— <=m> — Southern Stubent Conference -c g>0<=>.- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/southernstudentcOOblue SOUTHERN STUDENT CONFERENCE Blue Ridge, North Carolina, June 15-24, 1923 600 students and professors are expected to attend tKe annual Student Conference in 1923. This gathering is one of the greatest events of the college ytear - the one real all-Southern college tradition. SOUTHERN STUDENT CONFERENCE THE PLACE THE Blue Ridge Association grounds, where the Southern Student Conference is held, are located fifteen miles east of Asheville on the Southern Railway. They are in one of the most beautiful sections of the South. The glory of the mountains with their wonderful sunsets, the wildness of the forests and the beauty of the streams make this an ideal spot for the gathering of this large group of students each year. The many hikes and mountain climbs reveal a beauty and majesty truly enchanting. Added to this grandeur is the variety and type of the flora — a challenge to every lover of nature. Blue Ridge owns 1,391 acres of virgin forest, 36 buildings, including a large auditorium, swimming pool, baseball grounds and tennis courts. RECREATION In order to make the afternoon recreation program more complete and to insure the best use of this time, one of the finest Christian college coaches of the South is to have charge of the entire program. This will include not only organ- ized climbs and hikes, but such athletic contests as tennis, volley ball, baseball, track and swimming. The popularity of the after-supper half-hour song-fest last year assures its having a permanent place on the program again this year. The wholesome and enriching fellowships of these afternoon hours together in recreational activities are rare privileges. Another definite phase of one's rebuilding is realized in the more quiet times of meditation in the out-of-way places about the grounds. Here many seek to be alone a time each day to meditate over their own problems and the great experiences of the passing days. THE DATE AND PERSONNEL This year's conference begins with the evening session on the 15th of June and closes on the evening of the 24th. As in previous years, the personnel will include college preparatory students, professors, ministers, and Association secretaries. Special feature are to be prepared for each group. Every Y. M. C. A. president should feel it an obligation to attend this conference; in fact, every member of the cabinets and friendship councils should attend, for it is one of the real opportunities for securing that training necessary for efficiency in the local Association work. PROGRAM The ten days of study, expansion of mind, body and soul are full of hard work and healthful recreation. The formal schedule is as follows: MORNING HOURS 8:30 — 9:20 — Bible Study. 9:30 — 10:20 — Forum of Student Problems. 10:30 — 11:20 — Life Work Institutes. 11 :3d — 12:30 — Inspirational Addresses. AFTERNOON HOURS 1:30 — 2:30 — Quiet Hour. 2:30— 5:30 — Athletics, Hikes, etc. EVENING HOURS 7:00 — 8:00 — Addresses on Opportunities for Life Investment. 8:15— 9:00— Study of World Problems. 9:00 — 9:30 — Meeting by College or State Delegations to Summarize the Results of the Day. BIBLE STUDY The remarkable success of the Bible Study methods used last year at Blue Ridge and the increased fruit that has been borne in the number of men who have been doing effective Bible study in our colleges this year, call for a continua- tion of this same program with increased efficiency. Under trained leadership, the entire conference will meet in small groups led by students. A book prepared espe- cially for classes of this kind will be used as the text. Special arrangements will be made for the groups of preparatory students, ministers and faculty members. THE WORLD PROBLEM COURSES This group of courses will include the study of fundamentals of belief, rural problems, industrial problems, inter- racial problems, international problems, and studies of special areas, such as Europe, Asia, and South America. PROFESSORS AND MINISTERS For a number of years a group of professors and ministers, representing fifty or more different colleges, has been meeting in connection with the Southern Student Conference. This group has had as its main object the study of problems of race relations in the South and the obligation of the colleges to meet this great issue. It is expected that a number of the members of the University Race Commission will meet with this group this year. In addition to these studies the pro- fessors and ministers will have an opportunity to study the development of student leadership in the colleges and get a thorough conception of the program of the Student Association. PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS There will be special classes in Bible study, world problems, personal problems, lectures, and Association methods classes for those from the preparatory schools. This work will be in the hands of experienced leaders in preparatory school work. OLDER BOYS' LIFE WORK CONFERENCE Purpose — To help one decide the all-important question of life work; to broaden one's views by studies into the needs of the world; to deepen one's spiritual life through daily Bible Study, meditation, and personal conferences; to in- spire one to attain, through addresses by nationally known speakers; to gain new friendships with other fellows, with leaders, and a renewed friendship with the Christ. Who May Go — The number is limited by reason of the annual Southern Student Conference which meets at the same time and place. Any older fellow, 16 years or over, endorsed by his pastor, school superintendent or Y. M. C. A. Secretary is eligible to attend. The conference is intended primarily, however, for High School Seniors and older fin- ployed boys, who would not be cared for in State Hi-Y Training Camp Conferences. Registrations will be accepted in the order received, if accompanied by program fee of $5.00, until the allowed number is reached. The Life Work Conference delegates will meet with the Student Group for the morning inspirational address at 1 1 :30 and for the Life Investment address at 7 o'clock. The other sessions will be separate. FOREIGN STUDENTS It is hoped that every foreign student in the Southern colleges will be present at the conference. It is not required that these men be Protestant Christians. We only ask that they come with open minds, willing to see and hear what Christianity has for college men. One entire evening program will be given by these visiting students. There will also be special classes and special leadership for them. As was done last year, we are able, through the help of the Friendship Relations Committee of the Associations, to furnish $10 on the entertainment expenses of such students. Foreign students are never charged a program fee. MEDICAL, MINISTERIAL, ENGINEERING, AND AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS For each of these groups highly specialized courses are prepared under leadership adapted to these particular fields. It is hoped to bring in some outstanding men in each of these fields to lead these classes and address these groups. Special announcements concerning this will be sent out later. SPEAKERS AND LEADERS In the last hour in the morning and the after-dinner hour in the evening, there are presented the finest opportunities of the entire conference, when one hears some of America's best speakers in a series of addresses. These cover the great questions facing men during their college days. Every speaker will have a vital message for the delegates. Among those who have promised to be present are the following: Dr. A. Herbert Gray, one of the best known preachers of Scotland, author of "As Tommy Sees Us," and "The Chris- tian Adventure." He was one of the most useful chaplains with the British forces during the war. For the past year he has been leading special campaigns in the British Councils. Ralph Harlow, a Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Commissions, and for several years one of the most widely useful missionaries in the Near East, especially in work among students and educators. Arthur Rugh, for several years Senior Student Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. work in China, now doing graduate work at Oberlin Theological Seminary. J. Stitt Wilson, lecturer, student of Industrial and Labor problems, former mayor of Berkeley, California. Has spoken to a larger number of students across the United States during the past two years than any other speaker. No living man better deserves the title which the students on the Coast gave him at their recent conference, "The Prophet of the New Day." Eugene Barnett, National Student Secretary of China. Formerly Student Secretary at University of North Carolina. Robert E. Speer, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church, and President of the Federal Council of Churches. Dr. W. D. Weatherford, President Southern College of Young Men's Christian Associations. Dr. O. E. Brown, Dean of the Vanderbilt School of Religion, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. C. G. Hounshell, Educational Secretary, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Jackson Davis, General Field Agent of the General Education Board, Richmond, Va. Dr. Henry H. Sweets, Secretary of Ministerial Supply and Relief, Southern Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Ky. Prof. George Carver, of Tuskegee Institute, one of the foremost scientists of the present day. He will bring with him an exhibit which will be of special interest to students of science. A number of other speakers and leaders will be added later. GENERAL INFORMATION Blue Ridge is our postoffice; Black Mountain, N. C, is the express and telegraph office. Tourist tickets are on sale to Asheville and Black Mountain each day of the summer, good returning Octobei I. Special round-trip ticket on sale June 14-15, sold on identification certificate plan. Auto service from Black Mountain to Blue Ride is 50 cents. The Black Mountain Auto Company is the Blue Ridge official company for passenger service, and Brown Brothers are the official baggagemen. Be sure to ask for these men. Baggage rate, 60 cents. Blue Ridge has a book store, a soda fountain, a steam laundry, pressing equipment, photographic finishing rooms, a barber shop, and a garage for storage of cars. A trained nurse is in attendance, and physicians are within a few minutes' reach. We do not receive sick people, invalids or tubercular persons. Children recovering from contagious diseases will not be received. Building and grounds are lighted from our own electric plant. Blue Ridge has unsurpassed water supply, with ample hot and cold water for bath facilities. Work in our buildings is done by high-grade college men and women, insuring neatness and efficiency. No tipping allowed. The bitulithic cement road from Asheville to Black Mountain brings Asheville within forty minutes of Blue Ridge. Those desiring to stay over after noon of June 25 should make reservation on or after May 1. Reservations will be made in order of receipt of application after May 1 so far as space permits. No delegate to the conference should arrive before noon of June 15, since the buildings are filled to the limit with college women up to that hour. The conference program opens on the evening of June 15 at 7:30 o'clock, and every delegate should plan to be present at that opening session. Any man who fails to attend that session will be seriously handicapped in getting under way in the conference. Program fee of $5 should be sent in advance with a request for reservation. The reservations are made in order of application. In case the registrant cannot come, the program fee will be returned, if notification is given by June 10. After that the fee will not be returned ; but if the registrant does not come, the receipt, if presented during the con- ference, will be countersigned and will be good for use for the next year's conference. Fees are not transferable after June 10. In case your Association has a countersigned program fee receipt from the 1922 conference, it should be sent in as a program fee for a new delegate in lieu of a check. Program fee receipts should be brought by delegates to the con- ference in every case and presented to the Registrar before receiving room assignment. No student should accept financial help to represent his Association unless he can arrive on time for the opening session and remain through the entire conference. This conference is a working conference. It is designed to train leaders in Christian work. Consequently, it is in- advisable to bring non-Christian men in delegations unless these men are interested in and investigating Christian life. The spirit of the conference will be largely determined by the spirit of the delegates coming. It is urged, therefore, that all delegates shall be earnest in prayer that this meeting be attended by wonderful blessing to all. Further information and additional copies of this booklet may be had by writing vour State Student Secretary or J. E. Johnson, State Student Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Columbia, S. C. The expenses at Blue Ridge are a $5 program fee, which helps to carry the program of the conference, and board and room for ten days, two in a room, without bath, $25 each, or $2.75 by the day; two in a room, with bath, $30 each, or $3-75 by the day. 1923 BLUE RIDGE CONFERENCES ! Southern Student Conference, Y. M. C. A., June 15-24. Southern Student Conference, Y. W. C. A., June 5-14. Missionary Education Conference, June 26-July 5. Community Conference, Y. W. C. A., July 6-15. Southern Industrial Conference, Y. M. C. A., August 2-4. Southern Summer School, Y. M. C. A., July i8-August 1. Southern Summer School of Social Service and Christian Workers, August 6-31. Southern College of Y. M. C. A., Summer Quarter, June 15-August 30. SCY Camp for Boys under 18, June 29-August 24. RAILROAD STATION, BLACK MOU NTAI N, N.C.- N EAR ASH EV I LIE