of tbc ?HmbprStt|) of l^ortl) Carolina (Enboineb bp Cfje dialectic anb ^tilantijropic ^ocittieg cL FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION form No. A-3ia DESIGNS FROM -'i- THE -t WORK -t OF FRANK P. MILBURN ARCHITECT ■'. ■'. 4 '^ COLUMBIA, V /, -J- C. 'r PRESSES OF THE STATE COMPANY COLUMBIA. S- C. \ "fi nOOOOOo 00 1/7 #^««.^;^°°^o°°°° ^ j^u«^(C (^MUi TO THE PUBLIC. USEFl'L iiifoniKUion for tlmse inti-resttd in the erection iif 1)iii]din.us, artistic as well ns durable. .Much nKiney has been sjient on large buildings, without considering progressive ideas of construction, or pleasing effects in Architecture. One of the greatest points to he i"onsidered is the scientific, as well as the practical, manipu- lation of all raw material entering into these structures. l,ong experience has taught me that nothing is too good in the way of material, and I spare no time or expense to secure the best results obtainable in preparing the plans and specifications, and superintending the construction. Vou may ha\e an elegant set of plans, and if the builder does not follow them, the owner is the loser, and the architect has to shoulder the blame. So many of our profession understand the theory but are unable to put the same into practical executit>n. On the following pages of this brochure will be found a few suggestions to the public, also a few cuts of a few buildings executed in my otlice. The well-known designer, Mr. Mich,\el Heistkr, is now associated with me as designer and m.mager of the draughting department. ^'ours resprctfullv, FRANK r. .Mll.liURN. Rkff.rkncks — Carolina National Hank, Columbia, .S. C. Merchants and Farmers National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. First National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. .Sa\annah Trust Company, .Savannah, C,a. Palmetto liank and 'I'rust Com])any, CoUniibia, S. C. Southern Railway Co.; Plant .System; .Seaboard Air Line; .Atlantic Coast Line; Georgia Railway Co. Bradstreet Mercantile Agency. R. Ci. Hun 8: Co. Mercantile Agency. Copyright applied for, by 1-'rank P Mm. burn •PROPOSHD • CAPITOL' ftVll .DING- 'POP • htNTVCK^' • r-PANK-p-MiLBvus; • ■ ■ Awci irn :ci« i. SI — --r^ DKSIC.N FOR KI■:^•Tl•CK^• CAPITOL HL'ILDINC. FRANK 1', MILHL'RN, Aicliiluct. Estiinaled Cost. Si. 000,000 WVTHK COl'NTV CUURT HOUSE. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect. Wytheville, Va. J. E. Parrish, Contractor. 1;1K1J.S1C\T. \li:w, INK^N SIATION, SA\'AX.\AH, (,A. For the AtlaiUic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railways. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect. McKenzie & Son, Contractors. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect. gi-:xi:kai. \v.\rri.\(.; kuom, rxiox station. Savannah, Ga. srF.i:i. iKAiN siiin, rxiox staiidn. FKANK I'. MII.IURN', Arrhitect. Savannah, Ga. I'RANK P. MILliL'KN. Aixhitect. DESICN SrnMITTEI) FOR I'NIOX STA'l-loX. Athinta. Ga cc. IVA. ..-^ '-^lf..»«-J- " m w u u t S3 en •'^*^^Pf^-4't-: ^:?fC-' fVT*^\^;_ v' ■ • -■ ■■■■■■? f 05 oi H.2 ^. ill < W ?! FRANK P. MILBUHN, Architect. nori'.i. i;i,.\\(_"iir^ Lake City, Fla, Otis tS: Co.. Contractor! :^ 1 ^- ■r E^:~ «fr TO) t^--> . '■•ft? ^^^ ^^^'?>^:*?;.-jrj FRANK p. MILUfRN, Architect. JAS. A. BENSON'S RESIDENCE. Washington, Ga. FRANK P. MILBURN, Arcliitect. joi'RitoN corxrv L(.)rKr ikh si-;. Fire Proof. Gibson & Crawford, Contractors. Paris. Ky. FKANK p. Mil. lURN. Architect. ri|ll.M.S(l\ .\ I 1 1 11 ( I R H M . Cliarlcslon. S. C. Built by the city for tlie Confederate X'eterans' ketinion, 1.S99. Erected in ninety days. Seating capacity 10,000; size 166x271 ft. McCarrell & Son. Builders. FRANK P. MILIU'RN. Anliitect. Al-CMNI HALL, rNI\-EKSlTV OF NOKIll CAROLINA. Cliapel Hill, N. C. FRANK p. MILIURN. Architccl. COLNTN' ClJl'KT HOUSIC. Hickman, Ky. Also built at Monticello, Ky.; Cadi/;, Ky.; Salyersville, Ky.; Hinton, \V. Va.; WinfieUl, \V. \a. Cost,;fi5,-^\ fc«a l«« Im« i^Ml^ r'! I I \ ■■■■BE HRBBIQ X ^^ < i, =3 S a — I « < B ',1 0) s. i- i_/ -< ^1 £» c:< ifnwfca ^ ^ ^^^-%- SdUTH CAKOLIXA SIWTK tAlMToI-. KkAXK p. MlLBl'RX, Architect. Columbia, S. C. ,^^.i^£?l^ FRANK P. MII.IURN. Art liilucl. TNION STATION. For llic Atlaiuic Coast Line, SoiilliL-ni and Geor;;ia Railways. T. O AuKUSta, Ga. Hi own & Son, Contractors. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect. I'LOKIDA SPATE HOUSE. Tallahassee, Fla. j. E. Parrish, Contractor. \Ii;\V ox -'Sl/W ANNKE KI\KK. The Atlantic Coast Line Ry. in the distance Columbia Countv, Fla. I nioii -.-elation •• • Kiiowille ■■ loiiii •• FRANK P. MILBURN . AKtHlTEcr tOLUMBIA ■• S.C. l-'RANK P. MILBURN, Architect. LWJUX rA.SSKXGlCk SIATUJX. For the Southern Railway Co. Knoxville, Tenn. Nicholas Ittner. Contractor. C'AP'l". ()\\1-:N li\l ^'S Kl'.SIDKXCE. I-RANK V. MILDURN. Architect. Columbia, S. C. FRANK p. MILBURN, Architect. PEOPLE'S BANK BUILDING. Union. S C. Morgan Iron Works. Builders. Feiuilutoii Street. I- RANK V. Mll.lU'KN'S R]-:SI DICNCK Columbia, S. C. I' A 3 1 iJC-jRNlTOPY. WiH'i-iiRop Normal AND Industrial COLLETGC." Wiic.K hii.i., 5..C. rpAtlK P MlLt-l;KN, ARCI-llTnc-I EAST l)()K^HT()k^. wix iiikor college. FRANK p. MILBl'RN. Architect. Rock Hill. S. C. .■*1 J! i* •>* '1' VA i nicsicx i-KK 1,1 i\i;k.N()K's mansion. [•'hank p. Mir.BIKN. Architect. Cohinibia. S. C. ^-^^=^'y-r7ffraur,"'- « 1^. I^, l^. IT' pM^/Vfei-Vv^ ta i;« i» I ^ "■ ■' '^ -1 l;!!. VM fc* I i v; i;v\.^tf^^i u 2 X. 5 a: - — r a* Fl-Jlllk I*. \\'l\huril . Mcmrrirr. Columbia .s.c. COLUMBIA COUNTY COlK|- HoCSE. FRANK P. MILBURN. Architect. Lake City. Fla. Otis & Co . Contractors. i ^ ft 1 1 ]ii iTn, II I I 11 I te ( 11 ^ IIAI.I. AMI I IN. \ I Ki-;. IRANK p. MILUIRN, Arcliitect. Darlington, S. C. VV J . Wilkins. Comractor. FRANK P. MILKURN. Architect. rUP.LIC SCHOOL RUILDIXG. ]i\t> Stone Gap, \'a. rxioN i'.\s>i.N(.i;k ir tin- Allantic (.'oasl l.iiit aiul IKANK p. MILBIRN, Architecl. Nl A i ii iN Si)iillicni Railways. Columbia. S. C. N. luncr. Contractor. FRANK P. MILBL'RN, Architecl. DESIGN FOR LIBRARY, nrsir.x i"i )R rxiox station. FRANK V MU.HLUN. Architect. •CCNTDAL- -Motel- rPAM.P iiLRvpv AccMiTrrx. ■COH MDIA ■ ■ SC- SBfjS^S 5'r*r„ \Wf3a..^ ^S^5 iSsi-Niiii FRANK P. MILBl'RN, Architect NEW CENTRAL HOTEL. Cliarlotte, N. C. IPI' 5W ^Tal* ■ • ■■ * 2 ms$i4^ ALTKRNATK BKSICX 1-(»K INION PASSENGKK 8TAT1UX Frank P. Mii-BIKX, Savannah. Ga. Architect. u FRANK P. MILHL'KN, Architect. COUNTR\- CLi;]!. 1 FrrriNc sciiotn., \\" '^^l^l^^^pg^ ;. „a:ic-;l FRANK P. MlI.r.lRN, Arcliilect. I.. M. I,I\•I■:I.^■■S RK.SIDF.XCK. Tallahassee, Fla. STORE AND FLAT I'.LTLDING FOR CHAS. NAREV, FRANK P. MILBURN, Aicliitect. Columbia, S. C. k NKCON. CiA .■\utmitiu;t !i.|?til!n Mi Bi;^^ ^^, ; I'lt^rv ^15i?5fc33 DEMPSEY BUILDING. l-RANK P Mll.BlRN, Architect. Macon. Ga. H ^ vm FRANK P. MILlJUkN, Arcliitect. I)|-:si(;\ I-OR A KKSIDENCE. m 'iF A. R. 1'. CHIKCII. FRANK I'. MII.lUiRN, Ari-liiter.t. Newberry. S. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY STATKJN. FRANK P. MILBURN. Architect, Danville, Va. Gialiani & Co., Contractors. _ if:*.-- MRS. L. L. DEMPSEY'S RESIDENCE. FRANK P. MILBIRN, Architect Ridgefield, Conn. FRANK P. MILBURN. Architect. WISE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Fireproof. Wise. Va. M. Gilluni. Builder Urn ""I"' 11 il Nil II II II II FRANK P. MILBL'RN, Architect. SOirHKKN LOAN AND TKlSr CO. Ottice UuiUtiiii; Greensboro. N. C ^■ uf'ncii )]IigggQpilLD!N G; V2 lift 1 — - .iu... v,[ [t OFFICE liUn.DING FOK COTTON MILL FRANK P. MILBURN. A.chitect. VV .1 1 .N I ccn•^■l^• coi ki iioisi;. FRANK P MILIU'RN, Architect. Wayne, W. Va. UtK Four Con. Co , Builders. I'RANK P MILBURN. Architect. MARY ANN SMITH liUlLDING. University of Nortii Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C. /achary & Co., Contractors. 'DARLINGTON -S-C- ■ PRANK- P-MILBVRN- ■ -ARCKITnCT- • Vi '^^0- .0/ -■ T"1^: illy I HI HI ■ I Bi DESIGN FOR MODRRN SCHOOI. nLII.DINi;. l-KANK P. MII.IUKN, Airliilecl. II t II fl : * 3 I N!' 'Vii, ^^if,;'.!*^ FRANK P. MILIUIUN, Architect. -•()Ks^■'^llI■: county court housic. Fireproof. Winston, N . C. L. P. Ha/en A: Co., Contrartors. MAIN luii.DiNi;. Ni;\\ r.i-KKv tMi.i,i:c,i: 1-R.\\K I' MU.UIKN, Architect. Newberry. S. C. . t .. J 1- -» I ill ill -^^—j ^ f,^^m04'S ^^^ '.|t,|l ,;:^^ i, 1 - ^ ) „ ,""% ■S«JS!^ 'I^J .■s-V.V^ ^m^f *>} *'l:^ SKI'TCH FOR A CHURCH. FRANK P MILUURN, Architect. i-KANK P. Mil. BURN. Arrhileci, MECKLF.Xr.rRC- COINTV I-roni elevation. COIRT III USE. Cliarloiic. N C. McAfee & Co . , Contractors . I ^p^ir^^ Ul-I-ICF. nriLDIXG FOR llUFl'WLO COTTON MILLS. FRANK P. MILIURN, Aicliitect- Union. S. C. 'p - -4V nfesT- Ward • 3cnooi_- DuiLDina. C'-.*iti_OTTC, N C rWAMK r MluDURN. ArcmitCCT- CnAWi-oTTE;. M C h -4?--J, nil (■It tfil Dc-JL ,e::ftfi ^^^B if^ KIKST UAKl) SCHOOL lUII.DlNC. Tile lararest schunl l.niMini; in the South, A I FRANK P. MILIU'KN. Arcliitect- Cliarlotlc. N. C. N. Ittner, Conlrarlor. -WILKES- COVNTY- COVKT-HOVSE- -WASHmGTON-GA- -FRANKP-MILBVRM- -ARCHITECT PIEDMONT OFl-ICK HLII.DINC. The finest ofiici; buildins: in Nnrtli Carolina. FRANK P. MILIURN, Architect. Charloiie, N. C. / .J FRANK P. MILBURN. Architect. SOUTHERN' RAILWAN" STATION. Richmond, Va W. A Chestennan, Contractor y. ■^'-> '-) .2 ' O y. 2£ y p. i 7. _ z • 4 : ^|:OLUMBIA. .c. ^^a - '^«f' i FRANK P. MILBURN ••• ARCHITECT ■•• COLUMBIA. 5.C *^ ^.-^.v^.^cS)<^^^^g^^^'-^^^'--^';^^ ■»-^' ■ I T U"^ \ t0- % ' ,f [T *■- ■^aBSfeMBBt-x'^^'B-vw CAriTAI. CUT,. The finest ii\ili IniiUliiii; in the Slalt 1-RANK V. MILIU'RN. ArcliitLTt Hdleigh, N. C. IN rivkioR \ ii:\v rAKi.iiK FRANK P. MILBIKN. Arrliilerl AMI |)1MN(. RUIJ.M, CAl'll AI. CLLH. KalciRh. N C. 11 : a: iB III II ■ PLEASANTS- C0VNTY--C0WT-HOV5E- -ST MAPYS-MVA- FRANK- PMILBVRN- ARCHITECT i >liituHi • tit- Siiimin-i'xilli' . S.f. I-RANK P. MILUrRN. Architect. 1'A.ssi;nc,i;k siaiion. Stiiiiiiiurville, S. C. J. U. Elliott, Conirartor. nORMITOR^-, Rl.ixn SCHOOL FRANK p. MII.BIKN, Arrliitei t. Raleigh, N, C J. D. Elliott, Contractor. IKiX. \V. Ill \l IIAKKIS' KKSIDKN'CK FRANK P. Mil. BURN. Arc-liilect. Kci Wtsi. Ill I'"IKS'I I: \ I' I IS I M I I i:i I L FRANK P. MILBURN, Aicliitect. Winston. N. C. Fogle Bros . Builders. - ^_ .u y } — .V. SOL'TIIKKX K.\II.\VA^• SlWTloX. FRANK P MILIiURN, Arcliiterl. Aiken, S , C. |)i;sI(;n ioi< c\i\ iiAi.i.. FRANK I'. MILIU'RN, Architccl. CliarlcstoOt S C. I I .\i( i)(i\\ i:i I ( oi .\ I N LDi K r iior.si-. and jam.. FRANK P, MII.IUKN, lirepioof, WclcliAV. Va. AicliitecL Rush & Biutliei, Builders P^A7Sl<'f-V\\ll.mR.S*' A; yf^^i-' ^,;,>'.'^^nn RR w^m.^.^^ -^3 a u ^^^^. ""^ •> M I* W >. U, , t* '^' «• 'n si.A ri:u cdi 1 i:(.i:. IRAXK 1' Mll.HlRN. Al( liilcil. Columbia tleiu)>! FRANK P. MILIUIRN ArchiteLL C()U^'T^• JAIL. Hiiilt at Kfvser, \V, Va. ; Welrli, \V. Va. ; Williamson, \V. Va., an.i Anderson, S, C STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. Coi.iMiiiA, S. C, December 29, 1902. .MR. I-K.WK I'. Mll.IUKX, Cdlumbia. .S. C Diar .Sir: It gives ine a great deal of pleasure to reconimend you to any one wlio desires the services of an Architect. ^■cnlr work at Wintlirop College, the City Hall and the State Capitol shows that you are master of your profession. Yours very truly, .M. 1'.. Mc.S\vkkm;\', Governor. FLORIDA CAPITOL COMMISSION. .\t a meeting of the Capitol Commission held in the Executive Office, Tallahassee, Fla , December 18, 1902, the folhnving resolutions were passed: "Resolved, That the Capitol Commission of the .State of I'lorida extend its thanks to .\lr. I'raiik 1'. .Milbnrn and express its appreciation of his efficient services in the making of plans and specitications and supervision of the work of improving tlie Capitol. His work has been of inestimable value in connection with the building, and he is heartily commeiulefl to the public for work of a similar nature." W. .S. Jis.\nin(;s, Goxernor of 1-loriila and Ch.iirman of the Capitol Commission. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lakk City, Fi,a., Septeiiilier i, 1902. MR. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect, Columbia, .S. C. Dear .Sir: IJelieviii.a; that true merit shmilil have its reward, we, the County Commissioners of Columbia County, Florida, desire to say to \ou that our ueu Court House, just completed and accepted, is the ]3ride of our eutire people. It lias been remarked by many, amont;- whom were our Governor and .State Comptroller, that our building, in architectural design, attractiveness, comfort and convenience, has no equal in Florida. We are perfectly satisfied. And you, as the Architect of this building, have the gratitude of our whole people, and you shmdd feel ]Udud of vour handiuiu'k. W'ith the best of wishes for your future continued success, we are. Yours very truly, CotiNTV CojiMissiONKRS of Columbia County, Morida. Uy R. T. ISooZKi-t, Chairman. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, WYTHE COUNTY, VA. WVTHKX II.I.K, \'.\., Xo\-. 2S, I90I. '■'Resolved, That the thanks of tile Iloartl of Commissioners of Wythe County be tendered to Mr. I'"rank I'. Mil- burn, .Architect, of Columbia, .S. C, for his untiring interest in securing for Wythe County a creditalile Cmnt House, both in plan and construction, of which the County may be justly proud." (.Signed) A. L. Portkk, Chairman. CHARLOTTE'S FINE COURTHOUSE. Al i;.\ II KK of iiupiuvciiieiUs in the South is tin- many niw numii:i|>:il l)iiikliii);s that have bi-tn creeled, are uiuler contract, or m contemplation. Considerable attention is k'^'c'i to the introdnctioii of progressive ideas in ihese structures, and as a result there is to lie seen many pleasing examples of Architecture in this direction. Hereuith is illustrated the New Temple of Justice for .Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. It is one of the best in the .State. It occupies the site of Oueeu Anne's Museum, built in 1776, on Tryfin street. 'Ihe building is of hrcprool construction, 75x120 feet, with granite foinidations and aiiproaclies. ItutV brick and bulT stone facade, marl)le floors, and hardwood hnish add to the beauty of the building. It is regarded as a remarkable building for the cost, 550, (XK), and much credit is given the County Commissioners lor the wisdom of their choice. The .Architect, Kr.iiik I'. .Milburu, of Columbia, S. C, and Charlotte, X. C, w.is selected, after ()l;ins prepared by twenty-seven prominent .Xrcliitects trout all parts of the L'nited .States had been examined. The principal entrance is ipiite imposing, with op^n porlico above, surmounted by a large dome of pleasing proportions. — .Manufacturers' Record, October 2, 1896. BOARD OH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Cl'ARLOTTE, N. C, Oct. l6, 1S9S. To Whom it may Concern: This is to certilV that the Huilding Committee of the new Court House of Charlotte, N. C, adopted plans sidimil- ted by Frank P. .Milburn, .Architect, for our new Court Mouse, the same being in their judgment the best design sub- mitted, from more than twenty Architects During the construction of our building, we found .Mr. .Milburn a practical man, and his plans hi\e given us entire satisfaction. " Yours truly, (.Signed) Jno. K. ICkwrs, Cliairm.iii. OFFICE W. P. SNELGROVE, COUNTY SUPERVISOR. Mr. IK.WK I'. -Mll.r.l K.\, Anukkso.n, .s. i .. Aug. i, i-s^s. Charlotte, .\. C. Dear Sir; .At a meeting of our Building Committee today, which perhaps will be the last held, it was unanimously agreed that we should not adjourn without expressing our entire satisfaction with you as .i m.in who will carry out to the letter his contracts. Vou have intelligently and conscientiously discharged every duty and obligation imposed upon you by reason of being the .-\rchitect of the new Court House and Jail lor .\ntlerson County. The Court House is given up to be the handsontest County building in the State, and our people all laud their praises of both the Jail and Court House. There has not been a hitch between the Huildiiig Committee and the Contractors, and both buildings have been completed according to the plans and specilications furnished by you, and this spe.iks worlds or the .Architect. In addition, we want to say that you have made frienils of this entire committee, and that you .ire at liberty to refer at anv and all times to either of lis. Respectfully, (Signed) W. I'. Sm- i.(;kovk. Chairman. J. I>. .Maxwki.i,, Sec'y. jiiiiN n. Jo.MCS. J. F. Ci,.\ki)V. I hereby certify th.it the signatures to the abo\e instrument of writing are genuine. Witness my li.ind and otVicial seal this .Aug'. 12th, '1.S9.S (Signed) J.so. C. W.MKi.vs, Clerk Court, C. I'. & (.1. H. WHAT OTHERS SAY. BAILEY BROS., TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS. Winston, N. C, Dec. 4, 1S96. To Whom Concerned: Mr. l'"rank P. Rlilbnrn was "ur .Architect for the New Conrt Honse in this Cnunty, which cost |6o, 000. His plans have worked ont nicely, and we fonntl him to be a practical superuitendent in every respect. Our building is consid- ered one of the best iii the State and our people are well pleased. We with pleasure recommend Mr. Milburn to an\' one in need of an Architect, as an honest, capable man, worthy of the confidence of any one. [seal.] ' M. D. Bailey, Chairman, R. S. LrNviLLE, |. F. Miller, C. P.. P.. E. W. Hai-sek. Com. ot Forsvthe Co., N. C. G. B. BINGHAM, JUDGE OF THE TRIGG COUNTY COURT. Cadiz, Kv., Nov. ii, 1895. To Whcim it ma\' Concern: We, the undersigned Commissioners of Trigg County, in the matter of erecting a new Court House for said County, do hereby certify that Mr. Frank P. Milburn was our Architect (having selected his plans from quite a number submitted to us), and as' such was highly satisfactory. We cheerfully commend him as worthy of tlie consideration ol any who may desire the services of a good man, a good Architect, and everything the term implies. We have a first- class building, and the best one we ever saw for the cost. (.Signed) G. B. Bingham, [seal.! Ino. D. Shaw, 1. M. Taylor, "R. A. BlRNETT, T. K. Gkastv, Trigg County Clerk. Committee. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Welch, W. Va., May 4, 1895. Know all Men l)v these Presents: That we selected Frank P. Milburn as the Architect of our new Court House and Jail, having had plans from twelve different Architects to select from. Both Iniildings are now complete, at a cost to our County of 154,000. They are a monument to our Cnnntv, and ;i credit to the .Architect. We are well jileased and satisfied with same, and do not hesitate to recommend Mr. Millmrn t(i '"ounlv ntficers in need of his services as a man wortliy and well qualified in his profession. ' (Signed) T. K. Totten, [SEAL. J W. C. Daniel, W. BuRBRiDGE Payne, C. C. C. C. H. C. Flesher. '^THE ARCHITECT." llic Arihitcct is regarded as :m .iliimst useless expense by some peuiile. There must be some reason why lliis profession sliuuld be so little understood. Anhitectitrc is in its nature a pecidiar profession, a combination of art, science and business. I'he aim of all j;ood .Iri hifiuts from earliest antiquity has been to build permanentlv and to build nobly, ("ivilization has no e.\ponent more sensitive than Architecture, for it is an art not only absolutely indis- pensable, but which adapts itself practically and iesthetically to the conditions of things among which it grows. The charges of all reputabK- .Architects arc the same. It is poor economy to employ a man who does not know his business because his price is less. ^'llU pay more for u hat you get, but do not know it. A TRUISM. " \'ou shall see a man Who never drew a line or struck an arc Direct an .Architect and spoil his work, Because, forsooth! he likes a " tasteful " house; He likes a muHin, but he does not .go Into the kitchen to instruct his cook — Xay, that were insult. He admires fine clotlies. But trusts his tailor. Only in those arts Which issue from creative potencies Does his conceit engage him. He could learn The baker's trade, and learn to cut a coat. But never learn to do that one great thing Which he essays." —J. i:. Holland. SOME FACTS. Heavy excavations should not be made during July and Au.y;ust in our soutliern climate. Lay foundations with cement mortar. In freezing weather keep the brick dry; in hot weather wet tlieni. All Hoors should be double. The rough floor in frame buildings should extend tu siding and will make a \'ery good fire-stop, as this will catch falling mortar from the plastering. Make wide verandas, and avoid using sap flooring. A\'oid openings to attic or resting places for birds at the cornice line. Do not lay wood shingles in lead paint; it rots them. Use only dry lumber for finish, and avoid using green lumber in the frame. Attics should be well ventilated to carry out the heated air between ceiling and roof. Chimneys should be built from the ground. Make walls of flues not less than S inches thick; flues for stove, S inches square; flue for fireplace njt less than 8x12 inches. Two-thirds of tlie fires are caused by defeclixe flues ;ind 4-incli walls. Chimney tops should be laid in cement mortar. Hearths for fireplaces should he laid in cement mortar in order to prevent rats and mice from undermining them- Avoid carpet strips between connecting doors. They are troul^lesome to the housekeeper. See that your gas or electric outlets are located to be convenient, and in the |)laces most needed. See that proper spaces are provided for beds, bureaus, buftets, etc. Doors should not open into closets or hallways. Doors to buildings where large gatherings are held should open outside. Locate dining-room according to prevailing breeze in summer. Closets, moth-proof, can l)e had by using cedar ceiling. Provide jiicture moulding. This saves the damage to plastering. Staircases should be wide, well lighted, and have wide step with easy rise; S'/z inches is good heigh'. Avoid winding stairways, especially in public buildings. When you have decided to build, considt .1 first-class Architect, who should be a master builder. The charges of all re|)utalile Architects an- the same. It is poor economy to emplo\' a man who does not know his business, at any price. a o 1: t/j ^ S o o Front Portico State Capitol Building, Columbia, S. C. IKWK l> MILHI A>\. \rthllecl. Atlas Portland Cement IS THE STANDARD AHERICAN BRAND. m^ m ^^ ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY, 30 Broad Street, INe>v ^'ork:. Yearly Output Over 5,000,000 Barrels. NO. 20A5 PARTHENON. SCHOOL GREEK. hor Front Doors in l^csidtnccs. The Corbin Unit Lock Set Is specified bv leadini; architects for tine buildings in all parts of the country. It is BUILT LIKE A FINE MACHINE With all parts attached to a solid frame and accurately adjusted. It is shipped in one piece and applied without detaching a single part or disturbing the adjustment. The acme of security, reliability and conven- ience. Styles for all purposes. Ornamenta- tion in all schools of design. CORBIN HARDWARE Used upon the following buildings shown in this book : SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HOUSE. SAVANNAH UNION STATION, KNOXVILLE UNION STATION, COURT HOUSE, LAKE CITY, ILA. FLORIDA STATE HOUSE, DANVILLE. VA., UNION STATION. P. &F. Corbin. New Britain,Conn. New York Chicago Philadelphia J CO CO 15,000 ELEVATORS SOLD ^>> j3M0(i puPH *;|3g 'uiea^^ 'oupag 'oiinejpX^ < O UJ o Z2 < LU u ^-^ —^ s: Q U- Dd U- O e-f- z f- 3Z o mi 9) > u a: 13 C a (/) 0) c g u Q ^^ Q> U. d - U V c e i) H a • "^ t 3iS h (!3 CI 'I VARNISH IN ARCHITECTURE. Trille BANOX'A, the scuIptiM-, once toUl a would-be critic that perfection was made up of trilles, and that perfection was no tritle, and this trite sayino- may be well applied to Architecture. Because ot their fidelit}- to the triHes of their art, the names of Phidias and Canova are as imperishable as their wonderful marbles. If the " trifles " of modern Arcliitecture were looked after as closely, there is one important feature of a building that would be the better for it, and that is the interior finish. Just as surely as a trifle of a line under Canova's skilled hand meant the development of a muscle, or an expression that should lend grace, dig- nity and majest)- to his work, so the interior finish either lends grace to the Architect's work, or mars it. Varnish is admitted to be a bio^er " trifle " than it was once consid- ered, lor it is Warnish that makes or mars the appearance of an interior. The finest interiors are finished with BERRY 15R()THERS ARCIHT1':C- TURAL FIX LSI IKS. Mnished samples ol wooil and useful literature (tn natural wood tmish- iny' sent free for the askin*''. BI-:RRY brothers (LnnrKi.) X'armsh Manikactl'kkks New York, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco Boston. Cincinnati, Philadelphia, St Louis, Factory: Detroit. v-^ lii^j,., \,,, ,;,,, .,-M i.i I".- ^ I l.^'iiu. li.illinK- SI,. 1 ■;,.! SliiillcTS, JAMES GODFREY WILSON, At n n u f ti c t tt r e r of Rolling Steel Shutters, Venetian Blinds, l^olling Partitions, Wood Block Floor. 3 WEST TWE\TY-MIMTH STREET, MEIV YORK CITY. \. Y. -#-. ^- A Kolliri^' I'.ntitiotis. \'i-iii't i.ni A\vninj;s for l*i;izziis. Hygienic Wardrobe. BUILDING y FINISHING SUPPLIES ELEVATORS AND ELEVATOR ENCLOSURES OF ALL KINDS PRESSED BRICK, TERRA COTTA, MARBLE, GRANITE, LIMESTONE STEEL CEILINGS AND SHEET METALS OF ALL KINDS Cast Iron, Ornamental Iron, Steel Joist Hangers, Cast iron Stairs, Folding Partitions. Rollinti Partitions. Wrought Iron, Structural Iron, Steel Beams, Steel Partitions, Rolling Steel Shutters, Illuminating Sidewalks. VENETIAN BLINDS, ELASTIC PULP PLASTER GLASS, PAINTS.VARNISH, FILLERS AND STAINS Long Dist«nce 'Phone 2106 Q_ G.GLOWER & CO. ®^^ Austell Bldg.. ATLANTA, GA. AN ORNAMENTAL CEILING Anns hKAl'M T" THK RnOM AND SlIOWS THK Al-;lls[H (a^IK <>I IHK OwNII-' 4 ' BEKOER'S METAL CEILINGS Arc s> iiiiiietrical anti pleasing lo the eye. ami coiii- inand the adtniration of all. They can be used in all classes of buildings, are easy to apply, and highly ornamental. Tliey don't shrink, ciack, get water-soaked, or fall ott. They are safe and sani- tary. Their durability makes them ihe most ecn- nomical ceilings in existence Our "Classik" de- signs embrace variety of styles, and lliere is no building that we cannot match in its style of archi- tecture. Onrs is not only by far the most complete and comprehensive, but we are steadily adding to it. ami if you wish to ket^p postud, it will pay \(>u to kec;> in t.>iir-|i witii THE BEROER MFG. CO., Canton. Ohio THE BERGER MANUFACTURING CO. CANTON, OHIO -MAMIACTIKKKS "MULTIPLEX" Steel Fireproofing, "ECONOMY" Partition Studs, Furring, etc.; Metal Lath. "LUMINOUS" Sidewalk Light, Galvanized and Black Sheets, Galvanized and Painted Roofing and Siding, Eaves Trough, Conductor Pipe, Elbows, etc.; Cornices and Architectural Sheet Metal Work; SPANISH TILE OI'R PRICrS WILL INTEREST YOU GRANOLITHIC, ARTIFICIAL STONE AND CEMENT - ^=^ S I D K W A L I<: S STORE AND WAREHOUSE FLOORS Best of references from ten cities and prominent business men. Con- tracts made anywhere in the South. Address I Frank Barker, ♦ I 1^12 Barnard St., SAVANNAH. GA. METJiL FRJIME WINDOW SCREEN Does Not Shrink, Swell, Warp or Twist! "HIGGIN" Made Entirely of Metal; Not Affected by the Weather. 'jnttl C Sou 111 S/nttL'infi C li i I a d d p hi i a tiuffalo, IN. '\'- Worcester, iVlass. Oaiitoii, Ohio l>titroit, M"h^It. Louisville, Ky. .rVtIanta, Ga. K>ortlancl, Ofe. Dowman=Dozier A/Vfg. Co. ATUAINTA, QA. Manufacturing Agents of H. Collier Smith's Patent Metal Windows AUSO .VIAMLIF'AOTLIRERS OI-- SKYLIGHTS, CRESTINGS AND DIXIE VENTILATORS ■Write for Prices L. P. HAZEN Sz CO. Building Construction CIINCIININATI, OHIO Work Executed by the Contract or Percentage System Correspondence Solicited V A R N I S H F S ARCHITECTURAL NUMBER 38 PRESERVATIVE For Interior Work Spar Finishing . . . for all ... Exposed Work NUMBER 61 FLOOR VARNISH For Floors PRATT & LAMBERT NEW YORK BUFFALO CHICAGO LONDON PARIS HAMBURG J. E. PARRISH CONTRACTOR LYNCHBURG, VA. Public buildings a specialty. Will furnish Estimates on all classes of work; Send plans for estimates "THAT HOUSE 99 .VIUST BE PAI.XTEO TO F»RESERVE AS WEUU AS BEAUTIEY it IS not simply .i question oi covevin'^ S(> much sm face to hide the plain hoards — they must be protected. There are paints and paints, but they don't all preserve, nor even beautify; then why not insist upon MOORE'S PURE HOUSE COLORS The ^.t.iiid.iiLi— the t>nc tli.it is tiled— the t>ne pru- lUicing the best results at the least cost. There is another item to be considered in *'That House" — the walls and ceilings. You're not going to leave them in their unnnislied state. Won't harmonize with the furnisliinL;s. A Pure Linseed Oil Paint. r CurclM anU ComHiniit i<>ii»i, AclUl-ess Oepartmtint "A" \ / T. O. BROWN ca vSON Contractors and Builders AUGUSTA, GA. Will furnish estimates on all classes of buildings. Send / plans and specifications for estimates Masurtf's PURE lins?:ed oil /4ouse Paints Have been for more tlian a lifetime <7/?e Standard of Excellence V>\ uliirh all other paints are indgecl. Therefore, he w lio uses them is assured attlie oiitset of tlie very best results possible, while he wlio F.XPERIMENT.S with paiutsthat he knows not of, does scat considerable risk of trouble and loss. The same HIGH STANDARD OF EXCEL- X LENCE, UXIFORMirV AXD RELIABILITY t is maintained in Masury's Crystal Spar Varnish (interior) Masury's Elastic Spar Varnish (Exterior) Masury's Light Hard Oil Finish Masury's Nomar Floor Varnish Masury's Front Door Varnish The Finest Architectural Finishes on Earth JOHN W. MASURY & SON New York Chicago. Columbia Lumber & Manufacturing Co., COLUMBIA, S. C. Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and Blinds, Interior Finish, Pine, Oak and Cypress, Special Mill Work.^^^^ SEND PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DELIVERED PRICES N. B. HANDY CO. LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA . . . ROOFING TIN . ■ ■ Bryant's Old Method Majestic Old Style Banner, Virginia Longdale, Low Moor Jlnd Various Other Brands METALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ROOFERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, STRUCTURAL AND BUILD- ERS' IRON AND STEEL TERRA COTTA AND PLATE GLASS c MARBLEITHIC l(»l! FLOOIJS, WAIXSLOI IN(i, Paimitions MOST DUr.AIUJ:, SAMTAllV. Ain ISTIC MADE o>;u^■ U"S' TME iWARBLEITHIC COMPAINV DAVTOrS, OHIO. cx:> GC o UJ z h-' UJ UJ (T 1- (/) (0 UJ 5 CM CM I CHARLOTTE BRICK CO. t OS MANUFACTURERS OF A KM I I ^ HIGH GRADE ^^ElnE^KI^ CUT BRICK i I . . i Ki We have the ad\untaij-e ot a superior qualitv ot river M PC s r I sp P^ clav. We are equipped for an output of >0.0(X) per dav, 9^ (a t^ G5 winter and summer. M &§ &^ ^N Promptness s^uaranteed. Plant located on Catawlxi S8 W . , ^ R^ 0Q river. Shippin^i,^ point, Grattan.S. C. near lort -Will, S. C (55 gS Office. Charlotte, N C. With S. S. .WcNinch & Co M m to Georgia Wood Fiber Plaster Co. ATLANTA, GA. Wood Fiber Plaster Is a substitute for com- mon plaster. The use of conimon mortar makes a weak and uncertain wall. Wood Fiber Plaster com- pletely realizes that per- fection so long sought after by architects, build- ers and owners, for in- terior walls and ceilings. Booklet sent free. WOODWAR D LUMBER CO. A r L A N T A, GA.^^^:^ Hardwood Interior Finish. Bank. Office and Store Fixtures, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. Hardwood Mantels. SOME OF THE BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED Ogle County lill.) C'oiirl lions?. Kaiif County (HI.) Court Ileus-. ^[u(-oIt County (111.) Court ITovise. Lu l*orte County (Ind.) Court House. Cook County (111.) Criminal Court House. Warren County Court Hocse. Monnioutli. 111. Marion County (la.) Court House, Knoxville, la. CalM'll County (W. Va.) Court House. Huntington. Du Page County (HI.) Court House. Wheaton. Clinton County (la.) Court House. Clinton, Iowa. New York Biscuit Factory, Chicago, 111. Bay City (Midi.) Court House and Posloffice. Clarksville (Tenn.) Postortlce. Monon Freight House. Chicago, HI. Montgontery (Ala.) Union Passenger Station. C, B. & Q. Freight Hous-. Chicago, 111. Nashville Union Depot, Nashville, Tenn. Cumberland Telephone Building. Memphis. Tenn. Montgomery County Court House, Clarksville, Tenn. Topeka. Kansas, Court House and rostofficc. Polk Apartments. Nashville. Tenn. Warwick Apartments, Pliiladelphia, Pa. Buncombe County (N. C.) Court House, Asheville. -Mingo County (W. Va.) Court House. McDowell County Bank, Welch, W. Va. Kalamazoo (Mich.) Paper Mill. CHAS.A.MOSES General Contractor 306 Chambtfr of (Commerce Bklj;. CHICAGO W. E. WOOD, Genl. Supt. ENTRANCE GATES, RESIDENCE WM. L. ELKINS, OGONTZ. PA. Painted with DIXON'S SILICA-GRAPHITE. PAINT for protection and effect The 'Property Owner Saves Money when the Iron IVork or Tin H^oof is Pninted with QuTJ^TY DIXON'S SILICA-GRAPHITE PAINT cS^l^^s JS^anufactured only by the JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., Jersey CiLy, New Jersey. mmm ■ mm WALKER BLOCK, BIRIVII NGH AlVl, ALA. This building was covered in I8S9 with our Anchor Brand Roofing. It is today in first-class condition Designed for use on the highest class of buildings in both warm and cold climates. Twenty-five years' experience has shown it to be THE STANDARD ASPHALT ROOF OF AMERICA 170 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ^ ^ ^ THE ELEMENTS ^ ^ ^ Are the only legitimate despoilers of paint. Paint that chalks, cracks, scales, darkens or discolors from inherent weakness is not good paint, and should be avoided in the specifications of the careful architect. COMBINATION PAINTS Based on ZINC WHITE have no inherent defects. The elements wear them away in time, but they do not decay, nor darken, nor change color. The careful architect, who values permanence of color and material, will specify an adequate proportion of ZINC WHITE in all house paints. See our terse, practical Treatises : ••TnE PAINT QUESTION," "PAINTS IN ARCHITECTURE," Mailed Free. The New Jersey Zinc Co. 11 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. W. J. WILRINvS, Contractor and Builder, FLORENCE, S. C. Send plans and Specifications for estimates. the Columbus Brick and terta Cotta (^, MANUFACTURERS OF ORNAMENTAL P K t O O tl L) O IV 1 V^ K. In Standard, Roman and Norman Sizes. BUFF, TERRA COTTA, GRAY, BUFF SPECKLED and GRAY SPECKLED Wain Office, Columbus, Ohio. Works, Union Turnace, Ohio. DAN'L A. TARRELL, Pres't. JAS. E. PARRELI., Sec and Treas. FARRELL HEATING AND PLUMBING CO. lnc:orpc>i-atecI. HEATING, PLUMBING, LIGHTING, MUNICIPAL SEWERAGE, WATER WORKS, FURNACE AND MILL WORK. PLUMBERS'^ STEAM. GAS FITTERS' AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PUMPS. HOSE. VALVES. STEAM PIPE. FITTINGS. DRIVEN WELLS. HYDRAULIC RAMS. We take contr.icls anvulnrc in llic .Soiilli. Telephone 129-4. ANNlSTON. ALA. Cor. l l th arul W ilmcr Sts. h^f^-J [mm II iois ID WM ciPi AUGUSTA., OA. II CAST EVERY DAY— CAPACITY FOR 300 HANDS Architectural Iron Work and High Grade Boilers for Heating and Power Plants a Speclait)' Builders and Dealers in Engines, Boilers, Steel Bridges, Roofs, Tanks, Towers and Build ing Construction Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil, Fertil izcr, Gin, Press, Cane and Shingl Mill Machinery and Repairs . Building, Bridge, Factory, Fur^ nace and (Railroad Castings and Supplies, Beams, Channels, Bolts, Pipe and Fitting — Car Load or Less Belting, Packing, Injectors, Fit tings. Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. . Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers and Boxes, Mill Supplies and Tools OMAS. NVUICHET OEOROK WUIiiHtiT CHAS. WUICHET - JSED 1 UIL LU ^ OQ Z GC Z D < C5 m la -I •PHONE I62-P. O. BOX 103 QUARRIES AT ARVONIA, VA. Slate and Tile Roofing The Williams Slate Co. OUARRYMEN AND ROOFERS OF Buckingham-Virginia 'tX'"' Slate 18 South Ninth Street RICHMOND, VA. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : : : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CASSIDY & SON MFG. CO. Nothing shows to a better advantage than neat GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Special Designs Executed Promptly. 133 and 135 West 23d Street and 124, 126 and 128 West 24th Street, NEW YORK. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ E. J. ERBELD NG 5?7 BiKJAD SlHEliT AUGUSTA, (]A. 'THE PLUMBER" STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Contract Work a Specialty. Out of Town Work Solicited. tt K 1 T 1 rOR I'KICI S. Beli, Thonh 448. SiROWGER 'Phone 82v THE J. L. Mott Iron Works 84 to 90 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK CITY Manufacturers of Fine Plumbing Material COPYRIGHT, 1902. BY THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS i^S f;v-^. Bi'i Artistic Work in Brass, Bronze and Wrought Iron GaLes, Grilles, Fountains, Vases, SLable Fit^t>ings ART METAL WORK FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS "S- I ^ k\ . 3 y= A SPECIALTY COPYRIGHT. 1902. BY THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS V. H. KKIEOSHABER, President. CHAS. BAEKTSCHY, Vice-President. THE ATLANTA TERRA COTTA CO., M.\NLlAtTL'KEKS Ol' Architectural Terra Cotta. OFFICE: No. 6 North Forsyth Street. WORK: Cor. Wells and Bluff Sts. ATLANTA, GA. Our Terra Cotta has been Used Extensively in many of Mr. F. P. Milburn's Buildings. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. WE HAVE FURNISHED Heating Apparatusfor the Following Buildings City Hall and Opera House Columbia, S. C. City Hall and Opera House Darlington, S. C. "State" Newspaper Building Columbia, S. C. John C. Wietcrs Charleston, S. C. City Hall Charleston, S. C Farmers and Mechanics Bank Building Darlington, S. C. State Normal School ...Greensboro, N. C. Hon. J. D. Bellamy Wilmington, N. C. Carnegie Library Charlotte, N. C. E. S. Reid Charlotte, N. C. Soldiers Home Raleigh, N, C. Julius Lewis Raleigh, N. C. Union P;issenger Station Savannah, Ga. Cathedral St. John the Baptist Savannah, Ga. Col. J. H. Estill Savannah, Ga. Edwin Gould Jekyl Island, Brunswick, Ga. New Hebrow Temple Atlanta, Ga. Harrison Building Augusta, Ga. Duval County Court House Jacksonville, Fla. Lake City College Lake City, Fla. State Capitol Tallahassee, Fla. Home of Washington Mount Venion, Va. Southern Railway Station Richmond, Va. O. H. Berry & Company's Store Richmond, Va. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Va. City Hall L>-nchburg, Va. Christ Episcopal Church Norfolk, Va. Union Passenger Station Knoxville, Tenn. OUR INEW HOMESTEAD BOIUER Is INo>v Ready for Shipment THE H. B. SMITH COiWPAINV ^ -.^ A Few Recent Southern References Louisville & Nashville Terminal, Nashville, Tenn. Florence County Court House, Florence, S. C. Augusta Graded School, Augusta, Ky. Tallahatcliie County Court House, Charleston, Miss. Harrison Countj'^ Court House, Marsliall, Texas. City Hall, Bessemer, Alabama. Lauderdale County Court House, Florence, Alabama. Calhoun County Court House, Anniston, Alabama. Union County Court House, Eldorado, Arkansas. St. Matthew's German Lutheran Cliurch. Charleston, S. < Wilson County Court House, Wilson. N. C. Dale County Court House, Ozark, Alabama. Carroll Countj' Court House, CarroUton, Ga. Lowndes County Court House, Columbus, Miss. Central of Georgia Railroad Depot, Savannali. Ga. Pointe Coupee Parish Court House, New Roads, La. Hart County Court House, Hartwell, Ga. Fulton County Court House, Atlanta, Ga. Engine House, Savannah, Ga. Colquitt County Court House, Moultrie, Ga. Soule's Commercial College, New Orleans, La. Twiggs County Court House, Jeffersonville, Ga. Barton County Court House, Cartersville. Ga. Oktibbeha County Court House, Starkville, Miss. Calcasieu Parish Court House, Lake Charles, La. Woodruff County Court House, Augusta, Ark. School Building, Jasper. Alabama. Church, Seneca, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1842. THE E. HOWARD CLOCK COMPANY MAKERS OF Tower Clocks AND Watchman Clocks BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO The Celebrated Bricks MADE BY The Powhatan Clay Mfg. Co. RICMMOrsT), \'A. Front Brick ZTshZl Samples and prices sent on application. Cream White. Eiutf. 5ilvcr Gray. 5alt and I'eppir Gray. Speckled. Iron Spot. Red and Other . . . . A FEW OF OUR SOUTHERN REFERENCES. Depots at .Savannah, Colunibi.i. Riclinionil, I'etersbiirs, l-'arni\ ille. I'.ristiil, Knci.wille. Coiirtlunises and City I lalls at Wyllieville, \'a.; l.al