II. 81 pp. ; Part III., 22 pp. : Part IV., 86 pp. M., 8 in. by 5f in. Part II. — The Art of Riding; newlie corrected and amended of manic faults escaped in the first printing, as well touching the matter as the bittes : whereof manie were euill drawne, and as euill cut, but now made perfect through the diligence of the first Author, Thomas Blundeuil, of Newton Flotman in Norfolke. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster row at the signe of the Starre, being the assigne of William Seres. 1580. Part III. — The Order of Dieting of Horses, as well when they rest, as when they trauell, wherein is conteined, not HOKSEMANSHir. 9 1580 — coniimied. onelie the keepers office, but also manic precepts neces- sarie to be knownc of the Ferrer or Horsleach : latelie set forth by Thomas Blundeuil, of Newton Flotman in Xorffolke. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, dwelHng in Pater noster row, at the signe of the Starre being the assignc of Wiih'am Seres. 15S0. Part IV. — The Order of Curing Horses diseases, togither with the causes of such diseases, the signes how to knovve them, and finallie how to cure the same. With the true Art of paring and shooing all maner of hooues, togither with the shapes and figures of diuerse shooes, verie necessarie for diuerse hooues : latelie set foorth by Thomas Blundiuil, of Newton Flotman, in Norffolke. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater noster row at the signe of the Starre, being the assigne of William Seres. 1580. 1585. 10 Flavi Vegeti Ren. v. inl.— De Re Militari Libri Ovatvor ; post omnes omnivm editiones ope vete- rum librorum correcti, a Godescalco Stewechio Hevsdano. Accesserunt Sex. Ivli Frontini Stra- tegematon libri quatuor ; !n eosdem Francisci Modii Notse, & G. .Stewechi Coniectanea : yElianvs De instruendis aciebus : Modestvs De vocabulis rei militaris : Castrametatio Rom. ex historiis Polybii, Latiaitate donata a lano Lascari, &c. 2 lO HORSEMANSHIP. 168 6 — continued. Accessit seorsum eiusdem G. Stewechi in Fl. Vegetium Commentarius. Apud Christophorum Plantinum. Antverpise. 1585- 4to. 419 pp. M., 8| in. by sf in. 1586. 1 1 La Gloria del Cavallo. Opera dell' illvstre S. Pasqval CaraCCiolo. Divisa in dieci libri : Ne' quali, oltra gli ordini appartenenti alia Caualleria, si des- criuono tutti i particolari, che son necessari nell' alleuare, custodire, maneggiate, & curar Caualli ; accommodandoui essempi tratti da tutte I'historie antiche, & moderne, con industria, & giudicio dignissimo d'essere auuertito da ogni Caualliero. Di nuGuo riccorretta, & ristampata, & in quest' ultima edittione aggiunteui le postille. Con dve tavole copiosissime, vna delle cose nota- bili, I'altra delle cose medicinali. Con privilegi. In Venetia, Appresso I Gioliti. 1586. 4to. 971 pp. M.. 8^ in. by 5| in. This is the best edition, and is rare. One vignette and many capitals and finals, besides large initial letters. Old red stamped morocco. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 1 1690. 12 Ordini di Cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le natvre de' Cavalli, di emendare i lor vitii, & d'ammaestrargli per I'vso della Guerra, & giouamento de gli huo- mini : Con varie figvre di morsi, secondo le bocche, & il maneggio che si vuol dar loro. Del Sig. Federico Grisone, Gentil' huomo Napolitano. Di nuouo migliorati, & accresciuti di Postille, & di Tauola. Aggiungeuisi vna Scielta di notabili auuertimenti, per fare eccellenti razze, & per rimediare alle infermita de' Caualli. Appresso Andrea Muschio. In Venetia, 1590. 4to. 164 pp. 50 illustrations of bits, vignette on title. With this is bound another volume, the title of which is Scielta di Notabili avvertimenti, pertinent! a' Cavalli : distinta in tre libri. Nel primo si descriue quel che adoperar si deue per far razze eccellenti. Nel secondo spiegasi I'Anatomia de' Caualli ; et narransi le cause d'ogni loro interna indisposi- tione, & le cure a lor necessarie. Nel terzo si ragiona della Chirurgia, & de' suoi effetti. Col ritratto del Cavallo ; oue si veggono tutti i suoi iNIorbi, co' medicamenti applicati a loro. Appresso Andrea Muschio. In Venetia. 1590. 4to. 70 pp. I plate, and vignette on title. M., Sh in. by 6J in. 12 HORSEMANSHIP. 1591. The First Booke of Cattell : Wherein is shewed the gouernement of Oxen, Kine, Calues, and hovve to vse Bulles and other cattell to the yoake, and fell. With diuerse approued remedies, to helpe most diseases among cattell : most necessarie for all, especially for husbandmen, hauing the gouern- ment of any such cattell. Gathered and set foorth by Leonard Mascall. 9Et)ou iijcnrtmnii, keeper of tijg bcastfs, toljcn anu beast i& sirkln ; Scarcij Ijcrcin, airt Hjou sljalt fini3f, of proouEt) rtmctiics qiiicklg. Printed by John Wolfe, and are to be solde by lohn Harrison the elder, at the Signe of the White Grayhound in Paule's Church-yarde, London. 1591. 8vo. 302 pp. M., /i in. by 5?r in. Red moi-occo, tooled. Black Letter. This work is divided into 3 Books, same date, numbered consecutively, but with separate titles. The second and third titles are within a woodcut border. The Second Booke, intreating of the gouernment of Horses, with the opproued remedies against most diseases. Verie profitable for all men, hauing a charge and gouernment therof, and chiefly for husbandmen ; with diuers other remedies prac- tised in this lande. Gathered by L. M. Although the Learned haue reuealde the helpes for horse great store, Yet practisers therein againe : haue found for them much more. London, 1591. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 3 1591 — continued. The Third Booke, intreating of the ordering of sheep and goates, hogs and dogs ; with such remedies to helpe most diseases as may chaunce vnto them. Taken forth of learned Authours, with diuers other approoued practises, verie necessarie for all men, especially those which haue any charge and gouernement thereof Gathered by L. M. London. 1591- 1598. (\\ Scvola de' Cavalieri, di OttaviaDO Siliceo, ' — ^ Gentilhvomo Troiano, nella quale principalmente si discorre delle maniere, & qualita de' Caualli, in che modo si debbono disciplinare. & conseruare, & anco di migliorar le razze ; Donde potranno anco facilmente cauar molto frutto coloro, che son vaghi del nobilissimo essercitio d'istruire i Caualli. Con Licenza De' Svperiori. Appresso Antonio Colaldi, e Ventura Aquilini. In Orvieto. 1598. 4to. 172 pp. M., 8 in. by 5^ in. Woodcut initials. Vellum. 14 lIORSEMANSmi'. 1602. ■15) Le Cavalerice Franqois. Compost par Salomon "^^ De La Brove, I'Escuyer d' I'Escuirie du Roy et de Monseigneur Le Due D'Espernon. Contenant les Preceptes principaux qu'il faut obseruer exacte- ment pour bien dresser les Cheuaux aux exercises de la carriere et de la campagne, le tout diuisd en trois liures. Le premier traicte de I'ordre general et plus facile des susdits exercises et de la pro- priety^ du Caualier. Le second des modernes et plus justes proportions de tous les plus beaux airs et maneges. Le troisiesme des qualitez de toutes les parties de la bouche du cheval et des diuers eftets de plusieurs brides differentes pourtraites et representees par leurs justes mesures aux lieux necessaires. Seconde Edition reueue et aug- mentee de beaucoup de leqons et figures par I'Autheur. Chez Abel I'Angelier au premier pilier de la grand' Salle du Palais. A Paris. 1602. Folio. 105 pp. and a supplement of 23 pp. M., 15^ in. by 9| in. Engraved title by C. de Mallery. Dedication — A Mon- seigneur Le Due D'Espernon, Pair et Collonnel de France. Sonnets addressed to the Author by several admirers. Two copper-plate capitals and others in wood. Several large engravings of bits, &c., and diagrams of the Manege. Calf HORSEMANSHIP. I5 1605. 16 Ivsti Lipsi. Poliorceticon sive De Machinis Tormentis. Telis. Libri quinque. Ad Histo- riarnm hiceni. Editio tertia, correcta & aucta. Cum preuilegiis Csesareo et duorum Regum. Ex officina Plantiniana. Apud loannem Moretum. Antverpise. 1605. 4to. 206 pp. M., io| in. by 'j\ in. 43 copper-plate engravings. Vellum. Dedication : — Serenissimo Principi Ernesto, Archiepis- copo et elector! coloniensi, &c. &c. This work is bound up with De Militia Romana, by the same author. 1614. q.v. 1610. rvj^) La Mareschalerie de Lavrent Rvse, ov sont con- tenvz remedes tres-singvliers contre les maladies des cheuaux : Auec plusieurs figures de mors. En laquelle y auons adioust^ vn autre traicte de remedes : le tout nouuellement reueu, corrig^ & augmente sus vn vieil original. Chez Adrian Perier, rue saint lacques, au Compas d'Or. A Paris. 1 6 10. 4to. 118 leaves, 64 woodcuts of bits, including title. M., 9 in. by 6| in. Vellum. This work is bound with " L'Ecvrie dv S. Federico Grison," but is entirely separate. l6 HORSEMANSHIP. 1610 — continued. i8 L'Escvrie dv S. Federic Grison, Gentilhomme Napolitain. En laquelle est monstr^ I'ordre & I'art de choysir, donter, piquer, dresser, et manier les cheuaux, tant pour I'vsage de la guerre, qu'autre commodity de rhomme. Auec figures de diuerses sortes de mors de bride. Nagueres traduicte d'ltallen en Franqois & nouuellement reueue & augmentee. Chez Adrian Perier rue Sainct lacques. 1610. 5 I plates of bits ; plate of a manege ride ; and figure of a horse, with the nomenclature of the several parts. 19 Ordini di Cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le Natvre de' Cavalli, di emendare i lor vitii, & d'ammae- strargli per I'vso della Guerra, & giouamento de gli huomini : con varie figvre di Morsi, secondo le bocche, & il maneggio che si vuol dar loro : Del Sig. Federico Grisone, Gentil'huomo Napolitano. Di nuouo migliorati, & accresceuti di Postille, & di Tauola. Aggiungeuisi vna Scielta di notabili auuertimenti, per far eccellenti razze, & per rimediare alle infermita de' Caualli. Appresso Andrea Muschio. In Venetia. 1610. 4to. 164 pp. 50 illustrations of bits, and vignette on title. With this work is bound another volume, the title of which is : — HORSEMANSHIP. 1 7 1610 — conimued. Scielta di Notabili avvertimenti, pertinenti a' Cavalli, distinta in tre libri. Nel primo si discriue quel che adoperar si deue per far razze eccellenti. Nel secondo spiegasi I'Anatomia de' Caualli ; & narransi le cause d'ogni loro interna indispositione, & le cure a lor necessarie. Nel terzo si ragiona della chirurgia, & de' suoi effetti. Col ritratto del Cavallo ; cue si veggono tutti i suoi inorbi, co' medicamenti applicati a loro. Appresso Andrea Muschio. In Venetia. 1610. 4to. 70 pp. ! plate and vignette. M., 8J in. bj' 6J in. Bound by Chivers. Green morocco ; tooled. 1611. 20 Von der Gestuteren .• das ist ein Grundliche Beschrei- bung wie vnd wa man ein gestiit von guten edlen Kriegsrossen auffrichten vnderhalten vnd wie man die jungen von einem jar zu dem audern erzichen soil biss sie einem. Bereiter zum abrichten zuvndergeben vnd so sie abgericht in langwiriger Gesundheit zu erhalten ; Allen liebhabern der Regtteren hoch vnd nidern Stands zu ehren vnd gefallen gestellet vnd an tag geben durch den wolgebornen Herzn Warren Fuggern, Herzn von Kirchberg vnd Weissenhorn. Der- gleichen noch nie in truct auszgangen. Sampt l8 HORSEMANSHIP. 1611 — continued. einem ordenlichen Register vnnd Verzeichnus der Capitel. Gedrucht zu Frankfort am Mayn in Verlegung Nicolaus Rothen. 1611. Folio. Title in red and blaclv ink, with woodcut. 130 pp., besides a preface and a register of 9 pp., con- taining 14 woodcuts explanatory of the contents of the following chapters. In the body of the work are 25 more woodcuts. M., I2}> in. by 8 in. Dedication to — Der wolgeborne Herr Marx Fugger. (21) Regole Militari, sopra il Governo e servitio particolare " della Cavalleria. Di Fr, Lodovico MelzO, Cavalier di San Giovanni Gervsolimitano, de i consigli secreto di Milano, e di gverra ne' paesi bassi, per S. M. Cattolica, suo tenente Generale della Cavalleria. Appresso Gioachimo Trog- nsesio. In Anversa. 161 1. Folio. 224 pp., with 1 5 plates and engraved title, besides the printed one. M., 7I in. by 12 in. Vellum. 1614. 22 Gouuerno della Caualleria, das ist Bericht von Anfuhzung der leichten Pferde : daben auch was die schweren belanger, so viel den Capitanem zuwissen vonnshten begrissen. Vor diesem noch niemahls beschrieben nunmehr aber in gewisse HORSEMANSHIP. I9 1614 — continued. Reguln verfasser. Durch den Edlen vnd Strengen Herzn Georg Basta, desz H. Romischen Reichs Grassen in Hust vnd Mar- marosz, Frenherzn, vnd Herzn zu Tropania in Schlesien vnd zu Sultz in Flandern. R. M. Rudolphi II., General Gubernatorn in Vngern vnd Siebenburgen General Lieutenanten deroselbigen Herzen. In seiner Original Form vnd Italian- ischer Sprach an Tag gegeben. Durcli Hierony- mum Sirtori von Menlande, vnd Auffs neuw mit Figurn vnd demonstrationibus durch denselbigen ertlaret. Jetzundt ausz Italianischer in vnsere Teutsche Muttersprach verdolmetschet, vnd in Rupffer geschnitten, Durch Johann Theodor de Bry. Gedrucht in Franctfurt durch w. Matthes Becters Wittib in Derlegung gemeidtes de Bry, im Jahr 1614. M., \2\ in. by 8 in. Bound up with II Maestro di Campo Generale. By same author ; dated 161 7. 23 IVSti Lipsi de Militia Romana. Libri Qvinqve, Commentarivs ad Polybivm. Editio Vltima. Ex Officina Plantiniana. Apud Viduam & Filios loannis Moreti. Cum Priuilegijs Csesareo et duorum Regum et Prin- cipum Belgarum. Antverpise. 16 14. 20 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 614 — coniiuucd. Dedication: — Philippo III., Hispaniariim ct Indiarum Principi. 4to. 366 pp. M., lof in. by 7^ in. 8 copper plates and 22 woodcuts ; to which is added, with continuous pagination : — Ivsti Lipsi Analecta sive Observationes Reliqvae ad Militiani et Hosce Libros, which brings the work up to 343 pp. It has 4 copper plates and 6 woodcuts. Bound up with this is the Poliorceticon, by the same author. Date 1605. q.v. r^ Trattato di Mescalzia di M. Filippo ScaCCO da ^''^^ Taglia cozzo. Diuiso in quattro Libris ; Ne' quali si contengono tutte le inferniita de' Caualli cosi interiori, come esteriori, & 11 segni da conos- cerle, & le cure con potioni, & vntioni, sanguigne per essi Caualli, & in oltre si son poste le Figure, che mostrano il modo, & il loco da sanguinare, & curare detti Caualli, & quando sia meglio curarli, & la descrittione della bonta, & qualita di essi Caualli. Opera vtilissima a Prencipi, a Gentil- huomini, a Soldati, & in particolare a Manescalchi. Con priuilegio, & licenza de' Superiori. In Venetia. 1614. 4to. 152 pp. Vignette on title and 59 woodcuts. M., 8J in. by 6 in. HORSEMANSHIP. 21 1617. '25 II Maestro di Campo Generale, das ist auszfurliche """"' Anzeig Bericht vnd Erklarung von dem Ampt eines General Feldt-Obersten wie er nemblich tragenden hohen Ampts vnd Befelchs halben das Feldt bestellen vnd sein Kriegsheer flihren vnd regieren sei. Durch den Wolgebornen Herzn, Herzn Georg Bastam, des H. Rom. Raichs Graffen in Hust vnd Marmorosz Treyherzn vnd Hetzn zu Tropaw in Schlesien vnd zu Sultz in Flandern. Wenland der Rom. Keys. Maj. Rudolphen des andern disz Naniens, gewe- senen Gubernatorn in Siebenburgen. Auch dero vnd jesziger Rom. Reyf. Maj. vnsers allergne- digsten Herzn, sc. General Obersten Leutenant vber dersetben Kriegsvolct in Vngarn : Erstlich in Italianischer Sprach beschrieben vnd ausz- gangen. Jetzund aber. Ausz derselben in hoch Teutsch vbersetzer, vnd mit nothwendigen Figuren ertlaret. Uurch lohann Theodorum de Bry, Burgern vnd Buchhandlern zu Oppenheim. Gedrucht zu Franctfurt, durch Ricolaum Noffman, In Derlegung gemeltes de Bry. Im Jahr 1617. Folio. M., 12^ in. by 8 in. Contains 90 pp., 8 unnum- bered pages, I folding plate, 8 double-page plates, I single-page plate, and a portrait of Georgivs Basta. Bound up with II Gouuierno della Caualleria, by same author. Dated 1614. 22 HORSEMANSHIP. 1617 — continued. (26) Cavalarice, or The English Horseman : Contayning all the Art of Horse-manship, as much as is neces- sary for any man to vnderstand, whether hee be Horse-breeder, horse-ryder, horse-hunter, horse- runner, horse-ambler, horse-farrier, horse-keeper, Coachman, Smith or Sadler. Together with the discouery of the subtil trade or mystery of hors- coursers, and an explanation of the excellency of a horses vnderstanding : or how to teach the to do trickes like Bankes his Curtail : And that Horses may be made to draw dry-foot like a Hound. Secrets before vnpublished, & now care- fully set downe for the profit of this whole Nation : Newly imprinted, corrected and augmented, with many worthy secrets not before knowne : By Geruase Markham. 161 7. 4to. M., 7j in. by 5| in. Divided into eight books, with titles and dedications to each, and separate pagination. The titles of the other seven books follow : — Cavalarice, Or the Arte and knowledge belonging to the Horse-ryder : how horses are to be handled, ridden, or made perfect, either for seruice or plea- sure. Newly corrected and augmented. The second Booke. By Geruase Markham. London. Printed by Edw. Allde for Edward HORSEMANSHIP. 23 1617 — coniimied. White, and are to be sold at his shop neere the little north doore of Saint Paules Church at the signe of the Gun. 1616. Cavalarice, Or that part of Arte wherein is con- tayned the Choise, Trayning and Dyeting of hunting Horses, whether it be for Pleasure or for Wager. Newly corrected and augmented. The third Booke. By Geruase Markham. London. 1616. Cavalarice, or the Tracconer, contayning the Art and Secrets which belong to Ambling Horses, and how that pace is to be taught to any Horse whatsoever. The Fourth Booke. Newly cor- rected and augmented. By Geruase Mark- ham. London. 16 17. Cavalarice, or That part of Art which containeth the Office of the Keeper, Groome of the Stable, or Coach-man, how Horses shall be ordered both when they rest and when they lourney : With all thinges belonging to their places. The Fift Booke. Newly corrected and augmented. By Geruase Markham. London. 161 7. Cavalarice, or the Currier. Containing the Art, knowledge, and dyet of the running Horse, either in trayning vp, or in any great match or wager. 24 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 617- — continued. The Sixt Booke. Newly corrected and augmented. By Geruase Markham. London. 1617. Cavalarice, or That part of Art wherein is contayned the Knowledge or Office of the Horse-Farryer, with the signes and demonstrations of all manner of infirmities, and the most best approued cure for the same. The Seauenth Booke. Newly corrected, perfected, and augmented, with many rare secrets. By Geruase Markham. London. 161 7. Cavalarice, or that part of Horse-manship discouer- ing the Subtill trade of Horscoursers, together with an explanation of the excellency of a Horses vnderstanding, and how to make him doe Trickes like Bankes his Curtail, and of drawing dry-foot, and other Acts both naturall and vnnaturall. The Eight Booke. Newly corrected, and aug- mented. By Geruase Markham. 1620. 27 The Young Sportsman's Instructor in Angling, Fowl- ing, Hawking, Hunting, Ordering vSinging Birds, Hawks, Poultry, Coneys, Hares and Dogs, and how to Cure them. By G. M. [Gervase Mark- ilORSEMANSHir. 25 1620 — cajiimtied. ham]. Sold at the Gold Ring in Little Britain. Price 6d. [1620?] i8mo. M., 2|- in. by 1^ in. Bound by Riverc. Green morocco, tooled, double ; cover and fly-leaf white silk. Only one other copy of this tiny book known, which is in the " Huth Library." 28 The Horseman's Ilonour : or, the Beavtie of Horse- manship. As the choise, natures, breeding, breaking, riding, and dieting, whether Outlandish or English horses. With the true, easie, cheape, and most approued manner, how to know and cure all diseases in any horse whatsoeuer. Not inuented and drawne from Forraigne Nations, but by long experience and knowledge of many yeares' practise ; and now published at the request of diuers honorable and worthy persons, for the e:enerall g^ood of this noble Nation of Great Britaine. London. 1620, [Anon, probably by Gervase Markham.] Square Svo. 346 pp. M., 6| in. by 5;^ in. Dedication: — To AI vvorshipfvl and worthy gentlemen, louers of horses and horsemanship, within thise lie of Great Britaine. 4 26 HORSEMANSHIP. 1830 — continued. 29 La Cavalerie franqoise et Italienne ; ou I'art de bien dresser les cheuaux, salon les preceptes des bonnes ecoles des deux Nations. Tant pour le plaisir de la Carriere, et des Carozels que pour le service de la Guerre. Par Pierre de la Nove. ' Chez Jac. de Heyden Chalcographe. Strasbourg. 1620. Folio. 157 pp. 42 copper plates and engraved title. M., 13A in. by 9 in. Calf. Cavallo Frenato di Pirro Antonio Ferraro, Napolitano, cavallerizzo della maesta di Filippo II., Re di Spagna, N.S. Nella real cavallerizza di Napoli. Diuiso in quattro libri. Con discorsi notabili, sopra briglie, antiche, & moderne, ador- nato di bellissime figure, & moke da lui inuentate, insieme con alcune Briglie, Polache, e Turchesche. Et a questi quattro libri suoi, precede I'Opera di (iip : Battista Ferraro sue padre, Diuisa in altri quattro libri, ridotta dall' Autore in quella forma, & intelligenza, che da lui si desideraua a tempo si stampo, doue si tratta il modo di conseruar le Razze, disciplinar Caualli, & il modo di curargli ; vi sono anco aggivnte le figvre delle loro anotomie, & un numero d'inhnite Caualli fatti, & ammaesi- trati sotto la sua disciplina con I'obligo del Maestro di Stalla. Con licenzia de Svperiori, et privilegio. HORSEMANSHIP. 27 16S0 — continued. In Venetia. 1620. Folio. The title-page in red and black ink. M., 13 in. by 9 in. 31 Cavallo Frenato di Pirro Antonio Ferraro Napolitano, Cavallerizzo della Maesta cli P'ilippo II. Re di Spagna N.S. Nella real cavallerizza di Napoli. Libro primo. Nel qval si tratta prima delle briglie antiche et di tutte, 6 maggior parte deH'ordinarie, & communemente usate, dando di tutte pieno ragguaglio. Poi della vera Misura & Anotomia della Briglia, facilitata in modo, che ogni persona, ancora che poco pratica potra formarsi il disegno d'vna Briglia, & render ragione di essa, & finalmente delle Briglie bastarde, & Todesche, & de loro effetti. Con licenza de' svperiori, et privilegio. In Venelia. 1620. ^ Dedicated, .\ir lUvstrissimo & ecccUcntissimo prencipe, il Signor Dvca di Bracciann. By the Editor, Francesco Frati. The first four books of Gio. l?attista Ferraro contain 1 18 pp., a table of contents, ,-ind a few woodcuts. The second four, by the son, Pirro Antonio Ferraro, contain 256 pp., and upwards of 200 illustrations on copper of bits, etc. X'cllum. 28 HORSEMANSHIP. 1622. (^2) Del modo di conoscer la Natura de Cavalli, et le — '' Medicine appartenentc a loro. Divise in tre libri : da M. AgOStinO Colombre, Maniscalco da San Seuero. Nel Primo. Si contiene li segni Celesti, liquali influiscono li corpi delli animali ; Dello stato, e tempo di ciascuna infermita ; Delia vacuatione de humori ; De'colori Naturali : Delia loro vacuatione, di problomi, e d'alcun'altra question naturale, come si fa la digestione, della nottomia, de' Calterij, de' Cristeri, & potioni, che si prendons per' la bocca. Nel Secondo. Alcune infermita occulte, e delle loro cure, e rimedij quali per estrinseco segno si conoscono. Nel Terzo. Alcune piu generali, & egritudine estrinseche, le quali la natura occulati, le dimostra, & nella fine di esso alcune generali Medicine ellette da molti sauij di quest'arte. All' lUustriss. & Eccellentiss. Sig. Francesco Colonna, Prencipe di Palestina. Per Alessandro de' Vecchi. In Venetia. 1622. 4to. 140 pp. I woodcut. M. of paper, 8.} in. by 6^ in. Vellum. 1625. 33 Perfette Regole, et Modi di Cavalcare, di Lorenzino Palmieri Fiorentino Caualerizzo del Serenis- simo Gran Duca di Toscana : Doue con somma HORSEMANSHIP. 29 1625 — continued. chiarezza si mostra, e con facilita s'insegna, come si possi ridurre ogni Cauallo alia intiera perfettione: Et insieme si tratta della natura de' Caualli ; si propongone le loro Infermita; e s'additano gli Rimedi per curarle. Con licenza de' superiori et privilegio. Appresso Barezzo Barezzi. Ad istanza di Paolo Frambotto Libraro in Padoua. In Venetia. 1625. 4to. 1 1 2 pp. I folding plate. M., 8f in. by 6| in. Besides the letterpres.s title, there is an engraved title- page, a shield supported by horses couchant, and cupids, with the inscription — Perfette Regole et Modi di Cavalcare di Lorenzino Palmieri Florentine Cavallerizzo de Ser"'" Gran Duca di Toscana. Al 111™° Sig""* Agostin de Franche. Nisi Dominus cedificaverit. \'elluin. 1630. 34" De Militia Eqvestri, antiqva et nova, ad regem Philippvm IV. Libri Ovinqve ; avctore Her- manno Hvgone^ Societ. lesv. Antverpise, ex Ofticina Plantiniana Balltrasaris Moreti. 1630. Folio. 344 pp. and index. Fine engraved title, 10 plates, and many vignettes. M., I2f in. by 8| in. Calf. h^ 30 HORSKMANSIIIP. 1632. ^ JMilitarie Instructions for the Cavallrie : or Rules and Directions for the Service of Horse, collected out of divers Forreigne Authors, ancient and modern, and rectified and supplied, according to the present practise of the Low-Countrey Warres. Proverbs 21. 31. — " The horse is prepared for battell : but victorie is from the Lord." By J. G. [Probably John Crusoe]. Printed by the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1632. Folio. loS pp. Engraved frontispiece of Mounted Troops in Action, and numerous large plates. M., 13 in. by 8i in. Dedicated to the Riglit Honourable Thomas, Earle of Arvndell and Svrrcy, Earle Marshall of England, etc. etc. V^"' \^^ ^ 1639. I30) The Compleat Horseman and Expert Ferrier. In two Bookes. The first, shewing the best manner of .v- >.. breeding good Horses, with their choyce, nature, (r riding, and dyeting, as well for Running as Hunting, and how the Rider ought to behave himselfe in the Breaking and Riding of Colts, as also teaching the Groome and Keeper his true office, touching the Horses and Colts committed to his HORSKMANSHIP. 3 1 1639 — con iinued. charge, and prescribing the best manner how a perfect Stable ought to be scituated and made, not hitherto so fully described by any. The second, directing the most exact and approved manner how to know and cure all maladies and diseases in Horses : a worke containing the secrets and best skill belonging either to Ferriet- or Horse-Leech : the Cures placed Alphabetically ; with many hun- dreds of medicines never before imprinted in any Author. Published at the earnest request of sundry Noble and worthy Gentlemen, for the generall good and benefit of the whole Kingdome : And dedicated to his most Excellent Majestie. By Thomas de Gray, Esquire. Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by Lawrence Chapman, at his Shop at Chancery lane end next Holborne. London. 1639. Folio. 356 pp. and table of contents. Several wood capitals and large initial letters. M., 1 1 in. by y\ in. Dedicated to the Most Higli and Mighty Monarch, Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. (^ La Perfettione del Cavallo, libri tre, Di FrancesCO Liberati Romano. Dove si tratta del manteni- mento del Cauallo, e dell' osseruationi circa la generatione, suoi niali, e cure di essi, buon gouerno 32 HORSEMANSHIP. 163 9 — con tinned. della Stalla, qualita delle razze antiche, e moderne, che sono in diuerse parti d' Italia, delli Noini, e loro merchi, e della natura ancora de' Caualli stranieri. Et insieme dell'arte di Caualcare di Senofonte, tradotto dal Greco nel nostro Idioma Italiano. A Paolo Giordano II, Duca di Bracciano, &c. In Roma. Per gli Heredi di Franscesco Corbelletti. 1639. 4to. M., 8 in. by 5f in. 183 pp., with many woodcuts of marks of ownership branded on Horses. 1649. 38 VlySSis Aldrovandi. Patricii Bononiensis. De Ovadrvpedibvs Solidipedibvs volvmen integrvm. loannes Cornelivs V^terverivs. In Gymnasio Bononiensi Simplicium medicamentor profe.ssor collegit, et recensuit. Marcv.s Antonivs Bernia in lucem restituit. Eminentiss.'"° et Rev.°^° Principi D. Ivlio Sacchetti S.R.E. Presbytero Cardinal! Tit. S. Svsannas. Ferrariaj Antea nvnc vero Bono- niae Pontificio de Latere Legato. Cum indice copiosissimo. Svperiorvm permissv. Com priui- HORSEMANSHIP. 33 1649 — continued. legio S. Caes. Maiestatis. Bononise. 1649. Folio. 495 pp. and index, dated 1640, engraved title by lo. Bapt. Coriolanus, and 10 curious woodcuts. M., I4i in. by pi in. Russia. 1660. 39 A way to get Wealth, containing sixe Principal! Voca- tions, for Callings, in which every good Husband or Huwife, may lawfully imploy themselves. As I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choyce, use, and feeding of all sorts of Cattel and Fowl, fit for the service of man : As also the riding and dyeting of Horses either for War or Pleasure, &c. &c. The first five books gathered by G [ervase] M [arkham]. The last by Master W. L. for the benefit of Great Brittain. The tenth time corrected and augmented by the Author. Printed by William Wilson for George Sazvbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill neer Fleet-bridge. London. 1650. A second title page begins — Cheape and Good Husbandry for the well- Order- ing of all Beast and Fowles, and for the general S 34 HORSEMANSHIP. 1650 — contimied. cure of their Diseases, containing the Natures, Breeding, Choice, Use, Feeding and Curing of the Diseases of all manner of Cattel, as Horse, Oxe, Cow, Sheep, Goats, Swine, and tame Conies. Shewing further the whole Art of Riding great Horses, with the breaking and ordering of them, and the dyeting of the Running, Hunting and Ambling Horse, and the manner how to use them in their Travel, &c. &c. Small 4to. The part relating to Horses occupies the first 69 pp. M., 7i in. by 5 A in. 1664. (40^ L'art de Monter a cheval. Ovi monstre la belle & facille methode de se rendre bon homme de Cheual. Par le Sr. Delcampe Escuyer de la Grand Escurie du Roy. Seconde edition. Aug- ment^ d'une Seconde Partie, des Remedes les plus efficaces pour les Maladies des Cheuaux. Par Messire Samvel Fovqvet, escuyer Sieur de Beaurepaire, Escuyer de la Grande Escurie du Roy. A Paris. Chez lacqves le Gras, au Palais, a I'entree de la Gallerie des Prisonniers. 1664. 8vo. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. 2 parts. The second part has a separate title — " Traite des remedes le plus vtils & necessaires pour la guerison des chcvaux. Reueu et HORSEMANSHIP. 35 1 6 64 — coniinued. augmente en cette seconde edition par le Sieur De Beavreper esciiyer de la grande escurie du Roy. Paris. 1763. First part, 320 pp. Second part, 152 pp. Frontis., " La Belle postvre de riiomme de Cheual," and four folding-plates, engraved on copper of the haute ecole, etc. 1666. 41 L'Instrvction dv Roy, en I'exercice de monter a Cheval. Par Messire Antoine De Plu- vinGlj son Sous-Gouverneur, Conseiller en son Gonseil d'Estat, Chambellan ordinaire, et son Escuyer principal. Lequel respondant a sa Majest^, luy faict remarquer I'excellence de sa Methode, pour reduire les chevaux en peu de temps k I'obeyssance des justes proportions de tous les plus beaux airs et Maneiges. Le tout enrichy de grandes figures en taille douce, repre- sentant les vrayes naifves actions des hommes et diss chevaux en tous les airs, et maneiges, courses de bague, rompre en lice au Quintan, et combatre a I'Esp^e : ensemble les figures des bridfes, les plus necessaires a cet usage, desseign^es et gravees, par Crispian De Pas. Chez Jean Schipper. A Amsterdam. 1666. Folio. 160 pp. Engraved title, representing Science versus Brute Force, and 38 beautifully engraved plates by Crispian de Pas. M., i^\ in. by gf in. 36 HORSEMANSHIP. 1671. The Perfect Horseman, or the Experienced Secrets of Mr. Markham'S Fifty Years Practice, showing how a man may come to be a general horseman by the knowledge of these seven offices, viz. : — The Breeder, Feeder, Ambler, Rider, Keeper, Buyer, Farrier. The last Edition, much enlarged. Published by Lancelot Thetford, Practitioner in the same art for the space of 40 years. London. 1671. i6mo. 17s pp., frontispiece, with portrait of Markham. M., sf in. by 3I in. Printed by J. D. for Richard Chiswell, at the two Angels and Crown in Little Britain. (43^ L'Escvyer Francois, contenant I'Exercice de Monter a ^-^ Cheval ensemble le Manege Royal ; Par les Sieurs De Pluvinel, et Charnizay, Es- cuyers de Sa Majest^. Avec les Figures pour en donner I'intelligence. Chez Estienne Loyson, au Palais, a I'entr^e de la Galerie des Prisonniers, au Nom de Jesus. A Paris. 1671. 8vo. 367 pp. M., 6| in. by 4f in. HORSEMANSHir. 37 1676. 44 Markham's Master-piece revived : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horseleach, touching the curing all diseases in horses ; drawn with great pains from approved experience and the Publick practice of the best Horse-Marshalls in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. containing all cures Physical. The II. all cures Chirurgical. Together with the nature, use, and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the eleventh time printed, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chaj^ters and forty new medicins here- tofore never publisht : all which in the author's lifetime were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of Appendix, The Countryman's Care for his other Cattel, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheej:), hogs, goats, and all smaller cattell. Never before made publick. Printed by Andrew Clark, for Thomas Passenger, at the Three Bibles, on the middle of London Bridge. London. 1675. 4to. 421 pp., an appendix of 31 pp., and an engraved title. M., 7f in. by 5 J in. Dedicated to the Right Hon. and my Noble Lord, Sir Robert Dormer, Baronet, Baron Dormer of Wing, Viscount Ascot, Earl of Carnaivan, and Master of his Majesties Hawks. 38 HORSEMANSHIP 1677. 45 A Treatise on the Art of War : Dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ; and written by the Right Honourable Roger, Earl of Orrery. In the Savoy. 1677. 4to. 206 pp., with 6 tables and plans and equestrian portrait of Charles II. by A. De Biois. M., 8 in. by I2i in. The Choice and Educating of the Soldiery The Arming of the Soldiery The Disciplining of the Soldiery ... The Ordering of Garrisons The Marching of an Arm\' The Camping of an Army within a Line or Intrenchment The Chapter of Battels. ... p. 4 ... p. 23 ... p. 36 ... p. 42 ... p. 59 P-73 1678. 46 Georgii Simonis Winteri, Bellerophon, sive Eques Peritus. Hoc est Artis Equestris, accura- tissima institutio, opere bipartite, seu duobus Libris, absoluta : Quorum prior modum explicat, quo dextre qui equum conscendere, vel decore descendendo relinquere, adeoq ; secundum omnes palaestrae hujus prseceptiones (s. Lectiones) nobili hoc armento excellenter uti ; nee non decursioni- bus ad Annulum vel Quintanam, hastiludiis, et torneamentis, aliisve Generosorum exercitiis eques- HORSEMANSHIP. 39 1678 — continued. tribus, decenter, atque gloriose defungi queat ; Heroinis item, illustribus ac nobilibiis foeminis, commoda et gratiosa equitatione per agros, vel stadia aliquot, spatiandi rationem commonstrat ; posterior autem, quomodo indomitus, intractatus, atque iners Equus, ad equitatum, vel venatum, erudiendus sit, ostendit ; insuper et de fraenis, quibus cum induere oporteat, peculiaiter, copiose, ac luculenter disserit : Quibus omnibus perlongo atque experientissimo usu, creberrimoque Autoris exercitio, investigatis et probatis, ex ejusdem inventu rariores, nee unquam visee hactenus, Figurse s. imagines accessere, regulis scilicet ac prseceptis ejusmodi illustrandis utilissimai : In gratiam publicae strenuitatis luci publicae exposita, nee vernaculo tantum ; sed in usum Exterorum Latino etiam sermone descripta. Sumtibus Wolf- gangi Mauritii Endteri, et Hteredum Johannis Andreae Endteri. NorimbergEe. 1678. Folio. 191 pp. of text, 104 full-page engrav:ng.s of Horsemanship, chiefly by Troschel, and 66 double pages of bits, containing 115 specimens. M., 13I in. by 8^ in. Text in Latin and German. 1683. A7 1 The Anatomy of an Horse, containing an exact and full description of the frame, situation, and con- nection of all his parts (with their actions and 40 HORSEMANSHIP. 1683— coniimicd. uses), exprest in 49 copper plates. To which is added an appendix, containing two discourses : The one, of the Generation of Animals ; and the other, of the Motion of the Chyle, and the Circu- lation of the Bloud. By Andrew Snape, Junr., Farrier to his Majesty. London. 1683. Folio. 237 pp., an appendi.x, 2 discourses, 45 pp., frontispiece — engraved portrait of Author in his 38th year — and 49 engravings. M., 14^ in. by 9^ in. Dedicated to His Most Sacred Majesty, Charles II., King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, etc. Printed by Mr. Flesher for the Authour, and are to be sold by T. Flesher at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard. 1685. ^48; Le Parfait Mareschal, qui enseigne a connoistre la beaute' la bonte', et les defauts des Chevaux, les signes et les cau.ses des Maladies ; les moyens de les prevenir, leur guerison, et le bon ou mauvais usage de la Purgation et de la Saignee. La maniere de les conserver dans les Voyages, de les nourrir et de les penser selon I'ordre. La Ferrure sur les desseins des Fers, qui rctabliront les m^chans pieds, et conserveront les bons. En- semble un Trait^ du Haras, pour Clever de beaux et de bons Poulains ; et les Pr^ceptes pour bien HORSEMANSHIP. 4 1 168 5 — con tinned . Emboucher les Chevaux : Avec les Figures necessaires. Reveu avec exactitude et augment^ methodiquement. Sixieme Edition. Divise' en deux parties. Par le Sieur De Solleysel, Escuyer, Sieur du Clapier, I'un des Chefs de r Academic Royale, proche 1' Hotel de Cond^. Chez la Veuve de Gervais Ciouzier, au Palais sur les degrez en montant pour aller a la Sainte Chapelle, au Voyageur. A Paris. 1685. 4to. Divided into 2 parts. Part I. contains 189 chapters, 546 pp., and 10 unnumbered pages of index. Part II. has a separate title-page, and contains 87 chapters, 398 pp., 12 unnumbered pages of index, and 2S woodcuts, chiefly of bits. M., 10 in. by 7-i in. Vellum. 49 Les Travaux de Mars, ou L'art de la Guerre. Divis^ ' en trois parties. La premiere, enseigne la Methode de fortifier toutes sortes de Places Regulieres et Irregulieres. La seconde, explique leurs Constructions, selon les plus fameux Auteurs, qui en ont traite jusqu'a present, et donne aussi la mani^re de les batir. La troisi^me, enseigne les fonctions de la Cavalerie et de rinfanterie, traite de I'Artillerie, et donne la Methode d'attaquer et de deffendre les Places. Avec un ample detail de la Milice des Turcs, tant 6 42 HORSEMANSHIP. 1685 — coniimced. pour I'Attaque que pour la Deffence. Ouvrage enrichi de plus de quatre cens Planches gravees en Taille-douce. Dedie au Roy. Par AUain Manesson Mallet, Maistre de Mathematiques des Pages de la petite Ecurie de sa Majesty cy-devant Ingenieur et Sergent Major d'Artillerie en Portugal. Chez Denys Thierry, rue S. Jacques, a I'Enseigne de la Ville de Paris, devant la rue du Platre. A Paris. 1685. 8vo. 3 Vols. . Vol. I., 363 pp. and index ; Vol. II., 341 pp. and index ; Vol. III., ^Zj pp. and index ; over 400 engravings. M., 8f in. by 5| in. Vellum. Portrait of Louis le Grand, Roy de France, by Giffart, as frontispiece to Vol. I. 1696. 50 L'arte Del Cavallo di Nicola E. Luigi Santa- Paulina, divisa in tre libri. Ne primi due, che son di Nicola, si tratta l'arte di ridurre a tutta perfettione il Cavallo. Nel terzo, che h di Luigi, al presente Caval.'^o- della nobil.m^ Accademia Delia di Padova, vi si aggiunge il modo di usarlo in Guerra & in Festa. Dedicati AU' Altezza Serenissima di Cosimo Terzo Granduca di Toscana. Nella Stamperia del Seminario. In Tadova. 1696. 4to. 208 pp., with engraved title and portrait of Nicola Santa Paulina. M., 8 J in. by iii in. HORSEMANSHIP. 43 1702. 51 The Compleat Horseman: or, Perfect Farrier. In two parts. Part I. — Discovering the surest marlcs of the beauty, goodness, faults, and imperfections of horses ; the best method of breeding and backing of colts, making their mouths ; buying, dieting, and other- wise ordering of horses. The Art of shoeing, with the several sorts of shoes adapted to the various defects of bad feet, and the preservation of good. The Art of Riding and managing the great horse, etc. Part II. — Contains the signs and causes of their diseases, with the true method of curing them. Written in French by the Sieur de Solleysell, Ouerry to the present king of France, and one of the Royal Academy of Paris. Abridged from the folio done into English by Sir William Hope, With the addition of several excellent Receipts by our best Farriers ; and Directions to the Buyers and Sellers of Horses. London. 1702. 8vo. 376 pp. and table, engraved frontispiece, and 6 copper plates. M., 8 in. by 4-^- in. 44 HORSEMANSHIP. 1707, 52 Memoires d'Artillerie, recueillis par Mr. Surirey de Saint Remy, Lieutenant du Grand Maistre de I'Artillerie de France. Seconde Edition, aug- mentee de nouvelles matieres et de plusieurs planches. Chez Rigaud, Directeur de I'lmpri- merie Royale, rue de la Harpe. A Paris. 1707. 4to. 2 Vols. M. loi in. by 7J in. Vol. I., 394 pp. Portrait of Author and frontispiece. Vignettes. 121 engraved plates. Vol. II., 423 pp. Vignettes. 72 engraved plates. Dedication. — A Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Louis Auguste De Bourbon, Prince Souverain de Dombes, Due de Maine et D'Aumale, &c. &c., of whom there is a medallion portrait on the frontispiece. 1708. C3 The Gentleman's New Jockey or Farriers Approved -~'- Guide. With second part, containing many rare and new secrets. By L. G. London. 1708. i8mo. 196 pp. M., 6| in. by 3f in. Quaint woodcut facing p. 144. Whole-bound calf, by Chivers. HORSEMANSHIP. 45 1710. The Gentleman's Recreations. In three parts. The 54 First part contains a short and easie Introduction to all the Liberal x^rts and Sciences, etc. The Second treats of Horsemanship, Hawking, Hunt- ing, Fowling, Fishing, Agriculture, etc. Done from the most Authentick Authors, especially several lately printed at Paris, as may be seen in the Preface ; with great Enlargements, made by those well Experienced in the respective Recrea- tions. The Third is a Compleat Body of all our Forest, Chace, and Game-Laws, as they are at this Time. The whole illustrated with near an hundred Copper-cuts relating to the several sub- jects, particularly all sorts of nets, engines, traps, etc., are added for the taking of wild-beasts, fowl, fish, etc., not hitherto publish'd by any. The Second Edition, corrected, with near one half of additions. By Richard Blome. London. 1 7 10. Folio. Part I., 290 pp. ; Part II., 385 pp. ; Part III., 6J pp. M., \6\ in. by loi in. Each part of this work has a separate title ; but is similarly worded to the first. " The Second Part begins with Horsemanship, which has received very large Additions, from the last Edition of the Compleat Horseman, written by M. de Solleysel, Querry to the present French King. In short, whatever of use was in the first edition is in this." 46 HORSEMANSHIP. 1717. ^55' The Compleat Horseman : discovering the surest marks of the beauty, goodness, faults, and imper- fections of Horses : the signs and causes of their diseases, the true method both of their preserva- tion, and cure ; with reflections on the Regular and Preposterous use of Bleeding and Purging. Also the Art of Shoeing, with the several kinds of shoes adapted to the various defects of bad feet, and the preservation of good. Together with the best method of breeding colts, backing them, and making their mouths, etc. By the Sieur de Solleysell, Querry to the French king for his great horses, and one of the Royal Academy of Paris. To which is added a most excellent sup- plement of Riding, collected from the best Authors. With an Alphabetical Catalogue of all the physical simples in English, French, and Latin. Made English from the Eighth Edition of the original. By Sir William Hope, Kt., Deputy- Lieutenant of the Castle of Edinburgh. The Second Edition, corrected from many errors in the former Edition. London. 1717. Folio. Part I., 326 pp. Part II.. 300 pp. The frontis- piece is an engraved portrait of Jacques de Solleysel, and there are 6 engraved copper plates. M., 13! in. by 8| in. Under the frontispiece appear the following words : — " Authors and books a common grave do find, Ours stands unshaken by the general storm ; His work preserves the gloiy of his mind. And th' artful Sculptor saves his outward form." HORSEMANSHIP. 4/ 1717 — coiilimieci. ^^6 The Gentleman's Compleat Jockey : with the Perfect Horseman and Experienc'd Farrier. Con- taining :— I. — The nature of Horses, their breeding, feeding, and management in all paces, to fit them for war, racing, travel, hunting, or other recreations and advantages. II. — The true Method, with proper Rules and Directions to order, diet, and physick the running horse, to bring him to any match or race with success. III. — The methods to buy horses, and prevent being cheated ; noting the particular marks of the good and bad horses, in all their circumstances. IV. — ^How to make Blazes, Stars, and Snips ; to fatten a horse with little charge, and to make him lively and lovely. V. — The whole Art of a Farrier in curing all diseases, griefs, and sorrances incident to horses ; with their symptoms and causes, VI. — The Methods of Shooing, blooding, rowling, purging, and prevention of diseases, and many other things from long experience and ajjproved practice. By A. S. Gent, London. 171 7. i2mo. 160 pp. M., 6\ in. by 3f in. 48 HORSEMANSHIP. 1721. :; 57 Histoire de la Milice Frangoise, et des changemens qui s'y sont faits depuis letablissement de la Monarchie Fran^oise dans les Gaules, jusqu'a la fin du Regne de Louis le Grand. Par le R. P. G. Daniel, de la Campagnie de Jesus. Auteur de r Histoire de France. Denis Mariette Libraire, a S. Augustin, et a I'Ecu de Venise. Jean-Baptiste Delespine, Imprimeur- Lib- raire ordinaire du Roy et du Clerge de France, a 1' I mage S. Paul. Jean- Baptist^ Coignard Fils, Imprimeur- Libraire ordinaire du Roy, et de I'Aca- demie Franqoise, a la Bible d'or. A Paris, rue S. Jacques. 1721. 4to. 3 Vols. Vol. I., 626 pp., 48 plates. Vol. II., 770 pp., 24 plates. M., 1 1| in. by 8f in. Chez-< 1725. ^58 Manuel des Ecuyers, ou Reciieil des differens Remedes pour la gu^rison des maladies qui arrivent aux Chevaux & autres Animaux servants a I'utilit^ de I'Homme. Par le Sr. Carbon de Begrieres. Chez Andre' Cailleau, Place de HORSEMANSHIP. 49 1725 — continued. Sorbonne, au coin de la rue des Maqons, a S. Andre. A Paris. 1725. 8vo. 205 pp. and equestrian portrait of Louis Henry, Due de Bourbon. M., 7f in. by 4I in. Dedication : — A son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur le Due. 1780. (59 La Connoissance parfaite des Clievaux, contenant la maniere de les gouverner, nourrir et entretenir en bon corps, et de les conserver en sante dans les voyages. Avec un detail general de toutes leurs maladies, des signes, et des causes d'ou elles proviennent, des moyens de les prevenir et de les en guerir par des remedes experimentez depuis long-tems et a la portee de tout le monde. Joint a une nouvelle instruction sur le haras, bien plus dtendue que celles qui ont paru jusqu'a present, afin d'elever de beaux et de bons Poulains pour toutes sortes d'usages. Et L'Art de Monter a Cheval, et de dresser les clievaux de manege ; Tire non seulement des meilleurs Auteurs qui en ont ecrit, mais encore des Memoires manuscrits de feu Monsieur Descampes. Le tout enrichi de Figures en Taille-douce. Chez la Veuve de Pierre Ribou Libraire, rue des Fossez S. 7 50 HORSEMANSHIP. 1730 — continued. Germain, vis-a-vis la Comedie Franqoise. A Paris. 1730. 8vo. 546 pp. 7 full-page copper-plate engravings of horsemanship. M., 7J in. by \\ in. 60 The Compleat Horseman ; or, the Art of Riding made Easy : illustrated by Rules drawn from nature, and confirmed by experience ; with directions to the Ladies to sit gracefully, and ride with safety. Adorned with various engravings, finely executed. By Charles Hughes, Professor of Horseman- ship, at his Riding-School, near Black-friars Bridge. London, n.d. [circa 1730.] i2mo. 73 pp. M., 6| in. b}' 4 in. 2 copper plates and 9 woodcuts. ^n The Compleat Horseman ; or, the Art of Riding made Easy ; illustrated by rules drawn from nature, and confirmed by experience ; with directions to the ladies to sit gracefully, and ride with safety. Adorned with various engravings, finely executed. By Charles Hughes. Professor of Horseman- ship, at his Riding School, near Black Friars Bridge. London, [circa 1730.] i2mo. yi pp. Frontispiece — portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes on horseback. M., 6;^ in. by 4 in. This copy is bound with two others, viz. : — " A Method of Breaking Horses " and " Traites sur I'Equitation." HORSEMANSHIP. 5 1 1731. 62 The Farrier's New Guide, containing, first, the ana- tomy of a horse ; being an exact and compendious description of all his parts ; with their actions and uses ; illustrated with figures curiously engrav'd on copper plates. Secondly, An account of all the diseases incident to horses, with their signs, causes, and method of cure ; wherein many defects in the Farrier's practice are now carefully supply'd, their errors expos'd and amended, and the art greatly improv'd and advanced, according to the latest discoveries. The whole interspers'd with many curious and useful observations concerning Feed- ing and Exercise, etc. The Seventh Edition, corrected. By W. GibSOn. London. 1731. 8vo. 260 pp., frontispiece, vignette on title, and 7 plates. M., 8 in. by 5 in. 1732. ■"6, The Gentleman's Pocket-Farrier, shewing how to use your Horse on a Journey, and what Remedies are proper for common Misfortunes that may befal him on the Road. Queis gratior usus Equorum, Nocturna versate manu, vcrsatc diurna. By Capt. William Burdon. London. 1732. i2mo. 70 pp. and index. M., 6J in. by 3| in. 52 HORSEMANSHIP. 1733. (64 La Scuola Moderna nel Maneggio de' Cavalli ; Pro- fittevole a chiunque esercita questa nobile Virtu opera dedicata All' eccellenza del Sig. Principe Marchese D' Carlo Filiberto D'Este da Giu- seppe Antonio Marinelli. Cittadino Bolognese, e Cavallerizzo del medesimo Principe. Nella Stamperia di Lelio dalla Volpe. Con licenza de' Superiori. In Bologna. 1733. 4to. 131 pp. and index. M.. S| in. by 5I in. With Coat of Arms of the Marchese D'Este on fly-leaf; and vignette on title. 65 Ecole de Cavalerie, contenant la connoissance, I'in- '*^ struction, et la conservation du Cheval. Avec Figures en Taille-douce. Par M. De la Gueriniere, Ecuycr du Roy. De I'imprimerie de Jacques Collombat, Premier Imprimeur ordi- naire du Roy, du Cabinet, Maison et Batimens de Sa Majestd, Academies des Arts, et Manufactures Royales. A Paris, Rue S. Jacques. 1733. Folio. 276 pp. 29 plates, most of which are fine equestrian portraits. M., i/i in. by ii:| in. Frontispiece — Education d' Achilles. Dedication — A Son Altesse Monseigneur Le Prince Charles de Lorraine. HORSEMANSHIP. 53 1784. r66^ La parfaite connoissance des Chevaux, leur Anatomie, leurs Bonnes et JNIauvaises Qualitez, leurs Mala- dies et les Remedes qui y conviennent ; par J. De Saunier, Inspecteur de la Grande Ecurie du Roy de France, pratiqu^e, continuee, et donnee au Public par son Fils, Gaspard De Saunier, Ecuyer de I'Academie de I'lllustre University a Leide. Imprime pour I'Auteur, chez qui on peu avoir des Exemplaires. Et se vend A La Hage, Chez Adrien Moetjens, Libraire. 1734. Folio. 256 pp., table of chapters, vignette title, dedica- tion preface, frontispiece — engraved portrait of Gaspard de Saunier, aged 70 j^ears (D. Coster ad viv. delin. et sculp. Hage) — and 61 plates from nature. M., 15 J- in. by 10 in. Under the portrait of Saunier is the following : — Demontrer du Cheval Futile Anatomie Le guerir de ses maux, regler une Ecurie Rendre, dans le Manege, un Cavalier parfait, Enseigner du Haras, I'agreable Science, Consacrer au Public sa longue Experience C'est ce qu'a fait celui, dont tu vois le Portrait. 1737 r'fyj , The Gentleman's Pocket-Farrier, with large additions ^"' and remarks. By Dr. Henry Blacken of Lancaster. The Fourth Edition. London. 1737. 54 HORSEMANSHIP. 1737 — continued. i2mo. "j^ pp., interleaved, and index. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. Dedicated to the Right Honourable James Stanley. The name of the Author on title-page is misprinted. It should be Bracken, not Blacken. This book is a revised edition of Captain Burdon's work. 1739. ^8; The Compleat Gamester : In three parts, containing : — I. — The Court Gamester: or, Full and Easy Instructions for playing the Games of Ombre, Quadrille, Ouintille, Picquet, Basset, Faro, and the Royal Game of Chess. II. — The City Gamester : or. True manner of playing the most usual Games at Cards, viz. : — Whist, All-Fours, Cribbidge, Put, Lue, Brag, etc. With several diverting Tricks upon the Cards. Also Rules for playing at all the games both within and without the Tables ; and at English and French Billiards; with the laws of each game annexed to prevent disputes. III. — The Gentleman's Diversion; or, the Arts of Riding, Racing, Archery, Cocking, and Bowling. Written for the use of the young Princess. By Richard Seymour, Esq. The Sixth Edition. London. 1739. i2mo. 324 pp. and frontispiece. M., 6f in. by 4 in. Printed for E. Curll, at Pope's Head, in Rose Street, Covent Garden ; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London Bridge. HORSEMANSHIP. 55 1743. (eg Military Equitation : or, a Method of Breaking Horses, and Teaching Soldiers to Ride. De- signed for the Use of the Army. By Henry, Earl of Pembroke. Scientia, et Patientia. Equitem docuere sub armis Insultare solo, et gressus glomerare superbos. — VIRG. Vis consili expers mole riiit sua. — HOR. 9 The Fourth Edition. London. 1743. 4to. 140 pp. of text, 17 plates. M., 8^ in. by 6i in. Dedicated to the King. Contents :— Chap. I.— The method of preparing horses to be mounted, with the circumstances relative to it. Chap. 11.— The method of placing the men and ren- dering them firm on horseback, with some occasional instructions for them and the horses ; and of bits. Chap. 111.— The method of suppling horses with men upon them, by the Epaule en dedans, etc., with and without a longe, on circles and on straiht lines ; and of working horses in hand. Chap. IV. — Of the head to the wall, and of the croupe to the wall. Chap, v.— The Trot. Chap. VI.— The method of reining back, and of moving forwards immediately after— of piaffing— of pillars, etc., of moving pillars, etc. Chap. VI 1.— The method of teaching horses to stand fire, noises, alarms, sights, etc., of preventing their lying down in the water, to stand quiet to be shot off from, to go over rough and bad ground, to leap hedges, gates, ditches, etc., standing and flying, 56 HORSEMANSHIP. to disregard dead horses, to swim, etc. Chap. VIII. — The method of curing restivcness, \-ices, defences, starting", and stumbhng, etc. Chap. IX. — Several Remarks and hints on shoeing, feeding, management of horses, etc. 70 A General System of Horsemanship in all its Branches: containing a faithful translation of that most noble and useful work of His Grace, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, entitled, The Manner of Feeding, Dressing, and Training of Horses for the Great Saddle, and Fitting them for the Service of the Field in Time of War, or for the Exercise and Improvement of Gentlemen in the Academy at home. A Science peculiarly necessary throughout all Europe, and which has hitherto been so much neglected, or discouraged in England, that young Gentlemen have been obliged to have recourse to foreign Nations for this part of their Education. With all the origi- nal Copper plates, in number forty-three, which were engrav'd by the best Foreign J\Iasters, under his Grace's immediate care and inspection, and which are explained in the different Lessons. And to give all the Improvements that may be, this work is ornamented with capitals and initial letters, properly adapted to the subsequent chap- ters; and enlarged with an index. London. 1743. HORSEMANSHIP. 57 1743 — continued. Folio. 2 Vols in i. Vol. I., 142 pp. and index. Vol. II., 138 pp., and " A Dictionary explaining the Tech- nical Terms that belong to the Stud, Stable, Manege, and Farriery ; Or whatever else relates to Horses," which is not numbered. M., i8i in. by 12 in. Vol. I. is dedicated to His Grace, Charles, Duke of Rich- mond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Master of the Horse to His Majesty, etc. Vol. II. is dedicated to Dr. Mead, and has a separate title, viz. : — A General System of Horsemanship in all its Branches : containing — I. — Directions for the Choice of Stallions and Mares, and for Weaning and Managing of Foals, until they come to a proper Maturity for Ser\'ice, suitable to the uses they are design'd for. II. — The Manner of Keeping, Soiling, Training, and Exercising Race-Horses, and preparing them for the Course : Also Instructions for the Choice and Management of Hunters ; and a Supplemental Dis- course concerning Hounds, III. — The Perfect Knowledge of Horses ; being a suc- cinct account of their various disorders, both internal and external, and their good and bad qualities ; shew- ing the seat, cause, and symptoms of all Diseases ; with proper Recipes, and Methods of Cure, whether by manual operation or otherwise ; the like not hitherto extant in any Book of Farriery whatsoever in the English tongue. Translated from the French Edition, published at the Hague, under the inspection of the learned Dr. Boerhaave, by Gasper de Saunier, 58 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 7 43 — con tinned. Riding-Master and Director to the Academy of Leyden ; with the Addition of all his Father's Recipes and Remarks, who was forty years Inspector- General of Lewis the XlVth's Great Stable. IV. — The Osteology and Myology of a Horse : Or, an Anatomical Description of all the Bones and Muscles, that compose that most noble and useful Animal ; pointing out their various Uses and Affections, and accounting for many other Particulars in the Oico- nomy of a Horse, that are not generally known. Illustrated with near thirty copper plates, in which the Seats of all the Diseases are not only exactly described, but with several new Instruments requisite in the cure of them most accurately described. And to give a more perfect Idea of the different Subjects, all the Anatomical Prints, representing the Muscles, Bones, etc., are wrought off in their proper colours. To which is added a large collection of Recipes, com- municated by several persons of Experience and Distinction : together with two complete indexes, the one of Diseases, the other of Medicines. Also, a Dictionary, explaining all the Technical Terms that belong to the Stud, the Stable, the Manage, Farriery, or whatever relates to Horses. London. 1743." (Tt The Traveller's Pocket-Farrier : or a treatise upon the distempers and common incidents happening to horses upon a journey. Being very useful for all HORSEMANSHIP. 59 1 7 43 — contin tied. p^entlemen and tradesmen who are obliged to travel the Countries. Ubi Equos mercantur, opertos Inspiciunt, ne si facies (ut ssepe) decora Molli fulta pede est, emptorem inducat hiantem, Quod pulchrae Clunes, breve quod Caput, Ardua Cervix. — HORACE. By Henry Bracken, M.D., Author of the 2 volumes of " Farriery Improved," etc. The Second Edition. London. 1743. i2mo. 151 pp. and index. M., 6| in. by 4 in. 1746. (72'j Observations on the Mechanism of the Horse's Foot ; its natural spring explained, and a mode of shoe- ing recommended, by which the foot is defended from external injury, with the least impediment to its spring. By Strickland Freeman, Esq. London. 1 746. 4to. 107 pp. and 16 coloured plates, each with a key ; 32 in all. M., 12 in. by g\ in. Author's own copy, with Book Plate, dated 18 10. " What, indeed, is to be expected from a man who has no other guide than a long-continued practice, and who must of necessity labour under very great uncer- tainties ! Incapable of accounting rationally for what r 60 HORSEMANSHIP. 1746 — continued. he does, it must be impossible for him to enlighten me, or communicate to me the knowledge which he fancies himself possessed oV— Pembroke's Military Equitation. Ingenium misera quia fortunatius arte credit. — HOR. 1749. 'j'i, Farriery Improv'd : or, A Compleat Treatise upon the Art of Farriery. Wherein is fully explained the nature, structure, and mechanism of that noble and useful creature, a horse, the Diseases and Accidents he is liable to, and methods of cure. Set down in as clear and intelligible a manner as the subject will admit of. The Use and Abuse of the Science discover'd ; whereby any gentle- man may be able to judge for himself, whether or no he is imposed upon by ignorant Grooms and other Pretenders to this art. Together with many necessary and useful observations and remarks concerning the choice and management of Horses. Likewise an account of Drugs and mix'd Medicines used in Farriery ; with some remarks upon their genuineness and adulteration ; and their several prices, set down alphabetically at the end of the Work. Sixth Edition. By Henry Bracken, M.D., Author of the Notes on Burdon. HORSEMANSHIP. 6l 1749 — cotiiin7ied. Ubi Equos mercantur, opertos, Inspiciunt : ne si Facies (ut ssepe) decora Molli fulta Pede est, Emptorem inducat hiantem Quod pulchrs Cluncs, breve quod Caput, Ardua Cervix. — HOR. London. 1749. r2mo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 363 pp. and index. Vol.11., 298 pp. and index. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. Printed for J. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, near the Inner Temple-Gate, Fleet Street ; and VV. Johnston, at the Golden Ball, in St. Paul's Church Yard. 1750. 74 L'Arte di ben conoscere, e distinguere le qualita de' Cavalli, d'introdurre, e conservare una razza nobile, e di risanare il Cavallo da' Mali, a'quali soggiace, studiata da Marino Garzoni, Senatore Veneto. Quinta Impressione. Con aggiunta del libro quarto, che tratta di molti medicamenti Interni, ed Esterni. Presso Andrea Poletti. In Venezia. 1750. 4to. 206 pp. Woodcut capitals and initials, and i copper plate. M. of paper, pi in. by 7^ in. Manage et equitation. By Harguinez. Paris. [Circa 1750.J Folio. II plates. M., \6\ in. by io| in. 62 HORSEMANSHIP. 17 50 — contimied. 75 Elemens d'hippiatrique, ou nouveaux principes sur la connoissance et sur hi m^decine des chevaux. Par M. Bourgelat, Ecuier du Roi, Chef de son Acaddmie etablie a Lyon. Tome Premier, contenant la connoissance du Cheval considers extt^rieurement, et un traite abbreg^ theorique et pratique sur la ferrure. {Henri Declaustre, Libraire-Imprimeur rue Neuve, Les Freres Duplain, Libraires rue Merci^re. A Lyon. 1750. 8vo. 2 Vols, in 3. Vol. I. contains Preliminary Dis- course, 30 pp., 5 1 5 pp., and alphabetical table, 43 pp. ; I folding plate, frontispiece, vignette, and final. It is dated 1750. Vol. II., first part, contains Preliminary Discourse, 56 pp., 409 pp., and a table, 49 pp. ; frontis- piece and 4 vignettes. It is dated 175 1. Vol. II., part 2, contains 573 pp., table, 93 pp., advertisement, 7 pp., and 2 vignettes. It is dated 1753. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. 1751. 76 Regole per conoscere perfettamente le bellezze, e 1 difetti de Cavalli, descrittedal Conte FrancesCO Bonsi da Rimino. Per gli Eredi Albertini Stamp. Vesc, del S. Off., e Pub. con licenza de' Superiori. In Rimino. 1751. HORSEMANSHIP. 63 1751 — continued. 4to. 82 pp. and 2 plates. M. of paper, 11 J, in. by 8f in. Cavendum & in otio, otium est. Fugienda proinde otiositas, mater nugarum, noverca virtutem. S. Bernard. De consideratione ad Eugen, pp. iii, lib. 2, cap. J. Qui est otiosus, & multa temere loquiter, & multa agit temere, & toto die nihil operatur, torpore, & veterno mentem repletam habet S. Jo : Crisost. Horn. 5 in I. Cor. yy A New Treatise on the Diseases of Horses : wherein what is necessary to the knowledge of a horse, the cure of his diseases, and other matters relating to that subject are fully discussed in a plain and easy manner, from many years practice and experience ; with the cheapest and most efficacious remedies. By William GibSOn, Surgeon, in Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London. 1751. 4to. 464 pp. and index and 32 copper plates. M. il\ in. by 8| in. This Work is divided into three parts. The F'irst Part contains a short description of the properties peculiar to the different kinds of horses, viz. : — their age, shape, beauty, and goodness ; also their faults and imperfec- tions, as well as those that are natural, as those that are acquired by habit, or are caused by imperfect 64 HORSEMANSHIP. 1751 — continued. cures, or other ill management. Wherein the reader is instructed in the knowledge of the Eyes and Feet, and in the symnetry and proportion of the various parts of a horse, in so plain and intelligible a manner^ that anyone may from hence, in a short time, attain to a competent skill in horses. The Second contains a short Epitome or Abridgment of Anatomy, wherein all the parts of a horse are described in an easy and instructive manner, for the benefit of those who have not seen dissections, or attended lectures of Anatomy. The Third contains an account of the several maladies and diseases incident to Horses, with their signs, causes, and method of cure. 78 No Foot, No Horse ; An Essay on the Anatomy of the foot of that noble and useful animal — a horse ; wherehi each part is accurately described ; their structure, use, and comformation considered ; the disorders each part is liable to are treated of, and proper remedies for the cure of each case are offered ; together with particular directions for the cure of some of the chief internal diseases which horses are subject to. By Jeremiah Bridges, Farrier and Anatomist. London. 1751- Ex pedibus Equus. — ANONYM. Solidum quatit Ungula Campum. — VIRG. 8vo. 151 pp., index, and 3 plates. M., 8 in. by 5 in. HORSEMANSHIP. 65 1766. 79 The Gentleman's Farriery ; or, a practical treatise on the diseases of horses ; wherein the best writers on that subject have been consulted, and M. La Fosse's Method of Trepanning glander'd horses is particularly consider'd and improved; also a new method of Nicking horses is recommended ; with a copper plate and description of the Machine. By J. Bartlet, Surgeon. The Third Edition, greatly improved. With the addition also of an appendix, treating, I. — Of particular disorders of the feet. II. — Observations on shoeing horses. London. 1756. 8vo. 370 pp. 5 plates. M., 7 in. by 4i in. 80 L'art de la Cavalerie. ou la mani^re de devenir Bon Ecuyer, par des regies aisees et propres a dresser les Chevaux a. tous les usages, qui I'utilitc^ et le plaisir de I'homme exigent ; Tant pour le manege, que pour la guerre, la Chasse, la Promenade, I'Attelage, la Course, le Tournois, ou Carousel, etc. Accompagn^ de principes icertains pour le choix des Chevaux, la connaissance que Ton doit avoir de leurs dispositioiis naturelles, pour les plier, avec plus de succ^s, aux exercices qu'on en attend, etc. Avec une idee generale de leurs maladies, des Remarques curieuses sur les Haras, I'explication de toutes les pieces qui composent I 66 HORSEMANSHIP. 1756 — continued. les differentes sortes d' Equipages, et des observa- tions sur tout ce qui peut blesser ou gSner les Chevaux, Par Mr. Gaspard de Saunier, de son vivant Ecuyer de I'Academie de I'lllustre Universite de Leyde. Avec figures. Chez Jean Neaulme, Libraire. A Amsterdam et a Berlin. i 756. Folio. 204 pp., with 27 copper plates. M., i6| in. by 94 in- 1769. 81 M^moires sur I'ancienne Chevalerie ; consider^e comme un etablissement politique et militaire. Par M. de la Curne de Sainte-Palaye, de I'Aca- demie Franqoise, de celle des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres, et des Academies de Nancy, et de la Crusca. Chez Nic. Bonav. Duchesne, Libraire, rue S. Jacques, au-dessous de la Fontaine S. Benoit, au Temple du Gout. A Paris. 1759. 8vo. 3 Vols. Vol. I., 391 pp.; Vol. II., 320 pp.; Vol. III., 456 pp. M., 6f in. by 3I in. 82 L'Art de Monter a Cheval, ou description du Manege Moderne, dans sa perfection ; Explique par des Le9ons necessaires, et represente par des Figures exactes, depuis I'Assiette de I'Homme a Cheval, HORSEMANSHIP. 67 1759 — continued. jusqu a I'Arret ; accompagn^ aussi de divers Mords pour bien brider les Chevaux. Ecrit et d^ssin^ par Le Baron D'Eisenberg, et grav^ par B. Picart. Nouvelle Edition augment^e d'un Dictionnaire des termes du Manege Moderne. Chez Arkstee et Merkus. A Amsterdam et a Leipzig. 1759. Oblong 4to. " L'Art de Monter " has 59 plates by Picart and an engraved title-page, on which saddles, riding-boots, bits, bridles, cavessons, chambrieres, whips, switches, swords, spurs, pistols, tilting lances, leading reins, etc., are grouped against an ornamental architectural design, surmounted by a horse-head. The " Dictionnaire des Termes du Manege " has 76 pp., and a separate title, namely :— " Dictionnaire des Termes du Manege Moderne. Pour servir de supple- ment a I'Art de Monter jl Cheval. Du Baron D'Eisen- berg. Chez Arkstee et Merkus. A Amsterdam et k Leipzig. 1747." The " Anti-Maquignonage " has 52 pp., 9 plates, and a separate title, namely :— " Anti-Maquignonage pour eviter la surprise dans I'emplette des Chevaux ; ou Ton traite de leur perfection et de leurs defaults. Par Le Baron D'Eisenberg, Directeur et Premier Ecuyer de I'Academie de sa Maj. Imper. Chez Arkstee et Merkus, A Amsterdam et A Leipzig. 1764." M., \o\ in. by 15^ in. 68 HORSEMANSHIP. 1761. 83 A Treatise on the diseases and lameness of Horses. In which is laid down a proper Method of Shoe- ing (in general) and treating the different kinds of feet. To which are added some new observations in the Art of Farriery, and on the Nature and Difference of Horses. Shewing on what princi- ples their perfection depends, and by what methods their breed may be greatly improved and amended. By W. Osmer. London. 1761. 8vo. 300 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5 in. 1762. 84 A Method of Breaking Horses and teaching Soldiers to ride. Designed for the use of the Army, by Henry, Earl of Pembroke. Equitem docuere sub armis Insultare solo, et gressus glomerare superbos. — VIRG. Vis consili expers mole sua ruit. — HOR. Second Edition ; revised and corrected, with additions. London, 1762. 8vo. 128 pp. 17 plates. M., 6^ in. by 3;^ in. y 85 A Method of Breaking Horses, and teaching soldiers to ride, designed for the use of the army. By Henry, Earl of Pembroke. Equitem docuere sub armis Insultare solo, et gressus glomerare superbos.— VIRG. HORSEMANSHIP. 69 17 62 — continued. Vis consili expers mole sua ruit. — HOR. The Second Edition, revised and corrected, with additions. London. 1762. i2mo; 128 pp. and 3 folding plates. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. Dedicated to the King. This work is bound with 2 others, viz. : — " Traites sur I'Equitation," and " The Compleat Horseman." 1764. 86 Dell Obbedienza del Cavallo, trattato di NiCCOlO Rosselmini, Patrizio Pisano Accademico Innominato e Intronato Ciamberlano di S.M.I. e Soprint-gen-delte razze e Scuderie Imp. di Toscana. Presso Marco Coltellini all' Insegna della Verita. In Livorno. 1764. 4to. pp. 428. M., 6\ in. by 8J in. Engraved title. I folding plate. Indice — Di cio che contengono i Capitolio di questo tratato. Parte Prima. Capitolo primo — Che cosa sia I'obbedienza del Cavallo, e donde pigli origine - - pag. i Disegno in rame dello Scheletro del Cavallo - 22 70 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 7 64 — con tinned. Cap. secondo — Delle azioni che puo fare il Cavallu, e del modo come sono messe in opera dalla potenza motrice ... ... ... pag. 23 Cap. terzo — Delle azioni del Cavallo in campagna quando pasce sul prato ... ... ... 60 Parte Seconda. Cap. primo — Del modo di addomesticare il Polledro per renderlo docile e mansueto ... ... 81 Cap. seconda — Del metodo da tenersi per promuo- vere e risvegliare I'elasticita dei legamenti che deve eseguire le azioni dei Cavalli da campagna, caccia, e guerra ... ... ... . . . 1 1 1 Cap. terzo — Del modo di dar I'essere all' elasticity dei legamenti che la natura non gli ha somminis- trato che in potenza ... ... ... 134 Parte Terza. Cap. primo — Quale debba essere la positura del Cavaliere a Cavallo, e quale la costruzione della Sella ... ... ... ... ... 185 Cap. secondo — Delle chiamate del Cavaliere e della costruzione della Briglia ... ... ... 201 Disegno in rame della Briglia ... ... 252 Cap. terzo — Delle cavalcate, mostre, balletti, giostre, e giuochi di teste, e anello ... ... 253 HORSEMANSHIP. 7 1 17 64 — contimied. Parte Quarta. Trattato delle Razze selvatiche. Cap. primo — Delia qualita del clima, dell' erba, e deir acqua ... ... ... ... 289 Cap. secondo — Dell' accoppiamento del maschio con la femina, e di tutto cio che questo riguarda 326 Cap. terzo — Del regolamento della razza in tutte le stagioni, e delle operazioni da farsi in es.se per prevenire qualunque sconcerto ... ... '^76 Casi particolari seguiti ... ... ... 420 ^y Recherches sur I'Epoque de I'Equitation et de I'usage des chars ^questres chez les anciens : Ou Ton montre I'incertitude des premiers temps his- toriques des peuples, relativement a cette datte. Par Le R. p. Gabriel Fabricy, Lecteur en Th^ologie, de I'Ordre des FF. PrScheurs, de I'Acad^mie des Arcades de Rome. Premiere Partie. A Marseille, Chez Jean Mossy. A Rome, Chez Pierre Durand. 1764. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 224 pp. Vol. II., 286 pp. 9 Vignettes and 2 engraved titles. M., 8i in. by 5^ in. Vellum. Dedication : — A Monsieur Le Comte de Caylus, Aca- demicien Honoraire de I'Acad^nnie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. 72 HORSEMANSHIP. 17 64 — continued. 8" The Farrier's and Horseman's Complete Dictionary : containing the Art of Farriery in ail its Branches; with whatever relates to the manage, and to the knowledge, breeding, feeding, and dieting of horses ; as delivered by the best writers upon these subjects. By Thomas Wallis, Surgeon. The Second Edition. London. 1764. 8vo. No pagination. M., 6\ in. by 4i in. [89 Del obbedienza del Cavallo Trattato Di NicCOlo ■ Rosselmini, Patrizio Pisano Accademico Inno- minato e Intronato Ciamberlano di S. M. I. e Soprint-geudelle razze e Scuderie Imp di Tos- cana. In Livorno Presso Coltellini Marco all' Insegna della Verita. 1764. Another copy of the above work of the same date. 1765. ;qq\ Rules for Bad Horsemen. Addressed to the Society s..,.,-- for the Encouragement of Arts, etc. Nescit equo rudis Hserere. — HOR. The Third Edition, with a preface and additions. By Charles Thompson, Esq. Printed for HORSEMANSHIP. 73 1765 — continued. J. Robson, Bookseller to H.R.H. the Princess Dowager of Wales, in New Bond Street. London. 1765. i6mo. 84 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. 1766. 91 The Anatomy of the Horse, including a particular des- cription of the bones, cartilages, muscles, fascias, ligaments, nerves, arteries, veins, and glands. In Eighteen Tables, all done from nature. By George Stubbs, Painter. London. 1766. Obi. folio. 47 pp. of text. M., 18 in. by 22 in. 1767. /ga; L' Utile a Tout le Monde, ou Le Parfait Ecuyer ^-^ Militaire et de Campagne. Divise en quatre livres : — 1° — De la connoissance du Cheval. 2" — De la cure des Chevaux. 3° — De la Ferrure. 40 — Des qualit(3S & devoirs du parfait Ecuyer. 10 74 HORSEMANSHIP. 1767 — continued. D^di^ a son Altesse Royale, Monseigneur le Due Charles de Lorraine et de Bar, etc. etc. Par le Sr. A. de Weyrother, Chevalier du St. Empire Romain, ancien officier de Cavalerie, et Ecuyer Academicien. A Bruxelles. Chez J. J. Boucherie, Imprimeur- Libraire, rue de I'Hopital. 1767. 8vo. 2 Vols. 1st Vol., 319 pp. ; 2nd Vol., 164 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5i in. 1769. Essai sur les Haras, ou examen m^thodique des moyens propres pour etablir, diriger et faire pros- perer les Haras. .Suivi de deux courts Trait6s. Dans I'un on montre une methode facile de bien examiner les chevaux que Ton veut acheter, afin de les choisir avec intelligence et n'etre point tromp^ par les Maquignons. Dans I'autre on traite de la m^chanique du Mors, et on enseigne I'Art de le bien assortir aux differentes bouches des chevaux. On y a encore joint un Chapitre en forme de supplement sur les prdjug^s, les abus et I'ignorance de la Marechalerie. Par Le Comte de Breze. Chez les Freres Reycends. A Turin. 1769. 8vo. 288 pp. 4 folding plates and 2. vignettes. M., 8^ in. by 5^ in. HORSEMANSHIP. 75 1770. 94 Desseins de Harnois pour les Selliers. Inventes par Baudouin. 1770. 32 large plates of Royal Coaches and Harness. M., 17 in. by 13 in. 95 Des Freiherrn von Sind. Churcollnischen obersten eines Cavallerie-regiments und Ersten Stallmeisters Vollstandiger Unterricht in den VVissenschaften eines Stallmeisters. Gottingen und Gotha. 1770. Folio. 324 pp. Frontispiece — Equestrian Portrait of Author. 15 full-page plates and vignette on title. M., 14 in. by 8^ in. 96 Le Nouveau parfait Marechal, ou la connois.sance gen^rale et unlverselle du Cheval. Divis^ en sept traites. 1° — De sa Construction. 2° — Du Haras. 3° — De I'Ecuyer et du Harnois. 4*^ — Du Mede- cin, ou Trait^ des Maladies des Chevaux. 5° — Du Chirurgien et des Operations. 6° — Du Marechal Ferrant. 7° — -De I'Apothicaire, ou des Remedes. Avec un Dictionnaire des termes de Cavalerie. Le tout enrichi de Figures en Taille- douce. Par M. Fr. A. de Garsault, ci- devant Capitaine en Survivance du Haras du Roi. Quatrieme Edition. Dedice <\ Monseigneur le 76 HORSEMANSHIP. 177 — continued. Comte de Maurepas. Chez Despilly, rue St. Jacques, a la Croix d'Or. A Paris. 1770. 4to. 641 pp., 29 plates, and 20 plates of plants. M., 10^ in. by y\ in. 1771. /97 The History and Art of Horsemanship. By Richard Berenger, Esq., Gentleman of the Horse to his Majesty. In 2 Volumes. London. 1771. 4to. 2 Vols, in I. Vol. I., 319 pp., frontispiece, 9 plates, vignette, and final ; Vol. II., 246 pp., frontispiece, and 6 plates. M., lof in. by 8^ in. 1772. ''^' Traites sur I'Equitation, avec une traduction du traite de la Cavalerie de Xenophon. Par M. Dupaty de Clam, Membre de I'Acad^mie des Sciences de Bourdeaux, Auteur de la Pratique de I'Equita- tion. Chez Lacombe, Libraire, rue Christine, prds de la rue Dauphine. Aux Deux Ponts et se trouve a Paris. 1772. i2mo. 216 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. This work is bound with 2 others, viz. : — " A Method of Breaking Horses" and "The Compleat Horseman." HORSEMANSHIP. 77 1775. 99 Newmarket, or, an Essay on the Turf; containing, amongst other grave and weighty matters, a parallel (though not after the manner of Plutarch and Mr. Spence) between Newmarket Races and the Olympic Games ; Very proper to be had in all pockets at the next Newmarket Meeting. The Second Edition. " Nam qu£e tandem est iniquitas cum omni vitse instituto suos lusus concedamus, Studiis nullum omnino lusum permittere, maxime si nugae seria ducant, atque ita tractentur ludicra, ut ex his aliquanto plus frugis referat lector, non omnino naris obesse, quam ex quorundam tetricis ac spendidis argumentis." — ERASMUS AD THOM. MORUM. London. 1775. i2mo. 2 Vols, in r. Vol. I., 189 pp. ; Vol. II., 222 pp. M., 6 in. by 3f in. 1781. 100 L. Jvnii Moderati Colvmellae. De Re Rus- tica, Libri XII. Curante Jo. Matthia Gesnero. Manhemii. 1781. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 306 pp. ; Vol. II., 440 pp. M., 6| in. by 4 in. yS HORSEMANSHIP. 1784. l \or A Practical Treatise on F"arriery, deduced from the experience of above forty years, in the service of the late Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. By William Griffiths, Groom at Wynnstay. 1784. Kind Sir, if you should lame your Tit, Peruse what's in these pages writ ; The Blockhead Smith, you first may see, Will swear he's lame above the knee, When, (as this Treatise plain will shew,) 'Tis ten to one, he's lame BELOW. 4to. 184 pp., with index and list of subscribers, and frontispiece by H. Bunbury. M., gi in. by 7 in. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Earl Grosvenor, and to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. 1785. 102 Novello Giardino della prattica, ed esperienza, di Gio, Batista Trutta, Napolitano. Divisa in tre libri ; nel prinio de' quali, si tratta della gene- razione, e nobilta del Cavallo con li segni buoni, e cattivi del medesimo ; delle origini, e qualitk morbi, che li accadono ; col chiaro modo di curarli perfettamente, e quando si deve sagnare, con la regola di darli I'erba ; ed avvertimenti, come si vende, e compra. Nel Secondo — Descritto in HORSEMANSHIP. 79 1786 — continued. Dialoghi tra Maestro, e Discepolo, s'insegna il modo, e vera maniera di ridurre il Cavallo all' Esercizio Cavalleresco ; con altri notabili docu- menti raccolti da saggi Autori. Nel Terzo. Si vede come si generano i Vitelli, come si gover- nano e domano, con una serio di rimedj di molta, e vera esperienza per I'infermita, che alii Boir sogliono occorrere. Nella Stamperia di Paolo Severino-Boezio. In Napoli. 1785. 4to. 484 pp. 3 engraved plates. M., lO;^ in. by 8^ in. 1788. 103 An Academy for Grown Horsemen, containing the completes! instructions for walking, trotting, can- tering, galloping, stumbling, and tumbling. Illus- trated with copper plates, and adorned with a portrait of the author. By Geoffrey Gam- bado, Esq., Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. The Second Edition. " To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus, And witch the world with noble horsemanship." — SHAKESPEARE. London. Printed for W. Dickenson. 1 788. 8o HORSEMANSHIP. 178 8 — con tinned. 4to. The First Part — " An Academy for Grown Horse- men " — contains 36 pp., 12 plates, by Bunbury, and frontispiece. The Second Part — " Annals of Horse- manship "—contains 81 pp. and 17 plates by Bunbury. M., \i\ in. by 10 in. 1789. ri04) Recueil D'Opuscules sur les differentes parties de L'Equitation. Auxquels on a joint le meilleur regime que Ton doit faire suivre au.x differentes esp^ces de chevaux, pour en tirer le parti le plus avantageux et les conserver le plus long-temps qu'il est possible. Par M. Le Vaillailt de St. Denis, I'un des Ecuyers de Sa Majeste. Chez Blaizot, Libraire ordinaire du Roi et de la Reine, rue Satory, No. 5. A Versailles. Chez Froulle, Libraire, Ouai des Augustins. A Paris. 1789. 8vo. 169 pp. I engraved illustration. M., 7^ in. by 4l in- Dedication : — A Son Altesse Charles-Eugene de Lor- raine, Prince de Lambese et de Mortagne, Due d'Elboeuf, Sire de Pons, Pair et Grand-Ecuyer de France, Chevalier des Ordres du Roi, Marechal de ses Camps, etc. etc. HORSEMANSHIP. 8 1 1791. M05 Essai sur les Proportions Geometrales de L'Eclipse. Par M. Charles Vial de Saint Bel, ci-devant Ecuyer du Roi, et Chef de Son Aca- demic d'Equitation Etablie a Lyon ; Ancient Professeur de I'Ecole Royale V^terinaire de la meme Ville ; Demonstrateur d'Anatomie Com- par^e a Montpellier ; et Professeur du College V^terinaire de Londre. Of the Proportions of Eclipse. By Mr. Charles Vial de St. Bel, Equerry to the King, and Head of the Academy at Lyons ; Ancient Professor of the Royal Veterinary School of the same city ; Demonstrator in Comparative Anatomy at Mont- pellier ; and Professor of the Veterinary College of London. In French and Engh'sh. 4to. 67 pp. and 3 folding plates. M., 9 in. by 11^ in. 106 Memoire sur les Courses de Chevaux et de Chars en France ; Envi.sagees sous un point de vue d'utilit^ publique. Pr^sent^ a I'Assembl^e Nationale, au Departement et \ la Municipalite de Paris. Par Esprit-Paul De Lafont-Pouloti. De rimprimerie de la Jussienne, rue Montmartre, et se trouve chez la veuve Vallat-la-Chapelle, Imprimeur-Libraire, au Palais de Justice, Salle 82 HORSEMANSHIP. 17 91 — continued. Dauphine, No. i. A Paris. i/Qi- 8vo. 32 pp. and frontispiece — statue of a horse on pedestal with the motto — PACE ET BELLO ^QU^ UTiLis EQUUS. Very rare and curious, as being the first book on Horse racing in France. M., 8 in. by 5i in. 1792. 107 The Sporting Magazine, from its commencement in 1792 to 1870. Illustrated with upwards of 1,000 fine engravings by Stothard, Scott, Corbould, Howitt, etc. 1793. fioS Lectures on the Elements of Farriery ; or, the Art of Horse-shoeing, and on the Diseases of the F'oot. Designed chiefly for the use of the pupils of the Veterinary College, London. By Charles Vial de Sainbel, Professor of Veterinary Medicine in the College. London. 1 793. 4to. The Advertisement, Preliminary Discourse, and Six Lectures contain 202 pp. Frontispiece designed by Richard Lawrence, and engraved by Matthew Haughton ; 2 single-page plates and i folding ditto. M., 10^ in. by 8i in. Dedicated to the President, Vice-Presidents, Directors, and the other members of the Veterinary College London. HORSEMANSHIP. 83 1793 — continued. Tiog) The Gentleman's Stable Directory ; or, Modern System of Farriery, comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is inci- dent ; interspersed with occasional references to the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bartlet, Osmer, and others ; also particular directions for buying, selling, feed- ing, bleeding, purging, and getting into condition for the Chase ; with experimental remarks upon the management of Draft Horses, their blemishes, and defects. To which is now added a Supple- ment, containing practical observations upon thorn wounds, punctured tendons, and liga- mentary lameness, with ample instructions for their treatment and cure ; illustrated by a recital of cases, including a Variety of useful remarks ; with a successful method of treating the Canine species in that destructive disease called Distemper. By William Taplin, Surgeon. The Twelfth Edition. London. 1793. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 540 pp., index and frontispiece- vignette of the Author. Vol. II., 419 pp., including index. M., 8| in. by 5| in. Dedicated to Sir John Lade, Bart. ?4 HORSEMANSHIP. 1796. no Thoughts upon Hare and Fox Hunting, in a series of letters to a friend, in which are given ample directions for managing a kennel, the management of hounds, and the duties and qualifications of the huntsman and whipper-in, also an account of the most celebrated dog kennels in the kingdom. By Peter Beckford, Esq. " Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperii : si non, his utere mecum." — H0R. A New Edition. London. 1796. 8vo. 340 pp. 20 engravings. M., 8J in. by 5^ in. a A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on Horses, and on the moral duties of man towards the Brute Creation. By John Lawrence. " For that which befalleth the sons of men, befalleth beasts ; even one thing befalleth them : as the one dieth, so dieth the other ; yea, they have all one breath ; — All go unto one place ; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again." — ECCLESIASTES. " Sunt enim animalia post hominem, ita ars veterinaria post medicinam secunda est." — VEGETIUS. Neque omnia, neque nihil. London. 1796. 8vo. 391 pp. M., 8-| in. by 5^ in. This is the First Edition, and contains Eight Chapters. At the time this was issued the Second Vol. was not in print. •^ '>if'-%- r^W. m HORSEMANSHIP. 85 1796 — continued. 112 Taplin Improved; or a Compendium of Farriery, wherein is fully explained the nature and structure of that useful creature — a Horse ; with the diseases and accidents he is liable to ; and the methods of cure. Exemplified by ten elegant cuts, each the full figure of a horse. Describing all the various parts of that noble animal. Like- wise, rules for breeding and training of colts ; practical receipts for the cure of common dis- tempers incident to oxen, cows, calves, sheep, lambs, hogs, etc. To which is prefixed ten minutes advice to the purchasers of horses. By an experienced Farrier. London. 1796. i2mo. 144 pp., frontispiece, and 10 plates. M., 6i in. by 3f in. Lane's Edition. 113 A Treatise on Carriages; comprehending coaches, chariots, phaetons, curricles, gigs, whiskies, etc. Together with their proper Harness. In which the fair prices of every article are accurately stated. By William Felton, Coachmaker, No. 36 Leather Lane, Holborn, and No. 254 Oxford Street, near Grosvenor Square. London. 1796. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 227 pp. Vol. II., 1 19 pp. 59 plates. M., 8| in. by s^ in. (ii4 86 HORSEMANSHIP. 1797. Elements of the Veterinary Art, containing : — " An Essay on the Proportions of the Celebrated Eclipse," " Si.x Lectures on Farriery, or the Art of Horse-shoeing, and on the Diseases of the Foot," "An Essay on the Grease," which obtained the prize given by the Royal Society of Medicine. " An Essay on the Glanders." The whole illustrated with nine anatomical, geometrical, and mechanical engravings. By Charles Vial de Sainbel, Late Equerry to the King, and Professor to the Veterinary College. To which is prefixed a short account of his life. The Third Edition. London. 1797. 4to. Each part of this work has separate pagination. The first part contains a portrait of Sainbel by Leney. This volume embodies the whole of Sainbel's Works ; each having a separate title, as under :— " Memoirs of the Life of Mons. Vial de Sainbel," 29 pp. " An Essay on the Proportions of Eclipse. By Charles Vial de Sainbel, Late Equerry to the King, and Professor to the Veterinary College. Third Edition. London. 1797." 83 pp. 3 large folding plates. Dedicated to His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales. HORSEMANSHIP. 87 179 7 — continued. " Six Lectures on the Elements of Farriery, or the Art of Horse-shoeing, and on the Diseases of the Foot. The Third Edition. By Charles Vial de Sainbel, Late Equerry to the King, and Professor to the Veterinary College. London. 1797." 202 pp. 4 single-page plates and i folding ditto. " The Posthumous Works of Charles Vial de Sainbel, consisting of General Observations on the Art of Veterinary Medecine ; An Essay on the Grease, or watery sores in the legs of horses, which obtained the prize given by the Royal Society of Medicine. An Essay on the Glanders ; and Observations on the Gripes. London. 1797." 127 pp. M., 1 1 in. by S§ in. 115 A Treatise on Military Equitation. By W. Tyndale, Lieut. Col., and Major of the First Regiment of Life Guards. Fingit equum tenera docilem cervice magister Ire viam, quam monstrat eques — HOR. • So is my horse It is a creature that I teach to fight, To wind, to stop, to run directly on, His corporal motion govern'd by my spirit. SHAKE.SPEARE— (y;//2Vw Casar). London. 1797. 8vo. First Edition. 88 pp. 5 folding plates. M., q\ in. by 5i in. Printed for the Author, and sold by T. Egerton, Military Library, near Whitehall. 88 HORSEMANSHIP. 1798. ii6 Remarks on Cavalry ; By the Prussian Major General of Hussars, Warnery. Translated from the original. London. 1798. 4to. 125 pp., with 30 plates. M., loi in. by 9 in. Dedicated to Field Marshal, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Commander in Chief, etc. By the translator, G. F. Koehler, Lt. Col., etc. 1^7 Observations on the Structure, Qiconomy, and Diseases of the foot of the horse, and on the principles and practice of Shoeing. By Edward Coleman ; Professor of the Veterinary College, Principal Veterinary Surgeon to the British Cavalry, and to His Majesty's Most Honourable Board of Ordnance, and Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. Vol. I. " Homo, naturae minister et interprcs tantum facit et intelligit, quantum de naturje ordine, re vel mente observaverit ; ncc amplius scit aut potest." —BACON. NOV. ORGAN. " Homini quippe, in naturam nullius rei protestatem esse, praeterquam motus ut scilicet corpora naturalia aut admoveat aut amoveat." — de aug. SCIENT. London. 1798. 4to. 128 pp. 4 plates, with Explanatory Keys. M., loi in. by 8| in. Bound with this work, but with a separate title and date is Vol. II. HORSEMANSHIP. SiJ 1800. fii8 The Supplement to the General Stud-Book, being the Produce of Mares, continued to 1799, in- clusive : By the same Author, To which is added A short Dissertation on Horses, by Colonel Gilbert Ironside. London. 1800. 8vo. The Supplement contains 132 pp. The work entitled " A Short dissertation on Horses " contains 30 pp., and has a separate title, viz. : — " A Dissertion on Horses." Talis amyclaei domitus pollucis habenas Cyllarus, et, quorum graii meminere poetae, Martis equi bijuges, et magni currus Achillis. Seu quis Olympiacas miratus prtemia palmae Pascit equos. — VIRG. GEORG. HI., V., 49, 89. By Colonel Gilbert Ironside. London. 1800. M., 8| in. by si in- ■ ^^9 The British Sportsman. A Dictionary Incomplete. From BAN to T R A. [1800.] 4to. From page 43 to page 632. Many plates. 1801. 120 Astley's System of Equestrian Education, exhibiting the beauties and defects of the horse ; with serious and important observations on his general excellence, preserving him in health, grooming, etc. The Fourth Edition. " To prevent accident is better than cure." 90 HORSEMANSHIP. 18 01 — continued. London. 1801. 8vo. 197 pp. 9 plates and portrait of Author. M., 8^ in. by 5 in. Dedicated to their Royal Highnesses George Prince of Wales and Field Marshall Frederick Duke of York. There is only one vol. of this work, although on the last page there is printed " End of the first volume." The plates are wrongly numbered, and the date is on page 184, not on the title. [121 Astley's System of Equestrian Education, exhibiting the beauties and defects of the horse ; with serious and important observations on his general excellence, preserving him in health, grooming, etc. The Fifth Edition. 1802. n22" A Compendium of the Veterinary Art; containing an accurate description of all the diseases to which the horse is liable, their symptoms and treatment ; the Anatomy and Physiology of the horse's foot ; observations on the principles and practice of shoeing ; on feeding and exercise, the stable, etc. By James White, Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's First, or Royal Dragoons. Canterbury. 1802. i2mo. 232 pp. Illustrated by plates. M., 7 in. by 4 in. Dedicated, by permission, to His Royal Highness the Duke of York. HORSEMANSHIP. 9 1 1802 — continued. U23t Observations on the Structure, CEconomy, and Diseases of the foot of the Horse, and on the principles and practice of Shoeing. By Edward Coleman, Professor to the Veterinary College, Principal Veterinary Surgeon to the British Cavalry, and to His Majesty's Most Honourable Board of Ordnance, and Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture. Vol. H. " Homo, naturae minister et interpres tantum facit et intelligit, quantum de naturae ordine, re vel mente observaverit ; nee amplius scit ant potest." — BACON NOV. ORGAN. " Homini quippe, in naturam nullius rei potestatem esse, praeterquam motus, ut scilicet corpora naturalia aut admoveat aut amoveat." — DE AUG. SCIENT. London. 1802. 4to. 251 pp. 15 plates, with explanatory Keys of parts of the Horse's foot. Bound with this work is Vol. I., 1798. 1803. 124 The Sportsman's Cabinet or a correct Delineation of the Canine Race. Printed for the Proprietors. London. 1803. 4to. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 276 pp. 14 plates and 10 vignettes. Vol. H., 310 pp. 13 plates and 12 vignettes. M., 12 in. by g\ in. 9? HORSEMANSHIP. 1803 — continued. fi25 A Treatise on the Cavalry and Saddle Horse : with Remarks on Racing and Leaping, Observations on Breeding, etc. By G. Orr, late of the Fencible Cavalry. London. 1803. 8vo. 233 pp., and preface and table of contents, 16 pp., and Frontis. M., 7 in. by 4 in. Dedicated to H.R.H. The Duke of York, Commander in Chief, etc. 1804. 126 Genius Genuine. By Samuel Chifney, of Newmarket. A fine part in riding a race, known only to the Author. Why there are .so few good runners ; or why the turf horses degenerate. A Guide to recover them to their strength and speed ; as well as to train horses for running, and hunters and hacks for hard riding. To preserve their strength and their sinews from being so often destroyed ; -with reasons for horses changing in their running. Likewise a full account of the Prince's horse, " Escape," running at Newmarket, on the 20th and 21st days of October, 1791. With other interesting particulars. London. 1804. 8vo. 170 pp. M., Si in. by 5^ in. This is the original edition. Published at Five Pounds. Sold only for the Author, 232 Piccadilly. Brown morocco, by Chivers. HORSEMANSHIP. 93 1804 — contimied. (127 Astley'S Projects in his management of the Horse ; rendering it calm on the road, in harness, etc. Such requirements may prevent dreadful accidents. Being an abridgement of his popular and most valuable book of Equestrian Education. To which is prefixed many excellent remedies for the diseases in horses, etc. London. 1804. i2mo. 72 pp., and folding frontispiece. M., 6| in. by 4 in. ■128 An Inquiry into the Structure and Animal OEconomy of the Horse, comprehending the diseases to which his limbs and feet are subject, with proper directions for shoeing ; and pointing out a method for ascertaining his age until his twelfth year. To which is added an attempt to explain the laws of his progressive motion, on mechanical and anatomical principles. Second Edition, revised and corrected. By Richard Lawrence, Veterinary Surgeon, Birmingham. Continuo percoris generosi pullus in arvis Altius ingreditur, et mollia crura reponit : Primus et ire viam, et fluvios tentare minaces Audet, et ignoto sese committere ponti : Nee vanos horret strepitus. — Vn. 1833 — conlinued. animal economy of the horse, the causes, symp- toms, and most approved methods of prevention and cure for all the various diseases to which he is liable : with some select and approved original recipes for various diseases. Including a faithful delineation of the various dogs used in the sports of the field, with canine pathology. Interspersed with sporting anecdotes, and an account of the most celebrated horses, dogs, etc. ; equally im- portant and interesting to the British Sportsman, as to Inn-keepers, Coach-Masters, licensed horse- dealers, farmers, owners of stage waggons, etc. Embellished with a series of engravings, executed ^y eminent artists, from original drawings in the possession of noblemen and gentlemen of the Turf. By Richard La'Wrence, Veterinary Surgeon, Author of "An enquiry into the Struc- ture and Animal Economy of the Horse," etc. With an appendix, containing a minute anatomical description of the bony structure, or skeleton of the horse ; the moving powers or muscles of that noble animal ; and the different viscera or internal parts scientifically explained and illustrated. Together with an abstract of the Game Act of 1 83 1, etc. London. [183 2. J 4to. 518 pp. and index, vignette title, and 14 plates, 9 of which are horses, viz. : — Benedict, Tiiorntoniarco, HORSEMANSHIP. IZ/ 183 2 — contin tied. and the celebrated terrier, Vixen, of Thornton Castle, Yorkshire, Arabian, Hunting, Dungannon, Baronet, Sharke, Goldfinch, Flora. M., io| in. by 8 A in. Dedicated to the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Ouorn Hunt. Neither Preface or Title dated. 184 Canine Pathology, or a description of the diseases of dogs, nosologically arranged, with their causes, symptoms, and curative treatment, and a copious detail of the Rabid Malady. Preceded by a sketch of the Natural History of the Dog, his varieties and qualities, with practical directions on the breeding, rearing, and salutary treatment of these animals. Third Edition, revised, corrected, and improved. By Delabere Blaine. T. and T. Boosey, Old Broad Street, etc. London. 1832. 8vo. 316 pp. 2 vignettes. M., 9 in. by 5| in. 185 Book of Sports and Mirror of Life. By PierCC Egan. London. 1832. 8vo. 414 pp., with frontispiece and many illustrations by Seymour. M., 9 in. by 5f in. 128 HORSEMANSHIP. 1833. i86 Histoire pittoresque de I'Equitation, ancienne and moderne. Dediee a MM. les Officiers-Eleves de I'Ecole Royale de Cavalerie. Par Charles Aubry, Peintre Professeur a I'Ecole. Imprimde et Publiee par Ch. Motte, Imprimeur Lithographe du Roi et de S. A. R. Mgr. le Diic d'Orleans. {L'Editeur rue St. Honore 290 et les prin- cipaux M'^^- d'Estampes. Degouy a Saumur. A Paris. 1833. 2 vols. Folio. 20 fine lithos. M., 22 in. by 16 in. Count d'Orsay's copy. f 187 Pharmacopa;ia Equina ; or, New Pharmacopseia for Horses. By Bracy Clark, F.L.S. of the Acad, of Sciences of Paris, Nat. Hist. See. of New York. Dum meliora proveniunt. Third Edition. London. 1833. 4to. 42 pp. index and 7 pp. supplement. M., io| in. by 8^ in. Bound up with his collected works. i88 The Horse, the Dog, and the Cow. P'ifteenth Edition. Veterinary Tablet, being a concise account of the Diseases of Horses, Cattle, and Dogs, with their cause, symptoms, and cure ; to which are added numerous valuable recipes. By Matthew Small. London, n.d. [circa 1833]. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 29 1834. 189 An Historical Record of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, or Oxford Blues: Its Services, and the transactions in which it has been engaged, from its first establishment to the present time. By Edmund Packe, late Captain Royal Horse Guards. London. 1834. 8vo. 150 pp. 9 coloured plates, with a portrait of Aubrey De Vere, XXth Earl of Oxford. M., 9 in. hy sh '"• Dedicated to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1835. 190 Helps and Hints how to protect life and property, with instructions in Rifle and Pistol Shooting, etc. By Lt.-Col. Baron de Berenger. Published for the Proprietor by T. Hurst, 65 St. Paul's Church Yd., and may be had at the Stadium, Chelsea. London. 1835. 8vo. 286 pp. 29 illustrations by G. and R. Cruikshank, Aiken, Haghe, Fussell, and De Berenger. M., 8| in. by 5§ in. (191 ^ A Treatise on Equitation, or the Art of Horsemanship, simplified progressively for amateurs ; Forming complete lessons for Training Horses, and In- 17 130 HORSEMANSHIP. 183 ^—coniinued. structions for Beginners. Illustrated with 27 descriptive plates. " Content, if hence th' unlearn'd their wants may view, The learn'd reflect on what before they knew." — POPE. By J. G. Peters, late Lieut.-Colonel and Superintendent of the First Cavalry Riding Establishment under the immediate command of His late Royal Highness the Duke of York, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Great Britain. London. 1835. 8vo. 316 pp.; Description of Plates, 10 pp.; Preface, Notice, and Introduction, 55 pp. 27 plates and frontispiece. M., 10 in. by 6 in. Has been translated into French and German by the Author. ( 192) Die Zahmung des Pferdes Rationelle Behandlungsart der Remonten und jungen Pferde iiberhaupt der bozen, verdorbenen und reizbaren insbeson- dere. Aus der innern und aussern Natur des Pferdes praktisch entwickelt, von Constantin Balassa. Wien. 1835. Folio. 467 pp. 7 folding-plates. M., 9 in. by 5^ in. ' 193 A Treatise on the bits of horses (Chalinologia). By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., and Member of the Royal Institute of France. Second Edition. HORSEMANSHIP. 131 1835— conh'nued. London. 1835. 4to. 63 pp. M., lof in. by 8| in. Bound up with his collected works. 1836. n[94\ A Comparative View of the Form and Character of the Eng-lish Racer and Saddie-Horse duringf the last and present centuries. London. 1836. 4to. 155 pp. 18 plates of Horses. M., 13 in. by pf in. RACERS. FOALED. Old Partner - - 1718 - Tedbury - - 1834 - Racer (name unknown) Mambrino - - 1768 - Sweetbriar - - 1769 - Sweet William - 1768 - Volunteer - - 1780 - Protector - - 1770 - Sharke - - 177 i - Johnny - - 1769 - Gimcrack - - - - Muly Moloch - 1798 - Selim - - 1802. Pericles - - 1809 - HUNTERS. FOAI.ED. An Old Hunter Spankaway - - 1793 Portrait of a Hunter of the last century Mr. Micklethwait's Hunter PAINTERS. Seymour. Seymour. Seymour. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Stubbs. Marshall. Marshall. PAINTERS. Stubbs. Cooper. Stubbs. Marshall. 132 HORSEMANSHIP. 183 6 — continued. 195 The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. By Caveat Emptor, Gent. One, etc. Verbum sapienti. — " A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse." Trin. Coll., Dublin. Second Edition. London. 1836. 8vo. ijG pp. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. 46 engravings by Robert Cruikshank, including the capitals and finals to each chapter. The Author is Sir George Stevens. In his address to Sir John Gurncy, one of the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, he says : — " I hope, if you will condescend to refer to that part of the following pages, which treats of Warranty, you will find that it is not unworthy of legal attention upon a difficult and insulated subject of frequent occurrence at Nisi Prius. I have endeavoured to introduce every case that is reported, directly or indirectly bearing upon the topic of horse dealing, and to deduce from them, as far as it is possible to do so from very con- flicting authorities, a clear impression of the existing law." The First Edition was published in the same year. Published by Saunders and Otley, Conduit St. 1837. J 96 Ippologia, ossia trattato universale de' Cavalli opera compilata da Gio. Anto. Maria-Gazzola HORSEMANSHIP. 1 33 1837 — continued. di Torino, Antico Uffiziale di Cavalleria in ritiro. Firenze. 1837. 4to. 576 pp. with 37 plates, all coloured with the exception of plate 25. M., 10 in. by 6| in. t^97) A Description of the gripes of horses ; and of a better mode of treating it ; also human cholera e.xplained, shewing its identity with the above, and a more successful manner of treating it ; its history, etc. By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., Member of the Royal Institute, and of the Ecole de Medecine of France, and of the Naturee Curiosorum of Berlin, Frankfort, Stutgard, Copenhagen, etc. Second Edition. London. 1837. 4to. 28 pp. M., I of in. by 8^ in. Bound up with his collected works. '9^ Advice to Purchasers of Horses ; being a short and familiar treatise on the external conformation of the Horse ; the nature of soundness and unsound- ness ; and the laws relating to sale and warranty ; with copious directions for discovering unsound- ness prior to purchasing. By J. Stewart, Veterinary Surgeon, and Professor of Veterinary Surgery in the Andersonian University. " The buyer hath need of a hundred eyes, But the seller of only one." 134 HORSEMANSHIP. 1837 — continued. Seventh Thousand. Glasgow. 1837. 8vo. 167 pp. 3 plates. M., 6^ in. by 3I in. 199 The Chace, the Turf, and the Road. By Nimrod [Apperley]. With illustrations by Henry Aiken, and a portrait of the Author by D. Maclise, R.A. London, 1837. 8vo. 301 pp. M., 8J in. by si in. 200 The Ladies' Practical Guide to the Science of Horse- manship. With a dedication to her most gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria. By George ReevCS, Riding Master. Bath. 1838. i2mo. 58 pp., frontispiece, and 8 plates. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. On the frontispiece appear the following words : — " England's fair Queen ! beloved Victoria, hail ! Long may'st thou live, be happy, and enjoy The free delight thy favourite steed affords thee. Sprightly, well trained and gentle, proudly neighing, Thy ornament in Peace, thy strength in War. See how, exulting o'er the verdant plain, He bears thee, conscious of the Royal hand That guides him. From this gentle discipline Arises health to mind and outward frame With cheerful spirits and with rosy beauty." HORSEMANSHIP. 135 1837 — continued. 20 1 Hippiati'ia ; or, the surgery and medicine of horses. By Eracy Clark, F.L.S., Member of the Royal Institute of F"rance, and Ecole Royale de Medicine, of the Copenhagen, BerHn, Stutgard, and Frankfort Royal Agricultural Societies, etc. London. 1838. 4to. 50 pp. M., io| in. by 8^ in. Bound up with his collected works. 202 A Short History of the celebrated Race-horse, Eclipse. By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., etc London. [1838.] 4to. 4 pp. M., I of in. by 8i in. Bound up with his collected works. 203 Hippodonomia and Podophthora. From the " Belfast Northern Whig." By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., etc. Second Notice. London. [1838.! 4to. 2 pp. M., I of in. by 8| in. Bound up with his collected work.s. 1839. 204 Hints on Horsemanship to a Nephew and Niece ; or, common sense and common errors in common riding. By an Officer of the Household Brigade of Cavalry. [Colonel G. Grcenwood.] 136 HORSEMANSHIP. 1839 — continued. London. 1839. Square Svo. 105 pp. M., 7 in. by 5^ in. Two steel engravings from the Elgin marbles. 05^ On the Vices of Horses. By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., etc. London. 1839. 4to. 25 pp. M., lof in. by 8J in. Bound up with his collected works. [206 An Abstract of the Proceedings of the Veterinary Medical Association, during its Fourth Session, 1839 — 4°- By order of the Council. London. Svo. 2 Vols. Vol. I. (1839-40), 400 pp.; Vol. II. (1840-41), 376 pp. M., 8| in. by 5^ in. 207 The Noble Science : A few general ideas on Fox- hunting, for the use of the Rising Generation of Sportsmen, and more especially those of the Hertfordshire Hunt Cup. By F. P. Delme Radcliffe, Master of the Hertfordshire Hounds. London. 1839. 4to. 327 pp. 2 steel plates ; 7 full-page wood engrav- ings, from original designs by his brother, 27 capitals and finals, and 3 plans. M., 10 in. by 6\ in. Dedicated to his Grace the Duke of Rutland, K.G. The first steel plate is that of Hugo Meynell, Esq., with his huntsman, Jack Raven, and the hound Glider. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 37 183 9 — contitined. From the original painting by C. Loraine Smith, Esq., in the possession of the Rev. L. Loraine Smith. " Unde nil majus generatur ipso Nee viget quidquam simile, ant secundum." — HOR. Engraved by J. W. Archer. " Floreat Scientia." 1840. 208 Manual de Veterinaria y Equitacion. Anon. Paris. N.D. No title-page. 8vo. 252 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. [1840?] 209 A Treatise on the C%re, Treatment, and Training of the English Race-Horse, in a series of Rough Notes. By Richard Darvill, V.S., late of the 7th Hussars. In 2 Volumes. Second Edi- tion. London. 1840. Svo. Vol. I., 375 pp. and 3 folding plates ; Vol. II., 382 pp. Dedicated, by permission, to the Noblemen and Gentle- men of the Jockey Club. History of the British Turf, from the earliest period to the present day. By James Christie White. In 2 Volumes. London. 1840. 18 138 HORSEMANSHIP. 1840 — continued. 8vo. M., 8J in. by Sf in. The first volume has 576 pp. and contains the following illustrations : — Tregonwell Frampton, Esq. (the Father of the Turf), frontispiece ; Old English Horse ; Horse of the time of Charles I. ; The Arabian Horse ; The Godolphin Barb ; Flying Childers ; Skeleton of the Horse ; Horses' Teeth ; Earl of March's Carriage. The second volume : — The Queen at Ascot (frontispiece). 21 r Notitia Venatica : A Treatise on Fox-Hunting. To "^ which is added a compendious Kennel Stud Book. By R. T, Vyner, Esq., some time master of the North Warwickshire and the Holderness Hounds. " Nee tibi cura canum fuerit postrema." — georg. Ul. London. 1841. 8vo. The Treatise has 193 pp., 9 litho illustrations, and 2 vignettes ; the Kennel Stud Book, which is dated 1840, has 330 pp. M., 10 in. by 6\ in. Dedicated to John Musters, Esq. 1841. f*i2 The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May games, mummeries, shows, processions, pageants, and pompous spectacles, from the HORSEMANSHIP. 1 39 1841 — coniinued. earliest period to the present time. By Joseph Strutt. A New Edition, with copious index. London. 1841. 8vo. 420 pp. 140 engravings. M., 8| in. by 5| in. 1842. (i\l\ De r Equitation et des Haras, par Le Coillte ^"-^ Savary de Lancosme- Breves. Chez Rigo Freres, Rue Richer, 7. Paris. 1842. 4to. 248 pp., vignette on title, lithograph portrait of Henry II., King of France, 5 plates, and 74 illustra- tions in the text, by Giraud. M., 14 in. by io| in. ^214) Original Remarks on the General Framing of the Horse. Illustrated by plates and a large sectional figure. By Bracy Clark. Second Edition. London. 1842. 4to. 20 pp. M., loj in. by 8J in. Bound up with his collected works. 215 Nimrod Abroad. By C. J. Apperley, Author of " The Chase, the Turf, and the Road," etc. London. 1842. Svo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 285 pp.; Vol. II., 306 pp. M., Zyk in. by 5 in. 140 HORSEMANSHIP. 1843 — coniifiued. 216 Sporting Architecture, Stud Farm, Stables, etc. By George Tattersall, Surveyor. London. [1842; 1850.] 4to. gy pp., 43 illustrations. M., 11^ in. by 8f in. Divided into 4 parts, viz. : — The Stud Farm ; The Stall ; The Kennel ; and the Race Stand. 217 The Life of a Sportsman. By Nimrod [Charles James Apperley]. London. 1842. 4to. 402 pp. 36 coloured illustrations by Aiken. M., 95 in. by 6^ in. Published by Ackermann. 1843. ,218 Hippopathology : A systematic treatise on the dis- ^■"^ orders and lamenesses of the horse ; with their Modern and most approved Methods of Cure ; embracing the doctrines of the English and French Veterinary Schools ; the opinions of the late Professor Coleman, Director Girard, Hurtrel d'Arboval, and other British and Foreign Veterin- arians. By William Percivall, M.R.C.S., Licentiate of the Company of Apothecaries ; Veterinary Surgeon of the First Life Guards ; Co-Editor of " The Veterinarian" and Author of *' The Anatomy of the Horse," " Veterinary Lectures," etc. Vol. III. HORSEMANSHIP. I4I 1843 — continued. "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast." London. 1843. 8vo. 358 pp. and diagram of a vapour bath for horses. M., 8 J in. by S^ in. 219 An Historical Record of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster, with the Muster Rolls from the first formation of the regiment, 1779, to the relodgement of the standards in the Tower. 1829. By James N. CoUyer and John Innes PocOCk. London. 1843. 8vo. 279 pp. 1 1 coloured plates, roll, and appendix. M., 9 in. by S| in. azo La V^ritd ^ Cheval, par Le Comte Savary de LanCOSme-Breves, Membre du Conseil- General du U^partement de I'lndre. Paris. 1843. 4to. 177 pp. 6 plates and 35 woodcuts in the text. M., 10 in. by 6| in. Illustrations by Eugene Giraud and Ph. Ledieu. Engraved by Gagnon. 221 Gleanings in Natural History. By Edward JeSSe, Surveyor of Her Majesty's Parks and Palaces. "To please one feeling heart for one calm, thoughtful hour. Go, little book ! content if thine the power." 142 HORSEMANSHIP. 1843 — continued. Fifth Edition. Arranged and adapted for Schools. London. 1843. 8vo. 390 pp., with frontispiece. M., 7 in. by 4J in. *22 The Horse and the Hound ; their various uses and treatment, including practical instructions in horse- manship and a treatise on horse-dealing. By Nimrod [Charles James Apperley]. Second Edition. London. 1843. 8vo. 524 pp., with numerous plates and woodcuts. M., 8i in. by 4I in. 1844. 223 On Calculous Concretions in the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Dog, being the substance of two essays read before the Veterinary Medical Association, by W. J. T. Morton, Lecturer on Medical Che- mistry and Veterinary Materia Medica, Author of a Manual of Pharmacy for the Student of Veter- inary Medicine, and a Veterinary Toxicological Chart. London. 1844. 8vo. 94 pp. 4 coloured engraved plates and woodcuts. M., 9 in. by 5| in. Dedicated to Charles Spooner, Esq., Professor of Ana- tomy and Physiology at the Royal Veterinary College, President of the Veterinary Medical Asso- ciation, etc. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 43 1844 — continued. 224 The Light Dragoon. By the Author of " The Sub- altern," "Chelsea Pensioners," "The Hussar," etc. [G. R. Gleig.] London, 1844. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 309 pp.; Vol. II., 327 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5 in. 1845. [a25^ The History of the Horse : its origin, physical and ^"""'^ moral characteristics, its principal varieties, and domestic allies. By W. G. L. Martin. With an appendix on the diseases of the horses by W. Youatt. London. 1845. l2mo. 240 pp., with many illustrations. M., 6 in. by 3l in. Contents : — Chap. I. — On the fossil remains of the horse. Chap. II. — On the wild species of the genus equus. Chap. III. — On the semi-wild horse of America. Chap. IV. — On the horse of antiquity. Chap. V. — On the physical and moral characteristics of the horse. Chap. VI. — On the principal modern breeds of the horse. Chap. VII. — On the ass and mule. 226 Bengal Sporting Magazine. Conducted by the Editor of " The Englishman." Vol. L, new series. Printed and published for the Proprietor by Peter G. Soulter, Nos. 6 and 7 Garstius Buildings, 144 HORSEMANSHIP. 1845 — contimied. Calcutta. 1845. 8vo. 756 pp. and a Racing Calendar of 90 pp. 10 plates. M., 8^ in. by 5^ in. 1846. 227 BrOA/vn'S Manual of Modern Farriery : a Popular and Practical Treatise of Horses and other Domestic Animals, with their modes of cure. A Manual of Modern Farriery, embracing the Cure of Diseases, incidental to Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, and Dogs, with instructions in Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, Fishing, and Field Sports generally : together with a summary of the Game Laws. By Thomas Brown, M.P.S., Member of the Royal Agricultural Society, etc. London. 1846. The first title is engraved with a vignette of a mare and foal. The second, letterpress. 8vo. 920 pp. 18 plates and frontispiece — " The Arab and his Horse." M., 8 J in. by 5| in. 228 The Analysis of the Hunting Field ; being a series of sketches of the principal characters that compose one. By Robert S. Surtees. The whole forming a slight souvenir of the season 1845 — 46' London. 1846. 4to. 326 pp. 6 coloured plates, coloured title, and 43 illustrations on wood, by H. Aiken. M., 10^ in. by 6-i in. HORSEMANSHIP. 145 1846 — continued. 229 Stable Talk and Table Talk ; or, Spectacles for Young '■ — Sportsmen. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindleyj. Second Edition. London. 1846. 8vn. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 452 pp.; Vol. II., 408 pp. M., 8| in. by s| in. Contents: — Vol. 1. — Preface; Opinions on Cruelty; Observations on Driving ; The Martingal ; Heads, Hands, and Heels ; Hints on Horse-dealers and Dealers in Horses ; Gentlemen, Gentlemen-Jocks, and Gentlemen's Gentlemen ; 11 faut qu'il I'apprenne done. Vol. H. — Scenes in the Life of a Sporting Roue; A Hunting Song ; On the effects of Weight and other weighty effects as applied to Horses ; Educating Horses ; Sporting Prints and Sporting Pictures ; Amphitheatrical Horses ; La Chasse Etrangere ; A few Remarks on Training Race-Horses ; The Doctor — a true tale ; Training Hunters ; English and Irish Horses Compared. 1847. 230 De la Conformation du Cheval, suivant les lois de la physiologie et de la mecanique. Haras, Courses, Types, Reproducteurs, Amelioration des Races, Vices Rt^dhibitoires. Par A. Richard, Docteur en medecine, Ancien Cultivateur et El^ve de Tfecole d'Economie rurale et v4t(5nnaire 19 146 HORSEMANSHIP. 1847 — contmued. d'Alfort, Directeur de I'Ecole des Haras, Membre de plusieurs Societfes d' Agriculture, de sciences naturelles, etc. " Toute description des parties exterieures des animaux ne peut ressortir qu' a I'histoire naturelle."' — Buffon, De la description des animaux. Paris. 1847. 8vo. 559 pp. 2 plates, containing 27 illustrations of horses' mouths from 5 years old to 30 years. M., 9 in. by 5f in. '^23 1 Jottings from my Sabretasch. By a Chelsea Pen- sioner. London. 1847. 8vo. 292 pp. M., 7| in. by 4I in. 2 J2 The Horse and his Rider : or, Sketches and Anec- dotes of the noble quadruped, and of Equestrian Nations. By RollO Springfleld. London. 1847. i2mo. 216 pp. 6 plates. Several capitals and finals. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. 1848. [233^ Dictionnaire d'hippiatrique et d'§quitation, ouvrage ou se trouvent reunies toutes les connaissances hip- piques. Par F. Cardini, Lieutenant-Colonel HORSEMANSHIP. 1 47 1848 — continued. en retraite, ancien chef de la Legion de Gendar- merie d'Afrique, Officier de la Legion-d'Honneur, etc. Deuxieme Edition, Revue, corrigee, aug- ment^e de la moitie. Chez Mme. Ve. Bouchard- Huzard, Imprimeur-Libraire, Rue de I'Eperon. 5. A Paris. 1848. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 720 pp.; Vol. II., 596 pp. In the 2 Vols, there are seventy illustrations. M., g\ in. by 6\ in. ('234 Histoire du Cheval chez tous les peuples de la terre, ^-^ depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'a nos jours. Par Ephrem Houel. En Vente au Bureau du Journal des Haras, Rue Duphot, 12. Paris. 1848— 1852. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 253 pp. ; Vol. II., 353 pp. M., 8i in. by 5f in. ,''235 The Pocket and the Stud : or Practical Hints on the ^N_^' Management of the .Stable. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley]. Pubd. by Long- man, Brown, Green, and Longmans. London. 1848. Svo. M., 7 in. by \\ in. 215 pp. One plate engraved on steel by E. Hacker of the Author on his favourite horse, Harlequin, from a painting by the Author. Original half-binding, green cloth. Vignette on side of a Racing-Cup. 148 HORSEMANSHIP. 1848 — continued. 236 The Cholera Unmasked ; or, its true name, nature, and causes pointed out ; also a more consistent and successful mode of treating it. By Bracy Clark, F.L.S., Member of the Royal Institute of France, etc. Corrected from a communication formerly addressed to the Editors of " The Medical Gazette." London. 1848. 4to. 17 pp. M., io| in. by 8i in. Bound up with liis collected works. 1849. 237 The Horse's Mouth, showing the age by the teeth ; containing a full description of the periods when the teeth are cut ; the appearances they present ; the tricks to which they are exposed ; the eccen- tricities to which they are liable ; and the diseases to which they are subject. By Edward Mayhew, M.R.C.V.S. London. [1849.] 8vo. 194 pp. 9 coloured engravings, including frontis- piece, and 32 woodcuts. M., 9I in. by 5-|- in. Dedicated, by permission, to the President and Council of the Royal College of Veterinarj' Surgeons. -'238 The Stud for Practical Purposes and Practical Men. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley]. London. 1849. 8vo. 205 pp. M., 7 in. by 4^ in. 2 plates engraved on steel by E. Hacker, from paintings by the Author. HORSEMANSHIP. I49 1850. f239 Twelve Lectures on the Form and Action of the Horse : to which are appended, some experi- mental inquiries into the Effects of Medicine on Horses, comprising those of most of the mineral and vegetable poisons. By William Per- Civall, M.R.C.S. and V.S., Veterinary Surgeon in the First Life Guards ; Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Company ; Author of " The Ana- tomy of the Horse " ; " Hippopathology," etc. " La forme du Corps Vivant lui est plus essentielle que la matiere." — cuvier. London. 1850. 8vo. The Lectures on the Form and Action of the ■ Horse occupy 160 pp., and " The Effects of Medicine on Horses "75 pp. 8 engravings on steel by Joseph Lawrence, M.R.C.V.S., H.E.I.C.S. M., 8| in. by 5| in. r240> The Pictorial Gallery of English Race-Horses ; con- taining portraits of all the winners of the Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger Stakes, during the last twenty years ; and a History of the principal operations of the turf. By George Tatter- Sall. London. 1850. Svo. 336 pp., with 90 engravings, chiefly on steel, after paintings by Cooper, Herring, Hancock, Aiken, Hall, and others. M., 10 in. by 6| in. 150 HORSEMANSHIP. 1850 — continued. 241 The Horse's Foot, and How to keep it sound, with illustrations. By William Miles. Seventh Edition, with an Appendix on Shoeing in general and Hunters in particular. London. 1850. 8vo. 58 pp., an Appendix of 37 pp., 10 plates, and 21 unnumbered pages of explanation.s. M., 11^ in. by 7i in- Dedicated to Colonel George Greenwood, late Lieut.- Colonel commanding Second Life Guards. This work is based upon the assumption of the expan- sion of the horse's foot. ^242) The Modern System of Farriery, comprehending the ^— ^ present entire improved mode of practice, accord- ing to the rules laid down at the Royal Veterinary College ; containing all the most valuable and approved remedies, accurately proportioned, and properly adapted to every disease to which the horse is incident. Including Rules for the management of the healthy horse, as feed- ing, stabling, grooming, and conditioning. By George Skeavington, Veterinaiy Surgeon, M.R.C.V.S., late Veterinary .Surgeon in the Bengal Horse Artillery. London. [1850.] 4to. 527 pp., divided into 4 parts; frontispiece and 18 plates. M., io| in. by 8f in. Dedicated to the Members of the Berkeley Hunt. HORSEMANSHIP. I 5 I 1850 — continued. J43 Advance Posts of Light Cavalry. — Recollections. By F. de Brack. 1850. 8vo. 394 pp. and List of Subscribers. M., %\ in. by 5^ in. Translated by Maj. P. J. Begbie. The original French Edition was published in 1831. ^144) The Equestrian's Manual ; or, the Science of Equita- — tion, with advice to purchasers of horses, saddlery, etc. By Samuel C. Waite, Professor of Equitation. London. 1850. 8vo. 1 7 1 pp., with frontispiece of the Queen and Prince Consort riding in Windsor Park. M., 8 in. by 4I in. Dedicated to Field-Marshal H.R.H. Prince Albert. 1851. [*4S) ^ Compendium of the Veterinary Art : containing plain and concise observations on the construction and management of the Stable ; a brief and popular outline of the structure and economy of the Horse ; the nature, symptoms, and treatment of the diseases and accidents to which the horse is liable ; the best methods of performing various important operations ; with advice to the purchas- ers of horses ; and a copious Materia Medica and Pharmacopoeia. By James White, late Vete- rinary Surgeon of the First or Royal Dragoons. Eighteenth Edition. Entirely reconstructed, with considerable additions and alterations, bringing 152 HORSEMANSHIP. 18 51 — continued. the work up to the present state of Veterinary Science, by W. C. Spooner, Veterinary Surgeon, Honorary Associate of the Veterinary Medical Association, Author of Treatises on the Intiu- enza, and the Structure, Functions, and Diseases of the Foot and Leg of the Horse, and of the Royal Agricultural Society of England's Prize Essays. London. 1851. 8vo. 560 pp., including Index, numerous coloured and other plates. M., 9J in. by 5| in. Divided into Four Parts. Part I. — The Economy of the Stable. Part II. — The Structure and Economy of the Horse. Part III.— Diseases of the Horse. Part IV. — Materia Medica and Pharmacopoeia. 1852. f246. Le Cheval dompte et dress^ par lui-meme, ou theorie ^■~^ de la bride a mors rfegulateur combint5e d'apres une d^couverte physiologique, dedie au.x eleveurs, aux cultivateurs, a tous les cavaliers, et a I'usage de tous conducteurs de chevaux d'attelage et de trait. " La science du cheval est une science mathematique et physiologique." — A. RICHARD. Par Casimir Noel, inventeur, Membre de la Soci^te protectrice des animaux. Deuxieme Edition. Lnprimerie de A. Carro. Meaux. 1852. 8vo. 95 pp. Folding frontispiece. M., %\ in. by 5| in. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 53 1852 — continued. -''247^ Le NacM. La perfection de deux arts, ou trait^ ^-^ complet d'hippologie et d'hippiatrie arabes ; ouvrage publie par ordre et sous les auspices du Ministere de I'interieur de I'agriculture et du commerce. Traduit de I'arabe d'AbOU Bekr Ibn Bedr, par M. Perron, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, Membre de la Societe Asia- tique de Paris, de la Societe Asiatique de Leip- sick, etc. Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis. Imprimerie et Libraire d Agriculture et d' Horti- culture De Mme. Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, 5 rue de I'Eperon. Paris. 1852. 8vo. 3 Vols. Vol. I., dated 1852, contains 511 pp.; Vol. II., dated 1859, contains 499 pp. ; Vol. III., dated i860, contains 526 pp. 2 plates and woodcuts of Marks and Brands. M., 8f in. by 5f in. fzA^, Developpement d'une question equestre relative au ^ — •^' dressage des chevaux. Par M. Le Comte Alexis D'AbzaC. Chez tous les Libraires. Paris. 1852. 8vo. 40 pp. 2 vignettes. M., 8^ in. by 5^ in. 154 HORSEMANSHIP. 1852 — continued. r249) Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, by the Author of " Handley Cross," " Jorrocks' Jaunts," etc. [R. S. Surtees]. Illustrated by Leech. London. 1852. 8vo, 408 pp. 13 engravings on steel and 83 on wood. M., 9 in. by 5I in. |25o\ A Treatise on the Proper Condition of all Horses. "^ By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley]. London. 1852. Published by T. C. Newby, 30 Welbeck St.. London. Small Svo. M., 6^ in. by 4 in. 204 pp. 2 lithographs- " Y\t to Go " and " Fit to Show." Contents : — Preface ; Introduction ; The Race-Horse ; The Hunter ; The Ladies' Horse ; The Hack ; The Carriage-Horse ; The Cart-Horse. f'251^) The Horse : Its Varieties, Breeding, and Management. — ^' By H. D. Richardson. London. 1852. A New Edition, revised and enlarged. By M. M. Mil- burn. Svo. M., 7 in. by 4i in. 152 pp. and index. 1853 252 Le Turf ou les Courses de Chevaux en France et en Angleterre. Par E. ChapuS. Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie., rue Pierre-Sarrazin, No. 14. Paris. 1853. Svo. 3S0 pp. M., 7 in. b)' 4f in. HORSEMANSHIP. 155 1853 — continued. (253 Course d'hippologie contenant : i°-, la connaissance du "*^' cheval ; 2°-, I'hygiene ; 30-. I'industrie chevaline SLiivi d'un appendice sur la position du cavalier a cheval demonstree par Tanatomie. Adopte officiellement et enseign^ a I'^cole de Cavalerie et dans les Corps de Troupes a cheval, par Decision de M. le ministre de la guerre, en date 9 Avril, 1852. Par M. De Saint- Ange. Ecuyer, charge de la direction du Haras d'etudes de I'Ecole de Cavalerie, Officer de la L^gion-d'Hon- neur. Deuxieme Edition, revue et corrigee. Paris and Saumur. 1853 and 1854. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 289 pp. and Appendix of 21 pp. Vol. II., 412 pp. Both Vols, contain several illustra- tions. M., Si in. by 5^ in. A fac-simile of Author's signature on fly-leaf of each vol. p54' Horsemanship; or The Art of Riding and Managing ""'"' a Horse, adapted for the guidance of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the Road and in the Field : with instructions for breaking in Colts and Young Horses. By Captain Richardson, late of the Fourth Light Dragoons. London. 1853. 8vo (square). 140 pp. 5 steel plates, viz. : — The Hon. The Earl of Sefton, The Gentleman's Seat, The Seat with the Bit and Bridoon Bridle, At the Cover Side, 156 HORSEMANSHIP. 1853 — continued. The Position of the Ladj' with the Double-rein Bridle ; and 10 woodcuts of the horse's mouth. M., 8| in. by 6 in. Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Sefton. Contents : — Lesson I. — On the management of the Snaffle-bridle with the reins in one hand, and having the use of the stirrups. Lesson II. — On the manage- ment of the Snaffle-bridle, having the rein in each hand, and without the use of the stirrups. Lesson III. — On the management of the Double-rein Bridle, or the Bit and Snaffle, having the use of the stirrups. Lesson IV. — On Leaping with the Double-rein Bridle, and having the use of the stirrups. Lesson V. — On Fox-Hunting. Lesson VI. — Treatment of the Horse after Hunting. Lesson VI I. ^Instructions on Riding for Ladies. Lesson VIII. — Instructions for breaking in the Colt or Young Horse. Lesson IX. On Horse-Dealing. 255 Elementos de Eqiiitacion militar, para el uso de la Caballeria Espailola, escritos para los alumnos de la escuela militar de Eqiiitacion, por el Coronel de Caballeria, Don Francisco de Laiglesia y DarraC, Director que fu^ de dicha Escuela. Segunda Edicion. Imprenta de Jose M. Ducaz- cal, Plaza de Isabel II., num. 6. Madrid. 1853. 8vo. 224 pp. 13 plates. M., 8| in. by 5| in. Divided into 3 parts. Bound by Riviere — Spanish goat. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 57 1853 — continued. 256 Sporting Facts and Sporting Fancies. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley], Author of "Stable Talk and Table Talk," "The Pocket and the Stud," "The Hunting Field," "The Pro- per Condition for all Horses," etc. London. 1853. 8vo. 452 pp. M., 9 in. by 5i in. 1854. f^57) Every Man his own Farrier ; containing the Causes ^-^ Symptoms, and most approved methods of Cure, of the diseases of Horses and Dogs. By Francis Clater, Author of " Every Man his own Cattle Doctor" ; and his son, John Clater. The Thirtieth Edition. Edited and carefully cor- rected by Edward Mayhew, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. London. 1854. 8vo. 372 pp., with frontispiece and vignette. M., y{ in. by 4i in. 258 Review of Wm. Youatt's Publication, called " The '"-'--'' Horse." By Bracy Clark. London. 1854. 4to. 8 pp. M., lof in. by Si in. Bound up with his collected works. 259 The Horse's Foot and the Horse's Shoe. From "The Empire " newspaper. By Bracy Clark. London. 1854. 4to. 2 pp. M., io| in. by 8^ in. Bound up with his collected works. 158 HORSEMANSHIP. 1854 — con tinued. ^260 Records of the Chase and Memoirs of celebrated Sportsmen ; illustrating some of the usages of olden times, and comparing them with prevailing customs. Together with an introduction to most of the fashionable Hunting Countries, and Comments. By Cecil (Cornelius Tongue). London. 1854. 8vo. 435 pp. M., 7 in. by \\ in. 2 steel-plate engrav- ings by E. Hacker, from paintings by B. Herring : — A Sportsman of the Present Time, and a Sportsman of the Olden Time. 261 A Manual of Pharmacy for the Student of Veterinary Medicine, containing the substances employed at the Royal Veterinary College, with an attempt at their classification, and the Pharmacopoeia of that Institution. By W. J. T. Morton, Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica in the College, Author of "A Veterinary Toxicological Chart," and " An Essay on Calculous Concretions in the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Dog." London. 1854. Fifth Edition. 8vo. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. A few diagrams in the text and a folding table at the beginning of medicinal substances used in veterinary practice, with many of their compounds according to their therapeutic properties. At p. 433 — A Poso- logical Table for the Horse, with the action of the medicinal substances. At p. 437 — A Table of Symbols of Medicinal Compounds, with their equiva- lents. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 59 1855. 262 Le Cavalier ; cours d'^quitation pratique. ParVictor Franconi. Paris. 1855. 8vo. 188 pp. M., 7 in. by 4I in. Avant propos. Premiere partie — De I'equitation ; De la position du Cavalier ; De la main ; Des efifets de main ; Rendre, rappelcr, ou les demi-arrets ; Effets de renes ; Resumd. Deuxieme partie — La le^on ; Le double et le changement de main ; Cheval de deux pistes ; Le Reculer ; Le cercle ; Le demi-tour ; Le galop ; Le ramener; Les grandes allures ; Le jeu de barres ; Haute ecole ; La brutalite : De la sant^ du cheval ; Le cheval retif. Paris : Michel L^vy Fr^res. Editeurs, Rue Vivienne 2 bis. ^' ■263 Horses and Hounds : A Practical Treatise on their "^~- Management. By Scrutator [Horloch]. London. 1855. 8vo. 302 pp., and Table of Contents and Title, 12 pp. M., 7 in. by 4| in. 4 illustrations by Harrison Weir. 264 A Plain Treatise on Horse-shoeing, with illustrations. By William Miles, Author of " The Horse's Foot," etc. London. 1855. 8vo. 49 pp. M., 7^ in. by 5^ in. Contents : — Preparing the foot ; the shoe : cutting off the heels ; the nail-holes ; fitting the shoe ; filing up l6o HORSEMANSHIP. 185 5 — continued. the shoe ; nails ; nailing on the shoes ; shoeing with leather ; the hind shoe ; cutting ; removing ; general observations. plates, lith., and 4 cuts. Half bound. Published by Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. A ^, A,'" 1856. Manual of British Rural .Sports, comprising Shooting, Hunting, F"ishing, Coursing, Hawking, Racing, Boating, Pedestrianism, and the various rural games and amusements of Great Britain. By Stonehenge, Author of the " Greyhound." Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood by Messrs. Dalziel and Hodgkin, from drawings by Wells, Harvey, and Hind. London : G. Rout- ledge and Co., Faringdon St. 1856. 8vo. 720 pp. M., 7 in. by 4} in. |266 The Post and the Paddock. By the Druid [H. tl .j^'WiT- rBiCksen]. Revised and Re-edited. London. ._„--'"' 1856. 8vo. 367 pp. Frontispiece — the portrait of J. J. Farqu- harson, Esq., referred to in "Silk and Scarlet," p. 293 ; a vignette on title ; and an engraving after Herring — " Leisure Hours." M., 'j\ in. by 4^ in. Dedicated to William Cook Russell, Esq. HORSEMANSHIP. l6l 185 6 — continued. Contents: — Chap. I. — Turf History; Chap. II. — Train- ers and Jockeys ; Chap. III. — The Betting-Ring. Chap. IV.-Mr. Kirby and the Foreigners. Chap. V.- Newmarket in the Olden Time. Chap. VI. — Sam Chifney. Chap. VII.— George IV. Chap. VIII.— Lord Darlington and Mr. Thornhill. Chap. IX. — Priam and Zinganee. Chap. X. — Card-sellers, Touts, and Augurs. Chap. XI. — Blood Sires. Chap. XII. — Blood Mares. Chap. XIII. — Breeding of Hunters. Chap. XIV.— Auld Lang Syne. Chap. XV.— Dick Christian's Lecture. 267 " Surfaix Cavalier " ; A new system of breaking-in and training of Horses. By Madame Marie Isabelle. The breaking-in and training of Cavalry and Race-horses and Hacks, in twelve lessons ; the breaking-in of Carriage-horses, in six lessons. First Edition. London. 1856. 8vo. 148 pp. 7 plates and frontispiece, table of con- tents, preface, and introductorj' chapter. M., 8f in. by 5i in. Dedicated to the Commanders and Officers of the British Army and all Amateurs of Horses in Great Britain. 268 Hints to Horsemen ; shewing how to make money by horses. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brind- ley], Author of " Stable Talk and Table Talk," l6i HORSEMANSHIP. 1866 — continued. " Proper Condition of Horses," " Sporting Facts and Fancies," etc. Second Edition. London. 1856. 8vo. 214 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. 269" The Stud Farm ; or Hints on Breeding for the Turf, the Chase, and the Road. Addressed to Breeders of Race-horses and Hunters, to Landed Proprie- tors, and especially to Tenant Farmers. By Cecil [Cornelius Tongue]. London. 1856. Second Edition. 8vo. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. 213 pp. Engraved frontispiece — " The Mare and Foal," by E. Hacker, and Plan for the Buildings of a Stud Farm. Contents : — Preface to the First Edition ; Preface to the Second Edition ; Chap. I. — Motives for Breeding, Site of Buildings and Paddocks ; Chap. II. — Selec- tion of Mares ; Chap. III.— Barren and other Mares ; Chap. IV. — Stallions ; Chap. V. — Treatment of Mares in Foal and with Foal ; Chap. VI. — Foals after Weaning; Chap. VII. — Yearling, two years old, and others ; Chap. VIII. — Breaking ; Chap. IX. — Physic ; Chap. X. — Shoeing ; Chap. XI. — Cultivation and Management of Land ; Chap. XII. — Food : Its Pro- perties and Effects. Published by Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts. HORSEMANSHIP. 163 185 6 — coniimied. 270 Practical Horsemanship. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley]. Second Edition. London. 1856. 8vo. 213 pp. M., 7 in. bj' 4 J in. 2 plates engraved on steel by E. Hacker, from paintings by the Author : — " Going like Workmen " and " Going like Muffs." 1857. 271 Frank Forester's Horse and Horsemanship of the ^J.- United States and British Provinces of North America. By Henry William Herbert, Author of " Frank Forester's Field Sports," " Fish and Fishing," " The Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen," etc. With steel-engraved original portraits of celebrated horses. In two volumes. New York. 1857. 8vo. Two Vols. Vol. I., 522 pp., vignette title, 8 steel- engraved plates of the following horses : — Glencoe, Sir Archy, American Eclipse, Black Maria, Fashion- Pryor, Lexington, Boston, and 13 woodcuts. Vol. II., 576 pp. vignette title, 6 steel plates of horses, viz. : — Ethan Allen, Lady Suffolk, Polkahontas, Flora Temple, Vernol's Black Hawk, Stella and Alice Grey, Lantern and Whalebone, and 44 woodcuts. M., II in. by 7f in. Dedicated to all true lovers of ihe horse. 164 HORSEMANSHIP. 1857 — contimied. (272 Outlines of Veterinary Homoeopathy; comprising horse, ~-'' cow, dog, sheep, and hog diseases, and their homoeopathic treatment. By JailieS Moore, Veterinary Surgeon, Member of the Veterinary College, Edinburgh. Manchester. 1857. 8vo. 202 pp. M., 8i in. by 4I in. i'273 Stable Practice ; or hints on training for the turf, the chase, and the road. With observations addressed to all who are concerned in racing, steeple-chasing, and fox-hunting. By Cecil [Cornelius TongueJ, Author of "The Stud Farm," "Records of the Chase," etc. Second Edition. London. 1857. 8vo. 242 pp., with frontispiece. M., 6\ in. by 4 in. 274 The Sportsman's Friend in a Frost. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley], Author of "Stable Talk and Table Talk," " Sporting Facts and Sporting Fancies," " Proper Condition of Horses," " Hints to Horsemen," etc. London. 1857- Svo. 416 pp. M., 9 in. by 5 A in. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 6$ 1867 — cojtiinued. ^275 Precept and Practice. By Harry Hieover [Charles "^ BrindleyJ. London. 1857. bvo. 267 pp. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. Contents : — Preface and Index ; A Fair Beginning ; Boxes for Horses ; Bridles ; Buck-jumping Horses ; Clipping the Horses ; Concerning the Stud ; Errors as regards the Stud ; Experientia docet (sometimes) ; Hints to Young Sportsmen and others ; Horses Cutting ; Horses Kicking in Harness ; Martingals ; Purchasing Horses ; Purchasing Horses and its conse- quences ; Purchasing Horses the right way ; Riding ; Seeking a Stud ; Tattersall's and other places ; What is a good sort? Appeared first as a series of articles in the " Field." 1858. .'276 Essai Elementaire sur I'Art de I'Equitation. Par M. Louis-Charles Pellier, Ancien Profes- seur a I'Ecole Royale de Paris. Troisieme Edition. Publife par Francois Le Blanc, son Eleve. L'equitation est ce qu'un jeune prince apprend le mieux, parce que son cheval ne le flatte pas. Chez M. F. Le Blanc, a son Manage, 42 Faubourg Montmartre. Paris. 1858. " L'Equitation est ce qu'un jeune prince apprend le mieux, parceque son cheval ne le flatte pas." — PLUTARQUE. 8vo. 131 pp. M., 8i in. by 5^ in. Dedicated to Monsieur Fran(;ois Le Blanc, Professeur d'Equitation. 1 66 HORSEMANSHIP. 1858 — continued. {^7h Ask Mamma, or the Richest Commoner in England, by the Author of " Handley Cross," " Sponge's Sporting Tour," etc. [R. S. Surtees]. With illustrations by John Leech. London. 1858. 8vo. 412 pp. 13 engravings on steel and 69 on wood. M., 9 in. by sf in. 278 The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses. By J. S. Rarey, the Horse Tamer. Reprinted from the American Edition. London. 1858. 8vo. 63 pp. M., 6| in. by 4 in. ^79 The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses. By ^""^^ J. S. Rarey, the Horse Tamer. London. 1858. Reprinted from the American Edition. 8vo. 6^ pp. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. Cotitents : — PAGE Introduction - - - - - 5 The Three Fundamental Principles of my Tiieory, founded on the leading Characteristics of the Horse 1 3 How to succeed in getting the Colt from Pasture - 17 How to Stable a Colt without Trouble - - 18 Time to Reflect - - - - - 20 The kind of Halter - - - - 20 Remarks on the Horse - - - - 21 Experiment with the Robe - - - 22 Suggestions on the Habit of Smelling - - 23 Prevailing Opinion of Horsemen - - - 24 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 67 1858 — conlimied. PAGE Powel's System of Approaching the Colt - " \ 26 Remarks on Powel's Treatment - - - J How to Govern Horses of any kind - - 3° How to proceed if your Horse is of a Stubborn Disposition - - - - - 34 How to Halter and Lead a Colt - - - 35 How to Lead a Colt by the side of a Broken Horse 39 How to Lead a Colt into the Stable and Hitch him without having him pull on the Halter - - 40 The kind of Bit, and how to accustom a Horse to it 42 How to Saddle a Colt - - - - 43 How to Mount the Colt - - - - 45 How to Ride the Colt - - - - 47 The Proper Way to Bit a Colt - - - 49 How to drive a Horse that is very Wild and has any Vicious Habits - - - -50 On Balking - - - - - 53 To Break a Horse to Harness - - -58 How to Hitch a Horse in a Sulky - - - 59 How to make a Horse Lie Down - - - 60 How to make a Horse Follow you - - 62 How to make a Horse stand without Holding - 63 faSoj The Sporting World. By Harry Hieover [Charles —^ Brindley]. London. 1858. 8vo. 261 pp. M., 7 in. by 4:^ in. 1 68 HORSEMANSHIP. 1859. 281 Things worth knowing about Horses, By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley]. London. 1859. 8vo. 266 pp. M., 7 in. by 4f in. Pubd. by T. C. Newby, 30 Welbeck St., Cavendish Square. f282 Horse-taming, Horsemanshii?, Hunting : A new illus- trated Edition of J. S. Rarey'S Art of Taming Horses ; with the substance of the lectures at the Round House, and additional chapters on Horse- manship and Hunting for the Young and Timid. By the Secretary to the first subscription of five thousand guineas, Author of " Gallops and Gossips," and hunting correspondent of the " Illustrated London News." London. 1859. 8vo. 236 pp. 8 illustrations and 15 vignettes. M., 6^ in. by 4^ in. ^283 Hippo- Lasso ; appareil compressif servant a Maitriser ^-' le Cheval, le Mulet, etc., et generalement las grands quadrupedes domestiques, difficiles a manier par suite de leur caractere mechant, rdtif ou sauvage. Par M. Raabe, Capitaine Com- mandant au 6^- Regiment de Dragons, et M. Lunelj Lieutenant au 4^' Escadron du Train des Equipages Militaires. Paris. 1859. 4to. 33 pp. 12 plates. M., ii| in. by 7^ in. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 69 1869 — continued. 284 The Hunting-Field. By Harry Hieover [Charles Brindley], Author of " The Stud," " Practical Horsemanship," etc. Second Edition. London. 1859. 8vo. 221 pp. 2 engravings from paintings by tlie Author. M., 7 in. by 4^ in. /aSS) The Gentleman's Stable Manual ; or, a Treatise on the Construction of the Stable ; also, on the feed- ing and grooming of horses : on the hygienic treatment of the sick horse ; on shoeing ; on the management of the hunter ; and on equine diseases and accidents, with the most scientific modes of treatment. By William HayCOCk, V.S. and M.R.C.V.S. " Experto Crede." London. 1859. 8vo. 528 pp. 16 highly-finished wood engravings. M., 7f in. by 5 in. Dedicated to WiHiam Dick, Esq., Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery to the Veterinary College, Edinburgh. 286 The Wild Sports of India, with remarks on breeding and rearing of horses, and the formation of Light Irregular Cavalry. By Captain Henry ShakSpeare, Commandant Nagpore Irrg. Force. .Smith, Elder, and Co., 65 Cornhill. London. i860. 307 pp. M., 7i in. by 4f in. I/O HORSEMANSHIP. I860 — contimied. 287 Rural Life. Described and Illustrated in the manage ment of horses, dogs, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, etc. Illustrations drawn by Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A., and engraved by his brother, Thomas Landseer. 2 Vols. The London Printing and Publishing Co., Limited. London, [i860.] 4to. The two vols, contain 10 11 pp. and upwards of 100 steel engravings. M., lof in. by 'j\ in. 288 Du Passd et del'Avenir des Haras. Recherches sur le '"' commerce, les denominations et la production des Chevaux, principalement en France, avant 1789. Par Francisque-Michel, Correspondant de rinstitut de France, etc. Paris, i860. 8vo. 216 pp. M., 7^ in. by 4f in. 289 The Habit and the Horse, a Treatise on Female Equitation. By Mrs. J. Stirling Clarke. London, i860. 4to. 216 pp. 9 tinted litho plates from photographs by Herbert Watkins. M., I2f in. by gf in. Day & Son. '290 Libro de los hierros 6 marcas que usan los criadores para sus ganados caballares, rectificados por fin del ano 1859, reunidos por los establecimientos de remonta, recopilados por la subdireccion de los HORSEMANSHIP. I 7 1 18 60 — contijuied. mismos, y mandado imprimir por El Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Zabala, Director General De Caballeria. Cordoba, i860. Folio. 193 pp. Includes the Provinces of Cadiz, Sevilla, C6rdoba, Badajos, Caceres, Ciudad Real, Granada, Jaen, Md,laga, Huelva, Madrid, Valladolid, Santander, Oviedo, Zaragoza, Huesca, and Lerida ; 3,328 different marks. M., ii| in. by 8 in. Spanish binding. 291 Stable Economy : A Treatise on the Management of Horses in relation to Stabling, Grooming, Feed- ing, Watering, and Working. By John Stewart, Veterinary Surgeon, Author of " Advice to Purchasers of Horses," and lately Professor of Veterinary Medicine in the Ander- sonian University, Glasgow. Seventh Edition. Edinburgh and London, i860. 8vo. 436 pp. 20 noodcuts. M., 9 in. by 4] in. Contents : — Chap. I.— Stabling ; Chap. II.— Stable Operations ; Chap. III.-Restraints, Accidents, Habits, Vices ; Chap. IV. — Warmth ; Chap. V. — Food ; Chap. Vl.-Water ; Chap. Vll.-Service ; Chap. VIII.- Management of Diseased and Defective Horse.s. 172 HORSEMANSHIP. I860 — contin ued. 292 A Comparative View of the Human and Animal Frame. By B. Waterhouse Hawkins, F.L.S., F.G.S., Author of " Popular Comparative Anatomy," " Elements of Form," "Animals and their Uses," and Restorer of the forms of the extinct animals in the Crystal Palace Park, Sydenham. London, i860. Folio. 10 large plates from nature, by the x'\uthor, with descriptions. M., 15 in. by gf in. Chapman and Hall. 293 Cavalry : Its History and Tactics. By Captain L. E. Nolan, 15th Hussars. Third Edition. London, i860. 8vo. 342 pages. Coloured frontispiece and 5 plates. M., 8|^ in. by 5 in. Dedicated to Lieut-Colonel George William Key, isth Hussars. (294 Nouveau Syst^me d'Enrenement B.S.G.D.G. servant ^"~ a dresser, diriger, dominer les chevaux les plus difficiles, par M. J.-B. Lachaume. " Fiat Lux." Deuxieme Edition. Paris, i860. 8vo. 22 pp. I illustration. M., g| in. by 6 in. HORSEMANSHir. 173 I860 — contmued. 295 Plain or Ringlets, by the Author of "Handley Cross," "Sponge's Sporting Tour," "Ask Mamma," etc. [R. S. Surtees]. With illustrations by John Leech. London, i860. 8vo. 401 pp. 13 coloured engravings on steel and 44 on wood. M., 9 in. by 5| in. (''296. The Horse and his Rider. By Sir Francis Head, ^— ^ Bart. London, i860. 8vi>. 226 pp. M., 7 in. by 4^ in. Illustrations: — Frontispiece — "The Hounds are late to-day " ; Vignette of South American Gauche, mounted ; Man and his Rider — Mode of Travelling over the Andes on a Red Indian : Which is the savage ? ; The Royal Engineer Train practising Lasso Draught. 1861. 297 The Training of Cavalry Remount Horses, by the late Captain Nolan. A New Edition, revised by the Author. London. 1861. 8vo. 61 pp. 20 plates. M., 9I in. by 5| in. Dedicated to Lieut-Gen. Sir Geo. H. F. Berkeley, K.C.B. 1 74 HORSEMANSHIP. 1862. {298 Park Riding, containing instructions for acquiring the ^' Grecian seat ; the favourite and fashionable posi- tion acquired by ladies in the trot ; with some remarks on the art of horsemanship. By J. Rimell Dunbar, Professor of Equitation. " To ride quiet is to ride well." " Many ride well, but there are not many elegant riders." London. 1862. 8vo. 94 pp. 7 plates and frontispiece. M., 7I in. by 4I in. 299 Scott and Sebright. By the Druid [H. H. Dixon]. London. 1862. Revised and re-edited with steel portraits and woodcuts. The steel portraits are those of Mr. Richard Tatter- sall and " Nat." ; the woodcuts, Captain Becher and Jesse Hills. 8vo. 418 pp. Size, 6| in. by 4^ in. Bound up with "Saddle and Sirloin " of the same series-" The Druid." Published by Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford Street, Covent Garden. 300 Scott and Sebright. By the Druid [H. DixonJ. Second Edition. London. 1862. 8vo. 426 pp. M., 6| in. by 4^ in. Engravings : — • Mr. R. Tattersall ; " Nat.," vignette ; John Day, 1836 ; Mr. J. F. Herring ; Bill Beau (the Arch Trespasser of HORSEMANSHIP. 175 18 62 — contintied. England) ; Mr. Musters ; Old Days in Holderness ; Dick Gurney ; Stephen Goodall ; Jesse Hills ; Dick Burton ; A quiet day at Slcdmere. 1862. (Missing.) Pubd. by Rogerson and Tuxford, 246 Strand. /'joii Silk and Scarlet. By the Druid [H. Dixon]. London. 1862. 8vo. 398 pp. M., 6| in. by \\ in. Portraits of Dick Christian, aet. 80, James Robinson, Tom Sebright, Tom Ranee, Will Goodall, Dick Stockdale, and a folding sketch — a Recollection of the Quorn and Pytcheley Hunt, by Mr. Ambrose Isted, introducing portrait of Mr. Osbaldeston, and a sketch of a model head of a foxhound. Published by Rogerson and Tuxford, 246 Strand. 302 A Little Book for Every Man that keeps a Horse ; or ease to horses and safety to drivers in single and double harness. Dedicated to the Gentlemen of England. By L. L. D. London. 1862. i2mo. 64 pp.. Contents, Introduction, and 2 unnum- bered pp. 2 plates. M., 6i in. by 4 in. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London ; and R. E. Peach, Bath. Third thousand. This little book was written to introduce and explain the Author's invention for Improvements in Appara- tus for attaching Horses to Carriages, for which he obtained Her Majesty's Patent. 176 HORSEMANSHIP. 1863. ^03 Horse- Racing : Its History and Early Records of the '"' Principal and other Race Meetings ; with Anec- dotes, etc. London. 1863. 8vo. 446 pp. 22 plates, viz.: — Mason on Gaylad, Satirist, Blue Bonnet, Pyrrhus the First, The Prince.ss, Launcelot, Poison, Our Nell, Sir Tatton Sykes, Nutwith, Saucebo.x, The Flying Dutchman, The Baron, Von Tromp, Cossack, Attila, Coronation, Cymba, Ghuznee, Miami, The Switcher. M., 8i in. by sl >"• ■.304 Description of the Mechanical Horse, invented by "~ Colonel von Hamel, Equerry to His Majesty the King of Wurttemberg, Commander of the Royal Wurttemberg Order of Frederick, the Imperial French Order of the Legion of Honour, etc., Knight of the Royal Wurttemberg Order of the Crown, the Royal Swedian Order of the Sword, etc. Stuttgart. 1S63. 8vo. 15 pp. 1 illustration on cover. M., 7^ in. by 5 in. 1864. '305 The Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages, and Renais- . sance, from the earliest monuments down to the XVIth Century. By Ph. Charles Berjeau, Author of the "Varieties of Dogs." London. 1864. 4to. 20 pp. of text, 60 plates. M., ii| in. by 9 in. Dedicated to Charles George Phillips, Esq, HOKSEMANSHIP. 1 77 1 8 64 — continued. 306 Wild Sports of the World : A Book of Natural History and Adventure. By James Greenwood. 50th thousand. With woodcuts from designs by Harden Melville and William Harvey. Portraits of celebrated hunters from original photographs, and maps showing the habitats of animals and plants all over the World. London : Beeton, Strand. 1 864. 8vo. 426 pp., 146 illustrations, 8 portraits, and 6 maps. M.. .S| in. by 5J in. /307 Tales and Traits of Sporting Life. By Henry "^^ Corbet. London. 1864. 8vo. 302 pp. M., t\ in. by 4f in. These papers originally appeared in " Bell's Life in London," " The Sporting Magazine," and " All the Year Round." The article on Horse-breeding was written specially for " The Journal of the Bath and West of England Society." Coloured frontispiece by E. Corbet and coloured vignette. Pubd. b}' Rogerson and Tuxford, 246 Strand. 1865. '308 Traite de .Mart^chalerie Veterinaire, comprenant I'fetude de la ferrure du cheval et des autres animaux 23 178 HORSEMANSHIP. 1865 — contimted. domestiques, sous le rapport des d^fauts d'aplomb des d^fectuositfe et des Maladies du pied. Par A. Rey, Professeur de Clinique, Pathologie Chirurgicale Jurisprudence et Marechalerie a I'Ecole Impdriale V^terinaire de Lyon, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, Membre de la Societe Imperiale de Medecine de la Socidt^ Impdriale d' Agriculture de la meme Ville, etc. " Pas de fer, pas de cheval." — LAFOSSE. Deuxieme Edition. F. Savy, Libraire-Editeur, 24 Rue Hautefeuille, 24. Paris. 1865. 8vo. 515 pp. 185 illustrations. M., 8J in. by 5| in. C309 Our Saddle Horses. By Ker B. Hamilton, Esq., C.B. London. 1865. Svo. 39 pp. Vignette on title. M., 8f in. by 5^ in. (310 Stable Secrets; or Puffy Doddles, his Sayings and *— Sympathies. By John Mills, Author of " The Old English Gentleman," "The Life of a Race- horse," " The Flyers of the Hunt," " The Life of a Foxhound," etc. London. 1865. Svo. 1 1 2 pp. 4 illustrations. M., 7 in. by 4f in. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 79 18 66 — continiud. 311' Hunting Sketches. By Anthony Trollope ~—~^ [Reprinted from the " Pall Mall Gazette " ]. London. 1865. 8vo. 115 pp. M., 7| in. by 5 in. Chap. I. — The Man who Hunts and doesn't like it. Chap. II. — The Man who Hunts and does like it. Chap. III. — The Lady who Rides to Hounds. Chap. IV. — The Hunting Farmer. Chap. V. — The Man who Hunts and never Jumps. Chap. VI. — The Hunting Parson. Chap. VI I.-The Master of Hounds_ Chap. VIII. — How to Ride to Hounds. 312 Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds. By the Author of • Handly Cross," " Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour," •■ Ask Mamma," etc. j R. S. Surtees.] With illustrations by John Leech and Hablot Browne, London. 1865. .Svo. 391 pp. 24 coloured engravings on steel and I vignette. M., 9 in. by 5| in. 1866. 313 The Turf and the Racehorse, describing Trainers and Training, The Stud-Farm, The Sires and Brood Mares of the Past and Present, and how to breed and rear the Racehorse. By R. H. Copper- thwaite. Second Edition. London. 1866. l8o HORSEMANSHIP. 1866 — continued. 8vo. 330 pp. M., 7j in. by 4I in. Contents : — Turf Topics — The Racehorse — The Sires of the past and present day — Brood Mares— Synoptical Table of Tried Brood Mares — The Stud-Farm : Its regulations and requisites — Conclusion. 314 Some Account of the popular belief in Animated Horse-Hairs, alluded to by Shakespeare in the play of " Anton) and Cleopatra." By J. O. Halliwell Esq. Printed in the month of January, 1866. Small 4to. 15 pp. M., 5f in. by \\ in. The impression of this tract is strictly limited to twenty- five copies. Printed for the Editor by Whittingham and Wilkins, at the Chiswick Press, Took's Court, Chancery Lane. A note in the handwriting of and signed by the Author- "Fifteen copies destroyed, 9 April, 1866. Ten only preserved. Number two. J. O. H." 315 The Eastern Hunters. By Capt. J. T. Newall, Author of John Neville, Soldier, Sportsman, and Gentleman. London : Tinsley Bros. 1866. 8vo. 457 pp. 6 engravings and vignette. M., 9 in. by 5 1 in. HORSEMANSHIP. l8l 186 6 — continued. .316 The Horse: His beauties and defects. By "A — ^ Knowing Hand ' [H. AlkeilJ. London. 1866. 8vo. 29 pp., frontispiece, and 18 coloured plates. M., io\ in. by 6| in. /'William Tegg.) (3 '7 On the Laws and Practice of Horse- Racing, etc. etc. By the Hon, Admiral Rous. London. 1866. 8vo. 164 pp. M., 7 in. by 4-^ in. Contents -.—Preface, 164 pp., and Table of Standard Weights for Age. Bov.iid up with " The Jiorse and his Rider," by Sir "Francis Head, j^*^* ^ .,,|^j*v 1867. "318 Anatomical OutHnes oi the Horse. By J. A. McBride, Ph.D., M.R.C.V..S., Director of the Veterinary Department in the Royal Agricultural College, Japan, and late Veterinary Professor at the Agricultural College, Cirencester. Second Edition. Revised and enlarged by T. Walton Mayer, Fellow and Member of the Board of Examiners, R.C.V.S., and Veterinary Professor at the Agricultural College, Cirencester. Ciren- cester. 1867. 8vo. 231 pp. 8 coloured illustrations. M., y\ in. by 5 in. l82 HORSEMANSHIP. 1331 ~ -conh'nued. 319 The Law relative to the Sale and Purchase of Horses, comprising notices of the chief statutes and deci- sions thereon, and the leading cases on warranties ; with a copious index, a table of the Authorities cited ; and observations on letting, hiring, and driving horses, etc. etc. By Charles Egan, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, late Fellow-Commoner of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge. The Second Edition, with additional notes, cases, and statutes to the present time. London. 1867. 8vo. 76 pp. M., 7^ in. by 4^ in. Dedicated to the Right Hon. the Lord Justice, Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, Knt. (x20^ Nuevo tratado de cirujia general veterinaria, por ^^ D. Juan Antonio Sainz y Rozas, Cate- dratico del arte de herrar y forjar, de cirujia, patologia quiriirgica, tocologia, jurisprudencia veterinaria, medicina legal, toxicologia ^ historia critica de la ciencia en la escuela de medicina veterinaria de Zaragoza. Zaragoza. 1867. 8vo. 528 pp. M., 9^ in. by 6^ in. Spanish binding. HORSEMANSHIP. 183 1867 — continued. 321 The Illustrated Horse Management; containing des- criptive remarks upon Anatomy, Medicine, Shoeing. Teeth, Food, Vices, Stables ; likewise a plain account of the situation, nature, and value of the various points ; together with comments on Grooms, Dealers, Breeders, Breakers, and Trainers ; also on Carriages and Harness. By Edward Mayhew, M.R.C.V.S., Author of " The Illustrated Horse Doctor," and other works. A New Edition. London. 1867. 8v^. 612 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5^ in. 0\Ci 400 engraving.s, from original designs, made expressly for this work. Contents : Chap 1. — The body of the horse anatomically considered. Chap. II. — Physic. Chap. III. — Shoeing. Chap IV.— The Teeth. Chap. V.— Food. Chap. VI. — The evils which are occasioned by modern stables. Chap. VII. — The faults inseparable from most present erections which are used as stables. Chap. VIII. — The so-called "incapacitating vices," which are the results of injury or of disease. Chap. IX.— Stables as they should be. Chap. X. — Grooms. Chap. XL— Horse Dealers. Chap. XII.— Points. Chap. XIII.— Breeding. Chap. XIV.— Breaking and Training. Chap. XV.— Carriages. Chap. XVI. — Saddlery, Harness, and Stable Sundries. 184 HORSEMANSHIP. 1867 — continued. rj«* CEuvres completes de F. Baucher. Methode ^ d'Equitation, basee sur de nouveau.x principes, revue et augmentee. Treizieme Edition ; suivie des Passe-temps Equestres ; Dialogues sur I'Equitation ; Dictionnaire raisonne d'Equitation ; Nouveau.x moyens Equestres ; Uernieres inno- vations ; Examen retrospectif ; Nouveau travail raisonne avec le caveqon. Paris. 1867. 8vo. 640 pp. 17 plates and portrait of the Author. M., 9f in. by 6^ in. ®The Handy Horse Book ; or, practical instructions in driving, riding, and the general care and manage- ment of horses. By a Cavalry Officer [Magenta]. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Edinburgh and London. 1867. 8vo. 167 pp. 6 plates. M., 7^ in by 4f in. Dedicated to Major-General Lord George Paget, C.B. 1868. 324 On Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting, and the prevention and cure of Restiveness in Horses. By Francis D"wyer, Major of Hussars in the Imperial Austrian Service. " Vis Consili expers mole ruit sua." — HORACE. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London. 1868. 8vo. Illustrated. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 85 18 68 — continued. ( 325) Modern Cavalry ■ its organisation, armament, and ^~-^ employment in war, with an appendix, containing letters from Generals Fitzhugh Lee, Stephen D. Lee, and T. L. Rosser, of the Confederate States' Cavalry ; and Col. Jenyns' system of non-pivot drill in use in the 13th Hussars. By Lieut. -Col. George T. Denison, Junr., commanding the Governor-General's Body Guard, Upper Canada ; Author of " A Manual of Outpost Duties, " etc. London. 1868. 8vo. 376 pp. 2 coloured plates and maps. M., 8 in. by 4|- in. Mao^ British .Sports and Pastimes. By Anthony ■^ Trollope. Virtue and Co. London. 1868. 8vo. 322 pp. M., 8 in. by 4I in. Contents : — On Horse Racing, Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Yachting, Alpine Climbing, and Cricket. ^27^ Formulario Universal de Veterinaria, 6 guia prdtico del veterinario y del farmaceutico por D, Nicolas Casas de Mendoza. Madrid. 1868. 4th edition, corrected and augmented. 8vo. 854 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. Libreria de D. Pablo Calleja y compa Editores. Calle de Carretas, num. 33. Whole bound in Spanish sheep. 24 1 86 HORSEMANSHIP. 1869. 328 Horses and Stables. By Col. F. Fitzwygram, XV. the King's Hussars. London. 1869. 8vo. 616 pp. 35 plates. M., 8| in. by 5| in. Sixty-one chapters, divided into 8 parts. 329 Horse Shoes, and Horse Shoeing: Their Origin, History, Uses, and Abuses. By George Fleming, F.R.G.S., F.A.S.L., Member of the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Veterinary Surgeon, Royal Engineers ; Author of " Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary," etc. London. 1869. 8vo. 692 pp., with 210 iUustrations. M., 8-^ in. by 5^ in. Dedication : — " To His Royal Highness Prince Arthur, K.G., K.F." For un clavo se piverde una herradura, por una herradura un Cavallo, por un Cavallo un Cavallero. — Old Spanish Proverb. A little neglect may breed great mischief. For want of nail the shoe was lost ; for want of a shoe the horse was lost ; and for want of a horse the rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy ; all for want of a little care about a horse-shoe nail. — Benjamin Franklin. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 87 1869 — conlinued. A proper mode of shoeing is certainly of more import- ance than the treatment of any disease, or perhaps of all the diseases incident to horses. The foot is a part that we are particularly required to preserve in health ; and if this art be judiciously employed, the foot will not be more liable to disease than any other organ. — Professor E. Coleman. 330 Jorrocks' Jaunts and jollities. The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, .SaiUng, Eccentric and Extra- vagant Exploits of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. [By Robert S. SurteeS.] London. 1869. 8vo. 291 pp., with 16 coloured illustrations by Aiken. M., 10 in. by 6.V in. This first came out in the New Sporting Magazine, 1845. 33i\ The Horseowner and Stableman's Companion ; or Hints on the Selection, Purchase, and General Management of the Horse. By George Armatage, M.R.C.Y.S., Editor of "Clater's Every man his own Cattle Doctor." London. 1869. 8vo. 237 pp., with frontispiece— Portrait of Empress and her foal. M., ^\ in. by 4I in. [8'^ HORSEMANSHIP. 1870. 332 The Life of John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shrop- shire; M.P. for .Shrewsbury, etc., with his hunting, racing, shooting, driving, and extravagant exploits. By Nimrod. With numerous illustrations by H. Aiken and T. J. Rawlins. Fifth Edition, revised and enlarged, with a notice of Nimrod. George Routledge and .Sons, The Broadway, Ludgate London. 1870. 8vo. 334 pp. 18 coloured plates. M., loj in. by 6| in. (333 Traito d' Equitation illustrfe Precede d'un aperqu des diverses modifications et changements apportes dans I'fequitation depuis le XV I'^. si^cle jusqu' a nos jours ; suivi d'un appendice sur le jeune cheval du trot a I'Anglaise et d'une lettre sur I'Equitation des dames, par Le Comte D' Aure, Ancien Ecuyer cavalcadour, de LL. MM. Louis XVI I L et Charles X., Ecuyer en chef de i'Ecole Royale de Cavalerie Ecuyer de S. M. I'Empereur Napoleon II L Quatrieme Edition. Paris. 1870. 8vo. 197 pp. 8 full-page engravings, including a frontis- piece portrait of the Author, and 14 vignettes. M., lof in. by 6J in. The large engravings include portraits of the following masters : — Grison, Pluvinel, Newcastle, Gu^riniere, D'Absac, and d'Aure ; showing the different styles of the various schools. HORSEMANSHIP. 189 1870 — continued. (334 Nuevo Tratado de Cirujia especial veterinaria. Por ^" D. Juan Antonio Sainz Y. Rozas. Professor Veterinario de primera clase licenciado en Medicina o Cirujia y Catedratico del Arte de Herrar y Forjar, de operaciones, ap6sitos y vendajes, de Patologia quiriirgica, Clinica quirtirgice, Tocologia, Jurisprudencia veterinaria, Medicina Legal e Historia critica de la ciencia en la Escuela de veterinaria de Zaragoza. Zaragoza. 1870. 8vo. 559 pp- 70 small woodcuts. M., 9 in. b)' 6 in. ®Descripave Anatomy of the Horse and Domestic Animals, chietly compiled from manuscripts of Thomas Strangeways, LL.D., M.R.C.V.S.. Late Professor of Anatomy in the Edinburgh Veterinary College, and the late ProfesSOr Goodsir, F.R.S.S., L. and E. By J. Wilson Johnston, M.D., F.R.S.E., Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Bengal Medical Staff, and T. J. Call, L.R.C.P.E., Honorary Medical Officer to Ilkley Hospital. London. 1870. 8vo. 525 pp. 181 illustrations and photograph of Thomas Strangeways. M., 7% in. by 5 in. Dedicated by permission 10 the Right Honourable Earl of Dalhousie, K.T., G.C.B., Lord-Lieutenant of For- farshire. 190 HORSEMANSHIP. 187 — continued. 1^^361 The Horse Book, being simple rules for managing, ^«"^' feeding, and keeping a horse humanely and advantageously in the stable and on the road, to which are added a few words on the horse's eye, foot and stomach ; with hints on draught. " None but those who will take the trouble tn try the experiment, are aware how absolute a command the due admixture of FIRMNESS and KINDNESS will soon give us over any horse." — YOUATT ON THE HORSE. London. 1870. i2mo. 68 pp. M., 5^ in. by 3I in. (337 The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. By Nimrod ^^ — [Charles James Apperley.] New Edition, with Portrait of Author and illustrations. London. 1870. 8vo. ZT] pp. M., 'j\ in. by 4I in. 338 Stories about Horses. Compiled by F. B. S. The Editor of the " British Workman." London. [1870.?] 4to. 144 pp. 33 full page illustrations, mostly by Harrison Weir, and other smaller ones. M., %\ in. by 6| in. Dedicated to Lady Augusta Poulett. HORSEMANSHIP. I9I 1870 — conthitced. /jjg Three Letters on The Horse. Master, and Donkey. By Blunt Spurs. London. 1870. 8vo. 84 pp. 2 illiLstrations. M., 8f in. by 5f in. 340 The Artistic Anatomy of the Horse. By B. Water- ■" house Hawkins, F.L.S., F.G.S. Fifth Edi- tion Edition. Pubd. by Winsor and Newton, 38 Rathbone Place, London. [1870.] 8vo. 78 pp. M., 7 in. by 4I in. 14 plates : — Muscles of the Horse ; Skeletons of Horse and Man ; Do. (comparative view) ; Bones of the Head and Neck ; Muscles of the Head and Neck ; Front view of Horse (Muscles) ; Bones and Muscles of the Fore-Legs ; Bones of the Knee (carpus) ; Bones of the Foot ; Front Limb of Horse and Arm of Man ; Bones of the Hock (tarsus) ; Hind limb of Horse and leg of Man ; Muscles of the Hind Quar- ters ; Back view of Horse (muscles). 341 Saddle and Sirloin ; or English Country Life. By the Druid (H. H. Dixon). London. 1870. Part North. 8vo. Size, 6\ in. by 4:^ in. 486 pp. Steel-engraved portrait of the late Henry Handley, Esq., line of the founders of the Royal Agricultural Society, and John Grey of Dilston, vignette. Bound up with Scott and Sebright, of the same series. Pubd. by Frederick Warne and Co., Bedford St., Covent Garden. 192 HORSEMANSHIP. 1871. 342' Genius Genuine. By Samuel Chifney, of Newmarket. A line part in riding a race, known only to the author. Why there are so few good runners ; or, why the turf horses degenerate. A Guide to recover them to their strength and speed, as well as to train horses for running, and hunters and hacks for hard riding. To preserve their strength and their sinews from being so often destroyed; with reasons for horses changing in their running ; likewise a full account of the Prince's horse, " Escape," running at Newmarket on the 20th and 21st days of October, 1791 ; with other interesting particulars. London. 1804. 8vo. 127 pp. M., 8| in. by 5f in. Reprinted, verbatim, from the original Edition, and .sold by Henry Angel, 16 Gloucester Street, Queen Square. London. 1871. 342'', The Loriner ; Opinions and Observations on Bridle- bits and the suitable bitting of Horses, with illus- trations by Benjamin Latchford, Bridle-bit, Stirrup, and Spur-maker, to Her Majesty, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, etc., 11 Upper St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. 1871. 4to. 57 pp., with 148 illustrations of bits, spurs, and stirrups. M., 9 in. by 7 in. HORSEMANSHIP. 193 18 71 — continued. It contains a Treatise on the suitable bitting of Horses, with a description of a new system of Bridle-bits. Invented by Don Juan Scgundo. Translated from the Original Spanish Manuscript, which was dedi- cated to H.M. George IV. in 1832, and first printed with the " Loriner," by Benjamin Latchford. A Horse's Petition to his Master. Going up hill. Whip me not. Going down hill, Hurry me not. On level road, Spare me not. Loose in stable. Forget me not. Of Hay and Corn, Rob me not. Of clean Water, Stint me not. With sponge and brush, Neglect me not. Of soft dry bed, Deprive me not. Tired or hot. Wash me not. If sick or cold, Chill me not. With bits and reins. Oh jerk me not. And when you are angry, Strike me not. 1872. (l\^ La Connaissance g^nerale du Cheval. Etudes de zootechnic pratique, avec un atlas de 160 pages et de 103 figures, par les auteurs de 1' Encyclopedic pratique de rAgriculteur, publiee par Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et C''^-, sous la direction de MM. L. Moll et Eug. Gayot. Paris. 1872. 8vo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 740 pp. of text ; Vol. II., i6o pp, and 68 plates. M., 9I in. by sf in. 25 194 HORSEMANSHIP. 1 872 — continued. 345 Camp Life and its Requirements, for Soldiers, Travel- lers, and Sportsmen. By H. A. L., (" The Old Shekarry,") Author of "The Hunting Grounds of the Old World " ; " The Forest and the Field " ; " The Camp Fire " ; " Wrinkles " ; " The Sub- marine Telegraph " ; and " England rendered Impregnable," etc. In three parts. " Put your trust in the Lord, but keep your powder dry." — OLIVER CROMWELL. London. 1872. 8vo. 170 pp. and 16 pp. of reviews on the works of " The Old Shekarry." 300 illustrations. M., %\ in. by 5^ in. (340) Sport at Home and Abroad. By Lord William Pitt Lennox. In two Volumes. Published by Hurst and Blackett, 13 Great Marlborough Street, London. 1872. Two Vols. \'ol. 1., 330 pp. ; Vol. II., 309 pp. M., jf in. by 4f in. 1873. Practical Horse - Shoeing. By G. Fleming, F.R.G.S., M.A.I., etc., Member of Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ; \'^ete- rinary Surgeon Royal Engineers ; Author of " Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary," HORSEMANSHIP. 195 187 3 — continued. " Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoeing," " Animal Plagues," " Rabies and Hydrophobia," etc. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. London. i873- 8vo. 128 pp. 37 illustrations. M., 8i in. by Si in. 1348 ) Bibliotheque du Cultivateur publiee avec le concours ^"^ du Ministre de I'Agriculture. Notions Usuelles de Mddecine Veterinaire. Par M. A. Sanson, Reducteur en chef de la Culture, Echo des Cornices, Ex-chef de service a I't^cole veterinaire de Toulouse, Menibre de la Societe centrale de medecine veterinaire, etc. Ouatrieme Edition. Libraire Agricole de la Maison Rustique, 26, rue Jacob, 26. Paris. 1873. i2mo. 169 pp. 1 3 engravings. M., 7^ in. by 4^ in. '^9] The Horse, in the Stable and the Field: His Varie- ties, Management in Health and Disease, Ana- tomy, Physiology, etc. By J. H. Walsh, F.R.C.S. (Stonehenge/ Editor of "The Field," Author of " British Rural Sports," etc. New Edition. London. 1873. 8vo. 622 pp. M., 8i in. by l\ in. Illustrated with 170 engravings by Barraud, H. Weir, Zwecker, etc. 1 96 HORSEMANSHIP. 1873 — continued. 350 Horse-Shoeing as it is and as it should be. By ^^' William Douglas, (late) loth Royal Hussars. " Whoever hath charge of a horse's feet, has the care of his whole body." — OLD saying. London. 1873. 8vo. 161 pp. 2 coloured engravings and woodcuts. M., 7| in. by 5 in. Contents :— Chap. I. — The Foot of the Horse — its exte- rior. Chap. II. — The Anterior parts of the Foot. Chap. III. — The present method of preparing the horse's foot for shoeing. Chap. IV. — The proposed method of preparing the foot for the shoe. Chap. V.- Farrier's tools and their separate uses. Chap. VI. — The presei-vation of the hoof Chap. VII. — Of diseases that may be attributed to shoeing. Chap. VI 11.— Some suggestions how a scientinc knowledge of the horse's foot could best be acquired by Farriers. Chap. IX. — About horse-shoes, old and new. Chap. X.— The Chaussee horse .shoe. Chap. Xi. — Beneficial effect of kindness upon horses. «5i\ Newmarket and Arabia; An examination of the ^-^ descent of Racers and Coursers. By Roger D. Upton, Captain late 9th Royal Lancers. London. 1873. 8vo. 2 1 1 pp., and coloured wood engraved frontispiece of Arab Horses, after A. Dedreux. M., S^ in. by 5|in. HORSEMANSHIP. 1 97 1874. 352 Le 13'' Hussards ; Types, profils equisses et croquis militaires a pied et a Cheval par Emile Gaboriau. VIngtieme Edition. Ed. Paris. E. Dentu, Editeur. Libraire de la Societe des gens de lettres Palais royal, 17 and 19 Galerie d'Orleans. 1874. 353 The Book of the Horse : (thorough-bred, halfTired, cart-bred), saddle and harness, British and Foreign, with Hints on Horsemanship ; the management ot the stable ; breeding, breaking, and training for the Road, the Park, and the Field. By S. Sidney, Manager of the Agri- cultural Hall Horse Show ; Author of " Gallops and Gossips," etc. London, Paris, and New York. 1874. 4to. 29 Chapters. 604 pp., including index, 25 coloured illustrations, and 18S woodcuts. M., 11 in. by 8| in. 354\ Hippologie Equitation. Le Cheval et son Cavalier Ecole pratique pour la connaissance, leducation, la conservation, I'amelioration du Cheval de course, de chasse, de guerre, d'apres les plus recentes publications anglaises sur le Turf, avec des Tables genealogiques et nombreuses Additions au point de vue du Cheval Franc^ais. Par Le Comte 198 HORSEMANSHIP. 1874 — co7itinued. J. de Lagondie, Ancien Colonel d' Etat- Major. Paris. 1874. i2mo. 2 Vols. Vol. I., 436 pp. Vol. II.. 426 pp. Numerous vignettes. M., 6| in. by 4 in. 355 The Barb and the Bridle ; a handbook of equitation for ladies, and manual of Instruction in the Science of Riding, from the preparatory .suppling exercises on foot, to the form in which a lady should ride to hounds. Reprinted from " The Queen " Newspaper. By " Vieille Moustache." London. 1874. 8vo. 162 pp., with frontispiece and illustrations. M., 8 in. by 5 in. 356 England's Horses for Peace and War, their Origin, Improvement, and Scarcity. By Vere D. De Yere Hunt, Author of " The Horse and his Master," etc., etc. ; " North Tipperary " and " Shamrock " of Bell's Life. " There are times when we are diverted from errors, but could not be preached out of them." — STEPHEN MONTAGUE. London. 1874. 8vo. 170 pp. M., 9 in. by Sf in. To the common sense of the Great British Public, this little work is hopefuU)' dedicated by the Author. HORSEMANSHIP. 199 1874 — coji linticd. 357 The Forest and the Field. By the Old .Shekarry. Chatto and W'indus. 1874. 8vo. 314 pp. S illu.strations. M., jf in. by 4| in. 358J How to keep a Horse at a cost of ;^io to ;^I2 a year, in fine condition to ride and drive. By K-inard. B. Edwards, Esq., Author of " Fowls, and how to make them pay," etc. London. 1874. 8vo. Part I. contains 16 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5^ in. Part II. treats on the cultivation of profitable crops. 1875. 359 About Buying a Horse, etc. By F. G. Burnand, .Author of " Happy Thoughts," " ■More Happy Thoughts," "My Health," "The New .Sandford and Merton," " Happy-Thought Hall," " Out of Town," etc. Occasional Happy Thoughts. — I. London. 1875. i2mo. 291 pp. ?*I., 6\ in by 4^ in. Happy Thought To dedicate this volume, containing some account of " The Horse and Stamps," to my Friend, James D. Davidson, Esq., whose Notes on Notes are of wide- world circulation, and who did me the honour to be much interested in mv search after a horse. 200 HORSEMANSHIP. 1875 — continued. ,360 Bits and Bearing Reins. By Edward Fordham ^-^ Flower. Third Edition. London. 1875. 8vo. 31pp. 3 plates — "Comfort," " Discomfort," and " Torture." M., 8i in. by 5t in. 361 Down the Road, or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coachman. By C. T. S. Birch Reynardson. Second Edition. 1875. 4to. 230 pp., with 13 chromolithographs: 11 of which are from pictures by H. Aiken. M., 9 in. by 6i in. Dedication : To the Rising Generation of Coachmen : to those " Chips of the old block," who aspire to the rekindling of " The Light of other days : " and with best wishes for their success, this volume is dedicated by C. T. S. Birch Reynardson. '362 Circus Life and Circus Celebrities. By Thomas Frost, Author of " The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs," " Half-hours with the Early Explorers," etc. London. 1875. 8vo. 328 pp. M., 7| in. by 5 in. HORSEMANSHIP. 20I ©1876. Tratado de Anatomia descriptiva de los animales domesticos. Por Don Jose Robert Y. Serrat, Catedrdtico dt; dicha asignatura en la escuella de Veterinaria de esta Capital Y Licen- ciado en Medicina y Cirujia. Zaragoza. 1876. 8vo. 2 Vols. — 1876 — 1880. Vol. I. is on Osteology and contains 220 pp. and index, and yo woodcuts. Vol. II. is on Anatom}', and contains "j^S pp., an index, and 193 woodcuts. M., 9 in. by 6. in. 364 Annals of the Road, or Notes on Mail and Stage- Coaching in Great Britain. By Captain Malet, XVI 1 1"' Hussars; to which are added Essays on the Road, by Nimrod. "Floreat Rheda Quadrigalis." London. 1876. 8vo. 403 pp., with 10 chromo-lithographs and 3 woodcuts. M., 9 in. by 6\ in. 365 The Illustrated Horse Doctor : Being an accurate and detailed account, accompanied by more than 400 pictorial representations characteristic of the various di.seases to which the Equine race are subjected ; together with the latest mode of treat- ment, and all the requisite prescriptions, written in plain English. By Edward Mayhew, 26 202 HORSEMANSHIP. 187 6 — continued. M.R.C.V.S., Author of several works on Veterin- ary Art. Ninth Edition. London. 1876. 8vo. 592 pp. M., 8i in. by 5f in. Dedicated to Sir Benjamin Brodie, Baronet. Contents :— Chap. I. — The Brain and Nervous System. Chap. II.— The Eyes. Chap. III.— The Mouth. Chap. IV.— The Nostrils. Chap. V.— The Throat. Chap. VI.— The Chest and its contents. Chap. VII.- The Stomach, Liver, etc. Chap. VIII.— The Abdo- men. Chap. IX.- The Urinary Organs. Chap. X. — The Skin. Chap. XI. — Specific Di-seases. Chap. XII.-Limbs. Chap. XI II.-The Feet. Chap. XIV.- Injuries. Chap. XV. — Operations. 366 Coaching, with Anecdotes of the Road. By Lord William Pitt Lennox, Author of • Cele- brities I have known,' etc. London 1876. 8vo. 307 pp. M., 9 in. by gf in. Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G., President, and the Members of the Coaching Club. 367) Horses and Harness. By Ed^A/'arci Fordham ^"^ Flower, Author of " Bits and Bearing-Reins." London. 1876. 8vo. 20 pp. 4 plates. M., 8i in. by 5| in. HORSEMANSHIP. 203 187 6 — continued. {i68j Horses : The Gentleman's Guide for the Choice, "^"^ Treatment, and Management of Saddle, Carriage. Gig, and Cart Horses ; how to ascertain their Good Qualities, Detect their P'aults, and save the Expense of a Veterinary Surgeon. By Jaraes Mills, M.C.V.S. Illustrated. With J. S. Rarey's Instructions for the Taming of Horses, and the Art of Horsemanship. Twelfth Edition. London, n.d. [11^76 ?J 8vo. 144 pp., with 14 pp. of Rarey's Art of Horse- Taming. M., 7 in. by 4f in. Contents :— Varied Form of the Horse ; External Con- formation ; Examination of Horses for Purchase ; The Stable ; Grooming ; Treatment of the Feet ; Diseases of Horses. Plates : — Skeleton of the Horse to face the Title ; Ske- leton of the Head ; Teeth of the Horse ; The Pasterns. Pubd. by Dean & Son, St. Dunstan's Buildings, 160A Fleet Street, E.C. 369 The Horse Book, being simple rules for managing, feeding, and keeping a horse humanely and advantageously in the Stable, and on the Road ; to which are added a few words on the horse's eye, foot, and stomach, with hints on draught. By Edward King. London. N.D. [1876 ?] i8mo. 68 pp. 7 woodcuts. M., 5^- in. by 3I in. Revised by Mr G. Fleming. 204 HORSEMANSHIP. 187 6 — continued. Contents : — Stable Hints ; Travelling Hints ; Hints on Food ; Hints for Accidents ; Foot, Eye, and Stomach; Hints on Draught ; Appendix — Bearing-Rein. Pubd. by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 105 Jermyn Street, London, S.W. 1877. 1 370 Horse Warranty. On the Purchase and Sale of Horses, with hints as to Methods of Procedure in cases of Dispute. By Francis Henry LaSCelleS, LL.B., of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and of the Inner Temple, Esquire, Barrister-at- Law. " Tu qui ca;teris cavere didicisti, in Britannia ne ab essedariis decipiaris caveto." — CIC, Ep. Lib., 7 Ep. 6. London. 1877. 8vo. 93 pp. and 9 pp. of index. M., 7A in. by 4J in. Reeves and Turner. (371} On Horse-breaking. By Robert Moreton, M.R.C.V..S. London. 1877. 8vo. 137 pp. M., 7| in. by 5 in. Contents : — Chap. \. — Method of haltering a colt. Chap. n. — Longeing the colt. Chap. HL — Saddling the colt. Chap. IV. — Teaching the colt his paces. Chap. V. — The Road Hack. Chap. VL — Breaking to harness. Chap. VH. — ^The barouche, landau, and brougham horse. HORSEMANSUH'. 2O5 187 7 — coulinued. ^372 Biblioteca Venatoria de Gutierrez de la Vega. *"'■'' Coleccion de obras cldsicas espaiiolas de monteria, de cetreria y de caza menor, raras, ineditas 6 desconocidas, desde la ibrmaclon de lenguaje hasta nuestros dias, para ilustracion de los cazadores, deleite de los erudites y gloria de la lengua castellana. El Rey D. Alfonso XI. Siglo XIV. Libro de la Monteria del Rey D. Alphonso XI. Con un discurso y notas del Exemo. Senor D. Jose Gutierrez de la Vega Madrid. 1877. Imprenta y fundician de M. Tello, Madrid. 8vo. 2 vols. 1st vol. contains 508 pp. ; the 2nd 495 pp. M., 6| in by 4^ in. 1878. i7Z The Clydesdale .Stud-book. Retrospective Volume : containing Pedigrees of Stallions foaled previous to ist January, 1875. Collected and compiled by the Right Hon. The Earl of Dunmore, First President of the Clydesdale Horse Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and presented by him to the Society, November, 1878. Revi.sed by the Editing Committee. London. 1878. «vo. 248 pp. M., 8| in. by 5^ in. Dedicated to the Members of the Clydesdale Horse .Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 206 HORSEMANSHIP. 187 8 — continued. (374 Our Horses : being Anecdotes from personal experi- ence of individual Horses, with brief Practical Hints on Breeding, Buying and Selling, Breaking, Shoeing, and Doctoring, etc. By Colonel E. A. Hardy, retired list 2 ist Hussars. London. 1878. " Forasinucli as it hath happened to us to be long engaged about horses, we consider that we have acquired some knowledge of Horsemanship ; we desire also to intimate to the younger portion of our friends how we think they may bestow their attention on Horses to the best advantage." — xenophon, 8yo. 1 15 pp. M., 7 in. by 4^ in. 1879. ^75 El Caballo, su historia, origen de ciertas razas, y nociones sobre los cruzamientos y mestizajes de estas, por el Senor D. Andres Parlade Y Sanchez de ZuirOS. Imprenta y Estereotipia de Ariban Y C. Madrid. 1879. 4to. 1 17 pp. 3 plates and vignette. M., 8 in. by 5| in. HORSEMANSHIP. 10'] 1880. (376) Horses and Riding. By George Neville, Esq., ^ — M.A. With numerous illustrations by the Author. Third Edition. London. 1880. 8vo. 311 pp. 31 illustrations. M., /i in. by 4^ in. Portrait of Glencoe — frontis. Contents : — Chap. I. — Buying or Choosing. Chap. II. — Shape. Chap. III.— Shape (continued). Chap. IV. — Choosing. Chap. V. — Price. Chap. VI.— Ability to carry weight. Chap. VII. — Temper. Chap. VIII. — Mouth. Chap. IX. — Riding on the Road. Chap. X. — Shoeing. Chap. XI. — Feeding. Chap. XII. — Bridling. Chap. XIII.— Saddling. Chap. XIV.— Value. Chap. XV.— Colour. Chap. XVI.— Different Breeds. Chap. XVII. — Riding Across Country. Chap. XVIII. — Leaping. Chap. XIX. — Hunters. Chap. XX.— Stables. Chap. XXI.— Stable Utensils, etc. Chap. XXII. — Common Unsoundness. Chap. XX 1 1 1.— Breeding. Chap. XXIV.— Breaking and Training. Chap. XXV. — Betting. m Sketches in the Hunting Field. By Alfred E- T. Watson, with illustrations by John Sturgess. London : Chapman and Hall. 1880. .Svo. 256 pp. Nineteen full page and other illustrations. Cloth. M., 8| in. by 5^ in. Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Bcaulort, K.G., etc. 2o8 horsi:manshif. 1881. 37^ Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners ; An every-day Horse Book. Illustrated. By M. Horace Hayes, late Captain "The Buffs": Author of " A Guide to training and Horse Management in India," " Riding: on the Flat and Across Country," etc. Second Edition, enlarged. London. iS8i. 8vo. 473 pp., with frontispiece (good fore-legs) and illustrations. M., ~^ in. by 4| in Contents: — Chap. I. — -Sprains. Chap. II. — Skin Diseases. Chap. III. — Diseases and Injuries of the Feet. Chap. IV. — Diseases of Bone. Chap. V. — Wounds and their Results. Chap. VI.— Hernise. Chap. VII. — Fractures. Chap. VIII. — Synovial Enlargements. Chap. IX. — Serous Abscesses. Chap. X. — Diseases of the Eye. Chap. XI. — Diseases of the Organs of Breathing. Chap. Xil. — Theory and Practice of Feeding Horses. Chap. XIII. — Disea.ses of the Stomach and Alimentary Canal. Chap XIV. — Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Chap. XV. — Constitutional Diseases. Chap. XVI. — Diseases of the Liver. Chap. XVII.— Nervous Diseases. Chap. XVIII. — Detection of Lameness. Chap. XIX.— Veterinary Medicines. Chap. XX. — Operations. Chap. XXI. — Age of the Horse as shown by his Teeth. 379 The Boke of Saint Albans. By Dame Juliana Berners, containing Treatises on Hawking, HORSEMANSHIP. 2O9 1881 — co7itinued. Hunting, and cote Armour: printed at Saint Albans by the Schoolmaster Printer in i486, reproduced in facsimile. With an introduction by William Blades, Author of "The Life and Typography of William Caxton." London. 1881. 4to. The introduction by Blades contains 32 pp. The remainder is unnumbered. M., i lA in. by 9 in. 380 Exterior de los principales animales domesticos, y mas particularmente del caballo, 6 sea estudio de sus formas externas, bellezas y defectos, buenas y malas cualidades con arreglo al servigio 6 genero de produccion d que se les dedique, por D. Santiago de la Villa y Martin, Catedrd- tico de Anatomia general y descriptiva, Nomen- clatura de las regiones externas y Edad de los animales domesticos en la Escuela especial de Veterinaria de Madrid. Madrid. 1881. 8vo. 400 pp. and index. 140 woodcuts in the text and vignette on title. M., 8 J in. by 5i in. 381 Tratado de la Cria Caballar Mular y Asnal y Nociones de Equitacion. Por Don Rafael Espejo y del Rosal, Professor Veterinario de Primera Clase y Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugfa. 27 2IO HORSEMANSHIP. 1881 — continued. Libreria de P. Calleja y Compama, Editores. Calle de Carretas, num. 33. Madrid. 1881. 8vo. 408 pp. 6 illustrations. M., 8^ in. by 5 A in. 1882. The Sportsman's Hand-book to Practical Collecting, Preserving, and Artistic Setting-up of Trophies and Specimens, to which is added a synoptical guide to the Hunting Grounds of the World. By Rowland Ward, F.Z.S. Second Edi- tion. London. 1882. 8vo. 119 pp., with numerous additional illustrations. M., 7i in. by 4f in. 1883. ^383 Dictionnaire Veterinaire Hygiene, M^decine, Chirurgie, ^ Pharmacie, Multiplication, Perfectionnement, Des Animaux Domestiques. Par L"*- Felizet, Veterinaire Deu.xieme Tirage. Introduction par J.- A. Barral. " L'ignorance des Charlatans et autres Empiriques tue plus de Bestiaux que le Typhus, le Charbon et toutes Maladies de plus graves."— HURTREL d'ARBOVAL. Paris. 1883. 8vo. 452 pp. M., 6§ in. by 4 in. HORSEMANSHIP. 2 I I 1883 — contimied. 384 The Horse and Dog, not as they are, but as they should be. Erroneous Theories relative to the management of the Horse, brought face to face with the Facts of the Nineteenth Century. By H. Sample. Together with an elaborate and scientific essay on Horse-shoeing ; also the Ordinary Diseases of Horses and Dogs and their Treatment, with many valuable recipes ; how to tell a Horse's Age up to 21 years, and a free explanation as to how Horses and Dogs are taught numerous tricks. [San Francisco. 1883.] 8vo. 280 pp. 105 illustrations, with a portrait of the Author. M., 8 in. by 5| in. This work was privately printed and presented by the Author to his pupils, to whom he imparted his system in London in 1885. One hundred pages are devoted to a prize essay on Shoeing, by G. Fleming. 1885. ('3^5^' A New Book of Sports : Reprinted from the Saturday ^ Review. Richard Bentley and Son, Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. London. 1885. 8vo. 380 pp. M., 7| in. by 5 in. 212 HORSEMANSHIP. 188 6 — continued. 386 Horse and Man : Their Mutual Dependence and Duties. By the Rev. J. G. Wood, Author of " Homes without Hands," " Bible Animals," etc. Longmans, Green, and Co. All rights reserved. London. 1855. 8vo. 358 pp., with frontispiece and 56 woodcuts. M., 9 in. by s| in. 1886. Z^l The Practical Horse-Keeper. By Geo, Fleming, LL. D., F.R.C.V'.S., Principal Veterinary Surgeon of the Army. London. Paris, New York, and Melbourne. 1886. 8vD. 264 pp. M., 8 in. by 5^ in. 1887. 388 Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, and the Sunny -South. By C. T. S. Birch Reynardson, Author of " Down the Road." London. 1887. Svo. 294 pp. 6 coloured illustrations. M., 8f in. by 5i in. " Dedicated to the Modern British Sportsman, to those who love, as I have loved in times long past and gone, sports of various kinds." HOKSEMANSIIir. 213 1887 — contintied. 389 Vice in the Horse, and other papers on Horses and —■' Riding. By Edward L. Anderson, Author ol " Modern Horsemanship," etc. Second Edi- tion, with additions. Edinburgh. 1887. Svo. 70 pp. Vignette on title, a phototype, and 2 pp. of illustrations. M., 8{r in. by sf in. Contents : — Vice in the Horse— On the Value of Books on Riding— What Schooling will do for a Horse — The Intelligence of the Horse — Shoeing the Saddle-horse — The Test of Horsemanship-How to buy a Horse — A Model Riding-School — The Changes in the Gallop. 390 Works on Horses and Equitation : A BibHographical Record of Hippology, by F. H. Huth. London. 1887. 4to. X. and 437 pp. M., 8f in. by 6| in. Dedicated to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cam- bridge. There are about 3,800 works collected, exclusivt of editions and translations, which are also mentioned. About a thousand of this number are in English ; among the rest are works in the Latin, Greek, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hun- garian, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Arabic, Persian, and Hindustani languages. An index of Authors' names, with the dates of their works, occupies 55 pp., followed by an inde.x of 66 pp. 214 HORSEMANSHIP. 1887 — contmued. to the various subjects included in the volume, namelj-: — Breeding ; Equitation and Stable Management ; Racing ; Horses' Foot, Shoes and Shoeing : Harness, Bits and Bitting ; Driving and Coachbuilding ; Uses after death ; Laws relating to Warrantry, Acts, etc. ; Miscellaneous ; Natural History, Anatomy, Physio- logy and External Form ; Ca\-alry ; Veterinarj- ; The Chase ; Age of Horse, Dentition and Dentistry ; Stable Architecture ; Artistic ; Mules and Asses ; Brands ; Pageantr)-, Chariots, etc. ; Bibliography. Printed by F. Curtis, Bath, and Published by Bernard Ouaritch, Londo ;. 391 Portraits of Celebrated Race-Horses of the past and present centuries in strictly chronological order, commencing in 1702 and ending in 1870, together with their respective Pedigrees and Performances recorded in full. By T. H. Taunton. 410. 420 plates. 4 vols. London. 1887 --88. M., lof in. by "jl in. 1888. 392 The Horse and his Rider, an Anecdotic IVIedley. By " Thormanby," Author of " Men of the Turf," etc. London. 1888. 8vo. 302 pp. M., 7j in. by 5 in. Chatto and Windus. HORSEMANSHIP. 215 1889. 393 Driving. By His Grace the Duke of Beau- fort, K.G., with contributions by other authori- ties. Illustrated by G. D. Giles and John Sturgess. London. 1889. 8vo. 426 pp. Frontispiece — portrait of the Duke of Beaufort ; 12 full-page illustrations, 53 woodcuts in the text, and vignette on title. M., 7-J in. by si in- Dedicated to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. e Illustrated Hor.se- Breaking. By Cap Hayes, late of "The Buffs," Aut By Capt. M. Horace ithor of " Riding : on the Flat and Across Country," " Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners," " Racing Reminis- cences in India," " Training and Horse Manage- ment in India," etc. London. 1889. 8vo. 290 pp., including index, 52 illustrations by J. H, Oswald Brown. M., /^ in. by 5§ in. Contents ; — Chap. I. — Theory of Horse Breaking. Chap. II. — Principles of Mouthing. Chap. III. — Horse Control. Chap. IV. — Rendering Horses Docile. Chap. V. — Giving Horses Good Mouths. Chap. VI.- Teaching Horses to Jump. Chap. VII. — Mounting Horses for the first time. Chap. VIII. — Breaking Horses for Ladies' Riding. Chap. IX. — Breaking Horses to Harness. Chap. X. — Faults of Mouth. 2l6 HORSEMANSHIP. 188 9 — continued. Chap. XI. — Nervousness and impatience of control. Chap. XII.— Jibbing in Saddle. Chap. XIII.— Jumping Faults. Chap. XIV. — Vices in Harness. Chap. XV. — Aggressiveness. Chap. XVI. — Riding and Driving the newly-broken Horse. Chap. XVII.- Stable Vices. Chap. XVIII. — Teaching the Horse Tricks. Chap. XIX. — Testing a horse's manners, mouth, and temper. Chap. XX. — An improvised gear. 1890. 395 Biblioth^que du Sport. Manuel de V^nerie franqaise, par Le Cte Le Couteulx De Canteleu, Lieutenant de louveterie. Pari.s. 1890. 8vo. 415 pp. M., 8 in. by 5| in. Contains 32 types of animals after E. Bodmer and O. De Pennc, and 54 vignettes, after E. Bodmer and Crafty. Pub. by Hachette, 79 Boulevard Saint Germain. Tauromaquia. Tauromaquia. 1804. Tauromaquia o Arte de Torear, a caballo y i, pie. Obra escrita por el celebre Profesor Josef Delgado {vtdgo) Hillo. Corregida y aumentada con una noticia historica sobre el origen de las fiestas de toros en Espana. Adornata con treinta laminas que representan las princi- pales suertes. Por un Aficionado. Madrid. 1804. 8vo. 103 pp. text and 30 well-engraved copper plates. M., 7 in. by 4I in. Bound by Riviere. Spanish goat. 1832. Tratado del Ganado Vacuno, en el cual se describen las cualidades del toro y de la vaca des- tinados por la propagacion : los cuidados que exige la vaca en su prenez y parto, las senales que indican estar enferma, el modo de ordiiiarla, y de conserva y aumentar la leche : los medios de acostumbrar al becerro d que se deje herrar y ponerse el yugo : del buey, sus proporciones, el 220 TAUROMAQUIA. 183 2 — continued. modo de conocer su edad, las cualidades del que se destina para el trabajo, etc. : modo de engordar el ganado vacuno para matarle, y per ultimo sus afecciones y enfermedades, y modo de curarlas. Madrid. 1832. 8vo. 140 pp. and index. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. Sheep. 1836. 3 Tauromaquia Completa, 6 sea El Arte de Torear en Plaza, tanto a pit^ como a caballo : Escrita por el c^lebre lidiador FrancisCO Montes y dis- puesta y corregida escrupulosamente por el editor. Va acompanada de un discurso historico apologe- tico sobre las fiestas de toros, y de una tercera parte en que se proponen las majoras que deberia sufrir este espectaculo. Madrid. 1836. 8vo. 283 pp. M., 6 in. by 4 in. 1843. 4 Filosofia de los Toros. Por Abenamar. Madrid. 1842. 8vo. M., 7| in. by 4J in. 288 pp. and index. A frontispiece portrait of D. Santos Lopez Pelegrin. TAUKOMAQUIA. 22 1 1852. 5 Tauromachia, or the Bull Fights of Spain. By Lake Price, with explanations by Richard Ford. 1852. Royal folio. 26 lithographic plates, coloured. 6 Carlos Puerto. Biografia de este celebre lidiador, escrita por varies de sus amigos. Acompaiiada de su retrato y una lamina que representa el acto de la cojida. Cadiz. 1852. 8vo. ^,2 pp. M., 6 in. by 4 in. Sheep. 1856. 7 Los Toros Espanoles, y tauromaquia completa. Por Don Juan Corrales Mateos, El Bachiller Tauromaquia. Madrid. 1856. 8vo. 205 pp. 6 plates of portraits, viz. : — Francisco Arjona Guillen (Cuchares) ; Julian Casas (El Sala- manquino) ; Cayetano Sanz ; Manuel Dominguez ; Antonio Sanchez (EI Tato) ; and the Author, D. Juan Corrales Mateos. Dedication : — A SS. AA. RR. Los Serenisimos Senores Duques de Montpensier. 1864. 8 Reglamento para las Conidas de Toros, en todas las plazas del reino ; Presentado para su aprobacion al Exmo. Seiior iMinistro de la Gobernacion del Reino en 26 de Abril de 1864. Escrito por el 1864. Vignette on title. 22 2 TAUROMAQUIA. 18 64 — continued. aficionado J. S. C. Madrid. 8vo. 16 pp. M., 6 in. by 4I in. Half bound by Riviere. 1872. Apunte.s Biograficos de los die.stros que mas se han distinguido en El Arte de Torear, recopilados y corregidos por el aficionado J. S. C. [J. Santa Coloma.] Madrid. 1872. 8vo. 346 pp. M., 5-; in. by 4^ in. Contains following biographies : — the Francisco Romero. Joachin Rodriguez (Costil- lares). Pedro Romero. Jose Delgado (Hillo). Jeronima Jose (Cdndido). Francisco Herrera (Guillen). Antonio Ruiz (El Sombrero). Juan Jeminez (El Morenillo). Juan Leon. Roque Miranda (Rigores). Francisco Montez (Paquiro). Isidoro Santos (Barragan). Francisco Arjona Guillen (Cuchares). Jose Redondo (El Chicla- nero). Manuel Diaz (Labi). D. Rafael Perez de Guzman. Juan Lucas Blanco. Julian Casas (El Salaman- quino). Cayetano Sanz. Jose Antonio Calderon (Capita). Manuel Dominguez. Jose Rodriguez — (Pepete). Antonio Sanchez (El Tato). Angel Lopez Regatero. (lonzalo i\Iora. Antonio Carmona (El Gordito). Manuel Carmona. Antonio Jose Suarez. Rafael Molina (Lagartijo). Manuel Fuentes (Bocanegra). Jose Ponce. Francisco Arjona Reyes. Salvador Sanchez (Frascuelo). Jose Lara (Chicorro). Jacinto y Jose Machio. Pedro Ayxila (Peroy). Jose Sanchez del Campo (Cara ancha). Manuel Hermosilla. Bound by Riviere. Spanish goat. TAUKOMAQUIA. 223 1873. 10 Las Corridas de Toros, su origen, sus progresos, y sus vicisitudes. Por D. F. S. Dea. JNIadrid. 1873. 8vo. 285 pp. 1 1 w oodcuts. Bound by Riviere in Spanish goat. 1875. 11 Aventuras de un Torero Novela Festiva, por D. Vicente Suarez Casan. .Segunda edicion. Valencia. [1875 H 8vo. no pp. and index. Biblioteca de Las Astas Del Tore. 1876. 12 Francisco Monies. Arte de Torear d pi^ y d caballo. Refundido y aumentado por el aficion- ado PilatOS. Comprende tambien la biografia completa del celebre espada, voces tecnicas del arte, y las plazas de toros que existen en Espana, con el niimero de localidades que cada una tiene. Madrid. 1876. 8vo. 252 pp. M., 7 in. by 4i in. Bound by Riviere in Spanish goat. 1878. 13 Fiesta.s Reales de Toros. Cronica tauromaquica de las corridas verificadas en la Plaza de Madrid los dias 25, 26 y 28 de Enero del presente aiio, en 224 TAUKOMAQUIA. 187 8 — contimied. celebridad del casamiento de S. M. El Rey D. Alfonso XII. con S. A. R. La Serenisima Infanta Dona Mercedes de Orleans y Borbon, por Jose Santa Coloma. Madrid. 1878. 8vo. 117 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4] in. Portraits of King Alfonso XII. and Queen Mercedes. Dedication — Al Don Luis de Toledo Artacho. 14 Corridas de Toros. Revistas de las verificadas en la Plaza de Madrid, durante el ano 1878. Publi- cadas en El Imparcial por D. ExitO. Madrid. 1878. 8vo. 2^}4 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4I in. Half bound by Riviere. 1879. 15 Las Glorias del Toreo, por D. Manuel Fernan- dez y Gonsalez. Cuadros biograficos, lances y desgracias de los diestros mds celebres, desde Francisco Romero hasta nuestros modernos lidia- dores, con cuantas noticias han podido adqiiirirse acerca de los ilustres campeones del redondel. Articulos sobre costumbres de los pueblos aficion- ados a esta clase de espectdculos. Madrid. 1879. 8vo. 586 pp. M., 7i in. by 4I in. TAUUOMAQUIA. 225 187 9 — continued. Illustrations : — Corrido en la Plaza antigua de Madrid (frontis.) ; Pedro Romero recibiendo un toro ; Gran quite de Pedro Romero ; Tio Castueras ese toro lo enchiquera V para mi ; Goya ; Ahi va la gracia de Dios ! ; La Tirana ; Juan Gimenez fEl Morenillo) ; Francisco Montes (Paquiro) ; Francisco Arjona Guillen (Cuchares); Francisco Sevilla ; Jose Redondo (El Chiclanero) ; Cojida de Pepete. Calf, by Riviere. 1880. 16 Reglamento para las Corridas de Toros. Obligaciones de los presidentes y las de todos los que tomen parte en el espectaculo. Suertes de Torear a caballo levantado y sin perder tierra. Forma de acosar y derrlbar desde El Caballo. Por el aficionado PilatOS. Tercera edicion aumentada y corregida. Madrid. 1880. 8vo. 56 pp. M., 6^ in. by 4| in. Half bound by Riviere. 17 Efemerides Taurinas, recopilacion por meses y dias de los acontecimientos mds notables ocurridos desde que se conoce la lidia de las reses hasta nuestros dias ; Seguidas de una lista de los toreros de a pie y d caballo que ban toreado en Madrid desde 1786 29 226 TAUROMAQUIA. 188 — conlmued. hasta nuestros dias. Por LeopoldO Vazquez y Rodriguez. Madrid. i88o. 8vo. 93 pp. M., 6\ in. by 4^ in. Dedication : — Al excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Maria Santa Ana. i8 Cr6nica de los Festejcs Reales, celebrados con motive del regio enlace de S. M. El Rey Don Alfonso XII., con S. A. R. E. 1. La Archiduquesa de Austria Dona Maria Cri.stina, en 29 de Noviembre de 1879, por LeopoldO Vazquez y Rod- riguez. Madrid. 1880. 8vo. 1 10 pp. M., 6i in. by 4I in. 1883. 19 Manual de Tauromaquia. Compendio de lo escrita hasta el dia acerca de la materia, aumentado con variedad de datos in(5ditos, por J. Sanchez Lozano, cronista taurino de El Espanol bajo el pseud6nimo de Pasanau. Segunda edicion, corregida y aumentada. Francisco Alvarez y Ca, Editores Tetuan 24. Sevilla. 1882. 8vo. 326 pp. and Index. M., 7^ in. by \\ in. Dedica- tion : — Al Sr. D. Lui.s Montoto. Attack and Defence. Attack and Defence. 1670. Ragtone di Adoprar sievramente I'arme si da offesa, come da difesa ; con un Trattado dell' inganno, & con un modo di essercitarsi da se stesso, per acquistare forza, giudicio, & prestazza, Di Gia- COmo Di Grassi. Con Pnvilegio. Appresso Giordano Ziletti & Compagni. In Venetia. 1570. 4to. 151 pp. M., 8| in. by 6 in. Portrait of Grassi and 21 copper plates in the text. 1698. t Thirty-six copper plates of Armed Men, by PauluS Mayr, Inuentor, and engraved by Heinrich Vllrich. In Normbergae. 1598. 4to. M., 6 in. by 5 in. The plates themselves only measure 3 in. by 2| in. Bound in early printed German vellum. Under each figure is a sentence in Latin. On the cover is a monogram written with a pen of the letters H. V., possibly the engraver's own copy. 232 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1606. 3 De lo Schermo overo Scienza d'Arme di Salvator Fabris, capo dell' ordine dei sette cori. Copen- hauen. Henrico Waltkirch. 1606. The above title is beautifully engraved with Cupids, garlands, winged female figures, masks, and various kinds of arms, by I. halbeeck. The second engraved plate on the reverse of the above represents a coat of arms, shield supported by two wild men armed with clubs on pedestals, and ornamented with palm leaves, oak branches, and garlands of fruit. Signed by the same artist. The third engraved plate consists of a large medallion portrait of " Christianvs IIII., D.G. Daniae Norvegiae Vandalorvm Gothorvmqvse Rex," to whom the work is dedicated, with allegorical figures personating Justice, Peace, War, and Music, with accompanying emblems. The first book contains 144 pp. and 108 numbered copper plates of swordsmanship, each containing two nude figures, in addition to one unnumbered plate of a single figure at the beginning. There are also woodcut initials, capitals, and finals. The second book has on title-page large medallion copper-plate portrait of the Author, " Salvator Fabris Svpremvs Eqves Ordinis Septem Cordivm .^tatis Svae LXI." The portrait is dated 1605, and signed F N. A., and is surrounded by a woodcut border. Over the portrait is the title, " Libro segondo. Dove si ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 233 160 6 — continued. dismostra alcune regole, con lequali si potra andare a ferire il nimico svbito posto mane, alia spada senza formarsi ne aspettare altro tempo ; raggioni non piu trattate da niun professore, ne scrittore." The pagination is continuous, and numbers altogether 236 pp. and 2 pp. of index, in addition to the four engraved titles and the dedication. The second part contains 82 plates of a similar character to those in the first book. It has one fly leaf at the beginning and another at the end. On the former is written in an old hand, " Libro difficilissimo a trovarse, rarissimo. Bell' ejemplare, legate in pecora. Prima edigione. Folio." Vellum. 1660. II Vero Maneggio di Spada d' Alessandro Senese, gentil'hvomo Bolognese. Dedicate Al Sereniss. Prencipe Ferdinando Carlo, Archidvca d'Avstria, Duca di Borgogna, Stiria, Carintia, &c. Land- grauio d'Alsatia, &c. Per THerede di Vittorio Benacci. In Bologna. 1660. Folio. Engraved title, i p. Astrology addressing Geo- metry, who is pointing to thf; Austrian eagle in the air, letterpress title, i p. Dedication to the Archduke in Latin, 2 pp. The same to the same in Italian, 2 34 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1660 — continued. 2 pp. An Ode in Latin to the same, 2 pp. An Epigram in Latin to the same, 2 pp. A Distich in Latin to the same, i p. Cortesissimo Lettore, 3 pp. And 70 pp. of text and 14 copper plates ; an addi- tional unnumbered page, addressed Al Lettore ; and a fly leaf at the beginning and end, making altogether 60 leaves, which arc uncut. M. of paper, I2i in. by 8| in. Woodcut capitals and finals. 1672. Hieronymi Mercvrialis Foroliviensis de Arte Gymnastica. Libri Sex : Inquibus exercitationum omnium vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercita- tiones pertinet diligenter explicatur. Editio novissima, aucta, emendata, et figuris authen- ticis Christophori Coriolani exornata. Sumptibus Andreae Frisii, Amstelodami, 1672. 4to. 321 pp. 34 plates. M. of paper, g\ in. by jh in. Dedication : — Nobilissimo, Generosissimoque viro Do- mino Petro a Sprekelsen, Hsereditario in Dronenborg, & Sternholm. 1690. L' Academic de I'admirable Art de la Lutte. Montrant d'une maniere tr^s exacte non seulement la force ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 235 169 — continued. extraordinaire de rHomme, mais aussi les mouve- mens merveilleux, I'usage singulier, & les sou- plesses des principales parties ou membres du corps humain. Avec une instruction claire & familiaire, comment on peut en toutes les occa- sions repousser sArement & adroitement toutes sortes d'Insultes & d'Attaques. Representee en soixante & onze tailles douces, qui sont tres belles, & qui ont ete dessinees par le Celebre & Fameux Mr Romein De HoOgue. Ouvrage non seulement des plus agr^ables & des plus neces- saires pour toute sorte de Personnes, mais aussi tr^s utile pour bien connoitre les mouvemens & les souplesses du corps humain. On trouvera a la fin de I'ouvrage des Tables, qui expliquent clairement & distinctement toutes les tailles douces. Chez Isaac Severinus. A Leide. [1690 circa.] 1710. The Compleat Fencing-Master, in which is fully des- cribed all the Guards, Parades, and Lessons, belonging to the Small-Sword ; as also the best Rules for playing against Artists or others with Blunts or Sharps. Together with Directions how 236 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1710 — continued. to behave in Single Combat on Horseback ; illus- trated with Figures engraven on Copper plates representing the most necessary Postures. The third edition. By Sir W. Hope, Kt. and Lieutenant-Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh. Printed and to be sold by W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-noster-Row. London. 17 10. 8vo. 197 pp. and 17 unnumbered pp. of Contents. 12 extraordinarily badly-executed plates. 1727. 8 Histoire de Polybe, nouvellenient traduite du Grec. Par Dom Vincent Thuillier, B(5nedictin de la Congregation de Saint Maur. Avec un Com- mentaire ou un corps de Science Militaire, enrichi de notes critiques et historiques, ou toutes les grandes parties de la guerre, soit pour I'Offensive, soit pour la Defensive, sont expliquees, demon- str(^es, & representees en Figures. Ouvrage tres-utile non seulement aux Officiers Gen^raux, mais meme a tous deux qui suivent le parti des armes. Par M. De Folard, Chevalier de rOrdre Militaire de Saint Louis, Mestre de Camp d'Infanterie. Paris. 1727. 4to. 6 thick Vols. Many plates. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 237 1763. 9 L'Ecole des Armes avec I'explication generale des Principales Attitudes et Positions concernant L'Escrime. Dedi6e a Leurs Altesses Royales Les Princes Guillaume, Henry & Henry-Frede- ric. Par M. AngelO. Chez R. and J. Dodsley, Pall Mall, a Londres. 1763. Oblong 4to. Contains 119 leaves, lettered instead of numbered, including title, dedication, table, and one blank leaf at end, and 47 plates. M. of paper, rather over io| in. by I7f in. Two figures in each plate, with the exception of seven, which have single figures. The figures are about 7^ in. high. The plates are designed by J. Gwyn (spelt sometimes Gwin), and are engraved by J. Gwyn, Hall, Elliot, Chamber, Grignion, and Ryland. 1771. 10 Fencing Familiarized, or a New Treatise on the .\rt of Sword Play. Illustrated by elegant engrav- ings, representing rdl the different attitudes on which the principles and grace of the Art depend; painted from life and executed in a most elegant and masterly manner. By Mr. Olivier, edu- cated at the Royal Academy of Paris and Professor of Fencing in .St. Dunstan's Court, Fleet Street. 3« 438 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1771 — continued. " Sine regula, sine delectatione." Printed for John Bell, near Exeter Change in the Strand, and C. Etherington at York. London. 1771. L'Art des Armes Simplifie, ou Nouveau Traitfe sur la maniere de se servir de I'Ep^e : enrichi de figures en taille douce representant toutes les differentes Attitudes d'ou dependent les Principes et la grace de ces art : peints d'apres Nature. Execut^es superieurement et de la maniere le plus elegante. Par Mr. Olivier, Eleve de I'Academie Royal de Paris, et Maitre en fait d'Armes in St. Dun- stan's Court, Fleet Street. " Sine regula, sine delectatione." Chez Jean Bell, a Londres, Libraire pres d'Exeter change dans le Strand et C. Etherington a York. [I77I-J 8vo. 196 pp. M., 8 in. by 4| in. Frontis. by Ovenden and 8 folding plate.s. 1780. n The Complete Urill Serjeant, containing the plainest instructions for the Drill, Manual and Platoon Exercise, according to the latest regulations. To which are added, several positions in general use ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 23^ 1780 — continued. in the Army, though not strictly in the manual, nor fully treated of in any other recent publica- tion. Exemplified with prints and an explanation annexed, shewing at one view the different posi- tions of a soldier under arms, with precise directions for performing each motion. By a late Lieutenant in his Majesty's Marine Forces. [1780.] 8vo. 34 pp. 22 plates. M., 8^ in. by 5 in. 1784. 12 The Army and Navy Gentleman's Companion; or a new and complete treatise on the Theory and Practice of Fencing. Displaying the intricacies of Small-Sword Play ; and reducing the art to the most easy and familiar principles by regular pro- gressive lessons. Illustrated by mathematical figures and adorned with elegant engravings after paintings from life, executed in the most masterly manner, representing every material attitude of the Art. A new edition, revised, with a glossary and improvements. By J. McArthur, of the Royal Navy. " Content if hence th' Unlearn'd their wants may view, The Learn'd reflect on what before they knew." — Pope's Essay on Crii. 240 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. VllQ^—coniinued. J. Murray, 32 Fleet Street. London. 1784. 4to. M., io| in. by 8 in. Second edition. Dedicated to His Grace, Jolin, Duke of Argyll. Frontispiece ; List of Subscribers' Names ; Dedication ; Advertise- ment to the second edition. Preface — Introduction — Table of Contents — List of the Plates— 27 pp. and 162 pp. text, divided into 3 parts. 19 folding copper plates, engraved by J. Newton, after designs of the Author from life. A Glossary of the Technical Terms and an Interrogatory Recapitu- lation for grounding the Learner scientifically in the principles. 1788. 13 Modern Manhood ; or the Art and Practice of English Boxing, including the history of the Science of Natural Defence, and Memoirs of the most cele- brated Practitioners of that manly exercise. " Jam messis in ore tibi erit mergis pugneis." — PLAUT. [By H. Lemoine.] London. 1788. 8vo. 88 pp. M., 8^ in. by 5 in. Folding frontispiece— "The Gymnastic Contest." Dedicated to H.R.H Frederick, Duke of York. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 24 1 1790. 14 Anti- Pugilism ; or the Science of Defence exemplified in short and easy lessons for the practice of the Broad Sword and Single Stick. Illustrated with copperplates. By a Highland officer. Whereby Gentlemen may become proficients in the use of those weapons without the help of a master, and be able to cha.stise the Insolence and Temerity so frequently met with, from those fashionable gen- tlemen, the Johnsonians, Big Bennians, and Mendozians of the present day : a work, perhaps, better calculated to extirpate this reigning and Brutal Folly, than a whole volume of Sermons. Printed for J. Aitken. London. 1790. 8vo. 48 pp. Frontispiece and 3 plates by Cruikshank. M., 8g in. by 5 in. 1796. 15 By His Majesty's Command. Adjutant-General's Office, ist December, 1796. Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. War Office. Printed and sold by T. Egerton. Military Library, Whitehall. 1796. 8vo. 90 pp. M., 9 in. by 5f in. 29 folding plates. 242 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1798. 16 The Art of Defence on Foot with the Broad Sword and Sabre, uniting the Scotch and Austrian Methods into one regular system. To which are added Remarks on the Spadroon. By C. Row^orth, of the Royal Westminster Volun- teers. The second edition. Printed for T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall. 1798. 8vo. 108 pp. M., 9| in. by 5f in. Divided into Two Parts. The First containing a mode of Practice with the Target ; the Second treats of the Practice with an Antagonist. Plates : — 2 targets and 4 folding plates by Bawtree, namely — Inside Guard, Outside Guard, St. George's Guard, and Spadroon Guard. Half-bound by C. Chivers. 17 Hungarian and Highland Broad Sword. Twenty-four Plates designed and etched by T. Rowland- SOn, under the direction of Messrs. H. Angelo and Son, Fencing-Masters to the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. London. 1798—9. Oblong folio. Printed by C. Roworth, Bell Yard, Fleet Street. For T. Egerton, at the Military Library, Whitehall. Dedicated to Colonel Herries. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 243 1806. i8 Twenty-six Years' Practice and Observations with Rifle Guns. By Ezekiel Baker, Gun-Maker, and Rifle Gun-Maker to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, No. 24, Whitechapel Road, opposite the Church, London (from Little Alie Street). The Third Edition. London. Sold by E. Baker, 24, Whitechapel Road, and T. Egerton. at the Military Library, Whitehall. 1806. 8vo. 24 pp. 6 coloured plates, including frontispiece, and Prince of Wales's plume. M., 8f in. by 5^ in. Dedicated to His Royal Highness the Prince. 1809. ig The Amateur of Fencing, or a treati.se on the Art of Sword-Defence, theoretically and experimentally explained upon new principles ; designed chiefly for persons who have only acquired a superficial knowledge of the subject. By Joseph Roland, Fencing Master of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. " I'll be your Foil, Laertes ; in mine Ignorance your skill shall like a star i' th' night appear." — SHAKSPEARE. Printed for the Author, W. Wilson, St. Peter's Hill, Doctor's Commons, and sold at Egerton's Military Library, Whitehall, and at the Author's, Greenwich. 1809. 8vo. M., 8i in. by 5^ in. 228 pp., besides Dedication, Preface, Introduction, Table of Contents, 32 extra pp. 344 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1822. *o The Modern Art of Fencing agreeably to the practice of the most eminent Masters in Europe. By Le Sieur Guzman Rolando, of the Academic des Armes, carefully revised and augmented with a technical glossary, etc. By J. S. Forsyth. Embellished with numerous plates. " Fencing has so many advantages in regard to health and personal appearance, that every gentleman of respectability ought to have so striking a mark of distinction."— Z<'£-/^^ on Education. Samuel Leigh, i8 Strand. London, 1822. i6mo. 234 pp. M., 5f in. by 3I in. 23 coloured engravings. Original binding, with vignette on side. 1824. *i The British Code of Duel : A Reference to the Laws of Honour and the Character of Gentleman. " Honesta mors turpi vita potior." — TACITUS. " Ex abusu, non arguiter ad usum."^AX. LEG. An .-\ppendix, in which is strictly examined the case between the Tenth Hussars and Mr. Battier ; Captn. Calla'n, Mr. Finch, etc., noted. Knight and Lacey, Paternoster Row. London. 1824. 8vo. Code, 85 pp. ; App., 45 pp. M., 7^ in. by 4^ in. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 245 1825. 22 An Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, intended to develope and improve the physical powers of man ; with the report made to the medical faculty of Paris on the subject ; and a new and complete treatise on the Art of Swimming. By Captain P. H. Clias, Superintendent of Gymnastics in the Royal Military College, Sand- hurst ; the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea ; Royal Naval Asylum, Greenwich ; and in the Public School of the Charter House. Fourth Edition. Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Pater- noster Row; and J. Hearne, 8i Strand. London. 1825. 8vo. 184 pp. 71 engravings. M., 9^ in. by 5i in. Dedicated to H.R.H. Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, Commander-in-Chief. 1829. 23 A Treatise on Deportment, Fencing, etc., including the Science of Horsemanship ; being a Complete Manual of Instruction for the use of young persons, in the acquirement of those accomplish- ments ; as well as a self-monitor in the Exercises and Duties of a Cavalry Soldier, for the use of 32 246 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 182 9 — continued. gentlemen who are members of Yeomanry Corps : comprising likewise instructions for the lance and carbine exercises ; also, the Description of a Military Game resembling the Game of Chess ; calculated to initiate young gentlemen who are designed for the Army in the Science and Tactics or Military Manoeuvres. With copper-plate engravings illustrative of the various subjects des- cribed in the work. By Samuel Gribble, Regimental Serjeant- Major of the Corps of Sher- wood Rangers. Derby. 1829. 8vo. 147 pp. M., 8| in. by ^\ in. 3 plates. Dedicated to Lieut.-Colonel Wildman, of Newstead Abbey, on the half-pay of His Majesty's Ninth Lancers and Commandant of the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry Cavalry. 1830. 24 Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of Llewelyn Meyrick, Esq., LL.B. and F.S.A., at Goodrich Court, Hereford^ shire ; after the drawings, and with the descrip- tions of Dr. Meyrick by Joseph Skelton, F.S.A., Author of the Antiquities of Oxfordshire, etc. " Hoec olim meminisse juvabit." — VIRGIL. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 247 1830 — continued. Printed by G. Schulze. 13 Poland St., for J. Skelton, Magdalen Bridge. Oxford. London. 1830. Folio. 2 Vols. M., i4f in. by 10^ in. Vol. I. contains Preface, xxiv. pp., and J}, plates, with descriptions and vignette. Vol. II. contains frontis, vignette, and j] plates. 1834. 25 A Small Collection of Engravings, bound up, compris- ing bo.xing, wrestling, etc. ; including also an old handbill, vi^orded as follows : — " Royal Xennis- Court, Great Windmill Street, Haymarket. Under the Patronage of a Star of the Prize Ring. The Veteran, Dan. Mendoza, most respectfully informs his friends and the Sporting World in general that his benefit is fixed for Tuesday, 2nd Sep., 1828, when the whole strength of the Fancy will be exerted on the above occasion, as the undermen- tioned Pugilists have voluntarily offered their services to assist the Father of the Prize Ring : — Thomas Spring, Jim Ward, Thomas Cannon, Harry Holt, Joshua Hudson, Alic Reid, Thomas Oliver, Young Dutch Sam, Barney Aarons, Peter Crawley, Ned O'Neal, Jem Burn, Thomas 248 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1834 — continued. Belcher, Abraham Belasco, Thomas Gaynor, Jack Carter, Ned Stockman, etc. etc. A prime day's Play may be expected, as every exertion will be used by all the above Pugilists upon this laud- able occasion. Tickets, 3s. each, to be had at all the Sporting-Houses. To commence at Two o'clock." Another handbill as follows: — "For the benefit of Daniel Mendoza (Father of the Prize Ring), at Peter Crawley s, Queen's Head and F"rench Horn, Duke St., West Smithfield, on Monday evening, July 2ist, 1834. D. Mendoza presents his dutiful respects to the Public, and humbly hopes that this appeal to their humanity, to which distress compels him, at his advanced age, will be favourably received, and that his past Services will not be forgotten. ' Now I am drawing near my latter end, In Truth I vouch I ne'er deceived a Friend ; And through a lengthened life, 'midst milling prattle, I always did my best, and never sold a battle.' Several Amateurs and Professed Pugilists will attend and give their assistance. To commence at Eight o'clock. Tickets, one shilling each. To be had of Daniel Mendoza, 32 Petticoat Square, Middlesex St., Aldgate, and at the Bar of the above House." ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 249 1834 — continued. 26 Angelo'S Pic-Nic, or Table Talk, including numerous recollections of public characters, who have figured in some part or another of the Stage of Life for the last fifty years ; forming an endless variety of talent, amusement, and interest calcu- lated to please every person iond of biographical sketches and anecdotes. Written by himself. In addition to which are several original literary contributions, from the following distinguished Authors: — Colman, Theodore Hook, Bulwer, Horace Smith, Mrs. Radcliffe, Miss Jane Porter, Mrs. Hall, Kenny, Peake, Boaden, Hermit in London, etc. Printed for John Ebers, 27 Old Bond Street. London. 1834. 8vo. 400 pp. M., g\ in. by 5i in. A vignette on title-page by George Cruikshank of a Fencer, under which is written " Othello's occupation's gone ! " 1835. 27 Helps and Hints how to Protect Life and Property. With Instructions in Rifle and Pistol Shooting, etc. By Lieut.-Col. Baron De Berenger. Pubd. for the Proprietor by T. Hurst, 65 St. Paul's Churchyard. London. 1835. 8vo. 286 pp. M., 8f in. by 5| in. 29 illustrations by Bonner and others, after designs by G. and R. Cruik- shank, Aiken, Haghe, Fussell, and De Berenger. 250 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1869. 28 Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages ; also a Descriptive notice of Modern Weapons. Translated from the French of M. P. Lacombe, and with a Preface, Notes, and one additional chapter on Arms and Armour in England. By Charles Boutell, M.A., Author of English Heraldry, etc. Cassell. London. 1869. 8vo. 296 pp. M., S ill. by 5| in. The 72 very fine wood engravings by M. H. Catenacci also illustrate the French volume. The French edition contains neither Preface, Introduction, Notes, nor Index. 1874. 29 The Art of Swimming, by Captain Webb, the Channel Swimmer. Edited by A. G. Payne. Ward, Lock, and Tyler. London. [1874.] 8vo. Ill pp. M., 6| in. by 4-^ in. Contents : — Portrait of Capt. Webb (frontis.). My Life. Chap. I. — Breast stroke (illustration). Chap. II. — Side Stroke (illustration). Chap. III. — Overhand Stroke (illustration). Chap. IV. — Treading Water. Chap. V. — Diving. Chap. VI. — Swimming through the Surf Chap. VII. — Recent remarkable Swimming Feats : — J. B. Johnson swimming the Straits ; Beck- with V. Morris ; Parker's Entertainment ; Webb's unsuccessful attempt ; Webb's successful attempt. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 25 1 1875. 30 British Battles, on Land and Sea. By JameS Grant. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. London, Paris, and New York. [1875.] 4to. 3 Vols. M., lof in. by 7f in. Vol. I., 576 pp. and 206 illustrations. Vol. II., 576 pp. and 194 illustra- tions. Vol. III., 579 pp. and 180 illustrations. or Self- Defence, or the Art of Bo.xing, with illustrations showing the various blows, stops, and guards. By Ned Donelly, Professor of Bo.xing to the London Athletic Club, &c. Edited by J. M. Waite, Professor of Fencing, late 2nd Life Guards. Weldon & Co., 9 Southampton St., Strand. London. 1879. 8vo. 126 pp. M., 7| in. by 4I in. n illustrations. 1881. 32 L'Epee et les Femmes. Par Ed. De Beaumont. Libraire des Bibliophiles, Rue Sainte-Honor6. Paris. 1 88 1. 5 engravings by Meissonier, viz. :— Frontispiece (Trom- pette a Cheval) ; Chevalier ; Galant ; Cavalier ; Liber- tin ; and 72 designs in the text chiefly as capitals, initials, and finals. The work consists of 12 chapters, divided into 3 parts, 276 pp., of which 70 pp. are notes. 500 copies issued, besides 50 on papier de Hollande, with double proofs of the engravings, and 25 on papier Whatman, with triple proofs. 252 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1882. 33 La Bibliographie de L'Escrime Ancienne et Moderne. Par Vigeant, Maitre d'Armes a Paris. " En Dieu mon Esperance Et mon espee pour ma defense." — DANIEL L'ANGE. Imprim^ par Motteroz rue du Four. Paris. 1882. 8vo. 172 pp. M., 8 in. by 5| in. 10 vignettes. 420 exemplaires sur velin (Nos. 61 a 480). No. 170. Bound by C. Chivers, enclosing the original vellum covers. 1883. 34 Histoire de I'Escrime dans tous les temps et dans tous les pays. Par Emile Merignac. I. — Antiquite. " Pour moi, je considere toute arme qui reste fixee dans la main comme appartenant a I'escrime. II est impossible, en effet, qu'en tenant cette arme, on n'ait pas I'idde en meme temps de chercher a s'en servir plus adroitement que son adversaire." — A. GRISIER. Imprimeries Reunies, C. Paris. 1883. 8vo. 433 pp. M., 10} in. by 6f in. Portrait of the Author and frontispiece by M. de Malval. 20 designs in and 10 out of the text by A. Dupuy. 650 copies printed — i.e., 50 on papier du Japon, 500 on papier velin, and lOO not for sale. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 253 1883 — cojiiinued. 35 Petit essai historique. Un Maitre d'Armes sous La Restauration. Par Yigeant, Maitre d'Armes a Paris. Imprim^r par Motteroz. Paris. 1883. 4to. 194 pp. M., ■j\ in. by 5i in. Proof Portrait of Jean-Louis before and after letters. 10 vignettes. 10 exemplaires sur Japon imperial avec double epreuve du portrait (Nos. 2 — 11), No. 3. Bound by C. Chivers, enclosing original covers. 36 Quarter-Staff: A Practical Manual. By Thomas McCarthy, Author of "Calisthenic Drilling," etc., sixteen years an Instructor, late Sergeant- Instructor 7th R.F. and 65th Regiments. W. Swan Sonnenschein and Co., Paternoster Row. London. 1883. i2mo. 23 figures of positions, frontis. — portrait of T. Crier. 1884. 37 Duels de Maltres d'Armes, par Yigeant, Maitre d'Armes a Paris. Imprime par Motteroz. Paris. 1884. 4to. 106 pp. M., 6i in. by 5^ in. Proof portraits of Bertrand in his 75th year, before and after letters, and 6 vignettes. 10 exemplaires sur Whatman avec double epreuve du portrait (Nos. 12 — 21), No. 20. Bound by C. Chivers, with original cover enclosed. 33 254 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1884 — contimied. 38 Baron de Vaux, Les Duels Ct^l^bres. Preface par Aurelien Scholl. Rouveyre et G. Blond. Paris. 1884. 8vo. 180 pp. M., 9I in. by 5| in. 16 plates and 8 small emblematical engravings. 650 copies printed. No. 477. Bound by Cedric Chivers. Half blue morocco, tooled. 39 The Book of the Sword. By Richard F. Burton, Maitre d'Armes (Brevet^). Chatto and Windus. London. 1884. " He that hath no sword (knife=/"'X«'pa), let him sell his garment and buy one." — St. Luke xxii. 36. Solo la spada vuol magnificarsi (Nothing is high and aw- ful save the sword). — Lod. delta Vernaccia fA.D. 1200). " But above all, it is most conducive to the greatness of empire for a nation to profess the skill of arms as its principal glory and more honourable employ." — Bacons '^Advancement of Learning!' " The voice of every people is the sword that guards them, or the sword that beats them Aowvs!' —Tenny- son s " Harold" Dedicated to the memory of Alfred Bate Richards. 4to. 299 pp. M., 1 1 in. b}' 'j\ in. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 255 1884 — conthmed. Contents : — Foreword ; Introduction ; List of Authori- ties ; Preamble on the origin of Weapons ; Man's first weapons — the stone and the stick ; Tiie earhest ages of weapons ; The ages of wood, of bone, and of horn ; The weapons of the age of wood ; The boome- rang and the sword of wood, of stone, and of wood and stone combined ; The proto-chalcitic age of alloys — bronze, brass, etc. ; The axe and the sword ; The proto-sideric or early iron age of weapons ; The Sword: what is it? The Sword in Ancient Egypt and in Modern Africa ; The Sword in Khitaland, Pales- tine, and Canaan ; Phoenicia and Carthage ; Jewry, Cyprus, Troy, and Etruria ; The Sword in Babylonia, Assyria and Persia, and Ancient India; The Sword in Ancient Greece ; Homer ; Hesiod and Herodotus ; Mycena: ; The Sword in Ancient Rome ; The Legion and the Gladiator ; The Sword amongst the Barba- rians (Early Roman Empire) ; Conclusion ; Index. The authorities number 253, and there are 293 illustra- tions in the text. 1885. 40 xldolphe Tavernier, L'Art du Duel. Preface par Aurelien Scholl. C. Marpon et E. Flamma- rion. Paris. 1885. 8vo. 237 pp. M., io|- in. by 6\ in. 28 full-page engravings and about 40 small engravings in the text, partly consisting of initial letters and finals, a few of which are repeated. Papier de Hollande. 500 copies printed. No. 249. Bound by Cedric Chivers, half blue morocco, tooled, enclosing the original covers. 256 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1885 — continued. 41 Schools and Masters of Fence, from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century ; with a sketch of the development of the Art of Fencing with the Rapier and the Small-sword ; and a Bibliography of the Fencing Art during that period. By Egerton Castle, M.A. Con Brevetto di Nomina a Maestro di Scherma. George Bell and Sons. London. 1885. 4to. 254 pp. M., io| in. by 7f in. Illustrated with frontispiece — " An Espadachin," middle of the seven- teenth century, adapted from a picture by M. Louis Leloir ; 141 reproductions of old engravings and 6 carbon plates of ancient swords. Contents : — Title ; Dedication to Baron de Cosson and Captain Hutton ; Preface ; Table of Contents ; List of Illustrations; Bibliography; Introduction; 15 chapters and Index. 1889. 42 The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes, edited by His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G., assisted by Alfred E. T. Watson. Fencing, Boxing, Wrestling. London. 1889. Longmans, Green, and Co. 8vo. 304 pp. M., 7I in. by 5| in. Half bound, blue morocco, and buff sides. ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 257 1889 — coniimied. The Part on Fencing is written by Walter H. Pollock, F. C. Grove, and Camille Prevost, Maitre d'Armes. It occupies 114 pages and is illustrated by 18 intaglio plates, given by permission of Messrs. Hachette and Co. from a French work in preparation, entitled " L'Escrime, par C. Prevost and G. Jollivet." Boxing and Sparring, by E. B. Michell, p. 1 17 to p. 171, is illustrated with 16 woodcuts from photographs taken by George Mitchell. Wrestling, written by Walter Armstrong, has 8 wood- cuts, taken from the same source. And the Appendix, Bibiiotheca Artis Dimicatoris, p. 341 — 293, compiled by Egerton Castle, M.A., F.S.A. Contains 762 works on Fencing and kindred subjects. Index, pp. 295—304. ^'^ Boxing. By R, G. AUanson-Winn, Inns of Court School of Arms, Winner of the Middle Weights, Cambridge, 1876 — 7 ; Heavy Weights, 1877 — 8. With Prefatory Note by Bat Mullins, late Light-Weight Champion of the World. George Bell and Sons, Covent Garden. London. 1889. 8vo. 91 pp. M., 6| in. by i,\ in. 28 illustrations. The larger illustrations reproduced from photographs. 258 ATTACK AND DEFENCE. 1889 — continued. 44 Cold Steel : A Practical Treatise on the Sabre. Based on the old English back-sword play of the Eigh- teenth Century, combined with the method of the Modern Italian School. Also, on various other weapons of the present day, including the Short Sword-Bayonet and the Constable's Truncheon. By Alfred Hutton, late Capt. King's Dragoon Guards, Author of " Swordsmanship," " Bayonet- Fencing," and " Sword-practice," etc. Illustrated with numerous figures, and also with reproductions of engravings from Masters of bygone years. Clowes, London. 18S9. 4to. 24s pp. Frontis., Portrait of the Author. 55 plates, 17 of which are reproductions from old Masters of Fence. M., loj in. by 6| in. When I got as far as this, my pen broke." PERSIAN PROVERB. Printer: C. Seers, Bath. Horsemanship. Abou .Bekr, 1852 Abzac, Le Comte Alexis, 1852 Adams John, 1805 Albertus, 1497 Aldrovandus Ulyssis, 1649 Aiken, 1810, 1866 Anderson, Edward L., 1887 Angelio A. Nic, 1515 Apperley, [Mimrod], 1831, 1837, 1870, 1870. Armatage, George, 1869 Astley, Philip, 1801, 1804 Aubry, Charles, 1833 Aure, Le Comte, D', 1870 A ii. Horsemanship. Balassa, Constantin, 1835 Bartlett, J., 1756 Basta, Georg, 1614, 1617 Baucher, F., 1867 Baudouin, 1770 Beaufort, The Duke of, 1889 Beckford, Peter, 1796 Begrieres, Carbon de, 1725 Berenger, Lieut.-Col. Baron de, 1835 Berenger, Richard, 1771 Berjeau, Ph. Charles, 1864 Berners, Dame Juliana, 1881 Birch Reynardson, C. T. S., 1875, 1887 Blaine, Delabere, 1805, 1816, 1832 Blome, Richard, 1710 Blundevile, Thomas, 1580 "Blunt Spurs," 1870 Boardman, Thomas, 1805 Bonsi, Francesco, 1751 Horsemanship. iii. Bourgelat, 1750 Brack, F. de, 1850 Bracken, Dr. Henry, 1737, 1743, 1749 Breze, Le Comte de, 1769 Bridges, Jeremiah, 1751 Brindley, Charles, 1846, '48, '49, '56, '56, '57, '57, '58, '59, '59 Brove, Salomon De La, 1602 Brown, Thomas, 1830 Bunbury, [Geoffrey Gambado], 178S Burdon, Captain William, 1732 Burnand, R C.,1875 Caracciolo, Pasqual, 1566, 1586 Cardini, F., 1848 Casas de Mendoza, Nicolas, 1868 "Caveat Emptor" [Sir George Stephens], 1836 Cecil, [Cornelius Tongue], 1856, 1857 Charnizay, 1671 iv. Horsemanship Chifney, Samuel, 1804, 1871 Clam, Dupaty de, 1772 Clark, Bracy, 1815, '24, '33, '35, '37, '38, '38, '38, '39, '48 Clarke, Mrs. J. Stirling, i860 Clater, Francis, 181 1 Coleman, Edward, 1798, 1802 Colombre, Agostino, 1622 Columella, L. Junius Moderatus, 1781 Copperthwaite, R. H., 1866 Corbet, Henry, 1864 Cordiero, Antonio Candido, 1816 Corte, Claudio, 1573 Couteulx de Canteleu, Le, 1890 Crusoe, John, 1632 D. L. %., 1862 Daniel, R. P. G., 1721 Daniel, Rev. V/illiam B., 1807, 1807 Horsemanship. Darvill, Richard, 1840 Delcampe, Le Sieur, 1664 Denison, Lieut.-Col. George T., 1868 Descampes, 1730 ^^ Dixon, H. H. ["Druid"], 1862, '62, '62, '70 Douglas, William, 1873 " Druid " [H. H. Dixon], 1862, '62, '62, '70 Dunbar, J. Rimell, 1862 Dunniore, The Earl of, 1878 D\;*/yer, Francis, 1868 Espejo y Rosal, Rafael, 1S81 Edwards, Kinard B., 1874 Egan, Charles, 1867 Egan, Pierce, 1832 Eisenberg, Baron D', 1759 Fabricy, Gabriel, 1764 Feiizet, Lieutenant, 1883 vi. Horsemanship. Felton, William, 1796 Ferraro, Firro Antonio, 1620, 1620 Fitzwygram, Colonel F., 1869 Fleming, George, 1869, 1873, 1886 Flower, Edward Fordham, 1875, 1876 Freeman, Strickland, 1746, 1806 Frost, Thomas, 1875 Fuggern, Warren, 161 1 G. L., 1708 Garboriau, Emile, 1874 Garsault, A. de, 1770 Garsoni, Marino, 1750 Gazzola, Gio. Anto. Maria, 1837 "Geoffrey Gambado" [Bunbury], 1788 Gibson, W., 1731, 1751 Goodsir, Professor, 1870 Goodwin, Joseph, 1820 Gray, Thomas de, 1639 Horsemanship. vii. Greenwood, Colonel G., 1839 Greenwood, James, 1864 Griffiths, William, 1784 Grisoni, Federico, 1555, 1579, 1590, 1610, 1610 Gueriniere, De La, 1733 Gutierrez de la Vega, 1877 Halliweli, J. O., 1866 Hamel, Col von, 1863 Hamilton, Ker B., 1865 Hanger, Col. George, 1814 Hardy, Col. E. A., 1878 Harguinez, 1750 "Harry Hieover" [Charles Brindley], 1846, 48, '49, '56, '56, '57, '57, 58, '59, '59 Hawkins, Waterhouse, i860, 1870 Haycock, William, 1859 Hayes, Matthew Horace, 1881, 1889 Head, Sir Francis, i860 viii. Horsemanship. Herbert, Henry William, 1857 Hope, Sir William, 1702, 1717 Hostun, T. H. Pons D', 1806 Houel, Ephrem, 1848 Hughes, Charles, 1730, 1730 Hugo, Hermann, 1630 Huth, F. H., 1887 Hunt, Vere de Vere, 1874 Ironside, Col. Gilbert, 1800 Isabella, Marie, 1856 King, Edward, 1876 L. A. H. [The Old Shekarry], 1872, 1874 L. W., 1650 Lachaume, J. B., i860 Lafont-Pouloti, Esprit-Paul de, 1791 Lagondie, Le Comte J. de, 1874 Horsemanship. ix. Lascelles, Francis Henry, 1877 Latchford, Benjamin, 1871 Lawrence, John, 1796, 1809, 1810 Lawrence, Richard, 1804, 1816, 1832 Lawson, A,, 1824 Lennox, Lord William Pitt, 1872, 1876 Liberati, Francesco, 1639 Lipsius, Justus, 1605, 1614 "Magenta," 1867 Malet, Capt., 1876 Mallet, AUain Manesson, 1685 Marinelli, Giuseppe Antonio, 1733 Markham, Gervase, 1617, 1620, 1620, 1650, 1671, 1675 Mascall, Leonard, 1591 Mayhew, Edward, 1849, 1867, 1876 Mc Bride, J. A., 1867 Melzo, Lodovico, 161 1 X. Horsemanship. Michel, Francisque, i860 Miles, William, 1850 Mills, James, 1876 Mills, John, 1865 Moll and Gayot, 1872 Moore, James, 1857 Moreton, Robert, 1877 N. P. J. B., 1810 Neville, George, 1880 Newall, Capt. J. T., 1866 Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1743 '* Nimrod " [Apperley], 1831, 37, 70, '70 Noel, Cassimir, 1852 Nolan, Capt. L. E., i860, 1861 "Old Shekarry" [A. H. L.], 1872, 1874 Orr, G., 1803 Orrery, Roger, Earl of, 1677 Horsemanship. xi. Osmer, W., 1761 Packe, Edmund, 1834 Palmieri, Lorenzino, 1625 Parlade y Sanchez de Zuiros, Andres, 1879 Peliier, Louis Charles, 1858 Pembroke, Henry, Earl of, 1743, 1762, 1762 Percivall, W., 1823, 1850 Perron, 1852 Peters, J. G., 1835 Pluvinel, Antoine de, 1666, 1671 Raabe, Lunel, 1859 Radcliffe, F. P. Delme, 1839 Rarey, J. S., 1858, 1858, 1859 Reeves, George, 1838 Rey, A., 1865 Richard, A., 1847 Robert y Serrat, Jose, 1876 xii. Horsemanship. Rosselmini, Niccolo, 1764, 1764 Rous, Admiral, 1866 Rudolphen, 1617 Ruellius, Joh., 1530 Ruse, Laurent, 1610 S. A., 1717 S. F. B., 1870 Saint-Bel, Charles Vial de, 1791, 1793, 1797 Saint-Denis, Le Vaillant de, 1789 Sainte-Palaye, De la Curne de, 1759 Saint-Remy, Surirey, 1707 Santa-Paulina, Nicola E. Luigi, 1696 Sainz y Rozas, Juan Antonio, 1867, 1870 Sample, H., 1883 Sanson, A., 1873 Saunier, Gaspard de, 1756 Saunier, J. de, 1734 Scacco, Filippo, 1614 Horsemanship. xiii. Scott, William Henry, 1818 Seymour, Richard, 1739 Shakspeare, Capt. Henry, i860 Sidney, S., 1874 Siliceo, Ottaviano, 1598 Sind, Baron von, 1770 Skeavington, George, 1850 Small, Matthew, 1833 Smith, Thomas, 1818 Snape, Andrew, 1683 Solleysel, Le Sieur de, 1685 Springfield, Rollo, 1847 Stephens, Sir George [Caveat Emptor], 1836 Steward, Charles, 1821 Stewart, J., 1837, i860 " Stonehenge " [J. H. Walsh], 1873 Strangeways, Thomas, 1870 Stubbs, George, 1766 Surtees, R. S., 1831, '58, '60, '65, '69. xiv. Horsemanship. Taplin, William, 1793, 1796 Tattersall, George, 1850 Taunton, T. H., 1887 Taylor, Joseph, 1808 Thompson, Charles, 1765 "Thormanby," 1888 Trollope, Anthony, 1865, 1868 Trutta, Gio. Batista, 1785 Tyndale, W., 1797 Upton, Roger D., 1873 "Vielle Moustache," 1874 Villa y Martin, Santiago de la, 1881 Vines, Richard, 1830 Vegetius Renatus, 1528, 1585 Waite, Samuel C, 1850 Wallis, Thomas, 1764 Walsh, J. H. [ " Stonehenge " ], 1873 Horsemanship. xv. Ward, Rowland, 1882 Warnery, Col, 1798 Watson, Alfred E. T., 1880 Weyrother, A. de, 1767 White, James, 1802, 1822, 1823, 1823 White, James Christie, 1840, 1851 Williamson, Capt. Thomas, 1808 Wilson, Yorick, 1809 Winter, Georg Simon, 1677 Wood, Revd. J. G., 1885 Youatt, William, 1831 Zabala, Juan, i860 Anonymous. Newmarket, 1775 Sporting Magazine, 1792 British Sportsman, 1800 Sportsman's Cabinet, 1803 Sporting Anecdotes, 1807 Songs of the Chase, 181 1 Foreign Field Sports, 1819 ^ _ ^ Trattado del ganado Caballar, 1831 A Comparative View, 1836 Veterinary Medical Association, 1839 Manual de Veterinaria y Equitacion, 1840 Jottings from my Sabretasche, 1847 Rural Life, i860 Horsemanship. xvii. Horse Racing : Its History and Early Records, 1863 The Horse Book, 1870 A New Book of Sports, 1885 Tauromaquia. Anon, Tratado del Ganado Vacuno, 1832 Abenamar, 1842 C, J. S., 1864, 1872 Casan, Vicente Suarez, 1875 Dea, D. F. S., 1875 Delgado, Josef [Hillo], 1804 Exito, D., 1878 Fernandez y Gonsalez, Manuel, 1879 Hillo [Josef Delgado], 1804 Lozano, J. Sanchez [Pasanau], 1882 Mateos, Juan Corrales, 1856 Montes, Francisco, 1836, 1876 Pilatos, 1880 Price, Lake, 1852 Puerto, Carlos, 1852 Santa Coloma, Jose, 1878 Vasquez, Leopold, 1880, 1880 Attack and Defence. AUanson-Winn, R. G., 1889 Angelo, H., 1763, 1798 Angelo, 1834 Armstrong, Walter, 1889 Baker, Ezekiel, 1806 Beaufort, Duke of, 1889 Beaumont, Ed. de, i88i Berenger, Baron de, 1835 Boutell, Charles, 1869 Burton, Richard F., 1884 Castle, Egerton, 1885 Clias, P. H., 1825 XX. Attack and Defence. De Vaux, Baron, 1884 Donelly, Ned, 1879 Fabris, Salvator, 1606 Folard, De, 1727 Grant, James, 1875 Grassi, Giocomo di, 1570 Gribble, Samuel, 1829 Grove, F, C, 1889 Hoogue, Romein de, 1690 Hope, Sir W., 1710 Hutton, Alfred, 1889 Lemoine, H., 1788 Mayr, Paulus, 1598 McArthur, J., 1784 Attack and Defence. xxi. McCarthy, Thomas, 1883 Mendoza, Dan., 1834 Mercurialis, Hieronymi, 1672 Merignac, Emile, 1883 Meyrick, Dr., 1830 Michell, E. B., 1889 Olivier, 1771 Pollock, Walter H., 1889 Prevost, Camille, 1889 Roland, Joseph, 1809 Rolando, Le Sieur Guzman, 1822 Rowlandson, T., 1798 Roworth, C, 1798 Senese, Alessandro, 1660 Skelton, Joseph, 1830 xxii. Attack and Defence. Tavernier, Adolphe, 1885 Vigeant, 1882, 1883, 1884 Watson, Alfred E. T., 1889 Webb, Capt., 1874 Anonymous : — Complete Drill Serjeant, 1780 Anti-Pugilism, 1790 Cavalry Sword Exercise, 1796 :}.