, tr ;WYORK IS THE PLACE TO BUY TROTTING STOCK! READ THE WITHIN SYNOPSIS OF A PORTION OF 400 HEAD OF Protting Stock To be Sold in January, 1892, IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, BY ETER C. KELLOGG & CO, Auctioneers. By glancing over the following pages yon will find a remarkable collection of trotting stock offered at auction, bred and consigned by the most suc- cessful breeding establishments of Cali- fornia, Kentucky and the East, owned by such prominent breeders as OBERT BONNER, New York. ROBERT STEEL, Philadelphia. /. R. WILLETS, Roslyn, N. Y. HIGHLAWN FARM, Lee, Mass. VILSON & HANDY, Cynthiana, Ky. LELAND STANFORD, Menio Park,Cal. These sales embody everything in the shape of a trotting horse or pacer at a breeder, a private owner, or a sportsman wants, and of every desirable lality up to the highest. Address all correspondence to PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., 107 John Street, T^ew York. STAKE COLTS AND FILLIES PICK THEM OUT. IT IS ALTOGETHER PROBABLE THAT THE GREAT WINNERS OF 1894 AND 1895 WILL PASS THROUGH THESE SALES. NEW YORK IS THE PLAGE TO GET COLTS AND FILLIES BY THE Greatest Sons of GEORGE WILKES. TROTTING STOCK AT AUCTION THE PROPERTY OF OF NEW YORK, TUESDAY, January 13, 1892, at 10 o'clock, THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE BUILDING, 3d Avenue, between 63(1 and 64tli Sts., New York. at PETER C. KEEEOOG & CO., Auctioneers, Office: 107 John St., New York. The following consignment includes all the foals of 1888, 1889 and 1890, bred by Mr. Robert Bonner with ex- ception of two reserved for brood maree and one that has been injured. Catalogues will be ready January 1, 1892. The followlngtorm of advertisement was Inveiitfd by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color ■^ and » Sex. >H Sire. Dam's Family. Startle, Jr Westchester Nuffield Lady Edwards Loretta Peril Catharine Cloudlet Starlet . . Pyramid Stoddard Garland.. Newguard. Lilac Era ... Risk. Nutbourne Maid , Welcome Melbourne Motto Oliver D Miss Winfield... b. s. b. s. 1881 1883 ch. s. 1891 ch. m. b. m. ch. m. 1877 1879 b. m. 11887 blk.m;!880 blk.m blk.s blk.s blk.s blk.s br. m gr. s. gr. m. gr. s. )lk.m b. s. b.m. gr. b. s. ch. s. gr. ra. b. m. b. s. b. s. b. s. b. m. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1878 1883 1889 1880 1890 1877 1890 1888 1890 1887 1^89 1890 Startle. Startla. Nutbourne. Westchester. Startle. Startle. Cuyler. Sidney 2:19^ (p.). Homer. Startle. Startle, Startle. Startle. Eldridge. Cuyler. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Princeps. Nutbourne. Startle. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Daybreak, by Harold (.34 in list); 2d dam, Midnight (dam of Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:17% and Noontide 2 :20J), by Pilot, Jr. (9 in list); .3d dam, Twilight (thoroughbred), by Lexington. Jessie Kirk (dam of Majolica 8:15 and Miss Majolica 2:24}-^), by Clark Chief (6 in list); 2d dam, Cluke Mare (dam of Black Cloud 2:17M), by Pilot Walker, son of Capt. Walker. Jessie Kirk (dam of 2 in list (see above), by Clark Chief. Russella, by Harold (34 in list); 2d dam, Miss Russell (dam of Maud S. 2:08-M, Nutwood 2:18?^, Cora Belmont 2:24j^ and Russia 2:28J^), by Pilot, Jr. (9 in list); :Bd dam, thorough- bred Sally Russell, by Boston. Daisy Perrill, by Joe Geiger; 2d dam, by imp. Bonnie Scot- land (thoroughbred) ; ;3d dam, by Young Monarch. Ella Sherwood (2 mile record 5:08), by Vernol's Black Hawk. Stinted to Ansel . Totsey (dam of Wyatt 2:27), by Mambrino Transport, son of Mambrino Patchen; 2d dam, Lucia (dam of Day Dream 2:21%), by R.ysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 3d dam. Trusty (dam of Deucalion 2:22, Scotland Maid 2:285^ and John Love 2:28J^), by Marlborough. Stinted to West- chester. Miss Casserly. by Eugene Casserly; 2d dam, by Whipple's Hambletonian (14 in list); 3d dam, thoroughbred Ger- trude, by Volscian. Rosa Viley, by Ward's Plying Cloud; 2d dam, thoroughbred Cashmere, by imp. Sovereign. Stinted to Eldridge. Cloudlet (as above), by Homer. Cloudlet (as above), by Homer. Cloudlet (as above), by Homer. Cloudlet (as above), by Homer. Cloudlet (as above), by Homer. Bonnie Doon (dam of Nutbreaker 2:2434 at 3 years), by Aber- deen (24 in list); 2d dam, Ariel, by Ethan Allen 2:25i^; Sd dam, by Harris' Hambletonian. Stinted.to Ansel. Garland (as above), by Cuyler (14 in list). Garland (as above), by Cuyler. Garland (as above), by Cuyler. Jael, by Delmonico; 2d dam, Hagar, by Alexander's Abdallab (5 in list); 3d dam, by Do wiring's Bay Messenger. Stinted to Ansel. Era (as above), by Princeps (26 in list). Essie, by New York Ledger, son of Hoagland's Grey Mes- senger; 2d dam. Pox, by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stinted to Ansel. Risk (as above), by Startle (4 in list). Molsey2:2154, by Whiteside's Black Hawk (2inlist); 2d dam, by Dallas; 3d dam, by imp. Leviathan (thoroughbred). Halcyon (trial 2:21i4), by Cuyler (14 in list); 2d dam. Lady Abdallab (dam of Don Carlos 2:23 and Granville 2:26), by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list). Halcyon, trial 2:21>4 (see above), by Cuyler. Halcyon, trial 2:21i4 (see above), by Cuyler. Halcyon, trial 2:21i4 (see above), by Cuyler. Gem, by Dictator (31 in list) ; 2d dam, by Blackwood 2:31 (8 in list); 3d dam, by Alexander's Edwin Porrest (2 in list). Gem (see above), by Dictator. Gem (see above), by Dictator. Gem (see above), bv Dictator. Lady Winfield, by Edward Everett (13in list): 2d dam, (dam of Sheridan 2-2014) by Eureka, son of L. I. Black Hawk ; 3d dam, by Seely's American Star. ROBERT BONNER. The following form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade marU. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGa & CO. Others are respectfully i Name. Color and Sex. >* Sire. Melody Caprice . . Marietta . Ornament Flor.nce . gr. m, gr. s. gr. m. Cartridge. gr. m. gr. m. 1889 1888 Meander ;r. m, )lk.m ch.m. cli. m. b.m. br. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. s. b. m. blk.s ch. s. b. m. 1890 1885 1886 1887 1890 1891 1889 1890 1886 1889 1886 Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Nutbourne. Startle. Nutbourne. Startle. Eldridge. Startle. Startle. Eldridge. Westchester. Egbert. Dam's Family. Eldridge. Eldridge. Eldridge. Macey's Hambletonian. Lady Winfield (see above), by Edward Everett. Lady Winfleld (see above), by Edward Everett. Music 2:31^^, by Middletown (11 in list); 2d dam, by Roe's Fiddler; 3d dam, by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Music 2:211^.7 (see above), by Middletown. Lucy CuyleT-, trial 2:151^ to wagon, by Cuyler (14 in list); 2d dam, "Norma 2 -.SSi (dam of Norval 2:17i and Norris3:22J), by Alexander's Norman (2 in list); 3d dam, by Sir Wallace. Lucy Cuyler, trial 2:151,^ to wagon; (see above), by Cuyler. Maud Macey 2:27%, by Joe Hooker (2 in list); 2d dam. Jenny Martin (dam of Jack Splan 2:26^4), by Star Den- mark ; 3d dam, by thorouglibred Camden. Maud Macey 2:27M (see above), by Joe Hooker. Maud Macey 3:27^ (see above), by Joe Hooker. Maud Macey 2:27% (see above), by Joe Hooker. Frill, by Princeps (27 in list) ; 2d dam, Favorita. by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list): 3d dam, byMambrino Chief (6 in list) Frill (see above), by Princeps (27 in list). Frill (see above), by Princeps (27 in list). Frill (see above), by Princeps (27 in list). Crip (dam of George Simmons 2:28), by Mambrino Time (2 in list) ; son of Mambrino Patchen; 2d dam, by Regular, son of Volunteer (29 in list). Crip (see above), by Mambrino Time. Lady Stout 2:29 at 3 years, by Mambrino Patchen (18 in list); 2d dam, Puss Prall (dam of Lottie Prall 2:28% and Black Diamond 2?2934), by Mark Time (thoroughbred). Lady Stout 2:29 at 3 years (see above), by Mambrino Patchen. Dam, by Mambrino Time (2 in list); 2d dam, by Rattler, (2 in list), son of Stockbridge Chief; 3d dam, by Mingo, son of Sir Wallace. NEW YORK IS THE PLA TROTTERS OF SPEED, ^m& UNEQUALLED, ROOD MARES ue^rivaled, AND . HIGHLAWN TROTTING STUD AT AUCTSON, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 & 20, 1892, AT THE American Iiistit"ate Biailding, ISTe^w York. PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., Auctioneers, Are instructed by Mr. J. G. Davis to close out the entire collection of Brood Mares, Stallions and Young Stock comprised in the famous High] awn Stud, numbering nearly 100 head, formerly owned by the late Ef/izur Smith, of Jjce, Mass., with exception of the Stallions Alcantara and Alexander ^ that will be retained solely for public service, at Highlawn Farm. For Catalogues (ready January 10) address PETEK C. KELLOGG & CO., 107 John St., New York. The following form of advertisement was Invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color and Sex. b. s. 1885 blk. s. 1886 b. m. 1871 b. m. ch. m. 1891 1889 b. m. 1871 ch. s. ch. 8. br. m. 1890 1891 1883 b. s. b. m. b. m. 1890 1891 1876 b. m. 1877 ch.m. 1388 b. s. b. m. b. m. 1890 1891 1877 b. m. 1888 b. m. 1878 b. m. b. m. 1890 1878 b. m. 1888 b. 8. b. m. b. m. b. m. 1889 1890 1891 1879 br. s. 1890 b. s. b. m. 1891 1884 ch. 8. 1891 Dam's Family. Nominee 2:24^ Mulatto Rose Medium 2:26i Susie (dam of DeBarry 2:19>^) Satinet. Breeze Medium 2:22>4 Belle Medium 2:.37 Net Medium Angeline Medium . . Easter Medium 2:.32^. Easter Lady Audacity (dam of Queen of Upland 2:25%, 4 years.) Grace Medium. Stranger. Alcantara 2:23. Happy Medium. Alcantara 2:23. Nominee Z:2-i%. Happy Medium. Alcantara 2:23. Alexander. Wedgewood2:l£ Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Happy Medium. Happy Medium. Bayonne Prince 2:211^. Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Happy Medium. Nominee 2:24^- Happy Medium. Alfonso. Happy Medium. Kentucky Prince. Starlight. Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Happy Medium. Alcantara 2:23. Alfonso. Happy Medium. Alfonso. Sapphire (dam of Nominator 2:25, at 4 years), by Jay Gould 2:2134; 2d dam, Lucy 2:183^, by Geo. M. Patchen 2:23}^; 3d dam, Lady Clifton, by May Day. Molly Whitefoot (dam of Croxie 2:1934 and Frank Champ 2:1634, pacing), by Little Priam; 2d dam, by Downing's Baj' Messenger; 3d dam, by Scott's Highlander. Clara Jones, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 2d dam, Pussy Jones, by Bob Letcher (thoroughbred); 3d dam, by Quarles' Whip. Stinted to Alcantara 2:2.3. Rose Medium 2:2634 (as above), by Happy Medium. Rosebud, by Alcantara 2:23 (31 in list); 2d dam. Rose Medium 2:263^ (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). County House Mare (dam of Nettie 2:18), by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Susie (dam of DeBarry 2:1934; as above), by Happy Medium.^ Susie (dam of DeBarry 2:1934: as above), by Happy Medium. Susie (dam of DeBarry 2:1936; as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Satinet (as above), by Wedgewood 2:19 (8 in list). Satinet (as above), by Wedgewood 2:19. Net, by Frank, son of Chas. E. Loew 2:253^; 2d dam, Lady Dutchman (dam of Windsor M. 2:2034), by Black Dutch- man; 3d dam, Phoebe (dam of Eve 2:27). Stinted to Belle Vernon (dani of Mott Medium 2:29^), by Gen. Mott; 2d dam, by James K. Polk. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Belle Medium 2:37 (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Belle Medium 2:37 (as above), by Happy Medium. Belle Medium 2:37 (as above), by Happy Medium. Net (dam of Breeze Medium 2 :22K), by Frank (see above). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Net Medium (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Stinted to Alcantara ^'23 Fan (dam of MTl'ton Medium 2:2534 and Hattie 2:29?4), by Sackett's Hambletonian; 2d dam, by Henry Duroc. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Angeline Medium (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Emily C. (dam of Bayonne Prmce 2:21^ and Marcus 2:29i), by State of Maine. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Easter Medium 2:3234 (as above ; dam of Merry Christmas 2:351), by Happy Medium. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Easter Medium 2:32^ (as above), by Happy Medium. Easter Medium 2:32^ (as above), by Happy Medium. Easter Medium 2:32i (as above), by Happy Medium. Annie Steel (dam of Kentuckv Russell 2:24f), by Fearnaught 2:23i (3 in list); 2d dam, Jenny 2:35, by Volunteer (29 in list); 3d dam by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stint- ed to Alcantara 2:23. Audacity (dam of Queen of Upland 2:25^, at 4 years; as above) by Happy Medium. Audacity (dam of 1 in list : as above). Net (dam of Breeze Medium 2:22J), by Frank (see above). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Grace Medium (as above), by Happy Medium. HIGHLAWN TROTTING STTJD. The following form of advertisement was Invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate It.— PETEK C. KELLOGG: & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color ;J and OJ Sex. r-< Dam's Family. ..'b. m. Almonia . . . (dam of Aristo- morit3:379i). Almonia Willtes . . . . j Dlk m Katie Jackson 2:25|-,b. m. b. 8. b. s. ch. m itiady Almont (dam of Hinder Wilkes 2:20}.) Advantage (dam of Lady Em- ma 2:23.; Admiration (dam of Alcone 2:28M.) Annie Page 2:2734- ch. m. ch.m b. s. b. s. b. m. Annette . . ibr. m br. 8 br. m br. 8 br. m. b. m blkm Fanny Fern . JMyrah ISTovel Nena. Serene May Day. Czarina -Arcadia . . flachel B. 2:281^... (dam of Raven 2: "Ooranza Sacquette blk.s. blkm ch. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. br. s. b. m. b. m. ch. m. b. s. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. s. b. m. blk m 26i (p ch. m. b. m. b. s. b. m. b. m. 1876 1884 1873 1888 1889 1889 1891 1875 1889 1891 1875 1876 1890 1891 1872 1890 1884 Alcantara 2:2:3. Almont. Alcyone 2:27. Nominee 2:24%. Nominee 2:24?|. Nominee 2:2454- Almont. Nominee 2:24%. Alcantara 2:23. Administrator 2:294 Administrator 1:29%. Nominee 2:24%. Alcantara 2:23. Alfonso. Daniel Lambert. Nominee 2:24%. Administrator 2:29%. Alcantara 2:23. i^lcantara 2:23. Daniel Lambert. Knickerbocker. 1S90 Alfonso. 1891 1 Alfonso. 1884 Knickerbocker. 1890 Alcantara 2:23. 1891 [Alcantara 2:23. 1883 Nutwood 2:18%. 1883 Nutwood 2:18f. 1891 1 Alcantara 2:23. 1887 Mambrino Dudley 2:19f. 1883 Jay Gould2:2U. 1876,Thorndale2:22M- 1889 Nominee 2 :24f. 1890 Alcantara 2:23. 1876 Allie West 2:25. -)3 yrs.) 1884 Almont, Jr. 2:29. j (Bostick's.) 1881 Enfleld 2:29. 1889 Alcantara 2:23. 1890 Alcantara 2:23. 1891 Alfonso. Dam, by Kimbroueh's Abdallah, son of Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list); 2d dam, by Joe Downing (2 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Almonia (dam of Aristomont 2:27%, as above), by Almont (35 in list). Stinted to Warder. Fanny s. t. b., by Iron's Cadmus. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Katie Jackson 2:25%, at 4 years (as above), by Almont. Katie Jackson 2:25-% (as above). Katie Smith, by Alcantara 2:23 (31 in list); 2d dam, Katie Jackson 2:25% (as above). Katie Smith, by Alcantara 2:23 (31 in list); 2d dam, Katie Jackson 2:25% (as above). Corinne, by McDonald's Mambrino Chief, son of Mambrino Chief (6 in list) ; 2d dam, by Alexander's Edwin Forrest (2 in liBt). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Lady Almont (dam of Hinder Wilkes 2:20i4; as above). Lady Almont (dam of Hinder Wilkes 2:20i4; as above). Monogram (dam of Almont Chief 2:40 (3 in list) and Almont Mambrino 2:46i4)i hy Mambrino Chief (6 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Sallie Chorister (dam of Proteine 2:18, Belle Brasfleld 2:20 and Belle Patchen 2:30%), by Mambrino Chorister; 2d dam, by Blood's Black Hawk. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23, ■ Admiration (dam of Alcone 2:28J4; as above). Admiration (dam of Alcone 2:2834; as above). Admiration (dam of Alcone 2:2834; as above). Fanny Jackson (dam Aristos 2:27%, M. Y. D. Colt 2:28%ahd Miss Fanny Jackson 2:30), by Stonewall Jackson ; 2d dam, by North American. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Annie Page 2:27% (as above), by Daniel Lambert. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Annie Page 2:2734 (as above), by Daniel Lambert. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Annette (as above), by Administrator 2:29%. , Annette (as above), by Administrator 2:29%. Fanny Jackson (dam of 4 in list ; see above), by Stonewall Jackson. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Thorndale Maid (dam of Miss Alice 2:1734. Thornton 2:2634 and Wilkesdale 2:29), by Thorndale 2:2234 (7 in list); 2d dam. Bridesmaid, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Stinied to Alcantara 2:23. ' Myrah (as above), by Knickerbocker (10 in list). Myrah (as above), by Knickerbocker (10 in list). Net Medium (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Novel (as above), by Knickerbocker (10 in list). Novel (as above), bj- Knickerbocker. Hermia (dam of Dreamland 2: 3434^ by Woodford Mambrino 2:21^ (12 in list) ; 2d dam, Hermosa (dam of Hermes 2:27j| and Hermod 2:29%), by Alexander's Edwin Forrest (2 in list); ;3d dam, Black Rose (dam of Darkness 2:2734 to pole). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Silence (dam of Borden 2:28 and Proctor 2:19 pacing at 4 years), by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list); 2d dam, Wood- bine (dam of Wedgewood 2:19 and Woodford Mambrino 2:21%), by Woodford. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Serene (as above), by Nutwood 2:18%. Mayenne (dam of "Crescendo 2:24), by Wedgewood 2:19; 2d dam. Bicara (dam of Pancoast 2:21%, Balzac Chief 2:263^, 5 years, Bezant 2:293^ and Monte Carlo 2:29%), by Harold (-33 in list); 3d dam, Belle (dam of McCurdy's Hamble- tonian 2:26—15 in list), by Mambrino Chief (6 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Thornetta (dam of Patti 2:24), by Gen. Knox 2:313^(16 in list): 2d dam, Lady Thorn 2:1834, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 3d dam, by Gano (thoroughbred). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Ariadne, by Mambrunello (2 in list); 2d dam, Heroine (dam of Shawmut 2:26), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 3d dam. Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29% and Volun- teer 29 in list), by Young Patriot. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Arcadia (as above), by Thorndale 2:2234 (6 in list). Arcadia (as above), by Thorndale 2:22^4. Molly, by Williams' Mambrino; 2d dam, Mary, by Col. Lewis, a Copperbottom Horse. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Mary M. (dam of McEwen 2:18}, 4 years, Annie W. 2:20 and Andante 2:20}4), by Bassinger; 2d dam, by thorough- bred Hamlet. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Heel-and-Toe Fanny (dam of Jewett 2:20—2:14 pacing— and Catherine 2:2834), by John Innis; 2d dam, by Bay Buck! Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Racquette (as above), by Enfield 2:29 (4 in list). Racquette (as above), by Enfield 2:29. Racquette (as above), by Enfleld 2:29. HIGHLAWN TROTTING STUD. The foUowins form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETEK C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Color and Sex. Dam's Family. Clayrene Senorita (dam of Lucy Walter 2:29), Zoe (dam of Trapeze 3:291^, .3 yrs.). Ariel Miss Alice.. Alice Stoner 2:24i^ (dam of Geraldine 3:33 at 3 years.) Martha Reynolds. . . Lady Sweet Lady Winship Irene 2:23M Mink 2:321^. Sybrania... Golden Tresses. . Nomination . . . Treasure b. m. b. 6. b. m. b. s. b. m. b. m. blk.m b. m. b. s. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. g. b. s. ch.m. b. s. b. m. b.m. b. c. blk.m blk.m b. m. b. s. b. m. ch. s. ch. s. b. s. b. m. blk.m ch.m. br. s. b. m. 1682 1891 1873 1890 1881 1885 1881 1890 ^891 1873 1883 1879 1891 1874 1890 1891 1885 1884 1890 1890 1886 1891 1888 1876 Harry Clay 2:1 Alcantara 2:23. Sentinel 2:29M- Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Gen. Knox 3:.31i4. Caliban 2:34. Squire Talmage 2:39»4, Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 2:23. Strathmore. Cuyler. Alcantara 2:33. Alcantara 3:23. Bay Lambert. Alfonso. Deucalion 3:22. Alcantara 2:33. Alcantara 3:33. Alcantara 3:23. Alcantara 3: Alcantara 3:33. Hamlin . Alcantara 3:33. Alcantara 2:23. Alcantara 3:23. Alcantara 3:23. Alcyone 3:27. Alfonfo. Alcantara 2:23. Nominee 3:34^^. Messenger Duroc. Voluntary (dam of Blackwood Prince 3:33^), by Volunteer (39 in list); 3d dam, Millspaugh Mare (dam of Young Sen- tinel 3:36), by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 3:33. Clayrene (as above), by Harry Clay 3:29 (3 in list). Fortuna, by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list); 3d dam, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 3d dam, by Crusader; 4th dam, by Hancock's Hamiltonian. Stinted "to Alcantara 3:33. Senorita (dam of Lucy Walter 3:29; as above). Senorita (dam of Lucy Walter 3:39; as above). Lucia (dam of Beulah 3:1954, Lammermoor 3:33, Hmly Burly 3:37 and Edgardo 3:37^), by Jay Gould 3:31V^; 2d dam, Lucy 3:18i4, by Geo. M. Patchen 3:3.3>^ (4 in list). Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Abbess (dam of Steinway 2:3594, 3 years, and Solo 2:38%), by Albion; 2d dam, by Marshal Ney (thoroughbred); 3d dam, by Bertrand. Stinted to Alcantara 2:23. Lady Alice (trial 2:32, 4 years; dam of Eysdyk Chief 3:31)_, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 2d dam, by Hayden's Pilot. Stinted to Alcantara 2:33. Miss Alice (as above), by Squire Talmage 3:3954 (10 in list). Miss Alice (as above), by Squire Talmage. Miss Alice (as above), by Squire Talmage. Ned (dam of Clemmie G. 2:15i^, Post Boy 2:33, Forrest Wilkes 3:341^ and Mystery 2:2554), by Berkley's Edwin Forrest; 2d dam, Lady Turner (dam of Alta2:32), by Mambrino Chief; 3d dam, by Grey Eagle (thoroughbred). Stinted to Alcantara 3:23. Lualaba (dam of Roger Hanson 3 :38X. Matilda 2:30, 4 years, and Magic 2:33}4)', by Berkley's Edwin Forrest: 3d dam, by thoroughbred Grey Eagle. Stinted to Alcaniara 3:23. Martha Reynolds (as above), by Cuyler (13 in list). Martha Reynolds (as above), by Cnyler. Ajax (dam of T. T. S. 3:19^), by Vermont Hambletonian; 2d dam, by Gooding's Sir Henry. Stinted to Alcantara 3:23. Lady Sweet (as above), by Bay Lambert. Gypsy Maid, by Sir Walter Scott, son of Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian (40 in list) ; 3d dam, Gypsy. Lady Winship (as above), by Deucalion 3:33 (6 in list). Lady Winship (as above), by Deucalion 3:32. lola (trial 2:27%), by Administrator 2:29f (9 in list); 2d dam, Jessie Pepper (dam of lona 2:175^ and Alpha 3:33>^), by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 3d dam, by Sidi Hamet (thor- oughbred). Stinted to Nutwood 3:1SJ. Souvenir, by Administrator 3:29% (9 in list); 2d dam. Keep- sake (dam of Memento 2:33^, 3 years), by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list); 3d dam, by Stockbridge Chief. Stinted to Nutwood 3:18%. Patchina, by Knickerbocker (10 in list); 8d dam, Bonnet, by Geo. M. Patchen 3:3.3i (4 in list); 3d dam, by Bertrand. Second Love, by Happy Medium (67 in list); 3d dam, Mary A. Whitney 3:28 (dam of Brava 2:20^, First Love 3:225^ and Bon Mot 2:25i, 4 years), by Volunteer (29 in list); 3d dam, Peggy Slender (dam of William H. Allen 2:33i and Mary A. Whitney 3:38). Second Love (as above), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Cleopatra (dam of Alcander 3:29%), by Abdallah Prince; 2d dam, Lady Cabot, by Wm. Turnbull 3:33; 3d dam, by Sharpshooter. Cinderella, by Abdallah Prince; 3d dam. Lady Cabot (see above), by Wm. Turnbull 2:32. Cinderella (see above), by Abdallah Prince. Evening Star, by Peacemaker (4 in list); 3d dam, by Seely's American Star, (4 in list). Dainty 3:36%, by Dictator (31 in list); 3d dam, Vic (dam of Mattie Graham 2:215^ and Dainty 2:26%), by Mambrino Chief (6 in list.) Bessie Fletcher, by Jupiter Abdallah (3 in list); 3d dam, by Socrates 2:34 (4 in list); 3d dam, by Jupiter Abdallah. Stinted to Pistachio. Bessie Fletcher (see above), by Jupiter Abdallah. Lady Fallis (dam of Kisbar 3:37% and Pickering 3:30, by Seely's American Star (4 in list); 2d dam, Beck Mare, by L. I. Black Hawk. CEDAR PARK TROTTING STOCK. PEOPERTY OF Mr. ROBERT STEEL, Philadelphia, Peim., .A-T ^.TJOTionsr, A.T THE • AMERICAN INSTITUTE BUILDING, NEW YORK, Also on the same day a Consignment from Mr. WALTER R. WILLETS, Roslyn, Long Island. For Catalogues (ready January 14), address Peter C. Kellogg & Co., 107 John Street, New York. The following form of advertisement was Invented ty us and adopted as a trade mark. Others are respectf uUjr requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Name. Color and Sex. br. s. 1883 b. s. 1885 b. m. l88i b. m. 1888 b. m. 1885 ch.m. 1886 b. m. 1885 b. m. 1886 br. m. 1881 b. m. 1886 b. 8. b. m. 1890 1886 b. m. 1886 b. m. 1882 br. m. 1888 b. m. 1885 b. m. 1877 b. m. 1881 b. m. 1880 b. m. 1885 ch.m. 1885 br. m. 1880 Sire. Dam's Family. Kris Kringle 2:28}^. Templeton 2:251^.. Mollie Thorne Thomia Lady Miller Katie Gregg Cricket Dart Idalia . . Myrtle . Horace Wo odnut.. Claynette Oneda. Gavi'rey (sister to Epaulet 2:19). Clovevpood Elsie Wilkes Stella Medium Bonnie Daphne Meg '. ... Lorette (sister to Nellie Rose 2:25J.) Fanny Temple Santa Claus 2:17;^. Warlock. Thorndale 2:22}^. Thomdale 2:22J^. Manchester. Manchester. Netherland Netherland. Alcantara 2:23. Nil Desperandum 2:24, Woodnut 2:161^. Clay 2:25. Onward 2:25^- Auditor. Clovis. Ethan Wilkes. Happy Medium. , Kentucky Prince. Marksman. Middletown. Sacramento. Startle 2:.36i. Toto (sister to Trinket 2:14)', by Princeps (27 in list); 2d dam, Ouida, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list) ; 3d dam^ by imp. Conslernatiou (thoroughbred). Princess Royal, by Happy Medium (67 in list) ; 2d dam. Queen's Daughter, bv imp. Leamington (thoroughbred); 3d dam, Flora Temple 2:19^!^, by Bogus Hunter; 4th dam,, Madame Temple (dam of Pilot Temple 2:24i^). Aberdeen Maid, by Aberdeen (24 in list) ; 2d dam, Yankee- Girl. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Daphne, by Marksmau (2 In list) ; 2d dam, by Mambrunello (2 in list) ; 3d dam. Heroine (dam of Shawmut 2:26), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list) ; 4th dam, Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29%), by Young Patriot. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Mabel (sister to Maud 2:29^), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 2d dam. Starlight by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Effle 2:27J4, hy Almout (35 in list) ; 2d dam. Bazaar (dam of ' Montgomery 2:21i4 and Fanny Wilkes 2 :26}4), by Ken- tucky Chief ; 3d dam, by Herr's Bellfounder. Stinted to- Epaulet 2:19. Marena, by Harold (34 in list) ; 2d dam, Mary Belle (dam of Puella2:29), by Belmont (35 in list); 3d dam, Mary (dam of Dick Moore. 2:22), by Monmouth Eclipse (thorough- bred). Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Fleet Hatch, by Gen. Hatch (3 in list); 2d dam, Consolation, by imp. Consternation (thoroughbred); 3d dam, Rhodes' Mare (dam of Lady Thorn 2:1834), by thoroughbred Gano, Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Ida Clay, by American Clay (3 in list) ; 2d dam, by Frank, son- of Iron Duke. Stinted to Falkland. Kentucky Heiress, by Kentucky Prince (19 in list); 2d dam. Heiress (dam of Foxie 2:281^ and Nightingale 2:28?^), by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list); ;3d dam, thoroughbred Miss Myrtle, by imp. Scythian. Stinted to Woodnut2:16J.- Myrtle (as above), by Nil Desperandum 2:24. Adelaide, by Black Donald; 2d dam, thoroughbred Alicia, by Capt. Beard; 3d dam, Alida, by Buford; 4th dam, Sarp- susette by imp. Sarpedon. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Sally Polk, by Woodford Abdallah; 2d dam, by Cherokee. Stinted to Pedlar 2:27?^. Pantelette (dam of Epaulet 2:19 and Burglar 2:2434), by Princeps (26 in list); 2d dam, Florence (dam of Juror 2:24%), by Volunteer (29 in list); 3d dam, Nell (dam of Bateman 2:2234, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list).. Stinted to Woodnut 2:16^ Olita (dam of Caesar 2:18^, pacing), by Nutwood (62 in list)^ 2d dam, by Stockbridge Chief, Jr. Stinted to Epaulet2:19. Wanita, by Kentucky Prince (19 in list); 2d dam, by Marshal Ney (thoroughbred). Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Annie Steel (dam of Kentucky Russell 2:24}4), by Fearnaught . 2:2334 (3 in list); 2d dam, Jenny 2:35, by Volunteer (29 in list) ; 3d dam, by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Stint- ed to Don Monteith 2:29?4. Bonnie Lassie, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 2d dam, by Poxhunter. Stinted to Woodnut 2:16^. Ariadne, by Mambrunello (2 in list) ; 2d dam. Heroine (dam of Shawmut 2:26), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 3d dam, Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29| and Volun- teer, 29 in list), by Young Patriot. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Flora S., by Patrick Henry; 2d dam, Fanny Shay, by True American. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Nellie Walworth (dam of Nellie Rose 2:25i-), by Toronto Patchen, son of Ellis' Patchen; 2d dam. Twinkle by Adams' American. Stinted to Pedlar 2:27} (2 yrs.). Kitty Temple, by Rysdyk (7 in list); 2d dam. Flora Temple 2:19f, by Bogus Hunter; 3d dam, Madame Temple (dam of Pilot Temple 2:24^). Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. ROBERT STEEL. — WALTER R. WILLETS. The following form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color and Sex. i ^ b. m. 1876 b. m. 1883 b.m. 1889 b. m. 188S b. s. 1888 b. s. b. s. 1889 1889 b. s. b. s. 1891 1891 b. s. 1891 cb. s. cb. s. 1891 1891 b. s. br. s. b. s. 1891 1891 1891 b. s. 1891 b. s. 1891 Dam's FamUy. Maud H. Rose (sister to Inez 2:30). Edith G (sister to York- town Belle 2 :30J.) Alcyette Fluvia King of Cedars. . Bontonair Corsica Cawdor Criado Glamis Poker Chips. Thane Tzar Zeluco Delteith. . . . . . Volteith Walton California Kino Jolin Remsen , , Limber Jim John Cody Nate Morris Cartridge Cartridge, Jr.., Torpedo Cylinder Raleigh.... Thavol.... Cazmonica... Estelle Chance Miss Disbrow Sadie Cameo The Moor. Young Volunteer. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:1.9. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 3:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. Epaulet 2:19. DonMonteith2:29j. DonMonteith2:39f. DonMouteith2:29f. Katy Did (dam of Inez 2:30), by Fireman, son of thoroughbred Langford; 2d dam, by California ]3elmont. Stinted to Epaulet 2:19. Molly Patchen (dam of Yorktown Belle 3:20J), by Arab, sort of Satterthwait's Patchen ; 3d dam, by Geo. M- Patchen 2:33J (4 in list). Stinted to Epaulet 3:19. May Wilkes, by Alcyone 3:27 (23 in list); 2d dam, Alice, by Halloway's Diamond; 3d dam, by Mambrino Time (3 in list); 4th dam by Alexander's Edwin Forrest (2 in list). Stinted to Woodnut 2 :16J . Gladys, by Wally Whitefoot, son of Mohawk Chief; 3d dam, Lena, by Knickerbocker (10 in list); 3d dam, Lady Win- field, by Edward Everett (14 in list). Stinted to Falldand. Princess Medium (dam of Peuistan 2:28^-), by Happy Medium (68 in list); 2d dam, John Quinn Mare, by imp. Trustee (thoroughbred). Bonnie (as above), by Kentucky Prince (19 in list). ' Muriel, by Kentucky Prmce (19 in list); 2d dam, Bess (sister to James Howell, Jr. 2:24), by Rysdyk's Hamble- tonian (40 in list); 8d dam, Jessie Sayre, by Harry Clay 3:26 (3 in list); 4th dam by Liberty, son of Lance. Edith G. (as above), by Young Volunteer (7 in list). Lady Micawber, by Wilkins' Micawber (3 in list); 2d dam, Madame Felter (dam of Josephine 2:24i), by Happy Medium (68 in list). Anniellis (sister to Yorker 2:34^), by Frank Ellis 2:36J; 2d dam, Annie Hough (dam of Great Eastern 2 :33i), by Kentucky Prince (19 in list); 3d dam, Young Daisy (dam of Grey- light 2:16| and Duke of Wellington 2:20), by Strideaway. Lady Miller (as above), by Manchester. Grace Andrews, by Le Grande (4 in list); 2d dam, Venturess, by Arthurton (4 in list); 3d dam, thoroughbred Lady Venture, by California Belmont; 4th dam, Miss Mostyn (dam of Venture 2:27i;, by American Boy, Jr. Meg (as above), by Middletown (11 in list). Maud H. Rose (as above), by The Moor (6 hi list). Boruca (trial 2:37, at 3 years), by Del Sur 3:24; 2d dam, by The Moor (6 in list); .3d dam, by Warner's Trustee. Olinda, by Volunteer (29 in list); 3d dam, Kate, by Elston's Clay, son of Harry Clay 2:29; 3d dam, Wells' Star (dam of Artillery 2 :21i and Modesty 2:26^), by Seely's Ameri- can Star (4 in list).. Florence Monroe, by Jim Monroe (7 in list); 2d dam, Malidy Chief, by Adams' Bald Chief, son of Alexander's. Bald Chief. CONSIGNMENT OF MR. WALTER R. WILLETS. b. s. 1887 eh. s. 1891 ch. s. 1891 ch. s. 1891 b. 8. 1891 blk. s. 1886 blk. 8. 1890 blk. s. ch. s. 1891 1890 b. 8. br. 8. 1889 1887 b. m. 1888 ch, m. 1888 gr. m. 1886 blk.m 1891 ch.m. 1888 ch.m. 1890 Guy Wilkes 2 :15i. California King. California King. California King. California King. Eldridge. Cartridge 2:31. Cartridge 2:31. Cartridge 3:31. Cuyler. Antevolo 2:19}^. Alcazar 3:30>^. Sidney 3:19% (P-") Will Crocker. Cartridge 2:31. Cuyler. Cartridge 2:81. Kate Arthurton, by Arthurton (5 in list); 2d dam, Flora Lang- ford (dam of Lillian Wilkes 2:17Mi 3 years, and Joe Ar. thurton 2:201^), by thoroughbred Langford. Cazmonica, by Alcazar 2:2034 (4 in list); 3d dam, Ruth Flint, by Nutwood 2:l8f (63 in list); 3d dam, by California Dex- ter; 4th dam, by Tecumseh. Estelle, by Sidney 2:19% pacing (13 in list); 2d dam, Guada- . loupe, by thoroughbred Crichton; 3d dam, by Argyle. Lady Lightfoot 2:35, by Mambrino Time (3 in list); 2d dam, by Paddy Burns, son of Grey Eagle (thoroughbred). Ruby 3:31, by Startle 2 ::36 (4 in list); 2d dam. Miss Roberge, by Dorsey's Golddugt (4 in list). Lady Stout 2:29 at 3 years by Mambrino Patchen (18 in list) ; 2d dam. Puss Prall (dam of Lottie Prall 3:38% and Black Diamond 2:29%), by Mark Time (thoroughbred). Adina, by Dictator (31 in list); 3d dam, Lady Lightfoot 2:3.5 (see above) by Mambrino Time. Adina (see above), by Dictator (^31 in list). Queen Bess 2:35, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 2d dam, Maggie Jones, by Seely's American Star (4 in list); 3d dam, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list). Queen Bess (see above), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Thalia, by Berlin 3:33i^ (3 in list); 3d dam, Lady Hubbard (dam of Thapsin 3:21M, Pansy 2:34^,4 years, and Dick Turpin 2:32), by Benecia Boy. Ruth Flint, by Nutwood 2:18% (63 in list); 2d dam by Cali- fornia Dexter; 3d dam by Tecumseh; stinted to Cali- fornia King, Gaudaloupe, by thoroughbred Crichton; 2d dam by Argyle. Stinted to California King. Julia, by Miller's St. Clair; 3d dam, Lady Hawkins, by Jeff Davis, son of ArffVle, Jr. Stinted to Gen. Withers. KittieV. 2:36J, by Woodward's Ethan Allen (4 in list); 2d dam, Kate, by Montezuma Black Hawk. Lady Lightfoot 2:35 (see above), by Mambrino Time (3 in list;. Stinted to California King. Lady Lightfoot 2:35 (see above), by Mambrino Time. WILSON Sl HANDY'S TROTTING STUD AT THE AMERICAN" INSTITUTE BUILDINQ, NEW YORK. PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., Auctioneers, Are instructed by the Owners to close out at Auction their entu-e collection of Horses, including Brood Mares, Colts, Fillies, Geldings and everything in their Stud excepting the Stallion Sultan 3:24, that will remain at Service at Cynthiana, Ky, where all the Stock may now be seen. For Catalogues (ready January 15), address Peter C. Kellogg & Co., 107 John Street, New York. The following form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a tra.de mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color u and Sex. >^ Sire. Dam's Family. Amelia. Bettie Bismarck Allakan Bokhara .. Wabash Belle Erminie RebeTika Zelica Montana Girl . . . Moonbeam Lydia Boyd . . . Sulina Cassaba Sultan's Boy Ponemah Marius Mauris Wilkes 2 :.39. Nubian Sherry ... Edgitha Clay Simmons 2:59M. Nellie Stout Lottie Lyons Nora Norton b. m. blk.s. blk.m b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. br. m. blk.m b.m. br. s. b. s. br. 8. blk.s. blk.s. br. m. b.m. blk.g. b. m. cli.m. b.'m. 887 891 890 1890 Victor vonBismarck Victor vonBismarck Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 3:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:24. Sultan 2:34. Simmons 3:28. Simmons 3:28. Simmons 2:28. Simmons 2:28. Simmons 2:28. Simmons 2:28. Rockingham. Rockingham. Rockingham. Annie M., by Harrison Chief (4 in list); 2d dam, Anna, by Mambrino Le Grand; .3d dam, by Major Breckinridge. Stinted to Sultan 3:34. Bettie, by Joe Downing (3 in list); 2d dam, by Nutter's Woodford. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Bettie Bismarck (as above), by Joe Downing. Bettie Bismarck (as above), by Joe Downing. Belle Stevens, by Stevens' Bald Chief; 2d dam, Belle of Wabash, by Bassinger; 3d dam, by thoroughbred William 4th. Stinted to Simmons 2:28. Pinafore (dam of Fillmore 2:29J and Critmore 2:22^, pac- ing), by Strathmore (38 in list); 2d dam, by Highland Chief, son of Mambrino Chief (6 in list). Stinted to Baron Wilkes 2:18. Commerce, by Hamlet (5 in list); 2d dam, Chance, by Asterisk (thoroughbred); 3d dam, Cassia (dam of Caliban 2:34; 5 in list), by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22 (3 in list). Miss Wilson (dam of Orinoco 2:33^^, 5 years), by Sterling 3:38; 2d dam, Nancy Harris. Stinted to Simmons 3:28. Montana Maid (dam of Moonstone 2:28^, 2 years), by George Wilkes (68 in list); 2d dam, Annie Ware (dam of Tempest 2:30J), by Almont (.35 in list); 3d dam, by Ericsson 3 :30i^ (6 in list). Stinted to Simmons 2:28. Montana Maid (see above, dam of Moonstone 2:28J). Lizzie Boyd, by Indianapolis 2:31 (3 in list); 3d dam, by John Bright (2 in list) ; 3d dam, Starry Clay, by American Clay (3 in list); 4th dam. Trotting Sister (dam of Nephew 2:.36 — 7 in list), by Alexander's Abdallah (5 in list). Virginia Maid, by Sam Purdy 2:20^ (4 in list); 2d dam. Peach Blossom, by Orange Blossom 2:26i (5 in list). Alcassaba, by Harold (34 in list); 2d "dam, Claytona (dam of Calinda 2:26i and Gen. Turner 2:30— 3:35f pacing), by American Ciay (3 in list); 3d dam, by son of imp. Lord; 4th dam. Cassia (dam of Caliban 3:34), 'by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. (3 in list). Exegis, by thoroughbred Exchequer (3 in list); 3d dam, by Gean's Glencoe. Flower Girl (dam of Kaffir 3:.30, 4 years), by Arthurton (5 in list); 3d dam. Flora (team record 2:36). bv Gen. McClellan (3 in list). Katie C. (dam of Wilkes Chief 2:34), by Mambrino Howard; 2d dam. Meteor 2:31, by Clark Chief (6 in list) ; 3d dam, Miss Waxy, by Van Meter's Waxy. Carrie Andrews, by Combination, son of Balsora (3 in list). Louisa Belle, by Sultan 2:24 (26 in list); 2d dam, Katy Did (dam of Inez 2:30), by Fireman, son of thoroughbred Langford. Easter Wilkes, by Gov. Wilkes; 2d dam, Corinna Voss, by Abdallah Mambrino (7 in list). Lula Bright (dam of Brightmark 3:29i), by John Bright (2 in list); 2d dam, Mattie Stockbridge (dam of McCready 3:29}), by Talbot's Stockbridge Chief; 3d dam, Old Ball (dam of Dunklee 2:36),by Indian Chief (2 in list). Ella Arnold, by Mambrino Clay; 2ddam, by Berkley's Edwin Forrest. Lady Daylight, by Young Jim (13 in list) ; 2d dam, Ollie Stout, by Mambrino Time (3 in list); 3d dam, Cloud, by Smith's Messenger. Lottie, by Capt. Lyons 2:23; 2d dam, Mary Jewell, by Balsora (2 in list); 3d dam, Nora, by Norton, thoroughbred son of Lexington. Cassie, by St. Maurice, son of Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. ; 3d dam, Dolly, by Magic 2:33 (4 in list); 3d dam, Mary Jewell (see above). WILSON & HANDY'S trotting STUD. li The followiu ' form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color and Sex. ^ 1 03 i ch.m. 1690 br. m. 1890 b. m. 1890 b. 8. 1890 b. s. blkm 1890 18'?0 b. m. 1880 ch.m. 1880 b. s. 1890 b. m. 1887 b. 8. 1887 b m. 1S87 b. m. 1883 blk.m 1883 b. m. 26.1 br. s. b. m. m-) b. m. 1874 1890 1883 1890 b. m. 1875 blk m 1886 b. m. 1883 b, s. b. s. 1890 1887 b. m. br. m. br. m. 1877 1891 1887 blk m 1886 Sire. Daui's Family. Alcala Marina Amelia Kimble. Harkuess Ellis Mary Elliott. Rachel McGregor.. . Belle McGregor (dam of Marie Claire2:47i, 3yrs.) Red Robert Dorothy B Major Corwin Alcyola Miss Perkins Ebony. MollieP (daai of France 2: Ottomite Lady Wilkes (dam of Lucetta 2: Acca Aa:ne3 Clark Nona Miss Sterling Kahni Ben Thurston Little Daisy Kara Caroline Messenger Bessie Clay Rockingham . Rockingham. Rockingham. Geo. Simmons 2 :'i8. Geo. Simmons 2:28. Geo. Simmons 2:28 Rob't McGregor 2:17)4. Rob't McGregor 2:1714. Red Wilkes. Phallas 2:13M- Alcyone 2:27. Alcyone 2:27. Indianapolis 2:21. Indianapolis 2:21. George Wilkes 2:22. Ottoman 2:46. Bourbon Wilkes. Alcazar 2 :20|-. Almont. ■ Byerly Abdallah. Twilight. Sultan 2:24. Jubilee de Jarnette 2:29%. Blue Bull (Wilson's) Sultan 2:24. Mambrino Duroc. Planet (Tabor's). Lewis Mare, by Alcalde (4 in list); 2d dam, by Lumber 2:45; 3d dam, by Capt. Walker. Bett, by Curiis' Hambletonian (4 in list); 2d dam. Queen, by Hawkin's Flying Cloud; 3d dam, by Grey Eagle. Amelia C, by Ed. Kimble son of Almont, (35 m list) ; 2d dam, Maggie, by irap. Knisht of St. George. Lilliapolis, by Indianapolis 2:21 (2 in list) ; 2d dam, Lillie Morrow, by Clark Chief (6 in list); .3d dam, by Thatcher's Glencoe. Fanny, by Twilight : 2d dam. by Indian Chief (2 in list). Flora, by Wait's Indian Chief ; 2d dam. Nell, by Harrison Chief (4 in lis') ; 3d dam, by Indian Caief (2 in list). Rachel, by Romulus (3 in list) ; 2d dam, Fanny, by Benedict's Morrill; 3d dam, Fanny Powers, by Caton. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Minnie, by Gen. Hatch 3:47 (3 in list); 2d dam, Lucy (dam of King Philip), by Weed's Prophet, son of Black Hawk Prophet. Siuted to Sultan 3:24. Belle McGregor (dam of Marie Claire 2:47Mi 3 years, as above), by Robert McGregor 2:17)4. Belle McGregor (dam of MarieClaire 2:47)41 3years, as above), by Robert McGregor 3: 17)-o. Kate (dam of Bndd Doble 2:13 pacing), by Stocking Chief ; 2d dam, by Caven's Davy Crockett. Lady Bryan (dam of Gossipper 2:29>^, 3 years), by Smuggler 3:15i^ (19 in list); 3d dam, by Snake, son of Mambrino Patchen. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Lady Grey (dam of Olive 2:34)4), b Mambrino Patchen (18 in list); 2d dam, Oiven Tuller Mare (dam of Mambrino Kate 2:24). by State of Maine. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Nannie Jordan (dam of Indigo 2:23^), by Corbeau (2 in list); 2d dam, by Kinkead's St. Lawrence; 3d dam, by Aratas (thoroughbred). Stinted to Sultan 3:24. Mischief, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list); 2d dam, by thor- oughbred Bertrand. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Mollie F.(dam of France 2:26; as above), by GeorgeWilke8 2:22. Lassa Lee, by Green's Ned (Edwin) Forrest; 3d dam, by imp. Vandal (thoroughbred). Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Flower Girl (dam of Kaffir 2:80, 4 years, see above), by Ar- thurton (5 in list). Nellie, by Clark Chief (6 in list); 3d dam, Kitty Clj'de (dam of J. Q. 3:17J), by Skinner's Joe ; 3d dam, by Kerr's- Copperbottom. Stinted to Sultan 3:24. Mary Arnold, by Arnold (3 in list) ; 2d dam. Lady Monroe 3:36i-, by Jim Monroe (7 in list); 3d dam, by Shropshire's Tom Hal. Stinted to Sultan 3:34. Kate, by Sterling, son of Volunteer (29 in list). Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Miss Sterling (as above), by Twilight. Nelly, by Harrison Chief (4 in list); 2d dam, Molly, by Indian Chief (2 in list). Mollie D., by Brown's Tom Crowder. Stinted to Sultan 2:24. Little Daisy (as above), by Wilson's Blue Bull (56 in list). Honey Dew, by Auditor (3 in list); 2d dam, Victoria Nyanza, by Messenger Duroc (20 in list). Stinted to George Simmons. Pearce Mare, by Grand Duke, son of Frank B. Clay, by Mambrino Chief (6 in list). Stinted to San Gabriel 2:29}. TILL i^ORE TO BE SOLD IN Look through the Lists. PALO ALTO TROTTING STOCK BRED BY AlVU PROPEKTY OF Hon. Leiand Stanford of Menio Park, Cal, AT AUCTIOS^, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th and 27th, 1892, AT THE ^raerican InstitiO-te Building, NEW YORK. PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., Auctioneers, Office, 107 Joliii Street, New Yorlt. The Catalogue will be ready January IQth. The horses are expected to arrive at the place of sale ou or bout January 22d. Address all correspondence to Peter C. Kellogg & Co., 107 John street. The following form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Color and Sex. Dam's Family. Baby McKee (brother to Arion 2:10f at 2 years.) Worth (brother to Sunol 2:08i and Gen. Wellington 2:30.) Liston (brother to Ellen- eer 2:28% at 2 years.) Plover (brother to Pedlar 2:27% 2 years.) Vernon G (bro. to Electwood Maro Correct . . Warwick. Jest. Jessica b. s. b. 8. b. s. b. s. b. s. 2:30.) b. s. b. 8. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. br. s. b.s. b.8. ch.m. ch.m. 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1889 1890 1890 1890 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Electioneer. Palo Alto 2:( Palo Alto 2 :( Palo Alto 2 :( Palo Alto 2:( Palo Alto 2 :( Manette (dam of Arion 2:10% at 2 years), by Nutwood 2:18% (63 in list); 2d' dam, Addie (dam of Woodnut 2:16i and Manon 2:21), bv Hambletonian Chief ; .3d dam, Man ton, by Harry Clay 2:29 (3 in list). Waxana (dam of Sunol 2:08i and Gen. Wellington 2:30), by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Waxy (thoroughbred), by Lexington; 3d dam, Keenon Mare, by Brawner's Eclipse; 4th dam, by Medoc. Lady Ellen 2:28 (dam of Elleneer 2:28% at 2 years, Ella 2:29 at 4 years and Helena 2:29J4 at 3 years), by Carr's Mam- brino, son of Mambrino Patchen; 2d dam, Ida May, Jr. (thoroughbred), by Owen Dale. Penelope (dam of Pedlar 2:27f at 2 j'ears), by Mohawk Chief; 2d dam, thoroiighbred Planetia, by Planet; 3d dam, La Henderson, by Lexington. Amrah (dam of Stiles' Electwood 2:30), by Nutwood. 2:18% (63 in list). Mano, by Piedmont 2:17J (8 in list); 2d dam, Mamie (dam of Memento 2:28i^), by Hambletonian, Jr.; 3d dam thor- oughbred Gilda, by imp. Mango. Miss Beecher, by Piedmont 2:17M (8 in list); 2d dam. Lady Beecher, by Reserve; 3d dam, by Friday. Minx (dam of Minet 2:27i), by thoroughbred Don Victor; 2d darn, Minnie, by Sparlde; 3d dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Lilly B., by Homer (brother to Belle Patchen, dam of Baron Wilkes 2: 18j ; 2d dam, Maggie Lee, by Blackwood (8 in list) ; 3d dam, by Alexander's Abdallah; 4th dam, by Pilot, Jr. Flossy, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Daisy C, by The Moor (6 in list) ; 3d dam, Grey Dale (dam of Longworth 2:19, pacing), by Hollenback's American Boy, Jr. Lora, by Piedmont 2:17i (8 in list); 2d dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Lizzie Collins (dam of Linda 2:32i) by Stansifer's Woful; 2(i dam, by thoroughbred Berthune; 3d dam, by Blacknose. Lizzie Collins (dam of Linda 2:32J; see above). Wicket, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Mohawk Waxy, by Mohawk Chief; 3d dam. Waxy (thoroughbred), by Lexington; 4th dam, Keenon Mare, by Brawner's Eclipse. Virtue, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam. Victress (sister to Happy Traveler 2:27|^), by Baird's Hambletonian Prince (12 in list) ; 3d dam. Lady Larkin, by Little Jack. Juanita, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Juniatta (sister to Clay 2:25i^), by Miller's St. Clair (2 in list); 3d dam. Maid of Clay (dam of Carrie C. 2:24, Clay 2:2.5, Clay 2:25i and Capt. Smith 2:29), by Henry Clay (3 in list). Jenui^ Benton, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Juniatta (sister to Clay 2:25^), by Miller's St. Clair (2 in list); 3d dam. Maid of Clay (4 in list), by Henry Clay. LELAND STANFORD. 18 The following form of advertisement was Invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to Imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Dam's Family. b.s. b.s. ch. m. b.m. b.m. b. m. ch. s. b.s. b. s. b. s. b. s. b. s. br. s. b.s. b. s. b. m. b. m. b. s. b.s. b.s. b.s. b.s. b.s. b.s. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b.g. b.s b.s. b. m. 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1889 1886 1889 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1889 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 Piedmont 2 -.ITJ. Piedmont 2:17J. Piedmont 3:17^. Piedmont 2:17^. Piedmont 2:1754- Piedmont 2:1754- Piedmont 2:1754- Norval 2:17}^. Norval 3:175^. Ansel 2:20. Ansel 2:20. Azmoor 2:201/^. Azmoor 2:205^. Azmoor 2:205^. Azmoor 2:205^. Azmoor 2:205^. Azmoor 2:205^. Alban 2:24. Alban2:24. Clay 2:25. Clay 2:25. Clay 2:35. Clay 2:25. Clay 3:35. Clay 2:25. Clay 3:25. Clay 2:25. Clay 2:25. Clay 2:25. Nephew 2:36. Nephew 2:m. Nephew 2:36. Celia, by Fallis 2:23 (2 in list); 2d dam, Cecil (dam of Cecilian 3:32 2 years), by Gen. Benton (17 in list); Zd dam, thoroughbred Cuba (dam of Cubic 2:28i), by imp. Aus- tralian: 4th dam, Bettie Ward, by Lexington. Emma, by Electioneer (100 in list); 2d dam, Lady Ellis, by Mohawk Chief; 3d dam, Lady Clay (dam of Victor Clay 2:26i-), by Clark's Paymaster, son of Cassius M. Clay. Delia, by Electioneer (100 in list) ; 2d dam, Dixie, by Billy Towncs. Lola, by Gen. Benton (17 in list) ; 2d dam, Lilly, by Election- eer (1(K) in list); 3d dam, Lillian, by thoroughbred Lodi. Miss Knox, by Knox 3:29J^ ; 2d dam. Lady Morgan (dam of Alban 2:24, Merriment 2:265^ and Marion 2:26^^), by Rys- dyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Carrie C. 2:34, 4 years, by Electioneer (100 in list) ; 3d dam, Maid of Clay (dam of Clay 3:25, Clay 2:255^ and Capt. Smith 2:29), by Henry Clay (3 in list"). Mamie (dam of Memento 2:2854) ^y Hambletonian, Jr. ; 2d dam, thoroughbred Gilda, by imp. Mango ; 3d dam, by imp. Sovereign. Bridget imp. (thoroughbred) by Foxhall-Strathconan-King of Trumps-Rataplan-Windhound. Juliet, by Mobawk Chief ; 2d darn, Julia, by Miller's St. Clair (3 in list); .3d dam by Jeff. Davis. Gretchen, by Yorktown ; 2d dam, Young Ashcat (sister to Ajax3:29), by Whipple's Hambletonian (4 in list); 3d dam, Ashcat, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). . Norah (sister to Charley Champlin 2:21%) by Messenger Duroc (19 in list) ; 3d dam, Mary Hulse (dam of Sam Hill 2:30^), by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Myrtha, by Contractor; 2d dam, McCa, by Almont (35 in list); 3d dam, Dolly (dam of Director 2:17, Czarina- 2:21, Thorn- dale 3:2254 ^"^"^ Onward 2:25^), by Mamlsrino Chief. Lucy 2:14 pacing (dam of Lucyneer 2:275^ 3 years). Diana, by thoroughbred Don Victor; 2d dam, Lilly Roberts, b}' Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in list). Amy (dam of Arbutus 2:2454 and Albion 3:261,^), by Messenger Duroc (20 in list) ; 3d dam, Amanda, by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian (40 in list). Edith Carr (dam of Campbell's Electioneer 2: 179| 5 years), by Clark Chief (6 ia list) ; 2d dam, Easter Carr, by Carr's Edwin Forrest; 3d dam, by imp. Margrave (thoroughbred). Glencora (dam of Lot Slocum 2:175^), by Mohawk Chief. Lunado, by Electioneer (100 in list) ; 2d dam, Lady Zetler, by St. Clair. Woodflower, by Ansel 2:20 (3 in list): 3d dam, Mayflower 2:30| (dam of Manzanita 2:16 and Wildflower 2:21), by St. Clair. Morgianna (sister to Alban 2:24), by Gen. Benton (17 in list) : 2d dam, Lady Morgan (dam of Merriment 2 :265^ and Marion 2:2694), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Soprano, by Gen. Benton (17 in list) ; 2d dam, Prima Donna, by Mohawk Chief (su-e of dams of 13 in list); 3d dam, Mater Occidentis, dam of Occident 3:16%. Wilna, by Gen. Benton ; 3d dam, Wilhelmina (sister to Maclure 2:30), by Messenger Duroc (19 in list). Fiflne (thoroughbred), by Norfolk, son of Lexington ; 2d dam, Frou Frou, by Asteroid (sire of dams of 3 in list) ; Wagner-Medoc-Sir William of Transport. Monte Belle, by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 13 in list) : 2d dam. Swan, by thoroughbred Belmont. Monte Belle (see above), by Mohawk Chief. Signa, by Bentonian, son of Gen. Benton ; 2d dam, Nana S., by Hubbard, son of Planet. Nettie Walker (dam of My My 2:25%), by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in lift) ; 2d dam, Nellie Walker (dam of Peruvian Bitters 2:23* p.), by Thorndale or a son of Alexander's Edwin Forrest ; 3d dam, Rosalind 2:21%, by Alexander's Abdallah. Miss Walker, by Gen. Benton' (17 in list) ; 2d dam, Nellie Walker (see above; dam of Peruvian Bitters 2:235.4 p.). Aurora 2:27 (dam of Arol 2:3454), by John Nelson (4 in list); 2d dam, Lamott Mare. Lorinne, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Lodema, by Electioneer flOO in list); 3d dam, Nancy (dam of Medora 2:335^), by John Nelson (4 in list). Camma, by Norway, son of Gen. Benton (17 m list); 2d dam, Camilla (sister to Stevie 2:19), by Kentucky Prince (19 in list): 3d dam, Camille (sister to Sweepstakes), by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 4th dam, Emma Mills, by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Glenne, by Messenger Duroc (19 in list); 2d dam, Glenella, by Woodward's Star; 3d dam, Shanghai Mary (dam of Green Mt. Maid, 8 in list). 14 LELARD STANFORD, Tlie,fonowing form of advertisement was invented by us and adopted as a trade mark. Others are respectfully requested not to iaiitate it.— PETES C. KELLOGG & CO. • b. m. b. m. b. m. br. m, b. s. ch. s. b. s. b. s. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. s. b. s. b. m. b. m. b. m. b. m. br. m b. 8. b. s. b. s. b. s. b. s. ch. s. Nephew S:36. Nephew 3:36. Nephew 2:36. 890jNephew 2:36. 879 j Gen. Benton. 8591 Benefit. 890 Benefit. 890!Beneflt. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. 889 890 890 Benefit. Benefit. Benefit; Benefit. Benefit. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Beverly. Beverl}-. Beverly. Beverly. Beverly. Wildnut. Celina, by Electioneer (100 in list); 2d dam, Camilla TJrso (thoroughbred), by Lodi; 3d dam, Annette (dam of Ansel 2:20), by Lexington. Guess (dam of Bentoneer 2:ii8}4), by Electioneer (100 in listu 2d dam. Gazelle (dam of Fowler Boy 2:29J^). by Primus: 3d dam, May Ply 2:30i (dam of Bonita 2:18i),by St. Clair, Gem. by Gen. Benton (17 in list): 2d dam, Guess (see above - dam of Bentoneer 2:28J). Barbara Maid, by A. W. Richmond (8 m list): 2d dam, Bar- bara 2:52, by Stevens' Bald Chief; 3d dam, by Spauld- ing's Abdallah. Lucetta (sister to Mattie 2:2S|), by Rysdyk's Hambl'etonian (40 in list): 2d dam, Lucy Alinack, by Young Engineer. Bertie, by Piedmont 2:1734 "iS in listj: 2d dam, Bijou, by Electioneer (100 in list): 3d dam, Alameda (thorough- bred), by Langford. Addie W., by Whips 2:27^ (2 in list): 2d dam, Addie (dam of Woodnut 2:ie'i and Manon 2:21), by Hambletonian Chief; 3d dam, by Harry Clay 2:29 (3 in list). Evangeline (thoroughbred), by Longfellow-Enquirer-Joe Stoner-Revenue-Zinganee. Anilet, by Pallis 2:23 (2 in list); 2d dam, thoroughbred Ala- meda, by Langf ord-Belmont-Lance. . Minnie, by Sparkle: 2d dam, Laura Keene, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 3d dam, Fanny, by Exton Eclipse; 4th dam, by Young Traveler. Mora, by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in list): 2d dam, Fanny, by St. Clair (sire of dams of 6 in list). Prussian Maid 2:19 pacing (dam of Prussian Boy 2:26J pac- ing), by Signal; 2d dam. Lady Jasper. Amlet (see above), by Fallis 2:23 (2 in list). Contention, by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in list): 2d dam, Cleopatra, by Miller's St. Clair (2 in list); 3d dam. Mater Occidentis "(dam of Occident 2:16%). Lady Kline, by Mohawk Chief; 2d dam, by Sparkle. Mayflower Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in list); 2d dam, Mayflower 2:30^ dam of Manzanita 2:16 and Wildflower 2:21), by St. Clair. Wildred, by .Mohawk Chief; 2d dam, Wilhelmina, by Mes- senger Duroc (19 in list): Sd dam, Nellie Wllmarth >dam of Maclure 2:30), by Baven. Electa, by Electioneer (100 in list); 2d dam, Lady Durland, by Seely's American Star (4 in list). Gazelle (dam of Fowler Boy 3:39f), by Primus: 2d dam, May Fly 2:30i- (dam of Bonita 2:18i), by St. Clair. Millie, by Milton Medium 2:25|; 2d dam. Belle (dam of Over- man 2:19J), by McCracken's Black Hawk. Lady Beecher, by Reserve (sire of Oscar 2:30); 2d dam, by thoroughbred Friday. Gazelle (dam of Fowler Boy 2:29|), see above. Martha, by Mohawk Chief (sire of dams of 12 in list): 2d dam, Maria Pilot (dam of Morea 2:24}4), by Mambrino Pilot (9 in list): 8d dam, by Magna Charta (5 in list). Alvaretta (dam of Aleck B. 2:27?| and Alma 2:28}i), by Geo. Lancaster; 2d dam, Melinche (dam Fred Crocker 2:25i4)j by St. Clair. Miss Lancaster, by thoroughbred Don Victor; 2d dam, Lady Lancaster, by Jim Brown. Florida, by Robert E. Lee, son of St. Clair; 2d dam, Fanny, • by St. Clair. Florida (see above), by Robert E. Lee. Adele, by Gen. Benton (17 m list): 2d dam, Ada, by Mes- senger Dnroc (19 in list); '3d dam, Adele, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Lulaneer, by Electioneer (100 in list); 2d dam, Lula 2:15, by Alexander's Norman (2 in list) ; 3d dam, Kate Crockett, by imp. Hooton (thoroughbred). Lady Agnes (sister to Lady well 2:16J. 5 years), by Election- eer: 2d dam, Lady Lowell (dam of Lorita 2:22^), by Shultz's St. Clair. Cora (dam of Don Marvin 2:28). by Don Victor (thorough- bred); 2d dam, Clarabel(dam of Clifton Bell 2:24*), by Ab- dallah Star; 3d dam, Fairy, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Sarah, by thoroughbred Shannon: 2d dam, Blooming, by Messenger Duroc (19 in list). Ella, by Sultan or Del Sur: 2d dam, Eileen Oge, by Norfolk, thoroughbred son of of Lexinston. Julia Benton, by Gen. Benton (17 in list); 2d dam, Juliet, by Mohawk Chief; .3d dam, Julia, by Miller's St. Clair; 4th dam, by Jeff Davis. LELAND STANFORD. 15 The following form of advertisement was Invented by ua and adopted as a trade mark. requested not to imitate it.— PETER C. KELLOGG & CO. Others are respectfully Name. Alfred. MacBenton . Loyal Del Paso3:34i.... Color and Sex. b. s. 1890 b. m. 1890 b. 8. 1880 b. m. 1889 b. m. br. s. 1889 1885 b. 8. 1890 b. 8. 1887 ro. 8. 1885 ch. m. 1890 Sire. Wildnut. Wildnut. Gen. Benton. Alfred. Alfred. Gen. Benton. MacBenton. Woolsey. Dexter Prince. Wild Boy. Dam's Family. Nina, by Piedmont 3:17^ (8 in list); 2d dam, Nancy (dam of Medora 2:33^), by John Nelson (4 in list). Claremont, by Arthurton (5 in list); 2d dam, Lady St. Clair 2:20 pacing, by St. Clair. Alice, (dam of Mt. Hood 2:32%), by Almont (35 in list); 3d dam, Norma 2:33i^ (dam of Norval 2:17J^ and Norris 2:22J), by Alexander's Norman (2 in list). Ada, by Messenger Duroc (19 in list); 3d dam, Adele, by Eysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list). Diana (see above), by Don Victor. Mattie 2:22}^, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian (40 in list); 2d dam, Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer. Monona (thoroughbred), by Don Victor; 2d dam, by Monday -Lodi-Lesington-Grey Eagle-Medoc. Lady Dooley 2:31}, by McCracken's Black Hawk (sire of dams of 5 in list). Daisy D., by Electioneer; 2d dam, Daisy C, by The Moor (6 in list); 3d dam. Grey Dale (dam of Lon2:worth 2:19 p.",. Victress (sister to Happy Traveler 3:27*), by Baird's Hamble- tonian Prince (12 in list); 2d dam. Lady Larkin, by Little Jack. In addition to those mentioned in above Synopsis, fifteen fast geldings, four to six years old, will be included in this consignment. They are by Clay 2:25, Eros 2:29}4, Woolsey, Ansel 2:30, Piedmont 3:17J, Whips 3:271^ and Gen. Benton. A ^\ PETER C. KELLOGG & CO.'S Mid-Winter coi^A:Bi2sr.A.Tio]sr s Jk.x,E OP Trotting Stock Owned dy Prominent Breeders and Fanciers, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 17, and 18, 1892, Commencing each day at 10 o'clock, A. M., AT THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE BUILDING, THIED AVENUE, BET. 63d AND 64th STREETS, NEW YORK. ^L.L THE STOCK IS PliEDOED TO ABSOI^UTE SAIiE. No Pestponement on Account »f Weatker. SEND FOR CATALOGUES TO PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., Auctisneers and Commission Agents in Improved Live Stock. rtiKiTTnTKa • i 107 John Street, New York, N. Y. UFFICEB . ^ ^QY IJIA.LTO BUILDING, GhICACK), IlL. BRING THlIS CATAIiOC^UE \FITH YOU TO THE SAI.E. INDEX TO OWNERSHIP. The Number indicates the LOT with which the Ownership begins. LOT BAKER, ISAAC V. Jr -- 71 BARTNETT, JOHN 95 BATES, BENJ. E., Estate of 1 BATES, EDWIN, Estate of . 56 BEAM BR08_ 53 BOWNE & DE CORDOVA 139 BROADFIELD, THOS 47 BUCK, FRANCIS N 132 CHASE, N. H. Jr 170 DROGE, H. W 50 FERGUSON, JOHN S- 129 GARDINER, J. LYON 98 GOLDSMITH, JAMES H., Estate op_- 153 HALL & SKINNER 28 HUBBELL, M. H 52 lot lincoln, m. e 169 Mccracken, thos. w. ... 131 McNALLY, JOHN.. 111 MENDELSSOHN, P . 54 NODINE, F. J_-_. .: 35 REDMOND, W. F ... 113 REYNOLDS, GEORGE A 133 SCHLEY, E H-... 34 SIMPSON, WM 83 SUTTON, WM. J 32 THOMPSON, H. D. & R. C 127 WALKER, A. T 156 WEBB, W. S 36 WETHERILL, GEORGE D. 33 WOODRING, W. H 79 PETER 0. KELLOGG & CO.'S Mid-Winter GonvcBiisr.A.T'ionsr s_A_nLE OF Trottin Owned hy Prominent Breeders and Fanciers, FEBRUARY 16, 17, and 18, 1892, Commencing each day at 10 o'clock, A. M., AT THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE BUILDING, THIRD AVENUE, BET. 63d AND 64th STREETS, NEW YORK. AEI^ THE STOCK IS FEEDCJEB TO ABSOI.UTE SAI^E. No Postponement on account of Weather. SEND FOR CATALOGUES TO PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., ftuctioneers and Commission Agents in Improved Live Stock, p,_,„^_„„ \ 107 John Street, New York, N. Y. uFiiciLS . -^ ^Q^ RiALTO Building, Chicago, III. NEW YORK: John Polhemus Printing Co., 102 Nassau St., New York. 1893. Payments. — Iwenty-fim per cent, to be paid in cash immediately after the animal is sold, OR THE SATiE MAY BE DECLARED VOID, at the Option of the seller. The balance of the purchase money, together with the keeping of the animal from date of sale, to be paid in cash within two days, and before the animal is delivered. And if the balance is not paid or satisfactorily secured within said time, the twenty-tive per cent, will he forfeited, as an agreed liquidation of damages, and the sale be void. Warranties. — When an animal is warranted, the fact and particulars of the warranty will be proclaimed by the auctioneer, otherwise animals are sold with all faults and defects, and nothing warranted except right and title to the propertj'. The money received for war- ranted animals will be retained by us until Friday, February 19, at twelve o'clock M. (unless the animal is previously delivered), to enable buyers to verify warranties, and if the same are not valid, the money will be refunded and the sale canceled. But the warranties must be tested and decided before the horses leave our possession, after which our responsibility ceases and we are at liberty to pay the money to the owner. When a warranty is challenged, we reserve the right to appoint the person who is to examine the animal, in order to deter- mine whether said animal fulfills the conditions of the warranty or not, and the decision of the person so appointed, and no other, shall be binding upon both the consignor and the bidder, and no action at law shall rest against us from either party in consequence of such decision. Pediurees. — When given as registered, are either recorded in The American Trotting^ Register, or have been accepted for that purpose, but in extending thoroughbred lines we follow Bruce's American Stud Book. When pedigrees are not given as registered we use precaution to have the catalogue designate and locate such persons connected with the breeding or history of the animal as we believe will enable the buyer to verify the unregis- tered parts of the pedigree, except where doubtful parts are designated in the phraseology. The word Standard implies only that the animal is qualified for (but not necessarily regis- tered in) the Standard Department of the Register. Beyond the fact that the registered pedigrees do so comport with the Trotting Register and Thoroughbred Stud Book, and that such precautions with regard to unregistered pedigrees (or parts of pedigrees), have been taken to the best of the ability of the subscribers, no representations are made regarding them and nothing warranted. Informal Statement§. — The representations printed in the catalogue under the pedigrees commencing with the designation — Inf(yrmal Statement — are received from the owners and are offered for the purpose of enabling the reader to form a reasonably correct opinion of the animals before seeing them. Descriptions as to height, age, marks and speed of horses are not claimed to be more than approximately correct, as they often depend upon estimate or memory and may not be exact. Records, trials and matters of current history and accredited report are given in the belief of the subscribers that they are correct, but bid- ders should examine for themselves and bear in mind that these Informal Statements are not warranted, except such parts of them as may be so proclaimed by the auctioneer. Blids. — Where there are two or more claimants for a deciding bid, and the auc- tioneer is in doubt whose bid was heard, the question may be settled by putting up the animal for advance bids. After the first bid is made no advance of less than $10 each will be taken. Settlements for Pwrcliases. — Our business office is only kept at the place of sale DURING AND A SHORT TIME after the close of the sale each day and until 12 o'clock NOON ON THE DAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OP THE SALE. If Settlements are not made and orders on the Stable for the animals obtained within that time, buyers must apply for the same at our office, No. 107 John street. Payments for purchases cannot be made at the Stable. The Stable will not deliver animals except upon orders from the office. Delivery and Keeping'. — Buyers must procure from our bookkeeper, for each animal purchased, a separate order on the Stable, and the orders so obtained should be placed in the hands of the person or agent who is to remove the animals. We particularly REQUEST BUYERS NOT TO LOSE THESE ORDERS, AND NOT TO FAIL TO SEND THEM WITH THE PERSON WHO IS TO REMOVE THE ANIMALS. Deliveries will not be made on orders written by the buj^ers, as the Foreman of the Stable does not recognize such orders. Buyers assume ail expenses on animals after they are struck down. No charge for keeping will be made on animals removed on the day sold. Thereafter a charge for each animal will be made of $1 per day in open stalls, and $1.50 per day if a box stall is occupied. Buyers will pay these charges to the Foreman of the Stable on removing the animals. PETER C. KELLOGG & CO., 107 John Street, New York. Bidders not Present. — Bidders at a distance, who write or telegraph us instruc- tions to buy for their account, must have the FULL AMOUNT of purchase money and con- tingent expenses in our hands by day of sale, in order that the transactions may be promptly closed and the animals shipped. CATALOGUE. The Sale -will connuence promptly at 10 o'clock A. M. each day. The Horses will arrive at the place of Sale on Saturday, Feb. 13 ^ and be subject to inspection thereafter until sold. The Horses WILL BE SOLD (with possible slight exceptions), in the order of this Catalogue. j^" FOR INDEX TO OIX^^NERSHIP SEE SECOND PAGE OF COVER. First Day. Tuesday, February 16, 1892:. PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF BENJ. E. BATES, WATERTOWN, MASS. I ■ Olgra^ br. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Nora, Vol. 9., Standard. {Splitwood G775 (Lot IT). Sally (Lot 2), by Abraham 353,. Informal Statement. Description.— Brown; about 15^ hands; star; two white ankles. Deportment.— Broken single; has shown a mile in 3 minutes over a * mile track. Splitwood 6775 (by Wedgewood 2:L9; dam, Cigarette, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10) is Lot 17. Sally (out of the dam of Pauline Lambert 2:29 and Lucille 2:19 pacing) is Lot 2. 2. Sally, b. m., 1877. Bred by Benjamin E. Bates, owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Eegistered in pedigree of Nora, Vol. 9. Standard. f Daniel Lambert 102 ] ^^^^^ ^"^n 43. J ( Fanny Cook. f Abraham 353-. I „ C Black Hawk 5. ^ Polly Cook.. _ ...] (Hill's Vt.) ( Mare by Young Sir Charles. L Pauline (Lot 4), by Shakespeare, dam of Pauline Lambert a:29 Lucille (p.) 2:19 Informal Statement. Description.— Bay; about 15^ hands; strip in face. Deportment.— Unbroken; has had seven foals during past 9 years, all of which are good sized, good looking and promising. BEN J. E. BATES. [1st Da^, Tuesdcd^, Pauline (Lot 4) is dam of Pauline Lambert 2:29 and Lucille 3:19 (pacing). Abraham H58 got Frank 2:193^, Bessie H. 2:25^^, Kitty Cook 2:26 and 8 others in the list, and the dam of Ketch 2:18;^4. Daniel Lambert 102 got Comee 2-A9M, Nancy 2:23^, Ella Doe 2:233^' and 33 others in the list; also the dams of Altar 2:16>^, Pamlico 2:16|, Dan'Sy Jim 2:19i^, Wyandot 2:19>^, Revenue 2:22J4, Nightingale 2:13i pacing, and 18 others in thelist. Ethan Allen 2:2o% got Billy Barr 2:23?^, Hotspur 2:24, Pocahontas 2:26p-^ and 4 others in the list, and the dams of B. B. Custer 2:22i^', Opal 2:23, Lady Loye 2:23'^ and 12 others in the list. Vermont Black Hatvh 5 got Ethan Allen 2:253.<, Lancet 2:27}4, Belle of Saratoga 2:29, and the dams of Gen. Tweed 2:26i^ and Tennessee 2:27. Served July 31, 1891, by Modred 15394, Lot 19. Mildredy b. t, 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Nora, Vol. 9. Standard. MILDRED f Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). ( Pauline (Lot 4), by Shakespeare. dam of Pauline Lambert 2:29. Lucille (p) 2:19. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15^|^ hands; two white heels. Deportment. — Broken single; has shown mile in 3:10 on i^ mile track. Splitwood 6775 (by Wedgewood 2:19; dam by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10) is Lot 17. Pauline (dam of Pauline Lambert 2 :29 and Lucille 2 :19 pacing) is Lot 4. Uline (dam of Pauline Lambert 2:29 and Lucille 2:19 pacing), b. m., 1868. Bred by G-eo. Bertram, Eichmond, Wayne Co., Ind. Owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Eegistered in the pedigree of Kora, Vol. 9. Standard. (Shakespeare. ^-^^^^^^^' I . Cadmus \ Gaamus. '^ Daughter of, s. t.h.__ •] (Iron's.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken ; has been used only as a brood mare. She is dam of- Pauline Lambert 2:29 and Lucille 2:19 (pacing), and of several others that are believed capable of ibeating 2:30 ; has bred regularly, having had 16 foals in succession. Served September 13, 1891, by Modred 15394, Lot 19. February 16, 1893.] BENJ. E. BATES. 5. Anita, Bates. Standard blk. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Sire registered. Grandani (May Day's Daugliter) registered. r Lumps 39!i2 (2:21.) George "Wilkes 519. (2:22.) Mother Lumps . ANITA, -i Wedgewood 692 . (2:19.) Ruth J (Bred by the estate 1 of Benj. E.Bates.) I ""(Eys™')" '" ^ Chat'Kent Mare. i Dolly Spanker \ K^bySlander. (Baker's.* I Ppnrsqii o ij ( Jupiter 4C. |learsaIl.Jd (Empress. I T flflv Trwin 5 Hambletouiau 10. LLady iiwm -^ ^^^^.^ y^^ Abdallah "Chief (Eoe's> C Abdallah 15. f Belmont 64 ■' (Alexander's.) I ( Belle. [woodbine __\M^oo^ and 29 others in the list. Belle was dam of McCurdy's Hambletonian 2:261-^ (sire of 10 in the list), and Belmont (sire of 35 in the list). Mambriiio Chief II gotLadyThorn 2:18>^, Woodford Mambrino 2 :21i^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:173^, lona 2:17i, and 20 others in the list. Served April 8, 1891, by J. H. Shedd 2:193^; by Red Wilkes 1749; dam, Belle Ericsson, by Ericsson 130; 2d dam, by Vandal, thoroughbred son of imp. Glencoe. 8. Maymont 1 5779. t>i'. s., 1886. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Eegistered. Standard. iWedgewood 693 (see Lot 7). (2:19). May Day's Daughter (Lot 11), by Broken Leg 9667. Informal Statement. Description. — Seal brown ; about 15| hands ; snip. Deportment. — Broken single ; gentle and easily handled ; good gaited and has shown quarters in 40 seconds, mile in 2-A7}.^ with very little handling ; was only broken summer of 1890. Full brother to Ruth, Lot 7. May Day's Daughter is Lot 11. For Wed gewood 2:19, see Lot 7. X 9. IVSaylordf ^l^- c.^, 1891. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire and dam registered. Standard. 'Sir Walter, Jr. 7800 (see Lot 6). MAYLORD. I (^:18^-) . May Day's Daughter (Lot 11), by Broken Leg 9667. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; fair size for late foal; small star; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Entered in Stake 35, N. E. Trotting Horse Breeders' Associ- ation for foals of 1891. For Sir Walter, Jr. 2:183^, see Lot 6. May Day's Daughter is Lot 11. I Ob Esther, ch. f., 1890. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire and dam registered. Standard. f Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). ESTHEE. < ( May Day's Daughter (Lot 11), by Broken Leg 9667. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; good size; strip in face; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Broken single ; was broken and had a little handling last season ; has a very good gait and shows much promise of speed. Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. May Day's Daughter is Lot 11. BEiSTJ. B. BATES. [Isi Day, Tuesday^ X" May Day's Daughter, blk. m., 1879. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Kegistered. Standard. r Broken Leg 9667. Hambletonlan 10. (Bysdyk's.) y^^^^_ ^^^^ Mare ...._ \ g^'f^^^.'^"'' ""P' fATam Pqvmastpr Tv 5 MamlirinoPaymaster. Mam. l-ayraaster, Ji . ^ Mare byMambrino, Jr. loe >. I I Lady Belding. ] Mambrino Messenger. MAY DAY'S \ DAUGHTER. I pi^^^ jj^^j^ 5 ( Sherman Morgan. 'Miles Stan dish \ CHill'sVt.) Uary Taylor.... jBoUvan [May Day dam of i Mare by Abdallah 1. Nancy"- -2:.3^ f^^iTnV)-- \ ''"" [Pocahontas.... J (irons.) (2:171^ p.) nane-htprnf ( Big Shakespeare. I uangnter ot ^ Mare by James Badger. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; about 15f hands; snip; hind ankles white. Deportment.— Unbroken; used only as a brood mare; has proved a regular breeder; her foals are all good sized and show speed. Broken Leg 9667 got Anna Knowlton 2:27i^ and the dam of Nimbus 2:2Q'^4. May Day is dam of Nancy 3:23-r>. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 5. Pocahontas has a pacing record of 2:17}4 to wagon, made in 1855, and is dam of Poca- hontas 2:26^, Tom Rolfe 2:333^ (sire of 4, including Young Rolfe 2:21i^, sire of Nelson 2 :10), Strideaway (sire of Pratt 2:28) and her daughters have thrown Nancy 2:233^ and May Morning 2:30 (dam of Revenue 2:22^)- Miles Stanclish got the dam of Nancy 2:23*. . HiWs Vermont Black Hawk 5 got Ethan Allen 2:2o%, Lancet 2:273^ and Belle of Saratoga 2:29; also the dams of Gen. Tweed 2:263^ and Tennessee 2:27. Iron^s Cadmus got Pocahontas 2:17^ pacing to wagon in 1855. Abdallah 1 got Sir Walter 2:27, O'Blennis 2:27^, Frank Forrester 2:30, and many others very famous for speed in their day. Served August 6, 1891, by J. R. Shedd 2:19i4, see Lot 7. I 2a Dorothy, ch. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire and dam registered. Standard. f Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). . DOEOTHY, \ [ May Day's Daughter (Lot 11), by Broken Leg 9667. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; about 153^^ hands; star; three white feet. Deportment. — Broken single; can speed 3 minute gait on J^ mile track; nicely gaited. Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. May Day's Daughter is Lot 11. I 3. CladySy b. f., 1890. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). rOpo M Patrlipn SO ^ Casslus M. Clay 18. (^eo. M. I'atcnen du. . . | -^^^^ ^^ Head'em. GLADYS. 1 f Godfrey Patchen .32 . . j I I'-gl't- Of I |iTre%f5SRichards,s.t.b. JDanielLa^bertl»^..||tb-yAnen_43. 'l>^^>-«-|--of \¥o^^o^^ilhy.iv., May Morning 2:30 Informal Statement. Description. — Bay ; fair size for late foal ; strip in face ; hind ankles white. [Dolly. [Dolly Varden February 16, 1892.] benj. e, bates. Deportmen t . — Unbroken . Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. Godfrey Patchen 32 got Hopeful 2:14f. Glamis %:22M, Lady Snell 2:23J, and 6 others in the list, and the dams of Domestic 2:20^, Perplexed 2:24^, and Backman Maid 2:25J. George M. Patcheti, 2:23i got Lucy 2:18i, Charles E. Loew 2:25|, and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Nettie Burlew 2:24, Barbara Patchen 2:24^}, and 4 others in the list. CassUis M. Clay 18 got George M. Patchen 2 :233^ and dam of Rutledge 2:30. For Daniel Lambert 102, see Lot 2. For Ethan Allen 43 (twice above), see Lot 2. May Queen is dam of May Morning 2:30, and the latter threw Revenue 2:233^. For Pocahontas 2:17}^ (pacing to wagon), see Lot 11. I 4» Dolly WilkeSa ^- ^^^-j 1887. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire and dam registered. Standard. f ^?]?vi,?vS°ir ^^ --- ' Chas^ Kent Mare. Geo. Wilkes 519 (Kysayk &.) (2:22.) p.,,„ sri«Tikpr ^ ^enry Clay 8. I Dolly bpanker '^ jj^^g ^,y Highlander. rKaiser2200 { (Baker's.) I (2:28^-) I Dictator 113 5 HamWetonian 10. I (FairLady ._■ DOLLY WILKES. { Dauehtpr of \ Almont 33. I L Daugntei ot ] j^^^,^ ^y zenith. t Dolly (see Lot 13), by Godfrey Patchen 32. Informal Statement. Desckiption.— Bay; about 15 hands; star; hind heels white. Deportment. — Bi'oken single ; has good disposition; speeds 2:40 gait; handled but little; good gaited and very promising. Kaiser 2200 has a record of 2:283^, and is by George Wilkes 2:32, out of a daughter of Dictator 113. For Dolly, see Lot 13. For George Wilkes 3:22, see Lot 5. Dictator 113 got Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Phallas 2:13|, Director 2:17, Dictator Chief 2:31 1^, Code 2:22% and 25 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Nancy Hanks 2:09 at 5 years, Lockheart 3:14^ at 5 years. Brown 3:18^ at 4 years, Kellar Thomas 2:19^^, Garnet 3:30i at 4 years, Williams 3:30^ and 10 others. Clara (dam of Dictator) was also dam of Dexter 2:Vl}4, Alma 3:389:£ and Astoria 3:39^. Almont 33 got Fanny Witherspoon 2:16*, Piedmont 2:17)^, Aldine 3:19)^, Early Rose 2:20J, King Almont 2:21^ and 30 others in the list, and the dams of Alabaster 2:15 at 4 years, J.B. Richardson 2 :16f, Silas Skinner 2:17, Catchfiy 2:18^, Bismont 3:18J, Hinder Wilkes 3:30i and 35 others. IS. PSffffYj ^' ^'> 1889- Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Grandam (Panline) registered in pedigree of Nora, Vol. IX. Standard. (Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). f Ethan Allen 43 \ ^^- Bla<5k Hawk 5. f Daniel Lambert 102 . J [ranny Cook \ Mare hvVmerican Pauline's Daughter .. * ""sfa^rsto^kholm's). [Pauline (Lot 4), by Shakespeare. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 14f hands; one white ankle. Deportment. — Unbroken. Pauline's Daiighter is full sister to Pauline Lambert 3:39. Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. For Daniel Lambert 103, see Lot 3. Pauline (dam of Pauline Lambert 3:39 and Lucille 2:19 pacing) is Lot 4. 10 BEKJ. E. BATES. [1st Day, Tuesday, 16. WlldflOWer, b. f., I888. Bred and owned by the estate of Benja- min E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in j)edigree of Elsie, Vol. IX. Standard. rSplltwood 6175 (Lot 17). f Daniel Lambert 103 (see Lot 15). WILDFL0WEB.<: tMiddletown Belle [Belle Informal Statement. • Middletown 152. r Hambletonian 10. (Rysdyk's.) ! Mare by Young Vivian. Description. — Bay; about 153^ hands; small star. Deportment. — Broken single ; with very little handling showed quarters in 40 seconds, mile in 2:52 on ^ mile track. Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. For Daniel Lambert 102, see Lot 2. Middletown 152 got Orange Bud 2:21i^, Music 2:21i^, Pa.ncy 2:24^, Nellie Irwin 2:25, and 7 others in the list, and the dams of Fastwell 2:28J^, Charlie Kaile 2:29^^ and Puck 2:291^. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 5. i 7. Splitwood 677S5 b- s., 1883. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. .Bates. Eegistered. Standard; r A -h^au^y, IK S Hambletonian 10. rBelmonte..... ^^l?rnfe UatyOarlin. I I T)„„_ ( Mambrino Chief 11. '■^^"'^ - - ^ Mare by Bellfounder. (Brown's.) r Wedgewood 692 (2:19.) SWooclfora )Sr.'"- } SPLITWOOD 6775. •! Cigarette (AMallahl... ISS" Hambletonian 10 ■; (Rysdyk's.) [cbas. Kent Mare - - | one Eye.*^^""' '°'^' Crinoline, imp f KrpmJin i SuUan. I T)niinli1er nf ^ Corinthian Informal Statement. \ Mare by Sir Launcelot. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; star and snip; one white ankle. Deportment. — Broken single ; very fine disposition ; has proved a sure foal getter; his oldest foals are now four-year-olds; all are good sized, fine looking and show fine trotting action. This horse is by Wedgewood 2:19, dam by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10; 2d dam, thorough- hred ; with such a pedigree he shouM prove a great sire, and his get already show that with opportunity they will make fast trotters. Sons of Wedgewood are the sires of GoldLeaf 2:16|, Nettle Leaf 3 :23i at 4 years, Clonmore 2:27^, Newton 2:28>^ at 4 years, and 6 others in the list. Daughters of Rysdyk's Hambletonian have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Green- lander 2: 15 J, and 74 others in the list. For Wedgewood 2:19 and Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 5. February 16, 1892.'] BEN'J. E. BATES, 11 X' 1 8a KnOXWOOd- Wk, g., ISSS. Bred and owned by the estate of Benja- min E. Bates. Sire registered, Grandam registered. Standard, KNOXWOOD. fPilot Knox 2649. (2:19M.) Jliss Lofty.. (Bred by the estate 'Black Pilot 1797 (2:30.) i. Nancy Knox. ""GoodwoodSOSO . [ Roscoe 273 .... X \ ^ j^^^l '^J^: I VtinmiK 5 Lexington (Swigert's). y£,ugenie ^ ^^^^^ by Eclipse (BrAwneT'a). f Col. Ellsworth 1769,.. \ <^^°- ^"^"^ ^^°- ' 1 Daughter of \ Messenger (Homan's). r Riani.-wnr.fl 7i 5 Nomian 25 (Alexander's). I t^lackwood 74 I jj^jg j,y Mambrino Chief 11. Uate Crockett | CeTy Te^xas. of B. E. Bates.) LCigarette (see Lot 17), by Bysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Informal Statement, Desckiption. — Black ; about 15^?4; hands ; snip. Deportment. — Broken single ; good prompt driver. Pilot Knosc 24:69 has record of 2:1^%. Black Pilot 1797, record 3:30, got Pilot Knox 2:19f, Tinnie B. 2:27i^, and Centurion 2:30. Col. Ellsworth 1769 got Thalia 3:26, Arthur T. 2:30, and the dams of Nettie 2:19 and Pilot Knox 2:19^^. For Cigarette, see Lot 17. Black nood 74 got Proteine 2:18, Blackwood, Jr. 2:23i^, Blackwood Prince 2:33^ and 3 others in the list, and the dams of Merry Thousht 2:33^^, Compeer 3:243^, Eggnog 3:35, Cedarwood 2:2r^i, Delegate 2:373^ and Egwood 3:29^. Ale.xafuler's Norman 25 got Lula 3:15 and May Qvieen 2:80, and the dams of Norval 3:17i^, Norman Medium 3:20, Fanny Kobinson 3:30^ and 9 others. Boscoe 273 got Black Pilot 3:30 above mentioned. Kate Crockett is dam of Lula 3:15 ; the latter threw the dam of Advertiser 3:16 at 3 years. Other daughters of Kate Crockett have thrown Centella 3 :31 and Star Hamble- tonian 2:28^^4. Imp. Uooton (thoroughbred) got the dam of Lula 3:15 above mentioned. Pilot, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 3:24, Pilot Temple 2 :34><, Tattler 2:26, Tackey 2:26 and 4 others in the list ; and the dams of Maud S. 2:08|, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 3:17i^.£, Nutwood 3:18f, Viking 3:19i, Pilot Boy 3:20, Noontide 2:201^^, and 27 others in the lisf. Lexington,, the greatest central figure of running pedigrees, contributes one-eighth of the blood of Sunol 2:08^4 at 5 years, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Clingstone 2:14, Electricity 3:173^, Noontide 2:20i.<, and one-quarter of the blood of Ansel 2:30, Nora Belmont 3 :37J^, Lady Prewitt 3:30 and Temple 3:30. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 5. 19. iyBodred 8 5394, b. s,, 1889, Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E, Bates, Kegistered, Standard. I Lumps .3923 (see Lot 5). MODRED 15394. -j "^^^^^-^ ' Isaliella (Lot 20). by Wedgewood 2:19. Informal Statement. Description. — Dark bay; about 14^^ hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken single; speeds a 3:40 gait and although small has great endurance. For Lumps 3933, record 2:31, see Lot 5. Isabella is Lot 30. .^___^____^ 20. Isabel la, ch, m,, ISSS, Bred and owned by theestate of Benjamin E, Bates. Eegistered in pedigree of Modred 15394, Standard, j Wedgewood 692 (see Lot 7). ISABELLA, t ^'^'■^'^■^ ) Middletown Belle (see Lot 16), by Daniel Lambert 102. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; about 153^ hands; no white. 12 BENJ. E. BATES. [1st Bay, Tuesday, Deportment.— Unbroken; used only as a brood mare; a good breeder and her foals are very promising. For Wedgewood 692, record 3:19, see Lot 7. For Middletown Belle, see Lot 16. Served September 20, 1891, by J. R. Sliedd 2:191;^, see Lot 7. 21. Warder, b. Z-, 1890. Sh-e, Splitwood 6775 (Lot 17). Dam, Hattie Ward^ pedigree not traced. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. ' Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; fair size; star; one white foot. Deportment. — Unbroken. Splitwood 6775 is Lot 17. Hattie Ward was a fast pacer. 22. Isolde, ch. f., 1890. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Editli,. Vol. 9. Standard. f Sir Walter, Jr. 7800 (see Lot 6). ISOLDE. J (Daniel Lambert 102 (see Lot ^5). ^Nellie B '•Daughter of, s. t. h...\ AsWand 47. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; good size; star; one white ankle. Deportment. — Broken single; can show quarters at 3:30 gait; has had but little handling and is promising. Entered in Stake 25, N. E. Trotting Horse Breeders' Association for foals of 1890, by Sir Walter, Jr. For Sir Walter, Jr. 7800, record 2 :18>4, see Lot 6. For Daniel Lambert 102, see Lot 2. 23. Zeftta, 'J- ^-^ 1891. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Edith, Vol. 9. Standard. rCeo,^e Wilkes 519...,_ \ l^^Z^^,^- ^Harry Wilkes 1896.... \ ^-'^~-' (Conn's.) T, ,, Ki < Whitehall. LiJeiieKice ^ Mag Taylor. f Kinsman 6040. -^(\c,^ Wilkps ■iio 5 George Wilkes 519. iaoi wujseswv ^Mare by IdoU77 (Akers'). .Dolly ZEFITA. •; „^, „ 5 Denmark (Gaines'). LMollyCiow I Mare by Grey Eagle, s. t. b. (Nellie B. (see Lot 22), by Daniel Lambert 102. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Conn's Harrif Wilkes 1890 got Rosalind Wilkes 2:U}4. Belle Rice is full sister to Rhode Island 2:23i (sire of 3 in the list, including Gov. Sprague 2:201-^ (sire of 29 in the list). Whitehall got Rhode Island 2:23)^ and the dams of Scott's Thomas 2:21 and Scott's Chief 2:23. For George Wilkes 2:22 (twice above), see Lot 5. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 5. February 16, 1892.] benj. e. bates. 13 24. G a wain, ^- c, 1891. Sire, Sir Walter, Jr. 2:18^ (see Lot 6). Dam, said to be by Jonesboro, thoroughbred son of Lexington ; 2d dam repre- sented to be Duchessa, by Financier, thoroughbred son of Revenue; 3d dam said to be by Henry Clay 8. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; fair size for a late foal; one hind ankle white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Sir Walter, Jr. 3:18i^, see Lot 6. ^S. i^ear R^are, b. m., 1884, Sire said to be Jonesboro, thoroughbred son of Lexington. Dam represented to be Duchessa, by Financier, thoroughbred son of Eevenue ; 2d dam said to be by Henry Clay 8 ; 3d dam said to be by Bush Messenger. Bred by . Owned by the estate of Benjamin B. Bates. ISTot registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15^ hands ; no white. Deportment.— Broken double, single and to saddle; a fast and game road mare that can road 12 miles an hour. Mate to OfE Mare, Lot 28, with which she has been driven ; the pair making a stylish road team, possessing speed and endurance. Served August 10, 1891, by Maymont 15779, Lot 8. 26. Off Mare, ^- ^'^-^ 1885. Sire said to be Jonesboro, thoroughbred sou of Lexington. Dam represented to be Duchessa, by Financier, thorough- bred son of Eevenue ; 2d dam said to be by Henry Clay 8; 3d dam said to be by Bush Messenger. Bred by . Owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Not registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15| hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single. Mate to Near Mare, Lot 25, with which she has been driven. Served September 20, 1891, by Maymont 15779, Lot 6; thought not in foal. 27. Middleman, b. g., 1889. Sire, Splitwood 6775 (see Lot 17). Dam, Middletovvn Belle (see Lot 16), by Daniel Lambert 102. Bred and owned by the estate of Benjamin E. Bates. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Elsie, Vol. IX. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15+ hands; strip in face; two white ankles. Deportment . — Unbroken . Full brother to Wildflower, Lot 16. 14 HALL & SKIKNER. [1st Day, Tuesday, PROPERTY OF HALL & SKINNER, ORWELL, VT. 28. Lena (sister to Bessie 2:29|), ch. m., 1886. Sire, Ben Franklin 2:29, son of Daniel Lambert 102, Dam, Gripsey (dam of Bessie 2:29|), by Bay Lambert 11830. Bred and owned by Hall & Skinner. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; about 16 hands; one hind ankle white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; as a three-year-old showed a mile in 2:45. Full sister to Bessie 2:295^. Sen Franklin 2:29 (dam, Black Kate, dam of Addison Lambert 2:27) is sire of Dyna- mite 2:203^, Hulda B. 2:233.^, May Be 2:24, Kimbus 2:26i^ and 7 others in the list. Oipseii is dam of Bessie 2:2^%. Bay Lambert 118H0 (son of Daniel Lambert) got Miss Fanny Jackson 2:30 and the dam of Bessie 2:29^^. Daniel Lambert 102 {lYficesLhoYe) got Comee 2:193-<£, Ella Doe 2:233^, Jim 2:233^, Nancy 2:23^^, Wild Lily 2:24 and 31 others in the list; also the dams of Altar 2:16i4^, Pam- lico 2:16^4:, Dandy Jim 2:19i..^, Wyandot 2:1932, Revenue 2:223:^, Nightingale 2:13^4 pacing, and 18 others in the list. Served 1891, by jKeeier, said to be a son of Dictator 113, and out of Sally Fox, dam of Billy Ackerson 2:39. 23- Blanche (sister to Bessie 2:29f), ch. m., 1887. Sire, Ben Franklin 2:29, son of Daniel Lambert 102. Dam, Gipsey (dam of Bessie 2:29f), by Bay Lambert 11830. Full sister to Lena, Lot 28. Bred and owned by Hall & Skinner. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; about 16 hands; small star. Deportment. — Broken double and single; showed trial in 2:40 as a three-year-old. Full sister to Bessie 2:29^4, and also to Lena, Lot 28. Served May 17, 1891, by J. R. Shedd 2:191:^'; by Red Wilkes 1749 (51 in the list); dam. Belle Ericsson, by Ericsson 130; 2d dam by Vandal, thoroughbred. 3Q, , gr. f., 1889. Sire, George F. 8608, son of Ken- more 1823. Dam, Ward Mare (bred by Marvin Ward, Orwell, Vt.), by Bay Lambert 11830. Bred and owned by Hall & Skinner. Sire and dam's sire registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Gray; about 153/^ hands. Deportment. — Broken single ; driven but little; good gaited. George F. 8608 is out of Gipsey, dam of Bessie 3 :393^. Kemnore 1823 is by Almont 33 (35 in list), out of a daughter of Messenger Duroc 106 (20 in list). For Bay Lambert 11830, see Lot 28. ' 3 j., , br. f., 189 . Sire, George F. 8608, son of Ken- more 1823. Dam, Ward Mare (bred by Marvin Ward, Orwell, Vt.), by Bay Lambert 11830. Full sister to Lot 30. Bred and owned by Hall & Skinner. Sire and dam's sire registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; large; no white. Deportment.— Unbroken; good gaited. Full sister to Lot 30. February 16, 1892.'] W. J. SUTTON. 15 rjerome Eddy 1260. (2:16}^.) EDDY JEROME 12445. PROPERTY OF WILLIAM J. SUTTON, NEWBURGH, N. Y. 32. Eddy Jerome I 2445, b. c, August l, 1889. Bred by Daniel Geary and L. E, McLeod, New York. Owned by William J. Sutton. Registered. Standard. C Hambletontan 10. f Volunteer 55 \ (Eysdyk's.) ( Mare by Young Louis Napoleon 207...-; Patriot. HnftiP Wnnrt 5 Harry Clay 45. LHattie wood < Mare by Terror. r Abdallah 15 j it^^A'ai-Unf ^^^ Y^^njU^^^, (Alexander's.) '. Katy Dailing. dam of Dnne-hfprnf 5 Napoleon (Burr's). Edmore 2:29M l-^augnterot t Mare by L. I. Black Hawk 24. rc;ti.ithTnr.rf> dfis 5 Hambletonlan 10. bti atnmoi e 408 -J j^ady Waltermlre. fSantaCIaus 2000 _._... ,Mambrlno. ^''■^^>^-> [Lady Thorn, Jr ] (Williams'.) ( Mare by Highland J Chief. fHambletonian 725 .... ^ S'^L^^IJ w„c,,;.,^„„ ■r^ rWhinnle'R \ ' ^^'^ "^ Waslimgton. Empress { (vvmppies.j (Burr's.) (2:34.) [Katie Tricks.. 5 Colonel. dam of < Conde 2:20 Informal Statement. Desceiption. — Bay; mecJium size ; small star; liind feet white. Deportment. — Broken single; very promising. Jerome Eddy 2:W}o is sire of Fanny Wilcox 3:19i:^, Bertrina 2:23, Tycho 2:28^. Adora 2:28i^, Octo 3:30 at 3 years, and the pacers May Eddy 2:22i^ at 4 years, Rollo 2:28^ (yearling). Empress has a record of 2 :24. • Katie Tricks is dam of Conde 2:20 and Empress 2:24. Louis jVajJoleon 207 got Jerome Eddy 2:16)^, Charles Hilton 2:\1%, Spinella 2:213^, Myrtie 2:22}-i, Uncle Sam 2:2d}4 at 3 years and 8 others in the list; also the dams of Ollie Drake 2:25, Chimes E. 2:28i4, Harry Belmont 2:29 and 2 others in the list. Fanny 3Ia]jfis is dam of Jerome Eddy 2:16i^ (sire of 5 in list), Edmore 2:29^4, Joe Gavin (3 in list), Frank Noble (2 in list), etc. Hattie Wood (dam of Louis Napoleon) was also dam of Gazelle 2:21, Victor Von Bis- marck (sire of Edgemark 2:16 and 18 others), Idol (sire of 6 in the list), etc. Whipjile's Hambletonian 725 got Graves 2:19, Olivette 2:24, Empress 3:24, Long- fellow 3:24^4, and 11 others in the list, and the dams of Dawn 3:18^, Elector 2:21 1^, Steve Whipple 2:23. Gov. Stanford 2:3334;, Kilrain 2:3334^ at 4 years and 13 others. Santa Claus 2000 took a record of 2:17>3 at Chicago, 111., July 19, 1881. has trotted 50 heats in 3 :30 and better, defeating such trotters as Nutwood, Piedmont, Elaine, Wedge* wood, Voltaire, Hannis, Jerome Eddy, Fanny Witherspoon, etc., and is sire of Sidney 3:19^ (pacing), San Mateo 2:28i4', and Kris Kringle 3:38i4. Strathmore 40S got Santa Claus 3:i7i<, Skylight Pilot 3:19, Tucker 2:19, Roseberry 3:193^, Secret 3:203.^, Strathlan 3:313^, Cyprus 2:22)4, Chestnut Hill 3:333^, and 39 others in the list; and the dams of C. F. Clay 3:18, Eminence 2:\%%, Simmocolon 3:19, Anderson Wilkes 2:33J4, Strathbridge 3 :28i^ at 3 years and 7 others in the list. Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 3:lli Gloster 3:17, Alley 3:19, Bodine 2:19^, Driver 2:19^, and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14:^, Ripple 2:i7}4, Brilliant 2:11'%, Amelia C. 3:19i^, Camille 3:30)4', Stephen G. 2:20i^ and 26 others in the list. Lady Thorn, Jr. is dam of Santa Claus 2:\1}4, Navidad 3:22i^ at 4 years and Mollie Mack 2:30)^. Williams'' Manibrino is sire of the dams of Santa Claus 3 :17i^, Navidad 2 :22i^, George Moshier 3 :32)4 , Snowden 3:233^, Rachel B. 2:28^ and Mambrino Wilkes 2:38f. Alexander's Ahdallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 3:313^;, Thorndale 2:22}4 and two others in the list ; and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 3:163^, and 36 others in the list. 16 G, D, WETHERILL. [1st J) ay, Tuesday, PROPERTY OF GEORGE D. WETHERILL, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 33. Cuy RuSSel! 94 I 8, b. s.. May 25, 1887. Bred by V. K. Glass, Georgetown, Ky. Owned by Geo. D. Wetlierill. Registered. Standard. r Hambletonlan 10 \ Chal'^Kent Mare rHarold413 (Kysflyk's.) ^ Chas. Kent Mare. rPTinhantrpss! ( Aljdallalll. I tJincnantress ^ ^ove^X Mare. Lord Russell 4677. GUr KUSSELL 9418.-! ^Miss Russell darn of Maud S. 2 Nutwood 2:1851 Cora Belmont 2:243^ Russia 2:28 ( Black Pilot. ( Nancy Pope. fPilot, Jr. 12.-.. Wly nmsell {jo^on r Jay Gould 19T.__ \ «,Ty1ST. ^'^ r Inheritor 1244. A <-^-^^^-> [Inheritress. Lucy (2:18M.) f Flying Cloud. I Geo. M. Patchen 30. i Mare by May Day. ; Black Hawk 5. (Hill's Vt.) [Daughter of \ (Sard's.; Burch Mare ^ ^';pT?]rer's*V dam of ) (J^aikers.) Rosalind Donald 2:21M 2:27 Informal Statement. DESCRirTiON. — Bay; about 15}^ hands; near hind coronet white. Deportment. — Broken single; trotted a mile in 2:333^ with only three weeks' handling; has been bred to a few mares ; proved a sure getter and has a few foals that show great promise : has fine disposition. Lord Russell 4^, Tattler 2:26, Tackey 2:26 and 4 others in the list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:083^, Jay-Eye-See 2 :10, Electricity 2:17^4, Nutwood 2:183^, Viking 2:193^, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2 :20i^ and 27 others in the list. George 31. Patchen 30 has record of 2:233^ and is sire of Lucy 3:18)4 and 3 others in the list. Mill's Vermont Black Hawk 5 got Ethan Allen 3:353^, Lancet 3:273^ and Belle of Saratoga 2:29; also the dams of Gen. Tweed 2:263^ and Tenness~ee 2:37. Rysdyk^s JLainblefonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:213.^, Jay Gould 2:21i^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 3:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15J and 74 others in the list. Boston got tke 2d dam of Maud S. 2:08%, Nutwood 2:183^, Cora Belmont 2:24^, Russia 2:28, Lord Russell, Mambrino Russell, etc. February 16, 1892.] e. h. schley. — f. j. nodine. — w. s. webb. 17 PROPERTY OF E. H. SCHLEY, NEW YORK CITY. 34. Bessie Gooding', b. m., April 26, 1875. Sire, G-ooding's Cham- pion 808, son of Scobey's or King^s Champion 807. Dam, Nameless, by Thompson^'s Flying Cloud, son of Jackson's Flying Cloud 134 ; 2d dam, by Duroc. Bred by Myron H. Clark, Canandaigua, N. Y. Owned by E. H. Schley. Eegistered in pedigree of Myron H. 7931. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about ISJ^ hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken single; was used four years by Mr. E. Scofield, New York City, as a fast road mare ; since that time has been on a farm for breeding purposes. Has had five foals all of which were good. She was a fast road mare before put to breeding, but has not been driven in five years; was never used double Gooding^s Champion 808 got Naiad Queen 2:2(i\i, Castle Boy 2:21, Elmer 2:22J^, York State 2:23i^, St. James 2:23^4 and 11 others in the list, and the dams of Col. Wood 2:2li4, Honey B. 2:26^ and Col. Kip 2:80. Scobey'^s Champion 807 got George B. Daniels 2:24, Nettie Burlew 2:24, Charley B. 2 :25 and 5 others in the list. Jackson; s Flying Cloud 134 got Star of the West 2:263^ (sire of 6 in the list), Leviathan 2:34 to wagon and the dams of Forrest Patchen 2:193^ and Rumor 2:24^. Served June 15, 1891, by Magneto ^05;24,by Electricity 2:173^ (son of Electioneer [100 trotters in list] and Midnight, dam of Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Noontide 2:203^, by Pilot, Jr. 12); dam, Mary, by Fred Low 656, son of St. Clair. PROPERTY OF F. J. NODINE, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 35. COZette, b. m., 1884, Sire, Oxmoor 2:33, son of Princeps 536. Dam, Barber Mare, said to be by Vermont Hambletonian, son of Harris' Hambletonian 2. Bred by B. F. Tracy, Apalachin, Tioga Co., IST. Y. Owned by F. J. Nod in e. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 153;3 hands; off hind ankle white; white hairs at root of tail. Deportment. — Broken double," single and to saddle; can speed a 2:40 gait ; fine driver. Oxmoor had record of 2:33 and is sire of Octavius 2:26^, Cheltenham 2 :28, Orpheus 2:30. Princeps 53(i got Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:153^, Geneva 2:1934, Granby 2:19>^, Princeton 2:19^, Femme Sole 2:20 and 21 others in the list; also the dams of Epaulet 2:19, Latitude 2:19f, Glycera 2:20i at 4 years, Sarcenett 2:20i, Sadie M. 2:20f and 10 others. PROPERTY OF W. S. WEBB (SHELBURNE FARMS), SHELBURNE, VT. 36. IViaSCOtte, b. c., 1891. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire and dam reo;istered. Standard. ^Happy Medium 400 n^^^'' l^.rk%UMare. mascotte. PrinrpuQ 5 Hambletonian (Andrus'). ^.,,,, , ^ (osof } Mare by Engineer. Ormond 2154 \ <.-o\).} (Burdicl^'s.) (2:271^.) I .jjambrino Chief 11... I Mambrino Paymaster. tQueen Lizzie i. ^I^-^l^ter of I ^.T^y'^uammoman. (Hancocli's.) Adele Claris: (Lot 37), by Ledger 1669. (2:25M.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size for late foal; off hind heel white. Deportment . — Unbroken. Ormond 2154 has a record of 2:273^ and is by Happy Medium 400, out of a daughter of Mambrino Chief 11. Adele Clark 2:25^ is Lot 37. 18 W. S. WEBB. [1st Day, Tuesday\^ Happy Medium 400 is sire of 67 trotters in the list, including Nancy Hanks 2:09 at 5 years, Maxie Cobb 2:13^, Norman Medium 2:20, Buzz Medium 2:20)^, etc., and the dams: of De Barry 2:193^, Josephine 2:243^, Flora 2:25^ and 4 others. Princess (dam of Happy Medium) has record of 2 :30 and was a famous campaigner in her day. Andrus^ Hamhletonian got Princess 2 :30 and the dam of Joker 2 :223^. Mambrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:183^, Woodford Mambrino 2:21% and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:173^, lona 2-11%, and 20 others in the list. Itysdyh's Hamhletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:213^, Jay Gould 2:213^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:153^ and 74 others in the list. 37. Adele Clark 2:25i, k m., 1870. sire, Ledger 1669, son of Eobert Bonner 270. Dam, by Swift's Stephen A. Douglas 422, son of Eysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Bred by Mr. Taylor, Fredoiiia, N. Y. Owned by "W. S. Webb. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15 hands; star; hind heels white. Deportment. — Broken single. Took a record of 2:35}^ (8d heat) at Kalamazoo, Mich., June 13, 1877, where she won the race in straight heats. She has 15 winning races to her credit and trotted trials in 2:173^, 2:18, 2:183^. Ledger 1669 got Adele Clark 2:253^, Tempest 2:29ir and the dam of Lizzie S. 2:22J. Robert Bonner 270 (record 2:33) got Chauncey H. 2:27ir and Lady Dahlman 2:28. Swift's Stephen A. Douglas 422 got Handicap 2:22, Nelly K. 2:223^, Dave Young 2:23, Idol 2:23 and 3 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 36. Served June 18, 1891, by Almont Wilkes 2131, see Lot 40. 38. Vulcan, b. c. dam registered. 1890. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire and Happy Medium 400 . Noble Medium 3494_.. I PrinnPSQ 5 Hambletonian (Andrus'). /o-^n^ --■^ Mare by Engineer. ^'^•'^"-^ (Burdick's.) ' Mambrino Chief 11. Lady Thorn's Dam. {Mambrino Patchen 58 (Herr's.) Oueen Vlo \ Mambrino Chief 11. yueen vie IT&tmy, hy Rodolph. I Ahdallah 15 ._. \ ¥?^^^^l°,?il° ^^■ Grace Goodwin. 'Almont33 ] (Alexander's.) [ Sally Anderson. r Mambrino Prince .. y Daughter of, s. t. b. ( Katy Darling. ( Mambrino Chief 11. \ Kate, by Pilot, Jr. 12. 5 Mambrino Chief 11. ■ ( Mare by Highlander. (Scott's.) 5 Highlander (Webster's). Informal Statement. Description. — Bay : large ; near hind heel white. Deportment. — Has been driven double and single. Noble Medium 8494 is one of the best bred sons of Happy Medium, and was selected by Wm. T. Withers to succeed his illustrious sire. His dam was by Mambrino Patchen 58. For Happy Medium 400, see Lot 36. Dixie is dam of Becky; the latter threw London 2:20^. Almont 33 got Fanny Witherspoon 2.163^, Piedmont 2:173^, Aldine 2:193^, Early Rose 2:203^, King Almont 2:213^ and 30 others in the list, and the dams of Alabaster 2:15 at 4 years, J. B. Richardson 2:163^, Silas Skinner 2:17, Catchfly 2:183^, Bismont 2:183^, Hinder Wilkes 2:203^ and 24 others. ' Alexander's Abdallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:21^^, Thorndale 2:223^ and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2:16'J4 and 29 others in the list. February 16, 1892.'] W. S. WEBB. 19 Herr's Ma'inbrino Patchen 58 (fitll brother to Lady Thorn 3:183^) got London 2:203^, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 16 others in the list. His daugliters are proving remark- able brood mares, having throvpn Guy Wilkes 2:15}^, Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 3:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 2:18}^, Elvira 2:18i^, Cleora 2:18^^, Con- stantine 2:19^ at 3 years, Play Boy 2:193/£, Wabash 2:20 and 46 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10 and Mambrino Chief 11, see Lot 36. 39. Wanda, ^- f^ 1891. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire and dam registered. Standard. f Ormond 2154 (see Lot 36). WANDA. ^ ('-':27i^-) ( Grace Goodwin (see Lot 38), by Almont 33. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; white on near hind ankle. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Ormond 2:27i^, see Lot 36. For Grace Goodwin, see Lot 38. 40. Nooya, b. f., i89i. registered. Standard. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire and dam r Abdallah 15 \ i^™^'f Ionian 10. ^Almont 33 \ (Alexander's.) ( Katy Darling. f Almont Wilkes 2131.. Sflllv ATiflprRon ( Mambrino Chief 11. ^George Wilkes 519. , Annabel • ^^=2"^-> ( Hambletonian 10. \ Dolly Spanker. Tpssip Ppnnpr 5 Mambrino Chief 11. I Jessie Pewer„ | jj^^.^ ^^ g.^^. j^^^^f NOOYA. lona Alpha 2:11)4 2:233^ ' Happy Medium 400 . Hambletonian 10..... \ ^^^^f^l^L^ (Eysdyk'«.) Chas. Kent Mare. [Zumayga Prinppss J Andrus' Hambletonian. (2:30 ) I Mare by Engineer. fVidette iVindex. (Burdick's.) T ai^v -pctiii 5 Clark Chief 89. * L i.aay i^stiu ^ ^^^^ ^^ Edwin Forrest 49. (Alexander's.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Has the blood of George Wilkes 2 :22 and Almont 33, through sire, and that of Happy Medium 400, through dam. Almont Wilkes 2131 is sire of Republican 3:31^4, Kentucky Wilkes. 3 :o03^ at 3 years and Almont Wilkes, Jr. 2:32 at 3 years. For Happy Medium 400, see Lot 36. Annabel is dam of Estabella, and the latter threw Prince Regent 3:163^. For Almont 33, see Lot 38. Jessie Pepper is dam of lona 3:173^ (dam of Acmon 3:39i^ pacing, at 3 years). Alpha 2:231^ (dam of Aegon 2:183^ at 3 years), Le Grande, trial 2:24 (sire of Grandee 2:233^ at 3 years, and 3 others), Wenonah (dam of Alaska 2:21% and Montezuma 2:2^% pacing), and one of her daughters threw Estabella (dam of Prince Regent 2:16^2)- Geonie Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:13}4, Guy Wilkes 2:153^, Wilson 2:163:^, J. B. Richardson 2 :16i. So So 2:17i, Baron Wilkes 3:18, Rosa Wilkes 3:18ir, Wilton 3:19ii£, Joe Bunker 3:19i, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 3:1H, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years. Fugue 2:19,V^, Butterfly 2:195^, All So 3:303^, Eagle Bird 3:21 at 4 years, Fort una 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. Clark Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19i, Woodford Chief 2:22i^ at 5 years, Blanche Amory 2:26, John E. 2:38f and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 3:13|, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:16i and 18 others in the list. 20 w. s. WEBB. [1st Day, Tuesday, 4 1 . Virginia, b. f., 1891. Bred afid owned by W. S. Webb. Sire and dam registered. Standard. VIRGINIA. f Ormond 2154 (see Lot 36). I (2:27^.) )• r Almont Wilkes 2131 (see Lot 40). LiR-i/ipcmnirt J C Mamt)rlno Patchen 58. iinaesmaia... < CHomerl235 ] (Herr's.) I Fanny Pearson ] « ^ally Chorister. l-Daughterof (T^^saw?, Imp. (Arabian). Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; size; no white. Deportment . — Unbrok en . For Ormond 2:37^, see Lot 36. For Almont Wilke"s 3131, see Lot 40. Homer 1235 (full brother to Belle Patchen 3:30f, dam of Baron Wilkes 2:18), got Vivian 3:23, Lelah H. 2:24A, and the dams of Cherry 2:37f and Octo 3:80. For Herr's Mambrino Patchen 58, see Lot 38. Safly Chorister- is dam of Proteine 2 :18, Belle Brasfield 3:20 (dam of Holstein 2:39|) and Belle Patchen 2:30i (dam of Baron Wilkes 2:18). 42. Ina,ch. t, 1891. Sire, Almont Wilkes 2131, son of Almont 33. Dam, Polly, a fast trotting mare, pedigree not traced. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; small; no white. Deportment. —Unbroken . Polly was a fast trotting mare. For Almont Wilkes 2131, see Lot 40. 43. Wild Oats, ^i'- c., 1891. Sire, Almont Wilkes 2131, son of Almont 33. Dam, Montreal, represented to be balf thoroughbred. Bred and owned byW. S. Webb*. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; medium size; no white. DepoiRTMENT . — Unbroken . For Almont Wilkes 3131 (sire of Republican 3:31i^, etc.), see Lot 40. 44. Rover, b. c, 1891. Sire, Ormond 2:27^, son of Happy Medium 400. Dam, Olga, a fast trotting mare, said to be by Phil Sheridan. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Ormond 3:37i see Lot 36. Olga was a fast mare and believed to be by Phil Sheridan. 45. Ella, b- fv 1890. Sire, Ormond 2:27i, son of Happy Medium 400. Dam, Elsie, said to be by Daniel Boone 1756, son of Rysdyk^s Hamble- tonian 10. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; star; hind heels white. Deportment. — Has been driven double and single. For Ormond 3:371^, see Lot 36. February 16, 1892.'] w. s. webb. — t. broadfield. 21 46. Loadstone, i"0- g-, 1890- sire, Almont Wilkes 2131, son of Almont 33. Dam, Eugenia (bred by George Partridge, Shelburne, Vt.),. by HoJabird's Ethan Allen 474. Bred and owned by W. S. Webb. Sire- registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut roan ; large; strip in face; near hind heel white. Deportment. — Has been driven double and single. For Almont Wilkes 2131, see Lot 40. HolabircVs Ethan Allen 474 got Laura Williams 2-M}i, Little Dick 2;W%, Charley Mac 3:25, Sister 2:25 J, and the dam of Topsy 2:21|. PROPERTY OF THOMAS BROADFIELD, HYDE PARK, N. Y. 47, Ettie Mills (sister to Frank M. 2:29^), b. m., 1878. Sire, Sweep- stakes 294, son of Kysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Dam, Beauty (dam of Frank M. 2:29^), pedigree not traced. Bred by Harrison Mills, Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. Owned by Thomas Broadfield. Registered. Standard, Informal Statement. Description. —Bay ; about 15 1^ hands; no white. DeportjVient. — Broken double and single; a road mare with great endurance, capable of doing 15 miles an hour; speeds 2:35 gait and thought capable of entering the list if given an opportunity.' Full sister to Frank M. 2:29i^. Stveepstakes 298 got Argentine 2:21 1^, Inez 2:22i, Black Jack 2:22J^, Capt. Lyons 2:23, Packer 2 :335^, George C. 2:23^, Great Eastern 2:23>^, and 14 others in the list; also the dams of King Rex 2:2Qh at 3 years, Leta Howe 2:373^, idol Gift 2:29>^ and Yum Yum 2:291^. Rysdtfk's Hambletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 3:30 list, including Dexter 2:17i, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 3:20, Artillery 2:313^, Jay Gould 3:21>^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc. Served June 7, 1891, by Lawgiver 12731, see Lot 48. 48. Riverside Belle, b. m., 1887. sire, Lawgiver 12731, son of Edgewater 12730. Dam, said to be by Blue Bull. Bred and owned by Thomas Broadfield. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; star and snip. Deportment. —Broken double and single; not developed, but can speed a 3:30 gait. Edgeivater 12730 got Harry W. 2:373^^, and the dam of Edgemark 2:16 at 4 years. 49. Woodiecracker, b. g.. May 20, I888. Sire, Lawgiver 12731, son of Edgewater 12730. Dam, Minnie (bred by Thomas G. Thompson," Oswego, N. Y.), by Gen. Sheridan; 2d dam, Bonnie (Old Bobbie), dam of Gyp S. 2:24f pacing (bred by Wm. Larrabie, Pulaski, N. Y.), by Bacon's Ethan Allen 356. Bred and owned by Thos. Broadfield. Sire registered. Grandam registered (as Old Bobbie) in pedigree of Gyp S., Vol. VIII. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15 J^ hands; spot on off nostril. Deportment. — Expected to be broken before day of sale; good gaited and promising. 22 T. BROADFIELD. — H, A¥. DROGE, — M. H. HUBBELL. [Itit Day, Tuesday, For Edgewater 12730, see Lot 48. General Sheridan got the dam of Winona 2:21%^. Bonnie (Old Bobbie) is dam of Gyp S. 2:24^ pacing. Bacon's Ethan Allen 356 (son of Ethan Allen 43) got Russ Ellis 2:273=^, George R :2:27i^, Lew Ives 2:28, Rufus 3:39; also the dams of Fred Casey 3:33i, Dick 3:26i4: and Grand Central 2:30. __________„_ PROPERTY OF H. W. DROGE, MORRISANIA, N. Y. 50. Salome, b. m., I886. sire, Castellar 1062, son of Volunteer 55. Dam, Susie Herman, by Jack Bennett", son of Magnolia 68; 2d dam, called a Messenger mare, pedigree not traced. Bred by Alden Gold- smith, Washingtonville, Orange County, N. Y. Owned by H. W. Droge. Eegistered. Informal Statement. Description. —Bay ; about 15)^ hands; blaze in face; small ring on near front foot; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; not handled for speed. Castellar 1062 is by Volunteer 55; dam, Miss Nodine, by Hammond, son of Potter's Clay; 3d dam, Wells' Star, dam of Artillery 2:213^ and Modesty 2:26^^. Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 2:11^^, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:19i, Driver 3:19^ and 34 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 3:14J, Ripple 2:11%, Brilliant 3:173^, Amelia C. 2:19i^, Camille 3:303^, Stephen G. 3:30i^ and 36 others in the list. Magnolia 68 got Magnet 3:37i^, Magnolia 3:26i^, and the dams of Mamie Woods 3:30 and Chester F. 3:30. 51, Andy J., b. g., 1885. Sire, Hartwood 1213, son of Harold 413. Dam, Miss Canada, by Pennypack 2445; 2d dam, Minnie Patchen, by G-eorge M. Patchen 2:23^. Bred by J. P. Wiser, Prescott, Ont., Can. Owned by H. W. Droge. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15^-4 hands; faint star. Deportment. — Broken double and single; goo(J gaited; has shown quarters in 40 seconds. Harold 4:13 got Maud S. 2:08^, Noontide 2:20i^, Cammie L. 3:21, Daireen 2:213^, Mattie Graham 2:21i^, Hartford 2:233^, Evermond 3 :34i and 36 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Pennant 3:15, Early Bird 3:31^ at 4 years, Pancoast 2:21%, Algath 3:33 at 4 years and 16 others in the list. Pennypach 244:5 got Blossom 3:30 and Star 2:30. George M. Patchen 3:233^ got Lucy 2:18^ and 3 others, and the dams of 6 in the list. PROPERTY OF M. H. HUBBELL, HEMPSTEAD, L. L 52. Rifle 1668, b. s., I88I. Bred by Edwin Thorne, Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N. Y, Owned by M. H. Hubbell. Eegistered. Standard. fAbdallah 15..- 1 g^^^A^'l'^?!?:'^ ^^■ f Thorndale 305 \ (Alexander's.) f Marksman 592 EIFLE 1668. (2:23M.) , Lady Patriot dam of Sentinel 2:i Mamlsrunello 221 . [Dolly. dam of 4 in the list. ■ ( Katy Darling. ; Mambrino Chief 11. "" ' Fanny, by Ben Franklin. ^ Young Patriot ^ ^^^^ ^^ Messenger Duroc. I Lewis Hulse Mare. ^Ariadne. ["Mambrino Chief 11. [Bett Mam. Paymaster. i Commodore. ' Bet Bounce. fHambletoniaa 10..... \ ^J„df"#L\ ( Chas. Kent Mare. dam of 1 ^ Patriot i Young Patriot. LLaay i-atriot | ^^^jg ^uise Mare. Desckiption. [Heroine ^, May Be 3:34, Nimbus 3:36K and 9 others in the list. Charles Backman 2536 got Backman Maid 2:253>:£. Pert Backman and Fanny Gale were highly prized road mares. 24 ESTATE OF EDWIN BATES. [2d Bay, Wednesday^. Second Day : Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1892. PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF EDWIN BATES (HIGHLAND STOCK FARM), DERBY, VT. 56. Kate C, b. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates, Registered. Standard. [""(Kysdyk'sT '" ^ Chat Kent Mare. ^George Wilkes 519.... • <."ysayli s.) (2:2^.) T)oIlv Snankpr \ Henry Clay 8. LiJouy bpanuer | ^^^^ ^,y Highlander. f Abdallah Wilkes 7562. <| ( Baker's. ) fWaener Ahdallah Uupiter Abdallah 189. j wagner ADaaiiaii_... j jj^j.^ ^,y -g/,jj^„g^_ 'I Daughter of \KtniucTcy. rriflrTr Phipf RQ 5 Mambrino Chief U. Clark umet 89 j ^^^^ ^y ^^^ Messen- Kentucky Prince 2470-^ ger (Downing's).. Uentueky Queen | Sl°y»p. (.Kitty Clyde ...\ (Blythe's.) rstartiP Mn 5 Hambletonlan 10. htartle m... ^ Lizzie Walker. isette \ Rpplj-v Gharri 5 ^^^"1 Denton 65. IBecEybharp.. I MarebyBlackHawk24 (Long Island.) Informal Statement. >^ Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Broken single; not handled for speed; good gaited. Ahdallah WilJces 75(i2 is fast himself and is sire of Saxon 2:22'%, Voleta 2:26^ and several others that have shown their ability to enter the list, some of which will be in training coming season. Daughters of Kentucky Prince 2470 have thrown Luby 2:20 at 4 years, Saxon 2:223^^, Great Eastern 2:23i^, Edgar WHkes 2:24i^, Yorker 2:24i^ and Milkshake 2::J0. Oeorge Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:13^, Guy Wilkes 2:151^, Wilson 2:16i^, J. B. Richardson 2:1634^ So So 2:17J^^, Baron Wilkes- 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:lSli, Wilton 2:19i:^, Joe Bunker 2:19i^, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:lli^, Advertiser 2:i6 at 3 years, Fugue 2:l9}i, Butterfly 2:19;l^, All So 2:20^:, Eagle Bird 2:21 at 4 years, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years, and 28 others in the list^ Kenf/nck'!/ JPrince 24:70 is sire of GvLj 2:10%, Cypress 2:18, Spofford 2:18%, Stevie 2:19, Problem 2:19J, Company 2:19|, Fred Folger 2:201^, Bayonne Prince 2:21^ at 5 years, and 11 others in the list; also the dams of Luby 2:20 at 4 years, Saxon 2:22J<, Great Eastern 2:231^, Edgar Wilkes 2 :24i^, Yorker 2:24}^ and Milkshake 2:30. Startle has a three-year old record of 2:36, and later showed a trial over Fleetwood track in 2:19, half mile in 1 :04il-. With a very limited opportunity in the stud Startle got Majolica 2:15, Instant 2:24i:£, Miss Majolica 2:24i^, Alley Bonner 2:28, Portia 2:29^4 (dam of Light- ning Maid, four-year-old record 2:\%\4,), Nero 2:31 as a four-year-old, and Mambrino Startle (sire of Mambrino Maid 2:15^^). Others got by Startle have shown trials as follows: West- chester 2:29 as a three-year-old and Loretta 2:24, both trials for Mr. Bonner, also Alley Bon- ner 2:24%, over Carll Burr's track, and other fast ones. Billy Denton as got Captain 2:28 (sire of Toronto Maid 2:28i^), John Love 2:28^, Billy Denton, Jr. (sire of Lady Jerauld 2 :24%), and the dam of Nino 2^30. Clark Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19i^, Woodford Chief 2:22i.^ at 5 years, Blanche Amony 2:26, John E. 2:281 and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:13%, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:16^ and 18 others in the list. Jupiter Abdallah 189 got Result 2:25, Prince 2:27, Tom Moore 2:28, Monopolist 2:291^ and the dams of Clayton 2:19, George C. 2:23^^ and Joe 2:30. Hysdyk'a Hambletoriian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17f , Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21i, Jay Gould 2:21i^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15i- and 74 others in the list. February 17, 1892.] estate of edwin bates. 2^ Mamhrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 3:183^, Woodford Mambrino 2:21}4 and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:11}4, lona 2:173^, and 20 others in the list. Henri/ Clay 8 got Black Douglas 2:30, Jericho 2:30, Centreville 2:32 to wagon in 1853, Maid of Clay (dam of 4 in the list), and the dam of George Wilkes 2:22 (sire of 68 in the list). 57. Casino 1 749 I , b. c, 1891. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Eegistered. Standard. ( Abdallah Wilkee 7562 (see Lot 56). CASINO 17491. -j ( Kitty Clyde (see Lot 56), by Kentucky Prince 3470. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; near hind foot white. Deportment. — Unbroken; a fine colt; very promising. Full brother to Kate C, Lot 56. 5&m GleCy ch. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates.. Registered. Standard. /^— r Woodford Mambrino | ^^SS^bf^ "' fMambrino Dudley 967^ C^i-^i^i-; jw Woodford. (2:19?|.) ( Edwin Forrest 49. '-Sue Dudley ] (Alexander's.) f Mambrino Clark 3408. • ( Madam Dudley. I rClarkCbIef89 | Se'^^S?a^'"' ''• m cTi' J ^ Nanny Marders < Upnnv 5 Pilot, Jr. 12. I IJ^anny.. | Mare by. Sterling. I f Abdallah Wilkes 7562 (see Lot 56). (.Lewis'.) rr^tn^ 177 5 Mambrino Chief 11. f A kerV'" i IMarehy American Isabel \ (Akers.) Eclipse^ [Brilliant | ft^^jan Allen 43. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; large; star; white stocking on off hind leg; near hind ankle white. Deportment.— Broken double and single; not trained; good gaited; only requires age to go fast. It will be noticed that in above pedigree Woodford Mambrino 2:21%, Clark Chief 89 and Idol 177, three of the best sons of Mambrino Chief 11, appear close up."^ Mambrino Clark 3408 is by Mambrino Dudley 2:193|, out of a daughter of Clark Chief 89. Isabel is dam of Yolette, and the latter threw Voleta 2:26i^. For Abdallah Wilkes 7562, see Lot 56. Mambrino Dudley 2\\.^% is sire of Crescendo 2:24, Bavarian 2:26, Tracy 2:2Q}4^ Rinaldo 2:283;/, Rintoul 2:283^ and Gretna 2:293^. Woodford Mambrino 2:21}4 is sire of Abbottsford 2:19i^, Mambrino Dudley 2:193^,. Pancoast 2:21f and 9 others in the list, and the dams of 22 with records from 2:16^- to 2:30. Akers' Idol 177 (dam a thoroughbred daughter of American Eclipse and Kitty Muse) got Don 2:22i<, John R. 2:23 and Barbara Patchen 2:24i^ and 2 others; also the dams of Misty Morning 2:21, Strathlan 2:21|, Paul Hacke 2:24^ and 3 others in the list. Sue Dudley (dam of Mambrino Dudley 2:19f) was also dam of Grosjean 2:30 and Sacra- mento (sire of Nelly Rose 2 :25ir). Madam Dudley produced the dams of Mambrino Dudley, Grosjean and Sacramento above mentioned; also the dams of Daireen 2:21^, Davenant 2:26^, Belford 2:26f, Ulva 2:27, Dacia 2:293^, Prince Dudley 2:29|, Dodd Peet 2:19^ (pacing) and Greenhorn 2 :28i (pacing). For Clark Chief 89, see Lot 56. Woodbine is dam of Wedgewood 2:19 (9 in list), Woodford Mambrino 2:21i2 (12in list), Monaco (7 in list), and one of her daughters threw Borden 2:28 and Proctor 2:19 pacing. •26 ESTATE OF EDWIN BATES. [3d Day, Wednesday, Alexander's Edivin Forrest 49 got Billy Hoskins 2-M^, Champaign 2:30, and his daughters have produced So So 2:17i:£, Mambrino Dudley 2:19^, London 2:203^ and 8 others in the list. Bilof, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:24i.<, Tattler 2:26, Tackey 2:26 and 4 others in the list; and the dams of Maud S. 2:083^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:173^, Nutwood 2:18f, Viking 2:19i^, Pilot Boy 2:20, JNToontide 2:20^^ and 27 others in the list. Ethan Allen 2:25i got Billy Barr 2:23f, Hotspur 2:24. Pocahontas 2:26| and 4 others in the list and the dams of B. B. Custer 2 :223^, Opal 2:23, Lady I^oye 2:23)^ and 12 others in the list. 59. TaSSOni I 7493; ^- c, 1891. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Kegistered. Standard. • Abdallah "Wilkes 7562 (see Lot 56) . X TASSONI 17493. ^ at four years, Jerome Eddy 2:161-2', Lucy 2:18^, Alexander 2:19 and many others. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 56. For Thorndale 2:22i^, see Lot 59. Superb 295 (son of Ethan Allen 2:253:2) is sire of Harry Conklin 2:26 and Great Western 2:29, while his daughters have thrown Superb Prince 2:26 and Mars 2:27^^. Served September 7, 1891, by Nutmont 2:283^, see Lot 07. 63. TrtSStena, b. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Eegistered. Standard. fP.ed Wilkes 1749 . y fFred Wilkes 4800 . (2:33«.) TEUSTENA.^ ( Hambletonian 10. fGeorge Wilkes 519.... - (Rysdyk's.) J ( Dolly Spanker. I OiippTi nido ^ Mambrino Chief 11. (.yueen uido.. | j^j^g^^,^ ^^ p^g^ jacket. Mambrino Chief 11. Lady Thorn's Dam. {Mambrino Patchen 58 (Herr's.) 7-„,j„, »-.,„„ S Star Davis. L^«^'2' ^«?^ iMareWl^psilou. { Trusty Girl (see Lot 62), by Alert 737. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; star. Deportment. — Broken single ; never handled for speed; shows a remarkable gait. For Trusty Girl, see Lot 62. February 17, 1892.'\ ESTATE OF EDWIN BATES. 29 Fred JFifkes 4800 lias a record of 2:33^, made in 1891, and is much faster than his mark would indicate. He is by the famous Red Wilkes (sire of more trotters in the list than any other son of George Wilkes), out of a daughter of Herr's Mambrino Patchen 58; 2d dam, thoroughbred by Star Davis, son of imp. Glencoe. Hea Wilkes -Z74-.9 got Prince Wilkes 2:14f, Phil Thompson 2:lGi, Clara T. 2:17i, Dallie Wilkes 2:174, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Allie Wilkes 2:18, Nelly Wilkes 2:181, J. R. Shedd 2:191^, Repetition 2 :19i4 at 4 years, Molly Molloy 2:20, Wabash 2:20, Hinder Wilkes 2:20^4 at h years and 39 others in the list ; also the dams of Mambrino Maid 2:15^?^, Eyangeline 2:19 at 8 years, McGregor Wilkes 2:21, Sappho 2:223^ at 3 years, Katie Earl 2:27 at 3 years, and 3 others. Herr''s Marnbrhio Patchen, 58 (full brother to Lady Thorn 3:18'^^) got London 2:20.J-, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 16 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood mares, having thrown Guy Wilkes 2:15l:£, Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2 :18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 'i-.lS^i, Elvira 2:18^, Cleora 2:183.^, Constantine 2:193,4 at 3 years, Play Boy 2:193|, Wabash 2:20 and 4(5 others in the list. Geortfe Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:18i?<, Guy Wilkes 2:15^, Wilson 2:16i^, J. B. Richardson 2:163^, So So .2:17i^, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:18i^, Wilton 2:19]^, Joe Bunker 2:19fct, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:11>^, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years. Fugue 2:19i^, Butterfly 2:193^, All So 2:20^4, Eagle Bird 2:21 at 4 years, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. Sed Jacket got the dam of Kentucky Wilkes 2:21^^, the 2d dam of Red Wilkes (sire of 51 in the list), and the 2d dam of So So 2:17^ (dam of All So 2:20>^ and Reve So 2:28^^ at 5 years). 64. FdrreStry 788 I , b. c, 1887. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Registered. Standard. ^ f Fred Wilkes 4800 (see Lot 63). (2:33M.) FORRESTRT 7881. r Mambrino Chief 11... j Mambrino Paymaster. Grace Forrest . [■ Mambrino Patchen 58 \ (Herr's.) j ^ Thorn's nam i G<^no. ! (Edwin Forrest 49 j ^°11°g,?SL?7,-J^i'*"- Uate Forrest (Alexander's.) ^ ^°"' "'^ "'^"^^a'tklns'.) ^Daughter of { Kry zL^^""^^^'^^- Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; star. Deportment. — Broken single; good gaited and handsome; can show fast and if developed should make a trotter; has fine disposition, and is very easily handled. It will be noticed that this young horse is out of a daughter of Herr's Mambrino Patchen 58, and that his sire is out of another daughter of the same horse and by the greatest son of George Wilkes. For Fred Wilkes 2:33i, see Lot 63. For Herr's Mambrino Patchen 58, see Lot 63. Alexander's Edtvin Forrest 49 got Billy Hoskins 2:2Q}4 and Champaign 2:30. His daughters have produced So So 2:173^*, Mambrino Dudley 2:193,^, London 2:20^^ and 8 others in the list. ■65. Daisy Wilkes, b. m., ISSo. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Registered. Standard. f Abdallah Wilkes 7562 (see Lot 56). f Hambletonian 10 | ^i'£f 'J^^ V ,, DAISY WILKES.^' f Electioneer 135 (Rysdyk's.) * Chas. Kent Mare. [Green Mt. Maid ] <^IZ^^?V^- ^ i bhanghal Mary. ( Hambletonian 157. (Prince of Orange < cHetzel's.; Daughter of i ' [Daughter of \ Mambrino Paymaster Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; not handled for speed; used for driving past iseason; open gaited; with opportunity owner believes she will go fast. X Nelly G. 30 ESTATE OF EDWIN BATES. [2d Bay, Wednesday y This mare has in her pedigree close up the two greatest sires in the Hambletonian fanaily. Her sire is a son of George Wilkes 2:32 (68 trotters in the list); her dam by Electioneer (sire of 100 in the list). l^elly 6r. is dam of Navarro 3:30i in 1891. For Ahdallah Wilkes 7562, see Lot 56. Electioneer 125 is sire of Sunol 2:08i^ at 5 years, 2:10i^ at 4 years, 2:10i^ at 3 years, Palo Alto 2:08^, Arion 3:10% at 2 years, Advertiser 2:16 at 8 years, Manzanita 2:16 at 4 years, Anteeo 2:16i^, Ladywell 3:16>^ at 5 years, Amigo 3:16^, Adair 3:173^, Norval 2:17^, Lot Slocum 3:173>^, Bell Bird 3:36^=^ (yearling) and 88 others in the list, 11 of which are in the 3:20 list. Greeti Mountain Maid is dam of Elaine ^:20, Prospero 2:30, Elista 3:30%, Dame Trot 3:22, Mansfield 3:36, Storm 3:36%, Antonio 3:38f, Elina 3:393^ and Electioneer (100 trotters in the list). For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 56. For Willis' Harry Clay 3:29, see Lot 59. Served September 7, 1891, by Euroclydon 11607, by Baron Wilkes 3:18, dam Astria, by Nutwood 3:18%; 3d dam, Patchen Maid (dam of Astral 3:18), by Herr's Mambrino- Patchen 58. 66. Vio!a, ch. f., 1889. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates, Eegistered. Standard. Abdallah Wilkes 7562 (see Lot 56). f ■priwflTfi FvPTPtt, SI 5 Hambletonian IQ (Eysdyk's). t^awaia n^Yerett »1... ^ Fanny, s. t. b. by Margrave, Diploma 1096.-- .< Imp. Cvmbal ^ Alcalde 103. (.i^ymoai ^ Mare by Abdallah • 15. LVicuna ■{ (Alexander's.) j^^Sr- IxSl^rtia. ■1t„„>,p, 5Idoll77(Akers'). ^^^^"^^ I Mare by Ethan Allen 43. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Broken single ; never trained for speed ; rapid gaited and promising. For Abdallah Wilkes 7562, see Lot 56. Visette is full sister to Volette, the dam of Voleta 2:26)^. Voltaire 685 has a record of 2:303>^, and is sire of Volney 3:343^, and the dam of Voleta 3:361^. Edward Everett 81 got Judge FuUerton 3 :18, Sheridan 3:303^, Mountain Boy 2:30%, Young FuUerton 3:20% and 9 others in the list, and the dams of Walton Boy 3:20%, Sweet- ness 2:313^, Commodore 2:23, Sir Walter 2:243^ and 8 others. Tattler 3:36 is sire of Rumor 2:20, Voltaire 2:203^, Indianapolis 2:31, Slander 3 :383^ and the dam of Don Wilkes 2:34%. Alcalde 103 got Hylas 3:243^, Enigma 3:36. Mary 3:39, Fancy Day 3:30; also the dams, of Jean Valjean 2:17i^, Lida Bassett 2:203^, Umber 2:253^, Glen Mary 2:26 at 4 years, and 5 others in the list. For Akers' Idol 177, see Lot 58. 67. VlStera I 7642, b. c, 1890. Bred and OAvned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Registered. Standard. X { Abdallah 15. rBelmont 64 ■< (Alexander's.) f Nutbourne 1399 < ^^'"^ ^y ^''^"^X^? , , ■ Miss Russell ^ ™°t, .Jr. 12. ^'^^^^ "" I. Miss Kusseu - \ Sally Russell. ^^^o*.'?o'?5*^~^°'' 1 (Hambletonian 10. (2:a8M-) I (Knickerbocker 200.. _) (Eysdyk's.) : Mare by Geo. M. VISTEEA 1764 -( sunbeam..... lIe°rSlf''- Patchen 30. I Vicuna (see Lot 66), by Diploma 1096. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken ; shows remarkable speed for one of his age without handling. For Vicuna, see Lot 66. February 17, 1892.'] estate of edwin bates. — i. v. bakek, jr. 31 Nutrnonf 2206 has a record of 2:28i4, and is sire of Navarro 2:%Q)4 at 4 years. Nutboiirne 1309 was never regularly trained, but as a five-year-old was handled for'a short time when he trotted a trial for Mr. Bonner in 2:26}4> l^st quarter in 35 seconds. T i; Nutbourne's stud career was confined almost exclusively to the mares owned by Mr. Bonner; few outside mares having been bred to him, so that he has but a limited number of foals all told, and very few of these ever had any track work. He has, however, to his credit in Cheyenne 2:15j^', one of the gamest trotting stallions of 1891, that at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 13, 1891, won in straight heats the 2:20 cla.ss, defeating Bonnie Wilmore 2 :l4i^, Pickpania 2:143^, Charleston 2:15, Miss Alice 2:17i4;, Honest George 2:17?^, Abbie V. 2:18i and Blazeberry 2:193^ in 2:18i^, 2:15^4, 2:1534, and is also sire of Nutmont 2:28}4. For Strabo, Sunbeam, Belmont 64, Miss Russell and Knickerbocker 200, see Lot 61. 68. Hattie H.,b. m., ISSS. sire. Lakeland Clayl661, son of Willis' Harry Clay 2:39. Dam, Hattie Hawkins, by Volunteer 55 ; 2d dam, by Fiddler, thoroughbred son of Monmouth Eclipse ; 3d dam, by Seagull, son of Duroc. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Eegisterecl. Standard. Informal Statement. Descbiption. — Bay; about 15^;^ hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; not handled for speed; good gaited. Lakeland Clay 1661 is by Willis' Harry Clay 2:29; dam by Lakeland Abdallah 351 (full brother to Harold); 2d dam, by Seely's American Star 14. For Willis' Harry Clay 2:29, see Lot 59. For Volunteer 55, see Lot 62. Served June 25, 1891, by Abdallah Wilkes 7562, see Lot 56. 69. Harry K, 1 7492, b. c, 1891. Sire, Abdallah Wilkes ^/5G2 (see ^ Lot 56). Dam, Hattie H. (Lot 68), by Lakeland Clay 1661. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size; off hind heel white. Deportment. — Unbroken; a good gaited one. For Abdallah Wilkes 7562, see Lot 56. Hattie H. is Lot 08. 70r Harriette, b- f-. 1889- Sire, Abdalhih Wilkes 7562 (see Lot 56). Dam, Hattie H. (Lot 68), by Lakeland Clay 1661. Bred and owned by the estate of Edwin Bates. Registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Broken single; never trained for speed; good gaited. Full sister to Harry K., Lot 69. PROPERTY OF ISAAC V. BAKER, JR. (GREAT MEADOW FARM), COMSTOOKS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, N. Y. 7 I . Rheba, Wk. f., April 20, ISOO. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker. Jr. Registered. Standard. rHambletonian 10_.... \ oha-f^Kent Mare rBonaFide720 (Eysdyk's.) 1 Chas. Kent Mare. Kate i Bellalre. RHEBA ' {dum of 3 in list.) rTii„„„,io..iQii ( Belmont 64. fMeander mi ^ Minerva, hy Pilot, Bip A Jr. 12. iNclly Jefferson \ ^"^^^ Jefferson 304. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; medium size ; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; a nice filly; promising. 32 I. V. BAKER, JE. [Sd Day, Wednesday, Sip trotted quarters in 41 seconds to wagon as a three-year-old. Nelly Jefferson was a superb road mare tliat could trot in 3:30. Bona Fide 7'^0 (full brother to Young Bruno 2:2^3^, Breeze 2:24, and Bruno 2:293^) is sire of Humbert 2:283^, G-ene 2:2Q)4y and several others with records from 2:34 to 2:56. Meander 2:26i^ got Pamlico 2:163;^, Stephanie 2:22)^, Manville 2:25 and Amender 2:25^. Thomas Jefferson 2:23 got Farmer Boy 2:l9i, John S. Clark 2:1934:. Lizzie M. 2:20i^, Patrician 2:2(}}4, Neli 2:27 and 6 others ; also the dams of Ida D. 2:25 and Don L. 2:283^. Kate {dam of Bona Fide) is dam of Young Bruno 2:22^^, Breeze 2:24, Bruno 2-2%%, Daniel Boone 2:313^ (5 in list). Bona Fide (3 in list), Miss Brunette (dam of Black Prince 2,:25%), Lady Bellfounder (dam of Kingsley 2:26^^), etc. Minerva is dam of Meander 2:363^ (sire of 4 in the list), Nugget 3:26^ (sire of 7 in the list), and Egmont (sire of .12 in the list). Belmont 64 got Nutwood 2:18f, Wedgewood 2:19, Viking 2:19i^, Dick Moore 2:223^, Waterloo 2:233^^, Nil Desperandum 2:24 and 29 others in the list, also the dams of 33 trotters in the list. Mt/sdyJc^s Hambletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21*, Jay Goxild 2:213.<, Bella 2:33, George Wilkes 2:33, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stam'boul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 3:15;^: and 74 others in the list. Pilot, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 3:24, Pilot Temple 2:243^, Tattler 2:36, Tackey 2:26 and 4 others in the list; and the dams of Maud S. 2:083^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:17f, Nutwood 2:183.^ Viking 2:193^, Pilot Boy 2:30, Noontide 2:203^, and 27 others in the list. 72. BreSlin I 3343^ g^"- C-j Jnne 16, 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac y. Baker, Jr. Registei'ed. Standard. f Bona Fide 720 (see Lot 71). BEESLIN 13543. -I King Harold 1651. I, OIney . C Hambletonian 10. fHarold 413 \ (Eysdyk's.) ( Enchantress. C Woodford Mambrino iTweedle.--- I (2:2%) 345. ( Mare by Pilot, Jr. 12. ( WooHf ord fPrlnceps 536 \ Mambrlno 345. ( Primrose. I Dawn ^ Belmont 64. L^^^"^ I Midnight, by Pilot, Jr. 12. Informal Statement. Description. — Dark iron grey; star; little white on near front foot; off hind foot white. Deportment. — Unbroken; has very superior gait. For Bona Fide 730, see Lot 71. King Harold 1651 is by Harold 413 (sire of Maud S. 3:08|); dam, Tweedle, by Wood- ford Mambrino 2:313^; 2d dam, by Pilot, Jr. 12. Harold 413 got Maud S. 2:08i, Noontide 2:203^, Cammie L. 2:21, Daireen 2:213^, Mattie Graham 2:21 J, Hartford 2:23^, Evermond 3:34^ and 36 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Pennant 3:15, Early Bird 3:313>i^ at 4 years, Pancoast 2:21^, Algath 2:23 at 4 years and 16 others in the list. Princeps 536 got Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15i, Geneva 2:1934, Granby 2:193^, Princeton 2:19-^, Femme Sole 3:30 and 21 others in the list ; also the dams of Epaulet 3:19, Latitude 2:19f, Glycera 2:20i- at 4 years, Sarcenett 2:201;^, Sadie M. 2:20i and 10 others. Midnight is dam of Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:17f and Noontide 2:20^. Priinrose (dam of Princeps) is dam of Redwald 2:263'2, Sineus 2:2734. Ichi Ban 2:29)^, Pagan 3:30, Maxim (3 in list), Abdalbrino (3 in list), Pluto (3 in list), and one of her daughters threw Chichester 2:25 J. Woodford Mambrino 2:21^ (twice above) is sire of Abbottsford 2:193^, Mambrino Dudley 2:19f, Pancoast 2:21|- and 9 others in the list, and the dams of 22 with records from 2:161/^ to 2:30. For Pilot, Jr. 12 (twice above), Belmont 64 and Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 71. THRIFT. February 17, 1892.] i. v. baker, je. 33 73. Thrift, b. f-, May 18, 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker, Jr. Eegi stored. Standard. fRpimnntfij 5 Abdallah 15 (Alexander's). Uelmont b4 j gg,jg^ ^^ Mambrino Chief 11. /Meander 1311 \ (2:26^.) Minerva ( Pilot, Jr. 12. I ^ (dam of 2"lnTi8t:j'" < ^are by Mambrino Chief 11. r Ashhmd Patchen 48.. \ ^f^lX'^eo. M. Patchen 30. (.Toung Nelly \. ^~-'^*'-> wpiiv 5 Abdallah 15. ^ ■^ ( Mare by Sherman Morgan. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; fair size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; a hand.some filly ; promising for speed. Yonrig Nelly is dam of Dagmar 3:49 at 3 years (trial 2:39), Ulmar (trials), better than 2:40, and others that are fast. Meander 2:26^ (out of Minerva, dam of Nugget 2:2Q%) is sire of Pamlico 2:16^4, Stephanie 2:2314, Manville 2:25 and Amender 2:251^. Minerva is dam of Meander 2:263^ (sire of 4 in the list), Nugget 2:26^ (sire of Gold Leaf 2:161-9 and others in list), and Egmont (sire of 12 in the list). Ashland Hutchen 2:36 got T. B. Clark 2:33 and Weskora 2:35):^. Belmont 64 got Nutwood 2:183^:, Wedgewood 2:19, Viking 2:19i^, Dick Moore 2:22i^, Waterloo 2:23^, Nil Desperandum 2:24 and 29 others in the list; also the dams of 30 trotters in the list. Alexander's Abdallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:21%, Thorndale 2:22i4 and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2:\Q% and 29 others in the list. jBe/?e was dam of McCurdy's Hambletonian 2:2637^ (sire of 10 in the list), also dam of Bicara, who threw Pancoast 2:2134, Balzac Chief 2:26i^, Bezant 2:2^}.2 and Monte Carlo 2i:2%%, and her daughter Mayenne threw Crescendo 2:24." Pilot, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 3:24^, Tattler 3:26, Tackey 2:26, and 4 others in the list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08^, Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:173,^^, Nutwood 2:18f, Viking 2:19i^, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2:20)^ and 27 others in the list. Ashland 47 got Highland Win 2:26, Fanny Burroughs 2:371^ and Joe Pettit 2:30 and the dams of Edwin Thorne 2:16i.:^, Jerome 2:2534 and Musette 2:29M- 74. AlvarO 13656, ^^- c-, April l, 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker, Jr. Registered. Standard. (Meander 1311 (see Lot 73j. (2:261^.) ALVARO 13656. C Bona Fide T'Q (see Lot 71; . Isenorlta 1 rvninntPP.-';'; J Hambletonian 10 (Rysdyk's). voiunteei 5o. --- 1 Lady Patriot. LMadge -A Npllv ^ Abdallah 15 (Alexander's). *- ^ ' \ Mare by Sherman Morgan. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; small snip; off hind ankle white. Deportment. — Unbroken; very attractive, with a splendid gait. The first, second and third dams of this colt are all by sons of Rysdyk's Hambletonian. Senorita is dam of Dara 2-A114. For Meander 2:26i^ (sire of Pamlico 3:163^, etc.), see Lot 73. ' For Bona Fide 72()7sire of Humbert 2:28i^, etc.), see Lot 71. Volunteer 55 got St. .Julien 2:113^, Gloster3:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:19 14, Driver 3:19* and 34 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14}4', Ripple 2:173^, Brilliant 2:17}4> Amelia C. 3:19^, Camille 2:20i4, Stephen G. 2:20>|' and 26 others in the list. For Alexander's Abdallah 15, see Lot 73. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 71. 34 T. V. BAKER, JR. [3d Day, Wednesday, 75- Britomartey b. f., 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker, Jr. Eegistered. Standard. fBdna Fide T20 (see Lot 71). BEITOMAETE. fNutbourne 1399 J Belmont 64. iNutDourne idaj ^ Miss Russell. LBettina \ Pellp of PflwlPt (WarrHulett. dam of HSertl:28Jg ^ ^are by HamWet^om^an. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; highly finished and splendidly gaited. For Bona Fide 720, see Lot 71. Belle of Parrlet, record 2:36 (trial), 2:30, is dam of Humbert 2:38i^, Bellone 2-A2\i, at 3 years, Silver Chief 2:41}^, Gordon (trial), 2:30i^, etc. JSfutbounie 1399 was never regularlj' trained, but as a five year old was handled for a short time when he trotted a trial for Mr. Bonner in 3:263^, last quarter in 35 seconds. Nutbourne's stud career was confined almost exclusively to the mares owned by Mr. Bonner; few outside mares having been bred to him, so that he has but a limited number of foals all told and very few of these ever had any track work. He has, however, to his credit in Cheyenne 3:15|, one of the gamest trotting stallions of 1891, that at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 13, 1891, won in straight heats the 2:20 class, defeating Bonnie Wilmore 2:143^, Pickpania 2:14|, Charleston 2:15, M'ss Alice 2 :17|-, Honest George 2 :17f, Abbie V. 3:18i and Blazeberry 2:19i^ in 2:18^^, 2:15f, 2:15f, and is also sire of Nutmont 3:28J. Miss jRiissell is dam of Maud S. 3:083^, Nutwood 3:1834, Cora Belmont 2:24i^, Russia 3:28, and her daughters have thrown Cora S. 2:35i:^, Maudlen 3:353-4:, Re-Election 2 :37M, Electrix 2:28i.^, etc. For Belmont 64, see Lot 71. 76. CaballerO 13655, b. c, June 12, 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker, Jr. Registered. Standard. Meander i:Sll (see Lot 73). J (2:26^.) CABALLERO 13655. -i r n^r,<>-,-^ r.-, ( Pilot, -Jr. 12. I r Bayard 53 . . _ ^^-g^^ ^'^^^^ ^jy American. LIndlanola \ T rt- ( Mambrino Chief 11. I maiana^.^^. _.^ -^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Bertrand. Indianapolis 2:21 Informal Statement. Description. — Bay: medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken ; strongly built ; with the best of feet and legs ; one of the most promising gaited colts ever bred at Great Meadow Farm. Mr. Baker believes he will be one of the fastest. For Meander 2:26i^, see Lot 73. Indianola is dam of Kernwood (sire of Dannemora 2:29), and Hepburn (trial) 2:34. Indiana is dam of Indianapolis 2:21 (sire of 4 in list), Indiaman (sire of Bellman 2:111% and 2 others), Pilot Mambrino 3:35i^ (sire of N. T. H. 3:17i^), etc. Bayard 2:31^ got Bliss 2:21i-^, Emma B. 2:22, Kitty Bayard 3:25i^, Lilly J. 2:35i^ and 4 others; also the dams of Faust 3:181;^ at 8 years, Jerry L. 2:32i4 and 3 others in list. Marnhriuo Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 3:18i^, Woodford Mambrino 2:31.^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 3:17, Piedmont 2:n}4, lona 3:17^ and 30 others in the list. For Pilot, Jr. 13, see Lot 73. 77. Pauline, ^■'^•, May lO, 1890. Bred and owned by Isaac V. Baker,* Jr. Registered. Standard. f Meander 1311 (see Lot 73). ^^^'^'^^■\ , Hnguenot 1236.... \ ^^H}^'-fk Mercy. J ..^B^^u^y^^ ^«o„ ^ jj^jg ^y Daniel Lambert 102. LDam of Shanty 2:30M Rf™*l?''V.5P'^'^''r/-o * ,s ^ J *.W72. ^ ]y[gj.g )jy Dioijjgji (Benton's). Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; has excellent bone, high headed, beautifully gaited, very highly finished. February 17, 1892.'] i. v. baker, je. 35 For Meander 2:26i^, see Lot 73. Merc/ Eug L Alberta Acolyte ("Bona Fide 720 (see Lot 71). - { r Ashland Patchen 48 . . I Bertha Eagle. \ Ashland 17. [ Mare by Geo. M. Patchen 30. 1„, „ T^ ™ (Battler (Biggart's). [Colonels Dam -- j Mare by Sharpshooter. dam of ^ -^ Nelly Webster 2:28^ Informal Statement. Description. — Bay: large; star; near hind ankle white, Deportment.— Unbroken; very stylish and attractive. Onset 2665 (son of Onward) is full brother to Acolyte 2:21 (sire of Position 2:22^^ at 8 years and 2 others). Another son of Onward got Atha(ion 2:28 (champion yearling stallion record). For Bona Fide 720, see Lot 71. Omvard 2:2oi4 got Houri 2:17, Shadeland Onward 2:18i.<, Clara Wilkes 2:18-4, Mika- gan 2:19,^, Boaz 2:20, Glycera 2:20^ at 5 years, Acolyte 2:21, Emulation 2:21 and 30 others in the list, also the dams of Belle Onward 2:23 at 2 years, Clorine 2:23^4' at 3 years, Gama- leon 2:251^ at 3 years, Benoni 2:28^^ at 3 years and Cortez 2:28i.2 at 4 years. Dolly is dam of Director 2:17 (sire of Margaret S. 2:1214 at 4"years), Czarina 2:21, Thorn- dale 2:221.4 (sire of Edwin Thorne 2:10>.£) and Onward 2:251^ (sire of Houri 2:17). Oeorffe- Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2 :133.<, Guy Wilkes 2:15i^, Wilson 2:161^, J. B. Richardson 2:16^, So So 2:17i4 Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:1814:, Wilton 2:193^, Joe Bunker 2:1934, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:lli^, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years. Fugue 2:19i^, Butterfly 2:193|, All So 2:20i<^, Eagle Bird 2:21 at 4 years, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. Colonel's Dam is dam of Nelly Webster 2:28^ and Colonel, trial 2:263^. Almont S3 got Fanny Witherspoon 2:163.^, Piedmont 2:ll\i, Aldine 2:193^, Early Rose 2:2034:, King Almont 2:213^iand 30 others in the list, and the dams of Alabaster 2 :lo at 4 years, J. B. Richardson 2:16^, Silas Skinner 2:17, Catchfly 2:18i^, Bismont 2:183^, Hinder Wilkes 2:2014 and 24 others. For Ashland Patchen 48, see Lot 73. Biggart's JRafUer got the dams of Lady Snell 2:23, Alameda Maid 2:273^ and Nelly Webster 2:28^^. W. H. WOODKING. [2d Day, Wednesday, PROPERTY OF W. H. WOODRING, HEOKTOWN, PENN. 79. Catalogue 7875, b. s., May 4, 1887. Bred by the estate of Edwin Bate?, Derby, Vt. Owned by W. H. Woodring. Registered. Standard. C Abdallah 15. f Roimnnt fi/i ' (Alexander's.) [ Mare by Mambilno Chief 11. r Nutbourne 1399 i'Nutinonl2206- I (2:28M.) CATALOGUE 7875. ■! [Cymbal . 4 in the list. ( Hambletonian 10 [Knickerbocker 200... < (Rysdyk's.) I ( Mare by Geo. M. ^"'^'Tam-of---lse''rSf-^^^- Stephen G. 2:20^^ f Mambrlno Chief 11... 5 MambrinoFaymaster. Alcalde 103 \ I Daughter of \ g^^^^^ond Hunt Mare. rAbdallah 15 \ IX^hTuiT ^^• Taglioni.. (Alexander's.) ^KatyDailmg. jr,,,.,, \ Monmonth Eclipse. Pick Moore 2:22J^ Informal Statement. Descriptioh. — Bay; about 16 hands; star; both hind ankles white; blind. Deportment. — Broken single late last fall, as a four-year-old ; trotted halves in 1:18, -quarters in 86 seconds. Had an attack of influenza as a two-year-old which left him with defective sight, and for this reason was not broken until four years old; a large racy looking colt with a big open stride, very rapid. He is now blind, but owner believes, with proper handling he is capable of beating 2:20 coming season. N at t no I if 2206 has a recorcl of 2:28.^4, and is sire of Navarro 2:30J^ at 4 years, the only one of his get ever trained. ("fimbal was a fast mare and is dam.of Wag Wilkes (trial) 2:40, quarters in 37 seconds. Xiifhoitriie 13iH) (full brother to Nutwood 2 :18|) was never regularly trained, but as a five-year-old was handled for a short time when he trotted a trial for Mr. Bonner in 2:26i, last quarter in 35 seconds. He is sire of Cheyenne 2:15|- and Nutmont 2:28i-. Strabo is dam of Nutmont 2:28^' and sister to Stephen G. 2:20i.,'. Alcalde lOH got Hylas 2:243>^, Enigma 2:26, Mary B. 2:29, Fancy Day 2:30, Mam-- brino Bruce 2:40^0 (sire of Kit Curry 2: 18i^') and the dams of Jean Valjean 2:18i^, Lida Bassett 2:20i.< and 4 others in the list. 3Iari/ is'dam of Dick Moore 2-22%. Heliiionf 4)4 got Nutwood 2:18^, Wedgewood 2:19, Viking 2:19^4, Dick Moore 2:22i^, Waterloo 2:23^, Nil Desperandum 2:24 and 29 others in the list; also the dams of 33 trotters in the list. Miss Bussell is dam of Maud S. 2:08S, Nutwood 2:183^, Cora Belmont 2:24>^, Eussia 2:28, and her daughters have thrown Cora S. 2:25K, Maudlen 2:2534, Re-Election 2:27i^, JElectrix 2:28i.^, etc. Sunbeam is dam of Stephen G. 2:20i.,'. Knickerbocker 200 got Onward 2-20}4, Stephen G. 2:20i^, Dom Pedro 2:24)4: and 6 others in the list; the dams of Justinian 2:27 and Nutmont 2:283^. Alexander's AbUallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:213^, Thorndale 2:22^4' and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2:1^% and 29 others in the list. Manibriito (Jhief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18J=4, Woodford Mambrino 2:21}4 and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:173^, lona 2:11%, and 20 others in the list. Bysdyk's Hambletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter .2:1714^ Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21i2, Jay Gould 2:21i2^ Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 8:14, Green- lander 2 :153r:^ and 74 others in the list. February 17, 1892.'] av. h. woodking. 3T 80. Vol and I 0049, ch. s., May 2, ISSS. Bred by the estate of Edwin Bates, Derby, Vt. Ownedby W. H. Woodriiig. Eegistered. Standard. r Woodfm-d MamlH-lno j ^S'^.^'-f "" ^^'^J'ioJx^v" '^"'"''^ ^^''\ ' \ Edwin Forrest 49. (^■■^^%-) I Sue Dudley ] (Alexander's.) ^ . /-..I ofno ] ( Madam Dudley. f Mambrino Clark 3408. „ I I riarir rhiPf sq ( Mambriuo Chief 11. ClaiKCmet «y | Mare by Bay Messen- l Nanny Marders \ ger (Downlng's)^ I U-flTinv 1 Pilot, .Jr. 13. I ll^anny | Mare by Sterling. VOLAND 10049. •! ., ^, . . (Lewis'.). I C Hambletonian 10. fGeorge Wilkes 519.... -^ (Rysdyk's.) fAbdallal, Wilkes 7562. ^-22.) ^ Dolly Spanker. Marip i Wagner Abdallab. I imarie (U&re by Kenttccki/. I Volutia { ' -I Tattler .SOO. i, ' ^mPJ^-- ' ^°^^^ i'"^-"*- ^Volette I TcBhpi 5 Idol 117 (Akers'i. ' i^saDei ) Mare by Ethan Allen43 Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; 15^ hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single. Was not broken until late iu August, t891, after which, with less than 30 days' handling, paced quarters in 38 seconds and in October- showed miles iu 2 :40, and late in November went a mile and repeat in 3 :37, 2 :34. ^ Is powerfully made, big gaited, level headed, and owner believes will pace in 2:20 coming season. Volutia is full sister to Voleta 2:26^4'. Abdallah Wilkes 75(i2 is sire of Saxon 2:32i^ and Voleta 2 :26J^. Matnbrino DiK/ley 2:1934 is sire of Crescendo 2:24, Bavarian 2:26, Tracy 2:26)^, Rinaldo 2 :2834, Rintoul 2 :28|i and Gretna 2 :29i. Voltaire as 5 has a record of 2:20^ and is sire of Volney 2:29i^. Woodford Mambrino 2-21% is sire of Abbottsford 2:19i^, Mambrino Dudley 2:19^^^ Pancoast 2:215^4 and 9 others in the'list, and the dams of 22 with records from 2:16i(i \ Trustee. ■ '^^'^''-"'^ \ Mare by Langford, imp. ^Volunteer 55. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut ; medium size ; star; near hind ankle white. Deportment. — Expected to be broken by day of sale. A natural pacer; very fast in pas- ture; will show for herself on day of sale. Daniel O'Horke 7350 trotted trial and repeat in 2:26, 2:27 for Carll S. Burr, and was later driven by him in 2:24i4, last half, 1 :113r^. Eleanor won her stakes easily at Mineola, L. 1., in 1884 and 1885. Touchstone (dam, thoroughbred, Spring Day, by imp. Lapidist) took First Prize in Hoadster Stallion Class at National Horse Show, 1884, and is sire of West Brefney 2:383^1^, vpinner of Everett House Stakes, 1883, Union Stakes, 1884, and Second Prize in Roadster Stallion Class, National Horse Show, 1885, and East Brefney 2:33, First Prize in same class. Both were very speedy and could trot close to 2 :20 at 3 years old. Dr. Syntax 7348 (trial better than 2:30) is full brother to Eclipse 2:25. For Knickerbocker 200, see Lot 79. February 17, 1892.'] W. I-I. WOODEING. — WM. SIMPSON". 39 Edivard Ererett 81 got SudgeYuWeYion 2:18, Sheridan 2 :20i^, Mountain Boy 2:203^, Young FuUerton 2:20^^ and 9 others in the list, and the dams of Walton Boy 2:205^^^, Sweet- ness 2:211^, Commodore 2:23, Sir Walter 2:241^ and 8 others. He is also sire of l5ambrino that has 15 in the list, including Delmarch 2;lli^, Hambletonian Tranby with 5 in the list and several other sons with fast trotters to their credit. Folunteer 55 (twice above) got St. Julien 2:lli..f, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:19J^, Driver 2:19i.,', and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14^^, Ripple 2:lT>-4, Brilliant 2:171^, Amelia C. 2:19i^, Camille 2:20i^, Stephen G. 2-20%, and 25 others in the list. Imp. Trustee appears as frequently in trotting pedigrees as almost any thoroughbred horse, remote crosses of his blood being found in Palo Alto 2:08|, Hopeful 2:14^, Anteeo 2:16l4, Antevolo 2:193:3 at four years, Jerome Eddy 2:16)^, Lucy 2:1834, Alexander 2:19 and many others. PROPERTY OF WM. SIMPSON (EMPIRE CITY STUD), NEW YORK CITY. 83. Anna E., cb. m,, 1879. Bred by Eobert Bonner, New York City. Owned by Wm. Simpson. Kegistered. Standard. 'Majolica (Stapleton) (2:15.) 1550 Jessie Kirk dam of Majolica 2:15 Miss Majolica 2:24i^ r Happy Medium 400.. '-Frances dam of Flora 2:25}^ -Speight Mare dam of ( George Wilkes, Jr. Informal Statement. rX'idl^r ^°-- ^ Ch^arHeVtMare. Uiz^ie walker........ j ^^Xlf^^^^^t''''''' (Coanlng's.) Clark CMef 89 1 &X?a^^''' "' Cluke Mare. \ ^'^o* ^^Iker. dam of ' Black Cloud 2.17J^ rtEyiffiT '" ^ Mes Kent Mare. 1 T>vinfPs« * Andrus' Hambletonian. ^ , , on 1 1 Mare by Engineer. ^-■''^•' (Burdick's.) c arnith Rnpr \ Napoleon (Burr's). ) o"i"n -tsurr ^ ]yfj^j.g ^,y j^jp Cleveland Bay. -Chestnut; about 15 hands; strip in face. -Broken single ; formerly used in the city as a road mare ; could trot better Descriptios.- Deportment.- than 2 :40 gait. Majolica 1550 has a record of 2:15, and is full brother to Miss Majolica 2 :24i^ and Mambrino Startle (sire of Mambrino Maid 2 :15:^). Frances is dam of Flora 2:25!^. Speight 3Iare is dam of George Wilkes, Jr. (sire of Frank Wilkes 2:30). Happy Medium 400 got Nancy Hanks 2:09 at 5 years, Maxie Cobb 2:13i, Norman Medium 2:20, Buzz Medium 2:20^4, Camille 2 :20i4, Brigadier 2:21i^, Breeze Medium 2:22^, Merry Thought 2:22:^, Happy Thought 2:221.7 and 58 others in the list, and the dams of JJe Barry 2:19i2, Josephine 2 :24i, Flora 2:25)^ and 4 others. Startle has a three-year-old record of 2:36, and later showed a trial over Fleetwood track in 2:19, half mile in 1:043^. With a very limited opportunity in the stud Startle got Majolica 2:15, Instant 2:24i^, Miss Majolica 2:24i^, Alley Bonner 2:28, Portia 2 :29 J (dam of Lightning Maid, four-year-old record 2:19^), Nero 2:31 as a four-year-old, and Mambrino Startle (sire of Mambrino Maid 2:15^). Others got by Startle have shown trials as follows : Westchester 2:29 as a three-year-old and Loretta 2:24, both trials for Mr. Bonner, also Alley Bonner 2:24j^, over Carll Burr's track, and other fast ones. Jessie Kirk is dam of Majolica 2:15, Miss Majolica 2:24^^^ and Mambrino Startle (sire of Mambrino Maid 2: 15 J). Clttke Mare is dam of Black Cloud 2:17^. Smith Burr got Gen. Butler 2:23i^. Clark Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19i, Woodford- Chief 2:22iat 5 years, Blanche Amory 2:26, John E. 2:28f and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:13,34, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:16^4 and 18 others in the list. liysdyk's HamMetonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17J, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21i^, Jay Gould 2:21 1^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15J and 74 others in the list. Served June 1, 1891, hj Electrician 2:24i (brother to Rexford 2:24 and Bernal 2:24), by Electioneer 125 (100 in the list) ; dam Rebecca (dam of 4 in the list), by Gen. Benton 1755 (17 in the list); 2d dam, Clarabel (dam of Clifton Bell 2:24i^ at 4 years), by Abdallah Star. 40 WM. SIMPSOK. [2d Day, Wednesday^. 84. Hughey 15917, b. c, May 3, 1891. Simpson. Eegistered. Standard. Bred and owned, by Wm. Hummer 6112- (2:37.) Electioneer 125_ f Hambletonlan 10 \ ^^£f']?LV^i „ I (Rysdyk's.) * Chas. Kent Mare. [ Green Mt. Maid ( Harry Clay 45. ■ \ Shanghai Mary. ( HamWetonian 10. ■( Dolly Spanker. HUGHEY 15917. ■; { George Wilkes 519. I (2:22.) I Edith Carr \ glark Chief 89. ( Easter Carr. dam of Campbell's Electioneer 2:17% I, Anna E. (Lot 83), hy Majolica 2:15. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; medium size; no white. Deportment.— Unbroken. Entered in Nutmeg Stake ($20,000). Sire entered in Clark's Horse Review Stake ($15,000), for three-year-olds of 1894. Anna E. is Lot 83. Htimmer 6112 2:37 is by Electioneer 125, out of a daughter of George Wilkes 2:22 and with the exception of Advertiser 2:10, at 3 years, is believed to be the only son of Electioneer, whose dam is by George Wilkes 2 :22. Edith Carr is dam of Campbell's Electioneer 2:11%. Electioneer 125 is sire of Sunol 2:08^ at 5 years, 2:10i at 4 years, 2:10i^ at 3 years, Palo Alto 2:083,^, Arion 2:10^4 at 2 years, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years, Manzanita 2:16 at 4 years, Anteeo 2:16i4:, Ladywell 2:16^ at 5 years. Amigo 2:16;^, Adair 2:17Jr, Nerval 2:17i, Lot Slocum 2:17i, Bell Bird 2:23^ (yearling) and 88 others in the list, 11 of which are in the 2:20 list. Green Mountain Maid is dam of Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2:20, Elista 2:20^4, Dame Trot 2:22, Mansfield 2:26, Storm 2:263^, Antonio 2:28,3^, Elina 2:29i^ and Electioneer (100 trotters in the list). George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:133^, Guy Wilkes 2:15^^, Wilson 2:16i, .L B. Richardson 2:16?^, So So 2:17i^, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:18|r, Wilton 2:lQ\i, Joe Bunker 2 :19i4, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:11%, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 vears, Fugue 2:193^, Butterfly 2:193^, All So 2:20^4, Eagle Bird 2:21, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. Willis^ Harry Clay 2:29 got Clayton 2:19, Surprise 2:26, Shawmut 2:26, Green Mountain Maid (dam of Electioneer and 8 trotters in the list), and the dams of St. Julien 2:lli:i, Bodine 2:191^, etc. For Rysdyk's Hambletonlan 10 and Clark Chief 89, see Lot 83. 85. Vim, br. m., June 18, 1886. Bred by Edwin Bates, Derby, Vfc. Owned by Wm. Simpson. Registered. Standard. fLakelandClay 1661... < r Harry Clay 45. (Willis'.) Lady Seward , VIM. \ I Nanny Marders. \ Sister to Crabtree. . . . | Bellf ounder, imp. f Lakeland Ahdallah 351 \ fnch'aSs^.'" ^" (Rysdyk's). I.Billy -James Mare .... | American Star 14 (Seely's). piambrino Chief 11... \ ^am- Paymaster. I Tittle Nora ( Bay Messenger (Downing's). ILiCTieiNora \tATS. Caudle. r Pilot, .Jr. 12. Fanny i Black Pilot. ! Nancy Pope. iDaughter of \ Sterling (Lewis'). Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; about 15 hands; star and snip; near hind foot white; off hind foot and ankle white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; was handled for a few months by Macy Bros., as a two-year-old, when she showed a mile in 3:06; a good road mare. Above pedigree represents a combination of Hambletonlan, Clay American Star, Pilot, .Jr., and Mambrino Chief blood. February 17, 1892.'] wm. siMPSOi^. 41 Lakeland Clay 1661 is by Willis' Harry Clay 2:29, out of a daughter of Lakeland Abdallah 351; the latter is full brother to Harold (sire of Maud S. 2:083^, etc.). For Willis' Harry Clay 2:29, see Lot 84. For Clark Chief 89, see Lot 83. Lakeland Abdallah Sol (full brother to Harold), got George 0. 2:21^, Gail 2:263^ and Abdallah Clay 2 :29i ; also the dams of Duke 2:24^^, Fred Hambleton 2:26, and Mambrino Swigert 2:30. Pilot, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:24i^, Tattler 2:26, Tackey2:26 and 4 others in the list, and the dams of Maud S. 2:08''i£, Jay-Eye-See 2:10. Electricity 2:17|, Nutwood 2:18f, Viking 2:19^, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2:20i and 27 others in the list. Neave's Cassius 31. Clay, Jr. ;20 got Lady Lockwood 2:25, Geo. Cooley 2:27 and 2 others in the list. CassiusM. Clay 18 got George M. Patchen 2:23i^ and dam of Rutledge 2:30. Seely's Aniericati Star 14 got Widow Machree 2:29, Bolly Lewis 2:29^ and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have produced 42 trotters with records from 2:1034 to 2:80. Downhig^s Bay Messenger got Jim Porter 2:28i< to saddle. Mambrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18i:{, Woodford Mambrino 2:211.^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:17^4, lona 2:173^ and 19 others in the list. Served May 23, 1891, by Globard 2:29. by Belmont 64; dam, Georgie, by George Wilkes 2:22; 2d dam, Black Kitty, by Ericsson 2:30i^. 86. Verte, b. f., May 4, 1890. Bred and owned by Wm. Simpson. Regis- tered. Standard. f Hummer 6112 (see Lot 84). VERTE. \ (^'•^'^■) { Vim (Lot 85), by Lakeland Clay 1661. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size; no white. Deportment. — Has been in harness few times; shows well in paddock. For Hummer 2:37, see Lot 84. Vim is Lot 85. 87- Vimmy Miss, ^r. f., May 14, 1891. Bred and owned by Wm> Simpson. Registered. Standard. (Sultanl513 ---IIKr^™^ fA!«%",S102_ W-^"-^ f Bald Chief. y-'-^'^y^-) [Minnehaha ] (Stevens'.) r Certainty 10956 damofSinlist. ^NettieClay. I r «,!'(-.:> r. iM-? (The Moor 870. r Smtan lolS \ Sultana. VTMMVMms ^'''"''''da'3 - C Mambrino Pilot 29u VIMM\ MISS. damot [eretclien ] (Relf's.) Nehushta -i.du damofSinlist. (* Kitty Kirk-man. (Vim (Lot 85), by Lakeland Clay 1661. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; fair size; star; hind heels white. Deportment. — Unbroken; speedy in paddock. Vim is Lot 85. Certainty 10956 is one of the best bred sons of Alcazar 2:20)^, being a double grand- son of Sultan 2:24. Neliiska 2:30^^ at 2 years, is dam of Nehushta 2:30 and also dam of Zoraya, that sold in Mr. L. J. Rose's sale, March, 1890, for $13,100. Alcazar 5102 has a five year-old record of 2:20^, was a game, resolute trotter himself, and is sire of Kebir 2:23 at 2 years, Cotilda 2:283:2' at 3 years, Mista 2:29 at 2 years, Sacra- mento Girl 2:30 at 3 years, KaflSr 2:30 at 4 years, and Reverie 2:36 as a yearling. Alcazar is full brother to Sweetheart 2:2210 at 3 years, Eva 2:231^, and from same* dam carrying 75 per cent, of the same blood as Beautiful Bells 2:2%}4.- Sultan 1513 has a record of 2:24 and is sire of Stamboul 2:11, Lucy R. 2:183::j, Ruby 2:1934, Alcazar 2. 203^, Bay Rose 2:201^, Sweetheart 2:22io at 3 years, Eva 2:23*" and 18 others in the list ; also the dams of Regal Wilkes 2:17)2 ^t 3 years, Glendine 2:20, Red Heart 2:261^ at 2 years and Nehu.shta 2:30. 42 WM. SIMPSON". [2d IJay, Wednesday, Mil 11 1 ehah a is dam of Alcazar 2:30i.<, Sweetheart 2:223^ at 3 years, Eva 2:2B^4, San Gabriel 2:29f and Beautiful Bells 2:29i^ (dam of 6 in the list).' Gretchen is dam of Romero 2:1^%, Del Sur 2 :24 (sire of Don Tomas 2 :20), Inca 3:27 (sire of Incas 2:141^ and 3 others), Neluska 2:30i^ at 2 years, dam of Nehusta2:30 at 4 years and Sable, the dam of Sable Wilkes 2:18 at 3 years. The Moor 870 (record 2:37) is the sire of Sultan 2:24 (26 in the list), Del Sur 2:24, Tommy Gates 2:24, Sir Guy 2:28i Beautiful Bells 2:29^, Inez 2:30, and the dams of Sable Wilkes 2:18 at 3 years. Bell Boy 2:19^ at 3 years, Hinda Rose 2:19i Black Hawk 5 (HiU'sVt.). (2:25^.J < Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size; star; near hind heel white. Deportment. — Broken single; quite speedy. For Hummer 2:37, see Lot 84. Isabel is dam of Volette and the latter threw Voleta 2:2QM. For Akers' Idol 177, see Lot 88. Efhan Allen 2:25}4 got Billy Barr3:333^, Hotspur 3:34, Pocahontas 3:363^ and 4 others in the list, and the dams of B. B. Custer 3:33i^, Opal 3:33, Lady Loye 2:23^ and 12 others in the list. Mill's Vt. Black Harvh 5 got Ethan Allen 2:25^ and 2 others in the list and the dams of Gen. Tweed 2Ml< and Tennessee 2:37. February 17, 1892.] WM. SIMPSON. — J. BAKTNETT. 45 33. Chunk. ^- g^ June, 1886. Sire, Nutmont 2:28^, son of Nutbourne 1399. Dam, Isabel (Lot 94), by Akers' Idol 177. Bred by Edwin Bates, Derby, Vt. Owned by Wm. Simpson. Registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Desckiption. — Bay; about 16 hands; strip in face; near front leg white; hind legs white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; has shown quarters in 37 seconds. Nutniont 2:2S^4, is sire of Navarro 2:30)^ at 4 years. N atboitr^ie 1399 (full brother to Nutwood 2:18%) was never regularly trained, but as a five-year-old was handled for a short time when he trotted a trial for Mr. Bonner in 2:263;^, last quarter in 35 seconds. He is sire of Cheyenne 2:15%£ and Nutmont 2:28i4. Isabel is Lot 94. 94. Lsabel, b. m., 1873. Sire, Akers' Idol'177, son of Mambrino Chief 11. Dam, Brilliant, by Ethan Allen 43. Bred by W. H. Peck, Hartford, ^ Conn. Owned by Wm. Simpson. Registered. Standard. [^ Informial Statement. ~' Desckiption. — Bay; about 16 hands; blaze in face; near hind foot and ankle white; off hind foot white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; good gaited and a good worker on farm. She is dam of Volette, and the latter threw Voleta 2:26^. For Akers' Idol 177, see Lot 88. For Ethan Allen 43, see Lot 92. Served July 13, 1891, by Electrician 2:24i:, see Lot 83. PROPERTY OF JOHN BARTNETT, NEW YORK, N. Y. 95. J. O'Brien I 522 J, b. s., July 28, 1887. Bred by Col. H. S. Russell, Milton, Mass. Owned by John Bartnett. Registered. Standard. f Alcantara 729. I (2:23.) 'George Wilkes 519. (2:22) ^Alma Mater dam of 5 in list. r(Kysdyk'sT ''■ -- ^ Cha'- ^ent.Mare. 1 Dolly spanker | i^^flfg^hiander. (Baker's.) rMnmhritin Pqtchpii -ss * Mambrino Chief n. Mambnno Patclieu of> ^ j^ady Thorn'a Dam. u -J. O'BRIEX 15221.-; I Australian, imp. [ Fanny G. I Ilka. (2:31M.) Smuggler 927 (2:15M.) . Kitty Childers. rpiaiipn 5 Cadmus (Iron's) Hanco iMarobyT by Tuckahoe (Irwin's). [Daughter of \ ^erod Tuckahoe. ' Trotting Childers 5 vt. Black Hawk 5. ( Lady Forrest. [Daughter of, s. t. b... | "^oo/ut iM"«^e'j' is dam of Arbiter 2:22^, Alcantara 2:23 at 4 vears (sire of 32 in list), Alcyone 2:27 (23 in the list), Almater 2:29i^ and Alicia 2:30. 46 J. BARTNETT. [2d Day, Wednesday^ George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:13^-, Guy Wilkes 2:15i:, Wilson 2:16^, J. B. Riciiardson 2:163^, So So 2:17i^, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2 -.18^, Wilton 2:19i^, Joe Bunker 2:t9i, etc., while his daughters have thrown Del- march 2:113i, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years, Fupie 2:19i, Butterfly 2:19|, All So 2:201^, Eagle Bird 2:21, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years, Wilkesbrino 2:23 and 21 others in the list. Herr^s Mambrino Patchen 58 (full brother to Lady Thorn 2:18J:;j^^) got London 2:20^, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 17 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood mares, having thrown Guy Wilkes 2:154-. Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 2:18^^, Elvira 2:18^^, Cleora 2:18^4;, Constantine 2:19f at 3 years, Play Boy 2:19f, Wabash 2:20 and 40 others in the list. Rifsdyk's ITambletonUni' 10 is the sireof 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17i^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21^, Jay Gould 2:21*, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:153^ and 74 others in the list. Estella (thoroughbred), by imp. Australian, is out of Fanny G. , the latter is the grandam of Dame Winnie that has thrown Palo xilto 2:08f (champion stallion record), Gertrude Russell 2:23i and Big Jim 2:23i^. 96. E^Solly, blk. m., June 30, 1884. Sire, Wilmar 2:39^, son of Rhode Island 2:234^. Dam, Knox Mare, said to be by Gen. Knox; 2d dam, said to be thoroughbred. Bred by William Pickhardt, Schroon Lake, ]Sr. Y. Owned by John Biirtnett. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Black ; about I5I2 hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single : has shown quarters in 37 seconds, and after showing mile in 2:35 (driven by John Daly) went lame in near front leg and was turned out and bred ; since taken up has shown no lameness. Wilmar 2:2934 is sire of Sprague Superb 2:293^ and Sprague Winship 2:293^, and is full brother to Gov. Sprague 2:20£2' (sii'e of 30 in the list), and from same dam as Amy 2:201;^. lihode Island 2:233-^ got Gov. Sprague 2:20i.,, Jim Schriber 2:2132' and Wilmar 2:29^, and was full brother to Belle Rice; the latter threw Conn's Harry Wilkes (sire of Rosalind Wilkes 2:141^). Served June 3, 1891, bv Majordomo 12063, by Guy Wilkes 2:15}^ ; dam, Melrose, by Sultan 2:24. 97. Chin bell, ^r. g., 1889. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Elec- tioneer 125. Dam, Young Sackett (bred by J. Lyon Gardiner), by Orchestra 1414; 2d dam, Sackett (bred by Samuel B. Gardiner), by Oriental 2:39; 3d dam. Lady Sackett, said to l^e by Sackett's Hamble- tonian. Bred by J. Lyon Gardiner, Gardiner's Island, N. Y. Owned by John Bartnett. Sire and dam's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; about I5J74 hands; star. Deportmrnt. — Broken double and single ; speeds a 2:50 gait ; fearless of elevated rail- road ; a perfect gentleman's road horse : will show for himself. Chime Bell 5S80 (dam, Clarabel, by Abdallah Star,) is full brother to Clifton Bell 2:243^ at 4 years. Clarabel (dam of Chime Bell and Clifton Bell 2-M}4) is also dam of Rebecca, and the latter has thrown Rexford 2:24, Bernal 2:24, Electrician 2T243^ and Ariana 2:26. Electioneer 125 is sire of 100 trotters in the list, including Sunol 2 :083.4:, Palo Alto 2:08f, Arion 3:10f at 2 years, etc. Orchestra 1414 is out of the dam of Music 2:21^. Oriental 2:39 is by Dixon 2:36^^, son of Happy Medium. % Fehruary IJf, 1892.] j. lyon" Gardiner. 47 PROPERTY OP J. LYON GARDINER, GARDINER'S ISLAND (SPRINGS P. O., SUFFOLK CO.), N. Y. 98. Viola, Wk. f., 1889. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Electioneer 125. Dam, Fan Green_, by Billy Connors ; 2d dam, Fanny Green (dam of \) Polly B. 2:28-|-), by Montauk 238; 3d dam, said to be by Commodore. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Black ; medium size ; strip in face; near front coronet white; off front pastern and off hind ankle white. Deportment. — Broken single. Fanny Green is dam of Polly B. 2:283^. For Chime Bell 5380, son of Electioneer 125, see Lot 99. Moutauh 228 (by Cassius M. Clay 18; dam, Fanny Ellsler 2:37i) is sire of Gen. McClellan 2:29. 3Q^ b. c, June 6, 1891. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire and dam registered. f ""^Pys^r '° ( Chat KenWare. :ctioneer 125 \ (J-^ysayK s.) UreenMt. Maid ...... I f-^yaay 45^ rChime Bell 5380 -j r Ahdallali Star $ American Star, Jr. .Clarabel { AMallali 1. dam of ttoiVtt 5 Hambletonian 10. Clifton Bell 'l:U}4^^^^'^^- I Emma Mills. c^f{r^Aa ( Hambletonian 10. (Backman'V^" * Hattie Wood,byHaiTy Alexander H. { (.^acKman .«.; Clay 45 (Willis')- Sherman 485i i^rottn-o S Hambletonian 10. LMarae ^ ^^^^ ^^, Chauncy [Alex. Ida \ Green. f '«?f)°* ''" 1 E^m'sr ''■ ,Ida, s. t.b \ <.-^iotxs.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay ; medium size ; elongated star and snip ; hind coronets white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Chime Bell 5380 (dam, Clarabel, by Abdallah Star,) is full brother to Clifton Bell 2 :24i>3 at 4 years. Clarabel produced Clifton Bell 2:24)^ at 4 years, Rebecca (dam of Rexford 2:24 at 3 years, Bernal 2:24 at 4 years. Electrician 2:2i}4> Ariana 2:26 at 5 years), and Cora (dam of Don Marvin 2:28 at 5 years). Abdallah Star" got the dams of Vespasian 2:243^ and Clifton Bell 2:243^. Fairy is full sister to Sweepstakes (sire of 21 in the list). Electioneer 125 is sire of Sunol 2:08i<^ at 5 years, 2:10^ at 4 years, 2:101.^ at 3 years, Palo Alto 2:083;^, Arion 2:103.:^ at 2 years, Advertiser 2:16 at ?, years, Manzanfta 2:16 at 4 years, Anteeo 2:163^, Ladywell 2:16i^ at 5 years, Amigo 2:163^, Adair 2:17i, Norval 2:17i^, Lot Slocum 2:171^, Bell Bird 2:26}4' (yearling) and 88 others in the list, 11 of which are in the 2:20 list. Green 3Iouiitain Maidis dam of Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2:20, Elista 2:20%, Dame Trot 2:22, Mansfield 2:26, Storm 2:26|, Antonio 2:28f, Elina 2:29i^ and Electioneer (100 trotters in the list). Willis' Harry Clay 2:29 got Clayton 2:19, Surprise 2:26, Shawmut 2:26, Green Mountain Maid (dam of Electioneer and 8 trotters in the list), and the dams of St. .lulien 2:111:^, Bodine 2:191^, etc. Backnian's Idol 4:4 got Idolf 2:1934, Prince A. 2:26i<, Silver Spray 2:27^.£, Idolater 2:28>^, Harry S. 2:293^ and Pickwick 2:2913. MotPs Independent 170 {hrothev to Sweepstakes) got Uncle Dave 2 :26ii^, Harry D. 2:29i, Josh Billings 2:29f ; also the dams of Mary Williams 2:26^ and Nelly C. 2:27^. Mysdyk's Hambletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:2H, Jay Gould 2:21i, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15J, and 74 others in the list. 48 J. LYON GAEDINEK. [2d JDay, Wednesday, I 00. 9 b- c., 1891. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Elec- tioneer 125. Dam, Pussy Belle, by Oriental 2:39; 2d dam. Lady Cameron, said to be by imp. Warminster. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Grardiner. Sire registered. Dam registered in pedigree of Patti. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; large; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. " For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Oriental 2:39 is by Dixon 2:36^ (sire of Hattie 2:29^^ and Columbia 2:30). Dixon is by Happy Medium 400, sire of 67 in the list. j Q I , , br. c, 1891. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Elec- tioneer 125. Dam, Young Sackett (bred by J. Lyon Gardiner), by Orchestra 1414; 2d dam, Sackett (bred by Samuel B. Grardiner), by Oriental 2:39; 3d dam, Lady Sackett, said to be by Sackefct's Hamble- tonian. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire and dam's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; medium size; small star and snip; hind heels white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. For Orchestra 1414, see Lot 102. For Oriental 2:39, see Lot 100. 02, - b. c, 1891. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire and dam registered. Standard. fCWme Bell 5380 (see Lot 99). Orchestra 1414 . I Gen. Washington 1161 \ £tJy \^^.^fi^^y^, Uam of Music t^i- \ 1^^^^!^^. I Mare by American Star 14 (Seely's). i Cleopatra --{ ( Hambletonian 10. LStonyford [Messenger Duroc 106^ (Rysdyk's.) J ( Satinet. 1 ATitoinettp 5 Rattler (Sheppard's) LAniomette.. (Mare by Toung Informal Statement. Description. —Bay ; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Orchefitra 14:14= is out of the dam of Music 2:21%. Gen. IVasJiingfon 1161 (dam, Lady Thorn 2:181^^) is sire of Poem2:16i, Presto 2 :19i at 4 years, Luzerne 2:27i^, Ox Eye 2:28i^, Mambriuo Thorn 2:29, Gen. Benham 2:293^ and the dam of Pixley 2:16. Messenger IJuroc 106 got Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2:20, Elista 2:20-3^, Dame Trot 2:22, John D. 2:23i, John W. 2:24^, Troublesome 2:25i>.^, Hogarth 2:26 at 4 years and 12 others in the list, and the dams of Cheyenne 2:15f, Problem 2:19J, Company 2:19f, Femme Sole 2:20, Stephanie 2:221^^, Fallis 2:23, Invincible 2:23, and 13 others in the list. General Knox 2:31i^ got Lady Maud 2:181^ (dam of Monbars 2:16^^ at 2 years), Beulah 2:191-^, Camors 2:19%, Independence 2:21i^| and 11 others in the list, and the dams of Aubine 2':l'9^^, Medora 2:20>2' and 17 others in the list. Mbruary 17, 1892.'] j. lyon GAKDINEH. 49 103. Bonnie, b. m., 1879. Sire, Oriental 2:30. Dam, Sand's Mare, said to be by Volunteer 55. Bred by Samuel B. Gardiner, Gardiner's Island, ]Sr. Y. Owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about lo% hands; small star; off bind foot white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; unusually vigorous; runs out all winter and is always fat and sleek; has had 5 foals, the youngest of which is Lot 105 and will show for her qualities as a brood mare. For Oriental 3:39, see Lot 100. Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 3:11 '4, Gloster 3:17, Alley 3:19, Bodine 2:19i:f, Driver 2:rjio and 34 others'in the list, and the dams of Homestake 3:14'4, Ripple 2:17i^, Brilliant 2:17>i, Amelia C. 2:19i.i, Camille 2:30i, Stepheu G. 2:20^ and 26 others in the list. Served July , 1891. by Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. I 04. , «li. f-, 1890. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Elec- tioneer 125. Dam, Bonnie (Lot 103), by Oriental 2:39. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description.— Chestnut; medium size; small star. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Bonnie is Lot 103. I 05. , cb. c., 1891. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Elec- tioneer 125. Dam, Bonnie (Lot 103), by Oriental 2:39. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; large; small star. Deportment . — Unbroken . Full brother to Lot 104. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Bonnie is Lot 103. 106. Polly, 'j- m., 1879. Sire, Oriental 2:39. Dam, Highland Girl, said to be by Duke of Orange; 2d dam, said to be by Eoe's Abdallah Chief. Bred by Saml. B. Gardiner, Gardiner's Island, X. Y. Owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay ; about 15^3 hands ; strip in face ; one hind foot white. Deportment. — Broken double and single ; a good road mare, but has been used mostly for breeding ; a good milker and regular breeder : her foals are fine and speedy. Her wean- ling filly is Lot 107, which will speak for her qualities as a brood mare. For Oriental 2:89, .see Lot 100. Served June 1891, by Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. 107. , cb. f., 1891. Sire, Chime Bell 5380, son of Electioneer 125. Dam, Polly (Lot 106), by Oriental 2:39. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Polly is Lot 106. 50 J. LYOJf GAEDiiq-ER.— J. MC XALLY. \2d Day, Wednesday y 1 08> Dolly, ch. m., 1879. Sire, Oriental 2:39, son of Dixon 3475. Dam's pedigree not traced. Bred by Samuel B. Gardiner, Gardiner's Island, ]^. Y. Owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description.— Chestnut; about 1 of hands; near hind foot white. Deportment.— Broken double and single ; a splendid road mare; used mostly for breed- ing purposes, proving a regular breeder and good milker ; she is dam of Lot 109, who will show her qualities as a brood mare. For Oriental 2 :39, see Lot 1 00. Served May 17, 1891, by Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. I 09. , ch. c, 1891. Sire, Ciiime Bell 5380, son of Electioneer 125 (see Lot 99). Dam, Dolly (Lot 108), by [Oriental 2:39. Bred and owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description.- Chestnut ; large ; strip in face ; off front and near hind ankles white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 99. Dolly is Lot 108. I 10. StOnyford, cli. m., 1877. Sire, Messenger Duroc 106, son of Kysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Dam, Antoinette, by Sheppard's Eattler, son of Biggart's Eattler; 2d dam, by Yonng Bul]e|Eock, son of Long's Eclipse; 3d dam, by Long's Henry 2d. Bred by Chas. Backman, Stony- ford, Orange Co., N. Y. Owned by J. Lyon Gardiner. Eegistered under dam. Informal Statement. Description.— Chestnut; about hands ; strip in face ; white feet. Deportment.— Broken as a three-year-old, showed fine action, was then put to breeding; an excellent breeder and milker; her foal of last year is speedy and of such superior form that owner retains her as a brood mare. For Messenger Duroc 106. see Lot 103. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 99. Bigyart')^ Rattler got the dams of Lady Snell 2:23i4, Alameda Maid 3:27^^ and Nellv Webster 2 :28?4. Served June , 1891, by Chime Bell 5380, see Lot 90. PROPERTY OF JOHN McNALLY, STAMFORD, CONN. III. Daly, (brother to Longworth 2:19 pacing) b. c, May 6, 1887. Bred by G. Valensin, Pleasanton, Gal. Owned by John McNally. Sire regis- tered. Dam registered in pedigrees of Daisy C. and Silver Threads. C Hambletonian 10. ''Strathmore 408 •' (Kysdyk's.i ,-, , ,„ ,„„, , ( Lady Waitermire. r Santa Glaus 2000. ' ci:iT!4.) CMambrino. LLady TTiorn, .Jr - (Williams'.) .o,fl„„,,,--n I ^ Mare by aighland I bianey4iiU. _.. ; Chief I (Z:19')i pacing.) I . . r-y^i^^^ -. ( Hambletonian 10. L * voiunreer 03 < Lady Patriot. I.&weetness .- ■niTA- rZ:21l4.) LadvMerritt ( Edward Everett 81. DAL>. L 1.803 .uerrut i Mare by Harry Clay 45 (Willis'.) ( Arnfirlran Boij,. Jr \ -^er lean Ben/. .' ■" 1 Jfarehy Shakespeare. ac^'s.) Longworth "2:19 (p.) 1^^^^, p^„ r American Boy, Jr I (Hollenback's.) f Grey Dale dam of I ( Winfleld Scott. Sorrel PolL \l^^. HaiTy I, 7 Prmter Mace.. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay ; about 15J hands ; no white. February 17, 180:2.^ j. iKJJs^ALLY. 51 Deportment. — Broken double and single ; trotted miles in 2:35, quarters in 37 seconds, last season, on half mile track ; has tine disposition and considered safe for lady to drive. Full brother to Longworth 2:19 pacing. Grey Dale is dam of Longworth 2:19 pacing at 4 years, and Silver Threads 3:42^. ^i«7?ie?/ 2:19'>4;' (pacing) is sire of Faustino 2:14f at 3 years, Sister V. 2:18 J at 5 years, Cupid 2:18, Fleet 2:21f at 4 years. Lady H. 2:23, Frou Frou 3:25^ (champion yearling), Sid Fleet 3.36i at 2 years and six others in the list; also the pacers Gold Leaf 2:11^4 at 4 years, Adonis 2:11^ at 5 years. Hummer 2:18J at 5 years, Longworth 2:19 at 4 years. Thistle 3:19-J at 4 years, Maggie McDowell 2:21%, and Fausta 3:23i?4, champion yearling pacer. Santa Claus 2000 took a record of 3:17i^ at Chicago, 111., July 19, 1881, has trotted 50 heats in 3:30 and better, defeating such trotters as Nutwood, Piedmont, Elaine, Wedge- wood, Voltaire, Hannis, Jerome Eddy, Fanny Witherspoon, etc., and is sire of Sidney 3:19| (pacing), San Mateo 2:38^:, and Kriss Kringle 2:28i. Sweetite.ss has record of 2:31:J. Strathiuore 408 got Santa Claus 2:17i4, Skylight Pilot 2:19, Tucker 2:19, Roseberry 2:19|, Secret 2:30^, Strathlan 3:31|, Cyprus 3:32Jr, Chestnut Hill 3:23J, and 39 others in the list; and the dams of C.F. Clay 3:18, Eminence 3:]8|-, Simmocolon 2:19, Anderson Wilkes 2:22i, Strathbridge 2:283:2 at 3 years and 7 others in the list. Lady T/iorti, Jr. is dam of Santa Claus 2:\1H, Navidad 2:231;^ at 4 years and Mollie Mack 2:303^. IV imams' 3Iaiiibrino is sire of the dams of Santa Claus 3:173^, George Moshier 3:3314, Navidad 3:233^, Snowden 2:3834^, Rachel B. 3:383.^ and Mambrino Wilkes 3:38^. Volunteer 55 got'St. Julien 3:1114, Gloster 3:17, Alley 3:19, Bodine 3:19^, Driver 3:19^ and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 3:14J, Ripple 3:173^, Brilliant 2:17i-^, Amelia C. 3:19i, Camille 2:30ir. Stephen G. 3:203,' and 26 others in the list. Edward Everett 81 got Judge Fullerton 3Tl8, Sheridan 3:303^, Moimtain Boy 3:303^, Young Fullerton 3:30f and 9 others in the list, and the dams of Walton Boy 3:20|, Sweet- ness 3:311^, Commodore 2:33, Sir Walter 3:34^ and 8 others. 112. , b. c, 1889. Sire, Albert W. 2:20, son of Electioneer 125. Dam, Nellie Doon (bred by ), said to be by Echo 462 ; 2d dam, Nellie (bred by ), said to be by Muldoon, son of George M. Patcben, Jr. 2:27 : 3d dam (bred by ), said to be by McCracken's Black HaAvk 767 ; 4tli dam (bred by ), said to be by Williamson's Belmont. Bied by J. B. Haggin, Sacramento, Cal. Owned by Jobn McNally. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Brand 8. — Bay; about hands; star; hind pasterns white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Albert JV. 3:30 (dam Sister, dam of Bonanza 2:39-i; 3d dam, Lamott Mare, dam of Aurora 3:37) is sire of Little Albert 3:1734 and Flowing fide 3:33^ pacing. Electiofieer 125 is sire of Sunol 3:0834 at 5 years, 3:10i4 at 4 years, 3:103^^ at 3 years, Palo Alto 3:08^54, Arion 3:10% at 3 years, Advertiser 3:16 at"'3 years, Manzanita 3:16 at 4 years, Anteeo 3:16i4, Ladywell 3:1634 at 5 years, Amigo 3:1634, Adair 3:1734, Norval 2:173^, Lot Slocum 3:1737^, Bell Bird 3:26J (yearling) and 88 others in the list. 11 of which are in the 3:30 list. Echo 402 is sire of Belle Echo 3:30, Senator 3:3134, Gibraltar 3:331-^ (sire of Homestake 3:1414;), Victor 3:22, Echora 2:233^, and 9 others in the list; and the dams of Direct 3:18i at 4 years (3:06 pacing), Leonore 3:34 and Annie C. 3:35. Georf/e M. Patcheu, Jr. 3:37 got AVells-Fargo 3:1834', Sam Purdy 3:20i4, Vanderlynn 2:21. Starr King 3:33, Ben Ali 8:33 and 5 others; also the dams of Suisun 3"l8i^, Susette 2:33i.<, Crown Point 3:24i4, Sweetbriar 3:36i4, etc. 52 w. F. KEDMOND. \3d Day, Thursday, Third Day: Thursday, Feb. 18, 1892. PROPERTY OF W. F. REDMOND, MADISON, N. J. V H 3. CatSkili Boy, l^i*- g-, ISSS. Sire, Sweepstakes 298, son of Rys- dyk's Humblefconian 10. Dam, Catskill Grirl 2:28|^, by Kossutli, son of John C. Fremont; 2d dam, said to be by Nonpareil 787. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. Registered among stallions (10181). Standard. Informal Statement. Desckiption.— Brown; about 154^ hands; hind ankles white. Depoktmewt. — Broken double and single ; good gaited and promising. Catshill Girl has a record of 2:28^o. Sweepstakes 2it8 got AMgentrnQ^-'illi, Inez 2:22i^, Black -Tack 3:22i^, Capt. Lyons 2:33, Packer 2:2314. George C. 2:23^,, Great Eastern 2:23i.< and 14 others in the list; also the dams of King Rex 2:26^ at 3 years. Ltta Howe 2:273^, Idol Gift 2:29i and Yum Yum 2:29ir. Rysdyk's Hainbletoniun U) is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17J, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21.}, .lay Gould 2:21^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his dauuhters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15i and 74 others in the list. I 14. Meyer, hr. g.. ISS?. sire, Roland, (bred by Silas Miller, Cox- sackie, N. Y'.), l»y Volunteer 55. Dam, Catskill Girl 2:28i, by Kossuth, son of John C. Fremont; 2d clam, said to be by Nonpareil 787. Bred by M. F. Smith, Catskill, N. Y. Owned by A¥. F. Redmond. Dam registered in pedigree of Catskill Boy 10181. Informal Statement. Description.— Brown; about ini^^ hands; star; hind ankles white. Depobtmekt.— Broken double and single; good gaited. CatskiU Girl has a record of 2:28K. I 15. Euretta, b- ^■, 1S90. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. Sire and dam registered. Standard. rriii-lc rhipf RQ \ Mambrino Chief 11. ciaiKcnieisa 4 Mare by Bay Messenger. f Keutiicky Prince 2470 (Downing's.) I Bayonns Prince 2939_ [Kentucky Queen..._. j ^f^i'f'JJl^flf ' r>"'iw ) 1 i.ixeui,uci.y ^uccii..... '^ jy^re by Whip (BIythe's). I *■ [.Emily C. dam of Bayonne Prince 2:21 Jl EITFvETTA.^ Marcus ^^^'JM rHamblptnnian in (Abdallahl. Easter Medium 2:32mJ (Bys|yk^s , ? Chas. Kent Mare. I fPickering 3094.. ) , I ^r-'"^^- iLadyrallls {S'St^t'''''^'''''''- *- Katies \ 'Tmnoriql iniq-l 5 Hambletonian 10. impv,riai luido ^ ^^^^^ ^^ g^y PJchmond. 'Newark Maid _ ' [Daughter of, s. t. b.._ | Son of Harry Clay 45. Informal Statement. DescPvIPtion. — Bay ; fair size ; some white in forehead; little white on hind feet. Deportment. — Partially broken single. Bayonne Prince 2it3i} has a record of 3:2P^ and is sire of Cad 2:27^:^. February 18, 1892.'] W. r. RED-MOXD. 06 Eniily C. is dam of Bayonne Prince 2:21i^, Marcus 2:29}4 and Easter Medium 2:32>^. Pickeriiiff 2:80 got Louis P. 2:24^:^, and is a son of Ludy Fallia that is dam of Kisbar 2:27% and also dam of Gretchen, that in turn threw Cliugstone 2:14, Freestone 2:251.2 and Clingstone, 2d 2:29^,,. Lady Fallis is also dam of Norwood (4 in list), Socrates (4 in fist) and Felicia (dam of Faflis 2:23). Kenfurki/ rrhtce 2470 is sire of Guy 2:1094, Cypress 2-18, Spofford 2:183;{, Stevie 2:19, Problem 2:19i<(, Company 2:1934, Fred Folger 21201^, Bayonne Prince 2:21 14 at 5 years, and 11 others in the list; also the dams of Luby 2:30 at 4 years, Saxon 2:22i^, Great Eastern 2:23io, Edgar Wilkes 2:24^:^, Yorker 2:2414 and Milkshake 2:30. Tniiteriaf lOlHH got Crown Imperial 2:27io. Clark Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19^4, Woodford Chief 2:22J4; at 5 years, Blanche Armory 2:26, John E. 2:28% and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:13%, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:164' and 18 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. I I 6. CarlOSy ch. g., 1890. Sire, Tascarora Sea King 11775, son of Lord R.nssell 4677. Dam, Mary S., by Piokermg 2:30 ; 2d dam, Arcadia, by Tiionidale 2:22:^; 3d dam, Ariadne, by Mambrunello 221; 4th dam, Heroine (dam of Sliawmufc 2:26), by Rysdylr's Hambletonian 10; oth dam, Lady Patriot (dam of Sentinel 2:29|), by Young Patriot. Bred and owned by W. P. Redmond. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; good size; off hind ankle white. DepoktmEjStt. — Partially broken single; promising. Lord H/iissefl 4(i77 is full brother to Maud S. 2:08%, and is sire of Kremlin 2:22J^ at 3 years, Redwald 2:26i^, King Russell 2:26% and 7 others in the list. For Pickering 2:30, see Lot 115. Thorn (/(tie HOo, record 2:22 14, got Edwin Thorne 2:161-, Daisydale 2:19%, May Thome 2:24%, Nettie Thorne 2:25%, Rosey Thorne 2:27% and Thorndale Maid 2:30 ; also the dams of Miss Alice 2:17J, Suitor 2:21, Idavan 2:22i and 4 others in the list. MarnbriineUo 221 is sire of Sadie Howe 2:22, Tom Britton 2:26 and the dams of Cleveland 2:28J and Oscar J. 2:29^^. Her oi n.t'. {fwW sister to Volunteer, 29 in list, and Sentinel 2:29%, 8 in list,) is dam of Shawmut 2:26. I I 7. Moselle, b. m., ISSS. Bred by B. F. Tracy & Son, Apalacliin, N. Y. Owned by W. F. Eedmond. Registered. Standard. fManrtrlno Chief n...\ ilambrino Paymaster f Mambrino Dudley !)6' I (2:19M-) f Woodford Mambriiio \ I i-i,ixy^.) 345|^^^„^^j„g yvoonfoni. Sue Dudley (Alexanaer s.) (Watkins'.) [ Madam Dudley. (■ Hambletonian 10_ ■Volunteer 55...-. (Rysdyk's.) ( Abdallah 1. ( Chas. Kent Mare. T fldv Patriof ^ Toung Patriot Li^aay ii-atiiot •, t „„<„ jjulse M ■( Lewis Hulse Mare. Xell.... \ (Rysdyk's.) fHambletonian 10..... 1 ^Jfi^^^L \ ^ Chas. Kent Mare. dam of Bateman 3:22 [welling Mare j '^''«*'^'- Informal Statement. Description.— Bay ; about 15% hands ; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single. Nell is dam of Bateman 2:22, and Gambetta (sire of Volmer 2:24% and Cleo 2:29%). Mambrino Dudley 2:19% is sire of Crescendo 2:24, Bavarian 2:26, Tracy 2:263^, Rinaldo 2:28%, Rintoul 2:28% and Gretna 2:29i^. 54: \v. F. KEDMOX D. [3d Day, Thursday, Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 2:11^, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2:193:^, Driver 2:191^, and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14i^, Ripple 2:\1%, Brilliant 2:171/, Amelia C. 2:19i^, Camille 2:20i^; Stephen G. 2:20i^ and 26 others in the list. Woodford Mambrino 2:21i^ is sire of Abbottsford 2:19i|, Mambrino Dudley 2:19^, Pancoast 2:21^4^ and 9 others in the list, and the dams of 22 with" recoi'ds from 2:16}^ to 2:30. Sue Dudley (dam of Mambrino Dudley 2:19?4) was also dam of Grosjean 2:30 and Sacramento (sire of Nelly Rose 2:253^). I ^Madani Dudleji produced the dams of Mambrino Dudley, Grosjean and Sacramento, above mentioned ; also the dams of Daireen 2:2134, Davenant 2:263^, Belford 2:2%%, Ulva 2:27, Dacia 2:293^, Prince Dudley 2:2934, Dodd Peet 2:193^ (pacing) and Greenhorn 2:283^ (pacing). Woodbine is dam of Wedgewood 2:19 (9 in list), Woodford Mambrino 2:2132 (13 in list), Monaco (7 in list) and one of her daughters threw Borden 2:28 and Proctor 2:19 pacing. Alexander' fi Edwin, Forrei^t 49 got Billy Hoskins 2:263i, Champaign 2:30, and his daughters have produced So So 2:1734, Mambrino Dudley 2:19^4, London 2:203^ and 8 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. Served July 10, 1891, hj School Boy J06'05, by Pancoast 2:21^4 ; dam, School Girl dam of Tribune 2 :253^), by Herr's Mambrino Patchen 58. I 18. Bartella, ^- ™-^ 1889. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. Eegistered. Standard. f ""^Pvidv^^T '° - - 1 Chas^"Kent Mare. Georsre Wilkes 319.... \ tt^yMJs: s.) (a:2-2.) Dollv Snankpi- 5 Henry Clay 8. (.uouy bpanKei | Mare by Highlander. f Kentucky Wilkes 1854 ! (Baker's). (2:21^.) fKed Taokpt < Comet (Billy Koot). I Kea jacKei ^ -^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ Sheiman BARTELLA. ; r-„.;,-„<, ^ Grey Emgle. I ' Indme \ MarehySu2}erior. LMoselle (Lot 117), by Mambrino Dudley a:!*^. Informal Statement. Desceiption. — Bay; good size; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; not worked for speed; good gaited and promising. Moselle is Lot 117. Kentucky Wilkes 2:21^4 got Virginia Evans 2:223^, Wilkesview 2:28 at 4 years. Bravado 2:2832 ^^ 4 years, and Astoria 2:30. Minna, dam of Kentucky Wilkes 2:21V. was also dam of Madison Wilkes 2:283^, while one of her daughters threw Lizzie Wilkes 2:22^, Laurabel 2:27^ at 4 years, Kitty Hooker 2:2934 at 5 years and McCullough 2:30 at 4 years, and another daughter threw Com- bat, sire of Brown 2:18f at 4 years, and Williams 2:203^. George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:133^, Guy Wilkes 2:153X, Wilson 2:16i4^ J. B. Richardson 2:163^^. So So 2:17i^, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:183^, Wilton 2:19^4, .Joe Bunker 2:19'4, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:113^, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years, Fugue 2:1934, Buttei-fly 2:19^^, All So 2:203^, Eagle Bird 2:21, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years, and 28 others in the list. Hed Jacket got the dam of Kentucky Wilkes 2:213<£, the 2d dam of Red Wilkes (sire of 51 in the list), and the 2d dam of So So 2:173^ (dam of All So 2:203^ and Reve So 2:283^ at 5 yeai's). Henry Clay 8 got Black Douglass 2:30, Jericho 2:30, Centreville 2:32 to wagon in 1853, Maid of Clay (dam of 4 in the list), and the dam of George Wilkes 2 :22 (sire of 68 in the list). Greu Eayle got the 2d dams of Piedmont 2:1714, Catchfly 2:183^, Ansel 2:20, etc. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. \ 19. Mack, 1j- g-, 1890. Sire, Mansfield 2:36, son of Messenger Duroc lOG. Dam, Moselle (Lot 117), by Mambrino Dudley 2:19f. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size; no white. Deportment. — Partially broken single; good gaited and very promising. Moselle is Lot 117. Mansfield 2:26 got Dawson 2:193^, Foxie 2:283^ and Borden 2:293^. Mansfield is out of Green Mountain Maid, dam of 8 in the list, and also dam of Electioneer (sire of 100 trotters in the list). February 18, 1892.} W. F. KEDMOifD, 55 For Mambrino Dudley 3:19>'4, see Lot 117. Messenger Ditroc 106 got Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2:20, Elista 2:20;^4:, Dame Trot 2:22, John D. 2:23^, John W. 2:2414, Troublesome 2:25i^, Hogarth 2:26 at 4 years and 12 others in the list, and the dams of Cheyenne 2:15?^, Problem 2:19}4', Company 2:1934, Femme Sole 2:20, Stephanie 2:22i.£, Fallis 2:23, Invincible 2:23, and 13 others in the list. ' I 20. Stella, ^- fv October, 1889. Registered. Standard. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. f Bavarian 28.17. STELLA.-! [Lady Star dam of Clarence Mambrino Dudley 96' rwoodford Mambrino \ l-«"}i'ij"!? '^^^''^ "' -I (3:213^.) 345 < wooaoinc. " 1 " ( Edwin Forrest 49. [Sue Dudley ■ (Alexander's.) ; Madam Dudley. f Hambletonian 10. Octavia.... ..i (Eysdyk's.) dam of Octavlus 2:W4 Tiraster. f Lady Thorn's Dam. rHviaasqi s Alcalde 10:5. I uyiasb.Jl J Santa Maria. UucyAlmont ( Almom 33. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about loij hands; hind ankles white. L Kazoo. Messenger Duroc. (Durland's Young.) ( Gano.- \ JIare by Son of Sir William. ILuey H. 56 w. F. JREDMOND. [3d Day, Thursday, Depoetment. — Broken single; never handled for speed, but can show well. Mobert McGregor 2:17i-^ is sire of Bonnie McGregor 2:1337^, Silver Bow 2:20 at 4 years, Roslyn 2:20i, Roxie ^McGregor 2 :20f , McGregor Boy 2:21, McGregor Wilkes 2:21 at 4 years, Earl McGregor 2:211^, Sappho 2:22i^ at 4 years, Frank McGregor 2-My^, Nellie McGregor 2:25 at 2 years and 18"others in the list. Uerr's M(unbrino I'atcheii 58 (full brother to Lady Thorn 2:18 J) got London 2:201^, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 16 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood mares, having thrown Guy Wilkes 2:\b\i, Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 2:18^^, Elvira 2 :18i^, Cleora 2:18^, Constantine 2:193^ at 3 years. Play Boy 2:193^, Wabash 2 : 20 and 46 others in the list. IIylas2-M^y4 got Susie S. 2:153^, Hylas Boy 2:23 and Hylas Maid 2:293/^. Major Edsall 2:29 is sire of Robert McGregor 2:173^ and Clayton Edsall 2:22?4. Navicy Whitman is dam of Robert McGregor 2:17i2 and Madeleine 2:233^^. Seely's Afnericait Star 14 got Widow Machree 2:29, Bolly Lewis 2:29^ and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have produced 42 trotters with records from 2:10^^ to 2:30. Nance is dam of Lady Whitman 2:30. Mambintio Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18i4, Woodford Mambrino 2:21i^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:Vllp^, lona '^■11% and 19 others in the list. Alcalde lOS got Hylas 2:24^, Enigma 2:26, Mary B. 2:29, Fancy Day 2:30, Mambrino Bruce 2:40i^(sire of Kit Curry 2:183^), and the dams of Jean Valjean 2:1S}4, Lida Bassett 2 :203>^ and 4 others in the list. ^imow* .^.'i got Fanny Witherspoon 2:163^, Piedmont 2:17^, Aldine 2:19^, Early Rose 2:20J, King Almont 2:213^ and 30 others in the list, and the dams of Alabaster 2:15 at 4 years, J. B. Richardson 2:16^, Silas Skinner 2:17, Catchfly 2:18i, Bismont 2:183^^, Hinder Wilkes 2:20 J and 35 others. Alexander's AbdaUah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:21|, Thorndale 2:22)4 and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2:163^ and 29 others in the list. 122. lona, ch. f., 1891. Bred by John H. Shulfcs, Parkville, L. I. Owned by W. F. Eedmond. Eegistered. Standard. f Hambletonian 10 ..... -5 ^i'„''5'l?L\ Electioneer 123 • iRysdyk's.) I Chas. Kent Mare. , , Green Mt. Maid ...... -) fShS^frV I Parkville 6050 ..\ < bHangftai Mary. 1 lohn -NTeKon IS? * ^°'^ of imp. Trustee. Aurora 3:-3T yJ ona JS elson \bi ^ j^^^g ^y Abdallak 1. clam of ( Lamott JIare. Arol 2-:Uii Hazel 2:28 , ■^T/^l„„too,. ^k ^ Hambletonian 10. voiunteei dd > t a,i„ va+z-int- Kearsarge 192. l Lady Patriot. r.i„,,„ \ American Star 14. ,i.iaia "(McKinstryMare. I .Tura (Junofille) ...... J f American Star 14. I American Star 37 ] (Seely's.) Uuno (Conklin's.) i dam of p,.,vio-ot i Geo. M. Patchen 30. Sweepstakes 2:24}^ iBna^et / Mare by May Day. Informal Statement. DescriptiOjST. — Chestnut; good size ; some white in forehead ; hind ankles white. Deportment.— Unbroken ; inclined to pace. tTuno is dam of Sweepstakes 2:243^, and one of her daughters threw Compeer 2\2A%, Rose 2:293>^, and another daughter threw Saxon 2:223^. Parkville 0050 is full brother to Arol 2-M^X- Electioneer 125 is sire of Sunol 2:08i4 at 5 years, 2:103^' at 4 years, 2:103^' at 3 years, Palo Alto 2:08^, Arion 2:10^ at 2 years, Advertiser 2:16 af 3 years, Manzanita 2:16 at 4 years, Anteeo 2:l6i4', Ladywell 2:16i at 5 years, Amigo 2:1634, Adair 2:17}4, JSTorval 2:173/,, Lot Slocum 2:173>^, Bell Bird 2:2034 (yearling) and 88 others in the list, 11 of which are in the 2:20 list. Aurora 2:27 is dam of Arol 2:243^ and Hazel 2:28. Lamott Mare is dam of Aurora 2:27 and Sister (dam of Albert W. 2:20 and Bonanza 2:291^). John Nelson 187 got Nerea 2:233.^, Aurora 2:27. Gov. Stanford 2:273^, Nemo 2:30 and the dams of Sister V. 2:183-^, Albert W. 2:20, Valensin 2:23, and 4 others in the list. Conklin's American Star 37 got St. Cloud 2:21, Lowland Mary 2:25, Star 2:30 and the dams May Mitchell 2:223^, Sweepstakes 2:24i4, Annie S. 2:2634, and 2 others. February 18, 1892.] w. f. kedmond. 5T Clara was dam of Dexter 2 :17i^, Alma 2:2894 and Astoria 2:29>^. Green Mountain Maid is dam of Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2:20, Elista 2:20;'4:, Dame Trot 2:22, Mansfield 2:26, Storm 2:26,34, Antonio 2:2834, Elina 2:29^ and Electioneer (100 trotters in the list). Willis' Harry Clay 2:29 got Clayton 2 :19, Surprise 2:26, Shawmut 2 :26, Green Mountam Maid (dam of Electioneer and 8 trotters in the list), and the dams of St. Julien 2:11 H', Bodine 2:191^, etc. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. For Volunteer 55, see Lot 117. For Seely's American Star 14, see Lot 120. George 31. Patchen 30 has record of 2:23i;, and is sire of Lucy 2:18}4 and 3 others in the list. 123. Com is, ^- ^-^ 18'^9. Bred by H. Y. Simp.son, Worcester, Mass. Owned by AV. F." Redmond. Registered. Standard. I Hambletonian 10 \ ^,^^s*",tent Mare. f Eichvvooil 5323 ._ 'KysayKs.) ^., , , TTnP MnrP ( Sir Henry (Wilson's). itioe 3jaie Csyaxe "by American ^ COMIS.^ Eclipse. , Tj„,.„,.,i -^ 5 Pilot, Jr. 12. \ ^%%''^ --< Bay York. iBarcena U.61A-) „^. , ,, (lam of Rio„,i;„o * Mambrino Chief 11. Bayard Wilkes (p.) 2:1.5M Blandlna ^ ^^^pj, ^^^^^ Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15', hands; strip in face. Deportment.— Broken double and single; has shown a mile in 2:40 to wagon; half in 1:15'. Barcena is dam of Bayard Wilkes 2:15^4 pacing. Blandina is dam of Swigert 850 (27 in list), King Rene 1278 (16 in list), Abdallah Pilot 708 (3 in list), etc. Bnrch Mare is dam of Rosalind 2:21% and Donald 2:27. JRicJiwood 5323 is sire of Nutmes 2:271-4, Lady Richwood 2:29i3 and Quartette 2:29i. Bayard 2:'SUi got Bliss 2:21^, Emma B. 2:22, Kitty Bayard 2:253.^, Lilly J. 2:25i.< and 3 others in the list ; also the dam'of Faust 2:18} at 3 years and 4 others. Bilof, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 2:24, Pilot Temple 2:2i}4, Tattler 2:26, Tackey2:26 and 4 others in the list; and the dams of Maud S. 2:083:^, .Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Electricity 2:17^, Nutwood 2:183:^, Viking 2:19i^, Pilot Boy 2:20, Noontide 2:20i2' and 27 others in the hst. Manthriito Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18i4', Woodford Mambrino 2:21^^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:17i, Zona 2:l7i^ and 20 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. Served May 10, 1891, by Heathwood 10092, see Lot 125. 124. ComOlette, b. t, 1S89. Bred and owned by W. F. Redmond. Reo-istered. Standard. ( Abdallah 1 ■Auditor 773 ....". T ' ^^^^'lyl^'^'"' f "tR^'sd^k^iT ^'^ -■■■-'> Chal! Kent Mare. I 1 nr T 1 , * Trustee, imp. 1 ^My Lady ( Mare by Abdallah 1. Epaulet24T5 ■{ , ,„ ,_„ , ,, , . „,. fO.iQ ^ ,„ . _oe ( Woodford Mambrmo 34 o. ^''•^^■^ I Princeps53b..... ^ Mare by Abdallah 15. Pantalette \ . , .. (Alexander's.) COMOLETTE. -j [ Florence. 1 Volunteer 55. ' Nell. I Comls (Lot 123), by Kichwood 5:323. Informal Statement. Description.— Bay; medium size; star; white on off front foot; hind feet white. Deportment.— Broken double and single; good gaited and speedy; has not been worked. Comis is Lot 123. Epanlet 2475 (full brother to Burglar 2:24:^) took a record of 2:19 as a 5.year-old and was the sensational performer of that season, winning most of his races and defeating many of the fast and game trotters with which he came in contact. He is sire of Queen of Upland 2:253^ at 4 years. Auditor 773 got Epaulet 2:19 at 5 years, Burglar 2:24i and Bracelet 2:25. 58 W. F. KEDALOXB. [od Dai/, TliUTsday, Paritalette produced Epaulet 3:193^ at 5 years, and Burglar 2-Ml^. Princeps 5:i(i is sire of 27 in the list, including Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:15J^ Geneva 2:19^^, Granby 2:19J4, Princeton 2:193^, Femme Sole 2:20 at 5 years, Lucille's Baby 2:201^, and the dams of Epaulet 2:19, Latitude 2:193^, Burglar 2:34i^, Fiction 3:241^ and 5 others. Florence is dam of Juror 2:343^. JVell is dam of Bateman 2:22. Imp. Trustee appears as frequently in trotting pedigrees as almost any thoroughbred liorse, remote crosses of his blood being found in Palo Alto 2:08?^. Hopeful 3:1434, Anteeo 2:16iX. Antevolo 3:19>^ at four years, Jerome Eddy 2:16^. Lucy'2:18i4, Alexander 2:19 and many others. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 113. For Volunteer 55 and Woodford Mambrino 345, see Lot 117. 125. Caroleen, b. f., 1890. Bred and owned by ^Y. F. Eedmond. Registered. Standard. I Hambletonian 10. [■Dictator 113.. j (Rysdyk's.) fDictator Chief 7tf06...- ^ Clara. „ - ■* 1 Mare by Kentucky f Heatliwood 10093 ■ Whip (Louck's) . I raifipnn ii^; 5 Hambletonian 10. I waeon 14& j Dandy. I LGretchen J ^. » T,^T T^T^^x ^r dam Of \-KaTp J Vt. Black Hawk 5. CAROLEEN.-( Nelson 2:10 l i^ate - .___ __ | I Susie Owen 2:26 I Daisy Rolf e 2:26-Ji Ednah 2:24 (pacing) [Comis (Lot 123), by Richwood 5323. Informal Statement, DEscRrPTioN. — Bay; medium size; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; good gaited and speedy in paddock. Comis is Lot 123. Heathwood 10002 is out of the dam of Nelson 2:10. Dictator Chief 2f^m is sire of Testator 2:28K, -Artist 2:29 and Ednah 3:24 pacing. Gretchen is dam of Nelson 2:10, Susie Owen 2'':26, Daisy Rolfe 2:2^%, Ednah 2:24 pac- ing, and Knox Girl (dam of Aubine 2:19i^ and Medora 2:20i4'. fe Gideon 145 got Ezra L. 2:21i, Boston Girl 2:25i:|, Bay 2:37^ and the dams of Nelson 2:10, Independence 3:211^, Glenarm 2:33i.^. etc. \ Dictator 113 got Jay-Eye-See 2:10, Phallas 2:131, Director 3:17, Dictator Chief 2:311^, Code 3:333^ and 35 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Nancy Hanks 3:09 at 5 years, Lockheart 3:143^ at 5 years, Brown 2:18f at 4 years, Kellar Thomas 2:19 V, Garnet 2:20}- at 4 years, Williams 2:30V^ and 10 others. Dandy is dam of Silver Duke 2:383^^ and one of her daughters threw Cleora 3:18i^4. HiWs Vermont Black Hatvk 5 got Ethan Allen 3:35i. Lancet 3:37>:^ and Belle of Saratoga 3:39; also the dams of Gen. Tweed 2:26U and Tennessee 2:27. 26. Bobaway, b- g-, ISSe. Sire, Epanlet 2:19, son of Auditor 773. Dam, Little Dot, by Dictator 113 ; 2d dam. Dot, bj Ward's Flying Cloud ; 3d dam, Fayette Belle, by Mambrino Chief 11 : 4tli d.am, Young Flaxey, by Telegraph ; otli dam, Flaxej^, pedigree untraced. Bred and owned by W. F. Eedmond. Sire and d;im registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; good size; off front foot white; hind feet white. Deportment. — Broken double and single ; good gaited. For Epaulet 3:19, see Lot 124. For Auditor 773, see Lot 124. For Dictator 113, see Lot 125. Young Haxey is dam of Flaxey, and the latter threw Autograph 2:IS}4, White Wings 2 :24i and Blondine 2:24-34:. Ward's Flying Cloud got the dams of Early Pvose 2:30^^ and Defender 3:36. Mambrino CJiief 11 got Lady Thorn 3:18i^, Woodford Mambrino 3:31i^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:17^^, lona 2:17}4 and 20 Others in the list. " Mbruary 18, 1892.] H. D. & R. C. THOMPSON. 59 PROPERTY OF H. D. & R. C. THOMPSON (ROCK SPRING FARM), MAIiONE, N. Y. I 27. Bitter Sweet, ^- "i-, ^% ^^ ISS^- l^^'ed and owned by H. D. & R. C. Thompson. Registered. Standard. BITTER SWEET. <; I Noma da«i of Manville r Woodford Mambrino Prlnceps536_.... \ '^■'^^'^■^ ^^ I Pi'imrose -. dam of 4 in list. I iMambiino Chief 11. 1 Woodbine. Abdallali 15. (Alexander's.) Black Rose. I Abdallah 15. ' Belle. f Belmont 64 J (Alexander's.) [woodbine J, Woodford. dam of ' Wedgrewood 2:19 Woodford Mambrino 2:21 J^ , Mambrino Chief 11. r Scutari 1540 . Woodford Mambrino ] 345' Woodbine. Lady Anna dam of Amender Dannemora 2:25J4 2:39 cnhrina J Belmont (M. .baDilna j Siisette, by Pilot, Jr.l2 Mambrino Chief 11. Woodbine, by Woodford. vipfni-ifl 5 Abdallah (Voorhees'i. \ ictoiia^.^-.^. ^ jyjj,j,g j,y L. I. Black [ Woodford Mambrino 345 dam of BlackwoodBelle 2:S0J^ Hawk 24. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15i.,' bands; star; hind heels white. Deportment. — Partially broken single ; shows well. It will be noticed that the first, second and third dams are all producers, and that both :grandsires and both grandams of this mare trace directly to the noted mare Woodbine. Chelton. 1052 is b}^ Princeps 536, out of a full sister to Wedgwood 2:19. Noma is dam of Manville 3:25. Lady Anita is dam of Amender 2:25i.2 and Dannemora 2:29. I'ictoria is dam of Blackwood Belle 2:30^, Maria Sturges (dam of Soudan 2:25) and Yictoria Almont (dam of Careless 2:23}>4' pacing). Princeps 53G is sire of 27 in the list, including Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 2:103=^, Oeneva 2:19L^, Granby 2:19i^, Princeton 2:19^4:, Femme Sole 2:20, Lucille's Baby2:20i|, and the dams of Epaulet 2:19, "Latitude 2:19,%^, Burglar 2:24i4, Fiction 2:24i4 and 5 others. ^Foo^/6fii-e (four times above) is dam of Wedgewood 2:19 (9 in list), Woodford Mam- brino 2:21i:.2 (12 in list), Monaco (7 in list) and one of her daughters threw Borden 2:28 and Proctor 2:19 pacing. Primrose (dam of Princeps) is dam of Pedwald 2:26}2, Sineus 2:27J^, Ichi Ban 2:293^', Pagan 2:30, Maxim (2 in list), Abdalbrino (2 in list), Pluto (2 inlist), and one of her daughters threw Chichester 2:25^4 . Woodfoyd Manibrino 2:2V .< (three times above) is sire of Abbottsford 2:193^, Mam- brino Dudley 2:19^4, Pancoast 2:2l''4 and 9 others in the list, and the dams of 22 with records from' 2:161^ to 2:30. Belmont (i4 got Nutwood 2:189:^. Wedgewood 2:19, Viking 2:191^^, Dick Moore 2:333=^. Waterloo 2:23^4', Nil Desperandum 2:24 and 29 others in the list, also the dams of 33 trotters in the list. Belle was dam of McCuidj^'s Hambletonian 2:2'U2 (sire of 10 in the list), also dam of Bicara, who threw Pancoast 2:21"4, Balzac Chief 2:20i2, Bezant 2:2932 and Monte Carlo 2:29;?4, and her daughter Mayenne threw Crescendo 2:24. " Alexander- s Abdallah J 5 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:2134', Thorndale 2:2234 and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2-AQ% and 29 others in the list. Mambrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:1834, Woodford Mambrino 2:2\% and 4 others in the list, while his daughters' have produced Director 2-17, Piedmont 2:173^, lona 3:173^ and 19 others in the list. Served Junes, 1891, by ililkciHOut 5SS5, by Alcantara 2:23 (32 inlist); dam, Almouia i(dam of Aristomont 2:27;'4^), by Almont 33. 60 H. D. & R. c. THOMPSON. — J. s. FERGUSON", [od Dciy^ TTairsday^ 128. Queene, br. m., 1887. Bred and owned by H. D, & E. C. Thompson. Registered. Standard. rMambrltio Chief 11... -) MamDrino Paymaster. (Wooflford Mambrinoj ( 2:-^^. . 345 I ^.oodbiue \ WooOford. _ fMambrino Dudley %! 1 Vi:W}i-) Sue Dudley j (Alexander's. ) [ Madam Dudley I Fdwin Forvpsr M i Young Bay Ky. Hunter. l,awin !< onei,t 4i).... ^ ^^^^^ ^^ Highlander. (Watkins'.i QUEENE. ; [Camptown (dam of Egbei't.) Messenger Duroc lOfi. J ' Eysiiy ^'s. ) I Hambletonian 10. .... -i ^.^I'^'l^'ji. '( Clias. Kent Mare. c.,f-;r,n ^ Abdallah Chief (Eoe's). I teatme (Catbird. I Holhert Colt -* Hambletonian 10. MoioeitLOic... (Mare by Bullfrog. Miss McLeod • dam of Ara,-i?iTr ^ Utter Horse. Lord Nelson (3) -JrStiM ^^ ^ ^ "' Virgo, by Abdallah Chief. (Roe's.) Informal Statement." Description. — Brown; about lH^i hands; faint star; near front and off hind foot white. Deportment. — Broken single; showed three-year-old trial in 3:43, half in 1:18; CamptOHti is dam of Egbert 113G (sire of Egthorne 2-A2}4, Superior 2:17^, Temple Bar 3:173^, Illinois Egbert 2:20 and 30 others in ihe list). Mifis MvLeod is dam of Lord Nelson 3:2(iJ at 3 years and Polonius (sire of 4 in the list). Manibrino Dtulleq 2:19^4 is sire of Crescendo 2:24, Bavarian 2:20, Tracy 3:263^, Rinaldo 3:28?4, Rintoul l-^^i and Gretna 2:2yi^. Hue Dudlei/ (dam of Mambrino Dudley 2:19|) was also dam of Grosjean 2:30 and Sacramento (sire of Nelly Rose 2:251..^). Maflfim Dudley produced the dams of Mambrino Dudley, Grosjean and Sacramento above mentioned ; also the dams of Daireen 2:31i^, Davenant 2:36^4, Belford 2:3634, Ulva 2:27, Dacia 3:39^^, Prince Dudley 3:2934, Dodd Peet 2:19i<^ (pacing) and Greenhorn 2 :28M (pacing). Messeiif/er Daroc lOO got Elaine 2:20, Prospero 2 :20. Elista 2:20f, Dame Trot 2:32, John D. 3:331^, .John W. 3:34i4, Troublesome 2:251.^, Hogarth 3:36 at 4 years and 12 others in the list, and" the dams of Cheyenne 2:ir.34\ Problem 2:19J>4, Company 2:1934, Femme Sole 2:20, Stephanie 2:22 14, Fallis 2:28, Invincible 2:28, and 13 others in the list. For Woodford Mambrino 345, Woodbine and Mambrino Chief 11, see Lot 127. Aleocaiider's ICdwiti- Forrest 4-U got Billy floskins 3:36^4, Champaign 2:30 and his daughters have produced So So 2:ll\i, Mambrino Dudley 3:19|, London 3:30^ and 8 others in the list. Rysdyk'ft Hanibletouian, 10 is the sire of 40 in the 3:30 list, including Dexter 2:17J, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 3:30, Artillery 3:31i|, .Jay Gould 2:21io, Bella 3:23, George Wilkes 3:33, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 3:11, Trinket 3:14, Greenlander 3:153^ and 74 others in the list. Served June 19, 1891, by JEf/ou 3 :18i:£ at 3 years, by Nutwood 3:18% (59 in list); dam, Alpha 3:33i.<, by Alcantara 3:33 (32 in list); 3d dam, Jessie Pepper (dam of lona 2:17io and Alpha 3:23ii), by Mambrino Chief 11. PROPERTY OF J. S. FERGUSON, NEW YORK CITY. I 29. Sunny Chief 9486, br. c, June, I888. Bred by J. D. Tomp- kins, Brainard, N. Y. Owned by J. S. Ferguson. Eegistered. Standard. I Sultan (The Moor 870. yj.oi'-, ' Sultana. ' Sunny Clime 3951 ' ""■*■-' A talanta * The Moor 870. I, Ataianta ^ Minnehaha. SUNNY CHIEF 9486. -j \^^^'^^'^^<^'-^^i^'^---\l&'y mm Denton 65, iKeginaT.... ' C Columbia Chief 2:28i4. ^ Lady Cummings -! (Stump Puller.; Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; about 16 hands ; marks not stated. Deportment. — Broken single; speeds better than a 3 minute gait. February 18, 1892.^ j. s. fergusok. — t. w. mc cuacken. 61 Sunvy Clime 3951 is full brother to Othello 2:285^. Ato/anta is dam of Othello 2:28|, Atalanta Wilkes 2 :293>^ at 3 years, and is full sister to Beautiful Bells 2:29^ o, dam of Bell B03- 2:19J4 at 3 years, HindaRose 2:19^ at 3 years, Palo Alto Belle 2■.22^ at'S years, St. Bel 2:2U at 4 vears, Belleflower 2:243^"'at 2 years, Bell Bird 2:261 (yearling). Chimes 2:30f at 3 years and Bow Bells 2:32^1^ at 2 years. Sultan 2:24 sjot Stamboul 2:11, Lucy R. 2:18i, Rubv2:193.i at 5 years, Alcazar 3 :20i^ at 5 years. Bay Rose 2:20^, Contractor 2:22, Sweetheart 2:22}:.< at 3 years, Eva 2:23i^ and 31 others in the list; also the dams of Regal Wilkes 2:\.~il4 at 3 years, Glendine 2:20 at 5 years, Red Heart 2:26 at 2 years. Actor 3:29£ and Nehusta 2":30 at 4 years. Minvehaha is "dam of Alcazar 2 :20i^, Sweetheart 2:22i^ at years, Eva 2:23^, San Oabriel 3 :29;^', Beautiful Bells 2 :29i^ (dam of 6 in the list), and Atalanta (dam of 2 in the list). The Moor 870 (record 2:37) is the sire of Sultan 2:24(26 in the list), Del Sur 2:24, Tommy Gates 2:24, Sir Guy 2:28i, Beautiful Bells 2:391^, Inez 3:30, and the dams of Sable Wilkes 2:18 at 3 years, Bell Bov 2:19J^4 at 3 years, Hinda Rose 2:19* at 3 years, Bay Rose 2:20)^, Palo Alto Belle 2 :22i.< at 3 years, St. Bel 2 :24,} at 4 years Bellellower 2 -.2^% at 2 years, Bell Bird 2:26J (yearling), Pa"sha 2:273^:, Othello 2:28f, Atalanta Wilkes 3:39-4, San Gabriel 3:29| and Margaret 2:38 at 6 years, and the latter is dam of Regal Wilkes 3:17| at 3 years. Colinu bia i'Mef 881 (Stump Puller) has record of 3 :28J and is sire of Strangemore 2:29|. Taeficn 465 was by Hamlet 160 (son of Volunteer 55), out of a daughter of Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Billy Denton 05 got Captain 3:38, John Love 2:28i2 and the dam of Mno 2:30. 130. Innisfallen, (brother to Mecca 2:28), b. g, 18S2. Sire, Jay Gould 2:214-. Dam, Martha Nutwood (dam of Luzerne 2:27^ and Mecca 2:28), by Hamlet 160 ; 2d dam, Jenny Xutwood (dam of Drift 2:29f and Nutwood 2:33| to wagon), by Saltrani, son of Webber's Kentucky Whip. Bred by H. N. Smith, Fashion Stud Farm, Trenton, N. J. Owned by J. S. Ferguson. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description.— Bay ; about 16| hands; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; can show 3:35 gait to top wagon. Full brother to Mecca 3:38. Martini Kutivood is dam of Luzerne 2:373^ and Mecca 3:38. Jenny Xiittvood is dam of Drift 2:29^, and Nutwood 3:33^ to wagon. Jan Gould 3:31io' got Pixley 3:16, Adele Gould 3:19, King Philip 3:31, Mill Girl 3:32i, Opal 3:33 and 16 others in the list ; also the dams of Poem 3:101, Presto 3:193^ at 4 years, Beulah 2:19i.;, Green Girl 2:21^4, Lammermoor 3:33 and 7 others. Hamlet laO was sire of Loretta F. 3:18|, A. V. Pantlind 3:20, Lady M. 3:23, Leontine 3:33^4. Brook.side Flora 3:29 and the dams of Thornless 3:15":^, Granby 3:19^, Blue Grass Hambletonian 3:19|, Graceful 3:333^ and 13 others in the list. PROPERTY OF THOMAS W. McORACKEN, SUMMIT BRIDGE, DEL. J3I. Edna C, b.f., I888. Bred and owned by T. W. McCracken. Registered. Standard. Wicklifle -3520. f ""f Pvillkv'" '" ■' Cha '. K'ent Mare Geo. Wilkes 519 -I iMsajks (3:'K.) EDNA C. ; Patchen Maid, tlam of Astral American C:!ay :54. nr.li,- cjrvnni.-ov } Henry Clay 8. Doll} bpankei j Mare by Highlander. I Baker's;. \ Manibrino Chief 11. } Lady Thorn's Dana. ( Mambrino Patchen 5S I Uleri-'s.) [Su.«ie Brouson. Description. - Miss Buchanan dam of Escape i:36J^ Informal Statement. -Bay; about lof hands; no white. [ Lady Eleanor \ Mambrino Chief 11. Irranl^y Mare. -\^'^^,,,. I finri- riiipf sn 5 Mambrino Chief 11. *- ''"'^ '-''"" '^^ -- ( Mare by Bay Messen- ger (Downing's). f^,-,,, S Sebastopol. ' ^^'-'^- - ^ Mare by J/o?i«»-c/i. 62 T. W. MC CKACKEN. — F. N. BUCK. [od Dui/, Thursda'4/, Deportment. — Broken double and single; stylish, handsome, and very speedy; trotted miles in 2:40 last season with very little work ; if put in condition it is believed she will beat 2:30 coming season. A superior road mare with perfect disposition and believed kind enough for lady to drive. Daughters of American Clay 34 have thrown Nutmeg 2:16, Sir Walter, Jr. 2:18^, Garnet 2:19, etc. Miss Bucltanan is dam of Escape 2-M%. Wichliffe 2520 by George Wilkes 2:22, dam by Mambrino Patchen, is bred like Guj Wilkes 2:15^, William L. (sire of Axtell 2:12 at 3 years), Baron Wilkes 2:18, Alcantara 2:23 (32 in list), Alcyone 2:27 (23 in list), etc. Patchen Maid is dam of Astral 2:18. George Willies 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:13 J^, Guy Wiikes 2:15i;^, Wilson 2:16-1-, J. B. Richardson 2:163^, So So 2:17^, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Eosa Wilkes 2:18-}, Wilton 2:19l4, Joe Bunker 2:19J, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:in4', Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years. Fugue 2:19i, Butterfly 2:1%%, All So 2:20i<^, Eagle Bird 2:2i,"'Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years, and 28 others in the list. American Clay 34 got Granville 2:20. Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2 :27i, and his daughters have produced Nutmeg 2:16, Sir Walter, Jr. 2:18i4, Garnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:21^4, Executor 2:24i^ and 20 others in the list. 1 lew's Mamhririo Palchen 58 (full brother to Lady Thorn 2:1854;) got London 2:20-1, Katie Middleton 2:23 aad 16 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood mares, having thrown Guy AVilkes 2:15i^, Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 2:181-4:, Elvira 2:18i-^. Cleora 2:18^;^, Constantine 2:191 at 3 years, Play Boy 2:19f, Wabash 2:20 and 46 others in the list. Clark Chief 8i) was sire of Croxie 2:19i^, Woodford Chief 2:22i^ at 5 years, Blanche Amory 2:26, John E. 2:2%% and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:133:;^', Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:16i4' and 18 others in the list. Sirader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr. 22 got Harry Clay 2:233^. Durango 2:23^4, Sinbad 2:293^1, and the dams of Folly 2:213,4, Happy Thought 2:221.2', Fairlawn Medium 2:25 J4, 3fambrino Boy 2 :2(i% (sire of dams of Allerton 2 :09i4 and Axtell 2:12, 3 years), and 17 others.. Cassiiis M. Clay 18 got George M. Patchen 2:23M and dam of Rutledge 2:30. PROPERTY OP FRANCIS N. BUCK, WILMINGTON, DEL. 132. FranCiSCa, b. f., I888. Sire, Wickliffe 2530, son of George Wilkes 2:22. Dtini, Dianali (bred by Charles A. Murphy, Wilmington, Del.), by Sir Cecil, son of Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Bred and owned by Francis N. Buck. Sire and dam's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15| hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; was broken past summer; a very reliable and elegant road mare; trotted quarters in 41 seconds with 60 days' handling; owner feels confi- dent that she will trot in 2:30 present year if trained. Diana h is a fast mare that trotted in 2:40 for Mr. Buck without handling." WicMifte 2520 (by George Wilkes 2:22; dam, Patchen Maid, dam of Astral 2:18, by Mambrino Patchen,) is one of the youngest sous of his sire, and in breeding is very similar to Guy Wilkes 2:15i^, William L., Alcantara 2:23, Alcyone 2:27, etc. George Wilkes 2:22 has 68 trotters in the list including Harry Wilkes 2:133/2, Guj- Wilkes2:15>X, Wilson 2:16^, J.B.Richardson 2:163^, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:11^, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years and 33 others. Sir Cecil is by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10 out of Empress Josephine, a fast mare taken from New York to Philadelphia. ,. — -II^^ Rysdyk''s Haniblefoiiian 10 (twice above) is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17i, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2:21i.,', Jay Gould 2:21)^, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14,: Greenlander 2:15i and 74 others in the list. February 18, 1892.'] A. REYNOLDS. 63: PROPERTY OF GEO. A. REYNOLDS (FORREST HILL STOCK FARM), UTICA, N. Y. [Special. — Richard 1456 (full brother to St. Patrick 2:193'2 pacing at five years, and out of the flam of Monroe 2:27i0 is a horse possessing great style and beauty and is by Vol- unteer, the sire of many great campaigners that are noted for courage and endurance, and winners of numerous races of five, six and seven heats each. Richard's get already indicate that he will prove, with oppo^'tunity, as great a sire as other distinguished sons of Volunteer have already done ; of the forty colts and fillies that I have raised and sold by Richard, all that have been trained for speed have shown great promise ; from information received from their ownerf , fully six in number will receive records of 2:30 or better the coming sea- son. All of Richard's get show that they are natural trotters as soon as broken. Richard is a horse of tine action and great speed, and with little training has shown trials on my half mile track in 2:28, and if prepared could show 2:20 or better. Geo. A. Reynolds.] I 33. BeHtricey ^^^l^- r"-? Jn^e O, ISSn. Bred and owned by Geo. A. Reynolds. Reoisteved. Standai-d. Richard USircsee Lot KMi. BEATRICE.- I Andrew .laekson £63. iTarepa Rosa ■] (Canadian.) dam of ' vpiiv iitparnc (Duroc (Washburn's), roung Smuggler 2:29} ^^"^ btearns > Mare by Stubtall. Informal Statement. Deschtption. — Black ; about 16 hands ; no white. Deport-mekt. — Broken double and single; handled but little for speed; showed an easy mile in 2:48 as a 4-year-old, on owner's half-mile track: has been driven on the road past two seasons, proving a free, pleasant road mare. Favt'fui Iii>sa is dam of Young Smuggler 2:29^. For Richard 1456 (full brother to^St. Patrick 2:19>| pacing at 5 years), see Lot 134, where his pedigree is fully tabulated. Attdreiv Jackson 303 got Elmore Everett 2:30, Kity 2:30, and the dams of Middletoia 2 :27M and Youna: Smuggler 2 :29i4 . Stubtail got the dams of Wizz 2:23^,,. Lew Ives 2:28, Buzz 2:28i.,' and 3 others in the list. I 34. Mollie Mills, ^^- "^v J^^e 3, 1884. Bred and owned by Geo. A^ Reynolds. Registered. Standard. I Hfmbletonian 10 j ^^at'lf^cV Mare. Volunteer 55 I 'Rvsdjks.) T -idv Patriot 3 Young Patriot. Lady 1 atriot , Zewia Hulse Mare. Richard 145fi . r '„,T \r)iio,. * Hambletonian 10. I i^Tiiy .Miiiei '/ Mare by Bolivar. Voung Selene - • (Nanny'i I (Selene, Saline. ) caiino S Pamuni-)/- I dam of l!5anne , MOLLIE MILLS.-! Monroe 2:27}^ I St.Patrick rp..2:19^ f Hambletonian 10..... ) Abdal|h^l. ^^^^^^^ (• Edward Everett 81... - '^^y^^^^ s--' |,Eanny, s. t. b j ^fcrgrave, imp. Maggie \ ' dam of ( American Star 14. • Capt. Lyons 2:2.S ( Magnolia 6S ■ (Seely's. i Le Count 2:29 'Daiighter of, s. t. b... ^ Mare by Bay / Richmond, .Jr. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15^ hands; star and small snip; off hind foot and ankle white. Deportmext. — Broken double and single; has shown owner a 2:20 gait; believed by him capable of entering the list with very little preparation; a free pleasant driver, and a trotter sure if developed. Maffffie is dam of Capt. Lyons 2:23 and Le Count 2:29. Hichard 1456 (full brother to St. Patrick 2:19^ pacing at 5 years, and out of the dam of Monroe 2:27i^), has shown trial in 2:28 on half-mile track. For more full description of his get, see note preceding Lot 133. Young Selene was dam of Monroe 2:273^ and St. Patrick 2:19>^ pacing at 5 years aad one of her daughters threw Fergus McGregor (sire of Cora McGregor 3:273^, Lady Wonder 2:28i, Ashland Boy 2:28?^ and 3 others in the list). 64 G. A. REYSrOLDS. [3d Day, Thursday, Sftline was dam of James H. Coleman 2:'Sl}'o- Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 2:11^, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19. Bodine 2:19^, Driver 2:19J, and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2':14^, Ripple 2:17^, Brilliant 2:17i, Amelia C. 2:19-^ Uamille 2:20J, Stephen G. 2:20^ and 26 others in the list. Lady Patriot (dam of Volunteer) was also dam of Sentinel 2:29f (sire of 8 in the list). ' Edward Everett 81 got Judge Fullerton 2:18, Sheridan 2:20i^, Mountain Boy 2:20^, Young Fullerton 2:20^^ and 9 others in the list, and the dams of Walton Boy 3:20|-, Sweet- ness 2:21^^, Commodore 2:23, Sir Walter 2:24^ and 8 others. -Magnolia (i8 got Magnet 2 :27i, Magnolia 2 :26j and the dams of Mamie Woods 2:20 and Chester F. 2:28i. r'^Seely^s American. Star 14: got Widow Machree 2:29, BoUy Lewis 2:29^- and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have produced 42 trotters with records from 2:1 Of to 2:30. . JRi/sdt/k\'< Hambletonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, ISTettie 3!l8, Orange Girl 2:30, Artillery 2:2H, Jay Gould 2:21-J, Bella 2:23, George Wilkes 3;32, etc., while hi.^ daughters have thrown Stamboul 3:11, Trinket 3:14, Greenlander 3:15J^ and 74 others in the list. I 35. Milford Maid, ^^- f-. Ma}^ 3, 1889. Bred iuid owned by Geo. A Eeynolds. Eegistered. Standard. f Richard 1456 (see Lot 1:3-1 ). I fVolunteej' 55 [cr. Ostrom Mare MILFORD MAID.-i Hamlet 160. ( Hambletonian 10. I (Rysdyk's.) f Mare byT oungPatriot Hickory (Hulse's). Mare by Bay Roman. Agnes jWild^ Mare).. ^ _ ^ Kentucky Hunter. Col. Kip 2:28 IWildMare, s. t. b. 'Kentucky Uimter... (Broken-Legged. I (SoiTel.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15?^ hands; near hind ankle white. Deportment. — Broken single; has big open gait, is very speedy and should make a very fast mare if developed. A gnes is a mare possessing great quality, and has already produced a fast and game trotter in Col". Kip 2:38, winner of the 3:00 class at Providence, R. I., early last season, where he defeated a field of good ones in straight heats. For Richard 1456, see Lot 134. Hamlet 160 was sire of Loretta F. 2:18,34, A. V. Pantlind 2:20, Lady M. 3:33, Leontine 3:23i4, Brookside Flora 2:29 and the dams of Thornless 3:15;^^, Granby 2:19>^, Blue Grass Hambletonian 3:1 Of, Graceful 3:23 1.4 and 13 others in the list. For Volunteer 55 and Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 134. J 36. B^nbOW, br. c, June/ 1889. Bred and owned by Geo. A. Reynolds. Sire's sire registered. Dam registered. 'Hambletonian 572 ... (Wood's.) f Abdallah 15 .\ Hambletonian 10. (Alexander's.) ( Katy Darlmg. I X, Roy Neal (iJred by Geo. A. Reynolds.) [Mamie Bates . Norman 25. (Alexander's.) 1 Chas, Kent Mare. (Norman (Rhodes'). ""^iJed^r"""-- '^''' Mr. Rhodes.) Samuel Rhodes, '- Trenton, N. Y.) (■Hambletonian 10 \ ^i'fi'Hr'ii; , Hambletonian Prince J (Eysdy^'s.) ^B-rd's.) S19|,^.,,,, cammeyer \ ^.f^^y^h.'iSor. .Rosa Bates.... <^ (bnip.) Dauo-iiter of s t b ( Patriot (Cook's). L Daughter or, s. t. d. . . ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^,.j^ Irishman. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; about 15 hands; strip in face; off front foot white. February IS, 1S92.] G. a. Reynolds. 65 Deportment. — Broken single; driven on the road past season; good gaited; shows great natural speed; will be fast if developed. Hoy Neal was very fast: could beat 2:30 as a four-year-old, and as a tive-year-old trotted trial in 3:24 without preparation, but struck a tendon and was not started for a record. Mamie Bafen trotted trial in 2:37 for Mr. Reynolds, but as he never started his horses in races, she has no record. WoofVis Hamlplefoniau 572 got Nancy Hackett 2:20. Elda B. 2:20i^, Howard Jay 2:211^. Kit Sanford 2:2U, Blue Mare 2:23 and 14 others in the list, and the dams of Night- ingale 2:18i4, ]Mt. Morris 2:19ii, Morris H. 2:23J,, Chimes Girl 2:26 at 2 years, and Ingomar 2:28. Baird's MainMefonian Prince S19 got Billy Button 2:18^^, Forrest Prince 2:19^, Helene 2:21, Corona 2:24^ and 8 others in the list; als'o the dams of Full Prince 2:28' 4 at 4 years and Lida Wilkes 2:29i< at 3 years. Victor UHT got Bay Jack 2:30. Cassias M. Clai/ IS got Geo. M. Patchen 2:2'B'^o. Alexander's Abdallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 2:14, Rosalind 2:21f, Thorndale 2:223^ and 2 others in the list, and the dams of Favonia 2:15, Jerome Eddy 2:1Q^ and 29 others in the list. Alexander's Norman 25 got Lula 2:15 and May Queen 2:20 and the dams of Norval 2:17i, Norman Medium 2:20, Fanny Robinson 2:30,^^4 and 10 others. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10. see Lot 134. 137- Minnie Morrow, I'o- f-, J^^"e 14, ISOl. Bred and owned by Geo. A. Eejnolds. Sire and dam registered. Standard. ' Richard 1456 (see Lot 13J). MINNIE MORROAY.i 'Clark Chief 89 _ (■■Mambvino Chief 11.. _ -^ ^^'''"i- Paymaster. C Bay Messenger. ^^»'?r--- \ [Little Nora... )^(I,owninrs., dec. Morrow.) [^^^^^^^^^^, ^^^ ^ ^ ,^_ ^ aiencoe (Thatcher's). Informal Statement. Description. — Roan ; large ; no Avhite. Deportment. — Unbroken ; a promising tilly. • Lily Morrow has produced several foals, all of which, though untrained, show great natural speed ; some have been sold at high prices. Her daughter Mattie trotted trial in 2:23 last September. For Richard 1456, see Lot 134. Clarh Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19^^4, Woodford Chief 3:223^4 at five years, Blanche Amory 2:26, John E. 2:28'^4and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:133^, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 2:16i4 and 18 others in the list. Mamhrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18i/4, Woodford Mambrino 2:211^ and 4 others in tlie list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:173^, lona 2:173'i and 20 others in the list. Downing's Bay Messenyer got Jim Porter 2:283^ to saddle. 138. Garibaldi, gi"- §•.» 1877. Sire, Italian Boj, said to be a son of Old Lawton. Dam represented to be by Gen. Stark, son of A^t. Black Hawk ; 2d dam said to be by Kentncky G-rey Eagle. Bred by 0. C. Allen, Wichita, Kan. Owned by G-eo. A.. Reynolds. N'ot registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Gray ; about 16 hands. Deportment. — Broken single ; has been used by owner past 6 years as a roadster ; if weighted forward trots fast, and has shown trial in 2:27 trotting; without weight is a natural pacer, very fast ; has shown owner several miles in 2:20 and better, and is thought by him capable of beating 2:20 several times in one day if given an opportunity. 66 BOWXE & DE CORDOVA. \jjd Day, Thursday, PROPERTY OF BOWNE & DB CORDOVA (CHETOLAH STOCK FARM), NORTH BRANCH, N. J. I 39. ChetOlah Prince, Wk. c.,, June %1, ISSS. Bred and owned by Eowne & de Cordova. Sire and dams registered. Grandam (Charlotte Jones) registered in jiedigree of Star Monarch 6027. 'Bayonne Prince 29.39. ■ Kentucky Prince 24,0 5 ^}^l^^Kf ^^- -^ , •' ( Marc by Morgan Eagle. I Emily C. I dam of CHETOLAH PRINCE. ' MarcSs ^ """*^*' 2^ Easterlledlmn SIsajl - Hambletonian 10. rWaverly J (Rvsdyk's.) ( Mare by N. r. Black [Moihe Hawk (Brook's). I Bred by B. Chafiee, ( Royal George. i^pringrille, N. Y.) LCliarlotte .Jones I iKester's.) dam of 7 Kitty .Tones, bv Varat. Sarah B. 'i-.-i^U Star Monarch :i:23j| Informal Statement. Descriptiox. — Black; about I0J4 hands; star; oil hind ankle white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; with but little handling, trotted quarters as a three-year-old last season in 40 seconds, mile in 2:47 on half-mile track, and a mile in public, over Somerville, N. J., half-mile track in 2:481^, witnessed by about 100 people. He is described as an elegant colt, one that can outshow anybody's colt, and promises to make a very fast horse ; has proved a sure foal getter. Mollie is out of the dam of Sarah B. 2:20J and Star Monarch 2:2Z%. She was a fast mare, and although never worked for speed was driven a mile to wagon by Mr. de Cordova in 3:33 over Somerville, N. J., half-mile track. Waverli/ is by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, out of a daughter of Brook's New York Black Hawk, son of L. I. Black Hawk 24. Bayonne Prince 2:21^ was sire of Cad 2:37J^. Eniily C. is dam of Bayonne Prince 2:21]^, Marcus 2:2Q^4 and Easter Medium 2:32^. Kentackif Frince -4470 is sire of Guy 2:103^^. Spofford 2;18|, Stevie 2:19, Problem 2:l9-i, Company^ 2 :19f, Fred Folger 2:20i, Cypress 3:21, Bayonne Prince 2:31i at 5 years, and 11 others in the list; also the dams of Luby 2:20 at 4 years, Saxon 3:33i<, Great Eastern 2:33i, Edgar Wilkes 2:24^, Yorker 2:34i and Milk.shake 2:28. Clarh Chief 89 was sire of Croxie 2:19J4, Woodford Chief 2:32J at 5 years, Blanche Amory 2:26, .John E. 3:28^ and 2 others in the list, while his daughters have thrown Phallas 2:13J, Majolica 2:15, Wilson 3:16^4 and 18 others in the list. Hi/Kflffk's Hambletonian JO is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17-J Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 3:20, Artillery 2:2U.,, .Tay Gould 3:31i:;, Bella 2:22, George Wilkes 2:33, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greenlander 3:151.:^, and 74 others in the list. 140. Prince ASfred, '^^^^- c., 1890. Bred and owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Sire and dam's sire registered. Grandam (Charlotte Jones) registered in pedigree of Star Monarch 6027. i Bayonne Prince 29.39 (see Lot 1.39). (2:2114.) Mollie (see Lot 139), by Wavtrly. (Bred by B. Chaffee." Spriugville, N. Y.) Informal Statement. Description. — Black; good size: no white. Deportment.— Broken double, single and to .saddle; can show 3:00 gait. Full^brother to Chetolah Prince, Lot 139. February 18, 1892.'] bowne & de cokdova. 67 J 4 J. ConorjiCUt, 'jlk- g-j 1885. Sire, Alcantara 2:23, son of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, Mollie (see Lot 139), by Waverly. Bred and owned by Bownc it de Cordova. Sire and dam's sire I'egistered. Informal Statement. Desceiption . — Black; about lo^., hands; one hind foot white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; handled but little for speed, but has trotted half-mile track in 2:51, driven by Mr. de Cordova. Mollie is dam of Clietolah Prince, Lot 139, and Prince Alfred, Lot 140. ^l/f«.-*<^f/..»"« 75'> has a four-year-old record of 2:23, is sire of Miss Alice 2:171:^, Auto- graph 2:181.2, Lightning Maid 2:19i4, Alhambra 2:20, White Socks 2:20i.| and 27 other trotters, and 12 pacers from 2:13J:|; to 2:30; also the dams of Prince Regent 2:163^, ^gon 2:18i4 at 3 years. Arrival 2:24i3^ etc. Geovf/e Wilheti 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2 :18i^, G-uy Wilkes 2:15^4, Wilson 2:m^, J. B. Richardson 2:1634^, So So 2:\l\i, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:18i4, Wilton 2:19i4, Joe Bunker 2:193^, etc. 142. OiadneSSy ^>- ""••? ISSS. Bred by F. J. Stringer, Boucksville, N. Y. Owned bv Bowne & de Cordova. Eesfistered. Standard. 'Mambritonlan ()059. GLADNESS. 3 (•Belmont 6i \ ^l^f}^^'^^ (Alexander's). i c„,,„pf 5 Bourbon Chief 383. ^^"'^■^•^"^ Hittlelda. I pvalkill Chlef330....|§ambteto°ia>ilO(R^^^^ [Belle Stringer dam ot C Ethan Allen 43. Gladys 2:28 '-Fan Allen ■' (.2:35}^.) Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; no white. Depoktment. — Broken double and single; was only broken past winter; a fine driver and showed very fast in pasture. She was bred to Bayonne Prince 2:21^4 as a two-year-old, and has a colt 9 months old which is Lot 143. Belle Stri tiger is dam of Gladys 2:28. Mamhritoniau ii059 is sire of Tony Klock 2:27i^, Norman Medium 2:20, Fanny Robinson 2:20i4 and 10 others. Morse Home (i got Gray Eddy'2:30 in 1854. Mambrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 2:18^4, Woodford Mambrino 2:21i^ and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 2:17, Piedmont 2:n\, lona 2:171/3, and 20 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 139. I 45. Forty Five, '-^i- §'•? 1889. sire, Greorge F. Andrews^ son of Eys- dyk's Hambletonian 10. Dam, May Belie (bred by Dr. J. A. Slierman, Freebold, N. J., by Alexander H. Sberman 4852; 2d dam, Bell of New Haven, pedigree not traced. Bred by Dr. J. A. Sberman, Freehold, N. J. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Grandsire registered. Dam^s sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; large; blaze in face; hind legs white. Deportment. — Broken double and single ; only -broken past winter ; good gaited and promising. Alexander M. Sherman 4852 is by Backman's Idol 44; dam, Mattie, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Backman's Idol 44 got Prince A. 2:265^, Idolator 2:28i^ and 2 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 139. February 18, 1892.] BOWJTE & DE COEDOYA. 69 I 46. Adecerb, gi"- ni., I886. Sire, Leopard, imp. Arabian stallion pre- sented to Gen. U. S. Grant by the Sultan of Tui-key. Dam, Marietta (bred by Charles Backman, Stony Ford, N. Y.), by Kentucky Prince 2470 ; 2d dam, Lady Burt, by Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10 ; 3d dam, by Hero, son of Abdallah 1. Bred by J. B. Houston, New York. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Dam's sire and dam registered. Informal Statement. Desckiptiox. — Dark grey; about 15 hands. Depoktment.— Unbroken; shows considerable speed in pasture, with a perfect Kentucky Prince gait; should make a very valuable brood mare; has a fine colt at the farm. Kentucky Frince 2470 is sire of Guy 2:10|, Cypress 2:18, Spoflford 2:18f, Stevie 2:19. Problem 2:19^4, Company 2:19|, Fred B^olger 2:20^^4, Bayonne Prince 2:21 1^^ at 5years, and 11 others in the list; also the dams of Luby 2:20 at 4 years, Saxon 2:22io, Great Eastern 2:231, Edgar Wilkes 2:24i4, Yorker i-M^ri and Milkshake 2:28. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 139. Served December 25, 1891, by Capt. Lyons 2:23, by Sweepstakes (21 in list); dam, Maggie (dam of Le Count 2:29), by Edward Everett 81. i 47. Peaches, ^r. f., Jane 16, 1888. Bred by C. J. Hamlin, East Aurora, IST. Y. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Sire and dam regis- tered. Standard. filambrino King 1279- Mambrino Patchen 58 (HciT's.) 'Mambrino Chief 11. [Lady Thorn's Dam. ii Mambrino Paymaster S Gano. I Mare by Son of Sir William. S Young BayKy. Hunter , Daughter of . p-riwi,! T^^TToet Act i oungjBayivy.Muui ,^]^ ^°\^f^. 7 } Mare bv Highlander (Alexander's.; • (Catkins'.) brlno Chief, Jr.) i Abdallah 15. AlmontSS •' (Alexander's.) ( Sally Anderson. T^roffo-ip r oiT,P« S Black Hawk;( Blood's) 3-iaggie Games -J Mareby.S'«xr Weinifr, s. t. b. (Boner's). rAIimbrinn Pateben -S '> Mambrino Chief 11. ' , T?Jv^'? , atcnen „a -^ j^^^y Thorn s Dam. Miranda (Heirs.) [p ,,*„..„* , Tom Crowder. Almont, Jr. 1829 (Hamlin's.) (2:26.) dam of W. H. Nichols 2:2SJ4 Informal Statement. L Daughter of. Description. — Brown; ajbout 15^- hands; faint star; snip; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Broken double and single: good gaited and promises to be fast. This filly has two crosses to Mambrino Patchen, close up. 3Iambrhio Kiriq 127 ff is sire of Prince Eegent 2:1 Oi^, Mocking Bird 2 :16f, Henri- etta 2:17i;4, Nightingale 2:18^4 , Nettie King2:20>4, Prince Erie'2:20i2' and 7 others in the list. Doloi'es was fast and could show a 2:50 gait when first broken. MiratuJa is dam of W. H. Nichols 2:23^. Hamlin's Almovit. Jr. 1829 got Belle Hamlin 2:12t, Globe 2:19^, Maud T. 2:19-1, Justina 2:20. Etelka 2:21^-, Almont General 2:24,^ and 10 others in the list; also the damsof Almont Wilkes 2:20, Excellence 2:22^ at 3 years, Gimcrack 2:27 and Energy 2:29i-. Herr's 3Ifnnbriiio fotrhen i>8 (full brother to Lady Thorn 2:181) got London 2:20J, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 16 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood mares, having thrown Guv Wilkes 2:15-1, 4Iouri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 f>t 2 years, 'Rosa Wilkes 2:18i, Elvira 2:18^, Cleora 2:18?4, Constantine 2:19^?^ at 3 years. Play Boy 2:19f, Wabash 2:20 and 46 others in the list. Mfif/f/ie Gaines is dam of Hamlin's Almont, .Ir. 2:26 (16 in list), Allie Gaines (3 in list), and Fieldmont (3 in list). Aleooander's Edtvin Forrest 49 got Billy Hoskins 2:26-1 and Champaign 2:30. His daughters have produced So So 2:171, Mambrino Dudley 2:19f , London 2:'203^2 ^^^ '^ others in the list. Alinont S3 got Fanny Witherspoon 2:16i.i, Piedmont 2:17K. Aldise 2:^9l4^ Early Rose 2:20i4, King^Almont 2:213,4 and 30 others in the list, and the dams of Alabaster 2:15 at 4 vears, .J. B. Richardson 2:163.^, Silas Skinner 2:17, Catchfly 2:18'4, Bismont 2:18^.,, Hinder Wilkes 2:201 and 35 others. Blood's Black Hank got the dams of Von Arnim 2:l9i.,, Blackw ocd, .Jr. 2:22i.^' (5 in list), Hamhn's Almont, .Ir. 2?26 (10 in list) and Allie Gaines (3 In li^t) 70 BOWNE & i)E CORDOVA. — EST. OF J. IT. GOLDSMITH. [3d Day, Thursday^ I 48. , blk. f., 1890. Sii-e, Bayonne Prince 2:21^ (see Lot 139). Dam, Black Mare (Lot 151), pedigree not traced. Bred by T..E. Sloane, ISTew York City. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Sire regis- tered. Informal Statement. Desceiption. — Black; good size; small star. Deportment. — Unbroken; very good gaited. For Bayonne Prince "i^-xWi, see Lot 139. I 4.9, , blk. f., 1888. Sire, Bayonne Prince 2:21^ (see Lot 139). Dam, Black Mare (Lot 151), pedigree not traced. Bred by T^ E. Sloane, New York City. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; about 15 hands; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; good gaited. For Bayonne Prince 2:21J, see Lot lo9. I 50. , blk. c, 1891. Sire, Bayonne Prince 2:21^ (see Lot 139). Dam, Black Mare (Lot 15 1), pedigree not traced. Bred by T, E. Sloan, ]N"ew York City. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova, Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; fair size ; no white. Deportment. — Unbroken; good gaited. Full brother to Lots 148 and 149. " IS I. BSack. Mdre, blk. m., 18 — . Pedigree nntraced. Owned by Bowne & de Cordova. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; about 15 hands; no white. Deportment. — Omitted to state how broken. This mare is believed to be well bred and very fast, though at present time her breeding cannot be traced. She is credited with having shown a mile over Fleetwood Track close to 3:30, before put to breeding. Her foals show quality and good trotting action. PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES H. GOLDSMITH, WASHINGTONVILLE, N. Y. 152. Betty Wilkes, b. m., ISSe. Sire, The King 2:29i, son of George Wilkes 2:22. Dam, said to be by a son of Mambrino Patchen; 2d dam, represented to be The Chas. Kent Mare, said to be by Brown's Bellfonnder. Bred by James B. Clay, Lexington, Ky. Owned by the estate of James H. Ooldsmitb. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about lo^,' hands; marks not given. Deportment.- — Broken double "and single; a free pleasant driver; can trot quarters in 35 seconds; mile better than 2:30 oait. February 18, 1893.] est. of J. ii. goldsmith. 71 The Kiiu/ 2:29':^' is sire of Limestone 2:1.9^, Ferrous 2:28, King Bolt 2:29i.,^ and Pattie Moore 2:30. George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, includino- Harry Wilkes 2:13K, Guy AViikes 2:15^4, Wilson 2:16i4, J. B. Richardson 2:182-, So So 2:17i-, Baron Wilkes 3:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:18i^, Wilton 2:19J-, Joe Bunker 2:19i, etc., -while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:1U-, Advertiser 2:16 at 3 years, Fugue 2:1 9i/(, Butterfly 3:19".^, All So 2 :20M> Eagle Bird 2:31, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. C 53. Tug, b. g., July 7, 1885. Sire, Charley B. 2:25, son of Scobey's or King's Champion 807. Dam, Frances (bred by E. Harrison, IS^ewark, N. J.), by Brilliant; 2d dam (bred by Isaac Hearn, Newark, X. J.), by Alexander's Abdallah 15. Bi'cd by J. B. Edgar, Rah way, N. J. Owned by the estate of Ja,mes H. Coldsmith, Sire registered. Informal Statement. Descriptiox. — Bay; about l^^o hands; strip in face; near hind ankle white. Deportment. — Broken double and single; veiy line roadster; can speed 2:40 gait. Charley JFi. 2:25 is sire of Spnrgeon 2:21-J, Honey B. 2:2o^c^, Electra 2:25)^, Rosa B. 3 :26i4 aud'9 others in the list. Scobf-y's Cltampio') S07 got Geo. B. Daniels 2:24, Nettie Burlew 2:24, Charley B. 2:25, and 5 others in the list, and the dams of 6 in the list. For Alexander's Abdallah 15, see Lot 151. 154. Bartiey, ^^i"- g-. May 17, I882. Sire, Volunteer 55. Datn, jMolly Talbot, by Pacing Abdallah 6038; 2d dam. Starry Clay, by American Clay 34 ; 3d dam, Ti'otting Sister, by Alexander's Abdallah 15 ; 4th dam, Lydia Talbot, by Taylor Messenger, sou of Gen, Taylor. Bred by Alden Goldsmith, Washingtonville, N. Y. Owned by the estate of James H. Goldsmith. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Brown; about lo-'.^; hands; small star. Deportment. — Broken double and single. I oliinfeer 55 got St. Julien 2:lli'4, Gloster 2:17, Alley 2:19, Bodine 2 :19H', Driver 3:191.7 and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14}^, Ripple 3:17i.^, Brilliant 2:17*^ Amelia C. 2:19^, Camille 2:2014, Stephen G. 3:30>^ and 36 others in the list. raciiK/ Abdallah (iO.'iS is sire of Bay Mate 2:30, also the dams of Cad Wade 2:20, King William 2:20?4 and Hillcrest 2:29. American Claif '^4: (dam. thoroughbred, by imp. Tranby) got Granville 2:26, Maggie Briggs 2:27, Ella Clay 2:27V.i;, and his daughters have produced Nutmeg 2:16, Sir Walter, Jr. 2:l8i4', Clara Wilkes 2:18?4', Garnet 2:19, Ambassador 2:21^ and 20 others in the list. Alexander's Abdallah J5 got Goldsmith Maid 3:14, Rosalind 2:3p4. Thorndale 2:321.4' and 3 others in the li.st, and the dams of Favonia 3:15, Jerome Eddy 3:16io and 39 others in the list. 155. Twinkle, 1>- g-, 1879. Sire, Piising Star. Dam, Dolly Ottawa (bred by George Tuthill, Wasliiugtonville, X. Y.); by ; 2d dam (bred by George Tuthill), by Tremper's Bellfonnder, son of imp. Bellfonnder. Bred by H. McKissock, St. Andrews', N. Y. Owned by the estate of James H. Goldsmith, l^ot registered. Informal Statement. DescriptiOx.— Bay; about 151^ hands; marks not given. Deport.vient.— Broken double and single; a free, pleasant driver, with speed enough to beat 2:80. 72 A. T. WALKER. [J(7 -Oay, Tlnirsday, PROPERTY OF A. T. WALKER, WILLIMANTIC, CONN. 156. Eglantine, ch. m., 1877. Bred by Edwin Thome, Millbrook, X. Y. Owned by A. T. Walken Eegistered. Standard. f Marksman 592 . ( Abdallali 15 TDorudale 305 - (Alexander's. (2:221^. I Lady Patriot. I Dolly (dam of 4 In list.) [ Toung Patriot , Lewis Hulse Marc. f Haoibletonian 10. . ■ (Rysdyk's.) r Katy Darling. < Mambrino Cbief 11. 'I. Fauny, by Ben Franklin, s Patriot. ') Mare by Messenger Duroc. EGLA^'TIiS'E. t Conundrum r Alcalde 103 piambrino Chief 11... \ MambrinoPaymaster. I n-incrhtpv nf S Pilot, Jr. 12. I.DaufeJitei Of ] £),.ummond Hunt Mare. fVermont __. , [Lgjia J (Downing's.) ( C Black Hawk 5. ' (Hill's Vt.) dam (if Enigma 2:26 -□.(.J.,. ( Commodore (Hunt's). ' ■^'^"^ ;Bet Bounce. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut ; about 15)^ hands : one front foot white ; one hind foot white ; defective sight. Deportment. — Broken single. BlarJcsuiaii, 592 {out of the dam of Volunteer and Sentinel) got Misty Morning 3:31 and Marksman Maid 3:31 14. I^eila is dam of Enigma 3:36 and Mambrino Bruce (sire of Kit Curry 3:18i.< and Belle Wilson 3 :35). Alcalde 103 got liylas 3:34i.„ Enigma 3:36, Mary B. 8:39, Fancy Day 3:30, and the dams of Jean Yaljean 3:17^4, Lida'Bassett 3:30i3, Lady Mascotte 3:35^.^, Glen Mary 3:86 at 4 years, and 5 others in the list. Thorndale 305, record 3 :33J4, got Edwin Thorne 3:161.4', Daisydale 3:19''4;, May Thorne 3:34-4^, Nettie Thorne 3:35^4, El Capitan 3:369:f, Rosey Thorne 3:37-^ and Thorndale Maid 3:y0. His daughters havethrow^nEgthorne 3:18|, Miss Alice 8:1714', Suitor 3:31, and 4others in the list. Dolly is dam of Director 3:17 (11 in list), Czarina 3:31, Thorndale 3:38^4 (7 in list), and Onward 8 :85 ^4 (38 in list). Alexander's Abdallah 15 got Goldsmith Maid 3:14, Rosalind 3:31"'4, Thorndale 3:3314 and 8 others in the list ; and the dams of Favonia 3:15, -Jerome Eddy 2:1(5}4. and 39 others in the list. JPilof, Jr. 12 got John Morgan 3:34, Pilot Temple 3:341.,^ Tattler 2:36. Tackey 3:36 and 4 others in the list'l and the dams of Maud S. 2:083^, Jay-Eye-See 3:10, Electricity 2:11%. Nutwood 3:18-4, Vikiua- 3:1914, Pilot Bov 3:30, Noontide 3:30i., and 87 others in the list.' Hill's Vermont Blach Hank 5 got Ethan Allen 3:351,', Lancet 3:37i:^ and Belle of Saratroga 3:39 ; also the dams of Gen. Tweed 8:36i2 and Tennessee 3:37. Matnbrino Chief 11 got Lady Thorn 3:1814, Woodford Mambrino 3:31l3 and 4 others in the list, while his daughters have produced Director 3:17, Piedmont 8:1714, lona 2:\1'^2, and 80 others in the list. Hifsdyk's Ma mhlefoiiian 10 is the sire of -iO in the 8:30 list, including Dexter 3:17^, JSTett'ie 3 :18, Orange Girl 3:30. Artillery 3:81i2, Jay Gould 8:811.3, Bella 3:33, George Wilkes 3:38, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 3:11, Trinket 8:14, Greenlander 3:15J, and 74 others in the list. Served June 3, 1891, by Goldbeater 3:3012, pacing, see Lot 157. February 18, 1892.'] A. t, walker. 73 1 57. Goldfinch, ch. f., 1890. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire and dam registered. Standard. ( Hambletonian 10. ('(reo. Wilkes 519 i (Kysdyk's.) ( 2:22. ) i Mare by Henry Clay 8. f Alcantara 729 (2:23.) C Mambriuo Patchen 58. LAJma Mator < (Herr's.i Goldbeater 3223 ■ ( Esiel/a. "^'"^ P-' rUwharie \ ^^^^">«™ (Farlow's). ' ^Finra "Rpiip '■'••^23-i' J (Stevens'.) GOLDFINCH, j Flo. belle ^.2.,- - - , Goldbeater (p.) 2:20k; •■ I Eglantine (Lot L^ft), by Marksman 592. Informal Statement. DesckiptiOjS. — Chestnut ; large ; one front foot white ; one hind foot white. Deportment. — Unbroken. Goldbeater 3223 has a pacing record of 2:2Qlo,. Flora Belle has a record of 2:22% and is dam ol" Goldbeater 2:20^ pacing. Eglantine is Lot 156. Alcantara 729 has a four-year-old record of 2:23, is sire of Miss Alice 2 :17i, Autograph 2:18*. Lightning Maid 2:19i4, Alhambra 2:20, White Socks 2:20^ and 27 other trotters, and 12 pacers from 2:131.^^ to 2:30; also the dams of Prince Regent 2:16i, aEgon 2:18^ at 3 years, Arrival 2:24Vo', etc. Alma Mater is dam of Arbiter 2:22f, Alcantara 2:23 at 4 years (32 in list), Alcyone 2:27 (23 in list). Almater 2:291^, and Alicia 2:30. George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Ilarrv Wilkes 3:13i.^, Guy Wilkes 2:15i^, Katie Middleton 2:23 and 16 others in the list. His daughters are proving remarkable brood-mares, having thrown Guy Wilkes ii:\5'4, Houri 2:17, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Astral 2:18, Ralph Wilkes 2:18 at 2 years, Rosa Wilkes 2:18^4, Elvira 2:18i.o, Cleora 2:183^, Constantine 2 11934 at 3 years. Play Boy 2,;1934, Wabash 2:20 and 46 others in the list. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10. see Lot 1.56. J58, , ch. c, 1891. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Goldbeater :322:3 (see Lot l.ir). (2:20)4 pacing.) ' Eglantine (Lot 150), by Marksmiin 592. Infoi-mal Statement. Desckiptiox. — Chestnut; good size; star; one hind foot white. Deportment . — Unbroken . Full brother to Goldfinch, Lot 157. For Goldbeater 2:20io pacing, see Lot 15i.< Eglantine is Lot 156. 59. Wood lark (sister to Frank Wood 2:24), b. m., 1877. Sire, Volnnteer 55, son of Eysdyk's Hambletonian 10. Dam, Kipp Mare (dam of Frank Wood 2:24), by Lefevre's Son of Seely^s American Star 14. Bred by K Millspangb, Walden, Orange Co., X. Y. Owned by A. T. Walker. Eegistered. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 15^ hands; no white. DeporTxMENt. — Broken single as a 3-year-okl. Full sister to Frank Wood^2:24. 74 A. T. WALKEK. [3d Bay, Thursday, Volunteer 55 got St. Julien 2:111, Gloster 3:17, x\lley 2:19, Bodine 2:19^, Driver 2:19J and 24 others in the list, and the dams of Homestake 2:14^, Ripple 2:17i^, Brilliant 2:17K Amelia C. 2:193^, Camille %-MM, Stephen G. 2:20}4 and 26 others in the list. Kipp Mare is dam of Frank Wood 2:34. For Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10, see Lot 156. Served June 12, 1891, by Goldbeater 3 :20i^ pacing, see Lot 157. I 60. , ch. c, 1891. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker, Sire and dam registered. Standard. {Goldbeater 3323 (see Lot 1.57). (2:20>if pacing.) M'oodlark (Lot 159), by Volunteer .5.5. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; large; three white feet. DeportmejSIT. — Unbroken . For Goldbeater 2:30i pacing, see Lot 157. Woodlark is Lot 159"'. 161. Upstart, ^- m., I882. Sire, Neiglibor Ups 2:38, son of Tliorndale 2:22:1^. Dam, Belle of Birmingham, said to be by Magnolia 68. Bred by W. F. Osborne, Ansonia, Conn. Owned by A. T. Walker. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Descriptiox.— Bay; about 15^?^ hands; no white. Deportment. — Broken single; very fast. • Neighbor Ups has a record of 2:38, and is out of St. Lawrence Maid, a fast mare formerly owned by Commodore Vanderbilt. For Thorndale 2:22ir, see Lot 156. Magnolia 08 got Magnet 2:271, Magnolia 2:26i4, and the dams of Mamie Woods 2:20 and Chester F. 2:30. Served June 8, 1891, by Goldbeater 2:20i;2 pacing, see Lot 157. ■ (62. , ch. f., 1891. Bred and owned by A. T. AValker. Sire and dam's sire registered. Goldbeater 3233 (see Lot 157). (2:203^ pacing.) Upstart iLot 161), by Neighbor Ups 2:.S8. Informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; medium size; one hind foot white. Deportment. — Unbroken. For Goldbeater 2:20)^ pacing, see Lot 157. Upstart is Lot 161. f 63. , b. g., 1890. Sire, Perigo 7968, son of Mambrino Dudley 2:19f. Dam, Upstart (Lot 161), by Neighbor Ups. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire and dam's sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay ; large ; hind ankles white. Deportment. — Unbroken ; good gaitcd and promising ; will show for himself. Perigo 7908 is by Mambrino Dudley 2:1934 (see Lot 1G4); dam, Woodlark (Lot 159), sister to Frank Wood 2:24. Upstart is Lot 161. February IS, 189^2.'] A. T. AVALKEK. 75 I 64i> AudrGV. ^J- "^-j ISSS. Bred by B. F. Tracy & Son, Apalachin, Tioga Co., N. Y. Owned by A. T. Walker. Registered. Standard. fMambrino Chief 11... j Mambrino P.iyinaster. ( Mambriuo UiuUey IWi I (2:li%» AUDKEY. ; Susquelianua . Woodford Mambrino (2:21J^.) 345 1 y,:^^ahme j Woo.J/ord. ' I Edwin Forrest 49..... •) ^o™^ ^''y ^Y- Hunter. Sue Dudley (Alexander's.) < ^'"- I Madam Dudley. Hambletonian 10 -^ ^.l^il^^iS'Ll 'Meredith 136T (Rysdyk's.) ■( Chas. Kent Mare. Ladr Overton ^ Abdallah 1. li^aaj uieiton j Mare by Mt. Holly. (Iron Duke 181 .Coleus (Miller's.) I, Hambletonian 10. ■■ !( Mare by Sir Henry (Miller's)^ Uady Van Buren..... \ Bulrush or Young Zenith. Informal Statement. Description. — Bay; about 16 hands; one front and both hind feet white. Deportment. — Broken single. Mambrino DiuUey 2:19^4 is sire of Crescendo 2:34, Bavarian 3:26, Tracv 2:26i<, Einaldo 2:283/4:, Eintoul 2:28?:£ and Gretna 2:29ife. Miller's Iron Duke 181 got Kelsie 2:23^4, Duke 2:24^4, Monroe 2:27i| and 4 others- in the list. Woodford Manibrhto 2:21^ is sire of Abbottsford 2:191-^, Mambrino Dudley 2:19,3^, Pancoast 2:213^ and 9 otliers in tlie list, and tlie dams of 22 with'records from 2:16J;4 to 2:30. Sue Dudleif (dam of Mambrino Dudley 2:19f) was also dam of Grosjeau 2:30 and Sacra- mento (sire of Nelly Rose 3 :25i). Madam Dudley produced the dams of Mambrino Dudley, Grosjoan and Sacramento above mentioned ; also the dams of Daireen 2:2114, Davenant 2:26^, Belford 2:26|, Ulva 2:27, Dacia 2:29}^, Prince Dudley 2:29|, Dodd P"eet 2:19^ (pacing) and Greenhorn 2 :28i (pacing). Woodbine is dam of Wedgewood 2:19 (9 in list), Woodford Mambrino 2:21^ (12 in list), Monaco (7 in list) and one of her daughters threw Borden 2:28 and Proctor 2:19 pacing. Alexander's Edtviti Forrest 49 got Billy Hoskins 2:26^, Champaign 2:30 and his. daughters have produced So So 2:17i, Mambrino Dudley 2:193^:, London 2:20^2 and 8 others in the list. Served August 10, 1891, by Goldbeater 2:20^1 pacing, see Lot 157. 65. , ch. f., 1891. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire and dam registered. Standard. Goldbeater :3323 (see Lot IS?). (3:20)4 pacing.) Audrey (.Lot 164), by Mambrino Dudley 2:19M- informal Statement. Description. — Chestnut; large; three white feet. Deportment. — Unbroken. * For Goldbeater 2:20* pacing, see Lot 157. Audrey is Lot 164. i 66- Peculiar 7969, i"«- s., ISSr. Sire, G-eorgia Wilkes 2448, son of George Wilkes 3:22. Dam, Miss Eoot, by Wood's Hambletonian 572; 2d dam, said to be by Pacing Clay. Bred by F. G. Babcock, Hornells- ville, N. Y. Owned by A. T. Walker. Registei-ed. Standard. Informal Statement. Description. — Roan; about 16 hands: little white on one hind foot. Deportment. — Broken single; has shown about a 2:30 gait. 76 A. T. WALKEE. — M. E. Liis^coLST. [3d Day, Thursday, GeorfjUi Wilkes 2448 (full brother to Prospect Maid 2-Mli) is sire of Valentine 2:18i^, Billy Wilkes 2:29^ and Bas Bleu Wilkes 2:24i^ pacing. IFbod's Hamblefonian 572 got Nancy Hackett 2:20, Mamie Woods 2:20, EldaB. 2:201^^ Howard Jay 2:21^4, Kit Sanford 2:21^4, Blue Mare 2:23 and 12 others in the list; also the dams of Nightingale 2:18i4, Mt. Morris 2:19i, Morris H. 2:22i2, Chimes Girl 2:26 at 2 years, and 2 others. For Georo-e Wilkes 2:23. see Lot 157. I 67. Belle, b. m., I888. Sh-e, Merlin 3375, sou of Sorrento 2164. Dam, Belle of Windham, said to be b}^ Windsor. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Bright bay; small; little white on one hind ankle. Depoktmbnt. — Broken single; quite speedy. Merlin 3875 is out of a daughter of Rysdyk's-Hambletonian 10. Sorrento 2164 is by Woodford Mambrino 2:21^ ; dam, Bellamira, by Tattler 2:26; 2d dam. Belle (dam of McCurdy's Hambletonian 2:26A, Belmont 64, etc.), by Mambrino Chief 11. Served April 25, 1891, by Peculiar 7969, Lot 166". I 68. , blk. g., 1890. Sire, Goldbeater 2:20^ pacing (see Lot 157). Dam, Legerte (bred by Prosper Yegiard, Canada), by a son of Bayard. Bred and owned by A. T. Walker. Sire registered. Informal Statement. Description. — Black; good size; one hind ankle white. Depobtment. — Broken single ; with proper handling should make a fast one. Eor Goldbeater 2:20* pacing, see Lot 157. Legerte showed 2:40 gait without handling, before put to breeding. PROPERTY OF M. E. LINCOLN, WILLIM ANTIC, CONN. 169- Eggbeater, cb. g., ISSO. Sh-e, G-bldbeater 2:20^ pacing, son of Alcantara 2:23. Dam, Kitty (bred by E. G. Cbase, Maine) by Champion. Black Hawk ; 2d dam, NenmanMare (bred by Mr. JSTenman, Weld, Me.), by Rollins Horse. Bred and owned by M. E. Lincoln. Sire registered. Informal Stateftient. Description. — Chestnut; medium size; little white on one heel. Deportment. — Bi'oken single; not developed; very promising. Kitty is described as a fast mare. Goldbeater S22S (dam Flora Belle 2:22|) was in trainer's hands only 90 days; has pac- ing record of 2:2G^, and his get mostly from mores of little or no known breeding are show- ing remai'kably well. Alcantara 2:23 is sire of Miss Alice 2:17i, Autograph 2:18A, Lightning Maid 2:19^ at 4 years, Alhambra 2:20 and 28 others in the list. Rollins Horse got Emperor 2 :30. February 18, 1892.] N". H. CHASE, JR. 77 PROPERTY OF N. H. CHASE, JR., YONKERS, N. Y. 170. Bachelor 8210, br. s., 1887. Bred by B. F. Tracy & Son, Apalacliiii, ]S[, Y. Owned by N. H. Chase, Jr. Registered. Standard. I "f Pvidv^'sT ''-■■' Chas^'llent Mare. G-eo. Wilkes 519 ' Ky&tiyK s.) Vi.ti.) r)„,,„ snankpr -^ Henry ClayS LUOliy fepailKei i \ arft Iw His-i (■ Kentucky Wilkes 1854 BACHELOR 82l0. ; ( Hambletonian 10. (Rysdyk's.) I.Olympia. i Mare by Higrlilander. (Baker's.) ' Rpil JorkPt i Comet (Billy Root). Kett racket. (Mare by Son of Sherman Morgan. .mcline IS^^};..... ; Chas. Kent Mare ..... \ g^'^*^^™*^*"' *°'P- [ Consternation, Jr. I Daughter of > Morgan Rattler. Informal Statement. Des RiPTiON. — Brown; about 15^4 hands; faint star. Deportment. — Broken single; has been driven double a few times; was handled a little for speed last June; the second time he was hooked to a sulky; paced a quarter in 38 seconds ; since that time has had only moderate road work ; owner believes that if properly balance(i would learn to trot fast. It will be noticed that this colt-is by a successful son of George Wilkes 2:23, out of a daughter of Rysdyk's Hambletonian, and that most of Kentucky Wilkes' representatives in the list are out of mares strong in Hambletonian blood. Daughters of Rysdyk's Hambletonian 10 have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Green- lander"2:15i4; and 74 others in the list. Puss is reported as having shown trial better than 2:30, but was injured and put to breeding. Kentucky Wilkes 2:21^ got Virginia Evans2:22i, Wilkesview 2:28 at 4 years, Biavado 2:28^ at 4 years, and Astoria 2:30. Minna, dam of Kentucky Wilkes 2:21:|:, was also dam of Madison AYilkes 2:28i2, while one of her daughters threw Lizzie Wilkes 2-22%, Laurabel 2:27;'?4 at 4 years old, Kitty Hooker 2:29^ at 5 years and McCuUough 2:30 at 4 years, and another daughter threw Com- bat, sire of Brown 2:1834 at 4 years and Williams 2:20i. George Wilkes 2:22 is sire of 68 trotters in the list, including Harry Wilkes 2:13^, Guy Wiikes 2:15i, Wilson 2:16i, .J. B. Richardson 2:163.4:, So So 2:17^-, Baron Wilkes 2:18, Rosa Wilkes 2:18^, Wilton 2:19:J^, Joe Bunker 2:19^-, etc., while his daughters have thrown Delmarch 2:11^. Advertiser 2:16 at 2 years, Fugue 2:19^, Butterfly 2:19f, All So2:20i Eagle Bird 2:21, Fortuna 2:23 at 3 years and 28 others in the list. Red Jacket got the dam of Kentucky Wilkes 2:21^, the 2d dam of Red Wilkes (sire of 51 in the list), and the 2d dam of So So 2:17^ (dam of All So 2:20^ and Reve So 2:28* at 5 years). . Henry Clay 8 got Black Douglas 2:30, .Jericho 2:-30, Centreville 2:32 to wagon in 1853, Maid of Clay (dam of 4 in the list), and the dam of George Wilkes 2:22 (sire of 68 in the list). Crrey Eagle got the 2d dams of Piedmont 2:171^, Catchfly 2:18i^, Ansel 2:20, etc. Rysdtfk's HaniMefonian 10 is the sire of 40 in the 2:30 list, including Dexter 2:17^, Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 2:20, Artillery 2 :2U, Jay Gould 2:2U, Bella 2:20, George Wilkes 2:22, etc., while his daughters have thrown Stamboul 2:11, Trinket 2:14, Greeulander 2:15)^ and 74 others in the list. Morgan Rattler got the dams of Golden Rod 2:191^, Endymion 2:23^^, Dolly Davis 2:29, etc. " ' 171. RinktUm, br. c, 1887. Sire, Eistmont 6774, son of Aristos 2:37f. Dam, Jnle (bred by E. Valentine, Tinmouth, Vt.), by Black- stone 72; 2d dam, Kate, by Vermont Hambletonian, son of Harris' Hambletonian 2. 'Bred by Michael McQ,ueen, Tinmouth, Vt. Owned 78 is". H. CHASE, JR. {^Thursday, February 18, 1892.'\ by N. H. Chase, Jr. Sire registered. CTrandam registered in pedigree of Kistmont 6774. Informal Statement. Description. — Seal brown; about 15J bands; off bind ankle wbite. Deportment. — Broken double and single: witb very little work sbowed tbree-year-old trial in 2 :50, since wbicb be bas not been bandied for speed ; bad distemper last spring and was not driven until fall, since tben bas been used as road borse. JRisfoniont 6774 is oat of Nancy a daugbter of Blackstone 72, son of Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian 10; 2d dam, Prudy, by Bigsby Horse, son of Flying Hambletonian. Arisfos 2:27$ (son of Daniel Lambert 102 and Fanny .Jackson, dam of 4 in list), is sire of H. B. Winsbip2:30i, Warren 2:201, Gimg2:23i^ at 4 years, R. D. F. 2:24i,^ and 4 others in tbe list. Blackstone 2:35 got Daisy Hamilton 2:28i.<, Walter O. 3:o0, Hiran; H. 2:23| pacing and tbe dams of Dynamite 2:20|, and Belle Franklin 2:28^. I A