[Cp 970.76" N87aL Unveiling of N. C.»e Monument at Appomattox, April 10, 190 c . Programme €f)e Hftrarp cttpe ®ni\m*ity of JSottfj Carolina Collection of jRotti) Caroltniana TO* booK teas ptt0ertteo hv <*> Uo. ~J ? 7- *? PROGRAMME Unveiling of North Carolina's Monument APPOM ATTO X, APRIL 10, 1905. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/programmeatunveiOOnort PROGRAMME. prayer: By Rev. James A. Weston. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: By Hon. H. A. London, Chairman of the North Carolina Appomattox Commission. ADDRESS OF WELCOME: By Gov. A. J. Montague of Virginia. ADDRESS : By Gov. R B. Glenn of North Carolina. "The Old North State." MEMORIAL ODE : "Last at Appomattox," By Prof. Henry Jerome Stockard. ADDRESS I By Gen. W. P. Roberts. The Unveiling. Unveiling of the Cavalry Memorial By Capt. E. J. Holt. Unveiling of the Jenkins Memorial By Capt. W. T. Jenkins INSCRIPTIONS ON MONUMENT. (north side), LAST AT APPOMATTOX. AT THIS PLACE THE NORTH CAROLINA BRIGADE of Brigadier-General W. R. Cox of Grimes' Division Fired the Last Volley 9 April, 1865. Major-General Bryan Grimes of North Carolina Planned the Last Battle Fought by the Army of Northern Virginia and Commanded the Infantry Engaged Therein, the Greater part of whom were North Carolinians. This Stone is Erected by the Authority of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA In Grateful and Perpetual Memory of the Valor, Endurance and Patriotism of Her Sons who Followed with Unshaken Fidelity the Fortunes of the Confederacy to this Closing Scene. Faithful to the End. ERECTED 9 APRIL, 190S NORTH CAROLINA APPOMATTOX COMMISSION: H. A. London, Chairman. E. J. Holt, W. T. Jenkins, Cyrus B. Watson, A. D. McGill. (south SIDE ) NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS PAROLED AT APPOMATTOX. BRIG' OES. Cox's, 572 Cooke's. . 560 Grimes', . 530 Lane's, 570 Johnston's, 463 Scales'. 719 Lewis', 447 MacRae's, Barringer's, Roberts', Ransom's, 442 23 93 435 Major-General Grimes and Staff, 8 Cummings', Miller's, Williams', Flanner's and Ramsay's Batteries, 150 Total North Carolinians Paroled 5,012 (west end). ESSE QUAM VIDERI. FIRST AT BETHEL. FARTHEST TO THE FRONT AT GETTYSBURG AND CHICKAMAUGA. LAST AT APPOMATTOX. (east end). NORTH CAROLINA. 1860. White Population, 629,942 Military Population 115,369 1861-'S5. Troops Furnished 127,000 Killed in Battle, 14,522 Died from Wounds, 5,151 Died from Disease, 20,602 NORTH CAROLINA. At this Place was Fought the Last Skirmish by Captain Wilson T. Jenkins of the Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment, Commanding Twenty-five men of the Fourth and Fourteenth North Carolina Regiments. NORTH CAROLINA. The Last Federal Battery Taken by the Confederates was Captured by the North Carolina Cavalry Brigade of Brig. -Gen. W. P. Roberts AT THIS PLACE. THE OLD NORTH STATE, SONG AND CHORUS. WORDS by HON. WILLIAM GASTON. 1. Carolina ! Carolina ! Heaven's blessings attend her ! While we live we will cherish, protect and defend her ; Though the scorner may sneer at and witlings defame her, Our hearts swell with gladness whenever we name her. Chorus. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the Old North State forever ! Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old North State! 2. Though she envies not others their merited glory, Yet her name stands the foremost in Liberty's story ! Though too true to herself e'er to crouch to oppression, None e'er yields to just rule more loyal submission. Chorus. 3. Plain and artless her sons, but whose doors open faster, To the knock of the stranger, or tale of disaster? How like to the rudeness of their native mountains. Rich ore in their bosoms and life in their fountains. Chorus. 4. And her daughters, the queen of the forest resembling. So graceful, so constant, to gentlest breath trembling, So true at their hearts when the test is applied them, How blessed each day as we spend it beside them ! Chorus. 5. Then let all who love us, love the land that we live in, (As happy a region as this side of Heaven), Where Plenty and Freedom, Love and Peace smile before us, Raise aloud, raise together, the heart-thrilling chorus ! Hurrah ! Hurrah, etc. 00032758622 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION 28957