RAGIANA l i C{^ /^ ^-^ '^/la^y (^.c^y^y (oa/i/ ^^i^^z^/^y> JOHNA.SEAVERNS R A C I A N A. TSaUantgne jpctsu BALLANTVNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON 'ii|iiiiiiiiililllllllllllll!iJ!i! ik :,. ,.: :;!ii!i!!li!llliiiiii!i|||ii R A C I A N A OR RIDERS' COLOURS OF THE IRo^al, jforcign, ant) principal ipatrone of the Britisb Z.xnt from 1762 to 1883 ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY ALSO AN APPENDIX WITH A TABULATED LIST OF THE DERBY, OAKS, AND ST LEGER RACES FROM THEIR COMMENCEMENT, SHOWING THE OWNERS, WITH THEIR COLOURS, WINNING HORSES, JOCKEYS, YEARS, SIRES, AND DAMS WITH AN ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING SPORTING MATCHES WHICH HAVE TAKEN PLACE AT NEWMARKET AND YORK Compiled by J. B. MUIR Mitb a jfronttspfece of mcwmarftct In 1801, attD otber 5Uu8tration5 REPRODUCED BY THE TYPOGRAVURE PROCESS BY MESSRS. J. C. DRUMMOND 6- CO. PUBLISHED BY THE COMPILER AT 95 CAMBRIDGE STREET, LONDON, S.W. And may be had of Mr. F. H. HuTT, Bookseller, Clement's Inn Passage, London, W.C, 1890 [All rights reserved. 1 Preface. Methinks I hear the cry — Away, away ! The green have won the honour of the day." —Juvenal, Sat. XL, 195*6. '/g^A'^' ^HE early history of Riders' Colours is very obscure. No doubt some distinguishing mark, or badge, or cap was used even in the earliest days of horse-racing, but no records seem to have been preserved of a nature to throw any light upon what the colours were, or what was the practice in use in those days. In fact, down to the period when the horses of Her Majesty Queen Anne were sent to compete for the Gold Cups at York in 171 2, 17 13, and 17 14, no information of a definite character can be obtained ; nor, indeed, for meny years after Queen Anne's death in 1714, although careful search has been made, and every known publication bearing upon the subject has been diligently hunted up. Seymour and other painters represented race-horses with jockeys mounted, and wearing colours, but these rest mainly upon tradition, and are unreliable from the want of evidence to identify them. Much that is valuable and interesting for refer- ence has been therefore lost, and although some of the noblemen and gentlemen mentioned in the following lists were possibly in the habit from their earliest connection with the Turf of using the colours declared at the Jockey Club meeting of 4th October 1762, the terms of the resolution then passed throw some considerable doubt upon the point, although the resolution itself is very instructive, as showing the light in which the matter was viewed PREFA CE. by that body on this occasion of the first public recognition of Riders' Colours. This took place at the Second October Meeting at Newmarket in the aforesaid year, and the resolution was as follows :— "For the greater convenience of distinguishing the horses in running, and also for the prevention of disputes arising from not knowing the colours of each rider, the under-mentioned gentlemen have come to the resolution and agree- ment of having the colours annexed to the following names worn by their respec- tive riders : — H.R.H. the Duke of Cumberland His Grace the Duke OF Grafton His Grace the Duke OF Devonshire His Grace the Duke of Northumberland His Grace the Duke of Kingston His Grace the Duke of Ancaster His Grace the Duke of Bridgwater The Most Noble the Marquis of Rocking- ham The Right Hon. the Earl of Waldegrave The Right Hon. the Earl OF Orford The Right Hon. the Earl of March The Right Hon. the Earl of Gower The Right Hon. Viscount Bolingbroke ... The Right Hon. Lord Grosvenor Sir John Moore, Bart. Sir Jas. Lowther, Bart. Mr. R. Vernon . . Hon. Mr. Greville Mr. Jenison Shafto Purple Sky blue Straw colour Yellow Crimson Buff Garter blue Green Deep red Purple and white White Blue Black Orange Darkest green Orange White Brown trimmed with yellow Pink "The Stewards therefore hope, in the name of the Jockey Club, that the above-named gentlemen will take care that the riders be provided with dresses accordingly." ^ Nothing is known as to the influence exercised by this resolution upon the officials of the other race meetings in the country. It 1 Originally a black velvet cap, like that of a huntsman, was the only one used by the riders, and was more or less associated with the colours enumerated in this and the fol- lowing list, but at a little later period the cap was altered, varying in colour, and has continued so down to present date. PREFACE. vu does not appear, however, to have had much weight with the members of the Jockey Ckib themselves, for on the loth February 1 771 a further resolution was passed at a Jockey Club meeting held at the Star and Garter Tavern, Pall Mall, London, and adopted by the Noblemen and gentlemen who were present, with the followinor declarations of their colours : — His Grace the Duke of Kingston ... His Grace the Duke of Ancaster ... His Grace the Duke of Grafton His Grace the Duke of Northumber- land ... The Most Noble the Marquis of Rock- ingham The Right Hon. Viscount Boling- broke The Right Hon. Lord Carlisle The Right Hon. Lord Grosvenor The Right Hon. Lord Farnham The Right Hon. Lord Ossory Sir T. C. BuNBURY, Bart. The Right Hon. C. J. Fox Mr. Thos. Foley Mr. PiGOTT Mr. R Blake 1 Mr. C. Blake Mr, BURLTON Mr. Ogilvy Mr, R. Vernon Mr. P. Wentworth Crimson Very light buff Dark blue, black cap Gold-colour, cap the same Green, black cap Black Scarlet and grey stripes, cap the same Orange, black cap Sky blue Pea-green, cap the same Pink and white stripe, black cap Green and white stripe, cap the same Green and white stripe, cap the same Pompadour, cap the same Black and white, cap the same Grey and white stripe Yellow, cap the same Harlequin White, black cap White satin From the above date the Riders' Colours began to be placed upon the Jockey Club record, and the growth of the list is interesting as showing the extent of the Turf's development down to modern dates. In 1762 we find 19 registrations; in 1862 no less than 590 names of owners who have declared their colours are on record. The resolution adopted by the members of the Jockey Club, it would seem, was by no means obligatory, ^ Afterwards Sir Patrick Blake, Bart. viii PREFACE. for there are many persons whose Racing Colours, whether members or not, it would be extremely interesting to know, but which are unavoidably omitted, for, as far as can be gathered, they were never registered, and no public record of them exists. Owing probably to a corresponding difficulty, painters as well as publishers have sometimes fallen into error both as to their representations and publications. Some few instances — out of many far too numerous to mention — which have come under my own observation, will explain my meaning. For example, in a painting of Eclipse., by J. N. Sartorius, in my possession, small panel with a distant view of the old stand at Newmarket, the jockey, probably John Oakley, is represented in a bluejacket and black cap, instead of Colonel O'Kelly's colours, which were crim- son and black cap. This famous horse, from the time he was purchased by Colonel O' Kelly from Mr. Wildman, was never out of the former's possession. Dia?7iond is another example. In a print published in 1799 — usually when found in good condition a beautiful example of the old colour-printing — the jockey appears in a light-blue jacket, white cap, whereas the colours of Mr. Cook- son, his owner, were at the time purple body, straw cap. Again, in the print published of Antonio, the declared winner of the disputed St. Leger in 1819, owned by Mr. J. Ferguson, the jockey, Thos. Nicholson, is represented in scarlet. This horse was sold the same year to Mr. J. Clifton for ^1000, and should be associated with the proper colours of Mr. J. Ferguson, viz., blue, yellow stripe. It was not till 1823 that Mr. Ferguson changed his colours to scarlet, long after the horse had left his possession. Dangerous, too, winner of the Derby in 1833, in a print published at the same date, is represented with Chappie on his back in a scarlet jacket, black cap, whereas Mr. Sadler's colours (his owner) were white body, scarlet sleeves, black cap. Elis, winner of the St. Leger in 1836, owned by the Earl of Lichfield, is represented with John B. Day in the saddle, in blue body, red sleeves, blue cap, instead of the proper colours, black body, red sleeves, black cap. Cossack, winner of the Derby PREFACE. ix in 1847, in a painting by F. C. Turner, has Sim Templeman on his back, dressed in scarlet body, orange sleeves and cap, instead of orange body and cap, scarlet sleeves. These examples show that at all times considerable difficulty has been experienced, from one cause or another, in ascertaining the colours actually worn by the riders ; and as no effort seems ever to have been made to place before the public the full parti- culars, and to show, as far as possible, the changes and alterations which took place from time to time, it is hoped that this publica- tion, alphabetically arranged, will supply a want often felt, and will be the means of drawino- more attention to an interestino- feature in racing seemingly overlooked. It may possibly be of interest to state that the following informa- tion comes direct from Mr. W. Chiffney, son of the owner of Prmm, and coming from such a genuine source, is of sufficient authority to be preserved as an interesting record of the past. It was while Priam was a yearling owned by Sir John Shelley, Bart., who bred him, that Mr. W. Chiffney became aware of the excellent promise the colt showed, and feeling assured that if he asked the price direct either for himself or the Marquis of Cleveland, the answer would be such that a deal would be out of the question. How- ever, he spoke to the wily Mr. John Dilly upon the subject, and left the matter with him, as being more likely to secure the colt. In Sir John Shelley's yearling sale which took place at Newmarket in June 1828, the colt, then unbroken, was included with others, and after being run up by the stable he belonged to, was knocked down by Mr. Tattersall for 1500 gs. to Mr. J. Dilly, and trans- ferred to Mr. W. Chiffney at the same price. Immediately after, Mr. Dilly desired to have a share in the colt, but upon the con- dition that Mr. Chiffney retained all rights of management and freedom of action in every particular, Mr. Dilly was allowed to purchase a leg. Upon this, Mr. Samuel Day, who lived with Mr. •Dilly at Newmarket, and who afterwards rode Priam in the Derby of 1830, suggested, as he had some spare money, he would buy another leg, which purchase was accordingly arranged. Mr. PREFACE. Samuel Chiffney stepped in and desired also to purchase a leg, which was sold him ; while the other leg, body, and head Mr. Chiffney reserved for himself. With this partnership, Priam, who did not start as a two-year-old, won his first race, the then im- portant Riddles worth Stakes, named after the seat of Mr. Thomas Thornhill in Norfolk, at Newmarket in 1830. Being backward, and not thoroughly trained, his preparation for the Derby was soon commenced, when after a long gallop (presumably not the eight mile sweat occasionally indulged in) some time before that event Mr. Samuel Day desired to be off his bargain, which Mr. W. Chiffney repurchased. Mr. Dilly, too, was anxious to relieve himself of his liability, but the consideration of a big book upon the Derby may have had something to do with that. However, Mr. W. Chiffney bought him out, and Mr. Samuel Chiffney too sold his leg to his uncle, so that when Priam won the Derby he was solely the property of Mr. William Chiffney. A dispute arose some time after as to the ownership of Priam between the Honourable G. H. A. Chichester and Mr. Josh Anderson, the latter laying the former a very heavy bet that Priam did not wholly belong to Mr. Chiffney upon the Derby Day of 1830. Mr. William Chiffney tells me that he had to decide that bet, which the Honourable G. H. A. Chichester (an old friend of his) won, with the information I have communicated, and thus ended what might have proved a curious case of ownership in the event of a dispute. In an old sporting Calendar published in 1823, the colours of Mr. W. Chiffney are stated to be white, scarlet sleeves, white cap. In 1825 and 1827 they remain the same, and in 1 831, in another Calendar, no alteration is made. The Druid, in " Post and Paddock," says the colours of the Chiffney family were dark green, black cap, and this is the only instance in print I have found of their being thus recorded. Here lay the difficulty of determining which authority was the correct one. Mr. J. F. Herring, I knew, assigned the green PREFACE. xi jacket, black cap, to Priam In his paintings, of which several were executed, but I am told there is not one good likeness of the horse amongst them — or possibly a painter's happy hit. The best portrait of Priam by that distinguished artist is upon a snuff- box, which, Mr. W. Chiffney tells me, was given to his father by Mr. J. F. Herring, and is now in the possession of Mr. Beales. Mr. Chiffney used the pink and black stripe, black cap, of the Marquis of Cleveland occasionally, from his interest in some of his Lordship's horses, which he trained; and from a similar interest in some of Mr. T. Thornhill's horses, who was also a patron of the stable, used the white, scarlet sleeves, white cap, of that gentle- man, which will account for the colours being placed as his on the record in the old Calendars. Possibly Mr. W. Chiffney would have continued using these colours of Mr. T. Thornhill's had not that gentleman, upon one occasion, taken exception to the frequency his colours were being used, adding that he would not stand it any longer, for, said he, " Chiffney, you must have a colour." Chiffney replied that he did not want a colour, and could do very well without one. Upon a further forcible remonstrance from Mr. Thornhill, Chiffney suggested that he should use the old brown trial-jacket, to which Mr. Thornhill replied that he would not have that. "However," said Mr. Thornhill, "as you have got a black cap, Chiffney, you must have a colour ; and as you like something miserable and sombre, I will send you a dark green jacket, and with the black cap you will get along very well." Priam won the Derby in 1830, and was ridden by Samuel Day in the memorable green jacket and black cap, and was afterwards sold to the Earl of Chesterfield for 3500 gs. — not 3000 gs., as has been before recorded. Mr. John Kent informs me that after Ascot in 1831 Pria?n was sent with Carthusian from Ascot to Goodwood direct, and while being prepared for the Cup, which he won, he rode him in several of his gallops, being then associated with the Duke of Richmond's racing stud. PREFACE. After Mr. W. Chiffney's death Mr. G. Osbaldeston used the same green jacket and black cap which had been presented to him, afterwards changing it to a dark green velvet jacket. Thus on the eve of publication, through Mr. W. Chiffney's kindness, I have been enabled to clear up an important query, which for the want of proof, not otherwise to be got, would have been left open to doubt, owing to the scanty information furnished in respect to the old colours. In an Appendix is given a tabulated list of the Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger winners from the foundation of each race, showing the names of the owners, years, winners, jockeys, sires, and dams, and, as far as it has been possible to collect them, the correct colours of the owners. This is perhaps the first time such an exhaustive list has been published m extenso, but it is very much to be regretted that it cannot, after great research and inquiry, be made fully complete. The additional information will perhaps be read with interest, relating as it does to Newmarket and York. In conclusion, my special thanks are due to the Honourable F. C. Lawley, Mr. John Kent of Felpham, Sussex, and Mr. H. Smurthwaite, for the valuable assistance they have ever been ready to give me, and to Mr. Richard Johnson, of York, and other gentlemen, who, by loan of race-cards and other information, have enabled me to add matters of interest while engaged in compiling my book. J. B. MUIR. May i8go. ERRATA. Page 2, line b^ for "button sand" read "buttons and." „ 20, 21, for "Shiekler" read "Schiekler." „ Z, for "1823" read "1828." „ 8, 9, 10, for "Honeywood" read "Honywood." „ 10, for " Kirby, Mr. J." read " Kirby, Mr. T." „ 9, for " Hemsley Turk" read " Helmsley Turk." „ 1^ for "Jeud'-Esprit" read " Jeu-d'Esprit." 32, „ 13, -> )j 157, 182, xii PREFACE. After Mr. W. Chiffney's death Mr. G. Osbaldeston used the same green jacket and black cap which had been presented to him, afterwards changing it to a dark green velvet jacket. Thus on the eve of publication, through Mr. W. Chiffney's kindness, I have been enabled to clear up an important query, which for the want of proof, not otherwise to be got, would have been left open to doubt, owing to the scanty information -f- ;_i_-j !.- compiling my book, J. B. MUIR. May i8go. R A C I A N A. Royal Patrons. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ANNE 1712 Colours. ? His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF CUMBERLAND 1762 Purple, black cap His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF CUMBERLAND 1 78 1 Purple waistcoat, black cap. His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF YORK 1790 Purple, white striped waistcoat with scarlet and white striped sleeves, black cap 1 79 1 Broad green and white stripe, black cap 1792 Purple, the button sand button-holes embroidered with silver 1806 Purple body, with scarlet sleeves and black cap 1808 Purple, black cap 1814 Purple, black cap with silver tassel 1 8 1 6 Purple, with purple and white cap 18 1 9 Purple, with black cap Note. — The following gentlemen were more or less associated with the Royal Colours between 1780-1831 :— Mr. Thos, Panton, Mr. Thos. Bullock, Mr. Arthur Shakespear, Mr. Warwick Lake, Mr. E. Delmfe Radcliffe, and Mr. C. Greville. RACIANA. I am indebted to the kind7iess of T. T. Towneley Parker, Esq., Guerdon Hall, Bamber Bridge, La?icashire, for the following interesting particulars .•— YORK, 17 1 2. Over Clifton and Rawcliffe Ings. Monday, July 28th. -Her Majesty's Gold Cup, value 100 gs., for six years old Horses, 12 st., 4 mile heats. Mr. Watson's d. h. Farmer Mr. Carr's gr. h. Sturdy Lump ... Her Majesty Queen Anne's gr. g. Pepper Sir W. St. Quintin's h. Monkey Mr. Mackworth's h. Spot Mr. Curwen's b. h. Blackfoot ... Mr. Metcalfs b. h. Milksop Mr. Lowther's br. h. Mustapha 3 4 2 5 3 dr. 7 dis. 8 dr. Monday, August 3rd.- YORK, 1713. -Her Majesty's Gold Cup, value 100 gs., for six years old Horses, 12 st, 4 mile heats. Mr, Graham's b. h. Champion by Harpur's Arabian, dam by Wilke's Hautboy Mr. Carr's ch. h. Small Hopes... Lord Lonsdale's ch. h. Algier ... Hon. J. Noel's b. h. Matt Her Majesty Queen Anne's Nutmeg, gr. h. Mustard by Taffolet- or Morocco Barb ... Mr. Curwen's b. h. Blackfoot ... Hon. W. Cecil's Creeper Duke of Rutland's gr. h. Cripple Mr. Darcy's gr. h. Nutmeg ... ... ... ... ... 3 Lord Molyneux's gr. h. Harmless ... ... ... ... 4 I 10 5 dr. dr. YORK, 1714. Friday, July 30th. — Plate of ;!^4o for aged Horses, 11 st. each, 4 mile heats. Her Majesty Queen Anne's b. h. Star ... ... 4 3 The Lord Chamberlain's ch. h. Merlin ... ... ... i 2 Hon. Mr. Cecil's ch. h. Creeper ... ... ... 2 i Mr. Bouchier's b. g. Harmless ... ... ... ... 3 4 Sir W. Blackett's ch. h. Squirrel ... — ... 5 5 Three others were distanced in the first heat. Merlin was lame before starting, notwithstandins; which he ran four excellent heats. RACIANA. Colours. His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES 1783 Crimson waistcoat with purple sleeves, black cap 1790 Purple, white striped waistcoat with scarlet and white striped sleeves, black cap 1792 Purple waistcoat, scarlet sleeves trimmed with gold, black cap. 1 80 1 Crimson waistcoat with purple sleeves, black cap 1806 Purple waistcoat with scarlet sleeves trimmed with gold, black cap HIS MAJESTY GEORGE IV. 1827 Crimson body, gold lace, purple sleeves, black cap HIS MAJESTY WILLIAM IV. 1830 Blue body, red sleeves, black cap 1 83 1 Purple body, scarlet sleeves, trimmed with gold, black cap His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES 1875 Purple body with gold braid, scarlet sleeves, and black velvet cap with gold fringe His Royal Highness THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT 1880 Blue jacket, dark green stripes, black cap Foreign Patrons. His Majesty THE KING OF HOLLAND 1849 Scarlet body and sleeves, black velvet cap with gold tassel His Royal Highness THE PRiNCE OF ORANGE 1877 Violet and green hoops, violet and green cap H.R.H. Duke of Orleans* H.R.H. Duke of Orleans Mons. Aliquis Mons. L. Andr6 ... Prince D'Arenberg Mons. AuMONT ... Mons. Balensi ... Mons. A. Baltazzi Mons. H. Baltazzi Count Batthyany Second colour . . . (As Prince Batthyany, 1870) Count Batthyany Second colour . . . Count Elem^r Batthyany Count G. Batthyany Mons. C. de Beauregard Count De Bertreux Mons. E. Blanc ... Colours, 1790 ? 1 84 1 Red, purple cap 1880 Black, scarlet cap 1870 Orange, red cap 1870 Scarlet, with yellow hoops, black cap 1853 White, green cap 1871 Black, blue sleeves and cap 1873 French grey body, scarlet cap 1872 Light blue body, black cap 1 84 1 Blue body, orange sleeves, black cap 1858 Green do. Green, black cap 1882 Copper, with gold seams do. Black, copper sleeves and cap, gold seams 1 88 1 Straw 1870 Green jacket, white belt, green cap 1 88 1 White, violet sleeves and cap 1875 Green, red cap 1879 Orange, blue cap * This illustrious patron introduced France about this period. the English system of jockeys riding in colours into RA CI AN A. Colonel De Blaremberg Mons. E, Blascovic Mons. A. DU Boss Count H. DE Breteuil Mr. R. Ten Broeck* Mr. R. W. Cameron * Mons. De LA Ce ... Mons. E. DE LA Charme Mons. Moreau Chaslon Prince Alphonse de Chimay Mons. H. Delamarre ... Mons. DelItre ... Mons. Desvignes... Mons. Maurice Ephrussi Mons. Michel Ephrussi Count M. Esterhazy Count N. Esterhazy Count Festitics ... Baron Finot Marquis De Caumont la Force Mons. A. FouLD Mons. E. FouLD ... Major Fridolin Chevalier Genestrelli ... Second colour . Mons. J. M. GiUBiLEi Baron A. Vander Gracht Mons. De Grott Colours, 1882 Blue, yellow sleeves and cap 1879 White, blue cap 1 88 1 Black and yellow stripes, black cap with gold tassel 1877 Cherry, white hoops, cherry cap 1857 Red, white stripes, blue cap 1858 Orange, black belt, orange cap 1 864 White, with black cross in front of jacket 1866 Violet body, dove-coloured sleeves and cap, with violet tassel 1865 Cerise and black jacket, cerise cap 1870 Red and black stripes, red cap 1875 Green, white sleeves and cap 1 87 1 Cherry, dark blue cap 1865 Chocolate, red sleeves, black cap 1870 Green, red belt 1 87 1 Yellow and purple stripe, yellow cap 1879 Blue, yellow spots, blue cap 1880 Dark blue 1882 Blue, yellow cap 1874 Yellow, blue seams and cap 1876 Orange, blue cap 187 1 Chocolate, red cap 1874 Orange, red sleeves, black cap 1877 Black, white cap 1855 Violet, white stripe, black cap 1875 Yellow, black hoops, black cap 1865 White jacket, light blue cap 1880 White and blue hoops, blue cap do. White and blue hoops, blue sleeves, white cap 1864 Black, with gold star back and front 1879 Red, white sleeves, black cap 1867 Straw, green sleeves, black cap Mons. Bela de Gyurky ... Count Hahn Prince Hatzfeldt Count Henckel Count Hoffeld Count Jaraczewski Count JuiGNi: Count Kaunitz Mr. J. R. Keene* Second colour Count Krasinski Mons. Lafitte Count F. DE Lagrange ... Second colour Mons. C. J. Lefevre Count Lehndorff Mr. P. Lorillard * Second colour Second colour Mons. T. DE LoYS Mons. LuNEL Mons. Lupin Baron Maltzahn Baron C. Maltzahn Count Mokronoski Mons. A. DE Montgomery Due De Morny Count Nadasdy Baron Nexon Baron De Nivierb Herr Oscar Oehlschlaeger Baron E. Oppenheim RACIANA. 7 Colours. ... 1878 Black, red cap ... 1850 White, red sleeves and cap ... 1879 Yellow, black cap ... 1863 Blue, white stripe, black cap ... 1866 Blue, red stripes .. 1877 Yellow and brown, gold braid ... 1871 Scarlet and orange hoops, black cap ... 1883 Dark grey, violet sleeves and cap ... 1880 White, blue spots ... do. White, blue spots, blue cap ... 1883 Blue, white sleeves ... 1874 White, blue cap ... 1858 Blue, red sleeves and cap ... i860 Blue, red sleeves, blue cap ... 1872 Blue, white, and red ... 1871 Black and white stripes, black cap ... 1879 Cherry, black hoops on sleeves, black cap, gold tassel ... do. Same, with black sash ... 1882 Same, with cherry cap and gold braid ... 1883 Blue and red stripes ... 1865 Sky blue ... 1853 Black, red cap ... 1848 Yellow jacket, blue cap ... 1881 Yellow, and blue cap ... 1882 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap ... 1863 Tartan, yellow sleeves and cap ... 1864 Rose ... 1874 Claret, red and blue cap ... 1871 Black, orange belt ... 1858 White, light blue cap ... 1883 Yellow, blue belt, black cap ... 1870 Red, blue sleeves, black cap RA CI AN A. Prince Pless 1870 Prince Julius S. de Vismes et de PoNTHiEU 1875 Second colour . . Count De Prado M. de St. Quintin Mons. Ranski Baron Von Reischach Mons. Reiset , Count Renard Mons. Resarf Baron A. de Rothschild Count of San Antonio ... Mr. M. H. Sanford* Mons. Otto de Scavenius Mons. W. F. D. Schreiben Herr Schwartz ... Herr R. D. Schwinge ... Herr R. G. Schwarz Mons. A. Shiekler (As Baron Shiekler, 187 i) Prince D. Soltykoff Second colour . Mons. A. Staub Marquis Omer Talon Baron M. de Tuyll Duke ofUjEST Baron Williamowitz Mr. F. J. Walton * Count Bela Zichy Co/ours, Blue gown blue, and cap Rose satin jacket with white spots, cap the same . do. Same, rose cap . 1854 White, red seams and cap • 1879 Blue and yellow cording . 1875 White, tartan belt and cap . 1881 French grey, cerise cross belts and cap . 1865 Brown, blue sleeves and cap . 1870 Blue, red stripes, blue cap .. 1871 Red, white, and blue, green cap • 1873 Blue, blue and yellow quartered cap 1875 Blue, yellow hoops, yellow cap . 1883 Gold, brown cap .. 1875 Dark blue .. 1875 Blue, white sleeves and cap .. 1876 Green bird's-eye jacket, black cap .. 1870 Green, orange sleeves and cap • 1873 Green jacket, black and gold belt and cap . 1873 Black, scarlet sleeves, white cap .. 1858 White, crimson sleeves and cap .. 1858 Pink, black cap .. 1876 Same, black belt .. 1878 Pink, black cap .. 1878 Blue, black cap .. 1882 White, black belt, red cap .. 1874 Scarlet, white stripes and cap •• 1855 Blue, white sleeves, blue and white cap .. 1882 White, scarlet braces and cap .. 1881 Yellow, blue sleeves and cap Those marked with an (*) are American patrons. R A C I A N A. Abbey, Mr. Abbott, Mr. John Abel, Mr. John Aberdour, The Right Hon. Lord Abingdon, The Right Hon. Lord Abington, Mr Abron, Mr. Ackers, Mr, E Acton, Mr. Adam, Mr. Adams, Mr. Adams, Mr. J Adams, Mr. P. H. Adamson, Mr Adkins, Mr. Adrian, Mr Ailesbury, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... Ailesbury, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... Albemarle, The Right Hon. the Earl of Colours. 1805 Red, with black cap 1867 Green, green and yellow cap 1869 Blue, white stripe, black cap 1 88 1 White, crimson sleeves and cap 1774 Blue and white stripe, cap the same 1881 Cardinal, light blue cap 1864 Blown jacket, orange belt, blue cap 1802 Green, black cap 1806 Blue, black cap 1876 Dark blue, yellow cap 1 86 1 Magenta 1804 Purple, red broad stripe 1877 Blue, brown sleeves 1879 Lemon, orange sleeves and cap 1877 Brown, straw belt and cap 1868 Amber, mauve belt and cap 1853 Chocolate, scarlet sleeves and cap 1854 Yellow, blue cap 1 88 1 Peacock blue body, black sleeves and cap 1827 Scarlet body, yellow sleeves, black cap 1856 Red body, yellow sleeves, black cap 1837 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1838 Green, white cap lO RA CI AN A. Coloiirs. Alden, Mr. 1876 White, Hght blue sleeves, black cap Alder, Mr. 1871 Black jacket, white band, black cap Alexander, Mr. W. 1834 Black jacket, white cap Alexander Mr. W. i860 Black, white stripe Alexander, Mr. C. 1834 Black jacket, white cap Alexander, Mr. Caledon 1857 Dark blue, white sleeves, black cap Alexander, Mr. R. J. ... 1868 Green and crimson hoops, black cap Alfred, Mr 1862 Black, red cap 1863 Black, crimson belt and cap Alington, Mr. C. 1871 White, blue sleeves, black cap Alington, Mr. W. 1873 White, blue sleeves, red cap Alington, The Right Hon. Lord 1876 French grey /See Sturt, Mr. H. Gerard V 1872 ') 1879 Chocolate, yellow sleeves Alington, Mr. J. 1878 Chocolate, light blue sleeves and cap Allan, Captain 1806 Purple trimmed with white, cap the same Allan, Captain 1847 Scarlet jacket, green and gold cap Allanson, Mr 1836 Black body, pink sleeves and cap Allen, Mr. 1864 Scarlet, blue cap Allen, Mr. W 1836 White body and cap tied with a yellow riband, yellow sleeves Allic, Mr. George 1871 Cambridge blue Allison, Mr i860 Scarlet, white cap Alwyn, Mr. 1863 Yellow, blue sleeves and cap 1865 Rob Roy tartan jacket and cap edged with gold Second colour do. Black satin jacket, black velvet cap, gold tassel I87I Ambery, Mr. J 1864 Ambrose, Mr. J 1869 Ancaster, His Grace the Duke of 1762 1772 1777 Black, scarlet cap Yellow Red, white sleeves, blue cap Buff Light buff jacket and cap Very light buff with light blue girdle RACIANA. II Anderson, Mr. Charles Anderson, Mr. James Anderton, Mr. H. Andover, Mr. W. F. Andrew, Captain Andrew, Mr. J. ... Andrew, Mr. R. ... Andrews, Mr. W. V. Angell, Mr. B. J. Angell, Mr. George Angerstein, Captain /As Colonel, 1840 \As General, 1854 Angle, Mr. Anglesey, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... Anglesey, The Most Noble the Marquis of Second colour . . . Anglesey, The Most Noble the Marquis of Ankworth, Mr. H. Annesley, Mr. Arthur ... Annesley, The Right Hon. the Earl of Ansley, Mr. Anson, The Hon. Colonel A. /As General The Hon. A. Anson, V 1852 Colours. 1 86 1 White, green velvet cap 1870 White body, with magenta Maltese cross 1877 Cerise, black belt, white cap 1 87 1 Crimson satin jacket, French grey cap 1873 Claret, yellow cap 1 87 1 Purple body, white sleeves and cap 1805 Green body, black sleeves 18 10 Scarlet, with white satin cap 1868 Black 1862 Cherry jacket, yellow spots and cap 1859 Black, silver braid 1829 Red, white sleeves, blue cap 1840 Tricolour 187 1 Black and scarlet spots, scarlet cap 1854 Yellow, purple sleeves, red cap 1869 White, blue sleeves, red cap 1870 White, with red belt, blue sleeves, red cap 1880 Yellow, blue sleeves, yellow cap 1872 Light blue, maroon hoops and cap 1796 Sky blue, black cap 1808 Black body, crimson sleeves i860 Mauve, white cap 1863 Peach, white cap 1875 Green, orange facings 1877 The same, black cap 1836 Red body, blue sleeves, white cap 1837 AVhite 1838 Red, blue sleeves, white cap 1839 White 12 RA CI AN A. Anson, The Right Hon. Lord Vis- count ... 1826 Anthony, Mr. E. ... 1869 Aplin, Mr. J ... 1839 Archdall, Captain ... 1849 Archer, Mr. C ... 1879 Archer, Mr. F ... 1881 Archer, Mr. G. J. ... 1869 Archer, Mr. William ... ... 1863 1866 Archford, Mr. ... ... 1880 Arden, Mr. ... 1877 Arkay, Mr. ... 1870 Arkcoll, Mr ... 1862 Armstrong, Mr ... 1823 Armstrong, Mr ... 1827 Armstrong, Mr. ... ••• 1853 1857 Armytage, Sir G., Bart, ... 1790 1811 Armytage, Sir G., Bart. ... ... 1858 i860 Arnett, Mr. F ... 1870 Arnull, Mr. W ... 1864 Arthur, Mr ... 1806 {See Shakspear, Mr. Arthur) Arthur, Mr. E. ... Arthur, Mr. Thos Ashe, Mr Ashe, Mr. E. A. E. Colours. Sky blue, black cap Scarlet and white hoops, scarlet cap Red, white sleeves, black cap Orange, blue sleeves, white cap Sky blue, crimson cap Cerise, French grey hoops Black, yellow cap Lemon, purple cap Violet, lemon sleeves, black cap Black, cardinal sleeves and cap Black body, white seams, cerise sleeves and cap French grey and rose, rose cap Violet, canary cap Black Purple, black cap Brown and yellow stripe, black cap White, purple sleeves, red cap Yellow with black velvet spots, and the cap black with yellow spots White satin waistcoat and cap Blue, black cap Light blue, scarlet cap Brown, blue cap Orange, blue cap Dark green, black cap 1863 White, blue belt 1883 Crimson, old gold sleeves and cap 1 86 1 Blue, blue and white cap 1879 Yellow, black sleeves and quartered cap RACIANA 13 ASHMALL, Mr. T ASHWORTH, Mr. W. AsTLEY, Mr. F. D. AsTLEY, Colonel J. D. /As Sir J. D. AsTLEY, Bart.,' \ 1873 AsTLEY, Mr. J. N. AsTLEY, Mr. R Aston, Sir Willoughby, Bart. AsTROP, Mr. Atkins, Captain Atkinson, Mr Atkinson, Mr. J. J. Attwood, Mr. AUDLEY, Mr Austin, Mr. B Aylesford, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . Second colour Ayrton, Mr. Backhouse, Mr. R. Bacon, Mr. Bagot, Colonel P. Bailey, Mr. James Bailey, Mr. H. J. Bailey, Mr. J. Baillie, Captain ... Baillie, Mr. Geo. Colours, 1867 Blue, silver braid 1863 White, orange sleeves and cap 1808 Blue and orange 1869 Straw 1876 Canary, green cap 1 86 1 Drab, blue cap 1811 Light blue, ruby sleeves and cap 1789 Black and white stripe, cap the same 1872 White, black cross belt, black and white cap 1869 Cherry and blue hoops, cherry cap 1870 Cherry and green hoops, cherry cap 1864 Black, red sleeves, black cap 1881 Crimson 1833 French white 187 1 Blue, orange seams, blue cap 1850 Pink and white stripe, black cap 1871 Violet and yellow 1872 Yellow jacket, violet sleeves, yellow cap do. Violet and yellow, quartered cap 1790 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1864 Chocolate, red sleeves, white cap 181 7 Black and blue stripe 1877 White, chocolate diamonds, chocolate cap 1 8 II Blue, black cap 1878 Dark blue, gold hoops, blue cap 1872 Crimson, black belt 1873 Dark blue jacket, yellow belt, dark blue cap 1807 Yellow, blue cap M RACIANA. Baillie, Colonel Hugh Bainbridge, Mr Bainbridge, Mr. E. R Bainbridge, Mr. J. Bainbrigge, Mr. W. A Baird, Sir David, Bart Baird, Mr. R Baird, Mr. Douglas Baker, Mr. Baker, Mr. G Baker, Mr. Henry Baker, Sir E., Bart. Baker, Mr. W. A. Baker, Mr. W. W. Balchin, Mr Balchin, Mr. F. ... Baldock, Mr Baldwin, Mr Balfour, Mr. J. W Balham, Mr. A. ... Ballinger, Mr. ... Bambridge, Mr. J. Bamford, Mr. Bamfylde, Sir Charles War- wick, Bart. Bancroft, Mr Bank, Mr. Bankes, Mr. J. R. Bankes, Mr. W. R Barber, Mr. Colours. 1864 White, red seams, red and white quar- tered cap 1874 Yellow jacket, white cap 1877 Blue, orange cap 1846 Yellow jacket, white cap 1847 Black, white cap 183 1 Black 1807 Black 1883 Blue bird's-eye, white belt, red cap 1853 White, black cap 1790 Blue and buff stripe, cap the same 1847 Light blue and buff stripe, cap the same 1839 Red 1870 Brown, blue sleeves and cap 1862 Black jacket, magenta cap 1 84 1 Blue, white sleeves and cap 1 87 1 White, blue belt, red cap 1873 White, blue sleeves, blue and white cap 1800 Broad purple and white stripe 187 1 Violet, white belt 1870 Black and gold stripes 1874 Orange, black belt 1864 Black, white cap 1877 Blue, orange cap 1861 Red 1777 Purple, with green stripe 1 8 7 1 Magenta and black hoops, magenta cap 1846 Plaid, white cap 1873 Violet, white hoops, black cap 1876 Cherry, brown sleeves and cap 1853 Black, red cap 1856 Brown, white cap RACIANA. 15 Barber, Mr. J. F. S. Lee Barber, Mr. John Lee ... Barclay, Mr. A. C. Barclay, Captain Barclay, Mr. Hedworth T. Bardrick, Mr. Barker, Mr. T Barling, Mr. Barlow, Mr. Barlow, Mr. J. N. Barnard, Mr. J, Barne, Mr. F. Barnes, Mr. F. ... Barrass, Mr. C. ... Barratt, Mr. W. Barrett, Mr. W. H. Barrett, Mr. S. M. Barrett, Mr. S. ... Barrington, Mr. Barron, Captain ... Barrow, Mr. Barry, Mr. Barry, Mr. A. H. Smith Barry, Mr. J. D ... Barry, Mr. J. H. Smith Barry, The Hon. J. S. . Barrymore, The Right Hon. the Earl of Co/ours. 1 88 1 Cherry, black cap 1876 Blue and white stripes 1867 French grey, black cap 1864 French grey, black cap 1882 French grey, black cap 1882 White, blue sleeves i8n Rose-colour, black cap 1855 Red, white cap 1845 Yellow, crimson sleeves, black cap 1873 Brown and white hoops, white cap 1855 White, scarlet cap 1857 White, harlequin cap 1859 Brown, white sleeves and cap 1 86 1 White, orange cap 1864 White, red cap 1846 White, pink cap 1868 White, red cap 1878 White, scarlet sleeves and cap 1858 Scarlet, black cap 1859 Blue, white spots, red cap 1854 Cherry, white belt and cap 1 8 1 1 Black, white cap i860 Green, black cap 1875 White, black belt and cap 1866 Chocolate, red sleeves and cap 1833 Black and white stripe 1863 Black jacket with white spots, black and white checkered cap 1875 Blue, yellow stripes 1879 Black, primrose sleeves, black cap 1880 Yellow, blue cap 1792 Lilac, and straw-coloured cap 1792 Broad blue and yellow stripe i6 RACIANA. Barrymore, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... 1805 Barton, Mr 1848 Barton, Mr. A. ... 1871 Barton, Mr. G 1849 Barton, Mr. Jas. 1792 Bastard, Captain 1850 Bastard, Captain 1877 Bastard, Mr. C. J 1868 Batchelor, Captain 1862 Bate, Mr. J. 1872 1873 Bateman, Mr 1841 1843 Bateman, The Right Hon. Lord 1848 Bates, Mr. 1858 1862 Bates, Mr. F 1875 Bates, Mr. G 1807 Batson, Mr. S 1809 1817 Batt, Mr. H. T 1882 Batt, Mr, R. N 1869 Batten, Mr 1792 Baxter, Mr 1854 Baxter, Mr. E 1878 Baxter, Mr. H 1878 Bayley, Mr. Alexander 1879 1881 Bay ley. Captain ... 1875 1876 1880 Colours, Purple and yellow stripe Orange body and cap, scarlet sleeves Black, cherry sleeves Blue and white stripe, red cap Scarlet, with white sleeves and white cap Red, yellow sleeves, black cap Purple, white hoops Violet, white belt and cap Sky blue, straw sleeves and cap White Cherry, sky blue sleeves, white cap White, blue sleeves, brown cap Brown, white seams and cap Black and rose stripe, rose sleeves and cap Blue and white stripe, white cap Green, blue cap White, blue belt and cap Red, black cap Crimson, white stripe Crimson, white stripe, black cap Blue, pink belt Black and orange hoops Scarlet, with white sleeves and cap Pink and blue, black cap Violet, red cap Brown, yellow sleeves, stars, and cap White and green hoops, green cap Cherry, blue cap Yellow and violet stripes, yellow cap Maroon, yellow sleeves and seams, quartered cap Old gold, sage green sleeves, cardinal hoops, quartered cap RA CIANA. 17 Bayley, Mr. Wentworth Bayliss, Mr. Jacob Bayly, Captain Bayly, Mr. T. H. D Bayly, Mr. J. Beachcroft, Mr. A. T Beadman, Mr. Beamish, Mr. T. B. S Beard, Mr. E Beard, Mr. Steyning Beardsworth, Mr. Beardsworth, Mr. Beauchamp, Mr. ... Beauchamp, Mr Beauclerk, Mr Beaufort, His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, His Grace the Duke of Second colour . . . Beaumont, Mr. H. F Bec, Mr. Walter Beckwith, Mr. W. Beddington, Mr. H. E. ... Bedford, His Grace the Duke of Bedford, His Grace the Duke of Bedford, Mr. C. J Beer, Mr. G Belfast, The Right Hon. the Earl of Colours. 1806 Blue, white cap 1872 Black, white sleeves and cap 1873 Chocolate body, sky blue sleeves, red cap i860 White, red cap 1867 Orange, blue cap, gold tassel 1 84 1 Blue, white cap 1872 Sky blue, white cap 1863 Magenta, green belt 1876 Cerise and white hoops, white cap 1 87 1 Primrose and scarlet stripe 1879 White, orange belt, black cap 1 82 1 Green 1828 Crimson 1866 Violet, red cap 1878 Black and white quartered 1880 Light blue body and cap, white sleeves 1862 Red, light blue sleeves and cap 1836 White, with blue cap 1854 Light blue and white hoop, blue cap 1 86 1 Blue ajid white hoop, red cap do. Same, blue cap 1 86 1 Scarlet and drab quartered 1866 Yellow, dark blue sleeves and cap 1 8 10 Light blue, black cap 1876 Orange, chocolate sleeves 1792 Purple with white stripe 1839 Buff, blue sleeves, black cap 1843 Purple and buff stripe 1876 White, dark blue sleeves and cap 1870 Bismarck 1794 Red, black cap RACIANA. Belfast, Mr. Second colour . . . Belhaven, The Right Hon. Lord Bell, Mr Bell, Mr Bell, Mr. F Bell, Mr. Jos Bell, Mr. J Bell, Mr. T Bell, Mr. Richard Bell, Mr. Richard Benham, Mr. Benham, Mr. H. ... Benholm, Mr. A, Benne;, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Bennett, Mr. J. E. Bennett, Mr. R. B Bennett, Mr. W. G Bennett, Captain Ward Benson, Mr. J Benson, Mr. Ralph Bentinck, The Right Hon. Lord Edward Bentinck, The Right Hon. Lord George... Second colour . . . Colours. 187 1 Cerise body, white sleeves and cap do. Same, cerise cap 1802 Blue and buff I 8 II Black 1817 Geranium red, black cap 1862 Black, silver braid 1870 Geranium red, black cap 1867 Chocolate with yellow spots, yellow sleeves and cap 1843 Geranium red, black cap 1853 Orange, scarlet cap 1847 Green, black cap 1866 Green jacket, orange cap 1864 Lemon, purple cap 1883 Straw, cardinal sleeves and cap 1882 Cherry 187 1 Amber body, black sleeves and cap 1855 White 1870 Crimson, white belt, black cap 1846 White, blue cap 1864 Green, black and gold belt, black cap 1870 Black 1823 Mazarine, blue and white broad stripe round the body, cap the same 1808 Blue and white stripe 1814 Mazarine, blue and white broad stripe round the body, cap the same 1828 White body, mazarine blue sleeves and checkered blue and white cap 1779 Orange, with maroon cap 1838 Blue, white cap 1846 Blue, scarlet velvet cap RA CI ANA. 19 Bentinck, The Rt. Hon. Lord F. Bentley, Mr. G. Forbes Second colour . . . Bentley, Mr. R Bentley, Mr. W. H Beresford, The Right Hon. Lord Marcus Beresford, Mr. D. Pack Beresford, Mr. W. Berkeley, Captain F. /As Admiral Berkeley, 185 i\ VAs Sir F. Berkeley, 1858 / Bernard, Mr. C Berners, The Right Hon. Lord Bertie, Mr. Bertie, The Hon. Captain Bertram, Mr. H. Berwick, Mr. Bessborough, The Right Hon. the Earl of Best, Mr. J. Best, Mr. J. T Bethel, Mr Bettison, Mr. J Beverley, Mr. Bevill, Mr. Colours, 1806 Deep orange, black cap 1 8 14 White, with black sleeves and cap 1 87 1 White, blue belt and cap do. White, blue belt, white and blue quar- tered cap 1 87 1 Blue, yellow seams and cap 1878 White, green sleeves and cap 1880 Pink, green sleeves and black cap 1874 Light blue, black cap 1857 Black and white broad hoop 1842 Green, yellow cap 1833 Orange and green stripe 1858 White, straw cap 1859 White, blue cap 1832 Green and red stripe 1837 Green jacket, red sleeves, black cap 1872 White body, black sleeves and red cap 1780 Blue and white stripe 1872 Yellow jacket, violet hoops, and black cap 1872 White and red sleeves 1853 Scarlet, white cap 1878 White, ruby cap 1877 Blue, white belt, red cap 1790 Pink, black cap 1802 Blue 1806 Sky blue 1868 Green, rose sleeves, green cap 1852 Blue, white sleeves, black cap 1853 Blue, white seams, black cap 1869 Light blue, drab stripe, black cap 20 RACIANA. Bevill, Mr. W. BiCKHAM, Mr. BiDDELL, Mr. BiDDLE, Mr. BiDDULPH, Mr. R. M. Biggs, Mr. Biggs, Mr. H. BiGNELL, Mr. R. R, BiLHAM, Mr. Bingham, Mr. Bird, Mr Bird, Mr. E. Bird, Mr. H. See Marquis of Huntly,\ 1874 ; 1861 1869 1875 1876 1881 1883 1851 1877 1877 1877 1866 1801 1832 1862 1864 1870 1873 183^ 1840 1843 1882 1866 Bishop, Mr. ... 1872 Black, Mr. ... 1869 Black, Major ... 1870 Blackford, Mr. B. ... 1806 1810 Blackman, Mr. J. ... 1872 Blacoe, Mr. ... 1862 Blagrave, Mr. J. ... 1796 Blagrave, Mr. H. B. ... 1879 Co/otos. Blue, white seams, white cap Light blue, drab stripe, blue cap The same, black cap Black jacket, light blue cap Black, orange sleeves and cap Red, green cap Puce body and cap, primrose sleeves Maroon, sky blue sleeves White, blue sleeves Green and white stripe, black cap Brown and brown braid . Green and red cap Green, red cap, gold buttons White, red belt, black sleeves and cap Brown, red cap Blue and white diamonds Black, scarlet sleeves and cap Blue body, white sleeves and cap The same, red cap White, purple sleeves, red cap French grey, bronze sleeves and cap Violet and white stripe, white cap Blue and red sleeves, white cap Blue, yellow seams and cap Pink body, black sleeves and cap Pink body, blue sleeves and cap Pink body, light blue sleeves and cap Scarlet, green cap White, black cap Black, with white sleeves, black cap Maroon, light blue sleeves and cap RACIANA. 21 Blair, Sir D. H., Bart. ... Blair, Mr. F. H Blair, Mr. J. H Blair, Mr. P. H Blake, Mr. Blake, Mr. C Blake, Mr. C. J. Blake, Mr. D Blake, Mr. W Blake, Mr. Patrick /As Sir P. Blake, Bart., V 1772 Blake, Mr. Walter ... 1883 Blakelock, Mr. G. ... 1842 Blakiston, Mr ... 1864 Bland, Mr. J. S ... 1868 1869 Bland, Mr. R. ... ... ... i860 Blanton, Mr. C ... 1865 Blaydon, Mr. ... 1871 Bleackley, Mr. E. 0. ... 1882 Blenkiron, Mr. T. ... 1880 Blenkiron, Mr. W. ... 1876 Blewitt, Mr. ... 1878 Bloomfield, Mr. ... 1805 Bloss, Mr. F. ... 1836 1854 Bloss, Mr. G. A ... 1881 Blunt, Mr. ... 1865 Blyth, Mr. ... 1854 Boardman, Mr ... 1821 Boden, Mr. H ... 1873 Colours. 181 7 Green 1831 Orange, black cap 181 1 Orange, black cap 1875 Brown, straw belt and cap 1 82 1 White body, black sleeves 1772 Grey and white stripe 1877 French grey, scarlet hoops and cap 181 1 Black, white stripe 1 8 14 White body, black sleeves 1850 White, black sleeves and cap 1772 Black and white, cap the same Bronze green, yellow belt and cap Purple body, scarlet sleeves and collar, black cap White, black cap White and sky blue satin White, with blue stars Purple, yellow cap Drab, red cap Orange, purple belt and cap Cardinal, gold sleeves, green cap Brown, white cap Purple jacket, amber belt, black cap Blue and white stripe Blue jacket and cap, white sleeves Orange and brown stripe, black cap Purple, white stripe, black cap Aureoline, black sleeves and collar White, red belt and cap Pink, white sleeves and cap Orange, black cap Yellow jacket, blue stars 22 RACIANA. BODENHAM, Mr. J. BoLiNGBROKE, The Right Hon. Lord Bolton, His Grace the Duke of Bolton, The Right Hon. Lord ... Bond, Mr. Bond, Mr. Berkeley Bond, Mr. C. M Bone, Mr. W Booth, Mr. Booth, Mr. C Booth, Mr. P Booth, Mr. R Booth, Sir W., Bart, BoRiNGDON, The Right Hon. Lord Boswell, Mr. A. ... BoswELL, Sir James, Bart. Bouch, Mr. Thos. BOULTBEE, Mr. T. BoURKE, Mr. W. ... Bourne, Mr. A. R. BouvERiE, Mr. Chas. H. Co/ours. 1 82 1 Orange and lilac stripes, black cap 1762 1777 1851 1836 1828 1865 1863 1871 1862 1840 1882 1851 1866 1783 1808 1834 1872 1873 1811 1875 1873 1811 1818 1822 Bouverie, Mr. E. 1843 Bouverie, General 1859 BowEN, Mr. H. ... 1873 Bower, Mr. A. 1828 Bower, Mr. Elyott, 1869 Black waistcoat and cap Light orange Deep yellow, with purple velvet cap Black Celestial blue body Green, black cap Sky blue, black cap Black jacket, light blue velvet cap Black, crimson cap Black satin jacket, red velvet cap Napoleon blue, white sleeves and cap Blue and amber stripe, black cap Light blue, rose sleeves, and black cap Green, with black cap Claret and white, cap the same White with narrow black stripes, black cap Lavender, black belt Orange, scarlet sleeves and cap Purple, red stripe White, crimson facings, black cap Blue, red sleeves and cap Brown body, orange sleeves, and brown cap tied with an orange ribbon Brown, orange sleeves, brown cap Orange, black stripe, black cap Orange, brown stripe, black cap Brown, orange sleeves and cap Brown, orange sleeves and cap Black, red sleeves, white cap Crimson body, drab sleeves, black cap White, black sleeves and cap RACIANA 23 Bower, Mr. E. T. Bower, Mr. R (As Major Bower, 1821) Bowes, Mr. J Bowles, Mr. Bowman, Mr. BoYCE, Mr. R. Boyce, Mr. R. BoYCE, Mr. T. Boyce, Mr. R., Jun BoYCE, Mr. R. Boyd, Mr. K. Boyd, Colonel Hay Boyd, Mr. H. F. ... Boyle, Colonel P. BOYNE, Mr. ROBT. BOYNTON, Mr. C BoYNTON, Mr. G. BoYNTON, Sir H., Bart BOYNTON, Mr. J Brabazon, Mr. J. V Brace, Mr. F. E. (As Major Brace) Bracher, Mr. G. Brackenbury, Mr. H. V. Brade, Mr. W Bradford, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . Co/ours, 1863 Blue, white belt, red cap 1 8 14 Harlequin, white cap 1833 Black 1865 Black and gold 1862 Pink, red cap 1864 Blue, white cap 1873 Chocolate, black cap 1804 Brown, white cap 1805 Dark green, with black cap 1842 Orange, black cap 1869 Light blue 1844 Yellow, black cap 1863 Straw 1874 French grey body, violet sleeves and cap 1869 Crimson, black cap 1868 Black, white seams, and cap 1880 Black, white sash, seams, and cap I88I White, crimson sleeves and cap 1878 Black, double cross scarlet belt, white cap I88I White, black cap 1870 Brown, orange cap 1854 White, black cap 1868 Light blue 1865 White, black hoops, white cap 1874 Green and white hoops, yellow cap 1877 Yellow, blue cap 1883 Dark blue, light blue belt and cap 1808 Light blue, red cap 1869 White, scarlet sleeves, black cap 24 RACIAN A. Bradford, Major H. Bradley, Mr. C Second colour Brady, Mr. Bragg, Mr. H Braithwaite, Mr. Brand, Mr. Thos. Brandling, Mr. C. J. Branthwayt, Mr. A. Bratley, Mr. H. R. Brayley, Mr. E. ... Breton, Mr. C. D. Brett, Mr. R. B. Brewer, Mr. Chas. Brewer, Mr. T. le Brewtey, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Bridgwater, His Grace the Duke of Briggs, Mr. A. Briggs, Mr. A. S. Brill, Mr. C. F. ... Bringhurst, Major Brisco, Mr. Alfred Bristow, Mr. J. J. Broadhurst, Mr. Broadley, Captain 1873 1865 do. 1873 1873 1843 1773 1775 1784 1804 1804 1871 i860 1863 1854 1882 1866 1847 1866 1864 1762 1876 1881 1870 1876 1853 1859 1881 1838 1792 1852 1859 Colours. Nile green jacket, damask rose cap Scarlet, white belt and cap Orange, mauve cross belts, black cap Brown jacket, white stripes and cap Chocolate, black cap Purple, crimson cap Violet, blue and flesh-colour striped Purple and buff, cap the same Orange and green stripe, black cap Red, black cap Red, with black cap Blue body, pink cap and garter Green, black sleeves Red, yellow cap Red and white stripe, black cap Light blue and rose hoops, rose cap White, sky blue belt and cap Straw body, pink sleeves, blue velvet cap Violet, black cap Magenta, black belt Garter blue Blue, white stripes, blue cap Black, scarlet sleeves, black cap Black, white cap Yellow, black stripe French grey, red belt, white cap The same, black cap Light blue, crimson cap Yellow, blue sleeves, yellow cap Pink, black cap Light blue body, green sleeves Pink and blue RACIANA. 25 Colours. Broadley, Mr. W. H. H. ... 1866 Black, plaid belt 1873 Pink, blue sleeves Brocklehurst, Mr. H. D. ... 1881 Crimson, black sleeves and cap Brockton, Mr. W. R. ... ... 1870 Straw Bromsgrove, Mr. ... 1867 Purple, scarlet sleeves and cap Second colour ... 1868 Same, with purple cap Brook, Mr. C ... 1869 All white Brook, Mr. W. H. ... 1842 Violet, cap the same 1857 Blue, red sleeves and cap Brooke, Mr. C. C. ... 1846 Primrose, purple cap Brooke, Mr. C. B. ... 1875 White and chocolate Brooke, Mr. G. ... ... 1802 Yellow Brooke, Mr. T. L. ... 1802 Red, black sleeves 1806 Scarlet and purple stripe 1808 Yellow waistcoat, black cap Brooke, The Right Hon. Lord ... 1806 Blue and red stripe Brooke, Sir Richard, Bart., ... 1811 Yellow, black cap Brooke, Mr. W. H. ... 1872 French grey body, black sleeves and cap Brookes, Mr. J ■•• 1835 Amber jacket, black cap Brooks, Mr. Chas. ... 1871 Violet, white stripe, black cap Brooks, Mr. J. H. ... 1866 White body with scarlet crosses, scarlet and white quartered cap 1867 The same, with black and white quar- tered cap Brooks, Mr. J. M. ... 1874 White, lemon belt and cap Brooks, Mr. Saml. ... 1871 Lilac Brookwood, Mr ... 1871 Dark blue jacket, yellow belt, dark blue cap Brown, Mr. A. ... ... 1861 Pink, black belt and cap Brown, Mr. B. ... 1870 White, blue belt, red cap Brown, Captain L. ... i860 Crimson Brown, Mr. H. ... ... 1817 Black and white stripe Brown, Mr. John ••• 1853 Yellow, black cap Second colour ... 1859 Yellow jacket, red band round each arm, black cap 26 RACIANA. Brown, Mr. T. Brown, Mr. T. B. Brown, Mr. M Brown, Mr. S Brown, Mr. W. C. Brown, Mr. W. R. Brown, Mr. W Browne, Mr. Cave Browne, Lieut. H. (As Captain, 1873) Browne, Major G. Bruce, Mr. Bruce, Mr. F Bruce, Mr. G. Brundenell Bruce, Mr. H Bruce, The Right Hon. Earl /See Marquis of Ailesbury, V 1856 Bruce, Mr. J. Ross Bruere, Mr. W. S. Second coloiir Brunskill, Mr. W. F. ... Bruton, Mr Bryan, Mr. Bryan, Mr. G Bryan, Mr. J Colours. 1859 Scarlet, blue cap i860 Light blue 1873 Grey, crimson belt 1879 Orange, white sleeves 1880 Black, orange cap 1872 Black, yellow sleeves, red cap 1878 Yellow, black cap i860 Amber jacket, red cap, gold buttons 1864 Black, white stars 1845 Purple, white sleeves and cap 1878 Chrome, cerise hoops 1806 Crimson, black cap 1808 Crimson, with yellow seams, black cap 1869 Drab, blue facings, blue cap 1865 Purple jacket, orange cap i860 Black and rose stripe, rose sleeves and cap 1870 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap 1863 Royal white tartan, black velvet cap 1874 Light blue, black cap 1840 Red body, yellow sleeves and cap 1852 The same, black cap 187 1 Violet and primrose hoops, violet cap 1870 Violet, black sleeves and cap 1870 Violet, black cap 1870 Black, gold stripes, white cap 1873 Black, broad gold stripes, black cap 187 1 Black, orange cap 1855 Lavender jacket, white cap 1858 Yellow, red sleeves and cap 1862 Yellow, crimson sleeves and cap 1868 Scarlet, blue cap RACIANA. 27 Bryant, Mr. G Brymer, Mr. W. E Bryson, Mr. BuccLEUCH, His Grace the Duke of BucHAN, The Right Hon. Earl of BucHAN, The Right Hon. Earl of Buchanan, Mr. P. BUCKENHAM, Mr. ... BUCKLAND, Mr. J Buckle, Mr. F Buckley, Mr. E Buckley, Mr. E. ... (As Sir E. Buckley, Bart., i Buckley, Mr. R. ... BuLKELEY, Captain BuLKELEY, Sir R. W., Bart. Bull, Mr. H BULLARD, Mr. C. ... Buller, Colonel ... Bullock, Mr. Thos. BuLMAN, Mr. T. W. BuNBURY, Sir T. Charles, Bart BuNCE, Mr. Bungay, Mr. W. . . . Burbridge, Mr. ... Burdock, Mr. BuRDON, Mr. BuRE, Mr. BuRFORD, The Right Hon. Earl of Co/ours. 1877 White, pink seams 1883 White, green spots, green cap 1875 Black, scarlet hoops, scarlet cap 1834 Yellow, light blue sleeves and cap 1857 Scarlet with silver braid 1880 White satin and scarlet hoops, scarlet cap 1883 Cerise, black belt 1870 Scarlet, green cap 1872 Blue, with white cross belts, blue and white cap 1802 Purple and white stripe satin, cap the same 1836 Scarlet, purple sleeves, black cap 1867 Crimson, purple sleeves, black cap 1862 White, black stripe and cap 1 83 1 Black and white quartered 1 83 1 Brown body, white seams, sleeves, and cap 1883 Navy blue, gold braid 1873 Tartan, yellow sleeves and cap 1873 Apricot jacket, crimson cap 1783 Straw trimmed with purple 1792 Green waistcoat with white sleeves, black cap 1877 Yellow, scarlet sleeves and cap 1772 Pink and white stripe, black cap 1863 White, black cap 1 88 1 Black, cardinal sleeves 1863 Blue, scarlet cap 1872 Dark blue, white belt 1790 White, black cap 1874 Blue and white stripes 1800 White, black cap 28 BuRGHO, Sir R. de, Bart. Burke, Sir T., Bart. Burlington, The Rt. Hon. Lord BURLTON, Mr. Burnham, Mr. BuRRELL, Captain Percy BuRRELL, Mr. Walter . BURRELL, Mr. W. Burrows, Mr. BURSTALL, Mr. J. H. Burton, Mr. Burton, Mr. W. ... Burton, Mr. R. C BuRwooD, Mr. A. Bush, Mr. Charles Butler, Mr. F, Butler, Mr. J. Butler, Mr. T. Butt, Mr. G. Buttevant, Mr. Bygott, Mr. J. S. Byndloss, Mr. Byng, Captain Byng, Hon. G. Byng, General Sir J Byrne, Colonel RACIANA. Co/ours. ... 1862 Bird's-eye blue, black cap ... 1855 Blue jacket and cap d 1831 Orange ... 1772 Yellow 1780 Yellow, with purple and yellow cap ... 1874 White, scarlet seams, white and scarlet cap 1806 Straw-coloured body, purple sleeves, black cap 1806 Black 1883 Green, pink sleeves and cap 1869 Blue, white sleeves and cap 1873 French grey, blue sleeves and cap 1867 Black, gold braid, yellow cap 1878 Black, gold braid, yellow cap 1879 Black, orange belt, yellow cap 1883 Black, yellow belt 1806 Green and white 1876 Sage green body, blue sleeves and cap 1875 Red, black belt and cap 1876 Red, black and gold belt, red cap 1883 Black, yellow belt 1865 Black, yellow sleeves and cap 1 806 Red and white stripe, black cap 1866 Blue, white stripes and cap 1865 Blue, yellow stripes, yellow cap 1 88 1 Orange jacket and cap, blue sleeves 1804 Yellow satin, black cap 1 83 1 White body, yellow sleeves, and crim- son velvet cap 1836 White body, purple sleeves, purple velvet cap 182 1 Orange body, light blue sleeves and black cap 1872 Violet RACIAN A 29 Cadogan, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Calder, Mr. R Caledon, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Call, Sir W., Bart. Galley, Mr. Thos. Calmont, Mr. Arthur ... Calthorpe, The Rt. Hon. Lord Cambridge, Mr. J. Cameron, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Campbell, Mr. A. Campbell, Captain Cannon, Mr. J. ... Cannon, Mr. Tom Cansh, Mr. Thos. Canterbury, The Rt. Hon. Lord Capel, Mr. C Card, Mr. J Cardross, The Right Hon. Lord Cardus, Mr. J. Carew, Mr. C. H. Carleton, Colonel Carlile, Mr. T Carlisle, The Right Hon. Lord Carlton, Captain Carnegie, Mr, A. Carr, Mr. R Carrington, Mr. F. Colours. 879 Eton blue 859 Brown, orange sleeves 870 Blue, black cap 846 Straw jacket, black cap 868 Purple and yellow stripe, purple cap 819 Black and yellow stripe, with black cap 872 White, pink belt and cap 869 Blue, white cap 873 White and red spots 876 White and green spots, cap the same, gold tassel 861 Black, white belt 876 Black and blue, silver facings 869 Light blue, white sleeves and cap 846 White, black cap 881 Eton blue, claret sleeves and cap 872 Red, yellow sleeves and cap 873 Scarlet, white hoops, white cap 868 Yellow, blue cap 861 Purple, light blue sleeves, black cap 854 Violet body, amber sleeves, black cap 871 Blue and cerise 849 Scarlet, silver braid 878 Green, black and gold belt and cap 849 Chocolate and orange stripe, black cap 872 Buff and blue stripe, blue cap 854 Amber, violet sleeves, white cap 772 Scarlet and grey striped 876 Brown jacket, blue sleeves and cap 878 Cherry, black cap 875 Light blue body, straw sleeves and cap 1863 Yellow, black sleeves and cap 30 RACIANA, Carrington, The Right Hon. Lord Carrington, The Hon. Rupert Carter, Colonel ... Carter, Mr. R Carter, Mr. Thos. Carter, Mr. W Carteret, Mr. Co/ours. 1873 Bufif 1880 Buff, black cap 1883 Buff, black and buff cap 1877 White, red belt and cap 1875 Black, red and yellow stripes, black cap 187 1 Blue, white sleeves, yellow cap 1877 Black 1779 Black and white, paned /As The Hon. Mr. Carteret, \ V 1782 ; /As The Right Hon. LordX \ Carteret, 1784 / Cartwright, Mr. W. J. E. Cartwright, Mr. W. S. ... Case, Mr. T. E (See Walker) Cassidy, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. J. A. Cassillis, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Castle, Mr. G Castle, Mr. W Castlereagh, The Right Hon. Viscount Castro, Mr. G Caswell, Mr. E. C Cathcart, Captain Catton, Mr. A Cave, Captain C. B (As Colonel C. B. Cave, 1880) Cave, Mr. John ... Cave, Mr. J. M Cave, Mr, W 1875 Blue, orange sleeves 1859 Scarlet, black cap 1869 Pink and white hoops 1842 Blue, black cap 1882 Straw and blue 1869 White and pink chivrons, white cap 1859 Chocolate and orange stripe, black cap 187 1 Dark blue jacket with white belt and red cap 1 88 1 Lilac, yellow hoops 1872 Blue, black cap 1876 Sky blue jacket and cap 1864 Brown, white stripe, white cap 187 1 Green, red sleeves and cap 1878 Light blue, black sleeves and cap 1874 Green and gold stripes, gold cap 1872 Violet, orange belt and cap 1873 Violet, light blue cap 1868 White, red cap RACIANA. 31 Colours, Cavendish, The Right Hon. Lord G. H /With the Hon. G. Watson, \ 1806 and 181 1 Cawdor, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Caxton, Mr Chadwick, Mr. R. Chaloner, Mr. T. Chamberlayne, Mr. T. ... Chancellor, Mr. Chandos, Mr. Changeable, Mr. Harry Chaplin, Mr. Henry Second colour . . . Charlemont, The Right Hon. the Earl of Charles, Mr. Charles, Mr. Charles, Mr Charlton, Colonel Charlton, Mr. T. B Charlton, Mr. John Charlton, Mr. L. Charretie, Colonel Cheese, Mr. Arthur Cheroot, Mr. Cherry, Mr 1789 Straw, black cap 1804 Orange 1805 Deep yellow 1806 Buff I8II Orange 1876 Black and yellow body, yellow sleeves, black cap 1864 Chocolate body, dark blue sleeves, black cap 1862 Crimson jacket, greenbelt, and white cap 1874 White, red cap 1882 White, chocolate belt, red cap i860 Sky blue satin, pink sleeves and cap 1863 Cherry, black and gold belt and cap I87I Scarlet, white sleeves and cap 1873 Scarlet, black cap 1865 Rose do. Rose, white cap 1870 Violet, black cap 1877 White, cerise cap 1868 French grey, white sleeves 1875 Blue, black sleeves, cerise cap 1881 Yellow, dark blue sleeves, crimson cap 1793 Black 1851 Blue, white sleeves and cap 1883 Yellow, scarlet sleeves and cap 1815 Red and white stripe, black cap 1843 Crimson, white sleeves and cap 1874 White, red belt 1869 Black and amber 1862 Cherry 32 RACIANA Cherry, Mr. Chesterfield, The Right Hon. Earl of . . . Chetwynd, Sir Geo., Bart. Second colour . . . Chetwynd, Mr. W. H. ... Chichester, Mr. H. J. ... Chiffney, Mr. W. Childers, Colonel Childwick, Mr. ... Chilton, Mr. R. ... Chinnery, Mr. H. J. ... ... Chippendale, Mr. W. ... Chirnside, Mr Choice, Mr. H Cholmley, Mr. H. W Cholmley, Sir George, Bart. Cholmondeley, Mr. C. ... Choyce, Mr Christian, Mr. Ewan ... Christie, Captain Christopher, Mr. R. R. Churchill, Mr. H Clack, Mr. W Clarendon, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Colours. 1 88 1 Black, gold sleeves, crimson cap 1829 Red with blue sleeves, red cap 1870 Straw, sky blue sleeves and cap I87I Light blue, straw stripes 1883 Magenta, straw sleeves 1868 Mauve body and cap, green sleeves 1874 Mauve, black belt and cap 1823 Dark green, black cap 1807 Purple waistcoat, red cap 1883 Sky blue, black sleeves, gold cap 1855 Orange body, green sleeves and cap 1882 Cherry, black sleeves 1808 Orange and black stripe, cap the same. with a game-cock on the front 1864 Blue 1882 Green, white hoops 1877 Blue, orange sleeves 1879 Black, yellow sleeves 1865 Black, yellow sleeves 1802 Sky blue 1807 Drab waistcoat and cap 1854 Pink, black cap 1872 Blue and white hoops, blue cap 1854 White 1870 Black, white cap I87I I Zingari, scarlet cap 1874 Geranium red, white cap, red tassel 1796 Yellow with purple spots 1869 Black, scarlet sleeves, black cap 1796 Black waistcoat, red cap 182 1 Black, with red collar, cuffs, and cap 1823 Blue, with red collar and cap RACIANA. 33 Coloufs. Claridge, Mr. J. ... 1823 Pink, white cap Clark, Mr. 1847 Scarlet, yellow sleeves Clark, Mr. A. 1869 Green, black and red cap Clark, Mr. E. R. ... 1842 Light blue, trimmed with crimson 1846 Light blue, scarlet seams, scarlet cap Clark, Mr. R. 1883 Cherry, black cap Clarke, Mr. Jas 1849 Black Clarke, Mr. F, ... 1842 Lilac, white cap Clarke, Mr. F. J. 1878 Lavender, pink belt and cap Clarke, Mr. J. (Marlborough) ... 1852 Purple, crimson cap Clarke, Mr. W. ... 1843 White calico Clavering, Mr. W. F. ,.. 1882 Black, red and black cap Clay, Mr. Jas. ... 1869 Bismarck brown, light blue cap Clay, Mr. W. H. ... .,, 1872 Black, crimson sleeves Clayton, Mr. E. C. 1864 Black, yellow sleeves, black cap 1876 Chocolate, white hoops, chocolate cap Clayton, Mr, T. ... 1867 Amber, white cap Cleaver, Mr, 1823 Straw and purple Clement, Mr, Geo. 1868 Black, red belt 1872 Black, green belt and cap Clermont, The Right Hon, Lord 1772 Scarlet 1800 Crimson Cleveland, The Most Noble the Marquis of /See Duke of Cleveland, \ V 1833 / Clifden, The Rt. Hon. Viscount Cliff, Mr. T ;. Clifford, Mr. E. ... Clifford, The Rt. Hon. Lord De Clifford, Mr. T, J Clift, Mr, W 1827 Pink and black stripe, with black cap 1848 Straw 1857 Yellow, blue belt and cap 1866 Blue, tartan belt 1868 Black, crimson sleeves and cap 1879 Pink, sage green hoops, pink cap 1869 All black 1876 Black, blue sleeves 1804 Black 34 RACIANA. Clifton, Mr. A. M. Clifton, Mr. J. A. Clifton, Mr. J. ... Clifton, Mr. John Clifton, Mr. Robt. /As Sir R. Clifton, Bart. V 1852 Clinton, Captain Clinton, The Right Hon. Lord Clitherow, Colonel Clive, Mr. Clive, Mr. B Clive, Mr. G CoAPE, Mr. H. C. CoATES, Captain ... Coates, Mr. John CoATES, Mr. John CoBDEN, Mr. H. S. Cobham, Mr. A. ... Cock, Mr CocKERELL, Sir C. R., Bart. CocKiN, Mr. J Second colour Cocks, Mr. Jas Cocks, Mr. John... CODRINGTON, Mr. ... Codrington, Mr. C. W. ... CoDRiNGTON, Sir G., Bart. Colours. 1870 Rose and black cap 1863 Blue, scarlet cap 1 79 1 Brown and yellow cross stripe, cap the same 1808 Yellow and snufif-brown broad stripe round the body, cap the same 1829 Yellow and snuff- brown broad stripe round the body, black cap 1845 Scarlet and snow-white broad stripe, white cap 1857 Yellow, black sleeves and cap 1829 Broad blue and white stripe 1877 Blue, white sleeves and cap 1858 Black, violet belt, primrose cap 187 1 White, black sleeves, crimson cap 1870 White, scarlet braid and cap 1846 Black i860 Blue, black cap 1 86 1 White, blue belt 1780 1878 Scarlet, olive-green sleeves and cap 187 1 Maroon, black hoops 1868 Blue, crimson belt and cap 187 1 Blue and white chevrons 1809 Pea-green, red collar, black cap 1 84 1 Blue and white stripe, blue cap 187 1 White jacket, black cap 1874 All white 1 88 1 Cardinal and blue stripes, white cap 1872 White jacket, crimson belt and cap 1775 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1833 Light blue and white stripe 1878 Light blue and white stripes, blue cap RACIANA. 35 Cole, The Right Hon. Viscount 1883 Colo2irs. White Coleman, Mr, E. C 1865 Black and amber stripes, amber cap Coleman, Mr. T. R 1865 Red, white sleeves, white cap Coleman, Mr. Thos 1841 White, red sleeves, black cap Coles, Mr. W 1877 Crimson and yellow hoops, black cap COLLETT, Mr. 1841 Pink, green sleeves, black cap Collier, Mr. W. T 1862 Lavender jacket, cherry belt, black cap Collins, Mr. 1839 Light blue 1844 Black body and cap, light blue sleeves Collins, Mr. D 1873 Black and white stripe, blue cap Collins, Mr. E. ... 1862 Purple, buff stripe, black cap Colquitt, Captain 1841 White Combe, Mr. Harvey 1839 Purple, white cap Combe, Mr. R. H. 1879 Purple, white cap CoMBERMERE, The Right. Hon. Viscount 1881 Blue, crimson sleeves, black cap Cometson, Mr. W. 1874 Amber and white cap Concannon, Mr. L. 1796 Purple with black cap 1799 Broad pink and white stripe, cap the same Coney, Mr. J. 1868 Green, yellow cross belt Connell, Captain 1857 Blue, orange belt Conner, Mr 1877 White, black cap CONOLLY, Mr. T 1865 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap Constable, Mr. J. 1868 Yellow, blue belt Conway, Mr 1862 Light blue, brown cap Conway, Mr. S 1847 Green, red sleeves and cap Conyngham, The Most Noble the Marquis of 1833 French grey, scarlet cap Cook, Mr. A 1846 Crimson body, yellow sleeves, black cap Cook, Mr. J. P 1854 White with gold seams, crimson belt and cap Cook, Mr. R. C 1881 Black, red sleeves, black cap Cook, Mr. R. S 1874 Blue, red cap 36 Cook, Mr. W. D CooKES, Mr. J. H, CooKSON, Captain CooKSON, Mr. Jas. CooKSON, Mr. J. B. CooKSON, Mr. Joseph CooKsoN, Mr. J. Sawrey CooKsoN, Mr. W. Cooper, Captain A. Cooper, Mr. A. ... Cooper, Mr. D Cooper, Mr. R J. Cooper, Mr. H. VV. Cooper, Mr. Percy Cooper, Captain W. H. ... Cooper, Mr. R. E. Cooper, Mr. W. Synge ... Second colour Cooper, Mr. W. S. Cooper, Mr. W Coote, Captain R. CooTE, Sir Chas., Bart. ... COPKLAND, Mr. W. T. ... COPELAND, Mr. W. T. ... Copley, Mr. G. E. Copperthwaite, Mr. R. H. RACIANA. Colours. ... 1846 Black and white patched, cap the same ... 1831 Black body, white sleeves and cap ... 1848 Blue 1853 Lavender jacket, white cap ... 1846 Lavender, straw cap ... 1878 Pink and black hoops, pink sleeves ... 1796 Purple trimmed with crimson, black cap 1798 Purple, with straw-coloured cap • ... 1882 Lavender, straw cap ... 1854 Lavender jacket, white cap ... 1863 White, black spots, black cap ... 1879 Blue, pink sleeves and cap ... 1877 Orange and white hoops, white cap ... 1878 White, black cap ... 1883 Violet, white cap ... 1877 Black, light blue sleeves and cap 1878 Light blue, maroon diamonds, cap the same 1883 Zingari ... 1861 Maroon 1863 White, black cap ... 1852 White jacket, black cap ... 1877 Amber, blue and white hoops ... do. Amber and blue and white stripes ... 1876 Black and white cross ... 1844 Purple and orange stripe, white cap ... 1866 Black, orange hoop and cap ... 1817 Black, white cap 1840 Blue and white stripe ... 1857 Black 1858 Blue, white stripe and cap ... 1864 Yellow, green sleeves ... 1854 Red, black cap RACIANA. 37 Co/oKrs. Corbet, Mr 1839 Lilac, red sleeves, black cap Corbet, Mr. Edwd 1794 Black, yellow cap Corbet, Mr. H. Reginald 1876 Black body, yellow sleeves, black and yellow cap Corbet, Mr. Vincent ... 1817 Orange and black cap CORDERY, Mr. 1875 Cerise, black sleeves and cap CORDNER, Mr. W. J 1878 White, red cap Core, Mr. J 1877 Violet and white stripes, white cap Corlett, Mr. John 1875 White and gold 1883 Pink CORNFORTH, Mr. W. 1802 Yellow Cornish, Captain G. B. ... 1868 Blue body with white stars, crimson sleeves and cap Cornish, Mr. T. ... 1863 Orange, purple sleeves and cap Cornwall, Mr, 1877 Purple and yellow stripe, purple cap Corrie, Mr. J 1796 Green, black cap Corscaden, Mr. W. G 1868 Primrose jacket and black cap CORWALL, Mr. 1869 Violet, silver braid ^jgCoSBY, Mr. T 1831 Purple, red cap 1832 Green and white stripe across, green and gold cap Cotgreaves, Mr 1855 Yellow, black cap Cotton, Mr 1874 Blue, red sleeves, black cap Cotton, Captain H. C 1867 Dark blue, scarlet sleeves, black cap Cotton, Mr. R 1865 White, black and yellow seams, black cap Coupland, Mr. J. ... 1876 Black, straw belt and cap Courtenay, The Right Hon. Lord i860 Violet, green sleeves, white cap CouTTS, Mr. L 1871 Scarlet body, white sleeves, white cap Second colour . . . do. Same, scarlet cap Coventry, The Right Hon. the 1873 White, maroon cap Earl of 1858 Brown, blue cap Coventry, Captain the Hon. H. 1864 Red, light blue sleeves and cap 1868 The same, red cap 38 RA CI AN A. Coventry, The Hon. T. W. COVERDALE, Mr ... 1859 Coward, Mr. E. F. ... 1881 CowEN, Mr. W ... 1865 CowiE, Mr. A ... 1864 CowiE, Mr. D. ... 1878 Cowley, Mr. ... 1849 CowPER, Mr ... 1871 CowPER, Mr. W. ... "... 1847 Cox, Mr ... 1802 Cox, Mr. R. Bethel ... 1802 Cox, Mr. W. H ... 1879 Cradock, Captain J. ... 1871 Cradock, Colonel Cradock, Mr. S Cradock, Mr. W. W. Craig, Mr. J Cranston, Mr. W. F. Craston, Mr. T. ... ■ Craven, The Hon. Berkeley Craven, Mr. Fulwar Craven, Mr. J. A. Craven, Mr. J. P. Craven, The Right Hon. Lord Craven, Mr. W. G. Second colour 1817 1828 1808 1866 1883 1847 1872 1807 1824 1876 1866 1773 1861 1864 1866 i88i Colours. Buff body with blue sleeves, and blue and buff cap Black, white belt Lavender, primrose sleeves, cardinal cap Black Blue, black cap Blue jacket piped gold, gold cap piped blue, and blue peak White body, black sleeves and cap Green, orange cap Blue jacket, black cap Orange, black cap Brown, red sleeves, blue cap White, red sleeves, red cap Yellow and black stripe, black sleeves and cap Dark blue body, white sleeves and blue cap with white riband Blue body and cap, white sleeves Yellow, white cap Yellow, black sash, black and yellow cap Cherry, black cap Drab jacket, red sleeves, black cap Green, red cap White, with red cap Purple, orange cap Red, white braid, white cap Green body, red cap White satin, crimson cap Red and white stripe White, cerise cap White, cherry cap Same, black belt Crawford, Colonel Crawford, Mr. W. Stirling Crawley, Mr. J. S. Crawshaw, Mr. E. Crawshay, Mr. W. Cray, Mr. A. T. ... Crest, Mr, R. Crick, Mr. J. Cristo, Mr. A. ... Critchley, Mr. T. Crockford, Mr. W. Crockford, Mr. W. Croft, Mr. Croft, Colonel Croft, Sir Herbert, Bart. Croft, Mr. S Crofton, Captain Crofton, Mr. Crofton, Sir Morgan, Bart. Seco7id colour Second colour Second colour Croker, Mr. H. 8. Crompton, Mr. Gilbert Crompton, Mr. R. S. RACIANA. 39 Colours. ... 1839 Blue, red cap ... 1848 White, black cap 1856 French grey, orange stripe, black cap 1858 Scarlet .. 1866 Chocolate, orange cap .. 1863 Mauve, white sleeves and cap ... 1877 Straw, cerise spots, cerise cap .. 1878 Dark blue body, light blue sleeves. yellow cap ... 1883 Black, yellow diamonds .. 1871 Blue, red cap ... 1869 Black, orange cap .. 1837 Blue and white, black cap .. 1812 White, pink sleeves 1816 Blue, orange stripes, orange cap 1818 Brown and blue stripe, blue cap 1819 White, red cap ... 1841 White, red cap 1847 White, harlequin cap •■ 1855 Green, white sleeves, green cap .. 1817 White body, black cap .. 1866 Blue, buff spot .. 1807 Black and red sleeves, red cap .. 1847 Black body, red sleeves and black cap .. 1877 Black, white belt and cap .. 1873 Light blue, straw hoops, black cap .. do. Light blue, white belt, white cap •• 1875 White body, straw sleeves -and cap .. 1876 Black, straw hoops, white cap .. 1881 Brown body, blue cap .. 1801 Pink, black cap 1811 Orange satin, cap the same .. 1870 Orange 40 RACIANA. Crompton, Mr. W. Cronks, Mr. W. ... Crook, Mr. G. Cropper, Mr. E. D. T. Cross, Mr. F. Crossley, Mr. A. Crowder, Mr. Croydon, Mr. CuFFE, Mr. R. Cullender, Mr. B. Cumberland, Mr. CUMMING, Mr. Cunard, Mr. E. ... Cunningham, Mr. C. J. Cunninghame, Major Curtis, Mr. Curtis, Mr. C. J. CusACK, Mr. J. VV. E. CussANS, Mr. T. ... Cuthbert, Mr. W. Coloztrs. 1833 Black, red and blue stripes 1879 Black bird's-eye, cherry cap 1862 White jacket, green cap 1 88 1 Red, white sleeves, black cap 1870 Red, blue and white facings 1880 Light blue and black hoops, black cap 1785 Buff and green satin striped, with buff cap 1864 Dark blue jacket and cap, crimson and white belt 1883 Cardinal, black and gold quartered cap 1883 Light blue, scarlet sleeves and cap 1883 Light blue, white sleeves 1808 Blue and yellow 1874 Yellow 1874 Green and white hoops 1877 Olive green, primrose hoops, red cap 1823 Black and white 1825 Scarlet velvet body, yellow sleeves, black cap 1865 Light blue, drab stripe 1877 Cream body, cardinal belt and cap 1875 Orange and blue hoops 1802 White, yellow cap 1843 Blue, yellow cap Daintree, Captain Dalbiac, Mr. H. S. Dalby, Mr. F. Daley, Mr. J. 1844 Light green, red cap 1877 Black 187 1 Blue, brown sleeves and cap 1848 Green, white cap 1855 Light blue RACIANA. 41 Dalglish, Mr. E. Second colour . . . Dallas, Mr. Dalton, Mr. G Dalton, Mr. J Daly, Mr. Bowes Dane, Mr. Dansey, Mr. Dark, Mr. Darkyn, Mr Darley, Mr. H Darling, Mr. S. ... Darlington, The Right Hon. the Earl of 'See Marquis of Cleveland, , 1827 Co /oars. 187 1 Cerise, blue cap 1872 Violet body and cap, gold braid do. Violet body, gold braid, violet and straw quartered cap 1869 Mexican blue, black cap 1866 White, scarlet cap 1873 Ruby body, blue sleeves and cap 1808 Blue body, red sleeves, black cap 187 1 Black, brown cap 1873 Blue, orange seams, blue cap 1863 Dark blue, red seams 1872 Orange, purple cap 1863 Scarlet jacket, black cap 1868 Black and white hoops, scarlet cap 1880 Black, harlequin sleeves, black cap 1792 Pink and black stripe, cap the same 1806 Pink and black stripe, black cap Dash WOOD, Mr .. 1880 Black 1881 The same, red belt Dashwood, Mr. F. 1800 Green and black cap Dashwood, Mr. H. .. 1873 White, red cap Davenport, Mr. ... .. 1874 Cherry Davers, Sir Chas., Bart. •• 1779 Black and white Davey, Mr. R .. 1873 White jacket, tartan belt, tartan and white cap Davidson, Mr. Jas. .. 1857 Yellow, black belt and cap Davis, Mr. F .. 1877 Green, yellow sleeves and cap Davis, Mr. Jas .. 1880 Chocolate and white hoops, green cap Davis, Mr. Jos ... 1879 Cerise, French grey stripes and cap Davis, Mr. W .. 1781 Straw-colour trimmed with purple Davison, Mr. T •• 1874 Cerise (As Captain T. Davison, 1878) 42 RACIANA. Dawson, Mr. G. ... Dawson, Mr. F, ... Dawson, Mr. J as. Dawson, Mr. John A. Dawson, Mr. John Dawson, Mr. Joseph Dawson, Mr. Matthew . Dawson, Mr. Thos. Dawson, Mr. T. S. Day, Mr. A. Day, Mr. A. Day, Mr. Chas Day, Mr. John ... Day, Mr. E Day, Captain G. ... Day, Mr. H Day, Mr. Isaac Day, Mr. J. B (As Captain J. B. Day) Day, Mr. J., Jun Day, Mr. John Day, Mr. John Day, Mr. Leonard Co/ours. 1842 Yellow, black cap 1783 Sky blue 1792 Pea-green, black cap 1870 Scarlet, green cap 1882 White, red cap 1862 White, plaid belt, and cap 1 88 1 Dark bliie, black cap 1855 Blue body, black sleeves, black cap 1856 White, yellow cap 1859 White, red cap 1868 Purple and buff stripe, black cap 1870 Black, gold belt and collar 1842 Blue, black cap 1846 Dark blue, black cap 1 86 1 Dark blue, black cap 1864 Black, orange sleeves and cap 1882 Black and orange stripe, black cap 1803 Brown, red sleeves, black cap 1804 Blue and white stripe, black cap 1857 Black, orange belt, black and orange cap 1865 Red, white stripes, blue cap 1868 Green and white stripes, black cap 1883 Blue and yellow stripes, blue cap 1837 White, green cap 1866 Black and orange stripe, orange cap 1878 Black, scarlet sleeves 1869 Black, orange sleeves and cap 1836 Bluejacket, white cap 1839 Black, orange cap i860 White, scarlet seams, white and scarlet . cap quartered 1882 White, blue sleeves, magenta belt and cap RACIANA. 43 Day, Mr. T .. 1868 Day, Mr. W .. 1854 Day, Mr. W., Jun. .. 1874 Dayer, Mr. E. ... 1868 Deacon, Mr .. 1862 Dearden, Mr. C. ,.. 1870 Death, Mr, .. 1846 Decie, Mr. .. 1876 De Clare, Mr .. 1872 Defford, Mr. ... 1872 Delagarde, Mr ... 1881 Delamere, Mr .. 1852 Delme, Captain ... .. 1846 Delme, Mr. E. H. •• 1794 1796 1806 1809 (See Radcliffe) DELMk, Mr. H. P. .. 1861 1864 Delton, Mr. M .. 1875 Den, Mr ... 1868 Denham, Mr. ... 1846 Denham, Mr. R. ... .. 1821 Denman, Mr. John ... 1867 Dennehy, Mr ... 1881 Dennet, Mr. M ... 1849 1854 Dennistoun, Mr. Robt. . . . ... 1876 Denton, Mr ... 1872 Denys, Captain ... 1842 Colours. Green, orange sleeves Black and orange stripe, orange cap Chocolate, white hoops, quartered cap Blue, white sleeves, black cap Blue and yellow check, yellow sleeves and cap Cherry, white sleeves White, green sleeves, white cap Orange and white hoops, white cap Orange, scarlet sleeves and cap Chocolate body, blue belt, straw sleeves and cap White, yellow seams, crimson cap Light blue, white broad stripe Light blue, trimmed with scarlet, white cap Blue, cap the same Blue, trimmed with pink, black cap Blue, trimmed with scarlet, black cap Light blue, trimmed with scarlet, black cap Blue, red stripe, white cap Blue and red seams, white cap Green and white stripe, black cap Brown and white hoops Orange Scarlet Rose, black and gold belt and cap Brown, yellow cap Orange, black cap Green, white cap Blue, crimson sleeves and cap Primrose, cerise sleeves and cap Purple, white cap 44 RACIANA. Derby, Mr. Derby, The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, The Right Hon. the Earl of Second colour Desmond, Mr. Des Vceux, Mr. H. W. . , As Sir H. W. Des Vceux, Bart., 1858 De Vere, Mr Devon, Mr. Devon, Mr. C. Devonshire, His Grace the Duke of Dick, Mr. Richard Dick, Sir R. K., Bart. Dickinson, Mr. ... Dickinson, Mr. J. Dickson, Colonel Dillon, The Hon. Mr. Colours. 1876 Yellow, blue buttons, blue cap 1780 Green and white stripe 1788 Black, white cap 185 1 Black, white cap 1854 Black jacket with white belt, white cap 1865 Black, orange belt and cap 1869 White, orange cap 1857 Green, black cap 1859 Orange 1872 White, crimson sleeves 1878 Black, orange sleeves and cap 1859 Orange, blue cap 1762 1865 1866 1873 1823 1828 1883 1855 1803 Dillon, Mr. H . L. 1804 Dilly, Mr. M. ... ... 1861 Dilly, Mr. J. ... 1828 Dilly, Mr. M. ... 1811 Dilly, Mr. M. ... 1843 DiNSDALE, Mr, G. E. ... ... 1808 Straw, black cap Red and yellow Yellow, red belt and cap White, red belt Black and white stripe, black cap Scarlet body, white sleeves and cap Straw, green sleeves, black cap with gold tassel Yellow, blue diamonds, yellow sleeves and cap Yellow satin, light blue sleeves, yellow and red striped cap Light blue, black sleeves and cap Yellow, red cap Red, with white cap Yellow, black cap Drab, blue sleeves and cap Yellow and purple reversed, cap the same RACIANA 45 Dipso, Mr. Second colour Disney, Mr. W. ... Dixie, Sir A. B, C, Bart Dixon, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Dixon, Mr. G. Dixon, Mr. H. E. Dixon, Mr. L. G. T. Dixon, Mr. Raymond DoBREE, Mr. J. H. Dodsworth, Mr. ... DoDSwoRTH, Sir. E., Bart. Dolphin, Mr. T. V. Dolphin, Mr. V. ... Don, Mr Don, Sir Alexander, Bart, Don, Mr. Alexander /As Sir Alex. Don, Bart. V 1815 Doncaster, Mr. ... Donegall, The Most Noble the Marquis of Donegall, The Most Noble the Marquis of Donkin, Mr. J. G. ... ... Dorchester, The Right Hon. Lord Dorchester, The Right Hon. Lord Dorrien, Mr. C Colours. 1875 Dark blue, yellow sleeves and cap do. Dark blue, yellow sleeves, quartered cap 1854 Pink 1877 Chrome, white belt 1867 Orange, black cap 1839 Pea-green 1875 Dark blue body, white sleeves, white and blue cap 1878 Salmon, black sleeves and cap 1877 Yellow, blue sash and sleeves, blue cap with yellow buttons 1878 Lavender and cerise hoops, cerise cap 1872 Dark green 1794 White, black cap 182 1 Black and red stripe, black cap 1798 Pink, with black cap 1838 Pink, black cap i86g Black, black and white cap 1808 Green body, black sleeves, red cap 1811 Pink, black cap 1 8 13 Green, black cap 1816 Green body, black sleeves and cap 1867 Crimson, black cap 1869 Crimson, black sleeves and cap 1792 Blue and yellow stripe 1800 Black 1875 Blue and white hoops, blue cap 1842 Blue and white stripe, blue cap 1875 Buff and blue stripe, blue cap 1846 White, green sleeves, black cap 46 RACIANA. Dorset, His Grace the Duke of Dorset, Mr DouGALL, Mr. K. J Douglas, Mr. Douglas, Mr. J. ... Douglas, Mr. A. C. Douglas, Mr. F. ... Douglas, Mr. J. S. Douglas, The Right Hon. Lord James ... Douglas, Mr. Montague Dove, Captain Dove, Mr. T Dover, Mr. J Down, Mr. Down, Mr. E DowNALL, Mr. R. B Downe, The Right Hon. Viscount DowNES, Mr. Doxat, Mr. L. J Drake, Mr. T. T. Drew, Mr. H Drewe, Mr. G Drewitt, Mr. Drewitt, Mr. R. ... Drewitt, Mrs. Colours. 1815 White, with black cap 1868 Cerise, black cap 1882 Black, blue sleeves ■ 1779 Black, white cap 1805 Gold-coloured body, black sleeves and cap 1807 Yellow body, black sleeves and cap 1867 White, red cap 1870 Drab, pink sleeves and cap 1874 White, green, sleeves and cap 1846 Sky blue, black cap 1877 Crimson, black cap 1867 Orange and purple hoops 1874 White, red sleeves 1870 Black and yellow stripe, black sleeves, and black and yellow cap i860 Blue, orange sleeves, black cap 1875 Black, green belt and cap 1863 Violet, white braid and cap 1876 White jacket and crimson cross, crim- son and white cap 187 1 Chocolate and white sleeves and cap 1853 Orange, scarlet cap 1875 Purple, black cap 1847 Crimson, blue cap 1 87 1 The same, black cap 1852 Scarlet, white cap 1852 Crimson, white cap 1868 Straw 1854 Pink, white sleeves, black cap 1857 Pea-green, purple cap 1862 Sky blue jacket, black cap 1875 Sky blue jacket, black cap RACIANA. 47 Drinkald, Mr. J. S. Drinkrow, Mr Drislane, Mr. J — Drogheda, The Right Hon. the Marquis of Drummond, Mr. A. R. ... Duff, Captain Duke, Mr. Dunbar, Mr. B. E Dunbar, Mr. J. G. DUNCOMBE, Mr. S. DuNCOMBE, Mr. T. DuNDAS, Mr. Chas. DuNDAS, The Right Hon. Sir Law- rence, Bart. ... ... Dundas, Sir Thos., Bart. /As The Right Hon. Lord\ \ DUNDAS, 1794 / Dundas, Mr. T. G DuNLOP, Mr. D Dunmore, The Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore, The Right Hon. the Earl of Dunn, Mr. E. W. Dunn, Mr. N. Dunne, Mr. W. ... DUNSLEY, Mr Dunwich, The Right Hon. Vis- count {See Earl of Stradbroke, 1827) Ca/ours. 1847 White, scarlet seams, white and scarlet cap quartered 1867 Brown, red cap 1882 Straw, red sleeves and cap 1879 Black, silver lace 1859 Black body, crimson sleeves, white cap i860 Light blue, black cap 1854 Crimson, grey cap 1858 Black, pink belt 1862 Black body, sky blue sleeves and cap 1874 Violet, primrose sleeves 1807 Scarlet, black sleeves and cap 1807 Blue body, white sleeves, blue cap 181 1 Light blue, crimson stripe, black cap 181 3 Light blue, with orange cap 1774 White satin with scarlet spots, cap the same 1 78 1 White satin, scarlet spots 1782 White, scarlet spots, cap the same 1876 Blue bird's-eye, red cap 1879 Black, scarlet stars 1 84 1 Blue body and white sleeves, blue and white quartered cap 1876 Blue jacket and white star, white sleeves, blue and white cap 1876 Green, black sleeves 1878 Oxford and Cambridge blue stripes 1875 Pink, black cap 1809 Blue, yellow sleeves, black cap 1823 Pale blue satin 48 RACIANA. Colours. DUPPLIN, The Rt. Hon. Viscount 1874 White, red sleeves, white cap 1879 Red body and cap, white sleeves do. White, red sleeves, white cap 1796 Pink and white broad stripe 1883 Straw, violet sleeves and cap Second colour DuRAND, Mr. J. H. DuRANT, Mr. C. R. Durham, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . Durham, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . Durham, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . Dyce, Mr Dye, Mr Dykes, Mr. L. F. B Dyson, Mr. 1833 Blue and buff, with black cap 1863 Purple, straw sleeves 1865 The same, black cap 1880 Purple, straw sleeves and cap 1869 Blue, white belt, black cap 1875 Straw, blue stripes and cap 1875 French grey body, cerise sleeves, black cap 1867 White Earle, Mr. East, Mr East, Mr. Quartermaine East, Mr. Thos Eastlake, Mr. Eastnor, Mr. Eastwood, Mr. R. Eberhard, Mr. ... Eddison, Mr. B Eddut, Mr. Edgar, Mr. Edgeware, Mr. H. Edward, Mr. Edwardes, Mr. H. Edwards, Mr. 1872 Blue jacket, black sleeves and cap 1874 Blue, white cap 1875 Blue 1862 White, orange belt and cap I87I Blue, white sleeves and cap 1863 Sky blue, black cap I86I White body, black sleeves and belt 1883 Red, white cap 1839 Blue, black cap I88I Purple and yellow stripe, purple cap 1867 Purple and orange hoops, orange cap 1874 Brown and white bird's-eye jacket and cap 1867 Blue and white hoop 1857 Black, white hoop 1823 Harlequin, black cap RA CI AN A 49 Edwards, Mr. Edwards, Mr. J. . Edwards, Mr. W. Edwyn, Mr. E. ... Egerton, Mr. A. . . . Egerton, Mr. C. A. Egerton, Mr. E. H. Egerton, Mr. G. ... Egerton, Mr. J. ... /As Sir John Egerton, Bart.,\ V 1814 ) Eggington, Mrs Eglinton, The Right Hon. the Earl of Eglinton, The Right Hon. the Earl of Eglinton, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Egremont, The Right Hon. the Earl of Elcho, The Right Hon. Lord ... Elkin, Mr. Ellam, Mr. B Ellerker, Mr. E. Ellerton, Mr Ellesmere, The Right Hon. the Earl of Second colour . . . Colours. 857 Green body and sleeves and white belt 869 Yellow, blue belt, black cap 881 The same, red belt 837 Green and white narrow stripe, black cap 839 Pink and white stripe 850 Green, white cap 864 Violet jacket, white cap 876 Black and white hoops, red cap 871 Drab, scarlet belt and cap 864 Drab, scarlet hoops 807 Yellow waistcoat, white sleeves 806 Purple and yellow 808 Blue and red 811 Purple, red stripe 814 Purple body, crimson sleeves 877 White, black cap 811 Tartan waistcoat and cap 834 Tartan, yellow sleeves and cap 870 Tartan and yellow 781 Green, white stripe 788 Dark green, black cap 834 Dark blue, black cap 871 Green, orange cap 871 Black, sky blue sleeves and cap 809 Yellow body with purple sleeves, purple cap 872 Brown, white cap 876 Red, white sleeves, black cap 882 Red, black and white hooped sleeves, black cap 50 RACIANA. Elliott, Mr Elliott, Mr. C. F. Elliott, Mr. E. ... Elliott, Mr. F. ... Elliott, Sir W. F. A., Bart. Ellis, Mr. Ellis, Mr. J. J Ellis, Mr. W Ellison, Mr. H. . Elmsall, Captain Elphinstone, Mr. Elsworth, Mr. J. Elton, Mr. Elton, Mr. Elton, Mr. Elwes, Mr. H. Elwes, Mr. R. C. Elwon, Major Elyod, Mr. Emden, Mr. S. Emmett, Mr. G Enfield, The Rt. Hon. Viscount England, Mr. W. Ennis, Mr; N Eskrett, Mr. T. ... Colours. 1876 Yellow, red cap 1 88 1 White, cherry belt and cap 1865 Straw, mauve sleeves, black cap 1867 White with scarlet cross belt, scarlet and white cap 1867 Blue, red sleeves, black cap 1827 Orange, black cap 1870 Light blue, white stripe, black cap 1883 Cerise, blue seams and buttons, blue braid down front, cerise cap, blue seams 187 1 Magenta, black belt and cap 1839 Scarlet, black cap 1862 Violet, white cap 1864 Yellow, brown hoops, brown cap 1867 Blue, yellow belt, black cap 1 80 1 Yellow, black cap 1 86 1 Primrose, blue cap 1872 Maize, red cap 1848 Apricot, purple cap 1805 Purple and black cap 1 8 10 Yellow, with red cap 1 81 2 Light blue, trimmed with black, black cap 1865 Tartan, crimson sleeves and cap 1866 Yellow, black hoops, yellow sleeves and cap 1862 White, light blue belt and cap 1806 Sky blue, ruby sleeves and cap 1873 White, red cap 1847 White body, purple sleeves, velvet cap 1864 Sky blue, white cap 1866 Black, blue sleeves and cap 1875 Green, yellow sleeves and cap 1865 Drab, red hoops RACIANA. 51 Etches, Mr. E Ethell, Mr. C. B. Etwall, Mr. R. ... Etwall, Mr. W Evans, Mr. Evans, Mr. Evans, Mr. J, H Evans, Mr. O. L. Evans, Mr. R. S Evelyn, Mr. Evelyn, Sir Frederick, Bart. Everett, Mr. Evershed, Mr. S. EvESON, Mr. Evington, Mr Ewbank, Mr. W Exeter, The Most Noble the Marquis of Second colour Exeter, The Most Noble the Marquis of Second colour Exley, Mr. J. Eyke, Mr. J. Eyke, Mr. J. Eyton, Mr. Colours. 187 1 White, green cap 1877 Maroon, light blue sleeves and cap ^'^ZZ White, with green sleeves and cap 1846 White, with green sleeves and cap 1847 Pink, green cap 1859 Blue, red sleeves and cap 1870 Blue, red sleeves and cap 1880 Black, cerise cap 1870 Pink, black sleeves and cap 1877 French grey, bronze sleeves and cap 1880 Orange 1883 Bronze, green cap 1810 Yellow, with crimson cap 187 1 Maroon, blue and white hoops, blue cap 1877 Cerise and white 187 1 Purple, orange sleeves and cap 1874 White, purple belt and cap 1854 Blue, white sleeves, red cap 18 1 7 Light blue and narrow white stripe, black cap' 1847 The same, blue cap 1868 Light blue and narrow white stripe, black cap do. The same, black cap 1883 Scarlet, black sleeves, white cap 1856 White 1880 Green, canary cap 1858 Pale green, black and white cap Fain, Mr. ... Fairlie, Mr, J. O. Falkner, Mr. D. ... 1874 White, maroon cap 1837 Purple body, crimson sleeves and cap 181 2 Straw-colour and purple, yellow cap 52 RACIANA Falmouth, The Rt. Hon. Viscount 1864 1865 Second coloiir . . . do. Third colour 1879 Farnham, The Right Hon. Lord 1772 Farquharson, Mr. a. ... 1824 Farquharson, Colonel J. R. 1872 Farra, Mr. 1871 Farrance, Mr. E. 1851 Farrer, Mr. J 1869 Faucit, Mr. 1870 1871 Faulconer, Mr. ... 1838 Fawkes, Mr. A. ... 1878 Feaster, Mr. 1869 Feilde, Mr. W. H 1823 Fellowes, The Hon. N. ... 1823 Fenning, Mr. C ... 1853 1854 Fenning, Mr. H 1879 Fenwick, Mr. G 1865 Fenwick, l\Ir. J. E. 1883 Fenwick, Mr. W — 1773 Fenwick, Mr. W 1806 Fenwicke, Mr. G. 1874 Second colour . . . do. Ferguson, Mr. J. 1819 1823 Ferguson, Mr. T. (Ireland) 1846 Fermor, Mr. W 1807 Fermoy, The Right Hon. Lord ... 1879 Fern, Mr. E 1872 Colours. White body, black sleeves, red cap Black, white sleeves, red cap White, black sleeves, red cap Rose upon ermine, black cap, gold tassel Sky blue and cap Red, black cap Black jacket, white spots and belt, black cap Orange White jacket, orange cap Blue, amber cross belt White and red stripes, white cap Black body, rose sleeves and cap White Olive-green, light blue sleeves, black cap Green, red cap White and crimson, black cap Pink, black cap Violet and white stripe, white cap Brown, yellow sleeves and cap Straw, maroon sleeves and cap Brown, sky blue sleeves and cap Green, crimson cap, cross belt Red, black cap Red and white stripe, black cap Cherry, green cap Cherry, white cap Blue and yellow stripe Scarlet White, black cap Yellow body, black sleeves and cap Black, straw sleeves and buttons Primrose, lavender hoops, primrose sleeves and cap RACIANA. 53 Fetherstonhaugh, Sir H., Bart. Fetherstonhaugh, Mr. T. Feversham, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Fiennes, The Hon. J Fiennes, The Hon. J. Second colottr FiLMER, Mr. R. ... Finch, Mr. C FiNCHLEY, Mr. Firth, Mr. P. P Fisher, Mr. E. V, Fisher, Mr. F Fisher, Captain R. B. FiTZHUGH, Mr. G. W Fitzroy, Mr. FiTZROY, The Right Hon. Lord John FiTZWiLLiAM, The Hon. C. W. ... FiTZWiLLiAM, The Right Hon. Earl FiTZWiLLiAM, The Right Hon. Earl FITZWILLIAM, The Hon. G. W. ... FiTZWiLLiAM, The Hon. H. W. ... Fleet, Mr. T. H Fleming, Mr. G Fleming, Mr. G. ... Fletcher, Mr. C. J Fletcher, Mr, Hugh Colours, 1 78 1 Yellow, black cap 1869 White, black spots, black cap I87I Scarlet, white cap I85I White, black cap 1852 White, black sleeves and cap 1883 White, blue sleeves, orange cap do. White, orange sleeves, blue cap 1865 Red, blue cap 1835 Light blue jacket, black cap 1872- Black, scarlet cap 1840 Green, black cap 1877 Rose, black cap 1856 White, blue belt 1883 Zingari, black cap 1861 Black body, scarlet sleeves and cap 1876 Dark blue body, light blue sleeves and cap 1829 Pink and black, black cap 1875 Red and white lozenges, black cap 1790 Dark green, black cap 1807 Grass-green satin, black velvet cap 1857 Green 1873 Green, black cap 1854 Green, black cap 1869 Green, black cap 1872 Scarlet, purple sleeves, black cap 1873 Pea-green, purple velvet cap 1877 Black, red sleeves and cap 1858 Blue 1859 Lemon, black stripe, lemon cap 1876 Black, white spots 1813 Yellow, blue cap with a yellow riband 54 Fletcher, Mr. J. ... Fletcher, Captain R. Fletcher, Mr. W. Fletcher, Mr. W. Fletcher, Mr. W. K. B. Fletton, Mr. C Flint, Mr, W Flintoff, Mr. T Florence, Mr. H. Flower, Mr. L. ... Flowers, Mr. F. ... Flowers, Mr. H — Floyd, Mr. C. A Flutter, Mr. Fobert, Mr. J Foley, Mr. Thos. /As The Hon. Thos. Foley, V 1776 /As The Right Hon. LordX \ Foley, 1780 / Foljambe, Mr. G. Folkestone, The Right Hon. Lord Forbes, Mr. C Ford, Mr. G. S. RACIANA. Colours. ... 1811 Crimson, blue stripe ... 1801 Scarlet body with black sleeves and cap ••• 1795 Yellow, black cap 1808 Yellow, blue cap with a yellow riband ... 1869 Violet, white stripes, red cap ... 1878 Amber, blue hoops and cap ... 1864 Black 1804 White ... 1846 Crimson ... 1870 Scarlet jacket, green cap ... 1879 Black, French grey belt and cap ... 1875 Green ... 1876 Brown, French grey hoops and cap ... 1865 Purple and buff stripes, purple cap ... i860 Blue and white stripe, white cap ... i860 White, red cap 1862 Black ... 1772 Green and white stripe 'In conjunction with , Mr. Delamere 1823 Light blue, black cap 1875 Claret body, orange sleeves and cap 1864 Dark blue, red sleeves, white belt 1867 Dark blue, white belt, red sleeves and cap 1838 Blue body, blue and white sleeves and cap 1846 Light blue, blue and white sleeves and cap 1849 Puce body and black stripes, black sleeves and black velvet cap 1850 Red and white stripes, black sleeves, black velvet cap 185 1 Light blue and white broad stripe RACIANA. 55 Ford, Mr. W FoRDHAM, Mr. Geo. Foreman, Mr. Forester, The Hon. Colonel H. Formby, Mr. C. ... Formby, Mr, J. L. Forrester, Mr. R. Forster, Mr. G. ... Forsyth e, Mr. Forth, Mr. J Forth, Mr. W Foster, Mr. Foster, Mr. C. ... Foster, Mr. E. J. FOTHERGILL, Mr. C. Fowler, Mr. J Fox, The Right Hon. C. J. Fox, Mr. E. V Fox, Mr. G. L. ■ Fox, Mr. G. Lane Fox, Mr. S. Lane Fox, Mr. W. L FoY, Mr. John Francis, Mr. P. ... Francis, Mr. S. ... Frane, Mr. Franks, Mr. Colours. 1865 Purple body and cap, white sleeves 1872 Pink, black belt and cap 1874 Mauve and white stripe 1863 White, solferino cap J 860 Black, red spots and cap 1865 Sky blue, white cap 1848 Geranium, white cap i860 Black, cherry cap 1874 Green, black bars and cap 1857 Blue and white stripe, blue cap 1874 Chocolate, white belt and cap 1827 Brown, yellow sleeves, black cap 1 806 Sky blue, black cap 1868 Lemon and black stripe, lemon cap 1875 Blue, grey sleeves and cap 1873 White, brown belt and cap 1 808 Green and gold body, cross-barred, with yellow sleeves and cap 1 846 Orange jacket, black cap 1772 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1835 Green and gold, cap the same 18 19 Pink and white stripe 1846 Red and white stripe, red cap 1847 Red and white quartered, white cap 1829 Buff and white quartered, with red cap 1835 Straw and white quartered, red cap 1827 Crimson and white quartered, black cap 1865 Blue and white stripe, blue cap 1869 The same, white cap 1867 Violet, black sleeves and cap 1874 Claret jacket, yellow cap 1878 White, black sleeves, red cap 1867 Violet, amber sleeves, belt, and cap 56 RACIANA. Co /ours. Frankum, Mr. ... 1850 Black and white hoop, blue cap Fraser, Mr. H ... 1820 Black and yellow stripe, black cap Fraser, Mr. T. A. ... 1827 Black and yellow stripe, black cap Frazer, Mr. C ... 1882 Black, orange stars, quartered cap Frazer, Mr, F. ... ... 1882 Black and orange stripes Frederick, Mr. ... ... 1872 Rose, black sleeves and cap Fredericks, Mr. E. ... 1857 White, blue spots, red cap Freeman, Mr. E — ... 1877 Dark blue and yellow hoops, dark blue cap Freeman, Mr. H, ... 1850 Green, black cap Freeman, Mr. John ... 1861 Black satin jacket, light blue cap Freeman, Mr. Stewart ... ... 1862 Black, red cap Freeston, Captain ... 1843 White, green cap French, Mr, ... 1854 Scarlet, blue cap with white spots French, Mr. A. ... ... 1861 White, red cap French, Mr, G ,„ 1874 White, red cap Frewen, Mr. E. ... ... 1872 Brown, white belt, red cap Frost, Mr. J ... 1869 Chocolate, orange cap 1870 Black, red and yellow hoops, black cap Fry, Mr. F ... 1858 White, blue belt Fryer, Mr. Merlin ... 1876 Orange, purple sleeves, quartered cap FuLKE. Mr. ... 1865 Black, yellow sleeves, black cap 1866 Chocolate, white hoops, chocolate cap Fuller, Mr. ... i860 Yellow, blue cap 1861 Blue, white sleeves, red cap Fuller, Mr. G. ... 1804 Scarlet Funnell, Mr. John ... 1871 Black, gold sleeves, white cap FuRNiVALL, Major ... 1875 Broad light blue and white satin stripe. light blue cap Galmoy, Mr. Lawrence, Galwey, Mr. S. P. 1876 Salmon body, light blue sleeves and cap 1792 Straw colour, with purple sleeves and straw-coloured cap RA CIA NA. 57 Gardiner, Mr. C. Gardner, Mr. Geo. Gardner, Mr. W. D. Gardner, Mr. W. Gardnor, Mr. T. . . . Garforth, Mr Garnham, Mr, F. Garrard, Captain Garrett, Mr. R. ... Gascoigne, Mr. R. O. Gascoigne, Sir Thos., Bart. Gascoyne, Mr. Gauntlett, Mr. W. Gayton, Mr. Gee, Mr Gee. Mr. Thos. ... Second colour Do. Genge, Mr. R Gentle, Mr, George, Mr. G. George, Mr. O. Gerard, Mr. G. Gerard, Sir J,, Bart, Gerard, Sir W., Bart, Gerard, The Hon. W. Colours. 187 1 Blue and straw stripes, blue cap 1877 White, green sleeves and cap 1883 White, with blue zigzag 1858 Green, red cap 1883 Crimson, dcru sleeves 1 83 1 Crimson and purple ^"^ZZ White, blue sleeves, black cap 1842 The same, white cap 1790 Light blue 1876 Black and lilac hoops, black cap 1883 Brown, blue cap 1869 Green body, orange sleeves, and cap 181 1 Black and white, cap the same 1779 Black and white quartered 1800 White, black sleeves, black cap 1774 Pea-green and red stripe, cap the same 1775 Black and white cross stripes, cap the same 1828 Crimson, white cap 1867 Black jacket, orange horse-shoe on back, orange cap 1868 Claret and gold hoops, gold cap 1870 White, blue sleeves, red cap do. Red, blue sleeves, white cap 1877 Blue, white sleeves, red cap 1867 Green, harlequin cap 1872 Pale mauve and silver 1868 Mauve and white stripe 1874 All black 1872 Cherry, green cap 1834 Pink and white stripe, cap the same 1802 Red and white 1806 Pink and white stripe, cap the same 1874 Pink and white stripes and cap 58 RA CIA GiBBS, Mr. , . ... 1857 i860 Gibson, Mr. ... 1863 GiFFARD, Mr. T. W. 1828 1829 Gilbert, Colonel 1830 /As General Sir W. R. Gilbert,' V 1851 Gilbert, Mr. W GiLBY, Mr. ... 1856 1872 Gill, Mr ... 1856 GiLL, Mr. Comport ... 1846 Gill, Mr. P. ... 1869 GiLMORE, Mr ... I87I GiLMouR, Mr. ... 1834 Gilpin, Mr. W. B. ... 1875 1881 GlRDLER. Mr. ... I80I Gladstone, Mr. R. Glamis, The Right Hon. the Lord (See Earl of Strathmore, 1846) Glamis, The Right Hon. Lord ... Glasgow, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Gleadowe, Mr Glegg, Mr. J. B Glenville, Mr Glover, Mr. 1844 1843 1853 1871 1873 1875 1869 1879 NA. Colours. Puce, crimson cap Black Green, black and gold belt and cap Light blue and yellow, with black cap Blue, with buff collar, cuffs, and front, black cap Dark blue body, red sleeves and cap Black, Indian red sleeves, quartered cap Crimson body, straw belt, white cap Crimson body, straw and white belt and cap Blue, red sleeves Pink, green cap Pink body, black sleeves and cap Cherry, white cap Light blue and white Chocolate and blue stripe, chocolate cap Crimson, blue stripe, crimson cap Black Chocolate, pink sleeves, and cap Light blue, and drab seams Blue and drab stripes, black cap White body, red sleeves and cap White body, crimson sleeves and cap Black, yellow spots, black cap Black, cherry sleeves, grey cap Cerise and green hoops, white cap Green, yellow braid, black cap Blue, white sleeves, blue cap RACIANA. 59 Glover, Mr. J. Glyn, Admiral Glyn, Sir L., Bart. GoATER, Mr. Henry GoATER, Mr. W. GODDARD, Mr. A. . . I»02 1804 1811 1813 1877 1834 1861 1864 1866 1870 1874 1858 i860 1807 Goddard, Mr. T. ,. 1861 GoDDARD, Mr. E. T .. 1877 Goddard, Mr. R. .. 1875 Goddard, Mr. W. •• 1873 Godding, Mr. .. i860 Godfrey, Mr. ... .. 1862 Godfrey, Mr .. 1867 Godfrey, Mr. E. C .. 1873 Godfrey, Mr. E. C .. 1881 Second colour . .. 1882 Godson, Mr. J. S. .. 1875 Godwin, Mr. .. 1846 GOFF, Captain .. 1859 1872 GoLBY, Mr. T .. 1857 Colours. Yellow, black cap White Lilac, white cap Coclico, black cap tied with a red riband Brown jacket, blue sleeves and cap Violet and w"hite stripe, white cap Mauve jacket, scarlet and white belt, scarlet cap Black, orange sleeves and cap French grey, cherry belt and cap Green, orange cap Violet, white cap Black, white belt Brown jacket, scarlet cap White body, mazarine blue seams, sleeves, and cap Amber, blue sleeves, red cap White, blue sleeves and cap Cerise, white belt White, blue stripes Black Shepherd's plaid body, scarlet cap Mexican blue, chocolate sleeves and braid Green body, brown sleeves, red cap Maroon jacket and cap, with gold tassel, gold and maroon belt Maroon, gold and maroon belt and cap, gold tassel Blue and white spots, black cap Crimson, purple cap Straw body, chocolate sleeves and cap Chocolate, crimson sleeves, white cap Blue jacket, crimson cap 6o RACIANA. Golden, Mr. GoLDiNG, Mr. W. Goldsmith, Mr. F. GoMM, Mr. G. P. .. GOODALL, Mr. J. GOODERED, Mr. GooDissoN, Mr. R. GooDLiFF, Mr. John Goodman, Mr. GoODRiCKE, Mr. H. Goodricke, Sir F. L. Holyoake, Bart Goodwin, Mr. W. Goodwin, Mr. GooLD, Mr. Gordon, Mr Gordon, Mr Gordon, Mr. Gordon, Mr. A Gordon, The Right Hon. Lord Douglas Gordon, The Right Hon. Lord Esmt Gore, Major Ormsby GoRWOOD, Mr. T. Gosden, Mr. J. W. Goselen, Mr. Gough, Mr. GouGH, Mr. Thos. GowER, The Right Hon. Earl ... Colours. 1827 White body, green sleeves, cap the same 1796 Yellow, with purple stripe 1879 Brown, grey sleeves 1874 White, orange belt and cap 1808 Blue 1853 Violet and white stripe, white cap 1808 Scarlet, black cap 1 88 1 Red, white hoops 1 84 1 White, black cap 1843 Claret, white cap 1790 Grey, crimson stripe, white cap 1793 Brown, white cap 1834 White, with gold buttons 1868 Chocolate and orange stripes, black cap 1876 Victoria tartan 1 87 1 Crimson, black cap 1847 Scarlet, white cap 1862 Black 187 1 Violet, gold chevrons 1880 Tartan, yellow belt and cap 1879 Black, French grey cap 1879 Gordon tartan body, yellow sleeves and cap 1823 Scarlet 1826 Scarlet, with purple velvet cap 1808 White, red cap 1877 Violet and green cap 1804 Black 1 84 1 Purple and black cap 1867 Yellow, red cap 1762 Blue RACIANA. 6i GowER, General Leveson Grace, Mr. H Gr^me, Mr. C Gr/eme, Mr. W. T Grafton, His Grace the Duke of Grafton, His Grace the Duke of Grafton, Mr. Grafton, Mr. H. Graham, Mr. C Second colour . . . Graham, Mr. John Graham, Mr. John Graham, Mr. J. H Graham, Miss Isabella Graham, Sir B. R., Bart. Graham, Sir Reginald, Bart. .. Graham, Sir Sandford, Bart. Graham, Mr. William Graham, Mr. W. C. Graham, Mr. Y. R. Grain, Mr. E. Grainger, Mr. Granby, Mr. Granger, Mr. S. ... 1805 1876 1803 1857 1762 1772 1777 1780 1787 1806 1811 1863 1869 1873 1882 1883 1792 1864 1868 1878 1878 1867 1831 1832 1865 1811 1877 1876 1873 1867 i860 Co/ours. Pink, black cap Cerise, black braid Lilac, black cap Tartan Sky blue Dark blue, black cap Crimson, black cap Black Sky blue, black cap Scarlet Scarlet French grey, cherry belt, black cap The same, cerise belt and cap Violet jacket, white cap White, blue hooped sleeves, blue cap The same, red cap Lilac and crimson cap Cherry, white cap and sleeves Green, black cap Green French grey, cerise sleeves Orange body, blue sleeves, orange and blue quartered cap Brown, yellow stripes, yellow cap Chocolate, red cap Bright yellow, light blue cap Green, black belt, green cap Red, white sleeves, red cap French grey, cerise sleeves and cap Blue, brown sleeves, red cap Purple jacket, amber belt, black cap Mauve and white, white cap Brown, orange sleeves and cap 62 RACIANA. Colours. Grant, Captain ... . 1872 Black jacket, orange cap Grant, Mr. E . 1881 Black, old gold sleeves, crimson cap Grant, J. A. • 1831 Green body, scarlet sleeves, black cap Grantham, Mr. D. • 1874 White, lilac belt and cap Gratwicke, Mr. W. G, K. . 1841 Dark drab, green sleeves and cap 1845 Chocolate, crimson sleeves, white cap Graves, The Right Hon. Lord . . 1802 Orange, black cap Gray, Mr, A . 1861 White, red and white cap Gray, Captain • 1857 Scarlet, white belt, scarlet cap Gray, Mr. J ■ 1857 White, narrow black stripes, green cap Graydon, Mr. W. .. 1839 Black, white sleeves, black cap Greasley, Mr. A. .. 1883 White, black cap Greatrex, Mr. J. .. 1836 Pink, black cap Greaves, Mr. John . 1864 White, red sleeves, blue cap Greaves, Mr. W. G .. 1877 Pink, black sleeves and cap Greaves, Mr. W. .. 1882 Puce, red sleeves, blue cap 1883 Puce, white sleeves and cap Green, Mr. B . 1841 Green, straw cap 1846 Pink, scarlet sleeves 1847 Scarlet Green, Captain ... . 1869 Black, gold belt Green, Mr. E .. 1867 Purple, scarlet vandyke and cap Green, Mr. J. .. 1877 White, blue sleeves Green, Mr. T .. 1875 Black, red sleeves and cap Green, Mr. W .. 1874 Chocolate, light brown cap Greenall, Mr. W. P .. 1874 Primrose, scarlet cap Greenwood, Mr. J. .. 1869 Black, red belt Greet, Mr. Henry .. 1870 Scarlet, black cap Gregg, Mr. C. .. 1877 White Gregory, Mr. .. 1864 Green, black cap Gregory, Mr. W. H. . 1841 Red and white stripe, white cap RACIANA. 63 Gregory, Mr. W. Gretton, Mr. F. ... Gretton, Mr. J Greville, The Hon. Mr. Greville, Mr. C. C. Greville, The Right Hon. Lord Grey, Mr. Grey, Mr. Easton Grey, The Right Hon. Lord Grey de Wilton, The Right Hon. Lord Griffiths, Mr. E. Grimshaw, Mr. H. Grimston, Mr. J. Grimston, Mr. O. Grinstead, Mr. ... Grosvenor, Mr Grosvenor, The Right Hon. Earl Grosvenor, General /As Field-Marshal Grosvenor, \ V 1848 ; Grosvenor, The Right Hon. Lord Grosvenor, The Hon R. Groucock, Mr. C. Groves, Mr Guard, Mr. Guii.sfield, Mr. ... Second colour Colours. 1870 Blue, yellow sleeves and cap 1878 Black, orange belt and cap 1 88 1 Red, white, and blue 1872 Orange jacket, purple belt and cap 1876 Cherry, black hoops, black cap 1762 Brown, trimmed with yellow 1775 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1 82 1 Purple, black cap 1883 Emerald green 1869 Blue, black sleeves, blue and black cap 1876 Black, yellow belt and cap 1806 Light blue, black cap 1865 Black jacket, light blue cap 1840 Yellow jacket, blue cap 1862 White, black belt and sleeves 1808 Scarlet, black cap 1823 Scarlet, black cap 1 88 1 White 1866 Mauve, orange and black stripe, cap the same 1883 Yellow, with black hoops 1804 Yellow, black cap 1762 Orange 1772 Orange, black cap 1799 Yellow, black cap 1 88 1 Yellow, black seams and cap • 1874 Scarlet, silver braid 187 1 Blue, white cap 1867 Magenta, white sleeves and cap 1865 Light brown, black cap do. Same, white cap 64 RACIANA, Gulliver, Mr. Gully, Mr. J. GuNN, Mr. Gunnell, Mr. GuRNEY, Mr. E. Guy, Mr. ... Co/ours. 1852 Blue and white stripe, black cap 1853 Scarlet, blue cap 1826 Violet, white cap 1869 Red, yellow sleeves and cap 1864 White, green belt, red cap 1876 Peacock blue, brown sleeves, scarlet cap 1879 Light blue, light brown sleeves, scarlet cap 1859 Blue, red cap Hadley, Mr. H ... 1875 Hadley, Mr. P. M. ... 1865 Haffenden, Captain ... 1808 Haffenden, Mr. J. ... 1817 1826 Haig, Mr. J. R ... 1863 1873 Haimes, Mr. V. ... ... 1868 Haines, Mr. F. G. ... 1875 Hale, Mr. W ... 1852 1858 Halford, Mr. J. S. ... 1877 Halford, Mr. W. ... 1850 Hall, Mr.... ... 1859 Hall, Mr. E ... 1857 1859 Hall, Mr. H ... 1875 1878 Hall, Captain Jas. ... 1867 Hall, Mr. W ... 1874 Blue, white hoop Amber body, scarlet cross belt, blue sleeves and cap Red body, blue sleeves Rose-coloured body, black sleeves Crimson body and cap, black sleeves Light blue and silver, cap the same with silver tassel Green, red cap Black, yellow sleeves and cap Black body, sky blue sleeves, yellow cap Cherry, white belt and cap White, orange cap White, blue cap White, blue cap White, blue spots White, red sleeves, black cap Green Maroon, white sleeves Blue, orange sleeves Black, scarlet hoop Blue, white sleeves and cap RA CI AN A. 65 Hall, Mr. W. H Hallett, Mr. W Halphen, Mr Hamilton, His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, His Grace the Duke of Secojid colour . . . Hamilton, The Rt. Hon. Lord A. (As Duke of Hamilton, 1799) Hamilton, Mr. ... Hamilton, Mr. Pryce Hamilton, Mr. W. Hamlin, Mr. Hammond, Mr. John Hamond, Mr. W. P. Hamp, Mr. Hampton, Mr. Hanbury, Mr. H. C. Hanbury, Mr. J. ... Handley, Mr. H. E. Hanger, The Hon. G. Hankey, Mr. J. Barnard Hanks, Mr. Hanks, Mr. J. Harbord, Colonel Harborough, Mr. Second colour Do. ' Colours. 1874 Black, scarlet hoop 1879 White, violet belt and cap 1796 Orange, with black sleeves 187 1 Orange, red sleeves, black cap 1875 Pink 1790 White, crimson sleeves, black cap 1799 Black 1 8 1 4 Black, with a light blue broad belt and cap 1866 Cerise, French grey sleeves and cap do. Cerise, French grey sleeves, cerise cap 1789 Black 1 86 1 French grey, red sleeves and cap 1876 Crimson, white hoops, crimson cap 1868 White 1865 Scarlet, black cap 1882 White, red collar, cuffs, and cap 1792 Green and buff stripe, black cap 1 85 1 Green, buff cap 1878 Light blue, bronze sleeves and cap 1876 Light blue, silver braid 1877 Amber, black belt 1883 The same, black sleeves 1862 Black, white belt 1777 Harlequin 1878 White, yellow sleeves, red cap 1857 White, yellow cap 1880 White, one red sleeve, red cap 1809 Purple, blue cap 1867 Light blue, white belt, blue cap 1873 Yellow, black belt, yellow cap 1867 Dark blue, black belt, blue cap 1873 Yellow, black belt, black cap 66 RACIANA. Harcourt, Captain (As Admiral Harcourt) Harding, Mr. John Hardinge, Mr. F. Hardinge, Sir H., Bart. ... Hardwicke, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Hardy, Mr. C S. Hare, Mr. Hare, Mr. W. H. Harene, Mr. H. B. Hargreaves, Mr. Haritoff, Mr. Harker, Mr. C. ... Harland, Mr. W. C. Harley, Mr. W, Harlock, Mr. (See Mr. W. Graham. Harold, Mr. Harold, Mr. Harraway, Mr. Harrington, The Earl of ... Harris, Mr. Harris, Mr. H. M Harris, Mr. R. .. Harris, Mr. S. .. Harris, Mr. W. .. Right Hon. the Colours. 1843 Grey, red hoop over the shoulder 1854 French grey, red cap 1874 Black, French grey diamonds, pink cap 1878 White, cherry sleeves, plum cap 1876 Blue, white sleeves, blue and white cap 1883 White, blue seams, belt, and cap 1869 Scarlet, white facings 1873 1875 1871 1874 1859 1879 1865 1846 1877 1846 1847 1864 1861 White, gold braid, plum-coloured cap Cherry, black cap Cerise jacket, black band, black cap The same, black belt Buff, black and red sleeves and cap Amber, white hoops, black cap Green, gold, and black Black jacket, green cap Black, orange stripes Plaid Light blue jacket, black velvet cap with gold tassel Blue, white belt Black, white belt 1846 Rose-pink jacket, black cap 1870 Sky blue, primrose sleeves and cap 1875 Black, green belt and cap 1 88 1 Yellow, black cross belt and cap 1808 Red and white stripe 1877 Orange, red cap 1839 Red and white stripe 1877 Blue and yellow 1877 Crimson, yellow and black stripes, black cap RACIANA. 67 Harrison, Mr. ... ... 1802 Colours. ' Black Harrison, Mr. ... ... 1811 Yellow, black sleeves, red cap Harrison, Mr. ... ••■• 1855 Blue, red cap Harrison, Mr. C. ... 1873 Black, gold belt and collar Harrison, Mr. Crowthef ... 1881 Crimson, black cap with silver tassel Harrison, Mr. C. ... 1821 Light blue and green, cap the same Harrison, Mr. E. 0. ... 1857 Yellow body, black sleeves, crimson cap Harrison, Captain J. ... 1870 Black body, yellow sleeves, and black cap Harrison, Mr. R. ... 1853 Red and white hoop, red sleeves and cap Harrison, Mr. W. H. .. ... 1863 Black, plaid belt Hart, Mr. J ... 1855 White, blue cap Hart, Mr. W ... 1862 White jacket, Solferino cap Hartington, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... .... ... 1873 Straw Hartley, Mr ... 1806 Snuff-coloured waistcoat with silver button-holes, and black cap tied with a white riband Hartley, Mr. 1865 Straw, green sleeves, black cap Hartley, Captain F. ... 1806 Rose-coloured waistcoat with black cap and rose-coloured riband 1807 Rose-coloured waistcoat, black cap 1809 Sky blue Harvey, Mr. ... 1777 Quaker colour Harvey, Mr. A ... 1871 Black, cerise sleeves and cap Harvey, Sir R. B., Bart... ... 1874 Scarlet Harvey, Mr. Scott ... 1864 Blue, scarlet cap Harvey, Mr. W. H. ... 1874 Green, black cap Harvie, Mr ... 1871 Black, white cap Harwee, Mr ... 1868 Cerise and blue Haskins, Mr ... 1783 Sky blue Hasler, Mr. H ... 1871 Black satin jacket, cerise braid, and cap Hastings, The Right Hon. Lord 1862 Scarlet, grey spots 68 RACIANA. Hastings, The Right Hon. Lord Hastings, The Most Noble the Marquis of Second colour Hathorn, Colonel Hatton, Mr. Hawdon, Captain Hawke, The Right Hon. Lord . . . Hawke, The Hon. Stanhope ... /As The Right Hon. Lord\ \ Hawke, 1869 / Hawksley, Captain A 1861 Second colour do. Hawksworth, Mr. 1875 Hawley, Sir Joseph, Bart. 1844 1845 1858 Haworth, Mr. B. B 1840 Haworth, Captain 1870 Haworth, Mr. E. 1847 Hawthorn, Mr. R. 1872 Hay, Mr 1870 Hay, Mr. C D 1873 Hay, Major 1841 Hayhoe, Mr. A 1875 1879 Hayhoe, Mr. J 1875 Haynes, Mr. A 1864 Haynes, Captain ... 1868 Haynes, Mr. H. F. 1868 Hayter, Mr. 1851 Hayter, Mr. T. J 1867 Colojirs. 1878 Eau de Nile jacket, crimson belt and cap 1863 Scarlet and white hoop, white cap 1866 Same, scarlet cap 1875 White, green sleeves, yellow cap 1874 Dark blue, pink belt and cap 188 1 Cerise, light blue stripes, cerise cap 1809 Orange and blue 1847 Orange, lilac sleeves and cap 1862 Scarlet, white cap Solferino Solferino, black cap Blue jacket, cherry cap Black, orange sleeves Red, black cap Cherry, black cap Lincoln green, black cap Green jacket and black cap Green jacket, black cap Blue jacket, blue and amber quartered cap White, blue sleeves, black cap White jacket, black cap White, black cap Scarlet and white stripes Light blue, black cap French grey, yellow cap Pink, white sleeves and cap Scarlet, blue cap Green, orange sleeves and cap Black jacket, green cap Light blue, white stripes, blue cap RACIANA. 69 Head, Mr. C Headlam, Mr. C Hearn, Mr. R Heath, Mr. J Heathcote, Mr. F. Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, Bart. Heathcote, Mr. J, Heathcote, Mr. R. ' ... Heathcote, Mr. Unwin . . . Hedington, Mr. ... Hedley, Mr Heene, Mr. Second colour . . . Helmsley, The Right Hon. Lord Hemery, Mr. J. V. Heming, Mr Hemming, Mr. F. R Henwood, Mr. F. Henderson, Mr. A. Henderson, Mr. J. G. Henderson, Mr. J. J. Henderson, Mr. W, Co/ours. 1867 Black, white cap 1869 Scarlet, white hoops 187 1 White, black cross, black and white cap 1846 Green body, green and white sleeves and cap 1877 Green, orange facings 1877 White, black belt and cap 1872 Crimson, grey cap 1823 Crimson and white 1 83 1 Crimson satin, grey cap 1798 Green and orange stripe, black cap 1799 Purple and white harlequin, cap the same 1799 Purple and white stripe, gold button- holes, cap the same 1827 Crimson, black cap 1870 French grey, crimson cross-belt and cap 187 1 Black and white jacket, white cap 1868 Violet, green cap 1868 Violet, brown cap 1869 Violet body, canary sleeves, violet and canary quartered cap do. Same, violet cap 1880 Scarlet, white cap 1879 White, blue birdseye sleeves, black cap 1 80 1 Black and yellow sleeves 1873 Black and white spots, black sleeves and cap 1875 Black, white spots, black cap 1872 Blue, white sleeves, blue and white cap 1883 Orange, black sleeves 1856 Fawn body, blue belt and cap 1854 Black, scarlet cap 1872 Geranium red, white belt, black cap 70 RACIANA. Hendry, Mr. L. C. ... 1883 Heneage, Mr. E ... 1866 1873 Heney, Mr. R. ... 1867 Henmont, Mr. ... 1865 Henry, Mr. ... 1831 Henry, Mr. ... i860 Henry, Mr. ... 1874 Henry, Mr. Philip ... 1864 Henry, Mr. V. ... 1883 Henty, Mr. D. ... 1881 Hepburn, Mr .. 1871 Hepburn, Mr. B .. 1883 Hepworth, Mr. W. .. 1824 Herbert, Mr .-. 1864 Herbert, Mr. P — .. 1864 Herbert, Mr. R .. 1867 Herbert, The Hon. Sidney .. 1838 Herman, Mr .. 1859 Heron, Mr. F .. 1876 Herring, Mr. .. 1804 Herring, Mr. Geo. .. 1870 Hervey, Mr. Philip .. 1867 Hervey, Mr. W. ... .. 1841 Hervey, Captain .. 1849 1850 Hesketh, Sir Thos., Bart. ... 1881 Heslop, Mr ., i860 Hesseltine, Mr. L. ■• 1833 1837 Co/ours. Black, straw belt and cap Straw Yellow body, brown sleeves and cap Cherry, black belt, cherry cap Black, crimson stripes and cap Straw colour, black cap Black, orange cap Black, yellow belt, yellow cap Crimson jacket, French grey cap Peacock blue Yellow, blue belt, scarlet cap with gold tassel Orange, blue belt, orange and blue cap Amber body, rose sleeves and cap Green, white sash Yellow and pea-green stripe White, cerise belt and cap Violet, white hoop Rose and white diamonds White, blue sleeves, red cap Blue, black cap Blue, primrose sleeves and cap Yellow and black quartered, cap the same Violet, green sleeves, quartered cap Black satin, scarlet cross Light green, black cap Black, white sleeves and cap Black, blue sleeves and cap Black, green sleeves and cap Black, white belt, black and white cap Yellow, with large purple spots Blue RACIANA. 71 Hesseltine, Mr. R. Hessey, Mr. J. G. Hewett, Mr. W. N. W Hewitt, Mr. T Hewitt, Mr. John Hibbert, Mr. C HiDSON, Mr HiGGiNS, Mr. C HiGGiNS, Mr. F HiGGiNS, Mr. G HiGGiNS, Mr. H. V HiGGiNS, Mr Ouseley HiGGiNS, Mr. W HiGHAM, Mr. ... Hill, Mr. Arthur W Hill, Mr. F. H Hill, Mr. H Hill, Mr. J Hill, Mr. Jas Hill, Mr. R. J Hill, Mr. R. J Hill, Mr. Robert Hilton, Mr. G HiNCHiNGBROOK, The Right Hon. Lord Hinds, Mr. J. A HiNESON, Mr. R Hinshaw, Mr. W. HiTCHiN, Mr Hitchin, Mr, W. C Colours. 1843 Light green, black cap 1870 Black, cerise stars and cap 1804 White calico waistcoat and cap 1864 Blue, black cap 1843 Rose jacket, black cap 1876 Union Jack, blue sleeves, white cap 1882 Black, silver braid 1866 Blue, white belt 1878 Cherry, black sleeves and cap 1857 Sky blue, black cap 1848 Blue, pink sleeves, black cap 1 88 1 Peacock blue 1846 Black, red sleeves and cap 1875 Orange, blue belt and cap 1880 Black and blue sleeves 1843 Crimson and white stripe (hoop), white cap 1869 Green and white stripe, green cap with white tassel 1846 Purple and yellow stripes, purple cap 1 80 1 Purple and white satin, black cap 1877 Mauve, blue cap 1785 White, light blue sleeves and cap 1796 White, light blue sleeves and cap 1867 Plaid, blue sleeves, black cap 1869 Lemon and black stripe, lemon cap 181 1 Green, with white cap i860 Cherry, white cap 1862 Cherry, blue cap 1864 Blue jacket, orange belt and cap 1865 Bluejacket, pink cap 1853 Cerise 1859 Light green, rose cap 72 RACIANA Hives, Mr. Ho AD, Mr. G. HoBSON, Mr. E. ... HoBSON, Mr. E. ... HoBSON, Mr. F. G. HoBSON, Mr. G. ... HOBSON, Mr. PULSFORD HoBSON, Mr. W. C. HoBSON, Mr. S. ... HoBSON, Mr. W. E. Hodges, Mr. Twisden HODGMAN, Mr. T. Hodgson, Mr. E. L. Hodgson, Mr. N. B. HoDSON, Mr. J. ... HoEL, Mr. B. Hogarth, Mr. G. HOLDAWAY, Mr. W. M. Holland, Mr. HoLLiDAY, Mr. Jas. Hollingsworth, Mr. W HOLLOWAY, Mr. ... Holman, Mr. W. ... Holmes, Mr, G. ... Holmes, Mr. J. K. Colours. 1855 French grey jacket, scarlet cap 1877 Blue body, scarlet hoops, blue and black cap 1834 Rose colour, black cap 1875 Yellow, purple hoops, yellow cap 1865 Scarlet, white belt, black cap 1 846 Scarlet jacket, black cap 1850 Scarlet, white belt and black cap 1867 Green, white hoops 1832 Gold body, purple sleeves and cap 1835 Scarlet body and cap, white sleeves 1868 Cherry and blue hoops, black cap 1854 Crimson, black cap 1837 Scarlet, light blue cap 1859 Violet, orange cap 1808 Gold-coloured body, black sleeves and black cap 1804 Blue and white 1807 Light blue, white sleeves and cap 1870 Black, white cap 1868 White body, blue sleeves and cap 1880 Cardinal, pale blue sleeves, maize cap 1876 Cerise body, black belt, white cap 1853 White, with black sleeves 1870 Red, white cap 1878 Green, orange belt and cap 1846 Green jacket, black cap i860 Black, white sleeves, black cap 1864 Red and white stripe, black cap 1867 Red, white, and blue, body and sleeves hooped, red cap 1868 Red, blue sleeves, white cap 1835 Dark blue, yellow broad stripe, blue cap RACIANA. 73 Co /ours. Holmes, Mr. R. (Ireland) 1843 Scarlet, white cap Holmes, Mr. T. ... 1876 White Holmes, Mr. W. ... 1866 Crimson, white and purple stripe Holt, Mr. 1863 Red, black cap Holt, Mr. Millner 1883 Half purple and half light blue HoLYOAKE, Mr. F. L. 1825 White, with gold buttons HoMEWOOD, Mr. ... 1876 Blue jacket and cap, yellow hoops HoNEYWOOD, Sir Courtenay, Bart. 1865 Sky blue and black hoop, black cap HoNEYWooD, Sir John Bart 1796 Purple waistcoat, orange sleeves and cap HoNEYWooD, Sir John W., Bart. 1881 Eton blue and black hoops, black cap Hood, Mr. 1868 Amber body, rose sleeves and cap Hoof, Mr. A. 1861 Lavender, green and gold belt and cap Hook, Mr. 1843 Lilac, white cap 1844 Violet, white cap Hookah, Mr. 1869 White, Mexican blue sleeves and cap Hooper, Mr. T. F. 1874 Blue, straw sleeves Hope, Mr. 1855 White, scarlet cap 1856 White, straw cap Hope, Mr. 1861 Orange Hope, Mr. 1861 Red and white stripe Hope, Mr. 1867 Green, yellow braid, black cap Hope, Mr Adrian E. 1872 Yellow and blue stripe, blue cap Hope, General 1878 Green, black cap HoPKiNSON, Mr, J. 1823 Crimson jacket, blue cap Hornby, Mr. W. H. 1846 Blue body, orange sleeves Horncastle, Mr. 1874 Cerise, grey sleeves 1875 The same, brown cap Hornsby, Mr. 1839 Purple, white cap HoRTON, Colonel . . . 1807 Green, red cap Hotham, Mr. J. ... 1808 Black body, orange sleeves, white cap 1821 Black and white Houghton, Mr. ... 1878 Blue, yellow cap 74 RA CI AN A Houghton, Mr. Henry ... HOULDSWORTH, Mr. H. ... HOULDSWORTH, Mr. J. H. HouLDSWORTH, Mr. Thos. Howard, Mr. Howard, Mr. Howard, Mr. CM. Howard, Mr. W Howe, The Right Hon. Earl HowETT, Mr. R. ... .. 1871 1872 ... 1872 ... 1871 ... 1817 1800 ... 1849 1852 ... 1877 ... 1865 ... 1876 .. 1874 HowoRTH, Mr. H. 1801 (With Sir John Shelley, Bart.) 1804 HowsiN, Mr 1871 HowsiN, Mr 1877 HowTH, The Right Hon. the Earl of 1843 1847 1848 HowTH, The Right Hon. the Earl of 1872 HoziER, Captain 1873 HuBY, Mr. H 1871 Hudson, Mr i860 Hudson, Mr. C. P 1863 Hudson, Mr. W 1861 1864 Hugh, Captain 1866 Hughes, Mr. Thomas (Epsom) ... 1856 1861 Hughes, Mr. Thos. (Aldford) ... 1870 1877 Colows. Light blue Yellow jacket, black belt and cap Green and gold, green cap Green and gold, yellow cap Green and gold, yellow cap Pink White, cherry sleeves Black, orange cap Olive, light blue hoops White body, scarlet sleeves, white cap White body, blue mazarine and white hooped sleeves, blue cap Union Jack body, blue sleeves and cap Deep orange and black cap Black, with white cap Scarlet and blue hoops, blue sleeves and cap Straw, crimson sleeves, black cap Yellow, black cap White White, black cap White, black sleeves and cap Black, crimson stripes and cap Cardinal red, white braid, white cap Blue, white cap Sky blue, rose cap White, green spots White, red spots, black belt and cap Pink, black belt White, red cap Light blue, orange cap Black, orange stripe and cap Black, gold stripes, red cap RACIANA. 75 Colours. Hughes, Mr. W. E . 1851 Pale blue Hull, Mr. . 1786 Sky blue Humble, Mr, . 1868 Crimson, white stars, white cap Humphreys, Mr. J. R • 1875 Cerise, white hoops HUNBOURNE, Mr, . 1870 Black satin jacket, cerise braid and cap HUNGERFORD, Mr. H. H. . 1880 Cream jacket, maroon cap HuNLOKE, Sir Windsor, Bart. . . 1806 Blue and orange Hunt, Mr. A. T . 1872 Orange, black belt and cap Hunt, Mr. F. R . 1880 Green, orange cap Hunt, Mr. W. G. . 1881 Scarlet and white, broad stripes Hunt, Mr. H. S . i860 Light blue, white cap Hunt, Mr. J. H . 1881 White, crimson belt and cap Hunt, Mr. T . 1862 Purple, orange cap Hunt, Captain • 1859 Blue body, crimson sleeves and cap 1862 Ponceau jacket, white hoops and cap Hunter, Mr 1820 White body, crimson sleeves and crimson cap tied with a white riband Hunter, Mr . 1870 Green, red cap Huntingfield, The Right Hon Lord Huntingtower, The Right Hon Lord Huntly, The Most Noble the Marquis of HURETON, Mr. ... ... Hurke, Mr. HussEY, Mr. H HusSEY, Mr. T HussEY, Mr. T. ... Hutchinson, Mr. J. 1844 Crimson, white sleeves and cap 1 84 1 Black, white sleeves and cap 1874 Violet, white hoops, black cap 1873 Brown, yellow belt and cap 1862 Chocolate, black cap 1880 Green, black belt 1839 Red body, red and black cap 1845 Scarlet, harlequin cap 1853 Scarlet, blue belt, harlequin cap 1873 Scarlet, blue belt, harlequin cap 1790 Light green, black cap 1796 Green, with crimson collar, black cap ye RACIANA. Hutchinson, Mr. T. Hutchinson, Mr. W. Hutchinson, Sir E. S., Bart HuTTON, Mr. G. ... HuTTON, Mr. R. Hyde, Mr. T. Colottrs. 1802 Pink 1802 Orange, black cap 1806 Red, black cap 1809 Pink, black cap 1 86 1 Brown and gold, crimson cap 1802 Pink and blue sleeves, black cap 1803 Yellow body, purple sleeves and purple cap 1875 Dark brown and yellow chevrons, brown sleeves and cap 1 88 1 White, cerise belt, black cap r Anson, Mr. W Ibbetson, Sir C, Bart. Ilchester, The Right Hon. the Earl of Ilderton, Mr Inge, Captain Ingham, Mr. J Inglis, Mr. Stanhope ... Ingram, Mr. G. ... Ingram, Colonel ... Innes, Mr. W. S. Mitchell Inshes, Mr. Ion, Mr. Matthew IRBV, Mr. W. H Irv^^in, Mr. E. J 1854 Green, straw belt and cap 1 84 1 Purple, scarlet sleeves, black cap Ives, Captain ... 1880 Dark blue and yellow quartered, yellow sleeves and cap ... 1806 Black and blue ... 1870 Green, yellow cap ... 1859 Green, red sleeves and cap I86I Purple, orange hoop, orange cap 1874 White, red belt, black sleeves and cap ... 1875 Fawn body, cerise sleeves and cap ... 1880 Brown, blue sleeves and cap ... 1883 Green, white hoops, white cap ... 1873 Black, crimson belt and cap ... 1876 Straw, red sleeves and cap ... 1869 Shot silk, black cap ... 1827 Orange, white cap ... 1844 Straw-colour, dark blue sleeves and cap ... I84I White, red cap RACIANA. 77 Jackson, Mr. J. .. Jackson, Mr. J. J. Jackson, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. P. Jackson, Mr. R. Jackson, Mr. W, Jacobs, Mr. F. Jacobs, Mr. S. Second colour Jacques, Mr. R. M, James, Mr. James, Mr. James, Mr. A James, Mr. Alfred James, Captain James, Colonel James, Mr. D James, Mr. F. E James, Mr. R Jardine, Mr. Robt. Jarvis, Mr. W. A. Jarvis, Mr. W. G. Jay, Mr Jaye, Mr Jefferson, Mr Colours. 1 88 1 Purple, cream sleeves, purple cap 1833 White body, green sleeves and cap, quartered with black 1856 Blue, white sleeves, red cap 1870 White jacket, blue stars, blue cap 187 1 Green, orange sleeves 1869 Blue 1863 Mauve and white stripe, white cap 1856 Scarlet and gold jacket, yellow cap 1857 Yellow, scarlet cap and silver tassel 1858 Black, pink-striped sleeves 1859 Maize, cerise cap with silver tassel i860 Sky blue, cerise belt and cap 187 1 Brown, sky blue sleeves and cap 1 88 1 Sky blue, cerise belt, white cap 1882 Maize, blue cap 1 8 1 7 Brown and yellow stripe, with cap i860 Green, black sleeves 18 1 9 Light blue body, dark blue sleeves, cap the same 1883 Black jacket and cap, white sleeves 1879 Light blue, maroon hoops and cap 1868 Cerise, white braid and seams 1855 Purple jacket, yellow cap 1873 Blue, red sleeves 1868 Orange, blue sleeves and cap 1875 Purple, white cap 1877 Dark blue, silver braid 1877 Cerise, grey stripes 187 1 Brown 1867 Buff, with purple stripes, black cap 1863 Violet and light blue cap 1870 Blue, orange sleeves 1875 Green, black belt, red cap 78 RACIANA. Jeffreys, Mr. R. B. Jenkins, Mr. H. ... Jenkins, Mr. J. ... Jenkins, Mr. W. V. Jennings, Mr. Jennings, Mr. H. Jennings, Mr. T Jennings, Mr. T., Jun Jepson, Mr. Jersey, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Jersey, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Jodrell, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Alfred ... Johnson, Mr. E. D Johnson, Mr. H Johnson, Mr. J Johnson, Mr. J Johnson, Mr. Josiah Second colour . . . Johnson, Mr. W Johnstone, Mr. A. Johnstone, Mr. C. Johnstone, Sir F., Bart. ... Johnstone, Sir F., Bart Johnstone, Captain G. ... Colours. 1866 Chocolate, red sleeves, white cap 1873 Yellow, black sleeves and cap 1877 French grey, silver braid, black cap 1852 White jacket, black hoop, white and black cap 1775 Black, with white girdle and white cap 1777 Black, with white girdle and black and white cap 1870 Orange, red sleeves, black cap 1864 White, green belt, red cap 1882 Light blue, straw sleeves 1857 Lilac 1807 Black, white cap 1809 Dark blue, white stripe, black cap 1827 Dark blue, buff stripe, black cap 1869 Purple and buff stripe, black cap 1883 Silver grey, cherry sleeves and cap 1827 Mazarine blue, gold lace, black cap 1878 Straw, crimson sleeves, black cap 1882 Violet body and cap, lemon sleeves 1875 Purple, straw belt 1864 Crimson, light blue cap 1876 Black, light blue c-ap 1877 Crimson, light blue cap 1877 Orange, black belt and cap do. Same, white cap 1876 Dark blue 1 84 1 Crimson, green cap 1858 Black, white sleeves and cap 1839 White body, yellow sleeves and cap 1863 Chocolate, yellow sleeves 1866 Chocolate body and sleeves, gold braid and yellow cap RACIANA. 79 Johnstone, Mr. H. E. ... Johnstone, Mr. Hope ... Johnstone, Mr. J. Second colour Third colour Johnstone, Sir J. L., Bart. Johnstone, Major R. Hope Johnstone, Mr. W. H Johnstone, Mr. W. H. Joice, Mr. JOLIFFE, Mr. JOLLIFF, Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones, Mr. C. Jones, Mr. E. Jones, Mr. E. Jones, Mr. F. Fowler Jones, Mr. G. {See Mr. W. Graham, 1865) Jones, Mr. H. Jones, Mr. H. Fowler Jones, Mr. J. Jones, Mr. J. B. ... Jones, Mr. J. H. ... Jones, Mr. J. W. ... Jones, Mr. L. Heywood Jones, Mr. Robt. Jones, Mr. R. H. Colour's, 1857 Black, scarlet belt, black cap 1859 Orange, black sleeves and cap 1827 White, black cap 1862 Dark blue, silver braid 1869 Dark blue, black cap do. Dark blue, white cap 1807 Light blue, black cap 1862 Shepherd's plaid, white sleeves and cap 1846 White, red cap 1873 Black, cherry cap 1863 Dark blue, red sleeves, white cap 1875 Violet, green sleeves and cap 1790 Orange, black cap 1804 Purple and white satin, black cap 187 1 Cerise, blue belt and cap 1852 Blue, yellow cap 1870 Violet body, canary sleeves, violet and canary quartered cap 187 1 Mauve and white stripes, white cap 1877 Primrose, black sleeves and cap 1865 Fawn, blue belt and cap 1 86 1 Scarlet, blue belt and cap 1878 Buff, black sleeves and red cap 1879 Cerise, white- cap 1867 Brown, yellow cap 1855 Sky blue, cap the same 1868 Green, violet sleeves 1879 White, cherry sleeves, white cap 1805 Black body, white sleeves, black cap 1813 Black body, white sleeves and black cap tied with a white riband 1865 Blue, white cap 8o RACIANA. Jones, Mr. W. E. . . . JoNSON, Mr. W. ... Joseph, Mr. Josh, Mr JousiFFE, Mr. C. ... JowETT, Mr. H. W. H. Colours. 1863 Violet, red braid and cap 1872 Black jacket, amber belt, black cap 1867 Purple, orange stars 1872 Crimson, white braid and cap 1877 Black, yellow sleeves 1882 Green, with red cross band and belt, gold collar, green cap with red band, gold cord and tassel Kay, Mr Kay, Mr Kaye, Mr. J. L /As Sir J. L. Kaye, Bart.,\ V l8l2 J Kaye, Sir J. L., Bart Kaye, Sir J. Lister, Bart. Keen, Mr. Keith, Mr. R ... Kelburne, The Right Hon. Lord (See Earl of Glasgow) Kellerman, Mr Kellie, Mr. Kellow, Mr. Kelman, Mr. W. .. Kelso, Mr. R. ... Kennedy, Mr. A. J. Clark Kennedy, Mr. E. D Kennedy, Mr. F. Frere Kennedy, The Right Hon. Lord Kennedy, Mr. W. Kennington, Mr. 1823 Purple and yellow 1870 Brown, white hoops 1790 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1 8 1 1 Light blue, purple sleeves 1783 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1876 Cerise, black belt 1868 Rose, black hoops 1872 Cerise, grey sleeves 1825 White, red sleeves, red cap 1805 Rose satin, black cap 18 14 Scarlet, with white sleeves 1864 Blue 1864 Black, scarlet sleeves 1 88 1 White, light blue sleeves and cap 1864 Tartan, yellow sleeves and cap 1879 Cerise, blue and white belt, black cap 1883 White, Douglas tartan sleeves and cap 1880 Orange, black spots, black cap 1827 Crimson and white stripe, black cap 1875 Chocolate and lilac hoops 1868 Mauve, white hoops, white cap 187 1 The same, red cap RACIANA. Kent, Mr. B. Kent, Mr. E. Kent, Mr. John ... Kent, Mr. John, Jun. Kentford, Mr. ... Kenvvorthy, Mr. H. S. Kenyon, Mr. Jas. Kerr, The Right Hon. Lord Charles Innes Kesteven, The Right Hon. Lord Keswick, Mr. G. G. (See Mr. W. Graham, 1865) Key, Mr Kiallmark, Mr. G. KiDD, Mr KiMBER, Mr. W. ... Kimberley, Mr. .,. KiNFARE, Mr. Kino, Mrs. King, Captain John King, Colonel King, Mr. J. (Devon) King, Mr. J. J. ... King, Mr. R. King, Mr. V. Co/ours. 1830 Buff body, black sleeves and cap 1878 Pink, blue belt 1834 Purple, with green cap 1864 Yellow, scarlet hoops, scarlet cap with gold tassel 1872 White, blue belt, red cap 1872 Black jacket, white cap 1880 White, green and white striped sleeves and cap 1864 Scarlet and green stripes 1877 Maroon 1879 White, black cap 187 1 Green, black belt 1842 Green, white cap 1880 Black, with gold seams, black cap 1873 Light blue, white cap 1843 Yellow, black cap 185 s White body, white cap tied with a yellow ribbon, yellow sleeves 1875 All white 1877 Blue, red sleeves and cap i860 Yellow, scarlet belt, black cap 1865 Red and yellow 1870 Yellow, scarlet belt, black cap 1815 Mazarine blue, red cap, gold tassel 1828 Mazarine blue, crimson sleeves and cap 1839 Red, yellow sleeves, black cap 1846 Yellow, red sleeves, black cap 1846 Orange and black stripe 1857 Yellow, red sleeves, black cap 1 86 1 Yellow, red belt, black cap 1868 Black and yellow hoops, black cap 1839 Pink plaid, white cap 82 RACIANA. King, Mr. W King, Mr. Young KiNGSCOTE, Colonel KiNGSMAN, Mr. W. L. Kingston, His Grace the Duke of Kingston, Mr. V. KiNNAiRD, The Right Hon. Lord KiNSELLA, Mr. D, KiRBY, Mr. J KiRBY, Mr. KiRBY, Mr. R KiTCHING, Mr Kling, Mr. Knapton, Mr Knatchbull, Sir Wyndham, Bart. Knight, Mr. C. ... Knight, Mr. J. H. Knight, Mr. J. W. Knowles, Mr. Knox, Captain (As Colonel Knox, 1867) KoNO^v, Mr. C Kruckenberg, Mr. G. ... Colo!trs. 1859 Black, pink striped sleeves 1 86 1 All black 1807 Straw, black cap 1780 White, red sleeves 1762 Crimson, black cap 1 841 Pink plaid, white cap 1809 Scotch plaid 18 10 Red, with light blue cap 1863 Violet, yellow sleeves and cap 1808 Brown silk waistcoat, white cap with a spread eagle 1 84 1 Brown, white cap 1867 Black, scarlet cuffs 1842 Yellow jacket, purple cap 1843 Green, white cap 1857 Red jacket, green cap 1875 Purple satin body and orange sleeves, purple and orange quartered cap 1868 Blue, orange sleeves 1868 Blue, white sleeves 1870 Crimson 1853 Harlequin 1854 Harlequin, black cap 1 864 Crimson, silver braid, white cap 1878 Blue and drab 1877 White, solferino cap Lacey, Mr. R. Ladbroke, Mr. R. 187 1 Red, blue sleeves 1800 Purple waistcoat and crimson sleeves 1802 Black body, light blue sleeves 1804 Same, black cap RACIANA. 83 Lade, Sir John, Bart . 1780 1792 Lade, Mr. Michael • 1796 Laing, Mr. M. A . 1876 Lake, Mr. Warwick 1804 1814 (.SV^H.R.H. Duke of York) 1816 1819 Lamb, Captain . 1837 Lamb, Captain . 1862 Lamb, Captain G. H . 1877 Lamb, The Hon. P . 1801 1804 Lambert, Mr. G . 1858 Lambourne, Mr. W. M . 1865 1866 Lambton, The Hon. F. W. . 1881 Lambton, Mr. Geo. . 1871 Lambton, Mr. J. Dawson . 1814 Lambton, Mr. J. G. . 1812 1814 1817 (As Earl of Durham, 1833) Lambton, Mr, R. J 1809 Lancaster, Mr. H. . 1883 Lancaster, Mr. W. M. ... . 1874 Second colour . . . do. Lancelot, Mr. W. . 1871 Second colour . . . do. Land, Mr. B • 1855 Lane, Mr. B • 1879 Lane, Captain Douglas . 1852 Lane, Mr. H . 1857 Colours. Straw-colour, trimmed with purple Harlequin Blue and yellow, broad stripe Pink, maroon sleeves and cap Purple, black cap Purple, with black cap and silver tassel Purple, with purple and white cap Purple, with black cap Blue and orange cap Green, black stripe, black cap Black, violet cap Pink Pink, black cap Brown, orange cap White, argent cap White Buff, blue sleeves and cap Light blue, black seams and cap Buff and blue Blue, buff sleeves, black cap Straw, purple sleeves, black cap Blue, buff sleeves, black cap Sky blue, black cap Puce, white sleeves and cap Yellow and black hoops, scarlet cap Yellow and black hoops, black cap Chocolate, sky blue sleeves and cap The same, white cap Blue body, yellow sleeves, black cap Yellow jacket, blue belt, yellow cap Yellow jacket, blue belt, yellow cap Blue, crimson belt and cap 84 RACIANA. Lane, Mr. Nicholas Lange, Mr. Langford, Mr. T. F. Langford, The Right Hon. Lord Langford, The Right Hon. Lord Langlands, Mr. C. J. Langley, Mr. C. ... Langley, Mr. H. W. Lant, Mr. T. Lapidist, Mr. Lascelles, Mr. Lascelles, Mr. D. A. G. Lascelles, The Right Hon. Lord Latour, Mr. Lauderdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Launde, Mr Laurie, Mr. Law, Mr. R. ... Lawford, Mr. Lawrance, Mr. D. Lawson, Mr. Lawson, Mr. R Lawson, Mr. Lawson, Sir John, Bart. ... Co/oH>-S. 1865 Lavender, green and gold belt 187 1 White 1874 Brown, pink hoops and cap 183T Red and black stripe 1872 Red and black stripe 1874 Brown, orange belt, blue cap 1879 Cherry, black cap 1864 Crimson and blue striped jacket, crim- son and white quartered cap 1865 White jacket, blue and gold belt, blue and gold cap 1876 Chocolate body, green sleeves, yellow cap 1865 White, scarlet cross, black and white cap 1866 The same, scarlet and white quartered cap 1 8 7 1 White, scarlet cross, black and white cap 1870 Blue 1879 Claret jacket and cap, light blue sleeves 1872 Cardinal red, white braid and cap 1873 Black, yellow sleeves and cap X876 Black, green belt, pink cap 1 79 1 Black 1 86 1 Blue, red sleeves and cap 1872 Blue, large white star, cap the same 1 86 1 Black, black and white cap 187 1 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap 1868 Yellow, blue belt and cap 1849 Pink, light blue sleeves and cap 1862 White, black belt and cap 1883 Plum-coloured jacket, sky blue belt and cap 1802 Purple, green cap 1806 White and dark blue cross stripe RACIANA. 85 Co/ours. Lea, Mr. C. W .. 1874 White jacket, green cap Leason, Mr .. 1863 Chocolate, black cap Leavens, Mr. H. W. .. 1867 Brown, orange sleeves Le Blonde, Mr. ... .. 1867 Black and yellow hoops Le Clerc, Miss .. 1806 White and yellow, black cap Ledger, Mr. B .. 1866 Yellow, blue belt, blue and yellow cap Lee, Mr. Robert .. 1870 White, red cap 1873 Plum-coloured jacket, sky blue belt and cap Lee, Mr. W .. 1803 Light blue, scarlet sleeves Lee, Mr. W. F .. 1883 White, dark blue belt Leeds, His Grace the Duke of .. 1808 Chocolate, black cap Leeds, His Grace the Duke of ... 1838 Chocolate, black cap 1849 Maroon, black velvet cap Lees, Mr. G. F .. 1881 Black, cherry sleeves, black and cherry quartered cap Legard, Sir C., Bart. ... 1867 Blue Legge, Mr. H. C. ... 1874 Black, orange stripes 1875 Purple, orange cap Legh, Mr. W. J ... 1867 Blue, straw facings, blue and straw quartered cap 1878 The same, straw cap Legion, Mr. ... 1873 White, scarlet cross belt, white cap Leicester, Mr. G. ... 1868 Scarlet jacket, black and gold cap Leicester, Sir J. F., Bart. ... 1792 Purple, edged with gold Leigh, Mr. Blake ... 1866 Blue body, yellow sleeves, blue and yellow cap Leigh, Mr. J. B ... 1880 Light blue, maroon belt and cap 1881 Light blue, bronze cap 1882 White, cherry hooped sleeves and cherry cap Leleu, Mr. F. ... 1877 Magenta, green belt Lennard, Mr. W. J. Barrett ... 1858 Orange, crimson belt and cap Lennard, Sir T. Barrett, Bart i860 Black, gold belt, white cap 86 RACIANA. Lennox, The Right Hon. Lord A. Lennox, The Right Hon. Lord A. G. Lennox, The Right Hon. Lord H. Leonino, Mr, A Leslie, Colonel C. P. Lethbridge, Mr. W. A /As Sir W A. Lethbridge, Bart V 1874 Lewison, Mr. Lewis, Major Ley, Mr. W. Leycester, Mr. Geo. Leyland, Mr. J. A. Lichfield, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... LiCHTWALD, Mr. ... Liebert, Mr. LiLEY, Mr. C. Lillie, Mr. J. LiMBERGE, Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Second colour Lincoln, The Right Hon. the Earl of {See Duke of Newcastle) Lindow, Mr. H. L. Linton, Mr. Colours. 853 White 861 Violet 865 White, blue sleeves, white cap 881 Yellow and scarlet hoops, scarlet cap, gold tassel 849 Scarlet, white cap 882 White jacket, green sleeves, red cap 861 Blue jacket and white cap 869 Scarlet, white sleeves and cap 879 Black, crimson sleeves and cap 795 Blue and yellow, with yellow cap 834 Violet body, white-sleeves and cap 839 White body, violet sleeves and cap 859 Black and white star 881 Cambridge blue, black cap 831 Sky blue, black cap 832 Black, red sleeves, black cap 841 White, yellow sleeves and red cap 843 Green, black sleeves, green cap 874 Yellow jacket, violet stripes and cap 853 Purple body, yellow sleeves, and quar- tered cap 847 Black, scarlet belt 871 Brown body, light blue sleeves, yellow cap 860 White jacket, black cap 861 White 858 Tartan, grey sleeves and cap 859 Black, cherry sleeves, black cap 819 Pink, black cap 867 Blue, black cap RA CIANA 87 Linton, Mr. G. Lionel. Mr LiPPiNCOTT, Sir H., Bart. Lister, Mr. Lister, Mr. G. Greville Lister, Mr. H. ... Little, Captain ... Little, Mr. John Livesay, Mr. A Llewelin, Mr. Lloyd, Colonel Jesse Lloyd, Mr. E. J Lloyd, Mr. F Lloyd, Mr. J. D Locke, Mr. Locke, Captain ... LocKLEY, Mr. John Lockwood, Mr Lockwood, Colonel M. ... LoDER, Mr. R Logan, Mr. Logan, Major LONDESBOROUGH, The Right Hon Lord Long, Mr. F Long, Mr. R. H Long, Mr. W. A.* Longfield, Mr Colours. 1806 Black and yellow 1811 Black, yellow sleeves, black cap 1816 Yellow 1875 Sky blue jacket, white cap 1806 White, with black seams, black cap tied with white riband 1872 Cerise, black belt 1883 Cerise, gold braid 1853 Blue, red belt, black cap 1853 White, black sleeves and cap 1852 Light blue, white sleeves, black cap 1874 Black, French grey hoops and black cap 1877 Blue 1878 Green, orange cap 1857 White, orange garter and cap 1808 Brown 1876 Green jacket, black cap 1858 Violet, green sleeves, white cap 1829 Blue and white stripe 1802 Plaid 1873 Mauve and white stripe 1883 White 1879 Yellow, dark blue sleeves, black cap 1862 Yellow, blue belt and cap 1878 Chocolate, white hoops 1852 Blue, with silver braid, blue cap, silver tassel 1870 Green, black cap 187 1 Green, crimson facings and cap 1882 White, black sleeves and cap 1 86 1 Brown, sky blue sleeves and cap Australian Patron. RA CI AN A. Lonsdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of Lonsdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Lonsdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of Second colour . . . Lonsdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... First colour Seco7id colour . , . Third colour Lonsdale, The Right Hon. the Earl of Lombard, Mr. T. ... Lord, Mr. J Loveden, Mr. Pryse LovETT, Mr. R. Arden .. LowDEN, Mr. Low, Mr. G. Lowe, Mr. G Lowe, Mr. Jos. Lowe, Mr. J as. Lowman, Mr. J. A. Lowther, The Hon. C Lowther, The Hon. Captain H. /As Colonel the Hon. H.\ \ Lowther, 1868 / Second colour {See Earl of Lonsdale, 1872) Lowther, The Hon. Hugh C. ... {See Earl of Lonsdale, 1882) Lowther, Mr. Jas. Lowther, Sir Jas., Bart. ... {See Earl of Lonsdale, 1792) Colours. 1792 Orange 1844 White, yellow stripe, red cap 1872 Purple, yellow sleeves and cap do. White body, yellow seams, red cap 1877 White body, yellow seams, red cap (io. Purple, yellow sleeves, red cap do. Yellow body, purple sleeves and cap ■ 1882 Purple, yellow sleeves, red cap 187 1 Blue, white, and red 1802 Pink and white 1852 Blue, white sleeves, black cap 1878 Black and white hoops, black sleeves, white cap 1864 Claret, white cap 1877 Tartan and yellow 1865 White, red belt, orange cap 1859 Green, red sleeves and cap 1877 Blue, crimson cap 1880 Cerise, black sleeves and cap 1879 Crimson, white sleeves, crimson cap 1846 Purple, yellow sleeves, red cap 1869 White body, yellow seams, red cap 1877 Sky blue, red diamonds, red cap 1880 Purple, yellow sleeves, red cap 1872 Dark blue, yellow hoops, red cap 1762 Orange RA CI AN A. 89 LowTHER, The Right Hon. Lord Viscount (See Earl of Lonsdale, 1844) Lucas, Mr. A. G Lucas, Mr. P LuMLEY, Mr. F. ... LuMLEY, The Hon. Sir Wm. LuMLEY, Mr. VV LuMLEY, Mr. Wm. Lurgan, '1 he Right Hon. Lord . ■ . LuTWYCHE, Mr. H. L Lydiard, Mr. Lyndon, Mr. G. F. Lyndon, Mr. W. A. Lynedoch, The Right Hon. Lord Lvnham, Mr. F Lynton, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Colou/s. 1808 Purple body, yellow sleeves 181 1 Yellow body, purple sleeves 181 2 White and yellow stripe 1816 White and yellow stripe, red cap 1883 Maroon^ light blue sleeves and cap 1875 Yellow, scarlet sleeves and cap 181 7 Blue body, black sleeves and cap 181 7 White, with black cap 1831 Crimson, white cap 1857 Crimson, grey cap 185 1 White, puce stripe, white cap 1879 Olive, pink sleeves 1868 Red, white sleeves and cap 1876 Orange and white stripe, purple velvet cap 1868 Orange and white stripe, purple velvet cap 1828 Light blue and crimson stripe 1875 Brown, white sleeves and cap 1868 Blue, black cap 1872 Crimson, black cap 1880 White, green sleeves, red cap Maberly, Mr. J Macdonald, Mr. J. W. Macdonald, Major Macduff, Mr. John Machell, Captain J. O. , Macintosh, Mr. ... Mackenzie, Mr. ... Mackenzie, Mr. Austin 1826 Crimson, white cap 1870 Purple body, white stripes in front, crimson cap 1878 I^ight blue, dark blue sleeves 1872 Tartan body, orange sleeves and cap 1862 White, blue cap 1880 Straw, red sleeves and cap 1864 Scarlet jacket, sky blue cap 1883 Black, straw hoops and cap 90 RACIANA Mackenzie, Mr. J. T. M'Adam, Mr ... 1861 M'Calmont, Captain ... 1881 M'Carthy, Mr ... 1869 M'DouGAL, Mr. Thos. ... ... 1881 M'GowN, Mr. R ... 1878 M'Grane, Mr ... 1881 M'Nair, Mr ... 1870 M'QuEEN, Mr ... 1872 Magenis, Mr. F ... 1849 Maker, Mr. ... 1874 Maker, Mr. J ... 1845 1846 Maker, Mr. Jas ... 1874 Maker, Mr. M. A. ... 1881 Mahler, Mr. N. W. ... 1871 Maidstone, The Rt. Hon. Viscount 1842 1844 Maidstone, The Rt. Hon. Viscount 1875 Main, Mr. F. J Mainley, Mr Mainwaring, Sir H. M., Bart. Malcolm, Mr. Malcolmson, Mr. Maley, Mr. R. . Manor, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. . Manser, Mr. Co/ou7-s. 1876 Rob Roy tartan body, red sleeves and cap Yellow, green cap French grey, black cap Green, white braid, white and green cap Maroon, straw sleeves and cap Scarlet, black sleeves Black, red cap Blue, chocolate sleeves Green, rose belt and cap Red and white hoop, white cap Scarlet Purple body and cap, white sleeves White body, purple sleeves and cap Cherry jacket, black cap Purple, white sleeves Dark blue jacket, light blue sleeves, pink cap Yellow, gorge de pigion sleeves and cap Scarlet Salmon body, black sleeves and cap 1873 White, blue belt, sleeves, and cap 1 88 1 Cambridge blue, rose cap 1807 Blue, black cap 181 1 Black and yellow, black cap 181 7 Light blue, bound with pink, black cap 1870 Black, double scarlet cross belt, white cap 1867 Green, rose cap 1839 Green jacket, blue cap 187 1 Chocolate, crimson cap 1863 Cherry, black and gold belt and cap 187 1 White, blagk and gold cap RA CI AN A 91 Manser, Mr. W. H Manton, Mr. Manners, The Rt. Hon. Lord G. Mannie, Mr. Mannington, Mr. J. 1881 1883 1867 1867 1869 1870 1873 March, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of* 1762 1774 (See Duke of Queensberry, 1779) March, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of 1878 1879 S€C07id colour . , ,. do. Mare, Mr. C ,. 1850 Markham, Mr. W. H . 1881 Marlow, Mr . 1872 Marsh, Mr. H . 1863 Seco7id colour .. ,. do. Marsh, Mr. J. M. • 1879 Marsh, Mr. R • 1879 Marshall, Mr. H. ,. 1861 1862 Marshall, Mr. W. R . 1872 Marston, Mr .. 1871 Marston, Mr. C. ,. 1883 Martin, Mr .. 1874 Martin, Mr. J. C. .. 1875 Co/ours. White, black cap Scarlet Purple, light blue sleeves, black cap Blue and silver, white cap Amber, white belt Amber, black belt, blue cap Black jacket and cap, white belt White Brown, with black cap Yellow and scarlet stripes, scarlet cap, gold tassel Yellow, scarlet velvet cap, gold tassel Yellow and scarlet stripes, scarlet cap, gold tassel Light blue, orange cap Black, yellow sleeves, crimson cap Scarlet and white Black, white sleeves Black, white sleeves and cap Cherry and white hoops, cherry cap Blue orange stripe Amber body, sky blue sleeves and cap with silver fringe Yellow, green and white cap Black, pink hoops and cap Grey body, blue sleeves and cap Cinnamon, old gold sleeves and cap Black and crimson striped satin jacket and cap Maroon, black stripe * An old picture by Spencer of a horse with jockey mourned, in red jacket and black cap, in my possession I have lately identified as Bajazet, owned by the above nobleman in 1750, from a volume called " Pedigree Horses," published in sheets by John Cheney, and sold by Heber about 1756. These colours the Earl of March, as Duke of Queensberry, adopted in 1780, and this clearly points to one change of colours at least, previous to the declaration of 1762. 92 RACIANA. Martin, Major ... Martin, Mr. R. ... Martin, Mr. W. S. Martin, Mr. John Marton, Mr. Martyn, Captain 'As Major Martyn N, i8|8 \ ■VN, 1855/ \As Colonel Mart' Masey, Mr. Mason, Mr. C Masque, Mr Massereene, The Rt. Hon. Lord Massy, Mr. Masterman, Mr. Geo Masterman, Mr. T. Masters, Air. F. ... Mather, Mr. Matthews, Mr. ... Matthews, Mr. G. Maud, Mr. E. J Maude, Major A. Maule, The Hon. W. R. Mauley, The Rt. Hon. Lord de Maund, Mr. Co/ours. 1865 Green jacket, scarlet buttons, black cap 1854 White body, black sleeves and cap 1 865 Blue, crimson and white seams, crimson cap 1872 Crimson, white seams, black cap 1878 Scarlet 1870 Orange, green sleeves 1843 Orange purple sleeves, orange cap 1 85 1 Orange, purple sleeves and cap 1798 Straw and purple stripe, cap the same 1 8 14 White, red cap 1875 Violet, pink cap 1866 Black and white hoops, black velvet cap 1867 Mazarine blue 1863 Yellow, pink sleeves, pink and yellow cap 187 1 Black jacket, orange sleeves, black and orange cap 1878 Cherry 1864 Blue, black belt and cap 1871 Blue and black quartered 1868 Orange, black cap 1855 Orange jacket, puce and orange cap 1 86 1 Orange 1846 Green and gold jacket, white sleeves and green and gold cap 1859 Primrose, red cap 1 87 1 Green, white and gold belt, white cap 1883 Dark green, light green sleeves 1823 Orange, mazarine blue cap 1857 Red, blue cap 1865 Black, and red plaid 1866 White, green sleeves and cap RACIANA. 93 Maurice, Mr. Chas. 1879 Second colour . . . do. Mawbey, Sir Joseph, Bart. 1806 Maxfield, Mr. W. 1852 1854 Maxwell, Mr 1875 Maxwell, Captain 1878 Maxwell, Sir W., Bart 1813 May, Mr. ... 1844 May, Mr. H 1869 1870 May, Mr. H 1883 Maynard, Mr. A. L 1870 Maynard, The Right Hon. Lord Viscount 1814 Mayo, The Right Hon. the Earl of 1881 Meadows, Mr 1873 Megson, Mr. J 1853 Meiklam, Mr. i860 Meiklam, Mr. J 1839 Melgund, The Rt. Hon. Viscount 1874 Mellish, Mr 1857 Mellish, Colonel H. F. ... 1804 Mellon, Mr. 1861 Melville, Mr. Henry 1862 1864 Melville, Mr. T. 1873 Mendel, Mr. S. T. 1874 Cohnirs. Cardinal and straw hoops, black velvet cap Primrose and sky blue hoops, cardinal velvet cap and gold tassel Cardinal and straw hoops, black velvet cap Blue body, scarlet sleeves Orange jacket, white cap Orange, purple belt, white cap Black, yellow sleeves, crimson cap, Green and white Black velvet body, white satin sleeves, black cap Blue, white sleeves, black cap Black, gold belt, black cap Orange, black belt Yellow, blue sleeves French grey, red cap Pink and black, black cap Scarlet and yellow French grey body, cerise sleeves and cap White, scarlet sleeves, black cap Blue, white stripe Blue, white stripe, white cap White, blue sleeves and cap Blue, white hoops, blue cap White, crimson sleeves and a crimson cap tied with a white riband Light green, rose cap Straw body, blue sleeves White and blue stripes White body, dark blue sleeves and cap Black jacket, red and yellow cross belt, red and black cap 94 RACIANA. Menzies, Mr. W. S Meredyth, Mr. Merone, Mr. Merrifield, Mr, Merrik, Mr, Merry, Mr. A. W Merry, Mr. C. J. Merry, Mr. J, Mert, Mr, J, La, Merton, Mr. Merton, Mr. Merton, Mr. Charles Merton, Mr. Phillips Metcalfe, Mr. W, Metzgar, Mr. W. Micawber, Mr. ... MiCHAELSON, R. ... MiDDLETON, The Right MiGNON, Mr. Miles, Mr. P. J. ,,. Miles, Mr. F. T. ... Miles, Mr, Tremayne Miles, Mr. John Milford, Mr. Mill, Sir J. B. Millar, Mr. R. Millar, Mr. C. Miller, Mr. J. ... 1862 ... 1865 ... 1859 ... 1871 ... 1880 .,, 1882 1883 ,.. 1843 1849 ... 1857 1870 ... 1846 ... 1863 ... 1876 ... 1865 ... 1878 ... 1881 ... 1865 ... 1814 Hon. Lord 1865 .,, 1871 1804 ... 1876 ... 1877 ... 1878 ... 1869 ,.. 1846 ... 1869 ... 1875 Co/otirs. Light blue, black sleeves, red cap Black, and red plaid Blue, red cap Salmon, black cap Scarlet body, blue sleeves, white cap Black, cerise sleeves Yellow, black cap Yellow, white cap Yellow Yellow, black cap Red body, white belt and sleeves and blue cap Red, white, and blue hoops, blue cap Dark blue and buff stripe, buff cap White, cherry belt, cherry cap Purple, black cap Blue, and black cap Blue, amber hoops New gold jacket, old gold sleeves, maroon belt and cap Brown, yellow stripes, yellow cap Light blue, scarlet sleeves, black cap Blue and white stripe Brown, green sleeves and white cap Red, black cap Blue, buff sleeves and cap Cerise, violet and white hoops, cerise cap Red and white striped jacket and cap Black, yellow sleeves, scarlet cap Purple Buff body, blue sleeves and cap Blue, whitecross belt, blue and white cap Green, maroon belt and cap RACIANA. 95 MiLLBANK, Mr. M. MiLLBANK, Mr. F. A. MiLLINGTON, Mr. Mills, Mr. John ... Mills, Mr. F. Mills, Mr. E. Mills, Mr. MiLLTOWN, The Right Hon. the Earl of MiLNER, Mr MiLNER, Sir W., Bart. MiLNER, Sir W. M., Bart. MiLNER, Sir W., Bart. MiLNER, Mr. D MiLNES, Mr. R. Rhodes MiLsiNTowN, The Right. Hon, Lord Milton, The Right Hon. Lord .. Milton, The Right Hon. Lord .. Minor, Mr. J. B. Mitchell, Mr. F. MOFFATT, Mr. Jas. MOFFATT, Mr. W, Co/ours. 1817 Blue and black body, cap tied with a blue riband 1846 Pink and black stripe, black cap 1867 Black, orange sleeves, black and orange quartered cap 1826 White, red cap 1826 Black and white broad stripe, cap the same 1858 Lemon, purple cap 1 86 1 White, green cap 1866 Lemon, purple cap i860 Blue • 1839 Tricolor, black cap 1847 Tricolor . 1853 Orange . I8I4 Black body, orange sleeves and cap . 1846 Violet 1855 Orange ■ 1875 Yellow, brown cap 1876 Orange ■ 1877 Red, white, and black . I8I8 Scarlet, white stripe, cap the same 1820 Black body, pink sleeves and white 1 cap . I80I Orange and green . I8II Green . 1856 Green . 1843 Red body, straw-coloured sleeves, red cap 1849 Adelaine and amber . 1866 Green, amber cap . 1872 Black, yellow cap • . 1872 Green, violet cap 1873 Black, yellow cap 96 RACIANA, MoLONY, Mr. A. Moll, Mr. E MoNCRiEFFE, Sir D,, Bart. MoNCK, Sir Chas., Bart. .. Monk, Mr. Monk, Mr. Monk, Mr. E. Monk, Mr. T. J. MoNSON, The Right Hon. Lord Montague, Mr. ... Montague, Mr Montague, Mr. ... MoNTGOMERiE, The HoM. George MoNTGOMERiE, The Right Hon. Lord MONTGOMERIE, The Hon. Seton Montgomery, Captain J. F. Montgomery, Captain H. B. Powell ... {See Captain H. B. Powell) Montolieu, Mr. ... Montrose, His Grace the Duke of Moon, Mr. W. Moore, Mr. G. H. Moore, Colonel W. T. ... Moore, Mr. G. Colours. 1828 Black and white stripe across the body, light blue cap 1830 Same colour, scarlet cap 1863 Yellow, blue sleeves, black cap 1824 White 1842 White body, scarlet sleeves and black cap 1843 Purple, red sleeves, black cap 1859 Purple, crimson sleeves, black cap 1862 Crimson, purple sleeves, black cap 1874 Purple, crimson sleeves, black cap 1875 Purple, crimson sleeves, black cap 1807 Scarlet body, white sleeves and scarlet cap 1854 Scarlet and white stripe 1854 Cherry-colour and white stripe, white cap, with cherry-coloured tie 187 1 Gold body, yellow sleeves and cap 1872 Black and white hoops, white sleeves and cap 1807 Yellow body, blue sleeves and cap 181 1 Blue body, yellow sleeves, blue cap 1867 Tartan, yellow sleeves and cap 1870 Blue, orange sleeves, black cap 187 1 Green, orange sleeves and cap 1792 Orange 1875 White, tartan belt and cap 1883 Dark blue, gold belt and cap 1846 Bird's-eye blue 1870 White, blue spots 1870 White, blue sleeves, black cap 1874 Claret jacket and cap, silver tassel 1 88 1 White, blue sleeves, black cap RACIANA. 97 Moore, Mr. J. (Ireland) Moore, Sir John, Bart. Moray, Captain Nairn MORETON, Mr. MoREWoOD, Mr. ... Morgan, Mr. F. C. Morgan, Mr. T. Vaughan MORLEY, Mr. J. ... Morris, Mr. G. W. Morris, Mr. H. ... Morris, Mr. J. B. Morris, Major Morris, Mr. M. M. Morris, Mr. W. ... Second Mortimer, Mr, ... Morton, Mr. F. ... MOSELEY, Mr. Moss, Captain Moss, Mr. J. W. ... Mostyn, Tiie Hon. E. L MosTYN, The Right Hon, Mostyn, Mr. R. J. MosTYN, Sir T., Bart oloiir MouNCEY, Mr. F. . , . Mountcharles, The Ri; the Earl of Mousley, Mr. J. H. Lord ht Hon. Colours. 1847 Blue and white check, black cap 1762 Darkest green 1779 Dark green, black cap 1872 Green, white sleeves, quartered cap 1 86 1 Brown, blue cap 1869 Dark blue, red seams 1870 Orange, black sleeves 1866 Purple and orange hoops, black cap 1863 Magenta, and black cap 1808 Yellow, black cap 181 1 Yellow with white stripe and cap i860 Groselle, black spots 1 86 1 Light blue, black sleeves and cap 1864 White, green belt, red cap 1852 Orange, white cap 1806 Lead-coloured body, yellow sleeves 1883 White, maroon belt, sleeves, and cap 1864 Magenta, white cap 1877 Magenta, blue cap 1869 Straw, sky blue sleeves and cap 1876 White, gold braid 1854 Scarlet, white belt, black cap 1867 Orange, white belt and cap 1834 Drab body, scarlet sleeves, black cap 1834 Yellow, black cap 1854 Yellow, black cap 1840 Light blue, white cap 1807 Yellow 18 II Yellow, black cap 187 1 Black, pink hoops and cap 1827 French grey, scarlet cap 1857 Black, with gold garter, black and gold cap 98 RACIANA. MuiR, Mr. J. Gardner ... MuLGRAVE, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... MUMFORD, Mr. J.... MuNRO, Mr. G MuNROE, Mr. T MuNCASTER, The Rt. Hon. Lord MuNDY, Mr. W. H. MURIETTA, Mr. C. DE MURLAND, Mr. S MURLAND, Mr. W. Murphy, Mr. W Murphy, Mr. J. C. Murray, Col. C. E. Gostling .. Musk. Mr. Musters, Mr. J. Chaworth Myers, Mr. F. J Myer, Mr. S Mytton, Mr. W Mytton, Mr. J. ... Mytton, Mr. J. ... Co/ours. 1883 Sky blue, primrose sleeves 1 83 1 White body, crimson sleeves and cap 1870 Violet, black belt 1874 Red, green, and black 1875 Violet, black and gold belt 1853 White 1866 Yellow, black hoops, yellow sleeves and cap 1823 Crimson, blue cap 1859 White, orange cap 1877 Dark blue, light blue sleeves 1854 Blue 1883 Blue 1 86 1 Scarlet, black belt and cap 1875 Blue, pink belt, black cap 1877 Cardinal, cream sleeves and cap 1879 Dark blue jacket and cap, three silver stars on garter edged with silver 1873 Black, gold sleeves 1879 Green and silver, scarlet cap 1 87 1 Black body, silver braid, violet sleeves and cap 1870 Brown, red cap 1878 Cerise, white cap 1 82 1 Green and white stripe, black cap 1846 Green and white stripe, black cap Nanney, Mr. J. .. Napleton, Mr. Narburoh, Mr. T. Nash, Mr. Nasmyth, Mr. 1 83 1 Crimson and white quartered, with white cap 1869 White, crimson hoop and cap 1872 Blue, silver stars and orange cap 1865 Primrose, sky blue sleeves and cap 1879 Light blue body and cap, white sleeves RACIANA. 99 Nathan, Mr. T. 1883 Naylor, Mr. R. C 1859 1861 Second colour . . . 1862 Do. 1864 Naylor, Mr. C. T 1873 Negus, Mr. J 1841 Nelson, Mr. W 1859 Nelthorpe, Sir H., Bart. 1817 Nevill, Mr. C 1833 Nevill, Mr. R. H 1847 1859 Neville, The Hon. R. ... 1814 1817 Newcastle, His Grace the Duke of 1864 1866 Newcomen, Mr. A. H. T. 1873 1877 Newcomen, Mr. CM. ... 1877 Newland, Mr. R. 1853 Newman, Mr, A. ... 1856 Newman, Sir Lydston, Bart. 1856 1866 Newman, Mr. 1867 Newman, Mr. H. 1867 Second colour . . . 1877 Newman, Mr. 1877 Newton, Mr. W. ... 1834 Newton, Mr. G 1861 1865 Newton, Mr. C. S. 1870 Colours. Red, white cuffs, collar, and buttons, red and white corded cap Lilac body, primrose sleeves and cap Primrose, cherry cap The same, cherry belt The same, with black belt Grey body, cherry sash and cap Straw, blue sleeves, red cap Brown body, orange sleeves and cap Yellow body, black sleeves and cap Broad blue and white stripe, black cap Orange Orange, white sleeves and cap Yellow, with white sleeves and cap Orange, with white satin sleeves and cap tied with orange Black body, cherry sleeves, black cap Violet and white hoops, violet cap Blue jacket with orange spots, blue cap Black, cherry sleeves, grey cap Black, cherry sleeves, grey cap Scarlet Blue, white stars, blue cap White, blue stars, white cap Amber, rose stars and cap Red, white sleeves and cap Crimson, green hoop and cap Crimson and green vandykes Blue, white cap Light blue jacket, red cap French grey, geranium belt, black cap Black, green belt and cap Crimson, white stripes 100 RA CI AN A. Newton, Mr. S. C. NiCHOL, Mr. A. ... Nicholas, Mr. G. NiCHOLL, Mr, W. NiCHOLLS, Mr. J. F. Nichols, Mr. H NicoLL, Mr. Francis Night, Mr. Night, Mr. Second colour NiGHTINGALL, Mr. JOHN NiGHTINGALL, Mr. JaMES Nipper, Mr. J Noel, The Hon. Mr. Noel, Mr. Norfolk, His Grace the Duke of Norman, Mr Norman, Mr. Norman, Mr. J. ... Normanby, The Most Noble the Marquis of {See Earl of Mulgrave, 1831 North, Mr. W. H. North, Mr. Hugh North, Mr. F. Northern, Mr. ... Northey, Mr. W. Northey, Mr. W. Colours. 1880 Chocolate and French grey hoops, cerise cap 1883 Black and grey hoops, cerise cap 1849 Light blue, scarlet sleeves and cap 1850 Blue, scarlet sleeves, blue cap 187 1 Black, white cap 1872 French grey, cerise and white stripes 1864 White, red sleeves, blue cap 1872 White, red spots, red sleeves and cap 1874 Maize, scarlet belt and cap 1882 Sage green, pink hoops and cap 1847 Straw-coloured jacket, blue cap 1853 Scarlet, blue cap 1863 Green body, orange sleeves and cap do. Same, green cap 1 86 1 Purple, white seams and cap 1873 Brown, blue belt and cap 1869 Black, lavender sleeves and cap 1819 White body, scarlet cuffs and cape, scarlet cap 1876 Green, gold seams, scarlet cap 1789 Sky blue, cap the same 1868 Blue, gold braid 1877 French grey, cerise sleeves and belt 1 88 1 Chocolate, red cap 1842 White, crimson sleeves and cap 1862 Yellow jacket, blue sleeves, yellow cap 1866 Amber and rose stars and cap 187 1 Bismarck and blue hoops, black cap 1876 Pink, black hoops, pink sleeves 1 8 14 Yellow 1 8 19 Black, red cap RACIANA. lOI Northumberland, His Grace the Duke of... ... ... ... 1762 1772 NORTHWOOD, Mr. ... ... ... 1 87 1 Norton, Mr. C. ... ... ... 1S04 Norton, Mr. W 1855 Norton, Mr. J 1855 Norton, Mr 1857 Norton, Mr. C 1866 NoTLEY, Mr. C 1865 Nowell, Mr. Alexander ... 1825 Nugent, Mr. ... ... ... 1863 Nugent, Sir Charles, Bart. ... 1873 Nugent, Sir W., Bart 1877 Nugent, Mr. P. T 1882 Nunn, Mr. E 1847 NuNN, Mr. E. W 1870 Colours, Yellow Gold colour, with cap the same Red and blue stripes, white cap Brown body, white sleeves, white cap Orange, green cap Black, green cap Black, yellow cap Violet Black Rose colour, black cap Black, cherry cap Magenta, black hoops Black, white belt, black cap Black, white hoop Black Black, white belt and cap Oakes, Mr. Willoughby O'Brien, Mr. J Oerton, Mr. J. B. Ogilvy, Mr. O'Hara, Mr, H. H. Hamilton, O'Kelly, Colonel Oldfield, Mr. Oliver, Mr. R. E. Oliver, Captain O'Malley, Sir W., Bart. Ongley, The Hon. G. ... Onslow, Mr. A, R. 1877 Harlequin 1845 White, black cap 1846 White, green cap 1 88 1 Black, white cross 1772 Harlequin 1858 Green, white sleeves and cap 1776 Scarlet, black cap 1792 Scarlet, light blue cap 1804 Black 1843 Straw-colour, pink cap 1843 Straw-colour, black cap 1 87 1 White, and orange cap 1842 Crimson, white sleeves, scarlet cap 1846 Blue, white sleeves and cap 102 RACIA NA, Orde, Mr. W Orde, Mr. W Orford, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Orford, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Orme, Mr. 'Ormerod, Mr. C. E. Ormskirk, Mr. ... Orr, Mr. J. Orrell, Mr. RoBT. Osbaldeston, Mrs. OSBALDESTON, Mr. GeO. Osborne, The Right Hon. Lord F. G Osborne, Mr. J. ... Osborne, Mr. R. R. Osborne, Mr. Robt, Osborne, Mr. W. OssoRY, The Right Hon. Lord Ostrebor, Mr. N. Oswald, Mr. R. A Oswald, Mr. R. A Otway, Captain Owen, Mr. H. Owen, Mr. Hugh Owen, Mr. W. Owsley, Mr. W. P Oxford, Mr. Oxford, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of OxLEY, Mr. G 817 841 762 826 842 863 878 875 857 811 853 854 Co/oiers. White, light blue sleeves and cap White, purple sleeves and cap Purple and white Orange body, black sleeves, white cap Orange body, white sleeves and cap Green and white hoops, green cap Cardinal and ivory hoops, cardinal cap Claret, white hoops Black, yellow cap Bismarck Green, red cap Green, black cap Green, primrose cap Green, red cap 80s White 846 Chocolate, black cap 882 Chocolate, with red belt, black cap 866 Chocolate, blue sleeves, black cap 870 White, red cap 772 Pea-green and cap the same 861 Tartan, French grey sleeves and cap 811 Purple and yellow 877 Blue, yellow sleeves and cap 875 Blue, orange belt, black cap 861 Green, scarlet belt and cap 878 Cherry 861 Blue, silver braid 842 Dark blue, black cap 871 White body, blue cap 802 Black 810 Green and gold, black cap 872 Violet, white belt RACIANA 103 Padwick, Mr. H. Paget, The Right Hon. Lord Alexander Paget, The Right Hon. Lord Ber- keley ... Paget, Mr. Gerald C. Paget, Captain A. 1865 1868 1871 1872 1879 1878 Paget, Mr. G. E 1874 Paget, The Rt. Hon. Lord Henry 1861 Painter, Mr. J Palk, Mr. L. H Pallett. Mr. G. ... Palmer, Mr Palmer, Mr. Palmer, Mr. J Palmer, Mr. W Palmer, Mr. W Palmerston, The Right Hon. Viscount Panton, Mr. Thos. Colours. Black, orange cap Brown, scarlet and white hoops, white cap Yellow, blue sleeves Yellow, blue hooped sleeves Bronze, crimson chevrons and cap Dark blue body, light blue sleeves and cap Black, French grey sleeves, red cap Scarlet body, French grey sleeves and cap Pardoe, Mr. J. ... Paris, Mr. Chas. S. Park, Mr. T. Parker, Mr. 1867 French grey, scarlet sleeves and cap 1870 Yellow, blue sleeves, yellow cap 1827 Blue and yellow, black cap 1834 Harlequin 1878 Blue and scarlet striped body, blue sleeves and cap i860 Green, yellow cap 1865 Green, white belt, blue cap 1883 Black, red cap 1864 Black, white belt 1866 Green, white belt 1870 Blue and yellow hoops 1883 Black, blue sleeves 1839 Green, orange cap 1773 Buff, with cap the same 1784 Buff, black spots 1787 Striped plaid and cap 1792 White, red cap 1864 Mexican blue 1879 Black and white stripe 1880 Old gold jacket, cardinal belt and cap 1781 Green, with black cap I04 RACIANA. Parker, Mr. C. A. Parker, Mr. J Parker, Mr. Robt. Parker, Mr. S. Holimi: ... Parker, Mr. T. T. Towneley Parks, Mr, W. T. Parks, Mr. W. H. Parr, Mr. E. Parr, Mr. E. Parr, Mr. Thomas Parr, Mr. W. F. ... Parry, Mr. F. Parry, Mr. John... Parsons, Mr. William Partington, Mr. M. J. .. Partner, Mr. Patmore, Mr. F. ... Patrick, Captain C. Pattensaunders, Captain Patterson, Mr. W. Pattinson, Mr. R. Pattison, Mr. H. Paulhurst, Mr Pawson, Mr. W. H. Payne, Mr. Geo Second colour Payne, Mr. John ... Payne, Mr. R Paynter, Major ,.. Colotirs. 1 85 1 White, light blue garter and cap 1853 White jacket, puce cap 1877 White, French grey cap 1877 Bronze, green body, pale blue sleeves and cap 1879 Red, gold buttons, white sleeves and cap, black tassel 1863 Blue and white stripe 1857 Green, orange sleeves and cap 1852 Brown, white cap 1880 Brown, silver braid, white cap 1846 Puce, white sleeves and cap 1874 Scarlet and white cross belt, black cap 1 86 1 Crimson jacket, grey cap 1870 Yellow and black hoops, yellow sleeves and cap 1879 White, mauve and scarlet quartered cap 1868 Scarlet jacket, white cap 1865 Black, black and white cap 1874 Blue, white hoops 1878 Blue, black hoops 1878 Black, red sleeves, white cap 185 1 White, black and gold hoops 1873 Blue and gold medallions, blue cap 1872 Blue jacket, white seams, black cap 1856 Black jacket, green belt and cap 187 1 Yellow, blue sleeves and cap 1873 Cerise and black hoops 1826 Black and white broad stripe, cap the same 1869 White body, crimson sleeves and cap 1806 Pea-green 1877 Green, gold facings 1 88 1 White, blue, and red stripes, black cap RACIANA. 105 Colojcrs, Pearce, Mr. J. 1846 Black Pearson, Colonel 1866 Black, scarlet chevrons (As General Pearson, 1875) Peck, Mr. C. (Malton) 1849 Plaid, white cap Peck, Mr. C, jun. i860 Orange and blue Peck, Mr. C 1870 Amber, pink sleeves, black cap Peck, Mr. R 1869 Pink and amber jacket, black cap 1870 Blue, orange sleeves SecoJid colour . . . do. Same, white cap Peddie, Mr. J AS. 1874 Pale mauve and silver Peddie, Mr. John 1861 White body, plaid belt and cap Pedley, Mr. J. H. 1845 Plaid 1846 Black, harlequin cap 1847 Orange body and cap, scarlet sleeves Peel, Colonel 1824 Purple, with orange cap Second colour . . . 1847 Orange (As General Peel, 1854) Peel, Mr. E 1826 Orange Peel, Mr. J. H Peel, The Right Hon. Sir Robert, Bart , Peirse, Mr. Henry Peirse, Mr. R. W. C. Peirse, Mr. T. Pelham, The Hon. G. Pelham, Mr. 1 83 1 Orange sleeves and cap, dark blue body 1833 Orange jacket, purple cap 1877 Purple, orange sleeves and cap 1790 White and straw, cap the same 1806 White body, straw coloured sleeves and cap 1809 White, and straw colour quartered red cap 1 8 10 Apple green, gold buttons and button holes, black cap 181 1 White body, rose coloured sleeves, black cap i8ro Apple green, gold buttons and button holes, black cap 1 81 7 Yellow body, brown sleeves and cap 1867 Blue and yellow hoops io6 RACIANA Pemberton, Mr. ... Pemberton, Captain (As Colonel Pemberton, 1869) Pemberton, Major Pennant, Mr. Penrith, Mr. Pk.rcival, Mr. John Percy, Mr. C Percy, Mr. P. Perkins, Mr. C. ... Perren, Mr. T Perry, Mr. C. T. Perry, Mr. E. C. Peter, Mr. R, Peters, Mr. Petersham, The Right Hon. Lord Petre, The Hon. E. Pettat, Captain Pettigrew, Mr. R. Pettit, Mr. R. Peveril, Mr. T Peyton, Colonel ... Peyton, Mr. J. R. Phillimore, Mr. W. R. ... Phillips, Mr. A Phillips, Mr. D Phillips, Mr. E Phillips, Mr. F. M. Co/ours. 1846 Orange, white cap 1848 Cherry, cherry and white cap quar- tered 1867 Violet, silver stripes 1868 Purple and orange seams, orange cap 1874 Dark blue, red seams 1872 Primrose body, black cap 1872 Chocolate, blue cap 1868 Rose pink, blue belt 1869 Dark blue, yellow sleeves and cap 1875 Turquoise' body, violet sleeves and cap 1800 Black and white cross stripe 1864 Straw 1883 Pearl grey 1828 Green 1868 Blue jacket and orange cap 1876 Yellow, black cross belt and cap 18 1 7 White body, pink sleeves, black cap 1818 Black body, pink sleeves, black cap 1838 Buff, blue sleeves, black cap 1883 Blue and white stripes 1822 Black and white stripe across the body, light blue cap 1874 Black, white cap 1872 Red, black belt and cap 1877 Black jacket, black and gold sleeves and cap 1833 Scarlet jacket and harlequin cap 1837 Scarlet jacket, sky blue cap 1847 Green, yellow sleeves and cap 1882 Dark blue, white sleeves and cap 1833 Brown body, crimson sleeves, black cap 1877 Chocolate, light blue hoops RACIANA. 107 Phillips, Mr. J. T. Phillips, Mr. W. PiCKERNELL, Mr. T. Pickersgill, Mr. J. PiCKFORD, Mr. W. H. PiGGOTT, Mr. H. S. PiGOT, Sir G., Bart. PiGOT, Sir R., Bart. PiGOTT, Mr. C. PiGOTT, Mr. R. PiGOTT, Captain G. PiGOTT, Col. Pilling, Mr. Pilling, Mr. J- ••■ Pinner, Mr. Pitcher, Mr. P. ... Pitt, The Hon. Major Planner, Mr. W. Platel, Mr. G. ... Platt, Mr. F. Platt, Mr. S. Playfair, Mr. Playter, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Colottrs, 1854 Pink 1 86 1 Puce, yellow sleeves and cap 1832 Scarlet body, blue sleeves, black cap 1 88 1 White, green seams, black cap 187 1 Blue, white sleeves, blue and white cap 1872 Orange, magenta sleeves and cap 1827 Black 1828 Yellow, black cap 1847 Primrose, red cap 1779 Bloom colour, green cap 1782 Yellow, shot with red 1772 Pompadour 1775 Pink 1806 Black 1807 Black waistcoat with cap the same, and rose-coloured riband 1806 Yellow, black cap 1854 White, purple sleeves, black cap 1854 Crimson, black cap 1862 Crimson, white spots, crimson cap 1869 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap 1870 Black, violet seams 1848 White, purple sleeves 1870 White, puce cap 181 7 White and crimson stripe, black cap 1873 Rose, black hoops, rose cap 1 88 1 Rose, light blue sleeves, yellow cap 1883 Old gold, light blue sleeves, light blue and old gold quartered cap 1872 Crimson, blue cap 1882 Old gold, light blue sleeves, light blue and old gold quartered cap 1857 Green, white cap 1872 Amber, red and amber sleeves io8 RACIA NA. Co/ours. PoLAK, Mr. J. M 1875 Light blue, harlequin cap 1876 Blue, brown sleeves and white cap Poole, Sir Fernando, Bart. 1801 Black Poole, Mr. C 1874 Straw, blue sleeves, red cap POOLEY, Mr. 1874 Scarlet jacket, amber cap PoPHAM, Mr. F. L. 1855 White, green and red sleeves and cap Port, Mr 1871 Cherry Porter, Mr. R 1865 White, blue and white cap 1866 White, blue seams and cap 1876 The same, black cap Porter, Mr. J 1875 Cherry, black cap 1877 Cherry, black belt and cap Portland, His Grace the Duke of 1817 White, black sleeves and cap Portland, His Grace the Duke of 1880 Light blue, white sleeves, white cap 1882 White; black sleeves and cap Portsmouth, The Right Hon. the Earl of . . . 1856 White, black belt and cap Pott, Mr. Geo. ... 1874 Blue and white belt, blue cap Potter, Mr. E 1870 White, red sleeves, black cap Potter, Mr. J 1877 Blue, straw hoops Potts, Captain 1846 Buff and red stripe, cap the same Powell, Mr. H. B. 1851 White, violet spots, white cap (.S"^^ Captain Montgomery) 1858 Green, orange sleeves and cap Powell, Mr. T 1854 White, red sleeves Powell, Mr. W. R. H 1865 Orange, black cap 1879 The same, with black sleeves Powell, Mr. Roger 1849 French grey, pink stripe, white cap PowLETT, The Hon. A. O. 1854 Deep yellow, black cap Powlett, The Right Hon. Earl . . . 1864 Cerise, blue sleeves and cap PowLETT, The Hon. T. 0. 1817 Deep yellow, black cap 1821 Deep yellow, purple velvet cap Powlett, Mr. W. P 1807 Green, black cap PowLETT, Mr. W. H. 1843 Deep yellow, purple velvet cap RACIANA. 109 Co/ours, PowLETT, The Right Hon. Lord William ... 1842 Pink and black stripe, black cap POWNEY, Mr. J. ... ... 1849 White, red cap 1859 White, scarlet belt and cap PoYNTZ, Mr. W. S. ... ... 1831 Red, yellow broad stripe, black cap Prat, Mr. M. J. ... ... 1878 Chocolate, orange sleeves and cap Pratt, Mr. ••• 1773 Red, black cap Prendergast, Mr. M. G. ... 1825 Black body and red sleeves Prentice, Mr. F. ... ... 1875 White and black Preston, Mr. ... 1865 Cherry, black and gold belt, white cap Price, Captain 1842 Crimson body, white sleeves, and black cap Price, Mr. F. R. ... ... ... 1807 Scarlet 1811 Scarlet, black cap Price, Mr. G. B. ... ... 1854 Purple, pink sleeves, black cap Price, Mr. T. ... ... 1861 Blue, black cap Price, Mr. J. ... 1875 Cerise, French grey stripes Price, Mr. Peter ... 1864 Scarlet, white cross belt 1871 Dark blue, yellow sleeves and cap 1873 Cherry, straw sleeves and cap Price, Mr. R. D. Green ... 1870 Violet, white belt /As Sir R. D. Green Price, ^ V Bart. Priestly, Mr. Prime, Captain A. Primrose, Mr. Pringle, Mr. J. ... Pritchard, Captain (See Rayner) Proctor, Mr. T. ... Proom, Mr. E. Prosser, Mr. C. ... Prout, Mr. P. Pryor, Mr. Felix 1862 White body, cherry belt, black cap 1872 Blue and orange hoops 1874 Scarlet, white hoops 1825 Azure and white stripe, cap quartered 187 1 Black bird's-eye 1868 Black 1874 Brown body, green sleeves, white cap 1866 White, sky blue stripes and cap 1855 Orange, green cap 1866 Mexican blue no RA CI AN A. Pryse, Mr. Pryse PULTENEY, Mr. PULTENEY, Mr. PURSLEY, Mr. W. . PusEY, Mr. Colours. 1839 Blue, white sleeves, black cap 1 781 Straw-colour, black cap 1 87 1 White body, blue sleeves, orange cap 1870 Black, white cap 1804 Orange, black cap QUARTERMAINE, Mr. QUARTLY, Mr. QuEENSBERRY, His Grace the Duke of {See Earl of March, 1762) QuEENSBERRY, The Most Noble the Marquis of QuEENSBERRY, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... Queensland, Mr. QuiN, Captain QuiN, Mr. ... 1859 Light blue, black cap 1878 Brown, black cap 1879 Brown, pink belt and cap 1779 Brown with black cap 1780 Deep red, black cap 1 8 1 1 Deep red, black cap 1868 Green, salmon sleeves 1880 Crimson, black cap 1863 Cherry and French grey stripe, cherry cap 1870 Crimson, white sleeves 1855 Crimson body, white sleeves Radcliff, Mr. Joseph ... Radcliffe, Colonel Radcliffe, Mr. C. Radcliffe, Mr. E. H. Delme Radcliffe, Mr. F. P. Delm^ 1867 White, black cross belt and cap 1869 The same, scarlet cap and gold tassel 1790 Crimson, black cap 1870 Dark blue, blue and yellow cap 1796 Blue, trimmed with pink, black cap 1806 Blue, trimmed with scarlet, black cap 1809 Light blue, trimmed with scarlet, black cap 1833 Light blue, trimmed with scarlet, black cap RACIANA. Ill Co/ours. Radclyffe, Mr. D. ... 1829 Yellow, black cap Radclyffe, Mr. R. ... 1815 Yellow and black cap Radmall, Mr. T. ... ... 1879 Pink, blue cap 1883 Pink, green sleeves and cap Raifort, Mr. R ... 1864 Scarlet, black cap Raimond, Mr. ... 1874 French grey, cerise sleeves and cap 1880 Yellow, black cap Raimund, Mr ... 1880 Scarlet, black cap Raine, Mr. W, M. ... 1877 Blue, cherry sleeves, orange cap Ralph, Mr. ... 1871 Black, blue belt and cap Ralph, Mr. A ... 1880 Black, scarlet cross belt Ram, Captain ... 1869 Black satin jacket, with orange vandyke, black satin cap Ramsbottom, Mr. J. ... 1822 Purple body, orange sleeves and cap Ramsbottom, Mr. ... 1844 Blue, orange sleeves and cap Ramsden, Captain ... 1823 Lavender body, scarlet sleeves, black cap 1827 Purple Ramsey, Mr. C W. R. ... ... 1865 Straw, green sleeves, black cap Ramsey, Sir A., Bart. ... 1827 Crimson and black, black cap Ramsey, Mr. W • .. 1834 Straw-coloured body, green sleeves, and black cap Randall, Mr ... 1873 Red, blue sleeves, white cap Randolph, Colonel ... 1871 White, green seams, white and green quartered cap Ranelagh, The Right Hon. Lord 1829 Red body and cap, white sleeves Ranny, Mr. ... 1872 Claret, blue cap Rate, Mr. E. ... 1871 White, cherry belt and cap Ravendale, Mr. Fredk ... 1872 White body, cerise sleeves and cap Ravenfield, Mr ... 1869 Red, yellow sleeves and cap Rawcliffe, Mr ... 1869 Black, silver braid, white cap Rawlinson, Mr. A. T. ... ... 1814 Pink and green stripe, with black cap 1816 Pink, with black cap Raworth, Mr. J. T. ... 1843 Red, black cap 112 RACIANA. Raworth, Mr. J. T .. 1869 1872 Ray, Mr ,. 1868 Second colour . .. 1869 Do. ,. 1871 Ray, Mr. H. R .. 1870 1871 1872 Rayleigh, Mr , .. 1869 Rayner, Mr. Charles ... .. 1851 1861 Rayner, Captain Pritchard .. 1873 Read, Mr. W. H. R .. 1852 Read, Mr. C. J.... .. 1865 Read, Mr. T .. 1872 Read, Mr. John .. 1872 1879 Redfern, Mr. W. .. 1854 Redfern, Mr. W. M ,. 1878 Redhead, Mr. T. W .. 1862 Redwin, Mr .. 1875 Reed, Mr. .. 1870 Reed, Mr. T. L .. 1878 Reeves, Mr. , ,. i860 1861 Reeves, Captain ... .. 1868 Reeves, Mr. John .. 1870 Reeves, Mr. S .. 1868 Reeves, Mr. W. ... .. 1869 Reeves, Mr. W .. 1879 Co/ours. Crimson, black cap Crimson jacket and crimson and white quartered cap Blue, brown hoops Blue and brown hoops, brown cap The same, blue and white cap White, blue sleeves The same, blue and white cap Light blue body, dark blue sleeves and cap Blue body, pink sleeves, blue cap Cherry, red sleeves and cap Mauve Black bird's-eye Geranium red, black cap Yellow, black belt and cap Yellow, black stripes Orange, black cap Black and white stripe, and quartered cap Blue, white stripes, red cap Blue, white stripes, red cap Black, red cap Orange, black belt, white cap Magenta, white cap Oxford and Cambridge blue stripes, scarlet belt and cap White, orange cap Sky blue, white cap Blue, white cap Amber, black cap Cherry, orange cap Cherry, white cap Claret, white hoops, claret cap RACIANA. 113 Reffill, Mr 1871 Reginald, Mr. 1868 1873 Reindeer, Mr. 1871 Relda, Mr. 1871 Reldiff, Mr. 1863 Rendlesham, The Rt. Hon. Lord 1863 i868 Renfrew, Mr. P. 1874 1883 Rennie, Captain 1864 Reverden, Mr. ... 1865 Reynard, Captain 1852 Reynell, Mr. Samuel ... 1870 Reynolds, Mr. Geo 1865 1867 1882 Reynolds, Mr. John 1871 Rhys, Captain Horton 1861 Ribblesdale, The Rt. Hon. Lord 1852 Second colour . . . do. Rice, Mr. P 1868 Rich, Mr 1863 Richards, Mr. J. 1864 1871 Richards, Mr. R. 1866 1867 Richardson, Mr. A 1872 Richardson, Mr. F. 1831 Richardson, Mr. H i860 Richardson, Mr. J 1808 1813 Richardson, Mr. J. M. 1876 Co/ours, Orange White, red cap The same, with red belt Pink, blue sleeves, maroon cap French grey, cerise belt and cap Blue, black cap Crimson, black cap Orange Orange and green striped jacket and cap Yellow, cardinal cap Purple, yellow seams Cherry, white belt and cap Light blue, black cap Red jacket, blue collar, black cap French grey, red cap Black and red hoops, red cap Black, scarlet cap Cambridge blue, white corded seams Violet and green hoop, black cap Black, orange sleeves and cap Black, orange sleeves, black cap White, green belt Black, yellow belt, blue cap Green Green, white cap Salmon, sea-green sleeves, scarlet cap White and blue belt Chocolate, blue stripes Scarlet body, white sleeves and cap Lavender Yellow, black cap Yellow and blue, black cap Amber, black cap 114 RACIA Richardson, Mr. J. 0. .. 1883 Richardson, Mr. T. 1866 Richardson, Mr. W. 1831 Richmond, His Grace the Duke of 1806 1831 Richmond, Mr 1871 RiCKABY, Mr 1849 Rickards, Mr. E. 1867 Riddell, Mr. Ralph 1808 1811 1814 1828 RiDDELL, Mr. J. R. •• 1859 1861 Second colour 1866 Riddell, Mr. R ... i860 Rider, Mr. G. i860 Ridley, Mr. M. W. ... 1811 /As Sir M. W. Ridley, \ 1812 Bart. •) 1813 Ridley, Mr. ... 1857 Ridley, Mr. 1870 Ridsdale, Mr. W. Ridsdale, Mr. R. |i823 Rifles, Mr. 1878 Rigby, Mr. ... i860 RiGBY, Mr. 1864 Rio, Mr 1871 Rising, Mr. C. C. ... 1874 Riste, Mr. ... 1879 Rivers, The Right Hon. Lord [ ... 1870 {See Hon. Major Pitt) Roach, Mr. ... 1857 NA. Colours. Green and white hoops, white cap Blue, black sleeves and cap Crimson, black cap Yellow, red cap Yellow, red cap and gold tassel Black and orange stripe Green, pink sleeves, black cap Mauve, white stripes Black and yellow Black and yellow stripe, black cap Blue and yellow stripe, pink cap Blue and yellow quartered Rose body, white belt, black cap The same, blue cap White, rose belt, black cap French grey, red cap Scarlet Pink, white stripe, pink cap Pink, white sleeves, pink cap White, lilac sleeves and cap White, blue belt Sky blue, white sleeves and cap Cerise, white belt Pea-green, purple cap Violet, white cap Violet, orange cap Black, crimson belt Blue, white belt, red cap White, blue sleeves Albert blue and silver seams RACIANA. IIS Rob, Mr RoBBiNS, Mr. F. ... Roberts, Mr. W. A. Roberts, Mr. Roberts, Mr. W. H. Roberts, Mr. Roberts, Mr. H. E. Robertson, Mr. D. Robertson, Mr. A. Robertson, Mr. W. Robertson, Mr. Stewart Robertson, Mr. H. Robin, Mr. C Robinson, Mr. Robinson, Mr. C. Robinson, Mr. F. Robinson, Mr. F. Robinson, Mr. H. Robinson, Mr. J. ... Robinson, Mr. J. Robinson, Mr. J as. Robinson, Mr. John Robinson, Mr. John Robinson, Mr. R. Robinson, Mr. T. Co/ours. 1812 Yellow and black jacket, pink cap 1847 Red body, white sleeves and red cap 1828 White, scarlet and white cap 1829 White, with black cap 1833 Black body, white cap 1847 Purple, white sleeves, red cap 1864 Shepherd's plaid body, white sleeves and cap 1874 Chocolate and orange 1875 Orange body and cap, chocolate sleeves 1837 Pink and black stripe, white cap 1847 Pink with black seams, black cap 1847 Tartan jacket, black cap 1 848 Tartan jacket, white cap 1 86 1 Tartan, French grey sleeves and cap 1862 Violet, white cap 1866 Blue 1877 Chocolate, yellow sleeves and cap 1865 Brown, crimson braid 1855 Purple, white cap 1869 White, blue cap 187 1 White, blue belt and cap 1 88 1 Light blue and silver braid 1857 Purple, orange sleeves and cap 1846 Red body, yellow sleeves, black cap 1 83 1 Green jacket, white sleeves and cap 1872 White 1856 Black, red cap 1857 Light blue, orange cap 1878 Blue and white spots 1883 Strawberry, cream sleeves and cap 1802 Green and white 1 8 1 2 Straw colour, blue cap ii6 RACIANA. Robinson, Mr. T. Robinson, Mr. T. F. Robinson, Mr. T. M. Robinson, Mr. W. Robinson, Mr. W. Robinson, Mr. W. B. RoBSON, Mr. E. ... RoBSTARDT, Mr. Harry Second colour . . . Rochester, Mr. ... Rockingham, The Rt. Hon. the Marquis of RocKSAVAGE, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of RoDEN, Colonel W. S Rodgers, Mr. C. a Rogers, Mr. Joseph Rogers, Mr. S. Rogers, Mr. W. RoLLY, Mr. RoLT, Mr. P. RoMER, Mr. Rone, Mr. J. R. RoNEYNE, Mr. p. Rook, Mr. C. RooKE, Major Roper, Mr. Co/ours. 1877 Blue jacket, white seams, black cap 1879 Blue, silver braid 1864 Crimson jacket, crimson and white quartered cap 1859 Scarlet, blue cap 1 86 1 White jacket, black and gold belt and cap 1802 Scarlet, black cap 1880 Puce, white sleeves and cap 1 87 1 Green and gold diamonds do. Violet and green 1863 Light blue, straw sleeves, white cap 1762 Green 1772 Green, black cap 1883 Red and blue stripes, yellow cap 1878 White, light blue hoops 1862 Plum, yellow sleeves, black cap 1863 Mauve, scarlet cap 1822 White, yellow stripe, red cap 1839 White, yellow sleeves, red cap 1850 Blue, black seams, black cap 1855 White, yellow sleeves, red cap 1870 Red, blue and white belt, red cap 1870 White, blue sleeves and cap 1847 Scarlet trimmed with silver, blue cap 1872 Black, green sleeves and cap 1872 Maroon body, purple sleeves and cap 187 1 Blue, red cap 1872 All white 1799 Orange, black cap 1869 Drab and red 1872 French grey, cerise and black stripes RACIANA. 117 Rose, Captain ... ... ... 1872 RosEBERY, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of 1 868 Second colon?- ... 1876 Third colour . . . do. Do. 1878 ROSELAND, Mr ... 1858 1859 Rosemary, Mr. 1871 RosLYN, Mr. 1864 RosSALL, Mr. ... ... ... 1879 RossLYN, '1 he Rt. Hon. the Earl of 1842 RossLYN, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of 1873 RossMORE, The Right Hon. Lord 1819 RossMORE, The Right Hon. Lord 1879 Rothschild, Baron ... ... 1842 1843 Rothschild, Sir Anthony de, Bart. 1874 Rothschild, Mr. Leopold de ... 1879 Rous, The Right Hon. Lord ... 1807 1818 (See Earl of Stradbroke,\ V 1821 ) Rous, The Hon. Captain ... 1829 (As Admiral, 1854) 1830 RouTH, Mr. W ... 1882 RowDON, Mr. R ... ... 1852 Rowlands, Mr. J. F. ... 1847 1864 Rowlands, Mr. Cecil ... ... 1874 Rowley, Mr. ... 1869 Rowley, Mr. W. E. ... 1876 1880 Colours. Blue, white belt, blue cap Primrose, rose hoops, rose cap The same, primrose cap The same, black cap The same, dark blue cap Orange and purple, black cap Pilack body, white sleeves and red cap Blue, white diamonds White body, sky blue sash, black cap Purple, brown sleeves Purple and white stripe, purple cap Bronze, turquoise sleeves and cap Crimson and white, cap the same Green and orange stripes Amber body, lilac sleeves, red cap Dark blue, yellow cap Dark blue, yellow cap Dark blue, yellow cap Pale blue satin Pale blue satin, white cap Yellow Harlequin jacket, black cap Yellow, scarlet cap Black, white spots, white cap Straw body, grey sleeves, black cap The same, crimson cap Maroon, white stripes, white cap Red, white, and blue Cherry body, sky blue sleeves, black cap Cerise and white hoops, cerise cap and silver tassel ii8 RACIANA. RoYSTON, The Right Hon. Lord RuDD, Mr. H. M Ruff, Mr Rupert, Mr. Rupert, Mr. C. ... Rush, Mr. A. G. A Rush, Mr. Geo Rush, Mr. W. B RusHOUT, Sir C, Bart RuSHTON, Mr Russell, Mr Russell, Colonel ... Russell, The Right Hon. Lord E. Russell, Mr. W Rutherford, Mr. John Rutland, His Grace the Duke of Rutland, His Grace the Duke of Rutland, His Grace the Duke of Ryan, Mr. A. O Ryan, Mr. C Rymill, Mr. H Co/o7irs. 1868 White, gold braid, plum-coloured cap 1 88 1 Navy blue, white sleeves 1863 Black, orange sleeves and cap 1867 Cerise, white stripe 1 868 Green, orange cap 1865 White 1870 White, blue belt and cap 1873 Black jacket, crimson cap 181 7 Black, red cap 1875 Black, crimson belt and cap 1849 White body, blue sleeves, blue cap 1823 Black, white cap 1824 White, with black cap 1825 White, with gold buttons 1827 Blue and buff stripe 1844 Buff, blue sleeves, black cap 1875 Purple, orange sleeves, purple and orange quartered cap 1874 White, lavender sleeves and cap 1782 Sky blue 1808 Blue, with purple sleeves 181 o Light blue, with purple sleeves, black cap 1877 Light blue, purple sleeves, black cap 187 1 Cherry jacket, black and gold hoop, cherry cap 1877 Magenta, green hoops 1878 Cherry, black cap Sackville, The Right Hon. Lord Viscount ... ... ... 1792 White, with black cap Sacul, Mr. Sadd, Mr. G. M. 1865 Light blue, white star, black cap 1861 Claret and white cap RACIANA. 119 Sadler, Mr. A. B. .. 1878 1883 Sadler, Mr. I. .. 1861 Sadler, Mr. Isaac .. 1828 Sadler, Major .. 1881 Sadler, Mr. W .. 1875 Sage, Mr. M .. 1882 Sales, Mr. .. 1862 1863 SAI.TMARSH, Mr. ... .. 1862 1864 Salvin, Mr. B. J. F .. 1875 Salvin, Mr. G .. 1844 Samuda, Mr. C .. 1869 1879 Samuel, Mr .. 1863 Sand, Mr .. 1871 Sandeman, Captain J .. 1871 Sandeman, Mr. R. .. 1881 Sanders, Mr. J .. 1878 Sanderson, Mr. W. .. 1870 Sandford, Mr. .. 1847 Sandwich, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... ... ... 1843 Sandys, Mr. A. A. .. 1881 Sanford, Mr .. 1874 Santley, Mr. F .. 1864 Sargent, Mr .. 1852 Sassoon, Mr. A. ... .. 1881 Saunders, Mr. W. 1802 1806 Saunders, Mr. W. •• 1855 Savage, Mr. J. T. .. 1877 Co/ours. Straw, blue cap Cream, cardinal sleeves and cap Black, green cap White body, scarlet sleeves, black cap Black, cardinal sleeves and cap Scarlet body, blue sleeves and cap Brown, maize sleeves, black cap Blue bird's-eye, white cap Black White, black cap Blue, red belt, white cap Pomona green Pomona green Black, cerise sleeves and cap, black belt Black, cerise sleeves and cap Cherry, sky blue cap White, blue belt, red cap Brown, blue cap Blue, chocolate sleeves White, blue sleeves, red cap Black, red belt French grey, red stripe Green, red cap Mauve, white sleeves Blue jacket, red sleeves and cap Brown body, green sleeves, white cap Orange, green garter, black cap Cardinal, sky blue cap Black, yellow sleeves Yellow body, purple sleeves White, purple cap White, blue sleeves, red cap 120 RA CIA NA. Savage, Mr. S. Saville, Captain Henry. Second colour . Second colour . . Saville, The Hon. R. L. Saxon, Mr. J Savers, Mr. E. J. Scarborough, Mr. Scarborough, The Right Hon the Earl of Scarisbrick, Mr. T. Scawen, Mr. Scholefield, Mr. R. SCOBELL, Mr. E. ... Scotland, Mr. Scott, Captain Scott, Mr. John ... Scott, The Right Hon. Lord John Scott, Mr. S. Scott, Mr. W. H. Scott, Mr. Wm. Scott, Mr. W. Scott, Mr. W. Co/ours. 1873 Blue, pink belt 1878 Cerise, black belt, white cap 1857 Scarlet with white spots, scarlet cap 1858 Yellow, scarlet cap, gold tassel 1879 Yellow and scarlet hoops, scarlet cap 1866 Yellow and scarlet hoops, scarlet cap 1880 Yellow, scarlet cap, gold tassel 1802 Green and white 1852 Green and gold, yellow cap 1865 Light blue, broad black belt, white cap 1870 Harlequin, black cap 1807 Green and white stripe, cap the same 1 81 4 Sky blue, with white stripe and cap 181 1 White, crimson sleeves and cap 1777 Orange and black striped and spotted 1878 Cherry, black cap 1 84 1 Plum-colour and straw-colour stripe, plum- coloured cap 1845 French grey, red cap 187 1 Black, gold sleeves 1852 Crimson, black cap 1823 Black, with blue sleeves 1847 Black, yellow sleeves and cap 1850 Orange, blue sleeves and cap 1856 White, scarlet cap 1844 Purple 1854 Black 1868 Black, green cap 1845 Yellow, blue cap 1859 Black satin jacket, yellow velvet cap 1864 Straw, green belt and cap RA CI AN A. 121 ScROPE, Mr. W \ Seabrook, Mr Seamore, Mr. Searle, Mr. C Searle, Mr. John Sebright, Sir John, Bart. Sedley, Sir C, Bart. Seel, Mr Sefton, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Sefton, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Selborne, Mr. Self, Mr. F. G Selwin, Mr. Severn, Mr. M. J. Sewell, Mr. F Seymer, Mr. E. C. Ker Seymour, Mr. L. ... Seymour, The Right Hon. Lord Henry ... Seymour, Mr. Seymour, Colonel Culme Shadwell, Mr. W, Lucas Shafto, Captain ... Shafto, Mr. Jenison Shafto, Mr. Shafto, Mr. R. Buncombe Shafto, Mr. R. E. D Shafto, Mr. R. E. D Shafto, Mr. J. D. Shakespear, Mr. Arthur Co/ours. 1803 Dark blue satin, trimmed with green, purple velvet cap 1807 White body, mazarine blue seams, sleeves, and cap 1875 Blue, red sleeves and cap 1 87 1 Chocolate, blue sleeves, chocolate cap 1 86 1 Black, red belt and cap 1877 White, blue sleeves and cap 1878 Olive green body, trimmed with pink, pink cap 1773 Blue, black cap 1823 Red and black 1829 White body, yellow sleeves and cap 1862 Zingari 1866 Crimson jacket, black cap 1877 Blue, white cross, scarlet sleeves and cap 1865 Brown, blue sleeves 1875 Black, crimson sleeves and cap 1878 Straw, black sleeves 1878 Broad black and white stripe, red cap 1808 Red, black cap 1 84 1 Orange, black cap 1859 Red, green cap 1880 Black, crimson belt and cap 1880 Dark blue jacket, yellow belt, dark blue cap with yellow peak 1806 White, black cap 1762 Pink 1779 Red, black cap 1880 White, black cap 1807 White, black cap 1844 Green, black cap 1853 Black, red cap 1806 Dark green and black cap 122 RACIANA. Shannon, Mr. Sharp, Colonel Jelf Sharpe. General ... Sharpe, Mr. W. ... Sharpe, Mr. W. Taylor Shaw, Captain R. B. Shaw, Mr. Charles Shaw, Mr. W. H. Shawe, Mr. H. A. Shee, Mr. J. C. ... Sheldon, Mr. Shelley, The Rt. Hon. Sir John, Bart Shelley, Sir John, Bart. (With Mr. H. Howorth, 1808) Shelley, Mr. J. V. /As Sir J. V. Shelley, Mr. J. ... Shelmerdine, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. ... Shepherd, Mr. C. Shepherd, Mr. James Sherborne, Mr. ... Sherrard, Mr. R. Sherring, Mr. Sherrington, Mr. Sherwood, Mr. R. Shiers, Mr. R. ... Shingleton, Mr. ... Shelley, Bart., 852 1874 1871 1834 1855 1876 1858 1865 1878 1883 1811 1880 1877 1779 1796 1804 1808 1811 .. 1837 .. 1859 .. 1854 ,.. 1846 ... 1880 ,.. 1866 ... 1879 ... 1854 ... 1865 ... 1875 ... 1857 ... 1879 ... 1874 Colours. Cherry and black hoops, cherry cap Cherry Blue and white stripe White body, dark blue sleeves and cap Lilac Crimson and white broad stripe Brown, white sleeves and cap White, black cap Green, red belt Brown, black cap Black and white spots Green, red sleeves and black cap Purple, with black cap Orange Black, with white cap Black Black, white cap Black, white cap Brown, red sleeves, black cap Yellow, black cap Straw body, plum-coloured sleeves and cap Turquoise, black velvet cap Crimson jacket, black cap Blue and white chevrons Yellow, black cap Violet, white cap White, blue cap Black, white cap Blue and white stripe Cerise RA CI AN A. 123 Shirley, Captain ... Shirley, General... Shorthouse, Dr. ... Shortland, Mr. ... Shrimpton, Mr. J. Shubrick, General Shurmer, Mr. Siddall, Mr. G. O. Sidney, Mr. SiDONiA, Mr. Sills, Mr Silversides, Mr. G. Silvester, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Simpson, Mr. D. ... Simpson, Mr. E. ... Simpson, Mr. G. ... Simpson, Mr. George Sinclair, Captain Singleton, Mr. J. SiNNOTT, Mr. E. ... SiRRETT, Mr. Sitwell, Mr. S. ... /As Sir S. Sitwell, Bart V 1808 Sitwell, Mr. H. F. •) Co/ours. 1866 Green, white hoops 1862 Blue, yellow hoops, black cap 1864 The same, yellow cap 1866 White, crimson cap 1875 Violet and green hoops, violet and green cap 1 85 1 Buff, blue sleeves, black cap 1847 French grey, orange facings 1879 Green, white cap 1882 White, black seams and cap 1 85 1 Light blue, crimson hoops 1876 Maize, blue cap 1869 Buff body, black sleeves and red cap 1870 Green, white sleeves, yellow cap 1880 Old gold, olive green belt 1 88 1 Gold, green sleeves and cap 1804 Blue, black cap 1823 Yellow, black cap 1858 Black, white cap 1 87 1 Black, yellow sleeves and cap 1863 Alexandra brown, blue belt 1 86 1 White body, red and green sleeves, red cap 1864 Black 1863 Blue, scarlet cap i860 White jacket, fawn cap 1873 Green, cerise belt and cap 1877 Black, crimson sleeves and cap 1798 Black 1803 Green, with gold button holes, black cap 1808 The same, orange cap 1803 Black 124 RACIANA. SiVETT, Mr. W. E. Skelton, Mr. Skelton, Mr. C. ... Skerratt, Mr. J. Skingley, Mr. Skipsey, Mr. Skipton, Mr. K. ... Skirvin, Mr. Sligo, The Most Noble the Marquis of Slingsby, Sir Charles, Bart Smith, Captain A. de Vere Smith, General ... Smith, Mr. Smith, Mr. Assheton Smith, Mr. C. Smith, Mr. C. (Cawood) Smith, Mr. C. Smith, Mr. D. W. Smith, Sir Edward, Bart 'As Sir E. Dodsworth, Bart., 1821 Smith, Mr. E. C. ... Smith, Mr. H. Smith, Mr. Hugh Smith, Mr. H. T. Smith, Mr. H. J. ... Smith, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. J as. ... Co/otm. 1877 Black, scarlet sleeves and cap 1868 Green, red sleeves and cap 1863 Black, straw belt and cap 1843 Blue 1843 Yellow, black cap 1 83 1 Blue figured silk 1878 Black, light blue cap 1870 White, red cap 181 7 White, with crimson sleeves, black cap 1863 Mauve, cherry sleeves 1882 White, black cap 1 781 Scarlet 1802 Orange, black cap 1802 Purple and orange stripe, black cap 1806 Purple and yellow waistcoat, black cap 1865 Black, yellow sleeves and cap 1865 Blue, black sleeves and cap 1 88 1 Black, blue sleeves 1808 Orange body, purple sleeves 1809 White, black cap 1 811 Black and red stripe 1878 Chocolate, crimson sleeves, chocolate and crimson cap 1842 White, yellow cap 1865 White, red seams, red and white quartered cap 1878 Red, white and black patchwork, black cap i860 Black, red cap 1867 Salmon 1870 The same, blue cap i860 Black, straw cap RA CIA NA. 125 Co/ou/ s. Smith, Mr. Jos ... 1882 Black, gold star Smith, Mr. J. C ... 1858 Scarlet, black cap 1859 Scarlet, black belt and cap Smith, Mr. J. G ... 1873 Green, red cap Smith, Mr. J. P ... 1866 White, geranium red cap Smith, Mr. J. W ... 1882 Dark blue, light blue cap Smith, Mr. N. Henry ... ... 1821 White, with yellow cap Smith, Mr. S ... i860 Black, crimson belt and cap Smith, Mr. Sydney ... i860 Black, red cap Smith, Mr. T ... 1870 Salmon, blue cap Smith, Mr. Thos. ... 1862 Blue body, white sleeves, black cap Smith, Mr. T. A. ... 1838 Red, white sleeves, red cap Smith, Mr. W ... 1854 Red, yellow and green, red cap Smith, Mr. W ... 1868 Blue and white stripe Smith, Mr. W ... 1879 Green Smith, Mr. Walter F. ... ... 1879 Blue, bird's-eye jacket and coral cap Smithers, Mr. S. ... ... 1857 Black Smyth Mr. H ... 1872 Orange, magenta sleeves and cap Smythe, Mr. T. 0. 1800 Black, green sleeves, white cap Snap, Mr. F ... 1870 White jacket, green sleeves and cap Snarry, Mr. Jas. ... ... 1875 Chocolate 1877 Crimson, straw sleeves Snell, Major P ... 1803 Light blue, pink sleeves, yellow cap Snewing, Mr. Chas. ... 1850 Blue, white, eap 1856 Light blue, white cap Skewing, Mrs. W. ... 1862 Gold jacket, green velvet cap, with gold tassel Snow, Mr. ... 1853 Blue, black sleeves and cap Soames, Captain ... ... 1878 Solferino jacket, harlequin cap 1881 The same, black and white cap Solomon, Mr, Geo. ... 1863 Orange, white belt and cap Somerset, The Right Hon. C. H Lord ... 1807 Deep orange, with black cap 1810 Light blue 126 RACIANA. Somersetshire, Mr. SOMERTON, Mr. ... SOMERVILLE, Mr. ... Sondes, The Right Hon. Lord /With the Hon. G. Watson V 1802 •) SoNE, Mr. J. Sopp, Mr. H. SoRTON, Mr. Jas. ... SOTHERON, Mr. Wm. South, Mr. South, Mr. W. ... South BY, Mr SOUTHORN, Mr. W. SOWERBY, Mr. W. Spafford, Mr. H. Sparrow, General Sparks, Mr. Speed, Mr. Spence, Mr. Spencer, The Hon. Captain (As Earl Spencer, 1845) Spencer, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Spencer, Mr Spencer, Mr. Jas. Co/otirs. 1874 Cerise, blue belt and cap 1869 Blue, white spots and cap 1 86 1 Scarlet, white cross belts, scarlet and white cap 1 87 1 Broad scarlet and white stripe, cap the same 1798 Deep yellow, green cap 1802 Orange, cap the same 1806 1869 1870 1883 1871 1777 1861 1868 1881 Southampton, The Rt. Hon. Lord 1828 1846 1868 1828 1870 1804 1863 1846 1853 1843 Deep yellow White, blue hoops and cap Purple, orange sleeves, black cap The same, purple and orange cap Maroon, white belt, black cap Green body, crimson sleeves, black cap Black and white hoops The same, quartered cap Dark blue and white quartered, dark blue cap White, scarlet cap Blue, yellow sleeves and cap Light blue Pink, black hoop and cap Blue body, white sleeves, black cap Violet and straw stripes Green, red cap Blue and white check Crimson, white cap 1853 Light blue, crimson cap 1 86 1 Black body, green sleeves and cap 1869 Violet and green cap 1869 Brown, orange sleeves and cap RACIANA. 127 Spiller, Major Spooner, Mr. Spraggett, Mr. John Springtide, Mr. J. Spry, Sir S., Bart. Squire, Mr. W St. Albans, His Grace the Duke of St. Albans, His Grace the Duke of 1863 Seco nd colour . . . do St, Aubyn, Mr. J. 1847 St. Clair, Mr. 1883 St. George, Mr. C. 1855 St. James, Mr. 1869 St. John, Mr. V. ... 1869 St. Leonards, The Rt. Hon Lord 1875 St. Paul, Mr. C. M. 1835 St. Vincent, The Right Hon. Viscount 1861 1862 St. Vincent, The Right Hon. Viscount Stafford, Mr. J. Stallard, Mr. Stamford, The Rt. Hon of Stamford, The Rt. Hon of the Earl the Earl Standish, Sir Frank, Bart. Standish, Mr. W. S. Co/ours. 1 88 1 Ruby, pale pink sleeves, black cap 1 88 1 Chandron, light blue cap 1875 Pink and white hoops, white cap 1877 Amber and white hoops, quartered cap 1872 Blue, white sash 1846 Blue and white stripe, white cap 1879 White, purple sleeves and velvet cap with gold tassel 1792 Orange and green stripe, black cap 1802 White, black cap French grey, crimson cross belts and cap The same, with white cap Lilac, black cap Primrose Sea green and white Black, cherry sleeves and cap Chocolate, white belt and cap Light blue, straw sleeves and cap Lilac, black cap Green body, orange sleeves and cap Brown jacket, with silver braid, white cap 1880 Brown, silver braid, white cap 181 1 Green, yellow sleeves, green cap 1877 Canary, dark blue sleeves 1859 Light blue, black and gold belt, black cap 1802 Light blue and black cap 1783 Mazarine blue 1796 The same, white cap 1844 Crimson body, white sleeves, crimson and white cap 128 RACIANA. Stanfield, Mr. C. Stanford, Mr. Stanley, Sir T. S. M., Bart. Stanley, Mr. J. M. Second colour . . do. Stanley, The Right Hon. Lord. 1840 {See Earl of Derby, 185 i) Stanley, Mr. W. Sloane . 1831 1833 Stanley, Mr. W. M • 1833 /As Sir W. M. Stanley, Bart., V 1841 1842 ) Stanmore, Mr. R. . 1880 Stanmore, Mr. W. F. . 1872 Staple, Mr. T. ... . 1871 Stapleton, Mr. J, • 1779 Stapleton, Captain M. ... • 1873 Stapylton, Major . 1865 Starkey, Mr. . 1864 Starkie, Captain le Gendre . . 1862 Starky, Mr. J. B. ■ 1857 Stawell, The Rt. Hon. Lord . • 1805 1813 1814 1817 Stead, Mr. G. G.* .. 1882 Colours. 1866 White, pea-green cap 1864 White, blue cap 1808 Yellow body, lilac sleeves and cap 181 2 Blue, yellow sleeves, blue and yellow cap 1852 Cherry 1854 Green do. Green, white cap 1840 Black, white cap Claret body, scarlet sleeves and cap Brown body, red sleeves, brown and red cap Purple body, orange sleeves Purple body, yellow sleeves, quartered cap Dark blue, crimson belt Black, black and red cap Brown, scarlet sleeves and cap Black and white quartered Black, white sleeves and cap Violet, straw sleeves, black cap Black jacket, yellow belt and cap Violet and straw stripes Blue, white sleeves and cap Blue, brown cap Light blue, scarlet cap The same, brown cap The same, red cap Crimson, green sleeves, black cap, with silver tassel Stebbing, Mr. W. 1854 Scarlet * New Zealand Patron, RACIANA. 129 Stebbing, Mr. W. F. Stephenson, Mr. (Newmarket) Stephenson, Mr, E. Stephenson, Mr. G. Stephenson, Mr. John ... Stephenson, Mr. R. Stephenson, Mr. R. M. ... Stephenson, Mr. T. Stephenson, Mr. W. Stevens, Mr. T. ... Stevens, Mr. W. G. Stevenson, Mr Stevenson, Captain R. ... Stevenson, Mr. W. Stewart, Mr. R Second colour Stewart, Mr. R Stewart, Mr. W Stewart, Mr. W. R. Stirling, Captain Gilbert Stirling, Mr. J. H. Stirling, Captain R. Stockwell, Mr. A. B. Stone, Mr. George Stone, Mr. H Stone, Mr. T Stonehewer, Mr. W. Scott Stonehewer, Mr. S. Scott Stonehewer, Mr. Scott... Storey, Mr. R. Colours. 1865 Wliite, scarlet sleeves 1846 Light blue and crimson hoop 1874 Black, red belt 1846 Plaid, white cap 1858 Cherry body, straw sleeves and cap 1 86 1 Blue 1846 Scarlet, white cap 1857 Light blue, straw cap 1864 The same, red cap 1857 Light blue and crimson stripe 1870 Black and yellow hoops 1 846 Blue jacket, white cap 1 87 1 Claret, blue cap 1808 Orange, black cap 1872 Light brown, blue sleeves and cap 1873 Yellow, black belt and cap 1 88 1 Crimson, blue sleeves do. Same, blue cap 1846 Rose, white cap 1864 Pink, green cap 1 88 1 Yellow, black sleeves and cap 1866 Straw, green sleeves, black cap 1842 Orange body, purple sleeves, black cap 1874 Blue, white spots 1877 White, blue sleeves, black cap 1868 Red, black cap i860 Azure 1868 Yellow, blue belt and cap 1826 Yellow 1829 Black satin jacket, yellow velvet cap 18 1 7 Black body and cap, light blue sleeves 1866 Straw, green belt and cap 1808 Purple and yellow stripe, black cap I 130 RACIANA. Stortford, Mr. H. 1868 Stracey, Colonel .. . ... ... 1877 Stracey, Mr. H 1836 1837 Stradbroke, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... ... ... 1 82 1 Stradbroke, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... 1827 (See Viscount Dunwich) Strafford, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... ... ... 1862 Stratford, Mr. G. ... ... 187 1 Stratford, Mr. H. S 1876 Strathmore, The Right Hon. the Earl of Strathmore, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Strathnairn, The Right Hon. {See Lord Alington, 1876) Suffield, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Suffield, The Right Hon. Lord Suffolk, The Right Hon. the Earl of SUGDEN, Mr. C Colours, Bismarck, blue cap White, black cap Green body, yellow sleeves, black cap Pink satin Pale blue satin with white cap Pale blue satin White body, purple sleeves and velvet cap Black, gold braid White, blue band and collar, white cap, blue tassel Lord ... 1875 Strickland, Sir G., Bart. ... 1861 Strode, Mr. ••• 1773 1774 Stuart, Mr. J. C. ... 1869 Studd, Mr. E ... 1866 Sturt, Mr. Gerard ... 1849 Sturt, Mr. H. Gerard ... ... 1872 1802 Black 1846 Light blue, drab stripe Black, orange stripes Black, yellow sleeves, black cap White, black cap White, turned up with scarlet, black cap Brown, orange cap Cerise body, white belt and cap Light blue, white cap French grey 18 10 Purple, blue cap 181 1 Scarlet, white cap 181 3 Scarlet, black and white cap 1852 Blue and white stripe (hoop), blue cap 1883 Violet, green sleeves, white cap 1878 Violet jacket, white spots, violet cap with silver buttons and fringe RA CI AN A 131 SuLSH, Mr. SUMMERBEE, Mr. ... Sumner, Mr. A. H. Sumner, Mr. James Surface, Mr. C. ... Surtees, Mr. H. E. Surtees, Mr. V. ... Sutton, Mr. Sutton, Mr. J Sutton, Mr. P. F. Sutton, Mr. R. ... /As Sir R. Sutton, Bart.,\ V 1874 ; Swindell, Mr. F. Sworder, Mr. R. ... Sykes, Sir M. M., Bart Sykes, Mr. Tatton / As Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart., \ 1823 Sykes,* Sir Tatton, Bart. Symonds, Mr. C. ... Synge, Colonel Co/ours. 1 781 Blue waistcoat, with orange sleeves and black cap 1870 White body, black cap 1865 Black and yellow spots, yellow cap 1865 Black, gold belt 1867 Black and white hoops 1868 Green, red sleeves and cap 1870 Blue, gold braid, scarlet cap 1854 Yellow, green sleeves and cap 1856 Orange body, claret sleeves, orange cap 1857 Black, gold belt 1804 Pink and white cotton, very narrow stripe, black cap 1 88 1 Cambridge blue, cardinal belt and cap 1857 Black, scarlet cap i860 Sky blue 1864 Black, orange stripe 1875 Black, green cap 1855 Blue, white cap 1806 Orange body and purple sleeves of satin, purple satin cap 1809 Mazarine blue 1807 Orange body, purple sleeves of satin, purple satin cap 1864 Orange body, purple sleeves of satin, purple satin cap 1862 White, blue belt and cap 1826 White, with blue and white quartered cap * Sir Tatton Sykes informs me the last race his father rode and won was at Malton, in 1829, upon " All Heart and no Peel," for the Welham Silver Cup. The old jacket and the cup are at Sledmere, Yorks. 132 RA CI AN A. Tabberer, Mr. Talbot, Mr. R. G. Talbot, Mr. T. M. Tamarind, Mr. ... Tanner, Mr. E. F. Taplin, Mr. J. J. H Tarleton, Colonel Tarleton, Mr. T Tatam, Mr. J. Tatham, Captain Tattershall, Mr. E. Tatton, Mr. Taunton, Mr. J Tavistock, The Most Noble the Marquis of Taylor, Mr. Taylor, Mr. A. Taylor, Mr. E. W. Taylor, Mr. G Taylor, Mr. G Taylor, Mr. J Taylor, Mr. John Taylor, Mr. J. O. Russell Taylor, Mr. T Taylor, Mr. T. R. Taylor, Mr. W. P. Teevan, Mr. Co/oitrs. 1854 Orange, black cap 1882 Claret, claret and gold sleeves and cap 1789 Light blue spots, black cap 1872 Yellow, scarlet hoops, black cap 1877 Blue, maize sleeves 1875 Black, red cap 1792 Black, green cap 1806 Straw, black cap 1877 Blue, orange cap 1806 Sky blue, white cap 1878 Scarlet and white stripes 1868 Green and gold stripe 1834 Grass green, black cap 1827 Blue and buff stripe 1794 White, cap the same 1 86 1 White, blue cap 1867 Yellow, blue belt, black cap 1869 Blue, yellow belt and black cap 1855 All black 1857 Light green and white cap 1868 Blue, yellow cap 1870 Green and white cap 1847 Drab, white cap 1787 Sky blue, white cap 1883 Blue, bronze hoops, sky blue sleeves and cap 1852 Blue body, yellow sleeves 1873 Cerise, French grey stripe 1804 Mazarine blue, black cap 1872 Green, white sleeves, crimson belt and cap 1873 Black, red sleeves and cap 1874 Green, white sleeves, red belt and cap RACIANA. 133 Temperley, Mr. T. 1863 Tempest, Sir H. V., Bart. ... 1796 (See Sir H. V. Tempest Vane, Bart.) Templar, Mr. K. 1868 Temple, Mr. E 1878 Temple, Mr. F 1864 Temple, Mr. H 1868 Temple, Mr. W. H. ... 1874 Templeton, Mr ... 1869 Terriere, Mr. W. ■•• 1853 1866 Terry, Mr. J as ... 1874 Tevis, Colonel ... 1858 Thacker, Mr ... 1871 Tharp, Mr. John ... 1796 1800 Thellusson, Mr. Seymour ... 1853 Theobald, Mr. J. ... 1837 Theobald, Mr. Theobald ... 1846 Theobald, Mr. H. ... 1879 Thomas, Mr ... 1853 1854 1861 Thomas, Mr. ... 1862 Thomas, Mr ... 1871 Thomas, Mr. E ... 1861 Thomas, Mr. W. H. ... 1857 Thompson, Col ...^1846 Thompson, Mr. A. ... 1874 Thompson, Mr. H. S. ... 1855 Co/ottrs. Magenta, black cap Yellow and lilac stripe, cap the same Blue and white striped jacket and cap Black, Stewart tartan belt and cap Light blue, scarlet sleeves Red and white stripe, blue belt and cap Claret jacket, pink belt and cap Blue jacket, red sleeves, blue and red cap Blue bird's-eye, white cap The same, scarlet cap Green, white sleeves, red cap Black, scarlet belt White body, green cap Blue, black cap White waistcoat, with broad black belt and black cap Red, green cap Red, black cap Black White, red and blue cross belt Black, yellow belt, scarlet cap Blue, yellow belt Yellow, black sleeves, red cap Purple, amber belt, black cap Purple, white seams Green jacket, black and silver belt and cap White, scarlet cap Rose colour, white sleeves, black cap Magenta and blue, black cap Light blue body, white sleeves, black cap 134 RACIANA. Thompson, Mr. H. T. Thompson, Mr. J. Thompson, Mr. J. Thorn, Mr. Thornbey, Mr. C. Thornhill, Mr. Thos. Thornhill, Mr. Thos. (Oxon.) Thornhill, Mr. T. Thornton, Captain (As Colonel, 1878) Thornton, Mrs Co/o»}'s. 1846 Green, black cap 1808 Black body, red sleeves 1834 Crimson jacket, black cap 1879 White, red sleeves 1 88 1 Black, purple sleeves and cap 1809 White body, pink sleeves, and striped cap 181 7 White body, scarlet sleeves, and white cap 1823 Black, orange cap 1847 Black, orange cap 1872 White, gold belt, white cap 1804 Thornton, Mr. W 1859 i860 Thornton, Mr. W. 1872 Thornton, Mr. W. F 1867 Thorold, Mr. R. 1873 Thorold, Mr. W. 187s Seco7id colour . . . do. Thorp, Mr. C i860 Throckmorton, Sir W., Bart. ... 1867 Thynne, The Right Hon. Lord H. 1857 Tibbitts, Mr. C 1814 TiBBS, Mr. S 1875 Tidy, Mr. H. E 1877 1879 Tilford, Mr. 1872 TiLSLEY, Mr. W 1868 Second colour . . . do. TOBIN, Mr. G. W. 1835 ToKE, Mr. 1843 Leopard coloured body, blue sleeves, buff skirt, blue cap Orange, blue velvet cap Orange, white stripe, purple velvet cap Crimson, straw and white belt and cap Black, black and red cap Brown body, light blue sleeves and cap Cherry, black sleeves, black cap Brown body, light blue sleeves and cap Black, scarlet sleeves Black and white diamonds Black and orange stripe, black cap Mazarine blue, with white cap Black, white hoops Lavender, white cap Silver grey, black cap, silver tassel White, black cap Brown and blue Maroon and white Green and white stripe, black cap Red, black cap RA CI AN A. 135 Tomes, Mr. J Tongue, Mr. C ToRPHiCHEN,The Right Hon. Lord TowEN, Mr. Tower, Captain ... Town, Mr. A Towneley, Col. ... Towneley Parker, Mr. T. T. ... Towsey, Mr. W. Trafford, Sir Humphrey de, Bart Treacher, Mr. G. Tredwell, Mr. M. Treen, Mr. W Trelawnev, Mr, C. Trench, Mr Trent, Mr. Trentham, Mr. J. Trevanion, Mr. J. B. Trevlyn, Mr Trew, Mr. T Trewent, Mr. R, Trewhitt, Captain Trimmer, Mr. Trollope, Sir John, Bart. Trotter, Mr. C. ... Trotter, Mr. C, jun. Trotter, Mr. J Colours. 182 1 Black body and cap, light blue sleeves 1 83 1 Crimson and black stripe 1837 Crimson sleeves and cap, black body 1 88 1 Straw, green sleeves 1873 Blue, white sleeves, red cap 1806 Harlequin 1869 Black, yellow cap 1859 White body, black sleeves, white cap 1879 Red, gold buttons, white sleeves and cap, black tassel 1859 Scarlet, black cap 1882 Scarlet and white quartered 1810 White, black cap 1 8 1 1 White, red cap 1878 Light blue, white stripes 1840 Red and white broad stripe, white cap 1845 Violet and amber stripe 1862 All black 1833 White, with red sleeves and cap 1864 Brown, blue belt and cap 1869 Cherry 1875 Orange jacket, purple sleeves and cap 1808 White body, yellow sleeves 1872 White, blue spots, scarlet cap 1877 Maroon, sky blue sleeves 1869 White, pink sleeves and cap 1849 White, black sleeves 1864 Blue, red cap 1844 Grass green, black cap 1877 Pink ; 1870 Chocolate, black cap 1806 Pink, black cap 136 RACIANA. Trotter, Mr. John Trouville, Mr. Charles Trowson, Mr. Trueman, Mr. A. TuBB, Mr. S. TUCKWELL, Mr. TuLK, Mr. F. TULLETT, Mr. TUNSTALL, Mr. Turnbull, Captain Turner, Sir Chas., Bart. Turner, Captain Page Turner, Mr. Turner, Mr. C. Turner, Mr J. Turner, Mr. J. Turner, Mr. R. Turner, Mr. T. V. Turner, Mr. W, ... Turner, Mr. VV. R. Second colotci Tute, Mr. J. S Tweeddale, The Most Noble the Marquis of Coloiirs. 1875 Violet and gold chevrons 1878 Pink 1872 Cerise jacket with white seams, cap the same 1862 Black striped velvet 1870 Black body, crimson sleeves and cap 1 88 1 Green, orange cap 1878 Purple, white seams and cap 1877 Blue, orange cap i860 Black, red cap and cuffs 1863 Scarlet, white cap 1876 Black and white check body, light blue sleeves and cap 1 78 1 Orange 1790 Orange, black cap 1 813 Harlequin 1863 Black jacket, red hoops and white cap 1867 Blue, crimson cap 1 81 7 White, with pink sleeves, black cap 1865 Green, cerise hoops and cap 1829 Blue body and cap, yellow sleeves 1855 Pale blue 1858 Scarlet, black cap 1 87 1 Green jacket, white hoop, pink cap do. Green jacket, pink cap 1869 Blue 1827 Blue and yellow stripe, black cap Udney, Colonel J. R. Uppleby, Mr. J. ... 1 8 1 1 Pea-green 1807 Crimson, black cap 1809 Yellow, black cap RACIANA. 137 Co/ours. UxBRiDGE, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... ... ... 1833 Purple, green cap See Marquis of Anglesey, 1854 1852 Yellow, purple sleeves UxBRiDGE, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... ... ... ... 1864 White, blue sleeves, red cap See Marquis of Anglesey, 1869 Valentine, Mr. T. (See Viscount Falmouth) Valentine, Mr. T. 1871 Vane, Mr. 1874 Vane, Mr. H. M 1846 Vane, Sir Henry Tempest, Bart. 1798 1800 1802 Vansittart, Mr 1872 Vansittart, Mr. H. 1808 1817 1834 1836 1841 Vasey, Mr. 1867 Vaughan, Mr. W. 1867 Vavasour, Sir Walter, Bart. ... 1790 Vere, The Right Hon. Lord 1783 Vereker, Mr. Standish 1877 Verity, Mr. 1849 Verner, Mr. T. ... 1852 Vernon, Mr 1846 Vernon, Mr. H 1774 i860 Black body, white sleeves, red cap Chocolate, white hoops, chocolate cap Purple jacket, pink belt and cap Purple body and cap, yellow sleeves Yellow and lilac stripe, cap the same Straw colour waistcoat, blue sleeves, straw and blue cap Lilac body, yellow sleeves, black cap Black, cerise sleeves and cap Lilac White, with blue cap Orange White, blue cap Orange Violet and straw stripe, violet cap Blue and gold hoops, blue cap Black, yellow stripe, cap the same Orange and green stripe, black cap Blue, straw belt, blue cap Black jacket, light blue cap Black, orange sleeves Blue, buff cap Black and white stripe, cap the same 138 RA CI AN A, Vernon, Mr. R 1762 1772 Verrall, Mr. J. F 1856 Verulam, The Right Hon. the Earl of 1820 ViCKERS, Mr. C Victor, Mr. A ViLLIERS, Mr. C. ... ViLLiERS, The Hon. G ViLLIERS, The Right Hon. John Vincent, Mr. Vincent, Mr. A Vincent, Mr. J. R. Virgil, Mr. Vivian, The Right Hon. Lord . Second colour . Vyner, Mr. H. F. C Vyner, Mr. R. C. Second colon?- . Vyse, Colonel H. ... Vyse, Mr. J. Howard 1852 1871 1883 1861 1808 1814 1867 1882 1879 1868 1862 1869 do 1865 1873 1883 1859 Coloztrs. White White, black cap Cerise body and cap, chocolate sleeves White, with black and yellow down the seams, and black cap Crimson, grey cap Rose, black cap Crimson and white hoops, blue cap Orange, claret sleeves Crimson, black cap Blue, with red collar and cap Yellow, blue sleeves and cap Straw, ruby sleeves Black, yellow cap Dark blue body, white cross belt and white cap Orange, purple spots and cap Orange, purple hoops, purple cap Orange, purple spots and cap Mauve cerise Violet, white belt Mauve cerise Pink, black cap Black bird's-eye, crimson sleeves and cap Waddington, Mr. Wadhurst, Mr. H. J. Wadlow, Mr. T. ... Wakeford, Mr. ... 1806 Light blue 1873 Black, cerise stars and cap 1854 Red and white hoop, white cap 1862 Black 1865 White 1867 Black, red belt and cap RA CI AN A. 139 Wakeley, Mr. L Waldegrave, The Right Hon. the Earl Wales, Mr. R Walker, Captain R. Walker, Mr. Walker, Mr. Forster ... Walker, Mr. (iEO. Walker, Mr. H. Milne ... Walker, Mr. J. R. Walker, Mr. T Walker, Mr. T. E. Second colour Second colour Walker, Mr. R Walker, Mr. Richard ... Walker, Mr. R. L. Walker, Mr. Ralph T. ., Walker, Mr. R. W. Walker, Mr. S Walker, Mr. T. E. Case Walker, Mr. W Wall, Mr. E. G Wallace, Mr. Wallace, Mr. E. C. Wallace, Mr. H. Wallace, Mr. J. ... Wallace, Mr. R Coloxirs, 1865 Violet, white belt and cap 1762 Deep red 1864 Magenta, black cap 1879 Navy blue, silver braid hoops, orange cap 1774 Bloom and white stripe 1782 Black and yellow striped 1842 Black 1829 Scarlet jacket, white cap 1878 Black, yellow sleeves, crimson cap 1878 Maroon and white hoops 1857 Light blue, orange cap 1870 Purple, scarlet hoops, white cap 1872 Purple, scarlet sleeves, white cap do. The same, with purple cap 1873 Purple, scarlet hoops, white cap 1878 Black, red belt and cap 1851 Black, white spots 1852 White body, purple sleeves and cap 1855 White body, black sleeves and cap 1852 Green, white belt and cap 1870 ^^ hite, green spots, green cap 1820 Pink, with black cap 1854 Blue, crimson sleeves and cap 1874 Pink, white hoops 1804 Blue and red, black cap 1807 Orange, black cap 1846 Sky blue 1874 Brown, red cap 1868 Straw 1872 Rose and blue stripes, rose hoop 1863 Blue, white belt 1811 Blue and white 140 RA CI AN A. Wallace, Mr. William ... ... 1866 Wallace, bir T., Bart. ... ... 1796 Waller, Mr. C. W. ... 1874 1878 Waller, Mr. H ... 1845 1846 1856 Wallis, Mr. C. B. ... 1872 1874 Walmsley, Mr ... 1823 Walpole, Mr. H. ... 1879 Walter, Mr ... 1863 Walter, Mr. Maurice ... ... 1871 Walter, Mr. W. H. ... 1871 Walters, Mr. T ... 1837 1846 Walters, Mr. W. ... 1879 Walton, Colonel ... 1865 Walton, Mr. 1804 Warburton, Major ... 1875 Ward, Mr. F ... 1875 Ward, Mr. J ... 1867 Ward, Mr. Jas ... 1859 i860 1861 Wardell, Mr. J. W. ... 1801 Waring, Mr. H ... 1871 Warren,* Mr. J. B. ... 1760 Warrington, Mr. ... 1854 Warwick, The Right Hon. Earl of the Colours. Lavender, white sleeves and cap Purple and orange stripe, black cap Red, black belt Crimson and white stripes, black cap Pink, white cap Pink, black cap Pink, white cap Red jacket, black belt and cap The same, red cap Yellow and white Black and yellow All light blue Greyj cerise and black stripes Red, black cap Blue and white Blue and white stripe, black cap Amber, cerise sleeves and cap Silver grey jacket and cap, with scarlet cross bars Pink, black cap Dark blue, light blue sleeves and cap Dark blue jacket and cap, white belt White, orange sleeves and cap Green, red sleeves, white cap The same, black cap Black, red belt Purple body, yellow sleeves Black jacket, orange cap Red, black cap Yellow and black hoop, white cap 1820 Brown body, white sleeves and cap * See Careless and Atlas match in Appendix. RACIANA. 141 Warwick, The Right Hon. the Earl f 1854 Wasteh ., Mr. John • 1773 1793 Waterford, The Most Noble the Marquis of 1846 Waters, Mr. B 1872 Watkins , Mr. J . 1861 Watkinson, Mr. ... 1877 Watson, Mr 1827 Watson, Mr. C. C 1834 Watson, Mr. D 1872 Watson, Mr. E. W 1864 Watson, Mr. Farnell ... 1874 Watson, Mr. J 1879 Watson, Mr. John 1858 1862 Watson, Mr. John 1875 Watson, Mr. W 1852 Watson, The Hon. G 1800 (With Lord Sondes, 1802) /With Lord G. H. Cavendish, V i8o6 and 181 1 Watson, The Hon. R. Watt, Mr. A., jun. Watt, Mr. F. Watt, Mr. F. Watt, Mr. R. Co/ours. Brown body, white sleeves and cap Red, black cap Pink, black cap Blue jacket, black cap Dark blue, yellow sash Rose, black cap Rose, black hoops Mazarine blue, white cap White, with blue buttons and cap Yellow, white sleeves Black, yellow cap Black, orange stripes Pink, black sleeves and cap Green and white hoop Green and white stripes, scarlet cap Maroon, white cap Pink, black cap White waistcoat with purple sleeves black cap 1802 Orange, cap the same 1805 Deep yellow 1806 Buff I8I0 Deep yellow I8II Orange I8I4 Mazarine blue, with white cap 1843 Orange and white stripe 1846 Rose colour 1867 Green, white and gold belt, white cap 1808 Harlequin 1859 Harlequin 1806 Harlequin 142 RACIANA. Colours. Watters, Mr ... 1853 Chocolate, black cap 1854 French grey watered, black cap Watts, Mr. Geo. (Ireland) ... 1846 Scarlet Wauchope, Mr. J, ... 1846 Light blue and white cap 1859 White, scarlet cap /As Sir J. Don Wauchope, V 1863 Bart.,\ Waugh, Mr. J ... 1881 Rob Roy, yellow sleeves, black cap Way, Mr. B ... 1853 French tricolor, crimson velvet cap Wayt, Mr. ... 1872 Blue and white stripe Weaver, Mr. G ... 1871 Brown, yellow sleeves Webb, Mr. ... 1861 Orange, blue sleeves and cap 1867 White, blue sleeves, orange cap 1868 Blue Webb, Sir John, Bart. ... 1790 Yellow, black arms, red cap Webber, Mr. C ... 1838 Blue and white stripe, black cap Webber, Mr. C ... 1874 Chocolate, white belt and cap Weever, Mr. E. ... ... 1870 Chocolate, French grey sleeves, cerise cap Weight, Mr, C ... 1863 Red, blue cap Welch, Mr. ... 1803 Lilac, black cap Welfitt, Mr. S. J. ... 1865 Primrose, crimson sleeves Weller, Mr ... 1789 Light blue spots, black cap Wells, Mr. G ... 1867 Brown, green belt Welsby, Mr ... 1866 Violet, white sleeves Wentworth, Mr. P. ... 1772 White satin Wentworth, Mr. Godfrey ... 1850 Blue, white cap Were, Mr. A. S ... 1883 Lilac, rose hoops Werninck, Mr. T. J. ... 1843 Blue, white seams Wesley, Mr ... 1867 Blue, orange belt, blue cap Wesley, Mr. T. ... ... 1844 Red, white sleeves, black cap West, Mr. J. R ... 1817 Mazarine blue, with black cap West, Mr. K ... 1882 Cream, cardinal belt and cap West, Mr. W ... i860 White body, green sleeves and cap RA CI AN A. 143 Westbourne, Mr. Westenra, The Hon. Colonel H. Western, Mr. S. ... Westlake, Mr. ... Westminster, His Grace the Duke of... Second colour . . . Westminster, The Most Noble the Marquis of Westmoreland, The Right the Earl of Hon. i860 1862 1864 Weston, Mr. W 1869 1876 Wetherell, Mr. J. 1790 1806 Weyman, Mr. J i860 Whaley, Colonel 1817 Whaley, Mr. W 1800 Wharncliffe, The Right Lord Hon. 1826 Wheatley, Mr. G. 1872 Wheatley, Major 1810 Wheatsheaf, Mr. A. B. ... 1867 Wheeler, Mr. G. A. ... 1870 Wheeler, Mr. J ... 1872 Whieldon, Mr, G., Jun. ... 1849 1852 Colours. 1873 Purple jacket, white cap 1874 Grey, cerise sleeves and cap 1875 Purple, white cap 1 84 1 Purple, white cap 1849 Green jacket, laced with gold, green and yellow cap 1877 Chocolate and blue hoops, blue cap 1879 Olive, straw sleeves and cap 1874 Yellow, black cap 1880 Yellow, black sleeves, yellow cap 1 83 1 Yellow, and black cap French grey, red sleeves and cap Green, silver braid Green, white braid and cap Blue body, straw sleeves, crimson cap Claret, pink sleeves, pink and claret quartered cap Blue and buff stripe, cap the same Blue and buff waistcoat, black cap Yellow, red cap \Vhiie cambric body, right sleeve coquelicot satin, white cap tied with coquelicot White cambric body, with satin coqueli- cot sleeves, coquelicot velvet cap White Yellow, black sleeves, white cap Orange, with purple sleeves Green, white hoops, green cap Red and white hoops, blue cap Violet, brown cap Light blue, crimson cap The same, primrose cap 144 RACIANA. White, Mr. White, Captain ... White, Mr. John White, The Hon. Colonel White, Mr. R. B. White, Mr. W. ... Whitehead, Mr. F. W. Whitehouse, Mr. J. W. Whitelock, Mr. G. Whiteside, Mr. W. Whiting, Mr. Whitmore, Mr. Thos. Whittaker, Mr. G. Whittaker, Mr. John Whitton, Mr. R. ... Wickham, Mr. T. P. Widmer, Mr. Wiggan, Mr. J. ... Wigram, Mr. H. L. Wigram. Mr. W. ... Wildman, Mr. Wiley, Mr. T. Wilkins, Mr. WiLKiNS, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. .. Wilkinson, Mr. B. Colours. 1868 Amber, black cap 1857 Pink body, black sleeves and cap 1827 Pink body, black sleeves and cap el Luke 187 i Crimson velvet 1880 Red, white sleeves and cap 1881 Crimson, French grey sleeves, black cap 1872 White, blue cap 1859 French grey, red cap 1858 Orange, blue cap 1846 Blue body, crimson sleeves, green cap 1864 Blue, scarlet stripe quartered cap 1823 Purple 1811 Green, black cap 1814 Pink, green stripe, black cap 1862 Chocolate, black cap 1859 Blue and white stripe, straw cap i860 The same, blue cap 1879 Primrose, crimson cap 1868 Yellow, green belt 1869 Amber 1846 Orange 1861 Blue body, orange sleeves and wliite cap 1839 Blue, red sleeves, black cap 1845 Blue, orange sleeves, black cap 1851 Blue, orange sleeves, white cap 1867 Yellow, white sleeves and red cap 1849 Light mazarine blue, crimson velvet cap 1850 The same, gold tassel 1856 Geranium red, black cap 1862 Black 1877 Rose, black hoops 1843 Blue, red sleeves, white cap RA CI AN A. 145 Wilkinson, Mr. H. V Wilkinson, Mr. H. Wilkinson, Mr. Isaac ,.. Wilkinson, Mr, S. Wilkinson, Mr. Thos Willan, Col. O. ... WiLLES, Mr. J. L. Williams, Captain Williams, General Owen Second coloxtr ... Williams, Mr. Williams, Mr, Williams, Mr. A. Williams, Mr. C. Williams, Mr. F. Williams, Mr. Hwfa Williams, Mr. John Henky Williams, Mr. Percy Williams, Mr. S Williams, Mr. W. E Williams, Mr. W. F Williamson, Sir Hedworth, Bart. Williamson, Sir Hedworth, Bart. Williamson, Mr. ... Williamson, Captain Williamson, Mr. Hedworth ... (As Sir H. Williamson, Bart.) Williamson, Mr. M. F. W. WiLLIEN, Mr. Willis, Dr. J Co/otcrs. 1864 Light blue, black seams and cap 1887 Purple, and orange cap 1865 Black 1882 Purple, orange cap 1882 Ruby and rose hoops, ruby cap 1870 White, black belt and cap 1883 Light blue, white cap 1853 Black body, scarlet sleeves, black cap 1859 Cerise body, blue sleeves and cap 1878 White, black cap 1 88 1 White, cardinal sleeves and cap 1882 Cardinal, white sleeves and cap 1808 White and purple stripe 1853 White, black sleeves and cap 1859 White jacket, blue velvet cap 1867 Black, white cap 1882 Violet, gold braid 1877 Scarlet and white quartered 1862 Claret body, amber sleeves and white cap 1846 Scarlet body, green sleeves, black cap 1857 Scarlet, white sleeves and cap 1863 Pink, white sleeves, and black cap 1873 Black, orange stripes 1802 Straw, black cap 1829 Straw colour, black cap 1832 Straw colour 1836 Red, white hoops and red cap 1 86 1 Straw, black cap 1883 Black, gold cap 1 809 Yellow body, purple sleeves and purple cap 18 1 9 Light blue, cap the same 146 RACIANA WiLLMER, Mr. H. WiLLOUGHBY DE BrOKE, I'he Rt. Hon. Lord WiLLOUGHBY, Sir John, Bart. WiLLOUGHBY, The Hon. E. Willys, Mr. A Wilson, Major (As Colonel Wilson) (As Lord Berners, 1832) Wilson, Mr. Wilson, Mr. A. D. Wilson, Mr. Christopher Wilson, Mr. J. R. 1873 1875 Wilson, Mr. P.... . . . 1872 Wilson, Mr. R 1856 Wilson, Mr. R. ... 1821 Wilson, Mr. W ... 1811 Wilson, Mr. W 1862 Wilson, Mr. W ... 1879 Wilton, Mr 1804 Wilton, The Right Hon. the Earl of 1810 Wilton, The Right Hon. the Earl of Wilton, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Winch, Mr. Co/ours, 1875 Green, orange cap 1873 Yellow, chocolate cap 1882 White, yellow cap 1 88 1 Light blue, white stripes 1873 Purple, white belt, crimson cap 1809 Purple, yellow sleeves 181 1 Green, red sleeves 1823 Green and red stripe 1863 Lemon, purple cap 1883 Mauve, gold sleeves, mauve cap with gold tassel 1792 Light blue, trimmed with black, black cap Blue Blue, gold belt and collar, blue and gold cap Scarlet, blue sleeves White, blue sleeves and cap White, with green velvet cap Brown, black cap Pink, green cap Amber, black seams and cap Orange, black cap 1810 Mazarine blue, with black cap 1828 Dark blue and white stripe, black cap 1830 White, with black cap 185 1 White, purple seams, black cap 1852 White, purple stripe, black cap 1 86 1 Mazarine blue, black cap 1 85 1 White, pink sleeves, pink cap RACIANA. 147 Winchester, Mr. George WiNCHELSEA, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... WiNCHFIELD, Mr. Winder, Mr. J. ... WiNFiELD, Mr. Jesse Winter, Mr. Winteringham, Mr. C. .. Winton, Mr. Winn, Sir Rowland, Bart. WiNNOWE, Mr. Wise, Mr. R. Wise, Mr. W. Witt, Mr. E. E. VVittle, Mr. Wizard, Mr. WODEHOUSE, Mr. C. O. Wodson, Mr. Woffenden, Mr. .. WOFFINDIN, Mr. .. WoMBWELL, Sir G., Bart. WOMBWELL, Mr. H. Wood, Mr. Charles Wood, Mr. E. H. Second colour Wood, General Mark Wood, Mr. Geo Colours. 1870 Light blue 1872 Grey 1877 Light blue body, black sleeves, and red cap 1792 Yellow, black cap 1873 Green, black cap 1877 White, green spots 1875 White, blue sleeves, red cap 1875 Blue, red sleeves, black cap 1854 Green and red, red cap 1862 Black, red cap 1 864 Green, cerise sleeves and cap 1802 Straw 1804 Mazarine blue, red sleeves, red cap 187 1 White, red cap 1836 Grey and black striped jacket and black cap 1859 Scarlet and white jacket, scarlet cap 1881 Green, white and gold belt, white cap 1872 Blue, French grey sleeves 1 88 1 Red, white and blue diamonds 1866 Black, red braid 1863 Brown, crimson sleeves 1872 White, crimson belt and cap 1854 Blue and white stripe, red cap 1879 Dark blue and white stripes, red cap 1859 Chocolate and white spots, white cap 1867 Blue, white spots, blue cap 1883 Crimson, gold braid 1875 Dark blue, French grey sleeves 1879 Crimson, Eau de Nile sleeves, crimson cap 1874 All white 1866 Sky blue, magenta belt and cap 148 RA 1 CIA Wood, Mr. Jos 1863 Wood, Mr. W 1883 Wood, Mr. W. F. T872 Wood, Sir Mark, Bart. ... 1829 1831 WOODCOTE, Mr 1874 Second colour do. Woodland, Mr. E. 1877 Woodman, Mr. R. J. ... 1874 Woodward, Mr. J. 1867 WooLCOTT, Mr. Henry ... i860 1879 WooLCOTT, Mr. Isaac 1863 Worcester, The Most Noble the Marquis of ... 1829 Worland, Mr. 1858 WoRLEY, Mr. H. T. 1842 Wormald, Mr. H. WORRALL, Mr. S WoRTHAM, Captain WORTHINGTON, Mr. T. ... WORTLEY, Mr. J. A. S. ... Wrather, Mr. S. Wreford, Mr. S. ... Wright, Mr Wright, Mr. J. ... Wright, Mr. H Wright, Mr. Marmaduke G. Wright, Mr. R 1846 1846 1838 1864 1843 1820 1846 1834 1821 1871 1867 1870 1872 i860 1870 N A. Colours. Black, yellow belt Green, orange cap Yellow jacket, dark blue cap W^hite body and cap, green sleeves White Dark blue, light blue sleeves and cap Light blue, dark blue sleeves and cap Blue, black cap Green, gold seams, scarlet cap Black and pink hoops, black cap Black, yellow cap Black, crimson stars and cap White, green cap White, with blue cap Straw, grey sleeves, black cap Green jacket, white sleeves, green and gold cap Green, straw sleeves, green and gold cap Geranium red, green cap White, scarlet cap Grey and black cap Drab jacket, red cap White Crimson Black jacket, white cap Crimson and white Black and white quartered Green, red sleeves and cap Blue, tartan belt and cap Blue, gold belt, black cap Black Black, yellow hoops RACIANA. 149 Wright, Mr. W 1850 Wyatt, Mr. Henry ... ... 1862 Wyatt, Mr. John ... ... i860 Wyatt, Mr. Robt. 1877 Wyatt, Mr. W 1846 Wyndham, Colonel ... ... 1839 Wyndham, General ... ... 1839 Wyndham, Mr. J. H. Campbell 1852 Wyndham, Mr. Wadham ... 1825 Wyndham, The Hon, C. ... 1782 Wynn, Sir W. W., Bart 1802 1828 Wynn, Sir W. W., Bart 1844 Wynne, Sir William, Bart, ... 18 18 1828 Wyon, Mr. 1862 Co/ours, Light mazarine blue, crimson velvet cap, gold tassel Blue jacket, white sleeves, blue cap and gold tassel Light blue, white belt and cap Brown, white cap Black, yellow sleeves Yellow, blue cap Green, black cap Dark blue, yellow sleeves and cap Dark blue body, yellow sleeves and cap Yellow, blue cap Green and red waistcoat, cap the same Green body, red sleeves, black cap Green, red sleeves, black cap Purple waistcoat, black cap Crimson and white quartered, white cap Black, straw belt, white cap Yarborough, The Right Hon. the Earl of Yarbgrou^^i, The Right Hon. the Earl of ... Yarburgh, Major Yates, Col. (As General Yates, 183c) Yates, Mr. Arthur Yates, Mr. E Yates, Mr. T. Yerward, Mr. Second colour 1873 Amber, purple cap 1882 Pink 1828 Dark blue, red cap 1824 Purple, orange cap 1840 Orange 1870 Blue 18 1 7 Orange, black cap 1826 Orange 1 88 1 Blue, white belt do. Blue, black cap 1870 Blue, orange sleeves 150 RACIANA. YiEWSLEY, Mr. G. York, Mr. Young, Mr. Geo. Young, Mr. John YOUNGMAN, Mr. T. Co/ours. 1 87 1 Scarlet 1873 White, red cap 1862 Geranium, white cap 1883 Mauve, maroon sleeves and cap 1874 Blue body, red sleeves, black cap 1 88 1 Black, crimson sleeves, black cap Zetland, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of .. 1840 White, with red spots, scarlet cap Zetland, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of 1875 White with red spots, red cap Second colour ... 1876 White, red spots, white and red spotted cap APPENDIX. Appendix. The road MATCH, performed by Mr. Cooper Thornhill, Master of the Bell Inn, Stilton, Hunts, April 29th, 1745, to ride three times between Stilton and London. This match was made for a considerable sum of money, and many hundreds, if not thousands, were depending upon it. Mr. Cooper Thornhill was allowed as many horses as he pleased and to perform the task in 15 hours. The time he actually took to do the distance was 11 hrs., 33 min., 52 sec, as below, which was 3 hrs., 26 min., and 80 sec. under the time allowed him. It is seventy-one miles from Shoreditch church to a milestone a little beyond Mr. Thornhill's house at Stilton. From Stilton to Shoreditch church . From Shoreditch church to Stilton . From Stilton to Shoreditch church . Hrs. Min. Sec. 3 52 59 3 50 57 3 49 56 33 52 The total distance being near 213 miles. ACCOUNT of the Carriage Match made by the Earls of March and Eglinton with Theobald Taaffe, Esq., and Andrew Sprowle, Esq., for One Thousand guineas. The conditions of the articles were to get a carriage with four running wheels, and a person in or upon it, drawn by four horses nineteen miles in one hour. Their lordships were to give two months' notice what week it should be done in, and had the liberty to choose any one day in that week. This was performed on 154 APPENDIX. Newmarket Heath on 29th day of August 1750, in fifty-three minutes and twenty- seven seconds, as appeared by three stop-watches the umpires held, which did not vary one second. The horses were all properly trained for racing — the two leaders, including riders, saddles, and harness, carried about eight stone each, and the wheel-horses about seven stone each. The machine, with Lord March's postillion fixed thereon, weighed twenty-four stone. Tawney (late Mr. Greville's), who was afterwards sold for 100 gs., the near- leader, was ridden by Mr. Wm. Everett, Mr. Panton's groom, who had the conduct- ing the rate to go at. The off-leader, Roderick Random (late Mr. Stamford's), sold afterwards for 90 gs. ; the near-wheel horse. Chance (late the Duke of Hamilton's), and the off- wheel horse, Single Peeper, sold afterwards for 50 gs., in place of Little Dan, who fell ill, were ridden by three boys. Bolsters were worn by the horses to preserve their shoulders. A groom, dressed in crimson velvet, rode before to clear the way. The postiUion was dressed in a white satin waistcoat, black velvet cap, and red stockings. Mr. Everett and the three boys that rode the horses were in blue satin waistcoats, buckskin breeches, white silk stockings, and black velvet caps. The traces, by an ingenious contrivance, ran into boxes with springs to prevent the traces from getting under the horses' legs if any hung back. A rope went from the further end of the carriage to the pole, and was brought back under it to keep the pole steady. By the side of each wheel there were tin cases filled with oil, drop- ping on the axle-tree, to prevent its firing. It started about seven o'clock in the morning, near the Six-mile House, and ran between the Warren and the Rubbing Houses, came through at the Ditch called the Running Gap, then turned to the right and ran three times round a corded piece of ground of four miles, and back to the place it started from. The match was performed before a great number of spectators, without any person attempting to ride with it except Mr. George Tuting and Lord March's groom, who waited on them to assist in case of an accident. The original painting was by Mr. Seymour, with portraits from the life, and was sold at Messrs. Foster's, Pall Mall, in June 1889. A DESCRIPTION of the Match against Time performed by Jenison Shafto, Esq., at Newmarket, on Wednesday, June 27th, 1759- There were posts erected three miles, viz., from between the Well Gap and the King's Gap, from thence down to the Running Gap, from thence to the Pens, and from the Pens to the second mile-post, so close to the Lands, quite to the Roads APPENDIX. 155 and the Turn of the Lands to the third mile-post, and from thence to the starting- place. The following horses were used on the occasion : — 1. Menj Batchelor^ by Tartar. He went from the first mile- post once round, and to the second mile-post at the Pens 4 miles. 2. Wildair* by Cade. He started from the second mile post at the Pens and went once round, and stopped at the Turn of the Lands ....... 4 „ 3- J"SS^^^^ by Rib, started from the third mile-post at the Turn of the Lands, went once round, and stopped at the first mile-post between the Well and the King's Gap 4 „ 4. Forester, Mr. Shafto's Hunter, started from the first mile- post, went once round, and stopped at the same post again .......... x 5. Rover, by Bolton's Brother, started at the first mile-post at the Well Gap, went once round, and stopped at the second mile-post at the Pens . . . . . 4 „ 6. Jack 0' Newbury, \ by Babraham, started from the second mile-post at the Pens, went all round, and stopped at the Turn of the Lands . . . . , . 4 „ 7. Adolphus, by Regulus, started from the Turn of the Lands, went all round, and stopped at the third mile-post at the Turn of the Lands ....... ^ .. * He was afterwards sold and sent to America. In 1773 he was repurchased and brought back to England by Edward Leedes, Esq., North Milford, Yorks, and in 1774 covered at 10 gs. " I do certify that Wildair is the sire of my mare, Angelica, that won the 4 yr, old plate at Philadelphia in 1770, and won the Subscription at the same place ; also of my horse. Bashaw, that won the Macaroni 100 gs. at our Newmarket in 1772, though lame ; also of my gelding. Popper, that won the 4 yr. old plate at Mowlas Hook the same year; and of Mr. Sim's Wildair, that has won four or five plates in Maryland last year and the year before ; and also of my Slamerkin, that won the 4 yr. old purse last year at our Newmarket and Philadelphia ; and of my mare, Sultana, that won the Give and Take plate at the last place ; and of Mr. Rutge's horse, Macaroni, that won the 4 yr. old plate last year at Mowlas Hook. Everything of his get that have started have won, except two or three out of very bad mares. " James D'Lancey. " New York, /rt'^y. 5//?, 1774. "A^5.— My Bashaw won the ^50 weight for age this year at our Newmarket, dis- tancing all the rest ; and my mare, Slamerkin, also won the ^100 weight for age at Philadelphia, and these are all that have started this year. "James D'Lancey. "New York, Augt. yth, 1774." t Atlas hta.i Jack d Newbury dX Newmarket in 1758, after the latter had won the King's Plates at Guildford, Canterbury, and Lewes. 156 APPENDIX. 8. /essamy, by Hutton's Spot, started from the third mile-post at the Turn of the Lands, went once round, and stopped at the Turn of the Lands .... Prince T'Quassaw* by Snip — the same course Merry Batchelor (second time) „ Wildair ,, „ Jtiggler „ „ Rover „ „ Bamd/efofi, by Snip, started from the Turn of the Lands and went all round to the Turn of the Lands again Adolplms started a second time from the Turn of the Lands, went all round to the quarter-of-a-mile post be- yond the third mile-post to the Turn of the Lands Total 9- 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- miles. 3i The umpires were Randall Peck, Esq. ; Nelthorpe, Esq. ; Mr. John Rown- ing, Watchmaker, Newmarket j and Mr. Thomas Stamford, Keeper of Running Horses. The distance was accomplished in i hr., 49 min., 17 sec, Mr. Shafto starting after four o'clock in the morning, and to the great admiration of the nobility and gentry assembled, he went through the whole without the least fatigue. It was said that Mr. Jenison Shafto netted over ;^i4,ooo by this match. Wildair, Juggler, Forester, Jessamy, and Hambleton were Mr. Shafto's own pro- perty ; Merry Batchelor was the property of Mr. John Singleton ; Rover belonged to Mr. Benjamin Rogers ; Adolphus belonged to Mr. Nicholas Jones -, Jack of New- bury belonged to Earl Waldegrave ] and Prince T'Quassaw to His Grace the Duke of Kingston. York, i 760. — Thursday, 2 1st August The Great Subscription Stakes of ^255, with ;^50 added by the City of York, for six-years-old and aged Horses, &c. — Six years old, 8 st. 7 lbs., and aged, 9 st. — Four miles. Mr. J. B. Warren's c. h.. Care/ess, aged, by Regulus out of Silvertail (9 St.) — John Tow. ........ I Duke of Devonshire's b. h., Atlas.i aged, by Babram (9 st.) — Match 'em Timms 2 5 to I on Atlas. * This horse was beaten by Careless at York in 1758 in two heats of four miles, each carrying 10 stone 7 lbs., for a prize value ^100 ! t Dr. Johnson, when on a visit to Chatsworth, was shown Atlas, and expressed himself so well pleased that he is reported to have said that he would rather own him than any other of the Duke's possessions. APPENDIX. 157 This was perhaps one of the most sporting events of the period, and both performers were justly celebrated as the crack horses of their day. Their extra- ordinary merits were related in the strain of an old English ballad which has been thought worthy of being produced. It may be added that at Huntingdon in 1758, and at Newmarket in 1759 (Jockey Club Plate), Af/as had previously beaten Careless in both these races. This was the first time Atlas was beaten. Silvertail, the dam of Careless, can be traced back to the days of Charles II., through Whimsey and a mare belonging to Sir W. Burdet called Vixen. The latter was out of a Barb mare and got by the Hemsley Turk, The said Barb mare was the dam of Dodsworth, which she brought into England unfoaled in the time of Charles II. She was "stiled a royal mare, and was sold by the Stud Master about, or soon after, the said King's demise, for 40 gs. at twenty years old when in foal of Vixen." SURE SUCH A PAIR WERE NEVER SEEN. Come all ye noble sportsmen that love to show fair play, I'll tell you of a valiant match that was run at York one day Between Mr. Warren's Careless, which I tell o'er and o'er. And the Duke of Devonshire's Atlas, that never was beat before, That never was beat before. On the twenty-first of August they met at York to run, But hark ! and I will tell you, and now began the fun ; The sportsmen they would boldly lay twenty to five or more All on his Grace's Atlas, that never was beat before, That never was beat before. John Tow was dressed in red,* and he's a nice young fellow. And so is Match 'em Timms, and he was dressed in yellow, Come, clear away and let us start ; Careless gets on the score. For he'll beat his Grace's Atlas, that never was beat before, That never was beat before. And when he'd run the first two miles, finding his Careless strong, He drew his head unto his chest, and let Atlas pass along; * In an original picture of this match, signed F. Sartorius,/^t7V, in my possession, the rider of Careless is dressed in a blue jacket, black cap ; the rider of Atlas wearing the proper colours of the Duke of Devonshire. Matthew Simpson is described in the Ballad as the rider oi Atlas— hwl this is an error. Match 'em Timms was the rider, and at the time was the principal jockey in the Duke's stable. At York in 1759, Careless won the Great Subscription Stakes — four miles — in eight minutes and eight seconds. 158 APPENDIX. He let Af/as pass along, which I tell you o'er and o'er, For he'll beat his Grace's Atlas^ that never was beat before, That never was beat before. But when they came to the distance-post, so I have heard folks say, Oh ! Careless then he did spring out and easily won that day, And easily won the day, which many did behold, Which made the noted gamblers say, " Adzooks ! we've lost our gold ; Adzooks ! we've lost our gold." Come all ye noble sportsmen, both high and low in station. You'll agree that Careless is the best horse in the nation ; He ran so clean and clever, so well did play his part. That he'll beat all the famous horses that ever against him start, That ever against him start. DESCRIPTION of Mr. John Woodcock's riding 2900 miles in twenty- nine successive days at Newmarket. This match was made between Mr. Shafto and Mr. Meynel for 2000 guineas ; Mr. Shafto to get a person to ride 100 miles a day (on any one horse each day), for twenty-nine days together — to have any number of horses not exceeding twenty- nine. Mr. Woodcock started on the 4th May 1761, at one o'clock in the morning, and finished on ist June about six o'clock in the evening. The horses he rode were as follows : — 9 10, II 12 13 1. Mr. Shafto's bay horse 2. Lord Chedworth's chesnut mare 3. Captain Winnyard's chesnut horse 4. Mr. Thistlethwaite's grey horse 5. Mr. Wildman's black mare . 6. Mr. Woodcock's bay mare . 7 Mr. Scott's bay mare . 8. Lord Montfort's bay horse . Mr. Surrecolt's chesnut horse Mr. Shafto's roan horse Mr. Culcraft's chesnut horse Mr. Rudd's chesnut mare . Mr. Welch's bay horse 14. Mr. Major's bay mare r day 29 days APPENDIX. 159 Mr. Major's mare did not begin one day till ten o'clock ; Mr. Woodcock begin- ning with a horse called Quidnunc, and went about sixty miles by nine o'clock and then tired. Afterwards he took Mr. Major's mare to perform the 100 miles in the remaining part of that day, which he did, and finished it about eleven o'clock at night, which was the latest time during the whole performance, so that he rode 160 miles in that day. The course he rode was from Hare Park to the Ditch, which made three miles, and from thence went a three-mile course round the flat on that side of the Ditch next Newmarket. There were posts and lamps fixed round his courses, he choosing to start very early in the mornings to avoid the heat of the days. The following Advertisements appeared in l 766, and the information tvill perhaps be read with interest, especially as it relates to Arabian Horses im- ported into this country, their history being seldom described in such a graphic manner : — IVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fine Grey Arabian Horse, late the Lord Viscount Barrington's, and which has been lately seen at the Riding House in Mayfair, being now purchased of his Lordship by Mr. Gibson, will cover at ID gs. a Mare at Brands, nr. Kilburn, Middlesex. This Horse, which is near 15 hands high, extremely beautiful, remarkably strong, and in perfect health, was purchased at Yemine in Arabia FoeUx, of the Immaum or King of Sinna, for ^^400 sterling, was brought from Yemine down the Red Sea to Bombay, and from thence to England, on board the £ar/ of Elgin, East Indiaman, as upon inquiry will most undoubtedly appear, so that, considering how very few (if any Horses) that are called Arabians have such authentic proofs of their being really so, the distance of the place from whence he came, famous in Arabia for the best breed of Horses, and the Length and Hazard of the Voyage, it may be presumed no man could undertake to bring a Horse of Equal Merit from thence for less than ^{^2000. Brands is about five miles from London, and within two of Hampstead, where is great Plenty of very fine Pasturage of Every Kind and all manner of the best Conveniences for Mares and Colts. "ly /TR. BELL'S GREY ARABIAN, so much esteemed by all who have seen him, will Cover this season at 10 gs. and 5s, to the Groom, at Mr. Carver's Farm at Goulder's Green, near Barnet, Hampstead, and Hendon, in Middlesex, where the greatest care will be taken of all Mares sent to be covered ; the best Corn, Hay, and Grass will be provided at a reasonable rate. i6o APPENDIX. This most beautiful and valuable Horse is one of the purest and most esteemed breed amongst the Arabs that has ever yet been brought to the Western parts of Europe, having been purchased at the Distance of thirty days' journey from St. John D'Acre, the nearest Sea-Port to the Deserts of Arabia, by Philip John, an Armenian, sent by Mr. Bell, about 4 years ago, on Purpose, and with an unlimited Commission to buy the best and most genuine bred Horse he could find in all Arabia, at any Price; and who, as well from his great skill in Horses, as is well known to many Noblemen of the Highest Rank here, as from his perfect acquaintance with the Language and Manners of the Arabs, was enabled to execute the Commission Mr. Bell had given him in a manner no European could have done. In consequence whereof, by his address and by means of valuable presents he made to Beny Suckr, the principal Chief and Commander of all the different Tribes of Arabs of those Deserts, and to the Sheiks, other great men there, he not only got permission to travel into any part of the Deserts and to take his choice of all the most esteemed Horses there, but even obtained the Favour of purchasing the Horse, now Mr. Bell's, out of Beny Suckr's own stud, with an undoubted assurance and Testi- monial (now in Mr. Bell's hands) signed by all the principal officers and chief men of the Country, of this Horse being of the Jelsy Blood, the most Valued Breed in all Arabia and in every respect a true and perfect Arab horse. Mr. Bell hopes he may therefore, without presumption, repeat that this is the most perfect, if not the first and only Horse of the Genuine and most Valuable Arab Breed that has ever before been brought to England, and at the same time from the great original Price paid for him, the Value of the Presents made to the Arabs, the great expense incurred by having a guard of ten men, that Beny Suckr sent to attend him during a journey of thirty days, through the Deserts to St. John D'Acre, his being taken from thence by Land to Aleppo, from Aleppo to England by sea, with the charges of the Person who purchased him during his Journies and Voyages, for upwards of Three Years, that he is also the most costly Arabian Horse that has yet been seen here. Mr. Bell therefore flatters himself that his having procured this estimable Horse at so very great Expense, of Trouble, and Money, for the service of the Noblemen and Gentlemen Breeders, will intitle him to their Favour and to the continuance of that encouragement they were pleased to give him last season. APPENDIX. i6r A SONG written about l'J'/6, wherein and whereby the world is proved to be like a Newmarket Race-horse and the men on it are Jockeys. Sure life's but a race where each man runs his best, If distanced or thrown a bad match is the jest ; Each strives to be foremost and get the first in, For he is but a bubble who don't wish to win. A statesman starts eager to get to the post, Where he who can jockey his rival gains most ; Each crosses and jostles to get the whip-hand, And he is the best rider who wins the most land. Great men at preferment and pensions do catch, And he who wins both makes a very good match ; To keep his seat steady, his aim to be rich. Whips hard to take lead and be first at the Ditch. The world may be properly called the Round Course, Where sweetness and management often beats force ; A match that's made well here makes Noblemen smile, When a feather beats weight over the Abingdon Mile. Sly lawyers but jockey us out of our course, Whenever they nonsuit for blunders and flaws ; And doctors, mistaking the method to save. Do oftentimes jostle men into the grave. The parson who gives us a very bad wife Had much better jostle us out of our life, For that wretched groom who does marry a flirt Is beaten quite hollow and flung in the dirt. The deep one or flat plays catch as catch can, And he who outschemes us is held the best man ; From palaces down to the poor pedlar's stall, The place-man and pensioner are jockeys all. Ye spirited mortals who love manly sport, To Newmarket Meeting but yearly resort, Well mounted you'll see, or else view from the stand, Mares, horses, and riders, the best in the land. Since the globular earth but resembles a race, W^hen mankind all start to get fortune's embrace, In Europe no place like Newmarket for play, Haste away to Newmarket ! Hooray, boys, Hooray ! i62 APPENDIX. NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. — March 2^th, i-jc^g. Match 3000 gs., h. ft. Beacon Course. Sir H. T. Vane's Hambletonian, by King Fergus, out of Grey High- flyer, 6 years, 8 st. 3 lbs. — F. Buclcle . . . . .1 Mr. Cookson's Diamond, by Highflyer, dam by Match 'em, 6 years, 8 st. — D. Fitzpatrick ...... 2 The betting before the race was nearly even ; 6 to 4 had been laid in favour of Hambletonian, but the odds at starting were 1 1 to 8 and 5 to 4 on Hambletoniaii. At three-quarters past one o'clock both horses started in as fine a condition as possible. Francis Buckle (Lord Grosvenor's rider), who rode Ilambleiotiian, per- mitted Dennis Fitzpatrick, who rode Diamond, to take the lead at starting, to prevent any accident of his horse running out of the course. After the horses had run about a mile and a quarter Hatnbletoniati took the lead, and continued it to the winning-post. Across the Flat they ran at an amazing speed, Hambletonian leading his adversary about two lengths, after which they continued so closely together that doubts were entertained by the bettors on both sides, but it was universally allowed that Ha?nbletonian won by about half a length. His last stride in passing the winning-post was supposed to be seven yards. He appeared to be more spurred than Diamond, but not at all whipped. This, it is said, arose from his being a lurching horse, and consequently always laying closely to his adversary. It is affirmed that when he exerts his might he seems to lengthen his joints beyond their natural extent, and that if he had been impelled by a greater necessity, his wonderful powers would have still increased the astonishment of his beholders ! Tne Beacon Course measures four miles, one furlong, and 138 yards, and the race was run in seven minutes and a quarter. It is supposed that between two and three hundred thousand pounds were depending upon the result of this race, and in addition to the original stake of 3000 gs., the owners had a bye-bet of 800 gs. The match between Hambletonian and Diamond drew together the greatest concourse of people ever seen at Newmarket. The company not only occupied every bed to be procured in the place, but Cambridge and every town and village within twelve or fifteen miles were also thronged with visitors. Stabling was much more scarce than the accommodation within doors. In the above match it is acknowledged that Buckle displayed the most consum- mate skill against his formidable competitor, Dennis Fitzpatrick, and literally won the match by manoeuvring between the Ditch and the Turn of the Lands, so as to gain considerably upon his antagonist ere they pushed up the Hill, where the running of the compact little horse would have been an overmatch for him. And as a part of the momentous events of that day, Buckle related the following APPENDIX. 163 anecdote. Sir H. T. Vane had betted heavily on Hambletonian's winning, and in proportion to the heavy sums in his Book, his interest in the event had deepened, and his nerves became proportionally unsteady. In the deepest apprehension, and just as the horses had arrived at the starting-post, he approached his jockey with his last orders (which, by-the-bye. Buckle chose to disobey), and to inquire once more his opinion as to the result of the race. It was then that the cool and un- ruffled demeanour of the man of nerve, confident in his own skill and resources, reassured the Baronet, who exclaimed, as his own fevered hand grasped that of Buckle, " By G , but I would give the whole stake to be half as calm as you." MRS. THORNTON'S MATCHES. See the course throng'd with gazers, and lots of " old Rakes," To view the "beautiful Heroine" start for the stakes ; With handkerchiefs waving, the spectators all clap. Half-dressed like a jockey, with her whip and her cap. With spirits like fire, behold her mount the gay prad. And the cheers and the smiles make her heart light and glad ; And Mrs. Thornton's "the favourite" through thick and through thin, And the swells and the jockeys all bet she'll win. i64 APPENDIX. York, Saturday, 2^th August 1804. — Match for 500 gs. and lOOO gs., bye. — Four miles. Mr. Flint's br. h., Brown Thornville by Volunteer — Owner . . i Col. Thornton's ches. h., Vinagrillo — Mrs. Thornton . . .2 Catch Weights. Never was there witnessed such an assemblage of people as were drawn together on the above occasion, since the year 1766, when H.R.H. Duke of York honoured York Races, and in consequence a numerous assemblage of nobility and of the first ranks of fashion in the kingdom, which with the racing attracted the greatest number of people of all descriptions almost ever then known. At that period there were 569 subscribers to the Assembly Rooms, the largest number either before or since that time. The carriages upon the ground exceded the year 1739, when there were thirty coaches with six horses during the time of running. Indeed, expectation was raised to the highest pitch from the novelty of Mrs. Thornton's match. Thousands from every part of the surrounding country thronged to the ground — nearly 100,000. In order to keep the course as clear as possible, additional people were employed, and, much to the credit of the 6th Light Dragoons, a party of them also were on the ground on horseback for the like purpose, and which unquestionably helped to prevent any accident. About four o'clock Mrs. Thornton appeared on the ground, in high spirits, her horse led by Colonel Thornton and Mr. H. Boynton. Afterwards Mr. Flint appeared. They started a little past four o'clock. The lady took the lead for upwards of three miles in a most masterly style. When within a mile from home her horse fell lame. Mr. Flint then took the lead, which he kept. He rode in very good style, and paid every attention to the lady.* Her horse, however, had much the shorter stride of the two. Mrs. Thornton used every exertion : — " Push on, my dear lady ; pray don't the whip stint. To beat such as you must have the heart of a Flint ; " * The following Letter from Mrs. Thornton was published the following week respect- ing her Match with Mr. Flint :— " Mr. Editor, — Having read in your paper that Mr. Flint paid me every attention that could be shown on the occasion of the race, I request you will submit the following elements of politeness to the gentlemen of the Turf, for them to sanction or reject upon any future match of this kind to take place : — '■'■ Eletnefit {\). Mr. Baker, who kindly offered to ride round with me, on account of the dangerous accident on the Wednesday before, from my saddle twisting round, was positively and peremptorily refused this permission. APPENDIX. 165 but finding it impossible to win the race, out of humanity to her horse, she pulled up, in a sportsmanlike style, when within about two distances from the winning- post. At the commencement of the running, bets were 5 and 6 to 4 on the petticoat. In running the first three miles 7 to 4 and 2 to i in her favour. At starting, and in running the two first miles, every one on the ground thought she would win. In running the last mile the odds were greatly in favour of Mr. Flint. Never, surely, did a woman ride in better style. It was very difficult to say whether her horsemanship or her dress and beauty were most admired. The foufe ense7nble was unique. She gained the admiration of all, and much dis- appointment was felt by the immense crowd of spectators at her not winning her match. Mrs. Thornton's colours were leopard-coloured body with blue sleeves, the rest buff, and a blue cap. Mr. Flint rode in his own colours — white. The race was run in 9 minutes and 59 seconds. Mrs. Thornton's horse was nearly twenty years of age. " Ele7nent (2). At the starting-post the most distant species of common courtesy was studiously avoided ; and I received a sort of word of command from Mr. Flint as thus — ' Keep that side, Ma'am.' " For a morning's ride this might be complimentary, but it was here depriving me of the whip-hand. I did not expect Mr. Flint to shake hands with me — that, I understand, being the common prelude to boxing. ^'' Element {2,). When my horse broke down in the terrible way he did, all the course must have witnessed the very handsome manner in which Mr. Flint brought me in — i.e., left me out, by distancing me as much as he possibly could. If these should be received as precedents, the art of riding against ladies will be made most completely easy. '• Challefige. — After all this, I challenge Mr. Flint to ride the same match, in all its terms, over the same course, next year— his horse, Brown Thornville, against any one he may choose to select out of three horses I shall hunt this season. "Alicia Thornton. "Thornville Royal, September is/, 1804." i66 APPENDIX. York, August 2/^th, 1805. — Match for a Gold Cup, value 700 gs. — Two miles. Col. Thornton's Louisa, by Pegasus, out of Nelly — Mrs. Thornton . . x Mr. Bloomfield's Allegro, by Pegasus, out of AUegrantis dam — F. Buckle * 2 This match, in which Mrs. Thornton rode against Mr. F. Buckle, the jockey, well known at Newmarket and other places of sport as a rider of the first celebrity, occasioned the highest interest, and perhaps justly so, as this was the first occasion a lady had ever displayed her riding powers against such a master of the art of riding as the renowned Mr. F. Buckle. Mrs. Thornton, dressed for the contest in a purple cap and waistcoat, nankeen coloured skirts, purple shoes and embroidered stockings. She was in every way in health and spirits, and seemed eager for the decision of the race. Mr. Buckle was dressed in a blue cap, with blue jacket and white sleeves. Mrs. Thornton carried 9 st. 6 lbs., Mr. Buckle 13 St. 6 lbs. At half- past three o'clock they started, and immediately Mrs. Thornton took the lead, which she kept for some time. Mr. Buckle then put in trial his jockeyship, and passed the petticoat and kept the lead for a few lengths, when Mrs. Thornton's, we may truly say, horsemanship pushed forwards, and came in in a style far superior to anything of the kind we ever witnessed, winning her race by half a neck. The manner of Mrs. Thornton's riding is certainly of the first description ; indeed her close seat and perfect management of her horse, her bold and steady jockeyship on one of the most crowded courses we have for a long time seen, elicited the highest admiration, and on her winning she was hailed with the most deafening shouts and congratulations. " No better rider ever crossed a horse ; Honour his guide, he died without remorse. Jockeys, attend — from his example learn The meed which honest worth is sure to earn." APPENDIX. 167 York, August 2/^th, 1 805. — Match for 2000 gs., h. ft., four hhds. of Coti Roti and 600 gs. pp. bet by Mrs. Thornton. — Four miles. Col. Thornton's ch. h., Mr. Mills or Clausuin Frigit, by Otho — Mrs. Thornton W. O. Mr. Bloomfield declining to ride. It was stated on good authority that it was much against Mrs. Thornton's wish to ride over the course for this match had she not been obliged to do so, agreeably to the conditions of the articles with Mr Bloomfield. As Mrs. Thornton was exercising her mare on Thursday morning (22nd August 1805), she again displayed her skill as an horsewoman, by extricating herself from the most perilous situation, for on coming in at full speed the mare bolted opposite the Grand Stand, and made towards the railing, and before Mrs. Thornton could manage the mare one of her fore feet was literally under the railing, over which she must have been inevitably precipitated, had she not turned the mare, which she effected, notwithstanding the shock sustained, which had nearly thrown her from the saddle. It was allowed by every one present that few jockeys could have extricated themselves in a similar predicament. The groom who rode against her was nearly thrown off also. SMART PERFORMANCES. Wednesday, April nth, 1792, the Lord Viscount Barnard (the present Earl of Darlington (1806), afterwards the Duke of Cleveland), after the conclusion of the great Oatlands Stakes (won by Mr. Bullock's Toby), rode from the Dukes' Stand on Newmarket Heath to Bolton House, London, in four hours and forty minutes, using only three horses on the journey of sixty miles. On Friday, May 23rd, 1806, after the Oaks Stakes had been run for on Epsom Downs, Colonel Mellish mounted his horse and rode to Westminster (a distance of sixteen miles), where he remained on business with a gentleman for forty minutes, and drank a bottle of champagne, after which he took his horse and rode three miles beyond Epsom Downs, to Mr. Ladbroke's, within two hours and fifty minutes of the time he first left the course. 1 68 APPENDIX. The ACCOUNT of the Extraordinary Match by G. Osbaldeston, Esq. This match was performed on Saturday, Nov. 5th, 1831, on the Newmarket Round Course,* for a bet of 1000 gs. ; Colonel Charitte betting Mr. Osbaldeston that he did not perform the distance on horseback of 200 miles in 10 hours, the number of horses to be unlimited. At the appointed hour, seven o'clock in the morning, Mr. Osbaldeston appeared with his umpire, Mr. T. Thelluson, and Colonel Charitte with Mr. Bovvater on behalf of the Colonel, at the Dutch Stand, and the preliminaries being soon settled between the parties appointed to watch the pro- ceedings of the match, the watches of the umpires being set and locked up, Mr. Osbaldeston prepared to mount, dressed in a purple silk jacket, doeskins, and black velvet cap. It is true that he wore a broad riding belt with whalebone round his waist, which proved of essential service, more especially as he advanced towards the conclusion of the match. Various bye-bets were made to a great amount — one party betting ;^iooo to ;^ioo that Mr. Osbaldeston did not accomplish the task in 9 hours. The distance was performed in gallant style in 8 hours and 42 minutes, including the time for mounting, dismounting, and refreshments. The greater part of the day was very uncomfortable, being very stormy and attended * Mr. Osbaldeston did not ride the exact Round Course, which is some furlongs under 4 miles, but by going outside of it, getting into the Beacon, about Choke Jade, touching on the Bunbury Mile, and coming home close to the Ditch, he made it a 4-mile course. APPENDIX. 169 with heavy showers. The following is a correct list of the horses and the time each covered the 4 miles. Mr. Osbaldeston's weight, including saddle and bridle, was 1 1 St. 3 lbs. : — Min. Sec. 1. Emma 2. Paradox 3. Liberty 4. Coroner 5. Oberon 6. Don Juan 7. Morgan Rattler 8. Paradox (second time) 9. Cannon Ball 10. Clasher . . . 11. Ultima 12. Fairy 13. Coroner (second time) 14. Liberty (do.) 15. Emma (do.) 16. Don Juan (do.) 17. Oberon (do.) 18. Cannon Ball (do.) 19. Ultima (do.) 20. Tranby* . 21. Fairy (second time) . 22. Morgan Rattler (do.) 23. Colt by Tramp 24. Dolly 25. Acorn o 20 25 15 40 o 13 6 23 25 ID 5 40 o 21 8 20 45 o 10 8 28 58 58 2 28, 29, 30' 31 32 33 34 35' 41, 42, 43 44 Min. Sec. 8 52 26. A Horse by Smolensko 27. Tranby (second time) 8 o Skirmisher . . 9 25 Guildford . . . 8 25 Dolly (second time) . 8 45 Ikey Solomons t .12 o Tam o' Shanter . 9 40 El Dorado . . 9 20 Coventry . . .90 Ringleader . . 8 42 36. Tranby (third time) . 815 37. Ipsala . . . 8 20 38. Skirmisher (secondtime) 8 15 39. Guildford (second time) 9 10 40. Streamlet . . . 8 50 Donegani . . .912 Hassan . . .90 Surprise filly . . 9 10 Ringleader . . 9 33 45. Tranby (fourth time) . 8 50 46. Coventry (second time) 9 30 47. Ipsala (do.) . 9 o 48. Donegani (do.) . 10 15 49. Streamlet (do.) . 9 o 50. Skirmisher (third time) 9 40 Mr. Osbaldeston at the close of the match gave a plate of ^^50 to be run for by the above horses. The plate was won by the Smolensko colt, three years old, 7 st. 10 lbs. (Chappie), the property of Lord Lowther. Donegani was second, ridden by Pat Conolly. * Tranby, belonging to Mr. J. Gully, it will be seen, did the sixteen miles in 33 minutes 15 seconds. At the Craven Meeting at Newmarket in the same year, Tranby \\a.s beaten by Priam in the Craven Stakes. He was afterwards sold and sent to America. t This horse nearly brought the match to an abrupt conclusion, for while going at a slashing pace he made a flounder, and Mr. Osbaldeston, standing in the stirrups, shot over his head. This untoward circumstance caused Jkey to bolt ; certainly, as a writei puts it, there was something very ominous in the name for bolting. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF THE YEARS EACH OWNER WON. Derby. Oaks. St. Leger.* H.R.H. Prince of Wales ... 1788 H.R.H. Duke of York 1816, 1822 ... ... Mr. AbingtoN 1887 1884 Mr. Acton 1879 ... Marquis of AlLESBURY ... i860 Colonel Anson 1842 1844 Mr. A. Baltazzi 1876 ... Prince Bathyany 1875 ... Mr. S. Batson 1834 ... Mr. Beadsworth 1830 Duke of Beaufort ... 1887 ... Duke of Bedford 1789, 1791, 1797 1790, 1791, 1793 ... Lord G. Bentinck 1840 ... Lord Berners 1837 ... Mr. Bethell ... 1780 Mr. Bowes j 1835, 1843, 1852, 1853 \ ■■■ 1853 Mr. Chas. Brewer 1880 Sir T. C. BUNBURY, Bart. 1780, 1801, 1813 1801 Mr. BURLTON 1784 Earl Cadogan 1885 Lord Calthorpe ... 1888 1888 Mr. W. S. Cartwright 1874 Mr. H. Chaplin 1867 Earl of Chesterfield ... 1838, 1849 1838 Mr. W. Chiffney 1830 ... Lord R. Churchill 1889 ... Earl of Clermont 1785 1785, 1792 ... Marquis of Cleveland ... 1831 Viscount Clifden 1848 1848 Mr. Clifton ... ... 1793, 1806 Mr. COATES ... ... 1784 Mr. COOKSON 1798 ... 1796 Mr. W. COOKSON ... 1854 Mr. Cosby ... 1834 ... Hon. B. Craven 1806 ... Mr. FuLWAR Craven ... 1839 ... Mr. W. S. S. Crawford 1878 1881 1875 Mr. Crompton ... ... 1797, 1801 * This grand prize was instituted by Colonel St. Leger of Parkhill, near Doncaster, but it was not called the St. Leger till 1778. It was named by the Marquis of Rockingham out of compliment to the originator. In 1776 a sweepstake exactly on the same conditions was won by Lord Rockingham's brown filly by Samson, and in 1777 by Mr. Sotheron's Bourbon. (See Table of Winners.) APPENDIX. 171 Derby. Oaks. St. Leger. Mr. G. Dawson 1842 Mr. Dealtry ... 1790 Earl of Derby 1787 I779> 1794 Mr. Douglas 1780 Mr. B. E. Dunbar 1866 Viscount DUPPLIN 1876 Mr. DURAND 1798 ... Mr. Eastwood i860 Earl of Eglinton 1849 1842, 1847, 1849 Earl of Egremont 1782, 1804, 1805, 1807, 1826 1788, 1789, 1795, 1800, 1820 ! Marquis of Exeter ... 1821, 1829, 1832 1852 Viscount Falmouth ... 1870, 1877 1 1863, 1875, 1878, 1879 1 1877,1878,1882 1819 Mr. Ferguson • ■ • Earl FiTZWiLLlAM ... 1789, 1802, 1807 Lord Foley 1806 Mr. Ford 1843 Mr. Forth ... 1826 ... Mr Gascoigne ... 1811, 1824 Sir T. Gascoigne, Bart. 1803 1778, 1798 Sir W. Gerard, Bart 1810 General GOWER 1809, 1816 Third Duke of Grafton 1802, 1809, 1810 1804, 1808 Fourth Duke of Grafton 1815 1 1813, 1815, 1822, 1823, 1828, 1831 ] :. Sir B. Graham, Bart < . . 1816 Mr. Gratwicke 1829, 1845 1858 Mr. Greville ... 1837 Lord Grosvenor 1790, 1792, 1794 1 1781, 1782, 1783, I797> I799» 1805 } ::: General Grosvenor / y / 7 f y yl -^-^ j 1807, 1825 Mr. J. Gully 1846, 1854 1846 1832 Lord A. Hamilton * : ^ 1786, 1787, 1788, 1792 1808, 1809, 1814 Duke of Hamilton Duke of Hamilton 1886 1883 Mr. J. Hammond 1884 fl . . Admiral Harcourt 1856 ... Mr. Harlock 1865 Lord Hastings 1885 1885 Hon. S. Hawke • . • • •■ 1862 Sir J. Hawley, Bart. ... 1 1851, 1858, 1859, 1868 } 1847 1869 Sir G. Heathcote, Bart. 1838 Mr. W. N. W. Hewitt 1812 Mr. R.J. Hill ... 1785 Mr. H. Hill 1848, 1856 Mr. G. Hobson ... 1850 ... Mr. Hunter 1821 ... ... Mr. Hutchinson ... 1791, 1794 Succeeded to the Dukedom of Hamilton in 1799. 172 APPENDIX. Derby. Oaks. St. Leger. Mr. W. I'Anson 1857, 1864 1857 1861, 1864 Mr. Irwin ... 1844 Earl of Jersey 1825, 1827, 1836 1824 ... Mr. J. Johnstone 1869 Sir F. Johnstone, Bart. 1883 1869 Mr. G. Jones ... 1868, 1870 1868 Sir J. L. Kaye, Bart 1783 Colonel O'Kelly 1 78 1, 1784 Mr. Ladbrooke 1812 • >• ... Count Lagrange 1865 1864, 1876 1865, 1879 Mr. Launde 1874 1874 Duke of Leeds... 1810 Mon. C. J. Lefevre ... 1872 Earl of Lichfield ... 1836 Lord LONDESBOROUGH 1859 Mr. LORILLARD 1 88 1 1 88 1 Viscount LOWTHER 1831 Mon. Lupin 1876 Sir VV. Maxwell, Bart. • . . 1815 Colonel Mellish 1804, i?o5 Mr. Merry i860, 1873 1873 1858, 1873 Sir C. Monck, Bart 1859 Mr. T. V. Morgan ... 1870 Mr. J. B. Morris 1854 Hon. E. L. MOSTYN ... 1835 1835 Mr. R. C. Naylor 1863 1862 Mr. A. NiCHOL '- 185 1', 1856 Mr. Panton 1786 Mr. Parker 1783 ... Mr. T. Parr 1855 Mr. J. Payne 1817 ... Colonel Pearson 1867 Mr. Pedley 1847 ... Colonel Peel 1844 Mr. H. Peirse 1817, 1818 Mr. C. Perkins 1880 Hon. E. Petre ... :; ^ 1822, 1827, 1828, 1829 Sir F. Poole, Bart 1793 ... Mr. POPHAM 1855 ... ... Duke of Portland 1819 ... ... Duke of Portland 1888, 1889 1889 Hon. T. O. Powlett ... 1837 1821 Mr. Pratt ... ... 1782 Mr. Pulteney ... 1877 ... Col. Radcliffe 1781 Mr. Rawlinson 1841 ... Mr. R. Reed 1855 Duke of Richmond ... 1827, 1845 ... Mr. R. Ridsdale 1832 ... ... Mr. W. Ridsdale 1839 ... APPENDIX. 173 Derby. Oaks. St. Leger. Mr. Rob 1812 Mr. Robertson 1840 Marquis of Rockingham 1776 Lord Rodney 1867 Earl of ROSEBERY 1883 Baron ROTHSCHILD 1 87 1 1867, 1 87 1 1871 Duke of Rutland 1828 1811, 1814 Mr. Sadler 1833 Mr. H. Saville 1872 Mr. Saxon 1 86 1 Earl of Scarborough 1826 Mr. J. Scott 1836, 1852 1857 Mr. W. Scott ... 1846 Sir J. Shelley, Bart 181 1, 1824 Sir E. Smith, Bart 1820 Mr. C. Snewing 1862 Mr. Sotheron ... 1777 Earl of Stamford 1882 Sir F. Standish, Bart. 1795) 1796, 1799 1786, 1796 Lord Stanley 1851 Mr. Stapleton 1779 Lord Stawell 1814 ... Mr. W. Scott Stonehewer ... ... 1830 Earl of Strathmore ... 1803 Mr. R. Sutton 1866 1866 Earl St. Vincent 1863 Mr. Thos. Thornhill 1818, 1820 1819 Colonel Town eley 1861 Sir C. Turner, Bart 1795 Colonel Udney 1823 1818 Sir H. Tempest Vane, Bart. ... , 1799 Mr. Vernon 1787 ... Mr. R. C. Vyner 1884 Mr. Wastell 1802 « . • Mr. Watson 1817 Mr. Watt ::: ^ 1813, 1823, 1825, 1833 Mr. G. Watts 1845 Mr. Wauchope 1853 Marquis of Westminster 1841 1834, 1840, 1 84 1 Duke of Westminster 1880, 1882, 1886 1886 Sir H. Williamson, Bart. 1801, 1808 Sir J. Willoughby, Bart. 1884 Mr. Wilson 1800 1800 Earl of Wilton 1872 Sir Mark Wood, Bart. 1833 Mr. Wrather ... 1843 Major Yarburgh ... 1839 Earl of Zetland 1850 ... 1850 174 APPENDIX. u a. ^ Cl. cap cured cap with tripe, a. &, (/] o (U — cap Mazarine blue, white Light blue trimmed black, black cap Pink and white s Pink and white black cap Scarlet, black cap Green, white stripe Green, black cap Scarlet, black cap Scarlet Buff, black spots Green, white stripe Crimson waistcoat purple sleeves, bla Purple, white stripe Orange, black cap Purple, white stripe Orange, black cap Black Orange, black cap Mazarine blue Mazarine blue, whit Purple, white stripe Purple, withstraw-co a (J o si 3 Sky blue, black cap Straw, black cap Dark green, black c Dark green, black c o u X H : ::::::: : ::::::: g ^ : • : : : :^ : : • ::::•:: "^ t^ : : ::::-§:: : :::::: .^■- : o : : : : ^ • ^ bo : ■ : • '^%^^^ ■ « ►£.<; X pq pq Oh c/2 w;jl,^xSu.pQc/2Pl, S ■^ rt -T- ^ t/l o > ^ 3.2-c H fe in in P^ >P-.caiQO MH CO HH ►— ^4h I iin (U O 4) G <5 g-» .;r ^ ^ < x ^{n [jh C u^ < 1-^ ,^ CO g-5 P3 « < Oh '■ CAi fcU ^•u: w Q w X H o CO Pi! W hjn'5) S B 1^ oc tn 03 ca > p - < CO CO < H Z'J: 3 .p^ : bo • 03 ■ o u in -^ 3 c o 'a, e in OTfiiW^^Qc/iOPQ c/: < cj W o TO i- tj b >- hQKu CO 00 cc 00 00 c/C 00 t-^ t~x t^ t^ t-^ r^ t^ CO 00 00 — M'''^'1'"'^^r^ CO OOOO^O^C>O^O^CT^O^ ON i-i ri ro -h i»i o 0000 00 CO 00 00 CO rt . 5^ o pq ::::::: : ::::::::: : t. : Mh :: >[-it-l2: pq '"'^Shh !:: ortJ:ort>:a3 oi 3o=3obo>^ 3^^ j-J:; .h^.hrtrt APPENDIX. 175 ,s-^ - u *-> D- cn^ y a. &, '^ "^ ^^ u <-> IJ 5 "^ C U t, >,^ -2 J3 en ^, Si-a-Q cu „ a, ^ci-y ■? ^^3 c3 'T JD CO S3 '-' 3 ^ " c •= "^ i2 CL, . ■-= -^ 2 "oj ^ : g^-S C U rt S • O D C -^ CO rt tn i-i ^ O N >» K 0H O O o pq W^q .0) ::::::: :::::: : : : -g ••JJ S • -o (u^O xS.^ ^ u X y. ^ S '^ ^ ^ tJ So-c ."^^►^ i* ^t>ii»HH > O CO ;> J? ffi CO CO ;n CO W co B B ° ^j 2 2 «J .— ;-r oS c c o o tn ^ o o-^ ,UOU c -^ c >- J^ < _ 3 ^ •5 •- ifi I ^ Pi u CO CJ 'x. oj C ■ c a rt G c > r;3 e :l -ri a, ,14 in a K-l •- .S != 3 -^ CO «> CIh < CO H 0000-- " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 r*-) 1- in vO r^ CO 00 00 CO 00 00 00 CI CO ^ "-1 ^o r-^ ts r) M n N ri 00 CO 00 00 00 00 O rt -1 W ■ o . H 2° C/3 H . rt . . .fQ - : ; ^ U W ^ '-' 9. ►J o W Pi O f-H • Z • O . H : fe : < Pi ■0. : r^ ° ^ > -d o :« U C/5 ►_! tiH Q <5 s o a > H >^ H 2; w H ■^ ri >< >- ►-"co Pi Pi n 1^ W G ^ 3 o b 1^ t^ "^ Q Uco W W W !^ >^ in 5.S In a '.n IS IS Td .5 -^ u Q p5 p< cci ^4 Pi CO en UhhA K-l, Q 1— ^ 1— ^ u o -a -a&i ■a ^„ rt o 0) .S - |o c o G 8 S? to ^ >> o w 1> O ^ CO o o u .i: fc ioo bb-' cU « 1- *_J CO i^- 'rt .H ^ ^^ < tl 'S o t: « 176 APPENDIX. in ta o u ^ "' (U rt rt 5c /2 o u J2 ■■5 c 0) t^ 3 t/i a, 0)3 a, !2 ■" •::-'" o C 1 rt c „ rt ^ " a, o •d^" IJii egg S ■»-• CO „ (11 /^ COH 10 r! in n 3 tn &. C n rt T) C i-l 03 C) OJ t) >^ ;-H >^ W U pa < W U U pi;aH2> -< h U CQ c a, &, S S • ,« TJ r/l be a r g ,-_ ■| 3 S W U C/0 _l > 01 • "S • c c 3 .- S 2 Jl 7* in en 0) hC > (J o ^ .bi o o o ^ , rt "o § « > o •S o ^ rt " ^ (!) a 3 rt a> o, G- 3 rO P- a, B u C/2 w H CJ a; ^ 1-^ d J3 CJ w i^ ^ c a, a. '-^ "-^ 3 '53 PQ Q S :C^^E fc c/5 CO CO in in u ^ as rt ^ S 3 : : : : : : : : : : : ::::::::: a S ::: : ■ ^ ■ ^ ■ ■ • ::::^^::'g * : : : ^ '^ :« « :h'H«:i^:B<"'5 :Q -§ i 1 o ^'^ t 'S 1 §^ I i ^ o..s^ § £^ -S ^ u E faCLico CO Q Pngpa eLH H M Q. OOOOOD CO 00 000000 000000 OOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOODOO 0000^-' ►HI-IH, I-l I-l |_|«„ H-I-IHH „MH-«MI-.-l-HH-l-l l-l«.a (U ~^ — : — : — : — : — : — : — : — : : — : — . . . . — : — : — : — : — : — : — r g ; : : ; : : : : : . : i :'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i z 1 ^ ::: : : ::: :P3: :::::::::: -^1 >g::::::gw ::: : : Z ^ 1^ 5-0 !^ S SwS whS h ^ =^ w s s: 2 > :3 rj Ef -1 t:u S < < o ^ Pi a p^ w ^SSSSM>3-coSS ScjSu S ^ S > M M -co APPENDIX. 177 C tj " oi (U rt rt bo iH o u u ^ ■'^ ^ a ir. ex o o &, ex, rt rt 5 C u u f^ rt _ aj >,ii t/, ^ .ti 1- - ^ > -5 (U — iJ -^ rt x; ^ a! C T3 ° O bo ui Ci. rv O ■ 1 3 ,^ .. . .J>^. '0'0(u g'g^ ^ ii ^ g b2 .y .s '^ 8.s.^ S-n j"-g § -§. g) ^.S->; .s > >'H§ " 2 c s o P 3 CJ.S O ^3 a O C bo o -c '5 -Q ►:>: C C aj-Ti Dv ;2 rt ^ rt • 5^25252-5 p:5 W c/^ c/3 g c/: ;z; pq < o bo c a '^ ^1 o rt t^ii PL, fin a)^> pq ,^ g tn > '/i.=: WpqpqS u c -t: 5 ^ ^rt^-S^-g^g t*:; u^pqOhJKpqpLH bo u v : : 4jUh 3 bOCX fi 2 '- >o .2 opqTJ en CO CO pq li-iiOLo i^ u-.iriw-iir^\0 \0 vD^OvOvO^^vOvO t^ t~^ t^ I^I^r^ r^t^ l~vl^0O OOCOOO 00 COCOOOOO CO CO COCOOOOOCOCOOOCO CO 00 00 COOOCO 00 00 000000 ...£.. Pi.p^ ::::::.:: :::::::.: :::o:: o:w SS5^;^"5°s i:^"-^5o D (U u XJ c u >.„ g O O rt &^ ^ rt _, tj rt (fl t3 ii'^ e I C 4J C -ti ^ 5 ° ;q X "o ^^-^ 13 Km O 2 2 e _ CI, &. 'o, pi;: V3 ^ PQK ffi O Boo « S 2 "1 ■^ ^ j3 -i-: TO ^•^►^ O "-I >-^ »-( f-H "^ "^ M l-C '"' 12; w 5 15 Qco >^ pa W o in o H 12; w o ^g <^ ^ K CO J O P3 0) < P§ Q nl^i APPENDIX. 179 u o u w a: O o CO Oh W H < W < H c/) < O W X H O CO W K •J u Green, white stripe Black, white cap Orange, black cap Do. Do. G 3 a. Is Scarlet Mazarine blue White, black cap Dark green, black cap Do. Purple, white stripe Do. Scarlet Purple, white stripe Black, white cap Dark green, black cap Mazarine blue, white cap Orange, black cap T3 l-H 13 c rt a c -^ i C Yellow, black cap Dark green, black cap ' Pink and white stripe. Pink, black cap (White, black sleeves and I cap ^-~Y— * < Q 1 .^ . . . 3 : to c >. .2 pq > C 3 w ...... • "" : : : ■■■■■'tJ'cC'iS** ex 2 E5 73 C Q. C 3 u g U(:iH>U>KmfnMi:iHPqQ2 &, Id a : : c : : rt coo ' ' ■ s T3 ^'t3 4^13 u -{ -^ ii u !n"-23-S^-gttj3a;S ^ rt S JJ *i o-^o.isii ^^ c c s G pin Q Q W U : : : ::::::::.:.. r : : : : . : 1 ;^ 0.. fv. k:; j;; «uffiPHpH^ pq rt 5 •S g S ^ a, J^ pqw w : rt • "5 c/3 H < o^ " N fn t^oo 00 00 00 t-^ t^ t^ t^ r^ 00 u-ivO t^oo On '-I M m -^ un\0 t^ OOOOOOOOCO onOnOOOOnOnOn 00 ON 0\ M ON t^OO 00 CO 00 td 2 : : tii ' ' m ^ w pj :1 > w H pq : t^ ::::::::: ^^ : _I ^ ^ S > p/ D ^ pq 13-. rt .>- 1- • 03 ■ pq : w" • Z E^ 8 ^ H ^ a5 i«o APPENDIX. (/I 0) 0) ex OJ O a. tn « m > > rt ^ rc; .> rG (U (U (U Pu > (U ^ (U CX ft lU 5 i'^ in Is- OJ O, tn g2 O s O u fj rt cd -K CJ "^ (J t-" u > 3^ o;^ rt^ 3 3 U a. u 3 ^ 2-S^Sg ^ cop-iS Ph ;> CO Q >«pq 13 ^ bo tn 5 ' ' " " ' ^ • • • • • c • V ^ .2 o : Jr : : : &, : • u ^ 4J "? rt >^ "3 s :--'t3 ^^ 1-. o c .-S < >^ £ S &^ 2*2 >^rt o.i2 4S Oh S pq H-l K c/^ S .: '^ rt (U • • • T3 c m O O o c • c • c C/3 Q o U pq c c c .2 3 pq bo Vh C Q c c OS o '^ ' ' X • ir> ' • • i . cc . tc > • : . p . : D • . • o • • p ^^ 3 § S O S ^ S pq pq c/5 CO pq u ^^ o in -* >> T) : >^ >. 1/5 T3 G c >, • • tn • 73 o o ca m ^ u .-^ S . o a; .S "1 Oj en ^ : tn bo C in 03 US a 3 3 a 3 c o .2 p;§eqw^^o o CO in 01 3 <: o U ^ E 3 3 OH > « ■^ invO r^co 0\ O l_l C) (^ "+ "^\0 fv.00 o n „ M <^ ■* ij-i ^n t^oo On o <; O O O O O " t— I HH HH ^^ t-t ^m^ i-t n n CI ri c^ n M M rl D ro GO CO OO OS CO CO 00 00 00 CO 00 00 CO CO 00 00 GO CO CO oo 00 CO 00 00 00 oo 00 • Z ^ : : : ^ • ^ Pi O o O o W O . . O • • H H • • H H ^ H : : H : -J : fa ^ fa : : ^ fa fa z O fa D< [X, 1-; e^ c^ ^ ^ oi -^ x; o o lu -c D b H . ^ <+H O ^^ W 3 H-l H 1+1 O W cfi p— ' hJ hJ 5 Pi o H O w Pi o W « W H W X w (n Pi W O w > o Pi O H w H W >< W o tn M o H CO H H o O 3 Q o OJ 3 Q j3 rt O"^ tl - :^o >h3 Q p< ex c ^ rt ex ex rt £< be 3 ^ /^ ^ -^ C ,, (J U r^ C ex oT ° ^ 2 e< .5° 8 be a _S > QJ P>-. > P-, .S rt .2 ^^ . . C to • • "^ lt: to . ^«-g i ,^B >^>. T3 ^H C ^H 03 rt 03 3 O C "^ ^ 1^ '55 >- C K^ ll dj C ?-. qj J4_ b 73 d a W c ;-i to &i ^ S 05 4J o >^.S to .5 c 03 .2 03 CO fa 1 Ph 30- — rt 3 C Pl^ Ph QPhP^PQ Ph COOH> o hJ CO S G C OS 03 : : : : : :::::: S S >. Hi >• 4_, 4_, >~. >^ ^_, U U 'Ti '^ a a ;— ^4e2ri:33o-Caj«J--5; ^ -J^-ggrt-^J^ 00>PhO'U ;^ ►S QUOO p. PhP^IS^ U h-1 P:; ►i: CO u)^!^ HH ri ro Tf u-1 so rO fO ro CO ro ro 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O O '-' M fO •^ i-n\0 t^ 00 00 COOOOOOO 00 OOCOCOOO 00 OS O i-H N r<-) -T tn u"! i-o vr» u/*i i-n Lo 00 00 00 00 00 CO H W Q ° o • o o ° ^ n 10 Ph Cfi ■3 < O S^ S " 03 ^H !- W fa <; Pi PS w Pi ^ K S K w ^ ^ • ^ s fQ ^ IS o;> > o o< w toQ ^ >- . o ^ ^ pq w >< w c« U 1-1 J Q ^2^^ •S^^ffi Uh C (D 1 — >^- "O 3 S-" !- W !2; o P5 O d Q W W OPii Ph W ^ ^ S N "-> O S I-, 2 >-' ^ ii >-< s J s 1^^:^ 33 " 15 -a £1 rt n> Q R nl u u § ■^ Oh r U ^ tn OJ o 13 (X? l82 APPENDIX. ex rt - «^ rt rt ^ -^ ^ -3 l3 -2 S 2 a; /^ u i? "U tI pqqqeq 3 -2 2 «" Oh bo 4^ b/D 13 M a. o Td '^ «j a) (U ^ (L) o > jQ ''^ -0'T3-«'T3S U rt 3 > a, •n nS o (J ^ T) C n D lU 3 « c b3 V 0> eq •n ^w O ';5 w u w, a"^ 3 03 Q rt , 03 oj § Si ^ i5 ° 4) = o! ci 4J't3 m KjS^J^cU-^rt w J pq :§h:§:§o'Q< Ph pq Q C J3 bJO 3 O 3 U . 3 • S bo bB fcJO-7? P2j_j 03 13 H biO bo u rt is •-; •— 3 4; ^ S J^u Si.« ••- gcbog-g^SSS-a -2 U S H [i,Hj t^ [4hc/2 tti ti^ pq pq c/^ ;^^ ^ c/^ < ^ > S h-I hJ -13 ti. < u < o o rt >*i 'xi '• o u u a! _ ^ -I rt : H • 03 C c3 03 O £ : P ^ C o u o -§ o ,=^ -S _^ jq < < OHO SOH^-^Uh'EO X U^ l^ - ,2 i^ D. pq c •- VS o S pq O i-r» u-i 10 CO oo 00 : "5 o IT3 (U gT3 5 3 ^ ■ 2 pq 4) rt a n3 ^i:.2 -o vO :^ t-^ t^ t^ t^ rv. j^ 00 00 00 00 CO 00 CO U, & U-: s c O H o o < ffi - ^ o 1^ f^ <=; O o PS o CQ in W Q O : o • < < • c/}P< o:^ ^E pq o I — . 15 O S c/5 ^ Cn ftj w H « O < g OS ^;jss^g^ S r ! 1—1'— J O J e rt^^i-2^- o H D O i4 oi W PL, U APPENDIX. 183 2 C/1 to Oh T3 bo ex > c3 u ^3 c3 13 ^ 1/5 Si tn (U c^ > > tn V c/T ii ^ CLO Oh Vh Dh (U u rt ;-i rt bo CL (/) rt tj tJ u ^ c3 rlet ht blue, b elt, black c c 2 -« " S gbOrQ •c ° t 1 2 c .S T3 tn cj ci a c cj 3 -uJ >> 13 (U tn to . Pi P3 2 jz: p s S c/5 % < H s < t3 ^ w e^ 1^ K Im u ^■:s <-4-H ou ^ - >-i Tl , ■ >-< ^ ■^^ "H *1 rt i ^ ^W Q Qk4 i84 APPENDIX. W w u w o u w o w H CO < O Q H < CD W < H c/) (^ W O w en W H O CO (^ W ex, 4) > S 'd a> a> (U CI, u )-, (U 5^ -d ^ t/i c"^ O ►J o u u 0) u u a a _ 3 3 g- cr cr 3 C CiS C rt rt rt jD 0:5 -i^ -^ .re ^ i3^ 3-C^ 1/1 a; IS -s "1 :=: - w C 2 - Ji S .- 3 is cr 4J U " "3 is— c 3 '".SiS o mmp-^ a >> • 3 ' — «.t-i 2 &.0 33 CO u fc Ph H IS ^2 pi; 3 .2 : : T3 : a : a 3 rv 03 c/0 h-5 e -^53 : S3 S3 ^ a3 ^ ^ ■ g ^ • >boboCiUGo ^ E c a 5S CO QQ c O O c bo : : 1 c K (U ' ' ' ■ 1) J * ?J "bo's) "bo 9 ?5 ° "bo pL, (U c en u -d • ^ G aJ-S CO 1—, o o * g^SSS^-^S a ' •r§ ^ g-g •5 c .% o>,'i^ C 1 — .1 — ,>—>?* C 1 — ,1 — , s c q c c c O) ^ ^a ^.^ M ,c ^ ^bi '^ ^Q 1 — . 1 — >i — . o; ; ; u • : : : : : : ^ : xi a w c rt ^ bo rt z z '■§1 i2 o .2 : : : « : a : : : ^^ : ^1 ^ : ;:5 ?„5 bo ti ^3 bo >3 rtOHOfCOcJ H OJ a ri If .2 u S ^ in >s -a,<;>^H y. pqffi < 1-4 CO K vo r^ 00 - r> CO -^ vY-i vOt^coO^O'-'Pl CO •^ ij-i vO t^oo < r^ t^ r^ t^oo 00 CO CO CO 00 COCO00COC^O^O^ c^ C> t^ tv. i^ t^ r^ t^ t^ r^ t^ r^ t-^r^t^r^r^t^r^ t^ t^ r^ J^ t^ t^ < . K : i-i . . , . 03 ... . o P^ ' ■ r,' ■ •p: w z O o a ■3 g : i^ : ^ H W13 Pi ^ « !5 ffi ^ d d ^ H K < ,-1 l-H f_| -: "o "-^ u u S-, 1-1 >-, ).: >- u ^^ ■J5 S § u ^ ■^ ^ s Sc75 g ^•co APPENDIX. 185 ^ ^ 4-. '-' rn » >H -J •-- - - - O 03 c g U § ^ rt -d EoS^ .^5 ' ' CJ -i^ — ^ (U '" ■" ii C C CI. ^ - S^ d pq opa 4J rt S rt (U c rt . s be ^ ^T3 3 I fee g rt a _, Cr'rG J-i *^ '-^ B > A ^ ^ in rt u fl >.- U PiJWQ c/2 U bo (u ^ T- :::3:^ ::::::: c/2 c/Q o Q o ffi u o uo;^ <: ^ -2- • : : : : C 2 Sheph gleton, lith ... U a u Chft Smith Smith Chft .5 'a CO (A 3 pq John J. Sin B. Sn PQ c 1 . tn Wm. Benj. Benj. Wm. HI pq in (J < ) m rG rt Ui 1—1 c c G ,r: A ^ pq c i ° = ^_j tn ^ c c S 43 rCJ3 c u u^ UJ ■"^ r-z^ s ;-! rrl 0) w5 -tJ /2 ^0x2 ;__! J3 ^ ^ pi;hf4 bo u 3 C, (D u cj cyopi CO CO a c ina . onius on vian . (U >> C! en ,G bo .S 2 --; ^ ti TO tn 3 2^^ ^ (1) X) ;aQQ •s-^ •73 rt o u ^^ (U o-^ -^^ >-' ^ ^ ;, '-' U : : 3 • -Ph (/) ra O tn 0) ° »2 ^ 03 . ^ .S CO CO ^ Q .5.2 o ^ =5 = ^ ^ f^ O't:^'-' • C U O '" -G o o U (J CO CO s s 03 OS -1 rt C/^ CO s s rt rt o3 o3 C ^ ^ — _ ^ ^^^ CQ [i^ bo a — ; 11 t£i S (U ^ 'X^ o > rt -t; o.i: ^ x: boii o 03 r* t/i i- o S nj ■^ - o - Sh ^upi;SG5;c=iHO'W • ^ O! «/:/: 1— 1 Xo ■ (^ OJ ■t-' 1 — 1 ^ c >-. 03 3 -^^ -C 03 rt P UhJc/2 b/D —> -5 « 03 1^ ^i: 03 a; to O ^ « s :;^ — o u :z; [xh C^ D m .ti S s - (Li it ^ •^^ -n-C bn D-.r: fi 8 , ^ (N OT3 w C s ■a! 3 O y 0.0 0) -, 1) „«.,«„ „ „ « -, „ „ „ « ^SSg_^K .— >, ^ic t- . : : : : ::::::• ^ ::::: ^ : : : : jr^^x-S^^ 3 3 'S ns^^--^ • w -HM . ...7 ::K: : :q :K : : : :=-5"^-^-^ • tr 'O ■ ■••6 --Z- • •►-! 'Iz; ■ ■ ■ ■ .^.MM •■^:o HH::S>'0:faffig ^••::Sos^-- • o = ^ [13 ^ ^ ^ -^^ K :j w S^c :: S • H [g^^jg^sss ^ C4 ^ o w ^- « -3^ ^^-Bw ^ g ^ ^'i ;o ^ ^ d ^.?a;;°<^^ u ^: u 'S^ § i; Is ^4 vh- rt § b c "b 'rt^rt J3 c ^- ^- * !g -•-++«<»= APPENDIX. 187 ^ ^ <"a,-^ g <" gc 2^ aS c^H ^ CQ J fQOa, CQ K >^ P< Oc/^O O P5 « « O U S G 2 1) i^ c 0^ (U rt >^H ,-s . M^ g. bJ3 <5 CO ; ! ; : ; : : c.S : ^ . S ^ S = ^ = S S ■£= 5 i fc i >, E- =1 ,. «5|.^ S"S G bo ^ q2 0, G M w W C/2 P5 pq (J pq 2 CQ cl, g pa pl, W W c/2 O « ffi u c/2 M § Pn pl, W co S S . — 1 c c 0) v G (U ; , 3 H H CO CQ u H CO COCO G m Sh « 4; 4J 2 -43 o ^JHW > H hSpQc/) pq OUH cococ/^lzicoScowfQcqi-l!^ CO G G £ ISi C ^ in 03 P 03 S!3i-5P Jrt iS-^U !*'T2^0SGT^'t;"3 _Gr" .i. =. fa - ™ o S gJ - g g § 2 g ^^ -S i'r^.rP-^^ll tj; a! O c/5 Q \^ oj ■" .i' G c . N 4) . i| I . i ^l^s J las ialilili.ilJ c/^ > cAi H > ^ c/2 ;^Ui CO ^ ►=; X O c/2 OH 1-1 cqOHj-> ^O vO^O vi> vOOOvOvO^ r^t^* 00 (X) 00 co CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 00 00 CO CO CO C/J cocococooococooo ; ; c; :_ >< Pi t3 V* • • . . . . .fQ . . W z w : ^ : ^ ^ d ^; » 13 w • c/; M M H " U M w « M z w f', iz ^ ^ C2 HI H W H ?^ 1-1 J 14 u J 54 W 5^ ^ c/) < Ci U H ;<5 te ?^ < f^ t/: g > ^ r) r. W. I'Ans ount Lagra r. R. SUTTC olonel Pear r. G. Jones r Joseph H r. T. V. Mo aron Roths U CO w u G W "in H W N W tn 03 w ^§ . 1— .1— ^ PS PL, < H H (J CO f4 < ■3 cr 03 2; > s W > w w ,< ^, <^ S S - fl) - W >^OfQ^ • rt o ca ;- c rt .S 5 o rt .:2 > s ^ s c n Jc .!2 tiJ 'bo > a en 03 bo u< u C/3 ^ u tn ^ jKcJj c.ii c c c flj C G C C OJ n1 < JO x^ m N Pi^f^Pi Uh p CT3 "" >--'g bo g 2^ bo rt ■" ^ Ph w G rt O O .pi; p^ ,i: •n - ^'-^ I' rt C -^ C G ^ 0) > rt ^ O O rt ^ o 'in £ 71 G ^ rt S O H-l :§ Ot vO t^ t^ t^ t\ t^ 00 00 CO CO 00 t^ 00 O O t^ t^ t^ 00 00 CO CO 00 fO Th tn so t^CO O 00 CO CO CO 00 CO CO 00 CO CO 00 00 CO 00 >- j^ Jh ;h j-i CO ^ ^ > > o Q < h4 o 12; < 'A y 9 ci pq ti u e?; HH G > H ^ f^ 5^ ^ o W g M .0 u < ^^ o < .*- . K Op:^U O -'-: o 3 o o 3 r '