€&e Hiftrarg of m 2Jntoer$itg of J[3ortt> Carolina The Sylvester Hassell Collection FROM THE LIBRARY OF Sylvester Hassell, D. D. CLASS OF '62 GIVEN BY HIS CHILDREN UNIVERSITY NORTH CAROL, >— — I '~ tckeel of Library Science THE SHEPHERD SALISBURY PLAIN XjC :l. here, fstke-r, only see how much i have got to-ciay ! S^« fUgB If EICEMOKD: PUBLISHED BY E. THOMPSON BAIRD, SECRETARY OF PUBLICATION. 1011 MAIN -STREET. mi. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/shepherdofsalisbmore THE SHEPHERD SALISBURY PLAIN. Mr. Johnson, a very worthy, charitable gentleman, was travelling some time ago across one of those vast plains, which are well known in Wiltshire. It was a fine summer's evening, and he rode slowly, that he might have leisure to admire God in the works of his creation. For this gentleman was of opinion, that a walk or a ride was as proper a time as any to think about good things; for which reason, on such occasions, he seldom thought so much about his money, or his trade, or public news, as at other times, that he might with mere ease and satisfaction enjoy the pi- ous thoughts, which the visible works ot the great Maker of heaven and earth are intended to raise in the mind. 2 SHEPHERD OF His attention was all of a sudden called off by the barking of a shepherd's dog, and look- ing up, he espied one of those little huts, which are here and there to be seen on those great downs; and near it was the shepherd himself, busily emploj^ed, with his dog, in collecting together his vast flock of sheep. As he drew nearer, he perceived him to be a clean, well looking, poor man, near fifty years of age. His coat, though at first it had probably been of one dark colour, had been, in a long course of years, so often patched with different sorts of cloth, that it was now become hard to say which had been the original colour. But this, while it gave a plain proof of the shep- herd's poverty, equally proved the exceeding neatness, industry, and good management of his wife. His stockings no less proved her good housewifery, for they were entirely covered with darns of different coloured wors- ted, but had not a hole in them : and his shirt, though nearly as coarse as the sails of a ship, was as white as the drifted snow, and was neatly mended where time had either made a rent, or worn it thin. This furnishes a rule of judging, by which one shall seldom be de- ceived. If I meet with a labourer hedging, ditching, or mending the highways, with his stockings and shirt tight and whole, however mean and bad his other garments are, I have seldom failed, on visiting his cottage, to find that also clean and well ordered, and his wife notable, and worthy of encouragement SALISBURY PLAIN. 3 Whereas a poor woman, who will be lying abed, or gossipping with her neighbours, when she ought to be fitting out her husband in a cleanly manner, will seldom be found to be very good in other respects. This was not the case with our shepherd ; and Mr. Johnson was not more struck with the decency of his mean and frugal dress, than with his open, honest countenance, which bore strong marks of health, cheerfulness, and spirit. Mr. Johnson, who was on a journey, and somewhat fearful, from the appearance of the sky, that rain was at no great distance, ac- costed the shepherd with asking what sort of weather he thought it would be on the morrow. It will be such weather as pleases me, an- swered the shepherd. Though the answer was delivered in the mildest and civilest tone that could be imagined, the gentleman thought the words themselves rather rude and surly, and asked him how that could be 1 Because, replied the shepherd, it will be such weather as shall please God, and whatever pleases him always pleases me. Mr. Johnson, who delighted in good men and good things, was very w T ell satisfied with his reply. For he justly thought, that though a hypocrite may easily contrive to appear better than he really is, to a stranger, and that no one should be too soon trusted, mere- ly for having a few good words in his mouth ; yet as he knew that " out of the abundance 4 SHEPHERD OF of the heart the mouth speaketh," he always accustomed himself to judge favourably of those who had a serious deportment and solid manner of speaking. It looks as if it pro- ceeded from a good habit, said he, and though I may now and then be deceived by it, yet it has not often happened to me to be so. Where- as, if a man accosts me with an idle, dissolute, vulgar, indecent, or profane expression, I have never been deceived in him, but have generally, on inquiry, found his character to be as bad as his language gave me room to expect. He entered into conversation with the shep- herd in the following manner: — Yours is a troublesome life, honest friend, said he. To be sure, sir, replied the shepherd, 'tis not a very lazy life ; but 'tis not near so toilsome as that which my great Master led for my sake : and he had every state and condition of life at his choice, and chose a hard one ; while I only submit to the lot that is appoint- ed me. You are exposed to great cold and heat, said the gentleman ; true, sir, said the shepherd ; but then I am not exposed to great temptations ; and so throwing one thing against another, God is pleased to contrive to make things more equal than we poor, ignorant, short-sighted creatures, are apt to think. David was happier when he kept his father's sheep on such a plain as this, and employed in singing some of his own psalms, perhaps, than ever he was when he became king of SALISBURY PLAIN. 5 Israel and Judah. And I. dare say, we should never have had some of tue most beautiful texts in all those fine psalms, if he had not been a shepherd, which enabled him to make so many fine comparisons and similitudes, as one may say, from country life, flocks of sheep, hills and valleys, and fountains of water. You think then, said the gentleman, that a laborious life is a happy one. I do, sir, and more so especially, as it exposes a man to fewer sins. If King Saul had continued a poor laborious man to the end of his days, he might have lived happy and honest, and died a natural death in his bed at last, which you know, sir, was more than he did. But I. speak with reverence, for it was Divine Pro- vidence overruled all that, you know, sir, and I do not presume to make comparisons. — Beside, sir, my employment has been par- ticularly honoured. Moses was a shepherd in the plain of Midian. It was to •' shep- herds keeping their flocks by night," that the angels appeared in Bethlehem, to tell the best news, the gladdest tidings, that ever were revealed to poor, sinful men ; often and often has the thought warmed my poor heart in the coldest night, and filled me with more joy and thankfulness than the best supper could have done. Here the shepherd stopped, for he began to feel that he had made too free, and had talk- ed too long. But Mr. Johnson was so well pleased with what he said, and with the cheer- $ SHEPHERD OF fill, contented manner, in which he said it, that he desired him to go on freely, for that it was a pleasure to him to meet with a plain man, who, without any kind of learning but what he got from the Bible, was able to talk so well on a subject, in which all men, high and low, rich and poor, are equally con- cerned. Indeed I am afraid I make too bold, sir, for it better becomes me to listen to such a gen- tleman, as you seem to be, than to talk in my poor way; but as I was saying, sir, 1 wonder all working men do not derive as great joy and delight, as I do, from thinking how God has honoured poverty ! O ! sir, what great, or rich, or mighty men have had such honour put on them, or their conditions, as shepherds, tent makers, fishermen, and carpenters have had. My honest friend, said the gentleman, I perceive you are well acquainted with Scrip- ture. Yes, sir, pretty well, blessed be God ! through his mercy I learned to read, when 1 was a little boy ; though reading was not so common when I was a child, as I am told, through the goodness of Providence, and the generosity of the rich, it is likely to become now-a-days. I believe there is no day for the last thirty years, that 1 have not peeped at my Bible. If we can't find time to read a chapter, I defy any man to say he can't find time to read a verse ; and a single text, sir, well followed and put in practice every day SALISBURY PLAIN. 7 would make no bad figure at the year's end ; three hundred and sixty-live texts without the loss of a moment's time, would make a pretty stock, a little golden treasury, as one may say, from new year's day to new year's day ; and if children were brought up to it they would come to look for their texts as naturally as they do for their breakfast. No labouring man, it is true, has so much leisure as a shepherd ; for while the flock is feeding, I am obliged to be still, and at such times I can now and then tap a shoe for my children or myself, which is a great saving to us ; and while I am doing that I repeat a bit of a chap- ter, which makes the time pass pleasantly in this wild solitary place. I can say the best part of the Bible by heart ; I believe I should not say the best part, for every part is good, but I mean the greatest part. I have led but a lonely life, and have often had but little to eat ; but my Bible has been meat, drink, and company to me, as I may say, and when want and trouble have come upon me, I don't know what I should have done, indeed, sir, if I had not had the promises of this book for my stay and support. You have had great difficulties then, said Mr. Johnson. Why, as to that, sir, not more than neighbour's fare ; I have but little cause to complain, and much to be thankful ; but I have had some struggles, as I will leave you to judge. I have a wife and eight children, whom I bred up in that little cottage, which S> SHEPHERD OF you. see under the hill, about half u mile off. What, that with the smoke coming out of the chimney'? O no, sir, replied the shepherd, smiling, we have seldom smoke in the even- ing, for we have little to cook, and firing is very dear in these parts. 'Tis that cottage which you see on the left hand of the chu.ch, near that little tuft of hawthorns. What, that hovel with only one room above and below, with scarcely any chimney 1 How is it possi- ble you can live there with such a family'? O ! it is very possible and very certain too,~ cried the shepherd. How many better men have been worse lodged ! how many good Christians have perished in prisons and dun- geons, in comparison of which my cottage is a palace ! The house is very well, sir, and if the rain did not sometimes beat down upon us through the thatch when we are abed, I should not desire a better ; for I have health, peace, and liberty, and no man maketh me afraid. Well, I will certainly call upon you before it be long : but how can you contrive to lodge so many children % We do the best we can, sir. My poor wife is a very sickly woman, or we should always have done tolerably well. There are no gentry in the parish, so that she has not met with any great assistance in her sickness. The good curate of the parish, who lives in that pretty parsonage in the val- ley, is very willing, but not very able to assist us on these trying occasions, for he has little enough for himself, and a large family into SALISBURY' PLAIN. 9 the bargain. Yet he does what he can, and more than many richer men do, and more than he can well afford. Beside that, his prayers and good advice, w*» are always sure of. and we are truly thanitful for that ; for a man must give, you know, sir, according to what he hath, and not according to what he hath not. Are you in any distress, at present? said Mr. Johnson. No sir, thank God, replied the shepherd. I get my shilling a day, and most of my children will soon be able to earn something ; for we have only three under five years old. Only ! said the gentleman ; that is a heavy burden. Not at all ; God fits the back to it. Though my wife is not able to do any out-of-door work, yet she breeds up ner children to such habits of industry, that our little maids before they are six years old, can first get a halfpenny and then a penny a day by knitting. The boys, who are too little to do hard work, get a trifle by keeping the birds off the corn ; for this the farmers will give them a penny or two pence, and now and then a bit of bread and cheese into the bargain. When the season of crow keeping is over, then they glean, or pick stones ; any thing is better than idleness, sir ; and if they did not get a farthing by it, I would make them do it just the same, for the sake of giving them early habits of labour. So you see, sir, I am not so badly oft' as many are ; nay, if it were not that it cost me 10 SHEPHERD OF so much in pothecary's stuff, for my poor wife, I should reckon myself well off; nay, 1 do reckon myself well off; for, blessed be God, he has granted her life to my prayers, and I would work myself to a 'natomy, and live on one meal a day, to add any comfort to. her valuable life : indeed I have often done the last, and thought it no great matter neither. While they were in this part c the dis- course, a fine, plump, cherry-cheeked little girl ran up out of breath, with a smile on her young happy face, and without taking any notice of the gentleman, cried out with great joy — Look here, father, only see how much 1 have got to-day ' Mr. Johnson was much struck with her simplicity, but puzzled to know what was the occasion of this great joy. On looking at her he perceived a small quantity of coarse wool, some of w T hich had found its w T ay through the holes of her clean, but scanty and ragged w T oollen apron. The father said, this has been a successful day indeed. Molly, but don't you see the gentleman? Molly now made a low curtsy down to the very ground; while Mr. Johnson inquired into the cause of the mutual satisfaction which both father and daughter had expressed at the unusual good fortune of the day. Sir, said the shepherd, poverty is a great sharpener of the wits. My wife and I cannot endure to see our children (poor as they are) without shoes and stockings, not only on ac- count of the pinching cold, which cramps their SALISBURY PLAIN. 11 poor little limbs, but because it degrades and debases them : and poor people, who Lave but little regard to appearances, will seldom be found to have any great regard to honesty and goodness : I don't say this is always the case : but I am sure it is so too often. Now shoes and stockings being very dear, we never could afford to get them without a little contrivance. I must show you how I manage about the shoes, when you condescend to call at our cottage, sir : as to the stockings, this is one way we take to help to get them. My young ones, who are too little to do much work, sometimes wander at odd hours over the hills for the chance of finding what little wool the sheep may drop when they rub themselves, as they are apt to do, against the bushes.* — These scattered bits of wool the children pick jp out of the brambles, which I see have torn sad holes in Molly's apron to-day ; they carry this wool home, and when they have got a pretty parcel together, their mother cards it; for she can sit and card in the chimney corner, when she is not able to wash, or work about house. The biggest girl then spins it : it does very well for us without dying, for poor peo- ple must not stand for the colour of their stockings. After this our little boys knit in for themselves, while they are employed in keeping cows in the fields, and after they get * This piece of frugal industry is not imaginary, but a real fact, as is the character of the shepherd, and his uncommon knowledge of the Scriptures. 12 SHEPHERD OF home at night. As for the knitting the girls and their mother do, that is chiefly for sale, which helps to pay our rent. Mr. Johnson lifted up his eyes in silent as- tonishment, at the shifts which honest poverty can make, rather than beg or steal : and was surprised to think how many ways of subsist- ing there are, which those who live at their ease, little suspect. He secretly resolved to be more attentive to his own petty expenses, than he had hitherto been ; and to be more watchful that nothing was wasted in his family. But to return to the shepherd. Mr. John- son told him, that, as he must needs be at his friend's house, who lived many miles off", that night, he could not, as he wished to do, make a visit to his cottage at present. But I will certainly do it, said he, on my return, for I long to see your wife and her nice little fami- ly, and to be an eye witness of her neatness and good management. The poor man's tears started into his eyes on hearing the commendation bestowed on his wife ; and wiping them off with the sleeve of his coat, for he was not worth a hankerchief in the world, he said — O, sir, you just now, I am afraid, called me an humble man, but indeed I am a very proud one. Proud! exclaimed Mr. Johnson, I hope not — pride is a great sin, and as the poor are liable to it, as well as the rich, so good a man as you seem to be, ought to guard against it. Sir, said he, yon SALISBURY PLAIN. 13 are right, but I am not proud of myself; God knows I have nothing to be proud of. I am a poor sinner; but indeed, sir, I am proud of my wife; she is not only the most tidy, no- table woman on the plain, but she is the kind- est wife and mother, and the most contented, thankful Christian that I know. Last year I thought I should have lost her in a violent fit of the rheumatism, caught by going to work too soon after lying in, I fear : for 'tis but a bleak, coldish place, as you may see, sir, in winter, and sometimes the snow lies so long under the hill that I can hardly make myself a path to get out and buy a few necessaries in the next village : and we are afraid to send out the children, for fear they should be lost when the snow is deep. So, as I was saying, the poor soul was very bad indeed, and for several weeks lost the use of all her limbs except her hands ; a merciful Providence spared her the use of these, so that when she could not turn in her bed, she could con- trive to patch a rag or two for her family. She was always saying, had it not been for the great goodness of God, she might have had her hands lame, as well as her feet, or the palsy instead of the rheumatism, and then she could have done nothing; but nobody had so many mercies as she had. I will not tell you what we suffered during the bitter weather, sir, but my wife's faith and patience, during that trying time, were as good a lesson to me, as any sermon I could 14 SHEPHERD OF hear, and yet Mr. Jenkins gave us very comfor- table ones too, that helped to keep up my spirits. One Sunday afternoon, when my wife was at the worst, as I was coming out of church, (for I went one part of the day, and my eldest daughter the other, so my poor wife was never left alone :) as I was coming out of church, I say, Mr. Jenkins, the minister, called out to me, and asked me how my wife did, saying he had been kept from coming to see her by the deep fall of snow : and indeed from the parsonage house to my hovel it was quite im- passable. I gave him all the particulars he asked, and I am afraid a good many more, for my heart was quite full. He kindly gave me a shilling, and said he would certainly try to pick out his way, and come and see her •ii a day or two. While he was talking to me, a plain, farmer- looking gentleman, in boots, who stood by, listened to all I said, but seemed to take no notice. It was Mr. Jenkins's wife's father, who was come to pass the Christmas holidays at the parsonage house. I had always heard him spoken of as a plain, frugal man, who lived close himself, but was remarked to give away more than any of his show-away neigh- bours. Well ! I went home with great spirits at this seasonable and unexpected supply : for we had tapped our last sixpence, and there was little work to be had on account of the weath- er, I told my wife I had not come back SALISBURY PLAIN. 15 empty handed. No, I dare say not, says she, you have been serving a Master "who nlleth the hungry with good things, though he sendeth the rich empty away." True, Mary, said I, we seldom fail to get good spiritual food from Mr. Jenkins, but to-day he has kindly suppli ed our bodily wants. She was more thankful when I showed her the shilling, than I dare say some of you great people are when they get a hundred pounds. Mr. Johnson's heart smote him, when he heard such a value set upon a shilling,- sure- ly, said he to himself, I will never waste anoth- er ; but he said nothing to the shepherd, who thus pursued his story. Next morning before I went out, I sent part of the money to buy a little ale and brown sugar, to put into her water gruel; which you know, sir, made it nice and nourishing. I went out to cleave wood in a farm yard, for there was no standing out on the plain, after such a snow as had fallen in the night. I went with a lighter heart than usual, because I had left my poor wife a little better, and comfortably sup- plied for this day, and I now resolved more than ever to trust God for the supplies of the next. When I came back at night, my wife fell a crying, as soon as she saw me. This, I own, I thought but a bad return for the bless- ing she had so lately received, and so I told her. O, said she, it is too much, we are too rich ; I am now frightened, not lest we should 16 SHEPHERD OF have no portion in this world, but for fear we should have our whole portion in it. Look here, John ! So saying, she uncovered the bed whereon she lay, and showed me two warm, thick, new blankets. I could not be- lieve my own eyes, sir, because when I went out in the morning, I had left her with no other covering than our little old blue rug. I was still more amazed when she put half a crown into my hand, telling me she had had d visit from Mr. Jenkins, and Mr. Jones, the latter of whom had bestowed all these good things upon us. Thus, sir, have our lives been crowned with mercies. My wife got about again, and I do believe, under Providence, it was owing to these comforts ; for the rheuma- tism, sir, without blankets by night and flannel by day, is but a baddish job, especially to people who have but little or no fire. She will always be a weakly body; but, thank God, her soul prospers, and is in health. But I beg your pardon, sir, for talking on at this rate. Not at all, not at all, said Mr. Johnson : I am much pleased with your stoiy; you shall certainly see me in a few days. Good night. So saying, he slipped a crown into his hand and rode off. Surely, said the shepherd, " goodnesc and mercy have followed me all the days of my life," as he gave the money to his wife when he got home at night. As to Mr. Johnson, he found abundant mat- ter for his thoughts during the rest of the jour- ney. On the whole he was more disposed to SALISBURY PLAIN. 17 envy than to pity the shepherd. I have sel- dom seen, said he, so happy a man. It is a sort of happiness, which the world could not give, and which I plainly see, it has not been able to take away. This must be the true spirit of religion. I see more and more that true goodness is not merely a thing of words and opinions, but a living principle broughtinto every common action of a man's life. What else could have supported this poor couple under every bitter trial of want and sickness % No, my honest shepherd, I do not pity, but respect and even honour thee ; and I will visit thy poor hovel on my return to Salis- bury with as much pleasure, as I am now go- ing to the house of my friend. If Mr. Johnson keeps his word in sending me the account of his visit to the shepherd's cottage, I shall be very glad to entertain my readers with it. PART II. I am willing to hope, that my readers will not be sorry to hear some farther particulars of their old acquaintance, The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. They will call to mind, that at the end of the first part, he was return- ing home, full of gratitude for the favours he had received from Mr. Johnson, whom he left pursuing his journey, after having pro- mised to make a visit to the shepherd's cottage, [% SHEPHERD OF Mr. Johnson, after having passed some time with his friend, set out on his return to Salis- bury, and on the Saturday evening reached a very small inn, a mile or two distant from the shepherd's village ; for he never travelled on a Sunday. He went next morning to the church nearest the house where he had pass- ed the night ; and after taking such refresh- ment as he could get at that house, he walked on to rind out the shepherd's cottage. His reason for visiting him on Sunday, was chief- ly because he supposed it to be the only day which the shepherd's employment allowed him to pass at home with his family, and as Mr. Jonhson had been struck with his talk, he thought it would be neither unpleasant nor unprofitable to observe, how a man, who car- ried such an appearance of piety, spent his Sunday ; for, though he was so low in the world, this gentleman was not above enter- ing very closely into his character, of which he thought he should be able to form a bet- ter judgment, by seeing whether his prac- tice at home kept pace with his profes- sions abroad. For it is not so much by observing how people talk, as how they live, that we ought to judge of their charac- ters. After a pleasant walk, Mr. Johnson got within sight of the cottage, to which he was directed by the clump of hawthorns and the broken chimney. He wished to take the family by surprise ; and walking gently up to SALISBURY PLAIN. 19 the house, he stood awhile to listen. The door being half open, "he saw the shepherd, (who looked so respectable in his Sunday coat, that he should hardly have known him,) his wife, and their numerous family, drawing round their little table, which was covered with a clean, though very coarse cloth. — There stood on it a large dish of potatoes, a brown pitcher, and a piece of a coarse loaf. The wife and children stood in silent atten- tion, while the shepherd, with uplifted hands and eyes, devoutly begged the blessing of Heaven on the homely fare. Mr. Johnson could not help sighing to reflect, that he had sometimes seen better dinners eaten with less appearance of thankfulness. The shepherd and his wife then sat down with great seeming cheerfulness, but the chil- dren stood; and while the mother was helping them, little fresh-coloured Moll, who had pick- ed the wool from the bushes with so much de- light, cried out, Father, I wish I was big enough to say grace, I am sure I should say it very heartily to-day, for I was thinking, what must poor people do, who have no salt to their potatoes, and do but look, our dish is quite full. That is the true way of think- ing, Molly, said the father ; in whatever con- cerns bodily wants, and bodily comfort, it is our duty to compare our own lot with the lot of those, who are worse off, and this will keep us thankful. On the other hand, whenever we are tempted to set up our own wisdom or 20 SHEPHERD OP goodness, we must compare om selves with those who are wiser and better, and that will keep us humble. Molly was now so hungry, and found the potatoes so good, that she had no time to make any more remarks ■ but was devouring her dinner very heartily, when the barking of the great dog drew her attention from her trencher to the door, and spying the stranger, she cried out, Look, father, see here, is not that the good gentleman.? Mr. Johnson finding himself discovered, imme- diately walked in, and was heartily welcom- ed by the honest shepherd, who told his wife that this was the gentleman to whom they were so much obliged. The good woman began, as some very neat people are rather too apt to do, with making many apologies, that her house was not clean- er, and that things were not in fitter order to receive such a gentleman. Mr. Johnson, however, on looking round could discover nothing but the most perfect neatness. The trenchers on which they were eating were almost as white as their linen ; and notwith standing the number and smallness of the children, there was not the least appearance of dirt or litter. The furniture was very simple and poor, hardly indeed amounting to bare necessaries. It consisted of four brown wooden chairs, which, by constant rubbing, were become as bright as a looking glass , an iron pot and kettle ; a poor old grate, which scarcely held a handful of coal 3 and out of gALISBURY PLAIN. 21 which the little fire that had been in it appear- ed to have been taken, as soon as it had an swered the end for which it had been lighted, that of boiling their potatoes. Over the chim- ney stood an old-fashioned broad bright can- dlestick, and a still brighter spit ; it was pretty- clear that this last was kept rather for orna- ment than use. An old carved elbow chair, and a chest of the same date, which stood in the corner, were considered as the most valua- ble part of the shepherd's goods, having been in his family for three generations. But all these were lightly esteemed by him, in com- parison of another possession which, added to the above, made up the whole of what he had inherited from his father ; and which last he would not have parted with, if no other could have been had, for a king's ransom ; this was a large old Bible, which lay on the window seat neatly covered with brown cloth, variously patched. This sacred book was most reverently preserved from dogs' ears, dirt, and every other injury, but such as time and much use had made it suffer, in spite of care. On the clean white walls were pasted a hymn on the crucifixion of our Saviour, a print of the prodigal son, the shepherd's hymn, a New History of a True Book, and patient Joe. After the first salutations were over, Mr. Johnson said, that if they would go on quiet- ly with their dinner, he would sit down. Though a good deal ashamed, they thought 22 SHEPHERD OF it more respectful to obey the gentleman, who having cast his eye on their slender provisions, gently rebuked the shepherd for not having indulged himself, as it was Sunday, with a morsel of bacon to relish his potatoes. The shepherd said nothing, but poor Mary colour- ed and hung down her head, saying, Indeed, sir, it is not my fault, I did beg my husband to allow himself a bit of meat to-day out of your honour's bounty; but he was too good to do it, and it is all for my sake. The shep- herd seemed unwilling to come to an expla- nation, but Mr. Johnson desired Mary to go on. So she continued, you must know, sir, that both of us, next to a sin, dread a debt, and indeed in some cases, a debt is a sin ; but with all our care and pains we have never been able quite to pay off the doctor's bill for that bad fit of rheumatism which I had last winter. Now, when you were pleased to give my husband that kind present the other day, I heartily desired him to buy a bit of meat for Sunday, as I said before, that he might have a little refreshment out of your kindness. But he answered, Mary, it is never out of my mind long together, that we still owe a few shillings to the doctor (and thank God, it was all we did owe in the world.) Now if I carry him this money directly, it will not only show him our honesty and our good will, but it will be an encouragement to him to come to you another time, in case you should be taken once more in such a bad fit; for I must own s SALISBURY PLAIN. 23 added my poor husband,that the thoi ight of your being so terribly ill, without any help, is the only misfortune that I want courage to face. Here the grateful woman's tears ran down so fast that she could not go on. She wiped them with the corner of her apron, and hum- bly begged pardon for making so free. Indeed, sir, said the shepherd, though my wife is full as unwilling to be in debt as myself, yet I could hardly prevail on her to consent to my paying this money just then, because she said it was hard I should not have a taste of the gentleman's bounty myself. But for once, sir, I would have my own way. For you must know, as I pass the best part of my time alone, tending my sheep, 'tis a great point with me, sir, to get comfortable matter for my own thoughts ; so that 'tis rather self in- terest in me to allow myself no pleasures and no practices, that wont bear thinking on over and over. For when one is a good deal alone, you know, sir, all one's bad deeds do so rush in upon one, as I may say, and so torment one, that there is no true comfort to be had, but in keeping clear of wrong doings, and false pleasures; and that, I suppose, may be one reason, why so many folks hate to stay a bit by themselves. But, as I was say- ing, when I came to think the matter over on the hill yonder, said I to myself, a good din- ner is a good thing, I grant, and yet it will be but cold comfort to me a week after, to- be able to say — to be sure I had a nice shoulder 24 SHEPHERD OF of mutton last Sunday for dinner, thanks to the good gentleman, but then I am in debt — I had a rare dinner, that's certain, but the pleasure of that has long been over, and the debt still remains — I have spent the crown, and now, if my poor wife should be taken in one of those fits again, die she must, unless God work a miracle to prevent it, for I can get no help for her. This thought settled all ; and I set off directly, and paid the crown to the doctor with as much cheerfulness as I should have felt on sitting down to the fattest shoulder of mutton that ever was roasted. And if I was contented at the time, think how much more happy I have been at the remem- brance ! O, sir, there are no pleasures worth the name, but such as bring no plague or penitence after them. Mr. Johnson was satis- fied with the shepherd's reasons : and agreed, that though a good dinner was not to be de- spised, yet it was not worthy to be compared with a contented mind, which (as the Bible truly says) is a continual feast. But come, said the good gentleman, what have we got in this brown mug 1 As good water, said the shepherd, as any in the king's dominions. I have heard of countries beyond sea, in which there is no wholesome water: nay, I have been myself in a great town, not far off, where they are obliged to buy all the water they get, while a good Providence sends to my very door a spring as clear and fine as Jacob's well. When I am tempted to repine that I SALISBURY PLAIN. 25 have often no other drink, I call to mind, that it was nothing better than a cup of cold water, which the woman of Samaria drew for the greatest Guest that ever visited this world. Very well, replied Mr. Johnson j but as your honesty has made you prefer a poor meal to being in debt, I will at least send and get something for you to drink. I saw a little public house just by the church as I came along. Let that little rosy-faced fellow fetch a mug of beer. So saying, he looked full at the boy, who did not offer to stir, but cast an eye at his fa ther, to know what he was to do. Sir, said the shepherd, I hope we shall not appear ungrateful, if we seem to refuse your favour; my little boy would, I am sure, fly to serve you on any other occasion. But, good sir, it is Sunday, and should any of my family be seen at a public house on a Sabbath day, it would be a much greater grief to me than to drink water all my life. I am often talking against these doings to others, and if I should say one thing and do another, you can't think what an advantage it would give many of my neighbours over me, who would be glad enough to report, that they caught the shep- herd's son at the ale house, without explain ing how it happened. Christians, you know, sir, must be doubly watchful, or they will not only bring disgrace on themselves, but, what is much worse, on that holy name by which they are called. 26 SHEPHERD C7 Are you not a little too cautious, my honest friend ? said Mr. Johnson. I humbly ask your pardon, sir, replied the shepherd, if I think that impossible. In my poor notion I no more understand how a man can be too cautious, than how he could be too strong, or too healthy. You are right, indeed, said Mr. Johnson, as a general principle, but this struck me as a very small thing. Sir, said the shepherd, 1 am afraid you will think me very bold, but you encourage me to speak out. 'Tis what I wish, said the gentleman. Then, sir, resum- ed the shepherd, I doubt if, where there is a temptation to do wrong, any thing can be called small ; that is, in short, if there is any such thing as a small wilful sin. A poor man, like me, is seldom called out to do great things, so that it is not by a few striking deeds his character can be judged by his neighbours, but by the little round of daily customs he allows himself in. While they were thus talking, the children, who had stood very quietly behind, and had not stirred a foot, now began to scamper about all at once, and in a moment ran to the window seat to pick up their little old hats. Mr. Johnson looked sur- prised at their disturbance ; the shepherd asked his pardon, telling him it was the sound of the church bell, which had been the cause of their rudeness ; for their mother had brought them up with such a fear of being too late for church, that it was but who could catch the first SALISBURY PLAIN. 27 stroke of the bell, and oe first ready. He always taught them to think that nothing was more indecent than to get into church after it was begun ; for as the service opened with an exhortation to repentance, and a confession of sin, it looked very presumptuous not to be ready to join in it 5 it looked as if people did not feel themselves to be sinners. And though such as lived at a great distance might plead difference of clocks as an excuse, yet those who lived within the sound of the bell could pretend neither ignorance nor mistake. Mary and her children set forward. Mr. Johnson and the shepherd followed, taking care to talk the whole way on such subjects, as might fit them for the solemn duties of the place to which they were going. I have often been sorry to observe, said Mr. Johnson, that many, who are reckoned decent, good kind of people, and who would on no account neglect going to church, yet seem to care but little in what frame or temper of mind they go thither. They will talk of their worldly concerns till they get within the door, and then take them up again the very minute the sermon is over, which makes me ready to fear they lay too much stress on the mere form of going to a place of worship. Now, for my part, I al- ways find that it requires a little time to bring my mind into a state fit to do any common business well, much more this great and most necessary business of all. Yes, sir, said the shepherd, and then I think, too, how busy I 28 SHEPHERD OP should be in preparing my mind, if I was go- ing into the presence of a great gentleman, or a lord, or a king; and shall the King of kings be treated with less respect? Beside, one likes to see people feel, as if going to church was a thing of choice and pleasure, as well as a duty, and that they were as desirous not to be the last there, as they would be if they were going to a feast or a fair. After service, Mr. Jenkins, the clergyman, who was well acquainted with the character of Mr. Johnson, and had a great respect for him, accosted him with much civility ; ex- pressing his concern, that he could not enjoy just now, so much of his conversation as he wished, as he was obliged to visit a sick per- son at a distance, but hoped to have a little talk with him before he left the village. As they walked along together, Mr. Johnson made such inquiries about the shepherd, as served to confirm him in the high opinion he entertained of his piety, good sense, industry, and self denial. They parted, the clergyman promising to call in at the cottage in his way home. The shepherd, who took it for granted that Mr. Johnson was gone to the parsonage, walked home with his wife and children, and was beginning in his usual way to catechise and instruct his family, when Mr. Johnson came in, and insisted that the shepherd should go on with his instructions, just as if he were not there. This gentleman, who was very SALISBURY PLAIN. 29 desirous of being useful to his own servants and workmen, in the way of religious instruc- tion, was sometimes sorry to find, that though he took a great deal of pains, they did not now and then quite understand him ; for though his meaning was very good, his lan- guage was not always very plain: and though the things he said were not hard to be under- stood, yet the words were, especially to such as we're very ignorant. And he now began to find out, that if people were ever so wise and good, yet if they had not a simple, agree- able, and familiar way of expressing them- selves, some of their plain hearers would not be much the better for them. For this reason he was not above listening to the plain, hum- ble way, in which this honest man taught his family ; for though he knew that he himself had many advantages over the shepherd, — had more learning, and could teach him many things, yet he was not too proud to learn even of so poor a man, in any point where he thought the shepherd might have the advantage of him. This gentleman was much pleased with the knowledge and piety he discovered in the an- swers of the children ; and desired the shep- herd to tell him how he contrived to keep up a sense of Divine things in his own mind and in that of his family with so little leisure and so little reading. O, as to that, sir, said the shepherd, we do not read much except in one book, to be sure ; but by hearty prayer for SO SHEPHERD OF God's blessing on the use of that book, what little knowledge is needful seems to come of course, as it were ; and my chief study has been to bring the fruits of the Sunday reading into the week's business, and so keep up the same sense of God in the heart, when the Bible is in the cupboard, as when it is in the hand. In short, to apply what I read in the book to what I meet in the field. I don't quite understand you, said Mr. Johnson. Sir, replied the shepherd, I have but a poor gift at conveying these things to others, though I have much comfort from them in my own mind ; but I am sure that the most ignorant and hard-working people, who are in earnest about their salvation, may help to keep up devout thoughts and good affec- tions during the week, though they have hardly any time to look at a book. And it will help them to keep out bad thoughts, too, which is no small matter. But then they must know the Bible ; they must have read the word of God : that is a kind of stock in trade for a Christian to set up with: and it is this, which makes me so diligent in teaching it to my children, and even in storing their memories with psalms and chapters. This is a great help to a poor hard-working man, who will scarcely meet with any thing, but what he may turn to some good account. If one lives in the fear and love of God, almost every thing one sees abroad will teach one to adore his power and goodness, and bring to mind SALISBURY PLAIN. 31 some text of Scripture, which shall fill the heart with thankfulness, and the mouth with praise. When I look upward, the heavens declare the glory of God; and shall I be silent and ungrateful 1 If I look round and see the valleys standing thick with corn, how can I help blessing that Power, who giveth me all things richly to enjoy? I may learn gratitude from the beasts of the field, for the ox know- eth his owner , and the ass his master's crib, and shall a Christian not know, shall a Chris- tian not consider what great things God has done for him 1 I, who am a shepherd, endea- vour to fill my soul with a constant remem- brance of that good Shepherd, who feed eth me in green pastures, and maketh me to lie down beside the still waters, and ivhose rod and staff comfort me. You are happy, said Mr. Johnson, in this retired life, by which you escape the corrup- tions of the world. Sir, said the shepherd, I do not escape the corruptions of my own evil nature. Even there, on that wild, solitary hill, I can find out that my heart is prone to evil thoughts. I suppose, sir, that different states have different temptations. You great folks that live in the world, perhaps, are ex- posed to some, of which such a poor man as I am, know nothing. But, to one who leads a lonely life like me, evil thoughts are a chief besetting sin ; and I can no more withstand these without the grace of God, than a rich gentleman can withstand the snares of evi] 3 82 SHEPHERD OF company, without the same grace. And I feel that I stand in need of God's help con- tinually, and, if he should give me up to my own evil heart, I should be lost. Mr. Johnson approved of the shepherd's sincerity, for he had always observed, that where there was no humility, and no watch- fulness against sin, there was no religion: and he said, that the man who did not feel himself to be a sinner, in his opinion, could not be a Christian. Just as they were in this part of their dis- course, Mr. Jenkins, the clergyman, came in. After the usual salutations, he said, well, shepherd, I wish you joy : I know you will be sorry to gain any advantage by the death of a neighbour ; but old Wilson, my clerk, was so infirm, and I trust, so well prepared, that there is no reason to be sorry for his death. I have been to pray by him, but he died while I stayed. I have always intended you should succeed to his place; 'tis no great matter of profit, but every little is something. No great matter! sir, cried the shepherd; indeed it is a great matter to me; 'twill more than pay my rent. Blessed be God for all his goodness. Mary said nothing, but lifted up her eyes, full of tears, in silent gratitude. I am glad of this little circumstance, said Mr. Jenkins, not only for your sake, but for the sake of the office itself. I so heartily re- verence every religious institution, that I would never have even the Amen added U SALISBURY PLAIN. 33 the excellent prayers of our Church, by vain or profane lips ; and if it depended on me, there should be no such thing in the land as an idle, drunken, or irreligious parish clerk. Sorry I am to say, that this matter is not al- ways sufficiently attended to, and that I know some of a very different character. Mr. Johnson now inquired of the clergyman, whether there were many children in the pa- rish. More than you would expect, replied he, from the seeming smallness of it, but there are some little hamlets which you do not see. I think, returned Mr. Johnson, I recollect, that in the conversation I had with the shep- herd on the hill yonder, he told me you had no Sunday school. I am sorry to say we have none, said the minister: I do what I can to remedy this misfortune by public catechis- ing; but having two or three churches to serve, I cannot give so much time as I wish to private instruction; and having a large family of my own, and no assistance from others, I have never been able to establish a school. There is an excellent institution in London, said Mr. Johnson, called the Sunday-School Society, which kindly gives books and other helps, on the application of such pious minis- ters, as stand in need of their aid, and which 1 am sure would have assisted you ; but, I think we shall be able to do something our- selves. Shepherd, continued he, if I were a king, and had it in my power to make you a 84 SHEPHERD OF rich and a great man, with a word speaking, I would not do it. Those who are raised by some sudden stroke much above the station in which Divine Providence had placed them, seldom turn out good or very happy. I have never had any great things in my power, but as far as I have been able, I have been al- ways glad to assist the worthy ; I have, how- ever, never attempted or desired to set any poor man much above his natural condition; but it is a pleasure to me to lend him such assistance, as may make that condition more easy to himself, and to put him in a way, which shall call him to the performance of more duties, than perhaps he could have per- "ormed without my help, and of performing them in a better manner. What rent do you pay for this cottage 1 Fifty shillings a year, sir. It is in a sad, tattered condition ; is there not a better to be had in the village? That in which the poor clerk lived, said the clergyman, is not only more tight and whole, but has two decent chambers, and a very large, light kitchen. That will be very convenient, replied Mr. Johnson, pray what is the rent? I think, said the shepherd, poor neighbour Wilson gave some where about four pounds a year, or it might be guineas. Very well, said Mr. Johnson, and what will the clerk's place be worth, think you ? About three pounds was the answer. Noiv, continued Mr. Johnson, my plan is, SALISBURY PLAIN. 35 .that the shepherd should take that house im- mediately ; for as the poor man is dead, there will be no need of waiting till quarter day, if I make up the difference. True, sir, said Mr. Jenkins, and I am sure my wife's father, whom I expect to-morrow, will willingly assist a little toward buying some of the clerk's old goods. And the sooner they remove, the better, for poor Mary caught that bad rheu- matism by sleeping under a leaky thatch. — The shepherd was too much moved to speak, and Mary could hardly sob out, O, sir, you are too good ; indeed this house will do very well. It may do very well for you and your poor children, Mary, said Mr. Johnson, grave- ly, but it will not do for a school ; the kitchen is neither large nor light enough. Shepherd continued he, with your good minister's leave and kind assistance, I propose to set up in this parish a Sunday school, and to make you the master. It will not interfere with your weekly calling, and is the only lawful way in which you can turn the Sabbath into a day of some little profit to your family, by doing, as I hope, a great deal of good to the souls of others. The rest of the week you will work as usual. The difference of rent be- tween this house and the clerk's, I shall pay myself; for to put you in a better house at your own expense would be no great kind- ness. As for honest Mary, who is not fit for hard labour, or any out-of-door-work, I pro- pose to fndow a small weekly school, o! SS SHEPHERD OF which she shall be the mistress, and employ her notable turn to good account, by teaching ten or a dozen girls to knit, sew, spin, card, or any other useful way of getting their bread ; for all this I shall only pay her the usual price, for I am not going to make you rich, but useful. Not rich, sir ! cried the shepherd. How can I ever be thankful enough for such bless- ings? And will my poor Mary have a dry thatch over her head 1 and shall I be able to send for the doctor, when I am like to lose her ? Indeed my cup runs over with bless- ings. I hope God will give me humility. — Here he and Mary looked at each other and burst into tears. The gentlemen saw their distress, and kindly walked out upon the green before the door, that these honest people might give vent to their feelings. As soon as they were alone, they crept into one corner of the room, where they thought they could not be seen, and fell on their knees, devoutly bless- ing and praising God for his mere les. Never were heartier prayers presented than this grateful couple offered up for their benefac- tors. The warmth of heir gratitude could only be equalled by the earnestness with which they besought the blessing of God on the work in which they were going to engage. The two gentlemen now left this happy fa- mily, and walked to the parsonage, where the evening was spent in a manner very edi- fying to Mr. Johnson, who the next day took SALISBURY PLAIN. 37 all proper measures for putting the shepherd in immediate possession of his new, comforta- ble habitation. Mr. Jenkins's father-in-law, the worthy gentleman who gave the shep- herd's wife the blankets, in the first part of this history, arrived at the parsonage before Mr. Johnson left it, and assisted in fitting up the clerk's cottage. Mr. Johnson took his leave, promising to call on the worthy minister and his new clerk once a year, in his summer's journey over the plain, as long as it would please God to spare his life. We hope he will never fail to give us an account of these visits, which we shall be glad to lay before our readers j if they should contain instruction or amuse- ment. Sb SHEPHERD OF SALISBURY PLAIN. HYMN. Life is the time to serve the Lord, The time t' insure the great reward ; And while the lamp holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return. Life is the hour that God hath given, To 'scape from hell, and fly to heaven ; The day of grace, and mortals may Secure the blessings of the day. The living know that they must die ; But all the dead forgotten lie ; Their memory and their sense is gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. Their hatred and their love is lost, Their envy buried in the dust ; They have no share in all that's done Beneath the circuit of the sun. Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands with all your might pursue ; Since no device nor work is found, Nor faith nor hope beneath the ground. There are no acts of pardon pass'd In the cold grave to which we haste ; But darkness, death, and long despair, Reign in eternal silence there. THE END.