BcS&i TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 418 039 JOHNA.SEAVERNS Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 .r-xAb The Chisfw[m Qalkiy r ^f /- MAGNER'S ABC GUIDE TO SENSIBLE HORSESHOEING A SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE ART OF SHOEING HORSES. INCLUD- ING CHAPTERS ON-METHODS OF MAK- ING A HORSE STAND TO BE SHOD. . . . HOW TO TELL THE AGE OF A HORSE, ETC., ETC OyER 200 ILLUSTRATIONS Seventeen Colored plates BY D. MAGNER, D.V. S. Author of the "-New System of Taming and Educating Horses," "Standard Horse and Stock Book,'' etc. The Wkrner Co. NE\?V YORK AKRON, O. CHICAGO Copyright, 1899, BY THE WERNER COMPANY BAD TO SHOE. THE average of these cases are very simple and easy to manage, but there will occasionally be found among them horses of the most difficult character to control. Ordinary cases of this character were of almost daily occurrence, and usually required but a few minutes' time to make them stand gently to have the feet handled as desired. But we were liable at any time to have a horse of this character that would test our power to the utmost, and such cases frequently made us a great deal of trouble. In the chapter on "Colt-Training" I have given instructions on Fig. 255. — As a Vicious Horse will Sometimes Act while being Shod. handling the feet, page 108, which may be referred to in connection with this. By the use of a little patience and tact, it is rare that even very sensitive colts cannot be made to submit the feet to be handled and pounded upon as desired ; and once done, unless there is some spe- cial cause for disturbance, it can always be done. It is true there is occasionally a young horse that is naturally so wild and vicious as to resist all ordinary good management in the effort to take up and handle the feet ; but with our present methods of treatment, even these cases submit readily to control in a short time. If a colt of ordinary good character, give a short lesson with the First Form of War Bridle, when the feet can be taken up without dif- ficulty. The efficiency of this simple method of control, in making (3) 4 BAD TO SHOE. colts submit to be ridden, led, or handled, is very remarkable ; and in no respect is it greater than in allowing the feet to be taken up and handled. Pull right and left sharply a few times with the War Bri- dle, or sufficiently to make the colt come around without being pulled upon ; then step back, holding the cord rather tight, pass the right hand lightly down the hip and leg to the fetlock, and lift the foot gently ; at the same time, with the left hand, press hard against the hip, so as to throw the weight of the body upon the op- posite leg, which will enable taking up the foot more easily. If sen- sitive, lift it but a few inches at first, and then let it rest again upon the ground ; then again slide the hand lightly down the limb, and lift a little higher than before, repeating until in a position to rest upon the knees with the gambrel under the arm. With the right Fig. 256— As the Horse will Standi after Treatment. hand hammer the foot lightly, put it dov\ n and take it up a few times, then stop and caress. This point made, bring the foot gently forward, in position as if to clinch down the nails. Should the colt at any tim.- j/ - ruSliiig {he Fool Back while Controlled with the War Bridie. be done ; but 'f resisteci, send aiound again until h'-Ipless, when the effort should be repeated. If .submitted to, untie the halter and re- peat the handling. Sometimes, after "the head is given freedom and the dizziness passes off. the colt may, unexpectedly, kick violently. To avoid being struck, stand well forward, and far enough out from the hip to be out of range of the foot, and, as before, while balancing the body by resting the left hand upon the hip, with the right cau- tiously, but firmly, lift the foot lorward. Should the colt kick now, the hand will simply be carried back with the foot without doing harm. When the foot is freely submitted, step forward so as to come well under the hip, bringing the foot upon the knees. If in this position he kicks, the foot will simply be thrown out and back from the knees, so that there will be no danger of ac- 6 BAD TO SHOE. cident. If the case is still unmanageable or doubtful, put on the double-draw hitch form of War Bridle. While an assistant is holding the cord (see Fig. 257), buckle a rein, or tie a cord around the foot below the fetlock. Get directly behind, out of reach, and pull the foot back. This will usually be responded to by a sharp kick, or the foot pulled forward with energy. If so, let the War Bridl'e be jerked upon once or twice as punishment. Repeat the pull- ing at short intervals until the foot will finally be given back freely, Fig. 258.— The Coll as He will Stand affer Treatment. and rested upon the toe. Now step forward to a point a little back of the shoulder, with one hand take a short hold of the strap, at the same time resting the other upon the horse's back, and pull the foot forward repeatedly. Usually this will be submitted to ; if so, catch the foot and bring it forward and back, to test its flexibility or sub- mission to control. If, however, it is resisted, or the control is still doubtful, pass the strap over the neck, back between the fore legs, and up under the part over the back. Pull short enough to bring the leg well forward under the body, and tie into a half-hitch knot. This will bring the weight and pulling of the leg directly across the back and neck in a way that disables greatly. Next touch or lightly slap the leg until it is submitted to freely, PALLIATIVE TREATMENT. Fig. 259. — Simplest Welhod of Making a Nervous Horse Stand to be Shod. when more freedom should be given by giving loose a little. When freely given to the hand, untie, carry the leg back and forward to test it, when take in both hands and pound upon it. as before ex- plained. After the foot is sub- mitted unconditionally, keep on handling for some time, giving apples, etc. The opposite foot must, practically, be treated in the same manner, and according to the degree of resistance. The blacksmith's shop is no place in which to handle colts. The fire and hammering add to the general excitem.ent, and greatly increase the difficulty of making the horse submit the feet. In addition, it is not the black- smith's duty to expose himself to be injured or hurt, or to lose' time in trying to shoe a wild, unbroken colt. Such colts should always be handled at home until proved gentle, which, by following out the instructions given, will not be found a difficult task. I have often found horses that, in consequence of fear or abuse in a black- smith's shop, could not be shod there. I will refer here to but one of many cases in point. During my early experience, while at a town in Southern Penn- sylvania, a horse was brought forward for treatment that could not be shod, his particular cause of resistance being fear of the blacksmith's leather apron. When first taken to the shop for the purpose of being shod, the ham- mering and flying sparks greatly •excited him, and as the smith came forward to take up his foot, the appearance of his leather apron became an object of intense fear. In a short time the colt became so violent that he would not allow any one with an apron to go near him. Fig. 260. -Blindfolding a Nervous Horse to be Shod. 8 BAD TO SHOE. The owner and smith concluded they had a sure thing in this case with which to beat me, and came twelve miles for the purpose, leading the horse. They said they would both join the class pro- vided I would make the horse sufficiently gentle to allow a man with a leather apron on to go near enough to handle him. At the same time they told their friends secretly that I could do nothing with the horse, and that they came there for the express purpose of showing me up as a humbug.' All felt so sure that the horse would beat me that a large number joined the class to see the fun, expect- ing of course they would get their money back. I subjected the horse quickly to the Second Method and War Bridle, not re- quiring in all more than six or eight minutes, when he could be handled without the least difficul- ty, bein g pe r- fectly regardless of the apron. I ordered the horse taken to the shop, and accus- tomed to the sparks and ham- mering ; to be treated kindly, giving apples, etc. • also to be shod a few times outside the shop, to make sure of his docility. To show the simplicity of what may appear difficult, it is worthy of mention that at the same place, a party of three men — a father and two sons — were employed over three hours in trying to lead a six-year-old colt, pulling, pushing, and backing him by main force, to the place of exhibition, a distance of not over one fourth of a mile. The conditions were that I must make him follow me freely across the b^n floor. A few sharp pulls with the War Bridle were sufficient to make the horse run after me, not requiring in all more than two minutes, proving so conclusively the ignorance and bad management of the parties that they were laughed at and ridiculed by the entire class. (See Fig. 155.) Fio. 261.— As the Cord may be Adjusted for Control of Simple Cases. FA LLIA TI VF TEE A TMENT. 9 Confirmed in the Habit. As the main object in the management of most cases is to make them submit to be shod with the least trouble, I will first give the simplest treatment for doing so. Indeed, this simple treatment, with a little care, will often be sufficient for the control of even very bad cases. If the horse is very sensitive and excitable, but naturally gen- tle if given his own way, a great deal, of course, depends upon the good management of the shoer, but as much on the aid of the owner. Try the following course : When the smith is in position, and ready, his left hand resting on the horse's hip, let the owner, or some good, quiet man, catch the horse's ear with one hand, squeezing or twisting it a little ; with the other stroke the nose, or grasp the muzzle, and hold firmly but gently, at the same time talking to the horse kindly. If there is resistance to this, try blindfolding. Tie a blanket, or some- thing convenient, over the eyes, at the same time rubbing the nose, etc. With care on the part of the shoer, cases that have proved very difficult to shoe will submit at once to be shod as desired. If these expedients fail, put on the cord, the First, or Double-Draw Hitch Form, and make the horse feel its power by giving a few sharp pulls right and left. Then step back to the hips, pull the head around a little, keeping the cord taut, and take up the foot, punishing instantly for any re- sistance. Or, stand to the head, and keep the cord drawn rather tight to hold the attention of the horse while an assistant takes up Fig. 262.— Simple Method of Using the Cord for the Control of Horses Bad to Shoe, Harness, etc. Fig. 263.— Method of Putting on the Cord when the Horse Proves Very Stubborn. 10 BAD TO SHOE, the foot. If the horse is very stubborn, bring the second turn of the cord over the upper jaw, under the lip. This part being very sen- sitive, a slight pressure hurts so severely as to disconcert the horse sufficiently to make him submit. Or the cord, Second Form, can be put on, with the loop brought over the upper jaw, and pulled sufficiently taut to force submis- sion. In either case, gradually let up as the horse submits. In no case should the cord be held ti^ht more than half a minute at o a time. The four-ring bit properly used will sometimes work extremely well in making a horse submit to be shod. The bit is put into the mouth with an ordinary head- piece, and the strap closely ad- FiG. 264.— Showing the Manner of Letting up on the Cord as the Horse Submits. justed across the nose. Now tie the end of the cord to the near ring, pass it around and tie to the opposite one back of the jaw ; then pass over the neck, well back and down behind the jaw, as for second form of War Bridle. Now, by pulling down upon the cord, the joint of the bit will be forced up against the roof of the mouth, which hurts so severely that the horse is at once discon- certed, or disabled sufficiently to permit the foot to be taken up. The amount of pressure or force of the pulling must be regulated according to the resistance. If there is submission in a short time, the lightest pressure will be sufficient to make the horse stand quietly to be shod. There is this to be said about this method of treatment, as well as that of the War Bridle : If it works at all, it seems to work so well as to leave nothing to be desired. But if it fails, the failure will be equally marked. It is, however, but just to add that though in many cases failing, the power of the War Bridle Fig. 265.— Four-ring Bit. Method of Pulling down on the Cord. PALLIATIVE TREATMENT. 11 or four-ring bit, when properly used, is sometimes wonderful, the horse at once submitting unconditionally. Tying the head to the tail so as to keep the head bent around pretty well, will sometimes make a horse submit to be shod, but not often. This means, with that of putting the cord under the upper lip, which I copy below, has been of late so extensively published as an infallible means of making the most vicious horses stand to be shod, ridden, etc., that I think it necessary to give some explanation of them here : — "Mastering Vicious Horses. " Recently an exhibition was given at the corner of Ninth and Howard streets of a new and very simple method of taming vicious horses, which is claimed to be su- perior to any in use. The first trial was with a kicking and bucking mare, which, her owner says, has allowed no rider on her back for five years. She became tame and gentle in as many minutes, and allowed herself to be ridden about without a sign of her former wildness. The means by which this result was accomplished con- sisted of a piece of light rope, which was passed around the front jaw of the mare, just above the upper teeth, crossed in her mouth, and then secured back of her neck. It is claimed that no horse will kick or jump when thus secured, and that a bucking horse, after receiving this treatment a few times, will abandon his vicious ways forever. A very simple method was also shown by which a kicking horse can be shod. It consisted in connecting the animal's head and tail by means of a rope fastened to the tail and then to the bit, and drawn tightly enough to incline the horse's head to one side. It is claimed that it is absolutely impossible for a horse to kick on the side of the rope. At the same exhibition a horse which for many years had to be bound on the ground to be shod, suffered the blacksmith to bperate on him without attempting to kick while secured in the manner described." This is from the same piece as the Maine man's method of breaking a balking horse, referred to in " Balk- ing." As I brought both these methods of treatment into use, and have had almost un- limited experience with them, I think I am able to determine their value with more ac- FiG. 266. — The Cord as Used with the Four-ring Bit. curacy than it is possible for inexperienced persons to do. While they will secure the control of many, even quite bad cases, as ex- 12 BAD TO SHOE. plained, they cannot by any means be depended upon for the con- trol of really difficult cases. They were used by me almost daily under circumstances like the following : — After subjecting a horse to the Second Method, while still tied, the effort would frequently be made to take up the foot ; but it was rarely, unless thoroughly subdued, that the foot would be submit- ted. The same is true of the cord, or War Bridle. It was often a matter of considerable importance to be able to control some cases quickly, and I would, as an experiment, try the most simple and di- Fig. 267. — Pulling the Foot back to Test the Horse's Submission. rect methods of management. I have experimented in this way thousands of times before and after regular subjective treatment with the War Bridle, and cannot regard it as more than palliative, since it would, in a great many cases, prove entirely inefficient. Even with the Double-Draw Hitch, its most powerful and effective form, which until recently we kept a secret, and used only as a reserve, we could not depend upon it. Twenty-five years ago the War Bridle was my principal resource for controlling colts and bucking horses to ride. But it is entirely inferior to the Second Method for the control of bad cases. Simply tying the head to the tail, and sending the horse around until dizzy, then mounting from the outside, so as not to get entangled by the strap, the horse will be found so helpless that he cannot buck ; should he attempt it, he would simply be carried around the more rapidly until submissive. The matter of breaking bucking colts and horses was a common, and, sometimes, a very formidable difficulty to meet. One of the SUBJECT I VE THE A TMENT. 13 worst cases I ever came across was a ten-year-old mule in Central Mississippi. It was proved absolutely impossible, even by the re- straint of any kind of rigging, to mount or keep upon this brute's back. In fact, the case was so bad, and the people felt so sure that I could not ride her, that they made up a large class for me, knowing they would get their money back if I failed to do so. I simply sub- jected her to the Second Method sharply, and in less than fifteen minutes rode her as I pleased. This would have been impossible by the palliative means referred to. She was a good representative of the mustang nature. This is the only method of treatment by which Fig. 268. — As the Foot will be Rested upon the Ground after Submitting. a strong, determined bucker can be safely and easily mastered. It was frequently the case that we would have for our main sub- ject a horse that was particularly bad in shoeing. As a test of suc- cess, it would be often required that the horse be shod in a black- smith's shop. Now after being subjected to regular treatment, there would usually be but little trouble in taking up and hammering upon the feet as much as desired at the place of treatment ; while we would sometimes have all we could do, even by the most severe use of the War Bridle, to handle such in the shop. Treatment for Very Vicious Cases. Very much depends upon the disposition of the horse and the treatment pursued. In most cases the following will be found easy and effectual : Subject to the Third Method, using more or less pressure, according to the case. While the cord is on, attach a 14 BAD TO SHOE. strap or rein to the hind foot, and pull back as previously explained. At first there will usually be great resistance, the horse kicking with great spitefulness, or pulling the foot forward energetically. But -however much he may resist at first, it must not be accepted as a cause for discouragement. Simply keep pulling the foot back at short intervals until there is no resistance. When given freedom, it will be rested upon the toe, then pull forward and back as before ex- plained. In some cases it maybe necessary to tie forward by bring- ing the strap over the neck, back between the legs, and making fast to hold the foot firmly until all resistance is overcome. Treat the opposite foot in the same manner. This was the treatment pursued by us with the most success in the management of the worst cases. A good deal of course will de- pend upon the use of tact and good management, as before ex- plained. A coarse-grained, passionate man can very soon undo a great deal of good work. In the management of these critical cases a great point is made by having a good, quiet man to stand at the head and stroke the nose, and it is needless to state that the smith should be a man of considerable patience ; but when the case is se- rious it should never be shod in the shop. All this should be done where free from the excitement and annoyance of such a place. This is a point I would particularly impress upon the reader — to attend to accomplishing your end well at home, then take such precaution as you can without exciting or annoying the horse much when it becomes necessary to shoe him at the shop. To give an idea of the power of this treatment when properly applied, I will refer to its effects upon a few special cases. At Bellows Falls, Vt., a paper-maker owned a fine horse, which, though otherwise very gentle, was extremely hard to shoe. A trav- eling horseman of much experience and a great deal of pretension, visited the place and made a small class. The owner, wishing to have his horse broken, brought him in to be experimented upon. According to the gentleman's statement to me, this man worked with the horse about half a day, injuring him very severely, — in the owner's language, "almost killed him." The result of it all was that the horse beat the man completely, and was more reckless and determined in his opposition than before. I requested the gentle- man to let me see the horse. Finding him to be naturally of a good disposition, and that his resistance proceeded mainly from excite- ment, I told the owner we would have no difficulty at all with the horse, and succeeded in making him perfectly gentle in about fifteen minutes. SUBJECTIVE TREATMENT. 15 The day following, at the next point we found an eight-year-old mare, considered impossible to shoe. The temperament being suit- able, we subjected her to Second Method and War Bridle, which made her entirely submissive in about ten minutes. The next day, at Putney, Vt., the kicking, runaway horse was presented. Refer- ence is made to these consecutive cases to show the frequency with which exceptionally vicious horses were brought for experiment and the success in their treatment. In the management of many cases, either or both the First and Second Methods may be used with advantage in connection with the Third Method, but it should always be done at home, where there is time and privacy to apply and carry out the treatment properly. Leaning Over. There are occasionally horses that will allow the foot to be taken up, but will lie down or lean over upon the blacksmith while it is held. Usually a few pulls with the War Bridle, repeating them for each occurrence of lying over, until he learns to stand without leaning, will be sufficient. If this is resisted, subject to Second Method. While the head is tied around, take up the foot and test until he will stand squarely. If there is any inclination to lean over after the head is given freedom, disconcerting a little with the cord should be sufficient. Sometimes it is advisable to stand at the head ready to punish, while an assistant takes up and holds the foot as if to shoe. Though a horse may for some time be sullen and persist- ent in leaning over, it is not usually a difficult habit to overcome. Once compelled to stand, it is seldom necessary to repeat the lesson. It should have been stated in the proper place that there must be no effort to push against the quarters ; but the moment there is an effort to lean over, the foot should be instantly dropped, and the punishment with the War Bridle made somewhat severe, and this repeated until there is submission. Fig. 429.— The Fool and Limb with Hoof Sliin Removed. SHOEING. Preliminary Explanations. DURING my early experience I was in- duced, by the advice of friends, to give what instruction I could on shoe- ing. With this object, I had prepared models of the hoof, and the best forms of shoes, and was frequently led to give short lectures on the subject. It was not, however, until I visited New York City, in 1872, and had several conversations with Mr. Robert Bon- ner on shoeing, that I was able to obtain anything like a correct idea of the principles of doing this. I found that what was pub- lished in books accessible on the subject, was but the merest rubbish, calculated in many respects to seriously mislead and do harm. Mr. Bonner had just purchased the mare Princess, the famous old competitor of Flora Temple. Her feet were badly contracted, and the tendons of the legs greatly thick- ened, causing her to move almost as sore and stiff as a foundered horse. He assured me that before I left the city the feet would look entirely natural, and that she would travel with as much freedom and ease as a colt. From my knowledge of the subject, it seemed utterly impossible to cure such a case ; and yet, to my astonishment, in less than three months afterward she was per- fectly well. I was startled, first, to find that I knew nothing of the subject ; second, that there was so little known about it practical- ly ; and third, that a gentleman for his own amusement proved to mQ that he had a far (16) SHOEING. 17 deeper and more correct knowledge of it than doubtless any man of his time.* At any rate, I was now led to study the subject in an entire- ly different light, and though far from being able to give the instruction on this subject I would like to do, for want of the requisite knowledge, I have done the best I could to make the instructions so simple and practical that they will at least serve to correct some of the wretchedly bad treatment practiced by sho- ers. I have tried also to in- clude such illustrations of the Fig. 430. — Lateral View of Horse's Fool afler Removal of the Hoof. structure of the foot as would show its various parts most clearly, with other features of most interest to shoers. The bones of the foot are so nicely adjusted and balanced by the ligaments and tendons of the limb, that there is no unequal strain brought upon any joint, but each assists in supporting the others. But if the heels are raised too high, or the toe left too long, there will be correspondingly increased strain brought upon the ligaments and ten- dons supporting the back or front part. In like manner, raising or lowering the Fig. 431. — Inferior View of Foot with Hoof Removed. * Indeed, this is conceded now by even the leading members of the veterinary- prof ession, as will be seen by the following statement by Dr. Going, formerly vet- erinary editor of the Spirit of the Times, which I copy from his Veterinary Diction- ary. He says : — " It is said that no man has ever yet reached perfection in any branch of art, science, literature, industry, etc.; but while I am unprepared to join issue with the assertion^ I can safely say that the nearest approach which has ever been made in this connection (horse-shoeing and the study of the horse's foot) has been made by Robert Bonner, Esq., of New York, who, had not the Ledger already made him fa- mous, would undoubtedly have obtained widespread renown through his almost su- perhuman knowledge in this department. I have had the pleasure of conversing with him on this subject, and am pleased to have an opportunity of stating the im- pression the conversation made ujion me." 18 SHOmNG. inner or outer quarter would produce a lateral strain upon the joints and ligaments, which must ultimately cause the foot to grow out of line, and induce serious injury. Consequently, the point to be attended to in removing excessive growth of the wall in preparing it for the shoe, is to preserve or restore the natural angle and direction of the hoof. This is one of Fig. 432. — Coffin Bone Showing Inlemal Lateral Cartilage, Internal and Posterior View. A, coffin bone; B, internal aspect of the lateral cartilage. Fig. 433.— Lateral View of the Pastern Bones and Ligaments. the important points, in doing which suc- cessfully the genius of true skill and suc- cess must be shown. A large number of illustrations are given showing good forms and positions of the feet and legs, with faulty forms. Also the various lines of movement of the feet when in motion. These are to be studied in paring the feet to change or modify the action as may be desired. First, in preparing the foot for the shoe, the aim should be to cut away so much of the wall as would be a surplus of growth, or so much only as would bring it back to its natural form and adjustment. As a rule, the wall should be lowered to the level of the unpared sole. The sole and frog should on no account be pared or touched by the knife, nor should the heels be "opened." The horny sole and frog, unlike the wall, do not grow in- definitely ; but when they have attained a certain thickness, they throw off the su- perfluous or old horn in flakes or scales. This natural thickness of the sole and frog-horn is an essential condition for the a, Lateral ligament of the fetlock; i, Anterior lateral ligament of the coffin joint; c, Sus- pensory ligament ; f, Lateral sesamoidal ligament. SEOUIiYG. 19 Fig. 434 A, ospedis or coflBn bone; B, trans- verse section of lateral cartilage. Second, the shoe should be in form, so that when on, the adjustment of the foot, or its power to obtain hold or grasp upon the ground, will be what it was before being shod, and yet sustain the wear for the time it is in- tended to be on. Third, it should be nailed on firmly, yet so as to break or weaken the wall of the hoof as little as possible, and not interfere with the free- dom of the quarters or en- largement of the foot as it grows. In its natural condition the outer rim or wall of the foot comes in contact with the ground first ; second, the frog and outer edge of the sole ; third, the -center of the foot maintenance of the foot in health and its protection from injury. In any event, about all that is necessary to do is to remove those loosened and detached flakes, which, were it not for the shoe, would have exfoliated themselves. Cutting away more than this becomes a serious cause of in- jury. The angles between the bars and crust should be moderately pared out, as accumulations here, with con- tinued pressure of the shoe, are apt to induce corns. The frog does not require paring more than the removal of ragged parts, and even these better not be touched. Fig. 435. — Anterior and External View of Right Front Foot. a, Exterior pedis ligament; b, Suspensory liga- ment. 20 SHOETNG. and spaces between the bars and frog. To show this more clearly, three sectional drawings are made from half-size casts, showing the concavity of the foot at different points between the heel and turn of the hoof, and the necessarily great disturbance of this relation by the form of shoe usually put on. Fig. A shows the foot at the point of the heels as it rests upon the ordinary thick shoe, with calks raising the frog and sole so un- naturally high from the ground that there can be no contact of those parts with it necessary for obtaining mois- ture and preserv- ing a condition of health. In ad- dition it will be noticed that in the way shoes are usually fitted, the bearing sur- face is very much concaved, tend- ing to crowd the Fig. 436.— Right Front Foot, quarters togeth- Fm. 437.— Inferior, Lateral, and Pes Posterior and Sligiitly ^j. p|^ g shows *erior View of the Right Front Fool,. the same, with Showing Ligaments of Tendons. Lateral View. same, a, c, Perforans tendon ; f, r i fittinP" », Sensitive frog; h, Perforans Suspensory ligament. '-' & tendon; f, Suspensory ligament. of shoes as they should be ; Figs. C and D show the same at relative distances be- tween there and the turn of the foot ; D, at the widest part, repre- senting a heavy shoe. (See page 347, Figs. 472-475.) If a colt's foot grows too long or out of line, it should be leveled down so as to make the adjustment natural, the outer edg.e SHOEING. 21 Fig. 438.— Horizontal Section of the Horny Frog. a, Horn tubes : b, Cells between tubes. rounded a little, and the colt driven barefoot. It is noticeable that ex- cessive wear is always at the toe, and that the heels rarely suffer, even on bad roads, and this being true, tips or thin steel plates only should be used, and that thick and high heeled shoes ^^ are not only certainly unnecessary but seriously injurious — that, in fact, in all cases the best shoeing for the feet, for all roads and seasons, when in a good condition of health, must be such as will permit them to be as nearly barefoot as possible, or, at least, that the posterior part is so, yet sustaining the attri- tion of wear to which they may be subjected, prevent slipping, and best preserve the natural adjustment of the feet. Tips or Thin Shoes. If tips or thin steel plates are to be used, simply trim off the wall in front down to a level with the sole, and adjust to, and nail on, with four small nails, a small thin strip of steel or iron a little broader than the thick- ness of the wall. Steel would be best, be- cause it admits of being made lighter, and wears longer. The heels and frog should not be interfered with unless one heel is much higher than the other, when it should be lowered sufficiently to restore the proper adjustment. The objection to tips is that, as the toe is growing, the heels are wearing, which in time would be likely to increase the strain upon the flexor tendon and its appendages. This disproportion of wear would be more rapid and noticeable should the roads be wet and gravelly, as moisture Fig. 439.— Horizontal Section and grit soften the horn and cause it to °* "°''"y "'^" ^"'^''a^''' break and wear away more rapidly, but not a, Wall with homy tubes; 1 1 1 lb, Horn tubes; c, Horn 1am- so much as may be supposed on paved j^^g ' streets and mud roads. The writer saw 22 SHOEING. Fig. 440.— Colt's Foot Three Years Old. several horses in New York City that had been shod with tips with decided benefit to the health of the feet, and without any apparent disproportion or wearing down of the frog and quarters, though the iron was worn down fully a quarter of an inch. The parts became, as it were, hardened and polished, thereby resisting the wear almost as much as the iron. As there has been much dis- cussion among writers in rela- tion to the use of tips, or thin- heeled shoes, I requested Dr. Hamill and Dr. McLellan, the two best veterinary authorities on this subject in this country, to give me a statement of the cases for which, in their judg- ment, tips would or would not be adapted. I give herewith the reply of each, and invite the attention of the reader to the points made, and the reasons given ""herefor. Prof Hamill says : — * * While I am a firm advocate of frog and sole pressure, and have driven my own horses for years over the pave- ments of Nev? York City with nothing on the feet but what is known as the English tip or toe-piece shoe, which gives the foot the entire freedom of all its nat- ural movements, yet I must say it would be absurd to attempt to shoe every horse in this way. There are any number of cases where this system would be in- jurious to the foot, and even to the limb. But as the foot, or rather that part of it inclosed within the hoof, is the object oftenest under consideration, I shall ex- plain briefly how it may suffer from extreme frog-pressure. (One point which we should always keep in view is a due proportion, or equal distribution of the weight in ali parts of the hoof, and by no other system can the foot be healthy.) Fig. 441.— Colt's Foot Four Years Old. From a Cast. SHOEING. 23 Fig. 442.— Half Hoof Removed. Any foot that is thin in its general structure, but more so in its vertical position, or from top to bottom, and with the frog full at its pyramidal eminence or body, is not a proper foot for frog-pressure. In such feet the plantar cushion, or what is known as the fibrous or fatty frog, is very thin, is easily made weaker by absorption through extreme pres- sure or irritation on the horny frog, and therefore offers very little pro- tection to the great flexor tendon where it passes under the navicular lione. But I may be asked. How could his in any way cause injury, if the lavicular joint be perfect, as the tendon requires only a slight cushion underneath? My answer is, that there is a double impingement of the tendon, owing to the navicular bone descending on the tendon every time weight is thrown on the limb, the proof of which is the pain caused by this action on the internal struct- ures of the hoof. I ask. Where is the shoeing-smith who has not seen the agony of a horse while standing on one bare foot on the level floor while the other foot is being shod, and the relief which fol- lowed when the shod foot was placed on the floor ? I may be told that such feet have been previously weakened by bad shoeing and bad care, and that a horse which never had been shod would not suffer in this way. Those who make such assertions are entirely ignorant of the anatomy and physiology of the foot. My answer is, that when a horse first comes to the world he has no frog develop- ment, and for the first year of his life, while walking on a level, can have no frog- pressure. It is only animals that are raised on low or marshy land that have a great development of frog. Horses belonging to mountainous countries have very little frog, and generally narrow or apparently contracted feet, which is no evidence of disease. "Witness the ass and the mule for example ; and I may add that although wide heels are generally desirable, they are no evidence in themselves of perfect health. I am well aware that most thin heels, and generally thin feet, have a large frog, but the depth of such a frog is more apparent than real, as it will be found on close investigation that the flexor tendon and navicular structure are lower or nearer the ground-surface in such a foot. Therefore we must discriminate in all cases, as Fig. 443. — Inferior View of the Above. 24 SHOEING. Fig. 444. — Showing the Coronary Band. one mistake may cause irreparable injury. To be definite, we can safely give extra frog and heel pressure in all cases where the hoof is deep at the quarters, where there is a tendency toward contraction and atrophy of the frog, where the obliquity of the pastern is not too great, and where the feet and limbs are per- fectly sound and well proportioned. (This lat- ter will narrow the circle more than most people are aware of.) No thoughtful man would dare to throw extra weight on the sole and frog of a foot that had long suffered with navicular disease, however excellent this would be as a pre- ventive. Neither should we throw extra weight on the posterior parts of a foot or limb where there is any soreness of flexor muscles or tendons, or any ligament involved, as it would entail greater tension on the parts, while the opposite is what is required, viz., flex- ion or relaxation. I say distinctly, we should only carry frog-pressure to the extent of bringing into activity all the elastic structures of the foot, which increases the circulation of those parts so liable to atrophy, and only tlirough the circulation can we keep up or restore the health, vigor, and growth of frog, sole, heels, and quarters of the horse's foot. Prof. McLellan says :— In reference to the use of tips, I give you only an outline. They are useful in the case of corns, in quarter-cracks, in thrush, in interfering, and in fitting the horse to run at grass. They are not applicable to feet that have thin, flat soles, with low heels. They are not applicable to heavy work horses with flat feet and prominent frogs (such frogs are liable to suffer bruises when so exposed, the resulting inflam- mation extending frequently to deeper and more vital structures). They are not ap- plicable to feet having navicular disease. They are not applicable when, in apply- ing them, it is necessary to disturb the normal relation of the bones of the limb. 22 a Fia. 445. — Showing Inside of Hoof. SHOEING. 25 They will be found particularly useful in strong feet that have corns in both heels, and in the case of bad interferers. Trimming. Before preparing the foot for the shoe, the smith should go in front and look at it, so as to determine better its adjustment. Sometimes the foot may be run over by having one side too high or the toe worn off excessively. If it is desired to be particular, he should see how the feet are carried in a sharp trot ; whether too high or too low ; or whether h? travels too close, endangering inter- fering or cutting — using the words of a high au- thority, " to see whether there are any traces of bruis- ing or cutting on the inner sides of hoofs, fetlocks, or knees." He should also see how the old shoe has been worn. The foot can then be taken up, when a look from the heel forward will enable an observing shoer to determine how much and what part is to be cut away to level it to the proper proportion, and the faults, if any, that can be modified or corrected. If the horse travels high, the shoes must be light ; if low and subject to stumb- ling, they may be increased in weight a little, and the toe some- what rounded ; if liable to strike, then set close under the wall with edges filed smooth. The point is to cut away or remove the surplus growth in the easiest and best manner, which depends more upon the deftness and ingenuity of the man than upon the use of any special means. The wall should be reduced to nearly or quite on a level with the outer margin of the sole. The bearing surface of the entire wall should be made level, so that an even bearing surface of the shoe will rest upon it fully. The rasp should now be passed around the toe, to cut away the sharp edges and bring it to the size required. Practically, this should be little more than rounding off the sharp edges of horn to prevent splitting. Fig. 44G.— The Foot Natural. 26 SHOi:nyG. Fig. 447. — Fool Excessively Pared. The principle is the same of leveling and preparing the feet of horses that have previously been shod. In such cases, to take off the shoe the best method is, after the clinch- ers are cut off, to raise both heels slightly with the pincers, then pry forward and across the foot a little, when the nails can be pulled out one by one. It is seriously objection- able, as generally done, to pull off the shoe by force, as the severe wrenching endangers tearing the hoof and straining and injuring the foot. This would be especially objec- tionable if the hoof be thin and the horse sensitive. Next, any stubs or nails should be removed. While it is simply intended to pare down the wall to its natural form, if it is thin and weak, growing but little, especially at the heels, where there is great difficulty to grow sufficient wall for the support of the foot, no more should be removed than is barely ne- cessary to level it. As before stated, there should be no interference with sole or frog, excepting to chip or cut away the portion of the old horn which could not be exfoliated. Frequently the heels are too high, or the toe too long ; in either case, whatever the ex- cessive accumulation or growth of horn, it should be cut away until the foot is brought back to its natural form and adjust- ment. Sometimes there is ex- cessive accumulation to the amount of half an inch or more at the heels, or even of the whole wall of strong, upright feet, yet to the ordinary observing shoe- ing-smith it may not appear ex- cessive, because cutting away so much would make the foot appear to him to be unnaturally small. Several specimens of ab- normal growth of feet are given. Fig. 495, page 355, taken from life, is a good representative case, and was seen by the writer at Fig. 448.— Foot after Four Years' Shoeing. SHOEING. 27 Fulton Ferry, New York City. It is that of a pony mare driven before a huckster's wagon. The right foot was so contracted by this excessive accumulation of horn, that its mobility was entirely de- stroyed. It will be noticed that the toe of the shoe is carried forward something like a sled crook, to enable a rolling motion upon the ground. It was pitiable to witness the pain and misery this poor animal exhibited. She walked with a crippled, sensitive motion, and while standing would put out one foot, then the other, but mostly the right one. The case could have been easily relieved of pain Fig. 449. Fig. 450.— Too Short Fig. 451.— Too Oblique, and Upright. Fig. 452,— Natural Obliquity of Ankle. and soreness, by simply cutting down the feet and thoroughly soaking and opening the quarters, as explained in treatmentfor " Contraction." The dotted lines represent the point to which the horn should be cut away, showing an excess of accumulation of over three inches. The Shoe. The shoe should, in form and size, little more than cover the wall, excepting at the heels where it should be so much wider and longer as to compensate for the growth of the foot, and be heavy enough to sustain the at- trition, or wear, for the time it is Fig. 454.— Too High expected to be on. But should on One Si e, ^j^j^ require an excessive thick- ness, then the bar may be made wider, to permit more wearing surface. It should fit closely all the way around to the bearing surface prepared for its reception, so that it may give to the crust all the support it can receive, and Fig. 453.— Heels too High. 28 SHOEING. carry out in its ground surface, as nearly as possible, the form of the wall before it was cut away. It is a rule, recognized by the best authorities, that the sole should not rest upon the shoe, except around the toe where the outer edge is left full and natural. But if the wall is cut down close, and the sole rather thin (which, as explained before, in no case should be done except for pathological reasons), it is advisable, if it comes too near the iron, to lower the part coming under it. As a rule, the bearing surface should be level, and the ground surface concave, or the in- ner edge of the ground surface so beveled off that it will not harbor stones and dirt, and be so stiff that it will not bend. As before stated, if the horse is expected to be driven only oc- casionally, and upon common dirt roads, the wear will be but little, and the shoes should be corre- spondingly light ; but if much travel is required, on stony or macadamized roads, the weight should be sufficient to sustain such wear. The addition of a small bit of steel, hammered well into the toe, and tempered, would add greatly to its dur- ability. It would be much better to make them wholly of steel, as they would be very much lighter, equally stiff, and less liable to bend. In a condition of health, from a light family driver to the heavy draught horse, the „ , _ . . principle of shoeing is the Fig. 456.— Fool too Long. ^ ^, . , . ,*^ same ; the size, thickness, and weight only differing so as to adapt to each case, with the difference Fig. 455.— Too Short. SHOEING. 29 that when exceptional power is necessary, as for draught horses^ or to prevent slipping, calkins must be used. As a rule, nothing more is wanting, unless necessary for extra wear, than just iron enough to protect the outer crust of the foot, and prevent its break- ing. More iron than this becomes extra weight, and causes fatigue in carrying, like thick, heavy-soled shoes or clogs. It is a question among English authorities whether a shoe should be " rounded at the toe " (a prac- tice known as the French system) to aid mobility. A moderate rounding at the toe would seem desirable in all cases where there is want of mo- bility. It is especially desirable when the horse is a little stiff or sore, as it enables him to travel much easier. This is proved when the mobility of the foot is destroyed, and there is necessity for using a rounded shoe to conform with the action. Illustrations of a large variety of shoes of different forms are given, which can be studied. Prof. Will- iams, of Edin- borough Veter- inary College, advises that the calkins and toe-pieces should be done away with for a 1 1 kinds o f horses except those used for heavy draught in towns where the streets are paved and steep. It is urged that all horses required to go beyond a walking pace are injured by shoes with turned-up heels and toes. Farm horses and Fig. 457. — Shoe Properly Adjusted. Fig. 458.— Thin Shoe for Light Wori<. Fig. 459.— Faulty, Bad Form of Shoe. 30 SHOEmG. Fig. 460.— Toes too Wide. chose employed on macadamized roads are better without than with toe-pieces, although the pace at which they are required to go is never faster than a walk. In fact, all horses, when possible, should be shod with a flat shoe. Nailing. The object of nailing should be to hold the shoe firmly to the foot without injuring the wall, and leave the foot as independent of the restraint of the shoe at the quarters as possible. The nails should be driven where there will be most secure nail-hold ; more or less as well as heavier nails being necessary, in pro- portion to the thickness of the wall, weight of the shoe, and severity of the work. The wall is thickest and strongest at the toe or front, and be- comes thinner and more flexible to- ward the quarters and heels, especially at the inner heels, where it is sometimes extremely thin and flexible. There has been much speculation during the past few years in relation to the cause of this quarter's giving out before the other, as nature evidently intended it to stand strain and wear equally with other parts. The cause, undoubtedly, is the interference in its mo- bility by bad-fitting shoes and nail- ing so far back as to interfere with the flexibility of the quarter. This being true, it is evident that the principal nailing should be at the toe and front, because there is more horn there to nail to, and less liabil- ity to do harm by separating and breaking the fibers of the wall. They should not extend any farther back into the quarters than is barely necessary to give a safe hold of the shoe to the foot. The fewer and smaller the nails driven, the better, providing they are sufficient to hold the shoe. But much will depend, in doing this, on the ac- curacy of the fitting, thickness of the wall, and weight of the shoe. If the nails are driven well back on the outer quarter, and only round in the toe of the inner side, for the purpose of affording more Fig. 461. — Extreme Toeing In. SHOEING. 31 freedom to the quarters, it will be found that as the foot grows, the shoe will be carried to the outside quarter and toe to such an extent that the inner heel of the shoe will be drawn inside of the wall at the © m ti *FiG. 462. — Perfect Action. m heel, and rest upon the sole, causing a bruise or corn. In addition, so much of the shoe being left unnailed, makes it liable to get loose and work under the quarter, which would cause a rapid wearing or breaking down of struct- ure. All things considered, the best way is to nail back to the turn of -the wall securely. Or the nailing may be extended a little farther back on the outside, and short- ened a little on the inner side, in any case giving both quarters all the freedom compatible with security, in re- taining a firm hold of the shoe. As the foot grows, the shoe will be brought forward so evenly under it as not to do harm. For ordinary light shoes, six to seven nails, evenly distributed around the front part, should be sufficient, sometimes extending the outer nail a little beyond or nearer the quarter than the inner one. But if the shoes are heavy, and *FiG. 463. Perfect Ac tion. w o r -C- -c- -- Fig. 464.— Short Upright Fetlock. ------ ^ heavier nails, and from seven to eight in number, will in most cases be required. A small, thin clip turned up at the toe, and one at the outer quarter, will help greatly in holding the shoe firmly in position ; but they should be turned up thin, and set well out on the edge of the shoe. ■ In connection with figures 462, 463, see page 328. 32 SHOEING. But very little of the wall should be cut away, so as not to weaken or injure it ; but sufficient to enable bringing the shoe to its position. The shoes should not be hammered down tight to the wall, but simply sufficient to rest easily against it. Next, if the foot is broken, or much weakened by old nail-holes, punch the holes where there is soundest horn to nail to, as shown by Fig. 596. A thin shoe will not W \ admit of any fullering, because it weakens the shoe, with- ujl)' out giving any special advantage in nailing. The stamp /; ; form of punching the holes should be used ; that is, the • :•. 1 1 ' ; / hole made larger at the surface and smaller at the bot- ' I • '•• • -G *FiG. 465. Too Close. * Fig. 466. — Action with Low Heels and Oblique Fetloci<. , tom, so that the nail-heads will fit into it exactly. The method of driving the nails is next worthy of considera- CH i tion. There are two methods ; one, starting the nail rather near the outer surface and driving high, called the English method, which is practiced very generally in this ' '. < i country ; the other, starting the nail deep and bringing out low, known as the French method, which leading au- i /• ) thorities concede to be the best. If the nail is driven very i ' •' I near the surface, it is liable to chip or break the horn out, /?V , which injures and weakens the wall very much ; whereas ^ \\ \ driving deep and bringing out low, insures a good hold, • »* I and the wall will be almost grown out by the next shoe- i Hv) ing. Consequently they should be punched deep over i ' ,' i those points where the wall is thickest, and less so toward ^-o/ | the quarters where it is thinnest, or proportionately far- v^ , 1 ther from the outer margin of the shoe. ' The common method of fullering all shoes alike, and *Fig. 467. bringing the nails at the same distance from the edge. Action that can be no more adapted for all kinds of feet than can Slriites. the size of the shoe itself This straight-jacket way of punching * In connection with figures 465, 466, 467, and 470, see page 337. SlIOHnYG. 33 all alike, brings the nail-holes at the same location at each repeti- tion of shoeing, so that if the shoe becomes loose, or is pulled off, this part of the wall is liable to be torn off, or so split and broken Fig. 468. Fig. 469. Thin-heeled Shoe Advised by Prof. Williams of Edinborough Veterinary College. as to leave only a soft, imperfect horn. In resetting such a shoe, it becomes necessary to put it farther back under the foot in order to gain secure nail-hold. Not only this, but the portion of the pro- jecting wall being cut down to the shoe, leaves it deformed and injured to an extent that several months' growth cannot repair. But if the holes be punched over parts that would give as secure hold, the shoe can be nailed on sufficiently firm to hold it without doing harm, and thereby preserve the symmetry of the foot In such a case it may be necessary to nail rather close to the heels ; but even this had better be done for a short time than risk injury and malformation by the method named. If by carelessness or otherwise a nail should be driven into the quick, which will usually be known by the horse's flinching, it should be pulled out at once ; or should a horse show soreness after being 1 , 1 • 1 1 1 / 1 1 < • 1 1 1 * \ 1 \ 1 1 '. 1 1 t ' 1 > I; X 1 ' 1 1 , 1 , ^ . 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 *FlG 470. Faulty Action Too Wide. Fig. 471. — Fool Prepared for Shoe. 34 SHOEING. Fig. 473. — Fool at Point of Heel on Thick Shoes. Fig. 473.— Shoe Fitted as it Should Be. taken out of the shop, the foot should be examined carefully by tap- ping over the part, and the nail at the point of soreness pulled out. (For more details, see treatment for Pricking and Rucking.) Clinching Down the Nails. When the nail is twisted off, the end should be filed down to the proper length, and, with the corner of the rasp or lit- tle punch, cut out the pith or raised part under the clinch, and turn down light- ly but firmly. The common custom is to make a deep notch with the corner of the rasp, which extends across the face of the hoof from one nail to the other. This is so injurious that it should not be permitted even to the smallest degree. No rasping of the outer sur- face of the wall should be allowed, excepting to touch or smooth any roughness of the clinches, and to round of the edge of the wall dawn near the shoe. It has been explained under the proper head, that the inner surface of the wall soft and spongy, and that as it approaches the outer surface, it becomes hard and ^ bony, and the fibers closer and denser, and that over the surface is a sort of skin or thin covering of enamel, that prevents too rapid evap- oration of moisture ; and it is necessary to retain intact this strong fibrous horn, as well as its outer covering, so as to hold the nails firmly, as well as to prevent the excessive evaporation of moisture which would follow. Should the shoe be too short, which is liable to happen, to remedy the difficulty it is the common custom to set it back under the wall, and rasp the thick, strong wall, extending out over the Fig. 474. — Adjustment between Heel and Turn of Foot. Fig. 475.— Adjustment at Turn of Foot. SHOEING. 35 shoe, clown to it. Or, should the shoe be too straight or narrow for the foot across the points of nailing, to drive the nails so deeply as not only to endanger pricking, but greatly to weaken the wall. The excessive rasp- ing not only destroys the strongest part of the wall, that best able to retain the nail-holes and support concus- sion, but causes a se- rious internal disease not usually understood, which shows its effect in an absorption of the Fig. 523 is a good illustration of this. The speci- men from which it is drawn was obtained from Dr. Hamill. The small sketch is full size, and shows the exact appearance of its sur- face, and small points of horn which are over a quarter of an inch long, extending out like pegs. Shoeing the Hind Feet. There is usually so little Fig. 476.— Tips. the French. bone beneath. From Fig. 477.— Thin Strip Set in Hoof. From Lafosse. Fig. 478.— Tips Applied to the Coil's Foot. Fig. 479. — Thin Shoe. From Lafosse^ trouble with the hind feet, that it is scarcely necessary to give any directions as to their management. The horn is thickest at the quarters, and the principal nailing should be done there. Some- 36 SIIOEIiVG. times there is a curling under or contracting of the heels, which may be the cause of more or less inflammation, extending to the sheaths of tendons and other parts of the leg ; in such a case, if thought advisable, either or both quarters can be treated as ex- plained under that head in "Con- traction." Pricking and Rucking. I think it advisable, in this con- nection, to say a few words about pricking, which is more common than many suppose. It is not un- usual, indeed it is a very common occurrence, to drive the nail too near the quick or into it, and thus by a little carelessness cause great harm. First, if the nail be driven so as to go to the quick, in which case the horse may show it by flinching, it should in all cases be pulled out at once, and the hole Fig 480 — Shoe Adjusted. From the Germaa Fig, 481.— Model Shoes. Fig 482. — Showing Location of Nails. be left vacant. If this is done, no harm will follow. Sometimes the smith, especially if he expects to be scolded, will drive the nail down, which in a few hours or next day will show itself by SHOEING. 37 making the horse lame ; or the nail may be driven so deeply as to go near the soft parts of the inner edge, and when the point strikes the hard horn of the outer surface, it may bend inward or press upon and break through to the sensitive parts. This is called rucking, as shown in Fig. 508. The nail shouldbepulled out at once. Another cause of harm is what is termed fitting and drawing the nails too closely. If the nails are driven rather deep, and clinched down firmly, they are liable to bend inward and press upon the sensitive parts. This is called pinching. If present when the horse is shod, and it is noticed that the nails are driven rather deep for the thickness of the wall, insist upon their being driven farther out. An ignorant or thoughtless man may claim there is no danger, though he is driving the nails much too deep. Should the horse show soreness or lameness within three or four days after being shod, especially if he puts Fig. 483. —Examining the Shoe. Fig 484. — Location of Nails. Fig. 485. — French Method of Nailing the foot forward to ease it, give the matter attention at once. First rest the hand lightly upon the hoof to discover whether there is any unusual heat, and if so, at what point ; next take a light hammer or small stone, and tap lightly round over the nails, until the horse 38 SHOEING. Fig. 486. — The Hoof of a Fore Fool Showing the Bad Effects of Excessive Rasping. flinches, when the of- fending nail or nails can be discovered and pulled out. If this is done soon after being shod or during the same day, all that may be necessary to do is to leave the nail out. I have had excellent success by pouring a little callendula into the hole. In one case, where there was con- siderable soreness a few hours after being shod, though the horse was quite lame on ac- count of the nail being driven too deep, after pulling out then ail, a little callendula was poured in, and the shoe again put on, and the horse in a few hours was free from lameness. But if he shows lame- ness in a day or so after being shod, cut away the wall from around the hole, so as to let out any mat- ter which may have fo r m e d. Next poultice the foot until the in- flammation sub- sides, then cover the hole with a little digestive ointment (which is made by melt- ing together equal parts of tar and hog's lard, and stirring till cool), over which put a little tow and put on the shoe. Contraction. Its Cure. For hundreds of years there has been great effort made to pre- FiG. 487. — Shoe Properly Adjusted and Nailed. SHOEING. 39 Fig. 488.— Good Model of Concave Shoe. vent and cure con- traction. I give a variety of figures showing some forms of shoes and methods of ex- panding the quar- ters. Contraction may be divided into three class- es : 1. A general compression, or drawing in of the wall upon the vascular struct- ure ; 2. When but one or both quarters are drawn in ; 3. When the heels are curled in, or pushed forward under the foot. The prevention and cure of contraction must depend upon re- moving excess of horn, frog-press- ure, freedom of the quarters, or, if necessary, opening them mechan- ically as desired, and upon moist- ure. Any of these conditions lacking, there must in serious cases be partial or entire failure, no matter what the means or methods used. If the feet could have conditions that would afford natural moisture, and the shoes be made so thin that the frog and sole could have reason- able contact with the ground, the quarters so free that they could expand with the growth of the feet, there could be but little if any contraction. Frog-Pressure. Fig. 489.— Ordinary Calks. Fig. 490. - Adjustable Calk. We see that in all cases where there is reasonable 40 SHOEING. frog-pressure, the frog becomes larger, firm- er, and more elastic ; while raising the frog from contact causes it to become small and hard, the quarters to draw in, and the whole foot to diminish more or less in size. But if not accustomed to pressure, it should be given gradually, in connection with keeping the feet thoroughly softened, so as not to excite inflammation or soreness. It would not do for a man accustomed to wearing boots for years to suddenly go barefoot on rough, hard ground. The skin on the feet is so thin that they would be made sore, and would be liable to serious inflamma- tion. In like manner it would not be pru- dent to bring the heels and frog of a horse's foot that has long been protected by shoes, suddenly to the ground. If there is but little contraction, with fairly good condition of the feet, all that will be necessary to do is to level down the feet, and Fig. 491.— Adjustable Calks. Fig. 492. — Model of Shoe for Express Horses. From Dr. HamiU's Collection. Fig. 493. — The Goodenough Shoe. remove any surplus of old horn from the sole, put on thin-heeled shoes, and keep the feet soft by moisture. The next simplest and best method would be to use the convex shoe. See Figs. 552 -554. After leveling and trimming out the foot properly, as betore explained, cut away or weaken the arch bc- 23 a SUOETNG. 41 tween the bars and frog sufficiently to allow of some elas- ticity of the quar- ters, then fit the heels nicely to the bearing surface of the shoe. In doing this, care should be taken to leave therri sufficiently deep to enable matching the bevel of the shoe nicely without cutting away or lowering the wall too much. No horn should be left pro- jecting inside, as it would form a wall against the inner edge of the shoe, and prevent the heels from spreading. Of course, no nails should be driven back in the quarters. As before explained, the frog should gradually be given contact with the ground. As the quar- ters are opened, the shoe can be taken off, made larger, and reset, until the foot is reasonably expanded, when a level bearing-surface may again be used. But for anything like a bad condition of contraction, more direct and positive treatment will be necessary. For ex- ample, if the foot is badly contracted, the frog small, and sole forced upward acutely, the whole internal structure, in fact, locked and tied, as it were, by the severe compression of the wall, three conditions are necessary : First, complete elasticity of quarters and sole ; second, power to open quarter so as to relieve pressure, and allow the sole to settle back to its natural position ; third, gradual frog-pressure so as to restore a Fig. 494. — A Dried Hoof with Frog Removed. Fig. 495.— The Frog. 42 SHOEIXG. Fi(i. 496.— Mobility entirely Destroyed in Rigtit Foot. healthy condition of circulation and strength of parts. The first important step in the treatment is to thoroughly soften the feet. The simplest way of do- ing this in the stables is by tying two or three thicknesses of blanket around the feet and keeping them wet about twenty- four hours ; or better, fill two small bags with bran, put a foot into each, and tie a string loosely around the top of the bag and leg above the fetlock. Put each foot into a bucket of water, and afterward pour on water to keep wet ; or the horse can be made to stand in mud till the feet are soft. There is usually a large accumulation of horn, especially at the heel, all of which must be removed, and the wall leveled down to its proper dimensions. Next, with the drawing-knife pare out the sole ; not enough to make it bend to pressure, but more than beyond the removal of the old horn. Then with a small knife, which should be made expressly for the purpose, — let the blade be made straight, with a cutting edge on both sides, and the end turned about a quarter of an i n c h, tempered and ground down to a keen edge, so as not to cut a channel much more than one eighth to three sixteenths of an inch wide, — weaken the wall between the bars and frog, by scrap- ing or cutting out the bottom of the channel back to the point of the heel so much that when pressure is brought upon the heels outward, there will be no impediment to their opening freely at their upper edge. To do this, commence well forward near the point of the frog, and cut back, following the line of the arch carefully. Particu- FiG. 497. — Siiowing Great Excess of Horn. SIIOETXG. 43 Fig. 498. — Shoe loo Wide and Long, too Concave. Bearing-suiface lar care should be taken not to cut so much at any part as to cause bleeding. On this account the op- erator should feel his way cautious- ly, cutting deeper as he goes back. The bar should be cut away to within three quar- ters of an inch from the point of the heel. No more should be cut away from the rest of the bar, or part coming un- der the clip, than may be necessary to give a straight shoulder for it to rest against. Both sides must be treated alike. If the part has been cut through in the least, it should be protected after the shoe is on by melting a little resin and tallow into it, and covering with tow. There have been many ignorant and pretentious quacks, who have presumed to weaken the heel by sawing in between the bars and frog. Only a very small point can be reached in this way, without cutting to the quick. The saw cannot be used here at all with advantage. The point is to weaken the horn at the bottom of the cleft so that it will spread freely, and this can be done prop- erly only with the cutting-knife. The proper flexibility of the heels can be judged by a slight pressure with the hand. This done, our next object is to remove the compression of the wall. To do this, fit to it a rather thin, flat shoe, made of good iron. At the neels it should be made a little wider and longer than the Fig. 499. —Concave Bearing-surface of Shoe 498 at Heel. B Fig. 500.— Concave Bearing-surface of Shoe 498 bs- tween Heel and Turn cf Foot. Fig. 501. — Concave Bearing-surface of Same at Turn of Foot. 44 SHOnma. foot, and the nail-holes punched, as in Fig. 565. Lay on the shoe as intended to be nailed, and with a pencil make a mark over the inside of the bar at the point of the heel on both sides. This done, accu- rately punch or drill two holes through the iron, about three six- teenths of an inch in diameter. If it can be done, it would be bet- ter to have the holes beveled on the inside of the bar. extending up and back at the point of the heel. Next, take two little pieces of good iron or steel, about three fourths to seven eighths of an inch long, by about three sixteenths thick, and about five eighths of an inch wide. Cut down the end until it will fit the hole in the Fig. 503. — View of Hoof with Marked Depression across the Front, and a Corresponding Bulging downwards of the Sole. Fig. 503.— Model Thin-heeled Shoe. Fig. 504.— Light Hind Shoe. shoe, and rivet it, as shown in Fig. 557. These are now to be warmed and bent, and, if necessary, filed so as to lie flat against SHOEING. 45 both heels, and just long enough to come a little short of touch- ing the soft horn above it. Next weaken the shoe a little on both sides, which may be extended over a much larger space than shown in Fig. 558 ; or if the shoe is not very heavy, it may be spread without weak- enmg. late so Regu- FiG. 505.— Sole and Wall Cut away too much. Fig. 506.— Wall not Cut away Quite Enough. as to come a little forward of the point where the hoof begins to draw in. If the shoe is thin, the inner edge shoul d be turn up and formed into a clip, which, with a little care, can be filed and fitted. But if the shoe is at all thick, it would be somewhat difficult to do this ; for if the clip is turned up so that the shoe is too large or too small, a very tedious, annoying bungle would be the result. In addition, it would be difficult to make the clips sufficiently long to enable bringing pressure as high up against the wall as it will admit, which is a very important point toward opening the upper part of the hoof. The method before given, which neces- sity compelled me to devise and adopt, makes this simple and easy to do ; and except the shoe is so thin as not to admit of punching or drilling, it will be found by far the simplest and best method of forming the clips. When properly adjust- ed, nail on carefully. The nails around the toe may be larger than those driven in the quarters ; and while driven so as to give a good hold, and rather high, if the feet are at all sore and tender, great care should be taken that the hammering is not too heavy, nor the nails driven deep. The clinches should simply be turned down lightly. If the hoof ex- tends out over the shoe at any point, it should be no reason for more rasping than merely to round off the edges of the horn. Let Fig. 507.— Heel as it Usually Rests on the Shoe. 46 SHOEING. it alone. It is frequently the case that one quarter is more con- tracted than the other ; in fact, it is not unusual to have one side of the heel very much drawn in, while the other may be very lit- tle, if any, contracted ; so that two conditions must be met ; namely, Fig. 508.— Bad Nailing. Fig. 509.— Nail Rucked. Fig. 510. — Good Nailing. first, to open either heel as little or as much as may be desired, independent of the other. This the spreaders (which have been devised and patented by the writer) will enable doing in the most perfect manner. Simple as these spreaders are, the writer has found it very difficult to have them made properly. On this ac- count he has found it necessary to have them made according to an exact pattern, and they will be furnished at a moderate price to those desiring them. However nec- essary it may be to have this part of the work well done, it is, in reality, but a preparatory step for what follows. First, if tongs or a screw be used to spread the shoe, the pressure being made equal on both sides, the side which is weakest must do Fig. 511. — Transverse Section of the Hoof of tlie Fore Fool of a Work Horse in which the Sole had Become Convex. SHOEING. 47 all the bending — opening that quarter too much without affecting the other at all. Another cause of difficulty is not having the tongs convenient with which to spread the shoe, and it is put off too long ; and when finally attempted, done so roughly, or opened so much as to cause violent in- flammation and lameness. With the spreaders, this dif- ficulty is entirely overcome. Opening the Heels. The method of doing this should be about as fol- lows : First, meas- ure between the heels of the shoe carefully, by "cut- ting a bit of straw ©r stick the exact length between them, and then estimate how much each heel will bear opening without causing soreness. Un- less the foot is very soft and elastic, it is hardly prudent the first time to open them more than a quarter or three eighths of an inch. It is well to first open the quarter most contracted, which, until brought out to balance with the other, should be opened the most. Then measure again and spread the opposite side. If opened too much, or enough to cause soreness, a few light taps of the ham- mer against the outside will set it back. The feet should be kept soft by stop- ping with flaxseed-meal, and tying two or three thicknesses of blanket around, and wetting occasionally. In the course of an hour or two examine the condi- tion of the feet carefully. If the horse puts out one foot, or indi- cates the least soreness, the quarters have been opened too much, • Fig. 512. Fig, 513. Fig. 514. Shoe Should Conform to Foot. The Shoe Being too Small and Badly Abjusted, the Foot is Compressed and Necessarily Injured. Figs. 515, 516. — Very Common Re suit of Wearing Small, Bad Fitting Shoes. 48 SHOEIXG. and they must be at once knocked back sufficiently to relieve the undue pressure, and be kept wet. It is rarely, however, that the spreading of a quarter, or even three eighths, of an inch, will at first cause any soreness. On the contrary, it always gives relief. Still I think it necessary to use care. The horse can be driven or worked moderately, if desired. In two or three days the spread- ing can be repeated, but now not so much as before^ and again in three or four days following, and so on at longer intervals. If the foot has been properly prepared, two points will be ac- complished by this spreading, namely, the severe compression upon Fig. 517.— Nalura! Position. Fig. 518.— Effect of Contraction Good Shoeing. and Soreness. Fig. 519. — Extreme Case of Contraction and Soreness. the vascular structure and coronary ring will be immediately re- lieved, and the sole, which in all cases of this character has been forced up, as shown, to an acute angle, will straighten and let down. To aid this, the sole must, by paring, be made so flexible that, as the foot is opened, it will settle down and come back to its natural condition. The soreness resulting from the compression of the parts will be removed, and a better condition of circulation and nu- trition result. By this course the mobility will not only be re- stored, the horse travel with more freedom and confidence, but as the hoof grows down it will become thicker and of a better fiber. As before explained, to bring about a healthy condition of cir- culation and nutrition, the frog must necessarily be given contact with the ground to the degree it will bear, which should be provided SHOEING. 49 for by the thinness of the shoe. In some simple cases, nailing the shoe to the heel, as shown in Fig. 558, may be sufficient to hold the quarters firmly enough to enable spreading them as desired The objection is that the wall is so thin at the point of the heels, that it may be difficult to get a good nail-hold without pricking or break- ing out ; besides, the nailing cannot be repeated. The nails should be small and driven very carefully, getting as much hold as the horn will admit of. The supposed objection to this plan of opening the quarters is, that it prevents their natural elasticity by their undue confinement. But this is not a valid objection ; because in the di- FiGS. 520, 521. — How a Horse Stands when Sore-footed or Lame. rection it is desired to give them freedom outward, it only facilitates it, while at the same time it gives a certainty and positiveness of re- lief that cannot well be secured in any other way. In fact, herein lies most of the success in the management of all conditions of contraction. In my experience I never have found a smith who could catch the points of properly preparing the foot and fitting the shoes for such cases. In every instance I have been compelled .to stand over the shoer and dictate every movement or do part of the work myself First, the want of judgment in prepar- ing the foot ; second, in adapting the weight of the shoe to the foot, and fitting the clips so as to enable opening the quarters easily and .surely as desired. Mr. Roberge's Method. Since writing the foregoing my attention has been called to a 50 SHOETXG. Fui. 522— Anterior Section of a Hind Hoo} Made Vertically across the Center, Showing the Thickness of Wall. very simple and practical method of opening the quarters for the cure of contraction, which is used with marked success, and illus- trated in Fig. 566, devised by Mr. David Roberge, a practical horse- shoer of great ingenuity and skill, located at No. 106 West Thirtieth Street, New York City. Various methods of open- ing the heels on this plan are given, which are from French and other author- ities, to show the great ef- fort that has been made by mechanical means to overcome this difficulty. But Mr. Roberge, by giv- ing more length to the spring, and simplifying its construction, makes it all that can be desired. The spring is made of steel, the exact proportion and adjustment of which is shown in Fig. 567. The wall is first weakened by sawing down slightly between the heel and frog, when the spring is placed in position with so much force given to it as may be thought necessary to press the heels out- ward as desired. The shoe is then nailed on over it, as ordi- narily done. The pressure is gradual and constant, and must prove just the_^thing where both quarters will admit of equal pressure. But should one quar- ter be much more contracted or unyielding than the other, it does not seem to the writer that it would work so well, because the full pressure would then be thrown on the weaker quarter. But this, it is claimed, can be Fig. 523.— The Effect of Internal Inflammation, Caused by Excessive Rasping and Other Causes of Injury obviated by nailing the shoe well back on the quarter of the op- posite side, which would prevent that side from being acted upon SHOEING. This spring, with particulars, can be obtained by addressing the patentee, Mr. Roberge. Rolling Motion Shoe. I also give illustrations of a form of shoe devised and largely- used by him with great success, which he has patented. The object to be attained is, where there is want of mobil- ity, or much soreness and inflammation, to so form and adjust the shoe that the foot will partly roll upon the ground, thereby relieving the strain and irritation. To use Mr. Roberge's words, " This shoe, by allowing the foot to roll upon the ground, gives the foot the advantage of an extra joint, and to that degree relieves the strain or want of mobility, which causes lameness or soreness." Consequently, it not only enables the horse to travel easier, but aids in making a cure. This principle of treatment he has studied very closely, and it is remarkably successful. This principle of treatment has long been in use. I give an il- lustration from Lafosse, showing a side view of the hoof fitted for the Fig. .524. — Transverse Section of a Model Hoof at the Quarters. Fig. 525.— Showing the Usual Arch of the Sole. Fig. 526.— Showing Effect of a Little Contraction. Fig. 527.— Sole Bent Upwards. Effect of Contraction. shoe ; also a specimen of the French shoe. The principle is to turn up the shoe at the heel and toe about the thickness of the iron. Mr. Roberge's shoe differs essentially from this, in that he gives a curv- ature sidewa}'s as well as with the length of the foot. What he terms his " best shoe," and which is the most unusual, is Fig. 568, which is a thin plate hammered into a rounded or bowl shape, the 52 SHOEING. exact proportions of which are preserved in the drawings given. Fig. 570 is a side view, which will give a good idea of the relative proportion of the curve. By this form of shoe the foot has perfect Fig. 528.— Hinge Shoe. From the French. Fig. 529.— Form of Shoe Devised in England for Preventing Contraction. freedom of motion either way. If the foot is feverish or dry, wet sponge or oakum is pushed in between the shoe and bottom of the foot. Fig. 572 is a view of the same made a little heavier, the same form of circle being preserved, with the difference of the central part being removed with cross-section of the same. The shoe from which this drawing was made was claimed to be the same that was worn by Dexter when he made his fastest time to road wagon. Figs. 575, 576, show the method of putting on calkins. In conversa- tion with the writer, Mr. Bonner stated that David Roberge was one of the very foremost living students of the principles of shoeing. He is an unassuming, practical man, but is wonderfully successful. Quarter-Crack. This is the one difficulty next to con- traction which seems to have baffled the skill of the best veterinary authorities and horsemen to prevent or cure ; because in extreme cases they had no practical treatment beyond that of a bar shoe, cut- ting away the horn so that the part back of the split would have no bearing upon it, or supporting the weak parts by drawing the edges together with nails, or fastening on a plate with screws, all of which are merely palliative, and not to be depended upon. It would, of course, Fig. 530. — Form of Shoe Used by the French for the Cure of Contraction. SHOEING. 53 be easy to grow the foot down by keeping the horse in a stall or small yard where the ground is soft, but when put to work it -would be liable to split down again as before. Consequently it has been one of the most vexatious and annoying of difficulties, because to do this it was necessary to keep the horse idle from three to six months; a n d then, when put to work, if by chance he were driven sharply over hard or frozen roads, the quarter was liable to burst, which would again make the loss of use necessary. Or F^«- 532.-ShoelVladein Sec- ., , tions and Riveted together It became neces- . _ . « , .. to Prevent Contraction. sary to resort to the palliative measures referred to, and thus in time the value of an otherwise good horse would be destroyed. We see, in the first place, that the whole trouble arises from the hoof becoming contracted or too small for the internal parts. This will be most noticeable at the inner quarter by the wall becoming straight or drawn in sharply a little below the hair, the part at which the split invariably occurs. This is proved by the fact that the Fig. 531. Figs. 533, 534, 535. — Different Forms of Shoes for Cure of Contraction. quarter is most liable to burst or split when the hoof is dry and hard, or when concussion is increased by driving on hard roads. This tendency to split is also increased by the inferior quality of horn grown ; because the contraction of the parts, or pressing of the wall in against the soft parts, so obstructs the circulation that there 54 SHOEING. Fig. 536. — Ordinary English Shoe. is not sufficient blood to grow sound, tough, healthy horn. On this account the only reliable and practical cure is opening the quarters sufficiently to remove pressure until the new horn is grown, which can be done to any degree desired, as follows : First, cut down be- tween the bar and the frog of the inner quarter, as explained for contraction, until it will yield readily to pressure. Next cut away the edges of the wall to the end of the split ; then make a crease with the firing-iron at the edge of the hair. If the spilt ex- tends well up into the coronary band, this can be omitted, and in- .stead, the iron touched lengthways with the split. If, however, the quarter is properly opened, such inter- ference with the firing- iron will be unneces- sary, as the horn would usually grow down sound without it. Now, fit a shoe as explained for contrac- tion, putting a clip only upon the inner side (as shown in Fig. 585). The opposite side is to be nailed well back to counter- balance it. When the shoes are nailed on, with the spreaders open the quarter all Fig. 537.— Bearing-ourface of Ordinary English Shoe. SHOEING. 55 it will bear without producing soreness, or about a quarter of an inch. This done, fill the crack with a little melted resin or tallow, over which put a little tow to prevent gravel or dirt from working into the quick. It is next advisable to stimulate the growth of tough, healthy horn. This can be done with hoof liniment, which should be put on, as explained, two or three times a week. The hoof should not be permitted to become dry or hard, which can be easily prevented by stopping with flaxseed-meal and tying two or three thicknesses of blanket around the foot, and keeping wet while standing in the stable. The horse, if necessary, can be put to work as usual. In the course of a few days, spread a little more, or as Fig. 5.38. Fig. 539. Forms of Spring Used for Spreading the Quarters. much as may be necessary to make the hoof sufficiently wide to re- move all pressure from the weak part. When grown down, the cause will be removed. If an ordinary case, with but little drawing in of the quarters, simply lower the inside quarter a little so as to remove pressure from the upper edge of the wall, and put on a level shoe. Next, with a firing-iron burn a slight crease across the upper edge of the wall, keeping the foot soft, and stimulating the growth by applications of hoof liniment. This will enable growing the wall down without its splitting back. But if the quarter is drawn in perceptibly, then in addition to the creasing, the quarter must be given entire freedom, by cutting down between the bar and frog. The details of a very in- teresting case, and explanations of how I learned this method of treat- ment, and its success, will be found in connection with this part of treatment in my special work on the horse. 50 SHOEING. Fig. 540.— Hinge Bar Shoe for Cure of Contraction. Sand Crack, or Fissure at the Toe. Th''' is usually the result of a diseased condition or ulceration of the upper anterior part of the coffin-bone, caused by injury to the part. In a large number of dissections made by Mr. Gamgee, to whom I am indebted for treatment here given, he found cases of the pyramidal process to be common, and a depression down in front to be also frequent. The front of such feet is. weak and deficient both in hoof and bone. The bottom of the foot must have nothing removed from it except to level it down at the quarters. The front of the hoof should be left rather long and deep, the shoe to come well back under the quarters, and clips to be taken up, one on each side of the toe. When the shoe is applied, the clips are neither to be let into the wall nor roughly hammered up to it, but to be drawn just tight enough to support and hold the part firm. For treatment of the fissure, take tar and resin one ounce and tallow a quarter of an ounce, and melt together. Apply this while warm to the fis- sure of the hoof and coronet, then place a layer of tow over this dressing, and bind the wall of the foot with a broad tape, to support its position and keep the part firm. A cure in bad cases is not to be expected. Corns. Corns are usually to be found at the inner heel, or at the angle be- tween the bar and the crust, and are caused by the shoe pressing upon the part. This will be most likely to occur should the wall break down, or be cut away so much as to let the shoe rest upon the sole, or should the shoe be nailed well back on the outside and toe, as then, if left on too long, it will be drawn outward and forward so much that the inner heel will be 24 a Fig. 541. — Spring Inside Shoe Riveted to Toe Part for Expanding Quarters. SHOEING. 57 drawn under the quarter, and rest upon this part, bruising it. When the sensitive sole is thus bruised, the effused blood mixes with the horn\- matter and makes a red spot, and if the irritation is contin- ued so as to produce very much inflammation, ulcera- tion may take place, which would, in some cases, be suf- ficient to affect the inner wing of the coffin-bone, and cause matter to break out at the coronet. Sometimes when Fig. 542. — Showing the Effect upon the Pedal Bone of Sole Bulging Down. the quarter is very much contracted, the space between the bar and quar- ter being greatly lessened, it causes such bruising or pressure upon the soft parts as to excite inflammation, or cause a corn. The usual remedy is to cut away the parts so that the shoe will not rest upon it, and put on a little caustic, or touch it with a hot iron, which destroys sensibility, and changes the condition of secretion. Butter of antimony or salts of niter are favorite remedies ; then melt in a little tar, resin, and tallow, and cover with a little tow to prevent gravel or dirt working into the tender part. The usual way in severe cases, is to put on a bar shoe, so as to enable removing all pressure from the sore part. This mode of treatment, how- ever, as usually done, is only pallia- tive, not curative. The horse will travel better, but if the shoe is left on a little too long, or presses upon the part in the least, or should gravel or Fig. 543. — Representation of tlie Last Six Bones of the Foot, Showing Great Change of Structure. 58 SUOUING. Fig. 544. — Showing Bearing- surface of Shoe Shown in Fig. 544. dirt accumulate between the part and the shoe, inflammation and lameness will follow. The only remedy for this is to remove the pressure. But in time by this treatment the difficulty is only aggravated and made worse. Hence the usual assertion that " corns cannot be cured." Gifford, one of my old performing horses, had a very bad bruise (corn) on one of his inner heels, which, if not care- fully attended to, caused serious lameness. After being troubled with it about seven years, it had grown to such proportions as to involve the entire angle at the heel, so that the horn was broken quite through, and the sensitive structure partly ulcerated. At the close of the season's business, there was considerable inflamma- tion and soreness in the entire foot. All palliative measures having failed, it finally occurred to me to try the experiment of re- moving all pressure from the part, and turning the horse out to grass. But there was another serious difficulty, to which, in part, some of the soreness might be at- tributed. By the contraction or curling under of the outer heel, it had become so weak that it could scarcely be made to support his weight in traveling, so I decided to treat this at the same time. The divis- ion between the bar and frog of this side was well thinned out to make the quarter flexible. Next a thin shoe of untempered steel, a little more than an eighth of an inch thick, was made to fit accurately to the wall (as shown by Fig. 588), the end being turned up for a clip, and fitted nicely to its place. The part of the op- posite heel of the shoe coming over the corn, was entirely cut away, leaving simply sufficient to cover the wall, which at this point was very thin. The shoe was now fastened on sufficiently to hold it firmly in place, but with very small nails. Fig. 545. — Form of Concave Shoe Used by the French for Expanding the Quarters. SHOEING. 59 There was no rasping or attempt to beautify the foot in any way. Figs. 586 and 589 give a very good idea of the appearance of the foot before and after the shoe was put on. The quarter was now care- fully opened about three eighths of Fig. 546. Fig. 547. Devices for Cure of Contraction Used by ttie Frencti. an inch, without causing any irritation. Nothing was put over the bruise or corn, nor was it meddled with in any way. The horse was now turned out to grass daily. At first he moved very tenderly, though not lame. In a week the heel was again opened a little more, and again at intervals until opened out as desired. In a few weeks the tenderness, fever, and in- flammation subsided ; and at the expiration of three months the corn was entirely cured, there being a healthy growth of sole over the part, leaving only a slight appearance Fig. 548. — Screw for Spreading Stioe. Fig. 549. — The Shoe as Adjusted. of redness, on account of not being entirely grown out. The con- tracted quarter was also out to its natural position, the change for the better in all respects being very gratifying. An ordinary flat shoe was now put on, when he traveled as well as ever. The ma- 60 SHOEING. jority of such cases can be easily cured while the horse is kept at his usual work, by putting on an open shoe if the foot will bear it, if not, a light bar shoe, with the part coming under the corn en- tirely cut away, leaving only sufficient to cover the wall. It will not matter whether the bar is cut away or not, as there will be nothing over it to harbor gravel or dirt. It would be ad- visable to fit the shoe carefully, or even drive two or three nails, to know exactly the position of the shoe upon the wall. Then mark the part to be cut out, when the nails can be pulled out, the part cut or filed away properly, and the shoe again nailed in place. The success in the treatment of the case referred to, led me to believe I had made an important discovery, as I had not found it laid down by any authorities on shoeing. Since then, upon in- vestigation, I have found that the principle was we/ understood by many old authorities, though the method of treatment, as will be seen, was slightly different. On page 96 of Freeman's work on " Shoeing," published in 1796, he says : — Fig. 550.— The Shoe Made Wider than Foot, with Clips at the Heels for Opening the Quarters. A French Device. Fig. 551. — Form of Screw Used by the French for Spreading the Shoe. I have frequently bought horses whose feet, on examination, proved to have corns, occasioned by ill-made shoes hav- ing pressed upon them. These were, in general, easily cured by paring the feet properly where the grievance lay, and turning the horse out without shoes for two or three months. In the supplement to Coleman's work, pub- lished in 1802, the writer found, for the cure of corns, the shoe cut away over the corn, as shown by Fig. 58Y. Bracy Clark's work, published in 1809, gives an illustration of a shoe with that part which would come over the corn entirely cut away. SHOEING. 61 The half-moon shoe, or tip, by Lafosse, referred to hereafter, is claimed to cure corns. Caesar Fiaschi, of the sixteenth century, gives a figure of a three-quarter shoe, almost the same form as that of Bracy Clark's, for this trouble. White's work, published in 1820, says : — The only thing to be done is to take oj0f the shoe, and turn the horse out to grass. In slight cases, however, this may not be absolutely necessary, and is often inconvenient, but it is by far the best plan, and I may add, perJiaps the only effectual one, when a radical cure is desired. Weak Heels. If from any cause there has been much fever in the feet for some time, in conse- quence of being driven on hard roads, or being partially foundered, there will be diminished supply of horn, so that the wall will not only grow slower, but thinner. (See reference to inflammation and Figs. 555, 556.) Sometimes the heels are cut down so closely that should the shoe work loose, and wear or break down the quarters, it would be Fig. 552. — French Convex Shoe. Fig. 553.— Bracy Clark's Convex Shoe. From his Book Published in 1819. Fig. 554. — Ordinary Convex Shoe. easy to produce a weak, low condition of the heels. This may cause a great deal of trouble, on account of the slowness with which the horn grows to supply the increased wear. This morbid condition of 62 SHOEING. inflammation also produces another very marked effect, namely, that of sep- arating the wall from the sole, or what is termed becoming shelly. Sometimes, if the shoes are badly fitted and made too wide at the heels (as explained un- der the head of " Contraction "), they will soon cause a weak, bad condition of the heels, the quarter gradually giv- ing way or breaking down ; and if the foot is at all flat, the sole and frog be- come liable to settle, or are made con- vex. One of the most marked cases of this kind the writer ever saw was that of a cart-horse, brought to his notice in Central Pennsylvania. The feet were broad and flat, with the heels drawn in to a point so that there was scarcely any bearing of them upon the shoe. The result Fig. 555.— The Foot of a Pony thai had been Calked, Referred to in Text, after the Inflammation had Subsided, Growing Nearly a Quarter of an Inch Larger. Fig. 556.-»The Foot Drawn in and Deformed from Long-continued In- flammation Caused by a Nail be- ing Driven into the Foot, the Hoof Growing About Half an Inch Larger after the In- flammation Subsided. of this was that the horn wore or broke away until the line of bearing was over an inch above that of the frosf. To remedy the difficulty the calks Avere raised correspondingly high to keep the frog from the ground. (See Fig. 594.) This horse traveled with great diffi- culty, even on a walk. The course most likely to give suc- cess in the management of these cases, is to use a wide shoe that will give a large bearing-surface to the weak parts, and sustain them. Of course, nothing more should be cut away from the heels than is sufficient to only level them a little. Special care should be taken to prevent them from breaking and wearing down by the shoe, which may be done by placing a piece of leather between the bearing-surface and shoe. As the horn will usually be SHOEING. 63 Fig. 557.— Shoe for Cure of Con- traction. Devised by the Writer. very brittle and weak, it is advisable to use great care in fitting the shoe, with thin clips on each side. At any rate, the shoe must be fastened on so firmly that it will not get loose. In some cases it may be necessary to bring the bar down so as to enable a more accurate line of ad- justment to the shoe and frog. When in Massachusetts, in 18Y6, a leading horseman called my attention to a fast-trotting stallion that had weak feet, and which caused him a great deal of trouble. He wished to know how to shoe them so as to improve their con- dition. I found the feet in good shape, but the sole and wall were very thin and weak, the effect, undoubtedly, of the horse being slightly foundered or over- heated. I advised putting on a shoe that would support the sole and frog, the space between the shoe and frog to be packed with oakum. He objected that this would not do, as the horse would not bear any pressure at all upon the sole. Some time afterward my attention was called to a very high indorsement from this gen- tleman of a certain form of patent shoe that had been used on this horse. It stated that it enabled the horse to travel as well as ever, and that its utility was all that could be desired. I was interested to know just what kind of a shoe had been used, and when again in that vicinity, I found one at con- siderable trouble, of which I give an accurate drawing. (See Fig. 698.) While it may be evident that in many such cases the shoe could be made to support the en- tire sole, if hammered out of iron. Fig. 558.— The Shoe Adjusted. 64 SHOEING. th-e increased weight would make it seriously objectionable. The fitting of a thin piece of steel plate, as shown in Fig. 5i>8, would en- able this to be done with but little addition to its weight. The manner of putting it on was simply by bringing the whole sur- face of the wall ana frog to an even bearing, to which the shoe was carefully adjusted. Next, the space between the shoe and bottom of the foot was filled with oakum, to which was added a little tar and resin, so as to form an even but firm support all the way round.* The draw- ing of the oakum, as it ap- pears in Fig. 601, is an ex- act illustration of that which was used upon the shoe named, though only the back part of it is shown. Parties who had used the shoe upon feet which had become sore and tender from driving upon hard, stony roads in the city and neighborhood, stated that it enabled the horses to travel much better. If the foot is sore and sensitive, supporting it with a bed of oakum in this way will serve to break concussion,' and consequently make the horse go better for a time. But for contraction, quar- ter-crack, coffin-joint lame- ness, etc., for which it was advertised as a cure, it cannot benefit beyond the effect of slightly breaking concussion, as explained. It would be just the thing for weak heels and for any condition *A preparation of tar, beeswax, hard soap, and resin, melted and formed into a salve, to be used with oakum as a packing, was given the writer by a horseman of much experience, as the best for this purpose, claiming that it softened the feet and stimulated the secretion of horn. Fig. 559. — Spreaders in Position to Open the Heels. SHOEING. 65 Fig. 560.— Back View of a Hcof Greatly Contracted, the Effect of Long^con- tinued Inflammation. where the sole and frog need sup- port. As it is, however, seriously- objectionable to cover the whole bottom of the foot when it can be avoided, I include cuts of an im- provement by which the whole bearing-surface of the frog and heels, the important parts, can be supported without the sole being excluded from moisture or air, which is important for the secretion of healthy horn. In such a case, if desired, the plate instead of being let to the inner edge, can be ex- tended across the quarter so that the upper surface will come even with the shoe, and be riveted on. Interfering. The main point in the management of interfering is to have the shoe close under the wall at the point of striking, and the offend- ing part shortened or straight- ened a little, and to have no nails driven there, the clinches of which would soon rise and cause cutting. The edge of the shoe should be bev- eled under a little, and filed smooth. There is usually a good deal of carelessness in letting the shoe extend outside the crust at the point of the heel. It should set well under the wall all the way round, and the wall be filed smoothly to it. In addition, in some cases, the horse will travel better to lower the inside heel a little ; in others, to raise it. It is in all cases Fig. 561.— Showing two Openings Caused advisable, however, if the horse by Corns. 66 SHOEING. Fig. 562.— Shoe as Nailed on to be Spread. can be made to travel without striking, to keep the adjustment natural by paring the foot level and making the shoe of an equal thickness all the way round, with perhaps the inner part straightened a little. Sometimes colts driven to a sulky, when a little leg-weary, may strike badly ; in such a case the ankle must be protected. In all cases where the ankle is cut, the swelling and sore- ness increase the difficulty, and should be guarded against by cov^- ering. If the irritation is kept up, and this is not done, it may result in permanent enlargement of the part, which would afterward increase the liability to be hit. This can be prevented only by coverings, or by being protected by the ordinary sim- ple means, until the inflammation subsides and the injury heals. Prof McLellan says on this sub- ject :— Treatment for interfering, to be rational, must take into account the causations. Thus, if the toes turn out — a very common cause of interfering — they should be in- clined in all that is possible. This can be accomplished by bending the outside web of the shoe from its inner to its outer border, making the edge through which the nails are driven, quite thin. Or if calks are used, the toe-calk can be welded nearer the inside than the outside toe, and the toe-calk beveled at the expense of its outer extremity. If the knee is banged, but light shoes are indicated. Lightness in the shoe is always desirable ia the hind feet, and if the season of the year permits, tips will be found very effective in pre- vention of interfering. The nails should be left out of the hoof at the point where it strikes, because the clinches are liable to become raised or loosened, and do in- jury. Clicking, or Overreaching.* Fig. 563.— As the Heels Appear after Being Spread. This is a term applied to the striking of the hind shoes against the forward ones during progression. It may be due either ■ Contributed by Prof. McLellan. SHOEINQ. 67 Fig. 564.— Badly Confracfed Fool. The Lines B B Show the Degree to which the Foot may in Time be Spread. to a faulty conformation, to weak- ness, or to disease. In seeking to remedy the defect, we must en- deavor to discover its cause. If it is due to defective form, we may so adjust the hoofs and apply the shoes that the feet shall be placed upon the ground in such relation to the body as to modify in some measure the fault of form. In some cases the toes of the forward feet must be reduced all that is possible, and the toes of the hind feet lengthened. In others, weights or heavy shoes ui:)on the forward feet answer a good purpose. In some, weights upon the outside of the hind feet overcome the diffi- culty. If the hind feet are placed upon the ground well forward when the animal is at rest, heel-calks of extra length will be found useful. Weakness, as a cause of click- ing, is shown in colts and in horses that have diseased hind feet. In the first, the animal is not able, or has not learned, to dwell upon the hind feet to give to the body that forward impulse that cornea from the long push ; in the second, pain prevents the extension. In the case of the colt, shoeing must be supjjlemented by good driving, — the animal should be kept up to the bit, and the head well checked up, and should not be fatigued by overdriving. In the case where the clicking depends upon a diseased condition of the foot or leg, the removal of the cause is the indication. As general rules for the prevention of clicking, the toe of the forward hoof should be re- duced all that it will bear ; the shoe should be short, both at the toe and heel ; the heels of the shoe should be beveled at the expense of its ground surface ; when the toe should be beveled, giving the shoe, when applied, the appearance of one partly worn. In many cases concaving the ground surface of the shoe is useful. If the toes are long and the heels extremely low, thick-heeled shoes or heel-calks are indicated. The hind shoes should be light, and long at the heels, giving the heels of the shoe as wide a bearing as possible. In case the toe Fig. 565. — Simple Form ef Shoe for Spreading the Quarters. 68 CAUSES OF INJURY. of the hind foot is much worn, and as a consequence the hoof spread at its plantar surface, clips should be drawn up from each side of the shoe, so as to grasp the wall at its widest part. No attempt should be made to fit the shoe to the squared and shortened toe ; but give it the natural form, and let it project at the toe to that extent that would indicate the length of the hoof were it unworn. Heel-calks upon the hind shoes are applicable to nearly all cases. In all cases of overreaching or click- ing, adjusting the hoof and shoe so that the inside quarter and toe of the hoof are higher than the outside, will assist in overcoming the difficulty. Stumbling. Stumbling is usually associated with some diseased condition of the foot. In the prevention of this disagreeable Fig. 566. — An Outline of iWr. Roberge's Spring, with its Position on the Foot. Fig. 567.— Thick- ness of Spring. Full Size. Fig. 568. —Width of Bar. Full Size. and dangerous habit, particular attention must be given to cutting the hoof. Reduce the hoof all it will bear without injury ; see that the hoof is of equal depth on each side of the toe. This you can ascertain best by standing in front of the horse and comparing the two sides. In fitting the shoe, bend up the toe, giving it the rounded appearance of one well worn. If calks must be used, weld toe-calk back to inner margin of web, making it low. In the stable use wet swabs to the feet. Shoeing Foundered Horses. . If the mobility of the foot is destroyed, as the result of chronic founder, or other cause of morbid inflammation, mobility must be aided by rounding the entire shoe or toe. If the foot is entirely stiff, the shoe must be so formed that it will roll upon the ground, which can be easily done by leaving the inner edge of each side wide, and turning down in a half circle, as shown in Fig. 609. If the sole is broken down, or the wall separated at the toe, the result of acute inflammation or founder, weight will be tnrown more upon the heels. For such cases the shoe must be so fitted as to ex- tend well back under the heels ; and if the sole is thin at the toe — bulging down — it may be supported by letting a thin flange of iron SHOEING. 69 extend well back under it ; or fitting a steel plate across the part so as to give an even support all the way round, and the adjustment made easy by packing with oakum, though in most cases the sole will not bear pressure, and is simply to be protected by a wide shoe. The shoeing of such feet must be in a great measure experimental; consequently the ingenu- ity of the owner or smith must be exercised to con- form with best advantage to the condition of the case. First, do nothing that will irritate or make the foot sore. It simply must be supported to the best advantage, and the mo- FiG. 569.— Roberge's Best Form of Shoe lo Aid the Mobility of the Foot in Lameness. Fig. 570. -Side View of the Above, Showing the Curve. bility aided by rounding the toe, or setting the calks well back under it. Special Causes of Injury.* I add references to a few authorities, showing the bad effect of paring the sole and frog excessively^ rasping the outer surface of the hoof, and the use of thick, badly-fitting shoes. I will call attention first to the most prominent authority. Prof. Coleman, from whose teach- ings all the modern works in this country have been principally guided in their instruction. In January, 1792, a Veterin- ary College was started in London. A short time after- ward Edward Coleman was appointed Chief Professor. I cannot do better here than to copy from Prof. Gamgee's work on " Shoeing," pub- *The illustrations in this article overrun the text, and this will explain why they are not placed opposite the matter referring to them. Fig. 571.— An Exact Scale of the Curve of the Above Shoe. Fig. 572. — Cross-section of the Same. 70 CAUSES OF INJURY lished in London in 1874, in relation to Coleman's teaching, says : — He Fig. 573. — Ordinary Form of Rolling Motion Shoe. "In England, since Prof. Cole- man ruthlessly destroyed the em- pirical knowledge of the old mas- ters, and substituted for it a system of fantastic and often cruel no- tions, we have been a prey to end- less speculative theories. The result is that with the best horses in the world, we have a far larger proportion of lame ones than are to be found in any other coun- try. * * * "It was a kind of teaching on the foot and on shoeinsf that did Fig. 575.^ — Side View, Showing Degree of Curve. the incalculable and, I fear, almost irreparable damage which has brought suffering on horses and shortened their ex- istence, which has spoiled farriers, by leading them astray on false pretexts, and has entailed dis- FiG. 574.— Cross-section of the Same. credit on the English Veterinary School. * * ^ " One change, among others introduced by Mr. Coleman, has entailed, I believe, a more lasting damage on the art farriery than any of his many oth- er crochets, which have unfortu- nately become thoroughly parts of English horse-shoeing. He intro- duced the drawing-knife, and made it supercede the buttress for preparing the feet for shoeing. The buttress is the instrument still in use for paring down the wall surface to receive the shoe everywhere except in England and parts of the New World, to which English hands and language have carried our modes of shoeing, such as it has become only within the present century. " Old men can remember the buttress's being in general use throughout Great Britain ; but the way it was banished from English practice is known to few ; and its supercedence, and these remarks on the effects of the change, may astonish many. The drawing-knife, or searcher, as it was called, a small, hooked. Fig. 576. — Ground Surface of Above, Showing Method of Putting on Calkins. SHOEING. 71 Fig. 577. — Quarter-crack. crooked little instrument, was formerly kept for the purpose of exploring wounds and extracting foreign bodies from the foot, and was to that extent in vogue on the Con- tinent as well as in England. But theorizing, and a fancy for a change, led the professor to order the general use of the little hooked knife instead of such a broad, level tool as the buttress. He had unfortunately conceived such notions as that the sole of the foot did not bear the weight of the animal, that it was necessary to pare it thin every time the horse was shod, and that the broad, level buttress was not suited for that ; hence the preference for the little scoop- ing, crooked searcher. As these incidents have had a disastrous effect on shoeing, which we have scarcely in any degree begun to re- lieve, I will quote from Mr. Coleman's work of 1798 :— " ' Those who supposed that the weight of the animal was chiefly supported by the horny sole, have attributed a function to that organ which it does not possess ; but, although the laminae are capable of sustaining the animal, yet, as they are elastic, and at every step elon- gate, the horny sole is necessarily pressed down in the same degree, and by first descending and then ascending, as the laminae dilate and contract, the horny sole contributes very materially to prevent concussion. This union of the crust with the coffin-bone sustains the weight of the animal ; the crust supports the weight even when the horny sole and frog are removed ; if the sole and frog in reality supported the weight, then the foot would slip through the crust when the frog and sole were taken away. " ' The sole, frog, and bars were taken away from both the fore feet of a horse ; the feet were then alternately lifted by placing the hands on the loins of the horse ; he kicked, all his weight was then sustained by the laminae of the fore feet, and yet this made not the smallest degree of change in the situations of the bones. " ' From this experiment, therefore, it is, that the union of the sensitive laminae with the horny laminae is sufficiently strong to support the whole weight of the animal on two feet. " ' The first thing to be attended to is to take away the portion of the sole with the drawing-knife ; and to avoid pressure, the sole should be made con- cave or hollow. If there be any one part of the practice of shoeing more important than the rest, it is this removal of the sole between the bars and the crust. In common practice these parts are removed by an instrument called the buttress. " ' The removal of a proper quantity of horny sole has been represented to be a Fig. 578.— French Shoe. 72 SHOEING. Fig. 579.— An Old Quarter-crack Grown Down. Fig. 580. — Quarter-crack. through a delicate operation, and in the hands of common smiths liable to do mischief. But any smith capable of paring a hoof cannot fail to be equal to removing part of the sole with the drawing-knife. That the practice may be faithfully executed in the army, a farrier from each regiment of cavalry has been permitted to attend the col- lege to learn the practical part of shoeing.' " The foregoing passages, abounding as they do in errors, give evidence of the manner in which some of the greatest changes in the prac- tice of horse-shoeing have occurred since its history has been written, and changes which have led to the worst pos- sible results. Once, however, the notion got possession of the minds of the men at the wheel, that the bottom of the foot, its arched sole, was not designed to support the weight, but to yield to pressure downward ; every- thing had to give way to that idea. The sole and frog were torn away, and because, during the barbarous experiment, the con- nection did not yield, and the bone 7orotrude like a finger torn glove, negative evidence was taken in confirmation of the theory framed ; the paring away of the horses' soles with the drawing-knife was thus estab- lished, and the army, by sending farriers to learn the new system, became the means of enforcing the absurd and cruel practice of thinning the sole throughout this kingdom and the colonies. " It is interesting to see the differently constituted mind of Mr. Moorcroft on the natural bearing of the question in 1800. He says : — " ' The sole ties the lower edge of the crust together, and by its upper part forming a strong arch, it affords a firm basis to the bone of the foot, and by its strength it defends the sensitive parts within the hoof.' "This is true. We fail to discover a single passage in any work or any traditional account to show that any objection was raised to the continuance of the use of the buttress in England, any more than over the rest of the world, where it had been adopted from time immemo- rial, until, along with his other new theories about shoe- ing, Mr. Coleman believed it to be the wrong thing to employ, and then a crooked knife and a coarse rasp were adopted as weapons that might do more de- structive execution than the one dismissed." George Fleming, in his work on " Shoes and Horse-shoeing," says : — " This evil of paring or rasping must be looked upon as the greatest and most destructive of all that jjertains to shoeing, or even to our management of the horse. ?5 a Fig. 581. — Toe-crack. Fig. 582. — Toe-crack. SHOEING. 73 Nine tenths of the workmen who resort to this practice cannot explain its object, and those who have written in defense of it say it is to allow the descent of the sole and facilitate the lateral expansion of the hoof. "Fancy our gardeners cutting and rasping the bark off our fruit-trees, to assist them in their natural functions, and improve their appearance ; and yet the bark is of no more vital importance to the tree than the horn of the sole wall and frog are to the horse's foot. Fig. 583.— Quarter-crack. Fig. 584. — Effect of Founder. " The sole, frog, and bars must on no account, nor under any conditions, unless those of a pathological nature, he interfered uitJi in any way by knife or rasp. As certainly as they are interfered with, and their substance reduced, so surely will the hoof be injured. Nature has made every provision for the defense. They will support the contact of hard, soft, rugged, or even sharp bodies, if allowed to escape the drawing- knife ; while hot, cold, wet, or even dry weather has little or no influence on the in- terior of the foot, or on the tender horn, if man does not step in to beautify the feet by robbing them of their protection, perhaps merely to please the fancy of an ig- norant groom or coachman. "If we closely examine the upper surface of the sole of a hoof that has been separated from its contents by maceration, we will find it perforated everywhere by myriads of mi- nute apertures, which look as if they had been formed by the point of a fine needle. If we look also at the vascular parts of the foot that have been in contact with this horny surface, it will be observed that they have been closely studded with exceedingly fine, yet somewhat long, filaments, as thickly set as a pile of the richest Genoa velvet. These are the villi, or papillas, which enter the horny cavity, and fitting into them like so many fingers into a glove, constitute the secretory apparatus of the frog as well as the sole. Each of the filaments forms a horn tube or fibre, and pass- es to a certain depth in a protecting canal whose corneous wall it builds. When injected with some colored preparation, one of them makes a beautiful microscopical object, appearing as a long, tapering net-work oi blood-vessels, surrounding one or two parent trunks, and communicating with each other in a most wonderful manner. These filaments are also organs of tact, each Fig. 585.— Shoe for Quarter-crack. 74 CAUSES OF INJURY. containing a sensitive nerve, destined to endow the foot with the attributes of a tactile organ. " This distribution will enable us to realize, to some extent, the amount of in- jury done by paring. The horn thrown out for their defense and support being re- moved by the farrier's knife, and perhaps the ends of these villi cut through, the meager pellicle remaining rapidly shrivels up, the containing cavity of each vas- cular tuft as quickly contracts on the vessels and nerves, which, in their turn, diminish in volume, disappear, or be- come morbidly sensitive, through this squeezing influence. The feet of a horse so treated are always hot, the soles are dry and stony, and become unnaturally concave. The animal goes tender after each shoeing, and it is not until the horn has been regenerated to a certain ex- tent, that he steps with anything like ease. Until the new material has been formed, each papilli experiences the same amount of inconvenience and suffering that a hu- man foot does in a new, tight boot. " This tenderness is usually ascribed to the nails and other causes ; and the horse, in the stable, rests on one foot, then on the other, as if he suffered uneasiness * * * Fig. 586. — Gifford's Fool as it Appeared Before Treatment. or pam. " All the preparation any kind of foot usually requires for the shoe may be summed up in a few words ; leveling the crust in conformity with the limb and foot, and removing as much of its margin as will restore it to its natural length, rounding its outer edge at the same time, and leaving the sole, bars, frog, and heels in all their naturalintegrity." Osmer, an old writer of good standing, in 1751 said : — " I believe there are many horses that might travel their whole lifetime unshod on any road, if they were rasped round and short on the toe ; because all feet exposed to hard objects become thereby more obdurate, if the sole be never pared : and some, by their particular form, depth, and strength, are able to resist them quite, and to support the weight without breaking ; and here a very little reflection will teach ^us whence the custom arose of shoeing horses in one part of the world and not in another. In Asia there is no such custom of shoeing the horse at all, because the feet acquire a very obdurate and firm texture from the dryness of the climate and the soil, and do really want no defense. But every rider has a rasp to shorten his horse's feet, which would otherwise grow long and rude, and the crust Fig. 587.— Shoe Fitted for Cur- ing Corns. From Coleman. of the hoof would most certainly split. SHOEING. 75 He continues by saying, — "From the good that was found to arise from putting shoes on horses which have naturally weak feet from being brought up on wet land, the custom of putting shoes on all kinds of feet became general in some countries. Our ancestors, the original shoers, proposed nothing more, I dare say, in their first ef- forts, than to preserve the crust from breaking way, and thought themselves happy that they had skill enough so to do. The mod- erns also are wisely content with this in the racing way. " In process of time the fertility of invention and the vanity of man- kind have produced a variety of methods ; almost all of which are productive of lameness ; and I am thoroughly convinced from obser- vation and experience, that nine- teen lame horses out of every twenty are lame of the artist, which is ow- ing to the form of the shoe, his ig- norance of the design of nature, and maltreatment of the foot, every Fig. 588. — Posilion of the Spreaders for Opening the Quarter. part of which is made for some purpose or other, though he does not know it. "I suppose it will be universally assented to, that whatever method of shoeing approaches nearest to the law of na- ture, such is likely to be the most perfect method.* * * "The superfices of the foot around the outside, now made plane and smooth, the shoe is to be made quite flat, of an equal thickness all around the outside, and open and most narrow backward at the extremities of the heels ; for the gen- erality of horses, those whose frogs are diseased, either from natural or inciden- tal causes, require the shoe to be wider backwards ; and to prevent this flat shoe from pressing on the sole of the horse, the outer part thereof is to be made thickest, and the inside gradually thin- ner. In such a shoe the frog is permit- ted to touch the ground, the necessity of which has already been seen. Added Fig. 589.— The Shoe as if Appeared when on. to this, the horse stands more firmly W'"i *he Quarters Opened Out. upon the ground, having the same points of sujiport as in a natural state. "Make the shoes as light as you can according to the size of your horse, because heavy shoes spoil the back sinews and weary the horse ; and if he happen to over- reach, the shoes, being heavy, are all the more rapidly pulled off. 76 CAUSES OF INJURY. "Those who think it frugality to shoe with tliick and heavy shoes, and seldom, are deceived, for they lose more by it than they gain ; for thereby they not only spoil the back sinews, but lose more by it than if they had been light." It is conceded by all the best modern authorities that the French author above referred to, whose work was published in 1750, was the great father of a correct system of reform in shoeing. It was supposed in his day, as it is in a great measure now, that a Fig. 592.— Flat, Convex Sole. Fig. 590, 591. — Sand-crack, or Fissure in Front cf Hoof. A deep substance of horn is found beneath the fissure at the lower part of the hoof, where a corresponding cavity is formed by absorption in the coffin-bone. horse could not travel without having heavy, unwieldy shoes on, and that the greatest skill was exhibited in the amount of cutting and rasping done on this feet. He boldly proclaimed that all this was injurious, and tried to prove it by the most convincing arguments. The principles of treatment, though given a hundred and thirty years ago, are just as important now as they were then. He says : — "In the state of nature, all the inferior parts of the foot concur to sustain the weight of the body ; then we observe that the heels and frog, the parts said to be most ex- posed, are never damaged by wear, that the wall or crust is alone worn on going on hard ground, and that it is only this part which must be protected, leaving the other parts free and unfettered in their natural ^ig. 593.— Flat, Weak Sole, movements." SHOEING. 77 Fig. 594. — Fool Referred to in Text as it Appeared. In advising tips or thin-heeled shoes, he says : — ' ' Thin tips extending back to the middle of the quarters, allow the heels to bear upon the ground, and the weight to be sustained behind and before, but partic- ularly in the latter, because the weight of the body falls heaviest there. " The shorter the shoe is, the less the horse slips, and the frog has the same influ- ence in preventing this that an old hat placed under our own shoes would have in protecting us from slipping on the ice. * * * "It is necessary, neverthe- less, that hoofs which have weak walls should be a little longer shod, so that the grad- ually thinning branches reach to the heels, though not resting upon them. For horses which have convex soles, these long shoes should also be used, and the toes should be more covered to prevent the sole touch- This is the only true method of preserving the foot and restoring it. A horse which has its feet weak and sensitive, ought to be shod as short as pos- sible, and with thin branches, so that the frog comes in contact with the ground \ because the heels, having nothing between them, are benefited and relieved. (See Fig. 479.) " Crescent shoes are all the more needful for a horse which has weak, incurvated quarters, as they not only relieve them, but also restore them to their natural condition. Horses which have contusion at the heels (blains, corns), should also be shod in this way ; and for cracks (seime, sand-cracks) at the quarter, it is also advantageous. "The sole or frog should never be pared ; the wall alone should be cut down, if it is too long. When a horse cuts himself with the op- posite foot, the inner branch of the shoe ought to be shorter and thinner than the outer. "Rasping the foot destroys the strength of the hoof, and consequently causes its horn to become dry, and the horny laminae beneath to grow weak ; from this often arises an internal inflam- mation, which renders the foot painful, and makes the horse go lame. * * * ing the ground. Fig. 595. —The Shoe as it may be Fitted to Support Weak Heels. 78 CAUSES OF INJURY. Fig. 596.— Points Showing where the Horn is Strongest to Drive the Nails In. "When a horse loses a shoe, a circumstance often occurring, if the hoof is pared, the animal cannot walk a hundred steps without going lame ; because in this state the lower surface of the foot being hollowed, the horse's weight falls upon the crust, and this, having no support from the horny sole, is quickly broken and worn away ; and if he meets hard substances on the road, he all the more speedily be- comes lame. It is not so when the sole is al- lowed to retain its whole strength. The shoe comes off, but the sole and frog resting on the ground, assist the crust in bearing the whole weight of the body, and the animal, though unshod, is able to pursue his journey safe and sound It is necessary to be convinced of another fact ; that is, it is rare that a horse goes at his ease and is not promptly fatigued, if the frog does not touch the ground. As it is the only point of sup- port, if you raise it from the ground by paring it, there arises an inordinate extension of the tendon, caused by the pushing of the cor- onary against the navicular bone, as has been mentioned above, and which, being repeated at every step the animal takes, fatigues it and induces inflammation. From thence often arises distentions of the sheaths of tendons (moletts-vulgo, ' windgalls ') engorgements, and swelling of tendons, etc., that are observed after long or rapid journeys. These accidents arise less from the length of the journey, as has been currently believed, than from the false practice of paring the sole. . . . We al- ways find ourselves more active and nimble when we wear easy shoes ; but a wide, long, and thick shoe will do for horses what clogs do for us, — render them heavy, clumsy, and un- steady. * * * " The feet become convex by hollowing the shoes to relieve the heel and frog, because the more the shoes are arched from the sole, the more the wall of the hoof is squeezed and rolled in- ward, particularly toward the in- ner quarter, which is the weakest ; the sole of the foot becomes con- vex, and the horse is nearly al- ways unfit for service. * * * " The reason why it is dangerous to pare the feet of horses is, that when the sole is pared, and the horses tands in a dry place, the horn becomes desiccated by the air which enters it, and removes its moisture and its suppleness, and of ten causes the animal to be lame. * «• * Fig. 597. -The Same as would Appear with the Shoe On. SHOEIN-Q. 79 " It is the pared foot that is more affected with what is termed contracted or weak inside quarter, and which also lames the horse. " It also happens that one or both quarters contract, and sometimes even the whole hoof, when, in consequence of its smallness, all the internal parts are confined in their movements ; this is due to paring, and lames the horse. Fig. 598.— Original Shoe Fitted with Plate On. Fig. 599. — Form of Bar Shoe which would be a Good Support for Weak Heels. " There also occurs another accident : when the quarter becomes contracted, the hoof splits in its lateral aspects, and the horse is lame. This accident is termed a sand-crack (seime)." — Lafosse. Though not generally known, this system of shoeing has long been in use in India. Freeman, in his work published in 1796, who Fig. 600.— Same as 598 with Plate Removed. Fig. 601.— Heel of Shoe 598 with Pad of Oakum Attached. is yet considered good authority, strongly advocated this system of shoeing. He gives the following statement, which explains itself: — " The instance in which I was disappointed was that of a horse kept entirely for a riding-horse, and which was consequently almost daily under my own inspection. 80 CAUSES OF INJURY. This horse had very strong feet, one of which was smaller than the other, with the toe turning out and the frog almost wasted. The bars of the foot, before he was turned out, were scarcely visible, but upon examining them after he had been out Fig. 602. — Bearing-surface of Shoe to Prevent Striking. Fig. 603. — Forward Shoe to Prevent Striking. about three months, they were found to have increased surprisingly. Notwithstanding this, they were not strong enough to counteract the pressure of the quarters ; and the foot itself seemed to be rather decreased, which is contrary to what is usual ; for after having been turned out for a certain time, they generally become larger. So particular a case led me to turn my mind to a particular method of cure. This I should hardly have found out, if chance had not at that time put into my hands Lieutenant Moor's "Narrative of Captain Little's Detachment." On page 93 of this book is the following passage : — "'The bigotry with which all sects of the Hindoos adhere to their own customs is very well known ; still when these customs are strik- ingly injudicious, and totally abstracted from all religious prejudices, perseverance degenerates into obstinacy, and simplicity into ignorance. So it is with the Mahrattas in abiding by their present practice of cutting the hoof and shoeing horses; they cutaway the hinder part of the hoof in such a manner that the pastern almost touches the ground, and the frog is suffered to grow so that the hoof is nearly a circle, in which form the shoes are made, the hinder parts almost touching, and so thin that a person of ordinary strength can easily twist them. Instead of making the back part of the shoe thick- est, they hammer it quite thin, making the fore part thickest, and the shoe, grad- ually becoming thinner, ends in an edge.' Fig. 604. — Shoe to Prevent Inter- fering or Clicking. SHOEING. 81 "Tlii8 mode of shoeing in a country where, from the nature of the climate, the horse's feet probably are very strong, did not strike me to be quite so injudicious as the author above mentioned represents it. I determined, therefore, to try on this particular horse a shoe in some respects similar to those described, that I might see whether it would alter the shape of his foot ; since it is said to make ' the frog grow so Fig, 605. — F,orm of Shoe Adapted for Pro- tection of the Foot and Aiding Mo- bility — From the French. Fig. G06. Ground View of Same. that the hoof is nearly a circle,' which was the very effect that in this case I wished to produce. I therefore ordered my sraith to make a shoe at my own forge in the form I ganerally use (which will be hereafter described), with the following excep- tions : The web of it was to almost cover the sole, room being given to admit a picker ; and as it proceeded to the heels, the web on each side was to be continued as far as the cleft which separates the bars from the frog. He was to make the fore part the 'thickest,' and to hammer it so thin at the heels that it would ' end in an edge,' by which a person of ordinary strength could easily twist it. ' i own I apprehended that this shoe, from being so thin at the heels, would bend in dif- ferent places, and thereby injure the foot. But as it was constantly u