# Rt. Rev. THOS. H. LOMAX, D. D., €iritt#p«cv fn $L*v, JOHN WESLEY SMITH, D.l Jou are re^iec/^a//y invi/ed /o a/lend /Ae S^i/ver Sdnn/veriary (Oxercue* yiven m Aon or o^ S?Ae 9Zi. 3?Ao*. 0.0.. /wen /y=ieven/A year o^ /hi (O/iiicofiacy in ■^lon ^S/urc/i, 7oAar/o//e, Jf. ^f, .y^iarrJi etpA/A /o /en/A, nineteen /anc/ret/ ant/ ^oar / tn ^race, ^/m/o?? and 2i///e S$ocA S^. (O. ^AurcAe^, QLi/TfisLaL 0.0. . sd. f.T^ner, 00.. S^. /flat/in 4, ^at/oro. re^ieo/ive/y. Compliments of W. J. MOORE, D.D. WM. SUTTON, D.D. C. O. H. THOMAS, D.D., LL.B. J. M. HILL, D.D. J. W. SMITH, D.D. A. J. WARNER, D.D. Bishop T. H. LOMAX, D.D. Committee on Invitation. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/silveranniversarOOunse Program 3farmal ©petting. Wxvzt Sag — Utottittg fhmfixttL TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1904-GRACE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH, From 9:30 A. M. to 1 P. M. 1. Doxology— "Old Hundred." 2. Orchestral Overture. 3. First Scripture Lesson Bishop C. R. Harris, D.D. Second Scripture Lesson Bishop I. C. Clinton, D. D. 4. Opening Hymn Bishop Alexander Walters, D.D. 5. Invocation Bishop G. W. Clinton, D.D. 6. Second Hymn.. Bishop J. W. Alstork, D.D. 7. Introductory Address and Introduction of Presiding Officer, By Master of Ceremonies, Rev. J. M. Hill, D.D. 8. Address by Presiding Officer... Rt. Rev. J. W. Hood, D.D., LL.D. 9. Choir Selection. 10. Special Addresses : (a) On Behalf of Bishops Rt. Rev. G. W. Clinton, D.D. (b) On Behalf of General Officers Rev. J. W. Smith, D.D. (c) On Behalf of W. H. and F. M. Societies ...Mrs. K. P. Hood (d) On Behalf of Religious Press Rev. R. T. Brown D.D. Editor Christian Index, O. M. E. Church. 1 P. M., Recess. AFTERNOON SESSION — 2:30 TO 5:00 P. M. Rt. Rev. C. R. Harris, D. D., Presiding. 1. Orchestral Overture. 2. Invocation _ Rt. Rev. I. C. Clinton, D.D. 3. Choir Selection. 4. Addresses by Conference Representatives, to be Interspersed with Singing. 1st Episcopal District : (a) New England Conference Rev. E. G. Biddle, B.D (b) C. N. Carolina Rev. J. W. Thomas, D.D. (c) New York Conference Rev. M. R. Franklin, D.D. (d) South Carolina Rev. W. M. Robinson Singing. 2nd Episcopal District : (a) N. Carolina Conference Rev. J. H. Love, D.D. (a) Alabama Conference _.Rev. J. T. McMillian, P.E. (c) Georgia Conference Rev. J. E. Spring (d) Palmetto Conference Rev. J. H. Manley, D.D. Singing. 5. General Announcements of Committees, etc. 6. Doxology and Dismission By Rev. S. D. Watkins Note. —For each of the foregoing Conference addresses and those following, only fifteen (15) minutes are allowed each representative. EVENING SESSION— 7:30 P. M. Rt. Rev. I. C. Clinton, D.D., Presiding. 1. Choir Voluntary. 2. Opening Hymn Bishop J. W. Alstork, D.D. 3. Invocation Bishop J. B. Small, D.D. 4. Choir Selection. 5. Remarks by Presiding Officer. 6. Music. 7. Addresses by Conference Representatives Continued. 4th Episcopal District : (a) Blue Ridge Conference Rev. F. R. White, D.D. (b) Central Alabama Conference, Rev. T. A. Weathington, D D. (c) South Florida Conference Rev. L. A. Patrick Singing. 5th Episcopal District : (a) W. N. Carolina Conference Rev. W. H. Goler, D.D. (b) Florida Conference. (c) Tennessee Conferenee. Singing. 8. Offertory by Finance Committee and Pastor as Collectors. 9. Announcements — Doxology. 10. Benediction _ By Rev. J. W. Smith, D.D. TUESDAY NIGHT, 7:30— AT CLINTON CHAPEL A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Rev. A. J. Warner, D.D., Pastor. . Rt. Rev. Alex. Walters, D.D., Presiding. 1. Opening Chorus. 2. Decalog Service Led by Rev. A. J. Warner, D.D. 3. Invocation By Rev. J. H. Manley, D.D. 4. Choir Selection. 5. Remarks by Presiding Officer. 6. Music. 7. Addresses by Conference Representatives Continued. 6th Episcopal District : (a) Virginia Conference Rev. H. J. Callis, D.D. (b) New Jersey Conference ..Rev. C. D. Hazel, D.D. (c) Missouri Conference Rev J. F. Moreland, Ph.D. (d) Michigan and Canada. Singing. 7th Episcopal District : (a) Philadelphia-Baltimore Conference, Rev. S. L. Corrothers, B.D. (b) West Tennessee and Mississippi Rev. J. N. Abby, M.D. (c) Kentucky Rev. W. H. Snowden, D.D. (d) North Arkansas. (e) California Rev. Pitman Brown (f ) South Georgia. Singing. 8. Offertory, Finance Committee and Pastor, Collectors. 9. Announcements — Doxology. 10. Benediction By Rev. A. J. Warner, D.D. TUESDAY NIGHT, 7:30— AT LITTLE ROCK A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Rev. S. D. Watkins, Pastor. Rt. Rev. G. W. Clinton, D. D., Presiding. 1. Opening Chorus. 2. Beatitudes Led by Rev. S. D. Watkins 3 Invocation By Rev. R. B. Bruce, D.D. 4. Opening Hymn By Rev. S. F. Hamilton 5. Remarks by Presiding Officer. 6. Music. 7. Addresses by Conference Representatives Concluded. 8th Episcopal District (a) Alleghany -Ohio Conference Rev. G. W. Johnson (b) Western New York Rev. J. J. Adams (c) West Alabama Conference Rev. R. A. Morrisey, D.D. (d) South Mississippi Rev. J.*H. Hall, P.E. Singing. 5 9th Episcopal District : (a) North Alabama Conference Rev. Wm, Spencer, D.D. (b) Louisiana Conference Rev. A. M. Lang (c) North Louisiana Conference Rev. R. L. Wright (d) Oklahoma Conference Rev. W. L. Brewer, P.E. (e) Arkansas Conference Rev. M. J. Harrison (f ) Texas Conference Rev. W. A. Wray, P. E. SiDging. 8. Offertory — Finance Committe and Pastor, Collectors. 9. Announcements— Doxology. 10. Benediction By Rev. S D. Watkins g>£nmi* Sag. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1904— GRACE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Rev. J. W. Smith, D.D., Pastor. From 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Rt. Rev. J. B. Small, D.D., Presiding. 1. Grand Orchestral Overture. 2 Opening Hymn --By Rev. J. H. Thomas 3. Decalog Led by Rev. J. W. Smith, D.D. 4. Invocation By Rev. F. K. Byrd, D.D. 5. Choir Selection. 6. Remarks by Presiding Omber. 7. Introductions — Civic and Ecclesiastical Dignitaries by Master of Ceremonies. 8. Laconic Remarks from the Introduced. 9. Reading of Congratulatory Telegrams and Letters by Master of Ceremonies. 10. Music. 11. Welcome Addresses. Note.— The addresses following and as marked "a" to "e", with their responses are limited, and not to exceed thirty (30) and twenty (20) minutes, respectively, except the general response to all of the addresses "a" to "e"; for this forty-five (45) minutes will be allowed. (a) On Part of the City ..Rev. A. J. Warner, D.D, Response By Rev. J. H. Anderson, D.D (b) On Part of Citizens Mr. A. Underwood Response By Prof. J. E. Aggrey Singing. 12. General Announcements — Doxology. 13. Benediction By Bishop J. B. Small, D.D. SECOND AFTERNOON MEETING— 2:30 TO 5 P. M. Rt. Rev. J. W. Alstork, D.D., Presiding. 1. Grand Chorus. 2. Invocation By Rev. J. H. Mattocks, P.E. 3. Choir Selection. 4. Introduction of Presiding Officer by Master of Ceremonies, and his Address Following. 7 5. Music. 6. Welcome Addresses Continued. (c) On Part of the Churches *. Rev. S. D. Watkins Response By Rev. Ed. Mason, D.D. (d) On Part of the Clergy ...Rev. C. C. Somerville,D.D. Response By Rev. G. L. Blackwell, D.D. 7. Choir Selection. 8. Announcements — Doxology. 9. Benediction Bishop J. W. Alstork, D.D. SECOND NIGHT'S SERVICE— GRACE GHURCH. 7:30 TO 10 P. M. Rt. Rev. J. W. Hood, D.D. , Sr., Bishop A. M. E. Zion Church, Rt. Rev. H. M. Turner, D.D., Sr., Bishop A. M. E. Church, Presiding Officers. 1. Doxology — "Old Hundred" Congregation 2. Decalog Led by Bishop H. M. Turner 3. Opening Hymn _ ..Rev. J. Sula Cooper, D.D. 4. Invocation Rev. D. T. Mitchell, P . E. 5. Musical Selection. 6. Closing Address of Welcome. (e) On Part of Schools Rev. D. J. Sanders, D.D. Response By Hon. J. C. Dancy 7. Choir Selection. 8. General Response to all of Welcome Addresses, Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D. 9. Music and Silver Offering — To be Received by Committee on Silver Presentation. 10. General Collection and Announcements. 11. Doxology — Benediction By Bishop J. W. Hood SECOND NIGHT'S SERVICE-CLINTON CHAPEL. Rev. A. J. Warner, D.D , Pastor. 7:30 to 10 P. M. Rt. Rev. C. R. Harris, D.D., Presiding. 1. Opening Chorus. 2. Hymn _ .By Rev. S. F. Hamilton 3. Invocation „ Rev. P. F. Malloy 4. Music. 8 5. Remarks by Presiding Officer. 6. Choir Selection. 7. Addresses. (a) By Mrs. Bishop Alex. Waters. (b) By Mrs. Bishop M. E. Harris. 8. Musical Selection. 9. Offertory— By Finance Committee and Pastor, Collectors. 10. Announcements — Doxology. 11. Benediction By Pastor SECOND NIGHT'S SERVICE— LITTLE ROCK A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Rev. S. D. Watkins, Pastor. 7:30 TO 10 P. M. Rt. Rev. I. C. Clinton, D.D., A. M. E. Zion Church, Rt. Rev. E. Cottrell, D.D., C. M. E. Church, Presiding Officers 1. Grand Chorus. 2. Invocation By Rev. S. H. Witherspoon 3. Special Address By Bishop E. Cottrell 4. Choir Selection. 5. Symposium — " What Relation do We Sustain to the Church as Editors and What is Expected of Us ? '— By Rev. J. W. Smith, D.D., Editor Star of Zion, A. M. E. Zion Church ; Rev. H. T. Johnson, Ph.D., Editor Christian Recorder, A. M. E. Church; and Rev. R. T. Brown, D.D., Editor Christian Index, C. M. E. Church. 6. Music. 7. Offertory— By Finance Committee and Pastor, Collectors. S. Announcements — Doxology. 9. Benediction By Rev. W. C. Lockhart Sljtrii attin QHnsmg Sag'* fterfair*. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1904— GRACE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Rt. Rev. Alex. Walters, D.D., Presiding. 1. Grand Chorus — Grace, Clinton Chapel and Little Rock Church Choirs. 2. Opening Hymn By Rev. R. P. Wyche, D.D. 3. Invocation.. By Rev. A. H. Newsome 4. Musical Selection. 5. Symposium — ''As the Oldest Negro Methodist Church, What are we Doing ?" — By Mrs. Anna Blackwell, Rev. J. S. Caldwell, D.D., and Mrs. W. H. Davenport. 6. Choir Selection. 7. Voluntary Speeches— Subject, "The Benefits Derived, as an Attendant, from these Anniversary Exercises"— Led by Rev. W. J. Moore, D.D. 8. Reading of Congratulatory Letters and Telegrams by Master of Ceremonies. 9. Reception of Silver Offerings by Committee on Silver Presentation 10. Music. 11. Formal Presentations to Bishop Lomax by Committee on Silver Presentation . 12. Remarks by Bishop T. H. Lomax, D,D., on Re eption Silver Offerings. 13. "Fare- Well" Meeting — Three (3) Minute Speeches to be Supple- mented by a General Hand Shaking with the Reverend Pre- late, Rt. Rev. T. H. Lomax, D.D. 14. Announcements — Closing Hymn, "God be With You Till we Meet Again," etc. 15. Benediction By Bishop T. H Lomax BANQUET AT NIGHT 412 W. Hill Street, Bishop Lomax' Residence, From 6 to 12 P. M. 10 Hist of GIflmmtitmL Master of Ceremonies: Rev. James M. Hill, D. D. Honorary, Episcopal and Districtal: The Bishops. On Invitation : W. J. Moore, D.D.; Wm. Sutton, D.D.; C. O. H. Thomas, D. D , LL. B.; J. M. Hill, D.D.; J. W. Smith, D.D.; A. J. Warner, D.D.; Bishop T. H. Loraax, D.D. On General Arrangements : Revs. E. S. W. Simmons; W. J. Moore, D.D. ; P. W. Lawrence, P.E.; C. O. H. Thomas, D.D. LL. B. ; John Hooper, P.E.; Wm. Sutton, D.D.; S. B. Hunter; H. Bell; 0. L. W. Smith, D.D.; J. H. Moseley ; D. L. Maultsby ; D.C.Covington; J. H. Mattocks, f E.; S. D. Watkins. On General Local Arrangements: (a Reception, (b) Music, (c) Entertainment and Banqueting-, (d) Decora- tions. — The Pastors of Charlotte, (N. C.) churches and committees that may have been appointed by the Conference, including the Trustees of Charlotte churches. On Finance: Revs. O. L. W. Smith, D. D. ; Wm. Sutton, D.D.; P. W. Lawrence, P.E.; J. M. Hill, D D.; J. W. Smith, D.D.; A J. Warner, D.D.; S. D. Watkins. On Program : Revs C. O. H. Thomas, D.D., LL.B.; E. S. W. Simmons ; J. H. Moseley. On Silver Presentation : First District— Rev. E. G. Biddle, B. D., New England Conference : Second Dis- trict-Rev. D. C. Baum, P.E., Palmetto: Third and Fourth Districts— Rev. A. J. Rodgers, D. D., Central Alabama: Fifth District— R. H. Simmons, D.D. , Western North Carolina: Sixth District— Rev. S. P. Cook, Virginia: Seventh District — Rev. G. C. Clement, A.M., Kentucky : Eighth District— Rev. W. H. Davenport, A.M., West Alabama : Ninth District— Rev. Wm. Spencer, D.D., North Alabama. Executive Commttee. Revs. W. J. Moore, D.D.; Wm. Sttton, D.D.; E. S. W. Simmons; C. O. H. Thomas, D.D., LL.B.; H. Bell. 11 Serial NotaBL 1. The Bishops will preside in turn of ranking seniority, or in numerical order, of Episcopal Districts, as laid out in program. 2. The Anniversary Exercises, during the day, are to be held in Grace Church. The night exercises at Grace, Clinton and Little Rock Churches at same hour. 3. The Program of Exercises is arranged so as to be executed within the time given. Any variation will seriously interfere with the time allotted for either the afternoon or night exercises. 4. The presentation of Silver Offerings is to be made a Special Feature during the proceedings of the third day's meeting. 5. The exercises will close on Thursday, March 10th, at 2 p. m., to be supple- mented by a Banqueting Fete, which will be directed and supervised by the Com- mittee and Master of Ceremonies. 6. Badges will be furnished the Master of Ceremonies for himself and his Com- mittees. Badges for the Bishops and General Committee of Arrangements will be supplied by the Secretary of said Committee. Microfilmed SOUNET/ASERLPRO^CT 11