sprs-jijzs • i ■■■) ^','!^^^lBJJ -f-^ffi 1865 1904 PRIEST'S Power Clipping and Grooming Machines Manufactured by The American Shearer Mfg. Co. Nashua, N. H., U. S. A. General Agents : Wiebusch & Hilger, Ltd. 9 = 15 Murray Street New York, N. Y. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp://www.archive.org/details/priestspowerclipOOamer The Development of the Priest Power Horse Clipping and Grooming Machines Joseph K. Priest *HE earliest result of Mr. Triest's efforts in this line was the Hand Power Sheep Shearing Machine here illustrated. The vital or cutting parts of this machine consisted of a univer- sal jointed hand, to which was attached a steel -toothed bottom plate, or comb, across the teeth of which trav- eled a top or cutter plate of fewer teeth, the cut- ting surfaces of both plates held together by an elastic pressure. The power to operate this early device was conveyed by means of a revolving shaft, called the Drop Rod. This machine was the First Power Sheep Shearing Machine. While modern machines do not resemble it in outHne, they are all made after the Original Priest Form of Cutter and Attachment. At the time of its invention the field in this country for a Power Sheep Shearing Machine was limited. In Australia, where its possibil- ities were greater, it was promptly appropriated by English manufac- turers. There was, however, an opening in this country for a machine for shearing horses — something to take the place of the tedious and expensive method of the comb and scissors. The First Power Clipping Machine Priest's Rotary or Buzz Machine This Original Rotary Handle and Cutter in its improved application to the Flexible Shaft will be found illustrated in these pages. The Vibrating Handle and Cutter followed quickly after the Rotary and will be easily recognized as the Original Sheep Shearing Handle with a tine-toothed top and bottom plate. The Original Priest Vibrating Power Clipper as here ilkistrated is interesting as a preliminary to the several modern cutters shown in these pages. The Hand Clipper for shearing horses was originally made and used in England. The First Hand Horse Clipper made in this country. I'riest's No. 5. It will easily be recognized as a natural application of hand power to the Original Power \'ibrating Cutter, This Old Timer, a side cutter, is an interesting link in ihe chain of devel- opment. The First Hair Clipper for Barbers' Use invented and manufactured by Joseph K. Priest, is here iUustrated as completing the development of the Hair Clipping Machine from the Hand Power Sheep Shearing Machine. The grooming feature was early recognized as one of the possi- bilities of the First Priest Power Clipping Machine, with a rotary brush m place of the cutters on the rotary handle. The possibilities of a Grooming Attachment were demonstrated by Mr. Priest many years ago. The practical application of the grooming feature was first made prac- ticable through the general use of small power gas plants, electric and water motors, and the adaptation of the flexible shaft invented by Mr. Priest, this shaft consisting of a series of universal steel joints running in an elastic spring coil, and is illustrated in these pages. Evolved from the Power Clipper, much the same as the Power Clipper was from the Sheep Shearing Machine, it is destined to have the same successful future. A Clipped Horse Looks Clean A power groomed horse is clean, which is not the case with the average hand groomed horse, no matter how he looks. That a clipped horse is more sprightly, in better health, less liable to take cold, and more economical to keep than a long coated horse, is due entirely to the assistance given to nature by the artificial removal of the hair. Power grooming accomplishes the same results by a slower and perhaps more natural process. The daily even stimulation of the skin gives a benefi- cial result that is quickly apparent. The highest spirited horse will stand perfectly quiet after one or two operations. The careful up-to- date horse owner has only to see one of these machines in operation to become one of its strongest advocates. With us the Grooming Machine passed through the experimental stage some years ago. The sale of sev- eral of these machines within a few months can be traced to a Double No. 7 Groomer that was placed in June, 1896. We have a long and rapidly growing list of enthusiastic users of these machines from 1893 down to date, which is at your disposal if you care to investigate. Any power may be used, steam, gas, water, or electric motor, one-half horse-power being the maximum for clipping and one horse-power being sufificient for grooming, in most localities. To be absolutely sure at all times and under all conditions we recommend for grooming one and one- half horse-power. The time required to clip a horse in the best manner possible with two operators is from fifteen to thirty minutes. When used for grooming, two operators will turn out from ten to twelve per hour. It is desirable to place a Power Groomer or Clipper in a room by itself which may be known as the grooming room — a roomy box stall will answer ihe purpose nicely. The ceiling to which the yoke is attached should not be over nine feet from the floor If the ceiling is higher than this the result is obtained by blocking down for the yoke, which is an advantage, as it gives room for the pulley head to move upwards and lift the shaft, when using the brush or cHpper on the upper part of the body of the horse. By means of the Balance Arm the weight of the flexible shaft is taken from the hand and arm of the operator. Freedom of motion and a large range are obtained with a short shaft. The above features of the Priest Machine will be appreciated by use. All handles of our make for the flexible shaft attachment can be used on these machines Priest's Single No. 8 A Perfect Power Grooming and Clipping Machine for One Operator Clipping Attach= ments Extra This machine is designed for a complete single machine to be used where the amount of work is not sufficient to warrant the putting in of the Double No. 7. As a clipping machine it has no advantage over the Single No. 7. As a grooming machine it has the great advantage over the Single No. 7, that the direction of the brush can be instantly re- versed without stopping the machine, an indispensable feature for a grooming machine with only one yoke. Weight of machine ready for shipment, 197 pounds. Price of complete machine, without motor, in- cludes counter-shaft yoke, shaft and brush. Driving pulley and con- necting belting is not included. A Double No. 8 Grooming Machine, that is also the equal of the Double No. 7 as a perfect power clipper, is obtained with two No. 8 machines driven from one counter-shaft — constituting a Double Groom- ing and Clipping Machine for two operators. Price of complete machine includes counter-shaft and all overhead work except the driving pulley and connecting flat belting, two grooming attachments, two chpping handles with two extra sets 3-inch cutters, choice of handles. Price $175.00. Weight of machine ready for shipment, about 350 pounds. Priest's Single No. 7 A Perfect Power Clipper — One Operator Price $65.00 Complete for Clipping, with choice of Handles, one extra set 3-inch Cutters. The Grooming Attachment is not recommended for this machine, as there is no provision for reversing the brush. This can, of course, be accomplished by holding the Brush Attachment upside down, a very awkward and tiresome operation. Price is without motor, driving pulley or flat belting; includes counter-shaft and all overhead work. Weight ready for shipment, 1 75 pounds. Priest's Double No. 7 A Perfect Power Clipper and Qroomer for Two Operators Price $100.00 Complete for Clipping, choice of Handles, with each Handle one extra set 3-inch Cutters. Grooming Attachment complete, $7.00 each, extra. In the design and construction of this machine every effort has been made to produce a Strong, Durable, Light Running, Noiseless Machine. The yoke is made extra heavy for the purpose of absorbing the jar or vibration, the bearings are large and provided with self-oiling boxes of the most improved type. Weight of machine ready for ship- ment, 315 pounds. If used for grooming, the flat belt from the counter- shaft to one yoke should be crossed to give proper direction to the brushes. Price of complete machine, without motor, includes counter- shaft, and all overhead work for two shafts with choice of handles, with vibrating handle, one extra set of cutters. Driving pulley and connect- ing belt is not included. Priest's Single No. 9 A Perfect Power Clipper and Groomer for One Operator Direct Connected Electric Power The Single No. 9 machine is complete with a one horse- power motor and automatic starting rheostat. In this case no floor space is occu- pied by the motor and coun- ter-shafting is eliminated, and the belting is reduced to a single belt from the motor pulley to the pulley attached to the flexible shaft of the groom and clipper. The mo- tor is fastened to the ceiling beams in an inverted posi- tion, and the counterpoise, or balance arm, is attached to a swivel on the motor case. This clipping and grooming outfit is singularly compact and simple and requires al- most no attention beyond an occasional oiling. In ordering it is simply necessary to state the nature and voltage of the current^ and if alter - nating, the phase and number of alternations. With the electric motor driven groomer and clipper a horse may be thoroughly brushed in about five minutes and clipped in about thirty-five minutes. For grooming we recommend a one horse-power machine. It is complete, ready to attach to ceiling and connect with wire of power circuit when shipped; no skilled mechanics required to set it up and start. All can be done by the local electric power people without charge. Weight of machine ready for shipment, about 400 pounds. Price of complete machine includes motor, grooming attachment and choice of clipping handle with one extra set 3-inch cutters. Price on application. Cost of Electric Power. — The following data are from a test of one of these machines, one horse-power, 115-volt direct: Average Energy for one hour clipping, 300 watts. " " " " grooming, 422 " At a cost of IOC. per kilowatt the expense was about 3c. per hour for clipping and ^%c. for grooming. Priest's Double No. 9 A Perfect Power Clipper and Groomer for Two Operators Direct Connected Electric Power Is equivalent to a Double No. 7 with motor, less the counter-shaft and flat belting. The motor and all overhead work is compactly mounted upon a bed- plate, which is bolted to the ceiling. No skilled labor required to set up and connect. Weight of machine ready for shipment, about 675 pounds. Price on application, includes motor and all overhead work for two operators, clipping handles with extra set 3-inch cutters and grooming attachments. These machines are furnished with one or two horse-power motors, the latter is recommended for grooming wdth two operators; the in- creased cost is small. Dominion Express Company. Wm. Walsh, Gen'l Agent, 48 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. 1 June II, 1902. / Messrs. Wiebusch & Hilger, Ltd., 9 to 15 Murray St., New York City. Gentlemen — With reference to Priest's No. 7 Power Clipping and Grooming Machine, would say that we have had one of these machines for the past three years and find that it is satisfactory in every respect. It is a time saver and does its work thoroughly. We have forty horses and it takes just two hours and forty minutes to groom and clean them. The actual time it takes three men to do one horse is four min- utes — that is, two men using the brushes and one man wiping. This would allow twelve minutes for one man to groom and clean a horse with your machine, whereas if it was done by hand it would take twenty minutes. The clipper which we have in connection with the machine is also very satisfactory, and would say that one man can clip a horse in forty minutes. Yours very truly, (Signed) Wm. Walsh, General Agent. The T. Eaton Company of Toronto, Canada, who had one machine in 1875, write under date of July 7, 1902. " We have four of your Double Grooming Machines in one stable and groom one hundred and fifty horses daily. We use three men to operate each and we properly clean all these horses in one hour and thirty minutes. The machines have given us good satisfaction and we are very much pleased with them." Detroit, Mich., July 28, 1902. Wiebusch & Hilger, No. 9 Murray St., New York City. Gentlemen — Replying to your favor of the i8th inst. regarding our experience with your No. 7 Machine, would say that we have been using this machine for the last five or six months and are indeed very well satisfied with it, not only for its perfect work, but the labor it saves. We have at present in our stable thirty-one horses, and this number of horses are cleaned in aliout three and one-half hours by one man, and we are satisfied that our horses are in much better condition since we commenced using this machine. We can gladly recommend the same to any one wishing a Labor Saver. Yours truly, Morton Baking and Mfo. Co. R. M. Morton, N. P. Experience CAN not be copied or acquired by any short cut. The CHpping feature of the Priest machines is so well understood that it is unnecessary to go into detail here. They are the Best Clipping Machines that it is possible to build. This is also true of the Grooming feature, which is not new with us; its history, it will be noted, is closely identified with the devel- opment of the Clipper. It is well to 7'eniefnl>er that the general outline of these machines may be copied. Grooming and Clipping looks the same in print, and Price is the only feature of an imitation that is made attractive. It is only with the Priest machines that you purchase that invis- ible quaUty which means much to the purchaser — Our Experience of Tliirty=Nine Years Priest's Flexible Shaft Attachment For Nos. 7, 8 and 9 Power Machines An all-steel tempered flexible shaft, with strength and durability; it has stood the test of years of practical work. Price of Complete Attachment, $15.00 PARTS No. 9 Case complete . $5.00 10 Shaft " . 10.00 II Quill • 1. 00 12 Sleeve . •50 13 Hook .40 14 Rivet for links, doz. •05 15 Intermediate piece .05 16 Rivet for intermediate piece, doz. •05 17 Links, female . •05 18 Links, male . •05 This attachment is made in one length only — 8 feet Priest's Pulley Head For Nos. 7 and 8 Power Machines By means of this Head the Flexible Shaft is driven from the end of a balance arm in a manner to avoid all bends and unnecessary friction, gears or noise. Price, Complete Pulley Head, $10.00 No. I Frame . • . $3.00 2 Nut .... .75 3 Cup .... 2.00 4 Pulley, .... 1. 00 5 Bottom shaft .... . 1.50 6 Top shaft .... . 1.50 7 Block .... 1. 00 Extra belts, 75 cents each :; e 2-^ o c Priest's Reversing Pulley Head For No. 9 Machines only PARTS Use same Nos. as for No. 7, specifying /or No. g. No No. I Frame . $5.00 5 Bottom shaft • $1.50 2 Nut •75 6 Top 1.50 3 Cup 2.00 7 Block 1. 00 4 Pulleys each . 1. 00 Extra 8 Shipper, belt, $1 50 2.50 To Operate With the motor running in direction backward from the Pulley Head, the round belt being in position on both loose pulleys, as shown in cut, with open belt on left, and crossed on right hand looking forward from the motor — Pull No. I chain to start ahead. " No. 3 " " " backwards. " No. 2 " " " stop, if running ahead. If started by pulling No. 3, or after starting with No. i, it has been reversed by pulling No. 3, you must first pull No. i to get the motion ahead before you can stop by pulling No. 2. There are three combinations: St. 2d. f Pull No. I chain, starts ahead. ( " No. 2 " stops. Pull No. I chain, starts ahead. reverses backward. r Pull No. I ) " No. 3 1 " No. I " No. 1 " reverses ahead. 2 " stops. rPui 1 " Pull No. 3 chain, starts backward. 3d. -l " No. I " reverses ahead. No. I " stops. A Few Users who Find the Qroomer Profitable Pomeroy's El Paso Transfer Company, El Paso, Tex. Kolb's Bakeries, Philadelphia, Pa. A. L. Green, Altoona, Pa. Burr Davis & Son, Mount Vernon, N. Y. D. F. Simpson, Binghampton, N. Y. Emery Bird Thayer Company, Kansas City, Mo. Wm. H. Starr, New London, Conn. H. J. Heinz Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ithaca Street Railway Company, Ithaca, N. Y. Pennsylvania R. R. Cab Service, Philadelphia, Pa. Newport Illuminating Company, Newport, R. I. Nashua Light, Heat and Power Company, Nashua, N. H. Priest's Grooming Attachment Used on All Priest's Power Machines 3X X 6 inch Brush, $7.00 Extra Brushes Extra Collars, set $4.50 .50 "We make only one size Brush, 3X^6 inches, which has been found to be the most serviceable under all conditions. '■<'i ilffli .' V!V\Ii\.''.''.M';'ll''Jf'Mlll!liluu These brushes are made from a special stock which our experience has shown to be the best adapted for the purpose; their durability is a feature peculiar to these brushes. Operating the Brush The best results are obtained by merely skimming over the surface of the hair with light pressure and a series of quick motions, after the ordinary method of using a whisk broom. A common error, to be avoided, in the use of the Groomer is that of keeping the brush applied by a heavy, continuous pressure. This is not only tiresome to the operator, but is accompanied by a tremendous waste of power without obtaining the thorough cleaning of the easier and correct method referred to. Priest's Power Grinding Machine For Grinding the Cutting Plates of Horse and Toilet Clippers and Combs and Cutters for Sheep=Shearing Machines Price $30.00 Complete instructions with ever}' machine. Weight of machine ready for shipment, 1 75 pounds. No. 1 Vibrating Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines Price, Complete with 3=inch Cutter, $15.00 One extra set 3-inch Cutters, 4=inch Cutter, $16.00 A very easy running, durable movement. It lakes the No. I Cutters, 3-inch or 4-inch. These Cutters are the same as used for years on the Drop Rod Machine. The long leverage of the cutter bar insures easy, cool running at a high rate of speed. Interchangeable parts; it is easily and cheaply kept in repair. Parts No. I Vibrating Handle 791 790 793 m 7S7 795 799 797 798 790 793 789 No. No. 787 788 789 790 791 Body or Shank . Shaft . . Nut secures 7S8 . Roll stud . Roll . • $5-oo . 5.00 .50 •25 .15 795 796 797 798 799 792 Screw secures cap .01 800 793 Cap on lever .02 794 Lever •75 Lever stud . Washer Nut secures lever stud Nut secures lever Stud which carries lever Priest's s'' vibrating cutting head Large Rotary Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines Requires a little care and judgment to regulate, but once accustomed to it you will never lay it aside for any other form of cutter. For nice, clean work it has no superior. It cuts on a 3-inch circle, giving at its proper speed about 3,000 cuts per minute. All parts interchangeable; can be duplicated by number. Price of Handle Complete, with one Comb and twelve Cutters, $15.00 Parts Large Rotary Handle 779 No No. 759 Body or Shank . $5.00 778 Mitre gear on 722 • • $ .75 700 Cap .10 779 Long shaft • 1.50 761 Spring .10 780 Revolving shield 1.50 762 Screw secures cap spring . .01 781 Screw shield •75 763 Set screw secures adj. nut . •15 782 Comb nut . .20 764 Adjusting pivot . •25 783 Comb screw .13 765 Adjusting nut I. CO 784 Large rotary comb 4.00 766 Front shaft 2.00 785 Large rotary cutter, pel doz. 3.00 777 Slotted mitre gear •75 786 Comb nut wrench .10 No. 10 Vibrating Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines Simplicity — Compactness — Durability Made from the very best slock, with the highest grade tools and skilled labor, we claim without fear of contradiction that it is indisput- ably the standard clipper movement of the world — unecjualled, unap- proached. This handle will take either 3 or 4-inch cutlers, and will attach to all our Flexible Shaft Machines. All jiarts interchangeable. Price, with 3=inch Cutters, $15.00 ♦♦ 4=inch *♦ $16.00 One extra set 3-inch cutters. These cutters are fitted with Priest's Patent Roller P>earing Pressure Plates. The durability of the traveling roll over the ball is a valuable im- provement. Parts No. 10 Vibrating Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines No. 25 Single Tension Vibrating Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines Price, with 3=inch Cutter, $6.00 The material and workmanship is the same as the No. lo. The adjustment is of the single tension pattern. All working parts enclosed. This Handle is provided with Priest's Patent Roller Bearings, which have all the advantages of the old ball-bearing feature with so many additional quahties that it becomes a very important and valuable quality of this handle. Parts No. 25 Single Tension Vibrating Handle For all Priest's Flexible Shaft Machines 20 wiiiiiiiii q2Z «23 ^24. f 25 No No 19 Top plate . $1.00 28 Roller holder . $ .25 20 Bottom plate 1.50 29 " plate .05 21 Body 1.50 30 Tension spring . .10 22 Roll .01 31 Hardened steel washer .25 23 Cap screw .01 32 Bolt .05 24 " " . .OT 33 Washer at end shaft . .10 25 Roller holder screw . .01 34 Shaft 1.25 26 Cap ... .10 35 Eccentric roll . •25 27 Roll .01 36 Nut on end shaft .25 Priest's No. 1 Vibrating Cutters For No. 1 Vibrating Handle Price, set, 3=inch, $3.00; 4=inch, $4.00 mrnmwmmmm 806 ^^ 801 Parts 3 AM) 4 Inch No. No. 8oi 802 803 804 805 Comb, 3-inch Cutter, 3-inch Springs, each Guide bolts, each Springs, each .50 .25 .25 •05 •03 806 Thumb nuts, each 807 Screws, each 808 Comb, 4-inch 809 Spring, 4 " . . 810 Cutter, 4 " . $ .05 .03 2.25 .50 . 1.50 Sharpening, 50 cents. Other parts, same as for 3 inch. Priest's No. 10 Vibrating Cutter, 3=lnch For No. 10 Handle and Nos. 4 and 5 Air Machines These Cutters are made with or without Roller Bearings. Price, set, 3=inch, $3.00 ; 4=iiich, $4.00 ■Aaivimww 839 ^ U ;/l S ^ H :S c s li -c 5 a 'J vD r-~oo O O w w ro rr> ro ro Ti- ^ -)- 00 OO 00 00 00 CO CO O^ B4Z 839 ■ 84a Q4Z Left Right Priest's Vibrating Cutter, 4=lnch For No. 10 Handle and Nos. 4 and 5 Air Machines Price, set, $4.00 S S S O 3 k- o u o, S " 84-3 844