NASHUA FAIR October 9-14 (inclusive) Premium List ... AND ... Fair News For all information pertaining to the Nashua Fair address the Secretary, Room 42, Odd Fellows Block, Nashua, N. H. Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp://www.arcli / 9 PREMIUM LI5T and FAIR NLW5 of THL NASHUA FAIR Nashua, N. H., Oct. 9-14, (inclusive) GIVE.N BY THL NLW HAMPSHIRE 5TATL AGRICULTURIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LXP05ITI0N ASSOCIATION C»3 CgJ CtJ If CP Ctl C!3 OFFICLR5 For the Fair WM. L. DOBBINS, Secretary and Treasurer WLSLLY ADAMS, General Superintendant Agriculture MRS. WESLEY ADAMS, Supt. of Art and Fancy Work L. L. WINN, Supt. of Mechanical Agricultural Exhibit P. J. CONELL, Supt. Agriculture and Fruits. MRS. L. E. WINN, Supt. of Home and Dairy Products C. A. MENUT, Supt. of Horses and Cattle J. H. WOODWARD, Supt. of Poultry and Pet Stock CHAS. H. BLAKE, Supt. of Plants and Flowers L. A. BENTON, Supt. of Admissions M. O. SMITH, Supt. of Space and Ground Rent H. E. CLEMENTS, Supt. of Auto Exhibits and Auto Races HENRY E. LABINE, Supt. of Motor Races ■^ ffi ffi S ffi S ^ Q^ o ^ < > y. o -r >- • J z z -^ < < • Qri i: DQ O en < • Z o Nashua 1- z u z >■ < Q. UI Z (0 < 0) ^s 0) Q k 111 < So Ul Z q: < m Ul in X z Ul - . (E a < 8i < Q a Ul K Q z < u «) I£ I u. Ul < z Ul < Q. 1- K H Nashua, N. H., Fair SIX DAY MEET October 9-14, (inclusive) 2.16 Class 2.30 Class 2.22 Class 2.25 Class 2.27 Class 2.17 Class 3.00 Class A B TROT Amateur $300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 To be announced PACE FRE.E.-FOR-ALL 2.12 Class 2.15 Class 2.18 Class 2.22 Class 2.25 Class 3.00 Class A B Amateur $300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 To be announced CONDITIONS Lntries close Oct. 4th ; records made on and after Sept. 23rd no bar. N. T. A. rules to govern, unless otherwise noted. Entrance fee 5 per cent and 5 per cent additional from monev winners. One money only to money winners. Money divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Two or more horses under the same ownership, controlled, or trained in the same stable may be started in the same class on payment of full entrance fee on each horse, and they shall be coupled in the penalties. Managements reserve right to reiect any questionable entry or declare off or fill without re- advertising any class not filling satisfactorily, declare off on account of bad weather or change program. No conditional entry received. Hopples allowed. Horses finishing behind the money in two, three, or four consecutive starts shall be granted time allowances of a like number of seconds. All races three in five; eight to enter, five to start. All horses that raced in 1915 without winnins a race are allowed one second ; all horses that raced both in 1914 and 1915 without winning a race are entitled to two seconds allowance. Nominator must claim allowance when making entry. All races three-in-five, race to finish. Association not responsible for accidents or fire. Amateur events to be announced. ENTRY FEE DUE AT WIRE OR BEFORE. WM. E. DOBBINS, Secretary of Races Nashua, N. H., Fair TEANSPOKTATION. The following orders have been issued by the B. & M. R. R., M. C. R. R. and W. C. Ry. Co. and B. & A. R. R. to all station agents: Horses and Live Stock, articles for exhibition, or any frieght for the Nashua Fair must not be received and forwarded UNLESS CHARGES ARE PREPAID at regular tariff rates. These shipments should not be forwarded with charges to collect, nor on memorandum way-bills. Live stock contracts for live stock, and bills of lading for other freight must be issued and shippers must be required to sign same in space provided. The original of these forms together with prepaid freight bill should be furnished shippers as receipts for the property and prepayment of charges, a copy being retained in station files. All shipments will be taken only at the entire risk of owner. Horses and live stock for exhibition only at either Fair, not including exhibits to which a charge ad- ditional to the general admission fee is made, which are returned to shipping point at close of Fair, UN- SOLD, will be entitled to free transportation over Railroads, ONE WAY; and the amount collected at time of shipment will be refunded on presentation of certificate of exhibition from the Secretary of the Fair, original live stock contract prepaid freight bill issued at starting point and like documents covering transportation between any of the above mentioned Fairs. Attendant or person in charge will be allowed to travel with shipments of horses and live stock, limited to one person for each shipment, but full pas- senger fares must be paid both ways. Caretaker's release shown on live stock contract M. C. Form F 78 must be executed at time live stock contract is made out and before attendance is allowed passage on freight train. Horses entered for racing only and all exhibits (not including exhibits to which a charge additional to the general admisison fee is made and other than as specified in Paragraph 5), for exhibition at either Fair, will be transported over above Railroads at one fare for the round trip, no refund of charges to the Fair being made and no charges assessed on the re- turn from Fair to original point of shipment. Atten- dant or person in charge, limited to one person for each shipment, will be entitled to free passage both ways, upon signing caretakers' release provided on live stock contract. No attendant will be permitted with less carload shipments of live stock other than horses. o o y X) C o a u H X r "< •> a OS o r ■« E c ffl o o u e r J 1 r'' ^ ■^ P^ o a >% c 3 O • H C3 < E CD Z Agents should notify all parties interested in re- gard to a certificate of exhibition from the Secretary of Fair, as they will be required by agents at the time of loading freight on return from Fair, as well as in getting refund of amount prepaid. When making delivery of freight returned FREE from Fairs, agents should be satisfied that it is the same shipment, and of the same ownership, as was forwarded from his station. If any additional prop- erty or an entire shipment is received on billing without charges, and this property was not originally forwarded from such station, or was forwarded by another owner, correction notice should be issued on the way-bill, adding charges at regular tariff rates and collection made promptly. Trotting Wagons, Sulkies and other equipment, are not intended strictly for exhibition and will not be carried at other than full rates. Shippers of Life Stock to either Fair will not be allowed to take, free of charge, any more hay or grain than is sufficient to feed their stock while en route. Any in excess of this must be paid for at full tariff rates. Agents should be particular before making re- funds to see that all conditions are complied with. Agents will ascertain as nearly as possible the number of cars required at their stations to load for these Fairs, and give notice of same to Supt. car ser- service at least three days previous to day of opening. Amounts refunded will be handled according to provisions of Circular No. 60, issued by the Account- ing Department B. & M. R. R. Ticket collections will be handled according to pro- visions of Circular No. 60, issued by the Accounting Department. In case additional information is de- sired communications should be addressed to the proper Traffic Ofl^icial. Rules and Regnlations. Fair exhibits are open to the world. Entry blanks and all information will be furnished by addressing the Nashua Fair, N. H., and all en- tries should be addressed and all checks and drafts made payable to Wm. E. Dobbins. Blank entries must be filled out and signed by the owner; and dairy products, fruits, grain, vegetables, etc., must have been raised by the exhibitor. Judges will be required to use score cards in judg- ing all dairy exhibits. Descriptive labels, in accordance with the entries, will be furnished to exhibitors, who are required to BIG SIX DAY FAIRS IN 1017 Management This Association HAVLRHILL, MA55. Last Week in September -Q- _^Q_ r~Py (Tl Cp cp N. L. 1. 5. FAIR PLABODY, MA55. Last Week in August N. H. 5. A. and I. L. ASSOCIATION WM. L. DOBBIN5. Sec'y attach the same to the articles exhibited, and allow them to remain so attached during the exhibition. Exhibitors will have the right to sell their exhibits during the Fair, but not to deliver the same until the close of the exhibition without the consent of the Board of Managers. Excellent arrangements will be made for parties desiring to camp. The purchase of camper's tickets by persons wishing to camp will entitle them to free use of land in the Park ta pitch their tents. No entrance fee will be charged except for adver- tising exhibits. All exhibitors must buy Exhibitors' and Helpers' tickets, $1.00 each, good for admission during the Fair. Stalls will be bedded once free. Hay, grain and bedding for sale on the grounds at market prices. Exhibitors must state at the bottom of their entry blank how many full grown animals and how many young animals they intend to bring to the Fair. No animal will be allowed a premium unless sound. This rule will be regidly enforced in all breeding classes. No animal shall be excluded from competition for the first premium in any class by reason of having taken the same premium at previous fairs. The age of animals must be calculated to October 1st. The manager will take every precaution for the safe keeping of animals or articles on exhibition af- ter arrival and arrangement for exhibition; but the Association will not be responsible for damage that may occur to animals or articles on exhibition. Ex- hibitors must give personal attention to their animals and articles, and at the close of the Fair attend to their removal, and upon this condition only are en- tries received. Exhibitors must see to the delivery of their con- tributions at the Fair grounds; the Assjciation can- not in any case make provision for their transpor- tation, or be subjected to any expense therefor, eith- er in the deliverey at, or return from, the exhibition, but all expenses connected therewith must be pro- vided for by the exhibitors. Exhibitors should give early notice by correspon- dence, of their Intention to exhibit, stating amount of space, or stalls required. Premiums will not be paid on animals or articles removed from the exhibition before the close, unless such removal has the special approval of the execu- tive officers of the Association. Premiums will be paid before the first of November. If persons winning premiums haven't received their check by that time, kindly notify Wm. E. Dobbins, as the banks will not cash any checks after Nov. 1st, 1916. Exhibitors will see that their entries are properly copied on the judges' books, as no changes in awards can be made after the books are returned from the judges. Any exhibitor lodging a protest against any award, must make it in writing, and it must be delivered to tlie Secretary within three hours of the cause of protest; it must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal, and must be accompanied by a deposit of $5.00, which sum shall be forfeited to the Association if said protest is found to be frivolous. Entries must be forwarded to the Secretary before the date of closing in each class. Exhibits must be ready for all judging October 10, unless otherwise tirranged by the Secretary. No entrance fee for exhibits will be charged in departments and no passes will be given exhibitors, as attendants will care for the exhibits during the Fair. Exhibitors' tickets will be $1.00 Helpers' tickets $1.00: When competing animals or articles in the same class in any department are both adjudged entitled to a first premium, the first and second premiums will be equally divided between such contestants, and in case a second premium will not be awarded. Pre- iniuril cards will be attached to coops of Poultry, and all articles on exhibition, and premium ribbons to Cattle and Horses as awarded. Blue ribbon or card denotes first premium; red ribbon or card de- notes second premium, and white ribbon or card de- notes third premium. All reasonable care will be taken of articles on exhibition. A corps of police will be on duty at all hours of the day or night, but the Fair does not hod itself responsible for the safety of articles ex- hibited, nor any damage or loss. Executive officers reserve the right to change the order of examinations and premiums as necessary. Everything unpaid by Nov. 15th will revert to the society. All premium checks must be cashed be- fore Nov. 1st as our credit will be withdrawn from the bunk on that day and checks won't be good after that. One premium only will be paid in any class, unless there are two or more exhibitors. All entries in this Department should be made on the regular blanks, as the society will not be responsible for errors that may occur in trans- ferring an entry that may be made by letter. Judges appointed by the Asso iation. ■ No diseased cattle will be accepted for or entitled to premiums. RULES IN TICKET DEPARTMENT PRICES OF ADMISSION— For single admission, 35 cents. On Tuesday, Children's Day, children under 8 years of age will be admitted free if accompanied by parent, guardian, or caretaker, who will be held responsible for any damage done by the children on that day. | Children under 8 years of age, half price. ' Exhibitors' tickets, $1.00. Helpers' and Space Tickets, $1.00. j Automobile tickets, 50 cents each day. I Campers will be required to buy Campers' Tickets, $1.50, which will be good for the six days and even- ings. I Season tickets for vehicles to deliver or sell goods on the grounds $5.00 each except otherwise arranged by the Secretary. Tickets to Grand Stand, 25 and 50 cents. All communications pertaining to the Fair must be sent to Wm. E. Dobbins, Sec'y. Tickets may be obtained at the Fair Grounds Of- fice the week previous to fair week. CATTLE CLASS NO. 1— AYRSHIRES. HERD PREMIUMS. Exhibitors will be allowed to make but one entry for a herd of the same breed. 1st 2nd 3rd For the best Bull, and not less than four or more than six Cows or Heifers, not less than one year old, belonging to any one person $12 00 $10 00 16 00 BULLS 1st 2nd 3rd Three years old or over . §8 00 $6 00 H 00 Two years old . . . 5 00 3 00 1 00 One year old . . . 4 00 2 00 1 00 Calf, under 1 year old . 4 00 2 00 1 00 COWS, HEIFEES AND CALVES 1st 2nd 3rd Cow, four years and over . 18 00 16 00 ?4 00 Cow, three years old . . 6 00 3 00 2 00 yj v; ':^ CJ. :5i ^ Q Ci, ■5S £ n o s U ^ K <^ 1 ^ ^ s S £ ^ u s O •Tf ^ Q S S 1 S O O 12 C3 Si S a •«: t5 1 1 1st 2nd 3rd Heifer, two years old 3 00 2 00 1 00 Heifer, one year old . 3 00 2 00 1 00 Heifer calf, under one year old 2 00 1 00 Rib'n Guernseys, Class 4 Jerseys, and Class 5 Herefords, as for Ayrshires. SPECIAL PREMIUM FOR HEREFORDS. Donated by Wm. E. Dobbins for the promotion of raising beef cattle in New England. For the beat Hereford Bull under two years old $12.50 For the best Hereford Bull over two years old $12.50 FOR GRAND CHAMPION HEREFORD BULL, ANY AGE. SIVER CUP, VALUE $25.00 BREEDERS' YOUNG HERD. Bull under two years old, two heifers one year old and under two, two heifers, under one year, all except bull being bred by exhibitor ... 16 00 |4 00 Rib'n (Jhampion Bull more than two years old, . . . Special Ribbon Champion Bull, less than two years old . . Special Ribbon Champion Cow, more than two years old, . . . Special Ribbon Champion Heifer, less than two years old, . . . Special Ribbon Grand Champion, male. Extra Special Ribbon Grand Champion, female. Extra Special Ribbon DAIRY DEPARTMENT GRADE DAIRY COWS. 1st 2nd 3rd For the best exhibition of five cows for dairy pur- poses, owned by one per- son or firm $7 00 $5 00 $2 00 MOST BUTTER FAT. 1st 2nd 3rd For the cow yielding the greatest number pounds of Butter Fat from the milk drawn the third day, the committee to superin- tend the milking the evening of the second day and milkings of the third which shall be at 6 a. m. and 6 p. m $5 00 $3 00 $2 00 MOST MILK. 1st 2nd 3rd For the cow that will give the most milk on the third day of Fair under same rules as above $4 00 $2 00 $1 00 The following articles must be made by exhibitor: CHEESE. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Best display of Factory Cheese, no less than 20 lbs. June make $4 00 $2 00 $1 00 $ 50 Best display of Factory Cheese, 20 lbs., July make 4 00 2 00 1 00 50 Best display Factory Sage Cheese, 20 lbs., or more 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 Best display of Domestic Cheese, not less than 20 lbs 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 Best display of Domestic Sage Cheese, not less than 20 lbs 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 CORPORATION CREAMERY BUTTER. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Best display of Butter $6 00 $4 00 $2 00 $1 00 Best firkin of Butter, not less than 15 lbs 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 Butter in prints, not less than 10 lbs 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 Package of Butter in form for delivery unbroken to consumer, not less than five lbs 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 Sample of granular Butter, not less than two lbs., to be shown in glass jar 2 00 1 00 50 25 PRIVATE DAIRY BUTTER. 1st 2nd 3rd Best display of Butter . $6 00 $3 00 $1 00 Best Butter in prints, not less than 10 lbs 2 00 1 00 50 Firkin of Butter, not less than 10 lbs 2 00 1 00 50 Sample of granular Butter, not , less than two lbs., to be shown in glass jar 2 00 1 00 50 Exhibit of Butter in prints and fancy moulds 3 00 2 00 1 00 SHEEP DEPARTMENT Entries close October 9. No entrance fee but exhibitors will be required to buy exhibitors' tickets and helpers' tickets if need- ed. All premium checks must be cashed before Nov. 15th or they will be void, this applies to all depart- ments where there is no competition. 1st 2nd 3rd For the best display of Sheep, not less than 6 animals, of the following breeds, viz. Cotswolds, Shropshires, Leicester, Southdown, Oxford Downs, Hampshire Downs Lincoln, Merions, Tunis $5 00 $3 00 $1 00 Sheep in this class must be meritorious in order to be considered. SWINE DEPARTMENT 1st 2nd 3rd Best Boar, 1 year old ':nd over .$3 00 $2 00 $1 00 Best Boar, 6 months to 1 year 3 00 2 00 1 00 Best Sow, of any age 3 00 2 00 1 00 Best Litter of Sucking Pigs Ribbons For the largest and heav- iest fat hog 3 00 EXHIBITION HORSES. Entries close October 8. Note — All entries in this Department should be made on the regular blanks, as the Society will not be responsible for errors that may occur in trans- ferring an entry that may be made by letter. Pre^ miums will be paid before November 1st, and all persons receiving premium Checks must cash them before Nov. 15th or they will be void. All horsemen are requested to call at the office of Supt. of Cattle Dept. for information regarding stalls, feed and bedding. Where there is no competition or classes don't fill Ribbons only will be paid in each class. All horses to be entitled to premiums must be sound. The judges shall have power to reject any exhibit deemed unworthy. Compliments of ASBESTOS WOOD COMPANY Nashua, N. H. All owners or managers of horses entered at the Fair are requested to call at the Supt. of Horse Dept's office on their first entering the grounds. In the several classes of American Trotting-Bred Horses, and of pure-bred French Coach, Hackney, Clydesdale, English Shires, Suffolk Punches, and Percherons, the breeding must be fully indicated on the score card, and with the pure bloods a certificate of the same should be presented to the judge. No credit or premium will be given for pedigree or otherwise unless the breeding be indicated on the entry cprd. The sire of the dam must be given as well E-s the grandsire on the male side; also the breeding of the grand dams on both sides, if possi- ble. In no other way can credit for pedigree value be figured accurately. "Dam, a Messenger" or "Said to be a Knox," carries no value, and can have no credit. Any attempt at deception or fraud will bar the entire exhibit of an individual from competition. Ex- hibitors are urged to note on entry cards records won by sire or dam, or other of their offspring. The judges in making up their awards, shall have the right to call out any horse to harness (that is brok- en to harness), though it be stated that his class is to be shown to halter. In case two animals in the same class score the same and the highest number of points they will be considered equal, and the first and second premiums will be divided equally between the two. If the first premium is awarded without such a contest, and if in competition for the second premium, two or more of the contestants score the same and the highest number of points, the second premium will be divided equally between such competitors. AMERICAN TROTTING-BRED STALLIONS. Stallions in this department are entitled to credit for the number of points which their record gives them. Their pedigree value will also be considered and the proper number of points given, to this will be added their score on structural parts. The sum total for record, pedigree and conformation to deter- mine the award. Stallions over four years old competing for pre- miums, shall have been kept in this state at least four months prior to the exhibition, unless other- wise allowed by Secretary. Any person entering a horse in this class must have the official record. CLASS 1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Stallions, five years old and over, having a record of 2.35, or better, or able to show the same to the judges, to be shown to bridle $12 00 $8 00 $5 00 $3 00 CLASS 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Four years old, must have a record of 2.50, or show same to judges, to be shown to halter $10 00 $6 00 $4 00 $2 00 Three years 8 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 Two years 8 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 CLASS 3 AMERICAN TROTTING-BRED FILLIES. 1st 2nd 3rd Three years, can be shown to halter $8 00 $6 00 $3 00 Two years - = 4 00 2 00 1 00 In making the awards in class 14 the breeding of the dam, her individual merit with what she has pro- duced, will be considered. CLASS 4 AMERICAN TROTTING-BRED BROOD MARES. 1st 2nd 3rd Any age with foal at foot $8 00 $4 00 $3 00 This premium is for the brood mare alone; the foal will be considered only as evidence of the mare's merit, and, therefore, the breeding of the foal on one side of the sire will not be taken into account. CLASS 5 FRENCH THOROUGHBRED COACH STALLIONS. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th French Thoroughbred Coach Stallion, without regard to age $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $2 00 CLASS 6 GERMAN COACH STALLIONS. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th German Thoroughbred Coach Stallion, without regard to age $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $2 00 CLASS 7 CLEVELAND BAY STALLIONS. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Cleveland Bay Stallions, without regard to age $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $2 00 CLASS 8 THOROUGHBRED HACKNEY STALLIONS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Thoroughbred Hackney Stallion, without regard to age $10 00 $8 00 $6 00 $2 00 CLASS 9 FRENCH COACH, CLEVELAND BAY, AND HACK- NEY GELDINGS AND FILLIES, (HALF BLOODS) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th For best Percheron Stal- lions, any age $10 00 $6 00 $3 00 $2 00 For best Percheron Stal- lion, three or four years 10 00 6 00 3 00 2 00 For best Percheron Stal- stallion, two years 5 00 3 00 2 00 The same premiums to govern Clydesdale, Eng- lish Shire and Suffolk Punch stallions. For best Percheron Mare with foal at foot $6 GO $4 00 $2 00 $1 00 For best Clydesdale Mare with foal at foot 6 00 4 00 2 00 100 Same premiums for English Shire and Suffolk Punch mares. For best Percheron Gelding or Filly, three years old.. 6 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 For best Percheron Gelding or Filly, two years old 6 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 The same for Clydesdale as for Percherons, CLASS 10 GENTLEMEN'S DRIVING HORSES. Eight to enter. Five to start. Four years old and over, to weigh 950 pounds or more. Stallions and Pacers barred. Road aetion, style, disposition, en- durance, etc., to be especif.lly considered. Horses must stand r.t least 15. To be shown to wagon and driven one-half mile by owner. Speed not to govern award, but to be considered. First, $10; second, $6; third, $3. CLASS 11 LADIES' DRIVING HORSES. Horses to be driven by ladies, style and action to govern the awards; four or more to start. First, $8; second, $5; third, $3. > > 70 70 (yi r" ' n ( ) (/I 3- XI C/l CI, rt) 3 ^ 3: 2 ■ o ^ ^ o [-n - o ■n o rn 9 T3 ■9 — ^— ^ a, I O c 3 :; 2 ^ O CD O 3 ^ Cfo- O =r O ?° O ui o ^ O _. 0> U> ^ o 3. -a Q} o 5 3 I- Cro- ^ lyi C/5 a> < o . ^ Q. q; ■a CD _, C. 3 Q) O CD <-!- ^ I 0) 3 o c cr C 5" q; Q. r> O c cT o c 3 CD 5" on O CD t/) CD p. a. CD (D :3 Cl CD a> < o -r r" rr < (V fD ir 0) rr — 1 3- GfO- =r. o o -^ 3 0) _. TT — o c Cl CD Oro- Cl O) Gro- Z3 CD Z3 C (D" Cl "P.' CD O 3 o o. Si o* O D9 O D9 <^ I m jd ■5* OS CLASS 12 MATCHED OR CROSS-MATCHED DRIVING HORSES. Stallions barred. To stand 15 to 16 hands, to be chown to harness, style, action, uniformity in type, and roading qualities governing award. First, $10; second, $8; third, $5; fourth, $3. CLASS 13 DRAFT HORSES. Pair of draft horces to be tested according to weight and age. First, $10j second, $5; third, $2. Best stallion to be tested according to weight and cge. First, $6; second, $4; third, $2. CLASS 14 STALLIONS, MARES OR GELDINGS. Stallions, Mares or Geldings, 14l^ to 17 hands high, to be ridden by exhibitor or trainer in riding uniform, style of saddle optional. The horses to be sound; to be shown at a walk, trot, canter and gallop; turn on the forehand, turn on the haunches; change lead at canter, passage back read- ily; and take a rail fence three feet high. Horses to be eligible in this class need not be owned in the militia. Premiums: $10, $8, $5, $2. CLASS 15 Same as Class 14 only three step, five step, bow and kneel. Premiums: $10, $8, $5, $2. POULTRY AND PET STOCK DEPARTMENT Entries close October 9. RULES AND REGULATIONS. Open to the world. The American Standard of Perfection will be the guide of the judges in award- ing the premiums. All entries in this department shall consist of sin- gle birds and exhibition pens. The Association will furnish stands for all and coops for the poultry department. Exhibitors of pet stock must furnish ' satisfactory coops for their exhibit or rent them of the Association, 25 cents. No premium will be awarded unless the specimens possess merit, as the object is to encourage the breeding of high class poultry and (unless two or more entries are made in each class the first premium will be awarded and the second money paid) in- stead of first money. All poultry and pets for competition or exhibition must be in their places by 8 a. m., first day of the Fair, unless unavoidably detained on the railroad, as judging will begin as soon after then as possible. Each exhibitor in the poultry must see that his stock is properly cooped and cared for from the time it arrives until it leaves the ground. Arrangements may be made with the superintendent to feed and care for stock at the expense and risk of the owner, but such arrangement should be made at least a week before the Fair. The management will take every precaution for their safe keeping while on exhi- bition, but will not be responsible for loss or damage. The borrowing of stock, or buying to return after the Fair, must be stopped, and any person detected in such practice will be barred from the show and all premiums awarded him withheld. The term "fowl" applies to birds hatched prior to 1916. "Chicks," birds hatched during 1916. Premiums are offered on the following varieties: Breeding Pens, $1.00, first; 75 cents, second, and ribbon, third. Single birds, 60 cents, first; 35 cents, second; ribbon, third. A Pen shall consist of one male and four females. Birds in pens cannot compete for single bird pre- mium, and birds entered singly cannot compete in pens. Pen prizes are for American, English, Mediter- ranean, Asiatic. Premium checks must be cashed before Nov. 15th or they will be void. CLASS 1 AMERICAN. Breed Breed Plymouth Rock, barred Plymouth Rock, Silver Plymouth Rock, white Plymouth Rock, buff Plymouth Rock, partridge Wyandottes, silver Wyandottes, white Wyandottes, golden Wyandottes, partridge Wyandottes, buff Wyandottes, black Wyandottes, silver pen- Wyandottes, Columbian ciled Javas, black Rhode Island Reds, S.C. Dominique Rhode Island Reds, R.C. CLASS 2 ENGLISH. Orpingtons, black Orpingtons, white Orpingtons, buff Dorkings, silver Dorkings, white CLASS 3 ASIATIC Brahmas, light Cochins, partridge Cochins, buff Cochins, white Langshans, black CLASS 4 MEDITERRANEAN. Leghorn, brown, R. C. Leghorn, white, R. C. Leghorn, brown, S. C. Leghorn, white, S. C. Leghorn, buff Minorca, black Ancona Andalusian GLASS 5 POLISH. Polish, W. C. black Polish, silver Polish, golden Polish, white CLASS 6 HAMBURG. Hamburg, silver Hamburg, black Hamburg, golden CLASS 7 FRENCH Houdan CLASS 8 GAMES. Prizes on Games and Bantams, $2.00, first; $1.50 second. Best exhibition of Games, 3 varities or more. Best exhibition of Bantams, 3 varities or more. CLASS 9 TURKEYS. Prizes on Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, $1.50, first; $1.00, second. Premiums paid only on one age and must be shown in pairs. Bronze, Buf¥, Black, White, Narragansett. CLASS 10 GEESE. Toulouse, Embden, Chinese white, Chinese brown, African, Canada Wild. CLASS 11 DUCKS. Rouen, Aylesbury, Cayuga, C. Muscovy, W. Mus- covy, Pekin, Indian Runner, Mallard. CLASS 12 ORNAMENTAL FOWL. Rules and regulations the same as for poultry ex- cept that it does not require more than one entry in each class to secure first prize. Exhibitors must furnish suitable coops. 1st 2nd Pheasant $1 00 $ 50 Fancy Ducks 1 00 50 Quail 1 00 50 Pea Fowl 1 00 50 Guinea Fowl 1 00 50 Swan 1 00 50 CLASS 13 SPECIAL DISPLAYS. A display shall consist of at least a cock, hen, cockerel, pullet and pen. Rules and regulations same as poultry, 1st 2nd 3rd Largest and best display of White Wyandottes $1 50 $1 00 Ribbon Barred Plymouth Rocks Ribbon S. C. White Leghorn S. C. Brown Leghorn White Plymouth Rocks R. I. Reds Pullet mating breeding pen of barred Plymouth Rocks 1 25 75 Incubator in operation 1 00 50 Ribbon Brooder with Chicks 1 00 50 Ribbon Brown eggs, 2 doz. best colored 75 50 25 White eggs, 2 doz. best colored 75 50 25 Suitable place furnished by Society for incubators and brooders, and all other poultry supplies if notice is given before October 1st. Exhibitors are requested to acquaint themselves with rules and regulations. This will often save considerable trouble and disappointment. PIGEO^f DEPARTMENT Rules and regulations same as Poultry Depart- ment, except breeders must furnish suitable coops. DISPLAY. Prize, $2.00, first; $1.00, second; ribbon, third. Largest and best display, five or more varieties. BEES, HONEY AND APIARIAN IMPLEMENTS. In this department the exhibit must be made neat and attractive in order to be entitled to premiums. All premium checks must be cashed before Nov. 15th or they will be void. 1st 2nd 3rd Best colony of Italian Bees in Best full colony of any pure race of Bees in movable frame $3 00 $2 00 $1 00 observatory hive 2 00 1 00 50 Best colony of Black Bees in observatory hive 2 00 1 00 50 Best exhibit of queen cells con- taining live embryo queens on one frame, as built by the Bees in observatory hive 2 00 1 00 50 "Pittsburgh Perfect" Fences SPACING BETWELN BARS INCHES PittsbflFgh Perfect" Ornamental Lawn Fence is the most economical and effective fencing for enclosing Lawns, Gardens, Estates, Atheletic Fields, Etc. Made in many designs, heights, sizes of mesh and weights, some with Ornamental Top, and some with Plain Top. They cast no shadow, nor do they obstruct the view. Many styles non-climbable. Made of heavy gauge Special Open Hearth Wire of high and uniform quality. Every rod thoroughly and evenly coated with pure zinc galvan- izing. Every rod is WELDED BY ELECTRICITY, producing a one-piece solid wire fabric, Easy to put up. Lasts for years. "Pittsburgh Perfect" Poultry and Garden Fence Made in styles, sizes and weights for every Poultry and Garden purpose. Made of special formula Open Hearth Wire of high and uniform quality. Easily erected on steel, concrete or wooden posts. Outlasts flimsy poul- try netting many times and costs no more. Keeps the smallest chicks in bounds and protects them from prowling destructive animals. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE PITTSBURGH STEEL COMPANY PITTSBURGH, PA. New York Chicago San Francisco Memphis Dallas Duluth Manufacturers of "Pittsburgh Perfect" Brand of Nail and Wire Products 1st 2nd 3rd Note — Observatory hives must be a single frame enclosed with glass, so that both sides of the comb can be readily examined. Best exhibit of Bees in embryo, showing the different stages of development from the egg to mature Bees 2 00 1 00 50 Best exhibit of live qreens in shipping cages with atten- dant Bees Best exhibit comb Honey Best exhibit extracted Honey . . Largest exhibit of different va- rieties of Honey from the different flowers 2 00 1 00 50 Best exhibit of "Wax in fancy shapes 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 50 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT All articles in this department must be on the tables by 12 o'clock M., on the first day of the Fair, and remain until 3 o'clock of the last day of the Fair to receive any award. Articles exhibited in sweepstakes and collections cannot compete for any other premiums. All articles must be raised by the exhibitor. If there is any deviation from this rule the premium will be withheld. A correct list of all articles to be exhibited must be handed in to the Department Secretary by each exhibitor. When this is done cards will be delivered which must be attached to each exhibit. All articles must be neatly prepared and properly placed to receive attention from the committtee. Ex- hibitors please give street address. All vegetables competing for a single premium must be displayed together so that the judge may see them all together, thereby making a better judg- ment. All premium checks must be cashed at the bank before Nov. 15 or they will be void. VEGETABLES. CLASS 14 BEANS To be shown on plates of not less than 20 pods each. Shell beans, one quart each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Collection 10 plates, 5 plates each of Green and Wax, in edible condition $1 00 $ 50 2. Plate Lima Beans in pod, Henderson Bush 50 25 3. Plate Lima Beans in pod, Dren's Pole 50 25 4. Plate Pole Beans, Shell or String, in pod 50 25 5. Plate Bush Beans, Shell or String, in pod 50 25 6. Plate Wax Beanc in edible condition 50 25 7. Plate Green String Beans in edible condition 50 25 8. Quart White Field Beans 50 25 9. Mart Red Kidney Beans 50 25 10. Mart Yellow Bye 50 25 CLASS 15 BEETS Five Specimens. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Detroit Dark Red $ 50 $ 25 2. Eclipse 50 25 3. Early Blood Turnip 50 25 4. Crosby Egyptian 50 25 5. Mangle Wurzel 50 25 CLASS 16 CABBAGE Three of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd Best exhibit of Cabbages $1 00 $ 50 2. All Seasons 50 25 3. Danish Ball Head 50 25 4. Large Flat Dutch 50 25 5. Warren Stone Mason 50 25 CLASS 17 CARROTS Div. 1st 2nd 1. Best collection of 8 varieties, 5 speci- mens of each variety $1 00 $ 50 2. Chantenay 50 25 3. Danvers, half long 50 25 4. Oxhart or Greerande 50 25 CLASS 18 CELERY Three sta.lks of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Best collections, 5 varieties $1 00 $ 50 2. Kalamazoo 50 25 3. White Plume 50 25 4. Boston Market 50 25 CLASS 19 CUCUMBERS. Three specimens each variety in edible condition. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Early Russian $ 50 $ 25 2. Long Green 50 25 3. Early Cluster 50 25 4. White Spine 50 25 5. Fordhook, Famous 50 25 6. Boston, Pickling 50 25 CLASS 20. LETTUCE. Six heads each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Big Boston $ 50 $ 25 2. Farquhar's Perfection 50 25 3. All Seasons' 50 25 4. Tennis Ball 50 25 5. Salamander 50 25 CLASS 21 MUSK MELONS.. Single specimen of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Emerald Green $ 50 $ 25 2. Hackensack 50 25 3. Rocky Ford 50 25 4. Honey Drop 50 25 CLASS 22 WATERMELONS. Single specimen of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Cole's Early $ 50 $ 25 2. Peerless Ice Cream 50 25 3. Seminole 50 25 4. Hungarian Honey 50 25 CLASS 23 ONIONS. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Best collection 8 varieties, 5 speci- mens each variety $1 00 $ 50 2. Yellow Globe 50 25 3. White Globe 50 25 4. Mammoth Silver King : 50 25 5. Large Red Wethersfield 50 25 CLASS 24 PARSNIPS. Five specimens of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Hollow Crown $ 50 $ 25 2. Student 50 25 3. Early short round 50 25 Dine at GAYNOR'5 CAFE 197 MAIN 5TRLLT Regular Dinners Combination Suppers Steaks, Lobsters and Chicken a Specialty LUMBER FLOORING. SHINGLES NEPONSET ROOFINGS HOUSE FINISH AND MOULDINGS J. H. TOLLES & CO. 20-30 QUINCY ST. NASHUA, N. H. DAVID R. ANGUS Upholsterer, Tent and Awning Maker 21 Water Street Nashua, N. H. CLASS 25 Pumpkins. Three specimens of eacli variety. 1. Field Pumpkins $ 50 $ 25 2. Sweet Pumpkins 50 25 CLASS 26 SQUASHES. Tliree specimens of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Boston Marrow , $ 50 $ 25 2. Hubbard 50 25 3. Turban 50 25 4. Marblehead •..;..;; 50 25 5. Warren .;.....;...;....... 50 25 CLASS 27 TOMATOES. Single plates, twelve specimens of each variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Collection ripe Tomatoes, 10 varieties, 5 specimens $1 00 $ 50 2. Dwarf Stone 50 25 3. Beauty 50 25 4. Stone 50 25 5. Earliana 50 25 6. Pondesora 50 25 7. Livingston's Favorite 50 25 8. Bonnie Best 50 25 9. Chalk's Jewell 50 25 CLASS 28 POTATOES. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Best collection of Potatoes, 30 or more varieties, not less than 12 of each variety correctly named, single plates 20 specimens $5 00 $2 50 2. Gold Coin 50 25 3. Green Mountain 50 25 4. Carmen No. 1 50 25 5. Early Northern 50 25 6. Early Harvest 50 25 7. Early Rose 50 25 8. Irish Cobbler 50 25 CLASS 29 CORN. Trace to consist of 25 ears. Div. 1st 2nd 1. Trace 12 rowed Field Corn $1 00 $ 50 2. Trace 8 rowed Field Corn 1 00 50 1st 2nd 3. Trace Pop Corn 1 00 50 4. Trace Sweet Corn 1 00 50 5. Best exhibit Sweet Sorn, not less than six varieties, ten ears each variety 1 00 50 CLASS 80 TURNIPS. Five specimens of eacli variety. Div. 1st 2nd 1. White Egg $ 50 $ 25 2. Strop Leaf 50 25 3. Purple Top 50 25 4. Rutabaga, white or yellow 50 25 5. Yellow Swede 50 25 SPECIAL GRANGE PREMIUMS AND OTHERS Open to Granges of the world. The exhibit to be in one class and must occupy not less than 100 square feet space. Fruit, Vegetables, Dairy Products, Canned Fruits, Products of the Kitchen, Grain and Grasses, or any other exhibit which shall be creditable in the opin- ion of the judges. All premium checks must be cashed at the bank before Nov. 15th or they will be void. First Premium, $25; Second Premium, $15; Third Premium, $10; Fourth Premium, $5; Fifth Premium, $3; Sixth Premium, $2. All articles must be raised or produced by the exhibitor. If there is any deviation from this rule the premium will be withheld and notice must be given to the Secretary of intention to exhibit, stating amount of space required, at least two weeks before the fair. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLUB CONTESTS. Exhibitors must be members of some Boy or Girl Club under Prof. Carlisle, Durham, N. H, Best exhibit 20 Potatoes, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, $0.75 Best exhibit 10 Ears Sweet Corn, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, $0.75 Best exhibit 10 ears Field Corn, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, $0.75 Best exhibit Vegetables (any three of the following vegetables) 1 pt. Peas, 1 pt. Beans, 9 Onions, 5 To- matoes, 2 Cucumbers or 1 Squash, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, $0.75 Best exhibit of Canned Goods, to consist of 1 Jar Greens, 2 Jars Fruit or Berries, 3 Jars Vegetables, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, $0.75 MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBIT For the best mechanical exhibit. First, $10; second, ribbon, third, ribbon. For the best merchants' exhibit. First, second and third, ribbons. For the best automobile or motor cycle exhibit. First, second and third, ribbons. APPLES. In examining apples for premiums Committees will have regard to (1) size, (2) color and appearance, (3) condition of Fruit, There must be five specimens of each variety and no more. 1st 2nd" 3rd For the best general exhibition of Apples grown by the exhibitor $3 00 $2 00 $1 00 Fifty cents for first and twenty-five cents for sec- ond premium will be paid for plates of the following varieties correctly named: — Alexander American Golden Russet Baldwins Ben Davis (Nine Ounce) Duchess of Oldenburg Early Harvest Fallawater Fall Harvey Fameuse Granite Beauty Gravenstein Grimes Golden Golden Sweet Hubbardston Nonesuch Jewett's Fine Red (nod- head) King, Large Yellow Bough (Sweet Mcintosh Red Milding Mother Munson Sweet Northern Spy Pound Sweet Porter Pumpkin Sweet Rome Beauty (Bough) Red Astrachan R. I. Greenings Rolfe Roxbury Russets Somerset Stark Sweet Bough Sutton Beauty Tompkins Kings Tolman's Sweet Twenty Ounce Wolf River Wagener Wealthy , William's Favorite Winthrop Greening Yellow Transparent Yellow Bellflower PEARS. Entries for the following premiums must consist of five specimens of each variety exhibited. Pre- miums, first, 50 cents; second 25 cents, for the best Bartlett Bell Lucrative Beurre d'Anjou Beurre Bose Beurre Clairgean Beurre Hardy Beurre Superfin Buffam Clapp's Favorite Duchess d'Angouleme Fulton Flemish Beauty Worden Goodale Howell Lawrence Louise Bonne de Jersey, Marie Louise Nickerson Seckel Sheldon Souvenir de Congress Vicar of Wakefield Winter Nelis Wilder's Early Seckle. THE NEW Chinese and American Restaurant For Ladies and Gentlemen Nashua's Brightest Spot (Opposite the Nashua Trust Co. and Colonial Theatre) First-Class Chinese and American Dishes Open from 1 1 a. m. to midnight Orders put up to take out SPECIAL SUPPERS AND DINNERS EVERY DAY REGULAR DINNER FROM 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. THE CANTON COMPANY ^ 201 Main Street II. GotsoniKas & E. l m$ WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers PORTSMOUTH BREWING CO. ALES AND NEW BRAN LAGER Telephone, 97 162^ W. Pearl St. Nashua, N. H. DRINK Londonderry Ginger Ale PLUMS. Entries for best plate of each variety must con- sist of not less than twelve specimens each. On best plate of any of the following varieties: 50 cents, first; 25 cents, second. Abundance Moore's Arctic Bavay's Green Gage Coe's Golden Drop Bradshaw Gage Green Burbank Gage Prince's Imperial PEACH. Fifty cents for first and twenty-five cents for sec- ond premium will be given for each of the following varieties. Five specimens to be exhibited on each plate: Carmen Crosby Belle of Georgia Foster Champion Greensboro Elberta Stump Early Crawford Hiley Old Mixon Waddell HOME PRODUCTS All articles in this department must be on exhibi- tion by 5 o'clock P. M. October 9. SMALL FRUITS IN GLASS. For specimens of small Fruit in jars, premiums of 50 cents and 25 cents will be awarded for each variety, PROVIDED the condition of the Fruit will enable the judges to identify the variety. All canned fruit to be shown in quart jars and all preserved fruits to be shown in pint jars. All premium checks must be cashed before Nov. 15 or they will be void. NOTE — Fruits in preserving fluid are not allowed in this class. The collective exhibition of Canned Fruits, etc.. must consist of at least six distinct vari'^ties, and the specimens composing such exhibition shall not compete for any other premium. 1st 2nd 3rd For best collection of Canned Fruits, 6 varieties, qt. jars $3 00 $2 00 $1 00 For best collection canned vegetables, 6 varieties, qt. jars 3 00 2 00 1 00 Best collection Preserves, 6 va- rieties, pt. jars 3 00 2 00 1 00 Best collection of Pickles, 6 kinds 3 00 2 00 1 00 All to be made and put up by the exhibitor. CHARBONNEAD'S ELECTRIC LAUNDRY 48 & 50 Factory St.. Nashua, N. H. A. J. CHARBONNEAU, Prop. Telephone Connection We Do Steaming and Dry Cleansing of Ladies' and Gents' Clothes Gent's Suits Pressed - - - - - 50 cts. Gent's Suits Cleansed and Pressed, 75 cts. to $1.75 Ladies' Goods Accordingly CoTupUments of International Paper Box Machine Company Nashua, N. H. G. R. RUFFLE E. S. WHITTEMORE Granite Overall Go. MANUFACTURERS OF Overalls, Khaki Pants, Etc. Sold by Leading Retail Stores oF New England NASHUA, N. H. Crcmont Rouse GRAHAM & TUCKER, Props. NASHUA, N. H. 1st 2nd Best specimen of Canned Blackberries, Cherries, Gooseberries, Pears, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries $ 50 $ 25 Jars must be uniform for each collection. 1st 2nd Best specimen of Preserved Apples, Cur- rants, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Quinces, Raspberries, Strawberries $ 50 $ 25 Best jar Assorted Pickles 50 25 Best bottle Tomato Catsup 50 25 1st 2nd Best tumbler Apple (not crab) Jelly- made from single named variety and in natural color $ 50 $ 25 Best tumbler of Crabapple Jelly, Cur- rant Jelly, Grape Jelly, Quince Jelly, Raspberry Jelly, Rhubarb Jelly, Straw- berry Jelly, Harlequin Jelly, Mint Jelly 50 25 HOME-MADE BREAD. 1st 2nd For best loaf of Flour Bread, Graham Bread, Brown Bread $ 50 $ 25 BREAD MADE BY GIRL UNDER FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE. 1st 2nd For best loaf of Flour Bread, Graham Bread, Brown Bread $ 50 $ 25 CAKE. 1st 2nd Best loaf Chocolate $ 75 $ 50 Orange 75 50 Angel 75 50 Nut 75 50 Fruit 75 50 Sponge 50 25 One-half dozen Cream Cakes 50 25 PIES. 1st 2nd Best Apple Pie 35 $ 25 Mince Pie 35 25 " Cream or Custard Pie 35 25 " Pumpkin or Squash Pie 35 25 " Lemon Pie 35 25 DOUGHNUTS. 1st 2nd Best Vz doz. Sugar Doughnuts $ 25 $ 15 " % doz. Molasses Doughnuts 25 15 " y2, doz. Chocolate Doughnuts 25 15 COOKIES. 1st 2nd Best % doz. Sugar Cookies $ 25 $ 15 " Vz doz. Molasses Cookies 25 15 " 1/4 doz. Hermits 25 15 HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT In this class no articles can be entered for more than one premium. All Plants and Flowers entered for premiums must be in their places at Auditorium at noon on the first day of the Fair. All premium checks must be cashed before Nov. 15th or they will be void. 1st 2nd 3rd Premiums for the best display of Cut Flowers, filling not less than one hundred phials . . $4 00 $3 00 $2 00 Same filling fifty phials 2 00 1 50 1 00 Gen. exhibition of Dahlias 3 00 2 00 1 00 To consist of 5 named varieties, each of show, fancy, pompon, decorative, cactus and single Dahlias. Exhibition of show 1 50 1 00 50 Exhibition fancy Dahlias 1 50 1 00 50 Pompon Dahlias 1 50 1 00 50 Cactus Dahlias 1 50 1 00 50 Decorative Dahlias 1 50 1 00 50 Single Dahlias 1 00 75 50 Exhibition Chinese Pinks $1 00 $ 50 Exhibition of Carnations 1 50 1 00 50 Exhibition of Snapdragon 1 50 1 00 50 Exhibition of Japan Lilies 1 50 1 00 Exhibition of Asters 2 00 1 00 50 Exhibition of Pansies, Zinnias, Chrysanthemums, Stocks, Balsams, Phlox, Drummondi, Petunias, Gladioli, Verbenas, Nasturtiums 1 50 1 00 50 Exhibition of Sweet Peas, fif- teen varieties, 5 stems each.... 3 00 2 00 1 00 1st 2nd Floral Design $1 00 $ 50 Floral Wreath 1 00 50 Basket of Wild Flowers 1 00 50 Everlasting Flowers 1 00 50 Fancy Basket Flowers 1 00 50 1st 2nd 3rd Exhibition of Pot Plants, in blossom, not less than 6 pots.. $2 00 $1 00 $ 50 Best specimen of Sword Fern 1 50 1 00 50 Best specimen of Esplanium Fern 1 50 1 00 50 1st 2nd 3rd Best specimen Maiden Hair Fern 1 00 50 Best specimen Rubber Plant .... 1 00 50 Best collection of Geraniums, Begonias, Coleus, Fuchsias 1 50 1 00 50 Best specimen plant of Tuber- ose, Draceana, Double Ger- anium, Single Geranium, Sal- va Splendens, Foliage Be- gonia, Coleus, Fuchsia, Car- nation 1 00 50 Collection Palms, not less than six varieties 4 00 2 00 LADIES INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT DISPLAY EXHIBITS OF SOCIETIES The Fair Association will pay $15.00 to each socie- ty which makes a creditable exhibit of Embroidery, Drawn Work, Crocheted or Knit Work, Quilts and Rugs; such exhibit must occupy not less than 100 or more than 150 sq. ft. of space. It must be cared for during the day by the organization by which ex- hibited, unless otherwise specified. Not more than two free admissions will be given each day to those caring for the exhibits. The best five exhibits will receive in addition as premiums, $25.00, $15.00, $5.00, a Medal and a Ribbon. The Nashua Fair Association offers any Society the following premiums for the best exhibits of Jellies, not less than 12 varities. First I'remium, $5.00; Second Premium, 13.00; Third Premium, $2.00. P=jLj II II •■ ■■ vuj JOSEPH UBINE Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer AGENT FOR PORTSMOUTH BREWING COMPANY'S ALES AND NARRAGANSEH LAGER s» Carbonated Waters a Specialty s» 18-20 LEDGE STREET Telephone, 616 Nashua, New Hampshire