THE PICKFORD SANITARIUM. FOR ♦ Consumptive ♦ Negroes. * southern pines. n. c. THE P1CKF0RD SANITARIUM ****** *******a* ** *i* *»* Offers its advantages to Negroes suf- fering from throat and bronchial affec- tions, and from lung troubles in their earlier stages. If is favorably located in the health- ful pine belt of North Carolina, on high ground about half a mile west of the city of Southern Pines, on the Sea* board Air Line Pv. R., and near the trolley line connecting Southern Pines and Pinehurst. Itowns four acres of land upon which three builliugs have been erected. One of these, a fine building with sun parlors and ample piazzas, has just been completed for the especial use of women. This Institution is the only one in the South built and t quipped for the special treatment of those diseases of the throat and lungs so prevalent amongst colored people. So far as practicable the manage- ment endeavors to carry out those plans and methods which are used most successfully in Institutions of this kind at the North. Open from November to April. Terms, Fifteen dollars per month, payable in advance. All patients will be expected to con- form strictly to the rules of the Insti- tution. ■ M-M-M - JAMES McKEE, M. D., President. BERRY O 'KELLY, Temporary Treasurer. L. A. SCRUGGS, M. D. Secr'y and Genl Manager, TRC3TEES. JAMES McKEE, M. D. Raleigh, X. C. COL. J. S. CARR, Durham, >". C. MRS. C. J, PICKFORD, Lynn, Mass. PROF. A. W. PEGUES, Raleigh, X. C. REV. R. H. W. LEAK, Raleigh, X. C. E. A. JOHNSON, Raleigh, X. C. L, A. SCRUGGS, M. D., Raleigh, X. C. BERRY O 'KELLY, Method, X. C. JOHN T. PATRICK, Southern Pines, X. C. DR. H. C. FAULKXER, Chicago, 111. BISHOP W. J. GAIXS, Atlanta, Ga. W. C. COLEMAX, Concord, X. C, For further particulars address L. A. Scruggs M. IX. General Manager. 21 East Worth St,. Raleigh. N. L.