orpg+tr^.-fi: .?'^*T*"^ir^w.r«^A^^^ "-? n^mr^ji^^ ■^w^ I I 1 ENT 1.:^ .. RECORD OF MARES AND Sh SIRES MARES 1 to 13 JOHNA.SEAVERNS /ii of Erin's Fraud (3) 2 Erin's Fraud (3) : Emerald 115 Escamillo (Vol. xv., p. 52) : Bellman . . 24 Belshazzar 24 b. c, dam Wild Bee (911) . . 119 Ethel 49 Etiquette . . 24 Etona i. 61 EVERED, R. GUY 25 E.xile II. (Vol. XV., p. 266) : b. c. (dead)dam Maid Marian(804) 75 b. c, dam Maid Marian (804) 75 INDEX. OWNERS. Page Extra Number (g. g. dam uf Mrs. Grundy (823) F. N. D FABLING, A 87 Fairyland (see LivacUa (795) Falka FALMOUTH, late Viscount. . Farington {see Mrs. Grundy (823) FARMER,— FARQUHAR, GRANVILLE {htd.) 119 FARR, — Father O'Flynn FAWCETT, FRANCIS.. "2 FENWICK, E. GUY . . 1—5 FERRIS, SAMUEL .. 28 Festive FIFE, Capt. W. H Fin Cooper FINCH, Hon. Miss {hid.) lie FINLAY, J. {htd.) lis Fitz Agnes Fitzroy (Vol. xvi., p. 441) : Maggy FITZ WILLIAM, Hon. T. W. . . 70 FITZWILLIAM, Lord . . 91 FLOWER, ERNEST C. 46—61 FLOWER, JAMES 41 FORREST, T. FORSYTH . . 120 FORT, Mrs. {htd.) 83 FORT, R 83 Foston Foston Fireawayl(Hackney) : Foston . . FOULKES, LATE E 124 FOWLER, — {htd.) FREDERICKS,:— 68 Friar Friar Rush (Vol. xiv., p. 1G7) : Carnation (710) ch. c, dam Contentment (721) ch. f., dam Contentment (721) b. c., dam Dora (736) . . Friar Nan Rush ch. f., dam Polly (626) Speculation Stanley . . Trottie Young Friar FRY, C. E. BRUCE . . 96 FURBER, W FURBER and BURTON 45 GEORGE, WILLIAM . . 4 8 BREEDERS. Page 31 126 96 2 28 63 46 41 13- -66 45 FOALS. Page 88 27 71 76 83 129 48 75 18 73 92 92 44 38 38 38 44 44 39 98 73 44 44 73 INDEX. OWNERS. BREEDERS. Page Page George Frederick (Vol. xiii., p. 356); Prince Fredericlv CtERISH, — 41 Gilderoy (Vol. xiv., p. 195) : Gold Dust GILES, DUDLEY P 80 GILL, JOHN 55 Gillingham Squire GILMOUR, ALLAN, Yr. 37—57—74 37 Gipsy, late Lady Wynn . . Gipsy Queen Glance Shot Glendale (Vol. xiv., p. 361) : ch. f., dam Masbette (810) . . Glengyle (Vol. xv., p. 483) : Blackthorn GODSON, PRANK 77 GODWIN, J. J 22—32 Gold Dust Gold Dust (Vol. xvi., p. 250) : Golden Locks . . br. c, dam Shropshire Girl (883) Golden Cross Golden Cross (by Brown Bread) : Auriferous Golden Locks — Clifton's.. Golden Locks — Lees' GOLDFRAP, MAJOR H. 22 GOLDFRAP, I\Irs. {hfd.) 22 Gordon Gordon (Vol. xvi., p. 552) : b. c, dam Beetle (491) ch. c, dam j\Irs. Grundy (823) b. f., dam Scanty (646) bl. f., dam Wild Bee (911) . . GORE-BOOTH, IMiss A. 18' '72 117 Gossip Gowanbank Gowanbrae GREAVES, R. T 63 GREEN, G. H 82 GREENALL, GILBERT, Jon. 44_99_104 Greyshine . . GRIMSTON, CoLONEi 104 HAGAR, ABRAHAM . . 84 HAGEN, — 112 Half-and-Half (Vol. xiii., p. 508) : F.N.D HAMES, Messrs. 60—61 HAMILTON AND BRANDON, DUKE OF, K.T 51—95 Hamlet, HANBURY, E. E 19 HARDING,— 61 HARFORD, H. W. L 90 HARFORD, JOHN C 41—90 86 107 23. 125 75 85 77 49 167 35 108 125 35 118 35 77 23 83 104 119 83 54 54 62 27 93 INDEX. Harlequin . . Harpenden (Vol. xvi., p. 763) : br. c, dam Clio (716) .. Hedges Lalage . . Harriet HART, C. H HARTER, J. F. HATPEILD HAS LE WOOD, A. 0. .. Hatchet Hazard Hector — Brock's .. Hector — Murphy's Hedges Lalage Hedges Lassie (761) Hedges Lord HELME, Capt Help (Vol. xvi., p. 50) : Princess I\Iay . . HENMAN, WALTER J. HENSMAN, LATE P. O. Herald (Vol. xiv., p. 337) : Ethel Mayfly Herculean Chief (Vol. xvi., p. 354): Birtliday Philo Hermione . . Hesper (764) Hesperithusa {dam of Hesper (12 HICK, JOHN .." Highborn (Vol. xiii., p, 569) : Lady Vere Highflyer . . Hilarious (Vol. xiv., p. 201) : Carlsbad (1) HIRE, JOHN . . HISCOCK, S. A HOARE, Mrs. C. T. HODSON, CAMPBELL HOLDEN, THOMAS . . HOLT, W. D HOLTBY, WILLIAM . . Holystone . . Homely (Vol. xvi., p. 543) : Hesper (764) . . Peveril . . b. c, dam Zaeo (914) . . br. f., damZazel(917).. Honiton (Vol. x., p. 120) : Busy B HORNBY, Capt. J. PHIPPS HORSLEY, J. H. HOULDSWORTH, H. . . HUDDLESTON, J. E. . . HUDSON, GEORGE . . Huguenot (Vol. xv., p. 142) : Sam Sarah OWNERS. Page 122 81 BREEDERS. Page 21 61 3—89 92 101 34 117 63 76 43—107 6 88 31 94 92 67 85 6 107 foals. Page 71 36 56 111 18 108 67 40 56 56 56 28 49 78 49 99 21 55 11 35 122 131 101 55 118 121 122 26 120 120 INDEX. XXlll HUMPHRIES, ALFRED ER- NEST HUNT, MEYNELL .. Htintiugtower (Vol. xvi., p. HDl) : Daybreak (731) Mina HUTSON, J. R. FARR. . Hypatia Invention (Vol. xvi., p. 121) Inventor Inventor . . lolanthe IRELAND, CHARLES IRWIN, LUKE J. Jack Tar . . Jack Tar (Vol. xvi., p. 538) : Blue Jacket br. c, dam Maid Marian (804) JACKSON, EDWARD S., M.B. JACKSON, THOMAS .. JACKSON, LATE T JAGO-TRELAWNY, Majob-Gkn. JAMES, R. BOUCHER JAMES, WILLIAM . . . . -[ Jannock (Vol. xv., p. 502) : b. c, dam Mrs. Grundy (823) . . b. c, dam Mrs. Grundy (823) . . JEEVES, FRANK ALLEN . . Jim Crow . . Johnny Longtail . . JOHNSTONE, A. J. S., M.F.H. (hid.) .. JOICEY, JAMES JONES, — (Nescliffe) JONES, EDWARD JONES, WALTER JONES, W. PRIDE Juggler Kallicrates (Vol. xvi., p. 222) : Golden Locks . . KEYNES, JOHN Khaniseen (Vol. xiv., p. 241) : Molly Bawn Killeen Kilmarth (Vol. xvi., p. 540) : Dairymaid twins (dead), dam Milkmaid (404) oh. f., dam Offchurch (422) . . Kilteel KING, G. W. {htd.) King of Trumps . . KINSKY, Count OWNERS. Page 115 50 31 BKEEDKRS. Page 117 105 59 42—100 53 20—49—93 102 84—97 54 21 91 26 32—77—115 41—82 43 4 1—4- ISO 51 42 20—49 97 91 9 66 FOALS. Page 29 88 28 43 43 21 101 48 75 83 83 120 125 182 118 88 65 79 79 87 40 67 INDEX. KIRK, J Knight Templar (Vol. xiv., p. 310): Belwade.. Knight of Kars (Vol. viii., p. 343): Belgrade Gipsy, late Lady Wynn New Oswestry (13) Laddie Lady Bevys (dead) Lady Emily Lady Flora Lady Florence Lady Guard (780) Lady Loyal (781) Lady Maiden (782) Lady Mary Lady Vere . . Ladybird . . LAMBTON, Capt. Hon. G. LAMBTON, Hon. GEORGE [htd.) Lamlash (Vol. xii., p. 38) : Little Dot, aft. Bertred Lancaster Rose . . Lancastrian (Vol. xiv., p. 486) : Arrow Castrina (713) Crossbow Lancaster Rose br. c, dam Maid IMarian (804) li. f., dam Maid Slarian (804) LANDON, EDWARD H. LANGHAM, H. H LANGLANDS, Major J. S. . . LAWRENCE, HAROLD L'ESTRANGE, C. A Le Capitaine (by Monarchist) : Kilteel . . LEES, G. J. DUNVILLE LEGARD, Rev. CECIL Leinthall (by Roscius) : Rosabell . . LENNARD, Sir T. B., Bart. . . LETT, JOHN LEWIS, J. AND SONS . . Life Guard Lifeboat (Vol. xvi., pp. 160, 768) : Brunette Lilac Limerick (Vol. xvi., p. 464) : Stella Sultan . . Sybil Linnseus (Vol. xv., p. 462) : g. c, dam Shropshire Girl (883) Souvenir br. f., dam Souvenir (887) . . owners. Page BREEDERS. Page 76 42-76 83 32—112 56 .36—59—122 68 57 35 33—56 32 21 -70- 53 -113 113 53 FOALS. Page 24 125 125 125 61 32 68 25 99 67 67 20 93 35 39 131 120 47 27 47 120 75 75 40 82 63 96 71 79 79 79 108 78 110 INDEX. Lion (Vol. xvi., p. 623) : br. f., dam Peahen (839) Lisette (793) Little Dot LITTLEDALE, ST. GEORGE Lizzie (see Betsy Baker (691) . . Llandowlais Lass LLOYD, — Loadstone (Vol. xvi. p. 764) : ]\Iagnet . . Lochinvar (5) : Hector . . Lockstitch (Vol. xv., p. 860) : b. f., dam Lady Oswestry (786) LODDER, JAMES Logic {lif-bvo. to Lochinvar (5) LONGPIELD, LATE RICHARD LONGPIELD, R. E. . . LONGTON, JOHN LONSDALE, Earl of Lord Byron (Vol. xvii., p. 943): Corsair . . Lord Maiden (A^ol. xiv., p. 164) Lady IMalden (782) . . Lord Molynoo (Vol. xv., p. 227) Lady Emily ]\Iagnesia The Star Lord Pero . . Lord Rattler (Hackney) : Narcotic Lord Smeaton (Yorkshire Coach Horse : Hamlet . . Lord Walton (Hackney) ; b. c, dam Spinster (125) Louise (798) Loved One (Vol. xv., p. 365) : b. c, dam Immerdar (766) . . b. f., dam Immerdar (766) . . b. f., dam Immerdar (766) . . Nabob . . Loyalist (Vol. xvi., p. 77) : Lady Loyal (781) Lucy (.Si's, to dam of Yoxmg Make Haste (10) LUSCOMBE, F LYONS, D j\ra BeUe Mabella (800) MacGOWAN, — MacIVER, COLIN MACHELL, Capt. MACKENZIE, A. [htd.) Maggy Magnesia . . 0WNEE8. Page 17—101 98 BREEDERS. Page 101 50 50 29 2 58 2 106 54 87 FOALS. Page 89 102 131 26 68 18 40 66 3 18 20 68 34 68 70 85 93 111 27 57 57 57 85 67 80 30 73 34 INDEX Magnet Maid of Taiiatt (805) . . Maisie Major Make Haste (Vol. xiii., p. 270) : b. c, dam Heroine (763) MANN, JOSEPH MANN, ROBERT J. . . MANNING, C. N Mansour (Vol. xvii., p. 435) : The Count Marieubad Mariner Marioni (Vol. xvi., p. 415) : Abbots Leigh . . ch. f., dam Barmaid (686) Boco Gillingham Squire Toboggan Marjory {see The Shreiu (898) . . Mark (Vol. xvi., p. 760) : Marksman Princess. . Sweet Briar Marksman . . Marksman (by Rifleman) : Stella Slarquis of Tavora(Vol. xvi. , p. 498) ch. c, dam FortaHce (751) . . b. f., dam Portalice (751) b. f., dam Fortahce (751) MARSHALL, SAMUEL MARTIN, LATE JAMES MARTON, GEORGE . . Mary Stuart {davi of Queen Mar}/ (860) Masaniello (Vol. xiii., p. 373) : Varteg Hill Matilda {dam of Naiitch Girl (828) May .. ■ .. May Ply \ May Fly (by Underhand) : b. f., dam Betsy Baker (691). . Otteridge May Fly . . MEADOWS, THOMAS. . '. ' MEIN, T. & M. . . MELEADY, T ', Melleray . . Menthrastum (Vol. xvi., p. 545) : b. c, dam Souvenir (887) MEREDITH, RICE . . MEREDITH, RICHARD Merry Duchess (812) .. .. ] Michael Angelo (Vol. xiii., p. 215)- I Angela (678) . . . . Angeli (679) OWNERS. BREEDEKS. i'OALS. Page Page Page 18 108 74 30 56 39 39 19 111 88 109 84 45 54—64 30—108 120 2—5 fSO- .35— 1 108 38 131 58 58 23 Gl 23 110 115 109 109 109 109 113 50 50 50 98 68 85 27 125 25 131 129 110 30 i)4 94 INDEX. xxvn illDDLETON, LORD . . Middletou . . MILES, CHARLES . . Milkboy MILLER, THOMAS HENRY. MILLETT, HENRY .. Mina Mirfield Sensation (Hackney) : br. c, dam Miss Barton (230) br. c, dam Miss Barton (230) Mirlifior (by Soapstone) : b. c, dam Brownie (703) Miss Baker Miss Kheen (819) . . Miss Lauglands . . Moiety Molly Bawn Moonlight . . MOORE, GARRETT MORGAN, Col. Hon. FRED. C, M.P Morglay (Vol. xvi., p. 393) : b. f., dam Thistle (899) Morocco (Vol. xiii., p. 2) : Countess Moss Hawk (Vol xv., p. 489) : eh. c, dam Emerald (742) . . MOTION, A. R Mr. Stanley Mr. Winkle (Vol. xiii., p. 560) : Tim Mrs. Star {dam of Starlight (8) Mrs. Taft {dam of Debonnairc (919) MULCASTER, GEORGE MURPHY, TIMOTHY.. MURRAY, WILLIAM .. Muscatel . . Mustapha (by Bon Vivant) ; b. f., dam Clara (714).. Myrtle Mystery {see Barmaid (686) Nabob Nan Rush. . Nannie Scarlet {sister to Scarlet Runner (874) Napper Tandy Napsbury (Vol. xiv., p. 285) : Sweetheart Narcotic . . Natal Nell (829)' Nelly Bluegrass (830) . . New Oswestry (13) New Oswestry (13) eh. c, dam Betsy Baker (691) OWNKKS. Page 23—104—117 119 38 _46— 61— 701 [ 79—115 f 82 120 BBEEDEB9. Page 23—119 70 35—108 77—106 118 38 40 111 40 P0AL3. Page 78 79 80 80 31 25 24 104 74 88 63 116 39 47 27 27 5 124 113 35 71 23 85 39 105 90 110 85 18 94 74 125 25 XXVlll INDEX. New Oswestry (13) — cont. Blue Ribbon Eufus St. Galmier (6) . Savoyard Zoedone . . NEWMAN, W. T. NEWTON, THOMAS . . NICHOLL, WILL {}itd.) Nightgown Nigel Nyanza O'BRIEN, Com. F. H. S., R.N. O'HARA, Capt. C. K Oakapple . . Ocean Wave (Vol. xv., p. 353) : Sabrina . . Old Maid Olivette Omega (Vol. xiii., p. 239) : Belladonna Queen of the May (861) ORME, ROBERT W Oswestry (by New Oswestry (13) Oswestry (by New Oswestry (13) : b. 0., dam Clara (714) . . St. Oswald Young Oswestry Otteridge . . Our John (Vol. xiii., p. 385) : Baker Boy Outfit (Vol. xii., p. 436) : Blankney Gordon . . Peggy Phoebe (622) Trousseau Paddy PAIGE, WILLIAM Pandora (837) Pansy (838)— Dent's Pansy — Thursby's Pantaloon {sire of dmn of Alpen- rose (675) Panzerschiff (Vol. xvi., p. 480) : b. f., dam Diana (733) Papyrus (Vol. xvi., p. 365)"; Silvia Paramour (Vol. xvi., p. 266) : b. c., dam Busybody (301) b. c, dam Busybody (301) PARTRIDGE, Capt. W. Passe-par-tout (Vol. xvi., p. 642) : br. c, dam Scarlet Runner (874) OWNEBS. Page 103 34 71 60—69 65 65 96 BRKEDERS. FOALS. Page Page 131 181 131 132 131 ■2-^ 103 91 18 71 60—69 96 70 111 21 28 28 126 85 85 27 131 25 89 77 89 89 89 50 89 40 52 19 42 74 31 31 105 INDEX. XXIX Patchwork (dai)i of Yotcng Make Haste (10) .. PATERSON, JOHN W. J., M.F.H PAUL, P. Z PEARSON, MARK PEASE, ALFRED E J PEASE, H. F Peggy PELLIER-JOHNSON, Gapt. . . PEMBER, G. H., M.F.H. (htd.) Popper & Salt (Vol. xvi., p. 376) : Bay Salt Etoua br. f. (dead), dam Lady Bridget (774) Peppermint (Vol. xv., p. 302) : b. c, dam Astasia (680) Pepsatia (842) Spicebox Pepsatia (842) PERCIVAL, LATE MRS. Pero Gomez (Vol. xii., p. 397) : Lord Pero Queen Mary PETCH, J. P Peveril PHILLIPS, THOMAS . . Philo Phcebe (622) Pillager (Vol. xvi., p. 434) : b. c, dam Caprice (708) Pilot Pine Tree (Vol. xiii., p. 34(5) : Lilac '■ ]\Iyrtle PINNOCK, WILLIAM . . PLATT, MRS. J. E Polardine, late Geordia Heriot (Vol. xiii., p. 557) : Johnny Longtail POLLOCK, LATE J Potentate (Vol. xiii., p. 119) : br. c, dam Seabreeze (877) . . Sultan . . POTTER, EDMUND . . POWELL, MISS POWELL, LATE W. R. H. Premier Prescription (Vol. xv., p. 523) : — c, dam Contentment (721) Presto Prestonpans (Vol. xiv., p. 35) : Pansy (838) Pretty Face II. (853) . . Pride (by Sportsman) : Festive . . Page 40—54 58 28 28—86—90 102 28 72 33 Page 54 tUALa. Page 102 116 95 5o 120 96 59 18 93 120 109 18 89 61 61 61 21 21 103 21 70 70 118 99 89 33 59 71 71 125 106 103 103 38 18 40 84 48 INDEX, PRIESTNER, GEORGE Prince Charles (Vol. xvi., p. 567 b. c, damMab (799) .. Prince Frederick . . Prince Pero Princess — Marion's Princess (858) — Walton's Princess Beatrice (249) . . Princess Helena (859) Princess Louise . . Princess May Privateer (Vol. xiv., p. 249) : Maisie . . Professor (Vol. xv., p. 494) : Barbara (684) . . Tramp . . PROUD, JOHN . . Punchinello Punjaub (Vol. xvi., p. 774) : b. c, dam Old Blood (834) Pursebearcr (Vol. xiv., p. 458) Coronilla Q. 0. (Vol. xvi., p. 61) : Barrister b. c, dam Sunshine (896) QUARTERMAINE, HENRY. Queen May Queen of the May (861). Queen's Herald (Vol. xiii., p. 360) May QUICKFALL, — Quits (Vol. xiii., p. 469) Chance . . Hazard . . — f. (dead), dam Shropshire Girl (883) Radius (Vol. xvi., p. 423) : Pansy Rameses (Vol. xvi., p. 189) : br. f., dam Pearl (840).. ch. f., dam Pearl (840) . . RAW, MICHAEL Reality II. (Hackney) : b. f., dam Lady Somerset (72) Rector Redwing . . REED, THOMAS D Regent (Vol. xiv., p. 348) : b. c, dam Duchess (737) REIDY, THOMAS RE ILLY, Vet. -Major J. OWNERS. I BBEEDEBS. Page I Page 20—64—94 ! 20—64 34 99 FOALS. Page 73 86 70 109 84 47 47 47 28 74 32 52 21 87 28 82 114 70 28 27 92 47 22 108 108 108 52 90 90 67 67 17 45 102 INDEX. REMNANT, FREDERICK M. Reserve (by Coward) : b. c, dam Fanny (746) b. c, dam Fanny (746) br. f., dam Fanny (746) Retreat (Vol. xiv., p. 387) ; Father O'Flynn Marienbad Returns (Vol. xiv., p. 254) : br. c, dam Contentment (721) b. f., dam Contentment (721) Reveller (Vol. xvi., p. 457) : b. or br.f.,dam ]Miss Honiton (923) Reverberation (Vol. xii., p. 166) : The Pilot Truestone Reviver REWCASTLE— (/jirf.) .. RICHARDSON, JAMES RICHARDSON, JOHN . . Riversdale (Vol. xvi., p. 288) : Alpheios Robin (Hackney) : Lady Florence . . ROBINSON, J. C. H ROBINSON, T. {htd.) .. ROBINSON, THOMAS . . ROBSON, JOHN Roderick Diiu Roebuck (Vol. viii., p. 487) : Roscommon ROGERS, THOMAS . . Rosabell . . Rosaura {g. dam of Hesper (12) Roscom.mon Rosette — Duke's . . Rosette — Holt's . . Rosette — Maclver's Rosicrucian (Vol. xiii., p. 264) : bl. c. (dead) dam Janie (360) Roswal (Vol. xvi., p. 209) : Vesper . . b. f., dam Victory (909) Rosy Monk (Vol. xvi., p. 366) : Gowanbrae ROTHSCHILD, LEOPOLD DE Rough Diamond {half-brother to] Gallopinq Queen (921) . . ) ROUTLEDGE, — ROUTLEDGE, JOSEPH Royal Charter (Vol. xvi., p. 414) : ■ Bonny Girl (699) Royalty (Vol. xv., p. 86) : Louise' (798) Moiety Mr. Stanley Princess (858) Rosette . . OWNERS. Page IIG— 118 BREEDERS. Page 29 24 31—119 65 38 101 25 81 119 33 128 73 57 XXXI FOALS. Page 48 48 48 129 131 38 38 131 39 107 19 42 99 18 132 82 11 132 19 63 58 58 101 119 54 fl27 (128 52 74 27 84 58 XXxil INDEX. OWNERS. 1 BiiEEDEKa. eoals Page Page Page Ruddigore (Vol. xvii., p. 941) : Aristocrat 45 Blue Blood 97 ch. c, dam Cabrera (501) 32 ch. f., dam Goodcraft (187) • • 53 Jack Tar . . 101 Pandora (837) 89 Redwing 17 Sunlight 113 ch. c, dam Sunshine (895) . . 113 Waverley 35 Rufus . . 131 RUTHERFORD, — . . 38 Sabrina 79 SADLIER, J. R 5 St. Galmier (6) .. 131 St. Liz. (Vol. xiii., p. 194) : Lisette (793) 102 b. f., dam Phillis (844) 91 b. f., dam Sally (868) . . 102 St. Oswald. . 35 St. Paul (Vol. xvi., p. 763) : St. Walburga . . 72 ST. QUINTIN, MRS. {htd.) . . 48 ST. QUINTIN, W. H 48 St. Swithin (Vol. xv., p. 296) : b. c, dam Thistle (899) 116 St. Walburga 72 Sahsbury (Vol. xv., p. 251) : Nightgown 91 b. c, dam Petticoat (843) 91 Sam . . 120 Sam Kheen (Vol. xvi., p. 118) : Miss Kheen (819) 24 b. c, dam Sunshine (896) 114 SAMPSON, LATE Capt 115 SANDBACH, Majok S 114 SANDERS, HENRY . . 81 81 SANDERS, R. A. [htd.) 49 Sappho .'. 47 Sarah 120 SARER, EDWIN 74 SAUNDERS, Capt. F. W. 113 Savoyard . . '. '. 132 Scathe (875) 105 Scherzo (Vol. xvi., p. .58) : Allegro . . 18 Presto . . 18 SCHRODER, BARON . . 132 Scorn (876) '.'. io5 Scot Guard (Vol. xv., p. 402) : Chaperone 77 Dalesman 61 Lady Guard (780) 67 Life Guard 63 Rosette . . 1 63 INDEX. xxxu OWKKKS. BKKKDKKa. FUALb Page Page Page SCOTT, WILLIAM 110 110 Sea Kale . . 106 Selim (Vol. xiv., p. 606) : br. f., dam Souvenir (887) 110 SHAW, S 94 SHEEP, WILLIAM . . 68 SHEIL, — 47 Sheldrake (Vol. xiii., p. 54) : Harlequin 71 Sherbrooke (Vol. xvi., p. 765) : b. c, dam Venus (662) 117 ch. c., dam Wild Bee (911) . . 119 SHEREATT, late ALEXANDER 60 SHERRATT, Mrs. E. J. 30—60 73—78 SHERRATT, J. L. (htd.) 60 Shot Girl 85 Shotesham (Vol. xvi., p. 491) ; Glance Shot 85 Shot Girl 85 SHUTTER, H 97 Silurian (Vol. xv., p. 364) ; Old Maid 111 Silver Belle (884) 84 Silver Crown (Vol. xv., p. 382) : Crown Princess 96 Silver BeUe (884) 84 SILVESTER, P. W 55—56 55—56 Silvia 74 Sir Prederick (Vol. xiv., p. 421) : Aristocrat 48 Sir George (Vol. xiii., p. 202) : Nell (829) 94 Rosette . . 19 Sir Harry (Vol. xvi., p. 74) : Harriet . . 111 SKINNER, Capt. CHARLES L. A 103 SKIRVING, THOMAS M. . . 51 SMALLWOOD, DAVID 93 SMITH, S.LEE 104 104 SNELLING, CHARLES A. . . 55—56 56 Snowball . . 77 SNOWDEN, W. C. P 78 ■■ Snowdoun (Vol. xv., p. 250) : Moonlight • 63 Roderick Dhu . . 18 Snowball 77 Society (sis. to Mrs. Grimdy (823) 88 Solus (Vol. xvi., p. 386) : br. c, dam Brunette (704) 31 b. f., dam Brunette (704) 81 The Priar 78 The Nun 31 SOMERTON, Viscount 30 30 Somerton (Vol. xv., p. 458) : b. or br. f., dam Mary Ann (809) 77 b. f., dam Seagull (878) 106 SOMERVILLE, M 86 94 86 INDEX. OVFNERS. BBEEDEBS. FOALS. Page Page Page Soulouque (Vol. xiv., p. 557) : Sea Kale 106 Southampton (Vol. xv., p. 375) : Hermione 21 lolanthe 21 Souvenir . . 78 Spahi (Vol. svi., p. 608) : cli. f., dam Queen Mary (860) 98 Sparham King 112 Speculation 73 SPENCER, J. MAITLAND . . 37 37 Spicebox . . 103 SPRINGFIELD, G. 112 SPRINGFIELD, T. 0. {htd.) . . 112 STALKER, JOHN 44 44 Stanley 44 STARKIE, COL. LE GENDRE 110—113—114 113 STARKIE, Mrs. (htd.) .. 110 Starlight (8) : The Gunner 115 Statesman.. 103 Statesman (H.B.i : Clonakilt (717) 99 Stechford (Vol. xv., p. 470) : Maid of Tanatt (805) . . 108 Stella — Saunders' 113 Stella (649)— Snowden's. . 78 Stella— Sturges' 79 STERN, E. D 74 STEVENSON, R. W 34 95 Stoic [lif-hro. to Lochinuar (5) ... 3 STOKES, C. W. R 94 STOKES, G. D 59 STOKES, J. H 38—63-69 STRAKER, CHARLES E. .. 80—92—111 STRAKER. J. H 122 STRANGER, R. N 45—97 Strathmore (Vol. xiv., p. 592) : Gowanbank 54 STRICKLAND, SIR CHARLES, Bart. 24 STURGES, E. M 79 STURTON STUD 83 Sultan — Skinner's 103 Sultan — Sturges' . . 79 Sunlight 113 Sunshine (Hackney) : Greyshine 62 g. c, dam Lady Grey (777) . . 62 SUTTON, AMBROSE . . lii Sweet Briar 109 Sweetheart 110 Sweetstock (Vol. xii., p. 306) : Baker Pacha . . 25 Betty 25 Billy Baker 25 Miss Baker 25 Sybil 79 INDEX. XXXV Sylvan Queen Syrian (Vol. xii., p Dancette Hypatia Napper Tandy . 362) OWNERS. Page BBEEDEBb. Page TAILBY, W. W Talisman (Vol. xv., p. 544) : Cribbage Tally Ho (Vol. xv., p. 641) ; Olivette . . Princess Helena (859) . . Punchinello TAUNTON, H. PERCY TEMPLE, JAMES W | TEMPLE, Miss M Testator (Vol. xvi., p. 511) ; b. c, dam Diana (733) b. c, dam Maid of the Mist (806) The Chancellor . . The Cob (Vol. xv., p. 404) : Blue and Buff The Colonial (Vol. xvii., p. 587) : Pilot The Count. . The Count (H. B.) : Muscatel The Dandy The Drake (Vol. xvi., p. 202) : Hedges Lassie (761) The Friar The Gem . . The Gunner The Marquis The Nun The Parson The PHot The Pope . . The Preacher (Vol. xiii., p. 187) : Etiquette The Parson The Romany King (Vol. xv., p. 398) Pin Cooper Sparham King . . Sylvan Queen . . The Sinner {bro. to The Sinneress (885) The Star Theologian (Vol. xv., p. 559) : Holystone THOMAS, — THURSBY, SIR JOHN THURSBY, PIERS . . THWAITES, THOMAS Tim 67 FOAIiS. Page 112 90 28 90 39 21 47 21 117—118- 122 3 -121 117- 121- 3 -122 114 110 52 59 42 76 80 59 38 113 71 56 78 101 115 86 31 112 39 100 24 112 75 112 112 109 68 101 XXXVl INDEX. TINDALL, C. W Tittle Tattle Toboggan . . TODD, RICHARD Toffee TOLAN, JAMES Tom Moody (H.B. Hunter Sire) : The Chancellor. . Tomato Tommy Bluegrass Toscano (Vol. xvi., p. 58) ; br. f., dam Duchess (737) Touchwood (Vol. xvi., p. 74) ; br. c., dam Lioness (792) TOWNELEY, late Colonel . . TRACEY, Hon. ALGERNON (hid.) Tramp Trappist (Vol. xiii., p. 60) : Melleray TREDECIAR, Loed TRELAWNY, late CHARLES TRENCH, W. T Trottie Trousseau . . True Zeal Truefit (Vol. xvi., p. 762) : ch. c., dam Brov/nie (708) Hedges Lord True Zeal Truth (904) Whitesocks (910) Truestone . . Truth (904) TUBES, W. BURRELL Tunis (Vol xiv., p. 354) : ch. c, dam Thistle (889) Tynan (Vol. xvi., p. 353) : Reviver . . Underlaand (Vol. viii., p. 98) : May Fly Upper Ten (Vol. xvi., p. 552) : ch. c, dam Lady Connaught(561) Urio (ace Mrs. Grundy (823) OVVNEKB. j BKKLDtKb. ij'OALS Page 36 Page Page 88 116 39 42—76 11 72 80 114 74 45 70 45 52 129 68 100 —91- 102 71—91 44 89 122 31 ,56 122 121 i 81 107 121 22 116 19 125 61 83 VAN BRABANT, EDWARD. Varteg Hill VERNEY, R. J Vesper Vibration (Vol. xv., p. 235) : Bill Challenger Merry Duchess (812) . . 37- 99 49 -78 37 68 101 24 60 30 INDEX. XXXVll Victor II {s. to Admiral Benbow (11) Victorina . . Molct (g.d. of Maid Marian (804) Mrniew {see Queen Mary (8G0) . . Volunteer (Hackney) : Clitheroe Vulcan (sec Shavings (882) OWNERS. Page BREEDERS. Page FOALS. Page 9 lis 75 98 9-1 107 WADLOW, E. C 129 WAINE, W. WHEATLEY .. 23 WAKELIN, JOSEPH . . 6 6 WALES, H.R.H. THE PRINCE j OF, K.G 32 32 WALLER, Dr. E 77 77 WALLIS, JAMES 88—116 116 WALTERS, THOMAS . . .. \ 65 WALTON, WILLIAM . . 84—97—109 97—109 Warbler . . WARD, E. M. [htd.) . . 25 WARD BROS. .. .. .. 1 78 Warpath (Vol. xvi., p. 220) : j br. c, dam Sinneress (885) . . \ * • WATKINS, CHARLES 80 80 WATKINS, C. F 73 Waverley . . . . . . . . WELBURN, MATTHEW 79 Welcome Jack [see Mrs. Grundy (823) .. ..... Westminster (Vol. xvi., p. 780) : ch. c, dam Duchess (737) ch. f., dam Duchess (737) . . cli. f., dam Duchess (737) WHEELDON, W. G j 22—27—34 62—107 1 WHEELER, A. J 107 WHITEHEAD, GEORGE . . i 24 Whitesocks (910) WHITTINGHAI\r, L. B. 98 98 Wickham (Vol. xv., p. 397) : Mariner . . WIDGER, T 34 WILKINSON, F 83 83 WILKINSON, FRANK B. . . 21—39—91 WILLAN, — 93 WILLDING-JONES, WILL- DING 61 WILLIAMS, OWEN . . 75 Willoughby WILMOT, SIR ROBERT, Bart. 4-7 WILSON, CHARLES {htd.) . . t56 Wimbleton (by Clanronald) : Llan(5owlais Lass Winnie WISEIMAN, J. F 67 WITHERS, ALFRED {htd.) . . 39 .. 120 109 35 83 45 45 45 31 58 57 68 100 XXXVlll INDEX. Woodman (Vol. xvi., p. 578) : Hatchet . . ch. c. (dead) dam The Shrew (898) b. f., dam The Shrew (898) . • WRIGHT, C. B. E WROUGHTON, W. M WYVAL, CHARLES . . Xenophon (Vol. xiii., p. 559) : b. f., dam Gamehen (752) Gossip . . b. c., dam Polly Distin (852). YARD LEY STUD YOUNG, MICHAEL . . YOUNG, R. R. {htd.) .. Young Dandy (by Dandy) ; The Gunner Young Friar Young Oswestry . . Young Ottoman (by Ottoman) Lady Mary Zanzibar (Vol. xiii., p. 231) Natal Nyanza . . Zeal (Vol. xiv., p. 117) ; Willoughby Zoedoue OWNERS. Page 114 38—65—85 106—119 112 BBEEDKKS. Page 90 107 19 FOALS. Page 18 115 115 51 83 95 115 '.13 18 18 57 131 REGISTERED HUNTER SIRES. RECOED OF REGISTEEED HUNTEE SIEES 1 to 13. REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE ENTRIES. The GENEKAL STUD BOOK Ebfekences (Vol. p.) ake ATTACHED TO THE THOROUGHBRED SiRES AND DaMS. Where a Stallion or Mare is Eegistered in the ecori> THE Number follows his or her name : — New Oswestry (13)— Miss Honiton (923). g. dam signifies grand-dam. g. g. dam ,, great grand-dam. RECORD OP HUNIJcjK sires (^no^ Tlioroughhred), registered as complying ivith the folloiving Rides : — (1) That they have won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules ■/'• or (2) Provided their only half-bred strain conies directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules ; or (3) Provided their only half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules. 1890-{ OioncT. CARLSBAD— 1. E. Guy Fenwick, Alconbury, Huntingdon. Broion. Foaled 1884. Height 16-1. RACES won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him for registry (rule 1) : — icQo 'March 26th, Coventry Hunters' Steeplechase (£37 18s.) at Warwick. °^"^( April 2nd, Ely Hunters' Steeplechase (£40 IBs.) at Cardiff. ' May 1st, Half-bred Hunters' Steeplechase (£38) at Edenbridge. May 5th, Hunters' Hurdle Race (£48) at Aldershot. May 28th, Canterbury Hunters' Steeplechase (£38) at Wye. October 28th, Ely Hunters' Flat Race (£29) at Cardiff. October 29th, Windsor Hunters' Steeplechase (£39) at Cardiff. November 18th, Long Valley Hunters' Steeplechase (£48) at Aldershot. ' November 19th, Scurry Hunters' Steeplechase (£38) at Aldershot, 1891 March 20th, Challenge Hunt Steeplechase (£257) at Liverpool. 1892 April 29th, United Hunt Steeplechase (£38) at Huntingdon. Breeder, Thomas Jackson, Pentreheylin, Maesbrook, Llanymynech, Salop. Sire, Hilarious (Vol. XIV., p. 201), by Beown Bread. Dam, Miss Honiton (923), by Honiton (Vol. X., p. 120), by Stockwell. G. dam, Miss Osborne, by Osbaldeston (Vol. VII., p. 93), by The Saddler. G. g. dam, Maid of all Work, by Kochester (Vol. IV., p. 209), by EOCKINGHAM. (This Stallion is also eligible under rule 3) ■'■ National Hunt Rules. EECORD OF MABES AND SIBES. VoL. V. Oumers. CASTLENOCK— 2. Earl of Lonsdale, Lowtber Castle, Penrith (Westmoreland). Bay. Foaled 1884. Height 16. RACES won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him for registry (rule 1) : — (June 24th, Highfield Selling Race, three years old (£146 17s.) at Derby : sold ^„„„J for £440 to Captain Machell. ^°°' I September 10th, Carlington Handicap (£489 10s.) at Sandown, (November 8th, Croxteth Cup (£175) at Liverpool. .,£.00 /July 18th, Great Yarmouth Handicap (£177) at Great Yarmouth. ( August 1st, Drayton High- weight Handicap (£252) at Goodwood. [July 11th, Newcastle Stakes (£134) at Newmarket. 1889 1 August 8th, Preston Handicap (£142 18s._) at Brighton. (November 6th, Croxteth Cup (£175) at Liverpool. 1890 April 23rd, Effingham Plate (£200) at Epsom. Breeder, Eice Meredith, Rathbride Manor, Kildare, Ireland. Sire, Philammon (Vol. XIII., p. 523), by Solon. Dam, Dagmar-'S by Prizefighter (Vol. IV., p. 15), by Gladiator. G. dam, Calcavella, by Burgundy (Vol. VII., p. 176), by Ishmael. G. g. dam, Certe, by Sir Hercules (Vol. V., p. 96), by Whalebone. ■•- The dam " Dagmar " won : — 1871, Kildare iHunt Cup at Punchestown. (This Stallion is also eligible under rule 2) ERIN'S FRAUD— 3. Francis Fawcett, Eowantree Hill, Belleek, co. Fermanagh, Ireland. Chestnut, luhite stripe on face, small black dots on body. Foaled 1882. Height 16-1. RACES won by this StalUon, thus qualifying him for registry (rule 1) : — QQR f March 5th, Hunters' Plate (£38) Fermanagh and Enniskillen Races. ^^°^ (March 23rd, Hunters' Plate at Ballyshannou. 1887 April 11th, Dunboyne Plate (£90), Ward Union Hunt (Fairyhouse) Steeplechases. Breeder, Francis Fawcett, Eowantree Hill, Belleek, co. Fermanagh. Sire, Xbnophon (Vol. XII., p. 495 ; XIII., p. 559), by Canary. Dam, Eein='', by The Marquis (Vol. VII., p. 179), by Birdcatcher. *The dam " Erin " won in Steeplechases £456 10s. : and her produce won £1,750, all across country. 1892 — 1893. REGISTERED HUNTER STALLIONS. Oivners. HENRY BENEDICT— 5. Miss M. Temple, Ewhurst, Surrey. ' Bay, ivhite spot on forehead, black legs, grey flanks, grey over tail. Foaled 1886. Heiglit 15-21 to 15-3. RACES won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him fcr registry (rule 1) :— 1889 October 4th, Staffordshire Stakes (£102) at Lichfield. (May 16th, Maiden Hurdle Handicap (£38) at Plumpton. May 28th, Ran first for Wye Handicap Hurdle Plate (£57) at Wye, but was disqualified for going the wrong side of a flag. "Henry Benedict" has also run second on one occasion, and third in two races under National Hunt rules, and third on two occasions under Jockey Club rules. Breeder, Miss M. Temple, Llwyn-y-groes, Llanymynech, Oswestry. Sire, Cardinal York (Vol. XI., p. 225), by Newminster. Dam, by New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars (Vol. VIII., p. 343), by Nutwith. G. dam, by Hazelnut (Vol. VII., p. 83), by Nutwith. G. g. dam, by The Steamer (Vol. IV., p. 254), by Emilius. (This Stallion is also eligible under rules 2 and 3) LOCHINYAR— 5. William Coghlan, Brize, Claremorris, Ireland. Bay, black legs. Foaled 1883. Height 16. RACES won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him for registry (rule 1) :— 1888 March 15th, Farmers' Steeplechase Plate (£25) at TuUamore. 1889 May 1st, Farmers' Steeplechase Plate (£2-)) at Tullamore. /April 22nd, Downshire Hunters' Plate (£123), Kildare Hunt. May 12th, Town Plate Hunters' Steeplechase (£25 13s.) at Ballina. 1890 J May 12th, Provincial Hunters' Steepleclmse (£24 10s.) at Ballina. 1 July 16th, Subscribers' Hunters' Steeplechase (£29 5s.) at Roscommon. ' July 17th, South Mayo Hunters' Steeplechase (£22) at BalUnrobe. I September 8th, Limerick Plate (£53 10s.) at Limerick. 1892 ] September 12th, Athenry Plate (£44) at Athenry. ( December 26th, Qualifying Steeplechase (£40) at Leopardstown. "Lochinvar " also ran second for Conyngham Cup (of £346) at Punchestown in 1891; for the Great Munster Plate (of £333) at Cork Park in 1891 ; and for, the Irish Grand National (of £245) at Ward Union Hunt Races in 1890. Breeder, William Coghlan, Brize, Claremorris. Sire, Lothario (Vol. X., p. 52), by King Tom, Dam, Aileen Oge'^ by Heapy (Vol. VIII., p. 406;, by Melbourne. G. dam, Aileen Aroon, by Smallhopes (Vol. IV., p. 293), by Tip. G. g. dam (bay), by Zoung Blacklock (Vol. IV., p. 124), by Blacklock. -The dam "Aileen Oge " has also bred "Logic," "Aileen Aroon," and "Stoic" : her progeny have won over fifty Steeplechases, under I.N.H.S. rules. The grand dam "Aileen Aroon " won over fifteen Steeplechases under Steeple- chase rules, between 1860 and 1867. (This Stallion is also eligible under rule 3) 4 EECOBD OF MARES AND SIEES. VOL. V. Oivnej'S. * ST. GALMIER— 6. Count Charles Kinsky, Turf Club, Albemarle street, London, W. Bmj. Foaled 1882. Height 16-3. RACES won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him for registry in the Record of Hunter Mares and Sires (rule 1) : — [April 16th, Members' Plate (£108) at Ludlow. 1886-^ December 1st, November Hunters' Steeplechase (£167) at Croydon. (December 7th, Open Hunters' Flat Race (£96 17s.) at Kempton. /February 1st, Littleton Qualifying Hunters' Steeplechase (£99 15s.) at Kempton. February 2nd, Kempton Park Hunters' Steeplechase (£96 17s.) at Kempton. March 24th, Seventh Liverpool Hunt Steeplechase (£276 15s.). 1887a April 11th, Jubilee Huntei-s' Steeplechase (£194 15s.) at Swansea. April 28th, Ludlow Hunters' Cup Plat Race (£127) at Ludlow. November 29th, Surrey Hunters' Flat Race (£143 14s.) at Croydon. I November 30th, November Hunters' Steeplechase (£117) at Croydon. VDecember 1st, Tally Ho Hunters' Hurdle Race (£101 17s ) at Sandown. 1RRQ (February 20th, Metropolitan Hunters' Flat Race (£143 14s.) at Sandown. ^°^^ \ March 28th, Second Hoylake Hunt Steeplechase (£209 5s.) at Liverpool. (February 12th, Metropolitan Hunters' Flat Race (£134) at Sandown, April 7th, Hunters' Hurdle Race Plate (£172) at Manchester. December 2nd, Open Hunters' Flat Race (£97) at Kempton. December 4th, Claremont Hunters' Flat Race (£232) at Sandown. 1892 February 23rd, Metropolitan Flat Race (£92) at Sandown. Ran 26 times : won 18 races : second on four occasions, and was unplaced four times. Breeder, Thomas Jackson, Pentreheylin, Maesbrook, Llanymynech, Salop. Si7-e, New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kaes. Dam, Miss Honiton (923), by Honiton (Vol. X., p. 120), by Stockwell. G. dam, Miss Osborne, by Osbaldeston (Vol. VII., p. 93), by The Saddler. G. g. dam. Maid of all Work, by Eochester (Vol. IV., p. 209), by Eockingham. (This Stallion is also eligible under rule 3). 1892 — 1893. REGISTERED HUNTER STALLIONS. 5 Oiuners. SIR GEORGE— 7. E. Guy Fenwick, Alconbury, Huntingdon. Bay, black 2^0 ints. Foaled 1885. Height lQ-1. RACE won by this Stallion, thus qualifying him for registry (rule 1) : — 1888, August 27th, Leopardstown Haudicap (£255) at Leopardstown. AWARD, 1893, Silver Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society. Breeder, Eice Meredith, Eatbbride Manor, Kildare, Ireland. Sire, Favo (Vol. XIV., p. 4), by Favonius. Dam, Georgina, by Eoman Bee (Vol. X., p. 430), by Birdcatcher or Artillery. G. dam, Cimeraike, by Eapid Ehone (Vol. X., p. 195), by Y. Mel- bourne. G. g. dam, Calcavella, by Burgundy (Vol. VII., p. 176), by ISHMAEL. G. g. g. dam, Certe, by Sir Hercules (Vol. V., p. 96), by Whalebone. STARLIGHT (late Dr. Gully)— 8. Charles Anderson, Smnmerhill, Sligo, Ireland. Chestnut. Foaled 1882. Height 16. Breeder, J. E. Sadlier, Tipperary, Ireland. Sire, Doctor Gully (Vol. XV., p. 532), by Hooton. Dam, Mrs. Star,^' by Kildonan (Vol. X., p. 321), by Newminster. G. dam, by Faugh-a-Ballagh (Vol. V., p. 145), by Sir Hercules. G. g. dam, Zephyr (late Night Star) (Vol. VIII., p. 511), by Morning Star (Vol. VII., p. 157), by Faugh-a-Ballagh. * The dam " Mrs. Star " won seventeen races, thus qualifying the Stallion "Starlight," under rule 2, to registry in the Record of Mares and Sires. The following list gives her successes in 1876, 1877 and 1880 : — /February 8th, Birmingham Grand Annual Handicap of £400. This she 1 won on a previous occasion. 1876 J May 24th, Brookville Handicap (£40) at Tipperary. August 17th, Handicap Steeplechase (£100) at Bellewstown. I August 29th, Stand House Plate (£50) at Killarney. , May 24th, Co. Wexford Handicap Plate (£175) at Wexford. I July 18th, Tradesmen's Plate (£195) at Bellewstown. -.orjrjj August 9th, Brav Handicap Steeplechase (£90) at Bray. ^°"] August 28th, Stand House Plate (£50) at Killarney. I August 29th, Town Plate Handicap (£80) at Killarney. October 24th, Smoking Room Plate (£99) Old Rock and Chichester Hunt. 1880 April 3rd, Packington Handicap Steeplechase (£195) at Packington. KECOED OF MAEES AND SIRES. VoL. V. Owners. THE BARON— 9. J. E. Huddleston, Hill Wood, Eastham, Tenbury, Worcs. Bay, black points. Foaled 1882. Hsiglit 16. PRIZES :— ,QQ_, (2nd (Hunter Sires) Bath and West I -ipoq (Silver Medal, Hunters' Improve- ^^°' { of England at Dorchester. | ^°'^'^ \ ment Society. Breeder, J. E. Huddleston, Hill Wood, Eastham, Teubury. Sire, Bravado (Vol. XII., p. 482), by Buccaneer. Dam, Patch, by Ernest (Vol. X., p. 74), by Stockwell. G. dam, Jessie, by Contract (Vol. VI., p. 33), by Bay Middleton. G. g. dam, Cumberland Lassie. Races won by the g. g. dam " Cumberland Lassie," qualifying " The Baron " for registry in the Record of Hunter Mares and Sires (rule 2) :— " Cumberland Lassie " was purcliased in Carlisle, about forty- sis years ago, by the father of Mr. John ^IcGowan (of Fairview House, jMillom, Cumberland) to whom the Society is indebted for information contained in this entry. Her racing career commenced at four to five years old, when she won several local flat races and hurdle races, the first (stakes value £10) at Arrotfoot, the second a hurdle ra;e at Cockran, near Lancaster, for £25 ; next she won £100 at the Flaw Hurdle Races at Ulverston. She was then sold to a gentleman at Stores Hall, Windermere, winning in his possession, hurdle races at Lancaster, and was claimed at £150 ; she also won a steeplechase at Kendal ; and at Carlisle won a match of £100 against " Ellen McGregor." She broke down in a race at Liverpool, being two fields in front of the others ; after which she was sold for breeding purposes, and went, Mr. ]McGowan believes, to Ireland. Her height was about 16 hands, and she was about three parts blood. Mr. M. J. Cranke, of Midtown, Urswick, Ulverston, " remembers seeing the mare run and win in a canter " at the Flaw Sports, forty-five years ago. YOUNG MAKE HASTE— 10. Joseph Wakehn, Eavensthorpe, Northampton. Chestnut. Foaled 1888. Height 16. Breeder, Joseph Wakelin, Eavensthorpe, Northampton. Sire, Make Haste (Vol. XIII., p. 270), by Tom Bowline. Dam, Patchwork,'" by Cardinal, by Cannobie (Vol. VIII. p. 234), by Melbourne. G. dam. Patchwork, by Irish Birdcatcher (Vol. V., p. 145), by Sir Hercules. G. g. dam. The Witch, by Soothsayer (Vol. II., p. 73), by Sorcerer. Races won (under rule 3) qualifying the Stallion for registry : — ^="Lucy," own sister to the dam "Patchwork," won 18 or 19 years ago, at the Hopping Hill Races ^Ir. Naylor's Challenge Cup and £40 added, and in the following year the Selling Stakes at Daventry Races. *" Patchwork," the dam, won in 1888, 1889 and 1890, 1st Prize at the Cottesbrooke Show for best Mare calculated for breeding Hunters. EXTENDED PEDIGBEES OF THEEB HUNTER SIRES. ADMIRAL BENBOW HESPER NEW OSWESTRY RECORD OF MAKES AND SIRES. Vol. V. ADMIRAL BENBOW— 11. o 00 z u m -1 < en o < K S o > ee CO Victor Maid of Honour Victorious Anxiety Newminster Mare . Touchstone, by Camel. Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax. Jeremy Diddler, by Jeny. Mare, by Voltaire. Knight of Kars Bonner and Buxom Nutwith, by Tomboy. Pocahontas, by Glencoe. Gameboy, by Tomboy. Bridal, by Bay Middleton. St. George Doncaster Queen of Diamonds Stockwell Marigold Thp Baron Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules. Pocahontas Echidna, by Economist. Glencoe, by Sultan. IMarpessa, by Muley. Teddington Sister to Singapore Orlando, by Touchstone. Miss Twickenham, by Rockingham. Ratan, by Buzzard. Mare, by Melbourne. King of Trumps Amethyst Velocipede Mrs. Gill Blacklock, by Whitelock. Mare, by Coriander. Victor, by Stumps. Lady Fractious, by Comus. Touchstone Camphine Camel, by Whalebone. Banter, by Master Henry. The Provost, by The Saddler. Gadfly, by IMayfly. 1892 — 1893. REGISTERED HUNTER STALLIONS. 9 ADMIRAL BENBOW— 11. Bay. Foaled 1885. Breeder, Edward Jones, Nobold, Shrewsbury. SUMMARY OP PRINCIPAL RACES:— [May 3rd, Stamford Two-year-old Plate of £146 at Chester. 1887 \ May 14th, St. George's Plate of £438 9s. at Windsor. (July 1st, Athens Plate of £438 9s., at Windsor. jQQQ I April 19th, Flying Handicap of £102 at Newmarket. ( May 2nd, Peel Handicap of £197 at Newmarket. (April 3rd, Fawsley Park Welter Handicap of £117 at Northampton. April 20th, A Plate of £102 at Windsor. December 3rd, Sunbnry JMaiden Hurdle Race Plate of £96 L7s. at Kempton Park. 1890 IMay 3rd, North Metropolitan Handicap of £180 at Alexandra Park. 1891 October 7th, Charlwood Handicap of £415 4s., at Gatwick. [June 18th, Alexandra Handicap of £175 at Alexandra Park. 1892 August 19th, Fratton Handicap Plate of £100 at Portsmouth Park. (October 5th, Imperial Plate Handicap of £473 at Hurst Park. His sire Victor II. Broivn. Foaled 1874, won : — [IMarch 16th, Grand Annual Steeplechase of £147 at Cheltenham. 1881 j May 10th, People's Plate Handicap of £50 at Kells, co. Meath. (November 11th, Craven Steeplechase of £110 at Liverpool. In the Sportsman of Wednesday, 15th February, 1888, the Special Commis- sioner in referring to "Victor II.," said, "Another of 'Victor's' family, though thoroughbred only as regards tail male descent, merits more than passing notice. This is 'Victor II.,' the winner of several steeplechases, including the Cheltenham Grand Annual, the People's Handicap at Kells and the Craven Steeplechase at Liverpool. That he was a more than useful steeplechaser will be generally admitted, whilst in evidence of his pluck may be cited a hard-fought battle when Mr. John Beasley just got the better of John Jones on the Lammar Lande. In training ' Victor II. ' filled the eye as a thick-set though lengthy horse, scarcely of the average steej)lechaser's height, but strongly knit all round, and heavily laden with muscle as to his loins and quarters, his arms and second thighs. Differing in colour, and not quite so lengthy, there yet were about him certain characteristics which distinguished 'The Lamb.' He is not admitted to ' Weatherby,' and perhaps is not quite clean bred, the stain coming from his dam, who was a lengthy, low-standing mare, on a small scale, though wondrous strong, and showing exquisite quality. . . . But what is most extraordinary connected with ' Victor II. ' is tliat his only alliance with a thoroughbred mare has produced that most representative and good colt, 'Admiral Benbow.' Of course, I mean to say the latter's dam alone boasted pure origin among those allied with ' Victor II.' up to the close of the season in which the said youngster was born. True, ' the Admiral's ' dam is a highly-bred mare from the Beenham Stud, by ' Doncaster ' from ' Queen of Diamonds,' by ' King of Trumps ' out of ' Amethyst,' by ' Touch- stone,' but she did no good on the turf herself, nor did the results of her alliances with ' Wenlock ' and ' Highborn ' prove other than utter failures, though in each case, apparently, the progeny was reared." The writer then goes on to say that many thoroughbred mares in Ireland are not registered, and possibly " Maid of Honour " is one of them, and he has no doubt in regarding the pedigree of " Victor II." as though "he sat above the salt." In response to inquiries, Mr. Edward Jones kindly supplied the following information : — " Maid of Honour " is by " St. George " ; her dam is not in the Stud Book, but no doubt she was thoroughbred, as she was taken by a young officer to join his regiment at the Curragh, and not being quite up to weight as an officer's charger, was exchanged for a lialf-bred mare. She was then run in half-bred races, in which half-breds were allowed 71bs. which would exclude her from entering into the pages of " Weatherby" again. 10 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. V. HESPER— 12. a Vedette Doralice Voltiseur Mare Voltaire Martha Lynn Alarm or Orlando Preserve Hesperus Bosaura Bay Middleton Plenary Don John Sister to Prizeflower Birdcatcher Nan Darrell Venison Southdown Touchstone Vulture Emilius Mustard Sultan Cobweb Emilius Harriet Tramp or Waverley :Mare Priam Blackloek, by Whitelock. Mare, by Phantom. Mulatto, by Catton. Leda, by Filho da Puta. Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Inheritor, by Lottery. Nell, by Blackloek. Partisan, by Walton. Fawn, by Smolensko. Defence, by Whalebone. Feltona, by X.Y.Z. Camel, by Whalebone. Banter, by Master Henry. Langar, by Selim. Kite, by Bustard. Orville, by Beningborough. Emily, by Stamford. Merlin, by Castrel. Morel, by Sorcerer. Selim, by Buzzard. Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto Phantom, by Walton. Filagree, by Soothsayer. Orville, by Beningborough. Emily, by Stamford. Pericles, by Evander. Mare, by Selim. Dick Andrews, by Joe Andrews. Slare, by Gohanna. Whalebone, by Waxy. Margaretta, by Sir Peter. Comus, by Sorcerer, ilarciana, by Stamford. Emilius, by Orville. Cressida, l)y Whiskey. 1892 — 1893. KEGISTEKED HUNTER STALLIONS. 11 HESPER— 12. Bay. Foaled 1873. Breeder, late Colonel Towneley, Towneley, Lane. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— ( May 25th, A IMaiden Plate of £100 at Epsom. ' '( May 28th, The Epsom Two-year-old Plate of £200. ( September 27th, Kentford Stakes of £175 at Newmarket. t November 1st, Autumn Handicap of £295 at Brighton. f June 1st, Epsom Cup (Handicap) of £660. July 11th, Liverpool Plate (Handicap) of £250. 1877"! September 11th, Cleveland Handicap of £385 at Doncaster. October 4th, Leicestershire Handicap of £300 at Leicester. ^October 22nd, Trial Stakes (Selling) of £220, Newmarket Houghton. ( November 29th, November Hunters' Flat Race of £202 at Croydon. 1 881 - I December 6th, Claremont Hunters' Flat Race of £240 at Sandown Park. f April 20th, Welter Handicap of £230 at Sandown Park. 1 May 5th, May Handicap of £247 at Kempton Park. / October 18th, Sandown Autumn Cup (Handicap) of £194 15s. 1883 ■{ November 22nd, De Trafford Welter Handicap of £386 10s. at Manchester. I November 29th, Gopsal Handicap Hurdle Race of £489 15s. at Leicester. I February 20th, St. James' Stakes of £206 17s. at Sandown Park. April 8th, Handicap Hurdle Race of £105, Household Brigade Meeting, Sandown Park. April 26th, St. James' Stakes of £216 17s. at Sandown Park. May 3rd, Southdown Club Open Long Welter of £150 at Lewes. The dam " Hesperithusa," hroion mare. Foaled 1855. Won as a three-year-old : — /June 2nd, Royal Hunt Cup of £200 (with £380) at Ascot. 1 oro June 24th, Gold Cup Handicap of £140 at Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1858 -l August 2nd, Studley Handicap Plate of £50 at Ripon. lAugust 23rd, Bury Purse of £39 at Radcliffe. The grand-dam, Rosaura, by Don John, was the foundation of the late Colonel Towneley's stud, and was said to have fifteen or sixteen known pure crosses, and yet a "half-bred" in the eyes of Messrs. Weatherby 1 Her daughter "Hesperi- thusa," was the first foal, and first Cup winner Colonel Towneley ever owned. Rosaura was sent to Doncaster to be sold, with her grand-daughter " Doefoot," by King of 'Trumps. They returned unsold to Colonel Towneley's paddocks, no bid havizig been made for them, and Doefoot won the Liverpool Summer Cup subsequently, and many other races. See also pedigree of Red Hind (447) in Vol. IV., of the Record. 12 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. NEW OSWESTRY— 13. >- cc \- (0 UJ $ CO o UJ z '3 '3 5 o Q Nutwith Pocahontas Tomboy Mare Jerry Mare Smolensko, by Sorcerer. Louisa, by Orville. Ardrossan, by John Bull. Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. Comus Mare Sorcerer, by Trumpator. Houghton Lass, by Sir Peter. Delpini, by Highfiyer. Miss Muston, by King Fergus. Glencoe Marpessa Sultan Trampoline Selim, by Buzzard. Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Web, by Waxy. Muley Clare Orville, by Beningborough. Eleanor, by Whiskey. Marmion, by Whiskey. Harpalice, by Gohanna. Newmin- ster Mrs. Taft Touchstone Beeswing Camel Banter Whalebone, by Waxy. Mare, by Selim. Master Henry, by Orville. Boadicea, by Alexander. Dr. Syntax Mare Paynator, by Trumpator. Mare, by Beningborough. Ardrossan, by John Bull. Lady Eliza, by Whitworth. Don John Mare Tramp or Waverley Mare Dick Andrews, by Joe Andrews. Mare, by Gohanna. Whalebone, by Waxy. Margaretta, by Sir Peter. Comus, by Sorcerer. Marciana, by Stamford. Colwick Filho da Puta, by Haphazard. Stella, by Sir Oliver. 1892 1893. KEGISTERED HUNTER STALLIONS. 13 NEW OSWESTRY— 13. Bay. Foaled 1864. Bred by E. Foulkes, Oswestry, Salop. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— ■ September 18th, Hunters' Stakes of £48 at Oswestry. September 21st, Albrighton Hunt Steeplechase of £40, St. George's, Salop. 1868 •] October 16th, Herefordshire United Hunters' Stakes of £52 at Hereford. October 29th, Hunters' Plate of £40 at Worcester. VNovemberl8th,Tally Ho Stakes of £80, Leamington and Warwickshire Hunt. /j\Iarch 5th, Steeplechase Stakes of £100 at Bangor. March 31st, Steeplechase Plate of £52, Cheshire Hunt, May 13th, Froome Hunt Purse of £30 at Bromyard. October 7th, Brownlow Cup of £21, Ellesmere Hunt. 1869< October 22nd, United Hunters' Stakes of £40 at Hereford. October 29th, Hunt Cup, value £41, at Ludlow. November 5th, County Stakes of £20 at Presteign. November 24th, Tally Ho Stakes of £92, Leamington and Warwickshire \ Hunt. 1870 May 19th, Froome Hunt Purse of £30 at Bromyard. f March 28th, Bridgnorth Tradesmen's Purse of £50, Bridgnorth Hunt. ° ' \ April 18th, Whittingham Stakes of £143 at Lichfield. "New Oswestry" was ridden in most of his Races by " Mr. Charles" otherwise Colonel Rivers Bulkeley, one of the Council of the Hunters' Improvement Society. In the Live Stock Joicrnal of July 14th, 1893, Sir R. D. Green Price, Bart,, thus writes of this famous Hunter sire ; — "It is, however, to a grandson of 'Pocahontas' that I am looking, when daring to advocate sires which have not found their way into the Stud Book. I allude to ' New Oswestry,' or rather to his descendants, for he, alas ! is dead. He was a son of ' Knight of Kars,' out of ' Debonnaire,' by ' Newminster,' out of ' Mrs. Taft.' . . . The stain of blood, as is generally known, comes from ' Mrs. Taft,' which, nevertheless, was good enough to win the Cesarewitch. I make no apology for placing ' New Oswestry ' as the best type of Hunter sire within our recollection, for not only was he a remarkable horse himself— so good, indeed, that, to quote the words recently written by a man who knew him well, and rode him in most of his races, ' there is no doubt but that he was the best horse of his time, {ind there is little doubt but that he could have won the Liverpool Grand National, Queen's Plates and Cesarewitch the same year.' As it was, he belonged to one of the most eccentric of men, by trade a butcher, who preferred to run him about at all the little meetings for small stakes, rather than give him the 14 RECORD OP MARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. chances he deserved. . . . He was a grand horse to look over : a bay ; with power enough to carry any reasonable weight to hounds, and with the best of tempers : his limbs must have been of cast iron to carry him through the host of encounters (he won fifty races) in which lie took part, and he was never known to fall. As a sire, it may safely be said that he never begot a bad one, and no horse had a worse chance : but whether the mare was small or big, light or coarse, it made little difference — the ' young New Oswestrys ' were either good hunters or steeijlechasers. Of the latter class I have only to point to 'St. Galmier ' ■•'• and ' Savoyard ' -■' as specimens, while of hunters their name is legion. One remark- able instance I call to mind is a splendid hunter ridden by a lady in Shropshire, the dam of which was merely a cob, and the brother of this horse was sold for £600 to carry a king or prince abroad." * See pages 4 and 132 HUNTER MAEES AND THEIE PEODUCE. EECORD OF HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 674 TO 924. REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE ENTRIES. The general STUD BOOK References (Vol. p.) are at- tached TO THE Thorough-bred Sires and Dams. The record References (Vol. and No.) are appended to Registered Mares Re-entered for the present Volume. Where a Sire or Dam is Registered, the Number follows HIS or her Name : — New Oswestry (13) — The Nun (133). Where a Stallion or Mare is underlined thus : — Oxford, NO authentic Information can be obtained. " Where Particulars are not given the Pedigree is unknown, OR is not verified by the Breeder's N.\jme and Address. Where the letters V.C. are attached to a Mare's name, a Veterinary Certificate accompanied her Entry. The LETTERS — I.F.S. (Inspected Foundation Stock) are appended to a Mare's name when she has been admitted into the Record by Inspection by a present or past member op THE council. C. signifies Colt. P. „ Filly. H.B. , Half-bred. H.C. Highly Commended. P- , page. E.A.S.E. , Royal Agi-icultural Society of England V.H.C. , Very Highly Commended. Vol. , Volume. blk. , , black. g. dam grand-dam. g. g. dam , great grand-dam. nr. , near. wh. or wht. ,, white. References to prizes gained as : — 1889, 1st Bedfordshire at Biggleswade, give the Agricultural Society holding the Show, and the place at which it was held in the year named. RECOED OF PEIZE MARES & FILLIES, that imoe gained Honours in Hunter classes at Shows in the United Kingdom, and of Hujiter Brood Mares and Fillies admitted on Pedigree and hij inspection after approval hij the Editing Committee, ivith tlieir Produce to the gear 1893, and all that is hnoion of their antecedents. The Conditions of entry are as follows : — (1 A Mare is elisible for entry which has been awarded a prize, been reserved or highly commended in Hunter classes at any Show in the United Kingdom. i2) A Mare, suitable for breeding hunting and half-bred stock, being approved by Editing Committee after inspection by a present or past member of the Council, will be eligible for entry. A Veteriuary certificate, stating that the Mare is free from hereditary disease, must accompany each entry under this condition. (3) A Mare can be re-entered which has produced foals, or has herself or whose offspring have taken further prizes, or changed owners since the previous volumes were compiltd. (4) A Mare, by a thoroughbred or registered sire and out of a registered dam, is eligible for entry. (5) A Mare, with a Veterinary Certificate of soundness from hereditary disease, may be accepted for registry : — (a) Provided she has won races under Jockey Club rules or Grand National * rules, inclusive of point-to-point races, or (h) Provided her only half-bred strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club rules or Grand National rules, inclusive of point-to-point races, or (c) Provided her only half-bred strain comes dh-ectly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club rules, or Grand National rules, inclusive of point-to-point races. * National Hunt Rules. AELLA. (Vol. IV.) (483.) Oivner, St. George Littledale, Wickhill House, Bracknell, Berks. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay. ¥. Redwing. Ruddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49; XVII., p. 941), bv Thurio (See rule 3) 18 EECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oiuiiers. AGNES. (Vols. III. and IV.) Miss A. Gore-Booth, (286.) Lissadell, Sligo, Ireland. Sire, MuNSTER Blazer (H.B.), by Daniel O'Eourke (Vol. VIII., p. 104), by Irish Birdcatchee. Dam, by Woodpecker (Vol. XI., p. 58), by Sawcutter. (Addition to pedigree) Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Chestnut, blaze, stocking near hind leg. F. Hatchet. Woodman (Vol. XVI., p. 578), by Xenophon. Award won by offspring since the last entry : — 1889 produce, Fitz-Agnes (C.) ; 1892, Reserve and H.C. Royal Dublin Society. Agnes is dead. ALICE— 674. Miss Powell, Maesgwynne, Whitland, S. Wales. Chestnut, ivliite blaze doivn face, two lohite hind fetlocks. Foaled 1874. Height 15-3|. PRIZES :— 1878, 2nd, as four-year-old Hunter 1879, 1st, as five-year-old Hunter ^^oo' i^^ ) Hunter Brood If^r.'^''^ \ Mares 1890, 1st ] J United Counties Hunters' Show at Carmarthen 1891 United Counties Hunters' Show. [1st and Gold Medal, \ ' Hunters' Improve- 1 (ment Society Y /1st, Hunter Brood 1 Mares " j 1892 - 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares) Bath and West of England at V Swansea. Breeder, late W. E. H. Powell, Maesgwynne, Whitland. Sire, Christmas Carol (Vol. X., p. 236), by Eataplan. Dar)i, Mrs. Evans, by Chit Chat (Vol. VII., p. 77), by Magpie. 1884 Chestnut. C. Natal. Zanzibar (Vol. XIlI.,p. 231), by Saccharometer. 1885 Bay. C. Nyanza. Zanzibar (Vol. XIIL, p. 231), by Saccharometer. 1887 Bay. F. Magnet. Loadstone (Vol. XV., p. 429 ; XVI., p. 764), by Pehegrino. 1888 Bay. F. Presto. Scherzo (Vol. XVI., p. 58), by Galopin. 1889 Bay. F. Allegro. Sclierzo (Vol. XVI., p. 58), by Galopin. 1890 Chestnut. C. Roderick Dhu.* Snowdoun (Vol. XV., p. 250), by Sterling. 1892 Chestnut. C. Corsair. Lord Byron (Vol. XVI., p. 265 ; XVII., p. 943), by Wisdom. " Alice has won other first prizes at local Shows in Carmarthenshire of which no record has been kept : carried Miss Powell several seasons with Mr. Powell's hounds in Carmarthenshire : up to 14 stone. -Prize:— 1892, 1st (as two-year-old) United Counties Hunters' Show; 2nd, Bath and West of England at Swansea. 1898, .3rd (three-year-old colts) R.A.S.E.. at Chester. 1892—1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 19 ALPENROSE— 675. Oivners. Eobert A. Duke, New Park, Ballymote, co. Sligo. Chestnut, white star and Jand foot. Foaled 1881. Ileigiit 15"3. PRIZES:— 1889, 1st \ 1890, 1st CI- ^ • If 1 o • f 1891 2nd ^ ° Agricultural Society. 1892* 2nd I Breeder, Egbert A. Duke, New Park, Ballymote. , Sire, Alpenstock (Vol. XI., p. 284), by Eataplan. Davi, EuBY, by Pantaloon (Hunter sire). " Alpenrose " is own sister to " Climb Axe," also bred by Mr. Robert A. Duke, who sold him in 1885 as a five-year-old. Mr. E. E. Hanbury, Scots Guards, after- wards owned the horse, and won many races with him at Windsor, Lingfield and elsewhere. Prod, iu Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 1891 1892 Black. Black. Bay. F. C. P. Buxom. Buckthorn. Rosette. Buckshot (Vol. XV., p. 55.3), by Solon. Buckshot (Vol. XV., p. 553), by Solon. Sir George (Vol. XIII., p. 202), by The Baron. "Pantaloon," the sire of " Alpenrose's " dam, had a slight stain in his pedigree. Gained 1st at Royal Dublin Society Horse Show, in Kildare Street, before thev removed to Ball's Bridge AMMONIA (Vol. XIII., p. 15; XVI.. p. 17.)— 676. Eobert J. Mann, Home Farm, Acton Burnell, Salop. Broion. Foaled 1872. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1893, 1st (Hunter Brood Mares) and Gold ]\Iedal, Hunters' Improvement Society, Shropshire and West Midland. Breeder, The Yardlby Stud. Sire, Optimist (Vol. X., p. 444), by Lexington. Davi, Amaranth (Vol. IX., p. 26G), by Newminster. G. dam, Nun Appleton (Vol. VI., p. 125), by Bay Middleton. 1893 Bay. Reviver. Tynan (Vol. XVI., p. 353), by Tynedale. 20 ' EECOED OF MAKES AND SIRES. VoL. V. Oioners. AMY FARLEY— 677. William James, Hall Mills, Workington, Cumberland. Chestmit, ivhite strip doiunface, lohite feet and legs. Foaled 1890. Height 14-3. PRIZES :— ^ QQo ( 1st Silloth I 1892, 3rd Loweswater. ^"^^|3rd Aspatria | Breeder, William James, Hall Mills, Workington. Sire, Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), by Pat Molloy. Dam, Polly (626), by Goblin. ANGELA — 678. George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Nortliwich, Cheshire. Bay, white star, white hind foot. Foaled 1892. Height 15. Breeder, George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich. Sire, Michael Angelo (Vol. XIII., p. 215), by The Baron. Dam, Polly (849). (See rule 4 page 17) ANGELI — 679. George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich, Cheshire. Bay, ivhite star in face, white hind foot. Foaled 1889. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1890, 3rd (likely to make a Hunter) Tarporley Hunt Club. 1891, 3rd (likely to breed a Hunter) Warrington Mare and Foal Show at Walton. .coo (I'^r S""? ^^^/im'^'TR"^ ^/m"""^ [ Middlewich and Northwich Show. 1892 \ Extra Prize (£10) best Brood Mare ) (Extra Prize (£10) best Brood Mare, Tarporley Hunt Club. Breeder, George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich. Sire, Michael Angelo (Vol. XIII., p. 215), by The Baron. Dam, Polly (849). Prod. 1 Colour. Sex. in Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Brown, wht. star, one wht. foot. h\ Lady Maiden* (782). Lord Maiden (Vol. XIV., p. 164), by Lord Clifden. ''•' For Prize see under registered entry. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MAEES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 21 ASTASIA— 680. Oiuners. James Joicey, Poulton Priory, Fairford, Glos. Chestnut. Foaled 1879. Height 16-1. Race won by this mare qualifying her for registry in the Record (rule 5a) : — 1887, March 23rd, Beaufort Hunt Jubilee Steeplechase (£29) at Sherston, carrying 14 stone. Hunted by owner seven seasons in V.W.H. and Beaufort Hunts. Purchased at Sir Thomas Lennard's sale in 1883. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 1892 Chestnut, white blaze. Bay. P. C. Pepsatia- (842) Peppermint (Vol. XV., p. 302), by Camballo. Peppermint (Vol. XV., p. 302), by Camballo. ■^ For Prizes see under registered entry. AT AL ANT A— 681. Bay. 1884 1885 < ,2nd Otley. ( 2nd Doncaster. I 2nd Bridlington. ] 1st Malton. 1st Driffield, ust Hedon. fist Otley. 1st and Reserve to Champion, Islington. 1st Doncaster. 1st Peterborough. 1st and Champion, Nortliumberlaud at Alnwick. 1st Barnard Castle. 1st and Champion, Lincolnshire at Grimsby. 1st Great Yorkshire at Selby. .1st Hornsea. Had an accident first season. Isaac D. Dunn, Keyingham, Hull, Yorks. Foaled 1882. Height 16-1. PRIZES :— ( 1st Beverley. 1887 \ 2nd Malton. ilst Hornsea. 1889 1890 (1st Beverley. 1st Doncaster. 1st Lincolnshire at Louth. 1st Great Yorkshire at Hull. 2nd Leeds. 1st Bubwith. 1st Northampton. 1st Great Yorkshire at Harrogate. 1 1st Hedon. 2nd Lincolnshire at V Boston. /Premium, Hunters' Im- provement Society. 2nd R.A.S.E., at Don- caster. 1891 -i' 2nd Lincolnshire at Brigg. 1st Great Yorkshire at Bradford. V2nd Northampton. (3rd Great Yorkshire. 2nd Buxton. 1st Royal Manchester, , Liverpool & North 1893-( Lancashire. 1st Doncaster. 2nd Peterborough. 2nd Lincolnshire. Ust Cardiff. Up to 14 stone. Breeder, C. H. Hart, Dunnington Lodge, York. Sire, Cramoisi (Vol. XIV., p. 601), by Vermout. Dam, Achievement (H.B.), by Knowsley (Vol. XI., p. 301), by Stockwell. G. dam, by Laughing Stock (Vol. IX., p. 134), by Stockwell. 1887 1889 1890 1891 Chestnut. Brown. Chqstnut. Chestnut. F. C. F. F. lolanthe. Punchinello. Olivette. Hermione. Southampton (Vol. XV., p. 875), by Hermit. Tally Ho (Vol. XIII., p. 115; Vol. XV., p. 641), by Ploughboy. Tally Ho (Vol. XV., p. 641), by Ploughboy. Southampton (Vol. XV., p. 375), by Hermit. The Mare is now owned by Mr. Frank B. Wilkinson, Blyth Spital, Rotherham. 22 BECORD OP MARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. Oivners. AYTON— 682. W. Burrell Tubbs, Eocklands, Gordon Eoad, Church End, Finchley, N. Black. Foaled 1890. PRIZE :— 1890, 1st (Hunting foals) Scalby. Breeder-, James S. Darrell, West Ayton, York. Sire, Prescription (Vol. XV., p. 523), by Carlos. Dam, Lucy, by Hollyfox (Vol. X., p. 120), by Voltigeur. G. dam, by MacObville. BACCARAT (late Lottery)— 683. Major H. Goldfrap, Lincoln Eegiment, The Mount, Lincoln. Bay, small lohite spot on forehead. Foaled 1879. Height 16'1. PRIZE: —1893, 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares) Nottingham. Hunted by Mrs. Goldfrap two seasons with the East Essex ; also 1888-89 with the East Kent ; up to 14 stone. Bred in Ireland ; bought from Vety.-Major J. Eeilly, 7th Hussars. BARBARA— 685. J. J. Godwin, Troy Farm, Somerton, Banbury, Oxon. Broion. Foaled 1892. Breeder, J. J. Godwin, Troy Farm, Somerton, Banbury. Sire, Professor (Vol. XV., p. 494), by Lecturer. Dam, Canary (706). (See rule 4 page 17) BARMAID— 685. W. G. Wheeldon, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Friar Gate, Derby. Boan, star and streak on face, near hind fetlock white. Foaled 1880. Height 15-21. Hunted six seasons ; up to 12 stone 7 lbs. (See rule 2 page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 23 Ow)iers. BARMAID— 686. W. Wheatley Waine, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Newington, London, S.E. Bay, wliitc star, black points. Foaled 1884. Height 16. PRIZES :— f 1st (Hunters, five years old and upwards). ] 1889 ■{ 1st (Hunters, up to not less than 13 stone, open to I Essex at Colchester. ( Tenant Farmers only in the United Kingdom).) She won these prizes under the name of " j\Iystery." Breeder, W. T. Newman, Panfield Hall, Braintree, Essex. Sire, MouLSEY (Vol. X., p. 313), by Teddington. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Su-e's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Chestnut, white star. Chestnut. C. F. GiUingham Squire. Marioni (Vol. XVI., p. 415), by Macaroni. Marioni (Vol. XVI., p. 415), by Macaroni. (See rule 2 page 17) BAY BELLE— 687. Thomas Dare, Kilmington, Devon. Bay, long star on face, and two white heels. Foaled 1887. Height 15-21. AWARD, 1892 : — Reserve Compton Stud Company's Show. Hunted by owner one season with the Cotley Harriers ; up to 13 stone 7 lbs. Breeder, Thomas Dare, Kilmington. Sire, King Crafty (Vol. XV., p. 478), by Kingcraft. Dam, Heavy Huntress. BEETLE. (Vol. IV.) Lord Middleton, (491.) Birdsall House, York. Bay, tohite star and small white strip duwn face. Height 15'3. Breeder, Lord Middleton, Birdsall House, York, Sire, Scotch Fiddle (Vol. XIIL, p. 384), by Argyle. Dam, Beeswing (154), by Morocco (Vol. X., p. 253), by King Tom. G. dam, Queen Bee, by Newminster (Vol. VII., p. 11), by Touchstone. G. g. dam. The dam of Birdhill (Vol. XL, p. 12), by Birdcatcher. (Extension of Pedigree). 1892 Bay. Gordon (Vol. XVI., p. 552), by Hermit. (See rule 3 page 17) 24 EECORD OF MARES AND SIEE8. Vol. V. BELLE (Vol. XIV., pp. 38-39.)— 688. Owners. George Whitehead, Deighton Grove, York. Bay, white face. Foaled 1874,. Height 15-3^. Breeder, Sir Charles Strickland, Bart., Hildenly Hall, Malton. Sire, The Baron (Vol. XIII., p. 267), by King Tom. Dam, Bella (Vol. XI., p. 54), by Angelus. G. dam, Brunetta (Vol. X., p. 247), by Codrington. G. g. dam. Miss Sykes (Vol. IX., p. 69), by The Caster. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 1890 1891 Bay, white face and legs. Bay, white face. Bay, white star & near hind heel. C. C. c. Bel wade.* Belshazzar. Bellman. Knight Templar (Vol. XIV., p. 310), by The Baron. Escamillo (Vol. XV., p. 52), by Pero Gomez. Escamillo (Vol. XV., p. 52), by Pero Gomez. *Prizes :— 1889, 2nd Escrick ; 1890, 3rd Driffield ; 3rd Great Yorkshire ; 1891, 1st Skipwith ; 1892, Reserve, Hunters' Improvement Society. BESS— 689. John Eichardson, (I.F.S. — V.C.) Claughton Hall, Caton, Lancaster. Black, zvJiite sniy doion face, white hind fetlocks. Foaled 1885. Height 15-3. Bought at Preston Fair. 1892 Bay, two white fetlocks. Miss Kheen - (819). Sam Kheen (Vol. XVI., p. 118), by Khamseen. ='- For Prize see under registered entry. (See rule 2 page 17) BESSIE— 690. Claud A. Cuthbert, Strickstenning, Tram Inn, E.S.O., Herefordshire. Brown, ivhite star and fptlocks. Foaled 1882. Height 16. PRIZES :— 2nd (local) Herefordshire Horse r> J n^' i\ -D XT oi ( 1st Hay Horse Show. 1892 ^"d (local) Ross Horse Show. ^g^^ ^.^ Leominster. 1 2nd Abergavenny. let I udlow ^ 2nd Herefordshire Agricultural ^ Society. As a Brood Mare. Won the South Herefordshire Hunt Point-to-Point Race in 1887 (light weights), and in 1889 (heavy weights) ; hunted by owner and his wife for five seasons. Breeder, — Brown, Credenhill, Hereford. Sire, Wild Charley (Vol. XI., p. 313), by Wild Dayrell. 1891 1892 Bay. Bay. G. F. Bill. Etiquette. Vibration (Vol. XV„ p. 235), by Reverberation. The Preacher (Vol. XIII., p. 187), by Lecturer. 1892 1893. HUNTEK MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 25 Oivners. (Vols. I., II., III. and IV.) E. Guy Evered, Hill House, Bridgwater, Somerset. (See rule 3 page 17) BETSY. (16.) BETSY BAKER— 691. Thomas Eogers, The Fields, Maesbrook, Llanymynech, Oswestry, Salop. Bay, white star on foreJiead. Aged. Height 16. PEIZES :— 3^n! 2nd Oswestry District Show. ISygjH.C. Shropshire and West Mid- land at Shrewsbury. 1876. 1st (Hunting Brood Mares and foals) Shropshire and West Midland at Oswestry. 1878. 1st Oswestry District Show. RAGES :— 186G, February 3rd. — Won Steeplechase (Silver Cup value £20) at Knockin, on occasion of coming of age of Viscount Newport. March 9th. — Won Steeplechase (Silver Cup and £25, given by Gentle- men of the Hunt, and £50 added by Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart.) at Bangor. March 16th. — Ran Third in Wynnstay Hunt Steeplechase at Baschurch. Mr. Rogers states that " Betsy Baker " was sent to Bangor the day before the races with a man on a pony to lead her ; she got loose on the road and was running loose all night, and was not found till daylight on the morning of the race, which she won. Mr. E. M. Ward, of Criccieth, Carnarvonshire, hunted and had her till the mare bred "Baker Pacha; " after which, Mr. Rogers had her and bred all the rest of her produce. Breeder, late John Edwards, Cefn-y-maes, Oswestry. Sire, Bucolic (Vol. VIII., p. 154), by The Flying Dutchman. Dam, by The Steamer (Vol. IV., p. 254), by Emilius. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 18— Bay. P. Bess. Buckenham (Vol. X., p. 166), by Voltigeur. 1871 Chestnut. F. Betsy B. Buckenham (Vol. X., p. 166), by Voltigeur. 1873 Brown. F. Busy B. Honiton (Vol. X., p. 120), by Stockwell. 1874 Bay. C. Baker Pacha. Sweetstock (Vol. XII., p. 306), by Stockwell. 1875 Bay. F. Lady Flora. De Clare (Vol. VII., p. 299), by Touchstone. 1876 Bay. F. Miss Baker. Sweetstock (Vol. XII., p. 306),by Stockwell. 1877 Bay. C. Billy Baker. Sweetstock (Vol. XII., p. 306), by Stockwell. 1878 Chestnut. C. New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars. 1879 Chestnut. c. Buckenham (Vol. X., p. 166), by Voltigeur. 1880 Bay. F. Betty. Sweetstock (Vol. XII., p. 306), by Stockwell. 1881 Bay. c. Baker Boy. Our John (Vol. XIII., p. 385), by John Davis. 1884 Bay. F. May Fly (seep.l25),byUnderhand (Vol. VIII., p. 98), by The Cure 26 KECORD OP BIARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. EACES AND PRIZES WON BY PRODUCE OP "BETSY BAKER" (691). Bess— Record of Races : — 1877, May 3rd.— Ludlow Steeplechase Plate of £40. 1880, March 10th. | Open Hunters' Steeplechase Plate, (of £57. 1881, March 29th. j Rtighy Hunt. ( of £42. March 29th.— Lilbourne Gorse Plate of £38, Rugby Hunt. May 5th. — Members' Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase of £50, Ludlow Club Hunt. Her daughter, Lizzie, foaled in 1885, bay mare, by " Zeal " (Vol. XV., p. 113), by "Adventurer," won many races, among them being the Scottish Grand National (£310) at the Eglinton Hunt Meeting, on April 1st, 1892. Betsy B. — Record of Races : — 1876, April 4th.— United Hunt Cup of £G0 at Baschurch. April 4th. — Farmers' Plate of £50 at Baschurch. April 21st. — Second to " Orange Blossom " for Combermere Steeple- chase of £75 at Bangor. May 5th. — Farmers' Hunt Steeplechase of £30, Ludlow Club. 1877, April 5th. — Farmers' Plate of £50 at Baschurch. Record of Prizes : — 1882, 2nd (Brood Mares) West Midland at Ludlow. Owned by Mr. Lloyd Acton of Brocton, Much Wenlock, Salop. Busy B. — Record of Races : — 1879, March 20th.— Farmers' Plate of £30 at Welshpool. 1880, April 16th. — Grand Wynnstay Steeplechase of £85 ) , -p April 16th.— Combermere Steeplechase of £72 j ^^ -Bangor. Baker Pacha — Record of Races: — 1880, March ISth. — Second to " New Glasgow " for Grand National. 1881, March 29th.— Ladies' Plate of £62 I -r i w f 1882, March 17th.— Open Hunters' Steeplechase of £42 / -"^^8^'^ ■^™^- Lady Flora — Record of Races : — 1879, April 23rd.— Farmers' Plate of £45 ' f w i l April 23rd.— Wheatland Hunt Steeplechase of £30 )" ^^ vveniock. 1880, April 29th. — Open Local Steeplechase of £39 at Ludlow. Miss Baker — Record of Races : — 1881, March 10th.— Farmers' Plate of £23 at Welshpool. March 29th.— Third (" Zoedone " 1st, " Young Baronet " 2nd), Grand Wynnstay Steeplechase of £85 at Bangor. Billy Bakek — Record of Races : — 1882, March 9th. — Second to "Young Baronet," Farmers' Plate of £28 at Welshpool. April 12th. — Second to "Young Baronet," Grand Wynnstay Steeple- chase of £85 at Bangor. April 20th. — Borough Steeplechase of £28 (beating " Young Baronet ") at Wenlock. Chestnut colt by " New Oswestry" — Record of Prizes ; — 1881, 1st (as a three-year-old) Shropshire and West Midland. Chestnut colt by " Buckenham " did not run. Betty — Record of Races : — 1887, April 21st.— Tanat Side Hunt Cup of £39 at Llanymynech. Owned as a Brood ]Mare by JMr. Brown, of Ruyton xi Towns, near Shrewsbury. Baker Boy — Record of Races : — 1885.— Local Hunt Steeplechases at Welshpool. April 7tli. — Second to " Woodman " in Grand Wynnstay Steeple- chase at Bangor. ' The " May Fly " mare is now owned by Mr. Jones of Ollerton, Nescliffe, Shrewsbury. 1892 — 1893. HUNTEB MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 27 Owners. BETT— 692. Captain Clayhills-IIenderson, E.N., Invergowrie, Dundee, N.B. Bright hay, white near hind fetlock, three scars on huttochs. Foaled 1878. Height 15.3. PRIZE : — 1892, 2nd (mares suited to breed Hunters) Highland and Agricultural Society at Inverness. Hunted six or seven seasons by Mr. T. Clayhills, Darlington, with Lord Zetland's tile Hurworth, the Bedale, &c. : carried 16 stone. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1885 Bay. 0. Tim. Mr. Winkle (Vol. XII., p. 532, Vol.XIII.,p. 560), by St. Albans. 1887 Chestnut. P. May. Queen's Herald (Vol. XIII., p. 360), by Trumpeter. 1890 Chestnut. C. Mr. Stanley.-' Royalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by Kaiser. 1891 ] Bay,nr.fore coro- F. Louise, t Royalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by net wht.; twowht. (798). Kaiser. hind fetlocks. 1892 Bay. F. Connaught (Vol. XVI., p. 128), by George Frederick. * Prize : — 1891, 1st (for yearling produce of any Queen's Premium Horse in Scotland) Highland and Agricultural at Stirling, t For Prize see under registered entry. BIRTHDAY. (Vol. III.) (293.) Broiun, one ivhite heel. PRIZE since the last Entry : — 1892, 2nd Belper and District Society W. G. Wheeldon, Friar Gate, Derby. 1889 Brown, white F. Castrina. * Lancastrian (Vol. XIV., p. 486), heels, scar on (713). by Toxopholite. near quarter. 1890 Bay, black points C. Young Oswestryt Oswestry, by New Oswestry (13). 1891 Bay, white star, white fetlock. C. Blue John. Blue Blood (Vol. XIII., p. 275), by King Tom. 1892 Brown , white heels. C. F.N.D. Half and Half (Vol. XIII., p. 508), by Armagnac. * For Prize see under registered entry. fPrizes :— 1891, ith Elvaston ; 1892, 1st Belper; 2ud Derby; 2nd Loughborough (See rule 3 page 17) BLACK BESS— 693. J. Butt, Hargrove Farm, Stalbridge, Blandford, Dorset. Black. PRIZE : — 1892, Premium, Compton Stud Company's Show, A good Huntress. 28 RECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Owners. BLOSSOM— 694. John Dickenson, Woodend Farm, Kildale, Grosmont, R.S.O., Yorks. Bay, ivhite face, zvhite near hind foot. Foaled 1881. Height 15.3. Breeder, John Dickenson, Woodend Farm, Kildale, Grosmont. Sire, Baron Cavendish (Vol. XI., p. 408), by Cavendish. Do,m, Blossom (H.B.), by Abernethy (Vol. IV., p. 342 ; V. p. 156), by Physician. G. dam, Rose (H.B.), by Bay President (Vol. IV., p. 538), by President. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breedixig. 1891 1892 1893 Bay, white face and near hind foot. Bay, black points. Chestnut, white face and tv/o white feet. Queen of theMay* (861). Belladonna. Princess May. Omega (Vol. XIII., p. 239), by Knight of the Garter. Omega (Vol. XIII., p. 239), by Knight of the Garter. Help (Vol. XVI., p. 50), by Charibert. ■■' For Prizes see under registered entry. BLUE BLOOD— 695. Samuel Ferris, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. Bo-oivn. Foaled 1890. AWARD :— 1892, H.C., Bath Horse Show. Breeder, Samuel Ferris, Bradford-on-Avon. Sire, Lancastrian (Vol. XIV., p. 486), by Toxopholite. Dam, Blueskin. BLUE SHOES— 696. (I.F.S.— V.C.) Broivn. Thomas Cm-ry, Morton Carr, Nunthorpe, R.S.O., Yorks. Foaled 1884. Height 15-21. This mare was bought of Mr. Mark Pearson, York, by Mr. H. F. Pease, M.P., who sold her to ]\Ir. Alfred E. Pease, who gave her to Mr. Thomas Curry. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 1891 Brown. Chestnut. F. F. Coronilla. Hypatia. Pursebearer (Vol. XIV., p. 458), by Scottish Chief. Syrian (Vol. XII., p. 362), by Mentmore. (See rule 2 page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MABES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 29 BONDSMAID— 697. Oiuners. John Longton, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lane. Bay, black points. Foaled 1881. Height 15"3. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd (Brood Mares) Lancaster. Hunted several seasons by Rewcastle, the huntsman of the Lunedale Harriers : up to 14 stone. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Su-e's Name and Breeding. 1891 1892 Brown. Chestnut. C. P. Chip Chase (Vol. XV., p. 5), by Hilarious. Daybreak '''■ Huntingtower (Vol. XVI., p. 391), (731). by Peter. For Prizes see under registered entry. BONNY BELLE— 698. G. and J. Codling, Hall Farm, Lackenby, Eedcar, Yorks. Chestnut. Foaled 1890. PRIZES :— ( 2nd Skelton. 1891 ] 1st Danby. ( 2nd Stokesley. 1892 1st Loftus. 1st Skelton. 1st Whitby. Breeders, G. and J. Codling, Hall Farm, Lackenby, Eedcar. Sire, Coldstream (Vol. XVI., p. 94), by Dan Godfrey. Dam, Gipsy (755), by Morocco (Vol. XXL, p. 2), by Moulsey. BONNY GIRL— 699. G. and J. Codling, Hall Farm, Lackenby, Eedcar, Yorks. Chestnut. Foaled 1889. PRIZES:— / 1891 j Langholm. ) ° 1892, 1st Lockerbie. 1HQQ i '^^^ Highland and Agricultural at ■^""^"^ I Edinburgh. PRIZES !lst (for two-year-old colt or filly likely to make a Hunter) Esk- dale & Liddesdale at Langholm. ■ 2nd (tliree-year-old mare or geld- ing likely to make a Hunter) Highland and Agricultural at • Edinburgh. 1884< 1st Border Union \ Three-year-old at Kelso. mare or geld- I 2nd Eskdale and \- ing likely to I Liddesdale at 1 make a Hun- V Langholm. ) ter. Mr. A. J. S. Johnstone of Halleaths, Master of the Dumfriesshire Pox- hounds, hunted " Gowanlea " part of one season, when she met with an accident, by slipping upon some ice, which unfitted her for hunting any more ; up to 16 stone. Breeder, John W. J. Patekson, M.F.H,, Terrona, Langholm. Sire, Tynedale (Vol. X., p. 299; XL, p. 497), by Warlock. Dam, Leafield (75). Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Chestnut, white blaze on face, and off hind leg white. C. Gowanbank. Strathmore (Vol. XIIL, p. 428; XIV., p. 592), by Mandrake. 1893 Black or dark brown, small white star on forehead. P. Gowanbrae. Rosy Monk (Vol. XVI., p. 366), by Rosicrucian. GREEN SLEEVES— 758. T. and M. Mein, Burgh-by-Sands, E.S.O., Cumberland. Bay, xohlte off fore leg and heel. Foaled 1889. Height about 16. Breeder, F. Luscombe, Tilgate Forest Cottage, Crawley, Sussex. Sire, Cosmos (Vol. XV., p. 561 ; XVL, p. 780), by Hollywood. Dam, Lady Lowther (566), by Schiedam (Vol. XII., p. 308), by Amsterdam. (See rule 4 page 17) 1892 1893. HUNTEE MAEES AND THEIR PBODUCE. 55 02Liners. John Gill, High Street, Welshpool, Mont, Chestnut, blaze, white legs. Foaled 1886. Height 15*2. GWEN— 759. PRIZE:— 1S92, 1st (Mares with foals at-foot, calculated to breed Hunters) Denbighshire and Flintshire at Rhyl. Breeder, Thomas Phillips, Cefn Llyclan, Newtown, Mont. Sire, Welsh Flyer (Hackney 856). Dam, by Alonzo the Brave (Hackney 22). G. dam, by Welsh Express (Mountain Pony), Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Chestnut, blaze, legs all marked with white. C. Eglamore (Vol. XVI., p. 48), by Thurio. HANNAH— 760. Charles A, Snelling, (I.F.S,— V.C.) Town Farm House, Oxted, Surrey. Black, ivhite star. Foaled 1883, Height 16-1. 1891 Chestnut. F. Hesper (764). - Homely (Vol. XVI., p. 543), by Hermit. ■■' For Prizes see under registered entry. (See rule 2 page 17) HEDGES LASSIE— 761. F. W. Silvester, Hedges, St. Albans, Herts. Bay, blach iioints. Foaled I'&^Q. Height 16-1. PRIZES:— 12nd (two - year- olds, likely to] make a Hunter. I Hertfordshire. 1 2nd (similar class, I confined to ten- ) ^ ant farmers. Breeder, F. W. Silvester, Hedges, St. Albans. Sire, The Drake (Vol. XVI., p. 202), by Muncaster. Dam, Hedges Laura (762), by Young Caractacus (Vol. XIII., p. 333), by Caractacus, -jc^pq '2nd (three-year-olds) Bedford- \ shire at Leighton Buzzard. 56 KECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. HEDGES LAURA— 762. Oioners. F. W. Silvester, Hedges, St. Albans, Herts. Bay, black legs. Foaled 1884. Height 16, (1890, 1st ) PRIZES:— J 1892, 2nd I Hertfordshire. [ 1893, 1st ) Breeder, F. W. Silvester, Hedges, St. Albans. Sire, Young Caractacus (Vol. XIII., p. 333), by Caractacus. Dam, Hedges Lightfoot (349), by Sutton (Cart Horse). Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Bay, black points. P. Hedges Lassie* (761). Tlie Drake (Vol. XVI., p. 202), by Muncaster. 1892 Bay. h\ Hedges Lalage. Harpenden (Vol. XV., p. 319; XVI., p. 763), by Muncaster. 1893 Bay. G. Hedges Lord.f Truefit (Vol. XV., p. 132; XVI. p. 762), by Outfit. '■'■' For Prizes see under registered entry, t Prize :— 1893, 2nd (foals by " Truefit ") Hertfordshire. HEROINE— 763. (I.F.S.— V.C.) Bay. Rev. Cecil Legard, Cottesbrooke Eectory, Northampton. Foaled 1879. Height 16. Owned formerly by Mr. H. H. Langliam, while Master of the Pytchley Hounds, and ridden by Isaacs, the 1st whipper-in. 1891 C. Make Haste (Vol. XIII., p. 270), by Tom Bowline. (See rule 2 page 17) HESPER— 765. Charles A. Snelling, Town Farm House, Oxted, Surrey. Chestnut. Foaled 1891. PKIZES :— -QQnflst Oxted and Godstone -Vgri- j ^ oqo f Reserve, Hunters' Improvement \ cultural Association. | | Society. Breeder, Charles A. Snelling, Town Farm House, Oxted. Sire, Homely (Vol. XVI., p. 543), by Hermit. Da77j, Hannah (760). 1892 1893. HUNTER MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 57 Oivners. John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Hacldon, Northampton. Brown. Aged. Height 16. PRIZES :- 1st and Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society (Brood Mares calculated to breed weight-carrying Hunters), Leicestershire. Hunted by Lord ^Clifden several years in Pytchley Country. Bred in Ireland. HOLDENBY— 765. 1893 HOLLY. (351.) (Vol. III.) Allan Gilmour, Yr., Eaglesham, Eenfrewshire, N.B. Height 15-2. /'2nd Glasgow (for three-year-old iqqn I colts or fillies for road or field). 1 2nd Paisley (for three-year-olds ( for road or field). PRIZES since the last Entry : — / 1st Glasgow, 1 1 QQQ I 3rd Paisley, / ■^^"^"]2nd (Gold) i Medal) / (See rule 3 page 17) Hunter Mares or gel- dings, lightweight. for Hunters up to any weight. HUNTRESS. (Vols. Ill and IV.) F. J. Coleridge Boles, (355.) Baraset, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. PRIZE since the last Entry : — 1892, 1st (Brood Mares) Northamptonshire at Northampton. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. 1892 Bay, white blaze on face and stockings. Willoughby. Sire's Name and Breeding. Zeal (Vol. XIV., p. Adventurer. 117), by (See rule 3 page 17) IMMERDAR— 766. C. A. L'Estrange, Woodville, Sligo, Ireland. Bro7vn, white star on forehead. Foaled 1879. Height 15*3. RACES won by "Immerdar," qualifying her for registry in the Record of Hunter Mares and Sires (rule 5a) : — at Hazlewood. 1883, April.— Sligo Hunt Cup (£28) ) 1884, April.— Sligo Hunt Cup (£28) 1886, I\Iay.— Sligo Hunt Cup (£28) 1887, May 5th.— Stewards' Plate at Sligo (£21 10s.) 1888, Llay.— Welter Race (£21) Breeder, — Eoutledge, Co. Mayo. Sire, Lothario (Vol. X., p. 52), by King Tom. Dam, by Fright (Vol. VIII., p. 62), by x\larm. at Bowman. 1890 1 Bay, white star. 1891 I ' Bay. 1892 Bay, white star. P. Loved One (Vol. XV., p. 365), by See Saw. Loved One (Vol. XV., p. 365), by See Saw. Loved One (Vol. XV., p. 365), by See Saw. 58 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. V. Ow7ters. JANIE. (Vol. III.) Dr. T. Bond, f.r.c.s. (360.) 7, The Sanctuary, Westminster, London, S.W. AWARD since the last Entry: — 1890, Reserve (Hunter Brood Mares) raunton Horse Show. Prod- 1 Colour. Sex. in 1 Name of Produce. 1 Sii-e's Name and-Breeding. 1890 Black. C. (dead). Rosicruciaii (Vol. XIII., p. 264), by Beadsman. (See rule 3 page 17) JEAN. (Vols. III. and IV.) (361.) Colin Maclver, Statham, Warrington, Lane. 1892 Bay, black points, white hind fetlocks. Rosette. Royalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by Kaiser. (See rule 3 page 17) JESSIE— 767. P. Z. Paul, Splatford, Kenn, Exeter, Devon. Chestnut. Foaled 1880. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1884, 1st \ 1886, 2nd Royal 1st Devon Yeo- 1887, 1st y nianry Cavalry Horse 1888, 3rd Trials. i«aJ^"^ ""f ^°? ^^^^M Exeter Horse ''''{ Se^tocie^r^'^-} S1-- 1891, 1st Breeder, — Born, Beere Farm, North Tawton, Devon. Sire, The Mariner (Vol. XI,, p. 425), by Lifeboat. Dam, Blossom. 1892 Bay. Mariner. Wickham (Vol. XV., p. 397), by Wild Tommy. JUBILEE TOM TOM. (Vol. III.) Gilbert Leigh Abbot, (366.) The Priory, Abbots Leigh, Somerset. Height 15-2*. 1892 Chestnut, snip down face, and near hind fet- lock white. Abbots Leigh. Marioni (Vol. XVI., p. 415), by Macaroni. (See rule 3 page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MABES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 59 Oicners. KILMURRY. (Vol. XVI., p. 644)— 768. Major J. S. LangUands, Longrood, Eugby, Warwickshire. Bay, black ijomts. Foaled 1879. Heiglit 15-2. PRIZE :— 1893, 2nd (Hunter Brood Jlares) Herefordshire Horse Show. Breeder, G. D. Stokes. Sire, Victor (Vol. X., p. 319), by Vindex. Dam, Leda (Vol. XI., p. 36), by Dundee. G. davi, The Belle (Vol. VIII., p. 44), by Birdcatcher. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay C. Crowberry (Vol. XVI., p. 284), by Rosebery. KISMET— 769. Edward S. Jackson, M.B. Carnforth, Lane. Broion, white star and tioo loliite hind fetlocks. Foaled 1888. Height 16. PRIZES :— / 1st Lancaster \ 1 2nd Barrow-in-Furness Hunter 1892 -: 2nd Ulverstone ]■ Brood I 2nd Kendal | Mares. \ 1st Burcon& Milnthorpe ) 3rd (Hunter Brood Mares up to 15 stone) R.A.S E. at Chester. 2nd and Gold Medal, Hunters' 1893-' Improvement Society, Royal Manchester, Liverpool and North Lancashire at Black- ' pool. Breeder, Thomas Thwaites, Coltstones, Warton, Carnforth. Sire, Carthusian (Vol. XIII., p. 198), by Beadsman. Dam, Half-bred mare. 1893 Brown. Pilot. The Colonial (Vol. XVII., p. 587), by Morocco. KITTY— 770. Edmund Potter, Sawrey Knotts, "Windermere, "Westmoreland. Grey. Aged. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares) Hawkshead. 60 BBCORD OF MAKES AND SIRES. VOL. V. Oioners. LA CIGALE— 771. W. Gordon Canning, M.F.H., Hartpury, Gloucester. Greij. Foaled 1886. Height 16-1. PRIZES : /Ist and Champion, Hereford. 1st Cardiff. 1891 - 2nd Swansea. 1st Abergavenny. Vlst Kington. ior)9 ' 1st Ranelagh. ^^■^'^ 1 1st Exeter. 1st ) c 2nd I Swansea. 1892 J 2nd Hereford. 1st Ross, list Newbury. ( 1st Herefordshire Horse Show. 1893 1st Ij^^^g (1st local J Purchased of Messrs. Hames, Leicester. LADY AMORETTA— 772. Captain C. K. O'Hara, Annaghmore, CoUooney, co. Sligo. Bay, small star, off hind foot and yastern white. Foaled 1886. Height 15-2. AWARD :— 1892, Reserve and H.C. , Siigo Show. Hunted for last three seasons by owner ; up to 12 stone. Breeder, Captain C. K. O'Hara, Annaghmore, Collooney. Sire, Sir George (Vol. XIII., p. 202), by The Baron. Dam, Fairy Queen, '■= by Pompey (Vol. V., p. 129), by Emilius. G. dam, by Woodpecker (Vol. VI., p. 232), by Irish Birdcatcher. * The dam " Fairy Queen " ran and won several races in Ireland (1867-8). LADY BESS— 773. Mrs. E. J. Sherratt, Oclepitchard, Hereford. Baij, star in forehead, blacklegs. Foaled 1887. Heiglit 15-2h. Hunted two seasons by Mr. J. L. Sherratt with the North Herefordshire ; up to 12 stone. Breeder, late Alexander Sherratt, Oclepitchard, Hereford. Sire, Bravado (Vol. XII., p. 482), by Buccaneer. Bam, Brown Bess (25), by Free Trade (Vol. XII., p. 447), by Caractacus. Prod, in Colour. Sex. | Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Chestnut. C. Challenger. Vibration (Vol. XV., p. 235), by Reverberation. (See rule 4 page 17) 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 61 LADY BRIDGET— 775. Oiouers. Winding Willding-Jones, Hampton Hall, Malpas, Cheshire. Brotvn, some zvhite hairs in her coat and tail. Foaled 1882. Height 15-3. AWARD:— 1891, H.C., Shropshire and West Midland at Market Drayton. Purchased by owner from IMessis. Hames, Leicester, on her arrival from the Dublin Horse Show in 1887. Hunted with Sir W. Watkin Wynu's Hounds and the South Cheshire ; up to 12 stone. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Bay, grey hairs. P. Eton a. Pepper and Salt (Vol. XVI., p. 376), by The Rake. 1892 Brown. i'. (dead.) Pepper and Salt (Vol. XVI., p. 376), by The Rake. 1893 Bay, grey hairs. C. Bay Salt. Pepper and Salt (Vol. XVI., p. 376), by The Rake. LADY CONNAUGHT. (561.) (Vol. IV.) Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. Height 15-3. (Not exhibited in 1892.) 1893 Chestnut. Upper Ten (Vol. XVI. by Childeric. p. 552), (See rule 2 page 17). LADY ELIZABETH. (Vols. I. and II.) Ernest C. Flower, (68.) Home Farm, Stow Easton Bath. Chestmtt, tvhite face, white hind legs. Height 15-2. PRIZES since the last Entry : — 1892 f 1st North East Somerset I Chewton Mendip. at (Ist Prome. 1891 -^ Premium, Compton Stud Co.'s ( Show. Mr. Powler, Master and Huntsman of the Stanton Drew Harriers, rode " Lady Elizabeth " five years to hounds, and she was well up to 14 stone. This mare was bred on Mr. Harding's farm at Cranmore. Sire, Glenmore (Vol. XII., p. 296), by Blair Athol. (Additional pedigree and particulars.) 1890 Chestnut. P. Elegance.- (741). Coco (Vol. XVI., p. 330), by Rococo. 1891 Bay. C. Dalesman, f Scot Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. 1892 Chestnut. c. Boco.J Marioni (Vol. XVI., p. 415), bv Macaroni. Por Prizes see under registered entry, t Prizes: — 1891, 1st North East Somerset at Stanton Drew; 2nd Prome; 2nd Shepton Mallet. 1892, 1st North East Somerset at Chewton Mendip. X Prize : — 1892, 1st North East Somerset at Chewton ]\Iendip. The 1886 produce, " Laddie," won £40 in prizes, and was sold to Capt. Helme. (See rule 3 page 17). 62 RECORD OP MARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. Oioners. LADY FIFE— 775. S. P. Budd, 8, Gay Street, Bath, Somersetshire. Chestnut. Foaled 1891. Height 15-1. PRIZES :— -Qqn ( Premium, Hunters' Improvement I -iooq f 1st Bath and West of England. I Society. ) ( 1st Somersetshire at Glastonbury Breeder, S. P. Budd, 8, Gay Street, Bath. Sire, Kuddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49 ; XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. Dam, Duchess (524), by Goldfinch. LADY-GO-LIGHTLY— 776. Tom Davies, Great House, Doreston, Hereford. Ba7j. Foaled 1892. AWARD : — 1892, Reserve (foal class) Hay Horse Show. Breeder, Tom Davies, Great House, Doreston, Hereford. Sire, Donald Cairo (Vol. XIV., p. 500), by Scottish Chief. Da7n, Lady-go-Lightly, by Thunder (Vol. XI., p. 425), by Thormanby. G. dam, by Old Hereford (Vol. VI., p. 181), by Sir Hercules. LADY GREY— 777. W. G. Wheeldon, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Friar Gate, Derby. Grey, near eye injured. Aged. Height 15*1. Hunted occasionally by owner ; up to 14 stone. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 1892 Grey. Grey. C. C. Grey shine. Sunshine (Hackney, 1927). Sunshine (Hackney, 1927). (See rule 3 page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 63 LADY GREY— 778. Owners. W. D. Holt, Manor Farm, Castle Gary, Somerset. Grey. Foaled 1883. Height 15-3. PRIZES :- 1890 2ud (Mare and foal class) Frome. ^ nno ( Premium, Compton Stud Co.'s ^^^■^ \ Show. 1 2nd (Mare & foal class) ^ 1893 ^'^^ , ^''}^ J ^^'^^''^1' Taunton I Hunters Improve- [ ment Society. Breeder, George Bethell, West Pennard, Somerset. Sire, Flying- Comet. Dam, Half-bred mare. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Chestnut. P. Rosette. Scot Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. 1892 Roan. C. Life Guard. Scot Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. 1893 Roan. C. Moonlight Suowdoun (Vol. XV., p. 250), by Sterling. LADY GROSYENOR— 779. J. H. Stokes, Nether House, Great Bowden, Market Harborough, Leics. Bay, blemish on near side quarter. Foaled 1889. Height 16. PRIZES :— , QQ, ( 2nd (as a two-year-old) Leicester- ^"^^ \ shire. 1893 -! ( 2nd NorthamxDtonshire at Ketter- ing. 1893 1st Leicestershire. Breeder, R. T. Greaves, East Carlton, Uppingham, Rutland. Sire, Westminster (Vol. XV., p. 381 ; XVI., p. 780), by Cathedral. Dam, Hunting mare. LADY GUARD— 780. J. C. Brock, High Ridge Farm, Dundry, Bristol, Glos, Grey. Foaled 1888. Height 15-2. Breeder, J. C. Brock, High Ridge Farm, Dundry, Bristol. Sire, Scot, Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. Dam, Lady Somerset (72), by Hunting Horn (Vol. VIII., p. 156), by Surplice. (See rule 4 page 17) 64 EECOBD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v.* LADY LOWTHER. (566.) Oivners. (Vol. IV.) T. and M. Mein, Burgh-by-Sands, E. S.O., Cumberland. PRIZES since the last Entry . 1892< 2nd (Hunter Brood ]Mares)Nortli- umberland at Berwick-on-Tweed. lst(Hunting Brood Mares)Penrith. 3rd (Brood Mares for breeding Hunters) Wigton. 1st (for special prize for Mares suitable for breeding Hunters, given by the Members of the Cumberland Hunt) East Cum- berland at Carlisle. 1892 1st Burgh-by-Sands] for saddle 1st Sebergham at ; or harness Welton, I Brood 3rd Aspatria. ) Mares. 4th Holm Cultram at Silloth. 1st (Brood Mares for saddle or harness) Dalston. 1st (special prize given by Mr. J. W. Lowther, M.P., for best animal in saddle or liarness classes) Penrith. Correction of previous Awards : — Vol. IV., p. 33 : — 1891, "Lady Lowther " was 1st, not 2nd, for special prize given by Cumberland Hunt, Wigton. (See rule 3 page 17) LADY LOYAL— 781. J. C. Brock, High Eidge Farm, Dundry, Bristol, Glos. Bap, tvhite hind foot. Foaled 1890. Breeder, J. C, Brock, High Eidge Farm, Dundry, Bristol. Sire, Loyalist (Vol. XVI., p. 77), by Steeling. Dam, Lady Somerset (72), by Hunting Horn (Vol. VIII., p. 156), by Surplice. (See rule 4 page 17) LADY MALDEN— 782. George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich, Cheshire. Broion, white star, one white foot. Foaled 1892. Height 15. PEIZE :— 1892, 2nd Cheshire at Warrington. Breeder, George Pbiestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich. Sire, Lord Malden (Vol. XIV., p. 164), by Lord Clifden. Dam, Angeli (679), by Michael Angelo (Vol. XIII., p. 215). by The Baron. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MAEES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 65 Oioners. LADY MENDA — 783. Henry James Davies, Bremenda, Llanarthney, Carmarthen. Bay, star, little white on both hind legs. Foaled 1891. Height 15. PRIZES :- 1QO0 fBeserve, Bath and West of England at Swansea; 1st Carmarthenshire at ^"^ \ Carmarthen ; 1st Llandilo. Breeder, Thomas Walters, Plasnewydd, St. Clears, Carmarthen Sire, Scherzo (Vol. XVI., p. 58), by Galopin. Dam, Mistletoe, by Christmas Carol (Vol. X., p. 236), byEATAPLAN. G. dam, believed to be by True Briton (Eoadster). LADY MORGAN— 785. W. M. Wroughton, Creaton Lodge, Northampton. Bay. Foaled about 1882. Height 16. PRIZE :— loon '-'■^^ (Brood Mares likely to breed Hunters) Chiltern Hills Agricultural Show ^^^^ \ at Aylesbury. Hunted by Mr. T. Robinson with Lord Rothschild's Staghounds, season 1888-9 ; up to 14 stone. Prod. 1 Colour. 1 Sex. m 1 1 Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Bay. C. Killeen. Chelsea (Vol. XIV., p.60), by Cremorne. This mare is dead. LADY NEWMAN— 785. William Paige, (V.C.) Broadfield House, Wrington, Somerset. Brown. Foaled 1873. Height 15-1. PRIZES :— Besides these, the mare has also gained one 1st and three 2nd prizes at Banwell, and one 2nd at Weston- super-Mare. 1890, 1st Banwell / 1st Somersetshire at Glastonbury, ^nqjjj 2nd Banwell. 1 Commended, Taunton. ( Reserve, Sherborne. Hunted by the owner in Devonshire with the Dartmoor Foxhounds and the Berry Harriers, and occasionally with other packs, eleven seasons ; up to 14 stone. Breeder, "William Paige, Broadfield House, Wrington. Sire, Gemma di Vergy (Vol. VIII., p. 392), by Sir Hercules. Dam, Cottager, by Acrobat. 66 BECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oioners. LADY OSWESTRY— 786. A. Alexander, Cockburn Hill, Balerno, Midlothian, N.B. Broton, black legs. Foaled 1882. Height 15'3^. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st (Brood Mares with foal at foot) Edinburgh Agricultural Show. RACE WON:— 1890, January 4th, Hunt Steeplechase (£38) at Hamilton Park. Hunted in Cumberland by Mr. Charles Wilson of Kendal ; also in Midlothian. Breeder, late E. Foulkes, Oswestry, Salop. Sire, New Oswestey (13), by Knight of Kars. Dam, Mountain Maid, by Plum Pudding. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay. F. Lockstitch (Vol. XV., p. 360), by Wenlock. LADY SCOT. (Vol. IV.) S. P. Budd, (568.) 8, Gay Street, Bath, Somersetshire. 189K Grey, lohite sock off liind leg. Height 16-1. PRIZES :— 'Premium (£15) Hunters' Improvement Society. 1st Bath and West of England at Bath. 1st (two year-old class) | jj^j^^^. Champion (Hunter ^ ■. classes) ) ^' 2nd Peterborough. 2nd R.A.S.E. at Doncaster. 1st Sherborne. 1st West Gloucester. 1st Swansea. 1st Cardiff. 1st Bath Horse Show. 2nd Great Yorkshire at Bradford. ^2nd Compton Stud Co.'s Show. Foaled 1889. 1892 ^ /Premium, Hunters' Improvement Society. 1st Devon County at Tavistock, 2nd Bath and West of England at Swansea. 2nd Taunton. 2nd Sherborne. 3rd Bath Horse Show. 1st Newbury Horse Show. \2nd Compton Stud Co.'s Show. Breeder, John Keynes, Blandford, Dorset. Sire, Scot Guaed (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathcon.vn. Dam, Jane (193), by Vinegar Hill (Vol. IX., p. 366), by Kingstown, (See rule 3 page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTEB MAEES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 67 LADY SKEFFINGTON— 787. Broivii. Oivners. Eobert J. D. Bourke. Dalston, Carlisle, Cumberland. Foaled 1875. Heiglit 15-3. PRIZE :— ,gg2|lst (Hunter Brood Mares) at the Hesket-New- Market Agricultural Society's ( Show. RACES :— ,gg(,f April 25th, Hunt Cup of £20, Whitehaven and West Cumberland ■^ I Hunt. 18Sfi ^^^^^'^ Cup, Cumberland Hunt Point-to-Point Race, near Bridekirk, ( Cockermouth. Purchased from Mr. J. P. Wiseman, Hanslope, Bucks, who hunted her with the Grafton Hounds. The present owner rode her for six or seven seasons with the Cumberland, and Dumfriesshire Foxhounds and Whitehaven Harriers : weight carried, 14 stone. Breeder, W. W. Tailby, Skeffington Hall, Leicester. Sire, Alcibiade (Vol. XIV., p. 601), by The Cossack. Dam, Brown Bess. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 1890 Brown, black points. Chestnut, wht down face, three wht stockings. P. P. Blue Button. Blue Garter. Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), by Pat Molloy. Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), by Pat Molloy. LADY SOMERSET. (72.) (Vols. I. and II.) J. C. Brock, High Eidge Farm, Dundry, Bristol, Glos. Height 15-2. 1888 Grey. P. Lady Guard. (780). Scot Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. 1890 Bay, white hind P. Lady Loyal. Loyalist (Vol. XVI., p. 77), by foot. (781). Sterling, 1892 Bay. P. ReaUty II. (Hackney 831). The following produce have been named since her last Entry :- 1885, bay colt, black points, by Khamseen — " Rector." 1886, bay colt by King Crafty — " King of Trumps." 1887, brown colt by Huguenot — " Hector." Lady Somerset did not produce foals in 1889 and 1891. (See rule 3 page 17) 68 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. LADY TEAZLE— 788. Lord Tredegar, (I.F.S. — V.C.) Tredegar Park, Newport, Mon. Broivn, white star in forehead and wliite streak on tip of nose. Foaled 1878. Height 16-1. RACES won by "Lady Teazle " :— i««4 (April. Chepstow Farmers' Race of £21. ^^ I September 23rd. Drybridge Plate of £26 5s. atMonmouth. [ March. Farmers' Steeplechase of £21 at Ross. 1885 \ April. Farmers' Steeplechase of £21 at Chepstow. (April. St. Pierre Steeplechase of £30 at Chepstow. 1887, November 25th. Borough Members' Plate Steeplechase of £24 at Llangibby. Was also 2ud in the St. Pierre Steeplechase in 188.3, and in the MaindiS Court Steeplechase of the same year ; while on April 16th, 1885, she ran second in the Brynderwen Selling Steeplechase at Abergavenny. Hunted by Lord Tredegar's Stud Groom for seven years with the Llangibby Hounds ; also two seasons by Mr. Harold Lawrence of Penarth House, Llangibby ; up to 15 stone. Purchased from Mr. Lawrence, who got her from Mr. William Sheef, Veterinary Surgeon, Newport, Mon., who bought her of Mr. Fredericks, Newport, and he purchased the mare at one of Messrs. Stephenson & Alexander's Sales at Cardiff. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1886 Brown. C. Varteg Hill.- Masaniello (Vol. XIIL, p. 373), by Macaroni. 1889 Chestnut. F: Llandowlais Lass. Wimbleton, by Clanronald (Vol. XV., p. 206), by Blair Athol. 1891 Brown. F. Lady Emily. Lord Molynoo (Vol. XV., p. 227), by Sefton. 1892 Bay, star. C. The Star. Lord Molynoo (Vol. XV., p. 227), by Sefton. ( October 28th. 1 QQH J October 28th. ^"^" I October 29th. RACES won by " Varteg Hill " :— New Rule Hunters' Steeplechase of £29 at Cardiff. Nicholas Hunters' Hurdle Race of £24 at Cardiff. Glamorganshire Open Hunters' Hurdle Race of £29 at Cardiff. Tenby Hunt Steeplechases, of £33, Llwynbraun Hunt February 10th. Town Plate of £27. [ February 11th. Stewards' Plate of £27. I March 1st. Llanfairybryn Steeplechase Plate Steeplechases. Penlline Open Steeplechase of £48. \ Glamorgan Hunt Scurry Steeplechase of £20. ) Steeplechases. Stewards' Plate of £27, Pembroke Hunt Steeplechase. ■^"' "i March 17th ]\Iarch 17th March 30th May 5th, Windsor Steeplechase of £38 at Cardiff. (See rules 2 and 5a page 17) 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 69 Oivners. LADY TEMPLAR— 789. J. H. Stokes, Nether House, Great Bowden, Market Harborough, Leics. Bay. Foaled 1889. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1st (two, as Hunter Brood Mare) and Gold Medal, Hunters' ( 1st Beverley. 1892 j 1st Driffield. I 1st Newland. 1893 -j ' Improvement Society, North- amptonshire at Kettering. (^2nd Leicestershire. Breeder, J. H. Horsley, Southfield House, Cottingham, E. Yorks. Sire, Knight Templar (Vol. XIV., p. 310), by The Baron. Davi, Buttercup, by Edmund Kean (Vol. XIII., p. 313), by The Marquis. LADY UNA— 790. Captain C. K. O'Hara. x\nnaghmore, Collooney, co. Sligo. Bay , black points , star on forehead. Foaled 1S8S. Height IQ. PRIZE :— 1890, 1st (Hunters' Class) Sligo Agricultural Show. RACES :— Won in 1887 and 1889 to 1892 inclusive the co. Sligo Private Hunt Race (£24 5s.), carrying 12st. 71bs. on the last four occasions. Hunted by owner since 1887 in co. Sligo. Breeder, Captain C. K. O'Hara, Annaghmore, Collooney. Sire, Sir George (Vol. XIII., p. 202), by The Baron. Dam, Fairy Queen, =:^ by Pompey (Vol. V., p. 129) by Emilius. G. dam, by Woodpecker (Vol. VI., p. 232), by Irish Birdcatcebr. '■•' The dam " Fairy Queen " ran and won several races (1867-8). LARKING LADY— 791. John P. and T. Clark, Lark House, High Coniscliffe, Darlington, co. Durham. Brown. Foaled 1891. Height 15. PRIZES :— /2nd Gainford. 1st South Durham and North Yorkshire Horse Show at Dar- 1891- lington. Commended, Barnard Castle Horse Show. ^ Commended, Sedgefield. 1892, 2nd Gainford. 1892-,' Breeders, John P. and T. Clark Darlington. Sire, WaPvPath (Vol. XVI., p. 220), by Uncas Da7n, by Glenfillan (Vol. XIV., p. 281 Pretender. G. dam, by Young Barnaby (Cleveland Bay). /Commended, South Durham and • North Yorkshire Horse Show at Darlington. 3rd Great Yorkshire at ]\Iid- dlesbro'. I 1st Barnard Castle. Commended, Sedgefield. l2ud Middleton Tyas and Dis- V trict Show. Lark House, High Coniscliffe, XVI., p. 760), by 70 BECOED OF MAKES AND SIEES. Vol. V. Chuners. (Vols. I., II., III. and IV.) Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-ou-Trent, Staffs. Height 15-3. PRIZES since the last Entry: — LAYINIA. (74.) 1892 ( 1st Hoar Cross Horse Sho^. ( 1st Derbyshire at Derby. (■2nd Tutbury Horse Show, 1892 \ beaten by her own daughter, ( " Countess " (313). As a Hunter Brood Mare. " Lavinia's " produce and two of her grand-daughters have up to the present taken twelve of the Hunters' Improvement Society's premiums, and secured five silver medals and six premiums of £5 for Mr. Miles, as breeder, and upwards of 200 prizes in Hunter Classes at various other shows. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Black. 1893 Brown. C. F. Lord Pero.''= Queen May. Pero Gomez (Vol. XII., p. 397), by Beadsman. Pero Gomez (Vol. XII., p. 397), by Beadsman. '•= Prizes : — 1892, 1st Hoar Cross Horse Show ; 3rd Tutbury Horse Show. 1893, Premium and £5 to breeder, Hunters' Improvement Society. Sold to Hon. T. W. Fitzwilliam, The Ferry, Peterborough. The 1891 colt produce called " Prince Pero " has gained since the last entry : — Prizes — 1892, Premium and £5 to breeder, Hunters' Improvement Society; 2nd Peterborough ; 1st Northampton ; 1st Hoar Cross Horse Show ; 2nd Great Yorkshire at Middlesborough ; 1st Cardiff Horse Show ; 1st Newbury Horse Show ; 1st and Silver INIedal for best light horse in Derbyshire at Derby. 1893, Premium and £5 to breeder, Hunters' Improvement Society ; H.C.,Bath and West of England at Gloucester ; 2nd Peterborough ; 2nd Hoar Cross Horse Show. (See rule 3 page 17) LIONESS— 792. John Lett, Cleveland Stud Farm, Rillington, York. Broion. Foaled 1887. Height 16. PRIZES :— -.qnr) 'Pi'emium, 'Hunters' Improve- [ 1st Great Yorkshire at Harrogate. 1890 j 1st Malton. [3rd R.A.S.E. at Plymouth. ment Society. (Reserve and Gold) p . ,„o.J Medal, Hun-k- , ,.^^ , 1^93^, tors' Improve- hn^^K'' ^* ( ment Society. ) ^^^wsbury. Breeder, — Bristow, Norton, Malton, Yorks. Sire, Lord Glenlyon (Vol. XIV., p. 10), by Glenlyon. 1893 Brown. Touchwood (Vol. XVI., p. 74), by Touch et. 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 71 LISETTE— 793. Ow7iers. W. T. Trench, Eedwood, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary. Broivn. Foaled 1891. Height 15-1. PRIZES :— 1891. 1st (for foals) [ North Tipperary Farming Society's 1893. 1st (two year old colts and fillies) ) Show. Breeder, W. T. Trench, Eedwood, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary. Sire, St. Liz (Vol. XIII., p. 194), by Y. Melbourne. Daiib, Sally (868), by Brother to Strafford (Vol. X., p. 129), by Y. Melbourne. LITTLE WONDER— 794. Hon. Lilian Elphinstone, Carberry Tower, Musselburgh, N.B. Bay, white fetlock near hind leg. Foaled 1881. Height 15*2|. PRIZES :— [4th (Mares suitable for breeding 1893] Hunters) Highland and Agri- ( cultural at Edinburgh. Miss Elphinstone hunted this mare three seasons with the Lothian Harriers ; and Mr. James Craig hunted the mare three seasons in Leicestershire, and afterwards with his Harriers in Midlothian ; up to 14 stone. lonq f2nd (Brood Mares for Hunting ^^^"^ \ stock) Dalkeith. Prod. Colour. Ill Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Bay, white off hind fetlock. C. The Dandy. Dan Dancer (Vol. XV., pp. 357, 651) by The Miser. LIYADIA— 795. Commander F. H. S. O'Brien, E.N., Cratloe Woods, Cratloe, co. Clare. BrotDu, wliite off fetlocks. Foaled 1885. Height 15. PPTT-p • liSQQ 9,1^ (Limerick Horse Show. ri4iA£. . ioy^, zna | jjalf-bred Brood Mares calculated to breed Hunters. Breeder, CommandeRjF. H. S. O'Brien, E.N., Cratloe Woods. Sire, Liverpool (Vol. XIII., p. 460), by Brother to Bird on the Wing. Dam, by Fairyland,* by Gamekeeper (Vol. VIII., p. 504), by Birdcatcher. 1890 Brown, whtline on forehead. P. Lilac. Pine Tree (Vol. XIIL, p. 346), by Lozenge. 1891 Brown, white F. hind fetlocks. Myrtle. Pine Tree (Vol. XIIL, p. 346), 1892 Chestnut, white C. by Lozenge. star and hind Harleqviin. Sheldrake (Vol. XIIL, p. 54), by fetlocks. Mandrake. ■■'• " Fairyland," sire of Livadia'sdam, foaled in 1863, was by " Gamekeeper," out of " Dancer," by " Preney," her dam by " Pioneer," out of " Harbinger," by "Friday"; raced in 1870 only and woii stakes (£649) including the Downshire Plate (£200) at Punchestown and the Grand Stand Plate (£250) at Cork. 72 EECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. (Vols. I., II., III. and IV.) Miss A. Gore-Booth, Lissadell, Sligo, Ireland. LOADSTAR. (79.) Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay-brown, wht sock off hind leg. F. St. Walburga. St. Paul (Vol. XV., p. 327; XVI., p. 763), by Paul Jones. 1893 Chestnut, star and snip, stocking near hind, sock off hind leg. C. Cherry Pie. Cherry Ripe (Vol. XVI., p. 85), by Sterling. The 1889 produce's name is " Astron " not " Astrone " as recorded in Vol. IV. (See rule 2 page 17) LOLLIPOP— 796. Harry Dyson, (V.C.) Kingsclere Woodlands, Brimpton, Eeading, Berks. Broion, grey hairs on tail, grey near hind leg. Foaled 1880. Height 15-3. PRIZES :— At the Royal Counties Show at Portsmouth in 1891, this mare was awarded 2nd prize as a Brood i\Iare, but could not take it as she was not due to foal that year. 1893, 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares and foals) Royal Counties at South- ampton . Hunted by owner in Berkshire and Hampshire for seven seasons, carrying 13 stone. Bought as a three-year-old from Capt. Pellier-Johnson of the 9th Lancers, said to have been bred near Wolverhampton. 1893 Bay or brown, blaze, and off hind leg wht, some white hairs on tail. F. Boscawen (Vol. XVI., p. 390), by Childeric. LONDON— 797. (I.F.S.— V.C.) LOUISE— 798. Grey. Sir Humphrey F. de Trafford, Bart., Trafford Park, Patricroft, Manchester. Foaled 1885. Height 16. (See rule 2 page 17) Captain Ciayhills-Henderson, E.N., Invergowrie, Dundee, N.B. Bay, near fore coronet ivhite, two white hind fetlocks. Foaled 1891. Height 15-2. PRIZE • 189-^ 3rd ■ ^^^^ yearling produce of any Thoroughbred Horse serving in ^' ( Scotland) Highland and Agi-icultural at Inverness. Breeder, Captain Clayhills-Henderson,R-N., Invergowrie, Dundee. Sire, Eoyalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by Kaiser. Dam, Bett (692). 1892—1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 73 MAB— 799. Owners. G. F. Watkins, Navau, Co. Meath. Baij. Foaled 1880. Height 15-3i. AWARD:— 1893, H.C., Co. Meath Show. Hunted five seasons in Meath: up to 14 stone 7 lbs.. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Bay Bay C. C. Prince Charles (Vol. XVII., p. 685), by Pride of Prussia. Bellerophon (Vol. XIII., p, 480), by Solon. MABELLA— 800. Tom Davies, Great House, Doreston, Hereford. Bay, black legs. Foaled 1891. Height 15-2^. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd Hay Horse Show. Breeder, Mrs. E. J. Sherratt, Oclepitchard, Hereford. Sire, Vibration (Vol. XV., p. 235), by Eeverberation. Davi, Brown Bess (25), by Free Trade (Vol. XII., p. 447), by Caractacus. MADAM— 801. Joseph Routledge, Gill Bromfield, Aspatria, Cumberland. Broion, ivhite snip on face, white hind foot. Foaled 1881. Height 15-3. PRIZES:— ■ Wigton, . Ireby. ^Ist (Brood Mares likely to breed weight-carrying 1889 -l Hunters) 1st (Brood mares for saddle and harness). /1st (Brood saddle mares). 1 £10 (Brood Mares for breeding Hunters),] J891-; given by Cumberland ;- Penrith I Hunt. I £5 (Best animal on \ ground) . Came out of Ireland. ,'lst (Brood saddle) ■,„. , ! mares). -Wigton. 1891 -l 1st (Brood mares for | saddle and har- ^ Ireby. I ness). ) (Ist (Brood Mares for| ( land Hunt. j 1890 1891 1892 Chestnut. Chestnut, white strip on face, white hind feet. Bay, white strip on face. F. C. C. Maggy. Young Friar. Speculation. Pitzroy (Vol. XVI., p. 441), by Muncaster. Friar Rush (Vol. XIV., p. 167), by Hermit. Friar Rush (Vol. XIV., p. 167), bv Hermit. 74 RECORD OP MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. MADELINE— 802. Owners. Dr. George W. W. Ashdown, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Bay, black 2^0 ints, few ivhite hairs on forehead, small ]jatch of tuhite hair at the middle and back of the off fore-arm. Foaled 1889. Height 15-21. PRIZES :— 1891, 2nd Newbury. 1892 Commended, Taunton. , Reserve, Compton Stud Co. Breeder, Edwin Sarek, Edgarley, Glastonbury, Somersetshire. Sire, Master Ned (Vol. XIV., p. 523), by Eoman Bee. Dam, Polly, by King of the West. MADGE. (Vol. IV.) (595.) J. J. Candlish, Seaham Harbour, co. Durham. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 189.3 Chestnut, white blaze and hind leg. Chestnut, white blaze and legs. C. F. Tommy Blue- | Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), grass. i by Pat Molloy. Nelly Bluegrass Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), (830). by Pat Molloy. (See rule 3 page 17) MAGGIE. (Vol. III.) (391.) Allan Gilmour, Yr., Eaglesham, Eenfrewshire, N.B. PRIZE since the last Entry : — 1892, 1st (Hunter Brood Mares in foal or with foal at foot) Glasgow. 1891 1892 Bay. Bay. Moiety.* [ Royalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by I Kaiser. Comet (720). t I Connaught (Vol. XVI., p. 128), i by George Frederick. Prize : — 1892, 1st (Hunter yearling colts or fillies) Glasgow, f For Prizes see under registered entry. (See rule 3 page 17) MAGGIE— 803. E. D. Stern, (I.F.S. — V.C.) Fan Court, Chertsey, Surrey. Chestnut, very small white star on forehead. Foaled about 1881. Height 15-2. 1891 Chestnut. F. Maisie. Privateer (Vol. XIV., p. 249), by Adventurer. 1893 Chestnut. F. Silvia. Papyrus (Vol. XVI., p. 365), by Peter. (See rule 2 page 17) 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 75 MAID MARIAN— 805. Oioners. W. H. Dunn, Wallingtons, Hungerford, Berks. Brown, ticked ivith tvhite hairs and white hairs at root of tail. Foaled 1872. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1 1st and Gold Medal, ] Newbury 1893 •] Hunters' Improve- I Horse ( ment Society. ) Show. /Ist Wiltshire at Marlborough. 1 QQA I ■'■^^ Royal Counties at Winchester, ■^^•^"l Reserve and V.H.C., Bath and ( West of England. Hunted several seasons in the Craven country : up to 15 stone. Breeder, W. H. Dunn, Walliugtons, Hungerford. Sire, EoBiN Hood (Vol. XI., p. 70), by Wild Dayrell. Dam, * Amazon by Cameleopard (Vol. VI., p. 135), by Giraffe. G. dam, Violet. "-!= Both the dam "Amazon" and grand-dam "Violet" were bred by the owner's father, the late General Dunn, who died thirty j-ears ago. ]\Ir. W. H. Dunn adds that " they were both good harness mares ; this strain of blood has been in my family for over 50 years." Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 Chestnut. Brown. Bay. Grey. Bay. Bay. Bay. Brown. C. C. C. P. C. F. F. C. Fin Cooper (sold).' The Romany King (Vol. XV., ' p. 398), by Blue Gown, (sold). Lancastrian (Vol. XIV., p. 486), I by Toxopholite. (dead). ' Exile II. (Vol. XV., p. 266), by j Hermit. Gipsy Queen Eastern Emperor (Vol. XV., p. 17), by Strathconan. Exile II. (Vol. XV., p. 266), by Hermit. (dead). Avontes (Vol. XIII., p. 29), by Distin. Lancastrian (Vol. XIV., p. 486), by Toxopholite. Jack Tar (Vol. XVI., p. 588), by Jollv Tar. MAID OF TAN ATT— 805. Owen Williams, Cefn, St. Asaph, N. Wales. Chestnut. Foaled 1889. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1891, 1st Oswestry District Show. | 1891, 1st Welshpool Horse Show. As a two-year-old Hunter. Breeder, Eichard Meredith, Carnbwl, Llandisilio, Llanymyuech, Salop. Sire, Stechford (Vol. XV., p. 470), by Sterling. Dam, Shropshire Girl (883), by New Oswestry (13), by Knight OF Kars. 76 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oiciiers. MAID OF THE MIST— 806. Capt. Hon. C. Lambton, (V.C.) Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, W. Bay, grey hairs, hlach points. Foaled 1883. Height 15-3. RACE won by this IMare qualifying her for registry (rule 5a) : — 1889, April 22nd, Viceroy's Staff Cup (£30) at Fairyhouse Easter Meeting. Hunted by owner three seasons with the Meath, Zetland and South Durham ; up to 13 stone 7 lbs. Breeder, James Tolan, Courtloiigh, Lusk, Ireland. Sire, EoB Eoy (Vol. XI., p. 477 ; XIV., p. 585), by Artillery. Dam, Countess (H.B.), by Eidolon (Vol. X., p. 37), by The Flying Dutchman. G. dam, by Navarino (Vol. X., p. 351), by Codrington. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Brown. F. Bay. C. Crafton (Vol. XVI., p. 87), by Kisber. Testator (Vol. XVI., p. 511), by Albert Victor. Maid of the Mist's " full sister " Diana " (733) is also registered in this volume. MARION— 807. William Holtby, Eotsea Manor, Cranswick, Hull, Yorks. Bay. Foaled 1886. Height 16. PRIZES :— ( 2nd Great Yorkshire. 1889 -j 2nd Pocklington. ( 1st Ayton. ( Premium, Hunters' Improvement 1890 ] Society. (3rd Bridlington. 1892 1st Doncaster. 2nd Malton. 2nd Drifheld. 3rd Great Yorkshire. 2nd Newland. 1st Whitby. As a Brood Mare. Breeder, J. Kirk, Knaresbro', York. Sire, Aide-db-Camp (Vol. XIII., p. 352), by Lord Clipden. Dam, by Grandmaster (Vol. XI., p. 156), by The Great Unknown. 1892 Bay. F. Falka Colonel (Vol. XVI., p. 541), by Conductor. 189'2— 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 77 Oioiiers. MARITANA. (Vols. III. and IV.) Walter Jones, (o97.) The Elms, Moore, Warrington, Lane. PRIZE since the last Entry : — 1892, 3rd (Hunter Brood Mares) Cheshire. Prod. in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Grey. F. Chaperone. Scot Guard (Vol. XV., p. 402), by Strathconan. 1891 Brown. C. Snowball. Snowdoun (Vol. XV., p. 250), by Sterling, j^^oa .= .u^ 1892 Brown. C. Ellesmere (Hunter Sire), by New Oswestry (13), (See rule 3 page 17) MARY— 808. Frank Godson, Temple Bruer, Lincoln. Broivn. Foaled 1874. Height 15-3. Hunted five seasons by owner in Belvoir and Blankney countries ; up to 14 stone. Pm-chased of C. Burtt, Welbourne, Lincoln. 1885 Chestnut. Gordon.* Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. Melbourne. * Prizes :- , 1st Lynn Horse Show ; 2nd Trent Horse Show. MARY ANN— 809. Colonel Hon. Frederic C. Morgan, M.P., (I.F.S. — V.C.) Euperra Castle, Newport, Mon. Broivn, star, tvliite near fore and hind coronets. Foaled 1879 Height 15-3. 1892 I Bay or brown. F. I Somerton (Vol. XV., p. 458), by I Hampton. (See rule 2 page 17) MASHETTE -810. Dr. E. Waller, Bridge Street, Peterborough. Chestnut, blaze on face, tvJiite fetloch. Foaled 1887. Height 15-2. Hunted by owner during season 1891-92 with the Fitzwilliam Hounds ; up to 13 stone. Breeder, Dr. E. Waller. Bridge Street, Peterborough. Sire, The Muleteer (Vol. XIII. , p. 379), by Mogador. Dam. Flash (45), by Little Jim (Vol, XIII., p. 254), by Man-at- Arms. i:89r Chestnut. F. Glendale (Vol. XIV., p. 361), by Blair Athol. 78 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. MAYBLOSSOM— 811. E. J. Verney, (I.F.S.— Y.C.) Oxford. Bay, small white star. Foaled 1884. Height 15'3. Breeder, Henry Quartermaine, Old Palace Yard, Bicester, Oxon. Sire, Glow-worm (Vol. XII., p. 453), by Y. Melbourne. Dam, Spinaway (H.B.), by General Peel (Vol. XI., p. 301), by Y. Melbourne. G. da77i. Hunting mare. Prod. Colotir. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Chestnut, white F. 1 Mayfly. Herald (Vol. XIV. p. 337), by star. Laueret 1892 Bay, small white C. The Friar. Solus (Vol. XVI., p. 386), by star. Hermit. 1892 -^o^V- Herefordshire Horse Show (2nd J " Mayblossom " is dead; having slipped up in the winter (1892-3) and fractured her pelvis. (See rule 2 page 17). MERRY DUCHESS— 812. Tom Davies, Great House, Doreston, Hereford. Ba2j. Foaled 1892. Height 15-1. PRIZES :— 1892, 1st Hay Horse Show. Breeder, Mrs. E. J. Sherratt, Oclepitchard, Hereford. Sire, Vibration (Vol. XV., p. 235), by Eeverberation. Davi, Brown Bess (25), by Free Trade (Vol. XII., p. 447), by Caractacus. MIDDLETON— 813. W. C. P. Snowden, Hutton Moor, Tliirsk, Yorlis. Bay, scar off knee. Foaled 1869. Height 16. Breeders, Ward Brothers, Middleton, Tbirsk. Sire, President. Dam, by Nigel. 1879 Chestnut. C. ]Middleton.='= Due de Beaufort (Vol. XIV., p. 602), by Ventre Saint Gris. 1881 Chestnut. C. Nigel, t Due de Beaufort (Vol. XIV., p. 602), by Ventre Saint Gris. 1886 Chestnut, scar on near hind thigh. F. Stella (619). Bradgate (Vol. XIII., p. 69), by Cambuscan, dam Cassiope. 1891 Grey. F. Souvenir. Linnaeus (Vol. XV., p. 462), by Strathconan. "-■= Prizes : — 1882, 1st Otley ; 2nd Ripen and Harrogate ; 2nd East of England at Pontefract. t Prizes : — 1882, 1st Ripon and Harrogate ; 1st Slalton ; 1st Great Yorkshire at Halifax. 1883, 1st Otley ; 1st Ripon and Harrogate ; 1st Doncaster ; 1st Stockton ; 1st IMalton. For prizes of Stella (649) sec under registered entiy in Vol. IV. Souvenir was H.C. at the Hunters' Improvement Society's Show in 1893. 1892 — 1893. HUNTEE MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 79 MIDNIGHT— 814. Oiuners. Colonel J. Menzies Clayhills, 66, Chester Square, London, S.W. Brazen, star on forehead. Foaled 1888. Height 15*2. PRIZES :— Hunters' Improvement 1888, 1st Northallerton 1890, 1st Lofthouse. I 1891, H.C ! Society. Breeder, Matthew Welburn, Whitby, Yorks. Sire, Knight Templar (Vol. XIV., p. 310), by The Baron. Dam, Beatrice, by Victor (Vol. X. p. 319), by Vindex. MILKMAID. (404.) (Vols. III. and IV.) Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Brown-chestnut. F. Dairymaid. Kilmarth (Vol. XVI., p. 540), by Master Kildare. 1892 twins (dead.) Kilmarth (Vol. XVI., p. 540), by Master Kildare. 189.3 Brown. c. Cheemaunan (Vol. XIV., p. 267 ; XV., p. 644), by Uncas. The 1890 produce, " Milkboy," has gained the following prizes since the last entry : — 1892, 2nd Cardiff Horse Show : 3rd Newbury Horse Show. (See rule 3 page 17) MINERYA-815. E. M. Sturges, Stanlake Park, Twyford, Berks. Bay, partially white hind feet. Foaled 1881. Height 16 1892 1890, 1st Abingdon Show. 1891, 1st Abingdon Show. 2nd and Gold Medal Hunters' Improvement Society, New- bury Horse Show. 1890 Chestnut, white blaze, near white hind foot. C. Sultan. Limerick (Vol. XVI., p. 464), by Doncaster. 1891 Chestnut, white blaze, near white hind foot. F. Stella. Limerick (Vol. XVI., p. 464), by Doncaster. 1892 Chestnut, wht. blaze, wht stock- ing near hind leg,, wht foot nr fore and white Uiark off foreleg. F. Sybil. Limerick (Vol. XVI., p. 464), by Doncaster. 1893 Bay. F. Sabrina. Ocean Wave (Vol. XV. p. 353), by See Saw. 80 BECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. V. MISS BARTON. (230.) Oioners. (Vols. II., III. and IV.) Charles E. Straker, High Warden, Hexham, Northumberland. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. ' Sire's Nam* and Breeding. 1890 1891 Brown. C. ' Brown. C. Miriield Sensation (Hackney 2187). Mirfield Sensation (Hackney 2187). MISS BRUCE— 816. Charles Watkuis, Wilcroft, Hereford. Bay or broicn. Foaled 1891. Height about 15*3. PRIZES:— 1892 ( J\* Leominster. j ^^^^^ ( 1st Hay. I Breeder, Charles Watkins, Wilcroft, Hereford. Sire, Munchausen (Vol. XIII. p. 446), by Blair Athol. Dam, Prima Donna, by Truant (Vol. XII., p. 168), by Saunterer. G. dam, Actress, by Double X (Vol. XI., p. 467}, by Colonist. G. (J. dam, Columbine (winner of races). MISS DISS— 817. Dudley P. Giles, Higham House, Worlingham, Beccles, Suffolk. Black-broivn, near loliite hind fetlock, silver hairs mane and tail. Foaled about 1880-82. Height 15-1*. PHIZES :— 1892, 1st (Hunting Brood Mares) Halesworth Horse Show. 1892, Commended, Mutford and North Suffolk Agricultural Association. Purchased from Mr. A. H. H. Eden, of Alfreton, Derbyshire; hunted by him : one of three horses that lasted through a run of over two hours with the South Notts Hounds. 1891 Bay, near hind fetlock white. C. The Chancellor. Tom Moody (H.B. Hunter Sire). 1892 Black-brown, near hind fet- F. Ma Belle.- Bombardier (Vol. XIV. p. 150), by Ploughbov. lock white. ■•■ Prize : — 1892, 8rd Halesworth Horse Show. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 81 Oioners. MISS DIXON— 818. Albert Octavius Haslewood, Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Broiim. Foaled 1888. Height 15-3. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares) Buxton Horse Show. Breeder, William Dixon, Cinderbarrow, Zealand, via Carnforth. Sire, Moss Hawk (Vol. XV., p. 489), by Blair Athol. Dam, by Carthusian (Vol. XIII. p. 198), by Beadsman. MISS KHEEN— 819. Cecil Boyle, Picton, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bay. Foaled 1892. PRIZE :— 1893, Premium (£15) Hunters' Improvement Society. Breeder, James Richardson, Claughton Hall, Caton, Lancaster. Sire, Sam Kheen (Vol. XVI., p. 118), by Khamseen. Dam, Bess (689). MISS PRUDENCE— 820. Henry Sanders, Brampton Hill, Chapel Brampton, Northampton. Chestnut. Foaled 1891. i PRIZE : — 1892, Premium, Hunters' Improvement Society. Breeder, Henry Sanders, Brampton Hill, Chapel Brampton, Northampton. Sire, Iceland (Vol. XV., p. 199), by Thunderbolt. Dam, Prudence (630), by Mars. 82 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. MISS ROSCIUS— 821. G. H. Green, Wigmore Grange, Leintwardine, Herefordshire. Bay. Foaled 1886. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1891, 2nd Herefordshire at Kington. 1892 f Reserve, Cardiff Horse Show. ( 1st Kington Horse Show. (1st and Gold Medal, Hunters' 1892 -j Improvement Society, Here- ( fordshire Horse Show Society. Breeder, A. E. Boughton-Knight, Downton Castle, Ludlow, Salop. Sire, Eoscius (Vol. XIV., p. 465), by The Eake. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 1892 Brown. Chestnut. Rosabell. Barrister.- Leinthall (H.B.), by Roscius (Vol. XIV., p. 465), by The Rake. Q.C. (Vol. XVI., p. 61), by Wisdom. ■■'■ Prizes : — 1892, 1st (for foals by Q.C), and 1st (open foal class) Herefordshire Horse Show Society. MOLLY. (Vol. IV.) Thomas Henry Miller, (617.) Oborne, Sherborne, Dorset. PRIZES gained since tlie last Entry : — /2nd East Somerset at Bruton. I 2nd Yeovil. J Premium (free service), Compton 1*^^^ 1 Stud Co. H.C. Sherborne. ^H.C. Bath. 1893 3rd Taunton Horse Show. Reserve and Gold Medal, (Bath Hunters' Improvement -! Horse Society. ( Show. (See rule 3 page 17) MRS. GILFLOREY— 822. \V. Pride Jones, Cleve Lodge, Downend, Glos. Chestnut, white legs. Aged. Height 16*1. PRIZES :— / 1st Gloucestershire at Stroud. 1892- 2nd Badminton. 1st (two) ant^) Sherborne and Gold Medal, gouthofEng- Hunters Im- ^^^^^ ^^^-^ provementSo- g^^^^^_ ciety. ; ^Ist Hereford. 1st Shepton IMallett. 2nd Bath Horse Show. 1892 -j 1st Newbury Horse Shew. 1st Bruton Horse Show. 1st Lord Tredegar's Show. Hunted by the Duke of Beaufort, who rides over 16 stone, several seasons with the Beaufort hounds. 1892 Chestnut, white streak down face ; wh. fet- locks and pas- terns nr. front and nr. hind legs. C. Blue and Buff. The Cob (Vol. XV., p. 404), by Lord Ronald. 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 83 Owners. MRS. GRUNDY (late Bird of Freedom)— 823. E. Fort, The Cottage, Foston, Derby. Chestnut, white blaze down face. Foaled 1878. Height 15'2. PRIZES :— 1890, 3rd (Brood Mares, open class) Elvaston Castle. 1893, Premiunr (three equal premiums given) in Brood Mare class, and Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society, Hoar Cross Horse Show. Ridden in Leicestershire by the Hon. George Lambton, and afterwards by Mrs. Fort in the Meynell country ; up to about 13 stone. Breeder, F. Wilkinson, Green Mile Farm, Eetford, Notts. Sire, Strathconan (Vol. XI., p. 375), by Newminster. Dayn, Tissue, by Eowsham (Vol. XII., p. 284), by King Tom. G. dam. Extract, by Cavendish (Vol. IX., p. 76), by Voltigeur. G.g. dam, Extra Number." '■■ The g.g. dam "Extra Number" was bought by Mr. Wilkinson at Major Elcoon's sale, and was described as by "Confidence," out of " Latest Intelligence " (H.B.), and ran under this pedigree in the North, but it is supposed that she was by " Leopold " (Vol. VII., p. 93), by ( " Phlegon '), out of " Molly " (Vol. IX., p. 255), by " Pantaloon," out of " Industry " (Vol. VL, p. 7), by " Priam," out of "Arachne" (Vol. III., p. 274), by " Fiiho da Puta." This pedigree was given as that of a yearling descended from "Extra Number," sold by the Sturton Stud in 1890. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding, 1887 Bay, blaze. F. Gossip. Xenophon (Vol. XII., p. 495; XIII., p. 559), by Canary. 1889 Grey. h'. Tittle Tattle Downpatrick (Vol. XIII., p. 504), by Master Bagot. 1890 Chestnut. F. (dead), Downpatrick (Vol. XIII., p. 504), by Master Bagot. 1891 Bay. C. Jannock (Vol. XV., p. 502), by Brown Bread. 1892 Chestnut. C. '1- Gordon (Vol. XVI., p. 552), by Herrait. 1893 Bay. c. Jannock (Vol. XV., p. 502), by Brown Bread. ■■= Prize : — 1893, 1st Hoar Cross Horse Show. Her own sister, "Society," foaled 1877, ran on several occasions, and won among other races : — r March 14th, Shipley Hall Steeplechase of £92, Derby Hunt. 1881 - May 2oth, Victoria Plate of £29 at York. [November 14th, Radbourne Hunters' Steex^lechase Plate of £56 17s. at Derby. September 6th, Belvoir Plate of £57 at Leicester. I October 17th, Hunters' Hurdle Plate of £95, Pour Oaks Park. ( February 15th, Doncaster Hunters' Steeplechase Plate of £56 17s. June 2ud, ^^earby Hunters' Plate of £48 at Redcar. (August 21st, Stockton Claret Open Hunters' Stakes of £135. (February 6th, Fitzwilliam Hunters' Hurdle Race of £46 17s. at Doncaster; 1885 j and'again on February 12th, 1886. (March 16th, Kedleston Hunters' Hurdle Race Plate of £96 17s. at Derby. "Farington," " Urio," and " Welcome Jack," now running and winning, are also of this blood, and go back to " Extra Number." 1883 1884- 84 BECOKD OF MAKES AND SIRES. Vol. v. MRS. O'SHEA— 824. 1890, 2nd Spilsby. ( Premium, Hunters' Improvement 1891 J Society. 1: 1st R.A.S.E. at Doncaster, ( 1st Lincolnshire at Brigg. Oxoners. Frank Allen Jeeves, Manor Farm, Fenstanton, St. Ives, Hunts. Bay. Foaled 1890. PRIZES :— 2ad Essex at Romford. 1st & Gold Medal, Hunters' Im- provement So- 1893^ ciety. j 3rd (Tenant Farmers' Norfolk at Norwich. Class) Peterborough. 8rd Huntingdonshire at Hun- tingdon. Breeder, late James Martin, Wainfleet, Lines. Sire, Fabius (Vol. XIII., p. 93 ; XIV., p. 587), by Loiterer. Dam, Home Kule (353), by Minstrel. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Chestnut. C. ''■■ 1 Cavaliero (Vol. XIII., p. 192), by Cambuscan. =- Prize : — 1893, 1st Peterborough. MUSIC— 825. William Walton, Walvendon House, Nelson, Burnley, Lane. Roan, two white hind legs, one fore and near white fetlock. Foaled 1883. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1887, 1st Craven. 2nd Craven. 1st Nelson and Little Marsden. 1st Settle. .IstOtley. 1 1st Craven. 1889- 2nd Worsthorne. 2nd Cliviger. 2nd Padiham. /1st Craven. 1 RQf) J '^^^ Padiham. 1891 1st Vale of Todmorden. (2nd Cliviger. ( 1st Darwen. ( 1st Cliviger. Breeder, Abraham Hagar, Ben Kyddings, Bolton Abbey, Skipion, Yorks. Sire, Best Eeturns (Vol. X., p. 38), by Cavendish. 1891 Chesiuut, dull F. Silver Belle Silver Crown (Vol. XV., p. 382), blaze, and white (884). by Silvester. • fetlock near hind leg. 1892 Bay-roan, black F. Princess Royalty (Vol. XV., p. 86), by mane and tail, (858). Kaiser. white fetlocks both hind legs. 1892—1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 86 MY LADY— 826. (I.F.S.— V.C.) Oicncrs, W. M. Wroughton, Creaton Lodge, Northampton. Bay. Foaled 1885. Height 15-3. Huuted by Mr. H. Chinnery with Whaddon Chase Hounds, season 1891-92 ; formerly by ]\Ir. J. Bunbury ; up to 14 stone. (See rule 2 page 17) NADESHDA. (Vols. III. and IV.) Robert W. Orme, (416.) Owenmore, Crossmolina, Ireland. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Chestnut, white star. Bay, white fetlock. C F. Nabob. Narcotic. Loved One (Vol. XV., p. 365), by See Saw. Lord Rattler (Hackney), by Lord Derby. (See rule 8 page 17) NANCY— 827. (I.F.S.— V.C.) Sir Humphrey F. de Trafford, Bart. Trafford Park, Patricroft, Manchester. Grey. Aged. (See rule 2 page 17) NAUTCH GIRL. (Vol. XVI., p. 315)— 828. John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Haddon, Northampton. Bay. Foaled 1885. Height 16. PRIZES :— /'2nd R.A.S.E. at Chester. -Peterborough, 1893, 1st Northamptonshire. 1st and Gold Medal, ^ 1893 J Hunters' I m provement I Society. Ran second to " Prince Edward " in the New Rule Hunters' Steeplechase at Wolverhampton in 1890 ; beaten by a neck. Breeder, H. Houldsworth, Pilmuir, Torquay, Devon. Sire, CoLTNESs (Vol. XIV., p. 107), by King Tom. Dam, Matilda* (Vol. XIV., p. 559), by Solon. G. dam, Venus (Vol. XI., p. 448), by Gunboat. 1892 Bay. P. Glance Shot. Shotesham (Vol. XVI., p. 491), by Hermit. 1893 Bay. F. Shot Girl. Shotesham (Vol. XVI., p. 491), by Hermit. * " Matilda " is the dam of " Cabin Boy " (winner of many races, 1892 and 1893), by " Jack Tar " (Vol. XV., p. 654), by " Jolly Tar." " Jack Tar " took a Service Premium of the Hunters' Improvement Society in 1885, and Queen's Premiums at Nottingham in 1888 and at Islington in 1890. 86 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. NELL— 829. Oioners. M. Somerville, Urlar, Drumcliffe, co. Sligo. Chestnut, wliite face and off hind leg. Foaled 1889. Height 15i. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st Sligo Agricultural Society. Breeder, M. Somerville, Urlar, Drumcliffe. Sire, Sir George {Vol. XIII., p. 202), by The Baron. Dam, Polly (850), by Nixon's Blazer (H.B.), bv Munster Blazer (H.B.) NELLY BLUEGRASS— 830. J. J. Candlish, Seaham Harbour, co. Durham. Chestnut, ivhite blaze and legs. Foaled 1893. Breeder, J. J. Candlish, Seaham Harbour. Sire, Blue Grass (Vol. XVI., p. 756), by Pat Molloy. Dam, Madge (595). (See rule 4 page 17) NORA— 831. J. W. Budd, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Combe Park, Lynton, N. Devon. Broion, white mark on forehead, white hind Jieel's. Foaled 1879. Height 15-2. Purchased by owner in 1884 ; ridden by him four seasons with the Devon and Somerset and with the Queen's ; up to 13 stone. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Bay, star on fore- head, white streak on nose. C. The Marquis. Beaudesert (Vol. XIV., p. 420) by Sterling. 1891 Chestnut, star on forehead, wh. streak on nose,wh. near hind joint. c. Prince Frederick. George Frederick (Vol. XIII., p. 356), by ]\Iarsyas. (See rule 2 page 17) NORA CREINA— 832. Alfred E. Pease. Pinchinthorpe House, Guisboro', Yorks. Grey, with dark iioints, mane and tail. Foaled 1882. Height 16. RACES WON:— [ House of Commons Steeplechase (£33) at Daventry (from Staverton Hill I to Plecknoe and back) ; and was second for same race at Rugby in 1890. 1Q00 (Cleveland Hunt Club Light Weight Steeplechase, from Seamer to ^^•^■^ "( Rye Hills. Prize-winner in Hunter classes. Bred in co. Cork. 1891 1892—1893. HUNTER MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 87 Oivners. NOVELTY. (Vol. XIII., p. 114 ; XIV., p. 587)— 833. John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Haddon, Northampton. Bay. Foaled 1874. Height 15-3. PRIZE : — 1893, 2nd Nortliamptonsliire at Kettering. RACE WON :— 1879, April 2nd, Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase of £55 at York. Breeder, 'W. E. Bkockton, Farndon, Newark-on-Trent, Notts. Sire, Leybouene (Vol. X., p. 228), by Musjid. Dam, Dolly Vaeden (Vol. XII., p. 189), by Scottish Chief. G. dam. Indemnity (Vol. X., p. 160), by Gladiatoe. Prod, in Coloiu'. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Chestnut. c. Blue Ruin (Vol. XIV., p. 389), by Bluemantle. OFFCHURCH. (Vol. III.) A. Fabling, (422.) Grandborough, Eugby, Warwickshire. 1891 Chestnut. P. Baldur (Vol. XV., p. 164), by Doncaster. 1892 Chestnut. F. Kilmarth (Vol. XVI., p. 540), by Master Kildare. (See rule 3 page 17) OLD BLOOD (late Marie). (Vol. XVI., p. 623)— 835. .John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Haddon, Northampton, Broion. Foaled 1885. Height 15-3. PRIZE :— 1893, 2nd Northamptonshire at Kettering. Breeder, D. Lyons. Sire, TuEco (Vol. XIV., p. 509), by Selim. Dam, Queen of Scots (Vol. XIII., p. 71; XIV., p. 587), by King of Scots. G. dam, Catheeine (Vol. XI., p. 446), by Ivan. 1893 Bay. Punjaub (Vol. XVI., p. 774), by Lord Gough. 88 EECOED OF MABES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. ORPHAN— 835. Samuel Marshall. Manor House, Hickling, Melton Mowbray, Leics. Grey, hroion spots. Foaled 1882. Height 15-3^. PRIZES :— 2nd Oakham. 1889 ' 3rd Elvaston. 2nd Loughborough. 1890, 2nd Melton Mowbray. 1892, 1st Quorn. 1892 ! 1893 J I Reserve, Leicester. / Reserve and Gold \ INIedal, Hunters' [ Nottingham- I m p r o V ement ; shire. i \ Society. ) Hunted one year by owner in Quorn country ; up to 13 st. 7 lbs. Breeder, H. Chandos-Pole-Gell, Hopton Hall, Wirksworth, Derby. Sire, Ethelred (Vol. XII., p. 38), by King Tom. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 Grey. F. Molly Bawn.='= Khamseen (Vol. XIV., p. 241), by Favonius. 1891 Grey. C. Chandos. Blue Blood (Vol. XIIL, p. 275), by King Tom. 1893 Chestnut. P. Mina. Huntingtower (Vol. XVI., p. 391), by Peter. ■'- Race won : — 1893, April 6th, Farmers' Race of £80, IMelton Hunt Steeple chases at Burton. OUR SARAH— 836. James Wallis, Beddington, Croydon, Surrey. Chestmit, white star on forehead. Foaled 1879. Height Ib-lh. AWARD :— 1892, Reserve (Brood Mares) Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties Show. Hunted by owner seven seasons with Surrey Farmers' Stag Hounds ; carrying 12 stone. PANDORA— 837. Walter J. Henman, Caversham, Beading, Berks. Iron-grey. Foaled 1891. ' Breeder, Walter J. Henman, Caversham, Eeading. Sire, EuDDiGORE (Vol. XVI., p. 49 : XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. Dam, Pearl (239). (See rule 4 page 17) 1892 1893. HUNTER MATiF.S AND THEIR PRODUCE. 89 PANSY— 838. Owners. William Dent, High Goosepool, Fighting Cocks, co. Durham. Brou-n. Foaled 1890. Height 15-21. 1891 ; PRIZES ,QQn f2nd Darlington. ^"-^^ "( 2nd Bishopton. /1st Durham County at Cbcster- I le-Street. 1st Gainford. 1 1st Cleveland at Middlesbro'. 1st Darlington. ■^ 2nd Bishopton. 1st Barnard Castle. 2nd Sedgefield. 1st Stokesley. \lst Northallerton. breeder, William Dent, High Goosepool, Fighting Cocks. Sire, Prestonpans (Vol. XIV., p. 35), by Prince Charlie. Dam, Daisy (726), by Prince of Prussia. /"Premium, Hunters' Improvement Society. 2nd Northallerton, -.rjqg 2nd (open class). 1st (tv^fo or three- years-old) Ten- 1- Darlington, ant Farmers' Class. j ^ nqq ( Reserve, Hunters' Improvement ( Society. PEAHEN— 839. (I.F.S.— V.G.) Ernest Chaplin, 24, Chester Street, London, S.W. Batj . Foaled 1876. Height 15-3. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1885 Bay. c. Blankney. Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. Melbourne. 1886 Bay. F. Trousseau. Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. Melbourne. 1887 Bay. F. Peggy. Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. IMelbourne. 1888 Brown. F. Phoebe (622).- Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. Melbourne. 1890 Brown. F. Lion (Vol. XVI., p. 623), by Rostrevor. 1891 Chestnut. c. t Blue Blood (Vol. XIII., p. 275), by King Tom. '''• For Prizes gained by this mare see under registered entry in Vol. IV. I Prize: — 1893 — Premium (and £5 to breeder), Hunters' Improvement Society. (See rule 2 page 17). PEARL. (Vol. II.) Walter J. Henman, (239.) Caversham, Beading, Berks. PRIZES since the last Entry : — 1889, 1st Oxfordshire at Woodstock. | 1889, H.C., R.A.S.E., at Windsor. Up to 14 stone. 1891 ' Iron-grey. F. Pandora (837). , Ruddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49 XVII. , p. 941), by Thurio. (See rule 3 page 17) 90 KECOED OF MAEES AND SIEES. Vol. v. Otvners. PEARL — 850. John C. Harford, Falcondale, Lampeter, Cardiganshire. Grey. Height 15*1. PRIZE :— ^ QQq ( 1st (Hunter Brood Mares) and Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement \ Society, United Counties Hunters' Society at Carmarthen. Uj) to 13 stone. Purchased from Me. H. W. L. Haeford, Oldown, Glos. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Brown. Chestnut. P. F. Rameses (Vol. XVI., p. 189), by Chippendale. Rameses (Vol. XVI., p. 189), by Chippendale. PEGGY DILLON— 851. Ah"red E. Pease, Pinchinthorpe House, Guisboro', Yorks. Grey. Foaled 1883. Height 16. PRIZES : 1892 -{ at\ I As a Hunt- r ing Brood Mare. 1892<; 1889 2nd Stokesley. ,^2nd Loftus. 1st Skelton. ^ 1st C4ainford Horse i Show. 3rd Cleveland a t , Guisbro'. 2nd D a r 1 i ngton • Horse Show. i' 2nd Whitby. | 2nd Wilton and I Lazenby Horse & j Foal Show at | I Normanby. J Bred in co. Tipperary, bought by Mr. Michael Young of Cockermouth, at Cahirmere Fair. As a Hunt ing Brood IMare. / 2nd Durham Co ' Wolsiugham. 2nd Stokesley. (3rd Northallerton. / 1st Skelton. 1st Gainford. 1893 J 2nd Cleveland. 3rd Darlington. ,3rd Loftus. 1892 Chestnut, white blaze. C. Napper Tandy. Syrian (Vol. XII., p. 362), by Mentmore. 1893 Black-grey. P. Dancette. Syrian (Vol. XII., p. 362), by I\Ientmore. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 91 PEPSATIA— 842. O^vners. James Joicey, Poulton Priory, Fairford, Glos. Chestnut, ivliite blaze. Foaled 1891. PRIZES :— 1892, 1st (in yearling class) Lechlade and V. W. H. Show. 1893, H. C., Hunters' Improvement Society. Breeder, James Joicey, Poulton Priory, Fairford. Sire, Peppermint (Vol. XV., p. 302), by Camballo. Da7n, Astasia (680). PETTICOAT— 843. Broion. -iQM fist (Brood Mares in foal) Newark (Reserve, R.A.S.E. at Doncaster. Frank B. Wilkinson, Blytli Spital, Eotherham, Yorks. Foaled 1887. Height 16. PRIZES :— Reserve and Gold'j Medal, Hunters' i t • ^ i • T™ i. r ijincolnsnire. Impirov e m e n 1 1 Society. 1891 1 3rd Peterborough. Breeder, Charles Claeke, Ashby-de-la-Launde, Lincoln. Sire, Outfit (Vol. XII., p. 436), by Y. Melbourne. Dam (Hunting mare), by Y. Voltigeur (Vol. X., p. 341), by Vol- tigeur. I'^od. Colour. 1 Sex. in 1 Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 1891 Bay. Bay. C. F. Nightgown.* Salisbury (Vol. XV., p. 251), by John Davis. Salisbury (Vol. XV., p. 251), by John Davis. Award : 1892, Reserve, Hunters' Improvement Society. PHILLIS— 8M. W. T. Trench, Eedwood, Lorrha, co. Tipperary. Bay. Foaled 1884. Height 15-1. PRIZE :— 1893, 1st (Hunting Brood Mares) North Tipperary Farming Society. Breeder, W. T. Trench, Eedwood, Lorrha. Sire, Brother to Strafford (Vol. X., p. 129), by Y. Melbourne. The dam was bought in Ireland from Lord Pitzwilliam in 187G, breeding unknown. She carried one of the whips of the Ormond Hunt for three seasons. 1893 Bay. St. Liz (Vol. XIII., p. 194), by Y. Melbourne. 92 EECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. V, Otvners. PHYLLIS— 845. John Hick, (V.C.) Mytton Hall, Whalley, Blackburn, Lane. Chestnut, loihte mark down face, 2vhitefeet. Foaled 1878. Height 15 -31. PRIZES :— 1878 1879 1880 -, 1881 2na Whalley. Special Cup (for bestj foal likely to make' ^,.., „ TT i. ■; r Cliiherc a Hunter). 2nd. J list Harwood. 1 1st Padiham. ] 1st Whalley. I (ist Clitheroe. With the exception mentioned above all awards were gained in road and field classes. Breeder, Thomas Holden, Nethertown, Whalley, Blackburn. 1st Harwood. 1st Padiham. 1st Whalley. (_2nd Clitheroe. ^H.C. Royal Manchester, Liver- J pool and North Lancashire at I Blackburn. J'fO'i. 1 Colour. m 1 Sex. j Name of Produce. | Sire's Name and Breediug. 1883 1885 Black, wh. streak down face, wh. hind feet. Black. C. C. Clitheroe. '•■ Foston. Volunteer (Hackney), by Young Pretender. Foston Fireaway (Hackney), by Triffit's Fireaway. ■•'• Prize : — 1883, Special Cup for best foal likely to make a Hunter, Clitheroe. It is interesting to note that the mare and her 1883 produce gained respectively as foals the cup offered at Clitheroe for the best foal likely to make a Hunter. PIN WIRE -846. Charles E. Straker, High Warden, Hexham, Noithuniberland. Bay, wliite near fore leg. Foaled 1880. Height IG-^inch. PRIZES :— i 2nd Gainford. 1881 1st Middleton-on-Tees. ( 2nd Thirsk. fist ]\Ialton and Appleton. 1st Great Yorkshire at Hull. 1882 \ 1st Cleveland. I 2nd Richmond, Yorks. list Crook. 1883 '2nd Darlington. 1st Gainford. 2nd Barnard Castle.' j 2nd Northallerton. 1st Bishop Auckland, list Great Yorkshire. 1884, 1st Bishop Auckland. Hunted nine seasons in Northumberland and Yorkshire by owner. Breeder, Michael Eaw, Piercebridge, Darlington, co. Durham. Sire, East Coast (Vol. XII., p. 459), by Mildew, 1892 1893. HUNTER BIABES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 93 PLAY GIRL— 847. Owners. Colonel J. Menzies Clayhills, 66, Chester Square, London, S.W. Broion, icliite star on foreliead. Foaled 1882, Height 16. PRIZES:— 100. '1st (two-year-old fillies) ^^n -j-i 188 Jr 1 ■ ^TT -i • 1 ,- Wnitby in Huntins^ class. ■^ I 2nd. (two-year-old Hunting fillies) 1884 \ South Durham and North York- I shire Horse Show at Darlington Breeder, David Smallwood, Whitby, Yorks. Sire, King George, by George Osbaldeston (Vol. XII., p. 93), by Cameuino. Dam, Hunting mare. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay. G. Hamlet. Lord Smeaton (Yorkshire Coach Horse), by Brilliant. 1893 Brown. F. i Lady Mary. Young Ottoman, by Ottoman (Hackney). POLLY. (Vol. IV.) (626.) William James, Hall Mills, Workington, Cumberland. I8yi Chestnut, white face, wh. near fore and off hind legs, wh. mark on side. C. Blue Grass (Vol. XVI. by Pat MoUoy. p. 756), 1892 Chestnut, white face, white nr. fore and off hind legs. P. Friar Rush (Vol. XIV. by Hermit. p. 167), (See rule 3 page 17) POLLY— 848. Edmund Potter, Sawrey Kuotts, Windermere, Westmoreland. BroiLii. Aged. Height 16*1. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st (Hunter Brood Mares) Hawkshead. Breeder, — ^. Willan, The High, Winster, Westmoreland. Sire, Orville (H.B.). Davi, by Smuggler (Cleveland Bay). 94 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. POLLY— 849. Oioners. George Priestner, Old Mill Farm, Whitley, Northwich, Cheshire. Chestnut, xvliite strij^e in face. Foaled 1869. Height 15'2. 1890, 3rd Warrington. ] Hunter 1891, 2nd Walton Park, War- ]- Brood rington. ) ilares. (^'MaSr*''' ^'■°°^) Cheshire 1892 \ Special Cup. Gold IMedal, Hunters' I . , T io • i rnigton. I Improvementbociety. at War- Hunted by owner with the North Cheshire Hounds ; up to 15 stone. Thisjmare has been breeding sixteen years. Prod, in T889^ 1892 Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Bay, white star, | P. white hind foot. j Bay, white star, F. white hind foot. I Sire's Name and Breeding. Angeli- (679). I Michael Angelo (Vol. XIII., p. I 215), by The Baron. Angela- (678;. i Michael Angelo (Vol. XIII., p. ! 215), by The Baron. -•'■ For Prizes won in Hunter classes see under registered entries. POLLY— 850. M. Somerville, Urlar, Drumcliffe, co. Sligo. Bay. Foaled 1877. IJeight 15i. PRIZE :— 1882, 2nd Sligo Agricultural Society. Breeder, S. Shaw, Ballinagallagh, Drumcliffe. Sire, Nixon's Blazer (H.B.), by Munster Blazer (H.B.) 1889 chestnut, white face and off hind leg. Nell- (829). Sir George (Vol. XIII., p. 202), by The Baron. ■•• For Prize see under registered entry. POLLY— 851. C. W. E. Stokes, (V.C.) 6, Croft Terrace, Tenby, South Wales. Bright chestnut, three white stockings. Foaled 1890. Height 15-2^ PRIZE : — 1893, 1st United Counties Hunters' Society at Carmarthen. Breeder, John Hire, HaiToldston Mountain, Portfield Gate, Haverfordwest, South Wales. Sire, Princecraft (Vol. XV., p. 217), by Kingcraft. Dam, by Brigand (Vol. XIII., p. 345), by Lacydes. G. dam, by St. David's (Vol. IV., p. 27), by Doctor Faustus. 1892 1893. HUNTER MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE, 95 POLLY DISTIN— 852. Oiu7ie7's. Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, K.T., Easton Park, Wickham Market, Suffolk. Bay, few ivliito Jiairs on forehead, ivhite dot on nose, near liind fetlock lohitc. Foaled 1881. Height 15-3. PEIZES :— nst (weight-carrying Hunter Brood Mares). | g^^^^j^ ^^ ^ g^_ 1892.1 Special (best Hunter \n show). |- Edmunds I Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society, j (ist Essex at Harlow. RACES WON:— ,„„„ jMay 12th, Farmers' and Tradesmen's Plate (Hurdle) (£20) at Worcester. ■^^°° ( May 20th, Hunters' Hurdle Race (£27) at Bromyard. Hunted in Cumberland, and four seasons with the Duke of Hamilton's Harriers in Suffolk. Ppd. Coloiu-. in Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Bay. 1892 Bay, white star on forehead and nose. C. C. Xenophon (Vol. XII., p. 495; XII [., p. 559), by Canary. Dog Rose (Vol. XV., p. 188), by See Saw. PRETTY FACE 11—853. J. P. Petch, Liverton, Loftus, Yorks. Foaled 1891. 1891 1892 ( 1st Skelton 1st Loftus. ' 1st I ( Special ) ( 1st Loftus. ( 1st Gainford. Cleveland at INIiddlesbro'. Baijy white mark in face. PRIZES :— 1st Cleveland at Guisboro'. Reserve, Great Yorkshire at Mid- dlesbro'. 1st Whitby. 1892<; 1st Castleton. 2nd Sedgefield. 1st Henderwell. 2ud Bishop Auckland. VSrd Stokesley. Breeder, Egbert Waller Stevenson, Trout Hall, Skelton-in- Cleveland, Yorks. Sire, Bonap.\rte (Vol XIV., p. 55), by Rosicrucian. Dam, Castaway (711), by Eaby (Vol. XIII., p. 374), by Arthur Wellesley. 96 KECOKD OF MAEES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivjiers. PRINCESS. (Vol. IV.) C. E. Bruce Fry, (629.) Mollington, Banbury, Oxon. Broion. Height 15'3i. ..nqo f2nd Oxfordshire at Bicester ■^'^^•^ (V.H.C., Peterborough. PRIZES since the last Entry :— 1st & Gold Medal, \ Bath and Hunters' Im- ' West of Eng- p r o V e ni e n 1 1 land at 1893- Society. j 3rd Warwickshire. \lst Banbury. Gloucester. Up to IG stone. Prod. in Coloiu-. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Brown. \ P. Brunette. Lifeboat (Vol. XVI., pp. 160 and 768), by Zeal. The 1891 filly, entered under mare in Vol. IV., is called " Bexhill." (See rule 3 page 17) PRINCESS— 855. Mrs. J. E. Piatt, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Bruntwood, Cheadle, Cheshire. Blacli-hroicn, small icliitc star in forehead . Aged. Height 15-3. 1892 I Black-brown. C. 1 Crown Princess. Silver Crown (Vol. XV., p. 382), by Silvester. (See rule 2 page 17) PRINCESS— 855. Captain W. Partridge, The Coppice, Eoss, Herefordshire. Black, lohite on both hind feet. Focded 1886. Height 16-1. PKIZE:— 18U1, Ross Horse Show. Hunted with the South Hereford Foxhounds and Ross Harriers. Breeder, — Fare, Cracks Hill, Much Dewchurch, Hereford. Sire, Prince Zeno. 1891 i Black, white on face and white near fore foot and hind feet. P. ! Oakapple. Ambergris (Vol. XVI., p. 504) by Rugby. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 97 Owners. PRINCESS— 856. E. N. Stranger, Ilolsworthy, Devon. Brown, white star and liind socles. Foaled 1886. Height 15-2. Breeder, H. Shutter, Silverlake Farm, Sherbc>iae, Dorset. Sire, King Crafty (Vol. XV., p. 478), by Kingcraft. Dam, Polly (H.B.), by Hercules. Prod. ColoiA. Sex. I Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Chestnut, white star and sock near hind leg. Blue Blood,- Ruddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49 XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. Prizes : — 1891, 1st Bath and West of England ; 1st Royal Cornwall 1st Holsworthy. PRINCESS— 867. Frank Allen Jeeves, Manor Farm, Fenstanton, St. Ives, Hunts. Brown. Foaled 1891. PRIZES :— 1893, 2nd Essex at Romford. | 1893, 1st Huntingdonshire at Huntingdon. Breeder, Frank Allen Jeeves, Manor Farm, Fenstanton, St. Ives. Sire, Second Attempt (Vol. XVI., p. 129), by Victor Chief. Dam, Lady (374). PRINCESS— 858. William Walton, Walvendon House, Nelson, Burnley, Lane. Bay-roan, black mane and tail, white fetlocks both hind legs. Foaled 1892. Breeder, William Walton, Walvendon House, Nelson, Burnley. Sire, EoYALTY (Vol. XV., p. 86), by Kaiser. Dam, Music (825), by Best Returns (Vol. X., p. 38), by Cavendish. (See rule 4 page 17) 98 EECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. VoL. V. Owners. PRINCESS HELENA— 859. Frederick Blenkin, Burstwick Old Hall, Hull, Yorks. Broion. Foaled 1887. Height 15-31. PRIZES :— 1888, 2nd Holderness. 1890, 2nd Holderness. I 2nd and Gold Medal,) 1892 j Hunters' Improve- ,-Doncaster. I ment Society. j Breeder, Frederick Blenkin, Burstwick Old Hall, Hull. Sire, Tally Ho (Vol. XIII., p. 115 ; XIV., p. 641), by PlouCxHboy. Dam, Empress (743J, by Theobald (Vol. XI., p. 340), by Stockwell. QUEEN MARY— 860. L. B. Whittingham, Llandrinio Hall, Oswestry, Salop. Chestnut, blaze, white fetlock. Foaled 1885. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1887, 2nd (two-year-old Hunter colt or filly) Oswestry District Show. 1888, Commended, West Midland at Shrewsbury. Ran second in Grand Wynnstay Steeplechase at Bangor in 1889 ; and second in Llandrinio Steeplechase Plate in 1891. Hunted by owner with Sir Watkin Wynn's Foxhounds and Tanat Side Harriers ; up to 15 stone. Breeder, L. B. Whittingham, Llandrinio Hall, Oswestry. Sire, Usurper (Vol. XV., p. 376), by Kingcraft. Dam, Mary Stuart * (foaled in 1873), by Ellangowan (Vol. X., p. 212), by Marsyas. G. dam, by Eclipse, by Faugh-a-Ballagh, out of Miniature (Vol. VII., p. 97), by Teniers. G. g. dam, by Hazelnut (Vol. VII., p. 83), by Nutwith. G. g. g. dam, by The Steamer (Vol. IV., p. 254), by Emilius. G. g. g. g. dam, Well-bred Grey Mare, pedigree unknown ; supposed to be thoroughbred. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 ; Chestnut. 1 F. Spahi (Vol. XVI., p. 608j, by Ben Battle. * The dam " ]\Iary Stuart," ran on IMarch 14th, 1878, forthe Farmers' Plate, at Welshpool, a dead heat with Mr. Lloyd's " Duchess" ; and in the deciding course though beating " Duchess" by a neck, was disqualified through going the wrong side of a post ; in 1880 she won the Farmers' Plate of £25 at Welshpool, having run third for this race in 1879 ; she was second on April 2nd, 1878, for the United Hunt Cup at Baschurch, and in the same year second for the Combcrmcrc Steeple- chase ; while in 1882 she ran second to " Virniew" in the Welshpool Welter Race. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 99 Oioners. QUEEN OF THE MAY— 861. John Dickenson, Woodend Farm, Kildale, Grosmont, E.S.O., Yorks. Bay, wliite face and near hind foot. Foaled 1891. Height 15-2. PEIZES :— rist Kildale Foal Show. 1st Whitby. 1st Danby at Castleton. 1891 { 1st Wilton and Lazenby. 1st Sedgefield. 2nd Stokesley. _lst Northallerton. r Premium, Hunters' Improvement I Society. 1892 -; 1st Great Yorkshire at IMiddlesbro'. 1st Stokesley. \ 1st Northallerton. Premium, Hunters' Improve- ment Society. 2nd E.A.S.E. at Chester. 1st Malton. 1st Cleveland. 1893-<; 1st South Durham and North Yorkshire Horse Show at Darlington. 2nd Great Yorkshire at Dewsbury. 1st Sedgefield. ^Ist Whitby. Breeder, John Dickenson, Woodend Farm, Kildale, Grosmont. Sire, Omega (Vol. XIII., p. 239), by Knight of the Garter. Da,m, Blossom (694), by Baron Cavendish (Vol. XI., p. 408), by Cavendish. QUEENIE— 862. Edward Van Brabant, (I.F.S.— V.C.) 195, Buckingham Palace Eoad, London, S.W. Brown, white hind feet. Foaled 1881. Height 14-2. Bought at Tattersall's by Mr. Quickfall, Davies Street, in 1887, and since that time in possession of present owner. Raced carrying 11 stone 7 lbs., and could carry 12 stone through a whole day's hunting. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 1 Brown. 1891 : Black. P. P. Lady Florence. Clonakilt (717). Robin (Hackney). Statesman (H.B.). (See rule 2 page 17) RANSKBOROUGH— 863. Gilbert Greenall, Jun., Walton Hall, Warrington, Cheshire. Broivn. Aged. Height 15"3. PRIZES :— j 3rd and Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society, Royal Manchester, -.onc) 1 Liverpool and North Lancashire at Liverpool. - "\ 1st Cheshire at Warrington, (ist Birkenhead. Breeder, — Coleman, Long Clawson, Melton Mowbray, Leics. Sire, New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars. Da7n, Head or Tails (H.B.), by Sir Hercules (Vol. V., p. 96), by Whalebone. 1892 Brown, white star. Philo. Herculean Chief (Vol. XVI., p. .8.54), by Childeric. 100 RECORD OP MARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. Owners. RASCHIDA. (Vols. II., III. and IV.) Hon. E. Dillon, (256.) Shipton Lodge, Shipton-uuder-Wychwood, Oxon. Breeder, Hugh S. Charrington, Dove Cliff, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. (Correction of breeder's address). RHEA. (Vols. III. and IV.) Major-General Jago-Trelawny, (449.) Coldrenick, Liskeard, Cornwall. PRIZE since the last Entry : — 1892, 2nd (Mares and foals) Liskeard Agricultural Association. Breeder, late Charles Trelawny, Coldrenick, Liskeard. Sire, Pearlfinder (Vol. XII., p. 344), by Marsyas. Dam, Florence, by Hazard (Vol. VIII., p. 37; IX., p. 444), by St. Lawrence. G. dam, Proserpine (black, foaled April 28th, 1853), by Mayboy (H.B.), by Wait-a-While. G. g. dam, Tiny, by Master Eobert, by Eembrandt. (Additional pedigree.) Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Chestnut. F. Belladonna. Blood Red (Vol. X^ I., pp. 47 and G49), by See Saw. (See rule 3 page 17) ROSY. (Vols. III. and IV.) Major-General Jago-Trelawny, (451.) Coldrenick, Liskeard, Cornwall. AWARD since the last Entry: — 1892, Reserve (Mares and foals), Launceston Agricultural Association. Breeder, late Charles Trelawny, Coldrenick, Lisiceard. Sire, Hot Shot (Vol. X., p. 428), by Artillery. Dam, Florence, by Hazard (Vol. VIII., p. 37), by St. Lawrence. G. dam, Proserpine (black, foaled x\pril 28th, 1853), by JNIayboy (H.B.), by Wait-a- While. G. g. dam. Tiny, by Master Robert, by Rembrandt. 1892 Chestnut. Winnie. Blood Red (Vol. XVI., pp. 47 and 649), by See Saw. The 1889 produce: — " The Pope" was awarded the following prizes in 1892 — 1st Exeter Horse Show ; 1st Launceston Agricultural Show (in three-year-old class). (See rule 3 page 17) 1892—1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 101 RUBY— 864.. ^ Oiuners. John Eobson, Newton, Bellingham, Northumberland. Bay. Foaled 1881. Height 15-2i. PEIZES :— 1891, 1st (Brood mares) Edinburgh. (' 1st and Gold INIedal, ) -vy i.i 1 ono Tj i > T Nortnum- 1892 T Hunters Improve- ^ i , i Imprc ment Society. berland. -. Qq.j f 1st Tyneside at Hexham. 1 1st Coquetdale. Ran second on April 30th, 1886, for Subalterns' Challenge Cup, 16th Lancers, at Baldoyle, and second on May 3rd, 1888, for Louth Military Cup, while in same year was third for Chargers' Plate at the Curragh. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Bay. F. Emerald. Ascetic (Vol. XIII. p. 215), by Hermit. 1892 Brown, grey hairs. F. The Gem. Claremont (Vol. XIII., p. 89), by Blair Athol. 189S Bay. F. Holystone. Theologian (Vol. XV., p. 559), by Uncas. RUBY— 865. S. A. Hiscock North Hays Farm, Motcombe, Dorset Brown. Foaled 1888. Height 15-2. PRIZES :— 1889, 2nd Gillingham. ,QQ-i ( 1st Compton Stud Co. ( Reserve, Shaftesbury. Breeder, James Loddeb, Kingsmill, Marnhull, Blandford, Dorset. Sire, Guerdon (Vol. XIV., p. 95; XVI., p. 759), by Eestitution. 1891 Brown. C. Jack Tar. Ruddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49; XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. RUSHLIGHT. (Vols. III. and IV.) St. George Littledale, (453.) Wickhill House, Bracknell, Berks. Bay, white blaze on face. Height 15*3. 1892 j Bay, white blaze on face. VesjDer. Roswal (Vol. XVI., p. 209), by Kisber. (See rule 3 page 17) 102 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. SAFFRON— 866. f Oivners. Alfred E. Pease, Pinchinthorpe House, Guisboro', Yorks. Chestnut, ivhite blase. Foaled 1891. 1891 PRIZES:— f 2nd. Lof tus at Lof tus-in-Cleveland t 2nd Cleveland at IMiddlesbro'. (Premium, Hunters' Improvement 1892 -j Society. 1st Skelton. (Snd Lof tus. 1892 -: 2nd Durham Co. at Wolsingham. ( 2nd Whitby. Breeder, Alfred E. Pease, Pinchinthorpe House, Guisboro'. Sire, Syrian (Vol. XII., p. 362), by Mentmore. Dam, Queen Mab (251). ST. KATHERINE— 867. William James, Hall Mills, "Workington, Cumberland. Brown, lohite off hind fool. Foaled 1881. Height 16. PRIZES :— (1st Whitehaven. 1892 ] 2nd Silloth. (ist Cumberland Hunt at Penrith. Bred and hunted in Ireland. 1892 2nd Penrith. 1st Loweswater. SALLY— 868. W. T. Trench, Redwood, Lorrha, Co. Tipperary. Brown. Foaled 1882. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1891, 1st (Hunting Brood Mares) North Tipperary Farming Society. Breeder, Thomas Eeidy, Latteragh, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Sire, Brother to Strafford (Vol. X. p. 129), by Y. Melbourne. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 1893 Brown. Bay. F. F. Lisette (793). - St. Liz (Vol. XIII., p. 194), by Y. Melbourne. St. Liz (Vol XIII., p. 194), by Y. Melbourne. '''• For Prizes see under registered eiitrj'. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 103 SALLY— 869. Oioncrs. Thomas Newton, Newton, Carnforth, Lane. Bay. Foaled 1884. Height 16. PRIZES :— 1SS5, 1st Settle. 1886, 2nd Settle. 1887, 1st Settle. 1892, 2nd (for collection) Lancaster. Breeder, Thomas Newton, Newton, Carnforth. Sire, Westerhall (Vol. XII., p. 177), by Laughing Stock. Dam, Sally (Huntress), by Smuggler (Vol. XII., p. 395 ; XIV., p. 586), by Chevalier d'Industrie. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 Bay, blk. points. C. Premier."- Carthusian (Vol. XIII., p. 198), by Beadsman. 1891 Black. C. Chancellor. Carthusian (Vol. XIII., p. 198), by Beadsman. 1892 Chestnut, white blaze, white hind fetlocks. c. Statesman.! Carthusian (Vol. XIII., p. 198), by Beadsman. ■■ Prizes :— 1889, 1st Kirkby Lonsdale, 1st Settle ; 1890, 1st Kirkby Lonsdale ; 1891, 1st Llilnthorpe. t Prizes : — 1892, 1st Lancaster, 1st Kirkby Lonsdale, 2nd Milnthorpe. SALLY— 870. Captain Charles L. A. Skinner, (I.F.S.— V.C.) The Chantry, Ipswich, Suffolk. Iron grey, black points. Foaled IQSQ. Height Ib''^. Breeder, William Cripps, Amney Crucis, Fairford, Glos. Sire, Believed to be a Cart Stallion. Davi, An Arab Mare (pedigree unknown). 1891 Brown, black points, white heel. C. Sultan. Potentate (Vol. XIII., King o' Scots. p. 119), by 1892 Bay, streaked tail. F. Spicebox. Peppermint (Vol. XV by Camballo. ., p. 302), (See rule 2 page 17) 104 BECOKD OP MARES AND SIEES. Vol. v. SALLY BRASS— 871. Oiciiers. S. Lee Smith, Larkfield, Maidstone, Kent. Black, small icliite star. Foaled 1889. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1893, 3rd Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties' Show. Breeder, S. Lee Smith, Larkfield, Maidstone. Sire, QuEENBOROUGH (Vol. XV., p. 229), by Queen's Messenger. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1893 Black, star on forehead, near hind fetlock white. P. Cedar (Vol. XVI., p. 20), by Discord or Silvester. SALLY WATERS— 872. Abram Dennison, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Langham, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Grey, tvhite socks. Foaled 1890. Height 15-2. Breeder, Abram Dennison, Langham, Bury St. Edmunds. Sii-e, Poplar (Vol. XVL, p. 148), by Plebeian or Bertram. Dam, Lucy Glitters, by Matchless Hercules. G. dam, Kose. ^—— (See rule 2 i^age 17) SCANTY. (Vol. IV.) Lord Middleton, (646.) Biidsall House, York. Bay, lohite strip doivnface and lohite off hind heel. Height 15'3^. 1893 Gordon (Vol. XVI., p. 552), by Hermit. (See rule 3 page 17) SCARLET— 873. Chestnut. Gilbert Greenall, -Tun., Walton Hall, Warrington, Cheshire. Foaled 1886. Height 16. 1891 1892 PRIZES Premium, Hunters' Improvement Society. ( 1st Elvaston Castle. (2nd R.A.S.E. at Warwick. 1892 \ Reserve, Great Yorkshire at ( Middlesbro'. Breeder, Colonel Grimston, Beverley, Sire, Lambton (Vol. XV., p. 87; XVL, ('2nd Cheshire at Warrington. \ 3rd Bath Horse Show, (ist Altrincham. Yorks. • p. 761), by Mr. Winkle. 1892 j Chestnut, white blaze, three wliite feet. Miss Langlands. Conductor (Vol. XIV., p. 20), by Y. Trumpeter. 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 105 SCARLET RUNNER— 874. Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, Ayr, N.B. Chestnut. Foaled 1879. Height 16. Was sold by breeder to P. Conry, Raheen, Elphin, from whom the mare was purchased by I\Ir. J. Daly, of Liffey Bank, Dublin, from whom she passed into the possession of the present owner, who hunted her five years in Ayrshire ; up to 18 stone. Breeder, Luke J. Irwin, Raheen, Elphin, co. Roscommon. Sire, Will Scarlett (Vol. IX., p. 156), by Safeguard. Dam, by Yorkminster (Vol. IX., p. 30), by Newminster. G. davi, by The Primate (Vol. X., p. 100), by St. Albans. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 Black, blaze and hind feet white. •P. Scathe- (875). Athehng (Vol. XV., pp. 217 and 650), by Sterling. 1891 Chestnut, blaze and near hind foot white. F. Scorn- (876). Coltness (Vol. XIII. p. 99), by King Tom. 1893 Brown, white star. C. Passe-par-tout (Vol. XVI., p. 642), by Baliol. ■''- For Prizes see under registered entries. "Nannie Scarlet," foaled in 1878, full sister to "Scarlet Runner," won the^ following races : — (April 29th, Railway Plate (£48 10s.), Meath Hunt. 188 I -, July 16th, Free Handicap Plate (£44) at Bellewstown. (August 31st, Stewards' Handicap Plate (£31) at Tuam. (April 29th, Ballyangau Plate Handicap (£40) I . ^^ - '^ I April 30th, Lecale Plate Handicap (£78) ) ^°- -^"^"• (August 2nd, Summer Handicap Plate (£29 10s.) at Mullingar. 1886 - September 28th, Tramore Welter Handicap Steeplechase (£59) at Water- ford and Tramore. SCATHE— 875. ' Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, Ayr, N.B.^ Black, blaze and hind feet white. Foaled 1890. Height 15-2. PRIZES :— 1891, 1st Ayr. j 1892, 1st Kilmarnock. 1892, 1st Ayr. | 1893, 1st Ayr. Breeder, Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, Ayr. Sire, Atheling (Vol. XV., pp. 217 and 650), by Sterling. Dain, Scarlet Runner (874), by Will Scarlett (Vol. IX., p. 156), by Safeguard. 106 EECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. VoL. V. Owners. SCORN— 876. Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, Ayr, N.B. Chestnut, blaze and near hind foot white. Foaled 1891. Height 15'2. 1892, 3rd Ayr. PRIZES :— 1893, 1st and Silver Cup for best exhibit in the five Hunter Classes, Kilmarnock. Breeder, Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, Ayr. Sire, CoLTNESs (Vol. XIII., p. 99), by King Tom. Dam, Scarlet Eunner (874), by Will Scarlett (Vol. IX., p. 156), by Safeguard. SEABREEZE— 877. W. M. Wroughton, (I.F.S. — V.C.) Creaton Lodge, Northampton. Broion. Foaled 1883, Height 16. Hunted by owner with the Pytchley Hounds, season 1889-90 ; former]}- by 3Ir. A. Mackenzie ; up to 14 stone. Prod. in Colour. 1 Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 , Brown. 1 C. Potentate (Vol. XIII., p. 119), by King o' Scots. (See rule 2 page 17) SEAGULL— 878. Colonel Hon. Frederic C. Morgan, M.P., (I.F.S. — V C.) Ruperra Castle, Newport, Men. Bay, star and snip, ivhite hind coronets. Foaled 1877. Heiglit 15-3. 1888 Bay. C. Sea Kale.* Soulouque (Vol. XIV., p. 557), by Roman Bee. 1893 Bay. h\ Somerton (Vol. XV., p. 458), by Hampton. * Prizes :— 1891, 3rd Cardiff; 1st Newport (Mon.). 1892, 1st R.A.S.E. at Warwick; 1st and Champion, Bath and West of England at Swansea; 1st Peterborough ; 2nd ]\Iarket Harborough ; 2nd ^liddlesborough ; 3rd Cardiff ; 1st Bath. 1893, 1st and Champion, Oxfordshire at Bicester ; 1st R.A.S.E., at Chester ; 1st and Champion, Peterborough ; 1st and Champion Cardiff. ,gee niie 2 page 17) SEAWEED— 879. James Christy, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. Bay, small star in forehead, white near hind foot. Foaled 1892. PRIZES:— ( 2nd Suffolk at Bury St. Edmunds. \ with dam in 1892 -; Reserve, Essex at Harlow. j- Hunting Mares and ( 2nd Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties, j foals' class. Breeder, James Christy, Writtle, Chelmsford. Sire, Pearl Diver (Vol. XV., p. 472), by Master Kildare. Dam, Narcissus (619), by Eingleader (Vol. XV., p. 136), by Adventurer. 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 107 Owners. SHAMROCK— 880. Sir Douglas Brooke, Bart, Colebrooke, Brookeboro', co. Fermanagh. Chestnut. Foaled 1884. Height 15-3. AWARD :— 1892, H.C. (Hunter Brood IMares with foals at foot) Enniskillen Agricultural Show. Breeder, A. J. Wheeler, Army and Navy Club, S.W. Sire, Privateer (Vol. XIV., p. 249), by Adventurer. Prod, in Coloiir. Sex. j Name of Produce. | Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Chestnut. 1 F. Bridget. i Bonanza (Vol. XVI., p. 120), by Sterling. SHAMROCK— 881. Capt. J. Pliipps Hornby, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Sandley House, Gillingham, Dorset. Bay, icliite star on forehead, white off hind foot. Foaled 1885. Height 15-2. AWARDS :— 1892, H.C, Sherborne. | 1892, H.C, Compton Stud Co.'s Show. Breeder, Lord Cholmondeley. Sire, Speculation (Vol. XII., p. 461), by x\dventurek. Da7n, (H.B.), by Young Arthur (Vol. XIL, p. 305), by Vedette. 1891 Bay. F. Truestone. Reverberation (Vol. Xli., p. 166), by Thunderbolt. 1892 Bay. C. Gold Dust. Gilderoy, late Policy (Vol. XIV., p. 195), by Pell Mell. (See rule 2 page 17) SHAVINGS— 882. W. G. Wheeldon, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Friar Gate, Derby. Bay, star, black points. Foaled 1883. Height about 16. Hunted by Mr. R. R. Young with the Holderness two seasons, carrying 12 stone ; considered by Hunters' Improvement Society's Inspector as up to 14 stone. Breeder, George Hudson, Londesborough, Market Weighton, Yorks Sire, Eandolph (Hackney). Dam, by Vulcan (Steeplechaser). " Vulcan " won many steeplechases, and was owned by Mr. Clark, Hook, Howden, Yorks. (See rule 2 pngc 17) 108 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Owners. SHROPSHIRE GIRL— 883. Eichard Meredifh, Carnbwl, Llandisilio, Llanymynech, Salop. Bay. Foaled 1874. Height 17. PRIZES:— 1888, 2ncl ) 1889, 1st I- Oswestry District Show. 1890 -f "'"^* ' ( 1st Welshpool Horse Show. ^„f,-, ( 1st Oswestry District Show. ^^•^^ \ 1st Welshpool Horse Show. 1892 -^ 1st and Gold Medal, Hunters" Improvement Society, Shrop- shire and West Midland. 1 1st Royal Manchester, Liver- ) pool and North Lancashire. ' 1st Oswestry District Show. As a Hunter Brood Mare and foal. RACES :— -.QrjQ (March 25th. — Red Coat Steeplechase (£40) at Baschurch. ■'-^''^ \ April 2.5th.— Red Coat Steeplechase (.1;,50) at Bangor. On the same day, April 2.5th, she was second in the Bryn-y-Pys Steeplechase, and was also second on two other occasions in 1879. Breeder, Richard Meredith, Carnbwl, Llandisilio, Llanymynech. Sire, New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars. Dam, Mrs. Laird, by Sawcutter (Vol. IX., p. 357), by Idle Boy. G. dam, Bay mare brought into this country by Mr. Garrett Moore. Prod, in Coloiu'. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1881 Bay. C. Chance. Quits (Vol. XIII., p. 469), by Restitution. 1882 Bay. C. Hazard. Quits (Vol. XIII. , p. 469), by Restitution. 1883 — F. (dead). Quits (Vol. XIII., p. 469), by Restitution. 1888 Grey. C. Linnseus (Vol. XV., p. 462), by Strathconan. 1889 Chestnut. P. Maid of Tanatt.* (805). Stechford (Vol. XV., p. 470), by Sterling. 1890 Chestnut. C. t Albert Victor (Vol. XIII., p. 356), by IMarsyas. 1891 Bay. F. Border Maid. * (700). Albert Victor (Vol. XIII., p. 356). by ]\Iarsyas. 1892 Brown. C. + Gold Dust (Vol. XVI., p. 250). by Trappist. '■'■'' For Prizes of "Maid of Tanatt" and "Border Maid" see under registered entries. I Prizes: — 1891, 1st (yearling Hunters) Oswestry District Show; 1st (yearling Hunters) Welshpool Horse Show. I Prizes : — 1892, 1st (best Hunter foal) Royal Manchester and North Lancashire Society : 1893, 2nd Shropshii-e and West Midland at Knighton : 1st and Special Prize for best Hunter in show, Acton Burnell : 1st (yearling Hunters) Oswestry District Show. 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 109 SILVER BELLE— 885. Oivners. William Walton, Walvendon House, Nelson, Burnley, Lane. Chestnut, dull blaze on face, wJiite fetlock near hind leg. Foaled 1891. Height 15. Breeder, William Walton, Walvendon House, Nelson, Burnley. Sire, Silver Crown (Vol. XV., p. 382), by Silvester. Dam, Music (825), by Best Eeturns (Vol. X,, p. 38), by Cavendish. (See rule 4 page 17) SINNERESS— 885. Broivn. George Marton, Muscoates, Kirbymoorside, Yorks. Foaled 1880. Height 15-3. PRIZES:— 1890, 2iid Rydale at Helmsley. 1891, 1st Rydale at Kirbymoorside 1892, 2nd Malton. 1893 ■ (Reserve and Gold\ Medal, Hunters' -p, , T T 4. r Doncaster. Improvement I ( Society. ) Hunted one season by Miss Czarnikow in Northamptonshire ; up to 12 stone. Breeder, late J. Pollock, Galway, Ireland. Sire, Barabbas (Vol. X., p. 212), by Jericho. Dam, Maid op Lorne, by Windischgratz (Vol. VII., p. 95), by Jeremy Diddler. I'rod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 1890 1891 1893 Bay. Brown. Brown. Brown, white face. F. C. F. C. Princess. IMarksman. Sweet Briar. Mark (Vol. XIV., p. 448; XVI., p. 760), by Hermit. Mark (Vol. XVI., p. 760), by Hermit. Mark (Vol. XVI., p. 760), by Hermit. Warpath ( Vol. XVI., p. 220), by Uncas. Of the same blood is "The Sinner," a brovra gelding, foaled in 1881, which, between 1885 and 1888, ran most successful!}', winning, among other races, the Maiden Hunters' Hurdle Race of £103 19s. at Sandown on February 23rd, 1886 ; the Surrey Hunters' Flat Race of £193 14s., and the Croydon Hunters' Steeplechase of £168 14s. in 1886 and 1887 ; while in 1887 and 1888 he was successful in the Tally Ho Hunters' Hurdle Race at Sandown. Other notable wins were the Sixth Liverpool Hunt Steeplechase of £250 15s. on March 25th, 1886 ; the ^letropolitan Hunters' Flat Race of £352 Is. at Sandown on February 23rd, 1887 ; and the Hunters' Hurdle Race Plate of £172 at Manchester on April 11th, 1887. no RECORD OF BIARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oumers. Colonel Le Gendre Starkie, Huntroyde, Burnley, Lane. Baij. Foaled 1882. Height 16. RACE WON :— 1892, April 30th, Point-to- Point Race (£25) at Gisburne. SOPHY— 886. (V.C.) Hunted by Mrs. Starkie and owner with Mr. Fernie's, the Pytchley and Ather- stone Foxhounds, the P.F.H., and Craven Harriers. Breeder, Sir John Thursby, Bart., Holmhurst, Cbristcburch, Hants. The mare was foaled at Bush Hall, Burnley. Sire, Eaby (Vol. XII., p. 382), by Arthur Wellesley. Dam, by Mogador (Vol. X., p. 253), by King Tom. G. dam, by North Lincoln (Vol. IX., p. 63), by Pylades. G.g. dam, by Cotherstone (Vol. VI., p. 53), by Touchstone. (See rule 5a page 17) SOUVENIR— 887. William Scott, Church House, Aldborough, Boroughbridge, Yorks. Broion, white mark down face, lohite hind heels. Foaled 1882. Height 15-2. PRIZE :— .. oqp i 2nd (Hunting Brood Mares, with foals at foot, or stinted) Ripon Agricultural ( Society. Hunted by owner, since mare was a three-year-old, with the Bedale Hounds ; up to 15 stone. Breeder, William Scott, Church House, Aldborough, Boroughbridge. Sire, Baron Cavendish (Vol. XI., p. 408), by Cavendish. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 Brown, white F. Linnseus (Vol. XV., p. 462), by hind legs. Strathconan. 1891 Bay. C. Menthrastum (Vol. XVI., p. 545), by Esterling. 1892 Brown, white heels. h\ Sweetheart. Napsbury (Vol. XIV., p. 285|, by Scottish Chief. 1893 Brown. F. Selim (Vol. XIV., p. 606), by Rameses. 1892—1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. Ill „„,„_„„^ Owners. SP NSTER. (Vols. I. II., III. and IV.) Charles E. Straker, ^ ^•■' High Warden, Hexham, Northumberland. Colour. I Sex^ iName of Produce. I Sire^^Name and Breeding." 1892 I Bay. i Q. Lord Walton (Hackney). (See rule 3 page 17) SPINSTER— 888. C. N. Manning, Milton Ham, Northampton. Bay. Foaled 1885. Heiglit 16. PRIZES :— (2nd & Gold :\redal,\ | 1892 -i H VI n t e r s' Im- 1 NorthamiJ- I f '^^^ Buckingham. I p r o V ement So- j" tonshire. j •'■^^^ ) '^^^ Daventry. I ciety. j ' (1st Banbury. Hunted two seasons by owner ; up to 14 stone. Breeder, Ambrose Sutton, Althrey Hall, Wrexham, Denbighshire Stre, Quits (Vol. XIII., p. 469), by Eestitution. Da^rn^^EI^^^y^^^^o^^ (Vol. X., p. 195), by Y. Melbourne. 1892 Bay, white star i P, I i n forehead, I white near hind heel. OidMiid: rSilurian (Vol. XV., p. 364), by Wenlock. STARLIGHT— 889. w^ii ^/r vVilliam Murray, Bellfield, Inverness, N.B. Broivn. Foaled 1888. Height 15-2. PRIZES :— 1892 { ^'^^ J^^^°;<^^f«f f 1. Hunters' Improvement Society (Hunter Brood Mare^ ( and foals), Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland at InvenS^ Breeder, John Crawford, Mill Bank, Nairn, N.B Sire, Banbury Bun (Vol. XIV., p. 263), by Macaroni. ' ""'"wea^bit^' '^ Bed-Demonio (Vol. XL, p. 25), by ""• bJSno^broke. ''°' '^ ^^^^^^^^ (^°^- I^-' P- 302), by G.cj. dam, Bessie 1st (Highland Pony). 1892 Uncas. 112 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oiuners. STARRY QUEEN— 890. G. O. Springfield, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Matlaske Hall, Norwich. Grey. Foaled 1883. Height 15-21. Hunted season 1891-92 by Mr. T. 0. Springfield with his Harriers ; up to 14 stone. Breeder, — Hagen, Erpingham, Han worth, Norfolk. Sire, Garter King (Vol. XIV., p. 55), by Knight of the Garter. Dam, by Cooper's Hero (Hackney). G. dam., by Cook's Grey Nelson (Hackney). Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 1891 Bay or grey. Chestnut. P. C. Sylvan Queen. Sparham King. The Eomany King (Vol. XV., p. 398), by Blue Gown. The Romany King (Vol. XV., p. 398), by Blue Gown. (See rule 2 page 17) STELLA — 891. Edward H. Landon, Bullingham, Hereford. Brown. Foaled 1885. Height 16-1. PRIZE :— 1893, 3rd (Brood Mares, local) Herefordshire Horse Show. Hunted in Leicestershire ; up to 16 stone. Purchased from Mr. Charles Wyval, Birmingham. 1893 Chestnut. C. The Parson. The Preacher (Vol. XIH., p. 187) by Lecturer. STELLA— 892. Thomas Bradley, Uffington, Stamford, Lines. Broivn, little white on forehead, tioo u-hite hind fetlocks . Foaled 1891. Height 15-3. PRIZES :— 1892, 2nd Rutland at Oakham. (Premium (£15), Hunters' Improve- iqoqJ ment Society. 1st R.A.S.E., at Chester. (1st Doncaster. Breeder, Thomas Bradley, Uffington, Stamford. Sire, Havoc (Vol. XIV., p. 200), by Thunderbolt Dam, Yorkshire Mare. fist Peterborough. 1st Lincolnshire at Stamford. 1st Leicestershire at Leicester. 1st Great Yorkshire at Dewsbury. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 113 STRAWBERRY— 893. Oioners. Colonel Le Gendre Starkie, Huntroyde, Burnley, Lane. GreTf. Foaled 1889. Height 15-3. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st Padiham Agricultural Show. Breeder, Colonel Le Gendre Staekie, Huntroyde, Burnley. Sire, LiNN^us (Vol. XV., p. 462), by Strathconan. Dam, (H.B., chestnut), by Haymaker (Vol. XI., p. 415), by Leam- ington. SUNFLOWER— 895. John Lett, Cleveland Stud Farm, Eillington, York. Ba^j. Foaled 1885. Height 15-31. AWARD :— 1886, H.C., Cottesbrooke. Hunted by owner in 1890 with Lord Middleton's Hounds ; up to 14 stone. Breeder, John Lett, Cleveland Stud Farm, Eillington, York. Sire, Competitor (H.B.). Dam, by Big Gun (Vol. X., p. 332), by Kifleman. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Brown. F. Muscatel. | The Count (H.B.). SUNSHINE— 895. Capt. F. W. Saunders, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Chestnut, three tohite stockings. Foaled 1878. Height 15-2^. Hunted with the V.W.H., Old Berkshire and Craven till 1884. Bred in Ireland. 1890 Brown. P. Stella. Marksman (H.B.), by Rifleman (Vol. XII., p. 409), by Dundee. 1892 Chestnut. C. Sunlight. Ruddigore (Vol. XVI., p. 49: XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. 1893 chestnut, blaze on forehead, white feet. C. Ruddigore (Vol. XVII., p. 941), by Thurio. (See rule 2 page 17) 114 EECOED OF MAKES AND SIRES. Vol. v. SUNSHINE— 896. Oiuners. Major S. Sandbach, Higgensfield, Whitchurch, Salop- Chestnut, ivliite blaze on forehead, white near hindjoot. Foaled 1880. Height 15-3. AWAKDS :— -.njj-. fH.C, Shropshire and West Mid- ^009! Reserve and H.C., Denbiglishire ( land at INIarket Drayton. , " [ and Flintshire at Rhyl. Hunted by present owner in 1887 and 1888 with the Flint and Denbigh and Sir W. Wynn's hounds; carried 14 stone. She had been previously hunted and ridden as charger with Royal Engineers at Chatham. Bred in Ireland. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 Bay, blk points, wht off hind foot. C. Tomato. Cucumber (Vol. XIII., p. 16), by Saccharometer. 1890 Bay. C. Q.C. (Vol. XVI., p. 61), by Wisdom. 1891 Bay C. Sam Kheen (Vol. XVI., p. 118), by Khamseen. 1892 Chestnut. C. Ellesmere (Hunter Sire), bv New 1893 Chestnut, white hind foot. F. Oswestry (13). Ellesmere (Hunter-Sire), by New Oswestry (13). SURETY. (Vol. IV.) Colonel Le Gendre Starkie, (654.) Huntroyde, Burnley, Lane. Sold to Mr. C. B. E. Wright, West Ashby, Horncastle, Lines. (See rule 3 page 17) SWEETBRIAR. (Vol. XV., p. 62)— 897. W. Forrester Addie, Powis Castle Park, Welshpool, Mont. Bay, black 2:)oints. Foaled 1884:. Height 15-3. PRIZES:— ( 1st (12-stone Hunter class) ^^^^ ■( Oswestry. ^ „„,-, ( 1st (Brood ^^•^-^ \ Oswestry. Mares and foals) 1 0CT f 3rd (three-year-old Hunting class) ^^^^ \ Oswestry. 1 ooQ ' 2nd (four-year-old Hunting class) ^^^^ "( Oswestry. Hunted by groom after lady, seasons 1889, 1890 and 1891, with the Severn Valley and other packs. Breeder, — Thomas, Cunynion, Oswestry, Salop. Sire, SwEETSTOCK (Vol. XII., p. 306), by Stockwell. Dam, Busy Bee (Vol. XII., p. 224 ; XIII., p. 554), by The Deone. 1892 Bay, black points C Briar-root. Charley Merrylegs 3rd (Hackney 1734). 1892—1893. HUNTER MAKES AND THEIR PRODUCE, 115 TEMERITY. (Vol. III. (470). Oioners. Walter Jones, The Elms, Moore, Warrington, Lane. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 1893 Bay. twins (dead). Ellesmere (Hunter Sire), by New Oswestry (13). Ellesmere (Hunter Sire), by New Oswestry (13). (See rule 3 page 1 7) THE GOOD 'UN. (Vols. I., II. and IV.) Sir Douglas Brooke, Bart., (130.) Colebrooke, Brookeboro', co. Fermanagh. PRIZE since the last Entry: — . nq,, ( 1st and Medal (Hunter Brood Mares with foals at foot) Enniskillen Agricul- ^^'^-^ I tural Show. 1892 I Brown, white i F. I blaze. I Emerald. Erin's Fraud (3), by Xenophon. (See rule 3 page 17) THE QUEEN. (Vol. IV (657.) Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. Height 16. PRIZES since the last Entry : — / Reserve, Hunters' Improvement -jpq, j 1st Derbyshire at Derby. -^"^" ( 2nd Tutbury Horse Show. I Society. 1892 -j H.C., Cardiff Horse Show. I 2nd Staffordshire at Stafford, list Hoar Cross Horse Show. Hunted by owner in the Meynell country ; up to 14 stone. Meynell Hunt of Birmingham. (See rule 3 page 17) Sold to Mr. THE SHREW— 898. Captain G. M. Eccles, (V.G.) Moneygold, Sligo, Ireland. Bay. Foaled 1881. Height 15-3. The present owner ran the mare in the Sligo Welter Race, and she would have won had not her rider fallen off. This led to a match with a mare named " Marjory," which was placed, and " The Shrew " beat "Marjory," carrying IJ stone more. Hunted two seasons by Capt. G. ]\I. Eccles. Purchased from the late Capt. Sampson. Bay. C. The Gunner ' Chestnut. c. (dead). Bay, star and streak. F. Starlight (8), by Dr. GuUy, or Young Dandy (H.B.), by Dandy. Woodman (Vol. XVI., p. 578), by Xenophon. Woodman (Vol. XVI., p. 578), by Xenophon. (See rule 5a page 17) 116 RE COED OP MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oivners. THISTLE— 899. Thomas Osborne Day, (I.F.S.— V.C.) Bow Brickhill, Bletchley, Bucks. Bai/ffeiv ivhite Jiairs on forehead. Foaled 1875. Height 15*2. AWAED :— 1890, Commended, Bedfordshire at Bedford. Purchased at the late Mrs. Percival's sale at Wansford. Hunted as a three- year-old by Hon. Miss Pinch, and by owner during the seven follomng seasons with the Oakley and the Whaddon Chase. Prod. Colour, m Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1885 Chestnut, few wh. hairs on forehead. C. Tunis (Vol. XIV., p. 354), by Mogador. 1887 Bay, few wh. hairs on forehead. C. St. Swithin (Vol. XV., p. 29G), by Hermit. 1890 Bay, star & few wht. hairs in tail and over body. F. Conductor (Vol. XIV., p. 20), by Y. Trumpeter. 1892 Bay, star, white F. j Morglay (Vol. XVI., p. 393), by hairs on near heel. Sir Bevys. All the produce have won prizes. (See rule 2 page 17) TOM-TOM. (472.) (Vols. Ill and IV.) Gilbert Leigh Abbot, The Priory, Abbots Leigh, Somerset. 1892 Chestnut, blaze and snip, white on off fore and hind feet. ]Marioni (Vol. XVI., p. 415), by Macaroni. (See rule 3 page 17) TOPAZ— 900. James Wallis, Beddington, Croydon, Surrey. Chestnut, blaze on face. Foaled 1886. Height 15-0|-. AWARD :— 1889, H.C., East Surrey Agricultural Association. Ran at Lingfield in two Steeplechases, 4tli each time. Hunted by owner two seasons with Surrey Farmers' Stag Hounds; carried 12 stone. Breeder, John Wallis, Eiverdale, Lewisham, Kent. Sire, Struan (Vol. XII., p. 437), by Blair Athol. Dam, Hunter mare. TRINKET— 901. Frederick M. Eemnant, Wenhaston Grange, Suffolk. Baij. Foaled 1886. Height 15-21. AWARDS :— jgg-j^ (Reserve (heavy weight Hunters), I (V. H. C. (heavy weight Hunter ( Halesworth Horse Show. 1892 - class, up to 1.5 stone), Hales- I ( worth Horse Show. Purchased, as a yearling, at a fair in Norfolk. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 117 Oivncrs. TRIPOD— 902. Captain G. M. Eccles, Moneygold, Sligo, Ireland. Brown. Foaled 1885. Height 16. Breeder, Miss A. Gore-Booth, Lissadell, Sligo. Sire, NoRMANBY (Vol. XIII., p. 130), by Thormanby. Dam, Creeby (35), by Magpie (Vol. XII., p. 250), bySpooNSTEALER. (See rule 4 page 17) TRUCE — 903. Campbell Hodson, Guadaloupe House, Melton Mowbray, Leics. Broion, small lohitc star on forehead, black 2^0 in ts. Foaled 1891. Height US. 1 1st Peterborougli. ^ one, ' 1st Melton ]\Iowbray. 1892 ] 1st Northampton. I °^ \ 1st Oakham. [ 1st Market Harborough. | ,Qqo ( Pi'^mium, Hunters' Improve- I °^'^ \ ment Society. Breeder, Alfred Ernest Humphries, Melton Mowbray. Sire, Pax, by Old Pax. Dam, (black.)''' * The dam won first prizes in Hunting Brood Mare classes at Melton IMowbray and Oakham in 1892. TRUTH— 904. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Bay. Foaled 1891. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd (yearling Hunters) Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties' Show. Breeder, James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge. Sire, Truefit (Vol. XV., p. 132 ; XVI., p. 762), by Outfit. Dam, TuMo (Qli), by Pelissier, by President (Hackney). VENUS. (Vol. IV.) Lord Middleton, (662.) Birdsall House, York. Height 16. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay. C. Sherbrooke (Vol. XV., p. 489; XVI., p. 765), by Dutch Skater. (See rule 3 page 17) 118 RECOED OF MAKES AND SIRES. VOL. V. Ozuners. YENUS— 905. John Cottam, High Foulshaw, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. Bay, small white star in face, white mark on inside off hind jMstern. Foaled 1882 or 1883. Height 15-3. " PRIZES :— , OQQ ( 3rd Manchester, Liverpool and 1 1890, 1st Worsley. ( North Lancashire Society. | (Light weight Hunters.) Hunted in Cheshire for four or five years by Mr. J. Finlay of ^Manchester ; carrying over 13 stone. Bred in Ireland. YERA CLIFTON— 906. J. H. Clifton, Uplands, Keynsham, Somerset. Broum. Foaled 1883. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1892, 2nd West Gloucester at Fishponds, near Bristol. RACES WON :— 1889, April 24th, Derbyshire Cup (£28), Rufford Hunt. Ran second in 1889 in three Steeplechases — Meynell Hunt, South Notts Hunt and at Stratford-on-Avon. Prod. Colour. ! Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1892 Chestnut, white blaze, white hind legs. Golden Locks. I Kallicrates (Vol. XVI., p. 222), by Hermit. YE ST A— 907. Frederick M. Eemnant, Wenhaston Grange, Suffolk. Bay, zvJiite fore fetlocks. Foaled 1891. Height 14-2. PRIZE :— 1893, 2nd (half-bred colt or filly likely to make a Hunter) Halesworth Horse Show. Breeder, Fredepjck M. Eemnant, Wenhaston Grange. Sire, Warrior (Vol. XIV., p. 335), by General Peel. Dam, Lucifer, by Phosphorus (H.B.) YICTORINE— 908. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Chestnut. Foaled 1886. Height 15-3. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st and Gold Medal, Hunters' Improvement Society, Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Coiinties' Show ; up to 15 stone. 1892 1893 Chestnut. Chestnut. Victorina.* | Criterion (Vol. XIII. , p. 96j, by Peveril. Homely (Vol. XVI., p. 543), by Hermit. =•= Prize : — 1892, 1st Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties' Show. " Victorine " is now the property of Mr. A. R. Motion, Faulkboarne Hall, Witham, Essex. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 119 Oivners. VICTORY— 909. W. M. Wroughton, (I.F.S. — Y.C.) Creaton Lodge, Northampton. Bay. Foaled 1884. Height 16. Hunted by Mr. Granville Farquhar with Cottesmore Hounds, seasons, 1889-90 and 1890-91 ; up to 14 stone. Ppd- Colour. Ill Sex. Name of Produce. Sire s Name and Breeding. 1892 Bay. P. , Roswal (Vol. XVI., p. 209), by Kisber. (See rule 2 page 17) WHITESOCKS— 910. J. C. H. Eobiuson, Filgrave, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Chestnut, four luhile feet. Foaled 1892. Breeder, J. C. H. Eobinson, Filgrave, Newport Pagnell. Sire, Truefit (Vol. XV., p. 132 ; XVI., p. 762), by Outfit. Dam, Brownie (703), by Dalesman (Vol. X., p. 5), by King Tom. (See rule 4 page 17) WILD BEE— 911. Lord Middleton, Birdsall House, York. Broion, toldte star on forehead and ichite snip on nose. Foaled l^Sd. Height 15-3. Breeder, Lord Middleton, Birdsall House, York. Sire, Happy Land (Vol. XIII., p. 382), by Kettledrum. Dam, Beeswing (154), by Morocco (Vol. X., p. 253), by King Tom. G. dam. Queen Bee, by Newminster (Vol. VII., p. 11), by Touch- stone. G. (J. dam, The dam of Birdhill (Vol. XL, p. 12), by Bird- catcher. 1889 Bay. C. Escamillo (Vol. XV., p. 52), by Pero Gomez. 1890 Black. P. Gordon (Vol. XVI., p. 552), by Hermit. 1893 Chestnut. c. Sherbrooke (Vol. XV., p. 489; XVI., p. 765), by Dutch Skater. (See rule 4 page 17) 120 BBCORD OF MAKES AND SIRES. VO].. V. WINDSOR— 912. Oioners. William Pinnock, Littleworth House, Wantage, Berks. Bay, three black legs, one white fetlock. Foaled 1889. Height 15'3. PRIZE :— 1892, 3rcl Newbury Horse Show. Hunted season 1892-3 with the Old Berks. Breeder, William Pinnock, Littleworth House, Wantage. Sire, Cylinder (Vol. XV., p. 196), by See Saw. Dam, Irish mare. WIRY SAL— 913. T. Forsyth Forrest, The Querns, Cirencester, Glos. Bay. Foaled 1880. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1889, 2nd (Hunter Brood Mares with foals at foot) Bath Horse Show. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1887 Black. C. Jim Crow. Billycock (Vol. XIV., p. 181), by Vanderdecken. 1888 Chestnut. c. Sam. Huguenot (Vol. XV., p. 142), by Lowlander. 1889 Brown. F. Sarah. Huguenot (Vol. XV., p. 142), by Lowlander. 1890 Bay. F. Lancaster Rose. Lancastrian (Vol. XIV., p. 486), by Toxopholite. WOODLARK. (Vol. IV.) Henry Millett, (670.) Koyston, Haresfield, Stonehouse, Glos. AWARD since the last Entry : — , „QQ i Reserve, (Hunter ]Mares and foals) Bath and West of England at ^^'^'^ { Gloucester. Breeder, T. Meleady, Tower Mount Street, Dublin. Sire, JiGGiNSTOWN (Vol. XIII. , p. 533), by Solon. Dam, (H.B.) (Additions to Breeder and Pedigree). 1893 Bay. C. Warbler. Conductor (Vol. XIV., p. 20), by Y. Trumpeter. (See rule 3 page 17) 1892 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 121 Oiniers. ZiGO— 914. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombx-idge, Kent. Brou-n. Foaled 1886. Height 15-3. AWARD :— 1889, H.C., (Hunter Brood Mares) Tunbriclge Wells. Hunted two seasons with the Bridge Hounds ; up to li stone. Has won many jumping prizes. Breeder, James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge. Sire, PELissiER,'by President (Hackney). Dam, ZoE (H.B.), by Laughing Stock (Vol. IX., p. 134), by Stockwell. I'fod. Colour. in 1 Sex. Name of Produce. ! Sire's Name and Breeding. 1891 Bay. 1892 Bay. F. ! Truth (904). 1 Truefit (Vol. XV., p. 132 ; XVI., j p. 762), by Outfit. C. 1 1 Homely (Vol. XVI., p. 543), by Hermit. ZARA— 915. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Bay, black 2)0 int. s. Foaled 1889. Height 15"2. PRIZES :— .on-i '1st (two-year-old Hunters) East- I ^nqo 'Reserve, (Hunter Brood Mares) ( bourne Horse Show. | ( Bath Horse Show. Breeder, James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge. Sire, Pelissier, by President (Hackney). Dam, ZoE (H.B.), by Laughing Stock (Vol. IX., p. 134), by Stockwell. ZARITA— 916. Chestnut. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Foaled 1888. Height 15-2. AWARD :— 1892, H.C., (light weight Hunters) Tunbridge Wells and South Eastern Counties' Show. Breeder, James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge. Sire, Pelissier, by President (Hackney). Dam, ZoE (H.B.), by Laughing Stock (Vol. IX., p. 184), by Stockwell. 1'22 RBCOED OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. Oiuners. ZAZEL-917. James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Broicm. Foaled 1875. Height 15-2. PRIZE :— 1885, 2nd (light weight Hunters) Islington. Hunted many seasons with the West Kent (Woodland) Hounds ; also winner of jumping prizes. Breeder, James W. Temple, Leyswood, Groombridge. Sire, Fabricius. Dam, ZoE (H.B.), by Laughing Stock (Vol. IX., p. 134), by Stockwell. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1890 1891 1892 Brown. Brown. Brown. C. I Highflyer. C. True Zeal. F. 1 I County Member (Hackney 948). ; Truefit (Vol. XV., p. 132; XVI., , p. 762), by Outfit. j Homely (Vol. XVI., p. 543), by ! Hermit. ZAZEL— 918. J. H. Straker. Stagshaw House, Corbridge-on-Tyne, Northumberland. Bay, near hind foot white. Foaled 1886. Height 16. PRIZE :— 1892, 1st Tyneside at Hexham. Bought in Ireland by Major Langlands of Longrood, Rugby, and sold to IMr. J. F. Hatfeild Harter of Cranfield Court, Newport Pagnell, at whose sale the present owner purchased her. EREATA IN VOL. IV. Pages 24 and 43. Golden Cross (547) and Maritana (397). Sire of produce sliould be Snowdoun Page 45. Milkmaid (404). Produce by Kilmarth was foaled in 1891. ,, 58. Raschida (256). Tlie breeder's correct address is given on page 100 of this volume. EXTENDED PEDIGEEES AND OTHEE PARTICULAES OF THE MARES DEBONNAIRE DRESSMAKER GALLOPING QUEEN KATHLEEN MISS HONITON SOLFERINO 124 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. DEBONNAIRE— 919. DEBONNAIBE. Chestmit Mare. Owned by Mr. E. Foulkes, Oswestry, Salop. The dam, *' Mrs. Taft," won the Cesarewitch Stakes in 1851. 1892 — 1893. HUNTBE MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 125 DEBONNAIRE— 919. PRODUCE AND SUMMARY OF THEIR PRINCIPAL RACES. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1864 Bay. C. New Oswestry (13). Knight of Kars (Vol. VIII., p. 343), by Nutwith. 1867 Bay. C. May F]y. Underhand (Vol. VIIL, p. 98), by The Cure. 1871 Bay. F. Gipsy, late Lady Wynn. Knight of Kars (Vol. VIIL, p. 343), by Nutwith. 1872 Bay. F. Belgrade. Knight of Kars (Vol. VIIL p. 343), by Nutwith. 1873 Bay. C. Golden Cross. Brown Bread (Vol. X., p. 48), by Weatherbit. 1878 Chestnut. C. Johnny Long- tail. Polai"dine, late Geordie Heriot (Vol. XIL, p. 380; XIIL, p. 5.57), by Beadsman. " ~ F. Buckenham (Vol. X., p. 166), by Voltigeur. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES :— New Oswestry {see under registered entry pages 12 and 13). May Fly— 1870 July 15th, Great Manx Welter Plate of £187 at Douglas, Isle of Man. 1871 August 28th, Staffordshire Stakes of £150 at Lichfield. Gipsy (late Lady Wynn) — , n„„ ( April 27th, Open Hunters' (Steeplechase of £95 at Abergavenny. ( December 14th, Hewlett's Handicap Steeplechase of £121 at Cheltenham. 1877 April 3rd, Lancashire Handicap Steeplechase of £120 at Manchester. 1879 ind 18^0 ' ^^""^^sey Handicap Steeplechase at Sandown Park. ( West Midland Steeplechase Handicap at Worcester, -.nr-q (April 14th, Stretford Handicap Steeplechase of £121 at Manchester. ( April 20th, Claremont Steeplechase Handicap of £140 at Sandown Park. 1881 March 24th, Sefton Steeplechase of £257 at Liverpool. Belgrade — 1877 April 10th, Tarporley Hunt Stakes of £120. 1885 March 6th, Priory Hunters' Steeplechase of £117 at Sandown Park. Golden Cross — 1879 May 1st, Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase of £56 at Stratford-on-Avou. Served several seasons at the Duke of Westminster's Stud. Johnny Longtail — 1885 May 7th, Ferney Hall Selling Steeplechase of £87, Ludlow Club. /February 3rd, Hunters' Hurdle Race of £141 17s. at Kempton Park. 1886 ' ■^^b'^^^'^y 25th, Sandown Open Hunters' Steeplechase of £101 17s. at 1 Sandown Park. (April 3rd, Royal Artillery Gold Cup of £140, Plumstead IMarshes. 1887 f-'^I^^'^li 26th, Sefton and Croxteth Free Steeplechase of £170 at Liverpool. I April 25th, Grand International Steeplechase of £280 at Sandown Park. / February 9th, February Steeplechase Handicap of £266 7s. at Kempton Park. I IMarch 24th, Eighth Champion Steeplechase of £234 6s. at Liverpool. ; November 28th, Great iletropolitan Steeplechase Handicap of £175 at ] Croydon. December 11th, IManchester Handicap Steeplechase of £239 10s. al ' IManchester. 126 BECOBD OP MABES AND SIBES. VOL. V. DRESSMAKER— 920. Bay. Foaled about 1876. Breeder, — Farmer, Carred, Tenbury, Worcs. Sire, New Oswestry (13), by Knight op Ears. Dam, Girl op The Period, by Jemma Junior (Vol. X., p. 179), by Sir Hercules. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— [January 30th, Cambrian Hunters' Steeplechase Plate of £43, Carmarthen- 1884 \ shire Hunt. (April 17th, Open Hunters' Steeplechase Plate of £67 at Abergavenny. -joor (March 10th, Hunters' Selling Steeplechase of £58, Rugby Hunt. I March 13th, Selling Hunters' SteeiDlechase of £76 17s. at Leicester. 1886 April 15th, Ferney Hall Steeplechase of £87 at Ludlow Club. Prod. Colour, in Sex. Name of Prodiice. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1889 Chestnut. C. Ben Wyvis. i Child of the Mist (Vol. XV. p. ' 272), by Blair Athol. Ben Wyvis — f October 30th, Mile Maiden Plate of £100 at Worcester. \ November 10th, IMile Maiden Plate of £100 at Leicester. 1892 March 2.3rd, Queen's Plate of £169 at Lincoln. The full bi'other of " Dressmaker," foaled m 1874, chestnut colt "Oswestrj%" now owned by Mr. R. Chandos-Pole, won several races, of which the following is a .summary : — 1 RRn ^ February 26th, Croome Hunters' Steeplechase of £47 at Worcester. "( April 29th, Ludlow Steeplechase of £58 at Ludlow. 1883 ( February 1st, Carnarvon and Anglesea Stakes of £23, Carnarvonshire Hunt. (March 28th, Hunters' Selling Steeplechase of £61, Rugby Hunt. 1885 March 18th, Selling Hunters' Steeplechase Plate £47, Quoru Hunt. 1892 1893. HUNTER MAEBS AND THEIR PRODUCE. 127 GALLOPING QUEEN— 921. z u u G I o _J _l < ^ 1 o c ^ '-' Vedette Flying Duchess Voltigeur Mare Voltaire Martha Lynn Blacklock, by Whitelock. Mare, by Phantom. Mulatto, by Catton. Leda, by Pilho da Puta. Birdcatcher Nan Darrell Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Inheritor, by Lottery. Nell, by Blacklock. The Plying Dutchman Merope Bay Middleton Barbella Sultan, by Selim. Cobweb, by Phantom. Sandbeck, by Catton. Darioletta, by Amadis. Voltaire Mare Blacklock, by Whitelock. Mare, by Phantom. Juniper, by Whiskey. Mare, by Sorcerer. King of Trumps Pull Cry (dam of Gone Away) Velocipede .Airs. Gill Blacklock Mare Whitelock, by Hambletonion. Mare, by Coriander. Juniper, by Whiskey. IMare, by Sorcerer. Viator Lady Practious Stumps, by Whalebone. Katherine, by Soothsayer. Comus, by Sorcerer. Vaultress, by Walton. Sir Tatton Sykes Valparaiso Melbourne Mare Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. Mare, by Cervantes. Margrave, by Muley. Patty Primrose, by Confederate. Velocipede Dimond =•= Blacklock, by Whitelock. Mare, by Juniper. Winner of many races. For the Principal Paces won by "Galloping Queen," her full brother Benvenuto" and her half brother " Rough Diamond" see next page. 128 EECOED OF MARES AND SIRES. VOL. V. GALLOPING QUEEN— 921. Bay. Foaled 1886. Owned by Leopold de Eothschild, Ascott, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— .Qj3o f l^Iay 1st, Selling Plate of £102 at Newmarket. ^^^° \ May 15th, Two-year-old Stakes of £127 at Newmarket. 1889 September 12th, Portland Plate Handicap of £725 at Doncaster. 1890 October 17th, Temple Handicap of £290 at Sandown Park. I August 27th, Harewood Handicap Stakes of £250 at York. 1 oni I October 23rd, Albany FiVe Furlong Stakes of £210 at Sandown Park ^^^^lOct ------- -- with Mr. C. D. Rose's "Lorette." ] October 29th, Subscription Stakes of £300 at Newmarket ; ran dead heat Her full brother " Benvenuto," brown colt, foaled 1888, and owned by Mr. Leopold de Eothschild, won : — 1891 May 28th, Epsom Grand Prize of £2,120. Her half-brother " Eough Diamond," chestnut colt, by " Low- lander " (Vol. XIII., p. 261), by " Dalesman," foaled in 1880, won : — 1885 April 24th, Plying Handicap of £102 at Ne^iiiarket. The extended pedigree of " Galloping Queen," tracing back on the dam's side as far as ai present known, is given on the preceding page. 1892 — 1893. HUNTER MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 129 KATHLEEN— 922. Otvned by E. C. Wadlow, Stanton Hall, Shifnal, Salop. Bred in Ireland. Sire, Master Bagot (Vol. VIII., p. 437), by Faugh- a-Ballagh. Prod. Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1881 1885 Bay. Melleray. Father O'Flynn. Trappist (Vol. XIII., p. 60), by Hermit. Retreat (Vol. XIV., p. 387), by Hermit. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— Melleray — joQQ 1 November 28th, Quahfying Hunters' Steeplechase (Selling) of £95 at ( Croydon. /February 20th, Match (Hurdle) of £100 at Sandown Park, beating " Londoner " by two lengths. 1889- jMarch 16th, Hastings Hurdle Handicap of £77 at Plumpton. April 22nd, Wolverhampton Hurdle Handicap of £94 15s. at Wolver- \ hampton. Father O'Flynn — 1887 July 12th, Warrington IMaiden Plate (Selling) of £101 17s. at Liverpool. 1889 April 10th, Arderne Steeplechase of £48, Tarporley Hunt. 1891 February 9th, Budbrook Maiden Hunters' Hurdle Plate of £38 at Warwick. -nqo 'February 3rd, Harrington Steeplechase of £43 at Leicester. ( jNIarch 25th, Grand National Steeplechase of £1,680 at Liverpool. 130 EECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. MISS HONITON— 923. z o H Z o X CO _o '3 o M «> s o -s O to Stockwell Flax The Baron Pocahontas 1 Birdcatcher Echidna Sir Hercules, by Whalebone. Guiccioli, by Bob Booty. Economist, by Whisker. Miss Pratt, by Blacklock. Glencoe Marpessa Sultan, by Selim. Trampoline, by Tramp. Muley, by Orville. Clare, by Marmion. Surphce Odessa Touchstone Crucifix Camel, by Whalebone. Banter, by Master Henry. Priam, by Emilius. Octaviana, by Octavian. Sultan Sister to Cobweb Selim, by Buzzard. Bacchante, by Williamson's Ditto. Phantom, by Walton. Filagree, by Soothsayer. Osbalde- ston Maid of All Work The Saddler Youug Marion Waverley Castrellina Whalebone, by Waxy. Margaretta, by Sir Peter. Castrel, by Buzzard. Mare, by Waxy. Belshazzar Marion Blacklock, by Whitelock. Manuella, by Dick Andrews. Tramp, by Dick Andrews. Rosamond, by Buzzard. Rochester Mare Rockingham Humphrey CUnker, by Comus. Rosabel Medora, by Swordsman. Shakespeare, by Smolensko. Electress, by Elector. Black Prince Welsh Moun- tain Pony MISS HONITON. Foaled March 7th, 1869. Oivner and Breeder, Thomas Jackson, Pentreheyhlin, Maesbrook, Llanymynech, Oswestry, Salop. Ran at Carnarvon as a four-year-old (1873), when she damaged her knee. 1892 1893. HUNTEE MARES AND THEIR PRODUCE. 131 MISS HONITON— 923. PRODUCE WITH SUMMARY OF THEIR PRINCIPAL RACES. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sire's Name and Breeding. 1874 Chestnut. C. Rufus. New Oswestry, (13) by Knight of Kars. 1877 Chestnut. F. Zoedone. New Oswestry, (13) by Knight of Kars. 1878 Brown. P. Otteridge. May Fly, see page 125 1879 Chestnut. P. Blue Ribbon. New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars. 1880 Bay. F. Little Dot, after- wards Bertred. Lamlash (Vol. XII., p. 38), by Marsyas. 1882 Bay. C. St. Galmier (6). New Oswestry, (13) by Knight of Kars. 1884 Brown. C. Carlsbad (1). Hilarious (Vol. XIV., p. 201), by Brown Bread. 1885 Bay. C. Bruce (Vol. XIV., p. 594), by See Saw Reveller (Vol. XVI., p. 457), by __ Bay or brown. F. Hilarious. 1888 Brown. C. Marienbad. Retreat (Vol. XIV., p. 387), by Hermit. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— RuFUS — 1882 March 28th, Regimental Cup of £120, 16th Lancers at York. iQQqj March 10th, Veteran Stakes of £140, Grand Military and Household -"-"'^'^ ( Brigade, Sandown Park. Zoedone — 1881 March 29th, Grand Wynnstay Steeplechase of £85, Bangor Hunt. (March 30th, Warwick Spring Handicap Steeplechase Plate of £94 15s. at 1882 \ Warwick. (December 16th, Great Sandown Steeplechase of £317 at Sandown Park. 1883 March 30th, Graud National Steeplechase (Handicap) of £925 at Liverpool. Otteridge — 1883 April 26th, Borough Members' Handicap Plate of £47 at Ludlow. Blue Eibbon — -, Qcio ( March 28th, West of Scotland Grand National Open Hunters' Steeple- ^^^■^ I chase Plate of £147, Eglinton Hunt. Little Dot, afterwards Berteed — ^ Qoc f February 19th, Maiden Hunters' Steeplechase of £37 18s. at Warwick. ibSij I March 13th, Montgomeryshire Steeplechase of £76 at Welshpool. St. Galmier [see under registered entry, -page 4). Carlsbad {see under registered entry, page 1). Marienbad — (November 23rd, Hunters' Tally Ho Hurdle Race of £48, Warwick and ■.QQ-, 1 ' Leamington Meeting. 1 December 3rd, Three-year-old Hunters' Hurdle Race of £92 at Sandown ( Park. 1892 April 29th, Ludlow Cup (Flat Race) of £191, Ludlow Club Meeting. 132 RECORD OF MARES AND SIRES. Vol. v. SOLFERINO— 924. Sire, Faugh-a-Ballagh (Vol. V., p. 145), by Sir Hercules. Dam, by Ishmael (Vol. V., p. 97), by Sultan. G. dam, by Tsaraway (Vol. V., p. 151), by Voltaire. G. g. dam, by Swordsman (Vol. IV., p. 320), by Prizefighter. Prod, in Colour. Sex. Name of Produce. Sii-e's Name and Breeding. 1865 Bay. C. Roscommon. Roebuck (Vol. VIII., p. 487), by Mountain Deer. 1870 Brown. C. Juggler. Conjuror (Vol. XII., p. 473), by GeneralWilliams or YellowJack 1878 Chestnut. C. Savoyard. New Oswestry (13), by Knight of Kars. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL RACES:— EOSCOMMON — ^ggg f May 18th, Welter Steeplechase Plate of £80, Cork City Park. ( September 1st, Grand Stand Plate (Handicap) of £200 at Cork Park. Juggler — 1873 May 20th and September 15th, INIunster Produce Plate of £63 at Cork Park. ,gYg J February 22nd, Birmingham Grand Annual Handicap of £290 at I Birmingham. 1882 April 13th, Babbicombe Stakes of £34 at Torquay. Savoyard, owned by Baron Schroder — -I an A (April 8th, Hunters' Flat Race of £95 at Sandown Park. ( May 2nd, County Steeplechase of £190, Ludlow Club Hunt Meeting. 1886 March 5th, Metropolitan Hunters" Flat Race of £261 17s. at SandownPark. -joQ- ( April 11th, Lancashire Handicap Steeplechase Plate of £535 at jManchester. I November 9th, Grand Sefton Steeplechase of £431 15s. at Liverpool. 1888 November 11th, Fourth Hapsburg Steeplechase of £197 at Liverpool. EEPOET OF THE JUDGES THE LONDON SHOWS, 1892 and 1893, SHORT STATISTICAL STATEMENTS. The folloioing are the names of those gentlemen who assisted as Horse Show Committee, Judges, Stewards, Vetennary Surgeons, Sfc, on. behalf of the Hunters' Improvement Society at the Eighth Amiual (Spring) London Horse Show, held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, on March 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Ath, 1892. LOED MIDDLETON, Birdsall House, York. ^xce-lj^vcmbetxt, HON. T. W. PITZWILLIAM, The Perry, Peterborough. 1886— EAKL OF COVENTRY, Croome Court, Severn Stoke, Worcestershire. 1887— SIR NIGEL KINGSCOTE, K.C.B., 34, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1888— DUKE OP PORTLAND, Welbeck Abbey, Worksop. 1889— SIR WALTER GILBEY, Baet., Elsenham Hall, Essex. 1890— LOED TREDEGAR, Tredegar Park, Newport, Monmouthshire. GiLBEY, Sir Walter, Bart., Elsenham Hah, Essex — Chairman. Hornby, Col. J. P., Clewer Lodge, Windsor — Vice-Chairman. Best, Col., Charlton House, Ludwell, Salisbury. BoDEN, H., The Priary, Derby. Bulkeley, Lie€T.-Col. Rivers, Whitchurch, Salop. Cooper, John, East Haddon, Northampton. Pipe, Capt. W. H., Langton Hall, Northallerton. Preston, Hon. E., Errwood Hall, Buxton. RiCARDO, IMajorG. C, M.P.H. {Steivard), Donnington Castle House, Newbury. Withers, Henry, 556, Oxford Street, W. Ellis, J. B., West Barsham, Walsingham, Norfolk. RiCARDo, Major G. C, M.P.H. , Donnington Castle House, Newbury. Usher, Prank, IMiddlctliorpe, Market Weighton, Y^orks. Cooper, John, East Haddon, Northampton. Hutchinson, T. H., The Manor House, Catterick, Y^'orks. WiTHEiis, Henry, 556, Oxford Street, W. '^etevitxav]x ^ttv^eons. Pritchakd, Professor, Regent's Park Road, Gloucester Gate, N.W. vEE, Alfred, M.R.C.V.S., Station Road, Rugby. Wheatley, Alfred, P.R.C.V.S., Reading. LONDON SHOW, 189'2. 135 HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. LONDON SHOW, 1892. It was decided to invite the Judges acting at the 1892 Show 1392 to furnish a brief report on the exhibits which came before ^^°^^- them, and to supplement this report with a short statistical statement, conveying any details of interest. Lieut. -Colonel Eivera Bulkeley and Mr. T. H. Hutchinson Judges accepted the Council's invitation to act as Judges, and Mr. Referee. Henry Withers kindly undertook the duties of Eeferee. Owing to indisposition Lieut. -Colonel Eivers Bulkeley was unable to attend the Show, and Mr. John Cooper took his place. The two Judges were unanimous in their awards, and Mr. Henry Withers was not called into the ring to give his adjudication in any one Class. The Judges report as follows : — The Society is to be congratulated upon the Show, judges' Many most promising young hunters were brought before ^^^^ ' us, and, taken as a whole, showed more good breeding than those exhibited at former Shows. Whatever may be said or written to the contrary, if you want a hunter that can really follow hounds you must have blood and plenty of it ; if you want to breed a quiet, strong, slow horse that will do for a fat old man to trot about upon, and get an appetite for his dinner, it matters little whether you breed from a cart mare or use a half-bred stallion. At this Show it is most satisfactory to find a large proportion of the winners are by the Government premium sires. 136 LONDON SHOW, 1892. Class 1. — Mares, four years old, — 13 entries. The premium winners were five good mares, two or three of which ouglit to make very valuable hunters, and are good enough to win in any show-yard. Class 2. — Mares, three years old, — 14 entries. This Class contained some beautiful fillies ; three or four of the best are by premium sires, and the youngsters certainly do them credit. Class 3. — Mares, two years old, — 23 entries. Amongst them were several blood-like galloping fillies, and to five of these we awarded the premiums and fancy that when they are ridden to hounds they will be able to hold their own in good company. Class 4. — Yearling Fillies, — 25 entries. Twenty-three appeared before us : they made a good Class ; the winners were far ahead of the others and ought to grow into nice mares. Class 5. — Geldings, three years old, — 9 entries. This was not a strong Class, and with two or three exceptions they were only of ordinary merit. Class 6. — Geldings, two years old, — 10 entries. In this Class there were two or three nice horses, but nothing very striking ; as a rule, the geldings were not as good as the fillies. Class 7. — Yearling Colts or Geldings, — 12 entries. This was not a strong Class : some of the five premium- takers looked fairly well bred, and will most likely grow into nice horses. ^_ ^^ Hutchinson. John Cooper. The foregoing report shows that the mares and fillies exhibited were superior to the geldings and colts, and this can be easily understood when it is remembered that the latter appeared for the first time in the Society's prize- list ; and the same improvement in quality and numbers that has taken place in the mares and fillies may be looked for among the colts at future Shows. LONDON SHOW, 1892. 137 The Council prepared a liberal piize-list for the young stock divided into the preceding seven Classes. In each of the mare and fillv Classes five premiums of Breeders' Premiums. £15 were offered, and in each of the gelding and colt Classes five premiums of £10, but it must not be inferred that Brood Mares were omitted from participating in the prize money given by the Society, as, provided they were registered in the Prize Bccord or entered for registry in Volume 5 on or before February 1st, 1892, they were awarded £5 through the success of their produce (colts and fillies) without the risk incidental to their exhibition at a time that is considered to be in- jurious to their breeding prospects. The amount of money offered was therefore : — Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4.— 20 Premiums of £15 £300 Amon.it ' ' of Classes 5, 6 and 7. — 15 Premiums of £10 150 Premiums Breeders' Premiums 175 £625 As compared with :— 1889 1890 1891 £300 £420 £415 And Silver Medals. The Council recognised the importance of the represen- Hunter ,.,»,...„, Brood tations made to them as to the risk of brmgmg m-foal mares Mares, to London at the time of year, and they deemed it desirable that premiums and medals for Hunter Brood Mares should be offered during the summer at the Country Shows. With this view the Society's scheme was last 3'ear put in operation when over £119 17s. was distributed. This year's offer has secured the co-operation of twenty-eight County and Agricultural Societies, and the contribution by the Hunters' Improvement Society will not be less than £150. The money offered for Hunter Brood mares at Local Shows, together with the premiums to breeders at the Society's Show, amounts to £325 as against £307 in 1891. 188 LONDON SHOW, 1892. Class 1.— FOUR-YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1888). Class 1. There were thirteen entries in this Class. This is the first year the four-year-old mares have had a class to themselves, and it is difficult to give any reliable data, but they numbered in the Classes (four-year-old mares and upwards) at the previous shows : — 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 5 5 4 10 4 The premium winners were : — Mare. Previous Awards at the Society's Shows. Carina (502) ... Premium 1891. Dorothy (319) ... Premiums 1890 and 1891. Miss Lewis (612). Sunshine (653) . . . Premiums 1890 and 1891. Zingara (482) . . . Premium 1890. "Carina's" dam, "Queen Mab" (254), has another winner at this Show in " Saffron " (866) (Class 4). " Dorothy " is out of "Yorkshire Lassie" (141), which has bred several winners at the Society's Shows. The Eeserve : — " The Queen " (657), out of the well-known "Lavinia" (74), gained premiums in 1890 and 1891, while the commended mave, " Pha'be " (622), was awarded a premium in 1891. Class 2.— THREE-YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1889). Class 2. The five mares to which the Judges awarded honours were : — jMare. Previous Awards at the Society's Shows. Blue Empress (497) ... H.C. 1891. Clematis (715) ... Premium 1891. Lady Scot (568) ... Premium 1891. Ladybird (560) ... Eeserve 1891. Eachael. And among the entries in this Class were several mares which have appeared in the prize lists of former Shows : — Doris ... Premium 1890. Kathleen ... Premium 1891. Miss Peel (613) ... Premium 1891. Vesta (663) ... Premium 1890. LONDON SHOW, 1892. 139 The entries numbered fourteen as compared with : — 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 8 9 15 17 18 Class 3.— TWO-YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1890). The mares to which the Judges awarded premiums in this Class 3. Class were : — Mare. Previous Awards at the Society's Shows. Lady Hamilton ... Premium 1891. Pansy (838) Puritan (631) ... Commended 1891. Queenie ... Eeserve 1891. Euby Of these five premium mares " Puritan " (631) is out of " Goodcraft " (187), awarded the Society's Gold Medal at last year's Compton Stud Co.'s Show. " Puritan " is sired by "Huguenot"(a premium horse) and her dam was by "Kingcraft," a premium sire in 1886. The Eeserve in this Class, " Sweet Briar," is a daughter of "Wild Briar" (481), a premium-taker in 1891 ; and the commended mare," Eomany " (640), is own sister to "Zingara" (482), one of the successful mares in Class 1. " Lady Connaught " (561) and " Mrs. O'Shea " (824) — ^other entries — each claimed premiums in 1891. The entries of two-year-old mares have increased since their inclusion in the prize-sheet in 1886 : — 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 6 6 5 18 18 20 • 23 Class 4.— YEARLING FILLIES (foaled in 1891). Twenty-five entries (as compared with eighteen in 1890 and Class 4. twenty-six in 1891) were sent in for this Class, and twenty- three were inspected by the judges, who selected for premiums, Filly. Queen of the May (861). Saffron (866). Filly. Duchess of Connaught (527). Lady Fife (775). Miss Prudence (820). The first-named comes of a distinguished family of premium- takers, her dam, " Princess " (247), being among the Society's list of winners in 1888, and a daughter of " Lavinia " (74). 140 LONDON SHOW, 1892. " Lady Fife's " d&m, " Duchess " (524), took the Society's Gold Medal at Bath last year, while the dam of " Miss Prudence " — " Prudence " (630) has bred another winner, her filly, " May Morn" (399), having won a premium in 1889. "Saffron" is the second filly out of "Queen Mab " (254), securing a premium at this Show. The dam, " Petticoat" (843), of the re- serve filly, " Nightgown," was a Gold Medal mare at the Lincolnshire Show last year. Class 5.— THREE-YEAR-OLD GELDINGS (foaled in 1889). Class 5. Nine entries were made in this Class, and the awards went to the following : — Gelding. King Arthur. Prime Minister. Geldiug. Blue Jacket. Blue Eegent. General Servant. I The first two named and the Reserve gelding, " Belwade," are out of registered mares. Class 6.— TWO-YEAR-OLD GELDINGS (foaled in 1890). Class 6. The five winners out of the ten entries were : — Gelding. I Gelding. Dutchman. Strathmore. Gadabout. The Major. Oak-apple. Strathmore's dam, " Stella" (649), was awarded the Society's Medal at the Eipon and District Society's Show in 1891, and "Brown Bess " (25), the dam of " The Major," has bred several successful animals, her 1888 foal "Royal Windsor" having taken 1st in 1889 at the Royal Show, Windsor. Class 7.— YEARLING GELDINGS OR COLTS (foaled in 1891). Class 7. The twelve entries included eleven colts and one gelding, and the dams of the winners have distinguished themselves as prize-takers or the dams of other prize-winners : — Colts. Dams. Banker (Gelding)... Evelyn (533), Premium 1891, Compton Stud Co. Bumptious ... Holdfast (550), Premium 1891, Hunters' Improvement Society. LONDON SHOW, 1892. 141 Colts. Councillor jDams. Mermaid (94), Premium 1889, Hunters' Improvement Society ; 1st Royal Show, Windsor, 1889. Lavinia (74). Dunny (322). sires contributed fifteen winners in Prince Pero Sweet Sam Thirteen " Premium the above list, as follows : — Blue Grass 2. Marioni 1. Con naught 1. Omega 1. Huguenot 1. Pearl Diver 1. Jack Tar 1. Prestonpans 1. King Alfred 1. Euddigore 2. Knight Templar 1. i Scot Guard 1. Linnaeus 1. 1 At the close of the 1890 show there were 62 Thoroughbred stallions, which had been awarded Service and " Queen's " Premiums'''. Taking a low estimate and assuming there are only 400 Thoroughbred and Hunter Stallions serving Hunter Mares in the country, the 62 Premium Sires would represent about ^ of the Stallions serving. There are 15 out of 35 winners sired by Premium stallions, which is equal to | of the whole or 3 times as many as should have been expected from the Premium horses. THOROUGHBEED STALLIONS. The entries of Thoroughbred Stallions showed an increase over those of the previous years, 117 being entered for the 22 Queen's Premiums of £200 offered by the Royal Commission on Horse-breeding, and the 3 Premiums of £200 and 3 Gold Medals offered by the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England, and the Warwick Local Committee respectively. The numbers including the " Extra Stock " entries have been : — t t t t "*■ ■"■ ■'" "*■ 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 18^^91 1892 35 31 49 29 94 103 110 123 '•■ Offered by the Hunters' Improvement Society, Royal Commission on Horse-br'eeding and Royal Agricultm-al Society of England. t Hunters' Improvement Society only. I Royal Commission on Horse-breeding and Royal Agricultural Society of England jointly. Propor- tion of winners contribu- ted by Premium sires in excess of ■ expecta- Compara- tive Entries. 142 LONDON SHOW, 1892. The names of the stallions (alphabetically arranged) selected by the Eoyal Commission judges — Mr. Eeginald Chandos-Pole, Colonel J. Cotes and Mr. James Hope — are appended, and include the district class in which they gained their awards, and a list of their former wins of service premiums : — Premium Stallions in 1892 Staliions. District Class. Previous Awards. Bahadur E. Ben Aide." H. 8rd Reserve 1889 ; Premium 1891. Blue Boy A. Premium 1891. , Premiums 1888, 1889 and 1891. 1 Reserve (R.A.S.E.) 1887; 1st Reserve Blue Grass B. 1890. I Medal (H.I.S.) 1887 ; Premium (H.l.S.) ( 1888. Brayton B. Cavaliero A. Cedar D. Chip Chase .... I. 1st Reserve 1890 Eglamore G. Premium 1891 Homely D. Premium 1891. Huntingtower . . C. Just in Time .... F. Premium 1891. Lifeboat C. Lord Molynoo . F. Premium 1891. Marioni D. Premium 1891. Marshal Soult . . E. Moss Hawk .... E. ( Premiums 1888, 1889 and 1890. ( Premiums (R.A.S.E.) 1887 and 1891. Mountain Dew . . C. 2nd Reserve 1891. Prestonpans . . B. Premium 1891. Rameses F. Rosy Monk . . .J. Sam Kheen .... G. Premium 1890. f Premiums 1889 and 1890. Silver Crown .... G. J Premium (R.A.S.E.) 1888. ( Medals (H.I.S.) 1887 and 1888. Sir Harry K. Premiums 1890 and 1891. Truefit A. ( Premiums 1889 and 1890. 1 Premiums (H.I.S.) 1886 and 1888. Awards marked (R.A.S.E.) refer to the service premiums offered l)y the Royal Agricultural Society of England ; and those marked (H.I.S.) refer to the premiums offered by the Hunters' Improvement Society ; all others refer to the "Queen's Premiums." LONDON SHOW, 1892. 143 There were six stallions entered as "Extra Stock," and Extra the following have appeared as successful competitors at previous Shows : — ■ Euddigore ... Premium (R.A.S.E.) 1889. Scot Guard ... Premium (H.I.S.) 1886. Snowdoun .... Premium 1890. Westburton ... Premium 1888. The Show, held conjointly with the Hackney Horse Society, Success of was carried through successfully, and the Council are indebted to the Stewards, Mr, J. B. Ellis, Major G. C. Eicardo and Mr. Frank Usher, for the manner ia which their share in the arrangements was performed ; and to Mr. Henry Withers, Mr. John Cooper and Mr. T. H. Hutchinson for the duties kindly undertaken by tliem. The seating accommodation was considerably reduced by the London County Council, who would not allow any seating to be erected over the Exhibitors' Stalls, much to the incon- venience of members and the public ; otherwise the Eighth Show may be regarded as one of the most successful which have been held under the management of the two Societies. At the Seventh Annual General Meeting, Lord Middleton, Seventh the President, referred to the comparatively small number of :\ieetino. members of the Society, considering the number of gentlemen who hunt and who necessarily benefit by the work of the Compara- Society, and suggested that each member should do what he timely ■^ ^® small could to obtain new subscribers. The Council desire to impress number of on members the necessity for such action. riXQxo. eis. The prize-list of the present year's Show (£620) ; the offer of Society'.s medals at Country Shows, which has stimulated many of the local -Associations to considerably enhance their prizes for Hunter Brood Mares, and will this year entail an expenditure of £150; the issue of Vol. IV., of the Society's Eecord, which encourages tenant-farmers to register their mares and to keep a record of their pedigrees — all these show that the Council are endeavouring to apply the funds at their disposal to the improvement and encouragement of horse-breeding, but they 144 LONDON SHOW, 1892. cannot hope to enlarge the Society's scope of utility without the cordial support of the members, who, by bringing the work clone before their friends, and by inducing them to join, can materially help to extend the Society's efforts. Sugges- In conclusion, the Council will be glad to receive suggestions Member"^ fi'oi^^ any member, which shall have the fullest consideration. The list of awards are given on pages 161 to 169, 181 to 190. LONDON SHOW, 1893. REPOKT OF THE JUDGES. The foUonnng are the names of thnxe gentlemen ivlio assisted as Horse Show Committee, Judf/es, Stewards, Veterinary Surgeons, §'c., on hehalf of the Hunters' Improvement Society at the Niiith Annual ( Spring J London Horse Sh(nc, held at the Royal Agricidtvral Hall. London, on Fehrnary 2Stli, March Isf. 2nd and ?,rd, 1893. HON. T. W. FITZWILLIAM, The Perry, Peterborough. CAPTAIN W. H. FIFE, Langton Hall, Northallertou. 1886— EARL OF COVENTRY, Croome Court, Severn Stoke, Worcestershire. 1887— SIR NIGEL KINGSCOTE, K.C.B., 34, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. 1888— DUKE OF PORTLAND, Welbeck Abbey, Worksop. 1889— SIR WALTER GILBEY, Baet., Elseiiham Hall, Essex. 1890— LORD TREDEGAR, Tredegar Park, Newport, Llonmouthshire. 1891— LORD MIDDLETON, Birdsall House, York. ^0X&s ^Ijout Clt^ontnttttcc. GiLBEY, Sir Walter, Bart., Elsenham Hall, Essex — Chairman. Hornby, Col. J. P., Clewer Lodge, Windsor — T ice-Chairman. Allsopp, Lieut.-Col. W. H., Junior Carlton Club, S.W. Cooper, John, East Haddon, Northampton. Cross, J. P., Catthorpe Towers, Rugby. Fife, Capt. W. H., Langton Hall, Northallerton. Preston, Hon. E., Errwood Hall, Buxton. Prior, C. M., Adstock Manor, Winslow, Bucks. Eicardo, Major G. C. [Steward), Donnington Castle House, Newbury. Tanqueray, Charles H., Earley, Reading. Withers, Henry, 556, Oxford Street, \V. Ellis, J. B., West Barsham, Walsingham, Norfolk. RiCARDO, Major G. C, Donnington Castle House, Newbury. Usher, Frank, Middlethorpe, Market Weightou, Yorks. Langlands, IMajor J. S., Longrood, Rugby. Mann, R. J., Acton Burnell, Salop. Withers, Henry, 556, Oxford Street, W. Axe, Professor J. Wortley, Royal Veterinary College, N.W. Batt, E., Oxford Street, W. Hammond, J., Jun., Bale, Dereham, Norfolk. Lepper, Henry G., Aylesbury. LONDON SHOW, 1893. 147 HUNTERS' IMPROYEMENT SOCIETY. LONDON SHOW, 1893. Following the precedent adopted at the previous Show the Council decided to invite the Judges to draw up a short report on the various Hunter Classes which came before them, supplementing their remarks with a few statistics bearing on the salient points of the Society's Ninth Annual Spring Exhibition. Agreeably to this decision the judges — Major Langlands Judges' and Mr. E. J. Mann — submitted the following report : — In bringing our report before the Society, we would beg to state that we were much impressed with the excellence and the forward condition in which the young stock were brought up for exhibition, and we are of opinion that this state of things is of great advantage to breeders, as the more forward in condition young stock can be produced the more marketable they are. It is a very satisfactory feature that many of the young horses which have gained premiums and commen- dation are sired by the Eoyal Commission Stallions. 148 LONDON SHOW, 1893. Yearlings. Yearliugs. — These Classes were exceptionally good ; they were well grown, good movers and showed plenty of quality and substance ; this, combined with action, carries weight. Two-year- Two-year-olds. — The same remarks apply to the Two-year-old Three year Colts and Fillies, but when we came to the Three-year- ol^s. olds, though much pleased with the Fillies, we were on the whole disappointed with the Colts, both in point of numbers and quality. Four-year- Four-year-olds. — The Four-year-old Mares left the judges but °^^^- little choice, as only six Mares appeared to compete for the five premiums offered. In concluding our remarks we would draw attention to the great improvement in the young stock exhibited since the Hunters' Improvement Society started, and we would point out to breeders the advisability of using Premium Stallions and well-bred Mares. Egbert J. Mann. J. S. Langlands. March 3rd, 1893. Referee. ^^^' Henry Withers, on the invitation of the Council, again acted as Eeferee. P ■ e Lists ^^ '^^y ^® well, before dealing with each Class, to briefly of 1892 review the Prize lists of this and the preceding year, and it may be at once noted that though the amount oifered for competition last March was less than in 1892, the total entry showed an increase. The Classes for Mares were drafted on the basis of the previous year, viz. five equal premiums of £15 (with £5 to the breeders in all cases where the dams had been registered in the Kecord of Hunter Mares and Sires) for four, three, and two-year-old mares and yearling fillies. The Classes for three and two-year-old geldings were thrown open to colts ; but only one colt (and that a reserve number) received recognition at the LONDON SHOW, 1893. 149 hands of the judges. The five premiums of £10 in last year's list were reduced to three, with a proviso, in the two-year-old and yearling classes, that if more than fifteen entries were made in either class an additional premium of £10 would be offered, and the seventeen entries in each class secured the award of the extra premium of £10, with the accompanying breeder's prize. The following comparative table shows the respective Compari- monetary value of, and entries in each class for the last five Entries. Shows : — Hunters. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. Pre- 1 En- miums. tries. Pre- miums. En- tries. Pre- miums. En- tries. Pre- miums. En- tries. Pre- miums. En- tries. -■ Brood Mares I Mares, 4 years old . . Fillies, 3 years old . . Fillies, 2 years old. . Fillies, yearlings . . Colts or Geldings,) 3 years old . . . . / Colts or Geldings, 2 years old . . . . ' Colts or Geldings, ) yearlings / £ 150 75 75 38 15 18 £ -195 75 75 75 -56 17 18 18 £ -190t 75 75 75 -29t 18 20 26 £ t 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 t 13 14 23 25 9 geld. 10 geld. lie. Ig- £ t 100 100 100 100 45 60 60 t 19 1 22 18 4 c. 10 g. 5 c. 12 g. 17 c. i I £300 71 |£420 109 £415 93 £625 106 £565 i 114 * In 1890 included Mares, four years old, iu-foal. * In 1891 included Mares, three or four years old, in-foal. t The Society's Gold Medal offered at Local Shows in following years and amounts : 1891, £119 17s. ; 1892, il50 2s. ; 1893, £191 5s. J No breeding qualification. While' retaining the class for Thoroughbred Stallions, not Hunter competing for Queen's Premiums, the Council introduced a new feature in the Society's Prize List by the institution of a Sires. 150 LONDON SHOW, 1893. Local Scheme of Premiums and Medals class for Hunter Sires (not Thoroughbred), registered or eligible for registry in the Society's Eecord, under the following rules: — A Half-bred Stallion may be accepted for registry as a Hunter Sire on the following conditions : — (1) Provided he has won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules, or (2) Provided his only half-bi-ed strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules : or (3) Provided his only half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules. Any of these Hunter Sires approved by the Judges, after veterinary examination, would receive the Society's Silver Medal. The privileges assured to Thoroughbred Sires in the award of the Society's Gold Medal at Country Shows are also extended to them, and mares with foals by Eegistered. Hunter Sires are now eligible to compete. The scheme of premiums and medals for Hunter Brood Mares at Country Shows grows apace each year, and make annually a greater demand on the Society's funds, having increased during the three years of its existence in the following manner : — 1891. 1892. 1893. Number of Societies co-operating . . Grant by Hunters" Improvement Society 20 £119 17s. 28 £loO 2s. 34 £191 OS. These figures speak for themselves, and show how fully this section of the Society's efforts is appreciated, and though the increasing applications bear heavily on the Society's financial resources, the Council are keenly alive to two great benefits accruing from the existence of the scheme — firstly, the award of these prizes to Hunter Brood Mares at their own local Shows obviates the risk and danger incidental to their LONDON SHOW, 1893. 151 exhibition in London in the spring ; and secondly, and equally important to tenant-farmers and Hunter breeders, the local Societies have in the majority of cases doubled their prizes for Hunter Brood Mares to obtain this Society's Medal ; no Society giving less than £2o in prizes for Brood Mares being able to secure the grant. To insure the sequence of the classes in the Catalogue the Thoroughbred Stallions, not competing for premiums, and eiatered as " Extra Stoclv," followed those entered for the Queen's Premiums and were arranged in Class I., and it will be well to follow this numerical order in dealing with the statistics of the Show. Class 1.— THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS (not competing FOR Premiums). Three entries, as compared with five in 1892, were made Class l. in this Class, and each stallion had "won his spurs" in. previous competitions for service Premiums : — Marshal Soult ... Queen's Premium 1892. Scot Guard ... Premium (Hunters' Improre- Society) 1886. Westburton . . . Queen's Premium 1888. Silver medals w"ere awarded to all three Stallions. Class 2. — HUNTER SIRES (not Thoroughbred), registered, OR ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRY IN THE SOCIETY'S RECORD. Three entries Mere also made for Class 2, but only two of these Class 2. came to the Show, the absentee being" Henry Benedict " (4), owned by Miss M. Temple. His dam is by the celebrated Hunter Sire " New Oswestry " (13), whose extended pedigree and piincipal races will be found on pages 12 and 13. "Sir George" (7), by " Favo," out of " Georgina," by " Roman Bee," out of " Cimeraire," by " Eapid Rhone," out of " Calcavella," by " Burgundy," out of " Certe," by " Sir Heicules," was exhibited by Mr. Guy Fenwick and was bred by Mr. Rice Meredith of Eatbbride Manor, Kildare, Ireland. He is a bay horse with black points, foaled in 1885, standing 16"1 152 LONDON SHOW, 1893. high, and his success in the Leopardstown Handicap on August 27th, 1888, entitled him to registry and exhibition. " The Baron" (9), the other exhibit, is by " Bravado," out of " Patch," by "Ernest," out of "Jessie," by " Contract," out of " Cumberland Lassie," — a noted winner of races on the flat and over liurdles some forty-six years ago, winning, among others, a match of £100 against " Ellen McGregor." The owner of "The Baron" was Mr. J. E. Huddleston, Hill Wood, Teubury, who also bred him. This horse has also been represented at the Society's Shows as a successful Hunter Sire by his daughter " Duchess," which took a premium at the 1891 Show as a yearling filly, while another of his produce, "Baroness," was commended in the same year. Silver medals were awarded to both Stallions. Class 3.— FOUR- YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1889). Class 3. The entries in this Class do not compare favourably with those of the preceding year, though the same amount in prizes was offered. Seven entries for premiums value £100 cannot be considered a satisfactory response. A winner in the three-year-old Mares in 1892, " Clematis," was again selected for honours. The five premium Mares were : - Previous Awards at the Mare. Society's Show. Bonny Girl (699) ... Premium 1891 Clematis (715) ... Premiums 1891 and 1892. Dimples ... Commended 1891. Miss Peel (613) ... Premium 1891. Sweet Briar. " Lady Eose," the Eeserve Mare, was sired by the well-known " Lancastrian," Premium Stallion in 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1891. Class 4.— THREE- YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1890). Class 4. The entries showed an increase of five over the corresponding LONDON SHOW, 1893. 153 1892 Class, and three winners in last year's list again figured as premium-takers : — Previous Awards at the Mare. Society's Show. Caramel (709) Lady Hamilton ... Premiums 1891 and 1892. Queenie . . . Keserve 1891 ; Premium 1892. Eomany (640) ... Commended 1892. Kuby . . . Premium 1892. " Caramel " was a new comer, but " Lady Hamilton," by her present win, secures a premium in three successive years. " Queenie," Reserve in 1891, improved her position in 1892 by securing a premium and has maintained her place in the prize- list, while " Eomany " changed her commendation of last year into a prize-card. " Euby," the property of Mr. John Beach, again takes the position among the winners that she occupied last year as the property of Miss A. K. King. The reserve mare " Pansy " (838) won a premium in 1892, while the dam of the highly-commended " Cocoatina " (718) was sired by " Huguenot," a premium sire. Among other entries in this class were " Lady Connaught " (561), and " Puritan" (631), which won premiums in 1891 and 1892 respectively; in fact, this class contained eight animals which, as two-year- olds, faced the Judges at the Society's Show last year. Class 5.— TWO-YEAR-OLD MARES (foaled in 1891). Twenty-two entries were made for this Class, and the class 5. premium-winners included two of last year's successful competitors : — Previous Awards at the Mare. Society's Show. Duchess of Connaught (527) ... Premium in 1892. Oak-apple. Queen of the May (861) ... Premium in 1892. Stella (892). Truce (903) 154 LONDON SHOW, 1893. The mare " Stella " (892) fully justified her selection in the prize-list, as she has taken duriug 1893 the First Prize at the Royal Show, the Doncaster, Peterborough, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and the Great Yorkshire Shows. The Reserve mare " Hesper " (764) was by a Premium horse, " Homely," out of an inspected mare, while " Lady Fife " (775), a premium mare in 1892, was highly commended. " Souvenir," also awarded a high commendation, is out of " Middleton" (813), a mare that has bred several foals, two of which, " Middleton " and "Nigel," have gained several Firsts and Seconds. " Souvenir " is sister to " Stella " (649) awarded the Society's Gold Medal at Ripon in 1891. Mr. Joicey's " Peppermint " mare (842) was also highly commended, being out of " Astasia " (680), which won the Beaufort Hunt Jubilee Steeplechase in 1887. Class 6.— YEARLING FILLIES (foaled in 1892). Class G. The entries here numbered eighteen, and the five fillies awarded premiums were : — Daybreak (731). Lady Cecil. Miss Kheen (819). Ruddigore filly. Sweetheart. " Goodcraft " (187), so well-known in the prize-ring as a Hunter Brood Mare, was the dam of the " Ruddigore " filly so that the successes obtained by both parents are continued in the next generation. The Reserve, " Falka," is out of " Marion " (807) — a winner in the Hunter Brood Mare Classes at the 1891 Show of the Society. A thoroughbred filly " Princess Marion," by " Ruddigore," out of "Queen Marion," by " King Tom," was highly commended, as were " Festive" and " Real Gein," the latter by " Pearl Diver," out of the registered mare "Dunny" (322). LONDON SHOW, 1893. 155 Class 7.— THREE- YEAR-OLD HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS (foaled in 1890). The fourteen entries made for this Class were composed of Class '. four Colts and ten Geldings, but in the award of the three premiums and other honours the geldings " swept the board." The three successful animals were : — Geldings. Bruno. Hansard. Whitewings. and were new comers, as well as the Eeserve " Eufus," but " Gadabout," which was commended, appeared last year as a premium-taker. CLA.SS 8.— TWO-YEAR-OLD HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS (foaled in 1891). The proportion of colts to geldings among the seventeen Class entries in this Class was five to twelve, and one Colt " Huntsman " — was noticed and placed Eeserve. The four selections for premiums were : — Geldings. Bay. Firehght. Prince Pero. Blue Blood gelding. Only one had before appeared as a winner at the Society's Show, viz. : " Prince Pero," which, as a yearling, was allotted a premium in 1892. His dam, the famous " Lavinia " (74), is certainly honoured at this Show, for two of her offspring, " Prince Pero " and " Lord Pero," gain premiums as two- year-old and yearling colts respectively, while her grand- daughter, " Duchess of Connaught " (527), and grand-son, " Count Bercy," are also winners in Classes 5 and 9. " Jim," the Eeserve number in the yearling colts in 1892, was unnoticed. 156 LONDON SHOW, 1893. Class 9. Summary of Awards. Premium Sires. Class 9.— YEARLING HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS (foaled IN 1892). The seventeen entries, the same number as received in Class 8, were composed exckisively of colts, and the Judges awarded the four premiums as follows : — Colts. Count Bercy. Lord Pero. Make Haste colt. Prince Idwal. Keference has been made to " Count Bercy " and " Lord Pero." The "Make Haste " colt is out of " Heroine " (763), an inspected mare, while the dam of the Eeserve " Melrose " won the Society's Gold Medal at the Bath Horse Show, 1891. Thirty-one Premiums were awarded, seven animals were reserved, eleven highly commended and one commended. Nine "Premium Stallions" sired eleven winners. The follow- ing table shows the successful sires in 1892 and 1893 : — SUCCESSFUL PREMIUM SIRES. stallions. 1892. 1893. stallions. 1892. 1893. Blue Blood Blue Grass Connaught Eglamore Friar Rush Huguenot Huntingtower .... Jack Tar 2 1 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; Forward .... Linnseus 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 Marioni Omega Pearl Diver Peppermint Prestonpans Ruddigore Sam Kheen Scot Guard .... 1 1 3 1 King Alfred Knight Templar. . . . 1 1 Forward 7 Total 15 11 LONDON SHOW, 1893. 157 " Ruddigore " has this year increased his winning produce to three, and again occupies the top of the list, shared last year with " Blue Grass," which does not this year contri- bute. " Connaught " and "Omega" again have one winner ; while the other Stallions siring each a premium-taker at the Society's Show in 1893 are "Blue Blood," " Eglamore," "Friar Rush," " Huntingcower," "Peppermint" and "Sam Kheen." Of the seven Reserve numbers three were sired by Premium Sires, while six of the eleven high commendations were accredited to five other Premium horses, " Ruddigore " again leading the way with two in this section of honours. THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS. The number of stallions entered to compete for the thirty Entries. Queen's Premiums offered by the Royal Commission on Horse- Breeding decreased in 1893 to 105, as compared with 117 in 1892. The Royal Agricultural Society of England did not this year offer their Service Premiums, and the Royal Com- mission on Horse-Breeding decided to reduce the value of the Queen's Premiums to £150 each and increase the number to Increase in Stallions thirty, which enabled six stallions to be allotted to Scotland serving. where four were previously located, and added another stallion to District Class B, to District Class C and District Class F, thus increasing the stallions serving by five horses. Fourteen of the twenty-five stallions serving in 1892 were 1892 again awarded "Queen's Premiums," while sixteen other stallions were selected by the Judges appointed by the Royal Commissioners on Horse-Breeding — the Earl of Lonsdale, Lord Marcus Beresford and Rev. Cecil Legard — to serve under the 1893 scheme. Seven of last year's winners w^eie among the competitors at the last show, but were not honoured. with awards, another, " Marshal Soult," was exhibited in the Extra Stock Class, while the remaining three horses were not entered for competition. A rule of importance was enforced by which a' stallion which had won four Queen's Premiums in the same District Class was ineligible for entry again in the same class, but was eligible for any other District Class. 158 LONDON SHOW, 1893. 1893 Stallions. The Stallions this year selected for service were PEEMIUM HORSES, 1893. stallions. District Class. Previous Awards. Bahadur E. Premium 1892. Belville C. Bloodshot C. / Premiums 1888, 1889, 1891 and 1892. 1 Reserve (R.A.S.E.) 1887 ; 1st Reserve Blue Grass G. 1890. Medal (H.I.S.) 1887 ; Premium (H.I.S.) [ 1888. Button Park .... B. D. J. Premium 1892. 1st Reserve 1890 ; Premium 1892. Chip Chase Crom-a-boo ... F. f Premium 1890; Premium (R.A.S.E. i ( 1891. Eglamore G. Premiums 1891 and 1892. ( Premiums 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1891. Even E. - 3rd Reserve (R.A.S.E.) 1887; 3rd Reserve i 1892. Homely D. Premiums 1891 and 1892. Janus H. Just in Time .... F. Premiums 1891 and 1892. King Ebor B. Lord Molynoo . . P. Premiums 1891 and 1892. Macaw M. Marioni D. Premiums 1891 and 1892. Monteviot A. Moss Hawk ... I. 1 Premiums 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1892. I Premiums (R.A.S.E.) 1887 and 1891. Passe-par-tout . . K. Pearl Diver .... A. ( Premiums 1889, 1890 and 1891. ( Silver Medal (H.I.S.), 1888. Peppermill C. Premivims 1890 and 1891. Potentate C. Rameses F. Premium 1892. Rosy Monk . . . . B. Premium 1892. St. Clair A. G. Premiums 1890 and 1892. Sam Kheen .... Sherbrooke .... E. Sir Harry L. Premiums 1890, 1891 and 1892. Warrior B. Awards marked (R.A.S.E.) refer to the service premiums offered by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, and those with brackets (H.I.S.) refer to the premiums offered by the Hunters' Improvement Society; all others relate to the Queen's Premiums. LONDON SHOW, 189:3. 159 The Show was aiidoubtedly a great success, the attendance of the members and the pubHc being so large on three of the four days of the Show, that the grand stand accommodation was taxed to its utmost capacity, and many subscribers arriving somewhat late in the afternoon were unable to obtain seats. This, combined with the inadequate accommodation for the ever-increasing number of entries, has led the Joint Horse Show Committee to fully consider the whole question with the possibility of keeping the judging within the prescribed times, and giving the members an opportunity of witnessing a full parade of the exhibits. It was felt that the Show could not go on under the existing combined arrangement, and that one or more of the Societies concerned must withdraw. The outcome of several meetings resolved itself into the separation (after nine combined Shows) of the Hackney Horse Society and the Hunters' Improvement Society, the former taking the week usually occupied jointly by the two Societies, while this Society will devote a third week to its own Show, at which the Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding will offer their Queen's Premiums. Each Society will therefore have its own Show, able to do what was impossible under the old conditions viz, to develop and improve it, and therefore in a better position to forward the interests of the two breeds in which they are severally interested. In thus separating this Society can look back with pleasure to the sincere and harmonious feeling which has always actuated the joint efforts of the two Societies in the administration of their Joint Show, contributing not only to its present success, but also to the encouragement and promo- tion of Horse-Breeding. To the Stewards, Mr. J. B. Ellis, Major G. C. Eicardo and Mr. Fi;ank Usher, the sincere thanks of the Society are due for the able manner in which they grappled with and overcame the difficulties of the large Show. 160 LONDON SHOW, 1893. The Council have re-organized their prize-list for the next Show ou a comprehensive and liberal basis, and they now look to Hunter Breeders and Exhibitors for support to enable the Society to make this, their trial Show, a permanent Annual Exhibition, at which the best types of Hunters, and the young produce of Premium Sires and Eegistered Mares may be seen, thus enlarging the scope and amplifying the aim of the work of the Hunters' Improvement Society. A full list of the awards in 1893 is given on pages 170 to 180, and 191 to 198. HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS 1892 FOUR-YEAR-OLD MARES. Cl^SS 1. — MAEES, fou7- years old {foaled in 1888), S2utahle for breeding Hunters or Half-bred Horses. — 13 entries. If the dam of the Premium Mare was registered in the Record or entered for registry in Vol. V. on or before February 1st, 1892, a Premium of £5 was awarded to the Breeder. CARINA (502), by Knight Templar, chestnut. Dam, Queen Mab (254). Exhibited and bred "by Alfred E. Pease, M.P., Pinchinthorpe House, Guisborough, Yorks. DOROTHY (319), by Fabius, chestnut. Dam, Yorkshire Lassie (141), by The Mallard. Exhibited by Gilbert Greenall, Jun., Walton Hall, Warrington. Bred by late James Martin, Wainfieet, Lincolnshire. MISS LEWIS (612), by Carthusian, brown. Dam (H.B.) Exhibited by Edward S. Jackson, M.B., Carnforth, Lancashire. Bred by Thomas Lewis, Henridding, Burton, West- moreland. Premium, £15, and B reeder's Premium of £5. Premium, £15. Premium, £15. 162 AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS CLASS 1. — Four-year-old Mares {contimied) SUNSHINE (653), by Fetterlock, chestnut. Premium, Dam. Queen Mary (443). Bre^e'd'r^s Exhibited and bred by C. M. Prior, Adstock Manor, Premium of Winslow, Bucks. i *^- ZINGARA (482), by Fabius, chestnut. Dam, Gipsy's Daughter (48), by Snowstorm. Exhibited by Rev. Cecil Legard, Cottesbrooke Eectoiy, Northampton. Bred by late James Martin, Wainfleet, Lincolnsliire. Premium, £15. THE QUEEN (657), by Pero Gomez, brown. Dam, Lavinia (74). Exhibited and bred by Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. Reserve. PHCEBE (622), by Outfit, brown. Dam, Peahen (839) Exhibited and bred by Ernest Chaplin, 24, Chester Street, S.W. ' Commended. THREE-YEAR-OLD MARES. C/l£lSS 6.— GELDINGS, tiro years old {foaled in 1890). 10 entries. If the dam of the Premium Gelding was registered in the Becord, or entered for registry in Vol. V. on or before February 1st, 1892, a Premium of £5 was awarded to the Breeder. DUTCHMAN, by Dutch Eoll, brown. Dam, Countess (510). Exhibited and bred by G. P. Finch, The Briars, Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of Alphington, Exeter. £5. GADABOUT, by Beaudesert, black. Premium, Dam, Modesty (616). Exhibited and bred by W. Henry J. Hogg, Wester- £10, and . Breeder's Premium of ham, Kent. £5. See page 178. OAK-APPLE, by Rougemont, bay. Premium, Dam, Dolly (519). Exhibited and bred by John W. Moore, Yaxley £10, and Breeder's Premium of Lodge, Peterborough. £5. 168 AWAEDS OP PREMIUMS AND HONOURS CLASS 6. — Two year -old Hunter Geldings (continued) STRATHMORE, by Linnaeus, grey. Dam, Stella (649), by Bradgate. Exhibited and bred by W. C. P. Snowden, Hutton Moor, Thirsk. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. THE MAJOR, by Vibration, bay. i Premium, Dam, Brown Bess (25), by Free Trade. ' £10, and ' V /' J Breeder s Exhibited by Exors. of the late Alexander Sherratt, Premium of Oclepitchard, Hereford. ^ ^^^ Bred by the late Alexander Sherratt, Oclepitchard, Hereford. YEARLING GELDINGS OR COLTS. Cl£LSS T. 12 entries. If the dam of the Premium Gelding or Colt was registered iu the Becord, or entered for registry in Vol. V. on or before February 1st, 1892, a Premium of £5 was awarded to the Breeder. BANKER, chestnut gelding, by Marioni. Dam, Evelyn (533), by Glenmore. Exhibited by Eichard Hoddinott, Springfield House, Gillingham, Dorset. Bred by J. E. Calder, Curry Rivel, Taunton, Somerset. BUMPTIOUS, bay colt, by Beaufort. Dam, Holdfast (550), by Yorkist. Exhibited and bred by J. D. Charrington, Fernside, Wimbledon Common, S.W. Premium, £10, and to the Breeder £5. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. AT THE 1892 SHOW OP THE HUNTERS* IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 169 CLASS 7.— Yearling Geldings or Colts (continued) COUNCILLOR, chestnut colt, by Queen's Counsel. Dam, Mermaid (94), by Bakon Cavendish. Exhibited by G. P. Finch, The Briars, Alphington, Exeter. Bred by Capt. W. H. Fife, Laugton Hall, North- allerton. Premium, £10, and to the Breeder £5. PRINCE PERO, brown or bay colt, by Pero Gomez. Premium, Dam, Lavinia (74). £10, and ^ ' Breeder s Exhibited and bred by Charles Miles, Tatenbill, \ Premium of Bm'ton-on-Trent, Staffs. See page 178. SWEET SAM, dun colt, by Pearl Diver. Dam, Dunny (322), by Grouse. Exhibited and bred by Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart, Elsenham Hall, Essex. JIM, bay colt, by Signal de Nuit. Dam, Lottie (389). Exhibited and bred by W. H. Francis, Broomfields, Chadwell Heath, Essex. £5. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Reserve. HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS 1893 THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS. GlSLSS 1.— THOKOUGHBRED STALLIONS 7iot competlmj for Queen s Premiums : — 3 entries. Thoroughbred StaUions entered in this Class for Exhibition had passed the Veterinary Inspectors of the Hunters' Improvement Society, the Royal Commission on Horse Breeding, or the Royal Agricultural Society of England, or were examined at the Show and certitied as sound by the Society's Veterinary Inspector, MARSHAL SOULT, by Southampton, chestnut, (16-1|.) Silver Medal. Foaled 1887. Exhibited by The Compton Stud Company, of Sandley Stud Farm, Gillingham, Dorset. Bred byG. Huntek, of 147, Beverley Road, Hull. Sec page 187. SCOT GUARD, by Strathconan, grey. Foaled 1877. Silver Medal. Exhibited by the The Compton Stud Company, of Sandley Stud Farm, Gillingham, Dorset. Bred by Lord Scarborough. WESTBURTON, by Reverberation, bay. Foaled 1884. Exhibited and bred by C. J. Fletcher, Dale Park, Arundel, Sussex. Silver Medal. AT THE 1893 SHOW OF THE HUNTERS* IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 171 HUNTER SIRES. ClSLSS 2.— HUNTEE SIKES {not Thoroughbred), regt.^tered or clujihlc for registry in the Society's Record, under the foUoicing rules : — (1) Pi-ovided they have won races under Jockey Ckih rules, or open races under Grand National rules, or (2) Provided their only half- bred strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules ; or (3) Provided their onlij half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules. 3 entries. SIR GEORGE (7) bay. Foaled in 1885. Sire, Favo. Dam, Georgina, by Eoman Bee. g.d., Cimekaiee, by Rapid Rhone. g.g.d., Calcavella, by Burgundy. g.g.g.d., Certe, by Sir Hercules. Exhibited by Guy Fenwick, Alconbnry, Huntingdon. Bred by Rice Meredith, Rathbride Manor, Kildare, Ireland. THE BARON (9) bay. Foaled in 1882. Sire, Bravado. Dam, Patch, by Ernest. g.d., Jessie, by Contract. g.g.d., Cumberland Lassie. Exhibited and bred by J. E. Huddleston, Hill Wood, Tenbm-y, Worcs. Silver Medal, Silver Medal. 172 AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS FOUR-YEAR-OLD MARES. Cl£(>SS 3. — MARES, /o?M- years old {foaled in 1889), suitable for breeding Hunters or Half-bred Horses. 7 entries. Premiums were awarded to the breeders as in 1892, where the dams had been registered in the Record of Hunter Mares and Sires. BONNY GIRL (699), by Royal Charter, chestnut. Dam, Gipsy (755), by Morocco. Exhibited and bred by G. and J. Codling, Lackenby Hall Farm, Redcar, Yorks. CLEMATIS (715). Exhibited and bred by James S. Darrell, West . Ayton, York. See iKtge 163. Premium, £15, and Breeders' Premium of £5. Premium, £15. DIMPLES, by Friar Rush, chestnut. Premium, Dam, Kate (368), by Ouragan II. ' ^ret'cTer^s Exhibited and bred by W. Parkin-Moore, White- Premium of hall, Mealsgate, Carlisle. £5. MISS PEEL (613), by Hyperion, bay. Dam, Diana (518), by General Peel. Exhibited by B. F. Drage, Chapel Brampton, Northampton. Bred by J. H. Ivens, Daveutry. SWEET BRIAR, by Free Trade, bay. Dam, Gipsy (756), by Carthusian. Exhibited by Edward S. Jackson, M.B., Carnforth. Bred by J. Lewis & Sons, Capernwray Old Hall, Carnforth. Premiumi, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeder. Premium, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeders. LADY ROSE, by Lancastrian, brown. Exhibited by C. M. Prior, Adstock Manoi', Winslow, Bucks. Bred by J. B. Wood. Reserve. AT THE 1893 SHOW OF THE HUNTERS* IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 173 THREE-YEAR-OLD MARES. d£l>SS 4. — MAEES, three years old {foaled in 1890), suitable for breeding Hunters or Half-bred Horses. 19 entries. CARAMEL (709), by Carthusian, brown. Dam, Bonnet. Exhibited by E. Howard Dawson, Aldcliffe, Lancaster. Bred by T. Atkinson, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. LADY HAMILTON. Seepage 163. QUEENIE. Seepage 164. ROMANY (640). See page 164. RUBY. Exhibited by John Beach, Foggy Furze, West Hartlepool, co. Durham. Bred by Miss A. K. King, Culworth, Banbury. See page 164. PANSY (838). See page 164. COCOATINA L (718), by Coco, bay. Dam, Lady Emma, by Huguenot. Exhibited and bred by J. Maitland Spencer, Hillylands, Oakhill, Bath. Premium, £15. Premium, £15. Premium, £15, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Premium, £15. Premium, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeder. Reserve. Highly Commended. 174 AWARDS OP PREMIUMS AND HONOURS TWO-YEAR-OLD MARES. Cl£l>SS 5. — MARES, two years old {foaled in 1891), suitable for breeding Hunters or Half-bred Horses. 22 entries. AWARDS. DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT (527), by Connaught Premium, £15, and Breeder's Dam, Princess (247), by Peuo Gomez. Exhibited and bred by Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Tient. OAK-APPLE, by Ambergris, black. Dam, Princess (855 j, by Prince Zeno. Exhibited by F. W. Barling, New House, Eoss, Herefordshire. Bred by M. K. M. Power, Aston Court, Aston Ingham, Eoss, Herefordshire. QUEEN OF THE MAY (861). Seepage 165 Premium of £5. Premium, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeder. Premium, £15, and Breeder's Premium of £5. STELLA (892), by Havoc, brown. Dam, Sally. Exhibited and bred by Thomas Bradley, Uffington, Stamford. TRUCE (903), by Pax, bay or brown. Exhibited by Campbell Hodson, Guadaloupe House, Melton Mowbray. Bred by Alfred E. Humphries, Melton Mowbray. Premium, £15. Premium, £15. AT THE 1893 SHOW OP THE HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 175 CLASS 5. Two-year-old Mares {continued.) HESPER (764), by Homely, chestnut. Dam, Hannah (760) Exhibited and bred by Charles A. Snelling, Town Farm House, Oxted, Surrey. LADY FIFE (775), sec paije 165. SOUVENIR, by Linnj^us, grey. Dam, MiDDLETON (813), by President. Exhibited and bred by W. C. P. Snowden, Hutton Moor, Thirsk. PEPSATIA (842), by Peppermint, chestnut. Dam, Astasia (680), by Snowstorm. Exhibited and bred by James Joicey, Poulton Priory, Fairford, Glos. Reserve. Highly Commended Highly Commended. Highly Commended. YEARLING FILLIES. OlsLSS 6.— YEAELING FILLIES {foaled in 1892), likely to become suitable for breeding Hunters or Ralf-bred Horses. 18 entries. DAYBREAK (731), by Huntingtowee, chestnut. Dam, Bondsmaid (697). Exhibited by A. O. Haslewood, Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbj'shire. Bred by John Longton, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lane. LADY CECIL, by Salisbury, brown. Exhibited by Frank B. Wilkinson, Blyth Spital, Rotherham. Bred by E. Morrell, -\Ialtby, Eotherham. Premium, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeder. Premium, £15. 176 AWARDS OF PEEMIUMS AND HONOURS CLASS 6. — Yearling Fillies [continued) MISS KHEEN (819), by Sam Kheen, bay. j Premium, Dam, Bess (689). ! pf,'^|„^^*„. Exhibited by A, O. Haslewood, Fairfield Stud, , £5 to Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by John Eichardson, Claughton Hall, Caton, Lane. SWEETHEART, by Napsbuey, brown. Dam, Souvenir (887), by Baron Cavendish. Exiiibited by John Beach, Foggy Furze, West Hartlepool. Bred by W. Scott, Aldbrough, Boroughbridge. FILLY, by Euddigore, chestnut. Dam, GooDCRAFT (187), by King Crafty. Exhibited and bred by E. Boucher James, Hallsan- nery, Bideford. FALKA, by Colonel, bay. Dam, Marion (807), by Aide-de-Camp. Exhibited and bred by William Holtby, Eotsea Manor, Cranswick, Hull. PRINCESS MARION, by Euddigore, chestnut. Dam, Queen Marion, by King Tom. Exhibited and bred by H. C. Stephens, M.P., Cholderton, Sahsbury. FESTIVE, by Pride, bay. Dam, Favorita (747), by The Mallard. Exhibited and bred by John Lett, Cleveland Stud Farm, Eillington, York. Breeder. Premium, £15, and Premium of £5 to Breeder. Premium, £15, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Reserve. Highly Commended. Highly Commended. AT THE 1893 SHOW OF THE HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 177 CLASS 6. — Yearling Fillies (continued) REAL GEM, by Pearl Diver, dun. Dam, DuNNY (3::2), by Grouse. Exhibited and bred by Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart., Elsenham Hall, Essex. Highly Commended. THREE-YEAR-OLD HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS. Cl£I.SS T.— COLTS AND GELDINGS, three years old {foaled in 1890). 14 entries (4 colts and 10 geldings). BRUNO, brown gelding, by Bourbaki. Premium, Dam, Fanny, by Prince George. £10. Exhibited by J. H. Thomas, Pinchinthorpe, Great Ayton, Northallerton. Bred by Elizabeth Thomas, Pinchinthorpe, Great Ayton. HANSARD, blue roan gelding, by Sir Isaac. Premium, Dam, Hunter Mare-, by Cavalier. £10. Exhibited by William Harris, Willington, Bedford, Bred by — Harrison, Renhold, Bedford. WHITEWINGS, bay gelding, by Peppermint. Premium, Dam, Confidence (309). Exhibited by Geoffrey Alexander, Warley Lodge, £10, and Premium of £5 to Brentwood. Breeder. Bred by J, C. Barton, Wilhamstrip Farm, Fairford, Glos. RUFUS, chestnut gelding, by Prince Alexander. ReserYe. Dam, DoLLiE, by Wild Charlie. Exhibited and bred by Sir Eobert Wilmot, Bart., Binfield Grove, Bracknell. 178 AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS CLASS 7. — Three-year-old Hunter Colts or Geldings (continned) AWARDS. GADABOUT, see imgc 167. Commended. TWO-YEAR-OLD HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS. Cl£&SS S-— COLTS AND GELDINGS tivo years old {foaled ill 1891). 17 entries (5 colts and 12 (jeldings). BAY, bay gelding, by Pun.taub. Premium, Dam, Perfection (105). Breeder's Exhibited and bred by C. Edmund de Trafford, Premium of Hothorpe, Tlieddingworth, Eugby. *^" FIRELIGHT, chestnut gelding, by Euddigore. Dam, Hunter Mare. Exhibited and bred by T. B. C. West, Chaddleworth House, Wantage. Premium, £10. PRINCE PERO, see page 169. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. GELDING, chestnut, by Blue Blood. Premium, Dam, Peahen (839). Bre^ed^r's Exhibited and bred by Ernest Chaflin, Blankney Premium of Hall, Lincoln. £6. HUNTSMAN, chestnut colt, by Excelsior. Dam, Hunter Mare. Exhibited and bred by William Harris, Willington, Bedford. Reserve. AT THE 1893 SHOW OP THE HUNTEKS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. 179 CLASS 8. — Two-year-old Hunter Colts or Geldings (contintced) AWARDS. SIR RICHARD, chestnut gelding, by Casa Bianca. Dam, Leighton Colleen Bawn (578), by King AllTHUK. Exhibited and bred by T. F. Kynneesley, Leighton Hall, Ironbridge, Salop. GELDING, brown, by Potentate. Dam, Hmiter Mare. Exhibited by T. Forsyth Forrest, The Querns, Cirencester. Bred by Capt. Skinner, Down Ampney House, Cricklade, Wilts. Highly Commended. Highly Commended. YEARLING HUNTER COLTS OR GELDINGS. Cl£i>ss 9. 17 6 71 tries {colts). COUNT BERCY, bay colt, by Bercy. Dam, Countess (313), by Pero Gomez. Exhibited and bred by Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent. LORD PERO, black colt, by Pero Gomez. Dam, Lavinia (74). Exhibited and bred by Charles Miles, Tatenhill, Burton-on-Trent. PRINCE IDWAL, chestnut colt, by Eglamore. Dam, GwEN (759), by Welsh Flyer. Exhibited and bred by John Gill, High Street, Welshpool. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. 180 AWARDS OF PREMIUMS AND HONOURS CLASS 9. — Yearling Hunter Colts or Geldings {continued) AWARDS. COLT, bay, by Makehaste. Dam, Heroine (763), by Blue Mantle. Exhibited and bted by Eev. Cecil Legard, Cottes- brooke Eectory, Northampton. MELROSE, bay colt, by Lal Brough. Dam, Duchess (524), by Goldfinch. Exhibited and bred by S. P. Budd, 8, Gay Street, Bath. GOOD FRIDAY, chestnut colt, by Blue Grass. Dam, Polly (848), by Orville. Exhibited and bred by Edmund Potter, Sawrey Knotts, Windermere. RICHMOND, bay colt, by Gordon. Dam, by Bondsman. Exhibited by Frank B. Wilkinson, Blyth Spital, Eotherham. Bred by G. Wilkinson, Ingleby, Yorks. Premium, £10, and Breeder's Premium of £5. Reserve. Highly Commended. Highly Commended. PREMIUMS OlFKUED BV THE Royal Agricultural Society of England AT THE HACKNEY HORSE AND HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETIES' SHOW, 1892. I>ist]:*ict Clstss F. I 19 entries. (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Shrop- shire, Staffordshire, Warwicfshire, Worcestershire and South Wales). ' JUST IN TIME, by Thundeker, chestnut (16 hands). Premium, Foaled in 1881. ; _ ,j -mr j i Gold Medal. Exhibited by Eusebius Gustavus Crowhurst, 1 Chesham House, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Bred by Thomas Stevens. See 2J0.ist]?ict Cl£i.ss A, 19 entries. (Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxfordshire and Suffolk). BLUE BOY, by Cceeuleus, bay (15-2i). Foaled in 1887. Exhibited by Major Frank Shuttle worth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. Bred by W. Taylor Sharpe, Baumber Park, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. CAYALIERO, by Cambuscan, bay (16 hands). Foaled in 1873. Exhibited by George Bird and James Heys, Yaxley, Huntingdonshire. Bred by Thomas Gee, Dewhurst Lodge, Wadhurst, Sussex. TRUEFIT, by Outfit, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1880. Exhibited by William Burdbtt-Coutts, M.P., The Brookfield Stud, Highgate Road, London, N.W. Bred by the late Charles Snewing, Watford, Herts. Premium, £200. Premium^ £200. Premium, £200. 184 AWARDS OF " THE QUEEN S PREMIUMS I>istx*ict Cla>ss B. AWARDS. 8 entries. (Cumberland, Durham, Norfchumberland and Westmoreland). BLUE GRASS, by Pat Molloy, chestnut (16-1). Foaled in 1880. Premium, £200. Exhibited by the Executors of the late William Steel, Camerton Stud Farm, Workington, Cumberland. Bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Stud, Kentucky, America. See pcuje 196. BRAYTON, by Mask, chestnut (16-1). Foaled in 1885. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. Exhibited by Edward Joscelinb Percy, Housen- rigg, Drayton, Carlisle, Cumberland. Bred by the late C. Blanton. PRESTONPANS, by Prince Charlie, brown (15-3). Foaled in 1877. Exhibited by Mrs. Georgiana M. Sawrey-Cookson, Broughton Tower, Broughton-in-Furness, Lanca- shire. Bred by The Marquis of Ailesbury. KING EBOR, by Kingcraft, brown (16 liands). Foaled ' i^^ Reserve. in 1885. Exhibited by William Parkin-Moore, of Whitehall, Mealsgate, Carlisle, Cumberland, Bred by Capt. Ha worth. See page 192. OFFERED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HORSE-BREEDING. 185 Disti^ict Cl£i.ss C 11 entries. (Dei'by shire, Leicestershire, Lincohishire, Northampton- shire, Nottinghamshire and Eutlandshire). HUNTINGTOWER, by Petek, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by Albert Octavius Haslewood, The Fairlield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by William Smith, Whimple House, Whimple, Devonshire. LIFEBOAT, by Zeal, brown (16 hands). Foaled in 1885. Exhibited by Eobekt James Mann, The Home Farm, Acton Burnell, Shropshire. Bred by The Earl of Warwick, Warwick Castle, Warwickshire. See pivje 188. MOUNTAIN DEW, by Blair Athol, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1882. Exhibited by Thomas Kinsman Bickell, of St. John's Stud Farm, Lamerton, Tavistock, Devonshire. Bred by The Pound Stud, Cobham, Surrey. See pages 186 and 194. X>ist]:*ict Cl£i.ss ID. 16 entries, (Berkshire, Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Hamp- shire, Kent, Somersetshire, Surrey, Sussex and Wiltshire). CEDAR, by Discord or Silvester, chestnut (15.3). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by Colonel John Thomas North, Avery Hill, Eltham, Kent. Bred by Richard Botterill, Tathwell Hall, Louth, Lincolnshire. See iKuje 193. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. 186 AWABDS OF "THE QUEENS PREMIUMS District Class D (contiyiued) HOMELY, by Hermit, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by William Henry Jenneb Hogg, Westerham, Kent. Bred by The Duchess of Montrose, Newmarket. Seepage 194. MARIONI, by Macaroni, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1885. Exhibited by The Compton Stud Company, Sandley, Gillingham, Dorsetshire. Bred by The Earl of Eosebery. Sec ycKjc 194. ATTALUS, by Lacydes, bay (15-3). Foaled in 1875. Exhibited by George Stoner, Charlwood Place Farm, near Crawley, Surrey. Bred by J. H. Houldsworth. MOUNTAIN DEW. See pages 185 and 194. PAPYRUS, by Peter, bay (15-3^). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by the Honourable Eeginald B. Brett, Orchard Lea, Windsor Forest, Berkshire. Bred by E. H. Combe, Pierre-pont, Farnham, Surrey. Sec ]jage 194. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. I>ist]:*ict d£i>ss S. 18 entries. (Yorkshire). BAHADUR, bv Camballo, bay (16 liands). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited and bred by Viscount Lascellbs, Golds- borough Hall, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Sec page 194. 1st Reserve. 2nd Reserve, and Premium in] Class C. 3rd Reserve. Premium £200. OFFERED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HORSE-BREEDING. 187 District Class E (continued) MARSHAL SOULT. Exhibited and bred by George Hunter, 147, Beverley Road, Hull, Yorkshire. See page 170. MOSS HAWK, by Blair Athol, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1880. Exhibited and bred by Edwin Hodge Banks, High- moor, Wigton, Cumberland. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. See Images 194 and 197. WARPATH, by Uncas, bay (16 hands). Foaled in 1st Reserve. 1882. ! Exhibited by the Earl of Feversham, Duncombe Park, Helmsley, Yorkshire. Bred by the Earl of Zetland, Aske, Eichmond, Yorkshire. ROSY MONK, by Eosicrucian, brown (15-3). Foaled 2nd Reserve in 1888. and Exhibited by William Jordison, Carlton House, ' class J ^^ Thirsk, Yorkshire. Bred by Carew Gibson. See pages 189, 192 and 194. EVEN, by Quits, brown (16 hands). Foaled in 1883. Exhibited by Nathaniel Clark, Beamish Park, Chester-le-Street, Durham. Bred by S. C. Newton. See page 194. 3rd Reserve. 188 AWARDS OF "THE QUEENS PREMIUMS r>ist;r*lct Clstss G. 11 entries. (Cheshire, Lancashire and North Wales). EGLAMORE, by Thurio, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1884. Exhibited by Peregrine Percy Pratt, Bryn- Uithrig Hall, St. Asaph, North Wales. Bred by Charles Perkins. See i)age 196, SAM KHEEN, by Khamseen, bay (15-3). Foaled in 1885. Exhibited by Albert Octavius Haslewood, The Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by Charles Adams Kemble, East Harptree, Bristol, Somersetshire. See iKtgc 196. Premium, £200. Premium, £200. SILVER CROWN, by Silvester, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1882. Exhibited by James Edward Platt, Brunt wood, Cheadle, Cheshire. Bred by the Earl of Scarborough, Tickhill Castle, Eotherham, Yorkshire. LIFEBOAT. Seepage 185. BECKENHAM, by Faversham, bay (16 hands). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by the Executors of the late William Steel, Camerton Stud Farm, Workington, Cum- berland. Bred by J. J. Sharp, Broughton, Kettering. Premium, £200. 1st Reserve, and Premium in Class C. 2nd Reserve, OFFERED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HORSE-BREEDING. 189 I>isti?ict Cla>ss K. 3 entries. (Stirlingshire and District). BEN ALDER, by King Lud, chestnut (15-3*). Foaled in 1880. Exhibited by Albert Octavius Haslewood, The Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by the Earl of Scarborough, Tickhill Castle, Eotherliam, Yorkshire. X>ist]:*ict ClsLSS I. 4 entries. (Perthshire and District). CHIP CHASE, by Hilarious, brown (15-3). Foaled in 1883. Exhibited by Albert Octavius Haslewood, The Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by the Earl of Bradford, Weston Park, Shifnal, Salop. See page 197. Oisti:*ict Cl£i>ss istx*ict Cletss K!. 5 entries. (Moray, Nairn and Banff Shires). SIR HARRY, by Uncas, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by William "Wilson, Borough, Sander- stead, Croydon, Surrey. Bred by the late Mr. Sawrey-Cookson, Broughton Tower, Broughton-in-Furness, Lancashire. See page 198. Premium, £200. THE QUEEN'S PEEMIUMS OFFERED BY THE ^02 al Ccmmissinn on porst-^rabing, AT THE HACKNEY HORSE AND HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETIES' SHOW, 1893. I>ist]?ict Cl£i>ss A. 14 entries. (Bedfordshire, Backinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxfordshire and Suffolk.) MONTE YIOT, by Pepper and Salt, bay (15-3). Foaled in 1889. Exhibited and bred by James Waugh, Meynell House, Newmarket, Suffolk. PEARL DIYER, by Master Kildare, brown (15-1). Foaled in 1882. Exhibited by Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart., Elsen- ham Hall, Essex. Bred by Lord Hastings, Melton Constable, East Dereham, Norfolk. ST. CLAIR, by Lowlander, brown (16 hands). Foaled in 1885. Exhibited by John English Tabor, Bovingdon Hall, Braintree, Essex. Bred by the late Lord Rosslyn. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. 192 AWAEDS OF "THE QUEENS PEEMIUMS District Class A {continued) SPOT, by Springfield, chestnut (16 hands). Foaled in 1884. Exhibited by Sir Egbert Herbert, G.C.B., Ickleton, Great Chesterford, Essex. Bred by Lord Alingtgn, Crichel, Dorsetshire. I>ist]:*ict d£i.ss S. 6 entries. (Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland and West- moreland.) BUTTON PARK, by Avontes, chestnut (15-3*). Foaled 1883. Exhibited by James F. Dickson, Gothenburg, Sweden. Bred by Alexander Taylor, Manton House, Marl- borough, Wiltshire. KING EBOR. See page 184. ROSY MONK. See pacjes 187, 189 and 194. WARRIOR, by Childeeic, brown (161). Foaled in 1884. Exhibited by the Executors of the late William Steel, Camerton Stud Farm, Workington, Cumberland. Bred by James Wybrow, Takeley, Essex. 1st Reserve. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. OFFEBED BY THE BOYAL COMMISSION ON HOESE-BBEEDING. 193 I>istx*ict Cl£LSS C 12 entries. (Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northampton- shire, Nottinghamshire and Eutlandshire). BELYILLE, by Hampton, brown (16 hands). Foaled in 1889. Exhibited by Thomas Constable, The Stud, Kirby Laythorpe, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Bred by The Earl of Ellesmeke, Stetchworth Park, Newmarket. BLOODSHOT, by Thueio, brown (15-2). Foaled in 1885. Exhibited by Albert Octavius Haslewood, The Fairfield Stud, Buxton, Derbyshire. Bred by General Pearson, Eeading, Berkshire. PEPPERMILL, by Peppermint, bay (15-2|). Foaled in 1887. Exhibited by Walter Hugh Eawnsley, South- field, Louth, Lincolnshire. Bred by Lord Middleton, Birdsall, York. POTENTATE, by King o' Scots, brown (15-3^). Foaled m 1875. Exhibited by Binyoun Francis Drage, Chapel Brampton, N orthampton shire. Bred by Mr. Gee. I3isti*ict ClsLSS I>. 17 entries. (Berkshire, Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Hamp- shire, Kent, Somersetshire, Surrey, Sussex and Wiltshire.) CEDAR, see page 185. Premium, £160. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. 194 AWARD OF THE " QUEEN'S PREMIUMS" District Class D {continued) AWARDS. HOMELY, see page 186 Premium, £150. MARIONI, see page 186. Premium, £150. SIR ISAAC, by Fitz-James, brown (15-2). Foaled in 1st Reserve. 1883. Exhibited by Samuel Lee Smith, Larkfield, Maid- stone, Kent. Bred by Sir Egbert Jardine, Bart. MOUNTAIN DEW, see pages 185 and 186. 2nd Reserve PAPYRUS, see page 186. Disti^ict Cl£i.ss C 14 entries. (Yorkshire). BAHADUR, see page 186. Exhibited and bred by The Earl of Hare wood, of Goldsborough Hall, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. EYEN,. see jja{/c 187. SHERBROOKE, by Dutch Skater, chestnut (15-3^). Foaled in 18^84. Exhibited by Lord Middletox, Birdsall House, York. Bred by The Earl of Eosebery. MOSS HAWK, see pages 187 and 197. ROSY MONK, see imges 187, 189 and 192. 3rd Reserve. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. 1st Reserve, and Premium in Class I. 2nd Reserve, and Premium in Class B. fe. iiliii '/iy| 1''' 1 'i ' 1 / 1 O o < 1, o o OFFERED BY THE KOYAL COMMISSION ON HORSE-BREEDING. 195 District Class E {continued) TRANSEPT, by Westminster, bay (16-1). Foaled in 1886. Exhibited by George William Elliot, M.P., Scruton Hall, Bedale, Yorkshire. Bred by Charles Taylor, of Horton Manor, Slough, Buckinghamshire. iDistx^ict Cla^ss F. 19 entries. (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, Shrop- shire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and South W^ales). CROM-A-BOO, by Camballo, brown (16-1). Foaled in 1881. Exhibited by Thomas Carr, May House, Droitwich, Worcestershire. Bred by -J. Eidley, The Manor House, Bedale, Yorkshire. " Crom-a-Boo's " portrait is given opposite. In 1885 he ran in two races, and was third for the Manchester Cup, beating "Polemic," " Eole," "Sandiway," " Crim Tartar," "Kinsky," "Bhie Grass," "Tombola," " Studley," "Wire," "Postscript," " Eurasian," &c. In the Great Yorkshire Handicap he got lamed in the race. Mr. Carr says : — " He has been used as a Hunting Sire, and is thought one of the best sires for getting Hunters, and is much looked for, as mares are sent to him from all parts, and his stock are very fine jumpers, taking prizes in the show rings where- ever they go." He took Premiums in 1890 and 1891. JUST IN TIME, see page 181. LORD MOLYNOO. See page 181. 3rd Reserve. Premium, £160. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. 196 AWARDS OF " THE QUEEN's PREMIUMS " District Class F. {continued) RAMESES. Seepage 182. The portrait of this horse is given opposite, and in response to the Society's request, the owner, ^Ir. J. C. Harford, has kindly furnislied the following particulars : — " Rameses " is a rich dark brown horse with a white star on his forehead, stands 16'0J hands high with plenty of bone, he is a beautiful mover and has a grand back and loins, and the very best of legs. He was bred by Lord Bradford, and is by " Chippendale," out of " Goddess," by " Craniond," and was trained by John Nightingale, and ran twice as a two-year-old ; he was then trained for steeplechasing, but bought by me in March 1889 before he had run, and served for three seasons in Cardiganshire, getting very good stock ; in 1892 he was shown for the first time in London, and won a premium in Class F of £200, and the Agricultural Society's Gold Aledal, and was exhibited at Warwick ; he stood that year at Ludlow. In 1893 he was again sliown in London, and again won a premium in Class F of £150, beating a great many good horses ; and stood again in Cardiganshire. Besides these successes he has won many prizes at local Shows and never been beaten ; his stock are big, with good bone, and as a rule, show plenty of quality, and he has been very successful with half-bred mares, and is besides a very sure foal getter. Premium, £150. TOMAHAWK, by Lancastrian, Foaled in 1886. bay (16 hands). I ist Reserve. Exhibited by Gilbert Leigh Abbot, The Priory, Abbot's Leigh, Somersetshire. Bred by Mr. Alcock. I>ist]:»ict Cl£tss G. 7 entries. (Cheshire, Lancasliire and North Wales). BLUE GRASS. See page 184. EGLAMORE. See page 188. SAM KHEEN. See page 188. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. Premium, £150. OFFERED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HORSE-BREEDING. 197 I>ist]:*ict d£i>ss ]EI. AWARDS. 2 entries. (Stirlingshire and District). JANUS, by Thuringian Prince, chestnut (15-2J). Premium, Foaled in 1887. £150. Exhibited by James Edward Platt, Bruntwood, Cheadle, Cheshire. Bred by H. Smith. I>istr*lct Cl£i>ss I. 2 entries. (Fifeshire and District). MOSS HAWK. Seepages 187 and 194. Premium, £150. I>istr*ict Cl^-ss «J. 4 entries. (Ayrshire and District). CHIP CHASE. See page 189. Premium, £150. PASSE-PAR-TOUT, by Baliol, brown (16-1). Foaled 1st Reserve, in 1886. Exhibited by Thomas Glen Arthur, Carrick House, and Premium in Class K. Ayr, Ayrshire. Bred by Colonel E. Thomson, of Ballyfare House, Curragh Camp, Ireland. See below. I>istr»ict ClSiSS K. 2 entries. (Moray, Nairn and Banff Shires). PASSE-PAR-TOUT. See above. Premium, £150. 198 AWARDS OF "THE QUEENS PBEMIUMS. AWAKDS. I3istx»ict Cl£i.ss ILi. 3 entries. (The Lothians). SIR HARRY. Seepage 190. Premium, £150. Exhibited by James T. Dickson, Gothenberg, ] _ ^"'^ •^ Premium in Sweden. Class M. Bred by The Eakl of Eosebeey. See beloio. Disti?ict CIelss IVI. 3 entries. (Roxbiirghshire, Berwickshire and District.) MACAW. See above. Premium, £150. LOCATION OF THE "PREMIUM" THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS AND LIST OF DISTRICT COMMITTEES. For the information of the Members of the Hunters' Improvement Society, the location of the premium thoroughbred stallions, which served fifty half- bred mares (if required) in the various districts during tlie 1892 and 1893 seasons at £2 each mare and 2s. 6d. to the groom, is appended. 1892. Dis- trict. Name of StaUion. A ' Blue Boy . . Cavaliero . . Truefit B Blue Grass Brayton Location. District Committees. Old Warden Park, Biggles- wade. Huntingdon and "Pete rborough Districts. Shenly, Herts. ; and to High- gate. Workington, Cockermouth, . W li i t e h aven , Carlisle, Wig- ton and Penrith Brayton, Car- lisle and Hay- don Bridge. Major J. S. Langlands, Biddenham, Bedford. Mr. William Harris, Willington, Bedford. Mr. T. Munckton, Estate Office, Old War- den, Biggleswade. Hon. Thomas W. Fitzwilliam, The Ferry, Peterborough. Mr. William Barford, Gayhurst House, Peterborough. Mr. F. J. Howson, Huntingdon. Mr. Frank T. Oatway, Kingsdale, Stan- more, Middlesex. Mr. Charles T. Part, Aldenham Lodge, Radlett, St. Albans. Mr. E. Somerville Tattersall, Albert Gate, Hyde Park, London, S.W. Mr. John J. Bowman, 32, English Street, Carlisle. Mr. F. Carleton Cowper, Carleton Derick, Penrith. Mr. S. D. Stanley Dodgson, Estate Office, Whitehaven. Mr. J. J. Bowman, 32, English Street, Carlisle. Mr. D. L. Dixon Brown, Unthank Hall, Haltwhistle, Carlisle. Mr. Joseph S. Mark, Wigton, Cumberland. 200 LOCATION OF THE " PEEMIUM " THOEOUGHBEEDS. Dis- trict. B {cont) Name of Stallion. Prestonpans ! Hunting- ! tower Lifeboat . Mountain Dew D Cedar E Homely Marioni Bahadur . Marshal Soult Location. District Committees. AlnwickjWooler, ; Belford, and District. Derby, Notting- ham and Mel- bourne. Market Harbo- rough: and travel the Dis- trict. Grantham, Lin- coln and New- ark. Avery Hill, Etham. Westerham,Kent Sandley, Gilliug- ham, Dorset G o 1 d s b o r o', K n a r e s b o- rough ; and to Wetherby and Ripon. Routh, Beverley, Hull, Hessle, Ferriby and East End of Holderness. Mr. L. C. Chrisp, Hawkhill, Alnwick. Lieut-Col. Anthony Marshall, Annstead, Chathill, Northumberland. Mr. G. G. Rea, Doddington, Wooler, Northumberland. l\lv. William Briggs, Bleak House, Mel- bourne, Derby. Mr. George Corbett, Derby. Mr. Claude M. S. Pilkington, Wollaton, Nottingham. Mr. John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Had- don, Northampton. Mr. Austin Mackenzie, Brigstock ]\Ianor, Thrapston. Mr. Rowland Wood, Clapton, Thrapston. Colonel Francis Fane, Fulbeck, Grantham. Major A. C. Tempest, Coleby Hall, near Lincoln. Mr. James Hutchinson, Slanthorpe Lodge, Grantham. Mr. John Alexander, Rowhill Grange, Dartford, Kent. Sir Patteson Nickalls, Fallowfield, Chisle- hurst. Mr. George P. Russell, St. Margarets, South Darenth. ]\Ir. H. G. Hoare, Stanstead House, God stone Station. Mr. Thomas Hooker, Broxham, Eden- bridge. Mr. Alexander F. Rooke, Farlowe, Wester- ham, Kent. Mr. R. M. Dodington, Horsington Park, Temple Combe, Somerset. INIr. James Flower, Chilmark, Salisbury. Mr. T. H. Miller, Oborne, Sherborne, Dorset. Captain Thomas Slingsby, Scriven Park, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Mr. F. W. Slingsby, Red House, .Moor Monkton, York. :\Ir. W. C. P. Snowden, Hutton :\Ioor, Tliirsk. Mr. John Danby, Weedley, Brough, York- shire. Mr. Harold R. Pease, Ticton Hall, Bever- ley, Yorkshire. jNIr. Joseph Thompson, Wauldby, Brough, East Yorkshire. LOCATION OF THE " PREMIUM " THOBOUGHBEEDS. 201 Location. Name of j StallioD. :\Ioss Hawk I Driffield, Brid- lington, Hi;n- j nianby and District. F Just in Time! Leamington, Lord StudParm,Coed- Molyuoo* , kernew, near j Ne%vport, Mon. Rameses* . . Ludlow, Leo- j minster and I Hereford. District Committees. Eglamore . Sam Kheen Silver Crown Ben Alder. Chip Chase St. Asaph. Knowsley, Bury and Preston. B r u n t w o o d , Cheadle ; and to Warrinston. Stirling and Dis- trict. Perth sli ire and District. jMr. Frank Grainger, Thornholme, Burton Agnes, Hull. Mr. Thomas D. Reed, Beeford Grange, Hull. ]\Ir. Frederick Reynard, Sunderlandwick, Driffield. Mr. Philip S. Danby, Church Farm, Offchurch, Leamington. Mr. J. H. Davies, Hatton, Wegnock Park, Warwick. Mr. J. W. Margetts, Warwick. Mr. Edward Curre, Itton Court, Chepstow. Mr. Arthur Evans, Llangibby Castle, Monmouthshire. ^Ir. Richard Stratton, The Duffryn, New- port, Mon. Sir William M. Curtis, Bart., Caynham Court, Ludlow. Mr. A. R. Boughton-Knight, Downton Castle, Ludlow. ]\Ir. James L. Barling, V.S., Bridge Street, Hereford. Mr. Charles S. Mainwaring, Galltfaenau, Trefnant, R.S.O. Mr. R. W. Williams Wynn, Cefn, St. Asaph. IMr. Joseph Lloyd, St. Asaph. ]\Ir. James S. Fair, Estate Offices, Lytham. ]Mr. Walter Mucklow, Elton, Bury, Lancashire. ]\Ir. H. C. Neilson, Halewood, Liverpool. IMr. Colin INIacIver, Estate Offices, War- rington. Mr. Douglas Phillips, The Cottage, Chel- ford, Crewe. ^Ir. John Smith, Sudlow Farm, Knutsford. 'Mr. A. H. Anderson, Estate Office, Kip- pendavie, Dunblane, N.B. ^Ir. Edwin Bolton, West Plean, Bannock- burn, N.B. Mr. Donald Fisher, Jellyholm, Alloa, N.B. ilajor Charles H. Duudas, 35, St. John's Street, Perth. IMr. H. Macduff Duncan, jun., Damside, Auchterarder, N.B. IMr. William Miller, Over Kinfauns, Peith, N.B. For tingraviugs see pages 181 and 1% 202 LOCATION OF THE " PBEMIURT " THOROUGHBREDS. Dis- trict. Name of Stallion. Rosy Monk Location. District Committees. J Ayrshire and Mr. Harry R. Alston, Swindrige Muir, District. Dairy, Ayrshire. Mr. John H. Dixon, Dabton, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. Mr. John McKie, Ernspie, Castle Douglas. Mr. Donald T. IMartin, Girgenti, Irvine. Mr. T. Harling Turner, Portland Estate Office, Kilmarnock, N.B, K Sir Harry . . Elqiin ; and to Mr. J. S. Robertson, Cawdor Estate Office, Pochabers.Cul- Nairn, N.B. len, Keith. Al- Mr. J. P. Stuart, Orbliston, Fochabers, tyre and Caw- N.B. dor Castle, Mr. Robert Turner, Cairnton of Boyndie, Nairn. Portsoy, N.B. LOCATION OF THE " PREMIUM " THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS AND LIST OF DISTRICT COMMITTEES. 1893. Dis- trict. Name of Stallion. Location. District Committees. Monteviot . Pearl Diver St. Clair Button Park Huntingdon, St. JMr. Alexander K. Galloway, Penstanton Ives & Alcon- , Brewery, St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, bury. I Mr. John Goodliff, George Hotel, Hunt- 1 ingdon. [ Mr. F. J. Howson, Huntingdon. Elsenham, Essex: Mr. Thomas Brown, Little Hallingbuiy I Hall, Bishop's Stortford. I Mr. Martin Burls, Elsenham, Bishop's i Stortford. Mr. W. Smitli, The Links, Bishop's Stortford. Braintree, Essex Captain W. Townsend, Blue Bridge j House, Halstead, Essex. Mr. J. W. Wakelin, Hill Farm, Braintree. I Mr. George A. Newman, Panfield Hall, Braintree. Kendal and I Dr. \V. Illiffe, Kendal. Ulverstone. ; Mr. Jacob Wakefield, Sedgewick House, Kendal. I\Ir. Charles H. Wilson, Oxenholme. Dis- trict. B {cont} D LOCATION OP THE " PREMIUM Location. Name of Stallion. King Ebor Warrior . Rosy Monk Belville . . Bloodshot . Peppennill Potentate Cedar. Homely , Whitehall, Mealsgate and Carlisle. Camerton, Work- ington ; and to Cockermouth, Whitehaven, Carlisle, Wig- ton and Pen- rith. Alnwick, Wooler and Belford. Sleaford, Gran- tham, Melton Mowbray, Oak- ham, Upping- ham & Stam- ford. Buxton, Bake- well and Derby, Lincoln, Not- tingham and Gainsboroueii. Daventry, Had- don, Welling- borough and Northampton. Avery Hill, El- tham, Kent. !M 00 r house, W e sterham, Kent. THOKOUGHBREDS. District Committees. 203 IMr. George J. Bell, 32, English Street, Carlisle. 'Slv. John Steel, V. S., Wigton, Cumberland. Mr. James Thomson, Estate Office, Bray- ton, Carlisle. Mr. George J. Bell, 32, English Street, Carlisle. Mr. P. Carleton Cowper, Carleton Derick, Penrith. Mr. S. D. Stanley Dodgson, Somerset House, Whitehaven. Lieut-Col. Anthony Marshall, Annstcad, Chathill, Northumberland. Mr. G. G. Rea, Doddington, Wooler, R.S.O., Northumberland. Mr. Thomas Tomlinson, Bailiff Gate, Alnwick. ]\Ir. A. R. Adcock, ^Manor Farm, Whissen- dine, Oakham. iMr. James Hornsby, Stapleford Park, Mel- ton Mowbray. Rev. J. P. Seabrook, Waltham, Melton Mowbray. Mr. Sidney Burton, Derbyshire Agricul- tural Society, Derby. Mr. F. B. Craven, Thornbridge, Bakewell. Mr. Frank Drewry, Buxton. ]\Ir. George Bingley, Wheatley Grange, Retford. Islv. Fred C. IMarshall, Riseholme Grange, Lincoln. :\rr. C. M. S. Piikington, 24, Trent Street, Nottingham. Mr. John Cooper, Brook Hill, East Had- don, Northampton. Mr. J. F. Goodman, Flecknoe, Rugby. Mr. T. M. Jameson, Moulton Grange, Northampton. ]Mr. John Alexander, Rowhill Grange, Dartford. Mr. Walter Jackson, Swanley, Kent. Mr. George P. RusselJ, St. IMargaret's, South Darenth. IMr. John Cooper, Tandridge Court, Red- hill. Jlr. H. Gerard Hoare, Stanstead House, Godstone Station. Mr. Thomas Hooker, Broxham, Eden- bridge. 204 LOCATION OF THE " PREMIUM " THOROUGHBREDS. Dis- trict. D (cont) Marioni . Bahadur Even District Committees. Sherbrooke Crom-a-boo='= Just in Time Lord Molynoo='' Rameses"'- Sandley, Gillint ham, Dorset. Knaresborough , Wetlierby and Ripon. Richmond. Northallerton, and G u i s - borough. B i r d s a 1 1 and District. Lieut. -Col. George Best, Charlton House, Ludwell, Salisbury. Mr. Arthur Gosling, Estate Office, Lower Lawn, Tisbury, Salisbury. Mr. T. H. Miller, Oborne, Sherborne, Dorset. Captain Thomas Slingsby, Scriveu Park, Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Mr. F. W. Slingsby, Red House, Moor Monkton, York. Mr. W. C. P. Snowden, Hutton Moor, Thirsk. Mr. W. ]\L Cobbett, Estate Office, Stan- wick, Darlington. Mr. T. H. Hutchinson, The IManor House, Catterick, Y'orkshire. Mr. W. H. Wharton, Skelcon Castle, Skelton-in-Cleveland, R.S.O., Y'orkshire. Mr. Henry Cbolmondeley, Estate Office, Sledmere, York. Mr. William Garforth, Swinton Grange, Malton, Y'orkshire. Mr. Frederick Reynard, Sunderlandwick, Driffield. MayHpuseFarm.l Sir Harry F. Vernon, Bart., Hanbury Droitwich. Hall, Droitwich. Mr. Frederick Ames, Hawford Lodge, Worcester. Mr. C. W. Wicksted, Shakenhurst, Cleo- bury Mortimer. Leamington. C o e d k e r n e w Cardiff. Mr. Phihp S. Danby, Church Farm, Off- church, Leamington. Mr. J. H. Davies, Hatton, Weguock Park. Warwick. Mr. Charles Garner, Buddesley Lodge, Leamington. Mr. Edward Curre, Itton Court, Chepstow. Mr. Arthur Evans, Llangibby Castle, Monmouthshire. Mr. Richard Stratton, The Duffryn. New- port, Monniouthshire. Mr. W. J. Buckley, Petiyfae, Llanelly. Colonel J. K. Howell, Pantgwyn, Boncath, R.S.O., South Wales. Mr. T. H. R. Hughes, Newadd Fawr, I Lampeter. For engravings, see pages 181, 195 and 19G. Lampeter, Car- d i g a n and Carmarthen. Dis- trict. H M LOCATION OF THE " PREMIUM " THOROUGHBREDS. Location. 205 Name of Stallion. Eslamore Sam Kheen Blue Grass Janus . RIoss Hawk ChiiJ Chase Passe-par- tout Sir Harry District Committees. B r y n - 1 lithrig Hall, St.Asaph Elton, Bury, Blackburn and Preston. Carnforth, Lan- caster, Preston and The Fylde. Stirling and District. Fifeshire. Ayrshire and District. Moray, Nairn & Banff Shires. The Lothians. Macaw Kelso and Boswells. St. Mr. Joseph Lloyd, St. Asaph. Major G. Sandbach, Hafodunos, Abergele. Mr. R. W. Williams Wynn, Cefn, St. Asaph. Mr. Richard Assheton, Victoria Park, Manchester. Mr. Carlton Cross, Crooke Hall, Chorley. Mr. Walter IMucklow, Elton Grange, Bury. Mr. Edward Barton, Warton Grange, Carnforth. IMr. Addison Birley, Bartle Hall, Preston. Mr. James S. Fair, Estate Office, Lytham. Mr. A. H. Anderson, Estate Office, Kip- pendavie, Dunblane, N.B. Mr. Edwin Bolton, West Plean, Bannock- burn, N.B. Mr. Donald Fisher, Jellyholm, Alloa, N.B. Mr. John Bell, Stenton, St. Monance, R.S.O., N.B. Mr. Willam Tod, East Brackley, Kinross, N.B. Mr. James Thorn, Leden Urquhart, Gate- side, Fife, N.B. Mr. John H. Dickson, Dabton, Thornhill, Dumfries, N.B. Mr. J. McKie, Ernespie, Castle Douglas, N.B. Mr. J. Harling Turner, Portland Estate Office, Kilmarnock, N.B. Mr. William Ross, Cathay House, Cullen, N.B. Mr. J. S. Robertson, Cawdor Estate Office, Nairn, N.B. Mr. J. P. Stuart, Orbliston, Fochabers, N.B. Mr. Adam P. Cross, Craigiehall, Cramond Bridge, Midlothian, N.B. Mr. William Ford, Fentonbarns, Drem, East Lothian, N.B. Mr. Thomas M. Skirving, Niddrie Mains, Edinburgh. Mr. James Wylie, Royal Bank of Scot- land, Leven Street, Edinburgh. Mr. Thomas Calder, Swinton Hill, Cold- stream, N.B. ]\Ir. James Roberton, Ladyrig, Roxburg, N.B. Mr. James Smith, Mowhaugh, Kelso, N.B. The Royal Dublin Society, SEASONS 1892 and 1893. LOCATION OF THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS, The regulations drawn up for the administration of that portion of the Subsidy of £5000, set apart for encouraging Improvement in the Breed of Horses in Ireland during the seasons 1892 and 1893, differ so materially from the procedure followed in previous years that the particulars of the Horse- Breeding scheme (kindly supplied by the Eoyal Dublin Society) are given in detail, with the prefatory note issued with the list of registered Thoroughbred Stallions for 1893. A list of the Stallions, with the Counties in which they stood in 1892 and 1893 and the number of services and the amount of service fees, has been summarised and is given in two tables at the end of the scheme. ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. 207 PREFATORY NOTE. Owners of Thorough -bred StalHons in every County in Ireland were invited to Kegister their horses for service under the Horse- Breeding Scheme of 1893, as in the previous year. The condi- tions of Eegistration required that the StalHon sliall be entered in Weatherby's Stud Book ; shall be over three and not over eighteen years of age ; shall, by the Eoyal Dublin Society's Veterinary Surgeons, be declared free from all hereditary diseases, and shall in other respects be considered suitable for the objects of the Horse-Breeding Scheme. Applications were received for the Eegistration of 137 Stallions.''' Of these Stallions, 11 failed to pass the Veterinary inspection. Eight could not be registered for other reasons. The remaining 118 were accepted, and appear in this Eegister. Special importance was attached to the test of soundness. The Veterinary inspections were carried out by the Eoyal Dublin Society's Veterinary Surgeons at the stables of the owners. This work involved a considerable outlay, but it was felt that the advantages to the public of having so large a number of Stallions passed through a searching Veterinary examination would amply justify the expenditure. Every one of the 118 Stallions has, by the Eoyal Dublin Society's Veterinary Surgeons, been declared free from all hereditary diseases. This fact is of importance to many beside =■= In 1892 the figures were : — Ai^plications for registry, 147 ; 29 failed to pass the Veterinary inspection and 17 could not be registered for other reasons. The regulations for 1892 were similar to those enumerated in the subsequent pages. 208 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. the sixteen hundred Farmers who will this year receive direct benefit from the grant for promoting improvement in Horse- Breeding in Ireland. The directions issued to the Veterinary Surgeons are as follows : — 1. " If the Stallion suffers from one or other of the following hereditary diseases, viz. Eoaring, Whistling, Kingbone, Unsound Feet, Navicular Disease, Spavin and Cataract, the Certificate is to be marked Unsound. 2. " If the Horse is free from these diseases, tlie Certificate is to be marked Sound. 3. " No other remarks are to be entered on the Certificate as to the condition of the Horse. 4. " The Veterinary Surgeon is requested to make the inspection of the Horse most careful and searching. He is in particular to thoroughly test the Horse as to the soundness of his wind. For this purpose the Veterinary Surgeon is advised to carry with him a lunge rope, not less than 36 feet long, as in some cases Owners of Stallions may not have such a rope conveniently at hand. 5. " Veterinary Surgeons are particularly requested to regard the results of the inspection as strictly confidential." The Veterinary Surgeons reported that Eoaring, Whistling, Eingbone and Cataract were the prevailing ailments with which unsound Horses were found to be afi'ected. A satisfactory feature reported by the Veterinary Surgeons in some districts is that fewer unsound Stallions were submitted for Eegistration, and also that several horses, rejected last Season''^ by the Hoi'se- Breeding Committee, have disaiypcared from the Country. March, 1898. '■■■ 1892. HORSE-BREEDING SCHEME, 1892 and 1893. 209 HOKSE-BEEEDING SCHEME— 1893. The following are the Eegulations for the administration of that portion of the Subsidy of £5000, set apart for encouraging Improvement in the Breed of Horses in Ireland, during the Season 1893 :— 1 . The sum of £3200 shall be divided amongst the 32 Counties in Ireland in the proportion stated below for allotment in Nominations to Thorough-bred Stallions Eegistered for the purposes of this Scheme for approved Mares, the property of Farmers, the tenement vahiation in aggregate of whose holdings does not exceed £150 a-year — the term Farmer to be under- stood to mean a person who derives his means of living from farming. 2. The subsidies to the various Counties shall be as follows : Antrim . . . iilOO Armagh . . 80 Carlow . . 90 Cavan 90 Clare 110 Cork 160 Donegal . . 80 Down 110 Dublin . . 80 Fermanagh Galway . . Kerry Kildare . . 80 100 110 100 Kilkenny 110 King's County . 100 Leitrim . . 80 Limerick . . Londonderry Longford Louth Mayo Meath . . Monaghan Queen's County 80 Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Tyrone Waterford Westmeath Wexford . . ■Wicklow . . £110 90 90 80 100 100 80 100 100 90 140 100 100 100 140 100 3. County Committees will be appointed, to w^honi all ques- tions connected with this Scheme in the County may be referred. 4. The County Committee shall take such steps as they may consider necessary to secure that none but suitable Mares shall receive Nominations ; young Mares to have the preference, and particular attention to be given to size, soundness and general fitness for breeding. 5. Every decision of the Local Committees shall be subject to confirmation by the Eoyal Dublin Society. Division of the Grant. County Commit- tees. Duties of County Commit- tees. 210 BOYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. Kegistra- tion of Stallions. Shows of ]Mares. Mares entitled to Nomina- tions. Number of Nominations to each County. Choice of Stallions. Fees. Conditions as to Payment of Fees. 6. The conditions attached to the award of the Nominations are as follows : — (a) The Nominations for Farmers' Mares shall be confined to Stallions annually Registered by the Royal Dublin Society for the purposes of this Scheme. (b) The County Committee shall, upon a day and at a place duly advertised in the local newspapers, hold one or more Exhibitions of ]\Iares for the purpose of issuing Nominations. (c) The ]\Iares to receive Nominations shall be selected by Judges named by the Royal Dublin Society, must be passed free of any hereditary disease by the Society's Veterinary Surgeon, and must be the property of Tenant Farmers in the County, whose aggregate valuation does not exceed £150 a year. (d) A Farmer whose holding extends into more than one County may apply for a Nomination in any one of the counties in which lie holds land. No Farmer shall this year receive more than one Nomination. (e) The County Committee may, with the approval of the Society, refuse a Nomination for any Jilare without assigning any reason therefor. (/') The Nominations issued in any one County shall not exceed one Nomination for every £2 of grant assigned above to that County. (g) A Farmer receiving a Nomination may select for his Mare any (inc of the Registered Stallions whose Service List is not already full. (h) For a Nomination to a Registered Stallion whose Service Fee for Nominated ]Mares does not exceed £3, the sum of £1 shall be paid by the Owner of the Mare, and the balance by the Royal Dublin Society ; for a Nomination to a Registered Stallion whose Service Fee for Nomi- nated Mares exceeds £3, the sum of £2 shall be paid by the Royal Dublin Society and the balance by the Owner of the ]\Iare. In addition the Farmer shall pay a Groom's Fee of 2s. (5d. for each Mare in each case. (i.) All Fees payable by the Farmer shall be paid to the Stallion Owner at the time of first Service, or at such other time as may be agreed upon between the Stallion Owner and the Farmer.''- ''■'■ The following table shows che portion of the Fees payable by the Fatiner . For Stallion Ret^is- Amount payable to Stallion tcred to serve Farmers' Owner by Owner of Nfiminjited Mare, including Groom's Fee of 2s. 6d. £ s. d. Mare s at — £ s. d. 2 2 10 .3 .3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 () 1 2 G 1 2 6 1 5 6 2 2 6 2 6 6 3 2 6 3 7 6 HOESE-BI'EEDING SCHEME, 1892 nnd 1893. 211 Conditions of Regis- tration of Stallions. (,/) The Nomination is not transferable, and is available only for the Nomina- selected Mare, except in the case of the death or illness of Mare, in which tions not case it shall be in the power of the Royal Dublin Society or the Count}- 1 1 Committee to sanction the ti-ansfer of the original Nomination, or issue a new one. Cases of illness must be certified by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon. 7. The conditions attached to the Eegistration of StalHons for the purposes of this Scheme are as follows : — («) A Stallion to qualify for Registration must be thoroughbred, and duly entered in Weatherby's Stud Book. He must be over three, and under eighteen years of age, and must be passed free from any hereditary disease by the Society's Veterinary Surgeon, and if he has been to Stud, his Owner must produce satisfactory evidence as to his fruitfulness. The ^'eterinary examination will be made at Owner's Stables, and free of charge. The Royal Dublin Society shall have the right to have the Stallion inspected at the Owner's Stables, or at such place as may be arranged between the Owner and the Society, by one or more qualified Judges as to his general merit and fitness for the purposes of the Scheme, it being left to the discretion of the Society to waive this Inspection in the cases of Stallions that have, in the opinion of the Horse-Breeding Com- mittee, sufficiently established their character as sires. (b) The Stallion shall stand during the season at the Owner's Stables, or at such other place or places as his Owner may determine ; full particulars as to this to be given when applying for Registration. (c) The Owner of a Stallion in applying for Registration shall state the Fee for which he is prejpared to give the Service of the Stallion to Nominated j\Iares — the Fee in no case to exceed the Fee he advertises for Farmers' Ha,lf-bred Mares, and the Owner to send to the Royal Dublin Society his printed or advertised list of Fees, for the Stallion, along with the Application Form. The OvTner shall also state the number of Nominated Mares he is prepared, if asked, to have served by the Regis- tered Stallion at the Fee named. (fZ) Subject to the provisions of Rule 8, the Owner of a Registered Stallion shall be bound to accept for Service by that Stallion such Nomi- nated Mares as are offered to him, provided that the Owner of the Mare complies with the conditions as to payment of Fees, and that the Service list for the Stallion is not already full for the season. (e) The Service Season shall be reckoned to commence on the 1st of Service April, and terminate on the 31st of July. Season. (/) The County Committee shall arrange for an Exhibition of the Exhibition. Registered Stallions standing in the County at the same time and place, of Stal- lions. Where Stallions may stand. Service Fees and number of Services. Obligation of Stallion Owner. 212 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. Return of Services to Royal Dublin Society. Applica- tion Fee. Rejecting Stallions. Applica- tion Forms for Regis- tration of Stallions. Particulars required regarding Stallions. as they hold the Exhibition, or Exhibitions, of IMares, or at such other time and place as the County Committee may decide. Intimation of the time and place of these Exhibitions will be given by the Society to the Owners of Registered Stallions in the County. (g) Every Stallion Registered for the purpose of this Scheme must be present for the inspection of Farmers at least at one Exhibition of IMares or of Stallions in the County in which he is to stand for Service. In the event of a Registered Stallion standing for Service in more than one County he must appear at one Exhibition of Mares or of Stallions in each of these Counties. If the Owner of the Stallion desires he may send his Horse to all the Exhibitions of Mares or of Stallions held in the County, or Counties, in which he is to Stand for Service. (//) On the first Monday in October, 1893, owners of Registered Stallions shall forward to the Royal Dublin Society the Orders for tlie Services effected by their Horses, accompanied by a Statutory Declaration, to the effect that the conditions of Service have been duly complied with. The Society will thereupon, or as soon as satisfied as to the fulfilment of the conditions of the Scheme, make ijayment of the amounts due to the various Owners. Forms for the declaration required by this paragraph may be had on application to the Agricultural Superintendent, Royal Dublin Society, Leinster House, Dublin. (/■) An Application Fee of £1 will be charged for each Stallion entered for Registration, and a Certificate of the Registration will be issued. The Application Fee shall be placed to tlie credit of the Horse-Breeding Fund. (/) The Royal Dublin Society may, without assigning any reason, or without carrying out any Veterinary or other Inspection, decline to register any Stallion for the pvirpose of this Scheme. (k) Application Forms for tlie Registration of Stallions may be had from the Agricultural Superintendent of the Royal Dublin Society, Leinster House, Dublin. Tliis Form, accurately filled in every particvtlar, and signed by the owner or his Agent, must be lodged with, or sent by post addressed to " The Registrar, Royal Dublin Society, LeinsLer Hotise, Dublin," together with the Application Fee of £1 for each Stallion, on or before Wednesday, the 1st day of Febrtiary, 1893. Drafts or Post Ofilce Orders to be made payable to " The Royal Dublin Society." (I) The form of Application must state the following particulars, relating to the Stallion to be Registered : — 77ic vavie and address of the Oivncr. The iiame and address of the Breeder. Tlie name of tlie Stallion, Ids age, colour and Pedigree, with WeatJierby's Stud Book references, as described in the Form. HOKSE-BKEEDING SCHEME, 1892 and 1893. 218 TJie Caunty or Counties in which the Stallion loill stand. The place, or places, at wliich the Stallion will stand for service during the season. If the Horse is to stand at more than one place, state the dai/s and dates at each place. The Fee for xohich the Oivncr is prepared to c/ive the service of the Stallion to Nominated Mares — tlte Fee in no case to exceed the Fee adver- tised by the Owner for Farmers^ Half-Bred Mares, and the Owner to send to the Royal Dublin Society his ^^rinted or advertised Fees, for tlte Stallion, along witli, the Application Form. The number of Nominated Mares the Oivner is prepared, if ashed, to have served at the Fee named. N.B. — Information is also asked for — to be given or not at the option of the Owner — as io the Districts in which, if he has been to Stud, the Stalhon has been standing in former years ; as to the prizes, if any, the Stalhon has won ; as to his racing achievement, if he has been on the turf ; and any particulars the Owner may desire to give as to the produce of the Stallion, or other point relating to the character of the Horse as a sire. 8. Owners of Stallions have a right to require hobbles to be used when necessary, and to refuse Service to Mares suffering from contagious. diseases. Mares can only be served at theii- Owners' risk. 9. In the event of a sufficient number of Stallions for this Scheme not being Eegistered in any County or District, the Royal Dublin Society sliall have the power to provide for such County or District, either by hiring or buying one or more Stallions for the purpose, or by some other means ; or to employ the amount of the Grant allocated above to such County or District, in the furtherance of a similar Scheme for other Counties or Districts. 10. The Decision of the Royal Dublin Society shall in all cases be final. ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. LOCATION OF STALLIONS IN 1892. NUMBER OF SERVICES AND SERVICE FEES. A tabic slwwifig proportion of fees payable by the Farmer is given on page 210. Name of Stallion. Owner. Acropolis I Major Clarke Aintree i W. Pallin . . Almonep R. N. Talbot Atratus P. G. Giffin Baldwin T. J. Eagar . . . Ballintrae C. Boyd Baron Hastings . . R. H. Hayes . . . Bonnie Charlie ..'M. P. Neary ... Bon Warrior VV. B. Powell . . . Bookmaker W. Jackson . . . Buckmaster . . . . R. N. Thompson Campanula Canon Carnage. . . . Cavendish . . Chelwood . . . Choubra Clan-na-Gael Condor Mrs. Rowley . W. O'Connell. D. Russell . . . M. Foley Sir Douglas Brooke, Bart. R. Nicoi P. Delany Capt. Davis Craigengeit W. H. Lett. . . Craig Royston . . . . I R. C. Dawson. Dalhousie D. D. Heather .... Dauntless t Mrs. Tuohy Derby Dick R. N. Talbot Dethroned, The . . T. Crowe Double Dutch .... A. Blennerhassett . . . Dragoon, The .... P. P. Collier I Louth Dulcimer R. D. Lawrenson i Wicklow Dyspeptic P. P. Gervais I Tyrone Counties in which Stallion stood. Gal way Carlow Queen's Limerick Kerry ]\Iayo Cork Galway ilayo, Sligo .... King's, Tipperarv Wicklow j\Ieath Cork, Waterford . . . . Antrim Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford Permanagh Kilkenny Tipperary, Waterford Kildare Wexford Dublin Sligo Galway, Mayo Queen's Clare Kerry 50 50 30 40 60 22 60 30 75 60 30 50 80 60 90 20 50 40 40 30 20 35 70 50 50 50 40 50 50 Service Fee. £1 £4 £3/3 £3/3 £3 £3 £4 £4 £3 £2 £3 £4 £3 £8/3 £8/8 £3 £3 £2 £4/4 £2 £4/4 £3/3 £3 £2/10 £3 £2 £4 £3 £3/2/6 LOCATION OP STALLIONS — IRELAND, 1892. 215 Name of Stallion. Earl Scroope . . . Early Bird , Ediington Eggflip Electric Light . . . Excelsior Exotic Finn Ma Coul . . . Forest King Garland Glansdale Glen Art Glen Roy Greenfield Greenfield (late Lady Lucas Colt) Harlem Heart of Oak . . , Highflyer Holmby Isleworth Jester II John Lancaster Lismore Locksley Hail . . . Loved One Lynx Lyric Marchaway Marmion Master- Mariner. Master Ned Master Pirate. . . Middleman Mombasa Monsieur Mont Cenis Narellan Nelson Novelist Orient Paddy Paris II Owner. W. Jessop . . . A. M'Mahon . T. Magiiier. . . T. F. Sparrow R. Malone . . . P. M'Nabb . . . J. Cleary J. Connolly. F. Bull . . . Counties in which Stallion stood. Queen's Queen's Cork, Waterford Meath Wexford Down Tipperary Louth, Monaghan . Tipperary Capt. Archdale Fermanagh G. O'Gorman \ Kerry J. Nuttall M. DeCourcey .... M. Foley T. Hamilton R. G. Garden Capt. Davis W. Kilroy . . J. Perry .... Wicklow Kerry Carlow, Kildare, Qvieen's, Wicklow Donegal Tipperary . . . , Kildare Cavan, Meath Down W. Pallin I Kildare C. & J. :iM'Namara M. F. Hussey Down Roscommon 0. D. Coll ! Limerick J. O'Meara j Tipperary . . . . L. M'Court Dublin, Meath W. Alexander , Sligo M. F. Hogan ' Galway J. P. FitzPatrick , Kildare Capt. H. De Robeck. D. D. Heather W. H. West W. Pallin R. Roe P. M. Saurin F. H. Power Major Dease P. O'Connor No. of Services Kildare Wexford, Wicklow . . Wexford Kildare Galway, King's, Tip- perary ]\Ieath Cork Westmeath Dublin, Kildare, IMeath B. B. Trench.. J. Barry Major Studdert M. J. Corbally E. P. Ryan. . H. Reynolds King's. . . Kilkenny Clare . . . Dublin Tipperary Cavan, Longford, Lei trim 100 25 60 50 70 60 30 60 35 50 40 80 50 90 50 50 20 30 40 30 35 30 50 30 25 40 40 10 50 25 25 50 35 20 50 75 20 50 50 20 50 40 Service Fee. £3 £5/5 £3 £2/2 £2 £3/5 £3 £3/3 £3 £2/2 £3 £5/5 £3 £3/3 £3/5 £3 £4/4 £4 £3/5 £4 £3 £3 £4/4 £2/10 50 £3/2/6 £4 £3 £4 £5 £3/3 £5/5 £5 £3 £3 £3 £3 £4 £3 £3/3 £4 £3 £4 £2 216 LOCATION OF STALLIONS IRELAND, 1892. Name of Stallion. Pennington Peter Gray Prince Alexander Prince Arthur . . . Owner. Counties in which Stallion stood. I No. of j Service Services Fee. F. Flannery 1 Cork W. Kilroy " { Cavan, Meath O. T. Slocock Carlow, Kildare, Queen '.s L. H. R. Carty . . . . | Wexford Prying ! W. B. Powell I Mayo, Roscommon. _ Sligo Pythias E.Lyons. Dublin Rattlin the Reefer} G. Orr Antrim, Down Romulus G. Sharp-Bolster Cork Thrapston Vanderhum Waif M. Quinn [ Armagh K. Mulhns ; Kilkenny, Wexford B. P. J. Mahony ' Queen's Wallingford ., Warrior Wisconsin . . . , Woodman . . . , Wood reeve II. Young Speculation Zagazig T. J. Eagar Kerry, Limerick . . . . F. Flannery . . .' , Cork T. F. Nugent ' Tipperary, Waterford Capt. Eccles , Sligo R. Nicol ! Kilkenny M. O'Donovan Cork . . M. A. Maher i Wexford Runnymede R. Keppel Carlow i Sailor King : M. Healy Meath Shinglass j T. A. Love Cork Sideral I Limavady Stud Co : Londonderry Silverstream . . . . ' B. J. Greene Roscommon Slievegullion . . . . J. Connolly ; Louth, Monaghan . . Sly Boots I J. Mahony i Tipperary Stein J. Morton ! Kilkenny, Queen's . . Sterling II i W. Dimond ! Longford, Westmeath Stud ley A. Maxwell Dublin St. Paul H. Reynolds Cavan, Longford .... 50 45 55 65 75 30 50 50 60 60 60 50 65 10 20 50 20 £3 £3 £3 £2 £3 £3 £5 £3 £2/2 50 £2/10 50 £3 90 £2 30 £3 60 £3/3 30 £3 50 £3 70 £2 50 £5 70 £3 40 £3/3 40 £2 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3/2/G £3 ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY. LOCATION OF STALLIONS IN 1893. NUMBER OF SERVICES AND SERVICE FEES. A fable showing proportion of fees paijable by the Farmer is given on page 210. Name of Stallion. Owner. Counties in which Stallion stood. No. of Services Acropolis Major Clarke Galway Annagor R. C. Dawson Dublin Appleton At rat us J. Sheehy Limerick P. G. Griffin Limerick Baldwin T. J. Eagar Kerry Ballintrae C. Boyd Mayo, Sligo Baron Hastings . . R. H. Hayes Cork Beau court W. Tower Townshend . . ! Cork , Bonnie Charlie Branxholme . . . Breach of Promise Brooklands .. Buckmaster . . Cambrian Campanula Canon Castilian .. Cartago Cavendish. . Chicago Chelwood . . . Choubra Clan-na-Gael Condor Connaught . Craigengelt . Dalhousie Dauntless Dear Boy Derby Dick . . . . Dethroned, The Double Dutch . . M. F. Neary ' Galway, Roscommon W. Pallin Kilkenny P. Higgins ' Waterford O. T. Slocock Carlow, Kildare . . . . R. N. Thompson Wicklow E. Mitchell. Mrs. Rowley W. and D. O'Connell r. Flannery W. N. B. Dooley . . . M. Foley R. Roe Sir Douglas Brooke, Bart. R. Nicol F. Delany Capt. Davis D. Owens W. H. Lett D. D. Heather . . Mrs.Tuohy N. Morton , N. J. Power . . . . , T. Crowe A. Blennerhassett Fermanagh, Mona- ghan, Tyrone ]\Ieath Cork, Waterford . . . , Cork, Limerick . . . , King's, Westmeath . . Carlow, Kildare. Kil- kenny, Queen's, Wexford, Wicklow Galway Fermanagh, Tyrone. . Kilkenny Tipperary, Waterford Kildare Roscommon Wexford Leitrim, Sligo Galway, Mayo Antrim Waterford . . . . Clare Kerry 60 40 30 45 100 35 50 50 30 50 60 25 80 60 40 70 50 50 105 20 40 30 40 20 20 25 50 80 50 50 50 50 Service Fee. £2 £3/3 £3 £3/3 £3 £3 £4 £3/3 £4 £3 £5 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3/3 £3 £3 £3/3 £4 £3/3 £3 £3 £4/4 £4/4 £2 £3/3 £3 £3 £2/10 £3 £3 218 LOCATION OF STALLIONS — IRELAND, 1893. Name of Stallion. Dulcimer T.Jones Dyspeptic F. P. Gervais. Counties in which Stallion stood. King's, Queen's Tyrone Earle Scroope. J. R. Salter Carlow, Kildare, Kil- kenny, Queen's A. M'Mahon Queen's Early Bird.. . . Ediington T. Magnier Cork, Waterford Eggflip T. F. Sparrow Ellison J. Buckby Atkinson . Excelsior P. M'Nabb Exotic J. Cleary Finn Ma Coul .... J.Connolly. Forest King F. Bull Forestay A. Maxwell. Garland Capt. M. Archdale. Glen Art J. Nuttall Glencoe G. Orr Glen Roy M. De Courcy ... Greenfield M. Foley G reenfield T. Hamilton . . Guerilla R. H. Falkiner Harlem | R. G. Cardan . . Heart of Oak .... Capt. Davis. .. . Helter-Skelter. . . .1 Major Trocke.. Highflyer , W. Kilroy Holmby J.Perry Jester II. John. . . . Kentford C. & J. M'Namara M. F. Hussey R. H. Hayes Lancaster 0. D. Coll Loved One W. Alexander. . . . Lynx i M. F. Hogan Lyric j T. P. FitzPatrlck Marchaway .... Marmion Mascarille Master-Mariner Master Ned .... Master Pirate. . Merrylegs Molina Mombasa Mont Cenis P. O'Connor M.P J. Herdman Col. H. De Robeck D. D. Heather . . . D. Russell W. H. West W. Pallin R. Roe W. Alexander W.Wallace , F. H. Power , Cavan, Meath, Westmeathj Armagh j Down I Tipperary ' j Louth, Monaghan . . Tipperary Dublin, Meath Fermanagh Wicklow ! Antrim, Down ; Limerick and Kerry. . ! Carlow, Kildare, Kil- kenny, Queen's, Wexford & Wicklow Donegal, Londonderry Tyrone Tipperary Tipperary Kildare King's Cavan, Meath, Westmeath' Down Down Roscommon 120 30 40 80 40 60 30 50 50 50 50 20 60 50 105 120 15 30 15 50 70 30 40 40 Cork Clare, Limerick Sligo Galway Kildare Kildare, West Wicklow Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo Antrim Wexford Kildare Galway, King's Sligo Antrim, Derry Cork Dublin,Kildare,Meath Tyrone 50 30 40 25 40 60 35 20 25 70 10 60 20 50 50 Service Fee. £8 £3 £3 £5/5 £3 £3/3 £3/3 £3 £3 £3/3 £3 £2/10 £2/2 £5/5 £4 £3 £3/3 £3/5 £3 £3 £4/4 £3 I £3 I £3,2/6 £3/2/6 £3 30 £3 £4/4 £4 £3 £4 £5 £3/3 £4/4 £5/5 £5 £3 £3 £3 £3 £4/4 £3 LOCATION OF STALLIONS — IRELAND, 1893. 219 Name of Stallion. Owner. Narrator D. T. Dovonan . Nelson J. Barry New Laurid J. Mahony Novelist Major Studdert. Paddy E. P. Ryan . . Paris II H.Reynolds Pelican Pennington Prince Alexander Counties in which Stallion stood. No. of 'Services Cork . . . Kilkenny Cork . . . Clare . . . Tipperary Cavan, Lei trim, Longford Carlow, Wicklow .... Cork, Limerick Prince Arthur , Prince Peter M. Quinn Prince Violet S.M.Nolan Prying ; W. B. Powell Pytliias E. Lyons.... R. D. Lawrenson P. Flannery O. T. Slocock i Carlow, Kildare, "ueen's, Wicklow L. H. R. Carty Restraint T. S. Elcoate & J. M. P, Kennedy Royal Duke T.D.Atkinson Runnymede R. Keppel ... Sailor King . Save All Scotch Monk Shinglass . . . Silverstream Sir Patrick . Slievegullion M. Healy . . . . B. Ryan . . . . J, O'bonneU T. A. Love . . B. J. Greene M. Healy J. Connolly. . Sly Boots J. Mahony 40 50 60 50 30 120 30 50 60 Wexford Armagh ! 70 Galway ! 50 Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo 100 Dublin 40 King's . Limerick Carlow . Somnus i E. P. Ryan ! Tipperary Kildare, King's, MeathI Galway I^eitrim Cork Roscommon Meath | Louth, Monaghan . . ! Tipperary Stein St. Keyne .. St. Paul .... Studley Sweetheart Thrapston Trespasser Tunis C. Sherwin Tynan J. Brady . . J. Morton ' Kilkenny, ^Jueen's . . | J. Gregg i Antrim,Armagh,Down! H. Reynolds Cavan, Longford, &c. A. Maxwell Dublin, Meath Desmond & Bateman . . Cork M. Quiun Surg. R. J. M'Cormack 50 50 40 40 35 50 40 40 25 50 50 30 100 60 120 50 40 Vanderhum K. MuUins Victorious Lord Rathdonnell. Waif J. Mahony Wi I lough by W. F. M'Keever Wisconsin T. F. Nugent . . . Woodman Capt. Eccles . . . Wood reeve fl R. Nicol Young Speculation Zagazig M. O'Donovan M. A. Maher . . Antrim j 60 Londonderry and 60 Tyrone Dublin, Meath ' 30 Armagh \ 40 Kilkenny, Wexford Carlow Tipperary Meath Tipperary, Waterford Donegal, Sligo, &c. . . Kilkenny Cork . . . Wexford . 35 30 50 30 60 20 25 40 20 Service Fee. £3 £3/3 £3/3 £4 £4 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £4/4 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3/3 £2/10 £1/10 £3 £3 £3 £4 £3/3 £3 £3 £3 £3/3 £3 £5 £4 £3/3 £3 £3/3 £3/3 £3 £3/3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £3 £5 HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY {Established to promote the Breeding of Hiding, Driving and Military Horres) REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE SEVENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of MEMBERS HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1892, AT THE ROYAL AGBICULTUEAL HALL. Balance The Council have to submit the Balance Sheet for the year ending December 31st, 1891, duly certified as correct by the Auditor. The balance on the current account at the Bankers on January 1st, 1891, was £82 18s. 3d., while £350 remained on the deposit account. These amounts on December 31st had respectively increased to £263 Os. 8d. and £500. The enlarged receipts at the Show, honoured by the presence of Her Majesty the Queen, contributed in no small measure to this satisfactory result, but the subscriptions of Members and other regular sources of income have steadily grown, and the financial position of the Society is now better than at any period in its history. A statement of the assets and liabilities at the close of the last three financial years is therefore of interest : — Assets. Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1889. .. 5.31 10 6 120 15 8 1890. . . .525 9 1-2 7 9 1891. 849 8 8 100 1 9 SEVENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 221 The Members now number 860, as follows : — Members. 1 Honorary 758 Annual 79 Life 27 Life Lady Members showing a net increase of 58 Subscribers since the same period last year. The Fourth Volume of the Prize Eecord has been issued. Prize It contains the entry of 191 fresh mares, and the re-entry of yp^^jy 63 registered animals. With the cordial co-operation of their owners, the Council have been enabled to give the portraits of ten Stallions and two Mares, which have appeared at the Spring Shows as premium-winners. Several Mares have been accepted by the Editing Com- Inspection mittee for the book after inspection by a Member of the Council, and they desire especially to bring this rule before all who have Brood Mares suitable for breeding Hunters. Under condition 5, Mares by Premium Sires out of Mares Pedigree registered in or for the Prize Record are eligible. At the present Show the Council have instituted a new 1892 Show. departure in the prize list. Representations having been made to them at various times as to the risk and danger in bringing in-foal Mares to the London Show, they decided to offer Premiums for Hunter Brood Mares in the summer at the country shows, and to supplement the classes for young stock Young at the Society's Spring Show. It was further arranged that the Brood Mares should Brood participate in the honours gained by their produce. The participate breeder of every Premium Animal in the Show, whether Mare, ^" ^^^.^^ Filly, Gelding or Colt will therefore receive an additional honours. Premium, provided the dam is either registered in the Prize Record, or was entered for Vol. V. with the Secretary by February 1st. The value of the Premiums oifered is £625 ; Mares and FiUies, £400; Geldings or Colts, £225; while the Royal Commission on Horse-Breeding and the Royal Agricultural 222 SEVENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Society offer respectively the Queen's and Service Premiums for Thoroughbred Stallions. The total entry for the Show is as follows : — Stallions :- Mares :- Thoroughbred Hackney Hackney Hunter 123 207 123 75 Geldings and Colts : Hunter 330 198 31 559 Premiums at Local Shows. Last year the Society inaugurated its system of offering Premiums and Medals at Local Agricultural Shows where £25 was given for Hunter Brood Mares, viz. — To the best Mare in foal to or which had produced a foal to a Thoroughbred Horse. Twenty shows accepted the Society's offer, and the awards were as follows : — SHOW. Abergavenny Horse Show Bath and West of Eng- land Society . . Bath Horse Show Cardiff Horse Show Co. Cork Show . . Co. ]\Ieath Show Compton Stud Com- pany's Show . . Exeter Horse Show H e r e f o rdshire Horse Show Society . . Hollymount Show Lechlade and Y.W.H. Show . . Leicestershire Society.. Lincolnshire Society . . N o r t h a m p t o n s hire Society Northumberland Society Ripon & District Society Koyal Manchester, Liver- pool & N. Lancashire Society Tunbridge Wells & S.E. Counties' Show United Counties' Hun- ters' Society . . Warwickshire Society . . MARE. IMultum-in-Parvo Huntress (355) Duchess (524) Frigate (541) Dinora Eileen (528) . . Goodcraft (173) Old Fashion (620) Majeska Fanny Confidence (309) Beatrice (289) Petticoat (843) Hildegarde (549) Sadness (648) Stella (649) . . IMerevale (60G) Gem (545) . . AHce (674) . . Bluestocking OWNER. Mr. John Goodwin. Mr. F. J. Coleridge Boles. Mr. S. P. Budd. Capt. J. G. R. Homfray. Mr. A. J. C. Lucas. Llr. Thomas Clarke Capt. W. H. Fife. Mr. T. Yelverton. Mr. J. Harold Barratt. Mr. P. M'Hugh. Mr. J. C. Barton. Mv. John Cooper. Mr. F. B. Wilkinson, Major Langlands. IMr. J. Angus. Mr. W. C. P. Snowden. IMr. N. P. F. Sandiford. Sir T. Barret Lennard, Bart. Miss Powell. Lord Willoughby de Broke. SEVENTH ANNUAL GENEBAL MEETING. 223 For the cuiTent year" the Council have issued a similar 1892 Show, offer under amended conditions : — For the best Hunter Brood Mare, in foal to or with foal at foot by a Thoroughbred Horse, and the following Societies have already intimated their accept- ance of the scheme : — Bath and West of England Societj'. Compton Stud Company's Show. Herefordshu-e Horse Show Society. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. Lechlade and V. W. H. Agricultural Society and Horse Show. Limerick Horse Show. Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. N r t h a mptonshire Agricultural Society. Northumberl and Agricultural Society. Peterborough Agricultural Society. Pytchley Hunt Show. Suffolk Agricultural Association. The amount thus expended in 1891 was £112 4s. 6d., and it is estimated that the scheme in 1892 will entail an ex- penditure of £150. By the death of Me, James Maetin, the Council have lost '^''^ ^^^^ Mr. James a valued Colleague, and the Society a staunch supporter. Martin. Me. Maetin was thoroughly interested in its work, and any practical suggestion for extending its operations or promoting its objects received his warm support and sympathy. Me. Maetin's duties as Steward terminated at the close of the present show, and Majoe G. C. Eicaedo has kindly consented to undertake the duties of the office. This report of the Society's w^ork at its own Shows and in co-operation with the Country Societies, demonstrates that the Council are promoting not only the breeding of Hunters, but are encouraging Farmers and Breeders to send their Brood Mares to the best available Sires, and are thus improving the horses throughout the country, but they look to members to assist them to extend the scope of the operations by inducing all interested in their work to join the Society. By order of the Council, A. B. CHARLTON, Fehmary, 1892. 1892. Secretary. t--J5 OO lo k: o o -X Ol ^ ,■ TO O O -1 o o o C". t- ^: — ^ 0-. ^ -M -I- t- O O O C — I . rt ■* ^^^ CI COtH r- CI C1 t- CO UJ LjJ O o CO liJ o > o J_ rr c/; CL z ^ . o ; o CO 9 z q: u o Hi ^ _i \- s z e ± -) ^ t- T z LlJ n > 7 UJ CO < LiJ CO cc O >■ UJ z o < .:5^ • . "^ • o - : « O to QJ 5 0) ■ tc ice o o 7 „ 0) QJ ~-^ .„ - ^ „ -5; o © s- :i; CO) = cS o 5 = a c ce =s ja ce CtH » O f S2 coo •w f «♦< —1 o CO g^ s--° 2g CO -J5 >- I- UJ O O CO UJ UJ > O en CL CO od UJ h- z D I -r. S ^- t^ "^ «J S o ce a QJ S"" x-^ fa =J £ "3- &•<•?. t-*'^ a ce O >n ■* lo X >-( 2 iH ooo O I O I Z 1 W I w I o 1: A 1 z D O o o < I CO < O Ph =5 H 13 O ^ ';s < ^^ = 5; CI CO. I e " " I .1 CO- : 'S * c5 ce .^ ^ u 3 1 S <" , rvns ^ S C o .r7 c6 ^ ^ ^ V S 0) 01 OJ.OJ •• . . B.>> . . . N : : ^ ^ : : : •5: ^ C . S 2 csa ^ •: iss^ ;„ o i-c! Ss ; g fl M • g ce»H a ^ PL, S ►-S fn rt fM -==. -S U X B S CgTS o o cS*^ jH o o o p K g . CQ fQ rHO 0> 00; rt •«" t- CO 00000 CM iO CO iH O CM CO 5 CD r-l Wt CO .— I CO 00 001H 000 00 OCM CMOVtHIMCOt- MgS CQ CM rH T-l ■* pM g O O o o , C/) h- LLi < if) UJ — H CO < •M— PQ _J f^ H O Ll. O 1- z LiJ S UJ h- < 1- C/5 oo lO CO ^ 2 CO OCD COO] oo 8| I o o ?;oi-i o ■ r— Ol CTl **- ^ Scocc d^ oo ^O OJ . O iH <^o tooo 03 05 loo t- O to lO O cs ce t3 o o o HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY (Established to promote the Breeding of Biding, Driving and Military Horses) REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS, HELD IN THE BOYAL SHOW- YARD AT ^WARWICJ^, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1892. The Council have the pleasure to report that two gentlemen, President who have thoroughly identified themselves with the work of President. the Society since its commencement, have been elected President and Vice-President respectively, — Hon. T. W. FiTZWiLLiAM and Capt. W. H. Fife. At the close of the late Show it became the duty of the steward. Council to nominate a Steward. Major Eicardo kindly undertook the office in March last (rendered vacant through the lamented death of Mr. James Martin), and the Council are happy to report that Major Eicardo has accepted their invitation to act in that capacity for the next three Shows. Though the number of Members is small in comparison to Members, those who hunt and who necessarily benefit in the Society's work, it is satisfactory to report a steady annual increase. The list now comprises : — 1 Honorary. 775 Annual. 81 Life. 33 Life Lady Members. A total of 890, and showing an addition of 50 since June, 1891. 228 GENERAL MEETING AT WARWICK. Balance at Bankers. 1892 Show. Hunter Brood Mares. Societies offering the Gold Medal. The balance at bankers on May 30th was £791 15s. 4d., of which £500 was on the deposit account. The last Show, again held in conjunction with the Hackney Horse Society, was noted for the largest entry as yet made, the figures for the eight shows being : — 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 168 176 246 236 289 457 507 563 The Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding and the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England offered, as in the previous four years, their Service Premiums for Thoroughbred Stallions. The young stock — Mares, Colts and Geldings — were well cared for by this Society, as £625 were offered among the seven classes, a special feature of the prize-list being the Premiums placed at the disposal of Breeders who have registered their Mares in the Society's Eecord. The absence of Premiums for Brood Mares caused some disappointment, but the Council recognized the importance of the representations made to them as to the risk to in-foal Mares travelling at the time of the year, and they decided to offer Premiums and Medals at the local shows. This departure has been well justified by the large increase of applications from Societies which, by enlarging their prizes for Hunter Brood Mares, have claimed this Society's Medal. In 1891 the number of Societies co-operating was twenty ; this year (1892) they are twenty-eight, and their names are : — Abergavenny Horse Show. Bath and West of England Society. Bath Horse Show. Cardiff Horse Show Society. Cheshire Agricultural Society. Go. Cork Agricultural Society. Compton Stud Company's Show. Doncaster Agricultural Society. Exeter Horse Show Society. Herefordshire Horse Show Society. Highland and Agricultural Society. Hollymount Agricultural Society. Lechlade and V. W. H. Agricultural Society and Horse Show. Leicestershire Agricultural Society. Limerick Horse Show. Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. Newbury Horse Show Society. Northamptonshire Agricultural Society. GENERAL MEETING AT WABWICK. 229 Northumberland Agricultural Society. Peterborough Agricultural Society. Pytchley Hunt Show. Ross Horse Improvement Society. Royal Manchester, Liverpool and N. Lancashire Agri. Society. Sherborne and South of England Horse Show. Shropshire and West Midland Agricultural Society. Suffolk Agricultural Society. Tunbridge Wells and S. E. Counties Agricultural Society. Lhaited Counties Hunters' Society. It is gratifying to state that the Committee of the Lechlade Horse Show, in thanking the Hunters' Improvement Society for the Gold Medal awarded to the Hunter Brood Mare " Lismore," at their recent Show, intimated their wish to become Members, and reported that since this Society's Medal was offei-ed, the farmers in their district " were more particular as to what they bred from." The contributions of the Hunters' Improvement Society under this year's scheme will be £150 as against £119 in 1891. The Council have resolved to continue in 1893 the offer of i893. the Society's Medal under similar conditions, viz. : — " At all Agricultural Shows or Horse Shows held in the United Kingdom in 1893, where £25 is given in Prizes to Brood Mares in Hunter Classes, a Gold Medal, or, if preferred, a Bronze Medal and £5, may be given to the best Hunter Brood Mare, in foal to or with foal at foot by a Thoroughbred Horse or Eegistered Hunter Sire. In the event of an in-foal Mare receiving the award, the Society will not forward the Medal till a certificate of foaling has been lodged with the Secretary." Towards the 1892 Show the Council made a grant of £625, 1892 Show. and the Horse Show Committee, after paying the Premiums to Exhibitors and Breeders, &c., had expended £546 7s. The Judges who officiated — Mr. John Cooper and Mr. T. H. Hutchinson — were invited to give a short report on the exhibits which came before them, and it is issued to Members in this volume together with a statistical statement con- veying details of importance and interest. At their April meeting the Council appointed a Special Special Committee, on the motion of Mr. C. W- Tindall, " To con- Committee. 230 GENERAL MEETING AT WARWICK. sider the present position of the Society, more especially as regards the title of its Prize Eecord, and conditions of entry in future volumes for Stallions as well as for Mares." The question is one of such importance that the constitution of the Committee was most carefully considered by the Council, and the Members selected were gentlemen to whose initiative the Society not only owes its origin, but who have always evinced a constant and practical interest in its work. That Committee sat between the April and May meetings of the Council, and after discussion, drew up a report and presented it to the Council. This was printed and distributed, and on June 13th the Council met and fully considered each recom- mendation, and have now to submit the result of their deliberations : — 1. — Title of the Book. The title of the " Record of Prize Mares" shall in future bathe " Hunters' Improvement Society's Record of Mares and Sires." ■2. — Conditions op Entry for Stallions. A Half-bred Stallion may be accepted for registry as a Hunter Sire provided that he has won races, or whose only half bred strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club Rules or open races under Grand National Rules, or whose only half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, oi through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club Rules, or open races under Grand National Rules. 3. — Conditions of Entry for Mares. 1. A ]\Iare is eligible for entry which has been awarded a prize, been reserved or highly commended in Hunter Classes at any Show in the United Kingdom. 2. A ]\Iare suitable for breeding hunting and half-bred stock, being approved by Editing Committee after inspection by a past or present Member of the Council, will be eligible for entry. A Veterinary Certificate, stating that the Mare is free from hereditary disease, must accompany each entry under this condition. 3. A Mare can be re-entered which has produced foals, or has herself or whose offspring have taken further prizes, or changed owners since the previous volumes were compiled. 4. A Mare by a thoroughbred or registered Sire and out of a registered dam is eligible for entry. GENERAL MEETING AT WARWICK. 231 5. A Mare, with a Veterinary Certificate of soundness from hereditary disease, may be accepted for registry provided she has won rac'S, or whoso only half-bred strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club or Grand National Rules, inclusive of point-to-point races, or whose only half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club Rules, or open races under Grand National Rules, inclusive of point-to-point races. 4. — Record of Produce under their Dams. 1. All produce of ]\Iares accepted by the Hunters' Improvement Society shall be recorded under the entry of their dams, stating name and breed of horse by which they are sired. 2. Filly Foals accepted as produce will, in future, be accepted as Brood Mares, provided they are by thoroughbred or registered Sires. 5. — Pedigree Records, Breeders, &c. The Editing Committee have been empowered : — 1. To trcae. for insertion in the next Volume, the Pedigrees of such Horses as are not recorded in the General Stud Book, but that would be of interest to the Society. 2. To omit the Record of all Pedigrees which are not verified by the Breeders' names and addresses. 6. — Last Date of Entry fob Volume V., ]Monday, October 17th, 1892, but entries will be received at Double Pees up to Monday, October 31st.''' 7. — Entry Fees. Stallions. — Members, 10s., and Non-Members, £1 per Entry. Mares. — Members, 5s., and Non-]\Iembers, 10s. per Entry. Inspection Fees. — Members, 10s. 6d., and Non-lMembers, £1 Is. per entry. 8.— London Show, 1893. Hunter Sires accepted for registration in the Society's Record of Hunter Mares and Sires shall be allowed to be exhibited at the London Show of 1893 as " Extra Stock." In presenting this report and the conditions of entry for Stallions as well as Mares, marking an important step in the Society's work, the Council trust that they will have the support of the Members, as these rules are drawn up with one view — the promotion of the interests of Hunter Breeders. Suggestions from Members are invited, and shall receive full consideration. By order of the Council, A. B. CHAELTON, June 13th, 1892. Secretary. * For further reference see pages 233 and 243. Sheet. HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY {Established to promote the Breeding of Riding, Driving and Military Horses) REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS HELD ON WEDNESDAY, March 1st, 1893, AT THE ROYAL AGRICULTUBAL HALL. Members. The Council have to report a constant and steady increase to the Society's Membership during the past year, the list of Subscribers being represented as follows :-^- 1 Honorary 803 Annual 84 Life 36 Life Lady Members Total 924 as compared with 860 Members at the time of last year's Show. Balance In their last Annual Keport the Council were enabled to present a most satisfactory Balance Sheet, to which the enhanced Show receipts, consequent on the visit of Her Majesty the Queen, largely contributed. The finances of the past year have not been so favoured. A large increase in the prize-money, combined with normal Show receipts, raised the expenditure on the Show from £207 3s. lOd. in 1891 to £557 7s. 2d. in 1892 ; while the increasing number of Shows co- operating in the Society's scheme of Medals and Premiums for Hunter Brood Mares, required a contribution of £155 14s. 6d. in 1892, as against £112 4s. 6d. in the preceding year. EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 233 The regular receipts have in all cases been maintained, and Increase of it is gratifying and significant to note that while the Annual Subscrip- subscriptions have increased on the previous year by £81 18s., *'^°^^- the arrears of subscriptions, with the larger Membership, are £18 18s. below those of 1891. The Council at their last meeting considered the question Record, of the last date of entry for Vol. V., and decided that, as 250 ^°^* ^• entries are requisite to enable them to issue a volume, the last date of entry shall be kept open till such number is received. The Secretary will then intimate this fact to the Members, and to those who have sent in entries for Vol. V., to enable them to add any further details that they may desire incorporated in the particulars already sent. All who have animals eligible are invited to register them so as to ensure the early issue of Vol. V. The conditions of entry for the Eecord are well known to Registra- Members, but the Council would direct their special attention Hunter to those regulating the registry of Hunter Sires : — Hires. A Half-bred Stallion may be accepted for registry as a Hunter Sire on following conditions ''•' : — (1) Provided he has won races under Jockey Chib rules, or open races iinder Grand National Rules ; or {•2) Provided his only half-bred strain comes directly through an ancestor which has won races under Jockey Club rules, or open races under Grand National rules ; or (3) Provided his onli/ half-bred strain comes directly through a stallion that has sired, or through a mare that has bred, winners of races under Jockey Club rules, or openracesunder Grand National rules. At the present Show a class has been instituted for Stallions 1S93 Show, complying with these conditions, and three entries have been sent in for exhibition, and, if approved by the Judges and passed sound by the Society's Veterinary Inspector, will receive the Society's Silver Medal ; and it may be added that Mares with produce by the Society's registered Sires will be allowed to compete at the Country Shows for the Society's Gold Medal. The Society has again followed the lines, laid down at the last Show, of offering Premiums to young stock — Mares up to * For Stallions so registered see pages 1 to 14. 234 EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Breeders' Preraiunit- Value of Premiums Entry for the Show. Medals at Countrj' Shows. four years old, and Colts and Geldings up to three years, the admission of Colts in the three and two-year-old classes being an addition to last year's prize list. Breeders will have another opportunity of participating in the awards to the young stock, as Premiums of £5 will be awarded in every case where the dam of a Premium animal has been registered in the Eecord. Briefly, the value of the Premiums and Medals offered is £555 :— £300 for Hunter Mares and Fillies, £90 for Hunter Colts and Geldings, with £145 to breeders, and £20 in Silver Medals for Thorough-bred and Hunter Sires. The total entry for the Show is as follows : — Stallions and Colts : — Makes ; Thoroughbred Hunter Hackney Hunter Hackney 108 29 233 6G 147 Geldings :- Hunter 370 213 22 605 Twenty-eight Societies co-operated in the 1892 Brood Mare scheme, and offered the Hunters' Improvement Society's Medal for the best Hunter Brood Mare, in foal to or with foal at foot by a Thoroughbred Horse, and the awards were :— OWNER. Mr. W. B. Partridge. Mr. F. B. Wilkinson. SHOW. MARE. Abergavenny Horse Show Spreading Sail Bath & West of England Society Better Still (495) Bath Horse Show. . .. Cardiff Horse Show . . Clio (71G) Lady Henry B. Bruce. C h e s h i re Agricultural Society Polly (849) . . . . Mr. George Priestner. Co. Cork Agricultural Soc. Gray Linet . . . . Mr. IMarmaduke Cramer Compton Stud Com- pany's Show . . . . Chestnut (306) . . Mr. J. Day, jun. Doncaster Agricultural Princess Helena Mr. P. Blenkin. Society. (859) Exeter Horse Show .. Jessie (767) .. . . Mr. P. Z. Paul. H e r e f o rdshire Horse Show Society .. .. Miss Ro.scius (821) . . Mr G. H. Green. EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 235 ;Mr. W. j\Iurray. JMr. John Kelly. Mr. J. Hooper Deacon. Mr. S. V. Bettinson. Mr. A. E. Bannatyne. SHOW. MARE. Highland & Agricultural Society Starlight (889) Hollymount Agricultural Society Coquette . . Lechlade & V. W. H. Agricultural Society . . Lismore . . Leicestershire Agricultu- ral Society jMare Swallow Limerick Horse Show . . Nancy Lee Lincolnshire Agricultu- ral Society Gipsy'sDaughter (48) Mr. Harold Martin. Newhury Horse Show.. Minerva (815) .. Mr. E. M. Sturges. Northamptonshire Agri- cultural Society . . Spinster (888) . . Mr. C. N. ^Manning. Northumberland Agri- cultural Society . . Ruby (864) . . . . Mr. J. Robson. Peterborough Agricultu- ral Society Rondinella . . . . Mr. John Cooper. Pytchley Hunt Show . . Duchess (737) . . :Sh\ T. Meadows. Ross Horse Improve- ment Society . . . . Alucha I\Ir. J. A. N. Booker. Royal Manchester, Liverpool, and North Lancashire Ranksborough (863) Mr. Gilbert Greenall. Sherborne & South of England Horse Show Mrs. Gilflorey (822) :\Ir. W. Pride-Jones. Shropshire & West Mid- land Agricultural Soc. Shropshire Girl (883) 'Sir. Richard Meredith. Suffolk Agricultural Soc. Polly Distin (852) Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. Tunbridge Wells & S.E. Counties' Society . . Victorine (908) . . Mr. James W. Temple. United Counties Hun- ters' Society . . . . Fly IMr. W. G. James. The successful competitors had the choice of a Gold Medal 01" £5 and a Bronze Medal, and twelve chose the former, while fifteen preferred the latter award. At the Bath Horse Show no award was made, as the first, second, third and Eeserve Mares were all debarred by reason of their previous wins of the Hunters' Improvement Society's Medals and Premiums. From the same cause, the Medal at seven of the Shows went to the second Mare ; at two it was awarded to the third in order of merit ; while in one instance the Reserve animal was the recipient of the Society's medal. The total cost to the Society of the 1892 scheme was £150 2s. , During the current year the Council have decided to offer 2393 Medals for the best Hunter Brood Mare, in foal to or with Shows. 236 EIC4HTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. President in 1893. Vice- President. Record of the year. foal at foot by a Thoroughbred Horse or Registered Sire, at Shows where £25 is given for the Brood Mares ; and it is estimated that the Premiums and Medals to be awarded will amount to £190. The number of Societies intimating their wish to co-operate already exceeds fifteen,* although the last date for receiving applications is April 1st. The office of President during the current year will be filled by Captain W. H. Fife, who has been associated with the Society since its formation, and has taken an active part in promoting the objects for which it was established. As Vice- President for 1893 {i.e. President in 1894), the Council desire to nominate Colonel J. F. Hoenby, of Northmoor, Dulverton, who, as Vice-Chairman of the Horse Show Committee, has taken a deep interest in the direction and management of the Society's Shows. In presenting this report for the adoption of the Members, the Council would point out that the record of the Society's work during 1892 compares favourably with its efforts in the past. They have drawn up, after careful consideration and discussion, approved rules for the registration and exhibition of Hunter Sires, not thoroughbred, but containing only a remote strain ; they have awarded valuable Premiums to Hunter Brood Mares and young stock at the Society's Shows and in the country, thus ofi'ering every inducement to the tenant farmer to breed good stock ; and they have issued another volume of the Eecord, thereby encouraging breeders to register and keep a correct record of the pedigrees of their Hunting Stock. Members can assist the Council in the maintenance and extension of these practical benefits by inducing their friends to become subscribers to the Hunters' Improvement Society. By order of the Council, A. B. CHARLTON. February, 1893. Thirty-four Societies received Medals in 1893. (See page 243. liJ CO :£i CD O O O »i5 IC cr. CO (M 1-H iH CO CI rH b- Q t^ «D O 00 rH OJ C71 O I CO O Q Z o I o UJ CO LJ I- UJ O O CO I- z UJ LiJ > o en Q. CO cr: uJ z X Q Z < UJ CO en O I cooo ooco ^c. 1 oo 1 OC «3 ^ OiH •i>rM 'J" t- o in lO -HOO IM CO 050 -.■^ :W 1 g : 5f= g : qOJ S a* s ^ _ (U

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REPORT OF THE COUNCIL TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS HELD IN THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOWYARD, ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1893. Members. The Council have again the pleasure of reporting a gratifying increase to the list of Members since they presented their report in the Warwick Show Yard. The number is now 982 : — 1 Honorary IMember 861 Annual Members 84 Life jMembers .36 Life Lady Members Total . . 982 as compared with last year's total of 890, or a net increase of 92. The Society's Membership has alwaj's evinced a steady progress, as is^shown by the subjoined figures presented at the General Meetings, held in June of the respective years : — 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 547 619 760 840 890 982 At the same time the Council are of opinion that the Society is not as well supported as it should be, that many who benefit directly and indirectly by its work do not sub- scribe, and that instead of their return of Members standing at 982, it should be not less than 2000. GENERAL MEETING AT CHESTER. 241 The Council, desii'ing to enlist the sympathies of hunting men, have resolved that an Honorary Corresponding Member shall be appointed in each Hunt in the United Kingdom, who shall make known the objects of the Society, and shall use his best endeavours to obtain new Members in his particular district. But, after all, the efforts of individual Members have the most direct and beneficial effect to the Society, and this report embodying the proposals to hold a separate Show with the Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding — essentially a Show having as its main object the improvement and promotion of the Breed of Hunters, should act as an incentive to all Members to endeavour to obtain even one new Subscriber, as such additions would soon double the present Membership. The Council have invested the sum of £500 of the Society's The Funds in 2f per cent. Consolidated Stock, and as the first punds. contribution to the Eeserve Fund, the Council may well con- gratulate the Society on its growing financial prosperity, having special regard to the large sum in Premiums and Medals annually offered in London and at the Country Shows. A sum of £200 is also on deposit, while £239 was, on May 24th, standing to the credit of the Society's current account. Some measure of this satisfactory condition is due to the The recent financial result of the last Show at the Eoyal Agricultural g^ow Hall. Increased receipts in the Grand Stands, Catalogue Sales, and in the " Gate," reduced the expenditure on the 1893 Show to £429 7s. 6d., as compared with £557 7s. 2d. in 1892. But the increasing entries and Members of both the Future „ . . 1 T Spring Hackney and Hunters' Improvement Societies have so taxed shows. the accommodation at the disposal of the Joint Show Com- mittee that on the conclusion of the recent Show it was felt that some change in the arrangements was inevitable. The whole question was therefore discussed ; firstly by the 242 GENERAL MEETING AT CHESTER. Joint Show Committee, composed of Members of the Horse Show Committees of the respective Councils, and under whose direction the administration of the nine combined Shows has been harmoniously and successfully conducted ; and secondly, by each Council, and it was the unanimous feeling that there were but practically two courses : — That the two Societies should hold their Show without the Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding, or the Hunters' Improvement Society should withdraw from the combined Show, and invite the Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding to offer the Queen's Premiums at a Show in the following week, A Sub-Committee was therefore appointed to investigate the whole question, and their report, presented and unani- mously adopted at a Special Council Meeting, on May 11th, was briefly : — " That the Royal Commissiou on Horse-Breeding had favourably considered their proposals to offer the Queen's Premiums at a Show of the Hunters' Improvement Society to be held in March, 1894 ; that satis- factory arrangements had been made with the Royal Agricultural Hall Company for holding such Show in the week following the Hackney Horse Society's Show, and that the Shire Horse Society and Hackney Horse Society, consequent on these arrangements, had consented to liberate the Hunters' Improvement Society from the existing agreement for holding the Shows." The thanks of the Society are therefore due to the Eoyal Commission on Horse-Breeding, the two Societies and the Eoyal Agricultural Hall Company for the courtesy with which their representations were received and considered, and to the Members of the Sub-Committee — Major-General Fryer, Sir Walter Gilbey, Bart., Mr. Tanqueray, and Mr. Withers —to whose endeavours the successful issue of the negotiations is due. The exigencies of the case necessitate the choice of the second alternative, and though the immediate effect of holding a separate Show will be to increase the expenditure on the Annual Shows, the Council feel assured that the Society, by the establishment of its own Show, has laid the foundation of a prosperous and useful future. GENEBAL MEETING AT CHESTER. 243 To meet the extra expense entailed, the Council would make a Special Appeal to all Members to assist them in obtaining new Subscribers. On page 276 a brief summary of the Society's past work is given with a form of Membership, which it is hoped will be shortly returned to the Secretary filled up by a Candidate for election. The last date of entry for Vol. V. has been definitely fixed Record of for Monday, July 31st, and after that date the preparation of Mares and the Volume will be actively pushed forward, and it should Sires. appear by the end of the year. Members are earnestly desired to aid the Editing Committee in the compilation of this book by making entries at once. The Society's Gold Medals offered for Hunter Brood Mares, Medals at in foal to or with foals at foot by Thoroughbred Stallions, or c;i°q^^. , registered Hunter Sires, have been applied for and granted to thirty-four Societies : — Abergavenny Horse Show. Bath Horse Show. Bath and West of England Society. Cardiff Horse Show. Cheshii'B Agricultural Society. County Cork Agriciiltural Society. County Meath Horse Show. Compton Stud Company Show. Doncaster Agricultural Society. Essex Agricultural Society. Exeter Horse Show. Herefordshire Horse Show Societj'. Hoar Cross and Meynell Hunt Horse Show. Hollyniount Agricultural Society. Lechlade and V. W. H. Horse Show, Leicestershire Agricultural Society. Limerick Horse Show. Lincolnshire Agricultural Society. Newliury Horse Show. Norfolk Agricultural Association. Northamptonshire Agricultural Societj'. Northumberland Agricultural Society. Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society. Peterborough Agricultural Society. Pytchley Hunt Show. Ross Horse Improvement Society. Royal ]\Ianchester, Liverpool and North Lancashire Agricultural Society. Sherborne and South of England Horse Show. 244 GENERAL MEETING AT CHESTER. Scheme in 1894. Railway Rates. Shropshire and West Midland Agricultural Society. Taunton and West of England Horse Show. Tunbridge Wells and South-Eastern Counties Agricultural Society. United Counties Hunters' Society. Warwickshire Agricultural Society. Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The Society's Gold Medal will in 1894 be offered under the followiDg conditions : — (1) At all Agricultural Shows or Horse Shows (which become Annual Members of the Hunters' Improvement Society), held in the United Kingdom in 189i, where k25 is given in prizes to Brood Mares in Hunter Classes, a Gold Medal, or, if preferred, a Bronze Medal and £5, may be given to the best Brood Mare, in foal to or witli foal at foot by a Thoroughbred Horse, or Registered Hunter Sire. (2) ]Mares which have previously been awarded the Society's Medal, and ]\Iares which have previously won a Hunters' Improvement Society's Premium as a Brood !Mare to be ineligible for this Medal. (3) In the event of the Medal being awarded to a Mare, entered as ■' in foal to a Thoroughbred Horse, or Registered Hunter Sire," the Society shall not forward the Medal till a Certificate of foaling has been lodged with the Secretary. (4) If any of the Prize Mares are disqualified owing to their having previously won the Hunters' Improvement Society's Medal or Premiums, it shall then be awarded to the next in order, provided she takes one of the Prizes or First Reserve. In response to the invitation of the Eoyal Agricultural Society, two Eepresentatives of the Society — Dr. Bond and Major- General Fryer — attended the Deputation to the Eailway Clearing House on May 11th, asking the Eailway Companies to revert to the old system of free conveyance for men travelling in charge of Live Stock to and from Agricultural Shows. The result was most satisfactory, as the Eailway Managers conceded the point asked for, and stated that the old arrangement would be restored, this decision taking immediate effect. By Order of the Council, A. B. CHAELTON. May, 1893. HUNTERS' IMPROVEIVIENT SOCIETY Established to jiroviotc the Breeding of Biding, Driving and Militarij Horses. PATRONS: Her Majesty the Queen. H.K.H. THE Prince op Wales, K.G. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, K.G. LIST OF MEMBERS December, 1893. Those marked C are on Council. E Edttiiig Committee. F Finance Committee. "FT Horse Shmo Committee. Life Members are marked tJius'-'- ; Life Lady Members^ ; Honorary Member\ ; all others are Annual Members. Abbot G. L., The Priory, Abbots Leigh, Somei-set. Adams Henry, Cannon Hill, Bray, Maidenhead. Agnew W. L,, Fairhope, Eccles, near Manchester. Aitken J., Wyke Hall, Gillingham, Dorset, 5 Albury E., Chantilly Villa, Beading. Alexander Alexander, Cockbmni Hill, Balerno, Midlothian. Alexander D. T., Bryneithen, Diuas Poroys, Cardiff. Alexander Geoffrey, Warley Lodge, Brentwood, Essex. x\lexander John, Eowhill Grange, Dartford, Kent. 10 Allen Charles, Lower Cound, Shrewsbury. Alington Lord, Crichel, Wimborne, Dorset. •■'Allhusen Wilton, Clevelands, Lyme Eegis, Dorset. Allsopp Hon. George, M.P., Foston Hall, Derby. C.F.H. Allsopp Lt.-Col. Hon. W. H., Jr. Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 15 Alston Eowland C, Harrold Hall, Bedford. Ames F., M.F.H., Hawford Lodge, Worcester. Ames Lieut. -Col. Gerard Ames, Argot St. Lawrence, Welwyn. 246 LIST OF MEMBERS. Anderson Captain J. H., The Albany, Piccadilly, W. Anderson Dr. J. W., 1 Annfield Place, Glasgow, N.B. 20 Andrew Charles, Coughton Court, Eedditch. Angas Maxwell, Cattleholmes, Hull. Angus Colonel W. M., Fenham Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ArchdaleE.M.,Crock-na-Crieve,Ballinamallard, CO. Fermanagh. Arden Douglas, 27, Onslow Gardens, S.W. 25 Arkwright Julius, Knuston, Wellingborough. Arkwright W., Sutton Scarsdale, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Armstrong C, 6, Milner Street, Cadogan Square, S.W. Armstrong M. B., Chaffpool, Ballymote, co. Sligo. "Arthur T. Glen, Carrick House, Ayr, N.B. 30 Ashton T, Henry, 15, Parade, Leamington, "Warwickshire. ■ Ashtown Lord, Woodlawn House, Woodlawn, co. Galway. Ashworth Charles E., The Heath, Knutsford, Cheshire. Atkins W., 175, Dalston Lane, Hackney, E. "Atkinson J. B., Winterhome, Leamington Spa. 35 x\tterbury H., West Haddon, Eugby. Aubertin Lieut. -Col. P., The Weir, Alresford, Hants. Aubrey T., 19, Paragon, Bath. Aungier John, 50, St. James's Street, S.W. Axe Prof, J. Wortley, Denmark House, Stourbridge Park, Willesden, N.W. 40 A.ylesford Earl of, Packington Hall, Coventry. Ayres Giles, Abbott's Walk, Eeading. Bailey E. Horsman, 5, Berners Street, W. '-■'Bailey Henry. {Address not known) ■-■Bailey Henry, St. Stephen's, St, Albans, Herts. 45 Bailey James, 30, Harrington Gardens, W. Baillie Colonel, Ilston Grange, Leicester, Baker Thomas C, Lime Tree House, Gillingham, Dorset. Baldock E. Holmes, Craven Lodge, Melton Mowbray, Leics. Bankart S. N., Hallaton Hall, Uppingham. 50 'Banks Edwin H., Highmoor, Wigton. Barclay E. E., Eoydon Lodge, Eoydon, Essex. LIST OF MEMBERS. 247 Barfoot-Saint W. H., Market Harborough. Barford William, Peterborough. Barker John, 10, West Kensington Gardens, W. 55 Barker Thomas, M.E.C.V.S., 103, Albany Street, N.W. Barling F. W., New House, Eoss, Herefordshire. Barlow Colonel, Hasketon, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Barlow E. H., Hasketon, Woodbridge. '■'Barlow Capt. John, Wellfisld, Bury, Lancashire. GO Barnard E. B., Sawbridgeworth, Herts. Barnes Edmund, 220, Camden Eoad, N.W. Barnett Henry, Glympton Park, Woodstock. Barnett Philip, The Lodge, Farnham Eoyal, Slough, Bucks. Barratt J. Harold, Sutton, Hereford. 65 Barry E. A., 18, Colliugham Gardens, S.W. Bass Hamar, M.P., M.F.H., Needwood, Burton-on-Trent. Bassett Charles H., Westaway, Barnstaple. Bassett E. T., M.F.H., Crossways, Cowbridge, Glam. Bate Thomas, Kelsterton, Flint. 70 Battersea and Overstrand Lord, Aston Clinton, Tring, Herts. Baxendale L. H., Greenham Lodge, Newbury, Berks. Beatty Captain, The Moat, Eugby. Bennett J. E., Theddingworth, Eugby, Warwickshire. Bennitt Colonel Ward, Stoke Green, Slough, Bucks, 75 Benson Cecil F., Ufford Hall, Stamford, Northants. Bentinck Lord William, 13, Grosvenor Place, W. Bentley H, C, Arthingworth, Northampton. Bentley W. H., Link Lodge, Malvern Link, Worcestershire. Berkeley Eowland C, Cotheridge Court, Worcester. C. Best Colonel, Charlton House, Ludwell, Salisbury. 81 "Bibby Colonel A., late 4th Hussars, Hart Hill, Liverpool. Bibby Frank, Sansaw, Shrewsbury. Biddulph Anthony, Burton, Midiiurst, Sussex. Bingham Capt. Hon. Cecil, 25, Charles Street, Berkeley Sq., W. 85 Bingham W. Baring, Cowley Manor, Gloucestershire. Birch W. P., Cranford, Kettering. Birch- Eeynardson Colonel C. {Address not knoicn) 248 LIST OF MEMBEKS. Bird A. J., Conquest House, Farcet, Peterborough. Bird E. J., Orgreave Hall, Lichfield. 90 Birkbeck Henry, jun., Keswick Old Hall, Norwich. Bishop James, Hamsted Park, Newbury, Berks. '•=Black Captain J. S., Balgowan, Perth, N.B. Blackett Christopher E., Tixover Grange, Stamford, Rutland. Blackman Edward, Knightsbridge, S.W. 95 Blackwell Major-General J. E. {Address not knoion) Blake Colonel M.P., Holly Park, Croughell, co. Galway. Blenkin F., Burstwick Old Hall, Hull. -Blyth H. A., 45, Portland Place, W. 99 Blyth James, 2, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. C. -Boden H., The Friary, Derby. Boden Walter, 2, Gower Street, Derby. "-'■Boles F. J. Coleridge, Baraset, Stratford-on-Avon. C.E.H. Bond Dr., F.R.C.S., 7, The Sanctuary, Westminster, S.W. Bourke Robert, Dalston, near Carlisle. 105 Bouverie Captain George, 32, Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W. Bouverie S. P., 14, Chester Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. Bowlby E. S,, Gilston Park, Harlow, Essex. ■-:=Boyle C. W., Broghill, Wimbledon, Surrey. Boyle Colonel Robert E., 6, Sumner Terrace, S. W. 110 Bradshaw William, Audley's Wood, Basingstoke. Brady Charles 0., Peakhill, Spalding. Brand Hon. Charles, Littledene, Lewes. C. Brassey Albert, M. F. H., Heythrop, Chipping Norton. '■'Braye Lord, Stanford Hall, Rugby. 115 Brereton George jun., Hillington, King's Lynn, Norfolk. Brett Hon. R. B., Orchard Lea, W'indsor Forest. Brienen Baron de, 15 Great Stanhope Street, W. Broadwood W. S., Ferney, Malvern Wells. Brock J. C, High Ridge Farm, Dundry, Bristol. 120 Brocklehurst H. D., Acombe Hall, York. Bromley-Davenport W.,M.P.,Capesthorne, Chelford, Chesl.irt . Brooke Sir D. Bart., Colebrooke, Brookeboro, co. Fermanagh. Brooke Lord, Easton Lodge, Dunmow, Essex. LIST OF MEMBERS. 249 Brooke Eobert, Melton High Wood, Barnetby, Lines. 125 Brooks W. Jermyn, Boughton Grange, Northampton. Bruce S., Norton Hall, Campden, Glos. Bryer Wyndhara, 5, St. George's Terrace, Cheltenhani. '''Budd J. W., Coombe Park, Lynton, N. Devon. Budd S. P., 8, Gay Street, Bath. 130 "Budgett James, Stoke Park, Guildford. *Budgett Richard S., Brookfield, Buckingham.. Budgett W. E., Stoke House, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. C. Bulkeley Lieut-Col. Elvers, Oak Cottage, Whitchurch, Salop. Bullen Major, 15th Hussars, Catherston Charmouth, Dorset. 135 BuUer Col. J. Hornby, Down Hall, Epsom. Burdett-Coutts W., M. P., 1, Stratton Street, W. Burges George H., Hawthorndale, Bracknell, Berks. Burke Colonel, Aubries, Sudbury, Suffolk. Burn Col. D., Carlton Club, S. W. 140 Burr Arthur, Bellagio, Surrey. Burton Lord, Rangemore, Burton-on-Trent. "-■'Buxton Geoffrey F., Sunny Hill, Thorpe, Norwich. Byass Arthur, Norton Hall, Daventry. Byass E. N., Wyck Hill, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos. 145 Caldwell C. B., Windlesham, Surrey. Cambridge Field-Marshal H.R.H. The Duke of, K.G, K.P. G. C. B., &c., Gloucester House, Park Lane, W. Campbell C. Lee, Glewstone Court, Eoss, Herefordshire. Campbell Gen. P. J.,E.H.A.,United Service Club, PallMan,S.W. Campbell Surgeon-Major W., Grenadier Guards, Windsor. 150 "Candlish J.J., Tempest House, Seaham Harbour, co. Durham. Canning Eobert, Wyburnbury, Nantwich. Canning W. Gordon, M.F.H., Hartpury House, Gloucester. Capon G. G., Home Farm, Shortgrove, Newport, Essex. Garden Lieut. -Col. Sir F. W., Bart., Stargroves, Newbury. C. CajL-negie C. S., Clevelands, Bideford, N. Devon. 156 Carnegie James, Aytounhill, Newburgh, N.B. Cartland J. Howard, The Priory, King's Heath, Worcs. 250 LIST OF MEMBERS. Carver William H., Southfield, Hessle, E. Yorks. . Cavendish Victor W., M.P., Chatsworth, Chesterfield. 160 Cazenove Edward, Cottesbrooke Cottage, Northampton. Cazenove J. M., Standon Park, Ockley, Surrey. Cazenove Walter de Pradine, Manor House, Cranboine, Salisbury. Chaloner Capt. Eichard G. W., Melksham House, Melksham. Chandos-Pole-Gell H., Hopton Hall, Wirksworth, Derby. 165 Chaplin Cecil, 21, Grafton Street, W. Chaphn Ernest, 24, Chester Street, S.W. "Chapman Kev. H. E., Donhead House, Salisbury. Chapman Eobert, Oaklands, Cheltenham. Charrington Hugh S., Dove Cliff, Burton-on-Trent. 170 ^Charrington J. D., Gifford House, Eoehampton, S.W. '•'Charrington M. V., The Warren, Hever, Edenbridge. Charsley F. W., Pine wood, Stokes Poges, Slough, Bucks. Cheape Major G. C, Bentley Manor, Eedditch, Worcs. Chesham Lord, M.F.H., Stratton Audley, Bicester, Oxon. 175 Chinnery H. J., Winslow Hall, Winslow, Bucks. Christy James. Writtle, Chelmsford. Churchill Lord, 6, Herbert Crescent, S.W. Claridge C, jun., Colesdale, Northaw, Potters Bar, N. Clark G. D'Arcy, Burnaston House, Derby. 180 Clark J. W., Houghton House, Victoria Eoad, Leicester. Clark N., Beamish Park, Chester-le-Street, co. Durham. Clarke A. C, Eed Lion Hotel, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. Clarke Charles, Ashby-de-la-Launde, Lincoln. Clayhills Colonel J. Menzies, 66, Chester Square, S. W. 185 "Clayhills-Henderson Capt. G. D., E.N., Invergowrie, Dundee. Clench Frederick, Newland House, Lincoln. Clowes S. W., Norbury, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Coker J. P., Earsham Park, Bungay, Norfolk. Colby John V., Ehosgilwen, Ehoshill, E.S.O., S. Wales. 190 Cole John Comyns, 42, Chester Terrace, S.W. Colmer Ptolemy S. H., M.D., South Street House, Yeovil. Colvin E. B., M.F.H., Fehx Hall, Kelvedon, Essex. LIST OF MEMBERS. 251 -^=Cookson J. Blencowe, M.F.H., Meldon Park, Morpeth. G.E.H. Cooper John [Steivard), East Haddon, Northampton. 195 Cooper William, Keld Hall, Pickering, Yorks. ^■^Cornwallis F. S. W., M.P., Linton Park, Maidstone. •-■■■Cory Clifford, Cardiff. Cotes Lieut. -Col. C. J., Pitchford Hall, Shrewsbmy. 199 Courage E. H., The Hall, Kirkby Eleetham,Bedale. C.E.F.H. Coventry Earl of (Past-President), Croome Court, Severn Stoke, Worcs. Craig A. W., Docklands, Ingatestone, Essex. Craven Frederick B., Thornbridge, Bakewell, Derby. Crawshay W. T., Caversham Park, Eeading. Crompton James E., Helensholme, Chesham, Bury, Lane. 205 Crompton Ealph, The Oaklands, Bury, Lane. Cronk W. H., Suffolk Place, Sevenoaks, Kent. Cross Carlton, Crooke Hall, Chorley, Lane. Cross Herbert, Fern, Salisbury. C.H. 'Cross J. P., Catthorpe Towers, Eugby. 210 Cross Thomas, Malvern Park, Solihull, Warwickshire. Crossman Alexander, Longcroft Hall, Yoxall, Burton-on-Trent. Crowhurst E. G., M.E.C.V.S., Chesham House, Leamington. Cumberlege Colonel A. B., {Address not knoivn) Cunningham St. Clair, Adniston, Macmerry, East Lothian, N.B. 215 Curzon Viscount, M.P., 24, Upper Brook Street, W. Czarnikow Horace, Effingham Hill, Dorking. Dain H. B., 41, Waterloo Street, Birmingham. C. Dalton E. H., Conservative Club, S. W. Dalton W^illiam, Burses, Brentwood, Essex. 220 Danby Capt. J., South Villa, Foggy Furze, West Hartlepool. Danby P. S., Church Farm, Offchurch, Leamington. Daucocks G. W., Tolworth Court, Surbiton. Darby Alfred, Brentwood, Essex. Da'rby George, Hillmorton, Eugby. 225 Darrell James S., West Ay ton, York. Darrell T., Spikers Hill, West Ayton, York. 252 LIST OF MEMBERS. Darvall Capt. J. T., late Highland Light Infantry, The Her mitage, Buxted, Sussex. Davidson Colonel H. E., Newbiggin, Eichniond, Yorks. Davies A. P. Saunders, Pentre Boncath, E.S.O., Cardigan. 230 Dawson E. Howard, Aldcliffe Hall, Lancaster. Day John, jun., Huxham, East Pennard, Shepton Mallet. Day T. 0., Bow Brickhill, Bletchley, Bucks. Dease Major Gerald, Turbotston, Coole, co. Westmeath. Dent Major H. F., Menethorpe, Malton, Yorks. 235 Dent W., High Goosepool, Fighting Cocks, co. Durham. '■'De Trafford C. Edmund, Hothorpe, Theddingworth, Paigby. C. ''De Trafford Sir Humphrey, Bart., Trafford Park, Manchester. Dickenson John, Woodend Farm, Kildale, Grosmont, Yorks. Didham Charles J., Heath, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 240 Digby Hon. E. C, 39, Belgrave Square, S.W. Digby Hon. G. F., 39, Belgrave Square, S.W. Digby J. K. D. W., M.P., Longburton, Sherborne, Dorset. Dodington Eoger M., Horsington House, Templecombe. Dove George, Eccles House, Kelso, N. B. 245 Dove William, The Park, Gorey, Ireland. Dowdeswell Captain J. Mundy, King's End, Worcester. Dowell F. W., Ford, Bideford, N. Devon. Downe Lieut. -Col. Viscount, 10th Hussars, Cahir. Drage B. F., Chapel Brampton Grange, Northampton. 250 Drage John, Moulton Lodge, Brixworth, Northampton. Drake Capt. T. H. Tyrwhitt, Little Shardeloes, Amersham. Drake W. W. Tyrwhitt, The Woodlands, Stowe, Buckingham. Drew Colonel F. M., Drewscourt, Charleville, co. Cork. Drummond Hugh W., 20, Draycott Place, S. W. 255 Dungarvan Lord, White's Club, St. James Street, S.W. "Dunn W. H., Wallingtons, Hungerford. Dynevor Lord, Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. Dyson Harry, Ashford Hill, Brimpton, Eeading. East Henry P., 129, Alexandra Eoad, St. John's Wood, N.W. 260 Eccles Capt. G. M., Moneygold, co. Sligo. Elliot G. W., M.P. Scruton Hall, Bedale, Yorks. LIST OF MEMBEES. 253 Ellis C. C, 57, Clarence Parade, Southseea. Ellis J. B., West Barsham, Walsingham, Norfolk. Ellis W. A., Thurnscoe Hall, Eotberham, Yorks. -2i]o Elmhirst Capt. E. Pennell, Bliswortli House, Blisworth. England Lieut. -Col. A. E., Soulderne Manor, Banbury. Esdaile C. E. J., M.F.H., Cotherstone House, Taunton. Evans Jolin,Lavallin House, Tenby, Pembrokesbire. Evans 0. L., Broomball, Pwllbeli, Wales. 270 Ewing Lieutenant J. E., 21st Hussars. {Address not known. Eyton C. E. Wynne, Old Leeswood Hall, Mold. Fabling Arthur, Grandborough, Eugby. Falkland Viscount, Skutterskelfa Hall, Yarm, Yorks. Falkner E. A,, The Ashlands, Billesden. 275 Fane H. G., Elmore, Newbury, Berks. Felton W. V., Sandgate, Pulborough, Sussex. Fenwick E, Guy, Alconbury, Huntingdon. Fenwick G. A., Bywell Hall, Stocksfield-on-Tyue. Fenwick G. J., 93, Eaton Square, S.W. 280 Ferguson Algernon F. H., 2nd Life Guards, Hyde Park Bar- racks, S.W. Ferguson Capt. Victor, Eoyal Horse Guards, Polebrooke Hall, Oundle. Fermoy Lord, Eockbarton, Holycross, Kilmalloek,co. Limerick. Fernie C. W. B., M.F.H., Keythorpe, Leicester. Ferris S., Bradford-on-Avon. 285 Posting Henry, Bois Hall, Addlestone, Surrey. Ffolkes Sir W. H. B., Bart., Hillington Hall, King's Lynn. ""Field " Proprietors of, Bream Buildings, Chancery Lane, W.C. Fielden J. A., Centre Vale, Todmorden. C.E.F.H.'=Fife Captain W. H., {President) Langton Hall, Northallerton. 290 Fife-Cookson Lieut. -Colonel, Lee Hall, Wark-on-Tyne, Northd. Filgate W. de Salis, M.F.H., Lissrenny, Ardee, Louth, Ireland. Finch G. P., The Briars, Alphington, Exeter. Fitt William, Hockliffe Manor, Leighton Buzzard. 254 LIST OF MEMBERS. Fitzpatrick W. L., Woodlands, Clapham, Bedford. 295 Fitzroy Hon. E. A., Fox Hill, West Haddon, Northampton. C.E.F.H. Fitzwilliara Hon. T. W. {Past- President), The Ferry, Peterboro'. Fleming N. E., Normanby Hall, Normanby, Middlesboro'-ou- Tees. Fletcher Charles J., Dale Park, Arundel. "Fletcher F. C, Letham Grange and Fearn, Arbroath, N. B. 300 Fletcher Lancelot H., Brigham Hill, Carlisle. Flintoff Capt. T., 2nd Life Guards, Hyde Park Barracks, S.W. Forbes W., Callendar House, Falkirk, N. B. Ford W. J., Bush Cottage, Sherwood Eise, Nottingham. -Forrest T. Forsyth, The Querns, Cirencester. 305 Forster Stuart, Postlip Hall, Winchcombe, E.S.O., Glos. Fort E., The Cottage, Foston, Derby. Foster Sir A. Vere, Bart, Glyde Court, Ardee, Louth, Ireland. Foster James, M.F.H., Apley Park, Bridgnorth, Salop. Foster Leonard, Ickleford House, Hitchin. 310 Foster W. H., Spratton Grange, Northampton. -'■Fountaine A. C, Narford, Swaffham, Norfolk. Francis W. H., Broomfields, Grennell Eoad, Sutton, Surrey, Fraser Alexander, Westerfield House, Ipswich. Fraser Donald, Tickford Park, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. 315 Freeman Stewart, 12, Elvaston Place, S.W. Fry F. Gibson, Fawley, Eoss, Herefordshire. C.H. Fryer Major-Gen. John, C.B., 42, Evelyn Gardens, S.W. Fullarton E. P. H., 38, Elvaston Place, Queen's Gate, S.W. Fullerton John S. H., Thribergh Park, Eotherham. 320 Galloway A. K., Fenstanton, St. Ives, Hunts. *Gassiott Charles, Elmwood House, Upper Tooting, Surre} . Gee George, Elkington, Welford, Eugby. George William, Gayton, Northampton. Gibbon J. S., Newton House, Cowbridge, Glam. 325 Gibbs A., Tyntesfield, Bristol. Gilbey Alfred, The Kennels, Wooburn Park, Maidenhead. Gilbey A. N., 25, Cumberland Terrace, Eegent's Park, N.W. LIST OF MEMBERS. 255 Gilbey Guy, Cambridge House, Eegent's Park, N.W. Gilbey H. W., 28, Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. 330 Gilbey Tresham, The Grange, Bishop Stortford. C.E.F.H. Gilbey Sir Walter, Bart. (Pa.s^PreszV7e7z-^),ElsenhamHall, Essex. Giles Dudley P., Higham House, Worlingham, Beccles. Gill John, High Street, Welshpool. Gillard Frank, Belvoir Kennels, Grantham. 335 Gillet W. A., Fairoak Lodge, Bishopstoke. Gilliat Howard, Abbots Eipton Hall, Huntingdon. Gilmour Allan, Yr., Eaglesham House, Eenfrewshire, N.B. '••Gilmour John, Montrave, Leven, Fifeshire, N.B. Gladwin H. Fane, Broughton Castle, Banbury. 310 Godfrey J. E. E., Park View, St. Margarets, Middlesex. Godson Frank, Temple Bruer, Lincoln. Godwin J. J., Troy Farm, Somerton, Banbury. Gold Charles, 17, Cumberland Terrace, Eegent's Park, N.W. Gold Henry, 3, Gloucester Terrace, Eegent's Park, N.W. 315 *Goodden J. E. P., Compton House, Sherborne, Dorset. Goodwin John, Priory Court, Cheltenham. Gordon George, Sherborne, Dorset. Gordon Lord Esme, Paxton Park, St. Neots. Gore-Langton W. F., 2, Prince's Gate, S.W. 350 Gorham A., Green Man Inn, Harlow, Essex. Gosling Herbert, 51, Pont Street, S.W. Gosling Eichard H., 19, Fleet Street, E.G. Gosling Eobert, Hassobury, Bishop Stortford. Gray Charles, The Laurels, Whitchurch, Bucks. 355 Gray J. W., Boyn Hill, Maidenhead. Green George D., Oaklands, St. Albans, Herts. Green George F., Chetwode Priory, Buckingham. Green G. H., Wigmore Grange, Leintwardine. *Greenall Gilbert, jun., Walton Hall, Warrington. 360 Greenwood W., Standford Hall, Newport, Salop. C. Grenfell W. H., Taplow Court, Maidenhead. Grimshawe Vaughan, 10, Bury Street, St. James's, S.W. Griuling Henry, Harrow Weald House, Stanmore. 256 LIST OF MEMBEKS. Grissell Captain Frank D., Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 365 Gimnis George S., Pusey House, Faringdon, Berkshire. Guthrie D. C, M.P., East Haddon Hall, Northampton. Gwynne John, Kenton Grange, The Hyde, N.W. GwynneJ.Eglington,Folkington Manor, Polegate,R.S.O., Sussex. Halkett Baron Hugh, 25, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. 370 Hall Lieut.-Col. Spencer, 9, Halkin St. W., Belgrave Sq., S.W. Hamersley Lieut.-Col. John, Hoole Lodge, Chester. Hamond Anthony, Westacre, Swaffham, Norfolk. Hanbury Basil, Kineton, Warwick. Hanbury C. A., Belmont, East Barnet, Herts. 375 Hanbury J. M., Truman's Brewery, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. Harford Colonel F., Down Place, Windsor. Harford John C, Falcoudale, Lampeter, Cardiganshire. -Harford W. A., The Wharf House, S\vmdon. Hargreaves John, Maiden Erleigh, Eeading, Berks. 380 Harper G. T., Blighmont, Southampton. Harper Joseph, Barnstaple. Harrington Earl of, M.F.H., Elvaston Castle, Derby. Harris George, Eam Hotel, Northampton. Harris George, Townsend House, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. 385 Harris James, Passmores, Harlow. "Harris Lord, Bombay, India. Harris William, Willington, Bedford. Harrison Cartmell, 24, Bolton's, S.W. Harrison Edmund, The Croft, Kirkby Wharfe, Tadcaster. 390 Harrison J. Simons, The Hurn, Beverley. Harrison W. H.,79, Wharton Eoad, West Kensington Park, W. Harrison and Le Gros, St. Ann's Hotel, Buxton. Hart Henry K., Cannock, Staffordshire. C. Harter J. F. Hatfeild, Cranfield Court, Newport Pagnell, Beds. 395 "Harvey C. P., Sudborough, Thrapston. Haslewood A. O., M.E.C.S., Buxton, Derbyshire. Hastings Lord, Melton Constable, Norfolk. LIST OF MEMBERS. 257 Hay Major-Gen. J. C, C.B., Junior United Service Club, S.W. Hayes Eobert H., Bay View, Carrigaline, Cork. 400 Hazlehurst T. F., Cold Ashby Hall, Welford, Eugby. Headington P. E., Manor Farm, Old Windsor. ■Heap E., jun., 1, Brick Court, Temple, E.C. Heath James P., M.E.C.V.S., 47, Southernhay, Exeter. Heaton-Ellis Charles H. B., Wyddiall Hall, Buntingford. 405 Hellaby J. W., West Broughton, Sudbury, Derby. Helme E. T., Warley Side, Brentwood, Essex. Helmore Mark, Saxon House, Hampstead, N.W. Helyar Major, Poundisford, Taunton. Hemery Vincent, Gladsmuir, Barnet, Herts. 410 Henry F., 4, Clarendon Street, Nottingham. Henry Major F., Elmstree, Tetbury, Glos. Herford H. F., The Eookery, Macclesfield, Cheshire. C. Hermon-Hodge E. T., Wyfold Court, Eeading. Heseltine Evelyn, Great Warley, Brentwood. 415 Hetherington John, The Slade, Ci'icklewcod, Middlesex. Hewett Sir Harold G., Bart., The Lodge, Banister Eoad, Southampton. Hill Brian H., Acton Trussell, Stafford. Hill Sir Clement, K.C.M.G., 24, Grafton Street, W. Hill Capt. T. A., late 12th Lancers, Parkfield, Great Malvern. 420 Hill T. W., Froxmer Court, Worcester. Hills E. H., Eedleaf, Penshurst, Kent. Hincks H. T., Glen Parva Manor, Blaby, Leicester. ' Hindlip Lord, Hindhp Hall, Worcester. Hine D. T., 5, St. Andrew's Place, Eegent's Park, N.W. 425 -Hoare C. A. E., M.F.H., Boodle's Club, S.W. Hoare Charles T., Bignell, Bicester. Hoddinott Eichard, Springfield, Gillingham, Dorset. Hodson Campbell, Guadaloupe House, Melton Mowbray, Leics. Hogg W. H. J., Moorhouse, Westerham, Kent. 430 , Holden John, Nuttall Temple, Nottingham. Holdsworth A. F., Middecombe, Kingsbridge, Devon. '■'Holford T., Castle Hill, Cerne, Dorchester. 258 LIST OF MEMBERS. Holland Sydney, 112, Park Street, W. Holland T., Malvern Link, Worcs. 435 Holland Walter, Norton Hall, Worcester. Hollebone Henry, Gidea Hall, Eomford. Hollington A. J., Forty Hill, Enfield. Holms-Ker W., Underbank House, Largs, Ayrshire. Holt Barnard, F.R.C.S., 14, Savile Eow, W. 440 Holtby William, Rotsea Manor, Cranswick, Hull. Homfray Capt. J. G. R., 1st Life Guards, Penllyn Castle, Cowbridge, South Wales. Hood Sir Alexander Acland, Bart, St. Audries, Bridgwater. Hopetoun Earl of, Hopetoun House, South Queensferry, N.B. Hordern A. R., 30, Evelyn Gardens, S.W. 445 Hornby Ca.pt. G. S. Phipps, Sandley House, Gillingham, Dorset. C.E.F.H.-HornbyCol.J.F.,M.S.H.(F/ce-PresiV7e7ii),Northmoor,Dulverton. Hornsby James, Stapleford Park, Melton Mowbray. Horton John H., Mascalls, Brentwood. Horton Joseph, The Woodlands, Moseley, Birmingham. 450 -Houldsworth J. H., Rozelle, Ayr, N.B. Howson George, Newtown, Sligo, co. Leitrim. Hunter J., Anton's Hill, Coldsteam, N.B. Hurst William, Sandal, Wakefield. Hutson J. R. Farr, Watchfield House, Shrivenham, Berks. 455 Illingworth A. H., Lady Royd Hall, Bradford. Ireland Charles, Tilbury Farm, Oxford. Jackson Edward S., M.B., Carnforth, Lancashire. Jago-Trelawny Major-General, Coldrenick, Liskeard, Cornwall. James R. Boucher, Hallsannery, Bideford. 460 James R. Boucher, jun., Walton Elms, Marnhull, Sturminster Newton. James William, Hall Mills, Workington, Cumberland. Jameson Joseph, Nord Vue, i\rmathwaite, R.S.O., Cumberland. Jarvis A. Weston, Middleton Towers, King's Lynn. Jarvis F., M.R.C.V.S., Clairville, Bushev Heath, Herts. LIST OP MEMBERS. 259 465 Jary Major, Bitteswell Hall, Lutterworth. Jay Tom Simpson, Holmwood, Putney Hill, S.W. Jeeves F. A., Manor Farm, Fenstanton, St. Ives, Hunts. Jenkins W. H., Upton House, Banbury. Jenner Birt St. A., M.F.H., Alfoxton Park, Bridgwater. 470 Jennings T., jun.. Phantom House, Newmarket. Jervoise Lieut. -Col. Clarke, 33, Charles Street, Berkeley Sq. W. Jervoise Lieut. -Col. J. P., late 3rd Hussars. Jessop Capt.jlate Scots Greys,Army& Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Johnson R. A., M.F.H., Buckfields, Leominster, Herefordshire. 475 Johnson-Meakin Wilfrid, Soar House, Quorn, Loughborou'^h. Joicey Edward, M. F.H.,Blenkinsopp Hall, Haltwhistle,Northd. C. Joicey James, Poulton Priory, Fairford, Gloucestershire. Jones A. Helsham, Pinner Hill, Watford. Jones B. Hey wood, Larkhill, Liverpool. 480 Jones F. A., Gerwyn, Pantglass, Golden Grove, Carmarthen. Jones Henry E., Marden Ash, Ongar, Essex. Jones Major, Chippenham, Wilts. "Jones Walter, The Elms, Moore, Warrington. "Jones William, Abberley Hall, Stourport, Worcs. 485 Jones W. Pride, Cleve Lodge, Downend, Glos. Judkins W. A., Long Buckby, Eugby. '''Kearns H. W., Baxenden House, Accrington. "Kemmis William, Harwood, Newbury. Kenwrick George, Astley, Farquhar Road, Birmingham. 490 Kidd Henry, Skeifington Vale, Leicester. King Alexander J., The King's Own Regiment, Messrs. Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, W. King T. P., Standish House, Stonehouse, Glos. King Walter E., Donhead Lodge, Salisbury. C.E.F.H. Kingscote Col. Sir Nigel, K.C.B. {Past-President), 34, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. 495 J Knapton A., Great Kelk, Lowthorpe, Hull. ■ Kynnersley T. F., Leighton Hall, Ironbridge, Salop. Laing C. M., Ashley Lodge, Oxford. 260 LIST OF MEMBERS. Laird MacGregor, Cathcart, Birkenhead. Lambton Capt. Hon. Charles, 5th Fusiliers, Navy and Military Club, S.W. 500 Langham H. H., Cottesbrooke Park, Northampton. C. Langlands Major J. S., Army and Navy Club, S.W. Langrishe Hercules K., M.F.H., Knocktopher Abbey, Thomas- town, Kilkenny, Ireland. '■'Larisch Count, Landhaus, Troppau, Austria. Lascelles Hon. G., Government House, Lyndhurst, Hants. 505 Lathom Earl of, Lathom House, Ormskirk. '•'Lea C. W., Parkfield, Hallow, Worcester. Leather A. H., Fowberry Tower, Belford, Northumberland. Lee Frederick, 50, Sussex Square, Brighton. Lee-Barber Capt. J. F., Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, W. 510 Lees Elliott. {Address not himvn). Lees G. J. Dunville, Woodhill, Oswestry, Salop. Lefroy C. G., Wellesbourne Hall, Warwick. C. Legard Eev. Cecil, Cottesbrooke Rectory, Northampton. Legge Hon. Heneage, 43, Park Lane, W. 515 Lennard Sir T. Barrett^ Bart., Belhus, Purfleet, Essex. Leon H. S., M.P., Bletchley Park, Bletchley. Lepper Henry G., M.R.C.V.S., Aylesbury. Lett John, Cleveland Stud Farm, Rillington, York. '■'Lewis A., Church Farm, Heacham, Lynn. 520 Lewis Charles E., M.F.H., St. Pierre, Chepstow. Lewthwaite W., Broadgate, Broughton-in-Furness. Liddle C. R., Hightield, Newport, Salop. Lister-Kaye C. W., Osberton Grange, Worksop. Littledale St. George, Wickhill House, Bracknell. 525 Lloyd Edward, Hafod, Mold, Flints. Lockhart Major Sir Simon M., The Lee, Lanark, N. B. Loder Reginald B., Maidwell Hall, Northampton. Loder Sydney, Greenfield Lodge, Market Harborough. Loibl Emil, 39, Maida Vale, W. 530 ■■■Londonderry Marquis of, Wynyard Park, Stockton-on-Tees. Long Walter H., M.P., Rood Ashton, Trowbridge. LIST OF MEMBERS. 261 Longford Earl of, Pakenham Hall, Castlepollard, co. Westnieatli Lonsdale Earl of, 15, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. Lovell F., M.S.H., Hinchelsea, Brockenhurst, Hants. 535 Lovell H. A., Harpole, Northampton. Lowther Hon. L. E., Barrow House, Oakham. Lubbock Beaumont, 7, Clarges Street, Piccadilly, W. Lucas A. C, 30, Wilton Crescent, S. W. Lynes Colonel S. Parr, R.A. {Address not himvn), 510 Lyon W. F. H., Goring Hall, Worthing. * McCreery Lawrence, Compton Castle, North Cadbury, Bath. McCreery E. S., Compton Castle, North Cadbury, Bath. McFarland William, Loud water, Eickmansworth. MacGregor Colonel A. D., Gelliwig Hall, Pwllheli, N. Wales 545 Mackenzie P. (Address not hioion). Maclean Colonel Allan, Eoyal Dragoons, York. Macmillan John, Corstorphine Hill House, by Murrayfield, Midlothian, N. B. Macqueen Professor James, 35, Bartholomew Eoad, N.W. 549 Mainwaring E. K., Underdale, Shrewsbury. C.E.H. Mami E. J., {Steivard), Home Farm, Acton Burnell, Salop. Manning C. N., Milton Ham, Northampton. C. March Earl of, M.F.H. Molecombe House, Chichester. Marshall Lieut. -Col. Anthony, Annstead, Chathill, Northd. Marson T. E., Crick, Eugby. 555 Martin Harold, Ivy House, Wainfl-et, Lines. Matthews Thomas, Harlow Bury, Harlow, Essex. Maude Lieut. -Colonel Aubrey. [Address not Jowicii). Maughan Frank, Middleham, E.S.O., Yorks. Mawdsley J. P., 4 & 6, Castle Street, Liverpool. 560 May J. Bowen, Ascot. Meadows Thomas, Benefielcl, Oundle, Northants. Meredith Thomas, Eowley Farm, Bridgnorth, Salop. Merry T. A., Castlemore House, Bicester. ' Meyer Leopold C. D., Eosehill, Burnham, Bucks. 262 LIST OF MEMBERS. 565 Meysey-Thompson Lieut. -Col. E. F., Nunthorpe Court, York Micklem Henry, Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S. W. Middleton Capt. J. A., M.F.H., Kilmaron Castle, Cupar, N.B. C.E.F.H. Middleton Lord {Past-President), M.F.H., Birdsall House, York. Mildmay Capt. C. B. St. John, Hollam, Dulverton, Somerset. 570 Mildmay Gerald St. John, Dogmersfield Park,Winchfield. Miles Charles, Tatenhill, Burton-ou-Trent. Miller T. H., Oborne, Sherborne, Dorset. Millett Henry, Eoyston, Haresfield, Stonehouse, Glos. Mills Hon. C. W., Camelford House, Park Lane, W. 575 Mills Henry John, The Knoll, Wimborne, Dorset. Mitford Lieut. -Col. "W. Kenyon, Pitshill, Petworth, Sussex. Monks F., Walton Old Hall, Warrington. Moore J. W., Eye, Peterborough. Moore Major, M.F.H., Killashee, Naas, co. Kildare, Ireland. 580 Moorhouse E., Bank of New Zealand, 1, Queen Victoria St.,E.C. Morrell G. Herbert, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford. Morris Thomas, Coomb, Llangain, Carmarthen, South Wales. Morrison W. G., Mentana, Bournemouth. Morton Col. C. F., late 14th Hussars, Army & Navy Club, S.W. 585 Motion A. E., Faulkbourne Hall, Witham, Essex. Motion James S., Chalmers, Park Hill Eoad, Croydon. Moy Thomas, Stanway Hall, near Colchester, Essex. ^■'Mucklow Walter, Elton Grange, Bury, Lanes. Muntz P. Albert, M.P., Dunsmore, Eugby. 590 Muriel Frank, Woodroyd Farm, Horley, Sussex. Murray Colonel F., Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford. Mus grave J. E., Drumglass House, Belfast. Mylne Lieut. -General W. C. E., Stangrove, Edenbridge, Kent. Newman H. J., 24, Mount Sti'eet, Grosvenor Square, W. 595 Newton F. Curzon, Bearwardcote, Etwall, Derby. Nickolls and Baker, 1, Oxford Market, W. Nicholson A. J., Glebelands, Wokingham. Nicholson J. H., Balrath-Burry, Kells, co. Meath. LIST OF MKMBEES. 263 Nickalls Tom, M.S.H., Patteson Court, Eedhill, Surrey. 600 Nickisson J. L., Warfield, Bracknell, Berks. Nixon Henry, 89, Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, S.W. North Colonel J. T., M.S.H., Avery Hill, Eltham, S.E. Oakley W. E., Cliff House, Atherstone, Warwickshire. Oatway F. T., Kingsdale, Stanmore, Middlesex. 605 O'Hara Capt. Charles K., Annaghmore, Collooney, co. Sligo. Ord R., Sands Hall, Sedgefield, Durham. Orme E. W., Owenmore, Crossmolina, co. Mayo. O'Shea Gerard, 111, Marine Parade, Brighton. Otter E. C, Eaton Hall, Eetford. 610 Over Alfred, M.R.C.V.S., Station Eoad, Eugby. Paget Capt. Wellesley L. H., E.H.A., The Barracks, Woolwich. Palairet Captain C. H., Westbauk, Ledbury. Paravicini Harry F. de, Heathfield, Bracknell, Berks. Paravicini Percy J. de, Eiverside, Datchet, Windsor. 615 Paravicini Prior F. de, Eiverside, Datchet, Windsor. Parker Colonel H., Army and Navy Club, S.W. Parkin-Moore William, Whitehall, Mealsgate, via Carlisle. Parnell J., Eugby. Parry-Okeden Lieut. -Colonel N.E.P., Turnworth, Blandford. 620 Pascoe John W., Woodside, Turvey, Bedford. Paterson John W. J., M.F.H., Terrona, Langholm, N.B. Payne A. E., Eoden Hall, Wellington, Salop. Paynter Capt. C. H., 6th Dragoons, Brighton. Peacock F. W., Vernons Oak, Somersal Herbert, Derby. 625 Peareth W. G.,The Manor House, Thorpe Mandeville, Banbury. Pease Alfred E., Pinchinthorpe House, Guisborough. Peel Edmund, Brynhys, Ehuabon, N. Wales. Pembroke Earl, Wilton House, Salisbury. Pender James, Thornby Hall, Eugby. 630 Peiirhyn Loid, M.F.H., Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, N. Wales. Peiiton Captain F. T., Cbalfont Park, Slough. 264 LIST OF MEMBEKS. Perceval E. A., Severn House, Henbury, Bristol. Persse H. S., Glenarde, Galway, Ireland. Phillips J. F. Lort, M.F.H. Lawrenny Park, Pembroke, S.Wales. 635 Philips J. W., Heybridge, Tean, Stoke-on-Trent. Pike Lawrence W., Furzebrook Hall, Wareham. Pike W. L., Eichmond House, Appledore, Devon. Pilcher W. F., 23, Grosvenor Place, W. Pitman C. B. {Address not knoicn.) 640 Piatt James E., Bruntwood, Cheadle, Cheshire. Portal E. E., M,F.H., Eddington House, Hungerford. C.E.F.H.'Portland Duke of (Past-President), Welbeck Abbey, Worksop. ''■Portman Hon. Claud B., Child Okeford, Blandford, Dorset. *Portman Hon. E. W. B., St. Giles, Salisbury. 645 Portman Viscount, M.F.H. , Bryanston, Blandford, Dorset. Potter Edmund, Sawrey Knotts, Windermere. Prater T. Herbert, Parlington Estate Office, Aberford, nr. Leeds. Pratt P. P., Brynllithrig Hall, St. Asaph, N. Wales. 649 Preston H. E., Bishopthorpe, York. C.E.F.H. Preston Hon. E., [Hon. Secretary), Errwood Hall, Buxton. Pretyman Captain Ernest G., Orwell Park, Ipswich. Price E. W., Ystradfawr, Bridgend, Glam. Price Sir Eichard D. Green, Bart., The Poplars, Shrewsbury. C. Prior CM., Adstock Manor, Winslow, Bucks. 655 Probyn General Sir Dighton M., K.C.B., V.C, Sandringham, Norfolk. Eadclijffe Thomas, Church Aston Manor, Newport, Salop. Eadmore Thomas, W^orcester Park, Surrey. Eaffety John H., The Acre, Worthing. Eamm Frederick W., Pound Stud Farm, Cobham, Surrey. 660 Eamsay Capt. F. F., The Barracks, Aberdeen. Eankin James, M. P., Bryngwyn, Tram Inn, R.S.O., Herefordshire. Eansford W. H., Leesholm, Old Windsor. -Eavenhill Major-Gen. ,E.A.,26,Victoria Ed., Old Charlton, Kent. C. Eawlence J. E., Albert Gate, Hyde Park, S.W. 665 Eawnsley E. Preston, M.F.H,, Girsby Manor, Market Easeu. LIST OF MEMBEES. 265 Rawnsley John F., Claythorpe, Alford, Lincolnshire. Rawnsley Waltex' H., Well Hall, Alford, Lines. Reed Thomas D., The Grange, Beeford, Hull. Reeves J. T., South Moreton, Wallingford, Berks, 670 Remnant F. M., "Wenhaston Grange, Halesworth, Suffolk. Rendall Francis S., Brigmerston House, Salisbury. Reynard Capt. Frank, late 9th Lancers, Firby Hall, York. Ribblesdale Lord, Gisburne Park, Skipton, Yorks. C.H. Ricardo Major G. C, {Steward), Donnington Castle House, Newbury, 675 Richardson Henry, Littlefield, Marlborough, Wilts. Richmond and Gordon Duke of, K.G.,49, Belgrave Square, S.W. Rickards E., Elm Park, Leatherhead, Surrey. Ridley Sir M. W., Bart., M.P., Blagdon, Cramlington. Rigden W. E,, M.F.H,, Faversham. 680 Ringrose Arthur, The Registrar House, Northallerton. Robarts Thomas E., 45, Clarges Street, W. Roberts of Candahar Gen. Lord, G.C.B., V.C.,War Office, S.W, Roberts Colonel W. k. , 46, Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, S.W, Robertson Andrew, Lewes County Club, Lewes. 685 Robinson x\bbot, Kirkby Mallory Hall, Hinckley. Robinson Lieut. -Colonel F. M., 82, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Robinson H. P., Carnaby House, Hull. Robinson J. C, H., Filgrave, Newport Pagnell, Robinson Philip, Park Hill, Egginton, Burton-on-Trent. '690 Robinson Thomas, 65, Richmond Road, Barnsbury, N, Rose C, D,, 52, Pont Street, S.W. Rose Captain Richard, 55, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, W. Rothe Col. George, Naval and Military Club. Piccadilly, W, C. Rothschild Leopold de, Ascott, Leighton Buzzard. 695 Rothschild Lord, M.S.H,, Tring Park, Herts. Rouse Harry, Firby Hall, Bedale, Yorks. Ruis James E., Jodrell Hall, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. St. Maur Lord Percy, Maiden Bradley, Bath. Salt W. C, Willington Hall, Burton-on-Trent. 266 LIST OF MEMBERS. 700 Salvin Henry, 104b, Mount Street, W. Samuelson Francis A. E., Breckenbrough Hall, Thirsk. Sandbach Major S., Higgensfield, Whitchurch, Salop. Sanders Henry, Brampton Hill, Northampton. Sanders John, Fleet Marston, Aylesbury. 705 Sandiford N. P. F., Ingledene, Bowdon, Cheshire. Sanfoi'd C. E. Ayshford, Nynhead Ct., Wellington, Somerset. Saunders Capt. Frederick W., Naval and Military Club, S.W. Scarth W. T., Staindrop House, Darlington. Schiff A. G., 30, De Vere Gardens, Kensington, W. 710 Schreiber W. F. D., Dalton House, Watford. Schwabe Alfred J., Orleans Club, King Street, St. James's, W. Scott Charles Tollemache, Bosworth Park, Market Bosworth. *Scott J. A. Robson, yr., of Newton, Midgard, Hawick, N.B. Sewell W.,F.R.C.V.S.,53,Ehzabe[h Street, Eaton Square, S.W. 715 Seymour General W. H., C.B., Army and Navy Club, S.W. Shaw Professor E. S., 12, Gay ton Road, Hampstead, N.W. Sheather Charles, F.R.C.V.S., 51, York Terrace, N.W. Sherratt Executors of late Alexander, Oclepitchard, Hereford. "'^Shoolbred Walter, 10, Connaught Place, W. 720 Shrewsbury and Talbot Earl of, Ingestre Hall, Stafford. Shuttleworth Major, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade. Sim John A. , Wootten Wawen, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire. C.F. -'^Simpson Sir H. L.,F.R.C.V.S., Gordon House, Windsor, Berks. Skinner Capt. C. L. A., The Chantry, Ipswich. 725 Shngsby F. W., Red House, Monkton Moor, York. Slingsby Thomas, Scriven Park, Knaresborough, Yorks. Smith C. Jervis, Clifton Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Smith Eustace A., Longhills, Lincoln. Smith G. Murray, West Leake, Loughborough. 730 Smith S. Lee, Larkfield, near Maidstone. Smith T. Graham, Easton Grey, Malmesbury, Wilts. Smyth Major-General H. A., Malta. Snelling C. A., Town Farm House, Oxted, Red Hill, Surrey. Snowden W. C. P., Hutton Moor, Thirsk, Yorks. 735 Soden A. Soden, Gatwick, Billericay, Essex. LIST OF MEMBERS. 267 Somerton Viscount, Woodyates, Cranborne, near Salisbury. Souberbielle Edouard, 78, Cromwell Eoad, S.W. South W. A., F.K.C.V.S., 40, New Bond Street, W. Southampton Lord, Guilsborough, Northampton. 740 Southard Arthur, Fern Lodge, Bracknell, Berks. Spencer Earl, K.G., M.F.H., Althorp Park, Northampton. Spencer J. Maitland, Hillylands, Oakhill, Bath. "■•'Spicer John E. P., Spye Park, Chippenham. "Spicer Captain Julian, M.F.H., Spye Park, Chippenham. 745 Spiers Felix, 68, Lowndes Square, S.W. Spiller J. {Address not known). Springfield T. 0., Manor House, Baconsthorpe, Holt, Norfolk. Stack Colonel C. E., Bayford Lodge, Wincanton, Somerset. Stanford J. Benett, Pyt House, Tisbury, Wilts. 750 Stanley F. Sutton, Montague Street, Stone's End, Borough, S.E. Stapleton George, Welby House, Market Deeping. Starkey Capt. T. E., 4th Hussars, Naval & Military Club, S.W. Starkie Colonel Le Gendre N., Huntroyde, Burnley. -Stephens H. C, M.P., Church End, Finchley, N. 755 Stephens Wesley, Treblethick, Bodmin, Cornwall. ^■=Stern E. D., 4, Carlton House Terrace, S.W, Stevenson Henry, 240, Clapham Road, S.W. Stewart-Menzies W., Arndilly, Craig, Ellachie.N.B. Stirling Colonel Sir W. G., Bart., 6, Cadogan Square, S.W. 760 Stobart William, Pepper Arden, Northallerton. Stokes C. W. E., 6, Croft Terrace, Tenby. Stokes J. H., Great Bowden House, Market Harborough. Stopford Major Wilham, Ferney, Blackrock, co. Cork. "-••Straker C. E., High Warden, Hexham, Northumberland. 765 Straker Frederic, Corbridge-on-Tyne, Northumberland. ='• Straker Herbert, Hartforth Grange, Eichmond, Yorks, *Straker Joseph, New University Club, St. James's, S.W. Straker J. C, M.F.H., Hexham, Northumberland. rStraker J. H., Stagshaw House, Corbridge-on-Tyne. 770 Studdy Colonel T., E. A., Hopes Harbour, Stoke, Coventry. Sturges E. M., M.A., Stanlake Park, Twyford, Berks. 268 LIST OF MEMBEKS. jSturges John (Hon. Member), 72, Canfield Gardens, Finchley Eoad, N.W. '■Sutcliffe Tom, Stallingboro, Lincolnshire. Sutherland Duke of, 23, Berkeley Square, W. 775 =• Swan E. C, Solberge, Northallerton. Swanwick Eussell,Ruyal Agricultural College Farm, Cirencester. '■'Tabor James, Great Baddow Lodge, Chelmsford. Tabor J. E., Bovingdon Hall, Braintree, Essex. Tailby W. W., Skeffington Hall, Leicester, 780 Talbot Lord E., 11th Hussars, 26, Curzon Street, Mayfair.W. Talbot Col. Hon. E., C.B., 1st Life Guards, Grosvenor St., W. C.F.H. Tanqueray Charles H., Earley, Eeading, Tate Thomas, Allerburn, Alnwick. 784 Tattersall E., Albert Gate, Hyde Park, S.W. C.E.F.H. Tattersall E. S. [Treasurer), Albert Gate, Hyde Park, S.W. Taylor C. Howard, New Hall, near Barnsley. Taylor Garrett, Trowse House, Norwich. Taylor Marshall, Bishop Stortford. Taylor William, Park Mains, Eenfrew, N.B. 790 Temple J. W., Leyswood, Groombridge, Kent. Tennant E Craig, 57, Thames Street, Windsor. Thomas Harry E., Eockleaze Point, Clifton, Bristol. ''Thomas Capt. S. Moreton. (Address not known). Thompson George, Mousley End House, W^roxall, Warwick. 795 Thompson John, 55, Starton Eoad, Burton-on-Trent. Thomson Henry, Altnaveigh House, Newry, Armagh. Thornhill General, Lavender Farm, Ascot, Berks. Thorpe C. E., 8, Billing Eoad, Northampton. Threlfall Charles, The Beach, Hartford, Cheshire. 800 Thursby Piers, Broadwell Hill, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos. C.E. Tindall C. W., Brocklesby Park, Lincolnshire. Todd Eichard, Englefield, Eeading. Torr Edward E. Berry, Westleigh House, Bideford, N.Devon. Toulmin Francis, Wilton House, Addison Eoad, S.W. 805 Tower Lieut. -General Conyers, C.B., Thorufield, Eugby. LIST OF MEMBERS. 269 Towers-Clark Capt. James, Uplands, Darlington. C.E.F.H. Tredegar Lord {Past-President), M.F.H., Tredegar Park, Newport, Mon. Trefusis Major Hon. C. Forbes, Fettercairn House, N.B. Trench B. B., 18, Birchin Lane, E.G. 810 Trench W. T., Redwood, Lorrha, Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Trew J. P., Baggrave Hall, Leicester. Tristi'am Capt. L., Welsh Regiment, 95, Crwys Road, Cardiff. Troyte-Chafyn-Grove G., North Coker House, Yeovil. Truman Col. W. R., Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 815 Turner T. Warner, Welbeck, Worksop. Turnor Algernon, C.B. ,37, Pont Street, S.W. Tuyll Baron C. de, Horton, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire. Tyler Colonel Trevor B., Shoeburyness. Valentia Viscount, Bletchington Park, Oxford. 820 Van Brabant Edward, 195, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. Van de Weyer Col. V. B., New Lodge, Windsor Forest. C. Vaughan-Pryse-Rice C, M.F.H,, Llwy-ny-Brain, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire. Verney R. J., M.R.C.V.S., Oxford. Vernon Sir Harry Foley, Bart., Hanbury Hall, Droitwich. 825 Wade G. Tempest, The Repository, Leicester. Waine W. Wheatley, Newington, S.E. Walker H. G. (Address not hiovm). '''Walker, Sir Peter C, Bart., Osmaston Manor, Derby. Walker R. H., Hartwood, West Calder, Edinburgh. 830 '''Walker Major W. Hall, Gateacre Grange, Liverpool. -Wall E. W., Fox Hill, White Knights, Reading. Wallace Major R. H., R.H.A., Army and Navy Club, S.W. Waller Edmund, M.D., Bridge Street, Peterborough. Wallis James, Beddington, Croydon. 835 'Wallis W. L., The Wish, Eastbourne. Walsh Capt. L. P., R.A., W^ilton Castle, Ross, Herefordshire. Walton William, Walvendon House, Nelson, Lane. 270 LIST OF MEMBEBS. Wantage Lord, K.C.B., V.C., Lockinge Park, Wantage. Ward G. W., Cobden House, Leicester. 840 Ward James, Great Brampton, Hereford. Ward-Jackson C, Normanby Hall, Normanby, Middlesboro'- on-Tees. Wardrop Lieut. -Colonel F. M., 12th Lancers, Preston. Warner William P., M.F.H., Quorn Hall, Loughborough. "Warren G. H., Woolton, near Liverpool. 845 Warren T. H., Boughton Mill, Northampton. Watkins Charles, Wilcroft, Hereford. Watkins C. F., Navan, co. Meath, Ireland. Watson Gen. Sir J., K.C.B., V.C, United Service Club, S.W. Watson W. J., Breaston, Derby. 850 Weatherby E., Oatlands, Surrey. Welby J. Earle, Abingdon Hall, Grantham. Wells E. F., Buxhall Vale, Stowmarket. Wenlock Lord, Escrick, York. West T. B. C, Chaddleworth House, Wantage. 855 Westcar C. W. Prescott, M.F.H., Strode Park, Heme, Kent. Westminster Duke of, K.G., Eaton Hall, Chester. Weston Arthur F. Anderton, Holme Grange, Wokingham. Weymouth Viscount, M.P., Longleat, Warminster. Wharton J. T., Skelton Castle, Cleveland. 860 Wharton W. H. A., M.F.H., Skelton Castle, Cleveland. *Wheatley Albert, F.E.C.V.S., Beading, Berks. Wheeldon W. G., Friar Gate, Derby. Wheeler A. L., Army and Navy Club, S.W. Whitaker Percival A. O., Southwold, Suffolk, 865 White G. L., Oak Farm, Egginton, Burton-on-Trent. Whitehead G., Deighton Grove, York. Whittingham L. B., Llandrinio Hall, Oswestry. Whyte R. J. Preston, Leigh House, Chulmleigh, Devon. -Wickham H., M.F.H., Barnwell Castle, Oundle. 870 Wiggin Walter W., Forehill House, King's Norton, Worcs. Wight Edgar, Tedstone Court, Worcester. Wilder Russell, Albany, Piccadilly, W. LIST OF MEMBERS. 271 Wilkes G. W., Highfield, Knowle, Warwickshire. Wilkinson Frank B., Blyth Spital, Eotherham. 875 Willding-Jones Willding, Hampton Hall, Malpas, Cheshire. Williams Major-General A. H. W., Commanding Troops, Woolwich District, Woolwich. Williams F. Vaughan-, M.F.H., 49, Eutland Gate, S.W. Wilhams George, F.E.C.V.S., 10, Wilton Eoad, Pimlico, S.W. Williams George H., M.E.C.V.S., 15, Holbein Place, S.W. 880 Williams Captain G. Stanley (Address not hioivn.) Williams Eomer, 19, Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park, W. "■■Williams T. J. Jones, Laughern Hill, Wichenford, Worcester. Williamson Colonel David E., Lawers, Crieff, N.B. C.E. Wilmot Sir Eobert, Bart., Binfield Grove, Bracknell, Berks. 885 Wilson Arthur, M.F.H., Tranby Croft, Hull. Wilson A. M., Didmarton, Chippenham. Wilson Hubert M., The Hermitage, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Wilson Sir Jacob, Chillingham Barns, Belford, Northumberland. Wilson W., Beauchief Hall, near Sheffield. 890 Wilson-Todd Captain W. P., M.F.H., Leases Hall, Bedale. Withers Alfred, Kingsgate, Brondesbury, N.W. C.F.H. Withers Henry, 556, Oxford Street, W. Withington Frederick E., Fringford Lodge, Bicester. Wolfe J. W., 20, Eussell Square, W.C. 895 Wood C. H. G., Carleton Lodge, Pontefract. C. Wood Colonel E. A., C.B., The Grange, Harden, Devizes. Wood E. J. W., Meece House, Stone, Staffs. Wood Colonel George W., Nithsdale House, Ingatestone, Essex. Wood E. F. M., Belswardyne Hall, Shrewsbury. 900 Woolcott Henry, Leigh Hall, Savernake, Marlborough. Worcester Marquis of, Badminton, Chippenham. Wright C. B. E., M.F.H., Kennels, Pontefract. =;= Wright William, Wollaton, Nottingham. Wroughton W., Creatou, Northampton. 905 Wyles Harry, Holly-Hurst, The Park, Nottingham. Yarborough Earl of, M.F.H., Brocklesby Park, Lincolnshire. 272 LIST OF MEMBERS. Yates Captain Park, M.F.H., Ince Hall, Chester. Yerburgh E. A., M.P., Woodfold Park, Blackburn. 909 Younger William, 18, Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh. LADY MEMBERS. Life Lady Members, f fBarrett-Lennard Miss A. C, Belhus, Purfleet, Essex. fBass Hon. Mrs. Hamar, 145, Piccadilly, W. Blyth Mrs., 8, Great Marlborough Street, W. jBoden Mrs., The Friary, Derby. fBoden Miss, The Friary, Derby. 915 tBoden Mrs. Walter, Abbots Hill, Derby. tBrudenell-Bruce Lady Henry, 36, Eaton Place, S.W. f Burges Mrs. Mary, Hawthorndale Bracknell, Berks. fByass Mrs. Arthur, Norton Hall, Daventry. fCanimell Mrs. George, Brookfield Manor, Hathersage, Sheffield. 920 tClark Miss D'Arcy, Burnaston House, Derby. Clarke, Mrs., Noblethorpe, Barnsley. tClili'ord Mrs. C, The Eed House, Market Drayton, Salop. Colvile Hon. Mrs., LuUington, Burton-on-Trent. tCraig Mrs. A. W., Docklands, Ingatestone, Essex. 925 fCross Mrs. J. P., Catthorpe Towers, Rugby. Curzon Viscountess, Woodlands, Uxbridge. fCzarnikow Miss Ada, Effingham Hill, Dorking. tDawkins Mrs. E. H., The Manor House, Malmesbury. fDe Trafford Miss Annette, Hothorpe, Eugby. 980 Dillon Hon. Miss, Sliipton Lodge, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxou. f Everitt Mrs. Ernest, Cooper Hill, Alvechurch, Worcs. fFort Mrs., Foston, Derby. fFrancisMrs. E.E.,Broomfields,GrennellEoad, Sutton, Surrey. LIST OF MEMBERS. 273 Gore-Booth Miss A., Lissadell, Sligo, Ireland. 935 f Hanbury Miss Marie F. L,, Belmoot, East Barnet, Herts. jHindlip Lady, Hindlip Hall, Worcester. fHoare Mrs. C. T., Bignell, Bicester, f Holland Mrs., Marchington Hall, Uttoxeter. fHolway-Calthrop Mrs. W. H., Stanhoe Hall, King's Lynn, Norfolk. 940 King Miss A. K., D'Anvers House, Cul worth, Banbury. tKnox-Gore Miss, Mount Falcon, Ballina, co. Mayo. fLuttrell Mrs. Margaret, Edington, Bridgwater, Somerset. Mcintosh Mrs., Havering Park, Havering-atte-Bower, Essex, f Morgan Miss Violet, Euperra Castle, Newport, Mon. 945 f Peacock Mrs., Vernon's Oak, Sudbury, Derby. •f-Rawnsley Mrs. E. P., Girsby Manor, Market Easen. fEicardo Mrs. G. C., Donnington Castle House, Newbury. tShrewsbury and Talbot Countess of, Ingestre Hall, Stafford. fSmith Mrs. Jervis, Clifton Hall, Ashbourne, Derby. 950 f Standish Miss Lucy, New Park, Brockenhurst, Hants, f Sturges Mrs. E. M., Stanlake Park, Twyford, Berks. Temple Miss M., Ewhurst, Guildford. fThornewill Miss 0., Eangeraore, Burton-on-Trent. Trotter Miss Margaret, 9, Ovington Gardens, S.W. 955 fVaughan-Pryse-Eice Mrs., Llwy-ny-Brain, Llandovery, Car- marthenshire. tWall Mrs. M. A., Fox Hill, White Knights, Reading, f Wilkes Mrs. G. W., Highfield, Knowle, Warwickshire. 27J: LIST OF MEMBEKS. REGIMENTS. Cavalry. Hussars, Officers of the 3rd. '•'Hussars, Officers of the 4th. 960 "Hussars, Officers of the 10th. Hussars, Officers of the 14th. Hussars, Officers of the 15th. "Hussars, Officers of the 18th. Hussars, Officers of the 20th. 965 Inniskilling Dragoons, Officers of the. ^Lancers, Officers of the 9th. ■'•'■Lancers, Officers of the 12th. '"Eoyal Dragoons, Officers of the. Infantry. East Surrey (2nd Battahon), Officers of the. 970 Oxford Light Infantry (4th Battalion), Officers of the, Cowley Barracks, Oxford. Eoyal Berkshire (3rd Battalion), Officers of the, The Barracks, Eeading. Eoyal Fusiliers (2nd Battalion), Officers of the. SOCIETIES, (SiC. Abergavenny Horse Show and Agricultural Association, Abergavenny. Bath Horse Show Society, 16, Milsom Street, Bath. Bath and "West of England and Southern Counties Society, 14, Terrace Walk, Bath. Co. Cork Agricultural Society, Cork. Compton Stud Co., Saudley Stud Farm, Gillingham, Dorset. Dalkeith Agricultural Society, Canipend, Dalkeith. Exeter Horse Show Society, Exeter. LIST OF MEMBERS. 276 980 HollymouQt Agricultural Society, Carra Villa, HoUymount, co. Mayo. Lechlade and V. W. Horse Show, Dudgrove, Fairford, Glos. Leicestershire Agricultural Society, Syston, Leicester. Limerick Horse Show, 18, Upper Mallow Street, Limericlt. Lincolnshire Agricultural Society, St. Benedict's Sq., Lincoln. 985 Northamptonshire Agricultural Society, Harpole, Northampton. Peterborough Agricultural Society, Queen Street, Peterborough. Pytchley Hunt Show Society, East Haddon, Northampton. Eoss Horse Improvement Society, Eosedale, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. Sherborne and South of England Horse Show Society, Sher- borne, Dorset. 990 Tunbridge Wells and S. E. Counties Agricultural Society, Frant, Tunbridge Wells. United Counties Hunters' Society (Carmarthen), Llysuewydd, Llandyssil, S. Wales. 992 Warwickshire Agricultural Society, Warwick. N.B. — Members are partictdai-ly reqiiested to make flic Sccrcfanj acquainted with any errors in their Nanii-s or Places of Residence. Secretary— A. B. CHARLTON, 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, E. THE HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY Was established to improve and encourage the breeding of Horses for Hunting, Eiding, Driving and Military purposes, and the Council would specially draw attention to the following brief record of its work : — 1. — Service Premiuins for Thoroughbred Stallions. As pioneer in the movement for the encouragement of Horse-breeding, the Society, in 1885, inaugurated the system of giving Sei-vice Premiums for Thoroughbred StaUions, which has resulted in no less a sum than £32,450 being so awarded. 2.— Hunter Brood Mares and Young Stock. The claims of the Hunter Brood Mares and their produce have received full recognition, as Premiums valued at £2500 have been awarded in London and, latterly (with a view to obviating the risk and danger to Brood Mares travelling in the spring) at the summer local shows. THIRTY-POUR Societies offered the Gold Medal this summer. 3.— Hunter Sires. The Council has registered the pedigrees and permits the exhibition of Stallions, not thoroughbred, but with only a remote strain, in compliance with approved rules, whose entries will be of interest to Hunter Breeders. 4.— Registration of Pedigrees. With a view to inducing tenant farmers and breeders to keep a record of the pedigrees of their mares and young stock, the Society has published four Volumes of the Record of Hunter Mares and Sires, containing the registry of 673 ]\Iares, while the current book contains the entries of 13 Hunter Stallions and 303 Hunter Mares and Fillies. 5.— Influence of the Society. The Society may well claim its share in the present revival of Horse-breeding in the country, and its influence may be discerned in many districts where the prizes for Hunter Brood Mares have been doubled to obtain the Society's Gold Medal. 6. — Future Spring Shows. The increasing entries at the London Shows, held since 1885 in conjunction with the Hackney Horse Society, so taxed the accommodation at the recent show, not only for the exhibits but for the members and public, that it was felt some change was inevitable. It was decided that the Hunters' Improvement Society should hold a separate show, and, on the invitation of the Council, the Royal Commission on Horse-breeding have favourably considered the proposal to there offer the Queen's Premiums for Thoroughbred Stallions. In 189-4, thp: Hunters' Improvement Society therefore holds a show of its own, having as its primary object the promotion and encouragement of the breeding of Hunters. To meet the call on the Society's funds which this new departure demands, the Council wish to make a special appeal to Members. That they will bring the Society's past work and future aims before ladies and gentlemen interested in the object for which it was established, and to Non-members. That they will become subscribers and thus aid the Council to extend its scope of utility. The Society now numbers nearly 1000 Members. Members of the Hunters' Improvement Society have the following privileges : — 1. Free admission to the Annual Sbow and Grand Stand. •i. Making Entries for the Annual Show at Half rates. 3. A free copy of the record of Mares and Sires issued periodically by the Society, and the purchase of extra or back volumes at reduced rates. 4. Half rates for making Entries in the Record of Mares and Sires. Life Lady Members receive free admission to the Annual Show and Grand Stand, and may purchase any volume of the Record of Mares and Sires at Members Rates. Form for Nomination of New Member. HUNTERS' IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Established to promote the Breeding of Riding, Driving and Military Horses. Constituted June 30th, 1885. state whether Life, or Annual, or Life Lady Member I hereby apply to he admitted [ . j Member of the Hunters' Impbovement Society, subject to the Articles of Association and the Bije-Laws of the Society. Signature of Candidate.^ Christian Name, Surname, ami Title. Residence Post Toion County Proijosed by Date * I.IFE ITIEIIUER^ - - . 15 Guinea. ,acl.. * 1.IFE 1.AOV .^lETIBEK^ . 3 G.unea. each. * Statement of privileges will be found on opposite page. The Society's year begins Jamiary 1st. If any entry forms for the next volume of Record of Hunter MarpsTTifl^hcaa-o • ■■ please fill up the following form :— nuuier Jiares and Sues are required STALLIONS. ^MARES. INSPECTIONS OF MARES. Secretary's Address : A. B. CHARLTON, 1,1, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Hunters' ImproYement Society, Established 1885. STAMP. A. B. CHARLTON, II, Chandos Street, Cavendisli Square, LONDON, W. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Scliool of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road Morth Grafton. MA 01536 \r^ S ,/■<■ f^^v.