jcrtxgs for onj$ 'for- Jyttffitt E. E. Hewitt. More About Jesus, COPYRIGHT. 1887. BYJNO. R. SWENEY. Jno. R. Sweney, J t*_ 0 0 #- s 1. More a-bout Je - sus I wouia Luow,More of His grace to oth - ers show; 2. More a-bout Je - sus let me learn, More of His ho - ly will dis-cern; 3. More a-bout Je - sus; h His word, Holding cora-mun-ion with my Lord, 4. More a-bout Je - sus; on His throne, Rich-es in glo-ry all His own; I h i v \.v if r -0-. — 9 — 0 0 #— t-i 9 — 0—. — Q— — ha 2d — J . a — # a J - ■ - • ' — ' - - — - • — ~ — — More of His sav - ing full-ness see, More of His love who died for me. Spir - it of God, my teach -er be, Show - ing the things of Christ to me. Hear-ing His voice in ev - 'ry line, Mak - ing each faith-ful say - ing mine. More of His kingdom'ssure increase; More of His com-ing, Prince of Peace. h I f- r i t t — ft-Cu- k ; : j fal - ter, For I'm trust - ing e - ven yet, In the One who made my wait-ing, Guides me safe - ly to my home, Where my prais-es shall as- sor-row, Go to Him in se- cret pray 'r, For such serv -ice doth thy m — V— +- Chorus. sin- sick spir - it whole. cendfor - ev - er - more. Je - sus met me there! He lift-ed all my care; King de-m and of thee. 1^2 far* I is * • » » — F^F U 1/ u p I T.H s-s TTj 1 I shall rise to meet Him, Meet Him in the air, yes, in the air. 5 ifet=Ef33a£3^SB3E 1 8 What a Wonderful Savior! COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO. E. A. H. new york, used by per, Elisha A. Hoffman. 1. Christ has for sin a - tone-ment made, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! 2. I praise Him for the cleans-ing blood, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! 3. He cleansed my heart from all its sins, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! 4. He walks be -side me in the way, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour 1 ,» 0 T- T— 4 U— b— 4 " « * 1 — r— ? - 3-— 4:— r r= i r i 1 j 0—0 i 1 — f 1 1 1 I We are redeemed! the price is paid! What a That rec-on-ciled my soul to God; What a And now He reigns and rules there-in; What a And keeps me faith-ful day by day; What a won - der-ful Sav-iour! won - der-ful Sav-iour! won - der-ful Sav-iour! won - der-ful Sav-iour! -r Chorus. i rr der - f ul Sav - iour Is Je sus, my Je - sus! @$ r-f— 4S> W 0 H * :fe » S— # — — _U L ; • 1— U ^ ^ 1 h — ! — e= :t 1 i Js2 P_Jb -— F — What a won - der - ful S..v - iour Is Je - sus, my Lord! JL .0- 5 He gives me overcoming power, What a wonderful Saviour! And triumph in each trying hour/ What a wonderful Saviour! 6 To Him I've given all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour! Tne world shall never share a part; What a wonderful Savionrl C. A. SI. In The Garden. COPYRIGHT. 1912, BY HALL-MACK CO. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. G. Austin Miles. 4=3: i=t=S=t 1. I came to the gar -den a - lone, While the dew is still on the 2. He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their 3. I'd stay in the gar-den with Him Tho' the night a-round me be mi EEjEEl -»-• ros - es; And the voice I hear, Fall -ing on my ear; The sing - ing, And the mel - o - dj That He gave to me, With- fall - ing, But He bids me go; Thro' the voice of woe, His P 1 — aJ3= ^P -^p-^-P = »5 ^Chorus, it I ^ - J =f & 3=3: Son in voice of God dis my heart is to me is mm a clo8 - es. ring - ing. And He walks with me, and He call - ing. 4 1 h ^ ====£ *=a=a=ji: g — J J — -y fe£=E j_^U=±a ^5 s-s 7 talks with me, And He tells me I am His own, And the fe=£ -* * IM P P z b 'b J _ n ^ I s n ' I i e r E I s s N I s i I - r~n joy we share as we SK? = = tar = ry there.None oth-er has ev - er known. 10 Somebody Cares. Fannie Edna Stafford. COPYRIGHT, 1910. BY HOMER *. RODEHEAVER. Homer Rodeheai — ^ — jV -h -A ^— fj'iilt 1. Some-bod-y knows when your heart aches, And ev-'ry-thing seems to go wrong; 2. Some-bod-y cares when you' re tempted, And your mind grows diz-zy and dim; 3. Some-bod-y loves you when wea - ry; 1 Some-bod-y loves you when strong; atrfr.i. $ T T , #- rS-— 2 S- ^- t P *~ *~ JL * L L • u u u u u w ^ — -t 1 b~ Some-bod - y knows when the shad-ows Need chas-ing a - way with song; Some-bod-y cares when you're weakest, And farth-est a - way from Him; Al - ways is wait-ing to help you, He watch-es you— one of the throng; W~m t? — & — t> — tr~ 1- ,.U -U i h p h Some-bod - y knows when you're lone-ly, Ti - red, dis-cour-aged and blue; Some-bod - y grieves when you're fall-en, You are not lost from His sight; Need - ing His friend-ship so ho - ly, Need-ing His watch-care so true; ITS J=f=f=£=£3 » P 1/ — P— k— k- k E & ^ Some-bod - y wants you to know Him, And know that He dear-ly loves you. Some-bod - y waits for your com - ing, And He'll drive the gloom from your night. His name? We call His name Je - sus; He loves ev- 'ry one, He ioves you. f-p r r r f 5=p==t==t==b— f 11 G. D. Martin. God Will Tate Care of You. Dedicated to my wife, Mrs. John A. Davis. COPYRIGHT. 1905. BY JOHN A. DAVOS. USED BY PERMISSION. W. S. Martin. Be not dis-mayedwhat-e'er be-tide, Thro' days of toil when heart doth fail, All you may need He will pro-vide, No mat - ter what may be the test, God will take care of God will take care of God will take care of God will take care of you; you; you; you; m V — 9 — ¥ Be - neath His wings of love a - bide, God will take care of you When dan-gers fierce your path as - sail, God will take care of you Noth-ing you ask will be de - nied, God will take care of you Lean, wear-y one, up - on His breast, God will take care of you 8 m v — ¥ — ¥ Chorus. V- 9 *: God will take care of you, Thro' ev - *ry day, O'er all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you. c . take care of you. 12 When Our Hosts to Battle Go. Psalm 108. COPYRIGHT. 1898. BY J B. HERBERT. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER, With strong accent. J. B. Herbert. -3- -9- v -p- mm f ■ - i i - 1. Be Thou a - bove the heavens, Lord, Ex - alt - ed ver - y high, 2. That Thy be - lov - ed peo-ple may From bondage be set free; 3. 0 who is he will bring me to The cit - y for - ti - fied? 4. Help us from troub-le, for the help Is vain which man sup-plies; m -1 at W- H m I 1 f*y 0 * " And far a - bove the earth do Thou Thy glo - ry mag-ni - fy. 0 do Thou save with Thy right hand, And an - swergive to me. 0 who is he that to the land Of E - dom will me guide? Thro' God we'll do great acts; He shall Tread down our en - e - mies. Chokus. dfct 53= A—t — i— g- hg -9 #- When our hosts to bat-tie go, When our hosts to bat - tie go, When oui hosts to bat - tie go, gtgpzjzf a ^P^r k =E=fc gz* *-= fr«^=t= ^ff^zzaF=E=^^*-[=EE e=Hi HEl^=3 When our hosts to bat - tie go, When our hosts to bat -tie go, •'--3-- 0 God, do Thou our Lead-er be, When our hosts to bat -tie go. s Rev. A. EL Acfcley Only a Smile. . 19 A. I i COPYRIGHT. 1933. BY CHAS H. GABRIEL HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Aotle?. 1. On-ly a smile that is cheer-y and bright, Pierc-ing thoglooni like a 2. On-ly a smile, but some sonl in dis-tress,Need9 just the joy ol its 3. On-ly a smile, but a heart that de-spaired Gathered new hope whenit 4. On-ly a smile, but it brings a re - ward— It is not vain if we ' ± Lilt g C 4—1—4- 1 I i 5 rrrrr ray in the night; Some-one will wel-come its warmth with de-light, lov - ing eatress; Naught can its sweet m • spi - ra-tion re-press, round some-one cared, E as - ing the bur • Sen that no one had shared, smile for tne Lord; So keep your heart anijjrour smile in ac - cord f Chorus, I m. r On-ly a smile will mak» f" r • — » — b— » — » — 1 1 1 V i — ■ h [ i i r r -f^-rrte— 1 1 r — 1 1 ill I" n-H H — ! * -t- -J rW^J__j — 1 sun-shine your own; On 1 8 ' |' a smile, let its glo-ry be shown; On-ly a — i r- a — a — m :t_=qr-zb=_ f=z fa ■f- •J smile, help His love to make known, On-ly a smile, on-ly a smile. On - ly, cn - ly a smile, a smile. *m i i 3z=t= pa 14 Mother's Prayers Have FolloweS Me. Lirxie DeArmond. -;;£-£-. i= : ■■£- B. D. Actley. 1 wg 0 m . 9 0 1. I grieved my Lord from day to day, I scorned His love so full and 2. O'er des - ert wild, o'er mountain high A wan-der - er I chose to 3. He turned my dark-ness in - to light, This bless-ed Christ of Cal - va- -# # — » free, And tho' I wan • be, A wretch-ed soul ry, I'll praise His name dered far a - way, My moth-er's con - demned to die, Still moth-er's both day and night, That moth-er's — ? v Chobus. m prav'rs have fol - lowed jl\ jl #^ • • W-7— me, I'm com-ing home, I'm com ing V home, To live my wast - ed life a ■ new, For moth-er's a » i prav'rs have fol - lowed — ' » ♦! i me, Have fol-lowed me the whole world thro'. I 15 I Only Need to Trust Him More. Ina Daley Ogdon. % COPYRIGHT. 1913. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. 3 1. When storms up - on my way ap - pear, And I am driv - en 2. When fal - len 'neath my load of care, When cour-age fails and 3. No mat - ter what my pain or grief, If I but seek His 5" -P2_ 2^: 5- far from shore, I know my Sav - ior still is near, I on - ly hope is o'er, He comes in an - swer to my prayer, I on - ly o - pen door, His pres - ence al - ways gives re - lief, I on - ly Chokhs. k V ^ to trust Him morel I on need ly need to trust Him more and more, k V U 4=3 i=^=a=£ 3 To love Him bet - ter than I have be - fore, In faith be- P 3=* liev-ing He will strength re-store, I on - ly need to trust Him morel ^ u ^ 17— tr 33£ 16 Jessie Brown Pounds. My Wonderful Dream. COPYRIGHT. 1912 BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. ROOEHEiVER. OWNER. . s N v N 1 Cnas. H. Gabriel. * * ■*■ 9 1. There's a dream that I dream, of my Sav-ior di- vine, And I know that my 2. There is sweet com-pen-sa-tion for heart-ache and loss In the hope that is 3. It will still be my stay when the fashions of earth In the mist are dis- 9 9 V * — h — S h ~ — — f 9 — tH ■ e » • tl 0 9 -# : 2- V # -V- ' — • — w dream will come true; A.t the morn, in the night, comes the vis-ion of light, giv - en to me; 1 shall quickly for - get how the road was be - set, solv - ing a - way; For the pass-age of death will be on - ly a breath — S ' >.-i i i Chorus. 4 — b-fe +—* ' m With a prom-ise e - ter - nal - ly new. When the King in His bean-ty I see. 0 this won-der-ful dream is a But a breath, and my dream will come true. 17 Jesus is All the World to Me. W.L CO T. PYRIGHT. 1914 IS . 4. , B 4 y WILL ■ 0 L. THOMPSON, EAS * H ^ r LIVERPOOL -J . OHIO. Will L. Thompson, k ! it I'- I • 9 -3 : 1=S s ' 1. Je - sus is all the world to me, My life, my joy, my all; 2. Je - sus is all the world to me, My friend in tri - als sore; 3. Je - sus is all the world to me, And true to Him I'll be; 4. Je - sus is all the world to me, I want no bet - ter friend; &m£4 i- — T— h 0 — h — ! *— -i-J-d V X V 1 — u— ^ — * 1 — * • i m r* PM * ri — e - He is my strength fron L r ^ iday to day, With- out Him I wo uld fall; I go to Him for bless - ings, and He gives them o'er and o'er; Oh, how could I this friend de - ny, When He's so true to me? I trust Him now, I'll trust Him when Life's fleet-ing days shall end; i S3 -0- -0- When I am sad, to Him I go, He sends the sun-shine and the rain, Fol - low - ing Him I know I'm right, Beau - ti - ful life with such a friend; 7g=TTZg 1 S tL No oth-er one can cheer me so; He sends the har-vest's gold-en grain; He watch-es o'er me day and night; Beau-ti-ful life that has no end; * — 0 0 0—rO * 9- V I 4 FT m I When I am sad, He makes Sun - shine and rain, har - vest Fol - low - ing Him, by day E ■ ter ■ nal life, e - ter - me glad, He's my of grain, He's my and night, He's my nal joy, He's my friend, friend, friend, friend. F 1 ^ l 18 Sail On. G. H. G. Solo and Chorus. COPYRIGHT. 1909. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Chu. H. GaBriel . r W # * ■r-r 1. Up -on a wide and storm-y sea, Thou'rt sail-ing to c-ter-ni-ty, 2. Art far from shore and wear-y worn— The sky o'er-cast,thy can-vas torn? 3. Do com-rades trem-ble and re-fuse To fur-ther dare the taunting hues? 4. Do snarl-ing' waves that craft as-sail? Art pow'rless.drifting with the gale? + And thy great Ad-m'ralor-ders thee, "Sail on, sail on, sail on!" Hark ye! A voice is to thee borne, "Sail on, sail on, sail on!" No oth - er course is thine to choose, Sail on, sail on, sail on! Take heart God's word shall nev-er fail— Sail on, sail on, sail on! Chorus. Faater. ^1 W > ^ * P 1 # — V Sail on! sail on! the storms will soon be past, The darkness will notal-ways i a J— i last! Sail on! Sail on! God lives! and He commands:' 'Sail on! sail on!" Bail on! Bail onl R i E ♦While the Sop. and Bass sustain the last "on," the Alto and Tenor repeat the Sail on' three times, rail, e dim. 19 B. B. Hewitt. Sunshine in the Soul. COPYRIGHT 1887. BY JNO. R. SWENEY. USED BY PERMISSION OF L E. SWENEY. EXECUTRIX. Jao. R. Sweief. EE Y~*~ 1. There's sun-shine in my soul to-day, More glo - ri - ous and bright 2. There's mu - sic in my soul to-day, A car - ol to the King, 3. There'3 spring-time in my soul to-day, For, when the Lord is near, 4. There's glad-ness in my soul to-day, And hope, and praise, and love, r=f- i i i Than glows in an - y earth-ly skies, For Je - bus is my light. And Je - sus, lis - ten-ing, can hear The songs I can - not sing. The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flow'rs of grace ap - pear. For bless-ings which He gives me now, For joys "laid up" a - bove. r# #— p~*—0— fi- 1 — P — rfS 1 - 2 E F — Fi — i rr 1 Kefrain. ±5t 0 there's sun - - shine, bless -ed sun - - shine, 0 there's sun - shine in the soul, bless - ed sun- shine in the soul, m— a- up u P 3 5 s — * When the peace - ful, hap - py mo-ments roll; ^ ^ hap - py mo - ments roll; 4— V-*— 5 IP : g-t? £ to* LM j & j - MLlAJ. | -ta r When Je - sus shows His smil - ing face, There is sun-shine in the soul. ¥ == F = $ { s 4=t 20 If Your Heart Keeps Right. Lizzie DeArmond. COPYRIGHT. 1913, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B. D. Acfcley. 3-1 a ■ "1 1. If the dark shad-ows gath-er As you go a - long, Do not grieve for their 2. Is your life just a tan -gle Full of toil and care'iSmile a bit as you 3. There are blossoms of gladness 'Neath the winter's snow, From the gloom and the -0- _ -0 IS com-ing,Sing a cheer - y song, There is joy for the tak-ing, It will jour-ney, Oth-ers' bur - dens share; You'll for-get all your troubles,Making darkness Comes the morning's glow; Nev-er give up the bat-tie, You will JS m 'P- JS -0 -0 -0- _ m -0- |S t- i V V m 3 soon be light, — Ev-'ry clood wears a raio-bow If your heart keeps right, their lives bright.Skies will grow blue and sun - ny If your heart keeps right, win' the fight, Gain the rest of the Vic-tor, If your heart keeps right. § i #: CHORas. t -0 0 hP* =S=L|- If ^5 your heart keeps right, If your heart keeps right, There's a song of t=r I S.,J_ ! J. ness in the dark - est night; If your heart keeps right, If is glad-ness in your If Your Heart Keeps Right. heart keeps right, Ev-'ry cloud will wear a rain-bow, If your heart keeps right. R2r "7 K 21 The Shadow of Thy Wing. C. M. Psalm 17: 5: 7. COPYRIGHT. 1897 BY J. B, HERBERT. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. J. B. Herbert. 1. Hold up my go-ings, Lord, me guide In paths that are di - vine; 2. Up - on Thee I have called, 0 God, Be-cause Thou wilt me hear; 3. Thy won-drous lov - ing kind-ness show, Thou who by Thy right hand 1 — H — f- t — r mm That so my foot-steps may not slide Out of those ways of Thine. That Thou mayst heark-en to my speech, To me in - cline Thy ear. Dost save all those who trust in Thee From such as them with-stand. g ~ I - « » * a » - I Chorus. (Bible.) Keep me as the ap-ple of the eye, Hide me un-der the shadow of Thy wing; i Keep me as the ap-ple of the eye; Hide me un-der the shadow of Thy wing. 22 Because He Loved Me So. Rev. A. H. Actley. COPYRIGHT 1912. BY 8. D. AOKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. foJEf — s its jL-d . * fc == ^-J-^— ; 1. I oft - en stop and won-der why The King of realms be-yond the sky 2. His grace a - lone can fath-oin sin, It makes the heart as white as snow» 3. His foot-steps lead me all the way, He guards my path wher-e'er I go, 4. His voice a - lone shall bid me come To heights supreme I long to know, 27 Should choose to live for me, and die— It was be-cause He loved me so. He plants the light of love with-in, And all be-canse He loves me so. He turns earth's darkest night to-day, It is be-cause He loves me so. Where an - gels sing my welcome home, And all be-cause He loves me so. Chorus. Ip i 3 Be - cause He loved me so, Be - cauee He loved me so, ft T-J^Tl = 9 ' \ He bled and died on Cal - va - ry Be - cause He loved me so. » -k— I — 1>— f 23 The Unclouded Day. Words and melody By Rev. J. K. Alwood. f—frf — ft 1. 0 they tell 2. 0 they tell 3. 0 they tell 4. 0 they tell * 4 r r me of a home far be - yond the skies, 0 they me of a home where my friends have gone, 0 they me of a King in Hi9 beau- ty there, And they me that He smiles on His chil-dren there, And His t=d}±=t=$ - ~ V p — — tell me of a home far a - way; 0 they tell me of a home tell me of that land far a - way; Where the tree of life tell me that mine eyes shall be hold, Where He sits on the throne smile drives their sor-rows all a - way; And they tell me that no tears jgdb=f=f±dc=f±=^f= 1 Wm D. S. — 0 they tell me of a home Fine. SB 0-0- whereno storm-clouds rise, 0 they tell me of an un-cloud - ed day. in e - ter - nal bloom Sheds its fragrance thro' the un-cloud - ed day. that is whit - er than snow, In the cit - y that is made of gold, ev - er come a - gain, In that love - ly land of un-cloud - ed day. h b _ "? T. .. t a „ — t- where no storm-clouds rise, 0 they tell me of an un-cloud-ed day. Chorus. m D.S. 1 1" 0 the land of cloud-less d .y, 0 the land of an un-cloud-ed day; 24 W. T. H. The Same Old Way. COPYRIGHT, 1910 BY CHAS. H, GABRIEL HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. [Mrs. W. T. Morris. =t=* J—j—J: 3 1. We are trav 'ling home by the good old way, By the way our father's trod; 2. We at times will chance where the roadways cross, There 'tis Satan will de-lay, 3. Ma - ny stop to look for a bet-ter way, And are swallowed up in night, 4. 'Twas my father's way, 'twas my mother's way, And 'twill be the way for mel 5. Oh, how glad am I there is just one way, It is nar-row, but 'tis straight; > * at 4—4 3± 4M We will join them there in the land of day, And for - ev - er reign with God. But we heedthewords of the still small voice Say-ing,' 4 Keep the nar-row way. While the faith-ful few, by their stead-y tread En-ter thro' the gates of light. Whenmy journey'sdone,andmy crown is won, By the same old way 'twill be. Tho' it leads up - hill we mount up- ward still T'ward the heav'nly, pearly gate. > -I s *_* J J - J .h .h . . Chorus. — 5C== l — Pr— t? i = F— 5Ui 'Tis the same old way, the same old way, There is just one road to Je - sus,- 8 -g;.-S ,g s g g g . f - f - f-- I By the way of the cross of Cal - va - ry! We must travel the same old way. MM iTFT -^-. -^ - J- r ^-g -J- 5=F f 25 C.A.M. Let Him In. COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY HALL-MACK CO. G. Austin Miles, 1. Who is this that's waiting, waiting, Just out-side the door? Who is He that's 2. Don't you hear Him saying,saying, "Come, 0 come to me; 'Twas for you that, 3. Still His voice is call-ing, call-ing, Sweet the tone and low ; Bid Him en - ter 4. Sometime you'll be wait-ing,wait-ing, Just out-side the gate; Sometime you'll be I 1 1 w 1 dy - ing, dy - ing I hung on the tree; Come and see my hands, my side; Look on quick-ly, quick-ly, Ere He turns to go! Must His pleading be in vain ?Must He, pleading,pleading, Then 'twill be too late! No w accept y our heav'nly guest! He'll for- 5 EE s hope he'll bring; me and live; then, de - part give your sinl stztst 'Tis thy Sav-ior, knocking, knocking, 'Tis thy Lord and King. Tho' your sins be ma-ny, ma-ny, Par-don I can give." All be-cause His pleading,pleading, Reaches not your heart? While He still is waiting, waiting, Rise and let Him in! •5? — & ■9- F Chorus. -I -J- si Let Him in! ""•r -to « — -.S ' • • S ft F 1 L i — M 1 — 4-4 Hf4^- 1 g J= S g— Fg— g: to Let Him in, ere He de - parts To re - turn no 32 more! 26 What Will it Be? COPYRIGHT. 1909. BY CHAS. M. ALEXANDER. Fred P. Morris. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Robert Hartaew. 1. There are glo-ries un-told in that cit - y of gold, On the brink of the 2. There are some who have died that His name should a - bide, There are some who hava 3. When in won-der I stand with my hand in His hand, In the home with the 4. When the love-light doth shine from His eyes in - to mine, While the face that was 4- 3 J: > h h beau-ti - ful riv - er; Its won-der-ful light will bnrst on my sight, But lived for His glo - ry; What bliss will it be, their fa-ces to see, But ran-somed f or - ev - er, The sor-row all pass'd, tri-umphant at last, Oh, marred is up - lift - ed, With rap-ture com-plete, His smile I shall meet, Oh, m Chorus. what will it be to PPPP Je - sus? What will it bo to see fee TO Je - sus, What will it be to see Him? There are glo - rieg un- • • # L — P- t=fn i told in that cit - y of gold, * But what will it be to see Je - sus? 27 Every Day I Need Thee More. A.B.A. COPYRIGHT. 19KX BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY Ca HOMER A. RODE HEAVER- OWNER. Rev. A. H. Acller. m t 8^ 1. Ev - 'ry day t need Thee more and more, Waves of care sweep 2. Ev - 'ry day I need Thee more and more, Make my blind - ed 3. Ev - 'ry day I need Thee more and more, For the help - less, 4. Ev- 'ry day I need Thee more and more, When earth's shad-ows M. A y h h £2 i a 1* o'er my eves to sick and all are soul, Thou canst still the storm and peace re - store, see, Vis - ions of the Christ whom I a - dore, lone; Pit - e - ous - ly plead and help ira - plore, past, Then, I'll dwell with Him for - ev - er- more, 8^ Chorus. Keep my life in Thy con - trol. Hear my cry, 0 Lord, help me. Ev-'ry day I need Thee more and more, Use me Lord to lead them home. Fear - ing neither storm nor blast. -4L JL ±- J?L ^' 1 T> * — r For my heart is tempt-ed o'er and o'er, Let me feel Thy might-y arm, Hi — #- ±5* is 33 * — m — fc +=w=r 1 k k k Safe - ly keep me from all harm,Ev-'ry day I need Thee more and more, §=1 1 88 28 I Will Sing the Wond rous Story. COPYRIGHT 1887. BY IRA 0. SANKEY. THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO. NEW YORK. OWNERS. A. Peter Bllhorn. 1. I will sing the won-drous sto- ry, Of the Christ who died for me, 2. I was lost, but Je - sus found me, Found the sheep that was a - stray; 3. I was bruised, but Je - sushealed me, Faint was I from many a fall, 4. Days of dark - nessstill come o'er me, Sor-row's paths I oft - en tread, 5. He will keep me till the riv - er Rolls its wa - ters at my feet; - ' fL. H2Z3: * r r 1 r~ t~ r 1 1 r t — i — r. '-. J E N- •j , p V 0 L r _J How He left His home in Threw His lov - ing arms a - Sight was gone, and fears But the Sar - ior still ~ is Then He'll bear me safe - ly glo - ry, For the cross on Cal - va - ry. round me, Drew me back in - to His way. me, But He freed me from them all. with me, By His hand I'm safe - ly led. o - ver Where the loved ones I shall meet; Yes, I'll sing Ye9, I'll sing the won-drous sto - - - ry the won-drous sto -a- -p * ~o- Of the 3=^ Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with glo - - ry, Gath-ered by...... the crys-tal sea. r the saints in glo-ry Gathered by the crystal sea. " ' : g mm 29 if I Gould But Tell it All. Jessie Brown Pounds. COPYRIGHT, 1913. BY CH4S. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Henry P. Morton, -J- 1 1. Christ is mine!My own heart knowsit, For the flood-fog joy o'er-flows it; 2. Christ is love! I see Him dy - ing, For a world His love de - fy - ing; 3. Christ is pow'r! I see Him reigning, With His word the worlds sus-tain- ing; 4. Christ is life! His care is keep -ing Those we give to death's calm sleeping; — ffi- v v v ^ i How I long for speech that shows it! Could there be one soul de - ny - ing, Could there be a doubt re -main - ing, Would not mourners cease their weeping, If I could but tell it all! If I could but tell it all? If I could but tell it all? If I could but tell it all? 1 1 l «c =£ Chorus. If I could but tell it all, If I could but tell it all; If I could but tell it, tell it all. If I could but tell it, tell it all; I I I * .* * * 1/ y / f How could hearts resist His call How could bearts re - sist His call, re - sist His call I If I could but tell it all. J1 h h h ^ r~ r~ l==: ^fc^ -R - y-^ =^z:[=±pv^3a 30 He Promised to Keep Me, COPYRIGHT. 19'2. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Rev. W. C. Poole. homer a. rodeheaver. owner, Cfias. H Gabriel 1. Christ will not fail me! How precious the wordll am se-cure with my Savior and 2. Christ will not fail me,a child of His care; All of ray bur-dens He glad-ly will 3. Christ will not fail me when tempted by sin; He felt its pow'r in the struggle to 4. On - ward I journey, no need shall I know But that His goodness and pow'r will be- f=f: i=fc ■7— V ~# f ~j~vf L ~ — r r * ~¥~^~v r =i&t=s=iFi 3 f^==m=fl Lord; His love faileth nev - er en-dur-eth for - ev - er, And le-gions of share; He's ev - er be - side me, no harm can be - tide me, For when I most win; My weakness He know-eth; His love ev - er show - eth, So sweet-ly con- stow; The while I am cling-ing,my glad heart is sing - ing, For Christ is be- ^ — * ± p— g * g H?— L— L— t Chorus. B6 an - gels shall 0 - ver me guard, need Him, my Sav-ior is there trol-ling my spir - it with - in. He prom-ised to keep me, sup-port and de- side me wher-ev - er I g_ I h 1 4}§-Ji fs 1 p K S?-3 — 3=3=3 — * - ^ zt j-. — S — * — 3=3- now thou shalt live, With this won - der - ful peace in thy soul I" m 0 0- ^5 ■ 3 s mm 32 I Shall Dwell Forever There. Rey. A. H. Actley. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER RODEHEAVER. OWNER B. D. Actley. 1. When the night is o'er and the shad-ows past, And e - tcr - nal dawn dis- 2. Tho' my sky be filled with the clouds of time, And my soul is burdened 3. How my heart will sing when I see the King, For there is no sovereign 0 — a- -Q-\rU-P — K rJ j ? h ^- r -l 4 1 ps — pels the gloom of earth - ly care, In the home of God I shall with fore-bod - ings of de - spair, Yet, my heart is cheered, for the that with Je - sus can com - pare; So the sac - ri - fice of a rest at last, In the land of E - den I shall dwell for-ev - er there, hope is mine, If I trust in Je - sus I shall dwell for-ev - er there, life I'll bring, And with Him in glo-ry I shall dwell for-ev - er there. tig. Chorus. I shall walk the streets of the Cit-y of God With its Tree of Life so bright, so fair; There will be no night— Je-sus is the Light— I shall dwell for-ev - er there. 33 Rfcif. 193. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. (ABERYSTWYTH.) J. Parry, Mas. Doc, 1841. mm SI j TT TT TT j TTg~o^- 4=P While the near - er wa - ters roll, While the tern - pest still is highl Leave, 0 leave me not a - lone, Still sup - port and com - fort me: Raise the fall - en, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Let the heal - ing streams a - bound: Make and keep me pure with - in. 1 1 i §1 3 Hide me, 0 All my trust Just and ho Thou of life J- my Sav - ior, hide, Till the storm of life on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee ly is Thy name; I am all un - right - the foun - tain art, Free - ly let me take qg f- -£l is past; I bring; eous-ness: of Thee: r si t-r 5=3 3± my* Safe in - to the ha - ven guide, 0 re - ceive my soul at last! Cov - er my de - fense-less head With the shad -ow of Thy wing! False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth ami grace. Spring Thou up with - in my heart, Rise to all e - ter - ni - ty. 42. Jl igl \ g gg ^-Cg-g ^.^ _J ^. ±*1 34 Are Yon Counting tne Cost? In a Daley Otfdon. CORYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. ROOEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. I ■ i . I I I B. D Actley. V 1. Your Sav-iour is call-ing from Cal- va-ry's tree, His sac-ri - fice 2. How can you neg-lect His sal - va-tion so great? His word stand-eth 3. Why tar - ry to gath-er the treas-ures of earth That short-ly must 4. For what shall it prof - it you there, tho' you gain The wealth of the J J J J-> « . J J 4-»— E 331 can you re - fuse? Re-ject His sal-va-tion so pre-cious and free, Your true ev - er - mors; Come,en-ter the king-dom be-fore it's too late; Come crum-ble a - way .'' Come, lay up the jew-els of in - fi - nite worth, That world as a whole? 0 shall not your la - bor be worse than in vain, If JzJ J J J J J t , ,. . , J. azz -gf — Chorus, i hope of e-ter-ni-ty lose? while there's a wide-o-pen door ! Are you counting the cost, are you counting the shine thro' e- ter-ni-ty's day. there-by you lose your own soul? J ■© — e cost?When your Lord yourefuse are you count-ingthe cost? Do you know with-out T ±L ^1 + * si 5=S=Fl - - ' 9 & ■ £ - - - v ■ - Je-sus your soul will be lost? When your Lord you refuse are you counting the cost? 35 E. E. ReiforJ. Only One Way. COPYRIGHT, 1912 BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Cfias. H. Gabriel. 1. There is on - ly one way of sal - va-tion— The glo-ri-ous way of the crossl 2. There is on - ly one way of sal - va-tion! At Cal-va-ry's cross it be - gins, 3. There is on - ly one way of sal - va-tion, Tho' oft-en it seems to be vain— J — M- m 3=i It leads thro' Gethsemane's gar-den, Thro'pain,self-de-ni-al and loss. And winds thro'the vale of re- pent-ance,And out of the val-ley of sins. It's mountains of tri -al and sor - row, It's des-erts of pas-sion and pain — "0~ 'Tis nar-row,but ev - er a-bound-ing With glimpses of heav-en a - bove; 'Tis marked by the blood of the martyrs, And hallowed by sor-rows un - told, But Je - sus, the Sav-ior of sin - ners, Will walk by your side all the way; IS i±: s.s S * 5£ i -M- Fine. -<^i— 1 It is rug But it still He willguid ged,but ra-diant withglo - ry,And blazoned with mer-cy and love, is the way, and the on - ly Way un - to the Cit - y of Gold, e you, and cheer you, and love you-0 make Him your Savior to-day. D.S. — There is on Chorus. ly one way of sal - va - Hon, The glo - ri-ous way of the cross. There is on One way, neway of sal-va-1 one way— The glo-ri-ous way. .„ „ of the cross; -I r- 36 I Have Been to Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. R. H. McDaniel. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Cf»as. H. Gabriel, Jr. 1. I have been to Je-sus and He saved my soul, Praise His ho - ly name! 2. Now I'm tell- ing sin-ners Je-sus saves from sin, Praise His ho - ly namel 3. I'm re - joic-ing dai-ly in His light and love, Praise I. is ho - ly name! 4. I will love and serve Him while I live be - low, Praise His ho - ly name! rf — 1 • * w k •# fcC-Hrfc- - V— v V V I but touched His garments and He made me whole , Praise His ho And His blood can make the f oul-est sin - ner clean, Praise His ho And I'm press-ing on-wardto myhome a - bove, Praise His ho And I'll serve Him bet-ter when to heav'n I go, Praise His ho ly name! ly name! ly Lame! ly name! Chorus. -I — f &3 Praise His ho - ly name, His ho - ly name! He has cleansed my soul and set me free; i / — t— i— r 1 am hap-py now and will ev - er be, Praise His ho-ly name! t-.--t—l 0 s u *- - £3 ^ F F I \ F — 1 37 How It Saves, J. Gilchrist tawson. COPYRIGHT. 1910, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, Homer A. Rodefieaver. 5 3 -0-jr 1. This full 2. I 3. I'll 4. I'll 5. I'll t- feel love love love sal - va - tion just suits me, its pow'r all thro' my soul, it on my dy - ing bed, it when I'm safe iu heaven it thro* e - ter - ni - ty, J~ A. -0- -0 0 Oh, how it saves! Oh, how it saves 1 Oh, how it saves! Oh, how it saves! Oh, how it saves! -f-* -g- ~. 1= V- W 0- It sets my soul at lib - er - ty, Oh, how it saves! m Its cleans - 'iLg waves now o'er me roll, Oh, how it saves! When Jo r - dan's waves roll o'er my head, Oh, how it saves! With all the ran - somed and for - given, Oh, how it saves! And joy in end - less lib - er - ty, Oh, how it saves! £l_5_-j- — . , , J- E E Chorus. i i 9 Oh, how it 3 saves! I Oh, 5 how --fci eee it saves ! -0- E -S± 2* I love, I love this full sal - va-tion, Oh, how it saves! 38 I Want To See Jesus, Don't You? Ada Blentfiorn. If COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Rem Q. Bottorf. i 1. There is One loved me so that for me He died, He's my dear, pre-cious 2. When I'm wea-ry and faint He is al-ways near, With His joy He my 3. Ho - ly an-gels keep watch o'er me thro' the night, And each morning He 4. He is fair - er than lil - y or rose to me, And His bless-ings fall 5. There's a place for my soul that He doth pre-pare, And its beau - ty by c Ul tL i » -T— rP~ — 1 fe — fc-r4 1—4—1 - m P P p <■ Sav - ior so true; On the cross for my sins He was cru - ci - fied: strength doth re- new; And He comforts my heart, speaking words of cheer: guards me a - new; In the smile of His love doth my soul de - light: soft as the dew; 0 my heart, how it longs His dear face to see: faith I can view; First of all, when I en - ter that man-sion fair, 0 y 0 I want to see Je-sus, don't you?. t I want to see Je-sus, don't you?. . . . don't you? don't you? Chorus. ) sS IS r-E ft— ^ — h V 1— I i 1 1 My Sav - ior so faith-ful and . . . ... . . ^ ^ ^ reach the 9tond of that love-bright land, 0 I want to see Je - sus, don't you? I iw I don't you? 39 He Will Not Let Me Fall. Rcr.A.H.Actlcy. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY ACKLEY & RODEHEAVER. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. m 1. My faith temp - ta - tion shall not move, For Jo - sus knows it all, 2. When grief is more than I can bear— Too weak am I to call— 3. Some-times I fal - ter, filled with fear, I can - not see at all, i , I , ^ 3 5t 3 I And holds me with His arm of love — He will not let me fall. If I but lift my heart in pray'r, He will not let me fall. His voice I nev - er fail to hear— "I will not let thee fall." m m Chorus. m • I i I'll I He will not let me fall, He will not let me fall, He will not let me fall, -P- -J- J- m 0 4 -4 4 # - # - ? # - r* f » * p h g g fez #1 r i- 1 1 J-J. fc — | J It. i -« 9 « * & 9 a 0 3 s i . r e is my Strength,my Hope, my all, He will not let me fall. m rf-fH M # . * f--f-. t r :i — E=5 r U 40 Edgar Page. Beulah Land. BY PERMISSION OF MRS. JNO. R. SWENEY. Jno. R. Sweney 3=i I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its rich - es free - ly mine; My Sav-ior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; A sweet per- fume up- on the breeze Is born from ev - er - ver-nal trees, The zeph-vrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of heav-en's mel-o - dy, - m m M m m 0_ 0.0 # m -j>- j> j i . k ■> i Here shines undimmed one bliss-ful day, For all my night has passed a - way. He gen - tly leads me by His hand, For this is heav-en's bor-der-land. And flow'rs, that nev-er - fad - ing grow Where streams of life f or-ev - er flow; As an-gels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet re-demp-tion song. S ^ # - m J* 1= f 1 L 0 — -F- V — I 0 H H « *r^— •! — * \—T0-r-^M • O Beu-lah Land, sweet Beu-lah Land, As on thy high - est monnt I stand, -»-=--» — « 5 n— -t->r-? I look a - way a - cross the sea, Where mansions are pre-pared for me, 4L jBl. A A JL JL JL Al. J0_ j0l » * — -E — h- p i i 1 —r~p-\ And view the shin - ing glo - ry-shore— My heav'n,my homefor-ev -er more! m 0* -0- -0- -0- m.ll* m -#- -»-* - 1 41 Charlotte G. Homer. Walking With Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. ROOEHUVER OWNER. B. D. Actley. # — m-#d — *- tf 1. I am walk-iDg ev - 'ry day with Je - sus; I feel His pres-ence 2. I am walk-ing ev - 'ry day with Je - bus; My bur-den and my 3. I am walk-ing ev - 'ry day with Je - sua, Con - tent and ful - ly 4. I am walk-ing ev - 'ry day with Je - bus; Al - tfao' His face I m = 4 -4- ' - IT sweet-ly near; Un - to me He whis-pers words of wis - dom, That cross He shares, With His coun - cil guards and guides me on -ward, And sat - is - fied; For the way is grow - ing bright - er, clear - er, As can -not see, He has said "I will be with thee al - way "— His Chorus. ban - ish doubt and qui - et fear. shields me from the temp-ter' s snare. For I am walk-ing ev-'ry day with on we jour-ney side by side, prom-ise is e-nough for me I Je - sus, With Je - sus, my Sav - ior, For I am walk-ing JL -f- JfL h I s I s ev - 7 ry m day with Je - sus, I'll go with Him, with Him all the _ mm* ^rikh Him all the ^ ,s t t : : t way. way. 42 0 love Ttiat Will Not let Me Go. Rev. Geo. Matbeson. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. May be sung as duet, Soprano and Tenor. *— ■*— : t=t J.B Ber&ert. 0 love 0 light 0 joy 0 cross that will not let me go, that followest all my way, that seek - est me thro* pain, that lift - est up my head, £: Jt Jf. -M. Jl. rest yield can dare my my - not not x: i m -0— I k wea - ry soul in Thee; I give flick 'ring torch to Thee; My heart close my heart to Thee; I trace ask to fly from Thee; I lay V — V Thee back the life I re - stores its bor-rowed the rain - bow thro* the in dust life's glo - ry k £=5 y y y y ■v — i — v 3r owe, That in Thine o - cean depths its ray, That in Thy sun - shine's blaze its rain, And feel the prom - ise is not dead, And from the ground there bios - soms ^ f f f ^n . flow May day May vain That re d^ , _ Life J. .N f P rich - or, full - er be, bright-er, fair - er be, morn shall tear - less be, that shall end - less be, May rich - er, full - er be. May bright-er, fair • er be. That morn shall tear - less be. Life that shall end - less be. - £ T ,f , i pu EjP \s> 2 ♦ f ^ * * - 1 1 t r 1 J — 43 Rowe. There is Always Happiness. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. ROOEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Ghas. H. Gabriel, Jr. 1. 0 the per-fect peace that o - ver-flows the soul That the Ho - ly One is 2. There may be a tempest rag - ing o'er the land And the foe try hard to 3. 0 the blessed Je - sus,what a friend is He! From His love we will not guid-ing, (He is guiding,) And is al-ways un - der His di - vine con-trol, win us, But if we can feel the touch of His dear hand, sev - er; He shall be our glad-nessfor e - ter - ni - ty in Chords. In His precious love a-bid - ing. (love a-bid-ing.) There will be a song with-in us. There is always happiness where And our hap-py song for-ev - er. ^b:^j — , — I — — 'J » Je - sus is, For He keeps the spirit sing-ing; IS A.. singing, singing, is is There is al-ways hap-pi- ging. J— I- - | i — | i — -»— — &— -rzs^s. p 15 " ■ b ness where Je - sus is, For He keeps the heart-bells ring-ing. ringing,ringing,nnging. I 44 T. O. Cbiabolm. Redeemed and Saved. COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY ROD EHE AVER- ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER OWNER. Cfias. H. Gatrlel. 1. Redeemed and savedl For me the Sav-ior suf-fered,Laid down His life, a 2. Redeemed and saved! Oh! blessed wasthemo-ment, When, in de-spair, I 3. Redeemed and saved! No more a wand'ring al-ien, No more the guilt, the hr 1 1 1 h h T7 h hr h 1 h 0 F #— I I I 5 ran-somfor my own; Took on Him-self my load of con-dem-na-tion, found His par-don free, When first I knew the Son of God, in dy-ing, fears I felt be -fore; But now a peace and joy that nev-er fail-eth, i Chorus. And trod the cru - el wine-press all a - lone. Had died for me, had died for ev - en me. Redeemed! Redeemed! my Since I am His, yes, His for • ev - er - morel re "^ r 3=tr. grateful heart keeps singing, Redeemed and saved! How wonderful it seems! My sin is de emed! V- 0—0 gone, I am an heir of glo - ry, 0 bliss in-deed beyond my brightest dreamsl * - -0- -0- ^'o- -0- -a I - - 45 It Was Jesus Who Set Me Free. H.L. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. h h h Haldor Lillenas. 1. When I was tread-ing the path-way of wrong, When I was bound by the 2. When for my soul there was no one to care, When con-dem-na-tion seemed 3. When on my path-way no light seemed to shine, When I was dread-ing the 4. When I am sing - ing His glo - ry and praise, Mar-vel-ous,won-der-ful, £ — h — p- fett-ers so strong,When I had lost all my sun - shine and song, mine ev-'ry where, When I was bound by the chains of de - spair, judgment di- vine, When e - vil pow - ers seemed all to com -bine, in - fin - ite grace, That He should suf-fer and die in my place- free, set me free, Je - suswhoset me free;.... set me free: Now ev-'ry chain has been bro-ken in twain, It was Je - bus who set me free * — i # e - 0 — | r^-*-*— 1» — «-r» M ii * iTf 9 — Lk — !• — *— y v w H — "-f; " 46 Brighten the Corner Where You Are, Ina Daley Ogdon. COPYRIGHT. 1913. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Chas. H. Ga&riel. — y b * L 0 0 ^ * 9 1 1. Do not wait un - til some deed of great-ness you may do, Do not 2. Just a - bove are cloud-ed skies that you may help to clear, Let not 3. Here for all your ta-lent you may sure - ly find a need, Here re- -0- f>- -0- -0- -0~ o « *f" T~ T" |* « 0 0 g_ :g=S-g-fc=tf: wait to shed your light a - far, To the ma-nydu-ties ev-er near you nar - row self your way de-bar, Tho' in - to one heart a - lone may fall your fleet the bright and morning star, E - ven from your hum-ble hand the bread of -0- -0- -0- -0- 0- f=t± 0_0 0 T 1 i*_k_L_.u _J Refrain. now be true,. Bright-en the cor-ner where you are. song of cheer, Bright-en the cor-ner where you are. Bright-en the cor-ner life may feed, Bright-en the cor-ner where you are. 1 ■+- 1 i 1 L I -— b — I — V-U-l— frn tri e where you are I Bright-en the cor-ner where you are! Some one far from Shine for Jesus where you are! 8=r har-bor you may guide a-cross the bar,Bright-en the cor-ner where you are. .rt?— p — 0 — 0 — * 47 J. P. S. Saved, Saved! COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY ROBERT H. COLEMAN, _ m — _ U_ md a friend J. P. Scfiolfield. =3= 1. I've found 2. He saves me from 3. When poor and need y and all a all to me,,.... His Se- lone In who is •v - 'ry sin and harm,, Pig 4 ~4— i 4 love is ev - er true; I love to tell how He cures my soul each day; I'm lean -ing strong on His love He said to me, ... "Comeun-to me and I'll 4— J 1- *• -k m T i 4 - 4 lift - ed might - y lead you 4- l £f U ' LPff T£f U ^ 'J lj, 4 me... And what His grace can do for you. arm;.. I know He'll guide me all the way. home, To live with me e - ter - nal - ly." l_4 U_L 4 ■fi- — — Chorus. tor. i r L 1|. l l. -0 — 9 a Saved by His pow'r di- vine, Saved to new life sub-lime! Saved by His pow'r, Saved to new life, . ■J:- * ■ 4 » -o-i, ^— A— E— ^ T^f J ^--tW^a _^ p p. p. p — j\_ s s s p p _^-s_J&.a_ V — P F Life now is sweet and my joy is com-plete, for I'm Saved, saved, saved! El* — * — L r— ^— r — " 6=f i 48 What a Day of Victory! COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. =s=fc if & 3* mm 1. When at last we see the King and His praise in glo - ry sing, What a 2. When we walk the streets of gold with the hap - py saints of old, What a 3. When with tri - als tru - ly past, we re-ceive the crown at last, What a U 0 1/ F 1/ U f ' k day of vic-to - ry that will bel When we reach the oth - er side where the day of vic-to - ry that will bel When we join the an - gel throng in the day of vic-to - ry that will bel When be-fore the King we stand in that faith-f ul shall a-bide, What a day of vic-to - ry that will bel ev - er - last-ing song, What a day of vic-to - ry that will bel ev - er - last-ing land, What a day of vic-to - ry that will be! §±^t=S=t * ' * " " -^PH»— ~» — #— « »— D. S.-pal - ace o/ iAe .Knia, TTAai a da?/ o/ vic-to - ry that will be! CHOEUS. 3 3 p \p— 4— #— *— *— p 1 1 What a day of vie - to-ry, vie - to-ry, vie - to - ry! What a H7 h -#- -#- r -#- -» »—#—#—•—» — « H— — i — ^ — p • # —i_i=L < day of vie - to-ry that will be! When ho-san-nas glad we sing in the BEE Mrr-b-b— Ha W—9 ry u p v M t> 49 W. C. Poo!e. The Homeward Way. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY CHAS. H, GABRIEL. Chas. H. Ga&riel, Jr. 1. My soul sings hal-le - lu - jah, For I at last have found The path that leads 2. My soul sings hal-le -lu - jah, For there is at my side My pre-cious,lov- w4= I * r 1 -» — 'H ife # — 1 t=tz . -j— h -«»- — ==*= =4= — i — ^— # ^ t^i — «y- me home-ward, Where joy and peace abound; Where Jesus waits with loved ones Up* ing Shep-herd To be my friend, and guide; And so I sing for glad - ness, No ol - low The 1 ome- A ward path of right; And on some glad, brig 'ht morni ng When :t=& W± — *=. 1 I 1 on that golden shore, Where sor-row nev-er en-ters, And where sin is known no more, more in sin to roam, As Je-sus leads me onward To my bright, e-ter-nal home, I shall reach the end, I'll be at home for-ev-er With my Savior,Lord and Friend. Chorus. On the home-ward way, The home-ward way, I am treading the home-ward way; to - day, the home-ward way; U 1 V No more in sin - ful paths to stray, I am on the home-ward way. r- 50 0 lis a Great Change for Me. COPYRIGHT. 1910 BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. Rev. Jonnso n Oatman, Jr. h J. B. Herbert. — *=BrdE 1. My boat had once floated a-way from the shore, And I was a-drift on life's 2. My life was once darkened and fettered by sin, Bntnow,Hal - le - lu-jah! By 3. No more is my spir-it con-formed to this world, But now high-er joys ev-'ry 4. When I have reached heaven, that home of the soul, Blest haven that lies o - ver J - J. * M» , r V 1 U k-4- g € S 4^4-— 4— 0—4 P=Lh- wild rag-ing sea; But now in the life-boat I'm safe ev-er-more,And 0, His grace I am free! For all has been changed since God's light hath shone in, And 0, 'tis mo-ment I see: For I have been changed and transformed by His pow'r.And 0, 'tis times rolling sea, I know I will shout when its joys I be-hold — "0 this is re— » 4 • *-T*— 0 9 • * m -T*— BE JJ35B Chorus. 4 g=5 I 1 a great change for me 1 'Tis a great change for me, a great change for me! 0 E now I am hap - py! From sin I've been set freel From out of the I dark-ness I've stepped in-to light, A nti 0, 'tis a great change for me! ; r f j t t 51 Joy To Serve Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. James Rowe. international copyright Secured. It . J MM! : ^ AiUh £ Gdas. H. GaBriel. 1. Just to feel the Mas-ter near and to do His bid-ding here, It is joy, 2. Just to know that His bright smile is up-on me all the while, It is joy, 3. Just to know that, by His grace, I shall meet Him face to face, It is joy, -»—»- i joy, joy, 3 p -J| won-der-ful joy; Just to let His precious word from my will-ing lips be heard, won-der-ful joy; Just to know that He has bless'd ev-'ry tho't of love expressed won-der-ful joy; Just to know that I shall be His for all e - ter-ni - ty, m to Chorus. -A 2£ It is joy, won-der-ful joy. It is joy, iov. ioy. 3 m it won-der-ful 3 , pS joy, Just to work for Him each day, just to praise Him all the way; It is iqy. joy, . -»- p. # # J^— fc- l/ i/ Ly i joy, won-der-ful joy, Just to fol-low in His steps ev - 'ry day. wonderful joy, joy, joy, far- lz— fc 52 Mrs. G. H. Sweeter As the Years Go By. COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY CHAS, H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Mrs. C. H. Morris. -J- ,j * - - w m w w ^ ' #^~V § — 1. Of Je - sus' love that sought me, When I was lost in sin; Of won-drous 2. He trod in old Ju-de - a Life's pathway long a - go; The peo - pie 3. 'Twas wondrous love which led Him For us to suf-fer loss— To bear with- ^ it J— 3-R — 3e: ^5 gain; Of 1: 1 — b grace that brought me Back to His fold a - gain; Of heights and depths of thronged a-bout Him, His sav - ing grace to know; He healed the bro - ken- out a mur - mnr, The an - guish of the cross; With saints re-deemed in -H 2 - 3* h !\ r\ M. ± — -J— 4- BSE u mer - cy, Far deep -er than the sea, And high-er than the heavens, My heart-ed, And caused the blind to see; And still His great heart yearneth In glo - ry, Let us our voic-es raise, Till heav'n and earth re-ech-o With r Chorus. theme shall ev - er be. love for e - ven me. our Re - deem - er's praise. Sweet-er as the years go by, Sweet * er as the years go by, 'Tia ,f r r 1 — r 533 1 — Mt La Sweet-er as the years go by; sweet - er as the years go s Rich-er, full - er, deep - er, Sweeter As the Years Go By. rit. 3 Je - bus* love is sweet - er, Sweet -er the years go by. 3 * — 0 g — P — 53 Tfie Open Door. E. S. P. Dedicated to Melvin E. Trotter. GHT. 1915. BY HOMER A, RODEHEAVER. IN'tHE GOSPEL CHOIR " international COPYRIGHT SECURED. Florence S. Parkfiarst. iF4 □tot isbt 1. Down at the feet of my Lord, one day, Brok-en and bruis'd and sore, 2. Too wea -ry to en - ter, too worn to pray, I could but lift my eyes 3. "Look at my side, see my hands and feet, My blood from these wounds has flow'd;" J I J* M I £ LJ J t±±l I -J J- A cap - tive to sin and in deep dis-may, I cried at His o - pen door. And look in His face as I heard Kim say,"Rejoice! I have paid the price." 'Twas love paid the price,paid the price complete, 'Tis love brings you back to God. Chokus. 4 k 1 — "^vn — f O would you know of this 0 - pen Door, 0 would you en - ter, i — i — r =;=- 4- i i i — i=£=p=4==t= t — too? -fa.. FT to Je It's r k k '=6=i L Look then to Je jus and sin no more; The ran-som was paid for V- r-t you. J. 1_ 1 54 It Is Here. W. C. Poole. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. ±=i — ±t-l=t — 1 — a CLas. H. Gabriel. J: 1. The promised pow'r of long a - go, Is here to - day, is here to- 2. Un-an-swered pray'rs of oth - er days, Are heard at last, are heard at 3. The gift of God— sal - va-tion's peace, Is e? - 'ry-where, is day; With Pen-te - cos - tal flame a - glow, The Spir - it's sway Is last; And God has come in won-drous grace— The night is past; For where;The shouts of joy from Sin's re - lease, Eing far and near; And 5=£ 32: saving men all o'er the land, To fol - low in the Lord's com-mand. Je - sus in His won-drous way, Is win-ningmen to Him to-day. He who was for sin - ners slain, Has come in hearts and lives to reign. I J J ..• ,T_?,J hi ) , y * i l p I Chorus. ^==^^^^1^ — -^ | _| — 1 — 1 — E Ft=fcq=q The long promised pow'r,The Pen-te-cost hour, T s here to-day, is here to-day; P-J — a,-, — « t3: The Spir-it of burn-ing, To God men are turn-ing, To work and pray! JL Jt. 1 ^ p 55 I Am Praying for You. COPYRIGHT. 1904. BY IRA D. SANKEY. S. O'Maley CInff. USED BY PER. THE biglow & main CO. Ira D. Santey. 1, I have a Sav - ior, He's plead - ing in glo - ry, A dear, lov-ing Sav- 2. I have a Fa - ther; to me He has giv - en A hope for e - ter- 3.1 have a robe: 'tis re -splend-ent in whiteness, A -wait- ing in glo- 4. When Jesus has found you, tell oth-ers the sto - ry, That my lov - ing Sav- 23tl — L- t=^t=— r~E ^ i — M — -=t — i |i- — J— - i— . m — ; — -i — i— r — 1- • f r H— J N ni - ty, bless - ed and true; And soon will He call me to meet Him in ry my won - der - ing view; Oh, when I re - ceive it all shin - ing in ior is your Sav - ior too; Then pray that your Sav - ior may bring them to m t=t=ti 5 5 Chorus. -i — i — 1~ T— 1 — o'er me, And, oh, that my Sav-ior were your Sav-ior too. heav - en, But, oh, that He'd let me bring you with me tool brightness, Dear friend could I see you re-ceiv- ing one tool glo - ry,And pray'r will be answered— 'twas answered for youl For you I am ■ & \ 1 i 4 — — 1= . . : -1= '■ ' 1 1 ^ #0 raZZ. i praying, For you I am praying, For you I am praying, I'm pray - ing for you. S7\ it—- r 1 1 ■j — i— j- L , — rr 1 r i— r 56 Cliarlotte G. Homer. Pentecostal Power, COPYRIGHT. 1912, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A, RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Cfvas, EL Gabriel. 0*1 -1 — | ~|: -4 ' h- 9 t J=P 4 9 3 t=p L # — 0 — 0 — 0 — 1. Lord, as of old at Pen - te - cost Thou didst Thy pow'r dis - play, 2. For might-y works for Thee pre-pare, And strengthen ev - 'ry heart; 3. All self con-sume, all sin de-stroy! With ear-nest zeal en - due 4. Speak, Lordl be - fore Thy throne we wait, Thy prom-ise we be - lieve, 0 0 m «_ 4- J: m With cleans-ing, pu - ri - fy - ing flame De-scend on us to - day. Come, take pos - ses - sion of Thine own, And nev - er-more de - part. Each wait - ing heart to work for Thee; 0 Lord, our faith re - newl And will not let Thee go un - til The bless- ing we ro-ceive. I L T — T Chorus. Lord, send the old-time pow'r, The Pen - te - cos-tal pow'rIThy floodgates of S3 r -&—0-r\ 1 1 0- -0— $ m it bless- ing on us throw o - pen wide! Lord, send the old - time pow'r, the - — ' =s=£ ; iz Pen-te-cos-tal pow'r, That sin-ners be con-vert-ed and Thy name glo-ri-fiedl -»— #-» — » 0—\ 1 0-r-0—0 —-0 - 4—9^ 5EE 57 Fall S urrender. COPYRIGHT. 1901. BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. CHAS. M. ALEXANDER. OWNER. Rebecca S. rollard. INTERNATIONAL copyright SECURED. D. B. Towner. m , l k_ £l m 32: 1. Sav - ior, 'tis a full sur-ren - der, All I leave to fol - low Thee; 2. As I come in deep con-tri - tion, At this con - se - crat-ed hour, 3. No with-hold-ing— full con-fess - ion; Pleas-ures, rich - es, all must flee; 4. Be this theme my song and sto - ry, Now and un - til life is o'er; 5. Oh, the joy of full sal - va - tion! Oh, the peace of love di - vinel t — irrT ' M — I q l -f=i Thou my Lead-er and De-fend - er From this hour shalt ev - er be. Hear, 0 Christ, my heart's pe - ti - tion, Let mo feel the Spir-it's pow'r! Ho - ly Spir - it, take pos-sess - ion! I This my rapt - ure, this my glo - ry, Till Oh, the bliss of con - se - era - tion! I no more, but Thou in me. I reach the shin - ing shore, am His, and He is mine. * f=t= — . — 4 — -v — E — P Choeus. 3 I sur-ren-der all! I sur-ren-der all! I {, i > U sur-ren-der all! I sur-ren der all! •J All I have I bi .. . . n ing to Je - sus, f • f- ■+*- - I sur-ren - der i J- ^ r ill! m ::_ — i_4 5 - 9- 0 W 1 - L-l P— I l |- r -■ 1 — f— f- 58 Alice Horton. Better E?ery Day, COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. ROOEHEAVER. OWNER. James M. Blact. > P k P." 1, When the shadows dark and drear tempt my soul to doubt and fear, I will look to 2.0 how sweet the joy He gives, for with -in my heart He lives! All my heavy 3. I, by faith, the face can see of the Lord who died for me, As He gen-tly ?±*=P^ k P > -» i=5 * Je - sus,for He knows the way; He has kept me thro' the years, wiped a- bur-den at His feet I lay; All the bless -ed way a-long He has whispers to me by the way; I will praise Him ev - er-more, shout His — ft— -t- eg way my bit - ter tears, And I love my Sav-ior bet-ter ev - 'ry day. filled my soul with song, And I love my Sav-ior bet-ter ev - 'ry day. glo - ry o'er and o'er, For I love my Sav-ior bet-ter ev-'ry day. , f f ! * f Yes, I love Him better, (better), better ev-'ry day; Gently He is leading o-ver (I will trust Him ev-er (ever),trnst Him come what may, (0mi£. .■VP 1—4- life's rough way; (And pa-tient-ly) ) For I love my Sav-ior bet-ter ev - 'ry day. 59 Wfien At Last We Say Good-Bye. Rev. A. H. Ackley. COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY HOMER RODEHEAVER. B. D. Ackley. ■fc — i 3=i 3 V*- 9 9 ' 9 ' z%: -5- * 1. When our race ig run, And life's set - ting sun Casts its shad-ows 2. Will our work be done, And the bat - tie won, Will it mean a 3. Shall the dear ones left, Of our love be - reft, Hope to greet us - r m t: o'er the sky; We shall still en - dure, II our hope is sure, crown to die? Or the aw - ful fate Of a soul too late, in the sky? We may know to - day, Je - sus is the Way, « P * --fc- : . : Chorus. r-f 1 to & ©— J «M When at last we say "Good- bye." When at last we say good-bye, Good-bye, rJi— r #: ft -^^-S # _! . 1 — H- i— 3 -j When at last we say Good-bye; Shall it be with Good - bye, « ^- ^_ ( _ # g 0 p — ri r — r I — m \J r J V 1 sigh-ing, Or with hope un-dy-ing, When at last we say Good-bye? Good-bye, good-bye? :fa± 60 Psalm 103. Duet. O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah. COPYRIC HOME Mi COPYRIGHT, 1907. BY J. B, HERBERT. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER, From Donizetti, by J. B. Herbert. 1. 0 my soul, bless thou Je - ho - vah, All with - in me bless His Dame, 2. He will not for - ev - er chide us, Nor keep an - ger in His mind; 3. Far as east from west is dis - tant,He hath put a - way our sins; J -t—t- Bless Je - ho- vah, and for - get not All His mer - cies to pro - claim. Hath not dealt as we of - fend-ed, Nor re-ward - ed as we sinned. Like the pit - y of a fa-ther Hath the Lord's com-pas-sion been. " £1 -4 I? 1 Chorus. a k 3 For as high. For as high as is the is the heav - en, Far heav - en, — #-T — 0 — — » — 3 — 0 0 * % -~—r-0 = ~V £— 1 F v — y J I W- ^=1 bove Far the earth be - low, Ev - er great to them that a - bove - the earth be - low, r ? [ — p—r He r — - — — - — ' 'i — fear Him Is the mer - cy He will ev - er, ev - er show. 61 Hie Crown of Thorns. Jonn R. Clements. Isaiah Lin. COPYRIGHT. 191 . BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Marie D. Forrest m i — g — j ^ g — g — * — — # — *- 1. De - spised and re - ject-ed; Ac-quaint-ed with grief; In sor - row He 2. 0 love all sup-pass-ing, A - maz-ing to see; To bear un-com- 3. Like sheep we have wandered; Each turned to his way;The Lord on the 4. 0 sad Man of Sor-row, So lit - tie esteemed; In an - guish more 1 PI suf-fered To bring man re - lief; His path - way was sor - rows, His plain-ing These sor - rows for me; His path -way was sor -rows, His Shepherd The bur - dens must lay; His path -way was sor -rows, His try - ing Than mor - tal has dreamed; His path -way was sor -rows, His I J £ h j. * 1 l±_t 3* r pil - low was thorns, And these make the crown that His fore - head a- a* dorns, And these make the crown that His fore - head a - dorns. m 62 Rev. W. C. Poole Jesus Remembered You. COPYRIGHT. 1912, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. ~ ^ ■ I 1*- * • : |; ♦ + 1. Don't for-get Je - sus when long is the way; Don't for-get Je - sus when 2. Don't for-get Je - suslwhen tempted to sin, Trust in His prom - ise— He'll 3. Don'tfor-get Je - sus, for He tho't of you When you had wandered, when 4. Don'tfor-get Je - sus, but on Him re - ly! Time, like a riv - er, is m » *- V I V \ U U b U k k k r=r=f 0 Ul N dark is the day; Don't for - get Je - sus, He'll hear when you pray, help you to win; In all your bat - ties, with-out and with - in, you were un - true; Je - sus was faith - ful the whole jour-ney thro', wan - der - ing by! Sure - ly you'll need Him the hour you must die, k k V rr Chorus. mm 3=* 0 don't, don't for - get Je sus! sus, 2=t=±[ Don't for - get Je don'tfor-get Je - sus, So faith-ful, so lor - ing and true; .. so lov - ine and true -0 » 9— -I $=3z o lov - ing ana k k k When you were lost in dark-ness and sin, is Je - bus re-mem-beredyou! I i 63 Home of the SouL Mrs. Ellen H. Gates. BY PERMISSION. S 1 :e: Philip Phillips. to 1. I will sing you a song of that beau-ti-ful land, The far a - way home 2. Oh, that home of the soul in my visions and dreams, Its bright, jasper walls 3. That un-chang-a-ble home is for you and for me, Where Je-sus of Naz- 4. Oh, howsweet it will be in that beau-ti-ful land, So free from all sor- ts tot of the soul, Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand, While the years I can see; Till I fan - cy but thin - ly the vail in-ter-venes Be - tween ar-eth stand, The King of all kingdoms for-ev - er is He, And He hold- row and pain; With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, To meet ~ «_tf_,_fS2 — a. — 0 — 0 — m J_s_^_"£_s , — i r r •-i r r~ — r r- -1— ^ to= of e - ter-ni - ty roll, While the years of e - ter - ni - ty roll; Where no storms the fair cit -y and me, Be - tween the fair cit - y and me; Till I fan- eth our crowns in His hands; And He holdeth our crowns in His hands; The King one an-oth-er a - gain, To meet one an - oth - er a- gain; With songs ^^ ^^^ ^^ ev - er beat on the glit-ter-ing strand, While the years of e-ter - ni - ty roll, cy but thin - ly the vail in-ter-venes Be-tween the fair cit - y and me. of all kingdoms for-ev - er is He, And He holdeth our crowns in His hands, on our lips and with harps in our hands, To meet one an-oth - er a-gain. 64 Claire Ward. Just to Know Jesus Cares. COPYRIGHT. 1915, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. p r e r Cfias. H. Gabriel. 1. When your path is dark and drear-y, When with care your soul is wea - ry, 2. When temp-ta - tions shall surround you, Sa-tan's legions shall have found you, 3. When your way's be - set with dan-ger, You're a pil - grim and a stran-ger, rjmC - £- ~» — 1 I What a bless-ing just to know He un-der-stands; When you've tried and not suc- What a bless-ing just to feel that He is there; When all earth-ly friends de- What a bless-ing just to feel that He's your Guide; When you reach the si - lent # m- - r i= — f— 1 -0- c t- * -]0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 — -i r~3 1 9 — -p — t-h 1 »— k— ■ — ^ — r f— V V V V V V / k H ¥■ hf r f p s s_ y — k— k~ ceed - ed To do work you know was need - ed, What a bless-ing just to sert you,Smiles and frowns have pow'r to hurt you, What a bless-ing just to riv - er. And there's no one to de - liv - er, What a bless - ing just to t- : . , * . g ^ g £ , . . £ f — -h TT^ » • » 0 ,-k — k k k~= £ k k E g Chorus. ft-f^-r ■\S>-2- 1 leave it in His hands go to Him in prayer. Je-sus cares, Je - sus cares, know He's by your side. He cares, I know He cares, f- f- -f- 0 t i k— k~ k— tr fctr k U I Walks be-side me day by day; And I trust Him, fully trust Him all the way. 4^- 65 In the Service of the King. COPYRIGHT. 1912 BY B. 0. ACKLEY. Rev. A. D. Actley, COPYRIGHT. 1912 BY B. 0. ACKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. -l- B.D.Actlep -I — 4 )— 4 1. I am hap - py in the serv - ice of the King, I am hap - py, 2« I am hap - py in the serv - ice of the King, I am hap - py, 3« I am hap - py in the serv - ice of the King, I am hap - py, 4. I am hap - py in the serv - ice of the King, I am hap - py, m—ry — v v * v r hap - py ; I have peace and joy that noth-ing else can hap - py; Thro* the sun-shine and the shad-ow I can hap - py; To His guid - ing hand for - ev - er I will hap - py; All that I pos-sess to Him I glad - ly bring, sing, cling, bring, t — l pal ~. =i= Hi j — the serv ■#— ice of the King In the serv -P r ice f=F=F -J — h — d U_| 4 peace yn — r — » * 22 joy and bless • ing in the serv - ice of the King. -« „ m * ms m a. s±=$= I 66 W. C. Poole. He Brightens the Shadows. COPYRIGHT. 1916, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Chu. H. Gabriel, Jr. 1. As the sun-shine on the rain cloud Makes the rain-bow in the sky, 2. 0 the glo - ry of His pres-ence Shin-ing on the world of sin, 3. Will you let the light of Je - sus Shine in - to your soul to-day? zbr-f * f — « — • — 0 — m — m «_ p-4— to to V V »=fe=fe L L.pC h k >— k E P P P ^ . w IS h h i . V V v ^— p ^ As the dew - drops brightly spar-kle Neath the sun-shine up on high, Paint-ing rain-bows on the shad-ows,When you let the Sav-iour in; It will bright-en all the shad-ows, Which it does not drive a - way; * # 0 p # N V V i 1^ _ • — to to to — to e — to— r~ V— k V V V k ~* — N — '- * — u -i # — k— ^ — -J * ' ^ — — H * to -# ■ J So the smil - ing face of Je - sus Shin-ing on the darkened soul, Oh the sun-shine of the Mas-ter, How it leaves a glo - ry bright As the sun-shine on the storm cloud Makes the rain-bow up a - bove, v V V U U zt tit. ±: S3 k k Chang-es it to won-drous glo - ry, As the shad - ows backward roll. On the shad-ows where it lin - gers, With a ho - ly pre-cious light. Christ will change your cloud to glo - ry, By the pow - er of His love. i t v m v—p- k k k k k h -. i -p— J .— » -*l « «i 5 3 is i fs # • — — 8=3 When Je - sus shines in— When Je - sus shines in— His lo - ry can >- -to- - -to c r-r — v— r 1 r E '- ? f— ^ He Brightens the Shadows. ■J rain - bows a - bove, So bright glo - ry lin-gers Where shin-eth His love. • • K 4* i ^ r i =e= -fa — b 67 Rev. A. H. Ackley. Duet. Calvary. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B. D. Actley. 1. The ag - o - nies 2. He stood con-demned 3. Lo! Je - sus stands 4. The Say - ior stands of Cal - va - ry, Could not His love dis-may; in Pilate's Hall, He heard the rab-bles' cry; with brok-en heart, With nail-pierced hands and feet; f=f X .* -0- m -22— n — g 1 1 —j — i - ' rf m He would not yield, The King with noDe He points un - to 0 why not o 1 tho' God re-vealed The price that He must pay. to own His cause, My cause would not de - ny; His cross of woe, Where love and mer-cy meet, pen wide the door And let Him en - ter in? — «- 3 He would not yield, tho' God re - vealed The price that He must pay. The King with none to own His cause, My cause would not de - ny. He points un - to His cross of woe, Where love and mer-cy meet. 0 why not o - pen wide the door And let Him en - ter in? zlj^Ljz is. — is — 1 ^ — is t 68 Rev. N. A. McAclay. The Old Fashioned Faith. COPYRIGHT. 1911, BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A, RODEHEAVER. OWNER, B. D. Actley. V V V ^ w 1. I am somewhat old fashioned, I know, When it comes to re-lig-ion and God; 2. I be-lievethatthe Bible is true, Tho' the critics have torn it a- part, 3. I be-lieveour re - lig-ion must be Not a cloak for our meanness or shame. ■0- -0- O- -0- jOi — v— -a—0 v — £ -Ml 0-0 9~0—0 Ma - ny think I am pain-ful-ly slow Since I walk where my f a-thers have trod All its warnings and mir-a-cles too, I do whol-ly ac-cept with my heart. But a pow-er from bondage to free, All who trust in that heav-en - ly name. JL a 2 ~- Jl jl U; 5 b \ 0 U — a a— m~ anrl \—0—0~-0 — # # * U U k k b ^ 1PH — Nr — &-+- -P- P s — M I be-lieve in repentance from sin, And that Je-sus with-in us must dwell; I be-lieve that the Sabbath was made To be sa-cred-ly kept for the Lord; I am tell-ing the peo-ple each day,That the sin-ner for-ev - er is lost, £— c 0 i 0 ~ i 0— ir^- L c *0~ izctii I be - lieve that if heav-en we win, We must flee from the terrors of hell. And when broken for pleasure or trade We shall miss the e - ter-nal re - ward. Who has failed to accept the true way Which was opened at in - fi - nite cost. I s h h UK Chorus. 3 a I'm a lit -tie old fashioned, I know; But God's peace has a home in my soul, The Old Fashioned Faith. -A — -h-m id r r And I'll praise Him wher-ev-er I go, For cleansing and mak-ing me whole. 15 15 H r~ ! h~" F -- - 1 h Ut i m 0 0 — t/— r-F "Ft 69 I Need Thee Every Hour. COPYRIGHT 1900. BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. Mrs. Annie S. Hawks. RENEWAL. USED by per. Rev. Robert Lowr7. 1 ^ • ^ -J- -J <^ *3= r r H — h * r 1. I need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Most gra - cious Lord; No ten -der voice like 2.1 need Thee ev- 'ry hour, Stay Thou near by; Temp-ta-tions lose their 3.1 need Thee ev- 'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quick-ly and a- 4. I need Thee ev - 'ry hour, Most Ho - ly One; 0 make me Thine in- p — r*h f-9- Chorus. | Thine Can peace af - ford. pow'r When Thou art nigh. I need Thee,0 I need Thee; Ev - 'ry hour I bide, Or life is vain. deed, Thou bless - ed Son. * : :. — u l> i» - f-f kJ need Thee! 0 bless me now, my Sav - ior, I ifcfppl come to Thee! i=^3 W >= 4= n_ hp — 3 70 C. S. N. His Way Witfi Tliee. Psalm 37: 5. (Consecration.) copyright. 1909. by h. l. gilmour. Rev. Gyms S. Naskaum. 1. Would you live for Je-sus, and be always pure and good?Would you walk with 2. Would you have Him make youfree,and fol-low at His call? Would you know the 3. Would you in His kingdom find a place of constant rest?Would you prove Him 9- - t J28L J 0 m • * m • m r-0^ # — — 0 -t© t w g~ 1 g ; — ^ — Ik M h ■ h — ^ 0—0- ~W 0~ — V «=l4 — pv Him with - in the nar - row road? Would you have Him bear your bur - den, peace that comes by giv - ing all? Would you have Him save you, so that true each prov - i - den - tial test? Would you in His serv - ice la - bor Chorus. y * • • & f^p p • » car-ry all your load?Let Him have His way with thee. you need never f all?Let Him have His way with thee. His pow'r can make you what you always at your best ?Let Him have His way with thee. -» — (?- » * » 0—0 — a ought to be; His blood can cleanse your heart and make you freejHis love can -0 »- M -* JL. JL J. JL -0 * -0 — I I I I 4^ I * — w *T1 fill your soul, and you will see 'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee A- f * m + m , -0- A* g 4: # Z e 1 — t — r 71 MyS aviors Love. C. H. Q. COPYRIGHT. 1905, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. INTERNATIONAL COPYRICHT SECURED. CHARLES M. ALEXANDER, OWNER. COPYRIGHT 1910. BY CHAS. M. ALEXANDER. CFias. H. Gabriel. --i — ±=t 1 — ^5- m ~h — * * r-s^zs 5—3 1. I stand a-mazed in the pres-ence Of Je - sus the Naz - a - rene, 2. For me it was in the garden He pray 'd," Not My will, but Thine," 3. In pit - y an - gels be - held Him, And came from the world of light 4. When with the ransom'd in glo - ry His face I at last shall see, -0- — 9- i I And won-der how He could love me, A sin - ner, condem'd, unclean. He had no tears for His own griefs,But sweat drops of blood for mine. To com-fort Him in the sor - rows He bore for my soul that night. 'Twill be my j©y thro* the a - ges To sing of His love for me. fcf-PH W V W 5=p Chorus. *H 5 — 4-. — #- *3± r r "* 'r r *• to How mar- vel-ous! how won- der-ful! And my song shall ev Oh, how mar - vel-ous I oh, how won-der-ful * i er be: -t— p- 6SE P P Hrte-J t-l-tJ J^— HI] How mar-vel-ousl how won-der-ful Is my Sav-ior's love for mel Oh, how mar - vel-ous I oh, how won-der - ful I V -0 0- t * P I E 72 E. E. Hewitt. Not too fast. I Love jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. ROOEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. fed M ^ h r 0 £— jL ^ , - — * 0 — -0—0 — i 3 0 & 1 -0^-0 — 0 — I % J-d 1. I love Je-sus, for He saved my soul; From His cross the tides of 2. I love Je-sus, for He's al-ways near, Ev - er read - y with a 3. I love Je-suswhen the joy-beams glow; Love Him, when the storm-y -0- f\ 5±} 1/ V V Jz mer - cy roll; Long and far He sought me, when a - stray; word of cheer; Ev - 'ry day, and ev - 'ry pass - ing hour, tem- pests blow; I will praise Him while the a - ges roll; * r f= m 0 ^ it £ ^ Chorus. '-0-^-0 -0— Now, He leads me in His own right way. I will trust Him for His keep-ing pow'r. I love Je-sus; He's my King; Hal - le - lu - jah! for He saved my soul. # » is Of His mer - cy I will sing; I will fol-low in His — £— a a- Jz: am. 1 E V -# — r -# — S — . — 10 paths of light, Till -0- -0- I see Him in His glo - ry bright. 73 Is It the Crowning Day? COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY PRAISE PUBLISHING CO.. PHlU.. PA. George Walter W&itcomb. used by permission. CLarles H. Marsh, r~7 1. Je - bus may come to - day, Glad day! Glad day! And I would 2. I may go home to - day, Glad day! Glad day! Seem-eth I 3« Why should I anx - ious be? Glad day! Glad day! Lights ap-pear l 4. Faith-ful I'll be to - day, Glad day! Glad day! And I will i i i 3 see my Friend; Dan - gers and trou - bles would end If hear their song; Hail to the ra - di - ant throng! If on the shore, Storms will af - fright nev - er - more, For free - ly tell Why I should love Him so well, For J I ^T^-' #--#-#- # 43.. JSL Chorus. 5 3 Je-sus should come to - day. I should go home to - day. He is "at hand" to - day. He is my all to - day. Glad day! Glad day! Is it the crown-ing day? I'll live for to - day, nor anx - ious be, Je-sus, my Lord, I g : gj gg j d" si acqs: 1 I I ill soon shall see; [Glad day I Glad day! Is it the crown-ing day? ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ 74 My Father Watches Over Me. Rer. W- C. Martin. COPYRIGHT. 19'0 BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER. A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. IS Cnas. H. Gabriel. 4 1. \ trust f" M in God wher - ev-er Tf=f I M 1 may be, Up - on the land or 2. He makes the rose an ob-ject of His care, He guides the ea - gle 3. I trust in God, for, in the li-on's den, On bat- tie-field, or 4. The val-leymay be dark, the shadows deep, But 0, the Shep-herd \> V P • M I on the roll - ing sea, For,come what may, From day to day, My heav'nly thro' the pathless air, And sure-ly He re-mem-bers me, — My heav'nly in the pris-on pen, TmV praise or blame,Thro' flood or flame, My heav'nly guards His lor ely sheep; Ana this' the gloom He'll lead me home, My heav'nly 1 — v—b—r^ k r T r r i ^ T Fa-ther watches o - ver me. I trust m God,— I know He cares for i k * V I V, V k 1 ! — 1 k P me On mountain bleak or on the storm-y He cares for me, On mount-ain bleak or on the , ' : ' : : ; • ; =; 1 P P P p L j sea; Tho' bil-lows roll, He keeps my sea, the storm - y sua; tho' bil-lows roll, He * 1 1 i f f f f — J -J^ m My Father Watches Over Me. Hi. m lis 3St soul, My heav'n-ly Fath-er watch- keep my eoul, es o ver me. 75 Send Thy Spirit. Rev. W. E. Wint. 3. -r an Tune-"Ebenezet. 7 Send Thy_Spir-it, I be-seech Thee, Gracious Lord, send while_I pray; | ( Send the Com-fort-er to teach me, Guide me, help me in Thy vay o f Thou hast heard me; light is breaking, Light I nev - er saw be - fore; ) \ Now my soul, with joy a-waking, Gropes in fear - ful gloom no more. / o J Mul-ti-tudes, whom Thou art seeking, Seek for Thee this ve - ry hour; ) \ Sav-ior, let them hear Thee speaking, Come with soul con-vert-ing pow'r. f i a* §3 Sin - ful, wretched, I have wan-dered Far from Thee in dark - est night; 0 the bliss 1 my soul de - clare it, Say what God has done for thee; Lo, He comes— the ransomed own Him; This the song I hear them sing;- -f2- — 1 — # — I— 0 Prec - ious time and tal-ents squandered,— Lead, 0 lead me in - to light. Tell it out, let oth - ers share it— Christ's sal - va-tion, full and free. "In my heart I will enthrone Him, Christ, my Sav-ior Lord and King, " HE 76 Jennie Ree. All Will Be Right. COPYRIGHT. 1913. 8Y CHAS H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley . 1. Tempt-ed and tried, en-cum-bered with care, Un-der the cross that is 2. Bro - ken with sor-row tho' you may be, Think not the Lord is un- 3. Strength may for-sake you, foes may a - larm, Fear not, the Fa - ther will . :£ 0 # » I g " r» r* H rP b-^i — | — r I I I I I I m heav-y to bear, Nev-er a mo-ment yield to des- pair,— God roles the mind-ful of thee; With clear-er eye some day you shall see, — Godrulesthe shield you from harm; Trust in His might,and lean on His arm,— God rales the Chorus. world, and all will be ri^ht^. rrT.' r r ' £• " r r m All will be right, all will be right, Trust Him and see Al-might-y is He; All will be on - ly trust Him for Al - might - y is He to save! pes 5 g 4— M- right, all will be right, God rules the world, and all will be right for our fir .,2. A * Jt 77 Send the Power Again. COPYRIGHT, 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. Rev. W. G. Poole. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER. Cfias. H. Gabriel. 1. There was pow'r,0 Lord,in the days of old, To kin - die a fire in hearts grown 2. There waspow'rby which ev'ry tongue couldspeak,Newiife-givingpow'runto the 3. There was pow'r to set ev-'ry cap-tive free A.nd give to Thy servants lib - er- 4. There was pow'r.O Lord,in the old-time pray 'r,It thrilled ev'ry heart and lingered fW=f\ 111^- j»— r-t 1 \—U ±4=1 dr rrn 1= 1 ' * i i cold; That we on Thy word may now lay hold, Lord, send that pow'r a - gain. weak,That sent them the wand'ring ones to seek — Lord, send that pow'r a - gain, ty To speak and to pray and work for Thee— Lord,send that pow'r a - gain, "there, Till we in Thy glo-ry seemed to share— Lord, send that pow'r a - gain. « — J- ps=s r-f-T # 1 E F— M — i t — 1 -1 — Chorus. i ft 1=i r-rr Lord, send thepow'r a - gain, 0 send the pow'r a - gain! A - men! A - men! BE £3 -A— r^^-d ih 41. 1-1 Si We b eliev # e on Thy name, And 1 ! rhy #— promise we claim, Lore 1 l,send the pow'r a -rTr.r -gain. m rE i - f- .•• i» k. - >• - 1 — p 1 1 78 The & W. C. Martin. name of Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1901 AND 1902. BY E. S. LORENZ. E. S. Lorenz. 3=3=if=t 1. The name of Je - sus is so sweet, I love its mu - sic 2. I love the name of Him whose heart Knows all my griefs and 3. That name I fond - ly love to hear, It ney - er fails my 4. No word of man can ev - er tell How sweet the name I *• p -| — v— 4, 1> 1- 1 L v l p—t — * — i pmmmmmm to re - peat; It makes my joys full and com-plete, The pre-cious bears a part; Who bids all an - xious fears de - part— I love the heart to cheer, Its mu - sic dries the fall - ing tear; Ex - alt the love so well, Oh, let its prais - es ev - er swell, Oh, praise tha I — > E r i name pre - cious name, Chorus. -i — i of Je - sus. "Je oh, how HI ; * s * I sweet the name! "Je - sus," ev - 'ry day the same; "Je - sus," let all P—P- i — r Z Tf f r N ^ ZZrfezZj ^-r^ „ -J | j. J j\ — ^_ — * — ^ — ^ — F 13 ^ — ' — i 9 — — saints pro - claim Its wor - thy praise for Its wor - thy praise ev - er. i 79 Rev. A. H. Ackley. I — I — \ I Shall Be Ready. COPYRIGHT. 1913, BY B. D. ACKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. J- B. D. Ackley. 1. I shall be read - y to wel-come the Sav - ior, I may be- 2. I shall be read - y, for Him I have trust - ed, Us - ing the 3. Shall His re -turn -ing to you mean a bless - ing? Or will you 4. Reign-ing with Him, He has prom-ised to make me Heir un - to -? — — hbizzi 4—1 — I 4- St f * 1 bold Him de - scend from on High, Clothed in His gax-ments of tal - ents com - mit - ted to me; Things I once loved, from my trem - ble and fall down with fear? How will He find you, de- God and Joint-Heir with His Son; All shall be well whan He : E p. ±r j]~ p. f- — 0 -f- 5: -i — i « — 3- -# — w r — i — — — * — - — &>- heav-en-ly splen-dor, 0 what a day when the King shall draw nigh, heart have de -part - ed, Liv - ing in Je - sus my soul is made free, ny - ing, con - fess - ing? Seek Him, be - liev - ing, while yet He is near, comes back to take me, Rul - er and Lord of the world He has won. m S t = 8 j_ * ; .- r ;-.-i-br-^±:j Chorus. ^ rn —1 I shall be read - y when Je-sus comes, V fhenH m e comes, w «-f^-r 1 ben He comes, fff # T~~" i 1 l l i I : 1 L l i — F — L I E : I shall be read-y when Je-sus comes, When Je-sus comes back for His own. 80 I Have Never Found a Friend Like Jesus. Larinia E. Brautf. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. i Cbas. B. Gabriel. -4- — - 0 #- 333 1. I have nev • er found a friend like Je • sus, So ten-der and so mild, 2. I have nev - er found a friend like Je - sus, No mat-ter where I go; 3. I have nev - er found a friend like Je - sus, So faith-ful and so true; i p-r-»- i ii i l . . . r- - i _ And my heart re-]oic - es in my Sav-ior, Who owns me as His child; He's the lov - ingOne who died for sin-ners, The One you ought to know; He is with me in my fields of la- bor, And shows me what to do; m 1? — # p P~T 1 i — r -0 — & — 0— I have al-ways found Him kind and pa-tient In hours of soredis - tress; He will give you grace and strength to serve Him, If you His name con - fess; Day by day He gives me "liv- ing wa- ter," Free grace andhap-pi -ness: -0- -0- -0- -0- I 1 .11 J5 . J,. J 8 J. J J n Fine I have nev - er found a friend like Je - sus, To corn-fort and to bless. — •-vf J= 5-^-* 1 — h P 9 I have nev-er found a friend like Je-sus, Nev-er such a friend as Je-3us, J±r 1 81 Thou Hast Been a Shelter for Me. Prayerfully. COPYRIGHT. 1896. BY J. B. HERBERT. HOMER RODEHEAVER, OWNER. is", h jL-N J. B. Herbert. 1. 0 God, give ear un- to my cry, And to my pray'r at-tend; Thou hast been a 2. And when my heart is overwhelmed, And in per-plex - i - ty— Thou hast been a 3. For Thou hast for my ref-uge been A shel-ter by Thy pow'r; Thou hast been a 4. With - in Thy tab-er-na - cle I For - ev - er will a - bide; Thou hast been a 1 P4-V- s=5 3t« shel-ter for me; From th'ut-most cor-ner of the land My cry to Thee I send; shel-ter for me; Do Thou me lead un-to the rock That high-er is than I — shel-ter for me; And for de-fence a-gainst my foes, Thou hast been my strong tow'r; shel-ter for me; And un - dercov-ert of Thy wings, With con-fi-dence will hide; p -m - -0- Chokus. t=5 t3t -0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — | F # Thou hast been a shel-ter for me. Oh, lead me to the rock that high-er than I, Lead me to the Rock, lead me to the Rock, Oh, lead me mm Oh, m ■fz -f- . ^ - . . - ^ , ^ ^. -£* 4^— ^ a N-j-^r 1 5=t rifc 6c3 Rf r to the Rock that is high-er than I, Thou hast been a shel-ter for me. 6f 5=£ 0 # »- 82 His Love is Far Better Than Gold. a. a. a» COPYRIGHT. (910. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKCG* CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Rev A.O.AcLlcy. &z- |^ ; 1^f— fr 1. The love of the Christ is bo pre - cious, That bo mor - tal its 2. He meets ey - 'ry need with the prom - ise, No good thing9 from His 3. My heart ev • er yearns with a long - ing-, To be - hold the great 1 L J-^ — p & — u b — y 4- k - y V wealth can un-f old; His grace is a store-house of rich - es to me, His own to with-hold; So dai - ly I trust in the Cru - ci - fied One, His joy of my soul, For - ev - er to dwell in the pres-ence of Him, Whose- " a£fcs C i i P — V ¥ ^ V tz=£ P—P—P- Chorus. f iTTTi love is far bet - ter than gold. His love is far His love is far bet - - jL ■v — p— v v ^ v t=3t r i 'g"g c r t - ' c p pt: . bet - ter than gold, Its full - ness can neV - er be ter, far bet-ter than gold, Its full-nesa can new - er, can =5* k W k I told nev - ei be told, _#j m *_ It makes me an heir to the It makes me an heir to the BE k k k r^T His Love is Far Better Than Gold. inni 4- to: ffff man-sion9 a-bove, For His love » is far bet-ter than gold. man - sions a - bore. For Hie love is far bet - ter Ihan gold. gu*-4- 83 Shall We Gather At the River. COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF MARY RUNYON LOWRY. R. L USED BY PERMISSION. Robert Lowry. 1 L h R i-*-8; 8 1. Shall we gath - er at the riv - er, Where bright an-gel feet have trod; 2. On the bo - som of the riv - er, Where the Sav- ior-King we own; 3. Ere we reach theshin-ing riv - er, Lay we ev - 'ry bur-den down; 4. Soon we'll reach the shin-ing riv - er, Soon our pil - grim-age will cease; Si r~\ — t?— r^— v jGL With its cry9 - tal tide for - ev - er Flow-ing by the throne of God. We shall meet, and sor-row nev - er 'Neath the glo - ry of the throne. Grace our spir - its will de - liv - er, And pro-vide a robe and crown. Soon our hap - py hearts will qui - ver With the mel - o- - dy of peace. 1 b 1— 3 — B 1 i | — p \i \ w F=f=f m i Chords. Yes, we'll gath-er at the riv - er, The beau-ti-ful, the beau-ti-ful riv - er, i Gath-er with the saints at the riv - er That flows by the throne of God. 84 Morning, Noon and Night. Cbarles H. Gabriel, Jr. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 1. Since I came to Je-sus I'm no more a-lone, He is al - ways with me 2. In His bless - ed serv-ice, I must bear my part; Rescue some poor wand'rer, 3. Tho' my steps may falter, stormclouds overhead, May new pow'r be giv-en, — — 0-^0 .... . - j, r « I L -0- -0- m TV car - ing for His own; A - ble still to keep me by His saving might, cheer some troubled heart; In His sweet ap-prov - al, find-ing my de - light, trust-ing as I'm led; One day He will bring me to the mansions bright, m 5=P Chorus. 3* $=3 Giv-ing grace sufficient morning,noon and night. He is working with me,morning,noon and night. Morning, noon and night, And till then I'll praise Him,morning, noon and night. I'm -w — — P r ^-MM— h 1 -# H SI walk-ing in Hislight,What-ev-er Je-sus or-ders, is right, just right; Morn-ing, -0—0—0—0—?- noon and night, and nothing needaf-fright;Hap-py in His keep-ing Morning, noon and night. 85 E. B. Barnes. m Confidence, COPYRIGHT, 1911. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. ^ * L Homer A. RodeKeaver. V ^ ! t> -9- -0— 1. Walk Thou with me, nor let my foot-steps stray A-partfrom Thee, thro'- 2. Thro' wea - ry years my way hath mi - ry been; My bit - ter tears Thy 3. No earth -lyfc3 can give my spir - it fear; No threat'ning woe can S . — 0- 0 v 9 — 0 1 #— - 0 — 1 m 0 ■ * -0 — 0 — 1 # # • # # . * i=* p 1 p * v — I / — out life's threat'ning way;Be Thou my guide, the path I can-not see; Close to Thy pity-ing eye hath seen; My fainting heart hath heard Thy voice divine; My trembling quail when Thou art near; No tempter's snare can turn my steps aside, For, in Thy 0 — 0 SEE F— f > tez Chorus. y — 4 -0— —0-L0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — side, Lord, let me walk with Thee. hand asks but to rest in Thine. Dear Sav-ior, let me trust my hand in Thine, care, I'm safe what-e'er be-tide. — * *— b# 0 i 0 ^+ . 0— & — rm m~. — 0 — — f i 0 — * — 0 a — & k f I P / P V v v 9 L— h £3 LP W T And let me know Thy steps are guid- ing mine; Life's changing way S2 5»— I 1/ Rail. v \ — f— ~K — *|- oft-times dark to me, I fear no ill if I may walk with Thee. 86 A. C. E. Keep On Singing. COPYRIGHT, 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. , j^-x — |V ~i *r Alines G. Ellindwoo i. m 3 1. Have you grown dis-cour-aged, weary, A - mid the cares of life? Do you 2. Do you wan-der from the Saviour, And sometimes lose the way? Does the 3. Hear the Sav-ior gen-tly plead-ing, "Come lay your sins on me; I will mm t i V V ^ U V V V h ^ J J -flh — — tempter oft as - sail you And beck-on day by day? Nev - er fearl be give you full sal - va-tion, Will par-don, set you free;" Just be - lieve His BR EE -a- -S 7 bout the bur-dens, He'll bear you 6afe-ly thro'; Then sing a song of strong, cour-a-geous, The Lord will sure-ly win; He'll con-quer ev - 'ry pre-cious prom-ise, Ac - cept Him for your own; Come sing your psalms of h K m a o r r s=S=?=p= i ~d 9 9 J 1 IV — k — - 1 — k Chorus. d i i pH fa <— C-^-f-K-r- glad-ness,He'l 1 care for you. tri - al And save from sin. Keep on sing-ing! The world is bright and fair; glad-ness, Be-fore His throne. h J h J . f - f- ri» b ^^^^ God is o'er us, His love is ev-'ry-where; He will keep you, just -. £ — I— * — • i • **—t—Z F*- s f- > i b r h Keep On Singing. ^ £^e| 2 5 trust Him all the way, And keep on sing - ing, thro' ev - 'ry day. 87 J. P. s. The Unwritten Gospel. COPYRIGHT. 1915, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. J. P. Sobolfield. m 1. There's a gos-pel ac-cord-ing to you, Men are read-ing ev-'ry day; 2. If men fol-lowed the gos-pel by you, Would it lead them to the Lord? 3. Are you eas-ing some oth - er one's load By your liv-ing day by day? IS £=EE v — \?v i - f ^S- S-S-J - 5 - S-S --3 As they read it ac-cord-ing to you, Do they find the heav'n If they lived it ac-cord-ing to you, Would they have a great re ■ Are you smoothing the oth - er man's road, Help-ing Him a - long the # « 0 * « , 0—0 ^0 0 * * ward? way? Chorus. 5=F SI -M- There's a gos-pel ac-cord-ing to you; Are you al-ways to Je - sus X true? 1 s % m h — b — h- ^^^^ I Do men see to-day that bet-ter way, In the gos-pel ac-cord-ing to you? ft _# 1 » 0 — 9 — 9 — 0 — • — - • - - m — *-^= 88 He Knows the Way, A. H. A. COPYRIGHT. 1913, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. A. H. Ackley. -• -. — # — • hn J ' r. j i* j- — i m 1. There is a Guide that nev-er fal-ters, And when He leads I can - not stray, 2. Oft-times the path grows dim and dreary, The darkness hides thecheer-ing ray, 3. He knows the e - vilsthatsur-round me, The turnings that would lead a-stray, 4. 0 heart weighed down with nameless anguish, 0 guilt-y soul torn with dis-may, d?3-F-r- 9 ¥ V ¥ r; B + — VI r 1 1 SI S 3 * For step by step, He goes be - fore me, And marks my path, He knows the way. Still I will trust tho' wornandwea-ry,My Sav-ior leads, He knows the way. No foes of night can ere con-found me, For Je - sus leads, He knows the way. Thine ev-'ry foe, His pow'r will vanquish, Let Je - sus lead, He knows the way. Chorus. M r- h h ■J h h h rf-i ET *■«{-* ^ 1/ * • He knows the way that leads to He knows the way nr.-, f ,8Ht ft 0 glo 5 9 J. # - ry; Thy ev -'ry Thy e fear He will al - v-'ry fear rrrr r r lay, V — ^ - V W~ ^ ¥ / ¥ — ¥ — ¥— 1- V ¥ ilrtrt- IJt- m And bring thee safe at last to heav-en, Let Je-sus lead, He knows the way. is 89 Rev. A. H. Actley. 5 Better Each Day, COPYRIGHT 1913. BY B D. ACKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. U=*-l- B. D. Actley. FtT=E 1. I love Him each day far bet - ter Than ev - er I've 2. My joy is a name -less glo • ry, The star of my 3. I hold with Him sweet com - mun - ion, And more of His £H± J-J J J 1 3=£ 5BS ft BE fore; I'm learn-ing the bless - ed se - cret .0. -0. p loved Him be Hopebright-er grows; The soul of my life is Je - sus, beau-ty I see: The win-dows of Heav-en o - pen, J j j , -«r>i t 5fe Chorus. m 2 *3 * — #- Of trust-ing Him more and more. The Conq'ror of all my foes Ee-veal-ing His face to me. I love Him each day far -0 — »— -#- Mr 5* ^ I I bet « ter - # - Than ev - er I've loved Him be - foref' I'm -8- j- ■=8 — p • f= ' 1 90 Dr. J. Wilbar Qapmu. is One Day. COPYRIGHT. 1910 BY CHAS. H. MARSH. CHAS. M. ALEXANDER OWNER. JS. N N k Ctas. H. Manb. 5 1. One day when heav - en was fill'dwith His prais-es, One day when sin 2. One day they led Him np Cal -va-ry's mountain, One day they nailed 3. One day they left Him a - lone in the gar -den, One day He rest- 4. One day when full - ness of time was fast dawn- ing, One day the stone 5. One day He's com - ing! for Him I am long -ing; One day the skies V V V was as black as could be, Him for me on the tree; ed from suf - fer - ing free, moved a - way from the door; with His glo - ry will shine; Je - su8 came forth to be Won - der - ful Conn - sel - lor An - gels came down then to Then He a - rose, o - rer Won - der - ful day, my be- 2:?: jQ I, 1 P — P A 1 ■J # * -#- born of a vir - gin, Lived, loved and labored — my Teach-er is they hadac-claim'dHim,NowHe is Je - sus — my Je - sus is keep 6a - cred vig - il, Weight-ed with sins, my Re-deem -er is death He had conquered, Now He's as-cend-ed, my Lord ev - er lov - ed ones bring-ing; Hope of the hope-less, this Je - sus is He. He. more, mine. *• ' * ' Liv - ing He loved me, dy - ing He saved me, Bur-ied He car - 9 ried my i V V V I N K 9—9- -9 — w ~ sins far a - way; Ris - ing He jus • ti - fied, free - ly for- One Day, cres.- J4 " ' r-r h;- n ev - er, One day he's com - ing, 0 v-p — -~ glo - n - ous day! 91 When We All Get to Heaven. E. E. Hewitt. COPYRIGHT. 1898. BY MRS. J. G. WILSON. USED BY PER. Mrs. J. G. Wilson. mm 1. Sing the won-drous love of Je-sus, Sing His mer - cy and His grace; 2. While we walk the pil-grim path- way, Clouds will o - ver-spread the sky; 3. Let us then be true and faith-ful, Trust-ing, serv-ing ev - 'ry day; 4. On-ward to the prize be-fore us! Soon His beau - ty we'll be-hold; ■f- -f- -f - ^ _^ g @ J-j-t4-J EE In the man-sions bright and bless-ed He'll pre-pare for us a place. But when trav-'ling days are o - ver, Not a shad-ow, not a sigh. Just one glimpse of Him in glo - ry Will the toils of life re - pay. Soon the pearl- y gates will o - pen, We shall tread the streets of gold. for us a place. f— r— f Chorus. BE SWF When we all When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! .(2. What a day of rejoicing that will be! -0-±-0L When we all see Je-sus, We'll sing and shout the victory . When we all and shout the vie - to-ry, -0- -0- m . 92 A Rainbow On tne Cloud. E« E. Hewitt* i COPYRIGHT. 1914, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL -J & Cfias. H. GaErleL 1. Be not wea - ry or cast down, When the heavens seem tofrown.There'sa 2. He whose word rebuked the storm, Now is a - ble to per-form Ev - 'ry 3. There's a rainbow on the cloud! Tho' your soul is sor-row-bowed, Lift your VP rain-bow on the cloud for youl 'Tis an arch of promise bright, Earnest of unfading word He whispers to your heart; Wholly lean upon Him, then, For the sun will shine a- voice to praise the Lord todayjThere's a rainbow 'round the throne;ln its glory we will t=t Chorus, f light Pour-ing from a sky of ra-diant blue, gain. And the shad-ows ev-er-more de - part. There's a rain-bow on the cloud for own That He led us in His per-fect way. . -r ft £ i jjJU > P k k k HI* h & 3EEE2 you, There's a prom-ise that is sure and true; Yes, the storm will pass a- for you i and true: 5=1= ]/ y V v V V A-i jf j'jj ji way ;There will d awn a bright-er day-There's a i sfe=s^£ d • d » 0 -ainbow on the cloud for y M. J*. JL , , r ou. •V — W — V — K — 1 E — 1 b I C J=q 93 B.A.H. I Must Tell Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1893. BY THE HOFFMAN MUSIC CO. Rev. E. A. Hofimaa. 1. I must tell Je - sus 2. I must tell Je - sus 3. Tempted and tried I 4. 0 how the world to all of my tri - als; I can-not bear these all of my troub - les, He is a kind, com- need a great Sav - ior, One who can help my e - vil al - lures mel 0 how my heart is bur - dens a - lone, In my dis-tress He kind - ly will help me, pas - sion-ate Friend; If I but ask Him, He will de - liv - er, bur - dens to bear; I must tell Je - sus, I must tell Je - sus; tempt-ed to sin! I must tell Je - sus, and He will help me a m ft- EE r\ p\ rs Chorus. He ev - er loves and cares for His own. Makes of my troub-les quick-ly an end. I must tell Je - sus! I must tell He all my cares and sor-rows will share. 0 - ver the world the vic-t'ry to win. P-P-P- »■». .0.-0. -0- m Ja - sus! I can - not bear my bur - dens a - lone; I must tell £ £ -8-4-|L-£l Je - sus! I must tell Je Je-sus can help me, Je-sus a - lone. 94 Charlotte G. Homer. He Lifted Me. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY CHAS. M. ALEXANDER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. PS- r -£ h J K * 3± £-4 Ck... H. Gabriel _fi IS 1. In lov - ing kind-ness Je - sus came, My soul in mer - cy to re-claira, 2. He called me long be-fore I heard, Be - fore my sin - foil heart was stirred, 3. His brow "was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cru - el nails were torn, 4. Now on a high - er plane I dwell, And with my soul I know 'tis well; And from the depths of sin and shame Thro 'grace He lift But when I took Him at His word,For-giv'n He lift - ed me. When from my guilt and grief ,for-lorn, In love He lift - ed me. Yet how or why, I can - not tell, He should have lift - ed me. yv ifc ■ | aj — m — wr h h h I h h h I He lift - ed me. m Chorus- n tyX N N I ' _N I V V From sink-ing Band He lift - ed me, With ten - der hand He lift - ed me, -m. ft • 5 | * g F i }' h ■ \ p L e 10 p j ^ 1 hr — k — 1 ¥ — 1 -#— 3P From shades of night to plains of light, 0 praise His name, He lift-ed me! * • P=5 :S±=S: 95 h His Grace is Satisfying Me. )PY IN Rowe COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. -> K Wm J. Kirtpatrict 1. My life was drear - y, 2. My best I'm giv - ing, 3. When ends my sto - ry my soul a for Je - sus on earth, in wea - ry, Be - fore I liv - ing, Pm help - ing glo - ry With Him for- § V ¥ U 1 i-) — -r 1 V V V heard the Sav-ior's plea; But all my sad- ness was turned to glad-ness The sto - ry tell - ing, His prais-es swell-ing, And there be-fore Him, ex - tol, a- doreHim, oth - ers to be free; ev - er I shall be, I ' r r h Chokus. For grace is sat - is - fy - ing me For grace is sat - is - fy - ing me Hi« grace is sat - is - fy - ing 1 p — p» — y — 1 I i i i :|_L |... .t— 1 k k k p— t> — 1 4—1- — b b b__K b 4^ -b b > -m -0 0 v v c k r me, Andfaith-ful I willev-er sat - is -_fy - ing me, U 1/ be; — I will P k k I'm trusting - er be: 1 4-4- life 3 sweet -ly, I'm His com-plete-ly, His grace is sat - is fy - ing me. 96 Tell It Everywhere You Go. Herbert Bnffnm. COPYRIGHT. I9M. BY CHAS. H. Cftas. H. Gabriel. fS- b. 1— V 9 V 1. If your sins have been for - giv - en you in Je - sus' bless-ed name, 2. If you've found the Sav-ior pre-cious in your ev-'rytime of need, 3. If the love of God is sweet -er than the pleas - ure found in sin, it Jt ^t -f- ~T~ ~f~ - 0 - ~f~ S2 Tell it ev-'ry- where you go; It may help some oth-erwea-ry heart to Tell it ev-'ry-where you go; Tell the world that He will always prove He Tell it ev-'ry-where you go; There are souls who dwell in darkness whom to . r r • r ^— p- Chorus. seek and find the same, Tell it ev'ry- where you go. is a Friend in-deed,Tellit ev'ry-whereyou go. Tell it ev'ry where you go, Jesus you may win; Tell it ev-'ry-where you go. Tell it, tell it, ev'rywhere you go, I — ' v k r •tr r Tell it ev-'ry-where you go, As you jour-ney here be - low, Tell it tell it ev'ry-where you go, .)•.. -#- -#- Ji_:#^ $=4r #_2z_ a V — V- Let the world a - round you know, Tell it ev - 'ry-where you go i 97 T.H. Wno Could It Be But Jesus? COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Thoro Harris. -0- -0- -0- * 9 9 XT* -0- -0- -m- 1. Some-bod - y sought me when far from the fold, Out on the 2. Some-bod -y found me, pol - lut - ed by sin, Some - bod - y 3. Some-bod - y knock'd at the door of my heart Off - 'ring His 4. Some-bod - y loves me — and I love Him well, But why He -* * • * rp . j - f^-ff^- g=*Z mm mount-ains so ibar - ren and cold, Ten - der - ly sought me with cleans'd me, tho' vile I had been, Some-bod-y took me a par - don and peace to im - part, Some-bod-y bade all my loves me, I nev - er can tell; With Him for - ev - er He fc _r> t> t -0— V- -v—p- 3f pa - tience un - told wan - der - er, in: ter - rors de - part says I may dwell: Who could it Who could it Who could it Who could it — wT but but but but Je - sus? Je - sus? Je - sus? Je - sus? Chorus. Who could it be but Je - sus, Friend of my soul most pre-cious? Some-bod-y lov'd me be - fore I lov'd Him, Who could it be but Je-sus? 98 The Heart That Was Broken for Me. J. W. V. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY J, W. VAN DE VENTER. J. W. Van De Venter. 4- J I I J tJ- : » — There came from the skies in the days long a - go The Lord with a He came to His own — to the ones that He loved; The sheep that had 3. The birds have their nests, and the fox 4. I can - not re - ject such a Sav es have holes, But He had no ior as He; Dis - hon - or and 1 — E=fc 4— I— J. mes- sage of wan-dered a place for His wound Him a love; The world knew Him not; He was treated with scorn— This stray; They heard not His voice, but the friend of mankind Was head; A pal - let of stone on the cold mountain side Wa3 gain; I'll go to His feet and re-pent of my sin, Be | fv — h - Chorus. won-der - ful gift from a hat - ed and driv-en a all that He had for His will - ing to suf - fer the t- bove. way. They crowned Him with thorns, He was beaten with bed. pain. 4th I'll take up my cross, I will walk by His JL JL JL jL J* -fi- j_ r-r-r— r r r 3= stripes; He was smit-ten and nailed to the tree,(t 0 the tree,) But the pain in His side, For the path-way of du-ty I see,(r e s, I see,) I will fol - low my A- | | _ -ft JL JL j r J' m heart was the hard-est to bear, The heart that was brok-en for Lord and a-bide in His heart, The heart that was brok-en for me- me, 99 E. E. Hewitt. Wonderful Power. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED Cbas. H. Gabriel. Kir 1. Won-der-ful pow'r of my won-der-ful Kingl Mer - cy un-bound-ed, I 2. Won-der-ful pow'r of the pray'r-hearing Lord; Tri - als a claim on His 3. Won-der-ful pow'r that will guide me a - right, Lead from the shad-ows to 4. A - ble and will-ing, 0 Sav - ior art Thou! A - ble and will-ing to *— *— '-,-/~'-cs^-s s-i-9. i m x — rtr- e i -tr grate - f ul - ly sing; From all the bil-lows that round me may roll, grace will af - ford; On my dear Sav- ior I cast ev -'ry care, mar- vel-ous light; In fierce temp-ta-tions, my ref - uge and stay, save me just now; When earth-ly path-ways no long - er I roam, Chorus. St A - ble and will - ing to res - cue my soul. A - bi3 and will - ing to an - swer my prayer. A - ble and will - ing to keep me each day. Won - der-ful pow'r, A - ble and will - ing to wel - come me home. Met £-5 i t won - der-ful pow'r! Sav-ing me, keep-ing me, life's ev -'ry hour; Glad-ly I V 9 V v—p-* I 3=i sing, trust -ful-ly sing, Won - der-ful pow'r of my won-der-ful King. S5 3E 100 Keep the Vision of the Cross E. E. Hewitt. 55 COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 4 Chas. H. Gabriel. r* » n h 1. Keep the vis - ion of the cross be - fore you, Lest you wan-der from the 2. Keep the vis - ion of the cross be - fore you, When you bowbe-neath a 3. Keep the vis - ion of the cross be - fore you, When the call for loy - al f r r r * » > # La f— * ■ ' HH -» — # — # — # — # — L k P P k i 4s? t — I*— f — -k — * — k — i 2: straight and nar-row way; Think of what the Shep-herd suf-fered to re- heav - y load of care; For the ban - ner of His love is float - ing serv - ice you shall hear; Since the lov - ing Lord is work-ing with and i & E r-tr ^^^^ store you, How He brought you from the dark-ness to the day . o'er you; He who died for you will an-swer all your prayer, for you, Haste to do His bless - ed will with-out a fear... V — 9 — 9 — 9 — 9—9 — 9 — Y Chobds. t- Keep the vis - ion of the cross, of the Sav - ior's cross, Whether life bring m bless-ed Sav-ior's cross, .0. .0. .0. .0. .0. tt-0 0 i=r life on k V 1 k k 1 h h m— «— 1 — *! — 1 1. , to you gam or I earth brine oss; Till His to you gain or loss; £— C— L— [— L— m— glo - ry is i hP-g-E n view, at 1 — J — 1 id a k k k k 1 k k # t * C7 k— V b " • 9 / 1 1 .eep the Vision of tne Cross. crown is giv - en you, Keep the vis-ion, keep the vis-ion of the cross, C C C I g— g- 8 f g C : » ; * 101 R. W. McC. No Tears Up Yonder COPYRIGHT. 1915 BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. R. Ward McCombie. i 4- • * -S- No tears up yon-der! God hath spok-en! sin, no curse, no cloud-ed way; 2. No soul un-blest that Isle em-bow-ers; No long - ing there un - sat - is - fied; 3. No fare-well there! 0 bless-ed mor-row! No go - ing out a - gain to roam; 4. No tears up yon-der! all are near-er Than here the near-est friend could be; i i 3a *4 3: 3 1/ No heav - y la-dened, no heart bro-ken! E - ter - nal life, e - ter - nal day! No fall-ing leaves, no fad - ing flow-ers, No hope def rred, no joy de -nied. No child of sin, no child of sor-row, For there is love, and there is home. No dear - est love will there be dear-er— But more than all is Christ to see. gTj rtFi * ' v lr r Chorus. pp ^^^^^ HE No tears up yon-der, no more sigh-ing, For sor-row there shall have no place; jfL m .p. JL. .p. JL p. jfL p. JL. f_ JL A £3 sum £3 There broken hearts are healed, and nev-er Shall shadow mar one smil - ing face. 1 - 1 --^U^±fe 4 J ' r ;r 1 102 Mrs. Frank A. Brect. When Love Shines In. COPYRIGHT. 1902. BY WM. J, KIRKPATRICK. USED BY PERMISSION. Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. m 1. Je - bus comes withpow'r to gladden, When love shines in; 2. How the world will glow with beauty, When love shines in; 3. Dark-estsor - row will glow brighter, When love shines in; 4. We may have un - fad-ing splendor, When love shines in; hi Ev - 'ry life that And the heart re- And the heav-iest And a friend-ship p- \ h T- £5 #5 woe can sad-den, When love shines in; joice in du - ty, When love shines in; bur - den light-er, When love shines in; true and ten-der, When love shines in; ' ' : : : - " I V I Love will teach us how to pray, Tri - als may be sane - ti - fled, 'Tis the glo - ry that will throw When earth- vic-t'ries shall be won, t — r m '* — a *- — Ur-i — h~ i • i.J Love will drive the gloom away, Turn our darkness into day,When love shines in. And the soul in peace a-bide, Life will all be glo-ri-fied,When love shines in. Light to show us where to go; 0 the heart shall blessing know, When love shines in. And our life in heav'n begun, There will be no need of sun, When love shines in. as Chorus. -#— When love shines in When love shines in, How the heart When loye shines in, !S 1^ J When love shines in, When love shines in, When love shines in. lor When Loye Shines In. * • — i tunedto sing-ing, When love shines in; Whenlove shines in; When When love shines in; When love shines in, -o-b— 1 — ^ If ^/ love shines in, Joy and peace to others bringing, When love shines in. I IS I I When love, when love shines is J. r£j?l ri. r EH u -m^TP — ^Si±.iiB When love shines in, 103 How Could It Be? Rev. N. A. McAalay. COPYRIGHT. 1908. BY JOHN P. HILLIS. Slowly. Chas. H. Marsh. ^ -K-j -a— j 1. Poor and de - spised He came seek - ing for me, Bear - ing my 2. Down in Geth-sem - a - ne, there I be - hold Je - sus, in 3. See Him as- cend the mount, bleed-ing for me, Where thro' the 4. Then in the tomb He lay, sleep - ing for me, Till came the t 4« a. I — jf-i-pteft-J- i — 3=3- — 0 1 — # woe and shame, my soul to free; For me He suf - fer'd here, ag - o - ny, sor - row un - told; Then at the trait - or's call, crim - son fount, cleans - ing I see; For me He left His throne, prom - ised day of vie - to - ry ; He from the grave a -rose, I, -g E S3 Shed oft the bit - ter tear, In love so pure and dear, How could it be? He went to Pi-late'shall, Bear-ing the sins of all, How could it be? For me He did a-tone, Dy - ing in shame a - lone, How could it be? He con-quer'd all His foes, Then He in glo - ry rose, How could it be? i mm 104 He's the One, J. B. H. COPYRIGHT, 1899 BY HALL-MACK CO. 1. Is there 2. Is there 3. Is there 4. Is there J. B. Hacfcay. f\ ^ pi-*— -S : an - y - one can help us, one an - y - one can help us, when an - y - one can help us, -who an - y - one can help us, when -I a - who un-der-stands our hearts, the load is hard to bear, can give a sin - ner peace, the end is draw-ing near, Jt. m° .m. -0- ! —0—±! rz • m iff When the thorns of life have pierced them till they bleed ;One who sym-pa-thiz-es And we faint and fall be-neath it in a - larm;Who in ten - der-ness will When his heart is burdened down with pain and woe; Who can speak the word of Who will go thro' death's dark waters by our side; Who will light the way be- -0—0- -0- 0 • ~0- 1 with U9, who in won-drous love im-parts Just the ve - ry, ve lift us, and the heav - y bur - den share, And sup-port us with par - don that af - fords a sweet re - lease, And whose blood can wash fore us, and dis - pel all doubt and fear, And will bear our spir • -•r- f- an and its bless-ing that we need? ev - er - last-ing arm? Yes, there's One, on make us white as snow? y es there's One, - ly One safe ■ o er the tide? — 0- .0. .0. -0—0- ly One, V 9 -9— T the bless-ed, bless-ed Je-sus, He's the One; When af-flic-tions press the sou!, JL JL JL- JL JL. i__p_r — — i — U t» V He's the One. &3 V Wben waves of trou-bleroll, And you need a friend to help you, He's the One BSE i 105 Gome, Thou Fount. (Welsh Tune— HYFRYDOL) Robert Robinson. ARRANGEMENT COPYRIGHT 1912. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER OWNER. Arr. by Gbas. H. Gabriel. 1. Come, Thou tount of ev - 'ry bless - ing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; 2. Here I'll raise mine Eb-en - e - zer; Hith-er by Thy help I'm come; 3. 0 to gracejiow great a debt - or Dai - ly I'm con-strained to be! f j — i- 3Z Streams of mer-cy, nev - er ceas - ing,Call for songs of loud - est praise. And I hope, by Thy good pleas -ure, Safe- ly to ar - rive at home; Let Thy good-ness, like a fet - ter,Bindmy wand'ring heart to Thee.; Teach me some mel-o-dious son - net, Sung by flam -ing tongues a-bove; Je - sus sought me when a stran-ger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; Prone to wan - der,Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; A f. jp- £L JfL^L JfL jPj iC 42.' &=t= Hp Ft (is Praise the mount— I'm fixed up-on it — Mount of Thy re-deeming love! He, to res -cue me from dan - ger, In - ter-posed_His pre-cious blood. Here's my heart, 0 take and seal m ~-r FT? rt g f-- fee 106 COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO, Rev. A. H. Actley. homer a. rodeheaver. owner. E h (v E My Mother. IY RODEHEi ODEHEAVEi B. D. Actley, g— j — L-j »— irj « 1 W 1 jT 1. To my mem 'ry comes a vis -ion That my heart can neer for-get, Of my 2. 'Twas the voice of my dear moth-er, Full of love and sym-pa- thy, That so 3. Tho' my moth-er has de-part - ed, Still I feel herspir-it near, As she £ — * — 4 It d 1 moth-er, with her ten-der care for me, . For the face of years for-got-ten oft-en cheered my heart when sad and lone, For I felt the need of Je-sus, pleads be-fore the Heav'nly Father's throne, Andher pray 'rs my life shall answer I — sf — ^ ._L t n- - - - n~ i^r - - Still remains, I see it yet, And her brow reflects the light of Calva-ry. And her constant pray'r for me Led my wand'ring foot-steps to my Father's home. For I long to meet her there, And to see the Christ who bought me for His own. 4 £ Chorus. • i f • ■i-l-i : ' i And the tear-drops,how they glistenedl When she told me of Hie Vt- m m mm f\- 5=5 "5: r — ttttt love, How the tea - der Shep-herd came to aeek the lost, £he i» herd came to seek and save the lost, m f My Mother. f IS f- k 4-1 O'er the mount-ain, thro' the val - ley, Ev - m ioot- print sta / , r ined w ith # f— 5- -s — c 5=±z= =£== » # blood, Till He pur-chased my Re-demp-tion on the cross. - r ",-f f 'f , ; \t f^—r- - ■ 1ST. 107 London Hymn Book. I Love Him. USED BY PER. I S. C. Foster. r — H PW- 1. Gone from my heart the world with all its charm; Gone are my sins and 2. Once I was lost up - on the plains of sin; Once was a slave to 3. Once I was bound, but now I am set free; Once I was blind, but jl. JL p. jl 0 —\ ■ , — r- p — L — L> — t» — i r— 0- — 0 — I ! — 4=£ all thatwoulda-larm; Gone er - er-more, and doubts and fears within; Once was a - fraid to nowthelightl see; Once I was dead, but fefc- — — * by His grace I know The trust a lov-ingGod, But now in Christ I live, To i ■v — 1 D. S. — Be-cause He first loved me, And F Chorus. i.S. pre-cious blood of Je-sus cleanses white as snow, now my guilt is washed a-way in Je - sus' blood, tell the world the peace that He alone can give. I love Him, I love Him, purchased my sal - va - Hon On Galv'ry's tree* 108 Still Sweeter Every Day. gup 0 • J 1. To Je - sus ev - 'ry day I find my heart is clos - er drawn; He's 2. His glo - ry broke up - on me when I saw Him from a -far; He's 3. My heart is sometimes heav-y, but He comes with sweet re - lief; He p—p—t>—r 4-Vi a s*/\l/l on/1 mil* . nla rJ o tTTTi * TTa'c fair - er than the glo - ry of the gold and pur -pie dawn; He's all my fair - er than the HI - y, bright-er than the morn-ing star; He fills and folds me to His bosom when I droop with blight-ing grief; I love the f ■p—p-v p ^ p v —p- fan - cy pict-ures in its fairest dreams, and more; Each day He grows still sat - is-fies my long-ing spir - it o'er and o'er; Each day He grows still Christ who all my bur-dens in His bod - y bore; Each day He grows still P p v p-v—p- Chorus. sweet-er than He was the day be-fore. sweet-er than He was the day be-fore. The half can-not be 1 3 — — pv-«p— * fan - cied this side the gold - en shore; side the gold-en shore, The half can-not be fan - cied on this side the golden shore; 0 nrtrr o Still Sweeter Every Day. K \j S L ET L L * * * -•- ^ ' there he'll be still sweeter than there he'll be still sweeter than he ev - er was be-fore, than he ^9— W¥ p—p-p — f \ fcz fc ±£ If tf he ev - er was be - fore. i. j j k p> p 109 Johnson Oatman, Jr. No Night There COPYRIGHT. 1907, BY J B. HERBERT HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER. 7. B. Herbert. 53 i r m * ; -3-- V<^T r 1. In yon-der cit - y, Cloud-less and fair, Comes dark-ness nev - er; 2. Here we have dark-ness,Long nights of care; No dark-ness yon - der, 3. Here we have sor - row, Each one his share; No tears in heav - en, 4. Here we have cross-es That we must bear; No tri - als yon - der, 5. That Light up yon-der, Ra-diant and fair, Is Christ, our Sav - ior! -0 *- * * Ft-"- "i Pi f^ No night there. ChcEUS. Brighter. No night there, No night there, No night there! i Light ev - er - last - ing! No night there, No night there! - No night there, No night there! , J^j;- ;.±J - S No night there! God's ho - ly cit-y; No night there! No night there! _ 110 Rev. Frank E. Graetf. Holding On to Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1914, HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. Cfias. H. Gabriel. \> v -J- 3 • 1. I am hold-ing on to Je - sus tho' my faith may not be strong, Tho' of 2. I am hold-ing on to Je- sus tho' the way at times is rough, And I 3. I am hold-ing on to Je- sus tho' the tempests dash and roar, And the v — > — — £— x — £ £__t|£ZZp — If — -I Ifcj BE? I 1- 0 — #~;J N- 0 all His own the weak-est I may be; Still my hold I will not loos-en, stumble where the path I may not see; But I follow where He leads me har-bor lights I can but dim - ly see; But the Morn-ing Star is shin-ing, o tt It: e. P=t=t -P-2-- * « g -^-g «_? ff A. but I'll sing my trust-ful song, For His mighty hand is hold-ing on tome, and I know I cannot stray, While His mighty hand is hold-ing on tome, and my anchor's hold is fast, For His mighty hand is hold-ing on tome. I IT* I s Chorus _ \ ^— ftr P-V I'm hold-ing on to Je - su3 when temp-ta-tions fierce assail, I'm hold - ing t ~ a . * 0 ..._#_;;„: ~" a » *| — r ; ~ m ~ m . t* # p — f>— tp-to— -r~r* ^— a— F^^-a— b— »— g~ — jgrffrEfczs I V V T V V V V V * on to Je-sus when the way I can - not see; And lest my footsteps f al - ter, Holding On to Jesus. i 1=3 PI or my hold on Him should fail, His might-y hand is hold-ing on tome. r ~g — 0 — j — n Ill Fanny J. Crosby. Rescue tfee Perishing. COPYRIGHT. 1898, BY W. H. DOANE. USED BY PER. W. H. Doiu. 3 #— 0- 1. Res - cue the per - ish-ing, Care for the dy - ing, Snatch them in pit - y from 2. Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is wait-ing, Wait-ing the pen -i - tent 3. Down in the hu-man heart, Crush' d by the tempter, Feel-ings lie bur - ied that 4. Res - cue the per - ish - ing, Du - ty de-mands it; Strength for tby la - bor the He V V 9 V 4== If— *-sf— — l i—A-i-i-i-t— » — « — # 1 up the fall - en, child to re-ceive; Plead with them ear-nest-ly, Plead with them gen - tly; frace can re-store; Touch'd by a lov-ing heart, Wak - ened by kind-ness, (ord will pro-vide; Back to the nar - row way, Pa - tient - ly win them; -P—P- Chorus. -g i • « i L 0 -0- , " Tell them of Je-sua the might-y to save. He will for -give if they on - ly be - lieve. Res - cue the per - ish-ing, Chords that were bro-ken will vi - brate once more. Tell the poorwan-d'rer a Sav - ior has died. 3: - Chorus. 4U^ U U b U : 5 b h h In the hol-low of His hand, in the hol-low of His hand, I have t -«-ft naught to fear on o - cean or on land; For wher-ev-er I may roam, He will In the Hollow of His Hand. 1 p— fr-i — 8—8 -P -P 3 * guide me safe - ly home,and He keeps me in the hol-low of His hand. 113 Tate the Name of Jesus With You. Mrs. Lillian Baxter. COPYRIGHT, 1899. BY w. H. doane. RENEWAL. W. H. Doane. M 8 : S-«-=--J- 1. Take the name of Je - sus with you, Child of sor-rowand of woe; 2. Take the name of Je-sus ev - er, As a shield from ev-'ry snare; 3. 0 the pre-cious name of Je - sus! How it thrills our souls with joy, 4. At the name of Je - sus bow - ing, Fall - ing prostrate at His feet, 0 r & ts> — 1 1 1 r # 1= l' £ - -(SM 1 -1 — ^■^♦np— ^— b— »— »— P t 1 0 - 2 .... . A □ — a— i # # 1 It will joy and com-fort give you, Take it the^wher-e'er you go. If temp-ta-tions round you gath - er,Breathe that ho - ly name in prayer. When His lov - ing arms re - ceive us, And His songs our tongues em-ploy I King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him, When our jour-ney is com-plete. Chorus. pq 1*— rn H — ^-8 1 — # Pre-cious name, 0 how sweetl Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Pre-cions name, 0 how sweet! Pre-cious name, 0 how sweetl Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. Precious name.O how sweet.how sweet! I 0—0—0—0—0- /TV r ■ * * i a r r i 1 1 [in 114 M. E. Abbey. Solo or Duet -j * — *~ Life's Railway to Heaven. Respectfully dedicated to the railroad men. COPYRIGHT. 1891. BY CHARLIE 0. TILLMAN. Charlie D. Tillman. Tempo ad lib. — k — N — 3=* 1. Life is like a mount-ain rail-road, with an en - gin-eer that's brave; 2. You will roll up grades of tri - al; You will cross the bridge of strife; 3. You will oft - en find ob-struc-tions; Look for storms of wind and rain; 4. As you roll a-cross the tres - tie, Span-ning Jor-dan's swell-ing tide; * — » -A — — *=± 4= — ^^-=i=1--1— *- 4 ^. 4 V~ We must make the run suc-cess - ful, From the era - die to the grave; See that Christ is your con-due - tor On this light-ning train of life; On a fill, or curve, or tres - tie, They will al- most ditch your train; You be - hold the Un - ion De - pot In - to which your train will glide; 4r t=±r- 33=3 Watch the curves, the fills, the tun - nels; Nev - er fait - er nev - er Al - ways mind -ful of ob-stiuc-tion, Do your du - ty, nev - er Fat your trust a -lone in Je - sus; Nev - er fal - ter,nev - er There you'll meet the Su-per-iatend-ant, God the Fa - ther,God the quail; fail; fail; Son, 3 -1 rT 1 ^ d i * ' J»..J8 , rif. tF — i *- -5 1 Keep your hand up - on Keep your hand up - on Keep your hand up - on With the heart - y joy - the throt-tle, And your eye up -on the rail, the throt-tle, And your eye up - on the rail, the throt-tle, And your eye up - on the rail, ous plaud-it, "Wea- ry pil-grim, welcome home." =t=t F—i — — t n 9 — — i ~i 1 =H=d N Chorus. I -i — j>. 5 Bless-ed Sav - ior,Thou wilt guide us Till we reach that bliss-ful shore; 19- Life's Railway to Heaven. m~- — -w- Where the an -gels wait to join us In Thy praiBe for ev-er-more. 5=P f 115 Songs of Praises. (Bbyn Calfaria.) U-j -1- -3-^ i 1 — # !— # — 1 -d — e> — * pi* , / Guide me, 0 Thou great Je - ho - yah, Pil-grim thro* this bar-ren land; ) • \ I am weak, but Thou art might-y; Hold me with Thy pow'r-ful hand; y o fO - pen now the crys-tal fount-ain, Whence the heal - ing wa-ters flow;! t Let the fier - y, cloud-y pil - lar Lead me all my jour-ney thro'; J tread the verge of Jor - dan, Bid my anx - ious fears sub-side; J q I TT ucu x vicau boo icigo kjx «/ v/i uau , uiu iiij blia — iuuo ouu omo • (Bear me thro* the swell-hag cur-rent; Land me safe on Ca-naan's side j. m 1 rrr Bread of heav - Strong De-liv - Songs of prais - Bread cf en, 'rer, es, hear - en. Bread of heav Strong De-liv Songs of prais en, 'rer, Gil, 'rer, Bread of heav ■ Strong De-liv - Songs of prais - es Bread of hear - en. Bread of heav - en. t=tzt=t Feed me till I want no more, Feed me till Be Thou still my strength and shield, Be Thou still I will ev - er gire to Thee, I will ev - I want no more, my strength and shield, er give to Thee. 9 E i 116 In. Frank A. Breck. Duet. Ad lib. Nailed to tfce Cross, COPYRIGHT. 1099. BY TULLAR-MEREDITH CO. Grant Colfax Talk. 1. There was One who was will - ing to die in my stead, That a 2. He is ten - der and lov - ing and pa - tient with me, While He 3. I will cling to my Sav - ior and uev - er de - part— I will t mm soul so un-worth - y might live, And the path to the cross He was cleans-es my heart of the dross, But "there's no con-dem-na - tion" — I joy - ful - ly jour - ney each day, With a song on my lips and a r Refrain. will - ing to tread, All the sins of my life to for-give. know I am free, For my sins are all nail'd to the cross. They are naiPd to the cross*, song in my heart, That my sins have been taken away. i They are nail'd to the cross, 0 how much He was will-ing to bear! With what e— T* tt &t-t- t- t ft ^g-f -f-trr jl=$=t£ i an-guish and loss, Jesus went to the cross! But He carried my sins with Him there v-^- t- p- p _^±b-tl 117 C. H. G. Have You Forgotten God? COPYRIGHT. 1914, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Cfias. EL Ga&riel. 1 -pL- 1— r4 J — , — S: f—J # 1 0 4 « ._ 1. In the glare of earth 2. You are thought - ful of 3. While His dai - ly grace 4. While Hisboun - ty you're 5. See the shades of night ap - pall ly pleas-ure, In the fight the stran - ger From the pal re - ceiv - ing Are you still ac - cept - ing, Are you His m :*r==p==p=zzp=: zm — p P=P= > « f for earth - ly ace or the His spir - it com-mands neg- On your path - way now are -it— r _fs_^ |v_J UJ -J — M4 3=^ r treas-ure, 'Mid your bless - ing with-out meas-ure, Have you for-got-ten God? man-ger, And the weak you shield from dan-ger — Have you for-got-ten God? griev-ing By a heart of un - be - liev-ing — Have you for-got-ten God? lect - ing, And His call to you re - ject-ing— Have you for-got-ten God? fall - ing! Hear ye not those voic-es call -ing— Have you for-got-ten God? feb-V f f f-' -0— » Chorus. :^ « h hi r-1 1 J h i — , r-l 1 , L#-i — # Of ^-s 1 Have you for - got - ten God? Have you for - got - ten God? ^2_! E ^1— 2^ soul, I plead, Be-ware! take heed! Have you for - got - ten God? ; : £- r *-| V- 5 P ' 1 " 118 C. A. M. If Jesns Goes Witfi Me. COPYRIGHT. 1908. BY H COPYRIGHT. 1908. BY HALL-MACK CO. -M 1. It may be in the val-ley,where countless dangers hide; It may be in the 2. It may be I must car -ry the bless-ed word of life A-cross the burn-ing 3. But if it be my por -tion to bear my cross at home, While others bear their 4. It is not mine to ques-tion the judgments of my Lord, It is but mine to -0- mm ■Ji ; * ' J > 33 35^=5 1/ ,. ^ sun-shine that I, in peace, a - bide; But this one thing I know — if des - erts to those in sin - ful strife; Andtho' it be my lot to bur - dens be-yond the bil-low's foam, I'll prove my faith in Him — con- fol - low the lead-inga of Hi9 word; But if to go or stay, or *— h -I « • L rO-S-7 r ti s F « ' — H a W V -1Mb — d — £j it be dark or fair, bear my col - ors there, If Je - sus goes with me, I'll go an - y- where! fess my judgments fair And, if He stays with me, I'll go an - y-wherel whether here or there, I'll be, with my Sav - iour, con- tent an - y-wherel 4=1 ' «:-« T — F\ V Chorus. If Je - sus goe9 with me, I'll go. . An - y where! 'Tisheay-en to me, Where :*:#:an4.:a!L__r rv i T i- t 5? ?7 e'er I may be, If He ia there! I count it a priv - i-Iege here . . His -I — ' I**' i -j H is cross, I »--m- - ^=h— lis »- Sj1V ■Fi HH # m If Jesus Goes Witfi Me. i . -W— a~ 3=i S_L{: 33 •• cross to bear; If Je-sns goes with me, I'll go An where! 9 ' " Jp • l» • ^ 9 1 19 Open My Eyes, Tkt I May See. C. H. S. COPYRIGHT. 1895. BY CLARA M SCOTT. OWNED BY THE EVANGELICAL PUBLISHING CO.. CHICAGO. Cftas. EL Scott. ^ i — v V s - -&- -o-. 1/ I V V 1. Q- pen my eyes, that I may see Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; 2. 0 - pen my ears, that I may hear Voic-es of truth Thou send-est clear; 3. 0 - pen my mouth, and let me bear Glad-ly the warnf truth ev-'ry-where; -g - 1/ t/ 1/ I i si Place in my hands the won-der-ful key That shall un-clasp, and set me free. And while the wave-notes fall on my ear, Ev-'ry-thing false will dis - ap-pear. 0 - pen my heart, and let me pre-pare, Love with Thy children thus to share. 9 V V Chorus. 1 |S 3^ b r • i s *» * ; > 1 ■ 5 -S- g : 1 Si -lent - ly now I wait for Thee, Read-y, my God, Thy will to m P I ? )t lit 53 V V V J* 5 r r O-pen my /ears,' \ il-ram - ine me, Spir - it di - vine! I heart, J i 120 The Great Judgment Morning. Rev. Bert Shaddock. COPYRIGHT. B94. EY L L PICKETT. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, N K N I L. L. Pickett. a 9 # sr — # — . k U > ^ I dreamed that the great judgment morning Had dawned.and the trumpet had blown; The rich man was there, but his mcn-ey Had melted and vanished a - way; The wid-ow was there with the orphans, God heard and remembered their cries; The mor-al man came to the judgment, But his self-righteous rags would not do; -0 0 - - G * * =cS=S I dreamed that the nations had gathered To judgment be-fore the white throne; A pau - per he stood in the judgment, His debts were too heav-y to pay; No sor - row in heav-en for - ev - er, God wiped all the tears from their eyes; The men who had cru-ci - fied Je - sua Had passed 05 as mor-al men, too, 0 0 Z^L__mrm l ~l^ V^ ~ ^ 0^ .0—tL i — r From the throne came a bright shin-ing an - gel And stood on the land and the sea, The great man was there, but his greatness When death came was left far behind, The gambler was there and the drunkard, And the man that had sold thtm the drink; The soul that had put off sal-va-tion— "Not to-night;I'll get saved by-and-by; -0- -0- -0- m 0 1 -0- -0- -0- j ^ 0- -0- -0- 0 0 *. I ; • i SEE N S N 0 0 0 0—0 Z~t£tZZ0 And swore with his hand raised to heaven, That time was no longer to be. The an-gel that opened the records, Not a trace of his greatness could find. With the peo-ple who gave him the license— To-geth-er in hell they did sink. i time now to think of re-li At last they had found time to die. *-~V I s I s is h is rs Chorus. The Great Judgment Morning. And oh, what a weep-ing and wail - ing, As the lost were told of their fate; - #- -#- -#- -#- -0- -0- I 1 r -^—M— — 5 L> 5 5—L p t V V V They cried for the rocks and the mountains, They prayed, but their prayer was too late m M ^ W n. Doane. 121 Fanny J. Crosby. 4 Pass Me Not. W. H. OOANE. OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. 1. Pass me not, 0 gen - tie Sav - ior, Hear my humble cry; While on oth-ers 2. Let m§ at a throne of mer - cy Find a sweet re-lief ; Kneel-ing there in 3. Trust-ing on - ly in Thy mer- it, Would 1 seek Thy face; Heal my wounded 4. Thou, the Spring of all my com-f ort, More than life to me, Whom have I on §glp , Fine. Chorus. Thou art call-ing, Do not pass me by. deep con-tri-tion, Help my un- be-lief. Sav -ior, Sav-ior, Hear my humble cry; bro-ken spir - it, Save me by Thy grace, earth beside Thee? Whom in Heay'a but Thee? 0 0 0 0 122 Dwelling in Benlah Land. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY HALL-MACK CO. C A. M. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. C. Aastin Miles. 1. Far a-way the noise of strife up-on my ear is fall- ing, Then I know the 2. Far be-low the storm of doubt up-on the world is beat-ing, Sons of men in 3. Let the storin-y breez-es blow, their cry can-not a - larm me, I am safe-ly 4. View-ing here the works of God, I sink in con-tem-pla-tion, Hearing now His »^0—% — £— E : C l t- 1 M 1 1 — Ml' I .N I- sins of earth be - set on ev - 'ry hand; Doubt and fear and things of earth in bat - tie long the en - e - my with-stand; Safe am I with - in thecas- tie shel-ter'dhere, pro-tect-ed by God's hand; Here the sun is al-ways shin-ing, bless-ed voice, I see the way He plann'd;Dwell-ing in the Spir - it, here I 0*0 0 0 , f a—, f , g? - . 0— r 0 • 0 0 . 1 — r 9 1 rri r r =a: ^ =s t e r r — i — ? r r vain tome are call-ing,None of these shall move me from Beu - lah Land, of God's word re-treat-ing,Noth - ing there can reach me-'tis Beu - lah Land, here there's naught can harm me, I am safe for - ev - er in Beu - lah Land, learn of full sal - va - tion, Glad - ly will I tar - ry in Beu - lah Land. Sc. i, g : g i '6 *• # Fg-^ F — ft r -w — — r ] 1 n ±= =4= H Chorus. I'm liv-ing on the mountain, un - der-neath a cloud-less Bky, I'm Praise God! 0 • # t—t & 0-*-0- -0—& 0*0, ^^^^^^^^^^ drink-ing at the fountain that nev-er shall run dry, 0 yes! I'm feasting on the mfn i r r ii fi; f iff pH; rn i Dwelling in Beulah Land. -# — » » 8 J I- -s: 4 — I- 3 9 : man-na from a boun-ti-ful sup-ply For I am dwell-ing in Beu-Iah Land. ? r ^ H M II I 123 G.B.R. r es~m~ ~d — d~ a — g~ Hie Hem of His Garment. COPYRIGHT. 1906. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. v • * FV- Geo. F. Root. 1. She on - ly touch'dthehem of His gar-ment As to His side she stole, 2. She came in fear and trem-bling be - fore Him, She knew Her Lord had come; 3. He turn'd with "daughter be of good comfort, Thy faith hath made thee whole,' , v- A - mid the crowd that gathered a-round Him, And straightway she was whole. She felt that from Himvir- tue had healed her, The might-y deed was done. And peace that passeth all un - der-stand-ing With glad-ness filled her soul. ft p r ^—^-—fyri: y -1 rrjr- Chorus. E p E 2=3 Pi » -s -:S Oh, touch the hem of His gar - ment And thou, too, shall be free; 5= His say - ing pow'r this re - ry hour Shall giro ncyr life to thee _4L_ 124 B.B. Have You a Friend Like That? COPYRIGHT. 19T5. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Herbert Bafima. 1. I have a Friend who is al-ways the same, He nev-er changes thro* 2. This Friend knows all of my tri - als and grief, He knows just how to send 3. When oth - er friendships of earth-ly life fail, When fi - ery darts shall my 4. When I shall en - ter the val - ley of death, Loved ones are wait-ing for BE r sun - shine or rain; One who can share all my sor - row and pain, Oh, bless - ed re - lief; All of His prom - is - es I can be - lieve, Oh, spir - it as -sail; He gives me strength o-ver all to pre - vail, Oh, my lat- est breath; "Fear not for I will be with you" He saith, Oh, Chorus. -0 1 have you a Friend like that? Have you a Friend like the Sav - ior so dear? Have you a Friend who is al - ways near? A Friend who in 0- J? ■■ f 1 M pa sor-rows can com-fort and cheer, Oh! have you a Friend like that? 125 No Other One But Jesus. J. G. MiJyett. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. Henry P. MorfOB. r *— f — - s g 1. 0 who can take my sins a - way? No oth - er one but Je - sus! 2. 0 who can to me com - fort give? No oth - er one but Je - sus! 3. 0 who can set my spir - it free? No oth - er one but Je-sus! 4. 0 who can drive my gloom a - way? No oth - er one but Je - sus! 5. 0 who can lead the nar - row road? No oth - er one but Je - sus! - mm* I » -J"T3 I m m . m m -f 2 - g t t —d . 1 1 J -gp-i-S S-r-jS-S— hr-xt- ^^^^ 1=t fel l I Who And And And And turn my dark - ness who can make me give me per - feet an -swerwhen thro' give me fel - low ^-v9— f-S— j in - to day? No oth - er one but Je - sus! tru - ly live? No oth - er one but Je - sus! lib - er - ty? No oth - er one but Je - sus! Him I pray? No oth - er one but Je - sus! ship with God? No oth - er one but Je - sus! r =|8- 11 I 4— k— 4- Chorus. m II 0 Je - sus, my Sav - ior, My on - ly hope and ref - if 0 Je - sus, my Sav - ior, There's no oth - er one but Thee. f -•- 1 1 1 -i — » r r r-i 126 Stand Up, Stand Dp for Jesus. Geortfe Daffield. COPYRIGHT, 1901. BY GEI8EL AND LEHMAN. ASSIGNED. 1907. TO ADAM GEIBEL MUSIC CO. Adam Geitel, -J— I 1. Stand up, stand up for 2. Stand up, stand up for 3. Stand up, stand up for 4. Stand up, stand up for Je - sus, Ye sol-diers of the cross; Lift high his roy-al Je - sue, The trumpet call o - bey, Forth to the mighty Je - sus.'tand in his strength alone; The arm of flesh vrill Je - sus,The strife will not be long; This day the noise of it l ! I , I m w » ban-ner, It must not suf - fer loss; From vic-t'ry un - to vie - fry Hisar-my con-flict, In this his glo-rious day: "Ye that are men now serve him "Against un- fail you, Ye dare not trust your own; Put on the gos-pel arm-or,Each piece put bat-tie, The next, the Vic-tor's song: To Him that o - ver-com-eth, A crown of * nr. m 3 I I _ Till ev-'ry foe is vanquish'd And Chi iri i6 Lord in-deed. shall he lead, number'd foes; Let courage rise with dan - ger, And strength to strength oppose, on with pray'r; Where du - tycalli or dan - ger, Be nev- er want-ing there, life shall be; Ho with the King of glo - ry Shall reign e-ter-nal - ly. m .S5' I CHORUS. Harmony. $=F= ^=4= i -i 1 j «(■ 1 -• 1— 1 -* Stand up for Je-sus, Ye eol-dien of the cross; Lift stand ay Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. T high his roy - al ban - ner r It must not, it must not suf - fer loss. A- jl jl ■ ^ i. jp-i it Since I Found My Savior. COPYRIGHT. 1892. BY JNO. R. SWENEY. Jno. R. Sweney. nH *-£-r-4 -0- -0- -# . -•- 1. Life wears a dif-ferent face to me, Since I found my Sav - ior; 2. He sought me in His won-drous love, So I found my Sav - ior; 3. The pass-ing clouds may in -ter-vene, Since I found my Sav - ior; 4. A strong hand kind - ly holds my own, Since I found my Sav - ior; P- b-4 : 0 — r0— <* 1 i # — # — # — * • : ' L— r _|i *J i v P 1/ . k — ! — 1 I' k EES Rich mer - cy at the cross I see, My dy - ing, liv - ing Sav - ior. He brought sal- va - tion from a-bove, My dear, al-might - y Sav - ior. But He is with me — tho' un - seen, My ev - er pres - ent Sav - ior. It leads me on - ward to the throne, 0 there I'll see my Sav - ior. Chorus. t 1 v 9 # Gold-en sun-beams 'round me play m H ¥ g * ¥ Y Vr x^r Je - sus turns my night to day, * • 0 — # — Z-V- 1 Heav - en not far 128 Rev. H. J. Zelley. He Rolled tke Sea Away, COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY H. L. GILMOUR. H. L. Gilmoar. m 1. When Is - rael out of bond-age came, A sea be - fore them lay; 2. Be - fore me was a sea of sin, So great I feared to pray; 3. When sor-rows dark, like storm-y waves, Were dash - ing o'er my way; 4. And when I reach the sea of death, For need - ed grace I'll pray; r "T r T # r l i i h i 1 1 r 1- : «= J J 1 -1 h 1 u= - 1 j My Lord reach'd down His might-y hand, And roll'd the sea a - way My heart's de-sire the Sav - ior read, And roll'd the sea a • way A - gain the Lord in mer - cy came, And roll'd the sea a - way I know the Lord will quick -ly come, And roll the sea a - way EE Chorus. S2= Then far-ward still, 'tis Je - ho-vah's will,Tho' the billows dash and spray; With a conqu'ring tread we will push a-head, He'll roll the sea a - way. 129 K You Want to he Happy, Take Jesus. A. H. Actley. COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER Cfias. H. Gabriel. irtrtt r 1. If you want to be hap-py, take Je - sus, When your heart has been 2. If you want to be bap-py f take Je - sus! E-ven death in its 3. If you want to be hap-py, take Je - sus! For con-tent-ment with- brok-en by aw - ful ar out and with grief; His grace full and free Gives a sin - ner like me, ray, No change can im-part To the peace in your heart, in Is found for each strife, In the bat - tie of life; A* -f 9- 0 0 A- f- H *- *- *- *- h . m =p — t=p il Chorus. : 'Mid the sor - For His pres • If you want AAA rows of life, sweet re - lief. • ence shall bright - en the way. If you want to be to be hap - py, take Him. ± A I*- aT> -b » tw — t-w-z — m- A -m- ^5 I ft Jt hap-py, take Je - sus, He loves to walk close by your side; You can pt*-f-i 8 - c c c : g s i i - ■ I* l. k * P=5i — 1 — J J J — 3 4 1 — pi- 3 -1^ — h — & e # — # — v — #~ »rs — # m w — w tri-umph o'er ev - 'ry temp-ta - tion, If He is your Sav-ior and Guide. m 130 Mrs. C. B. H. The Fight is On. C0PYRIGHT1 190S. BY WM. J, K1RKPATRICK. USED BY PERMISSION. Mrs. G. H. Morris. ttr-b f — 1 . Lj: g g : g — ; 1. The fight is on, - the tram - pet sound is ring -ing out, The cry "To 2. The fight is on, A -rouse, ye sol - diers brave and true! Je - ho - van 3. The Lord is lead - ing on to cer - tain vie - to - ry; The bow of mm mm - — *i ■f — i — ^ — r The Lord of hosts is march - ing Go, buck-le on the ar - mor His glo - rious name in ev - 'ry arms!" is heard a - far and near; leads, and vie - fry will as - sure; prom - ise spans the east - era sky; h a 4u on to vie - to - ry, The tri - umph of the Christ will soon ap-pear. God has giv - en you, And in His strength un - to . the end en - dure, land shall hon- ored be; The mora will break, the dawn of peace is nigh. P- Chorus. Unison. 0 b rrn 1 i i The fight is on, 0 Chris -tian sol - dier, And face to face in stem ar- I I 1 I 1 f 1 i t-f-t-r *3 tat ray, *7 r~r^ i T ^~ r . With ar - mor gleam-ing, and col - ors stream-ing, The right and 5 The Fight is On. tff f f f wrong en-gage to M-H - ( lay! The fight is on, but be not 0 0 0 0 _|t i i # 1 — F — F — F — 1 -■■11 wea - ry; Be strong and in His might hold fast; -tst -0-' mm. -0- -0- -0- If God be 55 1 9 for us, vie " fry! His ban-ner o'er us, We'll sing the vic-tor's song at last! Tic - fry! -3: 131 m Give Me a Heart Like Thine. COPYRIGHT. 1913. BY homer A. RODEHEAVER. Arr. fr. Major James H. Cole. 3 al . J 1 Im "= fe=l=t f- ^j J-^-d 1. Give 2. Give 3. Give 4. Give 5. Give me me me me me a heart like Thine, Give me a heart like a love like Thine, Give me a love like a peace like Thine, Give me a peace like a joy like Thine, Give me a joy like a will like Thine, Give me a will like t>:3zp: Thine, By Thy Thine, By Thy Thine, By Thy Thine, By Thy Thine, By Thy a. ~ - 55 k. P . r won-der-ful pow-er, By Thy grace ev- won-der-ful pow-er, By Thy grace ev- won-der-ful pow-er, By Thy grace ev- won-der-ful pow-er, By Thy grace ev- won-der-ful pow-er, By Thy grace ev- i 'ry hour, Give me 'ry hour, Give me 'ry hour, Give me 'ry hour, Give me 'ry hour, Give me a heart like Thine, a love like Thine, a peace like Thine, a joy like Thine, a will like Thine, m t E5 132 Mrs. J. J. Coatc. The Ring's Highway. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Chts. H. Powell. i — td — fr—fr- ^4:^ -i -5- L s— = JH-f 3-=-S— 2. Test - ed, tried and true, has al-ways been this high- way, Lead-ing saints up 3. This great highway leads from ban-ish-ment and darkness, It is nar-row 4. Come then, sin - ner,leave the pathway you are tread-ing, Let the blood of v t l f l l l ( ip * frf e cast up for His own, Where no dan-ger is, or tri- al, or temp-ta - tion; to their heav-'nlyhome; 'Tis the road o'er which the patriarchs and proph-ets, but its paths are peace, 'Tis the way that leads from all that is de - fil - ing, Je-sus cleanse your soul, Come and trav-el with us on this bless-ed high-way; Chorus. mm m -p -fir- 0 And a - pos-tles in all time have come. We are walk-ing in the ho-ly high-way, To that home where pleasures nev-er cease. Enow the grace of God that makes os whole. & 11 % I Pressing onward,upward,day by day; Tell - ing out the bless-ed sto-ry, .IS s day by day; *3 > r =c ? r Tv 1 Of our Sav-ior and His glo-ry, We are trav-'ling in the King's high-way. 133 Singing as the Days Go By. Lizzie DeArmond. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. B. D.Aclkr. h h h 3 rrs ^ 1. O be hap-py in the Lord, trust-ing ful - ly in His word,Fear 2. Mak-ing mel-o-dy to Him Tho' at times the path be dim, Smile 3. Stars are shin-ing in the night; Life it - self is glad and bright. Our not the clouds that fill your earthly sky; There's a Friend that's ev-er near, brave-ly, check the wea-ry tho't-less sigh; Things will wear a ros - y hue, ma - ny needs the Lord will yet sup - ply; Then accept what seems the best, m m # 0 # Fine -?-v—p—v He will giro you joy and cheer;Keep sing-ing as the days go by. If you take a Christ-like view, Keep sing-ing as the days go by. Trust-ing Him for all the rest, Keep sing-ing as the days go by. x fc ; — — 1 r+P E U — g — 1 — h =d-pzd Chorus. rrr. Keep jing-ing as the days go by, Keep singing as the days sing-i ng^ sing-ing as the days go by. Keep sing-ing_ sing-ing ' "C It;£t t-l & — nrrcn by, If to Je-sus we be-long He will tune our hearts to song, 134 Catherine A. Grimes. jjfVt ai H j J [ - y Steady and True. COPYRIGHT, 1913. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Chas. H. Gabriel, Jr. 1 — I — f- 1. Stead-y and true, in the up- ward way, Nev-er to fal-ter, or 2. Stead-y and true thro' the sun - ny days, Help-ing my broth-er to 3. Stead-y and true when the dark-ness falls, Fol-low - ing Christ as my m Q ft? 3 faint or fear; So would I trav-el from day to day, Know-ing my rise and smile; Scat - ter - ing joy in some lone - ly way, Cheer-ing some bea - con light, Keep-ing the path where His dear voice calls, Wheth-er 'tis i i i 1 — t rit. Chorus. -J L- Lord is near. ( m y heart the while. ( som e noon or night, ('tis Lord is near.) heart the while.) Stead-y and true as the noon or night.) I i i i I — n -I 1 — r- J 1 - 1 _X ( * — H 33? stars that shine, So would I t — r keep this heart of mine, Fit for t — r— r 4 — L gift to my Lord di-vine; Stead-y, stead - y and true Stead - -J— & — and true. 135 AH the Way to Calvary. COPYRIGHT. 1915, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Rev. A. H. Acfcley. 3^ 1. I do not ask for di - a-dem or scep-ter, I do not seek for 2. I know the path He trod is nev - er eas - y, It cost the Son of 3. I can - not turn a - side, for love im - pels me To drink the cup of 4. So trust-ing in His love, I'll toil and suf - fer, Sup - port - ed by His ¥ ¥ ¥ ■ ¥ k k k k u world-ly joy or fame, I on-ly ask to fol-lowmy Re-deem-er, And God His pre-cious blood, It leads on to the cross of name-less an-guish, But sor-rowandof woe; But min-gled with the tears I find the corn-fort, The ev - er- last- ing grace, Un - til at last I rise com-plete,per-fect-ed, Trans- m 9 r r r rf »— 1 C] aoKUS ! 1 1 u H- - tell a - broad the won-ders of His name, ev - er climb-eth up - ward un - to God. peace that on - ly Je - sus can be - stow, formed to look up - on His bless -ed face. I will trav-el all the way to — b - t^~k~^~*— \- g— &^-V^&¥=*=*=-*=¥=Z= Cal-va - ry, I will walk the road that Jesus walked for me, I will serve Him to the *=*=ff I V V b V i P L For He is my dear-est friend, I will trav-el all the way to Cal-va - ry. 136 Lizzie DeArmond. Rolled Away. COPYRIGHT. 1915, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Cfias. H. Gabriel. r p r 1. I have answered "yes" to Je-sus, Giv - en all to Him to-day; 2. Long I grieved the Ho - ly Spir - it, Wandered far from God, a - stray; 3. He has brought me joy and glad-ness, Tho' the debt I ne'er can pay, From my soul, so heav-y - la -den, He has rolled the load a - way. Yet be-neath His blood so pre-cious,Ev - 'ry sin has rolled a - way. Praise His name whose love for-ev - er, Rolled my bui - den all a - way. * £ £ £ 5=5 Chorus. fv — r— - h— 3=5 3± It is rolled a - wav, rolled a - way, In the pre-cious blood of =C=P=E p — -ft — i -j i Je-sus, All my bur-den rolled a - way, It is rolled a -way, :p: . z^TW. rolled a - way; All the bur - den of my sin has rolled a - way. -to — — ; w w t> 137 Al one. B. H. P. Duet. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Ben H. Price. 3* 3* 1. It was a - lone 2. It was a - lone 3. A - lone up - on 4. Can you re - ject =3= the Sav-ior prayed In dark Geth-sem-a - ne; the Sav-ior stood In Pi- late's judgment hall; the cross He hung That oth - ers He might save; such matchless love? Can you His claim dis-own? f- 1 £ — r 1 (2 * I P= P 1 1 — 1 r 'j A - lone He drained the bit - ter cup A - lone the crown of thorns He wore, For-sak - en then by God and man, Come, give your all in grat - i - tude, And suf-fered there for me. For - sak - en thus by all. A - lone, His life He gave. Nor leave Him thus a - lone. 1 ^ r Refrain. Quartet. a— - — y—f — 1. In sor - row I wan-dered, my spir - it op - prest, But now I am 2. For years in the fet - ters of sin I was bound, The world could not 3. 0 soul near de-spair in the low-lands of strife, Look up and let hap - py— se - cure - ly I rest; From mora-ing till eve - ning glad help me— no com-fort I found; But now like the birds and the Je - sus come in - to your life; The %r r .*# p. r i -» — P L_» » joy of sal - va - tion to _L U # # * 0 — k-fc S 1 V 4* — b — t» — ? — V — v — ' tf ft-jL-^J— ^ , r i n e h F M £ I I j ~i g ^— p — p— v pT^ F ' 1 car - ols I sing, And this is the rea-son; I walk with the King 1 , sunbeams of Spring, I'm free and re - joic - ing— 1 walk with the King, you He would bring — Come in - to the sun - light and walk with the King. I walk with the King, hal- le- lu - jah! I walk with the King,praise His name! 1/ No V long-er I roam, my A JfL A rrrrri — 1 — p soul fac-es home, I v • «-*»••» '<- 7alk and I talk with the King. V4 ^ I El 142 J. EdV. RuarL You May Have the Joy-Bells. COPYRIGHT. 1899. BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. -I— Win. J. Eirfcpatrict. 1. You may have the joy-bells 2. Love of Je - sus in ^ its 3. You will meet with tri - als 4. Let your life speak well of ring full ing in your heart, And a peace that ness you may know, And this love to as you jour-ney home, Grace suf-fi - cient Je - sus ev - 'ry day, Own His right to V p U P I i from you nev - er will de - part , Walk the straight and nar - row way, those a-round you sweet - ly show; Words of kind - ness al - ways say, He will give to o - ver - come; Tho' un-seen by mor - tal eve, ev - 'ry serv - ice you can pay; Sin - ners you can help to win, V P u P V yj>b j v XM-* -*-++^TrK -Trr ~ r~ ; j . j =i Live for Je-sus ev -'ry day, He will keep the joy-bells ring-ing in your heart. Deeds of mercy do each day, Then He'll keep the joy-bells ring-ing in your heart. He is with you, ev-er nigh, And He'll keep the joy-bells ring-ingin your heart. If your life is pure and clean, And you keep the joy-bells ring-ing in your heart. Joy - - - bells ring-ing in your heart, Joy - - - bells ring-ing Ringing in your heart, You may have the joy-bells i i i t s — -t' -t-^f ,rfr'ff : > 3E 2* P - 1 - ft=t in your heart;Take the Sav-ior here be-low With you ev - 'ry-whereyougo, You May Have tlie Joy-Bells. 5 * He will keep the joy - bells ring - mg your heart. 143 Unsearchable Riches. F. J.G. USED BY PERMISSION. )no. R. Sweney. 1.0 the un-search-a-ble rich -es of Christ! Wealth that can never be told; 2.0 the un-search-a-ble rich- es of Christ 1 Who shall their greatness declare? 3.0 the un-search-a-ble rich- es of Christ! Free- ly, how free-ly, they flow; 4.0 the un-search-a-ble rich- es of Christ! Who would not glad-ly en -dure g - * r r .p...., — g € g f r g -r£^ TO 0 0 * #- Rich-es ex-haust-less of mercy and grace, Precious,more precious than gold. Jew-els, whose lus-ter our lives may a-dorn, Pearls that the poorest may wear. Mak-ing the souls of the faith-fa] and true Hap-py wher-ev - er they go. Tri - als, af-flic-tions, and cross-ea on earth,Rich-es like those to se - cure! J-^-JlJ 0 » 0 0. •■ 0 f-rf-.f- -f- m^m. search-a-ble rich-es of Christ! Precious, more precious than gold. 0 — 0 — 0_ -j — [-- 144 Drifting. E. E Hcwi«. Duet. COPYRIGHT. 1915 BY HOMER A, RCDEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B. D. AcUey. IT ^- 1. Drift-ing care-Iess-ly with the tide, Drift - ing o - ver the wa-ters wide, 2. Driit - ing al-most up - on the bar, Los - ing sight of the Bea-con Star; 3. Drift - ing on, with no shore in view, Think not skies will be al-ways blue; 4. Drift no long - er! let Je - sus save, Let Him guide you a - cross the wave, «- ♦ _ i *• =2- H 9 « 0 _. , l o — F= p — j * — i < i 1 (- ^- — I 9—7— 94- 1 — i . 1 i With no Cap-tain your course to guide, Drif t-ing o -ver life's sea. From theha-ven of joy a - far, Drift-ing o- ver life's sea. Storm and shipwreck will come to you, Drift-ing o - ver life's sea. Lest you sink in a sin - ner's grave, Drift-ing o - ver life's sea. -p- J. r Chokus. id Drift-ing, drift-ing, no port in sight, Drift-ing far from the gos-pel light; m # M "n — n J! | r| ■ -a - • 1 ^L- - Lest you go down in the storm-y night; Drift-ing o - ver life's sea. 145 Jesus Has You on His Heart. T. 0. CfcisFioIm. COPYRIGHT 1911. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER Chas. H. Gabriel. 4=i g-: 4 ' g ' 1. Do you car - ry bur-dens hard to bear? Are you some-times 2. Do you think you suf - fer here a - lone? All your pain and 3. If the way be heav - y you must tread, Tho' your eyes can 4. Still He loves, as on that aw - ful day When for you His m 'j tempt-ed to de - spair? Go tell Je - sus, He will hear your prayer, grief to Him are known; Plead-ing there be - fore the Fa-ther's throne, see no light a - head, Still press on, there's naught for you to reread, life-blood ebbed a - way; Love like that can nev - er know de - cay,- it: PP 3=3=? Chokus. Je - sus has you on His heart. Je - sus has you on His -p—p- be? TfTTT , heart, Je - sus has you on He loves you, -j' rrr His heart ; He knows , and waits to al - way; mm i IF =2 I I share the bur- dens you must bear, Je - sus has you on His heart. ■ [ .r r r — — 146 Jessie Brown Pounds. Drifting Down. COPYRIGHT. 1898. BY W. E. M. HACKLEMAN. h N h -9 9 9 9 9 W. E. M. Hactleman. 1. You are drift-ing far from shore, lean-ing on an i - die oar, You are 2. Lights up-on the homeland shore give you warn-ing o'er and o'er, You are ^ 0 *=r->— M i > * 11 V Hz b 1/ k I P drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing, drift-ing down; You are drift-ing with the tide, to the drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing,drift-ingdown;Soonbe-yond the har-bor bar will your drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing, drift-ing down ;0 my brother, do not wait;heedthem --*—*—*—#—»-(—! h h , # # 0 -0—0 0— -I- -$—9 — *— kd — J — c 5r 1 o - cean wild and wide, You are drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing, drift-ing down, boat be car-ried far, You are drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing, drift-ing down, ere it be too late, Ere for - ev - er you have drift - ed. drift - ed down. g- e-tf r g g s 2± — y — |K * — Chorus. ri£. Lt2=H f a tempo. £ t a tempo. -3— M: : ^ — ^ — H — ^- Youare drift - ing down, You are drift-ing, slow-ly drift-ing, you p3 drift - ing down To the are slow - ly drift-ing down '-I s - tj^ „ „ ^ dark and aw-ful sea; You are drift - You are drift-ing, ih 1 ing down From a Father's loving care, slow-ly drift-ing, rh 1 r h 1 Drifting Down. & mm N_l £y h h. ^ To the blackness of despair, You are drifting,slowly drifting, drifting down. drifting down. r n ee pe r turprr^ 1 1 11 r ^ k 1 SEE EE B 147 E. E. Rexfordi A Trust Song. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. EL A. Henry. 3= 38 1. When the day is storm-y, And no sun shines thro', Clouds that gath-er 2. If God send the shad-ow, As He sends the sun, There's a pur - pose 3. Let us, then, in storm-time,Feel that God knows best, He's be - hind the - ' -f*-, m -f-* h I ft IP* 3=^ *:ni: o'er us, Shutting out God's blue, Think 'tis shin-ing somewhero, And take heart of in it, So — His will be done! Trust Him, never doubting, Trust Him come what temp-est, Trust Him for the rest! So in faith un-fal-t'ring, Let the momenta grace, Let the joy of trusting, Take the sunshine's place, may, And grow glad in trusting, All a-long the way. Trust and let the run, Trust-ing in the shadow, Trusting in the sun. E ■ft* * i =f=i= .-rH sunshine Of God's love shi — ^_ ne thro* Ev'ry cl oud th at darke ft as O-ver you. 148 He's Able and Willing. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY HALL-MACK CO. .-! .. h I h- "Tl * i • F3 — r " A > \ \ \ ■4- -4- -0- -4- 1. A sin-ner more wretched than I There could not be;.... Till Je-sus the 2. His pow-er no lim - it can know, His grace is mine; His love He is 3. He's a - ble and will-ing to go, O'er mount-ains steep, Or down in the Joe 4-£- 3 zpzzat lif • «- 3-3h 5 mighty,came nigh, To set me will-ing to show, 'Tis love di val - ley so low, Or storm - y -4- -4- 4 4 -4- free, I opened my heart to His call, vine! His mercy is offer'd to - day, deep : If willing His bidding to do , teg P3 ■ — / His own to be, And when I sur-ren-der'd all, My Lord saved me. So full, so free, He'll nev - er turn you a -way, For He saved me. His own you'll be, I know He can keep you true, For He keeps me. .-#-* -f*- -4)- -4>- -m- -4t- /~s -P- -4J-. ~ . x-n Chorus. squill He's a - ble and will-ing to save, A - ble, will-ing, A - ble and will-ine, a - ble and will - ing, ITT < — «- p— p — me. 149 S. J. Henderson. Saved by the Blood. COPYRIGHT. 1903. BY DANIEL B. TOWNER ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. Towner. # # 3H* 3 1. Saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One! Ran-somed from 2. Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One ! The an - gels re- 3. Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One ! The Fa - ther He 4. Saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One! All fyail to the .# 0 m „ = ,_•-! 0- — sin and a new work be - gun, Sing praise to the Fa - ther and joic - ing be - cause it is done, A child of the Fa - ther, joint- spoke, and His will it was done; Great price of my par - don, His Fa - ther, all hail to the Son, All hail to the Spir - it, the * . , ~ g & ? f g g-g- 6 — 6 — 6 5=S B s-'—S is praise to the Son, Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One! heir with the Son, Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One! own pre-cious Son; Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One! great Three in One! Saved by the blood of the Cru - ci - fied One! p r r—f —f- ■p—F- Chorus. 4=£ V 1 1 V K V V V V * ¥ I Saved! saved! My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone! Glo - ry, I'm saved! glo-ry, I'm saved! . M _ „ .. .. r ^y^ /.f jULTf f r . , Saved! saved! I am saved by the blood of the Cru - ci-fied One! Glo - ry, I'm saved ! glo - ry, I'm saved ! - 150 Christ Is All. FROM "SILVER TONES" USED BT PER. REV. W. A. WILLIAMS. PHILADELPHIA W. A. Williams. n h ft 3 V v ? \ 1. I en-tered once a home of care, For age and pen - u - ry were 2. I stood be -side a dy - ing bed, Where lay a child with ach - ing 3. 1 sa\v the mar - tyr at the stake, The flames could not hiscour-age 4. I saw* the gos - pel her - aid go To Afric's sand and Greenland's 5. I dreamed that hoar - y time had fled, And earth and sea gave up their 6. Then come to Christ, 0 come to - day, The Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it' m ft I there, Yet peace head, Wait - ing shake, Nor snow, To dead, A say; The and joy with - al; I asked the lone - ly moth - er for Je - sus' call; I marked hi9 smile, 'twas sweet as death his soul ap- pall; I asked him whence his strength was save from Sa-tan's thrall: Nor home nor life he count - ed fire dissolved this ball; I saw the church's ran - som'd Bride re-peats the call; For He will cleanse your guilt - y ■0- -fh whence Her help-less wid- ow-hood's de-fence, She told me, "Christ was all." May, And as his spir - it passed a - way, He whispered/ 'Christ is all." giv'n— He look'dtri-umph-ant-ly to heav'n,And answered, 4 'Christ is all." dear, Midst wants and per - ils owned no fear, He felt that, "Christ is all." throng, I heard the bur - den of their song, 'Twas"Christ is al! in all." stains, His love will soothe your wea-ry pains, For "Christ is all in all." ^^0 mm mm all, all all, all all, all all, all all, all all, all all, all, all, all, all, all, ;t=- V ' + She told me, "Christ was He whispered, "Christ is And an-swered, "Christ is He felt that "Christ is 'Twas "Christ is all in For "Christ is all in -0" all." all." all." all." all." all." 151 E. L. Thompson. -2- Ever Present Savior. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. — i 1— C. D. Emerson. 4=S m 1. Do not think of Je-susas an ab - sent King, Reign-ing in the heav-en 2. Wearied by the bur-den of the toil-someway? Just a talk with Je - sua 3. Are you tried and tempt-ed? He was tempted, too, But He won the bat-tie 4. When the clouds of sor-row gath-er in your sky, Still your Lord and Master, h i 0 O * 0 | J J J- J2zl 5: k V k k t where the an-gels sing; He is ev - er near you and will there a - bide; bright-ens ev -'ry day; Help the reap-er gath-er in the gold-en grain, and will win for you; Rest up -on His prom-ise, trust His lov - ing care; though un-seen, is nigh; Still the sun is shin-ing, still His love en-dures, -J J On your pilgrim journey, Je-sus is your guide. Knowing that your labors can-not be in vain. Take the Ho-ly Spir - it with you ev - 'ry-where. Ev - er pres-ent Sav - ior, Andthepray'r of faith His blessing still se-cures. -02- =tz k k k k k k « - « 5 « -. h h is ' nev-er fail-ing guide, E ^ ^ r ' !elp me not to fal- ter what-so-e'er be-tide k b k k ; All the way to rut glo- • i k ry hold my t rem-bling hand, Till my feet are plaut-ed on the promised land. > P k 152 Mrs. C. D. Martin. Awake! Arise. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY C- F. ALLEN AND C. H. MARSH. W. Stitlman Martin. =t=t i r i r s+=3-s—s 1. A-wake thou that sleep-est and Christ shall give thee light, Put 2. A-wake thou that sleep-est, God's call comes loud and clear, The 3. A-wake thou that sleep-est, gird on the Spir - it's sword, The E r-1 -i — r 4± 2—1 on heav-en's ar - mor, pre- pare for the fight, The day beams are time of the tri - umph of Je - sus is near Too long have you Cap - tain who leads you is Je - sus your Lord, His love is your : Ih K i 1 1 =fc ■ -i i * 2? J— 1 Sfcb shin-ing, the shades of night are gone, A - rise from your slumber; a i - died the pre-cious hours a - way A - rise from your slumber; 0 ban-ner, His name your watchword here, A - rise from your slumber;shake -t- ' -t- mm » i i Refrain. r 5 I I l - 5 5±q crown must be won. child of the day. A-wake! thou that sleepest, A-wake from the dead, off ev- 'ry fear. rit. 3 a==t- to And Christ will give thee ligkt, and glo - rious vie -(2.. 153 Lucia B. Cook. The Gate of Blessing. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECUftED. Cfias. H Gabriel. 1. E-ven in the darkness I will not de-spair, Sor-row is an an-gel 2. Tho' I'm heavy lad- en I will not de-spair, Tri-als are a blessing, 3.0 the gate of blessing! 'tis the place of pray 'r,Je-sus is the keep-er, sent to teach me pray 'r ; When the heart is heav-y , w hen the eyes are dim , if they lead to pray 'r; When with many bur-dens I am sore op-pressed, free-ly en - ter there; Are you poor and needy? Seek the Lord to - day, i f ff , Chorus. When the life is lone-ly, then we look to Him. Then I go to Je-sus for the promised rest. At the gate of blessing Je-sus For the gate of blessing o - pens when we pray. 1^4 i i i m i — |- f-f- 0 0 h h h n . — 0 i * 7-9 stands to-day, Waiting there to blessus — don'tfor-get to pray;He has balm for 0 0 « p t h - » ; i J. + l I— u— "=H a - E U l> k— 1— j ^ -j-i-J^! sor-row, grace for ev-'ry call, At the gate of blessing there are gifts for all 154 G. H. G. Do Something For Others. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. Cbas. H. Gabriel. 1. Ma - ny a soul in the bat-tie of life Trem-bles with fear at the 2. Ma - ny in doubt or in fear of the way, Mute - ly ap - peal for your 3. Ma - ny, disheartened by cru- el de - ceit, Brok - en and worn by the 4. Ma-ny are turn-ing a - way from the right In - to the maze of the i i i i i i din and the strife, Bear-ing a - lone, a - mid tri - al and care, guid-ance to-day; On your de-mean -or the choice may de-pend— pangs of de-feat, Doubt-ing, de -spair-ing - ly, help-less - ly stand, shad-ows of night; Go to them, speak to them, o - ver them pray, ,f f , 1111 I 1 I i — v Chorus. rit. Bur - dens and sor-rows God bids you to share. Are you con-cerned for the stran-ger or friend? Do some-thing for Wait-ing, per-haps, for your strength-en-ing hand. Some-thing for oth - »rs, do Help them, sup-port them— do some-thing to-day. s—0 « — « — * ,f* f m — /?% & ' =t=P m i »-4 rrrrr- #3 oth-ers, Some-thing for oth-ers to - day! Du - ty de- some-thing for oth-ers, Do some-thing for 6th - ers to - day! 42- » — 0 — 0 — &- J it r -I — u ±fczr 1— n- mands it, And Jc-sus com-mands it! Do some-thing for oth-ors to - day. Just to rest up -on His promise; Just to know* 'Thus saith the Lord." Just in sim - pie faith to plunge me 'Neath the heal - ing, cleansing flood. Just from Je - sus sim-ply tak - ing Life and rest, and joy and peace. And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. Refrain. ^-M—f—f—W- th — I — ! — Je - sus, J £ 0- rM~, * * g&H— h- i — r— e - sus, t S — h- low I trust Him! m -0- -0- -P- -0- -r- -r- » • ^» -1— F i — \— lp U i I How I've pr ? oved Him r f 1/ — o'er and o'er! r i r -2d — Je - sus, Je - sus, pre-cious Je - sus! 0 for grace to trust Him more. .0. 0 . 156 Conquer in the Savior's Name. Thoro Harris. CO. f RIGHT, 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. -fc-l — M Kem G. Bottorf. 1. We've en - list - ed in the fight, Loy-al sol-diers of God and the right; 2. All our trust is in the word Of King Je- sus, our Mas-ter and Lord, O mi ^« 4-V.,-. ,,ln^o V,~U4- All : i. r f " -If — 1 _to_ JL p=l i u r* * i i ^ i i * 0 — * — a — 0 — to -\ / V \> 1» u p-M I* K-! I- -#_£- We have left the ranks of sin, of fol - ly and shame, .... And thro' faith in Him a -lone we vie - to - ry claim 1 We will gath - er with the saints who e - vil o'er - came;.... j_ t J i> J > t- . > : J_'-5_^,- s --j, We love our Cap-tain's cause And o-be-di-ent un - to His laws, He loves the faith -ful few, Loves the tried, the cour-a-geous and true, Our joys will be com-plete, When we of - fer our crowns at His feet, ^P-^_F_to-to- D. S.-We'resure to gain t IN foe / I f, For His prom-ise en - dur-eth for aye, Chorus. £ h- ^v^- .Fink -to— We will con-quer in theSav-ior's name. As soldiers for the right, We 're . As sol- diers for the right, We're TFe will con-quer in the Sav-ior's name. M M ----- -p - > to - ■ i 1 bound to win the fight, To tri-umph o-verper-se-cu-tion and flame; bound to win the fight, thro' the L amb, 1^ 157 True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted. Frances R. Havergal. m COPYRIGHT. 1890. BY IRA D. SANKEY. USED BY PER. OF THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO, OWNERS. 1 — , — i 1 Geo. G. StebBins. — I «"» 1. True-hearted, whole-hearted, faith-ful and loy - al, King of our lives, by Thy 2. True-hearted, whole-hearted,full-est al -le-giance,Yield-ing henceforth to our 3. True-hearted,whole-hearted,Sav-ior all glo-rious! Take Thy great pow-er and m S3 3=# 3=s grace we will be; Un-der thestand-ard ex-alt - ed and roy- al, Strong glo - ri - ous King; Val-iant en-deav - or and lov - ing o - be-dience, Free- reign there a - lone, 0 - ver our wills and af-fec - tions vic-to-rious, Free- t Hf-fl - f g +- L- S b' r - L r ' T - Chorus. m y i±3: in Thy strength we will bat-tie for Thee, ly and joy-ous - ly now would we bring. Peal out the watch- word! si - lence it It sur - ren-dered and wholly Thine own. p ea i si-lence ^ ^ J . * j>- g -f- - F- -p +--^r" 30C 3t nev-er! Song of ourspir-its re - joic - ing and free; Peal out the Song re-joic-ing and free; Peal re-joic-ing ar u _ I _ H lives, bj F loy - al K M mg Mm * - t v £5 158 G. Austin Miles. He is Mine. COPYRIGHT 1912 8V HALL MACK CO- h Lincoln Had. 1. There is a Shepherd who cares for his own, And he is mine; Noth-ing am 2. Je - sus left heav-en my Sav-ior to be ; And he is mine; I am not 3. There is a Com-fort-er come from a-bove, He, too, is mine, Coming to $ 1 1 4- -4 1 1—1 — « — -W — a ! — 1 tq N L 0 — 1 L 4 -« ■* -« ? a — ¥ — -S — -*i — « — j it I, he's a King on a throne, But he is worth all he suffered for me, But he is me to re-veal Je-sus' love, And that is mine; How he can love such a mine: Tho' I'm not worthy he mine; Shepherd and Savior, and 4=t i sin - ner as I, Tho' he is dwells in my heart, And he is Com-for-ter, too, They all are a...... I can-not fathom tho' oft-en I try, mine; From him I'll nev-er,no nev-er de-part, mine; That's why I know the old story is true, 1- Chorus. -it -Si: But he is mine. "For he is mine. They all are mine. He is .A. %L pate r mine He He is mine m Tho' all un-wor-thy, I know He is mine, He mine; Tho* it is won-der-ful,yet it is true, That He is mine. yes, He is mine; 1 — h is 1 -f mine: i FrH i" 1 1 1 1 3» 159 m a Pilgrim. Mary S. B. Dana. Duet. COPYRIGHT, 1911. BY RODEHEAVER HERBERT. HOMER A RODEHEAVER. OWNER. J.B.ifterbert. -4- 3=5 1. I'm a pil-grim, and I'm a stran - ger, I can tar - ry, I can 2. Of that cit - y to which I jour - ney, My Re - deem-er, my Re- 3. There the sun- beams are ev - er shin - iog, 0 my long-ing heart, my mm J S 8 1= tar - ry but a night! Do not de - tain me, for I am go - ing, deem-er is the Light; There is no sor - row, nor an - y sigh - ing, long-ing heart is there; Here in this coun - try, so dark and drear - y ■G E W- — *— ^-i>- L p — 8 1? B— ^r^t-i- Chorus. i i h h h To where the fountains are ev - er flow - ing. Nor an - y tears there, nor an - y dy - ing. I'm a pil-grim, and I'm a I long have wandered for-lorn and a wea - ry. rs\— t-9 9 — ^— -G> ■ P * -1 — 1 — V± s 8 : : : : ; stran - ger, I can tar - ry, I can tar - ry but a night! I'm a jp. _ — f^_^*- j_ — t — b — b — [_ — -p — F-JC f v. pil-grim, and I'm a stran-ger, I can tar - ry, \ \ \> V V I can tar - rybut a night! .* — « i gives me can nev - er be told, And I say from my heart as be- £ g i V— 1 1 N- N I s I s =1 — t- U Pip fore Him I bow, "I nev - er loved my Je - sus as I love Him now." 161 S. F. SmitK, America, English, 1. My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib-er - ty, Of thee I sing: Land where my 2. My na-tivecountry,thee,Landoftheno-blefree,ThynameI love; I love thy 3. Let mu-sic swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal 4. Our father's God! to Thee,Au-thor of lib - er - ty, To Thee we sing: Long may our >- -J- i-t-9 fa-thers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring! rocks andnlls,Thy woods and templed hills;My heart with rapture thrills Like that a-bove. tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake;Let rocks their silence break,The sound prolong land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might,Great God,our King, »■ f- -f-.-f-* -f- - f- -O- J^i ^ ^ -g- J-2- -j - J Elijah's God Still Lives. t R. Re?. COPYRIGHT. 1902. BY W. GRUM. HOMER A RODEHCAVER, OWNER. Rev. W. Grnm. 5 # T3 * 1. E - li - jah made a sac - ri-fice To of - fer to Je - ho - vah; 2. E - li - jah's God still lives to-day, And an-swers still by fire; 3. E - li - jah's God still lives to-day, And an-swers still in pow-er; 0-0 pi k if M Ml i : J S : J. L « * — g-^-frr*-g^— J 1 j J fc=fc It had been wet with wa- ter thrice, Baal's sac-ri- fice was o - ver; My friend, just let Him have His way, He'll grant your heart's de - sire, As when E - li - jah pray'd for rain, God answer'd with a show-er; a** E - li - jah pray'djthe fire came down, And lick'd the wa - ter alTaround, Con - sume the sac - ri - fice you make And bid your slumb'ring soul awake, If you would have your soul refresh 'd With rain that falls from heav - en, And doubting ones be-liev'd and found E ■ And chains of in - bred sin will break, E ■ You must pray thro' like all the rest, And (0 s 0: h r— *• — 0-^ — •4V '• li-jah's God li-jah's God show-ers shall was liv is liv be giv mg. ing. en. -0— JEE£ p— V Chorus. i^.JJ. trf-in — h i J 1 . J*-J i E - li - jah's God still ives to - day, To take the guilt of sin a-way; h $ J f f r f t p- » . :p f_4- p Elijah's God Still Lives. N b PS S3 And when I pray my heart's de-sire, Up - on my soul He sends down fire. 0- 0~ t-0 * P~ *— r 0 0—0 — 0 s ^ m I 0 0' 0 | 0 0 • r: : s ' V V 163 E. P. Stites. !f hi J t V V f V Trusting Jesus, That is All. r BIGLOW & H NEW YORK, i t=F* COPYRIGHT. 1876. BY BIGLOW & MAIN. THE BIGLOW & MAIN CO. NEW YORK. OWNERS, _£- r _( -V 5 Ira D. San&ey. S3 33 1. Simp - Iy trust - ing ev - 'ry day, Trust-ing thro' a storm -y way; 2. Bright ly doth His Spir - it shine In - to this poor heart of mine; 3. Sing - ing, if my way is clear; Pray-ing, if the path is drear; 4. Trust-ing Him while life shall last, Trust - ing Him till earth is past; is* sac 5 E - ven when my While He leads I If in dan - ger, Till with -in the faith is small, Trust-ing can - not fall, Trust-ing for Him call, Trust-ing jas - per wall, Trust-ing Je - sus, that Je - sus, that Je - sus, that Je - sus, that -#- is all is all is all is all : Chorus. o_k^_ _N 5 r Trust-iDg as the mo-ments fly, Trust - ing as the days g« by; 1/ &b$-i_ — pa — | -1 * Jr- 1 k ^ Trust - ing Him what-e er I fall, Trust - ing is all. S7\ * Je - sus, that I 164 Face to Face. Mrs. Frank A. Brect. COPYRIGHT. 1B99. BY TULLAR-MEREDiTH CO. Grant Colfax TnJIar. ^2i = -i k — f^-K — I— Uj fj==& h S | | q 1. Face to face with Christ my Sav - ior, Face to face how can it be; 2. On - ly faint-ly now I see Him, With the dark-ling veil be-tween; 3. What re - joic-ing in His pres-ence, When are ban-ished grief and pain! 4. Face to face— 0 bliss-ful mo-ment! Face to face to see and know; few— P — P P # # n 2 ^— i M?-4 — I*- 9 — « — » — # — # — » — 1 y < ] y v v i. 1 -! 1- — * — k — l» I MM i — f\ — -h — V When with rapt - ure I be - hold Him, Je-sus Christ who died for me? But a bless - ed day is com - ing,When His glo - ry shall be seen. When the crooked ways are straight-ened, And the dark things shall be plain 1 Face to face with my Re-deem - er, Je-sus Christ, who loves me so. -0 — # eeeeeee — f- Chorus. J h h h — r-i ^ — h > k . , ^- Face to face shall I be - hold Him, Far be-yond the star-ry sky; ? — V — — v — V- v v V 1 ^ «— 0. 0 b S 9 9 Face to face in all His glo - ry, I shall see Him by and by! • — •- — 1 * — 0 — * — 0 •— 1 ¥ V v -1 fL k 9 b ! L ~fl I Am Ready, Are You? COFYRIGHT, 1913. BY CHAS. H, GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. t: fe=t==t==t t-m 1 8 — »r 5 1. There is need of deep - er con - se - era - tion To the work the 2. Not with trump - et blast or flam - ing ban - ner, That the world our 3. Might-y works are wait - ing for the faith - ful, But, a - las, the : : V 9 ? V 1 Mas - ter bids us do; He has called us, and the way is o - pen,— work of love may view, But with deep hu-mil-i-ty in ser-vice,— loy - al ones are few Who, re - nounc-ing self, take up the bur -den, — Chorus. 3* 3EjC I am read - y— are you? I am read-y, . . I am read-y, here am I; I re-ply; I am read-y and I will be true; I am read-y,.. Here am I; J&JL 0— -0—0 t t i t I am read - y, . . I am read-y for the work — are you? I re-ply; 166 Fanny J„ Crosby. My Savior First of All. COPYRIGHT. 1891 BY JNO, R. SWENEY. USED BY PER. OF MRS. L. E. SWENEY. F*_^_ * w _ !S Jno. R. Sweney. 5E £=t= When my life work is end - ed, and I cross the swell-ing tide, When the 0 the soul-thrill-ing rapt- ure when I view His bless-ed face, And the 0 the dear ones in glo - ry, how they beck-on me, to come, And our Thro' the gates to the cit - y, in a robe of spot-less white He will V 1/ V V : : ; ; r: ^3 1/ 1/ bright and glorious morning I shall see, I shall know my Re-deem-er when I lus - ter of Hiskind-lybeam-ing eye; Howmy full heart will praise Him for the part - ing at the riv - er I re - call; To the sweet vales of E-den they will lead me where no tears will ev-er fall; In the glad song of a - ges I shall r k— 1 P i i i i ' '* i reach the oth ■ er side, And His smile will be the first to wel-come me. mer - cy, love and grace, That pre-pare for me a man-sion in the sky. sing my wel-come home; But I long to meet my Sav - ior first of all. min - gle with de-light; But I long to meet my Sav - ior first of all. Chorus. I shall know Him, I shall know Him, And redeem'd by His side I shall stand. I shall know Him 9_ My Savior First of All. SEE SS ■« — d— w i> v v v ' - ' * *■ r I shall know Him ,1 shall know Him By the print of the nails in His hand. I shall know Him, * % £ e 9 ^ t - — at 167 He Did So Much For Me, Rev.W, C.Poole. 1— TS COPYRIGHT. 1914, 8Y HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. H A. Henry. fa t?r< 1. There is One whose love un - meas - ured Reached down to me one day, 2. There is One who guides me ev - er In paths I do not know; 3. Now my heart is glad -ly sing - ing, While on my up -ward way, s s •# ■ ■» *• 3 U -0- w » ^. .0. And 0, that love, so treas-ured, Washed all my sins a - way. His love— it fails me nev - er, With Him I glad - ly go. Its praise to Him is bring - ing A - new each hap - py day. -o- -!•- Chorus. For He did so much for me, Yes, He did so much forme; : S S z- zz..-<: ^1 fe-V-fc— £H L-fP f— - I will praise His name for - ev - er, For He did so much for me. — 5?- 168 Tfie Haven of Rest. H. L. Gi'moar. USED BY PER. DR. H. U GILMOUR. Geo. D. Moore. h 1 I £4 3 1. My soul in sad ex - ile was out on life's sea, So bur-dened with 2. I yield - ed my - self to His ten - der em-brace, And faith tak - ing 3. The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, Has been the old 4. How pre - ciousthe tho't that we all may re - cline,Like John the be- 5. 0 come to the Sav - ior,He pa - tient-ly waits To save by His EES m J-4- sin and dis-tressed, Till Iheardasweetvoicesaying,"Makemeyourchoice;" hold of the Word, My fet-ters fell off, and I anchored my soul; Of Je - sus, who'll savewho-so-ev - er will have On Je-sns' strong arm, where no tempest can harm,- Come, an-chor your soul in the"Ha-ven of Rest," IS JS_ sto - ry so blest, lov - ed and blest, pow-er di - vine; D.S.— The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; Fine Chorus ' And The A Se And 3* 9 -&-m I en-tered the Ha - ven of Rest. "Ha- ven of Kest" is my" Lord, home in the "Ha - ven of Kest." cure in the "Ha - ven of Rest." say, "My be - lov - ed is mine," $=t — r— 1~ I've an - chored my Je - sus Vm safe ev-er - more. 9 -m- i w D.S. I in the"Ha - ven of rest," I'll sail the wide seas no more; 169 P. P. Bliss. Once For AIL USED BY PER. P. P. Bliss. k b b 1. Free from the law, 0, hap - py con - di • tion, Je - sus hath 2. Now are we free— there's no con-dem - na - tion, Je - sus pro- 3. "Chil-dren of God, 5 " 0 glo - ri - ous call - ing, Sure - ly His P-± 9 0 0-» 0- 0. jjg-k k- b Li Ml f : 3BI bled, and there is re - mis-sion, Curs'dby the law and bruis'd by the vides a per- feet sal - va-tion;"Come un - to Me,"*0, hear His sweet grace will keep us from fall - ing; Pass-ing from death to life at His - g— g— p ±t=f— k— E3fl I— k— k-4 z: Chorus. fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all. call, Come, and He saves us once for all. Once for all, 0, sin-ner re- W- ft ? i r— r «=± t— i - mLv 1=1 £=4 ceive it, Once for all, 0, broth -er, [be* fieve it; Cling to the i S—f i I ' ' ' * IS h , 1 , n -9—9—9 p-^-hd K4~i — i — H Cross, the b f — — #-i k *k ur - den will ^£-£ fall, Christ hath re-d -0- t r P > ; J ;- $ — j_i eem'd us once for ^-N k k k H k k k 170 Everywhere I Go lames Rowe. Alt. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Ckas. E. Gabriel, Jr. — — I — ■ V ¥ 1. The lost shall hear the stor - y of my Sav-ior's love for me! 2. Too prec-ious is the stor - y for my heart to keep a - lone, 3. I'll praise Him while I'm liv - ing in this wil-der-ness of strife; IN m m m IN ^ ^ h -#- V — r — I? — V His won-drous mer-cy , truth and grace the way - ward throng must know; So man - y oth-ersneed to know it who are sink - ing low; Al - though a life's de - vo - tion can- not pay the debt I owe; !_ — ^ — j- — 9 — j — j — #— s — m — 0 — -#- — 0 — #=~i The world shall hear of Christ, the Lord,who died to set me free, And so my bless - ed Sav - ior and His good - ness shall be known, But, by and by, in Heav'n with Him thro' an e - ter - nal life, IN - # -#- # !Nr\isiN-«--#- -#- v- % - ft — • — 1 — p— 3 Be - cause I'll mag-ni - fy and praise Him ev - 'ry- where I go. Be - cause I'll mag-ni - fy and praise Him ev • 'ry - where I go. My on - ly theme for - ev - er more shall be— He lov'd me so! emu L L L — | — L C I f T t Then, ev -'ry- where I go with joy I'll tell it! My heart with songs of Everywhere I Go. grate ful praise to Him shall o - ver-flow! Yes, ev • 'ry-where I go 1 *- -0- -W - -P - -p— I r — j ^ joy I'll tell it, Be-cause I want this dy - ing world to know. 6^ 171 Jno. R. Clements. Just Abide. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B. Acfcley. I 5 1. Is the day's load heav - y? Just a - bide; And the day's road 2. Is the life's song min- or? Just a - bide; And the night long, i 3. Is the day's heat blight-ing? Just a - bide: p£; — 4 And the worn feet I _p _a. *~ — ston star ■ wea y? Just a - less? Just a - ry? Just a - bide; bide; bide; If your heart is grow-ing wea - ry, And your Nev -er cloud but sil - ver lin - ing; For the Pil-grim songs in notes all thrill - ing, All the -- 33 is grey and is some-where with rapt - . ure drear-y; Just a - bide, and keep on a - bid - ing. shin -ing, Just a - bide, and keep on a - bid - ing. fill -ing; Just a - bide, and keep on a - bid - ing. 5=g==fc-*«— kg— r— nr 172 Throw a Line, I. N. McHose. BY J. H. KURZENKNABE. I. N. McHose. 1. 'Mid the lightning's lu - rid flash, And the thunder's start-ling crash There are 2. 'Mid the breakers near the coast They will sure- ly all be lost, If the 3. Yes, the line that we will use, Is the one the Sav - ior chose, With the 4. When the storms of life are past, And we're land-ed safe at last, We shall 3= i» • • — * • -• • . -»• *--\ — $ I V — v voic - es call-ing loud for help - ing hands; Shall sig - nal is not fol-lowedfor a guide; 0 scar - let thread so nice - ly in - ter-twined; It greet each oth - er by the crys - tal sea, There we nev - er heed their cry? my broth-er, lend a hand, is strong and sure, and saves no waves of troub - le roll; 15 ...fc ... . i- 3= Shall we let them sink and die? And not e - ven throw a line to them from land? Try to help them safe to land, Throw a line thatreach-es to the oth - er side. Souls that strug-gle 'mid the waves, Throw it out to all the per-ish-ing you find. There is joy in ev - 'ry soul, Saved by Je-sus' blood to all e - ter- ni - ty. Chorus. S3 V k V b Throw a line, , Throw a line, Help Throw a line, sal - va-tion's line, Throw the crim - son sav - ing line; the Throw a Line. per - ish-ing to shore, While the breakers loucMy roar; Throw a line ... Throw it out be-yond the wave, rzzn v E H v v v V I Throw a line Strong and am -pie, that will bring them to the shore. To the faint-ing ones to save 173 Where He Leads Me. E. W. Blandly. COPYRIGHT. 1890, by j. s. norris, used by permission. J. S. Norris. 4=2* 1. I can hear my Sav - ior call-ing, I can hear my Sav - ior call - ing, 2. I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him thro' the gar - den, 3. I'll go with Him thro' the judgment, I'll go with Him thro' the judg-ment, 4. He will give me grace and glo - ry, He will give me grace and glo - ry, D.C.- Where He leads me I will fol-low, Where He leads me I will fol-low, D.C. I can hear my Sav- ior call-ing,' 'Take thy cross and fol-low, fol - low Me." I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. I'll go with Him thro' the judg-ment, I'll go with Him,with Him all the way. He will give me grace and glo - ry, And go with me, with me all the way. P v P v v b I Where He leads me I willfol - low, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. 174 Oh, to be Over Yonder. Miss Florence C. Armstrong. COPfRIGHT. 1861. BYGEO. C.*STEBBINS, v 1=1 Geo. G. SteDDins. 1. Oh, to be o - ver yon - der! £ In that land of won - der, 2. Oh, to be o - ver yon - der! My yearning heart grows fond - er 3. Oh, to be o - ver yon - der! A - las! I sigh and won - der 4. Oh, when shall I be dwell - ing Where an - gel voic - es, swell - ing 5. Oh, I shall soon be yon - der, Tho' lone - ly here I wan - der, m Where the an - gel voic - es min - gle, And the an - gel har-pers ring; Of look-ing to the east, to See the bless-ed day-star bring Why clings my poor, weak sin - ful Heart to an - y earth -ly thing; In tri-umph-ant hal - Ie - lu - jahs, Make the vault-ed heav-ens ring? Yearning for the wel-come sum-mer— Long -ing for the bird's fleet wing; mm 1— ' To be free from pain and sor-row, And the anx-ious, dread to-mor-row, Some ti • dings of the wak-ing, The cloud-less, pure day breaking; Each tie of earth must sev - er, And pass a-way for - ev - er; Where the pearl - y gates are gleaming, And the morn-ing star is beam-ing? The mid-night may be drear -y, And the heart be worn and wear - y, To rest in light and sun-shine In the pres-ence of the King. My heart is yearn-ing— yearn-ing For the com -ing of the King. But there's no more sep-a-ra - tion In the pres-ence of the King. Oh, when shall I be yon - der In the pres-ence of the King. But there's no more shad-ow yon-der In the pres-ence of the King. Chorus. 0, To Be Over Yonder! 0 to be o - ver yon - der! In that land of won - der, 0 to be o - - ver yon-der, yon-der! In the land, that land ofwon-der, :?: * * r '# 0 & 0 : b * » * =Lh ^= 9 : -! 1 J^jL-to ^'-n There to There to be if.. : p_r : __ be for - ev for - er In the pres-ence of the King. fcziz=!i=p: fc E 175 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning. P. P. B. P. P. Bliss. fV 1 1. Bright-ly beams our Father's mer-cy From His light-house ev - er - more, 2. Dark the night of sin has set-tied, Loud the an - gry billows roar; 3. Trim your fee - ble lamp, my brother: Some poor sail - or temp-est-tost, — p — | p \, Ir 4 — K — ^-n — sn N ^—^-rs 1 fV— ferJ^ — * — I Kn Fine. But to us He gives the keep - ing Of the lights a - long the shore. Ea - ger eyes are watch-ing,long-ing, For the lights a - long the shore. Try - ing now to make the har - bor, In the dark-ness may be lost. BEE F= D.S. -Some poor fainting struggling sea-man You may res - cue, you may save 1 Chorus. -FV D. 5". Let the low • er lights be burn-ing! Send a gleam a - cross the wavel i 176 Ina Daley Ogdon. My Only Hope. COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY HOMER A, RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B. D. Actley. r h I s :tn=J: 33 — 1)0 — 1. My on - ly hope must be in Je - sus, To lose the bur - den of my 2. My on - ly hope must be in Je - sus, For cleansing by His prec-ious 3. My on - ly hope must be in Je - sus,No oth - er Friend of love di- -0- T=i=r- V ], V a 1 # jf ^A h ^^ t=fc^HH j — fag 1 s h — k— ^ — ^ sin; There is no oth - er pow'r to help me, A - new in blood; My faith must build up - on His prom - ise, Whose truth all vine; No oth - er sac - ri - fice be - side Him, Who made such *r f . f ,r rfr r V- ^ 7-1 Chorus. m Christ I must be - gin. tri - al has with-stood. There is great sal - va - tion mine. no oth - er Sav - ior m — se- lf b 1 h — * — - — 0 — giv - en, No oth - er hope be-yond the grave; No oth - er a* Be Hi -Is — Pt- Name in earth or heav - en, My guilt - y dy - ing soul to save. E tl:?^— w ^ f •f- 177 All the Way My Savior leads. m Fanny J. Crosby. 9 COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY MARY RuNYON LOWRY. RENEWAL. USED BY PER, Robert Lowry. 1. All the way my Sav-ior leads me; What have I to ask be - side? 2. All the way my Sav-ior leads me, Cheers each wind-ing path I tread; 3. All the way my Sav-ior leads me; 0 the ful - ness of His lovel mm b 9 r v V v \ f BE Can I doubt His ten-der mer - cy Gives me grace for ev - 'ry tri - al, Per - feet rest to me is prom-ised Who thro' life has been my guide? Feeds me with the liv - ing bread; In my Fa-ther's house a - bove; a-ic:c : if Heav'n-ly peace, di - vin-est com-fort, Tho' my wea - ry steps may fal - ter, When my spir - it,clothed,im-mor - tal, IS Here by faith in Him to dwell! And my soul a - thirst may be, Wings its flight to realms of day, I h h h v ^ v I I -A- For I know, what-e'er be Gush - ing from the Rock be This my song thro' end-less w — — fall me, fore me, a - ges- 2* Je - sus do - eth all things well; Lo! a spring of joy I see; way; m m L>q_ I I 0 « For Gush- This I know,what-e'er be - ing from the Rock be - my song thro' end-less fall me, fore me, a - ges- Je-sus do - eth all things well. Lol a spring of joy I see. Je sus led me all the way. 1 5 : ; : 178 C. H. G. Send the LigEit COPYRIGHT. 1890. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. GFias H. Gabriel. i_j — i h ^ 0— -0- -0- -9- w ~ ~ 1. There's a call comes ring-ing o'er the rest-less wave, "Send the light! 2. We have heardthe Ma - ce - do - nian call to - day, "Send the light! 3. Let us pray that grace may ev-'ry-where a-bound,"Send the light! 4. Let us not grow wea - ry in the work of love, "Send the light! I ^ | I "Send the light! is Send the light!" There are souls to res - cue, there are souls to save, Send the light}" And a gold - en off'ring at the oross we lay, Send the light!" And a Christ-like spir - it ev - 'ry-wherebe found, Send the light!" Let us gath-er jew - els for a crown a - bove, Send the light!" I i i Mi -) — 0^—f-r-\ 1- 0~* Ft ^ Chorus. Send the light ! Send the light ! Send the light! Send the light! p-fe We will spread the We will spread theev-er- V J :1 S: J-S- — 1/ P U P . With a will - ing, willing heart and hand last - ing light, With a will - - ing heart and hand,. . . Giv - ing 0-4-^-0-4 -0 ~ w w _ m _ Giv - ing God the glo - ry ev - er-more; We will f ol - low, God. the glo - ry ev er - more; We will fol-low Send the Light follow His command, j Send the light, the bless-ed gos - pel light, ( Send the light! and let its ra - diantbeam9 Kk.fc.iw/-s i Send the light, the bless-ed gos-pel light P R P R J (Send the light! and let its ra-diant beams Let it shine from shore to shore!. Light the world iorev-er - - - J mc Let it shine from shore to shore! \ LighUhe world ^_ ) I m An Evening Prayer. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER RODEHEAVER, OWNER. 179 C. Hf. Battersby. Arc. byC.H. G. Cbas. H. Gabriel 1. if i 2. If I 3. If I 4. For-give 3 -0— * 3 have wounded an-y soul to-day, If I have ut-teredi-dle words or vain, If I have been perverse or hard, or cold, If I the sins I have confessed to Thee;For-give 3 have caused one foot to have turned a-side from have longed for shelter the se-cret sins I 2 -m- f- -5-3-5 %4 -L I "r m i go a-stray, If I have walked in my own will - ful way, Dear Lord, for-givel want or pain, Lest I my-self shall suffer thro' the strain, Dear Lord, for-give! in Thy fold, When Thou hast given;me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, for-give! do not see; 0 guid e me, l ove me, and my keep - er be, £ £ £ X A-men. IS 1 h ~"» - f~"#I^~ 3? 180 Rev. I. Watts. We're Marching to Zion. COPYRIGHT PROPERTY OF MARY RUNYON LOWRY. Rev. Robert Lowrf. t=$=t r 1. Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joysbe known, Join in a song with 2. Let those re - fuse to sing Who nev-er knew our God; But children of the 3. The hill of Zi - on yields A thou-sand sacred sweets, Before we reach the 4. Then let our songs a-bound, And ev-'ry tear be dry; We're marching thro' Im- - m . A * m f- t- m fi +- A^A*. A A A r ■ # m — m sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, |heav'n-ly King, But chil-dren of the heav'nlyKing, May speak their joys abroad, heav'n-ly fields, Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Or walk the gold-en streets, manuel's ground, We're marching thro* Immanuel's ground, To fair - er worlds on high, And thus surround the throne, And thus A A A 0 ±JL*- jL±L # — » — Ir- t=tc t— tn — Chorus. S3? 5 S: *3 And thus surround the throne. May speak their joys abroad. We're marching to Zi-on, Beau - ti-ful, beau-ti-ful Or walk the gold-en streets. To fair - er worlds on high. Bur - round the throne. We're marching on to Zi - on, ~„ A AAA A A*-* FT Zi-on; We're marching upward to Zi - on, The beau-ti - ful cit - y of God. Zi-on, Zi-on, :tzzztz_U_k otces 181 The Church in the Wildwood w. s. p. Dr. Wm. S. Pitts. 1. There's a church in the val-ley by the wild-wood, No lov - 11 - er 2. How sweet on a clear, Sab-bath morn-ing, To list to the 3. There, close by the church in the val - ley, Lies one that I 4. There, close by the side of that loved one, 'Neath the tree where the F4=¥ m 1 — r-* % IS m V- so dear p=^p-« ^ place in the dale; No spot is so dear to clear ring-ing bell; Its tones so sweet-ly are call - ing, Oh, loved so well; She sleeps, sweet-ly sleeps 'neath the wil - lows; Dia- wild flow-ers bloom, When the fare-well hymn shall be chant - ed, I 6hall my are child-hood As the D. S. — spot is so dear to my child - h -spot Fine. is so dear to Chorus. ft « mi/ cfo'Zi - Aood As the fs |S IS |S I Fine. k IS tr-f lit- tie brown church in the vale, come to the church in the vale, turb not her rest in the vale, rest by her side in the tomb Come to the Oh, come, come, come, come, come, come, S - s * j ~ j a m lit-tle brown church in the vale fs N K S f, K 4.1 d 1 J l -j-q-rj-tTpf J S *=3 •me to the church in the dale; No church in the wild - wood, Oh, come to the church in the dale; come, come, come, come, come, come,come, come, come, come, come, come, come, A * . - »• * * _ ^ — 2 — — J_ — J_ — j — JJ 182 Let God Use You, Rev. A. H. Actley. =1 COPYRIGHT. 1915 BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. CFias. H. Gabriel. 3=t 1. Let God use you to tell the old, old sto - ry; Go let thy love for 2. Let God use you! 0 list - en to His plead-ing, "I free - ly gave my 3. Let God use you! He can if you are will - ing; Let Je - sus fill you r]_-|— 1— ±-: tfrb-k — ^ — fc— ^ ^ — f *±=s=t—'^-i=3 way-ward souls be shown; There is some heart that needs a friend like Je- sus, Some life to set you free;" Is there no need of love I ought to ren - der For with His might-y pow'r; You then will find a joy in help-ing oth - ers, And sin-sick soul that stumbles on a-lone. all the sac - ri-fice He made for me? Let God use you, for souls are grow in grace and knowledge hour by hour. Let God use you, for 3*= dy - ing! Tell them of Him who saves with-out de-lay;. . The blood of precious soui:; are dying! Tell them of Him who saves with-out de-lay; — IS — i — M Je - sus life sup-ply - iDg, Let God use you to win some one to-day. The blood of Je - sus is new life sup-ply-ing, Use you to win some one to-day. • > 7 Xf f ^ r a-r-V r- ^^ m 11 ^ ^ g« m g-p.L^ • ^33 183 Wandering Child, 0 Come Home, Rem G. Bottorf. Moderate. COPYRIGHT. 1914, BY HOMER A RODEHEAVER, INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. tee Keen G. Bottorf. I 1 1 Pv fc- 1. Have you wandered a-way from your Father's care, Heav-y heart-ed and 2. Is your frail bark a-drift on life's rag - ing sea, Are you tossed on its 3. He is plead-ing to-day, heed His gen - tie voice, As He bids you no -I 1 1—- , I h-fe }t=pfc V 9 1 ■t i 4 * s: $ 1 r- r pi — 1 4-1 t> 9 • i i sad do you roam? There's a sweet, gen-tle voice call-ing now to you— bil-lows and foam? There's a safe har-bor home,wait-ing now for you— long-er to roam, To that dear Father's house haste with-out de - lay — V-l L I I v 9 J CHORUS, pp Second time. Child, come home, Wand'ring child,wand'ring child,0 come home. Child, come home, child, come — i^- WF I =i=F=W Child, come home, 1 — i — h child, come home, Wand'ring child, why long - er roam? home, Wand'ring child, why long - er roam? 'Tis thy Sal j i J. ? — ~ : Wand'ring child, 0. come home, come home. 1— r— r-p 1 L i — -1 — i — 'Tis thy Fa-ther now en- Fa - ther en-treats— Wand'ring child, come home, come home, Wand'ring child, 0 come home tlA A J jl ii f=f=i 184 W. C. Martin. My Anchor Holds. COPYRIGHT. 1902. BY D. B, TOWNER. CHARLES M. ALEXANDER OWNER. ARR, COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY CHARLES M ALEXANDER, INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. D. B. Towner: v—f- %± 1 1. Tho' the an - gry sur - ges roll On my tem - pest driv-en soul, 2. Might -y tides a-bout me sweep, Per - ils lurk with -in the deep; 3. Troub-les al - most whelm the soul, Griefs like bil - lows o'er me roll; I J. J M I r J -fe 4= " I am peace - ful, for I know, Wild-ly tho' the winds may blow, An -gry clouds o'er-shade the sky, And the tem - pest ris - es high; Tempters seek to lure a - stray, Storms ob-scure the light of day: V I 1 1 E I've an an - chor safe and sure, And in Christ I shall en - dure Still I stand the tempest's shock, For my an - chor grips the rock But in Christ I can be bold, — I've an an - chor that shall hold -I — I- Chorus. w V V ' r I "1 And it holds, my an - chor holds; Blow your wild - est, then, ye And it holds my an - chor holds; Blow your wild^^— ^ e8t m v w gale, On my bark so small and frail; I shall nev - er, nev - er then ye gale, 0- n :| fcz 3= b—t=z 4— «— 1= My AncFior Holds. i fail For my an - chor holds, my an - chor holds. For my an - chor holds, it firm - ly holds, James Rowe. Just Outside tlie Door. COPYRIGHT. 1912, BY B. D. ACKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. -I 1. Oh, wea - ry soul, the gate is near, In sin why still a - bide? 2. For - give - ness Je - sus will im-part— To save your soul He died; 3. The day of life is pass-ing by, Soon night your soul will_hide; 4. Come in, be free from chains of sin, Be glad, be sat - is - fied; m Both peace and rest are wait-ing here And you are just -out- How can you still of - fend His heart, By stay - ing just out- And then "too late" will be your cry, If you are just out Be - fore the tem-pest breaks, come in, And leave your past out- t i ■side, side? ■sidel side. -v I I 1 Just out-side the dcor, just out-side the door, Be - hold it stands a Just out-side the door, just out-side the door, So near and yet so far! 186 A. W. S. Sometime, Somewhere. COPYRIGHT. 1913. BY THE RODEHEAVER CO. V 1. An - gels are al - ways sing - ing, Somewhere, somewhere, Joy-bells are 2. Peace like a riv - er is flow - ing, Somewhere, somewhere, God His full 3. Home is a-wait-ing God's chil-dren, Somewhere, somewhere, Bright golden - 0— r»- m ^-i r -T0- Arthur W. Spooner. 13 V p U V V V ev - er ring-ing, Somewhere, somewhere;Somewhere the sun is shin-ing, par-don be-stow-ing, Somewhere, somewhere; 0 - ver the hill-topsof glo - ry, crowns will be giv-en, Somewhere, somewhere; Then the glad harps will be sounding 0 0' ,0 -. w fV— r-£ ^— £~ k d— 0 -- w. 0 r E - ven in dark-est night; Cease then your sad re - pin-ing,Soon will your Shine the fair streets of gold; Won - der-ful,won-der-ful sto - ry, Nev-er has Round the white throne on high; Heav-en with praises re-sound-ing,Nev-er-more 0*-+ "1 ry p— ?z E Chorus Ft E-t= sky be bright. half been told. Some-time, . . . Some-where, . . God will make all come pain or sigh. Some-time, Some-where, Sib m 4M- ■M=tt =* ± r-r- right, . . . Sometime* . . Somewhere, . . . Skies will be al-ways bright. right, come right, Sometime,somewhere, up there, I M I 1> n l 187 Jesus Loves Even Me. P. P. B. COPYRIGHT 1902. BY JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, USED BY PERMISSION. P. P. Bliss. i i i i I am so glad that our Fa - ther in heav'n Tells of His love in the Tho' I for-get Him and wan-der a - way, Still He doth love me wher- Oh, if there's on - ly one song I can sing, When in His beau - ty I $ — k— k 1 Book He has giv'n; Won - der - ful things in ev - er I stray; Back to His dear lov see the Great King, This shall my song in ♦ the Bi - ble I see, ing arms would I flee, e - ter - ni - ty be: h h h h i I Chorus. -J- -#- £=fc s -4- -4- -#- • * ^ J" This is the dear-est, that Je - sus loves me. When I re-mem - ber that Je - sus loves me. 'Oh, what a won - der that Je - sus loves me. I am so glad that .i> i> rr 4-^ r-t -r-a I' p P Je - sus loves me, Je-sus loves me, Je - sus loves me; ± h f i 5- 4H— - * 0 e - ven me. m 188 Looking On the Bright Side. Georgie Tillman Snead. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY CHAS. h. GABRIEL. Chas. H. Gabriel, r r rr r 1. Look-ing on the bright side, trust-ing all to Him; Lean-ing on theSav-ior 2. Look-ing on the bright side, ev - 'ry pass-ing day, We can cheer a trav -'ler 3. Look-ing on the bright side, tho' the shadows fall, God, with-in the shad-ow ^Eb *-?-? I I — — — F when the light is dim, Tho' the way be thorn-y and the mountain steep, on the nar-row way; We can tell the sto - ry, tell of Him our Guide, watcheth o - ver all; He is near His chil-dren, shields from ov-'ry foe, iiii — * g. S— - Join the ringing chorus.wave them proudly o'er us,Pure white ribbons,hurrah! hurrah! i Join the ringing chorus, wave them proudly o'er us,Pure white ribbons,hurrah! hurrah! ■» k i»-S.S::r» 190 Ada BlentFiorn. The Heavenly Stranger. COPYRIGHT, 1914. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Ctas. H. Gabriel. r 1. No warm do wn-y pil-low His sweet head pressed, No soft silk-en garments Hia 2. No jub - i - lant clang of re - joic-ing bell The glo - ri - ous news to the 3. All hail to Thee, Je-sus, ThouHo-ly One! All hail to Thee, Je-sus! Je- fair form dressed; He lay in a man-ger,thisheav -en - ly Stranger, The world did tell; But an - gels from glo-ry sang sweet-ly the sto - ry Of ho - vah's Son; While an-gels a - dore Thee, we'll wor-ship be - fore Thee,Our 5 i Chokus. (With Violin Ob.) precious Lord Je-sus, the won-der -ful Child, f Thou heav-en-ly Strang - er Bethlehem's Stranger, the Sav-ior of men. I We'll wor-ship be - fore Thee, bless- edMes-si-ah, our Sav-ior and Cing. J P . f so gen-tle and mild, Tho* born in a man - ger, and praise and a - dore Thee, ^ . f t^-tt .n ff f f -nt 4 t-2- Father's own child; + AAA And sing the glad sto - ry a-gain and a - gain. A >- H 4£ » » * m ! ! r ■ -St 0 191 Swing Song. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY ACKLEY S. RODEHEAVER. Edith Sanford TillotSOn. HOMER A RODEHEAVER. OWNER, B. D. Actles. 6: 1. Who wants to travel to Tree Top Land? Who wants to ride with a jol - ly band? 2. Who wants to see where the Robin lives? Who wants the pleasure that flying gives? 3. Who wants to peep into Cloudland bright? Who wants to follow the sunbeams' light? .36: I — 1 — f" l 1~i L 1 — r J 4 I - i — — I -* Who likes to rise like a bird on the wing? Come and we'll go in the swing! Who loves to hear what the soft breezes sing! Come then with us in the swing! Come then,the fare is the song that we bring,Come take a trip in the swing! 1 — I — I — r Chorus. — I— 25 Off we go— to and fro, Swinging,swinging, swing - ing; 0 what fun- 1 ±= :EEEEH swing-mg, swmg-ing, 1 ev-'ry one, Singing,singing,sing-ing; Merry lay— laughter gay,Ringing,ringing, rkfax EE J — I- pa*? 4* ring - ing; Light and free as the birds are we! 0, the joy of swing-ing! ring - ing, ring-ing, ,-rf; 192 Ida L Reed. Swing, Little Blossoms. COPYRIGHT 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVE.R. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Cfias. H. Gabriel. 3 ■* *T * ■* V 3 1. Swing, lit-tleblos-soms, the sun-shine is fall-ing In - to your gold-en hearts; 2. Swing, lit-tleblos-soms, the sun-beams and shad-ows Are play-ing at hide and 3. Swing,lit-tleblos-soms, each gold-en heart lift-ing, Filled with the morn-ing light m EE i dew - y and sweet, Lift up your heads, lo,the warm winds are call - ing, seek, hap-py"and free, Flit the wild birds, as they sing, o'er the mead-ows, gemmed with the dew, High, high a - bove you the white clouds are drif t-ing, Chorus. m± As they sweep o'er you with joy - ful wings fleet. Songs of thanks-giv - ing as glad as can be. May-times glad glo - ry ar - rays earth a - new. Swing, JUfc swing, m -£- lit-tle blos-soms, swing, As'neath the sunshine your golden hearts glow, Swing, EE swing, little blossoms, s»ioj, Breathing loin's fragrance, swing high and swing low J ^ i *Motion song for a group of children, each swinging in unison a cluster of flowers. Words suggest motions. J 193 Working Togetfier. Francis McKinnon Morton. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. Cf>as. H. Gabriel. -i ' - i 1. If some lit - tie sun-beam, so warm and bright, Should say that he 2. If some lit - tie rose - bud, so pink and fair, Should say that she 3. If some lit - tie bird in the tree top tall Re - fus - es to 4. If some lit - tie child— oh, I hope not you— Should say that he 5. Then is it not bet - ter to do our share, Each one in his r would not shine, would not bloom, sing to - day, would not smile, own good way? Then some lit - tie flow - er that loved the light In Then some lit - tie boy, or a girl so dear, Would Then life will be sad - der for each and all Who Then some one that loves you, so kind and true, Must Then the birds and chil-dren, and sun-beams fair Will , HP- i m w=cm- Chobds. m dark-ness would droop and pine, miss all its sweet per-fume. pass thro' the wood-land way. grieve for it all the while, be with the flow'rs so gay. Working to-geth - er, oh, that is the 4 i m r Help - ingeach oth - er from day to day— We'll work and we'll way! 4 i — f t * + - =r«4 I '—I t sing, And our serv - ice we'll bring, And then for God's bless-ing we'll pray 4 S±5 1 •I" *This may be used for a class of little girls, or girls and boys— each stanza to be sung as a solo by a different child, and all joining in the chorus. 194 H. L. All We Can. COPYRIGHT, 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Baldor Lillenas. On - ly lit - tie hands have we, But we do our best, On - ly lit - tie feet have we, Walk-ing day by day, On - ly lit-tle tongues have we, But we will em-ploy On - ly lit - tie ears have we, But we glad - ly hear On - ly lit-tle hearts have we, But we free - ly give We would use them Where the Mas-ter Them in speak-ing That sweet sto - ry Them to Je - sus for the Lord, He will do the rest, lead-eth us In the nar-row way. for the Lord— That will be our joy, of the love Of our Sav-ior,dear. that we may Al-ways for Him live. J — All we can we will do, How much § *— L 5 — 1 — * — ■■ sJ- 11 more than that can you do? All we can we will do For the bless-ed Lord. 195 Jewels, W. O. Cashing. COPYRIGHT 1902. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. USED BY PERMISSION. Geo. F. Root. 1 r-2-i 3. V f When I All j He \ All f Lit - 1 Are b 'II He com-eth,whenHe com-eth To make up His jew - els, His jew-els, pre-cious jew-els, His loved and His [Omit. .] will gath-er, He will gath-er The gems for His king-dom; the pure onos, all the bright ones, His loved and His [Omit. .] tie chil-dren, lit-tle chil-dren, Who love their Re-deem - er, the jew - els, pre-cious jew - els; His loved andHis[ Omit. .] own, own. own. m Jewels. in mmm iM . Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown a-dorn-ing, 1 They shall shine in their beauty, [ Omit ] J Bright gems for His crown i j » * m t=P— t=— 1| — | — j — tp=t^-tf=t: r - r ±2_. 196 Miriam E. Arnold. Busy For Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Chas. H. Gabriel, Jr. 1. Je - sus wants these lit - tie i feet, Read - y for His serv - ice sweet; 2. Je - sus wants 3 each lit-tle ear, Quick His words of love to hear, 3. Je - sus wants these lit - tie 5 eyes, Filled with glad-ness from the skies, 4. Je - sus wants this lit - tie 6 heart, Wants it all, not just a part; 5 ' r r * t r Lit - tie 2 hands He needs you,too, Deeds of love for Him to do. And these 4 lips to speak and sing, Tell - ing oth - ers of my King. And to read the Bi - ble, too; There I learn His will to do. 7 Now I give it all to Thee, Je - sus, for You first loved me. J — 4- 4- m Chorus. 1— p^i — F« — 3 — a — j — F?— 3 — g Bus - y may I J t i i ev - er -• rC- Je - sus dear, in serv-iog Thee; a*: 5£ HP 3 r - Shin - ing like the sun's bright ray, Driv-ing all the clouds a 2*fe J-4 way. i Motions— 1 Point to feet; 2 Spread hands; 3 Touch ears; 4 Touch lips; 5 Point to 6 Place hands on heart; 7 Raise eyes and let two last lines be used as a prayer. eyes; 197 Song To the Flag. COPYRIGHT. 1910. BY ACKLEY & RODEHEAVER. E ditFl SanforJ TillotSOn, HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. ffil mm * — « — -f.~w 1. Ban - ner bright with thy col - ors shin - ing o'er us, 2. Crim - son bars, you can speak to us of cour - age, 3. Star-gemmed flag, may thy chil - dren long re - mem - ber, 3?* y—t 'f— »-» • *• Dear bright flag and the em - blem of the free Snow - y white, give us peace - ful hearts and pure, What great price has been paid thy folds to 3 3£ Hearts beat high when we Loy - al blue, may our May we live to be n see thee wave a - bove us lives in truth be ground - ed wor - thy of thy keep - ing, m Free - dom's sign art So we'll wear our May we show thee — f— r— *- thou o - ver land, o - ver sea: col - ors while time shall en - dure: hon - or, de - vo - tion and praise. to star - ry ban - ner Staunch and Song To the Flag. strong we'll stand to col - ors true, Day by day we'll serve with — # # # # # 0 3=8=5 2=t best en-deav - or, Life's al - le-giance give to the red, white and blue. # — » — r r — r — ^ — ' — i r ' * k U Chorus last time, or may be used after each verse if desired. r ■ -r 1 i 1— Three cheers for the red, white and blue £ ? f f f , £ Three -pi 35 cheers for the red, white and blue, The ar - my and na - vy for ¥ — r- Three cheers for the red, white and blue. orus jfelertiotis 198 The House That Stood the Storm. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER & HERBERT. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. J. B. Herbert. *7 i-*ti-i— i== ^ V 1 1 Who - so - ev - er hear - eth these say - ings of mine, Who - so • ev - er D.C.-"Who - so - ev - er hear - eth these say - ings of mine, Who - so - ev - er V V I ■■ U V hear - eth these say - ings of mine, and do - eth them not, and hear - eth these say - ings of mine, and do - eth them well, and s i a 5 do-eth them not, shall be lik-ened un-to a foolish man, which built his do-eth them well, shall be lik-ened un-to a wise man, which built his ^" V^ £ £ — £ — £ ' T b- — i t— b— b— i 13 ? 1 ^ 1 1 I I I Fine. house up - on house up - on the sand." " a rock." And the rains de-scend-ed, and the n 1 1 i-Uu » The House That Stood the Storm. i F k -^-^ Q ^^- ^ r — floods came, and the winds.... blew,. - t i - ' ! j s $ * s the winds.... blew and H — F * m * — m fie 9—.S ' l—i = 9~i " 5 r beat, and beat up - on that honse.and beat np - on that house, And it £ f £ f g f £ g g g g g g g g g g g ^ -g-g k — R tz — t — / — 1 k k- $ W. 3^ very ddibemdy. D.C. m fell!. k 5 it fell!., and., great was the fall thero - of." -^□ir-^ • ^* • t>-i-^=r EE3 trr 0 U— g— J— f 3 £7 fell not! i And it fell not! for it was found-ed*up - on a T It , siower. s rock! For it was founded up - on a rockf op - on a rock! '-a rock!. 199 «rown Him! C. H. G. J 1- COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. J 1- Cfias. H. Gabriel. 1. All hail thepow'r of Je - sus'name! Let men and an -gels loud pro-claim 2. All hail thepow'r of Je - sus'namel To seek and save the lost He came 3. All hail the pow'r of Je - sus' name! Mine,mine shall be the tears of shame 0—+ mm. HE ~l— h] — m p #— f-J — H The won-ders of His works and ways, And raise to Him un - end - ing praise; To earth a Stranger, and un-known, A ran - som for His lov'd,His own; That such a Sav - ior was de - nied,Was scoHrgcd,condemned and cru-ci - fied; £=*=4 n F — i — r T| 4_ 6=3 He built the heav'ns,the stars He made;By Him was earth's foun-da-tion He came to break the bonds of sin, Our souls from Sa-tan's pow'r to Yet, bless-ed news— He lives a-gainl The pow'rs of dark-ness were in m - m m -9- -P~ m 'Pi laid; win; vain! Be - fore Him let He speaks — 0 hear Let all the earth all na-tions fall, And crown Him Lord of all; His right-eous call, And crown Him Lord of all; His name ex - tol, And crown Him Lord of all; *— :S: E m And And And -J- i crown Him, crown Him, Lord of all! Lord of all, Lord of all, Crown Him Lord of all,and crown Him Lord of all! \A. J. c, rown Him! St And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all! Lord of all, Lord of all! And crown Him Lord of till '1 A- I Chorus. T— 1± Crown Him! crown Him! Hon-or,love and mer-cy Won - der -'ful is He! wis-dom, pow'r and ma - jes - ty, Hon -.or, love, and m Y—f-M—f =f=F der - full Won - J-4 ma) J69 if ty! :J=?k un - to Him be - long; Crown Pirn! mer- cy a -lone to Him be - long; All earth shall yet be 'fore Him fall, Ev * *ry Won - der full Crown Him! Praise Him with a glad tri-umnh-ant soog, na - tion [shall ex - tol Him in praise with glad tri • umph-ant song. For jes ty! 9— W- ! f 1 Crown Him ! crown Him ! Shall crown Him Lord of all Lord of all, lhall crown Him Lord of all, S3 ■He .15 J -5 200 Master, the Tempest is Raging. USED BY D ER. OF H. R. PALMER. OWNER OF COPYRIGHT, R. Palmer. 1 3 r i I s 1. Mas-ter, the tem-pest is rag - ing! The bil-lows are toss - ing high! 2. Mas-ter, with an-guish of spir - it I bow in my grief to - day; 3. Mas-ter, the ter - ror is o - ver, The el - e-ments sweet - ly rest; r r r r r tw t tit t ^ mm V V V V V V The sky is o'er-shadowed with blackness, No shel -ter or help is nigh; The depths of my sad heart are troubled— 0, wak- en and save, I pray; Earth's sun in the calm lake is mir - rored, And heav-en's with-in my breast; 1 r iff r r r r ^- t t i t * t ^ rr E r P i? p t^— r-p- 1 — ^ 1 — 1 » g W- 1 | : jr_ J=jc I s r i* r ■SL .fr » V V v u u Car -est Thou not that we per - ish? How canst Thou lie a - sleep, Tor-rents of sin and of an - guish Sweep o'er my sink - ing soul; Lin - ger, 0, bless - ed Re-deem - er! Leave me a - lone no more; * @3 1 -b—Y When each moment so mad-ly is threat'ning A grave in the an - gry deep? And I per-ish! I per-ish! dear Mas -ter 0 hast - en, and take con - trol. And with joy I shall make the blest har-bor, And rest on the bliss - ful shore Chorus. r— r« PP -#- -J- The winds and the t=3 shall o-bey Thy wUl, PeaceTTT. be still! Peace, be still. peace, be still! Master, the Tempest is Raging. f I -f S- Sr-j^Z Wheth-er the wrath of the storm-tosssd sea, Or de-mons or men, or what :k— V— V — V - cres. 3»=* 3 i ev - er it be, No wa-ters can swal-low the ship where lies The -h i 1 1 m I p P - — P P -V fr 3=£ r- Mas - ter of o - cean, and earth, and skies; They all shall sweet-ly o- h . J J? J h 1 — r- v— v 4 bey Thy will, Peace, be still! Peace, be still! They all shall IS mm i sweet - ly o - bey Thy will, Peace, peace, be i still! 201 Awakening Chorus. Charlotte G. Homer. COPYRIGHT. 1905. BY CHAS, H. GABRIEL HENRY DATE, OWNER. V *1 1. A-wake! Cfias. H. Gabriel. wake! and sing the bless - ed sto - ry; A- 2. Ring out! ' ring out! 0 bells of joy and glad - ness! Re- Ring out! ring out! 1 5 : i 3 .-i± J -M « * wake ! a-wake ! and let y our song of praise a-rise ; A - wake ! a- . A-wake! a-wake! A-wake! peat, re-peat a - new the sto-ry o'er a-gain, Till all the Re-peat, re-peat Till all 1tV St £35 > u "i g 0 " wake! the earth is full of glo - ry, And light is beam - ing a-wake! And light is beam-ing earth shall lose its weight of sad - ness, And shout a - new the the earth, And shout a - new i — Mrir V y y ¥ i f AfaZe voices m unison. -w — FU ■ah* from the ra-diant skies; The rocks and rills, the vales and hills re-sound with glo - ri - ous re-frain; With an-gels in the heights sing of the great sal- V — v — V — L 1 1 1 — 1 i — j — -j — to sing the triumph song.The Lord Je- glad-ness,All na • ture joins va - tion He wrest - ed from the hand of sin and death. m m Awakening Chorus. -p— i— Unison. 0— ho • vah reigns and sin is back-ward hurled! Re - joice! sin is backward hurled! -m- -•- IN re- — A- I i 3 XIX— Uim 0 — joice! lift heart J, and voice, Je - ho - vah reigns! hi hi! £]_ I I e— ^ 3 £3 FmZZ Harmony, ±8: F u F Proclaim His so v- 'reign pow'r to all the world, And let His pow'r to all the world, And let the 1^ m . * -0- -0- ■i i> l u - i — R • . p r 1 1 — ^ -* — f — • H :h 3: * u k k b glo - rious ban-ner be un-furled! Je - ho • vah reigns! grand and glo - rious ban - ner be un-furled! Je - ho - vah reigns! Je - ho - vah reigns! ^ — t=t— t— t $ T 9 9 i £— *- i 0 -V — ^ I 5 Re • joice! re - joice! re - joice! Je - ho - vah reigns! Be • joice! re - joice! re - joice! -•- ~th -8- £ £ i" 1>— V — V n 202 Charlotte G. Homer The Everlasting Father, COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL Ckas. H Gabriel. Prelude. p p 1. Won-der-ful, (Won-der-fui,) Coun-seMor,(coun-sei-ior,) Ev - er-last-ing Father, 2. Mighty God, (Might - y God,)King of kings, (King of kings,) Whither shall we go to * Tenor Ob. Prince of Peace, We revere, (We re-vere,)we a - dore (w 0 a - dore) Thee, Thy hidefrom Thee? In the depths, (i n the depths)in the heights, (i a the heights,) In the m p P i 1/ P 1/ P 5^ ho - ly name we love; For-ev - er we will Mag-ni-fy,( Mag- ni-fy,) glo-ri- vast un-bounded space Thou art a-bid-ing! Worlds nnknown( Worlds unknown) hear Thy Lfca=#— — g 1 fy (gio - ri - fy) Thee, and never shall our praises cease Till we stand (thi we stand) voice (hear Thy toice) And o-bey, as did the angry sea; Ho-ly One,(no-iy One.) *Afew select Tenor Voices should sing the Obligate Solo and melody. The Everlasting Father. Fine. 32:5: Female voices divid- face to face, (face to face,)with Thee in our home above. Thou hast bo 't us, and matchless One, (matchless One,) show Thy reconciling face. While we journey be IN s i , Male voices in unison. jUggj-- fffi f j * , «rf into sections. m Thine are we; ( an a Thine are we;)Our allegiance give we to Thee; ( we give to Thee;)Breathe on Thou our guide, (be Thou our guide,) While we travel.walk by our side, (walk hy our side, ) Leadas St m » — CS - us, 0 liv-ing Breath Divine, and make us wholly Thine, ( yes , whoi-iy ThineJThou didsi where green pastures grow, And living waters gently flow, (where wa-ters flow;)Be our hear our cry of distress, (i n our distress,) And to save, redeem and bless, (redeem and bless,) Guardian, be Thou our Friend,(b e Thou our Friend,) All our days do Thouatrtend,(d 0 Thou attend,) FmZZ harmony. nony. . K D.C. Didst come to earth to bleed and die To save e - ven such as I. Sus - tain us, love and keep us,Lord, We trust in Thy ho - ly Word. f^f fa. 6> — i — i—i — . — m 203 Mrs. C. H. M. Onward to Victory. COPYRIGHT 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. Mrs. C. H. Morris. Al is i^j i f h P: J3£ is 1. On- ward to vie - to - ry, sol-diers true and loy-al, Christ our Cap-tain 2. Out on life's bat-tie field, Sa-tan's hosts as - sem-ble And no com-prom- 3. On-ward to vie - to - ry, keep your ban-ners fly-ing, Up - on ev - 'ry -H— f — P-H — d h bids us hast - en to the fray; ise we'll make with such a foe; moun-tain-top,and hill and vail; On-ward to vie - to - ry 'neath His At God's commanding voice, hell's foun* On - ward to vie - to - ry, sin and 5=t — ^ # — * r ban-ner roy - al, Vol - un-teersare want-ed at the front to-day. da-tions trem - ble, While His hosts from conqu'ring un - to con-quest go. hell de - fy - ing; Ju-dah's Li - on shall o'er all the world pre-vail. i ^==s= J^^ - ^ ^\ -r - r i s i fl tE=p CHORUS. Male voices, unison l> , ii ■ r-f — 33 m 3R= He shall reign from sea to sea and shore to shore, Wars and tu - mults shall for - ev - er cease; All shall own Him p=r- Onward to Victory. Parts i -P T might - y King and Con-quer-or, Lord of lords and glo - rious -•— t- H# l#- #b 3 3 3 rrr- -s h [S 1 1 3— F=F^T t Prince of Peace, I 1 k k ^all in - to bat-tie line, f # # "f- t- y t- t i ». » p -p : all in - to bat-tie line, :[zz=/ k k=M=-: — f H 1 ^ : :^ — f — r On - warol ev - er on - ward 'gainst the might - y hosts of sin; Fall in - to bat - tie line, fall in to bat - tie line, ^ pv- i 4 — - - Let 9 • 9 the shout keep ring - If t % — 9— V ing -k out, 4 'We're *: * p — in T" the fight to 1 win!" k 4- p — 1 ^ 204 E. G. W. Wesley. The Lord Is Ring. COPYRIGHT 1911. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER m -t— r 1 — I- CItas. H. Gatriel. 1 h- 1. The Lord, our God, is King! Let earth re - joice, And praise His ho- And praise His ho-ly name with 2. The Lord, our God, is King! Al - might - y He, He speaks the word He speaks the word and nations 3. The Lord, our God, is King! Let joy - ful praise From heart and mind m From heart and mind ascend tho' t=r± m. m m u 3 *=• * f * i if ^ heart and voice; and nations cease to be; All things must work ac-cord-ing to His cease to be as - cendthro' all our days; Let all mankind ex - alt His gra - cious all our days, s -«©>-• | i i E ^ ( claim; Let all things which have breath ex-tol His fame; The Lord, our God, will; When He commands, the winds and waves are still; The Lord, -our God, name; Let ev- 'ry tongue His wondrous love pro-claim; The Lord, our God, t- 5: Ft ff f :iz: I- is King, and shall for - ev - er reign! His glo - ry The Lord is King 1 , for - ev - er reign! His glo - ry and His is King, all ho - ly, just and true, Who sin - ful, The Lord is King, is just and true, Who sin - ful, ru - ined is King! Let earth re-joice and sing, And to Him The Lord is King! re - joice and sing, And to Him trib - ute .ft * ■•: -.»: jL- .#. a£ * The Lord is King. h=t=t m — i- mm t and His greatness ne'er shall wane; Tri-umph-ant Conq'ror He, up - on His great - - ness ne'er shall wane; ru-ined men doth make a - new; His love un-fath-omed is and ne'er can men doth make a - new; > trib-uteand de - vo - tion bring; Be - lieve,con-fessand live for Him a- and de - vo - tion bring; jm. JL -0- m £ i #1 1 i^l£tt > ^ 'i — r L r i — L i — 1 throne Our Lord is God, and He is God a - lone. up-on His throne LOur Lord is God and He is God a - lone, fail; Forus o'er sin and death He doth pre* - vail. and ne'er can fail; tor us o'er sin and death He doth pre - vail. lone; Our Sav-ior Lord and God o'er all we own. for Him a - lone; Our Sav-ior, Lord and God o'er all we own. SEE 5% SEE Chorus. :b=§: * h I I — H — i — b — P r^i — i — f Hal - le - lu - jah! hal - le - lu - jah! The Lord is King, the Hal-le-la - - jah! hal - le - lu - - jah! '„?. I ^ £ * - i- ^ M. , V *1 b £ -» — r- (2. i s Lord is King, the Lord is King, the Lord is King, Hal - le - lu - jah! the Lord is King! ■J- V J. Pi 205 Rev. R. H. McDaniel. IS N The Gospel Harvest. COPYRIGHT, 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. N S * Chas. H. Gabriel. S 1. The Mas - ter is call - ing for reap - ers to-day, List now to His 2. Thrice hap - py are they who have en - tered the field, How sweet - ly they 3. The Mas - ter will come when their day's work is o'er, And sum - mons the — m—m — * — m — M 5=F — i—m — « * w — 1-» — 4 plead-ing and haste to 0 - bey; The har- vest is great andlthe la - b'rs are sing as their sick-les they wield ; The Lord of the harvest their song doth in- reap - ers to Canaan's fair shore; What glo-ry there'll be when before Him they few, Be-hold there's a place by the reap-ers for you. spire, They nev - er of reap-ing, no, nev-er can tire. Oh haste to the meet, And joy-ful - ly lay all their sheaves at His feet. Oh haste to the harvest, and £ £ — i — p Its*' r f ■-pi =^ 1 fcr- L t/-w u fcr-r- b 3 veat,and gath er the grain, And er the grain, Haste to the har - vest and gath - er the grain, And Eeee t~r-ir-rF you are faith - - ful, Your la-bor shall not be in vainl you are faith-fat, are loy - al and faithful, Your la - bor shall not be in vain! The Gospel Harvest. — p — t#-*-# — 0 — 0 — 0 0 j ra=p=pt _ k Pk k k k k Pk k > k k A crown and a man - - sion to you will be A crown and a man-sion to you will be giv'n, A crown and a man-sion to ~7v V 9 k V -# — th giv'n, And joy ev - er-more in the Kingdom of heav'n, For - ev - er- you will be giv'n, SEE' more And joy ev-er-more in the Kingdom of &eav'n,For-ev-er-more, ev-er - more, 3 In the Kingdom of heav'n TEL. more; more; In the King-dom of heav'n, And joy ev-er-more, In the IIS m I M - — \-»- »- ±Jk= — -ft In the Kingdom of heav'n, For - ev-er - more , King - _ dom of heav'n For - ev-er - more, For-ev-er more. 206 Charlotte G. Homer. JeJiovafi-Jireh, COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY C. P. CURRY. Cfias. H. Gabriel. J. 4 Jfcj. 4 Njg^-^ u_Z=Q^= J3= C j-^zpztp^p^I^ Foices Unison :b i t==t 1. Great is the Lord God, our might-y Re-deem-er, our glo-rious King! 2. I will at all times re-joice and be glad as I sing His praise; TP I P -1- I willex-tol Him, andpub-lishHis glo-ry in ev-'ry-thing; I will make known His great love and His mercy thro' all my days, fefcfczg xrr !> -■- l > - ■ -r^j g-*— 1 g i j ! J I I To Him in times of de-feat for the vic-to-ry I will cling, To all the world I will tell of His won-der-ful works and ways, 14- 6 ►-^ — V-rV— 1»— — C— ►fr^ip.— U# — ■ *_L,^_ 1111111111! II Might -y One, Je - ho - vah- Jir - eh, faithful to keep and pro-vide. I ::: f : 0 *0* . 1 1 1 1 - - rr P r- — f— 3 Chorus. / Jehovah-Jirefi. 1— r Hon-or Je-ho - vah- Jir - eh what-e'er be-tide, He will pro-vide; what e'er be-tide He will pro-vide: - 1 II tt=t — rr— R — ==t====t ^-i — i — i — i — P 1 ! — r-i — r t) I I ¥ I I I I > 1 I I I I I I I Un-to our great Mes-si-ah, hail! In His pav-il-ion wesafely may hide; Great and mm Br |— 1 v. 7). &\ might-y is HejThro' Him we shall be free For ev-er, and ev-er, and ev - er! ^ >f Praise Him,praise Him,praiseHim,praise Him all ev-er! I Till praise Him, praise Him, all earth with His maj-es-ty -U r I — H 1 h — i 1 — h| p-j — [ — —i i ■ 1 ' fit , -j -i [T> f 2 L i ringslwhile I live I wi . i 1 U-i- i i 11 s 'raise Him, praise £ 1 praise Him prai | | | | n „ , | | - [im,praise Him, praise se Him, Our Je-ho- vah, the King of king 207 From Every Stormy Wind. H. Stowell. Solo Obligato. 5. Wilder. =3 1. From ev - 'ry storm - y wind that blows, From ev - 'ry 2. There is a place where Je - sus sheds The oil of Accompanying voices pp 3 _i — # — j — I — \ 3. There is a scene where spir - its blend, Where friend holds 4. Oh, let my hand for - get her skill, My tongue be "t~~«| — p F- swell - ing tide of woes, There is a calm, glad - ness on our heads; A place than all be- life fel - low - ship with friend; Tho' sun - dered far, by si - lent, cold, and still, This bound - ing heart for- 0— gg 0— [— |g ^-p fg- is: sure re-treat: 'Tis found be-neath the mer - cy-seat. sides more sweet: It is the blood-brought mer - cy-seat. faith get f 2 they meet A - round one com - mon mer - cy-seat. to beat, If I for - get the mer - cy-seat 1 1 IMltation Ijtmtns 208 Fanny J. Crosby. Jesus is Callingo COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY GEO. C. STEBBINS. RENEWAL. George C. Stebbins. 1. Je-sus is ten-der-ly call-ing thee home— Call-ing to-day, call-ing to-day; 2. Je-sus is call-ing the wea-ry to rest — Call-ing to-day, call-ing to-day; 3. Je-sus is wait-ing, 0 come to Him now— Wait-ing to-day, wait-ing to-day; 4. Je-sus is plead-ing, 0 list to His voice-Hear Him to-day,hear Him to-day; tr~ tr- p- V V V I mm Why from the sun-shine of love wilt thou roam Far-ther and far-ther a - way? Bring Him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest; He will not turn thee a - way. Come with thy sins, at His feet low-ly bow; Come, and no long- er de - lay. They who be-lieve on His name shall re-joice; Quick-ly a -rise and a - way. -0- -#- -•- -m. -0- -P- -o- % Chorus. 3 -4— -^p— -E— f>-r-i ■=3 Call - - ing to - day! Call - - ing to - day! Call - ing, call - ing to - day, to - day! Call - ing, call - ing to - day- to - day! m m m • i 1 V V * € J— > 1 Je Je - bus is ten - der - ly call - ing to - day. i EEEeIe^EEEEEE3^±^1 209 T. 0. Cliisholm. mm, Souls Are Coming Home. COPYRIGHT. 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. ■ -til Chas. H. Gabriel, Jr - "» T f 1. Tired of sin and tired of stray-ing, Souls are com-ing home; 2. To the Fa-ther's arms re-turn-ing, Souls are com-ing home; 3. Yield-ing to the Spir-it's plead-ing, Souls are com-ing home; 4. Stirred by mem'ries sweet and tender, Souls are com-ing home; 5. Earth-ly fol - lies left be-hind them, Souls are com-ing home; 6. T' ward the gate of mer-cy bend-ing, Souls are com-ing home; I h k . A- A * §1 com-ing home; 4^ 3t 1=# Now the Gos-pel call o ■ bey-ing, Souls are com-ing home. While the light of hope is burn-ing, Souls are com-ing home. Long in des - ert-plac - es feed-ing, Souls are com-ing home. All to Je - sus to sur-ren-der, Souls are com-ing home. To be freed from chains that bind them, Souls are com-ing home, Pray'rs are answered j long as-cend-ing, Souls are com-ing home. - r i f ' * k. T ^ PEP com-ing: home. LA r r m rrn * Chobus. £: r fir 0 what joy the sight is bring-ing! How the an - gel choirs are sing-ing, - t S tl £ It J f J ¥ 1= r * j 4— -q r- * 1* • 1# — _J K 1 k Heav'n is with their mu sic ring - ing While souls are com-ing homel : F-^-gr 210 Annie S. Hawks, Wno'II he the Next? COPYRIGHT. 1871 AND 1899, BY ROBERT LOWRY. USED BY PER. OF MARY R, LOWRY. Robert Lowry, i lit i\ H P g 1 -I «| ~ | 1-1 s=i=t 1. Who'll be the next to fol - low Je-sus? Who'll be the next His cross to bear? 2. Who'll be the next to fol - low Je - sus — Fol-low His wear - y,bleed-ing feet? 3. Who'll be the next to fol - low Je - sus? Who'll be the next to praise His name? 4. Who'll be the next to fol - low Je - sus Down thro' the Jordan's rolling tide? 1 V V 4— V-± A F -P.-J — J 1 3 Some one is read-y, some one is waiting; Who'll be the next a crown to wear? Who'll be the next to lay ev - 'ry bur-den Down at the Fa-ther's mercy seat? Who '11 swell the cho-rus of free redemption, Sing, hal - le-lu-jah! praise the Lamb? Who'llbe the next to join with the ran-som'd, Singing up-on the oth-er side? p. .0-* - 1 — L 1 f - • — U-s— L— L — # — I- V y | p=c 7 u > u ^ Refrain. ^ 8:=S J »_gL r*- 1 Who'llbe the next? Who'll be the next? Who'll be the next to fol-low Je-sus? T 1 FT 4 - v—Z-^" s r — Who'll be the next to fol-low Je-sus now? Fol-low Je-sus now? =f=E= -j— i— -•— 9 \-- ■lSt- 211 E. E. Hewitt. Say Not Tomorrow. COPYRIGHT 1915. BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. § CEias. H. Gabriel. 1. 6, say not to-mor - row! ¥o - day is the time, While Je - sus is 2. 0, say not to-mor - row; Make sure of to - day, Make sure of the 3. 0, say not to-mor - row! The Lord is so near, Step in - to His call - ing to you; The bells of the Gos-pel ring out their sweet chime, fast fly - ing hour; The Sav - ior is wait-ing; no long - er de - lay; wide o - pen arms; Be -gin the new life, while His whispers you hear; -f- -f- -f- -f- -f- t —U—V- v v v b ¥ v Chorus. i- 5 »— » * =t=t Phi Re - ech - o - mg prom - is - es true. Be saved by His won-der - ful pow'r. Be-hold, the ac-cept -"a - ble Re-joice in Em - man - u - el's charms. Be -hold, the ac- — -W— a »- -' i r ^ f # ' b V \ — f- time! Wait not for the last ev'ning chime; 0, come while the for the last ev'ning chime; □ cept -'a -Ible time! Wait not ^, : : : ; » : ,--H Spir - it still pleads o'er and o'er; To-mor-row will come never more I" h I s come I- 0 — v v ^ u J nev - er - more, ^1 212 W. C. Poole Make Jesus Yours To-day. COPYRIGHT. 1914. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. : * : i B. A. Henry. .0. .0. . 0 . .0. - -0 9 W~ 1. You will want to spend e - ter - ni - ty with Je - sus; You will 2. You will want to have the pre-cious Sav - ior with you In that 3. You will want to know your sins are all for - giv - en; You will mm ^ v v v v v y v i j J. i » » 2 want to walk with Him the Heav'nly way; Yon will want to see His morn - ing when the clonds are rolled a - way; You will want Him for a want to hear the bless-ed Sav - ior say, "Come to me, I paid the g- E I* face, Tell the sto - ry saved by grace, Then make Him yours to - day. friend, At the jour-ney's aw - ful end; Then make Him yours to - day. price, Made for you the sac - ri-fice," Then make Him yours to - day. -k I I m Chorus. 3t 5 1 Make Je - sus yours to - day And go with Him al J— c s— 1- — J t ways! » s>- rr To Cal - va - ry He went for Thee, Then make Him yours to day. 213 Are You Coming Home To-night? Arranged. USED BY PER, OF C. M. ALEXANDER. OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT. James McGranafian. 1. Are you 2. Are you 3. Are you -# — #- 1 com-ing home, ye wand 'rers, Whom Je - sus died to win, com-ing home, ye lost ones? Be-hold your Lord doth wait; com-ing home, ye guilt - y, Who bear the load of sin? 5 All foot-sore, lame and wea - ry, Your gar - ments stain'd with sin; Come, then no long - er lin - ger, Come ere it be too late; Out - side you've long been standing, Come now and f- -0- -0- ven - ture m; S7\ x>—v TT r Will you seek the blood of Je - sus, To wash your gar-ments white; Will you come and let Him save you? 0 trust His love and might; Will you heed the Sav-ior's prom - ise, And dare to trust Him quite? it P V V V V V V 0 # h h rit mm m m -0- r \/ Will you trust Hi9 pre-cious prom-ise, Are you com-ing home to-night? Will you come while He is call - ing, Are you com-ing home to-night? "Come un - to me," said Je - sus, Are you com-ing home to-night? 1- 4- V V t — V — Y ~¥- Chorus Are you com-ing home to-night, Are you com-ing home to-night, Are Yon Coming Home To-night? ri- '*.».«• a a * i-" J» ; «... 5— tr~ Are you com-ing home to Je - sus, Out of dark-ness in - to light? t. s i \ '.7*-^' — ' To your lov - ing, heay'n-ly Fath-er, Are you com-ing home to-night? h -0- -0- -0- rrs s?\ v "i m "Almost Persuaded." COPYRIGHT. 1902, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. St Ft P. P. Bliss. \ — at i 1. "Al - most per-suad-ed" now to be - lieve; "Al-most per-suad-ed, 2. "Al - most per-suad-ed, "come, come to - day; "Al-most per-suad-ed, 3. "Al - most per-suad-ed," har - vest is past! "Al-most per-suad-ed," — 1 1 s -^' i 1 atzitz i -i -i -N- rJ 1- -P- r J 1 1^-! i *• — * '3. 3 J. m L # _ # # — turn not a - way; doom comes at last! Je - su9 in - vites you here, An - gels are f Al - most" can-not a - vail; "Al - most" is 0^0- 0— go Thy way, Some more con - ven - ient day lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear, On Thee I'll call." 0 wan-derer, come. but to fail! Sad, sad, that bit - ter wail — "Al - most-but lost!" 215 A. H. Actley. I Am Coming Home. IDEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. EAVER, OWNER. COPYRIGHT. 1911. BY RODEHEAVER-ACKLEY CO. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER, OWNER. JS — ti- 3 B. D. AcLley. 1. Je - sus, I am com-ing home to-day, For I have found there's joy in 2. Ma - ny years my heart has strayed from Thee, And now re-pent-ant to Thy 3. Oh, the mis-er - y my sin has caused me, Naught but pain and sor-row 4. Ful • ly trust-ing in Thy pre-cious prom-ise,With no right-eous-ness to 5. Now I seek the cross where Je - sus died! For all my sins His blood will - — -0- II | I s - m 4 "mm mm * I % Thee a - lone; From the path of sin I turn a - way , now I am throne I come; Je - sus o-pened up the way for me, now I am I have known; Now I seek Thysav-ing grace and mer-cy, I am call my own, Pleading nothing but the blood of Je - sus, I am still a - tone, Flowing o'er till ev- 'ry'staiu is cov-ered, I am -0- m f—% com-ing com-ing com-ing com-ing com-ing home, home, home, home, home. Chorus. Je - sus, I am com-ing home to - day, Nev-er,nev-er-more from Thee to stray; S 3 5 5: d - - — p — ^ ^- Lord, I now ac-cept Thy pre-cious prom-ise, I am com-ing home. „ -0- * m T~ f~ -P- 0 *- *- ' f~ * - 216 James Rowe, Arr. k All WRo Will Bel ieve. COPYRIGHT, 1913. BY, CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. •r-Ns h— ^ B. D. Ac&iey. m --PV— 1. No one need to per - ish in their sin to - day, Hope is ai - ways 2. No one need to trem-ble when the foe is near; There's a might - y 3. Nev - er mind how ma - ny are the sins you bear, Seek the Lord; a V- p * shin - ing on the home-ward way; Here are words of com - fort for the help - er who can ban - ish fear,- Here are bless- ed words of com-fort, bless-ing now is wait -ing there,* He will give you par- don, lift you -p—v Chorus. h-4- -t— r- K — £ — I ^ — h- — pv — K- r c —^- J *M soul a - stray:— Je - sus saves all who will be - lieve. hope and cheer: — Je - sus saves all who will be - lieve. from de - spair:— Je - sussaves all who will be - lieve. Je-sus saves all who 1 — 1 — r i : ' : ±4 will on Him be-lieve;''Who-so-ev-er will"He promised to re-ceive; Eich and P inr poor— all may find the 0 - pen Door! Je-sus saves all who will be - lieve. m ■t Confess Him To-day, COPYRIGHT. 1912. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. 1 Mrs. C.B. Morris. -i: h Why still un - de - cid - ed,why tar-ry in sin? Con-fessHim to-day, 2. For love of the world will you bar-ter your soul? Con - fess Him to-day, 3t In o - pen re-bel-lion His law you've transgressed, Con -fess Him to-day, 4. A time more con-ven-ient you nev - er will have, Con-fessHim to-day, 5. Be - lieve and re - ceive Him, throw o- pen the door, Con-fessHim to-day, :l£4ip: I I 4-4 f i r 5 ti m -b-k — i — r— 1 1 — 1 1 1 — r-t con - fess Him to - day; While yet He is call-ing, let Je - sus come in, con -fess Him to - day; Count all things but loss and in Christ be made whole, con - fess Him to - day,With o - pen con - fes-sion you now shall be blest, con - fess Him to - day, Ac - cept Him this moment— the Mighty to save, con - fess Him to - day, Claim Christ as your Sav-ior and Lord ev - er-more, I: I s r- Chorus. Con-fess Him to - day be-fore men. Con-fess the dear Sav-ior to- ^ con- Sk JlI k_L=l=EE=tc St- * day, to-day, Con-fess Him to-day be - fore men; . The life of a fess Him to - day, , be-fore men: Christian this moment be-gin, Con-fess Him to-day be-fore men. 4*- T| | i 11- ; I l^foO 2 1 8 Jesus Will Save You Now. COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. Rev. R. H. McDaniel. international copyright secured. Wm. J. Kir&patricE. I#^rt — - is V -8- L -8- * 0 0 m 0 0 8 -8 X • ' m 1. Come, ye who are wea - ry of sin and oppressed, Je-sus will save you now; 2. Your sins maybe ma - ny and dark be their stains, Je-sus will save you now; 3. "0 turn ye, 0 turn ye, for why will ye die?" Je-sus will save you now;. 4. The Spir - it is pleading, 0 spurn not His call, Je-sus will save you now; 5. Your loved ones in glo - ry are beck-on-ing,come, Je-sus will save you now; m n -* — »- 1/ V U — V v w Come, bring Him your burdens and He will give rest, Je-su9 will save you now. Come,seek-ing for mercy, t'will not be in vain, Je-sus will save you now. He waits to receive you, will hear when you cry; Je-sus will save you now. 0 come,ere the shadows of death round you fall, Je-sus will save you now. They're waiting and longing to welcome you home; Je-sus will save you now. Chorus. ±=£=t w * s^i-H*- 11 8=8 Je - sus will save, Je - sua will save, Je - sus will save you now; -0- -0- -0- 0 ' -0- -0- -th -0 ' -0- -0- " ^ W -8- * \ w \ 4 * 0 i m Come,then,be-liev-ing His par-don re-ceiv-ing, And Je-sus will save you now. 219 Rev. A. H. Actley. You Need the COPYRIGHT. 1909, BY B D. ACKLEY. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. B. D. Actley. i I / > h -yrj ; « f i M r 1. Friend,youneed the Sav - ior, I can ne'er pro-claim All thepow'rand 2. Tes, you need the Sav - ior For thy wonnds of sin, And the heal - ing 3. At the fl - nal sum-mons V/emust all ap- pear, Each to face the ^ ~ih 0 — £ — # £— — % i» '» « — -t 3=S ■ing Of that pre-cious name; All the peace and com-iort It has wa - ter Of His blood poured in: Call and He will save you, Ask and rec - ord He is form-ing here; In that court of Jus-tice Naught can + — H 0 rP • p— r p 1 ± J P f : : s l—Sry bro't to me, Je-sus bids me tell you He will give to thee. He will give Life to ev - 'ry sin - ner, And the pow'r to live, set you free But the blood of Je - sus,Drawn from Cal - va - ry. #' — * & 0 — a 0 0 » — U- Chorus. )J)JYY\ Yes, 0 yes, you need the Sav - ior, And His love each hour, His love each hour, » — p-j. — S3 Love that knows no height nor depth Of par - don and peace and pow'r. j s £3 + ± 4+1 ... -0. mm 220 Why Not Now? El Nathan. COPYRIGHT, 1891. BY c. c, CASE. G. C. Case. H -i P " — i — • -0 — . s * 3 : '- i ' * 1. While we pray, and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2. You have wan-dered far a - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3. In the world you fail to find Aught of peace for troub-led mind: 4. Come to Christ, con-fes - sion make; Come to Christ and par-don take; fe y c . : ic^- ^s^^s gtr r r_\Ct\ S3 I While your Fa - ther calls you home, Will you not, my broth-er, come? Do not turn from God your face, But, to - day, ac-cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Him be - lieve, Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. rrn F til Chorus. sis Why not now? why not now? Why not come to Je - Why not now? why not now? now? PTr * m r Why not now? why not now? Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? (.Ml 221 Ernest G. W. Wesley. Still Undecided. COPYRIGHT, 1911. BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. HOMER A. RODEHEAVER. OWNER. 1. Still 2. Still 3. Still 4. Still 5. Still CKas. H. Gabriel. un-de-cid - ed, tho' close to life's gate, 0 why not now en - ter, un-de-cid - ed, why yet still de-lay? All things are read - y, un- de-cid - ed! for thee He was slain, And why should His suff 'ring un-de-cid - ed! His voice sounds so clear: "Come all ye whowea-ry un- de-cid - ed! 0 wait not too long; 0 turn from the world and -- al - read - y 'tis late; Je - sus is wait - ing and call - ing for you; Love shows you the way, Night fast ap-proach-es, the day pass - es by, for thee be in vain? Think of the scourg-ing, the spear and the cross! who fal - ter and fear, Free - ly I par - don, and cleanse and re-ceive!" its wild, rest-less throng; Je - sus now calls you— once more doth He call— f : : : : Chorus. Chains He will sev - er — all things He can do. Heed now His pleading:-' '0 why will you die?" Life He would give you,— all else is but loss. Why not de-cide to-night? Why not ac-cept Him and on Him be-lieve? Come while He'swait-ing, and trust Him for all. m Why not de-cide to-night? Je - sus is wait-ing and call - ing for thee, S8 1 u i U until 1 Call-ing for thee, call-ing for thee; Call - ing, is call - ing now for thee. ft i p r k ■ 222 Fanny J. Crosby. Only a Step. COPYRIGHT, 1901. BY W. H. DOANE. RENEWAL. ^-f-M h— | 1 , K — ! P . J I | P -P- — P— J p— , W. H. Doane. 1. On-ly a step to Je - sus! Then why not take it now? Come, and thy sin con- 2. On-ly a step to Je - sus ! Believe, and thou shalt live; Lov-ing-ly now He's 3. On-ly a step to Je - sus! A step from sin to grace; What has thy heart de- 4. On-ly a step to Je - sus! 0 why not come and say, "Glad-Iy to Thee my V b I V if V V Chorus. mm -#- • -W- « ~0~ ~W~ fess-ing, To Him , thy Sav - ior, bow. wait-ing, And read - y to for - give, cid - ed — Themo-ments fly a - pace? Sav-ior, I give my-self a - way?' On-ly a step, on-ly a step; S : S 5 5 S— « -i — - — *-4- - h h M - ff #— 4~i — ^ 1 1 _ 1_| Come, He waits for thee; Come, and thy sin con-fess-ing,Thou shalt re-ceive a -^g^- r T^ ^ p^r-i F r r , t-- r -^4 ^MM — ^— =- t^p=zt>_k-_*— i= — l=zr 1 -r J • J d — * bless - ing; Do not re-ject the 0-'—p— r 0 — 0 — 0-0 0-. — K4- U— 1 — i U mer - cy He : if- f * ree - ly of - fers P P f» * thee. -1 1 — u £ V \— v 223 Johnson Oatman, Jr. Slow, and with feeling, No> Not One, USED BY PERMISSION OF GEO, C. HOGG. OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. Geo. C. HptW. 2- There'snot a friend like the low • ly Je-sus, No, not one! no, not onel None else could heal all our souls' dis * eas - es, No, not one! [Omit . . . ] no, not onel B.C.— There' snot a friend like the low - ly Je-$us, No, not one! [Omit . Chorus "2 No friend like Him is so high and holy, No, etc. And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, etc. 3 There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, etc. No night so dark but His love can cheer us, No, etc. 4 Did ever saint find this Friend forsake him? No, etc. Or sinner find that He would not take Him? No, etc. 5 Was e'er a gift like the Savior given? No, etc. Will He refuse us a home in heaven? No, etc* mners. i. } Come, IJe - ID. C.-Glo y, Weak and wound-ed, sick and sore; 1 save you, Full of pit - y, love and pow'r. I Turn to the ye em • nere, poor and need as, read - y stands to hon - cr and sal - va - tion Christ the Lord is come to Lord, and seek sal va - tion, Sound the praise of His dear name, fata 3 Let not conscience make you linger. Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness He requireth Is to fee! your need of Him. ■ 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall. If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at alL 1 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance, Ev'ry grace that brings you nigh. 225 Must Jesus Bear tfie Cross Alone? Thos. Sneprierd. 5 Agonizing in the garden, Your Redeemer prostrate lies, On the bloody tree behold Himl Hear Him cry. before He dies, i Geo. N. Allen. I. Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go f ree?No,there's a cross for ev'ry one And there's a cross for [2 How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here! |> But now they taste unmingied love, .And joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free; _ And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. 4 Upon the crystal pavement, down. At Jesus pierced feet. Joyful, I'll cast my golden crown Aud His dear name repeat. I Am Coming, Lord. Rev. L. Hartsongli. S Tho' coming weak and vile ' Thou dost my strength ass Thou dost my vileness fully 131 spotless all, and pore. 227 3JTis Jesus calls me on, 9, To perfect faith &ad love, To perfect hope, and peace, and For earth and heav'o above. Just As I Am. Charlotte' Elliott 4 And He assurance gives To loyal hearts and true, That ev'ry promise is fulfilled To those who bear and do. ; B. Bratlbury. |. Just as I am! with * out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd'sl me N 2. Just as I ami and wait - tag not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose blood caa 3. Just as I ami tho' toss'd a-bout With many a conflict many a doubt, Fighting and fears with* ie to^Thee, 0 Lamb of Godl I cornel I cleanse each spot, 0 Lamb of Godl I cornel 1 fou with - out, 0 Lamb of God! I come! 1 cornel cornel eomel 4 Just as I am! poor, wretched, bfin<^ ^ 8igbt, riches, healing of the mind, Tea, all I need in Thee to find, 0 Lamb of God, I cornel I cornel 5 Just as I am— thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relicTtg Because thy promise I believe, 0 Lamb of God, I cornel I cornel 228 Jesus Paid It AIL Mrs. H. M. Hall. John T. Grape. I I hear the Saviorsav/'Tby strength indeed is smaD.Cliild of rt'eoknees.watch and pray.Find in me" thine all m tJi" ~",fT fV,. ..c-p « f.r _^.f f * - ^ ' CH0HU3. i Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow. Je - sua paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Caa change the leper's spots, £od oelt the heart of ctoae. 3 For nothing good have I . 14 And when, before the throne. Whereby Thy grace to claim— I I stand in Him complete- 1 I'll wash my garments white I "Jesus died my soul to aags^ In the blood olCaJv'ia'8 Lamb. I liga s&a&li m$&» - 229 At tfie C ross. Isaac Watts. COPYRIGHT. 1885, BY R. E. HUDSON. USED BY PER. R. E. Hudson. j f Alas! and did my Savior bleed,And did my Sov'reign die, * \ Would He derote that sa- cred head For such a worm as I? 2 ( Was it for crimes that I have done.He groan'd upon the tree, I A - maz-ing pit-y, grace unknown! And love beyond degre» EES i 1 1 y i -P i— v i n ^T|T g±^^|cH^B At the cross,at the cross, where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart roll'd* ^^^^^^^^^^^ way, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day. roll'd a-wsy, 230 P. P. B. Hold the Fort. THE JOHN CHURCH CO. OWNERS. USED BY PERMISSION. n- P. P. BJiss. 2 t j Ho, my comradesl see the signal Wav-ing ia the sky! I ' J Re-in-force-ments now appearing, j Vie • ta-sy is nigfc. 2 f See the mighty host ad-vanc-ing,Sa-tan lead-ing on: j * ( Mighty men a-round us f all-ing, } (Jour-ag* ri-most gonef 3 r See the glorious banner waving! Hear the trumpet blow! j * I In our Leader's name we'll triumph. j 0 - ver er- r iy foe„ * i Fierce and long the bat-tie rag-es, But our nelp is near; » * \ Onward comes our great Commander , f Cheer.my comrades,cIie«r. - gig; - ^ _ 4*. 4«. f 231 C. 0. M Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. COPYRIGHT, 1893. BY H. L GlLMOUR. USED BY PERMISSION. tr H. Morris. • j If you are tired of the load of your sin, Let J© - sus come in - to your heart? 1 If you de - sire a new life to be - gin, o f If 'tis for pur - i - ty now that you sigh, Let Je • sus come in - to your heart; - I Fountains for cleansing are flowing nearby, sus come in - to your heart; j If there's a tem-pest your voice can-not still, Let Je lli there's a void this world nev-er can fill, A j If you would join the glad song of the blest, Let Je - sus come in - to your heart; ft * l If you would en - ter the mansions of rest, ~v Let Je-sus como in • to your heart. Just now your doubtings give o'er, Just now.re- [Last.] Just now my doubtings are o'er; Just now,re- Th 1 ject Him no more, Just now, throw o-penthe door; Let Je-sus come in-to your ject - ing no more; Just now, I o - pen the door, And Je-sus comes in-to my heart, heart, w G. F. R. WF.y Do You Wait? COPYRIGHT 1878. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. Geo. F. Root. 1. Why do you wait, dear broth-er? ~ Oh, why do you tar - ry so long? 2. What do you hope, dear broth-er, J To gain by a fur-ther de - lay? 3. Do you not feel, dear broth-er, ' His Spir - it now striv - ing with- in? 4. Why do you wait, dear broth-er? The har - vest is pass - iug a - way; Your Sav-iour is wait-ing to give you A place in His sanc-ti - fled throng. There's no one to save you but Je - sus, There's no oth - er way but His way, Oh, why not ac-cept His sal- va-tion, And throw off your bur-den of sin? Your Sav-iour is long -ing to bless you; There's dan-ger and death in de - lay. Why cot? why not? Why not come to Him now? now? 233 Softly and Tenderly. BY PER. WILL E. THOMPSON & CO.. E. LIVERFOOL, O., AND THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO.. CHICAGO. ILL. Will L. Thompson. 1. Soft - ly and ten-der - ly Je-sus is call-ing, Call-ing for you and for me; 2. Why should we tarry when Je-sus is plead-ing, Plead-ing for you and for me? 3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are pass-ing, Pass-ing from you and from me; 4. Think of the won-der-f ul love He has promised, Promised for you And for me; At the heart's por-tal He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Why should we lin-ger and heed not His mercies, Mer-cies for you and for me? Shadows are gath'ring,and death's night is coming, Com-ing for you and for me. Tho' we hare sinn'd, He has mer-cy and par-don, Par-don for you and for me. Come home, come home, Ye who are wea-ry, come home, Come home, _ come home, 234 Wfiile Jesjus WKispers. COPYRIGHT. 1879. BY H. R. PALMER. W. E. Witter. USED BY PERMISSION. H. R. Palmer. 1. While Je-saa whispers to you. Come, sinner, come! While we are praying for you, Come, sinner, cornel 2. Are you tooheav-y - la-den? Come, sinner, come! Jesus will bear your burden. Come, sinner, cornel 3. 0 hear His tender pleading, Come, sinner, come! Come and receive the blessing,Come,sinner,come! Now is the time to own Him, Come, sinner, come! Now is the time to know flim, Come, sinner, cornel Je - sua will not deceive you, Come, sinner, come! Je-sus can now redeem you, Come, sinner, cornel While Je-sus whispers to you, Come, sinner, come! While we are praying for you, Come, sinner, come! 235 John Howard Payne. Home, Sweet Home, -1 — j-2-i H. R. Bisf>op, f Mid' pleas-ures and pal » a • ces though we may roam, 1 Be it ev - er so hum-ble, there's no place like f A charm from the skies seems to home; \ Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er ]-l — f— 2— I Chorus. mm a iome,s\ bal - low ns there, l met with else- - J where. Home,home,sweet,sweet home.Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. 236 W. Cowper. Tfiere is a Fountain, owell Mason. ( There c a fountain filled with blood.Drawn from Immanuel's veins, ; 5 ) And sinners.plung'd beneath that flood, ( Lose all their D.S.And sinners.plung'd beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty stains; Lose all their guilty stains, Loseafl their guilty stains; guilty stains; * «r^®» 237 W. Cowper. Glorious Fountain* 2 The dying thief rejoiced to sea That fountain in bis day; . And there may I, tho' vOe as &?> ) Wash all my sins aw^y./ & T^fibn dying Lamb, Thy precious » , Shall never lose its power, [Woo4 Till all theiansomed'Churcb of Gel 1 1 t^saved,_tosjnnomore*' 4 . E'er since by faith I saw tfiev • Thy flowing wounds supply [8treaSB| Redeeming love has been my tfcemty j J\ndsbailbetillldie>^" 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter oong, 'ill sing Thy power to save, I When this poor lisping,stammeringjj 1 Ljps ejlent in the grave*^ [tongs* T. C. O'Kane. j | mere is a fount-ain filled wi*b blood, filled with blood, filled with blood. There is a fountain filled with blood, Drttrft ' < And sinners.plung'd beneath that flood.beneath that flood,be oeath that flood, A nd sinners plung'd beneath that flood,Loso u> - - + . " J from Immanuel's veins; | all their guilty stains, t Ob, glorious fountain! Here will I stay. And in thee ev • er Wash my sins a • way* 238 On, How I Love Jesus. 1. There I U a name I love to bear, I love to sing its worth; It | I sounds like mus-ic in mine ear, The sweet-est name on earth, "8 It tells me of a Savior' ; love, Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood; The sinaer's^erfectjrte*-. 3 It tells me what my Father bath In store for every day, And tho' I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the wax*. The Cleansing Wave 4 It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe, Who in each sorrow bears a pari* That none can bear below. Mrs. Jos. F. Knapp. *— 1 * \ Uh, now 1 see the crim-son wave The fountain deep and wide; 1 ' ) Je- sus, my Lortf, might-y to save, • Points to His wounded side*. m m ffrf Csoeto* i 1-2- t The cleansing strenin I ceel I seel I plunge, and oh, it cleans-etb me; 1 • Gb» praise the Lord, it cleans-eth me, it cleans-eth me, _ /yes, cleans-eth me. mm 9 I see the new creation rise, I bear the speaking blood: It apeaksl poluted nature dies— jgnta 'oeatb tha crimson flood. 13 I rise to walk in heav'n's own light, Above the world and sin, [white With heart made pure and.garmeftts And Christ enthroned witho. 4 Amazing grace! 'tis heaven To feel the blood applied; And Jesus, only Jesutf My Jesus crucified. 240 W. J. K. Lord, I'm Coming Horn' COPYRIGHT. 1892, BY WM. J. KIRKPATRICK. USED BY PERMISSION. Wre. J. Kirkpatrick. 1. I've 2. I've 3. I'm 4. My 5. My 6. I wandered far a - way from God, Now I'm com-ing home; The paths of sin too wast-ed man - y precious years, Now I'm ccm-ing home; I now re - pent with tired of sin and straying, Lord, Now I'm com-ing home; I'll trust Thy love, be- soul is sick, my heart is sore, Now I'm com-ing home; My strength renew, my on - ly hope, my on - ly plea, Now I'm com-ing home; That Je - sus died, and need His cleansing blood, I know, Now I'm com-ing home; 0 wash me whi-ter m— ~M — 1 i & = Eb fc = a B, S.-O - pen wide Thino Lord, I'm Coming Home. Fine. Chorus. D.S. long I've trod; Lord, I'm coming home, bit - ter tears, Lord, I'm coming home. died for me; Lord, I'm coming home, than the snow; Lord, I'm coming home. ©f love; Lord, Fm coming home. 241 In the Cross. John Bowring. Ithamai* Conkey , 1. In the cross of 2. When the woes of + * * fj t >hrist I glo - ry, Tow'ring e'er the wrecks of time; Ufe o'er-take me, Hopes de-ceive, and fears an - noy, All the light of Nev • er shall the «a - cred sto - ry Gathers round its head sub-lime, cross for -sake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bUss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more luster to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure. By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 1. What a Friend we have in Je - sus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a priv-i-lege to car - ry D. S.— AU be-cause we do not car - ry SHE? Fl>JE | | |^ > d. s; i Ev • 'ry thing to God in prayer! 0 what peace we oft - en for - feit, 0 what need-less pain we bear, Ev • 'ry thing to God in prayer. JUL m ~b t? v P y~ 1 What a Friend we have in Jesus, AU our sins and griefs to bearl What a privilege to carry Every thing to God in prayerf 0 what peace we often forfeit, 0 what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, Evary thing to God in prayerl 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden. Cumbered with a load of care?— Precious Savior, still our refuge,^ Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise ; foreake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer, In His arms He'll take and shield Thou wilt find a solace, there. [thtt* 243 Words wo rtn. 0 Day of Rest and Gladness. Lowell Mason. p j j r-;r^ ™ r ' i JO daj 10 ball /. -t of D Ol rest and glad-ness, . 0 _ ToHis dixwe abode. QreitlL 1. Jesus my Lord, to Then I cry: Unless Thou help me, I must die; Oh, bring Thy free salvation nign, And 2. Helpless I am.andfull of guilt.But yet Thy blood was forme spilt:And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt J5ut 3. No prep - a - ra-tion can I make, My best resolves I only break; Tet save me for Thine own name's sake, And 4. I thirst, I long to know Thy love, Thy full salvation I would prove; But since to Thee I can-not move, Oh, Fine " .Chords. -K D.S.— Oh.brag Thy free salvation nigh, And D.S. take me u 1 BriTotional %i|mn$ 246 Satir Onward, Christian Soldiers. Gonld. Arthur Sullivan. Onward, Christian sol - diers! Marching as to war, With the cross of Je - sus Go - ing on be - fore; At the sign of tri - umph, Satan's host doth flee; On, then, Christian soldiers, On to vie - to - ryl Like a might-y ar-my Moves the Church of God; Brothers we are treading Where the saints have trodj Onward, then, ye peo - pie, Join our hap-py throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song; Christ the roy-a! Mas - ter, Leads against the foe; For-ward in - to bafr • tie, See His ban-ner go! Hell's foui»-da-tions quiv - er At the shout of praise, Brothers, lift your voic-es. Loud your anthems raise* We are not di - vid - ed; AIL one bod - y we, One in hope and doc - trine, One in char - i - ty. ]g, This t Onward, Christian sol - diers! Marching as to war, 1 With the cross of Je • sus Go-ing on be-fore. 247 English. 1 1 i My Jesus I Love Thee. T A J. Gordon. 1. My Je • sus I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the fol - lies of sin X re • sign; 2. I love Thee be - cause Thou ha3t first lov-ed me, And purchased my par-don on Cal - va - ry's tree; 3. I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou Iendest me breath, 4. In man-sions of gto - ry aad end - less de-light* I'll ev - er a - dore Thee in heav-en so bright; mm My gra-cious He * deem - er, my Sav - ior art Thou; I love Thee for wear - ing the thorns on Thy brow; And say when the death-dew lies cold oirmy brow; I'll sing with the glit • ter - ing crown on my brow; J Ki i C\ I J K! If ev If ev 'If ev If ev er I loved Thee, My Je - sus, 'tis now. er I loved Thee, My Je - sus, 'tis now. er I loved Thee. My Je - sus, 'tis now." er I loved Thee, My Je - sus, 'tis now." "1 248 Jesus, I My Gross Have Taken. Mozart. LloJe^6U8^rnyj*os3 ha^e tak-em^AIl to leave and fol-Iow Thee; Naked, poor, despised; for-sa-ken, I ~)D.S. — Yet how rich is my con - di-tion, Thou from hence my all shalt be; PerjMsltJ^ry^Jond^am-bi-tionjAll I've sought,andhoped;and known; ^Godjind heav'n are still my own. 2 Let the world despise, forsake me? They have left my Savior, too; Human hearts and looks deceive me Thou art not, like man, UHtrue: And.whileThou shalt smile upon me God of wisdom, krve and might, [me Foes may hate, and friends may shun Snow Tby face and all is bright Gojthen.earthly fame and treasure! Come, disaster, scorn and pain! In Thy service, pain is pleasure; , With Thy favor, los3 is gain. - i ! I have called Thee,"Abba Father/' I have stayed my heart on Thee; Stormy clouds may o'er me gather, All must work for good to me, " 4 Haste thee on from grace to glory. Led by faith, and winged by prayer Heav'n's eternal day's before thee God will safely guide thee there, \ Soon shall close thy earthly mission. Swift shall pass thy pilgrim days; .' Hope shall change to glad fruition. Faith to 8ight,and prayer to praiaa* 249 Geo. RoLinson Come, Tfiou Fount, FlN£ John Wyetli. 2 I Come.Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing.Tune my heart to sing Thy grace, {, I Teach me some melodious sonnet, 1 * 1 Streams oi mer-cy, nev-er ceas-ing. Call for songs of loudest praise; • ' Sung by flam-ing tongues /a-Boro; D. C— Praise the mount, I'm fixed up-on it] Mount of Thy redeeming love. I Come.Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace, Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise; t Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it! Blount of Tby redeeming love. 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'll come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home: > Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; ' He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to TbeaJ Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; {i% Here's my heart, oh, take and seadk Seal it for Thy courts above. - — . > 250 Jofin Fawcett. Blest Be the Tie. Hans George Naegall. *"\ 1. Blest to? t le tie th ¥h at binds Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellow-ship of kindred minds Is like to that a-bove. m '2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; [one Our fears, our hopes, our aims are £u? contorts ami m cares, 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The synjpiitbujng tea?, 4 When wo asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in bc&j& And hope to meet again. Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide M. M. Wells. ly Spir - it, faith - ful Guide, Ev-er near the Chris-tian's side, Gen - tly lead us by the hand, 2. Ev-er pres-ent, tru - est Friend, Ev-er near Thine aid to lend, Leave us not to doubt and tear, 3.. When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet re-lease, Nothing left but heav'n and pray'r, D.C.— Whisper soft-ly,"Wand'rer, come, Follow me, I'll guide thee home."' rD.c.] T "Pil-grims in " a des - ert land; Wea • ry souls for - e'er re-joice, While they hear that sweetest voice, Grop-ing on in dark-ness drear; When the storms are rag-ing sore, Hearts grow faint.and hopes give o'er,, Wondering if our names are there; Wad - ing deep the dis - mal flood, Plead-ing naught but Je.- sus blood; 252 A Holy Ghost, With Love Divine. Gottscfialt. 2 Holy Ghost, with pow'r divine, Cleanse this guilty Laart of mine, i II - _ v. , i I vicauoD IlUIO guilty u»aig w* uu I. Ho^ ly Ghost, with light divine, Shine up-on this heart of myiej^ Long hath sin without control, ""jj"*! "s>'~-p- - - Held dominion o'er to v souk i ( I - * 1 r 1 Chase the shades of night a • way, Turamy dark-ness in - .to day. Holy, Holy, Holy. 3 Holy Ghost, with joy divine, v ' Cheer this saddened heai l of 1 , Bid my many woes depai ft, \ HeaJ my pounded, bleedi/jg health 4 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of rctoe;.! Cast down ev'ry idol throne, Reign supreme— and reign a>it3. John B. Dykes. i I 1. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho • ly, Lord God Al-might-y! Ear - ly in the morn-ing our song shall rise to Thee; 2. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho • ly, all the saints adore Thee.Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; 3. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho • ly, tho' the darkness hide Thee,Tho' the eye of sin-ful man Thy glory may not see; 4. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho • ly, Lord God AlmightylAll Thy works shall praise Thy name,inearth,andsky,and sea; Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, mer • ci • ful and might - y, God in Three Persons, bless-ed Trin - i - tyf Cher-u-bim and sera - phinj fall - ing down be - fore Thee, Which wert and art.and ev-er-more shalt be. On - ly Thou art ho • ly, there is none be - side Thee, Per-fect in pow-er, in love, and pu • ri- ty. Ho • ty. 1)0 • Jji bo • ly, mer • ci • ful and might • y,~ God in Three Persons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty. 254 I Love To Tell The Story. Katherine Hankey. USED BY PERMISSION OF WM. G. FISCHER. William G. Fischer. 1. I love to tell the 6to • ry Of un - seen things a-bove, 2. I love to tell the sto - ry; More won-der-ful it seems 3. I love to tell the sto • ry; 'Tis pleas - ant to re - peat 4. I love to tell the sto • ry; For those who know it best -P- Of Je-sns and His glo-ry Than all the gold - en fan • cies What seems, each time I tell it, 1 Seem hun-ger - ing and thirst-ing Of Je • sus and His love. Of all our gold-en dreams. More won • der - ful - ly sweet. To hear it like the rest. I love to tell the 6to-ry, I love to tell the sto - ry, I love to tell the sto - ry, And when, in scenes of glo - ry, Be - cause I know 'tis true; It did so much for me; For some have nev- er heard I sing the new, new song, \It sat* is -ties my long-ings as noth- ing else would do. f>. And that is just the rea-son I tell it now to thee. jktj tovfc_[toteD thVstO-lJfc' The mes - sage of sal - va - tion From God's own ho-ly word. 'Twill be the old, old sto - ry That I havelov'dso longjf ""Twill be my theme in glo-ry, To tell the old, old sto - ry Of Je*sus and His love. 255 Even Me, Even Me. Mrs. Elizabeth Codncr. Win. B. Brad&nry- 4-4- 7*— <^ — 9 ' gi — *— s^-»- j -z5' — ■& — * ■ & — r .1. Lord, I hear ofshow'rs of bless -ing Thou' art scatt'ring full and free; Show'rs, the thirst-y land re» 2. Pas3 me not, 0 God, my Fa - ther Sin - ful tho' my heart may be; Thou mightst leave me, but the 3. Pass me not, 0 gra - cious Sav - ior, Let me live and cling to Thee; I am long -ing for Thy 4. Love of God, so pure and change-less, Blood of Christ, so rich and free; Grace of God, so strong and J*— & — s— ns — J „ , _ , — J „ T . r? — 0 r>' i J J L 2? W fresh-ing; Let some drops now fall on me; rath - er; Let Thy mer - cy light on me; fa-vor; Whilst Thou'rt calling, 0 call me; boundless Mag - ni - fy them all in me; ~m r E - ven me, e - ven me, Let some drops now fall on me. E - ven me, e - ven me, Let Thy mer - cy light on me. E - ven me, e - ven me, Whilst Thou'rt calling,0 call me. E - ven me, e - ven me, Mag ni - fy them all in me* 256 Edward Hopper. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me. J. E.GoaW? y H: \2rD.C. 1. Je • ens, Sav-ior, pi * lot me, O-ver life's tempestuous sea: j Un-known waves before me roll, i D.C.— Chart and compass come from Thee, Jesus,Savior,pi-lot me.__i Hiding rocks and treacb'rous i shoal; % Jesus, Savior, pilot me,,, Over life's tempestuous sea;^ k , Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rocks and treach'rous shoal; .•Chart and compass-come from Thee Jesus, Savior, pU^me^/ " \ 257 A. M. Toplady, 2 As a mother stills her child, - J Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boisterous waves, obey Thy will 'When Thou say'st to thercTBe still!" Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, . _ Jesus, Sajioj^pjlot L me JL Rock of Ages. 3 When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar 'Twix me and the peaceful rest, Then, while leaning on Thy breast. May I hear -Thee say to me, * 4, Fear not, I will pilot thee/? Tfiomas Hastings. I. Rock of A • ges, cleft forme, Let me hide "my-self in Thee; i Let the wa • ter and the blood, \ . C— Be of sin the doub-le cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. « FromThy woundedside which flow'd I 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me,f Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flow'd Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure, 2 Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone: In my band no price I bring, , Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 While rdraw this fleeting breath; When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, ~ ' Let me hide myseli in Thee. 258 Safely Through Another WeeL Jolin Newton. Arr. ty Lowell Mason . | Safe - ly thro' an-oth-er week, God has broughtuson our way; 1 ILet us now a bless-ing seek, ~ * Wait-ing in His courts to - day;" 2 While we pray for pard'ning grace, Thro' the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled face, ^Take away our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee. 3 Here we come Thy name to praise; Let us feel Thy pesence near; ^ May Thy glory meet our eyes,! i While we in Thy house appear; Here afford us, Lord, a taste ' Of our everlasting feast. i 4 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief to all complaints; Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, • oTUl we join the church above. 259 Samncl Medley. O Could I Speak. Lowell Mason. 1. 0 could I speak the match-less worth, 0 cculd I sound the glories forth.Which in my Sav-ior shine, I'd soar and touch tire heav'nly strings. And vie with Gabriel while he sings, In notes al-most vine, In notes al 2 I'd sing the precious blood He spilt |3 I'd sing the characters He bears, My ransom from the dreadful guilt And all the forms of love He wears, Of sin, and wrath divine; I'd sing His glorious righteousness, In which all-perfect,heavenly dress My soul shall ever shine. 260 Frederick W. Faber. Exalted on His throne; , In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all His glories known. Wideness. most v- 5 Ther n 4 Well, the delightful day will come When my dear Lord will bring me And I shall see His face; [home, Then with my Savior, Brother, A blest eternity I'll spend, [Friend, Triumphant in His grace. Lizzie S. Tourjce. 1. There's a wide-ness in God's mer-cy, Like the wide-ness of the sea, There's a kind-ness 2. There is wel-come for the sin * ner, And more grac-es for the good; There is mer - cy ' -J- ! m m with the Savior, There is febt i heal -ing in His blood. 3 For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind; And the heart of the Eternal, Is most wonderfully kind. 4 If our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine / In the sweetness of our Lord. / 261 John Newton. In Evil Long I Toot Delight. English Air. 1. In e - vil long I Rep.— I do be-lieve, I took de-light, Un-awed by shame or fear, - Till a new ob-ject struck my sight, now be-lieve, That Je-sus died for me; And thro' His blood, His precious blood; 2 I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. 3 Sure never till my latest breath Can I forget that look: It seemed to charge me with His Tho' not a word He spoke, [death, 4 My conscience felt and owned It plunged me in despair; [the guilt; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. 5 A second look He gave, which said "I freely all forgive; This blood is for Thy ransom paub I die that thou mayst live." 262 Abide Witt. Me. Wm. H. Mont. 1. A - bide with mel Fast falls the e - ven - tide*, The dark-ness deep-ens— Lord, with me a-bide! 2. Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit - tie day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glo-ries pass a - way; 3. I need Thy pres - ence ev - 'ry pass-ing hour, What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's pow'r? 4. Hold Thou Thy cross be-fore my cios - ing eyes; Shine thro' the gloom, and point me to the skies; ^ When oth • er he!p - ers fail, and com-forts flee, Help of the help-less, bh, a - bide with me! / Change and de • cay in all a - round I see; 0 Thou who changest not, a - bide with me! (Who, like Thy - self , my guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, oh, a-bide with me! ; death, 0 Lord, a - bide with mel Beav'n'smorningbreaksandearth'svainshadowsfleel In life, in ., fir , ... -" ^r r ., A i r L Sun of my soul, Thou Sav 2. When the soft dews of kind ior dear, ly sleep not night if Thoa be near; 0 may no My wea-ried eye • lids g*o - tly steep, Be my last -J- -» earth-born cloud a • rise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eye. thought, how sweet to rest For-ev-er on my Sav-ior's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve,. For with-out Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigb, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake. Ere thro' the world my way I take. Abide with me till in Thy love I lose myself in heaven above* My Faitti Loots Dp to Thee, Ray Palmer. I Lowell Ma # — *~7n ' i 1. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Cal - va - ry, Sav - ior di • vine; 2. May Thy rich grace im - part Strength to my faint-ing heart, My zeal in - spire; 3. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs a-round me spread, Be Thou my Guidej 4. When ends life's transient dream,When death's cold sul-len stream Shall o'er me roll, Now hear me As Thoa hast Bid dark-ness Blest Sav - ior while I pray, Take all my sins a -way, died for me, 0 may my love to Thee, turn to day, Wipe sor-rows tears a - way, then, in love, Fear and dis- trust re -move 0 let me from this day Be whol • ly Thine 1 Pure, warm, and changeless be, A hv - ing fire! Nor let me ev - er stray From Thee a - side. 0 bear me safe a - bove,— A ran - eomed soul. 265 Charles Wesley. Jesus, Lover of My Soul, First Tune. J. P. Holbroot. I. Je • sos, Lov • er of my sou], 2., Oth • er ref • uge have I none; 3. Thou, 0 Christ, art all I want; 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Let me to Thy bo - som fly, While the near • er wa-tera Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, oh, leave me not a- , More tban all in Thee I find; Raise the fal • len, cheer the Grace to cov • er all roy ein; Let the beal • ing streams a- a Toll, g While the tem • pe8t still is high, lone, Still eup • port and corn-fort me. jfaint, Heal the sick, | and lead the blind, ifcound; Make and__keep me pure with-in. Hide me, 0, [-) my Sav - ior hide, Till the All my trust %on Thee is stayed,, AH my Just and ? ho ly is Thy name, | / I am Thou of fjife 3^ the fount-aij^art, ;L. Free - etorro of life is past;, Safe inl*tWt *ue ha - ven guise, fcelp from Thee I bring; Cov -er^my de - fense - less head; all un-right-eous-ness; I Vile and full of sin I am, ( let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up with - in my heart. O re - ceive my soul at last ! ( | With the shad • ow of Thy wing.j jThou are full of truth and grace. Rise to all ' e -ter - ni • ty.. Jesus, Lover of My Soul Second Tune. Fine — , S. B. Marsh. 2 t Je-su8, Lov-er of my soul, Let me to Thy bo -som fly, I, 4 Hide me, O, my Sav-ior hide, I ' I While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high. 9j I JTiUthe storn^of life is past; / D. C— Safe in-to the ha-ven guide, 0 re-ceive my 60ul at ( ^ last!^ 267 Thomas Moore. Come, Ye Disconsolate. Samuel Webbe. 1. Come, ye dis-con - so - late, wher-e*er youTan • guish; Come to the mer • cy seat, fer-vent-ly kneel; 2. Joy of the com • fort- less, light of the stray - ing, Hope of the pen - i - tent, fade-less and pure; 3. Here see the Bread of Life, see wa-tera flow - ing Forth from the throne of God, pure from a-bove; 3t~i — ^ *~~ & — 3-T -g- ' Here bring your wounded hearts here" tell' your anguish; Earth has no sor-row that heav'h can-not heal. Here speaks the Com-fort-er, ten - der • ly say - ing, "Earth has no sor-row that heav'n can-not cure,'* Come to the feast of love, come, ev - er know - ing Earth has no sor-row but heav'a can re-move. 268 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Isaac Watts. Isaac Baker Wood&nry. 1. When I sur-vey the won-drous cross On which the Prince of glo * ry died. My rich-est gain & 2. For-bid it, Lord.thai I should, boast, Save in ^ the death of Christ, my God: All the Tain things that count bat loss, And poor con - tempt on aS my pride i'hann me most* X sac • rL» flee -them to Hisblotf 3 See, from HU head, His hands, His feet*, Sorrow and love flow mingled down: Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns Compose so rich a crown? 4 Were the whole realm of nature That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands xnj aoaL my Jife, my a8» .emem 1. A - las! and did my Sav-iour bleed? And did my Sover-eign die? 2. Was it for Crimea that I had done He groaned up - on the tree? 3. Well might the sun in dark-nesa hide, And shut hia glo-riea in, Cho.— Hdpme, dear Sav • iour, Thee to own. And er faith ~fvl, be; Would He de-vote that sa-eredhead For such a worm as I? A - maz-fng pit - yl grace un-known! And love be-yond de - gree. When Christ,the might - y Mak - er died For man, the creat-ure's sin. And when Thou sit - test on Thy throne, 0 Lord, re - mem-ber me. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, I 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay Whilst His dear cross appears, The debt of love I owe; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, I Here. Lord, I give myself avvayj And melt mina ores to tears.— Cho, I 'Tis all that I can do.— CM* 270 W. W. Walford. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Wm. B. Bradbury. % Fine. j f Sweet hour of prayer.sweet honx of prayer, That "calls me from a world of care; \ u I In sea-sons * i And bids me, at my Fa-ther's throne,Make all my wants and j wishes known! i My soul has my -And oft es-caped the tempter's snare, By thy re-turn ^sweet D.C. of dis-tres8 and grief \ oft - en found re-^ f lief, 2 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of The joyslfeel.the blissl share, [prayer, Of those whose anxious spirits bum With strong desires for thy return! With such I hasten to the place Where.God.my Savior.shows His face, And glad]y take my station there, And wait iarthee,aweet hoar of prayer, 3 Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of Thy wings shall my petition bear [prayer To Him, whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless: And since He bids me seek His face. Believe His word, and trust His grace, I'll cast on Him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of i 271 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. E. Perronet. First Tune. James Ellor. LAI ■'ni ■ ,' 1 hail the pow'r of Jesos* 1 lame! Letanf elfl prostrate fall, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, ' — 4 . "V- ■ ^ )wn Him, croTi a Him.crc wn p-L Him; , hi And crown 1 v And cro 9 g Iim,crc wn Hun.cro frn Him.cr own Kim.An 1 crown Him L CrOwn Him, crdc crew fall, n.i. 1 ra Him.And crown Him LLhj; Lord ( to f Hi] 2- >>. 1 And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him; And crown Him Lord of all) 2 Tc chosen seed of Israel's race, 13 Let every kindred, every tribe, 4 0 that with yonder sacred throng Ye ransomed from the fall; J On this terrestrial ball, <' We at His feet may faU, ! Hail Him who saves you by His grace, | To Him all majesty ascribe, We'll join the everlasting song,; , And crown Him Lord of all. j ~~ And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of^.. 272 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name. Edward Perronet. 'Second Tunn. > Oliver Holden. 1. AO ba3 the pow'r of Je - sub' name, Let an - gels pros-trate fall; Bring forth the roy • al Whiter Tfian Snow Wm. G. Fischer. 1. { f 0 " 1 J !"^ US ' J ,ong to ? e , P er -! ect -'y who1 ^ } Break dowaev-'ry i - dol. cast out ev-'ry^ foe;' 1 1 want Thee for - ev - er to live in my soul; J _ *, e S- i . J t sra ' lo » k< ' ,, ™ fromT '' y , t 'f 0n • be ^ \ I Si™ op myself, Md wtat-ev -a I taoir; I And help me to make a com-plete sac-n - fice; I & .•S: , ^_ . "1_ ,4? Ftnk * Chords.^ _ , „ _^r^ D. S. Now.wasb me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than snow.yes, whiter than snow; Now wash tne, "\ D. S.— I shall be whiter than snow, f 3 Lord JesuB, for this I most humbly entre~ati I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet, s By faitb, i or my cleansing, I see Thy blood flow,' Jflow wash me, and I stolljre whiter than snow._ 4 Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait; Come now, and within me a new heart create; To those who have sought Thee,Thou never said'stnoa , .Now wash me. and I shall be whiter than anoir, 275 Savior, Like a Shepherd. Dorothy A. Thrupp. William B. Bradbury. i J Sav - ior, like a shep-herd lead us, Much we need Thy tend'rest care: I *' \ In _Thy pleas-ant past-urea feed % us, Fox _our use. Thy folds pre - pare: £ We are Thine ; do Thou befriend us, 2e the Guardian of our way; Seep Thy flock; from sin defend us. Seek us when we go astray: Blessed Jesus, Bear, oh, hear us when we pray. 3 Thou hast promised to receive us. Poor and sinful though we He, Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free We will early turn to Thee. 4 Early let us seek Thy favor, Early let us do Thy will; v Blessed Lord and only Savior,\ . With Thy love our bosoms filli k Blessed Jesus, jXuou hast loved ua, love as stflj^ 276 Unknown. The Old Time Religion, CHO— "Tis the old time re-lig-ion, Tis the bid time re-Iig-ion,'Tis the old time re-lig-ion, And it's good enough (or i 1. It was good for our mothers.lt was good for our motbersjt was good for our mothers, Aod it's good enough for i 1/ V * 2 Makes me love everybody. 3 It has saved our fathers. . 4 It was good for the Prophet Daniel, ft If.w&a good for the Hebrew ch||dna.j 6 It was tried in the fiery furnace. 7 It waa good for Paul and Silas. 18 It will do when I am dying. f i&iSJg take wall to hwrj^ 277 Glory to His Name. Rev. E. A. Hoffman. Rev. J. H. Stockton. j J Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cLansing from sin I cried,. I ' I There to my heart was the blood applied; f*~~? & I Glory to His 2 (I am so won-drous-ly saved from sin, Je>.j£jSO& _so>_sweet^ly a-bides witb>iny \\ f Glory to His name. I There at the cross where He took me in D.C.— There to my heart was the blood applied; ^Glory to His name. 3 Oh, precious fountain that saves from dbt, I am so glad I have entered in; There Jesus saves me and keeps me cleanj Glory to His name. 4 Come to this fountain so rich and sweet* i Cast thy poor soul at the Saviors feet;' Plunge in to-day, and be made completfei GloryJoJJisname. 278 I Am Trusting, Lor J, in Thee. Wm. McDonald. USED BY PERMISSION. G. Fischer. D.C. 1; lam coming to the cross; I am poor, and weak.and blind; I am counting all but dross.I shall full sai 7ation find. Cho.— I am trusting, Lord, in Thee;B!est Lamb of Calvary; Humbly at Thy cross I bow.Save me.JesuSjSavdmenow. 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee Long has evil reigned within; Jesus sweetly speaks to me, — "I wiQ cleanse you from all sin!." 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time , and earthly store : Soul and body Thine to be, Wholly Thine foreverauMg. *-r~ — r 4 In the promises . crust Now I feel the otood applied; I am prostrate in the oust, J witb Christ amgnvrfcedv 279 John Newton. How Tedious and Ta&ieless. Lewis Edson. How tedious and tasteless the hours When Je-sus no leng-er I see! Sweet prospects sweet birds.and sweet flow'rs, D. S.— But when I am hap-py In Him Have all lost their sweetness to me; The mid-sum-mer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay; De -cem - ber's as pleasant as May £• - * ♦ i "2 ERs name yields the richest-perfume And sweeter than music His voice; His presence disperses my gloom, And makes all within me rejoice; I should, were He always thus nigh, Have nothing to wbh or to fear; No mortal so happy as I; 3 Content with beholding His face, My all to His pleasure resigned, No changes of season or place [mind Would make any change in my While blest with a sense of His love, A palace a toy would appear; And prisons would palaces prove, ^^sujauner would last all the year. If Jesus would dwell witb me Uieiu 1- 4 My Lord, if indeed I am Thine, If Thon art my sun and my song, Say, why do I languish and pine? And why are my winters so long? 0 drive these dark clouds from th« stfc Thy soul-cheering presence restores Or take me to Thee up on high. Where winter and clouds are comaflk Am I a Soldier? i , . r ■ t ! Must I be carried to the skies |3 Are there no foes for me to face? [4 Since I most fight if I would reign. On flowery beds of ease, [prize,! Must I not stem the flood? J Increase my courage, Lord; 1 While others fought to win the | Is this vile world a friend to grace, ( I'll bear the toil, endure the paay And sailed thro' bloods :..eeas?i | tfo help me on to God?f^ $ Supported by. Thy word. 281 Charles Wesley. Love Divine. JoFin Zo idel. I 1. Love di-vine, all love ex-cell-ing, mm Joy of heav'n, to earth come down! Fix in us Thy hum • ble dwell-ing; D. S.— Vis - it us with Thy sal - va - tion, m * • .jt ! , = *_ ' m ' PlN-E D.S. All Tny~faith-ful nrer-cies crown; En-ter ev - 'ry trembling. heart! ill com-pas-sion. 1— 1 F r ,2 Breathe, oh, breathe Thy loving Into every troubled breastl [Spirit Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find the promised rest. Take away the love of sinning; Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Sei our hearts at liberty! 282 Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive;') Suddenly return, and never, Never more Thy temple leave: Thee we would be always blessing; Serve Thee as Thy hosts above Pray,and praise Thee without ceas- Glory in Thy perfect lovel_ £ing, The Solid Rock. i i 4 Finish then Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation. Perfectly, restored in Thee: Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before-Thee^ _Lost in wonder, love and praise. , Rev.E dward Mote, s J . E JY PER, OF TH E E JIGLOW & MAIN CO Wn i. B. B A anry. It 0 I \ My hope is built on noth-ing less Than Je-sus' blood and right-eous-ness; \ q q ^ e gol-id ' I I dare not trust the sweet-est frame, But whol-ly lean on Je-sus' name. I t t f f t . ? f f * , f , s ..t , it f *■ Rock, I stand; All oth • er ground is sink • ing sand, All oth • er ground is sink • ing sand. 2 When darkness veils His lovely face I rest on His unchanging grace; / In every high and stormy gale, Jiy anchor holds within the vail. 3 His oath, His covenant, His blood 4 When He shall come with trumpet sound Support me in the whelming flood; O may I then in Him be found, When all around my soul gives way. Brest in His righteousness alone. He then is all my hope and etay. i Faultless to stand before the Uuw. 283 O Jesus, Ttiou Art Standing. William W. How. J nsfin H# KnecFit. m l. 0 Je-sus,Thou art standing Out-side the fast-closed door.In lowly patience waiting To pass the threshold o'i We bear the name of Christians.His name and sign we bear; 0 shame.thrice shame npon us.To keep Him standing therel 3 0 Jesus, Thou art standing Outside the fast-closed door, In lowly patience waiting To pass the threshold o'er: We bear the name of Christians, His name and sign we bear; 0 shame, thrice shame upon us, To keep Him standing there) 284 William Hnnter. 2 0 Jesus, Thou art knocking; And lol that hand is scarred, And thorns Thy brow encircle,- And tears Thy face have marred: 0 love that passeth knowlege, So patiently to wait! 0 sin that hath no equal So fast to bar the gatet My Heavenly Home. Fixe 0 Jesus Thou art pleading In accents meek and low, "I died for you, my children, And will ye treat me so?" 0 Lord, with shame and sorrow We open now the door; Pear Savior, enter, enter, . And leave us never more! Arr. Rev. William McDonald. 0.9. f My heav'nly name is bright and fair; Nor pain, nor death can enter there; f I Its glitt'ring tow'rs the sun out-shin e;That heav'nly mansion shall be mine, » nly D.S.— I'm go-ing home to die no more. • I'm go-ing home, I'm go-ing home, ' To die oo more. To die no more. My Father's house is built on high. Far, far above the -starry sky; When from this earthly prison free, 3 While here, a stranger far from nom«, Affliction's waves in ay round mo foam ; Although, like Lazarus, sick and poor, That heavenly mansion mine shall be] My heavenly mansion is 'secure. 285 Shall We Meet? Let others seek a home below, [Sow; Which flames devour, or waves o'er Be mine the happier lot to own A heav'nJy m mansion near the throo* H. L. Hastings USED BY PERMISSION r-i- I - f Shall we meet be-yond the riv-er, Where the sur-ges cease to roll; > \ Where in all the bright for-ev-er, jSor-row ne'er « l Shall we meet be-yond the riv-er, When onr stormy voyage is o'er? i « l ou.ii » _„j „„* *u» 1 . > > shall press the soul? I Shall we meet and cast the anchor, D. C— Shall we meet be-yond the riv-er, - / By the bright ce-les-tial shore? Where the sur-ges cease to roll? Shall we meet, shall we meet, Shall we meet beyond the river? 3 Shall we meet in yonder city, Where the tow'rs of crystal i Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine? 4 Shall we meet with Christ, our Savior, When He comes to claim His own? Shall we know His blessed favor, And sit down ujpoo His throne! Loving Kindness 1. A-wake my soul in joy-ful lays And sing my great Redeemer's praise, He justly claims a song from me„ 2. He saw me ru - bed in the fall, Yet loved me not-with-stand-ing all; He saved me from my lost estate, 3. Tho' numerous hosts of mighty foes.Tho' earth and hell my way op-pose, He safely leads my souTa-long, 4. When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood, — ' — " 4 ' | v~ His lov-ing kindness, oh, how free! Loving kindness, loving kind-ness, His loving kindness, oh, how free! His lov-ing kindness, oh,how greatl Loving kindness, loving kind-ness, His loving kindness, oh.how great! His bv-ing kindness, oh, how strong! Loving kindness, loving kind-ness, His loving kindness,6h,how strong! Hjs lov-ing kindness, oh, how good! Loving kindness, loving kind-ness, His loving kindness, oh, how good! m 287 Mrs. Sarafi F. Adams. r Nearer, My God, to Tliee. I f Nearer my God to Thee.Nearer to Thee, * \ E'en tho'- it be a cross, r~- (Omit.) That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be.Nearer.my God,to Thee. D.S.— Nearer, my God, to Thee, t (Omit.) Near-er to Thee. . 2 Though like a wanderer The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be^ [Nearer, my God, to Thee; ANearer to Thee! 3 There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee; Nearer to Thee! 4 Or if, on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, ^ Sun, moon, and stars jbugoV Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be,. Nearer, my God, to Thec^ Nearer to Thee! " There Is a Land of Pure Delight J. C. H. Rink. f There tin - s a land of pure de-light, Where saints im-mor-tal reign; | nite day ex - eludes the night, And pleas-ares ban - ish pain 2 J Sweet fields be-yond the swell - ing flood Stands dressed in living green; l * \ So to the Jews old Ca-naan stood, While Jordan rolled between, j There ev - er - last - ing] Could we but climb where! HM; *=fc= JL-t 1 i 1 i H spring a- Mosesstooc » • t rides And n 1, And view tb \ % P , ever with e landscaj [• * — L sring )eo'e » t flo r.N r were: ] otJordc g 1 H )ea )n's 9 th,like strean m <■ t a n i,no f d arrow sea, divides This h< r death's cold flood.Should av'nly land from ours, fright us from the shore* 289 B. Scnmollie. My Jesus, As Thou Wilt. Weber 1 ' t 2. My Je-sus, as Thou wilt! Tho'seen thro'many a tear.Let not my star of hope Grow dim or dis-ap-pear; 3. My Je-sus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me; Each changing fu-ture scene I glad-Iy trust with Thee; -r!rr Thro' sor- row, or thro' joy.Conduct me as Thine own, And help me stil! to say,"My Lord.Thy will be done." Since Thou on earth hast wept, And sorrowed oft alone,If I must weep with Thee,"My Lord, Thy will be done." Straight to ray home a-bove I trav • el calm-ly on, And sing, in life or death, "My Lord.Thy will be done." 290 J. H. Newman. Lead, Kindly Light. Jofin B. Dykes. 1. Lead, kindly Light.amid th'encircling gloom Lead Thou me on;The night is dark,amd I am far from home; 2. I was not ever thus,nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on;I loved to choose and see my path;but now, 3. So long Thy pow'r hath blest me.sure it still will lead me on O'er moor and fen,o'er crag and torrent.till Lead Thon me on: Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene,— one step enough for me. Lead Thou me on; I loved the garish day,and,spite of fears,Pride ruled my wilhRemember not past years. The night is gone;And with the morn those angel-faces smile,Which I have loved long since.and lost awhile. em nJ n. ; _ u.f & Break Thou the Bread of Life Mary Ann LalFiljnry. William F. Sherwin. 1. Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As Thou didst break the loaves Be-side the sea, 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me, As Thou didst bless the bread By Gal - i - lee; 3. Teach me to live, dear Lord, On - ly for Thee, As Thy dis • ci - pies lived In Gal • i • lee; Be - yond the sa - cred page I seek Thee, Lord; Then shall ail bon-dage cease, AU fet - ters fall, Then, all my strug-gles o'er, Then, vic-t'ry won, My spir - it pants for Thee, 0 Liv - ing Wordl And I shall find my peace, My All in AO. I shall be-hold Thee, Lord.The Liv - ing Oae. From Greenland's Icy Mountains. Lowell Mason. I f From Greenland*' icy mountain, From India's coral 6trand ** i Where Afric's sun-ny fount-ains {Omit.) Roll down tneir golden sand; From many i I ancient river, From many a palm-y plain, They caH as to de - liv - er Their land from error's chain. ' 2 What tho' the spicy breezes, Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle; Tho' every prospect pleases, And only man is vile? In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God jtsstrown, The heathen in hfiTuindness, Bow d own to woo d and stone. 3 Shall we, whose soufeare lighted, v With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny? Salvation! 0 salvationl The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, His story. And yen, ye waters, roll, jTill, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole: 'Till o'er our ransomed nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator*, In bliss returns to reign. 293 Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah. William Williams. Thomas Hastings. - » Guide me, 0 Thou great Je-ho-vah, Pilgrim thro' this bar-ren land; \ \ I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Keep me with Thy pow'r-ful hand; / Eread of heaven, Feed me till I 2. am weak, but Thou art mighty.Keep me with Thy pow'r-ful hand; 0 • pen now the crys-tal fountain,. Whence the healing wa-ters flow; Let the fiery; cloud-y pil - lar, Lead me all my journey through: 5 Strong Deliverer.Be Thou still my want no more: Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more, strength and shield; Strong Deliverer,Be Thou still my strength and shield. I 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan » Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me thro' the swelling current,, Land me safe on CaDaan's side: S«ngs of praises I will ever give to Thee. A Charge to Keep. Charles Wesley. Lowell Mason. n II I | I 'I J - J' I ' I | ■ _ r-c-r-*^ 1. A charge to keep I have, A God to glo-ri - fy A nev-er dy-ing soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2 to serve the present age, My calling to fulfill, ,0h, may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care As, in Thy sight to live; And oh, Thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pmy, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust feeErsjfc I shall forever die. 295 George Kei tfi. How Firm a Foundation. 4 — r~4- Anne Steele. 1. How firm 8 foun-da-tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His ex - eel-Tent word] 2. "Fear not; I am with thee; 0 be not dis-mayed! For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid: 3. "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The riv - ers of sor- row shall not -o - ver-ffov. 4. "When through fiery tri-als thy path-way shall he, My grace, - all-suf - fi-cient, shall be thy sup-ply,* What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you, who for ref-uge to Je - sua have fled? I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand Up - held by my gra-cious, om-nip - o-tent hand. For -> I will be with thee, thy tri - als to bless, And sane - ti - fy to thee thy deep-est dia- tress. The flame shall not hurt thee— I on - Iy de - sign Thy dross to con-sume, and thy gold to re - fine. ©"E'en down to Old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; ■ ' 'And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,' i j£ke lambs they shall StiJJ in my bosom be borne; "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for : I will not, I will not, desert to his foes; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to I'D nejjer, no, never* no. never forsake;.?* 296 George Keith. How Firm a Foundation. Portogallo. L flow firm b foundation, ye eaints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to yon He hath said,To you.who for refuge to Jesus have fled? To you.who for refuge to Jesus have fled? ■^b—i — mm 'cm 6 .1 297 Rev. Wm. 0. Costing. Joyfully, Ring the Bells of Heaven. COPYRIGHT. 1903. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. USED BY PERMISSION. Geo. F. Root, h FlNR j r Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy to-day, For a soul re-turn-ing from the wild; > ( Seel the Father meets him out upon the way, Wel-coming His weary wand'ring child, $ o c Ringthe bells of heaven! there is joy to-day, For the wand'rer now is re-con-ciled; » * > Tes, a soul is rescued from his sinful way, And is born a-new a ransomed child, f „ i Ring the bells of heaven!spreadthe feast today,Angels swell the glad triumphant strain, i \ Tell the joy-f ul tidings! bear it far a - way, For a precious soul is born a - gain, j P.Cr-'Tisthe ransom'd army, like a mighty sea, Pealing forth the anthem of the free- Ring the Bells of Heaven, CHORUS. Glo-ry! glo - ry! how the an-gels sing; Glo-ry! glo-ry! how the lond harps ring; 298 The Son of God Goes Forth to Wan R. Heber. H. S. Cutler. The Sod of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain;His blood-red banner streams afar;Who follows in His train? U Who best can drink his cup of woe, Triumphant over pain, Who patient bears His cros* below, He follows in His train. , 2 That martyr firsC whose eagle eye 3 Could pierce beyond the grave; Who saw His Master in the sky; And called on Hrm to save. Like Him.with pardon on His tongue Is midst of mortal pain, [wrong He pray 'd for them that did the Ifflw follows in His train? A noble band, the chosen few, k On whom the Spirit came; [knew, Twelve valiant saints.their hope they And mock'd the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandish'd The lion's gory mane; > [steel, They bowed their heads the stroke Who follows in their train?[t<> feel, 4 A noble army, men and boys, , The matron and the maid, Around the Savior's throne rejoice* In robes of light arrayed; They climbed the steep ascent ol Thro' peril, toil, and pain, [beav'n* O God, to us may grace be giv'n. To follow id liieir train. 299 George Duffield. Stand Dp for Jesus. G. J. Webb. 1. Stand up, stand up for Je - sus, Ye sold-iers of the cross; Lift high His roy - al ban - ner, D. S.— Till ev - 'ry foe is vanquished 0 , 0 • 0 * m . rs * 0 , 0 0 « 0 . . m . 0 ' fl 0 0 . r> It must not suf-fer loss: From, vie -fry un- to vie - fry His arm - y shall He lead, And Christ is Lord in - deed. \ . JUL - - - ■ * *M 2 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict^ In this His glorious day, *'Ye that are men, now serve Him," Against unnumbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you; Ye dare not trust your own, Put on the gospel armor, Each piece put on with prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. 4 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victor's song; To Him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory Shall reign tteraafly. 300 H. R. P. Yield Not To Temptation. BY PERMISSION OF DR. H. R. PALMER. H. R. Palmer. i (Yield not to temp-ta - tion, For yield-ing is sin, Each vic-t'ry will help yon \ Fight man-fill - ly on - ward, Dark passions sub - due, Look ev - er to Je - sua, a I Shun e - vil com-pan - ions, Bad language dis - dain, God's name hold inrev'rencev *' 1 Be tho't-ful and earn-est, Kind-heart-ed and true, Look ev - er to Je - susv him that o'er-com - eth, God giv - eth a crown, Thro' faith we shall con-quer, who is our Sav-iour, Our strength will re-new, Look ev-er to Je r i ^ fe Some oth - er to win; Nor take it in vain; Tho* of - ten cast down He'll car -ry you thro'. He'll car -ry you thro'. Ask the Sav-iour to help voir He'll car -ry you thro.' €emfort, strengthen.and keep you; He is will-ing to aid you, He will car - ry you thro' 301 Wficn the Roll is Called Up Yonder. COPYRIGHT. 1893, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. B. M. J. USED BY PER OF J. M. BLACK, OWNER. J. Me Black. j When the trum-pet of the Lord shall sound,and time shall be no more, And vha ( When the saved of earth shall gath- er o - ver on the oth - er shore, And tha « 5 On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And tha A I When His chos - en ones shall gath-er to their home beyond the skies, And tha « j Let us la - bor for the Mas - ter from the dawn till set of sun, Let us °* l Then when aH of life is 0 - ver and our work on earth is done, And tha -ing breake> e-ter - nal bright and fair; roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, glo - ry of His res - ui - rec-tion share; roll is called up yonder, I'll be there* talk o! all His wondrous love and care; roll is called up yonder, FU be there. "When the roll is called up yon - der, When the roll is called np When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there, When the roll is called up Wfien tfie Roll is Called Up Yonder. yon yon-cl ■Si' : er, I'll be there, When the roll is called up yon - der, When the ^f'ff f f : --f f • "g" if c r g b 302 Higher Ground. COPYRIGHT. 1698. BY J. HOWARD ENTWISLE. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. john j. hood, owner, used by per. Clias. H. Gabriel. 1. I'm pressing on the up- ward way. New heights I'm gaining ev-'ry day; 2, My heart has no de-sire to stay Where doubts a-rise and fears dis-may; S. I want to live a-bove the world, Tho' Sa-tan's darts at me are hurled. &I want to scale tho ut-most height, And catch a gleam of glo-ry bright; Still pray-ing as I cm-ward bound,"Lord,pIanfc my feet on tigh-er ground.™ Tho' some may dwell where these abound,My prayer,my aim is high-er ground. For faith has caught the joy-ful sound, The song of saints on high-er ground* But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found, "Lord, lead me on to high-ei D. S.— than I have found, Lord,pIanft my feet on bfgh-6? groan?. aoEus. k.1 h £oidt Bless-ed be the name, ble8G«ed be the came, Bleae-ed be the name of the Lord! of the. lord! £ Re breaks the pow'r of canceled 6in, Blessed be etc, [4 1 never ehaU forget that day, Blessed be etc* \Mb blood caa make the- 1 oujest cleaoi Blessed be etc» * Wbss rd, I j care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold; I would make sure of heaven, I would aut-er the fold; In the L took of Thy kingdom. With its pages so lair, [ Omit .,......»....♦...) Jell me, Je-sus,my Sav-ior, Is my fiame writ-ten there? Is my name writ-ten there, On the pa^itfhftftandfait? D. S.— -In the book of Thy kingdom, It my name written there? 2 Lord, my sins they are many, like the sands of the ses - But Thy blood, O my Savior, Is sufficient for me; ' For Thy promise is written In bright letters that glow, •'Xho'joursuig be as scarlet, I will make Ibemlikesnow " $06 Annie L, Walker Wort, For the Night is Coming 3 Oht that beautiful city, With mansions of light. With its glorified beings, In pure garments el white; Where no evil thing eometh To despoil what is fair; Where the angels, are waiching/Is my name written (bent L. Mason. c Work for the night is com-ing, Work thro' the morning hours; J Work while the dew is sparkling, Work 'mid springing floors. Work when the day grows D.C— Work for the night is coming, ...«.«.. When man's work is done. ,D.C. brighter, W ark ■f- -i mm ie glowing son, 2 Work, for the night is coming, - Work through the sonny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor, Best comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute, ^ Something to keen in store; Work, for the night is coming, When sian works no mote. 3 Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset sky; While the bright tints are glowing Work, for daylight flies. Work till the last beam fadeth. Fadetb to shine no more, Work while the night is dnrkffnb^ When nuuft w«k 307 Charles Wesley. Come, Tfcou Almighty King. Felice Giardini. i * 4=9=^ 1. Come, Thoa Al - might - y King, 2. Come, Thou in -xar-nateWord, 3. Come, ho - ly Com - fort - er, 4. To the great One in Three, Help us Thy name to sing, Gird on Thy might - y sword, Thy sa - cred wit - ness bear The high - est prais - e3 be -* :- 1 Help us to praise: Fa-ther all- Our prayer at-tend; Come, and Thy In this glad hour; Thou who al- Hence, ev-er morel His sov'reign glo • ri-ous, O'er all vie - to - ri - ous, Come, and reign o • peo - pie bless, And give Thy Word sue - cess: Spir - it of . hoi might - y art, Now rule in ev » 'ry heart, And ne'er from us maj • ea - ty May we in glo - ry see, And to e - ter r ver us, An - cient of days! t-ness, On us de - scendl de-part, Spir - it of pow'rl ni - ty Love and a - dorel 308 Isaac Watts. Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed? Hugn Wilson. I. Alas! and did my Savior bleed? And did ray Sover 9 Was.it for crimes that I have done Ee groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace nnkaowal . And love beyond degreei 309 Watts. 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide And shut His glories In, [died, When Christ, the mighty Maker, For maa, the creature's sin. Joy to the World. 4 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: > Here, Lord, I give myself away,"— ._ 'Tis all that I can do. G. F. Handel. 1. Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth re-ceive her King; Let ev - 'ry heart pre-pare Him 2. Joy to the world! the Savior reigns;. Let men their songs em-ploy; While fields and floods,rock8,hilIs,and 3. No more let sin and sor- row grow, Nor thorns in-fest the ground; He comes to make His bless - ings 4. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the na-tions prove The glo - ries of His right-eous- room, And heav'n and nature sing, plains, Repeat the sounding joy, flow Far as the curse is found, ness, And wonders of His love, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n, and heav'n and nature sing. Re-peat the sounding joy,. Re - peat, re - peat the sounding joy. Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as the curse is found. And wonders of His love, And wonders, won-ders of His love. Sine. . . Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned. el Stennett. 1. Ma - jes - tic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Sav-ior's brow; 2. No mor-tal can with Him com-pare, A-n.ong tne sons of men; 3. He saw me plunged in deep dis-tress, And flew to my re • lief; Thomas Hastings. His head with radiant glories crowned. Fair - er is He than all the fair For me He bore the shame-ful cross. — — • — K His lips with grace o'er-flow, His lips with grace o'er-flow. That fill the heav'nly train, That fill the heav'nly train. And car-ned all my grief, And car-ried all my grief. mm 311 \ThejGreat Physician, 4 To Him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have: He make me triumph over death. And saves me from the grave. 5 Since from His bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give. Lord, they should all be tinea . J. H. Stockton. D.S. I f The great Phy-si-cian now is near, The sym-pa-thiz-ing Je - sus, I He speaks the drooping heart to cheer,0 hear the voice of Je • sus. J \ Sweetest name on mortal tongue D. S.— Sweetest car - ol ev • er sung, "* Je • 6us, bless-ed Je • sus I Sweetest note in ser-aph song, j 2 Your many sins are all forgiven, Ohl hear the voice of Jesus; Go on your way in peace to heaven. And wear a crows with Jesus, , 3 All glory to the dying" Lamb I I now believe in Jesus; ' „ I love the blessed Savior's nan > } love th& name of Jesus, i 4 His name dispels my guilt and fear. No other name but Jesus; Ohl how my soul delights to heat The charming name of Jesus. 312 Fade^ Fade Each Earthly Joy, oratms Konar. T. E. Perkins. 1. Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Je 2. Tempt not my soul a • way, Je 3. Farewell, ye dreams of night, Je 4. Fare-well, mor - tal - i • ty, Je- sus is mine! Break ev - 'ry ten - der tie, Je - sus is minel sus i3 minel Here would I ev - er stay, Je - sus is mine J 6U3 is mined Lost in this dawn-ing light, Je - sus is minel sus is minel Wei - come e - ter • ni • ty, Je - sus is minel m m mm I I I Dark is the wil - der-ness, Earth has no rest-ing place, Je - sus a • lone can bless, Je • sus is minel Per - ish • ing things of clay, Born for but one brief day, Pass from my heart a-way, Ja • sus is mine! AH that my soul has tried Left but a dis - mal void, Je - sus has sat - is - fied, Je - sus is minel Welcome, 0 loved and blest, Welcome.sweet scenes of rest, Welcome.my Savior's breast, Je' - sus is minel 313 Charles Wesley. Arise, My Soul, Arise, Are. W Gatrie!. 1, A - rise, my soul, a-rise. Shake off thy guilt-y fears; The bleeding Sac - ri-flce In thy be-half appears; 2. *Heev • er lives a-bove, For me to m-ter-cede; His aU - re-deem-ing love Ilispre-cious blood to plead; s ags l i frr fTi 0 test i Before the throne my Surety stands,My name is written on His hands.My name is writ • ten on. His bands. His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace, And sprinkles now the throne, of grace. m >*-^ D. S.for Chorus. m Hi CflO.— His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God, And lelh me I am bom of God. 3 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me; /'Forgive him, 0 forgive," they cry, "Nor let the ransomed sinner die," 5 'Nor let the ransomed sinner die." 4 The Father hears Him pray,. His dear Anointed One; He cannot turn away The presence of His Son: His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God, And tells me J am bom of God. 5 To God I'm reconciled; - His pardoning voice I hear; He owns me for His child; I can no longer fear: With confidence I now draw nigh,. And "Father, Abba, Father," cry f And "father, Abba, Father," 314 There's a Great Day Coming. A USED BY PER. W. L. THOMPSON & CO . EAST LIVERPOOL. 0.. AND W. L. T. THE THOMPSON music CO,, CHICAGO. ILL. Will L. Thompson. 1. There's a great day coming, A great day coming,There's a great day com-ing by and by; 2. There's a bright day coming, A bright day coming,There's a bright day com-ing by and by; 3. There's a sad day coming, A sad day coming,There'sa sad day com-ing by and by; When the saints and the sinners shall be parted right and left, But its brightness shall only come to them that love the Lord, Are you ready f Off that day to com© ; r 0 315 What Did He Do? USED Br PERMISSION OF O. F. P'JGH, W. Owen. M 0 list - en to our won-drous sto - ry, Yet, One came down from heaven's glo - ry No an - gel could His place have tak - en. The loved One on the cross for - sak - en Will you sur « rend-er to this Sav-iour? You, too shall come to know His f av - or, rf ,f f f^gws - f: Count-ed once a - mong the lost; ) Sav - ing us at aw - f ul cost! > High - est of the high tho' he; ) Was one of the God-head three! > To His scep-tre hum - bly bow? 1 He will save you, save you now.) Who saved us from e - ter-nal loss? What did He do? Who but God's Son up - on the cross? He 1 1 £3- W'here is He now? In heav-en in-ter-ced - ing! died for youl Be - lieve it thou, In heav-en in-ter-ced - ing! 316 P. P. B. "WRosoeyer Will." COPYRIGHT, 1908. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. USED BY PERMISSION. P. P. Bliss. ■, i Who-soever hea,reth,"shout,sh £ > J> ! ■Fine, choeus. 'Who-so - ev-er will may come.""Who-so--ev-er will, who - so-ev - er will:" Send the i — r proc-la-ma-tion o - ver vale and hill; 'Tis a lov-in b Father calls the wand'rer home: 317 On Jordan's Stormy Banks. Rev. Samuel Stennett. T. C. O'KANE. OWNER OF COPYRIGHT n : — T. C. O'Kane. 1 P~T • I On Jor - dan's storm-y banks I stand, And cast 3 VSiIl*fa] 0j©> *• \ To Ca- naac's fcir and hap - py land, Where -f- -jh -p- a \ ■ K. t f 4 Wew j 31 rest in the fair a ndh t s ajhpy la \ p i f'c-gr g" f nd, Just a-c 1>7 *&d by, ross on the ev«er*green b ior-3 v • e. *■ • r • preen shcrr. : Sing the song of Mo8 - es and the Lamb, by and by, And f f f .1- -fr ig- £ f- with Je 2 O'er all those wide-extended plains, Shines one eternal day; There God the Son forever reigns, And scatters night away. 3 When shall I reach that happy place ; And be forever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in His bosom rest? V — v—y — tr 4 Filled with delight, my raptured sou) Would here no longer stay; Tho* -Jordan's waves around me ro9^ fearless I'd launch away. 318 The Home Over There, D. W. C. Huntington T. C. O'KANE, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. Lift ■ . - IS Tullias G. O'Kane. think of thg home o-ver there/ By tha • side of the river of ligW,| , Where the saintarallmi' f 0 think of the friends o-ver there, ' Who be-fore us the journey have trocfc - - Of the songs that they My Sav - ior is now" o-ver there, j There my kindreds and friends are at rest, Then a - way from my I'll soon be at home o-ver there, . For the end of my jour-ney I see; Ma - ny dear to my ,,rrr- .- , - v- . r J -,-..-.,, . .^ mor- tal and fair, Are robed in Ihelr garments of white, ^.0 • t&ere, 0»ver tfcere, 0 think" of the breathe on the air, In their home in the palace of God. , 0 think of tha sor • row and care, Let me fly to the land of the blest. My Sav-ior is ieart, o'- ver there, Are watching and waiting for me.over"fiiere7^0verticTe;'6terthere,I'lI soon be at home over there, O-ver there, o«ver there, o»yer there, 0 think of the home fr-ver there, friends over there, O think of the friends o-ver there, cow over there, My Sav-ior is now o-ver there t borne over there jotetftera. 'Over there. I'll soon be at home o-ver there* 319 F. J. Crosby. Blessed Assurance. COPYRIGHT, 1873. BY JOS, F. KNAPP. Mrs. J. F. Knapp. ^ 1. Bless-ed as * sur - ance, Je-sus is mine! Oh, what a fore-taste oi glo-ry di-vine! Heir of sal* 2. Per - feet sub-mis-sion, per-fectde- light, Vis-ions of rap - ture now burst on my sight, An-gels de- ^ 3. Per - feet sub-mis-sion, all is at rest, I, in my Savior am hap -py and blest, Watching and ra - tion, pur-cnaseof God, - Born of His Spir - it, washed in His blood. 1 ecend-ing, bring from a-bove, Ech • oes. of mer - cy, whis-pers of love. Tm*3 is my 6to • ry, wait-ing, loo^-ing a-bove, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. D. C— Prais-ing my Savior all the .day_ long. D.Si §§§ this is my song, Praising my Sav - ior all- the day long; This is my sto - ry, this is my song; 320 J. H. Giilmore. 1 He Leadeth Me, Wm. B. Bradbury. i 1. He lead-eth me! O oless • ed tho't! 0 words with heav'nly com-fort fraught! What-e'er I do, wher* 2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er 3. Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ev - er mur - mur or re - pine, Con - tent, what-ev - er 4. And when my task on earth is done,When,by Thy grace.the vict'ry's won,E'en death's cold wave 1 hand He lead-eta me; His faith - M fol-low'r I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me. 321 Clirist Arose! R.L Slow. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. RENEWAL. USED BY PERMISSION. Robert Lovrry. 1. Low in the grave He lay, Je-sus,my Saviour! Waiting the coming day, Je~sus,my Lord! 2. Vainly they watch His bed,Je-sus,my Saviour! Vain-ly they seal the dead,Je-sus,my Lord! 3. Death eannot keep his prey, Jesus,my Saviour! He tore the bars a - way,Je-sus,my Lord! Up from the grave He a-rose, With a might-y triumph o'er His foes; He^arose, He a-rose; He a-rose a vi 3 -tor from the dark domain, And He lives for- ev-er with His saints t * g- g *f • + *| jreign;He a-rose! He a-rose! Eal-le- \ Ha a-rose! ~ ' He a-rose! lu-jah!Christ a-rosel 322 P.P.B. Hallelujah! What a Savior! COPYRIGHT. 1902. BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO- USED BY PERMISSION. P. P. BliS3. Sor-rows," what a 'Man "of Bear-ing shame and scoff-ing Guilt - y, a vile and help-less Lift - ed • up was He to r name For the Son of God who came rude, In my place eon-demned He stood, Spot -less Lamb of Ged was He; *'It is fin-ished," was His cry; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When He comes, our glo-rious King, All His ran - somed home to bring. die, rj— L * ' * = M- Ru - ined sin - ners to re - claim! Hal - le - lu - jah! Sealed my par - don with His blood; Hal - le - lu - jah! "Full a - tone-ment!" can it be? Hal - le - lu - jah! Now in heav'n ex - alt - ed high, Hal - le - lu - jah! Then a - new this song we'll sing, Hal - le - lu - jah! what what what what what a Sav a Sav a Sav ■ a Sav a Sav ■ iour! iour! iour! iour! iour! 323 I'll Go Where Yon Want Me to Go. COPYRIGHT. 1894, BY C. E. ROUNSEFELL. Carrie E. Ronnsefell. 1. It may not be on the mountain's height, Or o • ver the storm - y sea; 2. Per -haps to-day there are lov - ing words Which Je-sus would have me speak; 3. There's surely somewhere a low - ly place, In earth's harvest fields so wide. It may not be £t the bat - tie's front My Lord will have need of There may be now in the paths of sin Some wan-d'rer whom I should Where I may la - bor thro' life's short day For Je - aus the cm • ci • seek, fied; But, if by a still small voice He calls To paths that I do ' not 0 Sav-iour, if Thou wilt be my ruide, Tho' dark andrug-ged the So trust -ing my all to Thyten-der care. And know-ing Thou lov - est know, way, me. tD.S.-I'U go where You want me to go, dear Lord, O'er mountain, or plain, or sea; 3_ /a * * . : . D . S I'll answer,dear Lord,with my Land in Thine, I'll go where You waDt me to go. My voice shall ech - o Thy message sweet, I'll say vhat You want me to say, I'll do Thy will with a heart sin-cere, IU1 be what You want me to be. I'll say what You want me to say, dear Lord., I'll be what You want "me *• 324 The Sacred Boot, T. Kelly. (HAMBURG L. M.) Gregorian. 1. I love the sa - cred Book of God, No oth-er can its place sup - ply; 2. Sweet book! in thee my eyes dis-cern The im-age of my ab - sent Lord; 3. But while I'm here thou shalt sup - ply His place, and tell me of fiis love; It points me to the saints' a - bode, And bids me from de - struc - tion fly. From thy in - strue-tive page I learn The joys His pres-ence will af - ford. I'll read with faith's dis-cern -ing eye, And thus par-take of joys a-bove. 325 J. H. S. Only Trust Him, J. H. Stockton. r 1. Come cv - 'ry soul by sin oppress'd, There's mercy with the Lord/And He will surely give you rest By 2. For Je - sus shed His precious blood, Rich bless-ings to bestow; Plunge now in-to the crimson flood That 3! Yes, Je - sus's the Truth, the Way, That leads you in-to rest; Be - lieve in Him-with-out de-lay, And 4. Come, then, and join this ho- ty band, And on to glo - ry go, To dwell in that ce-les-tial land, Where trust-fog in His word, wash-es white as snow, you are ful-ly blest, joys im-mer-tal flow. {On - Iy trust Him, on - ly trust Him, On-ry trust Him now; I He will save you, He wiO save you, He will..* ) >yoanaw^ 9 ' & - d — jt I f 6 hap - py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Sav-ior and my Godf { \ Well may this glowing heart re • joice, And tell its rap-tures all a-broad. ) Hap-py day, hap-py daf, n I 0 hap - py bond, that seals my vows To Him who mer - its all my lovel I \ Let cheerful an-thems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move. / Hap»py day, hap-py day. D.S. ™ T ■ . . . „„„„• / He taught me how to watch and pray / WhenJesuswashedmysinsawaylj ^ re - joic • ing ^ry d Ty; \ 3 'Tis done this great transaction'* 327 Wm. P. Mactayj Revive Ds Again. I am my Lord's, and He is 1 He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine* 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart; Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart,- With Hun of every good possessedv J. J. Husband. 1 * m -V- -& — TO 1. We praise Thee, 0 Godl For the Son of Thy love, For Je - sus who died And is now gone a - bove. 2. We praise Thee, 0 God! For Thy Spir - it of light, Who has shown us our Savior, And scattered our night. 3. All glo - ry and praise To the Lamb that was slain,Who has borne all our sins And has cleansed ev'ry stain. 4. Be - vive us a - gab; Fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be re-kindled With fire from a-bove. 328 Battle Hymn of the Republic. Julia WafJ How©. 1. Mine eyes have seen the glo - ry of the com - ing of the Lord; He is tramp-ling out the 2. I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hun-dred cir-cling camps; They have builded Him an 3. He has sound-ed forth the trump-et that shall nev - er call re - treat; He is sift - ing out the 4. In the beau-ty of the III - ies, Christ was born a 7 -cross the sea, With a glo - ry in His vm-tage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fate-ful light-ning of His ter • ri- al-tar in the eve - ning dews and damps; I can read His right-eons sentence by the dim and hearts of men be - fore Hisjudg-ment seat; 0 be swift, my soul> to an - swer Him! be ju - bi- bo - som that trans - fig - ores you and me; As He died to make men ho - ly, let us die to make - - *z ble swift sword; His truth is- marching on. _ flar • ing lamps, His day is marching on. ( Glo • ry! glory, hal-le - !u-jah! Glo-ry! glo-ry, hal-Ie-Iu- jahl lant my feet, Our God is marching on. ( Glo • ry! glo-ry, bal-le - lu-jah! (D.S.2d time.) / make men free, While God is marching on, ~ 329 J. E. Rankin, D. D. God Be With You. COPYRIGHT. BY J. E. RANKIN. D. D. USED BY PER. W» G. Tomer. 1. God be with you till we meet again, By His counsels guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold yon, 2. God be with you till we meet again, 'Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still di • vide you,. ' God be with you till we meet a-gain. TCI we meet. . . . till we meet, TiD we meet at Je • si 3 God be with you till we meet 1 When life's perils thick confound you; Put His arms unfailing round you, God be with you till we meet again. 4 God b* with you till we meet again, Keep love's banner floating o'er you, Smite death's threat'ning wave before jm» God be with you till we meet again. 330 Gloria Patri, No. 1 Charles Meineke. i GIo- ry b< 5 to th e F a - ther, and t l ) tbe I Son, and & 9 the Ho- ly ( rhost; As U 1 F ' 1 - V — V — ' was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and ev - er shaD be, - world with-out end. A • men, A • ST , . ,, , 1 , , , J / j Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev - er 6ball be, world with - out Ho end. ■ ly Ghost; A - mem 332 Psalm 100. All People That On Eartn Do Dwell. Louis Bourgeois. -* — * — -J. \ -J. — * — * — r— * ■ — | — 1 ' • • w — r 1. All peo • pie that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice;Him serve with mirth,Hi* 2. Know that the Lord is God in-deed; With-out our aid He did us make;We are His flock, He Praise God from whom all blestings flou>,Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him a • bove yt praise forth teD.Come ye be - fore Him and re • joice. doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. keav'nly hosts', Praise Fatlter, Son and Eo • lyGhosU mm T raise God, Thos. Kenn. 3 0 enter then His gates with joy, Within His courts His praise proclaim Let thankful 6ongs your tongues employ, 0 bless and magniiy His name. 4 Because the Lord our God is good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth at all times firmly Btc*d, And shall from age to age ec*a». Rev. George Coles. 334 Psalm 95-96 O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joy- ful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it; and his hand formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. * * * 0 sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. 355 Salvation. 1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel 6hall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy go- ing out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for ever- more. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine ene- mies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be con- fident. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. 336 Winning Souls. For we are laborers together with God. The field is the world. Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to har- vest. He first findeth his own brother, Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias. . . . And he brought him to Jesus. Let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the Responsive Readings. 277 error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a mul- titude of sins. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars, for ever and ever. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and reap- eth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoic- ing, bringing his sheaves with him. His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. And let us not be weary in well * doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. 337 Our Refuge He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walk- eth in darkness; nor for the de- struction that wasteth at noon- day. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor, him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. 338 All for Jesus. Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with cor- ruptible things, as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. Fear ye not, therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For we have not an high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was 278 Responsive Readings. in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellow- ship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren. Love not the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. 339 Praising God. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniqui- ties, who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from de- struction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mer- cies. The Lord is merciful and grac- ious, slow to anger and plentious in mercy. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us accord- ing to our iniquities. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his chil- dren, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth thy praise. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever. 340 Praise and Prayer. 1 was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Enter into his gates with thanks- giving, and into his courts with praise. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteous- ness: for they shall be filled. • Blessed are the pure in heart: . for they shall see God. If any man sin, we have an ad- vocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. 341 The Shepherd Psalm. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me be- side the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: Responsive Readings. 279 For thou art with me; they rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. 342 The Lord is Good. O taste an 1 see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trust- eth in him. 0 fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: But they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Come, ye children; hearken unto me: 1 will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile: de- part from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 343 Isaiah 55. 1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; coftie ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price, 2. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. 3. Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear, and your soul shall live ; and I will make an everlasting cove- nant with you, even the sure mercies of David. 4. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. 5. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. 6. Seek ye the Lord* while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts : and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and re- turneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; 11. So shall my word be that go- eth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 280 Responsive Readings. 13. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. 344 Psalm 1. 1. Blessed is the man that walk- eth not in the counsel of the un- godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his sea- son; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall pros- per. 4. The ungodly are not so : but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous : but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 345 Psalm 19. 1. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. 2. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowl- edge. 3. There is no speech nor lan- guage, where the voice is not heard. 4. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun. 5. Which is as a bridegroom com- ing out of his chamber, and rejoic- eth as a strong man to run a race. 6. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it : and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 7. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the com- mandment of the Lord is pure, en- lightening the eyes. 9. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous alto- gether. 10. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 11. Moreover by them is thy ser- vant warned : and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12. Who can understand his er- rors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. 13. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me : then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgres- sion. 14. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. 346 Missionary God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us. f He is the propitiation for our sins : And not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Behold the Lamb of Uod, which taketh away the sin of the world. This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Go ye therefore, and teach all na- tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Responsive Readings. 281 347 Psalm 24. 1. The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof ; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? 4. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn de- ceitfully. 5. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in. 10. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. 348 Psalm 37, Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. 2. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. 3. Trust in the Lord, and do good so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. 4. Delight thyself also in the Lord ; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 6. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. 7. Rest in the Lord, and wait pa- tiently for him: fret not thyself be- cause of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bring- eth wicked devices to pass. 8. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 9. For evildoers shall be cut off : but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. 10. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. 11. But the meek shall inherit the earth ; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. 349 Psalm 51. 1. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness : according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my trans- gressions. 2. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 3. For I acknowledge my trans- gressions : and my sin is ever before me. 4. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justi- fied when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. 5. Behold, I was shapen in in- iquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 6. Behold, thou desireth truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. 7. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 8. Make me to hear joy and glad- ness ; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. 9. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. 10. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. 282 Responsive Readings. 11. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 12. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free Spirit. 13. Then will I teach transgres- sors thy ways ; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. 14. Deliver me from bloodguilti- ness, O God, thou God of my salya tion; and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. 15. O Lord, open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. 16. For thou desirest not sacri- fice; else would I give it: thou de lightest not in burnt offering. 17. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a con- trite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. 350 Psalm 103. 1. Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits : 3. Who forgiveth all thine iniqui ties ; who healeth all thy diseases ; 4. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies ; 5. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is re newed like the eagle's. 6. The Lord executeth righteous ness and judgment for all that are oppressed. 7. He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. 8. The Lord is merciful and gra cious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 9. He will not always chide neither will he keep his anger for ever. 10. He hath not dealt with us after our sins ; nor rewarded us ac cording to our iniquities. 11. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. 12. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. 351 Thes. 4:13-18 and 5:1-8 13. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sor- row not, even as others which have no hope. 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the com- ing of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16. For the Lord himself shall de- scend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18. Wherefore comfort one an- other with these words. ****** 1. But of the times and the sea- sons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction ing out and thy coming in from this cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should over- take you as a thief. 5. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6. Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober. Responsive 7. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an hel- met, the hope of salvation. 352 1 John 5:1-5, 9-15. 1. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that be- gat loveth him also that is begotten of Him. 2. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments. 3. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments : and His commandments are not grievous. 4. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 9. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He hath testified of His Son. 10. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself : he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son. 11. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. 13. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and Readings. 283 that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: 15. And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. 353 Rev. 7:9-15. 9. After this I beheld; and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood be- fore the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms, in their hands; 10. And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. 11. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the eld- ers and the living creatures, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God. 12. Saying, Amen : Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiv- ing, and honour, and power, and migTit, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen. 13. And one of the elders an- swered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14. And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shal 1 dwell among them. Abide with Me 262 A charge to keep.. .294 Alas and did my... 308 All hail the power. 271 All hail the power. 272 All hail the power. 273 All people that 332 All the way my 177 All the way to 135 All we can 194 All who will 216 All will be right 76 Almost persuaded. .. .214 Alone 137 America 161 Am I a soldier? 280 An evening- prayer. 179 A rainbow on the.. 92 Are you coming 213 Are you counting.. 34 Arise, My soul 313 A trust song 147 At the cross 229 Awake, arise 152 Awakening chorus .201 Battle hymn of the. . .328 Because he loved me 22 Better each day.... 89 Better every day... 58 Beulah land 40 Blessed assurance .. 319 Blessed be the 303 Blest be the tie 250 Break Thou the 291 Brighten the corner. 46 Busy for Jesus 196 C Calvary 67 Christ arose 321 Christ is all 150 Closer still 4 Come Thou 307 Come Thou Fount.. 249 Come Thou Fount.. 105 Come ye disconso- late 267 Come ye sinners. .. .224 Confess Him today. 217 Confidence 85 Conquer in the 156 Crown Him 199 Crown of thorns... 61 D Does Jesus care?... 5 Do Something for.. 154 Drifting 144" Drifting down 146 Dwelling in Beulah. 122 1 E Elijah's God still... 162 Even me 255 Ever present Savior. 151 Every day I need... 27 Everywhere I go.... 170 P Face to face 164 Fade, fade each 312 From every stormy. 207 From Greenland's ..292 Full surrender 57 G Give me a heart.... 131 Gloria Patri No. 1..330 Gloria Patri No. 2.. 331 Glory to His name.. 277 God be with you 329 God will take care. 11 Guide me, O Thou.. 293 Hallelujah, what a.. 322 Have you a friend. 124 Have you forgotten. 117 He brightens the 66 He did so much for.167 He is mine 158 He knows the way — 88 He leadeth me 320 He lifted me 94 He promised to keep 30 He rolled the sea.. 128 He is able and 148 He's the one 104 He will not let me. 39 Help the one next.. 140 Higher ground 302 His grace is 95 His love is far 82 His way with thee. 70 Holding on to Jesus. 110 Hold the fort 230 Holy Ghost with... 252 Holy, Holy, Holy. . .253 Holy Spirit faithful. 251 Home of the soul... 63 Home, sweet home.. 235 How could it be?... 103 How firm a 295 How firm a 296 How it saves 37 How tedious and... 279 How you will love.. 2 I am coming home.. 215 I am coming Lord.. 226 I am praying for... 55 I am ready, are you. 165 I am trusting, Lord. 278 I have been to Jesus. 36 I have never found. 80 I love Him 107 I love Jesus 72 I love to tell the.. 254 I must tell Jesus... 93 I need Thee every. . 69 I never loved Jesus.160 I only need to trust 15 I shall be ready 79 I shall dwell forever 32 I walk with the 141 I want to see Jesus. 38 I will sing the 28 If I could but tell it. 29 If Jesus goes with.. 118 If your heart keeps 20 If you want to be.. 129 I'll go where you.. 323 I'm a pilgrim 159 In evil long I took. ,261 In the cross 241 In the garden 9 In the hollow of 112 In the service of the 65 Is it the crowning. 73 Is my name written.305 It is here 54 It was Jesus who... 45 Jehovah- Jireh 206 Jesus has you on.. 145 Jesus, I my cross 248 Jesus is calling ...208 Jesus is all the 17 Jesus loves even me. 187 Jesus lover of my.. 265 Jesus lover of my.. 33 Jesus lover of my.. 266 Jesus met me there. 7 Jesus paid it all.... 228 Jesus remembered . 62 Jesus Savior, pilot.. 256 Jesus will save you. 218 Jewels 195 Joy to serve Jesus. 51 Joy to the world 309 Just abide 171 Just as I am 227 Just outside the 185 Just to know Jesus. 64 K Keep on singing ... 86 Keep the vision of. 100 Lead kindly light... 290 Let God use you.... 182 Let Him in 25 Let Jesus come into.231 Let the lower light.175 INDEX 285 Ltfa's railway 114 Looking on the 188 Lord, I'm coming .... 240 Love divine 281 Loving kindness ...286 M Majestic sweetness .310 Make Jesus yours... 212 Master, the tempest. 200 More about Jesus... 1 Morning, noon and... 84 Mother's prayers .... 14 Must Jesus bear the. 225 My anchor holds... 184 My Father watches. 74 My faith looks up.. 264 My heavenly home.. 284 My Jesus, as Thou.. 289 My Jesus, I love.... 247 My mother 106 My only hope 176 My Savior first of.. 166 My Savior's love... 71 My soul be on Thy.. 244 My wonderful dream 16 N Nailed to the cross. 116 Nearer my God to.. 287 No night there 109 No not one 223 No other one but. . . .125 No tears up yonder. 101 O could I speak.... 259 O day of rest and. ..243 O happy day 326 O how I love Jesus. 238 O Jesus Thou art... 283 O love that will not. 42 O my Soul, bless 60 O, 'tis a great 50 Oh to be over 174 Once for all 169 One day 90 One sweetly solemn. 304 Only a smile 13 Only a step 222 Only one way 3 Only trust Him 325 On Jordan's stormy. .317 Onward, Christian ... 246 Onward to victory ... 203 Open my eyes 119 Pass me not 121 Pentecostal power.. 56 Praise God from 333 Pure white ribbons. .. 189 R Redeemed and saved 44 Remember Me 269 Rescue the perishing.lll Revive us again.... 327 Ring the bells of 297 Rock of ages 257 Rolled away 136 S Safely through 258 Sail on 18 Saved 6 Saved, saved 47 Saved by the blood.. 149 Savior, like a 275 Say not tomorrow. .211 Send the light 178 Send the power 77 Send Thy Spirit 75 Shall we gather at. 83 Shall we meet 285 Since I found my... 127 Since Jesus came.... 3 Singing as the days go by 133 Softly and tenderly..233 Somebody cares .... 10 Sometime 186 Songs of praises. .. .115 Song to the flag 197 Souls are coming. ... 209 Stand up for Jesus.. 299 Stand up, stand up. 126 Steady and true.... 134 Still sweeter every.. 108 Still undecided „ 221 Sun of my soul 263 Sunshine in the soul 19 Sweeter as the years 52 Sweet hour of 270 Swing little 192 Swing song 191 T rh© house that 198 The King's highway.132 The Lord is King... 204 The name of Jesus.. 78 The old-fashioned... 68 The old-time 276 The open door 53 The sacred book... 324 The same old way.. 24 The shadow of Thy. 21 The solid rock 282 The Son of God goes. 298 The unclouded day.. 23 The unwritten gospel 87 There is a fountain. 236 There is a fountain. 237 There is always 43 There is land of 288 There's a great day.. 314 There's a wideness. .260 Thou hast been a... 81 Throw a line 172 Throw out the 138 Tis so sweet to 155 True-hearted 157 Trusting Jesus 163 IT Unsearchable Take me as I am... 245 Take the Name of.. 113 Tell it everywhere.. 96 The church in the. .181 The cleansing wave. 239 The everlasting 202 The fight is on 130 The gate of 153 The great judgment.l20jWhy not no The great Physician.311 Wonderful power, riches.143 w Walking with Jesus 41 Wandering child, O. .183 We are marching to. 180 What a day of 48 What a friend 242 What a wonderful.. 8 What did he do? 315 What will it be? 26 When at. last 59 When I survey 268 When Jesus spoke. . . 31 When love shines in. 102 When our hosts to. 12 When the roll is 301 When you know 139 When we all get to. 91 Where He leads me. 173 While Jesus 234 Whiter than snow.. 274 Who could it be?. . . 97 Who'll be the next?. 210 Whosoever will 316 Why do you wait?.. 232 220 99 The gospel harvest. .205 Work for the night. .306 The haven of rest.. 168 The heart that was. 98 The heavenly 190 The hem of His 123 The home over there. 318 The homeward way. 49 Working together.. .193 Y Yield not to 300 You may have the.. 142 You need the Savior.219 Responsive Readings All For Jesus 338 Isaiah 55 343 I John 5:1-5 352 Missionary 346 Our Refuge 337 Praise and Prayer 340 Praising God 339 Psalm 1 _ 344 Psalm 19 345 Psalm 24 347 Psalm 37 348 Psalm 51 349 Psalm 95-96 334 Psalm 103 350 Revelations 7:9-15 353 Salvation 335 The Lord Is Good 342 Thes. 4:13-18 351 The Shepherd Psalm 341 Winning Souls 33ft ASSURANCE. Abide with me 262 Blessed assurance. ... 319 Christ is all 150 Dwelling in Beulah. . .122 He knows the way... 88 He lifted me 94 He rolled the sea 128 Holding- on to Jesus.. 110 How firm a foundat'n. 295 How it saves ........ 37 I shall be ready 79 I shall dwell forever.. 32 In the garden 9 In the hollow of his.. 112 Jesus remembered ... 62 Morning, noon & night. 84 Saved 6 Somebody cares 10 Sun of my soul 26o The haven of rest 168 The same old way. ... 24 'Tis so sweet to trust. 155 "What a day of victory 48 ATONEMENT. Alas and did my 308 Calvary 67 He did so much for.. 167 Nailed to the cross... 116 There is a fountain.. .236 CHILDREN. A rainbow on the. ... 92 All we can 194 Brighten the corner... 46 Busy for Jesus 196 If your heart keeps. . 20 .Tesus loves even me. .187 Jewels 195 Looking on the bright. 1S8 Pure white ribbons. .. 189 Saviour like a 275 Song of the flag 197 Sunshine in the soul.. 19 Swing little branches. 192 Swing- song 191 The heavenly Strang.. 190 Working together 193 CHORUSES. Awakening chorus ...201 Crown him 199 From every stormy. . .207 Jehovah-Jireh. 206 Master the tempest. .. 200 Onward to victory. . . .203 The everlasting father.202 The fight is on 130 The gospel harvest. . .205 The house that stood. 198 The Lord is king 204 CHRIST. Calvary 67 Confidence 85 Have you a friend like.124 He's the one 104 How you will love him." 2 I have never found a. 80 I must tell Jesus 93 I need thee every hour 69 Jesus is all the world. 17 Jesus met me there.. 7 Let him in 25 No other one but . . . .125 One day 90 Saved! Saved! 47 The heart that was... 98 The name of Jesus. . . 78 What a friend 242 What a wonderful.... 8 CHRISTMAS. Joy to the world 309 The heavenly stranger.190 CONFESSION. Come thou fount 105 Come thou fount 249 Confess him to-day... 2 17 Have you forgotten. . .117 I have never found a. 80 I want to see Jesus... 38 I will sing the 28 In the hollow of his. .112 Morning, noon and... 84 No other one but 125 Open my eyes 119 Still sweeter every. . . 108 Tell it everywhere.... 96 The hem of his 123 Who could it be but. . 97 CONSECRATION. Better each day 89 Closer still 4 From every stormy... 207 Full surrender 57 Give me a heart like. .131 -lis way with thee. 70 How it saves 37 I am coming Lord. . . .226 I love Jesus 72 More about Jesus.... 1 My Jesus as thou.... 289 O Jesus thou art 283 Open mine eyes 119 Pentecostal power ... 56 Sweeter as the years. . 52 Take me as I am 245 Where he leads me. ..173 CROSS> All the way to 135 Calvary 67 Glory to His name... 277 In the cross 241 Jesus, I my cross have.248 Keep the vision of the. 100 Must Jesus bear the.. 225 Only one way 35 When I survey 268 DECISION. All the way to 135 Everywhere I go 170 He is mine 158 I need thee every hour. 69 If you want to be. . . .129 In evil long I took... 261 Just as I am 227 Keep the vision of the. 100 O happy day 326 Rolled away 136 Still undecided 221 The haven of rest.... 16 8 Why not now? 220 DEVOTIONAL. Arise my soul 313 Break thou the bread. 291 Closer still 4 Come thou fount 105 'Dwelling in Beulah...l22 I need thee every 69 Pass me not 121 Rock of ages 257 Still sweeter every. ...108 Where He leads me. . .173 DUETS. Calvary 67 Drifting 144 I'm a pilgrim 159 Jesus lover of my soul.265 Jesus met me there. . . 7 Nailed to the Cross. . .116 O my soul bless thou. 60 The heart that was. . . 98 EASTER. Christ arose 321 Crown of thorns ... 61 Hallelujah what a. . . .322 FAITH. GRACE. He lifted me 94 His grace is 95 One day 90 Topical Index GUIDANCE. All the way my 177 Ever present savior. .151 Guide me O thou 293 He leadeth me 320 I. will sing the 28 In the garden 9 In the hollow of his.. 112 Only one way 35 Sail on 18 Take the name of.... 113 The king's highway ..132 The same old way .... 24 Walking with Jesus. . . 41 Where He leads me. .173 HEAVEN. Home of the soul 63 Home sweet home. . . .235 I shall dwell forever.. 32 Is my name written.. 3 05 No night there 109 No tears up yonder.. 101 O to be over yonder.. 174 Shall we gather at. 83 The unclouded day.... 2 3 There is a land 288 What a day of victory 4 8 When the roll is called. 301 When we all get to. . . 91 HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Ghost with love.252 Holy Spirit faithful. . 251 Open my eyes 119 INVITATIONS. Are you coming home . 213 At the cross 229 Come ye sinners 224 Confess Him to-day. ..217 287 He's able and willing. 148 I am coming home. . . .215 I am coming, Lord... 226 Jesus has you on His. 145 Jesus is calling 208 Jesus paid it all 228 Jesus will save you. . .218 Just as I am 227 Let Him in 25 Let Jesus come into.. .231 Lord I'm coming home.240 Make Jesus yours . . . .212 No not one 223 Only a steo 222 Only trust him 325 Say not to-morrow ..211 Souls are coming 209 Softly and tenderly. . .233 Still undecided 221 Take me as I am 245 Who will be the next.210 Whosoever will 316 Why do you wait? 232 Why not now? 220 JOY. I have been to Jesus. . 36 I walk with the king. 141 If you want to be 129 Joy to serve Jesus. . . 51 O happy day 326 Ring the bells of 297 Saved by the blood.. 149 Since Jesus came into. 3 Singing as the days go.133 There is always 43 You may have the 142 JUDGMENT. The great judgment. . 120 There's a great day. . .314 LOVE. Because he loved me. . 22 Better every day 58 Glory to His name.. . .254 His love is far better. 82 How could it be 103 Glory to His name. . .277 r love Him .107 I love Jesus 72 I never loved Jesus. .160 Love divine 281 More about Jesus.... 1 My Jesus I love thee. .247 My Savior's love... 71 O how I love Jesus. . .238 O love that will not. . . 42 Only a smile 13 The heart that was. . . 98 When love shines in.. 102 LOYALTY. His love is far better. 82 Holding on to Jesus. .110 My soul be on thy. . . .244 Sail on 18 Stand up for Jesus 299 All will be right 76 Does Jesus care 5 He will not let me fall. 39 Holding on to Jesus. .110 How it saves 37 I only need to trust. . 15 I will sing the 28 Jesus is all the world 17 Just to know Jesus. . . 64 Keep on singing 86 My faith looks up to. .264 Saved 6 The hem of his 123 The homeward way. . . 49 The old fashioned 68 The unwritten gospel.. 87 When you know. ... .139 FORGIVENESS. He did so much forme.167 He's able and willing. 148 He rolled the sea 128 I have been to Jesus.. 36 Nailed to the cross. . .116 Rolled away 136 Saved by the blood.. 149 The cleansing wave. . .239 There is always 43 HOPE. A rainbow on the 92 Fade, fade each earth. 312 I will sing the wond. . 28 Looking on the bright. 188 My only hope 176 jMy Saviour first of.. 166 Since Jesus came into. 3 The solid rock 282 INTERMEDIATE. A rainbow on the.... 92 A trust song .147 Brighten the corner. . . 46 He brightens the shad. 66 Help the one next to. .140 Looking on the bright. 188 Pure white ribbons. .. 189 Saviour like a shep...275 Singing as the days. . .133 Song of the flag 197 Sunshine in the soul. . 19 When love shine in... 102 You may have the joy.142 288 Topical Index Stand up, stand up for.126 Take the name of, The king's highway True hearted, whole 113 132 157 MALE VOICES. Just outside the Let God use you My anchor holds.., Sometime, somewhere. The church in the Wandering child, O . . . MEMORIAL. Lead kindly light . . . My heavenly home. . . Nearer my God to . . . Shall we meet When at last we. . , MISSIONS, Do something Everywhere I go. ... . From Greenland's icy. I'll go where you... Let the lower lights.. Onward Christian Rescue the perishing. . Send the light Stand up, stand up for Steady and true Throw a line Throw out the life. . . . 185 18 184 18 181 183 290 284 287 2 85 59 154 170 292 323 175 246 111 178 126 134 172 138 MOTHER. Mother's prayers have 14 My mother 106 OBEDIENCE. His way with thee. 70 If Jesus goes with me. 118 If you want to be... 129 PATRIOTIC. America 161 Song to the flag 197 PEACE. Dwelling in Beulah . . . 122 Unsearchable riches.. 143 When Jesus spoke.... 31 PENTECOST. Pentecostal power. ... 56 Send the power again 77 PERSONAL WORK. Brighten the corner. . . 46 Do something 154 Everywhere I go 170 He brightens the 66 Help the one next to. 140 I love to tell Only a smile Rescue the perishing Take the name of . . . Throw a line Throw out the life .. the. . .254 13 111 113 172 138 PRAISE. All hail the power . . . Blessed be the name. , Come thou almighty. . Come ye disconsolate. Holy, holy, holy How tedious, and... I have been to Jesus. . If you want to be. . . . Majestic sweetness . . . O could I speak O day of rest and On Jordan's stormy. . . Since I found my The king's highway. . . There's a wideness. . We're marching to... 271 303 307 267 253 279 36 129 310 259 243 317 127 132 260 ISO PRAYER. An evening prayer. 179 Even me 255 Give me a heart like. 131 I am praying for you. 55 Jesus Saviour, pilot. ..256 Open my eyes 119 Pass me not 121 Sweet hour of prayer. 270 PROMISES. He promised to keep, If your heart keeps. . , No tears up yonder.. The gate of blessing. PSALMS. O my soul, bless thou, The shadow of thy... Thou hast been a When our hosts to ... , REPENTANCE. Are you counting the, O 'tis a great change. Send thy spirit The hem of his 30 20 101 153 34 50 75 123 SERVICE. ^ am ready are you.. 16 5 In the service of the. 65 Joy to serve Jesus. ... 51 The fight is on 130 Rescue the perishing. Ill Steady and true ....134 You may have the. ..142 SOLOS. Christ is all 150 Drifting down 146 Elijah's God still lives.162 Have you forgotten. .. 117 He lifted me 94 Home of the soul.... 63 I am praying for you 55 I walk with the king. 141 Jesus is all the world. 17 Jesus met me there. . . 7 Jesus remembered you 62 Life's railway 114 My father watches... 74 My mother 106 My wonderful dream. 16 Sail on 18 Somebody cares 10 The great judgment. . 120 The heart that was. . . 98 The unclouded day. . . 23 Throw a line 172 Throw out the life-... 138 TEMPERANCE. Pure white ribbons. .. 189 Yield not to 300 TRUST. A trust song 147 Confidence 85 Does Jesus care? 5 Every day I need Thee 27 He brightens the 66 He will not let me. . . 39 I am trusting, Lord. 278 I only need to trust. . 15 If Jesus goes with me.118 Just abide 171 Just meet me there. . . 7 Just to know Jesus... 64 Keep on singing 86 My Father watches. 74 O love that will not.. 42 Somebody cares 10 'Tis so sweet to trust. 155 Trusting Jesus, that. 163 Wonderful power .... 99 WARFARE. Am I a soldier 280 Awake, arise 152 Conquer in the 156 Hold the fort 230 My soul, be on thy.. 244 Onward Christian 246 Stand up, stand up 126 The fight is on 130 The son of God goes. 298 When our hosts to ... . 12 WORK. A Charge to keep... 294 Awake, arise 152 Do something 154 I am ready, are you/165 Let the lower lights.. 175 rrue hearted, whole. 157 Work for the night... 306