TEXTILE DIRECTORY January, 1927 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM lilway System Directory ts in territory served by Southern Railway System in operation up to January 1, 1927. It also lists all ants under construction on that date. operating 13,178,395 spindles, 260,2^1 looms, and '80 plants of all kinds in operation January 1, 1927, nd 49,567 knitting machines. During the year, in- he year, 180 additions were made to existing plants. 17,936,264 spindles, or 47.95 per cent of all the lited States. The continued southward movement ;t that thei'e was a net increase of 189,140 spindles lies in all other states in 1926. parts of the United States in cotton manufacturing 34,738 more spindles in place in the mills in the d mills. The South has led in spindle activity for 1 manufacturing capacity. id the increased consumption of cotton in southern d States are graphically shown by the diagrams on Southern Railway System Textile Directory THIS directory of textile manufacturing plants in territory served by Southern Railway System includes all of the plants completed and put in operation up to January 1, 1927. It also lists all of the new plants and important additions to plants under construction on that date. The edition of 1926 listed 1,043 concerns operating 13,178,395 spindles, 260,?4i looms, and 47,736 knitting machines. This edition lists 1,080 plants of all kinds in operation January 1, 1927, operating 13,397,047 spindles, 261,352 looms, and 49,567 knitting machines. During the year, in- cluding those under construction at the end of the year, 180 additions were made to existing plants. In all of the southern states there are now 17,936,264 spindles, or 47.95 per cent of all the machinery engaged in spinning cotton in the United States. The continued southward movement of the cotton textile industry is shown by the fact that there was a net increase of 189,140 spindles in the south and a net decrease of 656,604 spindles in all other states in 1926. Heretofore New England has led all other parts of the United States in cotton manufacturing equipment. On January 1, 1927, there were 184,738 more spindles in place in the mills in the cotton-producing states than in the New England mills. The South has led in spindle activity for several years and has now achieved leadership in manufacturing capacity. The growth of the southern textile industry and the increased consumption of cotton in southern mills as compared with other parts of the United States are graphically shown by the diagrams on the following page. COTTON SPINDLES IN UNITED STATES MILLS-YEARS 1880-1926 MILLS IN COTTON GROWING STATES MILLS IN ALL OTHER STATES f=3 The above diagram shows the growth of the cotton textile industry in the south as compared with other parts of the United States since 1880. The soHd black columns represent the number of spindles in mills in cotton- producing states and the shaded columns the number in the mills in all other states. It will be noted that since 1880, when the cotton-producing states had only a very small proportion (5.27 per cent) of the total spindles in the United States, there has been a steady, almost uniform, increase from year to year, and that the number of spindles in other states reached a maximum in 1922 and has shown a decrease in each subsequent year. The net decrease since 1922 outside of the south has been 1,512,965 spindles, as compared with a net increase of 1,971,883 in the south in the same ptriod. COTTON TAKEN BY UNITED STATES MILLS-RUNNING BALES-YEARS 1880-1926 MILLS IN COTTON GROWING STATES MILLS IN ALL OTHER STATES ^za BALES MILLIONS i \J i i: YEARS 'XI 03 CO 01 CTl IS) ^ T) Ol The above diagram shows the consumption of cotton in southern mills since 1880, as compared with the con- sumption in the mills in all other states. It will be noted that the consumption of cotton in southern mills exceeded consumption in all other states in 1911 and in each subsequent year. In 1926 southern mills took 4,757.902 bales, or 71.16 per cent of the total cotton consumption of the United States, while mills in all other states took only 1,928,562 bales, or 28.84 per cent of the cotton consumed. The mills of New England, with 17,751,526 spindles, took onlv 1.611,291 bales, or 24.09 per cent of the cotton consumifid. This is accounted for, in part, by the fact that in 1926 the southern mills, with 17.936,264 spindles in place, oper- ated 61,520,349,555 spindle-hours, while the mills in other states, with 19,468,208 spindles in place, operated 35.480.024,187 spindle-hours. In other words, southern mills, with 47.95 per cent of the spindles, worked 63.42 per cent of the total spindle-hours in that year. COITOIN MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM- ALABAMA. -JANUARY, 1927 POST OFFICE Alabama City , Anniston Birmingham. Blue Mountain . Bon Air Cordova . . . Cottondale . Ellawhite . . Florence . . . Gadsden. . . Huntsville. Jaclisonville . Mobile Munford . . PeU City.. Piedmont . Selraa Shortleaf (R. R. Demopolis) , . . Stevenson Talladega NAME OF COMPANY Dwight Mfg. Co. (Branch of Chicopee, Mass.) Adelaide Mills .\nniston Cordage Co -Anniston Mfg. Co .\nni.ston Yarn Mills Calhoun Cotton Mills, Inc Lanier Mfg. Co Perkins Mfg. Co Woodstock Cotton Mills .Avondale Mills Strowd-Holconibe Cotton Mills Co .\merican Net & Twine Co Danville Knitting Mills (Branch of Dan- ville, Va.) Indian Head ^lills of Alabama Tuscaloosa Mills New Canebrake Cotton Mills .\shcraft Cotton Mills Cherry Cotton Mills Sauquoit Spinning Mills of -\labama. . . . Dallas Mfg. Co Huntsville Knitting Co Lincoln Mills of Alabama Lowe Mfg. Co The Margaret Mill Merrimack Mfg. Co. (Branch of Lowell Mass.) West Huntsville Cotton Mills Profile Cotton Mills Cotton Mill Products Co Mobile Cotton Mills Munford Cotton Mill Co Avondale Mills (Pell City Plant) Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Co. (Branch of Chattanooga. Tenn.) Sunset Textile Mills Alabama Textile Mills Demopolis^Mills Stevenson Cotton Mills Planters Chemical & Oil Co. Samoset Cotton Mills Talladega Cotton Factory . . Total . Equipment Looms Spindles 360 160 20 219 968 24S 1,419 178 1,100 756 ,745 484 380 306 348 13,952 78 . 524 10,032 3,000 14,992 5,712 2,000 11.055 39,920 8 , 800 23,220 11,500 28,112 2,080 11,024 7,488 10,048 19,600 58,752 6,144 90,000 27,000 10,032 108,672 6,176 40,844 16,008 19,246 3,500 22,560 57,168 12,480 16,048 4,816 3,120 772 10,272 5,000 .805,717 POWER E = Elcctri( S = Steam W = Water S. & E, E E E E E E E S S. &E E E S S. &E E S. &E S S. &E E S. &E S. & E E E E E E E E E E S. &E E S. &E. E S S E E E CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Sheetings, drills, osnaburgs. Hosiery and warp yarns, 14s to 24s single and ply. , ,Sash cord. ' . Sheetings, drills. Hosiery yarns, ISs to 26s. Damasks, and fancy cotton goods. Cordage. Cloth. Towels, damasks, sheetings. Sheetings, chambrays. Dye. Sheeting. Seine twine. Hosiery yarns, 10s to 30s. Sheetings, drills, flannels. Hosiery yarns. 16-2 and 20-2 yarns; skeins, tubes. Sheetings, bag goods. Yarns 4s to 20s. Dye. Cotton varns. Sheetings, 36 to 108 inches. Sheeting and flannel. Dye. Ducks, drills, twills, osnaburgs up to 120 inches, mop yarn. Ginghams, shirtings, export cloth, seersucker cloth, rayon fabrics. Dye .bleao and finiah. 24s to 30s single hosiery J'arns: cones, tubes. Print cloths, organdies, percales, khaki, corduroy. 2s to 14s yarns; tubes, cones, skeins. Carded warp yarns; 20s to 50s 2- and 3-ply warps, skeins, tubes; 30-1 hosiery and underwear cones. Sheetings, drills. Sheetings. -^U ply and single yarns. Denims. Dye. Combed and roving yarns. 615 sheeting. ^ 4- and 4 ^2-yard sheeting. Ss single and ply yarns. Dye and bleach Ss to 10s, single and ply yarns. Rope and mop yarns. Denims. 12s to 14s hosiery yarns. GEORGIA Aragon . Athens. Atliinta . (R.F.D.l). Augusta . Bremen Chattahoochee. >Chickamauga. . Cochran Columbus Con .4ragon Mills The Athens Mfg. Co Clark County Mills Princeton Mfg. Co Southern Mfg. Co Star Thread Mill American Mills Co Atlanta Woolen Mills (Cotton Dept.) . . . , Lullwater Mfg. Co Exposition Cotton Mills French A., Textile School Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills Gate City Cotton Mills Martel Mfg. Co Piedmont (jotton Mills U. S. Penitentiary Augusta Factory Enterprise Mfg. Co Globe Cotton Mills Jno. P. King Mfg. Co Siblev Mfg. Co Sutherland Mfg. Co Bremen Looms Whittier Mills Co Crystal Springs Bleachery Co Cochran Cotton Mill Co Bibb Mfg. Co Bradley Mfg. Co Columbus ^Ifg. Co Eagle & Phenix Mills (Including mill at Girard, Ala.) Georgia Webbing & Tape Co Meritas Mills (Standard Textile Prod- ucts Co.) Muscogee Mfg. Co Swift Mfg. Co Swift Spinning Mills Harmonv Grove Mills 192 21 1,576 64 2,984 380 96 476 900 908 234 1.942 1,00S 336 700 104 270 2,782 1,S74 42 1,360 860 861 18,948 17,421 3,648 600 470 320 780 500 5,000 60,000 804 100,550 15,000 11,220 7,762 38 , 992 35,232 5,472 64,608 38,6,86 6,840 ' ' is'.obb 23,000 5,000 100,000 15,000 65,000 72,292 57,436 50,000 30,000 26,676 15,080 E E. & W E W E E E E E S. & E. E S. &E. E S S. & E E W. &E W. &E. W S, & W. W W. & E S. &E S. &E, E S.. . W E E E. & W E E E E E S Cotton duck. 18s to 32s single and ply chain warps, skeins, tubes; tire fabrics. 30s, 2- and 3-ply weaving yarns. 20-2 yarns; skeins. Canton flannel and husking cloth. 24-2 skein yarns, comer, tuber, warps. 2s to 12s ply yarns. 8s to 20s white and mock twist; cones, tubes. Dye. Duck. Sheetings, drills. Dye. Yarns and fabrics. Dye, bleach and finish. Sheetings and bags. Dye. White hosiery yarns. Drills, twills, sheetings. Cotton duck, yarns. Mail bag duck, navy canvas and nainsook. Sheetings, shirtings, ducks, drills, ticking. Sheetings, drills, jeans, sateens. Ducks, drills, osnaburgs. Sheetings, drills Sheetings, drills, tickings, denims. Dye. Duck, osnaburgs. Fancy weaves. Colored and white yarns. Dye. Bagging and bags Bleach, cambrics, lawns and nainroaks. Convertibles. Auto tire fabrics. 8s to 20s single and ply yarns in white and colors. Dye. Sheetings. Outings, denims, cottonades, tickings, etc. Dye, bleach and finish. Spinning and twister tapes. Drills, ducks, sheetings. Tickings, towels; 5s to 20s yarns; tubes, cones. Dye and finish. Cottonades, coverts, tickings, stripes, mitcheline bedspreads. Dye. 4s to 30s yarns. Sheetings, drills. COTTON MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM- GEORGIA — Continued -JANUARY, 1927 POST OFFICE Dallas Dalton Douglasville . . Eaatman Elberton Fort Valley . . . Gaineaville . . . Griffin Habersham . . . Hartwell HawkinaWlle . Jackson Juliette Lavoni" Lindale Macon New Holland . Rome Roewell Vr.' R Chamblee) . Savannah . . . - Shannon Tallapoosa . . . Thomaaton. . . Tifton . .' Toccoa Valdosta Villa Rica NAME OF COMPANY Equipment Looms SpmdJes Liberty Cotton Mills . American Thread Co Boyleston-Crown Mills Crown Milla Lois Cotton Mills Eastman Cotton Mills Hamilton Carhartt Cotton Mills No. 3. . Fort Valley Cotton Mills Gainesville Cotton Mills Georgia-Kincaid Mfg. Co Griffin Mfg. Co Highland Mills Rushton Cotton Mills Habersham Mills The Hartwell Mills No. 1 Cochran Cotton Mill No. 2 Pepperton Cotton Milla Juhette MiUing Co. (Office, Macon, Ga.) Lavonia Cotton Mfg. Co Massachusetts Cotton Mill (Georgia Mill) Adams Cotton Mills Atlantic Cotton Mills Bibb Mfg. Co WiUingham Cotton Mills Pacolet Mfg. Co. No. 4 (Office, Spartan- burg, S. C.) Anchor Duck Mills McLin Textile Mills Strain Cotton Mills 20 956 520 270 196 1.220 3,000 1,192 500 420 216 52 556 3,3SS 160 Roswell Mfg. Co Yamacraw Yarn Mill. . . . Southern Brichton Mills.. TaUapoosa Mills Peerless Cotton Mills . . . . Martha Mill Thomaston Cotton Mills. Tifton Cotton Mills Capps Mfg. Co Hartwell Slills No. 2 Strickland Cotton Mills . . Villa Rica Cotton Oil Co . 100 1,940 399 84 132 120 48 '620 453 284 348 Total POWER E = Electric S = Steam W = Water CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED 7.300 30,312 14,000 50,000 21,760 10.400 9,216 5,000 43,000 75,000 34,000 14,000 14,960 14,960 S.OSO 5,000 13,000 5,000 8.000 103.264 7.200 11.908 52.000 10,000 60.140 29.172 5.000 12,384 2,000 2.3.000 16.160 27.000 30,000 75.000 7.200 6.240 9.152 13,104 5,000 3 Colored cotton yarn, stock dyed, single and ply, for both knitting and weav^ ing trade. E Yarns. E Tire fabric. E Ducks, drills, osnaburgs, sheeting. 3 Print cloths. S 40-inch sheetings. , 3 37-inch drills, rope and denims. ^ 3 Hosiery yarns. 3 Print cloths. 3. & E . . . . Dobby goods, terr^- and buck towels. Dj-e, bleach and finish. E Cheviots, tickings, plaids, napped goods. Dye and finish. S. & E - . . - Sateen. S. (fc E - . . . Dobby goods, domets, etc. S. & E . . . . 30s ply skein yarns. S Sheetings. S Table covei sheeting, duck. 3 Fancy weaves, towels, etc. W 4s to 14s yarns. 3 4s to 243 single and ply yarns; cones, tubes, skeins. Dye 3. & E . . . . Canton flannels, denims, cheviots, chambraj-s, drills, osnaburgs. Dye and finish. S Ducks. S 3s to 12s yarns- .S. & E . . . , Yarns, twines, cords. Dye. E Ducks. 3. & E . . . . Sheetings, drills. E Laundr>' nets, sugar bags, duck, twill, press cloth, etc. E Laundry supplies, convict cloth, duck and twill specialties, etc. S Ducks. 3. E. & W Sheetings, shirtings, 20*2 yarns. E Yarns. E Tire fabrics. S 20-2 chain warps, skeins, tubes. W. & E . . . Wide sheetings. E Tire fabrir.^. S. & E . . . . Sheetings, ducks, drills, tire fabrics. S 6s to ISs and 30s single and ply yarns. S 20s to 32s yarns, single and ply. S 4-yaTd sheetings. S 6-yard sheetings. S 'Ss to 20s yarns, single and ply. Cannelton. Evans\ille. Indiana Cotton Mills . . Lincoln Cotton Mill Co Total . 500 440 15,800 1 16,320 940 32,120 S j Sheetings, drills, ducks. S Drills, osnaburgs, light-weight duck. KKMXCKY Louis-viUe . Loui5\-iile Cotton Miii= Co LouisWlle Textile Co i 60 Puritan Cordace Mills ! Semple Mfg. Co i S Total 6S 29, OSS j S. &E....I Warps on beams, carded, combed frame and mule spun yarns on cones, col- I ored yarns on cones or tubes. Dye and finish. E , Special cotton dobby fabrics, w hite and colored and in combination with silk. 3.000 . E Sash cord, rope; colored. 1,536 [ E ; Saddle girths, blankets, clothes lines, twine rope. 33.624 LUL ] I AN A New Orleans . Lane Cotton Mills Co 1 . 346 Maginnis Cotton Mills i,E, V. Benjamin Co., Inc.) l.IOO Total , 2.446 50,000 S. i- E, 45,000 E Osnaburgs, sheetings, chambrays, denims, cotton twine, cotton rope 95,0UU Indigo dei:ims, indigo express stripes, cotton rope, coverts, cottonades, seat cover fabrics, khaii. MISSISSIPPI Columbus Tombigbee Cotton Mills Corinth Cotton Mills Laurel Mills 262 . ... . .1 616 8,512 S Corinth 1,200 , E 21.6SS ' S. &E.... 12,720 S. AE... Coarse cotton yarn. Sheetings, 4 to 7 yards (jray and colored goods, drills and sheeting. Meridian Rountree Cotton Mills Total 1 482 1 . 360 44.120 COTTON MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. MISSOURI NAME OF COMPANY Equipment POWER E=Electric S = Steam W = Water CHARACTER OF POST OFFICE Looms Spindles GOODS MANUFACTURED St. Louis Home Cotton Mills (Bemis Bag Co.) . , . Total 730 29,400 S Bag goods, twin e. 730 29,400 NORTH CAROLINA Albemarle. Asheville " (R. R. Elk- Mountain) Avondale Balfour (R. Smyth) Belmont Bessemer City . . . Brevard Brookford (R. Hickory) .... Burlington. . . . Cellar Fails Central Falls (R. R. Asheboro) . . Charlotte China Grove. Clayton. Chffside Coleridge (R. R. Rairisfur) .... Columbus (R. R. Tryon) Concord Connelly Springs. EBrd Mfg. Co Wiscassett Mills Co. . . . Asheville Cotton Mills . Martel Mills, Inc. (French Broad Mill). . . Cliffside Mills (Branch of Cliffside, N. C.) (Haynes Plant) Balfour Mills, Inc Acme Spinning Co Belmont Fabric Co Chronicle Mills Climax Spinning Co Crescent Spinning Co Eagle Yarn Mills Imperial Yarn Mills Linford Mills, Inc Majestic Mfg. Co National Yarn Mills Perfection Spinning Co Sterling Spinning Co Stowe Spinning Co American Cotton Mills, Inc American Cotton Mills No. 2 Gambrill & Melville Mills Co., (Office, Havre de Grace, Md.) George Cotton Mills Co Osage Mfg. Co Sapphire Cotton Mills Brookford Mills Co Aurora Cotton Mills Burlington Cotton Mills, Inc.. Elmira Cotton Mills Co Glencoe Mills E. M. Holt Plaid Mills, Inc. , , Holt, Love & Holt King Cotton Mills Corp Lakeside Mills, The Stevens Mfg. Co Sapona Cotton Mills, Inc Pennsylvania Textile Mills, Inc Atherton Mills (Office, Lowell, N. C). . Barber Mfg. Co Belbro Mills, Inc Carl Stohn, Inc Chadwick-Hoskins Co. (4 mills) Elizabeth Mills Co Highland Park Mfg. Co. (Nos . 1 & 3) . . John.-itt.n Mfg. Co Magnolia Mills Mercury Mills Piedmont Commission Co Robinson Spinning Co. (Office, Lowell N. C.) . Savona Mfg. Co Scaiiclniiavia Belting Co. China Grove Cotton Mill Patterson Mfg. Co Woodson Mills Co., Inc.. Clayton Cotton Mills . . . Liberty Cotton Mill Co.. Cliffside Mills Enterprise Mfg. Co. Columbus Cotton Mills Brancord Mfg. Co Brown Mfg. Co Cabarrus Cotton Mills (Branch of Kan- napolis, N. C.) Cannon Mfg. Co. (Branch of Kannapolis, N. C.) Inc.. Franklin Cotton Mills, Gibson Mfg. Co Hartsell Mills Co Hobarton Mfg. Co Locke Cotton Mills Co Norcott Mills Co Roberta Mfg. Co White-Park Mill Co Blue Ridge Cotton Mills (Office, Maiden N. C.) 450 134 560 3SS 150 96 135 325 400 632 S47 236 657 206 500 48 142 160 140 84 2,001 1,806 350 150 720 40 170 40 2,024 486 542 996 744 200 125 1,240 60,000 96,000 13,220 5,712 20,000 18,072 16,320 5,000 15,276 21,760 13,056 12,672 12,416 16,320 12,768 15,232 16,320 13.056 23,000 11,520 6,000 16,104 4,916 16,272 6,116 18,368 10,520 10,080 10.192 4,576 10.092 3,264 12,300 14,828 10.000 4,000 90,320 12,000 46,000 ll.OS.S 6,144 14,048 6,200 22,000 22,000 11,056 10,000 10,200 41,280 1,528 7,128 17,916 28,000 30,000 29,536 28,000 18,440 35,912 15.096 5,546 8,000 5,000 E E. & S.. . E E E S. & W,.., E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E S. & E. . . S E Oil S. E. & W S. &E..,. E E W. &E... E E E E. &S.... E W. &E .. S. &E.... S. &E... E E E E S. &E... E E S. &E... S E E E E E S. &E... E E E W. & S. . W E E E S. & E... S. &E... E S. &E... E E S. & E. . , E W. &E.. E S "5 Carded yarnB, 5a to 30s; combed yarns, 40s to 80s. Dye. IDs to 30s single and ply carded; 10s to SOs single and ply combed yarns. Colored chanibray. Bedspreads, osnaburgs. Bleach and finish. Chambrays, cheviots. Dye and finish. Print cloths. 70s combed yarns. Coarse yarn fabrics. Ply yarns, 36s to 453; cones, skeins, tubes. Combed yarns, SOs to SOa. SOs combed yarns. Combed yarns. Combed yarns, 60a to 90s. Combed yarns. Combed Sea Islands, 30s to 120s. 60s to SOs combed yarns. Combed yarns. 68-2 combed ball warps. Combed yarns. Tire fabrics. Tire fabrics. Broad sheetings, yarns. 6s to Ifis yarns. 36- and 40-inch sheetings. Combed cotton yarns. Fancy dobby goods. _ Ginghams, sport flannels. Dye, bleach and finish. Yarns and fancy dress goods, art silk. 26- and 32-inch dress ginghams, rayon dress goods. Dye and bleach. Outings. Dye and finish. Fine ginghams, cotton and rayon dress goods. Bleach and finish. Bed spreads and novelty specialties. Hosiery and underwear yarns. Cheviots, indigo plaids, shirtings, stripes. Dje and finish. Dress ginghams, rayon fabrics. Cotton yarn. Cotton yarn. 40-2 warps, tubes, skeins. Spinning and twister tape. 4s to 12s single and ply yarns. Dye. Corset covers, smoking jackets, lounging robes. Fine sheetings. Combed and carded peeler yarns, 60s to SOs, single and ply. Staple and fancy ginghams. Dye, bleach and finish. Combed hosiery .\'arns, 10s to 24.s. Hosiery splicing yarns, 40s to 60s. Print cloths, 64 x 60. Towels, outings, madras. Knitting yarns. Fancy Jacquard and dobby goods. Bleach and finish. Solid woven belting. Combed yarns. Sheetings, and lOa to 26a hosiery yarns. Damasks. 20-2 yarns. 20-2 yarns; warps, skeins. Ginghams. Dye, bleach and finish. 8-3 and S-4, yarns. Coarse yarn. Yarns. Outings, tickings, ginghams, coarse yarns. Dye and finish. Sheetings. Sheetings, towels. Warps, skeins. Fancy ginghams and madras; Ss to 30s white and colored yarns. Dye, finish. Yarns and damasks. Fancy ginghams and madras. Dye and finish. Madras, zephyrs, dress ginghams; single and ply yarns. Dye, bleach, finish. Double carded knitting yarns; 20s to 40s. Hosiery yarns, 10s to 20s. Ss to 163 hosiery yarns. 20-2 varn<=- COTTON MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM- NORTH CAROLINA-Continued -JANUARY, 192T 1 1 POST OFFICE NAME OF CUMPAXY Equ ipment 1 POWER 1 E= Electric S = Steam W = Water | CH-\RACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Looms Spindles Cooleeniee 1 Cornelius Eruin Cotton Mills Xo. 3 (Branch of > West Durham, X.C.) 1,296 364 47,360 9,952 10,768 60,000 E. S. & W. . S S. -, N. C.) Sheets and pillow cases. Bleach. Sheetings, tobacco bags and hosiery. Novelties and fancy dress goods. Ginghams, cheviots, raj'ons, indigo shirtings. D^'e and bleach. Wide sheetings. Wide sheetings, sheets and pillow cases. Bleach and finish. 50-2 combed peeler yarns. Fine yarns. Flannels, yarns. Dye and firtish. Colored cottons, denims. Dje. Sheets, piUow cases. Napped goods, chambrays, cheviots. Dye and finish. Sheetings, drills, flannels. Fine yarns. 50s to 70s combed peeler yarns: SOs to 50s reverse twist ply yarns. Combed yarns. Ss to 20s single and ph-. Fine combed yarns. OOs single and ply yarns. Combed yarns' 40s to 60s. 60s single and ply combed yarns. Combed peeler yarns, 50s to SOs. Combed peeler yarns. 50s to SOs, and reverse twist, 36s to 50s ply yarne 50-2 to SO-2 combeed peeler yarns. Fine combed peelr yarns. Combed yarns. Tire fabrics. SOs yarns. Yarns. 30s to 36s combed yarns. Combed yarns. 30s to 50a. 30s to BOs double carded and 36s to 40s reverse t\\ist ply yarns. SOs to 60s combed yarns. 50s to SOs combed peeler yarns, single and ply. Combed peeler reverse twist yarns, 20s to OOs. 20s combed peeler yarns. Combed yarns. oOs to 70s. Fine yarns. Fine combed yarns. 36s to 40s combed hosiery yarns. Automobile tire fabrics. 60-2 combed yarns. Fine combed yarns, 70s to 100s. Combed yarns. 60s to SOs combed yarns. Damasks, napkins. Combed peeler yarns, 36s to OOs. SOs to 100s combed yarns. 36s combed yarns. 14s to SOs yarns, warps. Outings. Dye and finish. Coarse colored goods. Dye. Awning stripes. 10s to SOs hosiery" and under\\ear yarns. Colored goods and yarns. Dye and finish. Plaids, denims, shirting, c brays, cheviots. Plaids, stripes. Dye and finish. Canton flannels. Cotton yarn. Cotton yarn. Carpet w&rps, twines. Tinged cotton >-arn. Grey goods, colored shirtings. Dye, bleach and finish. Indigo blue denims. Dye. Canton and cotton flannels. Dye. bleach and finish. Suspender and garter webbing. Indigo blue denims. Dye. Damasks, naokins. Yarns. Colored goods and Ss to 26s yarns. Dye. bleach and finish. 8s to 16s yarns; cones, skeins, and 26s to SOs cones. ISs to SOs hosiery yarns and sheetings. * Cranierlon Mills 1 - 500 Dallaa Dorothy Mfg. Co. . 10,500 8,192 7,168 17,600 25,650 23,936 26,496 (, ■ Draper-American Mill (.Carolina Cotton & Woolen Mills Co.) 489 498 568 100 800 240 1 ,552 ■ Wearwell Sheeting Mill (Carolina Cotton & Woolen Milb Co.) " East • Durham Cottnn Mfg. Co Pearl Cotton Mills 23,984 13,664 76,768 10,560 2,500 18,728 6,496 16,000 19,920 12,464 12,576 25,352 4,600 20,336 10,080 9,800 11,168 10,500 37,500 18,000 30,360 7,056 137,504 17,536 4.176 6,500 13,248 12,672 10,000 20,000 15,360 2.600 10,000 37,096 6.000 6.000 6.04S 20,480 10,000 9,000 13,000 7,208 ■ 10,148 20,000 8,000 10,176 19,772 4.104 18,500 25,920 4,072 4,740 6,000 6,00(1 14,000 3,000 24,416 58.000 71,000 West Erwin Cotton Mills (Xos. 1 & 4) East MonboCR.R. Eufoia) Eileiiburo Elon College Consolidated Textile Corp. (Ossipee &. Hopedale Di\'.^ 282 287 400 536 360 Forest City Holt.Gant i- Holt Cotton Mfg. Co Alexander Mfg. Co Franklinville . GaatOLiia Randolph Mills, Inc " ' A M Snure Mfg Co ■ ■ Clara Mtg Co Dunn Mfg Co Flint Mfg. Co. (Nos. 1 & 2) Gray Mfg. Co • • Groves Mfg. Co " ■ Wanville-Jenckes Co. (Lorav Division) (Branch of Pawtucket, R. I.) 420 . " « ■ E ■ Myrtle Mills. Ino E E S. & E . . . E E E E E E E E E .. . ■ " " Parkdale Mills, Inc ■ ' Pinknev Mills. Inc " " - Rankin Mills. Inc • Ranlo Mfg. Co 32 ■ ■ ■ Ruby Cotton Mills, Inc E E S. & E . . . . S. &E... E E E S. & E.... S E S. W. &E. E ' ■ 153 ■ • * Winget Yarn Mills Co Gibsonville Gem Cotton Mill • 500 182 Glen Haven Glen Raven Cotton Mill Golcisboro Borden Mfg. Co Graham .. . L. Banks Holt Mfg. Co. (4 Mills) 890 192 310 L ' • E Granite Falls Dudlev Shoals Cotton Mill Co E . . " Falls Mfe. Co E - Granite Falls Mfg. Co W. & E . . E " .'Southern' Mfg. Co ""798 1,700 2,048 12 3,000 40 Greensboro S. & E . . . . E ... ' E E " Southern Webbing Mills, Inc White Oak Cotton Mills • 61,000 E Grover Minette Mills. ... s Haw River Travora Mfg. Co. (Mill No. 2) 7,892 22,304 55,000 47,000 E • 800 ""is5 S. E. & W. E. AS E Henderson Harriet Cotton Mills iXos. 1. 2, & 3).... Henderson Cotton Mills COTTON MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. NORTH CAROLINA-Continued POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Heno- River (R.R. Hildebnan) Hickory High Point , High Shoals . Hillsboro. . . . Hudson Huntersville. Jamestown . . KannapoHs. . Kings Mountain. . Landis .... Leaks ville . Lenoir. . . . Lexington. Lincolnton . Long Island (R. R. Statesville) Long Shoals (R.F. D. Lincolnton). Lowell . , Maiden . Marion . Marshall Mc.\denville (R. R. Lowell) . (Moores ville Morganton Mortimer Mount .Airy Mount Pleasant (R. R. Concord) Newton . Newton (R. R. Conover) Henry River Mfg. Co Hickory Spinning Co Ivev Mill Co .\. A. Shuford Mill Co Hishland Cotton Mills High Point Yarn Mills, Inc Pickett Cotton Mills Man\-ille-Jenckes Co. (High Shoals Divi- sion) (Branch of Pawtucket, R. I.) . . . Belle Vue Mfg. Co Eno Cotton Mills Caldwell Cotton Mills (OfSce, Lenoir, N. C). Hudson Cotton Mfg. Co. (Office, Lenoir, N. C.) .Anchor Mills Oakdale Cotton Mills Cabarrus Cotton Mills Cannon Mfg. Co Bonnie Cotton Slill Cora Cotton Mills DiUing Cotton Mills Kings Mountain Mfg. Co Margrace Mills, Inc Mason Cotton Mill Co Park Y'arn .Mills Patricia Mills. Inc Pauline Mills, Inc Phenix Mills Co Sadie Cotton Mills Linn Mills Co Corriher Mills Carolina Cotton & Woolen Mills (Bedspread Mill) Lenoir Cotton Mills Moore Cotton INIill Co Steele Cotton Mill Co Dacotah Cotton Mill Erianger Cotton Mill Xokomis Cotton Mills Wabena Mills Wennonah Cotton Mills Co -Anderson Mills, Inc -Arrow Mills, Inc Boger & Crawford Spinning Mill . . . Elm Grove Cotton Mills Eureka Mfg. Co Excell Cotton Mills Indian Creek Mfg. Co Laborator\- Cotton Mills Melville Mfg. Co John Rudisill Mfg. Co Rhodes-Rhyne Mfg. Co Roseland Spinning Mill Co Saxony .Spinning Co Wampum Cotton Mills, Inc Long Island Cotton Mills. Co. Equipment Looms Spindles 926 592 1,121 400 ' 768 4,000 170 156 400 Long Shoals Cotton Mills -Art Cloth Mill Lowell Cotton Mills Peerless Mfg. Co Carolina Cotton Mills (Nos. 1 & 2) . James Cotton Mills (Nos. 1 & 2) . . . Liberty Spinning Co Union Cotton ^IilIs . Clinchfield Mfg. Co Cro.ss Cotton Mills Co Marion Mfg. Co Capitola Mfg. Co Mc.Aden Mills Cascade Mills Moores\ille Cotton Mills -Alpine Cotton iNIills United Mills Co. (Office Hickory, N. Laurel Bluff Cotton Mill C.) Halifax Cotton Mill, Inc.. Tuscarora Cotton ^Iill. . . Catawba Cotton Mills. . . City Cotton Mills Clyde Mills, Inc Yo\int Cotton Mills . 650 ,240 400 .390 100 1.600 "sso 350 300 1,820 84 200 8,064 12,000 15,360 4,694 33,472 6,528 27,008 38,128 11,000 27,232 6,048 5,000 10,948 7,296 90,000 130,000 8,. =124 20,800 21 , 184 6,000 5,184 10,080 4,992 4,752 16,000 5,544 24,436 20,160 10,200 6,720 5,376 10,056 22,752 46,000 15,296 4,000 12..52S 5,600 12,096 21,300 6,088 360 368 704 100 000 496 000 320 760 6,064 14,160 23,500 14,616 12,200 8,048 2,500 10,000 65,. 520 13.000 35,840 9,000 28,000 12,000 57,420 10,440 6,000 5,000 5,184 5,760 8,000 5,000 20.000 S.160 POWER E = Electric S=Steam W = Water E. & W. E S. &E... E S. &E.. S. & W. E E S. &E., S. &E.. E E E E S E E S. E E E. &E.. E E E E E S. & E.. S. & E.. E S. &E.. E S E S W. w E S. &E ... S. &E... E E E E S. &E... s s w w E S. &E.. E s W. & E.. CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED W. & E.. . Cotton yarn. E Cotton yarns. Sateens. Yarns and wrapping twines. Knitting A-arns, 10s to 30s and 16s to 60s. 10s. 22s hosiery yarns. 5.35 64 X 60 print cloths and hosiery yarn. Sateen, sheeting, napkins, broadcloth, cambric. Drees ginghams, cheviots. Dye, bleach and finish. Colored fabrics. Dye and finish. E Carded yarns. Carded yarrs. Colored goods. Dye. Ss to 16s yarns, twine. Dye. .Automobile tire fabrics, sheetings, sheets, pillow cases; combed yarns 30b to 60s. Towels, crashes, sheetings. Dye and bleach. 8s to 30s single and plv yarns. 20-2 and 30-2 yarns. Combed yarn and novelties. 203 single and ply yarns. Bedspreads. 26s to 30s single and ply .yarns. 8s to 12s single and ply yarns. Napkins. Table cloths and napkins. Drills and sheetings. 60s to 808 combed yarns. 8s to 149 and 30s double carded hosiery yarns. 26s to 28s hosiery yarns. Bedspreads. 7 Combed .yarns. Carded yarns, 24-1 to 36-1, 24-2 to 36-2 and 24-3 to 36-3 yarns. Chambraye. Dye. Pajama checks, yarns, sheeting. Pajama checks, sheeting. 8s to 129 yarns. Chambrays. shirtings. Dye and finish. Shoe duck. Combed peeler yarns, 369 to 50s; super carded 508. Y^arns. 20-2 yarns; warps, cones, skeins, tubes. 2s to 5s single and ply waste yarns, white and colored. Dye. 30s two ply yarns; ball warps, chain warps, skeins, tubes, and oone*. 16s to 24s yarns; cones, tubes, warps. 40s to 50s ply yarns. Yarns. I69 to 24s ply yarns; skeins and tubes. Yarns. 40s single yarns. 40-2 to 60-2 combed yarns. 50-2 to 80-2 combed; 26-2 carded yarns. 12-1. 12-2 and 20-2 yarns. 168 to 40s single and ply yarns. Fancy dress fabrics. 408 to 70s combed yarns. 80s combed yarns. 20-2 pl.v yarns; tubes, warps, skeins. 20s 2-ply yarns; tubes. 14s to 24s yarns, single and ply; skeins, tubes. 26-2 and 30-2 yarns; warps, tubes, cones, skeins. Wide print rloths. Double carded knitting yarns. Wide print cloths. 40-2 cotton yarn. Colored goods, yarns. Dye and finish. Fine shirting. Domets. ginghams, whip cords. Dye. bleach and finish. Yarns. Cotton .yarns. 10s to 20s yarns; tubes, skeins, warps. 22s yarns; warps. Knitting yarns. 20s to 40s 30-2 yarns; skeins, balled or chain warps, cones, tubes. Canton flannels. Print cloths. Colored yarns. (jtrrroN mills in territory served by soithern railway system- north CAROLINA-Continued JANUARY, 1927. POST OFFICE North Wilkesboro . Norwood Oxford Patterson (R. R. Lenoir) . Pineville Raleigh Ramseur Randleman Reidsville Rhodhiss Roaring River . . . Rockwell Ronda Rutherfordton . . Equipment XAME OF COMPANY' Looms Spindlea Grier Cotton Mills, Inc.. Norwood Mfg. Co Oxford Cotton Mills Salisbury . Sanford Saxapahaw (R. R. lirahani) Selraa Watts Cotton .Mill Co Chadwick-Hoskins Co. (MiU No. 5) Caraleigh Mills Co Consolidated Textile Corp. (Pilot Divi- sion) (Office, S6 Worth St.. N. Y'.) Raleigh Cotton Mills Colinnbia Mfg. Co Deep River Mills. Inc Edna Cotton Mills Rhodhiss Mills Co Y'adkin Cotton Mills Barringer Mfg. Co Ronda Cotton Mills, Inc The Cleghorn Mills Grace Cotton Mill Co Diamond Cotton Mills Iv^' Damask Mill Kesler Mfg. Co Klumac Cotton Mills Marsh Cotton Mills Rowan Cotton Mills Co Salisburj- Cotton Mill Vance Cotton Mills Sanford Cotton Mjlls "I jr Sbelbj- . • (R.r.D.6R.R. DoubleShoals) Siler City . Southside . Spindale . . Statesville . Sto ■ Point. Swannanoa Swepsonville ^R. R. Grahan Taylorsville Thomasville - Troutman Turnersburg (R. R. Statesville) . Tuxedo ^"aIdese Whitnel. Winston-Salem. . ■ (R.R.Hanes) Worth Worthville (R.R. Randleman) ... .Saxapahaw Cotton Mills Eastern Mfg. Co Ethel Cotton Mills Co Selnia Cotton Mills Belmont Cotton Mills Cleveland Cloth Co Consolidated Textile Corp. (Ella Div sion) (Office, S6 Worth St.. N. Y.) . . Double Shoals Mfg. Co Dover Mfg. Co Eastside Mfg. Co Lilly Mill & Power Co Ora Cotton Mills Shelbv Cotton Mills Hadley Peoples Mfg. Co Lincoln Cotton Mill Cleghorne Mills Co., Inc Horn Company The Spencer Mills The Spindale Mills Co Stonecutter Mills, Inc Carolina Cotton & Woolen Mills Co. (Mills at Spray) (See also Leaksville and Draper, X. C, and Fieldale, ^'a.) . . Leaksville Cotton Mill Morehead Cotton Mills Co Spray Cotton Mills Bloomfield Mfg. Co Paola Cotton Mills Statesville Cotton Mills Adell Mfg. Co Watts Spinning Co Beacon Mfg. Co. (X. C. Plant) Virginia Cotton Mills Liledoun Mfg. Co Miller Mfg. Co North State Cotton Mill Co . Taylorsville Cotton Mill Co . .Amazon Cotton Mills Jewel Cotton Mills Hall-Kale Mfg. Co Laura Ellen Watts Cotton Mill Co Green River Mfg. Co Valdese -Mfg. Co Waldensian Weavers, Inc Nelson Cotton Mill Co. (Office, Lenoir, N. C.) Whitnel Cotton Mill Co. (Office, Lenoir, N. C.^ .Arista Mills Co. (Including Southside Mills) Inverness Mills Co P. H. Hanes Knitting Co Harden Mfg. Co Leward Cotton Mills, Inc. Total. . 312 520 300 325 S7S 540 rss 36 607 lU 112 653 200 430 316 324 224 253 264 30S 214 50!) 32 150 1,652 596 254 446 220 RP,15 7.000 30.200 6.120 4,24S 11.336 15.680 10.752 17.S00 IS. 000 22.000 25.662 31.500 4.200 9,484 5,472 7,328 6,048 7,396 27.456 6.000 4.276 16.048 33.S56 16.048 15.748 7 911 10!560 8.160 13,440 4.830 11,328 3.200 11.500 11.776 6,784 6.000 20,833 13,OC0 6.656 9,220 9.000 10.448 49 562 4 HDS 13 440 25 96,S 6 272 1(1 752 16 0(10 H Ws in 080 2 500 14 272 n 760 7 200 <"> Olio 4 200 19 S72 12 481) 7 128 1,600 8,400 14,000 6,048 6,272 17,500 7.680 27.500 8,000 10,256 4.679,877 POWER E = Electric S = Steam W = Water E E E W. & S. . . E E E E S. & W. . . S.E. &W. S. & E. . . . E W E S. &E... S. & E . . . E E E S. &E... E E E S. &E... E E E. & W.. E E E E E E S. AW... E E E E E S. & E . . . W S E E E E S. & E . . . S. & W... s s. & w... E E E E.'. . '.'.'.'.'. E W. S. i- E W. & S... W E E.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. E E W E. & S.... E E E E S. & E. . E E W S.W i E CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Hosiery yarns. 30-2 carded: 28-2 to 40-2 combed yarns. Single and ply yarns, Ss to 12s. Hosiery yarns, warps. .Sheetings. Ginghams. Dye. Shirting and chambrays. Dye and finish. 12s to 30s ring spun hosier\" yarns, 16s to 24s, 2-plv ball warps. 40 inch 4S x 44 3-75; 37 inch 4S x 48 4-00: 36 inch 52 x 4S 4-00 sheeting. Colored goods. Dye and finish. Twills. Sheetings, drills. 10s to 20s carded knitting yarns on cones. 20s to 30s ply yarns; beams, ballwarps. tubes and skeins. Ss to 14s yarns. Combed yarns. SOa to SOs. Combed yarns. 18-1 to 30-1 yarns. Damask. Sheetings. Damask. Damask. Jacquard. towels. Hosiery yarns. Colored goods. Dye and finish. Pajama checks and yarns. 4-yd. 56 X 60 sheetings. Ginghams and knit tubings. D.ve, bleach and finish. Hosiery yarns, 16s to 24s. 20 to 30 hosiery yarn on cones. Sheetings, oil cloth goods. 30-2 yarns: skeins, warps. Fancy goods. Print cloths. Ss ply yarns. Ginghams. Wide print cloths. Combed peeler yarns. .Specialties. Pajania checks, sateen fancies. 12s to 20s 2-ply yarns: skeins, tubes. 50-2 and 60-2 yarns; warps, tubes, skeins. 30 to 50 C. P., warp, cone and tube >arn, any ply. Novelties, bedspreads. 70s to SOs combed yarns. 40s combed yarns. Dress ginghams. Dye and finish. Sheetings, bedspreads, ginghams, blankets, towe Colored goods: S-1 to 12-1 yarns. Dje. 16s to 26s yarns: warps, skeins. 14s to 26s single and ply yarns. 30s to oOs single and ply combed peeler jarns. 20s to 30s single and ply yarns. 3s to 30s white and colored hosiery yarns. Dye. 20-2 yarns. Y'arns. Wool-mixed blankets and napped goods. Colored goods, rayon dress gootb. D\ e and finish. Double carded 248 to 30s hosiery yarns. 36s to 40s double carded hosiery yarns. Fine combed yarns. 24s to 303 double carded hosiery yarns. Combed hosiery yarns. Fine combed yarns. Combed yarns. Single and ply skeins. Mercerized fine combed yarns. Cotton yarns. Rayon filled goods. Combed yarns. Carded yarns. Chambrays. Dye. Tire cord fabrics and sheetings- Combed and carded knitting yarns, 8s to 24s. 20s to 30s yarns; tubes, skeins. Drills, sheetings. underwear. COTTON MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM- SOUTH CAROLINA -JANUARY, 1927. POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Equipment Spindles POWER E = Electric S = Steam W = Water CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED ■' Abbeville . Anderson. Arcadia (R. R. Spartanburg) . . Arlington (R. R. Greer) Autuii Bamberg Batesburg Bath Helton Blackjsburg. Bowling Green (R. R. BowUn) Buffalo Camden Cateechee (R. R. Norris) Central Charleston Cherokee Falls. . . Chester Clearwater . CUfton Clover Columbia . Cowpens . Eaeley . Edgefield. . . Fingerville. Fort Mill... Gaffney Glendale . . . . Graniteville . Greenville. Abbe\-ille Cotton Mills Anderson Cotton Mills Appleton Mfg. Co Conneross Yarn Mills Equinoi Mill Gluck ilills Lad Lassie Mills Orr Cotton Mills Riverside Mfg. Co H. C. Townsend Cotton Mill . Toxaway Mills Arcadia Mills (Noa. 1 & 2) ^'ictor-Monaghan Co. (Apalache Plant) . Pendleton Mfg. Co Santee Mills (Branch of Orangeburg, S.C. Martel Mills. Inc. (Middleburg Mill) The Aiken Mills Belton Mills Blair Cotton Mill Broad River Mill Blacksburg Spinning Co Bowling Green Spinning Mill Buffalo Mill (Union-Buffalo Mills Co.) . Hermitage Cotton Mills Wateree Mills Greenwood. Norris Cotton Mills Co Issaqueena Milts Williamson Mills Co Henrietta Mills Baldwin Cotton Mills Eureka Cotton Mills Springstein Mills The Seminole Mills Clifton Mlg. Co Clover Mills Co Hampshire Spinning Co Hawthorn Spinning Mills Columbia Mills Co Glencoe Cotton Mills Pacific Mills (Hampton Dept.) (Including Capital City, Granbv, Olympia, and Richland Mills) Martel Mills. Inc. (Palmetto Mill) Cowpens Mills Moore Cotton Mills Mary Louise Mills Alice Mfg. Co Easley Cotton Mills Glenwood Cotton Mills Kendall Mills, Inc. (Addison Division) . . . . Franklin Process Spinning Co Fort Mill Mfg. Co Alma Mills Cherokee Weaving Mills Derry Damask Mill Gaffney Mfg. Co Globe 'Mfg. Co Hamrich 5tills Irene Mills Limestone Mills Musgro\*e Cotton Mills \"ogue Mills The D. E. Converse Co Graniteville Mfg. Co. (Graniteville Divi- sion) Graniteville Mfg. Co. (Hickman Division) American Spinning Co Brandon Mills Camperdown Mills Conestee Mills Lullwater Mfg. Co Duncan Mills Judson Mills Mills Mill Piedmont Plush Mill Poe (F. W.) Mfg. Co Poinsett Mills Southern Weaving Co Vardry Cotton Mills Victor Alonaghan Co. (Monaghan Plant) Woodside Cotton Mills Co Greenwood Cotton Mills Grendel Mills 1,030 1,920 942 400 702 300 1,504 S38 1,144 51 400 320 7S4 ,400 120 324 1,929 390 420 440 630 246 606 890 600 570 508 2,660 4,800 412 472 32 948 1,020 1,160 300 755 440 50 40 1,868 143 624 136 650 400 20 980 700 592 1,104 2,322 612 505 30 1,800 2,200 904 24 1,700 726 22 1,612 2,700 1,000 1.904 29,796 71,392 35,000 1,200 17,544 36,160 62,000 28,600 3,900 30,384 43,952 19,712 3,250 14,848 10,624 32,832 63,036 5,600 14,304 5,000 5,040 62,SS0 16.640 48,816 19,968 25,680 13,056 30,672 31,488 25,752 14,560 23,104 86,800 24,000 20.000 12,500 30,348 6,048 202,048 13,696 17,400 6,144 40.448 37.744 45.976 18,336 1 1 , 500 42,000 20,240 80,512 5,850 25,000 7,696 25,000 15,000 37,988 25,200 20.400 53.760 99,400 16,056 20 , 292 5,600 60,750 52.864 35,584 70,352 27,756 624 4,320 60,032 112,000 48,880 85,152 S. & E.. . . S. & E... . S. & E.. . . E E S. & E . . . E S. & E . . . E E S S. & E.... E. & W. . . S. it W. . . S s E. & W.. . S. &E.... E E E E S. &E..., S. & W. . . S. &E.... W. & E.. S S. &E... W E E E E. & W.. S. W. & E E E E E E E E E E S E S. &E.... S S S. E. & W E E S E S. &E... . S. &E..,. E E E E E W E. & W.. , E. & S . . S. &E.... S. & E. ... S. W. & E E. & W,. S. &E.,. E E S E S. & E.... E E E. & W. . . S. & E... . S. &E... . E S Standard sheeting. Wide print cloths, pajama cheeks. Domets. dress goods, flannels. Dye. bleach and finish. Asbestos yarns, cotton mop yarns. Army ducks. White lawns, fancy goods. Lad Lassie cloth. Print cloths, pajama checks. Warps, skein yarns, 20s to 26s, carded, tubes and cones. Carpet yarns. Dye. 27- and 39-inch print cloths. Pajama checks, print cloths and sheeting. 10s to 12s and 40s to 60s, combed and cardod ply yarns. Cotton specialties. 5-yard and 5.50 sheetings. Tickings, shirtings. Dye and finish. Shirtings, dobby goods. Sheetings, shirtings, twills. Turkish towels. Bleach and finish. 64 X 60 sheetings. 14s to 22s knitting yarns. 20-1 to 30-1 Super carded yarn. Sheetings, drills, osnaburgs. Print cloths. Gauze, sheetings. 39-inch, 68 x 72, 4,75 sheetings. Print cloths, pajama checks. Colored outings and ply j-arns. Dye. Wide sheeting. Sheetings, osnaburgs, yarns. 39-68 X 72 prints, coverts. Fine ginghams. Dye. Sheetings, drills. Sheetings, drills, print cloths. 30s to 70s combed yarns. Fine yarns. Combed j^arns. Duck, coarse yarns. Twine, yarns. Print cloths. Shirtings and fancy weaves. ' 4-yard sheetings. Plain and fancy dimity, bcdspreads. 20 2-p!y weaving yarns. Print cloths. Prints, convertibles. Wide print cloths, sheetings. Medical gauze, tobacco cloths. 14s to 30s 2-ply yarns. Gingham, sheetings. Dye and finish. Wide print cloths. Damask. Sheeting, wide prints. Crashes, turkish towels. 39-inch 68 x 72. 4.75 sheetings. Damasks, napkins, towels. Bleach, fiiiisii and mercerize. 39-inch 68 x 72, 4.75 sheetings. Sheetings. Bedspreads. Drills, sheetings, print cloths. Sheetings, drills, twills and grey suitings. Sheetings, drills, twills and grey suitings. Wide print cloths, sheetings, ply yarns. Sheetings, shirtings, duck, etc. Ginghams, chambrays. Dye. Sheetings, drills. Duck. Fancies, shirtings, voiles, silk mixtures. Fine cotton, silk fabrics. Twills, sheetings. ^'elours and plushes. Converters' goods, plain and fancy. Print cloths, bag goods. Light and heavy webbing and tape. 30-2 yarns. Dye. Print cloths, quilts and fancies. Wide print cloths, twills, cords. Print cloths. Sheetings, print cloths. COTTON MILLS >' TEUKITOKY SEHVED BY SOLTHEKN RAILWAY SYSTEM- SOUTH CAROLLNA-Continued -JANUARY. 1927. POST OFFICE Greenwood CCont- Greer Honea Path . Inman Jonesville . . . Kershaw . . . . Lancaster . . . Landrum. . . . Langley. . . Lexington. Liberty . Lockhart. . Lyman. . . . Kewberry . Newry (R. B Courtenav) . . . . Ninety-Sii Orangeburg Pacolet . Pelham (R. R. Greer) Pelzer Pendleton .... Pickens ... Piedmont . . Red River. Rook HiU . , Seneca (R.R. Jor- dania) Spartanburg Sumter . . Tuoapau . Union . . . Vaucluae. Walhalla . Ware Shoals. Warren\-ille. . WeUford WeatminBter. . . . Whitney (R.R. Spartanburg) . Williamston . . . . Winnsboro York XAME OF CO.MPAXY' Panola Cotton Mills Franklin Mills Victor-Monaghan Co. (Greer Plant) . . . . Victor-Monaghan Co. (Victor Plant) . . . . Chiquola Mfg. Co Inman Mills Wallace Cotton Mills Kershaw Cotton Mills The Lancaster Cotton Mills Blue Ridge Mills Shamrock Damask Mills The Langlev Mills Martel Mills, Inc. (Lexington Mill) Martel Mills, Inc. (Red Bank Mill) Easlev Cotton Mills (Branch of Easier S. C.) ." . Monarch Mills (Branch of Union, S. C). Pacific Mills (Lyman Dept.) Kendal Mills, Inc. (MoUohon Plant) Kendal Mills, Inc. (Oakland Plant) Newberrj' Cotton Mills Courtenav Mfg. Co Ninety-Sis Cotton Mill Orange Cotton Mills Santee Mills Pacolet Mfg. Co. (Otiice, Spartanburg, S. C.) Pelham Mills Pelzer Mfg. Co Riverside Mfg. Co. (No. 3) (Branch of Anderson, S. C.) Pickens Cotton Mills Piedmont Mfg. Co Red River Cctton Mills Aragon Cotton Mills -Arcade Cotton Mills Carhartt Overall Co Helen Yarn Mills Highland Park Mfg. Co. (No. 2) Industrial Cotton 5lills Co Lockmore Cotton Mills Victoria Cotton Mills Wymajo Y^arn Mills Goddard Bros, of R. I. (Seneca Co.) .... .Arkwright Mills Beaumont Mfg. Co. (Xos. 1 • Waldensian Hosiery Mills, Inc S. &E E Hosiery, all grades. Winston-Salem.. . Fine grade hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. E " E Ladies' and misses' knit goods. Anderson Columbia Greenwood Landrum E 200 and 220 needle ladies' and half hose, "Swim Safe" ba' 'ing E suits. Dye, bleach and finish. Absorbent cotton and sanitary napkins. E E High-grade half hose. Blue Ridge Mills " E Medium grade half hose and stockings. Dye and finish. Rock Hill Spartanburg E S Children's hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. E Star Hosiery Mills E Hose and half hose. Dye and finish. S Gault Mfg Co S Cotton hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. S. &E.... S • Fashion Mill E 240 needle ladies' hosiery. Dye and finish. Bristol E Bristol Hosiery Mills (Br. of United Ho- siery Mills Corp., 'Chattanooga, Tenn.) . E derwear, raj'on underwear and pajamas and broadcloth under- garments. Chattanooga. ... Hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. E Women's mercerized, artificial silk and silk hosiery. Dye, bleaoh nT,H finish. "Qpindlee and looms listed under Cotton Mills. 13 KNITTING MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Equipment Knitting Machint'i Spindles POWER E = Electric S = Steam W = Water CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Tennessee (Cont.) Virginia - Chattanooga- (Cont.) Cleveland . Clinton Coal Creek . . Daisy (R. R. Melville) Dayton Elizabethton. French Broad (R. R. Burnett) . . . GraysviUe Greeneville . Harrinian. . Jellico Johnson City . Kingston Knoxville. Lenoir City. Loudon .... Maryville . . Morristown . Newport . Niota Oneida Philadelphia. Rockwood. . . Rogersville . . Sevier\'ille . . . Soddy (R. R. Rathbiirn) . . . Spring City .... Sweetwater. . . . Big Stone Gap . Bristol Chase City . . Danville . . . . Gate City . . . LynchburK . . Martinsville . Norfolk . . . . Portsmouth. Suffolk.. - . . Champion Knitting Mills Chickamauga Knitting Mills (Br, Rich- mond Spinning Co., Chattanooga, Tn.) Davenport Hosiery Mills Mc.\llister Hosiery Mills Miller-Smith Hosiery Mills Mountain City Hosiery Mills Nick-a-Jack Hosiery Mills Signal Knitting Mills United Hosiery Mills Corp Volunteer Knitting Mills Watkins Hosiery Mills Knox Hosiery Mill Chas. H. Bacon Co. (OfEce Lenoir City, Tenn.) . Weiss Hosiery Mill Magnet Knitting Mills Magnet Knitting Mills No. 2 (Br. of Clinton, Tenn.) Richmond Hosiery Mills (Br. of Ross- ville, Ga.) Dayton Hosiery Mills Elizabethton Hosiery Mills (Br. of John- son City Mills, Johnson City, Tenn.) . . Burnett Knitting Mills Richmond Hosiery Mill (Br. of Rossville, Ga.) Chas. H. Bacon Co. (Br. of Lenoir City, Tenn.) Harriman Hosiery Mills Campbell Knitting Mills Johnson City Mills Kingston Hosiery Mills (Br. of Rockwood Mills, Rockwood, Tenn.) Appalachian Mills Co Ashe Hosiery Mills Attis Hosiery Mill Holston Mfg. Co Knoxville Knitting Mills Co Silk Tie Knitting Co Standard Knitting Mills Chas. H. Bacon Co Chas. H. Bacon Co., (Br. of Lenoir City, Tenn.) Ideal Hosiery Mills Chas. H. Bacon Co. (Office, Lenoir City, Tenn.) Chas. H. Bacon Co. (Br. of Lenoir City, Tenn.) Newport Knitting Mill Crescent Hosiery Mill Oneida Mills Philadelphia Hosiery I\Iill Rockwood Mills F. V. KitzmiUer & Sons (Office, Reading, Pa.) Chas. H. Bacon Co. (Br. of Lenoir City, Tenn.) Richmond Hosiery Mills (Br. of Ross- ville, Ga.) Spring City Hosiery Mills Sweetwater Hosiery Mills F. Y. KitzmiUer & Sons (Office, Reading Pa.) ." Grey Hosiery Mills Teneva Hosiery Mill Miller Hosiery Mills Danville Knitting Mills Gate City Hosiery Mills Co Lynchburg Hosiery Mills PanniU KnittingCo., Inc Chesapeake Knitting Mills Elizabeth Knitting Nlills Parker Hosiery Mill & Dye Works, Inc. . Bell Hosiery ^Iills, Inc Total 330 230 10.S 162 293 90 2,150 35 40 280 100 341 50 200 150 100 CiO 400 100 80 195 240 13 350 616 9 136 640 500 203 3S6 100 41 69 226 30 770 130 100 575 41 152 238 163 300 100 1,000 230 506 24 96 74 400 500 5,000 38,000 18,000 6,000 49 , 567 E S. & E.. E E E E E E E E E E E S S. &E. E E E E E E E E S. & E. E E E E E E S. &E. E S S. &E. S. &E.. E S E S. &E. S. &E. S S S E E E E S. & E.. E E E E S E S. &E. E S. & E.. S. &E. E s.'&e! Men's half hose and fancy ingrain. Women's and men's underwear and union suits. Bleach and finish. Ladies' silk hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Misses' and children's hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Ladies' pure silk hose. Dye, bleach and finish. * Seamless half hose. Dye. bleach and finish. Men's mercerized half hose, women's seamless cuff-top and hem- top hose. Dye and finish. Men's, women's and children's underwear. Dye, bleach and finish. Men's, women's and children's cotton and silk hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Men's and boys' cotton ribbed union suits. Ladies' seamless pure silk and rayon hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Half hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Children's and ladies' hosiery. Men's half hose. Dye and finish. Men's and ladies' cotton, mercerized and silk hosiery Dye bleach and finish. Hosiery. Infants' and children's ribbed hose. Ladies' and men's hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Cotton hosierj'. Hosiery. Men's fine gauge mercerized hosiery. Men's fine gauge mercerized hosiery. Women's seamless cotton, rayon and silk hosiery. Dye, 'bleach and finish. Ladies', men's and children's cotton, wool and silk hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Misses' fine gauge ribbed hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Misses' and children's hosiery. Knitting yarns and men's ribbed underwear. Dye, bleach and finish. Infants' ribbed hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Ladies' silk hosiery. Dye and finish. Boys' ribbed hose. Dye and finish. Men's, women's and children's hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Silk neckties. Men's cotton ribbed underwear. Dye, bleach and finish. Hosiery and yarns. Dye, bleach and finish. Men's, ladies' and children's seamless hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. 220 needle half hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Children's hosiery. Half hose. 84 needle mixed half hose. Finish. Misses' cotton hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Misses' fine gauge hosiery. Infants' ribbed hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Misses' and children's fine gauge hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Cotton hosiery. Misses' hose. Children's hosiery and boys' half ho Women's seamless hosiery. Men's hosiery. Dye and finish. Hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish. Pure silk and combination rayon and silk hosiery. and finish. 176 needle half hose and 320 misses' and infants'. and finish. Hosiery. Seamless hosierj-; cotton, rayon and mixtures. Men's fine gauze seamless fancy half hose. Cotton, silk and worsted hosiery. Dye and finish. Men's knit underwear. Men's fleece-lined underwear and sweatshirts. Men's fleece-lined underwear. Children's ribbed hose. Dye, bleach and finish. Children's ribbed hosiery. Dye and finish. X)ye, bleach and finish. Dye, bleach, Dye, bleach 14 BRAIDER MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Equipment POWER E = Electric S=Stean:; W = Water CHARACTER OF STATE Braiders Spindles GOODS MANUFACTURED Alabama Georgia Oxford Athens Columbus Louisville St. Louis Charlotte Granite Falls Hickory Latsch & Hazehvood, Inc 300 162 2 300 5,000 2,104 E W. & E . . . E E E E i;-:;:;:: E E E General line of cordage, mop yarn, mop heads. Dye and finish. Sash cords and webbing. Dye. Braid. Kentucky L. & R. Co St. Louis Braid Co Shoe laces. Shoe Strings. North Carolina Southern Textile Banding Co 6 700 250 400 150 250 ■'■iisge' Endless bands. Highland Cordage Co Southern Fabric Mills, Inc Icard Cordage Co Total High Point Icard Narrow fabrics and braida. Sash cords and clothes hnes. 2,520 12,000 BLEACHING, DYEING AND FINISHING PLANTS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY CHARACTER OF GOODS Georgia Kentucky Griffin Rossville Thomaston Louisville New Orleans Lowell Bleacherj' National Yarn & Processing Co Thomaston Bleachery Ohio Falls Dye & Finishing Works Bleach towels. Mercerized cotton yarn, bleach and dye. Bleach sheetings. Dyers, finishers, and waterproofers of cotton piece goods, ducks, drills sheetings up to 72 inches in width. Waterproofers of tarpaulins. Waterproofers. Bleach linters. Dyeing, bleaching and finishing cotton piece goods. Bleach, dye and mercerize cotton yarns. Bleach and finish cotton and rayon fabrics; manufacture sheets, pillow Cc and quilts. Finish ladies', men's and children's cotton and mercerized hosiery. Dye, bleach and finish knit goods. Dye, bleach and finish seamless hosiery. Art silk, cotton and mercerized cotton in skein work; job dyers. Dyers of cotton raw stock. Bleaching, finishing, napping and dyeing cotton piece goods. Dye, print and.finish piece khaki and indigo discharged drills, shirtings printed ticking, percales. Bleachers and mercerizere of cotton piece goods. Mercerize, bleach and dye, 40 to 80 and 100 to 120 2-pIy skein yarns. Mercerize, bleach and dye yarns. Finish cotton piece goods and blankets. Bleach and finish cotton piece goods. Mercerize, dye and bleach knitting yarns. Dye, bleach and finish cotton piece goods. Bleach and finish cotton piece goods and cotton damaflk. Piece dyeing in sulphur colors. Dye and bleach yarns. Bleach, dye and finish cotton piece goods. Bleach, dye and finish cotton goods. Dye, bleach and finish. Dye and bleach yarn. Spinntrs' and processors' mercerized cotton yarn. Bleach and finish bag goods, cambric, towels, drills, mu^elins. Brooks Tarpaulin Co Mississippi Missouri Meridian St. Louis Lowell Bleachery Belmont Processing Co Sayles-Biitmore Bleacheries Biltmore Burhngton Burlington Textile Co Keystone Finishing Mills National Dye Works Southern Dyeing Co Sanders, Smith & Co ■ • Charlotte Concord Greensboro Salisbury Spindale Proximity Print Works North Carolina Finishing Co Elmore Co and Spray American Warehouse Spray Bleachery Tryon Winston-Salem Gaffney South Carolina The Hanes Dye & Finishing Co Greenville Southern Franklin Process Co Union Bleaching & Finishing Co Pacific Mills Bleachery (.Lyman Dept.) Lyman Taylor Chattanooga Tennessee Central Franklin Process Co Dixie Mercorizing Co. (Mercerizing Dept.).. . , American Finishing Co ~ Memphis MATTRESS, BATT AND FELT MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Bessemer Mattress Co Alabama Bedding Co Birmingham Bedding Co Dixie Mattress Co Perfection Mattress & Spring Co Birmingham Mattresses. " u Mattress felts. Cordova . Ensley Fairfield Gadsden Mobile Tuscaloosa Ensley Mattress Co Mattresses. Florida Rainbow Mattress Co Mobile Mattress Co Tuscaloosa Mattress & Mfg. Co Beverly Mattress Co Florida Spring Bed Mfg. Co Seminole Mattress Co Southern Mattress Co Superior Mattress Co Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co Gholstin Spring & Mattress Co Metzger ^Iattress Co Simmons Co Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattress felts. a « Georgia iMattress batting and felts. Mattress felts and batting. Mattress felts. Atlanta a - Augusta. . . . Mattress felts Acme Mattress Co Central Bedding Co " Meadows r^Iattress Co M:tttre.sses- 1.5 MATTRESS. BATT A>D FELT MILLS IN TEKKITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY. 1927. STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Georgia i.CoiA Indiana . . Kentucky Lou Mississippi . Mipsouri . . . North Carolina . South Carolina. Tennessee . Virginia . Macon (.Cont- Southern Bedding Co Rome ' Rome Mattress Co Savannah ' Savannah Mattress Co Evanaville Evansville Mattress & Couch Co Lexington ; Southern Bedding Co Louisville i Fall City Bedding Co *• I Kentucky Sanitary Bedding Co " I J. H. Kraher Mattress & Bedding Co.. " ' Louisville Bedding Co " i A. Nieman & Co " Dan Weiss New Orleans .American Mattress Worka ■ Broadway Mattress Works ■ Crescent Furniture & Mattress Co . . . ' Hygeia Mattress Factorj- ■ ^lagee Manufacturing Co " Orleans Felt " Taylor Mattress Co Thomasville Thomasville Beddine Co Anderson Carolina Mattress Co ' T. Q. Anderson Bagging & Tie Co Charleston Charleston Lead Works " New Charleston Mills ' Southern Cotton Batting Co Green^'ille Greenville Mattress & Mfg. Co Chattanooga i Carter Bros ' Chattanooga Mattress Co Knox\ille Knos\ine Mattress Co ' McCormack Mattress Co Memphis Memphis Mattress Co " . . .- National Bedding Co ° I Rose Spring & Mattress Co I U. S. Bedding Co Lynchburg I Natirmal Mattress Co., Inc Norfolk Meads & Madison ■ I Norfolk Mattress Co Portsmouth J. E. Liggan " Portsmouth Mattress Mfg. Co ° Renn-Davis & Co Richmond , Dixie Mattress Co ! Ideal Bedding Co ■ I Sealy Mattress Co ' [ Simmons Co Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattress felts. Mattress felta and batting. Mattress felts and bedding. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattress felts and batting. Mattress felts. Mattresses. Cotton, felt mattresses and layer felt. Mattresses. Cotton, felt mattresses and layer felt. Mattresses. Cotton, felt mattresses and layer felt- Mattresses. Cotton, felt mattresses and layer felt. Cotton, felt mattresses and layer felt. Cotton, excelsior and felt mattresses. Mattress fells and batting. Mattresses and pillows. Mattress felts, batting and shoddy. Mattress felts. Mattress felts. Mattress felts. . ilattress felts. . j Mattress felts. . Mattress felts. . Mattress felts. . ' Cotton mattresses. Mattress batts and felts. ^lattresses. Felt and cotton mattresses. Mattress felts. Batting and felts. Mattresses. Mattress felts, batting and pillows. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses, feather and down pillov^'s. mattress felts, cotton and jute batting for the upholstery trade. Mattress batting and felts. ^lattress felts, batting and pillows. Mattress felts and batting. Mattresses. Mattress felts. Sweat pads for horses, mattress felts, batting, shoddy and horse collars. Mattress felts. Cotton batts and fehs. Cotton batting. Mattress batting and felts. Mattresses, cotton felts, bedspreads, bath mats, box springs and rugs. Mattress batting, felt, mattresses, and box springs. Mattress felts. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattresses. Mattress felts and batting. Mattresses- Mattress felts and batting. Mattresses. Mattre^es. Mattress felts and batting. Mattress batting and felts. Mattress batting and felts. Mattresses, batting and felts. Mattress batting, felts and hair. MISCELLANEOUS COTTON MANUFACTURING IN TERRITORY' SERAXD BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927 STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY CHARACTER OF GOODS Georgia l Augusta. Kentucky . Missouri . South Carolina. Tennessee . . . Lawrenceburg . St. Louis Riverside Mills Dean tt Sherk Cf rpcration_ Bemis Ero. Bag Co Cerf Ero. Bag Co Chase Bag Co Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills. . Gatti Goodyear Co Greenville _ . . . . Ware Shoals ! Bemis Bro. Bag Co Memphis American Bag Co. Manufactured cotton and woolen thread waste. Cotton threrid for industrial purposes. Cotton bags. Cotton bags. Cotton bags . Cotton bags. Cotton waste reconditioners. Cotton bags. Cotton bags. Soft stock for respinning. 16 WOOLEN AND WORSTED MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927 POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Equipment POWER E- Electric S = Steam W = Water CHARACTER OF STATE Looms Spindles GOODS MANUFACTURED Georgia Atlanta Rosaville Atlanta Woolen Mills 282 56 112 12,884 4.760 7,800 3,600 20,760 7,980 700 10 1,800 14,750 g ev.'.'.':::: E s Cassimeres. convict stripes, etc. Park Woolen Mills . . Peerless Woolen Mills Woolen cassimeres. Dye and finish. Woolen knitting yarns. Dye, bleach and finish. Worsted weaving and knitting yarns. Huntingburg LouisviUe Huntingburg Woolen Mills Kentucky S. &E E E E S. &E S. &E E S. & W. . . . W. & S. . . . S. W. &E.. S S E E S S S. &E S. & E ... S. &E S.'&E.'.!'! 3.W.&E.. W E Louisville Woolen Mills Biltmore Industries Kenilworth Inn Industries Leaksville Woolen Mills, No. 2 Chatham Mfg. Co Marshall Field Mills Corp Alpine Woolen Mills 80 40 15 48 180 33 26 North Carolina. Asheville Homespun woolens. Homespun woolens. Blanket*, woolens, slasher, roller clearer cloths. Dye and finish. Blankets: woolen and mixed cotton and wool. Seamless Axminster Rugs. Dye. Yarns, blankets. Dye. bleach and finish. ' Charlotte Elkin Leaksville Mt. Airy 24 200 l.OSO 4,900 4,000 1.200 6,000 4,720 Milto.^ Woolen Mills Leaksville Woolen Mills, No. 1 Sprav Woolen Mill 35 150 96 4 120 162 Winston-Salem. . . Columbia Paris Athens Chattanooga Cleveland Harriman Jefferson City .... KnoiviUe Sweetwater Chariot tes\'ille. . . Laurel Mills (R. R. Culpeper) , Norfolk Blankets. Dye, bleach and finish. Blankets. Dye. Wool and hair press cloth; 1 to 6 carpet yarn. Worsted Chatham Mfg. Co. F. T. Parker Co Southern Worsted Co. . Athens Woolen Mills Cotton cassimeres. jeans, doeskin. Dye and finish. Wool shoddy. Dye. Cassimeres, suitings, plaid back overcoatings, worsted sergea. Dye. Blankets Dve Hardwick Woolen Mills 100 40 60 76 250 29 6 S.3SS 990 1,118 2,142 6,300 2,100 480 2.800 Cumberland Gap Woolen Mills. . . Cassimeres. Dye and finish. Cassimeres. Cassimeres. Dye and finish. Uniform goods. Dye and finish. Kerseys, yarns, trouserings, cloakings. Dye and finish. Worsted yarns. Jefferson Woolen Mills American Textile Woolen Mills Total 2,002 121.486 JUTE MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTIIEKN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 192 STATE POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED Atlanta Augusta Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills (See Cotton Mills) Linen, flax, jute, hemp and sisal twines, burlaps and cordage. Jute bagging. Jute bagging. Burlap bags, cotton bale covering, cottonc picking sheets. Hemp. Burlap and cotton bags, burlaps, twine, seond-hand bags. Burlaps, burlap bags, cotton bags, bagging. Burlap bags, twine, cotton and jute patches. Burlap and cotton bags, cotton twine, tarpaulins, tents, bagging for ing cotton. Burlap bags. Binder twine (Sisal). Burlaps and bags, bagging, ties, jute packing, shoddy, cotton and jute Netting. Jute bagging. Manila and sisal rope and binder twine, jute packing and oakum. Bagging and ties. Reworked jute bagging. Jute bagging. Rerolled jute bagging. Jute Bagging. Shredded and cardrd jute fibre. Burlap and cotton bags. Burlap bacs. Jute bagging. Jute bagging. Jute Baerging. Burlap bags. Burlap bags and bagging. Savannah Danville New Orleans. ... Mente & Co., Inc. (Br. of New Orleans, La.) . . . Louisiana Chase Bag Co ... Fulton Bag and Cotton JNlills cover- B International Harvester Co. of America (Twine Mill) twme. Missouri. . St Louis American Mfg. Co St Louis Cordage Mills . . . Charlotte Henderson Charleston Greenville Rock Hill Spartanburg Memphis South Carolina Carohna Bagging Co Charleston Bagging Mfg. Co, (.Branch of American Mfg. Co., Brooklyn. X. Y.) Tennpnopp Bemis Bro. Bag Co M M. Bosworth Co Virginia Norfolk ■Atlantic Jute Mills Virginia Bag Co Norfolk Bagging Co Portsmouth 17 SILK MILLS IN TERRITORY SER'V'ED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY' SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. POST OFFICE X.A,WE OF COMPAXT Equipment POWER E = Electric S = Steam W = Water CH,\R.\CTER OF Looms Spindles GOODS MANUFACTURED SO 400 20,000 E Georgia Sineleton Silk Mfg. Co S. W. &E,.. E 60 16 40 Silk dress goods. E.. .. Greensboro High Point .Southern Silk Mill . . . . E Silk broad cloths Hillcrest Silk Mills (Office West New York N. J.l Stehli Silks Corp. (Office, 104 East 25th St , N. Y.) 508 io'ooo' 4,500 6,300 E Johnson City Tennessee Silk Mills S. &E S Thrown -^ilk * Virginia Charlottesville .... S & R Silk Mill 98 104 22S 218 E E Dan-\'iUe Dan City Silk Mills E.. . Front Royal Harrisonburg Norfolk Southern Textile Co. . S. &E E. Plain and fancy broad silks. Stehli Silks Corp. (Office, 104 East 25th St NY') 307 E E Shenandoah VaUev Silk Mills. . 40 1 Silk dress goods. Total l,r,99 . 41 .-^00 TEXTILE MILLS UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN TERRITORY SER>'ED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. POST OFFICE NAME OF COMPANY Equipment POWER E= Electric S = Steam W = Water STATE Looms Spindles Knitting Machines CHARACTER OF GOODS MANUFACTURED .Alabama City .\lbany-Decatur. . Florence Chicopee Eastman Ross"\'ille Louisville -\sheboro China Grove Burlington Greensboro Kannapolis Kings Mountain.. Lincolnton Rutherfordton , . . Bristol E E E 33.000 130 ' Georgia. . . Chicopee Manufacturing Co. of Georgia. . Eastman Cotton Mills (Additioni Peerless U oolen aiills (.\ddition1 Louis\'ille Textile Co (Addition ) 1 000 300 ■ '20' 40,240 10.000 7,500 E underwear- Dye. 40-inch sheetings. E E E E E E E Kentucky Special cotton dobby fabrics, white and colored and in combination with silk. 68 China Grove Cotton Mill (4ddition^. 22,000 Alamance Novelty Mills 96 Bedspreads and novelty goods. 68 1,000 50,000 10,000 10,700 Towel'; Park Yarn Jlill Ss to 12s single and ply yarns. Boger tt Crai^-ford Spinning ?iIill(Addition) Grace Mills "iBO E E E Tennessee 100 Elizabethton Total 2,556 183,440 366 18 SUMMARY OF EQUIPMENT IN TEXTILE MILLS IN TERRITORY SERVED BY SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM— JANUARY, 1927. ■■ LOOMS SPINDLES KNITTING MACHINES BRAIDERS Cotton Mills Knitting Mills 13,952 805,717 1,794 Braider Mills 5,000 1,847,239 26,416 2,104 300 Cotton Mills 38,487 Knitting Mills 4,760 Braider Mills 184 955 Cotton Mills 940 32,120 170 Cotton Mills 68 33,624 51 Braider Mills 300 2,446 95,000 8,000 44,120 5,000 29,400 698 Cotton Mills. . . , 1,360 400 730 1,256 Cotton Mills 69,162 4,679,877 73,736 4,896 4,588,004 21,533 Braider Mills 1,756 Cotton Mills 109,693 1,462 3,477 287 , 292 67,000 599,816 12,857 3,631 17,346 257,651 2,556 13,234,361 183,440 40,567 366 2,520 26(1,207 2,002 1,699 13,417,801 121,486 41,200 49,933 2,520 Woolen and Worsted Mills Grand Total 263,908 13,580,487 49,933 2,520 Southern Railway Development Service THE Southern Railway Development Service is maintained by Southern Railway System to promote the development of the territory served by its lines m Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Northern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Southeastern Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southern Indiana and Southern Illinois. The purpose of the Southern Railway Development Service is Service to You. If you want a manufacturing site close to sources of supplies of raw materials, convenient to coal or hydro-electric power, and where labor conditions are good; If you are looking for a home where winters are mild and summer heat is moderate; If you want a farm or orchard where moderate-priced lands, long growing seasons, fertile soils and easily accessible markets contribute to profits; The Southern Railway Development Service will help you find it. There is no charge for this service. It is based on the sound business proposition that a railroad can prosper only as a re- sult of the prosperity of the people served by it. It is to our interest to help you find the best location possible. We want to locate you where you can succeed, for if your business is to be profitable to the railroad, it must first be profit- able to you. Correspondence in regard to locations in the territory served by Southern Railway System will have prompt and efficient attention. J. C. WILLIAMS, Manager, Southern Railway Development Service, Washington, D. C. 19 The Map Tells The Story The opposite map shows in a graphic way the present development of the textile industry in territory served by Southern Railway System, also its relation to the coal fields of the south and the electric power transmission lines. Each dot on this map represents 25,000 spindles, small circles being used to represent less than 25,000 spindles. It is impossible, on a map of this size, especially in the more congested parts of the territory, to show all of the towns at which there are textile plants, and, to some extent, groups of dots and circles include those located at two or more points. The map shows the general geographi- cal location of the textile industry. Detailed information as to each city and town and as to each plant will be found in the tables in which the plants are listed. The dots and circles represent 13,397,047 textile spindles of all kinds, of which 13,234,361 are cotton spindles, representing 73.79 per cent of all the cotton spindles in the cotton-growing states. The total spindles shown include 121,486 in woolen and worsted mills and 41,200 in silk mills. Where Cotton Manufacturing is Profitable A glance at the map will show that the geographical location of Southern Railway is most advantageous for the concentration of cotton from all parts of the cotton belt. It also shows that territory served by the System is well located with reference to coal for power and heat. Due to the shorter haul from the mine, coal delivered on Southern mill sidings is cheaper in proportion to power produced than either coal or fuel oil in the New England and North Atlantic states. As is shown by the map, the System traverses and surrounds the Southern Appalachian and Piedmont sections containing the principal hydro-electric power developments and opportunities of the south, and the territory is covered by a network of power transmission lines. The transmis- sion lines of all of the principal companies are inter-connected, forming a great super-power zone in which deficiencies of power in any one locality are supplied by surpluses from other localities. The electric power situation is constantly being strengthened, not only by bringing in new hydro- electric powers, but also by the construction of large steam power plants, supplementing water power and maintaining service during periods of low water. Climatic conditions are unexcelled. Winters are short and mild. Outdoor operations can be carried on practically every day in the year. Snow and ice do not impede traffic or prevent employes from reaching their work on time. The influences of the Appalachian Mountain ranges, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico upon the climate are such that summer heat is not ex- cessive. In much of the territory hot nights in summer are unknown. Labor is efficient and adaptable. The white population is descended almost entirely from colonial stock, 94.98 per cent of the white people in the territory being of native parentage on both sides, as compared with 55.82 per cent for all other states. .20 w,odl5ky;^^:3^V ^^' Wmli^ Jt&g- 1 PEL., LINO H INDIANA .^\ ^' f e'lf/f /^ Lo w rc ncNju rg^ ftSouNiFork Kind's Mo untainOi \^ G T B Som. CodiiTGi \ /' /-: ^-t Mt_A rvClo fi/'oc/,,. '"='^ "J N E s <::?/ Ru°ii-UH»ii y Vg , Deca tur / Ha!r / / '^1 Akron/ 'g^'^^^i'-" I l&jlifiei-^'^^^ Uaplcsvillej i/ilgiS^l" bcvillo^-'Gf^*""'"'' Colui *"'c'^i^X/'R 'WK't I N ^eliai-leston lo\W%f G I A \ PLumbcrton /Poplarville TEXTILE SPINDLES in Territory Served by Southern Railway System LEGEND Doubte Track = SihbIu Trnck - . . . thus: . . . thus: Southci'D Jtjiilway System Each dot represents 25,000 spindles . . . - Each small circle represeots less than 25,000 Electric Power Transmission Lines Electric Generating Ploot^ thus; Coal Areas Scale of Mi ^'— —--N^ G U L F O F MEXICO 20 Hauling Cotton to the Mill and Cotton Goods to the Market Taking into account its tonnage of raw cotton and of cotton mill products, Southern Railway System is the largest carrier of cotton in the world. Accompanying the rapid growth of the textile industry, and especially the present-day development of dyeing, bleaching and finishing in the South, there has been built up a wide- spread distribution of cotton goods directly from the mills. The management of Southern Railway System has recognized the opportunity and the obligation thus created for an efficient system of assembling and distributing textile mill products. Textile mill products are assembled daily at Spencer Transfer (Salisbury, N. C), at Hayne Transfer (Spartanburg, S. C), at Inman Transfer (Atlanta, Ga.) and at John Sevier Transfer (Knoxville, Tenn.), where they are loaded into package cars and forwarded on special trains scheduled for continuous movement to Southern Railway terminals. Daily through trains operate from John Sevier Transfer (Knoxville, Tenn.) and carry through cars of cotton goods to Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Memphis, and through these gate- ways without transfer to Chicago, 111., St Paul, Minn., Minneapolis, Minn., Kansas City, Mo., Cheyenne, Wyo., Springfield, Mo., Detroit, Mich., Cleveland, Ohio, and other points in the North, Northwest and West Inman Transfer (Atlanta, Ga.) has similar operation in- cluding cars loaded to the Southwest to and through New Orleans. Mill products loaded daily at Spencer Transfer (Salisbury, N. C.) are handled in solid through trains to the East via Potomac Yards, all rail, and via Pinners Point (Norfolk, Va.), rail and water. From the South Carolina section there is a daily package car service to Charleston, S. C, by which route, in connection with the Clyde Steamship Line, expedi- tious rail and water service is provided to New York and the East. Particularly good facilities are provided for shipments of textile mill products direct to Cuba by through package cars loaded at Spencer Transfer and Inman Transfer direct to Havana via the Key West and Havana Car Ferry. Write to J. C. Williams, Manager, Southern Railway Development Service, Washing- ton, D. C, for a copy of Southern Railway System Package Car Directory.