m \ mm JOHNA.SEAVERNS d: f 7 . W , i ^ib «<.^/ .'*^. "" r «-3 PORTRAITS OF Celebrated Racehorses OF THE PAST AND PRESENT CENTURIES IN STRICTLY CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, COMMENCING IN 1702 AND ENDING IN 1870 TOGETHER WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE PEDIGREES AND PERFORMANCES RECORDED IN FULL THOMAS HENRY TAUNTON, M.A. In the pages of this work the reader will occasionally meet with " a horse of great power, immense girth of loin, high shoulder, broad hoof, and such a head ! the ear, the frontal, the nostril ! — You seldom see a human physiognomy half so intelligent, half so expressive of that high spirit and sweet generous temper, which, when united, constitute the ideal of thorough-breeding, whether in horse or man. The Racer is a noble animal ; but it is his misfortune that the better his breeding, the ivorse his company." ]Vhat -Mill lie do icith it ? By Lord Lytton. IN FOUR VOLUMES VOL. II. FROM 1797 TO 1824 LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON St. iSunBtan's l^ousc Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. 1887 \_All rights reseit'ed} LONDON : PRINTED BV GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LIMITED, ST. John's house, clerkenwell road. . PREFACE. Hie juvenes discant, et anient meminisse seniles. (Here the young may learn, and the aged love to remember.) " I ""HIS publication is designed not only for those more or less ac- -^ quainted with the history of the Turf, and who may have acquired an abiding interest in all that concerns it, but for such of the general community as may desire to know something of those equine celebrities which have figured, in the most captivating of all our national pastimes, as winners of the three great classic races, of the Ascot, Goodwood, and Doncaster Cups, and of other cups, stakes, and matches at different race meetings throughout the kingdom, during the past and present centuries. In the arrangement of the work strict chronological order has been observed, whereby the comparative merits -of the various competing horses can be accurately gauged and estimated at their proper standard. Vol. I. possesses an interest quite distinct from the other three consecutive volumes ; inasmuch as, in the early part of the last century, not only did the horses of that period differ greatly in character and iv Preface. conformation from those of a more recent date, but the comparison was rendered still more marked by the lack of skill in their- delineation. In Vol. II., commencing with the few remaining horses of the last century, the interest begins to quicken, and goes on increasing till the end of Vol. IV. is reached. As will be seen by reference to the printed list of Horses, Vols. II., III., and IV. include most of the winners of the Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger. CONTENTS. Haphazard I Catton 80 Champion . 4 Pericles 83 Cinnamon 6 Pranks 86 Hyale 9 Benedict . 88 Eleanor II Sligo 90 Penelope . 14 Smolensko 92 Quiz 17 Altisidora . 95 Muly-Moloch . 20 Tramp 98 Orville 22 Muley lOI Walton . 26 Cannon Ball 103 Harefoot . 30 Blucher . 107 Brother to Vivaldi 32 Medora 109 Pipylin 34 Partisan III The Turf Pony 37 Gibside Fairy 114 Parasol 38 Prudence . 116 Mandane . 42 Doctor Syntax 118 Miss Coiner 45 AVhisker . 122 Staveley 84 Minuet 125 Selim • 52 Filho-da-Puta 127 Rubens 54 Anticipation 131 Meteora . 57 The Duchess 134 Thunderbolt . 57* Rhoda 136 Whalebone •59* Mervinia . 139 Phantom . • 62 Blacklock . . 141 Soothsayer 66 Magistrate 144 Truffle 68 Reveller 146 X. Y. Z. . 71 Beggar Girl 149 Copenhagen • 74 Wouvermans 151 Pope and Wizard 76 Effie Deans 154 Woful - 77 Sultan . 156 vi Contents. PAGE PAHK Banker iS9 Longwaist 222 Galatea .... 163 Bravura . . " . 226 St. Patrick 165 Canteen . 229 Fair Helen 167 Springkell . 232 Arbutus . 170 Skiff . . 234 Mirandola . '73 Middleton . 238 Paragon (Arab Racer) 176 Memnon 240 Princess Royal . . 178 Fleur-de-Lis 243 Jack Spigot 180 Actaeon 249 Richard 182 Chateau Margaux 252 Godolphin 185 Camel 255 Moses 187 Flexible 258 Theodore . 189 Signal (Arab Racer) 261 Figaro 193 Babel 263 Wanton 196 Tarrare 266 Swap 197 Mulatto 269 Angelica . 199 Bedlamite . 272 Emilius 201 Fanny Davies 27s Barefoot 204 Lamplighter 278 Sherwood . . ^ . 208 Mameluke 281 Lottery 209 Gulnare 286 Isabella 213 Matilda 289 Orelio (Arab Racer) . 216 Defence 291 Cedric 217 Laurel 293 Cobweb . ,. 220 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispieces to Vol. II. — I'St, Draft Conditions of Epsom Races, 1777; 2nd, Portrait and notice of J. F. Herring, followed by Illustration of the Highflyer Coach (of which for some years he was the Driver) ; 3rd, The Whip (with printed account). »• Haphazard ..... 1797 V Champion ..... 1797 ^ Hyale 1797 ^Cinnamon ... . . 1797 1/ Eleanor . . . . . .1798 I, Penelope ...... 1798 1 Quiz 1798 ^ Muly-Moloch 1798 "" Orville 1799 " Walton 1799 • Harefoot 1799 u Pipylin ...... 1799 / C. Wilson's Turf Pony {with Notice). /Brother to Vivaldi .... 1799 V Parasol ...... 1800 t, Mandane ...... 1800 KMiss Coiner iSot / Staveley (ii.nth Portrait .and Notice of Coioiiel F. H. MellisJi) ^ . . .1802 •^Selim 1802 ''Meteora 1802 ^ Rubens ...... 1805 ■^Thunderbolt 1806 /Whalebone 1807 ■^ Phantom (ivitli Pot trait and Notice of Frank Buclde) 1808 •' Soothsayer 1808 1/ Truffle 1808 ^ X. Y. Z 1S08 Copenhagen . . . . . Pope and Wizard . . . . Woful .■ Catton . . . ■ . Pranks ...... Benedict Shgo Pericles ...... Smolensko {Two Portraits). 1^ " . Altisidora ...... Tramp ...... Muley Cannon Ball . . . . . Blucher . . . . . . Medora Partisan ...... Gibside Fairy . . . . . Prudence ...... Doctor Syntax . . . . . Whisker . . . . , . Minuet Filho-da-Puta Anticipation . . . . . The Duchess . . . . . Rhoda . ' Mervinia ...... Blacklock {witli Portraitofjolmjacltson) Magistrate . . . . . Reveller ..... 1808 "^ 1809'- 1809 y 1809 1-^ 1809 i-^ 1809 *-- 1809 f 1809 -^ iSio *- 181.0 * 1810 ^ 1810 " t8io " 1811 ♦- 1811 •' 1811 " 1811 c- iSii -^ 1811 -^ 1S12 " 1812 '' 1S12 •- 1812 " 1813 ^ 1813 ^ 1813 ^ 'I814 "^ 1814'' 181S 1/ L ist of Illnslrations. i- Beggar Girl • 1815 rOxtXxo (Ara b Racer) . . 1820 " Wouvermans 1815 '^Cedric . 1821 '^Effie Deans 1815 tCobweb . 1821 ^Sultan .... 1816 •'I^ongwaist . 1821 ^Banker .... 1816 'bravura 1821 .- Galatea .... 1816 Tlanteen . 182I 1^ St. Patrick 1817 /Springkell 1821 " Fair Helen , . . 1817 /Skiff . . 1821 t' Arbutus .... 1817 ■^iddleton 1822 ^Mirandola 1817 /Memnon . 1822 «^ Paragon (Arab Racer) 1817 *Fleur-de-Lis {with Portrait and Notic t^ Princess Royal . 1818 of A. Cooper, P.A.)*^ 1822 ^ Jack Spigot 1818 ''ActKon 1822 ^'Richard .... 1818 ^Chateau Margaux 1822 ^ Godolphin 181S XJamel 1822 " Moses* {with Portnnt and Notice cf ''Flexible . 1822 T. Goodisson^and same of fames •Signal (Arab Racer) . 1823 Warden. A.) 1S19 •^abel 1823 "' Theodore . 1819 *^arrare . * . 1823 i- Figaro 1819 •IVIulatto ■ 1 1823 ■^ Wanton, &c. 1819 bedlamite . 1823 y Swap 1819 '''Fanny Davies 1823" y Angelica . 1819 ^Lamplighter 1823 f Emilius 1820 ♦Mameluke 1824 >^ Barefoot 1820 '<}ulnare . . . . 1824 / Sherwood . 1820 'Matilda . . . . 1824 ^ Lottery 1820 ■' Defence . . . . 1824 ^ Isabella l,„ -D — .,„;^ ^f 1\ r^ca^ 1820 1 ''Laurel r^niPS Wnrrl T? A 1824 J. F. HERRING. MR. J. F. HERRING in early life was the well-known coachman of the York and London High/Iyer ; but, in the year that Jack Spigot won the Doncaster, St. Leger, he discarded the reins for the mahl-stick and easel. Doncaster, and its Town-Moor associations, whetted won by ch. h. Stretch, by Stride (son of Phaenomenon), five years, 8st ; five ran. Eleanor ran three times more, and was put to the Stud. She ran in 46 races, losing 17 and winning 29. 14 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. penelopp:. PENELOPE was a bay filly, bred by the Duke of Grafton, in 1798. She was got by Trumpator, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of a mare by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, her dam, by the Barley Arabian, out of a dau. of the Byerley Turk, out of a mare by the Taffblet Barb, her dam, by Mr. Place's White Turk, out of a Natural Barb Mare. Penelope's Performances. i8oi. At Newmarket (First Spring), jst iilbs (Frank Buckle), won 250 gs., beating Mr. R. Watt's br. c. Pacificator, by Trumpator, 8st 3lbs, and Lord Grosvenor's ch. f. by Buzzard, all rising three years old. At Newmarket (Second Spring), colts 8st 4lbs, fillies 8st, (F. Buckle), won .^50, beating Mr. Bullock's b. c. Brother to Spear, by Javelin, Mr. R. Heathcote's b. c. Paulo, by Woodpecker, and eight others. At Ipswich, 7st nibs (F. Buckle), won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Golding's b. f. Lampedo, by PotSo's. and Sir C. Bunbury's br. f. Thais, by Trumpator, 7st i ilbs each. S. mg., colts Sst 4lbs, fillies 8st, won ^50, beating Thais, second, and ch. c. Ostrich, by Seagull, last. At Newmarket (First October), colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 3lbs, won ^^50, beating Sir Frank Standish's b. f. by Sir Peter, and four others. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st 4lbs (F. Buckle), won the Oatlands of 200 gs., beating the Hon. George Watson's b. c. Striver, by Delpini, three years, 6st 7lbs, Mr. Howorth's b. h. Chippenham, by Trumpator, five years, Sst 5lbs, Mr. Whaley's b. h. Vivaldi, by Wood- pecker, five years, Sst 5lbs, and three others. PENELOPE. 15 1802. At Newmarket (Second Spring), received 20 gs. (compromise) and also won 45 gs. At Newmarket (First October), for four years old, 8st 3lbs (F. Buckle), ran second in a handicap of 100 gs. each, won by Mr. Ladbroke's ch. f. Marianne, by Mufti, 7st 5lbs (John Arnull), Mr. Watson's b. c. Gaoler, by Volunteer, Sst 3lbs (Clift), being third and last. S. mg., for four years old, colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, D. I., ran second in a subscription of ^166 ']s., won by Sir C. Bunbury's b. f. Eleanor, Sir F. Standish's br. f Sister to Gouty, by Sir Peter, third and last. Penelope ran in two other races this year, without success. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst gibs, A. F. (F. Buckle), in a match of 200 gs., beat Sir Frank Standish's b. c. Duxbury, by Sir Peter, three years, Sst (J. Arnull). At Newmarket, July, Sst Slbs, D. I., ran second for a ^50 purse, won by Lord Clermont's b. c. Rumbo, by Whiskey, three years, 6st gibs ; four ran. At Newmarket (First October), Sst 6lbs, B. C, won 120 gs., beating Mr. Wilson's b. h. Surprise, by Buzzard, six years, Sst I3lbs, b. h. Lignum Vitae, six years, Sst i3lbs, third, and two others. At New- market (Second October), Sst 5lbs, B. C, won ^190, beating Eleanor, Sst 5lbs, and Mr. Howorth'sch. h. Malta, by Buzzard, five years, Sst 5lbs, last. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 7lbs, B. C. (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Lord Sackville's b. h. Whirligig, by Whiskey, five years, Sst lib (Clift). She ran twice more, without success. 1S04. At Newmarket, Craven, gst ilb, D. I., won the Oatlands of 275 gs., beating Chippenham, aged, Sst 5lbs, Mr. Forth's ch. h. Brighton, by Vo- lunteer, six years, Sst 5lbs, third, and three others. At Newmarket (First Spring), received 60 gs. from Colonel Mellish's b. h. Eagle. S. mg., lost each, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Eleanor. S. mg., gst, B. C, won ^50, beating Mr. Dawson's ch. h. Quiz, by Buzzard, five years^ gst, and Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Montalto, by John Bull, three years, 7st. At New- market (Second Spring), Sst gibs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beat- 16 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. ing Lord Sackville's b. h. Dick Andrews, aged, 8st iilbs. At New- market (First October), 8st each, A. F., match for loo gs., was beaten by Mr. F. Neale's ch. c. Bobtail, by Precipitate, aged. S. mg., 8st I3lbs, B. C, ran second for a subscription of i2ogs., won by Mr. Norton's gr. c. Sir Harry Dimsdale, by Sir Peter, four years, yst 7lbs, Eleanor, Sst I3lbs, being third. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 7lbs, B. C, match for loo gs., beat Bobtail, Sst. 1805. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 7lbs, B. C, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Sir Hedworth Williamson's b. h. Walton, by Sir Peter, six years, Sst 61bs. Penelope now quitted the Turf. QUIZ. 17 OUIZ. QUIZ was a chestnut colt, bred by the Rev. Mr. Goodrlcke (who always ran his horses in Mr. Gilbert Crompton's name), in 1798 ; and was got by Buzzard, out of Miss West, by Match'em, her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Old Crab, her dam, by Flying Childers, out of a mare by Basto. Quiz's Performances. 1801. At York, ran second in a sweep, won by Muly-Moloch. At Doncaster, colts, Est 2lbs each, won the Great St. Leger of 250 gs., beating Sir W. Gerard's b. c. Belleisle, by Sir Peter, second, Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. c. Miracle, by Phsenomenon, third, Muly-Moloch, Lennox, and two others ; 5 to 2 against Muly, 3 to i against Lennox, 5 to i each against Belleisle and Miracle, and 7 to i against Quiz (who was ridden by T. Shepherd). At Malton, October 7th, 8st 2lbs, won 180 gs., beating Mr. Robinson's b. f. Cotillion, by Overton (son of King Fergus), 7st i3lbs. Quiz ran twice more this year, without success, once at York and once at Malton, and was now sold to Francis Dawson, Esq. 1802. At Newmarket, April 19th, 8st 5lbs, match for 100 gs., A. F., beat Mr. Payne's b. c. by Toby, 6st ilb. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st iilbs, in a sweep of 600 gs., was beaten by the Hon. G. Watson's b. c. Gaoler, by Volunteer, four years, 7st 7lbs ; five ran. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 7st 2lbs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beating Sir VOL. II. c 1 8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. H. T. Vane's b. h. Cockfighter, six years, 8st gibs. At Brocket Hall, May 28th, 7st 6lbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Hovvorth's br. h. Lucan, by Sir Peter, six years, gst slbs, and four others. At York, lost 4lbs, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating five others. S. mg., 8st 7lbs each, four miles, won the Great Subscription, beating Lennox, Alonzo, and Muly-Moloch ; 5 to 4 on Alonzo. 1803. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st, B. C, match for 1000 gs., beat Mr. Fletcher's b. c. Highland Fling, by Spadille, 8st 7lbs ; and, next day, 8st 5lbs, won the Oatlands, beating eight others. At Newmarket (First Spring), w. o. for ^50, and received two forfeits of 50 and 80 gs. S. mg., 8st 8lbs, in a match for 100 gs., was beaten by Dick Andrews, six years, 9st lib. At Brocket Hall, Herts, w. o. for the Cup. 1804. At Newmarket (First Spring), won .;^5o. At Brocket Hall, 8st i2lbs, won the Cup, beating Eleanor, six years, 8st I2lbs, second, and four others ; and was now sold to Mr. F. Neale, having ran twice more, without suc- cess, beaten once by Penelope and once by Eleanor. 1805. At Newmarket, April 15th, gst 3lbs, not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Sir Hedworth Williamson's b. h. Ditto (Derby winner in 1803), by Sir Peter, 8st gibs. At Epsom, won two plates of .1^50, and at Reading won the Cup. At Abingdon, gst 7lbs, won the Members' Purse of ^50. 1806. At Newmarket, April 9th, gst 4lbs, won the Oatlands of 440 gs., beating the Duke of York's br. h. Giles, by Trumpator, and three others. At Newmarket, May 8th, 8st I3lbs, in a sweep of 50 gs. each, was beaten by the Prince of Wales' br. h. Orville, 8st 7lbs. At Ascot, Sst lolbs, won 120 gs., beating Mr. R. Wilson's, b. h. Brother to Vivaldi, aged, Sst lolbs. Ran once more, without success. QUIZ. 19 1807. At Newmarket, March 30th, gst 3lbs, not placed in the Oatlands, won by Mr. Fermor's b. c. Hippomenes, by Pegasus, four years, yst I3lbs; six ran. At Newmarket (First Spring), won 50 sovs., beating Lord Sackville's br. h. Bustard, by Buzzard, five years, 8st 3lbs ; but, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Hippomenes, and now retired to the Stud.* * " The Druid," in his work entitled " Scott and Sebright," observes that " The new era of steel-engraving seems to dawn with Ben-Marshall and Haphazard : Quiz (1808) is remark- able for its curious Newmarket background, in which the Duke's Stand, a heavy-sterned jockey, a soldier, and a man with a wooden leg, have not been forgotten." CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. MULY-MOLOCH. MULY-MOLOCH was a chestnut colt, bred by the Earl of Darling- ton in 1798 ; and was got by John Bull (a son of Fortitude, by Herod), out of Mistletoe, by PotSo's, out of Maid of the Oaks, by Herod, out of Rarity, by Match'em, out of Snapdra;gon, by Old Snap^ her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers. Muly-Moloch's Performances. 1800. At Doncaster, September 24th, for two years old, 8st each, won a sweep of loogs., beating Mr. Gilbert Crompton's b. c. Dotterel, by Buzzard, and one other. 1801. At Catterick, for horses rising three years old, 8st each, two miles, won QO gs., beating Mr. Fletcher's ch. c. Malta, by Buzzard, and three others. At Newcastle, June 23rd, 8st each, two miles, ran second in a sweep of 240 gs., won by Mr. Brandling's b. c. Alonzo, by Pegasus (son of Eclipse), beating Lord Strathmore's b. c. Highland Fling, by Spadille, and four others ; 5 to 4 against Muly, and 5 to i against Alonzo. At York, August, 8st 5lbs, two miles, match for 200 gs., beat Sir T. Gascoigne's b. c. Doodle, by Restless (a son of Phaenomenon), 8st, both three years old. S. mg., w. o. for a purse of 60 gs.; also, for three years old, colts 8st, fillies 7st i2lbs, won a sweep of 200 gs., beating Mr. G. Crompton's ch. c. Quiz, by Buzzard, Sir T. Gascoigne's ch. c. Lennox, by Delpini (son of Highflyer), third, and Mr. C. Wilson's b. f. Sophia, by Buzzard ; 5 to 2 on Sophia, and 4 to i against Muly. At Doncaster, ran sixth in the St. Leger, won by Quiz (which see). MULY-MOLOCH. 1802. At Newmarket (First Sisring), 8st slbs, A. F., won a handicap sweep of 600 gs., beating the Hon. G. Watson's b. c. Gaoler, by Volunteer, four years, /St i3lbs, the Duke of Grafton's ch. c. Flambeau, by Skyscraper, four years, 7st I3lbs, and Sir C Bunbury's b. f. Eleanor, four years. Est 3lbs ; Muly the favourite. At York, for the Great Subscription Purse, was beaten by Quiz. At Pontefract, 7st lalbs, four miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Fletcher's b. c. Strathspey, by Pipator, three years, 6st 6lbs, Sir R. Winn's b. c. Conjurer, by Beningbrough, three years, 6st 6lbs, b. f. Sophia, 7st gibs, and two others. At Doncaster, ;st 7lbs, ran fifth for the Cup, won by Alonzo, beating Orville, three years, 6st, second, Sir Solomon, 9st 2lbs, sixth, Pipylin, and three others. 1803. At Newmarket (First October), 8st4lbs, T. Y. C. match for 100 gs., was beaten by Mr. Neale's ch. h. Bobtail, aged, 8st 7lbs ; 7 to 4 on Muly, who now quitted the Turf. The three figures in the left-hand corner of the Plate are those of three very astute Turfites of that day, named Trotter, Hardy, and Thompson, in the order in which they stand. The groom's name, at Muly-Moloch's head, was Tod. They are all portraits. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. ORVILLE. ORVILLE was a bay colt, bred by Earl Fitzwilliam in 1799. He was got by Beningbrough, out of Evelina, by Highflyer, out of Termagant, by Tantrum (son of Cripple), out of Cantatrice, by Sampson, out of a mare by Regulus, out of the Ruby Mare, by Mr. Hutton's Blacklegs, out of a dau. of Bay Bolton, &c. Orvillewas the first of Beningbrough's get that ever started; and Wm. Edwards always declared that, while Selim was the speediest, Orville was the best for all distances, he ever rode. His lungs and courage were inexhaustible. Orville ran a four-mile trial with Haphazard, at Lewes, and gave him such a tying-up (at even weights), that the latter never again appeared in public ; and, on the same day, he beat Walton for the King's Plate. Orville was over 16 hands high, was a most difficult horse to ride, and, under the saddle, was very inanimate, and required vigorous riding. Orville's Performances. 1801. At York, August, for two years old, 8st 2lbs each, ran fourth in a sweep of 20 gs. each, won by Lord Darlington's b. c. L' Orient, by Star (son of Highflyer), beating three others. At Doncaster, 8st each, won a sweep of 20 gs. each, beating Lord Strathmore's b. c. Strathspey, by Pipator, second, and three others. 1802. At York, August, for three years old, 8st each, ran second in a sweep of 50 gs. each, won by Mr. Wardell's ch. c. Sir John, by Stride ; four ORVILLE. 23 ran. S. mg. colts 8st 2lbs, ran second in a sweep of 30 gs. each, won by Lord Darlington's b. c. Peter, by Beningbrough ; four ran. At Doncaster (ridden by J. Singleton, junior), won the Great St. Leger of 350 gs., beating Mr. Sitwell's br. c. Pipylin, by Sir Peter, second, br. c. Sparrowhawk (also Lord Fitzwilliam's), by Buzzard, third, Sir R. Winn's ch. c. Tankersley, by Overton, and three others. S. mg., 6st (William Edwards), ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Brandling's b. c. Alonzo, by Pegasus, beating gr. c. Blue Devil, by Beningbrough, third, Strathspey fourth, ch. c. Muley-Moloch, by John Bull, fifth, b. h. Sir Solomon, by Sir Peter, six years, gst 2lbs, Pipylin, and b. c. Asheton, by Beningbrough, Alonzo, and three others. " Will Edwards never got over his chagrin at losing this Cup. He was a mere feather at the time, and begged hard for a curb-bridle, but the Earl's trainer knew the colt to be such a slug that he only replied, ' The further he runs away, the further he'll beat 'em.' However, John Jackson, on Alonzo, and Shepherd, on Sir Solomon, agreed together to make the St. Leger Winner run away. Accordingly they got the lad between them, and, by sly strokes of the whip, on either side, most effectually waked up Orville for him. In vain poor little Edwards shouted out, ' Lll tell the Jockey Club of you,' till Jackson finished the matter by kneeing the bewildered lad on to the rails. But for this Orville must have won." — From " Scott and Sebright," by " The Druid." 1803. At York (Spring), 8st slbs, ran second in a sweep of 20 gs. each, won by Sir T. Gascoigne's ch. h. Lennox, by Delpini ; three ran. At Yerk, August, 8st 4lbs each, in a sweep of 100 gs. each, was beaten by Sir F. Standish's b. c. Duxbury, by Sir Peter, both four years ; three ran. Ran ' once more this year, without success. At York (Spring), gst, two miles, won 120 gs., beating Lord Darling- ton's b. c. by Ormond, four years, 8st 5lbs, and ch. c. Maltonian, by King Fergus, four years, 8st 2lbs. At York, August, 8st 5lbs, ran fifth and last in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by br. h. Haphazard, aged, 8st 24 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. lolbs, Marcia, aged, 8st lolbs, second, Lennox, six years, 8st lolbs, thira. At Doncaster, 8st 5lbs, won a sweep of 50 gs. each, beating Pipylin, five years, 7st gibs, second, and br. h. Doncaster, by Sir Peter, 7st iilbs, last. S. mg., 8st 7lbs each, match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's br. h. Stockton, by Gabriel, both five years, four miles. At Newmarket (Second October), now the property of the Prince of Wales, ran second in a sweep of 25 gs. each, 8st 5lbs, won by Sir C. Bunbury's b. m. Eleanor, six years, Sst 11 lbs, four miles. 1805.' At Brighton, Sst i3lbs, four miles, won the Somerset Stakes of 450 gs. Sir H. Williamson's b. h. Walton, by Sir Peter, came in first. Sir J. Shelley's br. f. Houghton Lass, four years, 7st 4lbs, second, Mr. Howorth's br. c. Enterprise, by John Bull, four years, 7st 7lbs, third, and Orville last, to whom the Stakes were awarded, as being the only horse, out of the four, who had run the full course. S. mg., 8st i2lbs, four miles, won the Prince's Gold Cup of 100 gs., with sweep of 200 gs., beating Houghton Lass, 7st 5lbs, second. Colonel Mellish's b. f. Lady Brough, by Stride, four years, 7st 5lbs, third, and b. h. Harefoot, by Beningbrough, six years, Sst I2lbs, last. At Lewes, I2st, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating the Duke of Richmond's b. h. Rolla, by Overton, aged, I2st 2lbs, in both heats. S. mg., Sst I2lbs each, four miles, for a sweep of 100 gs., beat Walton, both six years old. Ran once more this year, without success. 1806. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 7lbs, B. C, won a sweep of 150 gs. beating ch. h. Quiz, by Buzzard, eight years old, Sst i3lbs, and two others. At Lewes, Sst 7lbs, match for 300 gs., received 150 gs. forfeit from Houghton Lass, 7st lolbs. S. mg., w. o. for 90 gs. At Newmarket (First October), gst, B'. C, won 50 gs., beating b. m. Parasol, six years, Sst I libs, b. c. Staveley (St. Leger Winner 1805), 7st 4lbs, Houghton Lass, Sst 5lbs, and br. c. Henry, by Overton, 7st 4lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st 7lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's b. h. Sancho (St. Leger Winner in 1804), by Don Quixote, five years, Sst (who broke down). Ran once more, without success. ORVILLE. 25 1807. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Qst 3lbs, B. C, won a handicap sweep of 300 gs., beating br. m. Pelisse, by Whiskey, 8st gibs, and ch. h. Enchanter, by PotSo's, 8st. At Brighton, w. o. for 125 gs. At Lewes, match for 200 gs., beat Pelisse. S. mg., won 100 gs., beating ch. h. Cerberus, by Gohanna ; also won the Ladies' Plate, beating br. c. Brighton, by Gohanna. At Newmarket (First October), gst 2lbs, B. C, won 105 gs., beating b. c. Canopus, by Gohanna, four years, 7st 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), gst^ B. C., won 350 gs., beating Parasol, aged, gst. This was Orville's last race.* *" The Druid," in " Silk and Scarlet," says— " Orville was the first of Beningbrough's get that ever started ; and William Edwards always declared that, while Selim was the speediest, Orville was the htiXfor all lengths that he ever rode. His lungs and courage quite inexhaustible. As a proof of this he ran a four-mile trial with Haphazard at Lewes,f even weights, at four o'clock in the morning ; and gave him such a tying-up, at the end of three miles, that Sam Chifney did not persevere with Haphazard, who started no more in public. The King's Plate was run that afternoon, and Will Edwards landed Orville home first, after a punishing race with Walton. Orville was a very difficult horse to ride, and so inanimate and dead-skinned that nothing but a whip that would curl well round him could make any impression. There was a great deal of the coach-horse about him, and he stood very much over with one knee." -j- This was in 1805. The Druid is in error in stating that it was the King's Plate that was run for that afternoon. It was a Subscription Plate of 100 gs., in which Orville and Walton alone contended. 2 6 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. WALTON. ♦ WALTON, own brother to Ditto, was a bay horse, bred by Sir Hedworth Williamson in 1 799, and got by Sir Peter Teazle, out of Arethusa (bred by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in 1792), by Dungannon, out of a mare by Prophet (son of Regulus), out of Virago (Saltram's dam), by Old Snap, out of a mare by Regulus (son of the Godophin Arabian), out of a sister to Black and all Black (commonly called Othello), by Mr. Panton's Old Crab, out of Miss Slamerkin, by Young True Blue, her dam, by Lord Oxford's Dun Arabian, out of Lord D'Arcy's Black-legged Royal Mare. " The Druid," in Silk and Scarlet, says : " Sir John Shelley bought the clever, but cobby-looking Walton, when he was beaten for the Craven Stakes by Aniseed, in the year that Old Eleanor was third. He was awkward to ride, and Buckle said of him that he was ' always on his head for the first mile.' His stock had no great character about them ;* but although he had only seven mares in his first season. Phantom, a winner of the Derby, Vandyke Junior, and Rainbow were among his lucky hits ; Bay Middleton, Ishmael, and Voltaire were out of Phantom mares ; and George IV. was latterly as fond of Walton's son, Waterloo, as he had been in his younger days of the Trumpators and Gohannas. Walton's most distinguished son, Partisan, strained back to Highflyer, through his dam Parasol, by PotSo's, out of Prunella. Trainers used to say of him that he was the finest actioned horse that ever went over Newmarket ; and, after proving the sire of Venison, Mameluke, Gladiator, and Glaucus, he was eventually sold for 165 gs." Herein " The Druid" appears to have made out a case against himself. Besides those mentioned by " The Druid," W"alton was the sire of Mr. Craven's Tooley, a very successful runner ; of Mr. Dundas's Robin Adair, ditto; of Sir J. Shelley's Crecy, ditto; of Mr. Andrew's Nectar, winner of the Riddlesworth, the 2000 Guineas, and 700 gs., all at Newmarket, in the same year: of Sir J. Shelley's b. f. Leopoldine, who, as a three-year-old, won looo gs. at Ascot, and 450 gs. at Newmarket ; of the Hon. Geo. Watson's Harmodius, winner of the Gascoigne Stakes, at Doncaster, and 710 gs., in the same year; of Mr. Peirse's Wrangler, who won 1000 gs. at York, and 500 gs. at Doncaster, as a three-year-old, and, next year, the Great Subscription Purse at * In this opinion "The Druid " (Henry Hall Dixon) is surely somewhat singular. WALTON. 27 York ; of Sir E. Smith's St. Patrick, winner of the Doncaster St. Leger ; of Mr. Gascoigne's EHzabeth, winner of two Great Subscription Purses at York, and other good Stakes ; of Mr. Payne's Privateer, winner of the Port Stakes and 500 gs. at Newmarket, and 400 sovs. at Ascot, in the same year ; and of several other winners, very far above mediocrity. Walton's Performances. 1802. At Newmarket, Craven, for colts rising four years old, 8st 3lbs each, A. F., in a sweepstake of 100 gs. each, was beaten by Mr Sitwell's br. c. Pipylin, by Sir Peter, on whom 5 to 4 was laid ; only these two ran. At Newmarket (Second Spring), for three years old, colts Sst 4lbs, fillies 8st, not placed for a Subscription Plate of ^^50, won by Lord Clermont's bl. c. by Whiskey (afterwards sold to Sir H. Williamson, and named Midnight), beating Lord Milsintown's b. c. Picnic, by Mr. Teazle, second; Sir F. Standish's ch. c. (brother to Eagle), by Volunteer, third ; br. c. Pipylin and four others not being placed. At Epsom, June, 7st 7lbs, heats two miles, won 50 sovs., beating Mr. Scrope'sb. c. Dotterell, by Buz- zard, four years, 8st lolbs, Mr. Whaley's br. c. Wilkes, by Sir Peter, four years, Sst lolbs.the Prince of Wales' br. c. Pacificator, by Trumpator (winner of the first heat), four years, Sst lolbs, and Mr. Durand's ch. c. Morgan Rattler, by Mr. Teazle (son of Sir Peter), three years, 7st 7lbs. No betting. 1S03. At Newmarket, Craven, 6st iilbs, D. L, won the Oatlands (handicap) of 50 gs. each (hf. -forfeit), beating Sir F. Standish's b. c. Duxbury, by Sir Peter, four years, 7st lolbs, second ; and Sir C. Banbury's b. m. Eleanor (winner of the Derby and Oaks in iSoi), by Whiskey, five years, Sst i ilbs ; 5 to 4 against Duxbury, 6 to 4 against Eleanor, and 7 to 2 against Walton. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st 4lbs, D. C. (Duke's Course), won 50 sovs., beating the Hon. G. Watson's b. h. Lignum Vitae, by Walnut, six years, gst ; 11 to 8 on Walton. At York, August, 7st i2lbs, three miles, for four years old, in a handicap sweepstake of 50 gs. each, was beaten, after a dead-heat, by Colonel Mellish's b. c. Stockton (winner, at this meeting, of the Great Subscription Purse, and also of the King's Plate at Doncaster), by Gabriel, Sst 2lbs ; three ran : 7 to 4 on Walton, and, after the dead-heat, 5 to 4 on Stockton. 2 8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. At Newmarket (First October), lost 4lbs, R. C, won the King's Plate, beating Sir C. Bunbury's br. c. Orlando, by Whiskey, four years, iost4lbs, second; and Mr. O'Hara's ch. ra. Allegranti,'by Pegasus, six years, I2st, last ; 5 to 4 on Orlando (winner, this year, of 700 gs. at Newmarket) and 2 to I against Walton. 1804. At Newmarket, April 2nd, 8st gibs, ran second in the Craven Stakes of 10 gs. each, A. F., won by Mr. Howorth's b. m. Aniseed, by Coriander (son of PotSo's), aged, Qst 5lbs, beating Sir C. Bunbury's b. m. Eleanor (winner, this year, of the Gold Cup. and 480 gs. at Newmarket), six years, gst lib, third ; also, not placed, b. h. Picnic, five years, 8st gibs, b. g. Rebel, by Trumpator, aged, gst 7lbs, and four others ; 5 to 2 against Walton, 7 to 2 against Eleanor, and high odds against Aniseed. Sir H. Williamson now sold Walton to Sir John Shelley. At Newmarket (First Spring), list, R. C, won the King's Plate, beating b. h. Duxbury, five years, list, second, and Mr. Howorth's ch. h. Slapbang, by Delpini, aged, I2st ; 7 to 4 on Walton. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 7lbs, B. C, match for 200 gs. (hf.-forfeit), received 100 gs. from Colonel Mellish's b. c. Little Joey, by Coriander, four years, 7st iilbs. At Guildford, list 6lbs, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Martin's ch. f. Enchantress (winner of the second heat), by Volunteer, four years, lost 4lbs, and Mr. Ladbroke's br. c. Rumbo, by Whiskey, five years, lost 4lbs. Walton the favourite at starting ; but, after the second heat, 5 to 2 on Enchantress. Walton won the first and third heats. At Salisbury, list 6lbs, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Richardson's b. h. Little Chance, by Don Quixote ; winning both heats. At Winchester, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, and, same day, w. o. for 60 gs. At Warwick, i ist 6lbs, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Sir W. W. Wynn's br. f. by John Bull, in both heats. At Lichfield, 8st 7lbs each, for five years old, heats three miles, won the King's Plate, beating Sir W^ W. Wynn's b. h. Ashton, by Beningbrough, Sir C. Bunbury's br. h. Orlando, and one other, winning both heats. At Newmarket (First October), list 6lbs, R. C, ran third and last for the King's Plate, won by the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Parasol, by PotSo's (winner also, this year, of the Oatlands and 700 gs. at Newmarket), four years, lost 4lbs, beating Mr. Newton's gr. c. Sir Harry Dimsdale, by Sir Peter, four years, lost 4lbs, second. Parasol the favourite. WALTON. 29 1805. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 6lbs, B. C. (Beacon Course, four miles, one furlong, and 143 yards), match for 200 gs., beat the Duke of Grafton's b. m. Penelope (dam of Whalebone, Wire, Whisker, &c.), by Trumpator, aged, Sst ^Ibs ; 5 to 4 on Penelope. S. mg., Sst 7lbs each, B. C, match for 300 gs., received 100 gs. from Colonel Mellish's Stockton. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst 3lbs, R. C. (three miles, four furlongs, and 139 yards), won .;^50, beating br. h. Pipylin (now Colonel Mellish's), six years, Sst 3lbs, and b. m. Parasol, five years, 7st 9lbs ; 6 to 4 on Walton, 7 to 4 against Parasol, and 50 to i against Pipylin. S. mg. w. o. for the King's Plate. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst gibs, B. C, ran second for the Jockey Club Plate, won by Parasol, Sst 3lbs, the Prince of Wales' roan colt, Petruchio, by Stride, four years, 7st 2lbs, being last ; 6 to 4 on Walton. At Brighton, Sst I libs, four miles, won the Somerset Stakes of 50 gs. each (hf -forfeit), 16 subscribers (value 500 gs.), beating Houghton Lass (also Sir J. Shelley's), by Sir Peter, four years, 7st 4lbs, second ; Mr. Howorth's (late Lord Grosvenor's) br. c. Enterprise, by John Bull, four years, 7st 7lbs, third ; the Prince of Wales' br. h. Orville, by Beningbrough, six years, Sst iilbs, fourth and last. Walton, however, with Houghton Lass and Enterprise, not having run the proper course, and Orville being the only one that did, the Stakes were awarded to Orville, as havino- fulfilled the conditions of the race. At Lewes, Sst slbs, two and a half miles, won the County Plate, beating Colonel Mellish's b. f. Lady Brough, by Stride, (son of Phjenomenon), four years, 7st 3lbs ; 4 to i on Walton. S. mg., four miles, won the Ladies' Plate of 60 gs., beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Cardinal Beaufort, by Gohanna (winner, this year, of the Derby, the Pavilion Stakes, and 200 gs. at Brighton), three years, 5st I2lbs, second; Mr. Ladbroke's ch. c. Impostor (afterwards named Sasenagh), by Waxy, three years, 5st I2lbs, third; and Enterprise, four years, 7st 7lbs, last ; 5 to 4 on Walton, and 6 to 4 against the Cardinal.* Walton now retired to the Stud. Although "The Druid" states, doubtless on good authority, that Sir John Shelley purchased Walton after his defeat by Aniseed (who, by the way, won a large amount for her previous owner, Mr. G. Crompton) in " the Craven Stakes, in 1S04, he ran throughout the whole of his racing career in the name of his breeder. Sir Hedworth Williamson. * (Omitted.) S. mg. (at Lewes, August 3rd), for a Subscription Purse of 10 gs. each, ten subscribers, Walton was beaten, after a severe and punishing race, by Orville, four miles Sst i2lbs each, both six years old; only these two ran. Walton did not run in 1806 • but in 1807, he ran once at Newmarket, in the Craven Stakes, when, carrying gst ylbs (A. F.), he ran second to the Prince of Wales' ch. c. Selim, by Buzzard, rising five years, Sst gibs, in a field of eleven high-class horses. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. HAREFOOT. HAREFOOT was a bay colt, foaled in 1799, bred by, and the property of, J. Wardell, Esq. He was got by Beningbrough, out of a mare by Drone (son of Herod), her dam, by Match'em, out of Jocasta, by Mr. Cornforth's Forester, out of Milksop, by Old Cade, out of Miss Partner, by Old Partner, out of Brown Farewell, by Make- less, her dam, by Brimmer, out of a mare by Mr. Place's White Turk, &c., &c., &c. Harefoot's Performances. 1802. At Newmarket" (Second October), 7st lolbs, A. F., ran fourth and last for a Purse of ^^50, won by Sir C. Bunbury's b. f. Eleanor, four years, 8st lolbs, the Prince of Wales' b. c. Shock, by Waxy, three years, 7st lolbs, second. At Newmarket (Ho.), won 125 gs., and ran twice more, without success. 1803. At Newmarket, Craven, 5st 7lbs, D. I., won the Oatlands of 375 gs.^ beating Lord Clermont's ch. c. Piscator, by Trumpator, four years, 6st 8lbs, the Hon. C. Wyndham's br. c. Galloper, by PotSo's, four years, 5st gibs, br. f. Julia (dam of Phantom), Pipylin, and two others. At Newmarket (Second Spring), received 50 gs. (forfeit) from Pipylin. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st 7lbs, match for 200 gs,, beat Mr. Forth's ch. h. Brighton, by Volunteer, six years, 8st 7lbs, and was now sold to A. Branthwayt, Esq., having ran three times more, this year, without success. HA RE FOOT. 31 1804. At Newmarket (First Spring), gst, B. C, match for 500 gs., beat the Hon. J. Coventry's ch. c. Lismahago, by Acacia (son of Turf), five years, 9st 3lbs. . S. mg., 7st iilbs, in a handicap sweep of 100 gs. each, was beaten by Sir F. Standish's b. h. Duxbury, by Sir Peter, 8st 3lbs, and was now sold to H. Howorth, Esq. At Bibury, lost lolbs, four miles, won a sweep of 610 gs., beating Clodhopper, by Precipitate, Cheshire Cheese, by Sir Peter, and four others ; also received 50 gs. forfeit, at Newmarket, July. At Newmarket (Ho.), 7st I3lbs, three miles, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. C. Wyndham's br. h. Young Eclipse, by Young Eclipse (Derby Winner in 1781), five years, 8st 7lbs. Harefoot ran three times more, this year, without success. 1805. At Brighton, Sst i2lbs, for a Gold Cup, was beaten by the Prince of Wales' br. h. Orville, six years, Sst I2lbs ; four ran. At Canterbury I2st, heats four miles, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Mr. Ladbroke's br. c. Bustard, by Buzzard, four years, lost 4lbs. S. mg., gst, heats four miles, won ;^50, beating three others. He ran four times more, this year, with- out success, and retired to the Stud. Harefoot is the hindmost of the two horses represented in the Print. Moll Tomson, a brown mare, by Sir Peter, never raced, having died in the autumn of 1802. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. BROTHER TO VIVALDI, BROTHER TO VIVALDI was a bay colt, bred by the Marquis of Donegal in 1799, and sold, in 1802, to Major Wilson, for 300 gs., from whom, at Newmarket July meeting in 1804, he was purchased by the Prince of Wales. He was got by Woodpecker, out of a mare by Mercury, out of Cytherea, by Herod, out of Lily, by Blank, out of Peggy, by Old Cade, out of Spinster, by Old Partner, out of Bay Bloody Buttocks, by Bloody Buttocks, out of a mare (bred by Mr. J. Crofts in 1722) by Old Greyhound, &c., &c. Brother to Vivaldi's Performances. 1801. At Newmarket (First Spring), now Lord Donegal's, 8st, match for 100 gs., paid 50 gs. (forfeit) to b. c. Folly, by Ruler, four years, 8st 8lbs. 1802. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 3lbs, A. F., paid 100 gs. forfeit to Sir C. Bunbury's br. c. Orlando, by Whiskey, and was now sold to Major Wilson. 1803. At Stamford, 7st 2lbs, heats two miles, for a purse of 50 sovs., was beaten by the Hon-. G. Watson's ch. h. Trombone, by Trumpeter (son of Trumpator), five years, 8st 3lbs. Was again beaten twice this year, by Orlando, one of the best horses of his day, both being four years old. 1804. At Newmarket, July, 9St lib, A. F., ran second in a sweep of 90 gs., BROTHER TO VIVALDI. won by Mr. F. Dawson's b. c. Hippocampus, by Coriander, tliree years, 8st 5lbs, beating Lord Grosvenor's br. c. Bagatelle, by Sir Peter, three years, 7st i2lbs, and Mr. Howard's b. f. Deborah, by Waxy, four years, 8st 3lbs, General Grosvenor's b. f. Two Shoes, by Asparagus (son of PotSo's), three years, 7st lib, and two others ; and was now sold to the Prince of Wales. 1805. At Bibury, list gibs, three miles, ran second in a sweep of i/ogs., won by Mr. Howorth's ch. h. Wheatear, by Young Woodpecker, five years, 1 1st 5lbs. S. mg., 1 1st lolbs, won 70 gs., beating Young Eclipse, by Young Eclipse (Winner of the Derby in 1786), six years, list, and three others. At Brighton, Sst 7lbs, heats two miles, for a purse of 50 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Ladbroke's br. c. Bustard, by Buzzard, four years, Sst 2lbs ; five ran. At Lewes, 8st 3lbs, 2\ miles, ran third in a sweep of 150 gs., won by Mr. Wardell's b. f. Gratitude, by Shuttle, four years, 6st 8lbs, beating Lord Darlington's ch. c. Zodiac, by St. George, four years, Sst lolbs, second. He ran twice more, without success, and was repurchased by Major Wilson. 1806. At Ascot, 9st, won 155 gs., beating Mr. Forth's br. c. Agincourt, by John Bull, five years, Sst 5lbs, and two others. S. mg., Sst lolbs each, was beaten by ch. h. Quiz. At Ipswich, gst 6lbs, heats two miles, won ^50. At Derby, for a purse of ;^50, was beaten by Mr. Sitwell's br. c. Taurus, by Sir Peter, three years, 6st. At Northampton, gst 3Jbs, heats four miles, won ^50, beating ch. h. Enchanter, by PotSo's, aged, gst 5lbs, and two others. Ran five times more this year, without success. 1S07. At Stamford, gst 2lbs, heats four miles, won ^50, beating Mr. Cave Browne's b. c. Wildair, by Young Woodpecker, three years, 6st 6lbs, and one other. At Huntingdon, gst 4lbs, for 50 sovs., was beaten by Sir C. Bunbury's b. m. Lydia (sister to Eleanor), by Whiskey, five years, Sst Slbs. At Leicester, Qst 3lbs, won ^50, beating Lord Derby's br. f. Magnet, by Sir Peter, three years, 5St lolbs, and three others. He ran three times more this year, and once in 1S08, without success, and retired to the Stud. Brother to Vivaldi's forte was stamina and not speed. He was a good weight-carrier, and got several excellent hunters. VOL. II. D 34 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. PIPYLIN {^Mis-spelt '' Pipeling" in the Engraving) * PIPYLIN was a br. c. bred byS. Sitwell, Esq., in 1799. He was got by Sir Peter Teazle, out of Rally, by Trumpator, out of Fancy, by Florizel, out of Sister to Juno, by Spectator, out of Horatia, by Blank, her dam, by Childers, out of Miss Belvoir, by Grey Grantham. For remainder of pedigree, see Hyale. Pxpvlin's Performances. 1802. At Newmarket, Craven, for colts rising three years, 8st 3lbs each, A. F., won a sweep of 100 gs. each, h.-ft., beating Sir H. Williamson's b. c. Walton, by Sir Peter ; only these two ran. At Newmarket (Second Spring), for three years old, colts 8st 4lbs, fillies 8st, not placed for a purse of .1^50, won by Lord Clermont's bl. c. Midnight, by Whiskey, beat- ing Lord Milsintown's b. c. Picnic, by Mr. Teazle (son of Sir Peter), second, b. c. Walton, and four others. At Ipswich, 7st 11 lbs, heats two miles, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Sir C. Bunbury's br. f. Julia (the dam of Phantom), by Whiskey, three years, 7st 81bs ; three ran. At Nottingham, for three years old, colts 8st zlbs, fillies Sst, heats two miles, won £6^, beating the Hon. L. Savile's br. f. Moss Rose, by Sir Peter, and three others in both heats. At Doncaster, colts Sst 2lbs, fillies Sst, two * This is not a very uncommon error on the part of engravers. The D uke of Grafton's ch. h.Antinous, by Blank, is spelt, in the Engraving, " Antonius." In Mr. Herring's picture of Caravan, his dam. Wings, is described by the engraver as being by Emilius, instead of by The Flyer. There is no such horse as Antonius or Pipeling to be found either in the Racing Calendar, or in the Stud-Book. Mr. Clifton Tomson painted both Hyale and Pipylin for Mr. Sitwell. •liliisii PIPYLIN. 35 miles, ran second in the Great St. Leger, won by Orville. S. mg., 6st, four miles, ran last for the Cup, won by Mr. Brandling's b. c. Alonzo, by Pegasus, beating Orville, second. Lord Middleton's gr. c. Blue Devil, by Beningbrough, third, Sir Solomon, ch, c. Muly-Moloch, by John Bull, and two others. 1803. At Newmarket, Craven, 7st 6lbs, ran last in the Oatlands, won by Mr. Warden's b. c. Harefoot, by Beningbrough, four years, 5st ylbs, beating Lord Clermont's ch. c. Piscator, by Trumpator, four years, 6st 8lbs, second, Lord Egremont's br. c. Galloper, by PotSo's, four years, 5st gibs, br. f. Julia (now Mr. Ladbroke's), four years, 7st 3lbs, fourth. Lignum Vitae, and one other. The Oatlands was always a handicap. S. mg., 8st 3lbs, R. M., match for 100 gs., beat Galloper, 7st 7lbs. S. mg., 8st 5lbs, ran second for ^50, won by Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Squire Teazle, by Mr. Teazle, beating Julia, Piscator, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 5lbs, two miles, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. C. Wilson's b. c. Young Eclipse, by Young Eclipse, 8st, both four years old. At Huntingdon, 7st gibs, for a ^50 purse, was beaten by Eleanor^ five years, 8st 8lbs. At Newmarket, paid 100 gs. forfeit to Harefoot. At Derby, Sst 5lbs, won ^50, beating five others. At Doncaster, gst, match for 100 gs., beat Colonel Meljish's b. c. Little Joey, by Coriander, three years, 7st 7lbs, 1804. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst, match for 100 gs., beat Mr. Howard's b. h. Chippenham, by Trumpator, aged, Sst gibs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 7st, match for joo gs., beat Lord Sackville's b. h. Whirligig, by Whiskey, six years, 7st lolbs. At Derby, Sst 3lbs, heats four miles, won ^50, beating Lord Stamford's ch. h. Turn-toe, by Mr. Teazle, five years, Sst 3lbs, and three others. At Doncaster, 7st gibs, ran second in a free handicap of 50 gs. each, won by Orville, Sst 5lbs. S. mg., gst, heats four miles, won £,^0, beating Sir T. Gascoigne's b. f. Theophania, by Delpini, four years, Sst, and Lord Scarborough's b. f. Rosebud, by Buzzard, four years, 7st 4lbs. 36 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 1805. (Now the property of Colonel Mellish). At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 3lbs, match for 100 gs., was beaten by Lord Sackville's ch. h. En- chanter, by PotSo's, aged, Sst. Same day, Sst 3lbs each, for a ^50 purse, was beaten by Walton, both rising six years. S. mg., Sst 7lbs, match for 100 gs., was beaten by Julia (same age), 7st 4lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst I2lbs, match, ran a dead heat with Mr. Ladbroke's ch. c. Prospero, by Whiskey, four years, Sst lib. S. mg., Sst each, match for 100 gs., was again beaten by Enchanter. At Bibury, i2st each, three miles, match for 500 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's ch. g. Garry-Owen, by Huby, aged. S. mg., list 7lbs, won a handicap sweep of 60 gs., beat- ing General Grosvenor's b. c. Skirmisher, by Buzzard, four years, gst ylbs, and two others. Ran once more, without success, and quitted the Turf. TURF PONY. THE TURF PONY Of Christopher Wilson, Esq., " The Father of the Ttirf" THIS pony was well-known at Newmarket, and also at all the principal race meetings in the North, and was universally admired for his shape, strength, and wonderful activity, being, withal, as gentle as a lamb. His highly-esteemed owner was even better known, as the Father of the Turf, a title accorded to him on the death of Sir Charles Bunbury. By his conciliatory and equable disposition, he effectually united the Sportsmen of the North with those of the South, and succeeded in divest- ing alike their matches and their feelings of that bitter spirit of rivalry, which, unfortunately for the interests of the Turf, had in former days so strongly prevailed, and caused so much acrimony between them. 38 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. PARASOL. PARASOL was a bay filly, bred by the Duke of Grafton in 1800, and got by PotSo's (son of Eclipse), out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's Dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, her dam, by the Darley Arabian, out of a dau. of the Byerley Turk, &c., &c. Parasol's Performances. 1803. At Epsom, ran third in the Oaks, won by Sir T. Gascoigne's b. f, Theophania, by Delpini (ridden by Frank Buckle), beating Mr. Harris's ch. f. Fanny (sold after the race to the Hon. T. W. Coventry, and re- named Laura), by Pegasus, second, Lord Stawell's b. f. Elizabeth, by Waxy, fourth, Sir C. Bunbury's b. i. Pamela, by Whiskey, fifth, and two others ; 2 to i against Parasol, 5 to 2 against Theophania. At New- market (July), for three years old, 8st, won the Town Plate, beating Lord Clermont's b. c. Rumbo, by Whiskey, 8st 4lbs, Lord Grosvenor's br. c. Cesario, by John Bull, 8st 4lbs, and one other. At Newmarket, First October, received 40 gs. forfeit from Sir Frank Standish's ch. c. Brother to Eagle, from Pamela, and from Mr. Howorth's b. f. by Sky- scraper. S. mg., colts 8st 6lbs, fillies 8st 3lbs, won a subscription of £\\o, together with the Town Plate (added), beating the Prince of Wales' gr. f. Nitre, by Precipitate, second, Pamela third, the Hon. Geo. Watson's b. c. Dreadnought, by Buzzard, fourth, and one other ; 6 to 4 against Parasol and Dreadnought, and 5 to i against Nitre. At Newmarket, Second October, yst lolbs, won a ^50 plate, beating Sir C. Bunbury's br. PARASOL. 39 c. Orlando, by Whiskey, four years, 8st lolbs ; 6 to 4 on Parasol. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 5lbs, match for lOD gs., h. ft., received 50 gs. from Lord Stawell's br. f. Elizabeth, 8st. 1804. At Newmarket, Craven, ^st lolbs, won the Oatlands (always a handicap) of 400 gs., beating Lord G. Cavendish's b. horse. Lignum Vitse, by Walnut, six years, 8st I2lbs, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st each, received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Wyndham's br. c. Young Eclipse, by Young Eclipse (winner of the Derby in 1781) both four years old. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st each, match for 200 gs., beat Lord Sackville's ch. h. Enchanter, by PotSo's. S. mg., 7st 5lbs, received 70 gs. from Mr. Howorth's ch. h. Malta, by Buzzard, six years old, 6st 6lbs. At Newmarket, First October, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, won .2^190, beating Sir F. Standish's br. c. Brother to Stamford second, gr. f. Nitre third, and Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Baron Bull, by John Bull, last. S. mg., lost 4lbs, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Norton's gr. c. Sir Harry Dimsdale, by Sir Peter, four years, lost 4lbs, easily, and Sir H. Williamson's b. h. Walton, by Sir Peter, five years, 1 1 st 6lbs ; also received 40 gs. from Lord Foley's b. c. Watery, by Waxy. At Newmarket, Second October, 8st 7lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's b. c. Buss, by John Bull, 7st 4lbs, both four years old. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 8lbs, match for 100 gs., was beaten by Mr. C. Wilson's ch. h. Lennox, by Delpini, six years, 9St ; 4 to i on Parasol. 1805. At Newmarket, Craven, 9st ilb, ran third in the Oatlands, won by H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. h. Giles, by Trumpator, six years, 8st 4lbs, beating Mr. Watson's b. h. Duxbury, by Sir Peter, five years, 8st gibs, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), w. o. for the King's Plate; also, Sst 7lbs, won ^50, beating Lord Foley's b. c. Hippocampus, by Coriander, three years, 7st 4lbs, Mr. Wardell's b. f. Houghton Lass, by Sir Peter, 7st 4lbs, Mr. Ladbroke's br. c. Sir David, by Trumpator, three years, 7st 4lbs, and two others. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 3lbs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beating Walton, 8st gibs, and the Prince of Wales' ro. c. Petruchio, by Stride (son of Phaenomenon), 40 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. four years, 7st 2lbs, in a canter, by six lengths. At Newmarket (ist October), received 50 gs. from Col. Mellish's br. h. Pipylin, by Sir Peter, six years, 8st 5lbs ; also w. o. for 200 gs. and the King's Plate. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 5lbs each, B. C., won 125 gs., beating Sir Harry Dimsdale, after a most severe and punishing race, by a neck ; 2 to I on Parasol. 1806. At Newmarket, Craven, received 100 gs. (forfeit) from Lord Foley's Hippocampus. At Newmarket (First Spring), in a sweep of 200 gs. each, received 100 gs. forfeit. S. mg. gst lolbs, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Abbey's ch. m. Margery, by John Bull, six years, lost, by eight lengths, and one other; also, 8st 3lbs, B. C, won ;^5o, beating Mr. Cave-Browne's b. c. Antipater, by Pipator, four years, 7st gibs, in a canter. At Newmarket, July, 8st I2lbs (D. I.), won ;^5o, beating Sir C. Bunbury's br. f Lydia (the dam of Phantom), by Whiskey, four years, 8st, in a canter. At Newmarket, First October, 8st i ilbs, B. C. ran second for a purse of 50 gs., won by Orville. S. mg., Sstglbs, B. C, received 50 gs. forfeit from Colonel Mellish's br. h. Czar Peter, by Sir Peter, five years. Est. At Newmarket, Second October, 8st nibs, B. C, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Arthur's b. c. Cardinal Beaufort (winner of the Derby in 1805), by Gohanna, four years, 7st 8lbs ; 6 to 5 on the Cardinal. Parasol ran twice more this year, without success. 1807. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st I3lbs, ran third in theOatlands of 400 gs., won by Mr. Fermor's bay colt, Hippomenes, by Pegasus, four years, 7st I3lbs, beating b. m. Houghton Lass second, Orville, Quiz, and two others. She ran three times more, without success. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st islbs, ran second in the Oatlands of 500 gs., won by Lord Grosvenor's b. m.'Violante, by John Bull, five years, gst gibs, beating Sir J. Hony wood's b. c. Delville, by Bening- brough, four years, 7st I2lbs, third, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st gibs, match for 200 gs., D. J., was beaten by Sir J. PARASOL. 4t Honywood's b. c. Bacchanal, by St. George, four years, 7st 4lbs ; 7 to 4 on Parasol. S. mg., 8st (B. C), match for 200 gs., beat Sir S. Sitwell's br. c. Taurus, by Sir Peter, four years, 7st 2lbs, very easily. At New- market (Second Spring), 8st i2lbs, B. C, received 100 gs. from Sir Charles Turner's b. c. Thorn, by Beningbrough, four years, 8st, and was now put to the Stud, where she bred, for General Leveson-Gower, in 1809, the ch. c. Parachute, by Sorcerer; in 1810, for Lord Rossmore, the b. f. Promise, by Walton ; and in 181 1, for the Dulce of Grafton, Partisan, by Walton ; and in 18 17, Pindarrie (winner of the 2000 gs. in 1820), by Phantom, afterwards sent to India ; in 18 18, ch. c. Polygar, by Walton ; in 18 19, b. f. Pastille (winner of the Oaks in 1822, and also the 2000 gs.), by Rubens, and other winners. 42 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. MANDANE. MAN DANE was a ch. f., bred by Thos. Panton, Esq., of Newmarket, in 1800. She was own sister to Enchanter, and was got by PotSo's, out of Young Camilla (bred by the Earl of Egremont in 1787), by Woodpecker, out of Camilla (bred by his Lordship in 1778), by Trentham, out of Coquette, by the Compton Bay Barb, out of own Sister to Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Grey Robinson, by the Bald Galloway, out of Sister to Old Country Wench, by Snake, out of Grey Wilkes, by Mr. Wilkes' Old Hautboy, out of a mare by the Hon. Miss D'Arcy's Pet, out of one of Lord D'Arcy's Royal Mares, in the Stud at Sedbury. Mandane, when in training, was but an indifferent racer, having won only once, at Brighton, in 1803, when she beat Lord Egremont's ch. f Lampedosa (the dam of Mr. Houldsworth's Sherwood, second to Barefoot in the St. Leger of 1823), in a match for 50 gs. Mandane stood just 15 hands high. Mandane's Performances. 1802. At Newmarket (July), for two years old, colts 8st albs, fillies 8st, ran fifth in a sweep of 350 gs., won by the Duke of Grafton's b. f Duckling, by Grouse (son of Highflyer), beating Lord Sta well's b. f. Elizabeth, by Waxy, second, Mr. Ladbroke's b. f Rosetta, by Young Woodpecker, third. Sir C. Bunbury's b. f Pamela, by Whiskey, fourth, and Lord Gros- venor's ch. f Nettle, by John Bull, last. At Newmarket (Second October), 1 MANDANE. 8st lib each, match for loo gs., half forfeit, received 25 gs. com- promise from Mr. F. Neale's b. c. Reptile, by'Precipitate (son of Mercury), both two years old. 1803. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 2lbs, was third and last in a sweep of 100 gs. each, won by Pamela, Sst 2lbs, the Duke of Grafton's ch. c, Jack-in- the-Green, by Buzzard, Sst 6lbs, being second. At Brighton, colts Sst 4lbs, fillies Sst, was last in a sweep of 90 gs., won by Lord Stawell's b. f, Elizabeth, beating the Prince of Wales' gr. f by Precipitate, second, and four others. S. mg., Sst 7lbs, match for 50 gs., beat Lord Egremont's ch. f. Lampedosa, by Precipitate, two years old, Sst. Same day, 6st 6lbs, match for 50 gs., was beaten by Lord Egremont's ch. f. Trinidada, by Young Woodpecker, four years old, lost, and was now taken out of train- ing and sold to Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, who might well have been proud of his stock from this famous mare, who had wasted to a perfect skeleton when this portrait of her was taken by Mr. Herring not long before she died, which was in 1S26. Mandane produced the following blood stock at the Stud, namely, in 1804, Mr. Panton's b. f. Scratch, by Whiskey, sold to Mr. Hunter, and sent to Ireland. In 1805, Mr. Panton's b. c. Ernest, by Buzzard, who died in the spring of 1S09. In 1807, Sir Charles Turner's b. c. Flip, by Whiskey, of whom no record exists, probably died young. In iSoS, Mr. Watt's ch. f., by Trumpator, who died when a foal. In 1809, Mr. Hewett's b. f Manuella (winner of the Oaks in 1812), by Dick Andrews, and dam of Memnon. In iSlo, Mr. Watt's ch. f. Altisidora (winner of the St. Leger in 1813, and dam of Abron), by Dick Andrews. In 181 1, Mr. Watt's b. f. Petuaria, by Orvillc, sold to Lord Cremorne for 3000 gs., and sent to Ireland. In 18 13, Mr. Watt's b. c. Captain Candid, by Cerberus (second in the Great St. Leger in 1816). In 1816, Mr. Watt's ch. c. Procurante, by Langton (winner of the Sapling Stakes at York, in 1819). In 1819, Mr. Watt's b. f Muta (winner of the Sapling and Produce Stakes at York, in 1822), by Tramp. In 1820, Mr. Watt's 44 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. famous b. c. Tinker (afterwards named Lottery), by Tramp, who was sold to Mr. Whittaker, of Dowthorpe Hall, Holderness, in 1824, for 450 gs. In 1821, Mr. Watt's b. c. Brutandorf (sold to Mr. John Clifton), by Blacklock. In 1822, Mr. Watt's b. f., by Whisker. In 1812 she was barren to Orville, in 18 14 to Cerberus, in 181 5 to Dick Andrew, in 181 7 cast her foal, in 1818, 23, and 24, barren to Tramp, and was last covered by Minos. MISS COINER. 45 MISS COINER. MISS COINER was a bay filly, bred by Mr. Fenwick, of Bywell, Northumberland, in 1801, and was got by Don Quixote, out of a mare by Goldfinder, her dam, by Blank, out of Naylor, by Old Cade, out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass (bred by Sir William Ramsden, Bart., in 1723), by Bay Bolton, her dam, by the Darley Arabian, out of a mare by the Byerley Turk, &c., &c. Miss Coiner's Performances. 1804. At Guildford (May 23rd), heats two miles, won the Town Plate of 50 sovs. At Lewes, for a purse of 50 sovs., was beaten by the Prince of Wales' b. h. Rebel, by Trumpator, aged. At Egham, heats two miles, 7st 5lbs, won ^50, and the same at Reading. Ran once more, without success. 1805. At Newmarket (April i6th), 6st 81bs, was not placed in the Oatlands (Handicap), of 425 gs., won by Mr. Kellermann's b. c. Alaric, by Pet- worth (son of Precipitate), beating Mr. Wardell's b. f Houghton Lass (the dam of Comus, Caliban, and Calypso, all by Sorcerer), by Sir Peter Teazle, three years, 7st iilbs, second, and five others. At Epsom, May 31st, 8st 5lbs, won the Town Plate of .;^50. At Ascot, 7st 5lbs, 2^ miles (June 1 8th), won a sweep of 145 gs., beating Mr. Abbey's (late Lord Grosvenor's), ch. m. Margery (sister to Meteora and Musidora), by John Bull, six years, 8st 6lbs, second, and three others. Next day, 7st 4lbs, heats three miles, won .;i^50, beating b. c. Triptolemus, by PotSo's, 7st 46 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 4lbs, in both heats. At Stockbridge (Julj' 3rd), heats two miles, won .;^50 ; and at Winchester (July 17th), 8st iilbs, heats two miles, won £'^0, distancing Triptolemus in the first heat, 8st 8lbs. At Blandford (July 23rd), won ^50, and the same on the following day. At Oxford (August 6th), 7st /lbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup of 150 gs., beating Mr. Kellermann's ch. m. Mary, by Precipitate, five years, 8st 7lbs, second, b. c. Alaric (also Mr. Kellermann's), four years, 7st 7lbs (who was lamed in running and never started again). At Reading (August 27th), 7st 8lbs, four miles, ran second for the Gold Cup (val. 80 gs., with a sweep of 150 gs.), won by Mr. F. Neale's ch. h. Quiz, by Buzzard, aged, gst, beating Mr. Abbey's ch. m. Margery, six years, 8st I2lbs, last. At Egham, 7st 8lbs, four miles, ran second for the Gold Cup (val. 210 gs.), won by Sir C. Bunbury's b. m. Eleanor, aged, 8st I2lbs, beating Mr. Ladbroke's ch. c. Prospero, by Whiskey, four years, 7st lolbs, third, and Houghton Lass, 7st 8lbs, last. Quiz, though entered for this Cup, bolted, and did not return to the scales. She ran twice more this year, without success. 1806. At Newmarket, Craven. 8st 4lbs, D. I., ran second in the Oadands (Handicap) of 50 gs. each, h. ft., eight subscribers, won by Quiz, aged, 9st 4lbs, beating the Duke of York's br. h. Giles, by Trumpator, aged, 8st lolbs, third, and two others, and was now sold to Mr. Butler. At Ludlow (July loth), 8st lib, won 80 gs., beating Lord Wilton's b. c. Bucephalus, by Alexander, four years, 7st iilbs. At Worcester (August 1 2th), 7st i3lbs, heats two miles, won 80 gs. ; on the 13th won 50 sovs., and on the 14th, 8st, heats four miles, won 50 sovs. At Warwick, 8st 4lbs, heats two miles, won .1^50. At Leicester, gst 6lbs, heats two miles, won .^50. At Walsall, 8st 6lbs, heats three miles, won ^50. Ran twice more, without success. 1807. At Ascot (June 12th), 8st 7lbs, three miles, won a sweep of 180 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Dodona, by Waxy, five years, 8st lib, second, and two others. S. mg., gst lib, ran third for the Gold Cup, MISS COINER. Ar7 won by Mr. Durand's ch. c. Master Jackey (the first winner of the Ascot Cup), by Johnny (son of King Fergus), three years, 6st I2lbs, beating Mr. Fermor's b. c. Hawk, by Buzzard, three years, 6st I2lbs, second, and Mr. Ladbroke's br. c. Sir Peregrine, by Sir Peter, four years, 8st 2lbs, last. At Winchester, 8st lolbs, four miles, for the Gold Cup, was beaten by Mr. Fermor's ch. h. Cerberus, by Gohanna, five years, 8st 6lbs, only these two ran. At Hereford (August 20th), won 70 gs. At Leicester Sst lolbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup of 150 gs., beating Mr. A. Smith's b. m. Hebe, by Overton (son of King Fergus), six years, Sst lolbs, after a dead heat. Next day (September 17th), gst, four miles, ran second in a sweep of no gs., won by Mr. Goulburn's gr. h. Grimaldi, by Delpini, five years, Sst I2lbs, beating Major Wilson's b. h. Brother to Vivaldi, by Woodpecker, aged, gst 2lbs, third, and one other. Miss Coiner ran twice more this year, without success. At Winchester (July 21st), Sst I2lbs, four miles, ran third for the Gold Cup, won by Mr. Goddard'sb. h. Mountaineer, by Magic (son of Sorcerer), six years, Sst I2lbs, beating Mr. Dilly's br. h, Gnatho, by Sir Peter, five years, Sst 6lbs, second, and one other. At Oxford, Sst 7lbs, heats four miles, won the Town Plate. At Warwick, Qst 3lbs, heats four miles, won ^50, and next day, Sst lolbs, for a Subscription Purse of 50 gs., was beaten by Sir T. Stanley's b. h. Viper, by Serpent, four years, 7st Slbs ; three ran. At Leicester (September 15th), gst, four miles, ran third in a sweep of 140 gs., won by gr. h. Grimaldi, by Delpini, six years, gst ; she ran once more, without success, and quitted the Turf dying shortly afterwards, when scarcely eight years old. 48 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. STAVELEY. STAVELEY was a bay colt, bred by W. Fletcher, Esq., in 1802, and sold at York Spring Meeting in 1805, to F. H. Mellish, Esq. He was got by Shuttle (son of Young Marske), out of a mare (bred by Mr. Fletcher in 1793) by Drone (son of Herod), her dam, by Match'em, out of Jocasta (bred by Mr. Cornforth in 1767), by his horse Forester, out of Milksop, by Old Cade, out of Miss Partner (bred by Mr. Crofts in 1730), by Old Partner, out of Brown Farewell (bred by Mr. Crofts in 1 7 16), by Makeless, out of a daughter of Brimmer, &c. Staveley's Performances. 1805. At Catterick, 8st 3lbs, two miles, won a sweep of 175 gs., beating Sir W. Gerard's bl. c. Barouche, by Overton, 8st 3lbs, and Lord Strathmore's b. c. Yorkshire, by Sir Peter, 8st 3lbs ; even on Staveley. At York Spring, for three years old, colts 8st each, won 120 gs., beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Caleb Quotem, by Sir Peter, Sir T. Gascoigne's gr. c. Confederate, by Delpini, third, and Colonel Mellish's b. c. True Briton, by St. George, last ; 7 to 4 on Staveley, now sold to Colonel Mellish. At Doncaster, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, two miles, won the Great St. Leger of 25 gs. each, twenty-seven subscribers, beating Caleb Quotem (winner, next day, of the Doncaster Cup), second, br. c. Sir Paul (also Lord Fitzwilliam's), by Sir Peter, third, b. c. Sir Launcelot (also Colonel Mellish's, by Delpini), fourth. Colonel Childers' b. c. Langton, by Precipitate, fifth; also (not placed), Mr. J. Hutton's br. c. Cleveland, by Overton (a son of King Fergus), Lord F. G. Osborne's b. c. Don Felix, by Coriander, Lord Darlington's br. c. Trafalgar, by Sir Peter, Lord Grey's br. c. Young Roscius, by Sir Peter, and Mr. Smith's b. c. Hippomenes, by Pegasus; 5 to 2 against Cleveland, 4 to i against Hippomenes and Sir Launcelot, 6 to i against Staveley, and 10 to i against Caleb Quotem. The previous performances of the two last clearly entitling them to the position of first and second favourites. S. mg., 6st, four miles, in ST A VELEY. 49 the Doncaster Stakes, was beaten by Mr. Garforth's famous gr. m. Marcia, by Coriander, aged, 8st lolbs ; four ran ; 6 to 5 on Marcia. 1806. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 7lbs, match for 100 gs., was beaten by Mr. Arthur's ch. c. Brainworm, by Buzzard, rising five years old, 7st r2lbs; even betting. S. mg., Sst 8lbs, ran second for the Oatlands (handicap), won by General Gower's b. c. Swinley, by Coriander, 7st i2lbs, both rising four years old ;six ran. S. mg., Sst slbs, A. F., match for 200 gs., was beaten by Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Meteora (winner of the Oaks in 1805), by Meteor (son of Eclipse), Sst, both rising four years old ; 6 to 4 on Staveley. At Newmarket (First Spring), received 100 gs. forfeit from Sir J. Shelley's br. c. Moustache, by Whisker. S. mg., Sst slbs, A. B. M. match for 500 gs., beat Mr. Ladbroke's b. c. Cardinal Beaufort (Derby winner in 1S05, then Lord Egremont's), by Gohanna ; 6 to 4 on the Cardinal. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst each, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. Arthur's br. h. Sir David (winner, this year, of the Craven Stakes at Newmarket, beating a good field of horses), by Trumpator, five years old ; 6 to 4 on Staveley. S. mg., 7st 2lbs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beating the Prince of Wales' b. c. Barbarossa, by Sir Peter, four years, 7st 2lbs, second, b. m. Parasol, by PotSo's, six years, Sst gibs, and two others ; 7 to 4 on Parasol, 4 to i against Staveley, and 5 to I against Barbarossa. S. mg., Sst, match for 500 gs., p. p., received 400 gs. (compromise) from Cardinal Beaufort, 7st 7lbs. At Newmarket (First October), received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Howorth's b. c. Plantagenet, by John Bull. S. mg., 7st 4lbs, B. C, ran third for a purse of 50 gs., won by the Prince of Wales' br. h. Orville. At New- market (Second October), Sst. each, Ab. M. match for 200 gs., was again beaten by Brainworm, At Newmarket (Houghton) Sst. each, Ab. M. match for 500 gs., was beaten by Lord Darlington's b. h. Pavilion, by Waxy, five years old ; u to 5 on Pavilion. S. mg., was unplaced for a purse of 50 sovs., won by General Gower's br. m. Pelisse (Oaks winner in 1S04), by Whiskey, beating Parasol and seven others. 1807. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 4lbs each, B. C, match for 500 gs., beat VOL. II, 2 50 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Pavilion; 6105 on Staveley. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st ylbs, won a sweep of 100 gs. each, beating Mr. Shakespear's b. h. Wormwood, by Young Woodpecker, five years, 8st gibs, and one other. S. mg., 8st lolbs, D. I., ran second in a handicap sweep of 100 gs each, won by Lord Grosvenor's b. m. Violante (winner, this year, of the Oatlands, at Newmarket, Craven, and one of the best mares of her day), by John Bull, five years, gst ilb, Meteora, five years, Sst iilbs, being last. At Bibury, I2st, three miles, received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Howorth's (late Colonel Childers') b. h. Langton, five years, list ilb. S. mg., i2st each, four miles, match for 500 gs., paid 250 gs. forfeit to H.R. H. the Prince of Wales' Barbarossa. At York (August) for five years old, Sst 7lbs each, four miles, ran third and last for the Great Subscription Purse, won by the Duke of Hamilton's b. m. Crazy, by Walnut, beating the Prince of Wales' b. c. Trafalgar (winner, at York Spring, of 1500 gs.), by Gohanna, four years old. Horses under five years old qualified to enter, but not over that age ; 5 to 4 against Trafalgar, and 5 to 2 against Crazy. At Doncaster, Sst 3lbs each, four miles, match for 500 gs., beat Lord Darlington's br. h. Trafalgar, by Sir Peter, both five years old. No betting recorded. S. mg., Sst 3lbs, four miles, ran third for the Cup, won by Lord Monson's b. c. Scud (winner of the Great Produce Stakes at York, in 1808), by Beningbrough, three years, 6st, beating Sir C. Turner's b. c. Thorn (winner of the Great Produce Stakes of 1050 gs., at York, in 1807), by Beningbrough, four years, 7st 7lbs, second, and Mr. Johnson's br. h. Sir Andrew (first named Norval), by Hambletonian, five years, Sst 3lbs, last; 13 to 8 against Scud (second in the St. Leger, this year, to Lord Fitzwilliam's b. f. Paulina, by Sir Peter), Scud was the sire of Sam and Sailor (Derby winners), and of Shoveler (winner of the Oaks). Betting 13 to 8 against Scud, and 3 to i against Thorn. This was Staveley's last race. The following notice of Colonel Mellish appeared in the Daily Telegraph of September 8th, 1879 :— Among the many horses which have awakened that Yorkshire roar of which Sir Francis Hastings Do)'le speaks, the owners of some experienced in their time vicissitudes of fortune not less startimg than those which overtook the family of " handsome Jack St. Leger," in whose honour the great race of the North was christened by the Marquis of Rockingham. Two brief entries, in the Annual Register, inform us that "John St. Leger, Esquire," was married to Miss Butler, an heiress with ;^40,ooo ; and, at the same time, that his kinsman, George St. Leger, lay dying in a mean lodging at the Bowling Pins, Rolls Court, Fetter Lane. IaME GO'L.MELLmm. STAVE LEY. 51 There have, however, been far more disquieting reverses in the person of one of the most popular and ardent supporters of the Turf that ever graced a racecourse with his presence. In 1804 and 1805 the brilliant Colonel Mellish carried away the great race of the North, for two years in succession, with Sancho and Staveley, the former being ridden by the renowned Frank Buckle, and the latter by John Jackson. Who that can recall the "unequalled popularity/' as Nimrod terms it, of Colonel Mellish, when at the height of his prestige and fame, can doubt that the racecourse furnishes themes as suggestive as any that ever awakened the eloquence and provoked the denunciations of the most dauntless preacher. After a career upon the Turf which, from his admirable judgment in racing matters, would have been as successful as it was honourable. Colonel Mellish fell a victim to that fatal passion for the dice-box which has rung the knell of so many enthusiastic sportsmen. Colonel Mellish was the son of the Squire of Blyth, near Doncaster, from whom he inherited a noble mansion and large estate. He was an accomplished scholar, and his acquirements served him conspicuously in afterlife. He entered the nth Light Dragoons ; but was speedily, transferred to the " Prince of Wales' Own," the loth Hussars. He was one of the very best whips of the day, a first-rate rider across country, and the best handicapper of horses that had ever been known at Newmarket. A famous horse, belonging to him, named Eagle, by Volunteer, first awakened in Admiral Rous, when a boy at Westminster School, that passion for horse-racing, which was only extinguished by his death, in 1877. The days are long gone by when great matches were in fashion; but if we desire to comprehend the thrilling excitement which once accompanied famous engagements between a couple of much fancied steeds, the still surviving accounts of the great match, at Lewes for 3000 gs. each, in which Colonel Mellish's yellow-bay colt, Sancho, met and defeated Lord Darlington's br. c. Pavilion, by Waxy, both four years old, 8st 3lbs each, four miles, will supply ample materials for our contemplation.* " Which of you will engage me for his coachman, if I am beaten ? " asked the gay Colonel, as he rode up to the Prmce Regent's crowded German waggon, on Lewes racecourse, just as the flag was about to fall, which was to set Sancho and Pavilion going on their four-mile journey. At this time the Colonel's love for gaming had brought Blyth into the market ; but the Peninsular war afforded him a chance of winning distinction in another and a nobler field. He went out to the Peninsula as Aide-de-camp to Sir Rowland Ferguson ; and, just before the battle of Vimiera, a general officer rode up to Sir Rowland, exclaiming that, " Were not the thing impossible, I should have declared that a month ago I had left that officer (pointing to Colonel Mellish), in the Cock-pit at York." Colonel Mellish returned from the Peninsula with the Duke of Wellington's endorsement " as one of the best officers in the service ; " and, though his patrimony had passed out of his hands for ever, yet a successful marriage had enabled him to settle down upon a farm at Hodsack Priory, hard by those acres in Yoikshire which had once known him as the owner. Pulmonary consumption, however, had marked him for a prey ; and, long before the arrival of that forty-fifth year when, in Garrick's words, " The spirit's cool ; that time is long enough to play the fool," one of the most fascinating and accomplished patricians of the age in which he lived had passed away. The table on which Colonel Mellish and the Prince Regent played French-Hazard through the livelong night, previous to the final evacuation of Blyth by its reckless inheritor, is still to be seen at Doncaster. * This match took place on the ist August, 1805, the result of Sancho's defeat by Pavilion, by a head only, in the Claret Stakes, of zoo gs. each, at Newmarket, in the preceding May, 8st 7lbs each, D. L, Lord Egremont's b. c. Hannilal (Derby winner in 1804), and the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Pelisse (Oaks winner in 1804), being third and fourth. E 2 52 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SELIM. SELIM was a chestnut colt, bred by General Sparrow, in '1802, at whose decease, in 1805, he was purchased by the Prince of Wales. 'Selim, own brother to Castrel and Rubens, was got by Buzzard (son of Woodpecker), out of a mare by Alexander, her dam, by Highflyer, out of a dau. of Alfred (son of Match'em), out of a mare by Engineer (son o( Sampson), out of Bay Malton's dam, by Old Cade, out of Lass of the Mill, by Old Traveller, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare (bred by Mr. Crofts in 1731), by Old Partner, her dam, by Woodcock, out of a mare by Mr. Croft's Bay Barb, &c., &c. " The Druid," in his work entitled " Silk and Scarlet," says that " Wood- pecker was a large, coarse horse, with wide lop ears, almost like a prize rabbit, which descended in a marked way to his stock ; that his greatest hit was with Buzzard, who was out of a mare by Dux, and that the blood of this great unknown was destined to flow in the veins of the most wonderful leash of brothers that ever sought glory in the Stud Book." He further observes that " their dam (the Alexander Mare) was such a weed to the eye, that the Duke of Oueensberry (her then owner), could not get £2^ for her, and therefore gave her away to his surgeon at Newmarket. Misfortune was the dam of Buzzard, and her sire. Dux, was a son of Match'em ; Mr. Craven's Bronze, winner of the Oaks in 1806, was sister to the leash of brothers. Castrel (the eldest of the three brothers, and also bred by General Sparrow), says the Druid, "was a magnificent chestnut of sixteen hands high, and with great quality ; and, but for his roaring, there were few better on the Turf. Selim," he adds, *' was given by the Prince to Col. Leigh, when his horses were sold. He was full of quality, and so majestic altogether that no one would have suspected him to be the workman he was at all distances." SELIM. 53 Selim's Performances. 1806. (Now the Prince of Wales'). At Brighton, 8st 3lbs each, one mile, match for 50 gs., beat Mr. R. Ladbroke's br. c. Wormwood, by Young Woodpecker, both four years old. At Newmarket (Second October), gst 2lbs, R. M., won the Oatlands of 150 gs., beating Lord Foley's ch. h. Captain Absolute, by John Bull, aged, 8st Bibs, Sir C. Bunbury's b. f. Lydia, by Whiskey, four years, gst, and one other. 1807. At Newmarket, March 30th, 8st gibs, won the Craven Stakes, beating Sir Hedworth Williamson's b. h. Walton, by Sir Peter, aged, gst 7lbs, second, Mr. Blackford's b. c. Currycomb, by Buzzard, five years, 8st gibs, third. Lord Rous' br. f. Jerboa, by Gohanna, four years, 8st, fourth, and seven others. S. mg., gst each, T.Y.C., ran second for a purse of ^50, won by Lydia, beating seven others. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 3lbs each, Ab. M. match for 200 gs., h. ft., received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Fermor's b. h. Hippomenes, by Pegasus, both five years old. At Newmarket (Second October), lost 3lbs, D. M., won the October Oat- lands of 30 gs. each, beating H.R.H the Duke of York's br. h. Gaiety, by Gouty (son of Sir Peter), five years, 7st iilbs, second. Captain Absolute, aged, 8st albs, and two others. In the following year, Selim ran in the name of Mr. Arthur Shakespear, but whether as his own property it does not appear. 1808. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs, T.Y.C., match for 200 gs., beat b. m. Lydia, by Whiskey, six years, 7st 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), list, Ab. M. match for 200 gs., was beaten by the Duke of York's gr. h. Tim, five years old, and carrying feather weight. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 2lbs, B. C, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Lord Grosvenor's famous b. m. Violante, by John Bull (winner this year of the Oatlands, King's Plate, The Whip, and 480 gs., all at Newmarket), six years, Sst 7lbs. Selim now retired to the Stud, and was the sire of the magnificent Sultan. 54 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. RUBENS. RUBENS (own brother to Castrel and Selim) was a ch. c. foaled in 1805, the property of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. He was got by Buzzard (son of Woodpecker), out of a mare by Alexander, her dam, by Highflyer, out of a mare by Alfred, out of a daughter of Engineer, out of Bay Malton's dam, by Old Cade, out of Lass of the Mill, by Old Traveller, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, her dam, by Old Partner, out of Miss Doe's dam, by Woodcock (son of Old Merlin, by Busder), &c., &c. Rubens was a heavy- topped, fleshy horse, standing quite sixteen hands high, and with a flash of speed like lightning. The Prince of Wales sold him to Lord Darlington for 1500 gs., his Lordship winning upwards of ^12,000 with him. Rubens did not get a very large amount of stock in England ; but Defence, by Whalebone, Ascot, by Reveller, Recovery, by Emilius, and Coronation, by Sir Hercules, were all out of his daughters. His best son was Peter Lely. Rubens' Performances. 1808. At Epsom (now the Prince of Wales'), colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, ran fourth in the Derby of 1050 gs., won by Sir Hedworth Williamson's ch. c. Pan, by St. George (son of Highflyer), beating the Duke of Grafton's br. c. Vandyke, by Sir Peter, second, and Lord Grosvenor's bay colt Chester, by Sir Peter, third ; also (not placed) Mr. Sitwell's br. c. CHnker, by Sir Peter, Lord Egremont's b. c. Scorpion, by Gohanna, and his b. f. Brighton Lass, by Gohanna, Lord Stawell's ch. c. No Conjuror, by Sorcerer, Mr. Ladbroke's b. c. Tristram, by Teddy the Grinder (son I RUBENS. 55 of Asparagus), and Colonel Mellish's b. c. Bradbury, by Delpini. At Brighton (now the property of Lord Darlington), for three years old, colts 9st, fillies 8st gibs, won the Pavilion Stakes of 950 gs., beating Vandyke, second. Scorpion, third, and Mr. Kellermann's ch. c. Zoroaster, by Sorcerer, last. S. mg., 8st 3lbs each, match for 200 gs., h. ft., received ICO gs. from General Gower's (late Colonel Mellish's) b. c. Bradbury. At Lewes, match for 200 gs., received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. VV. Fermor's b. c. by Gohanna. At Newmarket (second October), 6st i2lbs, match for 200 gs., received 100 gs. forfeit from Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Dreadnought, by Buzzard, aged, 6st lolbs. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 7lbs each, match for 200 gs., received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Turner's ch. c. Jock, by Hyacinthus. At Newmarket (First Spring), for horses rising four years old, gst, won a sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft., six subscribers, beating Chester, Est 6lbs, second, Zoroaster, 8st 3lbs, third, No Conjuror, 7st 4lbs, fourth, and Mr. Craven's br. c. Beau Nash, by Trumpator, 7st 4lbs, last. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 7lbs each, B. C, match for 200- gs., was beaten by Vandyke, on whom 5 to 4 was laid. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 7lbs, match for 200 gs., paid 100 gs. forfeit to the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Morel (winner of the Oaks in 1808), by Sorcerer, 8st 5lbs. Morel was sold at Tattersall's, when twenty years old, for eight gs. Were there no green pastures at Euston for poor Morel ? At Newmarket, April 23rd, 8st gibs, A. F., won the Craven Stakes, beating Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Plover, by Sir Peter, 8st gibs, Mr. Douo-las' b. c. by Dick Andrews, 8st, last. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st I2lbs, ran third in a sweep of 200 gs. each, h. ft., won by Lord Foley's b. c. Spaniard, by Young Drone, four years, 7st lolbs, beating Mr. Batson's b. m. Cecilia, by Worthy (a son of Pot8o's), five years, 7st, and Lord Grosvenor's b. h. Eaton, by Sir Peter, six years, gst lib, last. Rubens was now sold to General Gower, and joined his stud at Woking- ham, Berks. 56 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Rubens was the sire of Mr. Dundas' Original, of General Gower's Raphael, of Mr. Neville's Sir Joshua, of Mr. Goddard's Bobadil and Strephon, of Mr. Dundas' Chef d'CEuvre and Orelio, of the Duke of York's Teniers, of Wouvermans, of Dr. Eady, of Vanloo, Moonraker, Peter Lely, Sovereign (sent to America), Holbein, Hampden, Oppidan, &c., &c. Of his daughters, there were Angelica (dam of Ascot), Whizgig (dam of Oxygen), Streamlet, Landscape (winner of the Oaks 1816), Defiance (dam of Defence, by Whalebone), of Device and Design, by Tramp, and of Delight, by Reveller, of Ruby (dam of Coronation), Charming Molly (dam of Mr. West's Shakespeare, by Smolensko), Aigrette, Venom, Canvas, Profile, Rosalind, Omphale, Veil, Pastille (winner of the 2000 Guineas and the Oaks in 1822, and dam of the Duke of Grafton's CEdipus, by Emilius, and of his yEgyptus, by Centaur, of his ^ther, by St. Patrick — all bred by his Grace — and of his Esmeralda, by Zinganee), &c., &c. METEORA. 57 METEORA. METEORA (own sister to Lord Grosvenor's bay filly, Musidora), was a bay filly, bred by Lord Grosvenor in 1802, and got by Meteor (son of Eclipse, and bred by Lord Grosvenor in 1783), out of Maid of all Work, by Highflyer, out of Sister to Tandem, by Syphon, her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Snip (son of Childers), her dam, by Cottingham (son of Hartley's Blind Horse), out of the Warlock Galfoway, by Snake, out of own sister to Buckhunter (afterwards called the Carlisle Gelding), by the Bald Galloway. Meteoka's Performances. 1805. At Epsom, for three years old fillies, 8st each (Frank Buckle), won the Oaks of 50 gs. each, h. ft , twenty-seven subscribers (value 875 gs.), beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Dodona (winner this year, at New- market, First Spring, of a Produce Sweep of 500 gs.), by Waxy, second ; also (not placed), Sir F. Standish's b. f. by Sir Peter Teazle, Mr. Glover's ch. f. by Buzzard (winner this year, of the Prince's Stakes of 100 gs. each, at Newmarket, First Spring), Lord Egremcnt's b. f. by Gohanna, Sir T. Gascoigne's br. f. by Sir Peter, and Mr. Dockeray's b. f. by Waxy ; 2 to I against Dodona, and 3 to i against Meteora. Af Ascot (June 18th), for three years old, colts 8st ylbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (slbs extra for winning Derby or Oaks). 8st 7lbs (F. Buckle), won 145 gs., beating Sir Frank Standish's b. f. by Sir Peter, second, and five others, not placed. At Newmarket (July), won 50 gs. At Chelmsford (August 6th), w. o. for the King's Plate. At Newmarket (First October), colts 8st 6lbs, fillies 8st 3lbs, D. L, won a sweep of 400 gs., beating Sir C. Bunbury's br. f. VOL. II. E 3 CELEB RA TED RA CE HORSES. Lyclia (sister to Eleanor), by Whiskey, and two otiiers. S. mg., 8st (F. Buckle), match for loo gs., beat Lord Barrymore's (late the Duke of St. Albans'), b. c. Merryman, by Buzzard, four years, 8st lib (W. Arnull) ; 6 to 4 on Meteora. iSo6. At Newmarket, Craven (April loth), 8st, A. F. (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's b. c. Staveley, by Shuttle, 8st 5lbs (J. Arnull) ; Meteora ran once more this year, without success. i8u7. At Newmarket, Craven, rising five years, 8st 8lbs, D. I. (F. Buckle), won the Oatlands (handicap), of 50 gs. each, &c. (value 325 gs.), beating Mr. Wyndham's b. f. Glory, by Coriander, rising five years, 7st 3lbs, General Gower's b. c. Swinley, by Coriander, rising five years, 8st lib, third, gr. h. Sir Harry Dimsdale, rising seven years, 8st 11 lbs, and two others. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st albs, D. I. (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Mellish's b. h. Cardinal Beaufort (Derby winner in 1805), by Gohanna, 8st slbs (W. Arnull). At Stamford (July 1st), 8st 3lbs, won the Gold Cup, beating two others. At Newmarket (July 1 6th), 8st gibs (F. Buckle), match for 100 gs., T. Y. C, beat Lord Foley's br. f. Pipylina (sister to Pipylin), by Sir Peter, four years, 7st I3lbs. At Newmarket (Houghton), 8st 6lbs (F. Buckle), won the Audley End Stakes of 300 gs., beating Mr. Goddard's br. f. Bronze (winner of the Oaks in 1806, then Mr. Craven's), by Buzzard, four years, 7st 2lbs, second, and five others. Meteora ran three times more this year, without success. 1S08. At Newmarket, Craven (April 20th), 8st gibs, ran second in the Oatlands, won by Mr. Batson's ch. c. Charmer, by Whiskey, rising five years, 6st i3lbs; seven ran. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st, B.C., ran second in a sweep of 100 gs. each, won by General Gower's (late Colonel Mellish's) b. h. Cardinal Beaufort, 7st 5lbs ; three ran. At Stam- ford, 8st lolbs, four miles (F. Buckle), won the Gold Cup, beating Lydia, six years, 8st lolbs, second, Mr. Sitwell's br. c. Clinker, by Sir Peter, METEORA. 59 three years, 6st, third, and one other. At Brighton, 8st 8lbs, four miles (F. Buckle), won the Somerset Stakes of 50 gs. each, &c., beating Mr. Daly's ch. c. Bob Booty, by Chanticleer, four years, 7st, second, and Lord Egremont's b. h. Canopus, by Gohanna, five years, 8st 5lbs, last. S. mg. (August 5th), Sst gibs, four miles (F. Buckle), won the Gold Cup of 100 gs. (given by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales), with a sweep of 10 gs. each, twenty-six subscribers, beating Bob Booty, 7st ilb, second, ch. h. Cerberus, by Gohanna, six years, Sst i slbs, and two others. At New- market (First October), Sst I3lbs (B.C.), won 145 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Musician (winner this year of the Claret Stakes of 1400 gs., at Newmarket), by Worthy (son of PotSo's), four years, 7st 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), gst, B.C. (F. Buckle), won a Sub- scription Purse of 25 gs. each, p. p., sixteen subscribers, beating Lord Lowther's ch. h. Brainworm, by Buzzard, aged, gst 3lb3. At Newmarket, Craven (April 4th), Qst 7lbs, D.L (F. Buckle), won the Oatlands (handicap) of 50 gs. each, h. ft., fourteen subscribers, beating Lord Foley's b. c. Weaver, by Shuttle, rising four years, yst 2lbs, General Grosvenor's b. c. Rifleman, by Asparagus, rising four years, 6st i2lbs, third, and three others. At Newmarket (Second October), 9st 3lbs, B.C. (F. Buckle), won a Subscription Purse of 140 gs., beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's bay mare Nymphina, by Gouty (son of Sir Peter), and one other. At Newmarket (Houghton), Sst 7lbs, B.C. (F. Buckle), match for 400 gs., was beaten by b. h. Musician (now Lord Darlington's), by Worthy, five years, Sst 2lbs (W. Arnull). She ran once more, without success. 1810. At Newmarket, Craven (April .?5th), Qst 4lbs, was not placed in the Oatlands, won by Lord Jersey's b. h. Langton, by Precipitate, aged, 9st lib; twelve ran. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst iilbs, B.C., won the Jockey Club Plate, beating Mr. H. Vansittart's ch. h. Burleigh, by Stamford, five years, Sst 3lbs, and five others. At Stamford, Sst i2lbs, four miles (F. Buckle), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Andrew's b. h. 6o CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Thorn (a very successful runner), by Beningbrough, aged, gst 2lbs, second, General Grosvenor's b. f. Chryseis, by Asparagus, four years, jst 3lbs, third, and one other. S. mg., won 80 gs., and was put to the Stud, where she threw for Lord Grosvenor, a b. f. Larissa, by Trafalgar, in 1813 ; in 1817 a br. c. Tybalt ; in 1818 a br. c. Capulet ; and in 18 19 a bay filly, Juliet — all three by Thunderbolt (brother to Smolensko). Meteora died in his Lordship's possession, in 182 i. THUNDERBOLT. 57^ THUNDERBOLT. THUNDERBOLT (own brother to Smolensko), was a black colt, bred by Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart., in 1806, and was got by Sorcerer, out of Wowski (bred by Sir Ferdinando Poole, Bart., in 1797), by Mentor (son of Justice, by Herod), out of Maria (the dam of Waxy), by Herod, out of Lisette, by Old Snap, out of Miss Windsor,* by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Sister to Volunteer, by Young Belgrade (son of the Belgrade Turk), out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers (own Brother to Flying Childers), &c. Sir Charles Bunbury commenced the year 181 3 in a most auspicious manner, winning large sums of money both at Newmarket and Epsom with Smolensko, for whom ^5000 was offered and refused before he went to Epsom. Sir Charles was also offered ^2000 for Thunderbolt before he broke down. He slipped up on leaving the stable, and severely injured his off fetlock joint. His stock were mostly good runners. He was upwards of sixteen hands high, possessing great bone and enormous power, with great speed ; but was not entered for the Derby ^ Thunderbolt's Performances. 1809. At Newmarket (First Spring), won the Newmarket Stakes of 475 o-s., beating the Duke of Grafton's bl. c. Japan, by Trumpator, Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Puck, by Alexander, and two others, all three years old. S. mg., 8st 5lbs, received 50 gs. forfeit from General Leveson * Miss Windsor (bred by the Duke of Cumberland), ran in the name of Sylvia during her racing career. 58* CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Gower's b. f. Mirth, by Trumpator, Sst, both three years old. Also, 8st 2lbs each, received 50 gs. forfeit from General Grosvenor's br. c. Trump, by Trumpator, both three years old. At Newmarket (Second Spring), for three years old, colts Sst 4lbs, fillies Sst, won 50 sovs., beating Mr. E.. D. Radcliffe's b. c. Volucris, by Gohanna, Mr. Kellermann's b. c. Cockatoo, by Popinjay (son of Buzzard), Lord Stawell's b. c. Edmund, by Orville, Mr. R. Clark's Minikin, by Whiskey, Mr. H. Vansittart's b. f. Brilliant^, by Whiskey, Sir Charles Turner's black colt Merry Andrew, by Stamford, and three others. Having met with a serious accident soon afterwards, he was taken out of traininsf. \ * WHALEBONE. 59" WHALEBONE. WHALEBONE was a bay colt, bred by the Duke of Grafton, in 1807. He was got by Waxy, out of Penelope, by Trumpator, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia (bred by Thomas Panton, Esq., of Newmarket, in 1756), by Blank, out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass (bred by Sir W. Ramsden, Bart., in 1723), by Bay Bolton, out of a mare by the Darley Arabian, her dam, by the Byerley Turk, out of a dau. of the Taffolet Barb, her dam, by Place's White Turk, out of a Natural Barb Mare. Trumpator was a black horse, bred by Lord Clermont in 1782. He was got by Conductor (a chestnut horse, and son of Match'em), out of Brunette, by Squirrel (son of Old Traveller), out of Dove, by Matchless (son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of a mare by the Ancaster Starling (son of the Bolton Grey Starling), her dam, by Grasshopper (son of Old Crab), out of a mare by Sir Michael Newton's Arabian. Whalebone's Performances. 1810. At Newmarket (First Spring), colts 8st 7lbs each. Whalebone won the Newmarket Stakes of 11 50 gs., beating Mr. Vansittart's gr. c. Treasurer, by Stamford, Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Eccleston, by Cesario, and three others. At Epsom (ridden by W. Clift), won the Derby of 750 gs., beat- ing Lord Kinnaid's ch. c. The Dandy, by Gohanna, second, Eccleston third, and eight others. Whalebone started first favourite. At New- market (First October), 7st, match for 200 gs., received 60 gs. (compro- mise) from Mr. Shakespeare's b. c. Nuncio, by Gohanna, four years, Sst 6o* CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 7lbs. S. mg , w. o. for 375 gs. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 7lbs, D. I., match for 200 gs., was beaten by Treasurer, 8st. S. mg., Qst (A. F,), match for 200 gs., beat Major Wheatley's b. c. Sir Marinel, by Sir Peter, 8st 6lbs. Next day, Sst 3lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Andrew's b. h. Thorn, by Beningbrough, aged, Sst 7lbs ; also received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Shakespeare's Knave of Clubs, by Sorcerer, and 100 gs. from Lord George Cavendish's br. h. Florival, by Shuttle. iSii. At Newmarket (First Spring), paid 125 gs. forfeit to Mr. Wilson's ch. c. Wizard, by Sorcerer. At Newmarket (Second Spring), received 60 gs. from Mr. Vansittart's b. c. Gloster, by Cheshire Cheese. At Huntingdon, gst 4lbs, in a sweep of 50 gs. each, was beaten by Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Barrosa, by Vermin, three years, Sst 3lbs. At New- market (First October), Sst gibs, was beaten in the Trial Stakes by Florival, five years, gst albs. S. mg., lost 4lbs, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Vansittart's ch. h. Burleigh, by Stamford, six years, I2st, and three others; also received 50 gs. from Major Wilson's bl. c. Erebus, by Young Whiskey. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 7lbs, D. L, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. Andrew's b. h. Discount, by Teddy the Grinder, six years, Sst 2lbs. S. mg., Sst 7lbs each, match for 200 gs.^ received 140 gs. from Mr. Shakespeare's b. h. Tumbler, by Trumpator, six years old. 1S12. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst gibs, match for 150 gs., was beaten by Major Wilson's b. c. Bolter, by Walton, four years, Sst. At Newmarket (First Spring), list, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Sir F. Stan- dish's br. c. Mr. Teazle, by Sir Peter, i ist, both rising five years ; also, in a sweep of 300 gs. each, was beat by Lord Darlington's b. c. Trophonius, by Beningbrough. At Newmarket (July), Sst Slbs, won .^^50, beating Lord Rous' ch. c. Flamingo, by Quiz, three years, 6st gibs, and two others, and was now sold to Mr. R. Ladbroke. At Northampton, Sst Slbs, 2)\ miles, won the Gold Cup of 170 gs., beating ch. c. Magic, by Sorcerer, 7st i2lbs, and three others. At Newmarket (Ho.), gst, B. C, WHALEBONE. 61 match for 200 gs., beat the Duke of York's b. c. Turner, by Lignum Vitse, 5st. S. mg., 8st 4lbs, B.C., match for 200 gs., beat Lord Sackville's ch. h. Pan (winner of the Derby in 1808), by St. George, aged, 8st gibs. 1813. At Guildford, i2st, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Captain Vyse's b. h. Bellator, by Cheshire Cheese (son of Sir Peter), five years, list 6lbs, Mr. Fate's br. h. Speculator, by Paynator, five years, list 6lbs, and two others, winning both heats. At Lewes, I2st, four mile heats, won the King's Plate, beating b. c. Lutzen, by Firelock. S. mg., 8st gibs, four miles, won the Ladies' Plate, beating Lord Foley's b. h. Offa's Dyke, by Paynator, six years, 8st gibs. Whalebone now retired to the Stud. His forte was more stamina than speed. "The Druid," in " Scott and Sebright," observes that " short legs, high-bred nostrils and very prominent eyes were the principal trade marks of the Waxy stock, and the mottled- brown AVhalebone was the smallest among them. The standard could never make him more then fifteen hands and half an inch ; and, as he did not seem likely to become fashion- able (as a sire), he was sold at seven, for 510 gs. His old Petworth groom, Dryman, says of him that 'he was the lowest and longest, and most-double jointed horse, with the best legs and worst feet I ever saw in my life.' The Earl of Egremont tried to train him after he bought him, with Octavius, at Mr. Ladbroke's sale, but he never ran after he came into the Earl's possession. When in training his chief occupation was to rear and knock his hoofs together like a pair of caslanettes. His hunters were good, and mostly bays or browns, and Myrrha and Sir Hercules were the last of his racing stock." 62 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. PHANTOM. PHANTOM was a bay colt, foaled in 1808, bred by, and the property of Sir John Shelley, Bart. He was got by Walton, out of Julia (Sister to Eleanor), by Whiskey, out of Young Giantess (dam of Sor- cerer), by Diomed, out of Giantess, by Match'em, out of Molly Long Legs, by Babraham, out of a mare by Cole's Foxhunter (a son of Brisk, by the Darley Arabian), her dam, by Old Partner, out of a sister to Roxana, by the Bald Galloway, out of Sister to Chaunter, by the Acaster Turk, &c., &c. Phantom's Performances. 1811. At Newmarket, Craven, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, rising three years old, ran second in a Produce Sweep of 750 gs., won by Lord Grosvenor's b. f Barrosa (second to Trophonius, by Sorcerer, in the 2000 Guineas), by Vermin (son of Highflyer), beating Sir Frank Standish's b. c. Beresford, by Mr.Teazle, third, and Lord Grosvenor's br. f. Oliveira, by Vermin, last. At Epsom (ridden by Frank Buckle), won the Derby of 1500 gs., beating Mr. Astley's ch. c. Magic, by Sorcerer, second ; also Sir C. Bunbury's b. c. Rival, by Whiskey, Sir F. Standish's bl. c. Wellington, by Trumpator, Lord Darlington's b. c. Hit or Miss, by Haphazard, Mr. John Payne's ch. c. Mountebank, by Gohanna, Mr. Andrew's bl. c. Trophonius, Lord George Cavendish's br. c. Merry-go-round, by Trumpator, and eight others. At Ascot, 8st i2lbs (F. Buckle), won a sweep of 650 gs., beating Wellington, 8st 7lbs, and the Duke of York's b. c. by Sorcerer, Est 7lbs ; 7 to 4 on Phantom, also received 100 gs. forfeit from the Duke of York's b. c. by Giles. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 4lbs each, A. F. (T. Goodisson), match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Udny's br. c. I PHANTOM. 63 Truffle, by Sorcerer (F. Buckle), both three years old. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 5lbs each, received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Shakespeare's br. c. Joker, by Trumpator. S. mg., 8st 7lbs, A. F. (F. Buckle), match for 500 gs., beat Colonel Morgan's br. c. Oporto, by Trumpator, four years, 7st I libs ; also, 8st (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Andrew's ch. m. Morel (Oaks winner in 1808, then the Duke of Grafton's), by Sorcerer, six years, 8st lolbs (William Arnull). At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 4lbs each, D. I., match for 300 gs., received 80 gs. (compromise) from Sir C. Bunbury's br. c. Young Sorcerer, by Sorcerer. At Newmarket (First Spring), for horses rising four years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, ran second in the Claret Stakes of 200 gs. each, won by General Gower's b. c. Rainbow, by Walton, beating bl. c. Wellington, third. Hit or Miss, fourth, and Mr. H. Peirse's gr. f. Albuera, by Beningbrough, last. At Newmarket (Second Spring) 8st ilb, A. F. (Buckle) match for 200 gs., beat Mr. J. Payne's b. h. Crispin, by Waxy, five years, 8st gibs, in a canter. S. mg., Sst 7lbs each, B. C, match for 500 gs., p. p., received 300 gs. (compromise) from Colonel Mellish's b. c. Beverly, by Golumpus, both four years old. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st gibs, R. M., match for 300 gs., beat Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Eccleston, by Cesario, five years, Sst 2lbs, in a canter, by three lengths ; 2 to i on Phantom, who paid three forfeits this year. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 7lbs, each (F. Buckle), match for 500 gs., A. F., was beaten by Lord Foley's ch. c. Soothsayer, by Sorcerer, both rising five years old ; 5 to 2 on Phantom. This was his last race. Phantom was the sire of Lord Jersey's renowned mare. Cobweb, out of Filagree, by Soothsayer, out of Web, by Waxy. He was also the sire of Lord Jersey's two famous colts, Middleton and Glenartney, both out of Web, one of which did win the Derby, and the other ought to have done so. 64 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. FRANK BUCKLE. This eminent jockey was born at Newmarket, but the actual day of his birth is not known, though the register of his baptism is dated July roth, 1766. His father was a saddler, and died when Frank was twelve years old. An uncle was left guardian, who apprenticed Frank to a saddler ; but the youngster showed his contempt for the raw material of the pigskin by throwing up his indentures, and patiently waiting to become better acquainted with it when converted into a saddle. Buckle made his first appearance at Newmarket, as a jockey, on the 17th of May, 1783, on a horse called the Wolf, on which occasion, being then seventeen years of age, he rode 3st 3lbs. In 1807 he married a, Miss Jane Thornton (his second wife), the daughter of a Vet at Lichfield, and removed to Peterborough, where he occupied a farm under Earl P'itzwilliam ; and it was no uncommon practice for him to start from Peterborough on his hack at an early hour of the morning for Newmarket, and, after riding a trial there, to reach home for a six o'clock tea, a distance of ninety-two miles, besides the work on the course. His chief competitor in the pigskin was the well known Hibernian, Dennis Fitz- patrick, who rode Diamond in his great match against Hambletonian. As far as weight went. Buckle could ride 7st 81bs without any trouble ; but, during his late years, he settled down to 8st. His seat was as firm, his nerve as good, his ardour and judgment as keen to the last as at any period during his long racing career. His last race was on Colonel Udny's Conservator, on the 5th of November, 1831, the very day of that month on which, fifty years before, he had entered the Hon. Richard Vernon's stables and service. Lord Grosvenor, Sir Charles Bunbury, and Colonel Mellish were Buckle's chief masters ; though we find him riding for different owners, including the Hon. George Watson, Mr. Cookson, Colonel Udny, the Duke of Grafton, &c. Buckle rode in most of the important matches at Newmarket, his chief opponent being William Arnull, who, in his turn afterwards, was confronted by James Robinson, Sam Chifney, and Patrick Conolly. The veteran jockey. Buckle — /A« jockey of his day — closed his earthly career at Peterborough in 1832. He was attacked on the 31st of January with inflammation, and succumbed to the disorder on the 7th of Februar)', in the 66th year of his age. Honest, true, and able, Frank Buckle, on quitting the turf, left a blank, not easy to fill up. Warm in his friendships, frank and free in his demeanour, and of the strictest integrity, he was greatly esteemed in private life, while, in his professional calling, his relinquishment of the pigskin, and his death, which happened a few weeks after, were universally lamented by the habitues of the turf. In 1792, Buckle won his first Derby, on Lord Grosvenor's ch. c. John Bull, by Fortitude. In 1794, his second, on Lord Grosvenor's br. c. Daidalus, by Justice. In 1802, his third, on the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Tyrant, by PotSo's. In 1811, his fourth, on Sir John Shelley's b. c. Phantom, by 'Walton. In 1823, his fifth and last, on Colonel Udny's b. c. Emilius, by Orville. In 1797, Buckle won his first Oaks, on Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Nike, by Alexander. In 1798, his second, on Mr. J. H. Durand's b. f. Bellissima, by Phfenomenon. In 1799, his third, on Lord Grosvenor's ch. f. Bellina, by Rockingham. In 1802, his fourth, on Mr. Wastell's gr. f. Scotia, by Delpini (son of Highflyer). In 1803, his fifth, on Sir Thomas Gascoigne's b. f. Theophania, by Delpini. RAISfCllK B in 'C KILE PHANTOM. 65 In 1805, his sixth, on Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Meteora, by Meteor (son of Eclipse). In 1817, his seventh, on the Hon. G. Watson's b. f. Neva, by Cervantes. In 1818, his eighth, on Colonel Udny's br. f. Corinne, by Waxy. In 1823, his ninth and last, on the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Zinc, by Woful (son of Waxy). In 1800, Buckle won his first St. Leger, on Mr. C. Wilson's b. c. Champion, by PotSo's. In 1804, his second and last, on Colonel Mellish's b. c. Sancho, by Don Quixote. 66 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SOOTHSAYER. SOOTHSAYER was a chestnut colt, bred by R. O. Gascoigne, Esq., in 1808 ; and sold by him, after winning the St. Leger, in 181 1, to Lord Foley. He was got by Sorcerer, out of Goldenlocks (bred by Sir Thomas Gascoigne in 1793), by Delpini, out of Violet,* by Shark, out of a mare by Syphon (son of Squirt), out of Charlotte, by Blank, out of a mare by Old Crab, her dam, by Dyer's Dimple (son of the Leedes Arabian), out of a mare by Bethell's Castaway, her dam, by Why Not (son of Old Greyhound), out of a Royal Mare. Soothsayer's Performances. 181 I. At York (August), for three years old, Bst 2lbs each (B. Smith), ran second in the Peregrine Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., won by Mr, Garforth's b. c. by Hambletonian (Robert Johnson), beating Mr. T. Duncombe's ches. colt Contigent, by Chance (son of Lurcher), last. At Doncaster (B. Smith), won the Great St. Leger of 25 gs. each, p. p., sixty- three subscribers (val. 1550 gs.), beating Sir Wm. Gerard's b. c. Amadis- de-Gaul, by Hanibletonian, Mr. C. J. Brandling's ch. c. Scamp, by * Violet was also the dam of Sir Thomas Gascoigne's gr. c. Symmetry (winner, in 1798, of the Doncaster St. Leger), by Delpini, of his b. f. Theophania (winner of the Oaks, in 1803), by Delpini, of his ch. f. Thomasina (a mare of rare excellence, who won nearly every race she started for), by Timothy, son of Delpini, of his ch. c. Lennox, by Delpini, and his ch. f. 'J'ooee, by Buzzard — all very successful runners, and all bred and owned by Sir Thomas Gascoigne. g ^ N ^ SOOTHSAYER. 67 Bobtail, third, Mr. Watt's b. c. Beverley, by Golumpus, Mr. Astley's ch. c. Magic, by Sorcerer, Mr. R. Riddell's br. c. X. Y. Z., Mr. Peirse's gr. f. Albuera, by Beningbrough, and twenty-one others ; 2 to i against Magic (second to Phantom in the Derby), and 6 to i against Soothsayer. S. mg., for three years old, four miles, colts 6st each, won the Doncaster Stakes of 160 gs., beating Lord Scarborough's b. c. Pigeon, by Sir Solomon, and two others. 1812. (Now Lord Foley's). At Newmarket (First Spring), A. F., for horses rising four years old, gst 4lbs, w^on a Handicap Sweep of 700 gs., beating the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Grimalkin, by Chance, 8st gibs, Mr. Ladbroke's ch. c. Hamlet, by Hambletonian, 8st ilb, third, Lord Darling- ton's b. c. Hit or Miss, by Haphazard, 8st 6lbs, and three others. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st lolbs, R. M., match for 200 gs., h. ft., paid 100 gs. to the Duke of Rutland's b. f. Elizabeth, by Orville, three years old, 7st 4lbs. S. mg., for four years old, 8st gibs, ran third and last in a Handicap Sweep of 300 gs. each, p. p., won by the Duke of Rutland's b. f Sorcery (winner this year of the Oatlands at Newmarket, and the Cup at Epsom and, in 181 1, the Oaks at Epsom, the July Stakes, and the Oatlands, and 1050 gs., at Newmarket), by Sorcerer, 8st 3lbs, beating Bethlem-Gaber (now Lord George Cavendish's), by Sorcerer, second ; 7 to 4 on Bethlem-Gaber, 2 to i against Soothsayer, and 7 to i against Sorcery. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs each, A. F. (T. Shepherd), match for 500 gs., beat Sir John Shelley's br. c. Phantom, by Walton (Frank Buckle); 5 to 2 on Phantom. This was Soothsayer's last appearance on the Turf Soothsayer was the sire of Lord Jersey's Filagree (the dam of Cobweb, Trampoline, and Riddlesworth, all bred by Lord Jersey), of Mr. Forth's Interpreter (the winner of the 2000 Guineas, &c.), of Lord Foley's Miracle (winner of the July Stakes at Newmarket), of the Duke of Port- land's Tiresias (Derby winner in 1819), of Lord Jersey's Oracle, of Helenus and Witch, of the Duke of Grafton's Rebecca, the Duke of Rut- land's Adeliza, Lord Exeter's Marinella, and other winners. r 2 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. TRUFFLE.* TRUFFLE was a bay colt, bred by Colonel Uclny in 1808, and was got by Sorcerer, out of Hornby Lass, by Buzzard, out of Puzzle, by Match'em, out of Princess, by Herod, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass (bred by Sir W. Ramsden in 1723), by Bay Bolton, out of a mare by the Darley Arabian, her dam, by the Byerley Turk, out of a mare by the Taffolet Barb, her dam, by Mr. Place's White Turk, out of a Natural Barb Mare. Truffle's Performances. i8ii. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 61bs, match for 100 sovs., beat Sir J. Shelley's ch. f. Mock- Bird, by Popinjay (son of Buzzard), Sst 3lbs ; 6 to 4 on Truffle. At Newmarket (Second October), colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, won a sweep of 700 gs., beating Sir F. Standish's bl. c. Welling- ton, by Trumpator, second. Sir C. Bunbury's b. c. Rival, by Whiskey, third, and the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Web, by Waxy, last. S. mg., Sst 4lbs each, match for 200 gs., A. F., was easily beaten by Sir J, Shelley's b. c. Phantom, on whom 5 to 2 was offered. At Newmarket (Ho.), 7st, two miles, won the Garden Stakes of 500 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. h. Pope (winner of the Derby in 1S09, and known at the Stud as Waxy-Pope), by Waxy, five years, Sst 6lbs, second, Lord Jersey's b. h. Langton, by Precipitate, aged, Sst 6lbs, third. Lord George Cavendish's ch. h. Middlethorpe, by Shuttle, five years, Sst lolbs, last. S. mg., received 60 gs. (compromise) from Mr. Shakespeare's b. h. * The admirable portrait of Truffle was painted by Abraham Cooper, R.A. TRUFFLE. 69 Tumbler, by Trumpator. S. mg., 8st 4^1bs, match for 200 gs., beat Lord George Cavendish's br. c. Merry-go-round, by Trumpator, three years, 8st ; 6 to 4 on Truffle. 1812. At Newmarket, Craven, 7st gibs, A. F., match for 100 gs., received 45 gs. (compromise) from Lord Jersey's b. c. Asmodeus, by Eagle, rising five years old, 8st 6lbs. At Newmarket (First Spring), for horses rising four years old, 8st 7lbs each, two miles, ran second in the Port Stakes, of 300 gs., won by Merry-go-round. S. mg., 8st, match for 500 gs., two miles, beat Lord George Cavendish's ch. h. Middlethorpe, by Shuttle, six years, 8st 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st albs, ran third in a handicap sweep of 200 gs. each, for four years old (A. F.), won by General Gower's b. c. Rainbow (winner, this year, of the Claret Stakes at Newmarket), by Walton, 7st 3lbs, beating the Duke of Rutland's b. f. Sorcery (winner, in 181 1, of the July Stakes, the Oatlands, and 1050 gs. at Newmarket, and the Oaks at Epsom, and this year, the Oatlands and 1020 gs. at Newmarket, and the Cup at Epsom), by Sorcerer, Sst 3lbs, second ; also Lord Foley's ch. c. Soothsayer, 8st lolbs, and two others. Val. of stakes, 1000 gs. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 7lbs (A. F.), match for 1000 gs., h. ft., received 300 gs. (compromise) from Lord Foley's ch. c. Bodkin, by Trumpator, three years, 7st. S. mg., Sst 4lbs each, Ab. M. match for 300 gs., beat the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Grimalkin, by Chance (son of Lurcher) ; 5 to 4 on Truffle ; also received 65 gs. from Lord Lowther's b. m. Dimity, by Trumpator. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst gibs (R. M.), match for 300 gs., was beaten by Lord Foley's b. c. Benedict, by Remembrancer, rising four years, 7st I2lbs. At Newmarket (First Spring), gst, two miles, won a handicap sweep of 550 gs., beating Mr. Astley's ch. c. Magic, Sst 2lbs, by Sorcerer, second. Grimalkin, Sst i3lbs, third, and two others; all rising five years old ; 6 to 5 on Grimalkin, 7 to 2 against Magic, and 5 to i against Truffle. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst lolbs (F. Buckle, who rode Truffle in all his races but two), D. M., won a sweep of 400 gs., 70 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. beating- Mr. Pigot's b. h. Mantidamiim,* by Sir Solomon, six years, 8st 3lbs, Lord George Cavendish's br. h. Eccleston, by Cesario, six years, 8st 3lbs, third, and Mr. J. G. Lambton's b. h. Legerdemain, by Shuttle, five years, 8st 3lbs. At Newmarket (First October), Sst Slbs, Ab. M., match for 300 gs., beat Eccleston, 7st i3lbs ; 6 to 5 on Truffle. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 6lbs, Ab. M., match for 300 gs., beat Lord Foley's b. h. Offa's Dyke, by Paynator, six years, /st 1 3lbs ; 7 to 4 on Truffle. Truffle ran once more this year, without success. 1814. At Newmarket (April), Qst ilb, A. F., not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Mr. Glover's ch. h. Slender Billy, f by Young Woodpecker, six years, gst ilb. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 7lbs (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., R. M., beat the Duke of Rutland's b. m. Sorcery, 8st 5lbs ; 5 to 4 on Truffle. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 7lbs each, match for 200 gs., Ab. M., received loo gs. forfeit from Merry-go-round (nowMr. Shakespeare's). At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 4lbs each, Ab. M., match for 200 gs., p. p., received 70 gs. (compromise) from Merry-go-round. Truffle ran twice more, and was now withdrawn from the Turf. * Winner, this year, of the Oatlands, of 725 gs., at Newmarket Craven, beating Octavius (last year's Derby winner, Slender Billy, and six others. f Winner, in 1812, of Gold Cups at Newton and Preston; and, at Doncaster, of the Gold Cup, the Fitzwilliam Stakes, and King's Plate, and of several other races, up to 1817.. The celebrated racing stallion. Truffle, which was some years since purchased from Colonel Udny by the French Government to improve their breed of horses, is on his return to England. The Duke de Guise has sold him to an English gentleman for 1000 gs. Truffle is the sire of Fungus, Abjer, Champignon, and other crack horses, and is now about twenty years old. {Sporting Magazine for October, 1827.) The eminent engraver of the admirable likeness of Truffle, Mr. John Scott, died on Christ- mas Eve, 1827, at a very advanced age. He also engraved the splendid portrait of Sorcerer, Truffle's sire, and many other equine celebrities to be found in these volumes. 'fi-miiisins' I X. V. Z. 71 X. Y. Z. XY. Z. was a bay colt, bred by Ralph Riddle, Esq., in 1808, and • was got by Haphazard, out of a mare by Spadille (son of Highflyer), out of Sylvia, by Young Marske, out of Ferret, by Brother to Silvio (son of Old Cade), out of a dau. of Regulus, her dam, by Lord Morton's Arabian, out of a mare by Lord Chedworth's Mixbury, by Mr. Hutton's Bay Barb (sometimes styled the Mulso Bay Turk), out of a mare by Bay Bolton, her dam, by Coneyskins, out of a mare by Hutton's Grey Barb (a present from King William the Third to Mr. John Hutton, of Marsk, near Richmond, in 1 700), out of a dau. of the Byerley Turk. X. Y. Z's Performances. 1811. At Catterick, in a produce sweep of 25 so vs. each, X. Y. Z. bolted and was distanced. At Newcastle, for three years old, 8st 4lbs each, ran second in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. C. Wilson's ch. c. Camerton, by Hambletonian, beating two others. S. mg., 6st 6lbs, four miles, won the Cup of 140 gs., beating Sir Harry Vane Tempest's b. c. The Engraver, by Shuttle, and two others. At Doncaster, not placed in the Great St. Leger of 1500 gs., won by Mr. R. O. Gascoigne's ch. c. Sooth- sayer, by Sorcerer (Benjamin Smith). Soothsayer was sold after the race to Lord Foley. At Richmond, ran sixth and last for the Cup, won by Amadis-de-Gaul, beating Mr. Jaques' br, c. Merryfield, by Cockfighter. 1812. At Newcastle, 8st 7lbs each, won 75 gs., beating Merryfield ; also, 7st 7'ibs (B. Smith), won the Cup of 130 gs., beating Lord Strath- 72 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. more's br. c. Benedict, three years, 6st, and Mr. Brandling's b. c. Geranium, by Hyacinthus, three years, 6st, last. At Doncaster, 8st gibs, ran second in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, won by Mr. Glover's ch. c. Slender Billy, by Young Woodpecker, four years, 8st gibs, Amadis-de-Gaul (now Lord Darlington's), four years, 8st gibs, being third ; eleven ran. S. mg., Sst . 5lbs, match for 300 gs., received half-forfeit from Mr. Hipkins' ch. c Cannons, by Yellow Blossom (son of Waxy) ; also, 7st 7lbs, four miles, ran third for the Cup, won .by Slender Billy, 7st 7lbs, beating Mr. W. N. Hewitt's b. f. Cwm, by Dick Andrews, three years, 6st, and five others. At Richmond, Sst, four miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Buncombe's b. f. Phantom, by Hambletonian, four years, 7st I2lbs, b. f. Cwm, 6st Bibs, Merryfield, Sst, and three others. 1813. At Catterick, Sst lolbs, in a sweep of 140 gs., was beaten by Sir William Maxwell's gr. c. Viscount, by Stamford, three years, Sst. At Durham, Sst lolbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Viscount, Sst, beating four others. S. mg., gst lib, won £']0. At Newcastle, Sst, won the Member's Plate, beating Mr. Lambton's br. c. Macaroni, by Stamford, and two others ; also, Sst 7lbs, four miles (B. Smith), won the Cup of l6o gs., beating Mr. Fletcher's b. c. Sligo, by Shuttle, four years, 7st I libs, Mr. Don's ch. f. Agnes Sorel, by Stamford, 7st iilbs, and Sir M. Ridley's b.' c. Epicure, by Sancho, 6st 4lbs. At Ormskirk, Sst lolbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Shaw's br. c. Don Julian, by Stamford, four years, Sst. At Pontefract, Sst gibs, was beaten for the Cup, by Viscount, Sst. At Richmond, Sst 7lbs, four miles, won the Cup, beating the Duke of Leeds' ch. c. Hocuspocus, by Sorcerer, three years, 6st lolbs, Earl Fitzwilliam's br. c. Algernon, by Orville, four years, Sst, and two others. S. mg., Sst 7lbs, won no gs., beating Algernon, Cwm, and two others, in both heats (three miles). 1S14. At Newcastle, gst, in the Northumberland Stakes, ran a dead heat with Lord Scarborough's b. h. Catton, by Golumpus, five years, Sst lolbs, stakes divided. S. mg., Sst lolbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Dawson's X. Y. z. n b. c. Biddick, by Dick Andrews, three years, 6st 4lbs, and a b. c. by Cardinal York. At Lamberton (N. B.), w. o. for the Cup. At Pontefract, 9st lib, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. R. Watt's b. c. Tramp, by Dick Andrews, four years, 8st, in a canter, by eight lengths, beating Sir M. Syke's gr. m. Marciana, by Stamford, five years, 8st 6lbs, third and last. At Richmond, 8st lolbs (B. Smith), won the Cup, four miles, beating Biddick, 6st lolbs, second, Mr. Scarisbrick's br. c. Crown Prince, by Warrior (son of Sir Peter), three years, 6st lolbs, third, the Duke of Leeds' ch. c. Hocuspocus, by Sorcerer, four years, 8st, fourth, and Sir Bellingham Graham's br. c. Tempest, by Hambletonian, three years, 6st lolbs, fifth and last. S. mg., 8st gibs (B. Smith), heats three miles, ran second in a sweep of lo gs. each (with ^50 added), won by br. c. Doctor Syntax (also Mr. Riddell's), three years, 7st 4lbs, winning both heats, and beating also Biddick, 7st 4lbs, third, and Crown Prince, 7st 4lbs, last. 1815. At Newcastle, 8st lolbs, broke down in running for the Cup, won by Biddick (sold just before the race to Mr. Lambton), four years, 7st ilb ; high odds on X. Y. Z. ; only two ran. 74 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. COPENHAGEN. COPENHAGEN was a chestnut colt, foaled in 1808, bred by and the property of General Grosvenor, who presented him to the Duke of Wellington in 18 12, by whom he was used as a charger, in the Peninsula, and also at Waterloo. He was got by Meteor (a chestnut, son of Eclipse, bred by Lord Grosvenor in 1783), out of Lady Catherine (bred by General Grosvenor in i 796), by John Bull, out of a mare by the Duke of Rutland's Arabian, out of a hunting mare, three parts thorough- bred. Copenhagen's Pekformances. 1811. At Newmarket, Craven, 7st 5lbs, ran third in a sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft., won by the Duke of Rutland's b. f. Sorcery, beating General Leveson Gower's br. f. by Dick Andrews, 8st 2lbs, second, and two others. S. mg., 7st, match for 100 gs., beat Mr. Fisher's ch. c. Brother to Spaniard, by Young Drone, rising four years, 8st I3lbs ; 6 to 4 on Copenhagen. S. mg., 8st 7lbs (D, M.), match for 50 gs., was beaten by the Hon. Berkeley Craven's ch. f. Tippityvvichet, by Waxy, 8st4lbs, both rising three years old ; even betting. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st I3lbs (A. F., one mile, two furlongs, and seventy-three yards), match for 100 gs., was beaten by the Duke of Rutland's ch. c. Momus, by Quiz, 8st 5lbs, both rising three years old ; 7 to 4 on Momus. At Huntingdon (August 6th), for all ages, 6st gibs, won 100 gs., beating Lord Suffield's b. h. Huntingdon, by Ambrosio, five years, 8st lolbs, Sir C. Bunbury's br. f. Cressida (the dam of Prince Paul, Walton's best son, of Antar, by Haphazard, and of Priam, by Emilius), by Whiskey, four years, 8st lib, COPENHAGEN. 75 and one other. S. mg., 7st, ran third for the Cup, won by Lord Suffield's b. h Huntingdon, 8st lalbs, beating Lord Hinchingbrook's ch. c. Juvenal, by Waxy, four years, 8st 4lbs, and Mr. Fletcher's ch. h. ^sculapius, by Stamford, five years, 8st gibs, last. At Northampton, for the County Purse of 70 gs., heats two miles, was beaten by yEsculapius. At Tar- porley Hunt (Cheshire), colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, ran third and last in a sweep of 120 gs., won by Lord Grey's b. f. Stella, by Sir Oliver (son of Sir Peter), beating Mr. Brooke's b. c. Oliver Cromwell, by Sir Oliver, second, all three years old. S. mg., 7st 3lbs, ran second in the Oatlands Stakes (handicap), of 200 gs., won by Mr. Price's b. c. Flodoardo, by Waxy, three years, 7st, beating three others. 1812. Copenhagen ran twice this year, and was then taken out of training, and became the property of his Grace the Duke of Wellington. After the peace, in 1815, Copenhagen was turned into the rich pastures at Straths- fieldsaye, where he roamed at will till his death. -76 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. POPE AND WIZARD. THIS print (painted by F. Sartorius, and engraved by John Scott), represents the finish for the Derby, in 1809, between the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Pope (afterwards known as Waxy Pope, and, in Ireland, as Lord SHgo's Waxy), ridden by Tom Goodisson, and Mr. Christopher Wilson's ch. c. Wizard (winner of the 2000 Guineas), ridden by Frank Buckle, beating the Duke of Rutland's br. c. Salvator, by Trumpator (ridden by Sam Chifney), third, and Sir C. Bunbury's b. c. Fair Star, by Whiskey (Wm. Arnull), fourth, and six others. Betting at starting for the Defby, 11 to 8 on Wizard (who, unfortunately for his owner, died in 18 13) 9 to 2 against Fair Star, 10 to i against Salvator, and 20 to i against Pope. Pope afterwards w. o. for a sweep of 200 gs. each, h. ft., five subscribers, at Ascot (June 7th), and at Newmarket (First October), carrying 5lbs extra for winning the Derby, won 250 gs., beating three others; and, next day, w. o. for a sweep of 425 gs. ; and, at New- market (Ho.), he won the Garden Stakes of 500 gs. At Newmarket Craven, 18 10, he won 200 gs., and also 200 gs. at Newmarket (Second Spring) ; but, at Newmarket (First October), 8st, A. F., match for 200 gs., Pope was beaten by his Derby antagonist, Wizard, 8st 4lbs. At New- market (Ho.), in 181 1, he was beaten for the Garden Stakes by Truffle. Wizard was a very successful racer, and game to the backbone. Pope was got by Waxy, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank (son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, &c. Wizard was got by Sorcerer, out of a mare by Precipitate (a son of Mercury, by Eclipse), out of Lady Harriet, by Marc Anthony, out of Georgiana (sister to Conductor), by Match'em, her dam, by Old Snap, out of a mare by the Cullen Arabian. \ ^ I I WOFUL.. 77 WOFUL. WOFUL (own brother to Whalebone, Web, Wire, and Whisker, all bred by the Duke of Grafton), was a bay colt, foaled in 1809, and was got by Waxy, out of Penelope, by Trumpator, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, her dam, by the Darley Arabian, out of a mare by the Byerley Turk, her dam, by the Taffolet Barb, out of a dau. of Place's White Turk, &c. Woful's Performances. 1812. At Newmarket (First Spring), for horses rising three years old, 8st each, was not placed in a sweep of 15 gs. each, won by Colonel Udny's br. c. The Corporal, by Orville, beating Mr. Blake's ch. c. Pupil, by Whiskey, and four others. The winner was claimed by the Hon. E. Petre, for 100 gs., according to conditions. At Newmarket (First October), colts, 8st /lbs each, ran third in a sweep of 200 gs. each, h. ft., eight subscribers, won by Sir John Shelley's ch. c. Comus, by Sorcerer, beat- ing Lord Stawell's br. c. Cato, by Sancho, and three others. S. mg., 8st 4lbs each, R, M., for three years old, won a sweep of 100 gs. each, beating Mr. Craven's br. c, Tooley, by Walton, and Mr. Payne's ro. c. Mounte- bank, by Gohanna, last ; 5 to 4 on Woful. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st gibs, R. M., ran second in the Oatlands, won by Lord Egre- mont's b. f Sister to Castanea, by Gohanna, three years, 7st 3lbs, beat- ing Tooley, 7st 6lbs, third, and two others. At Newmarket (Ho.), 7st 4lbs, match for 200 gs., p. p., received 150 gs. compromise from Lord Lowther's b. m. Dimity, by Trumpator, five years, 8st lolbs. Next day 7« CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. (S. mg.), 8st 4lbs, won a handicap sweep of 50 gs. each, beating Tooley, 7st lolbs, Mr. Andrew's bl. c. Trophonius, by Sorcerer, four years, 8st, and Mr. Ladbroke's ch. c. Hamlet, four years, 8st I2lbs. S, mg., 7st i3lbs, Ab. M., match for 200 gs., received 80 gs. compromise from the Dulce of York's b. c. Pointers, by Giles. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st, ran second in the Oatlands, won by the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Grimalkin, by Chance, five years, 8st i2lbs, beat- ing eight others ; 7 to 4 against Grimalkin, and 7 to 2 against Woful. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st gibs, R. M., match for 200 gs., beat Lord Foley's ch. c. Bodkin, by Trumpator, 7st gibs, both four years old ; 2 to I on Woful. S. mg., 8st 5lbs, R. M., match for 200 gs., beat Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Gaber, by Sorcerer, five years old, 8st 7lbs ; 5 to 2 on Woful, At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 4lbs each, D, L, match for 200 gs., received 50 gs. compromise from Mr. Craven's br, c. Tooley. At Newmarket (First October), 8st ]2lbs, D. L, match for 300 gs., h. ft., received 1 50 gs. forfeit from Tooley. S. mg., 8st lolbs, T. Y. C, match for 200 gs., received 75 gs. compromise from Mr. Craven's b. c. The Captain, by Waxy, three years, 7st 3lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 6lbs, ran third in the Garden Stakes, of 100 gs. each, p. p., won by Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Eccleston, by Cesario, six years, Sst 7lbs, beating Lord Jersey's b. c. Oscar, by Hyperion (son of Highflyer), four years, /st 4lbs, second ; also, Lord Stawell's br. c. Cato, four yearq, 8st 4lbs, Colonel Udny's ch. f. Emily (the dam of Emilius), by Stamford, three years, 7st 4lbs, and one other, S. mg., Sst gibs, Ab. M., match for 300 gs., was beaten by the Duke of York's ch. c. Aladdin, by Giles (son of Trumpator), three years, 7st 6]bs. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st gibs, for 200 gs., p.- p., beat Cato, 8st ; 6 to 4 on Cato. 1814. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst lolbs, three miles, match for 150 gs., beat General Gower's, b. f. Lama, by Orville, four years, 6st i3lbs. At New- market (First Spring), for four years old, two miles, Sst lolbs, ran second WOFUL. 79 in a sweep of loo gs. each, h. ft., six subscribers, won by Mr. Stanlake Batson's b. f. Pranks, by Hyperion, 7st iilbs, beating the Duke of York's b. c. Pointers, by Giles, 8st 5lbs, last ; all rising five years old ; 5 to i against Pranks. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 3lbs, D. I., match for 300 gs., beat the Duke of Rutland's b. h. Grimalkin, by Chance (son of Lurcher), six years, 8st 7lbs ; 6 to 4 on Woful. At Newmarket (First October), Sst 4lbs each, A. F., match for 300 gs., h. ft., paid 150 gs. to the Hon. George Watson's b. h. Pericles, by Evander. S. mg., Sst 2lbs each, two miles, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Lord Foley's br. h. Teasdale, by Mr. Teazle (son of Sir Peter) ; Woful broke down in running, and, in consequence, paid forfeit to Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Alcohol, by Whiskey, at Newmarket (Ho.), and retired to the Stud. Woful was the sire of Lord Exeter's famous mare, Augusta, the dam of his chestnut filly, Acacia, by Phantom, and of his Lordship's equally famous chestnut colt, Augustus, by Sultan. 8o CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. CATTON. CATTON was a bay colt, bred by the Earl of Scarborough, in 1809, and was got by Golumpus (son of Gohanna), out of Lucy Gray, by Timothy (son of Delpini), out of Lucy, by Florizel (son of Herod), out of Frenzy (dam of Phenomenon), by Eclipse, out of a mare by Engineer (son of Sampson), her dam, by Blank, out of Lass of the Mill, by Old Traveller, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare by Old Partner, &c., &c. Catton's Performances. 1812. At York (August 26th), for three years old, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 7st i3lbs, won a sweep of 275 gs., beating Mr. T. Duncombe's b. c. Langold (winner, this year, of the Doncaster Stakes), by Stamford ; only two ran. At Doncaster, was not placed in the Great St. Leger, won by Mr. Robb's b. c. Otterington, by Golumpus, beating Lord Stratbmore's br. c. by Remembrancer, Mr. Beckwith's b. c. Herrington, by Remembrancer, third, Mr. Hewett's b. f. Manuella (winner of the Oaks), by Dick Andrews, out of Mandane, by PotSo's, and nineteen others. S. mg., 8st 5lbs each (St. Leger Course), in the Gascoigne Stakes of 100 gs. each, &c., was beaten a length by Herrington. 1813. At York (Spring), 8 st slbs each, two miles, ran second in a sweep of iSogs., won by Mr. Fletcher's b. c. Sligo, by Shuttle (son of Young Marske), beating Otterington, Langold, and three others. S. mg., 8st each, ran second in the Constitution Stakes of 240 gs., won by Sligo, beating CATTON. 8 1 Earl Fitzwjlliam's (afterwards Lord Jersey's) b. c. Fugitive, by Camillus, Otterington, and seven others. At Preston (July), 8st each, four miles, ran second for Jihe Cup of 300 gs., won by Sir William Maxwell's gr. c. Viscount, by Stamford, beating Manuella and two others. Next day, heats three miles, won 70 gs. At York (August 23rd), lost 4lbs each, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Otterington and another. At Doncaster, 8st 7lbs each, for four years old, won 130 gs., beating Earl Fitzwilliam's br. c. Algernon, by Orville, and also won 100 gs., beating four others. 1814. At York (Spring), 8st gibs, ran second in the Constitution Stakes, won by Mr. Gascoigne's b. c. Cannon Ball, by Sancho, four years, 8st, beating Viscount, five years, 8st gibs, and two others. At Newcastle, 8st gibs, ran a dead heat in the Northumberland Stakes with Mr. Riddell's b. h. X. Y. Z., six years, gst ; stakes divided; four ran. At York (August), 8st lolbs, two miles, ran second in a sweep of 250 gs., won by Mr. R. Watt's ch. f. Altisidora (winner of last year's St. Leger), by Dick Andrews, four years, 8st ; four ran. S. mg., 8st 7lbs each, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Mr. Hodgson's ch. h. Skip, by Stride ; only two ran ; and, on the following day, won the second Great Subscrip- tion, beating Lord Oueensberry's b. h. Epperston, by Delpini, and one other. At Doncaster, gst ilb, won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating Mr. R. Watt's b. c. Tramp, by Dick Andrews, four years, 8st gibs ; and three others. S. mg., 8st 3lbs, four miles, won the Doncaster Stakes, beating Fugitive, four years, 7st 7lbs, and one other. 1815. At York (Spring), 8st I3lbs, three miles, won tlie Gold Cup, beatino- Mr. H. Peirse's b. f. Rosanne, by Dick Andrews, four years, 7st i2lbs, and two others. S. mg., won 150 gs. At York (August 21st), gst, two miles, won 250 gs., beating ch. m. Altisidora, five years, 8st lolbs, and gr. h. Viscount, six years, gst ; also, 8st lolbs each, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Altisidora. At Doncaster, 8st lolbs, won the Doncaster Stakes, four miles, again beating Altisidora, 8st 3lbs. VOL. II. G 82 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 1816. At York (Spring), 8st i3lbs, two miles, won the Gold Cup, beatino; Colonel King's b. c. Fulford, by Orville, four years, 7st i2lbs, and four others. At Newcastle-on-Tyne, 8st lolbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Lambton's br. c. Shepherd, by Sir Harry Dimsdale, four years, 7st iilbs; only two ran. At York (August 17th), gst, two miles, won 250 gs., beating a bay filly by Camillus (son of Hambletonian), and a bay colt by Orville ; also, w. o. for the Great Subscription Purse. At Doncaster, 8st lolbs, four miles, won the Doncaster Stakes, beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Dinmont, by Orville, four years, 7st 7lbs. 1817. At Pontefract, won a purse of 80 gs. ; ran three times more, without success, and joined Lord Scarborough's Stud, at Sandbeck, and became a sire of considerable eminence. PERICLES. 83 PERICLES. PERICLES was a very dark brown colt, with a tan muzzle, and was bred by Charles Tibbits, Esq., of Barton Seagrave Hall, near Kettering, in 1S09. He was got by Evander (son of Delpini), out of a mare by Precipitate (son of Mercury), out of sister to Ospray, by Highflyer, out of a mare by Old Snap, her dam, by Lord Oxford's Bay Barb, out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers (son of the Darley Arabian). Evander was a grey hofse, bred by William Garforth, Esq., of Wigginthorpe, in 180I5 and got by Delpini, out of Caroline (bred by Mr. Garforth in 1793), by Phenomenon, out of Faith (bred by Mr. Garforth in 1779), by Pacolet (son of Blank), out of Atalanta, by Match'em, out of Lass-of-the- Mill, by Oroonoko (brother to Othello), out of sister to Clarke's Lass-of- the-Mill, by Old Traveller, &c. Evander was sent to Russia in 1813. " Pericles stood a trifle over sixteen hands high. His expressive head, set on to a finely-shaped and muscular neck, was full of quality. He had good sloping shoulders, well defined, strong arms, with good loins, and powerful quarters well let down. His feet were excellent, and his legs capable of standing any amount of work, and he was, withal, one of the gamest horses that ever looked through a bridle. The portrait of the Jockey is that of William Arnull." Pericles' Performances. 1812. At Northampton (Sept. 9th), w. o. for a sweepstakes of 100 gs. Same day, 6st 6lbs, three miles and a quarter, was not placed for the Gold Cup, won by the Duke of Grafton's b. h. Whalebone, by Waxy, five years, 8st 81bs, beating Mr. Astley's ch. c. Magic (second to Phantom G 2 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. in the Derby), by Sorcerer, four years, "jst i2lbs, Mr. Andrew's br. h. Discount, by Teddy the Grinder (son of Asparagus, by PotSo's), third, and the Dui-ce of Rutland's hi. f. Thalestris, by Alexander. Next day, 6st i2lbs, won 60 gs., beating Thalestris, 6st lolbs, both three years old. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven (April 21st), 8st gibs (ridden by William Arnull), ran second in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. S. Batson's ch. f. Pranks, by Hyperion (son of Highflyer) ; four ran. At Stamford, 7st 7lbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Wilson's b. c. Wisdom, by Sir Solomon, four years, /st ylbs, Mr. Sisson's b. m. Folly, by Young Drone, five years, 8st 7lbs, third, and one other. Next day (July 8th), won 60 gs. At Canterbury (August 24th), for all ages, two miles, eleven subscribers (ridden by J. Edwards), 8st 4lbs each, won a sweepstakes of 10 gs. each, beating Mr. Baldock's b. c. Expectation (winner of the pre- ceding race of 20 gs. each, four miles), by Orville, four years, 7st 7lbs. S. mg. (next day), lost 4lbs, four mile heats, won the King's Plate, again beating Expectation, lost 4lbs, second, and Mr. Pengree's b. h. Mount Pleasant, by Gohanna, four years, lost 4lbs, third and last, winning both heats. At Northampton, 7st i2lbs each, three miles and a quarter, ran fifth and last for the Gold Cup, won by General Grosvenor's ch f. Defiance, by Gauntlet (son of John Bull), beating Lord Lowther's gr. c. Aquarius, by Quiz, second. Lord Lowther's br. c. Euryalus, by Trafalgar, third, and one other, all four years old. 1814. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 3lbs, T. Y. C. match for 100 gs., beat the Duke of Grafton's b. h. Anthonio, by Young Whiskey. Same day, 8st 2lbs, D. L won the Oatlands (handicap) of 50 gs. each, ten subscribers, h. ft., beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's br. c. Pointers, by Giles, rising five years, 8st /lbs, Mr. Ladbroke's b. c. Octavius (Derby winner in 18 1 2), rising five years, 8st 7lbs, and four others. S. mg., won a purse of 50 sovs. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st, A. F., match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Glover's ch. h. Slender Billy, by Young Woodpecker, rising six years old, Sst 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st lalbs, Ab. M. PERICLES. 85 match for -200 gs., beat Mr, Villiers' bl. c. Don Cossack, by Haphazard four years, 8st. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 4lbs each, A. F., match for 300 gs., h. ft., received 150 gs. (forfeit) from the Duke of Grafton's b. h. Woful, by Waxy. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st lolbs, won the Garden Stakes of 600 gs., beating Don Cossack, 8st 3lbs, second, and one other. At Newmarket (Houghton), 8st i2lbs, Ab. M., won a sweep of 200 gs. each, p. p., beating Lord Foley's b. h. Offa's Dyke,* by Paynator, 8st 5lbs, and Lord Jersey's b. h. Asmodeus, by Eagle (son of Volunteer), 8st, last. 1815. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs, two miles, match for 300 gs., beat Mr. Stonehewer's ch. h. Hamlet (winner of the Woodcote Stakes, at Epsom, in 18 10), by Hambletonian, rising seven years old, 8st 4lbs. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 3lbs, last three miles of B. C, won a purse of 50 sovs., beating Lord Foley's br. h. Merryfield, by Cockfighter, rising seven years, 8st 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st gibs, B. C, for the Jockey Club Plate, was beaten, after a dead heat, by Don Cossack, rising six years, 8st 3lbs. S. mg., Mr. Tibbits challenged for The Whip with Pericles, and, the challenge not being accepted, The Whip was handed over to Mr. Tibbits. Pericles was now taken out of training. * At Newmarket (First Spring), this year, at 8st 7lbs, Ab. M. (ridden by William Arnull), Offa's Dyke, in a match for 200 gs. each, beat Lord Sackville's b. f. Manuella (Oaks winner in 1812, then Mr. Hewett's), ridden by Frank Buckle, 7st nibs, and, at the same meeting, at 8st lolbs, Ab. M. Match for 200 gs., Offa's Dyke beat Lord Darlington's b. c. Cwrvv (winner, in 181 2, of the 2000 Guineas), by Dick Andrews, rising five years, Sst 3lbs. Thus, in the course of his racing career, Pericles had vanquished a Derby, and a 2000 Guineas, winner. 86 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. PRANKS. PRANKS was a bay filly, bred by S. Batson, Esq., in 1809. She was got by Hyperion (son of Highflyer), out of Frisky, by Fidget (son of Florizel), out of a mare by Herod, her dam, by the Earl of Northumberland's Arabian, out of Sister to Skim, by the Bolton Grey Starling, out of Miss Mayes, by Bartlett's Childers, out of a mare by Counsellor (son of Lord D'Arcy's Counsellor), her dam, by Snake, out of a mare by Luggs (son of Lord D'Arcy's White Turk, the sire of Old Hautboy). Pranks' Performances. 1812. At Epsom, for three years old, fillies, 8st 4lbs each, was not placed in the Oaks of 50 gs. each, h. ft., forty subscribers, won by Mr. Hewett's b. f. Manuella, by Dick Andrews, out of Mandane, beating the Duke of Rutland's br. f. Elizabeth, by Orville, second. Lord Egremont's b. f. by Gohanna, third, and nine others; 11 to 10 on Elizabeth, and 20 to i against Manuella. Manuella was bred by Richard Watt, Esq. At Basingstoke, 7st 3lbs, three mile heats, won a .1^50 purse, beating Mr, Weston's b. c. Musical Magic, three years, 7st 6lbs, Mr. Duffield's b. f. Cornelia, by Teddy the Grinder, three years, 7st 3lbs, Mr. Bacon's b. c. Rattletrap, by Whiskey, three years, yst 61bs, Mr. Pryse's br. c. Caliban, by Sorcerer, three years, 7st 6lbs, and two others, in both heats. Ran twice more at Egham and Salisbury, without success. 1813. At Newmarket, Craven, 6st slbs, not placed for the Oatlands, won by H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Venture, by Haphazard, four years, 6st ijlbs, beating Sorcery, five years, 8st iilbs, and ten others. S. mg., t'iBiililiil'fllllBaiiri'liMMIMBIll PRANKS. 87 7st I libs, won a handicap sweep of 25 gs. each, beating Mr. Charles Tibbitts' br. c. Pericles, by Evander, three years, 8st gibs, second, Sir C. Bunbury's b. c. Scout, by Sorcerer, three years, 7st I2lbs, and General Grosvenor's b. c. Lazyboots, by Young Drone, three years, 7st i2lbs; 6 to 4 on Pericles. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 4lbs, three miles, won the Town Plate of £'^0, beating the Hon. Berkeley Craven's br. c. The Captain, by Waxy, three years, 7st 4lbs, and four others. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 7lbs, D. I., won a purse of 50 sovs., beating Scout, four years, 8st 7lbs, and three others ; 5 to 4 on Pranks. 1814. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st 11 lbs, two miles, won a sweep of 350 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Woful, by Waxy, four years, Sst lolbs, and the Duke of York's b. c. Pointers, by Giles, four years, 8st 5lbs ; 6 to 4 on Woful. At Ascot, 8st gibs, 2\ miles, won the Cup of 260 gs., beating Mr. Blake's b. f. Miss Whipthong, by Giles (son of Trumpator), four years, 7st I3lbs, Colonel Udny's b. c. Punic, by Gohanna, four years, 8st 2lbs, third, the Duke of St. Albans' b. c. Knave of Diamonds, by Diamond, four years. Est 2lbs, the Duke of York's ch. f. Aquilina, by Eagle, three years, 6st 7lbs, and two others. At Newmarket (First October), 8st Bibs, B. C, won a sweep of 425 gs., beatingthe Rio-ht Hon. John ViUiers' br. h. Merryfield, by Cockfighter, six years, gst ; 2 to 1 on Merryfield. Pranks ran four times more, without success, and was put to the Stud, where, in 1816, she threw twins, a colt and filly, to Sorcerer, both of which were dead. In 18 17, a b. f. Rebecca, by Hedley ; in 1818, a b. f. Freak, by Hedley; in 1821, a b. f. Young Pranks, by Castrel ; in 1822, a ch. c. Hogarth,* by Rubens ; in 1823, a b. c. Clown, by Orville; in 1826, a b c. Lazarus, f by Moses (introduced in the Engraving); her last, in 1831, a foal by Helenus (son of Soothsayer), &c. -* Hogarth, the properly of Mr. Stanlake Batson, and subsequently of Mr. Thornhill, of Riddlesworth, won 280 sovs. at Newmarket Craven, in 1825, beating General Grosvenor's ch. f. Wings (winner of the Oaks and Gold Cup, at Epsom, in that year), and ran third in Middle- ton's Derby. t Lazarus won a good stake at Egham, in 1828; was not placed in Frederick's Derby, in 1829, but won the Wokingham Stakes, at Ascot, in that year, winning twice out of three starts. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. BENEDICT. BENEDICT (sometimes spelt " Benedick ") was a bay colt, bred by the Earl of Strathmore in 1809. and sold, after the Doncaster St. Leger, in 181 2, to Lord Foley. He was got by Remembrancer (son of Pipator), out of Beatrice, by Sir Peter Teazle, out of Pyrrha, by Match'em, out of Mr. W. Fenwick's Duchess, by Whitenose, out of Miss Slamerkin, by Young True Blue, her dam, by Lord Oxford's Dun Arabian, out of Lord D'Arcy's Black -legged Royal Mare. Benedict's Performances. 1812. At Newcastle-on-Tyne, for three years old, colts 8st 4lbs, fillies 8st, ran second in a produce stakes of 50 gs. each, won by Mr. Bethwick's b. c. Herrington, by Remembrancer, beating six others. S. mg., 6st, four miles, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Ralph Riddell's b. c. X. Y. Z., by Haphazard, four years, 7st 7lbs,Mr. Brandling's b. c. Geranium, by Hyacinthus, being third. At Doncaster, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, ran second in the Great St. Leger of 1400 gs., won by Mr. Robb's b. c. Otterington, by Golumpus (Robert Johnson), beating b. c. Herrington, third, Mr. Wilson's b. c. Wisdom, by Sir Solomon, Mr. Hewitt's b. f. Manuella (winner of the Oaks), by Dick Andrews, Lord Scarborough's b. c. Catton, by Golumpus, Mr. Garforth's gr. f. Marciana, by Stamford, and seventeen others. Betting, at starting, 3 to i against Manuella, 9 to 2 against Catton, 9 to i against Herrington, and 50 to 1 against Otter- ineton. >^ BENEDICT. 89 1813. (Now Lord Foley's). At Newmarket, Craven, 7st i2lbs (R. M.), match for 300 gs., beat Colonel Udny'sb. c. Truffle, by Sorcerer, five years, 8st gibs ; 6 to 4 on Benedict. At Newmarket (First Spring), for horses rising four years old, 8st iilbs, not placed in a handicap sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft., ten subscribers (value 650 gs.), won by Sir J. Shelley's ch. c. Comus, by Sorcerer (third in Octavius' Derby in 1812), 8st iilbs, beating Mr. Glover's b. c. Mulberry, by Lignum Vitae (son of Walnut), 7st lolbs, H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Pointers, by Giles (son of Trumpator), 8st slbs, and Mr. Biggs' b. f. Lamia, by Gohanna, 7st albs ; 6 to 4 on Benedict. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 4lbs each, R. M., match for 300 gs., beat Lord Darlington's br. c. Cwrw, by Dick Andrews, both four years old. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st gibs, two miles, match for 200 gs. , received 80 gs. (compromise) from Sir C. Bunbury's bl. c. Smolensko (winner of the 2000 Guineas and the Derby), by Sorcerer, three years, 8st. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st gibs, R. M., match for 200 gs., was beaten by Lord Suffield's ch. c. Hocuspocus, by Sorcerer, three years, 7st 4lbs ; 5 to 4 on the winner. Benedict was now taken out of training, and was, for a short time, in Lord Foley's Stud, when he was sold for 800 gs. and shipped to India. 90 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SLIGO. SLIGO (brother to Staveley), was a brown colt, bred by Mr. Fletcher in 1809, and was got by Shuttle, out of a mare by Drone (son of Herod), her dam, by Match'em, out of Jocasta, by Mr. Cornforth's Forester (son of Mr. J. Croft's Forester, by Hartley's Blind Stallion), out of Sister to Young Cade, by Cade, out of a mare by Mr. Croft's Old Partner, her dam, by Makeless, out of a mare by Brimmer, out of a dau. of Mr. Place's White Turk,* her dam, by Dodsworth.t out of Mr. Layton's Violet Barb Mare, in Lord D'Arcy's Stud. Slig©'s Performances. I8l2. At Catterick, for all ages, 6st 11 lbs, heats two miles, for a handicap plate of 50 sovs., was beaten by the Duke of Leeds' b. f. Rebecca, by Sir Solomon, 7st I3lbs, both three years old. At Durham, 7st 2lbs, heats two miles, for a £']o purse, was beaten by Lord Strathmore's ch. c. by Remembrancer, three years, 7st, beating six others. At Newcastle, 6st 7lbs, heats 2\ miles, won ^50,. beating Mr. Lambton's b. c. Robin Adair, by Gohanna, three years, 6st lolbs, and eight others. S. mg., heats 2\ miles, 6st lolbs, won ^50, beating Mr. Cawood's gr. h. Gany- mede, by Delpini, five years, 8st gibs, Mr. Brandling's b. f. Salamanca, by Sir Solomon, three years, 6st 7lbs, and two others. At Carlisle, 7st 7lbs * Mr. Place was stud-groom to the Protector, Oliver Cromwell. \ Dodsworth (though foaled in England), was a Natural Barb. His dam (a pure Barb Mare), was brought into England in the reign of Charles II., and was styled a Royal Mare. After the King's death, she was sold, when 20 years old and in foal with Vixen, by the Earl of Holderness' Turk, for the sum of forty guineas. SLIGO. 91 each, heats two miles, beat Lord Strathmore's ch. c. by Remembrancer. S. mg., 6st 4lbs, heats three miles, won a purse of 100 sovs., beating Mr. Hodgson's b. g. by Young Woodpecker, five years, 8st 6lbs. At Caledonian Hunt, 8st slbs each, heats two miles, won 50 gs., beating Lord Queensberry's br. c. Bettina, by Stamford, both three years old. S. mg., 6st each, heats four miles, again beat Bettina. S. mg., 6st, heats three miles, for 50 sovs., was beaten by Sir A. Don's ch. f. Agnes Sorrel, by Stamford, three years, 5st iilbs. 1813. At York, 8st 5lbs, two miles, won 160 gs., beating Lord Scarborough's b. c. Catton, by Golumpus, four years, 8st 5lbs, Mr. Robbs' b, c. Otter- ington (St. Leger winner in 1812), four years, 8st 5lbs, and four others. (Sligo was now sold to Mr. A. G. Leslie.) S. mg., 8st 5lbs, won 280 gs., again beating Catton, Otterington, and six others. At Newcastle, ran second for the Cup, won by X. Y. Z., beating Agnes Sorrel * and two others. Sligo ran once more for the Cup at Lancaster, without success, and quitted the Turf. * Winner, this year, of the King's Plate at CarUslc. 92 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SMOLENSKO. SMOLENSKO was a black colt, foaled in 1810, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart. He was got' by Sorcerer, out of Wowski (bred by Sir Ferdinand Poole in 1797), by Mentor, out of Maria (Waxy's dam), by Herod, out of Lisette, by Old Snap, out of Miss Windsor, by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Sister to Volunteer, by Young Belgrade, out of a mare by Eartlett's Childers, &c. Smolensko's Performances. 1813. At Newmarket (First Spring), colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st slbs (ridden by T. Goodisson), won the 2000 Guineas, beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Music (winner of the Oaks), by Waxy, second (F. Buckle), Lord Grosvenor's ch. c. Phosphor, by Meteor, third; also. Sir. J. Shelley's ch. c. Caliban, by Sorcerer, Lord Suffield's ch. c. Hocuspocus, by Sorcerer, General Grosvenor's b. c. Redmond, by Whiskey, and six others ; 7 to 4 against Smolensko, 9 to 2 against Hocuspocus, and 6 to i against Phosphor. S. mg., colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, won the Newmarket Stakes of 775 gs., beating Mr. Goddard's ch. f. Scheherazade, by Selim, second. Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Onyx, by Meteor, third ; also, Music and four others ; 2 to i on Smolensko. At Epsom, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (T. Goodisson), won the Derby of 1425 gs., beating- Lord Jersey's br. c. Caterpillar, by Haphazard, second, Mr. Glover's b. c. Illusion, by Haphazard, third ; also, not placed, the Duke of Rutland's ch. c. Solyman, by Selim, the Duke of York's ch. c. Aladdin, by Giles, Lord Derby's br. c. V^iceroy, by Sancho, b. c. Alcohol (afterwards sold to f -W\ 1 SMOLENSKO. 93 Lord George Cavendish), by Whiskey, Hocuspocus, and four others. Even on Smolensko, 4 to i against Solyman, 7 to i against Caterpillar, and g to I against Viceroy. Smolensko's appearance on the course, and the race for the Derby, are thus described in the Old Spoi'ting Magazine for June, 1813: — "The moment Smolensko appeared there was a burst of admiration on all sides. His fine eye, the splendid symmetry of his limbs, the grace and power of his action, and his perfect docility, became in turn subject of comment and approbation. At half past three o'clock the horses were at the post ; and, at starting, a fine burst took place, each striving for the lead, which Solyman obtained. Smolensko, however, soon shot ahead, the rest keeping close at his heels, Lord Jersey's Caterpillar being nearlj^ level with him. They all went at score from the start, at a very hot pace. On coming to the sharp turn, called Tadnor's point (presumably Tatten- ham Corner), Caterpillar passed Smolensko, upon whom Goodisson had hitherto kept a tight rein, with occasionally a strong pull. About 100 yards from the winning-post, Goodisson gave Smolensko his head, when he shot by Caterpillar like lightning, winning easily by a length." At Egham, for three years old, 8st lolbs, won the Magna Charta Stakes of 175 gs., beating the Duke of York's ch. c. Eurus, by Giles (son of Trumpator), 8st 5lbs, in a canter. At Newmarket (First October), for three years old, 8st gibs each, D. L, ran third and last in a sweep of ^96, won by Mr. Andrew's br. c. The Corporal, by Orville, beating Lord Foley's ch. c. Macedonian, by Alexander, second ; 4 to i on Smolensko, who, in running, strained one of his back sinews. At Newmarket (Second October), not having recovered from his lameness, he paid 80 gs. (compromise) to Lord Foley's Benedict, by Remembrancer. At New- market, Houghton, 8st 7lbs each, D. L, match for 200 gs., beat General Grosvenor's b. c. Redmond, by Whiskey, easily. 1814. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs each, A. F. (T. Goodisson), match for 200 gs., beat Sir G. Armytage's b. c. Tiger, by Sir Paul (Wm. ArnuU) ; 2 to i on Tiger, who, in 1813, won the Peregrine Stakes of 94 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 50 gs. each, at York, and ran third to Altisidora in the Doncaster St. Leger. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st i2lbs (T. Goodisson), won a handicap sweep of 450 gs., beating Mr. Dundas' ch. c. Pyramus, by Meteor, 7st 7lbs, second ; also, not placed, the Hon. J. Villiers' bl. c. Don Cossack, by Haphazard, 8st 8lbs, ch. c. Phosphor, Sst, and Colonel Udny's b. c. Punic (who died at the close of this year), by Gohanna, /St lolbs ; all rising four years old ; 5 to 4 against Smolensko, 7 to 4 against Pyramus, and 8 to i against Phosphor. This was Smolensko's last appearance on the Turf. It is somewhat remarkable that Smolensko and Lord Jersey's Cater- pillar were both out of Mentor mares, also that the first three in the Oaks, in 18 1 3, were all by Waxy, and that T. Goodisson rode the winners of Derby and Oaks. It is stated that during the race for the Derby, indescribable excite- ment and confusion prevailed. Large bodies of horsemen were galloping furiously in all directions. Several collisions took place, resulting in many falls, and causing some injuries ; a few gigs were run -away with, overturned, and smashed ; a phaeton was also overthrown, the lady who was seated in it, being very seriously injured, and a gentleman, in en- deavouring to save her, had his arm broken. Such a scene was never witnessed on any race-course, A very large sum of money changed hands on this Derby. Before the race, Sir Charles Bunbury was offered 5000 gs. (an enormous sum in those days), for Smolensko, and, sub- sequently 4000 gs., both being refused. The smaller portrait of Smolensko was painted and etched by Mr. Clifton-Tomson, the eminent artist of Nottingham, who also etched the portrait of Cockfighter in Vol. I. The other, with Tom Goodisson up, was painted by J. N.* Sartorius, and engraved by W. Ward, engraver to H.R.H. the Prince Regent. * The initial M. on the Plate is a misprint for J- N. I MBl.kLLi,..Li MitoiliiitillilliiJII ALTISIDORA. 95 ALTISIDORA. ALTISIDORA (own sister to Manuella) was a chestnut filly, foaled in 1810, bred by and the property of, Richard Watt, Esq. She was got by Dick Andrews, out of Mandane, by PotSo's, out of Young Camilla (sister to Colibri), by Woodpecker, out of Camilla, by Trentham, (son of Sweepstakes, by Lord Gower's Stallion), out of Coquette, by the Compton Barb, out of own Sister to Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian. Altisidora's Performances. 1812. At Malton (April), for two years old, colts 8st albs, fillies Sst (J. Jack- son), won a sweep of 30 gs. each, beating Mr. Cowton's b. f by St. George, and one other. At York (Spring), colts Sst albs, fillies Est (Jackson), won 100 gs., beating Mr. Garforth's gr. c. by Camillus, Lord Darlington's b. c. Madrid, by Remembrancer, and two others. At York (August), colts Sst 5lbs, fillies Sst albs, ran third in a sweep of 140 gs., won by Mr. Garforth's gr. c. by Camillus, beating Mr. Walton's br. f. Moll in the Wad, by Hambletonian, second, and two others. 1813. At York (Spring), for three years old, fillies, Sst 3lbs each (J. Jackson), won a sweep of ico gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' ch. i. Georgiana, by Selim, and cwo others. At Doncaster, colts Sst albs, fillies Sst (J. Jack- son), won the Great St. Leger of 25 gs. each, p. p., fifty subscribers (nett val. 1025 gs.), beating Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Camelopard, by Camillus, 96 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. second, Sir George Armytage's b. c. Tiger, by Sir Paul, third ; also, Mr. Watt's br. c. by Dick Andrews (who died in 1814), Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. c. Rodrigo, by Sancho, the Duke of Leeds' ch. c. Hocuspocus, by Quiz, and his b. c. Banquo, by Sancho, Lord Scarborough's b. c. Kexby (brother to Catton), Sir M. Sykes' br. c. Prime Minister, by Sancho, Major Bower's b. c. Diabolis, by W.'s Ditto, Lord Strathmore's b. c. Streatlam Lad, by Remembrancer, Mr. Garforth's gr. c. by Camillus, br. f. Moll in the Wad, and four others ; 5 to 2 against Altisidora, 5 to i against Tiger, 6 to i against Camelopard, and 15 to i against Prime Minister. S. mg., for three years old, fillies, 8st 2lbs each, St. Leger Course (J. Jackson), won 320 gs., beating b. f. Platowna, Mr. Grimston's b. f. Dulcinea, by Sancho, Mr. Maitland's b. f. Cap-a-Pie, by Sancho, Mr. Hodgson's ch. f. Catherine, by Patroclus (son of Beningbrough), and two others ; 4 to i on Altisidora, who was the only one placed in the race. 1814. At York (August), Sst 2lbs each, two miles (J. Jackson), match for 500 gs., beat Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Camelopard (Robt. Johnson) ; 2 to I on Altisidora. S. mg. (Jackson), two miles, won 250 gs., beating Lord Scarborough's b. h. Catton, by Golumpus, Mr. Duncombe's b. h. Langold, by Stamford, both five years old, Sst lolbs, and one other. At Doncaster, w. o. for the Club Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., eight sub- scribers. S. mg., /St 5lbs, four miles, won 100 -gs., beating b. c. Came- lopard, 7st gibs. 1815. At York (August), Sst lolbs (Jackson), two miles, ran second in a sweep of 25ogs., won by Catton, six years, gst (W. Clift), beating Sir Wm. Maxwell's gr. h. Viscount, by Stamford (winner in 181 3 of Gold Cups at Durham, Stockton, Preston, Pontefract, ancj Doncaster), six years, Qst, last ; 5 to 2 on Altisidora, and 3 to i against Catton. S. mg., for five years old, Sst 7lbs each, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Hocuspocus, second, and Kexby, last ; 7 to 4 on Altisidora ; but, for the second Great Subscription, Sst lolbs each, was beaten by Catton, to whom she conceded a year ; 4 to i on Catton. At Doncaster, ALTISIDORA. 97 Qst lib (Jackson), won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating Mr Shaw's b. h. Ambo, by Meteor, six years, gst 5lbs, Viscount, gst 5lbs, third, and live others. S. mg., 8st 3lbs, in the Doncaster Stakes, was beaten by Catton, 8st lolbs ; 3 to I on Catton. Next day, 8st 5lbs, four miles, won 100 gs., beating Lord Fitzwilliam 's br. f. Desdemona, by Orville, four years, 7st 5lbs, and the Duke of Leeds' b. c. Rodolpho, by Pandolpho, four years, 7st gibs. At Richmond, lost each, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Garforth's gr. m. by Sancho. S. mg., 8st 5lbs, ran seventh for the Cup, won by Filho da Puta, three years, 6st lolbs, and was now put to the Stud. CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. TRAMP. '"P'RAMP was a bay colt, bred by R. Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, X near Beverley, Yorkshire, in iSio. He Avas got by Dick Andrews (son of Joe Andrews, by Eclipse), out of a mare by Gohanna, out of Flaxinella, by Trentham, out of a mare hy Woodpecker, out of Everlasting, by Eclipse, out of Hycena, by Old Snap, out of Miss Belsea, by Regulus, &c., &c. The Druid (in " Scott and Sebright "), says, " Jemmy Rooke had charge of Joe Andrews and Dick Andrews in his possession, on W^ychwood Forest (Oxon), when he was sold up ; and it was quite a curiosity to see the latter, with his giraffe-like neck, eat from the .top of the rack. In ugliness of ears, and head altogether, he was unrivalled ; and so light was he in the body, as to require very little training. Tramp, like all the tribe,- was very narrow, when young, but he gradually became one of the grandest-boned and grandest-looking horses in England, well worthy to be the sire of the renowned Lottery." Tramp was a nice level horse, standing just fifteen hands and two inches high, being long and low, and rather straight in his back : of all his sons, Tyke resembled him the most. Tramp was a wonderful four-mile horse, and the Subscription Purse at York, in 1814, when Prime Minister (a son of Sancho) only just beat him, produced greater excitement than had ever been known on the Knavesmire, except in the great match between the Flying Dutchman and Voltigeur. John Jackson, on Tramp, forced the pace round the bason-turn ; but, by the wood, Shepherd (on Prime Minister), headed him again ; however. Tramp got the lead, and cries of " Now, Tramp ! " '' Now, Minister ! " rent the air. F"ifty yards from home Shepherd got the Minister's nose in front, and increased it to half a neck, by which distance he won. Until he possessed Bkicklock, Mr. Watt TRAMP. 99 would never keep a stallion, and so he parted with Tramp for ^300. His new owner kept him for two years, and then sold him for ^1400. A cross, between Tramp and a Whisker mare, produced Liverpool, bred by Mr. Watt. Tramp was very successful as a stallion ; for, at the time of his death, the total value of the stakes -won by his stock amounted to ^^67,501 5^'. Among these, we find two winners of the Derby (St. Giles and Dangerous), one of the St. Leger (Barefoot), and two of the Whip (Zinganee and Little Red Rover). In the month of December, 1835, poor old Tramp, worn out with age, was shot at How Bridge farm, near Malton. Joe Andrews (Tramp's grandsire) died, in obscurity, many years before his son, Dick, made his blood famous with the chestnut Altisidora, Manuella, and Tramp. Dick Andrews, was a narrow horse, with a long, lean head and neck, but showed great breeding. Tramp's Performances. 1813. At Malton, for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, won a sweep of 50 gs. each, h. ft., beating Mr. J. Grimston's b. f. Dulcinea, by Sancho, and Sir M. Sykes' br. c. Diabolis, by Williamson's Ditto ; also (same weights) won a sweep of 20 gs. each, beating Mr. Morris' b. f. by Stamford and Mr. Dalrymple's br. c. Tomboy, by W^'s Ditto, last. At Beverley (same weights), won a sweep of 20 gs. each, beating Mr. Vickers' b. f. Latona, by Trumpator (a son of Old Trumpator), second, Sir B. Graham's b. f. Speedwell, by Orville, third, and Sir Mark Sykes' br. c. Prime Minister, by Sancho, last. At York, Sst 3lbs, one mile (J. Jackson), match for 300 gs., was beaten by Mr. Grimston's Dulcinea, Sst (Robert Johnson) ; 2 to i on Tramp. At Pontefract, colts Sst 3lbs, fillies Sst, ran fourth in a sweep of 200 gs., won by Mr. R. Riddell's b. c. Don Carlos, by Sir Charles (son of the Arabian Selim), beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Fugitive, by Camillus, and b. c. Kexby, by Golumpus. 1814. At York (Spring), 7st I2lbs, three miles (J. Jackson), won the Cup, beating Sir W. Maxwell's gr. h. Viscount, by Stamford, five years, Sst loo CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 7lbs (Ben Smith), Mr. G. Crompton's b. c. Shepherd's Bo3^ by Woldsman (son of Sir Peter), and the Marquis of Oueensberry's br. c. Mexico, by Sancho, four years, /St i2lbs, last; 2 to i on Viscount. At Beverley, 8st 2lbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Hodgson's b. g. Woodman, by Young Woodpecker, aged, 8st 11 lbs, -and Sir B. Graham's br. c. Tempest, by Cardinal York, three years, 6st gibs ; also, yst islbs, heats three miles, won 50 sovs., beating Sir VV. Milner's br. c. Silston, by Dick Andrews, three years, 6st 8lbs, in both heats. At York (August), for four years old, Sst ylbs each, four miles (J. Jackson), ran second for the Great Subscription Purse, won by Prime Minister (T. Shepherd) ; four ran ; 1 1 to 8 against Tramp, and 2 to i against Prime Minister. At Pontefract, 8st, four miles (Jackson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Riddell's b. h. X. Y. Z., by Hap- hazard, si.x years, gst lib, and Sir M. Sykes' gr. m. Marciana, by Stamford, five years, Sst 6lbs. At Doncaster, Sst gibs, ran second in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, won by Lord Scarborough's b.h. Catton, by Golumpus, five years, gst, beating Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Cossack, by Sir Paul, three years, Sst, and two others ; 6 to 4 each against- Tramp and Catton. S. mg., for four years old, Sst 7lbs each, four miles (J. Jackson), won the Prince's Stakes of 175 gs., beating ch. c. Hocuspocus, and the Duke of Hamilton's bl. c. Molyneux, by Hambletonian, and one other. S. mg., 7st 7lbs, four miles, won the Cup, beating Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Camelopard, four years, 7st 7lbs, Mr. Blake's b. m. Sprightly, by Whiskey, six years, Sst iilbs, and one other; 3 to i on Tramp, who now quitted the Turf for the Stud. j4J, MULEY. loi MULEY. MULEY was a brown colt, bred by Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart., of Great Barton, Suffolk, in iSio. He was got by Orville, out of Eleanor, by Whiskey, out of Young Giantess (bred by Sir Charles in 1790), by Diomed, out of Giantess (bred by Viscount Bolingbroke in 1760), by Match'em, out of Molly Long Legs, by Babraham, her dam, by Cole's Fo.xhunter (son of Brisk, by the Darley Arabian), out of a mare by Old Partner, out of Sister to Roxana, by the Bald Galloway, out of Sister to Chaunter, by the Acaster Turk, out of a mare by the Leedes Arabian, out of a dau. of Spanker (son of Lord D'Arcy's Yellow Turk). When the portrait of Muley was taken, he was a private stallion, in the Stud of Alexander Nowell, Esq., of Underley, and was con- sidered to have larger bone and greater muscular power than any thoroughbred stallion in England, Muley's Performances. 1815. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st lolbs, A. P., won a handicap plate of 50 sovs., beating Mr. Blackford's b. f. Castrella, by Castrel, three years, 6st 4lbs, Lord P^oley's b. h. Offa's Dyke, by PaynaLor, aged, 9st, Mr. Kirby's b. h, Otterington (St. Leger winner in 18 12), by Golumpus, six years, 8st lolbs, and eight others. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st Slbs, ran third and last in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. Batson's ch. h. Idle Boy, by Hedley, five years, 8st Slbs, beating Mr. Villiers' br. h. Cwrw, by Dick Andrews, six years, 9st CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. (B. C.) S. mg., 9st 2lbs, A. F., ran second for a plate of 50 gs., won by Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Anticipation (winner of the Ascot Cups in 18 16 and 1819), by Hambletonian, three years, 7st 2lbs, beating General L. Gower's ch. f. Streamlet, by Rubens, three years, yst 2lbs, Mr. Stonehewer's ch. h. Slender Billy (winner of the Doncaster Cup in 181 2), by Young Woodpecker, aged, gst, the Duke of Rutland's ch. c. Osman, by Selim, four years, 8st gibs, Lord George Cavendish's bl. c. Blackamoor, by Stamford, four years, 8st 2lbs, Lord Stawell's b. c. Golden Leg, by Waxy, four years, 7st i3lbs, Mr. Goddard's br. c. Bijou, by Orville, four years. 7st gibs, and three others. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st i2lbs, D. L, won a handicap plate of 50 sovs., beating Colonel Udny's ch. mare, Emily, by Stamford, five years, 8st 2]bs, second, Lord Lowther's b. c. Caper, by Canopus, three years, /st 5lbs, third ; also Lord Jersey's b. h. Fugitive, by Camillus, five years, 8st 2lbs, br. c. Bijou, 7st gibs, and two others ; 2 to i on Fugitive, 3 to i against Muley, and 6 to I against Emily. Muley was now sold to Lord Suffield, and taken out of training. Muley was the sire of Sir J. Byng's Morisco, Mr. Rogers' Muleteer, Mr. Giffard's Leviathan, Mr. Gully's Margrave, Lord Cleveland's Muley Muloch (sire of Alice Hawthorn, Galaor, Cattonite, &c.), Mr. Osbaldeston's Mahometan, Mr. Fowler's Gilbert-Gurney, Colonel Yates' Gibraltar, Mr. Robertson's Little Wonder, and his brother The Little Known (sire of Miss Ann, the dam of Scottish Chief). Among his daughters were, Mr. Messer's Monimia (dam of Hester, Wintonian, and Wapiti, all by Camel), the Duke of Grafton's Pucelle (dam of Puce and Virginia, both by Rowton"), Sir Mark Wood's Gawky, and his Vespa, Mr. Etwall's Malibran and Maid of Underley, all winners, and many of them distinguished ones, with a host of others too numerous to mention ; but the above will suffice to show what an invaluable horse Muley was at the Stud. He is credited with one Derby winner (Litde Wonder), one Oaks winner (Vespa), and one St. Leger winner (Margrave). CANNON BALL. 103 CANNON BALL. CANNON BALL was a bay colt, bred by R. O. Gascoigne, Esq., in 1 8 10, and sold by him, after winning the Constitution Stakes at York, in 1814, to the Earl of Jersey. He was got by Sancho, out of a mare by Weathercock (son of Ruler), out of Cora, by Match'em, her dam, by Turk (son of Regulus), out of a dau. of Cub (son of Old Fox), out of a mare by Allworthy (son of Old Crab), her dam, by the Bolton Grey Starling, out of a mare by Bloody Buttocks,* her dam, by Old Greyhound, out of Brocklesby Betty, by the Curwen Bay Barb, out of Mr. Leedes' Hobby Mare, by the Lister Turk. Cannon Ball's Performances. 1813. At York (Spring), for three years old, 8st 3lbs each, two miles, won 450 gs., beating Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. c. Rodrigo, by Sancho, and three others. At Newcastle, Sst 4lbs each, won 575 gs., beating Mr. Scaris- brick's b. c. Chagrin, by Sancho, and two others. 1814. At York (Spring), 8st 5lbs, two miles, won 220 gs., beating Mr. Grimston's b. c. Belville, by Orville, three years, 7st, Mr. T. Dun- combe's b. h. Langold, by Stamford, five years, Qst, Lord Scarborough's * Bloody Buttocks, of whose pedigree we have not any account, was a grey Arabian, purchased by Mr. John Crofts, at the sale of Mr. Thomas Ovington's Stud, at Bedale, York- shire, about the year 1727. Mr. Ovington was not only a breeder of thoroughbreds, among which were the two famous mares, " Flying Whig " and " Roxana," but he was a noted Jockey also. Bloody Buttocks acquired his name from a scarlet patch on his hind quarter. I04 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. b. h. Catton, five years, gst, and two others. S. mg., 8st, won the Constitution Stakes of 280 gs., beating Catton, 8st gibs, Sir W. Maxwell's gr. h. Viscount, by Stamford, five years, Sst gibs, and two others ; 5 to 2 on Cannon Ball, now sold to Lord Jersey. At Newmarket (First October), 7st /lbs, B. C, won 80 gs., beating Lord Egremont's ro. c. Quack, by Gohanna, four years, /St 7lbs. S. mg., Sst lolbs each, D. L, in a sweep of 425 gs., was beaten by the Hon. J. Villiers' bl. c. Don Cossack, by Haphazard, both four years old. Ran twice more this year, without success. 1815. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst, won the Oatlands of 450 gs., beating Lord George Cavendish's bl. c. Blackamoor, by Stamford, four years, ^st 7lbs, the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Kutusoff, by Waxy, four years, 7st 4lbs, and six others. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst 7lbs, A. F., match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Dundas' b. c. Liberator, by Johnny (son of King Fergus), four years, Sst. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 2lbs, won 450 gs., beating br. h. Fugitive (also Lord Jersey's), by Camillus, five years, Sst 2lbs, Colonel Udny's ch. m. Emily (dam of Emilius), by Stamford, Sst 5lbs, and ch. h. Hocuspocus, Sst 3lbs, last, all five years old. S. mg., Sst lolbs, won 120 gs., beating Mr. Jones' b. h. King of Diamonds, by Diamond, five years, Sst lolbs, Mr. Vansittart's gr. c. Cecil, by Stamford, four years, Sst 3lbs, and one other. S. mg., Sst 6lbs, received 100 gs. forfeit from Blackamoor, Sst. At Bibury, lost 3lbs, two miles, won the Cup and sweep of 2 So gs., beating Mr. Dundas' ch. h. Pyramus, by Meteor (winner this year of Goli Cups, at Bath, Winchester, and Oxford), five years, lost 3lbs, and two others ; also, w. o. for a purse of So gs. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst lolbs, received 100 gs. forfeit from Lord F. Bentinck's b. c. Monke\, by Shuttle, four years, 7st lolbs. 1S16. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst Slbs, D. L, won the Oatlands of 250 gs., beating Lord Egremont's b. h. Wanderer, by Gohanna, five years, Sst 7lbs, Mr. Blachford's b. f. Castrella, by Castrel, four years, 7st 3lbs, ! CANNON BALL. 105 ch. m. Emily, six years, 8st lib, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), list gibs, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Wanderer, list. At Newmarket (Second Spring), gst lib, won 92 gs., beating Mr. Thorn- hill's ch. c. Anticipation (winner this year of the Ascot Cup), by Hambletonian, four years, 7st 6lbs, and seven others. At Newmarket (July), 8st i2lbs, won ^50, beating Lord Rous' ch. c. Tigris (winner of the 2000 Guineas in 18 15^ by Quiz, four years, 8st, and Wanderer, five years, Est 8lbs. 1817. At Newmarket (April), gst slbs, not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by the Duke of York's ch. c. Roller, by Quiz, three 3'ears, 5st lolbs, beating br. c. Dr. Busby, by Dick Andrews, three years, 5st lolbs, b. f. Rhoda, by Asparagus, 8st, and sixteen others. At Newmarket (Second October), gst 3lbs, B. C, won 175 gs., beating ch. h. Anticipation, five years, 8st 8lbs, and br. h. Ouinoki (also Lord Jersey's), by Waxy, five years, Sst 8lbs, Cannon Ball ran three times more this year, without success. 1818. At Newmarket, Craven, gst 3lbs, won the Oatlands of 180 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Waterloo, by Walton, four years, 7st i2lbs, Mr. Crockford's b. c. Merrymaker, by Dick Andrews, four years, 7st Slbs, Anticipation, Sst 8lbs, and four others. At Newmarket (First Spring), for the King's Plate, was beaten by Lord Egremont's gr. c. Skim, by Gohanna. At Newmarket (Second Spring), paid 100 gs. forfeit to Whisker. S. mg., 8st nibs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beating Fitz-Orville, Skim and one other. At Newmarket (First October), i2st 2lbs, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Waterloo, lost 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), ran second in a sweep of 175 gs., won by Rhoda. At Newmarket (Ho.), won /50, beating Effie Deans and three others. 1819. At Newmarket, won the Craven Stakes, gst 7lbs, beating Earl Fitz- william's ch. c. Minstrel, by Marmion, and seven others ; also, i2st, won io6 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. the King's Plate, beating Skim and Anticipation. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st iilbs, B. C, won the Jockey Club Plate, beating ch. c. Wouvermans, by Rubens, and ch. c. Sam (the Derby winner), by Scud, 7st 2lbs each. Cannon Ball ran four times more, without success, and quitted the Turf. Lord Jersey sold Cannon Ball, whom he had purchased for 2000 gs., to Mr. George Edwards, in whose possession he died on the 28th of July, 1831. He was one of the finest and best horses of his day, winning, or receiving forfeits, twenty-four times, and beating such animals as Catton, King of Diamonds, Skim, Wanderer, Castrella, Tigris, Anticipation, and many other good horses. B LUC HER. 107 BLUCHER. BLUCHER was a bay colt, foaled 181 1, bred by and the property of Lord Stawell. He was got by Waxy, out of Pantina (bred by Lord Stawell in 1804), by Buzzard, out of a mare by Trentham, out of Sister to Drone, by Herod, out of Lily (bred by the Duke of Ancaster in 1765), by Blank, out of Peggy (bred by Mr. Meredith in 1753), by Old Cade, out of Sister to the Widdrington Mare, by Old Partner, out of Sister to Squirrel's dam,* by Bloody Buttocks, out of a mare by Old Greyhound, her dam, by Makeless, out of a mare by Brimmer, out of a dau. of Mr. Place's White Turk. Blucher's Performances. 1814. At Newmarket, Craven, for horses rising three years, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st lib (Wm. Arnull), won a sweep of 300 gs., beating Sir John Shelley's ch. f. Vittoria (winner of the July Stakes, at Newmarket, in 18 1 3), by Sorcerer; only these two ran; 4 to i on Blucher. At Newmarket (F"irst Spring), colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, D. M. (Wm. Arnull), won the Newmarket Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., twenty-three subscribers, beating Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Zadora, by Trafalgar (son of Sir Peter), second, the Duke of Rudand's br. c. Kutusoff, by Waxy, third, the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Metre (sister to Music and Minuet), by Waxy, Lord Rous' b. c. Pythagoras, by Quiz, Mr. Andrews' b. c. Robin Adair, by Walton, and three others ; 2 to i on Blucher. At Epsom, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (W. Arnull), won the Derby of 600 gs. (nett), beating Mr. Prince's ch. c. Perchance, by Haphazard, second. Lord Lowther's b. c. Bourbon (winner, this year, of 2180 gs., and *This mare was named Bay Bloody Buttocks, and bred by Mr. Crofts in 1729. She was own sister to Grey Bloody Buttocks (Squirrel's dam), bred by Mr. Crofts in 1733. io8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. the Oallands, at Newmarket), by Sorcerer, Lord Egremont's b. c. Wanderer, by Gohanna, the Duke of Rutland's ch. c. Osman (winner, this year, of 1350 gs., at Newmarket, and Soo gs., at Ascot), by Selim, Sir G. Webster's b. f Grand Duchess, by Dick Andrews, Lord F. Bentinck's b. c. Monkey, by Shuttle, and seven others. Betting at starting, 5 to 2 against Blucher, 7 to 2 against Bourbon, 4 to i against Perchance, 7 to i against Grand Duchess, and 10 to i against Wanderer. " This race excited unusual interest, the sporting world being much divided in opinion as to the comparative merits of the horses. Blucher and Bourbon were however the decided favourites, from their public run- ning, though the Haphazard colt (Perchance) and Grand Duchess found many backers. The Haphazard colt (who ran second to Olive, in the 2000 o's.), took the lead, at a ripping pace, and was never headed, till within a very few^ strides from home, when Will Arnull, on Blucher, challeno-ed, and, after a desperate struggle, won by a neck, all the rest being beaten off. The pace all through was tremendous." {Sporting Magazine for June, 1814). At Egham, 8st lolbs, won the Magna Charta Stakes, of 175 gs., beating, in a canter, Mr. T. Scaith's b. f. by Haphazard, 8st 2lbs, both three years old ; 5 to i on Blucher. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 4lbs, ran third and last in a sweep of 200 crs. each, won by Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Alcohol, by Whiskey, four years, 8st 6ibs, beating Medora, 7St 11 lbs, second: Medora and Blucher the favourites. 1815. At Newmarket (F"irst Spring), colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, ran second in the Port Stakes of 450 gs., won by the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Wire, by Waxy, beating Wanderer, third, and Medora, last ; 6 to 4 on Blucher, and 2 to I against Wire. This was Blucher's last race.* * When the alUed sovereigns visited England, in 1815, the veteran Field-Marshal Blucher paid a visit to Newmarket, at the Second October Meeting, and expressed a great desire to see the horse which bore his name, and which, he had just been informed, had won the Derby the year before. As Blucher was not on the course, Lord Stawell sent a special messenger to Newmarket for him, and, when he appeared, requested \Vm. Arnull to mount him and give him a good gallop in front of the Stand. This done, the gallant old soldier then rode him a short distance, and, on dismounting, expressed himself much pleased with his easy style of going. ME DORA: 109 MEDORA. MEDORA was a ch. filly, bred by Colonel Adeane in 181 1, and sold, when a yearling, to the Duke of Rutland. She was got by Selim, out of a mare by Sir Harry (son of Sir Peter), her dam, by Volunteer, out of a mare by Herod, out of Goldengrove, by Blank, out of Spinster (alias the Widdrington Mare), by Old Partner, her dam, by Bloody Buttocks, out of a mare by Old Greyhound, out of a daughter of Makeless, &c., &c. The portrait of Medora was engraved by J. Scott, from a fine painting by Sartorius, the younger, and was taken when she was in foal with Pucelle, by Muley. Medora's Performances. 1814. At Newmarket (First Spring), not placed in the 2000 Guineas, won by Lord Egremont's b. c. Olive, by Sir Oliver, beating Mr. Prince's ch. c. by Haphazard, second. General Gower's bl. c. Mulatto, by Sorcerer, Lord Foley's b. c. Magician, by Sorcerer, and nine others ; 7 to 4 against the Haphazard colt, who also ran second to Blucher in the Derby, 5 to i against Olive, and 7 to i against Medora. S. mg., ran third in the 1000 Guineas, won by Mr. Wilson's b. f Charlotte, by Orville, beating the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Vestal, by Walton, second, and two others. At Epsom (ridden by Sam Barnard) won the Oaks, of 1275 gs., beating Vestal, second, the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Wire, by Waxy, third, and six others. At Ascot, Sst gibs, won the Windsor Forest Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's ch. f. Aquilina, by Eagle, Sst 4lbs, and the Duke of St. Albans' b. f Violet, by Waxy, Sst 4lbs. S. mg., Sst Qlbs, won the Billingbear Stakes of 100 gs. each. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. p. p., beating bl. c. Mulatto, 8st 6lbs. At Newmarket (First October), received loo gs. (forfeit) from Lord Egremont's b. c. Wanderer, by Gohanna. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st iilbs, ran second in a sweep of 200 gs. each, won by Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Alcohol, by Whiskey, four years, 8st 61bs, beating Blucher, three years, 8st 4lbs, last. S. mg., 8st 4lbs, ran third in a handicap sweep of 200 gs. each, won by Partisan, three years, 7st lolbs. 1815. At Newmarket (First Spring), ran fourth in the Port Stakes, won by Wire, beating Blucher, second, and Wanderer, third. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st, won 160 gs., beating four others. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 3lbs, ran second in the Oatlands, won by Mr. Blachford's br. filly, Castrella, by Castrel, beating Slender Billy (winner of the Doncaster Cup), third, and two others, and was now sold to Mr. T. Cussans. 1816. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st gibs, Mcdora received 50 gs. forfeit from Mr. Shakespeare's b. c. Skipjack, by Young Whiskey, 8st 2lbs, both rising five years old. She ran three times more, without success, and was put to the Stud. She was the dam of the Duke of Grafton's Post- huma, by OrviUe, of his ch. filly Pucelle, by Muley, of the Duke of Richmond's Gulnare (Oaks winner in 1827), by Smolensko, and several other sfood runners. PARTISAN. PARTISAN. PARTISAN was a bay colt, bred by the Duke of Grafton in i8ii. He was got by Walton, out of Parasol, by PotSo's, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Snap, out of Julia (bred by Thomas Panton, Esq., of Newmarket, in 1756), by Blank. For remainder of pedigree, see Whalebone). Partisan was a bright bay, with one white hind- foot; he stood 15 hands and 2 inches high, and was very muscular in form, without heaviness. As a three year old his performances were by no means promising. From the circumstance of the previous winter having been long and very severe, Mr. Robson (the Duke's trainer) was unable to get him into anything like racing condition ; and thus his true form was not ascertained till the following year, when, as a four-year old, he showed to great advantage, beating Bourbon twice, and several other good horses, to whom he gave weight. He was entered for the Derby of 1814, but could not be got ready. Speed was Partisan's forte. Partisan's Performances. 1814. At Newmarket, Craven, for horses rising three years old, Sst /lbs each, ran fourth and last in a sweep of 200 gs. each, won by Lord Lowther's b. c. Bourbon, by Sorcerer, beating the Duke of Rutland's ch. c. Osman, by Selim, second, and a bay colt by Sorcerer, third. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst each (ridden by Frank Buckle), match for 200 sovs., beat Lord Maynard's b. c. Pinions, by Walton ; 5 to 2 on Partisan. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 7lbs each, R. M. (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Lord Foley's b. c. Magician, by Sorcerer ; 4 to i on CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Partisan. At Newmarket (July), 8st 4lbs each, not placed for the Town Plate, won by Osman ; eight ran At Newmarket (First October), 8st each, A. F. (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Lord Egremont's bay filly by Orville. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st lolbs (F. Buckle), won a sweep of 200 gs. each, beating the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Curlew, by Gamcnut, four years, Sst 4lbs, and ch. f. Medora, by Selini, three years, Sst 4lbs ; also received 50 gs. forfeit from Lord Suffield's Litde Turk, by Selim. 1S15. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Bouverie's ch. f. Scheherazade, by Selim, rising five years old, Sst 6lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), for four years old, Sst lolbs (Buckle), won 450 gs., beating Bourbon, Sst lolbs, second, and Osman, Sst 5lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), gst 2lbs, ran second in the Garden Stakes, won by Mr. Andrew's b. c. by Orville, three years, 7st 4lbs ; si.x ran. 1816. At Newmarket (First .Spring), Qst (Buckle), won 350 gs., beating Bourbon, Sst lolbs, Lord George Cavendish's bl. c. Blackamoor, by Stamford, rising five years, /St 11 lbs, and one other; Bourbon the favourite. Partisan ran once more, without success, and retired to the Stud. " Partisan was a beautiful short-legged horse, with a lovely head, straight hocks, and a somewhat clubby off fore-foot. The trainers of his day, one and all, were wont to refer to him with much fondness, as being like a piece of machinery in his action. Venison, if not the best, was certainly the gamest of all his sons ; but that little horse could never do himself, justice, as his very long and sweeping action unfitted him for forcing the running, as he was often obliged to do. Gladiator, another of his dis- tinguished sons, was a very bloodlike, dark chestnut, very delicate, and requiring great care in his preparations. John and William Scott gave .;^ioo for him, as a yearling, and sold him to Lord Wilton for ^200, with a contingency of half the Derby or St. Leger Stakes, if he won either . or both. With Bay Middleton out of the way, he would have won the PARTISAN. T13 first ; and he never started again. He was eventually sold for 2000 gs., and sent to France. For Sweetmeat's sake alone he was worth all the money, and even more, for he left us also Queen Mary, the dam of Blink Bonny, and grand-dam of Caller Ou. Partisan was also the sire of Mameluke and Glaucus, a quartette worthy to rank with the Whale- bones." He also begat Zeal (winner of the 1000 gs.), Patron (winner of the 2000 gs.), Cyprian (winner of the Oaks), Godolphin, Skiff, Rapid Rhone, and several other winners. VOL. II, 1 1 4 CELEB R A TED RA CE HORSES. GIBSIDE FAIRY GIBS IDE FAIRY was a very dark bay filly, bred by the Earl of Strathmore, of Streatlam Castle, and Gibside Park, Durham, in 1811. She was got by Hermes (son of Mercury, by Eclipse), out of Vicissitude, by Pipator, out of Beatrice, by Sir Peter Teazle, out of Pyrrha, by Match'em, out of Duchess, by Whitenose(son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of Miss Slamerkin, by Young True Blue, out of a mare by Lord Oxford's dun Arabian, out of Lord D'Arcy's Black-legged Royal Mare. Vicissitude (foaled in iSoo), Beatrice (1791), Pyrrha (1771), and Duchess (174S), were all four bred by Mr. Fenwick, of By well, Northumber- land. " Vicissitude," says the Druid, " was forfeited, with her dam, to Lord Strathmore, because the owner had not paid for the expense of their keep. Vicissitude, though bred by Mr. Fenwick, in whose possession Beatric( was when covered by Pipator, was foaled at Streatlam Paddocks, where Lord Strathmore kept his Stud, after removing it from Esher, in Surre). at which place Pipator and Queen Mab were originally located, Queen Mab being then the nursing mother of the Esher Stud. She was tlu youngest of the ten chestnuts, five colts and five fillies, which her dam ("tin famous Tartar Mare), threw to Eclipse — Jupiter and Mercury being t\v( out of the ten. Gibside Fairy carried Emma (the dam of Mundig an( Cotherstone), just one year and one day. Emma was also the grand- dam of West Australian ; and both she and Gibside F"airy Avere twi famous brood-mares in the Stud of John Bowes, Esq., who inherited , large property on the death of the Earl of Strathmore." On the Tur Emma ran respectably, but did not achieve great success, resembling ii this respect several other renowned Belgravian mothers ; to wit, Mandanr Marpessa, Pocahontas, Queen Mary, &c. Gibside Fairy was also tin GIB SIDE FAIR Y. 115 clam of Maria (sister to Emma), by Whisker, who was the dam of Euclid, by Emilius, and of several other good racers. Gibside Fairy ran but once, in 18 13, when two years old, at Catterick Bridge, where she won the Yearling Stakes of 140 gs., beating Mr. Scarisbrick's brown colt by Staveley, Sir Wm. Maxwell's br. c. Jock McKivers, by Grazier (a son of Sir Peter), and Sir W. Graham's bay colt by Cardinal York (son of Sir Peter). Ti6 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. PRUDENCE. PRUDENCE (sister to Pledge), was a brown filly, bred by the Duke of Grafton in 1811, and was one of his most esteemed brood mares. She was got by Waxy, out of Prunella (bred by his Grace in 1788), by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's Dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, &c., &c. Prudence was never trained for racing, but did good service in the Duke's Stud, at Euston, being the dam of the following excellent runners: — viz. of his Grace's ch. f. Rowena,. by Haphazard, foaled in 1 81 7 (winner of the 1000 Guineas, and second to Lord Egremont's b. f. Caroline, by Whalebone, in the Oaks, in 1820); of his Grace's br. c. Reginald, by Haphazard, foaled in 1818 (winner of the 2000 Guineas, second to Mr. Hunter's gr. c. Gustavus, by Election, in the Derby, in 1821) ; of his Grace's b. f. Rebecca, by Soothsayer, foaled in 182 1 (winner, in 1824, at Newmarket Craven, of the Riddles- worth Stakes of 200 gs. each, h. ft., twenty-five subscribers, value 2000 gs., ridden by Frank Buckle ; and, also, of the Dinner Stakes, of 300 gs. each, p. p., ten subscribers, ridden by Frank Buckle, and beating the Derby winner, Cedric ; also ran second to Cobweb in the 1000 Guineas, and third to Cobweb in the Oaks) ; of his Grace's ch. c. Rufus, by Election, foaled in 1822 (winner, in 1825, at Newmarket Craven, of the Riddlesworth, of 200 gs. each, h. ft., twenty-three sub- scribers, value 2500 gs., ridden by Frank Buckle ; also, on the following day, of a sweepstakes of 300 gs., Frank Buckle ; and, next day, ridden by Frank Buckle, of a sweep of 100 gs. each, &c., eight sub- scribers. At Newmarket (First Spring), Frank Buckle, won a Produce Sweep of 100 sovs. each, &c. ; and, at Epsom, ridden by Wm. PRUDENCE. . 117 Arnull, ran second in the Dei'by won by Middleton (which sec). The defeat of Rufus by Middleton caused great sensation in sporting circles, his victory in the minds of many being well assured, notwith- standing Lord Jersey's dark colt started first favourite). Of his Grace's b. c. Roderick, by Rubens, foaled in 1824; Ronald, foaled in 1826, by Centaur; and Rupert, foaled in 1827, by Emilius, all of whom were very fair performers, but not fortunate as winners. Prudence missed to Selim in 1816, to Soothsayer in 1820, and to Merlin (son of Castrel) in 1823 and 1825. The Sporting Magazine for September, 1828, says: "The foal in the plate (not R^lper{) was by Emilius, and foaled in 1828." ii8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. DOCTOR SYNTAX. DOCTOR SYNTAX was a brown colt, bred by Humphreys Osbaldeston, Esq., of Hunmanby, Yorkshire, in i8li, who sold him, when a yearling, to Mr. Knapton, of Huntington, near York, from whom he was purchased by Ralph Riddell, Esq., of Felton Park, North- umberland. He was got by Paynator (son of Trumpator), out of a marc by Beningbrough, out of Jenny Mole, by Carbuncle (a son of Babrahaiii Blank), out of a mare by Prince T'Ouassaw, her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Old Partner. Writing of Dr. Syntax, " The Druid " observes, " The Doctor, as they so fondly termed him in the North, was in every way a very remarkable horse to look at, being barely fifteen hands high, very broad at the base of the nose, with an eye as full and bright as a hawk's, a high drooping rump, and short quarters. He was very short in his coat, which was mouse-coloured. A slight canter would bring out his veins so strongly, that he looked as if covered with network. He had splendid legs, and a strong muscular head ; but could never bear eithei whip or spur ; but Bob Johnson could always get every ounce out of hiir by merely stroking and talking to him." Bill Scott, who rode him in foui of his races, used to hiss at him furiously. His defeat by Reveller, foi the Cup at Preston, will never be forgotten there. The Doctor's Pkrformances. 1814. At Catterick, fell in running for the Craven Stakes ; and, at Middle ham, 5st lolbs, ran second in the Craven Stakes, won by br. f. Tunis, b^ Gohanna, three years, 5st 5lbs ; four ran. At Durham, in a sweep 1 ■**^ ,^^ DOCTOR SYNTAX. 119 100 gs., was beaten by Mr. Dawson's b. c. Biddick, by Dick Andrews. At Preston, won 70 gs., and 150 gs. at Morpeth. At Richmond (ridden by Robert Johnson), won 150 gs., and, next day, yst 4lbs, heats three miles (R. Johnson), won 140 gs., beating b. h. X. Y. Z. (also Mr. Riddell's), six years, 8st gibs, Biddick, 7st 4lbs, and one otlier. 1815. At Catterick, won 90 gs., beating six others. S. mg., won 60 gs. At Middleham, 8st, three miles, won the Cup, beating Miss Craigie, by Orville, and two others. At Lancaster, 8st, four miles, won the Cup At Preston, 8st, four miles, won the Cup, beating Lord Derby's bl. h. Rinaldo, by Milo (son of Sir Peter), five years, 8st lolbs, and Mr. Gascoigne's b. c. Waterloo, by Walton, four years, 8st. At Richmond, 8st, ran second for the Cup, won by Filho-da-Puta ; ten ran : also, heats three miles, won ^80, beating Mr. Garforth's gr. m. Marciana, by Stamford, and Lord Fitzwilliam's br. f. Desdemona (dam of Mulatto), by Orville. 1816. At Catterick, won the Craven Stakes and sweep of 60 sovs. At Lancaster, 8st 81bs each, won the Cup, beating Lord Derby's b. h. Spartan, by Milo, both five years old. At Preston, 8st lolbs, four miles (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Filho-da-Puta, four years, 8st (J. Jackson), and Rinaldo (Ben Smith). 1817. At Lancaster, 8st I2lbs, three miles, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Silenus, by Camillus (son of Hambletonian), four years, 8st ; three ran. At Preston, 8st I2lbs, three miles (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Silenus, 8st (T. Shepherd), Sir B. Graham's b. f. The Duchess, by Cardinal York, four years, 7st i2lbs (Ben Smith), third, and one other; even on The Duchess. At Richmond, 8st lolbs four miles, ran second for the Cup, won by The Duchess, 7st i2lbs beating Silenus, and three others. S. mg., w. o. for ^92. CELEB RA TED RA CE HORSES. 1818. At Lancaster, 8st 12 lbs, three miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Yates' br. h. Paulowitz (sire of Cain), by Sir Paul, five years, 8st 8lbs, and two others. At Preston, 8st i2lbs (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating The Duchess (now Mr. Lambton's), five years, 8st lolbs, and one other; even betting between the Doctor and The Duchess. At Richmond, 8st lolbs, four miles (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Orde Powlett's b. c. Juggler, by Comus, three years, 6st lolbs, The Duchess, 8st 7lbs, and Mr. Watt's b. c. Blacklock, by Whitelock, four years, 8st, last. S. mg., won ^113, beating the Hon. E. Petre's br. f. Agatha, by Orville, four years, yst i slbs. 1819. At Lancaster, 8st i2lbs (A. Johnson), won the Cup, beating br. h. Paulowitz, Est i2lbs, in a canter. At Preston, 8st i2lbs (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Lord Derby's b. c. Brontes, by Thunderbolt, three years, 6st 6lbs, easily. At Richmond, 8st lolbs (Johnson), ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Garforth's b. c. Otho (winner, this year, of the Doncaster Cup), by Sir Paul, four years, 8st, beating The Duchess, 8st 8lbs, and three others; 6 to 4 on the Doctor, and 12 to i against Otho. S. mg., gst /lbs (Johnson), won the Dundas Stakes, beating Lord Fitzwilliam's br. f. Galatea, by Amadis, three years, 8st, and two others. 1820. At Lancaster, 8st i2lbs (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Colonel Cradock's b. c. Sir Walter, by Whitworth, four years, 8st, and Mr. Clifton's b. c. Antonio (St. Leger winner in 1S19), 8st. At Preston, 8st i2lbs (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Lord Stamford's b. c. Comet, by Sir Oliver, four years, 8st, and one other. At Richmond, 8st lolbs (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Houldsworth's ch. m. Torrelli, by Cerberus, Mr. Lambton's gr. colt Consul, by Camilius, and his br. c. Waverley, by Whalebone, and four others ; also, gst /lbs, won the Dundas Stakes, beating Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Dunsinane,'by Macbeth (a son of Sorcerer), three years, 8st. DOCTOR SYNTAX. 1821. At Lancaster, Sst I2lbs (Johnson), for the Cup, was beaten by Reveller, 8st i2lbs (Ben Smith). At Preston, 8st i2lbs (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Reveller, 8st I2lbs, and gr. f. Fair Helen, four years, 7st I2lb3; 1 [ to 8 on Reveller. At Richmond, won the Cup, beating Consul, and also won the Dundas Stakes, again beating Dunsinane. 1822. At Lancaster (R. Johnson), for the Cup, was again beaten by Reveller, 8st I2lbs (W. Scott). . At Preston, gst (Johnson), for the Cup, was beaten by Reveller (B. Smith), gst, Mr. O. Powlett's br. c. Jack Spigot, four years, 8st, being third and last ; 5 to 4 on Jack Spigot, 5 to 2 against Reveller, and 7 to 2 against the Doctor. At Richmond, won the Cup ; and, also. 9st lib, won the Cup at Northallerton (R. Johnson), beating three others. 1823. At Newcastle, gst (Johnson), won ^^120, beating Lord Kelburne's br. c. May-Day, by Ardrossan, and Lord Oueensberry's br. c. Prosody, by Prime Minister, three years, 6st lolbs. At Pontefract, gst lib (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Lord Scarborough's b. c. Regalia, by Catton, four years, 8st. S. mg., at Doncaster, gst, four miles (Wm. Scott), ran fourth for the Cup, won by Figaro (which see for details). At Doncaster, gst 7lbs (ridden by Wm. Scott), ran third in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, won by May Day, four years, 8st gibs (J. Gar- butt), beating -Sir W. Milner's bl. c. Angler, by Walton, four years, 8st gibs, second, and four others ; 2 to i on the Doctor. At Richmond, gst, four miles (Johnson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Hepworth's br. h. Little Driver, by Ardrossan, Mr. Lambton's b. f. Beresina, by Leopold, Lord Darlington's ch. f. Richmond Lass, by Whisker, and Mr. Lambton's ch. m. Fortuna (winner, in 1822, of the Great Subscription Purse at York), by Comus. This was the Doctor's last race. CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. WHISKER. WHISKER was a b. c. bred by the Duke of Grafton, in iSi2, and was got by Waxy, out ol Penelope, by Trumpator, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Old Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's Dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, out of a mare by the Darley Arabian, &c. " In early times the northern and southern breed of horses was kept very distinct ; and the rich bay. Whisker, was the first of the southern cracks to go north, and he pitched his tent at Catterick. Many of the northmen never came further south than to Newmarket. The Tykes were in ecstasies when they got Whisker into Yorkshire ; and they, as well as the Durham breeders, of whom the Duke of Cleveland was the most prominent, patronized him to a large extent. For the Hon. Edward Petre he left The Colonel, for Mr. Richard Watt, of Bishop Burton, he left Memnon, and for Mr. John Bowes, the famous brood mare, Emma. '' In general appearance. Whisker was as near perfection as a horse could be ; and his blood has descended, through The Colonel and Chatham, to Woolwich (who was a perfect wonder over a distance of ground), and, through Economist, to Harkaway, and his son King Tom. Irrespective of Ernma, the Whisker mares were always of an uncommon stamp, Liverpool, Tearaway, Euclid, Knight-of-the- Whistle, The Era, Mango, Mundig, Cotherstone, Meteor, Mowerina and Theon, were all of them out of Whisker's daughters ; 'and the famous mare, Catherina, who survived all the others, dying at the age of thirty-two, ran in 171 races." (From " The Druid.") WHISKER. 123 Whisker's Performances. 1815. At Newmarket, Craven, received 100 gs. forfeit, and also received 50 gs. (forfeit) from the Duke of Portland's b. c. Dinmont, by Orville. At Newmarket (First Spring), colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, not placed in the 2000 Guineas, won by Lord Rous' ch. c. Tigris, by Quiz, beating the Duke of York's b. c. Castanet, by Granicus (son of Sorcerer), and seven others. S. mg., colts 8st ^Ibs, fillies 8st 2lbs, ran second in the Newmarket Stakes of 650 gs., won by Lord Lowther's br. c. Busto, by Clinker (son of Sir Peter), beating Mr. J. Payne's ch. f. Zora, by Selim, and six others. At Epsom (ridden by Tom Goodisson), won the Derby of 1450 gs., beating General Gower's bay colt Raphael, by Rubens ; also (not placed), the Duke of York's ch. c. Scrapall, by Granicus, his b. c. Castanet, Lord Rous' ch. c. Equator, by Zodiac (son of St. George), Mr. C. VVyndham's b. c. Frolic by Hedley (son of Gohanna), Mr. Payne's br. c. Ouinola, by Waxy, Mr. Stonehewer's b. c. Delville, by Dick Andrews, br. c. Busto, and four others. Betting, at starting, 7 to 2 each against Raphael and Frolic (who, at Newmarket, Second Spring, had beaten Tigris, the winner of the 2000 Guineas), 7 to i against Castanet, and 8 to i against Whisker. Busto cut out the running at a severe pace (to serve Raphael), taking a lead of three lengths, and followed by Castanet, Frolic, Equator, and Raphael, Whisker heading the ruck. At the furzes, Raphael and Whisker joined the leaders, Busto still leading, a position he maintained to within 200 yards of home, where Raphael came up and deprived him of the lead ; but was, on the instant, challenged by Whisker. These two ran locked together, till about four strides from the winning-post, when Whisker got his head in front ; and, despite John Jackson's strenuous efforts on Raphael, won a magnificent race by half a head, Busto being only a neck behind Raphael. Jackson was thrown off just after passing the chair, but sustained no injury. At Newmarket (First October), colts Sst /lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, was not placed in the St. Leger Stakes of 850 gs., won by Ouinola, beating Mr. Neville's ch. c. Sir Joshua, by Rubens, second ; also (not placed), Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Anticipation, by Hambletonian, Equator, Frolic, and 124 ' CELEBRATED RACEHORSES.- six others ; 6 to 4 against Whisker, 4 to i against Sir Joshua, and 8 to i against Ouinola. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 81bs, (F. Buckle), match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Shakespear's b. c. Donkey, by Bobtail (Wm. Arnull). S. mg., yst I2lbs (Buckle), match for 300 gs., A. F., was beaten by Sir Joshua, 8st 2lbs (Goodisson) ; 5 to 4 on Sir Joshua, who died from an accident on the 14th of December, 1816. 1816. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st /lbs each, won the Post Stakes, beating ch. c. Equator (now Mr. H. Vansittart's). At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 2lbs (Buckle), match for 200 gs., R. M., beat Lord Darlington's br. h. Paulus, by Sir Paul, 8st 7lbs (Goodisson). At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 2lbs (Buckle), match for 300 gs., A. F., beat Sir Joshua, 8st 8lbs (William. Arnull) ; 7 to 4 on Sir Joshua. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 3lbs, received 70 gs. (compromise) from Paulus, 8st 4lbs. Whisker was now sold to Lord Darlington, and, at Newmarket (Houghton), 8st 6lbs, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Equator, 7st I3lbs, both four years old. The betting varied, at the post, from 6 to 5 on Whisker, to 7 to 4 on Equator. S. mg., 8st 81bs, won 175 gs., beating Lord Foley's br.f. Duenna(secondtoRhoda in the 1000 Guineas, and second to Landscape in the Oaks), by Sir David (son of Trumpator), three years, 6st i2lbs. Equator, 8st slbs, and three others. Whisker ran once more this year, without success, and did not run in 18 17. 1818. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 81bs, match for 200 gs., A. F., beat Lord George Cavendish's br. c. Little Dick, by Dick Andrews, four years, 7st i2lbs ; also, 8st 7lbs, two miles, match for 200 gs., beat Lord Jersey's b. h. Cannon Ball, by Sancho, eight years old, 8st i3lbs. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st lolbs, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Prince's b. c. Manfred, by Election, four years, 8st ; 7 to 4 on Manfred. Whisker ran four times rnore this year, without success, and retired to the Stud. MINUET. 125 MINUET. MINUET (own sister to Handel and Music) was a bay filly, bred by the Duke of Grafton in 181 2, and got by Waxy, out of Woodbine, by Woodpecker, out of Puzzle, by Match'em, out of Princess, by Herod, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's Dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, her dam, by the Darley Arabian, out of a mare by the Byerley Turk, &c. Minuet's Performances. 1814. At Newmarket, for two years old, colts 8st 61bs, fillies 8st 4lbs, won the July Stakes of 830 gs., beating General Gower's ch. f. (afterwards named Streamlet), by Rubens, second ; also, not placed. Lord Stawell's b. f. Omphale (sister to Blucher), by Waxy, General Grosvenor's b. f. Theodosia, by Trafalgar, Lord Grosvenor's b. c. St. Sebastian (winner of the Claret Stakes at Newmarket Craven, in 18 16), by Castrel, and eight others ; 7 to 2 against St. Sebastian, and 4 to i against Minuet. 1815. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 4lbs each (F. Buckle), ran second for the 1000 Guineas, won by Lord Foley's br. f. by Selim (W. ArnuU), beating b. f. Discord (also the Duke of Grafton's), by Popinjay (son of Buzzard), and one other; 2 to i on Minuet. S. mg., 8st lib each, won 250 gs., beating Mr. Northey's b. f. by Gamenut (son of Walnut) ; 10 to I on Minuet. At Epsom (ridden by T. Goodisson), won the Oaks of 1200 gs., beating Lord George Cavendish's br. f. Mouse, by Sir David (son of Trumpator), second, the Hon. A. Craven's b. f. Nadejda, by Granicus (son of Sorcerer), third ; also, not placed, Mr. Payne's ch. f. Zora, by Selim, and eight others, 3 to i against Minuet, 7 to 2 against 1 26 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. Zora, and 8 to i against ]\Iouse. At Newmarket (First October), colts 8st gibs, fillies 8st 6lbs, won 250 gs.. beating Lord George Cavendish's b. f. by Windle (a son of Beningbrough), second, the Duke of Rutland's b. c. bj' Windle, third, and four others ; even on Minuet : also, received 40 gs. forfeit from the Duke of York's b. c. Castanet, by Granicus. At Newmarket (Ho.), /st 6lbs, A. F., ran second for a Gold Cup (handicap), won by the Duke of York's b. c. Cashew, by Bobtail, three years, 6st 6lbs, beating Lord George Cavendish's bl. c. Blackamoor, by Stamford, three years, 8st, Cannon Ball, Sst gibs, and four others also ran. Minuet ran twice more this year, without success. 1816. At Newmarket (July), 8st 3lbs, match for 100 gs., beat Lord Jersey's br. h. Fugitive, by CamiJlus, six years, Sst i ilbs ; 3 to i on Minuet. At Chelmsford, w. o. for the King's Guineas. At Newmarket (First October), Sst gibs, won the Trial Stakes, beating b. f. Discord (also the Duke's), Sst gibs, second, ch. h. Perchance, five years, gst 2lbs, third, Tigris, Sst gibs, and five others ; 7 to 4 on Tigris, and 3 to i against Minuet. S. mg,, Sst /lbs, match for 200 gs.. beat Lord Foley's b. f. Duenna, by Sir David, three years, 7st ilb ; 1 1 to S on Duenna. Minuet ran twice more this year, without success. 1817. At Newmarket (First Spring), gst 4lbs, won the King's Plate, beating; Discord (now INIr. Rush's), and one other. S. mg., Sst lolbs, ran second for a purse of 50 sovs., won by Rhoda, four years, 7st 6lbs, beatin Anticipation, five years, Sst lolbs, and four others. At Newmarket (First October), gst 2lbs. not placed in the Trial Stakes, won by Lord G Cavendish's b. h. Bourbon, by Sorcerer, six years, gst 6lbs, beating b. h Alcohol (also Lor.d George's), by Whiskey, aged, gst 6lbs, and Lord Egremont's b. h. Wanderer, by Gohanna, six years, gst 6lbs, third, and five others ; 5 to 4 on Bourbon. Minuet ran three times more this year, without success, and was put to the Stud ; where she threw for his Grace, in 1821, a b. c. Banquo, by Phantom ; in 1S22, ab. c. Bolero, by Partisan : and in 1823, a b. c. Bolivar, by Comus, and others. FILHO-DA-PUTA. FILHO-DA-PUTA. FILHO-DA-PUTA was a brown colt, bred by Thomas Hornby Morland, Esq., of Finchley, Middlesex, in 1812, and sold, when five weeks old, together with his dam, to Sir Wm. Maxwell, Bart. He was got by Haphazard (son of Sir Peter), out of Mrs. Barnet, by Waxy, out of a mare by Woodpecker, out of Heinel, by Squirrel, out of Principessa, by Blank, out of a mare by the Cullen Arabian, out of Grisewood's Lady Thigh, by Old Partner, out of a mare (bred by Mr. John Crofts in 1723), by Old Greyhound, out of Sophonisba's dam, by the Curwen Bay Barb. Filho-da-Puta was fully sixteen hands high, and as good as he looked ; but, like Touchstone, he went very wide in his gallop behind. He was beaten in his great match with Sir Joshua, in consequence of his suddenly rearing at the starting post, whereby he lost several lengths, which he could not recover, and so was defeated by a neck. Wm. Arnull rode Sir Joshua, and Tom Goodisson piloted Filho. Mr. Houldsworth offered to run the match over again, for double the amount ; but the Neville party said " No," being satisfied with their good luck. Filho gave Sir Joshua 7lbs, both being four years old. Filho died August 25th, 1835, at Rock Hill Paddocks, near Mansfield, Notts. About two months after the St. Leger, a report was published in some of the Sporting papers to the effect that Filho-da-Puta was a four-year-old, and so disqualified from starting for that race. Sir Wm. Maxwell hereupon published, in refutation of the report, the following certificate from Mr. Morland, the colt's breeder: — " Mrs. Barnet foaled a brown colt, with a snip or star, afterwards named Filho-da-Puta, got by Haphazard, on Tuesday night, April 14th, 1812. She was sold by me, with the above-named colt at her foot, to Sir Wm. Maxwell, on the 24th of May following, and delivered to Sir William at the Veterinary College, St. Pancras, on the 128 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 9th of June, 1812, being then just eight weeks old. Witness my hand at Finchley, Middlesex, this 17th day of November, 1815. (Signed) T. Hornby Morland.'' Filho-da-Puta's Performances* 1814. At Newcastle, for two year old, w. o. for the Tyro Stakes. At Ponte- fract, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, won 120 gs., beating Major Bower's bay colt Agapanthus, by Hyacinthus (son of Coriander), and Earl Fitz- william's b. f. Clinkerina, by Clinker (son of Sir Peter). 1815. At Catterick, Sst 3lbs, won 250 gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' ch. c. Restoration, by Pandolpho, and a bay filly, by Shuttle (son of Young Marske). At Doncaster (ridden by John Jackson), won the Great St, Leger of 1450 gs., beating Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Dinmont, by Orville second. Colonel King's b. c. Fulford, by Orville, third, Mr. Mason's b. c. Shepherd, by Sir Harry Dimsdale (son of Sir Peter), fourth ; also, Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Ottoman, by Selim, Mr. Wilson's b. f Camertonia, by Hambletonian, Sir W. Milner's b. f. Banshee, by Sorcerer, b. f. Arabella, by Orville, ch. c. Restoration, and five others; even on Filho, 3 to i against Dinmont, and 10 to i against Fulford. S. mg., 7st 4lbs, won the Club Stakes of 200 gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' b. f. Marionette, by Orville, 7st 2lbs, and Mr. Watt's ch. m. Altisidora (St. Leger winner in 1813), by Dick Andrews, five years, 8st I2lbs. At Richmond (now the property of Thomas Houldsworth, Esq.), 6st lolbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Riddell's br. c. Doctor Syntax, four years, 8st, second, Mr. H. Peirse's b. i. Rosanne, by Dick Andrews, four years, 7st i2lbs, Ottoman, 6st lolbs, and three others. 1816. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st gibs, R. M. (T. Goodisson), match for 1000 sovs., was beaten, a neck, by Mr. R. Neville's ch. c. Sir Joshua, by I I FILHO-DA-PUTA. 129 Rubens, 8st 2lbs (W. Arnull), both four years old ; 6 to 4 on Sir Joshua. The Hon. R. Neville had the misfortune to lose this valuable horse, from an accident at Newmarket, on the 14th of December this year. It was believed that the accident was caused by the horse getting up hastily in his box, and fracturing the pelvis-bone, a portion of which was forced into the abdomen. At Preston, 8st, ran second for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax, five years, 8st lolbs, beating Lord Derby's b. h. Rinaldo, by Milo (son ot Sir Peter), six years, Sst I2lbs, last ; 5 to 4 on Filho. At Doncaster, colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, won ^240, beating Mr. Peirse's b. f Sister to Rosanne, second, Dinmont, third Fulford, fourth, and sister to Restoration last. S. mg., 7st 7lbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Leopold, by Camillus, three years, 6st, a gr. c. by Orville, and a gr. c. by Camillus. At Richmond, Sst gibs, won the Dundas Stakes of 180 gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' br. c. Rasping, by Brown Bread (son of Sir Peter), three years, Sst, and Clink- erina, four years, Sst gibs. S. mg., Sst, ran third for the Cup, won by Leopold, 6st lolbs, beating Sir Bellingham Graham's b. f The Duchess, by Cardinal York, three years, 6st 8lbs, second, and five others. Even on Filho, and 5 to i against Leopold. This was Filho's last race. The Filho-da-Puta and Sir Joshua match was one that excited fully as much interest as that equally celebrated one between Diamond and Hambletonian. The Sporting Times, in its issue of March 5th, 188 1, has the following remarks: — " ' The Druid ' has given Arnold * as Filho-da- Puta's rider, and this name is also given in a picture belonging to a descendant of the owner of the horse. In a visit we paid to Newmarket on Saturday last (February 26th, 18S1), we sought out Mr. R Boyce, whose father trained Sir Joshua. In reply to the following question : ' Do you recollect the match between Sir Joshua and Filho-da-Puta?' Mr. R. Boyce replied, ' Yes I do ; my father trained Sir Joshua, and I went on to the Heath with the horses ; ' and, ' Do you recollect who rode Sir Joshua ? ' ' Yes, certainly, William Arnull's father.' We called on * " The Druid," in his work entitled " Silk and Scarlet," page i86, gives " Arnull " and not "Arnold," as the name of Filho-da-Puta's rider. VOL. II. K I30 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Wm. Arnull, who told us that his father rode Filho, and referred us to a Mr. Prince, who saw the match, and who confirmed this dictum, adding thereto the following account of the race. ' The match was run off in March, during a heavy fall of snow. Coming down the Bushes Hill, Filho-da-Puta slipped, and nearly fell, and it was this mishap that lost him the race.' " t t " The Druid " attributes Filho's defeat to his rearing at the starting-post. Probably it was the two incidents combined. ANTICIPATION. 131 ANTICIPATION. ANTICIPATION was a chestnut colt, bred by Thomas Thornhill, Esq., of Riddlesworth, in 181 2, and sold by him at the Houghton meeting at Newmarket, in 181 7, to Mr. Goddard. He was got by Ham- bletonian, out of Hyale, by Phcenomenon, out of Rally, by Trumpator, out of Fancy (sister to Diomed), by Florizel, out of Sister to Juno (bred by Mr. Panton in 1763), by Spectator, out of Horatia, by Blank, out of a mare by Flying Childers, out of Miss Belvoir, by Grey Grantham, her dam, by the Paget Turk, out of Betty Percival, by the Leedes Arabian, out of a mare by Spanker, &c., &c. Anticipation's Performances. 1815. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, ran second in a sweep of 200 gs. each, won by Mr. Payne's ch. f. Zora, by Selim: four ran. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 7lbs each, R.M., ran second in a sweepstakes of 200 gs. each, won by Mr. Andrew's b. c. Garus, by Hambletonian : six ran. At Newmarket (First October), for three years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, not placed in the Newmarket St. Leger of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. Payne's br. c. Ouinola, by Waxy, beating Mr. Neville's ch. c. Sir Joshua, by Rubens,* second ; also (not placed), b. c. Whisker (Derby winner), and eight others; 6 to 4 against Whisker, and 8 to i against Ouinola. At Newmarket, (Second October), 8st 7lbs, match for 100 gs., beat the Hon. A Craven's b. f. Nadejda, by Granicus, three years, 8st ; 2 to i on Anticipation. Same day, 7st 2lbs, * This defeat of Sir Joshua provoked a cliallenge by Mr. Neville to run his horse against Quinola at the following Houghton meeting, for 200 gs. a side, 8st 4lbs each, which was won by Sir Joshua. 132 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. won 50 gs., beating Sir C. Banbury's br. h. Muley, by Orville, five years, 9st 2lbs, second, and nine others. 1816. At Ascot, 7st lolbs, ran third in the Oatlands, won by Garus (now Lord Lowther's) : seven ran ; 4 to i against Anticipation, and 12 to i against Garus. The Duke of York's ch. h. Aladdin, by Giles, six years, gst albs, was the favourite at 6 to 4. S. mg., 8st albs (Sam Chifney), won the Cup, beating the Duke of York's Aladdin (winner of the Ascot Cup in 1815), six years, gst 3lbs (T. Goodisson), second ; also (unplaced), the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Fandango, by Selim, four years, Sst albs, third. Lord Egremont's b. h. Wanderer, five years, Sst lalbs, and two others ; 7 to 4 against Wanderer, 3 to i against Aladdin, and 10 to i against Anticipation. At Newmarket (First October), Sst 7lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Shakespear's b. c. Donkey, by Bobtail, four years, Sst. S. mg., iost4lbs, B. C, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. W. Edwards' b. h. Perchance, by Haphazard, five years, list 6lbs, second, Lord Rous' ch. c. Tigris (winner of the 2000 Guineas in 1815), by Quiz, four years, lost 4lbs, Wanderer, iist6lbs, and one other. Ran twice more this year, without success, and, at Sst 7lbs, match for 100 gs., paid 50 gs. forfeit to Mr. Vansittart's ch. c. Equator, by Zodiac, Sst, both four years old. 181 7. At Newmarket (First October), Sst 7lbs, A. F., match for aoogs., beat Mr. Payne's ch. c. Azor (winner of this year's Derby), by Selim, three years, 6st 7lbs ; 11 to S on Anticipation. S. mg., Sst albs, A. F., match for 200 gs.. beat Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Alcohol, by Whiskey, aged, Sst lolbs ; even betting. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 5lbs, A. F. match for 200 gs., was beaten by Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Bourbon, by Sorcerer, six years, Sst i2lbs; 1 1 to 8 on Bourbon. This was a very fine race, and won- by half a length. Anticipation ran twice more this year, without success, and was sold to Mr. Goddard. 1818. At Newmarket (April), gst ilb, was unplaced in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord Egremont's gr. c. Skim, by Gohanna, rising five years, Sst gibs ; twenty-three ran. S. mg., Sst Bibs, not placed in the Oadands, won by ANTICIPA TION. 1 3 3 Cannon Ball, gst 3lbs. At Ascot, 8st lolbs, 2| miles, won the Oatlands of 420 gs., beating Mr. Batson's br. c. Stainborough, by Dick Andrews, four years, /st lolbs, Mr. Lechmere Charlton's ch. c. Indus, by Quiz, four years, 7st nibs, third, Garus, 8st ylbs, and eight others: the winner the favourite. At Burderop, gst, three miles, won the Gold Cup, beat- ing Mr. Calley's ch. h. Osman, by Selim, aged, gst 2lbs. At Kingscote, 9st lolbs, three miles, won 90 gs., beating Mr. Charlton's gr. m. Euryone, by Witchcraft, five years, gst 2lbs ; and, also, won 50 sovs., beating ch. f. Leah, by Election, Garus, and one other. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 6lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Colonel Udny's br. c. The Student (sent to Germany in 1822), by Dick Andrews, four years, 8st 4lbs ; even betting. Ran twice more this year, without success. ' 1819. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st lalbs, B. C, won 250 gs., beating Cannon Ball, Qst 3lbs, and b. m. Rhoda, by Asparagus, 8st lolbs, S. mg., i2St each, B. C, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Cannon Ball. At Maddington, Qst gibs, four miles, won iio gs., beating Colonel King's b. h. Sober Robin, by Orville, five years, 8st 81bs, after a dead heat, and two others. At Ascot (June JOth), gst 3lbs, for the second time, won the Cup, beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's br. h. Gazelle (sent to India), by Sorcerer, five years, 8st I2lbs : 3 to i on Anticipation : only these two ran. At Salisbury, gst 3lbs, won the Cup, beating the Student, 8st gibs, and one other. At Blandford, broke down in running for the Cup, won by Garus (now Mr. Farquharson's). Anticipation was now purchased from Mr. Goddard by Mr. Lechmere Charlton, and added to his famous Stud at Ludford, near Ludlow. In such high esteem did Mr Charlton, hold the blood of Hyale, that he gave 750 gs. for her son, Anticipation, a high price in those days, when thousands were never dreamt of. Hyale was also the dam of Mr. Sitwell's Clasher and Clinker, by Sir Peter, and of Mr. Thornhill's Sam (winner of the Derby in 1818), and of Lord Grey's Prince of Orange, by Beningbrough. Anticipation won many of his races at high weights and long distances, beating some of the best and stoutest horses of his day. He got many excellent hunters, well- known in Shropshire, but his racing stock was not of much account. 134 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. THE DUCHESS. THE DUCHESS (first named " Duchess of Leven"), was a bay filly, foaled in 1813, the property of W. Wilson, Esq. She was got by Cardinal York (son of Sir Peter), out of Miss Nancy; by Bening- brough, her dam, by Ruler (son of Young Marske), out of a mare by Fitzherod, her dam, by Young Cade, out of a mare by Regulus (son of the Godolphin Arabain), &c. The Duchess's Performances. 1816. At Catterick, won the Filly Stakes of 20 gs. each. At York, 8st, ran third in the St. Leger, won by the Duke of Leeds' br. c. Rasping, by Brown Bread, Sst 3lbs : five ran. S. mg., for fillies 8st, 3lbseach, won 200 gs., beating Mr. Kirby's b. f. Woodpecker Lass, and one other. At Newcasde (June 24th), won 100 gs. At York (August), for fillies, Sst 2lbs, won 160 gs. At. Pontefract, 6st 8lbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Lambton's br. c. Shepherd, by Sir Harry Dimsdale, four years, Sst, and four others. She was now sold to Sir B. R. Graham, Bart., and renamed "The Duchess." At Doncaster, colts Sst 2lbs, fillies Sst, won the Great St. Leger of ^1175, beating Mr. Watt's br. c. Captain Candid, by Cerberus, Rasping third, also Lord Milton's b. f. Maritornes, by Cervantes ch. f. Wathcote Lass, by Remembrancer, and eight others ; 7 to 4 against Maritornes (winner of the Produce and the Sapling Stakes at York) ; 4 to i against Rasping, and 12 to i against The Duchess. S. mg. (St. Leger course), won 200 gs., beating Wathcote Lass. She ran once more, at Richmond, without success. THE DUCHESS. 135 1817. At Preston, /St T2lbs, ran third for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax. At York (August), 8st 3lbs each, in a sweep of 200 gs., was beaten by Maritornes. At Pontefract, 7st 11 lbs, four miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Silenus, by Camillus, four years, 8st. At Don- caster, Bst 5lbs, won 175 gs., beating Blacklock, three years, 7st 4lbs ; also, 7st 7lbs, four miles, won the Doncaster Stakes, beating three others. At Richmond, won the Cup, beating Dr. Syntax, and one other, and was now sold to Mr. Lambton. 1818. At York Spring, 8st 7lbs, two miles, won the Cup, beating Rasping, 8st ylbs. At Preston, 8st lolbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax, 8st I2lbs. At York (August), 8st ylbs, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Sir Mark Sykes' b. h. Bustler, by Camillus, five years, 8st 7lbs, Rasping, 8st 7lbs, and one other. At Doncaster, in the Club Stakes, and in the Doncaster Stakes, was beaten by Blacklock. At Richmond, 8st 5lbs, ran third for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax, 8st lolbs, beating Blacklock, 8st, and one other. 1819. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st i3lbs, ran second for the Oatlands, won by Lord Foley's br. c. Boniface, by Sorcerer, three years, 7st lolbs, beating Rhoda, 8st i3lbs, third, and two others. At Newcastle, won the Cup, beating Bustler, and four others ; also won the Gosforth Stakes. At York (August), for the Great Subscription, was beaten by Blacklock, and was now taken out of training, and joined Mr. Lambton's Stud. 1 36 CELEBRA TED RACEHORSES. RHODA. RHODA was a bay filly, bred by the Duke of Rutland in 1813. She was got by Asparagus (son of PotSo's), out of Rosabella, by Whiskey, out of a mare by Diomed, out of Harriet, by Match'em, out of Flora, by Regulus, her dam, by Bartlett's Childers (brother to Flying Childers, though never trained for racing), out of a dau. of Bay Bolton, out of a mare by the Belgrade Turk, which Turk was taken at the siege of Belgrade, in Turkey, by General Merci, by whom he was sent to the Prince de Craon, who presented him to the Prince of Lorraine (afterwards Emperor), whose ambassador in London, sold him to Sir Marmaduke Wy villa, Bart., in whose possession he died in 1740. Rugda's Performances. 1816. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st, R. M., match for 300 gs., beat Sir J. Shelley's b. c. Parrot, by Walton. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 4lbs each (Sam Chifney), won the 1000 Guineas, beating Lord Foley's br. f Duenna, by Sir David (son of Trumpator), the Hon. R. Neville's br. f Guendolen, by Sorcerer ; also, b. f. Placentea, by Dick Andrews, and two others ; 11 to 8 against Guendolen, and 5 to 2 against Rhoda. At Epsom, 8st 4lbs each, not placed in the Oaks, won by General Gower's b. f. Landscape, by Rubens (S. Chifney), beating Duenna, second, Mr. Walker's ch. f by Selim, third, bl. f Pythoness, by Sorcerer, Guendolen, and five others ; 2 to i against Landscape, 4 to i against Duenna, and 10 to I against Rhoda and the Selim filly. "■,-0 'ksuitmi: RHODA. 137 1817. At Newmarket (April), not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by the Duke of York's ch. c. Roller, by Quiz (son of Buzzard). At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st 61bs, won ^50, beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Minuet (winner of the Oaks in 18 15), by Waxy, rising five years, Sst I olbs, second ; also, Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Anticipation, by Hambletonian, Sst lolbs, Lord Stawell's br. c. Brush, by Rubens, 7st 61bs, Guendolen, 7st 4lbs, and two others. At Ascot, 7st gibs, not placed in the Oatlands, won by Lord Darlington's b. h. Belville, by Orville, six years, Sst Bibs, beating the Duke of York's br. c. Dr. Busby, by Dick Andrews, three years, 6st, and five others. S. mg., Sst 2lbs, won ^50, beating Mr. Farquharson's br. h. Garus, by Hambletonian, five years, gst. At Chelmsford, Sst 5lbs each, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Duenna. At Leicester, 7st islbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Willis' b. h. King of Diamonds, by Diamond, aged, gst, and two others. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst 7lbs, match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. Stonehewer's game little b. c. Manfred, by Election (winner, this year, of the 2000 Guineas). 1S18. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st 6lbs, won a sweep of 100 gs. each, beating Mr. West's b. c. Bulgarian, by Orville, and Lord Exeter's b. c. Captain Candid, by Cerberus, all rising five years old. At Newmarket (July), Sst lolbs, won 50 gs., beating b. c. Aquilo, br. c. Boniface (both by Sorcerer), and two others. At Chelmsford, Sst iilbs, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Neale's ch. f. Canvas, by Rubens, and ch. f. Willow, by Waxy, Sst slbs each. S. mg., Sst gibs, won the Cup, beating b. c. Anacreon, by Walton, and b. f. Effie Deans, by Ashton, and two others. At Bedford Sst i2lbs, heats four miles, won .;^50. At Northampton, Sst i2lbs, won 50 gs., beating five others ; also, Sst i ilbs, won the Town Plate, beating four others. At Leicester, heats three miles, won £']o, beating two others ; also, Sst 1 3lbs, heats three miles, won the Town Plate, beat- ing Mr. Bodenham's b. c. Spectre, by Phantom, and three others. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst Slbs, B. C, won ^175, beating Lord Jersey's b. h. Cannon Ball, by Sancho, aged, gst 3lbs, Lord Egremont's gr. h. Skim, by Gohanna, five years, Sst Slbs, and Lord Jersey's br. h. 1 38 CELEBRA TED RA CEHORSES. David, by Sir David, 8st Bibs. Rhoda ran five times more this year, without success. 18 19. At Newmarket, Craven, ran third in the Oatlands, won by Boniface, and was now sold to Mr, J. Turner. At Brighton, gst 3lbs, heats two miles, won 100 gs. (after four heats), beating Manfred, five years, Sst I3lbs, Skim, six years, Qst 3lbs, b. m. Enchantress, by Sorcerer, five years, Sst i3lbs, and four others. At Northampton, won the County Plate, beating Lord Warwick's ch. c. Wouvermans, by Rubens, and three others. At Shrewsbury, won a purse of 70 sovs., and also the Town Plate of 70 gs. She ran seven times more during the year, with- out success. 1820. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st i^lbs, not placed in the Oatlands, won by the Duke of York's b. c. Banker, by Smolensko, three years, 7st i2lbs, beating Lord Jersey's b. c. Ma.ster Henry, by Orville, four years, Sst 7lbs, and five others. At Chelmsford, Qst ilb, won .^^50. At Northampton, 9st 2lbs, heats two miles, won the Town Plate, beating five others. Rhoda ran twice more, without success, and was put to the Stud. mwmhiwii » I niiiiiiiiiiiiMBii'iB I n iiiiidmniiiiii ME RV INI A. 139 MERVINIA. MERVINIA (own sister to Mr. Craven's Tooley), was a brown filly, bred by Mr. Boultbee, in 18 13, and sold to Vincent Corbet, Esq. She was got by Walton, out of Phantasmagoria (bred by the Earl of Egremont in 1799), by Precipitate (son of Mercury), out of Cerberus's dam (bred by Lord Milsintown in 1780), by Herod, out of Desdemona (bred by his Lordship in 1770), by Old Marske, out of Young Hag, by Lord Portmore's Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto, &c. Mervinia's Performances. 1816. At Chester, heats two miles, 6st lolbs, won a purse of 50 sovs., beating Lord Grey's ch. h. Prince of Orange, by Beningbrough, five years, 8st 81bs, Sir J. Egerton's roan colt, Bellerophon, by Gohanna, four years, 8st, third, Sir W. W. Wynn's b. c. Prince de Coburg, by Brigliadoro (son of Hambletonian), four years, 8st, and two others. At Warwick, colts 8st 8lbs, fillies 8st slbs, won 50 gs., beating Mr. Tomes' br. f. Diana, by Williamson's Ditto, and Mr. West's br. c. Coquelicot, by Fyldener (son of Sir Peter), third and last. Mervinia was now sold to Mr. Vincent Corbet ; and, at the same meeting, 73! 7lbs, heats two miles, won ^50, beating Mr. Vevers' ch. f. Lady Byron, by Sir Ulic McKilligut (a son of Whiskey), four years, 8st 9lbs, and Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Larissa, by Trafalgar, three years, 7st 5lbs, last. At Lichfield, heats two miles, won 60 gs., beating Bellerophon, and b. f. Harlot, by Young Waxy. At Walsall, w. o. for 50 gs. At Stafford, I40 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. won 60 gs., beating ch. c. Shuttlecock, and two others. She ran three times more this year, without success. 1817. At Chester, 8st ilb, heats two miles, won 60 gs. (the gift of General Grosvenor), beating the Duke of Rutland's br. f. Thalestris, by Alexander, rising five years old, and two others. At Ludlow, 7st iilbs, for a purse of 80 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Willis' b. h. King of Diamonds, by Diamond. At Derby, heats three miles, won 60 gs., beating Mr. 'Fletcher's gr. h. Friend Ned, by Camillus, b. m. Harlot, and Mr. Legh's ch. m. Fanny Legh (sister to Bustard, and dam of Thorngrove, by Smolensko), by Castrel. At Walsall, 8st 2lbs, won 50 gs. ; and, at Burton-on-Trent, /st lolbs, heats three miles, won ^50, beating Mr. Roberts' b. c. Hetman, by Trafalgar, 7st lolbs, Harlot, 8st 5lbs, and six others, in both heats. Same day, 8st 3lbs, heats two miles, won 50 gs. : four ran. 1818. At Warwick, 8st 61bs, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Pryse's gr. m. Meg Murdock, by Grimaldi, 7st i2lbs, both five years old. S. mg., Qst 5lbs, won the Town Plate, beating Sir T. Stanley's b. c. Leofric, by Windle, three years, 7st gibs, and Colonel Graves' b. h. Sir Christopher, by Sir David, six years, gst 5lbs. At Lichfield, 8st 4lbs, heats two miles, won the Members' Plate, beating Mr. Webb's b. m. Forester Lass, by Young Woodpecker, five years, 8st 4lbs, and one other, in both heats. At Walsall, Sst 1 2lbs, heats two miles, for a purse of 50 'gs., was beaten by Mr. Lowe's ch. f. Sybil, by Sorcerer, three years, 7st. Mervinia ran three times more, without success, and was put to the Stud, where she bred, for Mr. Mytton, in 1822, a b. f. by Blucher ; in 1823, a br. c. by Bustard (son of Castrel) ; in 1824, Lechmere, a br. c. by Master Henry : in 1825, a b. f. by Magistrate (died a foal) ; and in 1826, a br. f. by Filho- da-Puta. BLACKLOCK. 141 BLACKLOCK. BLACKLOCK was a bay colt, bred by Mr. Kirby, of York, in 1814, and sold to Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, in 1815. He was got by Whitelock, out of Rosalind, by Coriander, out of Wildgoose, by Highflyer, out of Coheiress, by PotSo's, out of Manilla, by Goldfinder, out of a mare by Old England (son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of Miss Cade, by Old Cade, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare by Old Partner, &c. Whitelock (a son of Hamble- tonian), was a b. c, bred by Wm. Garforth, Esq., in 1803, from his chestnut mare, Rosalind, by Pheenomenon, out of Atalanta, by Match'em. '' The Druid " says, "Whitelock was a naggish sort of horse, with a big coarse head, and plump forelegs. He became the property of Sir Mark Sykes, who named him from a white lock in his tail, and by whom he was sold to Mr. Sylvester Reed for 300 gs. Mr. Reed had the offer of Blacklock for ^50 ; but he neither liked his forelegs nor the recollection of his dam when he saw her crawling past his windows, in York, on her way to the stables of Mr. Moss, Avho had bought her for ^3, Blacklock's most desperate race was the four miles over York Course with Magistrate, whom he defeated by half a head. The severity of the running, however, finished them both. Magistrate never ran again ; and, after his defeat, on the following day, by St. Helena, Blacklock was saddled no more. The famous mare, The Duchess, by Cardinal York, led Blacklock in most of his exercise gallops ; and, on one occasion, Tom Peirse exclaimed, in his anguish, when he saw the great half- -moon head and seven-league stride of Blacklock at work, ' Father's going to kill the mare with that half- thick of a horse.' Wm. Peirse, Tom's father, trained both The Duchess and Blacklock." 142 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Blacklock's Performances. t8i6. At Pontefract, won 80 gs., beating three others. At Doncaster, colt; 8st 2lbs, filHes 8st, won 200 gs., beating Mr. Fletcher's b. c. Cameleon by Young Woodpecker, Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. f. Angelica (dam of Ascot by Reveller), by Rubens, and four others. 1817. At Doncaster (ridden by John Jackson), ran second in the Great St Leger, won by Mr. H. Peirse's b. c. Ebor, by Orville (Robert Johnson) beating the Duke of Hamilton's b. c. Restless, by Remembrancer, third Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Tagus, by Trafalgar (son of Sir Peter), Colone King's b. c. Sober Robin, by Orville, Brother to Raphael, by Rubens and thirteen others ; 5 to 4 on Blacklock, and 20 to i against Eboi Tommy Sykes, Mr. Watt's stud-groom, was so confident Blacklocl would win, that his only orders to Jackson were, " Ride him as the lik'st, only lay thee hands down, and let him stride along, and he'll dis tance the lot ; look oot for me at the distance-post, and I'll tell thee thei what to do." At the distance, where Blacklock had a three-lengths leac Sykes shouted out — " Pull till'em, John, pull till'em, thou hast it all th own way," words which also fell on the ear of Bob Johnson, who instantl pulled Ebor on one side that Jackson might not see him, and snappy him on the post by a head. Sykes w^as frantic with rage ; and, from tha moment, never ceased scheming to procure Jackson's dismissal from Mi Watt's service, in which he eventually succeeded. But for Sykes' inter meddling, Blacklock would have won easily. S. mg., for three years ok 8st 5lbs each (Jackson), won the Gascoigne Stakes of 340 gs., beatin Mr. T. Duncombe's ch. c. St. Helena, by Stripling (son of Pha;nomenon) but, in the Club Stakes, 7st 4lbs, was beaten by Sir B. Graham's b. The Duchess, four years, 8st 5lbs ; 7 to 4 on The Duchess. At Rich mond, won 180 gs., beating four others ; also, 8st, won the Dunda Stakes, beating br. c. Rasping, by Brown Bread, four years, 8st gibs, anj two others. ^r ^ Jonrr JA'^;KSC)^:. BLACKLOCK. 143 1818. At York (Spring), 8st, won 220 gs., beating Rasping, 8st gibs, and two others. At York (August), colts 8st ylbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating the Hon. E. Petre's b. t. Agatha, by Orville, St. Helena, and one other. S. mg., 8st, won the second Great Subscription, beating Mr. Lambton's gr. h. Silenus, five years, 8st iilbs. Same day, 8st 3lbs, won 250 gs., beating Rasping, 8st lolbs, St. Helena, Bst 3lbs, and two others. At Doncaster, 7st 7lbs, four miles, won the Doncaster Stakes, beating The Duchess, 8st 3lbs. S. mg., w. o. for 120 gs. ; also, 7st gibs, four miles, won 100 gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' br. h. Rasping (who had won the Cup the day before), 8st 5lbs ; also, 8st slbs, won the Club Stakes, beating The Duchess, 8st 12 lbs. At Richmond, 8st gibs, won the Dundas Stakes ; but ran fourth and last for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax, — -The Juggler second, and The Duchess third. 1819. At York (Spring), gst, ran second in a sweep of 130 gs., won by the Hon. T. O. Powlett's gr. c. The Marshal, by Comus, beating five others. S. mg. 8st ylbs, won the Cup, beating Mr. Yates' b. h. Paulowitz, by Sir Paul, six years, 8st I3lbs, and two others. Even on Blacklock. At York (August), 8st 7lbs, four miles (J. Jackson), won the Great Sub- scription, beating Mr. Houldsworth's b. h. Magistrate, by Camillus, five years, 8st 7lbs, by half a head (Ben Smith), b. m. The Duchess, six years, Sst I2lbs (R. Johnson), third, and St. Helena (T. Shepherd), last ; 5 to 2 against The Duchess, 3 to i against Blacklock, and 4 to i against Magistrate, S. mg., 8st lolbs each (Jackson), for the second Great Sub- scription, was beaten by St. Helena (T. Shepherd) : four ran ; even on Blacklock, who was now taken out of training and joined Mr. Watt's Stud, where it is sufficient for his fame to say that he begat Velocipede, Voltaire, and Brutandorf, with a host of other winners, sires and brood mares. 144 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. MAGISTRATE. MAGISTRATE was a bay colt, foaled in 1814. Bred by and the property of Major Bower, who sold him, at the Manchester meeting, in 18 17, to Thomas Houldsworth, Esq. He was got by Camillus (son of Hambletonian), out of Lady Rachel (Fleur-de-Lis' dam), by Stamford, out of Young Rachel, by Volunteer, out of Rachel (sister to Maid-of-alLwork), by Highflyer, out of Sister to Tandem, by Syphon, her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Snip (son of Flying Childers), &c., &c. Magistrate's Performances. 1817. At Malton, 6st 5lbs, ran fourth in the Craven Stakes, won by Mr. Kirby's b. f. Woodpecker Lass, by Young Woodpecker, four years, Sst, beating Colonel King's b. c. Fulford, by Orville, rising five years, Sst gibs, and two others. S. mg., /st, heats two miles, won .^^50, beating at three heats, Mr. Cooper's b. c. Ledstone, by Wizard (son of Sorcerer), three years, yst. Sir B. Graham's br. f. Tiny, by Camillus, four years, Sst ilb, and two others. In the second heat. Magistrate's bridle broke, which enabled Tiny to make a dead heat with him. At Manchester, 6st lolbs, heats three miles, won ^50, beating Mr. Jaques' ch. c. Harry Dawson, by Whitworth (son of Agonistes), four years, Sst 3lbs, and three others, in both heats. Magistrate was now sold to Mr. Houldsworth ; and, at Nottingham, 6st /lbs, fell in running for the Cup, won by Mr. Barratt's ch. c. Carlton, by Cardinal York, four years, Sst, beating Woodpecker Lass, Fulford, and three others. At Doncaster, 7st slbs, heats two miles, won 100 sovs., beating Carlton (who won the first heat), Sst 7lbs, Sir Thomas Stanley's b. c. Wirral, by Fitzjames (son of Delpini), and one other. MAGISTRATE. 145 1818. At Chester, 8st 3lbs, won the Gold Cup and Sweepstakes of ^250, beating Mr. CHfton's b. c. Cameleon, by Young Woodpecker, four years, Sst jibs, Lord Grosvenor's b. c. Tagus, by Trafalgar, four years, 8st 3lbs, and three others. S. itig., 7st lalbs, two miles, won 160 gs., beating Lord Rossmore's ch. m. Sunflower, by Castrel, five years, Sst 7lbs, Tagus, 7st 1 2lbs, third, Sir W. Wynn's b. c. Piscator, by Walton, four years, 7st 1 2lbs, and three others. At Manchester, Sst 6lbs, three miles and a half, won the Cup, &c., beating Mr. Yates' br. h. Paulowitz (sire of Cain), by Sir Paul, five years, Sst i2lbs : only these two ran. 1819. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 2lbs, two miles, match for 300 gs., beat the Hon. George Watson's br. c. Fitz Orville (winner of the rich Garden Stakes, at Newmarket, in 1S18), by Orville, five years, Sst slbs ; S to 4 on Magistrate. S. mg., Sst 6lbs, won the Oatlands (handicap), of 400 gs., beating Lord Rous' gr. c. Zenith, by Zodiac (son of St. George), four years, 6st lolbs, the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Wokingham, by Walton, four years, /St, third, Lord Exeter's b. h. Captain Candid, by Cerberus, six years, Sst Slbs, and two others ; even on Magistrate against the field. S. mg., Sst 6lbs, match for 500 gs., received 250 gs. forfeit from Mr. Bouverie's b. h. Manfred, by Election, five years, Sst. At York, 3st 5lbs, in a handicap sweepstakes of 30 gs. each, four subscribers, was jeaten by Mr. T. Buncombe's ch. c. Mozart, by Governor (son of Ruler), lour years, 7st 9lbs ; high odds on Magistrate. S. mg., Sst 7lb3, four iniles, ridden by Ben Smith, ran second for the Great Subscription Purse, j.von by Blacklock (John Jackson), five years, Sst 7lbs, after a desperate struggle, by a head, Mr. J. G. Lambton's b. m. The Duchess, by Tardinal York, six years, Sst i2lbs (R. Johnson), being third, and Mr. Duncombe's ch. h. St. Helena, by Stripling, five years, Sst 7lbs (T. phepherd), being last ; betting, at starting, 5 to 2 against The Duchess, 1 to I against Blacklock, and 4 to i against Magistrate. The severity of he running in this race finished both Blacklock and Magistrate. The utter never started again ; and the former, after his defeat by St. Helena, n the following day, was saddled no more. VOL. II. L 1 46 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. REVELLER. REVELLER was a b, c. bred by Mr. Shard, in 1815, and soli when a yearling, to Henry Peirse, Esq. He was got by Comu: out of Rosette, by Beningbrough, out of Rosamond, by Tandem (son t Syphon, by Squirt), out of Tuberose, by Herod, out of Grey Starling, h the Bolton Grey Starling, out of Coughing Polly, by Bartlett's Childcr out of Sister to Thunderbolt, by Counsellor, out of a mare by Snake, hi dam, by Lord D'Arcy's Luggs (a son of his Lordship's White Turk Reveller was a thick-necked horse, with very square hips and sho ribs. He was a fine goer, and always ran with his head down. H defeat of Doctor Syntax for the Cup, at Preston (which the Doctor ha won for seven years in succession, and against all comers), astonished tli Prestonites even more than did the defeat of Bees'-wing, for tl^ Northumberland Plate, confound and amaze the Northumbrians. Reveller's Performances. 181S. At York (August), for three years old, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st 2II) won a Produce Stakes of 900 gs., beating Sir Mark Sykes' b. Cambyses, by Camillus, the Duke of Leeds' ch. c. Monitor, by Mowbni and four others. At Doncastcr (Robert Johnson), won the Great S Leger of 1250 gs., beating b. c. Ranter (also Mr. H. Peirse's), by Conn (B. Smith), second, Mr. O. Powlett's gr. c. the Marshal, by Comus, thin Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Cardenio, by Cervantes, the Hon. E.Petre'sch. Masker, by Comus, Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Lockinvar, by Marmion (soit Whiskey), Lord Derby's b. c. Corregio, by Milo, the Duke of Leeds' b. Octaviana, by Octavian, Mr. Watt's br. f. Beggar Girl, by Thunderbu REVELLER. 147 (brother to Smolensko), Mr. Gascoigne's b. f. Trulla, by Sorcerer, Mr. Chilton's bl. c. Lightning, by Thunderbolt, and ten others; 3 to i against Beggar Girl, 7 to 2 against Reveller, 6 to 1 against Octaviana, and 9 to i against Lightning. S. mg., w. o. for the Gascoigne Stakes. 1819. At York (August), 8st 4lbs, won a sweep of 700 gs., beating Cambyses, 8st /lbs, and one other. S. mg., colts Sst 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse of ;^207 \os., beating Mr. T. Dun- combe's ch. c. Mozart, by Governor, Mr. T. Houldsworth's b. f. Eleanor, by Governor (son of Trumpator), third, and Bigottini (late Beggar Girl) last ; 5 to 2 on Reveller. At Doncaster, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, four miles, won 850 gs., beating Mr. Jones' b. f. Fanny, by Poulton (son of Sir Peter), and Cambyses last; 2 to i on Reveller: also, 7st 7lbs, won the Doncaster Stakes, beating Mr. O Powlett's gr. c. The Marshal, four years, 7st 7lbs, and Mr. Duncombe's b. c. Handel (brother to Mozart), three years, 6st, last ; 4 to i on Reveller. ] 1820. I At York (August), Sst 7lbs, four miles, won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Mr. Clifton's b. h. Advance, by Cardinal York (son of Sir Peter), Sst 7lbs, both five years old ; 3 to i on Reveller. S. mg., Sst I libs each, four miles, for the second Great Subscription, was beaten by the Hon. T. Orde Powlett's b. h. Juggler, by Comus, both five years old ; 4 to I on Reveller. 1821. At Lancaster, Sst islbs, three miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. -Ralph Riddell's br. h. Dr. Syntax, aged, Sst i2lbs, on whom 5 to 2 was llaid. At Preston, Sst i2lbs, ran second for the Cup and sweep of 270 gs., won by Dr. Syntax, Sst 1 2lbs, beating Sir J. H. Maxwell's gr. f. Fair Helen, by Viscount, four years, yst I2lbs, last; 11 to 8 on Reveller, and 2 to I against The Doctor. At York (August), Sst i2lbs, won the jGreat Subscription, beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. h. Palnierin, by Amadis !(son of Don Quixote), Sst 7lbs, the Juggler, six years, Sst i2lbs, and Lord Scarborough's bl. h. the Black Prince, by Walton, five years, Sst L 2 148 CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. 7lbs ; 6 to 5 on Reveller. At Doncaster, 8st lolbs, four miles, in the Doncaster Stakes, was beaten by Mr. Lambton's br. c. Borodino, byi Smolen.sko, four years ; yst /lbs, 5 to 2 on Reveller. At Lincoln, 8sl| I libs, four miles, won the Cup, beating gr. h. The Marshal, by Comus/ six years, 8st i ilbs ; no betting. 1822. At Lancaster, 8st i2lbs, three miles (Wm. Scott), won the Cup, beating Doctor Syntax, 8st i2lbs; 11 to 8 on Reveller. At Preston, gst (B Smith), won the Cup, beating Doctor Syntax, gst, second, and Mr. Powlett's br. c. Jack Spigot (St. Leger winner in 182 1), by Ardrossan four years, 8st ; 5 to 4 on Jack Spigot, 5 to 2 against Reveller, and 7 to : against The Doctor. 1823. At Preston, w. o, for the Cup, and retired to the Stud, where hi became the sire of Lady Vane, Rioter, Lucetta, Negress, Th' Mummer, Gallopade, Delight, Harmony, Galantine, Euryone, Datura Revelry, The Bravo, Ascot (second to Mundig in the Derby of 1835] Enchantress, Charivari, Intriguer. Olympic, Zitella, Wassailer, Dariu; Revealer, Oberon, Ruby, Voluptuary, Comate, Duenna, Vespertilic Zillah, Bospliorus, .Stamboul, Hellespont, Maid of Kent, Silistria, Scar Puzzle, and Revocation —all of tlicm good runners, and many of them largi winners. I BEGGAR GIRL. 149 BEGGAR GIRL. BEGGAR GIRL (afterwards named BIgottini), was a brown filly, bred by Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, near Beverley, Torkshire, in 18 15, and was got by Thunderbolt (son of Sorcerer), out >f Tramp's dam, by Gohanna, out of Fraxinella, by Trentham, out of a nare by Woodpecker, out of Everlasting, by Eclipse, out of Hyaena, by )ld Snap, out of Miss Belsea, by Regulus, her dam, by Bartlett's Childers, lut of a mare by Honywood's White Arabian, out of a dau. (bred ly Mr. Bowes, of Gibside Park, Durham), of the Byerley Turk, which las the dam of the Two True Blues, Beggar Girl's Performances. 1S18. At Malton, colts Sst 3lbs, fillies Sst, won the Barton Stakes of 25 gs. :ach, beating Mr. Bell's br. c. by Black Trophonius (son of Sorcerer), 5ir W. Miller's b. c. Peter-Pastoral, by Sir Paul, and two others. At fork, colts Sst 3lbs, fillies Sst, won a sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft.. Ideating the Duke of Hamilton's br. c. by Thunderbolt ; 5 to 2 on Beo-o-ar 'jirl. At Doncastcr, colts Sst 2lbs, fillies Sst, not placed in the Great Dt. Leger, won by Mr. H. Pierse's b. c. Reveller, by Comus (Rob ohnson), (which s-ee) ; 3 to i against Beggar Girl (first favourite), 7 to 2 igainst Reveller, 6 to i against the Duke of J^ecds' b. f. Octaviana (the lam of Crucifix), and 20 to i against Ranter. S. mg., for three years old, lilies, Sst 2lbs each, St. Leger Course, ran third in a sweep of 20 gs. ^ach, won by the Duke of Hamilton s b. f Eleanor, by Governor, beating pctaviana, second, and the Hon. E. Petre's b. f. Aspasia, by Windle [son of Beningbrough), last ; 6 to 4 against Beggar Girl, and 2 to i irainst Eleanor. 1 50 CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. 1819. At Malton (now named Bigottini), 8st, ran second in the Crave Stakes, won by Mr. Kirby's b. m. Woodpecker Lass, by Young Woocl pecker, six years, gst ilb, beating Earl FitzwilHam's b. c. Cardenio, 1; Cervantes, rising four years, 8st, third, and two others. At Catteric Bridge, 7st iilbs, ran second in the Craven Stalces, won by Mr. Chilton bl. c. Lightning, by Thunderbolt, four years, 8st, beating Mr. Yati b. h. Gaudy, by Peruvian (son of Sir Peter), five years, 8st gibs, ai two others. At Manchester, 7st i3lbs, not placed for the Cup, won 1 Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Rhadamanthus, by Camillus, four years, 8st 2II beating Lord Derby's b. c. Corregio, by Milo, four years, 8st 2lbs, b. Gaudy, 8st lolbs, and four others. At York (August), for four years ol colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs, four miles, ran fourth, and last for tl Great Subscription, won by Reveller. Bigottini, who ran once more tl year, without success, was now sold to Lord Sligo, and joined his Lor ship's Stud in Ireland, where she produced in 1822, Bat, a ch. c. (bred ' Lord Sligo), by Oiseau, which died in physic ; 1823, Brass, ach. f. (bredl Lord Sligo), by Oiseau (son of Camillus) ; 1824, missed to Oiseau ; 182 Bustle, by Lord Sligo's Waxy Pope ; 1826, ch, f. Bittern (bred by Lo Sligo), by Waxy Pope; 1827, br. c. Brine (bred by Lord Sligo), 1 Waxy Pope ; 1828, missed to Waxy Pope ; 1829, ch. f. Brandy Bet,* i Canteen ; 1830, br. f. Blanchisseuse, by Starch. Bigottini was sold, in 18: to Mr. Montgomery. Her stock ran most respectably in Ireland. * Brandy Bet was the dam of Lord Miltown's ch. m. Cruiskeen, the first winner of I Cesarewitch, in 1839. WOUVERMANS. 151 WOUVERMANS. V\ /"OUVERMANS was a chestnut colt, foaled in 1815, the property V V of Thomas Cussans, Esq. He was got by Rubens, out of Irightonia, by Gohanna, out of Nutmeg, by Sir Peter, out of Nimble, y Florizel, out of Rantipole, by Blank, out of Joan (sister to Mr. 1. Warren's famous horse Careless), by Regulus, out of Silvertail, y Heneage's White-nose (son of the Hall Arabian), her dam, by :atde (son of Sir Harry Harpur's Barb), out of a mare by the Darley .rabian. WoUVERMANs' PERFORMANCES. 1819. At Newmarket (April), not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord er rsey's b. h. Cannon Ball, aged, gst 7lbs, beating Mr. Andrew's ch. c. iinstrel, by Marmion, three years, Sst 2lbs, and fifteen others. S. mg., st 5lbs (D. M.), ran second for a ^50 plate, won by Mr. Goddard's li. c. Sylvanus, by Selim, four years, Sst i3lbs. At Newmarket (First ■pring), 6st lalbs (D. M.), ran second in a sweep of 100 gs. each, won y Lord Foley's b. c. Interpreter (winner, in 1818, of the 2000 Guineas), y Soothsayer, rising four years, 7st i2lbs, Mr. Terrett's b. h. Sovereign, y Rubens, five years, Sst Slbs, third. At Newmarket (Second Spring), St slbs, B. C, ran second for the Jockey Club Plate, won by Cannon lall, Sst iilbs, Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Sam (Derby winner 181S), by cud, four years, 7st slbs, third. At Newmarket (now the Earl of i/arwick's), Sst Slbs, D. M., won a sweep of 10 gs. each, beating Lord tawell's b. f. Fay, by Phantom, second, four years, Sst 7lbs, and one ther. At Warwick, Sst 3lbs, four miles, not placed for the Cup, won y Mr. Bodenham's br. c. Spectre, by Phantom, four years, Sst 3lbs. At 152 . CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Northampton, 8st 8lbs, ran second for a plate of 50 gs., won by b. ir Rhoda, six years, gst slbs. At Leicester, 8st 5lbs, for a purse of "jo sovs was beaten by Rhoda, gst ilb. S. mg., for a purse of 70 sovs., 8st ilb was again beaten by Rhoda, gst 4lbs. Ran once more, without success. 1820. At Epsom, 8st gibs, two mile heats, won ^^50, beating b. f Fay, an four others. At Hampton, heats two miles, 8st lolbs, won 95 gs beating Mr. Jaques' br. f. Elvira, by Orville, Mr. Walker's bl. f. Gen by Smolensko, and five others. At Brighton, 8st iilbs, heats thrc miles, won 75 gs., beating Mr. Turner's br. f. Coral, by Orville, four year 8 St. Ran twice more, without success. l_ (Now Mr. G. O. Whiteside's). At Epsom, gst, two mile heats, wo ;^5o, beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Carbon, by Waxy, four year Sst 2lbs, and Colonel Vyse's ch. f. Scarpa, by Crispin, 6st ylbs. i^ Hampton, gst, two mile heats, won 150 gs., beating Elvira, 8st 2lbs, an two others. S. mg., Sst I2lbs, won 45 gs., two mile heats, beating Carboi and three others. At Brighton, gst lib, two mile heats, not placed for purse of 100 gs., won by Sir J. Shelley's b. c. Ivanhoe, by Phantom, foi years, Sst ; eight ran. S. mg., gst 3lbs, two mile heats, won 85 gs., beatin Mr. Glew's b. m. .Sappho, by Rubens, six years, Sst 4lbs, and two other At the Isle of Thanct, gst 4lbs, won ^50. S. mg., gst 7lbs, two mil heats, won ^50 ; and at Egham, Qst 4lbs, won 62 gs., beating Lor Fitzwilliam's b. h. Cardenio, by Cervantes, six years, gst 4lbs, and thre others. Ran twice more, without success. 1822. At Epsom, 9st 2lbs, two miles, ran third for the Cup, won by M Feilde's b. f. Noma, by Whalebone, four years, 7st nibs, beating eigl others. At Hampton, gst, two mile heats, won ^^50. At Canterbury 9st 4lbs, two miles, won 175 gs,, beating Mr. Lushington's b. m. Enchai tress, by Sorcerer, aged, gst lib, and four others. At the Isle of Thane 9st 6lbs, three mile heats, won ^50, beating four others. At Newmarkt WOUVERMANS. (Second October), gst 4lbs (T. M. M.), for the Town Plate, was beaten by Lord Exeter's b. f. Tipsy, by Election, four years, 8st 4lbs. Ran once more this year, without success. 1823. At Epsom, Qst 2lbs, two miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Graeme's br. c. Peter Fin, by Whalebone, four years, 8st, and five others. S. mg., 8st ;lbs each, two miles, match for 50 gs., beat br. m. Noma. At Ascot, gst, won ^50, beating five others. At Guildford, i2st albs, four mile heats, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Meynell's br. c. Gulliver, by Orville, four years, lost 4lbs, Lord Egremont's gr. c. Midas, by Young Gohanna, four years, lost 4lbs, and Peter Fin (who broke down). Four heats were run ; Wouvermans winning the last two. At Northampton, fell lame in running for the Cup, and retired to the Stud. 1 54 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. EFFIE DEANS. EFFIE DEANS was a bay filly, bred by Mr. Bruhl in 1S15, and sold, ill 1817, to General Grosvenor. She was got by Ashton (son of BeningbroLigh), out of Harriet, by Sir Harry, out of a mare by Dorimant, out of Muse, by Herod, her dam, by Shepherd's Crab (son of Old Crab), out of Miss Meredith, by Old Cade, out of the Little Hardey Mare, by Bartlett's Childers, &c. Effie Deans' Performances. 1818. At Chelmsford, 5st i2lbs, 2^ miles, won 170 gs,, beating Lord Foley's ch. c. Philarmonus, by Soothsayer, three years, 6st 8lbs, and three others. S. mg., 8st, match for 200 gs., beat Philarmonus, 8st i2lbs, 2 J miles; also, 6st I libs, ran fourth for the Cup, won by Rhoda, five years, 8st gibs. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st 7lbs, R. M., match for 200 gs., beat Lord Rous' b. c. Lepus, by Zodiac (son of St. George), 8st 7lbs, both three years old. At Newmarket (Ho.), 7st, ran second for a purse of 50 sovs., won by Cannon Ball, gst 4lbs. She ran four times more, without success. 1819. At Blbury, 8st, two miles, won 225 gs., beating Mr. L. Charlton's br. h. David, by Sir David (son of Trumpator), five years, gst, Mr. West's ch. m. Leah, by Election (son of Gohanna), five years, 8st gibs, and two others ; and, same day, 8st gibs, won 90 gs., heats two miles, and was claimed for 200 gs. by Mr. Lechmere Charlton. At Bath, won the County Members' Plate, beating two others; also, heats 2:} miles, won the City Members' Plate, beating Garus, by Hambletonian, and a b. c. EFFIE DEANS. 155 by Selim. She ran three times more this year, without success, and was now sold to Mr. Dilly (the trainer.) At Bath, 8st lalbs, 2\ miles, won ^50 ; and, at Winchester, won £%o. At Blandford, 8st 3lbs, four miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Farqu- harson's b. g. Garus, aged, gst, Colonel King's br. h. Gainsborough (winner this year of the Gold Cup and King's Plate at Salisbury), by Rubens, aged, gst, and Lord Ailesbury's b. c. Savernake, by Golumpus, three years, 6st. She ran three times more, without success, and was sold to Mr. Radclyffe, 1821. At Ascot, lost Slbs, four miles, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Mr. Goddard's b. c. Moonraker, by Rubens, four years, gst ; seven ran. At Blandford, 8st iilbs, four miles, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Ramsbottom's b. h. Shreckhorn, by Skiddaw (a son of Gohanna), five years, 8st 3lbs, Garus, gst, being last. At Weymouth, Sst gibs, heats 2\ miles, won 60 gs., beating Garus, Sst i2lbs, and Mr. Fleming's b. c. Blandford, by Beverley (son of Golumpus), four years, Sst 2lbs, and one other. S. mg., Sst i2lbs, for the Town Plate, was beaten by Blandford, Sst. She now joined Mr. Radclyffe's Stud, for whom she bred, in 1S23, Profile, a bay filly, by Rubens; in 1824, Windermere, a bay colt, by Whalebone ; in 1825, a filly, by Don Cossack ; in 1826, Windrush, a bay colt, by Whalebone; in 1827, she missed to Reveller; in i82S,a bayfilly, by Figaro ; and then passed into the hands of Mr. Mills, for whom she bred Kate, by Lapdog, and others. 1 56 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. SULTAN. SULTAN was a bay colt, bred by Mr. Wm. Crockford in 1816, and was got by Selim, out of Bacchante, by Sir H. Williamson's Ditto, out of Sister to Calomel, by Mercury, out of a mare by Herod, out of Folly, by Old Marske, out of Vixen, by Regulus, her dam, by Hutton's Spot, out of a dau. of Bay Bolton, out of a mare by Fox Cub (brother to Old Fox), her dam, by Coneyskins (son of the Lister Turk), &c., &c. Sultan's Performances. 1818. At Newmarket, ran third in the July Stakes, won by Lord Foley's ch. f. Miracle, by Soothsayer, beating Lord Egremont's b. f. Caroline, by Whalebone, and twelve others. 1S19. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 2lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Lord Jersey's ch. c. by Juniper (son of Whiskey), 8st 7lbs ; also, 8st 4lbs, match for 200 gs., beat Miracle. At Epsom, ran second in the Derby, won by the Duke of Portland's br. colt Tiresias, by Soothsayer, beating Lord Rous' ch. c. Euphrates, by Quiz, the Duke of York's b. c. Banker, by Smolensko, and twelve others ; 5 to 2 each against Tiresias and Sultan, and 7 to I against Euphrates. 1820. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st ylbs each, A. F., match for 1000 gs., beat Lord George Cavendish's b. c. by Rubens. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst i2lbs, ran third in the Oatlands, won by Banker, gst, beating Colonel Udny's ch. c. Barmecide, by Selim, four years, Sst 5lbs, second, ^* ^a\5i SULTAN. 157 and two others. At Newmarket (Ho.), Qst, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Hunter's ch. c. Rasselas, by Walton, two years, 6st. He ran twice more, without success. 1821. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st gibs, won a Gold Cup, beating b. c. Godolphin, by Partisan, two years, 6st, and three others. At New- market (First Spring), gst i2lbs, won a Gold Cup, beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Robin Hood, by Octavius, four years, 8st 2lbs, and eight others; also won a sweep of 15 gs. each, beating five others. At New- market (October), won the Trial Stakes, beating Barmecide, Robin Hood, and five others. Sultan ran once more, without success, and was now sold to Lord Foley. 1822. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st ylbs (J. Robinson), match for 200 gs., beat Mr. Hunter's gr. c. Gustavus (winner of last year's Derby), by Election, four years, 8st ilb (F. Buckle). At Newmarket (October), Qst, received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Lane Fox's b. m. Selma, by Selim, five years, 8st 3lbs. 1823. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st /lbs each, A. F., received 250 gs. (forfeit) from Mr. Lechmere Charlton's b. h. Master Henry, by Orville, both aged. S. mg., 8st 4lbs each, A. F. (J. Robinson), match for 500 gs., beat Godolphin, by Partisan (William Arnull). At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st ylbs each, three miles, match for 500 gs., h. ft., received 250 gs. from Master Henry ; and, at Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st ylbs each, B. C., again received 250 gs. (forfeit) from Master Henry. S. mg., lost each, B. C, Lord Foley challenged for The Whip with Sultan, which was resigned to his Lordship, who now sold Sultan to the Marquis of Exeter. 1824. At Newmarket (First October), gst 6lbs (D. L), v^^onthe Trial Stakes, beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Premium, by Aladdin, four years, 8st gibs, and two others. He ran three times more this year, without success, and joined the Stud at Burleigh. A contributor to the CELEBRA TED RACEHORSES. Old Sporting Magazine for September, 1831, says: — "I saw Sultan run all his races ; but, if defeated, I never saw him run a jaded shufflint;-, spirit-broken horse. He had his favourite courses, in which, thougli carrying very heavy weights, he never had his equal.'' " From the higii form which Sultan showed in the Derby, he speedily rose into high favour for the Doncaster St. Leger. A few days, however, before that event came off, with the betting only 3 to i against him, in taking his morning gallop over the course, he unfortunately broke down, and was with difficulty got into Mr. Maw's stables at Belle-vue, adjoining the course. The consternation that ensued bars all words, and cuts description short " {Sporting Magazine for September, 1832). .Sultan was the sire of Lord Exeter's ch. c. Augustus, of his ch. c. Beiram, of his b. f. Green-Mantle, of his br. f. Galata, of his br. f. Varna, his ch. f. Mecca, and of several other great winners with which his Lordship was credited. Sultan also begat Mr. Houldsworth's Frederica, Circassian, and Destiny (the winner of the looo Guineas, and second to Cyprian in the Oaks) ; also of Lord Chesterfield's br. f. Eva, and of his b. c. Jereed ; of Lord Jersey's b. c. Achmet (winner of the 2000 Guineas), of his ch. c. Glencoe, of his renowned b. c. Bay Middleton; these two last alone sufficing to exalt the fame of any sire to its highest pitch of excellence, to say nothing of Aurelius, Caliph, Caesar, Clarion, Kremlin, Turban, and a host of winners far too numerous to mention. BANKER. 159 BANKER. BANKER was a bay colt, bred by H.R.H. the Duke of York in 181 6, and was got by Smolensko, out of Quail (bred by Lord Egremont in 1805), by Gohanna, out of Certhia, by Woodpecker, out of a mare by Trentham, out of Cunegonde, by Blank, out of a mare by Lord Cullen's Arabian. Cunegonde was foaled in 1760, and was sold at the sale of Mr. Robert Pigott's Stud, In 1772, to the Turf Confederates, the Right Hon. Charles James Fox and Lord Foley. Banker's Performances. 1819. At Epsom (ridden by T. Goodisson), was unplaced in the Derby, won by Tiresias. (For particulars, see Sultan). At Ascot, w. o. for the Swinley Stakes. S. mg., 8st 7lbs each, won 60 gs., beating Mr. Van- sittart's gr. c. Financier, by Treasurer (a son of Stamford, by Sir Peter), Mr. Forth's b. c. Lovemore, by Election, third, and one other ; 7 to 4 on Financier (winner this year of the Hampton Court Stud Stakes, of 1500 gs., at Newmarket, Craven, and the Oatlands, (at Newmarket Second October). At Newmarket (First October), 8st 7lbs each (T. Goodisson), ran second in the Newmarket St. Leger of 600 gs., won by Tiresias (W. Clift), beating Mr. Goddard's b. c. Sir Topaz, by Scud, third, Lord Rous' (afterwards Mr. Mytton's) ch. c. Euphrates, by Quiz, General Grosvenor's b. f. Blue Stockings (winner of the Riddlesworth, at Newmarket, Craven), by Popinjay (son of Buzzard), and three others ; 2 to I on Tiresias. 1820. At Newmarket, Craven, for horses rising four years old, colts 8st 7lbs each, D. L (T. Goodisson), won the Claret Stakes of 200 gs. each, h. ft., 1 60 CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. six subscribers, beating gr. c. Financier (W. Arnull) : only these two ran ; 5 to 4 on Financier. S. mg., 7st i2lbs, won the Oatlands (handi- cap), beating Lord Jersey's b. c. Master Henry, rising five years old, Sst 7lbs, by Orville, second, and Mr. Bouverie's ch. c. Zadig, by Octavius (son of Orville, and winner of the Derby in 18 12), rising four years, /St 8lbs, third, b. m. Rhoda, by Asparagus (son of PotSo's), six years, Sst I2lbs, and four others ; 6 to 4 against Master Henry, and 7 to 4 against Banker. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst Slbs (T. Goodisson), A. F., won a purse of 50 gs., beating the Duke of Portland's br. c. Tiresias, gst 2lbs (F. Buckle) ; 5 to 2 on Tiresias. .At Ascot (June ist), Sst 2lbs each, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Frazer's b. c. Cham- pignon (winner of the Glo'stershire Stakes, at Cheltenham, the Gold Cup and two good sweeps, at Burderop, all in 1819, and the Oatlands, at Newmarket, Craven, and the Oatlands, at Ascot (this meeting), two days before the Cup), by Truffle, beating Mr. West's br. c. Alpha, by Ashton (son of Beningbrough), third and last ; all four years old ; 5 to 2 on Banker. At Newmarket (First October), Sst gibs, won the Trial Stakes, beating six others. S. mg., 7st 4lbs, B. C, won 50 gs., beating Mr. Rogers' (late Colonel Udny's), br. m. Corinne (Oaks winner in 181S), by Waxy, five years, Sst slbs. At Newmarket (Second October), for four years old, Sst lolbseach, D. I. (T. Goodisson), won a subscription purse of 70 gs., beating Lord Sufifield's ch. c. Comical, by Comus, and Lord Egremont's gr. c. Little John, by Octavius ; 6 to 4 on Banker. S. mg., Newmarket (Second October), gst (T. Goodisson), won the Oatland.s, beating Colonel Udny's ch. c. Barmecide, by Selim, four years, Sst slbs (F. Buckle), second, Sultan, four years, Sst i2lbs (W. Arnull), third, and two others; 5 to 4 on Banker. 1821. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst 7lbs each, D. L (T. Goodisson), won a sweep of 400 gs., beating Sir J. Shelley's b. c. Antar, by Haphazard, both rising five years old. S. mg., Sst Slbs (T. Goodisson), match for 200 gs., beat ch. c. Comical, Sst 2lbs (J. Robinson) ; 2 to i on Banker. At New- market (First Spring), Sst islbs (T. Goodisson), won a sweep of 400 gs., BANKER. i6i beating Mr. Thornhill's b. f. Shoveller (Oaks winner in 1819), by Scud, five years, 7st lolbs, and one other; 5 to 4 on Banker. At Newmarket (Second Spring), received 100 gs. forfeit from Mr. Lechmere Charlton's br. h. Phoenix, by Marmion (son of Whiskey). At Ascot, gst 7lbs (T. Goodisson), ran second in the Oatlands (handicap), won by Mr. Ockenden's (late Mr. Goddard's), b. h. Strephon, by Rubens, six years, 8st slbs (W. Arnull), beating Mr. J. Walker's b. c. Vanloo, by Rubens, four years, yst ylbs, third, and five others. S. mg., 8st i2lbs, w. o. for the Cup. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 1 2lbs (T. Goodisson), match for 300 gs., was beaten by Colonel Udny's br. c. Abjer, by Truffle, four years, Sst (F. Buckle) ; 2 to i on Banker. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 7lbs each, D. M. (Ditch Mile), match for 300 gs., was beaten by Sultan (now Lord Exeter's). Banker ran once more, without success, and was sold to Mr. L. Charlton. 1822. At Newmarket, Craven, gst ilb (T. Goodisson), ran second in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Godolphin, by Partisan, four years, 8st (W. Arnull), beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Robin Hood, Dy Octavius, five years, Sst gibs, third, and fifteen others. At New- market (Second Spring), gst slbs (J. Robinson), not placed for a handicap plate of 50 sovs., won by Lord Clarendon's ch. m. Mirandola, by Hap- hazard, five years, 8st i2lbs(T. Goodisson), beating Lord Egremont's b. f- Twatty, by Whalebone, three years, 6st 2lbs, and four others ; 5 to i 'against Banker, and 7 to i against Mirandola. At Winchester, gst, won the Cup, beating Champignon, six years, gst, and three others. Banker was now sold to John Mytton, Esq. ; and, at Abingdon, gst, three miles (Arthur Pavis), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Mills' br. c. Sir Huldi- brand, by Octavius, four years, Sst (J. Chappie), and one other ; even on Banker. Ran once more, without success. 1823. j At Chester, gst 2lbs, ran second in the Grosvenor Stakes, won by ;Sir T. Massey Stanley's ch. h. Doge of Venice, by Sir Oliver, five years, Sst lolbs (T. Nicholson), beating three others. He ran twice more at VOL. II. M 1 62 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. this meeting, without success; but, at Buxton, won6osovs. At Knutsford, gst, ran third and last in the Peover Stakes, won by Sir Peter Lely, by Rubens (B. Smith), beating Sir T. Mostyn's b. m. Princess Royal, by Castrel, five years, 8st islbs. S, mg., for a purse of 60 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Clifton's b. c. Lytham, by Orville, and quitted the Turf. GALATEA. 163 GALATEA. GALATEA was a brown filly, bred by Earl Fitzwilliam in 18 16, and got by Amadis (son of Don Quixote), out of Paulina (sister to Sir Paul, and bred by his Lordship in 1804), by Sir Peter, out of Pewet (bred by the Earl in 1 786), by Tandem, out of Termagant, by Tantrum (son of Cripple, by the Godolphin Arabian), out of Lord Rockingham's br. m. Cantatrice, by Sampson, her dam, by Regulus, out of Mr. John Hutton's Ruby Mare (dam of Old Marske), by his Blacklegs (son of his Bay Barb), out of a mare by Bay Bolton, her dam, by Fox Cub (halt- brother to Old Fox), out of a mare by Coneyskins (son of the Lyster Turk), &c., &c. The Portrait, by Benjamin Marshall, represents Galatea with her foal, Sybil, by Interpreter. Galatea's Performances. 1819. At Doncaster, for three years old, fillies only, 8st 2lbs each (St. Leger course), ridden by Robert Johnson, won a sweep of 20 gs. each, with 20 gs. added by the Corporation, beating Mr. R. Watt's b. f. Jenny Wren (winner this year of the York Spring St. Leger, and second in the Great Yorkshire Stakes), by Thunderbolt (brother to Smolensko), and ridden by John Jackson ; also. Sir M. W. Ridley's br. f. Aurora, by Marmion (son of Whiskey), ridden by Ben Smith, last ; betting, 1 1 to 8 against Jenny Wren, and 6 to 4 against Aurora, Galatea not quoted. At Rich- mond, 8st (T. Lye), ran second in the Dundas Stakes of 30 gs. each, &c., won by Mr. R. Riddell's br. h. Dr. Syntax, aged, Qst 7lbs (R. Johnson), M 2 1 64 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. beating Mr. Garforth's ch. c. Swift, by Resident, three years, 8st, third and one other. 1820. At York, Spring, 8st, ran third in a sweep of 160 gs., won by Colonel Cradock's b. c. Sir Walter, by Whitworth (son of Agonistes, by Sii Peter), four years, 8st 3lbs, beating Mr. T. Kirby's br, f. Shadow, b) Phantom, four years, 8st, second, ch. c. Swift, four years, 8st 3lbs, fourth, and two others ; even on Sir Walter, 3 to i against Galatea, and 4 to i against Shadow. At York (August), 7st i3lbs (T. Lye), ran third and last in the Knavesmire Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., won by ch. c. Swift, 7st i3lbs, beating Shadow, 7st 8lbs, second. Why Galatea should have conceded 5lbs to Shadow, who defeated her at even weights at York Spring, is not very clear, as they were all four years old. At Pontefract, 7st I libs, three miles, ran third and last in a sweep of 20 gs. each, won by Mr. Houldsworth's ch. m. Torrelli, by Cerberus (son of Gohanna), five years, 8st 9lbs, beating Swift, 8st 3lbs, second ; 5 to 2 on Torrelli (late the property of Mr. Watt, for whom she won the Stand Cup, at Chester, in.1819). Galatea having run once more, without success, at Doncaster, was taken out of training and put to the Stud, where she threw for Lord Fitzwilliam, in 1822, the bay filly Sybil to Interpreter; in 1824, a brown colt to Tiresias ; in 1825, a bay colt to Oiseau (sire of Rowton, and son of Camillus) ; in 1826, abrown colt to Blacklock ; in 1827, Acis, a ch. colt, to Blacklock ; in 1828, Auditor, a bay colt, to Middleton ; in 1829, Actea, a ch. f., to Middleton; and, in 1832, a foal to Camel. She missed in 1823 to Catton, in 1S30 to Middleton, and in 1831 to Lazarus. ST. PATRICK. 165 ST. PATRICK. ST. PATRICK (own brother to Saucebox), was a chestnut colt, foaled in 1817, the property of Sir Edward Smith. He was got by Walton, out of a mare by Dick Andrews, out of a mare by Trumpator, her dam, by Highflyer, out of Otheothea, by Otho, out of a mare by Old Snap, her dam, by Regulus, &c., &c. St. Patrick's Performances. 1820. At Catterick Bridge, won the Old Stakes of no gs., beating Mr. Benson's b, c. Copeland, by Cumberland (a son of Gohanna), second, Mr. Lambton's br. c. Borodino, by Smolensko, third, and one other. At York (August 24th), for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, one mile and a quarter, won a sweep of 270 gs., beating Mr. Ferguson's ch. f. Lady of the Vale, by Mowbray, and one other. At Doncaster (September i6th), colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st (ridden by J. Johnson), won the Great St. Leger of 25 gs. each, seventy-two subscribers, beating Copeland, second, Mr. C. Wilson's br. c. Locksley (winner of the first class of the Oatlands, at Newmarket Craven, 182 1), by Smolensko, third, Lady of the Vale, fourth, Mr. Peirse's gr. c. Arbutus, by Walton, Mr. Harrison's ch. f. Eliza Leeds (the dam of Erymus), by Comus, Lord Sligo's ch. c. Langar, by Selim, Lord Exeter's b. c. The Athenian, by Pericles (son of Evander), Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Dunsinane, by Macbeth (son of Sorcerer), Mr. R. Milnes' ch. c. The Duke, by Comus, Sir Wm. Milner's b. c. Langtonian, by Langton (a son of Precipitate), Sir W. Ma.xwell's ch. c. Monreith, by Haphazard, Mr. Orde's b. c. Felton, by 1 66 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. X. Y. Z., Sir Mark Sykes' br. c. Antelope, by Smolensko, and twelvf others — a large and good field of horses. Betting, at starting, 9 to 2 against Arbutus (whose private reputation established him as firsi favourite for the St. Leger, as he had only started once before, in Sailor's Derby, when he ran clean out of the course) ; 7 to i against St. Patrick, 7 to I against Mr. Watt's br, c. Tramper, by Tramp, 16 to i against Locksley, 20 to i against Langar, and 100 to i against Copeland. FAIR HELEN. 167 FAIR HELEN. FAIR HELEN was a red-grey filly, bred by the Marquis of Queens- berry in 181 7, and sold by him after the Dumfries Meeting, in October, 1820, to Sir John Heron Maxwell, Bart. She was got by Viscount (son of Stamford, and bred by Mr. J. Acred in 1809, who sold him, when a yearling, to Sir William Maxwell, Bart.), out of Anna, by Coriander, out of Young Tiffany, by Highflyer, out of Tiftany (both grey mares), by Eclipse, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag (both grey mares), by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Flying Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto, out of the Duke of Rutland's [Massey Mare, by Mr. Massey's Black Barb. Fair Helen's Performances. 1819. At Doncaster, for two years old, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, not placed in a sweep of 380 gs., beating the Duke of Leeds' ch. f. Lady of the Vale, by Mowbray, Mr. C. Wilson's br. c. Locksley, by Smolensko, second, Mr. Lambton's gr. c. Dunsinane, by Macbeth (son of Sorcerer), third, and nine others. 1820. At Middleham, 8st each (Ben Smith), won ^70, beating the Hon. Geo. Watson's ch. f. Woodbine (winner the preceding day of 140 gs., and at Newcastle of 525 gs.), by Comus, both three years old ; 3 to i on Woodbine. Next day, 7st, won ^50, beating the Hon. T. O. Powlett's bl. f. Worthless, by Comus, yst, and three others. At Newcastle, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, ran second in a sweep of 100 gs. each, won by Dun- sinane, beating Mr. W. Orde's b. c. Felton, by X, Y. Z., third and last ; 1 68 CELEB R A TED RA CEHORSES. even on Dunsinane. At Durham, 6.st iilbs, heats two miles, won a silver cup of 70 gs., beating Mr. Lambton's br. c. Waverley, by. Whale- bone, three years, 7st, Mr. Lambton's br. c. Borodino (winner of the Great Yorkshire Stakes, at York), by Smolensko, and one other. At Carlisle, 6st gibs, three miles (J . Gray), won the Gold Gup, beating Mr. James' br. c. Saucebox (brother to St. Patrick), by Walton, four years, 8st 2lbs, and one other; even on Saucebox. At Dumfries, 6st nibs (J. Gray), ran second for the Gold Cup, won by Mr. Oswald's b. c. Archi- bald (winner of the Gold Cup at Stranraer), by Stamford, four years, Sst, beating Saucebox (who fell), and one other. S. mg., 6st Bibs (J. Gray), won the Gold Cup, three miles, beating Sir William Maxwell's ch. c. Monreith (winner of the Cocked Hat Stakes, at Doncaster), by Hap- hazard, three years, 6st lolbs, and Archibald, Sst. (Now Sir J. H. Maxwell's). At York Spring, 7st i2lbs, not placed for the Cup, won by Sir E. Smith's ch. c. St. Patrick (winner, also, this year of the Cup at Pontefract, and in 1820 of the Doncaster St. Leger), by Walton, four years, 7st i2lbs(R. Johnson), beating Mr. Watt's br. c. Bergami, by Cerberus, 7st i2lbs, and four others. At Lancaster, Sst 4lbs (B. Smith), won ^70. At Preston, ran third and last for the Cup, won by Dr. Syntax. Same day, Sst 4lbs (B. Smith), won Earl Derby's Purse of 70 gs., beating Mr. Clifton's b. c. Arbiter, by Petronius (son of Sir Peter), four years, Sst 7lbs. At Carlisle, 7st i3lbs, three miles (Jas. Garbutt), won the Cup, beating Mr. Ferguson's gr. c. Jonathan, by Octavian, three years, 6st I2lbs, and ch. f. Lady of the Vale, four years, 7st i2lbs. At Ayr, Sst 6lbs (B. Smith), won the Convivial Stakes of 50 gs. each, \f. ft., thirteen subscribers (450 gs.), beating Mr. Bogue's ch. c. The Champion, by Stamford, three years, 7st 4lbs, and three others. S. mg., 7st i2lbs,- three miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Thompson's br. c. by Stamford, four years, Sst, and Sir D. Blair's b. f. Maria, by Trissy (son of Remembrancer), three years, 6st 8lbs. Next race, Sst (B. Smith), won .^50, beating Sir William Maxwell's gr. c. Ben Nevis, by Viscount, out of Mrs. Barnet, by Waxy, and one other. At Dumfries, 7st nibs, won the Gold Cup, beating Sir A. Don's ch. f. Gondola, by I FAIR HELEN. 169 X. Y. Z., three years, 6st i ilbs (J. Gray), in a canter, Lord Oueensberry's b. m. Miss Syntax, by Paynator, and one other. She ran once more, without success. 1822. At Newcastle, 8st gibs, in the Convivial Stakes of 500 gs., ran fifth and last to Mr. O. Powlett's br. c. Jack Spigot, four years, Sst ilb, beat- ing three others. S. mg., Sst 4lbs, ran third and last for the Cup, won by Waverley, five years, Sst 7lbs, br. c. Richard, by Orville, four years, 7st nibs, second. At Carlisle, Sst 6lbs, three miles (B. Smith), won the Cup, beating gr. c. Jonathan, four years, Sst albs. At Edinburgh, Sst 2lbs, four miles (B. Smith), won 100 gs., beating Sir W. Maxwell's gr. c. Jock the Laird's Brother (winner this year of gold cups at Stranraer, Ayr, and Kelso), by Viscount, four years, 7st i2lbs, and Mr. Gascoigne's b. c. Hamilton, by Governor, four years, 7st i2lbs, last. In the next race, Sst 5lbs (B. Smith), three miles, won the Cup, beating Monreith, Sst 7lbs, and one other. At Dumfries she ran twice more, without success. 1S23. At Carlisle, Sst lolbs, three miles (J. Garbutt), won the Cup, beat- ing two others. At Dumfries, Sst gibs (J. Garbutt), won the Cup, beating a br. f. by F"ilho-da-Puta, three years, 6st nibs, and w. o. for a plate of 50 gs. ; and ran once more, at Edinburgh, without success. 1S24. At Carlisle, Sst gibs, three miles (B. Smith), won the Cup, beating b. h. Wanton, by Woful, and two others. At Kelso, w. o. for a purse of 100 sovs., but ran second for the Cup, won by Sir O. Moncrieffe's b. c. Panmure, by Catton, four years, Sst (T. Shepherd). Fair Helen was now transferred to Sir J. Heron Maxwell's Stud. 1 70 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. ARBUTUS. ARBUTUS was a grey colt, bred by Henry Peirse, Esq., in 1817, and got by Walton, out of a mare (bred by Mr. Peirse in 18 13), by Wizard (son of Sorcerer), out of Lisette (bred by Mr. Peirse in 1806), by Hambletonian, out of Constantia, by Walnut, out of Contessina (the dam of Sir Harry Dimsdale), by Young Marske, out of Tuberose, by Herod, out of Grey Starling, by the Bolton Grey Starling, out of Coughing Polly, by Bartlett's Childers, &c., &c. The following letter, addressed to the Editor, appeared in the Old Sporting Magazine : — " The Stallion Arbutus. " Sir, — In consequence of seeing some remarks on stallions, signed 'A North Countryman,' in your last, I am induced to trouble you with a few on a stallion in our neighbourhood. I mean the grey horse Arbutus, by Walton, now covering at Norton Grange, Malton. Arbutus is, I think, one of the finest horses I know ; he is most beautifully formed, with extraordinary bone and muscle ; indeed, when looking at him, with his majestic head and neck, you are puzzled which to admire the most, his beauty and symmetrical proportions, or his enormous power. His back and quarters are as fine as any Arab, and his tail is elegantly placed, with a deal of the Arab character. His action is very good, and the groom informed me that he had the best of tempers, &c. — Yours, " A YORKSHIREMAN." *5^* " It is rather singular, but Mr. A. Cooper saw this horse when at Malton, painting Fleur de Lis, and was so pleased with him that he has promised us his portrait." — Ed. Arbutus' Performances. 1820. At Epsom, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st albs, not placed in the Derby of 1525 gs., won by Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Sailor, by Scud (ridden by Sam ARBUTUS. , 171 Chifney), beating Colonel Udny's br. c. Abjer, by Truffle, second, Lord George Cavendish's ch. c. Tiger, by Middlethorpe(sonof Shuttle), third ; also, the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Pindarrie (winner of the 2000 Guineas), by Phantom, and eleven others : betting, 5 to 2 against Pindarrie ; 7 to 2 against Sailor, and 25 to i against Arbutus, At Doncaster, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, not placed in the St. Leger of 1775 gs., won by Sir E. Smith's ch. c. St. Patrick (which see). For this race. Arbutus started first favourite, at 9 to 2, 7 to i against St. Patrick, and 100 to i against Mr. Benson's b. c. Copeland, by Cumberland (a son of Gohanna) ; twenty- eight ran. S. mg., colts 8st 5lbs, fillies Est 2lbs, not placed in the Gascoigne Stakes of 100 gs. each, &c., St Leger course, won by Lord Sligo's ch. c. Langar, by Selim ; six ran. At Newmarket (November), 7st 4lbs, ran second in a sweep of 10 gs. each, won by Colonel Udny's b. c. Barmecide, by Selim, four years, Sst lolbs ; 5 to 4 on Arbutus, who was now sold to H. Bouverie, Esq. 182 I. At Newmarket, Craven, 7st, won the Oatlands, beating Mr. James' b. h. Master Henry, by Orville, five years, gst 4lbs, second, Lord Egremont's b. c. Robin Hood, by Octavius (son of Orville), four years, 7st ylbs, third. General Grosvenor's ch. f. Moonshine, by Soothsayer, four years, 7st 3lbs, and Mr. Goddard's b. c. Moonraker, by Rubens, four years, 7st, last. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 81bs, D. M., match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. James' gr. c. Fleur de Lis, by Sorcerer, three years, Sst ; 5 to 2 on Arbutus. S. mg., Sst, D. L, match for 200 gs., beat Mr. James' (late Lord Jersey's), b. h. Master Henry, lost ; betting at starting, 11 to 8 on Master Henry, and, when running, 5 to 4 on Arbutus. At Newmarket (Ho.), received 80 gs. (compromise) from Mr. Prendergast's * ch. f. Letitia, by Rugantino (son of the Irish Commodore). Arbutus ran once more, without success. 1822. At Cheltenham, was unplaced in the Glo'stershire Stakes, won by Master Henry (now the property of Mr. Lechmere Charlton). At * This gentleman first brought Pat Conolly, the eminent jockey, from Ireland to England, where he remained till his death, in 1842. 172 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Warwick, list 6lbs, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating the Duke of Richmond's ch. c. Carbonaro (winner of a sweepstakes of 50 gs. each, at Ascot, in 1821, and second to Gustavus for the Claret Stakes, at Newmarket, this year), by Woful, four years, lost 4lbs, and one other, in both heats. Arbutus ran twice more this year, without success, and was ' transferred to the Stud. nj-ir . futumi/'tn MIRANDOLA. 173 MIRANDOLA, MIRANDOLA was a chestnut filly, bred by the Earl of Clarendon in 181 7, and was got by Haphazard, out of AUegretta (bred by Thomas Pan ton, Esq., of Newmarket, in 1801), by Trumpator, out of Young Camilla (dam of Mandane), by Woodpecker, out of Camilla, by Trentham, out of Coquette, by the Compton Bay Barb, out of own Sister to Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Grey Robinson, by the Bald Galloway, her dam, by Snake, out of Old Wilkes, by Old Hautboy. Mirandola's Performances. 1820. At Newmarket (First October), yst Qlbs, ran second in the Trial Stakes, won by H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Banker, by Smolensko, four years, 8st gibs (which see). At Newmarket (Second October), 7st 8lbs, was un- placed in a handicap sweep of 120 gs., won by the Duke of York's bl. f. Soota, by Granicus, four years, Est 2lbs, beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Snowdon, by Skiddaw (son of Gohanna), four years, 7st gibs, second, Mr. Crockford's b. c. Sultan, four years, 8st gibs, Mr. Thornhill's b. f. Shoveller (Oaks winner in 1819), four years, 8st 3lbs, and eight others; 2 to i against Sultan, 10 to i against Snowdon, and 12 to i against Soota. 1821. At Newmarket, Craven, Est 7lbs, not placed for a purse of 50 sovs., won by Mr. Vansittart's gr. c. Financier, by Treasurer (son of Stamford), beating Lord Exeter's br. f. Aspasia, by Pericles, and three others. S. mg., 8st slbs, D. M., won 50 sovs., beating Mr. Thornhill's ch. f. Scarpa, by Crispin (son of Waxy), three years, 6st 7lbs, Soota, 8st I3lbs, 174 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. and eio-ht others ; 4 to i each against Mirandola and Soota. At New- market (First October), 7st i2lbs, ran second for a Gold Cup, won by Mr. S. Batson's b. c. Rosicrucian, by Sorcerer, three years, 6st 2lbs, beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Robin Hood, by Octavius, four years, 8st slbs, third, Soota, 8st 2lbs, and two others. At Newmarket (Second October), ran second for the Town Plate, won by Mr. R. Pettit's Old Euphrates, by Quiz. She ran three times more, without success. 1822. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st i3lbs (T. Goodisson), won 50 so vs., beating Mr. Jones' br. c. Deceiver, by Sorcerer, four years, 8st I3lbs, and seven others. At Newmarket (First Spring), gst 4lbs each, for the King's Plate (T. Goodisson), was beaten by Mr. Batson's b. f. Luss, by Hedley (old John Day), both four years old. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st i2lbs (T. Goodisson), won .1^50 (handicap), beating Lord Egremont's b. f. Twatty, by Whalebone, three years, 6st 2lbs, Lord George Cavendish's ch. c. Bacchanal, by Comus, four years, 8st 2lbs, third, b. h. Banker, six years, gst slbs, Mr. Rush's b. m. Romp, by Selim, aged, 8st lolbs, the Duke of York's ch. f. Electress (winner, this year, of the Windsor Forest Stakes, at Ascot, and the Oatlands, at Newmarket (Second October), by Election, three years, 6st 2lbs, and one other; 3 to I against Bacchanal, 5 to i against Banker, and 7 to i against Mirandola, who was now sold to Colonel Udny. At Newmarket (Second October), Qst (Frank Buckle), won a Gold Cup of 100 gs., beating b. m. Luss, five years, 8st lolbs, second; also (not placed), ch. c. Bacchanal, four years, 8st 6lbs, Lord Lowther's ch. c. Rossini, by Selim, three years, 7st ylbs, Mr. Northey's b. f. Sprite (dam of Vanloo, by Waterloo), by Phantom, three years, 7st ilb, and five others. At Newmarket (Houghton), 8st lolbs (F. Buckle), heats two miles, won the Audley End Stakes of 30 gs. each, beating the Duke of Portland's ch. h. Comical, by Comus, six years, 8st I2lbs. after a dead heat (ridden by James Robinson), General Grosvenor's ch. f. Betty, by Selim, three years, 7st 3lbs, and one other ; 6 to 4 against Mirandola, and 5 to 2 each against Comical and Betty. Ran twice more, without success. MIRANDOLA. 175 1823. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st Slbs each (F. Buckle), match for 200 SOTS., was beaten by Lord Egremont's b. h. Robin Hood, by Octavius (Wm. Arnull), both six years old ; even betting. S. mg., Sst 7lbs each, Ab. M. (F. Buckle), match for 200 sovs., beat Mr. Thornhill's br. c. Adolphus, by Thunderbolt, four years old ; 5 to 4 on Adolphus. At Ascot, Sst Slbs (F. Buckle), won 100 gs., beating Mr. Whiteside's ch. h. Wouvermans, by Rubens, aged, gst, ch. h. Bacchanal, Sst iilbs, and Mr. Ferguson's b. c. Wanton, by Woful, four years, 7st gibs ; even on Mirandola. At Newmarket (Houghton), Sst gibs, (F. Buckle), match for 200 sovs., beat Mr. Hunter's b. c. Ganymede (winner, this year, of the Oatlands, at Newmarket (Second October); and, also, the Oatlands, at Newmarket, Craven, 1S24, beating Bizarre, second), by Orville, three years, 7st 6lbs. S. mg., Sst iilbs, R. M. (F. Buckle), match for 200 sovs., ran a dead heat with Lord George Cavendish's b. c. Bizarre, by Orville, three years, 7st 6lbs (F. Boyce). Ran once more, without success. 1S24. At Newmarket (April), gst slbs, was not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord Verulam's roan colt Vargas, by Orville (J. Barret); sixteen ran, Bravara amongst them. S. mg., Sst 4lbs each (F. Buckle), match for 100 sovs., was beaten by Sir J. Byng's b. c. Morisco, by Muley, rising five years (W. Clift); 7 to 4 on Morisco. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst Slbs (F. Buckle), won ^60; but, for the Jockey Club Plate, Sst Iilbs, B. C. (F, Buckle), was beaten by Morisco (W. Clift), Sst 3lbs. Mirandola was now sold to Lord Orford, and joined his Lordship's Stud : for whom she threw, in 1S25, Spavina, a bay filly, by Orville ; in 1826, Emilina, a ch. f. by Emilius ; in 1828, Button Park, a ch. c. by Merlin; in 1829, a ch. c. by Truffle ; in 1830, a ch. f. by St. Patrick ; and, in 1832, a foal by Camel. In 1827, she missed to Master Henry ; and, in 1831, to St. Patrick, and died in 1832. 1 76 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. PARAGON. I PARAGON was a bay horse, with black points, without any white, and stood just fourteen hands and one inch high ; considered an average size for a pure Arab. He had good legs, with muscular power, rarely equalled, with well-formed feet. His only fault, very uncommon with Arabs, was his somewhat large head. He was, however, known to be of the purest breed, and was purchased from Col. W. Raleigh Gilbert, at Bengal, in 1827, by Sir Anthony Buller, and embarked for England on board the Cam Brae Castle. His portrait, taken at Bengal before he left India, was pronounced by Col. Gilbert to be a very faith- ful likeness. He was of a most docile nature, and was often taken into the mess-room, and made to jump over the table. Paragon's Performances. 1820. At Ghazeepore, then three years old, and the property of Mr. George Wilson, an Indigo Planter, he won the Cup, 8st 7lbs each, for Arabs only, beating five others, whose names are not given, also a handicap plate, of 50 gold mohurs. 1821. At Nagpoor, in a match for 50 gold mohurs, he beat Father Paul. 1822. At Musseerabad, lost 61bs, heats two miles, he won 50 gold mohurs, free for all ages, beating Sir Edward (an Arab), lost, and an English mare (name not given), Qst 6lbs, winning both heats easily. h!>''% PARAGON. 177 1823. He won several matches and prizes, particulars of which are wanting. 1824. At Meerut, 8st 7lbs each, heats three miles (for Arabs only), he won 40 gold mohurs, beating black horse Nigel and Redgauntlet, winning both heats ; the first by 20 lengths, and the second by 300 yards. Next day, 8st gibs each, two miles, he beat Captain Gwatkin's speedy mare Spindleshanks, by Painter, and was now purchased by Colonel Gilbert. 1825. At Calcutta, Qst 4lbs, for 50 gold mohurs, he beat Mr. Bathie's Gim- crack, 8st 4lbs. Next day, i ist (ridden by Colonel Gilbert), he won the Welter Handicap of 125 gold mohurs, beating grey horse Arcot, aged, lost 5lbs, and b. h. Clipper, aged, list. 1826. list each, match for 200 gold mohurs, the celebrated White Arab Claude (ridden by Sam Frost, an ex- Newmarket jockey), was defeated in fine style by Paragon, ridden by his owner. Colonel Gilbert. Distance two miles. Paragon was only beaten twice. The portrait of Colonel Gilbert, who is about to mount Paragon, is excellent. Paragon, in the possession of Sir Anthony Buller, covered thoroughbred mares at five gs., and half-bred mares at two gs., at Pound, four miles from Tavistock and ten miles from Plymouth. Of his stock very little is known ; but two or three of his get ran at Plymouth races. Colonel (afterwards General) Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert, was, at this period, one of the five most distinguished gentlemen riders in England, the other four being Colonel Bouverie, Lord Wilton, Captain Peyton (son of Sir Henry Peyton), and Mr. Molony, the latter of whom rode in many large and important races on the flat. VOL. II. 1 78 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. PRINCESS ROYAL. PRINCESS ROYAL' was a bay filly, bred by Sir Thos. Mostyn in 1818, and was got by Castrel (own brother to Selim and Rubens), out of Queen of Diamonds, by Diamond, out of a mare by Sir Peter Teazle (commonly styled Sir Peter), out of Lucy, by Florize.I, out of Frenzy (Phaenomenon's dam), by Eclipse, her dam, by Engineer, out of a mare by Blank, out of Lass-of-the-Mill, by Old Traveller, &c., &c. Princess Royal's Performances. 1821. At Chester, May 7th, for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, two miles, won a sweep of 250 gs. S. mg., colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, won a sweep of 160 gs., beating Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Henry, by Governor, by Ruler, second. Lord Derby's b. c. Freebooter, by Smolensko, third, and one other. At Knutsford, 7st i3lbs, in a Produce Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., two miles, thirteen subscribers (value 650 gs.), ran a dead heat with Lord Grosvenor's bay filly Bittern (afterwards named Michaelmas), by Thunderbolt, yst i3lbs, and divided the stakes. S. mg., for three years old, 7st I libs, two miles, won a sweep of 250 gs., beating Sir T. Stanley's ch. c. Doge of Venice (sent to France in 1825), by Sir Oliver (son of Sir Peter), second. Lord Stamford's b. c. Peter Lely, by Rubens, 8st, and Sir W. Wynn's ch. c. Stingo, by Champion (son of Selim). Princess Royal did not run in 1822. 1823. At Chester, 8st 8lbs (Wm. Scott), won the Stand Cup, beating Doge of Venice (T. Nicholson), five years, 8st lolbs, second ; also (not placed) ch. g. Euphrates, aged, 8st i2lbs, and two others. At Manchester ^ i PRINCESS ROYAL. 179 8st 7lbs (W. Scott), ran second for the Cup, won by Doge of Venice, 8st lolbs (T. Nicholson) ; four ran. At Derby (July 23rd), 8st lolbs, three miles (W. Scott), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Heathcote's br. h. Rein Deer, by Smolensko, five years, gst 3lbs (H. Arthur) ; only i\xo ran. At Knutsford, Sst 7lbs, three miles (W. Scott), won the Gold Cup, beating Mi. Clifton's (late Lord Stamford's), b-. h. Peter Lely, five years, Sst lolbs (Ben Smith), second, and three others. 1824. At Derby (July 27th), gst ilb, three miles, won the Gold Cup of 160 gs., again beating Rein Deer, six years, gst 3lbs. She ran once more, unplaced, at Warwick, for the Gold Cup, won by Lord Exeter's ch. c. Zealot, by Partisan (J. Robinson), beating seven others, and now joined Sir Thomas Mostyn's Stud. She was the dam of -Mr. E. L. Mostyn's b. f. Queen Bess, by Chateau Margaux, foaled in 1831, and of his brown filly, Queen of Trumps, by Velocipede, foaled in 1832. 1 80 CELEBRA TED RA CEHORSES. JACK SPIGOT. JACK SPIGOT was a br. c. foaled in 1818, bred by and the property- of the Hon. Thos. Orde Powlett. He was got by Ardrossan* (son of John Bull), out of Sister to Bourbon, by Sorcerer, out of a gr. m. by Precipitate, her dam, by Highflyer, out of Tiffany, by Eclipse, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Flying Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto, &c., &c. Jack Spigot's Performances. 1820. At Doncaster, for two years old, colts Sst 2lbs each, fillies Sst (R. Johnson), won a sweep of 320 gs., beating Mr. Riddell's b. c. Col- well, by X. Y. Z., Sir Wm. Maxwell's ch. c. Jock the Laird's Brother, by Viscount, Sir M. Sykes' br. c. Brother to Antelope, by Smolensko, and three others. 1821. At Doncaster, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st (Wm. Scott), won the Great St. Leger of 1200 gs., beating Mr. Watson's ch. f. Fortuna, by Comus, Lord Scarborough's b. c. Coronation, by Catton, third, Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Sandbeck, by Catton, Mr. Allison's br. c. Vingt'un, by Smolensko, Mr. R. Milnes' b. f. My Lady (winner next day of the Gascoigne Stakes), by Comus, Mr. Hunter's gr. c. Gustavus (winner of the Derby), by Election, Mr. J. Sadler's b. f. Pastorella, by Fyldener, and four others. S. mg., colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs (W. Scott), won the Foal Stakes of 100 gs. » The Stud-Book describes Jack .Spigot as, " by Ardrossan or Marmion " (a son of Whiskey). JACK SPIGOT. each, h. ft., eleven subscribers (550 gs.), beating My Lady ; only these two ran. 1822. At Newcastle, 8st ilb (R. Johnson), won the Convivial Stakes of 450 gs., beating Mr. Armstrong's br. h. Alexander, by Don Cossack, five years, 8st gibs, Mr. J. G. Lambton's gr. h. Dunsinane, by Macbeth (son of Sorcerer, and sent to Russia), five years, 8st gibs, ch. f. Fortuna (now Mr. Lambton's), four years, 8st ilb, and Sir J. Heron Maxwell's gr. m. Fair Helen, five years, 8st gibs, last. At Preston, ran third and last for the Cup, won by Mr. H. Peirse's b. h. Reveller, aged, gst (B. Smith), beating br. h. Dr. Syntax, aged, gst, distance three miles and a quarter. 1823. At Newmarket (April 14th), 8st gibs (A. F.), not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Scarborough (winner this year of the Oatlands, at Newmarket, Houghton, and the Gold Cup at Leicester), by Catton, three years, 5st lolbs, beating gr. c. Swap, by Catton, four years, 8st, Mr. Lane Fox's b. c. Bay Burton (winner this year of the Oatlands at Ascot), by Tramp, four years, 8st, the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Posthuma, by Orville,four years, 8st, and ten others. His last race. ' Jack Spigot took such a dislike to Wm. Scott that he never would allow him to come into his box, and was furious if he even heard his voice. He was a very beautiful foal, but his dam had such galloping fits in the paddock as almost to knock the youngster to pieces, so that Mr. Powlett was obliged to procure a tenant's mare to bring him up. (See "Silk and Scarlett," by "The Druid," page 173). 1 82 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. RICHARD. RICHARD (own brother to Master Henry) was a dark br. c. bred by Mr. Elwes, of Billing, Northamptonshire, in 1818, and sold when two years old to Lord Jersey. He was got by Orville, out of Miss Sophia, by Stamford, out of Sophia, by Buzzard, out of Huncamunca (Champion's dam), by Highflyer, out of Cypher, by Squirrel, out of a mare by Regulus, her dam, by Bartlett's Childers, out of a dan. of Mr. Honywood's Arabian, out of the dam of the Two True Blues, by the Byerly Turk. Richard's Performances. 1821. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs each, won a sweep of 200 gs. each, beating Lord Suffield's bl. c. Hassan, by Muley, and General Grosvenor's b. c. Potemkin, by W.'s Ditto, last. At Epsom, not placed in the Derby, won by Mr. Hunter's gr. c. Gustavus, by Election (S. Day), beating the Duke of Grafton's br. c. Reginald (winner of the 2000 Guineas), by Haphazard, second, Mr. Ramsbottom's br. c. Sir Huldibrand, by Octavius, third, and nine others. Lord Jersey now sold Richard to J. G. Lambton, Esq. At Richmond, for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, ran fifth in a sweep of 30 gs. each, won by the Hon. George Watson's ch. f, Fortuna, by Comus,* beating Sir Mark Sykes' b. c. Brother to Antelope, by Smolensko, second, Mr. Milnes' b. f. My Lady (dam of Jereed, by Sultan), by Comus, third, and three others. * The famous stallion Comus, the property of Messrs. Coney and Co., of Leeds, was sold in April, 1826, for 91 gs. RICHARD. 183 1822. At Newmarket, Craven, 7st 2lbs, not placed in the Oatlands, won by I Mr. Lane Fox's ch. c. North- Wester, by Haphazard, four years, 7st i2lbs ■ (C. Norman), beating Lord Stradbroke's br. c. Incantator, by Sorcerer, four years, 7st gibs, second, Mr. Ramsbottom's b. h. Shreckhorn, by Skiddaw (son of Gohanna), six years, 8st gibs, Mr. R. Pettit's (after- wards Mr. Mytton's) ch. g. Euphrates, by Quiz, six years, gst, and five others. At Newmarket (First Spring), yst 5lbs each, B.C., ran second for a ;^50 purse, won by Incantator (F. Boyce), beating Mr. Batson's b. f. Freak, by Hedley (son of Gohanna, and brother to Golumpus), third, and Mr. H. Edwards' b. c. Capulet, by Phantom, all rising. four years old. At Newcastle, lost 4lbs, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Armstrong's b. c. Packman, by Cardinal York (son of Sir Peter), four years, lost 4lbs, Lord Scarborough's br. c. Byram, by Amadis, four years, lost 4lbs, third, and b. c. Lord of the Manor, by Raphael, lost 4lbs, last. S. mg., 7st I libs, ran second for the Cup, won by br. h. Waverley (also Mr. Lambton's), by Whalebone, five years, 8st 7lbs, Sir J. H. Maxwell's gr. m. Fair Helen, by Viscount, five years, 8st 4lbs, being last. At York, lost 4lbs, four miles (M. Noble), won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Ferguson's b. c. Champagne, by Octavian, lost 4lbs, ajid Mr. Ridsdale's br. c. Statesman, by Prime Minister (son of Sancho), lost 4lbs, last, all four years old. S. mg., 8st, four miles (M. Noble), won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Mr. Houldsworth's ch. c. Catiline, by Cerberus, four years, 8st, Mr. L. Fox's ch. c. North-Wester, four years, 8st, third, and Mr. R. Watt's br. h. Bergami, by Cerberus (son of Gohanna), five years, 8st 11 lbs, last. At Pontefract, 8st, not placed for the Cup, won by Mr. J. G. Lambton's br. h. Waverley, 8st gibs (Nicholson), beating Euphrates, six years, gst ilb, and four others. S. mg., 7st lolbs, heats three miles, won 70 sovs., beating Byram, 7st lolbs, in both heats. At Doncaster, lost 4lbs, four miles, won the King's Plate (M. Noble), beating Lord Oueensberry's bl. c. Pluto, by Smolensko, lost 4lbs, and Mr. Rushton's br. c. Vingt'un, by Smolensko, four years, lost 4lbs. This was Richard's last appearance on the Turf. Richard stood a trifle over 15 hands and 3 inches high. He possessed enormous CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. power, with good lasting properties, and was a very great weight carrier. He had one of the strongest and shortest of backs ever seen, though he had, as well, good general length. Indeed he showed strength and power in every part. The bone under his knees, though large, would not measure with that of Muley. His action, both before and behind, was very good, and he bent his knees remarkably well: his temper was excellent. His racing stock was of small account, but he got some superb hunters, with rare bone and substance. ..'J^ ^^■. GODOLPHIN. 185 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN was a b. c. bred by Mr. Neville in 18 18, and sold to Lord George Cavendish. He v^^as got by Partisan, out of Ridicule (bred by Mr. Neville in 18 10), by Shuttle, out of Sister to Oatlands, by Dungannon, out of Letitia, by Highflyer, out of Sister to Guider, by Match'em, out of a mare by Blank, her dam, by Babraham (son of the Godolphin Arabian). Godolphin's Performances. 1821. At Newmarket, Craven, 6st, A. F., ran second for a Gold Cup, won by Mr. Crockford's b. c. Sultan, rising five years, 8st gibs, beating Sir J. Shelley's b. c. Ivanhoe, by Phantom, and the Duke of York's ch. f. Rosetta, by Rugantino, last. At Newmarket (First October), for three years old, colts Sst jibs, fillies 8st 4lbs, D. L, ran second in the Newmarket St. Leger, won by Lord Exeter's b. f. Augusta (dam of Augustus, by Sultan), by Woful, beating* the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Reginald (winner of the 2000 Guineas), by Haphazard, out of Prudence, third, and Mr. Bouverie's b. c. Tressilian, by Orville, fourth ; six ran. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 4lbs, match for 300 gs., A. F., received 150 gs. forfeit from Tressilian, Sst jibs. S. mg., Sst 6lbs, match for 300 gs., was beaten by Mr. Lane Fox's ch. c. North-Wester, by Haphazard, three years, 8st. S. mg., paid 50 gs. forfeit to Lord Warwick's b. f. Selma, by Selim. 1822. At Newmarket (April Sth), Sst (Wm. Arnull), won the Craven Stakes, beating the Duke of York s b. h. Banker, by Smolensk©, rising six years, 1 86 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 9st lib, second, Lord Egremont's b. c. Robin Hood, by Octavius, 8st gibs, rising five years, third, and fifteen others. At Newmarket (First Spring), 7st i3lbs (W. Arnull),won a sweep of 200 gs. each, h. ft., five subscribers, beating North-Wester, 7st 11 lbs, br. f. Selma, five years, 8st 8lbs, third. S. mg., 8st lolbs (W. Arnull), won a sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft., seven subscribers (450 gs.), beating Lord Egremont's b. c. Centaur, by Canopus (son of Gohanna), 8st 3lbs, second, Mr. Hunter's gr. c. Gustavus (winner of the July Stakes at Newmarket in 1820, and the Derby in 1821), by Election, 8st i2lbs, third, Mr. Walker's gr. c. Legal Tender, by Young Gohanna, yst i3lbs, fourth, and one other. At New- market (Second Spring), 8st 4lbs, match for 200 gs., received 80 gs. from Mr. Fox's b. m. Selma, five years, 8st. S. mg., 8st 4lbs (W. Arnull), match for 200 gs., beat Lord Egremont's (afterwards Mr. Farquharson's), bl. c. Black and all Black, by Octavius, rising four years, 8st ; 6 to 4 on Godolphin. 1823. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 4lbs each, A. F. (W. Arnull), match for 500 gs., was beaten by Lord Foley's (late Mr. Crockford's), b. h. Sultan, six years old (J. Robinson). At Newmarket (First October), not placed in the Trial Stakes, won by Lord Darlington's b. c. Marcellus, by Selim (Sam Chifney). This was Godolphin's last race. At the termination of his racing career, Godolphin joined the Stud of his owner, Lord George Cavendish, where he made for himself a very respectable name as a sire. He begat several winners for Lord George, among them being a bay filly out of Mouse, by Sir David (son of Trumpator). This filly won the 1000 Guineas, beating Lord Exeter's Green Mantle (winner of the Oaks), &c. Godolphin's best son was a chestnut colt, the property of the Duke of Richmond, which was first named Confederacy, and afterwa'rds Mazeppa, out of a mare by Rubens. He was a distinguished racer, winning many rich prizes. MOSES. 1 87 MOSES. MOSES was a b. c. bred by H.R.H. the Duke of York in 1819. He was got by Whalebone or Seymour (a son of Delpini), out of Sister to Castanea (bred by Lord Egremont in 1807), by Gohanna, out of Grey Skim, by Woodpecker, out of Silver's dam, by Herod, out of Young Hag, a grey mare, by Lord Portmore's grey horse Skim, out of Hag (also a grey mare, and bred by Lord Portmore in 1744), by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Flying Childers, out of Old Ebony (sister to Brown Betty, and bred by the Duke of Rutland), by Basto, out of his Grace's mare, by Mr. Massey's Black Barb. Whalebone is universally regarded as the sire of Moses. Moses' Performances. 1822. At Newmarket (First Spring), for colts rising three years old, 8st 7lbs each, T. Y. C. (ridden by T. Goodisson), won a sweep of 200 gs. each, h. ft., four subscribers, beating Colonel Udny's br. c. Partisan, and Lord Geo. Cavendish's b. c. by Middlethorp (son of Shuttle), last. At Epsom, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (T. Goodisson), won the Derby Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., beating Mr. Rogers' b. c. Figaro (J, Robinson), second, the Duke of Grafton's ch. c. Hampden, by Rubens (F. Buckle), third; also, not placed. General Grosvenor's b. c. Marcellus (winner in 1823 of the Ascot Cup), by Selim, Lord Exeter's br. c. Stamford, by Haphazard, Mr. Bouverie's b. c. Morisco, by Muley, Lord Egremont's b. c. Wanton, by Frolic (son of Hedley), and five others. Betting, at starting, 3 to i against Hampden (winner this year of a match for 200 gs., at Newmarket, Craven, against Mr. Thornhill's br. c. by Pericles), and 6 to i each against CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Moses and Morisco. At Ascot, 8st lalbs (T. Goodisson), won the Albany Stakes of 225 gs., beating Stamford, 8st /lbs (Buckle), second, and Mr. West's ch. f. Angelica, by Fyldener (son of Sir Peter), 8st 3lbs (Sam. Barnard), third and last ; 5 to 2 on Moses. 1823. * At Newmarket, Craven, 8st /lbs each, D. I. (Ditch in two miles and 105 yards), ridden by T. Goodisson, won the Claret Stakes of 200 gs. each, h. ft., eight subscribers, beating Morisco (now Sir John Byng's) who, as second horse, withdrew his stake ; only these two ran. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st lolbs, D. M., Ditch mile (T. Goodisson), match for 200 gs., was beaten by Mr. Lane Fox's b. c. Macduff, by Macbeth (son of Sorcerer), 8st, both rising four years old. After this defeat Moses quitted the Turf. JAMES WARD, Esq., R.A., Whose portrait is here given, was a pupil to his brother, Mr. William Ward, the eminent mezzotinto engraver, in which art he greatly excelled. He then made several copies and imitations from the works of his relative, the celebrated George Morland, many of which mighteasily be taken for the originals of that artist ; but, his genius soon discovering its strength, he gave a loose rein to his abilities, beating Morland and Mezzotinto by many lengths. His portrait of " Nonpareil," the favourite charger of George the Fourth, and also that of " Sooth- sayer," were in the possession of that king, as was the portrait of" Moses " in that of the Duke of York. The portrait of " Princess Royal " was painted for Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart., that of " Eagle " for Thomas Carle, Esq., and that of " Dr. Syntax " for Ralph Riddell, Esq. TOM GOODISSON. Of the Goodisson family " The Druid " remarks that " Charles and Tom were the sons of Dick Goodisson, who was slightly old Sam Chifney's senior, and who found his way from Selby, in Yorkshire, to Newmarket, and gradually wound himself into Old Q.'s (the Duke of Queensberry's) good graces by lajs flash of lightning style at the post. He brought both of his sons up to his profession. Charles died in his twenty-seventh year, four seasons before his father; and Tom who was a very safe rider and a fine judge of pace, won more great races in his principal Patron the Duke of York's life-time than almost any jockey out." Besides Moses, Tom Goodisson rode the following Derby winners, viz. — The Duke of Grafton's Pope, in 1809, and Sir. C. Bunbury's Smolensko, in 181 3, He also won the Oaks on the Duke of Grafton's Minuet, in 1815 ; and the 2000 Guineas on Smolensko, in 1813. , r /^ I i ^•ss. ..<*e»^' >^s=^e-2-=^ ^i^::^^^'W'>5=?. '^^ i^' /C^^^^rik^ WAVED FKOK M-IKENtSS. r/vlKrl AT HEVIMAKKET.BX A C0( 'PKK. K i TW.OHITIKAT. IN IHE l-OSSKSSION rvr M" T -.',;ijK.,. THEODORE. 1S9 THEODORE. THEODORE was a b. c. foaled in 18 19, the property of the Hon. Edward Petre. He was got by Woful, out of Rosalind (Black- lock's dam), by Coriander, out of Wildgoose, by Highflyer, out of Coheiress, by PotSo's, out of Manilla, by Goldfinder, out of a mare by Old England (son of the Godolphin Arabian;, her dam, by the Cullen Arabian, out of a mare by Old Cade, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare by Old Partner, &c., &c. Theodore's Performances. 1821. At York (August), colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st albs, was not placed in a sweep of 320 gs., won by Mr. R. Watt's b. f. Marion, by Tramp, beating ten others. At Doncaster, 5st lolbs, ran second in a sweep of 100 gs., won by Mr. Lambton'sgr. c. Dunsinane, by Macbeth, four years, gst 3lbs ; four ran. At Richmond, won i8ogs., beating Orator, by Prime Minister, Baron Bowes, by Woful, and two others, all two years old ; 6 to 4 on Orator. 1822. At Catterick, for horses rising three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies Sst, won a sweep, of 25 gs. each, beating Sir Philip Musgrave's b. c. Wanton, by Woful, and one other. At York, colts Sst 3lbs, fillies Sst, won the York St. Leger, beating Lord Scarborough's b. c. Regalia, by Catton, and five others. At Newcastle (ridden by J. Jackson,) won a sweep of 25 gs. each, beating Mr. Lambton's b. c. Adam Blair, by Don Cossack (son of Haphazard), and one other ; 5 to 2 on Theodore. At Doncaster, colts Sst 2lbs, fillies Sst (J. Jackson), won the Great St. 1 90 CELEBRA TED RA CE HORSES. Leger, of 1800 gs., beating Mr. R. O. Gascolgne's ch. f. Violet, by Comus, the Duke of Leeds' gr. c. (sold to Mr. Gascoigne, and named Professor), by Comus, third ; also, not placed, Mr. Gascoigne's ch. c. Corinthian, by Comus, Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Lorenzo, by Leopold, Mr. Watt's b. f. Muta and his b. f. Marion, both by Tramp, Lord Queens- berry's b. c. Pilgarlick, by Woful, Sir W. Milner's bl. c. Angler, by Walton, Mr. Forth's br. c. Magnus Troil, by Partisan, Mr. O. Powlett's gr. c. Swap, and twelve others ; 2 to i against Swap, 9 to 2 against Muta (winner this year of the Great Sapling Produce Stakes at York), 15 to I against Corinthian, 20 to 1 against Lorenzo, 40 to i against Violet, and 100 to I (no takers) against Theodore, whose victory was an astounding surprise ; for, though a very speedy horse, he was so lame and unsound that he could scarcely walk when he appeared on the course. Mr. Petre thought so badly of his chance that he sold his book, with full control of the horse for this race, to Mr. Rhodes Mills for ^200, who made some thousands by the bargain. When John Jackson was ordered to ride him, he burst into tears, exclaiming, " What ! ride such a cripple as that ? " Jackson's instructions were to race all through at his best pace, and most rigidly he observed them ; for he struck his spurs into Theodore's flanks the moment they started, never giving him time to think of his corns or other ailments. He went off with the lead, was never headed, and won triumphantly by four lengths. One bet of .;^iooo to a crown was laid against him, another of .;^ 100 to a walking-cane. Phosphorus won the Derby under somewhat similar circumstances. S. mg., 8st slbs each (J. Jackson), for the Gascoigne Stakes (St. Leger Course), was beaten by Swap (Wm. Scott) ; 7 to 2 on Theodore. ■ 1823. At Doncaster, §st 8lbs, ran second in a handicap sweep of 100 gs. each, h. ft. (St. Leger Course), won by Lord Scarborough's b. c. Regalia, by Catton, four years, 8st (G. Nelson), beating one other. S. mg., for all ages, 8st 5 lbs, ran third and last in the Club Stakes, won by Lord Fitzwilliam's b. h. Sandbeck, by Catton, five years, Sst I2lbs (W. Clift), beating Lorenzo, Sst 5lbs, second ; 6 to 4 on Theodore. THEODORE. 191 1824. At Manchester, 8st lolbs (W. Scott), won the Gold Cup, beating Sir Thomas Stanley's ch. c. General Mina (winner this year of the Great Manchester Stakes, the Stand Cup at Chester, Gold Cups at Knutsford and Burton, and the Leamington Stakes, at Warwick), by Camillus (son of Hambletonian), four years, 8st 2lbs (Robert Johnson), second, and one other ; 3 to i on The General. At Leeds (June 24th), 8st I3lbs, two miles (ridden by W. Scott), ran second for a Gold Tureen of ^150, won by Mr, J. Ferguson's b. c. Wanton, by Woful, 8st lolbs, beating Lord Kelburne's br. h. May Day, by Ardrossan, 8st lolbs (J. Garbutt), third and last ; even on Theodore : all five years old. The following note was at the foot of the engraving representing this race. " Our artist has repre- sented the three horses as they appeared on coming in at the rails ; and those acquainted with John Jackson's features and style of riding will easily recognize his portrait on Wanton. At the finish, all three horses were so near together that it was impossible for anyone but the judge to say which had won. Jackson rode admirably ; he nursed his horse, in a beaten state, never using whip or spur, lest he should swerve. So near a thing was it, that each jockey thought he had won. The painting, by Mr. Herring, was lent to our artist by Mr. H. Peirse, of Richmond, Yorkshire." At York, 8st, Theodore ran second in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, won by Sandbeck, six years, Sst 3lbs, beating Wanton, third, May Day, and Violet. He ran twice more this year, without success, and was sold to Mr. Wm. Carleton. 1825. At Edinburgh, Sst I2lbs (T. Lye), won the Gold Cup, beating Sir D. Moncrieffe's b. h. Shufiler, by Walton, six years, Sst i2lbs, and one other. S. mg., Sst Slbs (T. Lye), heats three miles, won the Members' Plate, beating Sir D. Moncrieffe's gr. c. Benvorlick, by Viscount (son of Stamford, by Sir Peter), three years, 6st 6lbs, in both heats ; also, Sst 1 2lbs, heats two miles (T Lye), won ^^50, beating two others. At Inverness he was twice beaten by Lord Kennedy's b. c. Skiff, by Partisan, in the Trial Stakes, and for the Cromarty Gold Cup. Theodore ran once more, and retired from the Turf. 1 92 CELEB R A TED RA CE HORSES. JOHN JACKSON. " The Druid," in his work entitled, "Silk and Scarlet," observes that, " about 1807, Shepherd, Jackson, Billy Pierse, and Ben Smith had all the best of the Northern riding. Jackson, who only yielded to Bill Scott, in the number of his Leger victories, had a rare start with Mr. J. Hutchinson's stable, which he knew right well how to use. He had the prettiest seat of the four. On race-evenings Jackson was often exceedingly quarrelsome. In the harlequin jacket (of Mr. Watt) on Tramp, Blacklock, and Altisidora, he had a great time of it. No man was more honest and respectable ; but although he had been able to ride 7St 7lbs, almost to the last, he had but little left when he died. Before he took to his inn at Northallerton, named ' The Black Swan,' he held the Racecourse Farm ; and the horses made the turn just below his front door. On both afternoons he was wont to keep open house for his friends ; but his kindness was sadly abused, and scores, who scarcely knew him by sight, were found deep in his beef and beer." Jackson retired from the Turf in his fifty-fifth year, and died, in very needy circumstances, on the sth of August, 1839, aged seventy-one. He confined his riding engagements exclusively to the North. In the course of his racing career, he won eight St. Legers, as under, viz. — In 1 79 1, on Mr. J. Hutchinson's Young Traveller, by King Fergus. In 1794, on Mr. J. Hutchinson's Beningbrough, by King Fergus. In 1796, on Mr. Cookson's Ambrosio, by Sir Peter Teazle. In 1798, on Sir Thomas Gascoigne's gr. c. Symmetry, by Delpini. In 1805, on Colonel Mellish's b. c. Staveley, by Shuttle. In 1813, on Mr. Watt's Altisidora, by Dick Andrews. In 18 1 5, on Sir Wm. Maxwell's Filho-da-Puta, by Haphazard, whose victory, " The Druid " states, " had worked the Sporting Baronet up to such a pitch of delight and excitement that he thrust his stick through half a dozen pier-glasses, at the ' Reindeer,' and lamented that there were not more at hand." In 1822, on the Hon. Edward Petre's b.c. Theodore, by Woful. Theodore was trained by Mr John Croft, and was tried a few days before the St. Leger with his stable companions, Violet, by Comus, the grey colt, by Comus, and Corinthian ; but, owing to the bad state of his feet, he was beaten in a few hundred yards ; and so great a cripple was he, when brought to the post, that it is said Jackson shed tears in having to " ride such a brute." m^t FIGARO. 193 FIGARO. FIGARO was a br. c bred by Mr. Joseph Rogers in 1819, and sold at the Ascot Meeting in 1822, to the Hon. Mr. Orde Powlett. He was got by Haphazard, out of a mare (foaled in 1810), by Selim, out of Young Camilla, by Woodpecker, out of Camilla, by Trentham, out of Coquette, by the Compton Barb (commonly called the Sedley Arabian), out of own Sister to Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Grey Robinson, by the Bald Galloway, out of a mare by Snake, out of Old Wilkes, by Wilkes' Old Hautboy, her dam, by Miss D'Arcy's Pet, out of a Royal Mare. Figaro's Performances. 1822. . . At Epsom (Sam Day), ran second in the Derby of 1475 gs., won by H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Moses, by Whalebone (which see for details). At Ascot, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, won a, sweep of 10 gs. each, beating Lord Darlington's b. c. Brother to Antonio, by Octavian, the Duke of York's ch. f. Electress, by Election, third, and Lord Geo. Cavendish's b. f. Infanta, by Bourbon, last ; 3 to i on Figaro. At Doncaster (now Mr. O. Powlett' s), 8st (W. .Scott), won a sweep of 10 gs. each, beating Mr. J. G. Lambton's gr. h. Dunsinane, by Macbeth (a son of Sorcerer, and sent to Russia), five years, Qst lib, second, b. h. Gambler (also Mr. Powlett's), by Haphazard, five years, gst ilb, Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Fortuna, by Comus, four years, 8st gibs, fourth, and five others. 1823. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st lib, D. I. (Wm. Scott), won the Oatlands (handicap), of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., beating Sir J. Byng's ch. c. Friar VOL. II. o 194 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Bacon, by Muley, four years, 8st, Mr. Lane Fox's b. c. Bay Burton, b) Tramp, three years, 7st 5lbs, and three others. At York (August) 8st 3lbs (W. Scott), won 225 gs., beating Lord Scarborough's b. f. Faii Charlotte, by Catton, four years, 8st (J. Garbutt), Sir W. Mihier's bl. c Angler, by Walton, four years, Sst 3lbs (B. Smith), and one other. Ai Doncaster, Sst (W. Scott), won the Doncaster Stakes of 250 gs., beatino Lord Scarborough's b. h. Coronation, by Catton, five years, Sst gibs S. mg., 7st /lbs (T. Lye), four miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Watt'; b. f. Muta, by Tramp, four years, 7st 7lbs, Lord Kelburne'sbr. c. May Day by Ardrossan, four years, 7st 7lbs, third, Dr. Syntax, gst, fourth, and six others. At Kelso (now the property of Mr. Andrew Farquharson), 751 lolbs, heats three miles, won 100 sovs., beating Mr. Loftus' bl. h. Pluto by Smolensko, five years, Sst 6lbs, and Mr. Baird's br. c. The Pirate, by Stamford, four years, 7st lolbs, in both heats ; also, w. o. for 50 gs. 1824. At the Caledonian Hunt, Sst i2lbs (T. Lye), won the Kelso Stakes of 50 gs. each, beating Sir D. Moncrieff's b. c. Stratherne, by Whisker, four years, Sst 6lbs. S. mg., w. o. for a sweep of 20 gs. each, and did not run again this year. 1825. At Kelso (Spring, April 20th), gst ilb (T. Lye), won 120 sovs., beat- ing five others. At Doncaster, Qst slbs (T. Lye), ran second in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, won by Mr. Whittaker's br. h. Lottery, by Tramp, five years, gst ilb (Geo. Nelson), beating Canteen, four years, Sst gibs, b. h. Abron, by Whisker, five years, gst ilb, and five others. S. mo-., 9st, not placed for the Cup, won by Lottery, Sst lolbs, beating Lont^- waist, four years, Sst 3lbs, Mr. Lumley's gr. c. Falcon, by Interpreter, three years, 7st, ch. c. Cedric, by Phantom, four years, Sst 3lbs, Lord Sligo's br. h. Starch, by Waxy Pope, six years, gst, and three others. At Kelso, w. o. for 50 gs. ; also, w. o., for the Kelso Stakes of 75 gs. : and also for the Convivial Stakes of 50 gs., and now retired to the Stud, where he begat a host of winners, but none of any great note, with the exception of the famous grey, Isaac (the best Cup horse of Iiis day), I I FIGARO. 195 The Count, and Mozart. " The Druid," in his work entitled " Scott and Sebright," page 177, devotes two whole pages to Isaac's memory. He made his debut on the Turf, at York, August Meeting, 1833, as Mr. T. O. Powlett's gr. c. by Figaro, out of Jack Spigot's dam, and he ran either on the flat or in hurdle races into the year 1846, being then fifteen years old. "The Druid" saj^s, "a hurdle race in 1842 saw the last of him in public, and then Mr. Robins, of Stoneleigh Park, gave him a run out for four or five years, till he had to be shot for infirmity." Now, in 1843, he won £\o at Warwick and ^i 10 at Abingdon, and ran four times. In 1844 he ran three times, twice at Warwick and once at Worcester. In 1845 he ran at Coventry, Bibury, Leominster and Hereford. He ran once at Coventry, in March, 1846. 1 96 CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. WANTON. WANTON was a b. c. foaled in 1819, the property of J. Fergusoj|,|| Esq. He was got by Woful, out of Esther (sister to Staveley), I Shuttle, out of Hornet, by Drone (son of Herod), out of Manilla, by GoMJ finder, out of a mare by Old England (son of the Godolphin Arabian). Wanton's Performances. 1S22. At Lancaster, Wanton won 70 sovs.; at Kendal he won the Cup, and 50 sovs.; and the same at Northallerton. 1823. At Durham, 8st 4lbs each, heats two miles (T. Lye), won the Cup,! beating Mr. Reed's gr. c. Marauder, by Macbeth (son of Sorcerer), R. Johnson, and Mr. R. Riddell'sch. c. Pity Me (winner this year of King's Plates at Newcastle and York), by Woful (R. Johnson) : all four years old ; 1 1 to 8 on Wanton. At Lancaster, w. o. for 50 gs., and also for a purse of 70 sovs. At Preston, 8st 7lbs each (T. Lye), won £^q (the gift of Lord Derby), beating Orator, Marauder, and two others ; 5 to 4 on Wanton. At Kendal (R. Johnson), 8st, three miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Wardrop's ch. m. Eliza Leeds (dam of Mr. Maberly's Erymus), by Comus, six years, 8st gibs ; 6 to 4 on Wanton. Ran once more, this year, without success. 1824. At Leeds (June 24th), 8st lolbs, two miles (J. Jackson), won a silver tureen of 100 sovs., with ^50 added, beating Theodore (winner, in 1822, of the Doncaster St. Leger), five years, 8st I3tbs (W. Scott), second, and Lord Kelburne's br. h. May Day, by Ardrossan (James Garbutt), five years, 8st lolbs, last. 'WAP. SWAP. 197 SWAP was a grey colt, bred by the Hon. Thomas Orde Powlett in 18 1 9, and was got by Catton, out of a mare by Hambletonian, out of Vesta, by Delpini, out of Faith, by Pacolet (son of Blank), out of Atalanta, by Match'em, out of Lass-of-the-Mill, by Oroonoko, out of Sister to Lass-of-the-Mill, by Old Traveller, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare by Old Partner, &c. Swap's Performances. 1821. At Newcastle-on-Tyne, for two years old, colts, 8st 3lbs each, won the Castle Stakes of 300 gs., beating Mr. Ralph Riddell's b. c, The Whig, by X. Y. Z., and three others, 1822. At Doncaster, not placed in the Great St. Leger, won by Mr. Petre's b. c. Theodore, by Woful (which see). S. mg., 8st 5lbs each (Wm. Scott), won the Gascoigne Stakes of 400 gs., beating Theodore (Jackson), on whom 7 to 4 was laid ; only these two ran. 1823. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st, ran second in the Craven Stakes, won by the Duke of Rutland's b. c. Scarborough, by Catton, three years, 5st lolbs (J. May), Mr. Lane Fox's b. c. Bay Burton, by Tramp, four years, 8st, being third, and twelve others. Swap was now sold to the Duke of Richmond ; and, S. mg., 8st 7lbs, ran third in the Claret Stakes, of 1200 gs., won by the Duke of York's b. c. Moses, 8st /lbs (T. Goodisson), beating Sir J. Byng's b. h. Morisco, by Muley, 8st 7lbs, and three others. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. At Brighton, 8st 3lbs, not placed for the Gold Cup, won by Lord Egremont's b. f. Elfrid, by Wanderer, beating the Duke of Richmond's gr. f. Dandizette, by Whalebone, 6st gibs each, both three years old, and three others. S. mg., 8st 4lbs (Wm. Wheatley), won the Brighton Stakes, beating Mr. Northey's b. h. Monk, by Hedley (son of Gohanna), five years, 8st i2lbs. At Lewes, 8st 6lbs (Wheatley), match for loo gs., beat Mr. Northey's b. f. Sprite, by Phantom, 8st 3lbs, both four years old. At Goodwood, 8st 81bs (Wheatley), in the Sussex Stakes, was beaten by Mr. Whiteside's b. c. Brother to Antonio, by Octavian, four years, 8st lolbs (George Dockeray). At Southampton, Sst lolbs (F. Boyce), won the Town Plate of loo sovs., with sweep of So sovs., heats three miles, beating Mr. Dilly's b. c. Momentus, by Woful, four years, Sst lolbs, in a canter, and one other. Same day, Sst 7lb3 (F. Boyce), heats two miles, won £']0, beating Mr. Fleming's bl. c. Augustin, by Smolensko, three years, /st, and Lord Palmerston's ch. f. Biondetta, by Rainbow, four years, Sst 4lbs. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 4lbs each (Wm. Arnull), match for loo sovs. (A. F.), beat Mr. Page's ch. m. Prosody, by Don Cossack (son of Haphazard), five years old ; 5 to 2 on Swap, who was now sold to Colonel Yates, and transferred to his Stud. In this, his last race. Swap made all the running from start to finish, and won by ten lengths. ANGELICA. 199 ANGELICA. A NGELICA was a ch. f. bred by J. R. West, Esq., in 1819, and iV was got by Fyldener (son of Sir Peter), out of a mare by Rubens, out of Streatlam Lass (own sister to Vicissitude), by Pipator, out of Beatrice, by Sir Peter, out of Pyrrha, by Match'em, out of Mr. Fenwick's famous mare Duchess, by Whitenose (a son of tlie Hall Arabian), out of Miss Slamerkin, by Young True Blue, out of a mare by Lord Oxford's dun Arabian, out of Lord D'Arcy's black-legged Royal Mare. Angelica's Performances. At Cheltenham (July 20th), for two years old horses, colts 8st ylbs, fillies Sst 3lbs, won 60 gs., beating Mr. Isaac Sadler's b. f. Sister to Pastorella (winner of the Kelston Stakes of 425 gs. at Bath, July loth), by Fyldener, second, and Mr. C. Day's ch. f. Sister to Teniers,* by Rubens, last. At Warwick, colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, half a mile, ran second in a sweep of 150 gs., won by General Grosvenor's ch. f. Betty Hint, by Selim, beating Mr. Mytton's ch. c. Ruler, by Rubens, and Mr Yates' b. f. Cora, by Peruvian (son of Sir Peter), last. At Ascot (June 5th), for three years old, Sst 3lbs, ran third and last in the Albany Stakes of 50 gs. each, h. ft., six subscribers, won by H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Moses, by Whalebone, Sst 1 2lbs, 5lbs extra for * Sold to the Duke of Grafton, and' named Whizgig. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. winning the Derby (T. Goodisson), beating Lord Exeter's br. c. Stamford, by Haphazard, 8st 7lbs, second ; lo to 6 on Moses. 1823. At Ascot (June loth), 7st Bibs, ran second in the Oatlands (handicap) of 30 gs. each, &c., two miles and a half, won by Mr. Ramsbottom's b. c. Bay Burton, by Tramp, 8st 2lbs, both four years old ; nine ran, but only two placed. S. mg., for all ages, 7st i2lbs, was not placed in the Wokingham Stakes, won by Mr. Northey's b. f. Sprite, by Phantom, four years, 7st lolbs (Sam Barnard), beating Mr. Walker's b. h. Langtonian, by Langton, six years, Sst lolbs, and seven others. At Cheltenham, 7st Slbs (S. Barnard), two miles, won the Glo'stershire -Stakes of 635 gs., beating Mr. I. Sadler's b. h. Atlas, by Hedley (son of Gohanna), five years, 7st i2lbs, second. Sir T. Stanley's b. h. Tarragon, by Haphazard, aged, gst 2lbs, third, Bay Burton, Sst, and three others not placed. S. mg., Sst, three miles, won the Cup of 100 gs., with sweep of 180 gs., beating Mr. C. Day's b. c. Melampus, by Soothsayer, three years, 6st 4lbs, second, ch. g. Euphrates, aged, gst 4lbs, and three others. At Worcester (August 12th), two miles, 7st 11 lbs (S. Barnard), won the County Stakes, beating b. c. Cardinal Puff and one other. At Hereford, Sst 4lbs, in the Herefordshire Stakes, was beaten by Mr. C. Day's b. f. Plover, by Bustard, three years, 7st ; and for the Cup, was beaten by Lord Harley's b. h. Gas, by Fyldener. Angelica ran three times, in 1824, without success, namely, at Bibury, in the Bibury Stakes, and twice at Worcester, and was then put to the Stud. Mr. West bred from her two chestnut colts and a filly, by his horse Claude Lorraine, by Rubens, but neither one of the three was of much account, though Angelica herself was so well bred. EMILIUS. EMILIUS. EMILIUS was a bay colt, bred by Colonel Udny in 1S20, and was got by Orville, out of Emil)^, by Stamford, out of a mare by Whiskey, out of Grey Dorimant, by Dorimant, out of Dizzy, by Blank, out of Dizzy, by Driver, out of a dau. of Smiling Tom, a son of the Conyers Arabian, and bred at Hampton Court in 1724. "The Druid " says of Emilius that he " was Orville's best son, inherited his plain head, but was not so coarse in appearance. He was a muscular, compact horse, with a great chest and powerful arms, but rather short legs, the hinder ones being unusually straight. He had a somewhat large middle piece, good back ribs, and a very muscular neck, slightly arched, but not too long. When, at Mr. Thornhill's decease (who had purchased Emilius from Colonel Udny in 1824 for 1800 gs.), the Riddlesworth Stud was broken up, his executors let Emilius on hire, and he died soon after the close of his first season, at Easby Abbey, Yorkshire. His stock, after he went to the North, were mostly small, the youngest of them being England's Glory, out of Prairie- Bird. Emilius was perfectly well till just before his death, which was caused by one of the stable-boys giving him a feed of whole unbruised oats, which he was quite unable to masticate. He was buried in a paddock close to the White Cannons of Easby, and a stone which had served as a threshold to the box where, in after years, Weatherbit stood, was built into the wall to mark the spot, and thus Frank Buckle's last Derby winner was canonized. The line of Emilius did not go on in very regular order. The Bizarre line too, through Orville, stopped with Rat-trap, who started first favourite for the Derby in 1837, but who will be better remembered by the severest and most punishing of races which (ridden by Arthur Pavis), he con- tested with Mango (Nat. Flatman), at Ascot, in 1837. As regards the CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. line of Emilius, Recovery and his singularly pretty stock fell into dis repute. Euclid died very early, and Theon, who showed a deal men quality than any of the family, had very few blood mares sent to him but he got some superb hunters." Lastly, the mighty Plenipotentiary whose magnificent frame gave higher promise, left no mark behind hin- at the Stud. Emilius' Performances. 1823. At Newmarket. Craven, 8st 4lbs (F. Buckle), won the Riddlesworth Stakes of 20D sovs. each, h. ft., twenty-two subscribers (value ^1500), beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Talisman, by Soothsayer, Sst 7lbs, Lord Jersey's b. c. by Phantom, third, Sst 7lbs, Lord Exeter's b. c. Tray, by Filho-da-Puta, last. S. mg., w. o. for the Dinner Stakes of 300 gs. each, h. ft. (value 1500 gs.). At Newmarket (First Spring), in a sweep of 100 gs. each, six subscribers, only two horses appeared at the post, viz., Emilius, and Lord Exeter's ch. c. Fanatic, by Soothsayer, and Colonel Udny and Lord Exeter agreed to divide the forfeits. At Epsom (F. Buckle), won the Derby of 650 gs., beating Mr. Marmaduke Wyvill's b. c. Tancred, by Selim, second, b. c. Talisman, Mr. Biggs' br. c. Bertram, by Smolensko, Lord Lowther's ch. c. Nicolo (winner of the 2000 Guineas), by Selim, the Duke of Grafton's br. c. Cinder, Mr. Ramsbottom's b. c. Cephalus, by Bluchcr, Mr. Naylor's b. c. Triumph, by Fyldener (son of Sir Peter), b, c. Felix, by Comus, and two others; 1 1 to 8 against Emilius, 6 to 4 against Tancred, and 10 to i against Nicolo. At Ascot, Sst 7lbs each (F Buckle), won 500 gs., beating Lord Darlington's b. c. Shaver, by Whisker. At Newmarket (First October), colts Sst ylbs, fillies Sst 3lbs (F Buckle), won the Grand Duke Michael of 1200 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Zinc (winner of the 1000 Guineas and Oaks), by Woful, second, the Duke of Pordand's b. c. Joseph, by Soothsayer, Lord G. Cavendish's b. c. Bizarre, by Orville, Lord Egremont's b. f. Spermaceti, by Whalebone, and Nicolo; 2 to i on Emilius. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst ylbs each (F. Buckle), EMILIUS. ivon a sweep of 800 gs., beating br. c. Cinder (Wm. Arnull), in a canter, 5y three lengths. 1824. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st ilb (F. Buckle), match for 300 gs., was beaten by Lord Exeter's b. m. Augusta (winner this year of the jOatlands, at Newmarket), by Woful, five years, 8st 7lbs (J. Robinson) ; '■2 to I on Emilius. At Newmarket (First October), 8st 5lbs each (F. Buckle), match for 500 sovs. (Ab. M.), beat Mr. Wm. Edwards' gr. h. jock the Laird's Brother, by Viscount, six years old ; 5 to 2 on Emilius. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 7lbs each (F. Buckle), in a match for 300 sovs., was beaten by Bizarre (Wm. Arnull) ; i i to 8 on Emilius. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st lolbs (Buckle), ran last in the Audley End Stakes, won by Lord Exeter's ch. c. Zealot, by Partisan, four years, 8st 3lbs (Robinson), beating Lord Verulam's ch. f. Vitellina, by Comus, three years, 6st 4lbs, and four others. Emilius was now sold to Mr. Thornhill, and transferred to his Stud at Riddlesworth. He was the Sire of The Caster (winner of the Levant Stakes, and the Molecombe at Goodwood), of Euclid, Eringo, E. O. Mango, Mathematician (winner of the Great Ebor Handicap in 1847), of Plenipotentiary, Pompey and Priam, of Riddlesworth (winner of the 2000 Guineas in 1831), of Recovery, St Nicholas, and Sarpedon ; of mares, he was the sire of Confusion^e, Egeria, Emerald, Emiliana (winner of the Clearwell), of Equation, Example, Extempore (winner of the July Stakes), of Lady Emily, Mouche (winner of the Clearwell), Marmalade, Morella, Oxygen, and Preserve (winner of the 1000 Guineas the Clearwell and Criterion). 204 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. BAREFOOT. BAREFOOT was a chestnut colt, bred by Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, Yorkshire, in 1820, and got by Tramp, out o( Rosamond, by Buzzard, out of Roseberry (sister to Huby), by Phseno- menon, out of Miss West, by Match'em, her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Old Crab, out of a dau. of Flying Childers, out of a mare by Basto (son of the Byerley Turk), &c. Miss West was a chestnut mare, bred by R. Gee, Esq., of Bishop Burton, in 1777. She never was trained for racing, but was a brood mare in Mr. Harry Goodricke's Stud. She was also the dam of Cinnamon, by Coriander, and of Quiz, by Buzzard. Barefoot's Performances. 1822. At York (Spring), for two years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, ran second in a sweep of 250 gs., won by the Hon. O. Powlett's bl. f. Miss Fanny, by Walton, beating Mr. Lambton's b. f. Beresina, by Leopold (son of Camillus), third, and five others. At Pontefract, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (J. Garbutt), for two years old, won 220 gs., beating Sir Wm. Milner's b. c. Harpooner, by Whalebone, and four others. 1823. At York (Spring), for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (J. Garbutt), won the St. Leger Stakes of 25 gs. each, beating Mr. Fer- guson's br. c. Sir Anthony, by Octavian (J. Jackson), and Harpooner (T. Nicholson.) At York (August), for three years old, colts Sst 5lbs, fillies Sst 2lbs (J. Garbutt), won a sweep of 250 gs., beating Mr. BAREFOOT. 205 Richardson's br. c. Conductor, by Filho-da-Puta (W. Scott), second, Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. f. Nitrogen, by Comus (W. Clift), third, Mr. jGascoigne's b. f. Isabella, by Comus (B. Smith), fourth, and one other. I At Pontefract, 8st 3lbs (M. Noble), won no gs., beating Mr. Houlds- worth's br. f. Palatine, by Filho-da-Puta, three years, 8st ; only two ran. At Doncaster, colts 8st slbs, fillies Sst (T. Goodisson), won the Great St. Leger Stakes of 2075 gs., beating Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Sherwood, by Filho-da-Puta, second, Mr. Riddell's br. c. Comte d'Artois, by Bourbon, third ; also Lord Grosvenor's br. f. Etiquette, by Orville, Mr. West's ch. c. Claude Lorraine, by Rubens, Mr. Wyvill's b. c. Tancred, by Selim, Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Caledonian, by Selim, Sir M. W. Ridley's br. c. Ringlet, by Whisker, Mr. Hunter's br. c. Ganymede, by Orville, Mr. H. Peirse's b. c. by Comus, out of Rosanne, by Dick Andrews, and two others. Betting, 5 to i against the Comus colt (afterwards named Carnival, and who died in 1825), 4 to r against Barefoot, 9 to i against Claude Lorraine, and 20 to i against any other. Twenty-seven horses went to the post for this St. Leger, and, after three false starts, twenty-three of them went away without the order to "go" having been given, and, although called back by the bugle, they ran the whole course, the Rosanne colt, by Comus, coming in first. Barefoot second, and Comte d'Artois third. This being also declared a false start, the following fifteen horses were withdrawn by their respective owners : Mr. Watt's b. c. Tinker (afterwards Lottery), Lord Foley's b. f. Palais Royal, Mr. Lambton's b. f. Beresina, Sir W. Maxwell's br. f. Brilliantfe, Mr. Gascoigne's b. f. Isabella, ch. c. Hydra, ch. f. Polly, b. c. Plumpa, ch. c. Meltonian, ch. c. Rhubarb, br. c. Brighton, b. c. Proselyte, and gr. f. by Comus. When the twenty-three went off, Lord Grosvenor's Etiquette, Mr. West's Claude Lorraine, Lord Kelburne's Caledonian, and Sir Thomas Mostyn's b. f. Mercandotti, by Muley, were the four left at the post, all of whom started in the last race. Barefoot was now sold to the Earl of Darlington, and, at Newmarket (Ho.), Sst lolbs (Sam Chifney), won a purse of 50 sovs., beating Mr. Hunter's b. h. Tressilian, by Orville, 8st ylbs, and five others. 2o6 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 1824. At Ascot, w. o. for the Swinley Stakes. S. mg. (June 17th), 8st 2lbs each, two miles and a half (R. Boyce), for the Gold Cup, was beaten by Lord Geo. Cavendish's b. c. Bizarre, by Orville (W. Arnull), both four years old. At Doncaster, lost 7lbs each, four miles (B. Smith), ran third for the King's Plate, won by Lord Sligo's b. c. Arrogance, by Master Goodall (alias Giles Scroggins, a son of Sir Solomon), ridden by T. Shepherd, beating Earl Fitzwilliam's br. c. Bordeaux, by Bourbon, second (T. Lye), and the Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Bugle, by Tiresias, last ; all four years old. S. mg., for four years old, St. Leger Course (B. Smith), for a sweep of 50 gs. each, 20 gs. forfeit, five subscribers, was beaten by Mr. Whittaker's br. c. Lottery (G. Gates), by Tramp, both four years old, and both bred by Mr. Watt. 1825. At Lancaster, 8st 81bs (Harry Edwards), three miles, won the Gold Cup, beating br. Lottery, five years, 8st 81bs (G. Gates), General Sharpe's br. f. Panthea, by Blacklock, four years, 7st iilbs, and one other. At Derby, 8st [2lbs, three miles, ran third for the Cup, won by Mr. Tomes' b. c. Sir Gray, by Rubens, four years, 8st albs (H.Arthur), beating Lord Sligo's b. c. Canteen, by Waxy Pope, four years, 8st albs, and Lord Anson's b. c. Sligo, by Waxy Pope, four years, 8st 2lbs, last. At Wolverhampton, 8st lolbs, three miles, ran second for the Darlington Cup, won by Mr. Mytton's ch. g. Euphrates, aged, Est I2lbs (Hayes) ; four ran. At Northallerton, 8st gibs, for the Cup, was beaten by Mr. Russell's b. c. Alderman, by Bourbon, three years, 6st lolbs. 1826. At Catterick, gst, not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord Kelburne's ch. c. "Dare Devil, by Viscount, three years, 8st (Robert Johnson) ; nine ran. At Manchester, gst (T. Shepherd), won ^120, beating Mr. Cleave's (late Mr. Houldsworth's), b. h. Miller of Mansfield, by Filho-da-Puta, five years, 8st 4lbs (T. Lye), second, and Lord Grosvenor's ch. m. Hybla, by Rubens, five years, 7st i2lbs (H.Arthur). ^ BAREFOOT. 207 At Lancaster, 8st lalbs, three miles (H. Edwards), won the Cup, beating the Duke of Leeds' b. c. Crowcatcher,* by Blacklock, four years, 8st, and Mr. J. Smith's ch. f. Sophy, by Comus, four years, 7st iilbs. At Stockton (August i8th), gst, three miles (R. Johnson), ran second for the Cup, won by General Sharpe's b. h. Canteen, by Waxy Pope, five years (Sim. Templeman), beating b. h. Abron, six years, gst (T. Lye), and one other. Barefoot ran once more at York, without success, and quitted the Turf. * " The Druid " (in " Scott and Sebright ") states that John Smith, Lord Strathmore's stud groom and trainer at Streatlam, insisted on so naming this horse, because " he had seen him defdy behead a wool-stealer, in ipso facto." 2o8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SHERWOOD. SHERWOOD was a bay colt, bred by Thomas Houldsworth, Esq., in 1820, and was got by Filho-da-Puta^ out of Lampedosa (sister to Bobtail, and bred by Lord Egrernont in 1801), by Precipitate, out of Bobtail (bred by his Lordship in 1 786), by Eclipse, out of Faith (bred by Lord Grosvenor in 1778), by Herod, out of Curiosity (bred by Jenison Shafto, Esq., in 1760), by Old Snap, out of a mare by Regulus. For the rest, see Mameluke. Sherwood's Performances. 1822. At York (August), for two years old, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st albs (Wm. Scott), won a sweep of 300 gs., beating Sir W Milner's ch. c. Ypsilanti, by Selim, Mr. J. G. Lambton's b. f. Beresina, by Leopold, third; also Earl Fitzwilliam's ch. f. Comedy, by Comus, ch. c. Rhubarb, by Comus, and four others. At Doncaster, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st (Wm. Scott), won a sweep of 420 gs., beating Beresina (T. Lye), second, Mr. Ridsdale's ch. c. Rhubarb, third, and six others. 1823. At Doncaster (ridden by Wm. Scott), ran second in the Great St. Leger of 2075 gs., won by Mr. Watt's ch. c. Barefoot, by Tramp (T. Goodisson), beating Mr. Ralph Riddell's br. c. Comte d'Artois, by Bourbon, third, and nine others. S. mg., w. o. for the Gascoigne Stakes (value of forfeits 270 gs.) ; also, colts 8st albs, fillies 8st (Wm. Scott), won a sweep of 200 gs., beating Comte d'Artois (now Colonel Udny's), second, and Sir Matthew White Ridley's br. c. Ringlet, by Whisker, third and last ; 6 to 4 on Sherwood, and 7 to 4 against Comte d'Artois. Sherwood did not run aeain. I Ills S'' iliillliiiiiri mn' LOTTERY. 209 LOTTERY. LOTTERY (first named Tinker), was a brown-bay colt, bred by- Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, Yorkshire, in 1820. He was got by Tramp, out of Mandane, by PotSo's (which see for the remainder of his pedigree). Lottery was a very bloodlilce horse, and the best of all Tramp's sons ; but his temper was very bad. He was drilled by James Garbutt in a fallow field in Holderness; and, though the spirit was nearly galloped out of him, his courage never was subdued. When he could not get his rider out of the saddle, he would lie down, and roll. Mr. Watt was so apprehensive of serious mischief, that he wanted to have him shot ; but, being persuaded to sell him, he found a ready purchaser in Mr. Whittaker, of Dowthorpe Hall, for 450 gs., and who subsequently refused 3000 gs. for him. One morning, while at exercise, he rushed at a farm labourer, and struck him with his foreleg ; and, on another occasion, when Shepherd rode down to the paddock to have a look at him, he became so furious, that Shepherd dismounted from his hack, and the two horses galloped off to the stable together. Lottery stood fully sixteen hands high ; and his racing-like points and figure speak for themselves. He was indeed the horse of a century, and many of his races were splendid exhibitions of courage and speed. His finest race was for the Doncaster Cup, in 1825, when he made his own running all the way, beating Longwaist by half a neck, and leaving the rest of the field half a mile behind. In private. Lottery could run clean away from his half-brother, Barefoot, and he was without doubt the best horse of his day; but, after becoming the property of Mr. Whittaker, he was miserably treated and mismanaged, serving mares and being only half trained at the time that he was engaged to compete in long courses and with some of the best horses of his time. At York, on one occasion, his VOL. 11. P CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. condition was so bad as to excite the public indignation, which vented itself in exclamations of " Tal-ce him away, he is not fit to run a yard." This was at the Spring Meeting in 1826, when he ran two severe races, in one of which, carrying gst 4lbs, he was beaten by Flcur-de-Lis, four years, "st i3lbs, and, in the other, gst 4lbs, he ran second to Humphrey Clinker, four years, 8st. Lottery was eventually 'purchased by the French Government, and stood, as a stallion, at the Bois de Boulogne, in company with Cadland and Physician. Lottery's Performances, 1823. At Doncaster (then named Tinker), he was one of the fifteen horses that were withdrawn, afier the false start, for the St. Leger, won by Barefoot. They ran the full course ; and John Jackson, who rode Tinker in the false start, said that he showed very bad temper, and would not make any effort to run ; so Mr. Watt sold him to Mr. Whittaker, who named him Lottery. 1824. At York (Spring), 8st 3lbs each, ran fifth and last in a sweep of 20 gs. each, won by Mr. Russell's b. c. Abron, by Whisker (R. Johnson); five ran. At Newcastle, lost 7lbs each, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Caledonian, by Stamford, and one other. At York (August), Sst 7lbs (G. Gates), won 250 gs., beating Abron, 8st 4lbs, by six lengths. S. mg., 7st i2lbs (G. Gates), won the Cup, beating Sir Wm. Milner's bl. h. Angler, by Walton, five years, Sst 7lb.s, by ten lengths. At Doncaster, in the Fitzwilliam Stakes, was beaten by b. c. Buzzard, by Blacklock ; also (G. Gates), ran second for the Cup, won by the Duke of Leeds' b. h. Mercutio, by Mowbray, five years, Sst 3lbs (H. Edwards), beating Theodore, five years, Sst 3lbs, Buzzard, Brutandorf, and three others. S. mg. (at Doncaster), Sst 3lbs (G. Gates), won 120 gs., beating Barefoot (H. Edwards), Sst 3lbs, easily; 2 to i Oii Lottery. At Lincoln, Sst, for the Cup, was beaten by Mr. Howorth's LOTTERY. 211 gr. f. Minna, by Caniilkis, four years, 7st iilbs; six ran. G. Nelson rode Minna. 1825. At York (Spring), gst, two miles (Ben Smith), won ^120, beating Lord Kelburne's br. c. Osmond, by Fillio-da-Puta, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Shepherd, second, Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Florismart, by Amadis (son of Don Quixote), 8st 3lbs, Mr. Lumley's br. c. Borysthenes, by Smolensko, and one other ; 2 to i against Florismart, and 5 to i against Lottery. S. mg., 8st 7lbs (B. Smith), won the Cup, beating Mr. Russell's br. c. Mustachio, by Whisker, four years, 7st i2lbs, Abron, five years, 8st /lbs, and four others ; even on Lottery. At Lancaster, 8st 8lbs each, for the Cup, was beaten by Barefoot (H. Edwards); four ran; 6 to 4 on Lottery. At Preston (July 13th), 8st lolbs (G. Nelson), won the Cup, beating Mustachio (R. Johnson), 8st, Canteen, 8st, and two others. At York (August), 8st lolbs (Nelson), won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating Mr. Wilson's br. h. Plumper, by Prime Minister (son of Sancho), five years, 7st 3lbs, in a canter. At Doncaster, gst ilb (Nelson), won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating Figaro, six years, gst slbs. Canteen, Sst gibs, Mr. Payne's ch. c. Helenus, by Soothsayer, 8st gibs, and five others ; even on Lottery. S. mg., Sst lolbs (Nelson), won the Cup of 350 gs., beating Mr. F. Craven's b. c. Longwaist, four years, 8st 3lbs, second, Mr. Lumley's gr. c. Falcon, by Literpreter, three years, 7st, third, Figaro, Starch, Cedric, Zealot, by Partisan, and four others; 13 to 8 against Lottery, 5 to 2 against Cedric, and 7 to i against Longwaist, Lottery took the lead, making very severe running all the way to the distance post, where he was challenged by Longwaist, who, after a magnificent finish, was defeated by half a neck. Distance two miles and five furlongs. At Lincoln, Sst lolbs, for the Cup, was again beaten by Minna, five years, Sst 7lbs. Ran once more, without success. 1826. At York (Spring), gst 4lbs, was not placed in a sweep of 20 sovs. each, won by Fleur-de-Lis, four years, 7st i3lbs, beating Actceon, four years, Sst 3lbs, second, and three others. S. mg., gst 4lbs, ran second in a p 2 CELEBRA TED RACEHORSES. sweep of ^280, won by Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Humphrey Clinker, bj Comus, four years, 8st (W. Clift) ; five ran : high odds against th( winner. At Preston, gst slbs (R. Johnson), won the Cup of 300 gs.. beating Lord Derby's gr. c. Autocrat, by Grand Duke (a son of Arch- duke, who won the Derby in 1799), four years, Est, second, Sir \\ . Wynn's br. f. Signorina, by Champion (son of Selim), yst i2lbs, third, and Mr. Chfton's b. h. Brutandorf, five years, Sst lolbs (on whom 3 to i was freely laid), last. He ran four times more this year, without success, and was now taken out of training. He was subsequently- purchased by the French Government. Never was a horse so shame- fully messed about as was Lottery. Naturally erratic and queer-tempered in his disposition, his defects were sadly aggravated by neglect and mis- management ; otherwise, he would have been one of the most brilliant performers on the British Turf. ISABELLA. ISABELLA. ISABELLA was a bay filly, bred by Mr. Gascoigne in 1820. She was got by Comus, out of Shepherdess, by Shuttle (son of Young Marske), out of a mare (bred by Sir R. Winn in 1798), by Buzzard, out of Ann of the Forest, by King Fergus, out of Miss West, by Match'em, out of a mare by Regulus, out of a dau. of Old Crab, out of a mare by Flying Childers, her dam, by Basto. Isabella's Performances. 1823. At York (Spring), for three years old, fillies 8st slbs each (J. Jackson) won the Sapling Stakes of 200 gs., beating Lord Scarborough's br. f. by Filho-da-Puta (never named), second. Sir W. Maxwell's br. f. Brilliante, by Viscount, third, and Mr. Watt's b. f. Sister to Torrelli, by Cerberus. At York (August) , colis 8st slbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, ran fourth in a sweep of 240 gs., won by Barefoot (J. Garbutt), beating Mr. Richardson's br. c. Con- ductor, by Filho-da-Puta, Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. f. Nitrogen, by Comus, and one other. At Doncaster, was one of the fifteen horses (in what was declared to be a false start), that ran the whole course through, and was withdrawn by Mr. Gascoigne for the second race. Brilliante was also another of them. S. mg., for three years old, fillies 8st 2lbs each (St. Leger I Course), ran seventh and last in a sweep of 220 gs., won by Brilliante, i beatine Mr. H. Pierse's ^x. f. Rhodocantha, by Comus, second, Mr. Lambton's b. f. Bcresina, by Leopold, third, and three others, and wa:; j now sold to Richard Wilson, Esq. 2 1 4 CELEB R A TED RA CE HORSES. 1824. S. mg., 8st /lbs each (W. Arnull), match for 50 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Ramsbottoni's br. c. Cephalus, by Blucher (F. Buckle). At Ipswich, iSst Slbs, won ^50, beating Mr. Goodisson's br. c. Sir George, by Smolensko, three years, yst 7lbs (heats two and a quarter miles). At Beccles, Sst ilb, won the Cup Stakes, beating Colonel Wilson's bl. f. Sister to Schiedam, by Juniper, four years, Sst lib, and Lord Stradbroke's b. c. Furbisher, by Zodiac, three years, 7st, in both heats, two and a quarter miles. S. mg., gst, heats two and a quarter miles, w^on the Town Plate, beating Sister to Schiedam, in three heats (the first a dead heat), Sst i2lbs. At Chelmsford, Sst ilb, won the Gold Cup, beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Veil, by Rubens, four years, Sst lib. At Huntingdon, Sst 6lbs (F. Boyce), won the Cup, beating Sir George, three years, /St. At Northampton, September, Sst 7lbs, three miles (F. Boyce), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Gray's b. c. Vision, by Phantom, three years, 6st i2lbs, and one other; also, Sst ilb (F. Boyce), won 50 gs., beating Mr. .Sadler's b. c. Triumph, by Fyldener (a son of Sir Peter, four years, Sst Slbs, and two others. At Newmarket (First October), Sst 3lbs each (D. I.), match for 100 sovs., beat Cephalus, on whom 6 to 5 was laid; F. Boyce rode Isabella, and Robinson Cephalus. S. mg., lost 7lbs. B. C, not placed for the King's Plate, won by the Duke of York's ch. c. Premium, four years, lost 7lbs (T. Goodisson), beating Lord Exeter's ch. h. .Sultan, by Selim, aged, I2st, and Lord Geo. Cavendish's br. c. Mina, by Orville, four years, lost 7lbs, last. She ran four times more this year, without success. 1825. At Beccles, gst, heats two and a half miles, won ^50, beating two others in both heats. At Ipswich, Sst 1 ilbs (F. Boyce), won the 50 sovs., beating Colonel Wilson's b. c. by Interpreter, Augur, gst, and one other, in both heats (two miles). At Chelmsford, Sst i3lbs, heats two miles (T. Goodis- son), won the King's Plate, beating Colonel Wilson's bl. m. Black Daphne, by Juniper, five years, Sst I3lbs, the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Pucelle, by Muley, four years, Sst slbs, and one other. S. mg., Sst gibs (T. Goodisson), won the County Cup Stakes, three miles, beating b. f. ISABELLA. 215 Monimia, by Muley, four years, 8st lib, in a canter. At Northampton, 9st lib (J. Rankin), three miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Monimia 8st 5lbs, br. f. Georgiana (also Mr. Richard Wilson's), by Orville, four years, 8st 2lbs, and Mr. Holbrook's b. h. Felix, by Comus, five years, 8st 1 2lbs ; 3 to I on Isabella. S. mg., gst iilbs, won 50 gs., beating Lord Wni. Russell's b. f Selection, by Octavius, three years, /st 6lbs, and Monimia, four years, 8st 81bs. At Swafiham, 8st i2lbs, two miles, won the Gold Cup, beating Black Daphne, five years, 8st i2lbs, and one other. Ran twice more this year, ivithout success. 2 1 6 CEL EBRA TED RA CEHORSES. ORELIO. THIS distinguished animal, the property of General Carfrae, in India, was foaled in 1S20. No record exists of his pedigree ; but he was known to be an Arabof very high lineage, and one of the most, if not ///t? most, renowned of racers in India. No matter what weight he carried, or what distance he had to cover, Orelio's superiority became so palpable that in most of the rich prizes to be run for, Orelio was specially excepted, and not allowed to start. There exists a brief account of his early perform- ances, but it is not to hand. Orelio was only beaten once, at Madras, in 1828, by the famous Arab Wildblood, over a four mile course, Orelio con- ceding him islbs, and being defeated by a neck only. General Carfrae offered to run the race over again next day, at the same weights and dis- tance, staking 100 gold mohurs to 70, but the offer was declined by Colonel Showers, the owner of Wildblood. On this occasion of his defeat Orelio was ridden by Salter, and Wildblood by Hall. Orelio was sold by General Carfrae to Colonel Short, in 1831, by whom he was imported into England. He was the sire of Fitz Orelio (bred in India by General Carfrae, in 1826), whose dam was an Arab mare (afterwards imported into England by Colonel Short in 1828), called Furrah. This mare (formerly the property of General Carfrae), was the dam of the famous grey mare Peri, by a noted Arab stallion, and of a bay filly (bred in England by Colonel Short), by Whisker, of a bay colt by Actreon (son of Scud), ofa bay filly, by Augustus (son of Sultan), and of a bay colt (foaled in 1835), by the renowned Orelio himself. All of the above were bred by Colonel Short, in whose possession Orelio died in 1837. Furrah was likewise the dam of a bay colt by Orelio, named Omar, and of a bay filly, own sister to Omar, both bred by Colonel Short. Furrah slipped her foal by Orelio, during her passage to England, in 1828, and was barren in 1829, 1832 and 1833, and was eventually sold to Mr. Booth, of Sheffield for ^35. ^1 CEDRIC. 217 CEDRIC. CEDRIC was a ch. c. bred by Sir John Shelley, Bart., in 182 1, and was got by Phantom, out of Sister to Parrot, by Walton, out of Sister to Repeator, by Trumpator, out of Demirep, by Highflyer, out of Brim, by Squirrel, out of Helen, by Blank, out of a mare by Old Crab, out of Sister to Old Partner, by Jigg, her dam, by the Curwen Bay Barb, out of a mare by Mr. Curwen's Old Spot (son of the Selaby Turk), out of a dau. of the chestnut white-legged Lowther Barb, out of the famous Vintner Mare, whose pedigree was never made known ; but Mr. John Crofts, of Barforth, Yorkshire, had seen her run, and was wont to say that she was the best bred mare in England. She ran a great many times in the north of England, and beat the very best horses in that part of the country, though she was a brood mare for some years before she was trained for racing. Cedric's Performances. 1824. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst "lbs (J. Robinson), won a sweep of 300 gs., beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Banquo, by Phantom, three years, Sst 4lbs (F. Buckle). S. mg., colts Sst ylbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, R. M. (Robinson), ran second in the Dinner Stakes of 300 gs. each, h. ft., ten subscribers, won by the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Rebecca, by Soothsayer, out of Prudence (F. Buckle), beating also Lord George Cavendish's br. f. by Orville (sold to Mr. R. Wilson, and named Georgina), third and last. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst 4lbs each (Robinson), won a sweep of 600 gs., beating Lord Stradbroke's ch. c. Cydnus, by Quiz ; also, Sst 5lbs each (Wm. Arnull), match for 200 gs,, beat Lord Exeter's br. c. Progress, by Pericles ; 3 to i on Cedric. At Epsom (J. Robinson), CEL EBRA TED RA CE HORSES. won the Derby of £1^2^, beating- Sir W. Milner's br. c. Osmond, by j Filho-da-Puta, by two lengths, Mr. Tomes' b. c. Sir Gray, by Rubens, Mr. Rush's b. c. McAdam, by Pioneer (son of Whiskey), Lord George Cavendish's br. c. Dragoman, by Interpreter, Mr. Greville's b. c. Don Carlos, by Election, the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Skiff, by Partisan, br. f. Lyrnessa, by the Flyer, ch. c. Grenadier, by Waterloo, Mr. Thornhill's ch. c. Reformer, by Whisker, Mr. Batson's b. c. Serab, by Phantom, Mr. Houldsworth's br. c. Elephant, by Filho-da-Puta, and three others ; 9 to 2 against Cedric, 5 to 2 against Reformer, 5 to i against Elephant, and 16 to I against Osmond. At Ascot, 8st slbs each (Robinson), won 500 gs., beating Dragoman, and Mr. Messer's ro. c. Vargas, by Orville. S. mg., 8st 7lbs each (Robinson), won ^225, beating Mr. Bigg's b. c. Bulow, by Blucher; any odds on Cedric. At Newmarket (First October), colts 8st 7lbs, fillies Sst 3lbs (Robinson), won the Grand Duke Michael of 1450 gs., beating H.R.H. the Duke of York's b. c. Orion, by Phantom, Don Carlos third, Dragoman fourth, and three others. At Newmarket (Second October), w. o. for a sweep of 100 sovs. each, £60 forfeit, twenty subscribers (value ^1080), Grenadier, by consent, withdrawing his stake. 1825. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst (Robinson), match for 300 sovs., beat Lord G. Cavendish's b. c. Bizarre, by Orville, rising five years old, Sst 2lbs (Wm. Arnull) ; 5 to 4 on Cedric, They who saw this race would never forget it ; not only was it the most exciting, but the truest run race ever witnessed. The magnificent riding of each jockey was beyond all praise. Very large sums changed hands on this great occasion, greater, it was said, than in the famous match between Sir Joshua and Filho-da-Puta. The pace throughout, owing to the riding orders from the re.spective owners of the competitors, was tremendous. Both horses kept very close together the whole distance (A. F.), Cedric winning, in the end, by half a length. At Doncaster, Sst 3lbs, was not placed for the Cup, won by Mr. Whittaker's br. h. Lottery, by Tramp, five years, Sst lolbs (G. Nelson), beating Mr. F. Craven's b. c. Long- waist, four years, Sst 3lbs, by half a neck, Mr. F, Lumley's gr. c. Falcon, CEDRIC. 219 by Interpreter (son of Soothsayer), three years, 7st, Mr. Farquharson's br. h. Figaro, by Haphazard, six years, gst. Lord SHgo's br. h. Starch, by Waxy Pope, six years, gst, and three others. This was Cedric's last appearance on the Turf. If not the best colt of his year, he was a good honest horse, and an excellent racer, as his performances testify. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. COBWEB. COBWEB was a bay filly, foaled in 1821, bred by and the property of the Earl of Jersey. She was got by Phantom, out of Filagree, by Soothsayer, out of Web (sister to Whalebone), by Waxy, out of Prunella, by Highflyer, out of Promise, by Snap, out of Julia, by Blank, out of Spectator's dam, by Old Partner, out of Bonny Lass, by Bay Bolton, &c., &c. The engraving of this famous mare, by Webb, is from a highly finished and admirable likeness in oils by the younger Marshall. When this portrait was taken, Cobweb was nine years old, and had just dropped her third foal. All, who had ever seen Cobweb in trainin>^, pronounced her to be the Queen of racing mares. The elegance of her outline, her splendid symmetry, and legs so finely and beautifully formed, and black as ebony itself, combined to render the materials and proportions of which she was composed altogether matchlesp. Cobweb's Pekformances. 1824. At Newmarket, Craven, for three years old fillies, 8st 4lbs each (Sam Barnard), won a sweep of 100 sovs. each, beating the Duke of Portland's bl. f. by Teasdale (son of Mr. Teazle, by Sir Peter), easily by two lengths. At Newmarket (First Spring), in a sweep of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., three subscribers, she received the forfeits (.;^ioo). S. mg., 8st 4lbs each (J. Robinson), won the 1000 Guineas, beating the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Rebecca, by Soothsayer, second, Mr. Craven's br. f. Milto, by Muley, third, Lord Egremont's b. f. Spree, by Frolic (son of Hedley, by Gohanna), fourth and last ; 1 1 to 8 on Rebecca, 5 to 2 against Cobweb, i COBWEB. 221 and 4 to i against Mr. Fulwar Craven's Milto. At Epsom, 8st 4lb3 each (J. Robinson), won the Oaks (value 1200 gs.), beating Mr. Yates' gr. f. Fille-ue-Joie, by Filho-da-Puta, by a length and a half; also (not placed), the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Tiara, by Castrel, and his b. f Rebecca, Lord George Cavendish's b. f. Principessa, by Blucher, Mr. Fulwar Craven's b. f Miss Jigg, by Partisan, Lord Derby's br. f. Lady Eleanor, by Milo, Mr. Prendergast's br. f. Witch, by Soothsayer, General Grosvenor's br. f. Lyrnessa, by The Flyer, Lord Verulam'sch. f. 'Verbena, by Comus, Mr. Goddard's br. f. Pedigree, by Anticipation, Mr. R. Wilson's br. f. Georgina, by Orville, b. f. Spree, and two others ; betting, at starting, 11 to 8 on Cobweb, 9 to 2 against Rebecca, 9 to 1 against Fille-de-Joie, and 1 1 to i against Lady Eleanor. Cobweb was now taken out of training, being as sound and well as it was possible for a horse to be ; and with a glorious future before her on the Turf, she was consigned to the Stud. The following observations will be found in the Spoiling Magazine for June, 1830 : "Fully concurring in the high character given in your April number of Lord Jersey's Cobweb, I have no doubt she is the finest brood mare in the kingdom ; and, certainly, one of the very highest form that ever appeared on the English Turf, To amateurs of the Turf her portrait is the most interesting that has appeared for many years in the Sporting Magazine, and does unbounded credit both to the pencil End taste of Mr. Lambert Marshall. Her small muzzle brings forcibly to my recollection the old prevailing notion that it is an infallible sign of the highest breeding when the muzzle of a racer is so small that he could drink out of a tumbler. Cobweb, no doubt, derived a portion of her excel- lence from her very superior form and organization, peculiar and precious gifts bestowed upon her, and which capricious nature refused to so many others equally well-bred as herself.'' ClILEBRATED RACEHORSES. LONGWAIST. ./ LONGWAIST was a bay colt, foaled in 182 1, the property ofi Fulwar Craven, Esq., by whom he was afterwards sold for 3000 guineas to John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Salop. He was got by Whalebone, out of Nancy, by Dick Andrews, out of Spitfire, by Beningbrough, out of a mare by Young Sir Peter (son of Doge), her dam, by Engineer (son of Sampson), out of a mare by Wilson's chestnut Arabian, &c., &c. When Mr. Mytton's Stud was sold at Halston, by Mr. Beardsworth, of Birmingham, Longwaist was knocked down to Mr. Alexander Nowell, of Underley, for 860 gs., and this famous horse died there, in 1835, by striking his head against the stable doorway. Mr. Nowell had just before refused 5000 gs. for him. Longwaist's Performances. 1824. At Ascot, for three years old, colts 8st /lbs, fillies 8st3lbs (Sam Day), ran third in the Albany Stakes, won by the Duke of Rutland's ch. f. Catherine, by Soothsayer (J. Robinson) ; four ran. At Stockbridge (June 23rd), 8st 7lbs, ridden by Sam Day, won the Coronation Stakes, beating Lord Grosvenor's b. f. Aigrette, by Rubens, 8st 4lbs, and one other. S. mg., yst (Arthur Pavis), won _;^ 100, beating Colonel Lautour's b. h. Langtonian,-by Langton, aged, gst. At Winchester, 8st 7lbs (Sam Day), won the St. Leger Stakes ; but, for the Hampshire Stakes, 6st gibs (A. Pavis), was beaten by Lord Palmerston's b. c. Luzborough, by Williamson's Ditto (John Day), and for the Cup, 7st (A. Pavis), was beaten by his stable companion, Mr. Y . Craven's br. c. Bertram, by I LONGJVAIST. Smolensko, four years, 8st 3lbs (Sam Day). At Bath (S. Day), won £c)0, beating Mr. Pettit's gr. f. Bravura, by Outcry (son of Camillus), and five others ; also, w. o. for the Kelston Stakes. At Cheltenham, /st (A. Pavis), won the Glo'stershire Stakes of ^790, beating Mr. Ormsby- Gore's gr. h. Rowlston, by Camillus, fiive year?, 8st lolbs, br. c. Bertram, and nine others. At Salisbury, yst 2lbs (Pavis), won the Wiltshire Stakes of ^290, beating two others. 1825. At Newmarket (April 4th), Sst (S. Day), won the Craven Stakes of _;^ 1 80, beating Mr. Hunter's b. c. Ganymede, by Orville, rising five years, Sst gibs, second, and thirteen others, not placed. S, mg., yst i2lbs (S. Day), won the Oatlands (handicap), of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., beating Mr. Lambton's b. c. Carnival, by Comus, rising five years, 8st i ilbs, Mr. Page's ch. c. Silkworm, by Castrel, rising four years, 7st, and four others. At Ascot, 8st 2lbs (S. Day), ran second for the Cup, won by Lord Geo. Cavendish's b. h. Bizarre, by Orville, five years, 8st i2lbs (Wm. Arnull), beating Mr. Cooper's bl. c. Streatham, by Blacklock, four years, 8st 2lbs, last. At Winchester (A. Pavis), won the Cup, and also a purse of 50 sovs. At Cheltenham, Sst, three miles (S. Day), won the Cup of 170 gs., beating Mr. Mytton's ch. h. Euphrates, by Tigris, Flexible, third, and two others. At Oxford (Pavis), 7st /lbs, four miles, w. o. for the Cup. At Burderop, Sst 7lbs, three miles (Pavis), won the Cup, and at Warwick, Sst 3lbs (Pavis), four miles, won the Cup, beating b. h. Triumph, by Fyldener, five years, Sst I3lbs (S. Day), second, Mr. West's ch. h. Claude Lorraine, by Rubens, five years, Sst I3lbs (T. Howard), third, and Old Euphrates, gst 5lbs, last. At Doncaster, Sst 3lbs, for the Gold Cup, was beaten by Lottery, five years, Sst lolbs (which see). Long- waist was now sold to Mr. Mytton. 1826. At Chester, Sst lolbs (Geo. Whitehouse), ran second for the Stand Plate, won by Mr. Clifton's b, h. Brutandorf (winner, two days before, of the Chester Cup), by Blacklock, out of Mandane, five years, Sst lolbs (Wm. Scott), beating Flexible, Dr. Faustus, and two others. S. mg., Sst 2 24 CELEDRAl^ED RACEHORSES. lolbs (G. Whitehouse), won a sweep of 20 sovs. each, beating Mr. Clifton's ch. c. Mr. Munn, by Ardrossan (son of John Bull), four years 8st, and Lord Derby's gr. c. Autocrat, by Grand Duke, 8st. last: At Newton, 8st iilbs, three miles (J. Spring), won the Gold Cup, beating Sir Watkin Wynn's b. f. Signorina, by Champion (son of Selim), four years, 8st, Sir T. Stanley's ch. h. General Mina, by Camillas, six years, 9st, and two others. S. mg. (J. Spring), in a sweep of 20 sovs. each, was beaten by Sir T. Stanley's b. c. Dr. Faustus, by Filho-da-Puta, four ran. At Cheltenham, 8st iilbs, three miles, for the Gold Cup and sweep of 160 sovs., was beaten by Mr. C. Day's ch. c. Burgundy, by l^squebaugh (a son of Whiskey), four years, 8st (C. Day) ; only these two ran. Longwaist would have had a walk over for this Cup, but that several ladies of the county had come expressly to see Longwaist run ; and Mr. Mytton, being anxious to gratify their wishes, persuaded Charles Day to start Burgundy, though very long odds were offered on Long- waist. At Wolverhampton (August 15th), 8st islbs, ran third and last for the Darlington Cup, won by br. c. Flexible (also Mr. Mytton's), by Whalebone, four years, Sst 2lbs, beating Mr. Geary's br. f. Arachne (dam of Industry, by Priam), by Filho-da-Puta, four years, 8st 2lbs, second. At W'arwick, 8st I3lb3 (T. Whitehouse), four miles, won the Cup, beat- ing br. c. Comedian, by Comus, four years, 8st 3lbs, Lord Exeter's ch. c. Enamel (winner in 1825 of the 2000 Guineas), by Phantom, four years, 8st 3lbs, third, and one other. At Lichfield (September 12th), 8st 6lb3, three miles, ran second for the Cup, won by Old Euphrates (also Mr. Mytton's), I ten years, Sst I2lbs (T. W^hitehouse) ; Spring rode Longwaist, who was now sold to Mr. Nowell. 1827. At Manchester, Qst (Geo. Dockeray), won a silver tureen (value lOO gs., with a sweep of_;^29o), beating Sir M. W. Ridley's b. m. Fleur-de-Lis by Bourbon (son of Sorcerer), five years, Sst 7lbs (G. Nelson), second, Signorina, Canteen, Mr. Munn, and two others, not being placed. At Newton, gst, three miles (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Sir T. Stanley's ch. h. Grenadier, by Waterloo (son of Walton), six years, Qst (Geo. Nelson) ; only two ran. At Lancaster, Sst i2lbs (Geo. LONGWAIST. 225 Dockeray), three miles, won the Cup, beating the Duke of Leeds' b. h. Crowcatcher, five years, 8st 8lbs. At Doncaster, gst, not placed for the Cup, won by Mulatto, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), which see for details. • 1828. At Newton, gst (Nelson), won the Cup, beating the Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Granby, by Cannon Ball, four years, 8st (S. Templeman), and two others. At Preston (R. Johnson), won the Cup, beating Granby ; and at Lancaster, w. o. for the Cup. At Doncaster, gst (R. Johnson), ran second for the Cup, won by Major Yarburgh's b. c. Laurel, by Blacklock, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Nicholson), beating br. c. Medoro, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), last. Longwaist ran once more, without success, and joined the Underley Stud. VOL. II. 2 26 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. BRAVURA. BRAVURA was a dark iron-grey filly, bred by G. Dawson, Esq., of Haddington, N.B., in 182 1, and sold in 1823 to Mr. R. Pettit. She was got by Outcry (a grey horse, by Camillus, also a grey, son of Hambletonian), out of Prodigious (who met with a severe accident when two years old, and never was trained), by Caleb Quotem (son of Sir Peter), out of Fair Forester, by Alexander (son of Eclipse), out of a mare by Sir Peter, out of Maid of Ely, by Tandem, out of Harlot's dam, by Herod, out of a mare by Young Cade, &c. Outcry's dam was by Waxy, out of Mrs. Candour, by Woodpecker, out of Papillon (Sir Peter's dam), by Old Snap. Bravura's Performances. 1824. At Newmarket (April 19th), rising three years old, 5st lolbs (ranking as two years old, according to the old system), was not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord Verulam's roan colt, Vargas, by Orville, rising three years old, 5st lolbs (J. Barrett), beating Lord Geo. Caven- dish's br. c. Mina, by Orville, rising four years, Sst, second (Wm. Arnull), Mirandola, Whizgig, and nine others, not being placed. At Epsom, 6st, not placed in the Craven Stakes, won by Mr. Yates' b. h. Orator, by Prime Minister, five years, Sst gibs (T. Goodisson), beating Sir W. Milner's bl. h. Angler, by Walton, five years, Sst gibs (T. Nicholson), second, and six others. S. mg., 6st 2lbs (R. Boyce), won the Woodpark Stakes, beating Lord Verulam's b. m. Venom, by Rubens, five years, 7st i2lbs, and three others. At Bath, 6st iilbs, was unplaced in the Original Stakes, won by Longwaist, three years, 7st ; seven ran. S. mg., BRAVURA. 227 7st 7lbs, in the Dyrrham Stakes, was beaten by Mr. Lovell's br. h. Sir Huldibrand, by Octavius, six years, gst 2lbs. At Abingdon, 7st 4lbs, not placed for the Members' Plate, won by Mr. Messer's b. f. Monimia (dam of that good mare, Hester, by Camel), by Muley, three years, 7st lib ; six ran. At Swaffham, for three years old, 8st 6lbs, heats two miles, won 50 sovs., beating Lord Stradbroke's b. c. Furbisher, by Quiz, 8st lolbs, and two others. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st i3lbs, ran third in a handicap sweep of 15 sovs. each, won by Mr. Prender- gast's * b. f. Witch, by Soothsayer, three years, 7st 6lbs (P. Conolly), beating Col. Udny's b. c. Dumps, by Woful, four years, 8st lolbs, and two others. S. mg., 7st 4lbs (.R. Boyce), match for 50 sovs., beat the Duke of Richmond's gr. f. Dandizette (winner the day before of the Oatlands), by Whalebone, four years, 8st 7lbs (Frank Boyce) ; 3 to i on Dandizette. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st i2lbs (J. Robinson), match for 100 sovs., beat Mr. Hunter's br. f., by Orville, two years, 7st (Barrett). S. mg., 8st 4lbs each, T. Y. C, match for 100 sovs., beat Mr. Prender- gast's b. f. Witch, by Soothsayer (P. Conolly). S. mg., yst iilbs (F. Buckle), match for 100 sovs., beat Mr. Edwards' gr. h. Jock the Laird's Brother, by Viscount, six years, 8st i2lbs. 1825. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 6lbs (J. Robinson), ^von a sweep of 10 sovs. each, beating Lord Orford's b. c. Orion, by Phantom, rising four years, 8st 6lbs, second, b. _c. Dumps, by Woful, rising five years, 9st, third. Sir J. Byng's b. f. Ina (dam of Altamont), by Smolensko, rising four years, 8st 2lbs, and two others. S. mg., 8st 7lbs (W. Arnull), won £^0 (handicap), beating Mr. Greville's br. c. Logic, by Selim, rising five years, gst, and Lord Exeter's b. f. Palais Royal, by Blucher, rising five years, gst 3lbs ; won very easily. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st slbs (J. Robinson), won a handicap sweep of 10 sovs. each, beating Lord George Cavendish's br. h. Ganymede, by Orville, five years, 8st 7lbs, easily, by two lengths ; also (not placed). Colonel Udny's b. c. Tarandus, by Sorcerer, four years, 8st, grey mare, * Mr. Prendergast brought over P. Conolly from Ireland, under his own immediate patronage. Q 2 2 28 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Dandizette, five years, 8st, and the Duke of York's b. c. Don Carlos, by Election (son of Gohanna\ four years, yst gibs. At Newmarket (First October), 8st gibs, not placed in the Trial Stakes, won by Lord Egremont's gr. c. Stumps, by Whalebone, three years, yst gibs, beating Mr. Lambton's b. m. Spermaceti, by Whalebone, five years, gst 2lbs, second, the Duke of Grafton's br. m. Zinc (Oaks winner in 1823), by Woful, five years, gst 2lbs, and three others ; 5 to 4 against Bravura, and 3 to I against Stumps. At Newmarket (Second October), Bravura was entered for the Garden Stakes of 100 sovs. each (won by Lord Verulam's ch. f. Vitellina, by Comus), but, shortly after running in the Trial Stakes she was seized with a violent inflammation in the throat, from which she never wholly recovered, and was put to the Stud. Bravura was such an unusually dark grey as often to have been taken for a black filly by casual observers. She did not throw anything of note at the Stud, though so well-bred herself. CANTEEN. 229 CANTEEN. CANTEEN was a bay colt, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch in 182 1, and sold, when a yearling, to the Marquis of Sligo. He was got by Waxy Pope, out of Castanea, by Gohanna, out of Grey Skim, by Woodpecker, out of a mare by Herod, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Childers, out cf Old Ebony, by Basto, out of a mare by Mr. Massey's Black Barb. Canteen stood about 15 hands and 2 inches high. His blood, inferior to that of no horse in the Kingdom, united that of Herod and Eclipse, in direct descent; and, from his performances, he must be considered one of the speediest and gamest horses of his day. Canteen's Performances. 1823. • At Doncaster, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st, ran third in the Champagne Stakes, won by Colonel Cradock's br. c. Swiss, by Whisker, beating Lord Scarborough's ch. c. Diadem, by Catton, second, and seven others. 1824. At Catterick, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (T Shepherd), won 175 gs., beating Mr. R. O. Gascoigne's bl. c. Jerry (winner of the St. Leger), by Smolensko (B. Smith), by three lengths, Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Royalist, by Leopold (Templeman), and two others ; 11 to 8 on Canteen. At York (August), 8st slbs each, ran second in a sweep of 330 gs., won by Mr. J Taunton's bl. c. Streatham, by Blacklock (Templeman), beating Mr. F. Lumley's b. c. Buzzard, by Blacklock, third, Mr. O. Powlett's CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. br. c. Caccia Piatti, by Whisker, and four others. At Doncaster (T. Shepherd), ran second in the Great St. Leger, won by Jerry* (B. Smith), beating, also, Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Miller of Mansfield, by Filho-da- Puta, Mr. Watt's b. c. Brutandorf, by Blacklock, Mr. Fulwar Craven's ch. c. Helenus, by Soothsayer, b. c. Serab, by Phantom, bl. c. Streatham, and sixteen others ; 7 to 4 against Streatham, 6 to i against Brutandorf, 9 to I against Jerry, and 15 to i against Canteen. S. mg., colts 8st 5lbs each (J. Jackson), won the Gascoigne Stakes of 320 gs., beating Brutandorf, second, and Lord Fitzwilliam's br. c. Confederate, by Comus. At Richmond, colts 8st albs (Rob. Jackson), won 140 gs., beating Mr. Ferguson's ch. c. Mountaineer, by Octavian, and one. other ; also, 6st lolbs (T. Lye), won the Cup, beating Mr. Lambton's br. c. Carnival, by Comus, four years, 8st, the Duke of Leeds' gr. f. Rhodocantha, by Comus, four years, 8st, and three others. 1825. At Chester, 8st 2lbs, not placed for the Stand Cup, won by Lord Derby's b. f. Urganda, by Milo, four years, 8st ; also, 8st each, for 60 sovs., was beaten by Sir T. Stanley's br. c. Haji Baba, by Filho-da-Puta. At Preston, 8st, ran fifth and last for the Cup, won by br. h. Lottery, by Tramp, five years, 8st lolbs. At Derby, 8st 2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by b. c. Sir Gray, by Rubens, four years, 8st 2lbs, beating Lord Darlington's ch. h. Barefoot (St. Leger winner in 1823), by Tramp, five years, 8st i2lbs, third, and one other. At Pontefract, 8st (Wm. Scott), won the Cup, beating Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Actseon, by Scud, three years, 6st gibs, by two lengths, and three others. Canteen ran three times more, without success. 1826. (Now General Sharpe's). At Newcastle, list ylbs, four miles, won the King's Plate, in the hollowest fashion, by 50 lengths ; also, 8st ylbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Sir M. Ridley's b. f. Fleur-de-Lis, four • Mr. Geo. Payne, it is said, lost ^30,000 on this St. Leger, and Mr. Kirbyof York, had almost as bitter a recollection of it, he having laid 1000 gs. to 5 gs. against Jerry and Canteen being first and second. CANTEEN. 231 I years, 7st iilbs(G. Nelson), beating Mr. Russell's br. h. Abron, by Whisker, third and last. At Stockton, 8st gibs, three miles, won the Cup, beating Barefoot, six years, gst, by a neck, Abron, gst 3lbs, third, and two others ; a splendid race. At Carlisle, 8st gibs, three miles, won the Cup, beating Sir J. H. Maxwell's gr. m. Fair Helen, by Viscount, aged, 8st gibs, and Mr. Howard's b. h. Bonassus, by Orville, five years, Sst gibs. At Dumfries, won the Cup, beating both Springkell and Fair Helen. 1827. At Manchester, gst, not placed for a tureen of ;^230, won by Mr, Mytton's b. h. Longwaist, six years, gst, beating Fleur-de-Lis, five years, Sst 7ibs, and four others. At Hereford, w. o. for 60 sovs. At Stockton, gst, three miles, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Batson's b. h. Serab, six years, gst. At Carlisle, 8st i2lbs each, three miles, for the Cup, was beaten by Springkell (T. Nicholson). At Northallerton, gst, not placed for the Cup, won by Mr. Petre's b. c. Nonplus, by Catton, three years, 7st, beating ch. m. Purity, by Octavian, ch. h. Actceon, b. h. St/rch, Serab, and two others ; Canteen's last race. 232 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SPRINGKELL. SPRINGKELL was a chestnut colt, bred by Sir J. Heron Maxwell in 1 82 1. He was got by Epperston (son of Delpini), out of Euanthe, by Stamford (son of Sir Peter), out of a mare by Restless (son of Remembrancer), out of Viscount's dam, by Bourdeaux (son of Herod), her dam, by Prophet (son of Regulus), out of Virago (Saltram's dam), by Old Snap, out of a mare by Regulus, out of Sister to Othello, out of Miss Slamerkin, by Young True Blue, her dam, by Lord Oxford's Dun Arabian, out of Lord D'Arcy's black-legged Royal Mare. The Two True Blues were both grey horses, and own brothers. Springkell's Performances. 1824. At Catterick, /St 3lbs, heats two miles, for a ^50 plate, was beaten by Mr. Johnson's ch. c. Brother to Bay Burton, by Tramp ; 8 ran. At Malton, 7st 3lbs, won ^50, beating Mr. Parkinson's b. f. Jannette, by Whisker, and two others. At Newcastle-on-Tyne, 7st, for " Cup and Sweep," was beaten by the Duke of Leeds' b. h. Mercutio, by Mowbray, five years, 8st lolbs; five ran. At Carlisle, 6st i2lbs, ran third for the Cup, won by gr. m. Fair Helen, 8st gibs (B. Smith), beating Mr. Ferguson's b. h. Wanton, by Woful, five years, 8st gibs, and b. c. Gay Momus, by Comus, last. S. mg., 6st 4lbs each, for the County Plate, was beaten by Mr. Lambton's ch. c. Royalist, by Leopold. At Dumfries. 6st /lbs, for /50, was beaten by Mr. Ferguson's ch. c. North Briton, by Octavian, three years, 6st I2lbs. S. mg., w. o. for the County Plate ; but, for a purse of £'^0, was beaten by Gay Momus. SPRINGKELL. 233 1825. At Carlisle, 8st 2lbs, three miles, won the Cup, beating Mr. Brether- ton's ch. h. Sir Roger, by Comus, five years, 8st 9lbs, and General Sharpe's b. f. Panthea, by Comus, four years, yst i3lbs. S. mg., lost 7lbs, for the King's Plate, was beaten by Mr. Simpson's b. h. Young Corrector, by Corrector (son of Remembrancer), five years, 8st i2lbs. S. mg., 8st gibs, heats two miles, won ^50, beating Mr. Hudson's b, f. Isabella, by Smolensko, three years, 7st 7lbs, ch. f. Governess, by Milo, four years, 8st gibs, in both heats. At Dumfries, 8st gibs, heats three miles, won .^50, beating Mr. Hawthorn's ch. c. Glenlivat (who won the first heat), by Ardrossan, three years, yst gibs. S. mg., 8st 5lbs, for ^50, was beaten by Isabella, 6st i2lbs. 1826. At Carlisle, iist 7lbs, heats four miles, fell lame in running for the King's Plate, won by Mr. Hudson's ch. h. Careless, by X. Y. Z., six years, list i2lbs. At Dumfries, 8st 8lbs, for the Cup, was beaten by General Sharpe's b. h. Canteen, by Waxy Pope, 8st 8lbs, Fair Helen being last. 1827. At Carlisle, 8st i2lbs, three miles (T. Nicholson), won the Cup, beating Canteen, 8st i2lbs, and b. f. Fairy, by Comus. S. mg., list i2lbs, heats four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Mason's ch. f. Fair Forester, by Egremont (son of Gohanna), and four others. At Dumfries, lost, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Glenlivat, gst lolbs, and Mr. Watson's b. c. Tremaine, by Ardrossan (son of John Bull), four years, gst 4lbs. S. mg., 8st lolbs, three miles, won the Cup, beating three others. His last race. Springkell was a round, useful, thick-necked horse ; but, really good as he was, his name has long since been wiped out of the Stud Book. When the neat little Canteen came from Brecongill to meet Springkell for the Carlisle Cup, there was a very large exodus southwards from Dumfriesshire, and heavy wagering on the event. 2 34 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. SKIFF. SKIFF was a bay colt, bred by the Duke of Grafton in 1821, and was got by Partisan, out of a mare by Gohanna, out of Kesia, by Satellite (son of Eclipse), out of Maria (Waxy's dam), by Herod, out of Lisette, by Old Snap, out of Miss Windsor (bred by the Culloden Duke of Cumberland in 1754), by the Godolphin Arabian, out of Sister to Volunteer, by Young Belgrade, out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers, &c. The following remarks accompanied . the portrait of Skiff: — " The lovers of art will contemplate with delight the fine specimen we here submit to our numerous sporting subscribers. Skiff has all the elegance, fire, and speedy appearance of his sire, Partisan, with all the Herculean strength and constitutional hardihood of hisgrandsire, Walton, and the splendid symmetry and lasting qualities of his maternal grandsire, Gohanna." * Skiff's Performances. At Newmarket (July), colts 8st 6lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (F. Buckle), was unplaced in the July Stakes of 50 gs. each, &c., won by Mr. Wilson's ch. c. Reformer, by Whisker (W. Clift), beating General Grosvenor's b. c. Virgilius, by Phantom (S. Day), and seven others ; 9 to i against Virgilius and 20 to I against the winner. At Newmarket (Second October), colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st 3lbs (F. Buckle), was unplaced in the Prendergast Stakes of 50 gs. each, &c., won by the Duke of York's b. c. Don Carlos, by Election (T. Goodisson), beating Lord Verulam's roan colt, Vargas, by Orville, second (J. Barrett), and two others. * (From the Sporting Magazute for March, 1831.) iv;«^^. 4 4 SKIFF. 235 1824. At Newmarket (April 20th), 8st ylbs (F. Buckle), won a sweep of 100 sovs. each, beating Mr. B. Rogers' ch. c. Silkworm, by Castrel, 8st 4lbs (J. Day), second, and Virgilius (W. Arnull), 8st 4lbs, third and last. S. mg., colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (F. Buckle), won a sweep of 150 sovs. each, beating Lord Exeter's ch. c. Conviction, by Captain Candid (son of Cerberus, by Gohanna), second, Mr. Neale's ch. c. The Scholar, by Bourbon, and Sir J. Byng's br. c. Edward, by Comus ; 6 to 4 on Skiff: won easily. At Epsom, was unplaced in the Derby, won by Cedric (which see). Skiff was now sold by his Grace to Lord Kennedy. At Kelso, 8st each (J. Garbutt), one mile and a half, match for 500 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Carnegie's b. c. The Nick (winner this year of the four races for which he started, by Fitz Orville (T. Lye), both three years old ; 6 to 4 on Skiff. S. mg., 8st 2lbs each, ran second in the Caledonian St. Leger, won by Mr. Baird's b. c. Robin Hood, by Walton ; three ran. ■ 1825. At Montrose, 8st 2]bs (J. Garbutt), ran fourth for the Cup, won by Mr. A. Farquharson's ch. h. North Star, by Octavian, five years, 8st lolbs (T. Lye), beating The Nick, and three others. S. mg., 8st (J. Garbutt), won 50 sovs., beating Sir D. MoncriefTs gr. c. Benvorlich, by Viscount (son of Stamford, by Sir Peter), three years, 6st lolbs. The Nick, 8st, and two others. At Aberdeen, 8st 3lbs (J. Garbutt), won a sweep of 25 gs. each, two miles, beating North Star, five years, gst (T. Lye) ; also, S. mg., gst i2lbs, two miles (J. Garbutt), won the Welter Stakes of 140 gs., beating North Star, lost slbs (T. Lye), in a canter; also w.o. for ^^75. At Inverness, 7st lolbs, two miles, won the Trial Stakes, beating b. h. Theodore (the St. Leger winner in 1822) six years, 9st, and Mr. Laing's b. h. Colwell, by X.Y.Z., aged, gst. Skiff was ridden by George Geekie. S. mg., 8st 7lbs (G. Geekie), heats two miles, won the Gold Cup, again beating Theodore, gst 7lbs. S. mg., gst 4lbs, heats two miles (Geekie), won 50 sovs. ; and, also, gst 4lbs, three miles, won 50 sovs., beating Mr. Frazer's b. c. Richmond, by Grey 2 36 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. M iddleham (son of Walton), four years, gst 4lbs, in a canter by ten lengths. At Dumfries, won ;^50, and was now sold to Mr. Howe. 1826. At Montrose, five years, 8st lolbs (A. Gordon), won the Gold Cup of 200 sovs., beating Mr. Carnegie's b. c. The Major, by Bustler (son of Camillus), four years, Sst 2lbs, Lord Kennedy's b. f. Grecian Queen, by Cat ton, three years, 6st iilbs, and two others. At Aberdeen, gst lib ( W. Boynton), won £ r 30, beating Sir A. Ramsay's b. c. Gift, by Ardrossan, four years, Sst gibs. Next day, gst 2lbs (W. Boynton), won the Dunn- ottar Stakes, of 100 sovs. each, p.p., three subscribers, beating The Major, Sst 7lbs ; only two ran. S. mg., lost 5lbs, won the Welter Stakes, beating Gift, gst i2lbs; also, gst 4lbs, won ^100, beating The Major, Sst i2lbs. At Cupar, Sst gibs, won ^85, beating The Nick, five years, Sst gibs. S. mg., won £^0 and a silver cup of £']^. At Perth, w. o. for the King's Plate, and also for a purse of 50 sovs. 1827. At Newmarket (Second Spring), gst (Wheatley), won ^50, beating ch. m. Wings (Oaks winner in 1825), five years, Sst 4lbs, and two others. At Chelmsford, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Edwards' ch. c. Upas, by Abjer, and was now sold to Mr. W. Sowerby. At Huntingdon, gst 2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Goodisson's br. c. Demon, by Amadis, three years, yst. At Yarmouth, gst 2lbs, ran second in the Cup Stakes, won by Mr. R. Pettit's ch. c. Tom-Tit, by Waxy Pope, three years, 7st (J. Robinson) ; four ran. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst I2lbs, D. I. (Wm. Wheatley), won 100 sovs., beating Mr. Stanley's ch. c. Thales, by Tramp, four years, 7st i3lbs, and His Majesty's br. h. Mortgage, by Teasdale, five years, Sst i2lbs ; and, Sst 5lbs, in the Audley End Stakes, was beaten by Souvenir (ridden by A. Pavis), three years, 6st lolbs. He ran three times more, without success. 182S. At the Hoo (Herts), gst gibs, two miles (T. Goodisson), won the Gold Cup, beating four others. At Stamford, gst 7lbs, two miles and a half, I SKIFF. 237 won the Gold Cup, beating three others. At Egham, gst 4lbs, two miles jand a half, ran second for the Gold Cup, won by Mr. Isaac Day's b. g. Listen, by Ambo, aged, gst 4lbs (J. Robinson), beating Lord Mount- charles' b. f. Constance, by Tramp, four years, 7st 11 lbs, third, and I General Grosvenor's b. c. Johnde Bart, by Carbon (son of Waxy), three I years, 6st 7lbs, last. Skiff was now taken out of training, and joined Mr. Sowerby's Stud. I 238 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. MIDDLETON. MIDDLETON was a chestnut colt, bred by the Earl of Jersey if 1822, and was got by Phantom, out of Web, by Waxy, out of Penelope, by Trumpator, out of Prunella, by Hightlyer. For the rest see Whalebone. Middleton's Performances. 1825. At Epsom (ridden by James Robinson), won the Derby Stakes of ^1950, beating the Duke of Grafton's ch. c. Rufus (winner this year of the Riddlesworth of 2800 gs., of 7000 gs., and 300 gs., all at New- market, Craven), by Election, second, Mr. Batson's ch. c, Hogarth, by Rubens, third ; also (not placed), Mr. J. Rogers' ch. c. Muleteer, by Muley, Mr. Smith's br. c. Tamar, Mr. Benson's b. c. Dauntless, and Mr. Scaith's ch. c. Whipcord, all by Whalebone, Mr. Shard's b. c. Hougou- mont, by Waterloo, Mr. Windham's ch. c. by Granicus (a son of Sorcerer), Sir Gilbert Heathcote's roan colt, Oberon, by Phantom, the Duke of York's b. c. Frogmore, by Phantom, Mr. Milnes' ch. c. Actceon, by Scud, Mr. Yates' b. c. Cain, by Paulowitz (whose rider fell in the race), Lord Orford's ch. c. Fleance, by Comus, Mr. F. Benson's b. c. Comrade, by Partisan, Colonel Udny's b. c. by Muley, and one other. Betting, at starting, 7 to 4 against Middleton, 1 1 to 5 against Rufus, 10 to i each against Hogarth, 'Hougoumont and Muleteer, 18 to i against Daundess, and very high odds against any other. Rufus (ridden by Wm. Arnull) was brought to the post in superb condition, and looked all over a first- rate racehorse ; but in the preparatory canter, it was evident he would find a very dangerous opponent in Middleton, whose fine sweeping action was MIDDLETON. 239 universally admired, insomuch so, that in several instances, 5 to 4 was taken about him before the horses reached the post. As they topped the hill, the whole of them were in a cluster, Rufus leading by half a length, followed by Muleteer (Wm. Wheatley), Hogarth (Sam Chifney), Hougoumont (George Dockeray), and Colonel Udny's b. c. by Muley (Frank Buckle) ; then came, two good lengths from the first division, Frogmore (T. Goodisson), Middleton (Robinson), Actseon (Harry Edwards), and Oberon (P. Conolly). The pace was tremendous, and yet they all passed Tattenham Corner well, not one as yet being beaten. Entering the straight, Rufus was still leading, and after crossing the road, Sam Chifney carried Hogarth into the second place, Robinson simultaneously bringing Middleton into the third, who soon after headed Hoo-arth, though Chifney's amazing efforts to hold his place were worthy . both of himself and the occasion. It was indeed the most memorable feature in the race. A quarter of a mile from home, Rufus was seen suddenly to flag, and ArnuU to raise his whip. Just before this he had been watching Hogarth, and on the instant, Robinson came alongside of him, made his rush, shot by him on the whip hand, and won, hands down, by three lengths. Muleteer was fourth, and the rest quite beaten off. The result conclusively proved that, as between Rufus and Mid- dleton, the winner was far away the faster and better horse of the two. Robinson rode in his coolest and finest manner. Middleton did not start again. 240 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. MEMNON. MEMNON was a bay colt, bred by Richard Watt, Esq., of Bishop Burton, near Beverley, Yorkshire, in 1822, and was got by Whisker, out of Manuella (bred by Mr. Watt in 1809), by Dick Andrews, out of Mandane, by PotSo's, out of Young Camilla, by Woodpecker, out of Camilla, by Trentham, out of Coquette, by the Compton Barb. For remainder of pedigree, see Mandane. Memnon's Performances. 1824. At Doncaster, colts Sst 3lbs, fillies 8st (W. Scott), won the Champagne Stakes of 525 gs., beating Lord Queensberry's b. c. The Alderman, by Bourbon (son of Sorcerer), second (J. Jackson), Lord Orford's br. c. Backgammon, by Walton, third, and Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Dare Devil, by Viscount, last ; 5 to 4 against Memnon, and 5 to -2 against The Alderman, who was now sold to Mr. W. Russell. S. mg., colts Sst 2lbs, fillies Sst (W. Scott), won a sweep of 380 gs., beating Mr. W. Russell's b. c. The Alderman, second, Sir J. Byng's br. c. Trinculo, by Comus, Mr. Houldsworth's b. f. Maid of Mansfield, by Filho-da-Puta, Dare Devil, and eight others ; 5 to 2 against Trinculo, and 5 to i against Memnon. 1825. At York (Spring), colts Sst 3lbs, fillies Sst (W. Scott), won the York St. Leger of 200 sovs., beating Dare Devil (T. Shepherd), second, the Duke of Leeds' b. c. Crowcatcher, by Blacklock, third, and Mr. Lumley's gr. c. Falcon, by Interpreter, last; 6 to 5 on Memnon. At Doncaster MEMNON. 241 (W Scott), won the great St. Leger of /2175, beating The Alderman (Robert Johnson), second ; also (not placed), Lord Exeter's b. c. Red- gauntlet, by Scud (J. Robinson), Lord Kennedy's br. c. Homer, by Catton (J. Jackson), Lord Egremont's brown colt, Brother to Addy (second to Enamel in the 2000 Guineas), by Whalebone, Mr. Pulwar Craven's b. f. Pastime (second to Wings in the Oaks), by Partisan, Sir M. W. Ridley s b. f. Fleur-de-Lis (who was thrown down in the race), by Bourbon, Mr. Milnes' ch. c. Acta;on, by Scud, Mr. J. Richardson's br. c. Brownlock, by Blacklock, Colonel King'sch.f. Ultima,by Bourbon, Trinculo, Falcon, Dare- Devil, Crowcatcher, and fifteen others ; 3 to i against Memnon, 5 to i against Redgauntlet (winner of the July Stakes and the Prendergast, at Newmarket, in 1824), 7 to i against Homer, and 10 to i against The Alderman. About two months before the St. Leger, Mr. Watt was offered 4000 gs. for Memnon by a party who had laid heavily against him, of which fact Mr. Watt had full knowledge. The offer was declined, Mr. Watt observing that, until after the St. Leger, Memnon was the property of the public, and that no amount of money would purchase him till then. S. mg., w. o. for the Gascoigne Stakes (value ^240). Memnon was now sold to Lord Darlington. 1826. At Manchester, 8st 2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Sir Watkin Wynn's br. f. Signorina, by Champion, four years, 7st I3lbs (T. Lye), beating br. c. Flexible, four years, 8st 2lbs, third, and one other. Any odds on Memnon. At York (August), for four years old, 8st 7lbs each, four miles, for the Great Subscription Purse, was beaten by Actaeon ; 7 to 2 on Memnon. At Doncaster, w. o. for 60 sovs. S. mg,, 7st gibs, four miles (Sim Templeman), won ^250, beating Lord Fitzwilliam's b. h. Florismart, by Amadis (son of Don Quixote), five years, 8st 5lbs (T. Lye), br. h. Lottery, by Tramp, six years, 8st lolbs, and two others ; 7 to i 4 on Memnon. ' 1827. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st 7lbs each, A. F. (Sam Chifney), I match for 1000 sovs., beat Lord Exeter's ch. h. Enamel, by Phantom, j both five years old (James Robinson) ; 7 to 4 on Memnon. At Ascot, { VOL. II. R 242 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 8st I2lbs (S. Chifney), won the Cup, beating His Majesty's br. h. Mortgage, by Teasdale, five years, 8st lalbs (Robinson), second, and three others; 2 to i on Memnon. At Doncaster, 8st 9lbs each (Harr\ Edwards), in the Doncaster Stakes, was beaten by Fleur-de-Lis (Georgi Nelson), both five years old ; even betting. S. mg., for the Cup (won by Mulatto), Memnon and Fleur-de-Lis, 8st lolbs each, ran a dead heat for second place. For details see Tarrare. At Newmarket (Houghton) 8st /lbs, three miles, match for 500 sovs., received ^250 (forfeit), from The Alderman (now the Duke of Portland's), 8st 4lbs. 1828. At Newmarket, Craven, gst 4lbs (S. Chifney), ran fifth and last in the Oatlands (handicap), won by Mr. J. Gully's b. c. Mameluke, by Partisan three years, 8st 2lbs, beating Miss Craven, three years, yst 3lbs, secondi and two others. At Newmarket (Second Spring), 8st gibs, B. C, ran third for the Jockey Club Plate, won by Lord Egremont's br. c. Chateau- Margaux, six years, 8st gibs (Wm. Arnull) ; five ran : 5 to 4 against Memnon, and 4 to i against Chateau-Margaux. At Newmarket (Second October), lost each, B. C, for The Whip and 200 gs. each, paid forfeit to Lamplighter, having previously retired to the Stud. FLEUR-DE-LIS. 243 FLEUR-DE-LIS. FLEUR-DE-LIS was a b. f. foaled in 1822, the property of Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., of Blagdon, Northumberland, who disposed of her, at the close of 1827, to His Majesty George the Fourth. She was got by Bourbon (son of Sorcerer), out of Lady Rachel (bred by Sir Mark Sykes in 1805), by Stamford, out of Young Rachel, by Volunteer (son of Eclipse), out of Rachel, by Highflyer, out of Sister to Tandem, by Syphon (son of Squirt), her dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Snip (son of Flying Childers), her dam, by Cottingham (son of Major Hartley's Blind Stallion), out of the Warlock Galloway (dam of Othello), by Snake, out of a mare by the Bald Galloway, out of a daughter of Mr. Curwen's Bay Barb. Fleur-de-Lis' Performances. 1825. At Newcastle, for three years old fillies, 8st each (T. Lye), won 70 gs., beating Mr. Lambton's ch. f. Figurante, by Comus, and Lord Darling- ton's b. f. Bird of Passage, by Whisker, last. At Pontefract, for three years old fillies, 8st each (J. Dodgson), won ^^120, beating Earl Fitz- william's br. f. Beatrice, by Ardrossan, Lord Scarborough's Sister to Diadem, by Catton, and one other. At Doncaster, in running for the St. Leger, won by Memnon, Fleur-de-Lis was thrown down. S. mg., for three years old fillies, 8st 2lbseach (P. Conolly), won ;^38o, beating Mr. Platel's ch. f. Conviction, by Cannon Ball, very easily, Sir. Wm. Milner's br. f. Hylda, and Mr. Lumley's br. f. Jessy, both by Interpreter ; 15 to 8 on Fleur-de-Lis. 1826. At York Spring, 8st (G. Nelson), won ^120, beating Lord Kelburne's ch. c. Actaeon, by Scud, 8st 3lbs, the Duke of Leeds' b. c. Catterick, by 244 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Whisker, 8st 3lbs, third, Earl FitzwilHam's b. h. Florismart, by Amadis, five years, gst, Mr. Whittaker's br. h. Lottery, six years, gst 4lbs, and one other ; 5 to 2 against Fleur-de-Lis, and 3 to i against Actseon. S. mg., 7st i2lbs (Nelson), won the Cup. beating Actceon (H. Edwards), four years, /St i2lbs., second, b. c. The Alderman, four years, 7st i2lbs, third, Lord Kelburne's bl. h. Jerry (winner of the St. Leger in 1824), by Smolensko, five years, 8st ylbs, and one other ; 7 to 4 on Mr. Russell's colt, The Alderman (second to Memnon in the St. Leger, and winner, also, at Doncaster, of 290 gs., the Gold Cups at Richmond and North- allerton, all in 1825), by Bourbon, and 4 to i against Fleur-de-Lis. At Newcastle, 7st i ilbs (Nelson), won the Cup, beating General Sharpe's b. h. Canteen, five years, 8st 7lbs, and Mr. Russell's br. h. Abron, by Whisker, six years, lost, last; 15 to 8 on Fleur-de-Lis. Canteen won the Kings Plate the day before. S. mg., 8st 2lbs (G.' Nelson), won the Town Plate. At Doncaster, 8st (Nelson), won the Doncaster Stakes, beating Acta^on (H. Edwards), 8st, second, Crowcatcher, 8st, Lottery, gst, and one other ; 6 to 4 on Fleur-de-Lis. S. mg., 8st 3lbs (Nelson), won the Cup, beating Earl FitzwilHam's b. c. Mulatto, three years, 7st, br. c. Humphrey Clinker, four years, 8st 3lbs, Mr. Geo. Payne's ch. h. Helenus, by Soothsayer, five years, 8st lolbs, and Jerry, 8st lolbs; 5 to 4 on Fleur-de-Lis. Helenus made the running to the bottom of the hill, where Fleur-de-Lis took the lead. Mulatto (T. Lye), and Lord Fitz- vvilliam's Humphrey Clinker (W. Clift), being close up with the leaders. It was a most beautiful sight to the Red House, the four being very close together, at high pressure speed. Just after passing the Red House, Mulatto headed Helenus (R. Johnson), and then got slightly in front of Fleur-de-Lis, but at the distance she again resumed the lead, and a splendid race home, between her and Mulatto, resulted in his defeat, with very great difficulty, by half a neck, Humphrey Clinker being two lengths behind Mulatto ; Jerry was never in the race from start to finish. 1827. At York (Spring), 8st gibs (Geo. Dockeray), won ;^28o, beating Jerry, six years, gst ilb, and two others. At Manchester, 8st 7lbs, ran second for a tureen of 100 gs., won by Mr. No well's b. h. Longwaist, six FLEUR-DE-LIS. 245 years, gst (Dockeray), beating Canteen, and five others. Nelson rode Fleur-de-Lis. At Preston, 8st 81bs (Nelson), won the Cup and sweep of _^3oo, beating Sir W. Wynn's br. m. Signorina, by Champion, five years, 8st 8lbs, and Euphrates, aged, yst. At Doncaster, 8st gibs (Nelson), won the Doncaster Stakes, beating Memnon, 8st gibs (Sim Templeman), by half a length. S. mg., for the Cup, won by Mulatto, Memnon and Fleur-de-Lis ran a dead heat for second place. Fleur-de-Lis was now sold to His Majesty. 1828. At Ascot, 9st (Robinson), not placed for the Cup, won by Mr. Molony's br. f. Bobadilla, by Bobadil (son of Rubens), three years, 6st 7lbs (T. Lye), beating Mr. Stonehewer's b. f. Souvenir, by Orville, four years, jst i3lbs (A. Pavis), second, and four others. At Oxford, gst, four milts (T. Goodisson), won the Cup, beating Mr. J. Day's b. g. Liston, by Ambo, aged, 9st 4lbs (J as. Chappie). At Newmarket (Second October), gst (J. Robinson), won the Oatlands, beating Lord Verulam's b. h. Helas, by Woful, five years, 7st i2lbs, and three others. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 8lbs (Robinson), match for 200 sovs., beat Mr. George Payne's Belzoni, by Blacklock, five years, 8st 2lbs (W. Arnull). 1829. At Newmarket (April 20th), gst gibs, A. F. (Jas. Robinson), ran second in the Craven Stakes, won by Mr. W. Chifney's b. c. Zinganee, by Tramp, rising four years old, 8st 4lbs (Sam Chifney), beating Lord G. H. Cavendish's b. c. Amphion, said to have been the most beautiful horse that ever trod the Turf, by Partisan, Sst I3lbs, third, Lord Verulam's b. f. Brocard, by Whalebone, rising five years, Sst 1 3lbs, and five others. At Epsom, gst 5lbs (J. Robinson), won the Craven Stakes, beating Colonel Standen's ch. h. Conrad, by Whisker, five years, Sst gibs (Dockeray), second, and ten others. At Stockbridge, gst 2lbs (Robinson), won ^160, beating Brownlock, gst 2lbs. At Goodwood, gst 3lbs (Robinson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Gully's b. h. Mameluke, by Partisan, gst 3lbs (J. Day), Lord Exeter's br. f. Varna, by Sultan, three years, 7st 4lbs, Lamplighter, six years, gst 6lbs, and two others. At Doncaster, gst 246 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. (J. Robinson), ran third for the Cup, won by Lord Cleveland's br. c. Voltaire, by Blacklock, three years, 7st (T. Lye), beating Major Yar- burgh's b. c. Laurel, by Blacklock, five years, 8st lolbs (G. Nelson), third, Lord Fitzwilliam's b. h. Medoro, by Cervantes, five years, 8st lolbs (John Day), Lord Scarborough's br. c. Cistercian, by Catton, three years, /st (J. Gilbert), and the Hon. E. Petre's ch. h. Granby, by Cannon Ball, five years, 8st lolbs (W. Scott) ; 2 to i against Laurel (who won this Cup in 1828), 5 to 2 against Voltaire, and 7 to 2 against Fleur-de- Lis. Granby led off at a tremendous pace, followed by Laurel, Voltaire, Medoro, Fleur-de-Lis, and Cistercian, in the order named. At the Red House, Laurel took the lead, and came along to the distance, at terrific speed, where Robinson called on Fleur-de-Lis, but the grand old mare was unable to respond. Lye then challenged Laurel with Voltaire, passed him easily, and won, hands down, by nearly a length. At Lincoln, 9St (J. Robinson), won the Grand Falconer's Cup (given by the Duke of St. Albans), of 200gs., beating Laurel, 8st lolbs. Colonel King's br. f. Bessy Bedlam, by Filho-da-Puta, four years, 8st 3lbs, and three others. 1830. (Now, by the late King's death, the property of His Majesty, William the Fourth). At Goodwood, Qst gibs (G. Nelson), won the Cup of 300 sovs., with sweep of _^ 7 70, beating His Majesty's b. h. Zinganee (John Day), second, five years, gst lolbs. His Majesty's ch. h. The Colonel, five years, lost, third (A. Pavis) ; also Lord Jersey's b. g. Glenartney, by Phantom (G. Edwards), and five others. At Doncaster, gst (Nelson), not placed for the Cup, won by Lord Kelburne's br. c. Retriever, by Smolensko, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), beating b. h. Medoro (Lord Fitzwilliam's), by Cervantes, gst (Harry Edwards), second. Laurel, gst (S. Templeman), third, and three others; 11 to 8 against Fleur-de- Lis, and 3 to I against Laurel. No others quoted. 1831. At Goodwood, gst 1 ilbs (Nelson), ran second for the Cup, won by Lord Chesterfield's b. c. Priam, by Emilius, four years, gst slbs, beat- FLEUR-DE-LIS. 247 ing Mr. Stonehewer's b. f. Variation (winner of the Oaks last year), by Bustard (son of Castrel), four years, 8st iilbs, third and last; 6 to 5 against Priam, 5 to 4 against Fleur-de-Lis, and 5 to i against Vari- ation. Fleur-de-Lis (George Nelson), took the lead, making good and steady running, followed by Priam (P. ConoUy), two full lengths behind, and at a like distance, by Variation. This position was maintained till past the distance post, when Priam came up in his fine splendid style, lay alongside Fleur-de-Lis for a few strides, and then took a decisive lead, going in an easy winner by two lengths ; Variation (ridden by Jas. Robinson), being half a length only behind Fleur-de-Lis. It was altogether a beautiful and most interesting race. All three horses were in the pink of condition, especially Fleur-de-Lis. She never looked more beautiful in her life, so bright, so buoyant, so light, so strong, and so full of her old fiire and spirit ; but the fact is that she never at any time possessed Priam's speed, which, on this occasion, proved too great for her ; and being, moreover, eight years old, she had doubtless lost somewhat of her old powers of running. Game she was to the last. Looking at the weight which Priam carried, as a four year old, the result of this race placed him, unquestionably, at the head of all the horses of his time. Fleur-de-Lis did not run again. She was bred by the Revd. Christopher Sykes, and sold, when a yearling, to Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart. ABRAHAM COOPER, R.A. This eminent animal painter was born in Red Lion Street, Holborn, in September 1 7S7, where his father carried on the business of a tobacconist, and lived in easy circumstances. His son, the subject of this memoir, not caring to follow that trade, took an Inn at HoUoway, the result being mismanagement and ruin. In his earlier years, whilst at school, young Cooper evinced a strong disposition for drawing, embellishing his copy-books with sketches of horses and dogs. Soon afterwards he painted several portraits of horses, in water-colours, for a Mr. Phillips. At this time he was twenty-two years of age. Mr. Henry Meux, of Castlebar Hill, near Ealing, had, in the year 1809, a favourite old horse called Frolic, which Mr. Cooper was in the habit of riding and driving. Desirous of possessing a portrait of the old horse, Mr. Cooper tried his hand at it, and succeeded in producing an admirable likeness. Thus encouraged, he purchased a little work, entitled " An Introduction to Oil- Painting," published by Laurie and Whittle, of Fleet Street, from which he acquired the first rudiments of the art. At the earnest solicitation of Mr Meux, Cooper resigned to him the portrait of Old Frolic, which he had painted for himself, and that gentleman ever after 248 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. remained his firm friend and patron. Mr. Cooper also possessed himself of a few od volumes of the Old Sporting Alagazine. Benjamin Marshall's productions therein excited in him a keen spirit of emulation, and he soon, through the mediation of his uncle, Mr. Davis, of equestrian celebrity, obtained an introduction to Mr. Marshall, who, with that generosit) ■ so natural to him, received the young aspirant with great warmth of heart, and offered him admission at all times to his studio. With these advantages Mr. Cooper studied his art with great assiduity, and every fresh attempt revealed the superiority of his talents. In the year 1812 he became a member of the "Artist's Fund," and, eventually, its President. In 1817 he was elected an " Associate of the Royal Academy," and his fine picture, of Marston Moor, led to his election, in 1820, as a Royal Academician. His late Majesty, George the Fourth, was the first to sign his diploma, and his Majesty also employed him to paint his renowned mare, Fleur-de-Lis, most justly considered one of his most successful portraits of the many racehorses he painted. Among his numerous patrons may be mentioned the Dukes of Grafton, Bedford and Marlborough ; the Earls of Essex, Carlisle, Egremont and Upper Ossory ; Lords Ribblesdale, Arundel, Ducie, Chas. Kerr, Holland, and C. Bentinck ; Sir M. White Ridley, Colonel Udny, Mr. Harvey-Corabe, and several others. The engraving of the portrait is by Mr. Thompson, from a painting by J. Jackson, R.A. ACTyEON. 249 ACTION. ACTyEON was a chestnut colt, foaled in 1822, the property of R. Milnes, Esq. He was got by Scud (son of Beningbrough), out of Diana (sister to Emily), by Stamford, out of a mare by Whiskey, out of Grey Dorimant, by Dorimant, out of Dizzy (a grey mare, bred by the Duke of Ancaster, in 1757), by Blank, out of Dizzy (a grey mare, bred by his Grace in 1741), by his Grace's grey horse, Driver (son of the Wynn-Arabian), out of a mare by Smiling Tom (a son of the Conyers Arabian), &c., &c. Act.'eon's Performances. 1825. At Newmarket, Craven, for horses rising three years old, 8st ylbs, Ab. M., was not placed in the Riddlesworth Stakes of 200 gs. each, h. ft., twenty-three subscribers, won by the Duke of Grafton's ch. c. Rufus, by Election (son of Gohanna), ridden by Frank Buckle, 8st 7lbs, beating Mr. Thomas Thornhill's br. f. Surprize, by Scud (Sam Chifney), 8st ilb, second, and five others. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st gibs, R. M. (J. Robinson), match for 200 sovs., was beaten by Lord Orford's ch. c. Fleance, by Comus (F. Buckle), 8st 2lbs, both rising three years old. At Epsom, was not placed in the Derby, won by Lord Jersey's ch. c. Middleton, by Phantom (J. Robinson), beating ch. c. Rufus (F. Buckle), second, Mr. Batson's ch. c. Hogarth, by Rubens (Sam Barnard), third, and fourteen others; 7 to 4 against Middleton, and 1 1 to 5 against Rufus. At York (August), 7st 2lbs, two miles, not placed in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. Lambton's b. c. Buzzard, by Blacklock, four years, 8st 3lbs (J. Robinson), beating Lord Scarborough's b. m. Fair Charlotte, by Catton, six years, gst (G. Nelson), second, and four others, not placed. Actaeon 250 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. was now sold to Lord Kelburne (afterwards the eccentric Earl of Glasgow)?.; S. mg., for three years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (Ben. Smith), raai second in a sweep of 30 sovs. each, &c., won by Mr. Richardson's br. c. Brownlock, by Blacklock (W. Scott), beating four others, not placed. At Doncaster, was not placed in the Great St. Leger, won by Memnon, (which see for details). S. mg., was not placed in a sweep of 30 sovs. each, won by Mr. C. Russell's b. c. The Alderman, by Bourbon (Robt. Johnson) ; six ran. 1826. At York (Spring), 8st 7lbs each, two miles, ran second in a sweep of 20 sovs. each, won by Sir M. W. Ridley's b. f. Fleur de-Lis, by Bourbon (George Nelson), both four years old, beating also Lottery, si.x years, and three others. At York (August), 8st 3lbs each, two miles (ridden by H. Edwards), won the Great Subscription Purse, beating Lord Darlington's b. c. Memnon (S. Chifney) ; only two ran. S. mg., 8st 3lbs (H. Edwards), won the second Great Subscription Purse, beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Mulatto, three years, 7st 2lbs, b. m. Fair Charlotte, aged, 9st, third, and Mr. Lambton's ch. h, Cedric (Derby winner in 1824), by Phantom, five years, 8st lolbs. At Doncaster, 8st each, two miles, ran second in the Doncaster Stakes of ^290, won by Fleur-de-Lis, both four years old, beating Lottery, six years, gst, and three others. S. mg., 8st 5lbs (H. Edwards), won the Racing Club Stakes of 50 .sov.s. each, h. ft., beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. h. Florismart, by Amadis (son of Don Quixote), five years, 8st 1 2lbs (W. Clift) ; only these two ran. 1827. At York (August), 8st lolbs, two miles (H. Edwards), ran second for the Great Subscription Purse, won by Mulatto, four years, Sst 3lbs (T. Lye), beating two others. S. mg., 8st 7lbs, four miles (H. Edwards), won the second Great Subscription Purse, again beating Florismart, who broke down. At Doncaster, w. o. for the Racing Stakes. S. mg. (September 20th), Sst lolbs, two miles and five furlongs (H. Edwards), was not placed for the Gold Cup of 150 gs., won by Mulatto, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), beating Memnon, five years, 8st lolbs, and Fleur-de-Lis, 8st lolbs, ACTION. 251 both of whom ran a dead heat for second place ; also (not placed), Tarrare, four years, 8st 3lbs, Longwaist, six years, gst, Lord SHgo's br. h. Starch, by Waxy Pope (son of Waxy), aged, gst, and Lord Kelburne's b. c. Reviewer, by Abjer, three years, /st, who died six days afterwards. At Richmond, 8st gibs (H. Edwards), won the Gold Cup, beating the Hon. Orde Powlett's, b. c. Popsy, by Blacklock, three years, 7st, Mr. Ralph Riddell's ch. c. Hartpury, by Abjer (son of TrufHe), three years, 7st, Starch, aged, gst, and one other. At Northallerton, 8st gibs, two miles, ran third for the Cup, won by the Hon. E. Petre's b. c. Nonplus, by Catton, three years, 7st (T. Nicholson), beating ch. m. Purity (also Lord Kelburne's), by Octavian, five years, 8st 6lbs (H. Edwards), second, Starch, Qst, fourth, and one other ; 6 to 5 on Nonplus (winner of the York St. Leger). 1828. At Newcastle (July loth), 8st lolbs, two miles (H. Edwards), ran second for the Gold Cup, won by Mr. Golden's br. c. Robin Hood (who won the Corporation Cup on the preceding day), by Blacklock, four years, 7st 11 lbs, Sir W. Milner's ch. c. Malek (brother to Velocipede), four years, /st iilbs, being third ; five ran. At Doncaster, gst, two miles, ran third for the Doncaster Stakes of 300 sovs., won by Nonplus (now Lord Cleveland's), four years, 8st (John Day), beating the Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Granby, by Cannon Ball, four years, 8st, third, Vanish, by Phantom, Mulatto, Malek, Popsy, Tarrare, and two others. At the Caledonian Hunt (October 17th), lost, four miles (H. Edwards), won the King's Guineas, beating Malek (now General Sharpe's), second, four years, gst 4lbs, and eh. h. Springkell, by Ebberston, aged, lost, last. He ran once more, without success. In 1829, at York Spring, ran fourth for the Cup, won by Velocipede. At York (August), was beaten in the Fitzwilliam Stakes by Mulatto, and for the Great Subscription Purse, by Granby, and was now transferred to the Stud. He was the sire of the famous General Chasse. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. CHATEAU-MARGAUX. CHATEAU-MARGAUX (first entered as "Brother to Addy "), was a brown colt, bred by the Earl of Egremont in 1822, and got by Whalebone, out of Wasp (sister to Scorpion), by Gohanna, out of a mare by Highflyer, out of Chanticleer's dam, by Eclipse, out of Rosebud, by Old Snap, out of Miss Belsea (bred by Sir Wm. Middleton, of Belsea Castle, Northumberland, in 1753), by Regulus, her dam, by Bartlett's Childers, out of a mare by Honywood's White Arabian, out of the " dam of the two True Blues," which mare was bred by John Bowes, Esq. (ancestor of the Earls of Strathmore), of Gibside Park, near Newcastle on Tyne, and was got by the Byerley Turk. Mr. Honywood's White Arabian was first the property of Sir John Williams, Bart., who sold him to Mr. Turner, of Suffolk, who disposed of him to Mr. Honywood. The two True Blues, both greys, and the sons of the White Arabian, were racers of very high form. Chateau-Margaux's Performances. 1825. At Newmarket (First Spring) (now called Brother to Addy), colts 8st ylbs, fillies Sst 4lbs, ridden by Wm. Arnull, ran second for the 2000 Guineas, won by Lord Exeter's ch. c. Enamel, by Phantom (James Robinson), beating the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Bolero, by Partisan (F. Buckle), third ; also'General Grosvenor's b. c. Crockery, by Rubens, and two others. S. mg., Sst 5lbs each (W. Arnull), match for 100 sovs., beat H.R.H. the Duke of York's br. c. Lionel Lincoln, by Whalebone (T. Goodisson). At Doncaster, was unplaced in the St. Leger, won by Memnon (which see). 'm CHA TEA U-MARGA UX. 2 5 3 1826. At Newmarket (April loth), now rising four years old, 8st 4lbs (W. Arnull), was unplaced in the Craven Stakes, won by Mr. Mills' (late Sir John Byngs') br. c. Trinculo, by Comus, rising four years, Sst 4lbs (Sam Day), beating Mr. Shard's b. c. Hougoumont, by Waterloo, Sst 4lbs (J. Day), and twelve others. The Craven Stakes, at Newmarket, generally brought together some of the best horses of the time. S. mg., for horses rising four years old, colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 2lbs, D.I. (W. Arnull), won the Claret Stakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., &c., beating ch. c. Enamel (J. Robinson), by two lengths, and Mr. Fulwar Craven's b. f. Pastime (second to Wings in the Oaks of 1S25, and which she would have won but for being lamed in running), third and last. Brother to Addy was now named Chateau-Margaux. At Newmarket (First Spring), yst 5lbs, B.C. (Sam Barnard), won 50 sovs., beating Mr. Heathcote's ch. c. Nigel, by Election, rising four years, 7st 5lbs, second, and the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Tontine (who, in 1825, w. o. for the 1000 Guineas, and on this occasion, bolted out of the course), by Election, /st 5lbs, last. At Ascot, lost ylbs, four miles (W. Arnull), won the King's Plate, beating Nigel, lost ylbs, and three others. S. mg., Sst 2lbs, two miles and a half (George Dockeray), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Theobald's ch. h. Cydnus (who, like Yellow Jack of a later date, had the bad habit of always running second), by Quiz, five years, Sst i2lbs (J. Robinson), and Lord George Cavendish's b. h. Bizarre, by Orville, six years, gst 3lbs (W. Arnull), third and last. At Brighton, Sst 3lbs, two miles (W. Arnull), won the Gold Cup, again beating Cydnus (Sam •Barnard), Sst i2lbs ; only these two ran. At Lewes, w. o. for the King's Plate. At Newmarket (First October), 7st 4lbs, B. C. (F. Buckle), won a purse of 50 gs., beating the Duke of Portland's (afterwards His Majesty's), br. c. Mortgage, by Teasdale, four years, 7st 4lbs. At New- market (Second October), w. o. for ^^65. 1827. At Newmarket (First Spring), list, B. C, w. o. for the King's Plate. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 3lbs, B. C. (W. Arnull), won the 2 54 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. JockeyClub Plate, beating the Duke of Portland's b. h. The Alderman, by Bourbon, five years, 8st 3lbs ; only two ran. At Ascot, list 7lbs, four miles, won the King's Plate, beating Lord Exeter's ch. c. Hobgoblin, by Comus, four years, lost /lbs, Lord Tavistock's ch. f. Leeway, by Aladdin (son of Giles, by Trumpator), four years, lost 7lbs, and ch. h. Nigel, five years, list /lbs, last. At Newmarket (First October), i ist 7lbs, R. C. (W. Arnull), for the King's Plate, ran a dead heat with Colonel Wilson's (afterwards Lord Berners) b. c. Lamplighter, by Merlin (son of Castrel), four years, tost /lbs (F. Buckle). The King's Guineas were divided, and Lamplighter walked over. At Newmarket (Ho.), w. o. for ^65. At Newmarket (April 7th), gst slbs, A. F. (VV. Arnull), was unplaced in the Craven Stakes, won by Lamplighter, four years, 8st I3lbs (F. Buckle), beating b. m. Pastime (now Lord Wharncliffe's), five years, gst 5lbs, and three others. At Newmarket (First Spring), won ^50 ; but (W. Arnull), for the King's Plate, was beaten by Mr. Richardson's br. h. Brownlock, by Blacklock (James Robinson). S. mg., 8st gibs (W. Arnull), won the Jockey Club Plate, beating Memnon, Leeway, and a br. c. by Tiresias. At Ascot, rist i2lbs, four miles (W. Arnull), won the King's Plate, beating br. h. Brownlock, iist i2lbs, both six years old, and one other. S. mg., gst 3lbs (W. Arnull), not placed for the Cup, won by Bobadilla (see Fleur-de-Lis). At Brighton, was beaten for the Cup ; and, at Lewes, for the King's Plate, and was taken out of training. He was a good honest horse, and well worthy of his descent. CAMEL. 255 CAMEL. CAMEL was a very dark brown colt, bred by the Earl of Egremont in 1822, and got by Whalebone, out of a mare (bred by Mr Elwes in 1812, by Selim, out of Maiden (bred by Earl Fitzwilliam in 1801), by Sir Peter, her dam, by Phsenomenon, out of Matron, by Florizel (son of Herod), out of Maiden, by Match'em, out of Mr. J. Pratt's old mare* * This Squirt-mare was never trained for racing, but was covered twenty-three years, and produced seventeen foals, out of which number (all bred by Mr. John Pratt, of Askrigg, Wensleydf te, Yorkshire), were the following eleven good racers, viz. — Miracle, and Dido, by Changeling (brother to Match'em), Conundrum, Ranthos, Enigma, Riddle, Miss Timms, Rasselas, Pumpkin, Maiden and Purity, all by Match'em. The old mare died on the 30th of August, 1777, aged twenty-seven years. Camel had a very fine barrel, and was short in the back, but he had plenty of stride. He had a commanding forehand, good and powerful quarters, with great bone. His qualities may be summed up in a few words, namely, that he was no disgrace to the renowned family (Whalebone, Waxy, PotSo's, and Eclipse), from which he sprang. " The Druid," in " Silk and Scarlet," observes that " the cart-horse quartered Camel can fairly challenge Sir Hercules for the Whalebone wreath, with the two famous brothers. Touchstone and Launcelot. The curious growth of Camel's quarters was owing to his having fallen backwards when a yearling." Camel was purchased from Lord Egremont by Mr. Theobald, of Stockwell, and joined the stud there, which, among several other celebrities, comprised Tarrare, Flibbertigibbet (a son of Cornus), Cydnus (son of Quiz), and the Grand Mameluke. Writing of Camel, in " Scott and Sebright," " The Druid " remarks that " this horse was as good as an annuity of ^800 to Mr. Theobald for several seasons after the performances of Touchstone had brought him so prominently into notice, while Caravan, Wapiti, Callisto, and others carried on the game. When the American agents arrived, and bid Mr. Theobald 5000 gs. for him, he gave his verdict without turning round in the box, and would not even allow Lowry time to strip the horse before he refused the offer. Camel was then seventeen years old, and he lived for six seasons more. General Werayss and Mr. Bramsby Cooper (the eminent surgeon) used to visit, as Mr. Theobald termed him, 'My bit of whalebone,' Mr. Cooper always maintaining that he never looked over a more powerful piece of machinery. His gaskins were enormous, and his leverage so great, that, when Lowry (Mr. Theobald's studgroora) lunged him, he could leap mid-air almost to the last." \ 2 56 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. by Squirt, her clam, by Mogul (a son of the Godolphin Arabian), out ot Camilla, by Bay Bolton, out of Old Lady (dam of the Bolton Grey Star- ling), by Pulleine's Chestnut Arabian. Camel's Performances. 1825. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 2]bs, match for 100 sovs., h. ft., received 50 sovs. from the Duke of York's b. c. Peter Proteus, by Partisan, Sst Qlbs, both rising three years old. S. mg., for horses rising three years old, colts Sst 7lbs, fillies Sst 2lbs (W Arnull), ran second in the Newmarket Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., twenty-five subscribers (val. _;^825, the second horse receiving 100 sovs. out of the stakes), won by General Grosvenor's b. c. Crockery, by Rubens (Sam Day), beating, un- placed, the Duke of Portland's (afterwards His Majesty's), br. c. Mortgage, by Teasdale, the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Cramer, by Election (F. Boyce), and his br. c. Bolero, by Partisan (F. Buckle), and four others. At New- market (Second Spring), colts Sst ylbs, fillies Sst 4lbs (W. Arnull), won 50 sovs., beating the Duke of Rutland's b. f. Adeliza, by Soothsayer (S. Barnard), second, the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Pigmy, by Election (F. Boyce), third ; also Lord Jersey's b. c. Ariel, by Phantom (J. Robinson), Mr. S. Wortley's b. f. Scandal, by Selim, Mr. Vansittart's, b. f. Darioletta (the dam of Barbelle), by Amadis (P. Conolly), and four others ; 5 to 4 against Camel, and 3 to i against Pigmy. At Newmarket (Second October), colts Sst gibs, fillies Sst 6lbs (W. Arnull), won a sweep of 25 sovs. each, beating the Duke of York's b. f. Dahlia, by Phantom (T. Goodisson), Mortgage (J. Robinson), third, and the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Tontine (who w. o. for the 1000 Guineas, and ran third to Wings in the Oaks, Pastime being second), by Election (F. Buckle), fourth and last. S. mg., Sst 3lbs (W. Arnull), match for 200 sovs., beat Colonel Udny's b. c. Tarandus, by Sorcerer, four years, Sst 7lbs (F. Buckle). S. mg., Sst 5lbs each, in a match for 200 sovs. (W. Arnull), was beaten by Mr. Stuart Wortley's b. f. Scandal (winner of the Woodcote Stakes, at Epsom, in 1824), by Selim (J. Robinson). CAMEL. 257 1826. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st /lbs each (W. Arnuli), won the Port Stakes of _i/"45o, beating Lord Exeter's b.c. Redgauntlet (winner, in 1824, of the July Stakes, and the Prendergast, at Newmarket), by Scud (J. Robinson), second, the Duke of York's br. c. Lionel Lincoln, by Whale- bone (T. Goodisson), third, Mr. Dilly's br. c. Hougoumont, by Waterloo, and one other ; 7 to 4 against Camel, 3 to i against Redgauntlet, and 4 to I against Hougoumont. Camel ran only once in 1827, in a match for 2CO sovs., Sst 7lbs each, Ab. M. (Abingdon rriile), in which, ridden by Wm. Arnuli, he beat Redgauntlet, ridden by J. Robinson, at Newmarket, Houghton meeting, and retired to the Stud, to be for ever remembered as the sire of the famous Eaton Brown, Touchstone. VOL II 2 58 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. FLEXIBLE. FLEXIBLE was a brown colt, bred by the Earl of Egremont in 1822, and sold, when a yearling, to Mr. Bartley, who disposed of him, in 1825, to John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Salop. Me was got by Whalebone, out of Themis (sister to Incantator), by Sorcerer, out of Hannah (bred by Lord Egremont in 1805), by Gohanna, out of Humming Bird (sister to Colibri), by Woodpecker, out of Camilla, by Trentham, out of Coquette, by the Compton Barb, out of Sister to Regulus, by the Godolphin Arabian, &c. Flexible's Performances. 1825. At Epsom, 8st 7lbs each (Sam. Barnard), match for 50 sovs., beat Mr. Maberley's ch. c. Velasquez, by Rubens (Arthur Pavis), both three years old. At Bath, 7st 4lbs (A. Pavis), won the Original Stakes of £120, beating Mr. Howe's b. c. Warwick, by Phantom, four years, 8st ylbs, and three others. At Cheltenham, for three years old, 8st 7lbs each, ran second for the St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovs. each, won by Lord Warwick's b. c. Mephistopheles, by Crecy (son of Walton), beating Mr. Ormsby Gore's b. c. Vesuvius, by Rubens, third and last ; 5 to 2 on Flexible. S. mg., 7st (A. Pavis), won ^75, beating Lord Warwick's b. c. Haji Baba, by Election, four years, 8st, Mr. Canning's b. c. Hottentot, by King of Diamonds, four years, 7st gibs, third, Mr. Pryse's ch. h. Doctor Eady, by Rubens, aged, Qst lib, and three others. S. mg., 6st 4lbs (A. Pavis)^ ran third for the Cup, won by Mr. F. Craven's b. c. Longwaist, four years, 8st (S. Day), beating Mr. Mytton's ch. g. Euphrates (the best Cup FLEXIBLE. 259 horse of his day), by Quiz, aged, gst 4lb3, second, and three others ; 2 to I on Longwaist. At Stourbridge, 7st (A. Pavis), won the Cup, four miles, beating Mr. Tongue's ch. h. Mazame, by Williamson's Ditto (brother to Walton), five years, 8st lolbs. At Warwick, for three years old, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st, ran second for the St. Leger Stakes, won by Sir T. M. Stanley's b. c. Doctor Faustus, by Filho-da-Puta (T. White- house), beating two others. S. mg., yst gibs, heats two miles (Calloway), won the Town Plate, beating Mr. Gisborne's b. f. Elizabeth, by Mango, three years, 7st 7lbs, Haji Baba, four years, 8st iilbs, and one other. 'Flexible was now sold to Mr. Mytton ; and, at Shrewsbury, 8st 4lbs (T. Whitehouse), won the St. Leger Stakes, beating Sir Watkin Wynn's b. f. Signorina, by Champion (son of Selim), three years, 8st 2lbs, Doctor Faustus, 8st 4lbs, and two others. 1826. At Chester (T. Whitehouse), /st i2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Clifton's b. h. Brutandorf, by Blacklock, out of the famous Mandane, five years, 8st 7lbs (W. Scott), beating Sir T. Stanley's ch. h. General Mina, by Camillus, six years, 8st islbs, and seven others, not placed. S. mg., 8st 2lbs (Whitehouse), not placed for the Stand Cup of 260 gs., won by Brutandorf, 8st gibs (W. Scott), beating Mr. Mytton's b. h. Longwaist, 8st gibs (R. Johnson), both five years old, and three others; only two placed. Mr. Mytton was said to have lost ;^i 5,000 on this race by his recent purchase of Longwaist ; betting, at starting, 7 to 4 on Longwaist, and 7 to 2 against Brutandorf, won by a short neck, after a most exciting and splendid race from start to finish. Though unplaced, Flexible was third. Lord Derby's b. m. Urganda, by Milo (T. Lye), Mr. Geary's br. f. Arachne, by Filho-da-Puta, and Doctor Faustus, being beaten off several lengths. At Manchester, 8st albs (H. Arthur), ran third for the Cup, won by br. f. Signorina, four years, 7st i3lbs (T. Lye), beating Lord Darlington's b. c. Memnon, four years, 8st 2lbs (T. Shepherd), second, and one other ; any odds offered on Memnon. At Cheltenham, won the Sherborne Stakes ; but, 8st 3lbs (T. White- house), was not placed in the Glo'stershire Stakes of ^580, won by Mr. Yates' b. c. Cain, by Paulowitz (son of Sir Paul, by Sir Peter), four s 2 2 6o CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. years, 7st gibs (J. Spring), beating Mr. Day's ch. c. Burgundy, by Usque- baugh (son of Whiskey), four years, yst lolbs, and eight others. At Wolverhampton, 8st ilb (T. Whitehouse), ran second for the Cup, won by Sir T. M. Stanley's ch. h. Grenadier, by Waterloo (son of Walton), beating Sir W. Wynn's ch. c. Mayfly, by Piscator (son of Walton), three years, 6st lolbs, and one other; H. Arthur rode Grenadier, five years, 8st 5lbs. S. mg., 8st 2lbs (H, Arthur), won the Darlington Cup, beating Arachne, 8st 2lbs, and Longwaist, 8st i3lbs, last. S. mg., 8st 6lbs (T. Whitehouse), in a handicap sweep, was beaten by Mr. C. Tongue's br. h. Borysthenes, by Smolensko, five years, 7st 7lbs (H. Arthur), Flexible conceding him a year and- I3lbs. He ran twice, unsuccessfully, at Cheltenham, in 1827, and was then taken out of training, and was sold to Mr. Bach, of Bromfield, for the Stud. In his race with Borysthenes Flexible received an injury from which he recovered very slowly, and which obliged him to quit the Turf. b SIGNAL. " 261 SIGNAL. SIGNAL was a very valuable and highly-bred grey Arabian, sent from India to the Hon. Arthur Cole, by his friend and late con- federate on the Turf, Captain Maclean, of His Majesty's 13th Light Dragoons, accompanied by the following character: "This little horse, Signal, has never been beaten, and is warranted sound, and quite free from vice. He is five years old off, and stands just fourteen hands high." The following extracts of Signal's performances, in the year 182S, are from the published accounts of the Madras races In January of that year, viz., A sweepstakes for all Arabs (Orelio excepted), of 50 gold mohurs each, p. p., 8st 7lbs each, one mile and three-quarters, was won by Captain Maclean's silver-grey Arab, Signal (ridden by Salter), bsating' Colonel Showers' bay Arab, Houndsfoot (ridden by Hall). Run in 3 min. and 15 sees.; even on Houndsfoot, and 2 to i against Signal. They both went off at score, Houndsfoot taking the lead, of which he was quickly deprived by Signal, who was never afterwards headed. The race from start to finish was close and beautiful. Same day, a sweep for all Arabs (Orelio excepted), of 50 gold mohurs each, 8st 7lbs each, two miles, was won by Signal (ridden by Salter), again beating Houndsfoot (ridden by Hall) ; betting even. This vi'as a magnificent race through- out ; and, although Signal defeated Houndsfoot, at the same weights as on Monday, it was thought by many that the extra quarter of a mile would greatly increase Houndsfoot's chance ; consequently, Houndsfoot started with 5 to 4 laid on him, but which odds wer-e instantly snapped up. As the flag fell, the two horses jumped off together; and, after twenty strides, Houndsfoot took the lead, but Signal speedily took the whip- hand and went in front of his opponent, having his head well up; and, CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. keeping this advantage to the distance, appeared to be winning easily. Houndsfoot, however, springing gamely to the taste of the whip, came up to Signal's girths, but could not overhaul him, Signal winning, amidst the wildest excitement, by half a neck. Run in 4 minutes and i second. S. mg. (same meeting), for all Arabs (Orelio excepted), Signal won a sweep of 50 gold mohurs each, p. p., 8st slbs each, three miles (ridden by Salter), beating Colonel Showers' bay Arab Wildblood, who had beaten Orelio, on the first day, at the difference of lalbs, which Orelio was obliged to concede, before being allowed to start. This was a neck and neck race to the distance, where Signal quitted Wildblood, and won easily, speed and stamina being both his own. Wildblood was ridden by Hall, with admirable judgment and patience, his riding being highly com- mended from all quarters. In Weatherby's Stud Book (vol. 3, page 226), the Arabian Signal is credited with a chestnut filly, bred by Mr. B. Thompson in 1830, out of Young Maniac, by Tramp, out of Maniac, by Shuttle. BABEL. 263 BABEL. BABEL (first named Lilias, under which designation she won the Oaks), was a bay filly, bred by Mr. Forth, in 1823, and got by his bay horse, Interpreter (son of Soothsayer), out of Fair Ellen, by the Wellesley Arabian, out of Maria, by Highflyer, out of Nutcracker, by Match'em, out of Miss Starling, by the Bolton Grey Starling, out of a mare by Old Partner, her dam, by Mr. John Croft's Bay Barb, out of a mare by Makeless (son of the Oglethorpe Arabian), &c. Babel's Performances, 1S26. At Epsom, 6st (ridden by Morgan), won the Craven Stakes, beating Mr. Rogers' ch. c. Muleteer, by Muley, four years, 8st (Wm. Wheatley), second, Mr. R. Benson's ch. f. Rhapsody (who died in 1827), by Woful three years, 6st, third (H. Arthur) ; also, not placed, Mr. West's b. f. Mystery, by Phantom, four years, 8st, the Duke of York's br. c. Lionel Lincoln, by Whalebone, four years, 8st, and three others ; Muleteer the favourite. S. mg., 8st 4lbs each (T. Lye), won the Oaks of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., forty-nine subscribers (value ^1150), beating the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Problem (winner of the 1000 Guineas), second (Old John Day) ; also, not placed. Lord Egreraont's b. f. Mignonette, by Whalebone (George Dockeray), Lord Jersey's ch. f. Butterfly, by Magistrate (Jas. -Robinson), Mr. Forth's b. f. Shortwaist, by Literpreter (Harry Edwards), the Duke of Grafton's b. f. Parapluie, by Merlin (F. Buckle), the Duke of York's b. f. Rachel (winner this year of ^1600, and the Oatlands Handicap, at Newmarket), by Whalebone (T. Goodisson) and his ch. f. Elizabeth, by Rainbow, Mr, Mytton's b. f. Louisa (the dam 2 64 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. of Jerry, by Smolensko), Mr. Isaac Sadler's ch. f. Tears (second to Problem, in the looo Guineas, then General Grosvenor's), by Woful (Sam Day), and five others ; betting, at starting, 5 to 4 against Problem, 6 to i against Tears, 8 to i against Parapluie, and 1 5 to i against Lilias, who was now sold to Mr. George Payne, who renamed her Babel. At New- market (Second October), 8st, A. F. (ridden by Sam Chifney), match for 200 sovs., ran a dead heat with Lord Exeter's ch. c. Enamel (winner of the 2000 Guineas, in 1825), by Phantom, four years, 8st I3lbs (W. Arnull) ; 2 to I on Enamel. This was a match of no common order, Enamel being a good four year old, and the Oaks winner receiving i3lbs for the year. In the race they kept close together to the Abingdon Mile Bottom, where Babel began to manifest signs of distress ; but, with unflinching gameness, she struggled on, and Enamel, compounding with the weight, gradually lost the advantage he had gained. About thirty yards from home Babel had reached Enamel's withers, and succeeded in making a dead heat of it. Chifney nursed the filly admirably. At New- market (Ho.), 8st lib (Chifney), match for 200 sovs., was beaten by the Duke of Rutland's b. f. Adeliza, by Soothsayer, four years, 9st (J Robin- son) ; 6 to 4 on Adeliza. 1827. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 4lbs each, three miles (W. Arnull), match lor 300 sovs., beat Mr. Rogers' b. c. Monarch, by Comus (W. Wheatley). At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 7lbs each, D. M. (W. Arnull), match for 200 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Rush's b. c. Carthago, by Pioneer (son of Whiskey), ridden by James Robinson ; even betting. At Newmarket (Second Spring), Sst 4lbs each, D. M. (T. Goodisson), match for 200' sovs., beat Lord Wharncliffe's br. c. the Dragon, by Cervantes (S. Chifney), both four years old. At Newmarket (Second October), 8st 6lbs (T. Goodisson), ran second in the Garden Stakes of 100 sovs. each, p. p"., won by Mr. S." Stonehewer's br. filly. Souvenir, by Orville, three years, 6st 8lbs (A. Pavis). S. mg., 8st lolbs, D. M. (T. Goodisson)-, match for 100 sovs., was beaten by Mr. Irby's br. f. Toso, by Rainbow (son of Walton), three years, 7st iilbs(F. Buckle); 11 to 8 on Babel. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 4lbs each, two miles (W. Arnull), match for BABEL. 265 300 sovs., beat Lord Exeter's ch. c. Hobgoblin, by Comus, both four years old; 7 to 4 on Babel. S. mg., 8st gibs (W. ArnuU), match for 200 sovs., was beaten by Sir J. Shelley's br. c. Maresfield, by Antar (son of Haphazard), three years, 8st 2lbs (J. Robinson) ; even betting. Mr. Payne now sold Babel to Mr. J. Maberley. ^ 1828. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 7lbs, three miles (J. Day), match for 200 sovs., was beaten by Lord Tavistock's ch. f. Leeway, by Aladdin, 8st lib (George Edwards), both rising five years old ; 5 to 2 on Leeway. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 4lb3 each, paid 100 sovs. (forfeit) to Mr. Gully's Mameluke. At Goodwood, for the Ladies' Purse, was beaten by the Duke of Richmond's roan filly. Miss Craven, by Mr. Lowe (son of Walton), four years (F. Boyce). At Egham, 8st 6lbs (Old John Day), won the Sunninghill Stakes, beating Lord Mountcharles' (afterwards Mr. J. Taunton's), b. c. Coronet, by Catton, three years, 6st i2lbs (A. Pavis), and three others. At Abingdon, 8st gibs . (T. Robinson), heats two miles, won ico sovs., beating Mr. Mills' br. h. Brownlock, by Blacklock, si.x years, gst, and one other, in both heats. Ran once more, without success, and was put to the Stud. 266 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. TARRARE. TARRARE was a bay colt, bred by the Earl of Scarborough in 1823, and was got by Catton, out of Henrietta, by Sir Solomon, out of Sister to Olive, by Woodpecker, out of a mare by Trentham, out of December, by Shakespeare, out of Polly, by Black and all Black (commonly called Othello), out of Fanny, by Tartar, her dam, by the Bolton Grey Starling, out of a mare by Flying Childers. Tarrare's Performances. 1825. At Pontefract, for two years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies Sst (George Nelson), won a sweep of 50 gs. each, h. ft., beating Mr. Wilson's b. c. Constable, by Magistrate, the Hon. E. Petre's ch. f. Missy, by Catton, third, and Mr. Houldsworth's b. f. Elephanta, by Filho-da-Puta, last. At Doncaster, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (G. Nelson), ran second in the Champagne Stakes, won by Lord Kennedy's b. c. King Catton, by Catton (J. Jackson), beating, also, Lord Muncaster's b. f. Garcia, by Octavian, Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Mulatto, by Catton, and four others ; Tarrare the favourite. J826. . ' •. At Doucaster, colts 8st 6lbs, fillies 8st (George Nelson), won the Great St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovs. each, ninety-five subscribers, beating Mulatto, second, by Haifa length (Sam Day) ; also (not placed), ch. c. Bedlamite, Mr. Forth's b. f. Shortwaist, by Literpreter, Mr. Ridsdale's br. c. Flamingo, by Oiseau, Lord Kennedy's bl. f. Mary Ann, by Black- lock, Mr. Watt's br. c- Belzoni, by Blacklock, Lord Wharncliffe's two brown colts, Dragon and Crusader, both by Cervantes, Sir J. Byng's ch. c. TARE ARE. 267 Thales, by Tramp, Mr. Harrison's b. c. Royal Oak, by Catton, Mr. George Payne's br. c. The General, by Comus, and fifteen others ; betting, at starting, 2 to i against Belzoni (winner, this year, of the St. Leger Stakes, at York Spring, beating Mulatto, second, and Bedlamite, third) ; 6 to I against Bedlamite, 8 to i against Mulatto, 10 to i against Dragon, 17 to I against Crusader, and 20 to i against Tarrare. The race is thus described in the Sporting Magazine for October, 1826 : — " At the second attempt they all got away to an excellent start, the Duke of Leeds' gr. f. by Walton, going off at score, but, failing in the dip, gave place to his Grace's other string, the bay colt by Whisker, who was followed closely by Crusader, Tarrare, Bedlamite and Mulatto, in the order named. At the Red House all were beaten except the last three, who ran every inch of the ground. At one time, Bedlamite came up to Tarrare's head, and for a great distance the race was most beautiful, and the issue very doubtful. Two hundred yards from home, it looked like a dead heat between Tarrare and Bedlamite ; but now the good head and helping hand of Sam Day, gave Mulatto a strong turn, and he came to the front like a winner ; but, though he ran as honest as truth, he could not quite reach Tarrare, and was beaten by half a length." At York (August), 8st 3lbs, two miles (G. Nelson), ran second in a sweep of 25 sovs. each, won by Lord Kelburne's bl. h. Jerry (St; Leger winner in 1824), by Smolensko, six years, pst (Harry Edwards), beating the Hon. E. Petre's b. c. Nonplus, by Catton, three years, 7st 2lbs, third, and Mr. Ridsdale's ch. c. Barelegs (brother to Barefoot), by Tramp, four years, 8st 3lbs, last. S. mg., w. o. for a sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., four subscribers. At Doncaster, 8st 3lbs, two miles and five fur- longs (G. Nelson), was not placed for the Cup, won by Mulatto (which see). 1828. At York (August), 8st lolbs, two miles, ran second in a sweep of ^325, won by Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Medoro, by Cervantes, four years, 8st 3lbs, beating Sir Wm. Milner's ch. c. Malek (brother to Velocipede), four years, 8st 3lbs, third, and Actaeon, gst, last. At Doncaster, 8st gibs, two miles (G. Nelson), was unplaced in the Doncaster Stakes, won by Nonplus .68 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. (now Lord Cleveland's), four years, 8st, beating the Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Granby, by Cannon Ball, four years, Sst, second, Actceon, gst, third, Mulatto, and four others. Old John Day rode Nonplus in his best style. Tarrare was now sold to Mr. Theobald, and added to his famous Stud at Stockwell. rt MULATTO. 269 MULATTO. MULATTO was a bay colt, bred by Earl Fitzwilliam in 1823, and was got by Catton, out of Desdemona (bred by his Lordship in i8i i), by Orvllle, out of Fanny (bred by the Earl in 1796), by Sir Peter, out of a mare by Diomed, out of Desdemona, by Old Marske, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab, out of Ebony, by Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto (son of the Byerley Turk), out of the Duke of Rutland's Massey Mare, by Mr. Massey's Black Stallion, which was a Barb of pure descent, imported into England, in 1709. Mulatto's pERFORMANCEa. 1826. At York (Spring), for three years old, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, ran third in the York St. Leger, won by Mr. Watt's b. c. Belzoni (for details see Bedlamite). At York (August), w.o. for the Peregrine Stakes ; and, 7st 2lbs, ran second in a sweep of ;^350, won by Lord Kelburne's ch. c. ActJEon, four years, 8st 3lbs (H. Edwards), beating Lord Scar- borough's b. m. Fair Charlotte, by Catton, aged, gst, third, and Mr. G. Lambton's (late Sir J. Shelley's) ch. h. Cedric (Derby winner in 1824), five years, 8st lolbs, last. At Doncaster, ran second in the St. Leger, won by Tarrare (which see). S. mg., 7st, ran second for the Cup, won by Sir M. W. Ridley's b. f. Fleur-de-Lis, four years, 8st 3lbs (G. Nelson), beat- ing b. c. Humphrey Clinker, by Comus, four years, 8st 3lbs (Lord Fitz- william's), third, and two others. At Lincoln (T. Lye), won ^iio. 2 70 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. 1827. At York (Spring), colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (old John Day), won £\20, beating Bedlamite, second, ch. c. Barelegs, by Tramp, third, and two others. At York (August), w. o. for ^^200. S. mg., for four years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (T Lye), won the Great Subscription Purse of £2']^, beating Mr. Houldsworth's br. f. Fanny Davies, by Filho- da-Puta, and Lord Kennedy's bl. f. Mary Ann (bred by J. Taunton, Esq.), by Blacklock ; 7 to 2 on Mulatto. S. mg., 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), won the third Great Subscription of £2"]^, beating Lord Kelburne's ch. h. Actaecn (who won the second Great Subscription on the preceding day), five years, Sst lolbs (Harry Edwards), second, the Duke of Leeds' b. c. Sirius, by Whisker, four years, Sst 3lbs (T. Nicholson), third, and Lord Scarborough's b. f. Lady Georgiana, by Catton, four years, Sst 3lbs (G. Nelson), last ; 5 to 4 against Actseon, and 6 to 4 against Mulatto. At Doncaster, gst (Lye), won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating the Hon. E. Petre's b. c. Nonplus, by Catton, three years, Sst, easily, by three lengths, Mr. Charlton's ch. f. Camelia, by Manfred, three years, Sst, Mr. Wilkin- son's ch. f. Duchess of Lancaster, by Octavian (son of Stripling), Sst, last ; 5 to 2 on Mulatto. S. mg., 8st3lbs, two miles and five furlongs (T. Lye), won the Cup, beating Lord Cleveland's b. h. Memnon, five years, Sst lolbs (Sim Templeman), Sir M. W. Ridley's b. m. Fleur-de-Lis, five years, Sst lolbs (George Nelson), who ran a dead heat for second place; also (not placed), Mr. Nowell's b. h. Longvvaist, six years, gst, Lord Kelburne's ch. h. Acta^on, by Scud, five years, Sst lolbs (Harry Edwards), Lord Sligo's br. h. Starch (who won numerous King's Plates, and the rich Kirwan Stakes, at the Curragh of Kildare, and the Gold Cup this year at Pontefract), by Waxy Pope, aged, 9st, Lord Kelburne's b. c. Reviewer, by Abjer, three years, 7st, b. c. Tarrare, by Catton, four years, Sst 3lbs, and one other; 13 to 8 against Fleur-de-Lis, 4 to i against Memnon, 5 to I against Mulatto, and 6 to i each against Tarrare and Longwaist — a grand field of horses. S. mg., w. o. for ^250. 1828. At York (Spring), Sst gibs, ran third and last in the Constitution Stakes, won by Major Yarburgh's b. c. Laurel, by Blacklock, four years MULATTO. 271 8st (T. Nicholson), beating Mr. Petre's b. f. ]\Iatilda (winner of last year's St. Leger), by Comus, four years, Sst ; 5 to 4 on Matilda. Mulatto ran four times more this year, without success, viz., once at York (August), once at Doncaster, and twice at Richmond. 1829. At York (Spring), gst 4lbs, two miles (T. Lye), ran third in a sweep of 20 sovs. each, won by Lord Scarborough's b. c. Cambridge by Catton, four years, Sst 3lbs, second (G. Nelson) ; four ran. At York (July), Sst 5lbs (T. Lye), won the Fitzwilliam Stakes, beating the Duke of Leeds' gr. h. Moonshine (winner of the Champagne Stakes at Doncaster in 1S26), by Grey Middle- ham (son of Walton), five years, Sst 2lbs (Robert Johnson), second, and ch. h. Actaeon, aged, Sst 4lbs (Harry Edwards), third and last. In this handicap. Mulatto was made to give Actseon ilb and a year, and Moon- shine 3lbs. Actaeon (ridden by Harry Edwards) was very refractory at the post, and all through the race preferred hanging to the cords to going straight, to the great mortification of his rider, who had a good lump of money on him, not believing that any horse in the kingdom was capable of giving a pound and a year to Actaeon. S. mg., Sst i2lbs, four miles (T. Lye), ran second for the Great Subscription, won by the Hon. E. Petre's ch. h. Granby, by Cannon Ball (W. Scott), Actaeon third. He ran twice more, without success, and retired to the Stud, in connection with which his name will always be inscribed in the annals of the Turf, as the sire of Martha Lynn, the dam of Voltigeur. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. BEDLAMITE. BEDLAMITE was a chestnut colt, foaled in 1S23, the property of Lord Kennedy. He was got by Welbeck (son of Soothsayer), out of Maniac, by Shuttle, out of Anticipation, by Beningbrough, out of Expectation, by Herod, her dam, by Lord Portmore's Skim, out of a mare by Janus (son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of Spinster, by Old Crab, out of Spinster (commonly styled the Widdrington Mare, and bred by Mr. J. Crofts, of Barforth, in 1735), by Old Partner, out of a mare by Bloody Buttocks, out of a dau. of Old Greyhound,* her dam, by Makeless, out of a mare by Brimmer (son of Lord D'Arcy's Yellow Turk), &c., &c. Bedlamite's Performances. 1825. At Middleham, for two years old, colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (T. Shepherd), won 80 sovs., beating Mr. Darnell's b. f. Decision, t by Magistrate, and two others. At York (Spring), colts 8st 3lbs, fillies 8st (T. Shepherd), * Old Greyhound was foaled at Hampton Court, and was got by King William's While Barb Chillaby, out of a natural Barb Mare, called Slugeyj who was of the highest breed in Barbary, where she was in foal with Greyhound when she was purchased, together with Chillaby, by Mr. Marshall, for King William the Third, and brought to England. Greyhound afterwards became the property of Mr. John Crofts, of Barforth, Yorkshire ; Slugey means Greyhound in Barbary. -j- This mare died in June, 1834; and, though a moderate racer herself, gave promise at the stud of producing runners of a high class. She was bred by Lady Strathmoro, being one of that stream of well-known blood which, for so many years, was an heirloom in the family at Streatlam Castle. She was got by Magistrate, out of Remembrance, by Sir Solomon, out of Queen Mab, by Eclipse, and was sold, when a yearling, to Mr. Darnell. The Racing Calendar shows her four first-born to have been all winners, no less than nineteen rich prizes being credited to them, a success which few brood mares can parallel. BEDLAMITE, 273 won ^290, beating the Duke of Leeds' brown colt, by Whisker, second, Lord Kelburne's brown filly, by Ardrossan, third, Mr. R. Watt's br. c. Belzoni, and five others. At Doncaster, for two years old, colts 8st 2lbs, fillies 8st (J. Jackson), won ^580, beating Belzoni, second. Lord Mun- caster's b. f. Garcia, by Octavian, third, the Hon. E. Petre's ch. f. Missy, by 'Catton, Mr. Lambton's b. c. Magister, by Soothsayer, b. c. Mulatto, by Catton, and four others ; 7 to 4 on Bedlamite. 1826. At York (Spring), for three years old, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (J. Jackson), ran second in the St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovs. each, eleven subscribers, won by Mr. R. Watt's b. c. Belzoni, by Blacklock (Wm. Scott), beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Mulatto (T. Lye), third, and two others. S- mg., colts 8st slbs, fillies 8st 2ibs (J. Jackson), won the Shorts of 50 sovs. each, &c. (;^325), beating Lord Fitzwilliam's ch. c Barataria, by Cervantes, second, the Marquis of Oueensberry's b. c. The Constable, by Magistrate, third, and two others ; 4 to i on Bedlamite. At Doncaster, for the Great St. Leger Stakes, ran a close third to Tarrare (which see for details). S. mg., w. o. for the Gascoigne Stakes (value ^270) : also, colts 8st ' 6lbs, fillies 8st 3lbs, ran second in a sweepstakes of 30 sovs. each, won by the Hon. T. Orde Powlett's black colt, Brother to Miss Fanny, by Walton : fi^e ran ; 5 to 2 on Bedlamite. At Richmond, 7st (ridden by Barnaby), won the Cup, beating Lord Kelburne's bl. h. Jerry (winner of the Great St. Leger in 1824), five years, 8st gibs, second, the Duke of Leeds' brown colt, by Whisker, fhree years, 7st, third, Mr. Russell's br. h. Mustachio, by Whisker, five years, 8st gibs, and two others ; 6 to 4 on Bedlamite. At Northallerton yst (Burnaby), won the Cup, beating Mr. Gascoigne's bl. m. Elizabeth, by Walton, five years, 8st 6lbs, Mr. O. Powlett's br. h. by Ardrossan, five years, 8st 6lbs, third, and five others. 1827. At York (Spring), 8st 3lbs, ran second in a sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, won by Mulatto, four years, 8st 3lbs (old John Day), beating Mr. Ridsdale's VOL. II. . T 274 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. ch. c. Barelegs, by Tramp (sent this year to France), third, and three others; 5 to 4 on Mulatto. S. mg., 8st 4lbs (George Dockeray), won a sweep of lo sovs. each, beating the Hon. E. Petre's b. h. Saladiri, by Selim, five years, 8st I3lbs, second, and three others. This was Bed- lamite's last appearance on the Turf. FANNY DA VIES, 2 75 FANNY DAVIES. FANNY DAVIES was a brown filly, bred by Thomas Houldsworth, Esq., in 1823, and got by Filho-da-Puta, out of Treasure, by Camillus, out of a mare by Hyacinthus (son of Coriander), out of Flora, by King Fergus, out of Atalanta, by Match'em, out of Lass-of-the-Mill, by Oroonoko (son of Old Crab), out of Sister to Lass-of-the-Mill, by Old Traveller, out of Miss Makeless, by Young Greyhound, out of a mare by Old Partner, out of Miss Doe's dam, by Woodcock (son of Old Merlin), &c., &c. Fanny Davies' Performances. 1826. At Chester, for three years old, colts 8st ylbs, fillies 8st 2lbs, not placed in a sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., eleven subscribers, won by Mr. Giffard's ch. colt Leviathan, by Muley (H. Arthur), beating Sir Thomas Stanley's ch. colt, by Tiresias (son of Soothsayer), and five others not placed. At York (August), colts Sst slbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (Harry Edwards), won a sweep of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., beating Lord Scarborough's b. c. by Cafton : only these two ran ; 5 to 2 on Fanny Davies. S. mg., for three years old, fillies only, Sst slbs each (H. Edwards), won a sweep of 30 sovs.. each, &c., beating Lord Kennedy's bl f Mary Ann, by Blacklock, second. Lord Scarborough's b. f. Pasta, by Catton (G. Nelson), third, and two others ; betting, at starting, 5 to 2 against Mary Ann (ridden by John Jackson), and 4 to i against Fanny Davies. At Ponte- T 2 2 76 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. fract, 7st I libs each (H. Edwards), won a Produce sweep of ^250, beating the Hon E. Petre's ch. f. Missy, by Calton ; 3 to i on Fanny. S. mg., 6st gibs (E. Jackson), won the Gold Cup, beating Lord VVharn- cliffe's b. h. El-Dorado, by Sir Walter Raleigh (son of Waxy), five years, 8st i2lbs; II to 8 on Fanny. At Doncaster, for three years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies Sst 4lbs (H. Edwards), won the Foal Stakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., six subscribers, beating Earl Fitzwilliam's b. c. Tickhill, by Catton ; 2 to I on Fanny. S. mg., for three years old, fillies Sst 4lbs each (St. Leger Course, H, Edwards), won a sweepstakes of ^360, beating Lord Muncaster's b. f. Garcia, by Octavian, by six lengths : also (not placed), b. f. Pasta, bl. f. Mary Ann, ch. f Missy, b. f. Harriet (also Mr. Houldsworth's), by Filho-da-Puta, and two others; betting, 7 to 4 against Fanny Davies, and 3 to i against Mary Ann ; no others quoted. Fanny Davies went such a clipper over the St. Leger Course that Mr. Houldsworth expressed great regret, shared by all his friends and trainer, that he did not start her for the St. Leger, for which she was entered, considering, from the style in which she defeated a good field in this race, that her chance of winning the St. Leger was. second to none. Harriet took the lead, followed by Mary Ann, Garcia, and Fanny Davies. At the end of a quarter of a mile, Harry Edwards, finding the pace not strong enough, came through with Fanny, headed her stable companion, Harriet, and took a commanding lead of two lengths to the Red House, where Garcia (ridden by T. Nicholson), took second place ; but Fanny ran on, increasing her lead as she went, winning hands down, and full of running at the finish. The Sporting Magazine for November, 1826, referring to the Doncaster meeting of that year, observes, — " Fanny Davies beat Tickhill very cleverly for the Foal Stakes, a mile and a half, and the only grumbling heard during the meeting was that she was not started for the St. Leger, as she would have won, or been very near it." 1827. At Chester, 8st, not placed for the Stand Cup, won by Sir T. Stanley's b. h. Dr. Faustus, by Filho-da-Puta (.Sim Templeman), beating Levia- than, 8st 2lbs, second, Mr. Geary's br. m. Arachne (dam of Industry, by FANNY DA VIES. 2 7 7 Priam), by Filho-da-Puta, five years, 8st 8lbs, Mr. Clifton's b. h. Brutandorf, six years, gst, and three others. At York, ran second in the Great Subscription, won by Mulatto. At Chesterfield she won two purses of 50 and 60 sovs. (ridden by E. Jackson). She ran twice more, at Pontefract for the Cup, and at Doncaster, in a sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, without success, and was put to the Stud. 2/8 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. LAMPLIGHTER. LAMPLIGHTER was a bay colt, bred by Colonel Wilson (afterwards Lord Berners), in 1823, and was got by Merlin (son of Castrel), out of Spotless, by Walton, out of a mare by Trunipator, her dam, by Highflyer, out of Otheothea, by Otho, out of a mare by Old Snap, her dam, by Regulus, out of Wildair's dam, by Steady. Lamplighter's Performanxes. 1826. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st /lbs (F. Buckle), match for 100 sovs., beat the Duke of Richmond's b. c. Linkboy (winner, this year, of the Cowdray Stakes, of 650 sovs., at Goodwood, and in 1S27, of the Goodwood Cup), by Aladdin, 8st 4lbs (F. Boyce), by a head. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst 5lbs (T. Goodisson), match for 100 sovs., beat Lord Orford's b. c. Swiss Guide, by Tramp, Sst 2lbs (old John Day), by a length. At Newmarket (Second Spring), for three years old, colts Sst ylbs, fillies Sst 4lbs (J. Day), was not placed for a purse of 50 sovs., won by Lord Egremont's b. c. Lapdog (winner of the Derby), by Whalebone, ridden by George Dockeray, and beating Lord Exeter's br. c. Recruit, by Whalebone (W. ArnuU), second, and nine others. At Bedford, 7st 4lbs, won the County Stakes, beating Lord Tavistock's ch. f. Leeway, by Aladdin, three years, 6st nibs. At Newmarket (Second October), Sst gibs each (James Robinson), won 100 sovs., beating Lapdog very easily by two lengths (G.' Dockeray), and the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Dervise,* by Merlin (F. Buckle), third and last; 6 to 4 on Lapdog. At Newmarket (Houghton), * Winner, this year, of the 2000 Guineas, and the Claret Stakes, at" Newmarket Craven, in 1827. LAMPLIGHTER. 279 received 100 sovs., forfeit, from Lord Orford's ch. c. Rector, By Muley. S. mg., 8st (F. Buckle), match for 200 sovs., beat Lord Exeter's b. c. Redgauntlet (second to Camel, this year, in the Port Stakes, at New- market), by Scud, four years, 8st lalbs (W. Arnull). 1827. At Newmarket, Craven, for four years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (F. Buckle), beating br. c. Recruit, second (Wm. Arnull), and Mr. Stonehewer's ch. c. Goshawk {winner of the Newmarket Stakes in 1826), by Merlin, third, and two others. At Newmarket (First Spring) received 100 sovs. forfeit, from Mr. Day's b. f. Maldonia, by Fungus, also divided a purse of 50 sovs. with Lord Egremont's bl. colt Black Swan, by Whale- bone. At New-market (Second Spring), 8st 4lbs each, received _^5ofrom Lord Wharncliffe's (late Mr. F. Craven's), b. m. Pastime (second to Wings in the Oaks of 1825), by Partisan, five years old. At Newmarket (First October), 8st gibs, ran third in the Trial Stakes, won by Pastime (J. Robinson), gst 2lbs, beating Mr. R. Watt's br. c. Belzoni, by Black- lock, four years, Sst gibs, second, and five others. S. mg., lost 7lbs (R. C, Round Course, 3 miles, 4 furlongs, 139 yards), ridden by F. Buckle, won the King's Plate, after a dead heat with Lord Egremont's br. h. Chateau-Margaux, by Whalebone, ridden by G. Dockeray, five years, list 7lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), w. o". for ^58, but for a purse of 100 sovs., gst, was beaten by Goshawk, Sst 3lbs. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st (F. Buckle), match for 100 sovs., beat b. m. Pastime, Sst gibs, by a length. S. mg., Sst 6lbs, received 50 sovs., forfeit, from Mr. Watt's Belzoni, Sst 3lbs. He ran once more, without success. 182S. At Newmarket, Craven, Sst I3lbs (F. Buckle), won the Craven Stakes, beating Pastime, gst 5lbs, second, Chateau-Margaux, gst 5lbs, Belzoni, Sst I3lbs, and two others. A very fine race, and won by a neck only. At Newmarket (First October), list 7lbs (F. Buckle), B. C., won the King's Plate, beating Mr. Walker's ch. h. Spondee, by Interpreter, four years, lost 7lbs, and Lord Egremont's br. colt. Grampus, by Whalebone, 28o CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. four years, lost 7]bs, who broke down. At Newmarket (Second October), lost each, B.C., received The Whip and 200 sovs., resigned by Lord Cleve- land's b. h. Memnon, l^iy Whisker. 1829. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 3lbs (F. Buckle), won ^50, beating Linkboy, 8st 3lbs, in a canter. At Ascot, Qst 3lbs, not placed for the Cup, won by Lord Chesterfield's b. c. Zinganee, by Tramp, four years, 8st 2lbs (Sam Chifney), beating Mr. Gully's b. h. Mameluke, five years, 8st i2lbs (S. Day), second, and five others. At Ipswich, ust i2lbs, heats four miles (Wm. W^est), won the King's Plate, beating LordSefton's b. m. Souvenir, by Orville, five years, list 7lbs, in both heats. S. mg., 9st 3lbs (W. West), won the Town Plate of 50 sovs. At Goodwood, 9st 6lbs, was not placed for the Cup, won by His Majesty's b. m. Fleur- de-Lis, 9st 3lbs (J. Robinson), beating Mameluke, 9st 3lbs, second, and Lord Exeter's br. f. Varna (winner, this year, of the Albany and Windsor Forest Stakes, at Ascot, the Drawing-Room Stakes, at Goodwood, and was third to Green Mantle, in the Oaks), by Sultan, three years, 7st 4lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), lost each, B.C. (F. Buckle), for The Whip and 200 sovs. each, was beaten by Mameluke, a year younger, ridden by James Robinson. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 6lbs, not placed for a Handicap Plate of ^100, won by Mameluke, 8st i2lbs; this being his last race. Lamplighter was the sire of the Derby winner, Phos- phorus. MAMEL UKE. MAMELUKE. MAMELUKE was a bay colt, bred by Mr. Elwes, and sold to the Earl of Jersey in 1824, and was got by Partisan, out of Miss Sophia (Master Henry's dam), by Stamford (son of Sir Peter), out of Sophia, by Buzzard, out of Huncamunca (dam of Champion, by PotSo's), by High- flyer, out of Cypher, by Squirrel, out of Fribble's dam, by Regulus, out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers, her dam, by Honywood's White Arabian, out of the dam of the two True Blues. Mameluke's Performances. 1827. At Newmarket Craven, for three years old, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (J. Robinson), not placed in the Riddlesworth, of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., fifteen subscribers (value ^1800), won by b. c. Glenartney* (also Lord Jersey's), by Phantom, out of Web (George Edwards,) beating six others, — the winner being the only one placed, though Mameluke was second. S. mg., received 300 sovs. (forfeit) in a sweepstakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., seven subscribers. At Newmarket (First Spring) received 100 sovs. forfeit, from Lord Orford's b. f. by Merlin. At Epsom (James Robinson), won the Derby, of ;/^2 56o, beating Glenartney (George Edwards), second ; also (not placed), Mr. Yates' b. c. Edmund, by Orville, Lord Egremont's b. c. Gaberlunzie, by Wanderer, Mr. Radclyffe's b. c. Windermere, by Whalebone, out of Effie Deans, the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Roderick, by Rubens, Mr. Isaac Sadler's b. c. Defence, by ■* Lord Clarendon's b. f. by Partisan, 8st 4lbs (T. Goodisson), came in first, but having by mistake carried only Sst ilb, the race was adjudged to Glenartney, who came in second, Mameluke being third. CELEB R A TED RA CE HORSES. Whalebone, the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Turcoman (winner of the 2000 Guhieas), by SeUm, Lord Egremont's b. c. Grampus, by Whalebone, Lord GwCavendish's roan colt, Rapid Rhone (winner of the Grand Duke Michael Stakes, in 1827, and of the Claret Stakes, of 200 sovs. each, &c., at Newmarket, Craven, in 1828), by Partisan, and thirteen others. Betting, at starting, 5 to i against Glenartney, 6 to i against Windermere (whose public running never sustained his high private reputation), 7 to i each against Roderick and Defence, and 9 to i against Mameluke. Glen- artney took the lead, and kept it to Tattenham Corner, where every horse in the race was beaten, except Mameluke. The two then came on together ; and, at the distance, it was any odds on Glenartney ; but just at this point, Edwards took a very sirong^uW at his horse, when Robinson, with fine judgment, slipped Mameluke on the instant and won by a length. It was universally remarked that, had Edwards' bridle broke, Glenartney must have won. After the race, Edwards frankly admitted his mistake, adding also that Lord Jersey's orders were that each jockey was to do his best to win. Mameluke was sold, on his Derby credentials, to Mr. John Gully, for ^4000, whilst no amount of money could have purchased Glen- artney. At Doncaster (now Mr. Gully's), ran second in the Great St. Leger, won by the Hon. E. Petre's b. f. Matilda, by Comus (which see, for starters, &c.). The following remarks respecting Mameluke, and his race for the St. Leger, under the heading of " A Visit to Doncaster," appeared in the October number of the Sporting JMagazine, for 1827. "I suppose there never was so undecided an opinion upon the merits of a horse, who had done so much, as upon Mameluke. Bred by Mr. Elwes (though Lord Jersey had always the credit of having bred both him and Glenartney) from his very excellent mare Miss Sophia, Lord Jersey's judgment induced him to purchase the foal. Mameluke's d^hiit in the Riddlesworth was greatly against him. Both he and Glenartney were prodigious favourites, and Lord Jersey declared to win with Mameluke. The filly, by Partisan, out of Donna Clara, however, came in first ; but being three pounds short in weight, the race was given to Glenartney, the second horse, and the only one that was placed. Numbers, however, maintained that Mameluke was second, and that the judge made a mistake in assigning that place to Glenartney. As to the St. Leger, there were a MAMELUKE. 283 great many false starts, v/hich gave rise to much animated conversation, and some suspicions, as the jealousy of a south-country horse winning the St Leger is too well-known to be enlarged upon. If these false starts (as was asserted) were pre-arranged to teaze Mameluke, the intention suc- ceeded admirably, as that horse, who had never before shown any temper, became quite unmanageable, and Chifney had the greatest difficulty in getting him to the Post ; Matilda too, from being impetuous, and always very quick at starting, ran nearly up to the hill every time. When at last they did start, Translation and Matilda got away at least sixty yards in advance of everything, Mameluke being one of the very last, so that the two fillies were on the top of the hill before Mameluke was half-way. At the top of the hill Matilda had the lead, and kept it to the Red House, where Mameluke, who had been making tremendous exertions, got up and looked so well and full of running that Mr. Gully offered to lay an even thousand on his horse. From the Red House to the distance post, and even beyond it, the race was very fine and close, Mameluke at one time getting his head in front, a position he was unable to maintain, and Matilda won by half a length. Robinson's riding throughout the race claims the highest admiration, and I do not think any other man in England could have ridden Matilda as he did. A Scotch gentleman presented him with ^icoo, and a complimentary congratulation on the magnificent horsemanship he displayed." Betting — 5 to 2 against Mameluke, 4 to 1 against the Hon. E. Petre's ch. c. Granby (winner, two days after, of the Gascoigne Stakes), by Cannon Ball, and 10 to i against Matilda. 1828. At Newmarket, Craven, 8st 2lbs (W. Wheatley), won the Oatlands, beating the Duke of Richmond's roan filly. Miss Craven, by Mr. Lowe (son of Walton), three years, yst 3lbs, second, Anticipation, three years, 7st, Memnon, five years, gst 4lb3, and one other. S. mg., 8st 7lbs, each (Wheatley), won the Port Stakes, of ^400, beating Lord George Cavendish's beautiful bay colt, Amphion, by Partisan ; only two ran. At Newmarket (First Spring), received 100 sovs., forfeit, from Mr. Lumley's b. f. Babel. At Doncaster. Sst slbs, not placed for the Cup, 2 84 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. won by Major Yarburgh's b. c. Laurel, by Blacklock (which see for details). 1829. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st I2lbs (Wm. Wheatley), match for 200 sovs., beat Mr. Molony's ch. c. Rough Robin, by Sober Robin (son of Orville), three years, 8st 5lbs. At Ascot, 8st I2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Lord Chesterfield's b. c. Zinganee, four years, Sst 2lbs, (Sam Chifney), beating, also, Cadland, The Colonel, Bobadilla (winner of the Ascot Cup, in 1828), Green Mantle,, and Lamplighter, — a rare field of horses. At Goodwood, gst 3lbs (W. Wheatley), ran second for the Cup, won by His Majesty's b. m. Fleur-de-Lis, aged, gst 3lbs (J. Robinson), beating, also. Lord Exeter's br. f. Varna, by Sultan, three years, yst 4lbs (F. Boyce), the Duke of Richmond's b. h. The Alderman, by Bourbon, aged, gst 6lbs (W. Arnull), Colonel Wilson's b. h. Lamplighter, six years, 9st 6lbs (old John Day), and the Duke of Richmond's (late Mr. Molony's) ch. c. Rough Robin, four years, Sst lolbs (Arthur Pavis). Betting, at starting, 6 to 4 on Mameluke, 4 to i each against Varna and Rough Robin (winner of the rich Garden Stakes, at Newmarket, Second October, 1828), 8 to I against Fleur-de-Lis, and 12 to i against The Alderman. An unusual degree of excitement was displayed on this race. All sorts of opinions were expressed in reference to the chance of each of the horses backed ; but the prevailing one favoured that of Mameluke, his supporters observing that Varna was too young, Fleur-de-Lis too old. Rough Robin, Lamplighter and The Alderman all too slow. The Northerners, however, very doggedly remarked that " the old mare looks well, and that, not long before, she had run the Flying Zinganee to a head, that the distance, moreover, just suited her; and, lastly, that Jem Robinson would ride her." They all got well away to an excellent start, — The Alderman and Varna leading at a clipping pace, Mameluke going on third, Lamplighter fourth, Fleur-de-Lis fifth, and Rough Robin last — all close up to the leaders. This order was kept for more than half-way, when Mameluke shot like lightning ahead, followed by Fleur-de-Lis, the rest being quite outpaced, as the speed now was terrific. Between these two the race down the hill was splendid, the mare sticking close to Mameluke's quarters to the half- MAMELUKE. 285 distance. Two hundred yards from home Mameluke was seen to falter ; but he still ran on most gamely, till the mare got on level terms with him, when it became evident that the favourite was beaten. Fifty yards from home Fleur-de-Lis passed him, and won easily by three lengths. After the race, Mr. Delme Radcliffe (His Majesty's Master of the Stud), kissed the grand old mare ; and complimented Robinson on his fine riding. At Newmarket (Second October), gst ylbs, ran third and last in the Garden Stakes, of 100 sovs. each, two miles, won by Sir Mark Wood's b. f. Lucetta, by Reveller, three years, 6st lolbs (Arthur Pavis), beating Mr. Sowerby's bl. h. Coroner, by Magistrate, four years, 7st gibs, second. S. mg., lost each, B.C., for The Whip, and 200 sovs. each (J. Robinson), beat Colonel Wilson's b. h. Lamplighter (F. Buckle) ; 12 to 10 on Mameluke. At Newmarket (Houghton), 8st i2lbs (Robinson), won a Handicap Plate, of 100 sovs., beating Coroner, four years, 7st i3lbs, second, Mr Roberts' b. f. Locket, by Blacklock, four years, Sst, third, Lamplighter, Sst 6lbs, fourth, and the Duke of Richmond's ch. h. Helenus, by Soothsayer, aged, gst, last ; 6 to 4 on Mameluke, who was now sold to Mr. Theobald, and transferred to his Stud, at Stcckwell. CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. GULNARE. C"^ ULNARE was a bay filly, bred by the Duke of Richmond in 1824, X and was got by Smolensko, out of Medora, by Selim, out of a mare by Sir Harry (son of Sir Peter), her dam, by Volunteer, out of a mare by Herod, out of Golden Grove (bred by Mr. Panton in 1760), by Blank, out of Spinster (the Widdrington Mare), by Old Partner, her dam, by Bloody Buttocks, out of a mare by Old Greyhound, &c., &c. • Gulnare's Performances. 1827. At Newmarket, Craven, for three years old, fillies 8st 4lbs each (Frank Boyce), won a sweepstakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., five subscribers, beating the Duke of Portland's brown filly by Tiresias (John Day) and Lord George Cavendish's brown filly by Partisan (Wm. ArnuU), third and last. At Newmarket (First Spring), 8st 2lbs each (F. Boyce), won a sweep of 100 sovs. each, &c., beating Mr. Prendergast's b. f. Garnish, by Comus (P. Conolly). At Epsom (F. Boyce) won the Oaks, of ^2325, beating Mr. Forth's b. f. Translation (sister to Lilias, alias Babel, and winner of the Woodcote Stakes, in 1826, at Epsom, the year in which Lihas won the Oaks), by Interpreter, second (old John Day), Lord Verulam's b. f. Brocard, by Whalebone (Wm. Arnull), third ; also (not placed), Mr. Forth's ch. f. Martha, by Merlin (Forth), Mr. Irby's br. f. Toso, by Rainbow (R. Boyce), Mr. Stonehewer's b. f. Souvenir, by Orville (J. Robinson), Mr. Payne's ro. f. Serenade, by Rainbow (P. Conolly), Mr. Thornhill's ch. f. Mustard, by Merlin (Sam Chifney), Colonel Udny's br. f. out of Donna Clara (T. Goodisson), Mr. Attwood's b. f. by Comus (A. Farrell), Mr. Nowell's ch. f. by Comus GULNARE. ' ' 287 (G. Dockeray), Lord Exeter's ch. f. Marinella, by Soothsayer (J. Spring), Mr. Harris' b. f. by Tramp (Tom Aldcroft), Mr. Gore's br. f. Belvidera, by Blacklock (A. Pavis), Mr. Maberly's b. f. Livonia, by Smolensko (G. Edwards), Mr. Rawlinson's b. f. Passion, by Spectre (J. Chappie), Colonel Wilson's ch. f. by Rubens (VVm. Scott), Lord Wharncliffe's br. f. by Filho-da-Puta (H. Edwards), and Mr. Combe's filly, by Whale- bone (Sam Barnard). Though not in the market quotations, Colonel Wilson's filly had a great many friends, and the knowing ones from New- market stood on her to the last, but she sadly disappointed her supporters. Brocard started first favourite, at 7 to 2, then came Toso (winner, this year, of a sweepstakes of ^i 100, at Newmarket, First Spring, and at the same meeting defeated Babel in a match) at 4 to i, Donna Clara filly at 7 to i, Souvenir at 9 to i, Gulnare at 14 to i, and Translation at 35 to i. Gulnare was very partially backed ; and with the exception of these and Colonel Wilson's filly, nothing else was thought of. The race from end to end, was very fast and very truly run. Brocard, Gulnare, Livonia, and Colonel Wilson's filly got well off together, and made very strong running up the hill. The two last, however, were dead beat at the Rubbing House, and were pulled up before they reached Tattenham Corner. All the rest were well landed round the corner, where John Day made a resolute effort to take the lead with Translation ; but Brocard held it to the distance, where she was challenged by both Gulnare and Translation. The race home was beautiful, the three lying evenly abreast to within fifty yards of the winning-post, when Frank Boyce, by real good riding science and judgment, got Gulnare in front, who, though hard pressed, won by nearly a length. At Brighton, w. o. for ^^^ ; and at Goodwood, w. o, for 80 sovs. At Egham, 8st 7lbs (Frank Boyce), won the Magna Charta Stakes, of .^150, beating Mr. Ramsbottom's roan colt. Prism, by Rainbow, three years, 8st 5lbs. At Newmarket (Second October), 7st I libs (Frank Boyce), match for 200 sovs., beat Lord Anson's ch. c. Noureddin (winner, in 1826, of the Scrub Stakes, of 100 sovs. each, six subscribers, at Newmarket, Houghton, and the Gold Cup, this year, at Newmarket, Houghton), by Aladdin, four years, 8st Bibs ; 3 to i on Gulnare. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st gibs (F. Boyce), match for 200 sovs., CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. beat Lord Exeter's Marinella, by Soothsayer, 8st (F. Buckle); 6 to 4 on Gulnare. 1828. At Epsom, 8st, ran second in the Craven Stakes, won by Lord Wilton's ch. h. Goshawk, by Merlin, five years, 8st gibs (Sam Day), beating Mr. George Payne's ch c. Oppidan, by Rubens, three years, 6st, third, and two others. At Newmarket (Ho.), Sst 8lbs (F. Boyce), won a sweep of 10 sovs. each, after a dead heat with Mr. Rush's b. h. Carthago, by Pioneer (son of Whiskey), five years, Sst Bibs, b. m. Pastime, six years, gst /lbs, with seven others, not being placed ; 2 to x against Carthago (a good, honest, and successful runner), and 5 to 1 each against Gulnare and Pastime. After the dead heat, 6 to 4 on Carthago (ridden by J. Robin- son). S. mg., Sst jibs each, match for 300 sovs., h. ft., received ^150 from Mr. Thomas Thornhill's ch, c. Merchant (winner of the Clearwell and Prendergast Stakes, at Newmarket), by Merlin, three years old. Gulnare ran once more, this year, without success. 1S29. At Newmarket (First Spring), Sst i2lbs (F. Boyce), match for 200 sovs., beat Lord Tavistock's (late Lord Grosvenor's) ch. f. Rosetta, by Blacklock, three years, Sst ; 6 to 4 on Rosetta. Gulnare ran twice more, without success, and was put to the Stud. MATILDA. 289 MATILDA. MATILDA, bred by and the property of the Hon. Edward Petre, of Stapleton Park, Yorkshire, was a bay filly, got by Comus (son of Sorcerer), out of Juliana, by Gohanna, out of Platina, by Mercury (son of Eclipse), out of Grey Skim's dam, by Herod, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab (both of these were grey mares), out of Ebony, by Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto (son of the Byerley Turk). Matilda was of a very fidgety disposition, and, after winning the St. Leger, most uncertain in her running. When a yearling, she measured only fourteen hands, one 'inch and a half, just an inch higher than Whisker's son. The Colonel, at the same age. A handsomer little filly than Matilda, and a finer and more slashing colt than Mameluke, never met together on any race-course. Mr. Petre eventually gave Matilda to the Duke of Cleveland, who bred from her the brown colt Henriade, by Voltaire, Foxberry and Alzira, all very fair runners, and some others. Matilda's Performances. 1826. At York (August), for two years old, colts 8st slbs, fillies Sst 2lbs, was not placed in a sweep of 20 sovs. each, won by the Hon T. Orde Powlett's b. c. Popsy, by Blacklock, beating Mr. Crompton's b. c. Sancho Panza, by Cervantes (son of Don Quixote), and seven others. S. mg., colts Sst, fillies 7st I libs (Sim Templeman), won a sweep of loo sovs. each, h. ft., seven subscribers (value .1^400), beating the Duke of Leeds' gr. c. Moon- shine, by Grey Middleham (son of Walton), second (T. Lye), and Lord VOL. IL u 290 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Kelburne's br. colt Reviewer, by Abjer (Harry Edwards), last. At Doncaster, for two years old, colts 8st slbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (R. Johnson), won a sweep of 500 so vs., beating Popsy by a length (Templemah), Mr. Darnell's ch. f. Lunacy, by Blacklock, third, and eight others. Matilda jumped off with the lead, made all the running, and was never headed. 1827. At York (August), for three years old, colts Bst 5lbs, fillies 8st 2lbs (W. Scott), won a sweep of ^380, beating gr. c. Moonshine easily, by three lengths, Lord Fitzwilliam's b. c. Kit Cat, by Catton, third, and four others. At Doncaster, colts 8st 6lbs, fillies 8st 3lbs (J. Robinson), won the Great St. Leger, of ^2225, beating Mameluke, second (Sam Chifney), Major Yarburgh's b. c. Laurel, by Blacklock (T. Nicholson), third, and twenty-two others. (For details, see Mameluke). 1828. At York (Spring), 8st (W. Scott), ran second in the Constitution Stakes, won by Laurel (T. Nicholson), four years, 8st, beating Mulatto, five years, 8st gibs (T. Lye), last. At York (August), 8st albs, four miles, ran third for the Great Subscription Purse, won by Lord Scar- borough's b. m. Lady Georgiana, by Catton, five years, 8st lolbs (G. Nelson), Popsy, 8st albs, being second. At Richmond, 8st 2lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by b. f. Delphine (also Mr. Petre's), by Whisker, three years, 7st, beating Nonplus, Mulatto, Economist, Longwaist, and two others. At Northallerton, 7st i ilbs, in running for the Cup, won by Delphine, Matilda bolted clean out of the Course, and did not start aofain. r DEFENCE. 291 DEFENCE. DEFENCE was a bay colt, bred by Mr. Isaac Sadler (the quondam Livery stable keeper at Oxford*) in 1824, and was got by Whalebone, out of Defiance (bred by Mr. Sadler in 1816), by Rubens, out of Little Folly, by Highland Fling (a son of Spadille, by Highflyer), out of Harriet, by Volunteer, out of a mare by Alfred (brother to Conductor, by Match'em), out of Magnolia (bred by Lord Abingdon in 1 771), by Old Marske, out of a mare (foaled in 1756), by Babraham (son of the Godolphin Arabian), out of a mare by Sedbury (son of Old Partner), out of Ebony, by Flying Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto, out of the Duke of Rutland's Massey Mare, by Mr. Massey's Black Barb. Defence started but once, unplaced to Mameluke, in the Derby of 1827, in which race he was so seriously lamed as to compel his retire- ment altogether from the Turf ; but he acquired imperishable renown at the Stud, and his name will be remembered when Mameluke's may be forgotten. The Defence blood, however, has gradually become extinct. He was the sire of Mr. Gregory's brown colt. Barrier (winner of the. Molecombe Stakes and the Sussex Stakes at Goodwood, in 1841, and a 500 sovs. sweepstakes at Bath, in 1842), of the Duke of Richmond's ch. c- Bulwark (winner of the July Stakes at Newmarket, and a sweepstakes of 200 sovs. each, at Goodwood, in 1838), of Mr. L Sadler's ch, c. Defender, and Defensive, of Lord Albemarle's ch. c. The Emperor (sire of the famous French horse, Monarque, and winner of the Emperor of Russia's Plate at Ascot in 1844, and 1845), of Mr. Etwall's br. c. * Mr. Sadler was in league with the Days. He had a Stud-farm at Northleach, near Cheltenham, and also at Stockbridge. At Oxford he had only hunters and hacks. U 2 292 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. Palladium (second to Barrier in the Sussex Stakes at Goodwood, and winner of a Produce Stakes of 50 sovs. each, and the Foalstakes, of 50 sovs. each, both at Winchester, a Produce Stakes of 50 sovs. each, at Salisbury, and also a Produce Stakes of 50 sovs. each, at Abingdon, all in 1842, as a three year old), of Mr. Fox's ch. c. Tipple Cider, and of several other winning colts. Defence was also the sire of the following excellent mares, viz., — of Barricade (sister to Barrier, and winner of the rich Sussex Stakes at Goodwood), of Benedetta (winner of the Hopeful Stakes at Newmarket), of ^gis, Fortress, Deceit, Deception (second to Bloomsbury in the Derby, and winner of the Oaks, in 1839), of Deci- sion (winner of the Molecombe Stakes, at Goodwood), of Decisive (winner, at Stockbridge, of ^850, Produce Stakes), of Diversion, Lallah Rookh, Protection, Science, and Victoria, all capital performers on the Turf, and some of them famous at the Stud. Defence was a horse of very fine mould, and great muscular power. He had a plain i.sh head, very full chest, splendid shoulders, rare back ribs, a good barrel, fine quarters, and capital hocks. He was short in the back, and altogether one of the most compact horses ever seen. He stood a trifle under fifteen-two. He imparted to his stock the stamina and lasting powers which so pre-eminently distinguished the Whalebone blood. LAUREL. 293 LAUREL. LAUREL (own brother to Belinda) was a brown colt, bred by Major Yarburgh in 1824, and was got by Blacklock, out of Wagtail (bred by the Major in 18 18), by Prime Minister (son of Sancho), out of a mare by Orville, out of Miss Grimstone, by Weasel (son of Herod), out of a mare by Ancaster (son of Blank), her dam, by the Damascus Arabian, out of a mare by Sampson, out of a dau. of Oroonoko, out of Sophia (sister to Mirza), by the Godolphin Arabian. The Damascus Arabian was a black-brown horse, foaled in 1754, and brought into England in 1760; and, in 1761, 1762, and 1763, covered thoroughbred mares only, at Mr. Wm. Coates' at Smeaton, near Northallerton ; and, in 1764, at Mr. Samuel Tate's, at Mickleham, near Leatherhead, Surrey. He was known to be of the purest Arabian breed, without any mixture of the Turcoman or Barb. He was a horse of great bone and substance, standing fourteen hands and half an inch high, which size very few Arabians ever exceed. He was bred by the Sheick, or Chief, of Acria, noted for his breed of horses, and presented, when a foal, to the Bashaw of Damascus. He was purchased, at two years old, by an English gentleman, who brought him to England. Laurel's Performances. 1827. At York (Spring), for three years old, colts 8st slbs, fillies 8st 2lbsj was not placed in the York St. Leger, won by the Hon E. Petre's b. c. Nonplus, by Catton (Wm. Scott), beating Mr. F. Lumley's b, c. by Tramp, and the Duke of Leeds' gr. c. Moonshine (winner of the Champagne, at Doncaster, in 1826), by Grey Middleham (Ben Smith), 2 94 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. third ; also (not placed), Mr. Orde Powlett's b. c. Popsy, by Blacklock, and four others. At Doncaster was a bad third in the Great St. Leger, won by Matilda (which see). 1828. At York (Spring), 8st (T. Nicholson), won ^160, beating Matilda, four years, 8st, second, Earl Fitzwilliam's b. h. Mulatto, by Catton, five years, 8st 9lbs, third and last ; 5 to 4 on Matilda, and 7 to 4 against Mulatto : the winner not quoted. At Beverley, 8st 3lbs (Nicholson), won the Gold Cup, beating Lord Scarborough's b. m. Lady Georgiana, by Catton, five years, 8st 81bs, no betting. At Pontefract, 8st 3lbs (Nicholson), won the Gold Cup, beating Mr. Ridsdale's b. c. Master Burke, by Phantom, three years, 6st i2lbs, Mr. Darnell's ch. c. Gameboy, by Octavian, three years, 6st i2lbs, Lord Scarborough's b. f. Sister to Tarrare, by Catton, four years, 8st 3lbs (G. Nelson), and one other. At Doncaster, 8st 3lbs (T. Nicholson), won the Cup, beating Mr. Nowell's b. h. Longwaist, aged, Qst, by a length (G. Nelson), and Lord Fitz- william's br. colt Medoro (winner in 1827 of the Great Yorkshire Stakes), byCervantes, four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), third; also (not placed), Mameluke, 8st 3lbs, Lord Kelburne's ch. m. Purity (winner of the Great Subscription Purse, at York August, this year, beating Lady Georgiana and Mulatto), by Octavian, six years, Qst (H. Edwards), and one other ; 6 to 5 on Mameluke, 4 to i against Laurel, and 6 to i against Longwaist : at starting, Longwaist jumped off with the lead, making the pace very strong to past the distance, where Nicholson brought up Laurel, and, after a very close and most exciting race, defeated the old horse by a neck, three lengths between second and third, Mameluke fourth, a head only from the third, the rest beaten off. 1829. At York (Spring), 8st /lbs (T. Nicholson), ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Armitage's ch. c. Velocipede, by Blacklock, four years, 7st I2lbs (George Nelson), beating Nonplus, five years, 8st 7lbs (W. Scott), third, and ch. h. Acteeon, aged, 8st I3lbs (H. Edwards), last. At Beverley, 8st lolbs (T, Nicholson), for the Gold Cup, was beaten by Mr. LAUREL. 295 Golden's br. h. Robin Hood (winner also this year of the Gold Cup at Newcastle), by Blacklock, five years, 8st lolbs (R. Johnson) ; 6 to i on Laurel, and, in running, 10 to i freely laid on him. At Liverpool (July), not placed for the Cup, won by Velocipede, beating Sir T. Stanley's, b. h. Dr. Faustus, aged ; ten ran. S. mg., 8st lolbs (T. Lye), won the •Stand Cup, beating Mr. J. Mytton's b. c. Halston (winner of the rich Palatine Stakes, at Chester, in 1828, and several other valuable stakes), by Banker, four years, 8st 2lbs, in a canter. At Preston, 8st lolbs (Sim Templeman), won the Cup (300 gs.), beating Lord Sligo's b. c. Economist (sire of Harkaway), by Whisker, four years, Sst, second, and one other. At Doncaster, 8st lolbs (^George Nelson), ran second for the Cup, won by Lord Cleveland's br. c. Voltaire, by Blacklock, three years 7st (T. Lye), beating His Majesty's b. m. Fleur-de-Lis, aged, gst (Robinson), third, b. h. Medoro, five years, Sst lolbs (John Day), Lord Scarborough's br. colt, Cistercian, by Catton, three years, 7st (J. Gilbert), and the Hon. E. Petre's ch. h. Granby, by Cannon Ball, five years, Sst lolbs (Wm. Scott) ; 2 to I against Laurel, 5 to 2 against Voltaire, and 7 to 2 against Fleur-de-Lis ; at starting, Granby took the lead at high-pressure speed, having Laurel at his heels, followed by Voltaire, Medoro, Fleur- de-Lis, and Cistercian, in the order named, the last four keepino- about a length from each other till they approached the Red House, where Cistercian made a vain effort to get in front, for Laurel defeated this attempt and, heading Granby, came at a rattling pace down to the distance, where Robinson called upon the game old mare, but unavail- ingly, as she was already beaten.* At the half distance. Lye, seeino- he * A correspondent, writing to the Editor of the Sporting Magazine, in 1829, on the disgraceful management of His Majesty's horses, says : — "While on this subject, Mr. Editor" (referring to a very remarkable circumstance relating to " The Colonel" and which will appear in the notice of that horse), " may I be allowed to mention another fact concernino- Fleur-de- Lis, which is quite enough to prevent her winning the Cup at Doncaster, next week ? Everybody knows that, after her severe race for the Goodwood Cup, she commenced her long and arduous journey to Doncaster, where she would have to contend with all the crack horses of the North. Now, I happened to be staying at one of the Inns, on the road where Fleur-de-Lis stopped, and was asked in the evening by the landlord whether I 'should like to see the King's favourite mare?' 'Is it Maria ?' f I asked. 'No! It is t The King's ch. filly, by Waterloo. 296 CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. had nothing to fear from Fleur-de-Lis, raced up to Laurel, and the two came on together past the stand ; but, a few strides from home, Voltaire got his head in front and won, after a slashing set-to with Laurel, by half a length. When Lord Cleveland had obtained Lord Fitzwilliam's permission for Lye to ride Voltaire, so great was the opinion Tommy had formed of his mount, that he backed the colt for ^500, and never hedged a penny of it. S. mg., 8st 5lbs each, four jniles (Nelson), won ^175, beating Moonshine. At Lincoln, 8st lolbs, ran second for the Grand Falconer's Cup, won by Fleur-de-Lis (J. Robinson), beating Bessy Bedlam, Ballad Singer, Robin Hood, and two others. 1830. At York (Spring), gst ilb, ran third and last in the Constitution Stakes, won by Medoro, six years, gst lib (Wm. Scott), beating Cistercian, Sst, second. At York (August), Qst, two miles (Nicholson), won the Cup, and Sweepstakes, beating Lord Oueensberry's (afterwards Lord Cleve- land's) b. f. Maria (the dam of Euclid, by Emilius), by Whisker, three years, 6st i ilbs, second, Mr. Ridsdale's ch. c. Bryan, by Blacklock, three years, 7st, third, and Medoro, Qst, last. Nicholson contrived to get Laurel off with a considerable start, of which he made the most by a tremendous pace, leading his horses by several lengths for a mile and a half. Before reaching the stand, however, the two young ones caught him, and a general whipping and spurring commenced, in a most exciting contest, which Laurel won with great difficulty from the little Maria by half a leno-th : Medoro was ten lengths behind Bryan. S. mg., Sst iilbs (Nicholson), ran second for a Silver Tureen and Sweep (value .zf 290), won by Mr. Houldsworth's ch. f. Fortitude (winner in 1829, of the Champion Stakes, at Lincoln, and, at Lincoln, this year, of the King's Plate), by Whisker, four years, 7st 81bs (P. Conolly), beating Lord Sligo's br. c. Brine, by Waxy Pope (Decby winner, in 1809), ch. f. Lucy, by Tramp, four years, 7st 9lbs, Lord Fitzwilliam's br. m. Ballad Singer (winner, in 1829, Fleur-de-Lis.' I went to the stable, and found every hole and crevice closely stuffed with hay, when a free current of air is so essential to the health of a r«cehorse. The ostler said that he would call the King's groom, but I was unwilling to break in upon the rest of so fine a mare, who had before her a long day's journey on the morrow. (Signed) "Independence, Sept. 3rd, 1829." LAUREL. 297 of the King's Plate, at Lincoln, and the King's Plate, at this meeting, and also the King's Plate, this year, at Doncaster), by Tramp, five years, 8st 6lbs(T. Lye), and Mr. John Scott's br. c. Barleycorn, by Figaro, three years, 6st 6lbs : Laurel took the lead, out-pacing everything, except Fortitude, who collared him fifty yards from home, and being pressed hard by ConoUy, won a fine race, by half a length ; Ballad Singer and Barleycorn were fully 100 yards behind at the finish, distance two miles, pace throughout tremendous ; 5 to 2 on Laurel. At Pontefract, gst 3lbs (Nicholson), two miles and a quarter, won the Cup, beating Lord Scarborough's br. colt, Cistercian (who, in 1829, ran a dead heat, and divided, with Medoro, for the Doncaster Stakes, and which he won this year), four years, 8st 3lbs (G. Nelson). At Doncaster, 9st (Nicholson), not placed for the Cup, won by Lord Kelburne's br. c. Retriever (winner, in 1829, of the St. Leger Stakes, at York Spring, a sweepstakes of ^i 700, at Doncaster, beating Fortitude, second, and was a good second to Medoro for the Gold Cup, at Richmond), four years, 8st 3lbs (T. Lye), beating Medoro, six years, gst (H. Edwards), second, Fleur-de-Lis, gst (Nelson), and three others, not placed. S. mg., 8st lolbs, four miles (Sim Templeman), won £\TS^ beating Ballad Singer, 8st lib, and three others. At Lincoln, won a Purse of 70 gs. 1831. At York (Spring), gst 2 lbs (Nicholson), two miles, ran second for the Gold Cup, of 160 sovs. added to a Handicap Sweep, of 25 sovs. each, 15 forfeit and 5 if declared, &c. (value ^370), won by Lord Cleveland's famous little filly, Maria (winner, at York August, of the Great Subscription Purse), by Whisker, four years, 8st 4lbs (Lye), beating also Medoro, Retriever, and four others. At Beverley, gst (Nicholson), won the Gold Cup, beating Lord Scarborough's b. h. Cambridge, by Catton, 9st, and one other. At York (August), 9st (T. Nicholson), ran third and last, for a Silver Tureen, won by Maria, four years, 7st i3lbs (Lye), beating Medoro, second, 9st (H. Edwards) ; 6 to 4 on Maria, and 5 to 2 ao-ainst Medoro. At Doncaster, gst, two miles (Nicholson), ran second for the Doncaster Stakes, of ^140, won by Maria, 8st (Lye), beating two CELEBRATED RACEHORSES. others ; 5 to 2 on Maria. S. mg., 8st lolbs (Nicholson), four miles, ran third in a sweep of >^2 00, won by the Hon. E. Petre's ch. h. Rowton (St. Leger winner, in 1829), by Oiseau (son of Camillus), five years, Sst 5lbs (Wm. Scott), beating Medoro, Sst lolbs (H. ^Edwards), second, and one other ; even on Rowton, and 4 to i each against Laurel and Medoro, This was Laurel's last appearance on the Turf. END OF VOL. II. LONDON: ;RT and RIVINGTON, LIMl USE, CLERKENWELL ROAD i