■ 1 ^^ \?. TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 014 531 723 I Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Sciiool of Veterinaiv Medicine at tutts University ■200 VVestboro Road Nortli Grafton, MA 01536 VADE MECUM OF EQUINE ANATOMY. FOR THE USE OF ADVANCED STUDENTS AND VETERINARY SURGEONS. BY A. LIAUTARD. M.D.,V,S. 5 T ik/IJ Pro/esso7' of Comparative Anatorny to the American Veterinary College, Etc., Etc. NEW YORK : Published at the American Vetebinary College, 141 W. Fifty-fourth St. 1879. Press of CHAUNCEY HOLT, 119 and 121 Nassau Street, New York. COPYKIGHT, 1879, BY A. LIAUTARD, M.D.,V.S. TO GEORGE FLEMING, F.E.C.V.S. FOR HIS UNriRING EFFORTS IX ADVANCING THE CAUSE OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS PAGE. IntPwOductoey 9 Osteology (Generalities) 10 Myology, " U Syjjdesmology, " 12 Splanchnology, " 14 Angeiology, " 15 Neurology, " 16 EXTREMITIES. AntePvIor Leg 17 Osteology 17 Syndesmolog Y 21 Myology 24 Angeiology 31 Neurology 35 Appendages of the Digital Region 40 Posterior Leg 45 Osteology ! 45 Syndesmology 50 Myology 52 Angeiology 59 Neurology 63 HEAD. Osteology 67 Syndesmology 74 Myology 74 Splanchnology 77 Nasal Cavities 77 Buccal Cavity 78 CONTENTS. PAGE. Eye 84 Ear 88 Cranium 91 Enceplialon 92 Pharynx 97 Larynx 98 Salivary Glands 100 Angeiology 103 Netjeology 109 TRUNK. Osteology 117 Neueology 118 NECK. Osteology : 119 S yndesmolog Y 120 Myology 121 Splanchnology 126 Trachea 126 (Esophagus 127 Thyroid Gland 128 Angeiology ^ 128 Neueology 129 THORAX. Osteology 131 Syndesmology 134 Myology 1 35 Splanchnology 1 39 Pleura 139 Bronchia 139 Lungs , 140 Heart 141 Angeiology 144 Neueology 150 CONTENTS. PAGE. DIAPHRAGMATIC REGION. Myology 151 Angeiolog y 151 ABDOMEN. Osteology 152 s yndesmology 152 Myology 153 Splanchnology 157 Peritoneum 157 Stomach 158 Liver 159 Spleen 160 Pancreas 161 Kidneys 162 Ureters •. 162 Ovaries 163 Oviducts 163 Uterus 163 Intestines 164 Angeiology 167 Neurology 174 PELVIS. Osteology 176 s yndesmology 177 Myology I77 Splanchnology I77 Rectum I77 Anus .'...178 Bladder ^ 178 Vagina I79 Vulva 179 Angeiology 179 Neueology 183 CONTENTS. PAGE. CAUDAL REGION. Osteology 183 s ynde8m0l0g y 183 Myology 183 Angeiology 184 Neurology 184 APPENDIX. Genital Organs of Male 185 Female 190 Table of Arterial Subdivision 192 Bones, (centers of ossificationj 197 PREFACE In presenting to the veterinary profession of America tliis Vade Mecum of Equine Anatomy, I fully appreciate the difficulties whi ch must beset its introduction, by reason of the unbounded popularity of Chauveau's and Fleming's excellent works upon the subject, and it is not issued with the hope that they shall thereby be supplanted, but that it may fill a vacancy long existing. During the years I have devoted to the teacliing of veterinary anatomy, the fact has grown apace, that advanced students, and practitioners as well, have felt the need of an abridged work in which thej could, without the loss of time, review the descriptive anatomy of a region. It was in view of this want that I assumed the responsibility of attempting to supply the deficiency, and while the reader will find the text of Chauveau and Fleming has been closely followed, there is presented an arrangement of the subject-matter correspond- ing to my adopted mode of lecturing. If then, this little volume shall prove a saving of time to students reviewing their studies, and serve to refresh the memory of the busy practitioner who is about to operate, it will have accom- plished all the author could desire. A. LIAUTARD. New York. N'ov. 1878. VADE MECUM OK EQUINE ANATOMY. CHAPTER I. INTTRODUCTORY. Definition. — Anatomy is the Science of Structure, Division. — Descriptive, General, Microscopical, Hu- man, Yeterinary, Comparative, Surgical, Topographi- cal, Vegetable, Animal, Special. Organs. — Are the instruments of life. Apparatus. — A collection of organs for the perform- ance of one function. Division: — Apparatus of Locomotion, Digestion, Respiration, Circulation, Innervation, Urinary Depura- tion, of different Senses, and of Generation. 10 EQUINE ANATOMY. OSTEOLOGY. The study of bones, or passive organs of locomo- tion . Skeleton. — Comprises all the bones of the body; natural, if articulated with ligaments ; artificial, if by wire or other agents. Division : — Trunk and extremities. Trunk. — Includes the vertebral column, with the head, ribs and sternum. Extremities — Are divided into anterior, or thoracic, and posterior, or abdominal. The Anterior — Is divided into shoulder, arm, fore- arm and digital region. The Posterior — Into hip, thigh, leg, and digital region. Bones. — Nomenclature. — Has no base; from tlieir form, as theperone; their resemblance to other objects, the tibia; their position, the ribs; their use, the frontal or parietal. Situation. — Kelative 1° to the median line : single or symmetrical, as the vertebrae, and double orasymetrical, the bones of the limbs; or 2° to other parts of the body, the radius is in front of the cubitus. Direction. — Horizontal, vertical or oblique. Form — is absolute : long bone, as the femur ; flat. INTRODUCTORY. 11 as the scapula ; short, as the patella ; elongated, as the ribs ; or — Kelative : triangular, as the scapula ; prismatic, as the tibia. [ r r (condyles; M .•^, i„, ] diartlirodial: -^trochlea: I I articular; ^ (facettes and head; [^synartlirodial; denticulated; exteexal Peculiarities. s ^ ,. (tuberosities, crest, _^^^^^'tic.; -^ lines, &c. S (articular; glenoid, cotyloid; S -< (groove, fissures, g (nonartic; -, fossae, notches, ( foramen. Structure. — Tissue proper, Haversian canals, bone cells, compact and spongy tissue, animal and earthy matter ; periosteum, marrow, blood-vessels, nerves and lymphatics. Development. — Mucous or gelatinous matter, car- tilagiiie, bone. Centres of ossirication. MYOLOGY. The study of muscles or active organs of locomotion. Division. — Into those of organic life or internal muscles, and of animal life or external muscles. Size. — They are large, small and very small. Situation. — With the median line or the other organs. Form. — Long, fusiform, conical, cylindrical, penni- 12 EQUINE ANATOMY. form, wide, elliptical, quadrilateral, triangular, etc. Direction. — Varies : according to their axis, rectilin- ear or curvilinear ; according to the plumb-line, vertical or horizontal ; according to bony levers, parallel or oblique. Attachments. — Are fixed or origin, and movable or insertion. Connections. — Are with the skin, bones, muscles or other organs. Strcctdee. — Red and white fibres, cellular tissue, vessels and nerves. Uses. — Flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors or rotators. Annexes. — Such as aponeurosis of contention, serous bursse, synovial sheaths. S¥i\OESMOLOGY. The study of joints or articulations. Division. — Diarthrodial, or movable ; synarthrodial, or immovable ; amphiarthrodial, or mixed. Diarthrodial Joint. — Offers for study, — Articular surfaces — Facettes, head, condyles, etc. Cartilages of covering — Which are smooth and shining. Complementary cartilages — As the meniscus. Ligaments. — White, being peripheric, or capsular INTRODUCTORY. 13 and funicular, as the lateral and interosseous ; or yellow, all peripheric. Synovial capsula. — A serous membrane secreting tlie synovia. Motions. — Seven : simple gliding, flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation and circumduction. Classification. — Enarthrosis, with all motions, as the coxo-femoral joint ; angular ginglimus, or perfect hinoje, with flexion and extension, as the tibio-tarsal joint ; condyloid or imperfect hinge, with flexion, extension and rotation, as the femoro-tibial ; trochoid or lateral ginglymus, with rotation, as the axoido-atloid ; arthrodia, with simple gliding, as the carpo metacarpal. Nomenclature. — Made from the bony pieces which form them. Synarthrodia! Joint. — Articular surfaces, irregu- lar, denticulated, and on the borders or faces of flat bones. Means of union. — Interosseous ligaments and periosteum. Motions, — Very limited in young, and absent in old subjects. Classification. — Sutura vera, or dentata, as the pieces of frontal bone ; sutura squammosa, as the parieto-temporal joint ; sutura harmonia, as the occi- pito-temporal joint ; schindylesis, mortise-like, as the 14 EQUINE ANATOMY. submaxillary and nasal bones ; gomphosis, as the teeth. Amphiarthrodial Joint. — Articular surfaces are often smooth like the diarthrodial, or rono-h and cov- ered by cartilage. Means of union. — Fibro-cartilages or menisci, and peripheric ligaments. Motions. — Limited, and varying with the thickness of cartilages. Classification. — Only one kind — the vertebral ar- ticulation of the body. SPLAXCHNOLOGY. The study of viscerae and the annexes, or those of digestion, respiration, urination and generation. Nomenclature. — Absolute, as the liver, spleen, kid- neys ; or from their form, the coecum, vagina ; their situation, the intestines, epididymis; their direction, the rectum; structure, the ovaries, the many leaves or third stomach of ruminants ; uses — as the lungs, oesophagus. Number. — They are generally single in digestive organs, and double in others. Form — Varies ; are generally asy metrical. Situation. — In the splanchnic cavities ; sometimes outside of them. INTRODUCTORY. 15 A.\GEI0L0G1. Study of vascular system, arteries, veins and lym- phatics. Arteries. — They form two systems, the pulmonary and .aortic. General form. — Dycotyledonic division, or two by two. Form of arteries. — Kegularly c^dindrical in their wliole length. Mode of origin. — Angular, or at right, acute or obtuse angle. Situation. — Generally deeply situated. Direction. — Straight or fluxuous. Connections. — With veins, nerves, muscles, bones, skin and cellular tissue, which form their sheatli of envelopment. Anastomoses. — By convergence, arches or transverse communications. Mode of distribution. — Terminal and collateral brandies ; the terminal form the capillary subdivision. Structure. — They have tlu'ee coats, one internal serous, one middle fibro-elastic, one external cellular ; they receive nerves from the ganglionary or cerebro- spinal axis, also blood-vessels forming the vasa vasorum. They present some anomalies. 16 EQUINE ANATOMY. IVEUROLOGY. The study of the nervous system. Division. — Composed of two portions, a central or cerebro-spinal, and a peripheric, or the nerves. Central portion. — Consists of the spinal marrow, and the encephalon divided into ithsmus, cerebellum and cerebrum. Nerves — Form is like fasciculated cords. Origin. — By two roots, a superior and an inferior, w^hich, in uniting, present a ganglion. Termination. — In Ijranches to the organs of animal life ; and by pairs. j)erfectly alike or symmetrical, to the organs of nutrition, or of vegetable life. Structure. — A white substance, a neurilemma, nerve fibres and nerve cells. Functions. — They conduct tlie nervous currents, possessing a centripetal current for the superior root, and a centrifuo-al for the inferior one. CHAPTER 11. EXTREMITIES. ANTERIOR OR THORACIC. OSTEOLOGY. Shoulder. Scapula. — Division : Two faces, three borders, tliree angles. External face : Spine of omoplate or acro- mion, its tuberosity, supraspinous and infraspinous fossa, medullary foramen. Internal face : sub-scapular fossa, two triangular surfaces. Superior border: cartilage of prolongation. Anterior border : thin and sharp. Posterior border: thick and concave. Cervical angle, thin. Dorsal angle, thick. Humeral angle, glenoid cavity, coracoid process with its tuberosity and beak. Development : two nuclei of ossification. Arm. Humerus. — Division : A body and two extremities. Body has four faces. Anterior face : smooth. Pos- 18 EQUINE ANATOMY. terior face : smooth and round from side to side. External face : has the groove of torsion, external or deltoid tuberosity with crests above and below. In- ternal face : has an internal tuberosity, medullary foramen. Superior extremity : has a head, the great and small trochanters, bicipital groove. Inferior ex- tremity : shows median trochlea ; externally, a trochlea ; internally, a condyle, epitrochlea, epycondyle, coronoid fossa, olecranon fossa, on each side eminences and cavity for ligamentous insertions. Development : six nuclei of ossification. Fore-arm. Kadius. — Body, two faces : Anterior face, convex and smooth. Posterior face has triangular surface, groove for radio-cubital arch, eminence of implantation. Superior extremity : articular surface for humerus, external and internal tuberosities, coronoid process, f acettes for the cubitus. Inferior extremity : articular surfaces for the carpus, external and internal tuberos- ities, four grooves, a rough crest behind. Development : three nuclei of ossification. CuBTTLTS. — Body with three faces : Anterior face, artic- ulates with the radius. External face, convex. Inter- nal face, concave. Three borders which separate them. EXTREMITIES. 19 Superior extremity : olecranon, its tuberosity and beak, sigmoid notch. Inferior extremity : sharp. Development : two centres of ossification. Digital Region. Carpus. — Offers six faces ; anterior face : convex ; posterior face : very rough and irregular ; superior and inferior faces articular ; two lateral faces : rough. It is composed of seven or eight bones arranged in two rows. Superior row has four bones : the trapezium with two facettes, the cuneiform with five, the lunar with six, the scaphoid with four. The inferior row has three bones; the unciform wdth four facettes, the magnum with seven, the trapezoid with five. Development : each one centre of ossification. Metacarpi. — Three. Principal. — Body has an an- terior face, smooth and convex ; a posterior face, with nutritive foramen, articular surfaces for rudimentary metacarpi ; superior extremity, flat f accettes for the carpus ; inferior extremity, with two condyles, median spine, cavities on each side. Development: two nuclei of ossification. HuDiMENTARY. — Tlircc faccs ; a superior extremity : articular ; an inferior, w^ith button. Development : one nucleus of ossification. 20 EQUINE ANATOMY. Phalanges. 1. Os suFFRAcuNis. — Bodj lias two faces; anterior face : slightly rough ; posterior face : flat. Has two lateral borders. Superior extremity : two glenoid cav- ities, median grove ; inferior extremity : two condyles, median groove. Development : two nuclei of ossification. 2. Os CORONA. — 8ix faces; anterior face: slightly rough ; posterior face : elongated f acette ; lateral face ; for muscular insertions ; superior face : two glenoid cavities, median eminence ; inferior face : two condyles, median groove. Development: one nucleus of ossification. 3. Coffin or pedal bone. — Three faces; anterior face : preplantar fissure, patilobe eminence : inferior face : semilunar crest, sole, plantar fissure, plantar foramen ; superior face : glenoid cavities, antero- posterior eminence. Three borders ; superior border ; pyramidal eminence, f acettes of insertion ; anterior border : sharp and perforated ; posterior border : f iCettes for navicular bone. Two extremities with basilar process above, retrosal below, notch or foramen between these. Development : one nucleus of ossification. Appendages : Lateral Cartilages. EXTREMITIES. 21 Sesamoids. — Two in number, three faces ; anterior face : articular, concave facettes ; external face : for implantation; posterior face : covered by fibro-cartilage. Base for ligamentous insertion and looking down. Apex looks upwards. Development : one nucleus of ossification. Navicular. — Anterior face : articular, two concave facettes, median eminence ; posterior face : covered with iibro cartilage ; anterior border : flat facette ; posterior border and two extremities for ligamentous attachments. Development : one nucleus of ossification. SYNDESMOLOGY. ScAPULo-HUMERAL JOINT. — Eiiartlirosis. Glenoid cavity of scapula and articular head of humerus. Capsular ligament with two re-enforcing bands. One synovial capsula. All motions. HuMERO - RADIAL JOINT. — Augular ginglymus or perfect hinge. Condyle and double trochlea of humerus, glenoid cavity and double groove of radius with sigmoid notch of cubitus. One anterior capsular ligament and two funicular lateral, the internal the longest, the external the thickest. One synovial capsula with three culs de sac. Flexion and exten- sion. 22 EQUINE ANATOMY. Radio-cubital joint. — Diarthrodial and synarthro- dia!. For the first arthrodia, two flat facettes on each bone. For the second, two rough surfaces, having the radio-cubital arch between them. Two interosseous and two peripheral bands. Yery limited motion in youth. Caepal joint. — Division: Radio-carpal, carpo-carpal, carpo-metacarpal, superior inter-carpal, and inferior inter-carpal. Radio-caepal joint. — Imperfect hinge. On radius, outward, a wide groove, small glenoid cavity ; inward, condyle with small glenoid cavity. On carpus, superior face of upper row. Three posterior ligaments. One synovial capsula, common to upper part of upper inter-carpal joint. Flexion and extension. Carpo-carpal joint. — Imperfect hinge. Articular surfaces irregular, those of the inferior face of the bones of the upper row, and those of the superior face of the bones of the lower row. Three ligaments, two posterior and a third outside, from the trapezium to the cuneiform bone. One synovial capsula, with culs de sac to lower part of superior inter-carpal, and to upper part of lower inter-carpal joint. Flexion and extension. Carpo-metacarpal joint. — Arthrodia. On both bones flat facettes. !Six ligaments : two anterior, two posterior, two interosseous. One synovial capsula, EXTREMITIES. 23 extending to lower part of inferior inter-carpal joint. Limited gliding. Upper inter-carpal Joint. — Arthrodia. Facettes of lateral faces of the bones of the first row. Six ligaments : three anterior, and three interosseous. Lower inter-carpal joint. — Arthrodia. Facettes of lateral faces of the bones of the second row. Four ligaments: two anterior, and two interosseous. For both of these joints, more or less gliding motion. Ligaments common to all joints, four : one anterior capsular ; one posteiior capsular ; one external and one internal funicular. Motions common to all the carpal joints : flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circumduction. Metacarpo-phalangeal joint. — Perfect hinge. On metacarpus, two condyles, and antero-posterior emi- nence ; on lower surface, two glenoid cavities, separated by median groove on os suffraginis, extended on the anterior face of the large sesamoids. Six ligaments for the bones of tlic lower surface ; three inferior sesa- moids ; one interosseous sesamoid, two lateral. Four ligaments for the metacarpus, with the bones of the lower surface ; one anterior capsular ; one posterior, superior sesamoid or suspensory ; two laterals. One synovial capsula. Flexion and extension. First inter-phalangeal joint. — Imperfect hinge. 24: EQUINE ANATOMY. On OS suffraginis, two condyles and antero-posterior groove. On os coron^^ two glenoid cavities separated bv median eminence, and extendend backwards by fibro-cartilage. Two lateral ligaments ; one synovial capsula. Flexion, extension and limited rotation. Second inter-phalangeal joint. — Imperfect hinge. On OS coronae, two condyles and antero-posterior groove ; on os pedis, two glenoid cavities with median eminence, extended upon the anterior face of the nav- icular. Five ligaments : one interosseous, two anterior, and two posterior lateral ; one synovial capsula. Flex- ion, extension and limited rotation. MYOLOGY, Scapular Region. — Division : External and internal. External region, four muscles. 1. Long abductor of the arm. — Synonyms. Great scapulo-humeral, (G*). Teres major, (P). Great scap- ulo-trochiterius, (L). Attachments : Dorsal angle of the scapula, tuberosity of the acromion, external tuber- osity of the humerus. Action : Abductor and rotator outwards of the arm. 2. Short abductor of the arm. — Synonyms. Small scapulo-humeral, (G). Teres minor, (P). Attach- ments : Posterior border of the scapula, infra spinous * G is abbreviation of Girard; P, of Percivall; L, of Ley h. fossa — to the liiimerns between the crest of the tro- chiter and the deltoid imprint. Action : Abductor and rotator outwards of the arm. 3. SupERSPiNATUs. — Sjuouyms. Super acromio-tro- chiterius, (G). Antea spinatus, (P). Anterior spina- tus, (L). Attachments : Cartilage of prolongraent of the scapula, internal face of the scapular aponeurosis, supraspinous fossa, anterior border and cervical angle of the scapula, summit of the trochiter and trochin. Action : Extensor of the arm, and tensor of the coraco- radialis aponeurosis. 4. SuBSPiNATUs. — Synonyms. Sub-acromio-trochi- terus, (G). Postea spinatus, (P). Posterior spinatus, (L). Attachments ; Infraspinous fossa, acromion spine and tuberosity, cartilage of prolongment of the scapula, the internal face of scapula aponeurosis, inside the convexit}' of the great trochanter to the crest of the same below. Action : Abductor and rotator outwards of the humerus. Internal region, four muscles. 1. SuBscAPULARis. — Synouyms. Subscapulo-troch- ineus, (G). Attachments : Sub-scapularis fossa, trochin of humerus. Action : Adductor of the arm. 2. Adductor OF THE ARM. — Synonyms. Subscapulo- humeralis, (G). Teres major, (P). Great scapulo- hunieralis, (L). Attachments : Dorsal angle of the 26 EQUINE ANATOMY. scapula, posterior border of the subscapularis muscle, internal tuberosity of the body of the humerus. Ac- tion: Adductor and rotator inward of the humerus. 3. CoEAco-HUMERALis. — Coraco-bracliialis, omo-bra- chialis. Synonyms. Coraco-humeralis, (P). Middle scapulo-humeralis, (L). Attachments : Beak of the coracoid process, above internal tuberosity of the humerus, and below it towards the anterior face of that bone. Action : Adductor and rotator inward. 4. ScAPULo-HUMERAL GRELE. — Syuouyms. Not de- scribed by P. Tensor of capsular ligament, (L). At- tachments : Rim of the glenoid cavity of the scapula, and below the head of the humerus. Action : Raises the capsular ligament of the joint. Humeral Region. — Division : Anterior and poste- rior. Anterior region, two muscles. 1. Long flexor of the fore- arm. — Synonyms. Cor- aco-cubitalis or coraco-radialis, (G). Flexor brachii,(P). Scapulo or coraco-radialis, (L). Attachments : Tuber- osity of coracoid process, supero-internal tuberosity of radius and anterior extensor of the metacarpus muscle by a tendinous band. Action: Flexor of the fore-arm, and tensor of the antibrachial aponeurosis. 2. Short FLEXOR OF the fore- ARM. — Synonyms. Ob- lique humero-cubital or humero-radial, (G). Humer- EXTREMITIES. 27 alls externus, (P) Humero-radialis, (L). Attach- ments : Posterior face of tlie humerus below the head, internal border of the radius under the lateral ligament. Action : Flexor of the fore-arm. Posterior region, five muscles. 1. Long extensor of the fore-arm. — Synonyms. Long scapulo-olecranius, (G). Portion of the caput mag- num of the triceps extensor brachii, (P). Long scap- ulo-olecranius, (L). Attachments : Posterior border of tho scapula, posterior border of the olecranon and the antibrachial aponeurosis. Action : Extensor of the fore-arm, and tensor of the antibrachial aponeu- rosis. 2. Large extensor of the fore -arm. — Synonyms. Great scapulo-olecranius, (G). Portion of the caput magnum of the triceps extensor brachii, (P). Attach- ments : Dorsal angle and axillary border of the scapula, summit of the olecranon. Action : Extensor of the fore-arm. 3. Short extensor of the fore- arm. — Synonyms. Humero-olecranius externus, (G). Caput medium, (P). Attachments : Curved line extending from the deltoid tuberosity to the head of the humerus, and to the ole- cranon. Action : Extensor of the fore-arm. 4. Middle extensor of the fore-arm. — Synonyms. Humero-olecranius internus, (G). Caput parvum, (P). 28 EQUINE ANATOMY. Attachments : Internal face of the humerus, summit of the olecranon, and a little below. Action : Extensor of the fore-arm. 5. Small extensok of the fore-aem. Synonyms. Anconeus. Small olecrano-humeralis, (G). Attach- ments : Margin of the olecranon fossa, anterior and external part of the olecranon. Action : Extensor of the fore-arm. Antibrachial Region,— Division. Anterior and pos- terior. Anterior region, four muscles. 1. Anterior extensor of the metacarpus. — Syno- nyms. Epicondylo-premetacarpeus, (G). Extensor metacarpi magnus, (P). Humero-metacarpeus, (L). Attachments : Crest limiting downwards the groove of torsion of the humerus, above and in front of the infe- rior articular surface of the humerus, supero-anterior tuberosity of the principal metacarpal bone. Action : Extensor of the metacarpus. 2. Oblique extensor of the metacarpus. — Syno- nyms. Cubito or radio-premetacarpeus, (G). Extensor metacarpii obliquus vel parvus, (P). Kadio-metacar- peus, (L). Attachments : External side of the radius, head of the internal small metacarpal. Action : Exten- sor and rotator of the metacarpus. 3. Anterior extensor of the phalanges. — Syilo- EXTREMITIES. 29 nyras. Epicondjlo-prephalangeus, (G). Extensor pedis, (P). Humero-prephalangens, (L). Attachments : Be- low the crest limiting the groove of torsion of the humerus behind, in front of the inferior tuberosity of that bone, external ligament of the elbow joint, supero- external tuberosity of the radius, external border of the same bone, pyramidal eminence of the os pedis. Action : Extends the third phalanx upon the second, this upon the first, and that upon the metacarpal. 4. Lateral extensor of the phalanges. — Syno- nyms. Cubito or radio-prephalangeus, (G). Extensor suffraginis, (P). Attachments : External tuberosity of the radius, external lateral ligament of the elbow joint, on the body of botli bones of the fore-arm, capsular ligament of the fetlock joint, and superior extremity of the OS suffraginis. Action : Extensor of the digital region proper. Posterior region, five muscles. 1. External flexor of the metacarpus. — Syno- nyms. Epicondylo-supercarpeus, (G). Flexor metacarpi extern us 5 (P). Humero-supercarpeus externus, (L). Attachments : Summit of epitrochlea, the trapezium and the head of the external small metacarpal. Action : Flexor of the metacapus. 2. Oblique flexor of the metacarpus. — Synonyms. Epitrochlea supercarpeus, (G). Flexor metacarpi med- 30 EQUINE ANATOMY. ins, (P). Humero-metacarpeus interims, (L). Attach- ments: Base of the epicondyle, olecranon and the trape- siiim. Action : Flexor of the metacarpus. 3. Internal flexor of the metacarpus. — Synonyms. Epitrochlea metacarpeus, (G). Flexor metacarpi inter- nus, (F). Humero metacarpeus internus, (L). Attach- ments : Base of the epicondyle, the head of the inter- nal metacarpal. Action : Flexor of the metacarpus. 4. Superficial flexor of the phalanges. — Syno- nyms. Epitrochlo-phalangeus, (G). Flexor pedis per- foratns, (F). Humero coronaris or phalangeus, (L). Attacliments : Summit of the epicondyle, the extremi- ties of the pulley behind the superior extremity of the OS coronge. Action : Flexes the second phalanx on the first, this on the metacarpal, and the whole digital region on the fore-arm. 5. Deep flexor of the phalanges. — Synonyms. Cubito or radio-phalangeus, (G). Flexor pedis perfor- atus, (P). Humero-radio-phalangeus, (L). Attach- ments : Summit of the epicondyle, summit and pos- terior border of the olecranon, posterior face of the radius, plantar crest of the os pedis. Action : Flexes the phalanges on each other and on the metacarpus, and the wliole foot on the fore-arm. EXTREMITIES. 31 ANGEiOLOGY. Arteries : the superior and inferior scapular with the humeral. Superior scapular, or superscapular — collateral branch of the axillary artery — I'uns upwards between the subscapularis muscle and the antea-spinatus, and terminates at the lower part of the scapula. Inferior scapular, or subscapular ^ also collateral branch of the axillary, runs between the subscapularis muscle and the adductor of the arm to the dorsal angle of the scapula; it li'is collateral branches to tlie latissimus dorsi muscle, one forming the posterior cir- cumflex of the shoulder, and also anterior and posterior muscular branches. Humeral artery is tlie terminal branch of the axil- lary. It runs down inside of tlie arm to the inferior extremity of the humerus, where it terminates by the anterior and posterior radial. Its collateral branches are : 1 — the prehumeral or anterior circumflex of tlie shoulder going to the mastoido-humeralis muscle ; 2 — the external collateral of the elbow, or deep humeral, passing to the large extensor of the fore-arm, and by another branch to the front of the elbow joint ; 3 — the internal collateral of the elbow, epicondyloid or cubital artery, terminating at the carpus anastomosing with 32 EQUINE ANATOMY. the posterior radial artery ; 4 — the principal artery of the coraco radialis, dipping into that muscle by ascend- ing and descending branches. Anterior radial artery passes in front of the elbow joint, under the flexor muscles of the fore-arm and of the anterior extensor metacarpi, to the anterior face of the radius, to the knee, where it looses itself by anastomosing with tlie posterior radial and the inter- osseous of the fore-arm. Posterior radial artery runs down under the in- ternal ligament of the elbow joint, under the internal flexor of the metacarpus, arrives at the inferior extrem- ity of the radius, and terminates by the common trunk of the interosseous metacarpal and the collateral of the cannon. Its collateral brandies are : 1 — articular branches ; 2 — muscular braiK^hes to tlie posterior anti- brachial muscles ; 3 — interosseous of the fore-arm, which runs through the radio cubital arch under the I* extensor suffraginis ; 4 — small muscular and musculo- cutaneous branches ; 5 — branches to the posterior face of the radius. Common trunk of the interosseous metacarpal. — Passing inwards and behind the carpus, it reaches the head of the internal small metacarpus, bends outwards under the superior extremity of the suspensory liga- ment, and anastomoses witli a branch from the super- EXTREMITIES. * 33 iicial arch which unites tlie cubital artery with the collateral of tlie cannon, forming then the sub-carpal arch — tlie super-carpal arcli being formed by the anas- tomosis of the collateral of the cannoji and the epicoiir/ dyloid itself. Collateral branches : two posterior interosseous-metacarpal or palmar, and two anterior or dorsal. The posterior run on the inside of both small metacarpal bones, anastomosing downwards with the collateral of the cannon. The anterior runs on the outside of both small metacarpal bones, and downwards anastomoses also with branches of the collateral of the cannon. Collateral artery of the cannon. — Passes under the carpal arch downward on the internal side of the flexor tendons to the fetlock, and ends in the digital artery. Collateral branches are : 1 — to the epicondy- loid artery to form the supracarpal arch; 2 — synovial, tendinous^ and cutaneous ramuscules : 3 — branch to the posterior interosseous of the metacarpal. Digital artery.— On each side of the fetlock joint it runs down to the basilar process and terminates in the ungueal plantar and preplantar arteries. Collateral branches : 1 — articular to the fetlock ; 2 — branch to the tissue of the ergot; 3 — the perpendicular artery of Percivall, ramifying into anterior and posterior branches ; 4 — the artery of the plantar cushion run- yj-- -C^i^MjjC y2^.««.-<.--C£o^ 34 EQUINE ANA'HJMY. iiiug downwards to that apparatus ; 5 — tendinous and cutaneous branches to the lirst and second phalanges ; 6 — the coronary circle or two branches, anterior and posterior, running round the coronet and anastomos- ing with those of tlie opposite side. Ungueal preplaktar. — Passes through the notch of the lateral extremity of the os pedis, goes to the preplantar fissure, runs forwards, and ends by divisions dipping into the os pedis. / ^ ^. 3. Flexor of the metatarsus. — Synonyms. Tibio-* premetatarsiis, (G). Flexor metatarsi^ (P). Attach- ments : In the fossa of the inferior extremity of the femur with the anterior extensor pedis, the external fossa of the tibia, on the anterior tuberosity of the superior extremity of the principal metatarsal by two tendons, to the anterior face of the cuboid and to the small cuneiform. Action : Flexor of the foot on the leg. Posterior region. — Six muscles. 1. Gemelli of the leg or gastrocnemii. — Syno- nyms. Bifemoro-calcaneus, (G). Gastrocnemius ex- ternus, (P). Attachments : By two fleshy bodies on the rough edge of the sus-condyloid fossa, on the in- side .of the f emui'^nd on ^4^ ^P^^ <^ the os calcis. Action : Extensor of the foot on the tibia. J ^^ "- 2. SoLEus OR SoLEARis. — Syuonyms. Peroneo-cal- caneus, (G). Plantaris, (P). Attachments: Supero- external tuberosity of the tibia and the tendon .of the gastrocnemii. Action : Like the gemelli of the leg. 3. Superficial flexor of the phalanges.— Synon- ym. Femoro-phalangeus, (G). Gastrocnemius intern- nus, (P). Attachments: Sus-condyloid fossa and the coronet. Action : Flexes the second phalanx on tlie-. flrst and tliat on the metatarsus. 4. PoPLiTEUs. — Synonyms. Femoro-tibialis obliq- EXTKEMITIZS. 59 uiis, (G). Attachments : On the external condyle of the femur, the superior triangular surface of the pos- terior face of the tibia. Action : Flexor of the leg and rotator inwards. 5. Deep flexor of the phalanges. — Sjnnnyms. Tibio-phalangeus, (G). Flexor pedis, (P). Great tibio-phalangeus, (L). Attachments : The posterior face of the tibia on its lower triangular surface, the supero-external tuberosity of the same bone, to the fibula, the interosseous ligament of the tibio -fibular joint, and the semilunar crest of the os pedis. Action: Flexes the phalanges on each other and on the meta- tarsus, and extends the whole digital region on the tibia. 6. Oblique flexor of the phalanges. — Synonyms. Peroneo-phalangeus, (G). Flexor pedis accessorius, (F). Small tibio-phalangeus, (L). Attachments : To the external tuberosity of the superior extremity of the tibia and the tendon of the flexor perf orans. Action: Congener of the deep flexor. )f the deep fle:j ANGEIOLOGY. Arteries. — F^oral^ prplonffatjon of the external J iliac imd^r^he^^^jgi crest between the pectineus, the •«a^Oi4«s and th"e p^as iliacus, runs along the pectineus and the vastus internus, passes between the two branches *i3> \i '^: 60 EQUINE ANATOMY. of the great adductor of the thigh, through the pos- terior vascular groove of the femur, and to the superior extremity of the bifemoro-calcaneus muscle where it becomes popliteal. Its collateral branches are : 1 — The prepubic, rising with the deep musculara-unnin^ through the crural ring on the anterior face of^thecrural arch, ^ l^ hohmd the nock 9f thq vagintuchoat ri, and terminates in the posterior abdominal and the external pujtic arteries. ' The posterior abdominal runs forward between the small oblique and traiisverse muscles, of tlie abdomen, along the external border of the rectus abdominis, w^here it ends by anastomosis with the anterior abdom- inal;'^ The external piAic descends on the posterior wall of the in o:uinal canal, at the inferior rinoj of which it ends in the', sub-cutaneous abdominal and the anterior dorsal of the penis ; the sub-cutaneous abdominal anastomoses with its congener at the umbilicus; the anterior dorsal of the penis passes to the superior bor- der of the penis and ends in ascending branches to the cavernous artery, and descending branches to the erectile tissue at the extremity of the organ. In the female, the dorsal of the penis becomes the mam- mary, distributed to the mammae. 2 — Deep mus- cular, or profunda, runs backward between the psoas- iliacus and pectineus muscles, then between the pec tineus and the external obturator, under the adductor EXTREMITIES. 61 of the tbio-b, behind the feraui*, and disappears in tlie crural mnscles. 3 — The superficial muscular, or great anterior muscular, runs downwards, outwards and for- wards, passing between the sartorius, psoas-magnus and iliacug muscles, then between the vastus internus and the straight anterior muscles, and terminates in the triceps cruralis. 4 — A number of innominated branch- es, or small muscular, amongst them the nutritive of the femur. 5 — The saphena runs between the two adductors of the leg to the internal face of the limb, or to the surface of the gracilis, where it terminates in two small branches. Popliteal. — Continuation of the femoral ; it di- rects its course downwards between the bodies of the bifemoro calcaneus, under the popliteus muscle and at the tibial arch terminates in the posterior and anterior tibial. Collateral branches : 1 — femoro-popliteal, with its ascending and descending terminal ramifications ; 2 — articular branches ; 3 — muscular branches. Posterior tibial. — Situated under the popliteus, the oblique and deep flexors of the phalanges, it runs down to the hock joint and becomes more and more superficial ; near the os calcis it runs through the tibial aponeurosis, passes into the tibial arch and at the as- tragalus ends in the plantar arteries. Collateral branches : 1 — musculo-tibial branches ; 2 — the medul- 62 EQUINE ANATOMY. lary artery of the tibia; 3 — tarsal articular branches; 4 — cutaneous brandies. Plantar. — One each side of the perforans tendon, thej run down in the tarsal arch to the suspensory ligament and anastomose with the perforating pedal artery. Collateral branches : 1 — tarsal articular ; 2 — superficial arteries to the tendons ; 3 — deep external and internal interosseous plantar arteries. Anterior tibial. — Runs through the tibial arcli on the anterior face of the tibia, under the flexor metatarsi, and at the tibio-tarsal joint becomes the pedal, after sendins: off collateral muscular branches. Pedal. — Passes in front of the hock joint, bending outwards, and on a level with the lower row of bones, divides into perforating pedal and metatarso-pedal arteries. Perforating pedal. — Runs through the hock joint and anastomoses posteriorly with the plantar artery of the posterior tibial. Metatarso-pedal. — Passes in the fissure outside of the large metatarsal bone, forward of the external rudimentary one, then to the posterior face of the first named bone above the sesamoid groove, and terminates in the collaterals of the digit or the digital arteries. Collateral branches are tendinous, ligamentous, cutane- ous and articular. EXTKEMlTiES. 63 Digital. — (See the anterior extremity, page 33). Veios* — Tiie subuno^ueal network from wliicli rises tlie two digital veins. To these succeed three meta- tarsal veins, common origin of all the veins of the leg. These are divided into superficial and deep ; two su- j)erficial — the saphena, and two deep — the tibial. All empty in the popliteal, which is continued by the femoral, and this by the external iliac, which re- ceives only one important vein, viz. — the circumflex iliac. The external iliac vein uniting with the internal iliac form the primitive iliac or pelvi-crural trunk, which empties into the posterior vena cava. Lymphatics. — They all converge towards the sub- lumbar ganglions and present in their extent other ganglionary masses constituting the deep and super- ficial ingunial, popliteal, iliac, and precrural ganglions, to each of which afferent lymphatic vessels arrive, and from which efferent vessels are given off. NEUROLOGY. Lumbar Plexus.— Formed by the two last lumbar and three first sacral pairs of nerves, is divided into anterior and posterior portions. The first is concealed by the small psoas muscle, and lies in front of the internal iliac artery. The posterior, on a level with the great sciatic notch, is in connection inwards with 64 EQUINE ANATOMY, psoas mns- Vi tlie subsacral blood vessels, outwards and in front with the gluteal vessels. The anterior portion ends in the ' 0' HEAD. 75 5. SuPERNASO-LABiALis. — SynonjiTis. Levator labii siiperioris alceque nasi, (P). Fronto-labialis, (L). At- tachments : Frontal and nasal bones, external alae of the nose and commissure of the lips. Action : Elevates the alee of the nose, the upper lip and tlie commissure. 6. StiPER-MAxiLLO-LABiALis. — Sjuonyms. Nasalis longns labii siiperioris, (P). Attachments : Super- maxillary and zygomatic bones to upper lip with its congener. Action : Raises the upper lip directly or sideways. T. Great suPER-MAxiLLO-NASALis.-Synonyms. Dila- tator naris lateralis, (P). Attachments : The external face of the superior maxillary and the external wing of the nostril. Action : Dilates the external orifice of the nasal cavity. 8. Small super-maxillo nasalis. — Synonyms. Na- salis brevis labii superioris, (P). Attachments : The premaxillary bone, the nasal spine, and the skin of the false nostrils, which it dilates. 9. Transversalis nasi. — Synonyms. Dilatator naris anterior, (P), Attachments : Nasal cartilages. Action : Dilatator of the nostrils. 10. Middle (intermediate) anterior. — Synonyms. Depressor labii superioris, (P). Incisive muscle of the upper lip, (L). Attachments : The pre-maxillary, and anterior appendix of the inferior turbinated bone. 76 EQUINE AN^ATOMY. Action : Dilatator of the entrance of the nasal fossa. 11. Maxtllo-labialis. Synonyms. Depressor labii inferioris, (P). Inferior maxillo labialis, (L). Attach- ments : Anterior border of the lower jaw and the skin of the lower lip. Action : Pulls the lower lip down directly or on one side. 12. Mento-labialis. — Forms the base of the ronnded protuberance beneath the lower lip. No bony attach- ment. 13. Middle (intermediate) posterior. — Synonyms. Levator menti, (P). Incisive muscle of the lower lip. (L). Attachments : External surface of the body of the lower jaw and to the mento-labialis. Action : Elevator of the lower lip. Masseterine Region.— Five muscles. 1. Masseter. — Synonyms. Zygomatico-maxillaris, (G:). Attachments : Zygomatic crest, upper half of external surface of inferior maxillary branch. Action: Elevator of the lower jaw. 2. Temporal. — Synonyms. Temporo-m axillaris, (G). Attachments : Temporal fossa, orbital hiatus, coronoid process and anterior border of the branch of the lower jaw. Action : Elevates the jaw. 3. Internal pterygoid. — Synonyms. Pterygoid- eus internus, (P). Attachments : The palatine crest, subsphenoidal process, hollow of the internal face of the HEAD. 77 brand) of the lower maxillary. Action : Elevates and moves the jaw laterally. 4. External pterygoideus. — Attachments : Inferi- or face of the sphenoid, subsphenoidal crest, neck of the condyle of the inferior maxillary. Action : Pulls the maxilla forward directly or sideways. 5. DiGASTRicus. — Synonyms. Stylo-maxillaris, (G). Attachments : Styloid process of the occipital, curved portion of the lower maxilla, internal face of same bone, and straight portion of its posterior border. Action : Fulls the jaw backwards, and at the same time depresses it. SPLAIVTMOLOGY. IVasal Cavities.^ IS'umber, two. Division : Nostrils, nasal fossa proper and sinuses. Nostrils. — Two lips or borders united by two com- missures. The superior commissure shows the false nostrils ; the inferior the opening of the lachrymal duct. Structure: cartilages; muscles, viz: the transversalis nasi, pyramidalis nasi, super-maxillo-nasalis parvus, middle anterior, and supernaso-labialis ; integuments; blood vessels, viz : superior coronary, nasal and palato-labial arteries ; nerves, branches of tlie fifth and seventh cranial pairs. Nasal foss^ proper. — Divisions : Four walls and '%* 78 EQUINE ANATOMY. two extremities* The superior wall or roof ; the in- ferior or floor with Jacobson's apparatus ; the lateral external with the turbinated bones and meatuses ; the middle meatus having an opening of communication with the sinuses ; the lateral internal is formed by the septum nasi. The anterior extremity forms tlie nostrils ; the posterior looks into the pharynx. Struc- ture : nasal, maxillary, frontal, palate, ethmoid and turbinated bones, middle septum of the nose ; pituit- ary membrane; blood vessels, the ophthalmic and nasal arteries ; nerves, first and fifth pairs of cranial nerves. Sinuses. — Five: the frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal and two maxillary. All communicate through the middle meatus. The inferior maxillary sinus opens by itself into the nasal fossa. They are all lined by mucous membrane and develop with age. Buccal Cavity. — Division : Six regions. a. Lips. Superior and inferior, united by com- missures. Two faces; two borders, one adherent and one free. Structure : skin, mucous membrane, muscles, viz: tlie orbicularis, super-maxillo labialis, super-naso labialis, great super-maxillo nasalis, tufts •of the chin and posterior intermediate ; glands, the labial ; blood vessels, the palato-labial and coronary arteries ; nerves, the fifth and seventh cranial pairs. HEAD. 79" h. Cheeks. Two faces, on the internal the opening of Stenon duct. Structure: skin, mucous membrane; muscles, viz: the alveolo-labialis, and the masseter; blood vessels, the maxillary, coronary and buccal arteries ; nerves, the fifth and seventh pairs of cra- nial nerves. c. Palate. Its face is covered with about twenty furrows curved backwards. Structure : bone, the pa- late and great maxillary; membranes, one fibrous, one mucous ; vessels, the palato-labial artery ; nerves, fifth pair of cranial nerves. d. Tongue. — Situated in the lingual canal and at- tached to tlie hyoid apparatus. Hyoid apparatus, hyoid bone. — Formed of seven pieces, a body and three branches. The body has an anterior process or spur, and two lateral branches. It is developed by three nuclei of ossification. The branches; two small, with articular facets at both ex- tremities ; two long, with faces smooth ; an anterior and posterior border ; one inferior extremity articulated with the middle nucleus or third branch ; one superior articulated with the temporal bone. Muscles. — Five in pairs, and one single. 1. Mylo-hyoideus. — Attached to mylo-hyoid line of the inferior maxillary, to anterior appendix of the body of the hyoid bone, which it eleva L'^ "'^in^^^.^-^TX'^ ^i^M^0L4i^A^ 80 jU^'^^'^'^^^ EQUlf^^Tl^r^. 2. Genio-hyoideus. — Attached to the genial surface and to the anterior opening of the body of the hyoid bone which it draws forward. 3. Stylo-hyoideus — Synonyms. Hyoidens magnus, (P). Kerato-hyoideus magnus, (L). Attached to the supero-posterior angle of the long branch, to the cornua of the os hyoides, which it draws backwards. 4. Kerato-hyoideus. — Synonyms. Hyoideus par- vus, (P). Small kerato-hyoideus, (L). Attached to Vj the posterior border of the cornu^and the extremity of -J the styloid bone, toSie superior border of the thyroid wino-. Action: Brini>;s the two branches too^ether. \^ 5. OcciPiTO-HYOiDEUs. — Attached to the styloid pro- cess of the occipital, the superior border of the long branch of the hyoid. Action : Swings the bone down- wards and backwards. 6. Transversalis-hyoideus. — Attachments: Supe- rior extremity of the small branches. Action : Brings them together. External coneormation of the tongue. — Three faces, three borders and two extremities. Superior face, papillae, foramen coecum of Morgagni ; lateral faces, large papilla and opening of the lingual glands. The two superior borders are thick; the inferior is fixed at the bottom of the intermaxillary space ; the anterior extremity or free part is attached to the maxillary by the anterior pillar or froenum linguae ; the posterior extremity shows a median mucous fold going to tlie epiglottic cartilage ; two lateral folds called the pos- terior pillars of the tonp*ue, and the amvij-dalpidfcavi- ties. Structure : mucous membrane with hlifonu, '^f^ ^ X-fungiform and calciform papillse. Muscles : five. ^ 1. Stylo-glossus. — Synonyms. Hyo-glossus longns, (P). Kerato-giossus externus, (L). Attachments : External surface of the long branch of the hyoid and near the tip of the tongue. Action : Fulls the tongue backwards or sideways. 2. Great hyo or basio-glossus. — Synonyms. Hyo- glossus brevis, (P). Hyo-glossus, (L). Attachments : The extremity of the cornu and the anterior apex of the hyoid bone to near the superior face of the tongue, which it retracts. ^^ ^^^^^ — j /C-^t^t^ 3. Genio-glossus. — Synonyms. Genio hyo-glossus, (P). Attached to the lower jaw near the symphysis, and to the upper surface of the tongue. Action : Carries the tongue forwards, backwards and down- wards in the buccal cavity. 4. Small hyo-glossus. — Synonyms : Lingualis, (P). Attachments: Inner side of the articulation of the two branches of the hyoid bone, to the superior face and sides of the tona'ue. Action : Contracts and retracts C^-^ W^^r^^ 82 EQUINE ANATOMY. 5. Fharyngo-glossus. — Attachments : The lateral walls of the pharynx and posterior part of the tongue. Glands : racemose and follicular. Blood vessels, the lingual and sub-lingual arteries. Nerves, the lingual, glosso-pharyngual and gre^^t hypo-glossus. e. Soft Palate — Velum pendulum palati. — Two faces : the anterior united to the tongue by the poste- rior pillars of that organ; the posterior or pharyngeal with longitudinal ridges. Two lateral borders: one anterior, all attached on bones ; one posterior border, embracing the epiglottic cartilage with the two poste- rior folds, forming the posterior pillars of the velum palati. It closes the isthmus of the fauces. Structure: a fibrous membrane and four muscles : 1 . Pharyngo-staphyleus. — Synonyms. Palato-sta- phyleus, (P). Attachments : Coiitinujpus to the fi^'ous membrane. T^^ct&f Tofretcnes the velum palati. 2. Palato-staphyleus. — Synonyms. Staphyleus,(G). Circumflex palati, (P). Attaclied to the palatine arch and the free border of the septum, which it raises. 3. Perystaphyleus externus. — Synonyms. Ten- sor palati, (P). Attachments : The styloid process of the temporal, and fibrous layer of the velum palati. Action : Tensor and depressor. 4. Perystaphyleus internus. — Synonyms. Stylo- pharyngeus, (P). Attachments: Same as above. Act- HEAD. 83 ion: Elevator of the soft palate. Glands: situated on the anterior face directly under the mucous mem- brane. Mucous membranes : two in number, one on the anterior and one on the posterior face. Blood ves- sels, the pharyngeal and staphyline arteries. Nerves, fifth pair of cranial nerves and ganglion of Meckel. y. Teeth. — Definition : passive organs of mastication. General characters: general disposition form two parabolic arches interrupted on each side by interdental space. These arches present the incisive teeth in front, the tusks behind them, and the molars in the lateral and posterior parts of the dental arches. External conformation : they have a root or fang encased in an alveolus, and a crown exposed. Structure : Ivory or dentine forming the base of the tooth, and surrounds the internal cavity wdiich is filled by the pulp ; it is hollowed with canaliculi, imbeded in amorphous mat- ter. Enamel forms the outside covering of the free part of the tooth, consisting of little prismatic hexag- onal rods denticulated on theii* faces. Cement irregu- larly spread over both the ivory and enamel, with the structure and properties of spongy bone-substance. Dental pulp, fibrillar and nuclear mass filling the in- ternal dental cavity, and receiving blood vessels and nerves. The gum, a portion of the buccal mucous membrane, surrounds the neck of the tootii. An 84 EQUINE ANATOMY. alveolar dental periosteum lines the cavity of tlie alve- olus and the external face of the cement of the fang. Development : the dental follicle, or a membrane con- taining at its bottom the dental pulp and having in its upper part the enamel germ, attached to the guber- naculum dentis. Considering their epoch of develop- ment, teeth are divided into caducous, temporary or milk, and replacing or persistent teeth. Incisors. — Six in each jaw. Divided into pincers, middle teeth or nippers, intermediate or dividers, and corners. The superior surface exhibits the external dental cavity which, when worn, shows the central and surrounding enamels ; and in older animals the dental star; and lattei) the >5Lternal dental cavity, obliterated. Canines or tusks. — Two in number, are found, in solipeds, in males only : they seldom are shed, and grow but once. Molars. — Twelve on each jaw; six on each side. The surface of these teeth is inclined from inwards outwards for the lower jaw, and vice versa for the upper one. They present the aspect of a grinding surface, made irregular by the arrangement and pro- jection of the enamel. The first three molars are caducous. "s::^^^^^^^^^«2E^5^i»^^^^ Eye. — Organ of sight, is composed of accessory and essential organs. c^4,^^i?gv^ Isthmus. — a. External surface : four faces and two extremities. Inferior face presents annular protuber- erance or pons Varolii or mesocephalon, crura-cerebri or pedunculum cerebri, rachidian bulb or medulla ob- longata ; superior face shows the upper face of the HEAD. 93 medulla oblongata, peduncnliim cerebelli or crura cere- belli, valve of Yieussens, corpora quadrigemina and thai- ami optici; lateral faces present the proiile of the medulla oblongata, of the pons Varolii, of the pcdunc- ulum cerebri and cerebelli, of the corpora quadrigemina and thalami optici ; posterior extremity is continuous with the spinal marrow ; anterior extremity passes into the corpora striata. 1. Medulla OBLONGATA. — Division: Four faces: in- ferior shows the corpora pyramidalia, a transverse band, some arciform fibres, the corpus olivare, the origin of the sixth cranial pair, of glosso pharyngeal and of the pneumogastric ; superior face is covered by the cerebel- lum, forms the floor of the fourth ventricle and shows the calamus scriptorius and the corpora restiforma; lateral face exhibits the profile of the corpora resti- forma and corpora pyramidalia. 2. Pons Yarolii with its two borders and two ex- tremities, which form the middle crura cerebelli. 3. Crura cerebri. — Separated from each other by the interpeduncular fissure which bifurcates to circum- scribe forward the mamillary or pisiform tubercle, lim- ited behind by the pons Yarolii, in front by the optic nerves, laterally and above by the corpora quadrigem- ina and thalami optici; it forms laterally the band of Keil or lateral triangular fasciculus. 94 equine anatomy. 4. Crura cerebelli. die is the largest; the posterior tne sii^aiiest f tney cim^/ dh-ectly into the cerebellum. ' ^ ^y^ZJi^^^^^^^^^f!^^ 5. Yalve of Vieussens. — Thin lamella, uniting the / two anterior cerebellar peduncles. 6. Corpora quadrigemina. — Anteriorly the tuber- cula nates, and posteriorly the testes uniting outwardly to the corpus geniculatum externum. 7. Thalami optici. — Inclined inwardly to form a deep fissure containing the anterior peduncles of the pineal gland ; this fissure presents at its extremities the anterior and posterior common openings ; outward- ly shows the corpus geniculatum externum and inter- num ; in front it exhibits the semi-circular band or taenia semi-circularis. 8. Pineal gland or conarium. — Reddish-brown mass resting on the posterior common opening. 9. Pituitary gland. — Synonyms. Hypophysis cer- ebri, supra sphenoidal appendage ; fixed to the inter- pedunculum fissure by the pituitary stem and tuber- cinereum. (h.) Internal conformation. — Three cavities. 1. — Middle ventricle of the thalami optici. Division : Two walls, a floor, a roof with the anterior and posterior common openings separated by the grey commissure. The posterior extremity is continuous with the aque- . (P>/'^^ HEAD. 95 duct of Sylvius ; the anterior presents the lamina cine- rea or grey root of the optic nerves ; 2 — Aqueduct of Sylvius posteriorly opens into the fourth ventricle ; 3 — Posterior cerebellar or fourth ventricle closed su- periorly by the valve of Yieussens and of Renault. {c.) Stkucture : formed of three fasciculi of white substance, a superior or corpora restiforma, an inferior or corpora pyramidalia and a lateral or intermediate; the grey substance is found in the floor of the fourth ventricle, the crura cerebri, the lateral or intermediate fasciculi of the bulb, the corpora quadrigemina, the thalami optici and in the annular protuberance. Cerebellum. — {a.) External surface : one middle lobe forming the anterior and posterior vermiform processes ; two lateral lobes, beneath which the cho- roid cerebellar plexus is applied. Its external surface is covered with sulci ; (Z>.) Internal surface on section shows the arbor vitae and corpus rhomboideum. Structure : the white substance is internal and ramify- ing, the grey substance forms cortical layer. Cerebrum. — Division : Two lateral hemispheres. {a.) External surface shows: 1 — Interlobularor longitu- dial fissure, whicli extends down to the corpus callosum and is bound posteriorly by the fissure of Bichat, and lodges the great vena Galeni and falx cerebri ; 2 — ce- rebral hemispheres, with four faces covered with con- 06 EQUINE ANATOMY. volutions, and showing the mastoid lobe, the fissure of Sylvius and the olfactory or ethmoidal lobes ; an ante rior extremity lodged in the ethmoidal fossa, a posterior resting on the cerebellum. (h.) Internal surface. 1 — Corpus callosum, an arch thrown over the lateral ventricles uniting the two hemispheres, and offering on its superior face the tractus longitudinalis ; 2 — lateral or cerebral ventricles. Division : An anterior and a posterior or reflexed por- tion ; they are separated by the septum lucidum, a thin median lamella, standing vertically between them, and by the fornix or trigonum cerebralis, which serves to support the septum. On the floor of the lateral ven- tricles are seen from forward backwards ; 1 — the cor- pora striata, showing inwardly and posteriorly the taenia semi-circularis in which floats the choroid plexus ; 2 — the hippocampi or cornu Ammonis, occupying the floor of the anterior region of the lateral ventricle, and is prolonged in its reflected portion and having their external extremities resting on the mastoid lobes ; 3 — the velum interpositum or choroid plexus, a vascular expansion of the pia mater penetrating in the ventri- cles by the transverse fissure. A fine membrane, the ventricular arachnoid, lines the cavity of the ventricles ; it secretes a liquid analogous to the cerebro-spinal fluid. Structure : the grey substance forms the cortical layer HEAD. 97 of the cerebral convolutions. The white substance forms in the hemisphere the centrum ovale of Yieussens. Intermaxillary space or throat.— Pharynx. — Its cavity presents seven openings : two for the nasal cav- ities ; two for the Eustachian tubes ; one for the larynx ; one for the oesophagus, and one for the isthmus of the throat or of the fauces. Structure : 1 — a mucous mem- brane covered bv yel low el astic fibres ; 2 — seven muscles : a. palato pharyni^eus or pharyngo-staphyleus (described in soft palate) 'Jj^h. Pterygo pharyngeus or superior constrictor. S^^^iiyins. Pallito pharyngeus. At- tachments : Pterygoid process, posterior and superior face of the pharynx. Action : Perfect constrictor of the pharynx 'A4c. Hyo-pharyngeus or first middle con- strictorfcrZ. Thyro-pharyngeus or second middle con- strictor iJe. Crico-pharyngeus or inferior constrictor. Attachments ; The first to the corner of the os hyoides, the second from the external surface of the thyroid cartilage, the third from the cricoid cartilage, and all three endino; on the median fibrous line above the * I* pharynx, are all constrictors of the pharynx jU-y. Ai'yte-^-^fcJt** no-pharyngeus. Attachments : The posterior border of the arytenoid to the origin of the oesophagus 'Jfg. Styio- pharyngeus. Attachments : Inside the great branch of the hyoid bone to the side of the pharynx. Action : Dilator.jro 3 — Blood vessels, the pharyngeal and thyroid 98 EQUINE ANATOMY. arteries. 4 — Nerves : glosso-pharyngeal, pneumo-gas- tric, great sympathetic. Larynx* — Structure : five cartilages. 1 — Cricoid, with an external face, presenting two conca^'e articular f acettes, and an internal face smooth ; a superior and in- ferior circumference ; 2 — Thyroid. Division : A body and two wings, the superior border of which presents a mean of articulation with the hyoid and a notch for the superior laryngeal nerve ; 3 — Epiglottic, with two faces, two borders, a summit and a base, the bor- ders having prolongations or cartilages of Wrisberg extending backwards ; 4 — Arytenoid, two, whose exter- nal face is divided by a ridge in two portions ; superior and anterior borders unite with their congeners ; pos- terior border projects into the larynx ; and inferior gives attachments to the vocal cord. Articulations. — 1 — the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone, by the extremities of the cornua and through the medium of the thyro-hoid membrane ; — 2 the thyroid and cricoid cartilages by two small arthro- dia and the crico-thyroid membrane ; 3 — the two ary- tenoids by their superior borders; 4 — the arytenoid and the cricoid cartilages by small movable arthrodia ; 5 — arytenoid to the thyroid by the vocal cords ; 6 — the epiglottic to the thyroid cartilages by amphiar- throsis ; T — the epiglottic to the arytenoids by the HEAD. 99 superior vocal cords ; 8 — the cricoid cartilages to the tracliea by the crico-tracheal elastic membrane. Muscles. — Three extrinsic : 1 — Sterno-thyroideus (see inferior cervical region) ; 2 — Hyo-tliyroidens. Attachments : "Whole extent of the hyoid cornu, exter- nal face of the thyroid cartilages. Action : Carries the larynx forward and upward ; 3 — Hyo-epiglottideus. Attachments : Superior face of the body of the hyoid bone, and antero-inferior face of the epiglottic cartil- ages. Action : Pulls the epiglottic cartilage to normal position. Five intrinsic : 1. — Crico-thyroideus. At- tachments : from the cricoid to the posterior border of the thyroid, it shortens the larynx ; 2. — Posterior cri- co-arytenoideus. Attacliments : bezel of the cricoid, the median crest and the posterior tubercle of the ary- tenoid, it dilates the entrance of the larynx ; 3 — Lateral crico-arytenoideus. Attachments : Side of the anterior border of the cricoid, and tubercle of the ary- tenoid cartilage, it constricts the larynx ; 4 — Thyro- arytenoideus. Attachments : Internal surface of the ala of the thyroid and on the arytenoid ; it is a con- strictor of the larynx; 5 — Arytenoideus. Attachments : Median raphe and the superior part of the external face of the arytenoid ; it constricts the larynx. Mucous membrane covered with stratified tessalated epitelium on the epiglottis and the vocal cords, ciliated 100 EQUINE ANATOMY. elsewhere. Blood vessels : laryngeal arteries. ]N^erves : the superior and inferior laryngeal, furnished by the pnenmo-gastric. The external surface of the larynx offers four planes : a superior, inferior and two laterals. The internal surface offers three regions: a middle, the glottis; a superior, the supra-glottis, and an infe- rior, the sub-glottis. Tlie first is comprised between the vocal cords; the second shows the two ventricles of tlie larynx, the sub-epiglottic sinus and the entrance of the larynx ; the third exhibits the posterior border of the vocal cords and the sub-arytenoid sinus. Salivary glands.— 1. Parotid. Division: Two faces, two borders and two extremities. External face shows a longitudinal groove for the jugular vein, and is cov- ered by the parotido auricularis muscle. Internal face covers the guttural pouch, the insertion of the small oblique muscle of the head and mastoido humeralis, occipito-hyoideus, styloid bone, digastricus, sterno-max- illaris, maxillary gland, external carotid artery and facial nerve. Anterior border rests on the teraporo- maxlllary joint, subzygomatic vessels and nerves and maxillo-muscular vessels. Posterior border is separated from the wing of the atlas by the levator humeri. Superior extremity embraces concha. Inferior extrem- ity is comprised in the angle formed by the jugular HEAD. 101 and glosso-facial veins. Blood vessels : small arteri- oles. I^erves : facial, inferior maxillary and carotid plexuses. Duct of S tenon lays on tendon of the sterno-max- illaris, enters the intermaxillary space, alongside the internal masseter, above the glosso-facial vein ; reaches the maxillary lissure ; runs up in front of the anterior border of the external masseter, obliquely forward under the glosso-facial vein and artery ; passes through the cheek to open opposite the third upper molar. 2. Maxillary or sub-maxillary. — Division : Two faces, two borders and two extremities. External face corresponds to the internal pterygoideus, the digastri- cns, the sterno-m axillaris and the cellulo aponeurosis, which separates it from the parotid. Internal face applied to the side of the larynx, the guttural pouch, the carotid artery and nerves accompanying it. Supe- rior border margined by the digastricus. Inferior bor- der is in contact with the glosso-facial vein. Posterior extremity rests on the wing of the atlas. Anterior ex- tremity is between the pterygoideus internus and the hyo-thyroideus muscles. Vessels : innominate branches. Is erves : from the carotid plexus. Duct of Wharton runs from between the mylo-hyoid- eus and great hyo-glossus, crossing outwards the glosso- facial artery and great hypo-glossal nerve, inwardly, 102 EQUINE ANATOMY. the digastricus and the lingual nerve, passes between the stjlo-glossus and the sub lingual gland, to end in front of the frsenum of the tono-ue. 3. Sublingual. — Division : Two faces, two borders, and two extremities. External face covered by the mylo-hyoideus. Internal face rests on the duct of Wharton, the stylo and genio-glossus muscles. Su- perior border forms the lingual crest. Inferior border lays between the mylo-hyoideus and the genio-glossus muscles. Posterior extremity receives the lingual nerve. Anterior extremity runs to the angle of the inferior maxillary bone. Duct:8 of Rivinus, fifteen or twenty open on the 11" , ■ II '_ - - Mil - II — I — fr — -' -*- lingual crest. Blood vessels, sublingual artery. ^Nerves, lingual and carotid plexus. 4. Molar. — Superior, along the superior border; and inferior along the inferior border of the buccinator. 5. Labial, lingual, staphtline or palatine, in the lips, tongue and velum palati. AXGEIOLOGY. Arteries. — The three terminal branches of the prim- itive, or common carotid : 1 — occipital : 2 — internal ; ■3 — external carotid. ■ a. Occipital artery runs under the transverse pro- 'Cess of the atlas, behind the guttural pouch, between HEAD. loa the maxillary gland and the anterior straight muscle of the head, reaches the anterior foramen of the atlas^ runs through it into the fissure of the external surface and terminates by the occipito-muscular and cerebro- spinal arteries. Its collateral branches are : 1. Prevertebkal. — Terminating by muscular and meningeal branches. 2. Mastoid. — Going to the parieto-temporal canal to anastomose with the spheno-spinal. 3. Atloido muscular. — Running backwards and throus:h the atlas to anastomose with the verte- bral. Terminal branches : Occipito muscular. — Termin- ating by asceTrdrng and descending branches, the last anastomosing with the superior cervical. Cerebro-spinal. — Penetrates the antero-internal foramen of the atlas, enters the vertebral canal, and terminates by two branches — one forming the basilar trunk, the other the median spinal. Basilar trunk. — Situated on the inferior face of the bulb and pons Varolii, and dividing into two branches wliich give off the posterior cerebral artery. It sends collateral branches to the bulb and pons Var- olii, the posterior arr^s4l^r"Ki^ Ts^'efegllar arteries and two^lwasciie^-tothe-mt^'ntrl cai*odT4-. PosTERioRs^ERKBR54* tBr»inate"Tit€ 'Bltsiiar^'btfmfev 104 EQUINE ANATOMY. Tli^are given off behind the maxilla^r tub^cle ^an-d receive the posterior communicating arterjN Median spinal follows the spinal marrow, back- wards to its end, being supplied by branches from the vertebral, intercostal, lumbar and lateral sacral. h. Internal carotid. — Ascends beneath the cra- nium to the foramen lacerum, reaching through the carotid fossa of the external surface of the sphenoid, the carotid notch of the superior border, and then into the cranium by a double flexure, terminates by ^ke^pofete^r eo m - mii tTTcati ttg artery, which ana.yl;omQac.* -wrri^ the posterior cerebral, and by a&ot - h e r branoh w hich furnichca the middle and anterior cerebral. c. External carotid. — Continuation of the prim- itive carotid, runs forward to the posterior border of the long branch of the hyoid bone, passes between it and the stylo-hyoideus, bends upward, and near the neck of the maxillary bone divides into its terminal branches — the superficial temporal and internal maxil- larj. Its collateral branches are the glosso-facial, the maxillo-muscular and posterior auricular. 1. Glosso- facial. — Rises from the external carotid as it passes beneath the stylo-hyoideus, turns down- wards on the side of the pharynx in the intermaxillary space, enters the maxillary groove, becomes superficial on the anterior border of the masseter muscle, to the HEAD. 105 lateral surface of the face, and divides into ascending and descending branches ramifying in the muscles of that region. Its collateral branches are : 1 — Pharyn- geal, terminating in the velum palati and the walls of the pharynx; 2 — Lingual, goes to the tongue in its upper portion, anastomosing in front with that of the opposite side, forming a large arch ; 3 — Sublingual, supplies lower part of the tongue and the buccal mu- cous membrane; 4 — Inferior coronary, supplies the lower lip and muscles of the inferior part of the lat- eral surface of the face ; 5 — Superior coronary, goes to the upper lip, where it anastomoses with the palate. 2. Maxillo-muscular. — Passes between the parotid gland and the posterior labial border of the maxillary bone, where it divides into an external superficial and an internal deep, branches going to the masseter muscles. 3. Posterior auricular. — Passes upwards under the parotid to the base of the concha, passing on its pos- terior face to the superior extremity, sending off a few glandular and muscular branches. , Superficial temporal — Pas^'''*trp^rds' between the parotid, guttural pouch and the condyle of the max- illary bone, to terminate in the anterior auricular ancj 8ub-zygomatic trunk. 106 EQUINE ANATOMY. Anterior auricular. — -liunning behind the temporo- maxillary joint beneath the parotid, to reach the cro- taphite muscle, and after giving glandular, auricu- lar and mus(;ulai: branches tern>inate&r/; — J ^ SuB-zYGOMATic. — 1 asscs outwards between the an- terior border of the parotid and the posterior border of the maxillary bone with the facial nerve, and divides into the transversal artery of the face, which rims hor- izontally on the superior border of the external masse- ter and ramifies in it, and into the masseteric, going to the same muscle. , • _ , >^ -^^ fe, , , ^uoAAytUy Internal maxillary. — Running to tlie subsphenoi- dal canal, it passes through to the orbital hiatus and arriving at the maxillary opening dips into the pala- tine canal as the palato-labial. Collateral branches : 1 — inferior dental, traverses the inferior maxillo dental canal to end at the mental foramen in two small twigs, one external anastomosing with the inferior coronary, one deep to the roots of the incisive teeth and tusk. It sends collateral branches to the molar teeth and muscles of the masseteric regions ; 2 — ptery- goid, going to the pterygoid and peristaphileus muBcles ; 3 tympanic, 'to the tympanum with branches to the guttural pouches; 4 — spheno-spinal, enters the temporo- parietal canal to anastomose with the mastoid artery /C^lLdlSp^ the occipital ; 5 — posterior deep temporal, to the HEAD. 107 crotapliite muscle in the temporal fossa ; 6 — anterior deep temporal, in the crotaphite also, and the adipose tissue of the fossa; 7 — ophthalmic, from the ocular sheath, return into the cranium through the orbital foramen, and divides into meningeal and nasal branches. The orbital portion gives off muscular branches, cen- tral artery of the„ reiinat ciliary, supra orbital and lachrymal ; the cranial portion, the cerebral branches ; 8 — buccal, supplies the molar glands, the buccinator and the maxillo-labialis rnuscles; 9 — staphyline, to the velum palati ; 10 — superior dental, goes to the supe- rior raaxillo-dental canal, and distributed like the infe- rior dental; 11 — nasal, runs through the nasal foramen into the nasal fossa, where it ends by external and internal branches, ^j ^ ' " '^z; Palato-labial, passesrrom the inaxfflai^ hiatus to ^ tlie palatine canal, through it to the front part of the palate, to the incisive foramen where it anastamoses with the opposite one, forming a single trunk, which, passing through the incisive foramen, reaches the upper lip and terminates by anastamoses witli the superior coronary. Veins. — Three principal trunks : superficial temporal, internal maxillary and sinuses of the encephalic dura mater ; they form the root of the jugular. 1. Superficial temporal. — Satellite of the temporal 108 EQUINE ANATOMY, arterial trank with two principal roots, the anterior auricular and the sub -zygomatic. 2. Internal maxillary. — Supplied by the buccal vein. It receives numerous collateral branches, viz : the lingual, inferior dental, a deep temporal trunk and a pterygoid. 3. Cephalic sinuses of the dura mater. — Four principal : the sinuses of the falx cerebri, the cavern- ous or sphenoidal, the occipito-atloid and the rudiment- ary sinuses, divided into lateral and inferior median. These sinuses are supplied from the dura mater or from nervous substance ; some of the last are superficial, the others, internal, are provided by the great vein of the brain or vena G-aleni. All the sinuses collect through the means of the parieto-temporal and subsphenoidal confluents, and empty into the temporal, pterygoid and occipital veins. Other veins of the head considered as affluents of the jugular, are : 1 — the maxillo-muscular ; 2 — the posterior auricular ; 3 — the occipital ; 4 — the external maxillary or glosso-facial, formed by the angular of the eye and another small branch, by the alveolar, labial or coronary, buccal and sublingual as collateral branches. LymphaticSi— Two groups: 1 — The pharyngeal, sit- uated on the lateral sides of the pharynx below the HEAD. 109 guttural poncli, and receiving all the lympliatics of the head ; 2 — Tlie submaxillary, situated in the intermax- illary space, and receiving the lymphatics of the tongue, cheeks, lips, nostrils and nasal fossae. IVEUROLOGY. Twelve pair of cranial nerves. 1. Olfactory. — Formed by the olfactory lobe, which has the appearance of a ganglion, grey inferiorly, and white superiorly. It rises by two roots of white substance, which unites into one band, and is situated in the ethmoidal fossa, where through the foramina of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, it sends the true nerves. The olfactory lobes are hollowed, and com- municate with the cavity of the lateral ventricules. The nerves, varying in number, ramify in the mu- cous membrane of the septum nasi and ethmoidal vol- utes. They are the special nerves of the organs of smell. 2. Optic. — E.ise on the external side of tlie thalami optici by white bands, and from the corpora quadri- gemina. Course : Pass in front of the cerebral pedun- cles, arrive at the inferior face of the brain, form the chiasma, reach the optic duct, and perforate the ocular envelope at the bottom of the ocular globe, and enter 110 EQUINE ANATOMY. the eye as the retina. They are exclusive to the sense of sight. , ^ 3. Common oculo motor. — Emanates from the cere- bral peduncles near the peduncular fissure by eight branches. Course : The single trunk of the nerve runs outwards to the smallest supra sphenoidal canal, passes through the orbital liiatus, and ramifies in the muscles of the eye, except the external and posterior recti and the great obliqiie. Functions : Essentially motor. 4. Fathetic^rinternal oculo motor. — Kises from the band of E,eil behind the corpora quadrigemina by two roots. Its course is outwards, downwards and for- wards to reach the smallest of the susphenoidal canak, penetrate the- outer sheath and ramify in the great oblique muscle of the eye. Functions : Motor. 5. Trigemini or trifacial. — Is a mixed nerve, hav- ing an external root, sensitive, and an internal, motor. Sensitive root. — The largest comes from the an- nular protuberance ; it runs forward and downwards to the occipito-spheno-temporal hiatus, and terminates in the Gasserian ganglion. This ganglion is crescent shape, and situated in the cartilaginous substance which closes the foramen lacerum ; it gives origin to two branches, one passes out of the cranium, the other is lodged in the external fissure of the cranial face of the sphenoid and bifurcates; thus at its origin is divided HEAD. Ill into three branches, the ophthahnic and superior naaxil- lary nerves, the inferior maxillary nerve. Motor root. — Runs forward from the pons Yarolii under the inferior face of the ganglion of Gasser, and soon mingles with the inferior maxillary branch of the sensitive root. a. Ophthalmic. — Course : Enters the susphenoidal canal with the third and fourth pairs, and in it divides into the frontal, lachrymal and nasal or palpebro-nasal nerves ; the frontal going to the orbital foramen, the lachrymal ramifying in tlie lachrymal ghmd, the nasal reenters the cranium with the ophthalmic artery, runs through the plate of the ethmoid into the nasal fossa, where it divides. h. Superior maxillary. — Origin : Internal and su- perior portion of the Gasserian ganglion. Course : Placed in a groove on the internal face of the sphe- noid, soon reaches the largest sphenoidal canal, runs to the orbital hiatus, passes through the supra-maxillo- dental canal, where it dips and runs as far as the lateral surface of the face, where it terminates by suborbital branches. Collateral branches : The orbital to some muscles of the eye ; the great or anterior palatine to the palatine groove and to the palate ; the staphyline or posterior palatine to the velum palati ; the nasal or spheno-palatine to the pituitary membrane; the dental 112 EQUINE ANATOMY. to the teeth of the superior jaw. Termmal branches : The suborbital to the skin and muscles of the nostrils and upper lip. c. Inferior maxillary. — Course : leaving the cra- nium, it passes inside the temporo-maxillary joint, runs forwards and downwards towards the maxillo-dental canal, through which it passes and comes out at the mental foramen and terminates in the mental nerves. Collateral branches : 1 — the masseterine, to the mas- seter muscle after giving off the posterior deep and middle deep temporal ; 2 — the buccal, for the lateral face of the cheek after furnisliing the anterior deep temporal ; 3 — the nerve of the internal pterygoid muscle ; 4 — the superficial temporal or sub-zjgomatic, which anastamoses with the facial ; 5 — the lingual, to the tongue ; 6 — the nerve of the mylo-hyoideus mus- cle ; 7 — dental branches to the teeth of the inferior jaw. Terminal branches to the inferior lip united with a branch of the facial nerve. 6. External oculo-motor. — Origin : on the rachi- dian bulb behind the annular protuberance. Course : runs through the sphenoidal canal to the orbit, ramify- ing in the external rectus of the eye. 7. Facial. — Motor at its origin, it becomes mixed afterwards. Origin : from the bulb immediately be- hind the pons Varolii. Course : outwards, takes the HEAD. 113 iaternal auditory hiatus to the aqueduct of Fallopius, through the stjlo-mastoid foramen, then under the parotid, to the posterior border of the maxillary bone, on the external face of the masseter and terminates by the zygomatic plexus. Collateral branches : 1 and 2 — the great and small superficial petrosal nerve ; 3 — the nerve of the muscle of the stirrup ; 4: — the nerve of the corda tympanii, all to the internal ear ; 5 — an anastomotic branch to the pneumogastric ; 6 — the nerve of the stylo-hyoideus muscle ; 7 — of the digas- tricus ; 8 — of the great kerato-hyoideus ; 9 — a cervical branch ; 10 — nerves to the guttural pouches and to the parotid gland ; 11 — the three auricular nerves, posterior, middle and anterior. Terminal branches form the sub-zygomatic plexus, over the external sur- face of the masseter muscle and ramifying in the tissue of the cheeks, lips and nostrils. 8. Auditory or acoustic. — Origin : From the bulb by two branches, one from the restiform bodies, the other from the floor of the fourth ventricle. Course : Passes behind the seventh into the internal auditory hiatus, and divide in two branches, anterior and pos- terior, ramifying into the cochlea, the vestibulum and semicircular canals. 9. Glosso pharyngeal. — Origin: On the side of the bulb between tlie restiform bodies and the lateral 114 EQUINE ANATOMY. fasciculus of the bulb, by eight or ten roots, uniting to forjn the petrous ganglion. Course : Downwards with a curve concave forward, behind the great branch of the hyoid bone, between the guttural pouches and mas- seter muscle, runs alongside the hyoid bone and reaches the base of the tongue, where it terminates. Collateral branches : 1 — The nerve of Jacobson, giving off the great and small deep petrosal ; 2 — Branches to the superior cervical ganglion ; 3 — Branch to the cartiod plexus ; 4 — a pharyngeal nerve to the superior wall of the pharynx. 10. — Fneumogastric or par vagum. — Origin: Two roots: the sensitive from the grey mass near the floor of the fourth ventricle behind the glosso-pharyngeal, then passes out of the cranium to the jugular ganglion ; the motor root rises more posteriorly from the middle of the respiratory track, runs also outwards and goes to the jugular ganglion, which is elongated, flattened from above below and imbedded in the cartilaginous mass closing the foramen lacerum. Course : After its ■connection with the ganglion, the mass is united to the spinal, but soon separates from it, leaves the glosso- pharyngeal pass between them alongside and behind the guttural pouches, crosses the occipital artery, unites with the cervical portion of tlie great sympathetic, passes into tlie tliorax, and then separates from this HEAD. 115- last nerve. In the chest the right nerve turns obliquely round the axillary artery to place itself outside the trachea until the root of the bronchia, where it ends ; the left nerve remains attached to the artery, crosses outv^ards the origin of the aorta, and terminates by branches which give rise to the bronchial plexus and oesophageal nerves. Collateral branches : 1 — Branches to the superior cervical ganglion ; 2 — The pharyngeal to the superior face of the pharynx; 3 — The superior laryngeal to the susglottic portion of the larynx ; 4 — Branches to inferior cervical ganglion ; 5 — Inferior laryngeal or recurrent nerves, which rise from the tenth into the thoracic cavity, and run forwards and upwards into the larynx, where they divide into the muscles and mucous membrane of the subglottic portion. Terminal branches : Bronchial plexus going to the mucous mem- brane of the bronchia ; oesophageal, divided into supe- rior and inferior, the last terminating in the walls of the stomach ; the former into the left sac of that organ, and the solar plexus. II. Spinal OR ACCESsoRius. — Origin: from the cer- vical marrow, runs upwards and forwards in the verte- bral canal till it reaches the tenth pair, with which it comes out of the cranium. Course : first united to the par vagum, it soon leaves it, runs backwards, passes under the maxillary gland, arrives at the posterior 116 EQUINE ANATOMY. border of the levator humeri ; downwards to the front of the shoulder, then turns upwards under the cervical trapezium muscle and terminates in the dorsal portion of the same; while it gives several muscular branches, it receives some from the first, second, tliird, fourth and fifth, and sometimes sixth, cervical pairs. 12. Gkeat hypoglossus. — Origin: from the inferior face of the bulb, by twelve roots, which run through the dura mater by two or three fasciculi and then unite into one trunk. Course : after first communi- cating with the first cervical pair, it passes between the tenth and eleventh cranial pairs, runs downwards alongside the guttural pouches, communicates with the superior cervical ganglion, goes outside the exter- nal carotid on the side of the pharynx and larynx, dips between the mylo-hyoideus and basio-glossus and ter- minates in the tongue. Sympathetic IVerve— Cephalic portion is composed of three ganglions : the ophtlialmic, resting on the common oculo-motor nerve, is very small ; the spheno- palatine or ganglion of Meckel, varying in disposition, generally found under the superior maxillary nerve, it is the largest of the three ; the otic or ganglion of Arnold, not always present ; when it exists, it is inside the origin of tlie inferior maxillary nerve. CHAPTER V. T RU isr K. Supporting the head at the anterior extremity and terminating posteriorly by the tall ; it has for base, od the median line a series of bones called vertebrae, and is composed of three cavities; the thoracic; the ab- dondnalj separated by the diaphragm muscle ; and the pelvic cavity, a dependance of the abdominal. Vertebrie — General characters. — They are single bones perforated by the vertebral foramen, which in the series forms the vertebral canal. Division : A body and annular portion. TJie body has two faces : one superior with two triangular surfaces and two grooves« for venous sinuses ; the inferior with a crest sometimes called the inferior spinous process. It has two ex- tremities : an anterior with a round head more or less prominent, one posterior with a cavity for the reception* of the head. The antudaafcportion has an internal surface, concave and forrifetg the vertebral foramen '; 118 EQUINE ANATOMY. and ail external, presenting the superior spinous pro- cess and two transverse processes. In front and be- hind are found two articular facets, and at their base notches for the formation of the foramina of conjuga- tion. Development : two principal and five secondary centers. In the vertebral canal is found the spinal makkow. It is covered by the three membranous envelopes, dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater. It is a thick, white, hollow mass, continuation of the medulla oblongata, and ending in a point at the anterior third of the sacral canal. Weighing about ten ounces, it is slightly de- pressed from above below, and presents a brachial and lumbar enlargements or bulbs where the nerves of the fore and hind extremities are given off. Its external surface shows on the superior and inferior face a deep fissure, and on each side of these, two others scarcely noticeable. Its internal structure shows that it is hol- low, and presents in its middle a mass of grey matter surrounded by white substance. They are so arranged that the superior and inferior fissures of the external surface are separated by a white and a grey commis- sure, the last tending upwards and downwards towards the surfaces of the organ prolongations or cornua. The medulla receives blood from arteries of the pia mater, and branches of the median spinal artery. CHAPTER YL IS^ E C K . OSTEOLOGY. Seven cervical vertebrae. General characters: They are the longest and thick- est of all ; the inferior spinous process of the body is well developed ; the head well detached ; the cavity very deep and larger than the head it receives ; the superior spinous process is a rough crest ; the trans- verse processes are very large, bending downwards and perforated at their base by the trachelian foramen ; the articular facets are plano-convex and very wide ; the foramen of conjugation very large. Specific characters : Firsts or atlas is very large and more flat ; the body is quite small ; its inferior spinous process is replaced by a tubercle ; its superior face is divided into a surface for ligamentous attachment, and an articular surface ; it has no head nor cavity behind ; in their stead are found forward two deep cavities formed by four concave facets for articulation with 120 EQUINE ANATOMY. tlie occipital ; beliind are two piano convex facets for articulation with the axis ; it has no superior spinous process, but a rough surface ; its transverse processes are very wide and have three foramina. Development : six nuclei of ossification. Second^ or axis. — The longest of all ; has no head but the odontoid process ; the inferior spinous process is fiharp ; the superior thick and bifid behind ; the trans- verse process is sharp and has a single tubercle ; it iias no articular facets forward, and shows a deep notch sometimes a foramen in front of the body. Third. The space between the anterior and posterior articular processes is deep. Fourth. These are then united by a thin edge. Fifth. There by a rough, thick crest. In all three the transverse processes are bitubercular. Sixth. Transverse processes tritubercular. Seventh, or prominent has a superior spinous process VQvy high, no inferior one, a concave facet on the border of tlie posterior cavity ; the transverse processes are unitubercular ; no trachelian foramen ; the vertebral canal is very large. SYIVDESMOLOGY. General articulations. — That of body : Amphiar- thosis. Articular surfaces : Head and cavity of the NECK. 121 body. Means of union : Fibro-cartilnge and a supe- rior and inferior common v^ertebral liii'Mment. That of tlie annular part : Double artlirodia. Artic- ular surfaces : Articular facets. Means of union : Inter- spinal ligament, inter annular ligament, two capsular, superior spinal ligament (cervical portion) or ligamen- tum nuclise, composed of a funicular cord and two median sheets of yellow elastic tissue. Motion : Sliding. Special articulations — Atloido-occipital : Condy- loid. Articular surfaces : Two condyles of tlie occipi- tal, two cavities in front of the atlas. Ligaments : One capsular with four reinforcing bands. Two synovial cap- sulse, one for each condyle and cavity. Motion : Flex- ion, extension, lateral inclination and circumduction. AxoiDO-ATLOiD. — Troclioid or lateral ginglymus. Ar- ticular surfaces : A groove on tlie superior face of the body of tlie atlas, and two facets on each side of it, the inferior face of the odontoid process of the axis and the two facets laterally. Ligaments : Superior and inferior atloido-axoid ligaments, odontoid ligament, one capsu- lar. One synovial capsnla. Motion: Rotation. MYOLOGY. Superior region : Seventeen muscles. 1. Cervical trapezium. — (See dorsal region, de- scribed as cervical portion of t^e trapezium.) /^tUU^. v^ 122 EQUINE ANATOMY. 2. IIhom:boideus. — Synonyms. Kliomboidens longns and brevis, (P). Ccrvico-subscapularis, (G). Dorso- scapularis, (L). Attachments : The funicular portion of the cervical ligament, tlie apex of the spinous pro- cesses of the second, third, fourtli, fifth or sixth dorsal vertebrae, the internal face of the cartilage of the scap- ula. Action : Draws the shoulder upwards and for- wards. 3. Anoularis scapula. — Synonyms. Trachelo-sub- scapularis, (G). Anterior portion of the serratus magnus, (P). Attachments : The transverse processes of the five last cervical vertebrse, the anterior triangu- lar surface of the internal face of the scapula. Action : Pulls the scapula forward, may assist in the lateral inclination of the neck. 4. Splenius. — Synonyms. Cervico-trachelian, (G). Attachments: The ligamentum nuchse, the summit of the spinous processes of the first dorsal vertebrae, the mastoid crest of the occipital, the transverse processes of the atlas, and that of the third, fourth and fifth cer- vical vertebrfB. Action : Extensor of head and neck. 5. Great complexus. — Synonyms. Dorso-occipi talis, (G). Complexus major, (P). Attachments : The summit of the spinous processes of the first dorsal vertebrse, the transverse processes of the two first dor- sal, the articular tubercles of the cervical vertebrae, NKCK. 123 tlie posterior face of the occipitfil protuberance, on eacli side of the cervical tuberosity. Action : Extensor of the head. 6. Small complexus. — Synonyms. Dorso-niastoid- ens, (G). Traclielo-mastoidens, (P). Attachments • The transverse processes of the two first dorsal verte- brae, the articular tubercles of tlie cervical vertebrae, the mastoid process of the temporal, the transverse process of the atlas. Action: Extensor of the head, which is carried sideways. 7. Transverse spinous of the neck. — Synonyms. Dorso-spinalis, (G). Spinalis colli, (P). Attachments ; On the five last articular tubercles of the cervical ver- tebrae, the superior spinous processes of the sixth, fifth, fourth, third and second cervical vertebrae. Action: Extensor and inclinator of the neck. 8. Six intertransyeesal of the neck. — Synonyms. Inter-cervical, (G). Not described by P. Attach- ments : Upon the transverse and articular processes of the cervical vertebrae, except the first. Action : Incline the neck on one side. 9. Great oblique OF THE HEAD. — Synonyms. Axoido- atloideus, (G). Obliquus capitis inferior, (P). At- tachments : The spinous process of the axis, the trans- verse process of the atlas. Action : Kotator of the atlas and head. 124 EQUINE ANATOMY. 10. Small oblique of the head. — Synonyms. At- loido-mastoideus, (G). Obliquus capitis superior, (P). Lateral atloido-oecipitalis, (L). Attacliments : To the styloid process and external face ,of the occipital bone, near and on the mastoid crest. Action : Inclines and -extends the head. 11. Posterior gkeat steaight of the head. — Syn- onyms. Long and short axoido-occipitalis, (G). Kec- tns capitis posticus major and complexes minor, (P). Attachments : Spinous process of the axis, on tlie oc- cipital bone. Action : Extensor of the head. 12. Posterior small straight of the head. — Syn- onyms. Atloido-occipitalis, (G). Rectus capitis posti- cus minor, (P). Atloido-occipitalis superior, (L). At- tachments : The superior face of the atlas, external face of the occipital. Action : Extensor of the head. Inferior region.— Eleven muscles. 1. Subcutaneous of the neck. — Synonyms. Por- tion of the panniculus carnosus, (P). Attachments : Trachelian cartilage of the sternum, the lateral surfaces of the superior cervical muscles, the zygomatic crest. Action ; Braces tlie muscles of the neck and pulls the commissure of the lips backwards. 2. Mastoido-humeralis. — Synonyms, Levator hu- meri, (P). Attachments: The mastoid process and crest, the humerus, tlie transverse processes of the NECK. 125 four first cervical vertebrae. Action : Carries tlie an- terior leg forward or inclines the head and neck to one side. 3. Sterno-m AXILLARIS. — Attachments : The anterior extremit}^ of the sternum, the posterior border of the maxillary. Action : Flexes the head directly or to one side. 4. Stern 0-HY0IDEU8. 6. Sterno-thyroideus. — Synonyms. Sterno-thyro-hyodens, (P). Attachments : The anterior extremity of the sternnm, the body of the iiyoid bone, the thyroid cartilage. Action : De- pressors of the hyoid bone and of the larynx. 6. Omo or subscapulo-hyoideus — Synonyms. Sub- scapnlo-hyoidens, (P). Attachments: On the inner surface of the subscapularis muscle, body of hyoid bone. Action : Depressors of the hyoid and larynx. 7. Great anterior straight of the head. — Syno- nyms. Traehelo-snb-occipitalis, (L). Kectus capitis anticus major, (P). Trachelo-occipitalis, (L). At- tachments : The transverse processes of the third, fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae, the sphenoid bone and basilar process of the occipital. Action : Flexes tlie head directly or to one side. 8. Small anterior straight of the head. — Syno- nyms. Atloido-sub occipitalis, (G). Rectus capitis a.iticus minor, (P). Atloido-occipitalis inferior, (L). 126 EQUINE ANATOMY. Attachments: The body of the atlas, the basilar pro cess of the occipital. Action : Cooperates to flex tlio head. 9. Small lateral straight. — Synonyms. Atloido- styloideuSj (G). Obliqnus capitis anticus, (P). Attach- ment : To the atlas, tlie styloid process of the occipital. Action : Congener of the other straight muscles. 10. Scalenus — Synonyms. Costo-tracheleus, (G). Attachments : The transverse processes of the four last cervical vertebrae, the superior extremity, anterior bor- der and external face of the first rib. Action : Flexes the neck directly or to one side, or acts as an assistant to respiration. 11. Long muscle of the neck. — Synonyms. Sub- dorso-atloideus, (G). Longus colli. (P). Dorso-at- loideus, (L). Attachments : The body of tiie first six dorsal vertebrae, tlie transverse processes, and the in- ferior spinous processes of tlie first six cervical verte- brae, the tubercle of the inferior face of tlie atlas. Action : Flexor of the neck and of the cervical verte- brae individually. SPLAMH^OLOGY. Trachea. — Cartilaginous tube extending from tlie larynx to the base of the heart, whore it divides into the right and left bronchia. Form : Cylindroid, slightly NECK. 127 flattened from above below. Connections : In the neck^ with the oesophagus, carotid arteries, pneumo-gastric,. sympathetic and recurrent nerves ; in the thorax, above to the longus colli and oesopliagus, below to the bronchial trunks, the anterior aorta, anterior vena cava,, cardiac and recurrent nerves, base of the heart ; on tlie sides, to the inferior cervical ganglion of the symp- athetic, to tlie vertebral, superior cervical and dorsal arteries and to the antei'ior mediastinum ; on the right to the vena az3^gos ; on the left, to tlie cross of the aorta and the thoracic duct. Structure : It consists of about fifty cartilaginous rings, united by inter-cartila- ginous ligament, lined by a mucous membrane covered by ciliated epithelium, containing muscular fibres, and receiving blood vessels from the carotid and the bron- chial trunks, nerves from the recurrent and sympathe- tic. Qilsophagiis. — Form : A long membranous tube con- necting the pharynx with the stomach, it is placed above and to the left of the trachea, passes into the thorax over the base of the heart, to the right pillar of the diaphragm, terminating at the stomach in the car- diac opening. Connections : At its origin, is situated between the guttural pouches and the larynx ; in the neck, above between the trachea and the longus colli ; on each side the carotid artery and its nerves ; below, 128 EQUINE ANATOMY. with the trachea, scalenus muscle, blood vessels and nerves of the neck ; and on the left side with the jug- ular vein ; in the tliorax with the inferior cervical gan- glion and its branches ; the vertebral, superior cervical, and dorsal arteries and veins, with the left bronchia, aorta, lung, oesophageal arterj and nerves. Structure : Two coats of muscular fibres, a mucous membrane with longitudinal folds, oesophageal arteries and branches of the pneumo-gastric nerve. Thyroid Gland.— Composed of two ovoid lobes, one on each side of the lirst two rings of the trachea, united by a small band running in front of the trachea. Struc- ture : A fibrous envelope, parenchymtous mass, branches of the thyro-laryngeal and thyroid accessorius arteries and nerves from the first and second cervical pairs. AXGEJOLOGY. Arteries. — Fsimitive carotid. — Branches of the cephalic trunk : E-unning along the trachea to the gut- tural pouches and the larynx, where it terminates in the arteries of the head. (See page 102.) Collateral brandies: Innominated to the oesophagus, the trachea and the cervical muscles ; the thyro-laryngeal, whicli runs downwards to the thyroid gland and sends branches to the larynx, and the thyroid accessorius to the thyroid body by its posterior extremity. NECK. 1 29 Veins. — The jugular, formed by the superiicial tem- poral and the internal maxillary vein, runs downwards and backwards in the inferior extremity of the neck, and terminates with the axillary vein to the gulf of the jugulars. In connection above with the parotid gland, below with the subscapulo hyoideus, panniculus carnosus, trachea and to the left side the oesophagus. Lymphatics. — They come from the pharyngeal to the prepectoral ganglion or directly to the* great lym- phatic vein. NEUROLOGY. Eight cervical rachidian pairs. — The superior roots go to the muscles of the superior cervical region and the cervico and tempero-auricularis muscles ; the inferior roots of the six first pairs anastomose and form by their branches the superficial cervical plexus ; they ramify upon the sides of the neck and the mus- cles of the chest. The seventh and eighth unite to- gether, and with the two first dorsal form the brachial plexus. Sympathetic — Superior cervical ganglion. — Elon- gated and fusiform ; it runs along the internal carotid artery in a fold of the guttural pouches in front of the transverse process of the atlas, and in connection with the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth pairs of 130 EQUlNJfi ANATOMY. cranian nerves forming the guttural plexus. Afferent branches come from the cranian nerves ; efferent branches, to the internal carotid to form the cavernous plexus; to the primitive carotid, to form the carotid plexus ; to tlie fauces and the pharynx, forming the pharyngeal plexus. Uniting cord, single without col- lateral branches united intimately to the pneumogas- trie, runs down with it and ends at the inferior cervi- cal GANGLION. This ganglion, larger than the superior, is situated on the inside of the scalenus muscle, is of various forms, sometimes single or double forming the middle inferior ganglion. Afferent branches come from the cervical pairs ; efferent branches, form the cardiac nerves (five in number), and in front of the trachea the tracheal plexus. CHAPTER YIL THORAX. OSTEOLOGY. Dorsal Vertebrae. — Genp:ral characters: Body very short ; head wide and somewhat flattened ; cavi- ty is not deep, two small concave articular surfaces on each side ; superior spinous processes are very high and inclined hackwards ; transverse processes are unituber- cular with a flat diarthrodial facet; the articular facets are situated at tlie base of the spinous process ; the posterior notches are very deep. Specific characters. — The vertical diameter in- creases and the lateral diminishes from forward back- wards, the articular surfaces of the body are wider and flatter as they go backwards, the inferior spinous pro- cess is well developed forward, disappears from the sixth to the ninth, reappears and increases to the last, the intervertebral cavities diminish from the first to the last, the superior spinous processes increase to tlie 132 EQUINE ANATOMY. fifth, then diminish to the last ; their obliquity is less pronounced as it is more posterior, the articular facets are closer to the median line, going towards the tenth, and increase to the last ; the transverse processes, as well as the articular surfaces, diminish from forward back- wards ; the last has no facets on the posterior border. Ribs. — Elongated bones, eighteen on each side, leaving between them the intercostal spaces, and being pro- longed downwards by the costal cartilages. General characters. — Division : A middle part and two extremities. Middle part : External face has a groove in front and muscular impressions above. Internal face is concave and smooth. The anterior border is concave and sharp, the posterior convex, thick and with vasculo-nervous fissure. The superior ex- tremity has a head formed of two convex facets, separated by a groove and a tuberosity with a flat dia- throdial facet. Tlie inferior extremity has a small irregular cavdty. Development : three nuclei, one for the head, one for the tuberosity, one for the balance of the bone. Specific characters. — Division : Eight sternal or true ribs, ten asternal or false ribs ; their length in- creases from the first to tlie ninth, then diminishes to the last, their width increases from the first to the sixth, then diminishes backwards, their curve is shorter and THORAX. 133 more marked as it is more posterior, the groove of the external face becomes less marked as th& rib is narrower. First rib — Has no groove on the external face, no fissure between the facets of the head, shows large muscular impressions on the external face, and an ar- ticular facet on the inferior extremity of the internal face. Last rib — Has no groove externally, the facet of the tuberosity and the posterior facet of the head are united. Costal Cartilages.— Those of the eight first ribs rest on the sternum by a facet after articulating above with the inferior extremity of the rib. Those of the false ribs are united with their corresponding ribs by their inferior extremity, which terminates in a point, and rests directly upon each other. Sternum.— Situation: under the thorax. Division: Three faces, three borders, two extremities. The su- perior face is concave and triangular ; the lateral face is divided into a superior portion which shows diar- throdial cavities and an inferior portion for muscular attachments. The lateral border separates the latter from the superior face ; the inferior border is convex, thin and resembles tlie keel of a ship. The anterior extremity forms tlie trachelian prolongation ; the pos- 134 EQUINE ANATOMY. terior extremity forms the x^^phoid cartilage flattened from above below. Structure : bony and cartilaginous. Development : six nuclei, SYIVDESmOLOOY. Intervertebral joints. (See cervical region, page 120.) Vertebro-costal. — Arthrodia. — Formed by the fa- cets of the head of the ribs and the cavities on each side of the body of two adjacent vertebrse. Ligaments : interarticular and inferior peripheric. Two synovial capsulse. Motion, sliding. CosTO-TRANSVERSAL. — Arthrodia. — Articular sur- faces. Facets on the tuberosity of the rib and trans- verse process of the posterior vertebrse. Ligaments : posterior and anterior transverse costal ; one synovial capsula. Motion, sliding. Chondro-costal. — Synarthrodial. Articular sur- faces, inferior extremity of the rib and superior ex- tremity of the cartilage. Ligament : the periosteum. Chondro-sternal. — Arthrodia. Articular surfaces : the inferior extremity of the true I'ibs and the cavities of the sternum. Ligaments : superior and inferior sterno-costal. One synovial capsula. Chondro-chrondral. — Attached by some yellow elastic ligament. THORAX. 135 MYOLOGY. Spinal Region. — Seven pairs. 1. Trapezium. — Synonyms : Dorso and cervico-acro- mialis, (G). Attachments : The funicular cord of the cervical ligament, the apex of the superior spinous pro- cess of the first dorsal vertebrae, the tuberosity of the acromion and external surface of the scapular aponeu- rosis. Action : Raises the shoulder and carries it for- wards or backwards. 2. Greatdorsal — Synonyms: Dorso-humeralis, (G). Latissimus dorsi, (P). Attachments : The apex of the spinous process of all the lumbar and fourteen or fif- teen last dorsal vertebrae, internal tuberosity of the hu- merus. Action : Carries the arm backwards and up- wards. 3. Small anterior serrated. — Synonyms : Dorso- costalis, (G). Superficialis costarum, (P). Anterior serrated, (L). Attachments: The summit of the spi- i nous process of the tliirteen dorsal vertebrae follow- ! ing the first, the external face of the anterior border of i tlie nine ribs following the fourth. Action : Inspir- \ atory. ' 4. Small posterior serrated. — Synonyms. Lumbo- costalis, (G). Superficialis costarum, (P.) Posterior • serrated, (L). Attachments : The spinous processes of \ 136 EQUINE ANATOMY. the last dorsal vertebrae from the tenth, the lumbar vertebrae, posterior border and external face of the nine last ribs. Action : Expiratory. 5. Ilio-spinalis. — Synonyms. Longissimus dorsi, (P). Attachments : The lumbar border, external an- gle and internal face of the ilium, sacro-iliac ligament, sacrum, spinous processes of all the lumbar, dorsal, and last four cervical vertebrae, articular facets of the lumbar vertebrae, the transverse processes of all the dorsal and last four cervical vertebrae, costiform pro- cesses of the lumbar vertebrae, external surface of the fifteen or sixteen last ribs. Action : Extensor of the vertebral column ; may act as an expirator. 6. Common intercostal. — Synonyms. Trachelo- costalis, (G). Transversal costarum, (P.) Attach- ments : The external face of the ribs, transverse pro- cess of the last cervical vertebrae. Action : Depresses the ribs. T. Transverse spinous of the back and loins. — Synonyms. Transverso-spinous, (G). Spinalis and semi-spinalis dorsi, (P). Attachments: The lateral border of the sacrum, the articular processes of the lumbar and transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae, spinous processes of the sacral, lumbar, dorsal and last cervical vertebrae. Action : Extensor of the spine. Costal Region.— Fifty-four pairs. THORAX. 137 1. Great serratus. — Synonyms. Costo-siibscapu- laris, (G). Posterior portion of the serratus magniis, (P). Attachments : The external face of the eight true ribs, the anterior and posterior triangular surfaces of the internal face of the scapula. Action : Suspen- sor of the trunk, and may act as inspirator. 2. Transverse of the ribs. — Synonyms. Costo- sternalis, (G). Lateralis sterni, (P). Attachments : Sternum, fourth costal cartilage and external face of the first rib. Action : Expiratory. 3. Seventeen external intercostals. — Attach- ments : Posterior border of the preceding to external face of succeeding rib. Action : Inspiratory. 4. Seventeen internal intercostals. — Attach- ments : Anterior border of the posterior to posterior border and internal face of the anterior rib. Action : Expiratory. 5. Seventeen supercostals. — Synonyms. Trans- verso-costalis, (G). Levatores costarum, (P). Attach- ments: Trans\^erse processes of the dorsal vertebrae and external face of the ribs. Action : Inspiratory. 6. Triangularis of the sternum. — Synonyms. Ster- no-costalis, (G). Sterno-costalis, (P). Attachments : Superior face of the sternum and internal face of the cartilages of the true ribs except the first. Action : Expiratory. 138 EQUINE ANATOMY. Muscular attachments of the anterior extremity to tlie trunk. Pectoral or Axillarj jpeg|on.--J. Superficial pec- TORAL. — Synonyms, ^ ^e^t orfiho trftnoFcron s , (P). Divis- ion : 1 — Sterno-li^eralis. Attachment^: Anterior ap- pendix and inferior border of tlie sternum, anterior crest of theh^Kfiery^^^Aotion : Adductor of the forearm. 2— SSrn^ap^^ii^oticus^ Attachments: Entire inferior boroerof tlie sternum, anterior ridge of the humerusj fascia of tlie external face of the anti-brachial aponeu- rosis. Action : Adductor of the leg and tensor of the aponeurosis. 2. Deep pectoral. — Division : 1 — Sterno-trochineus. Synonyms. Fectoralis mao^n us, (P). Attachments: Tunica abdominalis, two posterior thirds of the inferior border of the sternum, internal tubercle of the superior extremity of the humerus. Action : Draws the leg back- wards. 2 — Sterno-prescapularis. Synonyms. Pectoralis ^aiivns , (P). Attachments : On the side of the sternal keel, the cartilages of the three or four first ribs, the aponeurosis covering the antea-spinatus muscle, the cervical angle of the scapula. Action : Draws the shoulder backwards and downwards, and tensor of the scapular aponeurosis. THOKAX. 139 SPLAXCHIVOLOGV. Pleura. — Serous membriine lining tlie thoracic cavity, forming two sacs resting on each otlier and the medi- astinum. The anterior mediastinum is that portion sit- uated in front of the heart ; tlie posterior is the one posterior to tliat organ. The costal pleura lines the internal face of the ribs; the diaphragmatic pleura lines the anterior face of the diaphragm muscle. With the mediastine pleura, they form the parietal layer of tliat serous membrane. The pulmonary pleura covers the external face of the lungs and forms the viceral layer. This membrane receives blood vessels, and also nerves from the sympathetic, pneumogastric, diaphragmatic and intercostals. Bronchia. — Terminal branches for the trachea, one for each luug, they divide in this tissue, aifecting the dichotomic division. The right bronchia is the largest. They are perfectly cylindrical to their end, and'^Fe composed of cartilaginous rings formed by elongated small pieces of cartilages resting upon each other by their extremities, (tliese disappear in the smallest tube,) and of a muscular layer lining the whole extent of the tube, which is covered by a mucous membrane. They receive divisions of the bronchial arteries, veins and nerves. Lymphatics pass to the bronchial glands. 140 EQUINE ANATOMY. LungSi — General disposition: Essential organs of respiration, divided in two lateral moieties, described as the right and left lung, tlie former being the larger. Form : Together they have the form of the thoracic cavity, each representing half of a cone with two faces, three borders, a base and an apex. Faces. — External is convex; internal offers an ante- rior part resting on the anterior mediastinum, an exca- vation for the reception of tlie heart, the root of the lungs ; a posterior part resting on the posterior medias- tinum, the thoracic groove and oesophageal fissure. The right lung has also a small lobule on that face. Base : Concave and moulded on the anterior face of the diaphragm ; on the right lung it has a deep notch for the posterior vena cava. Apex : Forms tlie anterior lobule of the lung. Borders : Superior is convex and rests in the vertebro-costal groove ; the inferior is thin, with a large notch on the left lung for the heart ; tlie posterior bounds the base or diaphragmatic face. Structure : Serous envelope, the pleura. Tissue proper, of a rose color, soft but resisting, elastic, very light, divided in small lobules by conjunctive partitions, each lobule being formed of pulmonary vesicles col- lected and comnmnicating together witli a bronchial tube ; each vesicle has a membrane proper lined by pavimentous epithelium and is covered with capillajy THORAX. 141 vessels on its surface. The blood vessels of the lungs are functional branches of the pulmonary artery and nutritive divisions of the bronchial arteries and veins ; the nerves come from the sympathetic and pneumo- gastric; the lymphatics are arranged in superficial and deep layers. Heart. — General view: Hollow muscle divided by a longitudinal septum in two masses, and each of these by a transverse groove in two others, forming four cav- ities, two superior, the auricles, two inferior, the ven- tricles. Situation : opposite the third and sixth ribs, in front of the diaphragm. Form: conoid. Direction: obliquely, backwards, downwards, and slightly from right to left. Size and weight : ten and one quarter inches long, seven and a lialf at its base from back- wards forwards, and five to five and a half from side to side ; the average weight is six and three-quarter pounds. External aspect. — Yentricular mass: has two faces, right and left, both divided by a super o-inferior fissure in two portions, the posterior of which forms the left ventricle. Connected through the pericardium to the pleura and hmgs, this mass has two borders, one ante- rior, obliquely backwards ; one posterior, almost verti- cal. Its apex is formed by tlie left ventricle. Its base has two arterial and two auriculo-ventricular openings. 142 EQUINE ANATOMY. Auricular mass. — This has three faces, a superior with the openings of the anterior vena cava and azy- gos in front, and pulmonary veins behind ; right face with the openings of the posterior vena cava, coronary and brachial veins ; and a left face embracing the aorta and pulmonary arteries. Its extremities are anterior ciud posterior, its base resting on the ventricular mass. Internal aspect. — Cardiac septum divided into au- ricular, with the cicatrix of the foramen of Botal ; and ventricular much thicker. The right ventricle has two walls, known as anterior and posterior. They have fleshy columns of three kinds ; an apex, not extending to the point of the heart ; a base, with the pulmonary opening furnished with sigmoid valves, and the auri- culo-ventricular opening presenting the tricuspid valve secured by its borders to ventricular walls by the cordse tendinosse. The right auricle presents an anterior cul de sac furnished with fleshy columns of the second and third kinds : a posterior wall showing the fossa ovalis, an external wall with venous openings, and internal wall smooth, a superior wall with venous openings, a base having the auriculo- ventricular opening. The left ventricle has its walls covered with fleshy columns ; its apex forms the point of the heart ; the base presents the aortic opening, with tlie sigmoid THORAX. 143 valves and the auriculo-ventricular, witli the mitral valve. The right auricle covers the auriculo-ventricular opening, and on its superior face has the openings of the pulmonary veins, from four to eight in number. Structure : Annular fibrous frame, made of four bands, one for each orifice at the base of the ventricu- lar mass. Muscular tissue composed of uniting and proper fibres of the ventricles and auricles. The fibres proper of the ventricles form a cone open at both ends. The uniting fibres cover the external surface of the ventricles, twist around them and penetrate into and line the inside of the ventricular cavities. In the auri- cles the uniting fibres form two thin bands goin^from one to the other ; tlie proper fibres divide into fasci- culi disposed in rings, round the auriculo-ventricular openings, or in sphincters round the openings of the veins. Blood vessels are represented by the coronary arteries and veins. The nerves come from the great sym- pathetic and pneumogastric. It has two serous mem- branes, an internal or endocardium, lining the cavities and extending into the cavity of the blood vessels ; an external or pericardium, having a fibrous cone for a frame, on the inside of which is spread the serous mem- brane proper or two layers, parietal covering the fibrous cone, and a visceral resting on the lieart itself. 144 EQUINE ANATOMY. This membrane receives blood from the mediastinal arteries ; it has also some lymphatics. AXGEIOLOGY. Arteries, — Pulmonary. — Kisesf rom the right ventri- cle, runs upward and backwards in a cm*ved direction and above the left auricle divides in two branches, one for each lung, where thej ramify. Connections : To the right with the aorta, in front and behind is em- braced by the auricles and cardiac vessels ; near its middle is united to the aorta by the obliterated ductus arteriosus. Primitive aorta. — Rises from the left ventricle, where it forms the sinuses of the aorta, runs upwards and slightly forwards, and after two or two and a half inches divides into the anterior and posterior aorta, its terminal brandies. Connections : On the right with the auricular mass ; on tlie left with the pulmonary artery. Its collateral branches are the cardiac or cor- onary arteries, divided into right and left. The right rises in front of the primitive aorta, passes under the anterior auricle and divides into a vertical branch placed in the right vertical fissure of the ventricular mass, and one horizontal running in the horizontal groove. The left rises opposite the right, passes be- hind the pulmonary artery under the left auricle, and THORAX. 145 divides into two brandies, one horizontal and one ver- tical, disposed like the ri2;ht cardiac. These tv7o arteries anastomose with those of the opposite side, and from their division send collateral branches to the muscular tissue of the heart. Anterior aorta. — Tiie shortest of the terminal branches, runs obliquely upwards and forwards above the right auricle, under the trachea on the left side of the anterior vena cava, and terminates by the two branches : 1. Brachial OR axillary artery. — Running a course forward, between the layers of the mediastinum under the trachea, it reaches the entrance of the thorax, twists round the first rib, into the axillary space and becomes humeral (see page 31). It gives off eight collateral branches : 1 The DORSAL. — Synonyms. Dorso-muscular, run- ning towards the second intercostal space, through it outside the thorax, bends slightly backwards and ramifies into the muscles of the anterior part of the dorsal region, having a larger branch passing for- ward and upwards near the superior border of the neck to anastomose with the superior cervical. It gives oif one collateral branch, the subcostal, which passes into the costo- vertebral groove backwards, giving off the second, third and fourth intercostal arteries, and tcrmi- 146 EQUINE ANATOMY. n:ites in forming the iiftli alone or with another branch from the first posterior intercostal. ■ 2 The SUPERIOR CERVICAL. — Synonyms. Cervico-mus- cular ; runs outside the thorax through the first inter- costal space, passing upwards and forwards under the complexus major muscle, reaches the second cervical vertebrse and anastomoses with the occipito-muscular and the dorsal arteries. It gives for collateral branches the first intercostal, muscular and tegumentary brandies to the superi'.)r cervical regions. 3. The VERTEBRAL. — Passiug inside the first rib, out- side the trachea and the inferior cervical ganglion, and under the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebrae, enters the trachelian foramen, runs forwards and upwards to the atlas, where it anastomoses with the occipital. Its external, superior and inferior collat- erals go to the muscles of the neck ; its internal to form the median spinal. 4. The INTERNAL THORACIC OR MAMMARY. — Descending inside the first rib to the sternum, then backwards upon its superior face, it terminates at the base of the xyphoid cartilage by the anterior abdominal, which passes out- side the thorax under that cartilage, on the superior face of the rectus abdominis muscle, where it ramifies and finally anastomoses with tlie posterior abdominal, and by the asternal artery, which lies inside the cartil- THORAX. 147 aginous circle of the false ribs, runs upwards, sending intercostal collateral branches, and anastomoses with the thirteenth intercostal. The mammary furnishes superior brandies to the pericardium and pleura, inferi- or branches to the pectoral muscles, and external rami- fications to anastomose with the intercostals. 5. The EXTERNAL THORACIC. — Tumiug over the an- terior border of tlie first rib, it runs backwards inside the two portions of the deep pectoral muscles in which it ramifies. 6. Tlie inferior cervical or trachelo-muscular. — Passing outside the gulf of the jugulars, inside the sterno-prescapularis, it terminates by an ascending and descending muscular branch. 7 and 8, — Sus and subscapular. Described in tlie arteries of the anterior extremity (see page 31). Posterior aorta. — True continuation of the primi- tive aorta. It passes upwards and backwards, forming a curve called the arch of the aorta, reaches the left side of the inferior face of the vertebral column, fol- lows the vertebral bodies, gradually coming to the median line, passes through the diaphragm, into the abdomen as far as the last intervertebral articulation, and terminates by the four iliac arteries. Its collaterals are divided into thoracic and abdominal branches. Thoracic collaterals. — 1. Intercostal arteries: Sev- 148 EQUINE ANATOMY, enteen in number. Thirteen are from the thoracic por- tion of the posterior aorta, the iirst from the cervical artery, and the three following from the subcostal (see page 145) ; they run through the intercostal space and divide into a superior or dorso-spinal artery, an ascend- ing branch going to the muscles of the dorsal region ; and an inferior, intercostal proper, or descending branch running along the posterior border of tlie rib downwards to anastomose with branches of the inter- nal thoracic, of the anterior and posterior abdominal and even circumflex iliac arteries. The intercostal ar- teries form the parietal branches of the thoracic aorta. 2. Broncho- (ESOPHAGEAL. — Visceral branch of the thoracic aorta, rises from the convexity of the arch of the aorta and near the bifurcation of the trachea, gives off the two bronchial arteries ramifying with the bronchia ; and the oesophageal, divided into superior and inferior, which run above and below the oesophagus backwards to anastomose with branches of tlie gastric. 3. Diaphragmatic — See description of diaphrag- matic region, page 151. Abdominal collateral. — See description of the ab- dominal cavity, page 59. Terminal branches. — See arteries of the hind ex- tremity and pelvic cavity, pages 59 and 151. THORAX. 149 Veins. — Cardiac or coronary. — The small cardiac empties from the walls of the right ventricle into the right auricle. The great cardiac empties also into the right auricle inside of the opening of the posterior vena cava, after receiving the bronchial veins. Anterior vena cava. — Formed by the two jugulars and the two axillary veins, terminates on top the right auricle, receiving in its course the internal mammary, the vertebral, the superior cervical, the dorsal and the great vena azygos, which last receives the first lumbar and intercostal veins. Posterior vena cava. — See description of the ab- domen, page 172. Lymphatics. — Those of the thoracic cavity consist of three ganglions: 1 — A series of small granulations placed near the oesophagus and receiving the posterior lymphatics of this organ ; 2 — The bronchial ganglions, situated at the bifurcation of the trachea and receiving the pulmonary lymphatics ; 3 — Two long masses of lobules at the inferior face of the trachea, into whicli the lymphatics of the pericardium, heart and a part of those from the trachea and oesophagus empty. The lymphatics of the tlioracic walls are : 1 — A mass of small granules on each side of the dorsal column ; 2 — A large mass at the base of the xyphoid appendix ; 3 — Some small ones attached to the thoracic vessels. 150 EQtJINE ANATOMY. NEUROLOGY. Seventeen pairs of dorsal nerves from the spinal mar- row, all of which are alike, having a superior branch, running towards the spinous process of the dorsal ver- tebrae, ramifying in the spinal muscles and the skin of the dorso-lumbar region; and an inferior branch which runs downwards between the intercostal spaces and end in the intercostal, pectoral and abdominal muscles. The first and second pair cooperate to form the brachial pelxus (see page 63). Dorsal portion of the sympathetic. — From the inferior cervical ganglion to the diaphragm it forms a double chain of ganglions, seventeen in number, situ- ated in the costo-vertebral groove, continued posteriorly by the lumbar sympathetic. It has afferent branches coming from the dorso-spinal nerves and efferent branches in small number, among which the small and great splanchnic only are important. The latter leaves the main trunk near the sixth or seventh ganglion, runs backwards, penetrates the abdomen, where it ter- minates in the semi-lunar or solar plexus (see abdomnal cavity, page 174). CHAPTER YIIT. DIAPHRAGMATIC RKOION. Diaphragm.— Situated between the thoracic and ab- dominal cavities, obliquely downwards and forwards. In form it is flattened from forwards backwards, wider above, convex on its anterior, aud concave on its pos- terior faces. It is divided into a phrenic, central or aponeurotic portion, and a peripheric or fleshy portion. Attachments : By the tendons of its two fleshy pillars on the bodies of all the lumbar vertebrse, by its fleshy peripheral digitations on the superior face of the xyphoid cartilage and the internal face of the last twelve ribs near their inferior extremity. Structure : In the centre of the phrenic portion is a foramen for the posterior vena cava ; through the right pillar, one for the oeso- phagus; between the two pillars another for the pos- terior aorta and tlioracic duct. Action : Essentially inspiratory. ArterieSt — Diaphragmatic: Two or three small branches coming from the posterior aorta and ramify- ing in the muscle. CHAPTER IX. ABDOMEN. OSTEOLOGY. Lumbar VERXEBRji:. — ^S^ls^^i. General characters : They are longer and wider than the dorsal ; tlie supe- rior spinous process is short, thin, with a rough crest on the apex ; the transverse processes are very large, liorizontal and flattened from above below ; the ante- rior articular facets are liollow and the posterior prom- inent and tooth-like. Specific characters. — The vertical diameter of the body diminishes and the transverse diameter increases from forwards backwards ; the transverse processes of the first and second incline backwards, the third and fourth are nearly straight, the fifth and sixth are bent forward and are quite thick ; the posterior border of the fifth has a wide articular facet, the sixth has one on both the anterior and posterior borders. SYJVDESMOLOGY, Articulation of the two last lumbar vertebrji:. — By wide facets o^ the bordei'S of the transverse processes forming planiform diarthrosis, united by ligamentous fibres and with one synovial capsula. ABDOMEiN^. 153 MYOLOGY. The muscles of the abdomen are supported exter- nally by the abdominal tunic. They nnite on the medi- an plane forming the white line, and are four in num- ber. 1. Tunica abdominalis. — A vast expansion of yel- low elastic tissue, spread over the external muscles, thick near the pubis and along the wliite line, and be- coming tliinner towards its circumference. Posteriorly it becomes lost in the inguinal region, and gives origin to the testicular envelope known as the dartos. Ac- tion : assists the abdominal muscles in supporting the intestinal mass. 2. White line. — Linea alba. Formed by the inter- crossing of the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles, it extends from the xyplioid cartilage of the sternum to tlie anterior border of the pubis. 3. Great or external oblique of the abdomen. — Synonyms : Costo-abdominalis, (G). Qbliqus externus abdominis, (P). Structure : fleshy and aponeurotic por- tions. Attachments : fleshy portion, on tlie external face of the thirteenth or fourteenth last ribs, on the aponeurosis of the great dorsal muscle ; by its internal border it gives origin to its aponeurosis ; aponeui-otic portion, on the linea alba, the anterior border of the 154 EQUINE ANATOMY. pubis, posteriorly it divides and gives origin to the crural aponeurosis and the crural arch. Action : Ex- piratory. Internal crtjbal aponeurosis. — Lines the internal face of the leg, covering the muscles of that re- gion. Crural arch, Fallopius or Poupart's ligament. — Extends from the anterior border of the pubis to the external angle of the ilium. Inside of the pectineal insertion of the small psoas muscle it forms the anterior line of the crural ring. Inguinal canal. — An inf undibuliform canal through which the means of support for the testicles or the external mammary vessels pass from the abdomen. It presents a superior and an inferior opening. 4. Small or internal oblique of the abdomen. — Synonyms. Ilio-abdominalis, (G). Obliquus internus abdominis, (1*). Structure : like the preceding. Attach- ments : Fleshy portion, to the external angle of the ilium and the crural arch ; aponeurotic portion, to the internal face of the cartilages of the false ribs, and the linea ^--C J in c-\ fi f * ' T :jLCr.i%£r^i*i*Kj>^i^«»#»iitiifiuti,t£jti4ct<-.fc!*^.s>t tjtsr ir* i^rfii'.^. ivyvvn-iif :vJ*ty' ^^I^BSSSMi s.if,?*".«?%fii2v«.'.T'iS:'AS-.U