Memorial of the Convocation of the Colored People in the Diocese of North Caro- lina Presented to the Diocesan Convention of 1916 To the Rt. Rev. Father in God, the Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, and Brethren of the Convention in the 100th Annual Session. Father and Brethren in Christ: — Your Colored brethren send greeting in the Lord. The Convocation of the Colored People would most respectfully invite the attention of this Convention to a consideration of the sub- ject and action thereon again of the "Racial Episcopate." The Gen- eral Convention of tbe Church will meet, God willing, in the city of St. Louis next October. In 1913, when the Convention met in New York City, after a failure to get concurrent action of the House of Deputies in what the House of Bishops decided by a majority vote was best for the advancement of the work among colored people, the matter was placed in the hands of a Joint Commission