HEO !«■' The «iame» Bailey Company Ca»^I^«C ANt> ^l :IOn TillMMINO& UUllRY AND riARNE^d OENEttAL STOftE »UPPLIf» rns LAND, MAINE evei^ythinq fOR THE nORftE illtiiiigiiF IN our two stores will be found lar^e and com- plete stocks of these various lines : : : : : Saddlery Goods Carriage and Sleigh Trimmings General Store Supplies ***** Automobile Accessories Bicycles and Sundries Motor Boat Supplies ERSITY LIBRARIES ILLUSTRATED SADDLERY AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG or__ CARRIAGE AND 3 9090 013 408 873 SLEIGH TRIMMINGS GENERAL STORE SUPPLIES The James Bailey Co., 264 MIDDLE STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE Largest Stock of General Saddlery Goods in New England. Everything for the Harness Maker or General Dealer. Correct Prices, Prompt Shipments Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 ESTABLISHED 1846 INCORPORATED 1892 OUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Automobile Accessories Bicycles and Sundries MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES \3 FREE STREET N. E. TELEPHONE, 199 OUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SADDLERY GOODS CARRIAGE AND ^ SLEIGH TRIMMINGS General Store Supplies 264 MIDDLE STREET= N. E. TELEPHONE, 82 i H H J H i ■ INTRODUCTION In this, the 63rd year of our business existence, we take pleasure in presenting our 1909 Catalog of Saddlery, Carriage and Sleigh Trimmings, and General Store Supplies. Our Stock of general Horse Furnishings, Harness, etc., is not excelled in extent or variety by that of any Sad- dlery Firm in New England. Portland as a shipping point is most convenient , not only to State of Maine trade, but on account of its many railway connections to all points throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. This is well understood by Dealers in these localities who are desirous of receiving their orders promptly and at favorable Express or Freight rates . TO DEALEIRS This catalog is especially made up for Dealers in the lines of goods herein listed. Prices mentioned are approximate retail values. We will be happy to quote net prices to Dealers on any particular articles in which they may be interested. All orders intrusted to us will have our most careful consideration. Mail us your orders and we will see that they are promptly filled and the right prices made you. In a catalog of this kind it is impractical to mention everything carried in stock. We invite correspondence where articles are desired that are not herein listed. ■ Goods in some instances may vary slightly in detail from the illustrations, owing to continual changes in style. We aim, however, to furnish the latest designs in style or pattern. TEIRMS 30 days net on approved credit or 2% cash discount. No goods returnable without our consent. Claims for errors, shortages or over-charges must be made within five days after receipt of goods. All orders should be accompanied with shipping directions, L e. whether freight, express or mail. Packages sent by mail are at purchaser's risk unless registered. Please address all communications for goods in this department to 264 Middle Street. Prices subject to change without notice. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BRIDLES. Buggy Bridles. Box loop cheeks, patent leather blinds, overdraw or side check, nickel bit. No. 20. Y2 inch cheeks, nickel or imitation rubber trim- mings. Price each, $3.00 No. 20. y^ inch cheeks, rubber trimmings. Price each, 3.50 No. 30. S/i inch cheeks, nickel or imitation rubber trim- mings. Price each, 3.00 No. 30. Sg inch cheeks, rubber trimmings. Price each, 3. .50 Express Bridles. Box loop cheeks, metal band front and rosettes, patent leather express blinds, round side check, ring bit. No. 15. i/z or Y^ inch cheeks, nickel or brass trimmings. Price each, 84.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. OPEN BRIDLES. No. 2. Flat cheeks and throat latch, overdraw check, nickel bit. Nickel or imitation rubber trim- mings. Price each. S2.00 Round cheeks and throat latch, folded crown, overdraw check, no bit. Nickel or imitation rub- ber trimmings. Price each. Rubber trimmings. Price each, \] $2.25 2.50 No. 8. Round cheeks and throat latch, safe on crown, round overdraw check, no bit. Imitation rubber trim- mings. Price each. Rubber trimmings. Price each. g3.25 3.50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TEAH BRIDLES. No. 5. No. 10. y^ inch box loop cheeks, harness leather sensible blinds, brass or nickel front and rosettes, ring bit, japanned buckles. Price each, S2.75 y^ inch box loop cheeks, harness leather sensible blinds, brass or nickel front and rosettes, split face piece or- namented with spots, ring bit, japanned buckles. Price each. S3.25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BRIDLE PARTS. Round Open Bridle Cheeks. No. 1. ^2 inch nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. No. L y-2. inch rubber buckles. Price per pair, No. 1. Vs inch nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. No. 1. ?8 inch rubber buckles. Price per pair, Price per pair, Price per pair, S .T.T .8.5 .75 .85 Box Loop Open Bridle Cheeks. No. 2. 5 8 inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, $ .75 No. 2. l\ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, '.85 Bridle Crowns. No. 17. For ]/z inch cheeks. Nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. Price each. No. 17. For %i inch cheeks. Nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. Price each. No. 17. For Yx inch cheeks. Nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, Curb Straps. .40 .50 .50 No. 11. No. 11. Throat Latches. No. 19. y2 inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, S .35 No. 19. s4 inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, .35 No. '20. y-2 inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles, with loops for side check. Price each, .35 No. 20. Yz inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles, with loops for side check. Price each, .35 '2 inch imitation rubber buckles. Price each, S .35 5,8 inch imitation rubber buckles. Price each, .40 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. CHECK REINS, ETC. Overdraw Checks. Yz inch nickel, imitation rubber or brass buckles. Price each. $ .85 i/s inch nickel, imitation rubber or brass buckles. Price each, .90 yi inch rubber buckles. Price each, 1.00 ^8 inch rubber buckles. Price each, 1.00 White rawhide, % inch nickel buckles. Price each, l.O" Side Checks. No. 45. Round. ',4 inch nickel, imitation rubber or brass buckles. Price each, $ .90 No. 45. Round. S/% inch nickel, imitation rubber or brass buckles. Price each, 1.00 N'o. 45. Round. '3 inch rubber buckles. Price each, 1.1<> No. 45. Round. S/k inch rubber buckles. Price each, 1.10 No. 55. Flat team check. |4^ inch japanned roller buckles. Price each, .65 Check Rein Ends. Fogg's Patent. With steel springs. Japan- ned, nickel of brass, S/g or % inch each, loops. $ .15 check. Nickel. Japanned. Price each. Price each, Elgin Check Rein Springs. Can be used on either overdraw or side $ .25 .25 10 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. REINS. Russet Leather, 1 1=8 inch Hand Parts, 7=8 inch Fronts. No. 2. Spring billets, imitation russet covered buckles. Price per pair, go.oo No. 3315. Loose billets, nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, 2.25 No 6. Spring billets, russet leather covered buckles. Price per pair, $2.50 No. 3S. Loose billets, nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, 3.50 Black Leather, 1 1=8 inch Hand Parts, 7-8 inch Fronts. No. 2. Spring billets, black buckles. Price per pr., S2.00 No. 3315. Loose billets, nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 40. Spring billets, imitation rubber buckles. Price per pair, 2.50 No. 38. Spring billets, rubber buckles. Price per pair, §3.50 No. 121. Loose billets, nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, 3.50 Soft Hand Part Reins. No. 3. Spring billets, l}i inch russet plain folded hand parts, }i inch russet fronts. Price per pair, S2.50 No. 4. Spring billets, l}i inch russet plain folded hand parts, J4 inch black fronts. Price per pair, 2.50 No. 5. Spring billets, l}i inch black plain folded hand parts, Ji inch black fronts. Price per pair, 2.50 No. 10. Spring billets, 1^ inch russet plain folded hand parts, Ji inch russet fronts. Price per pair, 3.50 No. 11. Spring billets, l}i inch russet plain folded hand parts, 74 inch black fronts. Price per pair, 3.50 No. 12. Spring billets, l}i inch black plain folded hand parts, }i inch black fronts. Price per pair, S3. 50 No. 20. Spring billets, l/s inch russet folded layer hand parts, Ji inch russet fronts. Price per pair, 4.00 No. 21. Spring billets, l}i inch russet folded layer hand parts, ]/$ inch black fronts. Price per pair, 4.00 No. 22. Spring billets, lys inch black folded layer hand parts, ^g inch black fronts. Price per pair, 4.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 11 REINS. BaSiSiiitiiliaiiliillliiiliB^ No. S. Spring billets, ly& inch flat hand parts, 3/4 inch double and stitched flat fronts, russet or black. Price per pair, g4.00 No. 101. Spring billets, l^-s inch flat hand parts, Js inch double and stitched beaded fronts, russet or black. Price per pair, S4.50 No. G. Spring billets, 1>^ inch folded layer hand parts, H inch double and stitched beaded fronts, russet or black. Price per pair, 6.00 No. 3315. Express. Loose billets, IVs inch hand parts, /s inch fronts, nickel or brass buckles, black. Price per pair, S-.2.i Double Driving Reins. Russet. No. 6. Spring or loose billets, lyi inch hand parts, Ji inch fronts, lined coupling, russet leather covered buckles. Price per sef, S6.00 No. 35. Spring or loose billets, l>i inch hand parts, ^ inch fronts, lined coupling, russet leather covered buckles. Price per set, 8.00 No. 24. Spring or loose billets, 1}4 inch hand parts, ]4 inch fronts, lined coupling, russet leather covered buckles. Price per set, SIO.OO No. GG. Spring billets, folded hand parts with layer, s/a inch double and stitched beaded fronts, russet leather covered buckles. Price per set, 10.00 12 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. DOUBLE DRIVING REINS. Black. No. 40. Spring or loose billets, l}'s inch hand parts, ^ inch fronts, lined coupling, imitation rubber buckles. Price per set, g5.50 No. 37. Spring or loose billets, l^s inch hand parts, }i inch fronts, lined coupling, rubber buckles. Price per set, $7.50 Double Team Reins. No. 48. Loose billets, 1 inch wide, 16 feet long, japanned roller buckles. Price per set, Extra lengths to order. $4.00 Four Horse Team Reins. No. 53. Loose billets, 1 inch wide, 30 feet long, japanned roller buckles. Price per set, SG.OO Other lengths to order. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 13 REIN SPREADERS. No. 15. Four Rings. No. II 1-2. Three Rings. No. Ilj4- Three enamelled rings in assorted colors on leather strap, brass slide loops. Length over all, 11^ inches. Price per pair, $ .65 No. 15. Four enamelled rings in assorted colors on leather strap, brass slide loops. Length over all, 14^4 inches. Price per pair, $ .75 No. 7. No. 7. Seven enamelled rings in assorted colors on leather strap, brass slide loops. Length over all, llyi inches. Price per pair, gl.OO. No. 11. As above with eleven rings. Length over all, 15 inches. Price per pair, gl.35. No. 8. White celluloid ring, three white celluloid dees, four celluloid slide loops, fancy red or blue strap. Length over all, 8 inches. Price per pair, SI. 50 No. 12. White celluloid ring, five white celluloid dees, six celluloid slide loops, fancy red or blue strap. Length over all, 12 inches. Price per pair, $1.75 No. 8. 14 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. MARTINGALES, ETC. Ring riartingales. No. 1. Round forks, black rubber rings. Price each, No. 2. Round forks, white celluloid rings. Price each, No. .3. White rawhide, flat forks, white celluloid rings. Price each, fl.25 L50 1.2.-. Crupper Docks. No. 1. P^la-xseed stuffed, no bucklo. Price each, $ .30 No. 1. With nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, .40 No. 1. With genuine rubber buckles. Price each, .50 Bit Martingales. No. 4. Rounded leather. Nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, SI. 00 No. 1. No. 2, Rein Holders. Plain fold, russet or black. Price per pair. S .90 Folded with layer, russet or black. Price per pair, 1.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 15 BREAST COLLARS. No. 19 Buggy, Single strap with box loops. l}i inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each; $.3.00 1}( inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, 3.25 l}i inch rubber buckles. Price each, 3.50 1 14; inch rubber buckles. Price each, 3.75 No. 20 Buggy. Folded with layer, box loops. 1^ inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, $3.00 1}( inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, 3.25 l}i inch rubber buckles. Price each, 3.50 IjS^ inch rubber buckles. Price each, 3.75 16 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BREAST COLLARS. With traces attached. No. 10. Single strap. 1>^ inch traces stitched on with raised lap, nickel buckles on bearers. Price each, $5.00 No. 10. As above with rubber buckles on bearers. Price each, 5-^0 No. 15. Folded with layer, l/s inch traces stitched on, nickel buckles on bearers. Price each, 5.50 No. 15. As above with rubber buckles on bearers. Price each, 5-^0 Swiss. No, 5215. Folded with layer. Double and stitched neck strap points, l}i inch nickel or brass buckles. Price each, $5.50 No. 4004. Better grade. .Solid nickel or English brass buckles. Price each, '-00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 17 BREAST COLLARS. No. 32 Express. Folded with layer, box loops. 1^ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price each, If^ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price each, 1}4 inch nickel or brass buckles. Price each. No. 33. As above with split neck strap. 1^ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price each. $3.50 3.75 4.00 5.50 No. 1250 Double Buggy. P^olded with layer, box loops, japanned breast collar irons. l}i inch nickle or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, $10.00 l}( inch nickle or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, 10.00 lyi inch rubber buckles. Price each, 11.00 1}( inch rubber buckles. Price each, 11. OO 18 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. IRON HAMES COMPLETE WITH HAME TUGS. No. 80. No. 80. Japanned body, nickel terrets and draft eyes, patent leather box loop hame tugs, leather straps, lya inch nickel buckles. Price per pair, No. 80. With \}( inch nickel buckles. Price per pair, No. 81. Full imitation rubber, patent leather box loop hame tugs, leather straps, lyi inch imitation rubber buckles. Price per pair. No. 81. With 1^ inch imitation rubber buckles. Price per pair. No. 82. Full nickel electro plate, patent leather box loop hame tugs, leather straps, lys inch nickel buckles. Price per pair, No. 8"2. With l}{ inch nickel buckles. Price per pair, \ No. 88. Full nickel or brass close plate, patent leather box loop hame tugs, leather straps, Iji inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair. No. 83. With 1}( inch nickel or brass buckles. Price ]5cr pair, Iron Express Hames. No. 90. Leather covered bod)-, nickel or brass jug handle terrets and draft eyes, box loop hame tugs, leather straps, l}( inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair. No. 90. With l^'S inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair. No. 90. With lyi inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, S2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 19 WOOD HAMES. Low top Concord. For single harness. Painted black. No. 5. Price per pair, Si. 10 No. S^ Piice per pair, Si. 10 No. 6. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. Price per pair. Price per pair. Price per pair, Price per pair, 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.40 No. No. No. No. 6. 8. 9- 10. Price per pair. Price per pair. Price per pair, l^rice per pair, 1.20 1.25 1.25 1 .40 Brass or nickel long Spot. Brass or nickel long spot. No. 5. No. b. No. 8. No. 9. Price per pair, Price per pair, Price per pair, Price per pair, $1.85 I 90 1.95 2.00 No. No. No. No. 5- 6. 8. 9. Price per pair, I'rice per pair. Price per pair'. Price per pair. S1.85 I 90 '•95 2.00 No. 10. Price per pair. 2.10 No. 10. Price per pair. 2.10 Low top Concord. For double harness. Painted black. High top hook. For cart har- ness. Painted black. No. 6. Price per pair, Jl.lO No. S. Price per pair. I.30 No. 9- Price per pair, 1.25 No. 10. Price per pair. 1-35 No. 95. Steel bound. Painted red with black irons. Brass ball. Price per pair, Tinned ball. Price per pair Si-3S "■35 20 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. WOOD HAME5. 1^ O "^ o o CO O^ 0^ O ^ — fc- — P] n M a o J O .>.->- • .:< .b .b .i .i: 'n 1> n ~ o, a. o. a. ^ 2 1- ^ I- *- 0) . u u oj oj D. r S aaac^ 0) OJ OJ OJ u w u u u o -r- Bras . Pri Pri Pri Pri 0. P v c t/l LOO OO O H- u 6 6 d d d o u. z:^:^^;?: O O "^ u^ o u ^ N N <^l Tt o '» B O U a o 1- ;^ u £ eg u CO T ■a .= .b .i: .b -ffi *j Cl. C Q, Cl. O u. ^ ^. ^ a; «ss.S.i^ aj u D u u U U (J o 'C »~ ^ 'H! "C c_. O, CU Ch Oh . . - . o LOO CO o - O o o o z^^zzz "^ O L/^ o o 00 q^ ON o ^ — -N — ri ri ^ •*J o Q. S bt "S c a o eu _! E rt u , u.* " . ^ iJ~ i-T t_* V-' -^ « u ._ .— .__ .— nJ rf rt rt C13 rt n. "i:; d. a G, a . w) ^ ^ >_ >- ^ fi OJ ■!> 'U OJ Q, IJ S;o _ W, « 1_ jy ^ !5 U 4J (U 0) '-J — U U O CJ T* 3 |2 SiSg'^s ^oa . . . . d o Q o "^O 00 o ^ d d d d d Z^^Z^ U. o O W~l LTl O LTl o •o PI PI PI Tj- r^ o b o «*, u c o u a o . i-x ^^ M-l ^ca = ,.b ■— -b .i: rt "c5 'rt 4> rt rt cS cfl Q, Cl. Cl. a ^ 1! ^G.^^ ^ ^ V- I- 1_ OJ 0) OJ 0) 'U oj CI, CL a. — a; OJ IJ (U U (J o u cj u u "C 'Z 'C ■ ^ ■ = ■ = C- 0, 0, "^ c- a- Ah . . . 6 -■ P4 ■-oo CO c^ -^ — •- 1 c C O O 2^22:2:22; lO ir^ o o PO "^ lOO pi PI pj N a 4-1 o O a "■ fi ,:< u, n B O ^ C V.--- OJ -^ C3 ra 03 d. £ _ s. a. Q. r^ «^ «i •_ I. .. s ^ D U U Q. ? u -=-=-^ ■a ■7 U 1) 1) o i> a T3 ii •o :<: o^ - S 6 d d d a. 22ZZ , "^ ^'^ o o 1) B ri r^ TT Lo fl « ri « u C3 r u M t 55 a u M O C - . . b U. q -t .i .i: rt _J rt 03 rt C I- ■„ fc- i* l; 1/ 0) CI. CO ^ p 'p .^ O O O ft PI N p) ro 5 -* ] - o n ^ a. ,:< t« u M rt t3 B . , c ;_: c =« CO O -I >2 « rt o. c cu-S £ ^^a.u ^ ^ w) 4-* 1) - »- fc, 1J 0) u c » 0) aj 1, c a. cl ^ ■" '- OJ 4) ■a u Z Price Price Price Pric Pric Pric Mul •a s 6 6 6 6 6 6 ^ ^z,:^zz,z rr\ » lo lo o O lO O V) v PI n PI PI pj rn B £ 4.1 T o n a Q t/J M n c _ ► . i-T i-T iT U- o .i:; .^ .i: « '5 "5 -i 03 rt rt Q, (Hi^ rv — — D. ^ ■a B Z i» IJ g^ CL Q. Q. "~ ^" 1) OJ 1) CO S y u o ■;:;•- -j^ >- >- >- &- cu a. 0^0^ PL^ ^ . . . d - ri 6 6 6 6 6 6 ZZlzlz;;?;^ THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 21 HAME TUQ5 AND STRAPS. No. 4. No. 2. Hame tug for iron hames, patent leather tug ends, box loops, japanned clips. For 1'-^ inch buckles. Price per pair, SI. 25 No. 2. For lj{ inch buckles. Price per pair, 1.25 No. 4. Hame tug for iron hanies, patent leather tug ends, box loops, buckle safes, nickel or brass clips. No. 4. For lys inch buckles. Price per pair, 1.50 No. 4. For l}^ inch buckles. Price per pair, 1.50 Hame Tugs for Wood Bolt Hames. No. 61. Box loops, buckle safes, 1^ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, $2.00 No. 61. Box loops, buckle safes, lyi inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 61. Box loops, buckle safes, 1}^ inch nickel or brass buckles. Price per pair. 2.50 No. 62. Box loops, buckle safes, 1}^ inch nickel or brass French wire buckles. Price per pair, 2.00 No. 62. Box loops, buckle safes, lyi inch nickel or brass French wire buckles. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 62. Box loops, buckle safes, 1^ inch nickel or brass P"rench wire buckles. Price per pair, 2.50 Hame Straps. Nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles, ya x 20 inches. Rubber buckles, 3g x 20 inches. Price per pair, Japanned roller buckles, ^ x 20. inches. Price per pair, Japanned roller buckles, ^g x 20 inches. Price per pair. Japanned roller buckles, 1 x 24 inches. Price per pair. Japanned roller buckles, 1^ x 24 inches. Price per pair, Japanned roller buckles, 1}( x 24 inches. Price per pair. Japanned roller buckles, l}4 x 24 inches. Price per pair, Price per pair, S .50 .50 .40 .50 .50 .50 .60 .80 22 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TRinniNQS FOR WOOD HAHES. Bottom Loops. With screw bolt. For 1,1 's or 1){ inch strap. Price per pair, $ .10 Plain Bolt Rollers. |||| Sizes 2, •!}{, or 3 inches, per pair, 2>^, 23/ Price S.IO Flanged Bolt Rollers. Ijl Sizes, 2, 2},l, 2yi, 2-V4 or 3 inches, pair, Price per $.10 Bolts. Lengths 3j4.'to4>^ inches. Price per pair. Bolt Starts. $. 10 Threaded or plain. Price per pair, $ .15 Back Strap Rings. Iron, per pair, $ .10 Single Stud Line Rings. ron, per pair, S .10 ' Solid brass, per pair, .50 Nickel plated, per pair, .50 Double Stud Line Rings. Iron, per pair, $ .10 Solid brass, per pair, .50 Nickel plated, per pair, .50 Pole Strap Links and Rings. Wrought Iron, per pair, S .15 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 23 HAME TRinniNGS. ^M Inside Hame Clips. For 3)4 lb. iron hames. Nickel or brass. Price per pair, S .-5 F"or 4 lb. iron hames. Nickel or brass. Price per pair, .30 rfiP ^^^^ Hame Chains. For iron hames. Nickel or brass. Price each, S .50 Hame Terrets. For iron hames. Nickel, brass or imitation rubber. For Sj4 lb. hames. Price per pair, For 4 lb. hames. Price per pair, Kidney Links and Rings. For iron hames. Nickel. Price each (one link and one ring). $ .75 Dandy Hame Tips. Inside diameter, 1, IJs, 1^ .50 Brass, .50 Nickel, inches $1.00 1.00 1.10 per pair 1.00 1.00 1.10 per pair Outside Hame Clips. For 3% lb. iron hames. Nickel or brass. Price per pair. For 4 lb. iron hames. Nickel or brass. Price per pair, ..50 .50 Success Hame Fasteners. For wood hames. Strong and easily adjusted. Price each, $ .50 Ball Hame Tips. In'side diameter, i, i^, i^ inches Brass, $ .50 .50 .60 per pair Nickel, .50 .50 .60 per pair 24 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TRACES. No. 10. Buggy, single strap, G feet long, lya inch. Price per pair, $2.50. No. 11. Buggy, single strap, 6 feet long, 1}{ inch. Price per pair, 2.75. No. 12. Buggy, double and stitched. feet long, 1' i n c h . 'rice per pair, $\i nO. No. 13. Buggy, double and stitched, 6 feet long, 1 '4' inch. Price per pair, 3.00. No. 15. PLxpress, 6 feet long, 13 8 inch single strap body, IJ4 inch buckle end. Price per pair, §3.50. No. 16. Express, 6 feet long, 1^ inch single strap body, 1^ inch buckle end. Price per pair, 3.75. No. 17. Express, 6 feet long, lj4 inch single strap body, 1>^ inch buckle end. Price per pair, 3.75. No. 18. Express, 6 feet long, 13/^ inch single strap body, \}4 inch buckle end. Price per pair, 4.00. No. 19. Express, 6 feet long, 2 inch single strap body, l}4 inch buckle end. Price per pair, 4.00. No. 20. Express, 6 feet long, 2;4 inch single strap body, 13,4 inch buckle end. Price per pair, 5.00. No. 21. Express, 6 feet long, 2 inch single strap body, 1 ;'2 inch buckle end. Price per pair, $4.00. No. 22. Plxpress, 6 feet long, 2}^ inch single strap bod\-, 1 '4 inch buckle end. Price per pair, 5 00. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 25 TRACES. No. 30. Express, double and stitched, 6 feet long, wide shaft protector at forward end which bolts into hame, chain at rear, 1% inch. Price per pair. No. 31. Express, as above, 1^ inch. Price per pair, No. 32. Express, double and stitched, 6^2 feet long, wide shaft protector at forward end which bolts into hame, cockeye at rear, I'i inch. Price per pair, No. 33. Express, as above, 1^ inch. Price per pair, S7.00 7.50 7.00 7.50 TEAH TRACES. No. oL Double and stitched 2 rows, single strap girth attached, hook or dee at rear, 5 feet long— 2 inch. Price per pair, S7.00 No. 52. Double and stitched 3 rows, single strap girth attached, hook or dee at rear, 5 feet long— 214: inch. Price per pair, 8.00 No. 61. Double and stitched 2 rows, single strap girth attached, hook or dee at rear, 6 feet long— 2 inch. Price per pair, 8.00 No. 62. Double and stitched 3 rows, single strap girth attached, hook or dee at rear, 6 feet long— 254: inch. Price per pair, 9.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. SHAFT TUGS. No. 7. No. 8. No. 7 Portland. Double and stitched, box loops, solid billets, nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. /8 inch. Price per pair, 1 inch. Price per pair, IH inch. Price per pair, IjE^ inch. Price per pair. With Rubber Buckles. ys inch. 1 inch. Price per pair, Price per pair, SI. 00 1 (10 1.15 1.25 SI. -25 1.25 1.40 1.50 l}'8 inch. Price per pair, l}{ inch. Price per pair. No. 8. Track, for wrap or Griffeth girth. Double and stitched, box loops, nickel, brass or imitation rubber buckles. ^'8 inch. Price per pair, SI. 00 1 inch. Price per pair, 1.00 With Rubber Buclcles. ^ inch. Price per pair, SI. -5 1 inch. Price per pair, 1.25 No. 9. No. 9 Express. Double and stitched, dee billets, nickel or brass centre bar buckles. l}( inch. Price per pair, ly^ inch. Price per pair, 1)4 inch. Price per pair. No. 10. Express. SI. 75 2.00 2.00 Double and stitched, dee billets, japanned roller buckles. IJi inch. Price per pair, SI. 50 Metallic. Ij4 inch, brass buckles. Iji inch, brass buckles. 1^ inch, brass buckles. 1}( inch, nickel buckles. 1^2 inch, nickel buckles. l-'4 inch, nickel buckles. Price per pair, S2. 00 Price per pair, 2.U0 Price per pair, 2.25 Price per pair, 2.00 Price per pair, 2.00 Price per pair, 2.25 Metallic. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 27 GIRTHS. No. 41. Folded, leather loops. '/% inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. No. 4L Folded, leather loops. 1 inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles. No. 42. Folded, leather loops. 1 inch japanned roller buckles. No. 42. Folded, leather loops. \y?, inch japanned roller buckles. No. 42. Folded, leather loops. 1% inch japanned roller buckles. No. 42. Folded, leather loops. 1J4 inch japanned roller buckles. Price per pair, $1.00 Price per pair, 1.15 Price per pair, 1.00 Price per pair, l.l.i Price per pair, 1.25 Price per pair, 1 50 No. 44. Inside folded, outside single leather, looped together, nickel or imitation rubber buckles. T/z inch. Price per pair, $1.00 1 inch. Price per pair, 1.15 No. 43. Grit^eth. Folded, leather loops, yi inch single billets, nickel or imitation rubber buckles. Price each, $1.75 Rubber buckles. Price each, 2.00 TRACE GIRTHS. No. 45. Single leather, japanned roller buckles. 1^ inch. Price each. No. 45. Single leather, japanned roller buckles. I'/ii inch. Price each. $1.00 1.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BREECHING STRAPS, ETC. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 7. Breeching Straps. Single strap, leather loops, Za inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles Price ner oair Sing e s rap, eather oops, 1 inch nickel or imitation rubber buckles Pnce per pa^r S.ng e s rap, leather loops, 1 inch japanned roller buckles. Price per pair ^ ^ ' Smg e s rap, eather oops, U.j inch japanned roller buckles. Price per pair Smg e strap, eather loops, 1}( inch japanned roller buckles. Price Jer pa r Smgle strap, leather loops, 1 14 inch japanned roller buckles. Price per pair .00 ,00 00 15 25 50 No, No. ,^ ^ , ^•'"S Breeching or Side Straps for Double Team Harness. Price'peTs'eTlf'C' '""''' '""''"^ '°°' °" '°''""''' '"' "''^ ^"^P '' ''^'- ''- ^^^ - ^-^g^h '■'pric^'peTseTonoun"' '''"''' ^'''"''"^^ ''°^'' °" ^°''""''^' ^"^ ^"^ ^"^P ^^ '■^^r- ^^^^ f^et 2 inches wide. in length, *'/4 inches wide. S 9.00 10 00 No. 6. Team Pole Straps. ngle leather, 4 feet 10 in- ches long, japanned roller buckles. 1/^ inch. Price per pair, §2.00 1% inch. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 7. Buggy Yoke Straps. Single leather, 3]4 feet long, nickel buckles. IK inch. Price per pair, ij: inch. Price per pair, SI. 75 •2 00 i No. 4. Lazy Straps. Single leather, 3 feet long, japanned roller buckles. 1 inch. Price per pair, S .80 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HARNESS. We make a specialty of Har= ness, carrying a large stock of the many styles and grades necessary to meet the demands of the Trade. Everything from the Light Track to the Heaviest Team Harness may be found in our line. We issueannually an illustrated descriptive catalog of these goods which we will be happy to send to the Trade upon application. 30 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HORSE COLLARS. Measurements. To measure a collar, place the end of the rule against the inside of the top of the collar and measure to the inside of the rim at the throat. This will give the size of the collar in inches, which should correspond with the measurements of the horse's neck. No. 29. Split leather back and rim, ticking face, open top with patent fas- tener. Draft about 15 inches. Price each, SI. 25 No. 79 Wagon. Black kip back, rim and face, buckle top. Draft about 12 inches. Price each, $2.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 31 HORSE COLLARS. No. 31. All hogskin, black back and rim, russet face, buckle top. Draft about 14 inches. Price each, S2.2.'i No. 11 Team. Black kip back and rim, russet leather face, open top with patent fastener. Draft about 1-5 inches. Price each, $3.00 No. 86 Grocery. Black neats' leather back, rim and face, turned edge. Draft about 12 inches. Open buckle top. Price each, $2.75 Closed top. Price each, 3.00 3-2 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HORSE COLLARS. No. 07 Fall River. Black neats' leather back, rim and face, turned edge. Draft about 14 inches. Open buckle top. Price each, ;S3.00 Closed top. Price each, 3.50 No. C Bangor Team Black grain leather back, rim and face, open top with patent fastener, wool face. Draft about 15 inches. Price each, (under 23 inches), 23 inches. Price each, S3. 50 4.00 No. B Bangor Team. Black grain leather back, rim and face, open top with patent fastener, wool face. Draft about 16 inches. Price each, (under 23 inches), 23 inches. Price each, 24 inches. Price each. S3.75 4.25 4.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 33 HORSE COLLARS. No. 6() Open Throat Bangor. Black grain leather back, rim and face, open top, Blair's patent collar coupling at throat. Draft about 1 6 inches. Price each, (sizes under 23 inches), 23 inches. Price each, 24 inches. Price each. J4.25 475 5-25 No. 21. Imitation Boston Truck. Black grain leather back, rim and face, open top with patent fastener, wool face. Draft about 17 inches. Price each, (sizes under 23 inches), S4.-5 23 inches, 4-75 24 inches, 5--5 Bailey Team. Black grain leather back, rim and face, open top with patent fastener, double liner with a pocket of genuine curled hair. Draft about 16 ',4 inches. Price each, (sizes under 23 inches), 23 inches. Price each, 24 inches. Price each, $4. 50 5 00 5.50 34 T HE J AMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HORSE COLLARS. No. 28 Irish Team. Black grain leather back and rim, ticking face, open top with patent fastener, curled hair face. Draft about 17 inches. Price each, S4.50 No. 1 Boston Truck. Black grain leather back, rim and face, open or closed top. Draft about 17J^ inches. Price each, (sizes under 23 inches) g5.00 23 inches. Price each, ,5 50 24 inches. Price each, q qO No. 6 White Duck. White duck back and rim, russet leather face, turned edge, closed top. Draft about llJ4 inches. Price each, $BM THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 35 HORSE COLLARS. No. 80 Buggy. Patent leather back and rim, russet sheepskin face, stitched edge, closed top. Draft about 9^ inches. Price each, $2.50 No. 20 Buggy. Patent leather back, princess rim, russet kip face, turned edge, closed top. Draft about 10 inches. Price each, 83.75 No. 10 Surry. Patent leather back and rim, russet kip face, turned edge, closed top. Draft about U; each. inches. ' Price S3.75 36 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. COLLAR PADS. Fawn wool felt, ii inch draft. Sizes, 19 to 24 inches. Price each, $ .60 Fawn wool felt, 9 inch draft. Sizes, 19 to 23 inches. Price each, Blue wool felt, 7 inch draft. Sizes, 19 to 23 inches. Price each, Brown and white drill, hair stuffed, 12 inch draft. Sizes, 50 ig to 25 inches. Price each. 50 Sole Leather. For top of collar. No. 3- 5 inch. Price each, $ .50 No. A- 5i inch. Price each. .50 No. s- 6 inch. Price each, •50 No. 6. 6A inch. Price each, .60 $ .50 Old gold drill, red edge, hair stuffed, I 2 inch draft. Sizes, 19 to 25 inches. Price each, $ .50 Old gold "Feltless," red edge, hair stuffed, 12 inch draft. Sizes, 19 to 25 inches. Price each, $ .50 Zinc. For top of collar. No 6. 48 inch. Price each, S SO No. 6+. 4^ inch. Price each. SO No. 7- SJ inch. Price each. SO No. 7*. 5i inch. Price each. 60 No. 8. 6 inch. Price each. 60 No. 8f 6i inch. Price each, 65 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE^ SADDLE PAD5. 37 \t^^tMtMMMM**MMMMMM»MM£S^ Plain Felt. Assorted colors, 4ixi4 inches. Price each, S. 20 5|xi6 inches. Extra heavy fawn, 4ixi4 inches. Price each, Price each, $.25 .2 5 Plush Roll. ^ Patent leather top, felt bottom, f a n cy colored plush edge; length, I4inches ; widths, 3A, 4, 4* and 5 inches. Price each. S.60 No. 49. Patent leather top, rawhide lined, fancy colored binding; length, 14 inches; widths, 4, 4i and 5 inches. Price each. if Y»iW**M^iHrMMM*MM^MMM***MMMMM^M* I Patent Leather Top. Assorted colors, felt bottom. Size 4^x14 inches. Price each Size 4ixi8 inches. Price each, ^.30 $■25 Size 5^x16 inches. Price each, .35 Patent leather top with raised white patent leather roll, fine white felt bottom; length, 16 inches; width, 4, 4* and 5 inches. Price each, §.75 $7 5 No. 106. Patent leather top, turned back felt bottom ; length, 14 inches ; widths, 4, 4* and 5 inches. Price each. $.60 38 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. EXPRESS SADDLE PADS. No. Oil. Heavy gray felt with leather straps. Width, 5 inches. Price each, Width, 6 inches. Price each, Width, 7 inches. Price each, Width, 8 inches. Price each. Length, 20 inches. .40 .40 .50 .50 No. 103. Extra heavy and thick fawn felt with leather straps. Length, 20 inches. Width, 5 inches. Price each, $ .60 Width, »i inches. Price each, .65 Width, 7 inches. Price each, .75 Width, S inches. Price each, .75 No. Oil. Heavy fawn felt with leather straps. Length, 20 inches. Width, 5 inches. Price each. Width, 6 inches. Price each, Width, 7 inches. Price each, Width, 8 inches. Price each. .50 .50 .60 .65 No. 94. Double graduated fawn felt with leather straps. 20 inches. Width, 5 inches. Price each. Width, 6 inches. Price each, Width, 7 inches. Price each. Width, 8 inches. Price each, Length, .50 .60 .60 .65 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 39 EXPRESS SADDLE PADS. * H Larkin's Patent. Does not touch the back-bone. Keeps the center of the saddle away from the horse. Blue or fawn felt. Sizes, 41^ and 5. Price each, $ .75 Sizes, 6, 7 and 8. Price each, .x.S Curled Hair. Made from natural color especially prepared South Amer- ican horse hair. Possesses remarkable curative proper- ties and can be easily cleansed by washing. Length, 20 inches. Width, 5 inches. Price each, S Width, 6 inches. Price each, Width, 7 inches. Price each, Width, 8 inches. Price each. BREAST COLLAR PADS :>'« IS Assorted colors. Price each, Plain Felt. Length, 36 inches. Width, inches. S .35 JkWVXWXXVOtMVWtX-** Patent Leather Top. Assorted colors felt bottom. Length, 30 Width, 3 inches. Price each. inches. ..60 .65 .75 .75 $ .50 4i» THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. COACH PAD HOUSINGS. Patent leather. Red, yellow, black or white layer. No. 511. Width, 3 inches. Price per pair, Si. 50 No. 512. Width, 3)^ inches. Price per pair, 1.75 No. 513. Width, 4 inches. Price per pair, 2.00 Patent leather. Nickel or brass chain edge. (Various patterns of chains.) Width, 4 inches. Price per pair. Width, -iyi inches. Price per pair, Width, 5 inches. Price per pair, g2.75 2.75 3.00 Swell End Coach or Team Housings. Patent leather. Red, yellow or white binding and layer. No. 205. Width across swell, byi inches. Price per pair, 1.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 41 HORSE BLANKETS. (3iir line of Horse Blankets is care- fully selected from the product of leading manufac- turers with espe- cial reference to the demands of New England Trade. We carry during the season a very large stock of Stable, Street and Storm Blank- ets representing a wide variety o f styles and grades. Our Annual Cata- log of these goods will be mailed on application. 42 -IM^i^^^^i^^^L^Y^OMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BITS. No. No. No. No. 5248. No. 80. No. 604. Team Bits. Forged Rings. Stiff or Jointed Mouth 47. Jf.Pfn"ed or X. C. plate, malleable mouth. Price each 25. Nickel plate, malleable mouth. Price each 25. Brass close plate, malleable mouth. Price 'each Nickel plate, forged mouth. Price each. Nickel plate, 6 inch mouth, e.xtra heavy.' Price each Sliver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each. No. 852. No. 852. No. 519. No. 606. No. 607. Dexter Mouth Bits. Solid Cheeks. Stiff or Jointed Mouth. X. C. plate, malleable. Price each. Nickel plate, malleable. Price each, Fine nickel plate, malleable. Price each. Sliver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each. Sliver or gold non-corrosive metal, e.xtra heavy.' Price each, $ .20 •25 •75 .50 .50 1.50 ' -25 .50 ■75 1-75 1-75 Driving Bits. Solid Cheeks. Stiff or Jointed Mouth. No. 502. X. C. plate, malleable. Price each. No. 491. Nickel plate, malleable. Price each No. 492. Nickel plate, malleable.- Price each! No. 507. Nickel plate, forged mouth. Price each, No. 427. Nickel plate, forged mouth. Price each' No. 328. Nickel plate, steel. Price each. No. 530. Nickel plate, steel. Price each. No. 516. Electro brass cheeks, imitation rubber mouth. Price each, No. 3.528. Solid oroide cheeks, imitation rubber mouth. Price each, No. 602. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal, spoon cheeks. Price each. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal, narrow Price each. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal, egg butt. No. 603. cheeks. No. 608. Price each, $ .25 .25 .25 .50 .,50 .75 1.00 .60 .75 1.50 1.50 1.50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 43 BITS. Single Wire Mouth Bits. Solid cheeks. No. 521. X. C. plate. Price each, $ .25 ■ No. 521. Nickel plate. Price each, .50 No. 609>2. Silveror gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, 1.50 Pony Bits. Solid cheeks. Stiff or jointed mouth. No. 510. Nickel plate, malleable. Price each. No. 426. Nickel plate, forged mouth. Price each, ..25 .50 No. 528. No. 523. No. 610>^. Double Wire Houth Bits. Solid cheeks. X. C. plate. Price each, $ .25 Nickel plate. Price each, .50 Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, 1.50 Race Bits. 8j4 inch rings. Stiff or jointed mouth. No. 226. Nickel plate, malleable mouth, wrought rings. Price each, ^-^O No. 4246. Nickel plate, hand forged mouth and rings. Price each, -^5 44 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BIT5. No. 300 >^. No. 101>^. No. 10514. Rubber Mouth Bits. Made on wrought chain. Nickel cheeks. Price each, $ .75 Silver non-corrosive cheeks. Price each, 1.50 Nickel cheeks, Dexter mouth. Price each, '2.50 Humane Bits. No. 1. Leather mouth, nickel rings. Price each, SI. 00 No. 3. Nickel stiff mouth, nickel rings. Price each, 1.00 No. 3^2. Nickel jointed mouth, nickel rings. Price each, 1.00 Leather Mouth Bits. Flexible steel centres. No. 505. Nickel rings. Price each, Copeland. Nickel rings. Price each, No. 506. Leather cheeks, nickel rings. Price each, Fogg. Leather cheeks, nickel rings. Price each, Fogg. Nickel half cheeks. Price each, -Stalker. Leather cheeks, nickel rings. Price each, $ .60 .60 .75 1.00 1.00 1.25 Leather Mouth Bits. Fairbank's patent. X. C. plated half cheeks. Price each, Nickel plated half cheeks. Price each, Sl.OO 1..50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 45 BITS. Wilson Four Ring Bits. No. 155. X. C. plate, malleable mouth. Price each, $ .25 No. 155. Nickel plate, malleable mouth. Price each, .50 No. 42471^. Nickel plate, forged mouth. Price each, .75 No. 644,'/^. Silver or ffold non-corrosive metal. Price each, 1.75 Sanborn Controlling Bits. X. C. plate, malleable mouth. Price each, Nickel plate, malleable mouth. Price each. $.(30 .75 FOUR- IN ONE PATENTED NOVEMBER 1ST ic^o^ Very Severe The above cuts illustrate the lour different adjustments, all made by changing the manner ol fastening the lines, X. C. plate, single joint. Price each, $1.00 X. C. plate, double joint. Price each, 1.00 46 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BITS. Racine Driving Bits. X. C. plate. Price each, S .50 Nickel plate. Price each, 1.00 Crabb Bit. Nickel plate. Price each, S2.25 Imperial Bits. X. C. plate. Price each, $ .75 Nickel plate. Price each, 1.50 Crit Davis Check Bit. Nickel plate. Price each, S^.OO THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 47 BIT5. stalker's Controller. Leather mouth, nickel cheeks, Price each, Perfection Bit. Nickel plate. Price each, $2.50 James Safety Bit. Nickel plate. Price each, Raymond Bit. S2.00 i Nickel plate, complete with straps. Price each. 82.00 86.00 48 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BITS. No. 1. No. 1. No. 673. No. 210. Overdraw Bits. Stiff mouth. Nickel plate, wrought mouth. Price each, $.15 Oroide rings, imitation rubber mouth. Price each, .20 Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, .60 Nickel rings, rubber flexible mouth. Price each, .50 J No. 2. Nickel plate, straight mouth. Price each, No. 677. Silver or gold non-corrosi\e metal. Price each, .20 .60 No. 3. Nickel plate, curved mouth. Price each, S .20 No. 675. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, .60 Tongue Bits. No. 800. X. C. plate, loose rings. Price each, No. 801. X. C. plate, half cheeks. Price each. No. 4800. Nickel plate, loose rings. Price each, Bit Burnishers. Elkskin back, steel rings, Price each. g .50 .60 1.25 S .75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 49 BITS. Riding Bridle Bits. Four Rings. No. 654. X. C. plate. Price each, $ .40 No. 41C. Nickel plate. Price each, 1.00 No. 1100. Silver or gold non- corrosive metal. Price each, 3.75 anoverian Bits. Stiff Cheeks. No. 30 B. Nickel plate. Price each, $ .75 No. 73t). Silver or gold non- corrosive metal. Price each, 3.50 Hanoverian Bits. Loose Cheeks. No. 760. X.C. plate. Price each, $ .35 No. 759. X.C. plate. Extra heavy. Price each, .40 No. 760. Nickel plate. Price each, .60 No. 759. Nickel plate. Extra heavy. Price each, .60 No. 1190. Nickel plate, fine finish. Price each, .75 No. 4768. Nickel plate, forged. Price each, l.OO No. 737. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, 3.50 Riding Bridle Bits. Two Rings. No. 416. Nickel plate. Price each, $ .85 No. 1200. Silver or gold non- corrosive metal. Price each, 3.50 50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BITS. Liverpool Bits. Stiff cheeks. No. 404. Nickel plate, one loop. Price each, No. 771. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each. 5 -75 3-50 No. 754. No. 1754. No. 750. Liverpool Bits. Stiff cheeks. Nickel plate, two loops. Price each. Nickel plate, fine finish, two loops. Price each, Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each. 5 -75 1. 00 3-5° No. 755. No. 1755. No. 751. Liverpool Bits. Loose cheeks. Nickel plate, two loops. Price each, Nickel plate, fine finish, two loops. Price each. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, S -75 1.00 3-5° Elbow Bits. Stiff cheeks. No. 178. Nickel plate, three loops. Price each, $1.00 No. 1749. Nickel plate, fine finish, three loops. Price each, 1.25 No. Si I. Silver or gold non-corrosive metal. Price each, 3.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 51 HARNESS TRIMMINGS. We show above a few of the many articles that make up our line of Harness Trimmings. This line is so varied that we do not attempt to catalog it. We carry a large and complete stock of everything necessary for the Harness Making Trade. 52 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY. PORTLAND, MAINE. ROSETTES. This cut shows solid loop. No. no. Solid loop, brass or nickel, 1^ inch. Price per pair, $ .15 Nos. 138, 148. Solid loop, brass or nickel. No. 138. 2 inch. Price per pair, $ .15 No. 148. '1% inch. Price per pair, .20 Nos. 115, 130, 140. Solid loop, brass or nickel. No. 115. l^inch. Price per pair, $ .15 No. 130. 2 inch. Price per pair, .15 No. 140. 2,i/( inch. Price per pair, .20 Nos. 139, 149. Solid loop, brass or nickel. No. 139. 2 inch. Price per pair, $ .15 No. 149. 2yl inch. Price per pair, .20 No. 60 Brass. No. 62 Nickel. Riveted loop, brass or nickel. 1 ^ inch. Price per pair, 2 inch. Price per pair, 2, '4 inch. Price per pair, $ .10 .12 ■5 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 53 ROSETTES. No. 491. Brass or nickel, ly^ inch. Price per pair, S .10 No. 495. Brass or nickel, lyi inch. Price per pair, $ .10 No. No. No. 1270. 1269. 1268. No. 1268. Fine brass or nickel. 1^ inch. Price per pair, $ .25 2 inch. Price per pair, ..30 2J4' inch. Price per pair, .35 Brass, 2 Brass, 1% inch Nickel, 2 Nickel, -2% No. 2. Solid metal, inch. Price per pair, $ .25 Price per pair, .25 Price per pair, .25 Price per pair, .25 No. 774. Solid metal, gold plated, 1>'2 inch. Price per pair. $ .40 inch, inch. No. 1455. Fine brass or nickel. No. 1456. 13/; inch. Price per pair. No. 1455. 2 inch. Price per pair. No. 1454. 'lyi inch. Price per pair. .80 .35 54 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. R05ETTE5. No. 160. No. 161. No. 01. No. 153. Black, solid hard rubber. Any of above styles. Price per pair, Black, solid hard rubber. Gilt base. Any of above styles. Price per pair. S .30 .35 No. 300. Black Duranoid. Price per pair, $ .15 No. 310. Black Duranoid. Price per pair, $ .15 Plain glass. Gilt or nickel background. \yi inch. Price per pair, S .20 Glass initial. 1^2 inch. Price per pair, $ .20 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 55 R05ETTES. No. 1355. No. 1230. No. 1256. No. 1243. No. 1229. No. 1358. No. 1357. Gold plated, finely finished. Any of above styles, excepting No. 1416. Price per pair, No. 1416. Gold plated, black inlaid letter. Price per pair, No. 1431 Qilt. No. 1432 Nickel. No. 1451 ant. No. 1131 ant. No. 1452 Nickel. No. 1132 Nickel. Above st\'les in gilt or nickel. Price per pair, $ .15 No. 1551 ant. No. 1552 Nickel. 56 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. sOpDYE^ ROSETTES AMERICAN HARD RUBBEH CO . NEW YORK. Assortment No. 1. ROSETTES. Solid hard rubber rosettes, 6 pairs assorted patterns on card. Price per card, $1.75 Fancy glass rosettes, 6 pairs assorted patterns on card. (Not illustrated.) Price per card, i.oo 1 I RU IjO- - ,0.// ROSETTES AMERICAN HARD RUBBER CO . NEW YORK. Assortment No. 2. THK JA MES B AILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 57 BRIDLE FRONTS. No. 4.2. Harness leather body, fancy enamelled cloth cover and layer. =a inch. Price each No. 412. No. 58 X. Harness leather body, palent leather cover. "^ inch. Price each, No. 58 X. "' No. 5!i X. Harness leather body, palent leather cover, 'i inch. Price each N?: 11' S^""' K*" f°dy, fancy colored leather cover, patent leather layer. '„ inch Price !^^' ^^' No. 50. Harness leather body, fancy colored leather cover, patent leather layer! 3.; inch.' Price each,' ■Jo. 433. Harness leather body, patent leather cover, half rounded. }^ inch. Price each. No. 433. $ .15 •25 ■25 .25 ■25 ■2S ■15 58 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BRIDLE FR0NT5. No. 1123. No. II2J. Harness leather body, patent leather cover, fancy nickel or gilt chains in various patterns. }4 inch. Price each, ^^ inch. Price each, ^ inch. Price each. No. 23 S. No. 23 S. Harness leather body, patent leather cover, nickel or gilt chain, 'j inch. Price each, % inch. Price each, ^3 inch. Price each, No. 23 E. No. 23 E. Harness leather body, patent leather cover, nickel or gilt chain, '-g inch. Price each, 3^ inch. Price each, J-'i inch. Price each, i 4 ' A " * .25 ■2S .25 .30 ■35 .40 ■3° ■33 .40 No. 68. No. 68. Harness leather body, patent leather cover, nickel or gilt chain, swell centre. % inch. Price each. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BRIDLE FRONTS. 59 No. 88. No. 88. No. 88. Harness leather back, nickel or brass y& inch flexible band. Price each, Harness leather back, nickel ■ brass i inch flexible band. Price each. $ .25 No. II. No. II. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass ^i inch heavy oval band. Price each, No. II. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass % inch heavy oval band. Price each, No. II. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass 'a inch heavy oval band. Price each, No. II. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass i incli heavy oval band. Price each, $ .25 ■3° •35 No. 125. No. 125. Harness leather back, nickel or brass oblong spots on patent leather, i inch. Pnce each, No. 125. Harness leather back, nickel or brass oblong spots on patent leather, i '/^ inch. Price each, .50 ■50 No. 118. No. 118. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass chain. 1 inch. Price each, No 118. Harness leather back, patent leather cover, nickel or brass chain, i^inch. Price each, $ .50 ■50 60 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. Number Diameter j\ Brass, per doz. S.15 Nickel, per doz. .15 HARNESS ORNAMENTS. SPOTS No. 860. Ornaments. Height , 2.\ inches. Brass, per doz. $1.25 Nickel, per doz. 1.25 Height, I I ij I J I J ij lirass, $.60 .60 .75 .85 .90 1.20 per doz. Xickel,S.6o .60 .75 .85 .90 1.20 per doz. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 61 LETTERS AND ORNAHENTS. 3-4 inch. Colonial pattern. Brass or nickel. Price each, $ .10 1 inch. $ .10 1 1°4 inches. $ .15 1 1=4 inches. Script pattern. Brass or nickel. Price each, $ .'2b 3-4 inch. $ .20 Monograms. For Harness or Bags. Brass, nickel or silver. To order only. Prices on application. Imitation Honograms. Height lyi inches. Brass or nickel. Price each, $ .35 No. 1088 Ornaments. Height lJ-2 inches. Brass or nickel. Price each, $ .25 No. 1101 Ornaments. Height IX inches. Brass or nickel. Price each, $ .25 62 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HARNESS DROPS AND BUCKLE SHIELDS. Face Drops. Brass or nickel star and circle on patent leather, fancy leather binding. Price each, 5.50 Harness Drops. Brass or nickel heart on patent leather, fancy leather binding, Duranoid ring. Price each. .50 Buckle Shields. Brass or Nickel. s/a inch. Price per pair, $ .10 }i inch. Price per pair, .12 ys inch. Price per pair, .15 1 inch. Price per pair, .17 1^ inch. Price per pair, .17 1}( inch. Price per pair, .20 1^4 inch. Price per pair, .25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 63 PLUMES AND TAIL TIES. ■4 : " ' '^i' Hair Tassels. Red, Orange or Lemon. Length, 14 inches. Price per pair, $ .50 Length, 16 inches. Price per pair. .60 Victor Tail Ties. Leather strap with buckle, nickel band lined with corrugated rubber. Price each, $ .20 Holdfast Tail Ties. Spring steel heavily plated and lined with corrugated rubber. Nickel or brass. Price each, $ .25 Drooping Hair Plumes. Red, Orange or Lemon. Length, 16 inches. Price per pair, $ .60 64 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. MARTINGALE RINGS. DURANOIO. Red, White or Blue. Number, o i 2 Size, 1% i^A 1% Priceperdoz.f .60 .60 .65 1% 2 inches. 1.00 1.20 RUBBER. Black. I Hollow) Nun^ber, She, Price per doz. 1^ inches. Si. 00 SIZES GIVEN ON RINGS ARE INSIDE DIAHETER. ZYLONITE OR PYRALIN. Red, White or Blue. Number, 00012345 6 Size, i^i 1 K I /^ • Vs I ''.^ i-K 2 2^4 inches Price per do?.. ?i.oo 1.20 1.50 1.75 125 2.50 :{.oo 3.25 RUBBER. Black. (Hollow) Imitation Stitched. Number, 3 s Sizes, iJ4 inches. Price perdoz. Si. 20 TOLEDO WOOD RINGS. Red, White or Blue. Number, 2 3 Size, I'i, 2 inclies. Price per doz. $ .75 .1:50 TRI COLORED. Red, White and Blue. Number, 2 Size, 1% inches. Price per doz. 5i.oo THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 65 THE PEERLESS CHECK HOOK. The Name describes it— the strongest, most practical and the finest Iooi2, %• %, %^ I. i%' ''4, ^'A' i)i. 2, 2-4. 2,'i inches $.35 .40 .60 .60 .75 .85 1. 00 1.20 per dozen X. C. plate, Triumph Snaps. 'A, H' K. %< I' iJs, i'4, i'A, ili- 2 $.50 .60 .75 .85 1. 00 1.20 inches per dozen Japanned. Sargent Snaps. '•A, iH, 2 jS.75 1.00 1.25 Bronzed, X. C. plate. Qerman Round Eye Snaps. H~ H, I S.50 .60 .90 Triumph Round Eye Snaps. S.60 .60 imperial Snaps. inches per dozen inches per dozen rs- I, ^•A, 'X, ^'A, lU, 2 2X inches inches Japanned, $.75 •75 1,00 1.25 1.25 1.25 r.50 1.50 per dozen per dozen X. C. plate, •85 •85 1. 00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 per dozen 68 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. SNAPS. Covert Trojan Bolt Snaps. K. %' H' H' I, i^. 'U- ''2. i^. :: inches X. C. plate, $.60 .75 .85 1. 00 1.25 1.50 per dozen Covert Open Eye Snaps. No. 520. Bit snap, X. C. plate, length, ^'/s inches. No. 521. Chain snap, X. C. plate, length, 3J2 inches. No. 522. Trace snap, X. C. plate, length, 4 inches. $ .60 per dozen .75 per dozen 1.00 per dozen No. 40. No. 3. Covert Swivel Snaps. X. C. plate, ^ inch eye. C. plate, I inch eye. X J 1. 00 per dozen 1.50 per dozen Covert Trojan Round Eye Snaps. X. C. plate, $.60 75 75 inches per dozen Covert Qiant Snaps. No. 5. Open eye, X. C. plate, length, 5K inches. No. 7. Closed eye, X. C. plate, length, ^'4 inches. S2.50 per dozen 2 50 per dozen No. 510. No. 511. No. 512. Covert Double Snaps. X. C. plate, length, 3 inches. X. C. plate, length, 2U inches. X. C. plate, length, 4^ inches. Si. 00 per dozen 1.25 per dozen 1.50 per dozen THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 69 SNAPS. Wrought Trace Snaps. Round eye, length 4 '4 inches. J1.25 per dozen Solid brass. Auto or Billet Snaps. }i, I, lYs,, or 1)4' inch eye. $.3.00 per dozen Hubbard Snaps. ^. M. Vi< I. ili X.C. plate. $ .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 inches per dozen Jones Double Snaps. Japanned, length, 3X inches. $ .60 per dozen Triumph Double Snaps. X. C. Plate, length 2% inches. $ .60 per dozen Triumph Bag Snaps. Loop eye, X. C. plate. Ji, Jj, K. J'8, c ' in. i- -35 per ioz. Loop eye, nickel plate. H,H:^,%,ori in. .6operdoz. Round eye, X. C. plate, H inch eye. .35 per doz. Round eye, nickel plale, '> inch eye. .60 per doz. SNAP SPRINGS AND RIVETS. For German snaps, 2 rivet holes, length 2}4 inches. Price per dozen, For German snaps, 2 "rivet holes, length 2'/i inches. Price per dozen. For Sargent snaps, i rivet hole, length 2)^ inches. Price per dozen, For Sargent snaps, I rivet hole, length 3 inches. Price per dozen, For wrought snaps, 2 rivet holes, length 2}4 inches. Price per dozen. Rivets for wrought snaps. Price per gross. 3° 30 3° 50 Swivel Bag Snaps, Loop eye, nickel plate. J^, ^^, %, %, or 1 in. $ .60 per doz. Round eye, nickel plate, ^e inch eye. .60 per doz. 70 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. SNAPS. BREAST STRAP ROLLER SNAPS. il4t iHt - inches X. C. plate, $2.50 2.50 2.5(1 per dozen BREAST STRAP ROLLER SNAPS. i^2> jH> 2 inches No. 437. X. C. plate, $3.00 3.00 ^.00 per dozen TEAM TRACE SNAPS. iV2> i/^. 2 2}^ inches No. 20. X. C. plate, S3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.50 per dozen BREAST STRAP ROLLER SNAPS. I'A, i}{ inches No. 40. X. C. plate, §13. 00 3.00 per dozen SWIVEL TRACE SNAPS. t%, 1 3/t , 2, 2% , 2% inches No. 44S. X. C. plate, S3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 per dozen TEAH BREECHING SNAPS. No. 25 X. C. plate 1^4 inch. $3.00 per dozen 1 5^ inch. 3.00 per dozen 2 inch. 3.00 per dozen 2V4 inch. 3.50 per dozen THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 71 TEAM TRACE HOOKS, ETC. No. 475 Trace Hooks. Il^, I^, 2, 2%, 2}i Japanned. Price per set of 4, $.50 .60.65 -75 -^S No. 477 Breeching Hooks. Japanned.' Price per set of 4,8.50 .60 .65 .75 .85 Breast Strap Slides. No. 473 Trace Hooks. Japanned. Price per set of 4, jS.60 .65 .75 .85 gL~l No. 461 Bolt Dees Japanned. Price per pair, $.25 .25 .25 .30 .30 Japanned. Price per pair. i>^, iK, 2 $.20 .20 .25 No. 474 Trace Hooks. Japanned. Price per set of 4, $.60 .65 .75 .85 No. 462 Bolt Dees. ij<, 134, 2, 2,>4: 2'/i Japanned. Price per p.iir, $.30 .30 .30 .35 .35 Screw Cockeyes. I, '4, I'A, 134, 2, 2%, 2A Japanned. Price per pair, $.10 .10 .12.15 --^ -20 72 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. MISCELLANEOUS. COLLAR FASTENERS. FOR TOP OF COLLAR. No. L J4 inch, two buckles. Price ea. S .10 No. 4. li inch, one buckle. Price ea. .10 TRACE TOGGLES. Japanned, with screw and roller. Sizes, iy2, 134, 2, 2}(. -ly. in. 1'^^""$ -35 .40 .40 .50 ..50 REPAIR HOOKS. For collar pads. Price per dozen, $ .50 REVOLVING PUNCHES. Four tubes. Price each, Six tubes. Price each, Four tubes. C. S. Osborne & Co's. Price each, Six tubes. C. S. Osborne & Co's. Price each. S .65 .75 1.75 •2.00 BLANKET PINS. Lindsey's. Nickel plated. Price per dozen, $ .50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 73 R0BE5 AND MATS. We carry a large stock of Carriage Robes in all the various grades and styles. Fancy and plain plush, beaver, cloth, whipcord, etc., etc. Prices and descriptions will be sent on applica- tion. --.-^- White lambs' wool. p' No. 37. 24x42 in- '^*». ches, white flan- nel lined, lung pocket. Price each, $5.00 No. nVi. 24 X 42 inclies, white sat- een lined, long pocket. Price each, 6 00 Red, yellow, orange or green. No. I. Pelt about 13 X 25 inches. Price each, $1.50 No. 2. Pelt about 16 X 28 inches. Price each, 1-75 No. o. Pelt about 10 X 22 inches, fine quality. Price each, 2.00 No. K.. Pelt about 12 X 23 inches, fine quality. Price each, 2.5" Baby Carriage Robes. Wool Carriage Mats. 74 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. NO. 101 SOTERSET. Straight head tree, russet kip seat, seamed russet jockey, russet flaps, cotton webbing girth, russet leather covered wood stirrups. Price each, S7.00 Boy's. Price each, 0.75 RIDING SADDLES. NO. 704 nORQAN. Rawhide covered tree with horn, part leather covered and closed seat, embossed russet leather flaps and fen- ders, two cotton cinchas, plain wood stirrups. NO. 70S nORGAN. With horn, (not shown in illustration) full covered and embossed russet leather seat, embossed russet leather flaps, cotton webbing girth, russet leather covered wood stirrups. NO. 306 ncCLELLAN. Russet leather covered open seat, russet leather flaps, web cincha girth, russet leather covered wood stirrups. Price each. SI 2.00 Price each, SIO.OO Price each, JIO.OO THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 75 RIDING SADDLES No. 106 English. Straight head tree, hogskin seat, imitation hogskin jock- ey, flaps, and knee rolls, two cotton webbing girths, mal- leable iron stirrups. Price each, gll.OO No. 503 Ladies' Side. Imitation buck seat, quilted safe, imi- tation hogskin flap, leaping horn, two webbing girths and surcin- gle, slipper stir- rup. Price each, S16.50 No. 707 Morgan. Full covered russet leather seat, em- bossed russet leather flaps and fenders, two hair cinchas, plain wood stirrups. Price each, $13.00 No. 904 Ladies' Astride. English tree, russet kip seat, serge lined pad, imitation hogskin jockey and flaps, wide knee rolls, cotton webbing girths, safety stirrup bars, nickel plated stirrups. Price each, $15.00 76 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. RIDING BRIDLES, &c. No. No. No. RIDING BRIDLES (Less Bits). 7. Russet leather, imitation covered buckles, one rein. Price each, 70. Russet leather, covered buckles, one rein. Price each, 2. Fine russet leather, shaved flesh, covered buckles, one rein. Price each, (BITS FOR RIDINQ BRIDLES ARE DESCRIBED ON PAGE 49) EXTRA BRIDLE REINS. No. 7. Russet leather, imitation covered buckles. No. 70. Russet leather, covered buckles. No. 2. Fine russet leather, shaved flesh, covered buckles. MARTINGALES. No. 7. Russet leather, imitation covered buckles and rings. No. 70. Russet leather, covered buckles and rings. No. 2. Fine russet leather, shaved flesh, covered buckles and rings. CURB STRAPS. Russet leather, imitation covered buckles. Russet leather, covered buckles. Price each. Price each. Price each, No. No. fi.25 ■•75 2-75 iS .85 1-35 1-75 Price each. Price each. Price each, $ .60 •7 5 1. 00 Price each, S .25 Price each, .35 CURB CHAINS. With hook.s. Steel, nickel plated. Price each, S .50 Non-corrosive metal. Price each, .90 RIDING SADDLE GIRTHS. Z}i inch fawn cotton webbing, leather billets. Price each % .40 CURB HOOKS. Steel, nickel plated. Price per pair, $ .lo Non-corrosive metal. Price per pair, .25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. RIDING SADDLE HOUSINGS AND SPURS. No. 358. Gentlemen's. Blue or green, wave border, star in corner, one row braid. Price e ch, I No. 303. Gentlemen's. Blue or green, two rows braid and corners. Price each, No. 377. Gentlemen's. Blue or green, felt bound with three rows braid. Price each, No. 306. Gentlemen's. Gray graduated felt, plain edge, shaped. Price each. No. 323. Gentlemen's. Blue graduated felt, plain edge, shaped. Price each, No. 360. Gentlemen's, Extra heavy, blue or green, felt binding and inlay, three rows braid. Price each, No. 375. Gentlemen's. Blue or green, broadcloth bound, three rows silk braid. Price each. No. 370, Gentlemen's. Blue or green, fine quality, felt bound, one row silk braid. Price each. No. 374. Gentlemen's. Blue or green, fine quality, broad- cloth bound, three rows silk stitching. Price each, No. 377. Ladies'. Blue or green, felt bound, with three rows braid. Price each. No, 360. Ladies'. Extra heavy, blue or green, felt binding and inlay, three rows braid. Price each, No. 375. Ladies'. Blue or green, broadcloth bound, three rows silk braid. Price each, Gentlemen's. Ladies'. No. 1. No. No. No. 4. No. 6. No SPURS. Nickel plated. % inch steel rowels. Price per pair, $ -50 Nickel plated, -g inch steel rowels. Price per pair, .50 Nickel plated. K inch steel rowels. Price per pair, .50 Nickel plated. K inch steel rowels. Price per pair, .50 Nickel plated on brass. % inch steel rowels. Price per pair, .65 No. 13. Nickel plaledon brass. ^ inch steel rowels. Price per pair, .85 No. 8. Spur straps, with nickel buckle. Price per pair, No. 13. 78 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 5TIRRUPS AND RIDING WHIPS. Wood Stirrups. Price per pair, Covered Wood Stirrups. S .35 Russet leather. Price per pair, SI. 00 Riding Crops. Buck horn handles, fancy stocks, leather loops. Price each, SI. 75 to S2.00 Iron Stirrups. No. S42. Tinned. Price per pair. No. 163. Nickel plated, Price per pair. No. 7. Nickel plated. Price per pair, msBB. RIDING WHIPS. No. 716. Stocked Java, two nickel ferrules, black. No. 774. Rawhide, waterproof finish, black. No. 384. Whalebone, waterproof finish, black. Price each. Price each, Price each. 5 .50 1.00 1.50 .25 .50 .75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. WHIPS. Straight Buggy Whips. No. 41. No. 41. Stocked Java, black or brown, ^14 feet. Stocked Java, black or brown, 6 feet. Price each, S .10 Price each, . 10 No. X200 No. X2no No. MS- No. MS- No. 85. No. 86. No 1217. No 1217. Selected Reed, duck lined, black. 5'/; feet. Selected Reed, duck lined, black, 6 feet. Stocked Java, duck lined, mount and ferrule, loaded handle, black or linen color, s^ii feet. Stocked Java, duck lined, mount and ferrule, loaded handle, black or linen color, 6 feet. Stocked Java, duck lined, mount and ferrule, black or linen color, $% feet. Stocked Java, duck lined, mount and ferrule, black or linen color, 6 feet. Stocked Java, mount and ferrule, black with russet handle, 5V2 feet. Stocked Java, mount and ferrule, black with russet handle, 6 feet. Straight Rawhide Whips. Price each, } .2, Price each, •23 Price each, ■25 Price each, ■2S l"nce each. •25 i-rice each. •25 Price each. •35 Price each. ■35 No. 350. Full stocked one-half rawhide, black or linen color, 5V2 feet. No. 350. Full stocked one-half rawhide, black or linen color, 6 feet. No. 458. Full hea\'y stocked one-half rawhide, linen woven cover, loaded handle, black, 5^ feet. No. 45S. Full hea\'y stocked one-half rawhide, linen woven cover, loaded handle, black, 6 feet. No. 138. Full rawhide with linen cover, black or wine color, $14 feet. No. i?S. Full rawhide with linen cover, black or wine color, 6 feet. No. 0391. Full heavy rawhide with rubber cover, black, 6 feet. No. 450. Full lieavy rawhide with rubber cover, black or linen color, s% feet. Xo. 450, Full heavy raw! 1 id' w ith rubber cover, black ur linen color, 6 feet. Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price GRANTS VULC/\ MITE WHIP No. 34g. Full heavy rawliide, Grant's vulcanite cover, black or linen color, 5 feet. No. 34Q. Full heavy rawhide, Grant's vulcanite cover, black or linen color, sV-j feet. No. 34g. Full heavy rawhide. Grant's vulcanite cover, black or linen color, 6 feet. No. i32r. Heavy rawhide with woven wire cover, 17 nickel ferrules, black, 0% feet. Price each, $ ,85 Price each, .go Price each, 1.00 Price each, 1.25 80 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. WHIP5. STRAIGHT WHALEBONE BUGGY WHIPS. WARRANTED 1-2. WHALEBONE BUCK (_ I N E D No. 412. No. 200. No. 200. No. 425. No. 445. No. 241. No. 241. Half bone, buck lined, russet with leather handle, bj4 feet. Price each. Half bone, buck lined, black, 5'b feet. Price each, Half bone, buck lined, black, 6 feet. Price each. Half bone, buck lined, black, 5^ feet. Price each. Two-thirds bone, buck lined, light and flexible, black, 5i< feet. Price each. Two-thirds bone, double cover, medium weight, black, 5^2 feet. Price each. Two-thirds bone, double cover, medium weight, black, 6 feet. Price each, EXPRESS AND TEAM WHIPS. No. 6oo. Java stock, woven cover and lash, linen color, 2^^ feet. Price each. No. 624. Java stock, woven cover and lash, linen color with black handle, 3J2 feet. Price each. No. 526. Full Java, covered wood handle with ferrule, woven cover and lash, brown or black, ^'A feet. Price each. No. 560. Full stocked flexible Java, nickel ferrules, white cotton lash, black, 3>^ feet. Price each, No. 560. Full stocked flexible Java, nickel ferrules, white cotton lash, black, 4 feet. Price each. No. 697. "Corabone" body and lash, woven cover, horsehide snap, black, 3,'i feet. Price each. No. 537. Full Java stock, woven cover and lash, six black buttons, wine color, 5 feet. Price each. No. 590. Full stocked rawhide, waterproof finish, horsehide lash, black, 3>4 feet. Price each. No. 590. Full stocked rawhide, waterproof finish, horsehide lash, black, 4 feet. Price each. No. X592. Full stocked rawhide, waterproof finish, hand braided horsehide lash, black, 3)^ feet. Price each, No. X592. Full stocked rawhide, waterproof finish, hand braided horsehide lash, black, 4 feet. Price each. No. 598. Rawhide, woven cover and long lash, eight brass ferrules, linen color, t,'/, feet. Price each, TRACK WHIPS. Sl.OO 1.50 1.50 1.50 2 00 2.00 2.00 •25 •35 •35 •50 .50 .50 .60 .60 .65 •75 No. 270. No. 273. Stocked Java, black, 4'/, feet. Price each. Full rawhide with linen cover, black, ^'/^ feet. Price each. ■35 ■75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 81 WHIPS, ETC. DROP TOP EACH WHIPS. No. 420. No. 1469. No. 25S3. No. 2853. No. 1484. No. 2581. Imitation holly, two linen buttons, horsehide lash. Price each, Holly, two nickel ferrules, pigskin handle, horsehide lash. Price each, Holly, two silver ferrules, while celluloid handle, horsehide lash. Price each. Holly, two chased silver ferrules, russet leather handle, horsehide lash, light weight for ladies' use. Holly, two chased silver ferrules, russet leather handle, rawhide lash. Price each, Holly, two chased silver ferrules, russet leather handle, rawhide lash. Price each, SCREW REPAIR TOPS FOR WHIPS. For straight whips, Java, black, 3 feet. Price each. For lash whips, woven cover, white, 4^ feet. Price each, WHIP SNAPPERS. Assorted colors. Half silk. Price per dozen, WHIP FERRULES. Nickel plated, assorted sizes and lengths. Price per dozen, WHIP STOCKS. Price each. No, No, 860. 865. 'Cotton. Price per dozen, ■35 .50 Silk. Price per dozen. $2. 50 3.00 3-So 375 4.00 4-50 $ .25 •25 $ .60 S -60 No. I. Hand shaved white oak or hickory, rawhide keeper, 4 feet. Price each, "Sandow." Rawhide, linen covered, five nickel ferrules, rawhide keeper, 4 feet. WHIP IRounded leather. Price each. Braided horsehide. Price each, jiBraided buckskin. Price each. Price each, LASHES. 3'A, 4. 4K, 5. S'A- 6, 10, 12 $ .10 .T2 ■15 ■17 .20 .20 .20 •25 •25 •25 •30 •75 1.25 ,85 1.50 feet. •35 .00 82 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 1 pound cans. 2 pound cans. 5 pound cans. 10 pound cans. 25 pound cans. Baum's Leather Dressing. Black. Price each, Price each, Price each, Price each. Price each, I ^^ BUCK '^ I HARHtSS SQ[^i NEW YORK. * <'imioinirrnii,ir,„.ii'- ^ pound cakes. Price each, 3 pound bars. Price each. /• ^ 'y Boots, SAoov. C^n-riaff^ ' ' »"y»l^ n,p,, o,. „„,j „,.,iclc mad^ Colgate & Co's Eagle. Black. HARNESS SOAP. % .25 .50 LOO L75 3.50 S .25 .90 1 pound cans. 2 pound cans. 5 pound cans. 10 pound cans. 25 pound cans. Hollingshead's Castile Cream. Black. Price each. Price each, Price each. Price each. Price each. g .25 .50 LOO 1.75 3.50 1 pound cans. 2 pound cans. Porpoisine Velvet. Black. Price each, Price each, .25 .50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 83 HARNESS SOAP, CARRIAGE TOP DRESSING, ETC. ^^IGINAL GENUI^^ English Crown Soap. 1 pint jars. Price each, S .50 1 quart jars. Price each, .75 ^"^lisliCrown. ^^■•iiiiiii Black Ball. For finishing edges. Small sticks. Price each, Large sticks. Price each, $ .10 .15 Carriage Top Dressing. Sterling. For renewing worn and faded carriage tops in cither leather or rubber. '^ pint cans. Price each, $ .25 1 pint cans. Price each, .50 / ' '^. .vi \t\ ,^* » White. Green. Mottled. Castile Soap. Price per bar. Price per bar, Price per bar. .65 .(35 .65 Edge Ink. For blacking leather and strap work. 1 pint bottles. Price each, 1 quart bottles. Price each, 5 gallon kegs. Price each. S .15 .25 2.00 In bulk, (package extra unless furnished). Price per gallon, $ .50 84 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HARNESS OIL. Harness OIL *»in3!' ^■'"-'2 K SB a wt£ • '-■ « Vacuum Leather Oil Midnight Harness Oil. Black. 1 pint cans. Price each, $ .25 1 quart cans. Price each, .50 }4 gal. cans. Price each, .75 1 gal. cans. Price each, 1.25 5 gal. cans. Price each, 5.00 Vacuum Process Harness Black, Oil. I , pint cans. Price each, $ .20 1 pint cans. Price each, .25 1 quart cans. Price each. .50 ^ gal. cans. Price each, .75 1 gal. cans. Price each, 1.25 5 gal. cans. Price each. 5.00 Wther anci Harness Oij ^•Richmond *' Crosby's Harness Oil. Black. 1 pint cans. 1 quart cans. >^ gal. cans. 1 gal. cans. 5 gal. cans. PURE 1 "^^^S^ SUPERIOR UNMULIERATED "aoe"*"" SELECTION Baum'sCastorineCo ROME, N.Y. U.S.A. Price each. Price each, Price each. Price each, Price each, $ .25 .50 .75 1.25 5.00 Baum's Neatsfoot Oil. 1 pint cans. Price each,S .25 1 quart cans. Price each, .50 }4 gal. cans. Price each, .90 1 gal. cans. Price each, 1.50 5 gal. cans. Price each, 5.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 85 HARNESS DRESSING. Frank Miller's. 1 pint cans. Price each, 1 quart cans. Price each, 1 gallon cans. Price each, 5 .25 ..50 1.50 QME QUART BAUM'S FRENCH SAUM ROWE ,N.V U.Sjfl; Baum's. 1 pint cans. Price each, $ .25 1 quart cans. Price each, .50 1 gallon cans. Price each, 1.50 Miller's Patent Leather Polish. A paste for cleaning and restoring articles made of patent or enam- elled leather. Tin boxes. Price each, $ .10 Porpoisine Compo. A bhack paste for polishing either plain or patent leather. Small cans. Price each, $ --S Large cans. Price each, .50 Also made in colors for russet or red leather. Miller's Russet Leather Polish. .'\ paste for polishing any article made of russet or tan leather. Tin boxes. Price each, $ .10 8G THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. LIQUID HETAL POLISH. North Star. White. ^2 pint cans. Price each, S -20 1 pint cans. Price each, .35 1 quart cans. Price each, .60 Y-z gallon cans. Price each, .85 [1 gallon cans. Price each, 1 .25 Putz Cream. White. J4 pint cans. Price each, % .2.") 1 pint cans. Price each, .40 1 quart cans. Price each, .65 Yz gallon cans. Price each, 1.00 1 gallon cans. Price each, 1.75 Opwim.^ I EVER S ^RICAN METAL POLISH C2i BOSTON, MAS^.US-^ Brilliant. White or Black. '2 pint cans. Price each, 1 pint cans. Price each, 1 quart cans. Price each, ^'2 gallon cans. Price each, 1 gallon cans. Price each, United States. White. Yi pint cans. Price each, S .25- 1 pint cans. Price each, .40' 1 quart cans. Price each, .65 Y gallon cans. Price each, 1 00 1 gallon cans. Price each, 1.75 5 .25 .40 .65 1.00 1.75 if JRILLIAN * MTTiumiinni iiHiKiniuKiims A5KF0R SAMPLE IT Cleans end Polishes asty =masicAiLKiNDSofMtrAlS= & TorQuiCKNESS ELEGANCE'®^ If sOanJDuRABiLiTYitftasnoeji' ), r.M.TRAFTO?! CO. I BOSTON MASS \: U.S.A. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HINDS & CdON I2SPEARL ST, , BOSTON, HBSS^ . Biliillilll;. J ""';] LIQUID METAL POLISH. Ruby-Rub. Red. ^ pint cans. Price each, 1 pint cans. Price each, 1 quart cans. Price each, Y-i gallon cans. Price each, 1 srallon cans. Price each, ^^SDASTORrNECa" •^OME N.Y.U.S.A- PASTE HETAL POLISH. Putz Pomade. 3 ounce tin boxes. Price each, $ .10 United States. 3 ounce tin boxes. Price each. Quickshine. White. /2 pint cans. Price each. % .25 1 pint cans. Price each, .40 1 quart cans. Price each, .05 i4 gallon cans. Price each. 1.00 1 gallon cans. Price each, 1.50 $ .1<» 88 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HOOF REHEDIES. Campbell's Horse Foot Remedy. 1 pint cans. Price each, $ .60 1 quart cans. Price each, 1.00 )4 gallon cans. Price each, 1.75 1 gallon cans. Price each, 3,00 Baum's Liquid Hoof Dressing. 1 pint cans. Price each, S .40 1 quart cans. Price each, .75- }2 gallon cans. Price each, 1.35 1 gallon cans. Price each, 2.25 Crosby's Hoof Oil. 1 pint cans. Price each, $ .25 1 quart cans. Price each, .50 }4 gallon cans. Price each, 1.00 1 gallon cans. Price each, 1.75 Baum's Cream Rock Hoof Packing. A preparation of medicated rock. Softens the frog, cools the foot and allays inflammation. No. 1. Carton, 2>4 lbs. Price each, $ .25 No. 2. Carton, 5 lbs. Price each, .50 No. 3. Wood boxes, 124- lbs. Price each, 1.00 "^ Baums IP. Ki.i Hoof KL,, PackiiiJ^^''-' s , NATURES GREAT BEHECy ' fOP HORSES EEET (~ PRtPARED BY BAUMS CASTORINE COMPANY ROME.N.y. \U: III THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 89 HORSE REHEDIES. RI CKMORE'S GALL CURE thegeniiinewith trade maik on every liox A huf cure fclr^o^e^ anil \v..iin"?•"' e"!l°"%, "ia biirut-bb v\lulu llii^ J.yiac Jb worked. 25 tents pel box. Bickmore's Qall Cure. 2 ounce boxes. Price each, 6 ounce boxes. Price each, 16 ounce boxes. Price each, $ .25 .50 1.00 Tuttle's Elixir. An old and well known horse remedy. Price per bottle, $ -50 Scotch Condition Powders. A celebrated remedy for horses and cat- tle. Price per package, $ .50 AntLJtis (anti-inflamrnation) A hydro-absorbant and antiseptic used for all surgical dressings. Tin boxes, l pound'. Price each, Tin boxes, i pound. Price eacli, ■["in boxes, I j pound. Price each, Tin boxes, 5 pound. Price each. 5 .25 .!0 •75 2.00 OOOOlOOOO lO O O lO t^ O lO lO ' T-i r-,' ' ' i-l •r u o C8 a u 0. p 1 p I ^ o 03 U U <" N N (U "S ■;;; .y Oh ro ^ . u tn 4j^ jj- i: oj (U CJ E E u '.E ;S ^ J J u '1 "= o U O C ,-^ -" O'W - > i -=0;^ Jj^RVEXBONE ■veRVWHERE. BOSTON, W»f *V„oJt" 90 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. SALT BRICKS AND FEEDERS. This method of feeding pure salt to stock is growing in favor daily. It enables the animals to gratify their want for salt when- ever their systems require it. When fine salt is mixed with feed it must be swallowed, whether too much or too little, but this method allows them to satisfy their hunger according to their desires. The bricks are made of pure salt, which does away with the impurities found in the rock salt which heretofore has been generally used. Galvanized feeders. Price each, $ .50 Salt bricks for above. Price each, .25 Roto feeders. Price each, .25 Salt bricks for above. Price each, .25 SALT BRICK. Galvanized feeder and salt brick. inPORTED PREPARATIONS. Porcelain Roto feeder and salt brie Elliman's Royal Embrocation. Propert's Saddle Soap. Propert's Saddle Paste. Propert's Breeches and Glove Paste. Price each. SLUG Price each, .40 Price each. ■ .50 Price each, 1.25 amieson & Go's Harness Compo. Small size. Price each, $ .40 Jamieson & Go's Harness Gompo. Med. size. Price each, .60 Jamieson& Go's Harness Gompo. Large;size. Price each, 1.00 Pickering's Blanco in metal boxes. Price each, .50 Pipe Glay in cubes. Price each, S .10 ILB. Decorated Can. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 91 AXLE GREASE AND OIL. rapid: AXLE CREASE KADE BY -SO'VIE.M Y.U.S^ mmB ?LE GREASf r*'°«RO OIL COM'*^ Frazer. 1 pound cans. Price each, 3 pound cans. Price each, Rapid. $ .10 1 pound cans. Price each, $ .10 .25 3 pound cans. Price each, .25 Snow Flake. 1 quart cans. Price each, $ .„,,„^ . 2 quart cans. Price each, '*<'; Hundke" P".^ 'i 1 gallon cans. Price each, ^ Plak,e axle op .25 .50 .75 ""■'^^1 Miller's Axle Oil. 1 pint cans. Price each, 1 quart cans. Price each, nica. 1 pound cans. Price each, (ij4 pound cans. Price each. Baum's Axle Oil. .26 1 pint cans. Price each, .50 1 quart cans. Price each, .10 .25 .20 .50 92 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. CHAMOIS SKINS, SPONGES, ETC. J .0 1 J. ^: \ ") y^ - 1 '> 1/ 1 iW= n - G -^ -A^Y) G / A rf\ Y r st ,■■; c ) D 1 s^ ■jj c ) ^^--/'^ - -B, ---,1 y Chamois Skins. No. 4. 10x13 nches. Price each, S .15 No. 5. 11x13+ nches. Price each, .20 No. 6. 12x14 1 nches. Price each. .25 No. 8. 13x16 1 nches. Price each, .30 No. 9. 13x17 1 nches. Price each. .35 No. 10. 14x18 I nches. Price each, .40 No. 11. 15x20 nches. Price each. .45 No. 12. 16x21 nches. Price each. .55 No. 13. 17x23 inches. Price each. .60 No. 14. 19x25 nches. Price each, .65 No. 15. 20x26 nches. Price each, .85 No. 16. 23x26 nches. Price each, 1.00 French Oil Dressed. No. 3. No. 100. About 21x28 inches. About 30x36 inches. Price each. Price each. English Oil Dressed. No. No. 24. 27. About 22x26 inches. About 25x28 inches. Price each, Price each. Sponges. Velvet, 8 to 10 to pound. Price per ounce, $ .25 Sheepswool, 5 to 10 to pound. Medium Forms. Price per ounce, .35 Sheepswool, 5 to 10 to pound. Forms. Price per ounce, .40 Rubbing Cloths. Linen, English, fancy border. Price each, Harness Cloths. J^'ancy border, 22x24 inches. Price each. Bandages. White cotton, 2 yards. White cotton, 2^ yards. White cotton, 3 \-ards. Fawn cotton, 2 yards. Fawn cotton, 25- yards. Fawn cotton, 3 \-ards. Price per set of 4, Price per set of 4, Price per set of 4, Price per set of 4, Price per set of 4, Price per set of 4, White cotton, single web, 3 yards. Price per set of 4, Electric. Price per dozen, $ .85 1.15 5 .90 1,00 $ .50 $ .25 $ .40 .50 .60 .60 .65 .75 1.00 1.25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 93 DANDY BRUSHES. Bassine Root. No. A. Flat face, trimmed i% inches, polished block, 9^x2^ inches. Price each, $ .20 No. 55. Flat face, trimmed 1 3^ inches, polished block, 10x2^ inches. Price each, .25 No. 406. Oval face, trimmed, i % inches, polished block, 8^x4 inches, leather strap handle. Price each, .35 No. 412. Oval face, trimmed, 1V2 inches, polished block, 834^x4 inches, leather strap handle. Price each, .40 No. lOI. Flat No. 64. Oval No. 0264. Oval Nos. A, 55, 101, 1, 10. Enjabeco Fibre. face, trimmed 1% inches, polished block, 93^x2^ inches, face, trimmed i % inches, polished block, 10x2% inches, face, trimmed 2 inches, polished block, 9)^x2^ inches, embossed leather side pieces. No. 0264. Rice Root. Tiona. Tiona. Savona. No. 498. No. 498. No. 598. No. 598. inches. Oval face, trimmed 2 inches, varnished block, ic As above with embossed leather side pieces. Oval face, trimmed 2 inches, varnished block, 10x3 inches, embossed leather side pieces. Oval face, trimmed 2 inches, varnished block, 10x2 Js inches. As above with embossed leather side pieces. Oval face, trimmed 2 inches, varnished block, 10^x3 inches. As above with embossed leather side pieces. Price each, Price each, •25 .40 Price each, .50 wmmm^: \sy> >:vAvv ■rMjP No. 64. Rice Root. No. I. Flat face, trimmed i "4 inches, polished block, 10x2,34' inches. No. 10. Flat face, trimmed lyi inches, varnished block, 10x2^4 inches. Etna. Flat face, trimmed 2 inches, varnished block, 10x2^ inches. Etna. As above with embossed leather side pieces. Price each, ■3S Price each. .25 Price each. ■.IS Price each. .40 Price each. •45 Price each. .50 Price each. .60 Price each. .60 Price each. .65 Price each. .70 Price each, •75 / f .r f::f ;|\f ■^rjsF'^i] Nos. 406, 412. 94 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. INi I III II III I I J. B. Nos. 88, 99. |=U|TFrfft\\\V> '■^£ii!ij,t,»;;iii.ii;ii,,ii,,,.i,i .Si.iii.--i' '■■' Nos. 445, 33. BODY BRUSHES. llack tanipico fibre, oval face, split leather back, leather strap. Price each, $ .50 68 X. Yellow tampico fibre, oval face, maroon leather back, russet leather strap. Price each, .65 41. Gray tampico fibre, oval face, russet leather back, wide curved leather strap. Price each, .75 A. I. C. Yellow tampico fibre and bristles, oval face, sole leather back, leather strap. Price each, 1.00 Gray mixed bristles, outside row wired through back, flat face. Army shape, sole leather back, leather strap. Price each, 1.25 Warranted all bristles, black mixed, flat face, sole leather back, leather strap. Price each, 1.50 Warranted all bristles, gray, outside row wired through back, flat face. Army shape, sole leather back, leather strap, Price each, 1.75 Warranted all bristles, black, flat face, flexible sole leather back, wide curved leather strap. Price each, 2.00 Warranted all bristles, gray, flat face, Army shape, sole leather flexible back, curved leather strap. Price each, 2.25 Warranted all bristles, black, flat face, leather flexible back, curved leather strap. Price each, 2.50 Warranted all bristles, black, flat face, sole leather flex- ible back, leather strap. Price each, 2.75 Warranted all bristles, white, flat face, sole leather flex- ible back, leather strap. Price each, 3.00 No. No. No. No. No. 445. 88. 99. No. 77. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 95 MISCELLANEOUS. Compo. Brushes. No. 80. Black horse hair, brass wire drawn, polished block. Price per set of 2 brushes, $2 00 No. 123. Black horse hair, brass wire drawn, polished block. Price per set of 3 brushes, 3.00 Read's Rein Holders. Prevent accidents due to reins catching under end of shafts or traces. Imitation rubber. Price per pair, $ .25 Nickel plated. Price per pair, .25 Brass plated. Price per pair, .30 THE NEW WAY THE OLD WAY /? No. 16. Spoke Brushes. Gray bristles, brass wire drawn, polished block, 15 inches long. Price each. 51.50 Read's Rein Terrets. To attached throat latch. Japanned. Price each, $ .25 Imitation rubber. Price each, .40 Nickel plated. Price each, .50 Read's Rein Supporters. Prevent reins catching under horse's tail or end of hip strap. Imitation rubber. Price per pair. Nickel plated. Price per pair, Brass plated. Price per pair, THE NEW WAY 90 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. CURRY COMBS. No. 500. No. 500. .Six steel bars, malleable trimmings. Price each, $ .15 No. 510. Six brass bars, X. C. mal- leable trimmings. Price each. .25 No. 400. Six steel bars, malleable trimmings. Price each, $ .20 5 V V V I I No. 239. Seven steel bars, malleable trim minss. Price each, $ .25 t'r li:i:r^ '' No. 236. Eight steel bars, malleable trim- ming's. Price each, WJ $ .30 No. 540. Eight steel bars, wrought steel trim- mings. Price each, $ .25 English. No. 1286. Eight steel bars, steel trimmings. Price each, S .50 No. 28. Seven steel bars, steel trim- mings. Price each, .50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 97 PATENT CURRY C0MB5. Reform. Steel, brass plated, leather handle. Hunter Humane. Lacquered steel. Price each, $ .25 Price each, $ .25 Spring Steel. Japanned. Price each, $ .25 Champion. Japanned, leather handle. Price each, S .25 98 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. - V T3 -a o o HORSE CLIPPERS, ETC. SPRINGS FOR TOILET AND FETLOCK CLIPPERS. No. I. Price each, S .15 No. 2. Double coil. Price each, S .10 No. 3. Single coil. Price each, $ .10 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 99 TOILET AND FETLOCK CLIPPERS. Champion. Nickel plated. Price each, $1.00 No. 64. Nickel plated. Price each, SI, 75 No.27i. Adapted for use with either right or left hand. Nickel plated, ball bearing. Price each, $2.25 100 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES. Stewart No. 1. The Bali-Bearing Enclosed Type Clipping Machine. Has rigid base; tubular upright; gears all cut from solid metal and enclosed in dust-proof metal box; all wearing parts are of hardened steel; new style, light, easy running flexible shaft— 6 feet long; compact — can be carried in a satchel or handled as shelf goods. Size of box only 6xllxl2>4 inches. The most per- fect clipping machine ever made at any price. Weight, boxed, 36 pounds. Price each, S7.50 1902 Chicago Clipping Machine. (Stewart Patent) Has rigid base;tubular upright; large, strong crank handle; 6^-2 foot flexible steel shaft; teeth in large gear, all cut from solid metal; wearing parts all hardened tool steel; positive power; no belt to slip. Can be turned with either hand. Simple, strong, durable. It is light running and noiseless. Will clip a horse in 30 minutes. Weight, 56 lbs. boxed, 70 pounds. Price each, , S10.75 Parts of Handle and Knife used on above Horse Clipping Machines. ~) ! '~^ ~ ■U-'u^ — (Mi- 9Q aiiuiiii^^ Q 9Z 31 .Stewart patent horse clipper handle and knife, complete, Stewart patent horse clipper knife without handle, Stewart patent horse clipper handle only. No. "90. No. 91. No. 9'2. No. 93. No. 94. No. 9.5. No. 97. No. 98. No. 99. Top plate. Tension spring of handle. Tension bolt of handle. Eccentric roll of handle. Tension nut of handle. Pin and shaft of handle. Shank of handle. Front part of handle, Bottom plate. $3.50 2.50 100 1.00 .05 .05 .10 .05 .35 .40 .50 1..50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 101 HORSE CARDS, CLIPPING COMBS AND SHEAR5. s C&i//Ce/iiJiCob-oe'WiWii>».\%i\ Clipping Combs. Rubber, 7^^ inches long. Price each, $ .25 German silver, "Y-i inches long. Price each, .50 Clipping Shears. Leather covered bows. Price each, SI. 00 Mane Combs. Rubber, 4>^ inches long. Price each, % .25 Aluminum, \ inches long. Price each, .25 Horse Cards. No. 04. 53/^x3}^ inches, leather- board back. Price each, $ .08 No. 4. 5)^x3^ inches, leather back. Price each. No. 3. 5i/i.xS}4 inches, leather back, leather bound. Price each, No. 1. Sji xnj4 inches, leather back. Price each, No. 3- 102 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TOOTH FL0AT5, SCRAPERS, ETC. ^^ID No. 320 Float. Complete with one file. Price each, SI. 00 3bQ No. 329 Jointed Float. Complete with two heads and two files. Price each, $2.00 Combination Hoof Cleaner. Japanned. A useful tool. Hammer, hoof pick, wrench, screw-driver, etc., in one. Price each, $ .25 Spear's Sweat Scraper. Flexible brass, teeth on one side. Price each, S .50 No. 321 Jointed Float. Complete with one file. Price each, §L50 1. a •> Extra Files for Floats. Reversible, rasp or file cut. Price each. Hickory Sweat Scraper. Price each, $ .25 $ .25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 103 MISCELLANEOUS. Hitching Weights. Cast Iron. 12, 14. 16, 18, 20 and 25 pounds. Price per pound, Stable Brooms. Rattan centre, lb. Price each, $ .60 S% lb. Price each, .65 Circular Whip Racks. Diameter, 14 inches. Japanned. Will hold 200 whips. Price each, $ .85 .05 Hitching Weight Straps. No. 7. Buckle and billet with snap, 7 feet long, /s inch wide. Price each, S -75 No. 10. Buckle and billet with snap, 10 feet long, J4 inch wide. Price each, 1.00 Read's Whip Racks. Wood back with iron holder. Will hold both straight and lash whips. Price each, $ .50 104 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. MISCELLANEOUS. Hartford Toe Weights. Solid brass, nickel plated. Put up in sets i 4 oz. Price per set, Extra spurs for above. Price per pair, For other styles see our Horse Boot Catalog. to Wool Carriage Dusters. Made from the finest imported wool. Will not scratch or mar the most highly finished sur- face. Nos. 0, 2, 4, 6, Length of wool, 7^, 9, 10, ii>^ inches. Price each, $ .35, .50, .65, .85 Rein Buttons. Briar wood, russet or black. Price per pair, $ .20 Puttee Leggins. Russet or Black lmita= tion Pigskin. No. 6. Seamed back, riv- eted straps and billets. Price per pair, $2.50 No. S. Made in one piece, riveted straps and billets. Price per pair, 3.50 No. I. Made in one piece, sewed straps and billets. Price per pair, 4.00 Wiclter Wheel Guards. Used to prevent soiling clothing in entering or leaving carriage. Price each, Si. 50 No. 9 FOWNES^ Celebrated Glove. Driving Qloves. Hand sewed. Tan or brown. A very desirable, strong glove. Price per pair, $2.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 105 CARRIAGE HEATER5, LAMPS, ETC. '^ J No, 475 Steel Wagon Jacks. No. 475. Weight, 7 lbs. Lifting capacity, 1000 lbs. Price each, SI. 25 No. 476. Weight, 10 lbs. Lifting capacity, 2500 lbs. Price each, 1.50 Carriage or Sleigh Heaters. A useful article for those who are exposed to the cold in carriage, sleigh or automobile. Keeps the feet warm in the most ex- treme weather. Covered with Brussells carpet. No. 7C. With adjustable end ventilators. Price each, §2.50 No. 7D. With adjustable end and side ventilators. Price each, 2.75 ,, Coal for Heaters. Bricks measur- ing 7|-x2^xli in. To use in hcat- I IS, place a piece 111 a brisk fire for 1 f e w minutes. Li n t i I it is red throughout. Take out, and when the little flame has died away place it in the metal drawer of the heater. A brick of coal will furnish a strong heat for hours. Price per dozen, % ."ih Price per brick, .10 Tliird Person Seats. Enamelled steel frame covered with Brussells car- pet. Can be used as a carriage third seat, hassock or camp chair. Price each, $ .75 Coach Candles. Wax, braided wicks. No. A. Hx3 inches. Price each, S .10 No. B. 1 x3 inches. Price each, .10 No. C. li x5 inches. Price each, .15 No. F. iJjxS^ inches. Price each, .12 Dietz Driving Lamps. Throws entire vol- ume of light straight ahead for a distance of 100 feet or more. Can be changed in- stantly to the front or side of dasher. Gives a clear white flame does not smoke and is free from odor. Hums common kerosene oil and will not blow or jar out. Price each, $3.75 106 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. DOG COLLARS, ETC. Our Catalog "C" describes and illustrates our line of dog collars, muzzles, harness, leaders, medicines, etc. This Catalog will be mailed on application. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 107 FEED BAGS AND SURCINGLES. star. White canvas, wood bottom, with rope. Price each, S .50 Portland. White canvas with leather venti- lators, wood bot- tom, pulley attach- ment. Price each, $ .85 Star with Pulley. White canvas, wood bottom, pul- ley attachment. Price each, $ .65 Star Ventilated. White canvas with leather venti- lators, wood bot- tom, pulley attach- ment. Price each, $ .75 No. I Surcingles. Fancy cotton 2^ inch webbing, no pad, leather strap. Price each, $ .20 No. 17. Fanc)' heavy corded, 4 inch webbing, no pad, leather straps. Price each, .50 No. 2 Surcingles. Fanc\- cotton 2j4 inch webbing, stuffed pad, leather strap. Price each, $ .25 No. 53 1=2. Fancy heavy corded 4 inch webbing, stuffed pad, leather straps. Price each, .65 108 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HALTERS AND TIES. Made of either Sisal or Jute rope. Sisal. Jute. Price each, $ Price each, $ THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 109 CHAINS. Covert Halter Chains. Hand forged, X. C. plate, length, A% feet. Price each, $ .50 Covert Rein Chains. X. C. plate, length, 12 inches. Price each, X. C. plate, length, 18 inches. Price each. Covert Stallion Chains X. C. plate, length, 1 inches, \\'^ inch swivel Price each. .25 Heel Chains. H, Vi, 2, 2i or 2i- inch swivel dee. Length, 18 inches, hook at rear. Price per pair, $ .60 Length, 24 inches, hook at rear. Price per pair, .65 Length, 12 inches, without hook. Price per pair, .50 Team Trace Lengtheners. Length, 30 inches, swivel centre, hook at each end. Price per pair, $ .65 Snap at each end. Price per pair, .90 Triumph Halter Chains. Length, 4>^ feet. No. 0. Snap and toggle. Price each, $ .25 No. 00, Snap and toggle. Price each, .30 No. 0, Snap at each end. Price each, .30 No, 00. Snap at each end. Price each, .35 Covert Breast Chains. No. 220. Can be quickly adjusted to various lengths. Length, 28 inches. Price per pair, 81.35 Length, 32 inches. Price per pair, 1.50 The length of the centre snap is in- cluded in the length of the chain. 110 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. WEBBING, TRUNK STRAPS, ETC. No. No. No. No. 3. Cotton girth web, fancy colors, width lyi inches, 15 yards to piece. Price per piece, S .75 Price per yard, 4. Cotton girth web, fancy colors, width 2^4 inches, 15 yards to piece. Price per piece, $ .86 Price per yard, 3. Extra cotton girth web, fancy colors or white, width 2j4 inches, 15 yards to piece. Price per piece, SI. 25 Price per yard, 4. Extra cotton girth web, fancy colors or white, width 2^ inches, 15 yards to piece. Price per piece, SI. 50 Price per yard, 16 cord, heavy corded girth web, fancy colors, width 4 inches, 12 yards to piece. Price per piece, g2.00 Price per yard, 7 cord, Saratoga rein web, white, width 1J4^ inches, 10 yards to piece. Price per piece, §2.00 Price per yard. Blanket surcingle web, red or blue, width 2 incl Price per piece, S4.00 yards to piece. Price per j'ard. $ .10 .10 .15 .15 .20 .25 .10 No. I. Trunk Straps. Russet leather, 1^ inches wide, 7, 8 or 9 feet in lensjth. Price each, $ .75 Skate Straps. Russet leather. 5^x20 inches. Price per pair, S -15 ^x30 inches. Price per pair, .20 2 Trunk Straps. \% inch, 11 cord, tan webbing, 7, 8 or 9 feet in length. Price each, $ .50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. Ill ANKLE BOOTS. ■No/1045. Black leather studied cup, leather straps. Price per pair, $ No. 1047X. Russet leather stitched cup, leather straps, raw hide lined. Price per pair. No. 1048. Russet leather stitched cup, leather straps, extra large size. Price per pair. .50 .50 .60 No. 1050. Black leather cup, felt wrapper, leather straps, chamois bound. Price per pair, $ .85 No. 1050LL. Black leather cup, felt wrapper, leather straps, chamois bound, extra large size. Price per pair. 1.00 No. 1051. Black leather cup, felt wrapper, leather straps. Price per pair. $ rib Cresceus. Black leather cup, chrome calfskin rein- forced wrapper, raw hide straps. Price per pair, $1.00 112 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. ANKLE B00T5. Dan Patch. Russet leather cup, russet calfskin wrapper, raw hide straps. Price per pair, SI. 25 No. 1065. Ankle boot with heel extension, russet leather cup, calfskin wrapper, two straps. Price per pair, Jgl.50 No. 1056. Russet leather cup, felt wrapper, chamois bound, raw hide straps. Protects side and back of ankle. Price per pair, SI. 25 We illustrate in this Catalog a few of the best selling grades of Ankle Boots. We issue a large illustrated Catalog of Horse Boots and Turf Goods showing a very extensive line of Trotting and Road Boots, Hop- ples, and Racing Specialties which will be sent on ap- plication. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 113 SHOE BOIL ROLLS, HUZZLES, ETC. Shoe Boil Rolls. Heavy webbing, sheepskin top. Price each, gl.OO No. No. No. Qait Spreaders. Solid rubber balls, leather straps covered with rubber tubing, cushioned pad. Price each, $ .50 Soaking Boots. Gray felt, leather straps. Price each, Heavy gray felt, leather straps. Price each, Heavy fawn felt, leather straps. Price each, .30 .50 .75 Wire Muzzles. Galvanized wire, wool sheepskin top, leather straps. Price each, gl.50 Trotting Rolls. Solid rubber balls on leather strap. Price each, S .25 Horn balls on leather strap. Price each, $ .50 Easily Attached to Halter. I can eat, drink and breathe if I can't get at \ my blanket. Pat. Aug. 4-91 Gillespie Blanket fluzzle. Prevents the horse tearing or pulling off his blanket, leaving him free to feed or drink. Russet leather with polished steel chains. Price each, S2.00 114 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. HOODS, ETC. Long Hoods. Fine cotton fancy plaid cooling hoods. Price each, SI. 75 Plain white wool sweat hoods. Price each, 4.50 Fawn kersey team hoods. Price each, 2.75 Fawn kersey team hoods, extra large. Price each, 3.00 Dark green kersey driving hoods. Price each, 4.50 Short Moods. Plain white wool sweat. Price ;ach. Under Harness Blankets. Dark green kersey, broadcloth trimmed. Price each, S7.50 Jowl Hoods. Plain white wool. Price each, SI. 25 S 2.75 Ear Nets. Fine woven cotton mesh. White. Price each, S .35 Butternut. Price each, .35 Black and orange. Price each. .50 Army Blankets. Rubber sheeting with grom- mets. Price each. S1.50 Rubbersheeting with ball and socket fastener. Price each, 1.50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 115 CARRIAGE APRONS, RAIN COVERS AND DASHERS. Holden's Pat. Carriage Aprons. Size No. 1. For phaetons. Price each, ?2.50 Size No. 2. For carriages. Price each, $1.75 Size No. 3. For buggies. Price each, $ 1.35 These Aprons are made of waterproof rubber drill held in position by two oil tempered springs ( covered to prevent scratching) attached to the under side. Fit anj' size dasher. Pocket Boots. Waterproof rubber drill with pocket to slip over dasher. Made in different sizes to fit the various widths of dashers. Price each, S2.50 V > .^ __ ';i ■i u O -n; -o c o o o o d Q. D, C£ 4 inch. • Gray, thickness about Y^ inch. Gray, thickness about 1 inch. White, for use under horses' shoes. FELT. In sheets measuring 20.\36 inches. Fringe. Price per yard, $1.50 Price per yard, 1.50 Price per yard, 2.00 Price per yard, $ .10 Price per yard, SI. 25 Price per yard, 1.50 Price per yard, 2.0O Price per yard, $ .45 Price per yard, .50 Green, for carriage tops. Price per pound. Sl.OO Price per pound. 1.00 Price each. 1.00 Price per pound. 1.50 Price per yard. $ .50 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 127 J>i-.6 TACKS AND BUTTONS. T T T T y J Swedes Iron Tacks. Full Weight Papers. Ounces, \)4, 2, -j4. 3, 4, 6, 8, lo, I2, 14, Price per paper (1000), $ .08 .09, .09, .10, .10, .12, .13, .15, .18, .20, 16, 18, •23. -25. 20 •25 4-'^ lH 5.,6 6-. T T 1 I 716 8-16 ^i« ,0-16 in. long i 4 6 8 o:. MM T T I Japanned Qimp Tacks. Full Weight Papers. Ounces, Price per paper (1000), $ ■■5. -15. 4, 6, 8 .17, 20, .23 TTTT Shoe Tacks. Full Weight Papers Ounces, ij,, 2. 2)4, 3, Price per paper (1000), $ .08, .08, .08, .10, . Price per pound package, .25, .23, .20, .20, . 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 10, .10, .10, .10, .10, .10 17. ■17. •17. •17. •17. ■17 Japanned Lining Nails. Full Count. Ounces, 4. b, S, lo, 12, 14, Price per paper (100), S .10, .10, .10, .10, .10, .12, Japanned Tufting Buttons. Price per paper (i gross), 22 line $ .25, 24 line ■30. 27 line -35 Japanned Tufting Nails. Full Count. No. 2. 6-16 inch head, 6 to 16 ounces. Price per paper f 100), $ .15 No. 3. 7-i6 inch head, 12 to 18 ounces. Price per paper (lonj, .17 No. 3. 7-16 inch head, 7-8 to i 1-4 inches. Price per paper (loo), .17 No. 4. 9-16 inch head, 7-8 to i 1-2 inches. Price per paper (looj, .20 128 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. RIVETS. Copper Rivets and Burs. No. 8. 1 pound boxes, one size only, i/t, to \}i inches. Price per pound, No. 10. 1 pound boxes, one size only, fk to \% inches. Price per pound, No. 12. 1 pound boxes, one size only, /^ to 1 inch. Price per pound, No. 8. J^ pound boxes, assorted lengths, -ys to ^ inch. Price per pound, No. 12. }i pound boxes, assorted lengths, yi to V^ inch. Price per pound, g.50 .55 .60 .50 .60 Tubular Rivets, Japanned or Coppered. oOO in box, one size only. 16 ;.75 _4_ 16 _6_. 16 J." 16 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 $.75 S.75 S.80 $.85 $.90 $.95 $1.00 $1.15 per box. Put up 50 assorted sizes in a box, 12 bo.xes in a carton, SI. 00 per carton. Price per box of 50, $.10 Split or Clinch Rivets, Japanned or Coppered. Put up 50 assorted sizes in a box, 12 boxes in a carton. Per carton, Sl.OO Price per box of 50, .10 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 129 RIVETING MACHINES. Tom Thumb. Malleable iron neatly japanned. Sets tubular or clnich rivets. A useful tool at a low price. Price each, $ .50 The Improved Sight Feed Machine. A foot power machine especially adapted to harness makers and repair shops where it is necessary to produce the best possible work with facility and economy. The fact that the work is always in sight showing just where to place the rivet is one of its many advantages. Self adjusting and sets either tubular or clinch rivets from ^\ to 5 inches in length. A loop anvil (not shown in cut) is included with each machine. Necessary bolts, etc. and full instruc- tions for setting up and operating are packed in each box. Weighs 26 pounds. Price 'each, complete with foot power and loop anvil, $10.00 Rex. Malleable iron finished in black japan with steel plunger. Self adjusting and will set tubular or clinch rivets as well as many of the higher priced machines. Price each, $ .75 Rex. The Improved Sight Feed Machine. Foot Power. No. 47A. Malleable iron finished in black japan. A very desirable tool for shop use. Sets tubular or clinch rivets. Price each, $4.00 130 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. iC ^ i SLEIGH ROBES. A full description of our line of Sleigh Robes will be found in our Annual Catalog of Horse Blankets and Fur Robes. Our as= sortment is large and prices right. Catalog will be sent on application. »jrj> Japanese (joat Robe. L__ Black Russian Cub Bear Robe. Montana Buffalo Robe. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 131 SHAFT BELLS. No. 0153. Polished bell metal bells on leather strap. Price per pair, S.60 No. 861. Wrought steel nickel finished beaded bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, ;.60 No. 029. Cast bell metal nickel plated bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, Sl.OO No. 013. Wrought steel nickel finished bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, S.60 No. 15. Cast bell metal nickel plated bells on enamelled steel or leather strap. Price per pair, SI 00 No. 19. Cast bell metal nickel plated bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, Sl.-io 132 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 5HAFT BELLS. No. OlO. Wrought steel nickel tim.'.liea be;uled bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, $ .85 No. 069^. Wrought steel nickel finished bells on enamelled steel strap. Prjce per pair, $1.25 No. 42^. Wrought brass nickel plated bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, 1.75 No. 42. Cast bell metal nickel plated harmonized bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 1108. Feather weight speeding chime. Cast bell metal nickel plated bells on nickel plated strap. Designed especially for fast driv- ing where a light chime is required. The bells are small and occupy a position so close to the shaft that they will not cut ihe horse when speeding or in case of accidental fall. Price per pair, No. 069. Cast bell metal nickel plated harmonized bells on enamelled steel strap. Price per pair, 2.25 No. 997. Cast bell metal nickel plated harmonized bells on nickel plated strap. Price per pair, 3.00 No. 996. Same style brass plated. Price per pair, 3.00 No. 54. Cast bell metal nickel plated tuned bells on nickel plated strap. Price per pair, 3.75 1.75 No. 53. Same style brass plated. Price per pair. 3.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 133 TEAH BELL5. Navajo. Wrought steel, copper plated. No. I. Diameter, 3?e '"clies. Price each, $ .25 No. 17. Diameter, 4 inches. Price tach, .^o No. IS Diimeier nineties. Price each, .40 Aroostook, Polished bell metal with heavy leather strap. No. zi. Diameter. 4]^ inches. Weight about 1% lbs. Price each, $ .67 No. II. Diameter, Weight about 2 lbs. Price each, inches. Dominion. Polished bell metal, rolled edge. No. 6. Diameter, 3I/2 inches. Weight about ^^ lbs. Price each, No. S. Diameter, 4^ e inches. -Weight about Tg lbs. Price each, No. 10. Diameter 4V2 inches. Weight about i lb. Price each. No 12. Diameter, 5 inches. Weight about i^/^ lbs. Price each. Round. No. 6. No. S. No. 10. No. 12. No. 14. No. 16. No. 18. Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Polislied bell metal. Price each. Price each. Price each, Price each, Price eacli, Price each, Price each, 1^4 inches. 2^ f, inches, 2^/^ inches. 2^i inches. 3 inches. 3Ji inches. 3-X inches. $ -40 .50 .60 -75 •25 -30 .60 .67 Heavy Loop Team. Polished bell metal. No. 6. Diameter, 3V2 inches. Weight about % lb. Price each. No. 3. Diameter. 4 inches. Weight about i lb. Price each, No. 10. Diameter, 4VJ inches. Weight abojt il4 lbs. Price each, No. 12. Diameter, 5 inches. Weight about 2 lbs Price eacli, .40 .50 .67 .go Swiss. Diameter, 4 inches. Price each, $ -75 134 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BELLS. Quebec]Bells. Designed to be attached to back strap of harness. No. lo. iS inch strap, four 2% inch wrought steel bells, nickel or brass plated. Price per strap, S.75 Swedish Bells. Designed to be attached to back strap of harness. No. 0469. 18 inch strap, two 2 inch and two 2*^2 inch wrought brass bells, nickel or brass plated. Price per strap, $1.75 SADDLE CHIMES. No. 160. Nickel plated. Price each, No. Kil. Brass plated. Price each. No. 164. Nickel plated. Price each, No. 165. Brass plated. Price each, g2.00 2.00 2.75 2.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 135 BODY AND HARTINQALE BELLS. Body Bells. No. 6.39. Nickel, 19 graduated cast bell metal bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, $1.75 No. 639. Brass, 19 graduated cast bell metal bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 1.7.5 No. 844. Nickel, .30 1^ inch wrought steel bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.00 No. 8.57. Brass, 30 1^ inch wrought steel bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.00 No. 1202. Nickel, 48 H inch wrought steel bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.75 No. 1220. Brass, 48 H inch wrought steel bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.75 No. 684. Nickel, 25 graduated cast bell metal bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.75 No. 684. Brass, 25 graduated cast bell metal bells on black leather strap. Price per strap, 2.75 No. 237. Nickel, 36 li inch cast bell metal bells on fancy lealher bound strap. Price per strap, 3.25 No. 253. Brass, 36 li inch cast bell metal bells on fancy leather bound strap. Price per strap, 3.25 Martingale Bells. All the above grades can be furnished in either body or martin- gale st)'le. 136 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. -^— LEATHERS. We are large handlers of the many varieties of Leather used by Harness Manufacturers and Carriage Trimmers. Harness Leather Trace Leather Collar Leather Breeching Leather Loop Leather Russet Rein Leather Russet Strap Leather White Rawhide Dasher Leather Black Enamel Leather Colored Enamel Leather Skirting Leather Railing Leather Bow Leather Belting Bellies Rawhide Lace Leather Apron Skins, Wool Skins, Etc., Etc. Prices Quoted on Application. Miscellaneous Section Showing a line of doods carried in connection with our Automobile Supply and Bicycle Department Dealers' Price List. For the convenience of our patrons we have issued a special Confidential Price List for Dealers only, applying to this Miscellaneous Section of our catalog. We shall be pleased to mail same to all Dealers upon application. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 139 BASE BALL GOODS. D. & r\. Official League Bails. No. 190. The D. & M. official league ball is guaran- teed to conform exactly to the specifications and requirements of the National and American Leagues. It is made of the very best material that can be procured throughout its construc- tion and is second to none in resiliency and durability and is officially adopted by many professional and amateur leagues. All official league balls having our trade mark and sealed are warranted to measure 9 inches in circum- ference, weigh 5 ounces and guaranteed to last a full game of 9 innings without losing their elasticity or shape and without ripping unless misused. Each ball is wrapped in goldfoil, put in a separate box and sealed. $1.25 D. & M. Base Balls. This entire line of base balls is made of most carefully selected material and by skilled workmen with a view to givin'g the purchaser the best value for his money. These balls like the rest of the D. & M. goods are equal if not superior to any other goods. Anyone purchasing the D. & M. balls will have the factory guarantee that they will be found just as represented. D. & n. College League. No. 180. • This ball is made with the same care and workmanship that is employed in the manufapture of our league balls. Made of all-wool yarn with 1 ounce of the best para rubber in centre, genuine horsehide cover, regulation size and weight, and is exactly in accordance with the National and American League re- quirements. Each ball is put in a sep- arate box and sealed. Warranted to last a full game. Price each, $1.00 D. & M. University League. No. 165. This ball is made of all-wool yarn, horsehide cover. Is regulation size and weight. Put in individual boxes and sealed, and is superior to any other 75c. Ball on the market. Very lively. Price each, " 75 cents. D. & n. Coclt of tlie Walk. No. 162. This ball is made of good material, horsehide cover, regulation size and weight. A high grade ball for the money. Each ball put in a separate box and sealed. Price each, 25 cents. You are tlirowing 2Sc away every time you pay more than $1.25 for an official league ball. D. & M. ball is perfection. Why pay more? , 140 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BASE BAL GOODS. D. & M. Base Balls. D. & M. Cracker Jack. No. 1 70. This ball is made of good material, horsehide cover, regulation size and weight, and warranted a first- class ball for the money. Each ball separately boxed and sealed, $.50 D. & JW. Youths' Lively. No. 135. Made of good material, two-piece cover. A lively boys' ball. S.IO (By mail S.OS extra.) D. & M. Junior League. No. 150. Slightly under regular size, horsehide cover and very lively. Carefully made and a perfect boys' size^ ball. Put in separate boxes and sealed, ' S--o D. &. M. Chaser. No. 130. Made in regulation size, and of good material, and lively, S.IO (By mail $.05 extra.) D. & M. Boys' Pride. No. 120. Made of good material, and is a good S.05 ball. (By mail S.05 extra.) $.05 D. & M. Professional Catchers' Mitts. No. 678. This mitt is made entirely of the finest qualit)- Cordovan calfskin which will not harden by wetting. It is padded with the best asbestos padding, hand sewed and molded in such a manner as to form a deep pocket. Made with our latest im- proved lacing device whereby the back is laced to the palm allowing the player to adjust the pad to suit his fancy. The thumb and top of the mitt are protected by a rubber guard (patented) extending entirely around the thumb and front of the mitt. This guard is riveted to the edge of the mitt, keeping it in perfect shape and preventing the ball from coming in contact with the fingers. The thumb is sup- ported and a much better pocket is formed by our improve- ment (patented) by which the thumb is laced to the liand of the mitt, forming a deep pocket. The seams between the thumb and hand are reinforced by our improvement (patented .^pril 30, 1901) consisting of a piece of horsehide extending over the seams between the thumb and hand and thoroughly fastened, preventing all possibility of rip- ping. In material, workmanship and construction this mitt cannot be surpassed. Price, S7.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 141 BASE BALL GOODS. D. & M. Professional Catchers' Mitts. No. 668. No. 668. Catchers' mitt made of fine black calfskin palm and strip, and black kid fingers, has our latest improv- ed lacing device for adjusting the pad, patent reinforced seams, double sewed throughout, which with our patent lacing between the thumb and hand and our new improved stj^le padding makes a mitt ready for immediate use and requires no breaking in. S4.50 No. 660. Made of black Cordovan leather, extra large size, patent lacing between thumb and hand, patent reinforcement in the palm, latest improved laced back, has a deep pocket and is strongly made and a very desirable mitt tor the money. S2.00 No. 613. Extra large size, manufactured of the celebrated California Napa tan leather which will not harden from wetting, has our latest improved laced back, patent lacing between thumb and hand, reinforced seams and a large deep pocket. gl.75 No. 615. This mitt is manufactured of celebrated olive green horse- hide, double sewed throughout and padded with our lat- est improved hand sewed and molded asbestos pad and has our patent lacing between thumb and hand, forming a deep pocket, also our laced back for adjusting the pad. Rubber guard and reinforced seams and is in every way a first-class milt. S5.50 No. 109. No. 692. Manufactured of drab horsehide leather for the palms and Yucatan leather for the fingers and back and is made in men's extra large sizes, has our latest improved laced back for repadding, patent rubber guard, patent laced thumb and patent reinforcement between the thumb and hand, preventing all possiblity of ripping. §2. .50 No. 609. Made of extra quality Napa tan leather, men's size, all leather, well padded, strongly sewed, patent lacing at thumb, latest improved laced back and a deep pocket. Sl.OO No. 109. Napa tan leather, men's size, same as No. 609 without laced back. All leather. No. 58X. Youth's catchers' mitt made of extra strong Napa tan leather palm and fingers, heavy brown duck back, bound around the outside, has our patent laced thumb and deep pocket. S .25. (By mails .10 extra.) $ .75 142 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BASE BALL GOODS. D. & n. Professional Laced Basemen's flitts. No. 648. Made of the finest quality Cordovan calfskin, large size, leather lined throughout, leather faced all around. Padded with our improved self-con- forming asbestos pad, special inside roll at the heel, very flexible, has our pat- ent lacing between the thumb and hand, a deep pocket, and requires no break- ing in. Strap and buckle fastener at wrist. Price each, $4.00 No. 695. Made of extra quality black horse- hide palm and Eureka tan black leather back, laced around the outside, well padded at heel, which, with our patent lacing between the thumb and hand, forms a deep pocket, extra large size and very flexible, conforming to the hand and gives the best protection. Strap and buckle attachment at the wrist. Price each, S3. 00 No. 644. Made of drab colored horsehide leather for palms and olive green leather back, laced around the outside, patent lacing at thumb, well padded and a good pocket.' Strap and buckle at the wrist. Price each, S1.75 No. 643. Made of fine quality pearl horsehide palm, Benton tan back, laced around the outside, padded with the best as- bestos padding, patent lacing between the thumb and hand and a deep pocket. Strap and buckle fastening at the wrist. Price each, g2.50 No. 42. Men's size, made of Craven leather, no lacing around the outside. Strap and buckle fastener. Price each, $1.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 143 BA5E BALL Q00D5. D. & M. Fielders' Gloves. No. 24. Made from the best quality of drab- colored horsehide leather, welted seams, sewed with best linen thread, waxed, heavily padded at the heel and side of the ihand with best asbestos felt, and lined with kid, web between thumb and forefinger. Especially adapted for pitchers and base- men. Price, $3..50 No. 447. Made of the best quality black Napa tan leather, black kid lined throughout, sewed with best linen thread, waxed, and welted seams, padded heavily at heel and around edges up into little finger, has web be- tween thumb and forefinger and deep pocket. Price, $2.00 No. 34. Made from selected olive green horse- hide, heavil)' padded around heel and little finger with best asbestos felt, forming a deep pocket. Welted seams and web thumb. Price, S'i."."") No. 420. RJade of finest quality drab chrome tan leather, lined throughout with kid, sewed with best linen thread, well padded at heel and web between thumb and forefinger. Price, sun ' No. 6x. This glove is made of extra quality brown leather, felt lined and heavily padded at heel and around edges, sewed wdth linen thread, waxed, and welted seams, and has web between tliumb and forefinger. Price, Si. 25 No. 25. Made from the finest quality drab chrome tan leather, lined throughout with fine black kid, sewed with best linen thread, waxed, welted seams, padded heavily at the heel and around the edge of hand, ex- tending up into the little finger, with the best asbestos padding, web between thumb and forefinger and deep pocket. Price, $2. 50 No. 437. Made of the finest black Krench calf leather, sewed with the best linen thread, waxed, welted seams, web thumb and well padded at the heel, forming a deep pocket, kid lined. Price. S2.50 No. 14. Made of fine quality brown \apa tan leather, waxed and welted seams, sewed with best linen thread, brown kid lined throughout, heavily padded at heel and around edges up into little finger, forming a deep pocket, web between thumb and forefinger. Price, $2.00 144 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND. MAINE. BASE BALL GOODS. D. & M. Fielders' Gloves. No. 3- Boys' fielders' glove, made of chrome tan leather, large size, leather lined, well padded, web thumb and strongly made. $ .35 No. 5X. Boys' fielders' glove, made of genu- ine Yucatan leather, felt lined, well padded, web between thumb and forefinger, large size. S -25 No. 35. Made of genuine white Napa leather, strongly made, ex- tra well padded, web between thumb and forefinger. $ .50 No. 17X. Made from finest quality drab chrome tan leather, heavily padded around heel and little finger, forming a deep pocket. Welted seams and sewed with strong linen thread, waxed, web between thumb and forefinger. $2.25 No. 19. Made of California brown leather, web between thtimband forefinger, strongly sewed, leather lined throughout, ex- tra well padded and a fine large pocket. S1.25 No. 26. Made of olive green leather, kid lined, heavily padded at heel, web thumb and strongly made throughout. $ .75 No. 12. Made of wine-culored Napa tan leather, strongly sewed, web thumb, leather lined, well padded and a good pocket. ^ -^^ D. & M. Masks. B. This mask is fitted with soft calfskin pads like our A. mask, but without neck pad; is made of extra heavy steel wire, electro blued, with head and chin pieces, also head strap. This mask is just as strong and durable as our A. mask, and many prefer it without the neck pad. $2.75 D. This mask is made of electro blued steel wire and is nicely padded with kid leather. Hair stuffed pads with head and chin pieces. The pads are thoroughly wired to the mask like our best masks, and is a very fine mask for amateurs. Full size, $1.75 E. This mask is made of electro blued steel wire, padded same as our D. mask, only a trifle lighter wire. It is well made, full size, and a very good mask for light work. ^i-"^* M. Boys' mask, made of ckctro blued steel wire with side pads and head and chin piece. $ -50 I. Youths' mask, electro blued wire and has side pads. $ .25 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 145 BASE BALL Q00D5. D. & M. BATS. Made from the very best selected second growth white mountain ash. The wood is natural air dried under cover from one to three years before the bats are finished. Made in different lengths and models, which enables us to satisfy- all demands. D. & M. BAT BAGS. These bags are made from extra heavy water-proof brown tluck, in a thorough manner. Each end is reinforced by heavy leather. D. & M. CYCLONE. No. 20. Made from the highest grade selected second growth straight-grained white mountain ash, burnished surface, highly polished, perfectly balanced. The finest bat in every way that can be turned out. $1.00 D. & M. WINNER. No. 40. Made of straight-grained white ash, thoroughly seasoned, burnished surface. A fine bat at a moderate price. 50 cents. V I] -"-"tuTii|^i!!ri,.'i.[r-'"^^!iiCT \ i No. 3. Holds 6 bats. $2.50 No. 50. 35 cents. No. 90. No. 7. D. & M. CLIPPER. Made from white ash, free from knots, full size. D. &. M. BOYS' BATS. White ash, varnished and polished. 10 cents. This is our boys' 5 c. bat, black tip. 5 cents. No. 2. Holds 2 bats, leather bottom. $1.25 146 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. BASE BALL GOODS. D. «Sc n. Pitchers' Toe Plates. No. 1. D. & M. fine quality aluminum toe plate, right or left. No. 2. D. & M. fine quality brass toe plate, right or left. D. & n. Toe and Heel Plates. $ .25 $ .25 No. 2. D. & M. best quality steel toe plate. Each pair furnished with screws. $ -25 No. 2. D. & M. best quality steel heel plate. Each pair fur- nished with screws. $ .25 No. 3. D. & M. good quality steel toe plate. Each pair furnish- ed with screws. $ -10 No. 3. D. & M. good quality steel heel plate. Each pair fur- nished with screws. $. 10 No. IOC. D. & n. Body Protectors. Men's inflated body protector, good weight and very serviceable. $4.00 Base Ball Guide. Official base ball guide published by Napoleon Lajoie. $ .10 per copy. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 147 DRY BATTERIES. Sure Spark Dry Battery. Excels all in voltage, amperage and efficiency. Is manufactured especially for gas engine ignition, and is the best battery on the market for any use that a dry battery is suitable. The No. (3 battery is put up in a square carton, which makes it a most popular package. No. 6. -lixQ $ .25 each. No. 7. 3 x7 .60 each. No. 8. Ux8 .8.5 each. Ever Ready Dry Battery. The Ever Ready battery is standard everywhere. Has high amperage and long life. The battery for high grade work. Style I. 2i-x5 $ .30 each. Style J. 2ix6 .35 each. Style K. 3 \7 .75 each. \Y marveious , Eastern Dry Battery. The features of the Eastern Dry bat- teries are as follows : Low internal resistance, high voltage, uniformity, durability. No. 3. 21x6 $ .30 each. Columbia Dry Battery. The Columbia Dry cell is well known and is most efficient and satisfactory. No. 6. 2ix6 $ .30 each. 148 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. IGNITION APPARATUS. Lenco Ammeters. Volt Ammeters. An excellent pocket instru- ment for testing dry cells. Just the size of a watch, accu- rate and efficient. Practically dead best. Testing cord can be easily attached or detached. Prices, o to 30 amperes, each, S2.50 o to 30 amperes, o to 18 volts, each, 3.50 Connecticut Ammeters, Etc. Immunity Copper Terminals. IMMUNITY" TERMINALS These terminals insure a good con- tact and lessen.the e.\ternal resistance in the circuit. No. o I Connecticut meters are furnished in a handsome leather case with snap lock. Ammeters. No. 0S03. 0-15 amperes, each, S3. 00 No. S03. 0-30 amperes, each, 3.50 Volt Meters. No. 804. 0-3 volts in i-io volt divisions, each, S3. 50 No. 805. 0-8 volts in i-io volt divisions, each, 3.50 No. 806. 0-15 volts in I-IO volt divisions, each, 4.00 Volt Ammeters. No. 801 0-24 amperes, 0-6 volts, each, $5.00 No. 802 0-30 amperes, 0-6 volts, each, 5.00 No. 0S02 0-30 amperes, 0-15 volts, each, 6.00 Takes Battery wire. Primary wire. No. 2 semi-high. No. 3 secondary. Dozen. S.24 •30 .40 •5° Tip Top Battery Connections. Bull Dog Battery Connections. Saves time and labor and also insures a perfect connection. Easily attached or detached. Price per dozen, S.50 Bull Dog Battery Connections. These battery connections are we made and do away with time and trouble in changing batteries. Just snap them on and they will never jar off. Price per dozen, S.75 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 149 TORCHES, BRAZING MATERIAL, ETC. Vulcan Torches. A gasoline torch you can depend upon, brass torch, simple in construction. Works automatical- ly. Intense heat. Steady blast. Com- pact. Can be taken ^apart and carried in "Tthe pocket. For bi- cycle repair men, carpenters, coppersmiths, electricians, gas fitters, painters, plumbers, railroad mechanics, tinsmiths, etc. Price, J2.75 each. No. 16 Reliable Torch. The burners are made of bronze metal, which makes the bluest and hottest flame; they will generate 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Note the adjust- able soldering iron holder. Torch only 2 inches thick, holds one pint. Price, S4.50 each. Brazing flaterial. Brazing solder (Spelter), best quality. Flat brazing wire, best quality, Superior brazing compound (brazing flux), 1 lb. package, each. ..3.5 lb. .50 lb. .50 Solderene Paste. A new rapid flux for soldering iron, copper, brass, lead, zinc, tin, ■.■i."!H:co. ^yj^^k etc., as well as gold, silver, plati- num, etc. For heavy and light work and in place of acids, salts, etc., and where common solder is desired. Small joints may be soldered with the paste alone. It is odorless, waterproof, economical. Will not waste, evapor- ate, corrode. Price 3 ounce box, $ .25 each. Solderene. A complete soldering equipment instantly solders gold, sil- ver, copper, brass, iron, tin, etc., without the use of strong acids or other fluxes. Stronger than solder, clean, rapid and non-corrosive. One bar sufficient for 50 to 200 joints, con- nections or repairs. As only one operation is required, one- half the work and inconvenience is saved. Price per stick, $ .10 150 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. DUPLEX FOLDING WASH BASINS. FOLDING SPECIALTIES. DUPLEX FOLDING HANDY BASKETS. Made of the same material as other Duplex Specialties. They will hold water as hot as skin will stand, and for man or beast — in sickness or in health — they offer individual service. They are light and durable and can be carried in a very small space. Price Si.oo each. DUPLEX FOLDING FUNNELS. These are the only collapsible or folding funnels made. They occupy very little space folded and are easy to open. Made of canvas lined with a gasoline proof material. Metal parts are spring steel, rustproofed. The strainer separates the water from the gasoline and prevents chips, straw or dirt from passing through the funnel. Price, $1.50 each. DUPLEX FOLDING PAILS. They carry liquids or solids equally well and will keep ice or water cool. They can be washed or you can wash dishes in them, fiave double handles and covers fasten with pull down snap hooks. No. 316. i6x 9x7^2 inches when open. S2.00 each. No. 318. 18x11x9^ inches when open. 2.50 each. COLLAPSIBLE WATER BUCKET. An article that is largely used. It is adapt- ed for a great many purposes. These buckets are fitted with gravel screen. Price, Si. 7 5 each. Are made of brown canvas, thoroughly waterproofed, and metal parts are spring steel, rustproofed. They have a splash guard, strainer and spout which allows water to be secured from any lake or stream and tank, tea kettle or glass filled with water strained clean enough to drink. No. 4, holding six quarts, $1.50 each. No. 5, holding ten quarts, 2.00 each. DRINKING CUPS. Being made of rubber are collapsible and very popular for automobilists, bicycle riders- and campers, etc. Price, S .25 each. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 151 LAMPS, CALCIUM CARBIDE, ETC. SOLAR GAS. Bicycle size, nickel 'plated. Also used as a driving lamp for horse drawn vehicles in connection with Solar dash bracket. Lamp. Dash bracket. Price each, Price each. $3.00 .85 ■ This carbide is made of selected calcium carbide and gives a clear white light and is especially suitable for auto- mobile lamps. We carry two pound cans in the ^ inch size, and ten pound cans in two sizes, i inch and inch. The inch size is better suited for large generators. Price, -2 lb. $ .'i.5 each. Price, 10 lb. 1.00 each. EVER READY FLASH LIGHTS. Miner's style, fibre covered, I'/ixSyi. $2.50 each. Regular style, fibre covered, lyi-xSyi. 1.50 each. Regular style, enamelled metal, 1^x8. i.oo each. Extra batteries only, .35 each. Extra bulbs only, .35 each. EVER READY VEST POCKET LIGHTS. Cloth covered, [^ $ .85 each. f Marbled metal case, .60 each. Extra batteries only, .30 each. .30 each. "LUTA" BURNER. \ or i foot. Burner is made almost entirely of metal, lava only is used where flame comes in contact with burner. Is largely sold in communities that depend upon acetylene gas systems. Price, S .40 each. 15-2 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TOOLS. HACK SAW FRAMES. ADJUSTABLE FRAME. Fits any length blade. S1.2o each. Rigid frame for 8 inch blades. .60 each. THOMPSON HACK SAW BLADES. 6 inch. 8 inch. 9 inch. 10 inch. 12 inch. HAnnERs. Perfect Handle Hammer. .10 .10 .10 .lo .15 It is drop forged from one piece of steel, that is, the head and handle are of one piece and highly fin- ished, and it is impossible to lose either part. In short, this hammer is an " all round " helper in repairing. It is 10 inches long, 3| inches head and weighs 19 ounces. Price, SI. 00 each. Nail hammers, — weight, 1 lb. $ .60 each. Nail hammers, — weight, 1.3 oz. .50 each. Ball Pien hammers, — weight, 8 oz. .50 each. Ball Pien hammers, — weight, 12 oz. .75 each. Rivet hammers, — weight, 7 oz. ..35 each. Rivet hammers, — weight, 9 oz. .40 each. SUCCESS EMERY QRINDER. (Foot Power.) 3.000 revolutions per minute at- tained by a simple and easy motion of the foot. Just like a Power flachlne. THE GREATEST GRINDER ON EARTH for grinding drills, castings machine parts, knives, scissors, and all kinds of tools. It is just the thing for bicycle repairmen, blacksmiths, jewelers, carpenters, butchers, harness makers, wagon makers, mechanics, farmers and miners. GRINDS TWICE AS FAST AS ANY GRINDSTONE. Needs no turn- ing. One person dnes it all. DESCRIPTION. This machine when set up stands 4 feet high; the upright or standard is made of ^'i inch tubing, and is very solid and slrong. The emery wheel is of the high- est grade, and is 8 inches in diameter by ili inch face. It is supplied with a suit- able and substantial rest. It has no belt to slip, loosen, or break, neither has it lead gearteeth to wearout and bind. The movement of the foot operates a ball- ratchet, which sends the emery wheel spinning easily at 3,000 revolutions per minute. The machine screws to the floor and wall, and is quickly and easily set up. Each machine is crated for ship- ment. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 153 TOOLS. Eagle No. lo Screw Driver. Round cherry finish handle, nickel ferrule, best forged cast steel blade. 2 inch, $ '5 4 inch, $ -15 6 inch. $ .20 8 inch, $ .2^ 3 inch, '5 5 inch, .i8 12 inch, 7 inch, S -35 .20 lo inch. ■3° Esco No. 2 Screw Driver. This is the finest small screw driver we have ever seen, made from smooth flat steel with rounded corners, blade is hardened and point ground, nicely nickeled. Price, $ .lo each. Yankee Spiral — Ratchet Screw Driver No. 30. The best tool of the kind — very simple, strong and durable. Espe- cially adapted for repairer's use. Chuck positive in its hold on bits. Extreme length of tool with bit in chuck I3_^ inches closed and ig}4 inches when fully adapted. Bit with slot for spokes furnished if so ordered. Price, $2.00 each. iJ Perfect Handle Screw Driver. This screw driver is the most durable and substan- tial tool ever put upon the market. The body of the screw driver is a one-piece drop forging and the wooden handles are inserted in pockets in the steel body. The end of the steel body forms a hammer head which is very useful in starting screws or for any use to which a hammer is put. On the machinists' screw driver the shank is square and a wrench can be put on it. Dozen Dozen 2 inch, $4.25 6 inch, $6.00 4 inch, 4.25 8 inch, S.oo Machinists', 9)^ inches over all, 4% inches length of blade, J4 inch width of point, thickness, -^i,, inch. Price, $1.00. Improved Union Ratchet Screw Driver. Vest Pocket Size. The vest pocket ratchet screw driver is especially adapted for all kinds of electrical, tele- phone, bell-hanging, store service and similar work where a pocket screw driver is much needed. It is very strong, light and nicely finished. No. 2, 2 inch blade, $ .40 each. Perfection Screw Driver. Steel drop forged and toughest temper Perfection screw drivers are the result of careful experiment and tests. They are strong, durable, and attractive in appearance. 4 inch, $ .25 5 inch, $ .35 6 inch. $ .45 8 inch, $ .55 154 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TOOLS. NO. 10 inPROVED COHBINATION PLIERS. Gas pliers, wire cutters, wrench and screw driver combined. Drop forged from tool steel Price, nickel plated, S .75 each. VICTOR UNIVERSAL PLIER. Wire cutter on handle side of fulcrum. This is the only Universal plier and wire cutter on the market, the upper jaw being built on such lines that it will push anything its entire length or width to the straight jaw, thus giving a better hold by 50 per cent than any other plier. It will adjust itself to any taper, half round, three square or parallel. In taking hold of a taper, three square or parallel, the flat side always lays itself to the straight jaw. It will take in a pipe from ;i to ^ inch. $ .So 7 inch. yi to yi inch. .90 S inch. 12 inch. to ^ inch, to I inch. 1. 00 1.20 NO. 2 PLUG PLIERS. Price each, $ —O SIDE CUTTING PLIERS. These Side Cutting Pliers are made of extra quality cast steel and are hand forged. They are a combination side cutting plier, wire cutter and screw driver. 6 inch, nickel plated. $ .75 each. 8 inch, black finish. .75 each. NO. 75 PLIERS. Hand forged, has long thin jaws /s inch thick, to grasp edge and small lock nuts, etc., where there is only a narrow space to get at them. T'/i inches long over all. Price each, $ .75 LODl VALVE PLIERS. Price each, S .40 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 155 UI.1.U1.LL: i!!B!i!ii:iiFiigii;wiiiiSi!iigiiiiiaiiiiiiii»iiw -TOOLS. 'j-mgmiMMM.iSMW- No. I Wrench. Nickeled. Price, $ .35 each. X ,'^- pi j ■ _ -tZS >' ' m «|r^ No. 2. Wrench. Black, $ .25 each. MODFL E. B. & S. Adjustable Shop Wrenches. Drop forged from bar steel. Black finish. Bar graduated to thirty-seconds of an inch. Model. Length closed. Opens. Each. B. 5 inch. I inch. S .75 D. 6 inch. J 'A inch. .90 E. 6 inch. i :V inch. i.io B. «& 5. Adjustable "S" Wrenches. Every part is drop forged and the sliding jaw is fitted in a double groove •which greatly adds to the strength of the tool. The thumb screw securely locks the nut when the wrench has been adjusted to the opening desired. Black finish. Each. $ .90 1. 00 Length closed. 6 inch. Sinch. Opens. I inch. i}i inch. 1 5^ inch. Dudley Wrench. This tool is a favorite for the gas titter, the machinist, the electrician, the engineer, the bicycle repairer, or anybody who has use for a wrench. The me- chanical features are novel, and the combination makes the tool almost a univer- sal one. The wrench opens to hold a 1'4 inch square or hexagon nut and will hold any small pipe, rod, or bolt from yi inch to i inch. The wrench is made of drop forged tool steel, length 7 inches. Price, Si. 00 each. 156 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. TOOLS, STEEL BALLS, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. ^ ^^^H^^l piiT|:irr|i|-':ir i|i|irip'i'i:r- <<^ %. COE'S STEEL HANDLE WRENCH. Made for use in extra difficult service, and in exposed places where heat or damp would injure a wood handle. Size. Each. Size. Each. 4 inch. 50 cents 8 inch, $ .85 6 inch. 75 cents 5 inch, 1 inch , STILLSON PIPE WRENCH. The jaws are constructed of drop forgings and are unequalled in durability. Length open. Each. 6 inch, takes pipe from ^ '^ inch to % inch, Si. 00 8 inch, takes pipe from ^ . inch to ?4 inch, 10 inch, takes pipe from ' ^ inch to i inch, 14 inch, takes pipe from ^^ inch to i*,^ inch, 18 inch, takes pipe from % inch to 2 inch. I 00 1.25 1.50 2.00 .■:']. TiT wrrr, rmrfm, m BULLARD AUTOMATIC PIPE WRENCHES. Constructed to stand the severest strains. Inner jaw made of solid barsteel. No^sUding parts, loose or shackly points. No adjustment necessary. Always ready. No. Size. Each. Extra Jaws. o inch to f{ inch, $ .75 1 ' s inch to iVi inch, 1.15 ? .25 2 -'rt inch to 1% inch, 1.35 .35 3 14 inch to 2^/4 inch, i.So .50 wM FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Manville dr)' powder fire extinguisher for general use. Put up in convenient size, 12 inches long, 2 inches diameter. Price, $2.00 each. Nevermyss dry powder fire extinguisher, put up in tubes of convenient size. Impervious to heat or moisture. When tube is emptied, factory will refill same without charge. Price, S3.00 each. BALLS. We carry in stock the following sizes: — 15 3 7 19 3 _7_ 1_ _9_ -i 1 i 3 13 7 15 1 5' 35' le' 32"' 4,' 32' 16' ^' 16' 2' 16' ^' 16' I' 16' ¥' 16' -^• We can also obtain sizes up to 1}^ inch. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 167 LIQUID VENEER, RUBBER MATTING, ETC. ^^■^^^ < /vwvyWVvvvv Yv^^ \\'vvv \> RUBBER MATS. 17x31. Used as door mats and for other purposes. Price each, $1.50 , 1 la gM I j LH WUBPI^IW^Ipt CORRUGATED RUBBER MATTING. We carry this in rolls 36 inches wide and will cut any running length desired. Standard thickness is -^ inch. RUBBER GARUhN HOSE. Gem 3 ply, i inch. Gem 3 ply, f inch. Pilgrim 5 ply, i inch. Pilgrim 5 ply, f inch. 9 cents per foot. 10 cents per foot. 11 cents per foot. 12 cents per foot. Comes regularly in fifty foot lengths— no charge for couplings in this length. Nozzles having combination stream or spray. Couplings in Jo and ^4 inch. Washers, Sherman bands, yi and % inch, $ .50 each. .25 each. .15 doz, .10 each. LIQUID VENEER. 4 oz. bottles. $ .25 each. 12 oz. bottles. .50 each. I qt. bottles. i.ooeach. 158 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. ON GUN BARRELS AND ^liSmED tools; CLEANS P0WDE9 RES' DUE FROM GuN3 KEEPS B0BE5 BRiGmT LUBRICATES Gun loC*^SCmainS GEARS BtARiNGSac N EVER Gu ms COLES MANY-USE OIL CO HANY-USE OIL. Small size, lo cents bottle. Large size, 20 cents bottle. THREE IN ONE. Small size, 10 cents bottle. Large size, 20 cents bottle. There is a large general demand for Many- Use and 3 in 1 oil for household purposes. Sold by all general stores. OILS, OIL CANS, ETC. NYE'S SEWING MACHINE OIL. 2 ounce bottle. This is a high grade oil and is extensively used for sewing machines, firearms, bicycles, etc. Price, 5 cents bottle. CYLINDER OIL. We carry a special cylinder oil adapted for gas engine use. Price, 1 gallon cans, Jl.OO each. If interested, we can quote on larger quantities. No. 049 OIL CAN. Price. S .15 each. EXTENSION OIL CAN. Adjustable spout. Price, 5 .15 each. NEW ERA OIL CAN. Price, ? .10 NO. I GIANT OIL PUMP. Made from heavy gauge tubing, patent p' Has atent plungers with double washers. It is impossible for the oil to come out at the handle. Brass finish. Length. Diameter. Capacity. Each. 10 inch. 1 inch. 24- ounces. $1.00 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 159 HAND SOAP, PUMP LEATHERS, ETC. "^^^^^ ^RJ Brown soaP . SKIDOO. The Great Soap Paste. Skidoo is always clean and sanitary. Lasts twice as long as any other soap. 14 oz. can, S .10 PUMP TUBING. We carry rubber pump hose in two weights, two-ply which is suitable for single action pumps, and five-ply for double action pumps. We also carry hose in two sizes, 3-16 and 1-4 inch inside diameter. When ordering, kindly specify which you prefer. Prices vary from 10 cents to 25 cents per foot. PUMP LEATHERS. Made of specially prepared leather and are suitable for use in bicycle, carriage and automobile pumps. Size of the washer required is equal to the outside diameter of the cylinder for which it is intended. Please remember this when ordering. We carry the the following sizes: — J/s, 1, 1>^. l/^. 1>^. ^H< ^ and 2}^ inches. Prices vary from 2 to 10 cents each. QRE-SOLVENT. Cleanses as nothing else can. Saves time. Saves labor. Saves money. Removes all kinds of ma- terials which can not be gotten off with regular soap. Made especially for machinists, engineers, automo- bilists, painters, printers, plumb- ers, electrotypers and others who need a perfect hand cleaner. Posi- tively will not injure the skin, but will make the hands soft, white and smooth. 12 oz. can, 10 cents each. 2 lb. can, 25 cents each. CLEANZUM ANTISEPTIC HAND CLEANER. Instantly removes all dirt, grease, stains, paint, ink, acids, etc., leaving the hands in perfect condition. 12 oz. can, 10 cents each. 160 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. SULKY WHEELS, LIQUID PISTOLS, ENAMEL, ETC. with Vi Sulky Wheels. With No. 1 or 2 hubs, SI 2.00 pair With No. 3 or 4 hubs, knock-out ax- les. 13.00 No. 1 sulky hub, regular, 4% inches out to out of cones, with 7-16 inch solid axle, 7 inches long. No. 2 sulky hub, regular, 4)4 inches out to out of cones, with 7-16 inch solid axle, 6j4 inches long. No. 3 sulky hub, 4)4 inches out to of cones, with |/8 inch knock-out axle, 6 inches long. No. 4 sulky hub, 4); inches out to inch knock-out a.xle, 6 inches long. out of cones, Can furnish also the No. 1 hub with 5-16 inch knock-out axle. AMERICAN PEDOMETER. Price, 100 miles, SI. 50 How far have you walked to-da)-? The American pedometer tells you. The average person has no idea how far he walks in a day, even around his place of business or at home. LIQUID PISTOLS. Throws ammonia or any liquid. A good protection for bicyclists and automobilists against dogs or robbers. Fires and recharges by pulling trigger. Over twenty shots in one loading. Price, S .50 each. High Qrade Enamels. ALUMINUM ENAMEL. }{ pint, -D cents per can. yi pint, 40 cents per can. Gives a satin silver finish; prevents rust; waterproof. BICYCLE AIR DRYING ENAMEL. Colors: — Black, white, bright red, maroon, sterling green, yellow, royal blue. We carry this enamel, lacquer and peacock blue, for bicy- cle purposes, but they have many other uses. Price, S .20 per can. ALUniNUn LACQUER. For enameling spokes. Price, 20 cents per can. PEACOCK BLUE. For enameling spokes. Price, 20 cents per can. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 161 WATCHE5, WATCH CHAINS, WATCH HOLDERS. YANKEE WATCH. The Yankee is the most desirable low priced watch on the market. Stem wind and set. Nickel only. Very desirable for hunters, fishermen and sportsmen generally. Price, $1.00 o z "1 o o UNIVERSAL WATCH. A selling novelty in gun metal, brass or nickel finish, makes a splendid desk watch and paper weight. Looks handsome enough for any library table, and is the most practical time piece for a journey by boat or rail. Every tourist should own one. Price, $1.25 LADIES' MIDGET WATCH. This is as much a wonder as the Yankee SLOG watch. Stem wind and set. Nickel finish. Price, $2.00 LEATHER WATCH CHAINS. A pleasing novelty for bicycle riders, tourists and general use. Made of black, tan or brown French calfskin, or white chrome leather, with nickel buckles. Light and strong. Price each, S .15 Put up for the trade, one dozen chains on an attractive card. WATCH HOLDERS. To attach to dasher. Black patent lea- ther. Price each, without watch, S2.75 162 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. ODOMETERS, SPOKES, TIRE FLUID, ETC. AS IT LOOKS FROM THE SEAT VEEDER REGULAR ODOHETER FOR HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES. This cut shows the odometer complete attached to front axle of a wooden wheel carriage. The same fixture will fit the axle of a wire wheel carriage, using a wire wheel striker. Price complete,, $3.50 Price of odometer only, 3.00 Price of fixtures only, 1.00 Never oil a Veeder odometer. CARRIAGE SPOKES. Bent and direct for 32, 34 and 3(3 inch wheels, 13, 14 and 15 inches Sulky spokes, .105 — .080 — 12^ inches long. long. NEVERLEAK TIRE FLUID. For injecting into single tube tires. Prevents porousness. 4 oz. tubes. i gallon cans. 8 oz. cans. 1 gallon cans. Ne\-erleak injector to use with above. FRICTION TAPE. High qualil}-. — 1 oz. rolls, black. High qualit}'. — 4 oz. rolls, black. High quality. — 8 oz. rolls, black. $ .05 each. .15 each. .25 each. TOLISMH Hiss. NICKU ^10 ST£%^ RUST REMOVER. Price, S .15 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 163 CARRIAGE PUnP5, BABY CARRIAGE TIRE5 AND TOOLS. No. 80 PUMP. Price, gl.50 each. No. 40 PUMP. Steel barrel, HxlS inches. No. 90 punp. Price, without gauge, S'2.50 each. Price $1.00 each. LITTLE GIANT TIRE TOOL. For a long time furniture dealers and repair men have felt the need of a machine with which they could apply rubber tires to bab)' carriages, go-carts, Irish mails, velocipedes, tricycles, etc., without wasting material. This can be accomplished only by using the "Little Giant." They are put on much tighter than is possible in any other manner. It does not require a mechanic to operate the machine, and after a little experience, one man can put on a full set in fifteen minutes, no mater how small the wheels may be. Circulars giving full directions mailed on application. Where the wheels are sent in to us, we make up tires to fit. BABY CARRIAGE TIRE WIRE. Price, 20 cents per pound. BABY CARRIAGE TIRE RUBBER. f, j-j, i, and t inch. High grade quality, 50 cents per pound. 1G4 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. CARRIAGE TIRE5, INNER TUBES AND BUHPERS Factory List. Each. 32"! 54^ inches, $15.00 34x1 lit inches. 16.00 36x1 1^ inches, 17.00 34x2 inches. 1 7-00 36x2 inches. 18.00 : TIRES.— Detachable. Casing only. Tube only. Factory List. Factory List Each. Each. 32x134; inches, $11.25 »3-75 34x134 inches. 12.00 4.00 36x134 inches, 12.75 4-2 5 34x2 inches. 12.75 4-25 36x2 inches. 13-50 4.50 HARTFORD, DIAMOND and GOODRICH CARRIAGE TIRES. Factory List. 28x1^ 32X f % 34x1 M 36XIK 38x1^ 40x1^ 28x2 30x2 > 1 4.00 14.50 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 ig.oo 14.50 15-5° 32x2 34x2 36x2 38x2 40x2 34X2X 36x2 3+ 34x2 "4 ",6x2 14 Factory List. $16.00 17.00 18.00 ig.oo 20.00 20.00 21.00 23.00 24.00 RUBBER BUnPERS. Cylindrical .shape. Made of good grade rubber. Widely used. Diameter 3i inch, width H inch, hole 1^ inch. Bumpers each, $ .75 Straps extra. HAYNARD CUSHION PNEUHATIC CARRIAGE TIRES. These tires are an exact counterpart of the Pneumatic in looks and have all of its advantages such as easy riding, etc. They will not puncture and never have to be inflated. Large numbers are in use, giving entire satisfaction. Same prices as the HARTFORD. IMPORTANT. When ordering single tube caniage tire, please state whether desired for wood or metal rims, and number of lugs required. Unless we receive other specifications, we will ship five lug tires for steel rim, Hartford sulky and road cart tires. — Prices on application. 32xlf 34xlf C'\RRiAGE INNER TUBES.— Butt End High Quality. Price, $3.50 each. 34x2. Price, S4.00 each. Price, 3.60 each. 36xlf . Price, 3.65 each. 36x2. Price, S4.15 each. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 165 CARRIAGE WASHERS, CYLINDER OILS, ETC. i5Mi #K THE "IDEAL" CARRIAGE WASHER. It is an entirely new and practical device for the use of those who have vehicles of any description to wash. By means of this machine a comfortable and easy way is provided for doing an otherwise disagreeable task. The water, however cold, will not benumb the hands as they are not in contact with it. Gauntlets may be worn if desired, and the "splashing" of the usual method of washing is reduced to a minimum. The washer will pay for itself many times over in one season, but as a matter of fact the construction is such that it will last a lifetime. Machine fits any ordinary hose connection, and works equally well with city water works, wind mill, tank force-pump, hydraulic ram, or penstock. Worth many times its cost m in using water from a pail. When attached to a hose, water runs through the sponge continually, keeping it free from grit or sand and niaking it impossible to scratch the varnish. Price, I3.00 RELIANCE li "tit STHRT RELIANCE OIL. A high grade gas engine cylin- der oil with high viscosity. Re- liance oil has been thoroughly tested out and wherever used has given perfect satisfaction. Reli- ance oil develops and maintains the highest efficiency of a gas en- gine. Put up in barrels, half bar- rels, ten and five gallon jacketed cans, and in one gallon tins as shown in cut. y I gallon cans. 5 gallon cans. 10 gallon cans. J4 barrel, per gallon. I barrel, per gallon. % .75 each. 3.50 each. 6.50 each. .60 each. .55 each. WASHER FOUNTAIN. The washer fountain carries hose around vehicle and consequently does not kink. Easily attached to ceiling in centre of wash floor by two ordinary wood screws. Arm is 6 feet long, making a 12 foot circle in one revolution. "Ideal" Overhead Washing Fountain. Price each, ^12.00 "Ideal" Overhead Washing Fountain, epuipped with "Ideal" carriage washer. Price each, i4-5° "IDEAL" AUTOnATIC SHUT-OFF OR WATER SAVER. When the operator drops the hose, the "Ideal" automaticjshut -off shuts off the water instantly. Fits any '/i or ^4 inch hose. Made of brass. Price, 'yi inch, $1.50 each. ^ inch, $1.75 each. PANHARD OIL. In selecting Panhard oil for the lubrication of automobiles, motor boats and all makes of gasoline engines, you can feel perfectly safe, for the reputation of the manufac- turers stands back of it. Put up in barrels, half barrels, 10 and 5 gallon jacketed cans and in i gal- lon tins as shown in cut. I gallon cans. 5 gallon cans. 10 gallon cans. Vi barrel, per gallon. i^barrel, per gallon. 81.00 each. 4.25 each. 8.00 each. .70 each. .65 each. 166 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. CLOTHING. Our Clothing Department is made up of all the latest and most up-to-date styles of coats for driving, many of which are suitable for street wear. We also carry a full line of dust coats. Our line of ladies' rain coats is most complete and we have attempted to illustrate on this page only a few of our best sell- ing styles and patterns. We invite your correspondence on this line of goods. Waterproof Coat. Rubberized Silk Coat. Duster. Rain Coat. Rubber Poncho or Umbrella Coat. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 167 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. Our stock of Automobile Accessories is the largest and most com- plete in Northern New England. On most of the standard acces- sories we are factory distributers for this territory. We issue a special catalog showing this line of goods; also have a confidential Price List for Dealers. AUTOMOBILE TIRES. We carry in stock several hundred Casings and nearly a thousand Inner Tubes. This quantity is made up of all the principal makes in all styles and types. We can truthfully say that we are the largest Automobile Tire House in New England. If interested, kindly ask for Price List. 168 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES. MARINE HARDWARE Also a large and complete line of the Ignition and Lubri- cant features of the Motor Boat. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 169 BICYCLES We represent as distributing agents several of the leading bi- cycle factories, and carry in stock several hundred machines. We annually place agencies for our bicycles in a great many cities and towns in Northern New Eng- land. Correspondence solicited. Illustrated catalog mailed on request. BICYCLE SUPPLIES • E 1 1 Our stock is one of the largest in New England. An illustrated catalog and Dealers' Price ^ i ^ List for the trade. si i 3 170 THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. ©0 tl|f (^ UR line of Harness is one of the most extensive and varied in this part of the country and specially adapted for the New England trade. /||\UR large siocks of Horse Blankets, Plush and Fur Robes Vll/ are worthy of your consideration. /||%UR line of Horse Sheets. Lap Dusters and Fly Nets s most Vil/ complete in their season. JrjEMEMBER that we have EVERYTHING FOR THE U\ HORSE AND THE STABLE. Brushes, Curry Combs. Soaps, Dressings, Whips, Collars, Collar Pads, Halters, Saddle Pads, etc., etc. ^HERE is a growing business in Wagon and Canopy Umbrel- W las and Express Tops. Wecarry a large assortment of styles. t ARRIAGE and Sleigh Trimmings and Sundries. This has been an important part of our business for over a half century. i OG COLLARS and Supplies. We make a specialty of this ine of goods. Special catalog mailed on application. THE JAMES BAILEY COMPANY, PORTLAND, MAINE. 171 ®0 t\}t M r m d ■JiJICYCLES AND SUPPLIES are in constant demand. The bicycle is no longer a >^ plaything. It has a distinct business use as a time and money saver. Dealers who stock samples will find a sure demand and good profits. ■JiiASE BALL GOODS are in universal demand everywhere. Our line is a standard J^ one and well known. If you will put in a little assortment of these goods, you will surely find a demand for them. Jjrt UBBER GARDEN HOSE is a big selling article. It will pay you to consider adding VX this to your stock. Trt UBBER DOOR MATS h^e a very extensive sale and are well worth your T!X consideration. jjpIQUID VENEER is a household necessity — in fact, it is needed everywhere, sJ- whether at home or in the store or office. Its selling possibilities are large and it is well worth pushing. Everybody wants it when it is brought to their attention. ^HREE IN ONE OIL is known everywhere, and its sale is extensive. The same in w regard to MANY-USE OIL, and it would pay you to carry one of the two. n^NEUMATIC CARRIAGE, SULKY AND ROAD CART TIRES are in constant de- ^ mand in every locality. We carry the best makes. AND SOAPS that are made up specially to remove grease, oil and stains from hands appeal to thousands of people who require a soap of this character. We carry the best makes. 3NGERSOLL WATCHES meet a big demand not only from those whose means are limited, but also from many other classes, like sportsmen and travellers. I M ETAL POLISHES AND TWENTIETH CENTURY RUBS are a so well worth your attention. SRY CELLS AND BATTERIES have very many uses. No doubt you could work up quite a trade on same. In every city and town a profitable business can be worked up in equip- ping baby carriage tires. We carry the tools and the rubber. Index to General Section. Index to MISCELLANEOUS SECTION will be found on Page 176. _A — PAGE Anti-Itis Sg Anti-Rattlers 117 Aprons, Carriage 115 Apron Fasteners i iS Apron Skins 1 36 Arm Rails 123 Army Blankets 114 Axle Felts 121 Axle Grease 91 Axle Oil 91 Axle Washers 119 — B — Baby Carriage Robes 73 Bags, Feed 107 Bandages 92 Bells, Body Strap 135 Bells, Saddle Chime 134 Bells, Martingale 135 Bells, Shaft 131, 132 Bells, Team 133 Bits 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 4S, 49, 50 Bit Burnishers 49 Black Ball 83 Blanco 90 Blankets, Army 114 Blankets, Horse 41 Blankets, Under Harness 114 Blanket Pins 72 Boots, Ankle 111,112 PAGE Boots, Dasher 115 Boots, Soaking 113 Border, Robe 126 Breast Collars 15, 16, 17 Breast Collar Pads . .^. 39 Breast Strap Slides .IP. 71 Breeching Hooks 71 Breeching Straps 28 Bridles, Buggy 5 Bridles, Express 5 Bridles, Open 6 Bridles, Riding 76 Bridles, Team 7 Bridle Cheeks S Bridle Crowns 8 Bridle Fronts 57. S^. 59 Broadcloth 125 Brooms 103 Brushes, Body 94 Brushes, Compo 95 Brushes, Dandy 93 Brushes, Spoke 95 Buckle Shields ; 62 Bumpers 119 Burnishers, Bit 48 Buttons, Rein 104 Buttons, Tufting 127 — c — Candles 105 Canopy Umbrellas 124 PAGE Cards loi Carpet 126 Chains 109 Chains, Curb 76 Chains, Hame 23 Chamois Skins 92 Check Hooks 65 Check Reins 9 Check Rein Ends 9 Check Rein Springs 9 Cheeks, Bridle 8 Cleaners, Hoof 102 Clips. Hame 23 Clippers 98. 99 Clipper Springs 98 Clipping Combs loi Clipping Machines 100 Clipping Machine Parts 100 Clipping Shears loi Cloths 125 Cloths, Harness 9^ Cloths, Rubbing 92 Coach Pad Housings 40 Coal for Heaters 105 Cockeyes 7' Collars. Dog 106 Collars, Horse 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35 Collar Fasteners 72 Collar Pads 36 Collar Pad Hooks 72 Combs, Clipping loi Combs, Curry 9^. 97 INDEX TO GENERAL SECTION. 173 PAGE Combs, Mane loi Compo, Jamieson & Co.'s 90 Compo, Porpoisine 85 Coolers "6 Covers, Horse 115 Crops 78 Crown Pieces 8 Crupper Docks 14 Curb Chains 76 Curb Hooks 76 Curb Straps 8,76 Carry Combs 96, 97 Curtain Knobs 118 Curtain Lights 1 20 Curtain Patches 118 Cushions 120 — D — Dashers 115 Dasher Rails 1 23 Dees 71 Docks, Crupper 14 Dog Collars, Etc 106 Dressing, Carriage Top 83 Dressing, Harness 85 Dressing, Hoof 88 Drill, Enamel 125 Drill, Rubber 125 Drops, Face 62 Drops, Harness 62 Duck, Enamel 125 Duck, Rubber 125 Dusters, Lap 116 Dusters, Wool 104 — E — Ear Nets j 114 Edge Ink 83 PAGE Elixir, Tuttle's 89 Embrocation 90 Eyelets, Knob 118 — F — Face Drops 62 Fasteners, Apron 118 Fasteners, Collar 72 Feed Bags 107 Felt 126 Felts, A.xle 121 Ferrules, Whip 81 Files, Tooth 1 02 Floats, Tooth 102 Fly Nets 116 Fringe 126 Fronts, Bridle 57' 58 59. — G — Gait Spreaders 113 Gall Cure 89 Girths 27, 76 Gloves 1 04 Grease, Axle 91 Guards, Wheel 104 — H — Halters 108 Halter Leads 108 Hames with Hame Tugs 18 Hames, Wood 19, 20 Hame Chains 23 Hame Clips 23 Hame Kidney Links and Rings 23 Hame Straps 21 Hame Terrets 22, 23 Hame Tips 23 PAGE Hame Trimmings 22, 23 Hame Tugs 21 Hand Holds for Reins 14 Harness 29 Harness Cloths 92 Harness Drops 62 Harness Trimmings 51 Heart Ornaments 60 Heaters 105 Heater Coal 105 Hitching Weights 103 Hitching Weight Straps 103 Hold Back lions 119 Holders, Rein Hi 95 Holders, Whip Socket 123 Hoods ri4 Hoof Cleaners 102 Hoof Packing SS Hoof Remedies 88 Hooks, Breeching 71 Hooks, Check 65 Hooks, Collar Pad 72 Hooks, Curb 76 Hooks, Trace ■ 71 Horse Cards loi Housings, Coach Pad 40 Housings, Riding Saddle 77 — I — Imitation Leather 125 Imported Preparations 90 Ink S3 Irons, Hold Back 119 — J — Jacks 105 Jowl Hoods 114 174 INDEX TO GENERAL SECTION. PAGE — K — Knives for Clipping Machines loo Knobs, Curtain "8 Knob Eyelets ' i8 — L — Lamps I °5 Lashes "^ Lazy Straps 2b Leads, Halter io8 Leathers 136 Leathers, Shaft 121 Leggins ' °4 Lengtheners, Trace 109 Letters 61 Links and Rings, Hame 22,23 — M — Machines, Clipping 100 Machines, Riveting IZQ Mane Combs loi Martingales I4> 7^ Martingale Rings 64 Mats 73 Monograms 61 Muslin, Enamel 125 Muzzles 113 — N — Nails 127 Nets, Ear i ' 4 Nets, Fly 116 Nuts, Top Prop 119 — O — Oil, Axle 91 Oil, Harness 84 PAGE Oil, Hoof 88 Oil, Neatsfoot 84 Ornaments 60, 61 Overdraw Checks 9 — P — Pads, Breast Collar 39 Pads, Collar 36 Pads, Saddle 37- 38- 39 Paste, Breeches and Glove 90 Paste. Saddle 9° Pins, Blanket 72 Pipe Clay 9° Plates for Clipping Machines 100 Plumes 63 Plush 126 Pole Straps 28 Polish, Metal 86, 87 Polish, Patent Leather 85 Polish, Russet Leather 85 Porpoisine 82, 85 Punches 72 Puttees ' 04 -Q — Quick Shifts 117 — R — Racks, Whip [03 Rails, Arm 123 Rails, Dasher 123 Rawhide ■■ 136 Reins 10, 1 1, 12, 76 Rein Buttons 104 Rein Holders 14-95 Rein Spreaders 13 Rein Supporters 95 PAGE Rein Terrets 95 Remedies 88, 89 Repair Tops for Whips 81 Riding Bridles, Etc 76 Rings, Hame 22 Rings, Martingale 64 Rivets 69, 1 28 Riveting Machines 129 Robe Border 126 Robes, Baby Carriage 73 Robes. Carriage 73 Robes, Sleigh 130 Rolls, Shoe Boil 113 Rolls, Trotting 113 Rosettes 52. 53. 54. 55. 56 Rubbing Cloths g2 — S — Saddles 74. 75 Saddle Pads 37> 38, 39 Salt Bricks and Feeders go Scrapers, Sweat 102 Seats 105 Shaft Ends 121 Shaft Leathers 121 Shaft Tug Stops 120 Shaft Springs 117 Shaft Tips 121 Shaft Tugs 26 Shears, Clipping loi Sheets 116 Shields, Buckle 62 Shield Ornaments 60 Shoe Boil Rolls 113 Side Checks 9 Skate Straps no Skins, Chamois . . .^ 52 Skins, Wool 136 INDEX TO GENERAL SECTION. 175 PAGE Slides, Breast Strap 71 Sloan's Preparations Sg Snaps 67, 68, 69, 70 Snap Springs and Rivets 69 Snappers, Whip Si Soaking Boots 113 Soaps 82, 83 Soap, Saddle 90 Sockets, Whip 122 Sponges 92 Spots • 60 Spreaders, Gait 113 Spreaders, Rein 13 Spring Bumpers 119 Spring Cushions 1 20 Springs, Check Rein 9 Springs, Clipper 9^ Springs, Snap 69 Spurs 77 Spur Straps 77 Stirrups 78 Stocks, Whip 81 Straps, Breeching 28 Straps, Curb 8, 76 Straps, Hame 21 Straps, Hitching Weight 103 Straps, Laiy 28 Straps, Pole 28 Straps, Skate no Straps, Spur 77 Straps, Trunk 1 10 PAGE Straps, Yoke .' 28 Supporters, Rein '95 Surcingles 107 Sweat Scrapers 1 02 — T — Tacks 127 Tail Ties 63 Tassels 63 Terrets, Hame 22, 23 Terrets, Rein 95 Third Person Seats 105 Throat Latches 8 Ties, Cattle 108 Ties, Horse 1 08 Tips, Hame 23 Tips, Shaft 121 Toe Weights 104 Toggles, Trace 72 Top Prop Nuts 119 Tops, Express 124 Tools 66 Tooth Files 102 Tooth Floats 102 Traces 24, 25 Trace Dees 71 Trace Hooks 71 Trace Lengtheners 109 Trace Toggles 72 Trimmings, Hame 22, 23 PAO E Trimmings, Harness 51 Trunk Straps no Tubing, Anti-Rattler 117 — U — Umbrellas 124 — W — Wagon Jacks 105 Washers 119 Webbing no Weights, Hitching 103 Weights, Toe 104 Wheel Guards 1 04 Whips, Buggy 79 Whips, Coach 81 Whips, Express 80 W hips, Riding 78 Whips, Track 80 Whip Ferrules 81 Whip Lashes 81 Whip Racks 103 Whip Repair Tops 81 Whip Snappers 81 Whip Sockets 122 Whip Socket Holders 123 Wool Skins 136 — Y — Yoke Straps 28 Index to Miscellaneous Section. — A — PAGE Ammeters '48 — B — Balls, Steel 156 Base Balls -139. Mo Base Ball Goods 139 to 147 Base Ball Guide 146 Bats '45 Bat Bags '45 Batteries '47 Battery Connections 148 Body Protectors '46 Brazing Material '49 Bumpers ' o4 — C — Carbide '5' Carriage Washer 165 Clothing 166 — D — Drinking Cups ■ 15° Dry Batteries '47 Duplex Foldables .' '5° — E — Emery Grinders ' 5- Enamel 160 — F — Fire Extinguishers ' 5^ Flash Lights '5' Gloves 143. 144 — H — PAGE Hack Saws ' 5- Hack Saw Blades 152 Hammers ' 5- Heel Plates 146 Hose .157 — L — Lamps 1 5 ' Lamp Burners '5' Liquid Pistols ' 60 Liquid Veneer '57 — M — Masks 144 Mats 157 Matting '57 Mitts 14°, '4'. '42 — O — Odometers 162 Oils '58. '65 Oil Cans '58 Oil Pumps 158 — P — Pedometers '0° Pliers 154 Pumps 1 63 Pump Leathers '59 Pump Tubing '59 176 — R — PAGE Rust Remover 162 — S — Screw Drivers 1 53 Soap 159 Solderene '49 Spokes '62 Steel Balls 156 Sulky Wheels 160 — T — Tape 162 Terminals 148 Tires 164 Tire Fluid 162 Tire Rubber 163 Tire Tools 163 Tire Wire 163 Toe Plates 146 Torches '49 Tubes 164 — V — Volt Ammeters 148 Volt Meters 148 — W — Watches '6' Watch Chains 161 Watch Holders 161 Wrenches '55. 'S^ iiii liiiiliiiB