^^ vj^iS! :::;:vj:^^:mmsm:Mnv'.:: •mSJSik GRAM) MAHRAJAN LEBANON SYRIAN -AJ/ffiRICAK ASSOCIATION! /.-■ '■^\ S^-^ FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION / c/" LAranaJHak rajan LEBANON SYRIAN -AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Jvalel^k,C/\orik Garolina JI4akrajan 3ieadqLUirters : : utoiel CaroLLmi Clje JLitiratp of t^e Uniutfiitv of Jl^ort!) Carolina Collection of Mottii CaroUniana M4 q= JTION r ^RTERS ♦ X(9/^/ ) LL \yaroLLmi ^^RaleigjrCs . ewest and Finest" EXTENDS CORDIAL WELCOME rO THE Mahr/ an Visitors V. ROOMS EACH WITH TH, RADIO, ELECTRIC FAN PRE S.RKING SPACE * * * THE mtAYOR OF 6KALEIGH The Hon. George A. Iseley (dWelcomes (5Sou TO THE Grand Mahrajan "It is with pleasure I extend to the Mahrajan visitors, a sincere welcome to Raleigh." y ^ ^ (L^e^y Mayor. CLYDE R. HOEY I am delighted to welcome the Lebanon Syrian Ameri- can Association to Raleigh for its Grand Mahrajan. In its efforts to strengthen the tie of Syrian families and in its contributions to the citizen- ship of our Nation and State, the members of this Associa- tion have won the commenda- tion of their fellow North Car- olinians. • * • • An organization of this kind de- serves recognition from all the citi- zens of our states. Its object is to strengthen the tie of Syrian fami- lies, to promote good fellowship and good will, to uphold the Constitution urge and encourage American citi- zenship. I wish to pay tribute to the Syrian people, and to commend them as a whole for their fine qualities of pa- triotism. I hope their Grand Mahrajan will be an enjoyable occasion, and I ex- tend to the members of the Associa- tion my best wishes. OLIN D. JOHNSTON Mahrajan Speakers NEIL JOSEPH. Toastniaster DR. H. A. ELKOURIE GEORGE A. HAMID "Enjoy the Pause that Refreshes" DRINK... ^^ The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co, RALEIGH ; : NORTH CAROLINA w , ■ ,. "SIZZLING STEAKS" Capitol Restaurant 8 W. MARTIN STREET "FINE SEA FOOD" RALEIGH : : NORTH CAROLINA Drink" I tike it »'ikes„te In BOTTLES 7 up Bottling Co. PHONE 5085 RALEIGH, N. C. Greetinofs from the President S. Bai)I)c)Uk In behalf of the Lebanon Syrian-American Association of North Carolina, I take great joy in extending to you a most cordial and hearty welcome to the Grand Mahrajan of North Caro- lina. Our greatest desire at this Mahrajan is that each and everyone of you enjoy every moment of your visit here. We sincerely hope that this great event will bring about the renewal of old friendships and the forming of new ones and to achieve the purposes for which our organiza- tion was founded. LET JOY REIGN. S. BADDOUR, President. SAY BAMBY BREAD AND ROYAL CAKE PHONE 1840 ROYAL BAKING CO. OPEN 24 HOURS iHanlf attan ICunrli T WELCOMES MAHRAJAN VISITORS 525 HILLSBORO STREET RALEIGH, N. C. Compliments of Raleigh Fruit Store -j« j^e ji "BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL MAHRAJAN" JOHN CAPETANOS GEORGE E. THOMAS 215 S. WILMINGTON ST. RALEIGH, N. C. Hammana American Association S. B. MiRAi) In behalf of the Hammana American Associa- tion, I extend to the Lebanon Syrian American Association of North Carolina our undivided loyalty. We sincerely hope that this Mahrajan will be the most successful one ever held. May it be only the beginning- of an annual affair to be enjoyed by Syrians from every State of the Union. S. B. MURAD, President, Hammana American Association May Your CELEBRATION Be Most Enjoyable! . . . and here is another GOOD wish ; May you enjoy the Comfort, Convenience, and Economy which the abundant use of CHEAP electricity offers you in your homes. Carolina Power & Light Co. Now CHEAP Electricity is CHEAPER Still! After the Dance "Meet the Gang" AT THE PBTIM PAN LUNCHEONETTE 1207 HILLSBORO STREET RALEIGH -:- NORTH CAROLINA Compliments of the ELITE CAFE COLUMBIA, S. C. When You're in Columbia — Make Your Visit a Pleasant One, Eating With Us! OPPOSITE JEFFERSON HOTEL Greeting's from Saleeby Relief Association N. D. Saleeby A. B. Saleeby In behalf of the Saleeby Relief Association, we wish the Lebanon Syrian-American Association a huge success in this, their first Grand Mahrajan. It is with pleasure that we offer our wholehearted support and loyalty in this great endeavor. May it be an enjoyable occasion. N. D. SALEEBY, President. A. B. SALEEBY, Founder. Carolina Florists 107 W. MARTIN ST. -:- PHONE 3646 Raleigh's Leading Florist WELCOME Lebanan Syrian-American Association- — GIVE us THE PLEASURE OF SERVING YOU — Ofelcome! ROYAL|ROttrN MAHRAJAN VISITORS COLA TWICE AS GOOD -:- TWICE AS MUCH Nash-Steele Motor Co. Distributors of DODGE, PLYMOUTH, DODGE TRUCKS 423 S. WILMINGTON ST. Factory-Trained Mechanics Genuine Factory Parts Grand Mahrajan Promoters JOSEPH J. JOSEPH Franklinton, N. C. WM. M. METTREY Raleigh, N. C. We have devoted our efforts in this endeavor to make this Grand Mahrajan, your Mahrajan, an outstanding success. All our plans and decisions have been conscientiously made for the common good of the Association. We take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Association for their cooperation in making this Mahrajan a success, and also to our guests and friends. yJJelcome to ike Cjrano Jnarirajayil N, C. State Fair Grounds, June 20^21, 1937 HILLSBORO ROAD ON ROUTE 1 RALEIGH. N. C. 8 °^ (ojjf r o p r a m ♦-so SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1937 8 :30 a.m. Gates open for registration at the North Carolina State Fair grounds. -»■ 10:00 a.m. Ground entertainments. 1:00 p.m. Open air banquet at the Fair grounds. Song by the assembled — "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Invocation by Monsig. Rabil of Roanoke, Va. Toastmaster, Mr. Neil Joseph of Goldsboro, N. C. Addresses of Welcome : Mr. S. Baddour, President of the Lebanon Syrian-American Association of North Carolina. Hon. George Iseley, Mayor of the City of Raleigh. His Excellency, Clyde R. Hoey, Governor of North Carolina. Response Addresses : Mr. Eli Mack, President of the Syrian-American Association of South Carolina. His Excellency, Olin D. Johnson, Governor of South Carolina. Song by Miss Nellie Farfour of Goldsboro, N. C. Address by Mr. George A. Hamid, New York. Song by Miss Julia Akel of Wilmington, N. C. Address by Dr. H. A. Elkourie of Birmingham, Alabama, President of the Southern Federation of Syrian Clubs. 3:30 p.m. Arabic musical entertainment in the grandstand by Russell Bunai, singer; Najda Courie, singer; Phillip Solomon, violinist; and Joe Badaway, aud player, of New York. Master of Ceremonies, Shikry Murad of Wilson. 6:00 p.m. Dinner at the Oasis Cafe on the Grounds. 8 :30 p.m. Julia Taweel, Lebanese dancer, assisted by her ensemble of Syrian vocalists and musicians direct from Chicago. cs£^ (^) r o g r a m -^o MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1937 12:01 a.m. Grand Mahrajan Night Club and floor show, featuring- Jimmie Poyner and his Famous Collegians at the Fair grounds, 9:00 a.m. Opening of the grounds. 9:30 a.m. Mock sword duel by South Carolina aggregation, featur- ing Mr. S. Tibschrany and Mr. Mitchell Tibschrany, at the grandstand. 10:00 a.m. Musical entertainment by "Herro Trio," of Watertown, Wisconsin. 10:30 a.m. Arabic music by Russel Bunai, Nadji Courie, Phillip Solomon, and Joe Badawey. 12:00 m. Luncheon at the Oasis Cafe on the grounds. 2:00 p.m. Jimmy Poyner and his Famous Collegians. 30-minute concert. 2:30 p.m. Arabic Music and Dancing. 6:00 p.m. Dinner at the Oasis Cafe on the grounds. 8 :30 p.m. Fireworks at the Fair grounds. 9:30 p.m. Grand Mahrajan Ball at Memorial Auditorium with Jimmy Poyner and His Famous Collegians. Awarding Diamond Ring. Promoted by William W. Mettrey and John J. Joseph. COMPLIMENTS and WISHES for JOYFUL UNION and SUCCESSFUL UNDERTAKING T T MALRO BROS. CASSATLY CO. 74-78 WASHINGTON ST. NEW YORK CITY Importers — Oriental Groceries and Art Objects "Food Served as You Like It" HiUsboro Lunch Welcome Mahrajan Visitors OPEN ALL NIGHT 501 HILLSBORO STREET RALEIGH, N. C. "COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN" Ljapliai LyluD Sooa Shop ■ ■ FINE FOOD - FAST SERVICE ■ ■ CAPITAL CLUB BLDG. RALEIGH, N. C. Eli Mack I An interesting feature of the Mahrajan will be the ancient Arabian Sword Fight, which will be gracefully executed by Mr. S. Simons Tib- shrany and his son, Mr. Mitchell Tibshrany, of Columbia. This game is said to be the oldest in the world. It is done with sword and shield and is an art similar to fencing, very difficult and full of action. Music for this feature will be rendered by the band. Mr. Tib- shrany, Sr., is a past master of the art, having been champion in Syria and Mt. Lebanon for nine years. Greetings and happiness to the Lebanon Syrian-American Association of North Carolina. The loyalty, devotion and hearty co- operation shown by you towards the Syrian-American Society of South Caro- lina have helped to make us successful in our attempts. I herewith extend to the officers and members of the Lebanon Syrian-Ameri- can Association of North Carolina my profoundest gratitude. May your efforts in this as well as your future occasions be successful and may God be with you in every attempt. ELIAS SKAFF MACK President Syrian-American Society of South Carolina. Compliments of Oriental Mercantile Co. • • ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC GROCERIES • • LEON UNIS PHONE MAIN 4-7042 151 ATLANTIC AVENUE BROOKLYN, N. Y. Alwan Brothers BAKERS OF Syrian Pastry, Turkish Rabat Locum Ice Cream and Fresh Fruit Ices DAMASCUS COOKIES A SPECIALTY 183 ATLANTIC AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Gus Russos & Sons QUALITY CLEANERS Work Called for and DELIVERED Phones 286 — 287 RALEIGH, X. C. * • Compliments |JC|| lAQFPHQ Goldsboro, of N. C. Jimmy Poyner and His Famous Collegians CITY AUDITORIUM, MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 9:30 p.m. GRAND M AH RAJ AN BALL Compliments of A. J. KNUCKLEY 1309 Main Street Columbia, S. C. Compliments of J. T, HOBBY &SON Wholesale Groceries Cigars, Cigarettes and Candies * Distributor for GEM CUPS CAPITAL PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS- BINDERS— DESIGNERS— 110 W. Hargett Street RALEIGH, N. C. Phone 3931 FREE DELIVERY GUS MATINOS &SON 3 31-333 W. HARGETT ST. We Specialize Heavy and Fancy Groceries Open 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Every Day W^elcome To RALEIGH and Efird's — for — BIGGER and BETTER VALUES A. K. Hitti Fred J. Bistany * Compliments of A. K. HITTI & CO. 83 Washington St. NEW YORK STEAMSHIP TICKETS Branch Offices Beirut. Syria Boston, Mass. Marseilles, France Lawrence, Mass. Detroit, Mich. WELCOME MAHRAJAN VISITORS You Will be Served PINE STATE ICE CREAM — AND — PINE STATE MILK "THE NATION'S HEALTH FOODS" * * * Pine State Creamery GLENWOOD AVENUE PHONE 3910 On/tf a^ec{ 6ee/t is tvc/t^c/ni/tAi/Uj/ ©a©^ your vote for FREE STATE and you'll haul In a load of pleasure with every mellow sip! Here's the finer beer that's UNIFORMLY AGED ALWAYS! Try it! Free State Brewery Corp., Baltimore, Md. 'y. Wehbie Distributing Co., Raleigh, N.^ [PAGE TWENTY] The Most Rev. W. J. HAFFEY. D.D. • • For Kiddies at the Catholic Orphanage Nazareth, N. C, to whom the net donation of this booklet are dedicated • Jtisloric Jvalelcfri THE PROGRESSIVE CAPITAL OF A PROGRESSIVE STATE Raleigh abounds in historic eminence and noteworthy tradi- tion. The first English settlement in America was made at Roa- noke Island on the coast of North Carolina by Sir Walter Ra- leigh. The Capital City of the State was named in his honor and in memory of this achievement. The land upon which Raleigh had its beginning was purchased in 1792 as a location for the establishment of the State Capitol. The first capitol building was completed in 1794 and destroyed by fire in 1831. The present building, over a hundred years old, is a recognized example of Doric architecture with few equals. It is noted for its beauty and design. The seventeenth President of the United States, Andrew John- son, was born here. This famous old home now stands as a shrine in Pullen Park. The State Hall of History here, with its collection of North Carolina historical records and important archives, attracts much interest. The oldest bank building in North Carolina still stands on the property of Christ Church. It is the present rectory. It was built in 179 5 as the State Bank. Many visitors to Raleigh are likewise interested in monuments and memorials of famous North Carolinians on Capitol Square and in State department buildings. Three points of special beauty in Raleigh are Dix Hill, Country Club, and the Federal Cemetery. Remember the North Carolina State Fair October, 11-16, 1937 JU^ V