Tijeyj^ree Joy i SlL jHuntSTneti ^»o,jS3 Th( THREE JOVIAL HUNTSMEN. IT'S of three jovial huntsmen, an' a hunting they did go ; An' they hunted, an' they hollo'd, an' they blew their horns also Look ye there ! An' one said, " Mind yo'r e'en, an' keep yo'r noses reet i'th' wind, An' then, by scent or seet, we'll leet o' summat to our mind." Look ye there I \y/> They hunted, an' they hoUo'd, an' the first thing they did find Was a tatter't boggart, in a field, an' that they left behind. Look ye there ! One said it was a boggart, an' another he said " Nay ; It's just a ge'man-farmer, that has gone an' lost his way." Look ye there ! A/ ' li'l "^ ' Mi/\ ':2^^^ They hunted, an tl ey hollo, d, an' the next thing they did find Was a gruntin', grii idin' grindlestone, an' that they left behind. Look ye there ! One said it was a gi indlestone, another he said " Nay ; It's nought but an' owd fossil cheese, that somebody's roll't away.' Look ye there ! II _.--<-v._= <='H...,. '"^■--'^■N, '%=5^-^ t 12 ^'yr .^Mi^--^ n \^k:\}lfm%- '^^*^