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WITH PORTRAITS ON STEEL, BY MARY: FORREST. ‘* There is more owing her than is paid.’’—All’s Well that Ends fell. ‘* There are some shrewd contents in that same paper.’’—Merchant of Venice. ‘How many things by season seasoned are To their right praise and true perfection.”’—Jbid. NEW YORK: CHARLES B. RICHARDSON, 441 BROADWAY. 1865, ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by DERBY & JACKSON, Tn the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Qa A. ALVORD, PRINTER, THIS: VOLUME 18 TENDERLY INSCRIBED TO at eae A ; 2 me PMI LO TES \ - JEN) lay ander cae sii bite.. - <> OCTAVIA WALTON LE VERT, . : : ; : : ‘ . FRONTISPIECE ANNA CORA MOWATT RITCHIE, ; : : ; ‘ : : ; A of) MARIA J. McINTOSH, . ; : ; 3 . : ‘ ; 4 : . 163 MARION HARLAND, : ‘ ; F ; ‘ : ; : : : . 195 ROSA VERTNER JOHNSON, . : : , ‘ . ‘ . 2 : 246 AUGUSTA J. EVANS, . , : : ; , } ; : , : . 328 L. VIRGINIA FRENCH, . : : F : é : : : ‘ ; . 439 ““Neasure not the work Until the day ’s out and the labor done ; Then bring your gauges. If the day’s work’s scant, Why, call it scant; affect no compromise ; And, in that we have nobly striven at least,’ Deal with us nobly, women though we be, And honor us with truth, if not with praise.” AURORA LEIGH. PREFAOR. _ READER: If you would establish a belief in magnetic currents, personal and spiritual, write a book of biographical sketches. There is nothing like it for bringing one’s sharpest instincts into play, and— so to speak—charging one’s self fully with idiocratic influence. There are the letters from the several ‘“subjects,”—every chirographical kink a corporeal or psychological sign ; every sentence an efflux of being, -attracting or repelling you. Then the data, studded with epochs, from each one of which depends a ‘tale—close folded, it is true, yet, by virtue of. the clairvoyance you have assumed, electric and portentous. Living so many lives, one feels, of course, preter- naturally old—and wise—when the task is ended. Happy biographer, whose lines, like my own, have fallen in “ pleasant places!” Women of the South, whose names are herein written—who, one after another, have sat down in the chair before me (now a melancholy void), filling the air with such a gracious ‘bonhomie of presence ” —a, flitting, fair, familiar company—to you I would say, | have aimed at impartial estimates of your writ- v; V1 PREFACE. ings, while I have presented each one with such fullness of detail as, from personal and other knowledge, | felt justified in using freely. In the necessity for dispatch, however, the work—going to press in detached parts— was found at last to extend far beyond the limits pro- posed; no alternative remained but to cut down the sum of specimen extracts still unstereotyped, and apportion to each one of their authors but a small part of what was originally assigned them. With this broader estimate of Southern resource, a larger book and “‘ free circulation” shall sometime make amends. Deserving and popular writers, as the authors of ‘Busy Moments of An Idle Woman,” ‘‘Sylvia’s World,” ‘Recollections of Washington,” ‘‘ Silverwood,” and others, whose zcognita I could not presume to in- vade: let me say here, I have omitted your names with a regretful sense of honor lost to myself and my cause. ‘‘Sylvia’s World,” especially, bears the stamp of a strong hand, and will yet, I trust, be given to the world with the name of the author. For the many courtesies extended—for the facilities afforded in the use of published and unpublished works —least of all for the warm, womanly hands and hearts which I have found in friendly letters—I have no thanks; but my good and loyal “subjects” will not mistake my silence. The portraits have been made expressly for this volume, and, with one exception, from life. — New York, August, 1860. CrOeNe BEEP ING Se eee oe OCTAVIA WALTON LEH VERT: PAGE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. ...................- pci: vioid Batts sit sisi acetals sia nldiy wid eri eerreiate ees 13 AN ADDRESS UPON LAYING THE CORNER STONE OF THE CLAY MONUMENT... 29 ADDRESS TO THE OONTINENTALS OF MOBILE.................. cece ce cceeceeeeces 31 AN EVENING WITH LAMARTINE. From the ‘‘ Souvenirs of Travel’’................ 32 Pa WiLL O eVENICH eo erom the iSame).'.csctsicomis sce upets fan fie 4 eae uerie care aielelsite 83 EEEMWAY: OVE DA SIMPLON, From the Same s. a. cs-icceecccccecleeeceeoee s 35 PrUrioN, OF VESUVIUS, — From) the Same, .: .<2s0 wiic bclaeu. codes le sae Pada Meare 38 SILVER AND GOLDEN ILLUMINATIONS.! From the Same. ..............22...--5--- 40 BALL OF THE COUNTESS DESWALEW SKI Ser romathe |Samesi..c) i alesis elieecinert 4] DEE OMS HUM Ss eh romi the: Sane s..sfsclesycicws sfays aie! os saa sie cise oie oe die cers a eles ectoine seers 43 THE HOME OF THE BROWNINGS, From the Same................scccccssccseceees 45 ap EAN NGN SST GTIN D)sscpres ave avsteney ors sotir.6) yo chee (eis giw oo: aval Sie! a sua wierd ae 'o a oiele winve'ale erate mine orotate a aiesienetoe 46 CAROLINE GILMAN: BLOG her Ala SIO LOE tear. sels) pits sls 0 dola'siancie ola eeias od cpals slsieiaisivicitols stale « aleletaeimeraietete 48 TEL GOR BENEA Lire ok conte Dees MARIA J. MCINTOSH: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. se tee eee wee oe cere esos sere soe t ommBeBMoeeseeses ee srs - ese S228 WOMAN, HER OFFICES AND HER POWERS. From “ Woman in America” OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES. From “Charms and Counter-Charms ” A SOUTHERN HOME. From a work in preparation wee e ree ee ree wr sane tee e8 ce eererrecene VIOLET; OR, THE CROSS AND THE CROWN a ee ee ee ee ee i ry LESION HHAR TA Brom unpublished’ Poemsiagncisc.lccis ois ee ssa cle wise oes cusisin sisters SERAVVENMON CO) Deere POD GN Cc SAM Gar.) seit cis cits «eis elec eefelate vale oblare ots: ol sisla's, vieieredhsyevever Mey