v.. ^y i- /^ t^O^TISPi^^^ J'ublhsJud 2>y J. Ginger ^"i6p PiccadiUy, Odf^ido?. A TREATISE ON THE CAVALRY AND SADDLE HOKSE % WITH REMARKS ON PACING AND LEAPING, OBSERVATIONS ON BREEDING, ^c, ^L\ 5Cr. DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO His Royal Highness the Duke of Yorky Commander in Chief, &c. &c. • By G. ORR, LA.TE OF THE FENCIBLE CAVALRY. LONDON: PRINTED BY D.N. SHUR.Y, BERWICK STREET, SOHO; FOK J. GINGER, 169, PICCADILLY, OPPOSITE TO mS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK. IF there be any merit in the follow- ing Work, or if it excite sentiments in the breasts of my countrymen such as the importance of the subject demands, I cannot place it under the patronage and auspices of a character more es« A 2 IV DEDICATION. teemed by the nation in general, and by the army in particular, than your Royal Highness. I am convinced that any production that may tend to promote the interests of the country at large, and more especially of that department over which you preside with so much vigilance, energy, and discretion, will receive your cordial support and encouragement. While I congratulate my fellow-sub- jects on the acquisition of talents in every official situation throughout the Government, I must be allowed to hope that your Royal Highness's pre-emi- nence may remain the object of present and future emulation; and that you may DEDICATION. long enjoy the honourable distinction you now hold, of superintending the military operations of the British em- pire. I have the honour to be, with the most profound respect. Your Royal Highnesses Most obedient Servant, THE AUTHOR, A3 * PREFACE. IN ull military countries, (and every coun» try that expects to preserve its liberty, its pro- perty, and independence, should possess a military force sufficient to counteract the sud- den aggressions of ambitious and restless neighbours,) a spirit of emulation prevails, in a greater or lesser degree, to give to its armies the commanding appearance vi^hich the nature of their occupation deserves ; 2Uid it must be confessed, that the conclusion of the last and the commencement of the present centuries, have afforded ample scope to the talents of those men, vv^hose genius is constantly on the alert to suggest improvements, and Vv^hose ex- perience, entitles them to confidence. There A 4 ViU PREFACE. is no art or science that requires more Industry and perseverance so render completej than that v/hich has for its object the permanency of a government, the resistance of ambition, and the preservation of existence. But it is not essential that the men alone of an army should exhibit a warlike feature. To them belong, .undoubtedly, the power to guide and to urge; ,but independently of the necessity of good qualities and a dignified appearance, there are times when the energy, Hie power, and the expedition of the horse are indispensable to the accompHshment of an object. Too much pains, therefore^ cannot be bestowed in select- ing, for the use of the cavalry, such animak as are, in every respect, qualified for the pur- pose: and it is respectfully suggested, that the maxims of choice recommende4 in the subse- quent pages will be the means, not only of introducing into the military ranks such horses as are best adapted to the service, but of frus- trating the infamy of those individuals who, PREFACE. IX regardless of a real interest for the country, provide for its defenders such horses as are unfit even for the meanest employ. But the alurements of profit will lead to peculation. What has been said of pleasuve-horses, and those for agricultural and other uses, must be too obvious to require any further observation. CONTENTS, CHAP. L On the size, figure, ^c. of cavalry and saddle horses Page i CHAP. II. On the foot - 5 CHAP. III. How a horse ought to stand ---- 13 CHAP. IV. On the legs 16 CHAP. V. On the hind feet and legs .-----.-.-.. 19 CHAP. VI. On the head, ears, eyes, &c. ---...--.. 21 CHAP. VII. On the neck 25 CHAP. VIII. X)n the crest ---.,..-...... 27 Xll CONTENTS. CHAP. IX. On the mouth ^^Z^ 29 CHAP. X. On the shoulder 31 CHAP. XI. On the chest .-..-. 34 CHAP. XII. On the bosom 35 CHAP. XIII. On the farehand - 37 CHAP. XIV. On the back 41 CHAP. XV, On the quarters - 43 CHAP. XVI. On the belly - 45 CHAP. XVII. On the hips - - - 46 CHAP. XVIII. On the tail - 47 CHAP. XIX. On the body, or carcase ^ - ... - . - . ,' 51 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAP. XX. On the eyes Page 5^ CHAP. XXI. On colour 56 CHAP. XXII. On the colour of the face 63 CHAP. XXIII. On cropping and foxmg 65 CHAP. XXIV., On standing 68 CHAP. XXV. On the walk 73 CHAP. XXVI. On the trot 77 CHAP. XXVII. On the canter and gallop 88 CHAP. XXVIil. On ambling, and the shuffling or running trot 98 CHAP. XXIX. On lameness loo XIV CONTENTS. CHAP. XXX. On the motion of the croupe and hind quarters Page los CHAP. XXXI. On the difference between stalHons, mares and geldings, in point of -^ivice 106 CHAP. XXXII. On horses proper for light h irness 1 09 CHAP. XXXIII. On external blemishes iii CHAP. XXXIV. On the wind 114 CHAP. XXXV. On hogging 118 CHAP. XXXVI. On the shapes of stallions, mares, and geldings 12 ^ CHAP. XXXVII. On restive horses, and the metliod of cor- recting them ^ iOA CHAP. XXXVIII. On shoeing ..... lo^ CONTENTS. XV CHAP. XXXIX. On feeding and exercise Page 152 CHAP. XL. On saddles, and saddle-cloths 161 CHAP. XLI. On stables and clothing 169 CHAP. XLII. On breaking cavalry, saddle-horses, and horses of every description 175 CHAP. XLIII. To know the age of a horse by his teeth; and some general directions to ascertain his age aft'2r he has lost the mark of mouth 184 CHAP. XLIV. General observations on horses that are aged, or past the mark of mouth 188 CHAP. XLV. On choosing horses and mares for breeding 192 CHAP. XLVI. On riding .- --.-. 200 Xvi CONTENTS. CHAP. XLVII. On leaping t Page 208 CPIAP. XLVIII. Conclusion 214 A TREATISE A TREATISE, ■^MiM^— ■ ■■Ill III ■ III |- CHAP. I. ON THE SIZE, FIGURE, 8iC, OF CAVALRY Arfb SADDLE HORSES. A HE horse now under consideration is that of the middle size, viz. from fourteen and a half to sixteen hands high : but in choosing one nt for action and service, fifteen hands or fifteen and a half is the size best adapted to those purposes. Experience teaches us, that the position now laid down is correct ; and the observation is not applicable to horses only-j but to the human race also. Men, from five feet six to five feet ten inches in height, that is, from the lowest to the highest of the middle size> are most capable of bearing the fatigues of labour. The saddle and cavalry horse, if he exceed sixteen hands, is always considered to be over-sized j and unless his qualities be good, and his strength proportion- ate, he ought in general to be rejected as unfit for service. It is certainly true that a horse should be chosen v/ith bodily powers adequate to the weight which he is intended to bear ; but if he be too bulky and long in the legs, the weight of the rider, added to his own, will in a short time prove destructive. In the earlier ages, prior to the invention of gunpowder, horsemen wore ponderous armour. The man, therefore, must have possessed great muscular powers to enable him to sustain his burthen; and the animal, to support both, must have been such as those now used for drays, waggons, &c. For a considerable pe- riod also after a revolution in military tactics •was effected by the use of gunpowder, large horses were still retained, because the evolu- tions of the cavalry being little known, the horse were particularly employed in making heavy charges on the army of an enemy ; for which purpose large horses were found to be most effective. Latterly, however, for a variety of reasons, tliey have fallen into disuse; and except for the draught of heavy artillery, the baggage, and other laborious purposes, they are totally laid aside, and those of a smaller size have been substituted. Every thing of a heavy and unweildy nature in the army is now done away ; and as the cavalry is more efhployed in scouring the country, foraging, reconnoitring, cutting off a retreat, &c. than in making heavy charges on an enemy's lines, the lighter the dragoons are mounted, the bet- ter. The horses, therefore, that seem best adapted for military service, are those from' fifteen to fifteen hands and a half, for the light regiments ; and from fifteen and a half to sixteen, where the men are larger and heavier. If men be mounted higher than sixteen hands, they will, generally speaking, be badly mount- ed •, for nine out of ten horses that exceed that size will have but little spirit and action, and are only fit for the purposes of draught and agriculture. If dragoons be mounted too low, the effect will be bad : but of the two evils, the latter is the least, as small horses will be more easily kept in condition, will bear more fatigue, and live on less food than those which B 2 are over-sized. Thus we find from observa- tion and experience \vh2it size is the most proper for horses that are intended either for the army or the road, the sports of the field, or the various purposes of pleasure. Having therefore fixed on the middle-size as the stand- ard for use and action, we shall proceed to ex- amine the component parts of the anim^, en- deavouring to shov/ how they ought to be formed to ensure good a£lion, and pointing out those whose figure, qualities, and general 'Appearance will recommend to preference. CHAP. 11. ON THE FOOT. AS the foot of the horse has to sustain so frreat a weight, we shall begin with this part ; and particular attention should be paid to it, in choosing a horse. The foot ought rather to be of a round than a long form, and sufficiently large, but not out of proportion. The consequences attending too small a hoof are •, first, the animal will stand unsteadily ; secondly, the sensible foot wiM not be suffi- ciently protected ; thirdly, he will become tender and crippled before, from the sensible part being too much exposed to stones and gravel, which the horse feeling acutely, will step with seeming caution and timidity, and will not put his feet forward courageously, as those with good hoofs and fctt ought to do ; but will creep in an aukward manner, as if walking on ice. It has been observed, that the foot ought to B3. be of a round rather tlian a long fornij because long feet are more liable to contract in the heel. There should be a good distance or depth from the centre of the coronet to the toe, and so round the whole circumference of the hoof to the heel ; the crust, however, narrowing gradually, till it arrives at the hed, where it is narrowest of all. What are called mule-footed horses, nam.ely, those that have very deep and high hoofs, scarcely ever become lame, or founder in the feet, because they have plenty of covering to protect the sensible hoof. The Arabian horses are almost all hoofed in this manner : but horses, thus hoofed, should bend their k^es well, which is generally the case with Ari^ian horses ; otherwise the hoof, being so long and deep, would not go clear of the ground, and their heels, being very high, would also be an ob- stacle to straightening the knee figaj&ti they would therefore, unless they have,good''<^ion, trip, and come down. - \, ' A horse, whose foot is too long ^t ther t^ should bend his knees and pastern joints weiF and freely, or there will be great danger of breaking them. If the foot of a horse be too large, that is to say, dish-footed, and the hoof too broad and thin, it will be very dei:rimental to his action ; the feet will interfere with each other, and he will cut before at the fetlocks and pastern joints. A horse with such a foot will soon be tired by its weight-, and if out cf condition, will entangle his legs, and occa- sion his falling j and when this happens, the rider's life will be in great danger, as the horse may roll on him ; or even if he disengage him- self, may receive a kick in the animal's efforts to rise ; and many persons lose their lives by accidents of this sort. Having examined the hoof all round outside^ it. now becomes necessary to examine the foot also, and to observe the sole and heel. The heel across at the extremities, should be open and wide. If the heel be too narrow, it is either. naturally so, or occasioned by disease. If itrhQ natural and sound also, it is of little con-gequence 5 but if from disease and contrac- tion, it is a sufficient reason for rejecting the horse altogether. There may be some good horses with narrow heels, but the number will be found to be inconsiderable ; and unless their action be good, whicli is seldom the case with B4 horses whose heels are thus formed, they never should be chosen for the cavalry or saddle. It should be carefully observed that the sole be neither flat, soft, nor depressed, which indicate that there is not sufficient strength to support the weight of the horse. The frog and bars should be hard, and free from every appearance of disease. The black or dark-coloured hoof is the best. The colour of the hoof is generally determined by that of the legs ; white hoofs being almost invariably the attendants of white legs. The nearer the legs of chesnut horses approach to a blackish complexion, the harder and better v/ill be the hoof. Bays and browns of all shades have invariably black legs, conse- quently good black hoofs. The firmness of the hoof is an essential object, from the pro- tection which it affords to the sensible foot, as well as the strength necessary to support the rider, and to keep the shoe. Farriers, who are in the daily habit of paring hoofs, will confirm this position, as they well know, by the facility or difficulty of the operation, which hoofs are the best. There should be no signs of thickness or sv/elling at the junction of the hair and the hoof. This part is called the co* fonef ; and if any symptoms of this kind ap- pear, the horse will soon have the ringbone. The hoof and the hair should unite closely all round. Horses with low heels and long hoofs have not handsome feet ; but it will be observed,, that such horses generally bend and straighten their knees with freedom, and do not appear to be cramped in the shoulder. If a horse have white hoofs, with black spots round the coro* net, it is a favourable sign, and the hoof will be sufficiently hard to keep the shoes ; nor will there be any danger of his becoming ten- der-footed. Some horses have naturally very narrow heels ; and the heels of others become contracted from bad shoeing, from the feet being kept too dry, from a weakness of the bars, and from various other causes. The bars form an acute angle in front of the frog at the heart of the foot, and join the wall or crust at the heel. The hoof or coffin of every horse's foot, as far as we sec it externally, is divided ^us: — The whole horny substance outside is called the wall or crust \ the point in front at the ground is denominated the toe-, the sides are sailed the quarters •, and the upper part, join^ lO ing the hair, is termed the coronet. The sole is attached to the frog in the middle, the bars on each side forming an acute angle, and join- ing the quarters at the heels. The whole ex- terior horny substance, as well as the sole, incloses the sensible foot, and is called the hoof or coffin. Some horses, as before observed, have nar- row heels : these, though not desirable, are better than when they become close by mis- management, disease, or a failure of the moisture which should flow from the sensible foot through the small nerves, pores, and art- eries, for the nourishment of the horny and elastic substance which protects the sensible foot. "When this nourishment fails, on ac- count of the horse becoming disordered in his limbs, or from the feet being kept too dry, it hardens the crust too much ; and by not re- ceiving proper nourishment, the heels become contracted. If the hoof be taken from the foot of a horse as soon as he is dead, and hung up, it will contract, particularly at the heels or extremes of the quarters 5 whereas, if kept moist, it will retain its natural form and elas- ticity. This proves that th.e heels contract for II ^v'ant of moisture and nourishmentj and Is the reason the feet have so many disorders. In very hot and sandy countries horses are generally mule-footed; the heel, however, in breadth, bearing a proper proportion to the foot. The cause of this seems to be, that the foot, being constantly in a heated state, £roxp. the warmth of the ground, the hoof gradually becomes hard ; and the softest of the horny part being unable to receive, on account of its dryness, the subtile fluids that should pass to it, in order to give it moisture, they are stopped in their progress, and assimilate themselves to the more insensible parts of the sensible foot, or, in other words, to the most sensible parts of the hoof, unite with the upper part of the horny substance, and continue to deepen the crust till nature places a sufficient protection under the sensible foot, and until the heat of the ground is unable any longer to affect it. All Arabian horses, and those of other hot cHmates, have their feet thus formed. Their heels are not close, though they appear so, as they are proportioned to the breadth of the foot. Asses, mules, and mule-footed horses never have any gumminess, cracks, or sores about b6 S2. their heels, but their legs are clean ajid bony i the reason of which Is, that the subtile juices* which cause breaking-out about tlie feet and heels of other horses, and which should give nourishment to the hoof and sensible foot, are retarded by a defect in the arteries which should convey them to the parts to which they are naturally destined. It may also be observ- ed, that when the pasterns are affected, the hoofs begin to shrink and the heels to con- tact from privation of moisture. CHAP. III. HOW A HOUSE OUGHT TO STANI>. THE^ standing position of a horse ought to be particularly attended to. Lead him out on an even piece of ground, place yourself before him, and observe the toes of his fore feet. They should point directly forward. If a horse turn his toes out, he will cut at the fet- locks, from the heel of one foot striking against the other, which no caution can prevent. Horses, whose toes turn out in this manner, £Ut themselves very severely when they are out of condition, or fatigued ; and it may frequent- ly be observed that grooms put a strong ring of leather round the fetlock, to protect it : but this practice is dangerous, as it may occasion the animal to trip and come down. The best protection is a boot of leather laced close to the leg. Every person, therefore, who buys a horse, should carefully observe his manner of standing on his fore feet. Horses bru^h be- 14 hind, which is the same as cutting before ; but the former is not of such consequence as the latter, as it is generally remarked that the fore and hind legs move in the same direction. When dealers purchase a horse whose fetlocks have been injured by cutting, they keep him in the stable till the wounds are healed •, hence those who are unacquainted with the proper form of the animal too frequently become the dupes of artifice. Some horses point their toes inwardly; but a greater numbei* turn them out. There is an inconvenience, however, attending those of the former description •, which is, that by twisting one foot over the other, the shoulders roll, and the rider is very much shaken: but there is no apprehension of cutting, unless the chest be too narrow. If this be the case, he is liable, on the extended trot, to give him- self the speedy cut under the knee, and come down. A good horse, however, ought not to be rejected on account of turning his toes in- wards. The best standing position of a horse, there- fore, is straight and upright, his toes pointing directly forward j and the reascii is obvious j for *5 the animal thus formed supports himself and his burthen mathematically on every joint ; but in the other cases, the weight of tlie horse falls unequally on his limbs, and he moves auk- wardly and with difficulty. The same general rule holds with respect to men, and all other animals; distortion and bad formation injures action. \6 CHAP. IV. ON TBE LEGS. THE leg of the horse Is now to be consider- ed ; and, next to the foot, its exertions are the greatest •, therefore it must be particularly at- tended to. A horse*s leg should have strength proportioned to his body, that is to say, he should have a great deal of bone from the knee doM^nv^^ard ; and that part of the leg which is called the arm, viz. from the knee upwards, should be very strong and muscular.. The lower part of the leg should be free from flesh at the fetlocks and pasterns, and clean and hard down to the hoof ; for if the legs be too fleshy, they will, after severe exercise, puff and swell, and this, in a short time, will oc- casion cracked and broken heels, if they are not kept clean by being washed at least twice a day, and if care be not taken that they do not stand in their own dung v/ater. The pastern ought not i7 to be too long ; for if It be, the horse, though very pleasant to ride, will neither be strong nor speedy. The pastern, therefore, ought rather to be short and bony. The hair should be trimmed close from the legs of cavalry and saddle horses, for the following reasons ; first, the legs and pasterns are more easily cleaned; secondly, the air acts more freely on the skin, renders it firm and hard, and braces the sinews ; and lastly, it gives them a cleaner appearance about the legs. In a Treatise recently published, the author, in contradic- tion to the experience of ages, disapproves of cutting any of the hair from the legs of a horse> assigning for a reason, that the hair protects the heel from the sand and stones, which might injure it ; but tlie fact is, the hair is injurious; and every person well acquaint- ed with horses will bear testimony to the as- sertion, that those which have a great deal of hair on their legs and pasterns are the most liable to have cracked and greasy heels ; and it may be observed, that the Arabians are the cleanest horses about the legs ; for the hair is naturally so short on their legs and pascenis> that they have the appearance of being trim- i8 ined close. The leg?, when dry, should be rubbed at night with an oiled sponge, which v/ill moisten them, and keep the skin soft and pliant. Large draught horses, and those used in agricuhure, may have the hair left on their legs, but they ought to be well washed every night. CHAP. V. ON THE HIND FEET AND LEGS. THE same observations will apply to the hind feet and legs as to the fore feet and legs of a horse, except that he may point his hind toes a Httle outward, without brushing, if he stand wide behind, and if his hoofs be not too large : but when that is the cnse, the animal, if he bo cat-hammed or close, will certainly brush j and to prevent this as much as possible, a very different practice should be adopted in the operation of shoeing. In shoeing horses that brush much, the farrier generally makes the hind foot shoe thin in- side, which throws the heels closer together : but if, instead of this, the slioes were made thicker inside than on the outside, the horse would stand wider, and be prevented from brushing. Horses most liable to brush are those which are called cat-hammed j that is, those which stand with their hind legs close 20 together like a cat. They are frequently very serviceable, and generally excel in a rising leap, for these reasons, that their hind legs, being close together, act more powerfully in support of each other than those which stand wide J and also that there is a better spring in their hams. 21 CHAP. VL ON THE HEAD, EARS, EYES, &C. HAVING examined the feet and limbs of the horse, we shall proceed to the other extre- mities ; for, as much is required in the feet and legs, in order that the horse may be able to support himself, and carry his rider with spirit, so also the head is a material object for consideration ; for its shape snd countenance very strongly indicate his spirit and temper. With respect to the head of a cavalry or saddle horse, it cannot be too small , and it may be laid down as a general maxim, tliat no horse with a large head and heavy cheek will ever answer for the purposes of the saddle. These marks pronounce him to be of a sluggish tem- per^ and denote bad action and want of blood. The outline of a horse's face should be as strait as possible from the pell to the muzzle. A head thus formed will have a fine expressive 22 countenance, and be sprightly in action. The moreeUptical and curved the Hneof the face, the more stupid and heavy w^ill be the animaL The handsomest head is that of the English blood horse, vvdiich is shorter, and thicker round the eyes than the Arabian. The forehead is also flatter, and the outline of the face straighter. The Arabian's head is something longer, not t;o broad nor fiat between the eyes, and a little narrower across the jaw-bone ; the outline of the face also falls away from the straight, to- ward the muzzle. The head of the common labouring horse is ugly, heavy, and void of expression ; but it is of little consequ!;nce, as too much sensibility would be rather detrimental to horses designed for draught or agricultural purposes . Nothing is required of them but labour, and for this alone they are qualified by nature. The most common-shaped head to be found among horses of the coach size is what is called the Norman head, which is large, and the outline of the forehead more or less curved. Such horses would be of little use to the cavalry or for the saddle. The muzzle of every spirited horse is small, and his nostrils thin, red, and 23 wide when put into action. The jaw-bones ought to stand wide behind, close to the neck, in order that the windpipe and small of the neck may faU in between them, which gives him the power of carrying his head in a grace- ful manner without interruption to breathing. A small head will never deceive the judge- ment. On such a head the ears are compact, and their motion quick and sprightly The eye is full, rather roundish, and of a fiery red; and ill v/inking, the eyelids move with rapidity, which shews that the horse is in high health and spirits, and of good courage. The eye of a sluggish horse is always more long than round, heavy, and shev/s little of the v/hite, which has a dull reddish cast,, and tlie motion of the eyelids is very slow; their ears are heavy, loose, and insensible to noises of any kind. When a horse is ill, his eye becomes faint and half closed, and he is altogether spiritless and dull. The heads of horses are variously set on, which is chiefly owing to the formation of the neck. Some necks fall away at the withers, and so on towards the ears. These are called goat-necked-, star-gazers are such as throw their face quite upwards towards the «4 sky, and from sn extraordinary elevation of the head while travelling, seem to view the heaven* only; but they are generally sure footed, bend their knees well, and are good tempered. It may be also observed, that these horses fre- quently toss their heads up and down so as to throw the foam from their mouth into the rider's face 5 the cause of this motion is ima- gined to be a defect in the windpipe, arising from the form of the neck, which presses it at the ears and near the chest ; and this motion is supposed to give facility to respiration. Attempts have been made to remedy this unpleasantness by the use of a martingal, and by bracing the head tight down. This is not only an act of cruelty, but useless, as the defect is natural, and is as irremediable as cutting, or brushing. Fastening the head will crar.ip the motions of the horse, and de- prive hira of the flexibility which is necessary to his bteathing freely. The only good that can result from such an experiment will be to prevent his throwing up the foam on his rider. Horses of this description are generally long necked, rather fine mouthed, and consequently light in hand; but being cross made, they can- not be reckoned handsome, CHAP. VH. ON THE NECK. THE handsomest neck Is that which rises regularly from the withers upwards, and which, a little more than half way toward the ears, forms a curve, with a bold crest, until it ends close to the head, forming nearly an horizontal line. The smaller the upper part of the neck, the greater the beauty, and the horse exhibits more blood. When the hair of the mane is long and light, inclining to a natural curl, and the flesh hard and muscular, it indicates a good spirit. The neck, however, must not be too thin, nor seem as if it were too small and die- proportioned to the body of a horse; — this ij a sign of weakness: neither should it be too long, or too short; if the former, it also, indi- cates weakness and delicacy; and unless the animal carries his forehand well up, he will droop his head when tired. A short, stiff and c 26 fat neck is called a pig-neck, wKicli denotes hardness of the mouth, and stubbornness of temper. When the neck of a horse falls away from the ears to the withers, and he has no crest, it is called a goat-neck, camel-neck, &c. and it is reckoned ugly. Such necks awell out greatly under the windpipe, and seem to be turned upside down, as the curve which ought to be above is underneath. The neck cannot be too light at the small or setting on of the head j and it ought to increase gradually, until it arrive at the upper part of the fore-thighs or arms, and fall in flat with the shoulders. What has been said on this subject alludes to the necks of mares and geldings only. The neck of an entire horse is generally more fleshy and muscular; but even some of these are much handsomer in this part than others, and not too thick, or too much loaded with spongy flesh. *7 CHAP. Vlil. ON THE CREST* THE crest of a horse is the highest, and most curved or arched part of the neck, under the mane; and well made, spirited horses ex- hibit a proud and bold crest. A horse, how- ever, with the finest possible crest may lose it, and become what is called crest-fallen; that is, his neck in this part under the hair loses its muscular power, and does not support the mane. This proceeds from low condition and too severe exercise. Good feeding and rest will restore a horse to his spirits and his strength in those parts. We may observe that all horses which show no crest are patient, dull, heavy, and spiritless; such are, for instance, the ass, the mule,- the dromedary, the camel, znd goat, or ewe-necked horses; they are, however, good enough for certain purposes, . ^d .suffering them to use their peculiar paces, c 2 28 will perform slow work or drudgery exceed- ingly well J but in choosing for the cavalry or saddle, a horse should have an erect and bold crest, which is a sure sign of spirit and action. 29 GHAP. IX. ON THE MOUTHc EVERY part of the horse demonstrates some peculiar qualitiesj and none more than the mouth. A horse is reckoned hard mouthed when he bears much on the bit without obey- ing it, and is heavy in hand. This is ex- tremely unpleasant, as well as painful and laborious to the rider, and such horses are gene- rally sluggish, stubborn, and ill-tempered, thick necked, stiff, and aukward in their mo- tions, easily frightened, very indiiFerent in their paces, and are perpetually gaping, and swal- lowing the bit. They are for the most part thick winded, or narrow in the windpipe, and they open their mouths to assist respiration. On the contrary, a horse with a fine mouth champs and plays with the bit briskly, vibrates his nose with quickness, and goes forward c 3 with courage *, he scarcely ever becomes restive, and does his work pleasantly. No exertion is required to manage such a horse, as the slight- est check is understood by the animal, and the rider is instantly obeyed. CHAP. X. ON THE SHOULDER. IN daught horses, the heavier and stronger the shoulder the better ; but in saddle, cavalry, and curricle horses, quite the reverse. A horse for the latter purposes should have a light shoulder, as wdl as a light head and cheek; the shoulder ought to be very firm, hard, and muscular, falling off light and fine tov/ards the withers. There are two sorts of slioul- ders; one called an upright shoulder, the other sloping gradually to the back : the shoul- der blade bone of the former is very upright, seems to move stiffly, and has not the proper play for action: such a shoulder generally ac- companies too wide a chest, is exceedingly thick, and loaded with superfluous flesh; it is a natural defect, and the horse with such a shoulder will never be fit for the saddle: he may do for slow purposes, such as carrying 04 32 timid cr aged riders, but v/ill not suit a mors sprightly equestrian; besides, if hurried be- yond a certain pace, the stiffness and weight of the shou]der, added to the burthen of his chest and the rider, will bring him down. Such a horse moves aukwardly and unpleasantly, as the weight of his forehand causes him to roll in the shoulders, which motion he com- municates to his rider, who will sensibly feel it, and the more so when the animal begins to tire. Ease in the motions of a horse depends much on the facility with which he bends his knees, and the lightness of his shoulders. The shoulder being upright, the point of tlie blade bone (which in a well formed horse ought to fail oft much towards the back) is depressed with diiRcuity, and as from the manner of its standing upright the knee is prevented from bending with facility, this causes the stiffness with v/hich such horses move. Before the horse puts his foot forward, the pastern and fetlock joints must be bent, the knee joints, the joint at the extremity of the arm, that at the lower part of the shoulder in front, and the extreme point of the shoulder blade, which becomes depressed as the other joints contract; 33 and the facility of depression in this part de- pends on its falling backwards considerably towards the back bone. In a light shouldered horse, with the shoulder blade falling back, the reverse is the fact; he bends his knees with ease up to his chest, and puts his feet forward boldly and with courage, his motions are free and pleasant, he rides light in hand, and his shoulders do not roll, but play freely and agreeably under his rider. A horse, however, for a dead weight must have a heavy shoulder, and a wide and full chest, as nothing is re- quired of him but strength; but horses in- tended for the saddle and the cavalry must be of the opposite description. C5 I. 34 CHAP. XL ON THE CHEST. MUCH depends on the chest of a cavalry or saddle horse with regard to his action. — Heavy chested horses never vidll go fast, nor be pleasant to ride. The chest ought not to be prominent nor loaded with flesh in a horse in- tended for the saddle or light harness; it should go down straight from the extremity of the neck to the upper part of the arms, nor should it seem to shake or labour when the animal is in motion. A horse with a heavy chest is generally coarse made ; and if driven beyond a certain pace will labour and sweat profusely, which is unpleasant to the rider, particularly in warm weather. A hard, coarse mouth is also the usual accompaniment of a chest so formed; such a chest, therefore, in chusing a cavalry or saddle horse, must be avoided. 35 CHAP. XII. ON THE BOSOM. THE bosom of a horse is that part which lies immediately between the arms^ and great care must be taken in observing its form. It ought not to be too wide, as a horse with such a bosom never can go with speed, particularly in that pace called the trot; because if the bosom be too wide it is impossible f n* the ani- mal to. throw his hind legs clear outside of the fore legs, and unless the former are thrown in the manner now described, he can never be a fast trotter, as he will, if weak and long in the pasterns, strike the shoe of the hind foot against the shoe of the fore foot, (which is called clapping or over-reaching,) especially if the road be covered with stiff clay, which impedes the action of the fore feet. Horses with too little bone for their carcase, with long pasterns, and which go as above described, are c6 36 liable to this impediment both in trotting and walking. Too wide a bosom, if you look at a horse in front, will have a semicircular ap- pearance at top. Such a bosom will do well enough for a draught horse, or such a one as is not required to have much speed. The best bosom for a saddle horse is that which is nei- ther too wide nor too narrovv^. We have de- scribed the consequences of the wide bosom above, and the consequences of the too nar- row will be that the animal will scald there, be weak, and if he does not stand very fair on his feet and legs, he will cut severely before at the fetlocks, perhaps trip and come down : the bosom, therefore, ought to be in a medium between the two already described. Above, it ought to have the appearance of a Gothic arch, narrowing gradually towards the top. Provided a horse stands very straight on his limbs, with his toes pointed right forward, the narrowness of the chest is not of so much con- sequence; but if this be not the case, or that he point his toes out, it then becomes a seri- ous detriment to him. 37 CHAP. XIII. ON THE FOREHAND. SPEAKING of a horse generally, v/e di- vide him into fore and hind quarters. The fore quarters are called the forehand, and may be said to comprehend one half of the horse from the coupling of the back to the tips of the ears, and the muzzle. A horse is said to be regularly and properly formed when his forehand is, in the language of jockeys, well up, namely, when he stands somewhat higher at the shoulders and the withers than at the croupe j and v/hen his head is erect, his neck regularly curved and lofty, and the whole of the forehand upright and shev/y. So much depends on the forehand, that all good judges of horses make this the first object of consider- ation, beginning with the countenance, and I 38 examining his ears, neck, shoulders, legs, and feet. Whenever a person v/ell skilled in horses finds those points meet his ideas, he takes it for granted that every other part will corre- spond. The figure of a horse thus formed is by far the best, for various reasons. His fore- hand being well up, shews that he has blood and spirit, for there is nothing demonstrates so strongly the sluggishness of the animal as a drooping, heavy, and low forehand, and it is a technical expresson amongst dealers that such a horse carries his ends well; that is, his head, forehand, and tail. The forehand, therefore, must be well observed by those who buy horses, and this, with the bending well of the knees and pastern joints, greatly determines the goodness of the animal. Those who have ob- served dealers when they wish to shew their horses to advantage, may have seen that they always shew them with the fore feet standing on rising ground, and they pinch him tight at the mouth with the bit, v/hich rouzes his spi- rits, if he have any, and makes him throw his head lofty ; besides, they whip their horses into this attitude before they are shewn to pur- chasers, and they stand in this position, imme- 39 dlately they are brought out. But the fair way to examine a horse is, to lead him out quietly and coolly without frightening him, and let him stand, not on a rising ground, as is the usual custom, but on a level piece of ground. It should also be observed, fhat there is an- other reason for shewing a horse with his head and forehand on a rising ground, which is, that this attitude causes the bowels of the ani- mal to fall backwards, and makes his quarters seem full and round, which, if he stood on a level, would be seen more naturally and fairly than in the position described. Another strong reason for having the fore- hand v/ell up is that the saddle will not slip too forv/ard on the shoulders, which cannot be kept back on a horse with a low forehand, except by means of a crupper, which has not a good appearance on a gentleman's horse, but must be alv/ays used in the cavalry : and the weight of the rider being thrown too much on the points of the shoulders, will cramp the motions of the horse, over-balanced before, and cause him to come dovv^i. A crupper, it is true, is the only remedy, but, independent of its appearance, it is unpleasant to the horse^ 40 and chafes him under the tall in hot weather, in spite of every precaution, as a great part of the weight presses on the crupper of a horse whose forehand sinks ; and this is easily ob- servable in the cavalry, as the horses consist of those with low forehands as well as those that are well up. These observations, therefore, will serve as a guide to those who purchase horses for themselves, and v/ho may wish to rely on their ov/n judgment. 4* CHAP. XIV. ON THE BACK. AS it Is necessary to observe every part of a horse before we can determine on his quali- ties, the back must not pass unnoticed. It Is a very important part, and much depends en its formation. The finest shape for a horse's back is nearly straight, and round above, and so short that there is scarcely room for the sad- dle from the shoulder to the kidneys. This kind of back shews that the horse is strong and active^ it denotes also that he has strength in the quarters, and hns sufl^cient command of his limbs. A horse thus formed will be pow- erful all ever, and is generally superior in his paces and actio-:: : on the contrary, a horse with a long back is ordinary to the eye, weak, generally without action, and has no command of his limbs, but moves heavily and unplea* santly, and is unfit for long journies. The 43 only pace of consequence in a long-Backed horse is the walk, v/hich is the result of long legs, always the accompaniment of length in the back : but those who are fond of good horses should never choose one with a long back, for the reasons here adduced, and which will, generally speaking, be found to be cor- rect. 43 CHAP. XV. ON THE QUARTERS. THE quarters of a horse comprehend the hind parts, about the kidneys, &c. If a horse be not full and strong made here, he should be rejected, as the contrary evinces weakness, and he will drag his hind legs after him in a loose and slovenly manner. The weakness of the quarters will be also observable in the drooping of the tail, which denotes that the spine is defective about the kidneys. Horses with long backs are usually weak in the quarters, in the joints of the hips, the hams or hocks, and so on to the feet; and it may be observed that the hind feet shoes and hoofs are worn away very much at the point of the toes, which is done by dragging the feet along the road. When horses are much fatigued, they frequently bend the hind feet totally back, and are in danger of falling, and spraining the hinder joints a 44 the fetlocks, in consequence of weak quarter?, which ought therefore to be full, round, and broad across at the kidneys. In order to know if a horse be strong in the quarters, he must be examined about the kid- neys, flanks and haunch bones, by standing across and behind him, and by taking a survey from the tail to the shoulder, by observing also that he is full and round, and that his haunch bones do not shew themselves, but' that he is Strong and plump towards the coupling of the back ; and if so, his strength in the quarters may be depended on. For hard work, it is necessary that horses should be strong in this part, particularly for the dragoon service, as a considerable weight must be borne on their quarters. 45 CHAP. XVI. ON THE BELLY. THERE is not much to be said on this part of the animal. The belly of a good horse ought to be round underneath the quarters, and nearly so at the fore legs, where it should spread a little, and be somewhat thicker at the girth than at the kidneys. A good horse ought to have a full and strong carcase, otherwise he will have but indifferent command of his legs, and consequently little or no action. Horses that are herring-bellied, that is, whose ribs are flat instead of round, are generally extremely v/eak, and are seldom approved. When the ribs are flat, the belly is much sunk and encum- bered. If the belly be too much shrunk, and is small, it shews that the horse is not^in good health, and that he feeds poorly. 46 CHAP. X\^II. ON THE HIPS. THE hips of a horse properly formed are semicircular, or nearly round, without any projection of the hip bones towards the tail. Horses whose hips form a curve in this man- ner will always have a good appearance, and are, in fact, stronger in the quarters than those that are cross made and high boned. A droop- rumped and high-boned horse will never look handsome, and if in bad condition, will have a miserable appearance; besides, as round and plump hips always denote compactness of figure, and strength of body, so, on the coi> trary, a projecting rump and high bones shew that the horse is loosely formed, and unfit fo' the purposes of the saddle. CHAP. XVIIL ON THE TAIL. AS the head at one extremity is the princi- pal part of the horse from which v/e may form ajudgmeut of his temper and the action of his forehand, so at the other the tail exhibits, in a great degree, the strength and action of his hind quarters. When a horse has been docked, nicked, and thrown up well, if the operations are performed properly, he will carry his tail very high, should he be an animal of spirit, which shews that he is strong in the spine and quarters; and so much depends on this, that a bad horse never carries his head and tail well. Horse dealers are so much aware of this, that they decide on the judgment of a purchaser by his examination of this point; they there- fore have recourse to what is called figging, (an operation too well known to need 48 describing here,) wliicli creates an artificial sprightliness in the tail, and causes its extension: this the dealers contrive to do by- stealth ; and some men are so dexterous in the operation, that in spite of the utmost vigilance they will effect it. If, after the horse is led out to be shevi^n, the tail is observed to quiver, the motion is caoised by the w?rm sensation - produced by the ginger, and the irritation causes him to evacuate immediately. In a short thne, however, the effect of this opera- tion ceases, and the artificial vigour of the tail is succeeded by its natural depression. The tail, however, determines in a great de- gree the courage and temper of the animal ; the more spirited he is he will carry his tail the higher and faitherfrom his posteriors. Indif- ferent horses always contract their tails close to the hips, but spirited ones, even before their tails are either cocked, or nicked, or are sub- mitted to any other operation, will, when Stimulated to exertion, throw up their tails in a superior and handsome manner. The tail of a horse is so certain a sign of the strength or weakness of the back, and of other qualities, that by observing it, the judge- 49 meat may be formed almost instantaneously'. It is a sure prognostication of weakness in the back when he shifts his tail from one side to the other. After a long or severe journey, imless a horse has good spirits, he will drop his tail, which shews his imbecility. By a jour- ney of forty or fifty miles, however, the quali- ties of a horse will in general be ascertained; In lifting the tail, if the animal be spirited, it will yield to little force ; but the more exertion is used to raise the tail of a dull horse, the closer he v.all draw it to his hips ; and by per- sisting, it not unfrequcntly happens that those who make the attempt suffer severely from kicking. The bone of the tail should not be too thick, nor loaded with much flesh or hair, which in- dicate dullness, and want of spirit. It should be flexible, easy to take up when required, and sufliciently covered with soft and flowing hair. Some horses have little or no hair on their tails. Thtse are called rat-tailed horses, and are gene- rally of the best kind. Their fiery and spirited constitution is the cause of so little hair grow- ing pn that part. HoYses with such tails, how- ever, though they aiv by no means handsome. 50 are rather to be desired than objected to on that account. The demand for rat-tailed horses was some time since so general, that many were cut so as to resemble the natural ones: but such transformation of the tail was truly ridiculous, as it neither added to the horse's beauty, nor to his goodness or action. The tail, therefore, is to be considered as a member of the horse which will much assist the judgment of the purchaser, if he be not deceived by the operation of figging. ?t CHAP. XIX. ON THE BODY, OR CARCASE. THE horse, with respect to his body or caiv -case, ought to be full in the quarters, round in the hips and belly, and nearly straight in the back; and when he stands on a level piece of ground, his shoulders and forehand should be higher than his quarters. This is the most proper form for a horse intended for the ca- valry, the road, or the field j but racers, and such as are chosen for swiftness, are of a dif- ferent description. The latter ought to be^ and usually are, shaped more like a grey-hound, rather flat in the ribs, and their heads and noses stretch more forward while in the act of run- ning. This form of the head and neck is in- dispensable to velocity in every animal ; and the reason that may be assigned for it is, that the straightness of the windpipe contributes to facility of respiration. This extension of the P2; 52 neck gfvTS an aukwardness to the general ap- pearance of the race-horse : however, as he is never used for any other purpose than for speed, his want of beauty is of no consequence. Length of back and bone, loose ribs and quar- ters, and stretched neck, are his essential qualifications ; but a contrary figure only is adapted to those horses which are more imme- diately the subject of this Treatise. S3 CHAP. XX. ON THE EYES. THE eyes of horses are not more various in their colours than those of the human species, and that variety is less distinguishable. They are nearly all of a darkish cast, except the wall eye. The shape and size of the eye is of more importance than the colour. The wall eye, though not handsome to look at, is much esteemed, as the paces of a v/all-eyed horse are generally good ; his temper is irregular and various, yet not so much so as to be un- manageable. Large and heavy eyes denote dullness J but when too small and oblong, it in- dicates weakness of body and of sight. The middle-sized eye is best, and the more circular the better, for it shews that the sight of the eye D3 54 is strong, and does not fear the light. This eye is best, from its losing none of the rays of light that fall on its surface, and is capable of receiving more of them, than that of the oblong shape. The same observation is applicable to the human vision^ for the eyelids of short and weak-sighted men are always nearly half closed. All birds r:n3. other anin^.ais with circular eyes are usually quick sighted. The eyelids of a iiorse should open and shut with quickness, which is a proof that the horse is vigorous and healthy, and the nerves of the eye strong. To ascertain whether the sight be good, the hand should be placed upon one eye so as to blindfold it, and the finger moved backwards and forwards before the other, and sometimes pointed directly at it ; and if the sight be quick and good, the horse will wink very fast when he perceives the finger approach him. This should always be done, as eyes which are nearly blind frequently look very well. The circle that surrounds the eye should not be too fleshy, as it denotes the horse to be of a heavy and vicious temper j the thin- ner the circle, the quicker and more easily will ss it be moved ; and not only will the eye be a shorter time in the dark, but be oftener re- freshed by the moisture contained under the eyelids. f>4 5^ CHAP, :^L ON COLOUR. COLOUR, though only a superficial qua- lity, is nevertheless of considerable importance in the choice of horses. The colour of all animals is, generally speaking, so intimately connected with the internal properties of the object to which it belongs, that it seems to be inseparable, and to indicate its qualities. The observation applies also to vegetable and mine- ral, as well as to animal substances. Each class has, in a great degree, its peculiai? colour, though there may be, and certainly are, some exceptions. The general colours of horses are the chesnut, the bay, and the black, with their different shades-, but the two former are by far the most common. Black is a colour peculiar to horses of the heavy draft kind. Grey horses ?'.re by no means numerous j and much less so are those of a dun or mouse-colour, and the Si pyeball is rarely to be seen. It is a cornmoilj but a just remark, that a good horse cannot have a bad colour ;. for though the eye may not be gratified by external appearance, the satisfaction that results from reliance on the good qualities of the animal is more than suf« ficient to counttrbalanee any disagreeableness in his complexion. Horses in greatest request are tlv^se of the various shades of brown, bay, and chesnut, as they are generally of a more hardy nature, and the colour of the mane and tail is different to that of the body. Black horses fit for the ca- valry or saddle are seldom to be met with. The dark iron grey Is the next in preference : but in choosing a horse of this colour, it should be carefully observed that the hips and hinder parts are not of a mixed and reddish hue, as he is not to be depended on. Grey horses of every description, as they advance inf years, become gradually lighter, and at the age of i'ighxt or nine are almost entirely white. They arc for the most part of delicate and tender constitutions, and difficult to be kept clean, ■ 'thout v/ashing, which makes them liable to »5 S8 colds ; and from natural softness in the hoofs the shoes are not long sustained. There is a whole regiment mounted on grey- horses, called the Scotch Greys 5 they look very showy, and the effect is pleasing, but they take great pains in groo ming them j and it is generally understood that this regiment is obliged to be oftener supplied with fresh horses than any other in his Majesty's service, which plainly proves they are not of a durable sort. Grey horses are not allowed in any other regi- jments of cavalry, except for the use of the trumpeters. When grey horses are used in the European armies, they are never selected in reconnoitring or advanced parties, as they are more apt to be sooner noticed by the ene- my than any other colour j and when used from necessity, and an army is obliged to re- treat, the greys are generally stationed in the rear, and on eminences, to give the enemy an idea that the retreating army is much stronger than it really is, as the appearance makes them seem more numerous. The grey colour is mote prevalent among *ihe Arabian horses than in Europe, but this ia chiefly the dark iron grey. I have read a^ 59 treatise on horses, which endeavoured to prove that this colour in horses was the efFect of slavery, and that the original colour was either black, bay, brown, or chesnut ; but this asser- tion can never be maintained ; for if it were true,. the whole race now in use throughout the universe would have degenerated into that colour i beside, the horse not being a rational animal, what knowledge can he have of loss of liberty, provided he be well fed and taken care of? And it must be observed that the colour nov/ in question prevails among the finest of the breed, in Arabia, Persia, andTartary, where they enjoy the greatest freedom. The dun colour is very scarce \ but it Is of little conse- quence, as a good horse of this colour is sel- dom to be met with. The pyeballed horse, which is either white and black, or white and bay or chesnut, in large flakes or spots, is very scarce, and seems not to belong to any particular colour, but is a sort of lusus naturae, v/hich has no fixed colour, but is merely the production of chance. To the colours already enumerated may be added the cream coloured and the roan. Those used in his Majesty's state carriage are of the- s 6 former colour. They are not nati/es of tliis- island, but are brought from the Dutchy of Holstein in Germany, Hanover, or Arabia. Horses of this colour are exceedingly delicate, gentle in their disposition, proud and shewy in tlieir paces,- have light forehands, and are fine mouthed, but not adapted to much hardship* The roan is not a colour of itself, but is the effect of chesnut, bay, brown, or black, blended with white . on the extremes of the hair. A black roan, though the hair consists of white and black, is quite different from tlie ^iron grey, the white in the former lying principally on the points of the hair, and exhibiting sucli an appearance as if a shower of snow had fallen on a black horse ; but in the latter, the w^hite and black hairs are mixed quite through to the roots. Roans in all colours frequently have this appearance, and sometim.es their hair is mixed like that of grey horses. All other colours in- terspersed, or covered partly with white, form the roan, with the exception of black, which, when it is rcgiihirly mixed to the roots of the hair, forms either a lighter or darker grey, in proportion to the quantity of white -, but vrhen tlie white appears principally on the surface of the hair, it is called a black roan. 6i Roan horses are not numerous, but arc generally possessed of excellent qualities. — - Nature in her capriciousness hn« given various colours of hair and complexion to mankind, and to animals of every description. There is a great deal of expression in the hair, and its colour in a great degree determines the charac- ter and disposition of men, as well as horses snd other animals. I cannot close tliis chapter without adverting to the opinions of the Duke of Newcastle and a variety of other writers on horses, who seem to ridicule the idea of taking the colour into consideration in determining their good or bad qualities. They must indeed have been super- ficial observers of horses who have not disco- vered how much the colour of horses, generally speaking, indicates their spirit, durability, and value. Every farrier v/eli knows that white legs and white feet always have soft hoofs, and are unable to keep the shoes. In the human race, white hair denotes a feeble constitution; auburn, brov/n, and tlie darker shades, indi- cate hardiness and strength. "White cocks are not esteemed by sportsmen, as they are tender, and never hght well; and the breeders of cat- (52 tie are aware that white bulls or cows are by no means the best. The hair, therefore, ought to have a greater weight in determining our choice in horses than many are disposed to allow. The colour of the hair proceeds from the internal constitution and qualities of the animal j and though we cannot trace this to its primary cause, yet it is not the less true. 6j CHAP. XXII. ON THE COLOUR OF THE FACE. ALMOST all horses have more or less white in their faces. A little of it enlivens the coun- tenance, and gives it expression, but too much causes the face to look glaring and unmeaning, and is a great drav/back to the beauty of the animal. The countenance of a horse, as well as of a man, expresses, in a great degree, his qualities and temper. Lavater, whose skill in physiognomy is undoubted, attributes to the face the pov/er of expressing cur mental propensities, and has established beyond con- tradiction that the countenance of men, as v/ell as animals, is the true index of their liabits and their nature. Some horses have no white in the face, but they are few in number. Asses and mules, which are heavy and sluggish, have nov/hite in their faces j and the want of this lively colour in the face of a horse, seems to <$4 indicate that he also partakes of those Indolent qualities •, but good action removes every pre- judice arising from the colour of the animal. A small blaze in the forehead and snip on the nose, or a star in the forehead and snip on the nose, or a small star without any more vidiite, are accounted the handsomest marks of the face. Too much white about the muzzle shews the horse to have a tender and indifferent mouth j the consequence of which will be that he v/ili masticate slowly. Too much white in any animal denotes delicacy of constkution, and weakness -of body, and a Jiorse with a white face has generally white kgs or white feet, which, as before obscrv^ed, are reasons for re- jecting him. Though such horses, liowever, are not desirable for either cavalry, saddle, or pleasure horses, they will answer very well for a variety of ether useful purposes. 6s CHAP. XXIII. ON CROPPING AKD FOXING. THE only reason that can be assigned for cropping horses is, to improve their appearance; and this operation is performed on those par- ticularly that have heavy ears, or what are commonly called sow ears ; but as many peo- ple crop their horses from caprice only, be their ears ever so handsome, it is necessary, witli deference to the better judgment of others, to point out what horses the process of cropping would become, as v/ell as the form in which the ears ought to be cropped to shew the neck and head to advantage, and to improve the general appearance of the horse. If a heavy-eared horse be badly formed about the neck, cropping will not improve, but, on the contrary, disfigure liim. If he has a fine, regularly curved neck, rising gradually from the withers to the crest, and termir-atin^ 66 boWly at the ears, cropping will greatly im- prove him, and the closer it is performed the better ; therefore it is preferable, on the whole, to leave his ears as nature formed them. A short-b.icked, compact horse, of good courage, and his neck formed as above, vvill look exceeding vi^ell if he be cropped, and will have a very bold and warlike appearance j but tliat this effect rnay be produced by the opera- tion of cropping, it must be done in a particu- lar manner. In cropping horses, those who perform it affect to give the ears the appearance of natu- ral ones by pointing them at the top j and from the resemblance they bear to foxes* ears, it is called foxing ; but this has not the effect of giving the animal a bold, courageous look, so much as if the ears were quite rounded at top ; that is, when the ears are cut right across, and rather close, and the corners rounded off instead of being carried to a point. After a horse has been cropped, no hair should ever be cut from the inside of the ears ; but if the hair grows longer than the ears, it should be cut even with them, but never inside, for the two following reasons: first, that the hair 61 ©ught to be left to protect the ears from dust, flifs, iinQ sand, and other objects which are troublesome to the animal when his ears are deprived of the protection of the hair: — secondly, when the ears are trimmed too close inside, the horse is apt to take cold in the head and brain ; the hair is also a protection against rain, snow, and hail, wliich fall into the ears of a cropped liorsc. The practice of trim- ming the ears inside, which is very common, indeed almost general, ought to be entirely exploded ; for the animal would look much handsom.er if only trimmed close to the sur- face. Though this may not strike at first vkwj the fact is no less evident. 68 CHAP. xiav. ON STANDING. THAT a horse sliould stand well on his legi is of the greatest consequence, and though in this position the animal be completely at rest, yet a proficient can readily tell whether the horse be good or bad before he even stirs a foot. Observe, when a horse stands, that he does not draw his legs under him, with his chest projecting, his knees crippled or bent, and his legs arched as if he were preparing to lie down. The reason of his standing thus is from stiffness in the knees, and too great an uprightness in his shoulders, the points not falling backwards as before described. This position he will retain when he is in motion ; his forehand will proje6l too much ; and by throwing the weight of the body too forward he will most likely come down. Another rea- son why a horse stands in this m.anncr is from 69 a contraction of the back sinews or flexors, which has been occasioned by too great exer- tion. This happens chiefly to horses that have been worked hard, and particularly to such as have been used in a draught or harness, and is very perceptible in most of the hackney-coach horses, which are submitted to much hardship as well as severe labour. The flexors or back sinews being extended beyond their proper length, they become strained, and shrink up ; and it is impossible for the animal ever after to stand straight on his joints. Horses, therefore, that are used in harness, if they have been worked hard, are rendered unfit for the saddle; and all those v/ho esteem their horses for the purpose of riding, should never put them in harness, as it spoils them . Very little can be done to cure, or even to assist this contraction, if it be very bad. Some put on shoes witli very long toes, v.'hich make the horse stretch the back sinews when he is walked gently; rub the knee joints with oils and spirits, pare the heels down a good deal, and make their shoes low behind: however when a horse is thus crippled, all idea of using him as a saddle- horse should he abar.dDnedj as he will certainly come down with his rider. Yet he may be usi'ful in harness, or for agricultural purposes ; and to preserve him as erect as possible on his legs, he should never be shod high behind, nor have his shoes turned up, except in frosty weather, when it cannot be dispensed with. The proper position of standing, and into which a good horse will naturally put himself, is, with his fore legs placed well forward, his knees of course straightened, and quite flat on the cap or front of the knee joint, and, as good judges term it, standing on as much ground as possible. When a horse comes fresh out of the stable, he should never incline to stand on any three legs at a time, easing as it were the other, wliich shews tlir.t he feels some pain in it. If he does this after a long journey, when he is fatigued, it is not of much consequence, as it is then done for the purpose of resting himself. The toes of the horse in this position, as before observed, ought to point straight for- ward. Most of tlie Arabian horses stand with their legs a good de?i\ under them. However this is not owing to any natural defect, but to their being tied by the fore feet when young, which gives them this attitude, and which 71 certainly, as it is unnatural, does then no ser- vice, though it is not perceptible when put into action J their forehand too biing wjll up, the weight is tlirown ofF the shoulders. When standing behind a horse, if his fore legs can bs seen from the lower extremity of the arms down to the hoofs, through ths space between his hind legs, he stands well both behind and before, and is not cac hammed, which, though not very objectionable, fs by no means desirable. The feet should nearly ap- proach each other, but the space between the legs should widen upwards to the bosom; the toes of the hind feet ought to point directly forward, in the same manner as the fore feet, or nearly so. The toes of the fore feet should never, on any consideration, point outwards, for, as before observed, this is a most unerring sign that he will cut. It is not very material if the toes point a little inward, many fine horses having their feet thus formed ; but it is by far best that the toe should point fairly forward, as in trotting the knees bend freely before ; and in choosing a horse, notice should be taken that he bends his hind pasterns actively and quick, and that; he do not drag his hind feet along, so as to %vear away part of the hoof as well as the shoe. This arises from the hind quarters being too long, and from a weakness in the quar- ters and in all the joints vsiiich by their united action produce the motion of the hinder part of the animal. This is more discernible in tlr^ action of the pastern than in any of the joints higher up. It may be , observed, that after a long journey a horse drags his feet consider- ably, moves more slowly, and rests longer on the step than when fresh. The hind joints having becomie tired and weak, the horse has not the srane power of bending them; he therefore raises his croupe higher, and drags his legs along as if they had no joints; and horses that are naturally weak exhibit such action, even wlicn fresh, in a greater or ks« degree. 73 CHAP. XXV. ON THE WALK. THE natural paces of a horse are the walk, the trot, and the gallop. In walking, every horse invariably lifts two legs on the same side, beginning with the hind leg first. For instance, he lifts his off hind foot and puts it forward, and nearly at the time he sets it down lifts his off fore foot and puts it forv/ard, set- ting down the hind foot near where the fore foot stood, which passes over or falls short of the place where the fore foot stood in propor- tion as his walk is more or less accelerated, Sonietimes he places it exactly in the track of the fore foot. The fore foot which he first lifted he sets down a step before the fore foot which remained at rest. As he is putting dov/nthis foot, which for example wesupposeto be the off" fore foot, he lifts the near hind foot and puts it forward near to where the fore foot E 74 stood, wlilch he lifts and puts down before his off fore foot, and so on j which is the exact motion of a horse*s legs in walking. In the %vaik, as well as in all the other paces of the horse, the hind quarters propel the fore ones, and put them in action, the hind quarters and hind legs always pressing forward, and put- 4^ng the forehand in motion^ because the whole power of action in every horse lies from his centre backwards. When a horse is brought close to a ditch, or bar, for the purpose of leaping over it, he can never lift up his fore hand until he brings his hind legs and quarters forwards close to the fore ones, which shews that it is in the hind quarters that the seat of action is principally fixed, though it is to the countenance that we must look for spirit and temper. The quarters of a horse are the same to him as a rudder is to a ship, or the tail to a fish, by pressing which against the water, it is forced forward. To prove this still fur- ther, tie the fore legs of a horse, and observe tis motion ; he cannot move the fore quarters until he brings the hind legs quite close to the fore ones. From this it is evident that though o a horse determines himself to action from the 75 fore parts, it is the hind that act as the pto* pelling power, and by which the action is con- tinued. Horses differ in their method of walk- ing. Some horses over-reach considerably; that is, they put their hind feet a good dis- tance past wliere their fore feet stood j others put them down nearly where they stood ; and many about half way between. The speediest walkers are those v/hich over-reach, provided they have a good deal of muscular action,. One horse, however, may walk in all these dif- ferent ways as he is more or less pressed by the rider. Horses usually walk best when they are somewhat tired. When a horse is brought out fresh he is apt to strike into the trot, or gallop ; for which reason sporting men, who make wagers that a horse will walk, trot, and gallop a certain number of zniies in a given time, a third of which is to be performed in each pace, begin, x)y at least ought always to begin, with the gallop, and finish with the walk. The walk is that pace of a horse in which he has the least exertion ; it is the pleasantest pace particularly for a person in a state of conva- lc9ceTice, who wishing to take air and exercise, F. 2 76 cannot bear the less easy paces of the animah In walking, great care ought to be taken that a horse does not come down, as in this pace he is much off his guard-, let him therefore feel the bit gently, so as to remind him of his duty, Hcrses differ just as much in their walk as they do in their other paces j some horses will walk five miles in the hour, whilst others will not exceed three and a half. Lengthy horses are the best walkers, if they are bony and well set up. The walking pace is exceedingly useful, and it is that by which all work is executed that is of a laborious nature, except that of the flying artillery, which is performed on the trot, canter, and slow gallop, in order to ac- company the movements of the light dragoons. The work of gentlemen's carriages must be excepted also, which is done chiefly on the trot. The walk, therefore, is a pace adapted as well to pleasure as to laborious purposes. 77 CHAP. XXVL ON THE TROT. IN all the natural paces of the horse he supports himself transverselvj or crosswise. but in the trot this is most perceptible. In the action of the trot, two of his feet are suspended or poised in the air, and two of them conti- nue on the ground ; the off fore foot and near hind footj or near fore foot and off hind foot, diagonally. When you v/ish to put a liorse forward on the tret from the walk^ slacken your reins a little, and press your horse's sides gently with both your legs at the same timej the horse, knowing your intention, will advance the hind leg of thr.t side which in the walk did not lead, sooner than he would otherv/ise have done, and at the same instant he will move forward the fore leg of that side with which, in the wall;, he had begun to lead, viz. a hind leg and fore leg at the same time, cross- wise and alternately. This is the true position of the legs and the action of a regular trot. A horse may perform the trot in a variety of v/ays. The first is. the extended trot, namely, when a horse is pressed forward at his full speed in this pace. From this, v/hich is the foundation of the trot, we proceed to the sup- ple trot. When a horse is put forward on the extended trot, you check him gradually, and instead of permitting him to put his feet as far forward as he possibly can, ycu oblige him to put them down more under him, to contract his body more, and to spring and play more on the pasterns. The next is the even or jog trot, in which he puts his hind feet down about half way from where they stood toward the fore feet, and continues so in a regular and even pace. In the extended trot you permit a horse to go forward with his whole spirit and fire; in the supple you check and constrain him in his speed, causing him to display his action and spirit, not in going forward, but in springing and playing on his pasterns and other joints; and in the even or equal trot, you suf- fer his spirit to cool and abate, and to proceed with an even pace» 79 The trot is a very useful and grand pace in a horse that can perform it well, that is hand- some and compact in his make, bends his knee well, and goes forward in a bold stile; but there are few horses that excel in this pace in any eminent degree. The generality of horses cannot trot more than seven or eight miles within the hour, but no horse can be called a proper trotting horse that cannot accomplish twelve, thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen miles, occasionally, within that time, v/hen necessity requires it j and a horse capable of doijig this will always be the pleasantest to ride in an easier pace, and will afford much more plea- sure and satisfrxticn in riding him than one of these heavy, stiff animals, incapable of any thing but a slow pace. A horse, however, that can trot nine, ten, or eleven miles in the hour,^ is accounted very fair, particularly if he execute it in a handsome and spirited stile, and goes light in hand. To choose ?. fast trotting horse, you must take care to observe that he stands wide be- hind, and in the act of trotting throws his hind feet quite clear of the fore feet, outside, and very far past them -, he must not be to© E 4 8o wide in the chest .3 for if he be^ this spreads his fore legs too far asunder, and renders it impossible for him to throw the hind legs out- side the fore ones ; and it is consequently im- possible for 71 horse of this form ever to exceed eighty nine^ or ten miles in the hour , but this he may do in a good stile. A good trotting horse ought to bend his knees well up to his chest, be supple in -all the forehand joints^ and throw his foot forward courageously, alighting a little on the heel, and springing from the toe. There are some horses that bend their knees very well^ but do not put their feet boldly forward. This arises from a defect in the joints of the knees, which are so formed as not to be capable of straightening j and sometimes from a stiffness and contraction of the back tendon, v.'hich will not suffer the knee to become straight again after bending. Such horses step very heavy •, for instead of using their strength in getting forward, they come down with their whole v/eight at a short distance from their last step. The Holstein, Hanoverian, and m.ost of the continental horses, chiefly move in this stile, except that they straighten the knee better after bending it, and spring more on their pasterns than the horses above alluded to; The former is the stiff trot, the latter the supple; this is a safe, hand- some, and showy pace, as they go well above the ground ; and all horses that move in this manner stand close behind, and consequently can never be fast on the trot, and there is never any danger of their coming down. Horses so formed always have their forehand well up, and look handsome. Those that trot too fast cannot perform it in a handsome stile, as the great exertion distorts their symmetry, and destroys the beauty of the pace and the grandeur of their action. The handsomest trotting horses are those which trot from eight to ten miles within the hour, which is quite speed enough for the generality of weights. There are horses (though not many) that will trot a mile in two minutes and a half or three minutes, but it would be impossible to continue it for the whole hour without the destruction of the animal *. * A little black galloway mare, the property of Sir Richard Hill's groom, would, in what is called the run- ziing trot, go at the rate of twenty miles an hour; and A liorse that goes close to the ground In his trot is very unsafe ta ride, as he runs the risk of tripping, and consequently coming down. His going close to the ground is owing to the stiffness of his knees and other fore joints, and the uprightness of the shoulders, the point of which is extremely difficult in depression, which prevents the animal from bending his knees and pastern joints according to his intention : his toe, therefore, is some obstacle in the way, and the weight of his forehand, added to that of the rider, brings hirh down, and the rider runs the risk of breaking his neck at the same time that his horse break his knees. Some horses> when they fall on their knees, roll on their noses and foreheads, and it is almost impossible to recover them until they either fall sideways on the legs of the rider, or perhaps ^oll upon him, and cause his instant death. No person should ride a stumbling, broken-kneed horse ; for if he has once come down, it is certain he will do it again, as the skin of the knee, having been once cut, becomes more stiff and con- tracted than it was originally, and the knee vvac supposed to be equal, if not superior, to the cele- brated mare PhenomeBon, ^3* consequently more difBcuIt to bend. Of all the fore joints, the knee suffers most when a horse falls. The only safe way to ride a broken kneed horse is to put him on his mettle, and to keep him on the canter, and then there is but little to apprehend ; but he never should be suffered to trot, particularly in an easy cr careless manner. Many persons have lost their lives for vi^ant of knowledge in choosing a saddle horse, and by not being aware of the danger of riding a broken kneed one, particu- larly if the rider be heavy ; for a great weight is sure to occasion a horse's falling, unless he be particularly sure-footed. A horse that has been down may be used with a degree of safety in harness, as he has no weight on his shoulders -, but if it can be avoided, it were better never to use such a one as a saddle horse. When a dealer purchases a horse that has been down, he frequently passes him off to some one who knows nothing of the evil conse- quences of such a blemish, by saying that it was an accident in hunting, from the stump ot a bush, or from some similar cause j but it were adviseable never to have any thing to do with a horse of this description, or that has e6 84 the kast scratch or blemish about the knees. In choosing a saddle horse, therefore, let the purchaser order him to be mounted, and rode away from him on the trot; if he throws his hind feet wide, and clear of his fore feet, he will trot well and fast. Then let him be turned round at about the distance of two or three hundred yards, and brought up to him on the trot, and let him observe that he points his toes right forward ; then there will be no danger of his cutting, but if he points either one or both of his toes out, he will certainly cut before. Lastly, stand across the horse ; let him be put on the trot again, and observe that he bends his knee well, and straightens it again, that he puts his feet forward with courage, and carries his forehand well up-, and it may be depended on that such a horse will never come down with him, nor deceive him. Let it also be observed, that tlie horse gathers him- self well up both in the trot and gallop, for unless he does this he can never stretch him- self out again, but will go loosely and slovenly in all his paces. The action of a horse is like an elastic hoop of steel, it cannot expand without being first contracted. After these 85 observations have been made, the purchaser should mount the horse himself, to ascertain if he goes Hght in hand, and has a fine mouth; and if a trial be allowed, which is usually the case, let him ride five or ten miles out wnd back again, and then he will be able to judge if the horse ansv/ers his expectations. It will not be sufficient that a horse bends his knees freely and well ; he must also bend the fetlock joints with facility. If the pasterns are short, stitF, and too upright, the horse will bend the fetlock joints with great difficulty, will fail getting his toe clear of the ground, and will consequently trip. The action of the fore hand consists in the bending with ease and straightening again the fetlock and pastern joints, the knees, the joints at the elbov/s, the joints near the chest, and the depression and elevation of the shoulder blade. When these act properly, the horse carries his forehand well, and moves v/ith ease to himself as well as to his rider; but of all the above m^otions that of the knee is by- far the most visible. Hard v/ork stiffens the v/hole of a horse's joints, but more especially his fetlock and pas- tern joints, which sometimes become so stiff 8(5 that they are said to be ossified, the joints be- coming nearly useless, and turning, as it were, into an intire bone. It is therefore dangerous to ride a horse of this description, as he will trip, and come down; the safest way is, to put him on the canter or gallop, as in this pace he will go clear of the ground. Horses that bend their pastern joints well, shew their shoes a good deal by turning them completely up, which is always a good sign. There are many horses in-kneed •, and though this is not a very material fault, nor a reason for rejecting them, still it is not desirable; the knee joints are not fairly set together ; and In standing in the front of such a horse, it will be observed the knees incline towards each other. The motion of such knees is particu- larly observable on the trot. A horse that is fairly set up, bends the leg from the knee so as tjiat the toes would describe two lines passing forwards and backwards, parallel to each other; and in standing behind him, his knees cannot be seen : but the horse that is in-kneed describes two lines with his toes that would cross each other under his belly, as he lifts his feet inwards and bends his knees outwards; 87 and by standing behind him when on the trot, it will be perceived that his knees have a twisting motion outwards, and tlie feet de- scribe the two cross lines alluded to. The worst thing attending such a form is, that if the horse be cut of condition, and weak, and if he do not stand tolerably wide in the bosom, he will cut himself before at the fetlocks with his heels ; and should his feet take his legs higher, he will run a great risk of coming down. 88 CHAP. XXVII. ON THE CANTER AND GALLOP. IN the walk Tind trot^ a horse moves his four feet regularly and alternately, two at a time, supporting himself crosswise ; but his action in the gallop is different. When a horse strikes into the canter or gallop, he leads with whichever of his fore legs the rider puts him off. If he lead with the off fore leg, At be- comes considerably advanced before the near one, and the near hind leg and the off fore leg are at a greater distance from each other di- agonally than the two legs that have not led j so, on the contrary, if the horse lead with the near fore leg, the same takes place with respect to it and the off hind leg, they being in their turn at the greatest distance. The fore leg which leads, and the hind leg v/hich follows it transversely, have the least weight to support. The two others, being more immediately 89 under the horse's body, have to bear the great- est part of his weight. From this it follows, that if a horse be taught to lead with the same fore leg and hind leg, the two others, that sup- port the principal weight of his body, will fail sooner than the leading legs; it is there- fore better to accustom a horse to lead with one fore leg as well as the other. All the dif- ferent degrees of speed in galloping are only a series of leaps, taken quicker or slower as the horse becomes more or less accelerated in his motion. Ladies* horses are generally broke to the c inter, and most certainly this pace is the easi- est as well as the safest for a lady. A lady should never ride a trotting horse, unless he performs that pace in a grand and superior stile, and goes safe and v/ell above the ground; beside, it is a pace that shakes too much^ and it is too violent for a delicate frame. No lady above a certain v/eight should ever take this exercise ; for nothing has a more aukward ap- pearance than a large and overgrown woman on horseback, and in so perilous a situation. If a lady weiglis tv/eive or thirteen stone, she actUcdlv rides heavier than a man of sixteeiu which must be a great oppression to the back of any common sized horse. To ladies, however, that are fond of this elegant exercise, and are of a reasonable v/eight, the cantering horse is to be recommended, as they ride with more ease and safety than on a trotting one. A can- tering horse also is best for a man of a delicate habit of body, as he sits easier, and is not so violently agitated as on a trotting horse. In going into tlie canter or gallop riders almost always set their horses off with the riglu or oft" foot foremost, but this ought not to be tlie case, as they v/ill soon wear out two of the horse's legs, and in these he would become lame. In cantering, the position of the rider ought to be quite upright, and as nearly in the centre of motion as possible j but in galloping, the body m.ust incline forward more or less in pro- portion to the velocity with which the horse moves, holding a rein in each hand (if the horse be on full speed) pressing the balls of the feet firmly on the stirrups, feeling the horse closely with the knees, and preserving nearly an erect posture as high as the middle. The stirrups must be sufficiently short to give 91 the animal room for his play and motions. You must not bear too hard on the bit, but kt the horse have his head freely, if it be wished to keep him on his full speed : but if it is intended to save him for a push at the end of a heat, it will be necessary to keep him in by main force, particularly if he be fiery and mettlesome. It may be observed, that in rac- ing, the horse which goes off last at starting often ccmcs in first, as a judicious jockey will lead off coolly, keeping near his antagonist, and preserving his horse's speed for exertion the last half or quarter of a mile. This, is esteemed the best judgment and jockey ship, in a long course, for if the rider permits his horse to go off too freely he v/ill not be able to keep his wind the length of the course.: but for a short distance, near the winning post, he may push him as hard as lie pleases. Galloping is a pace little used, except In racing, which is the quickest gallop, and an hunting, which does not shake the horsey on account of its being on the turf 5 but scarcely ever on the road, as it would shake the horse's shoulders, and greatly injure him. Canteripg, however, is a common pace on the highway. 92 particularly for ladies. Arabian horses canter in a pretty stile, and can, for a short distance, take the start of English racers, but are not equal, in continued exertion, to our blood- horses. They are more inclined to be fat and heavy j and this rotundity is a drawback on their speed and wind. The wideness or openness of a horse's chest causes him to ap- pear more shov/y in the canter and gallop, but for speed it must not be too much so. En- tire horses are always wider in the chest and heavier in the neck and shoulder than geldings; but that arises from the circun:stance of their being stallions j and notv/ithstanding this heavy appearance of their forehand, it does not seem to be any prejudice to their velocity : though such a forehand in a gelding indicates that he has not much speed; but the superior ';trength of the stallion is capable of bearing the additional load of flesh and v/eight of chest. Of all the paces of a horse, the fast gallop or racing speed, is the most severe on the ani- mal, and, very properly, is seldom practised. la every other pace, some part of the body or iimbs is at rest while the others are in adion^ 93 but ill the gallop, it is an exertion of the whole body without intermission or rest to any one member. From the nature of their shape, thin, middle-sized horses must eventually be the quickest gallopers ; and length, with sinew, bone, and action, must succeed against horses of a smaller size, and shorter and rounder figure. A hare takes her springs quicker than a greyhound, but a greyhound must eventually overtake her on account of his greater length, though his stretches are not taken so quick. It is necessary that hunters should be able to gallop at a certain speed, as v/ell as to leap ; and racers must far exceed them, in velccicy : but the trot, canter, and slow gallop are the best paces for cavalry and saddle horses; the trot, however, is the best and most useful pace for them, and it is that in which they can continue longest in action, without detriment. to themselves. Speed therefore is not so ne- cessary for this last description of horses as strength and action, together with the other paces enumerated. A horse is said to gallop united when, with v/hichever of the fore legs he leads, the hind 94 leg on the same side follows ; but if it do not follow, and the hind leg on the opposite side attempts to succeed, then the horse is said to gallop cross, or disunited. For instance, when a horse becomes disunited on the dff side, the rider, to unite him again^ or make him gallop fair, must bear him a little on the hand, and press his near side with his leg, or touch him with the spur-, this will cause him to bring up the off quarter and unite himself. A horse very rarely becom.es disunited except through the aukwardness of the rider, from his jarring the horse by bad management of the reins, of a false pressure of the legs and a wrong use of the spurs. In moving forward towards the right, a horse should always lead with the off fore foot j and in moving forward to the left with the near fore foot. In galloping on circles, a horse must always be made to lead with the tg in the turn-, or, to speak more plainly, with the leg next the centre of the circle in which he moves ; for if he led with the outside leg, he would cross it with the inside one, trip himself, and come down. Even a young horse ■^hcn breaking, knov/s this, and will always 95 lead v/ith the proper foot. The two inside leg* must always lead, and mark the way on a cir- cle, whether small or great. If the circle be small, as in a riding house, the danger to the horse will be the greater; but for his own safety the horse will always do right, unless confused by the person who leads or rides him. There are seven different modifications of the gallop, called airs, or artificial motions, the gallop being the natural one, and the foundation of them. all. The natural pace of the gallop, as well as the seven artificial ones, are nothing more than a series of leaps, shorter or longer, higher or lower, as the horse is com- pelled to exert himself. The seven artificial motions are called, the terra a terra, the demi- volte, the cor^'-et or curvet, the capriole, the croupade, the balotate, and the step and leap. The terra a terra is a short and constrained gallop, by throwing the horse on his haunches, bringing his croupe well in, and obliging him to perform a continued series of short leaps, putting to the ground both his fore feet to- gether, and his hind in the sam.e manner, and marking two tim^es, and not four as in the natural gallop. The demi-air, or demi-volte, 96 IS when the horse's fore legs and forehand are raised higher than in the terra a terra, and his motion sloM^er, as he is kept longer on his haunches, with his fore parts poised in the air. The coi vet is' an air in which the horse's legs and forehand are raised still higher than in the two preceding, it being a sort of high leap, as when a horse takes a gate, and, when the fore legs are at their intended height and beginning to fall, he raises his hind legs equally high ; so that in this motion all his four legs are in the air at once, the tv/o fore feet coming down first together, and the hind feet after, marking only two times. The capriole is when ahorse is at his full height in making his leap : he v/ith a sudden exertion strikes cut his hind legs together •, the shoes meet when the legs are at their full extent, and make a noise by thus forcibly coming together. The croup- ude is when a horse trusses his hind legs up to his belly, as in taking a high standing leap. This he naturally does to clear the object he has to pass. The balotate is a leap in which a horse attempts to strike out with his hind legs, but does not 5 only shewing the shoes of his hind feet. This he does v/hen he finds 91 a leap he intended to take much less than he expected. The capriole is accounted the handsomest leap, as the horse, when at his full height, seems to dart forward as^if he fled through the air. The step and leap consists of three airs. The step or pace in order to make the leap, is the terra a terra ; the rising of the fore legs and forehand is a corvet; and the air ends with the leap. These artificial airs give a horse great com- mand of himself, particularly in hunting, but it is not worth the pains to teach them unless the animal be a very capital one. The terra a terra, or constrained gallop, in which a horse^s forehand is raised well, and he is thrown on his haunches, is the handsomest, and most necessary for every cavalry horse to i)e taught. 98 CHAP. XXVIII. ON AMBLING, AND THE SHUFFLING OR RUNNING TROT. AMBLING is a pace which may be some- times natural, but is more frequently the effect of art. In ambling, a horse moves two feet on the same side at the same time, or at least moves them nearer at the same time than in the walk. "When a horse ambles naturally he does it best, and it is a pace which is very easy to the rider; but the artificial amble is not so pleasant, and all his other paces are much in- jured by it. Galloways and ponies amble more frequently than larger horses, in conse- quence of' the manner in which they are fastened on commons or mountains to prevent their breaking into corn fields or meadows, or from running away. They are usually tied two legs on a side with a rope or fetters, which obliges them to move both their feet at the same time. If they are thus fastened when 99 young, ambling becomes almost natural to them. There are various modes of teaching horses to amble, but the best is with trammels, tying two legs on a side, and drawing them as close together as possible without endangering their falling; for if the side ropes were too long, the animal would attempt his natural paces. The place to fix the ropes is above the fetlock, behind and before, and from the mid- dle of them a band is to go over the back, to keep the ropes from falling too low ; but this will be unnecessary if his legs be drawn rather tight, as they will thus always keep the side ropes on the stretch. A horse generally ambles at the rate of five, six, or seven miles an hour. There is another uncommon pace, much like ambling, but considerably quicker, which is called the shuffling or running trot. It is a pace not to be produced by art, and is in general very speedy. F2 lOO CHAP. XXIX. ON LAMENESS. IN all cases of lameness it may be perceived by the motion of the horse's head, which he stoops more or less, in proportion as he is more slightly or deeply affected. In the walk or on the trot, lameness is most perceptible. In the gallop it Is not so easily observed, be- cause the horse forgets the pain while in the violence of action. When a horse is lame, the motion of the head keeps pace with the lame foot, which he lifts suddenly, in order to throw the weight of the head on the sound foot and the quarter of the body which is best able to bear it. A lame horse always rests as long as possible on the sound foot, remaining a considerable time longer on it than on the lame one. When a lame horse is standing, he always eases the lame foot by standing on the other three, letting the toe only of the lame < 101 foot rest on the ground; and when he is put into action he always begins his motion with the lame foot, in order that he may rest as long as possible on the sound one opposite to it. 10.2. CHAP. XXX. ON THE MOTION OF THE CROUPE AND HIND QXJARTERS. AS die action of every horse's forehriiici depends on the proper formation of his joints, and the facility with which he bends them, so the action of the quarters depends on the formation of the hind quarters, and his com- mand of the joints behind, corresponding in number with those before. For a horse to move well behind, as a cavalry or saddle horse, and to be properly suited to those purposes, he must not be too high. Should a horse be so formed, he will move with difficulty to himself and unpleasantly to his rider, and throw the weight too much forward j he v/ill have what is called a rocking or swinging croupe j and this proceeds from the following causes : — As soon as a horse prepares himself for action, which always commences with the fore parts, 103 he must bend his joints, or contract them up- wards before he can put his foot forward. It is the same with the hind legs. "When a horse stands high behind, it is in consequence of his hind legs being disproportioned in length to the fore legs; therefore, before he can pass the hind foot forward, he is obliged to bend or contract the joints upwards, in order that it may clear the ground; and as the hind parts are disproportionably high, the motion caused by bending each leg will be the greater, which occasions the horse to tilt up each quarter al- ternately, and the rider along with it; and this is the sole cause of his swinging or rocking his croupe. Such horses, when they become tired or out of condition, exhibit this motion in a much greater degree than at any other period ; and they also wear the hind foot hoof and shoe a great deal at the toe, as it takes the ground at every motion, and drags against it. Those who will take the trouble to observe a horse whose forehand is well up, and that stands a little lov/er behind than before, will perceive how little .the croupe rocks; and in riding such a horse will find how much more pleasantly he will carry in comparison to the 204 other. It IS supposed, however, that the hind quarters of running horses being high is no detriment, but quite the reverse, if the course be on af3at, or up hill, because such formation of his body gives the horse a power of acting as it vi^ere dov/n an inclined plane on the flat, and on a seeming level up any ascent. The hind legs of hares are nearly twice as long as their fore ones. When they walk, they throw their rumps very high, and v/hen closely pur- sued will alw.ys take a rising ground, well aware th.it ihe length of their hind quarters gives them a decided superiority in the ascent. Horses for either the cavalry or the saddle are not intended for swiftness, and require a cer- 1 tain form and action peculiar to those pur- poses; they must be firm and compact, strong in the quarters, and well up in the forehand. Horses v/hose hind quarters are higlier than the forehand, have looser flanks, and are not ribbed up so close as those that have their forehand well up ; but for the reasons above assigned they usually gallop fast, and when they stretch i themselves, have more room to bring in their haunches. Though Arabian and most of the foreign horses stand with tlieir fore legs much 105 under them, they seldom come down, because the forehand being well up, the weight is thrown from their shoulders to their back j but if a horse that is low before stood so, he would inevitably come down. Since, there- fore, men neither go into battle to run races, nor ride with velocity for pleasure, their horses should possess a due proportion of action and bodily power. to6 CHAP. XXXI. OTSr THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STALLIONS, MARES, AND GELDINGS, IN POINT OF SER- VICE. IT has been frequently disputed whether gelding of horses be an advantage or disad- vantage, and whether their strength and action be not impaired by this operation. It may be urged in favour of stallions, that as nature does nothing in vain, and as she in her regu- lar operations created them entire, they ought to remain so; but this argument cannot be well maintained *, for as those animals seem to have been created by the Deity for the use of man, and man being a rational creature, he ought to- use his reason in converting them to the uses best adapted to his interest and convenience. The same argument may be urged in favour of sheep, swine, black cattle, &c. &c. but as it is found from experience that depriving them of the parts alluded to enhances their value, and makes them more suitable to our purposes, we have a right to exercise our authority over them in thus changing their nature. A stal- lion is certainly not so serviceable as a gelding, his passions prey on him, he is more vicious, and is sooner broken down, and on account of the violence of his nature he is more difficult to be kept in condition. In France, where horses have not half the spirit of ours, I have seen eight stallions in one dihgence. When they became heated, they kicked and bit each otiier the whole way, and v/ere so viciously stubborn that the driver could not force them to move in any pace but what they chose. Upon asking the driver v/hy they did not geld them, he re- plied, that it would deprive them of their spirit, but that it would be better to do so, if it v/ould deprive them of their bad spirit and vicious habits. The people on the continent of Europe and Asia are partial to entire horses, with long tails, which are sufFered to grow as well for ornament as to defend themselves against flies, f6 io8 gnats, Sec. but it must be acknowledged, thac the constant switching of a horse's tail is very- unpleasant, and it is the principal reason why they are not suffered to grow in this country, where perhaps there is less occasion for them; but independently of this, it is as necessary to study our own convenience as that of the horse. Some stallions may be good-natured, but the majority of them are vicious and savage, and instances have occurred of their destroying those who have had them under their manage- ment. It appears, therefore, upon the whole, that gelding of horses renders them less vicious, and more useful and tractable. As to mares, they are not so much esteemed for the saddle as geldings, and dealers always give a much higher price for a gelding than for a mare of the same size and figure. One strong reason for setting less value on mares isj that in the spring and autumn, for natural rea- sons) they become weak and enervated. iog[: CHAP. XXXII. ON HORSES PROPER FOR LIGHT HARNESS. THOSE of the cavalry and saddle size are the fittest horses for the purpose of light har- ness; and as extraordinary speed is not requi- site, the rate of from seven to ten miles an hour is sufficient either for single or double harness •, and no horse that can perform thus much should be objected to on account of being low before and heavy in the chest. In- deed a horse that is intended for harnessj on account of having the v/hole, or at least the greater part of the weight of his work de- pending on the pull, is the better for a strong shoulder and an open chest ; and as the v/eight is thrown off his shoulders, there will be no fear of his coming down j thus we often iind that horses unfit for one sort of work are best no adapted for another j it tlierefore becomes the 1 business of those who buy horses to take care 1 that they are so formed as to answer the pur- pose for which they intend them. 1 II CHAP. xxxm. ON EXTERNAL BLEMISHES^ IN choosing horses, great care must be taken that they have no external blemishes. If they be clean, well made, and free from them, the chance is greatly in favour of the purchaser that they are sound all over, and healthy in their constitutions. The eyes should be sound, full, and healthy in appearance, and the skin of a silky softness ; for if the hair be rough, and inclined to stand upright, it is a sign that the animal is unhealthy, and that he has the worms or some other internal com- plaint. The fore legs should be clean, firm, bony, and free from splints or ringbones about the pasterns; the hind lego should be also clean, and well made, and free from grease, lumps, or swellings, which indicate the 112 spavin if they are seen any where about the houghs. It should be particularly observed that the skin on the knees is very soft, that there are no knots or indurations on the cap of the knee, and that the hair does not stand rough, for these are certain signs of his hav- ing been down. Those who purchase horses should observe that the knees are fiat upon the joint, and that they feel soft. On passing the fingers close down the joints, the animal should stand with his feet forward and his knees quite straight, so that in looking across the knees they do not appear projecting and crippled, which is either a natural defect in the formation of the knees,- or the consequence of having been down^ which contracts the skin, and causes a stiffness in straightening them. It is easy to tell when a horse has beeti badly, or even slightly cut, by feeling the knees, as knots and indur-ations al- ways rem.ain, and the hair stands very stiff^ hard, and rough on those parts •, and when the skin is once cut through, nothing can com- pletely cure or conceal the blemish -, the hair often becomes white, which is easily perceived m all colours, except grey. If a grey horse p 113 comes dov/n, though not badly, It Is not notice- able by indifferent observers, but good judges alv/ays know by the feel. If a horse's legs be dark coloured, and he has not been badly cut, and only a few white hairs appear, horse- dealers have a black ointment with which they colour the spot for the moment, and by these means frequently deceive those who are not aware of the practice. 14 CHAP. XXXIV. ON THE WIND. EIGHT years of age is about the time wliicK a horse's wind begins to be affected, but horses may become thick-winded before that time, particularly if they i-icline to corpulence; for the intestines and the inside of the horse being fat, there is not space enough for them, which causes them to press strongly forward upon the midriff, and force it into the space allotted for tlie lungs. The horse thus affected takes in his wind very well, but it is discharged again too quickly, for the reasons now mentioned. Such horses ought to be fed on diet v/hich is rather nourishing than fattening, and to be kept in a middling condition, and not to be put to v/ork immediately after feeding. Next to thick wind succeeds purslness, which arises from colds, surfeits, unwhole- some food, bad air, &c. w^hich cause internal 1^5 inildmmations, and ulcers on the lungs, wliicli so alFect them as to destroy, in some measure, their elastic power and disposition to their natural action. In all cases where the wind is affected, immoderate feeding must be avoided; lor if the guts and stomach be too full, they will press against the midriff and lungs, and make the horse much worse. The third and last case is tire downright broken wind, whicli follows pursiness, and is produced from nearly the same causes, but in a more excessive degree. The most desperate case is caused by ignorant people giving a horse too hard exer-- cise with a full belly, and particularly by putting him on his speed in the gallop. This overstrains the lungs, destroys their elasticity, and renders them ever after incapable of per- forming their natural functions. In every stage of broken wind, from tlie slightest symp- tom of thick wind to the last and worst stage of broken wind, moderate feeding is best, and such food as will pass easily off, and not occa- sion costiveness. All animals, when young, have their wind better than old ones ; because their intestines and inside are not so large and fat, and after victuals, respiration is more diih- cult. ii6 Horses that are thick whided are usually called snorers, wheezers, or blowers. Snoring arises from the nostrils being too narrow, and in respiration, from contraction of the passage the air is forced through them very strongly. Wheezing arises from the lungs being affected with anasthmaj cold, cough, or some such in- ternal cause. Blowing is, of the three, the nearest in afEnity to broken wind, and arises from the breath being forced out very suddenly. In all cases v/here the wind is affected the horse takes his breath In tolerably well 5 but from the lungs having been overstrained, and having lost their retentive and elastic power, the air escapes suddenly with a jerk, which is very perceptible at the flanks by their sudden falling. The fatter a horse is, the fuller, of course, will be his inside, and there will be the less room for air ; and fatness always increases the complaint. All animals pant very quick, and breathe with more difEculty when thrown into a heat by running, or any other severe ex- ercise; the cause of which is, that the heat thus excited swells every thing inside the ani- mal, and leaves little space for breath. Broken winded and thick winded horses are not very 117 numerous, and tliey will do very well for those exercises in which they are not hurried. But it is vain to attempt to cure them, for when the lungs are once affected in this way, it will be next to impossible to restore them. The best way to ascertain whether a horse has any complaint in his lungs is, to take a firm hold of his windpipe, and stop his breath for a short time; if his lungs be affected badly he will throw off corrupt mattery if not, what comes from his nostrils will be rather clear and pure. In buying a horse, he should be mounted, and put on his speed for two or three hundred yards, and his manner of breathing observed -, if his wind be thick, touched, or broken, it will scon appear by the irregularity of respira- tioQ, and the heaving of his flanks. ii8 CHAP. XXXV ON HOGGING. THIS mode of cutting or trimming the mane is so called from the resemblance it bears to the bristles of a hog when erect on his back. When a horse's mane stands up rough and un- natural, and will not lie on either side, it is best to hog it: but that a hog mane might have a good appearance, the neck must be well formed, that is, it must curve regularly and naturally towards the ears, and have a fine crest. Unless the ears are light and handsome it would be better to have them cropped close liud round when his mane is hogged. This mode of trimming the mane does not become every horse, especially those which are large or long backed, nor what are called goat-necked, ewe-necked, deer-necked, oj* camel-necked 119 horses, as before observed. Tlie operation is best suited for ponies, galloways, and small horses, but they ought to be compact and v/ell made. Hogging keeps horses cool in the spring and summer seasons, and prevents their sweating, as nothing tends to heat a horse more than a mane loaded witli too mucii hair. Horses thus trimmed ought to have the hair cut very close and short the first time. This causes it to point directly upwards, which it would not do if left too long at first cutting, as the points would bend downwards. To make it look well, it m.ust be cut so as to form a regular curve, the same as the neck, and at the ends of the hair the mane must be cut away quite fine, until the top of the mane, from the withers to the ears, exhibits only a single row of hair; this gives it a light appear- ance. If the horse be heavy necked, the hair must be cut the shorter, in order to produce the eftect of lightening it, and giving it a hand- some appearance; but if he be thin and light necked, the mane must be left higher, to pro- duce the contrary effect. Hogging not only keeps a horse cool, but he looks neat, if he be such as above described; yet it must be con- 120 fessed, that it gives him an unnatural appear- ance. Nothing looks better than the natural mane, and if it be too thick, it may be light- ened by having some of the hairs pulkd out. 121 CHAP. XXXVI. ON THE SHAPES OF STALLIONS, MARES, AND GELDINGS. ALL male animals are more robust In their form than the female. StaUions, bulls, rams, boars, &c. exhibit a m.ore muscular figure than if submitted to castration. The juices in those animals being stronger, tend to swell their muscles, and give them the masculine appear- ance which is peculiar to them. In countries where the inhabitants do not castrate their male sheep, bulls, swine, buffaloes, &c. the flesh is intolerably rank, and unsavoury to the taste. Horses, after undergoing this process, be- come lighter, and finer in their shapes, and are not so much loaded with flesh and large mus- cles about the forehand and chest, but have more the figure and shape of the female 5 and G 122 it even affects their temper and their voices. A gelding that is vicious and unruly vi^ould have been unmanageable if he had remained entire. A gelding may be known from a stallion by Iiis neighing J but it is difficult to distinguish him from a mare by his voice ; and it is well known that this operation produces a similar effect in every description of animals. The eye v/ould be gratified at seeing a body of dragoons mounted on entire horses, but their passions and viciousness render them un- fit for the purpose. Colts must not be gelded too young, or they will become effeminate ; nor too old, or they will be vicious in their temper. It is an unquestionable truth that stallions are infinitely handsomer, and are more compact, in all their shapes than geldings or mares, and their long flowing tails and waving manes pro- duce a grander effect on the mind of the observer than other horses-, but when a num- ber of them are together, in the army -for in- stance, and particularly if they have already covered, or if mares are in company, they are in a continual state of irritation, biting and kicking each other, and are more intent on 123 looking for the female than in obeying their riders. Maiden stalHons are quite different in their tempers to those that have once had mares; they are gentle and tractable, and may be used together in harness as quietly as geldings; but immediatjely after they have been used to cover, they become more savage to each other, and very restless if kept in high condition. No Irrational animal on the face of the earth ex- hibits so beautiful and grand an appearance as a well-formed, middle-sized, blood stallion, compact and complete In all his members, and left as the hand of nature finished him. Every touch of art tends to spoil the perfection of his figure, with the exception of shoeing, which is only to preserve what nature formed so well ; and if such a horse be well broken, and mounted by a good rider, the toute en- semble exhibits the finest production that nature has shewn in her variety of animate beings. In the dragoon service, however, nature must, In this, as well as in Qther re- spects, yield to art. 124 CHAP. XXXVII. 0:< RESTIVE HORSES, AND THE METHOD OF CORRECTING THEM. Some horses are of so vicious a temper that they w^ill frequently do only what they please, go at vi^hat pace they choose, and w^hichever way they take into their heads. Horses of this description generally object to going from home, and indeed most of them return toward their stables with more ajacrity than they set out j vv^hich is very natural in irrational crea- tures, whose chief pleasure is eating and drink- ing. A horse will frequently stop at those places to which he has been accustomed; nei- ther force or severity will induce him to pass particular objects. Sometimes he will go back- wards instead of forwards ; and good horses are often spoiled from being rode by boys and timid riders, of which the horse is soon sensi- ble, and will avail himself of the advantage of 12. superior strength, raid endeavour to disencum- ber himsdf by rearing, kicking up, and plung- ing. Such horses should be mounted by good and rt^solute riders, and the whip and spurs applied vigorously to his sides, which opera- tions will, when used together, strike him witti terror; and most probably, if he be not vicious in an extraordinary degree, Vv-ill effectually check his obstinacy. Whipping him behind will also be of considerable service in sending him forward; but if neither gentle means nor force v/ill effect a remedy, recourse must be had to art. Take a handful of very dry strav/, put it under liis tail, and set fire to it ; and as soon as he feels the heat, he will go forward with alacrity; or it may be done by laying a small bar of heated iron across his posteriors. Either of these methods will effectually break him of restiveness. Beside being vicious, obstinate, and restive, a horse may aiso be timid, and sliy of various ob- jects, such as heaps of dirt on the road side, carriages, waggons, and dead animals ; and the noise of drums, firing of cannon, &c. may frighten him if young and unaccustomed to them. If a horse shuns such objects, no no- ^3 126 tice should be taken of his starting a little, as it is a good sign, unless he is seriously fright- ened; on such an occasion it is best to let the reins be loose and free, but at the same time the rider should be on his guard without seem- ing to be so; and when the animal finds that his starting is unobserved, it is most probable that he will pass the object of his alarm qui- etly. When a horse begins to start, and feels his rider gather up the reins hastily, he then apprehends there is actually reason for alarm, as he concludes that the rider, from putting himself into an attitude of safety, is frightened also ; but by suffering the reins to be loose, it will shew him that his fears are groundless; but if he persist in his obstinacy, it is neces- sary to apply coercion, and to ride him boldly up to the object at which he takes fright; for if he once gets the better of his rider in this respect, he will always remain untractable. Some horses will naturally stand hre, the noise of drums, &c. but these are few. The best way to make them steady at such noises is to fire pistols at the stable door before and at the time you give him his oats, or let a drum be beaten at the same time, and whenever he 127 hecrs these or similar sounds, he will naturallf conclude that he Is about to be fed, and will hear them rather with pleasure than alarm. If you wish your horse to be accustomed to military exercise, and to break him. to t!ie use of pistols, carabine, and sabre, (this also will be sufficient to break him for shooting,) you must let him see those instruments whilst he is eating his oats. You rnay first begin by cock- ing the pistols, and snapping them without priming, then proceed to flash in the pan with a little powder, and afterwards fire a small charge, and so on. These things are to be done first in the stable near the horse, but afterwards across his back; you must at the same time humour him, in order to convince him that it is done in good nature. Then hang the pistols, &c. up in the stable, in such a situation that the horse may always have his eye upon them. With respect to the sabre exercise, you must act differently. First draw and return the sword frequently in t'he stable while he feeds ; lean on his back v/ith the right arm, holding the sabre in tlie same liand, and continue moving it gently till the horse be- comes accustomed to itj afterwards pass it G 4 128 quicker round his head and about liis eyes. When you mount; begin moderately in the same way; for a horse is very tender and thin in the bones of the head and skull, and in- stinct teaches him to guard it with great caution. Every animal is well acquainted in vi^hat parts he is most vulnerable, and con- sequently protects them with much care. If, after a horse is m^ounted, he is still shy of the brightness of the sword, a stick or cane should be used for a time in making the different cuts, and care must be taken to cut clean and wide of him ; for if a horse be once struck through aukwardness, it will be difficult to make him forget it. A man should never, if he can avoid it, be out of temper with his horse ; but such is the depravity and brutality of some of the human species, that they are shockingly cruel to these useful animals, and beat them unmercifully. Nothing is more cowardly than this, as the poor creatures can neither complain, nor are they permitted to resist. Beating a horse for little o'r no cause will break his spirit and spoil him. A horse is particularly afraid of being beaten about the head, because the bones of the 129 head are in many parts extremely thin and tender, and a trifling blow will fracture it. Gentle means will subdue 'almost every horse, unless he be uncommonly vicious ; but if he will not submit without beating, he ought to be flogged about the body, but should never be struck on the head. Horses are very timid by night; for we may naturally suppose that if they are liable to take fright by day, as they do, their fears must be increased at night, when, from the imperfect view they have of every object, their imagina- tion represents them as so many objects of ter- ror. Horses very frequently sweat profusely under the rider at night, merely fram fear, when they have perceived any thing that gave them uncommon alarm. When a horse travels in company with others, he goes much better, does not so soon become tired, nor is he apt to take fright so readily; and this is the case with all animals; they are less timid, and by no means so liable to alarm when a number of them is to- gether. Courage is observable in a greater or less degree in the race of horses as well as among men. The more blood a horse shev/s, ^'5 130 the greater is his courage, and he is less liable to take fright : stallions are less fearful than either mares or geldings. When a horse becomes restive, the conduct of the rider should be very different from that which is generally adopted; for it must be evident to those v^^ho are accustomed to the tempers of horses, that gentle treatment will generally have a better effect than either harshness or coercion; and it were to be wished, though the most provoking stubborn- ness is sometimes exhibited by these animals, that gentle remedies were always applied ; for though contrary means may be resorted to, under the influence of anger, the result is too often attended with serious injury to the horse, and disappointment to his rider. High spirited horses, and those that have a good deal of blood, will very rarely take fright, or be restive or unruly, after they are once properly broke in. It is those of a sluggish and stupid nature that are most vicious and vin- dictive against the rider, and they are scarcely worth the trouble of breaking for the saddle. Almost all horses are at first shy of taking the water, they must therefore be led to a place where there Is a fine hard bottom, deepening gradually ; for if the horse feels the bottom soft or muddy, it will be found almost im- possible to prevail upon him to proceed. If your horse can swim, and you wish to cross a river, take it slanting, or with the cur- rent ; for if the distance be considerable, he will become tired by labouring too m.uch if you keep his head against the stream, and you will be in danger of drowning. A horse will never be restive or stubborn in the water, as he dreads too much his situation; you must therefore let him have his head, and guide him gently, and as was before observed, obliquely with die current. Good-tempered horses are easily cured of restiveness, but those that are naturally vicious will retain something of it during their lives. G:6 332 CHAP. XXXVIII. ON SHOEING. NATURE, in forming the foot of the horse, covered it with a hard hoof, and from this it should seem that it never was intended that iron shoes should be affixed to them with nails of the same metal ; but art in most cases in- troduces improvements, and puts a finishing hand to the operations of nature. Had not highways and pavements been invented by art, for the convenience and use of mankind, horse-shoes would never have been necessary -, but as one necessity begets another, so one im.- provement introduces another. The hoof of a horse is formed sufficiently hard for the turf, and for agricultural purposes in a moderate way, but not enough so for drawing large loads, and supporting heavy burthens and riders on hard pavements and rough gravelly highways. To make horses, therefore, equal to this task, shoeing them was thought the most efficient plan, and was adopted to enable them to perform tlieir dilTerent labours, and to sup- port their bodies and loads with more facility. Shoeing, therefore, having become absolutely- necessary, it is incumbent on man, for whom these useful animals toil, as well as administer to his pleasures, requiring nothing in return but sustenance, to exert every effort of his genius to afford them the greatest ease and comfort, not only in this, but in every other requisite for the performance of their work. In preparing the foot for the shoe, as little as possible of the horny substance should be pared away ; indeed nothing more should bs removed than the inequalities which prevent the shoe from sitting fair and even ; and any sand which may have penetrated the hoof ought to be carefully picked out; for if it be suffered to. remain, by the pressure of the foot against the shoe it would work deeper in. The frog and bars ought not to be cut down to the quick by ignorant farriers, which they call opening their heels; a practice too gene- rally adopted. Paring away the heels, the bar, and the frog is the operation that puts a J34 finishing stroke to the destruction of the foot- It causes the heels totally to close, and the horse soon becomes lame. The bars being placed there by nature, and strongly connected with the heels at their widest extremes, seem to be purposely places to press outward the crust or horny substance at the extremities of the quarters when the hoof becomes dry, and has a propensity to shrivel and contract. The bars exhibit a mathematical angle, the two sides of which form a junction near the centre of the foot, and widen regularly outward until they join the crust at the heels. These are not equally strong in all horses ; the weaker they are, with mxore caution ought they to be guarded, and not injured by paring away *, for when the crust becomes strongest, it overcomes tiieir elastic power, and the extremities of the quarters encroach gradually until the heels are quite closed, and the horse consequently lame. The feet should barely be cleared of the super- fluous callosities that adhere to them; for even the smallest shaving that is unnecessarily pared away tends to destroy the elasticity of the horny substance which affords protection to tUe sensible foot. The feet of horses are as 135 dirFerently formed as the feet of men. One horse has- a long foot, and pointed at the toe; the foot of another is formed Hke that of a mule; a third has a small hoof, a fourth a large one, and a fifth has a foot perfectly- formed in every part. One horse has a fine open heel, another a narrow, close, and con- tracted heel, a third has too high an heel, and another too low; some horses have soles too low and flat, and rather convex than concave, as they ought to be. The formation of the feet of young horses is more similar than after they have been frequently shod and worked hard. If too great a weight has been laid on their backs when young, they are obliged to exert themxselves before their joints are pro- perly fastened, which spoils their shapes, and particularly their feet and hoofs. A pressure on their back at too early an age forces their soles downwards, and gives them a convex: appearance, which they retain ever after, or at least makes the soles too flat. Indeed horses that have arrived at a proper age have their feet spoiled by too hard work. These varieties of shape and form, therefore, ought to be ob- served, and carefully remedied by farriers aa 136 much as possible, in forming the shoes and in shoeing horses. The shoes of the generahty of draught horses sit aukwardly, and particu- larly on the inside of the foot, and the hoofs of such horses are generally flat and ill shaped. This is owing to the great exertion required in drawing their load : the great force with which they place their feet to the ground, and the weight they draw, forces the sensible foot downwards, and flattens the sole ; the conse- quence of which is, the crust of the foot sinks inward after the sensible part, and has a hollow appearance all round. The foot lengthens considerably ; and the outward part of the shoe, from the toe round to the heel, receiving most of the pressure, is consequently most worn •, the inside of the foot not having much pressure, shrinks upwards, and the shoe is obliged to follow it, M^hich causes the feet of many horses, especially if they have been used long in the draught, to be crooked up- wards inside *, and this happens more particu- larly to such as point their toes a little in- wards ', and their work occasions most of them to do so. It is useless to attempt a change of them •, the only remedy is to fit the shoes to the feet- 137 As the {eet of hdrses, therefore, assume vari- ous forms, the shoes must be fitted to the feet, and not the feet pared away to accommodate the shoes. The handsomest foot is that which has a roundish rather than a long form, with an open heel, and plenty of hoof, sufficiently deep from the coronet in front to the point of the toe, and the quarters diminishing gradually in depth until they arrive at the heel, where they terminate, and where the crust is lowest; and the reason of its being lowest at the heel is, that after having bent his knee well, the horse may be able to straighten it again, which he could not do so well if the heel were too high; and shoes turned up too much for ca- valry and saddle horses produce this effect. In preparing the foot for the shoe, nothing should b^ taken away from the sole but what is quite superfluous — the soft, mealy substance that accumulates between the hoof and shoe of a horse that has been already shod, and particu- larly in white-footed horses (which is not met with in the hoofs of a horse that has run bare- foot at grass for some time), and filing off the inequalities and breaks that occur round the circumference of the hoof outside. After this '38 is done, the slioe ought to he tried and fitted to the foot. If the horse be narrow or close- heeied, the shoe must also be close. In heels tKat are narrow and sound by nature, the shoe must be formed exactly to the foot ; but if heels are contracted by disease, the shoes must he made wider, in order to give the heels liberty to expand again to their original form. The shoe should be so formed on the inside as that the principal part of the pressure might fall upon the circumference of the hoof, which is naturrliy the hardest and strongest. It should fall av/ny from the outward to the in- ward edge with a gentle descent, so that when the foot is taken up after being shod, there may be a very small space between the sole of the foot and the shoe. There are two objects to be attained by the shoe falling away in this manner ; the first is, that the shoe may not press too close to the inward part of the sole, which is the more tender as it approaches the centre of the foot , and another no less impor- t,)nt reason for the shoe slanting downwards is, that if any gravel happen to accumulate be- tween the sole and the shoe it will not remain tliere, but by the motion of the foot will slide ^39 out again, which, oti account of the d'esceiity it will not fail to do ; and when the feet are washed and picked at night, or after a journey, before the horse is put into the stable, any sand or gravel will come out the more easy, on account of this form of the shoe. Round the extreme circumference of the shoe is where the weight ought to lie, and this is demon- strated by taking a horse with a fine foot, that never v/as shod, and letting him walk on a tough clay path ; he Vv'ill mark his foot ckurly and deeply round the outward edge, but the sole will scarcely make any impression, and the bars and frog a very slight one. This plainly shews where the weight naturally lies. Though a horse's foot be suinciently strong to carry his own weight, and though the frog and bars mark the soft ground under the foot but slightly, yet no pressure, or at least very little, should fall, or actually does fall, on tlM part of the sole, and on the rest of the heart of the sole there should be none. V/hen, there- fore a horse is shod, and a load or rider put on his back, the shoe ought to be so formed that no part of the sole might touch it except the outv/ard edge of the hoof ail round. The toe 140 cf the shoes ought to be of a sufficient thickness, and so contrived inside as to suffer little or no pressure to fall on the bars or frog -, because this pressure re^iches the sensible sole, and lames the horse. The outside of the shoe is next to be considered. It ought to be nearly flat, blit failing away a little towards the inward edge, as the horse will keep his feet the better for it, having a more firm hold cf the ground than when the shoe is too full in the middle ; parti- cularly in the winter, when the frost renders it so difBcuIt for any animal to stand that is shod with iron. The shoes of all horses will be the better for being thus formed, as they will keep their feet better. The slioe ought to be grooved for the nails, the groove at each side approaching gradually, and terminating at a small distance from the toe. In frosty wea- ther it would be adviseable for the fore shoes to be grooved round at the toe, and a frost or ice nail adopted, which greatly assists the horse in keeping his feet. The groove has two advan- tages j in the first place it preserves the heads cf the nails from breaking off, and keeps them more firm in their place; and in the next, even I4t after the heads are worn flat, the groove assists the horse in holding the ground, and conse- quently in keeping his feet. The only objec- tion to the groove going all round is, that it weakens the shoe, and makes it more liable to bend, but this might be remedied by making it narrower and thicker. In punching the holes for the nails, two punches ought to be used, the one rather thicker, and somewhat blunt at the point. With this the holes are punched nearly through. This part is per- formed on the solid anvil. The other punch has a finer point, and the shoe with the half punched hole placed over a hole in the anvil, and thus punched entirely through. This last opera- tion forms the hole finer upwards, which con- sequently fits the nail the better. The head of the punch oug'ht to be inclined inwards to the middle of the shoe, which gives the holes a direction outwards, and will prevent pricking, as it gives the nails a direction outward from, the quick part of the foot. In punching the holes of the shoe, the farrier ought particu- larly to adhere to this method. The fore shoes should not be longer than the foot, because horses that clap or overreach will sometimes 142 catch these, and tear the shoes off. This fre- quently happens to those horses that are weak in the pasterns, particularly when they become tired, or travel on a heavy road, where the fore feet stick, and they have not strength or sinew enough to move them out of the way of the hind ones. Indeed the shoes of both hind and fore feet ought to be exactly the length of the foot ; for making them longer answers no pur- pose ; the superfluous weight only adds weight to the horse's foot; and be it ever so small, will draw out, or at least loosen the nails both be- hind and before ; those behind, on account of the additional weight; and those before, for the following reason : when the horse puts his hind foot forward, it alights first rather on the heel •, the weight of the animal, therefore, on the heel of a shoe that is too long, would strain and loosen the nails at the toe. The turning up of shoes too mxuch at the heel is improper either for cavalry or saddle horses, because it prevents them from straightening their knees, which is as necessary in the motions of a good horse as the bending of them. If cavalry have occasion to move in frosty w^eather, it becomes absolutely necessary ; but the turning M3 up ouglit to be very short; and if, instead of being turned up whole, as is usually the case, the extremities were divided like the claws of a hammer, and each claw pointed, it would keep the horses much more secure and steady. The point of each claw ought to be consider- ably sharpened, which would make them pene- trate even into ice ; and if one point missed, the animal would be sure to catch upon the other. "When the shoe is turned up and not forked (which I believe has never yet been practised) the edge of the turn-up soon becomes smooth, and the horse slides as much as he would do without it. The heel, as well as the toe, on such occasions ought to be made of steel, which renders them more durable. The trou- ble of making such shoes is rather greater than making plain ones, but it is less expensive to make good shoes than to purchase a good horse ; for if he comes down in frosty wea- ther, it is very probable that he will break either his knees, or his bones, or disable him- self in some way or other. When General Suwarrow crossed the mountains of Sv/itzer- land from Italy, in the depth of winter, he lost most of his cavalry; and no doubt the loss was 144 increased by the horses not having been pro- perly prepared for the journey. Every man of common observation must perceive hovi^ difficult it is for a horse to keep his feet in v^inter, particularly on an ascent or descent, when they are plated with iron. Horses used for the draught of the baggage in an army, or for heavy artillery, ought always to have their shoes turned up a good deal in frosty weather, and forked in the m.anner be- fore described •, but when there is no frost, the common way will answer. It is always of use to assist draught-horses in their pull, and the turn up should be higher to the hind shoes than to those before, as it lowers the shoulder, and gives them a greater purchase. Observe the feet of a draught horse at a dead pull up an ascent, and you will find that he first strains against the weight from his toes, stretching the back sinews of the legs very forcibly, and the heel comes gradually to the ground. If the heel, therefore, has a high turn-up, it meets the ground, and places the foot some- what on a level ; but if there be no turn-up, the heel is greatly lowered, and the horse's weight falls backwards j and instead of gaining or preserving his ground, he loses both. Thus we find that turning up is of such service to the heels of draught horses, that it should never be omitted. In those seasons of the year when there is no frost, neither cavalry nor sad- dle-horses, nor those used in light harness, re- quire their shoe heels turned up; because when a horse rests on his hoof he stands en- tirely flat. Heels being turned up too high prevent a horse from straightening his knees, and throw the weight of the anim.al, as well as of the man, forward, which will bring him down. Therefore turning up the shoes of saddle and cavalry horses is a business of neces- sity to prevent a greater evil, and ought only to be done when unavoidable. Farriers' should, as much as possible, avoid excess of drinking during the hours of busi- ness, for the attitude of stooping assists the powers of liquor, and consequently promotes intoxication. To this succeeds a degree of carelessness about the animal with which they are entrusted; and serious injuries are fre- quently the result of their inebriety. When the foot of a horse is pricked in shoeing, though no immediate inconvenience be per- H 14<5 ccived, the lapse of a day or two will exhibit nn irritation in the part, even if the nail be drawn at the instant the wound is given; and the horse expresses his sufferings by kicking violently, and holding up the affected foot ; and so great is the ignorance of some men who pretend to a knov/ledge of farriery, that it has not unfrequently been known that they have applied internal remedies for the consequences of pricking. The temporary lameness caused by accidents of this sort is not allj the wound becomes in- durated, and will remain there during the horse's life ; for the foot and hoof is naturally so hard that there is no possibility for the cor- rupt matter to make its way completely out ; and if a horse frequently meets with this mis- fortune, it will eventually give him tender and bad {tet. In shoeing a horse, the old nail holes ought to be avoided as much as possible, as the nails will not take such firm hold ; and it is injurious to the feet to have the shoes fastened in the same place. The nails ought to be ra- ther thin than square, as square nails burst the hoof. In shoeing cavalry and saddle-horses the '47 shoes ought not to be made too heavy, for it is astonishing how much a small weight will af- fect their motions. The shoes must not, how- ever, be made so thin or so light as to admit of bending, lest the sole of the foot should be injured by a bruize. They should be made narrow and thick, rather than broad and thin; for, as was before observed, the pressure of the horse's weight is principally round the circum- ference of tlie hoof. That the hoof may not become too dry and hard, and lose its elasticity, it will be necessary *to wet the feet twice or thrice a day by riding the horse into water as high as the knees, which cools and moistens the feet and legs. If he be watered out of a pail, each foot should be taken up and dipped into it for a short time. Water is the most natural moisture for the legs and feet of a healthy horse *, the other neces- sary moisture is afforded from the constitution of the animal. A horse's hoofs, however, are benefitted by being rubbed with an oily sponge before he is rode. If a horse becomes tender about the frog, or the hinder part of the fooc, a bar-shoe is com- monly applied, to protect those parts until they H 2 m8 recover their natural strength: in this cr.se, the bar should be at a little distance from the heel, as it is not used for the heel to press upon, but merely to protect it from stones and gravel till it be properly recovered. It may be observed, that many capital horses have very long toes and very low heels ; these generally bend their knees well, have good action, seem to feel no inconvenience, and put their feet for- ward with good courage. To alter such feet would be impossible, without injuring the ani- mal. They must not be pared away at the toe, nor too m-uch shortened, as this attempt to give them handsome feet will bring them too near the quick, and cause the horses soon to become lame, and to founder in the feet ; the superfluous parts only are to be removed, and the shoe fitted as on the handsomest feet ; for it is as impossible to give the feet of horses any other than their natural form, as it is to give a different form to the feet of men; the only thing that can be done to relieve deformity is to endeavour to preserve them as well as pos- sible. The speedy-cut, which is a very common accident to those horses that are close made 149 before, and whose feet turn inward, may be m a great measure prevented, by firing away the hoof so much as not to endanger the safety of the foot, and rounding oiF the shoe consider- ably at the inmost point of the toe-, for in this case the least diminution would make a great difference -, and it is remarkable that horses thus formed do not cut much oftener, from their lees approachinj?; so near to each other at every motion. As the advantage of practice is too evident to require enforcing by argument, when facts can be demonstrated at an easy rate, Ifc- is the duty of those who undertake to instruct others, to teach them practically. Farriers should procure the feet of dead horses, fresh cut ofr, and point out, by operations, to those they em- ploy, the necessity of caution v/hile in the act of shoeing •, for such is the susceptibility of the foot, that the slightest v/ound is often attended with the worst consequences. To what has been said on the subject of shoeing and horses* feet, a hint might be added to those who keep grooms, to take care, at the conclusion of a ride, that their horses are not wantonly exercised -, for it not unfrequently J50 happens, that instead of being. taken to the sta- ble immediately, they are submitted to the ac- commodation of others, and are often rode or driven about on the stones, to the great in- jury of the animal, and injustice to the owner. Four nails are enough on each side of any middle-sized or small horse's shoe j more would tear the hoof; but large and powerful draught horses, whose shoes are heavy in proportion, and v/hich have heavy work to perfonnj re- quire five or six on each side. Horses that are rode for pleasure ought to be shod lighter than cavalry horses; and the shoes of the latter should be lighter than those of coach horses ; but horses for the draught of heavy artillery, carts, or waggons, ought to be shodthe strong- est and heaviest of all. Removing shoes too often is injurious, as it tears avray the foot. One remove is enough for a set of shoes, and when the shoes are taken off, either to be re- moved or replaced by new ones, the clenches of the nails ought to be carefully undone by cutting them, and not torn off in haste, leaving them either to unfasten themselves, or to make their way through the holes as they are. This is too often the case, but it should never be suffered, as it is very pernicious to the hoof. The French farriers'put shoes on in a different manner to the farriers of this country; they have a place for the horse's foot, in which they fasten it, then standing before the foot, they drive the nails in as if they were driving them into a block. The English farrier takes the horse's foot betv/een his knees, and by this means he has more command over it ; he see3 the direction of the nail better in driving it^ and the horse's foot assists in the entrance of the nails by its re-action ; and if the animal happens to be hurt, they perceive it the easier by his suddenly shrinking on the nail approach- ing too near the quick. It should seem, there- fore, that the English method of shoeing i? preferable to thai of the French, CHAP. XXXIX. ON FEEDING AND EXERCISE. OF ail the diiferent diets that have been tried for horses, nothing is better than good old hay, that has been cut properly ripe, and well got in ; and old oats •, and nothing is more congenial to their nature and constitutions, or contributes more to their health, strength, and vigour ; for though other sorts may be used, either from necessity, or by way of medicinal food, yet they never ought to be resorted to but for such purposes. Split beans and peas are also good food, but they are best suited for carriage and hard labouring horses, having a tendency to produce fatness, and thicken the wind, and therefore should be given only in moderate quantities. They are also good for horses in low condition, in order to get them fast into flesh. Bran, occasionally, is good, r.nd may serve instead of physic. When a ^53 horse comes in warm, In cold weather, a smaH mash of bran, made moderately warm, is a good thing for his stomach. This should be given to him before he has his oats or water, allowing him only as much at first as will cool his mouth, and which cannot hurt him. After he has had this a little while, has eaten a little hay, and become cool by being well rubbed down, a reasonable quantity of water may be given, and afterwards his oats. Watering horses in a pond or river is always preferable to giving them pump or well water, for the following reasons : — Well and pump water is extremely cold and heavy ; because, being fil- tered through a great depth of earth, the heavi- est particles will always descend in endeavour- ing to find their level. This water, drawn up suddenly, strikes a deadly cold on the vitals of the animal ; and being unmixed with air, (the reverse being the case with pond or river water,) it greatly affects the constitution of the horse. If no other than pump or well water can con- veniently be procured, it ought to be drawn up or pumped into a trough some time before it be used, and the air, by acting on it and mix- ing with it, will soften it considerably. The. ^54 difFerence betwixt pond or river, and pump or well water, as to its hardness, may be easily- known by washing the hands with either of the latter, which will be found to be too hard even with the assistance of soap. To choose good hay you must examine it not only by its fragrance, but observe also that it be the long-jointed or knotty grass. Any hay well got up, without rain, will look and smell well, but the same quantity of the single pointed grass, without joints, will not afford half the nourishment as the jointed, knotty grass above mentioned. The former, if you chew the joints, will taste sweet, is full of agreeable juice, and has grown on a rich and good soil ; but the latter will afford no sap or juice, will taste dry and harsh, and must have grown on a poor, ill-managed soil. "When a horse "is brought in from grass, he wants no physic or purging, or at least very little, as it will be ob- served that ail horses at grass are continually in a relaxed state, if pastured on a good soil, and their urine is of a greenish colour. When horses are taken in from grass they should first be fed on green, well got-up hay, because sud- den alterations in their aliments are bad, and old hay may, if given at first, bind them too soon. When fed on this and on bran maslies for a few days, old hay and oats may be given in proper quantities, and increased by degrees, according to the work that they are intended to perform. Mangers ought always to be made of wood, and not, as is frequently the case, of plaster or brick ; and that part betwixt the manger and the rack, and behind the rack, should be wains- cotted, which would prevent sand or dust from failing amongst the oats or hay. Great care should be taken to examine oats, that there be no gravel or small stones among them ♦, and they should be well sifted. The teeth of horses are frequently injured by such neglect j. and whenever they receive any hurt of this kind, they afterwards eat their food slowly, and with great timidity. Horses are very dif- ferent both in their powers and manner of eat- ing: some have strong and others weak jaws j some have good mouths, and others indifferent ones ; some masticate slowly, others quickly y one horse will eat a feed of oats in half the time ariother requires, and yet the dung of H S 156 both will be found to contain some oats which pass through in a perfect state. All persons conversant with horses seem to agree that oats would be better if bruised in a mill. There is no doubt of their affording more nourishment, but they would clog the horse^s mouth ; and it is a question whether .the exercise of grinding his own oats be not beneficial to the animal, by strengthening his teeth, gums, and jaw bones. Stones and gra- vel are so unpleasant and injurious to a horse that it may be observed when he feels one of these in his mouth, he will drop the whole mouthful at a distance from the rest, suspect- ing that more remains in the feed. Those who feed horses at picket, or with a bag slipped over the head and on the nose, should care- fully examine that there are no stones among the oats, as the animal is deprived of the ad- vantage of discharging it, as in a manger. Regularity in meals is as essential to the health of a horse as to that of a man. Feeding them, at fixed hours preserves the tone of the sto- mach, and prevents that relaxation which is so injurious to the constitution j and it is a prac-- tice which should never be neglected, if cmer.-. >57 gency do not render it impossible. If a horse be costive, and he will eat them, raw potatoes will purge him. Other vegetables, such as carrots, vetches, green clover, and fresh cut grass, are good purges for a horse, and will keep him cool in the summer months. Horses designed for ditterent kinds of work ought to be exercised accordingly, in order to inure them to what they are to perform. A race- horse must be cantered and gaUoped slowly at first, and brought on by degrees, until he is put on his full speed. A hunter should be accustomed to gallop cool and steady, and to perform his leaps safe and wellj first by using him to moderate ones, and gradually to increase them till they are capable of surmounting those obstacles to which they are liable in hunting. Dragoon horses have a mode of exercise pecu- liar to themselves. The best time to exercise horses that do no work, is in the morning and evening ; because, after long confinement in a warm stable, they require fresh air and exercise to brace their bodies, and to make them digest their food •, and after having been well exer- cised, they will feed and rest better the re- mainder of the day. If a horse be exercised 158 without clothesj he should be mounted quickly, and rode off in good pace, to prevent him from catching cold. On returning, his feet and legs should be washed clean, and picked out, which will keep the heels sound, and free from thrushes and other sores. Air and exercise are essential to the existence of every animal on the face of the earth j and none suffer more deplorably for the want of it than horses. In a state of Inactivity, they are as spiritless and unpleasant as they are the re- verse when in exercise j besides which, they are liable to the accumulation of numberless disorders, such as colds in the limbs, swellings of the feet and legs, loss of appetite, weak- nesses, &c. when submitted to rigid confine- ment. Those horses, therefore, which are kept for the purposes of pleasure only, (and it may be fairly presumed that those of every other description have as great a share as is necessary,) should have a proper portion of daily exercise and air, if their value be pro- perly appreciated. In purchasing hay, never choose that which lias a musty and disagreeable smell. It is an iadication of its having been put up too soon, ^59 that it heated J or that it became wet while it was making. The best oats are those that are old, provided they were fully ripe, and that they have not heated The rounder the body, and the thinner the shell the better, as they contain the greater nourishment. Black oats are always bad, for they do not afFord so much nourishment, and are masticated with difficulty, the shells or husks being extremely thick. All animals, after feeding, arc inclined to sleep and rest. When aliment is received into the stomach, the digestive powers are so much employed, that every other, even those of the mind, are incHned to repose, in order to give digestion its full scope. This is so well known in those countries that are infested with vora- cious animals, that the natives ahvays prefer attacking them after they have devoured their prey, being perfectly aware that they will find them in a state of indolence, if not asleep. The horse after feeding yields to this impulse of nature in as great a degree as otiier animals; and if those who frequent stables will take the trouble to observe, they will find almost all horses slumbering after their meals. Froni i6o this observation is to be inferred the necessity of giving a horse at least an hour's rest, if pos- sible, after feeding. This will be no loss of time, as he will perform his work or his jour- ney afterv/ards with much more ease, alacrity, and spirit. If a horse be taken out of the stable, and mounted immediately after having finished his oats, either for the road or for ex- ercise, he will not digest one half of his food, but Vv'ill discharge it quite entire. These minutiae may not be observed by every one, yet they are not the less true. Too great at- tention cannot be paid to whatever respects a horse's feeding, since his health, strength, and action depend upon it ; and it is essential that every person should take care that their horses are fed regularly, and that they are allowed a reasonable time to digest their food^ i6i CHAP. XL. ON SADDLES, AND SADDLE-CL0TH5. THE saddle being so necessary for the ease of the rider, as well as for the comfort of the horse, it will be proper to take notice of the different forms which at various times they have assumed ; and perhaps there is no article in such general use that has received a greater portion of refinement. Saddles were formerly appendages of the most clumsy and unwieldy nature ; and though it be true that they were in some measure adapted to the size of the horses then used for the purposes of pleasure, and for cavalry, they were nevertheless much heavier than occasion demanded. In these later times, however, when smaller horses have been thought adequate to lighter labours, the saddle has also been proportionably diminished, and is l62 now brought to a perfection wliicli can scarcely admit of further change. Nothing contributes more to the comfort of those who are in the habit of riding than a saddle properly adapted to the shape of the horse-, for, independently of the present pain iniiicted by mis-shapen saddles, very serious and lasting injuries are frequently sustained both by the horse and the rider. It is an act of absurditVj as well as cruelty, to put a narrow saddle on the back of a broad horse j and not- withstanding iriQ perfection at which the art of saddle making is arrived, it may not be impro- per to give the following hints to those who may be unacquainted with what is generally con- sidered the best and most easy shape. The tree ought to be well fitted, so as only to press on the bare back, near the points of the shoulders, but the upper part should not touch the back; and the tree must not be too wide, otherwise the saddle will slide forv/ards on the shoulders, especially if the horse has a low forehand and be rode without a crupper. After the tree is properly fitted, the pannels must be carefully stuffed with hair, (which is best J as it does not become matted,) toward the *I63 back, with a swell in the centre, and i'ajHnr^ away again gradually toward the lower cd'^c. The front of the pannels near the shoulders should be thicker than the hinder parts, as it prevents the weight from falling forward upon the points ^of the "horse's shoulders, which would greatly cramp his motions by preventing the depression and rising again of the point of the blade bone, wliich falls and rises every step the animal takes. Some horses are so strong and accive as not to regard pressure on those parss-, but notwithstanding this, their ease should be consulted as m.uch as possible* Weak horses, and those that go close on the ground, are much relieved by throwing the weight off their shoulders, and giving them free play. The tree of a saddle should be very light, but sufficiently strong to support the v/eight which it is intended to carry. Ca- valry saddles ought to be considerably stronger in the tree than those for pleasure, as the mili- tary accoutrements of a dragoon add consider- ably to his weight ; and having rougher service to perform, they require a proportionate de- gree of strength. In the upper part the pommel ought not to i64 be too high, but the s:?.cld]e should swell regu- inrly from the centre to the pommel. Saddles are frequently too low, and fall away in the di- rection alluded to, which causes the rider to lean forward too much, and becom.es very un- easy to himself as well as to the horse, as it throws the weight on the horse's shoulders. From the centre of the saddle backwards, the aecent should be trifling, and merely sufEcient to prevent the rider from losing his seat. On such a saddle he will sit comfortably, and his weight will not bear too much on his horse's forehand, nor alter the position of the saddle. Dragoon saddles have heretofore been made heavier than was necessary to support the weight they were intended to carry j for every person that is conversant with horses must be aware, that in a longmarchor ride the addition of a few pounds will greatly oppress a horse. In racing, a single pound will make a great difference in determining a contest: if, there- fore, so small a weight will affect a horse in one of his paces, it must also affect him in every other. A saddle too high behind is ex- tremely uneasy both for the man and the horse. It throws him forward perpetually, he rides- as 165 if he were going down a Iiill, and presses with all his weight on the horse's forehand. Sad- dles too high before and behind have a bad effect, as the hips and thighs of the rider are buried between the fore and hind parts of them. Hungarian saddles are thus made, and are dangerous to the rider, should he be tlirown on either extremity, which is so sharp that it must produce, in such case, the most serious consequences. The stirrup-leathers ought to be strong, to prevent their stretching or breaking, which is frequently the case v/hen they are too slight. The stirrup-irons should not be unnecessarily heavy, as they only add to the weight on the horse's back, which should be studiously avoided, though the feet retain their place better in heavy than in light ones. The patent irons are too heavy; the same purpose will be answered by having a spring under the flap or skirt of the saddle, in the iron to which the stirrup-leather is fastened. When saddle-cloths are used, they ought to be very small, extending only an inch and an half beyond the saddle all round, and made of cloth manufactured for the purpose. They are i66 of use in protecting the hcrse^s back, keeping the saddle from sinking too close upon it, and causing a degree of elasticity. Besides, sad- dle-clotiis imbibe perspiration, and give the saddle an easier seat, as well as a more elegant appearance; they also keep tlie stuffing of the paimels from becoming too hard : but they should never be larger than as before described, as thev create heat, chafe and swell the back, and make it extremely tender. In the cool months of Vv'inter, autumn, and spring, a small saddle-cloth may be used with propriety ; but in the summer, they should be dispensed with, on account of heat. Coverings of Switzer- land goat, panther, and Icopaui skins, and blue cloth, which officers use for their chargers, have a good appearance, but in v/arnr weather they injure the horse, by keeping him too hot. The French hussars cover their saddles with sheep-skins with the wool on, and tliis, toge- ther with the long manes and tails of the horses, has a curious effi;ct, and must, of course, be unpleasant to the rider, especially in warm weather; and there is no apparent reason for continuing such a practice, except that the skins, from their magnitude, conceal i6y the badness of their saddles. It is evident tlial dragoon horses cannot be clothed too lightly ; for the nature of their exercise is such as to make them warm enough; witliout being loaded with incumbrances. The skirts cf the snddle should not be too long, as they will also promote heat •, and every thing which has a tendency to heat a horse, and keep the air from hini; should be avoided. The short skirts that cover the extremities of the stirrups look best, when made round. By some they are made square, and to run straight to the shoulder; and by cutting them in this way conceive they Vv'ill not turn up, nor catch the knees like round ones: but it gives to the saddle an ugly and heavy appearance. The smaller the saddle, provided there be room enough for the rider, the better effect does it produce, as it shews the fiojure of the rider, is lighter on the horse's back, and admits more air to his body. Cruppers, as v/as before observed, do not look well on pleasure horses, but in cavalry they are indispensable. Horses that have a very lov/ forehand require them to keep the saddle off the shoulders; but as the crupper i6a bears very heavy on the under part of the tail of such horses, they are generally much galled: to prevent which, when a crupper becomes hard, it must be opened, and a piece of candle put into it, and sewed close up again. When the crupper grows warm, the grease will pene- trate the leather, and keep the cruppers soft, and moisten the skin under the tail. Springs might be easily applied to the girths, stirrups, and crupper, which would keep the saddle better in its place, and be more plea- sant both for tlie liorse and the rider. t6g CHAP. XLI. ON STABLES AND CLOTHING. AS good houses are necessary for the con- venience and comfort of man, so is good stabling for horses. The best situation for stables is that which is dry and airy, or on a level, and not on a damp and low ground, as dampness will affect them materially. Stables should have lofty ceilings, which prevent the air from becoming foul and too hot, which it would do if the ceilings were low. A few small apertures should be made at the bottom, to admit fresh air, and some also as high as the ceiling, to give vent to the foul air at top, which becoming rarified, and consequently lighter, ascends to the ceiling ; and the fresh air at bottom forcing itself in, will expel the other. This is better than ventilators, as they fill and empty stables too hastily, by which means horses take cold. If the weather be 170 cold, the apertures at bottom may be partially shut. Stables ought neither to be kept too close nor too warm, which will eventually be the case where a great many horses stand together. Heat relaxes the stomach of a horse, and consequently hurts his digestion. Keeping horses in clothes that are too hot has the same effect, and makes them tender, and liable to catch cold. Horses at grass scarcely ever catch cold, even in the most rigorous sea- son. It must be allowed, however, that after a horse has come off' a journey, and is warm, a cloth ought to be thrown over him until his coat is dry. It is an artificial heat, and there- fore requires an artificial remedy 5 but as soon as the horse's skin is dry, let the cloth be re- moved, let him be well rubbed down, and left so. This will be better for his health, appetite, and digestion, than wrapping him in warm clothing. The stall should be sufficiently Toomy to allow a horse to lie down, and to rise and turn himself with ease ; for he does this with such suddenness, that he frequently hurts himself against the sides when the stalls are too narrow. Stables are generally paved with very small round stones, or pebbles, which is an absurd practice. The principal reason for using such pavement is, that the urine may- escape between the pebbles, and keep the horse dry. This effect might be produced when the stalls are not level, but many reasons may be urged against this practice. A horse stands very uneasy and unsteady on such floors, his feet only touching at a few points, which con- sequently bear the weight and pressure of the whole body, and in lying down he is liable to bruise his knees, which causes a stiffness, and is detrimental to him. in bending his joints, and contributes in some measure to bring him down. The rest procured on floors of this kind is by no means, at times, such as the ani- mal requires, for it frequently happens that in lying down he removes the litter, and instead of repose he receives considerable injury. The bed of the stall ought to be made on a very slight ascent ; for the more level it is, when he lies down the more equal is the pressure on all parts of his body, and consequently he enjoys the greater rest. When stalls are too higli before, the weight is tlirown on the hind legs, which produces swelled heels. For the reasons above stated, the stalls of a I 2 172 stable should be paved with large slabs, a very little higher at each side than in the middle ; and as nearly as possible to the spot where the horse stales there should be placed a square stone, made rather hollow in the middle, with four or five small holes leading to a sewer be- neath, which would more effectually carry off the urine than any other sort of drain. There is another great advantage that would result from a contrivance of this kind, which is, that the hind legs of horses would never be im- mersed in their own urine, which soaks through the litter, and mixes with the dungj and by remaining upon their heels all night, causes most of the disorders to which the heels of horses are subject. Stalls of this kind are not more expensive in the construction than any- other, as the whole may be paved with bricks, or any flat stone. Nothing extraordinary is required but the centre stone v/ith holes, to convey the water into the sewer beneath. The Swedes floor their stables with strong, coarse planks of wood, and at certain intervals the centre planks, which are depressed a little, and on the descent, are cut through longitudinally, by which means the urine runs into receivers, «73 to which the stable-helpers have access for the purpose of cleaning them. Horses lie more dry and comfortable on this flooring than on stone or brick, which is considerably colder. It is as cheap as pavement, and half the litter is not required as on stone floors. Horses are frequently inclined to stretch themselves out, and lie on their sides when they are much fatigued ; the reason of this is, that the po- sition relieves every part of the body from unequal pressure. It is the duty of those who receive either pleasure or profit from the labours of a horse, to make an ample return for his services ', and as that return must necessarily consist of at- tention, care, and good treatment, it should be the primary object of their owners, not merely to feed them, but to bestow upon them every kind of indulgence which the arrangement of the Stable can afford: audit is proper again to observe, that there is nothing more essential to the well-doing of a horse than cleanUness and roomy stalls. The flooring of the hay loft should be as close as possible, and opposite each rack there should be a small trap door, through which the ^3 174 hay is received into the rack. This should shut down so close as not to a^low the breath of the horses, and heat of the stables to pass, as It will destroy the flavour of the hay. The trap-door through v/hich the stable-helpers and grooms ascend should also shut down close, for the same reason. The best plan is, to make the hay-loft door at the side of the stables. To what has been advance on the subject of stables we may add, that the doors should be kept open as much as possible in fine weather. ^75 CHAP. XLII. ON BREAKING CAVALRY, SADDLE-HORSES, AND HORSES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THIS is a business to vrliich professed grooms are fully competent, but it is rather the occupation of those who are called horse- breakers J and it is an employment of some importance with respect to the horses above SYientionea, us liorii siiCxi m£u tiicy receive their earliest tuition ; and great care should be taken not to instruct them improperly at first, as they will most likely retain their bad habits during their lives. The first lesson a colt re- ceives, after he has been tied to the rack in a collar, and is accustomed to be spoken to and handled, is to be led backward and forward to his stable to be v/atered. This habituates him to the voice and presence of men, and removes his shyness, and accustoms him to the pace of the person who leads him. 14 176 Those persons who have the management of colts should frequently take up their feet, and beat them gently round the edges with a sm^ll v/ooden hammer, which will prepare them, in some measure, for being shod *, and when that operation is performied they will stand more quietly. Young horses are fre- quently so alarmed at the process of shoeing, that it cannot be done without the trouble of throwing them y or if it be effected without this, it is v/ith great difficulty j and from the sudden struggles of the horse to pull his feet away, he is often pricked, which not only frightens him, but injures the foot. When it is intended to break in a horse, a cavison is first put on his head. It is made like a collar, with a strong piece of iron out- side the leather strap that goes round the muz- zle, and in it are fixed three iron rings, one in front, for the longe, and one at each side for the side-straps. No side-straps are used at first, but the longe only, v/hich is a long cord, tied, or, for the convenience of easily undoing it, buckled into the ring in front. With this and a snaffle, knotted and laid loose over the neck, he receives his first lessons on the circle i 177 or ring. A second person is very tiecessary with a whip, to correct his stubbornness. After he has been exercised in this way till he goes freely, a roller is put on his back, with a hook in the centre to fasten the snaffle reins, having a ring en each side to which to fix the side-straps, one of which is only fastened at a time, namely, the strap towards the centre of the circle on which he is exercised ; but should he be inclined to keep his head too much that way, the other must be fastened also, in order to keep it straight. As soon as he moves with freedom in all his paces, another apparatus is to be fixed on his back. First the manege saddle, with or without fastening the side-strap, as the horse requires it; and, in- stead of fixing the side-straps of the cavison to the saddle, as was formerly the custom, a strong cross of wood is used, with eight buckles, two above and two below on each side •, four of the buckles with straps for the side reins, which are at one end^ and fastened to the rings of the snaffle bit, are fixed at the four extremities of the cross, and the other four near the centre, with straps and buckles IS '78 also, one above and one below on each side,. The angle of the cross, which rests on the saddle near the front part, is strengthened with a piece of wood fitted into the angle, and made hollow ; and this cross is confined tight with a strap or girth fastened to the ends of the twa lower arms of the cross ; and, to prevent the cross from moving out of its place, there is a strap and buckle near the centre behind, v/hich may be fastened to the crupper-ring. Beside this, diere is also a swivel spring rising from the centre in front, on which to place the snaffle or bit reins of a horse that is light with his mouth and forehand. This acts very free and easy, and does not press much or bear hard on his mouth, but plays the bit up and down gently. For horses that are hard mouthed and heavy before, there is another cross in every respect like the one already mentioned, except that the spring in the front is flat, and toler- ably strong, inclining forward, with a curve toward the top •, and inside of the extreme point is a small semi-circular hook, on which the snaffle reins are attached, to any required length. This apparatus is preferable to fasten- 179 ing the side-straps of the cavison to any other pad or saddle, because the horse's head can be raised to any height, if he be inclined to keep his head low, and bear on his mouth and fore- hand too much. If he carry his head too high, it can be lowered without a martingal. Those who break horses are much divided in opinion whether it be better to break them in a riding- house or in the open fields. It is certain that in a riding-house a horse pays more attention to his lessons, because he is not distracted with objects that are likely to take his attention from what he is doing ; so that the first lessons, might be given with more effect within doors- than without. Many riding-houses, however,, have not a convenience of this sort, and re- course is obliged to be had to a field ring ; and if the v/eather be fine, it is pleasanter and cooler both for the horse and the breaker. The place, however, would be better adapted if it had been used before j for when a horse is lead a few times round, it gives him some notion of what he is to perform. At ni^st the ring should be large, as the motions of the horse will not be supple or free enough to work on a smaU one , but the ring should be 16 i8o lessened gradually, until it be very contracted. As soon as he has been accustomed to go freely on a larger one, only the inside rein of the cavison should be fastened, and the breaker should teach the horse always to lead "with the foot within the turn, otherwise, as was before observed, he will cross his legs, and be in danger of coming down. This should invariably be observed in moving on circles, either when the horse is in hand or mounted, and it is best always to make him lead with the ofF leg. In breaking a young horse, the lessons should never be too long, for the animal will become disgusted and tired, and if he be of a spirited nature, will contract viciousness and restive habits •, and if of a contrary temper, will grow dull and be disheartened ; the les- sons, therefore, should be short *, and as soon as he is taught to perform what is required, the person who breaks him should stop and caress him. In the King's riding-^houses the horses are accustomed to the sight of drums and colours, and are initiated into military habits as soon as they are broke j and the same methods are used which were described and 1^1 recommended in a former part of this work. If horses are broke in the open fields, it wiil be proper to fire off pistols frequently near them ; for being a sudden noise, it accustoms them to be steady to all sounds. The paces that cavalry and saddle horses are usually taught at first are the natural paces, viz. the plain walk, trot and gallop in hand, and then mounted. The seven artificial paces, which may be taught afterwards, are mentioned in another part of this book. Chargers, and horses used for pleasure, should, after they are mounted, be taught to passage freely both to the right and left; and for this purpose, they must be exercised on the passage both with the croupe and the head alternately to the wall, in a riding-house; but if none be convenient, it should be practised along any wall or paliisadoe, and afterwards in the open field. If a horse is to be exercised on the passage to the left, his head must be kept well in, and must be pressed with the right leg. If he does not obey this pressure, he must be touched gently with the spur, but never be hurried, for it is a pace that requires slowness. It is performed by crossing the legs I?2 one over the other, and is consequently diffi- cult. In passaging to the left, a horse should stand with his right fore foot before the left, and his right hind foot before the left or off foot, and always begin the passage with the right, when he moves to the left, and with the left when he passages to the right ; and in the same manner he must be taught to passage to the right by pressing him with the left leg, &c. These two motions are very necessary for all dragoon horses, in opening and closing their ranks either to the right or left. Reining back also is necessary for horses of the same de- scription, which is to be taught partly on foot, by pressing his head, and forcing him back- wards at first. Make him do the same when mounted, by pulling the snaffle tight. If he do not obey, press him backwards with the bit orbadoon; and if he be still obstinate, some person at his head may assist in compelling him : but he must never be touched v/ith the spur, as he will then bolt forward, or throw himself too much on his haunches. If it be wished to teach a horse all the arti- ficial motions, some of them should be first taught him on circles of a large diametre, and »8? some of tKem on a right line. A horse that is broke for hunting ought to be instructed in all of them, as it supples him properly for all kinds of leaps. When a horse is first backed, it must be done deliberately, by rising several times In the stirrup, on the left leg, and descending again. The rider is then to seat himself firmly on the saddle ; but in the mean time another person should hold the horse's head, to prevent his starting, and should continue to lead him dur- ing his first lessons. The rider should not re- main too long on his back, as it will tend to make it hollow, will bend his pasterns too much, sink his soles, and tire, dispirit, and disgust him. i84 CHAP. XLIII. TO KNOW THE AGE OF A HORSE BY HIS TEETHj AND SOME GENERAL DIRECTIONS TO ASCERTAIN HIS AGE AFTER HE HAS LOST THE MARK OF MOUTH. EVERY one who buys a horse should be acquainted with the means of ascertaining his age with some degree of accuracy, to prevent being imposed upon. The teeth, therefore, are the only sure guides, till a horse loses the the mark of mouth, that is, when he is past eight years; yet sometimes the mark of mouth of the eighth year, which is the last that dis- appears, will remain, though but faintly, until . he be ten or eleven years old, which will de- ceive the generality of people. The first teeth that make their appearance in the mouth are the foal-teeth, two above and two below, in the front and centre of the upper and under jaws, i8j nnd are very white, on account of the friction they receive from the stronger part of the lips. Other teeth appear, at different times, until there are six above and six below. At tlie age of from two years to two and a half, or some- times three years, the four that first came out are cast; in the place of these spring up four others, much stronger and larger, which, as it is with these the horse cuts his grass, and helps himself to food, are called nippers or gatherers. Some people denominate them the middle teeth, from being in the centre. From three and a half to four years old, two others are shed, viz. one on each side of the two nippers above and below; and in their stead spring up four others, which are called separaters, from their being placed between the nippers and corner teeth. There remain now only the four last foal teeth, which are the corner ones. At four and a half he casts these also; but gene- rally before they appear the tusks begin to spring up, and at first are very small. The corner teeth in the upper shew themselves be- fore the corner ones in the under jaw ; and, on the contrary, the under tusks appear fi^rst. The corner teeth appear quite out of the gums i8^ ■when the animal is near five years old, with it fleshy substance adhering to the middle, simi- lar to that which adheres to the inside of an oyster-shell. These corner teeth are short at first, and do not meet or stand even with the others; but as the horse advances to six years old, they gradually lengthen, until they meet, the fleshy part in the centre wears away, and at six years old the centre is even with the o l- side, and in the middle appears a small black speck, like the eye of a ripe bean. His tusks, will now be at their full length. At seven, tfl^ colour of the •S'^cck bcconies rnore faint, and of a light brown, and the tooth more flat, mark disappears in the generality of horses, particularly if they have not been much at grass, as the dry, hard feeding of the stable requires more grinding than grass •, and though the horse only collects his food with them, yet they pass more frequently over each other in chewing hard than soft food, and consequently polish and wear each other the more. In some horses this mark may remain till nine or ten years old, though it be very faint, and it is a 187 sign that the mouth Is good and the teeth strong ; so tliat if their action be good, they are, at this age, as valuable as a horse of seven or eight years old. CHAP. XLIV. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON HORSES THAT ARE AGED, OR PAST THE MARK OF MOUTH. THE teeth of horses, like those of the hu- man species, become rusty and yellowish in the course of time : a certain quantity of tartar adheres to them, and gives them this appear- ance. The older a horse grows, the harder and more shrunk up are his gums, which gives the teeth a long and naked appearance. If any black speck rem.ain after eight years old, it will, as we before observed, be very faint, much polished, and not hollow, as in young horses, but flat all over. In feeling the tusks in the upper jaw, if they are found to be worn even with the palate, the horse is old. In a young horse, the inside of the tusks are hollow, or channelled a little inside; but in old horses, they are filled up, and become round. If the 189 tusks be large, yellow, blunt, and round, it is an indication of age. In young horses, they are smaller, cleaner, sharper, and whiter. A young horse's fore teeth stand close together at the edges above and below, but those of an old one do not: the upper ones project, and are long, foul, and yellow. If an aged horse have white teeth, it is not uncommon to give him a false mark, by burning the centre of the cor- ner teeth with a small pointed iron, and by putting oil of tartar into it, wliich blackens it, so as to give it a natural appearance; but good judges will easily detect it. The artificial mark will be of a much deeper black than the natural one. The eye of an old horse sinks inwardly, looks dead, and is very hollow above the eye. The under jaw-bone of an aged horse, rather above the under lip, is sharp at the edges *, that of a young horse is round ; which is to be attributed to the flesh of the lat- ter being more firm than that of an old one. If some grey hairs appear on the eye-brows of dark coloured horses, they denote age. The ridges or bars in the middle of the mouth of an old horse appear dry and lean-, but in a young one they are high and plump. The belly of an old horse generally falls in, and assumes the shape of a cow's ; and at the same time he becomes hollow about the kidneys. However good their condition, the anus of an old horse shrinks considerably -, which is occa- sioned by the falling in of his belly. The yard of a young horse, as well as tlie sheath, is very small, but that of an old horse is the reverse. If a horse carries his age well, has a firm mouth, bends his knee properly, has never been down, and has good action, a year or two in his age makes but little difference; for a good horse is better at ten years of age than one that is naturally bad at seven. With care, some horses will be serviceable till they are seventeen or eighteen years old. To the external signs above mentioned may be added the dryness and roughness of his hair. The hair of a young horse, if he be in good condition, will always be sleek, because the v/armth of youth, and the abundance of animal juices, afford it sufficient nourishment; but the hair of old horses is rough, for the want of those juices. The upper teeth of aged horses almost al* ways project over the under ones j the reason of which is, that in chewing, the under jaw only moves ; which, being placed as far out- wards as possible, and moved inwardly again, the pressure increases till the teeth are close ; and the jaw being then moved crosswise, the force gradually lessens, till the jaw is extended as far as it can go; the friction, therefore, is least powerful at eace side ; and the motion of the jaw beginning from the outward edge, and inoving obliquely inward, the outward edge of the fore teeth suffers but little. The pressure being chiefly on the inward edge, the teeth of the upper jaw are much worn *, but in tlior.e of the under, the outward edge sutfers rn^st, while the inward edge remains sharp and un- touched. With respect to the grinders, the outw^ard edge of the under teeth and the in- ward edge of the upper, are chiefly used, and consequently are most worn. The counte- nance of an old horse also looks heavy, as was before observed, and they become hollow above the eyes-, but this will frequently be the case with young horses that are produced from Old stallionfe. 192 CHAP. XLV. ON CHOOSING HORSES AND MARES EOR BREEDING. YOUNG mares and stallions are, for palpa- ble reasons, to be preferred for breeding from. A mare m.ay be taken to the horse at three years old, but the stallion ought to be five or six : at four he may have a few mares, but too many will weaken and spoil him. Foals produced from a young mare and a young stal- lion are supposed to possess more fire and spi- rit than those from aged mares and stallions. A good mare, however, will produce as fi.nc foals at eight, nine, ten, and even at fourteen, as at an earlier period of her life. The best age for a stallion is from six to eight. He may answer the purpose even till twelve or four- teen jp but after this period his services may be ^9i dispensed with. Either the mare or the staHioii ought to be young ; for if both be old, the produce will not be good. Those who breed horses, and who wish to have a good produce, must be careful in choosing well-shaped, spirited mares, as well as good stallions. Race-horses are very properly bred from those that are most celebrated, and the same rule should be observed in breeding hunters and hackneys j for if the mare, or the stallion, or both, be ill-shaped and spiritless, their off- spring will be the same. The stallion should be handsome in all his shapes, have a small head, bend his knees well, and shew a great deal of spirit, blood, and action. A mare tliat either cuts or brushes, goes close on the ground, or that has come down, should never be selected for breeding, for her foals will in- herit her bad qualities. She ought in every respect to correspond with the horse above re- commended. Lowness of condition in a mare that it is intended to breed from, is not very material; but if she be too fat, she will not keep the horse. It has been conjectured that the breed will be the better for the mare having a foal 194 every second year only ; but this chiefly de- pends on her being well fed, raid on the good- ness of the pasture. To make a mare keep the horse, if she do not prove with foal, she must be reduced in flesh, and fed sparingly for some time before she is covered ; for those that miss are generally such as are too fat. If, hov/ever, after they are reduced in flesh they still continue barren, let them be rode into a pond immediately after copulation, or let some v/ater be throvv^i on their hind quarters and back, which will some- times cause the fattest mares to keep the horse. Breeding from stallions not related to the mares is allowed to be best. Crossin