MINUTES OF THE Galloivay Primitive Baptist Association, At its first Session held at Bethlehem meeting house, in Edgefield District, S. C. on Friday the I4thqf January, 1842. Whereas, a few of the churches have separated themselves from the missionary institutions of the clay, and have agreed to form themselves into another body, known by the name of the Galloway Primitive Baptist Association: — Pursuant to appoint- ment, delegates from said churches met at Bethlehem meeting house, on Friday be- fore the third Sunday in January, 1S42. Brother Marshal McGraw delivered an ap- propriate introductory sermon from Deu- teronomy, 32 ch. and verse 9: For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. When brother John Galloway was call- ed to the chair, and B. E. Clark chosen clerk; and the churches called in the order stated below. The delegates handed in their letters, and their names were enrolled as follows: Churches. Ministers <§• Delegates. Mount Calvary Lexing- ~) J. S. Smith, J.V. Sawyer. 1 ? J. Galloway, S C. Plunket. £ G. Matthews, 5 B. E. Clark. ton district, 23 member Water Pond, Barnwe district, 23 members, Bethlehem, Edgefield district, 9 members, The churches being assembled, adopted the following constitution. 1 JJrticle. This body shall be known as theGal|oway Primitive Baptist Association. 2 Jlrticle. The objects of this Associa- tion are, union of the churches, the good of man, and the glory of God. 3 Article. This body shall be compos- ed of delegates from the churches in the following rates: each church shall be enti- tled to two delegates, the appointment of these delegates shall be signified by letter from the churches, these letters shall con- tain the number baptised, received by let- ter, restored, dismissed, exeommunicated, and dead, throughout the preceding year, with the total number. Other churches of the same faith and order may be admitted into union. 4 Article. The Association shall have a Moderator, clerk, and treasurer, who shall be chosen out of the number of dele- gates by ballot, and continue in office until a new election shall be made. 5 Jlrticle. This Association disclaims any authority over the churches. It only possesses the privilege of recommending to them any measure that may be thought pro- per for the advancement of its objects, of inquiring into the state of the constituent members; &if it shall appear upon informa- tion, that any of them have departed from the faith of the gospel, as set forth in the declaration of our faith in the gospel in the declaration of faith and practice appended to this constitution, of withdrawing from any of them, if after affectionate and gospel labor to recover them from their errora they remain irreclaimable. 6 Article. This Association may hold correspondence or form connection with any other religious bodies of the same faith and order, for the promotion of its objects; yet so as to leave the churches that com- pose it free to act in the case as they may think proper. 7 Jlrticle. This Association shall have power to make by-laws for its government. & Article. Any alteration in this con- stitution may be made by a vote of two thirds of the members present at a stated meeting; provided such alteration shall have been submitted to the churches for their consideration. Assigned by the del- egates. James S. Smith. John V. Sawyer. John Galloway. Charles Plunket. Garrot Mathews. Benjamin E. Clark. Considering the Association now form- ed, proceeded to elect officers; and on count- ing the ballots, it appeared brother John Galloway was elected Moderator, and B. E. Clark, clerk. Brother Vincent Bell prayed, when (he following declaration of our views of the gospel was proposed and adopted. 1st. We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testament contains the revelation of God's will toman, and consti- tute the obligatory rule for man in all his relations, as a creaiureand a member of so- ciety. 2nd. We believe that the scriptures re- veal the existence of one only living and true God, subsisting in three distinct per- sons, known by the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and these three are one in essence possessing equal attributes. 3rd. We believe that God who. made all things created man upright, but man have sought out many inventions; that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God, and that by the deeds of (he law no flesh living shall be justified before God. 4th. We believe that God so loved the world, that he gaye his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. 5th. We believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was made flesh and that he was born of the Virgin Mary, thathe suffered, bled, died, was buried, and rose again, and is now at the right hand of his Father making intercession for his people, and will come again a second time without a sin offering unto salvation. 6:h. We believe that Jesus Christ in his perfect work magnified and made hon- orable the d; vine law, became the end of it for righteousness to every one that believ- eth, that God can be just and the justifierj of the ungodly thnt believe in Jesus, and ! that whosoever will may come and take of the waters of life freely. 7th. We believe in the regeneration of the soul by the spirit of God in its sanctifi- cation by his word, and in the eternal glorification of soul and body after thejudg- ment day. 8th. We believe thattbe sal vation of the sinner is by grace through faith, and not of works. 9lh. We believe that good works are to be maintained for necessary purposes, since God has before ordained that his peo- ple should walk in them. 10th. We believe that all that the Fath- er hath given the Son shall come to him, and will bs raised up at the last day; and that those that sTeep in Jesus, God will bring with him, that they may be ever with the Lord. 11th. We believe, that there will be a general resurrection of the dead, and a gen- eral judgment, the result of which will be a final reward to all men according to the deeds done in the body; and that the wick- ed shall go away into everlasting punish- ment and the righteous into life eternal. 12th. We believe that the preaching of the gospel is an ordinance of God, and should be liberally supported by his people. 13th. We believe that bapiism is an or- dinance of the gospel, and consists in the immersion of the body of a sinner in wa- ter, upon his profession of faith in Christ Jesus. 1 4 1 h. We believe that it is the duty of all baptized believers to unite together in the church relation. 15th. We believe that Jesus Christ has instituted a church on earth, and that sepa- rate bodies of baptized believers in Christ, associated together as local con venience ad- mits, upon the principles of the gospel for the worship of God and mutual edification of its members, are parts of this church and constitute churches of Christ. 16th. We believe that each of these churches is independent in point of gov- ernment of every other, though they should be united in harmony, and love, and in common effort for mutual benefit, of the promotion of the cause of God. 17th. We believe that the officers of Christ's churches are bishops and deacons; by bishops we understand elders, pastors, having the spiritual charge of a church. By deacons we understand those that have the charge of the temporalities of the church. 18th. We believe, that civil government is an ordinance of God, and that we should give it our support. BY-LAWS, Or, Decorum for the Jissocititlon. 1st. A sermon introductory to the busi- ness of the Association, shall be delivered at 12 o'clock on the first day of each ses- sion, by a minister appointed at a previous meeting. 2nd. Immediately after the sermon if ended, the delegates shall assemble in some convenient place, when the Moderator, or another at his request, shall open the meet- ing by prayer. 3rd. The letters from the churches shall be called f©r and read, when the clerk shall enrol the names of the delegates and min- ute the state of the churches. The names of the delegates shall then be called, and the absentees marked. 4th. If there are any applications for ad- mittance into union, the delegates bearing such applications shall present them, when they shall receive immediate attention. 5th. The Moderator,|Clerk, and Treasu- rer, shall then be chosen. 6ih. The constitution, declaration of faith, and rules for the government of the Associaiion, shall then be read. 7th. Letters and messengers from cor- responding Associations shall be read and received. 8th. The standing committees shall then be appointed by the Moderator, of which there shall be the following: 1st. Commit- tee for the arrangement of preaching. 2nd. Committee of revision. 3rd. Committee on the Treasurer's account. 4th. Com- mittee on the state of religion. 5th. Com- mittee on the Minutes of the correspon- ding Associations. 9th. The Moderator shall preside, keep due order, state all matters that are to be considered by the Association, ascertain & declare all decisions that shall and may be made. He shall be the judge of order, though an appeal may be made from his de- cision to the body ; when he desires to be heard, he shall put some one in his place and then he may give his views. 10th. The clerk shall enrol the names of the delegates, minute the state of the churches, keep the proceedings of the bo- dy, and prepare a fair copy of the whole of each session for the press. llth. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the moneys and specialities belonging to the Association, and dispose of\hem as the Association shall direct; he shall at each session of the body present a written report of the state of his office, to be examined by the committee on the Treasurer's accounts. 1 2th. The business of the Association shall be opened and closed each day of its session by prayer. 13th. The members of the Association shall appear at the hour appointed by the body on each day of its session, and no member shall depart without leave from the body. 14th. The members will be expected to keep their seats, and pay profound atten- tion to the business of the Association 3 when in session; they will not without pressing necessity, leave the house, nor then without leave from the Moderator. 15th. The order of business will be con- formed to the arrangements of the previous session, as shall appear on the M inutes. But when any article is disposed of, any new business may be brought up before the bo- dy, on a motion that may be seconded; and when the whole business on the Minutes shall be disposed of, then any new business may be brought upon motion seconded. 16th. When any motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Modera- tor, for full and free discussion; the deci- sion of which shall be made by a majority of votes, as must be in all other decisions; in an event of an equal division, the Mod- erator shall have the casting vote. 17th. When a member has any thing to offer to the body, he shall rise from his seat and address the Moderator as brother Moderator, and confine his remarks under discussion; if more than one shall rise at the same time to speak, the Moderator shall name the one who has the preference, being regulated by priority in rising, if this can be ascertained. isth. Each member shall have the lib- erty of speaking three times on the same subject and no more, without special per- mission from the body. 19th. Whilst a subject is under discus- sion, no motion shall be allowed except for postponement, amendment, or adjourn- ment. 20th. Any of these rules may be altered or amended by two thirds of the members present at any meeting of the Association. JOHN GALLOWAY, Mo. B. E. Clark, Clerk. 1. For Minutes the Water Pond sends $2 50, Mt. Calvary church sends $2 00, Bethlehem church sends $2 00. 2. Resolved, That we request corres- dence with the following Associations: The South Carolina, the Fork Shoal, and the Springfield. 3. Appointed the brethren John Gallo- way, Jos. S. Smith and J. V. Sawyer to bear the corresponding letter to the South Carolina x\ssociation ; and Jos. S. Smith to bear the corresponding letter to the Fork Shoal Association; and brother Wm. Har- dy to bear a letter to the Springfield Asso- ciation. 4. The next Association to be held at Mt. Calvary church, Lexington district, to commence on Friday before the first Sabbath in October next. 6. Appointed Brother Carrot Mathews to write the next circular letteY. 7. Appointed Brother John Galloway to preach the next introductory sermon. 8. Resolved, That the clerk furnish the publisher and printer of the Primitive Bap- tist with a copy of the foregoing for publi- cation, and printing Minutes. 9. Brother Galloway prayed, and the Association adjourned. JOHN GALLOWAY, Mo. B. E. Clark, Clerk. Times of our Church meeting: Water Pond, first Sunday and day before; Ml. Calvary, second Sunday and day before; Bethlehem, third Sunday and day before, in each month. Preaching continued on the Sabbath, by the brethren Bell, McGraw, and Gallo- way, in the order of their names. JOHN GALLOWAY, Mo. B. E. Clark, Clerk. Primitive Baptist, Tarboro\ N. C.