Library of The University of North Carolina THIS BOOK FORMS PART OP THE \ n if n t n i tt» i» *-> i- T tj j-± in t s-^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00013888938 This book is due at the WALTER R. DAVIS LIBRARY on the last date stamped under "Date Due." If not on hold it may be renewed by bringing it to the library. DATE DUE RET. tSSfc DATE DUE RET. ifue 3T r JM 5 W3 HUN 2 !J 1993 jliN 28 M w MAR 3 1\M [EC 1 9 20K AU( 3 ?m — Form No. 513, Rev. 1184 * Jh ' * ™ y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Extra Series, XII. P Q^ \\ \< England In ify npp of Ijittg ^em;g % 0%ltth. Cartrmal Pole attfc Efjonuts ILupset, lecturer \ q£ in Ejjetortc at ©xfortr. Pomag £tarft*$, ' Chaplain to tin |ling. EDITED, WITH PEEFAGE, NOTES AND GLOSSARY, BY J. M. COWPEK. AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION, CONTAINING THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF THOMAS STARKEY, EDITED BY SIDNEY J. HERKTAGE, B.A. (WHICH FORMS. PART I. No. XXXII, 1878.) PART II. LONDON : PUBLISHT FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY By KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING-CROSS ROAD. 1871. [Reprinted, 1898.'] Price Twelve Shillings. «« Committee cf Management : Director : DR. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, M.A. Treasurer: HENRY B. WHEATLEY, Esq. Hon. Sec: W. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67 VICTORIA ROAD, FINSBURY PARK, N Hon. Sees. ( North and East : Prof. G. L. Kittredge, Harvard Coll., Cambr., Mass. for America : \ South and West : Prof. J. W. Bright, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore.! LORD ALDENHAM, M.A. Dr. J. A. H. MURRAY, M.A. ISRAEL GOLLANCZ, M.A. Prof. NAPIER, M.A., Ph.D. Prof. E. KOLBING, Ph.D. EDWARD B. PEACOCK, Esq. S. L. LEE, B.A. Rev. Prof. WALTER W. SKEAT, Litt.D. Rev. Prof. J. E. B, MAYOR, M.A. Dr. HENRY SWEET, M.A. Dr. W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A. ( With power to add Workers to their number. ) Bankers : THE UNION BANK OF LONDON, 2, PRINCES STREET, E.C. The Early English Text Society was started by Dr. Furnivall in 1864 for the purpose of bringing flie mass of Old English Literature within the reach of the] ordinary student, and of wiping away the reproach under which England had long, rested, of having felt little interest in the monuments of her early language and life. On the starting of the Society, so many Texts of importance were at once taken in hand by its Editors, that it became necessary in 1867 to open, besides the Original Series with which the Society began, an Extra Series which should be mainly devoted to fresh editions of all that is most valuable in printed MSS. and Caxton's and other black-letter books, though first editions of MSS. will not be excluded when the con- venience of issuing completed Texts demands their inclusion in the Extra Series. During the thirty-five years of the Society's existence, it has produced, with whatever shortcomings, an amount of good solid work for which all students of our| Language, and some of our Literature, must be grateful, and which has rendered pos- sible the beginnings (at least) of proper Histories and Dictionaries of that Language' and Literature, and has illustrated the thoughts, the life, the manners and customs of our forefathers and foremothers. But the Society's experience has shown the very small number of those inheritors of the speech of Cynewulf, Chaucer, and Shakspere, who care two guineas a year for the records of that speech. 'Let the dead past bury its dead' is still the cry of Great Britain and her Colonies, and of America, in the matter of language. The Society has never had money enough to produce the Texts that could easily have been got ready for it ; and many Editors are now anxious to send to press the work they have pre- pared. The necessity has therefore arisen for trying whether more Texts can be got out by the plan of issuing them in advance of the current year, so that those Members who like to pay for them by advance Subscriptions, can do so, while those who prefer to wait for the year for which the volumes are markt, can do so too. To such waiters, the plan will be no injury, but a gain, as every year's Texts will then be ready on the New Year's Day on which the Subscription for them is paid. The success of this plan will depend on the support it receives from Members, as it is obvious that the Society's printers must be paid half or two-thirds of their bill for a Text within a few months of its production. Appeal is therefore made to all Members who can spare advance Subscriptions, to pay them as soon as they get notice that the Texts for any future year are ready. In 1892, the Texts for 1893 were issued ; in 1893, those for 1894 and 1895 ; those for 1896-8 in 1896. The Subscription to the Society, which constitutes membership, is £1 Is. a year [and £1 Is. additional for the Extra Series], due in advance on the 1st of January, and should be paid either to the Society's Account at the Head Office of the Union Bank of London, Princes. Street, London, E.C. r or by Cheque, Postal Order, or Money- Order to the Hon. Secretary, W.^A. Dalziel, Esq., 67, Victoria Rd., Finsbury Park, London, N., and crost ' Union Bank of London.' (United-States Subscribers must pay for postage Is. Ad. a year extra for the Original Series, and Is. a year for the Extra Series.) The Society's Texts are also sold separately at the prices put after them in the Lists ; but Members can get back-Texts at one-third less than the List-prices by sending the cash for them in advance to the Hon. Secretary. Original and Extra Series Books, 1897-1900. 3 April 1898. For this year the Original-Series Texts were issued in 1896. Those for 1899 are now ready. The texts of several other works are now printed. Members are askt to send their two- or three-years' subscriptions for both Series at once in advance. For 1897, the Original- Series Texts are, No. 108, Child-Marriages and -Divorces, Troth- plights, Adulteries, Affiliations, Libels, Wills, Miscellanea, Clandestine Marriages, Deposi- tions in Trials in the Bishop's Court, Chester, a.d. 1561-6, with Entries from the Chester Mayors' Books, 1558-1600, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall, — a most curious volume, full of the social life of its time ; — and Part II of the Prymer or Lay-Folks' Prayer-look, edited by Mr. Henry Littlehales, with a Paper by Mr. Bishop on the Origin and Growth of the Prymer. For 1897, the Extra-Series Texts are LXXI, The Towneley Plays, re-edited from the unique MS. by Mr. George England, with sidenotes and Introduction by Alfred W. Pollard, M.A. ; LXXII, Hoccleve's Eegement of Princes, a.d. 1411-12, with 14 Minor Poems, now first assigned to Hoccleve, from the De Guilleville MS. Egerton 615, re-edited from the MSS. by Dr. Furnivall ; the latter forms Part III of Hoccleve's Works ; LXXIII, Part II of Hoccleve's Works is Hoccleve's Minor Poems II, from the Yates Thompson (late Ashburnham) MS. , edited by Mr. Israel Gollancz, M. A. The Original-Series Texts for 1898 are Nos. 110, 111,— Part II, Sections 1 and 2, of Dr. T. Miller's Collations of Four MSS. of the Old-English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History. The Extra-Series Texts for 1898 are No. LXXIV, Secreta Secretorum, 3 prose Englishings, one by Jas. Yonge with interesting passages about Ireland, edited by Eobert Steele, B.A., Part I ; and No. LXXV, Miss Morrill's edition of the Speculum Guidonis in the Society's ' Guy-of- Warwick Series. The Extra-Series Texts for 1899 ought to be the Second Part of the prose Eomance of Melusine — Introduction, with ten facsimiles of the best woodblocks of the old foreign black- letter editions, Glossary, &c, by A. K. Donald, B.A., if he can be found; and a new edition of the famous Early-English Dictionary (English and Latin), Promptorium Parvulorum, from the Winchester MS., ab. 1440 a.d.: in this, the Editor, the Rev. A. L. Mayhew, M.A., will follow and print his MS. not only in its arrangement of nouns first, and verbs second, under every letter of the Alphabet, but also in its giving of the flexions of the words. The Society's edition will thus be the first modern one that really represents its original, a point on which Mr. Mayhew's insistance will meet with the sympathy of all our Members. But if neither of these Texts is forthcoming in 1899, a substitute for it will be found in the probable 1900 Texts mentioned below. The Original-Series Texts for 1899 will be No. 112, Merlin, Part IV, Prof. W. E. Mead's Outlines of the Legend of Merlin, with Glossary, &c, and No. 113, Queen Elizabeth's Eng- lishings of Boethius de Consolatione, Plutarch's De Curiositate, and part of Horace, De Arte Poetica, edited from the unique MS. (a portion in the Queen's own hand) in the Public Record Office, London, by the late Miss C. Pemberton, with a Facsimile, and a note on the Queen's use of i for long e. The Original- Series Texts for 1900 will be No. 114, Part IV (the last) of Prof. Skeat's edition of Aelfric's Metrical Lives of Saints ; and No. 115, Jacob's Well, a quaint allegorical treatise on the cleansing and building-up of Man's Conscience, edited from the unique MS. in Salisbury Cathedral, by Dr. J. W. Brandeis, Part I. The Extra-Series Texts for 1900 will be chosen from Mr. I. Gollancz's re-edition of two Alliterative Poems, Winner and Waster, &c, ab. 1360, just issued for the Roxburghe Club ; Dr. Norman Moore's re-edition of The Book of the Foundation of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, from the unique MS. ab. 1425, which gives an account of the Founder, Rahere, and the miraculous cures wrought at the Hospital ; or The Craft of Nombrynge, with other of the earliest englisht Treatises on Arithmetic, edited by R. Steele, B.A., or Alexander Scott's Poems, 1568, from the unique Edinburgh MS., ed. A. K. Donald, B.A. ; or Miss Mary Bate- son's edition of George Ashby's Active Policy of a Prince, &c, from the unique MS., A.D. 1463. An urgent appeal is hereby made to Members to increase the list of Subscribers to the E. E. Text Society. It is nothing less than a scandal that the Hellenic Society should have nearly 1000 members, while the Early English Text Society has only about 300 ! The Original-Series Texts for 1901 and 1902 will be chosen from books already at press : Part II of the Minor Poems of the Vernon MS., edited by Dr. F. J. Furnivall ; Mr. Gollancz's re-edited Exeter-Book — Anglo-Saxon Poems from the unique MS. in Exeter Cathedral — Part II ; Dr. Bruce's Introduction to The English Conquest of Ireland, Part II ; Dr. Furnivall's edition of the Lichfield Gilds, which is all printed, and waits only for the Introduction, that Prof. E. C. K. Gonner has kindly undertaken to write for the book. Dr. G. Herzfeld's re-edition of the Anglo-Saxon Martyrology is all in type. Part II of Dr. Holt- hausen's Vices and Virtues needs only its Glossary. 4 Texts preparing : The Extra Series for 1901 fy 1902. Deguilleville. The Texts for the Extra Series in 1901 and 1902 will be chosen from The Three Kings' Sons, Part II, the Introduction &c. by Prof, Dr. Leon Kellner ; Part II of The Chester Plays, re-edited from the MSS., with a full collation of the formerly missing Devonshire MS., by Mr. G. England and Dr. Matthews ; the Parallel-Text of the only two MSS. of the Owl and Nightingale, edited by Mr. G. F. H. Sykes (at press) ; Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne, edited by Dr. Furnivall ; Deguilleville's Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, in English verse by Lydgate. (For the three prose versions — two English, one French — an Editor is wanted. ) Mr. Steele has also in type the earliest Treatise on Arithmetic, englisht from Johannes de Sacro Bosco. Some of these Texts will be ready in 1899. Members are therefore askt to send Advance Subscriptions for 1899 and 1900, in order that the 1899-1900 books may be issued to them as soon as the editions are finisht. The Society's experience has shown that Editors must be taken when they are in the humour for work. All real Students and furtherers of the Society's purpose will be ready to push-on the issue of Texts. Those Members who care only a guinea a year (or can afford only that sum) for the history of our language and our nation's thought, will not be hurt by those who care more, getting their books in advance ; on the contrary, they will be benefited, as each successive year's work will then be ready for issue on New Year's Day. Members are askt to realise the fact that the Society has now 50 years' work on its Lists, — at its present rate of production, — and that there is from 100 to 200 more years' work to come after that. The year 2000 will not see finisht all the Texts that the Society ought to print. Before his death in 1895, Mr. G. N". Currie was preparing an edition of the 15th and 16th century Prose Versions of Guillaume de Deguilleville's Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, with the French prose version by Jean Gallopes, from Lord Aldenham's MS., he having generously promist to pay the extra cost of printing the French text, and engraving one or two of the illuminations in bis MS. But Mr. Currie, when on his deathbed, charged a friend to burn all his MSS. which lay in a corner of his room, and unluckily all the E. E. T. S.'s copies of the Deguilleville prose versions were with them, and were burnt with them, so that the Society will be put to the cost of fresh copies, Mr. Currie having died in debt. Guillaume de Deguilleville, monk of the Cistercian abbey of Chaalis, in the diocese of Senlis, wrote his first verse Pelerinaige de V Homme in 1330-1 when he was 36. 1 Twenty-five (or six) years after, in 1355, he revised his poem, and issued a second version of it, and this is the only one that has been printed. Of the prose representative of the first version, 1330-1, a prose Englishing, about 1430 a.d., was edited by Mr. Aldis Wright for the Roxburghe Club in 1869, from MS. Ff. 5. 30 in the Cambridge University Library. Other copies of this prose English are in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Q. 2. 25 ; Univ. Coll. and Corpus Christi, Oxford 2 ; and the Laud Collection in the Bodleian, no. 740. A copy in the Northern dialect is MS. G. 21, in St. John's Coll., Cambridge, and this is the MS. which will be edited for the E. E. Text Society. The Laud MS. 740 was somewhat condenst and modernised, in the 17th century, into MS. Ff. 6. 30, in the Cambridge University Library: 3 "The Pilgrime or the Pilgrimage of Man in this World," copied by Will, Baspoole, whose copy "was verbatim written by Walter Parker, 1645, and from thence transcribed by G. G. 1649 ; and from thence by W. A. 1655." This last copy may have been read by, or its story reported to, Bunyan, and may have been the groundwork of his Pilgrim's Progress. It will be edited for the E. E. T. Soc, its text running under the earlier English, as in Mr. Herrtage's edition of the Gesta Bomanorum for the Society. In February 1464, 4 Jean Gallopes — a clerk of Angers, afterwards chaplain to John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France — turned Deguilleville's first verse Pelerinaige into a prose Pelerinage de la vie humaine. 5 By the kindness of Lord Alden- ham, as above mentiond, Gallopes's French text will be printed opposite the early prose northern Englishing in the Society's edition. The Second Version of Deguilleville's Pelerinaige de V Homme, A.D. 1355 or -6, was englisht in verse by Lydgate in 1426. Of Lydgate's poem, the larger part is in the Cotton MS. Vitellius C. xiii (leaves 2-308). This MS. leaves out Chaucer's englishing of Deguilleville's ABC or Prayer to the Virgin, of which the successive stanzas start with A, B, C, and run all thro' the alphabet ; and it has 2 main gaps, besides many small ones from the tops of leaves being burnt in the Cotton fire. All these gaps (save the ABC) will be fild up from the Stowe MS. 952 (which old John Stowe completed) and from the end of the other imperfect MS. Cotton, Tiberius A vii. The British Museum French MSS. (Harleian 4399, 6 and Additional J He was born about 1295. See Abbs' Goujet's Bibliothequefrangaise, Vol. IX, p. 73-4.— P. M. 2 These 3 MSS. have not yet been collated, but are believed to be all of the same version. 8 Another MS. is in the Pepys Library. 4 According to Lord Aldenham's MS. 5 These were printed in France, late in the 15th or early in the 16th century. 6 15th cent., containing only the Vie humaine. Anglo-Saxon Psalter's. More Money wanted. Saints' Lives. 5 22,937* and 25, 594 2 ) are all of the First Version. Lydgate's text is in the press for the Society, edited by Dr. Furnivall. Besides his first Pelerinaige de Vhommc in its two versions, Deguilleville wrote a second, "de l'ame separee du corps," and a third, "de nostre seigneur Iesus." Of the second, a prose Englishing of 1413, The Pilgrimage of the Soivle (with poems by Hoccleve), exists in the Egerton MS.615, 3 at Hatfield, Cambridge (Univ. Kk. 1. 7, Caius), Oxford (Univ. Coll. and Corpus), and in Caxton's edition of 1483. This version has 'somewhat of addicions ' as Caxton says, and some shortenings too, as the maker of both, the first translator, tells us in the MSS. Caxton leaves out the earlier englisher's interesting Epilog in the Egerton MS. This prose englishing of the Sowle will be edited for the Society by Prof. Dr. Leon Kellner after that of the Man is finisht, and will have Gallopes's French opposite it, from Lord Aldenham's MS., as his gift to the Society. Of the Pilgrimage of Jesus, no englishing is known. As to the MS. Anglo-Saxon Psalters, Dr. Hy. Sweet has edited the oldest MS., the Vespasian, in his Oldest English Texts for the Society, and Mr. Harsley has edited the latest, c. 1150, Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter. The other MSS., except the Paris one, being interlinear versions, — some of the Roman-Latin redaction, and some of the Gallican, — Prof. Logeman has prepared for press, a Parallel-Text edition of the first twelve Psalms, to start the complete work. He will do his best to get the Paris Psalter — tho' it is not an interlinear one — into this collective edition ; but the additional matter, especially in the Verse-Psalms, is very difficult to manage. If the Paris text cannot be parallelised, it will form a separate volume. The Early English Psalters are all independent versions, and will follow separately in due course. Through the good offices of the Examiners, some of the books for the Early-English Ex- aminations of the University of London will be chosen from the Society's publications, the Committee having undertaken to supply such books to students at a large reduction in price. The profits from these sales, after the payment of costs arising out of the issuing of such Texts to Students, will be applied to the Society's Reprints. Five of its 1866 Texts, and one of its 1867 (now at press), still need reproducing. Donations for this purpose will be welcome. They should be paid to the Hon. Sec, Mr. "W. A. Dalziel, 67 Victoria Rd., Finsbury Park, London, N. Members are reminded that fresh Subscribers are always wanted, and that the Committee can at any time, on short notice, send to press an additional Thousand Pounds' worth of work. The Subscribers to the Original Series must be prepared for the issue of the whole of the Early English Lives of Saints, sooner or later. The Society cannot leave out any of them, even though some are dull. The Sinners would doubtless be much more interesting. But in many Saints' Lives will be found valuable incidental details of our forefathers' social state, and all are worthful for the history of our language. The Lives may be lookt on as the religious romances or story-books of their period. The Standard Collection of Saints' Lives in the Corpus and Ashmole MSS. , the Harleian MS. 2277, &c. will repeat the Laud set, our No. 87, with additions, and in right order. (The foundation MS. (Laud 108) had to be printed first, to prevent quite unwieldy collations.) The Supplementary Lives from the Vernon and other MSS. will form one or two separate volumes. Besides the Saints' Lives, Trevisa's englishing of Bartholomceus de Proprietatibus Rerum, the mediaeval Cyclopaedia of Science, &c, will be the Society's next big undertaking. Dr. R. von Fleischhacker will edit it. Prof. Napier of Oxford, wishing to have the whole of our MS. Anglo-Saxon in type, and accessible to students, will edit for the Society all the unprinted and other Anglo-Saxon Homilies which are not included in Thorpe's edition of jElfric's prose, 4 Dr. Morris's of the Blickling Homilies, and Prof. Skeat's of jElfric's Metrical Homilies. Prof. Kolbing has also undertaken for the Society's Extra Series a Parallel-Text of all the six MSS. of the Ancren Riwle, one of the most important foundation-documents of Early English. Mr. Harvey, too, means to prepare an edition of the three MSS. of the Earliest English Metrical Psalter, one of which was edited by the late Mr. Stevenson for the Surtees Society. i 15th cent., containing all the 3 Pilgrimages, the 3rd being Jesus Christ's. 2 14th cent., containing the Vie humaine and the 2nd Pilgrimage, de I'Ame : both incomplete. 3 Ab. 1430, 106 leaves Oeaf 1 of text wanting), with illuminations of nice little devils— red, green, tawny &c. — and damnd souls, fires, angels &c. * Of these, Mr. Harsley is preparing a new edition, with collations of all the MSS. Many copies of Thorpe's book, not issued by the iElfric Society, are still in stock. Of the Vercell Homilies, the Society has bought the copy made by Prof. G. Lattanzi." 6 The Original Series of the " Early English Text Society." In case more Texts are ready at any time than can be paid for by the current year's in- come, they willbe dated the next year, and issued in advance to such Members as will pay advance subscriptions. The 1886-7 delay in getting out Texts must not occur again, if it can possibly be avoided. The Director has in hand for future volunteer Editors, copies of 2 or 3 MSS. Members of the Society will learn with pleasure that its example has been followed, not only by the Old French Text Society which has done such admirable work under its founders Profs. Paul Meyer and Gaston Paris, but also by the Early Russian Text Society, which was set on foot in 1877, and has since issued many excellent editions of old MS. Chronicles &c. Members will also note with pleasure the annexation of large tracts of our Early English territory by the important German contingent under General Zupitza, Colonel Kolbing, volun- teers Hausknecht, Einenkel, Haenisch, Kaluza, Hupe, Adam, Holthausen, Schick, Herzfeld, Brandeis, &c. Scandinavia has also sent us Prof. Erdmann ; Holland, Prof. H. Logeman, who is now working in Belgium ; France, Prof. Paul Meyer — with Gaston Paris as adviser ; — Italy, Prof. Lattanzi ; Hungary, Dr. von Fleischhacker ; while America is represented by the late Prof. Child, by Dr. Mary Nbyes Colvin, Profs. Mead, Perrin, McClintock, Triggs, &c. The sympathy, the ready help, which the Society's work has cald forth from the Continent and the United States, have been among the pleasantest experiences of the Society's life, a real aid and cheer amid all troubles and discouragements. All our Members are grateful for it, and recognise that the bond their work has woven between them and the lovers of language and antiquity across the seas is one of the most welcome results of the Society's efforts. ORIGINAL SERIES. Half the Publications for 1866 (13, 14, 15, 18, 22) are out of print, but will be gradually reprinted. Subscribers who desire the issue for 1866 should send their guineas at once to the Hon. Secretary, in order that other Texts for 1866 may be sent to press. The Publications for 1864-1897 (one guinea each year, save those for 1866 now halj out of print, two guineas) are : — 1. Early English Alliterative Poems, ab. 1360 a.d., ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 16s. 1864 2. Arthur, ab. 1440, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. 4s. „ 3. Lauder on the Dewtie of Kyngis, &c, 1556, ed. P. Hall, D.C.L. 4s. ,, 4. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, ab. 1360, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. ,, 5. Hume's Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue, ab 1617, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 4s. 1865 6. Lancelot of the Laik, ab. 1500, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 8s ,, 7. Genesis & Exodus, ab. 1250, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 8s. ,, 8. Morte Arthure, ab. 1440, ed. E. Brock. 7s. ,, 9. Thynne on Speght's ed. of Chaucer, a.d. 1599, ed. Dr. G. Kingsley and Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 10s. ,, 10. Merlin, ab. 1440, Part I., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 2s. 6d. 11. Lyndesay's Monarche, &c, 1552, Part I., ed. J. Small, M.A. 3s. ,, 12. "Wright's Chaste Wife, ab. 1462, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. Is. ,, 13. Seinte Marherete, 1200-1330, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne : to be re-edited by Prof. Herford, M.A., Ph.D. 1866 14. KyngHorn, Floris and Blancheflour, &c.,ed. Rev. J. R. Lumby, B.D. ,, 15. Political, Religious, and Love Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 16. The Book of Quinte Essence, ab. 1460-70, ed. F. J. Furnivall. Is. [Inprint.] ,, 17. Parallel Extracts from 45 MSS. of Piers the Plowman, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. Is. [Inprint] ,, 18. Hali Meidenhad, ab. 1200, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne. 19. Lyndesay's Monarche, &c, Part II., ed. J. Small, M.A. 3s. 6d. [Inprint.'] 20. Hampole's English Prose Treatises, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. Is. [In print.] ,, 21. Merlin, Part II., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 4s. [Inprint.] 22. Partenay or Lusignen, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 23. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, 1340, ed. Rev. Dr. R.Morris. 10s. 6d. [Inprint.] ,, 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ ; the Parliament of Devils, &c. , ab. 1430, ed. F. J. Furnivall. [At Press. 1867 25. The Stacions of Rome, the Pilgrims' Sea-voyage, with Clene Maydenhod, ed. F. J. Furnivall. Is. ,, 26. Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse, from R. Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440), ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 2s. , , 27. Levins's Manipulus Vocabulorum, a ryming Dictionary, 1570, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 12s. ,, 28. William'sVisionofPiersthePlowman,1362A.D. ; Text A, Part I., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 6s. ,, 29. Old English Homilies (ab. 1220-30 a.d.). Parti. Edited by Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 7s. ,, 30. Pierce the Ploughmans Crede, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 2s. 31. Myrc's Duties of a Parish Priest, in Verse, ab. 1420 a.d., ed. E. Peacock. 4s. 1S6S 32. Early English Meals and Manners : the Boke of Norture of John Russell, the Bokes of Keruynge, Curtasye, and Demeanor, the Babees Book, Urbanitatis, &c. , ed. F. J. Furnivall. 12s. 33. The Knight de la Tour Landry, ab. 1440 a.d. A Book for Daughters, ed. T. Wright, M.A. 8s. ,, 34. Old English Homilies (before 1300 a. d.). Part II., ed. R. Morris, LL.D. 8s. 35. Lyndesay's Works, Part III. : The Historie and Testament of Squyer Meldrum , ed . F. Hall .2s. The Original Series of the "Early English Text Society." 7 Merlin, Part III. Ed. H. B. Wheatley. On Arthurian Localities, by J. S. Stuart Glennie. 12s. 1669 . Sir David lyndesay's Works, Part IV., Ane Satyre of the Three Estaits. Ed. F. Hall, D.C.L. 4s. ,, . William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, PartH. TextB. Ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 10s. 6d. ,, 39. Alliterative Romance of the Destruction of Troy. Ed. D. Donaldson & G. A. Panton. Pt. I. 10s. 6d. ,, 40. English Gilds, their Statutes and Customs, 13S9 a.d. Edit. Toulmin Smith and Luey T. Smith, with an Essay on Gilds and Trades-Unions, by Dr. L. Brentano. 21s. 1870 41. William Lauder's Minor Poems. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. 3s. ,, 42. Bernardus De Cura Rei Famuliaris, Early Scottish Prophecies, &c. Ed. J. R. Lumby, M.A. 2s ,, 43. Ratis Raving, and other Moral and Religious Pieces. Ed. J. R. Lumby, M.A. 3s. , , 44. The Alliterative Romance of Joseph of Arimathie, or The Holy Grail : from the Vernon MS. ; with W. de Worde's and Pynson's Lives of Joseph : ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 5s. 1S71 45. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, edited from 2 MSS., with an English translation, by Henry Sweet, Esq., B. A., Balliol College, Oxford. Part I. 10s. ,, 46. Legends of the Holy Rood, Symbols of the Passion and Cross Poems, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. ,, 47. Sir David Lyndesay's Works, Part V., ed. Dr. J. A. H. Murray. 3s. ,, 4S. The Times' Whistle, and other Poems, by R. C, 1616'; ed. by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 6s. ,, 49. An Old English Miscellany, containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, and Religious Poems of the 13th cent., ed. from the MSS. by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. 10s. 1872 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet, M.A. PartH. 10s. ,, 51. The Life of St Juliana, 2 versions, a.d. 1230, with translations ; ed. T. O. Cockayne .] You se what adultery, murdur, and vyce ; what vsury, craft, and dysceyte ; what glotony and al plesur of body, ys had in cytes and townys, by the reson of thys 287 socyety and cumpany of meB togydur, wych al in the cuwtrey and rude lyfe of them ys avoyded, by the reson that they lyfe not togydur aftur your cyuylyte. Ther- And so he thinks it better to live fore yf thys be cyuyle lyfe and ordur, to lyue in cytes in a forest and j x J.-U i. j j stud y virtue > and townys wytn so much vyce and mysordur, me seme marc schold not be borne therto, but rather to lyfe 293 in the wyld forest, ther more folowyng the study of vertue, as hyt ys sayd mew dyd in the golden age, where as men did "' the " golden age." in maw lyuyd accOrdyng to hys natural dygnyte. 7. IiVpset. — Nay, Maystur Pole, you take the mater i>- says, " You take me amys. Thys ys not the cyuyle lyfe that I mean, — to amiss, lyue togydur in cytes and townys so fer out of ordur, as 299 hyt were a multytude cowspyryng togeddur in vyce, one takyng plesure of a nother wythout regard of honesty. But thys I cal the cyuyle lyfe, contrary, lyuyng togyd- cmi ufe ><* the living together dur in gud and polytyke ordur, one euer redy to dow in virtue, gud to a nother, and, as hyt were, co?ispyryng togydur in 304 1 In margin of MS. 10 THE FAULT IN MEN, NOT IN CITIES. 305 al vertue and honesty. Thys ys the veray true and cyuyle lyfe ; and though hyt be so that maw abusyth the ■socyety and cumpany of maw in cytes and townys, gyuyng hymselfe to al vyce, yet we may not therfor cast ■downe cytes and townys, and dryue maw to the woodys 310 agayne and wyld forestys, wherin he lyuyd at the fyrst and if men do begynnyng rudely ; the faut wherof ys nother in the "he feuu is in cytes nor townys, nother in the lawys ordeynyd therto, cities! " 0t m DU,; hyt ys in the malyce of maw, wych abusyth and turnyth that thyng wych myght be to hys welth and 315 felycyte to hys owne dystructyon and mysery; as he doth al most al thyng that God and nature hath prouydyd to hym for the mayntenawce of hys lyfe. For how abusyth he hys helth, stranghth, and buety, oi9 hys wyt, lernyng, and pollycy ; how al mane?* of metys Man abuses and drynkys to the vayn plesure of the body ; ye, and ti™,g S , every ' schortly to say, euery thyng al most he abusyth ; and [♦Page 36.] yet they thynges are not therfor vtturly *to be cast away, nor to be taken horn the vse of maw. And so 324 the socyety and cumpany of maw ys not to be accusyd as the cause of thys mysordur, but rather such as be and those who grete, wyse, and polytyke mew, wych flye from offyce avoid office are to blame for it; and authoryte, by whose wysdome the multytude myght be cowteynyd and kept in gud ordur and cyuy- 329 lyte ; such I say are rather to be blamyd. For, lyke as by the persuasyon of wyse mew, in the begynnyng, men were brought from theyr rudenes and bestyal lyfe, to thys cyuylyte so natural to maw, so by lyke wysdome they and so it would must be co?*teynyd and kept therin. Therfor, Master STwhatyou Pole, wythout any mo cauyllatyonys, me semyth, hyt schold be best for you to apply your mynd to be of the 336 nombur of them wych study to restor thys cyuyle ordur, and maynteyn thys vertuose lyfe, in cytes and townys to the coram yn vtylyte. . 8. "Pole. — As for cauyllatyonys, Master ~Lvpset, I purpos to make non, except you cal them cauyllatyonys can. OPINIONS OF VIRTUE AND VICE. 11 wych I cal resonyng and dowtyng for the cleryng of the p. says, he is in more truth, of the wych sort I wyl not yet cesse to make more doubt than when so euer your coramunycatyon ys not to me clere ; therfor, wyth pardon, you must patyently here me dowt a lytyl ferther, mouyd of your wordys. You sayd ryght now that thys cyuyle lyfe was a polytyke ordur, and, as hytwere,aconspyracyinhonestyanaVertue,stablysc[h]yd 347 "by commyn assent : thys, me semyth, hryngyth the hole ail now seems confusion ; mater in more dowte then hyt was yet "before, ye and bryngyth al to vncertaynty and playn confusyon. For they Turkys wyl surely say on theyr behalfe that theyr lyfe ys most natural and polytyke, and that they con- 352 sent togydur in al vertue and honesty. The Sarasyn con- *u nations say they live in trary, apon hys behalfe, wyl defend hys pollycy, saying virtue and honesty — that hys of al ys most best and most conuenyent to Turks, mannys dygnyte. The Jue constantly wyl affyrme hys Jews, and law to be aboue al other, als receyuyd of Goddys owne mouth i?nmedyatly. And the Chrystun man most surely 358 beleuyth that hys law and relygyon ys aboue the rest most agreabul to reson and nature as a thyng confyrmyd by Goddys owne dyuynyte. So that by thys *mean hyt [* Page 37.] apperyth al stondyth in the jugement and opynyon of man, in so much that wych ys the veray true polytyke 363 and cyuyle lyfe, no man surely by your dyffynytyon can affyrme wyth any certaynty. 9. Lvpset — Wei, Syr, thys ys no smal dowte to some l- sees the force of this doubt, men wych now you haue mouyd. Wherfor, bycause suche and proceeds ther be wych couertly take away al cyuylyte, and wold bryng al to confusyon and tyranny, saying ther ys no 369 dyfference betwyx vyce and vertue but strong opynyon, and that al such thyngys hang of the folysch fansy and jugement of man; I schal fyrst schow you how vertue First, That virtue stondyth by nature and not only by the opynyon of and not by a "^ man ; and second how and by what mean thys folysch j™|* 9 °gg™°™ opynyon cam in to thos lyght braynys. And, fyrst, thys How thls fanc ^ ys certayn and sure, — that man by nature fere excellyth brains. 12 THE DIVINE NATURE 377 in dygnyte al other creaturys in erthe, where he ys "by the hye prouydewce of God set to gouerne and rule, ordur and tempur al to hys plesure "by wysdome and pollycy, non other wyse then God hym selfe doth in 381 heuyn gouerne and rule al celestyal thyngys iraniedyatly. The old phiioso- "Wherfor he was of the old phylosopharys callyd a erthely phers called him r j r o j j an earthly god, god, and, as hy t wer, lord of al other bestys and creaturys, lord of all other D .. ' J J ' beasts and applying them al vnto hys vse, for al be vnto hym sub- creatures. iecte, al by pollycy are "brought to hys obedyence, titer ys no best so strong, fers, or hardy, so wyld, oode, or cruel, 387 but to maw by wysdom he ys subduyd ; wherby ys per- ms excellent ceyuyd euyde??tly the excellent dygnyte of hys nature. And ferther more, playnly thys thyng to see, let vs, as hyt were, out of a hyar place, behold and cowsydur the his wonderful wondurful workys of ma« here apon erth ; where fyrst we schal se the gudly cytes, castellys, and townys, [* Page 38.] by 11yd for the *settyng forth of the poly tyke lyfe, 394 pleasauntly set as they were sterrys apon erthe ; wherin good laws, we schal see also meruelus gud lawys, statutys, and ordynawcys, deuysyd by ma?i by hye pollycy, for the maynteynyng of the cyuyle lyfe. "We schal see infynyte strange aits and strange artys and craftys, inuerctyd by mawnys wyt for 399 hys commodyte, some for plesure, and some for neeessyte. Ferther, we schal see how by hys labur and dylygence he hath tyllyd the erth, and brought forth infynyte frutys for hys necessary fode and plesaunt sustenaurace ; so that now the erth, wych els schold haue leyne lyke a forest 404- rude and vntyllyd, by the dylygent labur and pollycy of man ys brought to maruelous culture and fortylite. Thys, yf we wyth our selfe reson and cowsydur the Avorkys of maw here apon erth, we schal nothyng dowte of prove his divine hy S excellent dygnyte, but playnly affyrme, that he hath 409 in hym a sparkul of Dyvynyte, and ys surely of a celestyal and dyuyne nature, seyng that by memory and % wyte also he cowceyuyth the nature of al thyng. For ther ys no thyng here in thys world, nother in heuyn aboue, AND DIGNITY OF MAN. 13 nor in erth byneth, but be by bys reson co?nprehendyth 413 hyt. So that I thynke we may conclude tbat man by nature, in excellence and dygnyte, euen so excellytb He excels ail in dignity, al otber creaturys bere apon ertbe, as God excedyth tbe nature of man. (9.) And now to our purpos. Thus hyt apperyth 418 to me, that lyke as maw by nature excellyth al other in dygnyte, so he hath certayn*vertues by nature con- [* Page 39.] uenyent to the same excellency, they wych, by the opy- and his virtues correspond nyon of man, are not conceyuyd and groundyd in hart, with it. nor yet be not propur to one natyon and not to a nother, 423 but stablyschyd by nature, are contmyn to al mankynd. As, by exampul, ther ys a certyn equyte and justyce among al natyonys and pepul, wherby they are inclynyd one to dow gud to a nother, one to be bunfycyal to a nothur, lyuyng togydder in a cu?npynabul lyfe. And, 428 lyke wyse, ther ys a certayn terapera?2ce of the plesurys Temperance and of the body, wych ys not mesuryd by the opynyon of man, but by the helth therof and natural propagatyon, as to ete and drynke only to supporte the helth and strenghth of the body, and to vse moderate plesure wyth 433 woman ; for lawful increse of the pepul ys, among al men and al natyonys, estymyd vertue and honesty. And in lyke maner man, wyth grete currage to defend hym- courage every- wli6r6 ur6 selfe from al violence of other iniurys or wrongys, ye considered and patyently to suffur al such chaunce as can not be avoydyd, ys, amonge al pepul, taken as a nobul vertue. 439 Ther ys also a certyn wyt and pollycy by nature gyuere to man in euery place and cuntrey, wherby he ys in- clynyd to lyue in cyuyle ordur accordyng to the dygnyte of hys nature ; and to perceyue the mean how he may attayn therto, ther ys, ferthermor, in al men by nature, 444 wythout any other instructyon, rotyd a certayn reuer- Man's reverence ence to God, wherby they honowre hym as gouernour universal. and rular *of al thys world. For yet ther was neuer na- [* Page 40.] tyon so rude or blynd but fortheys cause they relygyously J 4 VIRTUE RESTS PARTLY IN NATURE 449 worschyppyd and honowryd the name of GocL Thes These and other vertues, and other lyke, wherhy man, of nature meke, virtues are planted in man's ge?ztyl, and ful of humanyte, ys inclynyd and sterryd y na ure, ^ cyuyle ordur and louyng cumpany, wyth honeste be- hauyour both toward God and maw, are by the powar of 454 nature in the hart of maw rotyd and plawtyd, and by no vayn opynyon or fansy cowceyuyd. And thought hyt be Sughtoey'had so that amongys al natyonys many so lyue, as they had mturafdi^nit 1 vtturly forgoten the dygnyte of thys theyr nature, and and fail from its na( j no SU ch vertues by nature in them set and plawtyd : excellency. " . 459 yet among them al, few ther be, or now, wych, 'so lyuyng, juge themselfe to dow wel, but thynke them- selfe they are slyppyd and fallen from the excelle??cy of theyr nature, wyth grete and cowtynual gruge of cow- scyence inwardly. For they haue rotyd in theyr hartys 464 a certayn rule, euer repugnywg to theyr maner of lyfyng, wych they, by necligewte incowtynewce, suffur to be cor- rupt ; the wych rule, so certayn and so stabul, ys callyd This law of nature of phylosopharys and wyse mew, the vnyuersal and true is common to all nations. law of nature, wych to al natyonys ys cowtmyn, no 469 thyng hangyng of the opynyon and folysch fansy of [* Page 4i ] maw. In so much that yf maw, by corrupt *jugemewt, wold extyme vertue as vyce, no thyng regardyng hys owne dygnyte, yet vertues, by theyr owne nature, be no les vertues, nor mynyschyd of theyr excellency, by any 474 such frawtyke fansy ; no more then yf al me?i togydur wold cowspyre that there were no God, who by that folysch opynyon schold no thyng be mynysched of hys hye maiesty, or yf they wold say that he nother gou- €rnyth nor ruly th thys world, yet theyr opynyon makyth wherefore it is no les hys hye prouydence. Wherfor playnly hyt ap- plain these virtues " do not stand in peryth that thes vertues stond not in the opynyon of maw, but by the buwfyte and powar of nature in hys hart are rotyd and plawtyd, inclynyng hym euer to the 483 cyuyle lyfe, accordyng to the excellewt dygnyte of hys AND PARTLY IN OPINION j 15 nature ; and thys inclynatyon and rule of lyuyng, "by but by the power of nature. thes vertues stablyd and confyrniyd, ys callyd, as I sayd, the law of nature, wych though al men folow not, yet 486 al men approue. (9.) But here we must note, that lyke as in many But here we must ,, n , t -\ ± note the many thyngys, wych by experyercce we dayly se, nature re- things in which ,,,■,,, j> -, ,■■ p , n nature requires quyryth the dylyge?zce ot ma«, leuyng them vnperrayt 01 the diligence of themselfe, as the sedys and frutys of the grounde, wych man ' sche wyl neuer hryng to perfectyon, yf man wythhold hys dylygence and labur ; so in thes vertues and law of nature, sche requyryth the ayd and dylygewce of man, 494 wych els wyl soone be oppressyd and corrupt. *Therhe [*Page42.j in mannys lyfe so many occasyonys of destroyng these Dangers to sedys and vertues, plantys and lawys, that excepte ther he joynyd some gud prouysyon for theyr spryngyng vp and gud culture, they schal neuer hryng forth theyr 499 frute, they schal neuer hryng man to hys perfectyon. "Wherfor amonge al me?i and al natyonys, as I tlijnk, ah nations have apon erth, ther he, and euer hathe byn, other certayn and manners, custumys and manerys hy long vse and tyme confyrmyd and approuyd ; other lawys wrytere and deuysyd hy the 504 polytyke wytte of man receyuyd and stahlyschyd for the mayntenaunce and settyng forward of thes natural sedys and plawtys of vertue ; wych custume and law hy mail so ordeynyd and deuysyd ys callyd the cyuyle law, called civil law, for hycause they he as meanys to hryng man to the per- 509 fectyon of the cyuyle lyfe ; wythout the ordyna?ice of thes lawys, the other sone wylbe corrupt, the wedys wyl sone ouergrow the gud corne. Thys law cyuyle is fer which differs from the universal law dyffereret from the other ; for in euery czmtrey hyt ys of nature, and . 7 111- ' varies in every dyu erse and varyabul, ye almost m euery cyte and towne. country. Thys law takyth effecte of the opynyon of maw, hyt restyth holly in hys consent, and varyth accordyng to the place and tyme, in so much that in dyuerse tyme and place C07ztrary lawys are "both gud, and both con- uenyent to the polytyke lyfe. Wher as the law of -519 16 AND NOT IN OPINION ONLY, 520 nature ys euer one, in al cuntreys fyrme and stabul, and The law of nature neuer for the tyme varyth ; hyt ys neuer chaungeabul ; the consent of man doth no thyng therto ; hyt hangyth no thyng of tyme nor place, but accordyng as ryght [* Page 43.] reson ys euer one, so ys thys law, and neuer * varyth 525 aftur the fansy of man. Thys law ys the ground and end of the other, to the wych hyt must euer be referryd, now other wyse then the conclusyonys of artys mathematical and is aided by are euer referryd to theyr pryncypullys. For cyuyle the civil law. ordyna?zce ys but as a mean to bryng ma« to obserue 530 thys law of nature, in so much that, yf ther be any cyuyle law ordeynyd wych can not be resoluyd therto, hyt ys of no value ; for al gud cyuyle lawys spryng and yssue out of the law of nature, as brokys and ryuerys out of fountaynys and wellys ; and to that al must be 535 resoluyd and referryd as to the end why they be or- deynyd, to the obseruatyon wherof they are but as meanys. Thus we see that (9.) -j_ n< ^ thus now I thynke, Master Pole, we may honesty do not se that al vertue and honestye restyth not in the strong rest in opinion only, but also in opynyon of man, but that, lyke as ther ys a certayn law nature ; 541 by nature ordeynyd to induce and bryng maw to a lyfe co?zuenyent and accordyng to hys excellent dygnyte, so ther [is] a certayn vertue and honesty consequently an- nexyd to the same law, wych by the powar of nature only, 545 and no thyng by the opynyon of man, ys so stablyd and set, that al be hyt, that al men by yl educatyon corrupt, wold consent and agre to a contrary ordur, yet were that law, that vertue and honesty, of no les powar, 549 strength, nor authoryte. And lyke as to thys law of na- [* Page 44.] ture ys conseque?^t]y *annexyd thys natural vertue and dvlAndCturai honesty,— wych in euery place and tyme ys of equal law- powar, — so ther ys to law cyuyle, and the obseruatyon therof, couplyd also a certayn vertue and honesty, wych lyke to the law only remenyth in the opynyon of man 555 and hath hys strenghth and powar therof. For though AS SOME MEN AFFIRM. 17 hyt be so that, to be obedyent to the lawys cyuyle, so 556 long as they be not contrary to the law of God nor of nature, ys euer vertue and honesty ; yet to thys law or that law, al men are not bounden, but only such as re- Civil laws only binding on those ceyue them, and be vnder the domynyon of them, wych who receive them. haue authoryte of makyng therof. As to absteyn from 561 flesch apon the Fryday, wyth vs hyt ys now reputyd a certayn vertue, wyth the Turkys no thyng so ; prestys to lyue chast, wyth vs hyt ys a certayn vertue and honesty, wyth the Grekys hyt ys no thyng so ; to mary but one wyfe, wyth vs hyt ys a certayn vertue also, wyth 566 other natyonys, as Turkys, Morys, and Sarasyns, hyt ys no thyng so. And thus in infynyte other hyt ys euydent to se, how that to be obedyent to the lawys in euery To he obedient to the laws is ;i auwfcrey hyt ys a certayn vertue, but of that sort wych virtue. hath hys strenghth and powar holly of the opynyon 571 and consent of maw. And so thys ys truth as now you may see, that vertue and honesty partely stondyth by so you see virtue stands by nature nature and portely by the opynyon of man ; wherby and opinion. now you may perceyue the pestylent persuasyon of them wych say and affyrme betwyx vyce and vertue *no [*Pagei:,.] dyfference to be, but only strong opynyon and fancy ; 577 they wold bryng al to co?2fusyon, and leue no ordur by nature certayn. But the veray cause of theyr error ys He proceeds to arrogant blyndnes ; they thynke themselfe to be of such hye pollycy that no man may see so fer as they, and in- 581 dede they see les then other. Such haue only a lytyl secondly, the " cause of their smateryng m gud lernyng and hye phylosophye ; they error who say comprehend not the hole ordur of nature ; they conceyue not the excellent dygnyte of man ; the[y] depely consydur not the maner of lyuyng accordyng to the same, by the 586 reson wherof they can not dyscerne the powar of thys there is no natural law ; they can not see thys hye vertue and hon- opinion, between esty couplyd therto. But bycause man, yf he be brough[t] virtue an vlce ' vp in corrupt opynyon, hath no perceyueance of thys natural law, but suffryth hyt by neclygence to be op- 591 STABKEY. 2 18 MISCHIEFS OP BAD EDUCATION. 592 pressyd, as ther wer no such sedys plantyd in hym; therfor they say, al stondyth in the opynyon of maw, al restyth in hys fansy, and that hys consent only makyth both vertue and vyce. (9.) And thus now, Mastur Pole, you haue hard 597 schortly, aftur myn opynyon, the cause of such errors, wherby some are dryuen to juge al vyce and vertue Tbey are blind on i v to consiste in the opynyon of maw, wych ys arro- and do not consider man's gant blyndnes, no thyng co??syderyng the dygnyte of divinity. man, nor the lyfe accordyng to the same ; but of hys 602 actys mesuryng hys dygnyte, affyrme playnly, that seyng [* Page 46.] *so co?nmynry he folowyth vyce, that, by nature, vertue They say by ther ys non, but that only men conspyre by consent to no virtue, cal vertue that which indede ys non. "Wych ys much lyke to say, as yf al men wold by consent, agre, and con- 607 spyre to say ther were no God, that theyr folysch consent by and by schold take away the nature of God. Wherin you see the grete foly and blyndnes, wych ys no les in because most thys, to say that vertue, by nature, ther ys non, bycause men follow vice: the most parte of men folow vyce, and in theyr hartys dow, as hyt were, conspyre agayne the dygnyte of vertue and nature of man. They consydur not the fraylty of 614 man, wych seyng the best folowyth the worst, ouer comme by sensual plesure ; they consydur not the nec- lygence of man, wych suffryth hys sedys, by nature in- they do not stincte, by wordly occasyonys to be ouer run ; they con- windness which sydur not the blyndenes of man, wych by yl educatyon education. grouth in hym ; but of the effecte folyschely they juge Hence these al to stond in the opynyon of man ; and thys ys the errors cause of theyr folysch erroure. And so now of thys to 622 make answere to your dowte, "Kaster Pole, me semyth no thyng hard at al ; for though hyt be so that the Turke, Sarasyn, Jue, and Chrystun man, and other dy- uerse sectys and natyon[ys], dyssent and dyscorde in the maner of pollycy, euery one jugyng hys owne to be best, [•Page 47] yet in al such thyng as perteynyth by * nature to the DIVERSITY OF CIVIL LAWS. 19 dygnyte of mm and maner of lyuyng accordyng to the 628 same, they cowsent and agre, wythout any dyscord or in aii tilings which pertain dyuersyte. Al juge God ahoue al to be honowryd as to man's dignity, goueraour and rular of thys world ; al juge one bound to ayd and suceur a nother ; al juge hyt to be cowuenyent to lyue togyddur in polytyke lyfe. So that in the law 633 and rule by nature cowuenyent to the dygnyte of maw, and in al vertue and honesty annexyd to the same, surely they agre. Wherfor, al be hyt the[y] dyssent in theyr although they differ in civil cyuyle ordynawce and polytyke mean 01 the obseruawce affairs, of thys commyn law, yet hyt ys not to be dowtyd but 638 the cyuyle lyfe ys a polytyke ordur of me/i cowspyryng togyddur in vertue and honesty, of such sort as by na- ture ys cowuenyent to the dygnyte of maw. And as touchyng the dyscord in the partycular mean of kepyng thes lawys, plawtyd by nature, as some mew thynke of 643 hye wysdome and lernyng, hyt gretely forsyth not at al ; for how dyuerse so euer they cyuyle lawys be, and However diverse civil laws may be, varyabul m euery secte and cuwtre, yet so long as yet the people ma« ordryd therby fayllyth not from the ground and erryth not fro?w the end, but kepyth thys natural law, and strive to live up to the inseAvyth the vertue annexyd to the same, he then law of nature, folowyth the polytyke ordur, and kepyth gud cyuylyte. 650 In so much that the Jue, Sarasyn, Turke, and More, so long as they obserue theyr cyuyle ordynawce and sta- tutys, deuysyd by theyr old fatherys in * euery secte, [*Page48.j dyrectyng them to the law of nature ; so long, I say, ther be mew wych ernystely affyrme them to lyue wel, and 655 euery one in hys secte to be sauyd, and now to perysch vtturly ; seyng the infynyte gudnes of God hathe no les made them aftur hys owne ymage and forme, then he hath made the Chrystuw maw ; and the most parte of them neuer, perauewtur, hard of the law of Chryst. 660 Wherfor, so long as they lyue aftur the law of nature, obseruyng also theyr cyuyle ordynawce, as mean to bryng them to the end of the same, they schal not be daranyd. damned? ** 20 CIVIL LIFE THE END TO WHICH 664 Thys I haue hard the opynyon of grete wyse mere, wel But let us leave porederyng the gudnes of God and of nature ; but whether this as St Paul did,' to God, and hyt be so or not, let vs, aftur the mynd of Sayn Poule, rest assured that , . , , ., .. i. p r\ t t p j/i 1 our laws are leue thys to the secrete jugemerat ot God ; and of thys be law^f^ture 116 assuryd, of thys be certayn, that our lawys and ordyn- 669 a/zcys be agreabul to the law of nature, seyng they are al layd by Chryst hymselfe and by hys Holy Spryte. We are sure they schal bryng vs to our saluatyon yf we gyue perfayt fayth and sure trust to the promys of God in them to vs made. Thys to vs faythful and Chrysture 674 mere ys no dowte. Therfor how other sectys schal dow, to what perfectyon so euer theyr lawys schal bryng them, let the secret wysdome of God therof be juge, and let vs be assuryd that our lawys, by Chryst the Sone of God, and by hys Holy Spryte incresyd and corefyrmyd, [* Page 49.] schal bryng *vs to such perfectyon as accordyth to the 680 dygnyte of the nature of mare. Of thys thyng we are by fayth corefyrmyd, more sure, more certayne, then of thos thyngys wych we se, fele, or her, or by any sens may The diversity of pe?'ceyue. Wherfor, Mastur Pole, let thys dyuersyte of sects and laws , ,, ,-, i i i j_i i must not trouble sectys and lawys no thyng trowbul vs at al, wych, per- dtversitVof 111 the a ueretur of necessyte, folowyth the nature of mare, nore language. other wyse then the dyuersyte of language and tong. 687 For lyke as mare naturally ys borne to speke and expresse the coreceyte of mynd one to a nother, and yet to no partycular language they are borne, so to folow the law of nature al mere are borne, al natj^onys by nature are inclynyd therto ; and yet to no partycular mean by 692 cyuyle ordynarece decred they are nother bounden nor Notwithstanding borne. Therfor, notwythstoftdyng thys dyuersyte of this difference of , , . - rti - , „ laws, we may stui sectys and lawys, we may yet ryght wel aftyrme the dyf- Sa^poiitir 1 fynytyon of the cyuyle lyfe before sayd to be ryght gud agreeing'together an ^ resonabul, wych ys a polytyke ordur of a multytude honesty 6 aUd corespyryng togyddur in vertue and honesty, to the 698 wych mare by nature ys ordeynyd. Thys ys the end of marenys lyfe ; to thys euerj inare ought to loke ; to thys EVERY MAN SHOULD LOOK. 21 euery man ought to referre al hys actys, thoughtys, and 700 dedys ; thys euery maw to hys powar ought to ayd and set forthe ; thys (al dowtys layd aparte) euery maw ought to study to maynteyn. * Wherfor, Maystur Pole, now I [* Page so.] "wyl in thys cause no more reson wyth you, but pray you, al occasyonys drawyng you from that layd asyde, to 705 apply your selfe to the hawdelyng of the materys of the He again urges Pole to affairs of coramyn wele, wych you know ryght wel ys the end of state. al studys, and, as you wold say,, the only marke for eue?y honest mynd to schote at. 10. "Bole. — Maystur Lupse£, you haue sayd ryght 710 wel ; and though in dede I dowtyd no thyng of thys P- owns the force mater, that you so ernystely moue me vnto, yet hyt hath reasoning, plesyd me wel to here you, wyth such phylosophycal reson ys out of nature drawne, cowfyrme the same, so manyfestely and clerly declaryng hyt, that no maw may 715 dowte therof. For yf hyt he a gud thyng to helpe one, hyt ys vndowtydly much hettur to helpe many, ye and best of al to helpe a hole cuwtrey ; in so much that maw and says how so dowyng neryst approchytb to the nature of God, who help a whole therby ys most perceyuyd to be God, that he communy- catyth hys gudnes to al other. Therfor, Master Lvpse£, I 721 am cowtent. Let vs agre apon thys, let vs take thys as a ground, that euery maw ought to apply hymselfe to the settyng forward of the coramyn wele, euery maw ought to study to helpe hys cuwtrey. Tet ther ys a nother but there is thyng to be cowsyderyd, wych hath causyd many grete, to be considered, wyse, and polytyke men to abhorre from eommyn welys, 727 and thys ys the regard of tyme and place. For though hyt be so that a maw to meddyl wyth materys perteyn- jng to the wele of hys hole cuwtrey, ys * of al thyng [* Page si.] best and most to be desyryd, yet in some tyme and cer- 731 tayn place hyt ys not to be temptyd of wyse mew, wych sometimes this ryght wel perceyue theyr labur to be spent in vayn ; as attempted, in tyme of tyrawny, or in such place where they that anrseMshness 7 rule are bent only to theyr pryuate wele. What thynke prevai " iJ2 TIME AND PLACE MUST BE REGARDED 736 you among such the co/'useyl of a wyse maw schold avayle 1 "Wythout dowte hyt schold be laughyd at, and no thyng at al hyt schold be regardyd, no more then a tale tollyd among deffe men. Wherfor hyt semyth not wythout cause they euer absteynyd, in such tyme and 741 place, from medelyng wyth materys of the commyn in such cases wele ; they see exa?wpullys of many and dyuerse, wych for their pains. wythout profyt had attemptyd the same, and no thyng got, but only that some of them therfor were put in exyle and bawnyschyd from theyr cuwtrey ; some put in 746 pryson and myserably hawdlyd ; and some to cruel and schameful deth. Hyt ys therfor no smal dyfferewce in what tyme and place a wyse man ys borne, and in what tyme he attempt to hawdyl materys of the commyn Plato and TuUy, wele. Yf Plato had found in Cycyle a nobul prywce at wouidhave sucn tyme as he cam thyder for the deuysyng of lawys, succee e etter j^ j^ then schowyd grettur frutys of hys wysedome. 753 Yf Tully had not chauncyd in the tyme of the cyuyle warre betwyx Cesar and Pompey, the cyte of Eome schold haue haue seen and felt much more pnrfyt of that nobul wytt. Yf Seneca had not byn in the tyme of [* Page 52.] Nero, so cruel a tyrarc, * but in the tyme of Traiane, so if they had nobul a prywce, hys vertue schold haue byn otherwyse better princes. ex tymyd, and brought forth other frute. Thyswesethat 760 vertue at al tymys ca?^ not schow hys lyght, no more then the sone at al tyinys can sprede abrode hys beamys. a man must Wherfor they wych, wythout regard of tyme or place, regard time and place if he will wyl sett themselfe to hawdyl mate?ys of the commyn handle matters . . . . , . . of state; wele, may wel be co??zparyd to them wych in grete tem- pest wyl commyt themselfe to the daungerys of the see, 766 or wythout wynd wyl set vp the sayle. Plutarch com- paryth them to such as, being them selfe in dry house, seing ther felowys delyte in the rayne, and wyllywg not to rcm out, but tary therin, are not content, but yssue out, no thyng obtaynyng, but only that they may 771 be wet wyth theyr felowys. So they wych, wythout IN HANDLING MATTERS OF STATE. 23 regard of tyme or of place, run in to courtys and con- 772 seyl of prywcys, were they here euery nia?< speke of the commyn wele, euery man hath that oft in hys month, that, vnder the pretense and colour therof, they may the bettor procure theyr owne, sone be corrupt wyth lyke opynyon, sone draw lyke affecte. For as hyt ys co»?.mynly sayd, 777 hard hyt ys dayly to be among thefys and be not a thefe. Euery maw for the most parte ys lyke to them wyth whome he ys cowuersant. Wherfor to atte??zpt the and to meddle, handelyng of the materys of the co?/?myn wele, wythout regard, is regard other of tyme or place, no thyng optaynywg, but ma only to be corrupt wyth lyke opynyonys as they be 783 wych meddyl therwyth, me semyth grete madnes and foly. * And so al be hyt therfor, Master ~Lvpset, 1 that C* Page 53.] to meddyl wyth materys of the cowmyn wele, and profyt your cuwtrey, be in dede of al thyng that maw 787 may dow in thys lyfe the best and of hyest perfectyon, yet now to me hyt apperyth some respecte ys to be had both of tyme and of place. 11. "Lvpset. 1 — Wei, Master Pole, as touchyng the L. says there is 1 j l f • -7 o i -r,i it, some tmtn *™ respecte both ol tyme and ot place, I thynke hyt ys this, some thyng to be cowsyderyd ; and no dowte thos mew, 793 wych be of grete wysdome and hye pollycy, be also fortunate and happy, wych chaunce to be borne in such tyme when they wych haue in theyr cuwtrey hye authoryte and. rule, al ambycyouse affectyon set apert, only procure the true commyn wele ; and, as Plato 798 sayth, thos cuwtreys be also happy wych haue such goue?'nurys as euer loke to the same. How be hyt, I but some men consider time thynke agayne also that ther ys nother so much respect and piaoe so long, of tyme nother of place to be had, as many men juge, wych thynke the hyest poynt of wysdome to stond 803 therin ; and so naroly and so curyously they powdur the tyme and the place, that in al theyr lyfys they nother that they never fynd tyme nor place. They loke, I trow, for Plato's ° any 1 MS. le. 24 SOME MEN REGARD TIME AND PLACE 807 cominyn wele, in such expeetatyon they spend theyr lyfe, as they thynke wyth grete polytyke wysdome, hut in dede wyth grete frawtyke foly. For of thys I am and so have sure, that suche exacte co??syderyng of tyme hathe allowed their country to causyd many cowmyn welys vtturly to perysch; hyt hath causyd in many placys much tyra?zny, wych myght 813 haue byn amewdyd, yf wyse men, in tyme and in place, wold haue bent themselfe to that purpos, leuyng such fon respecte of tyme and of place. But, Master Pole, [* Page 54.] what so euer regard he of wyse mere * to he had other it is certain that of tyme or of place, thys to vs ys certayn, that now, in now is our time, while we have so our tyme, when we haue so nohul a prywce, whome we noble a Prince, . , . , , . , , are sure no thyng to haue so pryntyd in hys hrest as 820 the cure of hys commyn wele, both day and nyght reme??zbryng the same, we schold haue no such respecte. For thys I dare affyrme, ther was neuer pryrece reynyng in thys realme wych had more ferueret loue to the 824 welth of hys subectys then hath he; ther was neuer kyng in any cuwtrey wych bare grettur zele to the admynystratyon of justyce and settyng forth of equyte and ryght then dothe he ; aftur he ys therof informyd and surely instructe by hys wyse cowseylyrs and 829 polytyke men. Therfor, as I sayd, lyke as ther ys some respecte to be had of tyme for the abstenyng from the intrety of materys of the co?wmyn wele, so ther ys much and it is our duty more of takyng the tyme when hyt ys, and takyng occasyon when hyt offryth hyt selfe. Wherfor, Master 834 Pole, as you now see, chefely to be regardyd as the end of al marcnys studys and carys, the welth of the com- mynalty, so now also vse your tyme, vnder so nobul a prywce, to the mayntena?zce and settyng forward of the or it may be same. Let not occasyon slyppe ; sufFur not your tyme vaynly to pas, wych, wyth out recouery, fleth away; for 840 as they say, occasyon and tyme wyl neuer be restoryd agayne. Therfor, as I haue sayd to you before, wythout any mo steppys, bend your selfe to that to the wych TOO LONG THEY FIND NEITHER. 25 you are borne ; loke to that wycli, aboue al, ys your 843 offyce and duty. 12. "Sole. — Master Lvpse£, you hauebounde me now; p. says he cannot I haue no refuge ferther to fie. Wherfor, I promys you I schal neuey pretermyt occasyon nor tyme of helpyng *my cimtrey, but euer, as they offer them- [* Page 55.] selfe, I schalbe redy to my powar euer to apply and 849 indeuur myselfe to the mayntennarcce and settyng for- ward of the true commyn wele. And now, bycause, as you ryght wel and truly haue sayd, we haue so nobul a prynce, wych, when he knowyth the best, he sted- fastely wyl folow hyt, euer desyrouse of hys commyn 854 wele ; that I may be in the mater more rype when so euer occasyon schal requyre, I schal now at thys leser, and he wui talk . over the matter and here, in thys solytary place, some thyng wyth at once, you, Master Jsvpset, deuyse,-touchyng the ordur of our cu?rtrey and co??zmyn wel, to the wych purpos also, me 859 semyth, the tyme exhortyth vs, seyng that now our most nobul pry?^ce hath assemblyd hys parlyamerct and most wyse corcseyl, for the reformatyon of thys hys commyn wele. 13. Lvpset. — Mary, Syr, thys purpos ys maruelus 864 gud, and veray mete and cowuenyent for the tyme ; and glad I am that I put you in remembra?jce herof. l. isgiadofthis. Therfor I pray you now exercyse your selfe therin, that you may be more redy to schow your mynd openly and in such place where as I trust heraftur hyt schal 869 bryng forth some frute. 14. PoZe. — Wel, Master Lvpse£, yf you lyke hyt wel, p. proposes to n . ,1 iii -1 discuss, first, attur thys mane? 1 we schal deuyse, bycause eue?y marc spekyth so much of the commyw wele, and many more, I fere me, dow know hyt in dede. And for bycause the 874 coramyn wele ys the end of al parlyamerctys and commyn conseyllys, fyrst therfor, (to kepe a certayn processe vritJi ordur) we wyl serche out, as nere as we ca?^, what ys the veray and * true commyn wele, wherin [* Page 56.] 26 SUBJECTS FOB DISCUSSION. what is the true [liyt] stondyth, and when liyt most floryschyth, that commonwealth : we may, hauyng thys playnly set before our yes, al 881 our cowseyllys to thys poynt euer resolue and referre. second, to search Second, we wyl serch out therby the dekey of our out its disorders : commyn wele, wyth al the commyn fautys and mys- third, to consider ordurys of the same. Thyrdly, we wyl deuyse of the the remedies. cause of thys same dekey, and of the remedy and mean 886 to restore the commyn wele agayne. And thys schalbe the processe of our communycatyon. l. agrees with 15. "Lvpset. 1 — Syr, thys processe lykyth me wel; this, but here of one thyng, I pray you, take hede, that in but wds Pole thys your deuyse of your communycatyon you folow to beware of imitating Plato's not the exampul of Plato, whose ordur of commyn wele whose common- no pepul apon erth to thys daye coud euer yet attayn. wealth no mortal -run. r ■\ i. j. j i? t.j. j can follow. W herior hyt ys reputyd ot many mew but as a dreme 894 and vayne imygynatyon, wych neuer caw be brought to effect ; and of some other hyt ys comparyd to the Stoyke phylosophar, who neuer apperyd yet to the lyght, such vertue and wysdonie ys attrybutyd to hym, that in no mortal maw hyt caw be found. Therfor loke 899 you to the nature of oure cuwtrey, to the maner of our pepul, not wythout respect both of tyme and of place, that your deuyse heraftur, by the helpe of our most nobul prywce, may the sonar optayne hys frute and effect. This Pole 16. "Pole. — Master Lvpsef, you admonysch me ryght promises. _ , - _. , . wel, and accordyng as you say, as nere as I caw, so schal 906 I dow ; but now, Master ~Lvpset, bycause hyt ys late and tyme to suppe, we wyl dyffer the begynnyng of our communycatyon tyl to niorow in the mornyng. 17. Lvpse^. — Master Sir, you say veray wel; for me semyth thys ys a mater mete for the mornyng, 911 when our wyttys be most redy and fresch. 1 MS. Le. THE EVILS OF IGNORANCE. [CHAPTEE II.] 1. *[Pole.] — Seying that we be now here mete, [* Page 57.] Master Lupse£, accordyng to our promys, to deuyse of a mater, as you know > of grete dyffyculty and harduos, I requyre you most tewdurly to be dylygent and attent, 4 and frely also to schow your mynd therin, that where as my resonys schal appere to you sklender and weke, wyth your dylygence you may them supply ; and cesse not to p. asks Lupset ' pi to ex P ress his dowte as you haue occasyonys— for dowtyng, you know, doubts on any bryngyth the truth to lyght. And though hyt be so for doubting that the mater be hard and requyryth grete labur to t o light. the enserchywg of the truthe conteynyd in the same, 11 yet the grete frute and profyte wych may ryse and yssue of the same may somewhat encorage vs and gyue vs stomake. lor thys I juge to be of sure truth, that yf mere knew certaynly what ys the true comniyn wele, if men knew what is the true they wold not so lytyl regard hyt as the[y] dow ; they commonwealth, ., 1,-1,71 ii i tne > T would not wold not so neclecte hyt ana despyse hyt as commymy S o often neglect they dow. For now as euery man spekyth of hyt and hath hyt oft in hys mouth, so few ther be that extyme 19 hyt and haue hyt fyxyd in theyr hartys ; wych playnly co??imyth as (aftur the mynd of the most wyse phy- losophar Socrates) al other yl dothe, of vayn, false, and corrupt opynyon ; for no maw wyttyngly and wyllyng wyl dow hymselfe hurte. Wherfor yf mew knew that, 24 so lytyl regardyng the commyn wele, * they dow them [* Page ss.i selfe therwyth also hurt, surely they wold mor extyme hyt then they dow, wych thyng I trust to make euydently to be seen heraftur. 2. "Lvpset. l — Syr, thys thyng of Socrates semyth l. doubts whether this to me somewhat straunge, to say that al spryngyth arises from of ignora??ce, as of the ground of al vyce. Therfor, 1 MS. Le. 28 ON WHAT DO VIRTUE 32 befor that we passe any ferther, let vs a lytyl examyn thys, for as much as you seme to take hyt as a sure ground. Communely hyt ys sayd, and me semyth euery maw felyth hyt in hym selfe, that thos wych he yl know they dow nought ; and yet, by plesure 37 ouercome, the[y] folow the same, contrary to theyr owne Men know they co?iscyence and knolege. Euery maw knowyth, as hyt virtue, apperyth to me, they schold folow vertue, and yet you vfce they ° W see now ^hey f°l° w the cowtrary ; euery maw knowyth, as I thynke, they schold aboue al regard the commyn 42 welth, and yet euery maw sekyth hys owne profyt. Wherfor hyt apperyth to me we schold attrybute al Faults should be fautys, al vyce, rather to malyce then to ignorawce. malice rather Besyde thys, how schal we defend the lyberty of our wyl, yf we be thys lade [n] wyth ignorawce 1 Frewyl caw 47 not be wythout knolege, both of the gud and of the yl. Wherfor me semyth the ground of your communycatyon stondyth in dowte. 3. "Pole. — Wei, Master Jjrpset, thys thyng wych you now bryng in questyon, mouyd of the begynnyng of 52 our communycatyonys, semyth to be a cowtrouersy not This seems to be only betwyx the commyn sort and lernyd, but also between betwyx Arystotyl ' and Plato, the chefe phylosopharys. piato! 6 an How be hyt, betwyx them I thynke thys dyscord that but it is one of apperyth ys but in wordys only, and no thyng in dede, as hyt ys in many thyngys mo, wherin they seme 58 gretely to dyssent ; for the declaratyon wherof, now in [* Page 59.] thys purpos *you schal vnderstond, that aftur the Man's mind at sentence of Arystotyl, the mynd of maw fyrst of hyt first is a cban ,„ , , j. i -i i • ,, tablet) selte ys as a clene and pure tabul, wherin ys no thyng payntyd or carvyd, but of hyt selfe apt and indyfferewt 63 to receyue al maner of pycturys and image. So mawnys mynd hath fyrst no knolege of truth, nor fyrst hath no maner of wyl wherby hyt ys more drawne to gud then to yl ; but aftur, as opynyon and sure persuasyon of gud 1 MS. arystotytyl AND VICE DEPEND 29 and of yl growth in by experyence and lernyng, so which receives . impressions euer the wyl cowforniyth and frainyth hymselie to the afterwards. knolege before goten, in so much that yf hyt be per- 69 suadyd that gud ys yl, and yl gud, then euer the wyl chesyth the yl, and leuyth the gud, accordyng as sche, by opynyon, ys instructyd. And yf tbe opynyon be if the opinion strong, and confyrmyd wyth ryght reson, and wyth it follows the ryght jugeme?zt, then sche folowyth euer that wych ys gud ; lyke as, contrary, when the opynyon ys waueryng 75 and, not groundly set, then sche, ouercome and blyndyd if vv eak by plesure, or some other inordynat affecte, folowyth the yl ; so that other out of sure and certayn knolege, or lyght and waueryng opynyon, al the inclynatyon of wyl takyth hys rote, wych euer ys framyd accordyng to the 80 knolege. Wherfor Socrates euer was wont to say, yf the mynd of ma)« were instructe * wyth sure knolege [* Page 60.] -ij-i-11 it Socrates says and stabul opynyon, hyt schold neuer erre nor declyne virtue depends from the streyght lyne of vertuose lyuyng ; but when ther was therin no thyng but waueryng opynyonys, 85 wych wyth euery lyght co?ztrary persuasyon wold vanysch aAA r ay, then the mynd schold be lyghtly ouer- come and schortly blyndyd wyth the vayne colour of truth. Thys waueryng opynyon in mawnys mynd, and thys blyndenes wyth inordynate affectys, he callyd in 90 dede ignorance, the wych he euer notyd to be the fountayn of al yl and vycyouse affect reynyng in marenys mynd. Arystotyl, more co?zformyng hymselfe to the Aristotle says commune jugement of man, sayd that they wych had this opinion of thys opynyore of gud, be hyt neuer so lyght, waueryng, "grudgeAn and vnstabul, yet some knolege hyt left in marenys they C do n wrong! n mynd, by the reson wherof, aftur the commyn opynyon of eue?y mam, ychone in hym selfe, when he doth 98 nough[t], felyth a gruge in conscyence and repugnance in mynd. Wherfor he says that they wych be yl haue knolege therof and yet folow the same. But Plato Plato calls waver- ing knowledge callyth that same waueryng knolege, and lyght per- ignorance. 30 THE LIBERTY OF THE WILL. 103 suasyon, certayn blyndnes and playn ignorance, inso- mucli as hyt ys but vayne and lyght opynyon, and sone corrupt wyth the contrary persuasyon of yl. So that in the thyng ther ys no cowtrouersy betwyx them, but only in wordys, for bycause that thyng wych one 108 callyth lyght knolege, and but a waueryng opynyon, the other callyth ignorawce, specyally when hyt ys outcome wyth the contrary persuasyon, as hyt ys in al [* Page 6i.] them wych know the gud and folow the yl. *They haue repugnance and dyuersyte of opynyonys, but the 113 one ouercumy th the other, and that wych ouerco?ranyth if man had sure euer he folowyth. But yf maw had certayn and sure knowledge of good, knolege of the gud, he wold neuer leue hyt and folow lie would never leave it. the yl. For, as Arystotyl sayth, theyr knolege wych be incowtynewt and gyuew to vyce ys blyndyd for the 118 tyme wyth some iwordynate affecte, wherwyth they be, as hyt were, druwken aftur such sorte that they cow- sydur not what ys gud or what ys yl ; but, as hyt were, by the vayn schadow therof, they are deceyuyd, and yet, thys notwythstondyng, they haue frewyl and lyberty 123 therof; for as muche as they be not of necessyte by thys persuasyon co?npellyd nor drawn to folow the Man can perceive same. For albehyt the wyl of maw euer co?nmynly and avoid the ill, folowyth that to the wych opynyon of perseuyng the gud or voydyng of the yl ledyth hyt, yet hyt ys not of 128 any necessyte, but maw, dryuew nother to one nor to the other, may, other by dylygewce resyst that same of hymselfe, or by cowseyl of other ouercomme hyt also ; and therin restyth the lyberty of mynd. How be hyt, thys ys of trothe, yf the reson and wyl be cus- dMn it it- Very tummably blyndyd wyth any persuasyon, hard hyt ys 134 to resyst therto, and wythout grete dylygence hyt wyl and so some men not be ; for the wych cause many men vtturly take away of the will, er y the lyberty of wyl, and say that euer hyt ys cowipellyd, by strong opynyon, to folow thys or that, accordyng to the persuasyon. But vndowtydly dylygewt instructyon IGNORANCE THE CAUSE OF ALL VICE. 31 and wyse conseyl may at the lest in long tynie restore but add, that instruction may the wyl out of such captyuyte, and * bryng hyt agayne [* Page 62.] bring it out of to the old 1 lyberty; ye, and though hyt he so that so captivity, and, long as hyt ys thys drownyd wyth affectys and blyndyd by ignorance, it wyth ignorance, hyt euer folowthe the hlynd per- J^£J* suasyon, out of the wych, as I sayd, as out of a foun- own &&&*• tayn, spryngyth al vyce, al myschefe, and ylj yet by 145 clylygence hyt may be restoryd and brought to consydur hys owne dygnyte. But plesure and profyt so blynd reson, and so reyn ther, that hard hyt ys to pluke out thys pestylent persuasyon, wych ys the cause of al 149 errorys in mannys lyfe. Thys ys the cause of the de- structyon of al co??imyn welys, when euery nian, blyndyd other by plesure or profyte, consyduryth not the perfectyon of ma?z nor the excelle??cy of hys owne nature, but wyth ignorance blyndyd and by corrupt 154 jugement, leuyth the best and takyth the worst. Wherfor we may wel say that thys ignorance, as wemust Socrates sayd oft, ys the fountayn of al yl, vyce, and ignorance is the i • , ■• o • cause of all vice. mysery, as wel in euery pnuate mannys lyie as in euery commynalty. 4. liVpset. — Why, but, I pray you, here a lytyl take 160 hede ; for then yf hyt be thus that ignorance, as you i. answers, if this is so, say, ys the cause of al yl, men are not so much to be men are not so blamyd as commynly they be ; for the[y] dow as they blamed, know, and yf they knew the bettur, they wold also gladly folow the same, and then, as hyt apperyth, they 165 be vniustely purcnyschyd in al pollycys. 5. "Pole. — Nay, Master Lvpse^, not so. Such ignor- p. denies this: aftce excusyth not errorys in niannys lyfe, nor makyth hym not to be wythout faut ; but, contrary, makyth hym more worthy of punnyschenient and blame, accordyng 170 to our commune proverbe, "he that kyllyth a maw drowk, "He that kills a sobur schalbe hangyd ;" in so much as he hym selfe of sober shall 'be thys ignora[n]ce ys the cause, by hys owne neclygence. ■ MS. wold. 32 IN WHAT DOES THE TRUE 1 74 For yf he wold other here counseyl of wyse and prudent men, or sulfur not by neclygence the sedys of nature plantyd in hys mynd to be oppressyd wyth vayn opyn- yon, he schold not be so led by ignorance and foly, and 178 schold not be so drownyd in affectys and mysery. [* Page 63.] Wherfor, seyng that he suffry th * hyt, so hys faut ignorance cannot ys grettur ; he ys more to be blamyd, nor in no ease, excuse a man. by thys ignorance, may iustely be excusyd. 182 6. liVpset. — Wei, then, let vs now, I pray you, re- l. asks to return torne to our purpos, that we may the bettur (and ether 1 to their purpose : also, avoyd thys ignorance, — the fountayn of al yl) what is the true serch out what ys the true commyn wele. For, in dede, commonweal. 1 tbynke thys now to be truth, that yf men knew what 187 hyt were, they wold not so lytyl regard hyt as they dow, they wold not so hyly extyme theyr owne pryuate plesure and wele. 7. "Bole. — Thys thyng ys, and euer hath byn, ye, and I dare boldly affyrme euer schalbe, the destructyon 192 of al true commyn welys, and so, consequently, the de- structyon also of them wych so blyndly extyme so much theyr owne profyte and plesure, as we schal see more playnly heraftur. But now to our purpos. Aftur the mynd of the antyent and most wyse phylosophar Arys- p. says that the totyl, in the veray same thyng wherin stondyth the prosperity of the individual welthe and prosperouse state of euery partycular man commonwealth by hym selfe, restyth also euery cyte or cuntrey, the tiling?* ' e Same veray and true commyn welth ; the wych thyng ys to al 201 men by commyn reson euydent, for as much as the welth and substance euer of the hole rysyth of the welth what is this. of euery partycular parte. Wherfor, yf we can fyrst fynd out that thyng wych ys the welth of euery par- tycular man, we schal then consequently fynd out also 206 what thyng hyt ys that in any cyty or cuntrey we cal the veray true commyn wele. And thys let vs take as a ground to the rest of our communycatyon. 1 MS. other. COMMONWEALTH CONSIST? 33 8. Lvpse£. — Mary, Syr, "but herin, me semyth, lyth l. if the common . good come from a dowte ; for yf hyt be thus, that the commyn wele ryse the individual of the party cular wele of euery one, then euery maw g ought to study to maynteyne * the partycular wele, [* Page 64.] to the settyng forward of the co?wmyn. And so that strive to advance thyng wych you notyd "before to be the destructyon g ^ n w na of euery commyn wel, now by thys reson and ground 215 schold maynteyn the same. 9. "Pole. — Nay, Master Isrpset, not so ; for thes ij thyngys agre veray wel. Ouermuch regard of pryuat and partycular wele euer destroyth the commyn, as mean and cowuenyent regard therof maynteynyth the 220 same. For thys ys troth, as hyt ys commynly sayd, yf p. says if every man would euery maw wold mewd one, yf euery maw wold cure one, cure one, as he schold dow, we schold haue a veray true commyn we should have wele. But now, were as many, blyndyd wyth the loue wealth. of themselfe, regard tbeyr partycular wele ouermuch, 225 hyt ys necessary by polytyke personys, hauy??g regard of the co??zmyn wele, to correct and amend such blynd- nes and ouersyght growne in to many mewnys myndys by the iwordynate loue of tbemselfe ; lyke as phy- sycyonys now be necessary in cytes and townys, seing 230 that mere co??imynly gyue themselfe to such iwordynat dyat, wheras, yf men wold gouerne themselfe soburly if men were by temperat dyat, then physycyonys were not to be re- physicians would i n , -ij-1 -n not be needed. quyryd ot necessyte m no commyre welth nor poilycy. And so, I say, yf euery maw wold goue?"ne on wel, no- 235 thyng blyndyd "with the loue of hymselfe, you schold then see a true commyn wele. And thys hyt ys true, that euen lyke as ouermuch regard of partycular wele destroyth the commyn, so conuenyent and mean regard therof maynteynyth and settyth forward the same ; and 240 in thys ther ys no cowtrouersye. Therfor let vs now, as we began, turne *agayne to seke out thys par- [*p ag e65.j tycular wele of euery pn'uate maw, that we may, as I sayd, therby come to our purpos. And for bycause STARK EY. S 34 WHAT THINGS ARE NECESSARY 245 many thyngys ther be wych are requyryd to the wele of euery maw, wych sondurly to reherse were ouerlong and Three things are no thyng necessary, therfor iij thyngys general I note needful to the , , , individual good, now to be spoken oi, by the wych hyt schal be esy to i. Health of vnderstond the rest : — And fyrst of them ys helthe of body: body, wych I note to be as foundatyon and ground of a 251 grete parte of the wele of maw; for as much as yf hyt were so that maw had neuer so grete abuwdawce of al ryches and wordly substance ; neuer so grete no??zbur of gud and faythful frendys ; neuer so grete dygnyte and authoryte in hys cuwtrey ; yet, yf he lake helth, al 256 thos thyngys to hym lytyl dow profyt, of them he takyth lytyl plesure, no thyng erthly to hym wythout for if a man be helth caw be plesaunt or delectabul. For yf he be sickness he trowblyd wyth any greuus sykenes, hys lyfe then to than Uve! hOT ^ n y m vs n °ther swete nor plesaunt, he rather then wold 261 desyre to dye then to lyue ; so trowblus he ys bothe to He is unprofitable hym selfe and to hys frendys. He lyth then vnprofyta- and excluded bul to hys cuwtrey, and can to no maw dow gud, for he exercise^faii y s therby excludyd also from the vse and vtward exer- virtue. C y. ge a j mos ^ f a i vertue, by the wych hyt ys communyd 266 to the profyt of other. And thought hyt be so that man by sykenes and bodyly infyrmyte be not vtturly ex- cludyd from hys gud purposys and vertues intentys, wyche God, that only lokyth in to the hartys of man, no les extymyth then the vtward dedys, yet the vt* [* Page 66.] * ward dedys and exercyse of vertue undowtydly makyth hyt more co??zme?idabul, plesaunt, and profytabul, both to hymselfe and to the world ; and, at the lest, no les plesaunt to God, whose gudnes man doth folow, when as much [as] he caw by vtward dedys he cowmunyth hys vertue to the profyt of other. Wherfor hyt apperyth 277 that we may justely anyone bodyly helth to be the To health must ground and foundatyon of the wele of maw, to the strath and wych also must be couplyd, of necessyte, strenghth and beauty. beuty. For yf a man for the tyme haue neuer so gud FOR THE GOOD OF INDIVIDUALS. OO helth, yet yf he haue not strenghth to maynteyne the For if a man have same, hyt wyl sone vanysch away, leuyng thys ground strength to Aveke and vnstabul ; therfor strenghth must be joynyd, will soon ^ lost. and beuty also. For yf the body haue neuer so gud helth, and coreuenyent powar and strenghth for the 285 mayntenarece of the same, yet yf hyt be deformyd, yf the partys be not proporcy[o]nabul, one agreyng to another, accordyng to the orclur of nature, they be not so acceptabul nor plesaunt, nor the body hath not hys perfayt state and vertue. Also, aftur the se?ztence of the 290 most wyse poete, yn a gudly body ys more [that ys] co?remewdabul, plesant, and acceptabul. Wherfor, to gratiorest pulehro, &c.l the perfayt state of the body, and veray wele therof, they must rure al iij joyntely togydur — both helth, in these three the perfect state strenghth, and beuty, to the wych al other vertues of ofthehody the body, as to the pryrecypallys and chefe, lyghtly ensue. And so in thes bodyly vertues and natural 297 powarys, stondyth the fyrst poynt requyryd to the wele of euery partycular mare, aftur my mynd, except *you [* Page 67.] haue any thyng to say contrary to thys. 10. Lvpse£. — No, Sir, I wyl not interrupt your l. says, cwremunycatyon now in the myddys, but when you haue y^, ^! 1 emip brought hyt to an end, I wyl then frely and playnly 303 schow my mynd. 11. PoZe. — "Wei, then, let vs go forward. The The 2nd point second poynt that marenys wele restyth in, ys ryches rests in Ms riches. and co?zuenyent aburedaunce of al wordly thyngys, mete to the mayntennarece of euery niarenys state, accordyng 308 to hys degre. Thys ys to euery mare manyfest and playn ; if he have not n • -i .-1 i ^ it i_ iii these he shall tor m case be that mm haue a body neuer so helthy, suffer many cares> beutyful, and strong, yet yf he lake such thyngys as necessaryly be requyryd to the mayntenarece of hys state and degre, he schal be trowblyd in mynd wyth in- fynyte carys and myserabul though tys ; by cause he seth wel that, wythout them, thys bodyly wele wyl sone vade 315 1 In margin of MS. 36 VIRTUES OF THE MIND OF MORE 316 and vanysch away. Besyd thys, yf a maw haue neuer so grete ryches and abumdaunce of tresore, yet yf he. lake children and chyldur and frendys in whome he may delyte, hy coni- friends are also necessary. munyng therof, they lytyl avayle, and be to hyni nother plesant nor swete ; wherfor, they be also requyryd to 321 thys. And though hyt be so that supe?*fluouse ryches and oue?'grete abundance of thes wordly goodys be not requyryd necessaryly to the wele of maw, but rather be the destructyon therof, yet hyt ys many f est that the The lack of food lake of necessarys, for nuryschyng and clothyng of the and clothing is the cause of much body, ys the sure and certayn cause of infynyte myserys [* Page 68.] and manyfold wrechydnes. *Lyke as the cowuenyent wretchedness ; -. ■> n ,-, e L -\ -\ i i^i while abundance, aou?zdaunce ol the same, yi they be wel vsyd, ys the cln^ou"^*^ occasyon of puttyng in exercyse many honest and virtues. vertuse affectys of niawnys mynd, wych els schold be coueryd and clokyd and neuer come to lyght, but stoppyd and let by penury and pouerty, no?i other wyse 333 then they be by bodyly syknes and infyrmyte. Therfor we may now of thys ryght wel perceyue, that thes ex- teryor and wordly thyngys in coraienyent abuwdaunce are not wythout cause, in the second place, requyiyd to the wele of euery partycular maw, as such thyngys 338 wythout whome no mare can haue hys most prosperouse state. The third and (H-) The thryd poynt now remeynyth, wych al be most important, iip-iiipij. j. i 7ip j. though least hyt o± hyt selte hyt ys most prywcypal and cheie, as to isffnaturT the wvcn tlie y other are to De referryd, yet hyt ys lest virtufofThe regardyd and lest had in mynd. That ys, the natural mind - honesty and vertue of the mynd. For co??zmynly hyt ys a man with seen that yf a maw haue helth and ryches, [he] ys then of is counted al mew jugyd happy and fortunate, lykyng no welth, heaver dream though he neue?* dreme of vertue ; so lytyl count ys had of virtue. therof. How be hyt, the troth ys thys, that lyke as the 349 soule fer passyth and excellyth the body, ye, and al other wordly thyngys, so doth they vertues of the mynd, in the same ordur and degre, passe and excelle al IMPORTANCE THAN BODILY VIRTUES. 37 vertues and powarys of ther body, and al other But the truth is, the virtues of the and wordly tresore, as thos thyngys wych be chefely mind excel ail i a j virtues and and aboue al other to be extymyd and regardyd. And powers of the thought hyt be so that mare, by corrupt jugement, con- ^loniTmfJL trary extyme them, and wythout the other regard them the body - not at al, yet they, of theyr owne nature, are no les to 357 be extymyd, *no les to be regardyd ; wych ys to al them C* Page 69.] euydent and playn wych be not yet blyndyd wyth in- ordynat affectys, and haue not lost the ryght jugement of thyngys, wych ys the cause of al errorys and mys- 361 chefys that commynly happurenyth in inarenys lyfe. For what avaylyth to haue helth, beuty, and strenghth of of what avail are health, body, to hym wych care not vse them to the end by beauty, nature and reson appoyntyd 1 What avaylyth hyt to riches, i i, 71 n-Lj J.V to a man who haue ryches, tresore, and al wordly aburedarece, to hym cannot use them ? wych care not by wysdome vse them to hys owne welth and to the profyt of other 1 Wythout fayle, no thyng. 368 We see dayly in commyn experyence (we nede not to seke for reson or exampul to proue and corefyrme hyt) that ryches, authoryte, and wordly aburedaunce, to them Riches to those who cannot use whych caw not vse them, be playn destructyon. Wher- them are fore they, of themselfys, be not to be extymyd but in ordur to vertue. Helth ys not to be extymyd to thys in- 374 teret, that therby wyth more lyberty and plesure you may haue the vse of al vayn joys and past-tymys wordly ; but to thys end and purpos only, that by your helth of body you may more coreuenyently vse al honest Health is to he and vertuese exercyse of the mynd, both to the com- mind's sake, t , n in 7i^> p i 7 and for the good modyte ot yourselle and also ol your ireredys and cure- f your f r ienc!s trey. Aftur thys maner helth ys to be extymyd as the g"^" 1 ground and furedatyon, accordyng, as I sayd befor, of the wele and prosperouse state of eue?y mare. Lykewyse, 383 ryches and wordly aburedance ys not to be regardyd to Riches and i • il i-Lj jii i -u. ,1 n abundance are to thys intent, that mare therby may haue * the vse oi vayn [* p age 70.] and traresytory plesures, but only to thys purpos, that ^ants 3 , ' y by them he may fyrst satysfy hys owne necessyte, and 38 EICHES ALONE CANNOT PROFIT; and to help the so aftur succur and helpe them wych haue nede and be needy and such . , . as are in misery, in mysery. Aftur thys maner also they are to he extymycl, euer referryng them to vertue as to theyr end and pur- pos wy they are to he desyryd, and, as the chefe poynt 392 of the felycyte, wele, and prosperouse state of maw, wythout the wych they other no thyng avayle, other he Virtue alone can the destructyon of ma«. For vertue only hyt ys that show the right use of health and schowyth vs the ryght vse and streght, both of helth, riches. strenghth, and heuty, of ryches, and of al other -wordly 397 abuwdaunce ; and tra??sytory vertue hyt ys that techyth vs al honest behauyour bothe toward God and maw. As, by exampul, relygyously to honower and worschype God, as Maker, Gouernor, and Eular of thys word, and bro- therly to loue euery maw iche other, wyth al ryghtwyse and just delyng togyddur. 403 (11.) Wherfor hyt caw not be dowtyd, yf we wyl extyme thyngys in ryght ordur and degre, but that virtue is the vertue ys the chefe poynt of al thes thre. For yf hyt and nothing can' were so that a man had most prosperouse state of body, wyth helth, strenghth, and beuty; ye, and yf he had if a man have also al abuwdaunce of wordly godys and ryches, yet without pleasure yf he had not also the streyght and ryght vse of the and receives' only same, he schal not only take of them no profyt nor destruction frute, but he schal also haue nother plesure nor cowfort therby ; but rather hurt, da??^mage, and vttur destruc- 413 tyon. And thos thyngys wych of themselfe and of theyr owne nature be gud, schalbe to hym, for lake of gud .vse, noyful and yl. And lykewyse, yf a maw had al Riches without the ryches and powar of the world, wyth al other pros- religion and honour towards peryte therof, yet, yf hys mynd were not ryghtly set [* Page 71.] wyth relygyouse * honour toward God, and wyth honest pro . an( ^ j ug j. tjghauyour toward maw, al that schold no thyng avayle, no thyng profyte. So that thys ys now 421 certayn, that they ij fyrst poyntys, wythout thys thryd couplyd therto, rather hyndur and hurt, then ayd and set forth, the wele and prosperouse state of eue?y prmate RELIGION AND HONOUR MUST BE ADDED. 30 man; but when they al be joynyd togyddur, — helth, The man who has health, strenghth, and beuty of body ; ryches and abundaunce of strength, and beauty of such wordly godys as be necessary to the mayntenance body, riches j? J.T. j.j.1? j.i?j.i jt_ j.1- a nd abundance. ot the state ol maw ; vertue oi the mynd schowyng the and a]1 due streygh[t] vse of the same ; wyth al honest and dew be- g^m man hauyour bothe toward God and- mare, — then surely that is in a most " prosperous state. man, who so euer he be, hath hye welth and most pro- sperouse state and felycyte, conuenyent to the nature of ma?i and to hys dygnyte. And so thus, Master Lvpset, now I thynke you se wherin stondyth the wele of eue?y 433 partycular man ; out of the wych Ave must now seke out and enserch the veray true co?nmyn wele, seyng that we haue therby thus found the best mean, and, as hyt apperyth to me, the ryghtyst way therto. 1 2. ItVpsef. ' — Syr, you say wel. How be hyt, bycause l. says, You say thys ys the ground, as me sernyth, of the rest of our we ' co??*munycatyon, I wyl not let hyt pas vnsure, for as 440 much as hyt apperyth yet to me some thyng strange, but it seems For yf hyt be thus as you conclude, that the wele and we ai of every „•.,/. ,-. , ,-■_ . ,■■ . ... man consists felycyte ot euery partycular man restyth m thos nj i n these three poyntys, wych you haue declaryd couplyd togyddur, pomts ' then few ther be that haue wele, few wych be in p?-o- then but few sperouse state and felycyte ; the most parte of mankynd ys excludyd from hyt. For by thys reson, yf a ma?i be 447 fallen * in to any grete sykenes or febulnes of body, or [* p age 72.] by any iniury of fortune be cast in to grete pouerty ; or yf hys chyldur or frendys haue any myschaunce, then — be he neuer so vertuse, honest, and gud ; be he as per- fayt as euer was Sayn Poule — yet he ys not in wele nor 452 in pmsperouse state and felycyte ; wych ys contrary to the it is contrary to the opinion of opynyon of many gret wyse men, wych euer haue gyuen many wise men, thys powar to vertue, that hyt doth not only kepe man ^, at V irt Ue keeps from mysery, but hyt doth also set hym in hye felycji;e. muery^nd 1 In so much that yf man were fallen in to neuer so grete ™* ]ies . him syknes or pouerty, or otherwyse trowblyd by the stormys ' MS Le* 40 VIKTUE ITSELF CAN GIVE HAPPINESS. 459 of fortune in aduersyte, wych by no wysdome he caw avoyd ; yet, so long as he patyently sufifryth them and cowtewtyth hys mynd wyth hys present state, euer com- fortyng hymselfe wyth vertuse purposys ; so long, I say, 463 hyt caw not be denyd but that he ys in wele and fely- ami to this agrees cyte. To thys, me semyth, agreth al the doctryne of our the doctrine of Christ. Master Chryst, wych callyth them blessyd wych be euer in wordly aduersyte, patyently suffrywge * hyt for Hys sake ; and, contrary, thos wych be in wordly prosperyte, 468 he notyth to be myserabul and wrechyd. Of thys al Scrypture ys ful. Hyt nedyth not to bryng in any p«r- tycular place for the testymony therof, seyng that al sownyth therto. Al Chrystys dyscypullys and apostyllys were sympul and pore, hauyng no wordly prosperyte ; 473 and yet I thynke you wyl not say that they were in t* Page 73.] *mysery, but, contrary, that they were in hye felycyte. wherefore these "Wherfor hyt apperyth that your iij poyntys couplyd to- not required. gyddur are not requyryd of necessyte to the wele of euery partycular maw ; specyally cowsyderyng that, by 478 that mean, the most parte of ma??kynd schold be ex- cludyd from theyr wele and felycyte, wych can not at- tayn to wordly ryches and hye phylosophy. p. owns these 13. Po?e. — Wei, Master ~Lvpset, you euer bryng in the purpose, some regyd knottys in co?nmunycatyon. But yet by- eLmfnation cause they be somewhat to our purpos, we schal not let them slype vtturly vnexamynyd. And, fyrst, you schal 485 vnderstond, for the ground of your dowte, that we may perceyue wherof hyt sprange, that, accordyng to the dyuersyte of opynyonys wych mew haue had of the nature of maw, so varyabul sentence were taken of some have said hys felycyte and wele. Some sayd that ma?i was the soul is man : no thyng els but hys resonabul soule, for as much as 491 that ys the thyng wherby maw ys maw, and not a brute best ; and that the body ys no thyng but as an instrument or vessel of the same. To whome hyt was 1 MS. fuffryrage. THE SOUL AND BODY UNITED MAKE MAN. 41 cowuenyent to say that so long maw hatlie hys hye 494 felycyte and wele as the soule was instructe wyth such vertues as he accordyng to hyr dygnyte ; notwyth- stondyng that the "body were trowhlyd wyth syknes, pouerty, and al other callyd wordly aduersyty, wych no thyng touchy d the nature of the soule ; and so hy theyr 499 opynyon vertue had euer couplyd wyth hyr hye *fely- [* Page 74.] cyte. Other ther were, more agreyng to the commyn others, that soul and body united reson of maw, wych sayd that maw ys not only the soule, make man; in so much that he ys made of hyt, hut as one chefe and pryrccypal parte, hut a certayn nature wych rysyth 504 of the vnyon and comunctyon of the hody and soule togyddur. "Wherfor to them hyt was comienyent to say that the wele of ma»i restyth, not only in the mynd and the vertues therof, hut in the hody also, and in the pros- perouse state of the same ; wych, aftur myn opynyon, ys and this, veray truth, yf Ave loke to the most perfayt state that u true. man may haue. For though hyt he so that vertue euer 511 defendyth mamnys mynd from mysery, and euer hath joynyd therto felycyte, yet, me semyth, hyt ys not in Felicity in the the most perfayt state, hyt ys not in the hyest degre, can only spring except therto he couplyd wordly prosperyte. For thys [voridiy"" 6 and ys certayn, that the mynd of m&?i then more floryschyth, P ros P erit y : more reioycyth, and hath more wele, when frely, wyth- because then man out any impedyme?zt, other of hody or iniury of fortune, impediment hyt exercysyth vertues actys, and spredyth hyr heamys m ind. ° ° * ° r to the lyght and comfort of many other. Wherfor, though vertus purpos and honest intent he suffycyent, 521 not only to defend a man fvom mysery, hut also to co?z- serue and kepe hys mynd in felycyte ; yet, aftur myn opynyon, for as much as the hody ys one parte of marc, *he hath neuer most hye felycyte nor most pe?-fayt [* Page 75.3 state in the hyest degre, except the hody wyth the mynd Body and mind fiorysch also wyth hys vertues and al thyngys neces- together. sary for the mayntenarcce of the same. And thys, I thynke to he of truth, that to the most prosperOuse 529 42 IT IS HARD TO USE RICHES WELL, BUT THEY 530 state al thes thyngys joyntly are requyryd ; albehyt hyt But n must not ys no thyng to be dowtyd but that man, stablyd and con- a man with fyrmyd wyth pe?-fayt and sure hope, may rygbt wel hope may attain attayne, in the lyfe to come, to the most hye felycyte, ii h fefo U come° fthe thoughe he be here trowblyd wyth al wordly aduersyte, with^adversuy d wner °f by foly and neclygence he hymselfe ys not the here ' cause ; but yf he patyently suffur hyt for the loue of 537 God, hyt ys as a mean to the attaynyrcg therof. And lyke wyse wordly felycyte and prosperouse state in thys lyfe present, excludyth not man fro?/i the most hye fely- cyte of the lyfe to come, but rather, yf he vse hyt wel, 541 hyt ys also a mean wherby he the bettur may attayne to the same. But forbycause wordly p?*osperyte ys so ful of manyfold peryllys and daungerys, by the wych a neclygent mynd ys sone oppressyd, and, as hyt ys com- it is difficult to mynly sayd, hard hyt ys to haue heuyn here and els- have heaven here .-i^ 7 r. i i_pt and elsewhere. were ; therior few ther be, and lew eue?* haue byn found, wych wel to that end coude vse thys wordly pwsperyte, some judge n to in so much that hyt ys of many wyse men jugyd much prosperity wen, harder to be wel to vse wordly prosperyte, then pa- adversity. cyently t° suffur and here al wordly aduersyte. For the f * Page 7G.1 wych cause * I thynke our Mastur Chryst chose, for the 552 most p«?*te, hys dyscypullys of that sort wych were tossyd in wordly aduersyte, and few of them wych in- yoyd wordly prosperyte ; schowyng vs how hard hyt was to vse that wel, and coupul therto hys celestyal Christ said, and heuywly doctryne. Therfor he sayth that nother they shall they that wych haue theyr hartys fyxyd in the loue of ryches of iavenc es, c., ^y S wor i(i nother they wych haue theyr myndys 559 droAvnydin the vayn plesurysof thys lyfe, may attayne to the plesure and. felycyte of the kyngdome of heuyn but He does not and lyfe to come. But yet, as I sayd, he excludyth not from the life to them wych euer here theyr myndys vpryght in the streyght vse of the same. And, forbycause the thyng ys of bo grete hardnes and dyffyculty, few you schal fynd 565 in al Holy Scrypture, wych wel dyd vse thys wordly DO NOT EXCLUDE MAN FROM HEAVEN. 43 prosperyte; for the wych purpos, as I thynke, many men 566 of gret wysedome and vertue flye from liyt, settyng some retire from themselfe in relygyouse housys, ther quyetly to seme God and kepe theyr myndys vpryght wyth les jopardy. Wych thyng surely ys not amys downe of them wych and it is not amiss of them ; perceyue theyr owne irabecyllyte and wekenes, prone and redy to he oppressyd and ouerthrowne, wyth thes 572 comune and quyat plesurys of the world, "by whome they see the most parte of mawkynd drownyd and ouer- comyn. How be hyt, me semyth, they dow lyke to fere- but ther are ful schypmett, wych, for drede of stormys and trowblus who, for dr'ead sees, kepe themselfe in the hauen, and dare not co?wmy t nevei . leax ! e the themselfys to the daungeronse tempestys of the same. haven - But, lyke as he that, in *gret tempest and trowblus tyme, [* page 77.] gouemyth wel hys schype and co?zuehyth hyt at the last to the hauen and place appoyntyd of hys course, 581 ys callyd a gud and experte maryner, and much more prayse-worthy, then he wych for fere and dred kepyth hymselfe in the hauen styl ; so he wych in daungerouse He who does Ms , n -1 P P -, duty in all prosperyte, so iul 01 so many occasyonys 01 errorys and p er ii S) j S a wise dowyng amys, gouernyth hys mynd wel, and kepyth man ' hyt vpryght, ys justely to be callyd most perfayt and 587 wyse man ; ye, and much more desemyth and of more and better than prayse ys worthy then he wych, for fere of the same himself in a -, , 1 • , 1 1 , -1 religious house. daungerys, ruraiyth m to a relygyouse house, ther as in a hauyn quyetly to rest, wyth out so much trowbul and dysquyetnes. Thys I say, bycause you schal not thynke 592 that such as lyue in p?'6>sperous state of thys lyfe present are therby excludyd from the felycyte of the lyfe to come ; but rather when prosperyte ys wel vsyd, hyt ys a mean to set maraiys mynd in that state, wherby he 596 schal attayne hyar felycyte. (13.) And so now to retorne to your dowte, Though a man Master Lvpse£, thus I say: — That though hyt be so attain heaven?^ that maw, beyng here in thys lyfe present trowblyd notexdude^to, wyth al wordly adue?'syte, may vndowtydly, by patyent 601 44 VIRTUE AND W0RLDTA r PROSPERITY 602 suffrawce of the same, in the lyfe hereaftur attayne to the most hye felycyte, yet, seyng that by no wordly prosperyte he ys excludyd from the same, hyt may [* Page 78.] not [be] dowtyd but that the most prosperouse state * of prosperous state man stondyth in the vertues of the mynd conplyd wyth ana worldly wordly prosperyte. And, albehyt that few ther be wych. piospen y. attayne therto, yet bycause hyt ys cowuenyent to the 609 dygnyte of maw, and some ther be wych attayne therto, the thyng ys not vtturly to be taken away, nor vtturly to be denyd fro?w the nature of maw. Suffycyent hyt ys that no maw by nature ys excludyd from felycyte, though al men can not attayne to the hyest degre therof. And if we regard so, yf we haue regard of the soule only, callyng hyt, aftur the mynd of Plato, the veray man, wherof the 616 body ys but as a pryson ; and yf we also haue regard and only the only of the lyfe to come, despysyng, aftur the doctryne life to come, of Chryst, the vayne plesurys of thys present lyfe ; man may, even then hyt ys trothe, as you thought, that maw, though in adversity, attain felicity; he be trowblyd wyth al wordly aduersyte, yet may but if we regard ryght wel attayne to hye felycyte. But, contrary, yf we the body also, ini in -ipi-ii haue regard not only of the soule, but also oi the body, 623 saying wiih Arystotyl, that maw ys the vnyon and cow- iuwctyon togyddur of them both ; and yf Ave haue re- and the present gard also, not only of the lyfe to come, but also of the life also, then felicity in lyfe present ; then hyt ys true that I say, that felycyte the highest degree is not in the hyest degre ys not wythout wordly prosperyte- prosperity. Thus, "Master Lvpse^, the thyng dyuersly cowsyderyd 629 makyth betwyx vs to appere cowtrouersy, lyke as hyt hath downe euer betwyx the old phylosopharys ; among whome the chefe, as Arystotyl and Plato, euer in the truth dow agre, and only the maner of cowsyderyng [•Page 79.] "*the thyngys wherof they dyspute makyth to appere betwyx them co?itrouersy. l. thinks this 14. Master "Lvpset.— Syr, therin I thynke you say truth, for dyuerse cowsycleratyon hathe euer made dy- 637 nerse opynyon, and I am glad that both we say truth. YIELD THE HIGHEST FELICITY. 45 But yet of one tliyng I somewhat marvayle, that in the 638 felycyte of maw you put dyuerse degres, to some attry- But can there be degrees of butyng more, and to some les. Me seruytn felycyte ys felicity? the most perfayt state, wych aclmyttyth no degre ; for no thyng can be more perfayt than that wych ys most. Wherfor I can not see how they, wych to vertue haue 643 couplyd also wordly prosperyte, schold yet haue hyar felycyte then they wych, wythout that, haue only ver- tue, the wych, yf hyt be so, you then agre that vertue alone gyuyth nian felycyte. 15. Po/e. — You schal marvayle no thyng at thys yf 648 you wyl reme?nbyr what we haue sayd before. Yf man p. says if man be the soule only, then vertue only gyuyth to man hye an d body, felycyte ; but yf he be both togyddur, the soide and vj^eand the body, then you see hyt dothe not so. But many p r * 1ty g ains other thyngys are requyryd therto, by the reson wherof ^'"rf i^manwere felycyte admyttyth degres ; and some haue more wele, soul onI * v - and some les; and he, as I sayd, hath most prosperouse 655 state and hyest felycyte, wych hath wyth vertue couplyd al wordly p?-osperyte ; and thys ys, wythout fayle, most *conuenyent to the nature of man. So that now I [* Page so.] thynke hyt ys clere wherin stondyth the felycyte and in tins is man's wele of euery partycular man, by the wych now, as a ground and foundatyon leyd, we schal procede to the rest of our communycatyon. 16. Jivpset. — Sir, let vs dow so now, I pray you, 663 for therin now I dowte no more. 17. PoZe. — Fyrst, thys ys certayn, that lyke as in p. compares the euery man ther ys a body and also a soule, in whose floryschyng and prosperouse state bothe togyddur stondyth the wele and felycyte of man ; so lyke wyse 668 ther ys [in] euery commynalty, cyty, and cuntrey, as hyt were, a polytyke body, and another thyng also re- semblyng the soule of ma??, in whose floryschyng both togyddur restyth also the true commyn wele. Thys body ys no thyng els but the multytude of pepul, the T1 'e pe°p'e are 46 A LARGE POPULATION NECESSABY 674 nombur of cytyzyns, in euery co?nmynalty, cyty, or curetrey. The thyng wych ys resemblyd to the soule ys and civil order is cyuyle ordur and polytyke law, admynystryd by offycers and rularys. For lyke as the body in euery maw re- ceyuyth hys lyfe by the vertue of the soule, and ys 679 gouernyd therby, so dothe the multytude of pepul in euery curetrey receyue, as hyt were, cyuyle lyfe by lawys wel admynystryd by gud offycerys and wyse rularys, by whome they be gouernyd and kept in polytyke ordur. Wherfor the one may, as me semyth, ryght [♦Page 8i.] wel * be co??zparyd to the body, and the other to the soule. 686 18. "Lvpset. — Thys symylytud lykyth me wel. p. says the good 19. Po?e. — Then let ys go forth wyth the same, and arises from three we schal fynd, by and by, that lyke as the wele of euery mare sounderly by hymselfe rysyth of the iij prywcypal thyngys befor declaryd, so the commyn wele of euery 691 cu?ztrey, cyte, or towne, semblably rysyth of other iij thyngys proporcyonabul and lyke to the same, in the wych al other partycular thyngys are comprehendyd. And the fyrst of them, schortly to say, stondyth in helth, i. From the nurn- strenghth, and beuty of thys body polytyke and mul- ber of its people. tytude of pepul, wherin restyth the ground, and, as hyt No matter how were, the fundatyon of the commyn wele. For yf the rich and fertile it maybe, if the curetrey be newer so rych, fertyl, and plenty ful of al many or too few, thyngys necessary and plesaunt to mawnys lyfe, yet yf oppressed 5 any ther be ° f P e P ul other to feW OT to man y \ °r yf they Tp'rosperity^ 6 te ' as h ^ t were ' et y n awa J> da yty deuouryd and con- sumyd by co?nniyn syknes and dysease ; ther ca?i be no 703 ymage nor schadow of any commyn wele, to the wych fyrst ys requyryd a comienyerct multytude and conue- nyently to be nuryschyd ther in the cuwtrey. For Multitude of where as ther be other to many pepul in the cuwtrey, pepul.i in so much that the cuwtrey by no dylygerece nor labur 708 of mara may be suffycyent to nurysch them and mynys- 1 In margin of MS. TO THE PROSPERITY OP A COUNTRY. 47 tur them fode, ther wythout dowte care be no coraniyn 709 wele, but euer myserabul* penury and wrechyd pou- [*Page8».] . „. , but ever miser- erty. Lyke as yf ther he ol pepul oueriew, msomucn a bie penury and that the ciuztrey may not he wel tyllyd and occupyd, nor craftys wel and dylygently exercysyd, ther schal .also sprynge therof grete penury and scasenes of al 714 ihyngys necessary for marenys lyfe ; and so then cyuyle lyfe and true comnryn wele caw ire no case he ther maynteynyd. Wherfor a corcuenyent multytude mete There must be a n ,, , , T , ,, population suited tor the place, in euery curetre and commynalty, as the to the place, mater and ground of the commyn wele, ys fyrst to he 719 requyryd of necessyte. (19.) Ferther, also, though the norabur of pepul Heithofthe pepul. were neuer so mete to the place, cyty, or towne, yet Further, if the yf they floryschyd not in hodyly helth, hut commynly "Sie^t lack were vexyd wyth greuus syknes and coretagyouse dys- heaUh ' andare J » ° • °« « consumed by ease, by the reson wherof the pepul schold he con- sickness, there ' J r r cannot be sumyd, no ma?i could say ther to he any coramyn wele. prosperity. But lyke as euery party cular marc in hodyly sykenes, 727 and in such specyally wherof he hymselfe ys cause, lakkyth the most prosperouse state, so dothe euery curetrey, cyty, and towne, lyke wyse afFecte and dys- posyd, want much of hys perfayt cowzmyn wele. Ther- for, to thys multytude of pepul and poly tyke hody, 732 fyrst, as ground and furcdatyon of the rest of hys wele, ys requyryd a certayn helthe, wych also hy strenghth must he * maynteynyd. For lyke as the hody, yf hyt [*ragess.] They are like the he not strong, sone hy vtward occasyonys, as hy ire- body, which, if it be not healthy •temperance oi ayr, la bur, and trauayle, ys oppressyd and strong, is soon and ouerthrowne, and so losythe hys helth ; so dothe the overthrown? multytude of pepul in euery cuntrey, cyty, or towne, sone, hy warrys and iniury of ennemys, wythout 740 strenghth, lose hys welth and sone ys oppressyd and brought in to mysery and wrechyd captyuyte. Wher- The body poUtie i-i-iT t i i must have for to thys polytyke hody strenght ys also requyryd, strength as wen 1 In margin of MS. 4S THE PAETS OF THE COMMONWEALTH as health, or it wythout the wych hys helth 'long can not be mayn- must of necessity decay. teynyd ; out, schortly, of necesstye hyt must dekay. strenghtofthe Thys strenglith stondyth in thys poynt chefely — so to kepe and maynteyne euery parte of thys body, that they 748 proraptely and redyly may dow that thyng wych ys re- a man's body is quyryd to the helthe of the hole. Lyke as we say, then said to be strong, u J J J "" when every part euery mawnys body to be strong, when euery parte can can perform its functions quickly execute quykly and wel hys offyce determyd by the heart is strong ordur of nature; as the hart then ys strong when he, membersTand " as fountayn of al natural powarys, mynystrytti them SoTe^strong W J th deW 0rdur to al ° tller \ and the 7 ^^ ^ Strong receu-e'and i«e w h en they be apte to receyue ther powar of they hart, the power sent an g can vse j^ accordyng to the ordur of nature : as from the heart. J J o > the ye to see, the yere to here, the fote to go, and hand [* Page 84.] to hold and rech ; * and so lyke wyse of the rest. Aftur such maner the strenghth of thys polytyke body stondyth 760 in euery pa?*te beyng abul to dow hys offyce and duty; for thys body hath hys pa7'tys, wych resembyl also the ' lhe Pf i r t ^ ,s rl of i the P fW 'ty s of the body of ma)j, of the wych the most general to our purpos be thes — the hart, hede, handys, The heart of a and fete. The hart therof ys the kyng, prywce, and rular commonwealth is the king or of the state, whether so euer hyt be one or many, ac- cordyng to the gouernaftce of the commynalty and poly- 767 tyke state ; for some be gouernyd by a pryrcce alone, some by a cowseyl of certayn wyse mew, and some by the hole pepul togyddur, as here aftur, when occasyon requyryth, more playnly I wyl schow. But now to our purpos. He or they wych haue authoryte apon the hole 772 state rygh[t] wel may be resemblyd to the hart. For lyke As ail natural as al wyt, reson, and sens, felyng, lyfe, and al other power springs from the heart, so natural powar, spryngyth out of the hart, so from the miers come all pryrccys and rularys of the state co?ramyth al lawys, ordur policy. ' " and pollycy, al justyce, vertue, and honesty, to the rest The head, eyes, f thys polytyke body. To the hede, wyth the yes, yerys, the under and other sensys therin, resemblyd may be ryght wel the officers; 1 In margin of MS. MUST BE IN DUE PROPORTION. 49 vnder offycerys by pryncys appoyntyd, for as much as they schold euer obserue and dylygently wayte for the wele of the rest of thys body. *To the handys are re- [*Page85j semblyd bothe craftysnien and warryarys wych defend craftsmen and the rest of the body from iniury of ennymys vtward, hands; and worke and make thyngys necessary to the same. To 784 the fete, the plowmen and tyllarys of the ground, bycause ploughmen the feet. they, by theyr labur, susteyne and support the rest of the body. Thes are the most general partys of thys polytyke body, wych may justely be resemblyd aftur the 788 maner declaryd to thos chefe partys in mannys body. Now, as I sayd, the strenghth of thes partys altogyddur ys of necessyte requyryd, wythout the wych the helth of the hole ca?z not long be maynteynyd. (19.) And ferthermore, yet though thys polytyke 793 body be helthy and strong, yet yf hyt be not beutyful, Beuty of the polytyk body, i but foule deformyd, hyt lakyth a pa?'te of hys wele (i In margin .; and prosperouse state. Thys beuty also stondyth in ah these must be in due the dew proportyon of the same partys togyddur, so proportion, that one parte euer be agreabul to a nother in forme 798 and fascyon, quantyte and nombur ; as craftysruen and plowmen in dew nombur and proportyon wyth other partys, accordyng to the place, cyty, or towne. For yf ther be other to many or to few of one or of the because if there , n . . . , i r- are to° many or other, ther ys in the commynalty a grete deformyte ; too few, and so lyke wyse of the other partys. Wherfor the deformity, dew proportyon of one parte to a nother must be obseruyd, and therin stondyth the corporal beuty 806 chefely of thys polytyk body. And so in thes iij thyngys, couplyd togyddur, stondyth, wythout fayle, the wele *and prosperouse state of the multytude in [*Page86.] euery commynalty, wych, as you now se, iustely may be resemblyd to the body of euery partycular maw. 811 And yet ferther to procede in thys symylytud. Lyke as the wele of the body, wythout ryches and con- uenyent abundance of thyngys necessary, can not con- STARKET. 4 50 TO BE PROSPEROUS A COUNTRY MUST 815 Vectigalia et annona.i 2. There must be abundance of necessaries and friends ; 821 for if a country be ever so well •replenished with people, yet if it lack necessaries, it cannot prosper. Poverty is the mother of envy and malice, dissension and debate. 830 If the country- lack the friend- ship of those living near, Amici socij recip[roci] ? I but is surrounded by foes, it cannot flourish. [* Page 87.] 839 Lawys and poly- tyk ordur.' 8. Good order and good laws are required, for without these all other advan- tages are useless. tinue nor be maynteynyd, so thys multytude wych we cal the polytyke body, wythout lyke abund- aunce of al thyngys necessary, can not florysche in most pe?-fayt state. "Wherfor thes exteryor thyngys — frendys, ryches, and abundance of necessarys — are iustely, in the second place, to be requyryd to the mayntenance of thys true co?wmyn wele wych we now serche. For yf a cuwtrey be neuer so wel replenyschyd wyth pep ul, helthy, strong, and beutyful, yet yf theyr 2 be lake of necessarys, hyt can not long prosper ; ther wyl schortly grow in al kynd of mysery, for grete pouerty in any curttrey hathe euer couplyd gret mysery. Sche ys the mother of enuy and malyce, dyssen- syon and debate, and many other myschefys ensnyng the same. Wherfor, wythout necessarys no cuwtrey can florysch ; ye, and yf ther be no lake of necessarys for the sustena?2ce of the pepul, but grete abundance of ryches and of al thyngys necessary and plesaunt for ma??,nys lyfe, yet yf the same cuwtrey lake the frenschype of other joynyd therto, and be inuyrownyd and com- passyd aboute wyth ennemys and fowys, lying euer in wayte to spoyle, robbe, and destroy the same, I can not see how that cuwtrey can long * florysch in prosperyte. Wherfor the frenschype of other cuwtreys ys no les re- quyryd then ryches and aburcdaunce of other thyngys necessary. And so in thes thyngys joynyd togyddur restyth the second poynt requyryd to the wele of euery commynalty. (19.) The thryd — wych ys chefe and pry?zcypal of al — ys the gud ordur and pollycy by gud lawys stablyschyd and set, and by hedys and, rularys put in effect ; by the wyche the hole body, as by reson, ys gouemyd and 1 In margin of MS. 2 The following is written in the margin, but there is no sign to show where it should be inserted : — as frendys to may[n]teyne the state, or els by ennymys they schortly may be oppressyd. HAVE GOOD LAWS AND OBEDIENCE. 51 rulyd, to the intent that thys miiltytude of pepul and hole commynalty, so helthy and so welthy, hauyng cort- uenyent aburcdaunce of al thyngys necessary for the mayntenarace therof, may wyth dew honowr, reuerewce, 850 and lone, relygyously worschype God, as fountayn of al gudnes, Maker and Gouernower of al thys world ; euery Every one must one also dowyng hys dnty to other wyth brotherly loue, "ve and doni" y one louyng one a nother as membrys and partys of one uty; body. And that thys ys of the other poyntys most chefe 855 and pryrccypal hyt ys euydent and playne ; for what avaylyth hyt in any cuwtrey to haue a multytude neuer because muiti- so helthy, beutyful, and strong, wych wyl folow no and abundance cyuyle nor polytyke ordur, but euery one, lyke wyld "J^o^aii bestys drawen by folysch fantasy, ys lade by the same, jf^ 8 ^ 01 ,*. ^ ,u wythout reson and rule ? Or what avaylyth in any cuntrey to haue neuer so grete ryches cmcZ *abuwdaunce [* Page 88.] of al thyngys both necessary and plesant to mawnys lyfe, 863 where as the pepul, rude, wythout polyty, caw not vse that same to theyr owne commodyte 1 "Wythout fayle, nothyng. But euen lyke as euery maw, hauyng helth, abumdaunce of ryches, frendys, dygnyte, and authoryte, wych lakyth reson and vertue to gouerne the same, euer and these good . , . _ i , , things will be abusyth them to hys owne destructyon ; so euery cuwtrey, abused to the . •,, j-iij-iT i it destruction of the cyty, and towne, though they be neuer so replenyschyd commonwealth, wyth pepul, hauyng al abundaunce of thyngys necessary 871 and plesaunt to the mayntenarcce of the same, yet yf they lake gud ordur and pollytyke rule, they schal abuse al such commodytes to theyr owne destructyon and ruyne, and neuer schal attayne to any commyn wele ; wych, wythout cyuyle ordur and polytyke rule, cara 876 neuer be brought to purpos nor effecte. 20. IiVpset — Sir, I pray you here, before you pro- l. asks what cede any ferther in your communycatyon, — bycause hyt «ci°vii order" ys, as me semyth, much to our purpos, and much you mean " speke therof, — declare somewhat at large what thyng 881 hyt ys that you so oft name and cal now " pollycy," 52 THE ORIGIN OF CIVIL LIFE AND 883 now " cyuyle ordur," and now " polytyke rule ; " to the intent that I may the bettur vnderstond the rest of your coramunycatyon. p. promises -to 21. PoZe. — Master Jsvpset, you admonysch me now these pSsTt ryght welj for bothe here ys place now that thyng °"T* p "e 89 1 * *° ^ ow > an ^ ^ P rom y s yd hy t a lytyl befor. "Wherfor 889 I "wyl g° about in some parte to satysfye your mynd There was a time and desyre. A tyme ther was, Master Lvpsetf, as we when men had . no cities, iynd m storys many and dyuerse, when maw, wythout no religion, cyty or towne, law or relygyon, wan[d]eryd abrode in Poiytyke lyfe.i the wyld feldys and wodys, now other wyse then you see but lived in now brute bestys to dow. At the wych tyme he was lad forests as beasts do now ; till and drawen wythout reson and rule by irayle fantasy some, considering -, . , , „ ™ , -. 1 . , T his dignity, and lwordynate l anectys, and so long corctynuyd, and hfwasTorrto msm J J ei 7 s > tvl at the last certayn mew of gret wytt ??™ e * ing and pollycy, wyth perfayte eloquence and hye phylo[so]- phy, — cowsyderyng the excellent nature and dygnyte of 900 maw, and perceyuyng ryght wel that he was borne and of nature brought forth to hyar perfectyon then he ap- persuaded him plyd hymselfe vnto, — began to persuade the rest of the rude life and pepul to forsake that rudnes and vncomly lyfe, and so to folow some ordur and cyuylyte. And fyrst of al to 905 byld them certayn cytes and townys, wherto they myght assembul to theyr coramyn ayde, succur, and cowmodyte, avoydywg the daunger and peryl of the wyld bestys, by whome they were oft before deuouryd and destroyd. Then came Then, aftur, they deuysyd certayn ordyna?zce and lawys, ordinances and i -i .i i j. i_ i j. • ^ -i i j< i laws, but wherby they myght be somewhat mducyd to folow a 911 lyfe cowuenyent to theyr nature and dygnyte. Thes lawys and ordynawce, at the fy[r]st begynnyng also, [* Page 90.] were vnperfayt and * somewhat rude, accordyng to the rude and imper- feet, like the tyme and nature of the pepul ; for hyt was not possybul selves! em " sodeynly, by exacte law and pollycy, to bryng such a 1 In margin of MS. 2 Although this word is not marked out, the word " vn- rulyd " is written above it. OF FORMS OF GOVERNMENT. 53 rude multytude to perfayt cyuylyte, but euer as the pe- 916 pul, by processe of tyme, in vertue incresyd, so par- These things were a work of time, tycular lawys by polytyke mew were deuysyd. And thus in long tyme, by perfayt eloquence and hye phylosophy but by eloquence me» were brought, by lytyl and lytyl, from the rude men were brought lyfe in feldys and wodys, to thys cyuylyte, wych you now Stle'to canity. se stablyschyd and set in al welrulyd cytes and townys. 922 Where as you see some gouernyd and rulyd by a kyng There were various kinds of or prynce, some by a co?nniyn consayl of certayn wyse government, men, and some by the hole body and multytude of pepul; gome by a council, and thus hyt was determyd, jugyd, and appoyntyd by whoiTbodyf * * wysdome and pollycy, that ever, accordyng to the nature g m *g^ a aS of the pepul, so, by one of thes polytyke manerys, they P articular people. ; schold be gouernyd, ordryd, and rulyd. For some pepul 929 ther be to whome the rule of a prynce more agreth then a comniyn counseyl, as such as haue byn long vsyd ther- to, and be not gretly desyrouse of hye authoryte, but in pryuate lyfe are content to lyue quyetly. To other, con- trary, ys mor conuenyence [in] the rule of a coramyn coun- 934 seyl, wych can in no case suffur the rule of one, for as much as euery one of them by theyr custume and na- ture, are desyrouse of frank lyberty and hye authoryte ; and so to them * ys bettur the rule of many. How be [* Page n.] hyt, thys euer ys certayn and sure, among al sortys and nature of pepul, whether the state of the commynalty be No matter what the form of gouernyd by a prynce, by certayn wyse men, or by the government may hole multytude, so long as they wych haue authoryte the p°eopisperyte ; of the wych ther ys grettur want in the state of Chrystys church then hath byn befor hyt in other kynd of pollycy, ye, and ys now in other statys of poly- 60 HEALTH NEEDFUL TO PERFECTION. 1166 tyke pepul. "VVherfor, by thys mean hyt apperyth many-' He thinks much festely that the coramyn wele and the floryschyng of hangs upon fortune. the same hangyth much of fortune, as touchyng the wordly prosperyte, wherof sche hath grete domynyon, and hath byn euer notyd to be as lady and mastres. 1171 23. Hole. — Wei, Master Lvpse£, as to thys, I schal schortly schow you my sentence and mynd. Fyrst, thys p. says though ys certayn, though the state of Chrystuwdome be not the state of [* Page ioo.] [the] most perfayt *and most floryschyng that myght be not nourishing (for as much as hyt lakkyth, as you say truly, much i'mpe'rfect; wordly prosperyte) yet hyt ys of al other that euer hath whicifhaTever ^y n J 6 ^ stably schyd among mew, or euer, I thynk, been established, schalbe, most perfayt and sure, and most cowuenyent to and tends towards . the attainment the nature of man • forasmuch as the rule and ordur of everlasting life. therof tendyth to euerlastyng lyfe and felycyte, and forby cause the plesurys of thys lyfe and wordly pros- 1182 peryte so blyndyd maw before Chryst commywly, that be nothyng regardyd the lyfe to come. Therfor, to pluke thys blyndnes out of inawnys mynd, the Author and Stablyschar of our Chrystyn pollycy, tought vs, by contempt of thys vayn prosperyte, to take the 1187 streyght way to euerlastyng felycyte. For, seyng hyt was so, that mare coud not as a passenger only vse to the ryght purpos thys prosperyte, but drownyd ther- it was necessary wyth. lokyd no ferther then thys pollycy, necessary to bring man to despise hyt was to bryng maw to the contempt of the same, and heavenly To tbys the Heuewly Wysdome, and no wordly pol- not worldly ty c y> hathe brought the state of Chrystuwdonie ; tbe prosperity, "vy-ycli passvth al other now other wyse then doth that has done this. j r j j maw wych, garnyschyd wyth al vertue, in pouerty and 1196 syknes and al wordly aduersyte, for passyth hym that, by belth, honowur, and ryches, ys drownyd in wordly prosperyte. And yet I wyl not say hyt ys [the] wealth and most perfayt state that may be. For euen lyke as the virtue without health are not the welth oi euery party cular man, sonderly by hymselie, Btate, Per yf he lake helth or necessarys, though he be most ver- WHAT PART DOES FORTUNE PLAY? 61 tuse, ys not most perfayt, as you haue hard "before ; *so [*Page 101.] and a country the state of any curetrey, cyty, or towne, ys not [the] most is not perfect perfayt that may he, yf ther be lake of wordly prosperyte ; worldly wych, as we haue at large before declaryd, yf hyt be wel vsyd, excludyth no curetrey from most perfayt pol- 1206 lycy, ordur, and rule, hut rather much settyth forward the same. And as touchyng that you sayd, that the com- He owns that he thinks much myn wele schold hy thys mean hang much of fortune, depends on ■iti-ii i i pi p fortune, thys, I thynke, he truth, spekyng of the most periayt state wych may be, to the wych of necessyte ys requyryd 1211 thys wordly prosperyte. To thys agre bothe Arystotyl and, Theophraste, they grete arecZ auncyent phylosopharys, wych, though the[y] were of the Stoyke secte, therfore reprouyd. Yet, me semyth, theyr opynyon, yf hyt be wel porederyd, agreth wel to nature and to marenys reson. 1216 For truly thys ys sure, that fortune, or els what other name soeuer you wyl gyue to the hlynd and vncertayne causys wych he not in marenys powar ; that same, I say, which has great ,. , Ti-i -it power in all hath grete domynyon and rule m al vtward thyngys outward and and wordly, hoth in the pryuate and publyke state of euery mare. For who ys he that doth not dayly in ex- 1222 peryence se howryches and helth,authorytecm o j j j j j f rom shining. beamys yet they cast hym not out of hys perfectyon ; but euer, lyke as the cloudys let the schynyng and 1289 spredyng of the sone beamys downe to the erth, to the comfort of al lyuely creaturys, so dothe fortune oft tymys let vertue, and trowbul mawnys felycyte, stoppyng hyt from exercyse and vse, to the coramyn profyt of other and commodyte. But so long as hyt happuraiyth not 1294 by ma?znys neclygewce, but by vtward occasyon, ther ys in hym no faut nor blame. Wherfor, though maw be Though man be here oppressyd wyth iniurys of fortune and al wordly adversity, adue?-syte, yet, yf hys mynd be stablyd and set wyth beVtehiTshed" 3 vertuse purpos and honest intent, God (wych lokytb with virtue and only and knowyth the hart) schal therfor heraftur in a £ od Y 1 ! 1 P ve nother lyfe gyue hym euerlastyng felycyte and joy ; by hereafter. the hope wherof he ys also, in thys lyfe present, so com- fortyd and fede, that he caw by no manerfal into wrech- 1303 ednes and mysery. How be hyt, the most hye felycyte, after myw opynyon, he hath not, except therto be joynyd wordly prosperyte. 26. "Lvpset. — Syr, yet thys, me semyth, ys some- l. says this what straunge, cowsyderyng your symylytude and al that t^Mm! 1 ™ 86 MS. le. 64 ALL MEN MAY GET TO HEAVEN 1 . you spake of befor; for yf they iniurys of fortune to [* Page io5.] vertue and : *felycyte be but as cloudys to the sone, how How can fortune schold they let maw fro?re hys hyest perfectyon ? Me keep man from felicity ? semy th no more then the cloudys let the sone from hys 1313 perfectyon, wych I thynke noma?i wyl say. Troth hyt ys, that they, peraue?itur, somtyme let the perfectyon of thyngys beneth, but of the sone no thyng at al. 27. Vole. — Master Lupse£, I schal tel you, yf the 1317 perfectyon of the sone and exercyse therof were let by cloudys, as vertue ys, and the operatyon therof, by in- iurys of fortune, I wold then agre to you in thys mater. p. answers, the £ u £ j n that thyng they be not al lyke ; for the sone sun com- J ° •> ° ' municates his comniunyth hys perfectyon at al tymys to thes inferyor perfection at all times, thyngys accordyng to theyr nature and capacyte, as wel hut virtue • cloudys as in serenyte. But vertue, vndowtydly, let cannot. J » J •> ' by fortune and wordly aduersyte, can not commune hyr 1325 actys and dedys to the profyt of other. Wherfor in thys mater ther ys no more to be dowtyd ; but sure hyt ys, that fortunys fauur somewhat aydyth and settyth forward the hyest poynt of felycyte; and so, in lyke wyse, the commyn wele of euery curetrey, cy ty, or tcwne, wych, 1330 wythout ryches and other wordly prosperyte, care neuer florysch in the hyest degre. with the°Jon- ed 28, T^Vset—Wel, Master Pole, thys yet comfortyth fession that ail me meruelouse much, that you say and playnly corefesse, may get to heaven. that both euery mare partycular and also the hole co?re- mynalty, though hyt be here oppressyd wyth al wordly 1336 aduersyte, yet they may attayn to the hy[e]st felycyte [* page 106.] in the lyfe *to come. of which Pole 29. PoZe. — Of that ther ys no dowte, and, per- says there is no doubt, perhaps auenture, the rather bycause hyt ys so hard and so ful because it is so hard and of peryl and daunger to vse thys wordly prosperyte ; for dangerous to use • , i -r i j , „ . „ this worldly m thys 1 haue coretrary opynyon to the commyn sorte of wwXhe^iffers mere > w y cn J u g e fry* more hard vpryghtly to here aduer- from common gyte then weJ to yse prasreryte- ;g ut j thynke they 1 MS. and and SELFISHNESS DESTROYS A STATE. 65 co?isydur not they manyfold occasyonys of ruyne, and 1344 fallyng horn the trade of vertue, Avych they haue dayly and hourly before theyr yes, wych. be inhaunsyd in wordly p?'osperyte ; they loke only to the payn and trow- bul, wherwyth they be oppressyd wythal, wych be in 1348 aduersyte ; and such thyngys, bycause they are but few in nombur, may other, as they juge, much more esely be borne, or more sone avoydyd. But how so euer hyt be, we wyl not now dyspute, but turne to our purpos, takyng thys as sure, bycause we seke the most perfayt 1353 state in any cuntrey and true co?nmyn wele. "We may w e must regard not only haue regard of the lyfe to come, but also of future nfe, 6 thys here present, procuryng eumnore such thyngys J^S? present as perteyne to the mayntenance therof, "with al gud cyuylyte, to the intent that we here, wel vsyng thys using our prosperity ae- wordly prosperyte, may, at the last, attayne to suche cording to the end and perfectyon as, by the prouydence of God, ys of man. ° ordeynyd to the excellent nature and dygnyte of maw. And so now, to make schort, Master Lvpse£, you haue 1362 hard what ys the veray and true co???myn wele in any cuwtrey, cyty, or towne, and what ys the most pcr- fay t state therof ; the wych, as I sayd at * the begyn- [* Page 107.3 nyng, yf al me?z knew and powdery d ryght wel, they wold not so much regard the[r] pryuat wele as the[y] 1367 dow ; they wold not so study theyr owne destructyon. For thys ys sure (as now you playnly see and clerly perceyue) that ouermuch regard of pryuate wele, Over-much plesure and profyt, ys the manyfest destructyon of al private pleasure ,,..,. ,, -,, and private good gud, publyke, and mste commyn pollycy. lor euen i 8 the destruction lyke as maryners, when they be intent and gjaen to go^and 110 theyr vayn pastyme and syngular plesure, hauyng no ie ^ 0J I ^ regard to the course of theyr schype, oft-tymys be, other by soddayn tempest ouerwhelmyd and drownyd 1376 in the see, or by neclygence rim apon some roke, to the hole destructyon bothe of themselfe and of al other caryd in theyr schyp ; so in a cuwtrey, cyte, or towne, STARKEY. 5 66 THE PUBLIC GOOD SHOULD BE 1380 when euery man regardyth only hys owne profyte, welth, and plesure, wythout respecte of the profyt of the hole, they schortly fal in dekey, ruyne, and destructyon ; and so at the last, perceyuywg theyr owne foly, then, when 1 384 hyt ys to late, they begyn to lame?zt. Wherfor, vndowt- Men commonly ydly, thys ys a certayn and sure truthe, that men corn- are so blinded by their own mywly are so blyndyd wyth syngular profyt and vayn pleasures and , . . profits, plesure, that tney neuer consydur thys commyn wele ; that they never , -, •. , , , p n consider the thoughe tney speke ol hyt neuer so much, they neuer They C never" cowceyue how theyr owne destructyon ys secretly couplyd thdr"wnde h . at to ^J* owne act y s and ded J s > for J f &*Y ^ surely [* Page log.] they *wold not suffur themselfe so to erre, and so to struction must follow their own rwi [to] theyr owne ruyne. For thys ys a sure ground, deeds. No man willingly that no man wyttyng and wyllyng wyl hurt hymselfe, nor desyre hys owne destructyon. But euer, by the Man is blind and colowr of gud and schadow of truth, man ys blyndyd, be good, dysceyuyd, and into ignoraunce lad, and so by corrupt goo i , jugemewt, extymyth yl to be gud and gud to be yl; which is the wych ys, as you haue hard before at large, the fountayn foundation of all error and vice. and spryng of al errour and vyce, and ol al mysordur 1400 in mararys lyfe, bothe pryuat and publyke; thewyche thyng, when hyt ouemmnyth hole natyonys and pepul, vtturly destroyth al cyuyle lyfe and polytyke rule. For There can be no ther can rayne no gud poltycy wher the jugemeftt of the people are pepul ys corrupt by false opynyon ; wherby they juge false opinion. that euery ma?z doth wel when he only regardyth hys 1 406 owne plesure and profyt, wythout any respecte had of any other. But (as I haue sayd, and oft dow reherse) yf me?i knew that when they loke to the co??^myn profyt, that they tberwyth also regard theyr owne syngular and pryuate, surely they wold not so neclygently loke 1411 thervnto, as hyt ys coramynly seen they now dow. But The public good euen as the commyn wele ys in euery ma?mys mouth, should be not only in every so also hyt schold be fyxyd in theyr hartys ; hyt schold [* rage io9.] be the end *of al theyr cogytatyonys, co??seylys, and mii'I'SeTrt I" 7 cai T s - F° r euen as S ud niarynerys, when they, by theyr it should be the THE END OF ALL MENS THOUGHTS. C7 craft and dylygence, bryng theyr schype sane out of end of ail their tempestys into the sure port and hauen, dow not only ail their cares, saue other beyng in theyr schype but themselfe also, so wh o ^"his cytyzyns 1 in any curetrey, cyte,or towne, when they, by $J£^£, prudent pollycy, maynteyn cyuyle ordur and gud rule, h ' s ° wn u ^ aild euer settyng forward the veray and true commyn wele, °<*ers: J J J so in the State, dow not only saue other wych be vnder the same gouern- if a man saves others he saves aunce and state, but also themselfe. For, as you see himself likewise. and haue hard by many exa??^pullys, in dyuerse cu?^treys, cytes, and townys, when, by sedycyon and neclygence 1425 of rularys, the cyuyle ordur and polytyke rule of the hole body ys onys broken and turnyd vp so downe ther- wyth by and by, peryschyth the pryuate wele of eue?y ma?z ; no one ca?j long enyoy plesure or quyetnes, where the hole ys dysturbyd and put out of ordur. Therfor 1430 thys ys as euydent as the schynyng of the sone, that in the regard euer of the true and commyn wele ys co?z- teynyd also the regard of the pryuate. "Wherfor now, Pole has thus de- clared what is Master Lvpset, seyng that we haue somewhat * declaryd [* page no.] -..., , the true common- what ys the veray true commyn wele, wherm hyt stond- wea j. t h, in what yth, and when hyt most floryschyth, let vs go forth to therein it the rest of our communycatyon, purposyd at the begyn- flounshes - nyng, as you thynke best. 1438 30. liVpset. — Yes, Sir, 'I thynke hyt now veray l. is quite satisfied, and gud ; lor you haue m the iyrst satyslyd me ryght wel. thinks if men And I dowte no thyng but yf mere wold wel, al that you what has been i_ -i j 7-ij.i tit. said, there would haue sayd, co??syaur and poredur, ther wold be more be more regard regard of the commyn wele here in our cu^trey then ^ea^it^" 10 "" ther ys in dede. For me semyth playnly wyth vs eue?y there 1S - ma?z, vnder the prete??.s[e and] colour of the commyn He wishes our country were wele, regardyth the syngular, by the reson wherof our brought to as curetrey lyth rude, no thyng brough[t] to such cyuylyte it might be by as hyt myght be by gud pollycy. Wherfor I fere me g0 ° p ° cy- sore, lest hyt be almost impossybul to stabul and set such a commyn wele among vs here in Englond as you 1450 1 Not crossed out ; but the word "nilarys" written above. '68 COMMON FAULTS TO BE EXAMINED. 1451 P. cannot see why there should be so much amiss, 1456 [* Page 111.] 1462 and proposes now to " spy out" the common faults, that some means may be found to restore the country, and reform it accord- ing to examples named before. 1470 In this Lupset will help all he can. They adjourn till to-morrow. 1479 haue before descrybyd ; al thyngys be here so fer out of ordur, so fer out of forme. 31. Pole. — Wei, Master Lvpset, 1 by lykelyhode you se much amys that you be in so grete desperatyon before we begyn. How be hyt, I se no cause wy you schold so be ; for nother the place here of our cuwtrey nor pepul themselfe be so rude of nature but they may be brough[t] * wel to al gud cyuylyte. Troth hyt ys that you say, as yet they are fer from that ordur and such state as we haue descrybyd ; for many and grete fautys ther be reynyng among vs here in our cimtrey and co?wmynalty, wych now remayne in the second place to be sought and tryed out. Wherin now, also, Master Lvpsef, you must put to your dylygence, that we may togyddur bettur spye out the commyn fautys and mysordurys therm; that so at the last we may, perauewture, fynd some mean to restore our curctrey to hyr commyn wele agayne, and, as nere as may be, reformyng hyt to the exampul that Ave haue prescrybyd before, wych schalbe to vs euer as a rule to examyn the rest of our communycatyon by. 32. "Lvpset — Sir, to thys gud purpos that you now haue cottceyuyd, I schal helpe and set forward the best that I can. But, I pray you now, bycause hyt ys late, and thys mate?- ys large, let vs dyffer hyt tyl to-morow, and the mean tyme we may deuyse wyth ourselfys some thyng therof. 33. PoZe. — Master Jjvpset, you say ryght wel, and so let hyt be. MS. 7 e, IT IS EASY TO SEE WHAT IS AMISS. 69 [CHAPTER III.] 1. \Pole.~\ JSow, aftur that we haue somewhat P. says after de- fining a cotnrhUi- declaryd what ys a veray commyn wele in euery cun- wealth suitable . . , to the nature of trey corauenyent to the nature ot man, lyuyng in cyuyle man inacivii lyfe and polytyke ordur, hyt schalbe expedyent for vs JS^J S^k (lokyng therto euer as to our marke to schote at, and U pon°hefauits to the end of al co?*seyllys and p«rlyameretys in any wh ' ch hmder „ J J r j j •} such a common- coramynalty assemblyd togyddur here in *thys our c * ^ age i 12 ' ] J J J &J J wealth, and owne cufttrey) to seke out wyth dylygercce, and by reson brin s jt in tlJe J ' J J Jo > J end to ruin and to try, such fautys and mysordurys as appere to let the decay. settyng forthe of thys commyn wele, and be occasyonys 10 that hyt can not prosper and florysch, but rather fal into ruyne and dekey. For lyke as to physycyonys it avails phy- sicians little to lytyl hyt avaylyth to know the body, coraplexyon know the perfect state of the body therof, and most periayt state, except they also can if they cannot dyscerne and juge al kynd of syknes and dysseassys J s " c ifnesses and wych commynly destroy the same; so to vs now thys SourSsider- vnyuersal and scolastycal 1 cowsyderatyon of a veray u^ieeTceTwe and true co?«myn wele lytyl schal profyte and lytyl dil ' g t t ntl 7 S T TC ^ the com wealth. schal avayle, except we also truly serch out al commyn the c 0111 " 10 "- fautys' and general mysordurys, wych, as sykenes and dyseasys, be manyfest impedymentys, and vtturly 21 repugne to the mayntenarace of the same. Let vs ther- for now, M.aster Lvpsetf, to thys purpos now, in the second place, wyth al dylygercce ernystely apply our myndys. 25 2. livpset — Sir, you say wel, for dylyge/ice in al l. thinks there is little diligence thyng doth much gud. How be hyt, in thys mater me required, as it is semyth hyt ys not so gretely to be requyryd ; for, as twofeuits than hyt ys commynly sayd, much easyar hyt ys to spy ij jSgnSta. fautys then amend one. Specyally to them wych haue tlo^aewm- hard the descryptyon of a commyn weie, aftur the monweaith as we Jr J " have had. 1 " phylosophycal " is written over this word. 70 SYMPTOMS OF NATIONAL DECAY. 32 maner before schowyd, hyt ys not hard to see the mys- ordurys here in our cimtrey, nor to spye the grete dekey of such a cow.myn wele wych you haue so manyfestely descryhyd ; — hyt ys so open to euery marcnys ye. For The decay of the who can he so blynd or ohstynate to deny the grete dekey, country is evident [* Page ii3j fautys, and mysordurys, he[re] of our commyn *wele; other when he lokyth apon our cytes, castellys, and mined towns, townys, of late days ruynate and fallen downe, wyth and poor inhabitants ; such pore i?zhaby taras dwellyng therin ; or when he and untiiied, lokyth apon the ground, so rude and so wast, wych, by which have been , , „ i i .i -i -l j? < i j fruitful, and dyiyge?£ce oi pepul, hatn byn betore tyme occupyd and ™again ; ma ° tyllyd, and l myght he yet agayn brought to some bettur p?*ofyt and vse ; or yet, aboue al, when he lokyth the m manners vnto the manerys of our pepul and ordur of lyuyng, of the people and their living, wych ys as ferre dystarct from gud and pe?*fayt cyuylyte, civinty as vice is as gud fro?n. yl, and vyce from vertue and al honesty ? ail are as clear Thys ys as clere as the lyght of the day; and, as me asday " semyth, nedyth, theifor, of no long processe for the declarywg therof, nor yet much dylygercce to the in- 51 serchyng of the same, p. doesn't think 3. PoZe. — Wei, M.aster Ijvpset, thys mater ys not it quite so clear, -i >, i i i , ,i . and cannot agree al on t so clere as you make hyt, nor requyrytn not so that it requires ij_iji j. i i j. tti so little diligence, tyfl dylygewce as you seme to make hyt. For we may, perauentur, other a the one syde, to stretly juge or without it we naroly examyn the hole mater, laying ther faut wher might call that a fault which is as no/* ys ; callyng that mysordur and yl gouernarace, wych ys indede gud and pe?'fayt pollycy ; or els, of the 59 other syde (blyndyd wyth affectyon, as commynly men be, with the manerys of theyr cuwtrey) contrary, cal that playn gud and gentyl cyuylyte wych in dede ys He urges caution rudenes and rustycyte. Wherfor, of thys we must lest we be deceived. chefely beware, and dylyge/itly take hede, lest therby 64 we dysceyue not 2 our selfe. 3 1 This word has been crossed out in the MS. 2 This word is not marked through in MS. 3 This sentence stood originally as follows : — "of thys we must beware, and dysceyue not our selfe." THREE GENERAL FAULTS. 71 4. Lvpsef.— Sfr, as for thys mater, I trust we schal 65 ryght wel avoyd ; for I promys you that, for my parte, I l. promises not •,,,,. , . . to be unjust, wyl be loth, in our cowmunycatyon, to be so miust to our * owne cu?ztrey, to admy t any such thyngys for p page iuj fautys and mysordurys wych in dede be non at al. For the escheuyng of thys I wylbe dylygent, and suffur and win give an .a fair examina- lew thyngys to passe vnexamynyd wherever schal tion. appere any dowte "vnto me. 72 5. PoZe. — I pray you so to dow, and to put me also p. desires Lupset to note such m reme??ibra?zce of such fautys as you haue notyd your faults as may selfe, and by long tyme obseruyd here iw our cu?ztrey, wych you schal perauerature see me ouerrurc and, by neclygence, let pas. 6. LvpseZ. — Str, in thys behalf e, I assure you, I 78 wylbe as dylygent as y caw. 7. PoZe. — Wel, then, let vs now go forward in the and then goes on to say he will not mater; wherin, fyrst, you schal vnderstond that I wyl speak of par- , ticular faults, not speke of euery partycular faute and mysordur in because that , „ , . . „ . , , would be endless ; euery marcnys lyie here in our cuntrey, — for that were a mater infynyte, and nothyng mete for our purpos 84 intercdyd ; but I wyl speke only of the general fautys he will only speak of general and mysordurys and vnyue?'sal dekeys of thys commyn faults, and (i) of , , , such as he finds wele, wych by commyn counseyle and gud pollycy in the body may be redressyd, reformyd, and brought to gud suWasare cyuylyte. And, fyrst (this processe vsyng) I wyl J^jjg. for the speke of such as I schal fynd in the polytyke body of j^rTbodyl thys our commynalty and reame ; secowd, I wyl seke ®) U'" su " h . a ® he •> J J > i J s hall find in the out and inserch such as schal appere to me in thyngys "politic order." necessary and commodyouse for the mayntenarcce of the 93 same body; thyrdly, I schal touch such fautys and mysordurys as I schal fynd *in the polytyke ordur, [* Page 115.3 rule, and gouernance of thys body, growen in by abuse methodus futu- and lake of gud pollycy. Thys schalbe the ordur and processe of our communycatyon thys day to be had. 8. Lvpse/. — Sfr, thys lykyth me wel; and aftur 99 1 In margin of MS. 72 THERE IS A LACK OF PEOPLE, AS MAY 100 thys maner now prescrybyd, I pray you go forward. 9. "Bole. — I am wel content, and, fyrst, thys ys p. notes a weak- certayn ; that, in thys poly tyke hody, ther ys a certayn ness in the body politic, arising sklendurnes, debylyte, ana wekenes therof, wherby hyt people. ° ° y s ^ to prosper and florysch in hys most perfayt state ; tabes in corpore.i the wych I cal and note to be groundyd in the lake just as a man's of pepul and skarsenes of men. For lyke as mawnys thrive when it body then doth not florysch, then doth not increse, faiis e away ; U when hyt ys sklendur, febul, and weke, but by lake of so every country, flesch fallyth in to sykenes and debylyte; so eue?y city, and town, does not prosper cuwtrey, cyte, or towne, then doth not florysch, then men, it fails: as doth not prosper, when ther ys lake of pepul and much experience skasenes of men ; by the reson wherof hyt fallyth in m ate ays. ^ ru y n an ^ ^q\q,j, slyppyng from al gud cyuylyte ; 114 the experyewce wherof we see in late days now in our curatrey, the wych chefely I attrybute to the lake of inhabytans. And to thys, as me semyth, by many argumentys we may be inducyd ; as, fyrst, yf you loke cities and towns to the cy tes and townys throughout thys reame, you wenTmuch better schal fynd that in tyme past they haue byn much they now ar«T bettur inhabytyd, and much more replenyschyd wyth 121 pepul then they be now; for many housys ther you schal se playn ruynat and dekeyd, and many yet stond- yng wythout any tenawtys and inhabyta?itys of the same. Wherby playnly ys perceyuy d, after myn opyny on, 125 the grete lake of pepul and skarsenes of men. And, [*Pa g e ii6.] ferther, *yf you loke to the vyllagys of the cuwtrey now are utterly throughout thys lond, of them you schal fynd no smal w'here^hristians nombur vtturly dekeyd ; and ther, wher as befor tyme ^oSS/ hattt °y n nuryschyd much gud and Chrystyan pepul, "••Mb" °t" ly now y° u Scna ^ fy nd no thyng maywteynyd but wyld where churches and brute bestys ; and ther, wher hath byn many were standing to ■, ■jit_j..i.i_i_ i> n j the honour of housys and churchys, to the honowre ol (xod, now you only find Sep- scnal fy nd no th y n S tut schypcotys and stabullys, to cots and stables, ^he ruyne of ma?i; and thys ys not in one place or ij, it cannot be "bu.t generally throughout thys reame. Wherfor hyt ys doubted that 1 In margin of MS. BE SEEN BY THE "WASTE LANDS. 73 not to be dowtyd, but that tliys dekey, both of cytes such decay arises and townys, and also of vyllagys, in the hole cu?itrey, pe0 pie. declaryth playnly a lake of pepul and skarsenes of men. Besyd this, the dekey of craftys in cytes and townys crafts also have (wych we se manyfestely in euery place) schowyth also, and in towns. as me semyth, a plain lake of pepul. Moreouer, the 141 ground wych lyth in thys reame vntyllyd and brought The waste lands ,■.,,,-. show a scarceness to no protyt nor vse of maw, but lyth as barren, or to of people; the-nuryschyng of wyld bestys, me thynkyth coud not ly long aftur such maner yf ther were not lake of pepul and skarsenes of men. For yf hyt were so replenyschyd for if it were fun of people, wyth pepul as other cimtreys be, the wast groundys forests, parks, (as hethys, forestys, pa?*kys and oldys l ) schold not ly not remain so rude and vntyllyd as they be ; but schold be brought to some profyt and vse, accordyng to the 150 nature of the ground, *wych, wythout fayle, by dyly- [* page in.] gence and labur of ma??, myght wel be brought to tyllage and vse. For the ground ys not of hyt selfe, The land is not barren by nature, as many men thynke, by nature so barren, but that, yf as some men hyt were dylygently laburyd, hyt wold bryng forth ' ' frute for the nuryschyng of man ; wych ys by experyence 156 in many placys prouyd, here of late days, where as ground jugyd to be barren and rude, ys by dylygent men brought to tyllage and frute. Therfor that we haue so much wast ground here in our cuntrey, hyt ys it only requires men to till it, not to be attrybute to the nature of the erthe, attur my and then it would mynd, but only to the lake of pepul and skarsenes of abundantly, as men, wych, as wel by the ruyne of cytes and townys, as ex P enence P roves - by dekey of facultes, lernyng, and craftys, may playnly 164 be perceyuyd. "Wherfor I thynke we may surely affyrme thys faute and sykenes playnly to rayne in our The body pontic polytyke body. 10. IiVpset. — Sir, as touchyng thys matter, I pray l. doubts this, you sufTur me to say my mynd therin ; for your argu- mentys dow not suffycyently persuade me. 11. "Pole. — Mary, that was agred at the begynnyng 171 1 This word has " playnys " written over it. 74 IDLENESS THE CAUSE OF DECAY. 172 for the bettur examynatyon of euery thyng; tlierfor say on. and thinks ail 12. "Lvpset. — Sir, me semyth thys ruyne of cytes this ruin and r ' J J J J decay prove and townys, thys dekey of craftys in euery place, thys [*Page us.] rudenes and barrewnes of the ground, arguth no *thyng 177 the skarsenes of pepul, but rather the neclygent idulnes No matter how of the same. For yf a curctrey were neuer so popidos populous a coun- , , i j lv. i n . n try is, if the cmd replenyschyd wyth pepul, yet yl they were euer nmus/decay!' neclygent and idul in the same, neuer inte??dyng to profytabul exercyse, ther schold be no les dekey of 182 artys and craftys, wyth no les ruyne of cytes and townys, then ther ys now here wyth vs, as you say. Wherfor hyt apperyth playnly to me, that thys ys no sure profe nor argument to your purpos ; specyally He thinks we seyng that, contrary, me semyth, we haue here in our people rather curctrey rather to many pepul then to few ; in so much there aTe more that vytel and nuryschmewt suffycyent for them caw Fs e food\oTustain skan t here be found, but for lake therof many perysch them- and dye, or at the lest lyue veray wrechydly. Wher^ 191 for, lyke as we say co?nmywly, a pastur ys ouerlayd wyth catel, when therin be mo then may be co;menyently nuryschyd and fed; so in a cuwtrey, cyty, or towne, ther ys of pepul to grete multytude, when ther ys of 195 vytayl ouerlytyl for the necessary sustenaws and mayn- He cannot see teynyng of the same. And so I ca?i not se wy we fPoma U iackof" S schold lay any grete faute in the lake of pepul here in pcop e. Qur cim trey ; but rather, such fautys as you fynd, attrybute to the neclygewce of the same. 200 13. PoZe. — Wei, Master Lvpserf, you say wel. I per- ceyue by you that you wyl not let the materys pas i*. asks him to vtturly vnexamynyd. How be hyt, yf you compare our cTuntrynow with cuntrey now, other wyth hyt selfe, in such state as hyt in^mL'paslr' hath byn in tyme PaSt ' ° ther elS Wyt ^ ° thel CUwtre y S > wych be by nature no more plewtyful then thys, and 20G yet nurysch much more pepul then doth ourys, I ca» [•rage ii9.] not se but you must *nedys co?rfesse a lake of pepid THE LAND WOULD SUSTAIN MORE PEOPLE. 75 here in our cuntrey. For thys ys no dowte, in tyme past 208 many mo haue byn nuryschyd therin, and the curctrey hath byn more populos, then hyt ys now. And thys ys les dowte, that other cuwtreys in lyke space or les, dothe or with other _ countries, which susteyn much more pepul then dothe thys [ol J ourys ; in less space wych ys esy to be perceyuyd by the multytude of cytes, people tharTours, castellys, and townys, wych be wel inhabytyd and re- H ™en by S their plenyschyd wyth pepul in fer gretur no?»bur then our andtownt.' 68 ' cuntrey ys ; as you may see both in Fra?ice, Flaundres, Almayn, and Italy. Therfor hyt can not be denyd but 217 here ys much lake of pepul and skarsenes of mew. And yet troth thys ys also that you say, that yf Ave had neuer so many pepul here in our curctrey, yf they same lyuyd oueridul and neclyge?it, we schold haue no les dekey of cytes and townys then Ave haue now. But, Master 222 Jjvpset, thoughe hyt be so that Ave haue her in our curc- There are many , . , , " , Tj.i.1- 4. idle P e °P le in the trey much ldul pepul, and, as I thynke, in no cu??trey country— more of the world such a multytude, yet they be not so idul S^SSS that we must of necessyte attrybute both the ruyne of a11 the ruin can " J J J not be attributed cytes and townys, and al the dekey of artys and crafty s, to them. only to the idulnes and neclygence of pepul. Trothe 228 hyt ys, that yf our pepul were al dylygent and wel oc- if they were well cupyd Avyth honest exercyse, our curatrey schold, wythout country would, fayle, stond in bettur case then hyt doth, as we schal at better than it large heraftur in hys place open and declare. And yet thys ys troth also, that nother of idul nor yet of Avel 233 occupyd, Ave haue such a nowbur as ys corcuenyent to the nature of the place. Thys ys certayn and sure, that if the land were ji.i i nil ii tilled it would yl our cuwtrey were *wel occupyd and tyllyd, hyt Avoid [*p a ge 120.J nurysch suffycyently many mo pepul then hyt doth pe0 pie, and noAv. And as touchyng the skarsenes of vytayl Avych ^ y C sh vv S °th f r d you allegyd, that no thyng prouyth ouergrete nombur "eo'^Tot^heir of pepul, but rather the gret neclygens of thes Avych we great numbers - haue ; as I schal playnly schow you heraftur, when we schal serch out the cause and ground of al such penury and skarsenes of vytayl and sustenaras for the pepul here 243 76 TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRY 244 Pole insists upon this lack of people, which he compares to a consumption of man's body, 249 when it is brought to slenderness and there is a lack of power. When a country or city lacks people, it wants power to main- tain a nourishing state, and wears away. Examples of which in other times may be seen in Egypt, Asia, and Greece. 259 f* Page 121.] 265 L. cannot deny but that this country has been more populous than it is now. P. says there is another disease in this body politic, besides lack of people— that is, the number of idle and ill-occupied people. 277 in. our cuntrey lately growen in. Let vs therfor take thys as a certayn and playn truth, that here in our cmi- trey ther ys a lake of pepul, and corefesse thys dysease to he in our polytyke body, wych may wel, as me semyth, he comparyd to a cowsumptyon, or grete sklen- durnes of maraiys hody. For lyke as in a corcsumptyon, when the hody ys brought to a gret sklendurnes, ther ys lake of powar and strenghth to maynteyne the helth of the same ; so in a cuntrey, cyty, or towne, wher ther ys lake of pepul, ther wantyth powar to maynteyne the floryschyng state of the polytyke body, and so hyt fallyth into manyfest dekey, and by lytyl and lytyl wornyth away ; as we may se in al cuwtreys wych haue byn replenyschyd wyth pepul and wel inhabytyd in old tyme ; as Egypt, Asia, and Grece, wych, destroyd by warrys, now, for lake of pepul, be desolate and deserfce, fallen into ruyn and commyn dekey. So that thys lake of pepul, not wythout cause, may wel be callyd *the fyrst frute and ground of the ruyne of al commyn welys ; and, as I haue sayd, can not be denyd here from oury?, yf we loke to the nature of the place, and to the auncyent state here of the same. 14. "Lvjiset. — Sir, indede, as you say, when I loke to the cytes and townys and vyllagys in the cuwtrey, I can not deny but ther hath byn more pepul here in our cuwtrey then ther ys now. Wherfor, wythout ferther cauyllatyon, agreyng apon thys, let vs go forward. 15. PoZe. — "Wel, then, let vs co?*sydur and behold how that, besyde thys lake of pepul, ther ys, also, in thys polytyke body, a nother dysease and syknes more greuus then thys, and that ys thys (schortly to say) : — A grete parte of thes pepul wych we haue here in our cuwtrey, ys other ydul or yl occupyd, and a smal nombur of them exercysyth themselfe in dowyng theyr offyce and duty pe?'teynyng to the mayntenarcce of the commyn wele ; by the reson wherof thys body ys replenyschyd and oner- WHO ARE ILL-OCCUPIED. ; 77 fulfyllycl wyth many yl humorys, wych I cal idul and wxe0up«a.i vnprofytabul personys, of whome you schal fynd a grete 281 no?nbur, yf you wyl a lytyl corcsydur al statys, ordurys, and degres, here in our cuwtrey. Fyrst, loke what an Look at the idle . rout kept by tlie idul route our nobul men kepe and nurysch in theyr nobles, only to housys, wych do no thyng els but cary dyschys to the the table and eat tabul and ete them when they haue downe ; and aftur, spe^dfngthe'rest gyuyng themselfe to huwtyng, haukyng, dysyng, card- JJjJJjj* *■• «" yrcg, and al other idul pastymys and vayne, as though 288 they were borne to no thyng els at al. Loke to our The bishops, canons, priests, byschoppys and p? - elatys of the reame, whether they monks, and folow not the same trade in nuryschyng* such an idul [* page 122.] , j , 1 7ii spending all sort, spendyng theyr possessyonys and godys, wych their possessions, were to them gyue?? to be dystrybut among them wych ",!jb U tmg them were oppressyd wyth. pouerty ana" necessyte. Loke, ferther- amon & lhe P° or - more, to prestys, monkys, frerys, and chanonys, wythal 295 theyr adherentys and idul trayn, and you schal fynd also among them no smal nombur idul and vnprofytabul, wych be nothyng but burdenys to the erthe. In so much that yf you, aftur thys maner, examyn the multytude in euery ordur and degre, you schal fynd, as I thy?ike, 300 the thryd parte of our pepul lyuyng in idulnes, as per- a third part of the people live in sonys to the commyn wele vtturly vnprofytabul ; and to idleness, like al gud cyuylyte, much lyke vnto the drowne bees in a hyue, wych dow no thyng els but co?Jsume and de- uoure al such thyng as the besy and gud be, wyth dyly- 305 gence and labur, gedduryth togeddur. 16. Lvpsetf. — Master Vole, me semyth you examyn l. does not think necessary that thys mater somewhat to schortely, as though you wold. a u men should haue al me?i to labur, to go to the plowgh, and exercyse t he earth is so fi i . TTi i.T_ i-T, bounteous; she some craft, wych ys not necessary, r or our mother the supports b e asts> ground ys so plentuous and bountyful by the gudnes of fi f ies > j"* 1 ^ 18 ' God and of nature gyuen to hyr, that -wyth lytyl labur and tyllage sche wyl suffycyently nurysch ma?2kynd, 313 now otherwyse then sche doth al bestys, fyschys, and 1 In margin of MS. 78 MAN WAS BORN TO LABOUR. 315 foulys, wych are brede and brought vp apon hyr; to [* Page 123.] whome we *se sche mynystryth fode wyth lytyl labur or non, but of byr owne freredly benygnyte. Wherfor if a few men yf a few of our pepul besy themselfe, and labur may live in therin, hyt ys suffycyent; the rest may lyue in try- umphe, at lyberty, and ease, fre ivom al bodyly labour 321 and payn. To this p. 17. Pole. — Thys ys spoken, M.aater Lupse?*, exxen as was not born to though you jugyd ma?i to be borne for to lyue in idulnes andpteST and P lesure > al th J n S referryng and applyng therto. but to labour; j}^ g^ j^ y S no thyng so ; but, contrary, he ys borne to labur and trauayle, aftur the opynyon of the wyse 327 l and auneyent antyquyte, 1 now other wyse then a byrd to fie ; and not to lyue (as Homer sayth some dow) as an vnprofytabul weyght and burden of the erth. For maw to be a governor, ys borne to be as a gouernonr, rular, and dylygent of the earth; tyllar and inhabytant of thys erthe ; as some, by labur some by labour o -t i . , i n , i of body to pro- °* D °dy, to procure thyngys necessary lor the mayn- somVbfwisdom tena?2ce of mannys lyfe ; some, by wysdome and pollycy, and policy to keep ^ k epe fa e res £ f the multytude in gud ordur and the rest in order ; x * ° none are born cyuylyte. So that non be borne to thys idulnes and to idleness and J J J J vanity, but to vanvte, to the wych the most parte of our pepul ys much exercise them- selves in some gyue??. and bent ; but al to exercyse themselfe in some manner suitable to the dignity of fascyon of lyue co?2uenyent to the dygnyte and nature it is not neces- of ma??. Wherfor, though hyt be so, that hyt ys no should be uiiers thyng necessary al to be laburarys and tyllarys of the theV/must be' ground, but some to be prestys and mynysturys of pnests, Goddys Word, some to be gewtylmew to the gouernance governors, and » ° " ° servant^biitaii f ft^ res t ; an d some serua?itys to the *same; yet thys in due proportion. y g cer tayn, that ouergrete nombur of them, wythout dew 345 proportyon to the other partys of the body, ys super- fluous in any co??2mynalty. Hyt ys not to be dowtyd There are too but that here in our cuwtrey of thos sortys be ouer- menfmorethan many, and specyally of them wych we cal seruyng me)!, country" er wych lyue in seruyce to gewtylmere, lordys, and other of 1 — ' " phylosopharys," was originally written here. THE YEOMANRY NOT TRAINED TO WAR. 79 the nobylyte. Yf you loke throughout the world, as I 350 thynke, you schal not fynd in any one cxmtvey, propor- tyonabul to ourys, lyke no??zbur of that sorte. 18. Lvpsef. — Mary, Sir, that ys troth, wherin, me l. looks upon , in- tn ' s ■■ matter semyth, you prayse our cuwtrey veray much ; for m of praise. them stondyth the royalty of the reame. Yf the yeo- we should be in p-p,,, . , „ nl a" shrewd case " marary of England were not, m tyme ot warre we schold wer e it not for he in schrode case; for in them stondyth the chefe ie y eomanr >* defence of Englond. 358 19. "Pole. — 0, Master Trrpset, you take the mate?' p. says he takes ■t-.i j_iiij_ii /-T-iiTT the matter amiss : amys. In them stondyth the beggary oi Englond ; hy them ys nuryschyd the co??zmyn theft therin, as here afturat large I schal declare. How behyt, yf they were if the yeomanry exercysyd in featys of armys, to the defence of the reame d^^theart in tyme of warr, they myght yet he much bettur suffryd. SjSJStertj But you se how lytyl they be exercysyd therin, in so bu ' they . are not > much that, in tyme of warr, hyt ys necessary for our plow- war plowmen and labourers are mera and laburarys of the cuntrey to take wepu?^ in needed to fight, or we should hand, or els we were not lyke long to myoy Englond ; soon lose so lytyl trust ys to be put in theyr * featys and dedys. [»pagei25j Wherfor dowte you no more but of them (lyke as of other that I haue spoke of before, — as of prestys, frerys, 371 munkys, and other callyd relygyouse) we haue oue;- many, wych altogyddur make our polytyke body vnweldy and heuy, and, as hyt were, to be greuyd wyth grosse humorys ; in so much that thys dysease therin may wel 375 be co???paryd to a dropcy in ma?znys body. For lyke as dropcy.' He compares the in a dropcy the body ys vnweldy, vnlusty, and slo, no idle people to a dropsy in the thyng quyke to moue, nother apte nor mete to any body, which maner of exercyse, but, solne wyth yl humorys, lyth wieidy and mil idul and vnprofytabul to al vtward labur ; so ys a co??i- and so1™a coua- mynalty, replenyschyd wyth neclygerct and idul pepul, tf y f «iiofidie vnlusty and vnweldy, nothyng quyke in the exercyse P e °P le - of artys and craftys, wherby hyr welth schold be mayn- in aits and crafts, by which her tenyd and supportyd ; but, solne wyth such yl humorys, wealth is main- tained, but it 1 In margin of MS. 80 WHO ARE THE ILL-OCCUPIED. overruns with vice. This is the mother of many diseases. 389 L. says it can't be denied ; but "o on. 395 P. explains what lie means by the "ill-occupied;" [* Page 126.] they are such as occupy them- selves with the newest fashions ; in procuring ornaments of dress ; tremor partium. 3 407 in providing new and diverse kinds of meats and drinks ; or in making and singing new songs, which tend only to vanity. Merchants who carry out neces- saries and bring in trifles are ill-occupied, as are many others. boyllyth out wyth al vyce, myschefe, and mysery, the wych out of idulnes, as out of a fountayii, yssuth and spryngyth. Thys ys the mother of many other sykenes and greuus dyseasys in our polytyke "body, and the gretyst destructyon of the eommyn wele therin that may he deuysyd. 20. "Lvpset — Wei, Syr, thys ys so manyfest that hyt may not he denyd. Wherfor let vs procede wythout delay to the sekyng of other, aftur your deuyse. [How be hyt, thys dysease semyth to repugne to the 1 other, for one schowyth to few, and the other to many. 2 ] 21. PoZe. — [Kay, not but schortly, on schoweth to few of well occupyd, and the other to many idul. 2 ] Ther ys a nother dysease, Master Lupse£, also, wych ys not much les greuus then thys, wych restyth in them whom *I callyd yl occupyd. I mean not thos wych he occupyd in vyce, for of that sorte chefely he they wych I notyd to he idul before. But al such I cal yl occupyd wych besy themselfe in makyng and procuryng thyngys for the vayne pastyme and plesure of other, as al such dow wych occupye themselfe in the new deuysys of gardyng and jaggyng of mewnys apparayle, wyth al thyng perteynyng therto ; and al such wych make and procure manyfold and dyuerse new kyndys of metys and drynkys, and euer be occupyd in curyouse deuyse of new fangulyd thyngys coftcernyng the vayn plesure only of the body. "Wyth al such as be callyd syngyng me??, curyouse descawterys and deuysarys of new songys, wych tend only to vanyte ; and al such marchantys wych cary out thyngys necessary to the vse of our pepul, and bryng in agayn vayn tryfullys and con- ceytys, only for the folysch pastyme and plesure of man. 1 MS. to the to other. 2-2 The words enclosed in brackets are written at the foot of the page ; but without any reference as to where they should go in the text. 3 In margin of MS. GAY APPAREL AND DELICATE FOOD. 81 Al such, I say, and of thys sort many other, I note as 417 personys yl occupyd, and to the co?remyn wele vnpro- fytahul. 22. Lvpse^. — Sir, in thys rnater also, me semyth, l. thinks Pole t0 ° severe ; you are a juge of to much seueryte ; for you wold haue no thyng suffryd in a commynalty hut that only wych ys necessary ; and so hy thys mean take al plesure from he objects to au . . pleasures and all mare, and al orname?itys lvom euery cowimyn Avele and ornaments being , t-, , lii taken away from cyte. .bor such mere as you now cal yl-occupyd per- man- sonys, as me semyth, are occupyd in the procuring ther- g^to'be m-^ 6 of: that ys to say, of such thyngys as perteynyth to the occupied are ' " >" " " r " " engaged in pro- ornameretys of the comniyn Avele in euery cuntrey. vidin s these 23. Po7e. — blaster Lvpse£, you take me amys ; for p. does not want I-.-.,! , ■• 1 ^ ijt ito confine man to wold not hryng mare to lyue wyth such thyng only bare necessaries, wych ys necessary, *takyng away al plesure and veray [* Page 127.] orname?ztys from the coreimyn wele admyttyd hy gud 432 pollycy, hut in hannyschyng such yl-occupyd personys but he would as I spake of hefor. I Avoid ha?mysch also, and vtturly ui-occapiea ■ , n 1 7 , ■< persons of whom ■cast out, al vayn plesure and vayn orname?rfcys hy cor- he has spo k en , rupt iugemewt commyrely approuyd, hryngyng in theyr ^^suref place veray true plesure of man and they true orna- and ornaments, r J x •> and bring in true ineretys of the veray co??zmyn wele, wherof we spake ? nes > sueh as rest hefore : wych stondyth nother in the gay apparele of tlie bod - v and the virtues of the the cytyzyns, nother yet in delycate metys and diywkys mind. nuryschyng the same, nor in non other thyng : m 441 one word to say, perteynyng to the vayn plesure of the hody. But veray and true plesure restyth only in the helth of the hody and vertues of the mynd ; and they true ornauie»tys of the conirnyn Avele are foundyd True omame»tys " ° " " of a cu?itrey be as in the same, as hereaftur more playnly hyt schal appere. t " c £" < f r '' n ^1" Wherfor, I thynke justely I may cal al such yl-occupyd Those are justly called ill-occupied personys as he procurarys only of the vayn plesure of who provide only mare, wych no thyng perteyny th to the dygnyte of hys pleasures of man, , [, . ! 1 , n i i • and do nothing nature ; 01 the wych sorte, surely, many Ave haue here in for that whicn our curetrey, hy Avhome we may se thys polytyke hody gjj^j 8 1 In margin of MS. nature - STARKEY. 6 82 A WANT OF UNITY BETWEEN MEN. 452 ys also greuusly dyseasyd, and much lyke to ma?mys. They are like a body trowblyd as byt were wyth a palsy. For lyke as man in a palsy, . " . ' ever moving and m a palsy, some partys be euer mouyng and schakyng, te^ngj-mf ° and lyke as they were besy and occupy d therwyth, but always about , o j. i .e * i_i t_ i r*pagei28j *° n0 proiyt nor plesure ot *the body; so in our cora- are unprofitable raynalty, certayn partys tber be wych euer be mouyng Paisy.i and sterryng, and alway occupyd, but euer about such purpos and mater as bryngyth notber profyt nor true 460 plesure to the polytyke body. Wherfor, me semyth, , Master juwpset, hyt can not be denyd but that thys ys a nother greuus dysease. n is true, says 24. Lvpse^. — Troth hyt ys, wythout fayle, for many such ther be here in our curetrey. Let vs, therfor, aftur the course begonne, go forward to other, r. Another dis- 25. Po?e. — Syr, yet ther ys a nother dysease remen- yng behynd, wych gretely trowblyth the state of the 468 hole body, the wych — though I somewhat stond in dowte whether I may wel cal hyt a dysease of the body or no — yet by cause (as physycyonys say) the body and , mynd are so knyt togyddur by nature that al sykenes. and dysease be co??zmyn to them both, I wyl not now 473 stond to reson much herin, but boldly cal hyt a bodyly dysease ; and, breuely to say, thys hyt ys : — they partys is want of of thys body agre not togyddur ; the hed agreth not to agreement. ' the fete, nor fete to the handys ; no one parte agreth The temporality to other ; the te??zporalty grugyth agayn the sparit- the spirituality; ualty, the co??zmyns agayne the nobullys, and subyectys commons against . , n , , nobles ; a g a y n 'they rularys ; one hath enuy at a nother, one subjects against , . ■• n ,-, ■, ,-, n rulers; beryth malyce agayn another, one complaynyth oi a 481 nother. They partys of thys body be not knyt togyddur, there is no as hyt were wyth sp[i]ryt and lyfe, in concord and vnyte, but dysseueryd asoundur, as they were in no case pa?*tys of one body. Thys ys so manyfest hyt nedyth no profe, for sure argumewtys therof are dayly amonge vs, 486 both seen and hard in euery place. Wherfor of thys 1 In margin of MS. unity. CLASSES NOT "WELL BALANCED. 83 dysease we nede not ferther to dowte, wych ys open to 487 euery marmys ye. 26. Lvpse£. — Thys cawnot be denyd ; but what dys- l. says it can't be denied; but ease wyl you lykku/j tbys vnto reynyng in ma?mys what disease is body, gud Master Pole 1 27. "Pole. — Sir, me semytb byt may wel be lykkyn- Pestyiens.i nyd to a pestylence ; for lyke as a pestylens, wbere so a pestilence, answers Pole, euer hyt reynyth, lygbtly, and for the most parte, de- which regards no man. stroyth a * grete nombur of tbe pepul wythout regard of r* Pa g e 129.] any person had, or degre, so doth thys dyscord and 496 debate in a commynalty, where so euer hyt reynyth, schortly destroyth al gud ordur and cyuylyte, and vt- turly takyth away al helth from thys polytyke body and trarcquyllyte. 500 28. ItVpset. — Truly you say wel ; for eue?i so hyt l. owns this has hath byn from the begynnyng, I trow, of the world beginning of the vnto thys day. Thys hathe euer byn a grete destructyon wor ' to euery commyn wele ; thys hath destroyd more then any pestylens, as Lyuius wrytyth. 505 29. Pole. — "Wel, thes, Master Lvpsef, wych I haue p. sayshewiii . . , , . now speak of the now notyd are the most comiuyn dyseasys, touchyng, as diseases which hyt were, the helth of thys polytyke body, wherof to beauty and speke we fyrst purposyd. Other ther be yet cowcernyng body?oimc! he the beuty and strenghth of the same, to the wych now we wyl dyrect our communycatyon. Ther ys a grete There is a want mysordur as touchy??g the beuty of thys same body, . wych fyrst you schal see. The partys of thys body be not 513 proporcyonabul one to a nother : one parte ys to grete, priests are too n jiii l 1 j/i • 1 1 many, and good a nother to lytyl; one parte natn m hyt ouermany clerks too few; pepul, another ouerfew. As, prestys are to many, and yet gud clerkys to few ; monkys, frerys, and chanonys deformyte in the body.' are to many ; and yet gud relygyouse men to few. Prokturys and brokarys of both lawys, wych rather proctors and trowbul mewnys causys then fynysch them justely, many, and good are to many ; and yet gud mynystrys of justyce are to g 1 In margin of MS. 84 THE COUNTRY WEAKER THAN IT WAS. 522 few. M.erchantys, carying out thyngys necessary for our [♦Page 130.] owne pepul, are ouennany ; *and yet they wych schold servants and bryng necessarys are to few. Seniantys in mewnys are too many, housys are to many, craftys me»i and makers of tryfullys and craftsmen , 7 , •■ , « -i j /> i and tmers too are ™ many ; and yet gud artytycerys be to lew • and oc- These things cupyarys and tyllarys of the ground are to few. Aftur produce^ great fays, maner the partys in proportyon not agreyng, but hauyng of some to many, and of some to few, lene much 530 enormyte, and make in thys poly tyke body grete and mo?zstrose deformyte. 30. Lvpset. — Thys ys more euydent then may be denyd. Wherfor, procede, I pray you, ire your cora- 534 muny[catyon]. The body is 31. Pole. — Ther ys also in the strenght of thys times past, and body perceyuyd no smal faute. Hyt ys weke and febul, !"ifagaiis d t efend no thyng so strong as hyt hath byn in tyme past. We enemies. are now & j. faj S tyme nother so abul to defend our 539 selfe from iniurys of ennemys, nother of other by featys of armys to recouer our ryght agayn, as we haue byn here before tyme ; wych thyng schold be manyfestely knowne by sure experyence, yf occasyon of warre schold There never were hyt requyre ; for thys ys certayn and playn. Ther was captains as now, never so few gud captaynys here in our curetrey as ther be now, nor, as I thynke, neuer so smal nombur of them 546 wych be exercysyd in dedys and featys of armys, in whome chefely stondyth the strenghth of euery cu??trey. as anybody may Thys ys clere to al them wych wyl co?zsydur wyth them- s8€ who will compare the selfe indyffere?2tly the state of our reame as hyt ys now, state of the realm 7 /» *-l __l .l-i j/i i i a j. i p i [* Page i3i.] anc *> cooler *nyt wytne tne old state before, when we ttwas/ What were ^ re( ^ an d f ear y^ °f 0llT ennemys and curetreys al about. Wherfor we nede not to dowte but that our 553 cufttrey ys now weke, and no thyng so strong as hyt hath byn in old tyme. Debyiyte.i 32. Lvpset. 2 — Sir, as touchyng thys, when I re- l. says this is membyr the nobul actys of our aunceturys, by whose 1 In margin of MS. 2 MS. Le. EVERY MAN SEEKS HIS OWN PROFIT. 85 powar hath byn subcluyd both Skotland and Fraunce, I 557 caw not but thynke hyt true that you say, and that our polytyke body ys not so strong as hyt hath byn in tyme past, nor as hyt schold be now of necessyte. Wherfor I wyl not be obstynate, but playnly confesse our weke- nes and debylyte. 562 33. "Sole. — Thes are, blaster Lupse^, the most general p. says he wiu now speak of fautys commyn to the hole body wych now came to my particular faults. mynd as necessary to be spoken of for our purpos here at thys tyme. Wherfor now a lytyl we wyl examyn the fautys wych we schal fynde sundry in the p«rtys, Fautys in the partys sundry. 1 as hyt were, sepa?*at from the hole ; as in the hede, handys, and fete, wych I before notyd here toresembyl 569 thes partys in man?zys body. As, to the hede (yf you remerabyr) I resemblyd the offycerys and rularys in euery commynalty, in whose faute to se here in our cun- trey hyt ys no thyng hard ; for thys ys general almost to them al — both pryncys, lordys, byschoppys and pre- ah princes, lords, latys — that euery one of them lokyth chefely to theyr seek their own owne profyte, plesure, and commodyte, and few ther be pleasure, wych regard the welth of the commynalty ; but, vnder 577 the pretense and colure therof, eue?y *one of them [*Pageis2j procuryth the pryuate and the syngular wele. Pryncys Princes and lords and lordys syldon loke to the gud ordur and welth of rents; theyr subiectys ; only they loke to the receyuyng of theyr rentys and reuenuys of theyr landys, wyth grete 582 study of enhaunsyng therof, to the ferther maynteynyng of theyr pompos state ; so that yf theyr subiectys dow if these are paid, theyr duty therin, justely paying theyr rentys at tyme « 8 j n k or swim." appoyntyd, for the rest they care not (as hyt ys com- mywly sayd) " whether they synke or swyme." By- schoppys also, and prelatys of the church, you se how Prelates care only lytyl regard they haue of theyr Soke. So that they the flock, may haue the woll, they lytyl care for the sympul schype, but let them wandur in wyld forestys, in daunger 591 1 In margin of MS. Ob BRIBERY IN COURTS OF JUSTICE. Judges seek of wolfys dayly to be deuouryd. Jugys and inynystrys bribes. of the law, you see now lytyl regard, also, they haue 594 of gud and true admynystratyon of justyce. Lucur and affectyon rulyth al therin ; for (as hyt ys commynly "Matters be and truly also sayd) " materys be endyd as they be ended as they befriended;" frercdyd. Yf they juge be hys frend whose causeys intretyd, the mater lyghtly can not go amys, but euer hyt schalbe fynyschyd accordyng to hys desyre. Thys Thus it may be fautys you may see in offycerys and rularys both smxit- seen that in the Tiead is great uall and temporal ; wherby you may most playnly per- disease, [* Page 133.] ceyue how lytyl they regard theyr *offyce and duty, by 603 the reson wherof in the hede of thys commynalty ther ys reynyng a grete dysease, the wych, as me semyth, Frenecy.' may wel be comparyd to a frency. For lyke as in a and the state is frency matt co?2syderyth not hymselfe, nor can not tel as a man in a J J J J > frenzy. what ys gud, nother for hymselfe, nor yet for other, 608 but euery thyng doth that cumyth to hys fancy, wyth- out any ordur or rule of ryght reson, so dow our offycerys and rularys of our curctrey (wythout regard other of theyr owne true profyt or of the comniyn, — forgettyng al thyng wych perteynyth to theyr offyce and duty) 613 apply them selfe to the fulfyllyng of theyr vayn plesurys and folysch fantasye ; wherfor they be taken, as hyt were, wyth a coramyn frenesye. 34. livpset. — Syr, thys ys wythout fayle true, nor cm not be denyd. it is the same 35. Pole. — Ther ys also, lykewyse, in the fete and hands: in the handys, wych susteyn the body and procure by 620 labur thyngys necessary for the same, as hyt were, a commyn dysease. For bothe the fete and they handys, Plowmen and (to whome I resemblyd plowmen and laburarys of the negligent, ground, wyth craftys mew and artyfycerys, in procuryng of thyngys necessary) are neclygent and slo to the exer- cyse therof wych perteynyth to theyr offyce and duty. 626 Plowme7j dow not dylygently labur and tyl they ground 1 In margin of MS. WASTE LANDS AND IDLE PEOPLE. 87 for the bryngyng forth of hutys * necessary for the fode [*Pagei3*.] and sustena?ice of man ; craftys nie?i also, and al arty- 628 fycerys, schow no les neclygence in the vse of theyr eraftys : by the reson wherof here ys in our cumtrey hence there is dearth and much darth therof and penury. penury. 36. Lvpsef. — Sir, thys you dow, as me semyth, but l. requires proof , __ . , . of this. only say. You nother proue hyt by argume?ite nor reson. 37. Po?e. — Me semyth hyt nede no more to dow so, p. says it is clear; then to schow the lyght of the sone by a ca?^dyl, thys 636 mater ys so open to euery ma?mys ye. For thes many and grete waste groundys here in our eimtrey, the grete look at the waste grounds, and the lake of vytayle and the skarsenes therof, and darth of lack of food, al thyng workyd by ma?mys hande, dow not only schow the grete neclygence of the rest of our pepul, but in the 641 plowme?^ also and artyfycerys dothe arge and declare manyfest lake of dylygence. For thys ys sure — yf our plowme?? here were as dylygent as they be in other if plowmen and urtificcrs were us partys (in Fraunce, Italy, or in Spayne) we schold not diligent as they haue so much wast ground, voyd and vntyllyd, as ther pa rts, there 7 r , o ii.lt_ m- j_ i would be less ys now ; and yf our artyfycerys applyd themselfe to la- waste Iandj an(t bur as dylygewtly as they dow in other cuntreys, we n ; s a s nu ^ctuL . f schold not haue thyngys made by ma?mys hande so skase and so dere as they be now here commyrcly. For 650 thys ys a certayn truth, that the pepul of Englond ys our people are given to idle more gyuew to ldul glotony then any pepul of the world ; gluttony, wych ys, to al them that haue experyence of the man- erys of other, manyfest and playn. Wherfor *we may L* Page 135.1 boldely affyrme thys clysease to reyne both in the handys 655 and fete of thys polytyke body, and justely, as me semyth, compare hyt to agoute. For lyke as inagoute Goute.i the handys and fete ly vnprofytabul to the body, thehands and hauyng no powar to exercyse themselfe in theyr natural J^t' 8 offyce, but be as dede, wythout lyfe and quyknes to procure thyngys necessary for the body ; so, in thys nee- po^tnij 1 In margin of MS. 8S THE POVERTY OF THE REALM. 662 lygence of the plowmen and artyfycerys, thys polytyke- body lytli as dede, wythout lyfe and quyknes, lakkyng al thyng necessary for the fode and natural sustenance of the same. Wherfor we may wel, for thys cause, compare thys dysease reynyng in thes pm*tys vnto the which renders goute in mannys body, wych so occupyth the handys hands and feet -i-i-ii «• useless. and the iete that they he not abul to dow theyr onyce 669 and natural exercyse. (37.) And thus now, Master Jsvpset, you haue hard the most general dyseasys in thys polytyke body, and in the partys of the same, to the wych al other party- cular run vnto, non other wyse then smal brokys to 674 grete ryuerys. "Wherfor, now folowyng our processe, we wyl go seke out the fautys and lake of thyngys necessary, and commodyouse also, for the maynteynyng Pemuia reru)» of the welth of thvs bodv ', wvch thyng to fynd ys no' comw»m'um(?)i J J ' J JO J J [* Page me.] thyng *hard. For I thynke ther ys no man so wythout eyes can see the yes but he seeth playnly the grete pouerty of thys reame, realm." and the grete lake of thyngys necessary and commody- 681 ouse to the maynteynyng of a true co?nmyn wele. l. man-eis how 38. ItVpset. — Sir, in thys behalfe I can not agre considering 8 tii e wyth you, 2 but rather I maruayle that you can say so ; arantrj° fthe ^ or ^ys reame hath byn callyd euer rych, and of al Chrystundome one of the most welth ys. For, as touchyng 686 wole and lede, tyn, yron, syluur and gold, ye, and al thyngys necessary for the lyfe of man, in the habundance wherof stondyth veray true ryches, I thynke our cuntrey may be comparyd wyth any other. Wherfor, me semyth,. you schold not complayne much of the pouerty of our 691 reame. p. replies that 39. Po?e. — Master LupseZ, you speke lyke a man of like a manoftiie the °ld world and not of thys tyme. For thys ys vn- compares'the dowtyd and ce?-taynly true, that our yle hathe byn the present* the most welthy and rych ile of Chrystu^dome, and not 696 many yerys of goo ; but yf you co??sydur hyt wel, and 1 In margin of MS. 2 MS. you in. LACK OF MONEY, CORN, AND CATTLE. 89 examyn the state therof as hyt ys now, co»iparyng hyt 697 wyth the same in auncyent tyme, I suppose you schal fynd grete alteratyon therin. You schal fynd, for grete ryches and lyberalyte in tyme past, now grete wrechyd- nes and pouerty ; and for grete abmidance of thyngys necessary, grete skarsenes and penury. Wych thyng 702 you schal not dowte of at al, yf you wyl fyrst loke to the grete multytude of heggarys here in our cu/ztrey in Look- at the beggars. thys lake and skarsenes *of pepul. For thys ys sure, [*Page!3:.] that in no cu?itrey of Chrysfrimdome, for the nombur of pepul, you schal fynd so many beggarys as be here in 707 Englond, and mo now then haue byn before tyme ; wych arguth playn grete pouerty. Then, ferther, yf you herken to the complaynt of al statys and degres, you schal dowte of thys mater no thyng at al. The plow- au ranks, from the plowman to maw, the artyiycer, the marchant, the ge?itylmaw, — ye, the prelate, com- . , -l -i 7 14. i it. Plain of the lack lordys and pryncys, byscnoppys and prelatys, — al wyth f money. one voyce cry they lake money, and that they be no 714 thyng so Avelthy and rych as they haue byn in ,tyme past. Thys ys the co??sent of al statys, no?? except, al in thys agre ; and hyt ys no thyng lyke that al schold complayn without a cause. "VVherfor, me semyth, hyt cannot be dowtyd but that ther ys here among vs grete 719 pouerty. And as for the lake of thyngys necessary, who can deny, when he lokyth to the grete darth of corne, Look also at the catayle, vytayle, and of al other thyngys necessary, a and cattle and coramyn darth arguth grete lake 1 Yf ther were abund- ance and plenty, hyt coude not be long so dere ; for 724 abundaunce euer makyth euery thyng gud chepe. AVherfor, now, in thys darth of al thyngys, we must nedys co?2fesse grete lake, penury, and skarsnes *of [*Pagei38.] thyngys necessary to the nrayntemmce of our co?nmyn wele. 40. Lvpset. — Sir, [as] x me semyth, thys ys not wel l. says beggary prouyd : for, fyrst, as touchyng [the] ' multytude of beg- povert>"but 'MS. torn off. idleness; 90 ENGLAND NOT' SO POOR AS FRANCE, 732 garys, hyt arguth no pouerty, but rather mu[ch] idulries and yl pollycy ; for hyt ys theyr owne cause and necly- ge?zce that they so begge ; — ther ys suffycyent enough here in our cuntrey of al thyngys to maynteyne them and as to the wy thout beggyng. And where as you bryng the com- ranks, why, men playnt of al statys for an argument of pouerty, me howeveTrich" semyth that prouyth hyt but sklendurly ; for thys ys they may be. gure — mew g0 ex ty me xyc^eg ana \ money, that yf they had therof neuer so grete abundaunce and plenty, yet 741 they wold complayne; ye, and many of them fayn pouerty. You schal fynd few that wyl corefesse them- selfe ryche, few that wyl say they haue enough. How compare our be hyt, yf we wyl justely examyn the mater, and com- people with Italy, &e. pare our pepul of Englond wyth the pepul of other cuntreys, I thynke we schal fynd them most rych and 747 welthy of any co?ranyns aboute vs ; for in Fraunce, Italy, and Spayn, the comniynys wythout fayle are more myserabul and pore then they be here wyth vs. And As for the lack as touchyng the darth and lake of thyngys necessary, of food, that is . the fault of the hyt ys wyth vs as hyt ys m al other placys. When the prouysyon of God sendyth vs sesonabul weddur for the 753 frutys of the ground, then we haue abmzdaunce; and when hyt plesyth hym other wyse to pimnysch vs, then [♦Page 139.] we must lake, and lay no *faute in our pollycy. Wher- so don't lay aii for, me semyth, you nede not to lay to vs here in our this blame on us. cuwtrey thys grete poue?'ty, nor yet thys gret lake of 758 thyngys necessary ; except hyt be such as co???myth by the prouydence of God, wych by no wyt nor pollycy of mare may be ameredyd. p. owns that the 41. PoZe. — M.aster luvpset, I haue spyd by you that poverty of other countries is you are loth to graunt your curetrey to be pore, specyaily greater than our own, when you compare hyt wyth other where you see grettur 764 pouerty then wyth vs. But, Master Lvpse£, when we speke of the pouerty of our cu?itrey, we may not then co??ipare hyt wyth them wych be more pore then hyt ; for thys ys no dowte, but that ther ys grettur poue?-ty BUT IT IS POORER THAN IT WAS. 91 among the commyn pepul in other pa?-tys then wyth vs 768 in Englond. But therin I wyl wyth you agre, blaster Lvpsef, "bycause we haue hefore our yes a true co???myn wele, as we haue descry hyd hefore, wych we wold set and stahul here in our cuwtrey. "We must therfor euer loke to that, schowyng al the fautys, mysordurys, and 773 lakkys here among vs, wych may he any impedymeratys "therto. And so, although perauenture our curctrey be but it is poorer not so pore as many other he, yet thys ys sure, — hyt ys wiui so much more pore then hyt hath hyn in tyme past, and such flourish.' eannot pouerty reynyth now that in no case may stond wyth a veray true and. floryschyng co??imyn wele ; for thys ys 779 sure, — that thys multytude of heggarys here in our cuw- trey schowyth much pouerty, ye, and, as you say, also much *idulnes and yl pollycy. Hyt ys no dowte hut [*Pagei4o.] hyt arguth suffycye^tly hoth, and thys complaynt These complaints •curayth not, as I sayd, also of nought ; for though hyt nothing. he so that men may dyssembyl and fayne grete pouerty, where as noft ys, yet I thynke, in dede, hyt ys not so 78G alway. Al men wold not so agre in dyssymylyng, some state schold he co?«tent, and no thyng cowplayn. But, Master "Lvpset, 1 thys ys certayn and sure, — the come of thys reame ys in few yerys maruelusly spent, wych you may know surely by the ahu?idance therof in other 791 partys, where as you schal fynd as grete plenty therof as in the myddys of Englond. Wherfor, no dowte, ther ys gretyr pouerty then hath hyn in tyme past, and grettur then may (as I sayd) wyth the commyn wele and prosperouse state of our curctrey wel agre and stond. 796 And so ther ys, lyke wyse, such lake of thyngys neces- The lack of com and things sary, wych cumyth not only by the co?nmyn ordynance necessary does and prouysyon of God, but for lake of gud ordur and finance of God. polytyke rule (as heraftur, when we schal seke out the ground and cause of the same, hyt schalbe more euydewt •and playn) ; such lake, I say, ther ys therof here among 1 MS. le. 92 DIRT AND DILAPIDATIONS. 803 vs that may not be suffryd wyth the true co?rcmyn wele. Wherfor, notwythstondyng that we haue not most ex- iiiis poverty treme poue?-ty, yet such hyt ys as hath not byn before must be re- , _ . .. formed. many yerys here rn our cuwtrey, and such as must be- reformyd, yf we wyl restore the comruyn wele aftur such [* Page 141.] * forme and fascyon as we haue descrybyd before, wyth 809 a juste pollycy. l. owns the 42. JjTpset. — S*V, therin I agre to you wel. How poverty is greater than need be. be hyt, surely our cuntrey ys not so pore as many other be ; nor yet so pore as me thought, by your resonyng, 813 you wold haue had me to confesse. But surely ther ys- grettur pouerty then nede to be, yf ther were among vs. gud pollycy ; for thys eue?y man may see, — that some haue to much, some to lytyl, and some neue?* a wyt. Wherfor, wythout fayle, a mysordur ther ys wherby 818 rysyth thys pouerty. 43. "Pole. — Hyt ys enough that you wyl now at the p. complains of last graunt me that. But now let vs loke ferther yet to the dirt and dilapidations of the vtward thyngys requyryd to the mayntenance of our "nd towns. S ' commyn wele in thys polytyke body. Dow you not see Male cuite a grete faute in our cytes, castellys, and townys, con- cernyng the byldyng and clene kepyng of the same V 825 Ther ys no cure nor regard of them, but euery man for hys tyme only lyuyth and lokyth to hys plesure, wyth- out regard of the posteryte. l. quite agrees, 44. "Lvpset. — Surely that ys veray truth ; as touchyng and speaks of what he saw in the gudly byldyng of cytes and townys, I trow in the France. world ther ys not les regard then here in Englond, wych 831 ys to al them manyfest wych haue byn laburyd and' trauaylyd in other pa?*tys. Me thought, when I cam fyrst into Flaunders and Fraunce, that I was translatyd, [* Page 142.] *as hyt had byn, into a nother world, the cytes and townys apperyd so gudly, so wel byldyd, and so clene kept ; of the wych ther ys in eue?y place so grete cure 837 and regard, that euery towne semyd to me to stryue- 1 In margin of MS. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. 93 wyth other, as hyt had hyn for a vyctory, wyeh scbold 838 be more heutyful and strong, bettur byld and clennur kept ; such dylygens they put al to that purpos. And, •contrary, here wyth vs they pepul seme to study to fynd meanys how they may quyklyst let fal into ruyn and •dekey al theyr cytes, castelys, and townys. Euery Here every gefttylma?? flyth into the cuwtrey. Few that inbabyt to the country ■cytes or townys ; few that haue any regard of them ; by t0 ve " the reson wherof in them you schal fynd no pollycy, no 846 cyuyle ordur almost, nor rule. 45. "Bole. — Piaster Lvpse£, thys ys veray wel sayd p. thinks this i-toi-ii i i -i verv we ^ 8a *d' of you. Beior I had much to dow to make you to con- fesse such fautys as we spake of ; but now me thynke and asks him to go on. you wyl begyn to corcfyrme them, and to fulfyl your promys also, made at the begynnyng of our communy- 852 •catyon : that was, to put me in remembraunce of such mysordurys as you also yourselfe, by long experyence, had notyd ; and I pray you, Master Lvpse£, so to dow. 46. Isrpset — Wel, sir, seyng that you wyl haue me to take that parte apon me now, certayn thyngys wych 857 I haue notyd as grete detrymerctys and hurtys to our ■co?nmyn *wele, and, namely, co?^cernyng the vtward [* Page us.] thyngys requyryd to the mayntena?ice of thys polytyke iDody that you speke so much of, I wyl schow you. And fyrst, as touchyng the bryngyng in and carying out \oe a v<*ih «& •of thyngys necessary for vs, I haue obseruyd, as me He complains semyth, a grete faute here in our cu??trey ; for ther ys exports cattle, i n , t j j i n corn, wool, tin, •co?zuenauns ot many thyngys necessary to the vse of our i ea d : for which i ii t. i £c J i~ j.i j> l i we receive wines, pepul, more then may be wel sufferyd, both of catayl, fine cloths> silkSj and corne, wol, tyn, and led, and other metallys, wher- ^sucMrMes: of we haue no such abu?zdaunce, that our cmitrey wyth commodyte may lake so much. And for thes thyngys, wych ys worst of al, ther ys brought in such thyngys almost only as we may not only lake ryght wel, but such as be the destructyon of our pepul, and of al dylygent 872 1 In margin of MS. Bead sfoaywyrj /cat tgaywyij. 94 EVILS ARISING FROM EXCESSIVE USE all of which we exercyse of art ys and craftys here in our crmtrey; as, should either « -. i n be better without, many sortys of clelycate wynys, fyne clothys, says and ourselves. ' sylkys, bedys, combys, gyrdyllys and knyfys, and a thousand such tryfelyng thyngys, wych other Ave myght wel lake, or els, at the lest, our owne pepul myght be 878 occupyd wyth the workyng therof, wych now, by the reson therof, are much corrupt wyth idulnes and slothe. And in thys behalfe, me semyth, hyt ys a grete hurte to Hurtofciothyng.i the clotliyarys of Englond, thys bryngyng in of French clothe, the cause why I nede not to open, wych to eue?y The wines also maranys ye ys manyfest. And thys bry«gyng in of such impoverish the [*Page i«.] abuwdaunce ol wyne ys a grete i??rpoueryscnyng to *many gewtylme-n, wych nowadays can kepe no house wythout wyne5" 1g in ° f theyr sellarys ful of dyue?'se kyndys of wyne. Before 887 tyme, I am sure, hyt was nothyng so, when thys land was more floryschyng then hyt ys now. Hyt causyth, as well as the also, much dru?zkennes and idulnes among our commyn. pepul and craftys me?i in cytes and townys, wych, drawen by the plesure of thes delycate wynys, spend 892 theyr thryft and consume the tyme in co??zmyn tauernys, to the grete destructyon and ruyne of the pepul. p. says this is 47. PoZe. — Thys ys troth that you now say, but we truth ; but the fault is with the must take hede to lay the faute when as hyt ys ; for that ys the faute of the pepul, M.aster Isrpset, and not 897 of the abimdaunce of wyne. 48. liVJpset. — That ys troth, and yet, for al that, by- cause me?i are so prone of theyr corrupt nature and redy to plesure, me semyth hyt were nothyng amys yf the occasyon were taken from them, wych ys surely much 902 incresyd by thys grete abu?zdaunce of wyne. I wold not l. would have yet nother but that some schold be brought in for the some wine, plesure of nobul men ; but herein mesure were gud. i3ry«gywg in of And so, lykewyse, of sylkys and says, cowuenyent hyt and says, ys that some we haue for the apparayle of the nobylyte ; nobility; ° " but yet therin I note a nother grete mysordur, in the 1 In margin of MS. OF WINE, CLOTHING, AND DIET. 95 apparayle, I say, of our pepul. For now you se ther ys but aUwm have almost no marc co?itent to were cloth here made at home silks' from over in our owne curatrey, nother lynyn nor wolen, but euery maw wyl were such as ys made beyond the see, as cham- Poland f •> j j ■> J\ormandy.i let, says, fustyanys, and sylkys ; by the reson wherof and this rains home crafts. dyuers *craftys here fal in dekey, as clothyers, weuerys, [*Page us.] worstyd-makyrs, tukkarys, and fullarys, wyth dyue?-se other of the same sort. Thys thyngys folow, and be 915 annexyd as comniyn effectys to the bryngyng in of such thyngys as Ave myght bettur lake, then haue in such abu??daunce as we haue now co?mny?dy. 49. Po?e. — Thys wych you say I trow eue?y ma?z p. says none can deny it. seth. No man can deny them, who delytyth not in obstyuacy. 921 50. JdVpset. — Ther ys a nother thyng as playn as l. Another fault thys, the wych, though hyt be in dede no les faute then the other, yet hyt ys taken for no?z at al, but rather for grete honowre and prayse, and that ys, 'the excesse Excesse in dyat.< in dyat, and the mysordur therin, wych al me?i of juge- me?zt playnly dow see ; for ther was neuer so grete 927 festyng and ba?;kettyng, wyth so many and dyuerse kynclys of metys, as ther ys now in our days cowmy??ly vsyd, and specyally in mean me?mys housys. Now Now "a mean eue?y mean gentylma?a for the most parte wyl fare as fare as weu as wel as before tyme were wont pryncys and lordys ; and \™ ce » use thys they take for theyr grete honowre, wych, in dede, and tins they „ take as an ys a grete dyshonowre and manyiest destructyon and honour. detryme?zte to the commyn wele su?idry ways : as wel 935 by nuryschyng many idul glottonys, wherof spryngyth much syknes, as by the bryngyng in also of grete skarsenes of catayl, corne, and al other vytayl ; for thys may be a co?nmyn prouerbe, "many idul glotonys "Many idle gluttons make make vytayle dere. victuals dear." 51. "Pole. — Thys mysordur ys also manyfest. Hyt may not be wyth reson denyd. 942 1 In margin of MS. 96 EXTRAVAGANCE IN BUILDING. Excessein 52. Lvpset. — And what thynke you in byldyng? Though men Thoughe you found a faute before in the yl byldyng of U [*PageH6.] our cytes and townys, yet, *me semyth, gewtylmew and th* degfef ^ the nobylyte are in that behalfe oue>- sumptuouse. They byld co?ftinynly aboue theyr degre. A mean maw wyl 948 haue a house mete for a pry wee, wych, me semyth, ys no thyng cowuenyent to hys state and co??dycyon. p. says this is an 53. "Sole. — "Wei, "Master Lvpset, as touchy rig that, build of timber so long as they byld but of tymbur and stone here get and stone got at., . , ,-• , •. , , toome- a t home in our owne cuwtrey, wythout gyltyng and daubyng the postys Avyth gold, me semyth hyt may be 954 sufferyd ryght wel ; for hyt ys a grete omamewt to the cuwtrey, and many mew are wel set a-worke therby. How be hyt, as you say, when mew wyl passe theyr state and degre, that myght be sparyd ryght wel. l. The result of 54. Lvpset. — Mary, Syr, that ys the thyng that I is decay from chefely note ; for now you schal see many me?? byld to keep it in more then they themselfe, or theyr heyrys and success- ors, be cottuenyently abyl to maynteyn and repayre. And so such housys as by some are byldyd to theyr grete 963 costys and charge, by other are let downe, and sufferyd to fal into ruyne and dekey, bycause they were byldyd aboue theyr state, cowdycyon, and degre. 55. Po7e. — Of that sort, Master Lvpset, you schal p. The greatest not fynd veray many. But the gretyst faute in our gilding the posts byldyng ys, the cowsumyng of gold apon postys and wallys ; for then hyt neuer cowmyth aftur to other vse 970 or profyt, — only a lytyl for the tyme hyt plesyth the ye. f* Page 147.] Hyt ys a vayn pompe, * and of a late days brought in to our cuwtrey. 56. "Lvpset. — They are no smal fautys bothe to- gyddur, nor caw not be excusyd by any gud reson. And take of tyiiage.i ferther, also, me semyth ther ys a grete faute in tyllage l. complains of of the ground. Ther ys no maw but he seth the grete the enclosing of arable lands. enclosyng \n ewery -parte of herabul land ; and where as 1 In margin of MS. ENCLOSURE OF ARABLE LANDS. 97 was come and fruteful tyllage, now no thyng ys but 978 pasturys and playnys, by the reson wherof many vyl- lagys and townys are in few days ruynate and dekeyd. 57. Pole. — Thys hath byn thought a faute many a p. approves of day ; but yf the mater be wel examynyd, perauenture hyt ys not so grete as hyt apperyth, and so ys jugyd of the commyn sorte. For seyng hyt ys so that our fode 984 and nuryschyng stondyth not only in corne and frutys of the grounde, but also in bestys and catayl, no les necessary then the other, ther must be prouysyon for we must have the bredyng of them as wel as for the tyllyng of the and sheep for ' , , , . . , . . , - , wool, and without erthe, wych caw not be wythout pasturys and enclosure pastures we can of ground. For thys ys certayn, wythout pasturys such multytude of catayl wyl not be maynteynyd as ys re- 991 quyryd to vs here in our cuntrey, where as lakkyth the manyfold and dyuerse frutys wych ys had in other cun- treys for the sustenance of man. "Wherfor, I thynke hyt veray necessary to haue thys inclosyng of pasturys for our catayl and bestys, and specyally for schepe, by 996 whose profyte the Avelth *and plesure here of thys reame [♦ Page i*8.] ys much maynteynyd. For yf your plenty and aburcd- aunce of wolle were not here maynteynyd, you schold haue lytyl brought in by marchaundys ivom other partys, and so we schold lyue wythout any plesure or com- modyte. 1002 58. "Lvpset. — Sir, as touchyng that, I reme??ibyr what l. says if we had ji« * 11.P j.i i_ i m fewer imports and you sayd before : — yf we had fewar thyngys brough[t] exports we Bll0uld in from other partys, and les caryd out, we schold haue abundanaTthan more commodyte and veray true plesure, much more now- then we haue now: thys ys certayn and sure. But 1007 now to our purpos. Thys ys wythout fayle, that, seyng nature hath denyd vs many kyndys of frutys wych grow in other partys to the nuryschyng of the pepul, hyt ys necessary that we schold haue more increse of bestys and catayl then ther ys ther ; but yet you There is i i , i i , -i 7 moderation in know wel ther ys in al thyngys a mesure and mean. all things. STARKE Y. 7 98 THE GROUND IS OCCUPIED BY SHEEP 1014 To much cure of scliype, and lytyl of other bestys, horsey oxen. 1 The sheep die of scab and rot, in consequence of the fat pasture. 1023 [*PagelJ9.] There is little attention paid to the breeding of cattle, 1031 and though we have much pasture we have few cattle. 1036 1041 The pasture- farms get into the hands of a few rich men, and the poor are excluded. Ingrossyng of fermys.i "We haue to much regard and study of the nuryschyng of schype and wyld bestys here in our cuwtrey. Hyt can not be denyd. And therfor me semyth we also are ofte-tymys justely pwjnyschyd therfore ; for commynly they dye of skabe and rottys in grete no??^bur, wych cumyth chefely, aftur myn opynyon, by cause they are nuryschyd in so fat pasture. For a schype by hys nature, and also a dere, louyth a lene, barren, and drye ground. Wherfor, when they are closyd in ranke pas- turys and butful ground, they are sone touchyd wyth the skabe and the rotte ; and so, though we nurysch ouei* many by inclosure, yet ouer few of them (as exp«yewce schowyth) come to the *profyte and vse of maw. And as touchyng other catayl and bestys of al sortys, I thynke wyth vs ther ys commywly oue;* lytyl regard of the bredyng of them. Few me» study the increse of that sort ; but as sone as they be brought forth, com- mynly they be other kyld where they are brede, or sold to them wych purpos not to bryng them vp to the cora- myw profyt. And so thys, notwythstondyng that we haue oue?' much pasture, yet we haue of such bestys ouer few wych are brought to the profyte of maw, and be neces- sary to the mayntenawce of the vtward wele of a com- mynalty ; of the wych thyng, perauereture, rysyth a parte of thys grete darthe both of vytayl and come, as I thynke here aftur, in hys place, you wyl more largely schow and declare. Now here hyt ys suffycyent for me to note thys as a co?ranyn faute, and that hyt ys no thyng necessary for the nuryschyng of our bestys to haue so grete inclosurys of pasturys, wych ys a grete dekey of the tyllage of thys reame ; and specyally when the fermys of al such pasturys nowadays, for. the most parte, are brought to the handys of a few and rycliar men, wych wyl gyue other gretyst rent or fyne for the vse therof ; wych thyng I note as a nother grete faute 1 In margin of MS. TO THE EXCLUSION OF POOR MEN. 99 concernyng our purpos now intendyd. For by thys 1049 bothe they pore mew are excludyd from theyr lynyng, and, besyde that, the ground also wors tyllyd and inhaunsyng of re/itys. 1 occupyd, remeynyng in the handys of them who therof take lytyl regard. Thes few thyngys now are come to my mynd, wych I haue notyd, concernyng the *dekey [*Pa g ei5o.] of ryches and other vtward thyngys necessary to the 1055 welthy mayntenance of our polytyke body. How be hyt, to say the truthe, thes same al folow and be an- nexyd and couplyd to such fautys as you yourselfe notyd before. 59. "Sole. — I caw not tel you that, but yf hyt were 1060 so in dede, yet hyt ys not much amys to haue them more partycularly exercysyd, wych you in few wordys haue suffycyently downe. Wherfor now, Mastur ~Lvpset, aftur p. says it remains that we haue notyd the most general fautys and mys- the"misorders" ordurys that we can fynd now at thys tyme, bothe in ment^nhe™' the polytyke body and also in the vtwarde thyngys of 8tate> necessyte requyryd to the welthy state and veray com- 1067 myn wele here of our cuwtrey, thys remeynyth (accord- yng to the proces of our communycatyon at the begyn- nyng appoyntyd) to note also, and, aftur the maner beguw, schortly to touch the mysordurys and yl gouern- awce wych we schal fynd in [the] ordur and rule of the 1072 state of our curctrey ; the wych ordur and rule we before haue declaryd to resembyl the soule in maraiys body. For euen lyke as the soule gyuyth lyfe, gouernyth, and rulyth the body of mm, so doth cyuyle ordur and poly- tyke rule (as we sayd before) gouerne and stabyl the 1077 polytyk body in euery cu?ztrey, cyte, and towne. And Fautys in the here, Master 'Lvpset, aboue al, we must be dylygent, for it is more difficult to spy as much as hyt ys more hard *to spy the fautys therin, [*Pageioi.] then such as we haue notyd before. For lyke as hyt ys than it has been , . . ,ii- ii with those mucli easyar also to spy the sykenes in ma?znys body already noted; then the syknes of mynd wych many men perceyue no- 1083 1 In margin of MS. 100 GOVERNORS BY SUCCESSION 1084 thyng at al, wych then be indede most greuusly dys- easyd when the[y] lest perceyue hyt ; so I feare me that and we have we haue many dyseasys or mysordurys (cal them as you many disorders which are unfeit. wyl) here in the ordur and gouernawce of our curatrey, wych no thyng at al are perceyuyd nor felt ; for they are 1 , by long custume and. law in processe of tyme, so 1090 growne among vs, so cowfyrmyd in our hartys, that we hardly caw cowceyue any faute to remayn therin. But I trust I schal not haue you so styffe, Master Lvpse£, nor so fer from true jugemerat, but that you wyl gyue place euer to reson manyfest and playn. 1095 60. liTpset. — That I wyl surely, yf I may perceyue hyt, for I neuer louyd blynd obstynacy ; but, contrary, l. win be careful I schal beware, as nere as I can, that you schal not make too much. me to graunt such thyngys to be mysordurys and fautys 1099 wych in dede are no??, at al. 61. Po7e. — Thys I remembyr we agred apon before ; but yet, bycause hyt ys a gud poynt, I am wel content that we agre apon thys bargyn onys agayne. And thus 1103 now let vs begyn. [CHAPTER IV.] p. says England 1. [Pole.] — Hyt ys not vnknown to you, Master many years Lvpse£, that our cuwtrey hathe byn gouernyd and rulyd princes* whose thes many yerys vnder the state of pryrccys, wych by pSi^^wht.* they 1 re S al P owar and prywcely authoryte, haue jugyd [* Page 152.] *al thyngys perteynyng to the state of our reame to 6 hange only apon theyr wyl and fantasye ; insomuch that, what so euer they euer haue co??ceyuyd or purposyd in theyr myndys, they thought, by and by, to haue hyt put in effecte, wythout resystens to be made by any pn'uate 1 MS. are so. 2 In margin of MS. ARE A GREAT FAULT. 101 mare and subyecte ; or els, by and by, they haue sayd that 10 mere schold mynysch theyr pryrecely authoryte. For what ys a pryrece (as hyt ys coreimyrely sayd) but he may dow what he wyl ? Hyt ys thought that al holly hang- yth apon hys only arbytrymeret. Thys hath byn thought, ye, and thys yet ys thought, to perteyne to the 15 maiesty of a pryrece — to moderate and rule al thyng accordyng to hys wyl and plesure ; wych ys, wythout dowte, and euer hath byn, the gretyst destructyon to This has been a great destruction thys reame, ye, and to al other, that ewer hathe come to this realm. therto. Thys I coude declare to you, yf hyt were nede, by long and many storys ; but I thynke ther ys no mare 21 that equally wyl coresydur the state of our reame, but he seth thys ryght wel. For, Master Lvpse£. thys ys sure and a gospel word, that curetrey care not be long wel No country can prosper under a gouernyd nor maynteynyd wyth gud pollycy where al long not chosen by election. ys rulyd by the wyl of one, not chosen by electyon, but co?reinyth to hyt by natural successyonj for *syldon [* Page 153.] Kings by succes- seen hyt ys that they wych by successyon co/reme to sion are seldom kyngdomys and reamys are worthy of such hye au- thoryte. 30 2. "Lvjiset. — Sir, take you hede here what you say ; l. implores Pole for thys poynt that you now touch wyl seme, perauereture treason. to many, to sowne to some treson. For what ! Wyl you make a kyng to haue no more powar then one of hys lordys 1 Hyt ys commyrely sayd (and, I thynke, truly) a 35 kyng ys aboue hys lawys ; no law byndyth hym ; but He thinks a king that he, beyng a pryrece, may dow what he wyl, bothe lose and bynde. Thys, I am sure, ys commyrely thought among the nobullys here of our reame, ye, and al the hole co?remynalty. 40 3. Tole. — Master Lvp^W, thys ys one of the thyngys p. says this is that I spake of at the begynnyng, wherby we are diseases, and the dyseasyd and perceyue hyt not, by the reson wherof we m^ many are bothe in more grefe and daunger also ; but yf we wyl examyn thys mater wel, we schal sone fynd such 45 102 GOVERNMENT BY A COUNCIL. 46 faute therin that we may wel cal hyt the rote of many it is ail very well other. For thys ys sure — lyke as hyt ys most perfayt if the prince is ' worthy, but very and excellent state oi pollycy and rule to be gouernyd is unwortiiy: hy a prywce, and al thyng to he suhiecte to hys wyl (so that he he suche a one that in wysdome and vertue he 51 so fer excellyth al other as doth the maiesty of a pryrace [♦page 154.] the pn'uate state *of the sympul commynalty) so hyt ys of al the most pestylewt and pernycyouse state, most ful of peryl, and to the commyn welth most daungerouse, to he rulyd hy one, when he ys not of suche hye vertue 56 and perfayte wysdome that, for the same only, he ys to he preferryd ahoue al other, and most worthy therfor to he rular and pry?ice. Wherfor, sythen hyt ys so, that as, for one worthy our prywcys are not chosen of the most worthys hy there are many . , _ , -, . unworthy. electyon, but by the ordur oi our reame, how so euer hyt chaunce, come hy successyon, I thynke hyt no thyng 62 expedyent to commyt to them any such authoryte and prywcely powar, wych ys to syngular vertue and most perfayt wysdome only due and cowuenyent. For though hyt he so that some one may chaunce hy succes- syon to he borne worthy of such authoryte, yet thys ys 67 sure, — bycause syldom that happenyth, and many for it is better to one be no thyng worthy the same, — that bettur hyt ys ment by * par " to the state of the commyn wele, to restreyne from the pry/ice such hye authoryte, co?ranyttyng that only to the commyn counseyl of the reame and parlyamewte as- Prerogatyfe.' semblyd here in our cu/ztrey. For such prerogatyfe in powar grauntyd to pryrccys ys the destructyon of al 74 lawys and pollycy. Thys you may almost in experience [* Page 155.] dayly see; for ther be few lawys *and statutys, in Licence from the pa?*lyame7itys ordeynyd, but, by placardys and lycercce pensations from opteynyd of the prynce, they are broken and abrogate, harm^ 6 ' ° an & so *° the commyn wele dow lytyl profyt ; euen lyke as dyspewsatyonys haue dow in the Popys law, wych 80 hathe byn the destructyon of the law of the churche. 1 In margin of MS. ONE NOT TO HAVE SUPREME POWER. 103 Wlierfor tyl thys be redressyd, lytyl schal liyt avayle to 81 deuyse neuer so gud statutys, ordynancys, and lawys, wych now be but as snarys set for a tyme, aftur, at the lyberty of the prynce, to be losyd agayne. Thys ys the rote and mother of many mysordurys here in our cuwtrey. 85 Nor you schal not thynke that a prynce were then in a prince would ,- Pill 1 1 1 1 1 n0t tDen ^ ' n wors case then any ot hys lordys, wych hath lyberty to worse case than dow what he wyl ; but, contrary, forasmuch as to Mow reson ys veray true lyberty, the pry nee ys no thyng in boundage therby, but rather reducyd to true lyberty. 90 And whereas you say the kyng ys aboue hys lawys, that ys partely true and necessary, and partely both false and pernycyouse. And schortly to say, so long as the kyng ys lyuely reson, wych ys the only hede and rular of reamys by the ordur of nature, so long, I say, 95 he ys aboue hys lawys, wych be but, as you wyl say, rayson dome, hauyng no powar to consydur the cyrcum- sta??cys of thyngys ; but when the prynce ys lyuely, or, rather, dedely affectyon, then, I say, he ys subiecte to 99 hys lawys, and bounden to be obedyente to the *same, [* Page isc.] wych obedyence ys, in dede, true lyberty. For, be you assuryd, thys ys a grete faute in euery reame, — any one it is > a great fault for one man maw to haue such authoryte to dyspense wyth the com- to be able to myn lawys and wyth the transgressorys and brekarys of the laws, and it is the same ; to dystrybute al grete promocyonys and tyranny. offyce ; to make and breke legys and peace wyth other natyonys and pryncys about ; — to leue, I say, al such 107 thyngys to the fre wyl and lyberty of one, ys the open gate to al tyranny. Thys ys the grounde of the de- structyon of al cyuylyte, thys enteryth and turnyth vp so downe al polytyke ordur and rule. For thys ys sure — the wyt of one cowmynly can not compas so much as One can't com- .. r> ^^ <• P ass M mucn the wyt of many m materys ot pollycy; tor hyt ys as many; commynly sayd " many yes see bettur then one." Wher- "many eyes see better than one." for, to be schort, and so to conclude, to attrybute so much to the wyl and plesure of one, can not be wythout p^r^f 104 KINGS BY PREROGATIVE the ruin of the commonwealth. L. is surprised at this, and thinks a prince, without the authority of a prince, would give much trouble to the commons. 124 [* Page 157.] 131 P. says if they were chosen for their virtues, they might have authority, 138 hut usurped authority, or authority by prerogative, is pernicious ; and though we have a wise prince now, still it is a fault, 148 [* Page 158.] 152 the grete ruyne and destructyon of the commyn wele, and of al gud and iust pollycy. 4. "Lvpset. — S/r, I maruayle much at your communy- catyon ; for me semyth you alow the state of a pryrcce, and wold not but that we schold be gouernyd therby, and yet you wyl not gyue hym the authoryte of a pryrcce, wych stowdyth in thys, that by hys regal powar gyuera to hym by the coftsent of the hole commynys, he may moderat al thyng accordywg to hys plesure and wyl; or els hyt schold be necessary to cal veray oft the commyn co?iseyl of parlyament, and so oft as any grete causys incydent requyryd the same, wych perteyne to the hole body of the *reame ; wych were no smal trowbul to the co??miyns of thys reame. Therfor I can not see but yf you wyl haue a kyng, you must also gyue hym the powar pe?-teynyng to the maiesty of the same. 5. "Pole. — Master Lvpsef, yf kyngys and pry?icys in reamys were by electyon chosen, such as, of al other, for theyr pryncely vertues, were most worthy to rule, hyt were then veray co?2uenyent they schold haue al such authoryte as ys awnexyd to the same ; but sythen they be not so, but come by successyon, you see they be syldom of that sorte, as I sayd before, but, rulyd by affectyon, draw al thyng to theyr syngular lust, vayn plesure, and iwordynat wyl. Hyt can not be denyd but to the commyn wele such authoryte, other vsurpyd or by prerogatyue gyuen therto, ys pernycyouse and hurt- ful to the commyn wele ; and here in our cuwtrey (frely to speke betwyx you and me) a grete destructyon to our curctrey, wych hath byn perceyuyd by our for-fatherys days, at dyuerse and many tymys, and schold be also now, yf we had not a nobul and wyse pry??ce, wych ys euer content to submyt hymselfe to the ordur of hys conseyl, no thyng abusyng hys authoryte. But *al be hyt that he of hys gudnes abusyth hyt not at al, yet, to vs wych now study to fynd al fautys in the pollycy and GENERALLY ABUSE THEIR POWER. 105 rule here of our cuwtrey, hyt may wel appere to be 153 notyd as a grete faute, for as much as lie may abuse hyt as he may abuse his authority if yf lie wyl, and no restreynt ys had therof by the ordur he win. of our law ; but rather, by law such prerogatyue ys gyuen to hym, in so much that, as you sayd ryght wel before, hyt ys almost treson to speke any thyng agayne 158 the same. Therfor we may not dowte but hyt ys a faute, and much more the greuus bycause we are bend to the defence of the same, and skant perceyue thys grefe in our pollycy. 6. "Lvpset. — Sir, thys I can not deny, but that a l. asks how the , fault can be faut ther ys, as me semyth, therm ; but how hyt schold redressed ? be redressyd and reformyd agayne, I can not yet se, but by much more incorcuenyence insuyng the same. 166 7. PoZe. — Wel, as for that, we schal see when tyme p. replies, m i We'll see about and place hyt schal requyre. Now let vs bo[ljdly that another affyrme thys to be a grete mysordur in the polytyke rule here of our curctrey, seyng the kyngys here are taken by successyon of blode, and not by fre electyon, wych ys successyon of blode.i in our pollycy a nother grete faute and mysordur also, and of vs now specyally to be notyd, seyng that we haue 173 purposyd before, euer as a marke to schote vnto, the veray and true commyn wele, wych can not long stond in such state whereas pryweys are euer had by successyon Kings by suc- cession are a of blode; * specyally yf we wyl gyue vnto hym suche [* Page 159.] . great fault, as regal and pryrccely powar as we dow in our cuwtrey ; for they generally though some tyme hyt may fortune such a prywee to be borne wych wyl not abuse such powar, yet, for the 180 most parte, the contrary wyl haue place. Wherfor we now, wych seke the best ordur, must nedys cowfesse thys thyng to be a faute in pollycy ; for in al lawys and po- lytyke ordur, thys ys a rule — such thyng to determe as, for the most parte, ys best, though some tyme the con- 185 trary may happu/?. and fal. How say you, ys hyt not so, blaster ~Lvpset 1 1 In margin of MS. 106 DANGER OF CIVIL WAR. l. hardly knows 8. IiYpset. — Syr, in. thys mater I can skant tell you while Pole's' what I schal say; for a the one parte, when I here reasons seem , r i -l i 7 i i n probable, y° ur resonys, me seme they are probabyl and lyke the tobfaSnsT" 13 tmth > but a tlle 0ther S y de ' wllen X loke to the eX P e " them. ryence, and cowsydur the mane?ys, custome, and nature 193 here of our curetrey, 1 me semyth the contrary, and that hyt schold be veray expedyent to haue our prywce by successyon of blode, and not by electyon ; in so much as the ende of al lawys and polytyke rule ys to kepe the cytyzyns in vnyte and peace and perfayte cowcorde Nothing more among themselfe. For in no curctrey may be any grettur hurtful than civil war, and pestylens, or more pernycyouse, then cyuyle warre, sedycyon, and dyscordys among the partys of the po- [*Page i6o.i lytyke body. Thys ys the thyng that hathe * destroy d 202 al coramyn welly s, as to you hyt ys bettur knowen then to me. Wherfor we must beware of al occasyon of such myscheffe, to the wych, aftur myn opynyon, your sen- tence makyth a way. For what thyng may be deuysyd occasyon of more stryffe among vs, then to chese our 207 kyng by electyon of lordys and perys of the reanie 1 For if we chose our then euery ma?i wold be kyng, euery maw wold juge civil war would' bymselfe as mete as a nother ; and so, ther schold be neyause. f a cyon and party s, wyth grete ambycyon and enuy; and so, also, at the end, euer sedycyon and cyuyle warre. 212 For our pepul be of that nature that, yf they had such lyberty, surely they wold abuse hyt to theyr owne de- structyon. . Therfor, me semyth, for as much as we be vsyd to take our prywce by successyon of blode, thys 216 fre electyon that you so prayse may not be admyttyd. p. says though 9. PoZe. — Wei, Master LvpseZ, nothwystondyng Lem e to S be e good, S that by gud reson you seme to defend thys custume they are easily \ on g ysyd in our reame and natyon, yet, yf we remembyr our purpos wel and, ordur of resownyng, hyt schal be no thyng hard to take away your reson at al. Thys you 222 know ys our purpos, — to fynd out the best ordur that, 1 " pepul " written above. RULERS ELECTED IN GREECE AND ROME. 107 by prudent pollycy, may be stablyschyd in our * reame [*PageiGi.] and cuntrey, and to fynd al fautys wych repugne to the same, of the wych thys I notyd to be one pryncypal 225 and chefe. For what ys more repugnant to nature, then a hole natyon to be gouernyd by the wyl of a pry/zee, wych euer folowyth hys frayle fantasy and vn- rulyd affectys 1 What ys more contrary to reson then al 229 the hole pepul to be rulyd by hym wych co?nmynly lakkyth al reson. Loke to the Eomaynys, whose com- The Romans and Greeks always myn wele may be exampul to al other, wych, lyke as elected their theyr consullys, so lykewyse theyr kyngys, chose euer of the best and most excellent in vertue. loke, also, 234 vnto Lacedemonia, and in al other nobul cuntrey s of Grece, where the pepul were rulyd by a prynce, and you schal fynd that he was euer chosen by fre electyon. Thys successyon of pryncys by inherytaunce and blode succession by inheritance was was brought in by tyrannys and barbarus pryncys, brought in by wych, as I sayd, ys contrary to nature and al ryght reson ; wych you may se, also, more euydently, by suc- cessyon in pnuate famylys, wherin you see that yf the sone be prodygal and gyuen to al vyce and foly, the father ys not bounde to make hym hys heyre ; where as 244 ys gud pollycy, but hath lyberty to chose hym anoother where as he thynkyth conuenyent and best. Much more hyt ys to be admyttyd in a reame, that yf the prynce be not mete to succede hys father, that then a nother ys to be * chosen by the fre electyon of the cyty- [*Page issl] zyns in the cuntre. "Wherfor we may thys surely con- clude, that best hyt ys for the conseruatyon of polytyke 251 ordur and iust pollycy, a prynce to be chosen by fre electyon at lyberty. And yet, "NLaster Lvpse£, I wyl not say nor affyrme, but as the state of our reame stm he thinks ys, and here in our natyon, hyt ys bettur to take hym country to take by successyon of blode, for the avoydyng of al such succession. y dyscorde, debate, and confusyon as you before sayd; but, ~M.aster Lvpsef, that ys not best of hys nature, wych, of 258 108 KINGS BY SUCCESSION SUIT US BEST. 259 ij thyngys wych "both be yl, ys only the bettur. Troth As our people and hyt ys, as our pepul be now affectyd, and as the state country now are, succession is bad, of our reame ys, yl hyt ys to take our pry?ace by succes- worse. syon, and much wors by fre electyon ; and yet yf we wyl stablysch a true commyn wele wythout al tyranny, 264 and wythout al wrechydnes of the pepul and rnysery, we must nedys graunte thys best to he, and most con- uenyent to nature, to take a prywce electyd and chosen of al other for hys wysdome and vertue most worthy to reyne. We may not consydur what ys best and most 269 corauenyent to our pepul now as they he, hut what schold be most conuenyent to them gouernyd and rulyd by cyuyle ordur and resonabul lyfe, accordyng to the He maintains excellent dygnyte of the nature of man. And thys ther that both their opinions are ys no repugnance betwyx your opynyon and myne in thys grete mater, for both be true, yf we ponder them [♦Page 168.] aftur such maner as I haue * before sayd and openyd at large. Therfor, yf you thynke best, let vs procede ferther in our co/nmunycatyon ; for thys ys sure — both to gyue to our prynce such regal powar and hye pre- rogatyfe, and also to haue hym by successyon of blode, 280 y s a grete faute in our pollycy and much dystant from al cyuyle ordur. l. can see it is 10. "Lvpset. 1 — StV, you haue now satysfyd me ryght- to have our king wel ; for now I see that, notwythstondyng that hyt ys y succession, 'bettur, as our pepul are affecte, to haue our prynce by but if we would successyon of blode, yet, yf they wold lyue in true liberty, we should lyberty and obserue the cyuyle lyfe conuenyent to the elect him. nature of man, best hyt were to haue hym chosen by fre 288 electyon. Therfor, I pray you, go forward, and let vs examyn some other mysordurys in our pollytyke ride and ordur of lyfe. p. a like fault is 11. "Pole. — A lyke faute vnto thys, but not so grete, primogeniture, ys in the successyon of pri'uate men. You know by in pwuat the ordur of our law. the eldysft] brother succedyth, ex- successyon.* L J 1 MS. Le. 2 In margin of MS. THE LAW OF PRIMOGENITURE. 109 cludyng al the other from any parte of inherytaunce. 294 Thys ys a thyng, as me semyth, fer out of ordur, vtturly to exclude the yongur hretherne out of al potrtys of the herytage, as though they were not the chyldur of that father nor bretherne to the heyre. Reson and nature Reason and . ill-ill i nature require vtturly requyryth that they chyldur, wych be as partys that children of of the father and mother, schold also be admyttyd to should share the partys of the patrymony, that, euen lyke as *they haue ^[.p^fiM.] brought them forth in to the lyght, so theyr godys 302 myght maynteyn and succur them aftur in theyr lyfe. Wherfor, vtturly to exclude them ivom al, as though None should he excluded asthough they had commyt some grete offence and cryme agayn they were guilty of crime. theyr parewtys, ys playn agayn reson, and semyth to mynysch the natural loue betwyx the father and the chyld, and also increse enuy and hates betwyx them wych nature hath so bounden togyddur. For betwyx 309 bretherne 1 vndowtydly thys thyng squeakyth much of the broderly loue wych nature hath plantyd and rotyd. And so thys may not be denyd to be a nother mysordur in our polytyke rule and gouernarcce. 313 12. "Lvpset. — Syr, as touchyng thys, I maruayle l. marvels much much also what you mean. Me semyth you are aboute esteems as faults to take vtturly away our pollycy and hole ordur of thys honour. "" our reame. You note such thyngys to be fautys wher- in restyth al the honowre of our cuwtrey, and wych ys 318 the ground of al gud ordur and cyuylyte. I trow here aftur you wyl geddur and note many grete fautys and mysordurys in many other thyngys, that thys begyn of such thyng wych I and many mo take for gud law and pollycy. 323 13. "Sole. — Wei, as for that, Master Lvpse£, you p. says to try to , tj-ii j.j.j.iij>j.- treat of all faults know wel that we purpos not to touch al iautys m our were folly# maner of lyuyng ; for that, as I sayd at begynnyng, wer infynyte and grete foly, but only to note such thyngys as in general repugne to the co??imyn wele 328 1 " brother and brother," written aboue. 110 THE EVILS OF AX EQUAL DIVISION 329 before descry by d, and such, as, for the most parte, are [* Page 165.] taken for no fautys at al ; * of the no?nbur of whome ys thys wych we speke of now, and other perauewture we p. asks what schal, as tyme requyryth, open and touch. But, Master the laws of Tjvpset, to retorne to the purpos, let me here a lytyl inheritance. i • ,-, , i , . , your mynd m thys mater some what more at large. 335 1 4. Lvpse/. — Syr, wyth a gud wyl. Fyrst, me thynk- yth that thys may be a sure and certayne ground for the l. says laws rest of our coramunycatyon — that lawys are made for were made for the people, not the pepul, and for the ordur of them, and not the pepul the laws : for the lawys ; the wych, therfor, must be applyd some what to the nature of them. Wherfore, al such lawys, 341 ordynyarccys, and statutys, wych cowteyne the pepul in gud ordur and rule, are to be alowyd and iustely to be receyuyd. Thys, I thynke, was wel corcsyderyd of them wych fyrst instytute thys law of inherytaunce. Englishmen are They wel coresyderyd the nature of our pepul, wych by have' heads or nature be somewhat rude and sturdy of mynd, in so andThes^ heads much that yf they had not in euery place some hedys bythi8 8 iawof an< ^ gouernarys to tempur theyr affectys rude and vnruly, inheritance. theyr wold among them be no ordur at al ; and ther- 350 for hyt was not wythout cause, as hyt apperyth, or- deynyd and stablyschyd, that in euery grete famyly the eldyst schold succede, to maynteyne a hede, wych, by authoryte, dygnyte, and powar, schold bettur cowteyne 354 the rudenes of the pepul. For thys ys both certayn inands of great and sure — that yf the landys in euery grete famyly divided between were dystrybutyd equally betwyx the bretherne, in a families would smal processe of yerys they hede famylys wold dekey, ecay- and by lytyl and lytyl vtturly vanysch away ; and so they pepul schold be wythout rularys and hedys, the 360 wych then, by theyr rudenes and foly, wold schortly dysturbe thys quyat lyfe and gud pollycy, wych by many agys they haue lade here in our curatre : such schold be the dyssensyon and dyscorde one wyth another. [*Page io6.] And so, me semyth, the mayntenance of thes hedys *ys OF LANDS AMONG CHILDREN. Ill the mayntenaurcce of al cyuyle ordur and poly tyke rule 365 here in our natyon. Wherfor, Master Pole, yf you take Take away this law, and you ruin thys away, hyt apperyth playnly you schal take away our nobility, the foundatyon and ground of al otir cyuylyte ; and, the commons, besyd thys, you schal therwyth bryng in the ruyne of al nobylyte and auncyent stokkys. For yf you from no- 370 bullys onys take theyr grete possessyonys, or mynystur any occasyon to the same, you schal, in processe of yerys, corcfounde the nohyllys and the coramynys to- geddur, aftur such maner that ther schalbe no dyfferens hetwyx the one and the other. Thys apperyth to me, 375 except, Master Pole, you caw answere to thes resonys, wych seme playnly to conclude contrary to your sen- tence. For as touchyng that you say thys mane?* of in- He cannot grant i i i n it tnat ** ' s contrary heryta?zce to be contrary to the law of nature, that I can to the law of not graunt, for as much as the dyspo[sy]tyon of thes worldly godys lyth not ewer in the fre wyl of man, to dyspose at hys lyberty ; but, by ordur of law cyuyle, may be dysposyd, orduryd, and bounden to the mayn- tenance of gud pollycy, the wych repugnyth, aftur my jugement, no thyng at al to the law of nature and 385 honesty. 15. "Bole. — Wei, Master ~Lvpset, notwythstondyng your resonys seme to be strong and of grete weyght, yet yf we can put before our yes the conimyn wele before declaryd, hyt schal not be hard to make to them answer. 390 How be hyt, they *haue also somewhat of the truth [* Page 167.] mynglyd with al • for surely aftur, as you say, the the people need rudenes of our pepul requyryth hedys and goue?*nourys sure iy the to conteyne them in ordur and qnietnes, and though m^htha^some- hyt be not necessary at al, yet in grete famylys thys thmg< maner of successyon may be sufFeryd ryght wel. How 396 be hyt, some prouysyon for the second bretherne, by the ordur of law, also wold be had, and not to leue them bare to the only curtesy of theyr eldyst brother, whose loue oft-tymys ys so cold and weke, that he may wel 400 112 THE ENTAILING OF LANDS 401 suffyr hys brethern to lyue in grettur pouerty then ys comienyent to theyr nobylyte. But yf you wold suffur thys addycyon and moderatyon to be yoynyd therto, your resonys schold proue ryght wel, in grete housys (as pryrecys, dukys, erlys, and barorcnys) such maner of in great houses successyon to be alowyd as cowuenyent. But now, a primogeniture may be borne, the other parte, to admytt the same co???mynly among "gentlemen"! al gentylmera of mean sorte, what so euer they be, thys ys not tollerabyl; thys ys almost, as you sayd, agayn 410 nature and al gud cyuylyte; for thys bryngyth in among the multytude ouer grete inequalyte, wych ys the of this we may occasyon of dyssensyon and debate. You may take of from the Romans, thys exampul of the auncyent Romaynys, whose lawys, me semyth, be drawen out of nature ; wyth whome al 415 herytagys be equally dyuydyd by ordur of law, and not left to the affectyon of the father, wych cowtmyrcly ys more bent to one chyld then to a nother ; but euen as they be of nature wythout dyfferens brought forth, so whose children wythout dyfferercs they equally succede in theyr inheryt- thetoheritaiice. a?zce left to theyr famyly. And thys, "blaster Lvpsef, [* page 168.] *you may see how that both your resonys and myn also may haue place, yf they be wel applyd and indyfferewtly weyd ; for euen lyke as hyt ys among the nobyllys con- uenyent to succede aftur such maner, for the mayntenance 425 of the hedys and of nobylyte, so hyt ys agayn reson and al cyuyle ordur to admyt the same among al the pepul This fault came co?wmywly. But, Master Lvpse£, thys faute sprange of of entailing lands, ' '■ . whereby every a certayne arrogawcy, wherby, wyth the intaylyng of Jack would be a., T , , , , , , ' ■ -, gentleman. landys, euery Jake wold be a genvmva&n,*- and euery 430 gentylmaw a knyght or a lord, as we sch'aLschow here aftur in hys place. Wherfor, Master Jjvpset, now yf you thynke thys to be a faute, aftur such maner as hyt ys now declaryd, let vs procede, and seke out for other 434 of the same sorte. L. says this is a 16. "Lvjiset. — Syr, you say wel ; for surely you haue so in few wordys declaryd your niynd in thys behalfe, SHOULD BE LIMITED TO NOBLES. 113 that I can not deny but that herin lyth a mysordvur ; but 437 at the begynnyng hyt apperyd a veray strange thyng vtturly to take away our mane? 1 of successyon, wych so many yerys hath byn alowyd, and, as me thought, not wythout grete reson. I thynke also, veryly, that at the • fyrst ordynance of our lawys, euen as you say, that thys 442 nianer of successyon was only in grete famylys, and yet not wythout some prouysyon for the other bretherne, as and instances they haue yet in Fraunce, Flaundres, and in Italy; where the other [where] the second brother hath euer some castel or towne f°" s are prov appoyntyd to hym *by the ordur of theyr law and cus- [*Pagei69.] tume in euery grete famyly. But truly I can not but corcfesse thys maner, to be receyuyd among al men of 449 mean state and degre, to be vtturly agayne al gud cyuy- lyte, and wythout fayle rysyth of the ground that you wel haue notyd. I haue euer thought thys maner of He speaks of the . fault of entailing mtaylyng ol landys commynly not to be alowyd by juste lands, especially pollycy. Wherfor, me thynke, thys ys a faute worthy ^^^ ,es ' now to be spoken of also ; for thys intaylyng, specyally landys -' aftur such mane? - only to the eldyst sone in euery base 456 famyly, makyth many rechles heyrys, causyth them lytyl to regard nother lernyng nor vertue, in as much as they are sure to be inherytarys to a grete porcyon of intaylyd land; and so, by thys assurans, they gyue themselfe to al vanyte and plesure, wythout respecte. 461 The wych, I thynke, they wold not dow yf they were in dowte of such possessyonys, and the hole inherytaunce to hang apon theyr behauyour and beryng. 17. Pole. — As for that, Master ~Lvpset, the law doth command no such intaylyng, but permyttyth hyt only. 466 18. Lvpse/. — Mary, that ys the thyng also that it might be T p j_i i • j i i • , i suffered in noble 1 reproue ; lor though, in grete housys such intaylyng families. may be suffryd for the mayntenarcce of the famyly, yet in the basse famylys, commynly thys to be admyttyd, * surely hyt ys no thyng co/?uenyent, for as much as hyt [*Page no.] 1 In margin of MS. STARKEY. 8 114 LANDS HELD BY KNIGHT'S SERVICE. 472 bryngyth in grete inequalyte, and so much hate and malyce among the comniynalty. "Wherfor thys ys no smal errore in the ordur of our law, and may wel he couplyd wyth the other. p. goes on to 19. PoZe. — Let vs admyt hyt then to be so, and go speak of the ills ' J J ° which arise from forward. Ther ys a nother maner and custume touch- holding lands by knight's service, yng tnes heyrys m our cuntrey, no lesse, altur my mynd, to be reprouyd, then the other before notyd ; and that Abuse in wardys.i ys thys : — you know wel wyth vs, yf a mare dye wych holdyth hys landys by knyghtys seruyce of any superyor, 482 leuyng hys heyre wythin age, hys landys fal in to the handys of the sayd superyor and lord ; he dnryng hys nonage to be in the ward, tuytyon, and goue?'naunce of when the heir, the same. Thys apperyth to me fer agayn reson. Fyrst, age, is subject to hyt ys nothyng conuenyent the heyre to be in gouern- those who are not 7 i j> i i ± -i j.ii related to him. aunce and rule oi hym wych ys to hym nother kyn nor 488 alye, by the reson wherof he hath lytyl regard of hys bryngyng vp in lernyng and vertue ; and, ferther, hys landys to be in the handys of hys superyor, wythout [*Page Hi.] any counte therof to be had, ys yet les comienyent *and 492 more agayne reson, specyally seyng they haue also such They may marry powar apon they heyre, that they may, afturward, mary him to whom they will. hym at theyr lyberty wyth whome they thynke best and most for theyr profyt. Thys, me semyth, ys a playne seruytute and iniury, and no guard, to be admyt- 497 tyd in gud pollycy. How say you to thys, Master LvpseZ, thynke you not so ? l. thinks this 20. "Lvpset. — Syr, ther be many thyngys here in our custom just and , , £ 7 •. •■ ,-. 7 . ,, reasonable curetrey wych, yf a man consydur lyghtly and luge them euerely, may appere much contrary to reson and gud 502 pollycy ; but they same, a lytyl bettur consyderyd, and depelyar weyd, schal seme not only to be tollerabyl enough, but also iust and resonabul, of the wych nombur I thynke thys to be one wherof we now speke. For yf 506 you consydur the ground and the ordyna?zce of the law 1 In margin of MS. ORIGIN OF THE CUSTOM. 115 at the fyrst begynnyng, I suppose you wyl not so much 507 reproue the mater as you dow. For thys we fynd in storys and in the fyrst instytutyon of our comyn law, and refers to the origin of the that at such tyme as Wyllyam the Corcquerour subduyd custom. our cu?itrey and stablyschyd our lawys, certayn landys were gyuen out of grete famylys to inferyor personys 512 for theyr seruyce downe to them before, vnder such con- dycyon that when so euer they decessyd, leuyng theyr heyrys wythin age, that then thes landys duryng the nonage schold retorne to the superior agayne, by whose bunfyte hyt ca?n to the famyly and stoke, and the same 517 man also to haue such powar to mary hym as he thought He ought to have- power to marry best and most conuenyent ; how be hyt, no thyng com- as he may choose. pellyng hym therin at al, but only by gentyl and gud exhortatyon mouyng hym tberto, for hys profyt and synguler co?nfort : the wych, me semyth, much resonabul, 522 uonsyderyng *they bunfytys come al fro?n hym by the [* page 172.3 wych the hole famyly schold be maynteynyd. And as 'or count duryng the nonage, why schold he make any, aeyng for that tyme hyt ys as hys owne 1 For the landys were gyuett at the fyrst begynnyng vnder such condycyon, as I sayd before. Wherfor hyt ys not so vnresonabyl 528 for hym to haue both ward and maryage, and of the I.andys no thyng to be contabul. 21. PoZe. — "Wei, blaster LvpseZ, set what face you p. cannot be , , , persuaded that wyl apon thys mater, you can not persuade me thys ordur the custom is to be gud, specyally when I loke to the perfayt co??zmyn e °° ' wele wych I wold myght be stablyschyd here in our 534 cuntrey. Let hyt be so that at the tyme of the fyrst entre of the Conquerour, or tyranne (cal hym as you wyl) thys maner myght be for the tyme conuenyent • but now, yf we wyl restore our cuntrey to a perfayt state, wyth a true commyn wele, we must schake of al such 539 tyrannycal custumys and vnresonabyl bandys, instytute by that tyranne when he subduyd our cuntrey and but owns that natyon. I can not deny but, as you say, they wych 116 ANOTHER FAULT IS IK the land had gaue theyr landys to theyr seruarctys myght put sucli l power to make „ conditions; oorcdycyon both oi ward and maryage ; and so hyt may i ms. so such. appere somewhat resonabul al theyr successorys to he bounde, aftur that inaner, to them wych consydur the [*Page 173.] tyme of the tyrawne. But we must loke a lytyl *hyar, 548 and cowsydur the tyme of nature to the wych we wold forme our commyn wele ; and then we schal fynd thys bondage to be vnresonabul among cyuyle pepul purpos- yng to lyue in a just pollycy. Wherfor, Master Lvp- 552 set, let vs no more dowte of thys mater. and l., acknow- 22. Lvpse£. — Syr, you eue?" stoppe my mouth wyth ledging that it "smells of thys co?isyderatyon of the perfayt state ; to the wych, ttup. ' glVe wythout fayle, thys maner dothe somewhat repugne ; for surely hyt smellyth a lytyl of tyranny. Wherfor, 557 bycause I wyl not wyth no sophystycal reson repugne to the manyfest truthe and equyte, therfor I wyl co?zfesse • thys to be a grete errore in our cowmyn wele and pollycy, without ferther lettyng you to procede in the rest of your co??^munycatyon. p. thinks he does 23. PoZe. — Master Jjypset, therin you dow wel ; for save time. yf you schold tary our communycatyon wyth sophystycal argumeratys, we schold not thys day note halfe the erorys 565 wych I purpos to talke wyth you of. For ther ys no- thyng so true and manyfest, but the suttylty of mannys reson may deuyse somethyng to say contrary, and to im- pugne the same, as in thys wych now I wyl speke of, wych, me semyth, ys so manyfest an errore in our law, 570 that no ma?i may hyt deny ; and yet I caw not thynke but you wyl fynd somewhat to lay agayne hyt. l. win never 24. liTpset. — Hyt may wylbe ; but I promys you, sak e C of victory, as I haue sayd befor, I wyl not repugne for no study nor desyre of victory, but only for the inuewtyon of the [* Page 174.] truth and equyte; for you know *wel that dowtyng and laying somewhat agayne the truth makyth hyt oft- tymys to appere more manyfest and playn. Therfor let vs see what thyng hyt ys that you thynke so many- 579 fest a faute. THE REMOVAL OF CAUSES BY WRIT. 117 25. Po7e. — Syr, hyt ys touchyng appellatyonys in Abuse by remo causys and remouyng by wrytt. You know ryght wel p. goes on to hyt ys -wyth vs conraiynly vsyd, that yf any mare haue removaurf any cowtrouersy in the schyre where he dwellyth, yf he canses by wnt * he purposyd to vex hys aduersary, he wyl by wryte re- moue hys canse to the court at "Westmynstur ; by the 585 wych mean oft-tymys the vniust cause preuaylyth, in so much as the one party ys not peraueretur so abul as the other to wage hys law, and so justyce ys oppressyd, truth ouerthrowne, and wrong takyth place. Thys, me thynk, ys playn, except you haue any thyrig to lay 590 agayne hyt. 26. Lvpse^. — Syr, as touchyng thys mater, me thynke l. says the you dow amys ; for you lay the faute, wych ys in the the party who party, to the ordynarece of the law, for the parte ys to not with the law? blame wych thys wyl vex hys adue?-sary for hys plesure or profyt ; but the ordynarece of the law ys gretely to be alowyd, wych, for by cause oft-tymys in the schyre by 597 partys, made by affectyon and powar, materys are so borne and bolsteryd that justyce care not haue place wyth indyffere?2cy, hath ordeynyd that by wryte * the [* Page 175.] cause myght be remouyd to London to indyfferent juge- me?«t, where as the partys be nother of both knowen 602 nor by affectyon fauoryd. Therfore in the law, touchyng thys behalf e, I thynke ther ys no faute at al. 27. PoZe. — Then, Master Lvpse£, me thynke you pondur not al wel and depely. For thought hyt be p.'s answer is „ , . . . that the law trothe, as you say, a iaute ther ys m the one party, wych should only allow so malycyously vexythe hys aduersary, yet the law ther- j USt cause ascer- by ys not excusyd, wych so sejiiyth to the malyce of tained - mare, so lyghtly admyttyng the remouyng of the cause 610 before sentence be gyuera, and before hyt be knowen perfyttely whether the mater schold be borne by any powar or partys in the schyre or not ; for in such case, as you say ryght wel, appellatyon ys necessary and re- 614 1 In margin of MS. 118 DELAYS IK LAW COURTS. 615 mouyng of the cause to indyffere/it jugeniewt. But as Causes ought not the ordur ys, I thynke you see ther ys faute, hothe in the to be removed out or the shire, or to party and in the maner of the law, and that not only in remouyng by wryte materys out of the schyre, but lyke wyse horn the jugys of the commyn law to the 620 chauncery and to the hyar counsel by iniurcctyon ; the wych thyng, as hyt apperyth, lettyth much justyce and trowblyth the hole ordur and processe of the law. How say you, Waster Isrpset, thynke not you thys to be truth 1 and to this l. 28. livpset. — Syr, wythout fayle, I can not deny but other the law other the mynysterys therof, are 626 somewhat to esy in grauntyng and admyttywg such ap- pellatyon and iniunctyon before the materys examynyd [♦Page 176.] and tryed, other in the curctrey *or before the jugys in the comvayn law ; for thys were resonabul, that at the lest they schold tary tyl the party found hymselfe greuyd wyth the sentence wych he jugyd to be wronge- 632 fully gyuera. Thys ys vndowtydly a grete faute in the ordur of our law, and causyth many pore mew to be wrongefully oppressyd. Therfor, agreyng apon thys, let vs go forward. Faute in long 29. "Pole. — Ther ys also a grete faute wych apperyth sutys.l . p. has another cowcernyng the processe in sutys of causys. I see suSfakesome- ma W mewnys materys heng in sute ii, iij, or iiij yere to^eterm^ne""" 3 an ^ more > anc ^ Caw n0 ^ ^ e fy n y scn yd ', the Wych CaUSyS which might be f themselfe be not so obscure but theM myght be de- finished in fewer L,/ J JO days. fynyd in fewar days then they heng yerys, the wych, me thynke, can not be wythout some faute in the ordur 643 of the law. For though hyt be so that thes hungry aduo- catys and cormora??tys of the court study much to delay causys for theyr lucre and profyt, yet I thynke hyt caw not be denyd but ther ys some faut also in the ordur of the law and in pollycy. For thys ys sure — yf hyt were wel ordryd, justyce schold not be so defettyd, nor the 649 processe therof so be stoppyd, by euery lyght and 1 In margin of MS. SEVERITY OF PUNISHMENTS. 119 couetouse sergeant, proktor, or attornay. "Wherfor me 650 thynke we may justely no??zbur thys among the other before notyd. How thynke you, "Master Lvpse£, ys hyt not so 1 30. Lvpset. — Syr, schortly to say, thys I dow l. says it is wonderful to see thynke, that yf they mynystres were gud, I suppose ther tilings which were instituted *wold be no grete faute found in the processe of the [»Pagei77.] law nor ordur of the same ; for the couetouse and gredy iU . myndys of them destroyth al law and gud pollycy, wych ys a maruelouse thynge, to see them wych were 659 fyrst instytute for the mayrctenance and settyng forward of true justyce and equyte, now to be the destruetyon of the same wyth al iniury. 31. "Pole. — "Wei, Master Jjvpset, thys ys no dowte, the mynysters be the gretyst cause of al such mysor- 664 durys ; but yet thys may not be denyd, as me thynke, p. thinks minis- tcrs fire the but that ther ys a lake also in the ordur of the law at greatest cause of the lest ; for as much as hyt suffryth such delays by false mynystres, and makyth no prouysyon therfore, hyt caw not be excusyd. 669 32. IiVpset. — Syr, as touchyng that, I aggre to you also, that ther ys a certayn lake also in the ordur of the law. 33. Vole. — That ys enough now to vs, whose purpos 673 ys to serch out the commyn errorys, fautys, and defectys in our polytyke rule. Therfor let vs procede aftur the maner begu«. Me thynke, to descende to thys parte, the ordur of our law also in the punnyschment of theft Pu»nyschment of ys ouer-strayte, and faylyth much from gud cyuylyte. For wyth vs, for euery lytyl theft, a niare ys by and by p. says for every . , , little theft men hengyd wythout niercy or pyte ; wych, me semyth, ys are hanged with- agayne nature and humanyte, specyally when they steyle out mercy- for necessyte, wyt[h]out murdur or manslaughter co??i- 682 myttyd therin. 34. "Lvpset. — Syr, I can not tel why you schold cal L- says the punishment can- 1 In margin of MS. 120 THE PUNISHMENT FOR not be too severe: thys ordur oue?*-strayte, wych ys not yet, by al hys it does not deter ' .„ , ^ ^n ^ . i [* Page 178.] straytenes, suffycyent to make *lelonys to be ware one men rom s ea - ^y another. I thynke yf we coud deuyse a puftnysch- me?it more strayttur then deth, hyt were necessary to he ordenyd and receyuyd among vs ; for you know the 690 gretenes of the offence ys such agayne the co?mnyn wel, wych dysturbyth al quyet lyfe and peacybul, that no payne ys [equal] to the punnyschinent therof. p. mi intains his 35. PoZe. — Syr, yet, me thynke, a iuste moderatyon were to he had therin ; for though hyt he so that the 695 offens he grete agayne the commyn wele, yet when hyt ys downe apon grete necessyte, and wythout murdur, and at the fyrst tyme specyally, bettur hyt were to fynd some way how the ma?z myght he brought to bettur To hang him is ordur and frame ; for by and by to heng hym vp, ys, wythout fayle, ouer-strayte and to much seueryte. When 701 hyt ys downe wythout respect, specyally cowsyderyng that hyt avaylyth not also to the repressyng of the faute, as, by long tyme and many yerys, we haue had proue suffycyewt. can you devise 36. Lvpsef. — Syr, yf ther myght be a way deuysyd by gud pollycy wherby they myght be brough[t] to some 707 bettur ordur, hyt were not to be refusyd, but necessary to our purpos. we shall see. 37. PoZe. — That we schal se here aftur in hys place ; now hyt ys enough yf you wyl cowfesse hyt to be ouer-strayte. 712 38. IiVpset — Yes, that ys no dowte, yf we coude [* Page 179.] fynd a *way to tempur and refrayne thayr malyce by other meane then by deth, as I thynke hereaftur you wyl schow. Purcnyschmerct of 39. PoZe. — Sir, in hys place thys thyng I wyl not treson.i p. says the omyt. But now to our purpos. A lyke seueryte 1 SSUSta!" fy 1 ^ in tne puwnyschmerct of treson, wherby, you know, not only the heyre and al the stoke losyth hys landys, 1 In margin of MS. severe. TREASON TOO SEVERE. 121 but also the credytorys holly are defaytyd of theyr dette, 720 what so euer hyt be, wythout respecte ; wych thyng ap- peryth ouerstrayte also. 40. LvpseZ. — Syr, me thynke you po»dur not wel l. thinks he does the gretnesse of thys faute, wych of al other ys the greatness of the most haynouse. Wherfor the traytour ys not only to be punnyschyd in hys body and godys, but also in 726 hys chyldur and frendys ; that, by hys exa?/?pul, other may beware of so grete a cryme. 41. PoZe. — Syr, al thys were resonabul, ye, and ouer- lytyl, yf they were of counseyl wyth the traytour. 42. LvpseZ. — That, by the law ys presupposyd and The prince may pardon. vtturly presumyd to be truth ; and in case be that they be not gylty at al, the pry/zee, yf he wyl, may pardon 733 such punnyschme?it. 43. PoZe. — That ys trothe ; but thys hangyth only a weak thread apon the wyl of the prynce — a veray weke thred in such a case. Wherfor, as I sayd, an excepcyon were to be requyryd by the ordur of the law, wych apperyth ouer- 738 strayte in that pu/myschment, lyke as in the other be- fore rehersyd. 44. LvpseZ. — Syr, al be hyt here may * be much [*Pageiso.] and this L. spoken in thys mater agayne your sentence, yet by cause grants, hyt leynyth to equyte and coresyence, aftur my mynd also, I wyl not be obstynat, but graunt thys to you, lest 744 I schold let you otherwyse then ys conuenyent now to our purpos. 45. PoZe. — Ferther, also, in the accusyng of treson, Aecusyngof ' ' J ° ' treson.) ther ys, me semyth, ouer-grete lyberty ; for wyth vs, yf p. says there is a maw accuse a no ther of treson, though he proue hyt in accusing' o/ 7 not, yet he ys not purcnyschyd, but frely pardonyd by reason - the custume here vsyd, wych ys playn agayn al gud 751 reson. 46. LvpseZ. — Syr, in that I care not wel agre wyth in this l. cannot agree. you ; for in so much as they cryme ys so grete, only 1 In margin of MS. 122 COMMON LAW WRITTEN IN FRENCH. 755 suspycyon ys to be accusyd, wythout any dede, to the wych, yf tlier were purcnyschmewt greuus by the law appoyntyd, ther wold neuer be accusatyon tyl the dede were downe ; and so the state of the cojnmyn wele schold neuer be stabyl nor quyat. Wherfor, not wyth- 760 out cause, apon suspycyon only, euery rnaw may frely accuse other of treson. Light causes of 47. Po?e. — Master Lvpse£, you say in that ryght suspicion not to be admitted. wel, that, bycause the cryme ys so grete, suspycyon only ys to be accusyd, so that hyt be probabyly co??ceyuyd ; 765 for euery lyght suspycyon in such grete causys ys not to be admyttyd, as hyt ys wyth vs in custume and vse ; and that ys the faute only that I fynd here in our cuntre. [* Page i8i.] 48. *Lvpse£. — Syr, he that apon lyght suspycyon He who accuses lightly should accusyth any maw of so grete cryme, surely were worthy be punished. to be pmznyschyd. Ihys 1 cam not deny; and so in 772 admyttyng such lyght suspycyon to be accusyd, our law ys some what ouer-lyght agayn the accusarys. 49. PoZe. — Thes, Master Jjvipsef, are the most gen- eral thyngys touchyng the ordur of our commyn law, wych, among infynyte other, I haue pykyd out and 777 thought to be notyd now at thys tyme, for the restoring p. now proposes of a iust pollycy. Wherfor, except you remembyr any spu-ituaHauits. other, we may procede to the fautys in the sprytual parte callyd; for of thys body ther be also no smal mysordurys, and, peraue?zture grettur, then in thys. Before this l. 50. "LvpseV — Syr, you schal dow well, for me anothermatter : semyth you haue sayd metely in thys behalfe. How be hyt, I maruayle that one thyng you haue so let pas con- 785 cernyjzg the eommyn law, wych, though hyt be no faute in the ordur therof, yet me thynke hyt stondyth not Commyn law in wel. The thyng ys thys, that our co???myn law ys The common law wryten in the French tonge, and therin dysputyd and French, tought, wych, besyde that hyt ys agayne the co??imyn 1 MS. Le. 2 In margin of MS. THE POPE AND HIS AUTHORITY. 123 wele, ys also ignomynyouse and, dyshonowre to oui' 790 natyon ; for as much as therby ys testyfyd our subiec- and testifies to our subjection by tyon to the Normawnys. Thys thyng apperyth to me the Normans, not wel ; for co??imyn law wold euer be wry ten in the co??zmyn tong, that euery maw that wold myght vnder- stond the bettur such *statutys and ordynawcys as he [*p ag ei82.] ys bounden to obserue. 51. "Pole. — Master Lvpse£, thys ys wel notyd of you; 797 for surely thys ys a thyng that no maw by reson may wel defend. And the same also ys in the law of the T o whi ch p - adds church-law in Church, wych apperyth to me no lesse necessary to be Latin, pnt in our mother tong then the other. 52. livpset. — Syr, as touchyng that, here aftur in 802 hys place we may examyn and try out the truth herin ; for, pe?-auewture, the reson ys not al one. For by the reson therof we are in onr curttrey constreynyd to lerne the Latyn tong, wych ys necessary to them wych wyl l. thinks Latin necessary. lyue togyddur in gud cyuylyte, bycause al the lyberal artys are cowteynyd therin. 53. "Pole. — Wel, Waster Trvpset, let vs not entur in- 809 to thys dysputatyon now, bnt euen, as you say, dyffer hyt to hys place, and now procede to the sprytualty, wherin the fautys are open to the world. And fyrst, p. notes the Pope's power and and aboue al other, cowcernyng the authoryte gyuew to his dispensations, the hede, or els by many yerys vsurpyd apon vs tyraw- nycally — I mean the authoryte of the Pope. You know Authoryte of the he takyth apon hym the dyspensatyon of al lawys stab- lyschyd by God and man, the wych by money hys 817 offycerys dow sel ; as hyt wer proclaymyng aftur thys maner, 2 " who so euer wyl breke such lawys and such, let hym bryng thys some of money, and I schal dyspewse * wyth hym." Thys ys a intollerabul vsage and custume. [* Page 183.] -r-r n l -nr.T it i, .,i n which are intoler- How thynke you, Master Lvpset* ys hyt not thys ? able. 54. LvpsetA — Yes, truly abuse ther ys therin ; but 823 1 In margin of MS. 2 MS. mater. 3 MS. le. 4 MS. Le. 124 THE POPE AND SAINT PETER. 824 yet in the law I can not tel ; for necessary hyt ys to haue one hede to moderate and tempur the straytenes of the law, or els we schold haue veray oft general l. says the Pope's couresellys : and, hesyde that, such authoryte commyth power is derived from Christ. to hym from our Mastur Chryst, wych in the Gospel 829 gaue that to Sayn Petur and to al hys successorys also. "Wherfor that authoryte may not he taken away, except you wyl take away the ground of our relygyon wythal. 55. PoZe. — Nay, Master ~Lvpset, 1 not so. I wyl not name any poynt of the Gospel at-al. How he hyt, her- 834 in ys grete coratrouersy nowadays, the wych I wyl not here examyn ; hut hreuely I wyl schow you myn p. says Peter's opynyon therin : take hyt yf you lyst. I thynke the not like that authoryte gyuere to Sayn Petur was no thyng of that usurp P ° P6S sor * w y c h nowadays the Popys vsurpe, hut hyt was only to declayre penytent heartys cowtryte for ther syn to he 840 ahsoluyd from the faute therof, and that hyt schold he The power to n o more imputyd to them. And as for the dyspensa- dispense with laws was given tyon of lawys, wych aftur were ordeynyd hy maw, was cardinals by man. also hy maw gyue?z to the See of Eome. I mean not to the person of the Pope, hut to hym and to his College [* Page 184.] f *Cardynallys also, wych, at the fyrst, were chosen hy theyr vertue and lernyng, mew of auncyent wysdome 847 and sage. They were not made hy money, as they are now, and of al age, wythout respecte. Wherfor, thys ys my sentence :— the Pope hathe no such authoryte to dyspe?zse wyth general lawys made hy the Church, nother hy the powar gyue?i to hym hy God, nor hy ma«. The power given For hys powar gyuere to hym hy God exteredyth only to absolution of sin the ahsolutyon of syn; and that wych hy mare was gjnen, was not gyuere only to hym, but to the hole cumpany of the See of Eome : and so he, in abusyng thys powar, destroyth the hole ordur of the Church. Thys 857 ys clere, as I coud hy many storys confyrme, yf I thought ther were any dowte therin. But now, as I sayd, 1 MS. le. only. APPEALS TO ROME. 125 therfor I thynke I may affyrme grete mysordur to be in 859 the vsurpyng of thys authoryte. 56. livpset. — Syr, as touchyng the dyspe?2satyon, in this l. agrees. wythout dowte grete faute ther ys ; and surely that he hath no authoryte therto, but only by the consent of ma?i, me thynke schold be veray truth. Wherfor in the 864 abuse therof ys no les detryment to the law of the * Church, then ys to the comrnyn law here of our cuntre, [* Page issj by the prerogatyue of the pry?zce. Let vs therfor agre apon thys. 57. "Sole. — Of thys same ground spryng} T th also Appeiyngto another grete mysordur, in appellatyon of such as be Appeal to Rome is another callyd spmYual causys. In a grete cause nowadays, "misorder." sentence can not be sure nor fyrme ; for the one party wyl by and by appele to Eome, as who say that wythin 873 our reame ther were nother wysdome nor justyce to ex- amyn such materys. Thys ys not only grete hurte to the co?nmyn wele, but also grete schame and dyshonowre to our cuntrey. 58. Lvpse£ — Why, but then, me semyth, you wold l. pleads for the . . power of appeal. no appellatyon, be the sentence neue?" so miuste, wych ys agayne the ordur of any comrnyn wele. Whereas 880 appellatyon ys euer admyttyd to the hede and to hyar authoryte. Wherfor, seyng you graunte the Pope wyth hys College of Cardynallys to be hede, made and admyt- tyd by the consent of man, you must nede admyt also appellatyon therto. 885 59. Hole. — Syr, as touchyng thys, you say wel; for in which p. appellatyon I dow not vtturly take away ; but I wold haue hyt moderate, aftur gud reson, that euery tryfylyng cause schold not be *referryd to Eome, as hyt hath byn [*Page JS6.] long in vse. 60. Lvpsef. — As for that, I wyl graunte you to be a grete faute, lyke as hyt ys in the comrnyn law by re- mouyng of causys to London by wryte. 893 1 In margin of MS. 126 THE LAW OF ANNATS. p. what think 61. Pole. — Then let vs go forward. What thynke you of first fruits to Rome ? you by the law of JExmatys 1 Ys hy t not vriresonahyl nna ys. j^g f vrs t frutys to ruw to Pome, to maynteyne the pompe 897 and pryde of the Pope, ye, and warre also, and dyscord among Chrystim pry^cys, as we haue seen by long experyence ? l. thinks the 62. livpset. — Wei, Sir, that ys no more but to practice is abused. schow the abuse of the thyng ; for the wych you may not vtturly take away the ordynawce of the law, wych 903 was euer for a gud purpos, as in thys. Thes fyrst frutys were appoyntyd, as I conyecture, to maynteyn the ma- iesty of our hede, and magnyfycence of the See, and also to defend our Church iioni the subiectyon of the ennemys of Chrystys fayth. Wherfor, bettur hyt were to prouyde 908 a gud vse of thes thyngys, then vtturly to take them away. 63. PoZe. — Wei, blaster ~Lvpset, to make you a breue answer, I thynke thes causys that you lay now haue no place. For, fyrst, as for the magnyfycence and [* Page is-.] maiesty of the Church stondy th * not in such possessyonys and pompe, but in stabylnes and puryte of Chrystyun p. says the lyfe : thys ys a thyng clere and manyfest. And as for defend the the defence of the Church, [hyt] perteynyth not to the Pope and hys See, but rather to the Emperour and 918 other Chrystuw pry?zcys : wherfor to pyl theyr cuntreys for thys purpos, ys not just nor resonabul; and thys schortly I thynke remaynyth no just cause wy thes annatys schold be payd to Eome. l. says you harp 64. Lvpse£. — Syr, I parceyue wel al thes thyngys upon one string. - ,i -i -rr i , henge apon one threde. You harpe apon one stryng cowtynually, wych in hys place I thynke you wyl te?w- 925 pur. Therfor now, bycause I wyl not be obstynate and offend agayn my gost, denying the playn and manyfest truth, I wyl no more repugne in thes causys. 65. "Pole. — The same mysordur that ys in appella- 1 In margin of MS. YOUTHS ADMITTED TO RELIGION. 127 tyonys and annatys, also, to the See of Eome, ys also Appeiyng to the in appeiyng to the Court of the Byschope of Canterbury, Appeal to the Court of Arches callyd the Arches, whether as causys are remouyd wyth- a fault. out examynatyon or sentence before gyuen in the dyosys. 66. Lvpset. — Ther ys no dowte but ther ys also 934 grete abuse therin. 67. PoZe. — And what say [you] by the prerogatyfe Pm-ogatyf of gyuen to the same Byschope of Canterbury, wherby he Probate in the Archbishop'9 hath the probatyon of testame? ., 1 . , be honoured for owryd, and therby from the commyn pepul, as hyt their virtues. Were, exemptyd, wych yf they folow, the pepul schal gyue them gladly al worthy honowrys, and nurysch 1361 them wyth theyr laburys and trauayle, in grete quyetnes and tranquyllyte ; and thys exemptyon indede ys to be gyue?i to the dygnyte of presthod, and not that they They must not may haue lyberty, wythout punnyschement, to offend al transgress aii lawys frely. For by thys mean, as me semyth, al the aw8 ' dygnyte of presthode ys vtturly dekeyd ; for-as-much 1367 as by the reson of such pn'uylege grauntyd of pryrccys The evil con- sequences of their to the dygnyte of them, euery lude felow, now-a-days, privileges. and idul lubbur, that can other rede or syng, makyth hymselfe prest, not for any loue of relygyon, but for by- cause, vnder the pretense therof, they may abase them 1372 selfe in al vayn lustys and vanyte, wythout punnysche- ment or reproue of any degre : such ys theyr pn'uylege and exemptyon. How say [you], Master Tjvpset, ys hyt not thys 1 110. "Lvpset. — Sir, I can not wel tel what I schal say, l. confesses that , . . .. . the spiritual your resonys are so probabyl ; specyally consyderyng courts have that, among themselfys and in theyr spmYual courtys, they haue no * pu/myschemewt determyd by law con- [* Page 203.] 140 THE RIGHT OF SANCTUARY. in not punishing uenyent to such fautys and crymys of them comniyttyd, crimes. wych yf they had, yet me thynke hyt schold be more coreuenyent that theyr causys schold he intretyd before theyr owne jugys. But now, seyng they are ouer-fauer- abyl therin, I care not but co^fesse thys pn'uylege to 1386 be pernycyouse, specyally in such a multytud of ryb- baudys as be now-a-days in the ordur of presthode. Such pryuylege, at the fyrst begynnyng of the Church, when prestys were perfayt and pure of lyfe, were veray expedyent, and, breuely to say, no les then they be now 1391 dyscoreuenyent. what about 111. [Pole.] — And what thynk 1 you by exemptyon abbeys, & c ., of relygyouse housys and collegys from theyr byschoppys Sl^TfiL to the See of Eome - Ys th y s resonabyl 1 byschoppys.* n2 Lvpse*.— Syr, yf they byschoppys dyd no 1396 offyce therin accordyng to the ordur of the law, as they dow not, wherin lyth a grete faute also, as hyt ys opera to euery mawnys yes, that thyng were vndowtydly to be l. does not reprouyd ; but as the world ys, I caw not myslyke that "inislike" this. i i i i -i i • -i . at al : for though they be not wel, yet they be in bettur case then they other. 1402 113. "Pole. — Thys ys enough that you grant both to be nought. 114. "Lvpset. 3 — That care not be denyd. The privilege of 115. "Pole.— And what thynke you by pWuylegys sanctuary seems ,-iji i 7i r ij. an a mischief to graretyd to churchys and al say[njtuarys ? Care you juge fncourage'man tliem to be coreuenyent ? Thynke you that hyt ys wel, to crime. a maw - vv } ien jj e ^ath. commyttyd wylful murdur, or out- 1409 ragyouse robbery, or of purpos deceyuyd hys credytorys, to rure to they sayntuary wyth al hys godys, and ther to lyue quyetly, inyoyng al quyetnes and plesure ? Thys thyng, me semyth, ys a playn occasyon of al myschefe and mysery, and causyth much murdur in our curetrey 1414 and natyon. For who wyl be aferd to kyl hys ennemy, [* Page 20*.] * yf he may be sauyd by the pryuylege of sayntuary ? 1 MS. thyng. 2 In margin of MS. 3 MS. Le. EXCESSIVE DUES ON IMPORTS. 141 116. "Lvpset. 1 — Syr, to defend thys me thynke ther l. thinks it need ys no reson. How be hyt, for the saueguard of mannys lyfe, I thynke hyt gud that such holly placys schold 1418 haue prmylege, at the lest that hys ennemy may not pluke hym out at hys lyberty, nor yet in such place to venge hys iniury. 117. PoZe. — "Wei, Master ~Lvpset, as touch yng that, we schal see in hys place. Hyt ys enough now that 1423 you se grete niysordur therin. 118. Isvpset. — Yes, surely, that ys no dowte. 119. PoZe. — Thys, Master ~Lvpset, you haue now hard such mysordurys as come to my remembraunce now at thystyme, bothe concemyng ourcommyn lawys 1428 and custumys of our cuntrey ; by the reson w[h]erof our co??zmyn wel stondyth not in the perfayt state, wych we haue before descrybyd. Wherfor, bycause hyt ys late p. propose? to we wyl now dyffer the rest of our co?nmunycatyon tyl to-morow, except you remembyr any other wych we haue not spoken of yet. 1434 120. Lvpset. — Syr, I thynke you haue notyd the most general *fautys concern yng both lawys and cus- [»p a ge205.] tume also. How be hyt, bycause we speke of custume, l. has one move ther cummyth to .my remembrance a nother yl custume, concernyng the thyng wych, by hys propur name, Ave cal custume, and, I trow, rysyth nother of law nor yet of re- custume ? sonabyl custume. The thyng ys thys, the grete custume it is the excessive , „ , „ , dues on imports. payd by marcnauntys tor bryngyng in oi commodytes to our reame. They pay ouer-ruuch, by the reson wher- 1443 of, they haue les wyl to trauayle for the coramodyte of the rest of the commynys. "Wherfor we lake many thyngys that we myght haue, or at the lest much bettur chepe then we haue co?nmynly. 121. Po?e. — Syr, thys ys truthe that you say; but p. says it was I trow thys was notyd at the lest in general, when we spake of the lake of thyngys to be brought in by our 1450 1 MS. Le. 2 In margin of MS. 142 AN ADJOURNMENT. 1451 mercharctys. N otwy thstondyng hyt was wel remewi- bryd. Wherfor, yf you haue any other of the same sorte, present them to remembrance. 122. livpset. 1 — Syr, I remewbyr non other now at thys tyme, and yf case be that any come to my memory, 1456 hyt schalbe no thyng amys to put them forth in our l»Page 206.] communycatyon, that we schal haue 2 *to-morow, 3 when we schal speke of the restoryng of thes fautys rehersyd before. They adjourn. 123. PoZe. — Xay, Mastur Lvpset, 1 bycause thys mater ys grete, let vs dyffer hyt ij or iij days, 3 that we come somewhat the bettur instructe to such a grete cause. 1464 124. LvjJset. 1 — Syr, you say wel, and so let hyt be. 1 MS. Le. 2 The following words are written at the hottom of this page of the MS. : — Abuse in prywtywg of al bokys wyth priuylege. 3 Compare "yesturday's communycatyon " in line 17 on next page. [end of PART I.] DIFFICULTIES TO COME. 143 [PAET II.] [CHAPTEE L] 1 . [Pole.] — * Master 'Licpset, 1 to schow you in the p Page ij begynnyng the dyffyculty of thys day's communycatyon, undertaking is I am sure hyt nedyth nothyng at al, wych oft-tymys cn l ' haue before had in your mouth thys saying (wych to- 4 day we schal perceyue truth) — that much esyar hyt ys to spye a hundred fautys in a commyn wele, then to amende one ; euen lyke as hyt ys in ma?znys body of corporal dyseasys, they wych of euery man may wel be perceyuyd, but of euery man they can not be curyd. 9 Wherfor, "Master Lvpse£, yf we haue put any dylygence before in serchyng out the nature of a true commyn wele, and they lakkys and fautys therof in ourys, we and win be useless must now thys day put much more, for as much as the proposed for the P . -LJ.1J. ij.j?i_li diseases of the processe 01 our communycatyon hytherto ys but 01 lytyl couri try, or no value, except we fynd out conuenyent remedys prudewtely to be applyd to such sorys and dyseasys in our poly tyke body before notyd in yesturday's com- 17 munycatyon. Therfore, Master Lvpse£, me thynke we schal dow wel yf, in our fyrst begynnyng, we cal to Hym who, by Hys incomparabul gudnes and incompre- and he appeals to ,,,.! ^ ,-, iii-ii God to illuminate hensybyl wisdome, made, gouernytn, and rulytn al their hearts and thyngys, *that hyt may plese Hym so, by Hys Holy mu, pp age2>] Spryte, from whom to mankynd commyth al gudnes, vertue, and grace, to 2 yllumynate and lyght our hartys and myndys (wych wythout hym can no truthe perceyue) 25 1 MS. Lep. 2 MS. so to. 144 A MASS IN HONOUR OF THE HOLY GHOST. 26 that we may see the cowuenyent mean of restoryng to our polytyke body hys perfayt state and commyn welth, of vs before descrybyd ; "wych, yf we desyre wyth pure affecte and ardent mynd, I dowte no thyng but we schal hyt optayne. in which l. 2. "Lvpset. — Syr, you say ryght wel ; for yf the old wrytarys and poetys, in descrybyng of storys and 33 other theyr fansys, callyng to the musys and to theyr goddys, thought therby to optayne some spryte, succur, and ayde, to the furderyng of theyr purpos, how much more ought we of the Chrystyan floke in such a grete cause, wych to our hole natyon may be so profytabul, 38 surely to trust of succur and ayd ; specyally consyderyng remembering the the promes of God made to vs hys faythful and approuyd promise of God. pepul, wych in hys Gospel hath promysyd to vs, surely to optayne what so euer we ax of hys Father in hys name, that ys to say, what so euer vndowtydly schal [♦Pages.] redounde to hys *veray glory and true honowre. 44 3. "Pole. — Master luvpset, that ys wel admonyschyd of you. Wherfor, Master Lupse£, let vs now take thys They hear a occasyon wych now ys present. Here in thys chapel of the Holy by and by schal be a mas sayd in the honowre of the Holy Goste, the wych we may fyrst here, and wyth pure 49 hart and aifecte cal for that lyght of the Holy Spryte, wythout the wych marcnys hart ys blynd and ignorawt of al vertue and truthe. 4. "Lvpset. — Master Pole, so let hyt be ; and then, aftur masse, we may retorne to thys place agayne, as I 54 trust, lyghtyd wyth some celestyal lyght to furnysch our profytabul co?remunycatyon thys day instytute. Having heard 5. PoZe. — Now, Master ~Lvpset, syn we haue hard mas, and aftur that, as I trust, we haue conceyuyd some sparkyl of the celestyal lyght, let vs fyrst breuely de- clare the ordur and processe of that wych we wyl talke 60 of thys day, that our communycatyon may not vt- THE CAUSE OF DISEASE TO BE SOUGHT. 145 turly be spent in wanderyng wordys and Avaueryng 61 sentence. 6. Isrpset. — Syr, that ys wel sayd ; for, aftur myn opynyon, al obscuryte and darkenes, both in wrytyng and in al co?mnunycatyon, sprywgyth therof. 7. Po/e. — Syr, in thys processe we wyl take nature p. proceeds to describe the for our exarapul, and, as nere as we can, foknv hyr course to be steppys, Avych, in the generatyon of the nature of man, ges ts that *fyrst formyth hys body, Avyth al conuenyent instru- [*Pa g e4.] nie?itys to the settyng forth of the natural bewty conwe- nyent to the same, and aftur puttyth in the prec[y]ouse and dyuyne nature of the soule — a sparkyl of the godly 72 and ete?Tial reson. So, fyrst, we wyl — receyuyng of nature the mater therof — forme and adorne thys po- the order of nature should be lytyke body wyth al thyngys co?menyent and expedyent followed, to the same ; and then, secondaryly, intrete and touch al such thyngys as perteynyth to the polytyke gouern- 77 a/?ce of the same body ; — thys general rule of experte physycyonys, in curyng of bodyly dyseasys, as much as we caw, ewer obseruyng, — that ys to say, fyrst to inserch out the cause of the dyseasys, wythout the wych the applying of remedys lytyl avaylyth. 82 8. "Lvpset. — Syr, thys ordur lykyth me wel, wych which suits l. agreth much Avyth our processe before taken ; for euen lyke as we haue, obsmiyng thys ordur, found out the mysordurys in our commynalty, so hyt ys veray co?i- uenyent by the same ordur to reson of the remedys 87 expedyent for the same. 9. "Pole. — "Wel, Master Lupsef, then, let vs procede. p. recapitulates a part of what Fyrst, yi you remembyr, aftur that we had declaryd has been said, what hyt ys that we cal the true co???myn wele, and aftur began to serch out such co?mnyn fautys and lakkys as we coud fynd in our cuntrey concemjng the same, 93 Ave agreed that Ave haue, co??syderyng the place and fer- tylyte therof, grete lake of pepul, the multytude wher- Consumptyon.i 1 In margin of MS. STARKET. 10 146 MEN OUGHT TO MARRY. 96 of ys, as hyt were, the ground and ftmdatyon of thys [*Pageo.] our commyn *wele; the wych lake we callyd, as hyt were, a cowsumptyon of the polytyke body, of the wych now, fyrst, ys requyryd to enserch out the cause : the wych, Master Jjvpset, schal not be hard for to dow. For and then de- thys ys a necessary truth : — in as much as man growy th scribes the lack of people, and not out of rokkys nor of tres, as fabullys dow fayne, but spryngyth by natural generatyon, thys lake must nedys come as of a pryrccypal cause, that maw doth not apply natural genera- theyr study to natural procreatyon. For though hyt be so that many other exteryor causys may be therof, as 107 batyl and pestylens, hungur and darth, wych haue in to many curetreys brought penury of pepul, as we may by experyence see in many cuntres desolate therby ; yet now, to our purpos, the pryrecypal cause of our lake of pepul can not be attrybute therto. And yet yf percase 112 hyt were so in dede, the way and mean to suffyce, mul- typly, and encrese them agayn to a coraienyent nowbur, ys only natural generatyon. Thys may not be in any case denyd. How say you, Master Lvpse^, ys hyt not so 1 winch i,. says is 10. "Lvpset. — Sir, thys ys no dowte; thys ys the increase man and only way to increse, not only mare by the course of na- ture, but al other lyuyng creaturys here apon erth wych are not gendryd by putrefactyon. How man is to 11. "Pole. — Wei, Master Lvpsetf, then we must now be allured to . this natural deuyse the mean lor the remouyng of such impedymerctys and lettys as be to thys cause, and so to allure maw to thys 124 natural procreatyon, aftur a cyuyle ordur and polytyke fascyon. For though nature hath gyuen to mare, as to al other bestys, natural inclynatyon to hys increse ; yet, by- cause mare ys only borne to cyuylyte and polytyke rule, and how he is to therfore he may not, wythout ordur or respecte, study to be enticed to matrimony. the satysfactyon of thys natural affecte. And for thys cause hyt hath byn ordeynyd, I trow, from the fyrst gener- 1 atyon of mare, that he schold coupul hymselfe in Ian ful MAN WILL NOT FOLLOW REASON. 147 matrymony, and so therby multyply and increse. So that 132 thys remenyth, Master Lvpse^, in thys mater, now specy- ally to vs, hauyng the lyght of Chrystys Gospel, to de- uyse * some waye to intyse ma?z to thys lanful maryage [* Page 6.] and couplyng togydur. Wherfor, Master Juvjpset, 1 thys you schal vnderstand and take as a ground for the rest of al our communyeatyon of thys day folowyng : — that 138 yf maB wold folow euer ryght reson and the jugerae/it if man would but therof, reme?rabryng alway the excellence and dygnyte f au its couid be of hys nature, hyt schold be no thyng hard to bryng maw, wythout many lawys, to true cyuylyte : hyt schold Plato igiur in m 'Republica' nul- he nothyng hard to remedy al such fautys as we haue las telit le s eB -' 2 befor found in our commynalty. But, Master Lvpse£, 144 thys hathe byn tryde by processe of thousandys of yerys, thys hath byn corecludyd by the most wyse and polytyke men : — that man, by instructyon and gentyl exhortacyon, but lie cannot be care not be brought to hys perfectyon. Wherfor hyt fection by was necessary to descend to the corestytutyon and or- dynareee of lawys cyuyl and polytyke, that where as 150 man, blyndyd by atfectys and vanytes therof, wold not folow the trade of ryght reson, he schold, at the lest by feare of pu«nyschmeret, be crmstraynyd to occupy lryra- only the fear of punishment can selfe and apply hys mynd to such thyngys as were con- compel him to uenyent to hys excellerete nature and dygnyte ; and so B ' at the last, by long custume, be inducyd to folow and 156 dow that thyng for the loue of vertue wych befor he dyd only for fere of the purenyschnieret prescrybyd by the law. Thys ys the end and vertue of al law, thys which is the end ys the faute that commyth therof, that mare, custumyd other for feare of payne or desyre of reward, myght 161 folow the prescryptyon and ordynarece therof ; and so, fynally, only for loue folow vertue and fly from vyce, as that thyng wych, yf ther were no payne prescrybyd by law, yet he wold abhorre as a thyng coretrary to the nature of mam and to hys dygnyte. Thys thyng, 166 1 MS. le. 2 In margin of MS, 148 THE LAW OF CELIBACY. 1G7 'Master Lvpsef, Avych breuely I haue touchy d, yf al men coud' pe?*ceyue, as I sayd before, hyt schold "be lytyl nede of many lawys ; but for bycause the multy tude of me?i be in this communi- so corrupt, frayle, and blyndyd Avyth pestyle?it affectys, cation we must consider man's we must cov&jaxa the imbecyllyte of them and wekenes mina] of mynd, and apply our remedye accordyng therto, [*Page7.] '*folowyng the exa??ipul of experte physycyonys, wych 174 are constraynyd to Avorke in theyr scyence accordyng to the nature of theyr patyentys. Thys Ave must now and try to dis- dow, and here aftur also, in the rest of our communy- cover some means to allure catyon ; euer studying some meane to allure the grosse him to do as he ought; and rude pepul to the folowyng of that wych Ave schal 179 juge necessary to be downe for the co??se? , uatyon of gud cyuyly te. As uoav, to retorne to our purpos agayne, seyng that is. to marry, that matrymony ys the only or chefe mean polytyke to increse thys multy tude to a just nombui agayne, Ave must both by pnuylege and payne induce men therto, and study to take aAvay al obstaculys and lettys wych 185 we fynd therto ; in the Avych thyng, Master Lvpsrf, let me here some Avhat of your mynd. 12. liVpset. — Syr, bycause you Avyl so, thys I schal say, as touchy ng the obstaculys and lettys Avherof you speke. You put me in remembra?i, j> i in go^j. lyie. ihys ys |_thej iundatyon oi al gud pollycy in such a kynd of state as ys in our 'cuntrey. The pry wee 742 instytutyth and makyth almost al vnder offycerys. He Could we find hathe authoryte and rule of al. Therfor, yf we coud one, he would be a remedy for all fynd a mean to haue a gud prynce commywly, thys schold be a co??imyn remedy, almost, as I sayd, for al the rest of the mysordurys in the pollycy. l. This rests with 30. LvpseZ. — Mary, Sir, that ys trothe ; but thys lyth in God only, and not in mannys powar. p. True; 31. PoZe. — Master Lupsrf, though thys be trothe, diligence, by that al gudnesse comniyth of God, as out of the obtain 111 things fountayn, yet God requyryth the dylygence of man in necessary. &1 guc ^ foyng as perteynyth to hys felycyte. The 753 prouydence of God hath thys ordeynyd, that man schal not haue any thyng perfayte, nor attayne to hys per- fectyon, wythout cure and trauayle, labur and dylygence; by the wych, as by money, we may by al thyng of God, who ys the only marchant of al thyng that ys 758 gud. i.. asks what 32. Lvpset. — What mean you by this 1 Wold you Pole means? ■, ■■ , , i ■, n 1 that man schold prouyde hym a prynce, and iorme hym aftur hys owne fascyon, as hyt were in mannys powar that to dow, and by dylygence to gyue hym wysdome 763 and gudnes! 33. Pote. — Nay, Master Lvpset, 1 I mene nothyng so ; for hyt ys God that makyth ma?2, and of hym only commyth al wysedome and gudnesse, as I sayd euen now. 1 MS. le. REASON GIVEX TO MAN'. 1G5 But, Master Tjvpset, to see what I mean somewhat more 767 clere, let vs cowsydur thys mate?- a lytyl hyar. The gudnes of God, out of the wych spryngyth al thyng p. answers: God made man, that ys gud, hathe made maw, of al creaturys in erth, and gave him most pe>fayt, gyuyng vnto hym a sparkyl of his owne himself; ° dyuynyte, — that ys to say, ryght reson, — wherhy he schold goueme hymselfe in cyuyle lyfe and gud pollycy, 773 accordyng to hys excelle?it * nature and dygnyte. But [* Page si.] wy th thys same sparkyl of reson, thys to man gyuew, b ut with reason He joined affec- are joynyd hy nature so many affectys and vycyouse tions and vicious desyrys, by the reson of thys erthly hody, that (except without care, ' maw wyth cure, dylygewce, and lahur, resy[s]te to the JUSiS same) they ouer-ruw reson, thys lytyl sparkyl, and so abrute - bryng ma», consequently, from hys natural felycyte, and 780 from that lyfe Avych ys cowuenyent to hys nature and dygnyte ; in so much that he ys then as a brute best, folowyng not the ordyna??ce of God, wych gaue hym reson to subdue hys affectys as much as the nature of the body Avoid sulfur. For yf he had gyuew hym so if He had given him more reason, much reso?i and wysedom that he schold neue?* haue he would have i , i jv> ■ 7 t t been as an angel, byn ouercome wyth affectys and vayn desyrys, he schold haue made mare aboue ma??, and made hym as 788 an angel ; and so ther schold haue lakkyd here in thys and so lacked the -p,, . j, _. nature of man. world the nature of ma?i. But the gudnes of God But God would (wych only therby mouyd made thys sensybul world) wold suffur no thyng to lake to the perfectyon therof, who dyd co??^munycat Hys owne gudnes and perfectyon 793 to euery thyng accordyng to the capacyte of hys grosse nature. And thys man coude not be made, being by nature in such imperfectyon of hys erthely body, to any more perfectyon ; hys body wold suffur no more of that celestyal lyght. Notwythstondyng, thys ys true, that 798 to some maw thys lyght ys more communyd, to some some have more , n . „ . - , 7 light than others, maw lesse, accordyng to the nature ot hys body, and according to their accordyng to hys educatyon and gud instructyon in the commyn welth, where he ys brought forth of nature. 166 THE POWER OF REASON. and it is the same And thys ys the cause, as hy t apperyth to me, that one with nations. , , _ ma?i ys more wyse then another ; ye, and one natyon 805 more prudent and polytyke then another. Howhehyt, I thynke non ther ys so rude and bestely, but, wyth aii may subdue cure and dylygence, by that same sparkyl of reson reason ; when gyuen of God, they may subdue theyr affectyonys, and are n governed by folow the lyfe to the wych they be instytute and Gods providence; or( }eynyd f Q. QC [ • the wych ordur when maw wyth 811 reson folowyth, he ys then gouernyd by the prouydewce of God. Lyke as, contrary, when he, by neclygewce, suffryth thys reson to be ouercome wyth vycyouse affectys, then he, so blynded, lyuyth contrary to the [* Page 22.] ordynarcce * of God, and fallyth vtturly out of Hys pro- 816 uydewce, and ys lad by hys owne ignorance. He ys when they do not, then subiecte to thys world and to the. kyngdome of the the devil. deuyl ; he then hath [for] hys rular, folysch fancy and vayne opynyon, wych euer lede hym to hys cwifusyon. He could confirm Al thys that I haue sayd, I coude cowfyrme, both by the not# ' sentence of old phylosophy and holy Scrypture; but, by cause I see here ys not the place now to dyspute, 823 but to take and admytt the truthe tryd by ancyent wyttys and celestyal wysedome and doctryne, I wyl thys pretermytt and set apart. Livir« in civil (33.) And now to our purpos. Euen as euery par- arf g r ov n erne d by tycular iiiaij, when he folowyth reson, ys gouernyd by God's providence; q. 0( ^ an ^ contrary, blyndyd wythi ignorance by hys owne vayn opynyon ; so hole natyonys, when they 830 lyue togyddur in cyuyle ordur, instytute and gouernyd by resonabul pollycy, are then gouernyd by the pro- uydence of God, and, be vnder Hys tuytyon. As, con- t>ut without good trary, when they [are] wythout gud ordur and polytyke rule, they are rulyd by the violence of tyranny; they 835 are not gouernyd by Hys prouydence nor celestyal ordy nance, but, as a man gouernyd by affectys, so they be tormentyd infynyte ways, by the reson of such tyrannycal powar; so that of thys you may se that hyt TYRANTS ARE NOT FROM GOD. 167 ys not God that prouydyth tyranny s to ride in cytes God does not and townes, no more then hyt ys He that ordeynyth yl affectys to ouer-run ryght reson. But now to the 841 purpos, blaster Lvpse£. Hyt ys not marc that can make Man cannot make a wise prince, a wyse pry??ce of hym that lakkyth wyt by nature, nor make hym just that ys a tyranne for plesure. But thys but he can elect a wise one, and ys in mannys powar, to electe and chose hym that ys can depose a both wyse and iust, and make hym a pry wee, and hym that ys a tyranne so to depose. Wherfor, Master 847 Lvpsef, thys I may truly say, to the wych al thys reson- yng now tendyth, — that yf we wyl correcte thys frenecy in our commyn wele, we may not at a venture take hym to our prynce, what so euer he be, that ys borne of hys blode and cumyth by successyon, the wych, and you 852 remembyr, we notyd befor also to be one of the gretyst fautys, as hyt ys in dede, in our pollycy; the wych faute, onys correcte, schal *also take away thys frenecy. re [*pa g e 23.] Yf we can fynd a way to amend thys, we schal not gretely labur to cure the rest ; for as to say, as many men dow, that the prouydence of God ordeynyth God does not tyrannys for the punnyschment of the pepul, thys agreth f 0r the purish- no thyng wyth phylosophy nor reson ; no, nor yet to "eopie" the doctryne of Chryst and gud relygyon. For by the 861 same mean, as I sayd a lytyl before, you myght say, that hyt ys the prouydence [of] God that eue?y par- any more than He makes a man tycular man folowyth hys affectys, blyndyd wyth ignor- follow his evil ance and foly ; and so hyt schold folow, the foly and vyce commyth of the prouyde?«ce of God, wych ys no waye to be admyttyd, but only as thys, that the pro- uydence of God hath ordeynyd of Hys gudnes such a 868 creature to be, wych may, by hys owne foly, folow hys owne affectys. But when he doth so, thys ys sure — he folowyth not the ordynance of God, but, outcome by plesure and blyndyd wyth ignorance, flythe fro?n hyt and slyppyth from hys owne dygnyte. Therfor 873 1 In margin of MS. 168 TYRANNY THE GREATEST OF ILLS. Tyranny is the greatest of all ills, and cannot come from God; 877 but it is to be attributed to the malice of man and the negli- gence of the people. To cure this frenzy, the tyranny must be taken away. 886 No need for this during the pre- sent reign ; 892 897 but when the king dies, parlia- ment must choose the most apt to that high office, and he to be ever subject to the laws. [* Page 24.] 909 neue?* attrybute tyranny (of al yl the gretyst) to the prouydence of God, except you wyl, consequently, at- trybut al yl to the Fontayn of gudnes; wych ys no thyng conuenyent, but playn wykydnes and iwpyety. But, aftur my mynd and opynyon, you schal attrybut thys tyranny partely to the malyce of man (who by nature ys ambycyouse and of al plesure most desyrouse) and partely to neclyge»ce of the pepul, wych suffur themselfys to be oppressyd therwyth. Wherfor, Master Lupse£, yf we wyl cure thys pe?'nycyouse frenecy, we must begyn to take away thys ' pestyle?it tyranny, the wych to dow ys no thyng hard for to deuyse. (33.) But here you must remembyr, Master Lupset (as we sayd in our fyrst day's communycatyon) that al be hyt we haue now in our days, by the prouydence of God, such a prynce, and of such wysedome, that he may ryglit wel and justely be subyecte to no law, — whose prudence and wysedome ys lyuely law and true pollycy, — yet we now (wych al such thyngys as syldome happun haue not in consyderatyon, but such thyngys only loke vnto wych, for the most p«?'te, happurc and be lykly, and such as be mete to a iust and commyn pollycy) may not deny but that in our ordur here ys a certayn faute, and to the same noAV deuyse of some remedy. Wherin the fyrst and best mean ys thys, aftur my mynd and opynyon, here in our cuntrey to be taken; aftur the decesse of the prynce, by electyon of the commyn voyce of the parlyament assemblyd to chose one, most apte to that hye offyce and dygnyte, wych schold not rule and gouerne al at hys owne plesure and lyberty, but ener be subiecte to the ordur of hys lawys. But here to schow how he schold be electe, and aftur what maner and fascyon, that we schal leue to partycular consyderatyon, and *take thys for a sure ground and foundatyon to delyuer vs from al co»fusyon ; for truly thys ys the fyrst way wych wel and justely may delyuer A COUNCIL OF FOURTEEN. 169 vs out of al tyra?zny. Thys hath byn euer vsyd among 910 them wych haue euer lyuyd vnder a prynce wyth lyberty, wherby they haue byn gouernyd by lyuely reson, and not subiecte to dedely affectyon. The secorade mean, as me semyth, may wel be thys, yf we ifwewmiet i „ . .-, -, .. ., tt -, the heir succeed, wyl that they heyrys ot the prynce schal euer succeede, a council must what so euer he be, then to hym must be joynyd a ^ me counsele by comnry^ authoryte ; not such as he wyl, but such as by the most parte of the parlyame?it 918 schal be jugyd to be wyse and mete thervnto. 34. "Lvpset — Why, but then, by thys mean, our l. objects on i i.-uiJi. -LJ.J p"t- account of the parlyaruent schold haue much to dow, yi, when so euer work; lakkyd any conseylar, hyt schold be callyd to subrogate other, and set in theyr place. 923 35. "Sole. — Nay, Master Lvpse^, I wold not so ; but but p. would only have the for that a prouysyon must be had : and that myght be Great Parliament thys. For as much as they grete parlyament schold election of a neuer be callyd but only at the electyon of our pry?zce, or els for some other grete vrgent cause co? lokyd and studyd to the remouyng of thos caiisys dylygewtly, thys goute that we Take away the spake of schold be vtturly taken away surely ; and then causes, and the cure will follow, schold folow, by and by, also the cure of the other grete faute wych we found in exteryor thyngys, wych we notyd, cowseque?ztly, aftur the other. For euen lyke as 1029 one dysease commyth of a no ther in thys poly tyke body, so the cure of one also folowyth a nother. For wherof Penury.' cumyth the penury of al exteryor thyngys necessary to Poverty the result thys body, but of the neclygewce of the pepul] Vndowt- of negligence. ydly thys ys the cbefe cause therof commywly. Wher- for, fyndyng mean that they pepul may be compellyd to^ [* Page 27.] dylyge?it *exercyse of theyr offyce and duty, thertO' 1036 foloAvyth forth wythal aburedarcce of thyngys necessary ;. specyally yf to that were joynyd a nother ordynawce 2 ' (wych, perave?iture, schal seme to you but a smal thyng,. but in dede hyt ys of gret weyght) wych ys, corccern- yng the frate of marchandyse; by whome the abuwdaunce- 1041 of al exteryor thyngys may be much forderyd, yf hyt. be orderyd to the commyn wele, wythout regard of pry- uate gayne and p?'ofyt apon any parte, wythout equyte.. He again urges And, cowcernyng thys mater, thys ys the chefe poynte :■ the necessity of „a restricting ex- that the marchauntys cary out only such thyngys as- thrngsiLTthe may be wel lakkyd wythin our owne curetre, wythout spare*" 7 Can ** cowimyw detrymewt to our natyon ; and bryng in such and the imports thyngys agayn as we haue nede of here at home, and as,, cannot produce, by the dylyge?zce of our owne mew, caw not be made. 1 In margin of MS. 2 MS. nordynarace. WOOL AND WOOLLEN CLOTHS. 173 Thys thyng, put in vse and in executyon, schold be a 1050 grete ground of al abundance and plenty. (35.) For, fyrst, to begyn wytb thys : — the caryage Wooinottobe „ exported; out of wolle to the stapul ys a grete hurt'e to the pepul of Englond ; though hyt be profytabul both to the prynce and to the marchant also. For by thys mean the elo thyng 1 055 of Englond ys in vttur dekey — the gretyst destructyon that euer cam to our reame, and the gretyst ruyne of many craftys wych long to the same. Wherfor, yf thys cloths, too, made at home stapul "were broken or otherwyse redressyd, and cloth- ciothyng.i yng set vp in Englond agayne, thys ys sure : — the com- modyte of our wolle and cloth schold bryng in al other 10G1 thyngys that we haue nede of out of al other straunge partys beyond the see. Ye, and though our cloth, at the fyrst begynnyng, wold not be so gud perauenture, would not at first be so good, as hyt ys made in other partys, yet, in processe of tyme, I can not see wy but that ourmen, by dylygence, myght 1066 attayne therto ryght wel ; specyally yf the pryrcce wold study therto, in whose powar hyt lyth chefely such thyngys to helpe. Ther be marchant men that, by the but in a- few years would helpe of the *pry?zce, wyl vndertake in few yerys to [* Page 28.] bryng clothyng to as grete perfectyon as hyt ys in other as the foreign partys, wych, yf hyt were downe, hyt schold be the gretyst bunfyte to increse the ryches of Englond that myght be deuysyd. They wych now fach our wol 1074 schold be glad to fach our cloth made in our reame ; wherby schold be occupyd infynyte pepul, wych now lyue in idulnes, wrechyd and pore. And the same thyng ys to be sayd both of lede and tyn. Our mar- Marchantys.* chantys cary them out at plesure, and then bryng the now carried out same in workyd agayn, and made vessel therof. And ^ a nufactm-ed baCk so of infynyte other thyngys we myght say, the wych the gudnes of nature hath to our yle gyuen, they wych 1082 now ys not nede to reherse but thys generally. They 1 In margin of MS. 174 MORE CATTLE TO BE REARED. 1084 marchaunt must be prohybytyd to bryng in any such thyngys wycb may be made by the dylygence of our wines, velvets, owne men. Wyne, ueluettys, and sylkys, they may and silks, may be brought in. bryng in, but not in such abundance as they coramynly dow, wych causyth much yl, as we sayd before. Wher- for the statute of apparayle must be put in executyon, common taverns anc i such commyn tauernys of wynys wold be forbyden. to be forbidden. J J J J J They cause much They cause much yl and mysery. But what thyngys they scbal cary out, and what thyngys bryng in, the 1093 offycerys appoyntyd to the ouersyght therof must euer prescrybe ; for thys cannot be determyd but accord- yng to the abundance and penury of thyngys prudently consyderyd. Hyt ys to be reseruyd. But thes offycerys must be appoyntyd wyse and expert men in euery grete 1098 cyte, hauen, and port. (35.) And here another poynt for to ayd the abund- ance cumyth to my remembrance — I thynke [it] gud customs' dues to and profytabul — wych ys thys : that the vnresonabul be abated. custume.i custume commynly appoyntyd must [be] abatyd ; and specyally to them wych bryng in thyngys necessary, 1104 wherby they may be prouokyd more gladly to bryng in. For as the ordur ys now, the prynce hath more [than]halfe of theyr gayne, wych thyng gyuyth them ly tyl courage to travayle and to take payn. Hyt schold be also no smal furtherance many ways, as I thynke, yf hyt were or- Engiish vessels deynyd that our owne marchauntys schold cary out and should be em- ployed, bryng m wyth our owne vessellys, and not vse the 1111 straungerys schyppys as they now dow ; by the reson [* Page 29.] wherof our owne marynerys oft-tymys lye idul. *A nother grete thyng ther ys, as I thynke, wych schold much helpe to make abundance of al thyng necessary Farmers to be for the lyfe — to constrayn the plowmen and fermerys to rear more cattle, be more dylygent in reryng of al maner of bestys and catayl ; for by theyr neclygence vndowtydly rysyth a 1118 grete parte of the darth of al such thyngys as for fode 1 In margin of MS. RENTS ARE RAISED: FOOD IS DEARER. 175 ys necessary : for the lake of such thyngys, causyd by 1119 such neclyge?zce, ys one chefe cause 1 of the derth therof. And a nother ther ys wych few mew obserue ; wych ys the inhansyng of rentys of late days inducyd, as we Rents are raised ; this is another sayd before ; for yf they fermerys pay much vent, and evil. more then ys reson, they must nedys sel dere of neces- syte : for he that byth dere may sel dere also iustely. 1125 Wherfor thys ordynance Avoid be profytabul — that al such rentys as be inhaunsyd by memory of maw schold be rebatyd, and set to the old stynt of that tyme when the pepul of Englond floryschyd; for now they are England is n-i-i -i i i b rou Sht; almost brough[t] almost to the mysery of Fraunce, by the yl to the misery of gouernance of late days, and auaryce of the hedys and rularys of them. Thys ground must be take away, 1132 yf we intend euer to remedy thys grete darth, wych ys now of al thyngys among vs reynyng. "Wherof the ground surely ys thys, for thys makyth, wythout fayle, al kynd of vytayl more dere then hyt was wont to be, aii kinds of victuals are wych co?nmyth al out of the cuntrey. And, consequently, dearer than they when vytayl ys dere, then they craftysman must nede sel hys ware affair the same rate; for hyt costyth hym 1139 fc more in nuryschyng hys famyly and artyfycerys therof then before hyt was wont to dow. And so, consequently, of thys rote spryngyth al darth of al thyngys wych we schold haue by the dylygence and labur of the pepul. (35.) Wherfor we may surely conclude, that yf thys if these ills were , n t t n, , n in remedied, there thyngys were remedyd aitur thys maner, both concern- wou](1 ^ plenty i .lit, j?j.t i 7_p instead of dearth; yng marchauntys, laburarys oi the ground, and fermerys therof, we schold in few yerys haue abu?zdance of al 1147 thyng aftur the old maner ; we schold haue thys nryser- abul pouerty taken away. For, as for beggarys lusty and strong, ye, and thefys also, schold be but few or now at thieves would al of that sorte as they be now. For yf thys multytude of seruyng men were * plukkyd away aftur the maner as [* Page 30.] I schowyd you before, the rote of al that sorte schold 1153 1 MS. chause. 176 THE SICK TO BE PROVIDED FOR. 1 154 vtturly perysch. And as for thos the wych nature hath and impotent brough[t] forth impotent, or hy syknes are fallen therto, people easily nourished, they schold be hut few, and easely schold he nuryschyd, aftur a mane?* lately deuysyd hy the wysedonie of the as they are in cytyzyns of Ipar, a cyte in Flaundres, the wych I now in Flanders. ' . wold wysch to he put m vse wyth vs, or els some other 1160 of the same sort. How he hyt, to haue some such as hy nature are impotent and pore, I thynke hyt ys the ordynance of God to a gud purpos • for such pouerty exercysyth wel the pytuose myndys of them wych haue enough, and puttyth them in remembrance of the im- 1165 becyllyte of mannys nature. Wherfor hyt may be wel some sick persons suffryd to haue some to go aboute to prouoke men to provoke men to mercy and pyte, and to proue and tempt theyr louyng pi y ' charyte. But to retorne. Thys grete nombur of sturdy beggary s therby schold vtturly be taken away, and also 1170 the grete pouerty of the laburarys of the grounde. And AbundaMce.i thys, "Master "Lvpset, abundance of al thyngys Ave schold haue in our cuntre. 36. IiTipset. — But, Syr, hyt ys not enowh, as we sayd before, to haue thyngys necessary in abundance, l. asks about the but we must haue al comniyn ornamentys of our co?nmyn commonwealth, welth also, yf we wyl make the pe?-fayt state before 1177 descry byd. 37. PoZe. — Thes ornamentys, Master Lupse£, of com- Bewty.i myn welys, as gudly cytes, castellys, and townys, wyl sone so'on a foiiow y fll folow ryches and abundance as thyngys annexyd therto, abundance. ^ ^ er ^ eve a lytyl regard therof and a lytyl more care put thervnto • for wher as ys ryches and abundance, 1183 ther wyth a lytyl dylygence wyl sone be brought in al commyn ornamentys • as gudly cytes and townys, wyth magnyfycal and gudly housys, fayr tempullys and churchys, wyth other co?nniyn places ; concernyng the Every man wych I wold haue men to conferre euery yere a certayn fertS summer 1 summe, accordyng to theyr abylyte, to the byldyng and building public . . edifices. In margin of MS. GENTLEMEN TO LIVE IN CITIES. 177 reformyng of al such co??miyn placys in every grete cyte 1189 and towne. And ccwuenyent hyt were offycerys to be appoyntyd to haue regard of the b[c]wty of the towne cities and towns and cufttrey, and of the clennes of the same, wych. f or the sake of schold cause grete helth also, and (as I thynke) be a the pubho health ' grete occasyon that the pestylens schold not reyne so 1194 much as hyt doth wyth vs in our cu/itre. But yf we wyl restore our cytes to such bewty as we see in other cuw- treys, we must *begyn of thys ground. Our gentjlmen [* Page si.] . , Gentlemen should must be causyd to retyre to cytes and townys, and to build houses in i i i ii -i ,i t ji i n cities and towns, by Id them nousys in the. same, and ther to see the and live in them. goue?-na??ce of them, helpyng euer to set al such thyng forward as perteynyth to the ornamentys of the cyte. 1201 They may not co??,tynually dwel in the cuntrey as they dow. Thys ys a gret rudenes and a barbarouse custume it is rude and vsyd wyth vs in our cuwtrey. They dwel wyth vs to live in the sparkylyd in the feldys and woodys, as they dyd before cou " ry ' ther was any cyuyle lyfe knowen, or stablyscbyd among vs : the wych surely ys a grete ground of the 1207 lake of al cyuyle ordur and humanyte. Wherfor thys must be ameredyd, yf we wyl euer replenysch our cvrn- This custom must be amended, trey wyth gud cytes and townys, of the dekey wherof I thynke thys ys one grete cause and manyfest occasyon. Wherfor thys must be remedyd aftur thys maner now 1212 touchyd — to compel them at the lest to by Id ther and gentlemen compelled to theyr housys, and sometymys ther to be resydent. The live in cities. gret lordys and ge«tylme?i wych for theyr plesure folow the court, wythout offyce or dygnyte, must be causyd 1216 to retorne and inhabyte the cytes of theyr curatreys ; by the wych mean schortly the cytes schold be made if these things ■ijpi 7P ,, ■, .-, t , were done, our beutytul and iayre, and iormyd Avyth much cyuylyte. cities would be And so thys our ciu^trey schold not only be replenyschyd our country wyth pepul wel occupyd, euery man in hys offyce and rep enis e ' degre, but also we schold haue grete abunda??ce of al and the people have abundance, thyngys, as wel of such thyng as our cu?itrey, by the dylygence of ma?», wold here and bry/ig forth, as of 1224 STARKE Y. 12 178 ORNAMENTS FOR THE COUNTRY. 1225 sucli thyng as by marchauntys schold be brought in out of other pa?'tys. And yet, moreouer, you schold playnly see, that we schold haue wythal, co??sequent]y, as weu as all al orname?2tys co?zuenyent to the nature of our cuwtrey, on laments suit- able to our wych wyl not surrur to be so ornat and so beutyful, in country. - , euery degre, as other cuwtreys be, as Italy, Fraunce, 1231 and Germany. The defecte of nature ys with vs such, by the reson wherof we haue not such thyngys as [* Page 32.] schold * ornate our cuntrey aftur such maner, notwyth- stondyng Ave haue and may haue by dylygence al such thyng as schalbe requyryd to thys commyn wel, the 1236 wych we haue before descry byd. Wherfor, Master we may now Lupse£, we may now, consequently, procede to cor- eorrect the faults in the policy, recte the fautys wych be in the pollycy and in the and administra- tion of the com- maner of admynystratyon of our commyn wele ; the wych ys, as hyt were, the soule to the body ; for hyther 1241 to we haue schowyd and touchyd the maner of the cor- rectyng only such mysordurys as be in the body and in the partys of the same. Wherfor, now, Mastur ~Lvpset, yf you thynke hyt tyme, and except you re- merabyr any thyng not spoken of wych ys nede apon 1246 thys parte, let vs go forward therto. [CHAPTER II.] 1. "Lvpsef. — Syr, for as much as I remewbyr the h. thinks Pole knot betwyx the body and the soule, and the cora- munyon betwyx them also to be of that sorte that they 4 dyseasys of the one redurede to the other, therfor I thynke such dyseasys of the body (yf ther be any yet left behynd) schalbe curyd by the correctyon and cure of such as perteyne to the lyfe and soule of the same. Wherfor I thynke you may procede, yf you wold a lytyl u> show how this schow more at largs how thys body schold be kept and THE NOBLE CITY OF VENICE. 179 corcseruyd contynually in helth, and in thys prosperouse body may be kept in health. state wych you haue descry byd. 2. PoZe. — Why, Master Lvpsetf, dow you not per- p. answers, ceyue how that schal folow of necessyte to the cure of necessity follow the mysordurys wych remayn in the lyfe, and, as hyt were, the soule of thys polytyke body, euen lyke as hyt 15 ys in ma^nys body, to the wych I oft resembyl the same, wherin you see the cowseruatyon therof 1 In helth in health, much depends on and prosperouse state muche haugyth apon the temper- temperance. awce and soburnes of the niynd, in so much that you schal see veray few of sobur and temperat dyat, but sober men are healthy and they haue helthy and welthy bodys, except the[y] wealthy. hurt themselfys by some exteryor cause manyfest and 22 playn; as ouer much or lytyl exercyse, or abydyng in some pestylent and corrupt ayre, and *such other [*Pagess.] lyke. Euen so hyt ys in this polytyke body, be you And so it is in the assuryd, yf we may fynd the mean now, in thys our coramunycatyon folowyng, to correcte the fautys in our pollycy, thys prosperouse state schal surely long con- 28 tynue, and thys polytyke body helthy and welthy long schal induie. A certayn argument therof we haue of the most nobul cyte of Venyce, wych, by the reson of of which Venice the gud ordur and pollycy that tberin ys vsyd, hath cowtynuyd aboue a thousand yerys in one ordur and state. Where as the pepul also, by the reson of theyr 34 sobur and temperat dyat, be as helthy and welthy as any pepul now, I thynke, lyuyng apon the erth. Ther- and we by statute mado, must for, Master LupseZ, by statute made and commyrcly follow her receyuyd co??cernyng our dyat, we must be compellyd wTmustbe at the fyrst to folow thes mew in soburnes and temper- p^^f B d berness ance ; and then you schold neuer haue any occasyon to and teni P erance - dowte therof nor feare the stabylyte of our prosperouse 41 state and gud pollycy. Specyally, as I sayd, yf we may so tempur our polytyk ordur and rule, that theyr schal rest no faute theryn ; for that ys the sure ground of the co?zseruatyon of the co??zmyn wele in the polytyke 45 180 TYRANNY AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. Causes of ruin of body. For, as you see manyfestely dayly, the ruyne of cu/itreys, cytes, and townys, rysyth euer of thys ground commynly, that ys to say, other of some tyranny, or 49 sedycyon made by the reson of some mysordur in the polytyke goueraance and rule. l. None can deny 3. Lvpsef. — Syr, thys ys troth, no man may hyt deny. And, therfor (wythout other delay) procede aftur your nianer praposyd. p. Tyranny is 4. "Pole. — For by cause, Master Tjvpset, tyranny in the root of every iii, and must al comniynaltys ys the ground of al yl, the wel of al our common- myschefe and mysordur, the rote of al sedycyon, and ruyne of al cyuylyte, therfor we must aboue al pro- 58 uyde that to hyt in our cuntrey be no place at al. For Man is miserable as mare ys then myserabul — though he haue newer so when his reason is overcome by gud helth of body and prosperus state other ways — unruly affections. when reson ys ouer-run and vnrulyd anectys gouerne and reyne in hys ordur of lyfe ; ye, and the bettur [•Page 34.] helth of body and more abundance *of ryches that he 64 hath and of wordly prosperyte, the more myserabul An oppressed he ys, and ful of wrechydnes ; so ys a cuntrey, cyte, or country must be wretched. towne, when hyt ys oppressyd wyth tyranny — though hyt be neue?' so wel replenyschyd wyth pepul helthy and welthy, and ornate wyth the most gudly cytes of 69 the world, yet most myserabul and wrechyd and ful of al aduersyte, as we haue before more at large declaryd. Therfor, Master LvpseZ, aboue al, as I sayd, of thys we must haue regard, and stoppe al occasyon therof as As no perfect much as we may. And for as much as no pry nee ys found, found of such sorte as ys requyryd to a veray true and pryncely state, — that ys to say, that passyth al other in Tyra«ny.i wysedome and vertue, w[h]ose stomake schold be a 77 lyfely image of justyce and pollycy, and whose lyfe schold be law to al other and exampul of al huma[n]yty ; we must, to — therfor we must, to avoyd al tyranny, wych in al take care that he realmys rcmnyth in at thys hole (that ys to say, by 1 In margin of MS. A MIXED GOVERNMENT BEST. 181 gyuyng authoryte to one wych ys not worthy of thys do not usurp au authority which name of a prywce, the ful powar therof) — we must certain statutes allow, under the prouycl, I say, that by no prerogatyfe he vsurpe apon pretence of the pepul any such authorysyd tyra?my, wyche the actys of parlyame?2tys in tyme past, vnder the pretense 85 of princely maiesty, hath grauntyd therto here in our cu??trey. Seing, therfor, that a pryrccely state, as we haue prouyd before, ys most conuenyent for our cnntrej and to the nature therof most agreabul ; and seyng, also, that pryrccys commynlj are rulyd by affectys, 90 rather then by reson and ordur of iustyce ; the lawys, wyche be syncere and pure reson, wythout any spot or blot of affectyon, must haue chefe authoryte ; they must rule and goue?vne the state, and not the pry«ce aftur hys owne lyberty and wyl. For thys cause the 95 most wyse mew, corcsyderyng the nature of pry?icys, ye, The wisest men «> think a mixed and the nature oi ma?z as hyt ys mdede, afiyrme a myxte government best state to be of al other the best and most conuenyent to ctmserue the hole out of tyramiy. For when any one parte hath ful authoryte, yf that parte chaunce to be 100 corrupt wyth affectys, as oft we se in euery other state hyt dothe, the rest schal suffur the tyranny therof, and be put in grete mysery. For the *avoydyng [* Page 35.] wherof here in our cu??trey, the authoryte of the prywce The authority of must be te??zperyd and brought to ordur, wych, many be moderated. yerys, by prerogatyfys grauntyd therto, ys growne to a m any f est iniury ; the wych thyngys the actys of our 107 pryrccys in tyme so openly haue declaryd, that hyt nedyth, I trow, no proffe at al. I thynke ther ys no man that so lakkyth yes wych thys doth not see. (4.) But now by what mean thys may be downe partely I haue schowyd in the cure of the hede and of 112 the frenecy therof; and the rest now we schal joyne in hys place. Our old aunceturys, the instytutarys of our ancestors ! 7 t n i -, appointed a our lawys and ordur oi our reame, corasyderyng wel constable of thys same tyra?my, and for the avoydyng of the same, En s land 182 A CHIEF CONSTABLE. as a counterpoise ordeynyd a Connestabul of Englond, to corcturpayse the to the prince; authoryte of the prynce and tempur the same ; gyuyng hym authoryte to cal a parlyameret in such case as the pryrace wold run into any tyranny of hys owne heddy jugement. But forbycause thys offyce semyd to the 122 prynce ouer-hye, to haue any one maw wyth such authoryte, and so often tyme was cause of sedycyon and debate, in so much that the prywcys of our tyme but now the haue thys offyce vtturly suppressyd ; therfor, for the office is sup- , ' * pressed, a voydyng oi al such occasyon of any dangerouse sedy- 127 cyon betwyx the pryncys of our reame and hys it would be better nobylyte, me semyth much more conuenyent, as I haue authority to schowyd before, to gyue thys authoryte vnto dyuerse, several than to 7 , , , ■, , n , •, , n , i one> and not to one ; euen lyke as the authoryte of the prywce may not rest in hym alone, but in hym, as the hede, joynyd to hys counsel, as to the body. Aftur the allowing the same forme, the Connestabul schold be hede of thys Constable to be the chief. other corcseyl, wych schold represent the hole body oi the pepul without parlyamemt and commjn counseyl [* Page 36.i] geddryd of the reame. * Concernyng thys one • pit 137 chefely : — that ys to say, to see vnto the lybe?"ty oi the Their duties to hole body of the reame, and to resyst al tyranny wych preserve the liberties of an. by any maner may grow apon the hole co?nmynalty, and so to cal parlyament of the hole when so euer they see any peryl of the losse of the lyberty. Thys counseyl 142 I wold haue, as I touchyd befor, of the Constabul as hede, of the Lord Marschal, Stuard, and Chamburleyn of Englond, wyth iiij of the chefe jugys, iiij cytyzyns of London, and ij byschoppys, London and Canter- bury. Thys conseyl schold euer be occasyon to redresse 147 the affectys of the prynce to the ordur of the law, justyce, and equyte, in case be that he by any mean schold corrupt hys counseyl appoyntyd to hym by the same authoryte. For thys may in no case be com- 1 About half way down the margin of this page, the author has written the words, " the thryd pojTit of," hut they seem to have no meaning. THE KING'S COUNCIL OF TEN. 183 inyttyd to the arbytryment of the prywce to chose hys The king not to , choose his own owne coftseyl ; lor that were al one and to commy tte al council : to hys affectys, lyherty, and rule. Thys therfor schold 153 be the second thyng perteynyji'g to thys conseyl and as a lytyl parlyameret : — to electe and chose euer such me?i as they schold juge mete to be about a pry/zee, and to be veray conseylarys of the commyn welthe, and not to be corrupte by feare or alfectyon. Thys conseyl I wold it should consist haue to be of x pe?'sonys : ij doctorys lernyd in dyuynyte, and ij in the law cyuyle, and ij of the 160 co??miyn law — of the wych, ij I wold schold be ap- poyntyd to receyue co?nplayntys made to the kyng and to refere that same to the hole corcseyl, and one of them to be of the cyuyle and another of the commyn law — and iiij of the nobylyte, expert and wyse mezi in 165 materys of pollycy. And by thys couwseyl al thyngys perteynyng to the prymcely state schold be gouernyd and rulyd ; of the wych the kyng schold be hede and with the king as President when p?'esydent euer when he myght or wold be among them, among them. By them al byschoprykys and al hye offyce of dygnyte schold be dystrybut. The rest the kyng schold dys- 171 pose, of hys owne propur lyherty, wher hyt schold plese hym. And so by thys counseyl the chefe mater and Thus ail sedition cause of al sedycyon schold be take *away out of our [* page 36*.'] cu?itrey ; that ys to say, the iraequalyte of dystrybutyon of the co??zmyn offyceys of authoryte and dygnyte. 176 For thys ys euydent and playn, that the chefe cause of sedycyon rysyth therof. For wher vertue ys not where virtue is rewardyd worthyly, then hyt rebellyth sturdyly.; then j t rebels, rysyth dysdayne and hate ; then spryrcgyth enuy and malyce. Wherfor, when men be regardyd accordyng 181 to theyr dygnyte, the occasyon most chefe of al sedy- cyon schalbe take away vndowtydly. Thys coftseyl, This council would be a stay therfor, schold be a grete and a wondurful stay of the of the princely pryrecely state and stablyschyng of the true co??imyn 1 Two pages bear this number. 184 A PRINCE ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE. 186 wele that Ave so much haue spoken of before. "VVher- for, not wythout a cause I wold thys to be chosen by the hole pcwlyamewt, and afturward euer supplyd by the electyon of thys counseyl, wych I sayd schold re- present the hole state commy?ily. And thys schold be 191 the second poynt of theyr authoryte. The thryd Matters of peace schold be thys : — that the materys of peace and wane, in the king's debatyd by the other co?zseyl and propur of the prywce, council must be l i i l e i i j.i 7 j/i i i confirmed by schold euer be cowfyrmyd by them and authorysyd by palnaZnl! ' 1 ' 16 tne y r consent A1 other ftvm* perteynyng to the 196 kyng and pry?icely powar, as I sayd befor, to heng only apon the authoryte of hym and hys co??seyl joinyd Thus we should to hym. By thys mean, blaster Lvp;?ei, we schold avoid tyranny and sedition. avoyd easely al daunger of tyranny ; by thys mean we schold avoyd the sedycyon that ys to be fearyd of the electyon of the prywce yf he were not admyttyd by suc- 202 cessyon of blode. Or els, bycause that mane? 1 hath byn vsyd many yerys, and takyth away much occasyon of sedycyon, as you thynke, I wyl not stykke wyth you in that, so that you wyl graunte me agayn hys powar, aftur the mane?' before rehersyd, somewhat to be tem- 207 pryd and brought in ordur. 5. l,Ypset. — Yes, Sir. that I must nede graunt, ex- cept I wold admyt playn tyra?zny, wych wyl not agre L* Page 87.] wyth our co??imunycatyon before had. *Eut, on the tiie prince chosen other parte, I wold not yet haue hym chose by elec- famiifes. tyon, but let that powar rest in the auncyent famylys, or els hyt can not be chose but that we schold haue oft 214 cyuyle wane and sedycyon. For euery maw wold study to attayne therto, and so al schold fal into a co/?,fusyon. 6. Po7e. — -Nay, Mastur Isrpset, I can not tel you p. says there is that ; yf hyt were restraynyd, as I haue sayd befor, ther ?n venicet'nor ° n wold not be so grete ambycyon therof as ther ys now. with us if our 6 For as m ~v"enyce ys no grete ambycyouse desyre to be kmg's power ^ Duke, because he ys restreynyd to gud ordur and were restrained. ' » » •> ° THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT. 185 polytyke, so wytk vs, also, schold be of our kyng, yf 222 hys powar -were te??iperyd aftur the maner before de- scrybyd. "Wheras now euery man desyrytli hyt by- Now every man cause he may make hymselfe and al hys frendys for for selfish ends. euer rych ; he may subdue hys enemys at hys plesure ; al ys at hys co/«ma?idement and wyl. And thys hathe mouyd cyuyle war in tyme past, notwythstondyng thys 228 ordynarcce of successyon. But we wyl not entur no ferther in dysputacyon now, for as much as I reme??ibyr we haue reso«nyd apon thys mater before, and playnly cor?cludyd the best way, yf mew wold lyfe in cyuyle lyfe togyddur, to haue a pryrcce by fre electyon and a prince elected by the people, chosyng hym among other of the best. But for by- the best form of cause Ave are barbarouse and rulyd by affectys, for the avoydyng of gretur yl wych wold come among barbar- 236 ouse myndys, therfor, in the second place, and not as the best, we thought hyt conuenyent, as you say, now to take hym by successyon, but teraperyng hys powar, as hyt ys before sayd. 7. JuTpset. — Thys ys vndowtydly troth. The powar in ail this l. concurs, and of the pryrcce wold, aftur such fascyon, be restreynyd says if this re- and brought to ordur ; and, aftur my mynd, hyt ys the established, ail chefe grounde and prywcypal of al thys true cowmyn be'curea! W ° U wele, wherof we now speke, ccmsyderyng the nature of Qnodvtpiun- mui» accidit, mare as hyt ys, wych ys more co??zmyrely rulyd by «>»sidera7!t affectys then by reson. "Wherfor, yf thys ground were stablyschyd, and surely set, the cure of al other mys- 248 ordurys wych we notyd before wold by and by folow and easely insue. 8. PoZe. — That ys troth, Master LvpseZ, wythout p. says, True; fayle, as we schal see in our processe more playn. For physicians say, when they have as physycyonys say, when they haue remouyd the chefe removed the cause of the cause of the malady and dysease in the body, by lytyl malady, and by lytyl then * Nature hyrselfe curyth the patyent ; [*Page 38.] Nature cures the euen so now in our purpos, thys faute that we haue be- patient. 1 In margin of MS. 186 CUSTOMS RELATING TO WARDS. 257 fore spoken of, wych was and ys the cause of many other, onys perfaytly curyd, schal mynystur vnto vs the most comienyent mean for to procede to the cure of the rest. Among the wych, as I reme?wbyr, was ther notyd the Another fault is faute of bryngyng vp of the nobylyte, wych, for the in the bringing up of the nobility, most parte, are nuryschyd wyt[hJout cure, bothe of theyr parewtys being alyfe, and much wers of them in 264 whose ward commynly they dow fal aftur theyr deth ; the Avych care for notliyng but only to spoyle theyr pupyllys and wardys, or els to mary them aftur theyr plesure, wherby the true loue of matrymony was and ys vtturly take away and destroyd ; to the wych, as every 269 man knowyth, succede infynyte myserys and mysordurys of lyfe. Wherfore thys thyng must be remedyd, yf we wyl procede to our end and purpos. And, fyrst, as con- wardys.i cernyng the wardys ; of thys we must begyn al our old Our customs relating to wards barbarouse custumys vtterly to abrogate, wythout re- abrogated, specte of the begynnyng in therof, though they appere and those who neuer so gud. And ever they wych haue the nobylyte have care of wards must be m ward must be bounden to make a rekenyng and count ac™unts, render before a juge appoyntyd therto, not only of al hys intrate, xeniys, and reuenewys, but much more of the 279 orderyng and instytutyon of hys ward both in vertue and lernyrcg. But here ys, Mastur Lvpse£, not only in our curctrey, but also in al other wych euer yet I knew, a gret lake and neclyge?zce of them wych rule w commyw pollycy ; and that ys thys : — that in no cuwtre 284 ther ys any regard of the bryngyng vp of vthe in com- Edueatyon.i myn dyscyplyne and publyke excercyse. But every maw pryuatly in hys owne house hathe hys mastur to instructe and to bring up hys chyldur in letturys, wythout any respecte of other only exercised exercyse in other featys perteynyng to nobylyte no les in letters, but in , •■ , 7 ■, , , ■• n ■ n i i feats of arms. then lernyng and letturys, as m al leatys oi chyualry. Therfor ther wold be some ordynarcce deuysyd for the t* Page 39.] joynyng of thes bothe *togyddur, wych mygh[t] be 1 In margin of MS. PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO BE ESTABLISHED. 187 downe aftur thys mane?", lykewyse as we haue in our 292 Vnyuersytes, collegys, and cowmyn placys to nurysch the chyldur of pore men in letturys ; wherby, as you see, coramyth no smal p?-ofyt to the co?nmyn wele. (8.) So much more Ave schold haue, as hyt were, Public schools •ce?-tayn placys appoyntyd for the bryngyng vp togyddur established, of the nobylyte, to the wych I wold the nobullys schold compeUed°to eS be compellyd to set forward theyr chyldur and heyrys, ^jj to"^' 1 " that in a nowzbur togyddur they myght the bettur pro- fyt. And to thys cmrepany I wold haue appoyntyd 301 rularys certayn of the most vertuse and wyse vixen of the reame, the wych schold instruct thys vthe to whome schold come the gouernawce aftur of thys our comniyn wele. 1 Here tbey schold be instructe, not onlyin vertue and lern- to be instructed . in learning and jng, but also in al featys of warre perteynyng to such feats of war. as schold be hereafter in tyme of warr captaynys and gouernourys of the commyn sorte. Thys schold be the 308 most nobul instytutyon that euer was yet deuysyd in any comniyn wele. Of thys surely schold spryng the fountayn of al cyuylyte and polytyke rule; ye, and wythout such a thyng, I can not tel whether al the rest •of our deuyse wyl lytyl avayle. I thynk hyt wyl neuer 313 be possybul to instytute our coramyn wele wythout thys Ordynarece brough[t] to passe and put in effect. 2 Our old fatherys haue byn lyberal in byldyng grete abbeys Abbeys have done and monasterys for the exercyse of a monastycal lyfe among relygyouse mere, wych hath downe much gud to 318 the vertuese lyuyng of Chrystyan myndys ; whose ex- ampul I wold that we schold now folow in byldyng change some of these to institu- placys for the instytutyon of the nobylyte, or els in tions for the sons • chaungyng *some of thes to that vse, by cause ther be i*p a ge4o.] 1 To thys vse turne both Westmester and Saynt Albonys, and many other. 2 Prebendys schold be pyemia to yong ge»tylme», maryd and lernyd in scripture ; by thys mean scripture schold be more • cojwmunyd then hyt ys. The above sentences are written in the margin. No refer- ■ ence mark is supplied to denote where they should be placed. 188 ADVANTAGES TO THE NOBLES. 323 The nobles think they were born to spend what their ancestors provided. 332 Here they should learn all which pertains to their office, 339 344 and become nobles indeed, and the people would be glad to be governed by them. 351 L. confesses it would be a noble institution, 358 oue? , -many of thys sort now in our days ; that, euen lyke as thes monkys and relygyouse men ther lyuyng to- gyddur, exercyse a ce?"tayn monastycal dyscyplyne and lyfe, so they nohyllys, heyng "brought vp togyddur, schold lerne ther the dyscyplyne of the commyn wele. You see now how they nobullys thynke themselfe borne only to tryuwphe and spend such landys, the wych theyr anceturys haue prouydyd for them, in theyr vayne plesurys and pastymys. They neuer loke to other end and purpos. But here I wold haue them in thys dyscy- plyne, fyrst, to take hede and dylygerctly to lerne what they be, and what place the[y] occupy in the co???myn Avele, and what ys the offyce and duty pe?'teynyng to the same. Here they schold lerne how and aftur what mane?- they myght be ahul and mete to dow and put in exercyse that thyng wych perteynyth to theyr offyce and authoryte ; and so playnly and fully to be instructe in the admynystratyon of justyce both publyke and pryuate. And, as I sayd, at voyd tymys also co?menyent to the same, they schold vse to exercyse themselfys in featys of the body and chyualry, no lesse expedyent for tyme of warr then the other exercyses be for tyme of peace. And thys they schold be worthy of the name wych we now vnworthylygyue vnto them cora- my?dy ; then they schold be nobullys in dede ; then they schold be true lordys and masturys; then they pepul wold be glad to be gouernyd by them, when they per- ceyuyd so playnly that they regardyd the wele of them no lesse then theyr owne pryuatly. But, Mastur Lvp- set, the party cular mean of bryngyng thys mate?' to passe requyryth, as I sayd before, a hole boke. Hyt ys enough for vs now to schow and touch the mane?' and mean in general. 9. Lvpsel — Syr, thys schold be a nobul instytutyon,. and to such a pry?«ce as schold be in a true commyn wele esy to bryng to passe, or to any such Hilarys as THEIR CARE OF HAWKS AND HOUNDS. 189 intend a veray true cyuyle lyfe. *I pray God we may [*Page4i.] and hopes we lyfe to se some men of authoryte bend to put thys in may live to see it. effecte. Thys schold bryng forth in few yerys, I trow, Plato's comniyn wele, or els, rather, the true instytutyon 362 of Chrystyan doctryne ; so that ther schold be wyse men among thys vthe to instytute them in the sumrue The y should be instructed in of ChrystyS Gospel. Christ's Gospel. 10. "Pole. — Yes, Mastur ~Lvp$et, x that ys to be vnder- p. says that is understood, and stond ; that ys the hede dyscyplyne and publyke that is the head dis- I spake of befor ; in the wych, I thynke, in few yerys, as you say, they schold more prafyt to the co?nmynyng 369 of Chrystyn charyte and the veray Gospel of Chryst, then our mo/ikys haue downe in grete p?'Ocesse of tyme " wouId do mor e than the monkish in theyr solytary lyfe, wych hath brough[t] forth, wyth life which has been the cause of lytyl profyt to the publyke state, much superstycyon. much supersti- Thys vthe, as sterrys, schold lyght in al pco-tys of the reame hereaftur, and they schold put in effect that thyng 375 wych thes solytary men dreme of in theyr cornarys. 11. Lvpset. — Yndowtydly such an instytutyon schold l. This care of wards would wel remedy thys mater of the warays, and bryng in a bring us great co?itrary fame into our cu/ schal see how, yf thes ij thyngys wych we haue spoken 389 of — that ys, the takyng away of al occasyon of tyranny and ordeynyng of gud hedys, and now thys gud edu- catyon of the nobylyte — had place and effecte, that the remedys of al other mysordurys schold, as I haue oft 393 1 MS. le. 190 APPEALS TO LONDON ABOLISHED. 394 sayd, schortly be found and put in effect, as al other [* Page 42.] mysordurys of our lawys before notyd. As, fyrst, *re- Appeal to London must be mouyng of causys by wryte from scbyre townys to abolished. ' Appoiiatyon.i London, wycli we notyd a grete abuse, and not wytbout a cause ; for by that mean euery mare of powar vexyth hys aduersary wythout cause, and when he knowyth 400 ryght wel hys mater ys vniuste. Thys thyng, I thynke, schold be remedyd by and by, wythout ferther payne or The duty of the purenyschmeret appoyntyd therto, yf the nobylyte and nobility is chiefly to see justice geretylmere of euery schyre wold coresydur theyr offyce and done, and to keep i , , i • n ■, n i . • , ,t men in unity. duty therm; wych ys chelely to see justyce among theyr 405 serua?itys and subiectys, and to kepe them in vnyte and corecorde. "Wherfor thys must be ordeynyd : — that no No cause must cause be remouyd by wryte to London, but such only as be removed to London, except they geretylme?i of the scyre, by the reson of the dyffy- gentiemen of the culty of the mater, care not decyde ; or els for some other shire cannot 1 -, , -. 1 n P ,-, aij determine, resonabul cause to be prouyd beiore them. And at London the jugys schold admyt non in sute,but such only 412 as, for some resonabul cause, were remyttyd to them by the geretylmere of the scyre,- wych haue authoryte therin in the sessyonys and sysys at scyre townys appoyretyd. And moreouer they partys both schold be sworne apon a boke that wyth gud opynyon of justyce they persue 417 and defende euer theyr ryght, for the avoydyng of al calumnyouse coreteratyon and wylful vexatyon of theyr The party con- aduersarys. And besyde thys, the party corede??znyd by demned must pay costs. the authoryte of the hye jugys, schold euer be award yd to pay costys and al other dammage cu?reyng to hys ad- uersary by the reson of the vniust sute and vexatyon. 423 And so by thys meau, that ys, partely by the wysdome and. gud prouysyon of the gentylmere and of the nobylyte [*Page4s.i *rulyng in the curetrey, and partely by feare of thys payne, both of periury and of the paying also of costys Tims contro- and dare^mage, the coretrouersys of the commyns in euery easily be set at schyre schold easelyar be pacyfyd and the commyn rest> ' In margin of MS. PUNISHMENT OF ADVOCATES. 191 quyetnes much, incresyd ; the wych, Master Lvpse£, now and quietness restored. ys much trowblyd by co?zte??tyous myndys and fro ward wyttys, not only of the partys themselfys, hut also, much more, by the auarycyouse myndys and couetouse 432 of the proktorys and attorneys, wych commyrely regard more theyr owne lucur then the justyce of theyr clyentys cause. Wherfor the same othe that ys mynystryd to the clyent hymselfe schold be gyue?z also to hys proktor or aduocate, and also puwnyschemeret, not only of per- Advocates who prolong contro- iury, but also of promotyng vniuste causys, wold be versies to be joynyd therto. The purmyscheme^t schold be aftur thys sort : bycause he for hys lucur deludyth bothe partys 440 and prolongyth the co?2trouersy by hys crafty wytt, when so euer hyt myght be manyfestely prouyd, and hys couetouse mynd opewly declaryd, he schold pay the by paying costs and damages to costys and daramage to both the partys, as wel to the both parties to a aduersary of hys clyent, wych by hys craft was long de- fraudyd of hys ryght, as to hys owne clyent, wych by 446 hys dyssymulatyon and fare wordys was interteynyd in long sute. Thys ordynarcce, I thynke, wold helpe much to the settyng forth of the justyce of causys ; thys schold cause the attorneys and prokturys to refrayne frowz theyr crafty iwuewtyonys ; the wych ys the ground and the 451 veray chefe key of the longe sute of causys in the Court at "Westmonastere, wych we n )tyd and obseruyd co?z- seque?2tly for a nother grete faute and mysordur. 13. *Lvpse£. — The couetuse myndys of the niynys- [* rage 44.] 1 il L 1 ^' n£lS n0 ^OuSt turys oi the law ys, wytnout dowte, a gret parte cause that the covetous- of thes long sutys, wych, I thynk, schold be well re- lawyers is the dressyd yf thys payne were set apon them before -pre- sulTs 6 , ° ng scrybyd : specyally yf you joynyd to thys some prouysyon Aduoeat; y s - 1 co?vcernyng the multytude of them. For of them are 460 ouer-many, though ther be among them ouer-few gud. Therfor, yf hyt were ordeynyd that only such whose ver- and he would only . admit the virtuous tue and honesty and gud lernyng m the law were Dy and honest to it e -»••<« practise: 1 In maTmn of Ms. 192 OUR LAWS ARE CONFUSED, 464 many yerys prouyd, schold be admyttyd to practyse in causys ; and such as loke not for al tlieyr lyuyng of theyr and they should clyentys, but gewtylrnew, wych haue other lande, offyce, or fee, suffycyently to maynteyn themselfys wythal, then I thynke ther wold not be so grete robbery vsyd of 469 thern as ther ys now, and the sutys schold not be so But is there not long interteynyd. How be hyt, you, as I reme?7ibyr, another cause of these long suits ? notyd a nother ground of thys long sutys before, and that ther was also faute in the veray ordur of the law. Dyd you not so 1 p. answers yes; 14. PoZe. — Yes, "Master Lvp«tf, that ys troth, and that ys the fountayn and cause of the hole mater ; the wych cause (as we haue downe in some other mys- 477 ordurys before rehersyd) Ave must study to take away, yf we wyl vtturly remedy thys faute of vs touchyd, our law is Master Isvpset . Thys ys no dowte but that our law confused; . and ordur therot ys ouer-co??fuse. Hyt ys infynyte, and wythout ordur or end. Ther ys no stabyl grounde 482 therm, nor sure stay ; but eue?y one that caw coloure reson makyth a stope to the best law that ys before tyme de- the suhtiety of uysyd. The suttylty of one sergeant schal enerte and de- one overthrows ' the judgment of stroy al the jugeme?itys of many wyse men before tyme receyuyd. Ther ys no stabyl ground in our commyn 487 law to leyne vnto. The jugeme?itys of yerys be infynyte and ful of much controuersy ; and, besyde that, of smal judges are not authoryte. The jugys are not bounden, as I vnderstond, bound to follow a i i iipi iii the laws. to f olow them as a rule, but altur theyr owne lyberty, [* Page 45.] they haue authoryte to juge, accordyng as they are *in- structyd by the sergeantys, and as the cyrcumstawce of the cause doth them moue. And thys makyth juge- 494 mentys and processe of our law to be wythout end and infynyte ; thys causyth sutys to be long in decysyon. To remedy this, Therfor, to remedy thys mater groundly, hyt were we should follow . , . , the example of necessary, m our law, to vse the same remedy that Justynyan dyd in the law of the Eomaynys, to bryng 499 thys infynyte processe to certayn endys, to cut away AND ARE WRITTEN IN OLD FRENCH. 193 thys long lawys, and, by the wysdome of some poly- who instituted . . but few laws and tyke and wyse mew, mstytute a lew and bettur lawys ordinances. and ordyna7Zcys. The statutys of kyngys, also, be oner- The statutes of , ... r. , i kings also are too many, euen as the ccwstytutyonys ol the emperorys ma n y . were. Wherfor I wold wysch that al thes lawys schold The laws want to be made few be brought into some smal nombur, and to be wry ten in number, and also in our mother tong, or els put into the Latyn, to iish or Latin, cause them that study the cyuyle law of our reame, fyrst to begyn of the Latyn tong, wherin they myght 508 also afturward lerne many thyngys to helpe thys pro fessyon. Thys ys one thyng necessary to the educatyon of the nobylyte, the wych only I wold schold be ad- myttyd to the study of thys law. Then they myght study also the lawys of the Eomaynys, where they 513 schold see al causys and coretroue?*sys decydyd by rulys more corcuenyent to the ordur of nature then they be in thys barbarouse tong and Old French, wych now semyth not in this bar- barous tongue, to no purpos els. Thys, Mastur jjvpset, ys a grete oid French, blote in our pollycy, to see al our law and cowmyn dyscyplyne wryten in thys barbarouse langage, wych, 519 aftur when the youth hath lernyd, seruyth them to no purpos at al ; and, besyde that, to say the truth, many Besides which, n -ip-1111 -ii many of the laws of the lawys themsenys be also barbarouse and tyrarc- are barbarous and nycal, as you haue before hard. Wherfor, yf we wyl yiai euer bryng in true cyuylyte into our cuwtrey by gud 524 pollycy, I thynke we must abrogate of thos lawys veray and must be abrogated. many ; the wych ys the only remedy to cure such fautys as we found before in pryuate successyon *and intayl- [* Page 46.] yng of landys in euery mean house. For as hyt ys in pryrccys housys and lordys coraienyent that the eldyst Primogeniture Ponvenient for sone schold, as chefe hede of the famyly, euer succede the few. (alway prouysyon had for the yongur also) so hyt ys playnly agayne nature in mean famylys commynly ; and, as we sayd and scho[w]yd at large before, occasyon of much hurte, as many other barbarouse custumys and ordynance be, of the wych we spake of before ; the 535 STARKLY. 13 194 THE CIVIL LAW OF HOME au the faults wych al by thys one remedy schold be amendyd and spoken of might . be remedied by correct, yf we myght induce the hedys of our cuntrey Roman civil Law to admyt the same : that ys, to receyue the cyuyle law of the Romaynys, the wych ys now the commyn law 540 almost of al Chrystyan natyonys. The wych thyng vndowtydly schold be occasyon of infynyte gudnes in the ordur of our reame, the wych I coud schow you many- festely, but the thyng hyt selfe ys so open and playn, that hyt nedyth no declaratyon at al ; for who ys so 545 blynd that seth not the grete schame to our natyon, the grete infamy and rote that remeynyth in vs, to be in the place of gouernyd by the lawys gyuen to vs of such a barbarouse the laws given by barbarous natyon as the Normannys be 1 ? Who ys so fer horn our tyrannical rayson that consyderyth not the tyrannycal and bar- and barbarous n . . „ , , „ , institutions must barouse mstytutyonys, infynyte ways lelt here among ewipe away. vg ^ whych al schold be wypt away by the receyuyng of thys wych we cal the veray cyuyle law ; wych ys vn- 553 dowtydly the most auncyent and nobyl monument of the Romaynys prudence and pollycy, the wych be so wryte wyth such grauyte, that yf Nature schold hyr- selfe prescrybe pa?'tycular meanys wherby mankynd schold obserue hyr lawys, I thynke sche wold admyt 558 the same ; specyally, yf they were, by a lytyl more wysedome, brought to a lytyl bettur ordur and frame, wych myght be sone downe and put in effect. And so if the nobmty ther aftur that, yf the nobylyte were brought vp in [•Page 47.] thys lawys, * vndowtydly our cuntrey wold schortly be in better laws, . , . , -, . , , . .-, our country restoryd to as gud cyuylyte as ther ys m any other would soon be, j . i_ i_ ij_ _ i tri improved. natyon ; ye, and, perauenture, much bettur also. 1 or though thes lawys wych I haue so praysyd be cowmyn 5G6 among them, yet, bycause the nobylyte ther commynly dothe not exercyse them in the studys therof, they be al applyd to lucur and gayne, bycause the popidar men wych are borne in pouerty only doth exercyse them for the most parte, wych ys a grete ruyne of al 571 gud ordur and cyuylyte. Wherfor, Master Jjvjtset, yf SHOULD BE ADOPTED HERE. 195 we myght bryng thys ij thyngys to effecte — that ys to The two things required are, (1) say, to haue the cyiiyle law of the Romaynys to be the to adopt the commyn law here of Englond with vs ; and, secondary, Romans for our that the nobylyte in theyr youth schold study commjn\y (2 ) to cause^e therin — I thynk we schold not nede to seke pa?*- theiaws.° SUy tycular remedys for such mysordurys as we haue notyd before ; for surely thys same publyke dyscyplyne 578 schold redresse them lyghtly ; ye, and many other mow, the wych we spake not yet of at al. 15. "Lvpset. — Sir, I hold wel wyth you in thys be- t- thinks it would be hard to halfe. Thys were a commyn remedy, yf hyt myght be bring this to __ effect. brough[tJ to passe. How be hyt, seyng that so many yerys we haue byn goue?-nyd by our owne law, I 584 thynke hyt schold be veray hard to bryng thys to effect. 16. Po/e. — Nay, nay, Master Lvpsez', eysyar then p. answers, a you thynke of. The gudnes of a pryrcce wold bryng would soon bring thys to passe quykly ; for the law of hytselfe were easyar to lerne then ys ourys in the French tong. "Wher- 590 for ther lakkyth no thyng but authoryte to put hyt in it only requires authority. effecte ; the wych I pray God we may onys see, and some occasyon therof onys for to take. But the mean tyme, M.aster Lvpsez 1 , bycause you thynke hyt ys so He proceeds to discuss the sue- hard, let vs procede to the second remedy, that ys, to cession to, and en- correct partycularly the fautys wych we notyd in the ordur before and pollycy. * And as touchyng the sue- [* Page 48.] cessyon and intaylyng of landys, ther must nedys be 598 prouysyon ; and aftur thys maner me thynke hyt wold dow wel : that yongur bretherne schold haue a certayn Younger sons should have a portyon deputyd out of the hole inherytarece, other by portion of the . inheritance. the wyl of the father, or els, yf he dyd intestate, by an offyce[r] appoyntyd therto ; for hyt ys agayn reson and the ordur of nature that the eldyst brother schold haue 604 al, and the rest non at al, as we haue resonnyd before. And as touchyng the intaylyng of landys, surely thys The entailing of lands should be band wold be broke, wych now puttyth the heyrys out abolished, 196 THEFT AND TREASON ARE 608 of al feare and drede of theyr pare? ,1 n n i out of the realm, reame, except causys ot scysme m the layth wych per- except scnism . teyn to the dyssolutyon of the vnyon of the Catholyke and Chrystyan fayth. Such causys we schold reserue 95 to hym as hed appoyntyd by C07iimyn authoryte ; and as for al other co?itrouersys, I wold they schold be de- fynyd at home in our owne cuwtre. For thys hath byn a grete dystructyon to our reame, wyth the mayntenyng of thys holy powar vnder pretense of relygyon. Thys 100 hath byn one of the gretyst ruynys that euer hath come This has been a to the reame of Englond, as I coud, by many storys, England, both old and of late days, playnly declare. But thys ys to no * man vnknowen. I wyl therof cesse. "Wher- P Pa s e 52 -3 " as is well known. for I wold that we schold in no case medyl wyth that authoryte, but only in such case as I sayd before, wych 106 tend to open heresy. And so for the recognysarcce of thys superyoryte, I wold that our reame schold pay our realm should pay its Peter thys Peter pens, releysyng thes annatys, wych ys pence, euer chargebul to our reame, except of the Archebys- Archbishops . instituted by the choppys, whome I wold schold be mstytute by the pope, but elected Pope, but electyd at home, and of them haue a certayne ; but al other byschoppys schold be instytute by the but bishops should be insti- Archbyschoppys here in our owne cuwtre, and schold tuted by the 200 THE INCOMES OP THE BISHOPS. Archbishops, and not haue riede to inn to Rome for theyr instytutyon and have no need to go to Rome. authoryte, as they haue downe many a yere, payyn" therfor the fyrst frutys of theyr bu?zfycys, the wych we obseruyd as a grete mysordur. For by thys we mayn- 119 tenyd the porape of the Pope, gyuyng to hym that wych sehold be dystrybutyd among the pore men of the dyocese here in our owne natyon. L. asks what's 5. Lvpset. — Sir, you say wel : but, I pray you, tel the difference be- J J > > r J J > tween sending me one thyng that I schal ax of you here. "What first-fruits to Home, and spend- dyfferens ys in thys mater to send the fyrst frutys to ing them on ^ whores at home ? -home and spend hyt in tryuraphe here at home among whorys and harlatys and idul lubburys seruyng to the 127 same purpos in our owne natyon 1 6. PoZe. — Dyfferens ther ys ; for yet thys hyt ys spent at home in our owne cuwtrey. How be hyt, p. goes on to Master Lvp-seZ, here you touch a nother grete faute wych note a fault in bishops and we notyd also before in our byschoppys and abbotys, abbots. wych tryumphe no lesse then the temporal lordys, the 1 33 wych thyng, Master Isvpset, we must also now in hys place te?wpur and amend. And, breuely to say, I wold no thyng in thys mater but only prouysyon that the ordur of the commyn law of the Church myght haue Bishops ought to place; that ys to say, that byschoppys sehold dyuyde ossessions into theyr possessyonys in iiij partys to the vse appoyntyd .Jrl build by the authoryte of the law : the fyrst to byld churchys rtomalntain an ^ terapullys ruynate in theyr dyocesys ; the second to poor youths m maynteyne # the pore youth in study ; the thryd to the g tudy; . . pore maydys and other pouerty ; and the ferth to fynd poor maids; hymselfe and hys household wyth a mean nowbur co«- 4. to support j j j themselves. uenyent to hys dygnyte. Other prouysyon then thys 145 nedyth not at al, sauyng that I wold haue them to be They should be resydettt apon theyr sees, except such as were necessary Abbots and priors aboute the prynce. And as touchyng abbottys and pry- should be chosen . .lt-ii i every 3 years; or y s m our cu/itrey, 1 wold. Hon other but only the orclur of the monkys of Italy ; that ys to say, that eue?y iij yere 150 to chose theyr abbotys and pryorys, and ther to gyue HOW THE CLERGY SHOULD LIVE. 201 rekenyng of theyr oiFycys cowmywly, and to lyue among and should live among their hys bretherne, and not to tryumph in theyr cha?nburys brethren, as they do w ; wych cansyth al the enuy in the cloysturys, 153 and ys the occasyon of the grete spens of the intrat of the monastery ; for to hys tabul resortyth the idul cu??ipany dwellyng about hym. Thys maner surely schold be a grete reformatyon in the monasterys of Englond. But, as I haue sayd many tymys before, the 158 pcw'tycular mean of thys and of other must be deuysyd and put in effecte by such as schal haue authoryte to reforme the same. Hyt ys enough for vs now to schow in general, and lay commyn groundys to the fyradyng of the rest. 1G3 (6.) Aftur thys mane?', Master Lvpse^, consyderyng Tiiere should be that they -wych haue grete possessyonys Avyl not of regulate the ,-, r> iii_n ij.i i i_ expenses of those theyr ire wyl lyberally spend them accordyng to reson, wl i have greut hyt were veray coraienyent, by ordur of law, to cemstrayne i >OS9essions - them therto ; for when men pmiatly abuse theyr owne godys to the hurte [of J the co?wmyn wele and ordur 169 of the same, hyt ys then mete that the mater schold be had in co?asyderatyon of them wych here rule in com- myn authoryte. Wherfor the old Romanys made a law The Romans eon- strained men to agayn prodygalyte, constraynyng men to frugalyte, wych frugality. ys to a commyn wele the ground of al other vertues. Therfor, lyke ordynance as ys determyd to byschoppys, 175 wold be proporcyonably apon other inferyor dygnytes of the Church ; for as *much as they are only dyspe?zs- [*Page 51.] aterys of the godys of the Church. Therfor, me semyth thys were wel, that euen lyke as by ordur of law the pore As poor men are compelled to pay men are bounden to pay theyr tythys to theyr curate, so their tithes, lyke wyse, they wych are parsonys and curatys schold s0 parsons should be bounden to clystrybut that wych they haue superfluose to the poor, and to live in their among the pouerty of theyr parreysch; and so they schold parishes, also be constreynyd to be resydent apon theyr mmfycys,- ther to preche and tech the Gospel of Chryste, and see the dystrybutyon of theyr godys themselfys ; except 186 202 GOOD SCHOOLS ARE REQUISITE. except a few in hyt were certayn aboute the prynce and also certayn in-. churches. cathedral churchys, wych I wold not haue to he resydent wyth such an idul cuwpany as they dow now, hut to he, 190 as hyt were, corcseyllarys to the hyschope, mere of grete lernyng and vertne, helpyng to set ordur in al the rest of hys dyocese ; and obseruyng wyth al dylygewce that the rest of inferyor prestys dyd theyre offyce and duty, and to se that nore schold he admyttyd hut such as in al 195 poyntys were mete for theyr offyce, hoth of lernyng and None ought to be wysdom comienyent to the same. For the wych I wold admitted priests . -■ •, . ii-it -i , -i under 30 years thynke veray co reuenyent now schold bemadeprest?/svnder xxx yere of age, wych had spend theyr vthe vertuesly in letturys, and not in huntyng nor haukyng and such 200 other idul pastymys. The same ordynarece also I wold schold he obseruyd in admyttyng of al other relygyouse personys of what ordur so euer they he, xion vnder xxx yere of age. For thys admyttyng of frayle "vthe wyth- and after proof out cowuenyent profe of theyr vertue and lernyng, ys [* Page 55.] the * ground and mother of al mysordur in the Church and relygyon, as you may se, M.aster Lvpse£, in euery 207 place. Of thys fountayn spryngyth al the sklandur of the Church hy myshehauyour. Wherfor, yf thys hole were stoppyd, surely the gretyst cause of al fautys in the Church of Chryst schold he taken away wythal, the wych remedyd, schold he a grete occasion of the remedy 212 of the hole hody ; for as much as they commyn pepul loke chefely to the lyfe of prelatys and prestys, takyng theyr exampul of the ordur of theyr lyfe. Wherfor, Tims the greatest Master ~Lvpset, as we dyd schow a general mean of the cause of faults i-i-i-i-i-i would be re- hryngyng vp of nobilyte wych schold he m the tem- porary, rularys, and hedys, so now a lytyl we must touch 218 the hryngyng vp of the vthe determyd to the spmVualty and exercyse therin. And, hreuely to say, for as much as the Latyn tong and the Greke he the ground of lern- yng, in the study wherof they must spend theyr vthe, scho^instituted, ther must he certayn and gud scolys instytute wyth UNIVERSITIES TO BE IMPROVED. 203 prudent masters and wel lemyd to instructe thys cum- 223 pany. Hyt were no thyng amys to put ij or iij of thes and thinks it . ' would be better smal scolys of x u " a yere togydur and make one gud, to put several , small schools to- wyth an excellent mastur, and in euery towne let the ge ther to make prestys instructe tliem and make them somewhat mete one s °° to hys handys ; and then, aftur they had byn brough[t] 228 vp in lernyng a wyle, such as he schold juge mete From such schools those who wyttys, wyth other lernynd men appoyntyd to the juge- were found meet should go to the ment therol, schold then be send to vnyuersytes, ther universities, to be instructe in the lyberal scyence, and so to be made precharys of the doctryne of Chryst. 233 (6.) But here, aboue al thyng, the scolemastur must study no les to bryng vp thys vthe no les in vertue then in lernyng ; for loke, how they he custumyd in vthe, so aftur the[y] folow the trade other of vyce or of vertue. Therfor ther must be as much regard of the one as of 238 the other. *For the lernyng wythout vertue ys perny- [* Page 56.] cyouse and pestylent. The same ordur must be take in yirtuTisper- '° U vnyuersytes, that thos sedys wych are pla?ityd by the nicl0US- scolemastur may bryng forthe some gud and perfayt frute. But thys thyng in studys and vnyuersytes ys virtue in the ,,■■-,! -I1.L- i universities and neclectyd and despysyd, as hyt ys in gra?«mer-scolys. grammar schools "Wherfor ther must be reformatyon for that, as in theyr isnegec maner of studys wych are co?zfusyd, and by the reson 246 of that, we haue few grete lemyd men in our curctrey. The ordur of studys in vnyuersytes must, breuely, be The order of ame?idyd, or els al letturys and lernyng wyl fayle. How, universities -ir-i-in i n wants amending, and by what mean, I had though[tJ before here for to schow; but now, euen as hyt was in the educatyon of the but the subject nobylyte, so hyt ys in thys, ouer-long partycularly to discuss. declare. Eche one of thes ij materys requyre a hole boke, and, besyde thys, ther be wyse and lemyd men wych 254 haue wryte in the same mater, whose counseyl I wold to God we myght fulfyl. Among thes, of late days the The Bishop of Carpenteras has Byschope of Carperateras, one of the wysyst me?? of our written an ex- tyme, hath put forth a boke. Hyt schalbe now our our prince should 204 THE OFFICE OF CEXSOR. put his counsel duty only to persuade our pry/zee to put thys same hys corcseyl in vse and effecte, the wych downe, I dowte not 261 but that we schold haue such prestys in our cuwtrey as are requyryd to thys our coramyn wele before deuysyd. [* Page 6i.i] *And thys, Master Lvpse£, I thynke we haue schowyd in general the mean to correct the errorys before of vs obseruyd and notyd, except you remembyr any other. 266 7. Lvjpset. 2 — Sir, one thyng among other I remera- l. asks about byr you haue not yet spoken of, and that ys thys : you certain officers i , it , i i i p . n> i_ which we lack in naue no ' i supplyd the lake ot certayn offycerys wych this country. gemyd t() kke ^ our cimfcrey> 8. "Pole. — Master \xpset? you say veray truth. 271 How be hyt, in thys mater ther ys no grete lake; for yf euery offycer dyd hys duty appoyntyd by the ordur of our cuntrey, I thynke you schold schortly agre therto. And, Syr, an offycer for that same purpos me seme lakkyth aboue al other ; for, albehyt that hyt semyth 276 to perteyn to the offyce of the pry wee in general, yet p. would have to the partycular cure therof, I wold some mare schold dty^n'officer to be appoyntyd in euery grete cyte and towne, the wych officers did theiT schold haue no7i other cure nor charge but to se that duty " al other offycerys dylyge?itly dyd execute theyr offyce and duty. h. says this 9. lixipset. — You say veray wel. Thys offyce was censor conserved itpi -i i pt-. Rome, and was of the thyng that chefely co?ise? , uyd the state of Rome; and was among the Eomaynys of hye authoryte. They 285 callyd them Censorys, as you wold say, jugys of the manerys of al other ; in lyke wyse, wyth vs, as you say,, such an offyce surely schold coreserue the hole state me?-- uelousely. Wherfor I wold haue them to be callyd con- seruatorys of the cowmyn wele ; and lyke as thes con- 290 seruatorys schold haue cure of al other offycerys to the intent that they myght wyth more dylygerece dow He would have theyr duty, so I wold, in euery cyte, haue other also ap- another to see _ i p i ,i L* Page 62.] poyntyd, who schold haue * regard of such thyng as after the orna- 1 See note on p. 215. 8 MS. Le. ADVANTAGES OF EDUCATION. 205 perteynyth. to the orname?*tys of the cyte, and to the ments of the city, and its health. helth of the same, wych as in Rome were callyd Ldiles, as you wold say, goue/'nowrys of templys and housys, so wyth vs they schold be callyd ouersearys of the cyte. 297 Of thes ij offycys we haue grete lake : one to se to the pollycy pryncypally, and another to ouer-se such thyngys as perteyne to the helth, welth, and ornamentys of the cytes and townys ; vnder whose authoryte and jurysdycyon al other vnder ofFycerys schold be, wych other officers to be under him. haue partycular cure oi certayn thyngys perteynyng to the same. I wold haue no offycer of cyte nor towne to No officer of a city rn or town should be exempt from theyr authoryte, but as they mygh[t], be exempt from -i __p i j» j? i d , ,1 their jurisdiction. apon lawful proiys oi neclygence of euery one, put them out of theyr offyce and dygnyte ; the wych thyng schold 307 cause al vnder ofFycerys, partely for feare and pa?*tely for schame, to regard such thyng wyth cure and dyly- gence as perteynyth to them ; and so, by thys mean, our polytyke body schold be kept in ordur and rule, aftur the maner wych we haue before deuysyed. 312 10. [Pole.] — So that, Master ~Lvj)set, now apon thys poynt let vs conclude and make an end of our cowmuny- catyon, that yf we myght now fynd the meane to * correct [» p age 57.] thes gene?-al errorys, wych we haue notyd, and specyally by thys gud educatyon of the nobylyte and of clerkys, of By good educa- ,,!,.. i jiii -,1 i tlon of our nobl et whome we schold altur haue they hedys and rularys, ther and clergy, we ys no dowte but that Ave schold other haue a veray true true common- 1 i_ n i -it -i iiiii wealth, or a near co?nmyn wele belore descry byd, or els, at the lest, one approach to it :- that schold most nere of al other approeh thervnto. For 321 by thys mean we schold haue a multytud of pepul con- a multitude of uenyent to the place, floryschyng wyth al abundance of abundance of exteryor thyngys requyryd to the bodyly welth of man ; the wych, lyuyng togyddur in cyuyle lyfe, goue?"nyd by polytyke ordur and rule, schold conspyre togyddur in 326 amyte and loue, eue?y one glad to helpe a nother to hys love one to • i t another j powar, to the intent that the hole myght attayn to that nerfectyon wych ys determyd to the dygnyte of mannys and perfection. 206 LAW ONLY A MEANS TO AN END. 330 nature, by the gudnes of God ; trie wych ys the end of al lawys and ordur, for wych 1 purpos they be wryt and ordeynyd. How say you, Master Lvpse£, thynk you not thys 1 l. agrees in this 11. liVpset. — Sir, thys ys a certayn truthe that you say and corcclud now, at the last, aftur our long conimuny- 336 catyon, that, yf we coud put in effect such ordynarace as you haue deuysyd, we schold haue other a true commyn wele, or, at the lest, some lykelyhod therof, to the wych but doubts the al lawys be ordeynyd and deuysyd ; but whether yet al ability of the law to bring man to thes ordynarcce, ye, or al the powar of law, be abul to dition^ e ' b r y n g mare to thys perfectyon, I somewhat dowte. For 342 as much as the perfectyon of maw stondyth in reson and vertue, by the wych he both knowyth that wych ys truth and gud, and also hath wyl, stabyl and co>^sta?^t purpos, to folow the same, not compellyd by feare of any payne or pu?znyscheme?2t, nor yet by any plesure or pro- 347 fyt alluryd therto ; but only of hys fre wyl and lyberty, wyth prude?zt knolege and perfayt loue mouyd, he euer [* Page 58.] apply th *hys mynd to such thyng as schal bryng hym to hys perfectyon ; and to thys me thynke no law ys suf- Exceptwe fycyent. Wherfor, except we.fynd some other mean means, aii this wherby maw may come to thys hys perfectyon, al our communication , , , i i i tit ±i is void. coramunycatyon, me thynke, ys voyd, and al law wyth- out effecte. 355 12. PoZe. — Mastur Lvpse£, you entur now into a grete mater, the wych, yf you remembyr, we touchyd before. But now here in hys place, bycause you bryng hyt agayn in remembrance, therof hyt schalbe no hurt to make a lytyl more mentyon. Mastur Lvpse^, though p. confesses the hyt be so that the law of hyt selfe be not abul to bryng laws cannot make man perfect, mare to hys perfectyon, nor gyue hym perfayt reson and but it is a means vertue wythal, yet, for as much as hyt ys a mean to to this end, and not to be de- bryng maw therto, hyt ys not vtturly to be despysyd. For, as Sayn Poule sayth dymely, hyt ys the pedagoge 1 MS. thys wych. THE LAW'S DEFECTS SUPPLIED. 207 of Chryst; that ys to say, hyt preparyth maranys mynd 365 to the receyuyng of vertue hy profyt and plesure, payne and purenyschemeret ; hyt dysposyth mare some thyng to the way of vertue ; ye, and as ma» ys of nature formyd Man is naturally rude and wythout perfayt knolege, hyt ys necessary to perfect know- haue the instytutyon therof, wythout the wych al cyuyle e ge ' ordur wold dekay, wherof hyt ys the bande and sure 371 grounde, as we haue at large declaryd befor. Arid yet thys ys trothe, as you say, hyt ys not suffycyent to bryng maw to his perfectyon, but to that ys requyryd a nother more celestyal remedy, the wych our M.aster Chryste cam to set and stablysch in the hartys of Hys electe 376 pepul. He cam to make pe?-fayt man, and supply the de- Christ only can fecte of the law, by Hys * celestyal and dyuyne doctryne; sul [ P *p a ge m.\ 3 and thys ys the thyng, Mastur LvpseZ, that I perceyue ^ it ia this you requyre. Thys ys the thyng wythout the wych al wh . ich L " re ' our cwmnunycatyon ys voyd and- of lytyl or no effect. Wherfor now remaynyth, aftur that we haue schowyd 382 somewhat how by marenys prude?zce certayn fautys and mysordurys in the cyuyle ordur, wych ys the mean to bryng mare to hys perfectyon, as you see, may be reme- dyd and redressyd ; now I say we must study for the mean to stablysch thys celestyal doctryne, wych our 387 Master Cryste hath left here to corcducte al Chrystyan myndys to theyr perfectyon. 13. "Lvpset. — Syr, thys ys the thyng that I dyd re- l. says yes; but this is the quyre in veray dede; but to bryng thys to passe, to work of God. stablysch thys doctryne, hyt ys not the worke of maw — hyt ys only the worke of God. Therfor in thys poynt how we schal behaue ourselfys I care not tell. 394 14. PoZe. — Sir, as touchyng that, you schal schortly here my mynd therin. Fyrst, thys ys troth, that thys thyng ys the worke of God ; hyt ys He that must bryng thys mater to effect, or els al marenys labur ys spent in vayne, notwythstondyng the prouysyon of God hath or- God has ordained that man shall deynyd thys, that mare schal haue nothyng that ys gud, have nothing per- 208 NO HONOUR WITHOUT DILIGENCE. feet without ncthyng pe?-fayt, wythout hys owne la"bur, dylygence, lahour. and cure — 403 Virtutewi posuere dii labore parawdawi. Tliys you may see in al thyngys wych perteyne to the per- No man can fectyon of mare ; for who ys he that caw attayne that we attain honours without diligence, may begyn of wordly thyngys, other ryches or honowre, except he wyth gret dylygence apply hys mynd therto ? "Who care kepe hys body in helth, except he put dylygerete 409 cure therto 1 Who care attayne to any excellency in any maner of art or craft, ye, or come to any hye phylosophy, except he wyth much cure, labur, and dylygence exercyse hym selfe in the studys therof 1 Vndowtydly, no maWw [♦Page 60.] *Wherfor much more, wythoute lyke dylygence and Tins heavenly labur, ther ys no way to attayne thys celestyal doctryne, doctrine is only given to such as wych ys not inspyryd into neclygent hartys, but only purge their minds from to such as, by grete study, haue purgyd ther myndys tions; from al wordly affectys; and so, wyth perfayt fayth and sure trust, loke for such thyng as God hath pro- 419 mysyd to al them wych,- al wordly thyngys set apart, desyre coretynually celestyal. Therfor, be you assuryd, that euen as thys celestyal doctryne far excellyth and passyth al other, so hyt requyryth more dylygence, more cure, more ardour, affecte, and desyre of mynd, then any it comes from other. And though hyt be heuerely and, commyth only God, and is never given to idle of God, and may not be by the powar of man, yet hyt ys neuer gyuew to idul and slepyng myndys, nor to such 427 as haue no cure nor regard therof, no more then hyt ys to them wych by theyr owne natural powar, thynke themselfys abul to optayne and deserue such precyouse gyfte. "Wherfor, al be hyt that hyt ys as you say, to stablysch thys doctryne in any coramyn wele, the only it is proper to worke of God and. not of man, yet thys ys not amys to show how man , 1 , ., -. ■, i may make him- schow somewhat the mean how mare may dyspose hym- thls doctrine. f se ^ e an & make hymselfe mete to receyue thys heuerely doctryne ; wherin we must vse other mean then cyuyle 436 ordynance, wherof we haue spoken of before, the wych, MEANS TO ESTABLISH DIVINE LAW. 209 by feare of pyne and desyre of plesure, mouyth the 437 oytyzyns to folow vertue. (14.) * We must bow take another way, and, as nere [* Page 63.] as we may, folow the exampul of our Master Chryst, the Christ used two means to estab- wych by no corapulsyon onstytute Hys law, nor by any u S h ms law,— drede or fear of anythyng. Two 1 meanys I note He vsyd l ms. y. in the stablyschyng of Hys law at the fyrst begynnyng; the wych yf we folow we may, perauewtur, stablysch and 444 corcfyrme that wych He begaw, or at the lest schow the way how hyt schold be downe. They ways were thes : exarapul of lyfe and exhortatyon. By thes ij meanys Example of life and exhortation ; Hys dyscypullys dyd stablysch Hys doctryne, as hyt ys manyfest in the Gospel of Chryst and story of the Church. "Wherfor, as the restoryng of the cyuyle lyfe stondyth 450 chefely in hedys and rularys, as we haue sayd before, in so much that yf they be gud, al the commynalty wyl folow the same, so the cowfyrmywg and stablyng of and now it must be established thys celestyal doctryne stondyth chefely in the offy- cerys therof ; that ys to say, in the precharys, in the in the godly living and doc- godly lyuyng and doctryne of them. We must, therfor, trine of preachers. haue ordynawce made, that such only may be admyttyd to preche w[h]os lyfe and doctryne ys many ways prouyd to be perfayt and gud. For now a days the precharys 459 sklaunder the word of God, rather then teche hyt, by theyr contrary lyfe. 15. "Lvpset. — Syr, you say truthe. No dowte gud n doubt, says precharys schold help to set thys forward wondurfully. we ' make them? But how schold we make *them'? Thys ys the handy- [* Page 64.] worke of God; hyt ys not in mawnys powar. So al commyth to one poynt ; that ys, hyt ys not in our powar 466 to bryn£ thys mater to passe that we now soeke of. 16. PoZe. — Mastur Lvpse£, we haue sayd befor, that ?• confesses that man cannot do it. maw alone caw not in dede bryng thys thyng to passe ; but maw may make ordynawce that such only as God hath made met to prech Hys doctryne schold haue authoryte to exercyse the same. Thys maw may dow, and not only 472 STARKE Y. 14 210 THE GOOD COUNSEL OF ERASMUS. 473 thys, but ordeyn mean how man schal be broughft] vp in comienyent mean mete for the same, as in commyn studys and vnyuersytes, and admyt now to that offyce but such as theyr are prouyd, both in lyuyng and in doctryne. But now, to schow the mean how mew schold 478 in that study be brought vp, here ys not [the] place ; Erasmus's advice and besyd that, hyt ys wryten in our days of the most to be followed in the instruction of famuse dyuyne Erasmus, whose cowseyl I wold in our studys we myght folow, that al such as schold prech the doctryne of Chryst schold be instruct wyth such doctryne and maners as he largely schowyth in hys Tretyse of the 484 Study of Dyuynyte, and now a late in hys Boke of the Prechar. Thys myght, by polytyke rularys in our com- [* Page 65.] myn wele, schortly * be brought to passe and put in effect ; The universities wherof we must begyn. The gud ordur of studys in the are out of order; vnyversytes ys the fountayn and the ground of makyng thes precharys. Wherfor thes must be redressyd, wych 490 [be] now so ferr out of ordur, that ther be few men lesse met to prech thys celestyal doctryne then thos be wych professe the same, in whome ys all arrogawcy wyth- out meknes, wych ys the ground of thys doctryne ; in whome al affectys rule and reyne wythout any sparkyl 495 of reson, as experyence schowyth. But I wyl not now stond to schow theyr fautys, nor partycularly schow of them Erasmus theyr instructyon and insty tutyon, wych Erasmus, wythe has written largely. grete eloquence and wysdome, doth at large. As I sayd, we must ordeyne the mean to put hyt in executyon, 500 wych ys, breuely to say, only thys way, — to cummand Heads of colleges the hedys in collegys to se the vthe brough[t] vp aftur brought up after such fascyon as he descrybyth, and other wyse men ef ^iwmus and our tyme, as the Byschope of Carpe/iteras, and other of that sorte. And thys vndowtydly, wythin few yerys, we schold see precharys of thys doctryne such as schold commyn hyt abrode, and induce the pepul wyth louyng maner to folow the same. How be hyt, as I haue 508 schowyd breuely how, by exampul of lyfe and by gud HIS INSTRUCTION OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 211 exhortatyon of the precharys, thys doctryne must *be [* Page 66.] tought so apon the parte of the pepul ther may be cer- tayn ordynarece made wych may make them mete to 511 here thys prechyng and techyng of theyr masturys and doctorys. How he hyt, the prywcypal cause lyth in only it ail lies with God. He must forme and lyght theyr hartys wyth Hys give His grace, or grace, or els the prechyng caw take lytyl effect. But ha^no effect. the gudnes of God ys such that, al men, what sort so euer they he, wych by prayer and by humylyte, make 517 themselfe apte to receyue thys lyght and grace, schal be by and by parte-takers therof. He ys not acceptor God is no accepter of persons. personarwra, but, euen as the lyght of the sone schynyth in al bryght bodys, wych of theyr nature be clere and bryght, so dothe thys grace and celestyal lyght com- munycat hyt selfe, by the gudnes of God, to al hartys 523 and myndys wych wyl, wyth dylygewce and arderet affect, louyngly desyre hyt. But as touchyng the partycular maner also how euery mare scholde institute hys mynd to receyue thys doctryne, Erasmus also, wyth grete wys- Erasmus's book • ii i nii ontne Instruction dome, hathe declaryd in hys boke, wych ys callyd the f a christian Instructyon of a Chrystuw Mare. Wherfor, as concern- translated into * yng thes partycularytes, I schal referre you to the same Eng isb ' boke, the wych I thynke veray mete to be put into our 531 mother tong, to the intent that al such as haue letturys may be the rather instructe in Chrystuw lyfe and euare- gelical doctryne. (16.) *And as for publyke ordynarece touchyng thys [* Page 67.] thyng, I haue thys only to say, that for as much as thys doctryne of Chryst ys the end and perfaytnes of al law, 537 and the veray lyfe of marenys soule, to the intent that hyt myght be the bettur and wyth more profyt prechyd, I wold hyt were also put into our mother tong, that, The Gospel ought also to be given by the redyng therof ofte-tymys at home, the pepul to the people in myght at the lest be more abid to co?/?prehende the tongue, mysterys therof prechyd and openyd by the precharys of hyt. For thys thyng apperyth meruelouse straunge — 544 212 THE BIBLE TO BE TRANSLATED, AND 545 pepul to haue the lyne of theyr lyfe to "be wryte in a straunge tong, as though the law were wryten to straungerys, and not to them. The law was wryten to the intent that al mere schold know hyt, and study to apply to forme theyr lyfys theraftur. I neuer red in no 550 storys of grettur blyndnes commynly approuyd then ys it is thought this thys ; for hyt ys thought that the puttyng of our law into destruction of au our mother tong schold be the destructyon of relygyon ; as though the law, yf hyt were knowen, schal make mew to forsake the law, and as though the ignorance of the 555 law schold make mere to folow the law. Wherfor, seing that al prechyng ys ordeynyd to thys poynt, to instructe [* Page 68.] the pepul in the *law and doctryne of Chryst, hyt must nedys folow that al mean must be approuyd wych helpe to thys knolege ; and so, to put the law of the 560 Gospel into our mother tong were a necessary ordynarece. Moreouer, hyt were coreuenyent, aftur my mynd, to make mew commynly more apte to receyue thys lyght au puoiie and and grace, to ordeyne al prayerys both pryuatly and com- shouid he in the mynly in churchys for the pepul rehersyd, to be made vu gar tongue. .^ ^ e vu ig are tong, and al dyuyne seruyce ; the wych 566 thyng schold cause dowteles the pepul bothe wyth more effecte themselfe to pray, and wyth more dyly- gence herken [to] the storys of the Bybul commyrely rehersyd, wych are rehersyd only for thys cause, that they pepul heryng them, may be the rather sterryd to 571 folow the exampul of the old ; 'fatherys and holy mere, whose vertuese are celebrate in our tempullys and To have service churchys. For what avaylyth els thys rehersyng of thes to\fgra isfike legendys and loude syngyng therof now in a straunge S maf t0 tong as they be rehersyd ? Hyt ys as you wold tel a tale to a deffe mare ; for dyfference ys nore, as touchyng the profyt of the word, betwyx a deffe mare and hym that 578 vnderstondyth nothyng at al. (1 6.) Wherfor, Master Lvpse^, breuely to corecludethys [•Page 69.] mater, thys I thynke, that [if] *they precharys were in DIVINE SERVICE TO BE IN ENGLISH. 213 vny uersytes wel broughft] vp in ryght studys, wych, as we if preachers were well brought up, sayd, are fer now out [of] frame, and therfor wyth al cure and dylygewce to be reformyd, and the Gospell and law the Bible faith- fully translated, of Chryst cowuertyd wel and faythfully into our mother and Divine serv- , , . i i , • j i i 06 conducted in tong, and al dyuyne seruyce celebrate in the same; English, we then, I thynke, schortly you schold see more frute of the ^. u ° ita ^£° n Gospel then we haue. You schold see wythin few yerys ^° w p ^ thai1 we mew wyth loue dow such thyng as now they cawnot be brought to by no niawnys law ; you schold se then both 589 reson and vertue in mawnys lyfe to haue place ; they schold then be the rularys of mawnys lyfe, al vayn af- fectys troden vnder fotte. And so, by thys mean, man, Thus man would fyrst inducyd by fere of punnyschemewt and payne, and towards perfec- by desyre of honest plesure and profyt by law prescrybyd, 10n ' schold be inducyd by lytyl and lytyl to thys perfectyon, 595 that he for loue only of vertue schold folow vertue, and for loue of Chryste, al plesure and payne set aparte, schold folow Chryst, and then at the last, thys lyuyng in perfayt cowcord and cyuylyte, schold attayne to the euer- lastyng lyfe due to the nature of maw, ordeynyd to hym 600 by the prouydewce of God in immortalyte. And thys, Master Lvpse£, now breuely you haue hard in thes iij Thus you have heard, days cowmunycatyon, what ys a cojwmyn welth, and i. what is a wherin hyt stondyth. What lakkys therof and fautys 2 . what our -■• . 7T_ j-Li_i lt- country lacks be m our cuwtrey, and how and by what mean, wyth tnereo f. gud prudewce *and pollycy, they myght be correctyd [*Page7oj ,-,-,! . - 3. How our faults and amewdyd, as much as may be by mawnys powar re- may be corrected. dressyd, and cyuyle ordynawce. For, as we haue offce- tymys before sayd, the chefe poynt therin lyth in God 609 and in a gud prywce. Wherfor, M.aster ~Lvpset, let vs thys make an end, bycause hyt ys late, except you haue any [thyng] in thys mater further to say. 17. Lvpset. — S^'r, I haue no thyng to say but only l. wishes to say .-, o .-, , , j - . .■*. t. all men are bound thys. Seyng that al mew, as you sayd m the begynnyng t0 furtner thi3 of the fyrst day's communycatyon, are bounden as much commonwealth ' as they caw to ferdur and set forward thys same true 616 214 POLE MUST TARRY HIS TIME. 617 commyn wele, wyck you haue spoken of before, in tkeyr cuwtrey, — I wold tkat you, wyck tkys prudewtly per- ceyue tke fautys tkerof and tke mean kow tkey sckold be reformyd, sckold, wytk al dylygewce and cure, apply your mynd to tke redressyng of tke same, seyng tkat we 622 kaue now suck a prywce as y s to be desyry d ; wyck notkyng els desyrytk, day nor nygkt, but to stablyscke tkys com- myn wele among kys subiectys in tkys our natyon. and exhorts p. Wkerfor, Master Pole, I wold in no case you sckold let not to let this occasion slip, tkys occasyon slype ; lest, as I sayd at tke begynnyng lest men call him an insrate. of our communycatyon, men justely sckold accuse you 628 as ingrate to your owne cuwtrey. 18. "Pole. — Wei, Master Lvpse£, as touckyng tkys, be you assuryd, for my parte, I wyl neue?* be slake in [* Page 7i.] tkys bekalfe; but wken so euer kyt sckal *plese tke p. says he shall prywce to cal me to tkys purpos, I sckal wytk tke same Pnnce calls him— mynd be redy to tkys as to lyue, for tke wyck I lyue, "tarries his an ^ wytkout tke wyck I wot not wky I sckold lyue. time ' But in tkys, Master Lvpse£, I must tary my tyme. 636 19. I/vjiset. — Tkys tarying of tyme, Master Pole, ys l. says he must tke destructyon of al. You may not tary tyl you be put himself forward. callyd, but put your selfe fortk, at tke lest to sckow tke desyre tkat you kaue to seme your prywce and to kelpe your cuwtrey. 641 20. PoZe. — Wky, Master ~Lupset, wold you kaue me Nay, says p., now to spot my lyfe wytk suck ambycyon ? Nay, I wyl not dow so, but, as I sayd, I wyl tary my tyme. l. urges that it is 21. "Lvpset. — Nay, but in tkys me thynke you are ambition, to deceyuyd, to cal tkys affect ambycyon, wyck ys tken desire office that t , i • ■ -i i t i in one may do good, only to be imputyd wken mew desyre konowere to tkeyr owne plesure or profyt ; but wken mew desyre to bere 648 offyce and to rule, to tke intent tkey may stablysck and set in tkeyr cuwtre tkys coramyn wele, wyck you before kaue descrybyd, kyt ys tke ky[e]st vertue tkat ys in any nobul stomake, and ys a certayn argument of true no- liv^fntoraere, 3 kylyte ; for sluggysck myndys lyue in cornarys and OTHER QUESTIONS DEFERRED. 215 content thernselfys wyth pryuate lyfe. Wheras veray 653 nobul hartys euer desyre to gouerne and rule, to the noWe hearts desire to govern. commyn wele of the hole multytude. 22. PoZe. — Wei, Master Tjvpset, I perceyue wether p. says at another you go. You wold haue me to schow my mynd in thes his mind , . . . , . t , , whether a man other grete questyonys, wether a wyse mare ought to ought to tarry tin desyre to haredul materys of the commyn wele, or tary whauTtrae*" tyl he be callyd ; and also what ys veray true nobylyte, noblht y- the wych you say so mouyth mare to set forward al gud 661 and iust pollycy ; the wych thyng at another tyme I wyl not refuse. But now, bycause hyt ys late, and perteynyth it is late now, not gretely to our purpos, I wyl dyffer hyt tyl more ur purpose, coreuenyent lesur ; and the mean tyme, of thys be you assuryd, in me you schal fynd no faut nor neclygercce ; 666 but that I schal euer, as occasyon mouyth me, be redy but i shall ever be ready to do to dow seruyce to my pryrece and curetrey, to Goddys service for my honowre and glory, to whose gouernarece and prouy- dewce, the mean tyme, we schal coremiyt al ; and thus make an end of our corezmunycatyon. 671 [FINIS.] [Note to p. 204. Starkey had written as far as the end of page 60 of the MS. when he remembered that he had omitted to discuss the necessity of appointing superior officers and their duties. Not having room on page 56 he was compelled to commence on page 61, and go on to the end of page 62. He has made the necessary reference marks.] 216 GLOSSARIM, INDEX. Note. — Many of the words here mentioned occur frequently, but I have thought it unnecessary to give more than one reference except in a few- instances. The following abbreviations have been used : B = Bailey's Diet. ; B. B., Babees Boke ; C. L., Castel off Loue ; Gawayne, Sir Gawayne, ed. Morris ; H., Halliwell's Diet. ; L., Levins's Manipulus ; L. S., Latimer's Sermons ; M. A., Perry's Morte Arthur ; P., Philips's Diet. ; P. C, Pricke of Conscience ; P. P., Promptorium Parvulorum ; R. P., Romans of Par- tenay. For the extracts from the Utopia and Latimer I have used Arber's excellent reprints. 1/16 means page 1, line 16. A, 123/821, an. A, 55/1013, on. God uoryaf hys dyaf> to ham f>et him dede a \>e rode. Ayenbite, p. 114. A, 70/55, of, or on. Jjeos sculde a twa haluen ' halden to £an uehte. Layimon, iii. 87. A, a late, 210/484, of late, lately. Abbey-lubbarys, 131/1079. Lubber, a mean servant, that does all base services in a house ; a drudge, a lazy Drone. P. Abhorre, 21/727, "abhor from," to reject or renounce. See K. H. VIII. ii. 4. I utterly abhor, yea, from my soul Refuse you for my judge. Adherentys, 77/296, adherents. iEnnates, 126/895, Annates. Affccte, 29/77, 31/142, affection; property of the mind. An affect, affection. L. 47. Affecte, or welwyllynge. P. P. Agayne, 18/612, against. Alowyd, 131/1091, permitted, granted. Als, 11/357, as. Altogyddur, 49/790, altogether. Alye, 1 1 4/488, ally. Alye, aflinis. P.P. Alyenat, 151/305, alienated. Annatys, 126/921, . An nates. Annexyd, 95/9 16, annexed, joined to. Antyquyte, 78/327, antiquity! Antiquitie, vetustas. L. 109. Apon, 15/502, upon. Arge, 87/642, argue. Arryue, 57/1075, arrival. Whose forests, hills, and floods then long for her arrive From Lancashire. Drayton's Poly. ji. 1192, quoted by H. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 217 Artyfycerys, 86/623, artificers. Artys, 123/808, "lyberal artys," liberal arts. Asper, 134/1174, rough, uneven. Lat. Aunceturys, 84/556, ancestors. God gaue him . . . more then euer anye of hys mmcitours had. L. S. p. '71. Avaunce, 3/61, advance. He . . . auaunced hymself ryghte inherit- oure to the crowne thereof. Utopia, p. 57. A-worke, 96/955, at work, to work. Ax, 130/1057, ask. Basse, 113/470, "base, low. Be, 153/350, bee. Bend, 105/160, bent, or bound. Beryng, 113/464, bearing, con- duct. Bestys, 52/894, beasts. Besyly, 3/67, busily, earnestly. Besye with beveryne lokkes. M. A. 3631. Besynes, 5/147, business. BoUen, 152/317, swoUen. The barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled. Exod. ix. 31. Bolsteryd, 117/599, bolstered, up- held, maintained (by unfair means). Men haue sinnes inough of their owne, althoughe they beare not and bolster vp other men in their naughtines. L. S. p. 155. Botte, 4/95, boat. Breue, 126/911, brief. Broderly, 109/311, brotherly. Brokarys, 83/519, brokers. Brokys, 16/533, brooks. Bunfycyal, 13/427, beneficial. Bunfycys, 133/1155, benefices. Bunfyte, 14/481, benefit. Butful, 98/1023, fruitful. Halli- well says batful, meaning fruitful, is used by Drayton. Cp. batten, to fatten. Bylldyd, 9/280, builded. Byth, 175/1125, buyeth. Canteryng, 137/1295, to sing in such a manner that the people can- not understand what is sung. To cant, to talk darkly .... so as not to be understood by others ; to use an affected kind of speech. P. Capitayne, 3/89, captain. Cardarys, 171/1004, card-players. Cardyng, 77/287, playing at cards. As dysynge, and cardynge, And such other playes. B. B. p. 346. Ouer night they carded for our english mens coates. Percy, B. ed. Fumivall, i. 125. Cauyllatyonys, 10/334, cavilla- tions. Chamlet, 95/911. Camlet, a sort of stuff made partly of camel's hair, and partly of silk or stuff. P. Cbanonys, 77/295, canons. Cha- none, chanonicus. P. P. Chepe, gud cbepe, 89/725, cheap; bettur chepe, 141/1447, cheaper. Theyr diligent vse in prouision for graine is notable. For be it deare or good cheape, theyr common graner ... % is in maner alwayes furnisshed. History e of Italye, etc., by W. Thomas, ed. 1561, If. 82. See P. P. p. 72, note 2. 'A.Sax. Cedp. 1. A bargain, sale, business. 2. Any thing for sale, a chattel. 3. The price, also cattle, as they were used in barter. Cedpian, To bargain, chaffer, trade, to contract for the purchase or sale of a thing, to buy, to cheapen.' Bosworth. Chesyth, 29/71, chooseth. To-wardez Chartris they chese. M. A. 1619. 218 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Christundome, 88/685, Christen- dom. Chyldur, 36/318, children. Clene, 8/2 6 9» quite, altogether, entirely. Cortaysye is closed so clene in hym-seluen. Gawayne, 1298. Clokyd, 36/331, concealed. We should not dissemble nor cloke them. Bk. of Com. Prayer. Cogytatyonys, 66/1414, cogita- tions. Coleryke, 58/1100, choleric. Passionate, hasty, apttobe angry, peevish. P. Commyn, 6/175, communicate. Comoune communico. P. P. Commyn, 10/339, common. Commynyng, 8/241, communicat- ing. Commynys, 90/748, commons. Complexyon, 69/13. Complexion .... the natural constitution, or temperature of the body. P. Conceytys, 80/415, conceits. Conferre, 176/1187. To confer, to communicate; to collate, give, or bestow. P. Conseyllys, 26/881, counsels. Gonsumptyon, 76/248, consump- tion. Conteyne, 110/341, contain, keep, restrain. Conturpayse, 182/117, counter- poise. Quha will study his wittis, and conterpace The hie planetis. Qu. Mizabethes Achad. 100/191. Conuehauns, 93/865, conveyance. Conuehyth, 43/580, conveyeth. Conuersant, 23/780, conversant. Cormorants, 118/644, cormorants (used figuratively). On couetous and vnsatiable cor- maraunte and very plage of his natyue contrey may compasse aboute and inclose many thousand akers. Utopia, p. 41. Cornarys, 189/376, corners. Coud, 73/144, could. Count, 186/276, account. Couplyd, 45/656, joined. Cumpynable, 13/428, companion- able ; sociable, friendly. Companyable, or felawble, or felawly. Socialis. P. P. Cure, 92/825, care. Curyouse, 80/412, curious ; nice, fastidious, dandified. Custummably, 30/1 32, by custom, habitually. Custamably, Consuete, soliie. P. P. Custumyd, 138/1319,accustomed. Darth, 87/631, dearth. Debylyte, 72/103, debility. Defynyd, 118/641, denned, finished. Defyne, definite. L. 139. Descanterys, 80/412, composers of music. Descant, in music signifies the art of composing in several parts. P. Determe, 105/184, determine. Detrymentys, 93/858, detriments. Deuysarys, 80/412, devisers, makers, or inventors. Deuysys, 80/406, devices, con- trivances, conceits, or fashions. Dome, "rayson dome," 103/97? Dote, 151/299, dowry, marriage portion, or endowment. Lat. dos. Downe, 77/286, done. Dress, 57/1071, direct. Men myghte don it wel, that myght ben of power to dresse him thereto. Maundecille, p. 306 (ed. 1866). GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 219 Drowne, 77/303, drone. Drunkerys, 171/1003, drunkards. Dyat, 33/232, diet. Dyffer, 26/907, defer. Dyffynytyon, 11/364, definition. Dymely, 206/364, dimly. Dymme, or hard to be vndyr- stonde. Misticus. P. P. Dysarys, 171/1004, dice players. Dysceyue, 70/64, deceive. Dysconuenyent, 140/1391, incon- venient. Dysheryte, 196/614, disinherit. Exhereder, to disherit, or disin- herit. Cotgr. Dyssymylyng, 91/787, dissimu- lating. Dissimulings, dissemblings. H., who refers to Chaucer. Dysyng, 77/287, playing with, dice. Enerte, 192/484, to render in- capable of action ; to inert. Enyoy, 67/1429, enjoy. Escheuyng, 71/70, eschewing. Ether, 32/183, easier; A.S. eerS, easy. SiJ>en god so feire clojms ha)?. Jjat haf> no feir Colour to day, And schal to Morwe beo lad a way, How muchel more may he ow clef?e ? As hos seib, bat may he don e\>e. Vernon MS. fol. 206 b. col. 3. Note. In Starkey's MS. this word is written " other." Extyme, 14/471, esteem. Exystymatyon, 151/287, reputa- tion, estimation. Lat. exislimatio. As one rather willing the harm or hindraunce of the weale publike then any losse or diminution of his owne existimation. Utopia, p. 82. Eysyar, 195/587, easier. Fach, 173/1074, fetch. Facyle, 133/1172, facile. Facyon, 106/210, faction. "Fa- cyon and partys" = Factions and parties. Fangulyd, newfangulyd, 80/410, newfangled. Gape not nor gaze not at euery newe /angle. B. B. p. 341. Straunge, or folishelye new- fangled. Utopia, p. 65. Fantasy, 51/860, fancy. Fautys, 28/44, faults. Fayte, 129/1005. Fait, Fr. a fact, deed, or action. B. Fer, 15/512, far, very. Fers, 12/386, fierce. Fie, 78/328, fly. Fon, 24/815, fond; foolish, tri- fling. Ande this knyght weddide a fair woman, of the kynrede of Levi, but she was fon, and biter ; and in hir house dwelte a serpente of long tyme, in his cave. Gesta Romanorum, ed. Madden, p. 196. Forbycause, 42/542, because. Forsyth, 19/644, matters, signifies. Fortylite, 12/405, fertility. Foulys, 78/315, fowls. Frank, 53/936, free. Frate, 172/1040, freight. Freythe of caryage (frey t, freight, or cariage). P. P. Frayle, 57/1064, frail. Frenesye, 86/615, frenzy. Fruth, 134/1184, fruit. Fullarys, 95/914, fullers. Fuller, one that fulls, mills, or scours cloth. P. Fundatyon, 37/382, foundation. Fustyanys, 95/912, fustians. Fustian, a kind of stuff made of the down of a certain fruit grow- ing in Egypt. P. Fyne, 98/1047, fine, a payment. 220 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Fyschys, 7 7/3 J 4, fishes. Gape, 156/472, gap. A gappe, vacuum, interuallum. L. 26. Gardyng, 80/406. Gard. A fa- cing or trimming. H. Garded, cote. Laciniatus. L. 49. Geddur, 3/60, gather ; obtain. More commonly gader. Swilk men purchases and gaders fast. P. C. 1342. But see C. L. 643 — For hose se3e a such gederyng, Godys, 38/408, goods. Goo, of goo, 88/696, ago. Gost, 126/926, ghost, spirit, con- science. Grauyte, 194/555, gravity. Grettur, 90/767, greater. Groundly, 29/76, firmly. Gruge, 14/462, grudge. Gud, 77/305, good. Gyrdyllys, 94/875, girdles. Habundaunce, 62/1250, abund- ance. Harduos, 27/3, arduous. Harp, 126/923, to harp upon one string, phrase, meaning to repeat. Haukyng, 77/287, hawking. Hauntarys, 154/401, haunters, frequenters'. Hawntare, frequen- tator. P. P. Hauyn, 43/591, haven. Hayre, 197/28, heir. Heddy, 182/120, heady, head- strong. Hedye, effrwnis. L. 97. Heady, highminded. 2 Tim. iii. 4. Henge, 126/923, hang. Her, 20/682, hear. Herabul, 96/977, arable . Earable, ara bills. L. 2. A rough valley which is neither eared nor sown. Deut. xxi. 4. Hethys, 73/148, heaths. Heyrys, 169/915, heirs. Hole, 2/22, whole, entire. Preche Twyes or Jryes in \>e ^ere To )>y paresh hole and fere. Myrc's Instructions, p. 13. Holly, 137/1292, holy. Holly, 150/238, wholly. He, 88/695, isle. Imbecyllyte, 43/571, imbecility. Impedymentys, 69/21, impedi- ments. Indeuur, 25/850, endeavour, urge forward. "Endeavour myself," to con- sider myself in duty bound. Alford. "I do declare that I do hold there lies no obligation upon me ... to endeavour any change, or alteration of government. Act of Uniformity, xiv. Car. II. Infamyd, 189/379, defamed, made infamous, slandered ; Lat. infamo. Whosoeuer for anye offense be infamed, by their eares hange rynges of golde. Utopia, p. 100. Ingrate, 214/628, ungrateful. Inhabytans, 72/116, inhabitants. Iniust, 71/67, unjust. Inserch, 71/91, ensearch, ex- amine. Inserchyng, 70/50, ensearching, examination. Insewyth, 19/649, follows, ensues. Intendyng, 74/180, " intending to," tending to. Intrate, 186/278, ) income ; Lat. Intrat, 201/154, ) intro. Inuenty on, 116/574, invention, discovery, bringing out. Inyoy, 79/368, enjoy. Jaggyng, 80/406, cut, or slashed (applied to garments). lag, lacin- GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 221 are. L. 10. "Vandyked" is, I think, the word now-a-days. Jarryth, 63/1281, jars. Jopardy, 43/569, jeopardy, danger. Jugyd, 36/346, judged, esteemed. Jurysdycyon, 170/971, jurisdic- tion. Knyfys, 94/865, knives. Knyte, 58/1095, knit. Laburyd, 73/155, laboured, tilled. Labour, to cultivate the earth. H. Laburyd, 92/831, " byn laburyd," have had experience. Lake, 72/125, lack. Lakkys, 91/774, lacks, hindrances, wants. Leegys, 170/951, leagues. Legys, 103/106, leagues. Lene, 84/529, yield, give, produce. Cp. I shal lene \>e a bowr J?at is up in £>e heye tour. Havelok, 2072, ed. Skeat. Let, 36/332, hindered. Leyser, 1/16, leisure. Leysere, oportunitas. P. P. Long, 173/1058, belong.' Lubbur, 139/1370. See Abbey- lubbur. A lubber, mediastimis, tardus. L. 75. See Utopia, p. 102. Lude, 139/1369, lewd. Lykytb, 71/99, likes, suits, pleases. Lykkun, 83/490, ] liken, to Lykkynnyd, 83/492, j compare. Likenyd, assimilatus. P. P. To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like ? Isa. xlvi. 5. Lyne, 212/545, lyne of theyr lyfe, the course of their conduct; the guide of their life. Lyst. 124/836, like, choose. Lyth, 33/209, lieth. Lyue, 78/338, life. Lvuely, 63/1291, living. Lvvelv, or qwyk, or fulle of lyyf. Fivax. P. P. Stif contemnars of gods lyuelie wourd. Lauder's Minor Poems, 4/39. Magnyfycal, 176/1185, magnifi- cent, splendid. Melancolyk, 58/1099, melan- cholie. Melancholy ... a disease which proceeds from the overflowing of black choler. P. Met, 6/186, meet, worthy. Mete, or fyt, or euene. Equus. P. P. Metely, 122/783,meetly, worthily. Mo, 59/1132, Mow, 191/580, Mouabul godys, 151/295, move- able goods. "The term 'moveable' included not only corn, cattle, and merchan- dise, but money, fuel, furniture, wearing apparel, &c." P. M. Gazette, April 12, 1870. Mumbling, 132/1114, repeating inaudibly. To mumble, murmurare. L. 188. Musys, 144/33, muses. Myny schyng, 52/1133, minish- ing, diminishing. Mysordurys, 69/20, misorders, disorders. Mystere, 158/526, mystery. Mys- tery, or prevyte, Misterium. P. P. Any particular art, trade, or occupation is termed a mystery. P. Naroly, 23/804, narrowly. Neclecte, 27/17, neglect. Neclygence, 18/615, negligence. Nonage, 115/516, the time of being under age. Nonage, ami pupillares. L. 11. 222 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Nothe-r — nor, 38/411, neither — nor. Mother — nother, 42/556-8, neither — nor. Noyful, 38/415, hurtful, Noyful, nociuus. L. 185. Oldys, 73/148, wolds, holds, open flat country. Old, the name of a place in Bedfordshire. Wold, a down, or charapain ground, hilly and void of wood ; as Stow in the Wolds, and Cotswold. P. See also La^amon, ii. 421, 478. On, 33/235, one. On couetous and vnsatiable cor- maraunte .... may compasse aboute and inclose many thousand akers. Utopia, p. 41. Onys, 186/258, once. Oode, 12/386, wood; mad, foolish. Optayn, 23/782, obtain. Ornat, 178/1229, ornate. Ornate, 178/1233, to adorn. The word is used by Latimer, according to Webster. Other— or, 9/270-1, either— or. Ouercomyn, 43/574, overcome. Ouer-hye, 182/122, over high. Ouerlayd, 74/191, overlaid, over- stocked. Ovyr leydn, or oppressyn. Opprimo. P. P. Ouerse, 156/450, oversee. Parreysch, 201/183, parish. Partyes, 2/29, parts, regions. Passage, 134/1174. A passage, exitus. L. 11. Pastur, 74/191, pasture. Pastymys, 77/288, pastimes. Pattur, 132/1113. To patter and pray, to repeat many Pater-Nosters. B. Paysybly, 56/1024, peaceably. Cp. f>are es peysebelle ioy ay lastand. Pricke of Conscience, 7833. Pedagoge, 206/364, pedagogue. Perauentur, 19/660, peradventure. Percase, 146/111, perchance. Percase, forte. L. 7. Part to you here, where that ye shall haue Such thing that ye percas fele now shall. R. of P. 5637. Perfayt, 20/672, perfect. Perfyttyst, 62/1262, perfectest. Perys, 106/207, peers. Peter pens, 199/109. "Peter pence, called also Rome Scot, was a levy of a penny on every house wherein there were 30 pence viva pecuniee, to be collected and sent to Rome, one half of it went for alms to the English school at Rome, and the other half to the pope's use.'* B. Phlegmatyk, 58/1099. Pine, 164/734, pin, or peg (fig.). "To hang upon one pin," to depend upon one point. Placardys, 102/76, proclamations. Placard, (among the Prench) a table wherein laws, orders, &c, are posted, or hung up. P. All former Placards granted by the King for shooting . . . shall be void. Statutes, 14, 15 H. VIII. c. 7. See also Ibid., 25 H. VIII. c. 17. Pollyng, 127/942, spoiling. To poll, pil, spoliare. L. 160. He could not kepe them in awe, but onlye by open wronges, by pollinge and shauinge, and by bring- inge them to beggerie. Utopia, p. 62. Populos, 74/178, populous. Pretense, 67/1445, pretence. Pretermyt, 8/244, neglect; to leave undone. Proportyonabul, 79/351, pro- portionable. Pykyng, 197/10, picking; pilfer- GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 223 The verb to pick, as used by the old writers, has, amongst various significations, that of obtaining anything by mean, underhand pro- ceedings, or pilfering. P. P. p. 397, note 1. To keep my hands from picking and stealing. Cat. of Ch. o/Eng. Pyl, 26/918, to plunder. To pil and pol, depeculari. L. 123. I pyll, I robbe. Palsgrave. Quoted in the Index of English words, ib. Py/^andimpouerished. Utopia, p. 58. Pyne, 209/437, pain, punishment. Quyke, 171/998, quick, active. Quick, citus, agilis. L. 120. Rayne, 73/166, reign. Rayson, 194/549, reason. Rauynys, 127/941, ravenous. Reame, 88/684, realm. Rebatyd, 175/1128, abated, lowered in amount. Rech, 48/758, reach. Rechles, 113/457, reckless, care- less. The Devil doth thrust them . . . into wretchlessness of most unclean living. Thirty-Nine Art., xvii. Redunde, 178/4, redound. Ref rayne, 120/713, refrain, re- strain. To refrayne, refrenare. L. 201. Relese, 149/202, relax. Relece, or for-^euenesse, relaxacio. P. P. Reproue, 139/1374, reproof. Repugnyng, 14/464, "repugnyng to," repugnant to. Resemblyd, 85/571, compared. Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it ? S. Luke, xiii. 18. Reuenewys, 186/278, revenues. Reyn, 31/148, reign. Rote, 194/546. Rot, applied to the condition of the nation. See note — " tabes in corpore" — on margin of p. 100. Rotte, 98/1024. Rot, a disease common among sheep. Rot, or rotynge, corrupcio,putrefaccio. P.P. The Rotte, tabes. L. 176. Rotyd, 13/445, rooted. Route, 129/1025, a multitude, or throng of people. Royalty, 79/355, dignity, strength, magnificence. See B. B. 175/858. Now haue y shewyd yow, my son, somewhat of dyuerse Iestis f>at ar remembrid in lordes courte/ }>ere as all rialte restis. Rustycyte, 70/62, rusticity. Ruynate, 70/39, ruined, in ruins, or reduced to ruins. Ryse, 130/1042, risen. Sanguyn, 58/1099, sanguine. Full, or abounding with blood, being of a complexion, wherein that humour is predominant. P. Saue, 67/1416, safe. Saueguard, 141/1417, safeguard. Sayntuary, 140/1410, sanctuary. Says, 94/874. Saye clothe, serge. Palsgrave. Say, a thin sort of stuff. P. Scaseness, 47/714, scarceness. Cp. More's Utopia : Al the resy- dewe of the woomans bodye beinge couered with cloothes, they esteme her scasely be one handebredeth (for they can se no more but her face), p. 124. Schrode, 79/357, shrewd. Shrewd, pramts, malignus. L. 49. Schypcotys, 72/133, sheep cots. Schypmen, 43/576, sailors. Scolastycal, 69/17, scholastical. ScyTe, 190/408, shire. Hu he sette sciren. Laytmon, iii. 287. 224 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Scysme, 199/93, schism. Secondary, 195/574, secondly. Sellarys, 94/886, cellars. Semblably, 46/691, similarly. Senyor, 130/1055. Seignior, or Signior (Ital.), Lord, Master. P. Serch, 50/822, examine, search into. Seruytute, 114/496, servitude. Skabe, 98/1024, scab, a disease to which sheep are liable. Y e scab of sheepe, mentigo. L. 1. Skant, 74/189, scant, scarce. Skase, 87/650, scarce. Sklender, 27/6, slender. You shal haue but sclender fare, one dish and that is al. Z. S. p. 89. Sklendurnes, 76/248, slenderness, leanness. Sklendurly, 90/738, slenderly. Slo, 79/377, slow. Slomeryng, 5/135, slumbering. And fore slewthe of slomowre one a slepe fallis. M. A. 3222. Slype, 40/484, slip, pass by. Slyppyng, 72/113, slipping. Smateryng, 17/583, smattering'. Smellyth, 116/566, savours. Solne, 79/379, 384, swollen. Sonar, 26/902, sooner. Soudiar, 3/89, soldier. A Sodioure, miles. L. 223. Sounderly, 46/689, separately. Sounyth, 63/1281, soundeth. Sowne, 101/33, "to sowne to" = to sound like. Sparkle, 165/771. A little spark, a scintillation. A sparkle, scintilla. L. 32. Sparkul, 12/409, sparkle. Sparkylyd, 177/1205, sprinkled, scattered. The chyldys clothys, ryche and gode, He had sparhjlde with that blode. H. Spens, 201/154, expense. Spot, 2 14/ 6 42, to spotte, macular e. L. 176. He yat medleth wyth pitch is like to be spotted with it. L. S. p. 151. Spottyd, 198/50, spotted; cor- rupted, disgraced, or tainted. Spryte, 144/34, inspiration. Sprytual, 122/779, spiritual. Spyce, 198/50, spice, a small quantity. The beginning, part, or remains of a distemper. B. Squeakyth, 109/310, squeaks. The meaning seems to be en- dangers, or risks. Stablyd, 42/534, stablished. Stabul, 67/1449, stable, stablish. And stables the hert thare it restes. H. Stabullys, 72/133, stables. Stabyl, 99/1077, establish. Stapul, 173/1053, staple. Staple, a city or town, where merchants joyntly lay up their commodities for the better utter- ing of them by the great. P. Stond, 39/433, stand, consist. Story, 209/449, history. Stranghth, 10/318, strength. Cp. The toune . . extendith in lenghth aboute a quarter of a mile. Leland, It., iii. 39. Strayte, 120/685 ; strayttur, 120/ 688, strict, severe. Streght, 38/395, correct. Studys, 203/243, places of study. Styffe, 100/1092, stiff, stubborn. Stynt, 175/1128, stint, limit in amount. Subrogate, 169/922, to put in the place of another. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 225 Succur, 144/34, succour, help, aid. Sundurly, 6/195, separately. And to vchone sunderlyng He ^af a dole of his fulnesse. G. L. 290. Sustenans, 75/195, sustenance. Sustentatyon, 56/1050, susten- ance ; maintenance. Susteyne, 49/786, sustain. Syldon, 85/580, seldom. Eor in him, Es selden sen any mekenes. P. C. 260. Syngular, 57/1065, singular, in- dividual. Sysys, 190/414, assizes. Talage, 151/278. A tribute, im- post, toll, or tax. P. Taske, 151/278, labour due to a superior. A taske, taxatio. L. 35. Tasck, an old British word sig- nifying as much as tribute. P. Tempur, 120/713, to temper, moderate. Tenantys, 72/123, tenants. Theft, 79/361. "By them ys nuryschyd the commyn theft," i. e. By them the system of universal robbery is maintained. They, 11/351, the. Thought, 7/199, though. Thynkys, 56/1038, things. This form occurs in Leland's Itin. ac- cording to H., but a wrong refer- ence is given. Thys, 8/254, thus. Togydur, 11/353, together. Trade, 65/1345; 203/237, path, practice, or course. But see trade in Glossary to the Minor Poems of William Lauder, E. E. T. S. Translated, 92/833, translated : removed, carried away. By turninge, translaiinge, and STARKET. 15 remouinge thies markes into other places they may destroye theire enemies nauies. Utopia, p. 73. TryfuUys, 80/415, trifles. Tryumphe, 78/319, triumph ; pomp, pride, or show. Tukkarys, 95/914. tuckers. Eullers. H. Tucker, a fuller of cloth. P. Oterey water is devidid ... to serve Grist and Tukking Milles. Island, It., iii. 55. Tyllarys, 49/785, tillers. Tyranne, 115/541, tyrant. Vncomly, 52/903, uncomely, un- civilized. Vnlusty, 79/377, unlusty, weak, powerless. Vnsure, 39/440, uncertain. Vn- sure, incertus. L. 83. Vnweldy, 79/377, unwieldy Vnyte, 54/983, unity. Vnyte, 57/1094, united. Vp so downe, 67/1427, upside down. \>&i be turned wp-swa-doune. P. C. 7230. Vth, 164/736, ) Vthe, 161/636, j youtn - Ytward, 49/783, outward. Vtylyte, 10/339, utility. Vade, 35/315, fade. All as a slope, and like the grasse Whose bewty sone doth vade. H. Venge, 141/1421, avenge ; Fr. venger. Tell you the dauphin, I am coming on, To venge me as I may, and to put forth My rightful hand in a well- hallow'd cause. King H. V., i. 2. Yeray, 33/218, very. VytZ\I/ 4 188 } 5 'j victuals ' f00d - 226 GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. Weddur, 90/752, weather. Welthys, 88/685, wealthiest. Wordly, 7/213, worldly. Cp. Wor[l~\dly matters, Utopia, p. 15, and Wordleliche binges in Ayenbite of Inwyt, p. 164. Wornyth, 76/256, wasteth, weareth. For-weornian, to grow old, wear away. Weran, to wear. Bosworth. Worstyd-makyrs, 95/914, worsted makers. Wy, 38/391, why. Wyle, a wyle, 203/229, awhile. Wyt, 92/816, whit, "neuer a whit," none at all. Wyttyng, 66/1393, knowing. Witandly thargh J?air knawyng. P. C. 5727. Wyttys, 26/911, inteUects, minds ; wits. He 2af him wittes fyue. C. L. 138. Wurs, 186/263, worse. Y, 70/79, I. Ych, 56/1052, each. Ye, 48/757, eye. Yes, 48/777, eyes. Yere, 48/757, ear. Yerys, 48/777, ears. Yl, 38/415, ill. Yle, 88/694, isle. Yssue, 16/533, issue. 227 GENERAL INDEX. Abbey-lubbers, 131. Abbeys, exemption of, from bishops, 140 ; for such as are in- clined to chastity, 149, 150 ; not to be suppressed, but reformed, 156 ; who should be admitted to, 156; have done good, 187; to be changed into seats of learning, 187. Abbots, election of, 131 ; faults in, 200 ; how to be chosen, 200. Abundance of friends requisite to the good of a country, 50. Active life, the, 4, 5. Adversity", felicity to be obtained in, 44. Advocates, dishonest, to be punished, 191. See Lawyers. Agreement, no, between classes, 82. Albans, St, to be converted to educational purposes, 187, note. Almayn. See Germany. Ambition, the desire to govern, not, 214. Ambrose, what he would think of our church music, 137. Annates, the law of, 126 ; to be abolished, 199. See Note. Apparel. See Dress. Appeals to Westminster, 117; to "Rome, 125 ; to the Abp. of Canterbury, 127 ; to the Court of Arches, 127 ; to London must be abolished, 190. Arable lands enclosed, 96. Archbishops to be elected at home, 199. Archery. See Arms. Arches, appeals to the Court of, 127. Aristotle, on poverty and philo- sophy, 7 ; controversy between, and Plato, 28 ; his opinion of the vicious, 30 ; in what wealth and prosperity consist, 32 ; one of the chief of philosophers, 44 ; his opinion of fortune, 61. Arms, youth to be exercised in, 79, 161. See Note. Artificers, too few, 84 ; negligent, 86,87. Artisans, too few, 159. Asia an evidence of decay, 76. Athens had its laws in the vulgar tongue, 138 ; idle persons banished from, 153. Augustine, St, what he would think of our church music, 137. Authority usurped, or by pre- rogative, is pernicious, 104 ; the Pope's, whence derived, 124 ; not to be usurped, 181. 228 GENERAL INDEX. Bachelors to be taxed, 151. Beggars, the multitude of, 89 ; might be diminished, 175. Beggary proves idleness, not poverty, 89. Bible, advantage of having it translated, 136, 211, 213. Bishops spend too much, 77 ; the selfishness of, 85 ; election of, 131; how to be instituted, 199; faults in, 200. Blindness and ignorance of men, 66. Body and mind, perfection of man's, 34, 35 ; must flourish to- gether, 41. Bounteousness of the earth, 77. Breeding of cattle little regarded, 98. Bribery in courts of law, 86. Building, excess in, 96. Bysham, the place where Pole and Lupset are, 1. See Note. Ceesar, his war with Pompey, 22. Canterbury, appeals to, 127; pre- rogative court at, 127 ; the Bishop to be a member of the Great Council, 169, 182. Captains, fewer good, than formerly, 84. Cardinals, the college of, 124; to be elected, 198. Carpentras, the Bishop of, 203, 210. &eNote. Cattle, scarcity of, 89 ; exported, 93; breeding little regarded, 98; more, to be reared, 174. Causes not to be taken out of the realm, 199. Celibacy should be abolished, 128 ; in the Church, 148 ; the law to be relaxed, 149. Censor, a, needed, 204. Censors to be appointed, 155 ; their duties, 159. Changes, difficulty of making, 138. Chastity, the law of, in the Church, 148. Children and friends, advantages of, 36 ; to be put to a craft or letters at seven years of age, 152 ; curate, the, his duties in this, 152 ; their training, 152, 153, 154. Christendom, the state of, the best yet devised, 60. Church, evil customs in the, 131 ; music in, 134. Churches have given place to sheepcots and stables, 72. Cities and towns, in ruin, 70 ; have been better inhabited, 72 ; untidiness and decay of, 92 ; to be kept clean, 177. City life less virtuous than country life, 9. Civilization, how men were brought to, 53. Civil law, varies in various countries, 15 ; differs from natural law, 15 ; and natural laws, obedience to, will save man, 19. Civil life, what it is, 9, 20. Civil order, what is meant by, 51. Civil wars, danger of, when princes are elected, 106. Cleanliness to be enforced, 177. Clergy, education of the, 132; vices of the, 132 ; their influence over the people, 133 ; non-resident, 133 ; privileges of the, not to be allowed, 138 ; to be resident, 201. See Priests. Clerks, good, too few, 83. Cloths to be made at home, — the advantages therefrom, 173. Colleges, duties of heads of, 210. Commonwealth, what is a true, 26; Plato's, 26, 163, 198; the neglect of the, arises from ignor- ance, 27 ; when a, is most prosper- ous, 56 ; a, comimred to a ship, 57 GENERAL INDEX. 229 the prosperity of, stands in the prosperity of all, 57; the, how it may be reformed, 68 ; faults in the, 69 ; evidences of its decay, 70. See Country. Complaints general, 89, 90. Constable, a, of England, 181. Contemplative life, the, 4, 5. Corn, scarcity of, 89, 91 ; ex- ported, 93. Costs in suits, payment of, 190. Council, a, of fourteen, 169 ; its duties, 169, 170; a, of ten, 170; its duties, 170 ; king not to choose his own, 182 ; how constituted, 183 ; of the parliament to confirm decisions of king's council, 184. Country, better to help one's, than to know the secrets of nature, 7 ; the, compared with times past, 74 ; our, compared with other countries, 75 ; a dearth in the, 87 ; poverty of the, 88 ; the, poorer than it was, 91 ; rude to live in the, 177. See Commonwealth. Courtiers too numerous, 159. Courts, spiritual, have failed, 139. Crafts have decayed, 73. Craftsmen too few, 84.' Customs' dues excessive, 141, 174. Dearth in the country, 87. Decay of the commonwealth evident, 70. See Cities and Towns. Delays in justice, 118. Diet, excess of, 95. Difficulties stated, 143. Dignity, all nations agree in what concerns man's, 19. Diligence, the necessity of, 208. Discord and division in the realm, 157; whence they arise, 157. Diseases among sheep, 98. Dispensations of the Pope, 102, 123. Dress, vanity in, 80 ; extrava- gance in, 95. See Note. Drunkards to be punished, 171. Drunkenness among the people, 94. tfwNote. Ediles, 205. See Note. Education, the evils of bad, 18 ; of the nobles bad, 129 ; of the priests, 132; influence of, 165; advantages of, to all classes, 205. Egypt, an evidence of decay, 76. Election, the free, of a prince, 58, 101 ; of princes a source of civil war, 106 ; by ancient nations, 107 ; of Church dignitaries, 131. Emperor, his duty to the Church, 126. Enclosing of arable lands, 96. Enclosure, the Statute of, 171. See Note. England, succession by blood most suited to, 107. English, the Bible to be in, 136, 211, 213. English, Laws to be in, 193. See Note. Englishmen, the rudeness of, 110. Entailing of lands, the, 112, 113 ; to be abolished, 195. Equity and justice, a lack of, 157. Erasmus, his books referred to, 210, 211. See Note. Errors in religion, the source of, 136. Evil, man's power to avoid, 30. Exports, and imports, 93, 97 ; to be regulated, 155 ; to be restricted, 172. Extravagance of the nobility, 1 30. Farmers to rear more cattle, 174. Fashions, vain, 80. 15* 230 GENERAL INDEX. Faults, common, must be searched out, 69 ; are easily found, 09 ; particular, are endless, 7L Felicity springs from virtue and prosperity, 41 ; may be attained in adversity, 44; are there degrees of, 45. Firstfruits, to Eome, 126 ; their use, 126 ; how spent at home, 200. Flanders, the population of, 75 ; its beautiful and clean cities, 92 ; its provision for younger sons, 113 ; Ypres, a city of, 176. Food, insufficient for population, 74 ; what it proves, 75 ; scarcity of, 87; general dearness of, 175. Forests and parks untilled, 73. Fortune, does she play any part in affairs ? 60, 61, 63. France, population of, 75 ; con- quered by England, 85 ; diligence of plowmen in, 87 ; poverty of the people in, 90 ; its beautiful cities, 92, 178 ; provision made for younger sons, 113 ; its serving men, 130 ; England brought al- most to the misery of, 175. French language, laws written in the, 122, 136. French, Old, a "barbarous tongue, 193. Friars, young, 127. Frugality to be insisted upon, 201. Gain, every one seeks his own, 85. Gamblers to be punished, 171. Gambling, 77, 172. See Note. Gentlemen, leave the cities, 93 ; to build in cities, 177. Germany, the population of, 75 ; the Lutherans in, 135 ; beauty of its cities, 178. Gluttony, of the people, 87, 95 ; and its results, 172. See Note. Gold, use of, in ornamenting houses, 96. Good, what a knowledge of, would do, 30 ; what things are necessary to individual, 34. Gospels, the, to be in English, 136, 211, 213. Government, various kinds of, 53; when it becomes tyranny, 53; the form of, of uo moment, 53, 54 ; a mixed, thought best, 181. Greece, its present condition, 76. Greek and Latin the ground of learning, 202. Greeks did not regard chastity, 17. Hanging, punishment of theft by, 119. Hawks and hounds, 189, Health, bodily, 34, and strength, 35. Heaven, all men may get to, 64. Homer, his saying about idle men, 78. Hope, perfect and sure, a man with, may attain heaven, 42. Husbandmen, scarcity of, 159. Idleness, a certain cause of decay, 74, 75 ; a third of the people live in, 77 ; man not born to live in, 78 : the mother of many vices, 80 ; of the people, 87 ; the cause of, must be removed, 152 ; punishment for, 153 ; the only cure for, 154. Idle people, a great number of, 75, 76, 77. Ignorance, evils of, 27, 28 ; the cause of vice, 31 ; cannot excuse a man, 32. Hl-occupied people, 76, 77,80, 81. Imported, various articles, 93. Imports and exports, 93, 97 ; ex- cessive charges on, 141, 174; of luxuries must be regulated by law, 155 ; restrictions upon, 172. Instruction, virtue depends upon, GENERAL INDEX. 231 29 ; the power of, over the mind, 31 ; of a Christian man by Erasmus, 211. Ipar, 176. See Ypres. Italy, the number of people in, 75 ; diligence of husbandmen in, 87 ; the misery and poverty in, 90 ; provision for younger sons in, 113 ; gentlemen have more followers here than in, 130 ; the conse- quences of discord in, 157 ; beauty of its cities, 178 ; how the monks of, are chosen, 200. Jerome, what lie would think of our church music, 137. Jews, the, think their law "best, 11 ; and their policy also, 18 ; they may be saved, 19. Judges, good, too few, 83 ; are bribed, 86. Justice delayed, 118; and equity, a lack of, 157. Justinian and Roman law, 192. King, a, the heart of a common- wealth, 48 ; the, to do nothing without his council, 170 ; to pre- side in his council, 183. See Prince. Knight's service, lands held by, 114. Knowledge of less importance than justice, 6 ; without the appli- cation of it, of little avail, 8. Labour, a severe punishment for the petty thief, 197. Lahourers have to fight, 79. Lacedemon had its laws in the vulgar tongue, 138. Land lying waste and untilled, 70, 73, 87. Land, the, is not barren "by nature, 73. Lands, entailing of, 112, 113 ; held by knight's service, 114. Latin, Church laws in, 123 ; divine service in, an evil, 134, 136 ; its usefulness, 193 ; the ground .of learning, 202. Law, kings above, 101 ; the Roman Civil, should be adopted, 194 ; the, cannot bring man to per- fection, 206. Laws, nature's and man's, 4 ; civil, 15 ; binding only on such as receive them, 17 ; diversity of sects and, not to trouble us, 20 ; and order must be good, 50 ; and ordinances, the origin of, 52 ; originally made for the people, 110 ; common, are written in French, 122 ; Church, are in Latin, 123 ; confusion in the, 192 ; how to be improved, 192 ; to be written in English or Latin, 193 ; are written in Old French, 193. Lawsuits, delays in, 118. Lawyers, too many, 83 ; covetous- ness of, 191 ; who should be, 192. Lead, exported, 173. Learning pernicious without virtue, 203. Liberty of the will, the, 30. Licences granted by the king do harm, 102, 103. Life, active and contemplative, 4 ; future and present, to be regarded, 65. Life, civil, what it is, 9, 20. Livy, on discord and debate, 83. London, removal to, by writ, 125, 190 ; the Bishop of, to be a member of the Great Council, 169, 182 ; four citizens of, to be members of the Great Council, 169, 182. Lords, the selfishness of, 85. See Nobility. Lubbers kept "by prelates, 131. Luther, his judgment esteemed but little, but he does not err in all things, 135. Lutherans, their manner of con- ducting Divine Service, 134, 135. 232 GENERAL INDEX. Luxuries, what, may be imported, 174. Lycurgus, his example, 2. Malice, faults attributed to, 28. Man, his laws less esteemed than those of God and nature, 4; his perfection, wherein it stands, ac- cording to Aristotle, 5 ; was once more virtuous than now, 9 ; his abuse of good things, 10 ; his duty is to remedy evils, 10 ; his dignity, his works, his laws, his divine nature, 12 ; his virtues, temperance, courage, reverence for God, are uni- versal, 13 ; his mind, its first con- dition, 28 ; his ability to perceive good and evil, 30 ; in his most prosperous state, 39 ; what is, 40 ; the state compared to a, 45 ; in his uncivilized state, 52 ; his weak- ness of mind, 148 ; superiority in creation, 165. Manners and customs of different countries, 15. Marriage, how to entice man to, 146, 148 ; hindrances to, 148, allowed to secular priests, 149, 150 ; rewards for, 150; tax those who abstain from, 151. Merchandise, the carriage of, 172. Merchants, how they are ill- occupied> 80; Mind, the, of man when most perfect, 7 ; the first condition of, 28 ; the virtues of the, excel all other virtues, 37; and body must flourish together, 41. Misery of England, the, almost equals that of France, 175. Money, scarcity of, 89. Moors, the, allow polygamy, 17 ; they may be saved, 19. Murderers, how to be punished, 197. Music in churches too elaborate, 134. Natural and civil law, they who keep, will not be damned, 19. Nature, the law of, common to all nations, 14 ; requires man's aid, 15. Nature's laws, better to be known than man's, 4 ; unvariable, 16. Negligence of the people, 171, 172. Nero, a cruel tyrant, 22. Nobility, the idle rout they keep, 77 ; the princely courts they keep, 129 ; their bad education, 129 ; their extravagance, 130 ; their idle- ness, and its consequences, 160 ; their duties, 160 ; a fault in their bringing up, 186 ; ought to send their children to school, 187; their prodigality, 1 88 ; how they would be improved, 188 ; their care for hawks and hounds, 189 ; their want of attention to their children, 189 ; their duties, 190; should be better brought up, 194, 197; should study the laws, 195. Normans, our subjection to, 123 ; why they wrote all laws in French, 136 ; the, are barbarous, 194. Obedience to law a virtue, 17; to civil and natural laws will save a man, 19 ; the necessity of, 51. Officers to see how people are employed, 155. Opinion, false, a source of ill, 66. Oppression makes a people wretched, 180. Order, civil, what is meant by, 51. Ornaments of the country, how to be provided, 176. Palsy, the ill-occupied compared to a, 82. Papal authority, 198. Pardons granted by princes, 121. Parliament, government by, 102 ; GENERAL INDEX. 233 authority of, deputed to a council, 169 ; should elect princes, 168. Pasture farms get into the hands of a few, 9S. Pastures, necessity for, 97. Paul, St, his conduct in reference to secret things, 20 ; his perfection, 39 ; quoted on the law, 206. Peace and war debated in the council of the king, 184, People, ill manners of the, 70 ; weakness caused by lack of, 7'2 ; who are ill-occupied, 76, 80 ; glut- tony of the, 87 ; idleness of the, 87 ; fewness of the, and its remedy, 146 ; less valiant and given to pleasure, 161 ; election By, of a prince, 185. Perfection to he the aim of every man, 5 ; bodily, in what it con- sists, 34, 35. Personal goodness necessary, 33. Pestilence, want of agreement compared to a, 83. Peter pence to he paid, 199. See Note. Peter, St, the authority given to, 121 Philosophers,ancient, their opinion of laws, and their preference for learning, 4 ; ancient, their neglect of public duties, 6 ; they caunot be excused, 8 ; ancient, not to be followed, 8. Philosophy is better than riches, 7. Pius, Pope, on celibacy, 128. Plato, his example, 2 ; Sicily in his time, 22 ; his Commonwealth, 23, 26, 163, 189; a controversy between him and Aristotle, 28 ; on ignorance, 29 ; on the soul, 44 ; his instruction of officers, 198. Pleasures and profits, selfish, too often considered, 66. Plowmen, have to fight, 79 ; are negligent, 86, 87 ; too few, 159. Plutarch, a comparison of, 22. Pole, reference to his studies and learning, 2 ; the duties he owes to his country, 2, 214; his apparent indifference to his country's wants, 3 ; will tarry his time, 214. Policy, what is meant by, 51 ; good, what it might accomplish, 67. Pompey and Caesar, obstacles to Tully's influence, 22. Poor, the, suffer from excess of pasture land, 98. Pope, the, and his dispensations, 102, 123 ; his usurped authority, 198, 199 ; how his pomp is main- tained, 200. Population, a sign of prosperity, 46 ; a lack of, a source of decay, 72, 76 ; examples of a lack of, in other countries, 76 ; mischiefs where the, is idle, 79 ; hindrances to an increase of, 148, 150. Poverty, the cause of many miseries, 36 ; is .the mother of envy and malice, 50 ; of the realm, 88, 91, 92 ; and its cause, 172. Prayers, public and private, to be in English, 9 Preachers, how they are to estab- lish Christ's law, 209 ; counsel of Erasmus respecting, 210 ; advan- tage of having good, 213. Prelate, the, selfishness of, 85. Prelates, idle persons kept by, 131. Premiums to craftsmen, 153. Priests, too numerous, 83; are too young, 127 ; the celibacy of, 128 ; bad education of the, 132 ; non- resident, 133 ; secular, too many, 149 ; too many superstitious, 159 ; at what age to be admitted, 202. Primogeniture, the law of, 108; its injustice, 109 ; the law of, its advantages, 110 ; how it should be limited, 112 ; the law_of, conveni- ent for a few, 193. Prince, the, should be chosen by 234 GENEKA.L INDEX. free election, 58, 101 ; a good, a remedy for all diseases, 164 ; a, elected by parliament, 168 ; the, should be subject to the laws, 168 ; a, how his authority is to be curbed, 181. Princes, the selfishness of, 85 ; with absolute power, 100 ; un- worthy, are common, 102 ; may pardon, 121 ; perfect, cannot be found, 180. Priors, election of, 131. Privilege of sanctuary, the, en- courages to crime, 140. Privileges, of the clergy, 138 ; their ill consequences, 139 ; to those who marry, 150, 151. Proctors, too many, 83. Property of unmarried persons, 151. Proportion, a want of, 83. Prosperity, the, of an individual, and of the commonwealth identical, 32, 33 ; hard to use it well, 42 ; signs of, 58, 59 ; a country not perfect which lacks, 61 ; well used, increases happiness, 62 ; to be carefully used, 65. Providence, evidences of God's, 166. Public good, but rarely considered, 66 ; the, should be in every man's heart, 66. Public life not always to be entered upon, 21. Punishment, the fear of, its in- fluence for good, 147 ; for idleness, 153. Punishments, severity of, 119, 197. Reason and its powers, 165, 166. Religious, extravagance of the, 77. Religious men are numerous, 156. Remedies proposed, 143. Rents, raised, 98 ; the mischiefs arising thence, 175. Retinues of nobles, 129. Retirement from the world, 43. Riches, the advantages of, 35 ; what they are for, 37 ; without re- ligion they do not profit, 38 ; they do not exclude man from heaven, 42. Robbers, highway, how to be punished, 197. Romans, their ancient laws drawn from nature, 112 ; their purpose in performing Divine Service in Latin, 136 ; their practice in feats of arms, 161 ; Justinian and their law, 192 ; their laws to be studied, 193 ; and followed, 195 ; their civil law, 194 ; their prudence, 195 ; their law against prodigality, 201. Rome, the profit it might have had from Tully, 22 ; the See of, 124, 127 ; appeals to, 125 ; first- fruits to, 126 ; its laws in the vulgar tongue, 138 ; Censors of, 155 ; bishops need not go to, for institution, 200 ; the office of Cen- sor in, 204 ; Ediles of, 205. Ruin, causes of, 180. Rulers, why they are maintained in pomp, 55 ; to see people are in- structed and justice administered, 55 ; good, save the State, 67 ; necessity for good, 163. Sanctuary, the privilege of, is wrong, 140. Saracens, the, defend their own policy, 11 ; judge it best, 18 ; allow polygamy, 17 ; may be saved, 19. Schism may be referred to Rome, 199. Schools, public, to be established, 187 ; good,' to be founded, 202 ; small, to be united, 203. Scotland subdued by England, 85. Sects, diversity of laws and, ought not to trouble us, 20. GENERAL INDEX. 235 Self-government needed in those who would rule, 3, 6. Selfishness destroys all public good, 65. Seneca under Nero, 22. Servants, too many, 84. Service, Divine, in Latin, 134 ; advantage of having it in English, 213. Serving-men, are too many, 78 ; do not marry, 150. Sheep die of scab and rot, 98. Sicily, its condition in Plato's time, 22. Sick persons to be cared for, 176. Silks and says for the nobility, 94. Singing men, 80. Soberness to be followed, 179. Socrates, on false opinion, 27 ; on the influence of instruction, 29 ; says ignorance is the fountain of * vice, 31. Solon, his example, 2. Songs, devisers of new, 80. Sons, younger, in England, 111 ; in France, 113 ; younger, to be provided for, 195 ; power to disin- herit, 196. Soul, and body make man, 41 ; civil order compared to the, 46. Spain, the diligence of plowmen in, 87 ; the poverty of the com- mons in, 90 ; gentlemen have more followers in, than here, 130. Spiritual, courts have failed, 139 ; faults, 122. Spirituality, faults of the, and how they are to be corrected, 198. State, the, compared to a man, 45. Statute, the, of enclosure, 171. Statutes made by kings, too many, 193. Stoics, 61 ; the wise men described by the. 163. Succession, of princes, the, 101 ; generally abuse their power, 105 ; by blood, most suited to England, 107; the laws of, 195. Suits, in law, delays in, 118; long, caused by lawyers, 191. Swiss, practice in arms among the, 161. Taverns to be forbidden, 174. Temperance, advantage of, 33 ; health dependent on, 179. Theft, punishment of, 119 ; a new punishment for, 196. Theophrastus, his opinion of for- tune or chance, 61. Thieves, might be diminished, 175. Tillers of the soil too few, 84. Time and place ought to be con- sidered before entering upon public life, 22, 23, 214. Tin, exported, 173. See Note. Towns not well kept, 92. Trades to be kept separate — no man to interfere with another, 158. Trajan, a noble prince, 22. Treason, punishment of, 1 20 ; accusing of, allowed too easily, 121 ; punishment of, 196 ; a result of tyranny, 197. Trifles, makers of, too many, 84. Tully, why Eome did not profit more by, 22. Turks, the, their opinion of their own life, 11; do not abstain on Eridays, 17 ; they allow polygamy, 17 ; they judge their own policy best, IS ; they may be saved, 19. Tyranny, when government be- comes, 53 ; the greatest of all ills, 168 ; the root of all ills, 180 ; how to avoid, 184 ; is the cause of trea- son, 197. Tyrants not sent from God for man's punishment, 167. 236 GENERAL INDEX. Universities, studies at, to be im- proved, 203 ; the, out of order, 210. Venice, the policy used in, 179, 184 Vessels, English, to be employed, 174. Vice, most men follow, 18; caused by ignorance, 31 ; and error, what is the foundation of, 66. Villages have decayed, 72. Virtue, more, in the country than in cities and towns, 9 ; the fault is in men, 10 ; all nations think they live in, 11 ; stands not in opinion, but in nature, 11, 16 ; dangers to, 15 ; stands by nature and opinion, 17 ; and vice, the difference be- tween, 17 ; on what it depends, 29 ; and ignorance, 29 ; what it alone can do, 38 ; does it keep a man from misery? 39 ; and worldly prosperity the most perfect state, 44 ; the end of politic rule, 54 ; should be rewarded, 183. Virtues of the mind, the, 36. War, civil, danger of, 106. "Wards, power over, 114; treat- ment of, 186. "Waste lands, 70, 73, 87. Weakness of the country, 84. Westminster, removal of causes to, 117, 191 ; its Abbey to be con- verted into a school, 187, note. Will, the liberty of the, 30. William the Conqueror, his in- stitution of knight's service, 115 ; a tyrant, 115. Wine imported, 94 ; evils of, 94 ; to be imported for noblemen, 94; brought in from other countries, 155. Wool, advantages of having plenty of, 97 ; not to be exported, 173. World, those who leave it blamed, 43. Writ, removal of causes by, 117 ; where the fault lies, 117. Writers, foolish, to be stopped, 137, note. Yeomanry, the, are not exercised in war, 79. Young, the, badly trained, 152. Youth to be exercised in arms, 161. Ypres, a method of nourishing the sick at, 176. See Note. lUcluxrd Hay $ Sons, Limited, London $ Bv.ngay. HISS, and Books that Editors are wanted for. 11 Among the MSS. and old books which need copying or re-editing, are : — ORIGINAL SERIES. English Inventories and other MSS. in Canterbury Cathedral (5th Report, Hist. MSS. Com.). Maumetrie, from Lord Tollemaehe's MS. The Romance of Troy. Harl. 525. Biblical MS., Corpus Cambr. 434 (ab. 1375). Purvey's Ecclesie Regimen, Cot. Titus D 1. Hampole's unprinted "Works. be Clowde of Unknbwyng, from Harl. 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Selby's Northern Ethical Tract, Harl. 23S8, art. 20. Hilton's Ladder of Perfection, Cott. Faust. B 6, &c. Supplementary Early English Lives of Saints. The Early and Later Festialls, ab. 1400 and 1440 A.I). Cotton, Claud. A 2; Univ. Coll. Oxf. 102, &c. Select Prose Treatises from the Vernon MS. Jn. Hyde's MS. of Romances and Ballads, Balliol 354. Metrical Homilies, Edinburgh MS. Lyrical Poems from the Fairfax MS. 16, &c. Prose Life of St. Audry, a.d. 1595, Corp. Oxf. 120. English Miscellanies from MSS. , Corp. Oxford. Miscellanies from Oxford College MSS. Disce Mori, Jesus Coll. Oxf. 39; Bodl. Laud 99. Alain Chartier's Quadrilogue, &c, Univ. Coll. Oxf. 85. Mirrour of the blessed lijf of Ihesu Crist, Univ. Coll. Oxf. 123, &c. Poem on Virtues and Vices, &c, Harl. 2260. Maundevyle's Legend of Gwydo, Queen's, Oxf. 383. Book of Warrants of Edw. VI., &c, New Coll. Oxf. 32S. Adam Loutfut's Heraldic Tracts, Harl. 6149-50. Rules for Gunpowder and Ordnance, Harl. 6355. 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Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Queen's, Oxf. 357. Other Pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Harl. 2333, &c. Horae, Penitential Psalms, &c, Queen's, Oxf. 207. St. Brandon's Confession, Queen's, Oxf. 210. Scotch Heraldry Tracts, copy of Caxton's Book of Chivalry, &c, Queen's Coll. Oxford 161. Stevyn Scrope's Doctryne and Wysedome of the Auncyent Philosophers, a.d. 1450, Harl. 2266. The Founder and Director of the E. E. T. Soc. is Dr. F. J. Furnivall, 3, St. George's Sq., Primrose Hill, London, N.W. Its Hon. Sec. is W. A. Dalziel, Esq., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. The Subsci-iption to the Society is 21«. a year for the Original Scries, and 21s. for the Extra Series of re-editions. I 107. The English Conquest of Ireland, a.d. 1166-1185. 2 Texts, about 1425, 1440. Part I., ed. Dr. Furnivall. 15s. j The Publications for 1897 (one guinea) are : — 108. Child-Marriages & Divorces, &c. Depositions in the Bishop's Court, Chester, 1561-6, ed. Dr. FurnivalL 15s. J 109. The Prymer or Lay-Folks' Prayer-Book, Part II, Introduction and Notes, ed. Hy. Littlehales. 10s, The Publications for 1898 (one guinea : ready) arc : — 110. The Old-English version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, re-edited by Dr. T. Miller. Pt. II. §1. 15s. 111. The Old-English version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, re-edited by Dr. T. Miller. Pt. II. i 2. 15s. The Publications for 1899 are : — 112. Merlin, Part IV : Outlines of the Legend of Merlin, by Prof. W. E.Mead, Ph.D. 15s. 113. Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, Plutarch, &c, ed. Miss Pemberton. 15s. The Publications for 1900 will be : — 114. Aelfric's Metrical Lives of Saints, Part IV, edited by Prof. Skeat, Litt.D., LL.D. 15. 115. Jacob's Well, edited from the unique Salisbury Cathedral MS. by Dr. A. Brandeis. Parti. 15s. The Publications for 1901 and 1902 will be chosen from : — Minor Poems of the Vernon MS., Part I, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall. [At Press. Vices and Virtues, from the unique MS., ab. 1200 a.d., ed. Dr. F. Holthausen, Part II. [At Press. An Anglo-Saxon Martyrology, edited from the 4 MSS. by Dr. G. Herzfeld. [At Press. The Exeter Book (Anglo-Saxon Poems), re-edited from the unique MS., by I. Gollanez, M.A. Part II. [At Press. Prayers and Devotions, from the unique MS. Cotton Titus C. 19, ed. Hy. Littlehales, Esq. [Copied. Sir David Lyndesay's Works. Part VI. and last. (Editor wanted.) [At Press. The Lay Folks' Catechism, by Archbp. Thoresby, ed. Canon Simmons and Rev. H. E. Nolloth, M.A. [ Text set. EXTRA SERIES. The Publications for 1896 (one guinea) are : — LXIX. Lydgate's Assembly of the Gods, ed. Prof. Oscar L. Triggs, M.A. , Ph.D. 15s. LXX. The Digby Plays, edited by Dr. F. ./. Furnivall. 15s. The Publications for 1897 (one guinea) are : — LXXI. The Towneley Plays, re-edited from the unique MS. by G. England, Esq. and A. W. Pollard, M.A. 15s. LXXII. Hoccleve's Regement of Princes, 1411-12, and 14 Poems, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 15s. LXXIII. Hoccleve's Minor Poems, II., from the Ashburnham MS., ed. I. Gollanez, M.A. [At Press. The Publications for 1898 (one guinea) are : — LXXIV. Secreta Secretorum: three prose Englishings, ab. 1440, ed. R. Steele, B.A. Part I. 20s."' LXXV. Speculum Guidonis de Warwick, edited by Miss G. L. Morrill, M.A. 10s. The Publications for 1899 and 1900 will be chosen from : — Melusine, the prose Romance, from the unique MS., ab. 1500, ed. A. K. Donald, B.A. Part II. 10s. Promptorium Parvulorum, c. 1440, from the Winchester MS., ed. Rev. A. L. Mayhew, M.A. Part I. 20s. Lydgate's Dance of Death, edited from the MSS. by Miss Florence Warner. George Ashby's Active Policy of a Prince, a.d. 1463, ed. Miss Mary Bateson. [At Press. The Craft of Nombrynge, the earliest English Treatise on Arithmetic, ed. R. S. Steele, B.A. [At Press. The Book of the Foundation of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, MS. ab. 1425, ed. Dr. Norman. Moore. [Set. The Chester Plays, Part II., re-edited by Dr. Matthews. [At Press. •Lichfield Gilds, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall; Introduction by Prof. E. C. K. Gonner. '[Text clow. Alexander Scott's Poems, 1568, from the unique Edinburgh MS., ed. A K. Donald, B.A. [Set. ■ John Hart's Orthographie, from his unique MS. 1551, and his black-letter text, 1569, ed. Prof. Otto Jespersen, Ph.D. John Hart's Methodeto teach Reading, 1570, ed. Prof. Otto Jespersen, Ph.D. Extracts from the Rochester Diocesan Registers, ed. Hy. Littlehales, Esq. The Owl and Nightingale, 2 Texts parallel, ed. G. F. H. Sykes, Esq. [At Press. The Three Kings' Sons, Part II, French collation, Introduction &c, by Dr. L. Kellner. Lydgate's DeguiUeville's Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, ed. Dr. F. J. Furnivall. Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne (1303), and its French original, ed. Dr. F. J. FurnivalL The Coventry Plays, re-edited from the unique MS. by Dr. Matthews. *3T The Large-Paper Issue of the Extra Series is stopt, save for unfinisht W.orTcs of it. LONDON: KEGAN PAUL, TEENCH, TEUBNEE & CO. BEELIN: ASHEE & CO., 13, UNTEE DEN LINDEN. ■'.>, Extra Series, XIII. WRITTEN ABOUT THE YEAR 1529 BY Simon jfistjL HOW EE-EDITED BY FREDEEICK J. TUEXIVAUL WITH % Sttpplfitacion k mx moste Soncraignc fork liqe Jcnrg % %$ (1544 A.D.), % Supplrafton of % $)Mnr* Commons (1546 A.D.), CJje JBwagt of <0nfllanir bg % pat lmtltifato af sfotp* (1550-3 A.D.), EDITED BY J. MEADOWS COWPEE. • G m * - LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY By KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 1871. Price Six Shillings. Hep'inted 1891. «» Committee of Management : Director : DR. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, M.A. Treasurer: HENRY" B. WHEATLEY, Esq. Hon. Sec; W. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67 VICTORIA ROAD, FINSBURY PARK, ' Hon. Sec. for America: Prof. F. J. CHILD, Harvard Coll., Cambr., Mass., U.S. H. HUCKS GIBBS, M.A. Dr. J. A. H. MURRAY. M.A. Prof. E. KOLBING, Ph.D. Prof. NAPIER, M.A., Ph.D. S. L. LEE, B.A. EDWARD B. PEACOCK, Esq. Rev. Prof. J. RAWSON LUMBY, D.D. Rev. Prof. WALTER W. SKEAT, Litt.1 Rev. Prof. .1. E. B. MAYOR, M.A. Dr. HENRY SWEET. M.A. Rev. Dr. RICHARD MORRIS, M.A. Dr. W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A. Prof. J. ZUPITZA, Ph.D. (With poioer to add Workers to their number.) Bankers : THE UNION BANK OF LONDON, 2, PRINCES STREET, E.C ORIGINAL SERIES. Half the Publications for 1866 (13, 14, 15, 18, 22, as well as 24 for 1867) are out of prii but will be gradually reprinted. Subscribers who desire the issue for 1866 should send th guineas at once to the Hon. Secretary, in order that other Texts for 1866 may be sent to pres The Publications for 1864-1871 (one guinea each year, save those for 1866 now ha out of print, two guineas) arc : — 1 Early English Alliterative Poems, ab. 1360 a.d., ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 16a. IS 2. Arthur, ab. 1440, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. 4s. 3. Lauder on the Dewtie of Kyngis, &c, 1556, ed. F. Hall, D.C.L. 4s. 4. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, ab. 1360, ed. Rev. Tr. R. Morris. 10s. 5. Hume's Orthographie and Congruiti? of the Britan Tongue, ab. 1617, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 4s. 6. Lancelot of the Laik, ab. 1500, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. Ss. 7. Genesis & Exodus, ab. 1250, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. Ss. S. Morte Arthure, ab. 1440, ed. E. Brock. 7s. 0. Thynne on Speght's ed. of Chaucer, a.d. 1599, ed. Dr. G. Kingsley and Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 10s. 10. Merlin, ab. 1440, Part I., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 2s. 6d. 11. Lyndesay's Monarche, &c, 1552, Part I., ed. J. Small, M.A. 3s. 12. Wright's Chaste Wife, ab. 1462, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. Is. 13. Seinte Marherete, 1200-1330, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne. 18 14. Kyng Horn, Floris and Blancheflour, &c, ed. Rev. J. R. Lumby, B.D, 15. Political, Religious, and Love Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 16. The Book of Quhite Essence, ab. 1460-70, ed. F. J. Furnivall. Is. [In print] 17. Parallel Extracts from 45 MSS. of Piers the Plowman, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. Is. [In print.] IS. Hali Meidenhad, ab. 1200, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne. 19. Lyndesay's Monarche, &c, Part II., ed. J. Small, M.A. 3s. 6d. [In print] 20. Hampole's English Prose Treatises, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. Is. [In print] 21. Merlin, Part II., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 4s. [Inprinf] 22. Partenay or Lusignen, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 23. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, 1340, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. 6d. [In print.] 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ; the Parliament of Devils, &c, ab. 1430, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 18i 25. The Stacions of Rome, the Pilgrims' Sea-voyage, with Clene Maydenhod, ed. F. J. Furnivall. Is. 26. Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse, from R. Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440), ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 2s. 27. Levins's Manipulus Vocabulorum, a ryming Dictionary, 1570, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 12x. 23. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, 1362 a.d. ; Text A, Part I., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 6s. 29. Old English Homilies (ab. 1220-30 a.d.). Part I. Edited by Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 7s. 3ff. Pierce the Ploughmans Crede, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 2s. 31. Myrc's Duties of a Parish Priest, in Verse, ab. 1420 a.d., ed. B. Peacock. 4s. 32. Early English Meals and Manners : the Boke of Norture of John Russell, the Bokes of Keruynge, Curtasye, and Demeanor, the Babees Book, TJrbanitatis, &c. , ed. F. J. Furnivall. 12s. 33. The Knight de la Tour Landry, ab. 1440 a.d. A BDok for Daughters, ed. T. Wright, M.A. 8s. 34. Old English Homilies (before 1300 A.D.). Part II., ed. R. Morris, LL.D. 8s. 35. Lyndesay's Works, Part III." : The Historie and Testament of Squver Meldrum, ed. F. Hall. 2s. 36. Merlin, Part III. Ed. H. B. Wheatley. On Arthurian Localities, bv J. S. Stuart Glennie. 12s. 37. Sir David Lyndesay's Works, Part IV., Ane Satyre of the Three Estaits. Ed. F: Hall, D.C.L. 4s. 38. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, Part II. Text B. Ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 10s. (id. 39. Alliterative Romance of the Destruction of Troy. Ed. D. Donaldson & G. A. Pan ton. Pt. I. 10s. 6d. 40. English Gilds, their Statutes and Customs, 13S9 a.d. Edit. Toulmin Smith and Lucy T. Smith, with an Essay on Gilds and Trades-Unions, by Tr. L. Brentano. 21s. 41. William Lauder's Minor Poems. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. 3s. 42. Bernardus De Cura Rei Famuliaris, Early Scottish Prophecies, &e. Ed. J. R. Lumby, M.A. 2s. 43. Ratis Raving, and other Moral and Religious Pieces. Ed. J. R. Lumby, M.A. 3s. 44. The i Alliterative Romance of Joseph of Arimathie, or The Holy Grail : from the Vernon MS. ; with W. de Worde's and Pynson's Lives of Joseph : ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 5s. 1 45. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, edited from 2 MSS M with an English translation, by Henry Sweet, Esq., B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Part I. 10s. 46. Legends of the Holy Rood, Symbols of the Passion and Cross Poems, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. 47. Sir David Lyndesay's Works, Part V., ed. Dr. J. A. H. Murray. 3s. 43 The Times' Whistle, and other Poems, by R. C, 1616 ; ed. by' J. M. Cowper, Esq. 6». E. E. TEXT SOC. TEXTS AT PRESS, AND PREPARING. GENERAL NOTICES. ADVANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS NEEDED. Besides the Texts named as at press on p. 4 of the Cover of the Early English Text Society's last books, the following Texts are also at press or preparing for the Society : — ORIGINAL SERIES. Thomas Robinson's Life and Death of Mary Magdalene, from the 2 MSS., ab. 1620 a.d. [Text in type.) Queen Elizabeth's Translations, from Boethius, Plutarch, &c. , edited by Miss Pemberton. {At Press.) George Ashby's Poems, 1463-75, ed. from unique Cam bridge- MSS. by Miss Mary Bateson. (At Press.) Vices and Virtues, from the unique MS. ab. 1200 a.d., ed. Dr. F. Holthausen, Part II. (At Press.) Anglo-Saxon Poems, from the Vercelli MS., re-edited by I. Gollancz, B.A. Anglo-Saxon Glosses to Latin Prayers and Hymns, edited by Dr. P. Holthausen. An Anglo-Saxon Martyrology, edited from the 4 MSS. by Dr. G. Herzfeld. Aelfric's Metrical Lives of Saints, MS. Cott. Jul. E 7, Part IV, ed. Prof. Skeat, Litt.D., LL.D. All the Anglo-Saxon Homilies and Lives of Saints not accessible in English editions, including those of the Vercelli MS. &e., edited by Prof. Napier, M. A., Ph. D. The Anglo-Saxon Psalms j all the MSS. in Parallel Texts, ed. Dr. H. Logeman and F. Harsley, B.A. Beowulf, a critical Text, &c, ed. Prof. Zupitza, Ph.D. Byrhtferth's Handboc, edited by Prof. G. Hempl. Early English Homilies, 13th century, ed. Rev. Dr. It. Morris. The Rule of St. Benet: 5 Texts, Anglo-Saxon, Early English, Caxton, &c, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. The Seven Sages, in the Northern Dialect, from a Cotton MS., ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. The Master of the Game, a Book of Huntynge for Hen. V. when Prince of "Wales, ed. Mr. T. Austin. Ailred's Rule of Nuns, &c, edited from the Vernon MS., by the Rev. Canon H. R. Bramley, M.A. Lonelich's Merlin (verse), from the unique MS., ed. by Miss Mary Bateson and Prof. E. Kolbing, Ph.D. Merlin (prose), Part IV., containing Preface, Index, and Glossary. Edited by Prof. W. E. Mead, Ph.D. Early English Verse Lives of Saints, Standard Collection, from the Harl. MS., ed. Dr. C. Horstmann. Supplementary Early English Lives of Saints, ed. Prof. C. Horstmann, Ph.D. The Early and Later Festialls, ab. 1400 and 1440 a.d., ed. Prof. C. Horstmann, Ph.D. Select Prose Treatises from the Vernon MS., ed. Prof. C. Horstmann, Ph.D. Early English Confessionals, edited by Dr. R. von Fleischhacker. A Lapidary, from Lord Tollemache's MS., &c, edited by Dr. R. von Fleischhacker. Early English Deeds and Documents, from unique MSS., ed. Dr. Lorenz Morsbach . Gilbert Banastre's Poems, and other Boccaccio englishings, edited by Prof. J. Zupitza, Ph.D. Lydgate's Life of St. Edmund, edited from the MSS. by Dr. Axel Erdmaun. William of Nassington' s Mirror of Life, from Jn. of Waldby, ed. Sidney .T. Herrtage, B.A. A Chronicle of England to 1327 A.D., Northern verse (42,000 lines), ab. 1400 A.D., ed. M. L. Perrin, B.A. More Early English "Wills from the Probate Registry at Somerset House. [Editor Wanted.) Early Lincoln Wills and Documents from the Bishops' Registers, See., edited by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. Early Canterbury Wills, edited by William Cowper, B.A. Early Norwich Wills, edited by Walter Rye, Esq. The Cartularies of Oseney Abbey and Godstow Nunnery, englisht ab. 1450, ed. Rev. A. Clark, M.A The Three Kings' Sons, edited from the unique Harl. MS. 326, ab. 1500 a.d., by Dr. Leon Kellner. The Macro Moralities, edited from Mr. Gurney's unique MS., by Alfred W. Pollard, M.A. A Troy-Book, edited from the unique Laud MS. 595, by Dr. E. Wtilflng. AUiterative Prophecies, edited from the MSS. by Prof. Brandl, Ph. D. Miscellaneous AUiterative Poems, edited from the MSS. by Dr. L. Morsbach. Bird and Beast Poems, a collection from MSS., edited by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. Scire Mori, &c., from the Lichfield MS. 16, ed. Miss Rosa Elverson, LL.A., and Miss Florence Gilbert. Nicholas Trivet's French Chronicle, from Sir A. Acland-Hood's unique MS., ed. by Miss Mary Bateson. Hours of the Virgin, from the Addit. MS. 27,592 in the British Museum, ed. G. N. Currie, M.A. (At Press.) Tie Guileville's Pilgrimage of the Sowle, edited by G. N. Currie, M.A. Stories for Sermons, edited from the Addit. MS. 25,719 by Dr. Wieck of Coblentz. EXTRA SERIES. Vicary's Anatomie, 1548, ed. 1577, edited by F. J. & Percy Furnivall. Part II. [At Press. Bp. Fisher's English Works, Pt. II., with his Life and Letters, ed. Rev. Ronald Bayne, B.A. {At Press. Hoccleve's Minor Poems, from the Phillipps MS., ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A., Ph.D. [At Press. A Parallel-text of the 6 MSS. of the Ancren Riwle, ed. Prof. Dr. E. Kolbing. Trevisa's Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Rerum, re-edited'by Dr. R. von Fleischhacker. Bullein's Dialogue against the Feuer Pestilence, 1564, 1573, 1578. Ed. A. H. and M. Bullen. Pt. II. The Romance of Boctus and Sidrac, edited from the MSS. by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. The Romance of Clariodus, re-edited by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. Sir Amadas, re-edited from the MSS. by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. Sir Degrevant, edited from the MSS. by Dr. K. Luick. Robert of Brunne's Chronicle of England, from the Inner Temple MS., ed. by Prof. W. E. Mead, Ph.D. Maundeville's Voiage and Travaile, re-edited from the Cotton MS. Titus C. 16, &c, by Miss M. Bateson. Arthour and Merlin, re-edited from the unique MS. by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. Guy of Warwick, Copland's version, edited by Prof. Zupitza, Ph.D. The Sege of Jerusalem, Text A, edited from the MSS. by Dr. F. Kopka. Liber Fundacionis Ecclesie Sancti Bartholomei Londoniarum : the 15th century englishing in the Cotton MS. Vespasian B ix, ed. Norman Moore, M.D. Awdelay's Poems, re-edited from the unique MS. Douce 302, by Dr. E. Wulfing. William of Shoreham's Works, re-edited by Professor Konrath, Ph.D. The Wyse Chylde and other early Treatises on Education, ed. G. Collar, B.A. -■.-.sis of PhuVvoTihirs. 1477 with T ~' v1 ToUemache's MS. version, ed. S.I. Butler, Esq. 6 Original and Extra Series Boohs, 1890-2. Deguilleville's Pilgrims. ! Jan. 1891. For this year the Original-Series Texts are now ready : No.' 96, Part II of the Anglo-Saxon version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, re-edited by Dr. T. Miller, and No. 97, Part I of the Earliest English Prose Psalter, edited from its two MSS. by Dr. K. D. Buelbring. For the Extra-Series 1891, the first Text has been long ready,— No. 59, Part III of Prof. Zupitza's edition of the Komance of Guy of Warwick from the Auchinleck and Cams MSS.,— and the second Text is nearly ready : Dr. J. Schick's edition of Lydgate's Temple of Glass, with a full discussion and classification of its MSS., and a chronological arrangement of all Lydgate's chief works, with some account of his best poem, still in MS., 'Reason and" Sensuality.' As Dr. Schick's book is so nearly finisht, the issue of the three others for this year will probably be put off till the Temple of Glass is ready, so that all the 1891 Texts may go out together. The Original Series Texts for 1892 will be chosen from Prof. C. Horstmann's edition of ' Capgrave's Life of St. Katherine ' ; his first volume of the Minor Poems of the Vernon MS., of both of which the text is all printed ; and Mr. Gollancz's re-edited Exeter-Book — Anglo- Saxon Poems from the unique MS. in Exeter Cathedral — Part I, of which the Text, with a modern englishing, has been long in type. Of the two concluding Parts VI and VII of the Cursor Mundi, by Dr. Haenisch, Dr. Kaluza, and Dr. Hupe, the German workers' portion is all printed, and the Parts need only for issue short Forewords by the editor, Dr. Richard Morris. Dr. R. von Fleischhacker has in the press — text nearly finisht — a treatise perhaps more valuable for Dictionary purposes than any yet issued by the Society, an englisht Lan- franc's Cirurgie, about 1400 a.d., which takes up to Chaucer's death the whole class of surgical and medical words (besides many others of common speech) which we before had only from the black-letters of Queen Elizabeth's time. The Editor is collating the English text with its Latin ; and he shows how largely our first printed Anatomie (Vicary's) is borrowd from it. Some of these Texts will form the issues for 1892, 1893 and 1894. Members are therefore askt to send Advance Subscriptions, in 1891 for 1892 and 1893, in order that the 1892-3 books may be issued to them as soon as the editions are finisht. The Society's experience has shown that Editors must be taken when they are in the humour for work. All real Students and furtherers of the Society's purpose will be ready to push-on the issue of Texts. Those Members who care only a guinea a year (or can afford only that sum) for the history of our language and our nation's thought, will not be hurt by those who care more, getting their books in advance ; on the contrary, they will be benefited, as each suc- cessive year's work will then be ready for issue on New Year's Day. Members are askt to realise the fact that the Society has now 50 years' work on its Lists, — at its present rate of production, — and that there is from 100 to 200 more years' work to come after that. The year 2000 will not see finisht all the Texts that the Society ought to print. For the Extra Series of 1892, Mr. Donald's edition of the prose Romance of Melusine, ab. 1500 a.d. , Prof. Ingram's, of the first englishing of Thomas a Kempis's Be Imitatione Ohristi, ab. 1440-50, and Dr. Deibling's re-edition of The Chester Plays from the latest and best MS., are almost all in type. Dr. MaryN. Colvin's edition of Caxton's Godfrey of Bologne has several chapters and all the Introduction in type. It will therefore be necessary to ask Members for advance Subscriptions in order that the Books for 1892 and 1893 may be issued when they are ready in 1891. During 1891 the Extra Series books for 1892 are almost sure to be ready. Mr. G. N. Currie — besides editing the Hours of the Virgin now at Press — is preparing an edition of the 15th and 16th century Prose Versions of Guillaume de Deguilleville's Pilgrim- age of the Life of Man, with the French prose version by Jean Gallopes, from Mr. Henry Hucks Gibbs's MS., Mr. Gibbs having generously promist to pay the extra cost of printing the French text, and engraving one or two of the illuminations in his MS. Guillaume de Deguilleville, monk of the Cistercian abbey of Chaalis, in the diocese of Senlis, wrote his first verse Pelerinaige de V Homme in 1330-1 when he was 36. 1 Twenty-five (or six) years after, in 1355, he revised his poem, and issued a second version of it, and this is the only one that has been printed. Of the prose representative of the first version, 1330-1, a prose Englishing, about 1430 a.d., was edited by Mr. Aldis Wright for the Roxburghe Club in 1869, from MS. Ff. 5. 30 in the Cambridge University Library. Other copies of this piose English are in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Q. 2. 25 ; Univ. Coll. and Corpus Christi, Oxford 2 ; and the Laud Collection in the Bodleian, no. 740. A copy in the Northern dialect is MS. G. 21, in St. John's Coll., Cambridge, and this is the MS. which will be edited by Mr. Sidney J. Herrtage for the E. E. Text Society. The Laud MS. 740 was somewhat condenst and modernised, in the 17th century, into MS. Ff. 6. 30, in the Cambridge University I ib- rary: 3 "The Pilgrime or the Pilgrimage of Man in this World," copied by Will. Baspoole, whose copy "was verbatim written by Walter Parker, 1645, and from thence transcribed by G. G. 1649 ; and fro??i thence by W. A. 1655. ' This last copy may have been read by, or 1 He was born about 1295. See Abbe Goujet's Bibliotkeque frangaise, Vol. IX, p. 73-4.— P. M. 2 These 3 MSS. have not yet been collated, but are believed to be all of the same version. * Another MS is in the Pepys Library. Deguilleville. Anglo-Saxon Psalters. More Money wanted. Saints' Lives. 7 its story reported to, Bunyan, and may have been the groundwork of his Pilgrim's Progress. It will be edited by Mr. Currie for the E. E. T. Soc, its text running under the earlier English, as in Mr. Herrtage's edition of the Gesta Eomanorum for the Society. In February 1464, l Jean Gallopes — a clerk of Angers, afterwards chaplain to John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France — turned Deguilleville's first verse Pelerinaige into a prose Pelennage de la vie humaine. 2 By the kindness of Mr. Hy. Hucks Gibbs, as above mentiond, Gallopes's French .text will be printed opposite the early prose northern Englishing in the Society's edition. The Second Version of Deguilleville's Pelerinaige de I' Homme, A.D. 1355 or -6, was englisht in verse by Lydgate in 1426. Of Lydgate's poem, the larger part is in the Cotton MS. Vitellius C. xiii (leaves 2-308). This MS. leaves out Chaucer's englishing of Deguilleville's A B or Prayer to the Virgin, of which the successive stanzas start with A, B, C, and run all thro' the alphabet ; and it has 2 gaps, of which most of the second can be fild up from the end of the other imperfect MS. Cotton, Tiberius A vii. The rest of the stopgaps must be got from the original French in Harleian 4399, 3 and Additional 22,937 4 and 25,594 5 in the British Museum. Lydgate's version will be edited in due course for the Society. Besides his first Pelerinaige de I'homme in its two versions, Deguilleville wrote a second, "de l'ame separee ducorps,"and a third, "de nostre seigneur Iesus." Of the second, aprose Englishing of 1413, The Pilgrimage of the Sowle (perhaps in part by Lydgate), exists in the Egerton MS. 615, 6 at Hatfield, Cambridge (Univ. Kk. 1. 7, Caius), Oxford (Univ. Coll. and Corpus), and in Caxton's edition of 1483. This version has 'somewhat of addicions ' as Caxton says, and some shortenings too, as the maker of both, the first translator, tells us in the MSS. Caxton leaves out the earlier englisher's interesting Epilog in the Egerton MS. This prose Englishing of the Sowle will be edited for the Society after that of the Man is finisht, and will have Gallopes's French opposite it, from Mr. Gibbs's MS., as his gift to the Society. Of the Pilgrimage of Jesus, no englishing is known. As to the MS. Anglo-Saxon Psalters, Dr. Hy. Sweet has edited the oldest MS., the Vespasian, in his Oldest English Texts for the Society, and Mr. Harsley has edited the latest, c. 1150, Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter. Dr. Logeman then raised the question of how the other MSS. should be treated ; and he was authorised to prepare a Parallel- Text edition of the first ten Psalms from all the MSS., to test whether the best way of printing them would be in one group, or in two — in each case giving parts of all the MSS. on one page — under their respective Roman and Gallican Latin originals. If collation proves that all the MSS. cannot go together on successive pages, there will be two Parallel-Texts, one of the A. Sax. MSS. following the Roman version, and the other, of those glossing the Gallican ; but every effort will be made to get the whole into one Parallel-Text. This Text will be an extravagance ; but as the Society has not yet committed one in Anglo-Saxon, it will indulge in one now. And every student will rejoice at having the whole Psalter material before him in the most convenient form. Dr. Logeman and Mr. Harsley will be joint editors of the Parallel-Text. The Early English Psalters are all independent versions, and will follow separately in due course. Through the good ofiices of Prof. Arber, some of the books for the Early-English Ex- aminations of the University of London will be chosen from the Society's publications, the Committee having undertaken to supply such books to students at a large reduction in price. The profits from these sales will be applied to the Society's Reprints. Five of its 1866 Texts, and one of its 1867, still need reproducing. Donations' for this purpose will be welcome. They should be paid to the Hon. Sec, Mr. "W. A. Dalziel, 67 Victoria Rd., Finsbury Park, London, N. Members are reminded that fresh Subscribers are always wanted, and that the Committee can at any time, on short notice, send to press an additional Thousand Pounds' worth of work. The Subscribers to the Original Series must be prepared for the issue of the whole of the Early English Lives of Saints, under the editorship of Prof. Carl Horstmann. The Society cannot leave out any of them, even though some are dull. The Sinners would doubtless be much more interesting. But in many Saints' Lives will be found interesting incidental details of our forefathers' social state, and all are worthful for the history of our language. The Lives may be lookt on as the religious romances or story-books of their period. The Standard Collection of Saints' Lives in the Corpus and Ashmole MSS. , the Harleian MS. 2277, &c. will repeat the Laud set, our No. 87, with additions, and in right order. The differences between the foundation MS. (the Laud 108) and its followers are so great, that, to 1 According to Mr. Hy. Hucks Gibbs's MS. 2 These were printed in France, late in the 15th or early in the 16th century. 3 15th cent., containing only the Vie humaine. 4 15th cent., containing all the 3 Pilgrimages, the 3rd being Jesus Christ's. 5 14th cent., containing the Vie hurnaine and the 2nd Pilgrimage, de I'Ame: both incomplete. <> Ab. 1430, 106 leaves (leaf 1 of text wanting), with illuminations of nice little devils— red, green, tawny &c. — and damnd souls, fires, angels itc. 8 Future Work. A.-S. Homilies. Outside Help. MSS. fy Reprints to he edited. prevent quite unwieldy collations, Prof. Horstmann decided that the Laud MS. must be printed alone, as the first of the Series of Saints' Lives. The Supplementary Lives from the Vernon and other MSS. will form one or two separate volumes. The Glossary to the whole set, the discussion of the sources, and of the relation of the MSS. to one another, &c, will be put in a final volume. When the Saints' Lives are complete, Trevisa's englishing of Bartholomceus de Proprieta- tibus Serum, the mediaeval Cyclopaedia of Science, &c, will be the Society's next big under- taking. Dr. R. von Fleischhacker will edit it. Prof. Napier of Oxford, wishing to have the whole of our MS. Anglo-Saxon in type, and accessible to students, will edit for the Society all the unprinted and other Anglo-Saxon Homilies which are not included in Thorpe's edition of iElfric's prose, 1 Dr. Morris's of the Blickling Homilies, and Prof. Skeat's of iElfric's Metrical Homilies. Prof. Kolbing has also undertaken for the Society's Extra Series a Parallel-Text of all the six MSS. of the Ancren Siwle, one of the most important foundation- documents of Early English. In case more Texts are ready at any time than can be paid for by the current year's in- come, they will be dated the next year, and issued in advance to such Members as will pay advance subscriptions. The 1886-7 delay in getting out Texts must not occur again, if it can possibly be avoided. The Director has copies of 2 or 3 MSS. in hand for future volunteer Editors. Members of the Society will learn with pleasure that its example has been followed, not only by the Old French Text Society which has done such admirable work under its founders Profs. Paul Meyer and Gaston Paris, but also by the Early Russian Text Society, which was set on foot in 1877, and has since issued many excellent editions of old MS. Chronicles &c. Members will also note with pleasure the annexation of large tracts of our Early English territory by the important German contingent under General Zupitza, Colonels Kolbing and Horstmann, volunteers Hausknecht, Einenkel, Haenisch, Kaluza, Hupe, Adam, Holthausen, &c. &c. Scaudinavia has also sent us Dr. Erdmann ; Holland, Dr. H. Logeman ; France, Prof. Paul Meyer — with Gaston Paris as adviser ; — Italy, Prof. Lattanzi ; while America is represented by Prof. Child, Dr. Mary JSToyes Colvin and Prof. Perrin. The sympathy, the ready help, which the Society's work has cald forth from the Continent and the United States, have been among the pleasantest experiences of the Society's life, a real aid and cheer amid all troubles and discouragements. All our Members are grateful for it, and recognise that the bond their work has woven between them and the lovers of language and antiquity across the seas is one of the most welcome results of the Society's efforts. Among the MSS. and old books which need copying or re-editing, are : — ORIGINAL SERIES. EXTRA SERIES. Maumetrie, from Lord Tollemache's MS. Erie of Tolous. The Romance of Troy. Harl. 525. Ypotis. Biblical MS., Corpus Cambr. 434 (ab. 1375). Sir Eglamoure. Purvey's Ecclesie Regimen, Cot. Titus D 1. Emare. Hampole's unprinted Works. The Northern Verse Psalter, pe Clowde of Unknowyng, from Harl. MSS. 2373, 959, Le Morte Arthur, from the unique Harl. 2252. Eibl. Reg. 17 C 26, &c. Sir Tristrem, from the unique Auchinleck MS. A Lanterne of Lijt, from Harl. MS. 2324. Sir Gowther. Soule-hele, from the Vernon MS. Dame Siriz, &c. Lydgate's unprinted Works. Orfeo (Digby, 86). Eoethius, a.d. 1410, &o. ; Pilgrim, 1426, &c. &c. Dialogue between the Soul and Body. Vegetius on the Art of War. Barlaam and Josaphat. Lydgate and Burgh's 'Secreta Secretorum,' from Amis and Amiloun. Sloane MS. 2464. Ipomedon. Early Treatises on Music : Descant, the Gamme, &c. Richard Coeur de Lyon. Harl. 4690. Skelton's englishing of Diodorus Siculus. Sir Generides, from Lord Tollemache's MS. The Nightingale and other Poems, from MS. Cot. The Troy-Book fragments once cald Barbour's in the Calig. A 2, Addit. MS. 10,036, &c. Cambr. Univ. Library and Douce MSS. Lyrical Poems, from the Harl. MS. 2253. Partonope of Blois, &c, Athelston. Penitential Psalms, by Rd. Maydenstoon, Bramp- Gower's Confessio Amantis. ton, &c. (Rawlinson, A. 389, &c). Poems of Charles, Duke of Orleans. Documents from the Registers of the Bishops of all Carols and Songs. Dioceses in Great Britain. The Siege of Rouen, from Harl. MSS. 2256. 753, Ordinances and Documents of the City of Worcester. Egerton 1995, Bodl. 3562, E. Museo 124, &c. Chronicles of the Brute. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem. T. Breus's Passion of Christ, 1422. Harl. 2338. Mulcaster's Positions, 1561, ed. T. Widgery, M.A. Book for Recluses, Harl. 2372. Jn. Hart's Orthographie, 1569, and Methode to read Lollard Theological Treatise, Harl. 2343. English, 1570. H. Selby's Northern Ethical Tract, Harl. 23S8, art. 20. Hilton's Ladder of Perfection. The Pounder and Director of the E. E. T. Soc. is Dr. P. J. Furnivall, 3, St. George's Sq., Primrose Hill, London, N.W. Its Hon. Sec. is W. A. Dalziel, Esq., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. The Subscription to the Society is 21s. a year for the Original Series, and 21s. for the Extra Series of re-editions. 1 Of these, Mr. Harsley is preparing a new edition, with collations of all the MSS. Many copies of Thorpe's book, not issued by the iElfrie Society, are still in stock. Of the Vercelli Homilies, the Society has bought the copy made by Prof. G. Lattanzi. cdfflur ^ttjjjrliraiiona. 1529—1553 A.J). iarlg (Snglislj %t%t £ a titty, 1871. BERLIN: ASHER & CO., 5, UNTER DEN LINDEN. NEW YORK: C. SCRIBNER & Co.; LEYPOLDT & HOLT. PHILADELPHIA : J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. WRITTEN ABOUT THE YEAR 1529 BY Simon jftsjj. NOW EE-EDITED BY FEEDEEICK J. FUBNIYAIL WITH % Stapplprfra to mtr masie Soueragtte fork (1544 A.D.), <| Strpplitatinn of % jpoow Commons (1546 A.D.), Qtfjt ©rag* of <£ttgfattir k % pat lmrltM* 0f %\qi (1550-3 A.D.), EDITED BY J. MEADOWS COWPEE. LONDON : PUBLISHED FOE THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY By KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. 1871. [Beprinted 1891.] i wini in , library of : Tke University of N. 0< Cftro Scries, XIII. K. CLAY &, SONS, LIMITED, LONDON (fe BUNGAY. FOREWORDS. When trying to get together some evidence on the Condition of England in Henry VIII's and Edward VI's reigns for the Introduc- tion to the Ballad of Noio a Dayes (1 ah. 1520, A.D.) for my first volume for the Ballad Society, I -was struck hy the difficulty of find- ing out what tracts and books on the subject there were, and how few of them could be easily got at, much less bought at any reason- able price. But when I did get hold of some of them, I found them of such interest and value that I resolved to reprint such of them as I could, and one of the earliest ' is now before the reader. The second in date, the celebrated Siqiplicacyon for the Beggers, is however the first in importance, from its influence on Henry VIII and the Reformation, and its calling forth an answer from Sir Thomas More, his Sujoplyoacyon of Soulys (in Purgatory), which gave rise to his controversy with Tyndal. I therefore give Foxe's full account of the whole matter from the third edition of his Acts and Monuments, a.d. 157G, pp. 986—991. 1 Roy's Rede me and be not wroth is the earliest, and was in print by 1527 or -8, says Mr Arber. Mr Hazlitt dates Roy, ' Wormes 1526' : but query. It is not in Foxe's list of Forbidden Books in 1526 (p. xii., below), though it is in that of 1531, printed in my Political, Religious, and Love Poems, 1866, p. 34 : '7. The burying of the masse in English yn ryme.' Of Roy's other book in that list, ' 13. A Boke made by freer Roye ayenst the sevyn sacra- mentis,' I know of no copy. Bohn's edition of Lowndes says of the ' Rede me and be not wroth ', " in tbe Roxburghe Sale Catalogue this piece stands entitled 'The Buryinge of the Mass, a Satire'." Can Foxe's 'M. Roo' on the next page be William Roy 1 supplication. b vi FOXE S STORY OF M. SYMON FISHE. THE STORY OF M. SYMON FISHE. m. Simon Fyshe, Before the tyme of M. Bilney, and the fall of the author of the Cardinal!, I should haue placed the story of Symora booke, called the ' *1 J m J supplication of .bish, with the booke called "the Supplication of Beggars. Beggars," declaryng how and by what meanes it came to the kynges hand, and what effect therof followed after, in the reformation of many thynges, especially of the Clergy. But the missyng of a few yeares in this matter, breaketh no great square in our story, though it be now entred here [under the year 1531] which should haue come in sixe yeares before. The maner and circum- staunce of the matter is this : After that the light of the Gospel, workyng mightely in Germanie, began to spread his beames here also in England, great styrre and alteration folowed in the harts of many : so that colored hypocrisie, and false doctrine, and painted holynes, began to be espyed more and more by the readyng of Gods word. The authoritie of the Bishop of Rome, and the glory of his Cardinals, was not so high, but such as had fresh wittes sparcled with Gods grace, began to espy Christ from Antichrist, that is, true sinceritie from counterfait religion. In the number of whom, was the sayd M. Symon Fish, a Gentleman of Grayes Inne. It happened the first yeare that this Gentleman came to London to dwell, which was about the yeare of our Lord .1525. that there was a certaine play or interlude made by one M. Roo of the same Inne, Gentlema?e, in which play partly was matter agaynst Ex certa relatione, the Cardinal Wolsey. And where none durst take nio p q ropri*ip n 8ius v P on tnem to play that part, whiche touched the conmgis. sayd Cardinall, this foresayd M. Fish tooke vpon him to do it ; wherupon great displeasure ensued agaynst him, vpon the Cardinals part : In so much as he, beyng pursued by the sayd Cardinall, the same night that this Tragedie was playd, was com- pelled of force to voyde his owne house, & so fled ouer the Sea vnto Tyndall : vpon occasion wherof, the next yeare folowyng this booke was made (beyng about the yeare .1527.) and so not long after, in the yeare (as I suppose) 1528. was sent ouer to the Lady Anne Bulleyne, who then lay at a place not farre from the Court. "Which booke, her brother seyng in her hand, tooke it and read it, & gaue it her agayne, willyng her earnestly to giue it to the kyng, which thyng she so dyd. The booke of the This was (as I gather) about the yeare of our Lord beggarTgeuen to -l 528 - The k yng> after he had receaued the booke, de- the kyng. maunded of her, who made it. Wherunto she aunswered and sayd, a certaine subiect of his, one Fish, who was fled out of the Realme for feare of the Cardinall. After the kyng had kept the booke in his bosome iij. or iiij. dayes, as is credibly reported, such knowledge was giuen by the kynges seruantes to the wife of y e sayd Symoft Fishe, y l she might boldly send for her husband, without all FOXES STORY OF M. SYMON FISHE. Vll perill or daunger. Whereupon, she thereby- beyng incouraged, came first, and made sute to the kyng for the safe returne of her husband. Who, vndersta«dyng whose wife she was, shewed a maruelous gentle and chearefull countenaunce towardes her, askyng where her husband Avas. She auwswered, if it like your grace, not farre of. Then sayth he, fetch him, and he shall come and go safe without perill, and no man shal do him harme ; saying moreouer that hee had much wrong that hee was from her so long : who had bene absent now the space of two yeares and a halfe. In the whiche meane tyme, the Cardinall was deposed, as is aforeshewed, and M. More set in his place of the Chauncellourshyp. Thus Fishes wife, beyng emboldened by the kynges m. Fishe brought, wordes, went immediatly to her husband beyng lately t^neTonh"'"" come ouer, and lying priuely within a myle of the k y n s- Court, and brought him to the kyng : which appeareth to be about the yeare of our Lord .1530. . When the kyng saw him, and vnder- stode he was the authour of the booke, he came and embraced him with louing countenaunce ; who after long talke, for the space of iij. or iiij. houres, as they were ridyng together on huntyng, at length dimitted him and bad him take home his wife, for she had taken great paynes for him. Who aunswered the kyng agayne and sayd, he durst not so do, for feare of Syr Thomas More, then Chauncellour, & Stoksley, then Byshop, of London. This seemeth to be about the yeare of our Lord .1530. The kyng, takyng his signet of his finger, willed hym m. Fishe rescued to haue him recommended to the Lord Chauncellour, by the kyng - chargyng him not to bee so hardy to worke him any harme. M. Fishe, receiuyng the kynges signet, went and declared hys message to the Lord Chauncellour, who tooke it as sufficient for his owne discharge, but he asked him if he had any thyng for the discharge of his wife ; for she a litle before had by chaunce displeased the Friers, for not sufferyng them to say their Gospels in Latine in her house, as they did in others, vnlesse they would say it in English. Whereupon the Lord Chauncellour, though he had discharged the man, _ Tho More yet leanyng not his grudge towardes the wife, the next persecuted m. mornyng sent his man for her to appeare before hym : who, had it not bene for her young daughter, which then lay sicke of the plague, had bene lyke to come to much trouble. Of the which plague her husband, the sayd M. Fish, deceasing M . Fishe dyeth within halfe a yeare, she afterward maryed to one M. of the P la § ue - lames Baynham, Syr Alexander Baynhams sonne, a worshypfid knight of Glostershyre. The which foresaid M. lames Baynham, not long after was burned, as incontinently after, in the processe of this story, shall appeare. And thus much concernyng Symon Fishe, the author The summe of of the booke of beggars, who also translated a booke transktedby m. called the Summe of the Scripture, out of the Dutch. Fish e. Vlll HOW THE ' SUPPLICACYON GETS TO HENRY VIII. Now commeth an otlier note of one Edmund Moddys, tlie kynges footeman, touchyng the same matter. m. Moddys the This M. Moddys beyng with the kyng in talke of kynges fooieman. religion, and of the new bookes that were come from beyond the seas, sayde, if it might please hys grace to pardon him, & such as he would bryng to his grace, hee should see such a booke as was maruell to heare of. The kyng demaunded what they were. The booke of He sayd, two of your Marchauntes, George Elyot & ?o e tfe r ky^ r gby ht George Robinson. The kyng poynted a tyme to speake George Kiyot, & with them. When they came afore his presence in a ewge o ynson. p rlU y e c i ose t } ne demaunded what they had to saye, or to shew him. One of them said y* there was a boke come to their hamls, which they had there to shew his grace. When he saw it, hee demaunded if any of them could read it. Yea, sayd George Elyot, if it please your grace to heare it. I thought so, sayd the kyng, for if neede were, thou canst say it without booke. The kynges The whole booke beyng read out, the kyng made ti^ookeoT 11 a l° n g pause, and then sayd, if a man should pull beggars. downe an old stone wall and begyn at the lower part, the vpper part thereof might chaunce to fall vpon his head : and then he tooke the booke, and put it into his deske, and commaunded them vppon their allegiance, that they should not tell to any man, that he had sene the booke. &c. The Copie of the foresayd booke, intituled of the Beggars, here ensueth. [The Boke of Beggars follows here in print.] The supplication Agaynst this booke of the Beggers aboue prefixed, Purgator U y, e m°ade beyng written in the tyme of the Cardinal!, another con- Mofe^agaynst the trary booke or supplication, was deuised and written booke of beggars, shortly upow the same by one sir Thomas More, knight, Chauncellour of the Duchy of Lancaster, vncler the name and title of the poore sely soules pewlyng out of Purgatory. In the which booke, after that the sayd M. More, writer therof, had first deuided the whole world into foure partes, that is, into heauen, hell, middle earth, and Purgatory : then he maketh the dead mens soules, by a Rhetoricall Prosopopoea, to speake out of Purgatory pynfolde, some- tymes lamentably complayning, sometymes pleasauntly dalying and scoffing, at the authour of the Beggers booke, sometymes scoldyng and rayling at hym, callyng hym foole, witlesse, frantike, an asse, a goose, a madde dogge, an hereticke, and all that naught is. And no meruel, if these sely soules of Purgatory seeme so furnish & testy. Eor heate (ye know) is testie, & soone inflameth choler; but yet those Purgatory soules must take good hede how they call a man a foole and heretike so often. For if the sentence of the Gospell doth Math. 5. pronounce them guiltie of hell fire, which say, fatue, foole : it may be douted lest those poore sely melancholy soules of POXE ON SIR T. MORE'S ' SUPFLTCACTON OF SOULYS.' ix Purgatory, calling this man foole so oft as they haue done, do hryng themselues therby out of Purgatory fire, to the fire of hel, by y e iust sentence of the gospell : so that neyther the v. woundes of S. Fraunces, nor all the merites of S. Dominicke, nor yet of all the Friers, can release them, poore wretches. But yet for so much as I do not, nor cannot tliincke, that those departed soules, eyther would so farre ouershoote themselues if they were in Purgatory, or els that there is any such fourth place of Purgatory at all (vnlesse it be in M. Mores Vtopia) as Maister Mores Poeticall vayne doth . imagine. I cease therfore to burden the soules departed, say, Nusquam, and lay all the wyte in maister More, the authour and no p ace- contriuer of this Poeticall booke, for not kepyng Decorum Personca, as a perfect Poet should haue done. They that geue preceptes of Arte, do note thys in all Poeticall fictions, as a speciall . „ « ' . » '. r . A Poete sayth obseruation, to foresee and expresse what is conuenient Horace, Reddcre for euery person, accordyng to hys degree and condition, awSLiMa to speake and vtter. Wherefore if it be true that cuiqac maister More sayeth in the sequele of hys booke, that grace and charitie increaseth in them that lye in the paynes of Purgatory, then is it not agreeable, that such soules, lying so long in Purgatory, should so soone forgette their charitie, and fall a rayling in their supplication so fumishly, both agaynst this man, with such oppro- brious and vnfittyng termes, and also against Iohn Badby, Richard Howndon, Iohn Goose, Lord Cobham and other Martirs of the Lord burned for hys worde : also agaynst Luther, "William Tindall, Richard Hunne and other mo, falsly belying the doctrine by them taught and defended : which is not lyke that such charitable soules of Purgatory would euer doe ; neyther were it conuenient for them in that case, which in dede though their doctrine were false, should redound to the more encrease of their payne. Agayne^ where the B. of Rochester defineth the Angels to be ministers to Purgatory soules, some wyll thinke peraduenture maister More to haue missed some part of his Decorum in makyng the euill spirite of the authour and the deuill to be messenger betwene middle earth and Purgatory, in bringing tidinges to the prisoned soules, both of the booke, and of the name of the maker. Now, as touchyng the maner how this deuill came M _ Mores into Purgatory, laughyng, grynnyng, and gnashyng his Antickes - teeth, in sothe it maketh me to laugh, to see y e mery Antiques of M. More. Belike there this was some mery deuil, or els had eaten with his teeth some Nasturtium before : which comming into Satan Purgatory to shew the name of this man, could not nasturcmtur - tell hys tale without laughing. But this was (sayth he) an enmious & an enuious laughing, ioyned with grynnyng and gnashyng of teeth. And immediatly vpore the same, was contriued this scoffing and raylyng supplication of the pewlyng soules of Purgatory, as hee hym selfe doth terme them. So then here was enmying, enuying, laugh- X FOXE ON SIR T. MORE AND WOLSET. ing, grinning, gnashyng of teeth, pewlyng, scoffing, rayling, and begging, and altogether to make a very blacke Sancttts in Purgatory. a biacke Santus ^ n deede we read in Scripture, that there shall bee hi purgatory. wepyng and gnashyng of teeth in hell, where the soules & bodyes of men shall be tormented. But who woulde euer haue thought before, that the euill aungell of this man that made the booke of Beggers, beyng a spirituall and no corporall substance, had teeth to gnashe, & a mouthe to grynne] But where then stode M. More, I meruell al this meane while, to see the deuill laugh with his mouth so wyde, y* the soules of Purgatory might see all hys teeth ? Belyke this was in Vtopia, where M. Mores Purgatorye is founded. But because M. Moore is hence departed, I will leaue hym with his mery Antiques. And as touchy ng hys booke of Purgatory, whiche' The aunswere of he hath lefte behyiide, because Iohn Frith hath learnedly m. h Mores agamst and effectuously ouerthrowne the same, I will therfore purgatory. referre the reader to hym, while I repayre agayne (the Lord willyng) to the historye. After that the Clergye of England, and especially the Cardinall, vnderstode these bookes of the Beggars supplication aforesayd, to be strawne abroade in the streetes of London, and also before the kyng, the sayd Cardinall caused not onely his seruauntes diligently to attend to gather them vp, that they should not come into the kynges handes, but also, when he vnderstode that the kyng had receaued one or two of them, he came vnto the kynges Maiesty saying : If it shall please your grace, here are diuers seditious persons which haue scattered abroad books conteyning manifest errours and herisies ; desiryng his grace to beware of them. Wherupon the kyng, puttyng his hand in his bosome, tooke out one of the bookes, and deliuered it vnto the Cardinall. Then the Cardinall, together with the Byshops, consulted how they might prouide a spedy remedy for this mischief, Prouision b the & wherupon determined to geue out a Commision to for- By shops, agaynst bid the readyng of all Englishe bookes, and namely this booke of Beggars, and the new Testament of Tyndals translation : which was done out of hand by Cuthbert Tonstall, Byshop of London, who sent out his prohibition vnto his Arch- deacons, with all spede, for the forbiddyng of that booke and diuers other more ; the tenor of whiche prohibition here foloweth. IT A prohibition sent out by Cuthbert Tonstall, Bishop of London, to the Archdeacons of his dio- cesse, for the callyng in of the new Testaments translated into English, with diuers other bokes : the Cataloge wher- of hereafter ensueth. a prohibits "pVthbert by the permission of God, Byshop of against English \J London, vnto our welbeloued in Christ, the Arch- deacon of London, or to hys Officiall, health, grace, and TUNSTALL'S PROHIBITION AGAINST ' THE SUPPLICACYON,' ETC. xi benediction. By the duety of our pastorall office, we are bounde diligently Avith all our power, to foresee, prouide for, roote out, and put away, all those thynges which seerne to tend to the peril & daunger of our subiectes, and specially the destruction of their soules. Wherefore, we, hauyng vnderstandyng by the report of diuers credible persons, and also by the euident apparaunce of the matter, that many children of iniquitie, maintayners of Luthers sect, blynded through extreme wickednes, wandryng from the way of truth and the Catholicke fayth, craftely haue translated the new Testament into our English tongue, entermedlyng therwith many hereticall Articles & erroneous opinions, pernicious and offensiue, seducyng the simple people, attemptyng by their wicked and peruerse interpretations, to prophanate the maiestye of the Scripture, which hetherto hath re- mained vndefiled, & craftely to abuse the most holy worde of God, and the true sence of the same ; of the which translation there are many bookes imprinted, some with gloses and some without, con- tayning in the English tongue that pestiferous and most pernicious poyson dispersed throughout all our diocesse of London in great number : which truly, without it be spedely foreseene, wythout doubt, wyll contaminate and infect the flock committed vnto us, with most deadly poyson and heresie, to the grieuous peril and danger of the soules committed to our charge, and the offence of gods diuine maiesty. Wherfore we, Cuthbert the bishop aforesayd, greuously sorowyng for the premisses, willyng to withstand the craft and subtletie of the auncient enemy and hys ministers, which seeke the destruction of my flock, and with a diligewt care, to take hede vnto the flock committed to my charge, desiring to prouide spedy remedies for the premisses, do charge you ioyntly and seuerally, & by vertue of your obedience, straightly enioyne and commaunde you, that by our authority you warne or cause to be warned all & singular, aswel exempt as not exempt, dwelling within your Archdeaconries, that within .xxx. dayes space, wherof .x. dayes shalhe for the first, .x. for the second, & .x. for the third and peremptory terme, vnder paine of excommunication, and incurring the suspicion of herisie, they do bryng in, and really deliuer vnto our vicare generall, all & singular such bookes as conteyne the translation of the new Testameut in the Englishe tongue ; and that you doe certifie vs, or our sayd Coru- missarye, within ij. monethes after the day of the date of these presentes, duely, personally, or by your letters, together with these presentes, vnder your seales, what you haue done in the premisses, vnder payne of contempt, geuen vnder our seale the .xxiij. of October, in the v. yere of our consecration .an. 1526." IT The lyke Commission in lyke maner and forme, was sent to the three other Archdeacons of Middlesexe, Essex, and Colchester, for the execution of the same matter, vnder the Byshops seale. Xli ' THE SUPPLICACYON ' AND BOOKS FORBIDDEN, A.D. 1526. THE ]SAMES OF THE BOOKES THAT WERE FORBIDDEN AT THIS TYME, TOGETHER WITH THE NEW TESTAMENT. demned'and THe supplication of beggers. (2)1 forbidden. JL The reuelation of Antichrist, of Luther, (3) The new Testament of Tindall. (22) The wicked Mammon. (23) The obedience of a Christen man. (24) An introduction to Paules Epistle to the Eomanes. (22) A Dialogue betwixt the father and the sonne. (1) Oeconomicse Christianse. (6) Vnio dissidentium. Pias precationes. (5) Captiuitas Babilonica. Ioannes Hus in Oseam. Zwinglius in Catabaptistas. De pueris instituendis. Brentius de administranda Eepublica. Luther ad Galatas. De libertate Christiana. Luthers exposition vpon the Pater noster. The editor of the reprint of the Supplicacyon in 1845. refers also to Strype's Memorials, i. 165, and says that Wilkins (Concilia, 3. 706) gives us tills edict or injunction [of Tonstall's, above] issued by the authority also of Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. Again, in the year 1530, a public instrument agreed upon, says "Wilkins (3. 728), in an Assembly of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Durham and others, by order of King Henry the Eighth, was put forth " containing divers heretical and erroneous opinions selected from various books, which had been considered and condemned." One of those is from the Supplication, and is the passage [on Pur- gatory] beginning, " There be many men of great literature, &c." [p. 10, below, 1. 21], and ending, "in all holy Scripture." And, once more, in the same year (Wilkins, iii. 737), or, with less probabil- ity, in 1529 (Strype, i. 165), a Eoyal Proclamation was published " for resisting and withstanding of most damnable heresies sown 1 These numbers refer to those in the 'List of Books proscribed in 1531 ' printed in my edition of Political, Religions, and Love Poems, for the Society, 1866, p. 34-5, in which nine hooks in Tonstall's 1526 list are repeated. (The Pre of No. 5 there should he Pie.') SIMON FISH. Xlll •within this realm hy the disciples of Luther, and other heretics, per- verters of Christ's religion ; " at the end of which, with some other books, "the Supplication of Beggars" is strictly prohibited. Mr Arher tells me that Foxe's list of books on the opposite page is a spurious one, because it contains the names of several books not publisht till after 1526, — among them our Supplication of Beggars, which can be proved to have been publisht late in 1528 or early in 1529 l ; — that the Unio dissidentium is by H. Budius ; and that Pice Precationes, Captivitas Babylonica, and De Libertate Christiana, are Luther's. Wood's account of Fish, in his Athence Osconienses, is taken from Foxe, but he notes also what Sir T. More, in his 'Apology' (Worlcs, &c, ed. Bastell, 1577, p. 881), says of Fish: that he "had good zele, ye wote well, whan he made the Supplicacion of beggers. But God gaue hym suche grace afterwarde, that he was sory for that good zeale, and repented hymselfe, and came into the church agayne ; and forsoke and forsware all the whole hill of those heresyes, out of which the fountain of that same good zeale spra^ge." " In More's Supplication of Souls, written to counteract the effect of Mr Simon Fish's Supplication of Beggars, More continually calls Fish 'this beggar's proctor,' and represents one of the souls in purgatory as saying of him, ' He is named and boasted among us by the evil angel of his, our and your ghostly enemy, the devil ; which, as soon as he had set him at work with that pernicious book, ceased not to come hither, and boast it among us : but with his enmious and envious laughter, gnashing the teeth and grinning, he told us that his people \i. e. the reformers] had, by the advice and counsel of him, [i. e. the devil] and of some heretics almost as evil as he, made such a book for beggars, that it should make us beg long ere we got aught.' — More's ' Works, 7 pp. 288-9. The Supplication of Beggars .... was originally transmitted to England from the Continent, whither Fish had fled ; so that More would suppose that Tyndale and Joye were privy to its composition." — Parker Soc.'s Tyndah's 1 Works,' iii. 268, note. In the Parker Society's Tyndale's Works, ii. 335, Tyndale, in his tract on The Practice of Prelates, again makes mention of Fish's Supplication, " which secretary (Thomas More) yet must first deserve it with writing against Martin [Luther], and 1 See Mr Arber's Preface to his facsimile reproduction (1871) of Tyn- dale and Eoy's first printed English New Testament, Cologne-Worms 1 1525, 4to. XiV THE SECOND AND THIRD SUPPLICATIONS. against The Obedience and Mammon, and become the proctor of purgatory, to write against The Supplication of beggars." Bishop Tanner ascribes to Fish 'The boke of merchants 1 rightly necessary to all folkes, newly made by the lord Pontapole,' and ' The spiritual nosegay.' That he translated from the Dutch the Sum of the Scriptures Foxe has already told us in the last lines of page vii above. Fish was living at his house at Whitefriars in 1527-8. See Necton's Confession. Strype, I. ii. 63, ed. 1822. (Arber.) No new facts about Fish are given in any modern biographical dictionaries that Mr W. M. Wood has searched for me. Foxe, as Ave have seen (p. vii, above, 1. 9 from foot), says that Fish died of the plague about 1530 ; and the way that Sir Thomas More speaks of him seems to assume that he died before 1533. The reader will notice how the Supplication of the Poore Com- mons, 1546, refers, on p. 61-2 below, to the Supplicacyon of Beggers, and its influence on Henry VIII. F. J. F. The second and third Supplications, printed from the original black-letter editions now in the British Museum, 2 are anonymous. The dates of their publication are 1544 for the second, and 1546 for the third. It is useless to guess who was the author (I believe the two proceed from one pen), but I have not much hesitation in suggesting Henry Brinklow (" Boderyck Mors "), who was busy at this time. Brinklow's two tracts 3 will as soon as practicable be included in this series, and then our readers will be able to judge for themselves. The same vehement language, and unqualified abuse of the clergy and all who were not of his way of thinking, will be observed throughout. The references to certain topics of the day cannot be 1 Lond. Jugge, 1547, 12mo. — Lowndes. 2 Mr B. Brock read the proofs with the originals. 3 ' The Complaynt of Roderyck Mors . . . for the redresse of certen wicked lawes, euel customs, and cruel decreys, 1536 ' ; and ' The Lamentacyon of a Christen Agaynst the Cytye of London, for some certayne great vyces vsed therin, 1545.' THE SECOND AND THIRD SUPPLICATIONS. reckoned on to weigh much with regard to the questi m of author- ship in a case like this, else we might direct attention to several such in this Preface. Three must suffice : The Lamentacyon of a Christen. And I thinke within fewe years they will (wythout thy greate mercy) call vpon Thomas Wolsey late Cardinall, & vpon the vnholy (I shulde saye) holy Mayde of Kent. 1. 4. Accord yng to there office they harked vppon you to loke vppon the poore, so that then some re- lefe they had ; hut now, alasse, ye he colde, yea euen those whiche saye they be the favorers of the Gospell. 1. 9, hk. London beyng one of the flowers of the worlde, as touch- inge worldlye riches, hath so manye, yea innumerable of poore people forced to go from dore to dore, and to syt openly in the stretes. a beggynge, and many .... lye in their howses .... and dye for lacke of ayde of the riche. 1. 9. Ye abhorre the remedy or- dayned of God [marriage], and mayntayne the remedy of Sathan. 1. 22, b'k. A Supplication of the Commons. Now must we beleue that they not erre though they were baudes and fornicators with the holy whore of Kent. p. 75. Although the sturdy beggers gat all the deuotioB of the good charitable people from them, yet had the pore impotent creatures sone relefe of theyr scrappes, where as nowe they haue nothyng. Thew had they hospitals, and almeshouses to be lodged in, but nowe they lye and starue in the stretes. Then was their number great, but now much greater, p. 79. Hordome is more estemed then wedlocke . . . amongest a great numbre of lycensious per- sons, p. 82. These are not worth much, but they may serve as a hint to those who care to go further in this direction. The subjects embraced by the second and third Supplications are such as to justify their being placed in the same volume as Fish's more famous tract. 1 That gained its celebrity as much from its early appear- ance in the great struggle, and the notice taken of it by the king, as by its own intrinsic merits. More than this, Foxe embalmed it in his 1 Whoa the Sup plication of the Poore Commons first appeared, it hore on its title page "^[ Whereunto is added the Supplication of Beggers." This is now omitted, as the Supplication of Beggars contained in the present volume is printed from a copy of the original black-letter edition in the British Museum. XVI GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD SUPPLICATIONS. pages, so that while the Supplication to the King and the Supplica- tion of the Commons have not "been reprinted for more than 300 years, and are unknown except to a few, the Suprplication of the Beggers has been reproduced as often as Foxe's own immortal work. The ignorance and immorality of the clergy are commented upon in severe terms. They, as usual, are charged with being the authors of every crime either by the suppression of the Bihle, or by their false teaching. Their want of faith and neglect of preaching are said to be the cause of insurrections, commotions, popish blindness, idolatry, hypocrisy. It is said that many of the Abbots of the sup- pressed monasteries were admitted to have the cure of souls to the increase of all ignorance and to the damnation of those committed to their care. Of course. Having turned out these men, how could the virtuous patriots cf the day do less than persecute them to the death 1 They had voluntarily or involuntarily resigned their livings into the hands of the Eoyal Defender of the Faith, and were willing to conform to the new order of things ; but this was not enough. It was held that no good thing could come out of the Church as it ex- isted a few years before, and so these men must submit to every indignity and be taxed with every crime. It was even considered dangerous to admit a man to the ministry who had studied the decrees and laws of the Church of Rome (p. 46). But Church matters are not the only ones which gain attention. We hear of the extravagance which prevailed in fashions — now the French, now the Spanish, then the Italian, and then the Milan (p. 52), till many were brought to poverty by the foolish fancies and vain pride of men and women. The crimes of the rich make the writer apply Hosea's words to his own country — " There is no truth, no mercy, no knowledge of God in earth ; cursing, lying, murder, theft, adultery, hath broken in " — and yet, notwithstanding all this, " doo owre shepherdes holde theyr peace." The miserable poverty of the people, who expected great things from the expulsion of the monks, is clearly expressed. Under the old order of things there was some relief (p. 79), but under the new, instead of the monk there was the " sturdy extortioner." The people THE " SHEEP-TRACT. XV11 could get no farm, not even a cottage, Rents were raised, abbey lands bought up, and the old leases declared to be void. Altogether the picture is anything but a cheering one, and makes us curious to know in what part of England " free fare and free lodging, Avith bread, beef, and beer," were to be had, and no questions asked. l The last tract in this volume was copied from one then in the Lambeth Library, but as that was mislaid when we went to press, our text has been made to correspond 2 with the copy of another edition in the Cambridge University Library. The date 3 of this "Sheep- tract" must be 1550-3 a.d. ; but the name of its author is unknown. It, too, is in the form of a petition or supplication, which seems to have been a favourite mode of exposing the grievances under which the people groaned. A noteworthy circumstance in connection with this tract is that the clergy are not even mentioned ! It deals with rural troubles only. In cities men saw and perhaps envied the rich ; in large centres of population also, just as in our own day, the clergy were the especial objects of the attacks of " re- formers ; " but this writer, whose style is far less effective than that of the Supplications, confines himself solely to the misfortunes which resulted from excessive pasture /farming. His references to Hbrth- amptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire, lead us to believe that his lot was probably cast in one of these counties. The com- plaint is made in very homely language and manner, but they give to it an air of truthfulness. The calculations as to the losses sustained by the country are very interesting. A single plow, it seems, was calculated to keep six persons and leave thirty quarters of grain for sale annually. 1 For further information on the subjects of these Supplications the reader is referred to the Introduction to Ballads from MSS, vol. i. by Mr F. J. Fur- nivall, and to the Preface to England wader Henri/ VIII., a Dialogue, &c, by Mr J. M. Cowper. 2 Mr Denis Hall of the Camb. Univ. Library collated the proofs with the original. 3 Hugh Singleton's print of The vocaeyon of Joharx Bale is dated 1553, and he died between July 1592 and 1593. Herbert gives the date of Singleton';: ed. of Fox's Instruction of Christen Fayth as 1550. (Dibdin's Ames, iv. 290.) The copy of the Sheep-Tract mentioned in Ames as among the Harleian pamphlets is not now in the British Museum. It was the same edition as the missing Lambeth copy, having an e in onely and housholde in the title. — F. XV HI THE EFFECTS OF SHEEP-FARMING. Put into figures, the first calculation (p. 98) will stand thus : — 40 plows decayed in each county : 1 plow = 6 persons .". 40 plows = 240 persons. In addition each plow yielded 30 qrs. corn. .\ 40 plows = 1 200 qrs. Allowing 4 qrs. to each person, this shows a further loss of 300 „ Total in each county 540 „ But if there be 80 plows less in each of these shires, " as we do think " (p. 99), this number will be doubled, and in each county 1080 persons are deprived of their means of support. 1 In the writer's own touching language we may say, " Now these persons had need to have living : whither shall they go 1 into Northampton- shire ? And there is also the living of an equal number of persons lost. Whither shall then they go 1 Forth from shire to shire, and to be scattered thus abroad, within the King's Majesty's Realm where it shall please Almighty God ; and for lack of masters, by compulsion driven, some of them to beg, and some to steal " (p. 98). These Reformation Tracts are submitted to the careful attention of all who wish to study this period of our history, in the firm belief that the only way in which Englishmen can form a correct estimate of the wonderful change the country then went through, the causes which led to it, and the means by which it was brought about, is by placing in their hands all the contemporary documents which are within our reach. J. M. Cowper. 1 The calculation on p. 101 suggests a condition of things too frightful for belief : 1 Plow kept 6 persons besides producing corn sufficient for 7\ „ 50,000 plows X 13i = 675,000 „ thrown upon the country ; which, supposing the population to have been 5,000,000, would be one-eighth of the whole population, and reveals a state of things worse than that which exists at the present day, when every twenti- eth person receives parish relief, exclusive of the ;< beggars " who swarm on our highways, tramping from Union to Union because they can't sleep in the same " house ' ' two nights together. WRITTEN ABOUT THE YEAR 1529, AND (AS IS BELIEVED) BY Simon jftslj. NOW EE-EDITED BY FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL A SUPPLICACYON FOR THE BEGGERS. M TO THE KING OVRE souereygne lorde. Ost lamentably compleyneth theyre wofull mysery xiie Kind's , i • i T -t -i j ,i beadsmen, though vnto youre highnes, youre poore daily bedemew, tbe , re> maimeil) and blind, find not half enough alms to sustain them ; wretched hidous inonstres (on whome scarcely for horror any yie dare loke,) the foule, vnhappy sorte of lepres, and other sore people, nedy, impotent, blinde, lame, and sike, that live onely by almesse, howe that theyre nombre is daily so sore encreased, that all the almesse of all the weldisposed people of this youre realme is not halfe ynough for to susteine theim, but that for verey constreint they die for hunger. And this most and this by . reason that pestilent mischief is comen vppon youre saide poore others who are beedmere, by the reason and x there is, yn the tymes of Vfor that] youre noble predecessours passed, craftily crept ynto strong and able J X X J L J ) |ave cl -p],t 111, this your realme an other sort (not of impotent, but) " ,ime,ims enough of strong, puissaunt, and counterfeit holy, and ydell, kingdom. beggers and vacabundes, whiche, syns the tyme of theyre first entre by all the craft and wilinesse of Satan, are nowe encreased vnder your sight, not onely into a great no?nbre, but also ynto a kingdome. These are These are no shepherds, but (not the herdes, but the rauinous wolues going in wolves, that is, Bishops, Abbots, herdes clothing, deuouring the fiocke,) the Bisshoppes, &c., Abbottes, Priours, Deacons, Archedeacons, Sufiraganes, Prestes, Monkes, Chanons, Freres, Pardoners and Somners. And who is abill to no»tbre this idell, supplication. 1 THE EXTORTIONS OF THE MONKS AND FRIARS. who work not, but have the third of the land in their hands ; with the tithe of corn and wool, and of every servant's wages, as well as the pood-woman's eggs, or else she has no Easter rights. Then, they gain much by probates, private tithes and masses, for which dead men's friends must pay ; and from confessions (which they divulge), from cursing and absolving. Then again, how great is the number of the begging Friars. In England are 52,000 parish churches, 10 households in each parisli ; from each household the rauinous sort, whiclie (setting all laboure a side) haue begged so importunatly that they haue gotten ynto theyre hondes more then the therd part of all youre Realme. The goodliest lordshippes, maners, londes, and territories, are theyrs. Besides this, they haue the tenth part of all the corne, medowe, pasture, grasse, wolle, coltes, calues, larnbes, pigges, gese, and chikens. Ouer and bisides, the tenth part of euery seruauntes wages, the tenth part of the wolle, milke, hony, waxe, chese, and butter. Ye, and they loke so narowly vppon theyre proufittes, that the poore wyues must be count- able to theym of euery tenth eg, or elles she gettith not her ryghtes at ester, shalbe taken as an heTetike. hereto haue they theire foure offering daies. whate money pull they yn by probates of testamentes, priuy tithes, and by mennes offeringes to theyre pilgremages, and at theyre first masses? Euery man and childe that is buried, must pay sumwhat for masses and diriges to be song for him, or elles they will accuse the dedes frendes and executours of heresie. whate money get they by mortuaries, by hearing of confessions (and yet they wil kepe therof no counceyle) by halowing of churches, al tares, superaltares, chapelles, and belles, by cursing of men, and absoluing theim agein for money ? what a multitude of money gather the pardoners in a yere 1 ? Howe moche money get the Somners by extorcion yn a yere, by assityng the people to the commissaries court, ■ and afterward releasing thapparau?jee for money? Finally, the infinite nombre of begging freres : whate get they yn a yere? Here, if it please your grace to marke, ye shall se a thing farre out of ioynt. There are withyn youre realme of Englond .lij. thousand parisshe churches. And this stonding, that there be but tenne houshouldes yn euery parisshe, yet are there fiue hundreth thousand and twenty thousand houshouldes. And of euery of these houshouldes hath euery of the A SUPPLICACTON FOR THE BEGGERS. O fiue ordres of freres a peny a quarter for euery ordre, five orders tak^. 20 pence a year, that is, for all the fine ordres, fiue pens a quarter for or in round every house. That is, for all the fiue ordres .xx. d, a £43,333 6*. sd. yere of euery house. Summa, fiue hundreth thousand and twenty thousand quarters of angels. That is .cclx. thousand half angels. Summa .cxxx. thou and angels. Summa totalis .xliij. thousand poundes and .cccxxxiij. li. vi.s. viij.d. sterling, wherof not foure hundreth yeres passed they had not one peny. Oh greuous and Tour ffighness'a . , , ■lip predecessors did peyniull exactions tnus yereiy to be paied ! from the not pay this, and whiche the people of your nobill predecessours, the kinges of the auncie?«t Brito?2s, euer stode fre. And this wil they haue, or els they wil procure him that will not giue it theim to be take/4 as an heretike.' whate tiraunt euer oppressed the people like this cruell and vengeable generacion 1 whate subiectes shall be abill to no subjects can helpe theire prince, that be after this facion yereiy they are so polled? whate good christen people can be abill to carTgfve aimsT" ° socoure vs pore lepres, blinde, sore, and lame, that be U3 ' thus yereiy oppressed 1 Is it any merueille that youre people so compleine of pouertie 1 Is it any merueile How will the . taxes, which you that the taxes, nttenes, and subsidies, that your grace have so tenderly most tenderly of great co??*passion hath taken emong for these raveners your people, to defend theim from the thretened ruine beforehand, of theire comon welth, haue bin so sloughtfully, ye, painfully leuied 1, Seing that almost the vtmost peny that mought haue bin leuied, hath ben gathe ed bifore yereiy by this rauinous, cruell, and insatiabill genera- cion. The danes, nether the saxons, yn the time of Neither Dane . tin i i-ii nor Saxon could the auncient Britons, shulde neuer haue ben abill to have won Britain, haue brought theire armies from so farre hither, ynto S uch a brood at your lond, to haue conquered it, if they had had at that time suche a sort of idell glotons to finde at home. The nobill king Arthur had neuer ben abill to haue Nor could Arthur have resisted caried his armie to the iote of the mountaines, to resist Lucius, with such the coming downe of lucius the Emperoure, if suche 4 THE FEW MONKS, ETC., HAVE HALF THE BEALM. among his people, yerely exactions had ben taken of his people. The' nor the Greeks besieged Troy, grekes had neuer hen ahill to haue so long continued' at the siege of Troie, if they had had at home suche. an idell sort of cormorauntes to finde. The auncient nor Home won Eomains had neuer hen abil to haue put all the hole the world, nor the Turk so much of worlde vnder theyre obeisaunce, if theyre people had Christendom. hyn thus yerely oppressed. The Turke nowe, yn youre tyme, shulde neuer he ahill to get so moche grounde of cristendome, if he had yn his empire suche a sort of These men, then, locustes to deuoure his suhstaunce. Ley then these the substance of somnies to the forseid therd part of the possessions of the realme, that ye may se whether it drawe nighe vnto the half of the hole suhstaunce of the realme or not : So shall ye finde that it draweth ferre ahoue. Nowe let vs then compare the nombre of this vnkind idell sort, vnto the nombre of the laye people, and we shall se whether it be indifferently shifted or not that they and yet they are shuld haue half. Compare theim to the nombre of but one in a hundred of the men, so are they not tne .C. person. Compare theim women and ' to men, wimen, and children ; then are they not the onein e four ; e ' -CCCC. parson yn nombre. One part tberfore, yn foure hundreth partes deuided, were to moche for theim but yet they have except they did laboure. whate an vnequal burthen is or the realm. it, that they haue half with the multitude, and are not the .CCCC. parson of theire nombre ! whate tongue is abill to tell that euer there was eny comon welth so sore oppressed sins the worlde first began 1 wnat do they with •[[ And whate do al these gredy sort of sturdy, idell, their exactions? Nothing, but holy theues, with these yerely exactions that they claim all power ; inm i ,, . •■ , . . excite rebellions, take of the people 1 Iruely nothing but exempt theim silues from thobedience of your grace. Nothing but translate all rule, power, lordishippe, auctorite, obedi- ence, and (lignite, from your grace vnto theim. No- thing but that all your subiectes shulde fall ynto diso- bedience and rebellion ageinst your grace, and be vnder theym. As they did vnto your nobill predecessour A SUPrLICACYON FOR THE BEGGERS. 5 king Iohn : whiche, forbicause that he wolcle haue against that noble punisshed certeyr traytours that had conspired with the one of them ^11-11 ■• ] i ■ n 1- j interdicted tlie •enche king to haue deposed him from his crowne and land . dignite, (emoug the whiche a clerke called Stephen, whome afterward ageinst the kinges will the Pope made Bisshoppe of Caunterbury, was one) enterdited his Lond. For the whiche mater your most .nobill realme and fr ° m that time the land wrongfully (alas, for shame !) hath sto?^d tributary (net has been • n ■ ii ti tributary to a vnto any kind temporal! prince, but vnto a cruell, devilish wood- deuelisshe bloudsupper, dronkera in the bloude of the supper * sayntes and marters of christ) euer sins. Here were an a holy sort of prelates to treat holy sort of prelates, that thus cruelly coude pimisshe a righteous king so ! suche a rightuous kinge, all his realme, a?«d succession, for doing right ! IT Here were a charitable sort of holy men, that coude Ho1 y men wore they ! hating one thus enterdite an hole realme, and plucke awey tho- who more feared to shed blood of the people from theyre naturall liege lorde than lose his and kinge, for none other cause but for his rightuous- nesse ! Here were a blissed sort, not of meke herdes, but of bloudsuppers, that coude set the frenche king vppon suche a rightuous prince, to cause hym to lose his crowne and dignite, to make effusion of the bloude of his people, oneles this good and blissed king of greate compassion, more fearing and lamenting the sheding of the bloude of his people then the losse of his crowne and dignite, agaynst all right and conscience had submitted him silf vnto theym ! case most but they had translated all horrible ! that euer so nobill a king, Eealme, and sue- power to cession, shuide thus be made to stoupe to suche a sort of bloudsuppers ! where was his swerde, power, crowne, and dignite become, wherby he niought haue done ius- tice yn this maner 1 where was their obedience become, that shuld haue byn subiect vnder his highe power yn this mater ] Ye, where was the obedience of all his subiectes become, that for maintenaunce of the comon welth shuide haue holpen him manfully to haue re- 6 THE LUST AND BAWDRY OF THE MONKS, ETC. sisted these bloudsuppers to the shedinge of theyre bloude 1 was not all to-gither by theyre polycy translated fiwra this good king vnto theim? Ye, and No man's wife what do they more ? Truely nothing bnt applie theym or daughter is . J J & VV J safe for them ; silues, by all the sleyghtes they may, to haue to do so that no man can be sure of his with euery mannes wife, enery mannes doughter, and own child; and . still by abstaining euery mannes mayde, that cukkoldne and baudne shulde they- may make reigne ouer all emong your subiectes, that nomaw shulde desolate? knowe his owne child e, that theyre bastardes might enherite the possessions of euery man, to put the right begotten children clere beside theire inheritaunce, yn subuersion of all estates and godly ordre. These be they that by theire absteyning from mariage do let the generation of the people, wherby all the realme at length, if it shulde be continued, shall be made desert and inhabitable. 1 But for them, 1f These be they that haue made an hundreth thou- wouid have lived sand ydell hores yn your realme, whiche wolde haue gotten theyre lyuing honestly, yn the swete of theyre faces, had not theyre superfluous rychesse illected theym They carry to vnclene lust and ydelnesse. These be they that corrupt one to another, the hole generation of mankind yn your realme; that and boast of their ■ -i j i -ii p 11 . i . success. catche the pokkes ot one woman, and bere theym to an other ; that be brent wyth one woman, and bere it to an other ; that catche the lepry of one woman, and bere it to an other ; ye, some one of theym shall bost emong his felawes, that he hath medled with an hundreth wymen. These be they that when they haue ones drawee mennes wiues to suche incontinewcy, They draw spende awey theire husbondes goodes, make the women from their . „ , . . . . husbands. wimen to runne awey irom theire husbondes, ye, rynne awey them silues both with wif and goodes, bring both 1 Sir Thomas More points out the seeming contradiction between this sentence and the last : for if the monks were such good begetters of bastards, they would increase the population, rather than diminish it. But this is answered in the next page here. A SUPPLICACYON FOR THE BEGGERS. 7 man, wife, and children, to ydelnesse, theft, and beggeri. Ye, who is ahill to nombre the greate and brode why should you not punish them botomles occean see, full of euilles, that this mis- as you do other men? cheuous and sinful generacion may laufully bring vppon vs vnponisshed 1 where is youre swerde, power, crowne, Evils numberless ,,.., , ill -i/i • tnev Drm & ° n us - and dignite become, that shuld punisshe (by punisshe- ment of deth, euen as other men are punisshed) the felonies, rapes, murdres, and treasons committed by this sinfull generackm? where is theire obedience become, that shulde be vnder your hyghe power yn this mater 1 ys not all to-gither translated and exempt from your grace vnto theim ? yes, truely. whate an infinite why should they not be married nombre of people might haue oen encreased, to haue like other men ? peopled the realme, if these sort of folke had be?* maried like other men 1 whate breche of matrimonie is there brought yn by theim ] suche truely as was neuer, sins the worlde began, emong the hole multitude of the hethen. IT Who is she that wil set her hondes to worke, to what woman will .... , n i , i , 11^ work for 3d - a get .nj. d. a day, and may haue at lest .xx. d. a day to day, when she slepe an houre with a frere, a monke, or a prest 1 what ™eepfng with I is he that wolde laboure for a grote a day, and may monk? haue at lest .xij. d. a day to be baude to a prest, a monke, or a frere 1 whate a sort are there of theime How many men that mari prestes souereigne ladies, but to cloke the ladies, just to get prestes yncontinency, and that they may haue a liuing a llvlIlg by ll ? of the prest theime silues for theire laboure 1 ? Howe many thousandes doth suche lubricite bring to beggery, theft, and idelnesse, whiche shuld haue kept theire good name, and haue set theim silues to worke, had not ben this excesse treasure of the spiritualtie 1 whate honest man dare take any man or woman yn his seruice that hath here at suche a scole with a spiritual maw 1 Oh the greuous shipwrak of the comon welth, whiche yn Before these auncie^t time, bifore the coming yn of these rauinous wo ves came ' THE POWER OF THE CLERGY IN PARLIAMENT. there were but few thieves, few poor, and those had given to them enough without asking. Why wonder, then, there are so many beggars, thieves, &e. ? You cannot make laws against them. They are stronger in Parliament than you. Who dare lay charges against them ? If any one does, he is accused of heresy : wolues, was so prosperous, that then there were hat fewe theues ! ye, theft was at that tyme so rare, that Cesar was not cowpellid to make penalite of deth vppon felony, as your grace may well perceyue yn his insti- tutes. There was also at that tyme hut fewe pore people, and yet they did not begge, hut there was giuew theim ynough vnaxed ; for there was at that time none of these rauinous wolues to axe it from theim, as it apperith yn the actes of thappostles. Is it any merueill though there he nowe so many beggers, theues, and ydell people 1 Nay truely. IT "Whate remedy : make lawes ageynst theim 1 I am yn doubt whether ye he able : Are they not stronger in your owne parliament house then your silfe 1 whate a nombre of Bisshopes, abbotes, and priours, are lordes of your parliament 1 are not all the lerned men in your realme in fee with theim, to speake yn your parliament house for theim ageinst your crowne, dignite, and comon welth of your realme ; a fewe of youre owne lerned counsell onely excepted 1 whate lawe can be made ageinst theim that may be aduajdable 1 who is he (though he be greued never so sore) for the murdre of his auncestre, rauisshement of his wyfe, of his doughter, robbery, trespas, maiheme, dette, or eny other offence, dare ley it to theyre charge by any wey of accion ? and if he do, then is he by and by, by theyre wilynesse, accused of heresie. ye, they will so handle him or he passe, that except he will here a fagot for theyre pleasure, he shal be excommunicate, and then be all his accions dasshed. So captyue are your lawes vnto theym, that no man that they lyst to excommunicat, may be admitted to sue any accion in any of your courtes. If eny maw yn your sessions dare be so hardy to endyte a prest of eny suche cryme, he hath, or the yere go out, suche a yoke of heresye leyd in his necke, that it rnaketh him wisshe that he had not done it. Your V A SUPPLICACYON KOR THE BEGGERS. 9 grace may se whate a worke tliere is in London, howe as your Grace . ,1 p ' ias seen, because the bisshoppe rageth for em ly ting of ; certayn curates of cei tain curates extorcion and incontinency, the last yere in the war- W iti, incontin- nioll quest.' Had not Richard hunne commenced ac- Take Richard cyon of premunire ageinst a prest, he had bin yet a- Hunne s case - lyue, and none eretik, a tall, but an honest man. IF Dyd not dyuers of your noble progenitours, — Did not your . ancestors pass seynge theyre crowne and dignite runiie ynto ruyne, the statute of and to be thus craftely translated ynto the hondes of [hem? a '" dgain this myscheuous generacyon, — make dyuers statutes for the reformacyon therof, emong whiche the statute of mortmayne was one % to the intent that after that tyme they shulde haue no more gyuen vnto theim. But whate avayled it 1 haue they not gotten ynto But what avails • it? The y have theyre hondes, more londes sins, then eny duke yn since got more ynglond hath, the statute notwithstanding ? Ye, haue f^ ke has.*"* they not for all that translated ynto theyre hondes, from your grace, half your kyngdome thoroughly 1 The Th e kingdom is divided, and they hole name, as reason is, for the auncientie of your kyng- have the over- dome, whiche was bifore theyrs, and out of the whiche theyrs is growen, onely abiding with your grace 1 and of one kyngdome made tweyne : the spirituall kyng- dome (as they call it), for they wyll be named first, And your temporall kingdome. And whiche of these .ij. kingdomes (suppose ye) is like to ouergrowe the other 1 ? ye, to put the other clere out of memory? Truely the kingdome of the bloudsuppers ; for to theym 1 There is a custome in the Cytye, ones a yeare to haue a quest called the warnmall queste, to redress vices ; but alasse, to what purpose cometh it, as it is vsed ? If a pore man kepe a whore besides hys wife, & a pore mans wyfe play the harlot, they are punished, as well worthie. But let an alderman, a Ientleman, or a riche man, kepe whore or whores, what punish- ment is there ? Alasse, this matter is to bad. — The Lamenta- ei/on of a Christen against the Citye of London (by Henry Brinklow, A.D. 1542), ed. 1548, sign. b. vii. back. Quest or Quest Men, Persons who are chosen yearly in every Ward, and meet about Christmas, to enquire into Abuses and Misdemeanours committed therein, especially such as re- late to Weights and Measures. — Kerseifs Phillips, ed. 1706. 10 PURGATORY (a FICTION) IS THE MONK'S SCREW. for they sain, but never give They will break any law, and will swallow all your substance. They profess to pray for us and deliver us from purgatory, (which in many learned men's opinion exists not, but is their own invention;) and if there be a purgatory, the Pope might deliver 1000 as well as one. is giuen daily out of your kingdome. And that that is ones gyuen theim, comith neuer from theim agein. Suche lawes haue they, that none of theim may nether gyue nor sell nothing. Whate lawe can be made so stronge ageinst theim that they, other with money, or elles with other policy, will not breake and set at nought 1 whate kingdome can endure, that euer gyuith thus from him, and re- ceyueth nothing agein 1 0, howe all the substauwce of your Eealme forthwith, your swerde, power, crowne, dignite, and obedience of your people, rynneth hedlong ynto the insaciabill whyrlepole of these gredi goulafres, 1 to be swalowed and devoured ! IF Nether haue they eny other coloure to gather these yerely exaccions ynto theyre hondes, but that they sey they pray for vs to God, to delyuer our soules out of the paynes of purgatori ; without whose prayer, they sey, or at lest without the popes pardon, we coude neuer be deliuered thens ; whiche, if it be true, then is it good reason that we gyue theim all these thinges, all were it C times as moche. But there be many men of greate litterature and iudgement that, for the love they haue vnto the trouth and vnto the comen welth, haue not feared to put theim silf ynto the greatest infamie that may be, in abiection of all the world, ye, yn perill of deth, to declare theyre oppinion in this mather, Avhiche is, that there is no purgatory, but that it is a thing inuented by the couitousnesse of the spiritualtie, onely to translate all kingdomes from other princes vnto theim, and that there is not one word spoken of hit in al holy scripture. They sey also, that if there were a purgatory, And also if that the pope with his pardons for money may deliuer one soule thews ; he may deliuer him aswel without money : if he may 1 Fr. Govlfre, Govffre .• m. A gulfe ; whirlepoole, deepe hole, or vnmeasurable depth (of waters) that swallowes vp whatsoeuer approaches, or comes into, it. — Cotgrave. A SUPPLICACYON FOR THE 7JEGGERS. II deliuer one, he may deliuer a thousand : yf he may deliuer a thousand, he may deliuer theim all, awl so destroy purgatory. And then is he a cruell tyraunt without all charite, if he kepe theim there in pryson and in paine, till men will giue him money. If Lyke Again, they pray only for those wyse saie they of all the hole sort of the spiritueltie, who give them that if they will not pray for no man but' for theim that gyue theim money, they are tyrauntes, and lakke charite, and suffer those soules to be punisshed a^d payned vncheritably, for lacke of theyre prayers. These sort of folkes they call heretikes, these they They who cannot pay, are called burne, these they rage agemst, put to open shame, and heretics, and are make theim bere fagottes. But whether they be here- tikes or no, well I wote that this purgatory, and the Popes pardons, is all the cause of translacion of your kingdome so fast into their hondes ; wherfore it is mani- fest it can not be of christ, for he gaue more to the Christ, on the temporal! kingdome, he hym silfe paid tribute to Cesar, p^^Tand ^ hetoke nothing from hym, but taught that the highe P aidtribute > powers shuld be alweys obeid : ye, he him silf (although he were most fre lorde of all, and innocent,) was obedi- ent vnto the highe powers vnto deth. This is the which is their great scabbe why they will not let the newe testament withholding the , , , , , ill • New Testament go a-brode yn your moder tong, lest men shulde espie m the mother that they, by theyre cloked ypochrisi, do translate thus tongue5 fast your kingdome into theyre howdes, that they are not obedient vnto your highe power, that they are cruell, vnclene, vnmerciful, and ypochrites, that thei for they seek their own honour, seke not the honour of Christ, but their owne, that re- not Christ's, mission of sinnes are not giuen by the popes pardon, but by Christ, for the sure feith and trust that we haue in him. Here may your grace well perceyue that, except ye suffer theyre ypocrisie to be disclosed, all is like to runne ynto theire hondes ; and as long as it is couered, so long shall it seme to euery maw to be a - greate ympiete not to gyue theim. For this I am sure 12 THE PRIESTS DSAG CIVIL CAUSES INTO THEIR COURTS. All are of my opinion, Lords, Knights, and yeomen ; else the statute of mortmain robs us of salvation. Declare, then, their hypocrisy. Doctor Allen appealed to another Court to the derogation of your dignity; and Doctor Horsey murdered Hunne, because he sued a writ of " premunire " against a priest. And one offender rmid only £500 bile; your grace thinketh, (as the truth is,) I am as good a man as my father, whye may I not aswell gyue theim as moche as my father did 1 And of this mynd I am sure are all the loordes, knightes, squire, gentilmen, and yemen in englond ; ye, and vntill it be disclosed, all your people will thinke that your statute of mortmayne was never made with no good conscience, seing that it taketh awey the liberte of your people, in that they may not as laufully by theire soules out of purgatory by gyuing to the spiritualte, as their predecessours did in tymes passed. If Wherfore, if ye will eschewe the ruyne of your crowne and dignite, let theire ypocrisye be vttered ; and that shalbe more spedfull in this mater then all the lawes that may be made, be they never so stronge. For to make a lawe for to punisshe eny offender, except it were more for to giue other men an ensample to be- ware to committe suche like offence, whate shuld yt avayle 1 Did not doctour Alyn, most presumptuously, nowe yn your tyme, ageynst all his allegiaunce, all that ever he coude, to pull from you the knowlege of suche plees as long vnto your hyghe courtes, vnto an other court, in derogacion of your crowne and dignite ] Did not also doctor Horsey and his complices most hey- nously, as all the world knoweth, murdre in pryson that honest marchaunt Richard hunne 1 For that he sued your writ of premunire against a prest that wrong- fully held him in pie in a spiritual! court, for a mater wherof the knowlege belonged vnto your hyghe courtes. And whate punisshement was there done, that eny man may take example of to beware of lyke offence ? truely none, but that the one payd hue hundreth poundes (as it is said) to the bildinge of your sterre chamber ; and when that payment was ones passed, the capteyns of his kingdome (bicause he faught so manfully ageynst A SUPPLICACYON FOE THE BEGGSRS. 13 your crowne and dignite,) haue heped to him benefice the other, £ con ; vpon benefice, so that he is rewarded tenne tymes as received many nioche. The other (as it is seid) payde sixe hundreth h^as^neiTfiom poundes for him and his complices, whiche, forbicause p 1 " 1 ' 11114168 - Tllus that he had lyke wise faught so manfully ageynst your crowne and dignite, was ymmediatly (as he had opteyned your most gracyous pardon,) promoted by the capiteynes of his kingdome with benefice vpon benefice, to the value of .iiij. tymes as moche. who can take example of this punisshement to be ware of suche like offence? who is he of theyre kingdome that will not rather take others will be encouraged to courage to cowamitte lyke offence, seyng the promocions commit like that fill to this men for theyre so offending] So weke g0 weak' is your and blunt is your swerde to strike at one of the of- u^ofondti's!' 6 fenders of this croked and peruers generacyon. IF And this is by the reason that the chief instru- The reason is ment of your la we, ye, the chief of your counsell, and chancellor is a he whiche hath youre swerde in his hond. to whome pn . es '. w « only his own also all the other instrumentes are obedient, is alweys a kin g dom - spirituell man, whiche hath euer suche an inordinate loue vnto his owne kingdome, that he will mainteyn that, though all the temporall kingdoms and comoH- welth of the worlde shulde therfore vtterly be vndone. Here leue we out the gretest mater of all, lest that we, declaring suche an horrible carayn of euyll ageinst the ministres of iniquite, shulde seme to declare the one onely faute, or rather the ignoraunce, of oure best beloued ministre of rightousnesse, whiche is, to be hid till he may be lerned by these small enormitees that we haue spoken of, to knowe it pleynly him silf. But Many hospitals will not help us, whate remedy to releue vs your poore, sike, lame, and for the priests sore, bedemen 1 To make many hospitals for the relief best part, of the poore people 1 Nay truely. The moo the worse ; do i ie with Vour for euer the fatte of the hole foundacion hangeth on the ancestors ' gifts - prestes berdes. Dyuers of your noble predecessours, u MAKE THE STURDY LOOBIES WORK. They are paid for masses, yet never say one. Your Grace should build us a sure hospital, and send these loobies to work for their living. Genesis iii. 19. Whip them at the cart's tail that they take not our alms ; so shall we decrease, and your power not pass from you; your people will obey you, the i He work, people marry, be rich, have the gospel preached, none kinges of this realme, haue gyuen loncles to monasteries to giue a certein somme of money yerely to the poore people, wherof, for the aunciente of the tyme, they giue neuer one peny : They haue lyke wise giuen to them to haue a eerteyn masses said daily for theim, wherof they sey neuer one. If the Abbot of Westminster shulde sing euery day as many masses for his founders as he is bounde to do by his foundacion, .M. monkes were to fewe. wherfore, if your grace will bilde a sure hospitall that neuer shall faile to releue vs, all your poore bedemerc, so take from theim all these thynges. Set these sturdy lobies a brode in the world, to get theim wiues of theire owne, to get theire liuing with their laboure in the swete of theire faces, according to the commaundement of god, Gene. iij. to gyue other idell people, by theire example, occasion to go to laboure. Tye these holy idell theues to the cartes, to be whipped naked about euery market towne til ihey will fall to laboure, that they, by theyre i/??,portunate begging, take not awey the almesse that the good christen people wolde giue vnto vs sore, impotent, miserable people, your bedemen. Then shall, aswell the nombre of oure forsaid monstruous sort, as of the baudes, hores, theues, and idell people, decreace. Then shall these great yerely exaccions cease. Then shall not youre swerde, power, crowne, dignite, and obedience of your people, be translated from you. Then shall you haue full odedi- ence of your people. Then shall the idell people be set to worke. Then shall matrimony be moche better kept. Then shal the generation of your people be encreased. Then shall your comons encrease in richesse. Then shall the gospell be preached. Then shall none begge oure almesse from vs. Then shal we haue ynough, and more then shall suffice vs ; whiche shall be the best hospitall that euer was founded for vs. Then shall we A SUFPLIC ACTON FOR THE BEGGERS. NOTES. 15 daily pray to god for your most noble estate lo??g to ana ail win ever pray for your endure. 1 long reign. Domins ealuumfac regem. 1 Sir Frauncys Bygod, about 1534, in his Treatyse concern- ynge impropriations of benefices thus supports the last remedy of the Beggers Supplicacyon : But & as man might (sauyng their pacyence) be so bolde •with them / what mater were it (vnder correction I speke) if all these improfy table sectes / and stronge sturdye route of idle Idle paunches paunches were a lytell poorer / to thende that the trew relygion should be poorer, of christ miy/it thereby somthynge be sette vp and avaunsed / and syffycient company of the ministers of goddes true worde prouyded for in all partes. I praye you / what an idle sorte be fouttde and brought vp in Abbeyes / that neuer wyll laboure •whyles they ben there / nor yet whan they come thence to other mens seruyce / in so moche that there goth a comen prouerbe : That he which hath ones ben in an abbey, wyll euer Once in an Abbey, more after be slouthefull / for the whiche cause they ben called ever idle ; Abbe y of many men / Abbey loutes or lubbers. And some saye that ou 8 or u ers " many of our holye fathers spende nat a lytell vpon my cosyn lane / Elsabeth and Marget (ye knowe what I meane) inso- Monks' women, moche that / that euen they which be most popysshe of all / & knowe none other god almost than the gret drafsacke of Bome / can nat deny this to be trew. Bage 6. Priests' 1 immorality. The women were occasionally to blame. In a story told by the author of the Menagier de Paris, a young wife married to an old husband from whom she gets no solace, thus answers the question of whom she will love: "Mere, j'aimeray le chapellain de ceste ville, car prestres et religieux craingnent honte, et sont plus secrets. Je ne vouldroie jamais amer un chevalier, car il se vanteroit plus test, et gaberoit de moy, et me demanderoit mes gages* a engager." Compare Bobert of Brunne's com- plaint in his Handlyng Synne of these women who will have priests. But the lechery of the monks, &c, is continually complained of throughout Early English Literature ; see the series of extracts on this subject in my Ballads from Manuscripts, p. 59 — 86 (Ballad Soc. 1868), and The Image of Ypocrcsye, ib. p. 194-5, &c. Bage 6. Chech to the increase of Population by the not-marrying of the Clergy. This is complained of in the Becord-Office MS Dialogue between Cardinal Bole and Lupton, written by Starkey, one of Henry VIII's chaplains, which Brof. Brewer has recommended us to print, and which we have had copied. Lupton is made to say : " I haue thought long & many a day a grete let to the increse of chrystuw. pepul, the law of chastyte ordeynyd by the church, whych byndyth so gret a multytude of mew to lyue theraftur, as, al Becular prestys, mo/ikys, frerrys, chawnonys, & nuwnys, of the wych, as you know, ther ys no smal nombur ; by the reson wherof the generatyon of maw ys maruelously let & mynyschyd. Wherfor, except the ordyna/tce of the church were, (to the wych I wold neuer gladly rebel,) I wold playnly luge that hyt schold be veray comienyent somethyng to relese the band of thys law ; specyally co»syderyng the dyffyculty of that grete vertue, in a mane?- aboue * Peut-6tre faudroit-il bagues, effets, joyaux. — J. Pichon. 15 RICHARD HUNNE'S CASE. nature. . . " Pole answers "... in this mater I thynke hyt were necessary to tempur thys law, and, at the lest, to gyue and admyt al secular prestys to mary at theyr lyberty, cow-sydyryng now the grete multytude and nowmbur of them, but as touchyng mowkys, chanonys, frerys, and nu/mys, I hold for a thyng veray co/tuenyent and mete, in al wel-ordeynyd commyn welys, to haue certayn monasterys and abbeys, to the wych al such as, af tur lauful proue of chastyte before had, may retyre, and from the besynes and vanyte of the world may wythdray themselfe, holly gyuyng theyr mywdys to prayer, study, and hye cow tew pi aty on. thys occasyon I wold not haue to be taken away from chrystyan pollycy, wych ys a grete cowfort to many febul and weiy soulys, wych haue byn oppressyd wyth wordly vanyte. but as touchyng the secular prestys, I vtturly agre wyth you, and so that obstacul to take away, wych lettyth by many ways the increse of our pepul, as many other thyngys dow more also ; among the wych a nother chefe, aftur my mynd, ys thys : — that grete multytude of spyuyng men, wych in scmyce spend theyr lyfe, neuer fyndyng mean to many co/tuenyently, but lyue alway as cowtmyn corruptarys of chastyte." Page 7. The good luck of a wench who is taken as a priest's concubine is, noticed in the Poem on the Evil Times of Edward II. (Camden Soc. Political Songs, 1839 ; Percy Soc. 1849), "And wel is hire that first may swich a parsoun kacche in londe," ib. p. 62. Pages 9 and 12. Richard ITimne's case. "In the year 1514, a citizen of London, named Eichard Hunne, a merchant tailor, fell into a dispute with the parson of a country parish in Middlesex, about a gift of a bearing-sheet, which the clergyman demanded as a mortuary, in consequence of an infant child of Hunne's having died in his parish, where it had been sent to be nursed. Hunne made some objection to the legality of the demand ; but it is probable that he was secretly inclined to the new doctrines, and that this was the true cause of his refusal. Being sued in the spiritual court by the parson, he took out a writ of premunire against his pursuer for bringing the king's' subjects before a foreign jurisdiction, the spiritual court sitting under the authority of the pope's legate. This daring procedure of the London citizen threw the clergy into a fur}', and, as the most effectual way of crushing him, recourse was had to the terrible charge of heresy, upon which Hunne was ap- prehended and consigned to close imprisonment in the Lollard's Tower at St Paul's. After a short time, being brought before Fitzjames, bishop of London, he was there interrogated respecting certain articles alleged against him, which imputed to him, in substance, that he had denied the obligation of pay- ing tithes, — that he had read and spoken generally against bishops and priests, and in favour of heretics, — and lastly, that he had 'in his keeping divers English books prohibited and damned by the law, as the Apocalypse in English, epistles and gospels in English, Wycliffe's damnable works, and other books containing infinite errors, in the which he hath been long time ac- cusiomed to read, teach, and study daily.'* It appears that Hunne was frightened into a qualified admission of the truth of these charges ; he con- fessed that although he had not said exactly what was asserted, yet he had ' unadvisedly spoken words somewhat sounding to the same ; for the which,' he added, ' I am sorry, and ask God mercy, and submit me unto my Lord's charitable and favourable correction.' He ought upon this, according to the usual course, to have been enjoined penance and set at liberty ; but, as he still persisted in his suit against the parson, he was the same day sent back to his prison, where, two days after, namely, on the 4th of December, he was found * Foxc, p- 737. A SUPPLICACYON FOR THE BEGGERS. — NOTES. 17 suspended from a hook in the ceiling, and dead. The persons in charge of the prison gave out that he had hanged himself ; but a coroner's inquest came to a different conclusion. According to the account in Burnet, the jury ' did acquit the dead body, and laid the murder on the officers that had the charge of that prison ; ' and, by other proofs, they found the bishop's sumner* and the bellringer guilty of it. It may be suspected that the excited feelings and strong prejudices of the coroner's jury had perhaps as much share as the weight of circumstantial evidence in winning them to the belief of this not very probable story ; but, be that as it may, the violence and indecency shown on the other side were fully equal to any they can be thought to have displayed. While the inquest was still going on, the Bishop of London and his clergy began a new process of heresy against Hannc's dead tody. The new charges alleged against Hunne were comprised in thirteen articles, the matter of which was collected from the prologue or preface by Wycliffe to the English Bible that had been found in his possession. He, or rather his dead body, was condemned of heresy by sentence of the Bishop of London, assisted by the Bishops of Durham and Lincoln, and by many doctors of divinity and the canon law ; and the senseless carcase was actually, on the 20th of December, committed to the flames in Smithfield. This piece of barbarity, however, shocked instead of overawing the public sentiment. The affair now came before the parliament, and a bill, which had originated in the Commons, was passed, restoring to Hunne's children the goods of their father, which had been forfeited by his conviction. This, however, did not put an end to the contest. When the Bishop of London's chancellor and sumner had been charged on the finding of the coroner's jury as both principals in the murder, the convocation, in the hope probably of drawing off attention to another part of the case, called before them Dr Standish, who had asserted the claims of the civil power in a debate before the king, and put him upon his defence for what he had said on that occasion ; and an appeal was made to the conscience of Henry, that he would not interpose to shield the delinquent from justice, as he regarded his coronation oath, and would himself escape the censures of holy church. Henry's headstrong and despotic character had scarcely yet begun to develop itself ; his pride as a true son of the church had received no check from coming into collision with any of his other selfish and overmastering passions : when the convocation, therefore, assailed him in this manner on the one hand, and the parliament on the other likewise addressed him ' to maintain the temporal jurisdiction, according to his coronation oath, and to protect Standish from the malice of his enemies,' he was thrown into great perplexity. So, to free his conscience, he commanded all the judges, and the members both of his temporal and his spiritual councils, together with certain persons from both houses of parliament, to meet at Blackfriars, and to hear the matter argued. This was done accordingly ; and the discussion was terminated by the unanimous declaration of the judges, that all those of the convocation who had awarded the citation against Standish had made themselves liable to a premunire. Soon after, the whole body of the lords spiritual and temporal, with all the judges and the king's council, and many members also of the House of Commons, having been called before the king at Baynard's Castle, Cardinal Wolsey, in the name of the clergy, humbly begged that the matter should be referred to the final decision of the pope at Bome. To this request, however, Henry made answer, with much spirit, ' By the permission and ordinance of God, we are king of England ; and the kings * Or summoner, the officer employed to cite parties before the ecclesiastical courts, more commonly called the apparitor. SUPPL'.CATION. 2 13 A SUPPLICACYOX FOR THE BEGGERS. NOTES. of England in times past had never any superior, but God only. Therefore, know you well that we will maintain the right of our crown, and of our temporal jurisdiction, as well in this as in all other points, in as ample a manner as any of our progenitors have done before our time.' The renewed solicitations of the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the matter might at least be respited till a communication could be had with the court of Rome, had no effect in moving the king from his resolution ; and Dr Horsey, the Bishop of London's chancellor, against whom warrants were out, on the finding of the inquest, for his trial as one of the murderers of Hunne, seemed to be left to his fate. At this point, however, the clergy, or perhaps both parties, saw fit to make advances towards an accommodation : it was agreed that Horsey should surrender to take his trial ; that he should not stand upon his benefit of clergy, but plead not guilty : and that, satisfied with this concession, the attorney-general should admit the plea, and the prisoner be discharged. This form was gone through, and Horsey immediately left London, where, it is said, he never again showed his face. Dr Standish, however, was also, by the king's command, dismissed from his place in the court of convocation, so that the issue of the business by no means went altogether against the clergy. But, besides the augmented popular odium to which they were exposed, from the strong suspicion that was entertained that Hunne had been murdered, a heavy blow had been undoubtedly dealt at their favourite pretension of exemption from the jurisdiction of the civil courts in criminal cases." — Macfarlane' s Cab. Hist, of England, vol. vi., p. 113 — 116. Page 12. Doctor Alyn. By the sayd power Legantine, he [Wolsey] kept also generall visitations through the Bealme, sending Doct. Iohn Alein, his Chaplein, riding in his gowne of Veluet, & with a great traine, to visite all religious houses. — Foxe, 1576, 3rd edit., p. 960. Page 2. The tenth jj art of euery xeruauntes wages. " Then the proving of testaments, the prizing of goods, the bishop of Canterbury's prerogative ; is that not much through the realm in a year? There is no servant but that he shall pay somewhat of his wages." — Tyndale's Obedience of a Christian Man, Parker Soc.'s edit, of Tyndale's "Works," vol. i. p. 237. gl $nplgjtnpt to our mogte iSoueraigne SLor* oe Itpcjc f&enrg tjjc (^pjjijt /, ttonojc of Etfc glano, of jjtaunce, ano of Erelanoe /, & most: ernest ©efentrer of (Eijristcs ffiospcll /: number of learned tyme and space, this your realme (as the most parte ot men - m t Ms men dyd then iudge and esteame) was well endowed /, eam ' replenyshed /, and furnyshed with many profounde lerned clerkes /, wherof some were bysshops, arche- clerks of both deacons /, deanes /, prebendaries /, parsons /, doc- tours /, bachelars in deuinite /, & other profounde 1 A six-line ornamental initial letter in the original. JrA ERRORS SPRING FROM lerned clerkes in bothe the Yniuersytees, which were / graue /, sage /, & auncyent fathers. Contemplatinge and reuoluinge these things in my mynde — not a lytle I tried to find out nioued /, troubled /, and vexed with the same / — I the cause of this , blindness, applyed me with ail my powre & dyligence, exquysytely to serche & to knowe the originall grounde & cause and happening to therof. And, in cortclusyon, amo??gest other things it read the fifth , chapter of isaiah, chaunced me to reade in the .v. chapiter of Ezay a pro- position that muche lamenteth the captyuite and bond- age which cowmeth & groweth to all people for lacke of knowleage in Godds "Worde /; sayeng /, " Th erf ore co?«meth my flocke also into captyuite /, because they haue not vnderstandinge /; their glory is famyshed with hunger /, & their pryde marred with thyrst'e. Therfore gapeth hell and openeth her mouthe meruel- i found that lack ousely wyde." By this text, graciouse Lorde, it ap- the cause of all peareth that all myserable hlyndenes, captyuite, & bondage vnder synne /, commeth for lacke of knowleage Mar. xij, in Gods "Worde. I had forgotten, at that tyme /, that that cimst said, Christ reproued the Pharasees /,' sayeng /, "You erre knowing the' n °t kuowinge the Scriptures ; " which reproue and re- whicVrebuke huke sliulde haue hen a suffycient admonycio?i and beln sufficient, doctryne to me, and to all other; wherby we myght haue knowen that all erroure commeth for lacke of But how could vnderstandinge & knowleage in the Scriptures. But from not knowing by what reason, then, coulde there be suche erroure and blyndenes for lacke of knowleage in Gods "Worde in There are this your realme, most gracyouse Lorde /, seing there found clerks and were suche profounde clerkes, & auncyent fathers /, in the country bysshops, and studentes in the same /, which dyd peopie aChthe teache & preache vnto the people co?itynuaUy? The But Paul says Apostle Paul, in the .vi. chapiter to Timothe, descrybeth kinds of know- two kyndes of doctrynes ; / the one he calleth a godly doctryne & a doctryne of helth /; the other he calleth a proude doctrine, full of vnprofitable questions /, stryuynge more for wordes than for godly knowleage /'; WANT OF KNOWLEDGE. 23 " wherof spryngeth envy /, stryffe /, raylings /, euyll surmysyngs /, & vayne dysputacions of men with cor- rupte myndes, destytute of the tmeth /; which think e that lucre is godly nes." This kynde of lernynge and subtle dysputacyons vnto this daye we call scole _ f , m the latter matters /; from the which Paul commaundeth all Chris- ^™* s * eparate tyans to separate them selues. Soche cle'rkes, sayeth y. Ti. iij. Paid /, be " euer lernynge /, but neuer atteyne to \lie knowleage of the trueth." With suche wayne, vngodly, There is too . much vain, and vnprontable lernmge /, this your realme, most re- ungodly learning, \ ... ■-, ~ ~. , 111 and this comes of doubted Soueraigne, was ouer moclie replenysned the preaching through the preachinge and teachinge of suche scole the schoolmen, men & subtyll disputers /; otherwise called deceyuers. Which was one of the causes of our myserable blynd- nes /, and of dyuerse errours and abuses spronge vp and crept into this your Graces realme. For certeynely, for which the clergy are to if the clerkes, of this your Graces realme /, had bene blame, endowed with true knowleage of Gods Worde /, and because they do not sincerely had also syncerely preached the same /, althoughe preach God's word. suche errours and blyndnes had entered into this realme /; yet they shulde neuer haue so longe con- tynewed in the same /, but we shulde haue bene delyuered through the Worde clerely from them. As Christe saieth : "If you continewe in my Avordes /, Io.rlij. then are you my very disciples /, & shall knowe the trueth /, & the trueth shall delyuer yow /, and make you free." Therfore, most dread Soueraigne Lorde /, seinge that all erroure /, spyrytuall blyndnes /, myser- As aii errors spring from a able captyuite /, and seruyle bondage vnto synne, com- lackofknow- meth for lacke of knowleage and syncere vndersta»dinge scriptures, in the Holy Scriptures /; and, of the cowtrarye parte,/ through the knowleage & syncere A^nderstandinge of and through knowledge of the Holy Scripturs, we knowe God our Father and his them we know. Sonne, Ihesus Christ, our Lorde /, which is eternall j ' a v liffe /; we be also become free from all condempnation Jo. xvij. of synne. And through the syncere and true know- 24 THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY REMEDY and become His children, nothing is so necessary as God's Word. Treason, murder, theft, adultery, and such, trouble nations j Prouer. xiiij. and these the faithf il try to avuid and abolish, Gal. V. endeavouring to crivify the tiesh, and by faith to il i all gooJ works. Mom. v. God's Word is the comfort of the Christian, who has no refuge, no help bul this. Mat. ti ,j. Roma, xiiij. Hcb. xi. leage of the Worde we be newly regenerate, & become the childerne of God /, the habitacle and dwelliiige place of the Holy Ghoste /, which nioueth & steareth vs euer to mortefye the fieshe /, & all her synfull lusts and concupiscence, / [and] to abhor and resyst vice. What is then so necessary, good, and profitable for the Christian people, bothe spirituall and cyuile wealthe /, as the Worde wherby we receyue faithe /, & by faithe, the Holy Ghoste 1 What troubleth all comraen wealthes /, but treason /, murder, thefte /, couetous- nes, / adulterye /, extorcion /, whordome, / dronckenes /, periurye /, & suche other synue 1 / as saythe the Holy Ghoste : " Iustice and rightuousnes maketh the people wealthy /; but synne maketh the people most myserable." And all these the faithfull, through the true and syncere vndersta/?dinge of Gods Worde /, doo euer studye and labour to ouercome /, and vtterly to abholyshe by faythe. As Paul sayeth : " They which be Christes /, doo crucyfye the fieshe, with her lustes and concupiscence." All good workes and coun- ceyles [be] encreased and stablyshed through faythe. There is no study /, striffe /, nor laboure agaynst synne, but through faithe. All couscyences that be quyet from synnes /, onely through faythe be made quyet. As Paul sayeth /: "Because Ave are iustyfyed by faithe /, we are at peace with God, through our Lorde Ihesus Christ." What counforte hathe any Christian man in aduersytyes /, temptacions /, desperation /, but onely by fayth in Gods Worde ? The Christyan man hathe noo refuge nor helpe to resyst synne /, but onely by Gods Worde /, as our Sauiour Christ dyd /; wherin he must fyxe a sure and constant faythe. Faythe causeth vs and all ours / to be acceptable in the syght of God. For a conclusio??- /: "What soeuer is not of fayth that same is synne." And witliowte a constante and sure fayth /, it is impossyble to please God. All FOR EVILS NOW PREVALENT. 25 men niaye well perceyue / that, by the lawes, and by the iuste execution of them /, although synne may be sin cannot he suppressed except for a tyme cohybyted and restrayned /, yet it can not through faith. be suppressed and abholyshed /, but onely through fayth. For there was neuer more godly lawes made Theie "ever were more goilly for the punyshmente of synne /, nor neuer more iuste laws made, and laws never and godly executyon of lawes admynistred /; and yet were better en- forced than now ; there was neuer more synne raygnynge. l H or cyuyle and yet there , . , z , i r- , nr> was never more lawes made by man / can not be ol greater erJycacye or sin _ strength /, nor worke greater perfectyon, vertue, and good wyll in man /, than the lawe of God: but the God's law does lawe of God not onely worketh no obetlyence or ver- obedience, , , t . ,1 , t i , ■• p j i • nut rather stirs tue /; but rather, through occasyo?* taken 01 the in- men np t0 sin> firmyte of the fleshe j, steareth vp synne, / as sayethe did S with"him! S '' Paul : "I knowe not what Iuste dyd meane /, except Re. vij. the lawe had sayed, thow shalte not Iuste. But synne toke an occasyon by the meanes of the commande- mente /, and wrought in me all maner of co?zcupiscence :/ for verely, withoute the lawe, / synne Avas dead." " I ones," sayth Paul /, " lyued without lawe ; but when the co??imandement came /, synne reuyued, / and I was dead /: and ^e very same commaundement, which was ordeyned vnto lyffe /, was founde to be vnto me an Bo. vij. occasyon of deathe." But nowe, graciouse Lorde /, for asmoche as it appeareth / that the lawe of God was not The Law of God was given, geuen to take awaye synne /, but rather to declare and not to take away, - . but to punish, sin. to puny she synne ; moche lesse any lawe made by man / can auoyde and put away synne. But fayth e is the true instrument appoynted by God /, wherby synne is ouercome & exiled. As the Scripture sayeth /, that Act. xv. "God through faithe / dothe puryfye & make cleane all hartes." Also Christ sayethe /: " Nowe are yow Io. xv. cleane /', by the meanes of the wordes / whiche I haue spoken vnto you." This faythe shall cause /, noryshe, Faith will pro- and breade / true obeydyence /, and all other vertues, true obedience to in your Graces subiectes hartes /; wherby they shall be aiK i man . 26 NEGLECT OF PREACHING. Rom. x. And of this faith the clergy should be ministers ; because it is their duty to teach it to the people sincerely and truly. If they do not, sin will abound, and the people become divided, and perish. Act. XX. i. Pe. v. Mai. ij. Prone, xxix. Sa. xiij. The want of preaching has caused insurrec- tions and com- motions in the realm 5 brought in popish blindness, vain ceremonies, men's traditions, idolatry, and hypocrisy : and all for lack ol a knowledge of the Bible. enforced to laboure, not onely to obserue & kepe Godes lawes /, but also all your Graces ordynances, eom- maundementes, and lawes /, without grudge or mur- muracyon. This fay the, as the Apostle sayeth, " com- methe by hearinge " of Gods Worde preached /; wherof byshops, parsons /, vicars /, & suche other, called to haue spirituall cure /, be ; or shulde be, dylygent myn- isters /; to whose voeatyow iustely parteyneth to declare and publyshe Gods Worde, syneorely & truely, / to all the people co»nnytted to their spirituall charge. Most myghty Pry nee, wherfor, if the pastours appoyntecl to preache & teache Gods Worde/, within this your Graces realme, / doo not dylige?;tly instructe & teache the people co?»mytted to their spirituall charge with the sayd Worde, / accordiuge as tliey be commaunded in the Scriptures, Act. xx., i. Pet. v., and Malache. ii. 1 ; all kynde of synne shall increase and abounde, / & the people vtterly be devyded. As sayethe the Holy Ghoste : " When the worde of God is not preached, the people perysheth." .Also the Wyse Man sayethe : " All men be vayne in whom there is not the knowleage of God." Wherfore, without any doubt, the wsmte and lacke of preaching of Godes Worde syncerely and truely hathe bene the very originall grounde and cause of all the insurrection, / co??miotkm /, [and] dyscention /, which hathe rysen, or begone, within this your Graces realme, or any parte therof. Por through the want of preach yng of Godes Worde synce[re]ly, haue entered in all popyshe blyndenes /, vayne & dead ceremonyes /; me?mes tradycyons be crept into the conscyences of the symple innocentes, in the steade of the lawe of God. Yea, ydolatrye, and all hypocrysye, with detestable superstycyon, for lacke of the lyght of Godes Worde /, is become Gods seruyce. And yet, notwiV/sxandinge this wante & lack of knowleage in Godes Worde & the 1 Orig. .xx. PARTIALITY OF PATRONS. euyll which co?mnethe manyfestly therof /, (the more it is to be lamented /) there be many popishe monckes, Many monks are admitted to l..e which late were abbottes, (to whom not onely vnwor- cure of souls; thely /, but also vniustely /, were geven greate pen- syons) and many of their covent monckes, hauinge having neither learning nor nother lernynge nor other godly qualytyes, (apte, meate, gudiy qualities; or convenyent to be in spirituall pastours) be nowe ad- mytted to haue cure of soules. And some suche wliich some of them . never knew what ded neuer knowe what is a soule /, nor yet be able to a soul is, and certainly haue cure ouer one soule, / be nowe admytted to haue were never able charge ouer an hundreth and many moo /, to the in- souls. „ ,, in • i i 1 i ; This increases crease ot ail yngnora?^cye, and all popishe blyndnes /; ignorance and sin, the hyghe waye & meanes to let in all kynde of synne, / damnation of the to the vtter dampnacion of all the soules commytted to Lo uncharge, their spirituall charge. Alas ! doo nother the patrones Patrons and in- . cumbents do not of suche benefyces /, nor yet the mcumbentes, ponder, regard God's threatenings or regarde, Gods threatenyngs by iris prophete Ezechiell, Eteeh. sayeng : / " As truely as I lyue, sayeth the Lorde, for ^xxllij. asmuche as my shepe are robbed, and deuowred of the wilde beastes of the felde, hauynge noo shepeherde, / and seing that my shepherdes take noo regarde of my byEzekiei, shepe /, but feade them selues onely, / and not my rob His sheep to shepe: Therfore, here the worde of the Lorde, ye shepherdes : / thus sayeth the Lorde God, Beholde, I my selfe will [be] vpon the shepherdes /, and requyre He win require His sheep at their my shepe from their handes /, and make them cease from hands. feadinge of my shepe ; yea, the shepherdes shall feade them selues nomore : / for I will delyuer my shepe owte of their mowthes /, so that they shall not deuoure them after this." If this threatenynge be not suffy- iftheydonot i t i i regard this cient warnynge & monycion to suche blynde shep- threatening, herdes /, yet, at the lest, let them feare Goddes curse f ear the curse i . ,i , ., , -i t pronounced by pronownced in the same chapiter agaynst suche negly- the same prop het, gent and ingnora??t shepherdes ; / sayenge : " Woo be ™woeto S the to the shepherdes of Israeli that feade them selues ! / ShemsSs - 1 Orig. xiiij. 28 NON-RESIDENT MINISTERS You have eaten the fat, but the flock you have not nourished." One shepherd cannot attend two or three flocks, especially when they are far distant. The duty of a good shepherd is to seek the lost, to call back the strayed, to heal t..e broken, and to adventure his life for the defence of the sheep. i. Pe. v. His example, his pains and labours, his humility, his love and care, should be seen by all men. shulde not the shepherdes feade the floeke /'I yow haue eaten vp the fatt, / yow haue clothed yow with the wolle /, the hest fedd haue youe slayne /: but the floeke haue yow not noryshed /." Heauen and erthe shall muche rather perishe /, than these wordes, wherwith God threatened suehe pastours, shalbe found vntrue / ; that is /, " I will requyre rny floeke of the handes of the shepherde." Suerly, most myghty Prynce, it is to busye an office /, to muche and laborouse, for one spirituall shepherde, (althoughe he were very expert and connynge) to guyde, ordre /, and kepe /, two or thre flockes of shepe /, specially beyng so farre dysta?zt one from an other /, that the sayd shepherde can not be dayly present Avith them /, to se the governaunce of them /, whose nature is dayly to falle into dyuerse offences and spirituall dyseases. For the office of a good shepherd is, not onely to feade his shepe in good pasture /, but also to seke the lost shepe /, to call agayne the strayed shepe in-to the ryght waye /, to salue and to make hole the broken which is broken by aduersyte /, the weake and sycke shepe in the faythe /, with the counfortable promyses of God /, declared in the Gospell /, to make stronge & constant ; and, in co?zclusyon, to aduenture his liffe (if nede requyre) for the defence of his shepe /. Ever circu??ispecte, lyeng in wayte / to resyst the roringe lyon /, whiche neuer slepeth /, " goinge abowte and seakynge whome he maye devoure." Suche, I saye, shulde be their dili- gence and dayly cure over their floeke shewed /, that, not onely their shepe /, but also all other /, seing and perceyvinge 1 their greate paynes and labours sustayned and takew for the helpe and counforte of their shepe /, the gentle entertayninge with all pacyence /, humylyte, & meakenes / ; the fatherly love /, cure /, and affeccion, which the said byshops and other pastours shulde 1 Orig. scing and preceyvinge. CANNOT DO THEIR DUTY. 29 daylye shewe /, exercyse, & practyse towardes Christes flocke, commytted to their spiritual! charge ; shall iudge them, not onely good shepherdes, which enter in by the dore, / but also shall receyue & take the?rc to be most gentle /, prouydent, kynde, / & lovinge spirituall fathers. But, most prudent Gouernoure, how shall The non-resident this fatherly cure /, love /, zeale /, & affection /, be show these shewed by the pastoure to his spirituall shepe, which vir ues ' daylye cowcheth and wayteth in your Graces house- holde and courte /, and in other noble & worshipfull me?^nes howses /, attendinge to please men Avhych is called onely to serue God 1 And, not w/t//standinge his callinge to be a shepherde to feade Christes flocke, / he does not visit yet he will scase se and visyte them ones in the yere. onceTyear'" 6 And when he visyteth his shepe /, what ghostely coun- 'ttto^it* cell he geveth them/, God knoweth. But. for the £«■«*«•. ° I ' ' God knows. more parte /, he loketh more to his owne profett than to their wealthe. Alas ! the ambicyouse appetyte & burnynge covetuouse desyre of the yerely cowmody- ties /, profettes, and advauntages of the benefyces /, hathe vtterly extynguyshed and supped vp the spirituall love /, zeale, and affeccion which ought to be in the spirituall shepherdes. So that nowe it is straunge and it is wonderful wonderfull to se, or knowe, one iustely to execute his herd'whTdoes 1 '" offyce. Is this the honowre of any kynge, or of any hls duty ' other gouernowre /, that, vnder the cloke and coloure of hys seruyce /, a byshope or pryste, called to feade the flocke of Christe /, shall leaue the same vntaught /, should a king so and so transgresse the commaundement of Christe for pie"sure S of men? the pleasure of men 1 Haue not kynges and other Kings and rulers rulers sufncyent to endowe their chapelaynes /, w/tAout w^ohav^otiier retayninge suche which haue receyued lyuinge and llvings ' stypende to be in their churches feadinge Christes flock % This is tomoche dishonoure to the higher which is a powers /, agaynste Goddes commaundement & word, to foOie commands retayne an other mans seruaurct. But certenly althoughe ° oc ' 30 THE PRIVILEGES OF CHAPLAINS. Anno .xxi. Henrici .viij. Chaplains to the Royal Family and others may hold two livings, and every duke, marquess, earl, viscount, arch- bishop, bishop, and others, may keep two chaplains. Chaplains may be non-resident, and so may pilgrims. If there had been godly shepherds we never should have agreed to this statute. Are benefices nothing but your Highnes, or other rulers, wolde nother call nor 1 e- tayne suche ambyciouse blynde guydes and couetouse pastours /, yet they their sclfe will, by their fryndes, make importunate sute, and laboure to be in seruice with youre Magestye, and with other rulers. The cause is thys / (one inconuenyence graunted /, many folowe) : there is a la we made in this your noble realme /, that all spirituall parsons of youre counsell maye haue thre benefyces with cure. And all the chaplaynes of the Kynge, / Queue /, prynce /, prynces, or of any of the Kyngs children /, brethren, / sisters /, vncles and auntes /, maye haue lycence to haue two benefyces with cure. Euery duke /, marques /, erle /, vycounte /, archebysshope /, bysshope /, with dyuers other estates, aswell men as women, maye haue two chaplaynes which maye haue two benefyces with cure/. And also dyuerse other degres of scole maye haue euery one two benefyces with cure /; so that ouer one of his cures, althoughe he take the profyttes, yet from that he muste neades be no[n] resydent ; and, peraduenture, to bothe he wilbe no feader nor teacher. And also, in the same estatute, all attendaunce in the courte and all other attendaunces vpon suche noble and worshipfull men which be lycenced to haue chaplaynes, maye be not resydent ; / yea, pylgrymes, in the tyme of goynge and commynge from their pylgrymage, be by that estatute dyspenced to be non resydent. O Lorde, where was the light of thy worde /, which shulde haue bene written in the hartes of the makers of that esta- tute 1 If there had ben godly shepherdes, which had dyligently executyd their office and callynge /, we had neuer wandered so blyndely to agree or consent to the makynge of any suche estatute. Doo we, which thinke vs Christen men, esteame spirifrialt benefyces to be nothinge els but lyvinges to be geuen at owre pleasure to prystes for seruyce done 1 Is not the benefyce geuen PATRONS NEGLECT THEIR DUTY. 31 in respecte of a spirituall offyce to be executyd & done ] livings to be given at pleasure ? Doth not God co???maunde straytely shepherdes to God commands n i n • n i -it nan t shepherds to feade their iiocke dyhgently ? ban man, or any lawe feed their flocks, made by man, dyspence with Gods commaundement 1 can not dispense Lorde, in thy handes be the hartes of all kynges with God ' s ' and other riders /; enlyghten tbeyr hartes, Lorde, with the light of thy worde, that they maye knowe and see this pestylent yll blyndenes /, which so longe hathe caused thy shepe to wander in darckenes. And, when they perceyue it, they maye hatie grace and tyme to reforme the same, to thy glory and the helpe of this realme. And I shall euer desyer of God, and wishe in i desire that my harte, to all suche as be called to be attendaunte only such to any nere youre Magestie, and all other gouernowres /, that spiritual office for any carnall loue /, fauoure /, or affectyon whiche known to them they beare to any man for kyndred /, frendshipe /, luker /, or otherwise /, they doo not make any suche vngodly suytes, petycions, or requestes to your Highnes, or to any other gouernowre, for any parson to be ad- mytted to any offyce, other spirituall or temporall /, whome they doo not certeynly knowe, by most certeyne and sure proues and witnesses /, to be apte /, meate /, to be fit for the duties required, and conuenyent, aswell in lernynge as in condycions /, to excercise, vse, and to occupye suche offyce and rome /, wherunto he, by suche their sute m[ade], / shulde be called /, appoynted, and admy[tte]d (not onely for the shame, rebuke, and troble whiche, vpon dewe examy- nacion had, and founde contrary to their vntrewe sute) myght come and growe to them /; but also for the euyll because of the mischiefs which mcommodyte and pestilent myschef which shall ensewe may arise from to all suche which shalbe commytted to his or their appointments, gouernaunce & charge. Alas, that euer amongest the Alas, that the most godly office Chrysten fiocke, shulde be knowen or sene that suche should become office, which in Christes churche shulde be the most i rdiy dignity, godly /, most necessary /, most spirituall, and most pro- fytable, bothe to the bodye and sowle /, nowe is become 32 IGNORANT MINISTERS and tli e possessor have nether virtue nor godliness ! It is needful to be circumspect in the choice of ministers, and to deprive such as are unfit, because they either cannot or do not execute their office, and put others inlo their places. Such as do not their duty are images, bearing only the name and appear- ance of bishop or pastor, a worldely honowre /, a lordely dygnyte, / a riche, carnal], prowde lyuinge, estate, and countenance /; and the pos- sessor therof, hauinge onely the name of a spirituall minyster /, hut no vertue nor godly qualyte, which of right ought to he in euery suche minister. If this he well pondered and remembred, most mercy full Gouer- nowre, / it is most to he lamented. But seynge this blyndnes hathe so lorcge co^tynewed, & somoch ewill hathe ensewed & folowed therof, in the defaulte of godly pastours 1 /; it is not onely nedefull ahoue all thinges to be circimspect in chosynge ernestly tryed /, experte /, and well lerned ministers to preache Gods worde syncerely /, hut also to compell the same to he demurante, ahydinge, and resydent vpon their cures. And all suche whiche he crepte into benefices for luker & aduauntage, vpon vntrewe suggestion and false fayned sutes made, / which can not or doo not feade their fiocke /, to depryue them of suche benefyces, because they other can not or doo not execute the offyce to that belonginge. Suerly no wyse man lyghteth a cawdell and putteth hym vnder a bushell. And if he set vp a candell (which, other for lacke of talowe or for other cause, can not geue light) shortely he taketh hym downe and putethe an other which can geue good light in his place. So all godly wyse men will order all spirituall lightes, which in dede can not geue godly lighte for lacke of spirituall grace which shulde be in them. For byshops and other pastors, which be chosyne & instytuted co?itrary to the ordynaunce ap- poynted & prescribed by Gods Worde /, which other doo not or can not execute the offyce perteyninge to his or their callynge /, be not godly & trewe byshops, but rather images & idolles, hauinge and bearinge onely the name and outwarde apparance of a byshoppe or pastor. But as concernynge the lernynge, vertue, & 1 Orig. postours. MUST BE DEPRIVED. 60 other godly qualyties whiche parteyne & be of greate and have none of . . the godly necessyte and lustyce requysyte to be in euery godly qualities pastor, / they haue nothinge lesse. For if Christ jf Christ do not (which sayed to Peter "from henceforthe I make the learning and a fysher to catche men") doo not endowe the, offycer before he be 6aCh wyth lernynge /, grace, / power, & good will to preache admitted - his worde, before patrons present hym to any suche spiritual! office ; / the electe and admytted, notwith- standinge the admyssion and patrons presentment, / he shall be con- sidered a shall contynually abyde and remayne an hypocryte /: hypocrite. and suche one, which dothe not enter in by the dore /, loan. x. but presumeth to enter withowte a weddynge garment, / _ . " XX1 3- r J ° O ' I Such a one enters whom Christ condempneth to owtwarde darckenes /, notinb y the and also callethe hym a thef /, whose rewarde, withowte ls without the wedding garment, doubt /, shalbe, at the daye of the laste iudgement, and shall be con- demned at the with thefes j; if he repent not, and reasygne vp hys last. offyce, which he can not execute, fulfyll, and performe. Wherfore I mystruste not but that all suche which Patrons, after reading this book, haue power to present and to admytte theyr clerkes to for the discharge spirituall off'yces, readynge this lytle boke for the dys- science, charge of theyr conscyence, and for the glory of God /, and the good of the common- the commodyte and vtylite of the common wealthe wealth, (which will ensewe the godly presentacyon and admys- sion of well lerned /, approued, & godly clerckes to spirituall offyces) will, from thenceforthe, applye and ought only admit to livings accord- conforme them to the forme and maner of electyon of ing to God's spirituall mynisters appoynted, prescrybed, and lymyt- ted by Godes Worde /, which is this : — That euery which is this, that every man man chosyn to vse any spyrituall offyce /, shulde be shall be first well . - in proved in learn- fyrste well proued, aswell lor theyr lernynge as also lor j ng and virtue. theyr other vertuouse condycions. Fyrst for theyr lernynge, wherwith they muste not onely be able to enstructe and teache the people commytted to theyr spyrytuall charge /, but also able to reproue other which resyst the same doctrine /, with many other godly qualyties. As it apperethe in the fyrste Epistle supplication. 3 34 HOW KINGS AND OTHERS [■£.] Tim. iij. of Paul to Tymothe and also to Tyte. Nowe, moste J " myghty Defender of the Cliristyan religyon /, seinge that Godds Worde hathe prescrybed and declared that Every spiritual euery man, which shalbe called and appoynted to he a first be proved to spyrituall mynister, mnste fyrste he proued and knowen Scriptures, '"' howe godly and spirytually he hathe enstructe and teached the people /; what lernynge he hathe in the Scriptures /, and not in the lawes /, to reproue errours and to condempne heresyes ; what paynes he hathe taken in preachynge Godds Worde /; and also whether and to have given he hathe geuen good example of lyuinge accordinge to good example of living. his doctryne. In this maner euery Christian ought to proue his clerke before he other present or admytt hym. But nowe also, moste benyngne Lorde /, co?isydre of Remember why the co?ztrary parte, & remembre for what causes the your ancestors gave bishoprics, kynges, your noble progenitors in tymes paste, haue and other patrons . gave livings. chosen bysshopps /, cz other patrons haue presented theyr clerckes to personagyes & vicaragyes to haue cure of sowles. These bothe causes well consydered, no man wyll greately rnemell that we haue wandered so Kings have given longe in blyndenes. For, in tymes paste, kynges haue bishoprics to chancellors' geuen theyr bysshoprycks to theyr councellers / chap- chaplains, laynes, whiche haue bene daylye attendauntes m the courte /; which also haue done to them good seruice / as enbasadoures /; or to suche which haue taken paynes to almoners, in theyr householcle /, as amners & deanes of the chap- cioset, and others; pell /, clercks of theyr closett, & suche other officers /; while God's Word where Gods Worde dothe not approue any byshopricke disapproves of all such gifts. to be geue?i to any mam for any suche seruice done /, or for any suche paynes takew /; but onely for the gifte whiche he hathe from God to preache his worde /, & for the paynes & laboures susteyned in preachinge of the sayd worde. And as kynges, in tymes paste, haue Noblemen have abused their giftes of byshoprikes /, so noble men & followed their . example, worshipfull men, aswell of the clergie as of the layete, haue abused their presentacioras to their prebendes, per- HAVE BESTOWED LIVINGS. 35 sonages. & vicarages /; geuing them to their chap- laynes /, or to other, for kyndied in bloude, or for alyaunce ; / or els to suche as haue ben surueyours of and have pre- sented livings thier landes, / receyuoures of their rentes /, stuardes of to surveyors, . receivers of rents, their housholde /, faconers /, gardyners, or to suche falconers, other whoni they fauoure for suche worldely seruice & such ni^'as qualyties. To suche they geue their benefyces as re- r as rewards. wardes or wagies to hyrelynges, for suche seruice done /, or to he done /; hauinge lytle or noo regarde to the great charge and spirituall cure which, by Goddcs Worde, belongeth to all suclie spirituall offices. For kynges and rulers, in tymes paste, had noo lesse know- Kings and ruiers were ignorant of leage of any thynge / then of Godes Worde, which the God's word in times past ; subtyll byshops & crafty prystes were euer studiouse the bishops were , . . , p j n i i ever anxious to and desyrouse to,kepe secrete Irorn the nygher powers, keep it secret. For so longe as Godes Worde was kepte secrete and hyden from gouernours /, so longe the clergye dyd leade, not onely the kynges /, but also, all gouernowres & the co??mions, whyther they wolde. Thys was the This was the policy of the crafty polycye of the clergye /, to kepe the knoAV leage clergy to keep this knowledge of Gods Worde from all men /, that they myght vn- from aii men lawfully and vnworthely be promoted to spirituall they might he cures / and vse the profettes of them vngodly /'; and spiritual cures. that they myght also contynually exercyse their lustes and iniquyties. As Paul say the : " They be agaynste [*.] The. ij. all men ; forbyddinge vs to speake to the people wherby they myght be saued /, that they myght fulfyll their iniquyte and synne contynually." Haue not some of the byshops, with their retynewe, at this daye prac- tysed their olde polycy to extinguyshe the light through all Englande /, that they myght ones agayne leade vs quyetly in darckenes 1 Is not there a lawe made, a law is made through their through their crafte & subtylte, which geueth power to craft appointing commissioners certayne commyssioners, wherof the byshoppes chaun- celer or co?ranyssarye shalbe named to be two of the co??imyssioners /, which shall haue full power to take 36 BOOKS CONTRARY TO THE SIX to receive & burn all books which are contrary to the Six Articles, according to their discretion. The intention is to take away all b mks against the primacy of the Pope, because no one can write against this without touching some of the Six Articles. They punish all who have any learning, calling them heretics, lest the iniquity of the clergy should be known. No man who knows the Scriptures will marvel at this, Juan. iij. because he who does evil hates the light. And since they have contrived to into their custodyc all suche bokes wherin is conteyned any clause or artycle repugnaunte to any of the Syx Artycles, / and the same bokes to burne and dystroye, as to the discretion of thre of them shalbe thoughte ex- pedyent 1 Marke well what they purpose by this estatute. Are there any bokes which write agaynste the Popes prymacie /, but they also write agaynste some of the Syx Artycles? Their coloure is to take awaye all bookes which wryte agaynste the Syx Artycles /; but their very intewte, purpose, and mean- yng is to take awaye all bookes, Avhiche conteyne any godly lernynge, that write agaynste the Byshop of Homes prymacy. Howe cruelly doo the byshops punyshe all them which pretende to haue lernynge, and specially in Godds "Worde 1 Suche they call here- tyques, and persecute with putty nge them to open shame /, with enprysonme?^te /, and, in conclusyo??, with deathe most fearefull and paynefull. All this they doo to dyscorage all men from the studye of Gods Worde / fearinge leaste that, by suche studiouse braynes which learne Gods Worde and publyshe the same, their iniquyte shulde be made manyfest. What studye and paynes they take to kepe the light from the people ! But no man, which knowethe the Scriptures, will meruell of this their policye and crueltye. For Saynt Iohan declare the their practyse playnely, sayenge : " He that doth euyll hateth the light " /; and why 1 because his workes, whiche be euill, shulde not be reproued by the light. And, for asmuche as oure byshops countenau?ice of lyuinge /, their greate posses- syons /, and lordely domynyons in them, agreeth with Godds Worde /, as deathe with lyffe /, God with the- deuill /, light with darckenes /; therfore they hate the light which declarethe the same /, and studye to sup- presse the same by all craft and polycye. And, seinge they can so craftely higgle, and haue suche frendshipe ARTICLES TO BE BURNT. 37 and fauoure 1 to conuey /, [&] brynge to passe / that all get such books into their hands, bookes shall come into their handes vndre the coloure of the Syx Artycles /, it is to he feared that, shortely, they will, by lyke crafte, subtylte and frendshipe, pro- they may also take the Bible cure the JByble in Englyshe to be taken from the from the laity, i i./pj.i iniii-Ti i and then we shall iayete /; & then we snalbe ledd m darckenes by our beiedindark- byshops and other blynde gydes, and not' pastoures, at j^^J^^ theyr pleasure and will /; whiche is the effecte of all theyr study, laboure, and purpose. jSTowe, most vale- aunt Defender of Christ /, it appearethe playnely howe many myseryes we be wrapte in /, through the vngodly electyon of suche as be admytted to haue spirytuall cure and offyce to teache Godds Worde /; whiche not onely haue lytle lernynge /, but also they be enemy es who have little learning, to all men whiche can and doo preache Gods Worde and are enemies r l i j a i / v xi i t0 such as r>"each sy[njcerely and trewly, / because they lyue contrarye God's word. to the same /, as I haue before declared /. And this is This is the cause the origynall grownde and cause of the abundaunce ofsin. and increase of darkenes and of synne /; as also of the longe contynuaunce of popishe blyndnes whiche hathe raigned in this realme so longe. Wherfore, yf the if bishops and byshops, and other elected and appoynted to be shep- pre ach the word herdes accordinge to theyr vocatyon and callinge /, be not fyrste knowen and well proued to haue suche knowleage & godly doctryne /, so that they can, & also doo, instantely & dyligently preache Gods Worde, whiche is the light expellinge all darckenes of synne /, then muste nedes synne encrease & abounde, Avithout sin must increase, any restraynte or brydle. " For if the light whiche is j/ a ^ v - t amongest yow be darckenes /, howe muche shall the theland - darkenes be ! " Youre Grace and your cyuile power doo The civil power punishes sin punnyshe synne /, when it is done and commytted /, committed, as it accordinge to the iustyce of lawes /, as to your vocatyon & office of right belongethe to doo. But the office and but the pastor converts the dewtye of the pastor is to preache Goddes Worde /, sinner who is 1 Oi-ig. fououre. 38 THE ADVANTAGES OF disposed to commit sin; so that, through him, there is less sin, the higher powers have less occasion to execute the justice of the law, and men's l.ves are preserved. Wherefore it appears the good order of the realm depends upon the minis- ters of religion. It behoves patrons to he very careful in the bestowal of their patronage. If they present unfit pastors, such as do not feed the flock committed to them, Ezecli. xxxiij. they consent to the death of souls, wherby he shall connect the hart of the synner /, whiche is willinge & dissposed to doo syrme /, so that he shall not breake fourth e to doo syrme in the acte /, which the cyuyle powre, for the example of other, by equyte and iustyce is bounde to punyshe. Therfore the dyligent executyon of the office of the pastoure shalbe the pryncipall meane and occasyon that lesse synne shalbe commytted ; / and so the higher powers shall haue lesse occasyon to execute the extreame iustyce of lawes /, and, consequently, many mens lyues, whiche nowe for lacke of the knowleage of Godes Worde shuld be loste for co»/myttinge murder /, felonye /, and suche other offences, / shall then be preserued that they shall not commytte suche offences /, which the hygher powers, by the laAves of equyte & iustyce, be compelled to co/adempne and to punyshe with deathe. Wherfore, the godly tranqnyllyte, reste, and peace of all this your realme, soueraygne Lorde /, and the good order of the same, hangeth and resteth moche vpon the godly and dyligent executyon of the office of pastors and of the spiritual! shepherds, dewly called and ad- mytted accordinge to Godes Worde. Therfore it be- houeth the presenter of the clercke to a benefyce and cure of sowles, to be cyrcumspect and well ware what clerke he doth present /: and that he haue good know- leage, experience, and proue of his clercke before he present hym. For, if a pastour doo not feade the fiocke of Christe co?nmytted to his charge /, the deathe of their sowles shalbe required of his handes. As the prophete Ezechiell sayeth in the .xxxiij. chapi. : And if the patron willingely /, other for kyndred /, fauoure /, frendshippe /, seruice, or money /, present a clerke which he knoweth not to be so lerned in Gods Worde /, that he be able to instructe and teache the people co?n- mytted to his charge, bothe •with the lawe of God and Avithe the Gospell /, every suche patron co?zsenteth to A CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. 39 the deathe & dampnacion of the sowles cdnzmytted to the charge of suche vnlemed preste. And th erf ore and will be punished with suche a patron snail also he punyshed with lyke eternal pain, payne /; whiche is eternall /, as the Apostell sayeth : Rom. i. " Not onely they that doo euill /, but also they whiche consent therunto, shalhe punyshed with lyke payne." What wyse man liuynge wolde hyer a shepherde to what man would hire a gouerne hys beastly & worldly shepe, which nother shepherd who ln iipi'i -n i ^ would not feed wolde nor coulde ieade /, handle /, same, nor ones see his sheep? his shepe commytted to his charge 1 Suche a Avyse shepherde wolde shortely make his masters profet come to lytle aduauntage. Surely, a wyse man wolde chose if a wise man were deceived no suche shepherde. And if he were deceyued through by his friends* ,, p c i - n j / . x. 1. persuasion, yet the persuasyon ot some of his irendes /, yet, when he he would soon hathe proued that he hathe no connynge nor dyligence /, f r om Mrservice he will shortely dyscharge hym of his cure and seruice. Shall we be estemed Christen men whiche haue more tender loue and affpctyon to owre corruptyble profett /, than we haue to the honowre of God & the eternall wealthe of tliQ immortal! sowles of owre Christen bretheren /, whom Code commaundeth [vs] to loue as owre selfe 1 Christ ded not commytt to Peter the cure Io. xxi. and charge of his shepe, before he asked thryse of cimst asked Peter whether he loued hym. As who shulde saye, I i v e a Him, before wolde not commytt my best beloued ioywell and trea- His sheep to sure vnto the/, vnlesse thowe loue me hartely. I usciai s e > wolde wyshe that all gouernowres arid riders in this case wolde take example and folowe Christ, whiche, and patrons should follow knowynge tji-e good wyll of Peters harte /, yet as one this example, ingnora^te therof, ded demaunde this question of Peter He knew Peter's n good will, but before he ded commytt tjie cure of his fiocke to hym /; He asked the therby to geue example & common doctryne to all his example to aii ~ faythfull folowers, that they shulde haue suche tender followers, and feruent loue towardes the Christen sowles /, that they wolde not commytt the gouernaunce and cure of them to any man /, but ynto suche of whom they haue 40 IGNORANCE, VICE, AND A pastor without knowledge is but a blind eye, and the patron who chooses him deceives the souls of men. An ignorant bishop cannot do his duty because he does not know the Scriptures. Some are drunkards, players at un- thrifty games; without j ustice, or temperance. By such idle and wicked ones Christ's inherit- ance is trodden under foot. proue & sure knowleage /, that, aswell by their preach- inge & syncere teachinge of Gods Wbrde /, as also by their vertuouse lyuinge co»sonante to the same Worde, they had vnfaynedly a faythfull harty loue towardes Chrystes fiocke. A blynde eye, which can not dyrecte and leade the bodye, is a blemyshe and a burden to the naturall bodye /, and noo commodyte. In lykewyse a man, chosen to be a spyrytuall pastour, which hathe not the knowleage and grace to preache the lawe and the Gospell /, is but a blynde eye, not able to dyrecte and leade the spyrytuall bodye. Wherfore, if any patrow chose any suche ingnorante man to be a pas- toure /, a spirituall eye and light to leade the spirituall sowles /; he not onely deceyueth them, but also, as- moche as lyeth in hym, kyllethe the bodye / and clothe greate iniurye to Christes bloode. Now it maye please yowre Highnes to note and marke what myschef and inconuenyence folowe the electyon and admyssion of an ingnorante pastour. ' Fyrste, if an ingnorante byshope in Gods Worde be admytted /, he can not execute his office because he knoweth not the Scryptures which© teacheth hym what shulde perteyne to his owne office. And as the byshop is ignorante in Godes "Worde /, so he admytteth suche as be vnlerned in Gods Worde /; evyn suche as by noo possybylite can execute the office of their callinge ; idle parsons /, vnhappy / dronck- erdes /, swerers /, common players at all vnthryftye games /, in whom there is no chastyte, / noo humylyte /, iustyce /, nor temperance. For a conclusion, / suche they admytte in whom there is noo holynes /, godly doctryne /, nor good example of lyuinge. To suche they commytte the healthe of sowles /, the fiocke of Christe, dearely bought with his bloode /; by suche ydle and wicked harlottes the enheritaunce of Christe is troden vnder fote. All euyll condycions, maners, 1 Orig. postour. SUPERSTITION OF THE CLERGY. 41 and doctrynes by them be tawght /; so that in the steade of Holy Scripture is crepte in the doctryne of lyes /, all superstycions /, dead & vayne ceremonyes /, and lycence to doo all kyncle of synne. Some of the some of them blynde ignorante prestes teacbe the people that God is are relieved by honowred /, and soules releued of their paynes, through beUs? printing the rynginge of belles /, painting of postes /, and set- ^ttmgup tynge vp tapers and candelles before the sayd postes /, candles ; whom the blynde prestes doo bothe sence & spryncle with holy water. An other sorte of blynde shauelings teache the people to gett heuen with fastynge /; this by fasting on , ., , , . this or that day, prescnpte daye & that daye /, with trentalles and masses of scala celi /; with forbearinge of bodely workes & kepinge ydle holy dayes /. They preache muche and keeping holynes and Gods seruice to stande in their holy oyle /, They say much ln / i 1 j_/ii i /in i holiness stands holy creame /, holy water /, holy asshes /, hallowed in holy oilj bedes /, mumblynge of a numbre of psalmes in Laten /, jjjjj ^^"'3,,^ keapinge of church ales, in the whiche with leappynge, / such . h ^ e > . daunsynge /, and kyssyng, they maynteyne the profett church ales, of their churche (to the honoure of God, as they both saye and thyncke). And thus the blynde leadeth the Thus the blind ...-„.... . . „ lead the blind, blynde /, that both tall hedlonge into the lake ot and both fail eternall brenninge fyer. What naturall harte is there whiche will not lamente the misery /, yea the dampna- cion, most certenly thretenede by Gods Worde vnto all ingnorante, and neglygent bysshopps, and other spyryt- uall shepherdes, which doo not dylygently execute theyr offyce and vocation 1 What honest louinge harte doth not bewayle the habundaunce of synne /, the longe myserable blyndnes, wherin this realme hath ben ledd and wrapped in through the yngnorancye and neglygence of suche blynde guydes 1 But is there any such things make Chrysten harte which can forbere contynuall syghinge mourn when and mornynge /, remembringe the multytude, yea, the tr!rhu™mber infynyte numbre, of sowles (whiche without the greate ^utterly' 10 ' mercye of God, passinge all his worckes) through ing- damned - 42 MISCHIEFS ARISING FROM The country is overburdened with priests of one sort or another. These idle parsons are no good, but a harm to the State; they are robbers of the king's subjects, who are deprived of the alms of many in the hope that prayers avail for the dead. Many are en- couraged to live wickedly by an ungodly trust in masses and dirges. norancye & neglige/zee of suche blynde shepherdes /, be vtterly cast awaye & dampned 1 "What good cyuyle harte wolde not, I saye, lament and bewayle the greate burden wherwith this your realm e (gracyouse Lorde) is ouercharged through the greate multytude of chauntery prestes /, soule prestes /, chanons /, resydensaryes in chathedrall churches /, prebendary es /, muncke pen- cyons /, niorowe nifts prestes /, vnlerned curettes /, prestes of gyldes and of fraternytees, or broth erhedes /, rydinge chaplaynes j and suche other ydle parsons H whyche yf they be well noted /, and also what frute spryngethe of them, indyfTerewtly valewed /, con- sydered /, and pondered, / it will appere manyfestly to all reasonable and godly wvttes /, that they do brynge noo marier commodyte, j)rofett, or ytylyte, other spyrit- uaJi or temporal!, to this your publycke wealthe. No /, no /! They be not onely no commodyte nor profett to the common wealthe /, but rather moche hynderance. And truly no lytle wasters /, spoylers /, and robbers /; and that of the most poore /, indyge^t, and neadye of youre louinge subieetes /, which be most craftely /, subtelly /, and vnrightuousely depryued of the charyt- able succoure and almes of many symple, vnlerned innocentes /, through a vayne hope and false confyd- ence that theyr sowles shulde be releued and released of theyr paynes and tormentes dewe for theyr synnes /, when they be departed this worlde /, by the longe prayers of prestes. And (the more it is to be lamented) noo lytle nombre of your subieetes, through suche vngodly truste and confydence in masses and dyryges to be songe and celebrated for them when they be dead /, be greatly encoraged to lyue both wickedly to- wardes God /, and also vnfrutefully towardes the worlde /; lytle remembrynge and estemynge their vocacion & callinge, wherin God hath appoynted them to walke /, and moche lesse the extreame necessyte of AN IGNORANT PRIESTHOOD. 43 their Christen bretheren. This vayne hope in the Tie hope m the loHge prayers of prestes (no doubt, graciouse Lorde) is is a cause of „ , poverty amongst a greate occasyon ot mocne pouerte amowgest the poore the poor, and neady of this yowr realm e. For the spedy remedy of this pouerte amongest your louinge subiectes /, and the vtter suppressyon of suche vayne hope in the prayers of prestes to be made for your subiectes when they be deade /, Avhiche is the greate cause of this myserable pouerte /, it may please your Magestye, of your accustomed goodnes, to call to your graciouse remembra?2ce that all the people, of this your regyon, while the people be subiect vnto yowr gracyouse power /, rule /, and underthe dominion, as vnto their supreme hedd and gouernowre, k °™. Mono * e dewly by God appointed to gouerne them one]y durynge their naturall lyues /; but when it pleaseth God to take their sowles owt of this myserable worlde, / than yowr when they a\e, Grace is dyscharged of all gouernance /, cure, & charge charged of ins ouer them /, as of suche which, after their death, doo caie over not appertayne to yowr Grace /, nor be of your kynge- dome /; but onely of the kyngedome of God /, vnder his gouernance, prouisyon, and rule. Into the which e kyngedome, nother your Grace nor noo other erthely No earthly prince prynce,maye lawfully vsurpe or take any rule, prouisyon, authority over care or gouernance /, for the sowles entered therunto. Seinge that your Grace haue no auctoryte nor power ouer the sowles departed /, yow be not onely dys- charged to gouerne, to care, or to prouyde for them, beinge deade /; but moche rather to prouyde that they The kin** must , i ^ t ij.1 i _£*i see that the maye not be deceyued so vnder the coloure ol longe people are not prayre /, but that they may be taught syncerely Godds J^g 61 ™^ b "Worde, whyle they be lyuinge vnder your subiection, * au g nt > so that they maye beleue constantly and lyue godly /; and then, by Christes promesse, hell gates shall not and then the prevayle ageinste them /: moche lesse they shall haue S h a n not prevail any neade of suche straunge succoure and helpe of a s ainsttiem - men /, nothinge appointed nor tawght by Goclds Worde, EVILS ARISING FROM THE When you treat for the reforma- tion of abuses, reform all which have no strength in God's Word. All lands and possessions taken from religious houses should be given to support common schools, and to relieve the poor while they live under the king's subjection. This would be better than to allow these possessions to be used under a pretence of re- lieving departed souls. to be profitable or necessary for their sowles after their death. Wherfore, I mistraste not but that your Magestye, when you shall next intreate for the reform- acion of the enormytyes & abuses sprongen vp in the Christen religio?* /, yow will godly reforme suche abuse and dissembled couetuousenes /, and certeynely beinge no godly remedy nor helpe for sowles departed, which hathe noo strengthe nor effycacy of Gods Worde /, which is the very trew fowndacion of all the Christen religion and helpe for sowles. And, in the meane season, I doo no lesse thynke, and also pray hartely to God, that your Magestye will prouide and make ordin- aunce /, that all suche landes and possessyons, where- vpon so many ydle hypochrytes and deceyuers be greate burdeyn & charge to your realm e /, which hytherto haue lyued vngodly and vnprofytablely /, maye, from henceforthe, be partly conuerted to the supportation and mayntenaunce of common scoles /, wherby errours crepte vp through ingnora??ce maye be through know- lege repressed /, and godly lernynge and knowleage more ple^tuousely planted and admynistred /; and partely that your poore louing subiectes maye be more mercyfully releued & succoured /, whyle they lyue vnder your subiection, charge, and gouernaunce. This godly dystrybution (most prudent Soueraigne) of the landes and possessions, ordeyned and appoynted for the counforte, soccoure, and helpe of yowr poore louinge and lyuinge subiectes /, is moche more consonante and agreable to Godds Worde, and more certeyne dyscharge of your Graces co??scyence, then to suffer the same pos- sessyons to be vngodly caste awaye and consumed vnder suche false colowre and pretence to releue sowles departed /; of whom your Magestye haue nother cure nor charge /, nor can not assure to them, by Godds Worde, through suche longe prayers of prestes, relesse of paynes after their deathe /, or any other ayde, coun- DOCTRINE OF PURGATORY. 45 forte, or succoure. For, with owt any doubt (gracyouse Lorcle) yf suche hyred prayers had ben godly and if prayers for the dead had been necessary for the sowles departed /, other Christ or his necessary, Apostelles wolde haue taught it /, or, at the leaste, haue have said so. praysed or practysed it /; & not so manifestly reproued & thretened it /, sayeng : — " Beware of them whiche Marc. x\j. deuoure wyddowes howses, vnder coloure of longe prayers J; theyr iudgment shalbe moche longer." In all the Newe Testament there is no mencyon made of There is no men- _ tion of them in any suche offycer, nor offyce instytuted, nor appoynted, the New Testa- to praye for the deade. And yet all men, I thynke, "will confesse that the truethe of Godes Worde was most syncerely set forthe and preached in the tyme of Chryste & of his Apostles /; in whose tyme there was The Apostles taught no such no suche craftye lernynge puhlyshed nor taAvght by thing. them /, nor longe tyme after. But then men stablysshed and grownded their religion and hope of healthe vpon Godds Worde /, whiche teacheth vs that who so be- He who believes has no need of leueth is saued, and hathe no neade of longe, prystishe priests' prayers, prayers /; and who so beleueth not /, shallbe co?i- dempned. Betwene these extreame contraries there is no meane /; as Saint Augustijn saieth. Wherfore I Note here S. exhorte all them (whiche contrary to all Holy Scrip- , / entvteled tures) truste to the thyrde place, and there to haue Hypogtw&U- release of paynes through the longe prayers of prestes ; / Wner g for e T that they wolde geue ouer suche fayned fantasye of « xhort a11 who ■/ <-> ^ d believe in men (subtylly ymaeined only through insaciable couet- Purgatory to v J ° J ° J ° leave their vain uousenes of ambiciouse prestes, to gett mony therwith fancy, to mainteyne their vngodly lustes /, and to lyue ydlely and delycately) and to truste rather to the sure and and trust J J ' to the infallible infallyble trewthe of Godds Worde /, which, wi't/iowt truth of God's Word. doubte, is to repent and beleue /, and vtterly to forsake all synne / ; and than constantly to trust to Goddes promesse of mercy. Here manifestly apperethe, soueraygne Lorde /, in what miserable blyndnes the most parte of this your realme haue lo?/ge tyme be[n] 46 DANGER IN STUDY OF POPERY. All men must lament the miserable blind- ness of such shepherds. I trust the punishment with which the world was threatened Amos. viij. is past — a punish- ment of hunger and thirst for God's Word. Luce. i. It is dangerous to admit for ministers such as have studied popish laws ; they will poison the flock and increase popish power. [* leaf 22] It is hoped all men will now see the evil of ad- mitting unlearned and carnal priests to spiritual offices. led /, yea, and allmost drowened, through the longe custome vsed theryn. Who is it that can not lament (I saye) this deplorate & miserahle sorte of blynde shepherdes t Be not they bowght with the same pryce wherwit/i we be bought, to be membres of one bodye, wherof Christ is heade 1 If we be membres of one bodye, certenly Ave can not then but taste and feale, not onely their euill /, but also the lamentable estate of al other caste awaye through them. Lorde, I truste the punyshement is past Avherwith thow haste threatened the worlde to be punished with hunger and thryste ; not with hungre and thryste of breade and drincke /, but for lacke of hearinge thy Worde. Yt is nowe tyme, Lorde, to shewe thyne accustomed goodnes & mercye /, for the whiche we doo dayly and hartely praye /, sayenge : " Through the tender mercy of God, wher- with he hathe vysyted vs /, geue light to vs which sytt in darcknes and in the shadowe of deathe /, to guyde our feate into the waye of peace." Also it is a daunger- ouse thinge to admitte one to be a spirituall pastoure, whose professyon and study all his youthe hathe ben in decrees and popishe lawes. For suche a study, for the most parte, inge^dereth a popishe harte. If any suche be admitted to be a pastoure /, he shal not onely, other secretly in confessyon or by some other crafty meanes /, poyson his flocke with mans tradycio«s & popishe doctrine /, but also shall augme?zt the popishe power /; for the abrogacion * wherof yowr Grace and yowr honorable Councell haue taken greate paynes & travayle. Nowe, eftsones, I. truste that all men, which reade this lytle boke, shall perceyue therby what in- conuenyence & dampnable euyll enseweth the vngodly presentacyon and admyssyon of the vnlerned in Godds Worde /, and carnall prestes to spyrituall offices. 2 1 This page is transposed in the orig., and stands where the next one should be. u Orig. officers. HOW BISHOPS LIVE. 47 And althouglie suche patrons haue lytle zeale and loue Although patrons x ii i ti-i in / n have little zeal, to the common and publike wealths /, yet for the syngnler and carnall loue which they beare to their clerkes (whom they addycte and bynde surely to eternall dampnacion /, if they gene them suche spyrit- uall offyces /, whiche they neyther can nor will execute and perfourme) or for the tender zeale and loue which they haue to the sowles so derely bought tyith Christes bloode /, they wyll, wyth all circumspection, prone it is hoped they ii j-iii i t Hi i wil1 examine theyr clerkes that they be not onely Avell lerned m clerks, and so Gods Worde /, but that they also haue taken greate they are well paynes in preachynge the same /, and that they haue aine " also lyued accordinge to their preachynge. Suche experymeret and proue was commaunded to be made of weddowes /, before they were admytted to lyue vpon the charge of the congregacyon, as it appearethe in Tymothy. *Muche more than euydent and sure proue i. Ti. v. of pastours (whose offyce is soo necessarie) shulde be hade and made before they be admytted to their spyrit- uall offyce and charge. And, althouglie the election of it bishops he the byshop and of other spirituall pastors in euery poynte be hade and done accordinge as I haue before wryteft /, yet (most dread soueraigne Lorde) I see two yet there are twc more evils be- fowle deformytes and grete lamentable myschefes longing to them : — annexed to the vocacyon & offyce of byshops /, which, not refourmed, will poyson and vtterly corrupte the godly vocacion and electyon of the sayd byshops. The one infection and pestylent poyson is there greate lord- i. Their great p lordships, ships and domynions, with the yerely prouentes ot the and the rents same. Whiche hathe so fasshyoned them in proude them.° countenaunces and worldely behauoure /, that nowe they be moste lyke to heathen prynces, and moste vn- They live like lyke vnto Christe /, althoug[h]e they wolde be esteamed of all men to be his trewe successours /; yet poore Christ 1 This page from here is transposed ; in the original it pre- cedes the one just given. 48 SECULAR DUTIES OF BISHOPS. sayethe : — " The foxes haue hooles /, the hyrdes of the but" Poor ayre haue neastes /, but the sorme of man hathe not Christ " had not . where to lay wherm to laye his head.' But oure hyshops haue They have gorgeouse & sumptuouse buylded howses, maners, & pail's fun of deer; caste H es > pleasauntely set abowte with parckes, well andothfr' replenished with deare /; warrens swarniinge full of pleasures. conyes /, and fyshe poo!es well stored with dyuerse kyndes of fyshes. And not onely these commodities and pleasures /, but also diuerse other pleasures. Howe this lordely and worldely byshoplike estate agreeth with Christes wordes /; I thinke a man can not reason- ably conyecture or ymagen, by theyr countenaunce and lyuinge /, that they be Christes trewe disciples. The 2. They have too other myschefe and euill is, that they haue to many many cures and < <•<■ -, i -,-, . .-, , too much worldly worldly cures and busenes. I 1 or to these maners and They manage lordeshipes belonge many tenauntes /, for whose leases ainhefr detail" • *° ^ e mh & e i fynes and haryottes to be appointed and taken /, amercyamentes to be assessed, taxed, & also forgeuen and dispenced /, there be noo fewe sutes made must hear testa- to my lorde byshope /; also the hearinge of testa- mentary causes, , . , „ , divorce suits, mentorye causes /, dyuorses /, causes of matrimonye /, of sclaunders /, of leacherye, / adultery /, and pun- and such other yshement of bawedrye /; and suche other bumme matters not belonging to their courte matters, wherof not one belong to his offyce & My lord is so vocation appointed by Godds Worde. My Lorde thesTthings that Byshope is so occupyed & vnquyeted /, that he hathe timTto^study or no ° leasure to studye nor to preache Gods Worde. to preach. -g u ^. suc j ie a ff a y res anc l worldly busynes, nothing per- teyninge to his vocation, be very greate hynderanee and lett to my Lorde Byshop, that he can not applye Mat. v[i~\. hym to exercyse his owne offyce. "For no man can serue two masters," sayeth Christ. The Apostles thought it not iuste and ecpiall to prouide for the Art. vi. necessary lyuinge of the poore /, leauinge Godds Worde vntawght. But my Lorde Byshoppe, doinge these things, nothing perteyniuge to his office /, thincketh HOW THEY USE THEIR RICHES. 49 that he hathe exactely done his offyce. From these greate maners commeth yerely, greate rentes, pleasures, His great income & profettes /; which, althowghe they be the good crea- heart to trust in tores of God /, yet thabundaunce of them (beinge nim " socoriup where they be more impedyment than helpe) be a greate occasyon of corrupcion in the vser of them. And, peraduenture, they wolde allure and intyse a byshops harte to truste in them and so corrupte hym /, as the Scripture sayeth : — "Blessed is the ryche, " Blessed is the ... rich who is which is iounde withowt blemyshe, & hathe not gone found witiiout „, , , it- i ii blemish, and has alter golue, nor hoped, m money and treasures /; where not gone after is there suche a one and we shall commende hym and gold: call hym blessed /; for greate things dothe he amonge for he does his people." And if my Lorde Bysshoppe shulde geue among his" the superfluyte of his goodes to the poore (whose jgjji 6 ' goodes iustely they be) as the prophete Ezay sayethe /, Esa. iij. than my Lorde shulde lacke them to furnyshe his lordely countenaunce /; and so my Lorde shulde loose his lordely honoure and prayse of the worlde. "VVher- fore, as these superfiuouse possessions be annexed to estates of bysshops, by mans vayne fantasye and not by Gods Worde /, so my Lorde Byshoppe wyll other The bishops use keape them to make hym more fryndes/, remembrynge ma ke Mends, that " ryches makethe many fryndes /, but the poore is forsaken of his neyghbowre"/; or deuyse the exspence of them contrary to Godes Worde /, other to make or to bribe those about the court ; sure fryndes in the courfce aboute the kynge, to obteyne more promocions & benefices /, or in curiouse buyld- or else in building, fine living, inge /, sumptuouse and delycate fare /, well appareled seruauntes /, tryme decked horses, to ryde pompecusely servants, horses, and riding like lyke a lorde. Althoughe there were no auctorite to lords, proue this /, yet the lordely countenaunce & fasshyon of byshops /, yea, their common exercyse and also practyse, care well proue and testyfye this playnely be- fore the face of all men, which knoweth the lordely- nes of bysshopps. As the prophete Ezay sayethe : — Esa. iij. SUPPLICATION. 4 50 THE PRIDE OF THfcJ BISHOPS. All which are opposed to the saying of the Apostle, I. Tl. vi. " When we have food and raiment Jet us be content." Lu. xxij. Peter tells bishops to feed the flock of God; taking the over- sight willingly and with a godly mind. But the proud countenance of our bishops is contrary to all this. Math. xij. And so long as this is so, they cannot sin- cerely and truly Horn. x. preach. loan, xx} Christ was sent to preach, and He sent His disciples to do the same. " The chaungynge of their countenaunce bewrayeth them /, yea they declare theyr owne synnes them selfes as Sodomytes /, and hyed them not." Doo not these thinges fayntely agree with the sayenge of theyr pre- decessour, Paule the Apostle, which sayeth : — " When we haue foode and raymente we muste be contented 1 " Is not this lordely honoure dyrectely agaynste Chrystes wordcs /, which sayethe : — " The kynges of nacyons raygne ouer them / and they that haue auctoryte ouer them are called graciouse lordes. But yow shall not be so." Also Peter speakethe to his trewe suc- cessoures sayenge : — " Feade yow Christes fiocke as- muche as lyeth in yow /, takynge the ouersyght of them ; not as compelled theranto /, but wyllyngelye /, after a godly sorte /; nor for the desyer of fylthy luker /, but of a good mynde /; not as thoughe yowe were lordes ouer the paryshes /, but that yowe be an example to the fiocke /', and that withe good will." But owre lordely byshops estate, and proude counten- aunce of lyuynge (as it is nowe vsed) is contrarye to Godes Worde /, as it appearethe by these wordes : — "But yow shall not be so." And also by these sayengs : — " Not as thoughe yow were lordes ouer the paryshes." And Chryst sayethe : — " He that is not with me /, is agaynste me." Wherefore, so longe as they raigne so lordely in the clergie, contrary to Godds Worde /, so longe be they againste God. And so longe as they be agaynste God /, they be not sente from God /, and then can they not preache trewly and syncerely his worde. " For howe can they preache excepte they be sente ? " sayeth Paul. Christe was sente to preache, as it appear- ethe. Marc, i., Luce, iiij., and Ezaye. lxi. And Christe fayeth to all his trewe dysciples : — "As my Father sente me /, so I do sende yow." And commaundeth also all his Apostles, & trewe successors of the Apostles, to 1 Orig. .5j. NEGLECT OF SPIRITUAL DUTIES. 51 preache the Gospell to the holle worlde, and not lordely to raigne in the clergye. Whom Paul teacheth to he as mynisters /, sayeng : " Lett a man this wise esteame vs /, euyn as the mynisters of Christe and the stuardes i. Cor. iiij. of the secretes of God." To preache the Gospell ther- To preach the gospel is the fore (most gracyouse and prudente Lorde) is the trewe vocation of ail vocacyon and offyce of all godly byshops /, parsons /, parsons." vycars, and of other shepherdes j; and not to he en- ami not to be . ambassadors or hasadowrs to prynces, / nor to he mdges to here matters judges. of contencyon, / testamentarye causes /, dyuorses /, sclaunders, / bawdery /, and suche other. Your Grace hathe, of your laye fee, suffycient bothe in lerninge, There are plenty and wysedonie, and of good conscyence, to here and learned and wise . -. , / j i i enough to hear iudge suche causes and varyaunces /; remyttynge by- and judge such shops to attende their offyce and vocacyon by God (and leaving bishops to not by man) appoynted. And therfore they shulde not ^JJ^ 81 * excercyse any other offyce than God hathe appoynted to them. For " no man can serue two masters." And Mat . vi. if byshops and other pastoures wolde dyligently execute theyr vocacyon and offyce /, moche fewer of these matters of contencyon shalbe in vre and experience, other to be harde or iudged. Seinge the Scriptures commaundeth so ernestly euery man to walke as he is called, many Christen men meruell gretly why the by- Men marvel why bishops strive shops desyre and procure so greadely to exercyse the after other office", lt , , . . , i /iii and leave their offyce perteynmge to an other vocacyon /, and to feue own vocation their vocacyon and offyce (appoynted by God to them ™P erformed - to be exercysed) not executed nor performed and done. Yerely bycause they lone the glorye of men / more loan, xii. 1 then the glorye of God. And surely euen as Cayphas cauS e they love i A T. ■ t_ i i j-T, £C the praise of men and Annas, bemge byshops, and exercysynge the offyce m01 .g than the of seculer and temporall iudges, ded iudge Christ to be P ralseofGoJ - crucifyed /, so owr byshops, so longe as they, contrarye to their callynge, doo exercyse the offyce of temporall iudges /, so longe shall they persecute Christe and his 1 Orif<. ix. 52 FASHIONS IN DEESS. There is business enough to em- ploy them in their own office. Sin reigns everywhere Costly apparel and change of fashions have made men who once could main- tain 20 or 30 yeomen, and comfort many poor, now scarce able to maintain their own house- holds. These two things costly apparel and varj-ing fashions, especially of the women, are the chief cause of this altered state of things. Men are com- pelled to sell their lands, or get in debt. They have to burden their lands with provision for children who should have been provided for during life. menibres /, aud studye to suppresse his worde /, and not to preache the same. Haue not they busynes suffycyent, wherwith to occupye them in their owne offyce ] If they wolde loke well therunto /, doo not they see on euery syde detestable synne raigne through- owt all this your realme ? Is there not suche excesse and costelynes of apparell /, bycause of dyuersyte and chauwge of fasshyons, that scarce a worshipfull mans landes, which in tymes paste was wonte to fynde and maynteyne twenty or thirty tall yowemen /, a good plentyfull howsholde for the releyfe and counforte of many poore and neadye /; and the same nowe is not suffycyent and able to maynteyne the heyre of the same landes /, his wiffe /, her gentle woman or mayde /, two yowmen /, and one lackey 1 The pryncypall cause herof is their costly apparell /, and specially their manyfolde and dyuerse chaunges of fasshyons whiche the man, and specially the woman, muste weare vpon bothe headde and bodye. Somtyme cappe /, somtyme hoode /; nowe the Frenshe fasshyon /, nowe the Span- yshe fasshyon /; than the Italyan fasshyon /, and then the My lien fasshyon /; so that there is nco ende of consumynge of substaunce, and that vaynely, and all to please the prowde folyshe man and w omens fantasye. Hereof spryngethe great myserye and neade. The fa- thers consumynge theyr goodes in vayne / pryde /', and wanton lustes (called vpon by yowr Grace to serue yowr Magestye for the defence of this yowr realme) haue not to doo their dewtye /; wherby they be com- pelled to sell theyr landes /, or els to burd eyrie their fryndes /, or els to daunger them selfe in dette to many. Hereof rysethe it that the father is compelled to declare his will vpon hys landes to be executed after his deathe (when he can not occupye the same hym selfe) for the aduauncement and helpe of his children, and the pay- ment of his dettes /, whom easely he myght in his lyffe VICES AMONG THE PEOPLE. 53 liaue aduaunced, holpen, and dyscharged /, yf suche ryotuouse expenses had ben auoyded. The prophete Osee sayethe : — " There is noo trewethe /, no ruercye /, Ose. iiij. no knowleage of God in earthe /; cursynge /, lyenge / murdre, thefte /, adulterye, hathe broken in" /; and yet doo owre shepherdes holde theyr peace. What com- Drunkenness, swearing by messacyon /, dronckenes /, detestable swearinge by all Christ's Body, the partes of Christes bodye (and yet callynge them in scorne " huntinge othes ") extorcyon /, pryde /, couet- pride, and vice uousenes /, and suche other detestable vyce, raigne in realm, this yowr realme /; agaynste the whiche owre byshops, against which bishops and and other pastoures, shulde contynually crye owt /, as pastors should the Prophete sayethe : — ■" Crye nowe as lowed as thow Em -^^ i canste /, leaue not of /, lyfte vp thy voyce lyke a trom- spare not - pett /, and shewe my people their offences, and the howse of Iacob their synnes." But, alas ! they be be- But, alas! they come bothe blynde and dome /, as the Prophete say- duml) , ethe : — " His watchmen are all blynde ; they haue all Esaye Ivi. 2 together noo vnderstandinge /, they are all dome dogges, not able to barcke /; they are slepye /, folyshe are they, and lye snortinge /. They are shameles dogges and shameless. that be neuer satysfyed. The shepherdes also in lyke maner haue no vnderstandinge /; but euery man turn- ethe his owne waye /, euery one after his owne couet- uousenes, with all his powre." What is the cause that why don't the they doo not execute this their offyce 1 Other bycause their office*? " ° tbey can not /, or bycause they haue somoche worldely busynes that they will not, apply them selfes to per- fourme bothe. Or els they be afrayed to speake the trwethe /, lest they shulde dysplease men. Whom Paul reproueth sayenge : " If I shulde please men, I Gal. i. shulde not be the seruaunte of Christe." Also the Prophete sayethe : — ■" God breakethe the bones of them Psal. Uj. s whiche studye to please men j; they be confounded /, 1 Orig. v. 2 Orig. lxvi. 3 53rd in A. Version. 5i MISCHIEFS ARISING FROM THE They love their possessions ; they will not displease men; they will main- tain their pride, and will continue in it; Esa. [Ix^vj, and so long as they continue in wealth and honour they will not do their duty, but rather per- secute the Bible which declares what their duty When the Pope was first endowed with great pos- sessions, a voice was heard — "Now poison is cast into the Church of God." So long as honour and wealth are annexed to bishopries, because the Lorde dispyseth them." Notwithstandynge, owr hyshops loue so well their greate domynions, wher- by they maynteyne their lordely honoure /, that they will not dysplease men with preachynge the treuth /, lest they shulde then loose their greate possessyons /; and, consequently, their lordely glorye. But surely as longe as they possesse theyr greate domynions /, so longe they wyll contynewe and maynteyne their pryde. And so longe as they contynewe in pryde /, so longe they shall not receyue the Holy Ghoste /, whiche shall teach them to speake the treuthe. "For vpon whom shall my Sprete reaste " (sayeth the Prophete Esaye) " but vpon the meake and lowely /, and vpon hym which fearethe my sayengs." Also the Prophete say- eth : " God resysteth the prowde /, and vnto the meake and lowely he geuethe his grace." "Wherfore, so longe as the byshops contynewe in this worldely wealthe and honowre /, so longe will they neuer do their dewtye and offyce /; but rather persecute the Worde of God whiche declarethe and shewethe what is their offyce and their dewtye. And so longe as they do not exer- cyse their offyce and vocatyon /, but doo persecute the Worde and suche as syncerely preache the same /, so longe shall synne increase. " For if the eye be wicked /, all the body shalbe full of darcknes." For euen as at suche tyme when the Byshoppe of Eome was fyrste endowed with greate possessyons /, a voyce was harde /, seyinge : — " Nowe venome and poyson is caste and shed forthe into the churche of God." In lykewyse, no doubt, most godly Gouernoure /, semblable voyce and sayenge maye be veryfyed in and vpon all the churche of Englande /, sythen yowr byshops were endowed with so greate possessyons and lordely do- mynions. No doubt, gracyous Eorde /, so longe as grete lordely domynions /, worldely honours and wealthe /, be anexed and knyt to the vocacyon and WEALTH AND HONOURS OF BISHOPS. 55 offyces of byshops and other pastours /, these myscheues these mischiefs • will follow. & inconuenye«ces shall euer ensue & iolowe. lyrste the moste prowde and ambycyouse /, the moste couet- The proudest will seek the uouse and wycked, / which other by money, frendshyp, benefice for its . honours, or nattery, can obtayne Hie benefyce /, wyll laboure with all study and polycye to gett the benefice, / only for the world ely honoure, and not for the zeale and loue which he shulde haue to enstructe and teache the and not to teach . the people ; people commytted to his cure and charge. And for the profett which belongethe and apperteynethe to the same benefyce /, they wyll dyssemble humylyte and he win feign humility, and despeccyon of all worldely profettes and pleasures /, so seem to despise n / i i n i i7 all worldly profits colorablye and subtelly /, that yt shall be very harde and pleasures. for youre Magestye, or any other hauynge aucthoryte, to geue benefyces, to perceyue them. And when they But when he has haue obteyned the benefyce /, than euery Christen man christian win shall well perceyue that he hathe not entered in by the Centered in dore ; that is, for the zeale and loue, to doo and execute y e oor ' the offyce /, but hathe clymmed vp and assended by a nother waye ; / that ys, for the Inker and honoure annexed to the offyce. And than certenly, whosoeuer assendeth and enterethe in by a nother waye /, can not and is therefore only a thief and be but a thefe /, by daye and by nyght ; / whose study a robber, I/ill/ t i whose study and laboure muste be to steale /, kyll /, and to destroy. mU st be to steal, As Christe (whose wordes muste euer be true) sayethe : ' ' an — " The thefe commethe not but to steale, / to kyll /, loan. x. and to destroye." So that, so longe as so moche worldely profett and honoure belongethe to the bene- fyce, so longe wyll he that, for wante and lacke of lernynge can not doo the offyce /, and also the moste couetuouse and proude, / wyll laboure to haue the offyce /, whereby the people commytted to his cure /, The people win ii/ i i i-/-~ii De untaught, shall not onely be vntawght 1 /, and not lerned m Gods and those who Worde /, but also all they which can preache and teache Godds "Worde and loue the same, / by suche 1 Orig. vntawgth. 5G POSSESSIONS AND DIGNITIES OP will be persecuted and tormented. It is easier to gather grapes of thorns than of such greedy thieves to have any Christian religion. Seeing all these things, bound to take away from bishops and other spiritual minis- ters all their superfluous pos- sessions and worldly cures ; and, this done, to appoint such as can preach and Lave preached ; and to remove all such as will not. The poison being removed, faith shall in- crease and sin decrease ; a worldely wolfe /, shall be extremely persecuted and tormented. For he can not hut steale /, kyll /, and destroye /, and vtterly ahhore /, and hate the godly /, as Christe sayethe : — " Yf you were of the worlde /, the worlde wolde loue his owne. But because you be not of the worlde /', but I haue chosen you from the worlde /, therfore the worlde dothe hate you." No doubt a man shall moche rather vpon thornes gather grapes /, and ypon brambles and bryres gather fygges, / than of soche gredy theues to haue any Chrysten relygyon, other setforthe /, preached, / or stablyshed. Wherfore (moste redoubted Prynce) seinge that theyr greate pos- sessyons /, ryches /, worldely offyces /, cures /, and busy- nes /, be the impedyment and let that they do not execute theyr vocacyon and offyce /, whiche is so godly, profyt- able, and necessarye for this yoAvr common wealthe /; yowe beinge owr soueraigne Lorde and Kynge (whom God hathe called to gouerne this yowr realme /, and to redresse the enormytyes and abuses of the same), by all iustyce and equyte are bounden to take awaye from byshoppes and other spirytuall shepherdes suche super- fluyte of possessyons, and ryches, and other seculer cures, busynes, and worldely offyces /, whiche be the cause of moche synne in them /: and no lesse occasyon whereby they be letted to execute their offyce /, to the greate losse and hynderance of moche faythe, vertue, and goodnes /, which myght be admynistred to your subiectes /, through the trew preachynge of Godes "Worde. And that done /, than circumspectly to take heade that none be admytted to be pastoures, / but suche as caw preache, and haue preached syncerely Godes Worde. And all suche as will not /, to remoue them from theyr cures. This godly ordre obserued in the electyon of spirituall pastoures /, and the pestylent poyson moued and taken away from theyr vocatyon /, faithe shall increase /, and synne shall decrease /; trewe BISHOPS TO BE TAKEN AWAY. 57 obedience shall be obserued wyth all humylite, to your Magestye and to the hygher powers by your Grace appoynted in office. Cyuile quyetnes, reste, and pea- ce shalbe stablyshed /, God shal be feared, honoured, and lo- ued /, whiche is theffec- te of all Chri- sten lyuin- peace shall be established, and God shall be honoured. (m") OLorde, saue our moste soueraygne Lorde, Kynge o Lord, save Henry the Eyght /; and graunte that he may ones m ay he once feel throughly feale and perceyue what m'yserable calamyte, f rom ^ e ^ cr sorowe, & wretchednes we suffer now in these dayes a tyrant8- brode in the countre j , by these vnlerned /, popyshe /, and moste cruell tyrauntes /, euen the very enemyes of Chrystes crosse /; whose payne shall be withowt ende /, whan we shall lyue in ioye for euer. Graunte yet ones agayne, I say, goode Lorde, and moste mercyfull Father, through thy Sone Ihesus Christe /, that whan his Grace shall knowe and perceyue (by thy gyfte & Grant that when he knows their goodnes) theyr most detestable wayes in mysusynge thy ways he may heretage /, that he wyll ernestly go a boute to se a redresse a monge them /; and to the penytent and con- tryte in harte to shewe his accustomed goodnes /, and to the other his iustyce /, accordinge to Saynt Paules doctryne /, and his Graces lawes. And, moste dreade Soueraygne (with all humylyte and humblenes of harte), I beseche your Grace / (accordinge i beseech your to your accustomed goodnes), to take this my rude my supplication 58 I SPEAK FOR THE GLORY OF GOD. as a fruit of my supplycacyon to the beste /, as a frute of my obedy- obedience, ence /, wheryn I haue not dysserubled /, but haue opened fully vnto your Grace the ground e and very bottome of my hart ; / not of any grudge, euyll wyll, or and not of malice malyce that I beare to any spirytuall shepherde (God I to any spiritual shepherd. take to recorde), but onely for the glory of God /, the honoure of your Gra ce /, and the wealthe and profett of your moste naturall j. and louiuge subiec- tes. FINIS. % Enprynted in the yeare of our Lorde .M. CCCCC. xliiij. in the moneth of Decembre. tton of tljt 3|0ott Commons* % |hmurbts .xxx. CljHpitfr. % SEfto so stoppetfj i)ts eare at tfje crtpnge of tfje poore, jje sfjall crge jjpt selfe, antr sjjall not be jjeartu 61 ^f To the most victorious Prynce Henry the viii. by the Grace of God Kyng of Englande, Eraunce, & Ireland ; Defender of the Eayth, and Supreme Head of the Churche of England, and Ireland, immediatly next vnto God : hys humble and most faythfull Subiectes of the Healme of En- gland, wysh lyfe euerlastyng. PItuously complaineth the pore co?nmons of this The commons complain of their your Maiesties realme, greatly lamentyng their miserable . n . condition, owne miserable pouertie ; and yet muche more especially of their the most lamentable and more there wretched e> '" ( estate of their chyldrew and posterite. "Whose myserie, forsene and throughly considered, is and ought of very nature, to be more dolorous and sorowful vnto euerye naturall hert then that which we our selues feale and sustayne. !Not many yeres tofore, your Higbnes poore some years ago subiectes, the lame, and impotente creatures of this and^mpotenT' realme, presented your Highnes with a piteful and ^^1^ a lamentable complaint, imputyng the head and chiefe ^"tady*" 4 cause of their penury and lacke of reliefe, vnto the be &g ars > great & infinite nombre of valiant and sturdy beggers which had, by their subtyll and crafty demaner in who had got into begging, gotten into their ha?zdes more then the third G2 THE MONASTERIES WERE the yearly revenues. Your Majesty weeded out the mpnks and nuns, who, under the disguise of contempt of this world, wal- lowed in riches ; and removed many gilded beggars, whose holiness was held in such esteem that we reverenced them as gods. When they were abolished, like children, we fell into an uproar, and.forgetting our obedience to the king, we behaved as the Ephesians did to S. PauL and the Jews to Stephen, when he said God dwelt not in temples made with hands. part of the yearely reuenewse and possessions of this your Highnes realme. Wher vpon (as it semed) your Hyglmes (sekynge a redresse and reformation of thys greate and intollerable enormitie, — as a merciful father ouer this your natural country ; moued wyth pitie to- wardes the miserable and pittiful nombre of blind, lame, lazar, & other the impotent creatures of this your realme) hath, wyth most ernest diligence, supplanted, and, as it were, weeded out, a greate numbre of valiaunt and sturdye monckes, fryers, chanons, heremites, and nunnes. Which disguised ypocrites, vnder the name of the contempt of this world, wallowed in the sea in the worldes wealth. .And to the entent your louing & obedient subiectes might the better be able to releue the neadie & impotent creatures, you toke from them the greate nu??ibre of gilted beggers, whose holines was so fast roted in the hertes of vs your pore commons, through the false dilusio?zs of the forsayd sturdy & valiant beggers, that we wold not stick to go an .0. myles on our bare fete to seke one of them, that we might not only bestow our almes vpo??. them, but also do the??i reuerence and honour none other wise then if they had bene very gods. Yea, whe?z your Hyglmes had ordeyned that al these forsayd beggers shulde be vtteiiy abolished, neuer to deceyue vs of our almes anye more, we, like me??, alwaies brought vp in folish super- stickm of these false Phariseis & flateryng hypocrites, knewe not the obedience that we owe to you, our natural and most rightful Prince, but in-continent fel in an vprore criyng, " Our holi dayes, abbayes & pyl- grimages ! " None o[t]her wise than the Ephesians dyd agaynst the elect vessell of God, Sancte Paule, whan he sayd, "They are not godes, which be made with handes," and as the Iewse did against holy Steuen, whan he sayd that " God dwelleth not in an house made with mans hand." Yea, had not God wrought SUPPRESSED WITHOUT BLOODSHED. 63 on your parte, in apeasing that sturdy thronge, this realme had, euen then, hen like to haue hene vtterly decayed. For euen those whome your Highnes had But you finished called to-gither to assiste you in that daungerous tyme, wWiou^wood- were (for the moste parte) so hente to the opinion of commons* 6 the other, that many of them woulde not stike to say, "When we shal come to the hattaile, — we know what we haue to do." But no we (the Lorde he thanked ther- fore) that your Highnes hath finished that your godly purpose, without bloudshede of your poore commones, and that the Worde of God hath hen so set furth & taught by your co?nmand[m]ent, that euery man that lusteth may therin learne his duitie and office ; we are and now we are „,, -iii-iin i ■ j ,i convinced that to fully perswaded, that all such as resiste the pours, resist the powers whome God hathe ordeyned and appoynted to rule & 1S oresis ° : gouerne the multitude of thys worlde, do not resyste man, but God. Be you certayne therfore (most graciouse Prince) that we (your most obedient sub- iectes) walkyng in the fear of the Lord, wyl not from hense forth (so long as the knowledge of Godes "Worde and, so long as we shall reigne amongeste vs) attempt any such so diuilishe God's word, , n i i T T' l ■ will never rebel enterprise, as to rebel agaynst your Highnesse, our most againi natural Souerayne and Leage Lorde ; either for our for- fathers popyshe tradicions, or other oure owne fantasti- cal dreams ; not withstarcdynge that the remenaunt of the sturdy beggers (not yet weaded out) do daylye, in theyr writynges, counsels, and preach} r nges, stere vs thereunto. For what meane they in their sermons when they lament the greate discord and myserable though we he tempted thereto estate ol this our tyme, wishynge that all thynge were by the beggars nowe as it was .xx. yeares since, but that they woulde out. haue a Pope, pardons, lightyng of candels to images, knockyng and knelyng to them, with runnyng hither and thither on pilgremage ; besides the infinit number of purgatory horseleches, on whom the vengeaunce of God is so manifestly declared for their beastly buggery, 64 ONLY THE RICH MEN They tell us that vice has prevailed since we had the Scriptures in English, but their aim is to make us abhor the Uible. They would have us as blind as we were when we would have fought against our king, for the maintain- ing of their popish traditions. They have procured a law that none shall have the Bible in his house, unless he can spend £10 a year, but they only wish to famish men's souls by withholding spiritual food. Are the rich only in possession of souls ? Christ said the Gospel was preached to the poor, and the Gospel, which they would shut that the very places where thei dwelt, ar not thought worthy to be the dwellinges of men, but the caues of bruit bestes and venemous wormes 1 Thei tell vs what vice, vncharitablenes, lacke of mercy, diuercitie of opin- ions, and other lyke enormites, haue raigned euer sence men had the Scripture in Englyshe. And what is thys other then to cause mens consciens to abhorre the same, as the onely cause and originall of all thys ? Thei say that it sufficeth a laye man to beleue as thei teach, and not to meddle with the enterpretatiore of the Scriptures. And what meaneth that, but that thei would haue vs so blynd agayn, as we were when we would haue fought agaynst oure naturall Prynce, for the mayntenaunce of their popyshe traditions and purgatory patrimony 1 Thei cannot abyde this name, " the "Word of God; " but thei wold haue' the Scripture called the commau??denient of God. And what meaneth this, but that thei are the same enemyes of God, whom that two edged sword shall destroy ] Finally, thei haue procured a lawe, that none shal so hardy haue the Scripture in his house, onlesse he maye spend x. pound by yere. And what meaneth this, but that they would famysh the soules of the residue, witholdyng theyr food from them ] We appeale to your Highnes iudgement in this behalfe, whither this lawe be indifferent or not. If none should be alowed meat in your Highnes house, but suche as were clothed in veluet, with chaines of gold about theyr neckes, what seruauntes wold your Maiestie haue shortly 1 What steruelynges would you» seruauntes be aboue all other ! For no man within your realme may refuse to do your Grace seruyce. Hath God put immortall soules in none other but in such as be possessioners of this world 1 Did not Chryst send word to Ihon the Baptist that the pore receyued the Gospell? And the Gospel that thei shutte vp from vs, was it not the writynges of poore fysher men and MAY READ THE BIBLE. 65 symple creatures, euen take?* for the dregges of the up, was written by poor fisher- worlde 1 "Were not the setters furthe of it and the men. ,, Those who prophetes also, persecuted, tormented, and slayne ? And. preached it were why do these men disahle them for readers of the s \.J^ a e Scriptures, that are not indued with the possessions of this worlde 1 Vndoutely (most gratious Souerayn) be- cause they are the very same that shut vp the kyng- dome of God before men ; thei enter not them selues, nother suffre thei them to entre that wolde. They are These men are lyke to a curre dogge liyng in a cocke of haye. For he the manger, wyll eate none of the heye hym selfe, nother suffer any other beast that commeth to eate therof. But some wyl But many who peradue?zture say, they were not all sturdy beggers that were secular men, were in the Parlament when this lawe was stablished. enough t" benefit For many of them, and the most parte were seculer byit- men, and not of suche habilite that this lawe wordd permyt them to haue the Scripture in their houses. "Wherfore, this lawe is in-different, and taketh not the The law is Worde of God from vs ; but we wyth oure fid consent haue committed it to them, in the sayde lawe limytted. Where vnto we aunswer, that, if we haue geuen it ouer we answer, if we „ , ,, . „ .. ,, ,, gave it away from from vs to the possessioners of this worlde, we may well ourselves to the be lykened to the Gedarites, Marke v., which desired th^wm-ld, Christ to departe from theyr country, and the lurking Q^arenet the night birdes, which caw not abycle the bryghte beames of the son. We may boldly affirme that what man weboiaiy affirm soeuer doth wyttyngly and willingly forsake the know- forsakes God's r ledge of the lyuely Worde of God (the foode of our ™ rd u none of solles, and lyghte of oure footesteppes,) is none of the flock of Christ, forasmuch as his shepe heare his voyce, & reioyce in the same. Did thei that toke their names of Those who took anye philosopher, shut vp theyr masters doctrine from phiiosopher, a " y them selfe 1 Did thei not thynke them selues vnworthy teaching!' 8 to be named after their masters, vnlesse thei knewe "h^mse'ivfs' their preceptes and rules 1 Did not the mo/dces, friers, ""J""** °\ him x A ' » unless they knew and other the supersticious religious, employe all theyr his Precepts; SUPPLICATION. 5 66 THE BIBLE OUGHT TO BE READ. following this example, study to obtain a know- ledge of their statutes. And shall we exclude ourselves from a knowledge of Christ's laws which we must follow, on pain of damnation ? If we have rejected God's offer, when He used your Highness to publish His word, in which we may learn His love towards us ; let us repent most humbly, and beseech Him to forget our obstinacy. Don't let our enemies say the studye to knowe their rules and statutes 1 Do not the Coelginers at this daye set the hoke of theyr statutes at libertie, streightlye commaundyng eche felowe vnder payne of punishemente to employ them, to haue the through knowledge of the same 1 And shold we glory to he the flocke of Chryst, and to he called of him Christians, when we do willyngly and wittyngly ex- clude our selfe from the knowlege of the rule which he hathe commaunded vs to folowe, on payne of damp- nation of oure soules 1 Would your Hyghnes thynke that man were willyng to do your commaundement, that would not diligently reade ouer your Highnes letters sent from you to certifie hym of youre wyll and pleasure in hys office ] And what other thynge is the Avhole Scripture then the declar[at]ion of the wyl of God 1 "YVer it lykely therfore, that we, excludyng our selues from the knowledge therof, shold he willyng to do his wyl? If we haue therfore reiected this merciful profer of our moost mercifull Father, when he vsed youre Hyghnes, as hys instrumente, to publyshe and set forthe hys moost lyuelycke Worde, wherin is de- clared the inestimable loue that he heare towardes ys, in that he gaue hys onelye Sonne to be an acceptable sacrifice for oure synnes ; and the vnspekable mercy winch caused him to accept vs as iust, euen for his Sonnes sake, without our workes or deseruinges ; let vs now humbly fal downe prostrate before his Maiestye, wyth perfecte repentance of this, the contempte of his mercifull gyfte ; moost humbly besekinge hym, of his infinyte goodnes, tenderly to beholde the doloures of our hertes, for that we neglected so mercifull a profere ; and to forget oure obstinacie ther in, geuynge your Hyghnes suche desire of oure saluation, that you wyll as fauorably restore vnto vs the Scripture in oure English tonge, as you dyd at the fyrst translation ther- of set it abrode. Let not the aduersaries take occasion THE BIBLE PLACED IX CHURCHES. 67 to say, the Bible was of a tray tours settinge forthe, and Bible was set forth by the not of your Hyghnes owne doynge. For so they re- traitor Thomas porte, that Thomas Cromwell, late Earle of Essex, was and not by your the chyfe doer, and not youre Hyghnes, but as led by except as 'led by him. All thys thei do to withdraw the mindes of vs im ' (your Hyghnesses subiectes) from the readyng and study therof. Which thyng doth easely appere by the diligence they shewe in settyng furth and execution of your Hyghnes proclamations and iniunctions consern- yng the same. For when youre Highnes gaue com- Your prociama- i li l ii • t t i i i • tion commanded maundement that thei shoulde se that there were m that a Bible ■■! t -,1 • ,-, -,-f i should be placed euery parysh churche, within thys your Highnes i n every church realme, one Byble at the least set at libertie, so that re ai° m f ° u tie euery man myght frely come to it, and read therin, ^nmieht 7 suche thynges as should be for his consolation, manye J" eadlt > . " ° io but many wished of this wicked generation, as well preystes as other to put it into the ' x " choir, or into a their faythful adherentes, wuld pluck it other into the P ew where the x poor man dare quyre, other elles into som pue, where pore men durst not come ; not presume to come. Yea, ther is no smale numbre of churches that hath no Byble at all. And yet not and they never sufnsed with the withholdyng of it from the pore of decreed that no , ■. . ., ,, jiiii! it man should read their owne parishes, they neuer rested tyl they had a it dur i ng God's commaundement from your Highnes, that no man, of ^lnt!' M * ** what degree so euer he wer, should read the Bible in the tyme of Goddes seruice (as they call it) ; as though the hearyng of theyr Latin lyes, and coniuryng of water and salte, were rather the seruice of God, the?z the study of his most Holy Worde, the onelye foode of our soules, and lyght of our fote steppes ; wythout whiche no man can walke vpryghtly in perfect lyfe, worthy our name and profession. This was theyr diligence in settynge forthe the Byble at your Hyghnesse co??zmaundeme7it. But when when your your Highnesse had diuised a proclamation for the orders for burnynge of certen translations of the ISTewe Testament, certa^trans- they were so bold to burne the whole Bibles, because £ew Testament, 68 A NEW TRANSLATION PROMISED. they burnt the they were of those mens translations. And yf your whole Bible . d J because the same Hyghnesse woulde enquire of them whoe toke the men translated it. . paynes m translatmge the Great Byble that your High- nes hath authorised, we thynke they coulde not, for verye shame, denie, but, euen agaynste theyr wylles, graunt, that those poore men, whose paines & greate trauayle they haue rewarded with fire and banishment, see how they play were the doers ther of. See, gratiouse Prince, how bo-peep with your Higimess's com- they play bopipe with your Highnes commaundementes, mands, suppress- . . ing, where they suppressmge, in al that they dare, the thyng that youre have' allowed. Highnesse hath authorised ; euen as it were men that loked for a faire daye, which we trust, in the Lorde They wished the Iesu, they shall neuer see. As we herd say, they pro- Bible called in, . and promised a fered your Highnesse, that if it wolde please you to in seven years, call in the Bible agayne (for as much as it was not faith- fully translated in al partes) they wold ouer see it, and with in .vii. yeres set it forth agayne. A wiles ; we in this they were think they haue red the story of a certen man, who, like the criminal pit -pi • i who saved his life beynge condemned to die, prolered that, it he might haue his life, he would doo his prince such a pleasure as neuer man dyd, for hee woulde, wythin the space of .xiiii. yeres, teach him an ase to daunce. Where vpon he had his lyfe graurated him, vpon condition that yf he dyd not performe his promessed enterprise, that then he shoulde neuer the lesse suffer deathe. Thys done, . he was demaunded of one of his familiers, why he was so madde to take vppon him such an enterprise, so farre beyonde all reason and possibilytie 1 He answered, by promising to "my frend, hold the co?itent; I haue wrought wysly, teach an ass to „ . , . ,-, .... , -, , ■. •■ T dance in 14 years, for wyth m these xini. yeares, other the kynge, 1, or the asse, shalbe dead ; so that by thys meanes I shall escape thys reprochfull and shamfull death." So your They trusted that byshopes (most victoriouse Prince) if they might haue Highness would gotten in the Bible for vii. yeres, they wolde haue Bible forgotten, trusted that by that tyme, ether, youre Highnes shoulde haue ben dead, or the Bible forgotten, or els THE OLD SERVICES ARE USED. 69 they them selues out of your Highnes reache, so that or themselves out i of your reach. you should not haue had like power ouer them as you haue nowe. "Wei, go to, we trust ere the vii. yeres he past, God shall reuaile vnto your Highnes moch more of theyr subtyll imaginations then we are worthy to know of. Moreouer, wil your Highnes se ho we fayth- fully they dyd youre commaundemewt, when you ap- Two were poynted two of them to ouer loke the translation of the overlook the Bible? They sayd they had done youre Highnes com- maundement therin, yea, they set their names there vn- and set their names to it, to to ; hut when they sawe the worlde som what lyke to testify they had wrynge on the other syde, they denyed it, and said they neuer medeled therewith, causyng the prynter to afterwards they take out theyr names, which were erst set before the omitted, saying Bible, to certifie all mew that thei had diligently pe- m eddied witu'it. rused it according as your Highnes had commaunded. One other poynt of theyr diligewce your Highnes may note in the settyng furth and vsyng of youre Hyghnes Primer both in Englysh and Latin. And in the diligent readyng vnto the people, the exhortation to They never read the exhortation to prayer, which you ordeyned and commaunded to be prayer, as com- redde alwaies before the Prossession in Englysh. "We Highness, thynk no man can blameles say, that euer he heard one of them reade it twyse ouer. Yea, when your Highnes was returned from youre victory done at Bullyn, they dyd what they coulde to haue called it in agayne. In so much that they caused all such parishes as they myght commaunde, to vse theyr olde Kyre Eleyson agayne. And yet to this daye, thei vse, on solempne and on Feast feastes, to folow theyr olde ordinary, not withstand- ordinary. 16 ° yng your Highnes commaundement. But whew thei when they catch katch any thyng that soundeth to the contrary, it shall uke*t"f they not escape so, we warrant you. It shalbe swynged in l^^^ euery pulpyt wyth, "this is the Kynges gratious Jrac\ous"fin. wyll ; and yet these heretickes wylbe styll cloyng in the Scriptures. A shornaker, a cobbler, a tayler, a boy not 70 PROVISION TO BE MADE FOR THE POOR. They say how well disposed the people used to be; how many hospitals were built, and colleges founded; and would add, abbeys and chantries were then founded, if thev dare. If they had their way, building would be the bet.t trade going. We pray that their subtleties may always come to light before they prevail ; that these sturdy beggars be rooted out; and that the tenth of every man's increase may go to the poor, as it was long before Christ, and long before the Law. yet xx. yeres of age, shal not sty eke to reproue that a lerned manne of xl. yeares studye shall affyrme in the declaration of Gods Word. how godly wer the people disposed, when thei knew nothyng of the Scripture, but as thei were taught by profound clerk es and well lerned men ! The?^ were there hospitals buylded for the poore. Then wer there coleges buylded for the maintenauwee of lernyng." Yea, if they durst they would say, " Then were abbayes & chauntries founded for the realyfe of the pore soules in the bitter payns of Purgatory. Then were our purses filled with the offerynges of the deuout people that vsed to seke the blessed images, and relickes of our Sauior Christ, & of his Blessed Mother Mary with the residue of his saints." If your Highnes would rayse vp but one abbe, chauntry, or pilgremage, you shuld easely perceiue which way thei are bent. "We dout not but for these vii. yeres folowyng, masons occupation, with other be- longing to buyldyng, would be the best handy craftes within this your royalme. We praye God their subtill imaginations maye alwaies come to lyghte before thei preuail to the hinderarcce of Gods veritie. And that it may please hym alwaies to assist your Highnes in the defendyng and settyng furth of the same, to hys glory, and the soul helth of vs, your Highnes most faithful & obedient subiectes. And that you leaue not of, tyll you haue roted out al these sturdy beggers, that the pore members of Christ may haue that porsion to lyue vpon, which was from the beginnynge apointed for them. We meane the x. part of euery mans yerly increase. For though, at the co?nmjng of Christ, and long before, these tenthes were geuen to the pristes of the lawe, yet was it not so from the beginnynge ; for at the fyrste, because the world was not so replenished with people, but that euery man was a great possessioner, it was thought good to take of the best of their increase and THE ORIGIN OF TITHES. 71 to offer it to the liuyng God in sacrifice, as it apperetli At the first .. every man offered by the stone oi Abel and Cam. But whan the people Ms sacrifice to , . , . . _ God, as we learn grewe to so greate a numbre that euerye man conlde by the story of , i jv> - , , i t . Cain and Abel. not haue a sufficient porsion to lyue vpon, vnlesse he were able to laboure and tyll the grounde ; then was it prouided that euery possessioner shoulde set the tenth of his yearely increase in the porche of hys house, that the lame, blinde, sycke, and diseased, myght be there releued. This order continued tyl the time that Then Moses gave a law, Moyses, by the commaundement of God, gaue a lawe ing a certain to the Israelites, and appoynted that a certayne kynred priests, amongest them, that is, the Leuites, shuld be alwayes theyr priestes, and mynisters of the Tabernacle ; vnto who were to receive a part of whom he appoynted certayne partes of euery sacrifice, every sacrifice. that they myght lyue therby. For as yet there was no teethes to be paied, for there they were in their iorney from Egypt, which iorny continued ful xl. yeres ; but after that they wer once settled in the Lande of when they were settled in Canaan, Promesse, and gathered the fruytes of the grounde, they tenths of all thought good to geue the tenthes of theyr increase to were given to the priestes that ministred in the Tabernacle, that they whVmTnistered in myght lyue ther vpon, accordyng to the wordes of the l e Ta raac e- prophet Mai. iii : — " Bring in eueri tenth into my barn, that ther may be meat in my house." But there ther was an other prouysion for the poore, Leui. xxiii. other provision . was made for the I or no man myght lease, rake, or gleane his grounde p0 or, so that they after he had gathered of his croppe. Noo, they mighte ™jf re i n a t he S ° n not gather their grapes nor frutes twyse, but must leue earth. 06 ° the latward fruit, with the scateryng of theyr corne, for the poore to gather, that they myghte haue some relyefe therby ; this order continued to the commyng of Chryst. After whose commyng, the Christian sort had all After Christ, . the Christians thynges commune, so that no man knewe of any m- had ail in crease, for as much as no man toke anye thynge for hys owne, Actes iiii. But when the numbre of Christians This did not Answer when encreased so muche that they possessed hole cyties, they increased in number. 72 MINISTERS PROVIDED FOR But no tenths were paid to the ministers. After this, when the Christian religion was established, and men spent their time over the Scriptures, it was thought good to provide for the poor, by reverting to the old law. In the apostles' time, deacons were appointed to distribute to the poor, according to their need; and these deacons received the tithes. coutttreys, & kyngdomes, it was thought good that euery mare should knowe hys owne, to the intent that such as other wyse woulde haue lyued ydly shoulde therhy be prouoked to laboure, as apeareth by the rule that Saint Paul gaue to the Tessalonians, ii. Tessaloni. iii. 1 , which was thys : — " Who so laboureth not, let hym not eat." Yet was ther no tenthes payd to the ministers, for Paull wrytinge to the Corinthians, i. Corin. ix., desireth them to be good to such as laboure in the ministration of the Gospell, amrminge that it is but mete that suche as serue the aulter, should haue a liuynge therby ; and that it were farre vndesent to musell the oxe that trauaylleth all the daye in treadyng the corne out of the strawe, Deutro. xxv. Which thinge he neded not to haue done, yf the tenthes of ech mans encrease had as thaw ben geuere to them ; for that myght haue sufficed them well ynough (onlesse they had ben as gredye as oure ministres bee, whiche be neuer satisfied 2 ). Yet after thys, whan the Christian religion was thorowly stablyshed in many congregations, & many men had laboured ouer the Scriptures, they thoughte good to pro- uide for the poore impotent creatures accordinge 3 to the example of the auncient fathers of the olde lawe. And bycause they were perswaded that Christ, offering vp him selfe vpore the crosse, had ended all sacrifice, Hebre. x., so that the ministers amonge them neded not to bee pestered with any other thing there preaching, they agreed to adde vnto the preachers an other sort of ministers, which myght supplie the office of holy Steuerc, and the other which, in the primatiue church, were ap- pointed to distribute the goodes of the congregation, accordinge as euerye man shoulde stand in neade, Actu. vi. To these men they gaue the tenthe of theyr yerlye encrease, to the intent that they shoulde there vpore 1 Orig, iiii. 2 Orig. satisfietb, 3 Orig. accordigne. IN THE EARLY CHURCH. 73 minister all necessaries, as -well to the preachers, as to the poore impote?zt mernhres of the churche. But after that persequutio??. "began to sease, & the when persecu- prechers of the worde of God liued in peace, and that cease, and the people were fully bente to learne & followe the "'peace^and doctrine of Christe ; they dyd by the preachers, as the f e e a °rn, e began t0 Israelites wolde haue doone by Christe, when he had fede so many of them wyth so lytle bread, Iohn vi. They made them theyr rulers, thinkynge that those they made men which had broughte the?n out of the darkenes of rulers, thinking erroure, and instructed the?n in the true knowledge of talk molt God, coulde best gouerne the publike 1 weale. And npngbtly - woulde walke most vpryghtly in example of lyfe, com- pellinge the people ther by, to embrace all gocllye & honest lyuinge, and to detest and ahhore the contrari. This was their intent (most gracious Prince) whan they gaue rule to the preachers of Goddes truth and verite. And in very dede the thinge proued according to their This answered for a season. expectation, for a season. But alasse, after the true shepherdes were departed After these shepherds died out of thys lyfe, there entred into the foulde most rauening woulfes, of whom Saint Paule gaue vs warn- yng, whan he said " 1 know for a certenty, that imme- diatly after my departinge from you, there shall enter in amo??ge you certen in sheppes clothing, but inwardly wolves came into they are rauening wolfes," Act. xx. The lyke thynge dyd Sainte Peter forsee, when he premonished the elders, that they shold not behaue themselues toward the people, as men hailing dominion ouer them, i. Pe. v. These hierlinges intended not to maintain & in- who only crease the spiritual treasure of the congregation, but to mi "their coffers fyl their owne coffers with golde and vayne treasure ; and to raise to bringe them selues aboue kinges and emperours, t hemselves ° ° A above all kings yea to be taken for Goddes vicars vpon earthe. And and emperors. 1 Orig. pubiike. 74 TRADITIONS AND PRACTICES They promised to keep hospitality for the poor, and the people not only gave them tenths, but possessions also, that they might be more hospitable. Then came traditions, or church laws, which were supposed to have as much authority as the commands of God. Now they may command us to build churches with high steeples and bells; to believe their masses, and Pope's pardons ; that they myght the soner bringe this their purpose to passe, they persuaded the people that it should be much more coreuenient that they had the tenthes & patrimony of the church (as they cal it) there the deacons, whom the people had elected there vnto. And that it shoulde be more beseaming that the deacones were at theyr fyndinge, then that they shoulde be at the deacons findinge ; for they woulde kepe hospitality for the poore, accordinge as the institution of the Apostles was that they should ; whiche thynge they could not do onles they had wher withal to maintain it. By these meanes were the people sone persuaded to geue vnto them not onely the tenth, but certein possesses also, to thentent thei might maintayne the more liberal hospitality for the relieue of the pore. This done, all theyr study was to set them selues so hyghe in the con- science of the people, that they shoulde take all theyr traditions to be of no lesse authoritie then the com- maundement of God. To do this they could find none so ready a way as to name theyr traditions the lawes of the church. For yf we beleue that Christe is the heade of the churche, and that he is God ; then muste we neades graunt that the lawes of the church be Goddes lawes. diuelish subtiltie, more then serpentical ! "What subtyl fouler coulde haue diuised a more subtyl trayne to bring the poore, simple byrdes into his nette 1 Certes, yf al the deuels in hell had ben of theyr counsel (as we thinke they were) they could not haue concluded vpon a more subtil imagination. Now haue they ynough, what neadeth them to seke any further 1 Now may they commaunde vs to buylde them goodly churches with hyghe steaples, & greate belles to ryng oure pence into theyr purses, whe?i our frendes be dead. Nowe may they make vs beleue that theyr masses be helpful sacrifices, both for the quick and the dead. Nowe must we beleue that the Popes pardons do re- OF THE CHURCH. 75 lease vs both from payne and faute, but Christ releaseth the faute only. Now must we beleue they can make of that holy water , , . may become a two creatures one, that is to say, coniure water and medicine for salte that it be made a medicine both for bodye & ° y an so ' soule ; and of such force that it may be able to roote out the deuell him self with all hys aungels and minis- ters. Nowe must we beleue that repewtaunce auayleth that repentance vs not, onles we declare all our synnes, with the circum- unless "ve confess staunce therof, to one of them, and do such satisfaction ° a pu ' as they shal appoint vs to do. Now can we not denye we must believe but that the outragiouse belowing of a sorte of 1 sodomi- music is the ticall buls, myngled with the proud pipyng of organs, is the seruice of God, and worthy to be preferred before the redyng and preching of Gods Worde. Now must that He will not we beleue that God wyl not heare our praier onles we unless we are in be in fauoure with some of the deade saintes which certain saints, wyl be our aduocate. Now must we beleue that the we must believe making and gilting of ymages, building of abayse, onmages^the" churches, chau?ztries, gyldes, hermitages, and gyuinge religions houses, of boke, bell, cawdelsticke, basen, yower, crwetes, pax, ornfmenfs and chalyse, corporace, vestimewtes, aulter clothes, curtens, churehesfismo're hanginges, towels, torches, tapurs, shepe, sensoures, ^k^merey- pixese, coopes, cannebes, & runnyng on pilgrimage, is more acceptable to God then the vii. workes of mercy. Now must we beleue that they can not erre, though we must have they set vp the bloude of a ducke to be honored for the infallibility of the _. ill x clergy, though verye bloude of Christe, thoughe they made the Koode they set up the 1 . . Tio winking rood of of Kente to wagge hys yies, though they were baudes & Kent. fornicators with the holy whore of Kent. We maye we must think not thinke they ought to marye wyues, though we take them dayly abusinge other mens wyues. "We muste we must not say 1 „ priests are not saye that they are rauenynge woulles, but the true wolves, though shepherdes of Christ ; although we see them bothe bye and sen the & sell the congregations of Christ ; & when they haue ch"!sT. ga 101 them, loke for nought els but what yearelye rentes may 1 Orig. af. 76 PRIVILEGES OP CHAPLAINS. Your Highness be clearlye reased therof. Youre Hyghnes knoweth knows their desire to feed ryghte well what desyre they haue to fead the flocke, for it is not yet many yeares sense youre Hyghnesse, in your hygh Courte and Parliament, was, by theyre how a law was negligence, constrayned to establishe a lawe, that, vnder passed compelling them to preacii payne of a forfayte, they shoulde preache in euery of lour times a year. theyr paryshes foure tymes in a yeare at the leste, and that none shoulde haue moe benefices then one, wher- But they pleaded vpon he shoulde be reasident. But here they put your for the chaplains _. . . -, _ . . of your Majesty, Highnes in mynde ol all such chapelyns as do seruice relaxed for aii to youre Hyghnes, and to other your nobles of this your such as held -, ^ > , ,, .. ■• , n ,-, office, either realme, besides other, certem graduates ot the vni- the nobles."" 3 ° l uersities. Wherevpon it was prouided, by the author- ite of the sayd parliament, that euery such chaplayn myght haue many benifices, and be non residence, to lye at the vniuersitie, or els where, at his pleasure, so he wer in any of your nobles seruice. Oh gratious Prince, here are we, your natural, and most obeisawt leage people, constrayned to forget (with all humble We are compelled subiection we speke it) that we are of nature & by the to forget we are your subjects, ordinaunce of God your most bounden subiectes, and to and claim to be ca l to remembraimce that by our second byrth we ar brothers with you in God's your brothers and felowe seruauntes (althoughe in a household. J _ \ o much inferior ministery) in the houshold of the Lorde our God. Most humble beseking your Highnes to for- get also in thys poynte that you are our Leage Lorde and Souerayne, taking our wordes as a tokert of the feruent desire that we (your most faithful subiects) Ahab when he haue of your solles saluation. Achabe kyng of Israel, against Ramoth, wli&n he intended to make a viage, and to take by force hundred false the country and inbabitantes of Pamoth Giliade, he prop ie s, caused hys prophetes, to the nombre of CCCC. false and they toid prophetes, to be brought before him, that he might prosper; know by them whether the Lord wolde prosper his iorney or not. These false prophetes, standing in the syght of the kynge, & beinge demaimded of him . HOW LIVINGS ARE BESTOWED. 77 whether he sholde make expedition against Ramoth or not, answered with one voice, " Make expedition, the Lord shal geue it into the handes of the king," iii. Reg. xxii. 1 In lyke maner (most dread Souerayne) your Hyghnes & youre most noble prodicessours, haue alwais so have yon, and your pre- consulted a great no?nbre of false prophetes, which, as tiecessors, and Achabes prophetes dyd, prophesied vnto you lies; you lies; wringyng & wrestynge the Scriptures to stablishe your Hyghnes in all such thynges as they perseyued you bent vnto. And if at any tyme anye true Micheas haue prophesied vnto you the trueth of Gods Worde, while he who one Sedechias or other boxeth him on the cheke that was burnt. he renneth streight into the fyre. So that hitherto Your Highness they haue led your Highnes in this detestable erroure, to giveto these that you thyncke it lawfull for you and your nobles, to JffJSh* - " reward those false nattering Babilon[i]call prophethes Se^o? 1 " 1 ** wyth that porcion which, by the ordinaunce of God, is dwe to the poore impotent creatures, the lame, blynde, lazer, & sore membres of Christe. We beseke you (most deare Soueraine) euen for the hope you haue in the redemption by Christ, that you call to remem- Remember the brau«ce that dreadfull daye, whan your Highnesse judgment, shall stande before the iudgement seat of God in no more reputation then one of those miserable creatures when you win which do nowe daylye dy in the stretes for lack of theyr dies in the dwe porsion, wherwith you & your nobles do reward those gnatonical elbowhangers, your chaplaines. Yf theyr ministrie be so necessary to your Highnes that if your Highness • cannot do you can not lacke them, yet let not the vnsasiable without these dogges deuour the bread that was prepared for the chil- g i ve them livings dren ; let them be appoynted lyuinges worthy their ministration. 6 ' 1 ministration. What reason is it that a surueyer of why should bildinges or landes, an alckmist, or a goldsmith, shoulde alchemists, and , 1 j m.t-' v .e -u a I,- i p goldsmiths have be rewarded with benefice vpon benefice, which ot very benefices, reason oughte to be committed to none other but such 1 1 Kings xxii. in the Authorised Version. 78 PLURALISTS AND NON-RESIDENTS. which ought only to be given to godly and learned (Story of the chaplain, who had so many livings that he didn't know them when he saw them.; Your Highness would not commit your swine to the keeping of swineherds who did not know the cots when they saw them. as, through, godly lerninge and co?mersation, wer able, and would apply them selues, to walke amydes theyr flocke in al godly example and puritie of lyfe 1 Howe greate a numbre is there of theym that, vnder the name of your chaplynes, may dispend yerly by bene- fices, sOme one C, some CC, some CCC, some CCCC, some CCCCC. ; yea, some M. markes and more ! It is a comone saiyng among vs, your Hyghnes pore com- mons, that one of your Highnes chapplene, not many yeres synce, vsed, when he lusted to ride a brode for hys repast, to cary wyth hym a scrowle, wherin wer written the names of the parishes wherof he was parson. As it fortuned, in hys iourney he aspied a churche standynge vpon a fayre hyll, pleasauntly beset with groues and playn feldes, the goodly grene medowes liyng beneth by the banckes of a christalline ryuer garnished with wyllouse, poplers, palme trees, and alders, most beautiful to behold. This vigilant pastoure, taken with the syghte of this terestial paradise, sayd vnto a seruau?2t of his (the clerke of his signet no doubte it was, for he vsed to cary his masters ryng in his mouth) " Robin," sayd he, " yonder benefice standeth very pleasantly, I would it were myne." The seruaunt aunswered, " Why, syr," quoth he, " it is your owne benefice ;" and named the parish. "Is it so 1 " quoth your chaplen. And with that he pulled out his scroule to se for certentie whether it were so or not. Se (most dread Souerayn) what care they take for the flocke. When they se theyr parysh churches they knowe theim not by the sittuation. If youre Highnes had so manye swyne in youre royalme as you haue men, would ye commyt them to the kepyng & fedyng of such swynherdes as did not know theyr swynsecotes when thei sawe theym? Oh merciful God, how far wide is this our tyme from the primatiue church ! De- fer not (moost deare Soueraine) the reformation of this HOW THE POOR ABE OPPRESSED. 79 mysse ; for the clay of the Lord is at hand, and shall come vppon vs as a thefe in the nyght, ii. Peter hi. Disceiue not your selfe through the false gloses of these flatteryng ipocrytes. Turne them out after theyr Turn them out , , , _ . after their brethren, the pyed purgatory patriarkes ; and restore to brethren, the poore members of Christ theyr due portion, which Christ's poor ,t j.j.iii t i ,1 members their they trusted to haue receiued, when they sawe your due portion. Highnes turne out the other sturdy beggers. But alas ! thei failed of theyr expectation, and are now in more penury e then euer they were. For, although the sturdy The poor got beggers gat all the deuotiorc of the good charitable monks' ° m people from them, yet had the pore impotent creatures some relefe of theyr scrappes, where as nowe they 1 haue but now they nothyng. Then had they hospitals, and almeshouses to therTare'^' be lodged in, but nowe they lye and storue in the and thepoor lie stretes. Then was their number great, but nowe much greets! m greater. And no merueil, for ther is in sted of these sturdy beggers, crept in a sturdy sorte of extorsioners. These mere cesse not to oppresse vs, your Highnes pore Extortioners have come in who co??zmons, m such sort that many thousandes of vs, oppress the poor which here before lyued honestly vpon our sore labour and trauayl, bryngyng vp our chyldren in the exercise of honest labore, are now constrayned some to begge, who must beg, borrow, or steal. some to borowe, and some to robbe & steale, to get food for vs and our poore wiues & chyldren. And that whych is most lyke to growe to inconuenience, we are constrained to suffer our chyldren to spend the flour of our children grow up in theyr youth in idlenes, bringyng them vp other to bear idleness, wallettes, other eles, if thei be sturdy, to stuffe prisons, to stuff prisons, and garnysh galow trees. For such of vs as haue no pos- or garnish the gallows. sessions lefte to vs by oure predicessours and elders departed this lyfe, can nowe get no ferme, tennement, We can get no farm, no cottage ; or cottage, at these mens handes, without we paye vnto theim more then we are able to make. Yea, this was tollerable, so long as, after this extreme exaction, we wer not for the residue of our yeares oppressed with 1 Orig. thye. 80 THE WRONGS OP TENANTS. rents are raised much higher than they were. Abbey lands are bought of the king, and the buyers compel us to bring in our covenants, and take new leases, telling us that all our former writings are void, when we ought to hold for two or three lives longer. We cannot send our children to school, they must labour to help pay the rent. much greater rentes then hath of ancient tyme bene paied for the same groundes ; for than a man myght within few yeres he able to recouer his fyne, and after- warde lyiie honestly by hys tranel. But now these extorsioners hane so improued theyr landes that they make of xl. s. fyne xl. pounde, and of v. nobles rent v. pound, yea, not suffised with this oppression within theyr owne inheritaunce, they buy at your Highnes hand such abbay landes as you appoint to be sold. And, when they stand ones ful seased therin, they make vs, your pore commons, so in dout of their threat- ynges, that we dare do none other but bring into their courtes our copies taken of the couentes of the late dis- solued monastaries, and confirmed by youre Hygh Court of Parliament, thei make vs beleue that, by the vertue of your Highnes sale, all our former writynges are voyde and of none effect. And that if we wil not take new leases of them, we must there furthwith avoid the groundes, as hauyng therin none entrest. Moreouer, when they can espy no commodious thyng to be boughte at your Highnes hand, thei labour for, and optayne, certayne leases for xxi. yeres, in and vpow such abbay landes as lie commodiously for them. Then do they dashe vs out of countenaunce with your Highnes authorite, makyng vs beleue that, by the vertue of your Highnes leas, our copies are voyde. So that they com- pel! vs to surrender al our former writinges wherby we ought to holde some for ii. and some for iii. lyues, & to take by indenture for xxi. yeres, oueryng both fynes & rentes, beyonde all reason and conscience. This thinge causeth that suche possessioners as here tofore were able and vsed to maintain their owne chyldren, and some of ours, to lernyng and suche other qualites as are necessary e to be had in this your Highnes royalme, are now of necessite compelled to set theyr owne children to labour, and al is lytle inough to pay the lordes rent, MEN LOOK FOR THE KING'S DEATH. #1 & to take the house anew at the ende of the yeres. So that we your poore commons, which haue no grouncles, nor are ahle to take any at these extorsioners ha?zdes, caw fynd no way to set our chyldrew on worke, no, though we profer them for meat & drynk & poore clothes to couer their bodies. Helpe, merciful Prynce Help us in our in this extremite ; suffer not the hope of so noble a and do not suffer realme vtterly to perysh, through the vnsatiable desyre realm to perish ! of the possessionem. Eemeraber that you shal not leaue this kyngedome to a straunger, but to that child of great towardnes our most natural Prince Edward; em- study to leave your son, Prince ploy your study to leaue hym a Commune Weale to Edward, a Commonwealth, gouerne, and not an Hand of brute beastes, amongest not an island of beasts. whom the strongest deuour the weaker. Eemembre Remember you that your office is to defende the innocent & to punysh the innocent, and the oppressar. God hath not suffered al your nobles the oppressor. to distayne their consciences with this most vngodly oppression. If your Highnes would take in hand the if you win redresse of these great oppressions, dout ye not you grievances you could lacke no ayde, for he is faythfull that hath promysed to prosper al them that seke his glory and the welth of his pore membres in this church mylitant. Contrariwyse, if you suffre his pore membres to be thus oppressed, loke for none other then the ryghtefull iudgement of God, for your negligence in your offyce and mynistery. For the bloud of all them that, through if not, the blood your neglige?zce shal perysh, shalbe required at your by your hand. Be merciful therfore to your selfe, & vs your w m be required most obeisant subiectes. Indanger not your solle by the sufferyng of vs, your poore commons, to be brought all to the names of beggers & most miserable wreches. Let vs be vnto your Highnes, as the inferiour membres of the bodye to their head. Eemembre that your hore Remember heares are a token that nature maketh hast to absolue are a token that the course of your lyfe ; preuente the subtile imagina- SO on end, tions of them that galpe, and loke after the crown e of Paginations of SUPPLICATION. 6 82 SIMONY, USURY, AND VICE. such as Rape for your death. We pray you may live to see the confusion of all such traitors, and see your son able to govern the realm. Vice is rampant in the land. Simony has lost its name, and usury is lawful gain. Unless these things be redressed, they will bring the wrath of God upon us. By our example we are worse than Jews or Mahometans. this realme after your daies. For what greater hope can thei haue as concerning that 1 detestable and deuylysh imagination, then that they might wynne the hertes of vs, your Hyghnes commons, by the deliueryng vs from the captiuite and mysery that we are in 1 We beseke God, your Highnes maye lyue to put awaye al such occasions, and to se the confusion of all suche trayterous hertes ; and that youre Grace may se that worthy Prynce Edward able to gouerne and defend this your realme, vanquishyng all his enemyse, bothe far and nere, as your Highnes, by the ayde of Almightie God, hath done hitherto. Defer not, most dread Soue- rayne Lorde, the reformation of these so great enormities ; for the wound is euen vnto death, if it continue anye whyle lenger. A prynce welbeloued of his people is muche more ryche then he that hath houses full of gold. And yet is he much more ryche that is beloued of God. For if God bee on your part, who can preuayle agaynst your Hyghnes? By thys we meane the great and myghtie abhomination of vyce, that nowe rayneth with- in this your Highnesse realme this day. For hordome is more estemed then wedlocke, although not vniuersally, yet amongest a great numbre of lycensious persons. Simoni hath lost hys name, and vsery is lawfull gaynes. These thinges, onlesse they be redressed, wyl bringe the ire of God vpon the realme. For what doth it lesse then declare vs to be cleane fallen from the doctrine of Christ, who taught vs to lende, lokinge to haue no gayne therby? What example of lyfe is in vs this daye to declare, that we rather bee the people of God then the Iewes or Maometanse 1 Certes (most renomed Prince) none but that we confesse hym to be God. And that were sufficient, yf our deedes dyd not denye him. Yf the rulers haue geuen the occasion of these thynges, alas for them ; they had ben better to haue had mylstones hanged about theyr neckes, and haue 1 Oris, than HOW PRELATES ACT. 83 ben cast into the sea. But if the people haue taken it of them selues, and be not punished of the rulers, but be permitted frelye to vse it ; the blud of them that perish shalbe requered at the watchmans hand, Ezechi. xxxiii. Thus princes are punished when the people offende. But now (most deare Souerayne) your Highnes may in this matter try your prelates whether they be if the prelates of God or nat ; for yf they were of God, they woulde, accordinge to the wordes of the prophet, neuer sease, but openly and with a criynge voyce, declare vnto the they win tell the people of their people theyr faultes, Esai. lviii, and not be hushed faults. wyth an acte in parliament ; for that declareth them to be the setters forthe of mans trad icy ons and not of Godes lawes, so that this saying of our Sauiour Christ is verifyed in them : — " This people honoreth me with theyr lyppes, but their herte is fare from me : they teache the doctrines and commaundementes of men," Math. xv. But here they thynke to stop oure mouthes They ten us we must keep the wyth the feare of youre Highnesse displeasure; they laws of the king say youre Highnes lawes are Godes lawes, i ••ini prophets who cion, he called to the gouernance 01 the spiritual flocke win walk of Christ, and let them he repelled that come vncalled, vocation. '" we meane suche as sue to heare the name of youre Hyghnesse chaplaynes, onelye "because they trust to optayne therhy lordlyck liuinges out of the porsicm of the poore. Take pity (mooste mercifull Prince) vpon Take pity upon us, and upon vs youre poore, and faythful leage people; take pitty your own sou), • i which will at the vppon youre owne soule, which shall at the laste daye last be charged he charged wyth all ahuses that your Hyghnes suffereth wrongs you have frely to raygne. Beleue not those gnatonicall adhe- permi rentes that wyll not sticke 1 to affirme and denye, so that they may trust to please you therby. Let them not perswade your Highnes that al is good that is concluded in your Hygh Court of Parliament. Beruemhre, 0, Kememberhow howe they ledde your Hyghnes whan you sent forthe you when you ... , , , . . . , commanded us your letters vnder your broode seale, streyghtly com- to aid proctors ,. i-i tt- T. i ■ j. and pardoners. maundmge euery and smguler your Highnes subiectes, vnder payne of youre Highnes displeasure, to ayde, supporte, and forther all and singular prockters & pardoners. Eememhre in what case they had hrought Remember when you visited iour Highnes whan you thought it godlynes to viset in images and relics of dead saints. your owne parson the graues, images, & relickes of dead saintes, doing to them diuine honour & reuerence. Let them not perswade you that God is or can he better Don't let the serued in the Latine tong then in the Englysh ; con- you that God is sider what great folly Saynte Paull counteth it for men wit i, tne ser vice to pray, which is to talke wyth almighty God, in a tong ^"tongue the ° they vnderstand not, i. Corin. xiiii. Yea and how *£££* moch greater folly it is to thyncke holynes in hearynge a tale told in a straunge tong. Your Hyghnes com- maurcded that none should receaue the Sacrament at Easter, 2 hut such as coulde and dyd vse the Lordes prayer wyth the articles of the fayth in the Englysh tong. But they hyd vs vse that which is most ready to vs. 1 Oris, stickt. 2 On'";. Erster. 90 SERVICES IN LATIN. They baptize in They baptyse oure chylderne in the Latyne tony, Latin, making us say ■ voio- beding vs say, ' Volo,' and ' Credo,' whan we know not and ' Credo,' , ., . . ' , _ when we don't what it is that they demande of vs. By this meane is asked of us, ^ broughte to passe that we know not what we professe what weprokss. * n our haptisme, but superstitiously we think that the holynes of the wordes whych sound so straungly in oure eares, & of the water that is so oft crossed is the doyng if a child re- of all the matter. Yea we thyncke that yf our chyl- ceives any hurt, ' we blame the dren be well plunged in the fourcte they shalbe health- that member was full i n a ^ theyr lims euer after, but yf they, by any christened, misaduenture, receyue any hurte in any of theyr membres, incontinent we ley the faute in the prist, sayinge, that member was not wel christened. Oh mercifull God, what hert can be able worthely to lament this more then Iewdaical superstition 1 The applying that thing that is mere spirituall, we applye whollye to the which is spiritual r trr j j wholly to the flesh. Was there euer any vayne ydolatours that woulde honour theyr goddes in a language they vnder- stode not? Were the monckes, friers, and chanons, wyth other superstitious religions, professed in a The oath of straunge tong 1 Is not the othe of obeysaunce that we obedience to your . n . . . , . . Majesty is in your leage people take vnto you, mimstred m the that we may English to??ge ? And for what other purpose but that our duty. 3 ** we may therby knowe our mooste bounden deuitie to- ward you oure naturall Prince and Leage Lorde 1 Is why then should it then beseamyng that we, takynge an othe of obey- not the oath _ 1 „ '-. . which we take saunce to the Kynge of all kynges, the God ot all the language which world, and Maker therof, shulde not know what is we can under- , 1 -. P -, , n -t T # Etand? demaunded oi vs nor what we answere agayne ? Yl we hold vs styll as concerning thys more then hell darke- nesse, the very stones of your pallayce woulde make exclamation. Preuent th erf ore, most gracious Prince, the yre of God whiche hangeth ouer thys your royalme. Eemember that his lo?zg sufferance shalbe recompensed wyth the extremitie of the punyshment. Wherfore, we pray God to most worthy Prince, we humbly beseke oure hcauenly preserve your MAY GOD BLESS THE KING, 91 Father, the Geuear of al goodnes, euen for the Lord Highness, giving . you grace to Iesu Christes sake oure Sauyoure and Kedeamer, that waikcircum- he preserue you alwayes, geuinge you grace to walke circumspectly in your vocation and ministery, that, at and hriti s you to 1 J J jj J heaven at last. the last day, you may receaue the incorruptible crowne of glory, and reigne with our Elder Brother the fyrst begottew So?me of God the Father Almighty ; to whom wyth the Holy Goost be all honore and glory for euer and euer. All true Englysh hertes saye, Amen. Psalme. xl. 1 IT Happy is the man that pitieth the poore : for in tyme of trouble the Lord shal deliuer hym. THus haue we (your moost obeisant subiectes) de- Thus have we declared our clared the ferue?it desire we haue not only of your wishes for your .. „,. p n ■ fp -i i i success in this prosperous succes in the anaires ot this life, but also of ]if e an( i - m the your eternal reign with the Lord Iesu in the celestial kingdom, of whose fayth ye are, in earth, Defender, and of the faythfull congregacio?z, in thys lytle angle of the earth congregate, the Supreme Heade immediatlye nexte vnto him, by whose mighty hand you haue By God's hand you have vanquished hytherto vanquished, not onely the externe enemies of ail the enemies this moost noble royalme, but all such as haue most dyuilyshly ymagined, conspired, & attempted treason against youre Hyghnes, theyr moost naturall Leage Lord and Gouernour. What histories should we reade to know of so many and so daungerous conspirations, who have conspired against so wonderfully detect & auoyded ] Who myghte so you. sone haue wrought the most detestable purpose of treason, as she that slept in your bosom *? What mighty princes haue ben betrayed by them that they haue loued aboue all creatures 1 And howe wonderfullye, euen at the verye poynt, 2 and in the time of most 1 xli. in Au. Ver. 2 Orig. yoynt. 92 MAY THE OLD TIMES NEVER RETURN. That abominable idol, the Pope, who was so high in the consciences of us all, he is become your footstool. Rejoice, for the Lord is your right hand. Go forth to conquer; and return not till you have purged the Lord's vineyard. Let not Prince Edward be oppressed in his youth, but call to mind your own youth, when these evils were too strong for you. There are many who would be glad to see the old times come The wisdom of God lead you into all truth. Amen. daimger, hath the myghtye hande of the Lorde de- lyuered you? Besydes this, that moost ahominahle ydoll of Rome, which sate so hygh not only in the con- sciences of vs your most boundew subiectes & poore commones but also your nobles (euere from the highest to the lowest) were all hys faythfull adherentes ; in so moche that som of them would not styck to sheade the best bloude of theyr bodyes in hys quarel. And yet how wonderfully hath the Lord our God, made him iour fote stole 1 Iieioise (deare Souerayne) reioyce. The Lord is your right hande, he hath found you faythful in a lytle, & shall ordeyne you ouer moch more. Onely beware that you, puttyng your ha??de to the ploughe, do not loke backwarde. Go forthe manfully to con- quere, and turne not agayne tyll you haue purged this vineyard of the Lorde, so that there remayne not one lytle impe besydes those that our Heauenly Father hath planted. Let not that noble Prince Edwarde be op- pressed in the dayes of hys youth, with the combrouse weadynge oute of suche rotton and fruyteles trees, lest perchaunce they take deaper roote there that his tender youthe may be able to moue. Forget not your owne youth, where these adulterine trees were to stronge for you. Thynke not but that you shall leaue behynd you a great no??ibre that wolde be glad to se the old stompes of these fruitles trees sprynge agayne. The Lord bringe them all to confusion, geuyng your Highnes long lyfe, with assisterece of hys grace, to performe that whyche you haue begonne. The wysdom of the Lorde oure God leade you into all trueth. Amen. 1T Your moste faythfull and obeysaunt subiectes, the Pore Commones of the Royalme of Englande. Anno. M. ccccc. xlvi. causes gai^r^b togclfjocr, foljran is sljdtittr tlje frerajr* nf (^uglawtr, onlg bg % great multitude of sfjtpe, to tfje bU ter tiecag of jjousjjolti fteptmj, mamttntatmce of men, oeartfj of come, anti otjjer ttotaole tigscommooitses appro= ueti 62 sgxe oltre Prouerocs. tarter. 20 $• Jipg %t siiktjj in fofcg*- nuni, ana loliji|j trnU about Ijtm, brgtuif) afoag all mil. {The title of the Lambeth copy had, Causes, onely, multytude, housholde kepyng, Kynge, euyll.] 95 To the Kynges moste honorable Counsell, and the Lordes of the Parlayment house. THe fyrst Article & poynt, as we do thynke, it is ' it is a pity there great pyttye (so the will of God it were) that there enough in is not 2 come ynough within this Realme of Englande, l/s^ors years, at all tymes necessary to certyfy & sufiyce the Kynges ifo^ownduring suhiectes for the space of one yere, two, or thre, yf there the same P enod - were no come sowen in this Realme hy the sayde space. "We do saye that the Kinges Maiestie, mercifully The king can hearing the peticiow of these his graces poore suhiectes, matter when it maye at al tymes remedy it, when it shall *please hys s [*J^A.ijj Maiestie, heing for a common wealth for his graces sotodo> suhiectes, & to the greate encrease of this nohle realme of England. "We saye, as reason doeth leade vs, that shepe & sheep and sheep- masters cause shepemasters, doeth cause skantyte of corne, whiche we scarcity of com, do thynke 3 it maye he well approued, hy reason of six w m prove. prouerhes ; for & yf all our lyuynges, and all our com- For if ail our modifies, were diuyded in partes, hy reason of the same dWidTdTnto parts syx pronerhes, we that he the Kynges Maiestyes poore modules, °° m " suhiectes, do lose syx of our cowmiodityes, then haue have 3 losses > we thre losses, whiche make nyne ; hy reason of the same thre losses, we, the Kynges Magestyes 4 suhiectes, do lose the third part of our lyuinge, then haue we the tenth part, which we cal a remedy, heseching your nohle and the tenth grace, to remedye when your Maiestye shall please. called a remedy. 1 is it — C(ambridge copy). 2 no — C. 3 thincke — Lambeth copy ; and with a c elsewhere. 4 mayestyes — C. 9G PROVERB. NO STORE SET BY TILLAGE. Concerning the first proverb. L* sign. A .iij.] In the 1st proverb the complaint is from Oxfordshire, Bucks, and Northampton- shire. We desire you to pardon our ignorance, but to consider what we advance, seeing it is done for the good of tne realm. In these 3 counties are many landowners who set no store by tillage, nor yet by breed- ing and feeding cattle, but stock their land with sheep. [t sign. A .iiij.] As touchyng the fyrste prouerbe of the syx, we do thynke The more shepe, the dearer is the woll. The more shepe, the dearer is the motton. The more shepe, the dearer is the beffe. The more shepe, the dearer is the corne. The more shepe, the skanter is the whit meate. The more shepe, the fewer egges for a peny.* In the fyrst prouerbe, the more shepe, the dearer is the woll. Our complaynt is for Oxford-shyre, Buckyng- ham-shyre, & Northampton-shyre ; and as for all other shyres, we refer it to the playntyues 1 . We shal desyre you, and al other that reade and se the true ententes & meanynges of this our doinges, to pardon our ignoraunce ; yet not withstandyng, we desyre you sumwhat to attender the premisses, seinge it is done, and put forth, for the commoditye of the Kinges Magesties realme, and for the welth of his graces poore subiectes. In the sayde Oxford-shyre, Buckyngham-shyre, & Northhampton-shyre, there be many men of worshyp dwellyng within the sayde thre shyres, and hath great landes to lyue vpon, the which we praye to God to geue them ioye of, and well to occupye it. Many of these worshipful men, sette no store, nor pryse, vpon the mayntenaunce of tyllage of theyr landes, as before tyme hath been vsed, neyther breadyng nor feadynge of catle, but many of them doeth kepe the most substaunce of theyr landes in theyr owne handes 2 . And where tillage was wont to be, nowe is it stored wyth greate vmberment of shepe : & they that haue great vmber- ment of shepe, muste nedes haue greate store of woll, and we cannot thynke fwho shulde make the pryse of woll, but those that haue great plenty e of shepe. And we do partly knowe that there be some dwellynge 1 playntynes — C. 2 L(ambeth copy) repeats des by mistake. PROVERBS 2 TO 6. SHEEP THE ONLY STOCK FED. 97 within these thre shyres, rather then they wyll sell Rather than sen wool at a low theyr woll at a lowe pryse, they will kepe it a yere or price they keep it twayne, and all to make it deare, and to kepe it a deare pryse. And hy this meanes the fyrst prouerbe to he so the ist proverb is true. true : The more shepe, the dearer is the woll. In the seconde prouerbe, as we do thynke : The The 2nd proven. : The more sheep, more shepe, the dearer is the moton. the dearer the As hy reason, the most substaunce of our feadynge we used to feed was wont to be on beffe, and now it is on motton. And m^toT^nd'so so many mouthes goith to motton, whiche causeth 1^*" uTsdear motton to be deare. In the third prouerbe, as we do thinke : The more The srd provevb : . The more sheep, shepe, the dearer is the bene. the dearer the As by reason that breding and fedyng, is not set Beefusedtobe by as it hath bene in tymes past ; and where as shepe is kepte vpon the pasture groundes where breadyng & fedinge of beffes was wont to be kept 1 , And now there now there is nothing but is nothyng kept there but motton. mutton. The fourth prouerbe : The more shepe, the dearer is The 4th proverb: The more sheep, the COme. the dearer the corn. By reason tyllage is '"'not vsed, occupyed, and [*A5] mainteyned as it hath bene before tyme, but shepe used, kept vpon the grounde, where tyllage was wont to be ice P t S on e the ie kept and mainteyned. ground. The .v. prouerbe : The more shepe, the skanter is The 5th proverb: The more sheep, the Weyte meate. the scanter the white meat. By reason tyllage is- not vsed, occupyed, and mayn- teyned, nother mayntenaunce of houses and hospi- talytye, where as catle was wont to be fede and brede ; where cattle were fed by reason of kepyng of catle, shulde increase why t meate ; white meat wa» and now there is nothyng kept there but only shepe. The syxte prouerbe: The more shepe, the fewer The 6th proverb: The more sheep, egges for a peny. the fewer eggs for a penny. 1 The Cambridge copy repeats ' & where as shepe is kept vpon the pasture groundes, where bredyng and fedynge was wont to be kept.' 2 it — L. SUPPLICATION. 7 98 NINE LOSSES. THE PRODUCE OF ONE PLOW. Poultry was teed by cottagers : now there is nothing but sheep. Thus the six proverbs are true. Three losses which make nine. 1. Fewer plows by forty in Oxford- shire. Each plow kept six persons. Now there is nothing but sheep. These 240 persons must live — where shall they go? Some of these are driven to beg, some to steal. 2. Besides keeping 6 persons, every plow gives 30 quarters of grain a year to sell, and 40 plows, each yielding 30 quarters, make 1200 quarters in each county. By reason cottages go downe in the contre, where as pultrye was wont to he hreade and fedde, nowe there is nothyng kept there hut shepe, which cause the egges to he solde for fower a penny. Thus be the syx prouerhes true, as we do thynke, desyrynge you to geue hearynge vnto them, and that it may he wel amended, for the common welthe of the Kynges poore suhiectes. Then haue we thre losses, that maketh nyne. The fyrst losse, as we do thinke, there is not so many plowes vsed, occupied and mainteyned within Oxforthshyre as was in Kynge Henry the Seuenth tyme, and sens hys fyrste comming there lacketh xl. plowes, euery plough was able to kepe vi. persons, downe lyinge and vprisynge in hys house, the whiche draweth to twelf score persons in Oxfordshyre. And where that the sayde twelf score persons were wo?^t to haue meate, drynke, rayment and wages, pay- inge skot and lot to God & to our Kyng, now there is nothyng kept there, but onlye sbepe. Now these twelfscore persons had nede to haue liuing :— whether shal they go 1 into Northhamptonshyre 1 and there is also the lyuinge of twelef score persons loste : whether shall then they goo 1 foorth from shyre to shyre, and to be scathered thus abrode, within the Kynges maiestyes Eealme, where it shall please Almighty God ; and for lacke of maisters, by compulsion dryuen, some of them to begge, and some to steale. The seconde losse, as we do thinke : That there is neuer a plough of the .xl. plowes, but he is able to tyll and plowe to certifye syx persons, and euery ploughe to sell .xxx. quarters of grayne by the yeare, or els he can full yll paye, syx, seuen, eyght poundt by the yeare. xl plowes, .xxx. quarters euery ploughe, draweth to two 1 1 This " two hundreth " must mean twelve hundred : 40 X 30 = 1200. LOSSES TO THE COUNTRY. 99 hundreth quarters in Buckingham shyre, two hundreth quarters in Oxfordeshyre, & two .cc. quarters in North- ampton shyre, & so forth fro?n shyre to shyre in certayne shyres within the Kinges Maiesties Bealme of Englande. what shall the twelf two hundreth quarters of corne do These 1200 s-\ n lii- n • n quarters of corn in Oxforthshyre % we do thynke it wyll mainteyne the Kynges markettes, and sustayne the Kynges subiectes ; and lykewyse in Buckyngham shyre, & also in North- ampton shyre and so from shyre to shyre, in certayne shyres wythin the Kynges Magesties Bealme. Further- more it is to be consydered what thys twelf hundreth quarters of corne is able to do within Oxfordshyre, it would kee P 300 persons a year. is able to certifye & suffyce xv. score people by the yeare, bread and drynke, & alio we to euery person ij. quarters of weate, and two quarters of malt, by the yere ; where as in the fyrst the hole lyuinge of twelf score persons, meate, & drynke, and rayment, vprys- yng & downe lyinge, payinge skot and lot to our God, and to our Kyng. And the seconde losse, bread and The whole second loss in Oxfordshire drynke for .xv score persons by the yeare, whiche the draws near 540 persons. hole nombre draweth to .v. hundreth and .xl. persons in Oxforth shyre ; and ' so in Buckyngham shyre, & so lykewyse in Northampton shyre, and so forth from shyre to shyre wythin the Kynges Maiestyes Bealme. And yf it be as we do think, that there be .iiij. score it is thought there are 80 plowes in euery one of these shires les there there was, plows lost in each then is there the lyuyng lost of a thousand & iiij. score persons in euerye one of these foresayde shyres. Thys is the seconde losse, as we do thynke, and call for remedy for it. The thirde losse, as we do thinke : We do lose 3. The third loss in the sayd thre shyres kepynge of houshold and hospitality, and' hospitalitye, & maintayning of tyllage and houshold ' age " kepyng ; we do lacke corne, and also lese our cattell ; for where any housholde is kept, there is kept kyne Every house kept kine, 1 C omits ' and '. 100 THE REMEDY. TWO MORE LOSSES TO THE KING. hogs, poultry, and other commodities, for which we have only sheep. The 10th point, the Remedy. A hundred times as many plows should be kept, and as many [* sign. B] households as in Henry VII's time, then there would be enough. Two more losses. 1. In Households, Tillage, and Shooters. Shepherds are but ill archers. 2. The king loses in provisions for his household, to the amount of 5000 marks a year. and calues ; and of oure kine there commeth my Ike, butter and chease ; and all this doetli sustayne the Kynges Mayesties subiectes ; and for thys we haue nothynge but shepe. And furthermore, where housholdes be kept, there is hogges, pygges, and bakon, capons, hennes, duckes, egges, frute, and many other co??miodityes, that is necessary & nedefull to be had for the. maintenaunce and lyuinge of the Kynges Maiesties poore subiectes to lyue by ; and for that we haue nothyng but shepe. This is the thyrd losse. The .x. is, which Ave do cal for remedy, and we desyre of God and the Kynges Maiestye, yf it shal please his Highnes to be so good & gracyous vnto his poore subiectes, that there might be in euery shyre & hundred, as many plowes vsed, occupyed, and mayn- teyned, * as many housholds kept, as Avas by king Henry the Seuenth tyme, fyrst commynge. And then vnfayned, as Ave do thynke, Ave sholde haue come ynough, cattell ynough, and shepe ynough ; then wil shepe and avoII be in more mens ha?zdes ; Ave shall haue also white meate ynough, and all thynges necessary. And thus Iesu pre- serue oure dreade soueraingne Lorde and Kynge ! As Ave do thynke, Ave haue two losses more that Ave haue not spoken : The firste losse is for lacke of hous- hold kepynge & mayntenaunce of tyllage. It is great decay to artyllary : for that do Ave reken that shepe- herdes be but yll artchers. And as Ave do further thmke, it leseth the kings Maiesty in prouisiora for his noble housholdes, that is to saye, in wheat, malt, benes, mottons, veles, hay and otes, and pultry, & all maner suche prouisions that belongeth to hys Maiestyes hous- holde, as we do thynke, v. thousande markes by the yeare with tJte left. In a trial as Ave do thynke, yf it shuld please the Kynges Maiesties offycers to call in hys graces purueyers, & examyne them where they ue man call for remedy. LOSS OF 50,000 PLOWS. 101 haue had within their tyme for his graces prouisio?zs of his warres, & for his Maiestyes housholde, where as there is nowe nothyng to he gotten : for they that kepe Those who keep tlie lands, the sayde la/zdes, hath put the foresayde landes to and have put pastures, *themself hyeth all maner of grayne & come [* sign. u. y.] to kepe theyr housholde with all. SE^IS* Furthermore, yf it shall please the Kinges Highnes, and hys nohle counsell, for to haue a further tryall of thys matter, and to assure it to he true, take al craftes Take- ail crafts- t o i -i i i men, and all mew dwelling m cyties & townes, daye laborers that labourers, lahoreth hy water or hy lande, cottygers & other hous- holders, refusyng none, hut only them that hath al this aboundaunce, that is to saye, shepe or wollmasters, and inclosers, the lamentacions of the Kinges Maiestyes and their suhiectes will make any true herted body to seke & makeatr call for remedy, whiche we beseche ^e Lorde to amende. Amen. Furthermore, as we do thinke, this Realme doeth decaye by thys meanes : It is to vnderstande and knowen, that there is in England, townes and villages in eachof5n,noo to the nomber of fifty thousand & vpward, & for i° decayed sUd euery towne and vyllage, — take them one with an other throughout all, — there is one plowe decayed sens the fyrste yeare of the raigne of kynge Henry the Seueuth. And in som townes and vyllages all the hole towne de- cayed sens that time ; and yf there be for euery towne and -village one plough decayed, sens the first yeare of the raygne of kyng Henry the Seuenth, then is there decayed .1. thousande plowes and vpwarde. The * whiche .1. thousande plowes, euerye ploughe [* sign. b. iyj i -i , . . . . m, . . . which 50,000 were able to mamteme .vi. persons : lhat is to saye, p i ws represent ,i ,i n -i o j-i • i ■ i i a loss of 300,000 the man, the wyte, and lower other in his house, iesse persons and more. .1. thousande plowes, six persons to euery plough, draweth to the nomber of thre hundred thou- sand persons were wont to haue meate, drynke, and rayment, vprysing and down lyinge, paying skot and who paid scot and 102 POVERTY AND CRIME GENERAL. lot to God and the king. Some are driven to beg, some to steal, and are hanged. Thus the realm decays. We pray yon. King and Council, remedy these evils ! lot to God, & to the Kyng. And now they haue nothynge, but goeth about in England from dore to dore, and axe theyr almose for Goddes sake. And be- cause they will not begge, some of them doeth steale, and then they be ha?zged, and thus the Eealme doeth decay, and by none other wayes els, as we do thynke. Besechynge your Hyghnes (of your moste noble grace) and honourable lordshyppes, the premisses tenderly considered before you in examination vpon the premisses, that Ave may haue a remedy in this behalf. And we shall dayely praye for the co??seruacion of your Highnes, and for your ful noble lordshyppes. Finis. 5T Imprinted at London in Pouls churche yearde at the sygne of Saynct Austen by Heugh Syn- gelton 1 . 1 Dibdin's Ames gives dates for Singleton from 1553 (or 1550 according to Herbert's notes), and says that Singleton died in 1592-3. The date of the present tract cannot therefore be ear- lier than 1550, or later than 1553, when Edward VI, to whose Council it is evidently addrest, died. — F. 103 NOTES. p. 36. Six Articles. — These celebrated Articles are found in the "Bloody Statute," 31 Hen. VIII. cap. 14. They run: — 1. That in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar, by the strength and efficacy of Christ's mighty word (it being spoken by the priest) is present really under the form of bread and wine, the natural body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, conceived of the Virgin Mary ; and that after the consecration there remains no substance of bread or wine, nor any other substance, but the Substance of Christ God and Man. 2. That the communion in both kinds is not necessary ad salutem by the law of God to all persons : and that it is to be believed and not doubted of, but that in the flesh under the form of bread is the very blood, and with the blood under the form of wine is the very flesh as well apart as though they were both together. 3. That priests, after the order of priesthood received as afore, may not marry by the law of God. 4. That vows of chastity or widowhead by man or woman made to God advisedly, ought to be observed by the law of God ; and that it exempteth them from other liberties of Christian people, which without that they might enjoy. 5. That it is meet and necessary that private Masses be continued and admitted in the King's English Church and congregation, as where- by good Christian people ordering themselves accordingly, do receive both godly and goodly consolation and benefit ; and it is agreeable also to God's law. 6. That auricular confession is expedient and necessary to be re- tained and continued, used and frequented in the Church of God. — Statutes at Large, ii. 149, ed. 1811. Commissions were issued to the Archbishops, Bishops, &c, to execute the Act, and to them powers were given to take and burn books containing matters contrary to it. The Act was to be read quarterly in all churches. p. 62. Outbreak in 1536-7. — On the 2nd of October, 1536, when the Ecclesiastical Commissioners were to hold their visitation at Louth, 104 NOT1JS. they found a great body of peasantry in arms, clamouring for their holidays ; and proclaiming that they were gathered together for the maintenance of the faith, winch was about to be destroyed. So far from Henry having finished his "godly purpose without bloudshede" of his " poore eommones" (p. 63) he "wrote to Norfolk on the 22nd Febru- ary, to ' cause such dreadful execution to be done upon a good number of the inhabitants of every town, village, and hamlet, that have offended in this rebellion, as they may be a fearful spectacle to all others here- after that would practise any like matter.' A priest and a butcher at Windsor were hanged for expressing sympathy with the Northern rebels." — Knight's Crown Hist. o/Eng., p. 198, 200. pp. 64 — 68. The Bible, — It was in 1536 that the Vicar-general's in- junctions directed every parish priest to place a copy of the whole Bible in his church. These copies were all based upon Tyndal's translation. The bishops, although they had undertaken to supply a version which should suit Catholic orthodoxy, left their work untouched. In 1539 Taverner's Bible appeared. This contained a summary of things in Holy Scripture. " The priesthood was denied ; masses and purgatory were ignored ; the sacraments were described as nothing but outward signs." This led to the sale of unauthorized editions being forbidden, and after some discussion " a temporary limitation was imposed, perhaps wisely, upon its indiscriminate use." "It was wrangled over in ale- houses and tap-rooms. It was disfigured ' in rhymes, printed ballads, plays, songs, and other fantasies.' Scandalous brawls and controversies disgraced the churches where it was placed for the people to read." — Froude, iv. 288—291. In the 34 and 35 Hen. VIII. cap. 1, the Bible was forbidden to be read in English in any church. Women, artificers, prentices, journeymen, servingmen; husbandmen, and labourers, might read the New Testament in English. Nothing was to be taught or maintained contrary to the King's Instructions.- — Stat, at Large, ii. 201. p. 67. Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex. — It was " with the private connivance of Cromwell" that " other editions" of the Bible than those authorized were put in circulation {Froude, iv. 289), and this was not forgotten when he stood attainted of treason. Not only was he accused of having " been the most corrupt traitor and deceiver of the king and the crown that had ever been known in his whole reign," but it was alleged that " he being also a heretic, had dispersed many erroneous books among the king's subjects, [the Bible probably being one,] particularly some that were contrary to the belief of the sacra- ment." On the day of his beheading, 28th July, 1540, Henry married Catherine Howard. 1 Six years later one of the very party, to serve which he had risked (and lost) so much, was found to brand him as " a traytoure ! " p. 69. Boulogne. — On the 18th of September, 1544, Henry made his solemn entry into Boulogne. — Knight, p. 211. See also Froude, iv. 352. 1 Knight's Crown Hist, of Eng., p. 206. NOTES. 1 05 p. 75. The Holy Maid of Kent. Elizabeth Barton. — " About the time of Easter, in the seventeenth yeere of the Reigne of King Henrie the Eight, ithapned a certaine maiden .... servant to one Thomas Kob . . . to bee touched with a great infirmitie in her bodie, which did ascende at divers times up into her throte, and swelled greatly" (Lambardes Peram- bulation, p. 170, rep.). Her history is well known. " In the ende her dissimulation was deciphered, her Popish comforters were bewraied, the deceived people were well satisfied, these daungerous deceivers were worthely executed, and the Devill their Master was quite and cleane confounded." — lb. p. 175. p. 75. The Rood of Kent was at Boxley. It is thus described by Lambarde (p. 205) : — " It chaunced (as the tale is) that upon a time, a cunning Carpenter of our countrie was taken prisoner in the warres be- tweene us and Fraunce, who (wanting otherwise to satisfie for his raun- some, and having good leysure to devise for his deliveraunce) thought it best to attempt some curious enterprise, within the compasse of his owne Art and skill, to make himselfe some money withall : And there- fore, getting togither fit matter for his purpose, he compacted of wood, wyer, paste and paper, a Roode of such exquisite arte and excellencie, that it not onely matched in comelynesse and due proportion of the partes the best of the common sorte ; but in straunge motion, variety of gesture, and nimblenes of ioints, passed al other that before had been seene : the same being able to bow down and lift up it selfe, to shake and stirre the handes and feete, to nod the head, to rolle the eies, to wag the chaps, to bende the browes, and finally to represent to the eie, both the proper motion of each member of the body, and also a lively, expresse, and significant shew of a well contented or displeased minde : byting the lippe, and gathering a frowning, froward, and disdainful face, when it would pretend offence : and shewing a most milde, amyable, and smyling cheere and countenaunce, when it woulde seeme to be well pleased." p. 91. Queen Catherine Howard. — In 1541, Henry solemnly offered thanksgiving for the happiness he found in the society of this his Fifth Queen. On the 12th of February, 1542, she and lady Rochford were executed. 106 GENERAL INDEX. Abbey lands, how bestowed, 80. Abbeys have become " caves of beasts," 64. Allen, Dv, his conduct, 12, 18. Apparel, costliness of, 52. Archery decays, 100. Articles, the Six, 36, 103. Ass, the man who would make one dance, 6S. Beef is dearer, 97. Beggars, 8. Beggars, the Supjol iced ion of, given to the King, vi; cast about London streets, x; referred to, 61. Bible, the, may be taken from the laity, 37; by whom it might be read, 64 ; to be placed in churches, 67 ; to be called in, 68 ; translation of, 69. Bishoprics, how bestowed, 34. Bishops' negligence, the conse- quences of, 37, 40, 41, 53 ; posses- sions of, 47; their worldly busi- ness, 48 ; how they use their riches, 49, 50; the offices they seek, 51, 54, 55 ; they must be taken away, 56 ; how they might be tested, 83. Boleyn, Lady Anne, gives Fish's book to the King, vi. Books in English forbidden, x; list of, xii ; contrary to the Six Articles to be burnt, 36, 103. Boulogne, capture of, 69, 104. Brinklow, B., may have written Supplications, xiii Buckinghamshire, decay in, 96, 99. Bygod, Sir F., quoted on idle- ness in abbeys, 15, note. Cattle-breeding neglected, 96. Celibacy, 75. Chaplain, the, with numerous livings, 78. Chaplains, the numbers of, 29, 30 ; privileges of, 76. Children can't be sent to school, 80. Church, the, what it teaches, 74. Clergy, abuse and treatment of the, xv ; conduct of the, 1 ; gains of the, 2 ; ignorance of, 21, 27, 32, 33 ; cause of ignorance in others, 23, 35 ; fees received by the, 87 ; what they would tithe if they dare, 87 ; sevenths paid to, 88. Commission to forbid the reading of English books, x. Corn, deficiency of, 95. Cottages go down, 79, 97. Craftsmen and labourers, lamenta- tion of, 101. GENERAL INDEX. 107 Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex, 67, 104. Dates of 2nd and 3rd Supplica- tions, xiii. Dead, prayers for the, 44, 45. Drunkenness, 53. Eggs are dearer, 97. Elyot and Robinson introduced to the King, viii. English, service in, 89. Fashions, extravagant, xv, 52. Eees received by the clergy, 87. Fish, Simon, the story of, vi ; Wood's account of, xiii ; intro- duced to the King, vii ; dies of the plague, vii. Fish's wife persecuted by Sir T. More, vii. Friars and monks, numbers of, 2, 4, 42 ; the money and property they receive, 3, 4, 9, 42 ; their rebellious conduct, 4, 5. Frith's answer to Sir T. More's Purgatory, x. Heresy, men accused of, 8. Horsey, Dr, his conduct in Hunne's case, 12. Hospitality, decay of, 99. Hospitals are abused, 13. Howard, Queen Catherine, re- ferred to, 91, 105. Hunne, Richard, his* life and death, 9, 12, 16. Kent, the Holy Maid and wink- ing Rood of, 75, 104, 105. Kine kept in every house, 99. King, the tokens of his end, 81. Kings, how they have bestowed bishopricks 34. Latin, service in, 89. Laws, good, made, 25. Lawyers, plenty of, 51. Learning in England, 21 ; what sort of, 23. London, a grievous charge on, 84. Losses sustained by the country by the change in farming, xvi, 97 — 100. Maid of Kent, the Holy, 75, 104. Masses paid for, but unsaid, 1 4. Meat, white, is dearer, 97. Moddys, Edmund, the King's footman, talks of religion and the new books, viii. Monks, their lust, 6, 9, 15 ; ought to be married, 7; their prayers, 9, 10; how they ought to be treated, 14, 15 ; their idle- ness, 15, note ; possessions of, 61. Monks and nuns "weeded out," 62. More, Sir T., his Supplycacyon of Soulp, \, viii; answered by Frith, x ; his Utopia, ix ; persecutes Fish's wife, vii. Mortmain, statute of, 9, 12. Music, Church, 75. Mutton is dearer, 97. Non-residence and pluralities, 28, 29. Northamptonshire, decay in, 96, 99. Oxfordshire, decay in, 96, 98. Parishes and parish churches, number of, in England, 2, 101. Pater noster, No penny, no, 87. Patronage, abuses of, 77. Patrons are negligent, 27 ; and bestow livings on the undeserving, 35 ; warned, 31, 33 ; their duties, 38. 108 GENERAL INDEX. Plow, how many persons one wou!d keep, 98. Plows, more to be kept, 100 ; how many less, 101. Poor, numbers of, 8 ; ought to be relieved, 44 ; the, how to be pro- vided for, 70 ; the, were better off under the old condition of things, 79 ; the, how they are oppressed — ■ some beg, some steal, some are hanged, 79 ; driven to beg or steal, 98, 102. Population, checks to increase of, 6, 15. Poultry scarcer, 98, 100. Poverty of the people, xv; 1, 43, 01. Preaching, the want of, and its results, 2G. Pride, 53. Proverbs, six, 95, 96. Purgatory, 10, 45. Eebellion referred to, 64, 103. Eents are raised, 79. Rich, the conduct of the, xv. Eobinson and Elyot have an in- terview with the King, viii. Eoo, M., his play or interlude, vi. Eood of Kent, the, 75, 105. Eoy, William, v, note. Sacrament, people beg to pay for the, 80. School, why children cannot be sent to, 80. Schools should be founded out of abbey funds, 44. Scriptures, ignorance of the, 22. Service in Latin and English, 89. Sevenths paid to clergy, 88. Sheep and sheepmasters, 95, 96. Sheep Trad, subject of, xvi ; date of, 103. Shepherds and archery, 100. Simony, 82. Six Articles, books contrary to, to be burnt, 30, 103. Supplications, authorship of, xiii ; subjects discussed in, xiv. Swearing, 53. Tenants of Abbey-lands, how treated, 80. Testament, the New, forbidden, x, xi ; translations of the, 67, 104. Thieves, 8. Tillage not attended to, 96. Tithes, origin and history of, 70 — 74 ; payable on sheep dying of rot, 85. Tonstall's prohibition of English New Testaments, x. Traditions of the Church, 74. Tramps, then and now, xvii, note. Unemployed, the numbers of, then, xvii. Usury, 82, 84. Utopia of Six T. More, ix. Vice is rampant, 82. Vices which are prevalent, 53. Wood's account of Fish, xiii. Wool is dearer, 97. 109 GLOSSAPJAL INDEX. Note. B. = Bailey's Dictionary ; P. = Kersey's Phillips ; Bp Bale = The Select Works of Bp Bale, Parker Society ; P.P. = Promptorium Parvu- lorum ; H. = Halliwell's Arch. Diet. My best thanks are due to the Bev. Dr Bock and the Bev. W. W. Skeat for then- valuable assistance in the explanation of certain words in this Glossary. Addycte, 47, to give over to. Aduaylable, 8, available- Adulterine, 92, adulterate, coun- terfeit, corrupt. Alckmist, 77, alchemist. Amners, 34, almoners. Artchers, 100, archers. Artillary, 100, artillery, the art of shooting with bows and arrows. Assityng, 2, to ascite, to call, to summon. Attender, 96, to attend to. Auncientie, 9, antiquity. Anti- quitie : auncientie. Cooperi The- saurus, in v. anliquitas. A wiles, 68. 1 1n the mean time. Axe, 101, ask. Bedemen, 13. " Eedes men, alms-men, who pray'd for their founders and benefactors." P. Bede (A.S.), a prayer. " Xotir bed- man, & smiantt to be vtte/must off my poor power, Andrew Boorde." FurnivalVs Andrew Boorde's Di/et- ary, p. 62. " And the bedeman shall pray for the soul of the dead." Toulmin Smith's English Gilds, p. 230. Bloudsupper, 5, a murderer, a bloodsucker. " Poor creatures that should be killed by these un- saciate blood-soupers for his truth's sake." Bp Bale, p. 324. Bopipe, 68, bo-peep. " Some of the byshoppes at your injunctions slepe, Some laugh and go bye, and some can play boo pipe," Bale's Kynge Johan, p. 97. Brenninge, 41, burning. Bruit, 64, brute. Bryres, 56, briers. Buggery, 63, "the coupling of one man with another, or of man or woman with a brute beast." P. Bumme court, 48, a court which took cognizance of certain vices. By, set by, 97, thought much of. Cannebes, 75, canopies. " Can- nabie, canabie, a corruption of canopy." Jamieson : who adds that it is used in Inventories. " Cano- peum, reticulum subtile factum de canabo. The Canope alluded to in the Promptorium was very pro- bably the JJiiihraculum under which the Sacred Host was carried in the 110 GLOSSAillAL INDEX. procession on Palm Sunday. Canapy to be borne over the sacrament." P. P., note 3, p. 60. Lat. canna- bis, hemp. " Going processions with canopy, cross, and pix." Bp Bale, p. 524. Carp, 88, talk, or speak. Catyuite, 23, captivity. Chaplaynes, 42. " Eydynge Chap- laynes " ? Church ales, 41 ; a church ale was a feast in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Cocke of haye, 65, "a conical heap of hay." H. Coelginers, 66. Bailey has " coeliginous," but whether the " Coelginers " were a " heaven- born" sect or what they were I don't know. Cp. 'Then was there an infinite table of senten- tioners and sum mists, of colliginers and canonists." Bp Bale, p. 350. Canon Rock suggests that the writer meant Culclees. " The Cul- dees were a sect of religious monks, remarkable for their religious exer- cises of preaching and praying." B. Cohybyted, 25, hindered. Commessacyon, 53, comniessa- tion, revelling. Coopes, 75, Copes. " Cope, a sacred vestment which is directed by the Canons of the Reformed Church to be worn at the celebra- tion of the communion in cathedral and collegiate church." P. P.,?iote 2, p. 91. Corporace, 75, " Corporasse, or corporalle. Corporate." P.P. "The term corporas, corporalis palla, de- notes a consecrated linen cloth folded and placed upon the altar in the service of the mass, beneath the sacred elements." lb. note 3, p. 93. The corporal "is the name given to the linen cloth which is spread over the body {carpus'), or conse- crated bread, in the communion." Hook's Church Diet., 9 th ed. So that the corporas or corporal is placed beneath the Elements by the Roman Catholic, over them by the Protestant. Couentes, 80, convents. Counfortable, 28, comfortable. Counforte, 28, comfort. Covent, 27, convent. Cream, 41, Chrism. Oil conse- crated in the Romish and Greek churches by the bishop, and used in baptism, confirmation, orders, and extreme unction. "At the last crept in the worshipping of relics and shrines, with holy oil and cream." Bp Bale, p. 320. Crwetes, 75, cruets. " Crewet or crevet, a little vial, or narrow- mouth'd glass." P. "Copes, crosses, cruets." Bp Bale, p. 259. Cukkoldrie, 6, the act of adul- tery. Cure, 29, care. Dasshed, 8, condemned, con- founded. " The gentlemen were dashed by his earnestness." Ginx's Baby, p. 175. Debities, 85, deputies. "These spiritual tyrants shall examine you .... and so deliver you up unto kings and debities." Bp Bale, p. 6. Demaner, 61, demeanour. Demurante, 32, grave in behavi- our. Deplorate, 46, deplorable. Dimitted, vii, dismissed, sent away. Distayne, 81, to stain. Dwe, 77, due. Dome, 53, dumb. Drafsacke, 15, a sack full of draf, a place of extreme wickedness. " Proving their traditions to be most vile draff, and most stinking dregs of sin." Bp Bale, p. 285. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ill Effectuously, x, effectually, com- pletely. "That Esay with all other prophets, warneth afore- hand to follow concerning Christ and his church, this mystery de- clareth effectuously fulfilled." Bp Bale, p. 253. Elbowhangers, 77, hangers-on, parasites. Enmious, ix, inimical, hostile. "Enmy. Tnimicus,hoslis, hoslilitas." P.P. Enmying, ix. See above. Enprysonmente, 36, imprison- ment. Enterdite, 5, interdict. Entermedlyng, xi, intermixing. Eretik, 9, heretic. Estatute, 30, statute. Exquysytely, 22, exquisitely, ac- curately, with great exactness ; minutely. "Exquisite, curious, choice ; also exact, or carry'd on to the utmost height." P. Externe, 91, external. Eelles, 85, fells, skins, or hides. Fiftenes, 3, fifteenths. Erayd, 84, afraid. Eumish, viii, angry, fractious. Fumishly, ix, angrily. Galpe, 81, gape, gape after, to look forward to. Gnatonical, 77, 89, gnat-like. Goulafres, 10. See note, p. 10. Gyldes, 75. "Gild, guild, or geld, A company of men united to- gether, with laws and orders made among themselves." P. In the text it means the house in which a re- ligious fraternity or gild lived. Habilite, 65, ability, power, or authority. Habitacle, 24, a dwelling or habi- tation. " And he shall finally sup with me and with him in the eternal habitacle of God . ." Bp Bale, p. 296. Holle, 50, whole. Hyed, 50, hide. Hylded,85, skinned. Hild, to skin. H. Elected, 6, enticed. " Illejctus. Pleasantly prouoked, intised, tolled, allured." Cooperi Thesaurus. Impe, 92, a shoot of a tree, a cut- ting, a bud. " He shall be called .... a lamb of Christ's fold, a sheep of his pasture, a branch of his vine, a member of his church, an imp of his kingdom." Bp Bale, p. 292. The same writer uses it in a bad sense : "O very imps of hell, and limbs of the devil ! " p. 441. Importune, 84, importunate. Iorney, 71, journey. Iote, 83, jot. " One iute, or one title of the law shal not scape." S. Mat. v. 18, Genevan New Test. 1557. lour, 92, your. Ioywell, 39, jewel. . Kyre Eleyson, 69. Kyrie Elei- son, the Greek of "Lord, have mercy " upon us. Latward, 71. " Lateward, that is of the latter season." P. Lazer, 77, leprous, afflicted with leprosy. Leas, 80, lease. Liripope, 84. The following is Mr Halliwell's note on this word : " Liripoops. An appendage to the ancient hood, consisting of long tails or tippets, passing round the neck, and hanging down before, 112 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. reaching to the feet, and often jagged. The term is often jo- cularly used by writers of the 16lh and 17th centuries. 'A lirripoop vel lerripoop, a silly empty crea- ture, an old dotard.' Milks, MS. Devon Gloss. A priest was for- merly jocularly termed a lerry-cum- poop. It seems to mean a trick or stratagem, in the London Prodigal, p. 111. ' And whereas thou takest the matter so farrein snuffe, 1 will teach thee thy lyrripups after an- other fashion than to be thus rnale- pertlie cocking and billing with me, that am thy governour.' Stani- hurst, p. 35. Theres a girle that knowes her lerripoope. Lillie's Mother Bombie, 1594." "I believe the scarf grew out of the fur tippet or almuce, or amess, not the liripipe of the hood." Church Times, 16 Dec, 1870, p. 536, col. 4. Lobies, 14, looby, a silly awk- ward fellow. H. Loutes, 15, clownish unmannerly fellows. Lubbers, 15. " Abbey loutes or lubbers." Drudges, lazy drones. "Idul abbey-lubbarys, wych are apte to no thyng but . . . only to ete and drvnke." England in Henry Fill's Time, p. 131, ed. J. M. Cowper. Lubricite, 7, lubricity, incontin- ency. See Lubricus, Cooperi The- saurus. Lyuelycke, 66, lively, living. Maiheme, 8. " Maihem or Ma- him, (F.) maim, wound, hurt." P. Morowe mas, 42. Morrow Mass. I am indebted to Canon Rock for the following : — " Time out of mind and while the Anglo-Saxons ruled, there used to be in every monastery, cathedral, and large church, in this land, two altars in every chancel : one, the high or large altar ; the other, a smaller altar, not always but usually at the back of this larger altar. Every morning at dawn, and at the end of matins, a mass was sung or said at the smaller altar, and the monk or priest who celebrated it was termed the mor- row-mass priest; and the altar it- self was named the morrow Mass Altar." " The morrow masse aw- ter " of Favershatn had, in the 4th Henry VIII. " Imprimis. A chise- byll of grene damaske with lyones of golde with apparel for the preest. It. A masse boke preynted. It. 2 cruetts of pewter. It. 2 kandylstykks and a small of laton standing upon brods herse." Jacob's Faversham, p. 164. And Thomas Sterkey of Faversham gave, in 1525, ".to the morrow masse aultar every weeke a penny alter my decese the space of one whole yere." Lewis's Fun. Mon. in the Church of Faversham, p. 37. Mortwaries, 85, mortuaries. " Mortuary, in the English ecclesi- astical law, is a gift left by a man at his death to his parish church, in recompence of personal tithes omitted to be paid in his lifetime. By 21 Hen. VIII. c. 6, mortuaries were commuted into money pay- ments." Book's Ch. Diet. Mought, 5, might. Muncke pencyons, 42, 1 Monk pensioners. Murmuracyon, 26, murmur, or murmuring. Mysse, 78, a wrong, that which is amiss. JNTasturcium, ix, the smart. Noble, 80, a coin of 6*.' Sd. " And in thy begane the golde to angel 1 nobyll at vij-s vember after it was m Grey Friars' Chron., anjrel also was of the \ herb nose- the value of s yere (1527) ryse, as the and in No- ade vijs. v]d." p. 33. The alue of Qs. 8f/. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 113 But when " a phisician called Doc- tor Nicholas," received " xx An- gelas, vij li. x. s" the angel was worth 7s. 6d. FumioaWs Andrew Boorde, p. 49, note 1. Obeisant, 81, obedient. Obeysaunce, 90, obedience. Other, 46, either. Outwarde, 33, outer, St Matt. viii. 12. Comp. " Thou shalt be thrown forth into exterior darkness, where shall be weeping." Bp Bale, p. 294. Palme trees, 78. The Sallow, salix caprea, is commonly known in the Midland counties as the Palm. " For look here, what 1 found on & palm-tree." As You Like It, iii. 2. " Ye leaning palms, that seem to look Pleased o'er your image in the brook." Clare's Rural Life, p. 62. Pax, 75. A small tablet of sil- ver, or some fit material, often very elaborately ornamented, by means of which the kiss of peace was, in the medifeval Church, cir- culated through the congregation. "Crucifixes borne aloft in their gaddings abroad, with the religious occupyings of their paxes, cruets, and jewels which be of silver." Bp Bale, p. 526. Pewling, viii, ix, x. "To pule, to piep or cry as chickens and young birds do. To whine, to cry, to whimper." B. " To speak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas." Two Gent. Ver. ii. 1. " A wretched puling fool, A whining mammet." Bom. 8f Jul. iii. 5. Persequution, 73, persecution. Personagyes, 34, parsonages. " So SUPPLICATION. is there in personages, some sente from Christ as shepherds to fede, and some from the deuyll as theues to deuoure." Lever's Sermons, p. 66, Arber's reprint. Pettyt, 87, petty, little, small, paltry. Pixes, 75. Pyx, the vessel or box in which the Host is kept. Irreverently called " god-boxes " by Bp Bale, p. 527. Pours, 63, powers, authorities. Prescripte, 41, prescribed, ap- pointed. "The dwellers of the earth . . . practised worshippings besides the prescripte rules of God's word." Bp Bale, p. 495. Prist, 90, priest. Prodicessours, 77, predecessors. Prophanate, xi, to profane. Prossession, 69, % procession. Prystishe, 45, priestish. Pue, 67, pew. Pyed, 79, black and white, parti- coloured. "These [freres of the Pye] would appear to be not very different from the Carmelites ; they were called Pied Friars from their dress being a mixture of black and white, like a magpie." Pierce the Ploughmans Crede, ed. Skeat, p. 35. "The Pied Friars had but one house, viz. at Norwich. We find the expression ' Fratrum, quos Freres Pye veteres appellabant ' in Thorn. Walsingham, Hist. Angli- cana, vol. i. p. 182; ed, H. T. Puley. See also Notes and Queries, 4 S. ii. 496." Additional Note to the same. Pynfolde, viii, a place of confine- ment. Quest, 9, inquest, a jury of citizens. Eealyfe, 70, relief. Eenomed, 82, renowned. 114 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Eeuaile, 69, reveal. Boyalrne, 78, realm. Salue, 28, to apply salve to, to heal. Scala celi, 41, Scala Cceli, the name given to " a vision of St Ber- nard's, who, while celebrating a funereal mass, saw the souls for whom he was praying going up to heaven by a ladder." Sometimes the term " is used merely as one of mystical figurative names of the Madonna," Political and Eel. Po- ems, xxvii. Scase, 29, scarce. See England in Hen. Fill's Time, scaseness, p. 223. Seased, 80 (Law term), seized of, possessed of. Sence, 41, cense, to perfume with incense. Sensoures, 75, censers. Serpentical, 74, serpent-like, de- vilish. Shauelings, 41. A term of con- tempt for a priest. "This Baby- lonish whore, or disguised syna- gogue of shorelings, sitteth upon many waters or peoples." Bp Bale, p. 494. Shavelings of prodigious beastliness in lecherous living under the colour of chastitv. lb. p. 497. Shepe, 75, 1 ship. " Schyppe, vesselle to put yn rychel (incense)" P. P. " Acerra, a schyp for censse," Nominale MS. xv. Cent, quoted by Halliwell. " He gave a senser, and a shyp of clene syluer, argento puro." LTorman, P. P. p. 80, note 6. Sir T. More uses the word, but the re- ference I have not at hand. Canon Bock tells me he thinks sheep is meant. He says, " It was usual in those times for people having no- thing better to bestow in charity, to give certain animals to the church that therewith some money might arise, to be expended for charitable purposes : cows, for instance, that their milk, butter, and cheese might produce sums for charity ; and sheep for the wool they pro- duced, to be sold for the like pur- pose. The ship for incense is not a thimble, but an oblong shallow kind of box for holding incense. This appliance is now called ' an incense boat,' and in Latin is known as the navicula, because shaped in the form of one, but without any mast." Skanter, 96, scarcer. Skantite, 95, scarceness. Skot and lot, 98, "a customary contribution laid upon all subjects according to their ability." B. " Every freeholder is bound to be a partaker in lot, which is liability to hold office, and in scot, which means contribution to taxes and other charges." Eilejfs Mem. of London, p. 601, quoted in Smith's English Gilds, p. 474. Sloughtfully, 3, ? cruelly, mur- derously. Sparcled, vi, enlightened, illu- minated. Steare, 24, 63, stir. Steruelynges, 64, starvelings; lean, hungry -looking persons. Strawne, x, strewn, scattered. Sumner, 17, summoner. See note, p. 17. Swynescotes, 78, pig-sties. Swynged, 69, repeated frequently and loudly. Tapurs, 75, tapers. Thouchyng, 96, touching. Towardnes, 81. " Child of great towardness," child of great pro- mise. Trentalles, 41, Trental, a service of thirty masses for the dead, usu- ally celebrated on as many differ- ent days. " On J>e morwe to seie GLOSSAEIAL INDEX. 115 a trent of masses." Smith's English Gilds, p. 8. " Pour out your trental masses, spew out your com- mendations." Bp Bale, p. 330. See St Gregory's Trental, Pol. Pel. and Love Poems. Vrnbermente, 96, number. Vm- ber, number. H. Vnaxed, 8, unasked. Vndoutely, 65, undoubtedly. Voult safe, 85, vouchsafe. An- other form of the word is withsave. "For unto them only are his hea- venly verities known, to whom he withsaveth to open them." Bp Bale, p. 473. Vre, 51, ure, use. Vtylite, 3, utility. "Wayne, 23, vain. Warmoll, 9. See note, p. 9. Mr Skeat says : " Warnmall- I know nothing of it, and can only guess. It may be warn, to admon- ish, and mall. But what is mall ? It can hardly be Pr. mal. It can hardly be Mall or Moll, a common name for frail ones. Nor am I satisfied with a friend's guess that the word is warn- em-all ! It's too clever. And as if to make that which is dark darker, I find A.S. worn-mcelum (spelt wearn-mcelum in Bosworth) means by companies. Cf. O.E. flockmel, by flocks, and piece-meal, by pieces." "Weyte, 97, white. Wringyng, 77. "To wrest . . . to wring ... to force the sense of a passage or author." P. Wyllouse, 78, willows. Wyte, ix, blame, reproach. Yie, 1, eye. Yower, 75, ewer. Ypochrise, 11, hypocrisy. Ypochrite, 11, hypocrites. The PubVcations for 1872-88 {one guinea each year) arc ■ 49. An Old English ^ceUany, containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, and -o i? el ' g i'^ S l°X!r S °/e he 13 V. 1 **?*•' e A b0XU the MSS - fc y the Rev - B- Morris, LL.D. 10* aO. King Alfred s West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, ed. H Sweet M\ Part II 10* ?V £ h f. L i fe of St Juliana, .2 versions ad. 1230, with translations ; ed. T. O. Cockayne & E. Brock ' 2* nfi v r °" ^ -^ i e " gllsh T (ab - } i2 ^ A - D -' l v cd. Rev. Barton Lodge, M.A. Part I. 10*, ■ ' 13th-century, with >. S.5. s author of the Vision) Generydes, a Romancefab. 1440 A.b., ed. W. Aldis Wright, ^M.'a. Parti 66. The Gest Hystoriale of the Destruction of Troy, in alliterative' verse ; ed/by D Eonaldson Esci " and the late Rev. G. A. Panton. Part II. 10*. 6d. . > i-> 57. The Early English Version of the " Cursor Mundi" ; in four Texts, edited by the Rev R Morris ' M.A., LL.D. Part I, with 2 photolithographic facsimiles. 10s. 6Vose Versions, 2 English, 1 French, ed. G. >\ Currie, M. A. ttSTThc Large-Paper Issue of the Extra Series is stopt, save for unfinisht Works of it. The Publications for the years 1874 to 1890 (one guinea each year) are: — XXIII. Early English Pronunciation, bv A. J. Kllis, F.R.S. Part IV. 10*. XXIV. Lonelich's History of the Holy Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A., Ph.D. Part II. 10s. XXV. Guy of Warwick, 15th-century Version, ed. Prof. Zupitza. Part I. 20*. XXVI. Guy of Warwick, 15th-century Version, ed. Prof. Zupitza. Part II. 14*. XXVII. Bp. Fisher's English Works (died 1535), ed. bv Prof. J. E. B. Mavor. Part I, the Text XXVIII. Lonehch'sHoly Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A., Ph.D. Part III. 10*. XXIX. Barbour's Bruce. Part III., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 21*. XXX. LoneUch's Holy Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A., PluD. Part IV. 15*. XXXI. The Alliterative Romance of Alexander and Dindimus, ed. Rev. W. AV. Skeat. 6*. XXXII. S tarkey's" England in Henry VIU's time." Pt. I. Starkey' s Life and Letters, ed. S. J. Heritage. S XXXIII. Gesta Romanorum (englisht ab. 1440;, ed. 8. J. Herrtage, *B. A. 15«. XXXIV. The Charlemagne Romances :— 1. Sir Ferumbras, from Ashtn. MS. 33, ed, S. J. Herrtage. 15*. XXXV. Charlemagne Romances :— 2. The Sege off Melayne, Sir Otuell,