ns JOHNA.SEAVERNS Price List. George Parker & Sons (SADDLER5) LTD. ESTABLISHED 1851. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-CLASS SADDLERY, HARNESS, — LEATHER BAGS AND TRUNKS — OF ALL DBSCRIPTIONS. 17. 18. & 19 UPPER ST. MARTINS LANE. LONDON, wc. ^V'-:^ OCJn lUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 408 915 THE LARGEST STOCK OF SADDLERY AND HARNESS IN THE WORLD AN IMMENSE VARIETY FROM WHICH TO SELECT. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. COLONIAL OUTFITS A SPECIALITY. ESTABLISHED 1851. T«E L4RCEST STOCK OF SECOND HAND SADDLERV HARNESS 1 HORSE CIDTHING IN THE WORLD. Telephone No.. 2464 Gerrard. Telegrams, "Caveson, London. Directors: GEORGE PARKER. GEORGE V. PARKER. STANLEYV. PARKER. Only Address : l/. 18 & 1^, UPPER. S- AaRTINS LaNE, ^^^-^-i OfiposireA/dndges O^ /f Repository. ^^OI^lOiiQ^t^s ^V.C. 2. Makers of High-Class Saddlery, Horse Clothing, Leather Bags and Trunks. I Charing CROSS. I PICCADILLY Circus 1 KlNGSWAV. Inspection of our Large Stock of NEW AND SECOND-HAND SADDLERY AND TRAVELLING TRUNKS respectfully solicited. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Sclioo! of Veterinary iVIedicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road Nortli Grafton, MA 01 536 Patrons. -in The Prince of Wales. The Duke of York. The Duke ol Gloucester. The Duke of Argyll. The Duchess ol York. The Duke of Buccleuch. The Duke of Norfolk. The Duke of Northumberland. The Duke of Peneranda. Constance, Duchess of Westminster. The Duke of Westminster. The Duchess of Aosta. The Marquis of Blandford. The Marquis of Lansdowne. The Marquis of Waterford. The Countess of Aylesford. The Countess of Bradford. The Earl of Carnarvon. The Earl of Derby. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. The Earl of Essex. The Countess of Essex. The Earl of Dindsay. The Earl of Orkney. The Earl of Radnor. The Earl of Strathmore. The Earl of Westmorland. The Earl of Yarborough. Field Marshal Viscount Allenby. The Viscount Astor. The Viscount Churchill. The Viscount Devonport. The Viscountess Elibank. The Viscount Furness. The Viscount Hardinge of Penshurst. The Viscount Lascelles. The Viscount Scarsdale. Eleanor, Viscountess Torrington. The Lord Barnby. Tlie Lord Belper. The Lord Arthur Butler. The Lord Dalmeny. The Lord Dewar. Tlie Lord Digby. The Lady Durand. The Lord Ebury. The Lady Mary Grosvenor. The Lord Holmpatrick. The Lady Hunloke. The Lord Irwin. The Lord Mildmay of Flete. The Lady Ada Nield. The Lady Portal. The Lady Salmond. The Lord George Scott. The Lord Stonehaven. The Lord Stratheden. The Lord Willoughby de Broke. The Lord Wodehouse. The Lady Wolverton. The Lord Woolavington. The Lady Yule. The Hon. Mrs D. Campbell. The Hon. R. Digby. The Hon. Mrs Millington Drake. The Hon. D. Fortescue. Capt. The Hon. F, E. Guest. The Hon. A. Hastings. Major The Hon. E. Lascelles. The Hon. S. A. Maxwell. Tlie Hon. I. Melville. The Hon. H. Ponsonby. The Hon. Keith Rous. The Hon. Mrs John Russell. The Hon. D. F. Tennant. Sir Thos. Ainsworth, Bt., M.F.H. Sir Claud Alexander, Bt. Sir George Beaumont. Lt.-Gen. Sir David Campbell. Gen. Sir J. P. Du Cane. Su' Peter Farquhar, Bt. Gen. Sir A. Godley. Sir George Hennessy, Bt. Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. Sir John Horsbrugh Porter. Sir Robert Baden Powell. Lt.-Gen. Sir P. Radcliffe. Sir John Ramsden. Capt. Sir A. Russell. Sir Ian Walker, Bt. Gen. A. J. M'Neill. Brig.-Gen. D. Beale Browne, D.S.O. Col. J. C. Brinton. Lt.-Col. de la P. Beresford. Col. F. C. Bryant. Col. Clare. Lt.-Col. F. J. B. Wingfield Digby. Col. G. R. Lane Fox. Col. Malise Graham. Col. J. Blakiston Houston. Col. P. Laurie. Col. T. P. Melvill. Col. C. D. Miller. Col. Pleydell Railston. Col. Ritson. Col. P. Walwyn, M.F.H. Lt.-Col. D. Waters. Col. F. Whitby. Major E. G. Atkinson. Major F. W. Barrett. Major L. A. Beard. Major Beatty. Major D. C. Boles. Major D. St. G. Daly. Major F. Francis. Major G. F. Harrison. Major G. Phipps Hornby. Major V. N. Lockett. Major P. Magor. Major Rees Mogg. Major G. Larnach Nevill. Major R. Paget, M.F.H. Major Peacock. Major A. H. Williams. Capt. H. Buckmaster. Capt. J. Courage. Capt. C. H. Gerhardt. Capt. G. Guinness. Capt. France Hayhurst. Capt. J. Howell, M.F.H. Capt. Kingscote. Capt. R. Laye. Capt. G. Lucas. Capt. F. B. Macintyre. Capt. R. L. M'Creery. Capt. E. Padilla. Capt. J. de Pret. Capt. C. T. I. Roark. Capt. L. H. fUiedden. Capt. R. M. Thompson. Capt. R. W. Verelst. Capt. C. Vaughan. Capt. P. Whitaker. Maharajah of Jind. Maharajah of Jodhpur. Maharajah of Kashmir. Count A. Potocki. Sqdn. Ldr. C. A. Ridley. W. Balding. F. Barling. J. Beary. J. Benitz. M. D. Blair. J. Cooper Bland. H. Bright. Frank Butters. R. W. Colling. L. Corbella. H. Cottrill. J. Crawford. A. Cunlitfe. S. Darling. R. Dawson. R. Day. Gerald Deane. S. Donoghue. George Duller. W. Earl. P. N. Kemp-Gee. Claud Goddard. H. S. Harrison. E. W. Hopping. Michael Hornby. Percy Hamilton Hughes. B. Jarvis. J. Jarvis. W. Jarvis. R. Jay. J. B. Joel. S. B. Joel. A. Kenny. J. Killalee. L. Kimball. L. L. Lacey. C. N. Land. T. Leader. Mrs Macfadyen. E. Martin. N. M'Corquodale. W. C. M'Creery. W. Midwood. D. Miles. J. Miles. J. D. Moffat. Henry Mond. Col. Grant Morden. W. B. Naylor. H. Nelson. J. D. Nelson. J. Nelson. L. Nelson. G. Mostyn Owen. R. Payne. W. Payne. P. Peck. H. Persse. C. Piggott. E. Piggott. Harry Powney. F. Rich. H. Rich. T. Rimell. Arthur Sainsbury. S. Sandford. A. Saxby. W. Riley Smith. Douglas Stuart. R. Hamilton Slubber. P. Templenian. A. Thompson. J. A. E. Traill. W. Walters. D. Waugh. W. Waugh. F. Weatherby. E. A. Wilson. J. Withington. S. Wooton. INDEX. [i3<>cn Attache Cases Bandages Baskets — Stable Bibs — Leather Bits — Aluminium Drenching Mouthing Race Riding Tattersall's Colts Covers Blankets ... Blouse Cases ... Boots — Coronet Elbow or Sausage Hooks Jumping ... Lawn Lifts Over-reach Polo Poultice Racing Yorkshire Brackets — Saddle Branding Irons Breaking Cavesson ... Dumb Jockey, Blackwell's Reins, Lead Tackle Breastgirths Breastplates ... Bridles — Colonial Pelham Pony Snaffle Race Stallion Show Weymouth Bridleholders Brooms — Bass Brushes — Boot Dandy Horse Body Top Boot Brush Water Burnishers Gloves ... Canes — Riding Canteens Hunting 2nd Huntsman ... Caps — Race Winker Silk Race Chains Chamois Cleaning Preparations Clippers — Hand Wheel Clogs Clothing— Night Race Stallion Summer ... Waterproof Travelling Winter ... Coolers ... Covers — Bit Loin Waterproof Saddle Ladies' Gent.'s Combs — Curry Page Page Page 31 Combs — Mane 27 Rollers 20 22 Crash Helmets 24 Pads, Felt 20 28 Crib-biting Straps 21 Saddle Boxes for export 9 22 Cups — Boys 12 Brackets 27 18,23 Dog Collars 30 Clothes 25 32 Leads 30 Repairs 12 21 Measuring Sticks 29 Australian 8 26 Muzzles 30 Bags 10 17,18 Slips 30 Child's Chair 10 21 Whips 30 Child's Panniers 10 20 Double Chairs 10 Child's Pilch 10 19 Drenching Bits 32 Colonial Pattern 8 31 Felt Swabs 22 Cowboy 9 22 Fetlock Rings 20 Exercise Race 24 22 Flasks 23 Felt 10 23 Fly Switches 29 Hunting 7 25 Forks 27 Iron Arch Military 8 22 Gags 32 Ladies' Astride 8 23 Game Baskets 9 Ladies' Doeskin Astride 8 22 Girths — Hunting 16 Ladies' Reversed Hide ... 8 22 Polo 16 Ladies' Side, new 11 22 Racing 16 Ladies' Side, second hand 11 25 Guards — Rubber Cheeks 20 Pack 9 22 Greyhound Clothing 30 Polo 7 27 Measures 30 Race 24 28 Halters 20 Show 7 21 Harness 13 Staff Officers' 8 21 Head Collars 19 Steeplechase 7 10,26 Reins 19 Stock 9 21 Hobbles 20 Sandwich Cases — Hunting ... 23 20 Hock Caps 19 Scissors — Tail 27 14 Hoof picks 27 Trimming 27 9 Horns — Hunting 23 Scrapers 27 14 Horse Blankets 19 Shears 27 10 Measuring Walking Sticks 29 Shoe Brushes 28 14 Hound Couples 23 Shovels 27 26 Gloves 30 Sieves 28 21 Irons — Exercise 26 Slippers — Children's 12 14 Ladies' Patent 12 Sponges 28 27 Race 26 Spurs and Straps — Hunting 16 28 Steeplechase 26 Polo 16 28 Jockey Whips 25,29 Race 24 28 Knee Protectors — Riding 21 Stable Baskets 28 28 Kneecaps 19 Standards 29 28 Logs 27 Rubbers 28 28 Mane Drags 27 Stirrup Irons — Hunting 16 28 Layers 28 Polo 16 27 Manger Chains 28 Race 26 29 Martingales 14 Steeplechase 26 23 Race 26 Stirrup Leathers 16 23 Steeplechase 26 Suit Cases 31 23 Measures — Corn 28 Surcingles ... 19,20 24 Horse 29 Race 26 24 Muzzles 22 Steeplechase 26 28 Noseband 14 Swabs— Felt 22 28 Numnahs — Gent.'s 21 Tail Covers 19 32 Ladies' 21 Terrier Bags 23 27 Pails — Stable. Galvanised and Oak 28 Toe Caps — Leather 16 27 Ports — Rubber 20 Tooth Rasps 32 28 Race Colours 24 Top Boot Straps 22 19 Colour Bags 24 Trunks 31 25 Stirrup Webs 26 Veterinary Preparations 32 21 Rack Chains 28 Webs — Race Stirrup 26 19 Reins 14 Weight Cloths 26 25 Head Collar 19 Whips — Hunting 29 19 Lace . 14,26 Jockey ... 25,29 20 Lead 10 Ladies' Riding ... 29 20 Lungeing 19 Lungeing 21 21 Plaited . 14,26 Polo 29 21 Rubber . 14,26 Stock 29 21 Web Driving 21 Wither Pad 22 21 Riding Pads 10 Wire Cutters ... 23 27 Rubbers— Stable 28 Yearling Sheets 25 Saddlery: Hunting and Polo. Sliort Leather Rugby Panel. Full Serge-Lined Panel. A best Leather-lined Rugby Panel Hunting or Polo Saddle (our own best make), complete with pair super hand- forged steel or super nickel stirrups, pair of super leathers, and super woollen girths, ... ... £11 11 A best ordinary Serge-lined Panel ditto Saddle, complete as above ... ... ... ... ... £10 10 Limited quantity ditto, Leather-lined, Rugby Panel, complete as above, ... £9 9 Do. do. Serge-lined, complete as above, ... ... ... £8 8 Gent.'s Show Saddles as above, with Flaps Cut Straight. For customers who require a good Service Hunt or Polo Saddle, we are now making a very good Saddle, pigskin seat, cowhide flaps and skirts, fitted with super nickel irons, leathers, and super woollen girths. £6 10 Steeplechase Saddles. Style A. From 3 to 7 lbs. weight complete. Duller Style. A best Serge-lined Steeplechase Saddle, 16i in. x 8 in., weighing less fittings 4i lbs. (our own best make), complete with pair super haud-forged steel stirrups, pair of super leathers, and super woollen girths, A Second Quality ditto, Reversed Hide Saddles as above at the same price. All-over Doeskin Saddles as above, ... ... £3 3 extra. If any of the above fitted with short leather-lined Rugby panel, 21/- extra. £9 £8 9 8 Patent Saddle Bars. No. 1 — Portsmouth Hunt, fitted to saddles. No. 2 — Weston, do. do. Clips for leathei's, ... 25/- extra. 25/- „ 16/6 per pair. "^'^V^-v"^^' Saddlery: Military Equipment. A best Regulation Officer's Saddle, with leather panel, hand-forged steel irons, leathers, and girths, Pair of Wallets, lined waterproof, with straps, New Pattern Regulation Bridle, collar and headrope, Surcingle, ... Combined Shoe Case and Sword Frog, Second Quality Saddle as above. A best Colonial Pattern Saddle, fitted with leather panels, hand-forged steel or super nickel irons, leathers, and girths, Second Quality Saddle as above. We have a large quantity of second-hand Colonial Saddles fitted with felt panels complete as above, A new Iron Arch Military Saddle, fitted with felt panel, complete new steel irons, leathers, and leather girths, *A second-hand ditto *or taking a quantity, 30/- each. £ s. D. 12 12 2 15 3 10 18 6 1 5 10 10 8 10 7 10 2 10 A best Australian Pattern I'uckjiunping Saddle, with large kneerolls and straps, fitted brass sinch rings complete, hand-forged steel or super nickel irons, leathers, and girths, ... ... ... 12 12 Cheaper Quality ditto, but less straps on kneerolls, ... ... 9 9 6 10 2 10 A Lady's All-over Doeskin Kneeroll Astride Saddle, complete with best iron super heathers, and super woollen girths, ... ... 11 11 Ditto, in reversed hide, ... ... ... ... ... 9 9 We hold a very large stock of Second-hand Officers' Saddles and Colonial Saddles. If no Fillings required with Saddles, an allowance of 30 - can be made off prices quoted above. Saddlery. COWBOY STOCK SADDLES. We always have a stock of these, new, complete, at £12 12/- and £11 11/- Second-Hand, complete, from £6 10/- upwards. These can be hired out. Please write for terms. PACK AND RIDING SADDLE COMBINED. Can be used for either purpose. Light pattern, with crutches over arch to carry tent or tent poles. Very strong ; suitable for traveller. Complete, with breast straps, breeching crupper, and girths, ... £5 10/- BRIDLES. Colonial Pattern, fitted with rope and bit, suitable for use with any of the above saddles, 35/- each. SADDLE BOXES. Zinc Lmed Cases, corner plates, lock, key, and hinges (hinged lid to lining) 26 in. X 14 in. x 14 in., £3 10 O 28 in. X 18 in. x 18 m., £4 O O Shaped ditto, for ladies' saddles, ... 70/- Ditto, unlined, 30/- J L QAME BASKETS. Fitted with leather pad, baskets covered with green waterproof canvas, with crupper breast collars and breeching and strap to go over back, all complete, £6 10/- We also hold a very large stock of SECOND HAND SADDLES, BRIDLES, and CLOTHING by all London makers. Bartley's Felt Light Exercise Saddle. Patent No. 626fi. Made in two sizes. Men's, - 95/- each, including Girths. Boys', - 85/- ,. Saddlery, Child's Pilch Saddle. 7\\ Cliild's Pilcli Saddle. All-over Quilted Hogskin, with extra Leaping Head, as Lady's Saddle, to ride on either side, tor boy or girl, complete, £5 10/- Do. Quilted Imitation Hogskin, to ride either side, complete, ... ... £4 15/- George Parker & Sons' Riding Pad. Made of best Blue Felt and Pigskin, all complete with irons or cups, leathers or webs and crupper, ... £3 10 Ditto, less fittings, 2 15 This pad enables the rider to have a firmer grip and get closer to the pony. Acknowledged by all to be the best riding pad on the market fur children. Child's Chair Saddle. Single Chair to face front. All complete, with Girths, &c., 70/- A best Serge Lined, Plain Flaj) or KueeroU Boy's Saddle, complete with super nickel irons, leathers, and white girtlis, ... ... ... ... £5 IQ If fitted witli second (luality leathers and cotton gii-tlis £4 15 Sizes always in stock — 15J ;■; 8J, 15i x 9. Pony Bridles. Pony Weymouth Bridle, complete, Cavesson noseband, and super solid nickel Weymouth bit and bradoon, ... 42/- Pony Pelham Bridle, complete, with super solid nickel jointed mouth Pelham bit, ... ... ... 42/- Half Moon or Straight Mouth Bits can be supplied at same price. Pony Snaffle Bridle, complete, Cavesson noseliand, and super .solid nickel snaffle bit, ... ... ... 25/6 An allowance of 4/6 can be made if nosebands are not required. Stocked in sizes No. 1, to fit 9 — 11 hands. Do. No. 2, do. 11—13 do. Do. No. 3. do. 13—14 do. Lead F>eins made in White Tubular Web Leather Billet, one end loop the other, 8/6 each. Children's Panniers. Quilted Pad Saddle. Children's Panniers. For Two Children, one each side, complete, with (iirtlis. Crupper, &c., ... ... ... £5 IQ/- 10 Quilted Pad Saddle. Hogskin, complete, ... 70/- If made with rail round top, complete with fittings, ... £5 5/- Children's Double Chair Saddle. Children's Double Chair Saddle. All complete, with Girths, &c., £6 10/- New and Second Hand Side Saddles, Best Wide or Ordinary Head Side Saddle, with cut back tree, fitted with patent bar, complete with super nickel or hand forged steel iron, leather balance strap, and super woollen Fitzwilliam girths, ... ... ••• £18 18 If with Doeskin Seat and Heads, extra £3 3 Secoiul-Haiul Ladies' Saddles BY ALL THE MOST EMINENT MAKERS. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LIST We hold a very large selection of SECOND-HAND SIDE SADDLES by Messrs Mayhew, Champion & Wilton, Owen, Whippy, &c., and solicit your enquiries. Second-Hand Ladies' Saddles from 30/-, according to condition and makers of same. WE GIVE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND SADDLES 11 Saddles Repaired at Shortest Notice. GENT.'S SADDLES. To re-lining and re-stv;ffing with serge Gent, 's Hunting or Polo Saddle, To part lining same with linen, ... To initting new serge lined lull panel to Gent, "s Hunting or Polo Saddle. To re-lining with leather rugby panel Gent.'s Saddle. To putting new leather lined rugby panel to Saddle, To re-lining full panel Saddle with leather, To stuffing up Gent.'s Hunting or Polo Saddle. To putting new seat to Gent.'s Hunting oi- Polo Saddle, ... To putting new seat to same, and re-covei' Skirts, ... To i^utting new tree to Gent, 's Saddle, London made, To plotting and fixing Portsmouth Hunt bars to Gent.'s Saddle, .. extra 12/6 35/- 25/- 35/- 35/- ... 5/- 35/- : 42- 63- 25/- LADIES' SADDLES. To re-lining Lady's Side Saddle with serge, To part lining same with linen, ... To putting new doeskin seat to Lady's Saddle, To covering leaping head and near head with doeskin, 30- extia 16/6 50/- 42/6 t-vi Scott's Patent Lady's Safety Stirrup Iron, each 18/6, Any Repairs not men- tioned in this List, we shall be pleased to quote if customers will kindly enquire. Children's Toecaps, covered leather, 12/6 per pair. •X2>rx5>-"- Lady's Hand Forged Steel Stirrup Iron, with revolving bottom, 27/6. If complete with Web Stirrup Leather and Pigskin Case to hang on side of saddle, 42/-, as illustration, but without hinge at side. Children's Leather Covered Slippers, 16/6 per pair. 12 Harness. The lines shown herewith are everyday calls of harness, and lack of space does not allow us to show the whole range we make, but we solicit your kind enquiries. If solid strapping Single Harness. Set of l)t_-st Single Harness, shell winker l)i'idle, swell fliip saddle all dotihle lined, hand-sewn, complete with supei' nickel bit — Ftill size (to fit from 15 to 16.2 hands), ... ... ... ... ... £13 13/. £ji nj. Cob size (to fit from 14 to 15 hands), ... ... ... ... ... £12 12/- £11 0/' Ponj' size (to fit from 12 to 13.2 hands), ... ... ... ... ... £11 U/- £10 lOA Donkey Harness. Set of black or brown brass Donkey Harness, comi)lete with collar and lianies, With breast collar, Shetland Pony Harness. Shetland Pony Harness in lilaek or l)rowii, shell winker Itridle, sweU flap saddle, complete padded breast collar, and sujjer nickel bit, made to fit up to 9 to 11 hands, £7 0/- £6 10/- £8 10/- Thill or Farm Harness. Set Thill Harness, complete witli Ijox top saddle, breeching, crupper, billeted bridle, collar, martingale, reins, and patent cover winkers, ... Do., with plain leather cover and winker.s, Second-Hand Sets of Thill or Trade Harness from 80/-, according to condition of same. We recommend a Set about £5 10/- to £6 10/-. Trade Harness. Set l)lack bi-ass ti'ade Harness, all complete, collar, I'eiiis, and Ijits, our own best make. Full size, Cob size. We hold the largest Stock of Second-Hand Harness in England. 13 £15 15/- £14 14/- £13 13/- £13 0/- Bridles, Etc. Suner Oualitv Wevninuth Bridles, '4 in. and i in. Reins, complete Cavesson Noseband— if with hand forged steel hit.s, 55/- ; if with super nicliel bits, 46/' Prlliam do. Double Rein Snallle Sini'le Rein Snalile do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. All Bridles fitted with super Eglantine buckles. Lace. Plaited, or Rubber Rein can be supplied to Single Rein Snallle Bridles at 5/- extra each bridle. Bridles (as illustration) can be supplied witli inside studs or to buckle on at 5/- extra each. For prices of Bits only see pages 17 and IS. do. 52/6 do. do. 42/6 d.l. 44/- do. do. 38/6 do. 38/6 do. do. 33/- 1 in. Reins, sew on, 10/6 pair ; Lace, 15/- pair. Billeted or Studded, 12/6 pair : ,, 17/6 pair. Plaited, 18/6 pair. 21/- pair. Rubber Grips only, for fixing to own reins. 8/6 pair. Rubber, 18/6 pair. ,, 21/- pair. Running Martingales, ... 12/6 Standing do., ... 12/6 To buckle at chest, ... 12/6 Web Running Martingales, 10/6 We are not only makers of Saddlery, but we hold the Largest Stock in England of SECOND-HAND SADDLES, BRIDLES BY ALL WELL-KNOWN MAKERS. Inspection Invited. 1^ in. and H in. Cavesson Noseliand, 10/6 Italian Pattern Noseband, 12/6 Puckie Patent Noseband, 35/- Prevont horses getting tongue over bit. Excellent for hunting. Lined Breastplate with split, 37/6 Less split, 30/- Unliiied ditto, 27/6 Less split, 21/- 14 Bridles, Etc. 1 in. Bridle Rein with lace, studded or looped, ... 21/- Gag Bradoon (hand forged steel) complete with sliphead & rein, 35/- Single Rein Bridle with rubber rein (hand Ibrged steel), egg butt bradoon, ... 49/6 Indian Style Martingale with nose- band, headpiece, and neckstrap, 30/- Hitchcock Gag Weymouth Bridle with hand forged steel bits and caves- son noseband, complete, ... ... 70/- ^ 1 in. Studded Bridle Rein, 12/6 li] Ditto., as illustration, and mounted with snap reins, enabling them to be used as a Gag and Double Rein Bridle. ... 55/. Cheek Leathers shaped as above, ... 5/6 per pair. Round Do 4/6 per pair. Single Rein Bridle with rubber rein (hand forged steel), egg butt bradoon; bridle fitted with loops or studs, 54/6 15 Single Rein Bridle with hand forged steel egg butt bradoon and lace rein, 54/6 Girths, Stirrup Irons, Etc. Best Web Melton Girths, White. Grey, Fawn, or Blue, set 14/6 Inipi'oved Polo Girth, each 18/6 Best Woollen Web Girths, White, Grey, Fawn, or Blue. pair 10/6 Do., lor Boys' Saddles, pair 8/6 Do., for Pilch Saddles, pair 6/6 Super Bevelled Edge Hunting Leather.';, 1^ in., titted witli super Eglantine buekle.?. ... ... ■•• ■■ ■•■ 18/6 Sujjer Bevelled Edge Polo Leatlurs, 1 J in., ... ... ... 18/6 Do. do. Steeplechase, ... ... •■■ ■■• 18/6 (Also made in rawhide at same price. ) Folded Leather Raw Hide Girths, Humane Leather Girth, pair 22/6 12/6 Girths, 30/- each *B. quality. 16/6 String Girths. 8/6 *(Supply limited). Leather Military Girths, suitable for Iron .Irch Saddles. 4/6 and 3/6 each Stirrup Leathers. Super Bevelled Edge Exercise Race, ... Second Quality, suitable for Boy's Saddles, L)o. " do. Pilch Saddles, Patent Adjustable Stirrup Leather, 16/6 8/6 7/6 21/- HuNTiNti .4ND Polo Stirrup Irons. Open Bottom Prussian side Warranted super quality hand forged steel. 4^. 4i, 4.] 21/- pr. Do., in super nic. 12/6 ,, Do., for Boys' Saddles. 10/6 .. Leather Toecap for Children's Saddles. 12/6 ,. Hunting and Polo. No. 1. No. 1. Boys' Safety Rubber Side Stirrup Iron, best forged steel, as illustrated, No. 1, 22/6 pr. No. 2. Boys' Springside Irons, as illustrated. No. 2, best hand forged steel, ... 42/- pair Hunting and Polo Spurs, in super metal comp., black or brown straps, 12/6 pr. Extra straps 2/6 per set Prince of Wales pattern, complete wth straps, 17/6 pr. Boys' Spurs, superfine nickel witli straps, 8/6 pr. 16 Balding Patent Leather Girth, 30/- Prinee of Wales Pattern, Loop Side, We have a very large quantity of second hand steel and nickel INlilitary Irons at 4/6 and 3/6 pr. Polo Bits. We are the sole London Agents for Messrs J. DEWSBURY & SONS, Ltd., "Centaur" Mouth Bits. Dewsbury " Centaur " Mouth Bits for Polo Riding, Racing-, and Hunting-. SECTION OF MOUTM SHOWING STEHL bar THROUGH CENTAUR BITS This Mouth can be supplied to auy pattern bit. None genuine unless stumped with registered trade mark "Centaur." Indestructible, cool, and light. Nothing injurious in composition. Steel bar through mouth (see sketch). With Kangaroo Metal or Hard Forged Steel Cheeks. As used by the English and American Teams in the International Polo Match at New York. Soft Flexible Rubber Mouth Bits can be supplied same price as " Centaur " mouth Bits. Centaur Moulli I'olo Pelliam Steel Cheeks, 25/- Kang. Metal, 15/- Weymouth Bits and Bradoons Hand Forged Steel, 25/- Super Nickel, ... 16/6 Second Quality, 12/6 Hand Forged Steel, ... 21/- Super Nickel, 10/6 Hand Forged Steel, ... 25/- Super Nickel, 12/6 Hand Forged Steel, 35/- Hand Forged Steel, ... 22 '6 Super Nickel, ... ... 10 6 Half-Moon or straight Mouthpieces can be supplied at same prices. hog Hutt Miillin M.-ulli Berkclcv Pol.. IV-lh..i \V;th Fl.if Hi..Ks, Fl.it Link Ci.rb jinil CirclL- H^luk^ Hand Forged Steel, Kang. Metal, ... 35/- 22/6 Hand Forged Steel, Kang. Metal, Kubber or Cent.aur Moutb. Hand Forged Steel, 30/- Super Nickel, ... 25/- Hand Kang. Forged Steel, Metal, ... 30/- 25/- Our Steel Bits are all hand forged, and must not be confused with stamped steel bits. Please state length of cheeks required when ordering. 17 Bits. We hold a very large stock of Steel Bits, but are only able to illustrate a few. All Steel Bits are guarauteed hand forged. Any Bits can be mounted up on Iji-icUe.? complete with t^avesson Noseljands, ... ... ot 30/- each bridle. If Single Rein, ... ... ... ... ... ■■■ ... ... ... at 5/6 less. ■i in. mm Ring SnafHe Bit (.steel) 15/- Do. do.. in super nickel. ... ... 8/6 Do. do.. double mouth, in steel, ... 25/- 3 in. Flat Ring Rubber Mouth SnafHe Bit. sleel rings, 16/6 Do. do. do., nickel rings, 12/6 CHAIN MOUTH Chain Mouth Snaffle with Z in. Hat rings (steel), ... 15/6 Do. do. do.. (in super nickel). 12/6 Hall-moon Snaffle Bit, with 3 in. rings (steel). Do. do. do., (super nickel). M'Guinness' Snaffle Bit (steel). 32/6 Egg Butt Snaffle Bit, with 3 in. rings (steel), Do. do. do.. (super nickel). 21/- 12/6 Dee Cheek Snaffle Bit (steel) 1)0. do., (kan:2:aroo metal). 21/- 16/6 Egg Butt Cheeks can be supplied to any of above Bits at 6 - extra. Twisted Mouthpieces at 2/6 extra. Pelham Bit with straight port mouth or jointed, steel 22/6 Do., Super nickel 12/6 Mohawk Pelham Bit, steel. 32/6 In Hawkins' never-rust, ... 30/- Centaur Mouth Chin Loop Polo Bit and Curb in kan- garoo metal, 21/- Galvanized Mouthing Bit with Keys, 6/6 Ostrich Bit, made in Aluminium or hand forged steel, ... ... 21/- A large assortment of the various patterns of Polo Bits and Bridles always in stock. 18 Fenner's Bit. steel. ... 32/6 Do., in Hawkins' never-rust, 30/- Steel TattersaU Bit with Keys, ... without Keys, 25/- 21/- Clothing, Etc. Head Collars, made I'rom the finest quality leather, hand-sewn, brass buckles, white buff front. 22/6 ea. Head Collar with tinned buckles. 12/6 ea. Winter Clothing. Li melon Colour, extra heavy bound .Super Extra Super Fawn Rug: Livery Cloth, Medium ditto, bound Leader, ... Ditto, bound Venetian, Special ,, ,, ■■• ■■ Special Blue or Green do., bound binding, Kersey Tilting, lUack and Scarlet. ,, ,, plain Grey, Letters, 1/3. Mono., 1/6 a letter. Yearling Head Collars. Plain. 10/6 Head Collar for bulls, with brass furniture. 21/- IMH. Pad. ii(.oa. Roller. Fillet. f'omplett A £2 10 6/6 35- 22/6 1/6 £5 15 6 B £2 2 5/6 28/6 21/- 16 £4 18 6 C £1 18 6 5/6 27 6 21- 1/6 £4 14 D £1 12 6 51- 25/- 18/6 1/- £4 2 F £1 17 6 5 6 30/- 21- 1/6 £4 15 6 G £2 2 5/6 .30/- 18 6 1/- £4 17 G £2 2 5/6 30/- 18/6 1/- £4 17 U , 3 in. Worsted, 8/6; Union .6/6; Cotton, 3/-. Summer Clothing. Super Twill Linen Summer Sheet, check patterns, as follows :— Blue and white, red and white, green anrl white, re.l, white, and blue, Rug, 21/6 Roller, 10/6 Fillet String, 1/6 Second (iuality Linen Sheet ,, 18/6 ,, 10/6 ,, ,, 1/6 Night Kug, all interwoven, extra heavy, with surcingle 25/- Army Pattern, with two straps and buckles at chest, with surcingle, 18/6 Cheaper Quality, part lined, with surcingle, 12/6 Extra Super Rugging, 15/- pr. Jute do 8/6 pr. Special Line. Extra Super London Colour Full Size Horse Blankets (all Wool), 8 lbs., ... 40/-, 6 ft. ; Do. do. 7 lbs., ... 35/-, 5 ft. 3; Do. do. 6 lbs., ... 27/6, 5 ft. : Lungeing Rein, best tubular web, 21 ft. long, with leather billet, 18/6 Leather Head Collar Rein, with chain end and spring hook, ea. 9/6 19 6 ft. 9 6 ft. Oft. Hock Caps, superior quality hide, with extra cap sewn on, lined fawn rugging, top strap with elastic spring. 30/- pair Fawn Rugging with leather cups, 18/6 pair Tail Cover, superior quality hide leather, lined rugging. each 13/6 Superior Quality Rugging, fawn or blue, ... each 10/6 and 8/6 Clothing, Etc. Hemp Halters. ... 2/6 each White Show Halters. 3/6 ., Adjustable Show Halters. 4/6 „ (These fit any size of animal). Hobbles. For Turning-out purposes. 10/6 pair Rope with leather covered eyes. for Breeding purposes, 27/6 set No. 1— Coolers, all-wool fleece. S4 in. x 96 in., with seamed and taped backs. with front and ties, super ... ... ... ... •■■ ••• 55/6 (As supplied to the Leading Polo Clubs). No. 2 — Ditto, in grey and white check fleece, our speciality. ... ... 55/6 No. 3 — Ditto, all-wool fleece as above. ... ... ... ... ■■■ 42/6 No. 4 — Ditto, either blue or camel shade as above, ... ... ... 36/6 No. 5— Ditto, do., ... ... ■■• 27/6 RUBBER PORT TO FIX TO ANV BIT Rubber Ports to screw on bits, 7/6 each. Super 5 in. leather roller hand sewn leather faced pads, double straps and flat brass furniture, Breast Girths for same. A 5 in. Super Web Roller for Winter Clothing (Faw A Worsted Breast Girth for same, ... Second quality, A 5 in. Jute 3 in. Double Strapped Roller A 4 in. Jute 3 in. Single Strapped Roller A Blue and White Linen Summer Roller. FELT ROLLER PADS FITTED TWO STRAPS 37/6 15/- n or Red, Fawn or Blue), SURCINGLES— 3 in. V.'orsted. 8/6; Union. 6/6; Cotton. 3/-; Jute. 2/6. 50/- complete. 22/6 10/6 18/6 10/6 10/6 10/6 each 7/6 Fetlock Ring with strap to run through. ... 5/6 PORT MOUTH CURL COVER Rubber Bit Covers for Half-moon, Port-mouth. Jointed mouth. 4/6 each Rubber Cheek Guards. 5/6 pair Leather Cheek Guards. 4/6 Do., Argentine patt.. 6/6 pair 20 Breakino Tackle. STALLION SHOW BRIDLES, CLOTHING, Etc., always in stock. BLACKWELL'S DUMB JOCKEY— Made of Gutta Percha and Whalebone, and temperate. Price, including Crupper, Girth, and Spring Side Reins, Breaking Cavesson, with Galvanised Furniture, Bit Straps for same, Web Lungeing Rein, made of best tubular web, Tattersall Colt Bit, best hand forged steel (see page 18), Mouthing Bit with Keys, galvanised (see page 18), ... Web Driving Reins, made of best tubular web, 1 in.. Do. do. do. do. IJ in., Lungeing Wliip with 5-ft. thong. for break each. ing in colts by kind treatment, easy moutlied £9 9 £1 12 6 £0 2 6 £0 18 6 £1 1 £0 6 6 £1 7 6 £1 10 £0 10 6 Saddle Numnahs. Crib Biting Straps, 10/6 each. Meyer's Patent, 32/6 each Felt Numnahs, Gentlemen's, 21/- Second qual.. 17/6 Ladies', ... 27/6 Leather Numnahs, Gent.'s, 35/- Ladies', 38/6 Sheepskin Numnahs, to go under saddle, Gent.'s, ... 40/- Ditto, Ladies' 42/- Rubber Sponge Numnah, Gent.'s 50/- Ladies', 52/6 Patent Sponge Lined Numnah, Gent.'s or Ladies', ... £4 4/- Ijadies' Saddle Covers, made in best waterproof twill, £2 2/- each Second quality 30/- When ordering please state length of seat, and if wide or ordinary heads. Gent.'s Saddle Covers as above, 30/- Do.. second quality. ... 25/- Loin Covers, stout oil dressed, with straps, 15/6 Second quality ditto, ... 12/6 Drab Waterproof, with straps. 36 X 48, 18/6 Riding Knee Protectors, 5/6 a pair 21 Polo Boots (as supplied to the leading Polo Clubs). 1, No. 1. ARGKXTI N K I 'ATT!-:i:N i'OL,(:> BOOTS, matle with sniur surgical elastic, 2'Z/ii pair No. 2. i:axet.agh polo boots in liliii- or fawn. HI/' pair M: M WINDSOR POLO BOOTS. 18/(i pail CORONET BOOTS niafln in Jjpst fawn I'l.lo I'l'U. covered k-atlier, 8/G pair ^\'oo)lL■u Bandages supplied in Ijlue, fawn, and grey. Per set of 4, 8/S " Newmarket " or Stockinette Band- ages, l)lue, fawn, grey, wliite. Per set, «/6 IJneji fMindages, ... Per set, 6/() I!(dl of Bandage. 4S yards. 37/G 'I'ape for same. 2/- per 2 doz. yards SandoMii Patent Fleece Bandages. Per set, 18/6 Crepe B.indages, ... Per set, 5/- Hiiniing Bandages with straps, 10/6 pair Polo ditto, witli strap, 8/6 pair Extra Thick Soles, All Hand Sole.s .sewn on with Extra Heavy I'OULTICE BOOT, 30/- each YORICSHIRE BOOTS made in oi- blue kersey, .5/6 pair TOP BOOT STRAPS in lirown or black, S/6 a pair Approx. Size of Hoof. 4 <3 4i\-4 d :•: .5* '■i ■ '] TJ . S Specials made to order on the shortest notice. Soles sewn Copper Wire or Copper Riveted if required iit slightly advanced price. DONKEY, PONY, COB HORSE, HACKNEY, Do. FULL SIZE. CAI.'T IliinsE, Outside Me.asure. 4}x4 ■5x6i 6x6i Per Set of Four. 40/- 42/- 60/- 65/- 70'- 75/- ■22 Hunting Horns, Flasks, Canteens, Etc. Hunting I'l.i.-I. wiih bayonet top com- plete, leather case, ... ... ... 30/- When ordering please state whether tor Lady or Gentleman. Hunting Canteen with fall-down back Sandwich Case, b^.yonet top bottle, 6 in. X 5 in. x 1 in., £3 (^opper Hunting Horn, ... 18/6 Leather Case for same, ... 18/6 Hunting Sandwich Ca.se with tall-down back complete, with Chamois lined leather case, ... ... 30/- Hound Couples to hang on .saddle, ... ... 5/6 per pair Terrier Bags, made in stout canvas, lineJ all over with leather, shaped for head to hang out, complete with shoulder strap, ... 26/6 each Second Huntsman's Canteen, all complete, £4 10/- Aluminium Bits for Racing. — These Bits are made from a special mi.xture of Aluminium that has been tested in use for several months with satisfactory results, and being light in weight and stout in substance are most suit- able for Racing. 2465. 13/-. These can be supplied with straight mouth or dee cheek as Page 15. ^>i^'' Boot Hooks, made with ebony handles, 6/6 a pair Boot Lifts, nickel plated, 9/- a pail- NOTE. — This List is subject to Alteration without notice. Wire Cutters in leather case, 21/- Cutters only 10/6 23 Racing Appointments. Our Specialilies — RACE COLOURS RACE BRIDLES and everything connected with Racing. Quality is our first consideration, Because the recollection of Quality lasts after price is forgotten. Race Saddles (our own liest make), made to weigh with fittings from 1 lb. to 3 lbs., fitted complete with best hand forged steel stirrups, tubular webs, girth, and siirciijgle, If supplied less fittings 40/- less. Fitiings can be supplied separately, see page 26. £8 10 Best Race Spurs, 4 in-> I iu , or 1 in. necks, complete black patent leather straps, 10/6 per pair. Second Quality ditto, 8/6 per pair. EXEPICISK RACE S.^DDLES, 16 0^ (our nwii Ijcst make), complete with liand forged steel irons, leathers, and super weh girths, £6 10 If supplied less fittings, 30/- less. Fittings can l>e supplied separately, see page *26. RACE COLOUR BAGS, fitted brass lock and two keys (our own best make), 30/- Race Winker Cap, made in black corded silk, ... ... 21/- Ditto, made in black cloth 18/6 Race Colours Our Speciality. Made in best silk back satin or in corded silk, per set, ... ... ... ... £6 6 Do. poplin, per set, £5 5 Corded Silk Race Caps, to go over crash helmets, 21/- Ditto, Second Quality, ... 18/6 Super Quality Crash Helmet for same, ... .. •■■ 18/6 24 Race Clothing, Etc. RACING EQUIPMENT Super Indian Sei-ge Exercise Sheet, bound super livery clotli, with cap and fillet string to match, Super Urey or Blue ditto, special quality, ... Special Camel Fleece ditto, bound with brown super livery clotli, with cap to match, 60- 45/- 38/6 Super Indian Serge Paddock Sheet, cut 4 ft. i in., bound super livery cloth, hood, single strapped roller and breastgirth, ^ ^ tail and fillet string, all complete, £3 18 6 Ditto, in Camel Fleece, complete as above, Patterns on request. Extra Super London Colour Striped Blanket, cut out 4 ft. 6 in.. Paddock Slieet, lined linen at withers, bound scarlet ' .. 37/6 each. or blue, We always carry a large stock of Exercise and Paddock Clothing- made from remnants of materials which have been dyed specially to customers' own colours, which we can supply at specially reduced prices. Customers are requested to write tor patterns and prices. Waterproof Travelling- Rug-, cut 5 ft. 8 in., in best twill waterproof, with buckle and strap at chest. Hood for same, ... Light ditto Sheet, suitable for racing. Hood for same, 37/6 32/6 32/6 30/- White Saddlecloths, ■■ 15/-, 12/6, and 10/6 each. Yearling- Sheets Jute sheets lined throughout grey, with two 3 in. surcingles, leather at withers, ... ^1/- each. 16/9 each. A few job ditto, Boots. .^m Kace Hoots, made of super kersey, "^^ 5 strap, 10/6 pair, Do. 4 strap, 10/6 ,, If supplied with Leather Caps, Jumping Boots, duller pattern, same price as above. ^gmsmmMmms^^^-s^^x Best Cut and Bone .Jockey Wliip, ... 30/- each. Second (.Quality, ... ... ... 25/- ,, 4/- per pair extra. Best Bone, plaited kang. hide, ... 30/- „ Second Quality, ... ... ... 25/- ,, Ijimited (,>uantity, ... ... ... 18/6 ,, For Veterinary Preparations, see page 32 ; Brushes, etc., see page 28. 25 Race Fittings. Race and Steeplechase Bridles. A Super Sew on Siugle Rein Bridle, with 1 in. Rein and steel wire ring Bradoon, 39/- : hand forged steel Bit only, 15/- Ditto, with steel egg butt Bradoon, ... 45/- ; hand forged steel Bit only, 21/- Ditto, with straight liutt dee cheek Bradoon, 45/- ; Bit only 21/- Lace, Plaited, or Rubber Reins cau be sui)plied at 5/- extra each bridle. ^= ^ Race Stirrup Webs made in super tubular web, | in., f in., | in., and 1 ni., 12/6 per pair. Race Girths made in super woollen web, 2 in., 2^ in., and 2h in., 10/6 per pair. Exercise Race Girths in super hand loomed web, 3^ in., 10/6 per pair. White or Coloured Web Surcingles, in super woollen web, 2 in., 2^ in., or 2^ in., 7/6 each. For Steeplechase. Racing Martingales, in leather or best white web, 10/6 each Lead Reins made with super white tubular web with steel chain, 10/6 „• Do., with double steel chain to fasten each side of bit, 16/6 „ * P A best Kersey Weight Cloth with hand-sewn baghide pockets bound cloth with stone of lead, ... 42/- Do., in kersey tilting machine sewn comp. with lead, ... ... 38/6 Extra lead 1/- per lb. or 12/6 per stone. Weight Cloths can be hired out to customers at 10/6 a week. Super Hand Forged Steel Race trons. from 3 ozs., ... 18/6 a pair Steeplechase Irons made from 10 ozs., 4, 4^ and 4^ ins 18/6 Exercise Race Irons, ... 18/6 26 <2fol^lo T?<»n(lli«ifp4i GROOMING TOOLS AND SIABLt OlclLUt; I\til[lllMHlv» REQUISITES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Mane Comb, bimc-, ... 1/- ., aluruinium, 1/6 ;'a Steel Buniisliiiiy (Hove (Watts' Patent), eacli 18/6 ^^1 TrimiiiiDg Scissors, bent or straiglit, Sheffield made, 6/6, 7/6, and 8/6 Tail Scissors, serrated edge, to prevent hair from slipping, 10 in., 8/6 Mane Drag, plain handle, ... 2/6 Maiiure Furk.s, 5/6 each. Trimming Comb, 1/6 Cnrry Comlis, 1/6 and 1/- each. Hoof Pick, folding as illnstration, 2/- ,, plain, to hang, 1/6 THE "STEWART" POWER CLIPPER. Made by the Chicago Flexible Shaft Co., 60/- STEWART CLIPPING HEAD. Complete, ... 17/6 Top Plate, ... 4/- Bottom Plate, ... 6/- We Re-Set ami Sharpen Stewart Knives at 2/6 per pair and return the same day. Stable Fork, 2-prong, 5/6 each. Stable'Shovels, 5/6. Lignum Vita' Logs, 1/6 each. Sliears, best quality, as illustration, 32/6 per pair. Horse Scrapers. Witli rubber on edge, Plain Double wood handles. 6/6 4/6 5/9 No. S3, 18/6. Martin's Imp. Clippers, 12/6 per pair. Clippers repaired and sharpened. 27 Gent.'s Saddle Brackets, black, 10/6 each. Lady's Saddle Brackets, black, 12/6 each. Horse Shoe Bridle Holder, black, 4/6 each. Bridle Holder, black, 4/6 each. stable Requisites. Damly Brush. Best English Make, brass wire drawn, 3/- each. Cheaper Quality 2/- each. Corn Sieves, IS in., ... 10 6 20 in., . 10/6 Its Best Body Brushes. All Bristles (shaped), ... 10/6 each. (Hat top), ... 10/6 ,, Cheaper Quality, 3/6 ,• ^^ rrfrffrnrTfTTrmv Water Brush. All-Black Bristle 5/6 each. Cheaper Quality, 3/6 ,, Boot Top Brushes. Hard and Soft, ... 10/6 per pair. Superior All-Bristle. Leather Back Body, 6/6 each. Cheaper (Quality, 3/6 each. r C^^ rwj ^IVWMW W^ Tiim^ /'( 1(1 I, v\ ] ' ' Extra Quality, larye size, complete with handle, " 6/6 each. Cane Stable Baskets. Large, 20 or 18 in., 6/6 each. Corn Measure, igal., ... 2/6 each. 1 gal 4/6 „ Linen Stable R,ubbers. 36 in. -36 in., ... 3/- each. 32 in. X 24 in., ... 2/6 ,. 28 in. X 23 in., ... 2/- ,, Slioe Brushes— in sets of three, 10/6 Motor or Coach Washing Clogs. Best Quality Black Leatlier, 21/- a pair. Short, Black Leather, ... 8/6 ,, Branding L-ons. No. to 9 and 1 Letter, i in.. ... Letters only. Manger and Rack Chains, galv., ... Chamois Leathers. 30/- per set. 4/6 each letter. 4/6 each. Best (jHiality, Smaller Sponges. Best Carriage, Flat Leg, Tack Sponges, 5/6 each. 4/6 .. 5/6 each. 4/6 ,. 1/- .. Stable 1 'ails.— Best Quality Oak, fitted witli galv. hoops and fittings, 10/6 each. If painted any colour outside, white inside, and lettered. 21/- each. Steel Double Link Burnishers, 6 in., 4/6 each. ., 5 in., 3/6 11 •i in, 3/6 „ ,, -^ !"•• 1/6 ,' JIane Layer (covered with rubber). Patent, 18/6 28 Hunting Whips, Etc. Nos. 12 & No. 10 No. 11- No. 1-J No. 13 No. 14- No. 15- No. 16- No 17 No. 18- No. 19 No. 20- No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 -Hunting Whip, lady's or gent.'s, best whalelione, with plaited kangaroo handpart, two stout silver collars, with thong, ... ... ... ... ..- ... ... ... 63/- -Hunting Whip, lady's or gent.'s, whalebone, braided gut, pigskin leather handpart, two silver collars, with thong, ... ... ... ... ... ... ■■• .■ ••• 50/- -Hunting Whip, lady's or gentleman's, covered hogskin, silver mount and thong, ... ... 35/- Do. do. do. plated mounts and thong, .. ... ... 30/- Do. do. plaited kangaroo hide, with silver mounts and thong, ... 35/- Do. do. plaited mounts and thong, ... ... ... ... ... 30/- Do. do. Malacca cane, silver mounts, ... ... ... ... 25/- Do. do. plated mounts and thong, ... ... ... ... 20/- When ordering, please slate whether Lady's or Gent.'s Whip required. -Hunting Whip, made specially for hunt servants, ))est whalebone, plated mounts, white thong, ... 42/- -Boys' Crops, with thongs, silver mounts, ... ... ... ... ... ■•. 15/- and 17/6 Do. - do. plated, 8/6, 10/6, and 12/6 Riding Canes. -Nalgeria Canes, covered plaited kangaroo hide, ... ... ... ... ... ... 12/6 - Do. pigskin, . ... . ... •• •■■ ... .■• ■•■ 12/6 Do. with two leather girths, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10/6 -Plain, 3/6 Pack and post, 1/6 extra. Polo and Jockey Whips. " , '.i.U\i-- -IIBM«l!J')'»Jf' No. 25. mmtmmmmmmitmm No. 26. / /./ // m ' No. 29— Stockwhip, with plaited kangaroo hide stock, with 15-£t. thong, 50/- No. 30— Do. 14-ft. do. 47/6 No. 31— Do. 12-ft. do. 45/- Stockonly, 12/- No. 25 — Polo Whip, plaited kangaroo hide or gut, whalebone centre, with wrist strap (very best quality), ... ... ... ... 30/- and 25/- 18/6 Second Quality, ... No. 26 — Jockey do. do. Second Quality, (very bust quality), 30/- and 25/- 18/6 No. 27— Ladies' Hiding Whips, leather handle, whale- bone centre, 2 silver mounts, ... ... 18/6 and 15/6 No. 28— Do. do. plated mounts, 12/6, 10/6, 7/6, and 5/6 Fancy Leather Handles can be supplied at same price. A large variety of Ladies' Riding Whips with Sterling Gold and Silver Mountings, Ivory, and Fancy Leather Handles. We do not recommend steel-lined whips, and so do not make them. Horse and Dog Measuring; Walking Sticks. With bu.Kwood rales, showing English horse and lineal measures with French measures. Very useful, and makes a nice present for a gentleman. No. 34 — Bamboo Cane, silver mounted. No. 35 — Ash do. do. No. 36 — Bamboo Cane, silver mounted, for dogs, No. 37— Ash do. do. for dogs. No. 3S — Stable Standard Horse Measure, in boxwood, No. ,39- Bamboo Cane, with Dog Measuring Stick, silver. •29 37/6 32/6 35/- 30/- 30/- 25/- ,J No. 32— Fly Switches, leather covered, 25/- No. 33— Malacca Cane, leather covered, 12/6 Dog Sheets, Etc. DOG SHEETS of every description made to order. CHOKE DOG COLLARS to order. Greyhound Sheets. Made in special London Ciilour, fawn bound livery cloth, scarlet or blue, Do. made in special blue or green bound livery cloth, scarlet, blue, or 3ellow, Second Quality, bound braid. ing. scarlet or blue. Do. made in special fawn bound bind Second Quality, with tapes onl}', ... In Waterproof material, ... Do. in canvas liound Ijindinir, Dog Collars. These are made in best Bridle Leather, and can be suppHed as follows ; 25/- 21/- 16/6 16/6 10/6 12/6 12/6 14 in. x24in., IJin. x20in 1 in. ■ 21 in Jiu. xl7in., ... 1 in. xl7in., ... Made on the round. Up to 25 in 23 in., ... 21 in., ... 19 in.. 17 in.. 15 in., Single Kuw of Studs. Double Row o il- 4/6 3/6 4/- 3/- 3/6 2/6 3/- 2/- 2/6 3/9 3/6 3/3 3/- 2/9 2/6 Lay-On Greyhound Collars. 2 in. wide, witli top 1 in. strap. Dogs' Leads. g in. wide, 4 in. wide, J in. wide, Leather Greyhound iVIuzzles, Dogs' Whips. Caned Handles, with Thongs, Dogs' Slips. Salopian Pattern, for two dogs, 5/6 2/6 3/- 3/6 each 3/- 10/6 ; cheaper quality, 7/6 50/- ; single do. 35/- 30 HOUND GLOVES, as illustration, 6/6 a pair. Ladies' Whips. No. 1. — Best Whalebone, Braided Gut, Leatlier Handle, Silver Mounts, very best quality, ... ... 21/- No. 2. — Second Quality, 15/6 No. 3. — Do. plated mounts, 10/6, 7/6. and 5/6 Lizard Skin Handles can be supplied at same price. Trunk and Bag Department. All Goods of very best workmanship, and specially well finished. SUIT CASES OUR SPECIALITY. Best quality London Colour Suit Case, specially selected, full grain (unbuffed) hide, best drill lining, all leather edges, handsewn throughout, and fitted with best lever locks, very special finish ; our own make. Above Suit Cases, but less Cap Corners. 24 ms. X 15 ins. X 7 ins., ... ... •• ■■ •■■ ■•■ £5 5 £4 10 26 ins. X 16 ins. X 7J ins., 28 ins. X 17 ins. > 7i ins., £5 12 6 £6 £4 17 6 £5 5 We have a very large stock of BLOUSE CASES always on view. We have a very large stock of COMMERCIAL ATTACHE CASES always on view. ATTACHE CASE.— Smooth Nut or London Colour Cowhide, on best fibre foundation, nickel or brass nozzle locks, all-leather handle and chapes, lined best pig-grained washable linen lining, handsewn throughout, best finish. Sizes-14 ■, 9 34 25A 16 X 10 X 4 ... ... ... -■■ ••• 27/6 18 X 11 X 44 ... ... ... ... ••• 30/- 20 X 12 X 5 ... ... ... •■■ •■■ 32/6 Attache Case. — Similar to above, but cheaper quality. Sizes-12 X 71 X 3 12/6 14 X 9 X 34 . ... ... ••• ••• 14/6 16 X 10 X 4 ... ... ... . . ■•• 16/6 18 X II X 44 ... ... ... ... ... 18/6 20 X 12 X 5 ... ... ... ... .■• 21/- SUIT CASE.— Specially selected Smooth Nut or London Cowhide, best fibre foundation, heavy cast locks, drill lining. Sizes— 24 X 134 X 6 26 X 14 X 64 28 •: 14i ••: 6| Above Suit Case, but with Cap Corners. 45/- 52/6 50/- 57/6 55/- 62/6 We execute all repairs on the premises, and shall be pleased to quote for any work. 31 Cleaning, Etc. CLEANING. Black Harness Oil Brasso Breeches Ball Hoofite Hoot' Dressing (Derbv). Usual Price Hoof Oil Mars Oil Neatsfoot Oil Soap as under: — Glycerine Soap (Biitley) Do. (Lane's) Saddle Soap (Brecknell & Turner Do. (Propert's) Soft Soap Do. Do. Stockliolm Tar 5/- 's) 1 lb. tin 2 lb. tin 7 lb. tin 6/6 gall. 7^d and 1/3 tin. !/■ ball. 3/- tin. 2/6 tin. 2/6 tin. 1/6 tin. 2/6 tin. 3/- bai-, or 36/- dozen. 2/6 bar. or 25/6 dozen. 1/- tin, or 10/6 dozen. 1/- fin, or 12/- dozen. 2/6 3/6 6/6 1/6 lb. VETERINARY. Aconite Powders (Harvey's) Antiphlogistine Armoricaine Powder Jamieson's Compo. Condition Powders, with ball (Harvt Do. do.. without ball Cotton Wool Cotton Wool and Gauze Tissue Cupiss Balls Elliman's Embrocation ... Equinoint Gamgee Tissue Gauze Tissue Hair Restoring Ointment (Harvey's) . Hoplemuroma Kossolian Blood Salts Maorix Liniment ... Outaplasme ... Parasiticide (Harvev's) ... Radiol ." Radiol Leg Wash Powders Reducine Salt Licks in frames Licks can be had separately "Victory" Gall Cure y's) 3/- packet. 3/- and 5/- tin. 2/6 packet. 1/- tin. 4/3 packet. 3/6 packet. 3/6 roll. 3/6 roll. 3/6 packet. 1/6, 2/9, and 4/6 bottle. 10/6 tin. 3/- roll. 2/6 toll. 1/6 tube. 10/6 tin. 25/- and 50/- per tin. 11/-, 20/-, and 36/- per tin. 17/6 packet of 10. 4/- jar. 10/- packet. 1/- box of 10. 12/6 tin. 3/6 complete. 21/- doz or 2/- each. 1/6 tin. PERFECTUIVI »IOXJTH GAG. SUPPLIED IN NICKEL PL.ATED COMPLETE WITH STR.APS. 1830 PERFECTUM MOUTH GAG > Shewing Screw Attacliment for opening Animal's Mouth. Illustrated Booklet on application. 44/- each complete 33/6 each complete without Screw Attachment. DEWSBURY RFCISTy_RED PATTERN iNo 61U.527) BEDFORD TOOTH RASP INTERCHANGEABLE RASP WITH DOUBLE -CUTTING EDGE l<^ THE BEDFORD RASP IS MADE EXPRESSLY FOR HLING THE TEETH OF HORSES AND CATTLE SUPPLIED IN NICKEL PLATED 24 m. LONG THE RASPS ARE EASILY ADJUSTED ierihangeable gy meaNS OF SCREWS AND CAN "■* BE REPLACED WHEN CUTTING " wde* SURFACE IS WORN IlLLUSrn-iTED Tf BCMKLET ON . APPLICATION Jl Nickel-Platecl, 11/6 each. Spare Rasps, 4/- 32 Drenching Appliances FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. Suiiiilied ill Nickel I'lutcd au