THE BREEDING & MANAGEMENT DRAUGHT HORSES REYNOLDS 7< C?-y V Va '-/ Supplement to the JBritfsb 3Bee 3outnaI, Aug. 6, 1908. Crown Svo. xxiv + 282 pages. 6s. THE LORE OF THE HONEY-BEE BY TICKNER EDWARDES author of "the bee-master of warrilow," "an idler in the wilds," etc. 5ETTING aside the many popular technical treatises on bee- keeping, there is at present no work by a modem English writer dealing with this fascinating subject, from the literary and antiquarian, as well as the scientific point of view. Succinctly, THE LORE OF THE HONEY-BEE is a history of bees and their masters from the very earliest times down to the present. The wonderful communal life within the hive is touched on in all its varying aspects ; and the reader is introduced to a class of men from all ages as quaintly original, as their calling is inimitably picturesque. The book covers the whole field of ascertained facts in the natural history of the honey-bee, as well as the romance of beemanship past and present; and nothing better could be put in the hands of the beginner in apiculture, no less than in those of the advanced student of what is probably the oldest human occupation under the sun. METHUEN & CO. 36 ESSEX STREET W.C. LONDON -.*■» vncmuii, tmr\ vyckw y r\ <^j CONTENTS Introduction : The Oldest Craft under the Sun — I. The Ancients and the Honey-Bee — II. The Isle of Honey — III. Bee-Masters in the Middle Ages— IV. At the City Gates— V. The Commonwealth of the Hive— VI. Early Work in the Bee-City— VII. The Genesis of the Queen— VIII. The Bride- Widow— IX. The Sovereign Worker-Bee— X. A Romance of Anatomy — XI. The Mystery of the Swarm — XII. The Comb-Builders— XIII. "Where the Bee Sucks "—XIV. The Drone and his Story— XV. After the Feast— XVI. The Modern Bee- Farm — XVII. Bee-Keeping and the Simple Life. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Comb-Builders — Moses Rusden's Bee-Book — Butler's "Bees- Madrigall ' ' — John Thorley in his Study — Inverted Straw Hive — An Old Sussex Bee-House — Comb-Frame from Modern Hive — Winter in the Bee-Garden — Drone-Brood and Worker-Brood — Queen-Bee Laying — A Queen-Cell — The Honey-Bee, in Fact and Fancy — Brood- Comb, showing all Stages of Bee-Life — The Bee-Nursery — A Swarm in May — A Mammoth Swarm — Hiving the Swarm — The Swarm Hived — Honeycomb Construction — Comb Built Upwards — In the Storehouse — Queen-Bee in Off- Season — Bad Beemanship — A Forest Apiary. ORDER FORM To Bookseller, Please send me cop of The Lore of the Honey-Bee, by Tickner Edwardes (Methuen &* Co., 6s.), for which I enclose Signed. Date. TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 014 661 819 THE BBEEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF DEAUGHT HOESES. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Median* Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road **©rth Grafton, MA 016S8 AN ESSAY ON THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF DRAUGHT HORSES. BY RICHARD S. REYNOLDS, M.R.C.V.S., LIVERPOOL. LOXDOX : BALLIERE, TIXDALL, AND COX, 20, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. 18S2. [AH Uights Reserved.'] O «w ?r •• co u ¥ O o tn J3 ■§ § S^ 3 ® o .• ° 3 _S^ 5 "3 o fe -5 ^-d £ a §3 o o g S 5 *h o3 >> u -3 ,3 & .2 il t«^ 32 "Ti ^ o O <» -2 d S 1 ™ £ O O ^ £ P s- W 32 >-H ft ^+ s 3 x g 2 m <1 s. d. d. Beans (Cleaned Egyptians) ... 14-5 10 46-0 26' 3- 5 7 4 3-4 Oats 11-8 13-2 20-8 137 52-0 56-8 12- 5 13- 3- 3- 3 7 4 6 6 7-0 6-0 Maize 13-5 14-0 5 34-0 67-8 43-0 12 29 5- 1-24 5- 5 10 5 4 5-6 12S Hay (Good Clover) 857 3-0 9-0 1- 5 • 8 2 8 21-0 The third column of this table furnishes a representation of the constituents which, when introduced into the system, are transformed by the process of mastication, digestion, and assimi- lation into material for the maintenance of animal heat, and to * See p. 59, on ' Potatoes as Horse-food.' f ' The Feeding and Management of Draught Horses,' by C. Hunting. X The last two columns have been added for the purpose of showing the market value of each article of food, and also the relative cost per unit of flesh-forming material contained in each article. 4—2 52 THE BREEDING. AND MANAGEMENT repair waste caused by the unceasing functions of respiration and transpiration. A portion of any excess in this class of consti- tuents taken with the food is stored up in the form of fat, to be re-absorbed and appropriated Avhenever there is a deficiency in the supply of non-azotized matter to meet an existing demand for it. The fourth column, representing the relative proportions of muscle-forming material in feeding-stuffs, possesses especial interest to the horse-owner, for upon a due supply of nitrogenous matter in a form capable of being assimilated, the reparation of nervous and muscular waste and the functions of general nutrition alone depend. Unless the food contains a sufficient proportion of these substances, the body must be inefficiently nourished and physical strength diminished, even if all the other elements of food are abundantly supplied. Unlike the elaborations of starchy and fatty matters, an excess of nitrogenous material cannot be stored to meet future demands, any superabundance being re" moved from the body by the various processes of excretion. Should an excess of this material be given for any length of time, and no requirement created for it by corresponding increase of work, disease must result. The woody fibre contained in varying proportion in different kinds of provender, although possessing in some degree a compo- sition similar to the non-nitrogenous constituents, cannot be con- sidered as aliment ; its function in the animal economy is to stimulate digestion and separate the richer particles. The ash and salines furnish material for renewal of the bodily frame and assist in the elaboration of secretions. Almost every treatise upon the management of farm-horses contain formulae of food allowances applicable for use at certain seasons, and during the performance of certain agricultural oj:>era- tions. If such formulae are intended to have an object beyond that of demonstrating what combination of grains, roots, and fodder may be considered as typical of an effective food supply they are almost useless. Some of them would no doubt be very serviceable if each farmer tilled his land in the same manner, worked his horses in the same way, and could produce or pur- OF DBA UGIIT HORSES. 53 chase his horse-food at the same cost ; but the circumstances which influence the relative value of articles of food are so numerous, and operate in such a variety of ways, that fixed stand- ards of ration for horses upon the same farm are not in all years relatively economical : how much less then must they be con- sidered reliable when applied to diversities of locality and altered systems of management !* Selection of Food, A knowledge of the feeding properties of each article of food, and a careful study of their fluctuating and relative market values, must alone guide the horse proprietor in his selection of the cheapest aliment capable of sustaining the health and condition of his teams. A brief rSsamS of the qualities of the various grains, roots, and fodder will therefore not be out of place. Oats being better suited for the maintenance of condition, has no doubt led to their general recognition as equine food par excellence, and although horses moderately worked can be kept in good condition by a liberal oat diet, the practice of using them unassociated with other grain is generally extravagant, and always so when the work is severe. When the price of oats offers no in- * The subjoined table illustrates the daily average consumption of pro- vender during the year 1878 in a stud of upwards of 200 cart horses which I have the honour to manage : Egyptian Beans Oatmeal Roots or and and Indian Corn. Canadian Peas. Oats. Linseed. Bran. Hay. Grass. 101b. 5 1b. -2 1b. 1-3 lb. 2*1 lb. 106 lb. -3 1b. Maize, beans, or peas, with bran and cut hay, form the basis of the usual food allowance. The oats and linseed are used only for sick or delicate feeding horses. The oatmeal is made into gruel, of which each horse is allowed a drink on coming to his stable when the day's work is completed. The roots and grass are given during the months it is considered advisable to use them. In autumn and winter the corn is bruised and given raw, except a night feed of steamed food three or more times a week. In spring and summer the grain is steamed, but an occasional meal of dry food is allowed as a change. A further change both in the proportion and quantity of the grain given is also frequently made as conditions of weather or work appear to indicate, but the autumn allowance is always the most stimulative. The bulk of the hay is given in the form of chop with the corn, two or three pounds only being given in the rack the last thing at night. In quality the best obtainable clover hay is used. A small quantity of straw is sometimes chopped with the hay. The horses are of average size, moderately worked at equable and regular labour every day (25 per cent, are also worked for about three hours each Sunday morning), and their condition is good. 54 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT ducement to the producer to sell and buy other food in substitu- tion, they may be economically consumed by his own teams ; but to ensure an accurate appreciation of their relative feeding value their market worth must from time to time be considered. Oats contain about 30 per cent, of innutritious husk, an item which must not be overlooked when comparisons of feeding value are made ; and it is worthy of remark that light oats weigh- ing less than 40 lb. to the bushel furnish as much if not more husk than heavier samples. Good oats should be heavy, have a thin skin, and be free from musty smell. Damaged oats pro- duce injurious effects upon horses, and fatal results caused by their use have been repeatedly recorded. It is common in some counties to cut into chop unthrashed oat straw. With a good and well-ripened crop, and fair price obtainable, this practice is not economical ; but when the crop has not been fully matured, or the sale value is very low, there is less objection. Malting samples of barley are too expensive, and inferior qualities are better adapted for cattle than for horses, except, perhaps, when corn is given in association with grass, in which case barley appears to be superior to maize. Rye is better than barley for horses, and although nutritious and palatable it is deficient in vigour-giving properties. Both barley and rye are, however, wholesome, and may sometimes be advantageously given in conjunction with other articles of food. During the last fifteen years the use of maize as diet for horses has become almost universal, and its value in this respect is now fully recognised. Reference to the analytical table demonstrates that compared with oats maize contains more heat-forming and slightly less nitrogenous elements, whilst its proportion of indiges- tible material is very much less. Maize is especially adapted for cart horses, and unaided by other grain it is able to maintain them in fair working condition ; its feeding properties appear to be sensibly increased by association with a small proportion of more highly nitrogenous food. So combined, it forms one of the best and cheapest diets for working horses. Maize has been blamed for producing greasy heels, and other ailments usually OF BRA UGHT HORSES. 55 caused by ' heating ' diet ; so it will, if the use of it is abused, as what rich food will not 1 But when given with due consideration to age, constitution, and work, no greater evils will follow its use than other stimulating foods will produce. It is well to remember that maize and rye possess laxative properties in greater degree than other cereals or legumes, but are more deficient in salines.* As offered in the market, the quality of maize can be readily appreciated ; the bulk should be inodorous, and unmixed with husk, the grains very hard and free from mildew. The benefit resulting from the use of beans and peas in rearing colts up to two years old has been previously adverted to. Legu- minous seeds, on account of their highly stimulative properties, are not admissible for young horses after youthful development has been achieved, but for hardly worked horses upwards of six years old, they form an excellent and highly nutritious diet, re- quiring, however, to be supplied with judgment in quantity pro- portionate to the amount and severity of the work. English beans are generally too expensive to admit of their economical consumption by farm horses, but clean, dry Egyptians are very little inferior in quality, and always rule lower in price. Peas being sometimes weight-for-weight cheaper and equally nutritious, may often be substituted for beans, with pecuniary advantage. Beans and peas should never form the chief part of the grain allowance, unless the conjoint articles of provender are extremely poor ; they seem to be especially adapted for ad- mixture with cereals, and particularly with maize. The improved wheat-dressing machines of the present day leave so little flour adherent to bran, that it can scarcely be considered an aliment. It is, however, palatable, and its silicious ingredients and laxative properties render its use generally beneficial. For healthy horses linseed-meal is not a desirable addition to their regimen, but the use of linseed-cake water for the purpose of moistening the manger food whenever the latter possesses con- * The small amount of mineral matter contained in maize is probably the reason why that grain is so unfitted to be used as an article of diet for in- foal mares. 56 TEE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT stipative properties is of high value. The cooking-house of every stable is incomplete without a trough for the preparation of this useful adjunct. For the feeding of working horses, most practical men agree that restriction to one kind of grain is injudicious and unecono- mical. It is true that many large studs are exclusively maintained upon maize, but horses appreciate a change, and are invariably benefited thereby, even though each alternation is a reduction from a higher to a lower standard. Where only two grains, as maize and beans, can be economi- cally used, an alteration between the relative proportions of the two is always productive of good. Mr. Hunting's remarks on the benefits resulting from the use of mixed grain are corroborated by practice. He says : ' Both chemistry and physiology, then, suggest that more than one kind of grain is advisable if we aim at economy and high condition. But the full economy of mixed feeding is only seen when we consider the money value of the different articles of provender in relation to their nutritive constituents.'* It is important to note that all changes from constipative to laxative diet, and the converse, are to be brought about by gradual substitution. Hay and straw are essentials for the maintenance of healthy and vigorous horses during the winter months. Upon the excellence of these articles, and more especially the hay, depends the cost of keep and immunity from disease. The quantity of bad hay got rid of — consumed it is not — by some teams is enormous, and, if calculated at its lowest value, costs as much as a sufficiency of really good hay. Added to the excessive amount used, account must be taken of the additional loss by good corn being mixed and wasted with the unpalatable chop. As the hay-growing farmer cannot afford to use one of his most profitable cro})s for the maintenance of his horses, he must consume the least saleable portion of it upon his own farm. Whether it is profitable for the grower to use the inferior article is a question for individual * 'Feeding and Management of Draught Horses.' C. Hunting. OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 57 estimation ; but to buy bad hay for consumption by horses is certainly not economical. For cart horses, rye grass and clover hay, containing a larger percentage of both heat and flesh-forming ingredients, is much superior to meadow hay. Analyses by Professor Voelcker, Pro- fessor Tanner, and Mr. Pringle demonstrate that Mr. Hunting's estimate of hay as a flesh-producer is too low. Professor Voelcker states the proportion in clover hay to be 9*3, the two other authorities 13*52 for clover and 8*44 for meadow hay. The value of no other crop is so much enhanced by careful harvesting as hay. Good rye grass and clover hay is known by its freedom from dust and mould, by an agreeable smell and sweet taste, and especially by the bright light guinea-gold colour of the cut ends of the truss, by the adhesion of the seeds to the rye-grass spikes, and by the uniform interspersion of clover stalks ; it is hard and firm but not harsh to the touch. The qualities of hay are only secured in perfection when it is mown before the rye-grass seeds are fully ripe, and when it is gathered free from rain or dew at the right moment, after sufficient but not too prolonged exposure to sun and air. Slight deviation in either direction inevitably results in loss of quality. Fusty or mouldy hay is unpalatable, innutritions, and detrimental, whilst heated or mow-burnt hay — namely, that which has under- gone too much fermentation in the stack — palls the appetite, and when very black and brittle in texture its use is essentially injurious to horses, acting as a powerful diuretic and producing excessive thirst, with the usual concomitants of debility and emaciation. On the other hand, hay that has become ' weathered ' from too prolonged exposure to sun and wind, as well as that made from grasses that have been allowed to become too ripe before being mown, is inferior ; it is harsh and brittle, weighs lightly, is devoid of brightness, deficient in nutriment, and is thus uneconomical to use though it is not absolutely pernicious for horses. Hay when harvested under the most favourable circumstances should not be used until the following November, and is in the best condition from June to September in the following year that is when from 58 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT eleven to fourteen months old. Horses like new hay as a change, but until the fermentative action has completely subsided, it has a purgative effect, and is innutritious and debilitating. Under circumstances where it is absolutely necessary to use the new crop before the middle of October, it is preferable to consume over-ripe or even slightly weathered hay rather than heavy juicy samples. As a general rule, hay deteriorates and becomes dry after being stacked for upwards of eighteen months ; though when grown upon rich soil, mown and gathered under conditions calculated to ensure super-excellence of quality, it is often after that age more nutritious than the succeeding year's crop. Managers of large studs are wise when they secure a stock grown in years that have been favourable to successful harvesting ; there are seldom two consecutive summers of this kind, and close observers know that seasons very greatly influence the quality of hay. Beyond being a good judge of quality, the purchaser of hay for town horses should possess a knowledge of the class of land upon which it is produced ; that grown on poor soils will be at least ten per cent, less nutritious than the produce of rich and well-tilled land, yet to the ordinary senses little difference may be appre- ciable. Many persons have discontinued the use of hay as rack food, and no doubt it is more economical to give the greatest proportion in the form of chop, with grain ; yet a small allowance, put in the rack late each night, is highly appreciated. To prevent waste, only a very small quantity of long hay should be given, and that of the best obtainable quality. The clover hay grown upon arable farms being generally re- quired for rack food, the use of chopped straw in place of hay chaff becomes almost an absolute necessity. Oat straw is usually preferred for horses, but many good keepers use wheat straw ; they say it produces a finer coat, and I allow that for horses with defective wind it is undoubtedly better than any other description of fodder. Bean straw is comparatively rich in feeding proper- ties ; when cut for chop, and steamed for some hours, it affords an agreeable addition to manger foods. OF BRA UGHT HORSES. 59 Where hay chop is not at all, or only partially, given, the difference in nutriment between it and straw chaff must be balanced by an increased corn allowance. Under all conditions, the substitution of some sweet chopped straw of any kind for a portion of the hay chaff is an economical and otherwise beneficial practice, but the relative proportions must be determined by special circumstances. The seeds that fall from the hay in the loft and cutting-room after being separated from dust by washing, during which process the seeds float and the impurities subside, should be steamed and given with tbe ordinary cooked food. In districts where potato cultivation is general the use of this root as an article of equine diet is extensively adopted, especially in seasons conducive to the development of the disease peculiar to the tuber. Potatoes are usually given after being steamed or boiled, mixed with the chop, and a small allowance of corn. Theoretically they possess only a very small amount of flesh-form- ing principle, yet some authorities credit them as being about one- third as nutritious as oats, and in practice it is found they are capable of sustaining horses in good condition with but little help from the corn-bin. Turnips and mangolds of sound quality are useful addenda to dry unpalatable winter keep. They are wholesome and non- stimulating, but furnish little support to hard-working horses. On the contrary, they ought, associated with cut hay or straw, to form the basis of food for idle horses, living in stables and yards. Many persons boil or steam these roots, but for town horses I am in favour of giving them pulped and uncooked, during the months of December, January, and February. The cost of carrots is usually prohibitive of their general use for draught teams. In my opinion they are the best adapted of all roots for horses, and even when at a high price are economical for an unthrifty animal. 60 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT Pasturage. It is wonderful how efficiently a grass pasture is capable of sup- plying all the requirements for food. When old and rich, it will (unassisted by corn) sustain farm horses through their summer work. It is a common but improper custom to turn farm horses out to grass, and re-stable them at fixed times, regardless of weather, state of the pasture, pressure of work, and many other considerations which ought to regulate those periods. The prac- tice of grazing sound and healthy farm horses is frequently condemned as wasteful ; it is said they spoil far more food than they eat, and that a more economical method is to soil them in fold-yards upon cut clovers and other kinds of green food. That there will be less waste of material by the adoption of the latter process is certain, but the benefits to be derived from the enjoy- ment of pure air and liberty have to be sacrificed. Young horses especially, and farm horses of all ages generally, are benefited by being pastured in summer. Aged horses should never be allowed to lose condition, as some do if exposed, and the corn allowance reduced ; if turning to grass tends to that end, the usual manger food should be continued during the time they are pastured, or stable shelter allowed, and green food supplied in the rack. When suspension from work is prescribed for town horses suffering from lameness or ' grogginess,' it is often considered desirable on economical grounds to send them to pasture ; if the lameness is slight there is no objection to the practice for horses under seven or eight years old, but it is very unwise to send away horses to graze that are suffering from painful wounds, or sprains to tendons and ligaments (at least until the acute symptoms have abated in intensity), and from all descriptions of lameness where rest is an important auxiliary to surgical treatment. Horses that have been worked with bearing-reins and those that have been continuously stabled for several years, frequently experience great difficulty in obtaining sufficient food in a good pasture ; on inferior grazing-ground they are often brought to the verge of starvation during the first two or three weeks of being turned out ; after that OF DBA VGHT HORSES. 61 time they usually but not invariably acquire greater facility in grazing. Those having undue length of fore-leg, and others with disproportionately short necks, always lose flesh at pasture. It is never wise to graze old town draught horses ; they lose condition rapidly, and when restabled are so long in regaining it that they are worn out before the owner is repayed the cost he has thereby incurred. Green Food. Grass of very succulent quality, and especially that grown on water meadows and sewage irrigation land, contains very little nutriment, and is unsuited to the requirements of working horses. Tares or vetches are well adapted for, and are much liked by, horses ; those sown in the spring coming in late in summer, when pastures often afford a limited bite, are very useful, whilst winter tares are especially desirable for spring food on arable farms. Vetches under all circumstances, and grass when wet with rain or dew, should not be given for some time after being mown. When horses are supplied with their early spring ration of green food they are apt to eat too greedily ; for the first few days it is advisable to limit the quantity, and supply it to them after the manger food has been eaten ; subsequently the allowances may be increased, or the horses turned to pasture, without fear of bad results. It is my usual custom to recommend for town horses that the green food be always given chopped, and mixed with hay, chaff, and corn. I believe the same practice adopted for farm horses would be equally beneficial and economical. Quantity of Food Required. A selection of diet having been determined upon by careful estimation of the relative feeding value and comparative cost of each article, the horse-owner's next consideration must refer to the quantity suited to the circumstances of his team. To preserve a just balance between food and work, which the condition of the horses will pretty accurately demonstrate, the farmer must be quick to increase, and as prompt to diminish, the 62 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT corn allowance as demands for it are created or disappear. The amount of dry food a cart horse will consume is governed by several circumstances, such as its quality and the nature or severity of the work, age and condition of the animal, season of the year, etc. The weight of dry food absolutely consumed by an average-sized, well-conditioned cart horse, moderately worked, regularly fed, well housed, and supplied with diet of good quality, is from 29 to 34 lb. daily, of which the hay and straw should constitute about two-fifths. However nutritious the food may be, less than 29 lb. will not suffice to maintain the digestive organs in healthy action. If the quality of the food is not sufficiently rich to supply material for the reparation of tissue waste, an attempt to meet the deficiency will be made by the consumption of an increased quantity. A superabundant supply of innutritious provender to compensate for deficiency in quality not only embarrasses the digestive functions, but handicaps a horse with an incubus of bulky dead-weight. Horses severely worked eat more than those moderately used, and ought to be supplied with concentrated food, rich in flesh- forming principles and easy of digestion. Idle horses, and those very lightly worked, will require a daily allowance of about 30 lb. ; but the quality must be in due accord with their absolute requirements. Horses of four and five years old require rather more food than those of mature age ; whilst old horses require both a larger, more easily digestible, and nutritious diet than younger animals. Condition exerts considerable influence upon the consumption of food ; poor horses eat larger quantities and require more nutritious diet than horses whose condition, being established, requires only to be maintained. Farm horses are usually subjected to severe work during the autumn months, and their systems are called upon simultaneously to furnish material for the elaboration and growth of their thick winter hairy covering — a combination of circumstances producing excessive drain upon nutrition, and one demanding to be met by a more liberal diet than is required at any other period. The farmer who would OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 63 have his teams in condition fit to fulfil their autumnal and winter labours must not be sparing of his corn during the months of October and November. Preparation of Food. Preparation of the provender is also an important considera- tion in reference to economy and efficiency of feeding. Horses possessing perfect powers of mastication and digestion are capable of extracting nutriment from raw and unbroken grain ; but as every normal abridgment of labour conduces to economical result, the practice of crushing the allowance of raw corn is beneficial. It suffices if oats and barley are bruised just sufficient to break the outer skin; maize, beans, and peas should not be pulverised, but simply cracked or split. Opinions vary in regard to the expediency of cooking grain for horses. I think the supporters of each view may be correct, and that diversity of opinion has arisen from dissimilarity of cir- cumstances. For healthy horses performing more than an average amount of severe work, raw grain of good quality is unquestion- ably more sustaining than boiled food. When hard (that is, uncooked) corn forms the ordinary ration, a night feed two or three times a week of steamed grain, associated with bran, is an exceedingly good and agreeable change. At periods of the year when the demands upon team labour are moderate, the practice of steaming the corn is better for the animals, and also more economical. With a view of reducing the stimulative qualities of the keep, for horses doing only half work or less, the practice is especially good. A bushel of grain thus prepared will go as far in rendering the chop palatable as three times the quantity given raw. For young horses during the periods of dentition, as well as for old horses having defective teeth or weakened digestive powers, boiled corn is much preferable. Damaged grain of all kinds, if used, should invariably be subjected to the cooking process, and all steamed foods consumed before fermentation is set up. The process of steaming ought to be applied only to whole grain, and should not reduce it to pulp — horses dislike 'slops.' Many 64 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT persons assert that the addition of salt renders steamed food more palatable. I am not in a position to confirm or to contradict this statement, but I prefer that horses should be permitted to take or refuse the mineral by their being supplied with a lump of rocksalt in the hay-racks or mangers. The advantage of cutting into chop all the straw and a great proportion of the hay allowance as a prevention of waste is now universally admitted, whilst the admixture of chop with corn necessitates complete mastication of both ; for horses doing slow work, and their hours of rest consequently reduced, the benefits of the practice are increased. Chopped hay of good quality requires no further preparation ; but for inferior hay, and especially if it be mouldy, the process of steaming for fifteen or twenty minutes, though it does not improve the nutritive quality, renders it much more palatable, and destroys many of its noxious properties. All roots should be scrupulously cleansed from grit and dirt ; the adherence of small stones may possibly cause irreparable injury to the teeth during mastication. If steamed or boiled before use, the process should not be carried too far, for when hard and crisp in the centre they are more highly relished. When a mixture of grains, each having different properties, is given with chopped hay or straw, it is absolutely necessary that some trouble be taken to ensure complete mingling of the in- gredients, in order that each horse may receive a ration of average quality. To attain this object, a large ' mixing-tub ' is essential ; the component parts of the feed being arranged in alternate layers can be easily and satisfactorily mixed by means of a light ' provender spade.' The most convenient form for the tub is an oblong ; its capacity should be at least one-third greater than the bulk of provender it is intended to mix at one time ; and it should be lined throughout with sheet iron, as wood absorbs moisture from the mass, and becomes by long use so offensively sour, that no scalding nor scouring will remove the taint. Frequency of Feeding. The anatomical structure of the digestive organs, and the physiology of digestion in the equine species, demonstrate the OF BRA UGET HORSES. 65 necessity for a frequent supply of food and water. An observance of regularity and frequency in feeding conduces to health, con- dition, and economy by furnishing aliment at periods suited to the requirements of the digestive functions; whilst long fasts, followed by an inordinate supply of food, overtax the powers and impair the functions of digestion. Having regard to the abovenamed essentials, the use of a 'nose-bag' must be considered as an important appendage for horses when the nature of their labour prevent their being fed sufficiently often from a manger. As a horse cannot feed from a ' nose-bag ' without losing some portion of his ration, it is better to supply for this special purpose a provender of diminished nutritive value, reserving the greater part of the corn allowance to be eaten in the stable. After the nose- bag has been removed, and before a horse is yoked for a ' dead ' or heavy pull, the carter should ascertain that no food remains in the horse's mouth, for under those conditions the food may be intercepted in its passage to the stomach, and dangerous choking ensue. This is an accident to which canal-boat horses are especially liable. Water. The aphorism of 'a constitution like a horse' is in no way more forcibly exemplified than in noting what filthy liquid he can drink with seeming impunity. Ponds defiled by urine and dung of cattle, and teeming with organic impurities of every kind, are frequently the only sources whence a horse can obtain his allow- ance of water. Outbreaks of fatal disease are frequently the only occasions when the drinking-water is suspected of possessing injurious properties ; no consideration is given to what prejudicial effects it may produce upon the maintenance of physical vigour and powers of digestion. For an animal so sensitive to cleanliness and sweetness as the horse, an abundant supply of wholesome water is quite as essential as good food. Troughs should be kept in a condition of scrupulous cleanliness, and the water frequently changed. As a rule, farm horses are not sufficiently often supplied with water. There should be no stint of it in regard to quantity, 5 66 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT except when the bodies are much heated, or after prolonged absti- nence ; a little food, and a few mouthfuls of chilled drink at short intervals, upon such occasions should be given before the horse is allowed to completely assuage his thirst. I am entirely opposed to the practice of allowing horses to drink from the cattle-troughs provided for the purpose by many urban authorities, being persuaded that many outbreaks of con- tagious disease are due to infection thus contracted. Public drinking-reservoirs should not be tolerated, unless the risk of disease being communicated from one animal to another through their agency is reduced, by maintaining in them a plentiful and constantly running water supply, and providing a suitable overflow. In any case it is safer to allot to each carter a bucket wherewith he may be able to obtain the requirement for his horses from ' stand-pipes,' erected in convenient situations. When horses are severely worked, and arrive at their stables hot and fatigued, an allowance of 1 lb. of oatmeal made into gruel, and given just warm, is of greater benefit than 3 lb. of corn in the daily ration. It relieves thirst, and imparts to the stomach tone, for the efficient digestion of the solid food. SECTION IV.— ON GENEEAL MANAGEMENT. Stables. Cart-horse stables are to be found presenting all gradations of construction, between the extremes of an open-ended, rude hovel, to a building fitted to shelter the best hunter in the kingdom In many localities it is customary for the farm-stables to be con- structed in the form of an open shed, accessible at all times from the straw-yard. Such an arrangement obviating the necessity for tying up the horses, and permitting free movement amongst them, is the nearest obtainable approach to the more natural pasturage, OF DRA UGHT HORSES. 67 but it is adverse to the proper regulation and apportionment of their food. The following description is intended rather to indicate what the requirements of a good stable really are, than to portray the condition of those generally attached to even good farmsteads. A study of the details and principles of construction will, how- ever, serve to guide an occupier in the adaptation of means at his command for the improvement of an old and defectively-arranged building. The site for a stable should be well drained, and the founda- tions dry. Damp stable floors and walls have been the ruin of many a good horse ; rheumatic thickening and shortening of the tendons and ligaments, often wrongly attributed to undue strain or over-work, are not uncommon results of inhabiting damp stalls. If dryness is not obtainable by ordinary means, a vertical as well as a horizontal ' damp course ' in the walls must be adopted, and the pavement of the floor laid in cement or bituminous asphalte. Before newly-built stables are occupied, it is essential that they should be thoroughly dried, which can be most expeditiously effected by burning coke fires continuously within them for several weeks after they are roofed. Exposed as cart horses are to sudden changes and inclemencies of weather, they feel the effects of external cold in proportion to the warmth of the stable they inhabit. ' A cool stable makes a healthy horse ' is an ancient aphorism, but not less true than old, provided the temperature is not so low as to cause a sense of chilly discomfort to the horses after their exertions, and can be obtained without any of the occupants being exposed to direct draughts of cold air. In the construction of a stable the grand object to be secured is capacity. The internal measurements should allow a distance of eighteen feet between the front and rear walls, and a width of not less than six feet for each single stall, to provide sufficient air space (about 1,200 cubic feet per horse). If the stable has a loft overhead, the height required is twelve feet ; but if it is open to the roof, sufficient capacity may 5-2 68 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT be afforded within the angle of the slopes. Many very good stables are arranged with stalls nine or ten feet wide, to accom- modate a pair of horses ; thus saving a length of ten feet in a ten-horse stable. Where breeding is conducted it is essential that there should be a number of sheds or loose boxes for the mares and young horses, and attached to every stable the provision of a few isolated, roomy loose boxes, for sick horses, is most desirable. Unless a stable is properly, as well as sufficiently, ventilated, the health of the horses cannot be maintained. There is a vast difference, which the owner should be able accurately to appre- ciate, between the warm atmosphere of a well-planned stable, and the impure air of a badly constructed and ill-considered one. Efficiency of ventilation can only be secured by a special arrangement of openings communicating with the external air. All doors and windows should be made as tight-fitting as practic- able, in order that they may not destroy or even mitigate the good results to be expected from the system adopted. The main points for the architect to consider in devising the means of ventilation, are how he can withdraw the foul and im- pure atmosphere of the stable, and replace it by a constant supply of fresh air, bearing in mind at the same time, that draughts directed upon the bodies and especially on the heels and legs of the horses are highly prejudicial. To obtain the above object it must be conceded that the most perfect system would be one ensuring the removal of the vitiated air at or near the point of its maximum vitiation, and supplying its place by the admission of the fresh air as far removed as pos- sible from such point. From experiment, I am decidedty of opinion that the exhaust- shafts or flues must be more in number, but less collectively in sectional area than the inlet flues ; in fact they must be so propor- tioned that the flow of air into the stable shall not exceed a velocity of five feet per second. By having a greater number of outlets than inlets, and by fixing them as far as possible from each other, the current on entering the stable is diffused, and so draughts are prevented. In the case of single stables where the OF DBA VGHT HORSES. 69 horses stand all one way, a nine-inch earthenware drain-pipe carried in the form of a syphon through the rear wall, and discharging the supply vertically at or near the ground-level, will be amply sufficient whilst the outlet shafts (one for each three horses), which may be six inch iron rain-spouts, should be fixed imme- diately over the boskins on the front wall, care being taken that the bottoms of these pipes are level with the underside of the flooring-boards of the loft above. These pipes should be carried through the loft and the roof, and should be provided with an inverted cone as a cap to prevent rain entering the pipe ; but fixed at such a height above the orifice as not to impede the upward current. In double stables, where the horses stand back to back, the same principle applies ; in this case the inlets are carried from the external wall under the stalls and discharge the air in the centre of the gangway, both the front and rear walls being supplied with exhaust-shafts. If this plan is adopted it will be found that an uniformly cool temperature may be maintained during the night, thus obviating the closeness many stables are subject to, especially in the early hours of the morning. If the loft above is used for the storage of hay or grain, all communication with it and the stable must be cut off or kept closed, to prevent defilement of contents of the former by exhalations from the horses and their surroundings. Next to efficient ventilation, the paving and drainage are important elements of stable hygiene. Stable floors should be non-slippery and non-absorbent, both which desiderata are secured by a pavement of smooth sets of York stone, or one of the many softer kinds of granite, 6 inches long by "d\ inches wide, laid with narrow joints, rendered impervious by bituminous asphalte. The hind-legs of many cart horses have been ruined by defects jn the levels of stable flooring, too much slope in the antero- posterior axis of the stall, and the provision of a narrow deep channel in which a horse can plant his hinder toes, for relief from undue and prolonged strain, have effected irremediable shortening of the hind-tendons. From the front or manger wall, for a dis- 70 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT tance of 5 feet, the floor ought to be perfectly level, the declina- tion from that point to the channel not exceeding 1 inch in 3 feet ; the hinder half of the stall may be advantageously sloped from each side to the centre in like ratio. The longitudinal channel- stones provided for the flow of the urine should be set at least two feet in the rear of the heel post of the boskins, and should be 12 inches wide, and dressed hollow in the cross section from edge to edge, the maximum desirable depth in the centre being 1 inch. The rear platform must be nearly level, non-slippery, and allow a space of 8 feet between the wall and boskins. For all stables surface-drainage is by far the best, a minimum of attention and labour being required for the frequent removal of matters which usually find their way into the drains, whereas underground pipes always become fouled, and unless very fre- quently and thoroughly flushed are in themselves factors of noxious emanations, apart from the means they afford for the ingress of deleterious gases engendered by decomposing filth which it is folly to suppose any ordinary stench-trap can inter- cept. If a system of underground drainage is adopted the drain should be thoroughly ventilated and disconnected from the sewer, emptying itself into a cess-pit, or upon a manure-heap. The annexed drawing demonstrates the manner in which gases may be prevented from entering a stable. A, Channel stone in stable. b, Outlet from stable. o, Stable wall. d, Hinged grating for ventilation and cleansing. e, Flag Midfeather. p, Flag cover to closed side of wet trap. G, Flag bottom to wet trap. OF BRA UGHT HORSES. 71 The interior fittings should be adjusted with regard to the prevention of accidents, economy of space, and maintenance of order. All hooks and pegs for hanging up the harness are most conveniently placed in the rear or end walls, at a sufficient height to guard against injury to the horses in passing, and the provision of a small cupboard let into the wall, or fixed under the manger for the tools of each teamsman, is a neat and economical addendum to the furnishing of a large stable. Racks and mangers constructed of iron are more cleanly and durable than wooden ones ; upon economical grounds the racks can scarcely be made too small, or the mangers too large. Four pounds of long hay is as much as should ever be allowed at one time, but the manger should extend the whole width of the stall, and be sufficiently large in all its dimensions to permit the horse to follow his inclination for tossing his food about without risk of waste. The measurements of the best cart-horse manger are 6 feet in length by 14 inches wide and 10 inches deep. For the prevention of waste each manger is provided with a semicircular lip, an inch wide, along the upper outside edge, on its inner aspect, and a flat wider one on the wall edge, with two transverse bars fixed at about 20 inches from each end. A leather head-collar, with rope tag, is preferable to a neck strap and chain, but either are admissible. The material and construction of these appendages are of much less importance than the adjustment in the length and the mode of fixing the tie-rope. The doorways should be 8 feet in height, and not less than 4 feet 6 inches wide, the doors arranged to slide, the quoins rounded and free from projections. The length of the boskins for a full-size stable should be 10 feet, the height sloping from 7 feet at the head to about 4 feet 9 inches at the heel-post. Boskins should be of strong construction, securely fastened, and maintained in thorough repair. The granaries and lofts attached to all stables should be abso- 72 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT lutely inaccessible to pigeons or poultry, and in towns they should be caj^acious enough to enable an owner to take advantage of cheap markets to lay in a considerable stock of hay and corn. STABLE MANAGEMENT. With every provision made for good shelter, and a plentiful supply of nutritious food properly prepared, horses will not thrive unless the discipline of the stable is efficiently maintained. If the proprietor himself cannot supervise the management of his team from early morning till late at night, the charge of so important a trust should be given to the head-waggoner, to whom the owner should attach supreme responsibility, and remunerate in propor- tion to the extent of his charge. The allowance of a few extra shillings per week to a man fitted by the possession of natural ability, habits of industry, and faculties of observation to occupy such a position, will yield excellent interest to the owner. I hold it to be an essential that the feeding of all the working horses of an establishment should be entrusted to one man, who will estimate the varieties of appetite and differences in disposition amongst his charges, and provide for and humour them accordingly. To weigh out a weekly allowance of corn to each team-driver, and expect him to apportion it with due regard to the wants of his horses, is to estimate the general character and intelligence of teams- men far too highly. If the head- waggoner is held responsible for the proper conduct of the stable and for the condition and cleanliness of the horses, and is called to account for the quantity of food they consume and the amount of work they perform, it will be his interest to maintain the stable and its occupants in creditable form, with economy in cost. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the details of stable manage- ment, the principles of which consist in the establishment of safety, order, regularity, cleanliness, and prevention of waste. There are, however, two or three points to which the attention of horse-owners may be forcibly directed. In well-kept establishments where the removal of the dung and soiled litter is punctually attended to, it is not necessary to wash OF DRA UGHT HOUSES. 73 out the stables very frequently ; but during the spring, summer, and early autumn months, the stalls, gangways, boskins, mangers and racks should be occasionally well scoured, to remove im- purities which dry sweeping and ordinary cleansing cannot effect. After thorough washing, which should always be performed on fine bright days, the windows and doors must be opened wide to facilitate evaporation, and the drying process may be hastened by sprinkling sawdust or dry sand over the floors. The operation of thoroughly cleaning out the wet traps and efficiently flushing all underground drains ought to be undertaken weekly. Once a year all internal walls should be thoroughly whitewashed, and at least four times within that period the front Avails above and below the mangers should receive a similar applica- tion. Half a pint of crude carbolic acid, which is an excel- lent disinfectant and purifier of air, should be added to each gallon of the limewash. After washing the floors or white- washing the walls, it is desirable to burn a good coke-fire for several hours, taking care that all doors, windows, and ventilators are left open. During a continuance of wet weather nothing tends more to the maintenance of health than keeping the air of the stable as dry as possible. The evaporation from the horses' skins on coming in from work drenched with rain greatly increases the dampness of the ordinary atmosphere, which, under existing conditions of weather, is necessarily saturated with moisture. This excess of vapour not only renders the air less fitted for the purposes of respiration, but it condenses upon every part of the interior of the building, and even upon the body-surfaces of the horses. I have found that burning coke-fires in wet weather within the stables during the hours the horses are at work is a most beneficial practice for the prevention of many diseases. The granaries and lofts require constant attention. In storing- deliveries of hay and straw for future use, care must be taken that the trusses are quite dry, and are so stacked in the loft that their ends do not abut upon an outside wall. All old fodder should be used up in due course, and not be covered from time to 74 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT time by more recent deliveries until it becomes unpalatable or useless from age. Each time the lofts or granaries become empty should be embraced as a fitting opportunity for thorough cleansing and the removal of impurities which necessarily accumulate. A few words of caution to the responsible horsekeeper. Let food and water be supplied in small allowances at regular and frequent intervals ; especially let ample time be afforded for the horses to eat a full early morning meal before being sent out to labour. Let the stable be maintained in a condition of purity and cleanliness by the admission of a plentiful supply of fresh air and the frequent removal of dung, soiled litter, rejected food, and filth of every kind. Maintain good discipline in servants and sub- ordinates, and by example no less than by precept inculcate in them habits of kindness and care towards their charges ; and, finally, by careful and constant watchfulness, note the most trivial symptom indicative of a horse being in other than his usual state of health. Grooming. It is not advantageous for draught horses, exposed as they are to the influences of weather, to be severely groomed. At the same time it must not be considered that they are efficiently ' dressed ' unless adherent dirt of every description has been re- moved from the surface, and also all loose dandriff from amongst the hair. Farm horses should not be curry-combed, but brushed and well wisped over before being turned out to work, and again on completion of their day's labour. After being stabled wet, from rain or perspiration, the skin must be thoroughly dried, and at supper-time a brisk dry wisping instituted to determine in- creased surface-circulation, and promote a feeling of warmth and comfort for the night. For hardening the backs and shoulders of colts recently put to work, and of horses having irritable skins, a free application of salt and water to the saddle and collar seats is beneficial. Many persons advocate clipping the hair from the legs of hairy horses, a practice highly pernicious, and one to be OF DRAUGHT HORSES. 75 condemned in the'strongestf terms. Hair is the natural protector of the cuticle, and is especially required to warm and shield the delicate skin of the heels ; its removal from these situations is certain to induce a predisposition to 'grease 1 and other equally serious consequences. If the legs are muddy on return from labour, they should be dried as far as practicable, and the adherent clay subsequently removed with a hard brush. The application of the thinnest possible film of pure neatsfoot-oil to the surface of the hair of the legs will prevent the adhesion of clay, but it should only be used when absolutely necessary. Opinions vary upon the advisability of washing the legs of cart horses. As a rule, the practice is unnecessary and injudicious ; but when the legs have become thoroughly saturated during labour, there can be no further harm occasioned by washing off any mud which may also have accumulated amongst the hair. It must, however, be regarded as essential to proper management that under no pre- text is a horse to be left for the night until all his legs have been thoroughly dried. Nor is this precept very difficult of execution ; a handful or two of light-wood sawdust rubbed for a few minutes well into the hair will absorb all the moisture from the most hirsute legs, affording not only a sense of comfort to the animal, but pre- venting those undesirable consequences engendered by continued application of cold and wet to the extremities. Shoeing. It is a sine qua non for a horse of whatever description that he must possess sound and serviceable feet. Good feet are more frequently preserved by having too little done to them in the way of paring and rasping than by the reverse. Mr. Fleming's remarks on this head are worthy of the highest estimation by every owner : ' The sole, frog, and bars must on no account or under any conditions — unless those of a pathological nature — be interfered with by knife or rasp. I have already shown the necessity there exists for preserving these important parts of the plantar surface in their full natural strength. As certainly as they are interfered with and their substance reduced, 76 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT so surely will the hoof be injured. They will support the contact of hard, soft, rugged, or even sharp bodies if allowed to escape the terrible drawing-knife ; while hot r cold, wet, or dry weather has little or no influence on the interior of the foot or on the tender horn if man does not step in to beautify them by robbing them of their protection, perhaps merely to please the fancy of an ignorant groom or coachman.'* As the growth of horn is stimulated by contact with the soil, it is undesirable for a colt to be shod so long as his labour is con- fined to field operations. With rare exceptions, the protection of a shoe is only required when the land is unduly hard or when road- work is required. The feet of colts grazed upon high and dry lands are usually maintained in proper form and proportion through the wear occasioned by search after food, but the very slight wearing effects of soft marshes or straw yards is insufficient to prevent overgrowth, and in such cases the hoofs must be reduced to their normal shape and size by a judicious rasping of the ground surface of the crust. Except under skilled direction, no other part of the feet but the plantar edge of the wall should be pared or rasped. The adjustment of shoes to the feet of farm horses when road- work is the exception is a simple matter, yet one demanding some attention to prevent mutilation of important structures by the blacksmith's knife and rasp, and to preserve the aplomb of the limbs. The lower or ground edge of the hoof is the only portion of the foot requiring protection from the shoe ; the frog, bars, sole, and outer surface of the wall ought invariably to be left intact. The growth downwards of the horny hoof in a shod foot necessitates removal of the shoes, and their readjustment when the foot has 'grown long.' Inattention to frequent removal of the shoes of farm horses is very common, and is prejudicial to the conservation of good feet, and also to the limbs, which become altered in position by the growth of the anterior portions of the hoof exceeding that of the heels. The shoes ought to be removed once in every five or six weeks. * Fleming, ' On Horse-shoes and Horse-shoeing.' OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 77 Preparation of the foot for the reception of a shoe consists in lowering the wall to a level with the unpared sole, leaving all the other parts untouched by knife or rasp. As an index of what the foot should be like when properly prepared may be taken the foot of an unshod colt that has been travelled upon a moderately hard smooth road, until the crust is worn (not broken) to a level with the sole ; by keeping in mind this standard, an owner may always judge whether his horses' feet are being unduly mutilated by the smith. It is useless to over-weight farm horses with an excessively heavy shoe : lightness, strength, and durability are the main features to be achieved. A plain rim of iron, 1 inch to 1J inch wide, level on both its surfaces, accurately adjusted to the prepared foot, and having an equal and level bearing upon the ground, is all that is required. The shoes should be fastened with as few nails as possible, driven in directions least liable to damage the horn, and securely clinched. If the shoe has been properly fitted to the foot, there will be no superfluous horn to cut away at the junction of the shoe with the foot ; no rasping or paring of the hoof after the shoe is fastened must be permitted. The shoeing of horses required to work continuously upon hard and slippery asphalte or granite paved carriage-ways has in recent years received a considerable amount of attention, and although allowing that much improvement has been effected, it must be admitted that this important work is still some distance in the rear of the improvements adopted in the construction and maintenance of the roadways. There is a remunerative field open to an inventor who will introduce a non-slippery shoe fulfilling the other essential requirements — durability, suitability, and cheap- ness. For heavy draught horses moving enormous weights (say loads of from six to nine tons upon good roads per team of two horses) there is no shoe equal to that now universally adopted in the large towns in the north-west of England. It is true that the shoe is heavy and clumsy in appearance, but its substance and form seem at present indispensable ; the iron forming the outline of the shoe must necessarily be strong enough 78 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT to afford a maximum of resistance to the strain created by the exertion of the force employed in draught, as well as to afford secure attachment for the ' spurn ' (toe-piece), and also to supply material from which substantial calkins may be forged. Objections are raised to these shoes on account of the obstacles they create to frog-pressure which is unattainable in them. In cart horses frog-pressure does not appear to be an essential for the preservation of well-formed feet, a fact which may be demonstrated by an inspection of any stud of horses where due care is exercised in the management of their farriery. Mutilation by the rasp and knife of those parts of the foot intended to protect the internal sensitive structures is, as far as heavy horses are concerned, the chief cause of contraction and deterioration of previously good and sound feet. I have frequently been astonished to note the misery and pain to which the dray horses of London and some other southern towns, travelling on smooth and slippery pavements of improved con- struction, are subjected to, by being shod with flat shoes, and have wondered what reasons can possibly be advanced for the retention of such a system. The weight of the London loads are utterly insignificant compared with those behind the Liverpool and Man- chester teams, yet the horses flounder and slij) at almost every step, affrighted, perspiring, and afraid to, employ one half their power in drawing, for fear they may be called upon to use the other half to preserve their equilibrium. If owners would calcu- late the cost of such shoeing by estimating the loss of earnings on goods carried per horse, added to the loss of condition or its equiva- lent represented by increased cost of keep, and useless wear and tear of horse-flesh, I feel persuaded that a modification of the system of shoeing practised in the northern towns would quickly supersede the mode more generally adopted in the south. The application of stopping and emollient preparations to the horn are unnecessary, unless the foot is diseased, or has been ren- dered defective by previous and repeated mutilations. Horses with flat feet, weak heels, thin soles, and soft prominent frogs, are benefited by wearing a wider-webbed, heavier shoe, OF DRA TIGHT HORSES. 79 thickened or caulked at the toe and heels to relieve undue pressure upon a preternaturally large and soft spongy frog. The converse holds good with thick upright feet, for which all available means should be employed to obtain frog-pressure. Harness. Those who continue to use heavy cart bridles furnished with large winkers must entertain a very low estimate of a horse's natural intelligence, and possess very little regard for his comfort. If a good-couraged horse is allowed to see and become familiar with objects of danger, he will quickly learn to disregard them, and know no fear. A colt that has never worn winkers, by kind treatment will quickly attain sufficient confidence to face anything. The bridle should not weigh more than 4 Jibs., have no winkers, fit easily on the poll, be padded down the cheeks, and furnished with a round throat-strap, and a smooth jointless snaffle-bit. The collar, intended as it is to supply a cushion for the recep- tion of shocks and afford relief to pressure under heavy and continued draught, cannot well be too bulky nor too accurately adjusted. Great suffering is entailed, and horses are prone to become vicious and shy workers, by being worked in collars too large or too small, or unadapted to special conformation of shoulder, or rendered uncomfortable and irritating by wear, or the accumu- lation of filth. Under severe uphill draught the collar will sometimes choke the horse by pressure upon the lower part of the windpipe. This accident usually happens to horses that have long sloping shoulders and fine withers ; it may be prevented, or at least the liability may be diminished, by having the collar 'piped'— that is, hollowed out at its lower end where it may come into apposition with the wind- pipe as that tube enters the chest. It is prudent to work horses prone to choke by the collar, in chains rather than shaft-gears. The cart-saddle should be well padded, and possess ample length and width of tree to afford extensive and equal bearing. To pre- vent abrasions on horses having sensitive and thin skins, the 80 TEE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT linings of all parts of the harness and the inner aspect of the breech and backhands should be covered with sheepskin. It is well to remember that the greatest draught-power of which an animal or team of animals is capable is most perfectly secured in proportion as the bonds of connection between the harness and the waggon or cart are inelastic. Every part should be maintained in good repair ; many acci- dents are occasioned and not a few runaway horses made \>y defective gearing. On many farmsteads only rainy days, some- times few and far between, are devoted to the cleansing of harness. Such neglect cannot be economical in practice ; dirty collar and saddle linings are prolific causes of sore shoulders and backs. When damp from rain, or fouled by perspiration, the linings ought to be thoroughly dried, and as thoroughly cleansed by scraping and brushing, whilst the leathers will be more supple, durable, and comfortable by frequent applications of pure neat's- foot oil. A great deal has been written upon the use and abuse of the bearing-rein. In regard to its employment for cart horses, I sub- mit reasons given to a body of large proprietors in the year 1876 (for its retention), and I may remark that subsequent experience has strengthened the opinion I then entertained. REPORT. The bridle of the hunter or hackney is as much a bearing-rein as that commonly attached to carriage and draught horses, with one important difference. In the latter instances, one end of the rein is attached to an unyielding part of the harness, whilst in the former cases it is controlled by the hands of the rider. No one who has witnessed the finish of a closely-contested race, or who has been accustomed to ride to hounds, can doubt that the horse derives great assistance from skilful manipulation of the reins by a good horseman, and in proportion as the labour is severe so does the assistance afforded by the rider appear to increase. There is, undoubtedly, an intelligence conveyed to the horse by his rider through the medium of the bridle; but that is not all : the horse feels for support from the bit, and trusts to it, when making severe or protracted efforts. With regard to carriage horses, I think that (except when worn quite loosely, and for ornament alone) bearing-reins are both cruel and useless. The hands of the coachman should be quite sufficient to give whatever assistance his horses may require, and, if he has 'good hands,' he will make his horses carry a better head without, than with, a bearing-rein. With horses used for the purposes of heavy draught, the case is entirely OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 81 different. The position of the carter being at the side instead of behind, he cannot render his horse any assistance by manipulation of the reins, and. the bearing-rein, being attached to the unyielding and non-sentient hames of the collar, can convey no intelligent impression therefrom to the horse's mouth ; but these two circumstances do not prevent the animal from employ- ing his own intelligence in using the rein, if permitted to do so by its proper adjustment. As a matter of fact, it is admitted by almost all men practically acquainted with the subject that a draught horse can move a greater weight with, than without, a bearing-rein ; and I conceive the reason for this to be, that it affords support to the horse's head, and assists in the establishment of a balance of power between the upper and under muscles of his neck. A horse, provided with a properly-adjusted one, will use his own intelligence in the employment of it, and will seek its aid to support and maintain his head in that position which experience has shown him is the most comfort- able to himself, and the one in which he can exert his greatest strength. To accomplish the purposes which I understand the bearing-rein serves, it must be applied with intelligence, and be always sufficiently free to per- mit the horse to relax every muscle of his neck when he desires to do so. It may do all this, and yet be sufficiently tight to afford material support under a severe effort of draught. In adjusting the rein, due consideration must be given to varieties of con- formation. To cramp the muscles of a horse with a tight bearing-rein is a senseless, useless, and cruel practice, but is one which I look upon as being an abuse and not an intelligent use of an auxiliary appendage to cart-horse harness ; and, I believe that a properly-adjusted rein affords no inconsider- able assistance and comfort to a horse frequently called upon to stop and start his load. By disuse of the bearing-rein cart horses contract a tendency to become careless and slovenly in their gait, and to carry their heads to the near side from absence of equal bearing on both sides the mouth ; and, in my opinion, it is as reasonable to expect a hackney ridden with a slack rein to carry his rider safely and well, as for a cart horse, unassisted by a bearing- rein, to be clever, active, and safe at his work. Clothing. The provision of stable clothing is altogether unnecessary for cart horses in health ; it is, however, an essential for the treat- ment of many diseases to which draught animals equally with finer-bred ones are subject. Opinions differ with regard to the use of a covering for horses when performing slow work, but the custom to provide clothing for outdoor wear has become almost universal in northern towns. The judicious use of clothing for horses during the hours they are exposed to inclemencies of weather is undoubtedly advan- tageous, but unless rain is falling it is as unwise as unnecessary to permit the use of a cloth during the actual performance of work : it should only be employed as a protection against rain or to pre- vent the bodies cooling too rapidly after exertion. For the latter 6 82 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT purpose, stout woollen rugs are unquestionably the most suitable ; but as a protection against rain, waterproofs are decidedly prefer- able. Woollen rugs absorb so much moisture as to become an absolute burden to the horses, and cannot be thoroughly dried in a limited space of time. The great objection to the use of oilskin and all other impermeable descriptions of clothing is the sense of oppression and discomfort produced by the wearing of such a material. Exposure to rain in the abstract is not harmful, if the horses can be taken to the stable direct from work and have their coats thoroughly dried and the skin circulation stimulated by friction ; but as almost all kinds of team-work in towns is per- formed by alternations of strong exertion and inactivity, the bodies of horses that have been exposed to rain do not receive necessary attention until the labour of the day has been com- pleted, and hence arises the necessity for protection by clothing. The provision of covering is also advantageous for preventing the linings of collars and saddles becoming wet, a frequent cause of sore shoulders and backs. Breaking. A horse-breaker of the very old school once observed to me, 1 There are no bad horses ; bad men make 'em. ' And although almost every variety of disposition and temper is met with in a large stud, there are few horses, and still fewer colts, naturally vicious, or ill-disposed to submit to control. The education of young horses is too often entrusted to men devoid of sufficient acumen to estimate character, and who are deficient in that patient resolution so essential for the proper management of a colt. Intelligence is not by any means equally distributed amongst horses ; some are very slow learners, whilst others appear to grasp at once what is required of them ; yet ignorant men usually adopt the same means for the governance of the high-couraged percipient colt as for the dull lethargic dunce. Youth is the age of receptivity. Before the character is formed and habits are acquired, the foal should be daily handled about the head, legs, and feet, and taught to obey the voice of his OF DRAUGHT HORSES. 83 attendant in all the little details surrounding his early existence. He will appreciate a caress and the gift of a few grains of corn from his master's hand, and quickly learn to look on them as rewards for docility or obedience. Before being weaned he should be made to wear a head-collar, so fitted as to cause as little annoyance as possible, and so con- structed that there will be no danger of its catching projections of fencing, nor afford room for the entanglement of the feet in the nose or throat bands. The foal should be led about, taught to stop and move in obedience to the voice, and be tied up whilst eating his daily ration of artificial food. By these means he will be so imperceptibly accustomed to restraint that the loss of liberty will scarcely be felt. From the period of this early subjection to control to the time the colt is yoked for work, no opportunity should be lost for periodically submitting him to restraint. He will never entirely forget his first lessons when they have been properly given; at the same time, he will be benefited by being periodically reminded of them by repetition. When the above precautions have been neglected, and the colt remains in a half -wild condition until the time has almost arrived for him to be put to work, the process of haltering should be undertaken with very great patience and care. Every word or gesture having the least tendency to frighten him, or to create a suspicion of ill-treatment, is to be avoided, and every inducement- offered whereby a feeling of confidence in his attendant may be established. It is a good practice to allow two or three-year-old colts to run in a large straw-yard or field, with the shanks of their halters hanging loose, before they are subjected to further restraint, taking care that the head-stalls (which should be leather) are properly adjusted, and that the hempen shanks are securely twisted into a coil during the night. When the colt has been led about by the halter, taught to obey commands, and become familiar with the sight of and proximity to implements, carts, etc., he may be tied up to be fed alongside 6—2 34 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT an older horse. He should be left so restrained for some little time after completion of the meal. It is very necessary to tie up colts very securely, and to be assured that the halter and place of attachment are sufficiently firm to prevent any attempt at breaking loose proving successful. When once restraint has been broken, it is almost certain to be re-attempted, and a dangerous habit liable to become confirmed. When the head and neck hold perfect relations to each other there is no difficulty in making the colt a ' good mouth f ' bad mouths ' are most frequently the result of improper violence on the part of the breaker, or are due to unevenly-adjusted bearing- reins. It is good practice to put on a moderate-sized, jointless, smooth snaffle, regulated to hang near the site of the tush, and attach the reins evenly, but not tightly, to a surcingle, and allow the colt thus equipped to run loose two or three hours twice a day. After the colt has become sufficiently accustomed to this species of control, an hour or two for a few days will be profitably spent in using him to harness ; it is especially desirable to let him feel some pressure of the collar, and to become familiar with the rattling of chains. To animals that have lived in open fields the confinement of a stable is at first irksome, and colts should not be subjected thereto until they have commenced to do a certain amount of work. If the demand for team-work will allow delay far enough into the spring, it is better for the newly-broken colt, when his work is completed, to be pastured at night with his companions in labour; the daily meals to be partaken in the stable with his associates will gradually and pleasurably accustom him to the change. It is almost an universal custom on light-land farms to work a colt when two years old, and at three-years-old off he generally constitutes one of an ordinary team. On stronger soils the com- mencement of labour is sometimes postponed for six or twelve months longer. The labour of young horses should be in proportion to their physical strength, and it should not, as is frequently the case, be OF DBA TIGHT HORSES. 85 governed by the existing demands for their services. It is a mis- take to over-work them ; and undue call upon them and the debility of youth react disadvantageously, tending to provoke a disposition to vice. When put to work for the first time, no coercion should be employed to make the colt draw ; yoked with a team of steady old horses, and led for a short time, he will soon take to the collar voluntarily. I am an advocate for accustoming a colt to shaft-work before he is turned to grass, after his first half season of labour, and recommend that after completion of a day's work in the field he should be yoked to an empty cart, and required to take it home in the immediate rear of his team companions. Where breeding can be associated with the ordinary operations of farming, the number of horses should always be maintained in excess of the requirements, the fillies retained, and the geldings sold off at such seasons as they can be most conveniently spared. The Selection of Horses for Draught Purposes. The innumerable conditions which operate to produce varieties of team-labour render unsatisfactory any attempt at advice to purchasers of horses for specific purposes that might be given in a chapter of limited extent. If it were practicable to offer useful suggestions, they would be of little service to anyone who has not acquired by experience an accurate conception of this im- portant section of horse-keeping ; my remarks will therefore be confined to a brief recapitulation of the three cardinal points — symmetry, soundness, and action — prefaced by the assertion that a thorough knowledge of the nature of the work to be exacted and an actual experience of horse-power can alone be trusted as safe guides for the purchase of suitable animals. Symmetry. — The practical eye of a horseman takes in at a glance symmetrical form, and his mind as quickly gauges the animal's capacity for performing a specific description of labour. When considering the outward porportions, temper and consti- tution of stallions and mares for breeding purposes, the salient 86 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT points of good and bad conformation were reviewed ; those remarks apply equally to horses destined for the general purposes of team-work. A horse required to move heavy weights must be himself weighty ; he ought to be ' all over ' muscular, ' near the ground,' and possess strong, sound feet, broad back and loins, deep chest and ribs, prominent shoulders, wide between his fore- legs, and wide from croup to hocks; he should stand firm and square with his fore-limbs well outside him, the fore-feet in a direct line with the body, the hinder ones very slightly pointed outwards ; the pasterns should be sufficiently oblique to indicate elasticity and freedom in action without being too slanting ; all joints and sinews should be well defined, and the limbs clean and proportionate. For the purposes of heavy draught the necessity for excellent conformation of the hind-limbs is of far more im- portance than the symmetry of the anterior extremities, and although the perfect form and position for a horse's hind-legs are familiar to every experienced man, I have found the difficulty of correctly describing them to be so great that I have been re- luctantly compelled to give up the attempt. Horses required for lighter and quicker work in pair-horse vans may be more upstand- ing, but they should possess depth of rib, plenty of heart-room, and all essential qualifications for usefulness. Soundness. — As there are few absolutely sound horses, so there are a great number practically sound — that is, free from diseases or defects which are likely within a limited time and under reasonable usage to incapacitate an animal from satisfactorily per- forming a fair amount of labour. It requires considerable judg- ment, based upon extended practice, to know where practical soundness begins and ends, and upon this point it is not unusual to find wide divergence of opinion even amongst experienced men. All horses, to be useful to their owners, should be prac- tically sound at the time of purchase. The law of warranty, as applied to the soundness of horses, is perhaps capable of being more extensively abused than any other Act contained in the Statute Book. Many sellers, who upon inadequate evidence are ever ready to declare a horse ' sound, OF BRA UGHT HORSES. 87 stand convicted of the fact that they have no knowledge of the meaning of the word, or that they do not know a sound horse when they see one. The term ' soundness,' applied to a warranted article, means perfection, and comprises not only the absence of any defect which may render it unfitted for use as a perfect thing, but also the absence of any imperfections which may at a future and remote period make it inapplicable for use as a com- plete whole. It is right that the purchaser who pays a good price for a working animal should be protected from fraud in regard to staunchness of draught, freedom from vice and diseases the nature of which cannot be detected in a reasonably limited ex- amination; but — caveat emptor — the buyer should be required to satisfy himself that a horse does not possess causes of unsoundness which are capable of being found out. How many farmers have suffered loss and annoyance at the hands of unscrupulous dealers, who having bought an animal above his worth, and missed their market, threaten the seller with law, unless he takes back the horse at cost price, or refunds some portion of the purchase-money ! Such a practice could not be successfully adopted in the business transactions with general articles of merchandise ; but in horse-dealing, as an animal may be perfectly sound one day and a ' screw ' the next, an opportunity is afforded for sending back an unsuitable horse upon an unjust pretext. The facilities for wrongful return are rendered much greater by the fact that, although ninety per cent, of cart horses are practically sound for the purposes of ordinary work, not more than ten of that number are free from defects which may technically and legally be regarded to constitute unsoundness, and therefore furnish pretexts for breach of contract. As horses are returned upon the certificates of veterinary surgeons whose examinations are frequently made some time after the sale, it is evident the causes of unsoundness may have arisen whilst the horse was in the hands of the purchaser, and hence the conflicting opinions 88 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT of skilled witnesses who are called upon to express their ideas as to the probable time the defects have existed. A seller having a sound horse for disposal will do well to protect his warranty by a certificate of soundness from a veterinary surgeon whose examination is made on the day of sale. In a court of law such a certificate from a man of known probity would outweigh opposing evidence, bearing only upon the probable duration of an alleged cause of unsoundness. As the law stands, and for the reasons I have named, it is unwise for a seller to give a warranty, except in regard to freedom from vice and capacity for work ; but he should, if required, guarantee the buyer against the existence of occult diseases, the evidences of which cannot be discovered. If the custom of warranting horses was disestablished, dealers, who know accurately what practical soundness is, would give an equal price for an animal without as with a contract of security, and much annoyance would frequently be spared to the horse- selling farmer. Action. — Second to soundness, and far more desirable than perfect symmetry, is the possession of good action ; without it an otherwise excellent animal is incalculably depreciated in both value and usefulness. Good and true action is very frequently but not invariably associated with perfect symmetry, but the possession of it may be accepted as evidence of fairly equal con- formation • for defective or slovenly action can only arise in a sound animal from an unequal distribution of physical power, or from want of stamina or pluck. In many horses good bold action is an evidence of power, and the heavier the horse the better he should move in both walk and trot. An educated ear can distinguish a horse possessing good action on a pavement, by a regular succession of sonorous thumps — one, two, three, four. In a walk, which is essentially the draught horse's pace, each of the four feet should be brought down perfectly flat, the heels, toes, and quarters reaching the ground at the same instant, the fore ones with the toe and heel in a line with the body, neither turned out nor in, the hinder ones the least bit everted. Straight OF DRAUGHT HORSES. 89 and full extension of the fore-limbs is desirable rather than ex- cessive elevation of the feet by high knee and shoulder action. The movement of the hind extremities should be free and loose, the feet carried far under the belly by perfect flexion of the hocks, which in advancing should in turn have a slightly inward ten- dency, and the toe at the same time should be as slightly turned outwards. Defective and wide hind-leg action, usually arising from malformed hocks possessing but limited mobility, is most especially to be guarded against • horses with round bowed-hock action always wear unsatisfactorily. Following the extension of each limb in turn, the corresponding foot ought to be boldly and firmly planted upon the ground ; the least sign of weakness, faltering, or unequal movement during progression may be re- garded with grave suspicion, and it is much safer to refuse an animal where such reasonable grounds have been aroused than to run the risk of effecting an unsatisfactory purchase. Whenever practicable, a trial at work ought to be insisted upon before a purchase is completed, not only for the purpose of ascertaining that the power and temper of the animal are suited to what is required from him, but also that any symptom indicative of defect or unsoundness, particularly of the respiratory organs and spine, may be more surely detected. Work. Perhaps there is no element of successful horse-management that requires more careful attention than the arrangement of the work of a young horse just purchased from a farmer for town purposes. It must be conceded that the entire change of food, stabling, work, and general treatment and surroundings renders this period one of the most critical of the animal's existence, and one when the greatest watchfulness and care are required from his at- tendant ; he may. be plump, gay, blooming, and in fair working condition, and perform a full day's work at once to his new master's entire satisfaction, but on the morrow he will most probably come out stiff, and sore, and dull. An indiscreet horse- keeper thinks all these conditions are of little importance, and 90 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT that a continuance at the same labour will remove them; but this is rarely ever so. If an equally severe exertion is re-exacted for several succeeding days the appetite diminishes, the horse loses flesh, and should no acute disease supervene, he will almost certainly gradually become unfitted for work, and have to be entirely rested or his labour eased, the probable result being that he will never regain his natural standard of vigour and strength. By gradually inuring him, on the other hand, to his new occupa- tion, increasing it in severity from week to week, the horse will ultimately acquire greater capability for endurance and strength than he ever before possessed. It is a matter of surprise how widely practical men differ in opinion upon the amount of work a horse of average strength is able to perform. Such diversity is probably attributable to several causes. Firstly. No equally important subject appertain- ing to the management of draught-horses seems to have engaged so little attention from farmers and team-owners. Secondly. Hastily formed and dogmatically expressed opinions are often based solely upon the quantity of work that can be accomplished under one set of conditions, no latitude being allowed for the numerous circumstances which may and do entirely alter results. Thirdly. When the subject of horse-work forms the theme of discussion, the general tendency is to relate instances of the possession of more than ordinary powers of endurance possessed by certain animals, the result of whose capabilities may be in- variably taken as exceptions rather than examples of what should constitute a fair day's work. Fourthly. Work is estimated sometimes by the number of hours employed, often by the distance travelled ; and again by the weight transported, or the resistance overcome : the two latter items only should be con- sidered, but they must be taken collectively when an estimate is made — the time occupied in the work, as will be subsequently shown, is to be regarded as an influencing condition, and one of the utmost importance. The circumstances which conduce to variations in the results of horse-work are so numerous that it is impracticable to deal with OF BRA UGHT HORSES. "M them in detail ; they will, however, become evident to every ex- perienced owner when his individual requirements are reviewed. < It's the pace that kills ' is the proverb of the hunting man, race-horse owner, and four-in-hand coachman, and although not generally so considered, the aphorism is equally applicable to farm and road teams. It may be accepted as a fact that in pro- portion as pace is increased, so must the hours of labour and the weight to be moved be decreased. From tables of calculation founded upon experiment it has been ascertained that the greatest advantage in the employment of horse-power is obtained when the hours of labour are increased and the pace correspondingly diminished. My personal observations tend to prove the correct- ness of the above statement, and I am entirely opposed to the view expressed by an eminent railway authority (Tredgold), who considers that the amount of work ordinarily accomplished in eight hours may frequently be performed in six hours with ad- vantage to the horses. Draught horses can work long hours, and draw very heavy loads if they are not over-paced, but to demand from them quick movement, in order that a day's work may be completed at an early hour, will, if continued from day to day, materially shorten their periods of useful existence. In illus- tration, I submit the following problem, with its solution in two different ways. It is required as the daily work of two pairs of horses, equal in every particular to transport twenty-four tons of merchandise a distance of two miles from a given place. The one pair is occupied only six hours in drawing three four-ton loads, and returning with the lightened dray. The other pair, similarly loaded, is two or three hours longer doing the same dis- tance. The effects of the two arrangements will become per- ceptible in a few months. Although the first pair will rest in the stable at least two hours of the twenty-four more than the second pair, the latter will exhibit less fatigue, maintain better condition, and wear the longest. I hold a strong opinion that the individual qualifications of each animal must be taken into ac- count, and that if his natural pace is three miles an hour he may, if not over-loaded, be permitted to cover his fourteen or sixteen 92 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT miles in from five to six hours ; but to force a horse whose natural pace is only two or two and a half miles an hour to accomplish the distance in the same time, is a certain means of very greatly abridging his life ; whilst if allowed to work for ten hours if necessary he will last as long and probably longer than his more active companion, and be maintained in better condition upon a smaller allowance of food. In the organization of team labour it is essential to appreciate the natural paces of the individual animals, and yoke them in accordance therewith. When such a course is impracticable, the working speed should be adjusted to the qualification of the slower horse. Although of less important account than pace, the distance travelled for a day's work will materially affect condition. As- suming that the time occupied by two pairs of horses in trans- porting twenty-four tons two miles be equal, but that the teams differ in strength and activity, pair No. 1, taking four three-ton loads, would be more fatigued, less easily conserve condition, and be sooner worn out, than the slower-moving but stronger No. 2, with their four-ton burdens, but diminished mileage. In an equal degree with under-feeding, long-continued overwork, whether caused by excessively long hours, overloading, or over- pacing, is the reverse of true economy ; it cannot fail to be attended with deterioration of physical strength and health ; at first slowly, gradually, but very surely, it reduces the power, and consequently the value of the animals, and when pushed beyond a certain limit it rapidly and irreparably shortens their lives of usefulness. Horses employed upon any kind of work are benefited by periodical intervals of thirty minutes' duration in each four hours for rest, when they may partake of a little food from a nose-bag. To work them, and withhold their provender for a longer period than six hours, is inconsistent with a proper appreciation of the functions of their digestive organs. If requested to furnish an example or type of a fair day's labour, suited to the powers of average farm horses, and one that OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 93 could be continued daily throughout the year, without causing loss of condition, on a 16 lb. corn ration, I should instance the ploughing of an acre of land of average strength in furrows of 9 inches width, the numerical strength of the team proportioned to the resistance opposed by the nature of the soil, the depth of the furrow, and the gradients of the field. The distance to be travelled would not exceed 12 miles, the pace slightly over 1 \ mile per hour. The urgency which exists for the prompt completion of many farming operations necessitates the exaction of more severe and continued labour from the teams at certain seasons than would be consistent with the maintenance of good condition, vigour, and health, if prosecuted daily throughout the year. When an exces- sive, but temporary, increase of team-work must be undertaken, the owner in arranging his operations will do well to fully appreciate the effects of pace, mileage, hours of service, and food supply. Rest. To a hard-working-horse repose is almost as much a necessity as good food; but tired though he may be, he is often very shy to lie down even when a clean bed has been provided for him. Unless a horse lies down regularly his rest is never complete and his joints and sinews stiffen, and whilst it is true that some horses that sleep in a standing position continue to work for many years, it is equally true that they would wear much longer and perform their work much better if they rested naturally. Young nervous horses not unfrequently refuse to lie down when first made to occupy a stall, and, when introduced into a town stable, the habit may become confirmed, unless inducements are offered to overcome the disinclination. Should the provision of a plentiful sweet and clean straw bed in the stall not prove suffi- ciently seductive, the horse should, whenever such a course is practicable, be lodged in a well-littered and quiet loose-box every night, until he has become accustomed to his new work, com- panions and surroundings. When an older horse — one that has been for some years an occupant of a stall, and in the habit of taking his rest naturally — refuses to lie down, it may be suspected 94 TEE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT that he has sustained some injury, probably very slight, to his spine, or that the commencement of some disease in his hocks warns him that he will experience some difficulty in rising. If the temporary sojourn in a loose-box does not induce a horse so circumstanced to resume his former practice, provision should be made for supporting him in his stall by means of slings during the time he is stabled ; if the construction of the building or its fittings renders the application of slings impracticable, a substitute may be improvised by stretching loosely across the stall a broad and strong leathern belt, securely attached to each heel-post ; the horse will quickly learn the use of this appendage, and reclining therein will be enabled to obtain some support, rest, and sleep. It is essential that horses should enjoy rest as complete as possible during the hours it is permitted ; they should not there- fore be disturbed by persons working in, or even entering, the stable at those times ; the entry or exit of horses to or from work, or the noise of the shoeing forge, should be particularly avoided. When teams are working on different ' shifts,' the stable arrange- ments should as far as practicable be such as will prevent dis- turbance to the resting horses. Bedding. — The lavish use of bedding in the farm stables of localities where the sale of straw is prohibited by conditions of tenancy, or where distance from a market is an obstacle to its pro- fitable disposal, cannot be regarded exactly in the light of extrava- gance. The farmer requires manure, and loses no opportunity of converting his straw into manure by every available means. The case is entirely different with farmers who are allowed to sell their straw, and are located within easy reach of a market; the straw they sell forms a very considerable portion of the proceeds of their corn crops, and so circumstanced they can generally purchase manure from the buyers of their straw. To owners of teams working in towns, who frequently have to pay a high price for the straw they require, the cost and consequently the consump- tion of litter is of considerable importance. Whatever the value of the article may be, a parsimonious use of bedding for cart horses is not economical. No practical man will be disposed to OF DRAUGHT HORSES. 95 underrate the evils that result to horses which from any cause refuse to lie down, and therefore every inducement for them to take natural repose should be provided. A plentiful, clean and well-arranged bed of sweet dry straw is certainly one of the greatest obtainable inducements to that desirable end. Wheat- straw being tougher and more easily spread than other kinds, is the best adapted for bedding purposes. It should be unbruised, dry, clean, sweet, bright in colour, and not have broad flaggy leaves. The length of wheat-straw renders its use apparently extravagant, as it frequently becomes soiled at one end only, to obviate this, each sheaf may be cut in two halves before being used. Where sufficient yard-space is available, it is economical for the owners of town horses to separate the long and only slightly soiled litter from the manure and worn straw, and in fine weather to spread it exposed to sun and wind to dry for second use. With care a horse may be provided with a good wheat- straw bed for an average consumption of not exceeding 10 lb. per day. Other descriptions of straw are softer, less durable, and generally more extravagant to use. Sometimes hay of too inferior quality to be consumed as provender is utilized as litter. This practice is a most objectionable one ; a sweet comfortable bed cannot be made of bad hay, and if its use be continued for a length of time, the horses will become infested with lice. The use of sawdust for town horses has of late years become common, but I cannot subscribe myself an advocate for its employment, except in association with straw, and under special conditions. A sawdust bed is not liked by cart horses ; at its best it is comfortless and uninviting, and should only be introduced into undrained stables provided with boarded floors ; it may, however, be adopted with advantage for gross-feeding horses, prone to gorge them- selves with straw supplied to them for litter. The objections to sawdust do not apply where it is used as a cushion to be interposed between stone floors and the straw, where, in fact, it bears the same relation to straw as a mattress to a feather-bed ; so arranged, I regard it as economical in saving straw, and also an absolute benefit and comfort to the horse. 9Q THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT Sale. Some years ago the custom of preparing horses for sale was much more common than it fortunately is now. A Lincolnshire farmer could rarely be persuaded to offer his horses at the Lincoln April fair until they had been prepared for sale. The preparation, as it was called, consisted in isolating the horse in a darkened loose-box, allowing no exercise, and supplying an unsparing quantity of food, calculated to produce fat — linseed- cake, treacle, and new milk constituting a considerable proportion of the diet. As may be imagined, the result of such treatment made the horse totally unqualified for work, and well fitted for the reception of disease, almost certain to result, from the altered conditions of management to which he would be submitted by change of ownership. The present buyers of horses for commercial purposes prefer an animal in working condition ; for if disease does not reduce an over-fat horse recently brought from country to town below his natural size, the first object is to take off the superfluous flesh, which the farmer has incurred so much risk and expense in putting on ; and subsequently to lay the foundation of hard muscle, by suitable food and a due amount of work. The most rational system of preparation for sale is for the farmer to feed his horse substantially for some weeks, and appor- tion his work so that an increase in growth of frame is gradually and stoutly effected. By such a course the seller, buyer, and horse are each benefited ; the seller, by making the horse earn his food, and at a minimum of risk ; the buyer, by acquiring an animal ready for his immediate use ; and the horse, by being maintained in condition proper for the conservation of his health and power. The Treatment of Sick Horses. Probably some disappointment will arise when it is found that this essay does not treat even briefly of some of the more common and easily managed diseases to which cart horses are liable, and that it does not contain prescriptions of medicines to be ad- ministered in such cases as owners are accustomed to undertake. OF DRAUGHT HORSES. 97 Whilst appreciating to the fullest extent the necessity of making my pamphlet as acceptable as possible to the general reader, I have come to the conclusion that the consideration of even the most trivial complaints must be passed over for the following cogent reasons. Firstly, as a veterinary surgeon, it would be impossible for me to enter upon subjects relating to the cure of animal diseases except in an exhaustive, and as far as my abilities permit, in a technical and scientific manner, and it is quite clear the space at my disposal prohibits this being accomplished either with justice to myself or the matter to be treated of ; secondly, I regard the treatment of even apparently simple diseases by owners and amateurs as the reverse of economical, for experience not unfrequently proves that some of the most remunerative cases for veterinary surgeons, and many of the most disastrous ones to horse proprietors, have indirectly resulted from the use of drugs, balls and drenches purchased from druggists and the vendors of cattle medicines. It is not that the medicines purchased from such tradesmen are of themselves injurious, but the evil conse- quences arise in the great majority of instances from the delay occasioned by a feeling of partial security on the part of the owner, who waits to see the effect of the ball or drench he has ad- ministered before he calls in the aid of a professional man, and thus time of incalculable value is lost and all hope of saving the patient extinguished. Second in degree to the danger of delay is the difficulty in which the veterinary surgeon is placed who is summoned to treat an animal that has already been dosed with medicines which are unknown to him. His efforts are crippled by the fear of prescribing remedies that may be rendered inoperative by the medicines previously given, or he may hesitate to order a line of treatment which might possibly prove dangerous to the patient, by producing excessive operation, when associated with empirical measures that may or may not have contained agents of similar therapeutic action. I have felt some diffidence in blaming so strongly the practice of giving specific drugs lest my reasons should be misconstrued ; but if the thoughtful reader will reflect for a few moments, he will probably agree with me that it is 7 98 TEE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT impossible for anyone who has not been specially educated, and whose judgment has not been matured by extended practice, to distinguish between the primary symptoms of simple ailments and those that usher in the most dangerous maladies. This being conceded, is it not strange that owners possess sufficient confi- dence to jeopardize the lives of their valuable animals by the administration of remedies which will cure a simple ailment (that would in all probability subside without any treatment), but which remedies are absolutely powerless to combat a formidable disease 1 Fortunately for animals as well as their masters, the progress of veterinary science has during the last twenty years advanced with strides almost as rapid as those made by the medical profession. In these days horses, when treated by properly educated and experienced men, are not drugged to death. Greater attention is paid to the study of the causation, progress, and nature of disease, than to the administration of medicines which in days gone by were solely relied upon to ameliorate the symptoms pre- sented by the patients. Suffering animals are now placed in conditions calculated to preserve their vital powers to the utmost limit, and encouragement is afforded for the fullest display of those grand natural laws which, so long as life lasts, are in never-ceasing operation to combat the fatal effects of disease. I am entirely opposed to the practice — common in some establishments — of giving various kinds of medicine at periodical and often at short intervals 'to keep the horses healthy.' Healthy horses do not require physic, and where its administration is not beneficial it must be injurious. The drugs chiefly used are glan- dular excitants ; their action is manifested by an increased secre- tion of the stimulated organ, and repetitions of the dose frequently end by producing permanent disease of the overworked j)art. A judicious change of food, efficient stable management, and proper arrangements for work can accomplish all that is necessary for the conservation of health in sound horses in a better and safer manner than the exhibition of medicaments. A considerable number of horses are prone to experience OF DRA UGHT HORSES. 99 derangement of their urinary organs on taking slight cold and from other trivial causes. In such cases the animal is commonly dosed time after time with nitre in some form or other, which unfortunately relieves the urgent symptoms at the cost of weakening the secretive power of the kidneys to an extent that, when some acute and formidable disease is contracted, those emunctories fail to perform their share in ridding the system of material which is detrimental to health, and recovery from such an attack is thereby retarded, if not rendered absolutely impossible. In the treatment of disease good nursing is to be regarded as equal to skilful medical attention. Without the former, the latter can avail but little; to achieve more than an average amount of success, both must be applied in parallel lines. Those men who have an intuitive love for dumb animals, who are con- versant with their habits in health, and who are born with acute perceptive faculties, can be most readily educated into efficient attendants upon sick horses. Without these inborn faculties, no one can become proficient ; but the possession of them alone will not suffice, unless they are allied to other habits and quasi talents which are to be acquired or strengthened by experience and the exercise of zeal. A good nurse must be in every sense a horse- man ; he must be patient, persevering, resolute, cheerful, careful, quiet, and self-possessed, yet prompt to think and act ; he should cultivate habits of close observation and obedience to instruction, and be thoroughly reliable ; he must know how to administer medicines in all forms, and be able to apply all requisites used in ordinary treatment for the comfort and well-being of the patient. The qualifications I have enumerated as essentials are rarely found combined in one man, and fortunate is the extensive horse-proprietor who has a servant possessing them. Any in- structions that can be offered for the guidance of such a man are superfluous, for he already knows more than written hints of limited extent can teach ; but as such men are rarely to be met with, the few suggestions I am about to make may possibly assist those who possess natural talents in this direction to more quickly 7—2 100 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT become efficient in the details of their calling. It is particularly to be noted that the brief remarks on nursing herein contained are in no way to be considered as unalterable, but are to be sub- ordinated to the more imperative instructions given from time to time by the professional adviser in any case under treatment ; for not only must individual differences in animal constitutions be studied, but it is to be remembered that the requirements for the stable management of sick horses are necessarily as varied as are the diseases themselves. One of the duties of an attendant upon a sick horse being to see him placed in conditions that are best fitted to allow all those natural agencies which act as restoratives to health to exert their full influence, the prompt removal of the patient to a roomy, well-paved and light loose-box is the first in importance. In the treatment of many severe equine diseases, a supply of pure air is an indispensable necessity, and one to which the hospital nurse's attention ought to be primarily directed. An atmosphere of sufficient purity can only be secured in situations removed from decomposing animal or vegetable matter, by the provision of well- arranged apertures for ventilation, and a constant supervision that the functions of such openings are effectually performed, together with the maintenance of perfect cleanliness of the litter and clothing as well as of the floors, walls, and fittings of the sick- box. It is always desirable, and frequently important, to keep the atmosphere of the hospital at an uniform temperature, a requirement that unfortunately during cold weather is difficult of attainment. The degree of warmth to be maintained will vary with the nature of the disease by which the patient is attacked, some affections being benefited by the influence of a higher and some by that of a lower degree of heat. In all bronchial and in most chest diseases, it is necessary to give due consideration to the difference between the temperature of the stable in which the horse is living and that of the box to which he is to be removed for treatment. If in the siable he has been respiring an air of some seventy degrees, it would be most injudicious to expose him for more than a few minutes to a raw, rasping atmosphere of say OF DBA UGHT HORSES. 101 under forty degrees. Should such conditions exist, the prepara- tion of the loose-box for the reception of the patient should be commenced by warming it with a coke-fire, having the ventilators nearly closed, so that the change to a cooler atmosphere may be gradually effected. When unrestrained the position a horse assumes will indicate whether light or shade is the more agreeable to him, and as it may be generally accepted that whatever tends to the comfort of an animal suffering from disease is beneficial, the information thus afforded should not be disregarded by his attendant. In the absence of indications to the contrary, I am as strong an advocate for the free admission of sunlight into the sick-box, except during periods of extreme heat, as I am opposed to the maintenance of artificial light at any season of the year. Moderate solar light and warmth are important factors for promoting a restoration to health in patients attacked with low fevers, and are especial aids during convalescence from all forms of depressing maladies. As there are cases in which abstention from food becomes a necessity, so there are others in which every means, including forcible administration, must be employed to secure the introduc- tion of sufficient nutriment into the patient to sustain his vital powers over a crisis of disease. It is not to be expected that the stable attendant will be able to discriminate between the two extremes ; hence the necessity arises for the food supply of animals suffering from dangerous diseases being prescribed by the medical attendant, whose directions are to be strictly adhered to by the hospital nurse. In the absence of instructions to the contrary, the food allowance for sick horses may be governed by the patient's appetite ; but in low, depressing fevers, and during protracted con- valescence, it is not only necessary to supply an easily digested and palatable diet, but also one rich in nutritive principles. The food should always be specially prepared and given in such a quantity only as the horse will consume at one meal ; it is better to pro- vide too little than too much, and any portion remaining after the patient has ceased to relish his repast should be promptly re- moved. ' Little and often ' is a very good motto to observe in 102 THE BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT reference to the food supply of sick horses, but the { often ' requires qualification ; when little or no inclination to eat exists, food should only be offered at intervals of considerable length, and ought never to be left within the patient's sight or reach ; too frequent solicitation interferes with the obtainment of repose, which in critical cases is of the utmost importance, and the con- tinued presence of food creates a feeling of nausea sufficient to protract the advent of a natural appetite. During the acute stages of almost all diseases, cold or slightly tepid water is the most agreeable as well as the most beneficial drink. Except in a few special cases it may be given in sufficient quantity to assuage thirst, and it should be offered once in every four hours — a practice preferable to that of leaving the pail within the sick-box, for the animal to drink at will. In the secondary stages of debilitating maladies and during convalescence, the drink- ing-water forms a most valuable vehicle for the passive intro- duction of soups, milk, ale, alcoholic stimulants, nutritious meals, or infusions needful for restoring physical strength. It must be conceded that rest for a diseased organ is one of the most potent factors for its restoration, and also that general tranquillity is equally important as a conservator of vital power ; it is therefore impossible to overrate the value of repose in the treatment of all severe disorders. It is not intended to imply that when suffering from a dangerous illness the patient is to be left alone for many hours shut up within the four walls of his box, but rather that he should be spared unnecessary disturbance from meddlesome intrusion. The practice of visiting a patient every hour or two ' just to see how he going on,' is a reprehensible one. Several times during the day, and perhaps once or twice in the night, it is requisite that his wants should be supplied ; but the visits of his attendant ought to be regulated both in frequency and duration by the amount of attention actually necessary. Except during very cold or windy weather the upper door of the box should be open in the day-time, that the patient may be able to see what is going on outside ; he will possibly take some interest in his surroundings, and will be able to understand that there is OF DBA UGHT HOESES. 103 something left to live for, but in the night-time he should be allowed to enjoy absolute repose. Sick horses are peculiarly sensitive to impressions of voice and manner ; they ought never to be harshly spoken to nor roughly treated. The demeanour of the attendant should be especially cheerful and kind ; he should never exhibit a belief in, indeed he ought not to feel the hopelessness of his charge's condition. The natural repugnance of healthy horses to offensive tastes and smells becomes intensified by sickness ; it is therefore necessary that more than ordinary attention should be given to secure a perfect condition of cleanliness in the most minute detail of their hospital surroundings. It is not desirable for a sick horse to be submitted to the usual routine of daily grooming, but he will feel greatly refreshed by having his face, eyes, and nostrils sponged with tepid water and afterwards thoroughly dried morning and evening, and his con- dition will be benefited by an occasional hand-rubbing of his ears and legs when they become chilled. The use of stable-clothing is essential for the treatment of diseases in which there is a ten- dency to coldness of the extremities and surface of the body generally, symptoms usually produced by a disturbance in the equality of the circulation of the blood. A hood for the head and neck, one or more body-sheets long enough to cover the quarters and to buckle over the breast, and bandages for the legs are requisite. All clothing should be made of light but warm woollen fabric, and applied in quantity equal to the requirements of the case and the season of the year, and should be so disposed as to cause no feeling of restraint or discomfort to the animal. The clothing should be kept thoroughly clean and be changed once in every twelve hours ; the day and night suits in turn, on re- moval, should be well shaken, purified by exjDOsure to the atmosphere, and warmed and dried before being reapplied. In all diseases where acute pain is evinced by violence or rolling, and especially in some intestinal affections where the intensity of suffering produces almost uncontrollable frenzy, it is necessary to provide some protection against self-inflicted injury 104 BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF HORSES. by an abundant supply of straw bedding spread thickly over the floor, and packed along the walls of the box for several feet above the ground-level. In the majority of other severe and acute diseases there is generally an obstinate disinclination to lie down, and the movements of progression and turning are accom- plished with difficulty and pain. In such cases sawdust or chaff litter is better than straw until convalescence is so far advanced as to warrant a probability that the animal will take his rest in a recumbent position. Where sawdust or chaff is unobtainable, the straw should be sparingly used and cut into short lengths so that the horse may move freely through the bed. The bedding, of whatever material composed, is to be maintained in a condition of cleanliness and dryness by the prompt and complete removal of any portion soiled by dung and urine, or which may have become damp from any other cause. An important duty of the hospital nurse is to carry out the orders of the medical attendant, whose instructions should be implicitly obeyed with accuracy, regularity and punctuality. The administration of medicines must be conducted with quiet, patient, and careful resolution, and in strict accordance with re- ceived directions as to dose, time and form. He must closely observe the frequency, quantity and condition of the excretions, carefully note any change that may take place in the symptoms, and be able to give an accurate report of the general bearing of the patient. No change of apparently trivial signification should pass unnoticed, but all minor incidents ought to be faithfully stated. The stable attendant's attention is to be directed to all those little but essential details, the sum of which tend so greatly to mitigate the sufferings and to increase the comfort of his dumb and dependent charge. THE END. BAILL1ERE, TINDALL AND COX, 20, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. A CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF BAILLIERE, TINDALL, & COX, IN MEDICINE, SCIENCE AND ART. • CONTENTS. PAGE PEKIODICAL PUBLICATIONS . . . ) r> i s m-ii DIRECTORIES .... \ Back of Ttth ANATOMY . . . . 9, etc. ART, ARTISTIC ANATOMY, ETC. . . . 11, etc. CHEMISTRY . . . . -14, etc. MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND ALLIED SCIENCES . . 26, etc. PHARMACY . . . . .30, etc students' aids series . . . .36, etc VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY . . . 39, etc WHITE'S PHYSIOLOGICAL MANIKIN . . .42 20, 21, LONDON : KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND [PARIS AND MADRID.] 1895. 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Medical Law for Medical Men : their Legal Relations popularly explained. By Professor Meymott Tidy, M.B., F.C.S., Barrister-at-Law, and Percy Clarke, LL.B., Solicitor. Leather, gilt edges, price 4s. Medical Laws. The Laws Relating to Medical Men. By James Greenwood, Barrister-at-Law. Price 5s. " Admirably suited as a guide to the busy practitioner, who frequently runs great risks of becoming involved in legal penalties, in consequence of an imperfect knowledge of the law. " — Glasgow Medical Journal. Medical Profession. A Guide to the Medical Profession in all its branches, including the Public Services. By C. R. B. Keetley, F.R.C.S. Second edition. Price 3s. 6d. Medical Profession. Medical Men and Manners of the Nineteenth Century. By a Physician. Third Thousand. Price 3s. "At times scathing, at others amusing, the author is never dull, and writes as one who knows the many blots on our system, and honestly tries to remedy them."— Medical Press. Medicine. Dictionary of Medicine. (See p. 18.) Medicine. Aids to Medicine. By C. E. Armand Semple, B.A. M.B. Cantab., M.R.C.P. Lond. Part I. — General Diseases. Price 2s. 6d. and 2s. Part II. — The Urine, Kidneys, Stomach, Peritoneum, Throat, and (Esophagus. Third Thousand. Price 2s. 6d. and 2s. Part III. — Diseases of the Brain, Nervous System, and Spinal Cord. Third Thousand. Price 2s. 6d. and 2s. Part IV. — Fevers, Skin Diseases. Price 2s. 6d. and 2s. Medicine. A Chronology of Medicine from the Earliest Times. By J. Morgan Richards. Price 10s. 6d. Medicine. Student's Handbook of the Practice of Medicine. By H. Aubrey Husband, M.B., CM., B.Sc. Price 7s. 6d. Medicinal Remedies. Notes on Medicinal Remedies. By J. B Stephenson. Price Is. 6d. Baillikre, Tindall, and Cox's Books. 27 Medico-Military Services. Our Services under the Crown. A Historical Sketch of the Army Medical Staff. By Surgeon-Major A. Gore, M.D., Sanitary Officer on the Staff. Price 6s. Memory. Its Logical Relations and Cultivation. By F. W. Edridge-Green, M.D., F.G.S., Author of "Colour Blindness." Second edition. Price 6s. Mental Medicine. A Practical Manual of Mental Medicine. By Dr. E. Eegis, translated by Professor M. Benjamtn Hall. Price 10s. Meteorology. The Moon and the Weather: the Probability of Lunar influence Beconsidered. Showing how storms and depressions may be predicted. By Walter J. Browne (St. Petersburg). Second edition. Price 3s. Microscopical Science. Modern Microscopy. A Handbook for Beginners. The Microscope, and Instructions for its Use. Microscopic Objects : How Prepared and Mounted. By M. I. Cross and Martin J. Cole. Second edition in preparation. Midwifery. (See Obstetrics.) Mineral Waters. The Mineral Waters of Europe. A complete Analytical Guide to all the Bottled Waters, and their Medicinal and Therapeutic Values. By Professor Tichborne, LL.D., and M. Prosser James, M.R.C.P. Lond. Price 3s. 6d. " Such a book as this is simply invaluable." — The World. Morals. A Physician's Sermon to Young Men. By William Pratt, M.A., M.D., etc. Eighth thousand. Price Is. cloth. " The delicate topic is handled wisely, judiciously, and religiously, as well as very plainly." — The Guardian. Morals. Revelations of Quacks and Quackery. With Facts and Cases in Illustration of their Nefarious Practices. By "De- tector." Thirtieth thousand. Price 2s. Morphia. On the cure of the Morphia Habit. By Oscar Jennings, M.D. Paris, F.R.C.S. Eng. Price 2s. 6d. Nerve Supply. Atlas of Cutaneous Nerve Supply. By Jacob Heiberg, M.D., and W. W. Wagstaefe, F.R.C.S. Containing 10 plates in colours. Price 4s. 6d. Nervous Diseases. Functional Nervous Diseases, their Causes and Treatment. By Geo. T. Stevens, M.D., Ph.D. With plates. Price 12s. Nervous Diseases. Clinical Notes on Nerve Disorders in Surgical Practice. By Geo. Wherry, M.A., M.S. Cantab., F.R.C.S. Price 2s. (See also Brain.) 28 Baillikre, Tindall, and Cox's Books. Neuralgia. The Surgical Treatment of Neuralgia of the Fifth Nerve ; being the Lettsomian Lectures for 1892. By Wm. Eose, M.B., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S., Joint Professor of Surgery in King's College, London, and Surgeon to King's College Hospital. Illustrated. Price 4s. 6d. Nose. A Handbook of Diseases of the Nose and Pharynx. By Jas. B. Ball, M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P., Physician to the West London Hospital. Second edition. Price 7s. 6d. Nursing 1 . Handbook for Attendants on the Insane. Published by the authority of the Medico-Psychological Association. With illustrations and questions for examinations. Price 2s. Nursing. Handbook of Obstetrical and Gynaecological Nursing, being the fifth edition of " A Manual for Midwives." By the late Dr. Fleetwood Churchill. Revised and greatly en- larged by Thos. More Madden, M.D., F.R.C.S. Eng. With numerous illustrations. Price 4s. net. Nursing. Questions and Answers on Nursing, for St. John Ambulance Associations, Nursing Institutes, and Nurses gene- rally. By John W. Martin, M.D., Author of "Ambulance Work." Fourth thousand. Price Is. 6d. net. Nursing. How to Feed an Infant. With an Appendix on the Common Ailments of Infancy, with their Hygienic and Curative Treat- ment. By Benson Baker, M.D. Price Is. 6d. Nursing. How to bring up Children by Hand. By J. Foster Palmer, L.R.C.P. Price 6d. Nursing. Practical Guide for the Young Mother. From the French of Dr. Brochard, Director- General of Nurseries and Creches, with Notes and Hints by a London Physician. Price 2s. Obstetrics. Aids to Obstetrics. By Samuel Nall, M.B. Cantab., M.R.C.P. Lond., First Class Honours Nat. Sci. Cambridge, late Resident Obstetric Assistant, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Price 2s. 6d. cloth ; 2s. paper wrapper. Obstetrics. Hints for Midwives on Pregnancy and Labour. Abstracts of a Series of Lectures by H. Macnaughton Jones, M.D., M.C.H., F.R.C.S. Price Is. net. Obstetrics. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Extra-uterine Pregnancy. By John Strahan, M.D., M.Ch. (The Jenks Triennial Prize Essay awarded by the College of Physicians, 1889.) Price 4s. 6d. Obstetrics. Hints for the Use of Midwives preparatory to their Examinations. By R. J. M. Coffin, F.R.C.P. Ed. Second Edition, enlarged. Price 2s. Baillikre, Tindall, and Cox's Books. 29 Odontology. (See Dental.) Old Age. The Diseases of Sedentary and Advanced Life. By J. Milner Fothergill, M.D., M.R.C.P. Lond. Price 7s. 6d. Ophthalmology. (See Eye.) Osteology. Osteology for Students, with Atlas of Plates. By Arthur Trehern Norton, F.K.C.S., Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Surgery at, St. Mary's Hospital. Atlas and Text in one volume, 7s. 6d. ; in two volumes, 8s. 6d. "The handiest and most complete handbook on Osteology." — The Lancet. Osteology. Atlas of the Skeleton and its Articulations, showing the Bones and Ligaments of the Human Body and Limbs. By Professor Witkowski. Price 7s. 6d. (See Anatomy.) Overwork. Overwork and Premature Mental Decay : its Treatment. By C. H. F. Eouth, M.D., M.K.C.P. Lond. Fourth edition. Price 2s. 6d. Pathology. Lectures on Medical Pathology. By H. G. Sutton, M.B., F.R.C.P. Lond., late Physician to, and Lecturer on Pathology at, the London Hospital. Price 5s. " Such a work is to be accepted with gratitude for the thoughts it contains, and the facts on which they are based." — The Lancet. Pathology. Handbook of Medical Pathology for the use of Students in the Museum. By Drs. Herringham, Garrod, and Gow, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Price 7s. 6d. Pathology. Handbook of Surgical Pathology. Edited by W. J. Walsham, M.B., F.R.C.S., and D'Arcy Power, M.B. Oxon, F.E.C.S. Second edition. Price 9s. "An embodiment of the most modern pathological teaching." — The Lancet. Pathology. Aids to Pathology. By Gilbert A. Bannatyne, M.D. General : Cloth, Is. 6d. sewn, Is. Special : Cloth, 2s. 6d. j sewn, 2s. Pathology. Illustrations of Pathological Anatomy issued in parts, each containing 4 plates in colours, with descriptive text by Professors Kast, of Breslau, and Bumpel, of Hamburg. The English edition revised and edited by M. Armand Buffer, M.D. Oxon. Twelve parts by subscription, post free, £2 8s. Single parts, 6s. each. Single plates, Is. 6d. each. Pathology. Examination Cards. Arranged as questions and answers for self-examination. By A. T. Schofield, M.D., M.R.C.S. Complete in two sets of cards, price 9d. net per set. Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S., writes : " It is an invaluable means of self -tuition." Peritonitis. Localised Peritonitis : its Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By John Wallace, M.D., Professor of Midwifery in the Victoria University. Illustrated. Price Is. 30 Bailliere, Tindall, and Cox's Books. Pharmacopoeia. A Vest-Pocket Epitome of the British Pharma- copoeia. By Russell Coombe, M.A., F.R.O.S. Cloth, price Is. Pharmacopoeia. The Pocket Pharmacopoeia. A Precis of the British Pharmacopoeia, including the Therapeutical Action of the Drugs, their Natural Orders and Active Principles. By C. Armand Semple, M.D., M.R.C.P. Second edition, with the Appendix of 1890. Price 3s. 6d. Pharmacopoeia. Notes on the Pharmacopoeial Preparations for Pharmaceutical Students. By Handsel Griffiths ; revised by A. S. Gubb, M.D. Paris, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.P.H. Price 3s. 6d. Pharmacy. Latin Grammar of Pharmacy, for the use of Students, with an Essay on Latin Prescriptions. By Joseph Ince, A.K.C.L., formerly Examiner and Member of Council, Phar- maceutical Society. Sixth edition. Price 5s. Pharmacy. Aids to Pharmacy. By C. E. Armand Semple, M.B. Cantab., M.R.C.P. Lond. Cloth, price 2s. 6d.; paper, 2s. Pharmacy. Practical Pharmacy for Medical Students. By A. Campbell Stark, Demonstrator on Materia Medica and Pharmacy at St. George's Hospital. Price 3s. 6d., or interleaved for note-taking, 4s. 6d. Pharmacy. Doses and Strengths of the British Pharmacopoeia. By the Principals of the Middlesex College of Chemistry. Price 6d. Phimosis. Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment ; with a descrip- tion of the ancient rite of circumcision. By L. H. Ormsby, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., Lecturer on Clinical and Operative Surgery at, and Surgeon to, the Children's Hospital, Dublin. Price Is. Physics. A Manual of Physics. Being an Introduction to the Study of Physical Science designed for University Students. By W. Peddie, D.Sc, F.R.S.E., Lecturer on Physics in the University of Edinburgh. (University Series of Manuals.) 7s. 6d. ■ ' Altogether worthy of praise. . . . We have no hesitation in giving it high commenda- tion, feeling well satisfied, that it meets a decided want." — Nature. " Dr. Peddie's manual is deserving of the highest praise." — Lancet. " Written with a precision of statement and clearness of exposition which does the writer infinite credit." — Dundee Advertiser. "A very handy work of reference." — University Correspondent. 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Fifth edition, revised by Peter W. Squire, F.L.S., F.C.S. Price Is. ; or mounted on linen, rollers, and varnished, 3s. 6d. Pregnancy. (See Obstetrics.) Prescriptions. The Student's Pocket Prescriber. By H. AUBREY Husband, M.B., F.RC.S.E. Price Is. cloth. Psychological Medicine in John Hunter's Time and the Progress it has made. By Fletcher Beach, M.B., F.R.C.P. Price Is. Psycho-Therapeutics. (See Hypnotism.) Public Health. Aids to Sanitary Science, for the Use of Candidates for Public Health Qualifications. ByF. J. Allan, M.D., Dipl. Public Health, Camb., Assistant Professor of Hygiene, College of State Medicine. Price 4s. 6d. cloth. " A really admirable synopsis of what it is most necessary for a candidate to know."— Glasgow Medical Journal. " The information contained is correct, well expressed and well arranged."— Pa bl ic Health. "The work has been well done. . . . Will be found a serviceable and reliable aid."— Edinburgh Medical Journal. Public Health. The Practical Guide to the Public Health Acts and Correlated Acts for Officers of Health and Inspectors of Nuisances. By Thos. Whiteside Hime, B.A., M.B. Second edition, enlarged. Price Public Health. " Aids to Public Health. By J. L. Thudichum, M.D., F.R.C.P. Lond. Price Is. 6d. cloth ; Is. paper. 32 Baillikre, Tindall, and Cox's Books. Public Health. Guide to Sanitary Science Examinations. By Herbert Jones, D.P.H. Cantab. Price 2s. 6d. Pulse. How to feel the Pulse and what to Feel in it. Practical Hints for Beginners. By William Ewart, M.D., F.R.C.P. Lond., Physician to St. George's Hospital. With a glossary and twelve illustrations. Price 3s. 6d. Pulse. The Sphygmograph : its History and use as an aid to Diagnosis. By R. E. Dudgeon, M.D. Price 2s. 6d. Rabies. (See Hydrophobia.) Respiration. Keep your Mouth Shut ; a Popular Treatise on Mouth-breathing. By Fred. A. A. Smith, M.D., CM. Glas. Price 2s. 6d. Rheumatism. Its Treatment by Electric Massage, etc., in con- nection with the Wiesbaden Thermal Waters. By Carl Mordhorst, M.D. Kiel. Price Is. Rupture Of the Perineum. Its Causes Prevention and Treatment. By Michael Joseph Molony, M.E.C.P., L.R.C.S. Price 2s. cloth, Is. 6d. paper. Salt. History of Salt, with Observations on its Medicinal and Dietetic Properties. By Evan Marlett Boddy, F.R.C.S., F.S.S., L.R.C.P. Price 2s. 6d. Sewage. The Sewage Question : Reports upon the Principal Sewage Farms and Works of the Kingdom, with Notes and Chemical Analyses. By the late Dr. Letheby. Price 4s. 6d. Skin Diseases of Infancy and Early Life. By C. M. Camp- bell, M.D., CM. Edin. Price 5s. Skin. A Synopsis of Diseases of the Skin and Hair. By R. Glasgow Patteson, M.B., Surgeon to St. Vincent's Hospital. Price Is. Skin. Dermic Memoranda : An Introduction to the Study of Skin Disease, with Special Reference to the Exanthemata. By William G-emmel, M.B., Glasgow Fever Hospital. Price 3s. net. Skin. Some Diseases of the Skin produced by Derangements of the Nervous System. By T. Stretch Dowse, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. Price 2s. Stomach. The Surgical Diseases and Injuries of the Stomach and Intestines. By F. Bowreman Jessett, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Cancer Hospital. Numerous engravings. Price 7s. 6d. Bailliere, Tindall, and Cox's Books. 33 Stricture. Stricture of the Urethra : its Diagnosis and Treatment. By E. Distin Maddick, F.E.C.S. Edin., late Surgeon R.N. 4s. Surgery. The Rules of Aseptic and Antiseptic Surgery. By A. G. Gerster, M.D., Professor of Surgery at the New York Polyclinics. With 248 engravings and 3 coloured plates. Price 15s. Surgery. The Science and Practice of Surgery, a Complete Text- book. By F. J. Gant, F.R.C.S., Senior Surgeon Royal Free Hos- pital. Third edition, nearly 1,100 engravings. 2 vols., price 36s. Surgery. The Student's Surgery : a Multum in Parvo. By F. J. Gant, F.R.C.S. 850 pp., illustrated. Price 10s. 6d. Surgery. Operative Surgery on the Cadaver. By Jasper J. Garmany, A.M., M.D., F.R.C.S. Price 8s. 6d. Surgery. Aids to Surgery. By George Brown, M.R.C.S. 2 parts, price Is. 6d. cloth, and Is. sewn, each; or in 1 vol., 2s. 6d. Surgery. The Text-book of Operative Surgery. With 88 beauti- fully engraved steel plates, after Bernard and Huette. Text by Arthur Trehern Norton, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to, and Lecturer on Surgery at, St. Mary's Hospital. Second edition, half calf, plain, 25s. ; hand-coloured, 50s. Surgery. Clinical Lectures on Recent Surgery. By Arthur Trehern Norton, F.R.C.S. Price 3s. Surgery. The Anatomy of Surgery. By John McLachlan, M.B., M.R.C.S. With 74 illustrations. Two vols., price 18s. Surgery. The Surgery of the Knee-Joint, and the Responsibility placed on the Physician and General Practitioner by the Modern Process of Surgery. By C. B. Keetley, F.R.C.S., Senior Surgeon to the West London Hospital, and Surgeon to its Orthopaedic Department. Cloth, price Is. 6d. Surgery. Brain Surgery. By M. Allen Starr, M.D. With 59 illustrations. Price 10s. 6d. Surgery, Minor — and Bandaging. Questions and Answers for Self-examination. By A. T. Schofield, M.D. Price 9d. net. Surgical Pathology. Handbook of Surgical Pathology. By W. J. Walsham, M.B., F.R.C.S., and D'Arcy Power, M.B., F.R.C.S. Second edition. Price 9s. " An embodiment of the most modern pathological teaching." — The Lancet. Surgical Anatomy. (See Surgery.) Surgical Treatment. Notes on Surgical Treatment and Minor Operations. Designed especially for House Surgeons and Students. By T. F. Hopgood, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Surgeon to the Sunderland Infirmary. Price 2s. 6d. 34 Baillifere, Tindall, and Cox's Books. Syphilis. Syphilis of the Brain and Spinal Cord, showing the part which this agent plays in the production of Paralysis, Epilepsy, Insanity, Headache, Neuralgia, Hysteria, and other Mental and Nervous Derangements. By T. Stretch Dowse, M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed. Second edition, illustrated. Price 5s. Syphilis. 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Price, half morocco, £1 10s. Vol. II. — General Surgery, Gynaecology, and Obstetrics. Price, half morocco, £1 10s. Therapeutics. The Therapeutics of the Respiratory Passages. By Prosser James, M.D., Lecturer on Materia Medica and Thera- peutics at the London Hospital. Price 10s. 6d. "Dr. Prosser James has produced a scholarly treatise."— New York Medical Record. Therapeutics. Aids to Rational Therapeutics, for the guidance of Practitioners and Senior Students. By J. Milner Fothergill, M.D. Second edition. Price 2s. 6d. cloth ; 2s. paper wrapper. Throat. Movable Atlas of the Throat, and the Mechanism of Voice, Speech and Taste. By Prof. Witkowski. (See Anatomy.) Throat. Diseases of the Throat and Nose. A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment. With 220 typical illustrations in chromolithography and numerous wood engravings. By Lennox Browne, F.R.C.S. Edin., Senior Surgeon to the Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. New edition in preparation. 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Showing the right and wrong Action of the Breath and Vocal Cords in Speech and Song. By Charles Lunn. Eighth edition. Price 5s. Voice. Artistic Voice in Speech and Song. Dedicated to Mr. Sims Eeeves and Mr. Santley. By the same Author. Is. Voice. The Voice Musically and Medically Considered. By C. Armand Semple, M.B. Cantab., M.E.C.P. Lond., Physician to the Eoyal Society of Musicians. Part I. Musical, price Is. ; Part II., Medical, price 2s. ; or in one vol., cloth, 3s. 6d. Whooping-Cough. Its Pathology and Treatment. Fothergillian Prize Essay. By Thos. M. Dolan, M.D., F.E.C.S.E. Price 3s.6d. Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Aids to. By Major Greenwood, M.D., Honours. Price 2s. 6d., and 2s. 36 Bailliere, Tindall, and Cox's Books. THE STUDENTS' AIDS SERIES. Specially designed to assist Students in committing to memory and grouping the subjects upon which they are to be examined. Aids to Analysis of Food and Drugs. By H. Aubrey Husband, M.B., F.E.C.S. Is. 6d. cloth ; Is. paper. 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