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THe ih agit rah tans tg it thaliets ot at etalk Hs sa yay atin ath oe areata ! Feet tae i anetnesa agai HAM Batis aeeune! i fe katana NaN bsHAnabsa ai d cn ae ai i BHA Uhied gneve vee Se $= ie = rey 7 ees SSS awe: = eaeere z Sei ee He ne: a5 eS aa aoe es Se a == Ss Sa = oe Ze eae = ees o3 S55 ps 3 . aes asi at btn neriaanc nee el le ua Hie a ia bs nas had Te a ne i i aldaes int \ oe UHR aeshsniTiee Te Ricithoatlataats a asia \) ip EiRaNGt OI GSN Sb seb ira aang ct a ae iat ciate ian Hs iW asviba,apratats " ip i heen aes i tf. 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Debby 43 it sespicctone res iaga tl : We Roberts avi as bs: Fea rts iy bo. Library of The University of North Carolina COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL of the Class of 1889 sof y b poe OT | 00038174171 This book must not be taken from the Library building. mere f | | | | : | | i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from ~ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill htips:// A M oie vet peer a Tia ‘ } qt ’ ata Diy ny, Crear), ak” yd aie) Ay Ce) Oa ea ra, tae he he AL AVA } Ovi ve Kopat vee 1307 in bacd& None 1SSued 14 08-!) SECOND ANNUAL REPORT ORSETLE North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDER CONTROL OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIOM, N. C. 1915 RALEIGH Epwarps & BROUGHTON PRINTING Co. SraTE PRINTERS SIGNS OF TUBERCULOSIS A hemorrhage of the lungs means tuberculosis without exception. A subnormal temperature (by the thermometer) in the morning and a rise of temperature in the afternoon means tuberculosis 99 times in 100, and often the other time, too. A low blood pressure, taken with the proper instrument, is suggestive of tuberculosis. A cough that lasts more than three weeks should suggest tuberculosis and should call for an examination by a competent physician. The tubercle bacillus in the sputum is a positive sign of tuberculosis, put the diagnosis should be made long before the bacillus can be found. The earlier the diagnosis of tuberculosis is made, the greater are the chances for recovery. The later in its course the disease is found, the less are the chances for recovery. yeas Oe ag oi NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (Under the control of the State Board of Health) PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Sem ONistty \WWAY. PT CS1C Ota. 2.42 6s okie ee cee eee teen. Waynesville os as LS Leo gS ee a Raleigh Cot. J. eR ee ge er eed, eho Ries 6 as vik Gis larelSie ee ae cw Winston-Salem SOT a cba ces ek kee ee cele s ede wees Winston-Salem MDT ROMS M DC ANDERSON. 6.50050 kek ee ew cee ee cee ke Statesville reeset) PLP IGAUGHINGHOUSE ..5 6 6 nc ew eee wets Greenville SEE EN SIMU OU a. sc. Gordes a Fis sc she nes ev ce cece eee ees Wilmington Pa TSU ATS) cg 20 BSS Oe Henderson MUR MTTIOMEP CONG fe ca ok we ek ee ete ee ewes Jacksonville Dr. W.'S. RANKIN, Hxecutive Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. NR aa gv dee hn as Be ein ee ease ws L, B. McBrayer, M.D. PEI eea Ne SMPCrINLEMUCNt . .. 6. cee et ee ee P. P. McCartn, M.D. ue NTE, Tee RO ONT 2 a S. W. THompson, Jr., M.D. Private Secretary to Superintendent............... Miss R. WITHERS ose OSUIGSG ae) a sig ate oe Miss MAMIE O’KELLY Peet MEPLCAMMINUDSE fou oko eo tc ee Miss ANNABEL CRAWFORD NN a et eS EG Slo nas, Bld: sae og eo See’ Vee LiL: RC UMA OTN Cee elo si sichevs is see) esse e's 9 ove em Jo MS CrARK SOTESSIYETS a0 ae Sead ae ee J. A. BOONE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS, STATE BoArD OF HEALTH PSEuC > TRAP ECCRIIIES ate eee Me wee eee race er rarer L. B. McBrayer, M.D. ei TEL Ora IslILCAll cic csw-de lee ook noe ee ee eats P. P. MoCatrn, M.D. OM OCT CLAL Vinten Li othe Sn fas Sica e eiAe ponies etna Beary aye Miss R. WITHERS Se rE Pe) | ait eve ghd ge live 0 availa eld Gin lone «ie R. M. Rice Bets SUAS Or ne 5 oe ix pie es os Wie Sino oles hal S oe ia wats Pel Miss B. WITHERS 4 PERSONNEL STATE RED CROSS SEAL COMMISSION Mrs. C. C. Hook, Chairman, Charlotte Mr. A. W. McALISTER, Greensboro Mr. HAmitton C. Jones, Treasurer, Mrs. C. Martin, Wilmington Charlotte Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Raleigh Dr. OTHO Ross, Charlotte Mrs. T. D. Jones, Durham - Mrs. G. M. Frncer, Charlotte Dr. W. L. Dunn, Asheville Mrs. CHARLES R. WHITAKER, Henderson- Mrs. S. H. Brown, Oxford ville Cou. J. L. LupLow, Winston-Salem Mrs. MARK QUINERLY, Greenville Mrs. J. L. WetTMoreE, Arden Dr. L. B. McBRAYER, ‘Executive Secretary Miss R. WitTners, Assistant Secretary LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dr. W. 8S. Ranxtn, Secretary, State Board of Health, Raleigh, N.C. My pear Doctor:—I hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and General Assembly, a report, being the second annual report of the North Carolina Sana- torium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, for the year 1915, covering only financial statement and medical report. | Very respectfully yours, | L. B. McBraver, Superintendent. pee am of at ke a MEDICAL REPORT DEFINITIONS OF TERMS EMPLOYED On ADMISSION These definitions indicate the furthest extent of disease and the greatest severity of symptoms that a patient can present and still belong to the stage defined. All patients beyond the incipient: stage fall under the moderately advanced stage unless the physical signs and symptoms exceed those of the moderately advanced stage, when they should be classified as far advanced. Incipient. Slight or no constitutional symptoms (including, particularly, gastric or intestinal disturbance or rapid loss of weight). Slight or no eleva- tion of temperature or acceleration of pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours. Expectoration usually small in amount or absent. Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent. Slight infiltration limited to the apex of one or both lungs or a small part of one lobe. No tuberculous complications. Moderately Advanced. No marked impairment of function, either local or constitutional. Localized consolidation moderate in extent with little or no evidence of cavity formation; or infiltration more extensive than under incip- ient. No serious complications. Far Advanced. Marked impairment of function, local and constitutional. Marked consolidation of an entire lobe. Or disseminated areas of beginning cavity formation. Or serious complications. Miliary Tuberculosis. On DISCHARGE Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of six months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion. Apparently Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of three months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion, | Quiescent. ios Absence of all constitutional symptoms, expectoration and bacilli may or may not be present; physical signs stationary or retrogressive. The foregoing conditions to have existed for at least two months. 8 AwnuaL Report, 1915 Improved. Constitutional symptoms lessened or entirely absent; physical signs improved or unchanged; cough and expectoration with bacilli usually present. Unimnproved. All essential symptoms and signs unabated or increased. TERMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “INCIPIENT”’ 1. Slight Constitutional Disturbance. Slight loss of appetite, of strength, of weight; lassitude; possibly slight acceleration of pulse or possibly slight elevation of temperature. The impairment of health may be so slight that the patient does not look or feel sick in the ordinary sense of the word. 2. Slight Hlevation of Temperature. Maximum temperature after rest for one hour, never goes 99.5 to 100 degrees F. by mouth (or 100.5 per rectum), 3. Slight Acceleration of Pulse. Maximum pulse rate not over 90 after rest for one hour, sitting or lying, except when due to causes other than tuberculosis. 4. Absence of Tubercle Bacilli. Each monthly examination (if the sputum be negative), to consist of a careful microscopic examination, with a mechanical stage, of two smears, devoting at least three minutes to each smear, made from selected particles (at least six from different parts) of the sputum on each of three successive days. The morning sputum should always be obtained, or, better, the minute bits that some arrested patients raise at very infrequent intervals. It is not yet deemed wise to insist on digestion and centrifugalization, or on inoculation of guinea-pigs. 5. Infiltration. Physical signs of slight prominence of the clavicle, lessened move- ment of chest, narrowing of apical resonance with lessened movement of base of lung, slight or no change in resonance, distant or loud and harsh breathing, with or without some change in the rhythm (i. e., prolonged expiration); vocal resonance possibly slightly increased; or fine or moderately coarse rales present or absent. If sputum contains tubercle bacilli, any one of these. 6. Apex. That portion of the lung situated above the clavicle and the third vertebral spine. : 7. Small Part of One Lobe. An area of one or two intercostal spaces, or an area not exceeding 60 to 80 sq. cm. in extent, according to the size of the patient. Tue Norrn Carorina SANATORIUM 9 TERMS USED IN DEFINITION oF “MODERATELY ADVANCED” 8. Marked Impairment of Function, Hither Local or Constitutional. Local: Marked dyspnea on exertion, limiting seriously the patient’s activity. Constitutional: Marked weakne§s, anorexia, tachycardia. 9. Moderate Extent of Localized Consolidation. An area of one-half lobe or less, but may involve both apices; marked dullness, bronchial or decidedly broncho-vesicular breathing; markedly increased vocal resonance; rales usually present. These signs are to be sharply limited as to area instead of gradually shading into normal physical signs. ; 10. Evidences of Destruction of Tissue. Presence of tubercle bacilli or elastic fibers in the sputum or the presence of the physical signs of a cavity. There are no absolutely | certain physical signs of cavity, but a combination of any four of the following signs is to be taken as indicative of a cavity: (1) cracked-pot note; (2) amphoric breathing; (3) intense whispering pectoriloquy; (4) a veiled puff or post-tussive suction; (5) bubbling or resonant rales. “Physical signs of softening’ do not admit of any definition apart from that of cavity formation, and the terms should not be used. 11. Disseminated Fibroid Deposits. More or less localized areas of fibrous tissue, producing on physical examination, some change or dullness in the percussion note, more or less increase of vocal resonance, harsh, suppressed or broncho-vesicular breathing, rales sibilant or sonorous usually, but at times fine and moderately coarse. 12. Serious Complications. ; These should be limited to tuberculous complications, such as menin- gitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (except slight thickening in the posterior interarytenoid space, and superficial ulceration of a vocal chord), enteritis, peritonitis, nephritis, cystitis, orchitis, adenitis (unless very slight), ete. . 10 ANNUAL Report, 1915 TABLE No. 1. Total number .of patients treated during yearls20c 2) une set okee oe eb eae te eee ee eee 268 Total number of patients in Sanatorium November 30, 1915_---.___.-_.-.-.-_--_----.------------- 80 Not tubercular. 2S sie bee ce de ond eee ee en 1 Number. patients to be reported on. 22022. dee geo oo See ee ea Saapaanty ite Fer op Wes 187 TABLE No. 2.—19 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on |— Admission Arrested ee ueans Quiescent Improved | Unimproved ee Incipient=-_2=- 2S ee Se Die OP ae Rs. te SS eee Moderately AGVaNnced co Tl na se ee a eg eel oo 6 Lee. |S arene Paradvanced LO) eee nec cone eleeee one ee aa 5 1 4 Acute tuber- culoSis_ 2.252 eves ge een cele ee a ee ee ee ee ee Totals=2- 19). eal eg ee ee 13 2 4 AVeragcisbay 22). 2 ae tee eee 19.21 DayshiNumbertrainediwele lite ae = = eee re 10 Tiongestistays--2 sees ae ee ee 29 Days .|) Aversigecain = 282s 2 6 eke ee ee Semele ose Shortestistay.-= 2 ee =. See renee 4 Days.) Liar geste atin ecm. oes ee 6.25 Lbs. Smallest gainsse: eee ee eee ee Dulas Number Jostiweighta es.» sate 2st oe Seen. 4 Averagen osaweiectes ae cad ter ete 1.94 Lbs. Largest, asses ees rane els ae 3 Lbs. Smallest loss: see suet ee eee 1 Lbs. Not-weighe qe ster ee en ne a ene 3 Stationary ee. ae Re aa eae ee 2 TABLE No. 3.—62 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission bt capa atl Arrested re ake ry Quiescent Improved | Unimproved Died Incipient______ LOlSeae Se eT CR oe Cee eee 5 1 eee nde (bees epelerer gS alee Moderately advanced 22:30. Sse, ee ee ee ee 6 22 7 pa ae WR oe ee 1 Par-advanced 721 latacs a eee: | ene ee 2 12 6 1 Acute tuber- culosis.___.-_- tt een ets Re ee ete SR TE oe oe Lae) eae Totals 2: G2) ene be ee 13 39 9 1 PA VOTA POS bAAr-cGe ec. eee ihn i ahi, Poe 57.74. Days | Number) gained: weight..2e0.- - 22 eee ee 50 Mongest’stayoas. saute seme Sone Sere 88 Days | Average gain. PPR SY SOLE atid et ag SD 8.68 Lbs. Shortest stay_-_..___- ‘cheat! = AG ane 30 Days. | Largest gain 2.2. soe ae eee 31.5. Lbs. Smallest) gains <2 ee iy Ab ofe ys Number lost weight.) <2. ee eee 12 Average loss... 5). 3 3. oes ee 4.08 Lbs. Largest loss2,.4...258... 2 oe 14.50 Lbs. Smallest loss-5 4°. - 2 Ae (5 Lbs. Tue Norrn Carorina SANATORIUM - 11 TABLE No. 4—106 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission y Reet Arrested 5 ho aehadd Y | Quiescent Improved | Unimproved Died Incipient... __ 19 5 9 | 4 LD Caen aN an Ne A BEERS EoD A Moderately | advanced -__50 5 8 25 9 2 1 HATEACVANCEC.ot\ > 2 --_ Leak 2 12 13 8 2 Acute tuber- | a eas sta he SI Se ps pg 6) Se en (ef a a Totals _106 10 19 41 23 10 3 PMVCLAUCCISUS Vrmee 2 ee cane wnn-scnele 216.96 Days Number lost EVOL Fityceee eh © more Sacco ee ne ee 19 WMOmeostasaym ener = ae ee 618 DaAVemieAverage: LOSS: 2228 .- osc esen kee eee 8.93 Lbs. BSMODLCSUS ta Vrrac- co. o- eee 90 Dayvsmiplvarcest, Asses 52 eae ee 22.25 Lbs. Simic llestlogsiest. make, Car aemnn yee .50 Lbs. OLA CLOUT wees ears een onl OD oh oe as eee ees 1 Number eainedswerthtm ss = ee keer es 85 Nevena Cor Palys ete eee .ne Seeh 14.34 Lbs. Are eStr Pa IN Uke eek eee eee eee ee 40 Lbs. Sristlestwoa true te) es wo eee ee 2 20 lubs. INO tRW ete hOG Siete rn Sere ern Hee oe 1 TABLE No. 5.—EIGHT PATIENTS GIVEN TUBERCULIN TEST. [EOStUL VC leeneenes eee Ee ete See eee 7 ISIS GR IG Sad ee ee See 1 Ota Laer aS eee Se oases 8 TABLE No. 6—HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE. sn a OE OR Sateen accccewasanacceedcscaca=scelccaenee 120 Previous Py Pua eat PATE e yO Sait Py we) Bees Le ee 2 a eee 45 Sees ee ciao PoniconGesonly. .bo9e0 tee eo ao dele eee one eke sek on ebe sede eee i Prev TOMI ANG erin Ores OUCOe te t= 3b cc Joc eee ee Soe edad wk weed Seeaet Lake 15 TRG MES 5 So Og Re IC, 3 os Ps os Ek Ree Ae Pe er Beets Bary Ue, SUES ee 187 TABLE No. 7—COMPLICATIONS. INOGTGIS eee, Sees SoC Vat menses Suey te iy Laryngitis: 222.225 eee Cees ore ee eee 20 Am latis bul aeeteens cS 0 Reet Sire: Soe leen [ale Wate oe ee ES Se a ees | eee ea vee 1 peices CHOrOnies.......-u..-vews celecss-. ieioMatral recurgcitationss 950.5) 22=eee— =e 2 pe ortoaClerOsin: eto? en. eee ies soe 1 | Nephritis, chronic parenchymatous_--...-...-.-- 3 PTrOnChitisemeeses 2) eee eas te. Ss” ees 1035) SOtitis; medias 522-22. 2222 cose eee neeeeees 6 Proecno-pncwia0nia.. 2.25. 6025.4..-5--- 22826 SMe aT OulbiSetaeees eocee = eee 0), Se. 1 Meninesssconvenital 1s... ese ees eee (el Peritonitisuec: pat s222-..csn Seen sooo eee 2 AD TAto OL es eee ee eT irae ah) sre 1 Pleurisy with: ef UslON 2) sa. t- eee eee eee 3 SELECT eee eee bine yee es ee ABLAP Feo ANCY. seeerees oe can vaso ee tae pee a ees 1 TESTE ye es SO A ee ee me Mees oa Gs te Pyothorax:eisecac a edks tooo cae eee geeasaeeae= 2 aerieNOur ale iaee ge oe ee 8 oe sake 1 leSciaticn a= esse oes ee nee coe ee ene 1 CONT ATA GEE ee ee Teh DOOM Y UIs es ore se eee an oe ee aeece == 1 VE Mee yp Pat ae A i tea ee ae el 1 Spontaneous pneumothorax--_ ...-.=-2-2-2-.2- 2 12 ANNUAL Report, 1915 TABLE No. 8-SEX AND AGE. 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Total Malewe eon ee 14 23 26 13 8 2 116 iemalessseeee 10 | 33 17 4 5 2. afi SeLotalseee 24 86 43 17 13 4 187 TABLE No. 9—CIVIL CONDITION. Single... : oss ek 2 ie ee ee eo 100 Married 25.22 23655232:e8e eee Widowed... 4.0.09.) S28 oe eee eee "Total. ole Gee 187 TABLE No. 10—NATIONALITY. SA WieTICS Sn. ee, Se 186 Hungarianies \ 3. he Sa ee eee T Ota]. Sct. cays eee eee 187 TABLE No. 11—OCCUPATIONS. Baler’ sthelper sont St see eee ee Onna een ene 1. Tiiveryimsins==. 2s eee ne oo = | 5 ea ee eee 1 Barber. es 5227 Fst cee oe eee ee eres 1: |. Liana bermans ssa ete ono ee) ae eee 3 Boarding house kee pers= ===: saan eae 1 | Machitnstse. 3 ets ee es. one eee 1 BOOKKCE Der eee 52s oe oe eek a es eee Go)” Miarmiuie ci ruiicer mista rin (Ue aera en eee 1 BOOk=DinG eres ak oe ee eee ee ate Aa 1k Meditea lati cherie eee ee me ae a 2 Brickmasons se ee ee ee ne ae 2°| Mercharitceesetssekse sie ge tes. ee eee 12 CAT PEI CCT or Bo esa ee eee Oe ete eee ee 2. Messenger Oya ea Re ke Pe ee 1 Givilten@ineer aes 2 eee eee OP ee ee ft. | -“Ministers2 2... Meee eer, fee ah oe 3 ler kyimiGt OTe Merce a ye oe ache se eg Oa 71) Motormangstreeticais: see" =a a eee 1 C@leriOlsoU PerlOrs © Oli tae eee ae een 1. |. (Painter wee eee ae in ae 1 Couvoment OMe ss ee eee es 5. |. Pharm ges tos eee sameneeee: eeea ee ee 4 Otto awiele er sees Nee meaner ge eee eee 1 leeP hotograpi crete eee oe ae neler ee 1 Deputy clerk of Superior Court_._... _________- 1')-Postofiiceicler ky see eee 1 TDPESSTUA KOR 2S: uo ae Moe oe ein te a ae ee 1 | Proprietorslaundiiy.--ee ee ee eee 1 Druseclenks 5 paeae tds ot ccs Mya Sele ORO eee 3) | PROPTICLOTRDLE ssi eeC lu yeaa sae aa ae 1 Hdivor newspaper eee te. ee ue ee ee 1-2 Proprietor: sawn! | Saeee eee aeeere il UX ee uitahaysepen! a eR VM 1}. Pupilinurse= See ee ee ee) See 1 Electrician see eee to oe) a eee ee ee eee To" Ranly ode cle r kemeaeccoe = oe ee ee ene Coe 2 WR Boy eae WRN OW da NC les aL A a ae 263" Riad roadecomciuct Or eee ee eee eee 1 Fireman, stationary. engine____________________ I) Ratlroady fla gina rise eee eee ener 1 Horemamn veneer plantss=s=5 sae = ee =e ee 1) Railroad statiomen en t= 1 Hoteluclerk-ac Pee 2 ee oe er 1M) Realestate dealers es sae ee ene eee 1 FLOuse wife: 20 2 see ten Seo ea ae i hae er 32 Revenuetotiicersses=s eee eee eee 1 FLOUSE WOT Ks a bill OIG me ae ae eT TSO) “Steno @raypy ers see ee eer aes ae 7 Sawyers sine ose See oa ee ee pl oe 1"). Stden tes 2 fee ee a es Life guard______- ys SA pier” lt Ne a 1 yo Teacher. 225 2cS5 ches ee 8 ee wena 5 Eineman.(‘Tel,) 3244. some eee ee 1 4 Telegraph. operators....-. osn20-. ee eee 1 Total 4 22268 ee ee 187 Tue Nortru Carortina SANATORIUM 13 TABLE 12.—TOWNS FROM WHICH THE 187 PATIENTS CAME. UNOS SU RS ae PMO ORL OUNG Se 24 oe oom onde an DAE ING Leahey hl ey ne D) [90,5 AES a ie GS) Ofc A is i Ce ae ae ae int Pipteporole. seen we et 1 INGO DONO Meee noo) oe PUpClosOnaeeeees eee 8c. ote ISP Rorterst = ont set. Sea ohe 1 SC Se a ‘i | LGAESS. 7 F2) ea) lc pe a 2 a PPINCRLON ee at ee Se oe 2 SY, ot Die Give kay eee eee ee ee Dial RUG CHOLO. saree wty 8 vane Sead Boe 1 IP inGenDOnOmsse tes So er uka. e Iai GreensbOLl Og rn a) oc ose tee Galeyclerm hm aeae oe PT er 6 ree waves oo. at eel ae Ape Greeti @wees ko Jc. 2 eS aii Dae lSyoumineree. 2a WN 1 TD UL o Wee os a ok Ue lsvamn letters. 22S eo ep ekerclengliae Sb eee 9 Burana fo: See Ca EbenGersOlere ns cece. te) le 24 Roanoke Rapides pee tees 1 [Bub eet: 2 SN eS eee eee etic Ores eose et ee Se Ee 13 Rock Hill 2 see ee ee ee 1 CEYCINES TON ns 2d, I 5 Ps a ha ee i VED ed ned 2oib ayn eames a eae le ml atoreltauaved etiod a 208 1 CHOVVENHOLS Ls eg ep alelinliesao wets oes es IE Ye le ENO Cyan VI(0 unr jee ee D) CARs Jenna Sa ime SDOrOee es aaa eee ec: ee Da MRVOSGs ETT e eae wa >be ee 1 Whisroe lls eee ee ee SL PelPUMtersimlles sews fob ase oe Deithvoxo bel aks Sadar me ee 1 Carlo pres ewe ee aheELCnt Oversees ewe eee {Sh Salicbuisy =e Oe ee 1 @mnmatGrovers..o2o2eeese25252 2 IOAN eI OMe ek Ses een eS ee Santord: 2eee. cee gee lee eee 3 Glitisicl Cena re maee e SE Hie NE eeTNG eerie CR yee ol Set 1G) ‘Serr! Use honc sass eee eae 1 GOWC ORG mee pee ee ee ELS 4 | Kings Mountain______---______ Del Siler: City2sco= ee 1 Cooneneem tue pha Seee eS aleereric hte al esaeeecee ee SE Les PAS pPartads = e2-6. oe een SE 1 Gorin t ere. Oe eee ae el / MMC GOnesEe Settee. ee 1 ac tal G yee we Cee oe be | COE (Oi Ris ee See, eee iie\tanchesvenes..-2ck hee u anes Lal Statesvil l esas. eee Se 7 Creed moor.#. 2. Jo2seang2028i2-- J Sheil WY RewaeVoh ele) eee Be eee een Bo, me LatStokesdale: S33 sees 1 IOP asia ee ee pievianteomeseeccn. write Sukie 19 hobaccovilleseess) eae Seen iL Daryda 00 kext reed Bek eee EEN lmieiGarsh wallow ow oS SDS: 1) Troutmans=-=22.20 22-2 1 NS OTe Newer ee ek ee eee eS MeN acolo ues Oceeesceate s. Le WiniomeMa see eee = 1 iDoloeon Le eee ee ae es oe mie VWieNdenval less seeceee ee eeee. Tale WadesbOrOsge 2 eee ae eet = 1 | ES, SU Poe a PERCU aL Sele ees. SDs Bas se LSeWalnit Covel.-esese ete eee 1 Dreier S Sen ese Snel lpia 4 Cas ce neue eee ek Be {oe Walstonburm:<<-2-2.-s5-20L_ 2 1 Geno Neale. cee as eee. the | SAN Rapeh oyster eet Ue A Spe Date arsaweerss 4 ree ee ieee ee 1 liza petheGity= seem ees Le Bmp lounteAgr yee.=— ees ee ee ee LSP ashine tonseseee4 eee eee 1 (oun. kes eae iieMiount.Guleades 22.2 see ee DAW Cld ons --aee enews cee a eee 1 Lich UG Bes i re ne = oo fh LOMNtELOLy 22. uence: dp Wilson 352.4. ike osace 2 eee 2 Roath) wae can ee 8 Le VLOUnTIO li Veneer eee see ee fe Wall. see ee ae Ie) Lincoln 2255. ae 1 eVWianCGs 2.22 oe ee 2 ae Chath antag aos aay, 3 aye et 3 cMartin 22-235. 3.2 eee typ Waker. = soc ere aera 10 (CHO we. Nacie ser ee ea 1) Mecklenburg = aaa LOA Warren. 27. be ee et eee Cleveland $i¥ t=. 2522 5 eee 1: |) Moore:s... eee ly Wayne: 52 ashes enn ss en eens 4 Colimbug. 5. 20. oh eee 1 |) Montgomery... -22. 255. 2 4 Wilson. 42 421k ee a ae Graven. 25.2422 0 see 5 eee eee 3 New. Hanover: asa iis Wilkesit 2... 2 ee 1 Cumberlands 2-22. Saat esneee 5 } Northampton: .) eee Ott VApCey ceo). cas ceuecee Sea ae Dares .oa nee oo eee 2 Oranges. 552.2 e Ay Yadkint. 22.2035! 2 2 eee Hic ie aan 2 oe ee tee es ae OS Sih Pitt. =) 2 ee 7 : SoutH CAROLINA: Burp lini seers Nee hes aaa 2 (Pender: 2. 2 oe ee 1 : Marl borg. 22 2. S een Bdeeconmbes 25:22): ase sie s Br tr Pamlico.. 25-8. 1 York HMorsy thai Ps ates Mens ea rn |) Pasquotanks.--s5- 2-2 === Sa aeo se tec. > ee a ie (lastone ex Aa. Jay re. amber ae 4°) Randolph... ...-22-2.. eee 4 |GEORGIA: Garin villes ee oi ae panel A. Richmond 2-25) oe Dale icerate vis oss bee Car Cen shea aioe ee ene 1) Robeson: 3-0-2 2-2. eee 3 a OUT ORCS eee de en Oe ee 1 Rowan. 245.4222 2 Tota | 2 7s eee 187 Tue Norra Carormna Sanatorium 15 AFTER RESULTS OF PATIENTS DISCHARGED FROM THE SANATORIUM FROM DECEMBER, 1913, TO DECEMBER, 1914. * INCIPIENT. Condition on Ae Without With Discharge Condition December 1, 1915 Tuberculin | Tuberculin Total ware ancl nwiOl kiN gestern. oo ecco ek 0 0 0 Arrested Living and not working_---.....-._..___.__- | 0 0 0 ee iD yey | kn iss Li RS | 0 0 0 TOE SS ee ae a a 0 0 0 Piao ran ny OT MANS e oe) we ccc eee 1 1 2 Apparently | Living and not working____--._-.__________- | 0 0 0 Arrested Steel so. 0h ae i ea ae ee 0 0 0 2 TL Rie 2 ie aie ie al ee 0 0 0 MaycmomencawiOnki ngs: 22062 225.0 ona s 4 0 4 @mescent. 4 .wivine and not working.._-.°._...-_..--.-.-| 0 0 0 4- D1 eee nee on ae 0 0 0 a) i Te Se eye Mee 0 0 0 eanerane working..-.-....--.---.--------- th 0 1 lmprovedunisliving and not working ._.............-..-- 0 0 0 3 ete)! 2 0 0 0 IORI e SS cS a 2 0 2 Living and Per ee ee Shih Brel ee 0 0 ienumnproved |: Living and not working.....-.._........_-.- 0 0 0 0 De dl pene eer te 8 0 0 0 ILYOPRB eps ais, Suey Se ee eal 0 0 0 NVI an WOKING 0 20 cen no nn , aes re 7 Total iiying-and. not working... 7....-.-.-.=.--.-- . aa 0 9 VOY SEW 6 le = em ao - coset wegen ae et ee aR 23 we 0 TE fofSH ice Sy ot ST a ea oe =~ es 2 16 AnNuAL Report, 1915 AFTER RESULTS—Continued MopERATELY ADVANCED. Condition on +) . Without Cischarss Condition December 1, 1915 Taberculin Livangevand! working ae a ae eee 1 Arrested Livin gad Not workings sss. ees. 0 2 Dead estan ete ee eo ee 0 LiOpt2c200 oe ot be oe eee 0 Living and woOrkingss==22=s2=) = 5 Apparently | Living and not:working..--_=_-22_s uae 0 Arrested Dead = <. se sete 3 eee a 0 5 MOB be ea See ee ee 0 Livinevand? workin ces. oa ae 9 Quiescent | Lavinevand notiwOrktnG === eee eee 5 16 Wea ditcrs . Sle Wee to eye eye ee 0 TiO Stree. 2 eae eee eae eee ee 1 lGiiighates Chavo, uOrd anaes pia ee 25 Improved: si Livanevand notwworkings-o=seessa. 9. sana 10 47° Dead oes Olesen 9 Losti22e Ae eee oe eee eee 3 Divan and swor kan cesses eee ee it Unimproved | Living and not working__...-......__.--2--- 0 2 Dea aie oo oe a Oe ee ET eee 1 WWOstseesat Be ee he a renee Pek Dee 0 ivan @eand ew or ki ricee see ae se Total IDiebayes FmGh avon yeOieltauayes le = 72 Ded iaeieas AT RES ae Tl hin re) pais TiO 8 tee ee ee a With Tuberculin oS oS 6 oro & Sr Oreos Soro > OS QarS Total ooo un oor Fe me Re oro 25 wo oOorROor 16 - 11 . Tue Norru Carortina SANATORIUM ie AFTER RESULTS—Continuwed Far ADVANCED. Condition on aie a Without With Discharge Condition December, 1, 1915 Tuberculin | Tuberculin Total Havinoand ow Onkingeeess 8228! ooo 0 0 0 Arrested ivimerand NOt workimg.. 02-22... .._.._..- 0 0 0 0 Deal soc Shee Ege ee Ns Se a eee 0 0 | 0 IGaste we tee. a eee 0 0 0 Beier ne WORKING ces se Se 1 0 1 Apparently living and not working. -.-.-.._......-..--- 1 0 1 Arrested Deselect alge 0 0 0 2 as ee es en Pee ee ee 0 0 0 MlunginomancdawOrkine. 2. 2205-0520 —4 Riacseals 0 0 0 Qurescent. “living and. not working. ..-..-.:....--.--_. 0 1 1 1 1d) C10 ee Mp A k 0 0 0 eas eee ete WE We te 0 0 0 Living AIG WIOT ING eeee a ee 1 ue 2 immpro veces bayane sane: m0t WOrking._.:.-._.-.2--222.-2- 6 0 6 Oye Wea eee eg terre ON es 16 0 16 pg oe Se ee 0 0 0 having and working.-_...20.....-._-2.---.2. | 0 0 0 Unimproved | Living and not working___..-.__------------ 0 0 0 33 ec mete tte SP To ee et ad oo 0 33 ese) ta a Es) ees a re ee are | 0 0 0 main eeand, WOT kine =. 420.2 k¥seocaen-un ae a 3 Total ivi owanG nO WOT KANO ee ee eee | se an 8 60 Wea ea reeeee tue gee eS eats 2s | ae o3 49 fOs teen ane eer eh Se eda A = -- | 0 In addition to the regular Sanatorium work, the medical staff has exam- ined without charge 232 outside patients for diagnosis and consultation. One hundred and sixty of these were examined here at the Sanatorium and 72 were examined at Wadesboro in connection with the silk mill investigation, mentioned in 1916 annual report. FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 1, 1915 ASSETS Appropriation account + 3.30. sa's see eee $ 65,000.23 Real estate—Farm | 3 cscs es ouig le te arene eer ne 11,048.71 Real. estate—Hospital buildings... 2.5) Wises eee eae eee 65,164,55 Pump. -Statlon yi fe 5 wee hae ite: dec ate te ee re 688.00 Barns and silos =. 00 os Pk ee ee ee 2,232.01 Acetylene light ‘plant °. se)... $3 fs cee cee ee 645.17 New ‘building i... 2 oo. 2 Sa re 22,321.71 Inventory: . Dining hall and kitchen furniture and fixtures........ $1,112.15 Hospital furniture and: ixtures..<. .. seen ee See 4,716.12 Nursés. Home furniture and fixtures. pee eee 520.27 Superintendent’s residence furniture and fixtures..... 144.80 Dairy: fixtures: 6.00.50 04. Cok ee g ee 527.05 Farm live stock Jy... 2.20. fe faa 2 eee 350.00 Farm-machinery and tools. :2-5%. 20. eee ee 499.36 Dairy ‘live stock ie.h cies. sce hes alee pee 2,601.00 Crockery and ‘silversvus se 2a it Oe eee 219.28 Linen and ‘bedding’ 202. ..2..% 6 oe ee ee eee 1,427.93 Drugs and: medicine’ avy. sec wee cl 125.00 Hospital: suppiMes. a. a. dicta cncn.c bscec ols ee ee 433.75 Atttomobile. 2. ot. St ae eee 350.00 Farm ‘expense “(feed }2272 25.7 Oss eee 280.00 Dairy expense (feed) ..u.5 <5 ms os eres bccche kate nee 1,084.15 Provisions « si se. .crewoPhnile a oth pens ee 252.02 Coals a ee a ak ee oa i 19.50 Books—Training ‘School... sa. ee 58.18 Hospital ot Say, 1} ‘asf NI GNV CHLYTANWOO MON SI HOIHM JO DNIM LAGT-AYVWYIANT “ONIGTING ONIAIBOUY ‘ONIGTING NIVW THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF tHE North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDER CONTROL OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N. CG. 1916 . RALEIGH EpwArpDs & BROUGHTON PRINTING Co. SraTE PRINTERS 1916 NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (Under the control of the State Board of Health) PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PPT UTIONVAY, FP TCSIGCCRL. occ ccs coeliac tees nen cccens Waynesville are MPV GET Yy US Tete sie’. c Wise oc) abs whe di Walegellle we se ee ounce Raleigh One) ais LUDLOW ..... +++ UP ie 5g esiuey a 5. ster so 5, 001.5; = (0G) $i 910/50 aij Winston-Salem ee RI CT cre so oo nc es ts lees eae ce eine sea aes Winston-Salem RETO IU SUA NUDEBRSON. 600050500005 ce csc cree c wees cen eens Statesville pee ees © Le LAUGHINGHOUSE .... -. 200.00 e se cccccvncess Greenville es RENTON OUP ec clos vine os ce ke rele ee cee ee tees Wilmington PO ee ESTE Gi ao ES Henderson Ce Se Ee © PGS RFS OS a rr Jacksonville Dr. W. S. RANKIN, Executive Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. Su SOOO yy L, B. McBrayer, M.D. Peer erAT Pm UDECTINGCONGCNE 5.55.05. oc ce ce ee tees P. P. McCain, M.D. (GE SGA 0 S. W. THomeson, Jr., M.D. Private Secretary to Superintendent............... Miss R. WITHERS OE IN NYRRYE) ses ae Miss Mamie O’ KELLY reer tere E TOA PNUISC 2.5.06 _ a - . - -* 7 ia x ; a, a ; ‘ Piece at : ys et p= Ane . eae tak bab a Pit. bn THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM, N. C. We are pleased to report progress along every line of endeavor. BUILDING ACTIVITIES We have constructed the left wing of our Main Building, which is and is to be Receiving Building and Infirmary and Administration Building. This left wing was intended to accommodate 48 patients; we are now housing 64 patients in this building. We have built a power house, installed a 100-horse- power boiler, engine, and dynamo. From this power house we heat all the buildings on the hill, furnish steam to run the ice plant, steam for cooking, and electricity for light and power. We have installed a cold storage and ice plant. We have built a coal chute which delivers the coal in front of the power-house door; have built a cottage for engineer and a two-room house for fireman; a storage warehouse in which to store supplies, close by the rail- road, where it is convenient to load and unload freight and express direct into the warehouse, whether local or by the car-load. We have painted, screened, underpinned, and otherwise repaired all the old buildings on the hill, making extensive repairs to dining-room and kitchen. We have also made some tem- porary repairs to the old dairy barn and built a shed for machinery. In mat- ters of economy, we are running our power plant for about what it costs us to pump our water with gasoline and buy our ice, so that we have our electric lights and steam heat free. The Southern Express Company has recently given us an express office, and we have been notified that our postoffice will be advanced to third class January 1, 1917. EXTENSION WORK In the Extension Department we have in two years examined 6438 cases for diagnosis, 411 of these during 1916. We have carried on extensively a corre- spondence course with physicians throughout the State with especial regard to the early diagnosis of tuberculosis. This has been productive of great good. We have endeavored to enforce the law requiring the physicians to report their cases of tuberculosis to us and have sent such cases printed instructions 8 ANNUAL Report, 1916 in regard to the prevention of the spread of the disease to others, and as to the open-air treatment. We have bought sputum cups in quarter-million lots and are shipping them all over the State to any one wanting them, at actual cost, which is 50 cents per 100. We have distributed 60,302 of these during the last year. We have sent out 12,093 copies of literature. We have had 3,557 cases reported. Of these, 2,545 are alive; the others have died. We have written letters, multi- graph and personal, to the amount of 60,744. We have received 14,605 letters; we have written articles for the press, bulletin, and other magazines, amount- ing to 80,273 words. We have prepared 37 forms, placards, etc., amounting to 19,241 copies. We have been furnishing capillary tubes of tuberculin for the Von Pirquet diagnostic test to physicians and have sent out 1,625 to these, the only charge being that they should report the result of the test. We have delivered during the last year 35 addresses, to a total audience of 3,995. We have had 58 conferences with local authorities. We have done 2,350 labora- tory examinations in the last year and furnished physicians with histories of the first examination of their patients amounting to 133,787 words. We have made a complete detailed sickness survey of the Silk Mill village at Wades- boro, perhaps more complete than has ever been done in the United. States, and among other things, advised the employment of a public health nurse, which has been done, and the erection and maintenance of a sanatorium, which is now under consideration. é Public Health Nursing.—After a conference with the Secretary of the State Board of Health, and at his suggestion, we took the matter of Public Health Nursing under the Bureau of Tuberculosis. We had all the public health nurses in the State, about 41 in number, as our guests at the Sanatorium for two days, and the meeting did much to further the cause of public health nursing. We have secured a Director of Public Health Nursing for North Carolina, Miss S. H. Cabanis, who devotes all her time to this particular thing. We were fortunate to secure the cooperation of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, which is paying one-half of the salary and traveling ex- penses of the Director. This company is also cooperating in local nursing activities and has given to us five scholarships in public health nursing in the University of Cincinnati. Red Cross Seals.—We have conducted the Red Cross Seal Campaign for two years and are actively engaged in the third campaign at this time. The re- ceipts last year amounted to $8,033.86. We confidently expect the receipts this year to go over $10,000. Seventy-five per cent of the receipts will be used by the local committees in their own locality, 10 per cent will be sent to the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, which furnishes the seals and advertising matter, and 15 per cent will go to the State Red Cross Seal Commission. All of it will be used in the fight against tuberculosis in North Carolina. In connection with the Red Cross Seal Campaign we have each year con- ducted a campaign for the observance of Tuberculosis Sunday and Tubercu- losis Week, sending letters requesting every minister in the State to speak on the subject of tuberculosis and disease prevention on Tuberculosis Sunday, enclosing appropriate literature to use in his remarks. Tuer Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM 9 DONATIONS We have received the following donations from friends: Donor and Donation Concord Anti-Tuberculosis Society, Concord, bookcases. Ida Hawkins Missionary Society, Wilmington, 75 Bibles. Mrs. Ella H. Williams, Poplar Branch, N. C., 1 Bible. Miss Kate M. Herring, Raleigh, N. C., vases. Mrs. John C. Scarborough, Winton, N. C., $2 for Bibles. Maxton Presbyterian Sunday School Class, Maxton, N. C., 19 Bibles. Miss Anna L. Twelvetrees, Charlotte, N. C., 100 song books. Mrs. Jennie G. Yates, Louisburg, N. C., books and literature. Miss H. Brown, Charlotte, N. 'C., 2 Bibles. Mr. A. W. McLean, Lumberton, N. C., magazines. Mrs. D. H: Ray, Fayetteville, N. C., books. M. P. Philathea Class, Asheboro, N. C., literature. Miss Cordelia W. Phifer, Charlotte, N. C., 4 Testaments. Southern Pines Civic Club, Southern Pines, $50 check (from sale of Red Cross seals). Miss Bess Stewart, Carthage, N. C., 7 books. Miss Grace McKinnin, Bennettsville, S. C., $5 quarterly (for Sunday School literature). Mrs. Walter H. Neal, Laurinburg, N. C., 7 books. Thompson Baraca Class, Greensboro, N. C., box of books. Kings Daughters, Rockingham, N. C., box of magazines. Mrs. Mary D. Brush, New York City, box of magazines and books. News Printery, Lenoir, N. C., box of magazines. Rev. Mr. Gude, Wagram, N. C., books. Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Aberdeen, N: C., books. Aberdeen Baptist Church, Aberdeen, N. C., books. Hon. A. W. McLean, Lumberton, N. C., 2 books. Miss Maude Upchurch, Raeford, N. C., 2 Victrola records. Mrs. W. S. Rankin, Raleigh, N. C., 1 Victrola record. Miss Elizabeth Connolly, Denver, Col., 2 Victrola records. Mrs. and Mr. Edward Gibson, Laurinburg, N. C., Victrola records. Miss Ruth Withers, Sanatorium, N. C., 2 Victrola records. Bluff Presbyterian Sunday School, 1 Bible. Miss Ruth Andrews, subscription to Country Gentleman. Miss Lillie A. Way, Belhaven, N. C., 1 book. Hon. A. W. McLean, Lumberton, N. C., 1 bundle magazines. Rev. F. W. Bradley, Gastonia, N. C., 1 bundle magazines. Mrs. Jennie Tucker, Wingate, N. C., 1 book. ° Miss Lydia Holman, Altapas, N. C., 1 box books. Century Company, through Miss Jones, Aberdeen, N. C., 10 books. Mrs. Mary Latham, Plymouth, N. C., 1 box books. Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, D. A. R., Waynesville, N. C., 1 box books. Page Memorial Library, Aberdeen, N. C., 2 boxes magazines. Miss Helen Howland, Charlotte, N. C., 500 flower bulbs. Civic Club, Aberdeen, N. C., during summer, flowers each week. Clemmons Civic and Benevolent League, furnished one room, $75. 10 AnnvuaL Report, 1916 PATIENTS SUPPORTED BY CLUBS, LODGES, CHURCHES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS The following is a rough estimate of number of patients whose expenses here have been paid by others than themselves and amount. It is not nearly correct, for the reason that the money is often sent direct to the patients, in which case we have no way of knowing anything about it: Number Amount Name of Club or Organization Patients Paid Woman's Club,“ Raleigh”. ee ee eee 6 $ 452.00 Woman’s Club, Greensboro™: 22) 22 2). sey eee eee ere if 137.00 Pasquotank ‘County <7). 2002 soets cele ce ee eee 1 234.00 Charity Organization, Goldsboro™.: ee aie eee eee 2 285.00 Presbyterian Church, Winston-salemiy er reer nn 1 85.00 Civic League and First Baptist Church, Wadesboro........... ul 152.00 Cabarrus .COUDtY o.05. ccm wie ay ore ere ee 1 61.00 St. Pauls Presbyterian ‘Church, *. oe eee eee 1 120.00 Carteret County .. oc. 0. 20. a. oe re tee 1 133.00 Associated “Charities, Charlotte <0) 2. ccs same reteeer eee eter 1 60.00 Junior Order; Burlington”. ... 1.22 oe eee 1 51.00 Baptist Sunday School, Raleigh. 32-3 2. ase eee eee 1 60.00 Forsyth County (2... cece s eite eee ct ce ee alee ee 2 150.00 Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company ..)....+...+..-.- 2 181.00 Buncombe County 2... eae oe oe ene 2 257.34 Total... cca ce dies betes seu Bette Sethe a rene 24 $2,418.34 INCIPIENT C'ASES By referring to our medical report you will note that every incipient case that we have treated is alive and at work, and our records show that their earning capacity is as great as it ever was. We make it a rule every year, during the month of November, to write a letter to every patient that we have treated, and in this way we have obtained the above encouraging infor- mation. When contrasted with the results obtained in the far advanced cases, it impresses us with the importance of early diagnosis and early treatment in tuberculosis. We are pleased to note that we have admitted as many in- cipient cases in one month during 1916 as we did during the whole of the year 1915, which is very encouraging, and which we attribute largely to our extension work. DEMAND FOR ADMITTANCE The demands for admittance. continue to be very insistent. And it is sin- cerely hoped that provision will be made for the completion of our Main Building and other physical equipment which will increase our capacity to 200, and by changing them every four months, which is about the average stay, will enable us to care for 600 patients per year. There are many activi- ties that cannot be put into a report, but we trust that this will serve to give general insight into our work. MEDICAL REPORT DEFINITIONS OF TERMS EMPLOYED On ADMISSION These definitions indicate the furthest extent of disease and the greatest severity of symptoms that a patient can present and still belong to the stage defined. All patients beyond the incipient stage fall under the moderately advanced stage unless the physical signs and symptoms exceed those of the moderately advanced stage, when they should be classified as far advanced. Incipient. Slight or no constitutional symptoms (including, particularly, gastric or intestinal disturbance or rapid loss of weight). Slight or no eleva- tion of temperature or acceleration of pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours, Eixpectoration usually small in amount or absent. Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent. Slight infiltration limited to the apex of one or both lungs or a small part of one lobe. No tuberculous complications. Moderately Advanced. No marked impairment of function, either local or constitutional. Localized consolidation moderate in extent with little or no evidence of cavity formation; or infiltration more extensive than under incip- ient. No serious complications. Far Advanced. Marked impairment of function, local and constitutional. Marked consolidation of an entire lobe. Or disseminated areas of beginning cavity formation. _ Or serious complications. Miliary Tuberculosis. On DISCHARGE Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of six months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion. Apparently Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of three months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion, Quiescent. Absence of ail constitutional symptoms, expectoration and bacilli may or may not be present; physical signs stationary or retrogressive. The foregoing conditions to have existed for at least two months. 12 AnnvuaL Report, 1916 Improved. : Constitutional symptoms lessened or entirely absent; physical signs improved or unchanged; cough and expectoration with bacilli usually present. Unim proved. All essential symptoms and signs unabated or increased. ULTIMATE RESULTS Arrested. General health and working capacity retained for six months and over. No active symptoms. Bacilli may be present. Improved. All cases not in above classification, but with inactive disease. TERMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “‘INCIPIENT’’ 1. Slight Constitutional Disturbance. ; Slight loss of appetite, of strength, of weight; lassitude; possibly slight acceleration of pulse or possibly slight elevation of temperature. The impairment of health may be so slight that the patient does not look or feel sick in the ordinary sense of the word. 2.. Slight Elevation of Temperature. Maximum temperature after rest for one hour, never goes 99.5 to 100 degrees F. by mouth (or 100.5 per rectum). 3. Slight Acceleration of Pulse. ; Maximum pulse rate not over 90 after rest for one hour, sitting or lying, except when due to causes other than tuberculosis. 4. Absence of Tubercle Bacilli. Each monthly examination (if the sputum be negative), to consist of a careful microscopic examination, with a mechanical stage, of two smears, devoting at least three minutes to each smear, made from selected particles (at least six from different parts) of the sputum on each of three successive days. The morning sputum should always be obtained, or, better, the minute bits that some arrested patients raise at very infrequent intervals. It is not yet deemed wise to insist on digestion and centrifugalization, or on inoculation of guinea-pigs. 5. Infiltration. Physical signs of slight prominence of the clavicle, lessened move- ment of chest, narrowing of apical resonance with lessened movement of base of lung, slight or no change in resonance, distant or loud and harsh breathing, with or without some change in the rhythm (i. e., prolonged expiration); vocal resonance possibly slightly increased; or fine or moderately coarse rales present or absent. If sputum contains tubercle bacilli, any one of these. Tue Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 13 6. Apex. That portion of the lung situated above the clavicle and the third vertebral spine. 7. Small Part of One Lobe. An area of one or two intercostal spaces, or an area not exceeding 60 to 80 sq. cm. in extent, according to the size of the patient. TERMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “MODERATELY ADVANCED” 8. Marked Impairment of Function, Hither Local or Constitutional. Local: Marked dyspnea on exertion, limiting seriously the patient’s activity. Constitutional: Marked weakness, anorexia, tachycardia. 9. Moderate Extent of Localized Consolidation. An area of one-half lobe or less, but may involve both apices; marked dullness, bronchial or decidedly broncho-vesicular breathing; markedly increased vocal resonance; rales usually present. These signs are to be sharply limited as to area instead of gradually shading into normal physical signs. 10. Evidences of Destruction of Tissue. Presence of tubercle bacilli or elastic fibers in the sputum or the presence of the physical signs of a cavity. There are no absolutely certain physical signs of cavity, but a combination of any four of the following signs is to be taken as indicative of a cavity: (1) cracked-pot note; (2) amphoric breathing; (3) intense whispering pectoriloquy; (4) a veiled puff or post-tussive suction; (5) bubbling or resonant rales. “Physical signs of softening’ do not admit of any definition apart from that of cavity formation, and the terms should not be used. 11. Disseminated Fibroid Deposits. More or less localized areas of fibrous tissue, producing on physical examination, some change or dullness in the percussion note, more or less increase of vocal resonance, harsh, suppressed or broncho-vesicular breathing, rales sibilant or sonorous usually, but at times fine and moderately coarse. 12. Serious Complications. These should be limited to tuberculous complications, such as menin- gitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (except slight thickening in the posterior interarytenoid space, and superficial ulceration of a vocal chord), enteritis, peritonitis, nephritis, cystitis, orchitis, adenitis (unless very slight), ete. 14 AnnvuatL Report, 1916 STATISTICAL Number patients to‘ be:reported: Ors sae eye ee ee ee a 267 Number not tuberculous coca ge eo ee a ere rere ae ee 6 Number. not: classifiédt2 e222 22 2 9 2 Se eo a eee eee re 1 Number patients in sanatornum Decemberr 15:19 1 Gm ae see ann eee eee hil AAS Cia he 120 Total/number patients: trea ced cur img) yee ree eee eae ne 394 TABLE No. 1—33 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested pane Quiescent Improved | Unimproved' Died | Incipient_____- it | een ey EES ek LIP, bee Res ee ee ee Ree ee. Moderately advanced 1. ‘Sli 23-. eve cool not h e 7 Le) ei ee Har ndvanced | sic.e cee oa lisa he Soe re 2 3 1 Acute tuber- CUlOsiS== sae" || See eee eerees Seamer eee: Se See oe 1 (SS lee a a Totals-. 233 \sos2 55. Aa ee oe ee eee 27 5 1 Average Stay, 16.96 Days. Longest stay, 29 Days. Shortest Stay, 4 Days. Number Gained Weight, 16. Number Lost Weight, 7. DANE A OG gO ATi oe tte eg Ne et ee 4239): ibs. sAerame | ogcasa= = aera ee ea eee 2.89 Lbs. Wangest ean scene ae eee ee ee 11 Libs; anwest loss se. = ee eee ene meee 8 Lbs. Sinmallestrcainas = =e eee nee, eee i SW Blos Sina West loss. ie see cee ee eo eee 1 Lb. SuabiOmany: tae, eee Eee et a eee 4.1 (N@biwergihe digs .:Saiot> (Se .3 ino ee ae o TABLE No. 2—77 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission ; Arrested eet Quiescent Improved | Unimproved Died Tnicipienti=ane 7H eee cr eee eee sree hee Be 9 14 Loe ay pty aetede SF 5. ages Moderately EWomiesharre ole eWANin se ee iW ee oe Te 12 21 Sy ey SSR mre. wt pane dmeheateKohneleyol Mls Smee as en 2 9 5 1 Acute tuber- | culosis....._- Ol sot -cueewsede| Sak bees ee hs - ee ares Sd Se ae a 1 na |e dae Bayern I Macrae a a ace eM 8 Se Fe cl ar 23 44 9 1 Average Stay, 55.77 Days. Longest Stay, 89 Days. Shortest Stay, 30 Days. Number Gained Weight, 64. Number Lost Weight, 11. IA VeTa Pere ain ss ee See ce a eeere mes 8-67" Lbs! Average: loss ase eee eee 4.45 Lbs. Garcest pain: seen eee eee ee 26.5 “Lbs. "|. Largest: losses... 6 1Qe5e obs: pain et LS ea ca 2b) Lbs i. Simal lest. Oss nee. ene er a We SCAtLOM AT Ve ee oe ee ee aaa 2. | Notiweigheds. 2s... a: 5 aaa 0 a eee Oe ee ee a re Tue Nortu Caroittna SANATORIUM 15 TABLE No. 3—157 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Aon Pentt Arrested eet an Quiescent Improved | Unimproved Died Incipient_____- 36 9 26 Uy tree eres | Mee ee eee ss ee ee Moderately advanced ___85 21 22 29 8 4 1 Far advanced 36 ie. 1 11 9 11 3 Acute tuber- | Culosis=.-2--— OU cemrnaces ncn ale eel a Ay i i Ta ll a oy ee Pn |e a ee | ESE eee Totals _157 31 49 41 ih 15 4 Average Stay, 173 .48 Days. Longest Stay, 913 Days.* Shortest Stay, 90 Days. . Number Gained Weight, 127. Number Lost Weight, 26. ACUSIES Ge ee ee 1055 AUB) 9, Sl ovels sa neeee ere mane aire =e 1 Lb. SOIR 2 i Aw imNOt WeleheUlasnc = tree anon ameter, 0 *Worked to pay expenses. TABLE No. 4—HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE. NIGEOST BR eu aes we ae er ee oe 182 (Previous OT yee Neate eee Sie 53 Positive Previous and during residence_-__-_- 26 During residence only____-____- ee ted ag aki AROS HN ed ge a oh Pe eg ee eee 267 INGA eiNe COME OOS) OUTRO NGN en ee Ue ee 110 O@NSAG MISS ON ee ee ee eee eee ae 110 Positive IDtirimesresidences=s sas te ee ae 134 Onechischarc emer ss sant mete eee 117 TABLE No. 6—13 PATIENTS WHO TOOK THE TUBERCULIN TEST. INGo ALLY Ome ata eee ae ee Me ee eg eee 6 Positive 16 ANNUAL Report, 1916° TABLE No. 7—COMPLICATIONS. Adenitis. 2.23.22 ee ee ee eee 27" Lavertabscess lees. as oe Seeeen es eres ee ee 1 Anal fistulae oo ok See ee ees eee ee (iam ie CUR Ai ots +10 Mines Saeed oA Limes BY mab Ba cae. te gence! “Al Be 1 Asthmad *22S7 28sec ee a ree 2>/\ Laanee DSCGSSh ae ae See eee re eee ea Pe ee 1 Bronchitise: ie Aco ee eee eee ee 19\)) -Mitratinsiwittcien cya. =o. ses meer eee 2 Broncho-pneumonias 2.-tes Bide Pieler oe 1 | Otxtie teddies e ee ee en eee 1 Carcinoma cy 222 Se ae ee ee Ty Ore Giese seteette a ee eee en oe ee rears 2 Diabetes. aie oe es ke ee ee ee 3) -Paraplesiaaess ses ie ee Re ee Rd thE AD Re Carly ache Vom il Nanay onigsvachs mau eee ie nk MON EN ENN, OG Reel TL Sigs = 2. Pease ub ec ee Relea Wee ee 0h ne ae 1 Hi GER tis 2. eae See eas GaN oie Speen cede ne 3 | ‘Plearisy with-elfusions.s-2. 2.2 2 Jee 6 HBemorail hernias. 223 re ee 1.=| Potts diseases 222 Sse ee 2 ees 1 Herpes‘zosterssssc-U Se oe Sei ee oe eee 2'*|,, Preonancy 6... 35 eee Be Sh areas 2 Eau yates tl gee ae Se ee Ce re 21 t) .Seoliosisis+.5.. 2. b=. 6 ee 2 UWtermne-poly pis ee eee 1 Age Civil Condition Sex = 10-19 | 20-29 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 60-72 Single | Married | Widowed | Male gre... 5s {eit 61 42 |) 2 5 66 66 1 TDeraneiee! oe Be 134 22 62 37 8 4 1 66 53 15 Totals_____- 267| 33 123 79 20 9 3 132 119 | 16 TABLE No. 8—NATIONALITY. Americans) 23% #0 2 EP a ee ee ee 266 Russians. ~ cote ee eee 1 TABLE No. 9—OCCUPATIONS | TNC Atco. <= eeieing Sn JP Sf A eins my 1. | -Blectnician = s2 oes Sue rin tenk..n boo. eee 1 UMTS bhi oie ek Sao a eee ee ee ages Ae 1) Parmer. = eee 26) Sp BUESC 8a eee 5 Ba kceranere meres Melee ele omen 2 | Graduatemnurces= same TAR ant rogdscl eric ees ae oe 4 Banlencas ier. ees eh ene 1 | Hosiery mill operative.__ __- 25) Ratlroad inspectors. 4.22 eo. 1 Barbers. ose... cee ee 2 | Hotel clerkie.2ay.caeee eee leg Ruyal-maihvearrier2. aac aes Blacksrnaith see sean eee 1) Hotel proprietress=. = asemes Gl Sa WiGl Oe oe ee wee eee 1 Bookkeepers... asso) a= eee. Te\"-Flousewile?:_2. ss) eee OS¥ IE DeAaIMBLIGSsa eee ee eee eee 3 Box factory operative_-____- _--- 1 | Housework at hone! ase 24 | Silk mill operative... _.2:_2...2 1 Gabinetina cress sss =e eee a 1 | Jeweler____. Jf) ve. eases igiM@oceam it terse ace seer 1 Caléswaltert aie se eee 1~| Machinist:2.¢2 23 Se) OUONE CULLCL Es. = kee aes ae eee 1 Carpenter mea. saath oe ae 4 | Manager planing mill________ IGE Student2.2-6- 5 ee eee 28 Ghauiteu rats 5 eee cpa 3), Medicalistidentnsses=-saeoaee 1 | Superintendent cotton mill ___ 1 Cisaremialven sss een eee Zale Merchante25-pee = ae 9 | Superintendent furniture fac._ 1 Oivaltencineer=: = see toe To Mia Llitierset let 5 ee eee 20 lea cheraens son ane 6 aes epee 17 Clerkaintstoresia 2 5e20 sane 1 Opel Minister 623: = UST BN OY succia ee eeeeeiee ae De SEN ihn MIME i ae 1eeotelehaled ayspanie seul Sues Us es ak TBARS ol es = a ee Nelgvaskeracs. ghee mere LS (OAS WeGh Ne) ove haved ews. | TS iis 1 [BETO oe 2a lel Owe (Gia pees es ee ete | I ARoneveltge 1otey ores eo J 1 IBieiempOrOses 3s el IM ABEHO Raha oee se ee eS See eae BE LEV OCK Vile. 1G e eee re eee re if Glen Ouceue eat ek ie TL SR UOUSDULO. ase a.) Se eee rigs wife ve HIGH OT BH gavage es Bge slong + Lolo Uae 6 (Clase ya ae eee TE ewiAS GON aes ee eee eee 328 REG hare ee eee de ae aceon i SD shy oe 1 CSiiG\Ge sae Te lent let Ome sa see rne te iBiSes boards ae" alo see pane cee: 1 CHnnG iil pk le as ee ee (Ee eas Uroce see ein aoe ee LES DENGewest Soee woe eh ae eee 1 (Cease) Se Ae avllnmo Ona eeeen oe ee lr oe © TASS Opin ee eats Saeeee ne ee ee eee 1 Gleminmongeenes eh owe ele neal yore seen ee oe Pere DO AAUROT CBee) Aeeeenn ck, cee emcees 1 (CEmna iets = sian Ee rene le xtie. CON See eee ae Tz iMStaves ville. saeee ee eee 4 (Caml so) ee ee ibs al Diekern eats Sei Ge | aa eee Lalo tome les aaa Se eee 1 @oraelinsemeres ose ea elvis vallessout ns ae oe ele ee Shel by 2 see meee ee ee 3 UL Si oil Set eee ee (hit IN West Si8 & BU EE Sasa hci ea ee Zao allo tices eee eames fee ik CaAgcalintterers freee POMC AT TOT artes eel a ec eens ee 2ST Vos ae ae ye nee Ly 1 @oticl dees eee esac iaieaMOUTteATT Vee cs = eet ee ADRS GET) ype See ere ewe oa) 1 Ge irenem es tsioual rs Pe eMiaxtho nets 2 ee te ee 2 ie ul eleuesbanernuleV eM, Ase ee ee Se 2 @ampernterae casas seer ese ieMeViotmtGuileadss = woes eee 2a PASO UCI OL Geese eee saab ae 2 iSite, eS ee Pe Da NC ACO liceeen. meee ee eee IIIs cpael Bs hib Ue Sgt cos UY he Ree 8 2 LUNIA, A ds ge one Se Belin masse cuss eee. he. ieee we Ibi SSrovone telraxe VIN We) os pe ee 1 De earner ee ile Merrys© aks eae eee one DOO STI tN CL Gece e+e SDE peewee 1 IDEA Die eee ee a ee Thal AG ohne e Woniliyas an er ey (hiriSoutheMallstA S22. eho el. fae 1 TD) Gill @ yee cae see ee ME Te Teall Wie iroYe te tnikeseean es Oe ae lee (le HONS ureye ha eWay te, eS Bette eee te or 1 Elia @ ib Verse ee ee nee ee OrOss-— ee ate meee tok MNS Te IFAT pk foe el So el Sore A oe 9 a, a 1 ilone@oller Coa es kas ee! se iimViaoresvi llc —ss. oan ne ee fe eS ey Xe 9 Le Wee ee eee 1 Dizabet or Oltve. 2408-22. ep NVitirineespOrOsses seamen | cal Ad Reade ee eis Seater Ns, Ga a 1 TGS id BYes aKa Lae pean eee a a 1M LEOnse en eee ne, totes ile Ye AWalnaotn aca fog We tL SAS ele oo 4 Tayetteyille:.--2..2. 52 tr ey”? Wl VicAGdISO Nite eee or may ae IP AV Vii SOI oe ee Se ee aire 1 PANTO Wee te See ye tn eS LENT ONIOC oaee a ey eae es LW AICHE ah oWen Koy ole es oat SUL ey te 3 SSCS eI oe ans eee a a tai MoreheadsCitys o> 2 Iaees Lire Wyle orico tase. arere Scena phere 4 PP OUMCe | een see en ee 2 IBM cDonaldize ses. 20. sees LEE Wilt ta ers ie ae eae ene eee 1 Forest City----.--- Oia 5 epoca eS Tec Renova ee Lely ee Se ae Pe ieWendelleact a < e sie S 1 amy illeeasmet ss eee ae ieeiNortine Wilkespononse=: == sass IeieVWimston- oem sess eee eee 4 TEST b CG eee Tie ee Seine teers ee aieNeweBerns os eeee ee eee eee Das Wie ait Cink ee ee cee eee eee 1 GreensbOLnOwe ne teen eek Se OMGINOrw.O0Csee eae een ae een eee (eeWilleam|!st onus sess eee 1 oldsiOresi.oot02o2- 25-26-2455. OMEN AtigG! wk Se ee, Nao he ee Li Wadeshoroun .oe= eas 2 (Channa 2052 > See eee eee Deni) SLOT C saa seer, ee eo es a De ls Wii Claeys se ee ee aes 1 (Guutiaay IN Yer clee ia ee eee Tear ketone: kk) Meee eae 2 18 AnNuAL Report, 1916 TABLE No. 11—COUNTIES FROM WHICH THE 267 PATIENTS CAME. PATS @ 1 are eee 4 Alamance..22.--25-<< 11 Berl Cs ere eee a Buncombes- es. aee 1 IBCahOnts sen as ae 5 Bruns WiC kes eae eee 3 Cleyvelandsa 2523 Canrdenaaee so. ae 2 Ghathanitseses see 3 Caswelles=sies ae 3 (Cimmnrmbneccl ee = a 1 @ariercteeeaee -- = 33 C@herokeesau-seee=s== 1 Gravenie =e sees ne 2 (Calelyalllee so Jee ekae 1 Cumberland: _---_- 6 CACa wile eee 1 Cabarriisses2 === 4 Sunita ee ee 1 IDE aOR 2 2 Diyas eS 1 HOrsy thea eee 5 lirasalbelan 2 2 ee eae 2 Gastone eos teeeee 3 Guiliondaees: nee 9 Gianiyi Wes seme ae 2 Pl aliia xa ee) = ee Hertiorda see 2 Hvcdel ae oes 1 LOT Me tt see ene ff Trecell 22 2=sveo tees 5 JORMStOn ss sere ess 4 JONCSs2 225 ae 1 Roce die Apatite Sc? 1 inGolnes = eee 1 MOOrezo een seeees 3 Mecklenburg________- 5) Montgomery-__-__-_:.. 4 McDowell... o0-- ee 2 Madison= eee eeeee 2 Martine = ere eae eee 1 New Hanover----__-- 4 Northampton____.-.- 2 Naish ee. s = eo eeeene™ 1 Ons owes eee 1 Pendert2: eae oe 3 Pitt@ eee ees 2 Perquimang.s=ssese= if Total of 63 counties. Pasquotankeawese oe 1 Rani collip hisses eee 4 RO Wiis See eee 3 Robesont 65,000,23 (8 SIGECIIEY 4 rac Onsiie Cara i Oe a et ea 158,961.13 Perce fisteOOmpany, OVeETOralt... «i... 6. ce ee een e cee es 15.00 Bank of Hoke, overdraft......... ee ECA ede MOLL Ye Re 96.39 —————— $224,072.75 CASH REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1, 1916 RECEIPTS State appropriation, 1915, maintenance, balance ......... $ 20 bo Loner ti NLOUaleGres he. . e sa aes & 25,000.00 1916, permanent improvements ..... 30,000.00 1916, permanent improvements ~ IV OROD Mee Peer eee ee he oh NST i Gio 5,000.00 1916, permanent improvements OW CUCR LL Re et ge Srcean oe 5. bss We ais 15.00 LU AOL CTGLOT a tar tale cc kat og ix ork caine. 10,000.00 $ 70,015.23 Patients—Maintenance Fund: Cash in Bank of Hoke December 1, 1915............. $ 1,579.42 Piedeonenumdniecember 1.19156. ....0...0055 heavens 414.06 $ 1,993.48 Receipts, 1916 Panetta peatdeand treatment .... 1... 02. .e ee ee ce cee ee $38,631.49 Donated by Dr. McBrayer, Postoffice receipts............. 857.73 EPS EN ORES, oe, i 907.91 me DNTISTLCR AMUIUCLCOTAII 9s. cc ccc cee ates cw we eee vanes 29.93 OSU IDOTEY? oo og ah bon re 326.16 oh TE oe ace cone a a 80 Joye TTL OF Nikon: ee ERae ee a 291.74 ee COMING WALEU Ch oy fe cs cle ds ea ose eee eee ee 25.05 Re (MRTG CO PEGS 9s ice a wks he ee sels «tele ele, 0 Bates few ees 13.47 PV OEGS 2g yoo Bhggah vate Rae asa en a 34.87 Sypeciectric light lines........... +. ee Oe ee he ee 45 24 HE os sc Comte ieee ey pane ea SP 22,05 SOP PR SW2 IGIU SY OTe, of kB ie a Ie ener ah ee 1P33 MIP SCI DUOKS 6 ccs oe 35 enn le w Gr dhe genie be oe aN dws 2.00 LF LSS RING once 5 i Soa vg a a ita Ae ar ree aa 204.57 Donation (Clemmons Civic and Betterment League)...... 75.00 ee Tee es oat A aces 6 alts, dst eevee oo ba8uiee pe 1.00 eat OT SCY ee Bee ects Riis gcse kweli xine md edt do Es. Seach 23.82 iH Whe CESS IYSTIVELSS aia ig aa ae mPa a ne a a 54.17 Rerun traveling CXPense ~...... 26. eee eee te ete 26.30 Me rersu LlestalC OX DOlSe a o.%. nan cb a oo Fekete ene) Save de beac alee R55) TEES citadel Su PAAR ay gi ge Dra ace ae CP 2 nes 4.50 Te - 2), Siig Neder ae aha ae eee entre A Ft 65.00 Dining hall and kitchen furniture and fixtures........... 96.60 Dre R RIE SOL VAT! LaPeer. ae a rds eas Sere one eee nae a 10.67 24 ANNUAL Report, 1916 CORD cbc cae es Se ee Rg ee ar $ 168.00 Hes 3. oes Re Be aie cet eee ieee 11.00 $44,231.43 Overdraft Bank of Hoke December 1, 1916............... 96.39 $44,327.82 Less cash on hand: December .1,-1916 75 3 ere ee ees 687.74 $ 43,640.08 DISBURSEMENTS $113,655.31 Year Ending December 1, 1916 Hospital supplies <4-. .s <\s< sac pctvle-0 setae ee eee eee $ 5,167.68 Telephone and telegraph. ~ Jt:t.% 0s 22 oe ee 235.97 Refund patiéptes) foie. Soc Haas bs ois ete aoe 576.96 | RON CS hn Aa IPEE NEEM 8 Foren ee ds Sate A ea 2,301.16 SUATIDS 2.0. 00 cured wee petals ore, n.s boem nl her eens 1,194.49 AUtO EXPENSE? (iii ss seu ease © oe gree ble bre en ne ee 704.24 FPueblight; and water. «oi. siecle «ee cscs. vc eee em 3,594.06 Freight/and @Xpress: . 2.2025 ooo ve see ee ee 1,066.70 Coal- von caets tee Lee re os Se ee a ee eee 3,401.76 Office supplies .oo....6. 0.260 ey. tow Pee eae a ee 461.96 PrOVisSiONS: 20) os wi decd ln Pee a a eee 21,757.84 Hospital supplHes eS. ccskk 6 Se Sika 3 Se ia eee 1,035.56 Dairy expense 9.00.5. Pees Gel oS a ae te eee 1,624.65 Farm @XPpense oo tos Fin eic oie of Seiad wlan Sev bie ee ee oa 4,344.99 Repair heating Sy Sten sic ose ee keie kere josie vm alse omen nee eee re oe ee 1,976.99 Repairs and: supplies plumbing SyStem., «: -ava secec. oe eee ere - 546.44 Repairs’ old buildings . 3. 0. a eee 1,059.55 REPairs DUMP sae. oo cls ec eiee wien acu lot aici aw: ape ee 158.61 Repairs farmhouse.) 030: cass a... eee 56.20 TOG 6 fe. Cee a ee ie OM Pde al ae Se 195.74 Kitchen-supplies yes ca gia ea.+ ela dicParsa Anld one ee e ee 7.33 COOKS CLC their a or ars aoe oe peo "yaaa aA ot atta lest ime na et on ace ee 5,266.15 Nurses andtattendamts oo Shc yal hala ac ieee 2,212.08 Training School DOOKS cn 65 Ais wo te See 29.12 Refrigerator SUPDILTES 5 206 alee lesa! ob walle Syl cle eee a 225.02 Linen and bedding’, Sis ee Se 1,116.40 Crockery and Silver ny jenice oe oatate «eo aidan we 264.53 Expense of’ grounds 4.360 222. Oe ee eee 226.33 TOSS ii. Fie © oleae. da les Sala bate Dallas a letatake: stein Ga tees eth 287.66 Machinery? and! tools. 500i worl es cane! See rude? aie et ee 38.22 ALO ayn aE oe Bd RE Sasa ah nia 65.00 Paint «sce iii Se ae Fo sine ee ee ee 100.83 Electric’ wires... ye co i oo a an ole Sie 55.47 SUALIONELY ook sess TRE eG ok ds age eae a Sie ae en ae 24.65 Kitchen equipment e825 a6 Seah se ee ee 108.68 Telephone maintenance: (0.6205 isis oe os cei oe ee ee 8.29 Refrigerator Trepalrd 2 o-005: sce a aks ade cen aoe Cae ee cee 109.86 Clearing new. round» Sts: 6 os bok cee 6 cadence Cire 65.69 Salaries Traveling expense Reservoir, No. 2 Well, No. 3 Library Tue Nortru CaroLtiIna SANATORIUM opel ean as) Canieho7 st wr oe Je) (e's 68) e} (O's ie) (a) 0) oh ot ‘8. 6 se) Cas) 0! a Sw of ay OY 8 Ww et Ot gt Si et el 6 Stelle re ses G) cepevve’ cat © 81 /@) le) 0, 6 0) eh eld 6) ol oho, 8 6 ee © of 6: ef @ @ ie sl oe 8 6 6 6 8 ee eee Si emenemears a O8 ene) (ef 60/0) 6f16) (6) 8 65,6) a) ot 'e%.6".0' @ 0) 0° 0°.) 0° 6.076 of of aie) 6 0? 6) 6 6 a ee % Ce we & ae 6. Ke 6 petevine and Platting Jand. 2.6... cee ee ee nes soe PAL ye PU Laer EARS, Pee esp pi eSr amd: OXPCNS oo. bees ec owe aw cave cls caaneas Telephone installation Farm live stock Farm tools Ice plant Hospital dray Interest Charley Dairy fixtures AAC sf ek ee EE AE EAE CMD EATER OL RICE PM Ke dhe a 9 oe 4 ee A 04k PUA he eens RMT enn a Sere UE 6a 9 Ory Si De eHow ot ee Oh EL a es re SP e ak iene ae ie od al kd wo 0e dd ho bea eden dah AE aE gg INE got tne ga 9: ga ae en ON Shree Bd te AB ed d's Fare tie v ve Yo we aos KR eae eee Sandy SC nO) ST .e Ce) 0) 40, (6) & 6 18 81-6 @ © \@ Oe <6: 6.6 «© C6 © we). 0 0 6 © 6 © O10 © © © 0. © 6.0 2 0 8 & Wise eGele 6. 0) Se €. 5) OKC! 16,9 @* 6 Le! © 8 6 9,6 ©: 0 6 & S 6) 0% © 66 ub) oe 6) 8 6 6 b 6 10 6 o'S 8 0 16 6 Pepe ene re ON GM UUTeS Pie A kl. DO cw ws Patera and kitchen furniture and fixtures..:..........«...-- Plumbing extension Heating contract New building, miscellaneous Or 0) 6/67 a 8) 6) ey Ge (a? 8. 010 s eave s/Ree\e-e vie vimelte ¢ 708.69 Na ED oo ar ok oes o's. sin avs. o. 2c. dunes ecelaseiaioiee s con's ace Wa alalare. 76.60 Improvement of old buildings, miscellaneous...................... 287.12 Ree nT CECSECHUGT) gc. 5, 2,6 wk ae dae wee sa eee eeceunees 179.65 IL UT a Fay og ning ees si bles a oe we wn we ewe ea bs 162.04 eM Ot ie eae bs ee ORM ARGS SUA a eb 6 le 6.40 Ne Ae ag oc 5 Ce ete eet ae! Olan Se oes o SEEM TER 25,000.00 $25,000.23 DISBURSEMENTS RNR TVG ce eee, ob cto bc aloo ert ome wa were wim & Wi ole ae a ene $ 95.15 ULUCREYS GBGRG ORIG” «oe ee 2a een Isao en BP Mar ea ro tics eI 2,434.57 ee eens een eR Ted ay Mee et Sg So SATA SS OO etre 5,436.59 eter ereer ERT CTICOMIES 4.2 «2 c)s ta doo os tawte eo 6 ale a due io 6 ee as BORE MENG ores wns 2,193.25 per AME) MOS os avs ee hoe ce Suc es a tS 9, 00d Gone Oho eS airy eT OIE A os ER 5,159.61 MS STC IIS COMIYN Me IL. nies eiekene Mie ah ome le wie win Rennie oe 44. 0 ore lee, ah aes 1,902.29 eee es re Sr ag the, /oatcucen es oifisirn od o¥ qh onion m® ot Sf or © opm cher mh adsgh o1-4e wh rah och oh hot eh g 35.83 MiUcomsUDDMGseAldsGxPCNSOS .ny. «yes sae bet is Wes vee ele wo pore e ¢ ele miaiee ro.0s Serr See ae et ee See Gar, ate etebapot bikie “alee ay oeee By ope Roe le eae eines ile (eos Pret SUD DES ee ye ke ek Riss eels mEGtaiene ee a we ckls omy pr tnesaate tte res 704.95 Peel SPRANG Wall fag. o pip bie tien een spit ss o's sie 6 mole Glo. blenny 1,163.04 Peri UATIOCeXOLESS oo piltvh wlbse Wk 6m a = eta artes sive vp p Ose terre afar wreners 178.53 28 Annvuat Report, 1916 Crockery® and silver fic sic Sec oo ee alee he ae ee ete she oe ee $ 21.24 Repairs and. supplies (pump house). 5 os 226 eevee a eee ee 1.60 Telephone.and. telegraphs sc... Pee oo eno a ie eee 13.86 Plhimbing ‘supplieswand repairs)... eee ee eee eee ee 91.03 Repairs, Old: Duildin 2s cs se ess oe tae ot neta orien eee ane ae 115.19 Drugs and medicines...-..... Ee soe on RN ane EES AF bot 125279 LAU ry os Fee eee ee Oe Be a oe 194.97 ReFTISETATIONL Ko CO eiktw swe estall Sm eam Relin ae ll eae oae eee 142.62 Coan eee Loe te aia. ace a ee ee nes Fn ys of 366.39 AUtoO EXPCNSe. 2. oe oe coe Se os 0 SE ene ee Pe 381.25 StatiONery. ws oe ei sks Sik wis eles Soa Shee ake nn 41.17 Linen and bedding... ..c:24.3e0eneen eee eee Eee eee eee eee 23.51 Charley Savy. ocx o's. cee vs wud cose 4 gn eLene ps Geen an ee 475.00 $24,493.94 Transferred to, Permanent Improvement... -.e0e eo eee 506.29 : $25,000.23 STATEMENT OF MAINTENANCE—PATIENTS FUND RECEIPTS Bank of Hoke, deposits....... 325s e5 eae ee ee eee $43,543.69 Overdraft, Bank of Hoke. .....5%..%4 270 5 pee 96.39 $43,640.08 DISBURSEMENTS Telephone and telegraphs 2) 0.2 Ov ucey ae ee $0 22240 Refund to: pationts 20 a oo0 we Als ae ee a ee 57697 Hospital supplies: 29.5.8 0044) wk aS oo wire ae ee 5,167.68 Daunary oes. iw ae De wel. re en 2,106.19 UAE Dame ie hog ins. artis ay eek Lee ao a bays agen ao ee pga te citetatis a teats eee 298.58 AUto @Xpense sg ea bh ae Eee eee ee 322.99 Fuel, light, and! water 2): 5's. 42 be. ae 2,431.02 Freight and:express.00 3 nt ee ee eee eee 865.97 COal: . tec sede deere ered Vy cd Sab et dee ced 2 ee ee ee 3,035.97 Office supplies. ies fee hog fb odd OCR Be ee a ee ee 144.49 PrOvViISlONS. SF vet eee vats Ges bs +b Wieee So 18,580.31 Drugs and medicines? “.24.2.. 0. . 7 tes a ee eee 154.82 Dairy expense <:.2... 005-002. eg See 1,624.65 Farth: 0Xpense. iw dovustle: 2a elu Ne es -; Sees 1,910.42 Repairs heating system... ......0cek omnes bene ee ee 74.70 Repairs and supplies plumping system... ....0. eee 546.44 Repairs old. buildings (<..2. l2s2 a eS eee 657.24 Repairs: pump, |. 04 LO es eres ee bea Lo tOd Repairs farm, House 22.2 ad ee een de. oe 56.20 Tears ve Ae Ae oe A EE ae ee 195.74 Kitchen ‘supplies 20. .i.vslia vues doses an ee ioe Service cooksyeter es Si. Pe a We ee ee ee eee 106.54 Nursés and attendants. 7 ).00) au oa ie Eee is 78.97 Training Schoolibooks: =. .%....0s «ess seculanhe pone. 29.12 Refrigeration (supplies) 74 eee se ddloea ole 82.40 Linen and Crockery and silver Expense (grounds) Hogs Machinists’ Safe Paint eeee Stationery Improvement (grounds) Kitchen equipment Telephone maintenance Refrigeration (repairs) Clearing new ground Salaries . S. H. Cabanis (traveling expenses) Concrete reservoir, No. 2 Well, No. 3 Library Surveying and platting lands Plumbing supplies Telephone installation Farm live stock Farm tools Charles R. Whitaker (ice plant) Hospital dray Appropriation Office furniture and fixtures Stamps Salaries . Traveling expense Bookcases Freight and express Office supplies and expense Expense speaker nurses’ meeting Tuberculin Lantern slides Stereopticon lantern Medical books Library books eeeee Tue Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM PPCM CLE] ere Cem eee Bee he Me TNT Usa us We eR he Cae Cee Oe NODS Melee 6. s8' C6 Le Site: 30) 0," 4) 16 “ot te ser eo: bo. pret elven te ewe ce celaenlgn 6: (6 ee? bo! ot le ek we 6 Oe a TUS Oe VALS UOTE OMS ISLS SG Le 6 0, ee 1ecs” oh a ie) e 4} Eve oe Oe wel re Oe elm ete 6 C5iSe (GN ONT Os 68 0% OH cin 0K 07 ON 6% Ch Oly OFC ©) O04 Or On Os 0) 6) OW Oo OW OH Or On O10) 0 6 OX OP OK Oe 6 8 68 6 bee ttle kk tools ASRS, LES Tee O66. OBI Jeb, ante We! 8? ae de cet gt Tet fe" oto: lel ea) ew Moreen 6 whe, oF w See eee es) Cate tS Chien (Oo ce 96, ‘a © GO 6. C6 8 ue) ENG) Ce of 6) oF OF 01 oo é 0) O 67.0 OOF ¥ Selig fe. lee) oe a 6 8 Sa eos el el ew ee. Nie Sle) 18) 6) 60 6 6) eC 4 8 6) 6 6 CEO 8 Owe Ses. Fw Oe 6 8 8 6H Oe Oe Sw 8 He 8 6 Pee res One are CO. (6 6 Eee aD O16 9) 61/6). 6 ee) te) 6. ee (OOF 1S (6! ©, oO) 6 16, O00: 6: eo 6, 6 0: & 8) eo “el 6 0) @ 0 8 Sem emar'¢ TOR@ns Vale O10 6) Cel 6) 6 SNe ee) OS chide Ode 6) 6) Gre 16) 6, €. ord: @ 8 Oe ss FS 68 8 Se Ghee BO) Be) fe) 0) .e) OO. 8 18) 6 ee) ONS) Ee 6 816. OO) KH SF Oe, Fe Oe © 68) OS 6 0 Se eae) OM el Che ee. (Ol Gale RG 6) whe) OF w FOV. OS Ge! Oh OS 8 | 881) 6-6) A Oe) 6 <8) 8 whe 8, OO ew Sasit/o) eee) es16 (© Cite « e 0) 6 (6 Oj (0 ie, @ 8 0: @ 8 ss. 6 » 0) eo 6 6 0 © we 8 6 6 26 er favtel c) BPeM ew, ee he 2 He Merwe sive Fe Mee es Oe os 60 He, ver ei Keke (8.6 Of. 8 %8! WW ‘eo OLS) O40) 18) (6 Se Ge 10) O16. 78 cee 6) 6 6) 1S 0; (O)L6 <0 16,0: ele, G18 el 0, 6 eS. @ 8 % 6) 0 & OTS AS OS O16 (6 @ © 6 (8 ee: G6 0 6 6 6 4 8 6 te eee LW Oe HT Ce we MO mee Oe ee ww we 8 > 6 if) 0 0) WW) o\6) Www Co 6 6 6.6 6 6) si 96 \o Ve # © 6 6 1 6 Oe en S -8) 16 G0 Os 00) -B) 6) Oe 6 O, (67 8,0. 16) OLM1e NO. Rene 6S Fo 6 0.16, 0 0) 8 0 6) 6_@ Wait 6 OA1e) O'S, 6) 00,8) 6/6 16. @: 8 6 © 9 6 © 6 @ @-0 © @ © 6-0 + » oe © 80 6 Oe sot 8 Oe Be ew ee Oe ew SSCs C0 O16) Oe 6.6 © 9 a 8 6 0 es 6 © « 0 © © 6 0 6 @ <0 b.'0 6 6 @ © @ 0 #8 6 6 6 0 6's © 6 ee 6 6: 8 6 si aifetke! ole! eae) eae 10/16) 66 @ (8 _'6) 6) 0| 0: 6 10° (4 (el Lmliy) 6: (Gig) en te: ‘ar .6. 6) ie, 16 SiC isre! 6 SB) 018) S718 86) b) le 0! 0 oo C's) o 68) ol @ 16 6 8.6. O 6 0 O18 © 6 8 ee 8.0 Pe 8) 6.6 Gwe elivhier se «8 @ 9 (9 6 0.0 6 @ 6 1016 6B ee" 0:0) SS 1616) 6) 0! 2 Ore 6 6 S18 © 6 B SEU siieinel ue 6:6) (0) ey 6 ius o's 16) 6 6 (6 0 ele‘ (6 » 6 © ©: 8) 6 s. ©) 9 (en 5.8 (0 © 0:6 0) @ ©. © 'p),8) 0. 8 0) 10 Se ous S66 @ S16, 0 6 0 2 8 0 6 66 6 COO OC Ho 6 OS OE OOO a OO 8 Oo 8 wo so 6 8 ew 8 coe ere eee ee eee ee ee eer eee ese reese eee se Perse ee aCe ees eeeveoeeveoreetst eee eee Setieeeeeveeveervvereve STATEMENT OF EXTENSION FUND RECEIPTS S/S POlc6 6 16) 16 6 "0 (6 "es “0716 "s © © <0 0s, 0)" 6 6 6 @ 6 0 @- 6 0 Oe ¢ 6 © 0 @ se be 8 @ 6 6 oe 8 8 Of 8 8 8 Oi Oe) Ble (Al eye (6 6:0 BO a 0) Oe 6) 6! O, O° e, 610s: Oe 8) 8.0) 6 LH oo 6) 0) Sle 0, 6 Ss STO 8u eel ele, (elie 'e (9)! 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Sls Lei piae ne) sire Teele) Oy ie! “a bs di tel, 8.0: 6, w)-8i 0! 0. . 6 » @a ee > ’ a 7 ¥ o/ b ee Miso ee ow - (+ Fase 7 rs - ’ ® Fee Ob, ae pea aed sie FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE North Carolina Sanatorium tor the Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDER CONTROL OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N. CG. 1917 RALEIGH Epwakps & BROUGHTON PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS 1919 SIGNS OF TUBERCULOSIS A hemorrhage of the lungs means tuberculosis without exception. A subnormal temperature (by the thermometer) in the morning and a rise of temperature in the afternoon means tuberculosis 99 times in 100, and often the other time, too. A low blood pressure, taken with the proper instrument, is suggestive of tuberculosis. | A cough that lasts more than three weeks should suggest tuberculosis and should call for an examination by a competent physician. The tubercle bacillus in the sputum is a positive sign of tuberculosis, but the diagnosis should be made long before the bacillus can be found. The earlier the diagnosis of tuberculosis is made, the greater are the chances for recovery. The later in its course the disease is found, the less are the chances for recovery. NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (Under the control of the State Board of Health) PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. J. HOWELL Way, President.. A GaSe Saal or hh oe pet Waynesville re ETA Sob orl SEW TS are) 25 ace sleen'« ocble slog aves kb cleele wa se wee os Raleigh oo. ef, LIS U0 00 ge Jt Ae Stemi lee Winston-Salem ME ESOT es Gclivim siaek oo hike @ be ie eles SeTMR es oe wc ade Charlotte NERO RES NT EAN DIRSON . yc). c eke ce lels pce sv cle clswele ne bueses Statesville Seed Abi) () F1. LAUGHINGHOUSE:. 2... ...02..000 cece cv cwccens Greenville ert TERS IU C1) ch, os gcc Gc co sob evs ova ese o ee ele ace 6 wbew av des Wilmington Rts Un UNSEEN Gas 2S Re ea ie se Br Henderson MTs PEL ORUESO Nore os choc ns leo 4 Hie blk Ole ace ene wae bt alala oie Us Jacksonville Dr. W. S. RANKIN, ELxecutive Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. SES OTIS TIGRE 5 re L. B. McBrayer, M.D. Assistant PPO GC ICCHUCIIC. oie. leds ewiveae ee cv e's es P. P. McCatn, M.D. Reem te MM NN SECIIINN J oi 5 a oe vo 6c de elec s diaie ie stele Baie W. H. SHERRILL, M.D. Private Secretary to Superintendent.............. Miss R. WITHERS ae EN ADT Mr racy oak e ao: \'s: «. fig ce loeb ahs ore ee avece's Miss MAMIE O’KELLY EURUIGSE - oo Bete Ea ee Vee le ntlina ME Wap as WN GR te ee a J. ov. “CLARK RIOT MNET 2 i) hot ielaln see wc EAE ayer cra Sites ans S. A. Perry — EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS, STATE BOARD OF HEALTH @hiet- ot Bureau......<. b Sra see oh car inb ke ket De ea a ee L. B. McBrayer, M. D. ear etme MeL COL IS ULCAU. fat 5 alc ce ghacsoh iene neta. oe P. P. McCain, M.D. SUMS? Ney TSI VE AGT eel Miss R. WITHERS QUERIES Bap. tReet aE a tea na ea ree A. W. SNow Miss B. WITHERS Pe O CEA DIOLS Ie ee, sates Waker, AV GS Coe iy oS !s diene. as Miss L. THORPE Miss L. LINDLEY Director of Education and Organization of Negro URES gO oy, DER OE 8 EES Tal el an Pn rN ie RP FLORENCE C. WILLIAMS 4. PERSONNEL STATE RED CROSS SEAL COMMISSION Mrs. C. C. Hoox, Chairman, Charlictte Mr. A. W. McALISTER, Greensboro Mr. Hamitton C. JONES, Treasurer, Mrs. C. Martin, Wilmington Charlotte Mrs. W. N. Hurt, Raleigh Dr. OTHO Ross, Charlotte . Mrs. T. D. Jones, Durham Mrs. G. M. Fincer, Charlotte Dr. W. L. Dunn, Asheville Mrs. CHARLES R. WHITAKER, Hender- Mrs. S. H. Brown, Oxford ~ gonville Cot. J. L. Luptow, Winston-Salem Mrs. MARK QUINERLY, Greenville Mrs. J. L. Wermore, Arden Dr. L. B. McBrayrer, Executive Secretary Miss R. WirHers, Assistant.Secretary LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dr. W. 8. Rankin, Secretary, State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C. My Dar Doctor :—LI hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and General Assembly, a report, being the fourth annual report of the North Carolina Sana- torium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, for the year 1917, covering only financial statement and medical report. | Very respectfully yours, L. B. McBrayer,: Superintendent. MEDICAL REPORT DEFINITIONS OF TERMS EMPLOYED On ADMISSION These definitions indicate the furthest extent of disease and the greatest severity of symptoms that a patient can present and still belong to the stage defined. All patients beyond the incipient stage fall under the moderately advanced stage unless the physical signs and symptoms exceed those of the moderately advanced stage, when they should be classified as far advancea. Incipient. Slight or no constitutional symptoms (including, particularly, gastric or intestinal disturbance or rapid loss of weight). Slight or no eleva- tion of temperature or acceleration of pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours. Expectoration usually small in amount or absent. Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent. Slight infiltration limited to the apex of one or both lungs or a small part of one lobe. No tuberculous complications. Moderately Advanced. No marked impairment of function, either local or constitutional. Localized consolidation moderate in extent with little or no evidence of cavity formation; or infiltration more extensive than under incipient. No serious complications. Far Advanced. Marked impairment of function, local and constitutional. Marked consolidation of an entire lobe. Or disseminated areas of beginning cavity formation. Or serious complications. Miliary Tuberculosis. On DISCHARGE Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of six months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion. Apparently Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of three months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion. Quiescent. Absence of all constitutional symptoms, expectoration and bacilli may or may not be present; physical signs stationary or retrogressive. The foregoing conditions to have existed for at least two months. 8 Annual Report, 1917 improved. Constitutional symptoms lessened or entirely absent; physical signs improved or unchanged; cough and expectoration with bacilli usually present. Unimproved. (3%) 5. 6. G All essential symptoms and signs unabated or increased. Terms USED IN DEFINITION OF “INCIPIENT”’ . Slight Constitutional Disturbance. Slight loss of appetite, of strength, of weight; lassitude; possibly slight acceleration of pulse or possibly slight elevation of temperature. The impairment of health may be so slight that the patient does not look or feel sick in the ordinary sense of the word. . Slight Elevation of Temperature. Maximum temperature after rest for one hour, never goes 99.5 to 100 degrees F. by mouth (or 100.5 per rectum). . Slight Acceleration of Pulse. Maximum pulse rate not over 90 after rest for one hour, sitting or lying, except when due to causes other than tuberculosis. . Absence of Tubercle Bacilli. Each monthly examination (if the sputum be negative), to consist of a careful microscopic examination, with a mechanical stage, of two smears, devoting at least three minutes to each smear, made from selected particles (at least six from different parts) of the sputum on each of three successive days. The morning sputum should always be obtained, or, better, the minute bits that some arrested patients raise at very infrequent intervals. It is not yet deemed wise to insist on digestion and centrifugalization, or on inoculation of guinea pigs. Infiltration. Physical signs of slight prominence of the clavicle, lessened move- ment of chest, narrowing of apical resonance with lessened movement of base of lung, slight or no change in resonance, distant or loud and harsh breathing, with or without some change in the rhythm (i. e., prolonged expiration) ; vocal resonance possibly slightly increased; or fine or moderately coarse rales present or absent. If sputum contains tubercle bacilli, any one of these. Apex. That portion of the lung situated above the clavicle and the third vertebral spine. Small Part of One Lobe. An area of one or two intercostal spaces, or an area not exceeding 60 to 80 sq. cm. in extent, according to the size of the patient. Tue NortH CaroLtiIna SANATORIUM 9 TERMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “MODERATELY ADVANCED” 8. Marked Impairment of Function, Hither Local or Constitutional. Local: Marked dyspnea on exertion, limiting seriously the patient’s activity. Constitutional: Marked weakness, anorexia, tachycardia. 9. Moderate Extent of Localized Consolidation. An area of one-half lobe or less, but may involve both apices; marked dullness, bronchial or decidedly broncho-vesicular breathing; markedly increased vocal resonance; rales usually present. These signs are to be sharply limited as to area instead of gradually shading into normal physical signs. 10. Evidences of Destruction of Tissue. Presence of tubercle bacilli or elastic fibers in the sputum or the presence of the physical signs of a cavity. There are no absolutely certain physical signs of cavity, but a combination of any four of the following signs is to be taken as indicative of a cavity: (1) cracked-pot note; (2) amphoric breathing; (3) intense whispering pectoriloquy; (4) a veiled puff or post-tussive suction; (5) bubbling or resonant rales. “Physical signs of softening’? do’not admit of any definition apart from that of cavity formation, and the terms should not be used. 11. Disseminated Fibroid Deposits. More or less localized areas of fibrous tissue, producing on physical examination some change or dullness in the percussion note, more or less increase of vocal resonance, harsh, suppressed, or broncho-vesicular breathing, rales sibilant or sonorous usually, but at times fine and moderately coarse. 12. Serious Complications. These should be limited to tuberculous complications, such as menin- gitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (except slight thickening in the posterior interarytenoid space, and superficial ulceration of a vocal chord), enteritis, peritonitis, nephritis, cystitis, orchitis, adenitis (unless very slight), etc. 10 AnnuatL Report, 1917 MEDICAL REPORT, 1917 STATISTICAL Number patients to be reported’ 0. 2 -h teense eee Maes HAtee het 319 Number not tuberculous ......... Py PET, AG 8k eth tn Pr) Ay, 1 Number patiénts in Sanatorium December 1) 1917530 3n.. 4. sas 126 Total number patients treated during the year..25.2...2.. /.... 446 35 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 320 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested Appar Quiescent | Improved Peek Died Incipient eee see 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 Moderately advanced_-_--11 0 0 0 10 1 0 Har advanced.2..22- 2.2. 15 0 0 0 fi 7 1 Acute tuberculosis___----_ G 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: = 22 eee ae 35 0 0 0 26 8 1 Total number days, 667. Average stay, 19.05 days. Longest stay, 29 days. Shortest stay, 3 days. Average gain Largest gain Smallest gain Number Gained Weight, 24 Number Lost Weight, 6 ‘Sa OCA E AE Te eae bate meee ae 3.9 Lbs. | -Averageloscwes se nee ee nee eee eee Gb loss BEC errs 41 i BeBe 14... Lbs. 4 Liarecstloss= = eee eee oe es ace pS A ie ia Eye Ts pee Re as 5 Lb. Smatllestiossse. 22 ete = ee ee ee OE eet als Eb ads Lier TC dhe eh c. 1 | Not weighed 4 Stationary 80 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 320 TO 89 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission ; Arrested pa diee ec Quiescent | Improved Sad Died Inempient = sosseeee eee 22 0 0 11 11 0 0 Moderately advanced-_-_-_-39 0 0 13 24 2 0 Far advanced_______-___- 19 0 0 1 8 8 2 Acute tuberculosis___-.__- 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ROts Seat eet eae 80 0 0 25 43 10 2 Total number days, 4,592. Average stay, 57.4 days. Number Gained Weight, 69 Average gain War Cestig ain =aeeee ean Smallest gain Stationary 9.52 Lbs. Longest stay, 89 days. Shortest stay, 30 days. Number Lost Weight, 10 Lbs. 4 Average los§s--s-.22. 28S eee 4.05 Lbs. Largest loss-22225. 22 2 eee 8 Lbs. Smallest:loss.-222. See eee ..50 Lb. Tue Nortru Carorina SANATORIUM 11 204 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested eeerenty: Quiescent | Improved PmolMentes. kes oT. 67 19 37 2 7 Moderately advanced.__.78 14 15 27 17 Hisgread vanced 2.2 -2---._- 59 0 3 16 25 Acute tuberculosis_-__.-._- 0 0 0 0 0 otaisseseeat so) | 204 33 55 45 49 Died onc & 17 Total number days, 38,252. Average stay, 187.5 days. Longest stay, 695 days. Shortest stay, 90 days. Number Gained Weight, 173 LORE SS (ON rr 16.35 Lbs. ILORS GE CON as eas ee 48.50 Lbs. Bmallccisgaine-©-.0.22 2. J. .-i_..----- 1 Lb. Pe IIOUIAE Vee 2 oe nee nee 1 Number Lost Weight, 26 A Vera gelosse eee oo ceo oe 7.99 Lbs. Warcest; lossini et Me omeeee aS he 33.50 Lbs. Simallestaosss- tase eaten ek eae 1 Lb. HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE. INGO Uy Comer se IN tie Let ieee eile Vere oe Seteto eS SE 218 ( Previous only Positive « Previous and during residence___---_..---------- JDyowstiayen rafecunelernvere Moya ate pe ee ee eee ae 78 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS. Negative or no sputum (On admission Positive <« During residence ie discharge 5 PATIENTS WHO TOOK THE TUBERCULIN TEST. POSLULV Cee meneraae neers an ee Ee ee tr Sy a ea ee We Mise Be 4 INGO tiveness ee ees een ee eee ee. ee Se ese ne 1 ‘LOtal es mak 2 ee eee hee eae te See eee 5 COMPLICATIONS. Aenitigue eee ee i | ABIES AP ONE Ee ae eee ike |) aeahowai oye ee 1 AM aletistulamece ne eee Wai@hlerpes Z0steiess- eee ctesc one JE Ereonancye- sine eee 4 PMODENUICItISecs: 8s ee en, coe cece IS euarvingitistessscse same ee se ee ATs lASctaticaee seen ee eee 1 AST In aes rn er eae SpiaMeningitis-e- 2 = eee eo 2b Scolvosissee ee eee 1 Bronchitis__---____- ling: 1 Sh ap ee 13 | Mitral insufficiency__---.-.--- DeeSepticnsrthritiss- === eee 1 Broncho-pneumonia..-.-------- TeeOtitisnmediasss == sates. = 3 | Spontaneous pneumo-thorax. 2 GarcinOma oe see ee OER Panan Olas ssee eee e eee. = IES y philiseese ee ecm ee Seen 1 etlulitishse 8 aoe ee ee 1 | Parenchymatous nephritis_-. 6 | Tabes dorsalis....-...-..-..--- 1 interitisme eee ns ee ee ea [5el@Pentonitises: sor ee eee 3 | Tuberculous knee...-.-.-.-.-- 1 ME OnOLTNeA Cea ee eee Iepeharynoitisseeese ss se eee ee 1 | Tuberculous sternum__.-.-._-- 1 Pleurisy with effusion.--.___- 8 12 Annuat Report, 1917 SEX, AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION. Age Civil Condition Sex 8-19 20-29 | 30-389 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-70 Single | Married | Widowed IM alle Sus eens = wee 176 20 73 41 16 1 90 81 5 Hemalesss ose 143 20 62 38 5 0 64 73 6 Mopalssae= 319 40 135 79 21 1 154 154 11 NATIONALITY. Americanz.22.-63 ee ee eee 316 Scotchman. - 22. 2. 2226S. st eee 1 Swedes 24. ee eee 1 Syrian. ...2222.- 450 3sc3 2 eee 1 Total scsb onde oe ae ee ee 319 OCCUPATIONS. Barbers esses. eee a ee eee 1 -Ruralimailearriers] see) oo eee 1 Blacksmith=. -/o°rs2 ces... 24 eo eee eee | + Mechanical. yee ak eee oe oe ee 3 Bookkeepers 22). 22 eee oe ee eee eee 4 |. Merchants: 22 seater eh ee ae 9 Brickmasons. 2. ae eee Seen ae eee 1- | Mintstersore mre. oe tens eee oe ed eee 3 Butchers so. 2 > ees ee eee eee ere 2 Mothrmen=sstrect car one sae eee 2 Cafe'‘manager..2 es cow eee ee eee 1}: Néweatoners: ies es sate c,h oe eee ne 1 Gatecwaiter coe oe ee ee 1..|" Nurse=graduates sess. ae ee eee 1 Canning club demonstrator-__.._.._------------ L | Nusses“prarticalts 2 r-- cee. eee ee eee eee 2 Carpenters aed ae eee ee 1 | Telephone manager-_-_---_- Ree Nest ele Bee TOS Saez 1 imoty pelo peratorsaes sss a eee 2 | Tellers... eae Se Re ere eee ea ool Meachinists = 22 haere eee os ee pet Saiey ee ae eeg 5.) Traveling salesmen! 2.cos =: saa ee eres eee 5 Tue Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM 13 COUNTIES FROM WHICH 319 PATIENTS CAME. Ein anhGdtoeee= sed. 2. ee Pi eeborsyihee- tacos ee oso 1)! Pasquotankio: ee eee 5 IATISO TI Seems ou eC. Soe OREG astOnmeae ede se 2 eee te Br Pender So oo ee ee ee 1 IB CatikOr bers ee ee PH Were beth ania Sere gees epg ate ee eee Srp Persone: seo 2 IB OLiiewer seen sac Ske at ZS OMe Guth EON Gs eee ees ee ee eee eee DOSE PUL Gua sh 5 oan ee ne ee 7 BIS cies a eS ASAT Lalit acd 2 ee a eee ke eee ished atteRave tol hoy seer eames Semen Fe: ce 1 IBiumeOMmpeseseens ie ee ee SS Daleiiarne, tose ee oes cess sleet Gaishichimonclsos2c. a5 ween ane 3 AS Ue Seer eed Ho NGS Et Bist alevevs leaskayate pe eee = Ree 5a Lipo besonse ue ea one ae 13 Oaharnugeeessies feo. ee Salailertiord=.2-325s ee 4st oe ee Sy al IReovel aod AN ee ee 1 al cdwellaueces see wai ee oe {ElPE Oke sesee cosas ae melee ioe LM PLUO Wa. 1t eer eee ec ete ae en 8 Wamcdenweree eset er Sa es ees I SIBELycdete rs. a er eee RIPECthOnionc. scesm a xan: see meen 1 @artere tase es eee DUP LECOCLI: oni os eee ate 8 host, AS DAB OSOELe hs ed eee aS 8 Cac wells ieee see fe Zale) ONS LOR mesa Pee ee et eee ARIES COL a1 Ge serpin an eee eee 7; @avawilasee sae saeco eee 2b. Wiglhecssten soe: we art sk alas aha teh EY Vise ots oe a by ts en Ona 8 Clavelandeet sss se2sac0. ee Ga peLienGi Tee peat e Leet AL Dab O KES ues teen ty 5h al a ewe lee 2 Wolamiusse- ses. ae eke Sa RUAN CON eens sees eee NL OLS Le Sic eae g Sree = eae oe 6 (Omni Gin a SRieMiartinwss (sn see eons ee, AS Wiel UY os a fee ain ye 1 @umberlandes.22s52222.--.255 (qlaMieckioniurgecss = 52945" sms A SHU nd OL Screens oe as cee Se ee 2 (Chie atelke OS ae Ze OUtTETOMEer yee ta eee woe OIG ances sehaae be uk ey Papers 4 Wavicisoimes secon See tl ASIEN. COTES ue eta ee haa eee LUNE Kec OPE ens 5 teem PEEL 16 JDDG eS ASN Sh Goes ase: aaa Stes eee ee DAW asin ot Ons ase pees ani 1 HO cra ume ee eee s AW NG Wall anovVer: asaee ease aes RIA AV Gone oh ors Se A ee 3 Dor nen, 2 aa a eee ee bale Northamp tones sea Tid Walgo ive erase Se 7 eee 9 Wa Sec OMCs t sees sa See Jue le ORAL eee tee ease gee SRIMY AG ee eee eo. cee ne 3 TOWNS FROM WHICH 3219 PATIENTS CAME. JN Geri Wan. 2 Ses ae ee imeConnelly Springs se ISG Old. Sey) ae eee 1 NNR GL.. ae ee ee Ne OO DET ies secur eh aaa Coens BFK o) eleleyehney 2 i a ae Soe 2, All bemarletesee teases sense. bReCorneliuse cess soles. oe RN Crge Oi oS oe LL 5 SY Fi eat 2 ATIC OM Valle meee se ay ee ae ee [eC recdinoor-seseesea ss. eee IiGreensborosesss2= ese toe 10 LSU Les e 28 AUS eEs Seiten ats. by oe ee eG uGriinek saecacawsocu sk = ok oe ti. UGreenvilless2-. ug ae ee 3 FASE DOO eases eee eee IPG viclese cess cen eres IG ailiordaesein one eeobenue seein I ASH ayallatsssstceaa) ures 2 ARP Del wa veree asta se oe el Le 15 pELalifaxe op. 3a ee eee te 1 ASTOR se ee ce Set See Lk Wie DVU RE Rt ee ee See Ee eer Opie alSbOro soa. 22a een eae rere 1 Acuilesiye tayo. eo be 8 ee ee (ge Dundarra cheats sues oe ase 17 eileen ss. oes «eee Se 1 JESS SAT, iene os Mba RS le Se Tee nt eee ee ee ee Oe We bape Dees cue 2 i RYO OHH Og Hae i a Lee uirinaiiet sass eee tee ee te AS eam ptOnvil les: se eee 1 Bellarthureeee os el ee. (iastel ir baja soe eee Tle aissell srry a ile Woh © ewe 1 Blacks Mountalm=s22-22.2228.52 (eeiidoewalcdis semes sees Oe ee TSP LV ely Ile See seme Ste yak ee ee ian 1 RlademborOssss 0-2 see eee ea imimetlizeabethyCit yess: ee eee SRI ELCnCersO Dee. Sao eee ena 3 Alan Cleese le ee | lee lize Detncowaleen sae sees balsa Hickoryase. S2 so eee oe 1 BOStaMN all eee ee ee ee (Pie ikinserewerei tases oon shige. ae alec cdeniteesea == Min 2A Ser naies 1 ECL eCO nme ee SL Lai Binitel de epee er tee ae IPE htPouit== 2 ae eee ones 6 Broawiesumimnitese oe] see ee 1TaiMEGV.Crettss aoe =e mere eee 2 eee Le ebtic helo wers sss = eee 1 Buriineton sees so. 2 GRE Veroreen saat ees eee eee IZ Hobeood anes c= ue see oer 1 (CAI) 25. be Se (Sie towah= eee. sae Soe eae Teh oper Mills! ae eee oo eee 1 (CS NEG Sik a Lal alpiel delc 26 ueetan io en esse Pa NCS tel Pailtoe, cot eae eee 1 @andoree ess) a Fee [eB ainim O Gass 2 see soa ee se reali eeze\ Re Wee peek RO Ae eae 1 (Cine cae) ae ne 2 a Taig h ain Oaks-22sss00ce ee. ons Poa Ale Weaversniallll Cee es BE Ae 1 (COR YS TEE Sa cle ee a leiel army ileac es eee. ae ee 2A LONeCSDOTOrte: ae an see ere 1] Cagh acd 4s V1) Eee a ee Sri bayetcevil lessee sees eee Pale JONES Vil leme terest eee Hea 1 @harlotto eee eee Iie orestiCity sss eee eS Ie WSO nee. 2 sae ce ae 1 Gherry.villessn ee. (Aeon a1 ser eee ee altel 8 AED Shay SRO Se eae oats Se Ra Be 1 (hocawinity =o. . sa eee r= fopbour. Oaks. =--eee 285.22 Eh Wellord 2s wu Steen eee Sees 1 CTAr tO tee been weeees ee eee PE CCIMONL 2 te ewacuee, so aco8 Lae NOT Io cosaae k(n ane sae eee ee 1 (os CE get 0 Si a deo duay ODringsses-. =. es. 1 WeKGinston wes ees sn oe eee ee 3 Glinton= ea ee AW KG yA havent: Ws, <7 ee an Ga oe ee hel SGU ohh e yume Su eh a Be 1 Cofield sere eee ae ed ae LibGibsona sacs 5 feet eee. Ie DaGranpetee= 26a eee 9 GOnCOLG ste ee eee eee, (aie Ghidenteenss eteee se co eee ae (ae liaurel sels lee oe eee eee 2 14 AnnuaL Report, 1917 TOWNS FROM WHICH 319 PATIENTS CAME—Conrtinvuep. Ja urin DUT 2ane- eee Suimelote Mountain: === LiiSpencer! a2 eee 2 Ven oltice: 2° 5.7 2 ee at ee 1 Pinnacles. &: 22345 5-.e—=e ee IMS pring, bHopedsee-sssce=s=— === 2 Mex LON ss see eee Sue bly mouth eStedmana--. teen aos. eee 1 Tnthne ton tee se eer eee O41) Polkton 82... 22. oe eee YiiimotatesVillessee sae eee see eee 2 im colin ores ee nee 1 Powells 2 omt2.2 see ee Iisovokesdalete- soe see ee oes 1 Litidens) oi ss o3 8 teens 15] Princeton] 2-2 =e IMB SSt Pau lst Sao = ee 2 Tsucamia ics em oes se Oe ee eee 12) (Proctorvalles es) == ik |b foto iiGk so eee 1 umibertons === eee S| (Raleight20.. TAME ar b Oro ees se a eee 1 MccIN Ge aiyzillll @erene ee en (Se leked: Shrines. === Davey lors Vill (ems serene = ae eee 1 MeHarlantes.22=e. = ee aeeaees (RitRoanoke: hiapids === 1a Wie. COsset = eee ee ee ene 1 Max tones pete snes. aon aero 1 "Roberson villesa === eee DIN EWadesborOsss-2220 ee eee aa 1 Mavyodane en a eases 1} Rock Creek 3e2= sees lay Wakefield. 2.22.04. oo aoe mg Monroe’ eit serene eee 2)\ Rocktord 22222 e ae oe 1) Walnut Cover... @ ose. see 1 Moores lle see a ee 2) Rockingcham=s 59a PW arsaiwet. can es re oe eee 4 Morehead: Cit yaa = Ie Rocky. Mounts] =a He Wendellc= ses eee a. = ame 1 Morea nt One ee a= ae ee eee 2: || FROsSeM ary. 2 ile Winitakerg ==. sa 72 Sse eee 1 Morrisval locke sees = =e eres 21 Rowland. LWAWillard’ 22022" .< os. econ 1 Mom CRAY 20 emer neys Sener 24\-Roxobélu::... =. Pa RWilliaimns tones eee 2 Mount Giles da === === ae 3 (Roxboro. OM mWralttmin cone sae ee ee 3 INeuse2teN ooo. Seer 1 Salis bur yee. Ou dWilsOne2c eee ee aera 5 New Berns: sete. 5° eee 2.\ Sanford{..... TS) 8Windsore 2322. eee eee 1 Nilsonesc tenes Pe ole eee le Scotland Necks ==)=====—== === 2 a Winston-oa lemmas) = sae ae 10 INDIA OOC oe ce sense 5 eee 3. Shelby 22... 32 Ame Wintervilless sss == ee eee 1 Okeencemees- =. see ee Ta Simms 5 2) 0S ee 2 SWintone-. ss ee eee eee 1 Oxtoncd Sette arene oo ee ees 2 com thiiel dz lss5 ses see 2a IOUS Vill lowe eee eee 1 Platitowlesss<2e=eeeee eo ee J South=Millsses == =see eee DiPZebulon- 5 = see eee 1 Southmont..esss..======———aee 1 ; OUTSIDE PATIENTS EXAMINED FOR DIAGNOSIS AND CONSULTATION December. 2. O24 5 eee eee 2A prils 29) 2 SO SA oust ee ew ee ee eee 57 JANUARY oo oe cet ee Or mae 83°) Mayo. iot* 2223 oe ee GiMitSeptemberse see eee ee ee 66 Hebrulary as 22ers eee 34+) (JUNE ase 0 Se AZ 7 Octoberse eee ne eee 36 Mier Cy art ea tie ee 2 30 Ai ulys sso, oo ATM mINovernberssss=seee ae eee 67 Totalicice. 23 cue seteeeh oleae eda ec nn oe Sc ee ern tre et 536 15 Tue Norru CaroLtina SANATORIUM uTToIEqnT, YIM UlNoIeqNy, NOTA (pte Re Po ea a a on a eee EC ie aS mat a | oa er A al Day eee Sag ep gue okt Ge 4SO0'T PR eae eee enn ee eer cr | one ioe ene se eee ec ee eer re | ee oe eee ee ee pred 601 (MR ee nae | SSS oer ese apes nates fee eae ee es ona eeempeer tamara nace aime foe aah 5 ee SUIYIOM JOU PUB SUTATT [219.L fake BS ete aa a er oa ara eo det pec te gc Pace ACER Dae re ahah TY Sis Ea isa ia EL SUIYIOM PUB SULATT 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ifort echt Sake oer ant

Oa ee ae 33 Total -Audiencte — 2 .)..050 5 Wied le ce reo nn en 4,750 Local activities: Number local investigations —. ....).te ee 88 Number conferences with local authorities.................. _ 88 Days out of office:on official business... ca See . 84 Sputa: REPORT OF LABORATORY WorRK 9) 11:1 11 PL eR Pa ECE ME iy as Ro A eA A er wen re ERMA RAE S ir clo us one aba ae ye Urinalyses: | CHEM s = 3 bi 2a oko Wie as eas peek ovainc pete aha: ena ie ne 653 1 LN 6: ae ee PO Per as We SADR oo my hit Ago ono A ate 653 Pletiral uid 7), sti. s = hs cee Reelin ie sieges one em ee aba Spinal fuld bv ..ah. 0c os semegec eles. w ace op gcee Peete eet ee 2 WOGCOS 3 Fe ss Siege te ites 6, chy « cece ke ee 4 RAISE a co Sh 18 BlOOd Fea iss Pesto he ope'w oye 0% oRUee a) ace cide Ee ae ne ene ee aby Gastric heecty dsia's clap ale sl c/s eRee Beceet hes cs nts A emer te ats a ers A 6 Total) 480k 4% 8540s he | Me a a 519. Totalinumber cases examined for diagnosis. .9....00. sae eee 536 FINANCIAL STATEMENT TRIAL BALANCE, DECEMBER 1, 1917 Surplus ee eee ee cece eve un 5 ilo, © artless ie oc4 02d oe ¥ Fic Me COM PETG rete fete ate ors sh seo tgs 6-6. b 4 Siete Pac cecns wide dss » L1,763.34 Pemecstateeand NOSpital DUIIGINGS..... 6... 60s ce bee wae 109,927.43 eee IS EIATL OG” 95, 22:05. ok bok dees © «4 6 oes Peay A 2,267.54 Dining hall and kitchen, furniture and fixtures....... 3,647.80 PTO sre meTUrNPUrerand fIXtULTeS.. 6... cw ee ete eee. 3,022.05 Nurses; Home; furniture and fixtures..............0. 444,75. Superintendent’s residence, furniture and fixtures.... 1,448.75 PIRI ALC eeet eee. 5 5c clara s, «sti s'o ald.a' Weta o.oo is'sie's ¥ ace os 286.00 le remmetrnCiinery ANG tOOIS:.. «... o.0:60 0.00 eo es iexcecdiegedatere 1,448.80 Wana EN es CCN er thao igh e %) o.a\ls oe 40% 2 ithe. cusaee. oi ¥.s,0 Sivce's.* 1,600.00 Ser CeO COCK Marc). fc. ede cs we ee ve beh ow ce ee webs 5,765.00 RIV ATIVIGSIIVED . fe. cc cic ce ess ot ecw oe taint nen 760.91 PUNT aCMMEIT OCU ETT c's ce gs cea co sidce eves sale esl aeis + 6 6m ssecelns 6,024.00 ME OMI INCOUICINGS ©... 5 ccc ec ce sec ewoenteccesacs 13o.00 TOL et cag) SMA ORCS = 6. 55 ie a aS Sal aoe Farm 22 901.12 ee ieee ra 520.00 eMC CLT SOMO RG 8G. ws oe fost heh se nee bee sie ware 1,402.00 ee eet EC 2) oe ss eee es oo eee os 2,204.15 Ome rae MeOCHOOL |. ...6 0 ccd se eacoscsadeceapaes 93.50 In OSG OT LIM YO CNE) 000s ag ial See ea loPoe GY TRONS 5 oad 5 ae rare IN@ERS 255 ¢A6 526 86r See ee eae 728.00 emt IT CEU 2S Bie ks aes clad. 6 obs tug ssue ois 118.20 migirove Dooke donated) ). 0... csi ee ele he eee a 125.00 Office supplies and expenses (business).............. 324.16 Office supplies and expenses (extension)............... 239.75 Laboratory and medical office equipment............. 703.08 Stenographers’ building, furnishings ................ 369.65 WatcoecCOUroments (DUSINESS) Use. s wetes ce ccs eee aes 502.75 Mirecescauipment (extension) ....4.. 6.6. c cee ne Feces 2,444.75 Hower heat, light, water, retrig.,. and plbg:.......... 29,464.49 MR NOME RSV GLOTIL UGS vad ote ccess stele Terai vo’ slag ce cena stay Oren eee are 1,152.42 Seams yStenl ANOOISPOSAL DIAN ae. aoe ecw ce were ew ore 4,903.88 Meet ALU a Ue Oa Vina ets cc are ea ores ieee ete ev esieee 775.00 ey PO Re, ee NN mse Ai ose ba BES 2,445.84 $201,642.50 2.60 36.61 $201,681.71 $201,681.71 20 Annual Report, 1917 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Disbursements, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 Bulldings) wave eee ee 217 2 oN CWS es antler te ene $ 51.36 Equipment: 217 3: “Improvementsa7.. se ae 2,986.74 Furniture and fixtures. ..217 5 Dining-room and kitchen. Vilas ts: Domestic op.: i218 11), Telephones san io. 3 eee 77.08 218° 12 Gate eee aa eee eee $2.82 218 13 BP OWeViee neat toes © ae ere 4,025.47 219 “14 bie eee eee ner €2.42 219°: 15% Water erase eon se 14,955.05 219 16 Retrigerationo-... cies Ase 11.70 220 an WLAN OSCADC? saree. cn eee ors 20.80 2200's 24° SSGWCLS eee eter er coteamc 4,903.88 ' $ 27,244.70 EXTENSION FuNpD Disbursements, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 TWIXOCTIUI VG ge: cit ck otis eer ie cee 222 26° “PaLaALLOs. peewee eee ta ae uP Lee Oke 222 27 Traveling expense ....... 891.68 Offices. FS Wher Wea ae ete 222° 28 Furniture and fixtures.... 705.99 223 29 Books and stationery..... 679.20 regis 30° - Stamps eee ee eee 760.03 223 31 -Miscellancous 25 47-0. ® 606.64 $.. 7,605.30 MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION Disbursements, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 Hospital: 225 33° Medica lene. ete 4,110.00 PalaAries way seco ene eee et oe 225 34. ~ HXeOCUtin eG aoe neil ore 2,303.00 225 35 Nurses and attendants.... 2,445.29 226 > 36> Cookssandsservants ce 5 ODORS. 226 37 Traveling expense ....... 46.40 SUD plies eee eat oes 226 38. Bedding and Jinen=.2 a6: T9393 227 41 - Miscellaneous ye 4.2 eeeer 270.11 ProvVisSious Sena: oes 221-42 Meats ee egee eee 6 eee 134.81 227 43° -ButtOly ote see 255.00 228 45 Vegetables and fruits..... 207.25 228 ~46 Groceries Haste ate eee: 605.55 HGUIDMent sania eee 228 ~ 49> eae eee 78.48 OTL CC ae cee enn cee ee 229 D1 OQuipmient (eee eer eee 25 Domestic op.: 229 HS StAM DS tec S oto 6.50 Power and heat ...... 22% 229 5D: JUabOr..:: « weaken et eae 939.50 2:30 56. Supplies)...4.4..4 5) eee 1,795.52 230: 57 Miscellaneous 7.57... e) 125.05 Light yeeee -ccok .. Soe 230°. 58. Labor 22s. tik ent eee 120.00 Waters orate vase es eee 23160 «68, > Labor -an5 ce ee 185.00 201 66- Supplies...42... 2 ee eee 36.12 Tue Nortru CaroLtiIna SANATORIUM eres aDl0S:. And: + we ckk op Wy 6 0, 16) 016 1e 0 0,6 6 6 @ 6 es,0 oy a) od 6) @_ 0) e) 0,6, 0-0) 6, 6, 6. 8) ©. 0 Miscellaneous: 231 232 232 232 233 233 233 234 234 234 235 235 235 236 236 68 72 74 fog 80 81 82 83 85 88 91 92 95 99 102 supplies Buildings Machinery and tools...... Seeds and fertilizer...... Feed Labor Miscellaneous Live-stock Feed ose ee ee ee oO ow we ew oes eee ere eee ese eos o 0 6 6 © 0) © 0 0 © © 6 6 ©, 0 0 0 6 se ® © be € oe oe 6 0) 6 6 6 6 8 e 8 © (eh erie)l ey 6) 6. eyes: « © 68 8) 6) 0) 8 © & 6) e6 6 (0. 8 S10) 6| 6) 6) @ 9,016 @ & 8) 0) 18) 6 0 wi eeu 6 Shelee sine) o) ale 6) ‘sive @ (0) 6 6) 48 i8)16) 6 Ce Transfer and drayage..... Supteres. turn. and ix s: 21 120.00 180.090 36.13 300.80 952.83 392.05 1,040.53 2,274.47 48.79 2,418.63 349.50 1047094 44.00 223.62 903.81 $ 30,142.60 MAINTENANCE—PATIENTS’ FUND. Disbursements, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 Hospital: Salaries Supplies Provisions Domestic op eerste eee eee eee oer oe eo ee we ewe wee os eee eo ee ee eee ee ve Power and heat. } Ngee Refrigeration oeoee eee ee evn eeer ee oe oer oer eee ee ee eo wo wo oO Plumbing and §...%...2... oor eee eee ee 240 240 240 241 241 241 242 242 242 243 243 243 244 244 244 245 245 245 246 246 246 247 247 247 248 248 248 249 249 249 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 156 157 158 160 163 164 168 Nurses and attendants... .$ Gooksvand* Servants )25..0.-. Bedding and linen........ Crockery and silver...... Drugs and medicines..... Miscellaneous Meats Butter Hge2s Vegetables and fruits..... Groceries Miscellaneous Furniture and fixtures.... Instruments Miscellaneous Equipment Stationery and books..... Stamps Miscellaneous Labor Supplies Miscellaneous Labor Supplies Miscellaneous Labor Equipment Supplies Equipment Supplies Supplies oo eee ee eo ee we ee Ke. (e) #0) Ore) 0) 0 0 n'@ 0.10! “6: 6)" 6Ke % a 8) (6 0,6 © 6 © 1 16 6,8 oe 16) 6) 0. @ e) 0) e:feirey'e \e. ©. 8 6 4 @ © 0.0 se 9) «6 o1e) 0) 0, 6.1.6. (0/16) 19-0! ‘eo, 60) ‘e: oe ee eee eo ow oer ee ee ewe ee ee ee 60 6 \¢ © 9 9 6 10 2 01 9.6 0 a ta ooo eee ee se eo oc eo eee wee eee ee eee ee oer eer eee eee eee eve w. 406" Bw "el 6) /6' “6 "6! 0: 16, (6: 8) 0) O10) 0 2. wip: 0! 0 16; 0) 'e. @).9 Olle: 0) 6, (0, 0): 0.6) oo eee ee ee wo oo eee ee ee ew ee we eee ew ee O @ © 1 O56; 0.9 € 66) 0: 6 6 ©. @! ,© 10) @) e101 Xe) 0) 6.) 0) 6, 16>. 06: 16 #40 (OP) ee 0) 0,0) 6 lee. 6 a a Le 14.20 83.63 * 478.03 725.21 1,001.30 4,366.01 5,974.58 1,930.02 5,819.02 1,987.08 5,401.24 2,427.62 421.86 124.48 85.42 161.20 292 Annvuau Report, 1917 FYAYINS © oo5.: ceo hae tosenets eketetetele 250° 170 @Buildings eye ree 250. 172.) Repairs to buildings ss... 2 251.0174. “Machinery andetoots ee 251 175 Seeds and fertilizers...... 251° 176 Yleedemeriet asin te ce bisects 252° 177 eral: 256 197 Freight and express:..... 256 198. “Hoe Sic ee ee 257 199° “handsea pease eraks ote 257. 200 Boller Non 2ce ee caus e- 257 201: GCanninee secre eiresites STATEMENT SHOWING DISPOSITION OF FunDS, 1916-17 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT FUND ADPPropriation saved ocrisietehe caters bobioele © eee tele eee ne eee Transferred from Extension Fund (loan)2.2........- Ree elena terse Expenditures as per disbursement statement....................- MAINTENANCE FUND ADPLOPTiatioN® . 3. we Feces. oc ce cee cn ook es © euREE I ene ene ee ae ee renee Transferred from’ Extension Fund” (loam)ee a eee Expenditures as per disbursement: statements ee ere EXTENSION FUND APPropriation. © P.csiWeia Pek oe Rok ac es See ere ete ee ee Loaned ‘to PéermanentsImp. Mund /.2.. 2a ee eee $2,244.70 Loaned to: Maintenance Fund=.. «...5 2.0 ee eee 142.60 Expenditures as per disbursement statement......... $7,605.30 Balance: Page WTrust Company «..c0rst. ce eee eee 7.40 Disbursements, Maintenance Appropriation Fund...... ee eee Disbursements; Maintenance Patients Funda... ..0. eee Total, 5c ee de, ws occ bc ReRee te ete ak ee ee Amount actually expended eWia (err ease e761 a6: 6)"e Totale number hospitaladays ema ese. Average cost each patient per day... © (aye! (ee) "0. fee 0. 6 le. 'o .0) Re (e's 0) 6) .¢ 0) ee emene 1) (O46) eo Ye! 0! Fo Odi ce "0, fe) Fe. Pe te, fe Fete: tee (one, Shenae menrs © (07 @ ee ere fe 6 6. 6 ¢ © € 6's © ©) emetic. ale) salae oe © (ee 0 “@ @ © ‘e @ fe %e) 10, "> ‘ei fei fo re: @ Sy eles @ salte! 1,225.32 147.26 251.66 34.83 21.48 35.77 169.27 2,124.03 45.68 27.44 390.31 3,342.46 1,517.24 622.50 $ 49,821.88 $ 25,000.00 2,244.70 $ 27,244.70 $ 30,000.00 142.60 $ 30,142.60 $ 10,000.00 2,387.30 $ 67,612.70 7,612.70 $ 30,142.60 49,821.88 $ 79,964.48 622.50 $ 79,341.98 44,255 $1.80 Tue Norru Carotina SANATORIUM 23 NorTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS, SANATORIUM, N. C. COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS Assets Heal estate and hospital buildings................... $106,808.85 Me rE LE TIM oy) 5) visto yale oles oo 0's a « 2,890.00 - Farm animals I ie ee dane ore a Pena a alate ses! ose ig, 1,710.00 ys Pe elena the aiiphatiav'e «2 a Whe ios a ehecae 9) 8146 33 1,783.50 Rees | eee Pe FF rE Sseiis ae aval e sca e Sie ec» eee. s ss 687.74 PIPCTOASO MING ASSCLGe akc. tre Hs» ole aces Wis oe, woe ete er eee Oe eran erate *See P. H. L. W. R. & P. Dees LI916, Dee Liga $109,927.43 11,763.34 2,267.54 1,152.42 29,464.49 4,903.88 3,647.80 3,922.05 444.75 1,448.75 502.75 2,444.75 369.65 286.00 6,024.00 703.08 760.91 1,448.80 775.00 125.00 118.20 3,125.17 520.00 1,402.00 2,294.15 * 324.16 239.75 93.50 133.55 5,765.00 1,600.00 1,728.00 2,445.84 $159,072.52 $201,681.71 42,609.19 24 ANNUAL Report, 1917 Liabilities and Surplus DCCrI,1I16 DEC. ols Page. Trust Company, overdratt. 4... oe eee $ 10.00 $ 2.60 Bank of: Hoke “2 .ge sais ce ek 6 ue ee 96.39 36.61 Surplus <6. cece ce oe cece oe ee oa eee eee 158,966.13 201,642.50 $159,072.52 $201,681.71 CASH REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917 State appropriations: Permanent AMProvement.. 2. 2.1cee ee nee $ 25,000.00 Extension? 220.25. sce cewek ee eee 10,000.00 Maintenance. <:.. 5 6.4 ssp kes ae Re eee 30,000.00 Page Trust Company, overdrait. (ec eee 2.60 Bank of Hoke, overdrait..-..... eee eee 96.39 $ 65,039.21 Patients’ maintenance: Patients’ board and ‘treatment... see eee $ 46,224.10 AUO> os Ain Wis bs ea a eae © oe se 0 ee 403.33 LaAUNGTY “Ai eles cs ah ooo ee oe eee 1,111.69 Hospital supplies ...:...005 «cee pee 1,699.26 Telephone ‘and telegraph..........eeeneee 57.55 Postoffices (rent) ..0s%0. sneha see eee 22.50 Harms. 66s fee Te whan hoes GE sb 8 eRe 309.08 Dairy. sche: re er is Oe ee 252.95 Hxaminations ees oes ¢ on Pe eee 75.00 PLrOVISIONS® s:6.% a se ed awe oe sa 2a ey ee Spy aya Pe Power, heat, Ct... ..c< dae ss se 5 a ee eee 684.08 MAIATICS Bh Asbo pave ds seen bate se ele 7.20 ELOZS eee ds Gece deses 102 ee 200.00 Cash on hand December 1, 1916.................. 687.74 $ 52,327.50 Less: Cash on hand December 1, 1917...... $2,445.84 Page ‘rust Co., overdralt..- 2k eee 10.00 Bank ot Hoke; overdratt.. «0.24.0 ee 96.39 2,DD2.20 49,775.27 | Expenditures as per disbursement sheet...................ecceee $114,814.48 Tur NortuH CaroLtina SANATORIUM 25 NUMBER OF PATIENTS SUPPORTED BY AGENCIES OTHER THAN SELF, AND NAME OF ORGANIZATION AND AMOUNT PAID, 1917 Number Patients Amount Name of Club or Organization Supported Paid emerecm ie raleIen, N.C cc ce we eee renee 2 $ 191.00 Pasquotank County, Elizabeth City, N. C.......... eon 2 151.00 Proximity ite. Co., Greensboro, N. C.......0..00006. 1 198.00 emerereEstONe OCHICAZO, Ills... kee cee eee e eens i 146.00 Pumeompe County, asheville, N. C...... ccc. s eevee ee 1 243.00 Associated Charities, Winston-Salem, N. C........... i 121.00 PuuioreOorcer. Winston salem, N.-C........0e.0eae ees 2 75.00 Jefferson Standard Life ins. 'Co., Greensboro, N. C.... 2 302.00 Pyvomalns Clubs Greensporo, N. C..... 2... ccc eens 3 563.00 Moro Omeouliyeyyinston-salem,’N. C........00.00> ut 122.00 massociated Charities, Goldsboro, N..C.............06- 2 532.00 (ONCE CPR ee SETS Wy Wr RS © 1 62.00 Miovemotevicx J. M. CLARK EEE A ASS let USE ine Nea og SMa O ainsi ah ks S. A. PERRY EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS, STATE BoARD oF HEALTH NCTM LTC UN oer. a 5 occa cneluicisferave 6 ays ae ae: sta ls) Mane L. B. McBrayer, M.D. MEST AIP ACONTCL OL, DUPCAU ok os oo clew oe ae oc ee are es P. P. McCatin, M.D. Oop SSG Seg lt OTE 08 Sana as | or A. W. SNow Be meTIRGeM A IVON |. tia. alii s/s'o aie. eve a eas eset PR FS ic h e AE aa Miss L. THORPE eM ATS Tees ce orate Ware ha ie igi eee c te lac Wie als: Sipe. lala eters oa se Miss L. LInDLY State Director of Public Health Nursing.......... Miss Rose M. HHRENFELD Director Organization and Education Among the STO CM pte cleo. 8 S sets baa MN os Tih Suda Ualatat ers Ge aneréteines aha FLORENCE C. WILLIAMS *On overseas duty. 4. PERSONNEL STATE RED CROSS SEAL COMMISSION Mrs. C. C. Hook, Chairman, Charlotte Mrs. D. R. LAF ar, Gastonia Mr. Hamitton C. JONES, Treasurer, Mrs. C. Martin, Wilmington Charlotte Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Raleigh Dr. OrHO Ross, Charlotte ; Mrs. T. D. Jones, Durham Mrs. G. M. Frnerr, Charlotte Dr. W. L. Dunn, Asheville Mrs. CHARLES R. WHITAKER, Hender- Mrs. S. H. Brown, Oxford sonville Cou. J. L. LupLtow, Winston-Salem Mrs. MARK QUINERLY, Greenville Mrs. J. L. Wermore, Arden Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Executive Secretary A. W. Snow, Assistant Secretary LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dr. W.S. Ranxtn, Secretary, State Board of Health, Raleigh, N.C. My Dear Docror:—lI hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and General Assembly, a report, being the fifth annual report of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis for the year 1918. | Very respectfully yours, L. B. McBrayer, Superintendent. FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS UNDER CONTROL OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N.C. We are pleased to report progress along every line of endeavor. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS We have erected during 1917 and 1918 5 two- to four-room houses for serv- ants; a brick building with slate roof, two stories high, which is intended for “up-patients,” and consists of four separate flats, each flat to hold five patients, and each flat being entirely private as regards the other flats. This building has been worked out as a model for the use for which it is intended, and is so considered by all who have seen it, and is entirely satisfactory to us. It is occupied at present by our nurses. We have énstalled another boiler, 150 horse-power, and made the necessary enlargements to our boiler-house to accommodate it. We have put in a new eight-inch well with necessary equipment, and this well has proven very satisfactory to date, its maximum flow being seventy-five gallons per minute from a depth of two hundred and sixty-seven feet. We have built a concrete reservoir that holds forty thousand gallons and a stand-pipe one hundred and four feet high with a tank on top holding fifty thousand gallons. We have connected these up with six-inch water mains and extended the same size mains throughout the grounds where most of the large buildings are, placing fire plugs at convenient intervals. We have now under construction our cow barn, feed barn, silos, and bot- tling plant. One concrete silo of two hundred and forty-ton capacity has been completed; the cow barn with a capacity of fifty-two cows and the feed barn are now ready for the concrete floors. Loss BY FIRE On December the 14th, 1917, we had the misfortune to lose one of our hos- pital buildings, known as Brooks Hall, by fire. The fire was caused by a brick falling out of the chimney where it was only one brick thick and at a point that was not visible on caretul examination before the building was destroyed. The gross and net loss is shown in complete detail in our financial statement. Although the fire occurred at 2:30 a. m., and the ground was covered with ice and snow, the patients suffered no untoward effects. The patients saved all their belongings and helped in saving linens, furniture, etc. 8 AnNnuAL Report, 1918 INFLUENZA We were fortunate, by strict quarantine, to be able to keep influenza out of the Sanatorium until November 23, 1918, when it was brought in by one of the servants. Within a week every servant but four, every nurse but two, one of our stenographers, one of the medical staff, ten patients, and three members of the Superintendent’s family were ill with the disease. We were fortunate in that no deaths occurred, unless one patient, a very far advanced case that had been gradually growing worse and was absolutely hopeless, who died at this time, could be said to have died of the disease. There were thirty-two cases out of a population of one hundred and ninety. Upon request of the State Board of Health, Captain C. E. Waller, U. S. P. H., furnished us sufficient influenza vaccine to vaccinate all our people. It was not forced upon them, but we recommended that they take it, and we took it our- selves. One hundred and sixty-four availed themselves of the opportunity. Only two patients who had the three doses developed influenza—one of these on the day the last dose was given and the other two days after the last dose was given. About one-half dozen who did not take the vaccine treatment did not develop the disease. You may guess that we were greatly handicapped in our work with such a large percentage of the medical staff, nursing staff, and servants ill at the same time. Weare greatly indebted to Miss Rose M. Ehrenfeld, State Director of Public Health Nursing; the American Red Cross for sending us three nurses; and the following patients, who helped serve meals to infirmary patients, helped take temperatures, and assisted in any other way they were needed: Men Women Mr. W. T. Skinner Mrs. Roy Black Mr. W. R. Sheppard Mrs. Emma Bunker Mr. F. F. Brotherton Mrs. Estelle Moore 7 Mr HoH. @-Brown Mrgocl)o i: JOun Mr. J: H. Cline Mrs. Bertie Thompson Mr. J. F. Carter Mrs. E. C. Mallonee Mr. Henry Clark Miss Sallie Crews Mr. L. W. Grantham Miss Hula Hunter Mr. E. C. Hemmingway Miss Roxie Samuel Mr. Marvin C. Hoggard Miss Ethel Byrd Mr. F. L. Saunders Miss Gertrude Harris Mr. J. F. Hannah Miss Essie DeVinney Mr. W. R. Johnson Miss Lillie Nash Mr. C. W. Hall Mr. Stewart Beachum Mr. Roy W. Barnette Mr. W. C. Averitt All of the patients volunteered their services and stood ready to aid in any way possible. The sweet spirit of the patients and the absolute absence of fear on their part was appreciated greatly and is worthy of remark. On account of the magnanimity of the Red Cross in donating their nurses, the refusal of Miss Ehrenfeld to make a charge, and the kindness of the Public Health Service in furnishing us vaccine without cost, the influenza did not increase our expenses in any way. Tue Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM 9 We desire to express our appreciation of the loyalty and devotion to duty of our acting head nurse, Miss Ingram, who is one of our recent graduates, and the other nurses during the trying times when the influenza was with us. The chef and the other servants are also deserving of our appreciation and have it to the fullest. Likewise all members of our force in whatsoever capacity employed. TUBERCULOUS SOLDIERS At the request of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, we have taken a few soldiers who. have tuberculosis. We have fourteen here at this time, have discharged as arrested three, and have admitted six more to come during December. These are all North Carolina boys, and the Bureau of War Risk Insurance pays us two dollars per day for their board and treatment. We beg to quote the following from Col. Chas. E. Banks, Chief Medical Adviser, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, in November, 1918, issue of the Journal of Outdoor Life, page eleven: “No human problem however small seems untouched by the war. Not the least of these problems is the housing of tuberculous men, women, and chil- dren in sanatoria. And the needs are increasing rapidly. The operation of the selective service law is discovering many thousands of hitherto unknown cases of tuberculosis. Hundreds of them need sanatorium treatment. “When the drafted men reach the camp they are examined as quickly as possible by the regimental surgeon and the special examiners, generally within a week. If found unfit because of tuberculosis or other physical disa- bilities they are at once rejected and returned to their homes. They have never been accepted as soldiers, and the Government apparently assumes no responsibility for them more than to furnish transportation back to their homes. They remain a civilian problem. And added to those rejected by the local boards, the whole number is becoming very serious. The number of those in the army who are breaking down is very considerable. The Medical Department of the army is building large hospitals for their care, but many of them are anxious to return to civilian life and are demanding their dis- charge. They are entitled to compensation and sanatorium treatment under the War Risk Insurance Act. It is the policy of the Bureau of War Risk In- surance to place them in sanatoria as near their homes as possible. The Bureau pays a maximum of fifteen dollars per week for their maintenance. Up to the present time, of the men who have applied for compensation for disability about one-half are tuberculous. 'There are not enough sanatoria nor nearly enough beds to provide treatment and care for this increasing num- ber of known cases of tuberculosis. “It must be understood that this sudden and great demand on the bed space of the existing sanatoria in this country cannot be met without exten- sion of their facilities—even of a temporary character, and in order to main- tain the morale of the public which remains at home, and to conserve the health of the people, it is necessary that a large proportion of these cases be given sanatorium treatment. First, for their own benefit, and second, to pro- tect the health of the communities wherein they reside. “This Bureau already has about four thousand cases under its jurisdiction, and is intending to place them in suitable sanatoria. This can be accom- plished in some States, but is almost impossible in others owing to the long waiting lists which exist at many of the public institutions. I can, therefore, say, and emphasize the opinion, that provision for these unfortunate men is a secondary war work and should be met by the public-spirited citizens by making provisions for the extension of local sanatoria to take care of the needs of the public in those regions where the present facilities are in- adequate. 10 AwnuaL Report, 1918 “This Bureau needs bed space in almost every State for the care and treat- ment of these discharged soldiers and sailors who are beneficiaries of this Bureau under the act creating it. “Awakened to the demands of the hour, a number of communities are plan- ning to build either new sanatoria or additions to existing plants.” In connection with the above we desire to quote in full a letter from the Chief Medical Adviser of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance to the Superin- tendent of your Sanatorium, and submit the same in connection with the budget for next year’s expenditures: “Tt is desired to bring to your attention the fact that the sanatorium facili- ties of the United States for the care and treatment of the tuberculous are inadequate for the care of soldiers and sailors discharged from the military and naval forces suffering with that disease, plus incidence of tuberculosis among the civilian population, and this is more especially true in the South, which is painfully lacking in the number of beds available for white and colored patients. “While North Carolina has an unusual number of large and well-equirped private sanatoria for the tuberculous, they are mostly available for persons of means who are able to pay special charges for special accommodations. “There have been over one hundred and fifty men discharged from the army for tuberculosis in North Carolina, and in addition to these cases acquired in the line of duty in the service of their country, you have probably an even larger number of rejects from the Draft Board as a part of your ga population. “It is highly desirable that the State furnish some adequate means for the care and treatment of its discharged soldiers so that the problem confronting the Bureau of War Risk Insurance of placing these men where they can re- ceive proper and adequate treatment will be partially solved, in so far as North Carolina is concerned. “I would be obliged if you would take this up with the proper authorities if contingency funds are available, or with the Legislature if the situation be otherwise, and advise me what can be expected in the above line of sana- torium development to meet a serious economic and public health problem.” THe SOLDIER’S WIFE It has been a great pleasure to be able to help keep up the morale of our boys with the colors by taking care of the wives of soldiers who went to the front. A case in point is THE BRIDE OF A SOLDIER BOY “One morning in June, 1918, the telephone rang and a young man’s voice spoke distinctly, resolutely, and asked if he could speak to the Superintendent of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis. To the Superintendent he said: ‘This is Private W—————, from Camp —————; I desire to see you personally in regard to my wife. The Superintendent in- vited him to come out to the Sanatorium. “In a short time he presented himself, bringing his young wife with him, and made the following statement: ‘My wife was with me at camp and was taken sick. I sent her to my father’s home in ————— County, N. C., and later I learned that she had tuberculosis. I consulted our physician, Dr. , and he advised me to bring her on down here, saying that he knew the Sanatorium was full—it always is; and he said that he also knew that it was necessary to make formal application and let the application take its place on the waiting list, but there was no time for this now. He said that he knew the Superintendent had a heart in him and that you would do what- ever you could for us. So here we are, and my furlough will expire by limi- tation in thirty hours. The Superintendent said: ‘We will take your wife and take care of her. It is true we haven’t a vacant bed on the place, but we THe Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM 11 will let your wife sleep on a reclining chair until we can get a vacant bed. Your allotment will take care of the amount patients are required to pay bere, and I will guarantee that the other needed expenses, such as clothing, etc., will be provided through Red Cross Seals or the Home Service Committee of your county chapter of the American Red Cross. The point is, you are going to fight for our country, for yourself, and your wife, and your mother, and your unborn children, and those of us who remain at home, and we want you to know and to feel that those of us who are left behind are going to take care of your wile just as well and perhaps better than you could have done had you remained at home.’ The private’s face brightened up and in six hours he left to join his command.” LIBRARY Many kind friends have continued to donate books to our patients’ library until we now have more than fifteen hundred volumes. The bookcases have also been donated and the library is well equipped as mentioned above, and we have no doubt that friends will continue to donate books. The only handi- cap is that we have no room anywhere for the library and we are using a narrow hallway at present, which is extremely unsatisfactory and causes much crowding and inconvenience. We desire to express our appreciation to those interested friends who have made our library possible. It is a great comfort and pleasure, as well as profit, to the patients. X-RAY LABORATORY The Sanatorium has needed an X-ray laboratory these many years, but seemingly could never save out sufficient money from any fund with which to pay for it. The State Red Cross Seal Commission came to our rescue and requested us to buy the best equipment that could be had and send the bill to them. The total amounted to thirty-five hundred dollars, for which sum we are profoundly grateful. Rooms FURNISHED The local Red Cross Seal Committee of Laurinburg has sent sufficient money to pay for furnishing two rooms, and the Southern Pines Red Cross Seal Committee has furnished one room. We greatly appreciate their kind thought- tulness. SuNDAY ScHOOL LITERATURE Miss Grace MacKinnon, a trained nurse now with the colors, has paid for our Sunday School literature for more than two years, sending her check for five dollars every quarter. The Sanatorium and the Sunday School appre- ciate this greatly. We have had many other donations from interested friends, for which we are always appreciative. : TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES Our training school for nurses has proven a success from the beginning. At this time every nurse is an arrested case of tuberculosis, all of them having taken treatment here. PATRIOTISM Every one connected with the Sanatorium in any way has on every occasion shown their loyalty to the cause for which we have been at war. They have invested in War Stamps and Liberty Bonds and have contributed liberally 12 ANNUAL Report, 1918 to the Red Cross and other war activities. In the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call the percentage of enrollment was one hundred. But it perhaps was the Fourth Liberty Loan that brought out the best in us. All who thought them- selves able bought bonds. Then several Liberty Loan clubs were formed of two or more people, and after that the crowning event was the purchase of three hundred doHars worth of Liberty Bonds by the Ladies’ Missionary Society and the Sunday School, and other smaller contributors, and donating them to the Sanatorium as a nucleus for an endowment fund. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND OTHER RELIGIOUS SERVICES We have had a Sunday School since shortly after the Sanatorium came under the present management. It was organized by Dr. P. P. McCain, As- sistant Superintendent of the Sanatorium, and meets every Sunday afternoon or evening. It is a source of much pleasure, comfort, and spiritual improve- ment to all of us. Often we have had one of the patients for superintendent and one for teacher. At this time Mr. W. R. Sheppard (a patient) is superin- tendent and Dr. J. L. Spruill, of the medical staff, is the very able teacher. We are at this time having a midweek prayer service, conducted by Dr. J. Dao prulis We have usually had midweek preaching services by some one of the min- isters in this territory, but since Rev. H. O. Nashe, Rev. W. T. Baucom, and Rev. Hugene Alexander have gone to the war as chaplains from this section, we have done without preaching services. Our Sunday School and midweek prayer service was not interrupted on account of the influenza. VEGETABLES AND CANNING Our truck garden furnishes us with all the vegetables for our table the greater part of the year and continues to furnish us at this time (December 1, 1918) sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, and salad greens of various kinds. And in addition, on a HOME-MADE CANNING PLANT we canned last summer (1918) five tons of peaches and seven tons of soup mixture, beans, tomatoes, etc. We are indebted to Mrs. McBrayer and Mrs. McCain for the canning. It was their insistence that pushed us into it two years ago, and it was their management and their labor that made it possible for us to can the twelve tons of canned goods last summer at a total cost for labor of thirty-five dollars. Of course we had to buy the cans and we had to buy the peaches, but the vegetables were all raised on our own truck garden. MovinG PICTURES We are indebted to the State Department of Education for placing us on their Hoke County Moving Picture Circuit, and thus furnishing us moving picture entertainments twice a month without cost to us. We also appreciate the many kindnesses of Mr. Williamson, the Manager. Hicu PRIcEs It is unnecessary for us to mention to you the high price of food, coal, furnishings, etc., for you have had personal experiences with these things. Tuer Nortu CaroLtina SANATORIUM 138 And it is useless to dilate on the difficulties of furnishing fuel through the hard winter of 1917-18, with railroads confiscating your cars when they so desired, and finally finding yourself out of coal with the mercury at zero. But perhaps, after all, the increased prices offered for labor of all kinds, whether physical or mental, has handicapped us most. Feeling that we did not have sufficient funds to pay the increased prices for labor, etc., we have had many more changes in our force than heretofore. Add to this the fact that every able-bodied person connected with the Sanatorium within the age limits went to the war, and you will see that it has made our working force very much less efficient. Those who remained have been for the most part loyal, devoted, and faithful to duty. It seems that we will have to revise our ideas upward in regard to the price of help. Our Honor ROLL Captain Reuben A. McBrayer, M.C. Lieutenant S. W. Thompson, M.C. Miss Mamie O’Kelly (Head Nurse), Overseas Lewis B. McBrayer, Jr., S. A. T. C. ORDERLIES John Graham Gus Miller Wm. McIntyre Claudius Reeves PATIENTS Mr. Rufus Routh Mr. P. C. Blake Mr. W.N. Claywell Mr. L. B. Hornaday Mr. E. C. Weisner Mr. J. C. Iseley -Mr. Jas. S. Price Mr. J. L. Brown Mr. W. BE. McLauchlin Mr. J. T. Shamel Mr. Wesley S. Graves Mr. J. H. Clodfelter Mr. Oscar L. Smith DEMANDS FOR ADMISSION As the character of the work done and the results accomplished have be- come more widely and better known throughout the State, the demands for admission have become more and more insistent, and we know that the time has come when a more liberal provision should be made for enlargements and betterments. THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT WHICH IS THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH For a statistical and financial report of the doings of this Department you are referred to another part of this report. EXNFORCEMENT OF LAw, ETc. We have continued the enforcement of the law requiring the reporting of all cases of tuberculosis to this Bureau, the same as measles, diphtheria, etc., is required to be reported to the Bureau of Epidemiology of the State Board of Health, and have sent literature to each case reported, giving detailed instructions as to the hygiene of tuberculosis and especially emphasizing the importance of not communicating the disease to others, and pointing the way. We have also furnished sputum cups to those ordering them and have other- wise conducted a correspondence with patients and their families to the end that we might be of the most help possible to them. ‘CORRESPONDENCE WITH PHYSICIANS We have continued our correspondence with physicians. Many physicians | of the State have complimented this work and stated that it has been of great help to the physicians of the State, and some have stated that a different and much improved attitude was noticeable in the profession as a whole. Other States have spoken highly of this work and have requested and received copies of this correspondence for use in their own States. LITERATURE We have prepared and sent out such literature as seemed advisable and as the means at our command would allow, but not nearly so much as should have been done, nor has the literature been printed in the attractive style and colors that should have been done, which was also due to lack of sufficient funds. In the Liberty Loans, War Savings Stamps, Red Cross, and other drives our Government has used the printers’ and the lithographers’ art to the very fullest, and it was no doubt money well spent, else they would not have continued to spend thus seemingly lavishly. The Government also used so-called “catch phrases” to splendid advantage. ‘While we couldn’t follow the Government in its display advertising for lack of funds, we did to some extent follow it in its ‘catch phrases,’ which proved to be well worth while, judging by the number of States that copied these things, one small leaflet having been copied by ten States, another by five. Tue Nortru Carotina SANATORIUM 15 PusBLic HEALTH NURSING Owing to the war we were for some time without a State Director of Public Health Nursing, but latterly we have been very fortunate in securing the services of Miss Rose M. Ehrenfeld, who is well qualified from education, training, and experience to take charge of and direct this important field of health work, and especially important in the campaign against tuberculosis. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company pays half the salary and half the traveling expenses of this Director. We have also been handicapped in securing a sufficient number of public health nurses to supply the needs of local communities, because every canton- ment zone must have from one-half to one dozen, and many felt that they must obey the call of their country and man with nurses our base and other hospitals “over there” and “over here.” Now that demobilization is taking place rapidly, it is expected that shortly we will be able to supply the present demands, if not the needs, for public health nurses in our State. WorK AMONG THE NEGROES AS A RACE We had felt for some time that we were not getting information to the negroes of our State in regard to the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis as we ought, but at last we were fortunate in securing the services of Florence C. Williams (col.) as State Director of Organization and Education Among the Negroes in the State. At the same time, in cooperation with the Depart- ment of Education through Prof. N. C. Newbold, we secured much help from his rural supervisors of negro schools and through them to the teachers and people. This cooperation is to be continued and enlarged this coming year. Mrs. Williams also was on the staff of the summer schools and institutes and did a most extraordinary fine piece of work in them during the summer. - One feature of this work was organizing negro community leagues, and there have been organized 482, with a membership of 16,731. These leagues were to hold monthly mass meetings, appoint committees, locate the tuberculous in the community, teach them, minister unto them, and otherwise endeavor to teach the people in the community how to prevent the spread of tubercu- losis and other diseases. These leagues have grown so valuable that it is now intended to magnify them by making them the sole organization in the com- munity for the improvement of the conditions of the negro, and the other departments of State will join with us and use them too. TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC . Our tuberculosis clinic at the Sanatorium has a very interesting history, perhaps worthy a word of comment. It was opened to the public in the latter half of 1914, shortly after the present management took charge of the Sana- torium. Patients were allowed to come at any time, and we stopped in the middle of whatever we might be doing and examined them. They soon began to come in larger numbers until we found it necessary to require them to come during certain hours. The growth continued, and we had to require them to write us and allow us to assign them a date and hour on which to come for examination. We have done as many as 112 in a month, that being the number we did during the month of August, 1918. We have fifty waiting for examination at this writing. 16 AnnuaL Report, 1918 Our desire is to have a diagnostic laboratory the equal of any in the world. Why not? Why should citizens of North Carolina journey to Richmond or Baltimore or Saranac Lake, or even to Asheville, to find out whether or not they have tuberculosis? A prominent layman interested in our people says: “The trip to Asheville is long and the hotels and doctors are high in their charges; the trip to Sanatorium is also long and inconvenient for many. Couldn’t you establish a clinic for which you could vouch in many different parts of the State?” To this we replied, “Yes, if we had the funds,’ and we then told him of the COURSE IN PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS we are offering to physicians and the arrangement we have with the Bureau of County Health Work of the State Board of Health to establish a clinic in each of the counties that have whole-time health departments, and of our desire to establish one or more TUBERCULOSIS CLINICS in every congressional district, and then the plain cases, i. e., those who plainly have it or plainly don’t have it, could be handled at these clinics and the doubtful cases could be passed up to the Sanatorium for further study. This is really the next important move. TUBERCULOUS SOLDIERS The soldiers discharged from our army on account of tuberculosis who gave North Carolina as their legal residence have been reported to us by the War Department through the National Tuberculosis Association, and we have written them personal letters and sent them printed matter in an endeavor to impress upon them the seriousness of being discharged from the army on account of tuberculosis, and the much more serious matter of having tuber- culosis, and the wisdom and necessity of securing proper treatment. We have also conferred with the Southern Division of the American Red Cross and secured its cooperation through the Home Service Committees in visiting these cases and endeavoring to get them to take an examination in order to find out their condition and then to take the necessary treatment, the Home Service Committee being instructed to take care of the family when necessary in order that the soldier might take sanatorium treatment, etc., etc. Latterly the Bureau of War Risk Insurance is paying for sanatorium treat- ment for these men, i. e., those who were discharged shortly after going to camp and who they formerly refused to accept responsibility for. We also have arrangements with the Bureau of War Risk Insurance by which we aid these men in making application for treatment and care and for their insur- ance. We have had reported to us 552, and 27 of them have and are receiving treatment at our Sanatorium. DRAFT REJECTS We also secured the names of all men rejected by the local and district exemption boards, through the kindness of the Governor and Adjutant Gen- eral issuing proper orders, and have conducted similar correspondence with them as with the discharged soldiers, and we have the promise that the Home Service Committees will, in the near future, visit them and endeavor to be of Tue Norru Carorina SANATORIUM 17 help to them. But the Government nor the Red Cross assumes any obligation in the treatment of these draft rejects, and it therefore continues to be a civilian problem which is being very poorly handled for lack of funds. We have had reported to us 1,342 of these. It may be of interest to say that only one other State secured these names, and therefore only two States have reached these draft rejects in any way; and so in these other States they went back home to their civil occupaticns, many of them not even being aware of the fact that they had been rejected on account of tuberculosis, or that they had the disease. ASSISTANT COLLABORATING EPIDEMIOLOGIST, UNITED STATES PuBLIC HEALTH SERVICE The Government has recognized our work in this department by appointing us Assistant Collaborating Epidemiologist, and has given us its franking privileges so far as the reporting of cases of tuberculosis is concerned. This applies to all our correspondence with physicians and others in regard to the reporting to us of cases of tuberculosis and to the physicians and others who report cases to us, and saves us and them the postage usually required to carry on this work. The Government in establishing its cantonments in this State requested information in regard to the incidence of tuberculosis in the proposed can- tonment zones, which was furnished, and after the cantonments were estab- lished we cooperated with those in charge of the health work in the canton- ment zones. There are many other things that could be written of the work that has been done and is being done, but this report is already too long, and we close by appending hereto a roster of literature of the Bureau of Tuberculosis of the North Carolina State Board of Health. LITERATURE OF THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH MAILED ON REQUEST, WITHOUT CHARGE TITLE OF BULLETIN Bulletin No. 36—Tuberculosis: Its Nature and Prevention. Bulletin No. 39—Important Facts About Tuberculosis and Your Chances Against It. Bulletin No. 61—How to Care for a Tuberculous Patient. Bulletin No. 70—Tuberculosis: What Those Who Have It and Those Who Live With It Should Know About Tuberculosis, and What Well People Should Know About It. Bulletin No. 117—Tuberculosis: Its Symptoms, Prevention, and Cure. Bulletin No. 129—County Tuberculosis Problem. Bulletin No. 157—-The Problem of the Returned Tuberculous Soldier. Bulletin No. 92—An Act to Prevent the Convicts or Prisoners of North Caro- lina from Contracting Tuberculosis. Bulletin No. 1000—Public Health Nursing. Bulletin No. 1001—A Perfectly Legal Murder. The Incidence and the Importance of Pleurisy in Early Tuberculosis, by P. P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C. (Reprint from the Southern Medical Journal.) ; The Greatest Mother in the World—After the War. While He Fights Over There. Is Your Muffler Working or Your Cut-out Open? After the “Flu,” What? ‘Watch Your Step.” They Are Dead. Camouflage. U-Boat-Warfare Against the United States, Including North Carolina. A Plea for An Earlier Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by the General Practitioner, by J. H. Way, Waynesville, N. C. (Reprint from the Charlotte Medical Journal.) The Diagnosis of Early Pulmonary Tuberculosis for the General Prac- titioner, by Dr. S. E. Thompson, Carlsbad, Tex. (Reprint from the Charlotte Medical Journal.) A Modern Prophecy, by Benjamin K. Hays, Oxford, N. C. (Reprint from the Charlotte Medical Journal.) SUMMARY OF YEAR’S WORK, EXTENSION DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 1, 1917, To NovEMBER 30, 1918 PE BDOCLALGETOCOLVCU 6.0 o o0 os: « 6.0.4.@ aide Suede ain, wie eek tens hd shed as 22,578 Letters written: REN Ue) I Ee yo roi ew G uw boa dk Ghats of Betete Rts a hs 22,459 ESI 0 Sti a SD Eh 29,511 A er ee an aed oo en at eS fs at, Sy EhN cele Slash IGN Oa: ov ahd eth le als 51,970 Articles written (approximate number words): CEE SOLES EEE PSSE “es. Sait SPS hl 2,950 ERIE oy cue 6 alee I OPS en 2,150 PROM T NT) TOUS Sais adusucat, «, cleteis sie) a 6 awe ieee ae be es ae 14,900 Se TENCE CL OU Stee cco io ac oe ce ei nus dears tee ashe c oc .s'e.0 Ons 800 Ne eS ee eG ua es cao. 8 yew M0 vo ot bw os 05.0 3 o's 20,800 Pear CATUS (DPCDALCO «oi. . cos oc cc oie e owe e wc ec ee be enue 69 Totomuim per copies of forms and placards..............cce0e0e> 5,621 Blank cards mailed for reporting cases of tuberculosis............ 188,970 Number cases reported: CE UEPP PE) so joy ies corel SS se ea 2,152 ee ee ee eg oy Fo lus 6 4 oo bee bce aa ole o's 1,362 a2 Pe erg eo gle who cds Susnegeie, de 0: 6.9. a) 0.0.0 e 8bW ih wile aoaue 3,514 Pte Vat CESeNtetOUTeCDOrled CASES... ree eB cb ewe Wace we rose des 10,249 mC RTC MC IDET OUL. casio docs sco jem ecsiscc see sis sad bee beeen bes 95,702 eA SSE US ERC DITUC() 60.21. 06 ov cs Cao ot be ees eles eve eae cess henewea 64 mM TTS RUESLGPDULCUL., «ir ss oS eis oo0.o 8 is’s Wo die cine ode ele weis eceeraie 96,250 Tuberculin sent physicians for Von Pirquet diagnostic test....... 321 Blanks for reporting results of Von Pirquet diagnostic test....... 321 Patients’ histories written, (325); approximate number words.... 163,059 eee MES CDOs SC MCR ENN, ee OP oes efahiam al V's wo “ane b's shure wy ew ialle le ¢ eis wd wide 20,270 Addresses delivered: NUE non ttnad Canw ig Oe ee ee 42 OO Oy BEML GWRO DRS eG) 582, Aa kara 2 ey GaNR OI <3 ERO et ea CN ae 4,665 PIBOLCTICOS aViLill SIOCAIT AULILOLIULCG c= eciere cts bleh 6 co es 008 wistere et sels soo 8 121 eee CAN UIEC) CTI Ome coerta eM Pe Te nea leere oe cs odély cai eie's: ws whee? yo 0 6. 4 silane 81 ast eepatients examined 1OrsdiaenoOsiS... ss cs. sce cs vba see sees 738 EXTENSION DEPARTMENT SuMMARY OF WorRK AMONG THE NEGROES YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1918 CIO PeTIGl PUCSE OTE ANLZCU soe. a. bs hte sls lee both opie on Wteile sane eFaye wie hens 482 eS, ma Oe an ne on, Modine oa Hd v Seoie leusyéoaione avela a stacb leon erage 16,731 BGG mE Sure 0 GLCUMILOLC om seers tte ets Settee te Seg lolalete biviiawe see's Wie wT 830 GE ALCON Call COMME RA ses rces eee eae al abetr sts, uso 18 nln ‘etapa: vygdy neo: bale «alin sas 29,874 Total number addressed by supervisors on health topics. esti ok So 65,295 Total number present at meetings of the Home-Makers’ Clubs, where GTISECLVALIO NEO re TOOUAWOSSLAULe Ut. tie cistttes « ise te sere eels sleet se oe ee 18,072 Total number reached by Mrs. F. C. Williams in addresses on health PYLE SAT) LAC TO Uae p eter fees ono orke ne t As pins oa Totes vk cus tent» Aslln ob 0. © eledn ens 30,125 ToTale Ti niper reacned sis alle Wa Voc. th, fereaieis ols cueis niece. dey ete 143,366 MEDICAL REPORT, 1918 STATISTICAL Number ‘patients to be reported On 2... 2 2a tee ee ee ee 300 Number patients not: tuberculous. 22. 02% ose ee te eee 14 Number patients not. classified sch. ss see cnn eran aera tee a ene ee 2 Number patients in Sanatorium December 1, 1918.................... 113 Total number patients treated during the year................. 429 40 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested ie Caer Quiescent | Improved icin Died Inerpien tae ns ee 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 Moderately advanced_--_-16 0 0 0 14 2 0 Far advanced.--_-__------- 12 0 | 0 0 3 6 3 Acute tuberculosis-------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pijtals weowe es 2 oF 40 0 | 0 0 29 8 3 Average stay, 16.75 days. Longest stay, 29 days. Shortest stay, 3 days. Number Gained Weight, 22 Number Lost Weight, 9 fAversce: Cains! 5 20. ee ere Teapoest-cains 2-2. =) fen See Siellest: eas eee are er PWationalry <1. #4 cc aoe car eee see eee | Average loss. 24 sue ee pee eee 3.09 Lbs. atest Loss s.r ee eee eee 5.5 Lbs. Sm dllestilossuce see eee ae ees 1 Lb. Not weighed 73 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested Iineipien tees eee 17 0 Moderately advanced-___33 0 Far advanced____---_---- 23 0 Acute tuberculosis._.._-_-_ 0 0 Wotalss assesses 73 0 Average stay, 56.53 days. Longest stay, 89 days. eae Quiescent | Improved ania Died 0 7 10 0 0 0 8 20 4 1 0 1 7 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 37 18 2 Shortest stay, 30 days. Number Gained Weight, 47 Wwerge Pails es Aas ed eee ee epee Wargest: gaines <2) 3) ee ee Smallest’ gain. se eee eee ees, SUAMONATY / 2) {025 Sion ee eS Number Lost Weight, 22 Average:loss: -:22- = tS eee 3.35 Lbs. Largestsloss i. See ho Seen yee 9.75 Lbs. Smallest:loss.c.5....-2 46-2 h eae ee -25 Lb. Not weighed Tuer Norru Carorina SANATORIUM oF. 187 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested ide eet Quiescent Improved hee Died Donte 46 5 32 6 3 DS ser enn Moderately advanced__-_85 0 16 46 15 7 1 War advanced__.--...-..- 56 0 1 18 7 ly 3 Acute tuberculosis_______-_ 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 AG A a 187 5 49 - 70 35 24 4 Average stay, 191.95 days. Longest stay, 665 days. Shortest stay, 90 days. - Number Gained Weight, 149 Number Lost Weight, 38 IAVeCLAP OIE AN eae eee a et La ODS aminwA VCLAS Chl OSSret tase oe en ee ee 6.41 Lbs. ILI ARRESTS CDT DS ot A (Meee CDSaeINUATCOSUOSS Sat ese eae nee ee 16.5 Lbs. Bra aMenGrr anevada Sab: Sinallestslosse se acusea ele seer ee Mae 5 Lbs SOLER YOUa EE | ae Recess UeINGtaelgied (or. Srl em kee 0 HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE. TNT SPORSMLT CS ices So ee nr 209 Brevi ONSTONL ee ee, Sea Se kee ewe 77 Positive < Previous and during residence__._.__---_-------- if Durine resid encesonlyos..0 2. c2n ee soe ae 7 TREN RGU ay oS ees a a a eR eee 300 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS. Negative-orine:sputumis. oo... sen n eco ee es 145 Pinon diitsantomBalOI 85025 uel o dake ie U5 £ sulk. 152 ‘3 Posithve During residence 2.2). Le dees ke sek scene sceens 132 Gnecischarvesmewens. 208 oteu st ud eeel oes 22 Ss. 120 Lecyt el ee we wre eee eee 2 ee esos A ze 549 20 PATIENTS WHO TOOK THE TUBERCULIN TEST. IP ORICEV Clee Beene eee an Meee Se se ss it! esol kes: 7 ING RHERVO senate s oe ween meee PAG ob ou ole Sei scecccs an 13 Oy gt Fra Mists eae ate SUL OS en eee ee 20 4 Age Civil Condition Sex 5-19 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-70 Single | Married | Widowed Malone 2 cece st 143 15 71 35 6 3 75 63 5 Female_-_.....--.- 157 16 77 35 5 4 63 87 il LOCAIBE <<. 300 31 148 70 11 7 138 150 12 22 Annuat Report, 1918 NATIONALITY. AMECTICANS {2222222 Soke Sere 298 Greek. ves eon nce sacs ee ee ee 1 Syrian. soc.3 s2ec~ 28 ns 2 oe ee eee 1 Total .c...2-capn- te eee 300 COMPLICATIONS. r EGE tIS Seen a eee eee 1 | Hy perthyroidisme==s= =e IgPPyopneumothorax-2-es esas 3 Aortic insufficiency----------- 1 | Hypertrophiereirrhesisvoidiverste bellagrass. 222 oes. eee 1 wAnal'fistulacc-cooseeconc eee @-\ Ichthyosis.. 4202 ee aos Lge Periostitisns 2 o2s2te--cae see 1 ‘Arterio-selerosis=s.22--eeeeee 1:\) Liaryngitiss es ee A0n SPeritonitis =o" =e eee 3 Arthritis deformans--_.------ 1 | Liver abscess--.--_- oss tS ee 1aePharyneitisss esses. see 2 Bronchitiss=-t- 22-20 } |) sung abscess s24--= == ees 3 | Pleurisy with effusion_..____-- 4 Broncho-pneumonia_--------- 2 Malaria.*2 22-222. iaiPrecnancy 2. eee 3 POM Yelm he. -aoee eae se eee 1.) Mastitis-<.. 222s) oe eee ee LHP Scoliosisis=-c52e5 sc oe ee eee 1 UN teritige se ee oc eee 17. Measles:-2 22. eee eee ee fsigseptie arthritisms- ss. ee 1 Emdometritise. eee ae 3.) Motral revureltation==s—ss== GtSyphilis™.< st eseles Se See 2 Eipidy dimitise oe 1 | Otitis media....22 Ree 0 Varicose UlCersa) eee ee 1 Hydro-pneumothorax.----_-- 1 | Parenchymatous nephritis_____ Sulu VISCCrOPtOSISa. 22 =. see ee 1 OCCUPATIONS. Automobile scents ee ee ee I | Merehantst. 23... eyed ee eee 3 AVIS LOLS se soo Ga oe ee oe ee 1 | Ministers:... ce) 20.075) eS eee 24 Bankicashier: sos se on ee ee ee ee ee 1+ |\SOfMiceiclerks=- sent a a ee 9 Barbers ce a see as Re Se ae ee 1. |* Painters: bee Se eg Bee be ee 2 BoOolkkeener sat ssa eter See: ee ee 1 | Postotiteerclerices. 22. teak ce eee 1 Bricklayer Sic gt eos Le eee tl oe ree ete 1 | Printericcteec oe) ccoe tonsa 2p cee ee eee 1 Bridge bullder.2-. 22a eee ee ee 1 |) Proprictominonstound ryzee esse ae eee 1 Broker ee ec ee re eae ee ae eee 1) Railroadicler:. 22.884 - <5 5 a oo, ee 1 Gabinetemaker* 2: Sie ee ee eee 1 | Ratlroadsconductors. vests set a eee 1 Cate proprictorscnuse toss coe ea ee eee 1 | Railroad fireman. ieis.voecse sa eee rae 1 Carpenters oe 22s ee ea ee ee eee 6 | Sailors. .2tcc ee otas ee eeeee eee ee ee 2 @igar- maker sees see oe. ee ee eee Oe ae 1 | Sawyercc oy oc see ee ee ee ee 1 Clerks 1if Stress. oes ae eee eee eee 6“ Seamstress’ aes eee 5. ee eee 1 Cotton-mill employecss. 2... 2 ae ee eee 23 -|- Section: mastér. 2.2.92. se- = ee ee 1 Hiditorn noc eo fe oe oe ee ae 1: Soldiers !! = Peewee een wee Oe eee eee 5 BArimers Vn ita ide nae Oe es ee ee ee eee 43. | Stenographers:iees 2 erecta ee eee 4 Hotisekeeperess552in2, soa ee eae 2:| Stock dealerl i292 watie) ee eee eee 1 TIGUSEWILVGS soos cine ven ee ee oe ee nee 86 | Students. 20s ese ee ee 23 Flouse work atvuhomerc2. go ose ee ee 20.4 Teachers. 2.22 seee pe I a ep ae) oes 10 Jeweler:=.-- 22...) 22 2 a ee ee 1}. Telegraph.operatorae. =e ee ee ee 3 THA WVOlr er ee ee eee ee 1 | Telephone superintendent___.--.----_-_- eee, I Liverymatitssee 2 eee) st eee ee 1'| Trayeling salesmenc.2 eee eee 4 Machinists .2) sat 2 eee ae 2k ee ne ne 5 a a Tue Norru Carortina SANATORIUM 23: TOWNS FROM WHICH THE 300 PATIENTS CAME. PNY MOG Cee wat he on Ske cc 1 Albemarleteaeete "7 eer oe as 1 IN GS CUN: poe Oe ee eee 1 INT OED Rey an eel ae ee 1 Pare Da MOGseese oo oN kl ean 1 IAS eb Or On eee eee ee 1 IAShevilloemesmerte ces 22 5. 22. 1 JS WUE WAYS ge es oe a eee 1 JG a Se eee 1 ANS ge) a 2 Iplacki@reck mst se 1 iS alley see es 1 PreLOMiee Pee co 52 2 ok on 1 iBellvaveneros ose ee 1 ennetteemaee. 95 seas nt il Ppenconvillesss -. eon a2 ol i Berileya Video eee 1 Bessemer City .-..----_5-.-.=- 2 Black Mountain............._.. 1 Blowing Rock __-.2...-._..--.-- 1 Boonville.____....- ee Set ed 1 IBEOUUWaAYon ee ee ee oe 1 iieseme tee noe eer 1 Butess@reelk = 225-0024 2.5... 1 SURI LUNN ONG OT) eee ae ee tn 2 @amp bel lasses eee 1 (Cpa ae ee 1 Canoe sats a cee ee 1 OOIAE GSA SEG Se ee ae 3 Castaliquea ett sees anne = 2 Chapel ees ee eee. 2 BGiariotter-.- 26. sucl tee ene 4 Clayton s. sin] ee woe io 1 CHEUEG BOY aps NED ei delay eR 1 Conetocuse teases eee ee id 1 @olum biases see === =e 1 Wooleemeer sss eee = 1 Concord Seesteee eh = wei se 5 Creedmoor-=2-=-=---22:-----=5- if Crutebhel dz eenee aoe os ae 1 ID aliagsemeescon ae eee cet at 1 | DERE RC ee cae nani: ote ea 3 FOULS es Ss el ng a peter 1 JDDG RCey 6 pe ie as ree ae ah ane ae a 3 ‘Driv lo ae ee 5 IE CeNLON se snes ote ee eee ee 2 filizaise huGity2e = oe 4 Hlizabethtownl-.--------------- 1 liar ree oc ett ee 1 Hilterboewee cont as see eee 1 limit yetee 2 oe on Eee 2 Mist esas oe. ences es 1 Vere visu. ses oes. eee eee eee 1 Mariya eee ee 1 Havettevilles-- Leese esses ene 6 HourOakse eerste s£o. S22. eee 1 Hrienashipe aes cee tees be: 1 CCATMCT eee eh oey ee anes 1 Gosonivd esses eee 1 Godwintas.cs =) 2s nee 1 Goldsboro. -s.c8e- asoeaa cee 6 Gralvangsee = Sees eee ae 1 GranitevMallsoe see ssen ee ee 1 Grants pOLOwe =) eee ate eee 1 Teens GOrGs os ee a 19 Gualfordae =e ee ere 1 Pal lsh ono we asas sae eae ses 1 Flam leteee* oat see Soe 3 1 iglewasychroreniallee ee 1 Elamnells ville eee eee ae 1 illendersonvilll oases aes 1 ERG Ta 1 yee A A dont otk 1 FL eStLET Rear e ees eT Seal oh 1 WHICKOTY.--2sle2 eke. ee 3 inethe Pots ss: sae en oe eS 5 Hills bonowess#2 sakes seen > 2 ollive Springsess see oes. 1 Hookertoneomeeccse see coe e et 1 iiopenMallss ase <92 0522 aoe 2 eiimtersytllieswss. sess sees if Enuirdiler\ ills eee sae eos 1 James valless suse st dew se ae GUTTA Os ee eeeee eee eae Se 1 Wernersyvalleeeeese ee eee ae 1 GU DER eee Sey Ee oe A ae 1 Kings Mountain__._..--_.__-- 2 ISGUsR Hey sige es Se Oe ee 3 akeylvandin geese aoa ee 1 Hear e late) bees sees ee ee 1 iLeivarial were. ee Dre Want a lose etme eee eae es 3 ICANN eee sg eyes 1 henoir soe fee es Se 1 MewiStOn meee oes te ee 3 IL@mLNAHe eee ee Sees incolmtoueese sees see eae 1 Ti tilevonmeeees cee ase ae. a 1 ous burmese eae eee! We Gormealin 4 oe eee eee IWeacclestiel dae sess ese. 2 1 Malis On#a eee. ae ees! ae 2 Maiden Sar wanes he oak 1 Mani onsen es = eee aes i Witraslee ee ee 1 Max On eee eee oar ee eae cs 3 Mebanee seen. ees aoae cores 1 Morry Oaks =O hon og cele 1 NGnTOCne= aaa ee ere emer 3 Mony. eles sete look 1 Mount eAInya sae see ene ee 2 2 INa:s ncvalll c aes eee ne re 1 INC WER er ia oeeaen= eee ee ae = 4 Norfolk, Oakboro Oxford_- Pantego Peletier- Vo ee ft ee Raleiohtyests cag eat erway e Randleman Red Springs Reidsville Richlands Rocking ham TOC VeNEO UTA t ae eee Salisbur Veet ae a Silodinisee a keeles Cee ee oe SmowiGanij 222.24 oe ee Sno welll es Se eee eee St. Paul hte Be £3 ie et RS ee Sivasduanyspaive (Werke a Se SRAVLOLS Vill Guana some ea aes ‘Ghomuasvil lens ase a eee Trenton Vall dlesemenee aa eee Ridge Meg RS Vialiieacduet. 32 = eee ne eae oe Wake: Porests. 22-2. ae eae aeee Waxhaw-.---- Reet ee aS Wests M Wee sien eee eee Williamston oss. sees eee eee \Wall haaniayea (ore sa Re Wilsonss2: 2Ses eee oe ee ae Wingate Winston-Salemeas = see sse2seeee SY OU Siva ee eee ene ee Zebulon 24 AwnnvuaL Report, 1918 COUNTIES FROM WHICH THE 300 PATIENTS CAME. vA Tamance see ee eee 5. | Greene: 2252 ee eee Oe Bamli COs esa cee a eee ee 2 Alexander? ic0o--- ees eee 12\°Guilford 22222 Sse eee 20 1 PASGWOLAI sot oe een ee eee 1 VATS OTe ae Re ere ens 22) Hahtax sees... ee TSP endéracssnoeeo- eee ee 1 Beautortec sae ee ee 2) Harnett 2.) OU TPersOn sce s rece co eee ene nee 1 Bertiowt tes ae a ke see ee 4) Haywood. 222225 eee eee IIS PrteSee nae. es eee ee eee 3 Blade sso tease ae ee Ll) Hertiord 22222. eee iinhandolphi-se eos a eae 4 Buncombes 2 = ee nee 3). Hoke .3.2 see ip RIChINONG sess ces. ae neem 4 Bute toe ee ee eee 1.) Hyde.i2523 eee et RODESOl see nea ek eee 10 Cabarruss gene oe eee 6) | Uiredell.. 22222 = een oe Rocking ham. = een oe oe 4 Caldwellt—2) rer tac enecoee Salad ONNSCON. 22s e 2 ees SEC ROWANS: oC oomee ook eee ae 2 Camden seer ee ees I~) J ones... 2-22 8 eee 1 Rutherford.cs.2e seen eee 1 @arteretie es eee Ba lan Oo; etapa is me SF Se Sal Sampson--.-— owes nee ee 3 Catawhasce ere ee eee AON Lenoir ec) ee Sia liehefevanel Pa (e unlbieia t y o oataade peed ta a, 4 Chatham ee en ee ee eee 3. sLincoln= se. 22. Dales Gani ly a ae 2 ee ee ne. ene 3 Chowanls2 2 ase ee eae 23|"M acon 2.0222 es AA Stokes eso aan eee eee eee 3 Cleveland ae eee 4s" Madison: 2 a! 226) 2eteee eens TP ARRS UEr yee ce ee ee eee eee 6 Cohimbusti ct a ee Os Martine. soto ce ASE Tavrrrell site: seen Seeman a aie re 1 Craveni osc Ree eee Avi Mecklenburg 2222 ss. sae SEU nignine eo = ee are eee Se ern 6 Cumberlands se eee Sue Monte omeryoose sae sees Olt VAN CON tet ae et ee eee ens il Davidson coo ke ee eee Bu I MoOOrese oc ose on see eee DEW GK Ga mee Se sa ete eae ee 19 Daviet ccc. ea ee ae ees Ba NASH Oleh cee. 2 oe ea A eEW eG autre ee ane ee eee er 1 Hors yh Cee et eee (aliNew Hanover... 2s 1 Wayne. eet a eee rae 6 Hrankline = coe) eee Se NOLCHAN DLO see Wilson ee ce ee es 6 Castont sce tae eae ees sae eee Si OnslOWw_cce-o2e ee Tele Yoac i scene ae eee nie ee ee 2 Granvilles So ee ee eee 105|"Orangéel os oS eee 4 OUTSIDE PATIENTS EXAMINED FOR DIAGNOSIS AND CONSULTATION. Dé@eembertaca-s Sivas ceosnesmee 25. GA Dr kos cece ee BO hugust.. eats: seen eee a ee 112 DANUALVsocs ee ee ees 41 3| Mays 2c see ene 84>) September=-s2-.220.- seen 93 Hebruaryccese eee eeee BB A) ANG 2c. Sen Se oe ee 60: OOLODGE cass 0es San eeeee eee 23 March 2.52002 oo ee ees OOF Sul yi. kn eee oe 687 UNovemberiscs- te ose ee 15 Total acco 222 cen ow own weap clos him mid creme cal oe cee mor ee ane 738 ee Tue Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM SUMMARY MEDICAL REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1917, TO NOVEMBER 30, 1918. Patients admitted: SONGHAI ay ae a ep 70 Moderately sad vanCeG sae eee noe. eee ee 144 Heat al divi nee eee a etree ee Se ee Ne es 78 PNCUILGRE ICT CULOSIS tree etna se eee eee oe Sia le eee ee 2 Dees amit pee eeeaeete eee Pee ct ek eae seceececucs- 1 IE GEE HOS Rn Sees Aa oa ee ee sepa ial ee ge ener 9 INOtRLIIDeLCUlOUSs eee eee. Saks eee Ee a 3 LG et | eee ere etme te PMN NS 22 Se Shs os 307 HERE YES ak oe et 7 eee Sv ee ena ee ee 6 PAM DaTeit hysarrested see woken ee be i oe ae 58 QMCcCelt aa eennnn ean eee) Heat Esl ee ccccansecece 76 TEST Y SSR TEG bape cae Ss le ee en Cates ere aan 100 (Dyhinirpanyoneepeyave Lea Ee He a 42 cin eM rs. es A ee Ss ee 10 INGURENIDCrClOUSH ee es i oe ae Nan aera deme ees 12 SUS) MOL SY SEG qc Rete Sole A le, 2S ie aaa pee a ye 2 Lt tiene. eee eeu oes eck Ao. cba 306 lStogjential) Caw ss Sen 5 = eee SE ae ae eae ee 41,514 LABORATORY REPORT. SHON A CADIS ole ena Ss ee cota a gi ee a Ne 1,597 litimaly cessed iiss seem rene ten me want ess Meek eee 577 KC Heris) sae eee eee ete ee ee Re Poe Se 517 leur als thcl eee ee ek eee eka abt geal go al 15 Lieceser ence Meret ee leg cee LS ee see 25 (Gast ricseaeeee wate et aie Weng AG re EL Oe 5 AnnuaL Report, 1918 26 Pay Sacege aa tn eee eRe all Ane Oca es cy oh > oh c CRG Cee in Vig? Og Re Sen ede ole Gn eh eh ee aie | oh alae ae ik ea 4SO'T CMe A liaanes VA oad ee hare aaa Reel, 9° eae erie ies Ble es gl ee eS Sat ime ele dle E Se A ce ae ee ae ae hirer eee peed 866 CCM epee Sarat meas Ober Sm uk Gl, So ec AA” ge ee Skil eg oS lie ea I ak AR eT | Wael oa |e i ae SUIYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT [T21O,.L 7S moe cae ear a Te as lt rome a eg aes See aie | ee hag meee ol a Foal ete aie coll eee ae ae ana SUIYIOM PUB SUIAIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MRS | Baek ate ers eee hae qsoT G 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 (tin ae i Seen en te ne peed 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~------ZUIyIOM JOU pUv SUTATT peaoidurtuy) g 0 0 0 0 0 0 I T 0 Obn, “vie Bree SULyIOM Pub SUIATT G 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 The Baie aera wi aoa meee ~ oe 4SO'T G 0 0 0 0 0 ii 0 0 i Daca i me ata a eee ge 9 ee eae a peed 6S 9 0 0 0 0 9 I Zz { 0 Ot 2 ks eae SULyIOM JOU PUB SUIATT peAsoiduy a 0 0 0 0 0 z 06 ia! G We a Sosa gs SULTIOM pus BUTATT I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘0 0 0 ie Gey ee an ae ee er ae }SO'T Ge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 OMe eas ie yh Pik Gara ee peed ww 9 0 0 0 0 0 € o 0 0 Oe Fe seals aes ae SuTyIOM OU PUB SULATT pyUsoseIn’y cg 0 0 0 T 0 9 6 Or 9 COA au ahh, Moscow SULJIOM PUB SUTATT I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T Oe TR Sie ae net 2h oe }S0T G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T | ee EYRE meee aan et Pie LT ares 2 a peed I0OL FI 0 0 0 0 0 9 ¢ G T OS. is aoa SUIYIOM JOU PUB SULATT peysolly #8 0 0 0 I 0 Ol ge 6Z L g ee TEES COIS Tan ATyuoreddy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ree Rae a Ae RRS pe ee 4SOT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (CR atau saa ieee Naeem bore AR te ae peed 1Z OQ 0 0 0 I 0 Vi (@ 0 0 O32 ee SUTYIOM JOU PUB SUTATT peo selly IZ 0 T 0 T 0 G 8 y 5 Ti let Sees SUIYIOM PUB SUTATT ST6T LI6T 9T6I CcT6E FI6I ST6T LI6T 9T6T CI6L FI6I ‘posieyo | ‘pesieyo | ‘pesieyo | ‘pesivyo | ‘pesivyo | ‘pesieyo | pesivyo | posieyo | ‘pesieyo ‘pesieyo ee ESiCE “sid =BIC Beth Force peice m0! “sIq Ch at SIGI ‘] oung uoNIpU0D es IByosIq. urToIqN.T, UTM uNoIOgNT, Moy M uo UOTIIpuoD ‘SI6T ‘IT ANAL OL SNOJTAGUd WAIYOLYNVS AHL WOUA GHDUVHOSIC SLNAILVd LNAIdIONI TIV dO NOILIGNOO LNaSadd Tue Norra CaroLtina SANATORIUM CE ea ee Ae a ee ee pe Pe Sep een see ee eee ger kas al aes ae ea ga gn ee er as ie 4so'T VC OMENCRECEE SS) Go a: Mary eae E SR Se ot ee we hc | i eee ? N O e a e aee hee © ae Ont eae mae peed eo7 BA oo SA ot ld a tat ee ste Vigna arctica ai ae sciatic ir Soca igh aed ahaa oe kee te tg SUTYIOM JOU PUB BUTATT 1210.L FEY, © 7 SSIS aan acid ame cara (ame as feel ll agen cle ieee 2 al cana alae > ala ee eo an ae eee OU TOM PUB Sm EATEy T 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 ON Fecote gat ae at mai via aie 7207 61 0 0 0 T 0 y & & sf aed eats ten we ee mas pBed 66 g 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 I 0 08 - Se SULYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT peaoidurtu v 0 0 0 0 0 0: G z 0 URINE? Brae oot¥ SUTIOM PUB BUTATT T 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 | ee 1 ean CR a q0'T 9¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT IT ct Ol 7 eatin." hero en een Peed 89T oP 0 0 0 0" = 0 él LT 9 v Cee oe 1 ae SuIyIOM JOU PUB SUTATT peaorduy 69 0 0 0 Oacat 0 6 8T 9T Or Sam ee Sate SUIYIOM PUB SULATT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF een oo ioe Va. ee ae am tae al 9F 0 0 T T I é G VG 6 | eS eee ee a ie at a ees peed 106 gg 0 0 4 I 0 ST ec 9 g RS ee SULYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT pusosaINn&) ZOT 0 0 z g z 01 OF 63 Gr, Dee ae Seema ae SUIYIOM PUB BUIATT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OB, es Se ee ee ea ee aye 4s0"T € 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j Le ek Set Veet» peed &F a 0 0 0 0 4 L 0 I z Chews tice SULYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT po selly 9% 0 0 I I 0 9 g 9 7 oe i a eae SULYIOM PUB SUIATT Ajyuervddy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Op) giana, ab es ge) a 4SO'T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OM SG) peek oe ek ae nee ae peed al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On bi BUIYIOM JOU PUB SULATT poysoiry él 0 0 0 T 0 0 T ZL € (i a A ae ie ae SUIYIOM PUB SUIATT ST6T LI6T 9T6T ST6T PI6I SI6T LTI6T 9T6T ST6T PIGT ‘pesieyo | ‘pesivyo | pesivyo | ‘pesivyo | pesivyo | ‘posieyo | ‘pesivyo | ‘pesreyo | ‘pesireyo | pesieyo -SI -SI -st -SI -sIq- -ST -SI -SI | 81 -ST 1230], id He 5 a ‘qd Id cl Gs 1d as 4 5 SI6I ‘T oune uontpu0g asIByostqy uyMoseqn.T, YM Ul[NoIEqny, NOYIT A uo UOTIIPUOD ‘S16I ‘IT ANOL OL SNOIAGUd WOIYOLVNVS AHL WOU CHDUVHOSIAG SINGILVd CHONVACV ATHLVUAGOW TIV dO NOILIGNOO LNASaUd AwnuaL Report, 1918 28 T OLT Sos oetsel SP faelenicoiial [fia ie = eae ee a ee Se ee ie ee oe eS noe oe gee lay oon ep eae ieee a eae wl Skee Ree See Re alee en cee ee maemo in pe9qd C9Z BE ce Ballgame al aan (eral ah nee (eich eel Spitz (eas canny Semen oa en ieee owe eal Or pect Tana gre: SUTYIOM JOU PUB SUTATT 123O.L Uae rage yc oy cena Meritgg ee AS hina cma 1 ori aaa Re La Oy Sea Ti) Prenat arian hall hr ieee “a 2g a SUIyIOM PUB SULATT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OP as BOTS er See eRe 4yso'T 68 0 T 0 G I Or iA al ye! (6 Gebel OG Wakadadie! mek tents aS peed 06 9 0 0 0 0 0 54 T 0 I OF 6 (Sah SUTYIOM JOU PUB SUTATT poaoiduiiuy) G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 OQ). iA ins, SUIYIOM PUB SUIATT | I 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 Qo ew sR PRR Re Sree a te 4so'T OL 0 0 0 T 0 I 9T Or 61 UCe LNs Tigo ace Nea eee ke peed CZI 66 0 T G 0 T €T FI 8 0 OS Beer cae ag SUIYIOM JOU PUB SUTALT peaoidury CT 0 0 0 T 0 0 9 P g [eck ee ae eee me SUTYIOM PUB SUTATT : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 Fe le ae aga a o> ar 4so'T 8 0 0 I if 0 0 g ¢ | 9 ie re rat OR ee acy era ee pseq 0¢ gI 0 0 0 G 0 T 9 0 y (ses SS ean a SUIYIOM JOU PUB BUTATT qusoseIn?y 61 0 G I G T I Ll 4 T 0 ses ="""SUTYIOM PUB SUIATT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oe Seg ae oe sere ep kay, 4SO'T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glee Nip een pice ane eS pee Ae proq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On sen SUTYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT poyselry 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 She Ses SUTyIOM puv BUTATT Ayquereddy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (er RPS re Sar Saas « 4so'T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (el wlee sce k= cn tes eames peed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i) 2 0 0 0 ORs asco. SUTYIOM JOU PUB SUIATT peyselly 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 One Siecic = eae SUIyIOM PUB SUIATT ST6T LI6T 9T6T CI6I FIGT ST6T LI61 9T6I CI6I FI6I poesieyo | ‘pesivyo | ‘pesavyo | ‘pesreyo | ‘pesieyo | ‘pesreyo | posieyo | ‘pesreyo | ‘pesreyo | ‘pesreyo ~ST “sid SI “SIC “STC “SIC “SIC “STC “SIC. “SIC ‘aaa 3 1240 4 3 si6l ‘T oung wortpu0g ahs aha urNoIeqny, YIM uNoseqn J, JOYITA, ‘S161 ‘IT ANON OL SNOIANUd WAIYOLVNVS AHL WOU GHDUVHOSIG SLNAILVd GHONVAGYV UVa ITTV JO NOILIGNOO LNdsddd FINANCIAL STATEMENT TRIAL BALANCE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, DECEMBER 1, 1918 ere et RO eT aed ecw ciek aves peoscscssvcdaes eee I IY Pet eg ok ce etnies Cc pb dale eeaee aces $ 12,005.64 meamestace and hospital buildings: ..../.6... 98,347.58 Woe etys, yi: (CNM e ise | Os gat b Mil et et a 9,445.76 Dining hall and kitchen furniture and fixtures....... 3,148.05 Prosereelurnatire: And f1XtUureS,....6...2....00c00e 6,049.80 Niupsese tome, 1urniture and fixtures...............-. 1,500.00 Superintendent’s residence, furniture and fixtures.... 1,500.00 ea EATS Se eae ve eae wise Bee ee dices 481.01 ee CIIe TY AN LOOIS. 12... 2... fe ec vk tse eee 1,686.75 ee RE OC el tire ai gs iste es ese sees cles cae e sos 1,600.00 Coat LORE RR ELS <5 5 As 5,910.00 Pe MEAT MTE VOTO, i stoicie cso kas esd nese eens 471.00 aver) ayes Uys rely Nua Rea aes Spa rr 6,246.50 eee COICING -- 2.6... ees Sg ROR Ae a 373.90 HOSE Sh ELAINE 3s SS 14,543.20 Mem MCU MITCOULIOLG,) on cece cc ce te ew ee ences 767.75 Be CUS AC TECU MCLC,) . 5 ccc cc ec ec enc cas ee eens 1,925.00 SEO GUTI TT a en ol Sr ra 2,452.70 Os? TPIS etre: Selects) tr en 90.00 POMEL EMMIS (UV LOMMEEMELD, gies cla. ss ccs ccsiceeececveerecians 15,325.26 Bese wliuet Company (Per. Imp., O. D.).............. wuts OEP TEROIRE) 54 0.0 Ape ae a 10 SUNDESE nn 4 QB See 6 ie oot tec Sn 2,107.50 Bert CTO TEs che esc ce ces 5 bose ee eo sleceiae oo 131.00 een Er ODOOKSMIOUALEE) 0. ccc ce eh we ee vee ees 135.00 Office supplies and expense (business)............... 223.10 Office supplies and expense (extension).............. 2'50.00 Laboratory and medical office equipment............. 4,370.55 Stenographers’ home, furniture and fixtures......... 369.65 MincemsonUuroments GOUSINCSS) osc. skews e eee ee ewes 764.00 pa CemeN Ih DIDCUEMGESCENSION ) “2... in Sas oo ens oe eee ns 2,257.50 Power, heat, light, water, refrigeration, and plumbing 30,785.25 MUD OTC oT CIME A 0 nos hr alee ks ek Hp poe ees ie oie s 2,499.74 Peroneoreleiie and, GCiSPOSdal DIANU. 2h. cas cc eres cecees 4,932.88 Bere Ori a LiOMe ANU OraVvarce: oss scum s see's cute p sews 235.75 BG DION Ger tote siecle or lne went ek oe Bp ee bie sh ea ns 50.00 Weer OMmECRLIMIT ATCA PAE see og cord oko ys se pce le 9 4 ss 6 he Ow § 2,728.06 Sommerciat wills, Incorporated §.. 0. sce ce ee ee eae PERV AMPED IIT “Qe SOIS nr, fee bie Flee saris es nce oe as ee eee PAbencooneriard ware *COMDADY 4..... 02ers cncapereeee PATON Bae). eee ie a eaters + Ao kno eels ta kele oceca fei wiatian le Bie PMO TescOSTAD I PCOIUDANY gcc cess oc ow wis oe tye me Bes Pye EV CTI SOOO COnn. cre thie 6 es nite renee ee asa soe Carlisle Commission Company .......2..20-2-eeeteae $219,338.28 1,646.04 931.37 101.41 10.48 526.02 4.06 33.20 715.08 30 Annual Report, 1918 Duparquet-Huot.& Moneuse Cove... cle eee ee $ gba i Commercial Printing: Company (.. 0... a) eek nes 7.69 S.-H. Couch & Copia ae, eae ce com ees starts seri en Gann 13.75 Chero-Kola Bottling Company ~ i. «cue cere cee eee 30.00 J. H. COVintOn © 2). oo eed.cee aie ote abe dia ey Sig eek olen eee ana revel City. Telephone’ Company 22 cs 22. wesc erect 81.70 Columbia Laundry (Contpany 2220s. nee ere ee 137.64 Clarendon Laundry Company. 3... 2.5 oc visas 26.21 Olinchfield Fuel .Company <0 oc.sen ec ae eee ee 580.92 General Electric Company /. ts 22 scien cee ree 5°35 Mrs." W; Ac Grovers, ic2,. ='s 0 os. chia, ee ne eee ees what Gold Medal Celery, Garden’... < s..)2 st ee ee ee 6.00 The Gibson Company, Incorporated......... i ahs operant 2.70 Hines’ Telephone. Company . 2m... as. ee eee 2.30 S.A. Hennis+é2Con 2 ik ude w Bie el sena ales oan ena 35.83 Hert & Frerich’s. Chemical: Company -... 35 Toe Huske Hardware, House’. oa..3 2. aio 4 ms cei era's #0 oto oie 190.30 ME SCOILATICOUGKbS cine « ea vida a ole nee o1o piace en hee we 5.05 Power, heat, light, water, plumbing and _ sewers: HeISC Lema he, StS PNER Spats ICM wiv away alle eat si dhs aro Sor sl-y wi wis koa. ¥ siye 1,665.54 SEPT DLT OS ee Manet teee te ard oh ally Bille at oret as ceatahiw chatin at eile bro ahah 6,559.51 MLAB ERY Lu Ge eucdir ep cEek Navah BA er cs ec otioe: arnt oti ial oh ol ec we Samah fave BY ALI G 32 ANNUAL Report, 1918 Farms: Buildings eS AEs hice « i eS 181.88 Répalrs to“buildings"=2-: t07 cee eee ee eee 50 Machinery and> tools! 29.522 0. Snes es eee eee 54.31 Seeds and. fertilizers. oo 22s ee ee 2,338.88 Heed teeth eae tecd Rae Meese eee id Ree ogee eee 512.72 Labor ves On eee bes Chore eee eee 2,118.62 Miscellaneous 2.0 Sees eon 62 Ss oe 7.25 Dairy: Live-Stock 0255. 0. 0 foc oo See cre eee 360.14 Fxtures. Wis 65 Siew «see eh bet en! ob abana el eet enn 30.29: SUDDILICS © BPs ok He hob.) oe, Se 18.67 POO ae oooh aele 0 oc scble, Sees eels’ actcens een re 4,503.96 Labor’ ..e et 6 ee Se ee 1,010.57 Miscellaneous? Training School books (255. essen 119.27 TaAUNOry Fi ee Cs cb a ere cee ee 199.91 ‘Transportation, and drayage [32% eee ee 392.22 Boiler’ INSurance Vo eo we «. «yee cor eee 43.55 Interest “Geic sa ome oo nos sake 0 0 0506 eg eee 3 24.55 FIOPS) oo 5 deere age 0 «eine oie ele ¢ Grate 4 faite) ogee ner 170.00 PATIENTS’ FunD Salaries? Cooks and servants 2..% <.5 2.02 eee $ 10.30 Supplies:” Bedding vandilinen~. o2).s\... eter ee 783.03 Crockery ‘and isilver GU cnn Ses oe eee 360.63 Drugs and eMedicine: ..< . 50... - he ee 501.43 Hospital -322 pelea. 04% 6 os ea eee 2,918.65 Provisions: Méats* 4 5.%..%5 4 28 skies oes ee 7,401.54 Butyer m0 eae stile aie eb Slee ar eleks. © alae Ate ee 2,059.67 US Smee eae, ae eee Ry ae eee nis Cbs +e 6,679.81 Vegetables and irwmits: 2. 27... %.4).4 eee dy AUN SW F Groceries =.2 4G 4 eee Str. eee 7,549.26 Miscellaneous: 2) eo a0 3 <6 cisishe. giels eee en De ee 144.28 Hquipment:*HNurniture and fixtures: v0 eee eee Loses JNStrUMONtS PIS Fe. ete ele lee ue csetanel hehe eee ee 145.90 Miscellaneous ......... 2 tds ANSE Ort aa RAR eee 2.70 Office:. Hquipmenta). 2.2. 60 AE gcc nee stesso 34.06 Books’ and? stationery. .24).2.. tee. en ee 237.24 MtAMDS: Viewers conte ao vets ae ores a leet ee eee 502.42 MiscellanGous? 29.2< ces «40s fetes ee een eee 44.34 Power, heat, light, water, refrigerating, plumbing, and sewers: LiQDOLP \.dide cine len ccsapte sco erecc. ccc aieae Le ene ne 73.75 SUDDILCS. -Ae sees o's tyeam eletanc, cocuete sue e teas Sen eek eee 3,852.37 WIGUTPMOEN Ee Gaels cho ive akerteee che > aces on eee 2.87 Parris eo ldingsr eee Sfloweeelele: oir ss aeihgenec ate aCe 44.54 Repairs to buildings wiejeie o:b/e: ene 016y9, 0: these Salt ghee teal 15.38 Machineryxend . vOOIS aa ccceretes as, sees een eee 214.42 seeds and fertilizers @Aeen..uke. eee. ee 963.32 WOO” uk 5. adda letees oot «are sai, sleuth Gdeualte) ondaehe ab uel eee eS 1,064.70 TID DOL, 4). eae ate 0! apes adesoh osepsh of eden eeoicnchatewer een acer aee 288.69 Miscellan6Gusi tics ccch ces eta Lee 46.12 $ 39,857.40 Tue Nortru CaroLtiIna SANATORIUM 33 Pa VM aTViO =A LOCKH es Meee. (Il co REG Decades everces $ 1 eo ee gC MeN PN ci Sane aks on’ ec cisge ips ve ilpyeile: SOE Fa Come ene ete © aie ters RN iced al ge dé xb bus cuesais 307.44 ne Oecd Ae Oils coe hee aes 5 1,674.95 DUEL cae enlace & alphas ene ene ee 92.00 Pie OO Us IDOI ose ee ees ol dss cb aw rae 6 | 50 ean CNOOLDOOKS sacs a lhl ccc ce cee aeees 65.43 Telephone and telegraph (messages)............ 639.98 COEUR SOOG? SG eS hee Pee rn 3,305.54 Peranoportavion ANU -CUrayage ....e..sssin ws ewesere 1,084.82 ‘Refunds, hoard andestreabment... nts bee ee 1,352.05 ES. it 0 SOs ae 144.08 PROSE no ae fag lehetne ANS area 503.56 $ 47,565.90 . $122,552.63 STATEMENT SHOWING DISPOSITION OF FUNDS PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT FUND eee Ore tk Ie hfe che ls ears Gah eos. ves hod cee 6 ice ce eels web ewe eens $ 25,000.00 1919 appropriation, anticipated in accordance with action of the Building Commission at Henderson, June 27, 1918, and the min- Perro R CONT Cl Ol OLALG. .... 205s sce escenc cee et becave ene oa 3,050.00 $ 28,550.00 Expenditures, as per disbursement statement........ $ 14,408.74 Pooteirom txt, und, 1916-17, repaid... .......6.%.06.6 8 2,244.70 PER GCUOCUMNAIAUGCI 0... oo sess ee cc ence wenn 11,896.56 28,550.00 Brooks HALt INSURANCE Pernt CMO lm iMG CO TCCOCIVE(.. «0. . os soe 8 bee dyed ee he delete va eles SiaLoooosae Expenditures, as per disbursement statement.................08. 8 po0.09 MAINTENANCE FUND SEED OTT TMM RN era UM at as tated if shia Os se sa che oho SiG RES Boyes $ 40,000.00 Expenditures, as per disbursement statement........ $ 39,857.40: Moat ron Mixer und,.1916-17, repaid s.%...2. sees see 142.60 40,000.00 EXTENSION FUND Pe Rea hs) lee an Pern a ONS Geis, a Ae teres walla a 26 4 elim aes wap wie iw he $ 10,000.00 momeerona drtTOme rer LM pat Wild... 2.5 ein ss oes «os $ 2,244.70 OMe e Do ldetrOnlMVall ts BUN occ os cieks 4 20) o\aranee 0.46 142.60 2,387.30 TIZBTIEVB oeeuyay carci 2 cipes 4 Sire ae Ie ee ee $ 12,387.30 Hixpenditures, as per disbursement statement........2......4....: 12,387.30 34 AnnuaL Report, 1918 1918 Disbursements, Maintenance Appropriation Fund................. $ 39,857.40, Disbursements, Maintenance Patients’ Fund..................... 47,565.90 Total’ yeric 5 cook bb em oS 8 hoe e ke Ete Ree Oe en $ 87,423.30 Less refund, board and treatments<..ivi2.5 oe cease oe ree 1,352.05 Amount actually. expended... (2oeeamen eee eee eee $ 86,071.25 Hospital days foi ..-7 2.27. --aeee eee 703.08 4,370.55 Crockery and: silver-.3 is tad es oa ge eres eee 760.91 471.00 Karim machinery-and)toolss7 2. oo... eee ee 1,448.80 1,686.75 Auto and-dray (dray only.1918)3oe.eee eee 775.00 235.75 Library: (books donated) atc. 2 cones eee eee 125.00 135.00 Dtereopticon COUCH ws ek eoneis a eek as eee ee 118.20 131.00 Laundry prantes ic cc aes alte ss ee one Renee er 50.00 Supplies: HOSpilal ia steal ee Oe 3 oe eee ie Seta 3,125.17 14,543.20 Warn. 16ed 7 elite. es ance SEBS SREY Mba AY SMM S's 520.00 767.75 Dairy“ TEGd; PCtGr 13.50 PO SCO MOR MEO EO COCUUS «ccc co's bac s se cscslee accede 3.90 SONVRGTSE. GRE SSA le cA Ce ae a oi 40.00 Bee GMD UINIVOL SOG Li DOS oe oie ¢6)0.4 6 2 6 so asveie o.chea ec vieleeas 45.00 Uomolewnlankets, ab $6... 62.65. cesses ees AA ene ae 54.00 BeeEON CIS BOL LO eCOMUSic cf. onc sls oy coe eels snes ae 2.10 PMO VOL Seto TAD OSCENES), 6. othe bes bade ewes ec ewe es 3.00 Sipe UMCONLG fae ce) tetl > et. FHM Giele ok wa wks «8 e's « DU Pomme NATAL OO GOTILS.. c4 5 cccw ad ccede cee seve 48.00 Sar mem ee ORE hs ee ce cells 6 Gs Ade dle ok dw ees 27.00 EMME C REAL DSP SCN pelos ack law acdiale osteo h ies oleae 30.00 on) VRS) Uh Rie aide Sa 2 te ee re 208.00 Peeper CMTS E AT Sec te DLO he obs oc sce ve ele ai seedetauers + 380.00 Per meOUL Krad eal G00 as isle wed ae wee la sees 90.00 dozen 10-pound cans fruits and vegetables, at $8... 936.00 MINA TEMA 001 Oye cicie < aheis lie acdole sie se 6 cee 0 cuete 100.00 SipLy mew 10-pound cans, at:$1:10..0.. ..5.6..000. 0% $2.50 pounds permanganate potash, at $1.25............. 75.00 Pu eraeeeIU OYE NOXCS, "CLC, 2.0... 0c cece ene enneecd 50.00 ee MURAL CMMME MERCIA ls Geohs cs close lel va clive bbs bie ew wala ae 75.00 UA SESS Ss GS Sas) 2 aE a a 330.00 BRAD Ct ko 5g 5b stake esis y ole 4 vio blelibte @ibtove ls 125.00 eM is Tee mor ge, aso 'e, six 6s ae © 0. 0 0"s, 5 Wren o]d 6 © ale » 9% SALVAGE eee eet Meg. lo con, can le 4 clcicie ves ee seen ste $ 664.50 PUIG MeC See MERGE LON CCDLS, 5 bins sce swe ec e's pie siss ee ee bap SILC ETE) AS aero W 1 38 A 2, & baie pri gee ae Pes a aaa 42.00 RES Mt IDIC GEO. US Da icroe soe) (s, < koe) eve ba bo 8.6 6 osele oe 8.2 126.00 BP CME IIR CLS A GEO OSs cei ol c's leet Fs o5e o's 6 'o:0 5 ele 0S 438.00 INES ERS a 5 As Gorter ie teal a eo TMIN SS 5, lai cy die ta wl eet IR re Pm cm ESE is cgee ac de Ae COC RCN SIO ea ean oe ware Pacem OW ClSea le OrCOltls. . ctdcete mete cicigcae asi 8s ss sere 8 « « 1.50 MOLMeLOWC SMAUelD TCONUSs (oo 6% oe sce ends s siee ees 1.05 tenet MEOMCCTI COPE ia eat hahe: evessrent eae foie a toaiiero'e Nel ease ie 78 618 2.50 PEO reCicintred bro UeCODUG «cts sine oo eli cies eis oS. 0 a)s «#90 4.80 MEPL) OCR CLT cl LS Meme cect Bers tafe Go's aio ialo iest oh ane pre 88 ee ROL meth Ube 1) metre erent) Saget. re se aliove Gece wuss ale one lo~ ele 24.00 Beat CLL LOG ALE Doki ce ict siote eo aie Mea clacets «cio aap © stele 6.00 TELCOS SOG Mad Lesa GMeet eta cote ices, 2 onside eke 6 excels 43 0s ane @ a0 120.00 PSEA RSD CLIVE SELL LU otc chore 6 ous ale) tare to sce. s oe he 8 are 30.00 dozen 10-pound cans fruits and vegetables, at $8... 200.00 Pissed Cm COLIOCLCO mre cocks cit hs eek sien stains sais + tuefale soap Ps 8,d00:00 PEGS uM V 2h Cae ee meets fon ote eld ers one a ee OLS. diwl'e wllolansteiie ole! «pave aoe ipo) A eitie voles cg letaeiass 124,459 20,462 63,804 163,300 451 95,339 - 4,338 2,306 140,046 8 ANNUAL Report, 1919 Mailing cases distributed oi). las 5.02% 58 ce heel tee eee eee een ‘Sputum cups distributed: i. 26.2205 2s a. © eine deepens eee en eee eens Tuberculin sent physicians for von Pirquet diagnostic test............ Blanks for reporting results of von Pirquet diagnostic test............ Patients’ histories written (359); approximate number words.......... Envelopes addressed», .). 4. s.creades ave 2G ts Be eee eee ee Dr. L. B. McBrayer: Dr. P: PMicWain: Consultations with, county health officepazn sss ne en eee Patients, examined ‘at ‘Wilsons # i055... Seeger eee ee en Number weeks spent in special study, (x-ray and pathology of the CES) . sch ins nleuevis © Moedie aaa cll eee ee eR ARPS EDS We State prisoners examined for tuberculosis, Dr. R. A. McBrayer assisting .......0e. 0654 wee. on ke Dr. R. A. McBrayer: Addresses delivered..:.:...72 4.4.44 52) eee Total audiences... iis. ve. ok co fies ee Dre aor County clinics held Patients’ @xamineder.: ibis h Pr abiketarcns eee ete A CdrESSO8 fie uch ache dcdendea aha vcecee eokarlans cits oP ne ne ne Cet CA ae eat a Ma Be a a ea ee OT eet De eK Saat med eal Sel te eet T Th ee eit ee OA vietyemeoes o 5.6 © ecel oP cotnvel so? fah to! af ia? ond of fal teh af ish ot Hel (ef set ph 0) Tol einen (ot et at atiell inf otilel ef al cal caf oflleaten Ts’ Cit Pat Ee eet Sok Tee a ee oe ee Se re eee re ce ho oO Otomo AoA GAA Asn G 6/9) ee 6: 9 Ose), eo Ae) wire: He) Le! tie) oe: “ove sreyiiall algatiei-s le) eMle te eles, SUMMARY OF WorkK AMONG THE NEGROES Number of leagues organized Members. heh ste ads aula iiaapelessiacy ol aieylaaleelsaes the ote ete Meetings reported as held otal attendance yi.) 5 5 od ae a Total number addressed by supervisors on health topics Total number present at meetings Home Makers Clubs............... Total number reached by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Holland in addresses on health/and ‘sanitation: 25.0. nit 0 0 aaa Aneel .g ae Total audience present at lectures Total number conferences © 9) 6; a, el Oe) “ase, fe, Tey e168, “0, ey tel ‘of wie: ay ley he, (ep eireg suisyies tells eliesh ce tiamnaal tts © oe Qe! ie: a: el fe ee jee iene! ve env (of .6) cl im: les [e” Jey 10.18: cece soyuve) ial elias tel a iemietaresenmemueula its iice) Pr Met we mch ye Cth ites © je Ko Wee jeise -e) 9 6 hie) (6 18) <@) ‘© < 22 (ge ee ee 1 Red. Cross scholarship: 6. 0.023 )...)5 5 See 4 Potals: 26 fo0 bh ee hoe ee 5 Nurses at present taking post graduate courses on scholarships: At Richmond (S8..S. W:and P. Hz): 22.2 eee 3 At Cleveland (W. Ry University)... 22. > een eee 1 Totaly: 20208 6b Le ee a Financial support secured: Salary secured for nurse for Chapel Hill. Salary and transportation for nurse in Randolph County. Salary and transportation for nurse in Iredell County. Salary and transportation for nurse in Burke County. Salary secured for nurse in Yancey County. Increase in salary for nurse, once. Money for car, once. Money to continue nursing work, once. Nurses visited in their field: Five doing county work, and All others doing town work, and Most at industrial centers and Working under church boards. Time spent in the district with, or in starting new nurses, days................ 39 Supervisory visits to nurses in the field (. 3h) 1, ee 36 Grips furnished visiting nurses (Swain County, Raleigh Wilson)i= eee eeene es 3 Supervisory visits in homes with district nursés...........0......:.++++8..s-- 86 Other patients visited (reported tuberculous or suspects)..............0.000e 10 Tue Nortu CaroLina SANATORIUM 13 Papers read: Southern Tubercuolsis Conference, Asheville............ 0.00. c cet ee eens 1 pater CUT Ses #ASSOCIALIONG Nas Goss 2h. LSU MeL aes DME U Settee ie eve Me tele if Conference of N. O. P. H. N., A. R. C., U.S. P. H.S., and Met., in Cincin- TAL Latin, SOM rae. Sidcs bt Ps Pea BIO MVE A Wie AS SADE, Si heia ste Waseem res 1 et N PeUIe GP OOCIO! Ven rie eer crgr he eed «SRT au) ohare be se. 8. w Rhyehatfs oe meds 1 arate ew PR ete a Eo gh char neditace Styl A cinim a(4) e/a te ton ace Ramee uy Articles released for publication: University News Letter; State Health Bulletin; To the National Tuberculosis Association; Leaflets and newspaper articles; Talks made: Metropolitan agency staff and nurses; Southern Tuberculosis Conference; Groups of school children (white and black); High schools; State College for Women; Biddle University (colored); Teachers’ Meetings; County Teachers’ Institutes; and Meetings of — Aldermen, Community Leagues, Woman’s Clubs, Betterment Associations, Civic Leagues, County Commissioners, City Nursing Staffs, County Farmers’ Institutes, State Farm Women Institute, Red Cross Chapters, Executive Boards, Home Service Committees, Round Tables on Public Health Nursing, and to County Health Officers taking course at Sanatorium, and other public meetings. Demonstrations given: Pia icTdemonstranonsdor intant 16eGIng... sos. e. see. ois tae cote eaeareeer 2 Classes and demonstrations for county home demonstration agents......... 7 MOReCOUPs Ole Mo tiersca tesClOOlS. yr ets olsrerats Wyre eka cette ars «toronto nae tetoter te 4 14 ANnnvuAL Report, 1919 Formal conferences held: With Red Cross Home Service Committees; With ex-Sanatorium patients; With chapters regarding county development; With different organizations regarding re-organization of ore ete. Other service rendered: Assisted 2 industrial nurses (request of cotton mills) in starting work, planning records, etc. Served on tuberculosis committee of N. O. P. H. N. Served as State representative for N. O. P. H. N. Served as chairman, Public Health Section, State Nurses’ Association. Ran course of instruction for all County H. D. A. Secured co-operation of State University, through Extension Department of which literature of N. O. P. H. N. will be distributed. Circularized nurses in the State announcing literature available. Circularized nurses with leaflet of N. O. P. H. N. regarding special courses. Outlined health program for woman’s club. Got two nursing associations to adopt standard records. Held round table at State Social Service Conference. In addition, visited 22 town or county health departments, 22 schools, and referred credentials to 50 sources of inquiry for nurses and referred 30 nurses for positions open. Metropolitan: offices ‘visited ... 2.05%. 3.25. 0 ee 17 Statesville Goldsboro Greensboro High Point Charlotte Kannapolis Raleigh Wilmington Salisbury Winston-Salem Wilson Rockingham Fayetteville New Bern Durham _— Asheville Oxford Visits to Metropolitan offices: |). ss a. sa.nat cena Nee fs oo eS ety 36 Conferences with superintendents, deputy superintendents, agency staffs and TUISOS . 5 ob adelante we o wd we a Piso eo elee soe gE el a ee en 24 Talks and open’ discussions on such oceasions.... > .).msue seks ee ee 13 Metropolitan field supervisors’ card or letter reports sent to nursing service... .20 Metropolitan literature used in connection with class and demonstration work. Metropolitan patients visited in districts with nurses.................... Soe | Rosrt M. ExsRENFELD, R.N. State Director Public Health Nursing. LITERATURE OF THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH — TITLE OF BULLETIN Bulletin No. 41—Tuberculosis: The Great White Plague. Bulletin No. 36—Tuberculosis: Its Nature and Prevention. Bulletin No. 39—Important Facts About Tuberculosis and Your Chances Against It. Bulletin No. 56—Tuberculosis: Its Cure and Prevention. Bulletin No. 61—How to Care for a Tuberculous Patient. Bulletin No. 70—TUBERCULOSIS: (A.M. A. Bulletin). Bulletin No. 92—An Act to Prevent the Convicts or Prisoners of North Carolina from Contracting Tuberculosis. Bulletin No. 117—Tuberculosis: Its Symptoms, Prevention and Cure. Bulletin No. 129—County Tuberculosis Problem. Bulletin No. 157—The Problem of the Returned Tuberculous Soldier. Bulletin No. 1000—If There Is To Be Democratic Equality of Opportunity There Must Be an Equal Opportunity for Health. Bulletin No. 1001—Murder! (Perfectly Legal.) Bulletin No. 1002—Carry On. Bulletin No. 1003—Fundamental Principles of Public Health Nursing. The Next to Go. The Story of Four Generations. Is Your Muffler Working or Your Cut-out Open? They Are Dead. Camouflage. U-Boat. Why Tuberculous Person Without Funds Should Not Leave Home. Pessimists Fall Out! After the “Flu”? What?—“Watch Your Step.” The Incidence and the Importance of Pleurisy in Early Tuberculosis, by Dr. P. P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C. A Plea for an Earlier Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by the General Prac- titioner, by Dr. J. H. Way, Waynesville, N. C. The Diagnosis of Early Pulmonary Tuberculosis for the General Practitioner, by Dr. S. E. Thompson, Carlsbad, Texas. A Modern Prophecy, by Dr. Benj. K. Hays, Oxford, N. C. The Infectiousness of Tuberculosis, by. Dr. T. D. Coleman, Augusta, Ga. Importance of the Whole-time Health Officer and the Whole-time Health Nurse in the Campaign Against Tuberculosis and all Preventable Diseases, by Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Sanatorium, N. C. MEDICAL REPORT, 1919 STATISTICAL Number patientsto beireportedron 24... ane ee Re FN tes WEL 268 Number’ patients not’ tuberculous’. ©0225. ee ee ee 14 Number patients'not: classified... 07. &. Sco Bete ne emer eee ee 6 Number patients in Sanatorium December 1, 1919772 ia. eee 125 Total number patients treated ‘during yearn. sae eee 413 32 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested apparent Quiescent Improved eaiat Died NCI DICNibeeewes saan ae ae 12 0- 0 0 12 0 0 Moderately advanced_-_-13 0 0 0 13 0 0 Markad vanced aes asa 7 0 0 0 1 4 2 Acute tuberculosis___---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ote lsaeeeen ee peel 0 One 0 26 4 ceh9, Average stay, 17.7 days Longest stay, 29 days Shortest stay, 2 days. Number Gained Weight, 20 Number Lost Weight, 4 PACVCT ASCO Ail sae se ee eee = eee eee 3... Libs). Avera sed oss ee ee Demos argest galisis tate < eae eee as 12... Lbs. | uargest losste2== eo 3.5 Lbs. Simallestirarinm scene ae ao ae eee eae 5 ibs... |) Smallesty] 08s ee eae ere ee 5 Lb: Station ar yi ees eee ee ee eee 2.1 Not- weighed Says ae eee =e 6 39 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission ; Arrested Sp eee Quiescent | Improved beara Died Lneipientecevestec-se- <2 10 0 0 4 6 0 0 Moderately advanced___13 0 0 4 8 0 1 Man advanced ss ese s2see 16 0 0 0 4 10 2 Acute tuberculosis__----- 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 Totals ee eee aes 39 0 0 8 18 10 3 Average stay, 59.3 days Longest stay, 87 days Shortest stay, 30 days Number Gained Weight, 24 Number Lost Weight, 15 A VOTAGO PE Allicsstosu te eek eee ees + 8.8 Lbs. | Average loss: a, oe 5.7 Lbs. ar gest Cain 6-2 see oes enereem ae ere eee 26.0 ibss.| liargestilosss.2 2 saeco ene. eee 16.5 Lbs. Sma llesty oa rine see eee renee eee 1; Lb.-*| Smallestilossss2-2 00. 22 eee .5 Lb. Stationarycin-s se oon eee eet eel ee 0 | Not weighed ._-..22.. 22. 0 a Tue Nortu CaroLtina SANATORIUM 17 197 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested A eens Quiescent | Improved Etec Died Linover Ges eee 62 8 33 14 6 1 0 Moderately advanced--__81 0 6 53 15 1 iHariadvanceds....- 32... 54 0 1 15 15 20 3 Acute tuberculosis___-__- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Ba se 197 8 40 82 36 Pf 4 Average stay, 199.4 days Longest stay, 553 days Shortest stay, 91 days Number Gained Weight, 158 Number Lost Weight, 39 Pyeramerraine. ==) 2- 42022)... 22---2--- SOC i Piybaseb A Vorage OSB. a. weno s ts ase sas Ssee eens oe 8.1 Lbs. ioansestiealaess sks 220) 205k ee HOS Ors DSrela bareestt OSS sees sass aa ie eee © 26.5 Lbs. Simsllesteraitiess-se0 5. 2 S20) eke ee LD menor aleStHlOSs: aa See wee sass Sd 2 eee 70 ube SUATOMUT yas sate eee ee fee LS NOtwelg hed’: ess ea pease 3525 ssa ee 3 HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE ENG et Gi. C Meme nm te meee ee So (Me 6 od Ce ete ee te 148 > (Previous GUly tenet on sents sack loan tienen 102 Positive { Previous and during residence______..__.._._------- 10 Durinyuresidence sony sete eee ees eee 8 ARGUE ee eh FO es 0) a ee ee ee ees ieee ene 268 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS INR auVierOr 110 SP UC Uist saree see ne er eae ee eee 154 (On Moh swalT-) heb epee & ah (pda stereen Nanbaae ge rine oe heya lin ses aie Tt7 Positive 4 Duringresiden cers at cab osae Sb eeee le cues ee sce 103 RO mic ech arr ewes teen ere cr Den Nar Peae aN ANE 96 1k Ct] eee nee ener Seer scat on ne. en ne a ee toe 470 23 PATIENTS WHO TOOK THE TUBERCULIN TEST POSITIV. OS ete ae Pee eae eee oe ee enc tee Soe ease 9 TSE ase Ses sed kT 5 Bk a Ee el Se ee eee 14 ARS Mg eR BEN Se wee SAS ve BS le gi apa tg 23 Age Civil Condition -19 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 60-++ Single | Married | Widowed ‘i 18 ANNUAL Report, 1919 NATIONALITY ‘Americans.:..2.. 2.02. ache Se ene 268 COMPLICATIONS ACULS. NEPOTIUIS. (pease aeee as 1) Hookworm 2: 3-saeee eee i.) Otitis media’ 25sec eee 4 Ana bistwlasess- settee esos id) By perthyroidis:mess see 3 | Parenchymatous nephritis_--_-_- 2 Arteriosclerosis=-2- 022 == 1 | Hypertrophiccirrhosis ofliver 1 |) Peritonitis2-22-2-- 2222222222 2 Arthritis deformans_-_.__.--.--- 2)| ln ftuenza 222222 55-2 Sali Phanyaiotis a= ae eee 2 PNG bins een er ee ee ee 1°) Iritisl :!23 22 eee 2 | Pleurisy with effusion____-_--_- 1 Bronce hiectasisascsss = ose see 2.) ary ncitise ae 25 |p PrConanCy ss. -. San 2 eee BS IBrenchitise- + = 2.28. aenenee 11) “Lain? abscess. 24a (ePyopneumovborax sa === iL Broncho-pneumonia_--_-------- 3.) Measles2c2s 22h: ee ae 1S Salpinertis.3- > eee eee il @hicken-p0x. 22e0. totes a 3°). Meninettise) = IseSepticuarthritis= sees 1 Empyema___.._-.s2<. Retr ee 1 | Misearriagest Se eee c= 14 Torticollis. 2. 2 eee i Hndometritis=.] ees 1 | Mitral regurgitation____-___-_- 3 | Tricuspid regurgitation_____-_- it Winteritis. 22 see cee pee ee Bee 11) Mumps :--2) 2 eee 1 OCCUPATIONS : IAnito mechanics. 2- 2-2-2222 ee es to 1-| Movie.operatoers. ere. ee eee 1 Barbers... -222 2 9 ses. Sete. ae Nee eee 4 | NursésseiéesaeGee 2 ee ee ee 3 IR OOkKeenEeTs2- 425 ees et ae ere a a 3.| Painter:=.2-. 3550 ee es ee ee i @albine tania Keren wee none tye geen ea eee 1 | Printersc2.225 2 2 (Glee T hate bh ieee nthe LO Cee Se BM Rt Ds Sk 12) >Radiolocist====— sna son inn =dewaneet = apie renee 1 Cigar-makers sae Ps se ee ee eee eee S 2. | Ratlroadsclecks' ete ee eee 3 Clerks inistorés toe aon eae a eee cee 133) Railnoadicondueto ri ae ee 1 Contractorandsbullderies ssa ee =a eee ee 1 | Satlorleiec See Sees 2 1 Cotton mill employees 223.22. ee ee 11. | Salepladigs > s-322 stress eee eee Pas ays 4 Dressmakers. ens coe eee ec ee ee 1) Sawannaal lara eae 1 rie cistse see ees ee eee a) 25) ee eee eS 1 | Secretary Chamber of Commerce__-_..------_-- 1 HLeCCricia nm set eee ee ee eee 1.) Silkmillloperator sce. ae eee ik Eingineers______- oo stl Wl tN ope cee ee 2.| Soldiers 22 Se ee eee ee ee ae 26 UX DTCSS a PON bette sete ates steele Come de a eee 1x| Stenographe nsec see ee oe ce a ee 6 Har mers 2 652 2c Sete aie ee hee ee eee 32. |- Students S25. see fo ee ee See 19 General manager merchandise store____-------- 1.| Teachers: 2224032 ee eee ee ee ee 9 Housekeepers 2: sa sate irr settee ee eed gee 18 | Telephone superintendent_-_-_____- RS eas eS 1 EL OUSE WAVES 25. Core tee oR ee 78 | Ticket awenti22ee eee ee eee 1 Letlenicarrier 222. eos eee 2 ee ee a es 1.| “Tinner:.22 Scceuaee eee: eee 1 Locomotive enginecr=...- ee ee 1 |-Tobscconist 22222 eee ee ee i Merchants. 3.255) 55-. aoe eee | eee eae 2.) Traveling: salesmen =. ssa eee a eee 2 Milliner i222 25 ge ie ey eee Ree ee ee L:| (No-occup ation zane ea ee eee ee 5 Tue Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM — - 19 TOWNS FROM WHICH THE PATIENTS CAME PA DerdeCCN 2 7..sc0-5 0524 6-c--- on, Da yCara Wen. seed. Mee ornG ge Je lpINOrwO0ds 2.2625 see eae eee eee 3 PSODEREOS sco ct oe hs cat Zi Cramite Cuarrycose ce. ents Oriental} V2 et eee 1 PICK Ani Cereeenme ceo soc Wet 2REGrantsporos: se=2e. ae ae Me OSHOROY C78 sac on en eee ee 2 Pen OMee=e se ls ee Ie RGreensboromens mate ane Oireschland’ 22.2 t0 ei eeeeae 1 DOV LS RG ae See IPE Greenvil lees os. eee arene {ibilet Mountaincc 2 eee 2 AGES 8 RCTS ee ee ee [SE amp vonyilles ess sear WiyPinelevel Zwises 2.4 eee 1 [SGT Tan ey Rang nena ipieitatterasseoeer es See © DP tea feet a ee a ee eee % (Serpe ZRIPILENGersoneteeee yen = ere Dl Olk toni: ea. =e. ee ee 1 OU S0S) A fs Bis ES oi Res te Sy pp i ae ara tie Bowellsyiliecs.. ..-seeoeoee see 1 ancsiuOwmMersiees ae TY! ie SAP GENILe 2 cate eee ee Lp Ralerg heees a2. oye enn ee, 7 USCS yee ee a ae eae at Mechel Onteniente eee 4 WAReidsyitie. 2 ee ee Y Peesnemer Citys. 2._..-.---< Peel a Store fe ee L | Roanoke Rapuls:-. 2 2 LByetorny al lO es en ee a i eEbuntersvalles 222 2. ase We b ARoyel so ayed eV W ans py seen a 3 LPL GY) 100s a ga fhipacksoncs @necks ener no = tock yao Gitano eee 4 PS TOWN Gee a iMiedamestowne 2 o=2-0-. fee eee Te oselinllaeseree mers: eee memes 1 LOU) og Si ee eee Peedi AOSV LLG 2 oe eee aoa ee U) Rowlands ot eee eee 3 Beare recite LSA Ka cg ellie goa, 0 Repeal tee A Ail pele a DR OX ODCLIs ce cow eee ree 1 LETS 0S Ao u ee el ee SHIMICINStO Nee See ee ted een Sheehy Us kee eae ne CPs Re eer Sar 1 a CES et eS San i lean DUT eee see eee soe ne BS lgwinns Ustas olet ee See ae 1 WO RUMED Sesh Se Sa ital aw ale ee ee, ee @ Ste Parole 2G: coat a sees eee 1 etree TOCI =o 2 Lemon Springs ive... Li Salsbury. 2 -yt ee eee ee f O12 Il Cae A ea a Spero see ee a ee ce ne So alicia osae ke eos ae tee eee 1 CASES > Le eae pial a Micexine tonnes eee fe eo 3 Santord 2s. e2e = eee ae eee 3 as Outre tere 5 YS BATE rach 8 1 Bsa ea i ey at Di Sea gr overs 2 ee aa, Gees 1 OTIC ao oe aia eeu. i ielancolnton-..- ee ee tit Selina ss 2 3 ees a eee 1 @olumibiguss see eee 8 {plelerctletona eee = eon te ee DUE SeveDs SPLITS ee ae eee ee 1 POMC ONG Sf o= ees Pesce enn. oh We eOUsOUT ge wees ae ea se ee Pea lottee yaya eee eee 1 (or TESTE) Waly) ae eee ee Dim baIMert Oils See mhooe< eset 2 MDlCl bye cents oot ecee oe ee eee 1 UDG at a Pi Mestdenvillers ee es: Rp pilOani asses een aa ere geese 2 ate plce eee ee ee Hay Macclestield: 28s. ue aT Spencers. 1 toe seen ae ee 1 Pere persOtise eee es ye MEME oNGUAs et eet te i iP Spring Hopesees eee see 1 SOUND) ee ee Aa Wavigtive ts Sauce ot eee ste ee i iStantonsbur gees eee ceeee 1 SEAS (ae BO EE cars ee 2 a A See De SL OC ATION. 2c oa see he 2 US Pie hl SE NTO 1 eee cae SS PMCS SON Ce atic 2 ah Alle SOE, eres tage Oo SCeMOre as ees ss ase ee 1 OA eee eyes ot AN NeM idl arid Soe Irets. 2 eo ges | 6 lan oboneyile: se tcaxestet es ceses 1 LONG A VePENELLON soe ee Ce SPAR Oe betg Sun burst.2scsses--22222222 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Arrested Living and not working__-_-____- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Dead:2. aa sa. i ee ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lidste.. bo Se 2 eee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: ivinc-andlworking 2) esse eese u 4 4 12 6 3 30: Quiescent Living and not working_-_-_------ 0 3 0 2 9 5 19: 79 Dea ca sew ete se ee ae ae 2 9 9 0 3 0 23 40st Rese rae ok SES Et Tae ele eee 0 0 0 6 1 0 7 hivanioka nd awiorkin os sees nese 0 2 4 5 a 1 19 Improved Living and not working__-_-_-__- aa il 3 1 9 14 29: 143 Dead! Ss. 228 ee oe ad, Vee ee 20 22 16 28 6 2 94 iOS GLEE Beet ie il Sead eee 0 0 0 0 0 1 il Jbrivabates Ghavol \condraumyee 0 2 0 0 0 2 Unimproved Living and not working.--__----- 0 1 1 1 4 4 ali 114 Dead. pee ei, hoe eee 19 11 14 16 27 14 101 ost 2 oe Aa ee a eee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ivan nd sworn p= sae see 1 6 10 17 13 5 52 Total Living and not working___--_--- 1 5 4 4 22 23 59: 337 — Leases ee ee Ae, eA he pea 41 42 39 44 36 16 218. FINANCIAL STATEMENT TRIAL BALANCE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, DECEMBER 1, 1919 SEP e oo he a A acid Ee es CN Er Se ne, Bee EG CMU MOCLOTAT ans nec 2g ey sailed alee s Olas ein waa wes Pee eC VCTUTS Gr yok 6 eh $0 ah hada ds bad. Melee o ded ce Mes ee ORO OC INGION een pAb. cits sed tie Wiel aviary ale obs eed ee Sul dees Reabestate and hospital grounds. ...... 0... 0.66. 00.0 0 $ 20,000.00 Pemmeverravion building uysrs iris ui eed. Seeee cel. 6,100.00 [SREP Seg | AISTTRYE) hg Ae pk eat an 10,200.00 Brame! Mreneemt 6 TOSIGENCE. 2. ck. ce ee ce ee ee ee 7,150.00 PeAssembly hall, dining hall and kitchen................. 8,500.00 LEUNG, Le 5 SRR IS a a 62,768.68 eg RR OR Se ae kw ae ne cng a, , 3,500.00 Wee Om OGCMONE COLLAR Ge ca aches esate dae ielees 6,500.00 prenoerapner home). ....., 02.6654: Pere Mt oy A dees 1,750.00 Re eT eIIEQCE oats sled hl he da ec ce ne ke 3,500.00 PSS SOUPS BUINE Sr, 6 2a a a a 892.27 Chere NG 2 2 a a 8,500.00 Mermemmachinervwend tO0ls... 2.2... ee ee ce ee ee 2,051.78 Re ONCLOC UUM ie. cls Se hee le ee heme vals 2,206.68 BPN 1G CMI ey os yf os sy es acti eso sc sass veces h lanes eves et 3,005.64 TOBE? ESS 5 os A ane 529.80 Dairy barns, silos, and Papiine OLCR IN Weegee Re aOR te The: 23,517.19 Dairy live Hele I Pa heey Se shin kk ha aa eee 11,250.86 biwe a 3,291,382 Pierce ancemxtures“(hospital)......0).....06s eee ese ss 6,554.87 Furniture and fixtures (dining room and kitchen)........ 3,148.05 Furniture and fixtures (superintendent’s residence)....... 1,535.74 Purniture and fixtures (Nurses’:Home)..:<:....0-24¢5+: 1,500.00 Hurniguceand txtures. (Cottages)... ho vhscduv cc fen ceeet. 369.65 LL STON LT OAT i areas Naya: 0s War Seas te Gene ae SO eh ae ne OP 8,470.34 rockemvenndscivelde: , 24203 02255 2255 baba ete daa bands Plb5.2 rege nUsmMeci Clie) 8 sia Kish Pa AER To Peo hs eee 2s 375.90 Hospital supplies and equipment................0..0.. 13,672.18 ies PHCS yee oo ont eh Nie eee She se aes oa: 2,326.53 COVSIOL Ce etek. HRS PAR RRA DD s isla eee be ye 3,824.93 PMN Ose NOOMDOOKsi axa dad as se aL ENES at od aes ob 137.93 Poywerchiont. plumbing, refrigeration: 9::s225:%: 44234223 51,070.47 PeSeUMONe GVcteMi nes. .c28 pgs Shed Pend a ahetseods eke 2,525.53 Pence COMMULIN mak 2. 0hRg S24 eee eked de the ee eae es 131.00 EL ie vane ae w ee aL kat Leah ON? Ne oly Mh GR da 135.00 PpUcmecs OliCersUIpplOsrgat so 2a. aA et Abba | ore ot Aas 225.15 Business OMicecquipments #24. santos dee oumen das nthe 764.00 eeLOmslOn OfICe SUDDHES.s sake to's) a odie lato wn oe oe ee 255.75 extension Otice equipment 4 say sate aviek du de ole eels 3,465.09 Laboratory and medical equipment.................04- 4,370.55 Sewage system and disposal plant...................00. 11,178.39 $283,314.90 2,244.41 20,175.64 19,286.38 26 Annuat Report, 1919 Transportation and drayacese:.)ciee eck er e eeee $ 2,315.00 Accounts receivable. lecnwo. hcide os ete ee ae eens et eee 329.44 State appropriation not deposited 2), ..,.<..k ine ee ee 16,604.01 Gash osseous Sey OEM Gates at Shae le i ee en ne 2,866.40 $325,021.33 $325,021.33 EXPENDITURES NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, YEAR. ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1919 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT FUND Buildings:. (News. 6.0.2 ku Oy eee eee eee $ 31,617.10 Improved so. oo ity Sk ae ee eee eee 1,203.93 Hospital fixtures fo. hc ste labels lente elals tele 4.00 ‘Transportation ahd idra ys i../ 0 oe) tals ios nae 55.46 Telephones....°: 3. SOOT. GAUSS Aah a 25.79 POWED oi oso 50s sae. c Wiese s When ole Wale tems’ s Gt ale bebe a ae 18.58 Water. and SC Wer 76 5.5 c.'s's'steiw nla lalete ahle aks yee nls are 12,100.97 Laundry. een op oes oi vais ett tetetale a lye ae 1,006.75 Dairy barn and silo: 5510), ee bei. anette en eee 12,071.43 $ 60,104.01 Executive: salaries 1220482 sis is store ine ae dee ren eee $. 8,377.17 Traveling expenses) J4.ciiii Aa). Geese oe 1,811.38 Office:. Furniture‘and fixtures is...n.2 2.0: eee eee 1,207.59 Books*and Stationery 5. csi. lscsisss:che leet cco ode ee ee 1,357.56 Stamps 0 See kia. cco seks ek itae Sih htc ese eee 1,246.30 14,000.00 MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION Salaries!’ Medaicalisi4 i... sc ois boy, © 6 oa ee $ 4,165.76 Executives aos) 0 ivcjecjlene o auele ace Muse opse, gic area 1,926.37 Nurses and attendants :4:4-t:2s 2) sonss aoe) 1 ya brass! MrmI aD HONE"ANC: TClEOT ADI cg. oe ins sb oi che sitenlee vine ene 166.82 BR ea eis ck en's si oie po,» tes ate slate endian, > ees 694.56 MSOF ATOM ANC CLAY pc. 0. jo.8 edie. s eve ces eae 2,728.68 $ 60,020.00 SMR EMN OU IGMU RAs eo. sa 2 sc y coves wh as ieleeldahareeie aac $ 325.00 Bey CMe seis Sak a celbior ee wd Cools elds dw als, eid olere 798.35 PWT Se] ANUPACVCOOANUG. ooo c kc piecte oe wee ew eles e's 13.54 Beem SOLU AILUS © nc i6 o Suiric’ so oS ois « ohage v8 o.s esesseac’ es 333.66 anes em edCiM OA LINC ce 5 suc kei sc eae ele ok ie ee 1,161.09 WCPO OTA ENE 0) 2) nae a 597.96 Pe ara LILOIICR, , 0 5 ties fa 6 cgers ous bus tan dis o Wee's 677.12 US OTEN oo oc Je Oa 3,175.18 anes. SUN G8\ ic 9 8 Se aS a 5,825.14 A Ly aT 6s 53) 4255 aye 0)a, 5.01 20, hops, 2 Plate Ulewarerese 706.07 BaD pi Be MT i. is 8.5) 0. ooayal si eeisqaie sls ent etece saydye vs 9,302.91 Meee a eC IE UIGS. Fein Ure os sas tae eeiaie eed om hale Bp 1,944.89 i i PR ee ers stl ata egal ee we. ele ae boece 4 8,534.06 BCC ic CUS ee Couric eaves ci lan deus ecenceteng ey, at abace eae 101.76 PUREE ee MEE UIT TIGL 4 sa, crete Vises, oe aysrste a’ akc vle.w dk weet oeel 256.35 PPeUC INCH me SEN M Peres tyacarso hele onts putes aeayn(Y, cA ob oeels 9.50 INGERCELIATIOOUS HONS & sin betters. -Cupstonciece cabs Per anh 2p ie, 91.95 Mice MLL DIM eti ute. si see eee sk aldose onde eh ae 675.97 ESOS ATi: SbAtLONGL ie. shite arate Wite Sole oP P AS REN oe ake 230.52 SEATS Stee tite cA Ah ASI oe Vive aaiy ues ad 465.39 Power, light, water, refrigeration: Labor............... 540.63 STP OLEESSE Ss oe 2s Fo abe ee a A anh Re a A 5,182.44 Te eT MCL ILVG, SUOCKRWME TL con orc ak Pt) 4 BAM un > “ewe tate ttt taa a ane 604.16 PCD ai SeLOe lili Saas sishcs eye csc Meanie esabatactens ce ata 25.59 INE ACIINETY INCE LOOMS «fis» 42 a.nd ted reteba Mhatevols le rabbity Sotemokate 319.35 BrceUs ATIC LORUUNIZOLSs wats a sss, bx, sho lenereloiel afarviy%e Gretacs letghe ce 1,725.19 CSET 0 Mah Lin ba gc, SL ARES 1 1,486.97 TELO Lense ec Reena Mat betes, coe e-< RG ee cath eat 1,066.94 MiiscellancOuUse.4 ts ete ce ee Se ae ener ante a ae 86.60 BL DEYE Vises Lol VO BUCK re a et etree. on arches “acts a ole Maley to uoubina fo ibe fa 75.00 AVBUTANCE; LIVEISLOCKie es ate eelcte ws “a 84 bs hice hn be 30.00 28 ANNUAL Report, 1919 Repairs to: buildmese site. veer pee eee ee eee ee $ 1.50 Pixtires yo Oo eae OA OPER ECR Ch Oe ae te ane 48.79 Feed: ca\nhins oes Ea eS Sie se 5,670.92 Supplies ech Heh eeOeleh Sy wie hb poy 6 Pe eee een eee en 266.03 Labor ss..N ric: bie ve One eke Bes ee eee ee 506.02 Miscellaneous labor.:.c%..5 sterol 1 TOV Oe FeOrphanages 254505 5.) ae kt ee 1 Clerk’ Superior'Court, Pasquotank: ), )....)..).)eeeee eee 1 Oxford ‘Orphanage. ss. tiehgeace «cc's ule wis. sys ae 1 Proximity Manufacturing Co... 2.24 04. cue 1 Woman’s Club, Greensboro. 204s. 5.4 5/4 sls s/s a ee 2 Board County Commissioners, Buncombe................. 1 Revolution Cotton Milley. s. 3:0 ioe: . aia eee ik ‘Thompson. Orpbanagey ii. 04 3°. esse. «eee 2 Pythian Home. neu ) fe on G4, gee Re rk bs ee i Board County Commissioners, Henderson................. 1 Tolar-Hart Mallee yo 32 ta a care etn res hohe 1 Presbyterian.Church, 'Fayetteville?.. |...) nee Ih Charity Organization Society, Goldsboro.................. 1 Red'Cross, Fayetteville yc. si. iatwe sce = ce en 1 Red Cross; Gréensboro? eos. 50 3. ee ee ee ee 2 Red Cross; Lenoir. 27025 oc Cas ay sees ee 1 Totals ysis SG sete ese 4 eeniale eotcoe teed nee 25 Amount Paid $ 185.00 153.00 45.00 190.00 140.00 96.00 95.00 230.00 255.00 355.00 241.00 109.00 275.00 62.00 229.00 41.00 41.00 61.00 68.00 191.00 50.00 $3,112.00 SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDER CONTROL OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N.C. 1920 RALEIGH, N.C. EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS 1923 iimte f , aire a5 # ‘ithe yt naa a (ei ’ er TABLE OF CONTENTS Personnel: Pe eer Oe ALOR OATUrOLLLCALGINY. Wert oh us Sis dae cals ces sa cues aialece a wwlelelaros D ee cne OMe Ee) CU ULINCUUM Ee a tor, Moh Cif dais fei econ d leis «ofa aces dé eceiets 5 Directors, North Carolina Tuberculosis Association................. 6 RS AUTRES RCIUL, es tenn Gries pk ec, ae ee a ae a a a i! Peeomerietale—but the sum Still Shines). 3... ste. si. ec ek we hc ween eel oaks ) emmtetee MAE mM OATES UR VV OKC cic) foie acdc ais soa. s ee bie a sie wg ooo wo brake ate We eles 11 Literature of emer es Ole UDOT CULOGES 3 /15.6 <)< vir ailnre ae ole w/e or ciarw evista wlalens 14 anes EE) hee o eek ate chin wis, alessio G\sin) 6 4.0.4 eve od gievw ae! © os) ele emia a atobeatales 15 Peed REEL Ite eget Ie hese al oa acho ahha soya sbycls acta Bioje #44 macg wba «loft 18 Organizations Supporting Patientesat «Sanatorium: soos) oes ee 27 ee met Tea Er OTTO TN UIE C92 (io e's. le gee ce 6 gs bieis este o ele-d seve oo oa bey, ale salina aie 28 Annual Report of North Carolina Tuberculosis Association: | Officers PES OATOPOL A LITCCLOTS 6 60 os oats) « - tls wietd tails adele s sles alte oa’ eager 40 LST OIONGE 4 oo ARG Tis Palin see Ce Ries a glk Mivabraraberal tad Mata a obted a 41 aA Wn eaIMGULMMPONTA LEDS CMP RC Re aT Fae, 2 or gs fu, clneh oho aia Wiel ac'sy oles loileh & o. @ ane)idcevene he yieiia ees 53 ry a , ice ia het gab cl ives a erence 7 Wags 4 ety NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (Under the Control of the State Board of Health) PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH re WEI WAYS FTOSIOCONC: . cue. aa cic esata svesdssceslsedas Waynesville DE LICTLARD EEO TUMWIS sce. Ss. 8's a a ee Oe cal eS CMe Gores ick hes eka ache ee at Raleigh IE IMO IYER UT ie rar Sree aah oa Gade ele eMola ole lets ecb sew ws ao 0 Winston-Salem eR Ee MLO he, S85 os ee as ky oh olela Sle y SOs Gales #0 ek bee saa ee e's Charlotte Beet Nigh rete SADE GON Wile colic ie! «a ois Ais oe o.els clois-g ele s'e b oig eee eles ees Statesville Pe eRe ie IGADGHINGHOUSE. 2006.25 ca Pee cle ces bees scees we Greenville SUT IRE te FMRI O See Ue lc lk cide ssl vic o)e Kiace abs diel ears wine en a 9 el eo ocate Roxboro Se MLR ARET A QURIIOMT MIS Ie ee iy cbs cele a eke be slecciteese so eestece ces Henderson re ELON UN sec heats ass Wied gale edie, oleie haere Gisele bce's tenes 5 Jacksonville Dr. W. S. RANKIN, Secretary State Board of Health and State Health Officer, Raleigh, N. C. “greg # LER OUL CSL) ©. RE a a LABS MeCBERAYER, M. Dao heAL. CoP: PAC Ube OU DeMIMLONGCNC. . er... cok ses es wes ee e's Po BisMc@ain, Az BoM... D: Assistant Physician and Director of Laboratories...R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D. ana) VSLOUELIN ho ois, Sa ae OR OT eto ae Os ola d the ee wre J. L. SpruiLyt, M.D. Privearet SecretarvetoO. SUDETINCENCENES © oi dkctks on sedge vehi oh al. A. W. SNOW CA OENG TRENT Sa) Ais rt Re aia ma el ae ea Miss Mamie O’KELLY Peer NCD Ge SOLSLATT eres criss ies weleice tele Aika dw ie Solo. soe Giretbers a Miss E.. CONNOLLY NO LP renee echt create eh ON UR Gide me al tue Bid Reis kod use Jo Me Quark EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS, STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PREC COL. Matas t VAN tira srr ke itr rauus ipty a beetet see ok ea sw By McoBRAYER. Mv Diy RAs eae, Rape EIT CS FLT OCCUR oats ste e tere te fe uiee ah dle aut allekais’aa, she wlele P. P. McCain, A.B., M.D. CIC OE SS CCTCUAT Yate ccislos cee ais ls o hue Ph ote Ve, ce RR Ens Se gel ny Mead pone A, W. SNow RIE OS ELL) Ol pat erent cit om hel coun. cee Gta STR EORIG: Dos, Whaate OVO nde Or ae ah B) ecele, ¢ Miss L. BouLpDIN RE ETON CAD LO Teeter ett ete esa ata tect a 8s schol eiln Wieiaee ohwllehs, Ses oes Bia lerahictela's 88 Miss L. MAYHuUGH PLOTS LAL OL sewer me eaicl y Wiarals yo oo eee was. ss. 5 ete le we, & a bailens Miss §S. BrRaBBLeE Director Organization and Education Among the DOT OCS ie re Mercer ion ae aides oe whe ee a aiae Beye coil ST Sned ours Mrs. FLORENCE C. WILLIAMS [5] NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS Mrs. GORDON FINGER, Pres. Mrs. C. C. Hook, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mrs. CHAS. R. WHITAKER, Vice Pres. Dr. W. L. DUNN, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Ea. Sec’y, CoL. J. L. LUDLow, ; SANATORIUM, N.C. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Dr. OTHO ROSs, Mrs. MARK QUINNERLY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREENVILLE, N. ©. Mrs. CUTHBERT MARTIN, Mrs. S. H. Brown, WILMINGTON, N. C. OXFORD, N. C. Mrs. W. N. Hott, Mrs. J. L. WETMORE, CANDOR, N. C. ARDEN, N. C. Mrs. T. D. JONES, Mr. HAMILTON C. JONES, DURHAM, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dr. C. L. MINor, Mrs. R. C. WARREN, ASHEVILLE, N. C. | GASTONIA, N. C. A. W. Snow, Asst. Secretary Dr. EH. T. RANSOM, Moving Picture Exhibitor and Lecturer (6) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dr. W. 8. Ranxin, Secretary, State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C. My Dar Doctor :—I hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and General Assembly, a report for the year 1920, being the seventh annual report of the North: Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis. Very respectfully yours, L. B. McBrayer, Superintendent. (7! A DOLEFUL TALE—BUT THE SUN STILL SHINES This has been perhaps the most trying year in some respects the institution has had—the general unrest, the disinclination of most laboring people to work, has made it very difficult to secure sufficient employees to properly handle the place. As an example, it cost the Sanatorium $147.00 in traveling expenses, one month, to replace the turnover in help, and then the help was not sufficient in amount or satisfactory in service. The psychology of the after-the-war unrest affected the patients, too, to a small extent comparatively. We have been caring for an average of forty ex-service men since the beginning of the necessity for such treatment, and have had splendid results and little trouble until the last year. The men we are getting now do not seem to be interested in getting well of tuberculosis, the large amount of compen- sation they are receiving seeming to add to that attitude, and they are, without knowing it, interfering with the treatment of civilian patients. We feel that we have discharged our obligation to the tu- bereculous ex-service men and that the United States Government is now prepared to give them proper care, and with the approval of our Board we will in the very near future cease to admit ex-service men and will not renew our agreement with the United States Public Health Service. We have been glad to render them this service un- til such time as the United. States Government was prepared -to take care of them. Since we have been caring for the tuberculous ex-service men we have had two agencies that have been very helpful, (1) Occupational Therapy by the Federal Board for Vocational Education, and we were ‘one of the first two institutions in the United States to put in this service, and (2) The Medical Social Service of the American Red Cross. Both of these will cease when we cease to admit ex-service men for the United States Public Health Service. Our religious services have continued about as usual. Sunday school every Sunday evening and mid-week prayer-meeting, con- ducted by the patients, with such help as they needed from the staff. We also have an occasional service by a minister, and we are espe- cially indebted to Rev. Mr. T. E. White of the Christian Church, Sanford, who has come once every month and spent the whole day, visiting with the patients confined to bed during the morning hours and holding service in the afternoon. Miss Grace MacKinnon, a trained nurse of Bennettsville, S. C., has been sending money to buy [9] 10 ; ANNUAL Report, 1920 literature for the Sunday school for several years. Entertainment has been usually sufficient. The Woman’s Club of Sanatorium has provided many pleasant evenings, the patients themselves usually forming the caste for the plays. Mrs. Leonard Tufts, of Pinehurst, brought over one afternoon each week during the winter some splendid entertainment; for example, Miss Annie Oakley gave an exhibition of her expert shooting; Mr. Edgar A. Guest recited some of his own pro- ductions, etc., ete. The ladies from Carthage have given a few de- lightful concerts. Many others have contributed to the pleasure and entertainment of the patients. Our building program has gone along, though very slowly; the un- rest and disinclination to work showing its effect markedly in this work. | We could not close without expressing appreciation for the loyalty and codperation of those employees who have stood by the institution and us through all the turmoil of war and its aftermath. From cooks, waiters and orderlies all the way up to the staff there have been some that were faithful and dependable always. On the whole our work has progressed along all lines. The results of our treatment have continued good, very good, and the influence of our work throughout the State is rapidly becoming deeper and wider and more far-reaching. The decrease in the actual number of deaths in the State by more than 30% in seven years is eloquent testimony. Respectfully submitted, L. B. McBrayer, Superintendent. SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS UNDER CONTROL OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N. C. SUMMARY OF YEAR’S WORK OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM (INCLUDING THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT, 1920 Letters and postals received 85 ck PAE OES POE eet SP Crag ORR © Sue tf Letters written: | PRCT a CE AMR a cen ees SEs ees 4 op Seaceis lke esaie @L Be ale: € eee bo ove 14,269 Multigraph oo cs 0 OES ag NREL AO SAR pa cao a a 61,416 Der MIN PURO ETS Cl oe eek ee aie tia etna alas, ares a, «st RIG OR RS Articles written (approximate number words): Beery cle Cae Maret, each ag bos ialawerg & eiela ara e OAete wie oc a6 9,835 rte Go al Mem Sacer ar a:

ah5..0..55.5 28 er eee ee eee ae Conferences. Weld ve 2 wre Gee cie asthe satseseele ieealee te ie clare renee ee CHONSUILACLONG vo doi iciee < ca) so Caleta locke el ole, 00h, Ma Renn nn ane ee Clinies ‘ViSlbOd Wy. 55s oo eis la lee clare ull am whee ce ane ae een een enneneentaLCieS Sanatoria, WISILEA vs hicgeia wer s osse bie ete se ceeske eer geen eee green Dr. J. L. Spruill: County velinids held. 25 chic iV cate See aa ae Ae ae eee Patients ) OX AUTO ices clicks edsistatiehir as cba nalle "so? oech oMaN aR etek enone a EEE” ce CONTET ENCES) | ons ie ects Wid a dceie ieee awe wie ele @ tami a tal a gemma eee Number of outside: patients examined........ 2... ccc cw cece te eee SUMMARY OF WoRK AMONG THE NEGROES Lanterns and illustrated slide lectures loaned.................... Number of weeks loaned..........2.005%..25%. Ue ne Kage Pelee a ee TOGA AWA LOM COL occ acy eater sien sh at ot lotic al See eter ane te ee Ray coe er Modern. Health..Crusaders¢enrolled . 5 ciel ee ee ee ee Number patrentsedischarged . sc wi. fos es ome itan Aes FOAL Ne Vee Number patients December 171920 099. 62). a oe cee ee cee nce ae IN DONG OOSDITARCU AVS fc ties niece ian eine 19 Ghana de Be ee RES MEE Oe Pe tate APProOpriation,- MAINTEN AN Ces cccctalsieie Melee eee eee Gosteper patient. per -Caysto State sx rercisis wie te ee eee tere eae ane 168,906 245 245 304,291 80,781 24 59 12,650 6 14 1,700 23 3,025 207 75 22 400 19 24 12 1,014 5,146 13 17 58 12.710 12,000 256,569 46,815 125 296 308 113 41,118 $50,000 $1.12 Tuer Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 13 Appropriations, 1919: NECLINCCNIELILGO Berar a eve or tealSve ssh 9, Cee let oie tet by aye cles acavel a) balan deste tallaeaee $50,000.00 18S WETTIG ONS An RAN eee co ERR ee. AR Pepe a Pa ee IN ACME RT 14,000.00 BL COLES OER ee ee. a Mee Os Pe Bins She bo NR otece $64,000.00 Appropriations, 1920: era VOL ILC me ees ee hs yeh nutes: ac haareeyc dn amano eta ta vaisg aa cote ea col cde wakes bist $50,000.00 ramen eae) CI ye eter aye he etme, hn sar SNe er Mao iatg) gles k “griak a 's,'e ‘a? ala id salto Rlelee wes 15,000.90 BAM COV CT AC CLICHE of sahidet ete Meera at Me Rede eA cl'e dw esi. 6's. eee Wl alebenels . 5,000.00 SOU Lier ies SO ROBE: Ge GV, Val (Gio oty aM eiist'a tape, WS Py Wlargy a fete She veh iG, ALA PR $70,000.00 LITERATURE OF THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TITLE OF BULLETIN Bulletin No. 61—How to Care for a Tuberculosis Patient. Bulletin No. 70—TUBERCULOSIS: (A. M. A, Bulletin). Bulletin No. 92—An Act to Prevent the Convicts or Prisoners of North Carolina from Contracting Tuberculosis. Bulletin No. 117—Tuberculosis: Its Symptoms, Prevention and Cure. Bulletin No. 129—County Tuberculosis Problem. Bulletin No. 157—The Problem of the Returned Tuberculous Soldier. Bulletin No. 1000—If There Is To Be Democratic Equality of Opportunity There Must Be An Equal Opportunity for Health. Bulletin No. 1001—Murder! (Perfectly Legal.) Bulletin No. 1002—Carry On. Bulletin No. 1003—Fundamental Principles of Public Health Nursing. The Next to Go. The Story of Four Generations. Is Your Muffler Working or Your Cut-out Open? They are Dead. Camouflage. U-Boat. After the “Flu,” What?—‘‘Watch Your Step.’ The Incidence and the Importance of Pleurisy in Harly Tuberculosis, by Dr. P. P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C. A Plea for An Harlier Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by the General Practitioner, by Dr. J. H. Way, Waynesville, N. C. The Diagnosis of Harly Pulmonary Tuberculosis for the General Prac- titioner, by Dr. S. EK. Thompson, Carlsbad, Texas. A Modern Prophecy, by Dr. Benj. K. Hays, Oxford, N. C. The Infectiousness of Tuberculosis, by Dr. T. D. Coleman, Augusta, Ga. Importance of the Whole-time Health Officer and the Whole-time Health Nurse in the Campaign Against Tuberculosis and All Preventable Diseases, by Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Sanatorium, N. C. Tuberculosis: A Lecture for Teachers. Tuberculosis Program for North Carolina. Moving Picture Service. Health Work Among the Negroes. Halt! You Are Under Arrest. The Slate of the General Assembly. MEDICAL REPORT DEFINITIONS OF TERMS EMPLOYED On ADMISSION These definitions indicate the furthest extent of disease and the greatest severity of symptoms that a patient can present and still belong to the stage defined. All patients beyond the incipient stage fall under the moderately advanced .stage, unless the physical signs and symptoms exceed those of the moderately advanced stage, when they should be classified as far advanced. Incipient. Slight or no constitutional symptoms (including, particularly, gas- tric or intestinal disturbance or rapid loss of weight). Slight or no elevation of temperature or acceleration of pulse at any time during the twenty-four hours. Expectoration usually small in amount or absent. Tubercle bacilli may be present or absent. Slight infiltration limited to the apex of one or both lungs or a small part of one lobe. No tuberculous complications. Moderately Advanced. No marked impairment of function, either local or constitutional. Localized consolidation moderate in extent with little or no evi- dence of cavity formation; or infiltration more extensive than under incipient. No serious complications. Far Advanced. Marked impairment of function, local and constitutional. Marked consolidation of entire lobe. Or disseminated areas of beginning cavity formation. Or serious complications. Miliary Tuberculosis. On DISCHARGE Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of six months; the physical signs to be those of a healed lesion. Apparently Arrested. All constitutional symptoms and expectoration with bacilli absent for a period of three months; the physical signs to be those of a healed ‘lesion. Quiescent. Absence of all constitutional symptoms, expectoration and bacilli may or may not be present; physical signs stationary or retrogres- sive. The foregoing conditions to have existed for at least two months. [15] 16 ANNUAL Report, 1920 Improved. Constitutional symptoms lessened or entirely absent; physical signs improved or unchanged; cough and expectoration with bacilli usually present. Unimproved. All essential symptoms and signs unabated or increased. TeRMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “INCIPIENT”’ 1. Slight Constitutional Disturbance. Slight loss of appetite, of strength, of weight; lassitude; possibly slight acceleration of pulse or possibly slight elevation of temperature. The impairment of health may be so slight that the patient does not look or feel sick in the ordinary sense of the word. . 2. Slight Hlevation of Temperature. Maximum temperature after rest for one hour, never goes 99.5 to 100 degrees F. by mouth (or 100.5 per rectum). 3. Slight Acceleration of Pulse. Maximum pulse rate not over 90 after rest for one hour, sitting or lying, except when due to causes other than tuberculosis. 4. Absence of Tubercle Bacilli. Each monthly examination (if the sputum be negative) to consist of a careful microscopic examination, with a mechanical stage, of two smears, devoting at least three minutes to each smear, made from selected particles (at least six from different parts) of the sputum on each of three successive days. The morning sputum should always be obtained, or, better, the minute bits that some arrested patients raise at very infrequent intervals. It is not yet deemed wise to in- sist on digestion and centrifugalization, or inoculation of guinea pigs. 3. Infiltration. Physical signs of slight prominence of the clavicle, lessened move- ment of chest, narrowing of apical resonance with lessened movement of base of lung, slight or no change in resonance, distant or loud and harsh breathing, with or without some change in the rhythm (i. e., prolonged expiration); vocal resonance possibly slightly increased; or fine or moderately coarse rales present or absent. If sputum con- tains tubercle bacilli, any one of these. 6. Apex. That portion of the lung situated above the clavicle and the third vertebral spine. 7. Small Part of One Lobe, An area of one or two intercostal spaces, or an area not exceeding 60 to 80 sq. cm. in extent, according to the size of the patient. Tue Norru Carotina SANATORIUM iis TERMS USED IN DEFINITION OF “MODERATELY ADVANCED” 8. Marked Impairment of Function, Hither Local or Constitutional. Local: Marked dyspnea on exertion, limiting seriously the pa- tient’s activity. Constitutional: Marked weakness, anorexia, tachycardia. 9. Moderate Extent of Localized Consolidation. An area of one-half lobe or less, but may involve both apices; marked dullness, bronchial or decidedly broncho-vesicular breathing; markedly increased vocal resonance; rales usually present. These signs are to be sharply limited as to area instead of gradually shad- ing into normal physical signs. 10. Evidences of Destruction of Tissue, Presence of tubercle bacilli or elastic fibers in the sputum or the presence of the physical signs of a cavity. There are no absolutely certain physical signs of cavity, but a combination of any four of the following signs is to be taken as indicative of a cavity: (1) - cracked-pot note; (2) amphoric breathing; (3) intense whispering pectoriloquy; (4) a veiled puff or post-tussive suction; (5) bubbling or resonant rales. ‘Physical signs of softening” do not admit of any definition apart from that of cavity formation, and the terms should not be used. 11. Disseminated Fibroid Deposits. More or less localized areas of fibrous tissue, producing on physical .examination some change or dullness in the percussion note, more or less increase of vocal resonance, harsh, suppressed, or broncho- vesicular breathing, rales sibilant or sonorous usually, but at times fine and moderately coarse. ; 12. Serious Complications. These should be limited to tuberculous complications, such as meningitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (except slight thickening in the posterior interarytenoid space, and superficial ulceration of a vocal chord), enteritis, peritonitis, nephritis, cystitis, orchitis, adenitis (unless very slight), etc. MEDICAL REPORT STATISTICAL 1920 Number: patients to be reported’ on...) 022.6. 008 eee eee Re rola Number patients, not tuberculous. 220, 10) ae pe DAE oy Se 18 Number. patients not. classified... 2. .c «dono se sbene tee enter neme re ences 20 Number patients in Sanatorium December dy 1920. ae es Pattee aes adele: Total ‘number jipatientsttreated duringsyeanesseen ne ee eee 462 60 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested Deb h Quiescent | Improved ees Died Tncipiente ee. Pa 20 0 0 0 20 0 0 Moderately advanced __20 0 0 0 17 3 0 Far advanced ......_._...20 0 0 0 11 2 7 Acute tuberculosis...__.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals... ...._.----60 0 0 0 48 5 bivy | — Average stay, 16.01 days. Longest stay, 29 days. Shortest stay, 2 days. Number Gained Weight, 35 s Number Lost Weight, 11 AVera ge’ Pains Terres were ee eee BL O9 Daal CAVE LEO CxO eres ee ae 3.43 Lbs. Dargest «wii sure ee ee ree) ae 8:5 “Ebs?| “harvest cassiee sean = see ene Sums n Sinalleativain a. “eos ee erg ie ee 5S Tbs iSmallestaloge. = <2 eae eee Seen ee .75 Lb. Stationary 1 ef see Tare ey See Pye a Not? hweizhed | SRC beset te ieee 7 56 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission , Arrested apes Quiescent | Improved awe Died Incipient sso. =e eae 17 0 0 if 10 0 0 Moderately advanced ___26 0 0 3 22 t 0 Far advanced._.....5... 13 0 0 0 7 4 0 Acute tuberculosis.._____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Totals view ae | anohs 6 0 Ong 10 39 5 2 Average stay, 53.6 days. Longest stay, 88 days. Shortest stay, 30 days. Number Gained Weight, 46 Number Lost Weight, 8 A-VETAGO’ Paine.) eee Se ee One 6.6bs) | Averace logsies een e eee ee eee 3.8 Lbs. Largest’ Pali. Jee aes ee met ee Be 21; dibs. | Largestslossus 22 se. Se ee ee 8. Lbs. Smallest BO Saws ee rhea ene See .5 Lb. Smallest losstt. 2: e=ee 0 ee ee Abe Stationaryeei ico. Gaal ge aeanel td bey) 1) | Not wéigheds) 20-2 NU 1 [18] ’ Tue Nortru Carorina SANATORIUM 19 195 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE | Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested eppsrgntty Quiescent | Improved bc Died Tncinientesser see oon. c.. 63 We 25 19 0 0 Moderately advanced_-__78 4 5 40 5 14 0 Far advanced______-..-__- 54 0 0 10 6 19 9 Acute tuberculosis......_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRO urise et 2. 2105 21 30 69 33 38 9 Average stay, 206 days. Longest stay, 475 days. Shortest stay, 90 days. Number Gained Weight, 156 Number Lost Weight, 30 . Re CPC AND Cee ei eee ecd enone LoeieL See AVer ae enlOssies stents ele ee eeemc rane yo 6.5 Lbs. MME PaROSC OM g, ob 6 toe et ou bens ne 61. Lbs. | Largest loss.__.-.------ Uses oe RBOE 22.5 Lbs. Copal 2S) Ree Ae Sa Toy jb Seales loss c coe se. So cl ae Liteyde be (oT) Qk OSES a te 9 Scie Notivelghetss a. ae meas Pl eee 1 HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE Negative ......-:._- J le pied ale, Ch teary Late ae aye neha RBs 29 2 187 BrevaousiOMlys ta: eee ae eee vee re eke oe Lee So ee 104 Positive < Previous and during residence_---_.._.----------+--:- 16 IDWenNes SAC CCE KOM ARES 32 seas ae eee pa ae gee 4 311 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS Negative or no sputum_____._____- ph Se aL pete ies Mane LE phe ass eat Me 154 Oa GMSSlOne seen, ee oe ein Le ee 145 Positive < During residence...._--.+--.-------- RD Pe, DEES ated 135 Onudischarcese ate steel.) 2 kee see ee eee ee 117 551 22 PATIENTS WHO TOOK THE TUBERCULIN TEST POSIT LV.Cee eee Deeeee eea e e e e ee 8 INGgatives tee nee eee ee eran eg tek She eee med aire hes Ca at oe 14 22 Age Civil Condition Sex -19 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-- | Single | Married | Widowed Malowe ssa eee 172 8 97 53 11 1 2 rae; 54 6 “IVES TOE Forays Ble pes Se eB 139 | 17 69 38 11 2 2 56 75 8 ii Moy A WEE Mee sige Li atl ch 311 | 25 | 166 91 22 3 4 168 129 14 20 ANNUAL Report, 1920 COMPLICATIONS Anal «fistula 2... 3% catedbataeraeen 4) Hy perth yrodisinsiee sec. ares a 6 Arterial hypertension .......... 1 baryngitis + eer eas ee eee aa 24 Arthritis, (eee ct byaviee aves sacks iene 2 OM Clan COA maha ue eons ae an tanstia ois 2 VA STII Ahi eectehk, oe Gib nen tre aencee 2 nage Le. UMitralvresureitaliOiie ee. eee 1 Bronchiectasis 24: eee ea eee Li VNe ph titisneen eer ee ee eon 3 Bronenitis 2s Bi tenis eka a ene 13:5 \Orchitis pee Sie ae cera ee ee v4 Broncho-pnetmoniag, Accs cdeuvee fe 7. Otitismmediaw os Sires wee eb 4 Cervical fadenitiscmerr ss Ves cee 1 Pelvic peritonitis ...-< +. tee oe 1 Cystitis: Fy .'s-atie oltiey wcities © ee are ee 1 ~ Reritoni tise re. piheiac.cse- etl .cs ree emer 2 PenentiawPracce x cmsccs nwcsiales tee 1 PIGUBIS va Witl seis Ole. sien 4 Wmphysema sel. IPs sees etal. | POUR em SOA Ser mreneennt tate eters 1 inter itis lec xhsine ease aaah 10} -Pragiencyegeer ac ek eee 3 GAaStroplosinvcg.. tus teed 1 bs Py¥OpReNMOLDONG x fy te eee 1 GlOSSitianr ices hetiet tas ae pte saat eee 1 Salpingitigwia totes eee 1 GONGIN OCA St ea i ee eee 2.) «SY DYELIS Fo rae aise ecaeccce. tts onel teee au 4 FIOOKWOTrM, #9. ocenrs Sigurt aanete eae 16 OCCUPATIONS BookK eepersanh, ek wie se ae tee ee 2). Machinistsunc.m sep ceee enters eer is 5 Bricklayer 7. dec undies ste ee ee 1) Manarlachureraie ne sco eae ee 1 CAT DENTCT Lens sitar ae oa cet, age mehe 1 +»Mattress: finishers t0 oe 1 CAG AT INAKEr Perel sie pelican are Lo Merchants eee 2 Citysmallecarrier 7 weene ences L oe. MALIN eR Seiten ste intel oe seep eran ere S Clerks dine Stores yes Maina oe ars 7.- Musie 2teacher*ecs wre neet cts eee I Community service director ..... 1 |. Officeaiclenks Aye giee wane ear o Cotton mill employees ............ 13 °“Peachrpacker aie ee ee ae cee ip HIGCUrICIAR seca tars ee anes 1° Printer sete es eee ee iT HATINOTS wil tata. techie rec uc ohoe we ee 15... (Pups nUeSes ie hee ere 2 PUSIEr Tala m wisie ce ctee bate Lies oes arena da oe 1° Railroad engineer... a: eet 1 Hlagman: soakienr arene, see etek ak oe 1° 2 Rural mail rearricray. ces ae aE Graduate @nursesiec ys canes eee 3. Silk milla operators + 46s acl i! Hosiery mill employee .......... 1: Soldiers “22h wae en eee 92 Housekeépernteinncs. ono cree ipa ame 1 4 Stenographers a).a 2... ci. terete eee 4 FLOUSCWIVES Me eiiines ve oa ee eee 78° Btudents i. 2. aiaucacsn eran veer eet 20 House WOLK ale HOMGr eo wade a 25 PUP STOR sea stake ack herent eee ei Geechee eh INSUTAN CO wee. dess eee eon us aie he che hats lL. Teachers” i. ai ac tei os crepe teas 3 INSUTAN CEs; Agent naw een yeas 1» Traveling salesman. yeenerss <3 2 TA DOLOL Ce tiare ts set ees ae be lSlacetal ten ee 2 United States Navy sailors ...... ¢ United States Navy sailors Tue Nortru CaroLtina SANATORIUM TOWNS FROM WHICH PATIENTS CAME TRIS COLUM oleic tas’ thal che's 1 BAVEL Wel TUCO it ote slidis: xisra eo 2 PATTOS Kime er eas nf PAMICe Tai as, des hee AI 1 BATION Pera el chase e/ Sale She 2 TAS aN ope 9 OY SE aD kee ce ara a 2 PSN DOL Oger ote sae os a 1 POIVO WEL. thine ess. 0,» 3s 3 PUIATNIUGE Sas. Soe SS 1 Canen WE AS Ce eae 1 PU elEQOLO wise ¢ «sis ace i POO LGT OMS feo o25) 6 ois 0 si 8 uh (hi 2 MGlMONE hk. tae ee ee 1 ESTED 5 6 he ha a Rae a 1 Bessemer City ...... 2 VE MIA Sag Baoan ee i MtenletUrel ve a ess 8 t BSOOMC Pre se 8 eh ise eos i “CSIC Phe a oa el 1 ESTEE SCOT a oA tet g: vs eriscai's 2 ME EE UIGS) © ais s kanes, ©, oe 1 oem DOC. sl te ass ss 2 RPO Ect Etre bs Lk 5a t's ih WeArOeCHAS 2.6... nt as 1 APES O” aih4 were bb +: nf ae WU Ate i tonah eaten «ks it Poedarr Creek iin. ds... 2 Medgar GTOVEs . tsa. > ss a MBLTATIOULES Sok wane Cece 6 9 PRC eld erik es teed 1 BE PATI CO Liss saint rere hears 2 OE ESL “ite en ar ciertatctry. she. ® 1 MP LOTeLAY hielo ule nx 3 MO CSTA COL -ueseeeie aut teeter wise eee 1,057.00 Office equipment..( extension )s psc 6 ss ae een ee 3,473.00 Laboratory and medical office equipment......... 4,439.05 Transportation and drayage equipment........... 3,650.00 Gash iN GLa Wer’. ck kek die tct ie Boats ene Ane is ere eee 1,988.12 Cash ins DANKS sere eve ers eels, ricer tes eke ae 44,172.26 Balance permanent improvement fund........... 23.0 cane {28] $380,039.12 94,032.90 29,233.80 $503,305.82 Tur Nortru Carotina SANATORIUM LIABILITIES Meseny Cn lOTaAUCULOGIAULOMaig cs Soleo dalek cee be ce ca wele ae $ 19,286.38 SVE A Lt OX COT OLOT AEE UIC ie oie bob aches eho polets www 197.50 PalemCe,COULPACL Lhe we ELAN 166° CO oy. pecs cds winies soste vere ae 8,837.47 Extra work, H. F. Hann & Co.: Labor ceiling attic left wing......... 3 Rt Re 420.58 BSI UBO NSO IT VAAL IU 5 ciateie 50th os Kakb oele erodes * pia ele 73.20 SMe OU I MOW=ELIILACOULALS . uciccce stuns iefss Stem wo 50.79 Piaroemts Heo aldrop.6 CO, CONTIACL. .20.0% sec see eas: 3,108.34 PatencerOis; Wievator COMPANy. «- see ee 2,810.90 ‘Warm: live Stock...) < os. ot ces besa ie soe te oe 1,875.00 HAY TESTCCNCG 2s. outactcuone 66 le ota oe BU ioe ns eoteae ne ceoe ee 3,705.64 Dairy supplies and expense... ca. sf. 6 se. sinless oe eee 2,647.40 Barns, silos; botiline plant and equipment. ... ase 23,728.10 Dairy Ve PStOGks See aie Oe eet eo ae Bee es be 18,490.00 Oe ‘AaCcOUnt, con, 4 rkiee aie etaietele sie: aleiasa ts eae eee ee 2,575.00 Furniture and fixtures: FROSpital | Fess cr, caters slamibel entered Oa) Ghale Wet ce teres 7,042.00 Dining ‘hatlvand ‘kitchen. ashes cee eee 7,521.60 Superintendent’s residence........ 0.0. eee 1,594.69 INUPSES' NOMIC Rte «vie cis Ohta ee ane ark le 5 wieacier ayn eee 1,050.00 AINEMIANO DEAUING se sacen oe ce teerels Ge Ac ae 6,441.40 Crocker yiianG se Sliverseec elites oie aie wake ole eee 542.40 DrugPSvand AMET 1EiN Ciscoe cocws oe. cj olae es akan oo ademepaene sie cee 1,750.00 Hospital Fe Hann. & Company contracts... 8,837.49 Balances... “Waldrop: contract... 2.10) eee 3,108.34 Balance Otis Elevator Companyecontract: ae 2,120.00 Balance General Fire Extinguisher Company..... 3,568.40 State Architect’s Cert. No. 10 unpaid............. 1,530.00 State Architect’s Cert: No. 14 unpaid............. 1,530.00 state Architect’s Cert. No. 15 unpaid............. 1,402.50 StatetArchitect’s Cert, No-«L6 unpaid. ee ee 1,096.00 H.. F. Hann: & Co., coiling dett wine attics: oan 420.58 Ho.F Hann é& Co wotk.on dairy* barn... eee 13.20 H. F. Hann & Co., work on Snow Hill cottage..... 50.79 Grinnell FCompany «. svicchne gee ks oe ee eee 504.07 Citizens Lumber, Company 5). oe 450.27 b. 1: Couch & Companys i... .hus «oa cee 1,000.00 Deficits, oye. sic S Bee ater est Sho see ane MAINTENANCE FUND, 1920. Appropriations tetera. ceo cov cee creie Cet eee $ 50,000.00 Additiong Malowance. ves .. 1 cece woes Oh ae ee 5,000.00 Disbursements (see Disbursement Sheet)............cccccesece Maintenance—Patients’ Fund: Bank of Hoke, overdraft December 1, 1919....... $ 2,200.51 Outstanding vouchers December 1, 1919.......... 13.90 Vouchers drawn Dec. 1, 1919, to Nov. 30, 1920.. 93,216.39 Deposited*checkspunpaid by bankas. <2. < eeereee 71.04 Deposits: Deco1,-1919, to. Noy. ,30,7 1920 eee § 95,216:37 Overdratt=November 30;,1920 2.024 eo. ce eee 285.47 Extension Fund: ADDIFODTIAtion teks el ta ae cece es te ete cee eee $ 15,000.00 Overdra tte errata (tan sea slate aie tele ne cto Pare 197.50 Hxpenditures as per Disbursement $ 22,708.84 364.48. $ 23,073.43 26,296.64 $ 3,223.22 $55,000.00 55,000.00 $95,501.84 $15,197.50 15,197.50 Tuer Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM 33 RECHIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Fiscal Year Ending November 30, 1920. RECEIPTS STATE APPROPRIATIONS State Fund Permanent improvement fund........... $130,000.00 eer STOPLUNG. a. ate ln ee weed ate alee ees ww 15,000.00 Mireevemretce PUN fi acs FOE CRO). IU ak 50,000.00 Extra allowance to cover deficit.......... 5,000.00 Ota ee PDLOULIALLOUSie.s . .urastoiy dew de spe es SANATORIUM EARNINGS Board and treatment of patients......... $ 84,351.41 Pricey) OX aAIMINAtIONS. ..°.5. Soke ee ele 1,825.00 Me RPI SNe ents cherie co tceced el edly «ey a ato INTERTRADING ACCOUNTS BrIOeOL AULOIIODLIC. c.f. ac. Ske ok te ede $ 600.00 Ve SHO OE TES GE es eS i 1,502.79 eS OS cic. ee sie e aise eo celeste ea 1,662.99 Sten Ol MOR... . Ss ce aN i a a 130.00 Telephone and telegraph messages....... 150.77 COS UTE Se) en 67.50 Heald GOWNS SG 8 rrr es Se yO eee ee eal ciclel sels Cala elsa'e 60.00 Sale of provisions and supplies.......... 5,101.02 NMG UCU EK AES BA eck WI pd ose 8,334.89 Travelin? “expenses ss Caaae tie eistmiee eee 3,261.32 Office: furniture: and fixtures.) 2.234... @: 259.86 Booksand “stationery ee. ue aecy) tee. ee 1,837.36 Stam pswisie cen eee eka ren he ORR Pee en, 631.79 Miscellane@Ous.s) a, «Ribas oni cotewieeee sherk 872.28 15,197.50 Total permanent improvements and extension.......... $140,731.11 MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION DISBURSEMENTS Salartesi@imedical.wa vac oe bs eee eae $ 61,467.00 $ 2,904.80 TORS CUCL Code ure cabls | ane eocas! heehee tens 580.00 1,326.46 INunsesrand attendants. Aoi 2 ve wutos 1,693.09 iN EP Ee. We Cooks4ands servants; efa.2 oie deen ewes 4,291.67 5,861.90 NisceHlancous Wale. sa Mie er coe 54.18 351.25 TOCA S iad boc Ge ee tie. ate $ 8,085.94 $ 13,521.88 21,607.82 SUPPLIES Bedding and AMGEN 6 wen we aa Bee ae ee $ 1,662.07 $ 1,436.49 Crockery ANC SILVEN iA. s ea ee ae 230.63 1,055.92 Driues-and medicine... ee eerawe ee ee 1,007.05 1,419.33 MISGCELIANCOUN Stes th. ec ee ee a ee oe ken 1,989.39 2,256.09 TODAS 00 sali chink alewe teetenee tetas $ 4798.14 3” GAGT.83 10,965.97 PROVISIONS IVE CAT Setecpe ei viene teeta Wek Cas otal a oa ina $ 64,804.94 $ 7,361.50 BCR aes 2 a wale ee nee aa ah, ae en 948.48 2,045.76 WS SR ea i aaa Md bk te Ne area acai cu eet 3,201.10 6,644.71 Vevetables.and. triits: oc x5. ibsncte. clo. Mes 1,156.46 2,123.54 Groceries mi gen eae ok aS en fe ee eae 5,874.39 12,236.25 Miscellaneous aera viie sete Deiat d Lie eee tots 180.32 17.75 EP OLAIS estate ar aree te tiene eR ceueennae $ 16,165.69 $ 80,429.51 46,595.20 EQUIPMENT BUNiUre cand <1 sures ie ius. eee ene $ 485.00 $ 237.14 LA SLPUINTSN taupe hols rove es Ni elena aa oes L719 326.51 MiISCELl an GOUSiar mies w ole atsti ote nice ere od 257.52 TOtaS ca eee ren ae $ 744.27 $ 563.65 1,307.92 OFFICE Stationery.and DoOKsS?. «tr eetuee se ae $ Z2aD.D Ike SD 21.00 SUATADS Se. Tae See Ree eae Us cae ae ae Ib 26 ee 206.80 Miscellaneous: 34 ti 28 he aa. Pastas 1.66 1.00 OUI DMONt arr. ee ee ee 24.67 Totals At eee Oe a ee $ 9° 888.49°°$) 95847 641.96 Tue Norra Carorina SANATORIUM POWER AND HEAT State Fund lpsail CGS Ce OG, EN Rens a led SSE SR ie a 604.00 “SUIS RIN GRO Se Mateeds ERR) ART ee 3,419.66 “ORCS TYEE CRUISE ne aed del i aa 8.69 ROE: . 1s oe SG aes 1A Wid % 4,032.35 LIGHT LGM TN Sete dls oso, ole he ee bse y wie els 177.00 WEEE DI UDR Ore 8 ee ahead 495.13 TCLS IGE ih cde RA Me Ss a $ G7 2.Lo ‘ WATER Neem ree ne Oe ato ate ene oat $ 229-00) PeUECUES A ee rch he glee eda 590.89 TOI.) eal ek ub TU A 1,132.36 SG, OTE O08 A oe ORR aed Oe i Pe 234.55 Vite LAMICOUS ig i.% wo sibs oS «valde ae ale oleae 50.00 “DM AERIIS saga pan Ra et a ie iD ae eer Se ao tou REFRIGERATION LLODR TOE lg ey ae 115.00 Be Me ge onc sc cal tin os celis Wwe ¥ ah 301.41 ANGLES slr aes er 416.41 PLUMBING AND SEWERS Je OTR! gh 8 250.95 NUECES lok 2 Ln rr 42.18 I MME ME ANGE iu i Aral gn ob hav arak oy ot oladeh shate 29 Ssle FARM LET WBE GCS AO, Leh a en ae 5 61.47 RUS TO ree en eet eh td sata ate slelalae s 1,004.50 MaCMINEHYy alld LOOIS. ...: 008.1.) e eile a oles 73.64 Seed and fertilizer........ ORE ER Oe a 244.77 [Peyton 28, Me SOE 1,316.40 LESS LY Es' on pele lath seeioe) Oe GSPN oie Lis ae 1,268.00 eC SIEM O I Satie terre | ner eee akg Lotto LER SOG RS «ee LE Ty ae Bet na a ai TOU ae eer eee wean ard ee $ 4,045.51 DAIRY PSG Ss Atte GL LOS ie meters cesses ccs ee Ee Pal Og Wires Toe ee cr aeten te ty aware et ord ah 6.00 TGV Ors COCKE aor ie inn Bee eee Oke ales 157.85 HD GAPEGTERSE by > ace fs cad Ook) FORE ae ae ea ae ee 60.74 SUIODLLCS A te Pe RA Fy as, oe ahd ae bs 201.038 ERC CCMER Teel) PRMD URINE EES uel yl suSia tgs: ane ater ane ls 1,554.26 iLattive Ri). Ae eos Sek ee eee tae, eines ener tt enn 529.38 SEE TL COe ARP EER Beg eA oY te oslo doer alls yes DIPSCelLlIANGOUS Wiettehota > ssc oo oiee 44 acne bea ss 16.62 BL OLA Seee Ne eee en ed Nay Pte Sc hg cs $ 2,525.87 Sanatorium Fund $ 1,338.02 ° 9,233.55 $ 10,571.57 $ 331.45 616.57 $ 948.02 $ 572.88 301.05 401.00 379.00 $ 1,654.83 $ 249.60 640.76 $ 890.36 265.00 29.82 $ 294.82 $ 54.81 25.25 873.40 3,642.35 989.10 5,374.33 120.53 14.29 $ 11,125.06 $ 9.90 36.27 575.46 10.00 423.52 4,799.35 1,112.83 15.00 15.00 $ 67,085.33 35 Total $ 14,603.92 1,620.15 3,892.33 1,306.77 587.95 15,170.57 9,611.20 36 ANNUAL ReEportT, 1920 MISCELLANEOUS State Sanatorium Total Fund Fund ZA DOPIy sO. cheer tale wat Use bel iape ewan te bass etthe ee Cake Bet baes $ 90.60 $ 20.23 Training: sohGols wis kca i Rak eee alata 26.67 33.56 MCSSA BESTA kr CNET PRRs ae nc Rate wane 240.17 400.20 EFA CRY O05 Ee Sas ee ceicstein e aeeae ach eae Ee 1,495.90 2,202.09 Transportation and drayage............. 4,666.70 3,625.63 TVS UL ATIC CMG erties Be Bes aed ete hae tee cn een 162.50 ReMIMaswe veal: pak, cee On ehcteeletia. re acactamrenee vee 298.89 386.50 Freicht and "@xpress ec i 2k Pee val eeiens 814.99 1;251.93 FL SS a a cre PANS WAdesilspnstatpen aka aalietier Cat Rica he ue Lennaie Bikaner 2,035.50 914.25 TIAN ESCA D 6,9... Re ee ant eee yee ee 35.65 SHER Lyk, St AN Rist Cerca Sit vel Sa ae Rca 921.45 622.27 MUrniturevan GsGxtures a sie ame Slace tee neyal) 55.25 TPOtAIS ip taal a te ake ene | Seer ae $ 10,594.57 $ 9,710.06 $ 20,304.63 Return, checks; charged at Bank. of Hoke.) eee 71.04 Total maintenance disbursements $ 55,000.00 $ 93,216.39 $148,287.43 FIXED PROPERTIES NovEMBER 30, 1920 Real estate and’ hospital @rounds.. 2.) eclece ee ee IN Ed, ae $ 20,000.00 Administrationy building . wae ales ee. Alan ae eee ee 6,100.00 Superintendent's ‘residence oo.). ns. es oe ee ee eee 7,150.00 INUPSES? NOTES of ck Wie cod odd gs Syaange b> eielne!'s elle ate ORIEN eee 10,200.00 Assembly -hall..dining hall-and, kitchen... 2.22. e. 7 eee 8,560.00 TAT ea ial dee ele Wisco bela be? sw sek duce salle en o-sn ents re nee 184,684.31 Opéensair, cottage No. 1. ai. Re a. Ls, ice eps eee 3,700.00 Open-air: cottage "NO! 2 epi ote ene ols widen pag a) oe ne et 6,731.84 PMOW HULL wetter we. oo) eke lane! gran view aa) Mec Neligs ie Uo sso hu eae 1,750.00 Physician’ ¢ wes den Ceo ,. eh ha) shes apes a elevetals 487.34 Georre Marshe Company a Halereiie sey cis bie stele cs ole ob Hans sea 8 wee 751.95 Tea. ILO. COMPANY LIC. po NOTLOLS aie stars to eis ont hese c/o ehacel hor eidlaleca elder alt 50.65 38 ANNUAL Report, 1920 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE—Continued Lexington Grocery Company, Troy; N.°C.. 232.262.) eee eee $ 202.48 Kinghan & Company, Norfolk... ou... 2. 5. ee oe eee 100.65 Kronenberg X-Ray and Supply Company, Baltimore.............. 17.07 J..M. Thompson Company, Philadelphia 22 awa. eee eee 1,144.11 Js. Covington, Timberland, IN. Ci. cco eee eee ee Se1eD Jes. Maultsby, Timberland, IN, Ci. ..2).. 22. secmmommen enero neem 6.75 Refund board and treatment—Alberta Hollowell.................. 42.00 H..F. Hann & ‘Company, awnings removed... anni ee ee 17.60 H. F. Hann & Company, repairs Snow-Hill Cottage.............. 50.70 Hi. FE. Hann, & Company, work on dairy baraineoe soe ee ee 13320 H'. F. Hann & Company, balance contract.................e- Re are oe Pes H; F. Hann & Company, ceiling left wing Inflpmary jo... ee 420.58 L. FEF. Waldrop & Company, balance on contract........t..5...0.66 3,108.34 Otis.Hlevator Company, balance on contract. 2 geek eck eee 2,725.00 General Fire Extinguisher Company, balance on contract......... 3,568.40 Citizens sLumber. Company eecs ssc. 054 hohe oo oo ee 450.27 Grinnell Company ai oic co oc. 0 wicse ole leh cisipnue ok ten enn ee 504.07 f A 0) EN ec PRE a Abort nn ee hee ood ays $ 35,248.96 ANNUAL REPORT OF. THE NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION 1920 [39] OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Gordon FINGER, President, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. CHARLES R. WHITAKER, Vice-President, Hendersonville, N. C. Dr. L. B. McBRAYER, Hxecutive Secretary, Sanatorium, N. C. Dr. OTHO B. Ross, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. CUTHBERT MARTIN, Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. T. D. Jones, Durham, N. C. Mrs. C. C. Hook, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. W. L. Dunn, Asheville, N. C. Cot. J. L. LupLow, Winston-Salem, N. C. Mrs. MARK QUINNERLY, Greenville, N. C. Mrs. 8S. H. Brown, Oxford, N. C. . Mrs. J. L. WeETMorRE, Arden, N. C. Mr. HAMILTON C. JoNES, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. R. C. WARREN, Gastonia, N. C. Mrs W. N. Hort, Candor, N. C. Dr. CHAS. L. Minor, Asheville, N. C. A. W. Snow, Assistant Secretary [ 40] ANNUAL REPORT NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION 1920 We desire to direct attention to the Annual Report of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association. This is a volunteer association, and is financed wholly by the annual sale of Tuberculosis Christmas Seals. While it has no connection whatever in fact with the Division of Tuberculosis of the State Board of Health, yet its aims and purposes are largely the same, and the absence of overlapping and the close cooperation with tuberculosis work of every kind in the State make it a most valuable asset in the fight against tuberculosis in North Carolina. In fact, but for the codperation of this Association the appropriation to the Division of Tuberculosis would have been totally and wholly inadequate in keeping pace with the advance of tuber- culosis work in our State. We are in position today to use to great advantage 100% more money than is in hand from both the State appropriation and the State Tuberculosis Association. Let us mention one or two items of work done by the State Tuber- culosis Association: The Tuberculosis Clinic conducted by Dr. J. L. Spruill has examined 1,419 people, of whom 25% were positive for tuberculosis. It has aroused the interest of the people in tuberculosis to such an extent that we expect to have more than one county Tuberculosis Hospital in the near future. The Moving Picture Car for negroes has carried the moving picture theatre to the negroes in rural districts, spending one week in each of fifty counties, and 42,861 people have seen the pictures. Films on Health, Civics, Agriculture, and other subjects of value have been presented, and usually there is shown each evening a. comic picture, bringing out rollicking fun. We desire to direct your earnest attention to the detailed report herewith. In submitting report of the 1920 seal sale your Executive Secretary advises that the following local chairmen have not made report of sale, and the amounts due from these towns are, therefore, not included in this report; Mrs. P. W. Vaughn, Durham; Mr. E. F. Redding, Lucama; Dr. E. G. McMillan, Maxton; Mr. T. I. Limrick, Monroe; Mr. Alex H. White, Polloksville; Mrs. W. W. Williams, Rocky Mount; [41] 49 ANNUAL Report, 1920 Mr. L. A. McGeachey, St. Pauls; Dr. B. H. Palmer, Shelby; Mr. G. G. Nichols, Sparta; Miss Elizabeth Garden, Spray; Mrs. J. W. Manning, Williamston. According to the sale of seals last year we are due to receive a total of $2,148.84 from these eleven towns, of which amount $535.96 will be due the Executive office. A report of this amount is made under schedule “q” and will be referred to later. It will be noted that the amount raised in the seal sale of 1919 exceeded this year’s sale by approximately $3,500.00, but it must be borne in mind that the financial condition of the country was vastly different in 1919 to what obtained in 1920. The outlook for an increase in the sale was bright until November, at which time the cotton mills and other industries began closing down, thereby creating a depression in the employment of labor, with its accompanying shortage of money. These conditions did not obtain in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Wilmington, Asheville, or towns of like size, but it will be remembered that North Carolina has numerous towns with a population ranging from 1,500 to 7,000, a large number of which are “cotton mill towns.” It was therefore in these smaller towns that the financial depression was felt worst and was reflected in a much smaller sale of seals than in previous years. It will also be remembered that the purchasing power of the dollar was depreciated in 1919 to about 50% of its normal power. This condition is improving, and we believe as much or more work can be accomplished this year with the receipts realized as was done last year. Much credit is due the chairmen and committees in the larger towns above mentioned for the success of the sale this year. The harmonious organization in these towns was wonderful; add to: this the interest of these workers in the health of their citizens and the determination to raise sufficient funds that the tuberculosis work may not suffer, and we begin to understand to some extent the success which attended their efforts, all the larger towns mentioned showing increased sales over 1919. The colored seal sale chairmen working in 42 counties exceeded the amount raised last year by a few hundred dollars. We had intimated that $8,500 would be required to operate two traveling moving picture outfits this year, and prepared budgets for the chairmen on this basis. You will notice the net receipts were $3,000 less. But again when we realize that the amount raised by the colored people of 42 counties, most of which was raised in the rural sections, exceeds by 6c the total seal sale in North Carolina for 19138, we feel like saying, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Nortnu Carortina Tusprercunosis ASSOCIATION 43) The mail sale was not used as extensively this year as last. There was a total of 12,500 mail sale letters containing 100 seals and 1,200 letters containing 500 seals sent. It will be noticed that the cash returns received from this number was approximately 33%, calculated on the basis of $1.00 per letter, which is the same in proportion as the cash return of last year. Before taking up the analysis of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year it would be well to consider the policies and plans of the National Association for the coming year. At the conference of Tuberculosis Executives at Chicago, January 5-6-7, it was voted that the official date for the seal sale be from N ovember 25th to December 25th. (Thanksgiving to Christmas. ) It was voted that the sale of Health Bonds be continued, but that they be smaller in size. The seal design is to include Santa Claus, the child and the double-barred cross. It was decided that State Associations purchase supplies from the National Association on the same general plan as last year, providing for payment on July 1st, August 1st, and September 1st. It was the sentiment of the Secretaries present that the percentage of the seal sale proceeds to be paid to the National Association shall remain at 5% of the gross receipts. Dr. Hatfield stated that one Director of the National Association is to be named by each affilated and represented association, and that the selection of this director be made at the annual meeting of such association. In defining the meaning of “affiliated and represented associations” the National Association states that they must maintain the following qualifications: 1. They shall not be under the direction or control of any state or local governmental agency. 2. Such association must have: (a) A membership which has representation and participation in its affairs. (b) A president and other officers, an executive committee, a salaried executive or similar officer, and a board of directors representative of the territory covered by the association. (c) The membership must meet at least once a year; the board of directors or executive committee must meet at least four times a year. (d) The association must operate under a constitution and by- - laws, with an annual program and budget. (e) The accounts must be audited by a certified public account- ant or his equivalent at least once a year and a copy filed with the National Association. 44. ANNUAL Report, 1920 (f) An annual report of accomplishments, receipts and expend- itures shall be prepared and made available to officers, members and the public and given all possible publicity. (g) All associations shall comply with and carry out the aims and objects of the National Association, submitting such reports as may be required by the Association, and must accept the responsibility of working out and sharing with the National Association means of financing their mutual activities. It is further proposed that the Executive Committee of the National Association shall be the sole judge of the foregoing qualifications for affiliated and represented associations, and of their right to tmem- bership and representation on the Board of Directors of the National Association. At present the affiliated and represented associations consist of the State Tuberculosis Associations and five local city associations. Thus it will be seen that the State Associations will have representation on the Board of Directors of the National Association to the extent of 53 members. These directors may not be elected for a period of more than two years and are not eligible unless they are directors of the State or local organization. Your Executive Secretary recommends that the qualifications men- tioned be submitted to the chairmen of our local organizations in order that they may organize associations to conform to these require- ments if they so desire. On December 28, 1920, the National Association advised your Execu- tive Secretary that they had registered the double-barred cross as the trade-mark of the National Tuberculosis Association and that its use would not be permitted by “affillated and representative associa- tions,” unless all matter bearing the trade-mark was first submitted to the National Association for approval. In this connection it will be remembered that the “North Carolina Anti-Tuberculosis Association,” which is the parent of our present association, was organized in 1904 and has at all times used and endeavored to popularize the use of the double-barred cross; and that the National Association was not organized until the same year, and therefore has no priority of right in the use of the double-barred cross. Your Executive Secretary further submits that it is not feasible to submit material to the National Association before publication; that to do so will occasion delays in our work that will be exceedingly harmful; that it will defeat the purpose of having an emblem to distinguish tuberculosis work in that its use will be so restricted that it will appear on pamphlets and publications only at rare intervals. Your Executive Secretary believes that the use of the double-barred cross should be so restricted as to pre- Nortu Caroruina TuBERCcULOSIS ASSOCIATION 45 vent its use by unauthorized persons or organizations, but believes that the state and local organizations should be given full authority for its use on all matters approved by said Association. This:matter is under consideration by the National Association Directors at this time. The Executive Office is confident that through the use of the double- barred cross and the publicity given the work of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association during the past year that the Association has gained wonderfully in prestige and that its work is better known and approved in the State today than ever before. A great deal of credit for this is due the local associations that during the past year placed their work before the public by means of the press and publications. The favorable opinion created and the popularization of the cross will be much curtailed if the policy of the National Association in this respect is pursued. In this connection it is proper to say that the publicity given the tuberculosis work in general and the seal sale in particular by the newspapers of Winston-Salem is worthy of special mention, as is the work of Dr. R. L. Carlton, who made it possible. By referring to the analysis of expenditures under schedule (a) it will be seen that the campaign expenses for the year totaled $5,937.62, for which an appropriation of $3,000.00 was made. Included in this amount, however, is $1,319.60 paid the National Association for seal supplies. Formerly, these supplies were furnished free, the State Association, however, was required to pay 10.7% of the gross receipts to the National Association, which amount was reduced to 5% and the local associations required to pay for all supples ordered. The State Association shows a saving of $500.00 by this arrangement. The cost of postage stamps was also a large item in these expenses, a total of $900.00 being required. Of course a large proportion of this was used.on the mail sale letters, it being required that we enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of remittance, with all seals sent out. The subscription blanks as recommended for last year were secured at a cost of $171.00, and were, we believe, productive of good results in increasing the sale of seals and bonds. The salaries for the entire office force used during the three months of the campaign are included under this heading and aggregate a total of $1,842.09 for the 8 employees used. Under schedule (b) a part of the appropriation was used for the purchase of a dairy wagon. This appropriation is a balance carried over from 1919, as it was thought wise to let it continue until the dairy plant was completed. We are pleased to report that the dairy bottling plant is now modern in every respect and that the Sanatorium appreciates greatly the assistance given by the Association in this respect. 46 ANNUAL Report, 1920 (c) You will notice a total of $5,558.50 has been expended under the loan appropriation to build a workshop to be used for occupational therapy and a garage building. Without this loan it would not have been possible for the Sanatorium to have erected this building until the latter part of this year or possibly next year. We will then have had the use of the building two years earlier than would have been the case without this loan. The Sanatorium expects to repay this loan during the present year and cognizance is taken of this in figuring the assets of the Association for the year. The building has made possible a wide range of vocational work that is important in keeping the ambulatory patients contented and has also enabled the patients to make salable articles and thus contribute toward expense of treatment. The shop is equipped by the Federal Board for Vocational Education with a great many modern appli- ances that enable the patients to manufacture articles that would otherwise be impossible for them to do. The shop is used by discharged soldiers and civilian patients alike. (d) The appropriation for a consultant clinic physician has been a distinct addition to our work this year. The work was begun on May 1, 1920, with Dr. J. L. Spruill as clinic physician, and is steadily growing in popularity. We have been forced to make engagements several months in advance in order to take care of the numerous requests for this service. At this time engagements have been made up until July. During the ten months the clinic has been in operation a total of 1,419 examinations for tuberculosis have been made. Ad- dresses on the nature, care and prevention of tuberculosis have been made by Dr. Spruill at 43 places to a total audience of 8,446. This work has been instrumental in interesting towns and counties in the tuberculosis problem to the extent of securing a pavilion addition for the treatment of tuberculosis to a general hospital; for the ordering of an election to vote bonds for the purpose of erecting a county sanatorium; for interesting local units in providing public health nurses, and for interesting corporations in providing better care for employees, (e) A loan of $200.00 was made under this appropriation to Miss Alice B. Casey to complete the course in public health nursing. Immediately upon completing this course Miss Casey accepted the position as County Public Health Nurse of Robeson County. Owing to the shortage of Red Cross funds in this county Miss Casey has since been transferred to Davidson County. This amount makes a tetal of $300.00 loaned Miss Casey and is payable to the Association, without interest, during the two-year period following completion of the course. This account is carried in the assets under schedule (q). North Carorina Tuprercuiosts ASSOCIATION 47 ({) No expenditures were made under the appropriation to pay for board and treatment for discharged soldiers, as the Government is now paying these bills promptly. (g) $225.00 was used under the colored public health nursing appropriation to pay the salary of Blanche Hayes, a colored registered nurse attached to the Health Department of Edgecombe County, immediately under the direction and instruction of Miss Clara Ross, Public Health Nurse for Edgecombe County, for a period of three months. This enabled the Health Department to provide visiting nursing service for the colored patients during the influenza epidemic of last year. Financing this work was of a temporary nature and was done to demonstrate the usefulness of colored public health nursing and aid the county until funds could be secured to continue the work. Blanche Hayes is now on the staff of the Charlotte Health Department. (h) The appropriation for additional X-ray equipment has not been used. At the last annual meeting it was recommended that this appro- priation be continued, as the Sanatorium would need some additional X-ray equipment as soon as the new infirmary and office building were completed. We had expected the building to be finished before the expiration of the fiscal year, but such was not the case, and we ask that this appropriation be continued for another year. (1) Not used. (j) The appropriation for the moving picture car to be used among colored people was sufficient to purchase and equip the car and make the circuit of all counties participating in the sale of tuberculosis seals. ‘This schedule was completed in December and upon examination of the truck used we found that it would not be possible to use the same truck without extensive overhauling. As it was not desired to interrupt this service, that was proving of such help in educating the colored people in regard to tuberculosis, it was decided, upon the sanction of the President, to purchase an entire new equipment and operate both cars during the coming year. The new car is now in operation and repairs on the old car have been completed with the exception of repainting, which can be done in a few days. We have been unsuccessful in securing a properly qualified man to operate this car. We have not, however, pushed the matter, as it is estimated that it will require at least $8,500.00 to keep both of the cars in operation for the entire year, and your Secretary concluded this was a larger amount than you would deem advisable to spend in this branch of the work during 1921. Since the car was put in operation on March 15, 1920, it has visited 50 counties, staying one week in each county, and has shown and explained health educa- tional pictures to a total audience of 42,861. In addition to exhibiting the pictures, Dr. Ransom, the operator, has visited over 1,500 families 48 | ANNUAL ReEport, 1920 in their homes, teaching the principles of good health and aiding the members in many other ways. (k) The appropriation of $2,000.00 for health work among the negroes was insufficient to carry out the program for the year and fulfill our contract for the year with other agencies codperating. This appropriation was used to pay one month’s salary for 41 colored super- vising teachers. By codperating with the State Agent of Rural Colored Schools we were enabled to secure approximately one-sixth of the working time of these supervisors. We have made use of this time by having the supervisors instruct the colored people of their county along general health lines with especial reference to tuberculosis. During the year these supervisors have reached 311,005 by word of mouth; distributed health educational literature to many thousands more; given illustrated lantern slide lectures to 15,000; raised $5,253.13. in the seal sale and established the Modern Health Crusade in a number of colored schools in each county, enrolling a total of 16,500 crusaders since September, 1920. You will be interested to know that the deaths from tuberculosis among the negroes have declined 21.4% in the last. two years, according to reports of deaths sent the Bureau of Tuberculosis. There are 1,791 deaths recorded in 1918 against 1,407 in 1920. (1) Self-explanatory. (m) The major portion of the appropriation for moving picture films was not used, as plans for photographing the pictures desired have not been completed. We did, however, purchase three 1,000-feet films from the National Association and have made use of these films on the moving picture car and as a loan to any party that could secure an exhibition of the films in either theater or school. The films have been exhibited in the latter manner 14 times to an audience of 1,700. It is hoped the Association will continue this appropriation to be used in the manner hereinafter explained. (n) The Modern Health Crusade has been enthusiastically received this year. A total of 40,224 crusaders have been enrolled since Sep- tember, 1920. It will be noticed that $989.65 of this appropriation has been used. Of this amount $465.64 has been recovered by the sale of supplies, and there is due the Association at this time $259.45, which makes a cost of $264.56 to the Association for conducting the: Crusade. This difference in receipts and expenditures is accounted for by the Association furnishing supplies to the colored schools at one-half cost. This was necessary, as it was found that the colored schools could not raise the funds to pay the entire cost of crusade supphes without financial assistance. There are also a large number of sample copies of supplies sent out without charge. An item for mailing supplies to the amount of $40.00 is also included in expenditures. Nortzi Carorina Tusercunosis ASSOCIATION 4.9 We are hoping to simplify the Crusade somewhat this year in order to overcome the objection of some school authorities and thus obtain more universal adoption. The Crusade is filling an important place in teaching health rules to the school children by performance, and we strongly recommend its continuance. ¢ (0) Self-explanatory. (p) The miscellaneous expenditures under this schedule are all self-explanatory. We have endeavored to keep the miscellaneous expend- itures within the appropriation allowed, but find the amount was inadequate, as we were forced to pay bills from this account not especially appropriated for. (q) From this schedule it will be seen that the possible assets for this coming year total the net amount of $22,384.79, of which amount $14,380.27 is on deposit at the Merchants and Farmers Bank at Aberdeen, N. C., as shown by certificate from bank attached hercto. It will be noted that the certificate from the bank shows a balance of $14,452.02. The difference is accounted for in the financial statement in outstanding checks. A total of $8,745.50 is due the Association by the Sanatorium account of loans to cover bills for board and treatment of discharged tuberculous soldiers and for the erection of the building for ocecupa- tional therapy. It is expected that this amount will be paid during the year. We are attaching hereto a budget carrying recommendation for expenditures somewhat in excess of the total of our net assets, and ask that this budget be adopted and the Executive Committee authorized to carry out the recommendation in so far as is possible with the funds available. BUDGET OF NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION For the fiscal year ending February 28, 1922 Pern CLUV eM LTCOLOL semi bette erat tt he TR ee at Ro Sts! oe Sen era oc Biivers « elbesie $ 1,800.00 PPC ACLOMG Of el Ul Le UE.c Aueatnc co Meee Wits Wiel aig ake ls sec eealecate kee ct alera iy 3,000.00 (Catia aNeex NeNSCGm Sea Le Sal © )i gn toad os hate ancy usenay-cuc shallot stsaesusleiiun © cbuats cue 5,000.00 lice NySicianwsalary, 95,000, Expenses $1,500) wba ae ce as cuales 5,000.00 Clinic Physician, for examination of school children.............. 5,000.00 Scrolarshipnpiupl Ganealth nurse yak Broan otee. SNS tieve eT oy ae 500.00 Me HOA be TO VOC IL MDIIECT Uric \.e¥e hashes ay des s¥ekehede es sales Sieuaaotnal bai tier 650.00 Nea Em OVIti SEO LCLULCESCILV 1 CO et cle cay ete Zin. tie tue octane or ater plete Ucs che teal oe 5,000.00 INC STOP CALLIN WOTw tse ee Nets Fe htedd 2d ais ol Hem es Meese ht ha Jey 3,000.00 Expense executive committee meeting......... aN WINE te cv ae Place bade alee 500.00 PL MA rh LTD So ns Wnts Orta chateau ete els ear tel x eo Fe Se aA IRR CT eeeteee 1,000.00 Research work at Senetocian SWB ona tencre aa EWS erCitnN iON Ap Waal beh ERA ar 2,000.00 NrOderneHealtheCuusade Mey oe. PIP ey TRS eo eRe hae. 1,000.00 IMERCOIANECOMNG OX DCN AO wr e1ae cui aia. Mughle TREO dec apie’ seg A Cie fe 3,000.00 Totalemen es. we Ob, EPICA ir I 4s 3 DRE Me a MR $ 36,450.00 50 ANNUAL Report, 1920 The National Association advise that they will not send any regular press material to the local papers this year, and recommend that each state employ a Director of Publicity. We heartily concur in this recommendation and call attention to the fact that the Publicity Director would be used not only to secure publicity for the seal sale, but would be expected to issue a monthly or bi-monthly bulletin of an educational character. The Publicity Director would also be expected to assist in the preparation of special bulletins and be available for consultation service to local associations. It is recommended that the tuberculosis diagnostic clinic be continued and that in addition the Executive Committee be empowered to employ an additional clinic physician for the examination of school children during the school term and to be used at local clinics when the school term is over. It is desired to prepare a moving picture film of local interest in which we can bring before the people of North Carolina health educational matter in an interesting manner. We have received bids for preparing a film along the lines desired at a cost of 45¢ per foot. The expense of the photographer to be in addition. For some time we have felt the need that more research work looking to the care and: prevention of tuberculosis should be done. We realize that the Sanatorium presents an unequaled opportunity for making studies that should not be neglected. There is much research work in tuberculosis that can be done in no other place, and we are anxious that the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association shall be among the first of the associations to adopt a progressive policy along this line. That there is a need for such work is plainly evident when we make a survey of the tuberculosis situation in North Carolina. The population of the State, based on the 1920 census, is given at 2,556,486. Based on the most reliable estimates and from information on file there are known to be 25,000 of this number who are ill with tuber- culosis and in need of treatment. This does not take into considera- tion the large number of inactive, cured, and cases not sufficiently advanced to be generally diagnosed. From statistics received to date 2,763 deaths were recorded. This number, we are glad to say, is a considerable reduction over previous years, the highest recorded num- ber of deaths having occurred in 1913, at which time 4,800 were reported as due to tuberculosis. It will be remembered, also, that this reduction was made during the time an increase in population of 350,000 was made. If we can make these large gains in the fight against tuberculosis almost exclusively by educational methods, how much more we can hope to accomplish when the veil that shrouds the method to be used in the cure and prevention of tuberculosis is fully Nortu Carortina Tusprercutosis ASSOCIATION 51 removed. Our part is to do what we can to bring the light of knowledge on some of these dark points, and to this end we respectfully recommend the appropriation of $2,000.00 for this purpose. The other appropriations recommended are for continuing work already under way of which the Directors are familiar. Your Executive Secretary believes the membership of the Board of Directors should be increased in order that fuller representation may be secured. The Directorate at this time is represented by the following cities: Charlotte, Hendersonville, Wilmington, Candor, Durham, Ashe- ville, Winston-Salem, Greenville, Oxford, Arden, and Gastonia. There should be a Director elected from Greensboro, one from Goldsboro, and one additional from Winston-Salem and such other towns as deemed advisable. It is further recommended that the local associations pay expenses of their Director to the State Association. © All of which is respectfully submitted. L. B. McBrayetr, EHxecutwe Secretary. wie en ee — : in 2 oo \ hele y . 4 i fF are: Ais) ne ‘ ‘ hi F 0 i ( 4 ie bale PP . ‘ 4 Paty Bhs " ¢ a ‘> ts » ry Jig aan ae ba Sus ani ‘ 2 uy ae 2 ei ¥ Pare BE Y * Ye 7 Nag ions ‘ MR ai: i bi 30a ul ; le dyad ty ve ath SER Ah SF ae ms it o pala - eae uel Bint Bs ae : 1 ine ee ate A Fes i es ie r ! i yf Poa wer Ys: Ait lid ‘sialic bie 1 i apeie Molin wiaearig tees: 3 pope : rls y ‘ “4 7 Let PF ie re es PGs er ino tH i mnie’ ; oe ys he is oes a " 7 \ i as ee ' j 7 Ca Bae eo omy y —senl ane ; a q abot ree. | ahs a) Rafgnetin ae A tn b Ne eS 3 tj » ; : aS. aw , aGovss Act ! a sor _-" : * "7 Pay 1 may een wee oe : Saw xa ase Wat fetta ays bone west hee Sin Pei te 3) a em a Sh ai , 3} har 7 ae hs Nealon ae a mainalinaartr aie uaa Wn “he bh tool a ae is pe " is eh menilige ne bia ah ays J ay Ra a rt a | 1 | a bs inh pc ey a) - oak ye ae oe ee ae Ad ap Noy GA te beg we u oe ile bial Mi a } a 3 : i ; isn ag ae 5 vials 7 setae a Ly ni x % P aivngn q any Hy Ay Se A ii M ay ee ‘ a Wah ae ae : isi tyes ih + WRC, Rah anes , bh ee fh r a f it R Me ~ : fy) ' , ' 7 Pe ey ¥ i) ait i Ay PLS 4 ic at. agapel Nop's 4 F) y a ‘Sele f. & ‘ue we r Hy 3 f ‘ ny Ny } } ‘ ee ee " Rie * Fee ey as f ‘ r : Re i. oe : ‘i soe ; REPORT OF AUDIT RateieH, N. C., March 31st, 1921. North Carolina Tuberculosis Association, Sanatorium, N. C. GENTLEMEN :— In accordance with your instruction I have audited the books and accounts of Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Secretary, and respectfully submit the following report as a result of said audit. I find the books accurately and systematically kept and I had no difficulty in securing the information desired. I desire to extend congratulations on the great showing that you have made. Respectfully submitted, J. J. BEeRnarp, Certified Public Accountant. [53] re ifr See NS Feo 4: hy A » SOE NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION REPORT 1920 SEAL SALE MCU PL UGISEA Lay SOLC.c a isa a Kb, «ons steeletans tae ee ok hn aele w ls $ 35,338.38 OR AIEV a UL Ca DOU CGASOLG facets. co ee cane Rataee es tad ee ee « 1,390.00 ter ICo Oa DADE r SOI cc we cle te dearer eos eitie visas vie ect $ 36,728.38 See VeRLOCA ee NL oiGil vc tic. se al ed ey eee ee wate eee ne DP oiookae t POM yaCOLOLC( SCIAITINGI os cae pe cals ahi stats ste tstete e sla'ais 5,253.13 ROEM TELL LEGAL Ores) tee aera tate sok od ol a ase ves, Sie ate ee ees 4.137328 eMC LSMRO LUM Ts er cnet ose ee oir bee eee e wee wed Phe wing eee 36,728.38 REMC C ECT LTT TIVOTL Seis cas occ Ot one tn eis te etae y ahaiaiol © eos an wl goe Hie 18,665.57 $ 18,062.81 Reem OCA IE CUAITINGN Gos 07, Gloss sis Godden oor apebgews Seen $ 8,672.40 ieee Di seCOlOLCU CHAITIN ON a. . iiys ok. ale athe, Ss ts se ice at Gea grnTee sco ge 0 a aig 50.00 Nov. 22 SUPLITI DS. Gus aye len in a din. ce 100.00 National Association, electros........... 1.00 Nov. 30 Mrs. J. L. Spruill, November salary...... 54.60 Dec. 7 National Association, bangles............ 58.81 PAT DS en eh ctr Sathes sie See Yor oiets catt x 50.00 Dec. 13 Victor Animatograph Co., slides...:..... 15.29 Dec. 28 SUNNY Och Seo ara eae Gm, | ALL Wee Be oe a ate 75.00 1921 Wana L A. W. Snow, December salary........... 125.00 O. B. Revell, December salary............ 70.00 M. L. Duncan, December salary.......... 107.60 L. Bouldin, December salary............. 50.00 L. Mayhew, December salary............ 50.00 S. Brabble, December salary............. 40.00 eran | National Asso., mats, plates and bangles 146.33 Jan. 13 National Asso., mats and plates......... 8.27 Mrs. J. L. Spruill, December salary....... 49.80 Jan. 21 > UTES AA RR om Oe: PE, See. | 25.00 Feb. 1 Mire J). beaopruill, January salaryac.. ot). 45.90 Wea. SNOW, Januanyisalanye wenn. 10: 125.00 mb nevell wanuary salaryer “ibie® 70.00 Pe bouldin. «January Salary) + sat 60.00 iPeMayhews January salary. oir oene sine. 50.00 Sy Dil brapple, Januaryisalary ors wl 40.00 ® -5,937.62 Pex Ce sSm ODT ODLITALION MUSCUs 5 okie cles © cies see dee eo c.s soc ete aerd's $ 2,937.62 ‘(b) PL OOLONTiaiOl ACCOUNL Dairy tHQUuIDMeNL. s.. co. cc os see cl cece ss $ 647.50 1920 ‘Mar. 18 Pl aGRNC VAR COS me WACOM. cadet esc. tele ack ss $ 213.00 Balan COmADDEODEIAGLOIrM .tascie cocoon sis ielece su 374.15 647.50 $ 647.50 Appropriation account loan to N. C. Sanatorium for Occupa- tional Therapy building 1920 Mar. 18 April 10 May 5 June 5 June 17 LE TATTS COCHRANE COtte ttre Se aden circa suai eee Gu wtitra ect ay eh tion hate Harry F. Hann & Company.............. Harry F.. Hann & Company.............. Harry F. Hann & Company.............. Harry F. Hann & Company...........-.. Harry F. Hann & Company.............. Balance VapDPropligtlOnewe wae). mirao te eneiy oes eoeceererere eee ee ee eee ee eee eee @ EPR Dotan $ 67,000.00 1,530.00 1,530.00 1,402.50 545.00 551.00 1,441.50 7,000.00 7,000.00 1,441.50 58 ANNUAL Report, 1920 (d) Appropriation Account Clinic Physician: Salary, $3,500; traveling expenses, $1,500; total.......... 1920 May 1 dcLe Spruill vealary. Aprils one. eee eee $ 112.50 May 18 Ji. EB. Crayton, Physician’s bare. wij. 17.50 May 20 J. opruill-expensé, April? 2 ee ee 43.80 May 20 J: L: Spruill,.expense May7:...; +3. ee 50.00 J. L. Spruill,: part, salary > May ses. 80.00 June 1 J. L. Spruill, part salary and exp. May.. 80.97 a ULV Board «for ‘family G19 2. ~ sie. See eee 80.00 Jnl. Spruill, salary J une.2 0.5 oe eee 150.00 July Jka Spruill expense) une... eee eee 96.35 Aug. 2 J: la Spruill, salary Julyc.o 5) oe eee 110.00 Commercial Printing Co., posters........ 5:10 Board family July sc 023202! te eee 100.00 Aug. 6 J. G. Spruill, expensetJuly o..s7seee 80.17 Sept. 1 J. L. Spruill, salary and exp. August. . 230.38 Board family August and September..... 226.66 Oct. 1 Ji L. Spruill, salary Septembers. ee. 83.34 J. L. Spruill, expense September......... 70.20 J. L. Spruill, expense Jacksonville meet. 69.25 Nov. 1 Jails Spruill: “salary: October... aa enon tin 150.00 Board: family October. ..:)..0... cee eee ees 80.00 Nov. 30. J. L. Spruill, expense December......... 64.24 Board family November.......... beat Tohow | 80.00 Dec. 2 . J. L. Spruill, expense November......... Mi 130.07 Dec. 20 J. L. Spruill, salary and part exp. Nov... 158.01 J. L. Spruill, expense December.......... 25.00 1921 * Jan. 1 JiiL. Spruill, salary December ?)..% i).5% 150.00 Boardstamily. December..2...c.sen i eee 80.00 Feb. 1 JoLaespruill. salary January sea ee 150.00 Boardstamily: Januany oe ce eee eee 80.00 Rebe« 7 J:.L.-Spruill; expenses’ January... anne 71.89 Feb. 22 J. L. Spruill, expenses February......... 5871p Balance ‘appropriation’ ...02...42 4 2,035.82 $ 5,000.00 Unused * balance iis... ARS eee ae eee $ 62,035.82 (e) Appropriation Account scholarship for public health nursing... 1920 Mar. 27 Miss.Alice:Bs Casey.a... .tvetcaee ss 0 eee $ 100.00 May 20 Miss .Alice vB.) Gasey 2. 2h Balt oe oe ee 100.00 Balance appropriation wey. maces eee eee 800.00 $ 1,000.00 Unused :balante: xs...) shin eee eer en aes. $ 800.00 | (f) Appropriation to be used as revolving fund in payment of board and treatment for discharged tuberculous soldiers.......... Notvused. Balance, appropriationi a.) 7... eee eee .-$ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Unused appropriations fara) en, ee ice oe $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 NortH Carortina Tusprercunosis ASSOCIATION 59 (g) Appropriation account, public health nursing, colored.......... $ 61,000.00 1920 Mar. 27 Misseblanchne Hayes, Tarborde... 6.55. <2 $ 75.00 April 12 Miss Blanche Hayes, Tarboro............ 75.00 May" ut Miss Blanche Hayes, 'Tarboro........... 75.00 Balance appropriations «\. seen ciel wisn aay 775.00 $ 61,000.00 1,000.00 PMCID ARDY CO paar ete otc datan) Sack: « « staPaahteber at eta. a fale be \oe $ 6775.00 (h) Appropriation for additional X-Ray equipment at Sanatorium... $ 650.00 NGUPUSCU A balance ADPTOPLIAllON....s.<...0 0.00 Ris eke oles ke $ 6650.00 $ §©6©650.00 650.00 NTA ITEC CLA POLO DIIATIONIL a Aliyah sess veecnchsoulte a Mbhcuile MORIN ¢ $ 650.00 (i) Appropriation to assist towns in establishing Public Health ete UMN eto t. ods cimbpetadais «Vd abate bldleentee andia a bet oes $ 1,000.00 Not used. Balance appropriation...........0..ceceee. $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 SEU SCCM DT ODTIALION ©. io). so. cles. «sa. s) cosmpel wipe Saeco $ 1,000.00 (j) Appropriation account moving picture car for negroes............ $ 5,000.00 1920 Mar. 20 mV tivde, Work On Cari: Mekal $ 8.45 April 2 Commercial Printing Co., posters........ 33.50: April 10 EK. T. Ranson, salary and exp. March..... 145.25 May 17 Heel. Ranson, salary and, exp. April sc. .<). 202.03 June 19 EK. T. Ranson, salary and exp. May....... 222.21 June 23 Atlas Educational Film Co., trailers..... 23.53 June 25 Jeeobryan Grimes, license jn ahies..6 pokes 12.50: July 9 E’. T. Ranson, salary and exp. June....... 319.16 July 12 State Board of Education, equipment..... 2,301.15 Aug. 28 HAT. Ranson, salary and, expe July: s.;.s0% 346.67 Sept. 16 EE. T: Ranson, salary and exp. August.... 220.77 SCD ite Liem yee be COLOS DY .. LAIN DY eel o.00t oxtce Mudteteertce el mass 13.00 Sept. 22 O. B. Revell, exp. Edgecombe County..... 52.80 INOVEI LO EK. T: Ranson, salary and exp. September. 220.16 Nov. 20 E. T. Ranson, salary and exp. October.... 387.77 Nov. 30 E. T. Ranson, salary and exp. November. 217.08 1921 Away 7 E. T. Ranson, salary and exp. December. . 325.66 irs a Ry a Bs WW SOnOw Cex. tO Reale ein: cat nn etc 13.16 Soper’& Kaylor, repair Dodge... s.2 81.90 Soper & Kaylor, Dodge frame............ 100.00 PAIL LO Bureau Community Service, equipment... 2,284.00 Sal 20 State Board of Education, tires...... rates 97.02 Heb. ¥ 59 State Bd. Education, rep. movie machine. 1.05 Feb. 17 E. T. Ranson, salary and exp. January... 188.30 Feb. 21 Soper & Kaylor, repair Dodge............ 230.56 State Board of Education, lamp.......... 13.00 8,070.98 HWXCesslapDLOD Ma MON sUSeC.ue ws sare reid cee othe sue Seema $ 3,070.98 60 AnnuaL Report, 1920 (k) Appropriation for negro thealth work... v.): -,2)2- sbfeias: » @ ereynee eee $ 2,000.00 1920 Mar. 5 Maggie Hester, salary, +:;,.¢.. cs. apne uate $ 18.00 Carrie. Battle, salary.aititwnt- oe ee 10.00 Sov: Martin, salary A; ce ¢e .eeemee aor 10.00 Laura’). As: King; salary :..« ..veeeanwenpee ces 10.00 April 14 MsGrraulknery salary... 1. 2c 10.00 May 20 BPMs Vincent Salary v2.2.5 +. 60.00 Side Wilson? salary ..0.. 5 > > eee 60.00 HK, Jie SONOS, SSAlALY wiv< ss succes 60.00 Rachel. Luten-Salaryiiiuno- eee 60.00 PearltAlston; salary ii¢ tiie." eee ae ee $0.00 Le B.. Felton, salary -Harris\vsalary. 2.40 .2 eee eee 10.00 MioM Mitchell salary, .2: 0. .i cen eee 85.00 Sela MIC eseila hy Ces cee ale ae ee 5.00 SraW. Randolph, Salaryccucs cae d cece ene 15.00 Gah. Whitheld? salary... cf oh ose eee 90.00 June 25 maran. McRae. Salary ii puencasn Rie ace sist 10.00 June 28 Mi Os lavion= salary 2 ate ou ee eee 75.00 oul yaw 9 Marie-Mclver. salary te5 4. Bee ee 60.00 JUL V oes, IMO. Taylor isa larVesuc, Se. .8 anna: cannes 19.92 July 28 Magzie Hester. Salatcvuen cmos see eee 10.00 : Nov. 8 Hampton Normal Inst. Reprint........ is 62.00 $.- 3,104.92 Hxcess. “appropriation / used. .a.0 st ans ee eee $ 1,104.92 May 1 American Ry. Exp. Co., April account.... 2.36 Nortu Carorina Tupercunosts ASSOCIATION 61 (1) Appropriation Account Expense Directors’ meeting............ $ 1,000.00 1920 Mar. 18 Mipcom CHAR oetUM VV LILAKCI ce trinn 6 te sles & $ 69.99 DalaucesApDropriaviOn... <1 overt: ce es 930.01 $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 et ted FATT COS cee elly voice aie te ove cagel ad 3.543 ACR Repeat wha label ihe $ 930.01 (m) Appropriation for purchase of moving picture films............. > 1,250:00 1920 April 8 National Tuberculosis Asso. Jinks....... $ 100.00 ulye 1 National Tuberculosis Asso. Jinks....... 103.64 Dec. 7 National Tuberculosis Asso. Crusade..... Tous BalancecapPropriatiOu cnc hes eek caehe hee. 967.63 $°*15250,00 1,250.00 Brusca spalance . se. ee. es Pee Peter nt Lp hg $ 967.63 (n) ; Appropriation Account Modern Health Crusade................ $ 1,000.00 1920 April 8 National Association supplies............ $ 95.11 May 1 National Association supplies............ 20.00 Aug. 2 National Association supplies........... 68.35 Oct. 25 National Association supplies............ 236.79 ‘Nov. 4 Nee. SANalOrTium, , Stamps iis . Aen fayes 40.00 Deca*!7 National Association supplies............ 366.02 1921 Feb. 9 National Association supplies............ 163.38 BEAU CC LA DD LODTIALLOINs (tens sue ates yaidier ene cashes mL0voD $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 RIES CCM LLL CG Lure eh eaai cre Stas Gd wath aia uae elas jh eae tia ie $ 10.35 (0) | Appropriation Account Salary Executive Secretary.............. $ 1,200.00 1920 April 17 Lee \cBrayer; salaryucvnieurie wie et $ 600.00 1921 Feb. 16 LS VEC Tavera lary. iy itis aera eeds ee 4 §00.00 $ 61,200.00 1,200.00 (p) Appropriation Account Miscellaneous Expense................. $ 700.00 1920 ADT Sue Vy Le le COMpDaAny,. March accounte... «+. 4.37 Mar? 1 Roger Fibre Company, lantern cases..... 96.00 April. 2 American Ry. Exp. Co., March account... 3.62 April 8 W. U. T. Company, March account....... 4.37 April 18 National Association Publicity Service... 67.80 62 1920 May May May June June June June July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 1921 Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Nov. 11 14 20 29 28 16 22 27 30 O1TWw © ANNUAL Report, 1920 National Association? (aie te eeeen en $ 7.00 R2B. WilsonsexpeSt wo0uls, ho eioceens ats 192.76 UnionsCarbide-Go;; carbides <. vege aks eis a 4.55 Roger Fibre Co., lantern cases........... 96.00 Victor Animatograph Co., slides......... 18.39 National’ Association,.cuts....; acne Tint Victor Animatograph Co., lanterns...... 349.75 - Cowry Hydes repair to lantern. ..4ke% ee 3.75 Commercial Printing Co., bulletins....... 245.00 ASG Bulla; DN OU sid. dic iss ee ese eee 3.00 SCSI DS a. i evta\s caeus vacatqn cae meca sh) otis eres cane eee eee 20.00 Stearns Engraving. C0.. eDg.) GUtaee ae 11.00 RivE:Luben, express, slides ©... sae 1.52 Weil T. Co. July account. v5. Nea Ry iy: Victor Animatograph Co., slides......... 9.19 A. W. Snow, exp. Atlanta Conference..... 53.59 J. Bryan Grimes, incorporation papers... 4.80 W. L. Poole, recording incorp. papers.... 3.00 Greensboro Daily News, ad.............. 6.84 Wilmington (Star, oad | siciascin lars eeeeeeee ee sy, Asheville Citizen, ad... ¢. <<. «1 c0cRee ces 3.00 The-Observer. Company, 20.1... -.ccserantene 3.40 The, State, Company, ads . 22 keel. een 3.90 News‘ and. Observer;.ad.:. 2. os. asian 4.68 Pound & Moore, office supplies.......... 5.10 Walt Te Co; August account. fame 2.17 F. C. Edwards, consult. re. pub. director.. 25.00 FioM: Caldwells bon d...:202.4i Uae See ee 5.00 Ruth Alexander, telephone call.......... .90 National Association, membership....... 5.00 American Ry. Exp., August account...... 9.94 Ellington Studio, photographs.......... 25.00 Mrs. M. M. Finger, ex. Jacksonville meet. 67.00 W. U. T. Co., September account........ 12.48 R. B. Wilson, membership National Asso. 5.00 American Ry. Exp. Co., October account.. Lig W. Uv Te Co..October account... eee .90 Wai. TS Con November accounts... 25.55 Victor Animatograph Co., slides......... 2.88: American Ry. Exp. Co., December account 5.16 Hackney & Moale Co., printing........... 19.30 W. U.c TV. Cos December account i.5...00 ee 6.44 Chicago = Insts-posts cards: a). psn 58.50 Vivian Jackson, Conference............,. 10.75 RB; Wilson, Chicago meeting ieee 221.65 SCAM DS eis Satan ental haute neyicmaba begets are aan 20.00 WeUuUr Te Coy January, accountec awe 2.28 Mrs. C. R. Whitaker, Jacksonville meeting 61.25 Excess “appropriation used... 0... 2. one eee $ 1,842.49 $ 61,142,49 Nortu Carortina TuBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION 63 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES necking. ACcoOunt Onsdeposit, M., & Pw Bank. ...0. Wi. Jo. ee bes bee $ 4,380.27 Pave eo ccoulntwercuantssand Marmersebank. 03. aye ee ek wes 10,000.00 Due from North Carolina Sanatorium, loan made for Occupa- POT a Ver UVM ESTELLE iil cis'un ore a cee aero tosis ¢ oe wile! Stuiw Mie are ee 5,558.50 Due from North Carolina Sanatorium, loan made to pay Board Pe Preauinehte Of DISCHaT fed | SOLOIEF Sage 64s en's os ahold oe pine els 3,187.00 Premero melon semade . bh. alde: NUTSCciks ule eins sa sls, «dk ese a 5508 oles ae 300.00 ome CTSA MSU DDHOS 6 uate 6c Rise ¢ Sthad creeel al ke. W ais Si cca eloveue » ae.eve 259.48 meuoweranie 0Ccal) Chairmen y.).6 soe. Pes Leek Ras wee A pea ah Sete, Ob Ml. 535.96 RRL SRE CARIN CRUMP Le raate wi erat yi¢ gitta lacie ake: Maoh eile 4 fo Soc neue WNL « Moose es $ 24,221.21 5% due National Association on 1920 Seal Sale................. 1,836.42 ToL) PENSYEES OS? AL Gp AON SNe lore oy Se Ohad Sey FA pha ae RRO A vg $ 22,384.79 « ve ee ( q “4 Z om. i a} oe PRY be a ee ; hi Ape rerceat rie t eRe ta; bi lf ae eS lt FE CS pit Mite ag Oe } elt EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis UNDER CONTROL OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N.C. 1921 : RALEIGH, N.C. EpwARDS & BROUGHTON PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS 1923 TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Personnel: PAGE Pie Nehemmora Lem DOA OLE L1Gd Ivan, ghee bss ool iahee S18 oh deg ss hs es eure ae 5 Pa cper ee SMAI CTT LILLOLLL Bist eetc 8's chats ae allege acevo ederave's vile tet aitey as lntee, ao laeveite 5 Re esteem tL Mee es el Mater onl ust tc thes. ols a Wie the ven eas # eptceta tins) stohg ce skewer thes 6 Directors: North Carolina Tuberculosis Association................ 6 ee eC eM ATOR TULA Leer s eee ths way 6 oa a Wa 6 wlaate WWelady WM aTa ise awe din Alaa aw eh meee ii Rr eetA MLN COMET Sy ay ele & a ore aicle ten stalos sree Sie eis ik cogue sg) ok neo oa ae Yy So ouaie i VaO MCAT EOMVY OT Kits Gis heje os yeas leis pa cield olde ete wate © a:a03 e em ye\a te liaes tala 16 Bie Te NE CATES Cale 25 INE S. G LS c-4 a, Bl salar ale ae DR Ws ee Shee le hole A aye ate Ee whee all Hees Occupational Therapy PPR stews «aceite tn w/a sehapess Sanaa abel eas Bis) ete ote « 5,8 REN 5 29 “Literature of the Bureau of Tuberculosis..............ceceececeecevcees 30 Pieters AM UCM TIV ON Vale, his oYomeer ste st Sle Ga Aisle Gite a 'scllala we glale A Glens wise sie e ace 4s 31 Punnweneporto1 WN. C. Tuberculosis: Association... 6.6 n. sc eels e es 41 Feet ott) a MmmOIMPEA AEU LUMENS yt oo ches Shera) v5, aces op Wy ers. fel Se ened ah ate Malet e: eta let hago s\ uate Leia alone 47 [3] NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS Under Control of the State Board of Health PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DEW) HOWELL WAY, President...i200. gest). pene aun Seer ae Waynesville Perm OL GIN rd sh tha Willa che thet Ee Ghsiy erates Bees wieisinies a nes Raleigh Perens INV ATMEL Lis sie ace 2 siaig ie «sisi die! oie tre Mae's. 45 oie. afeicie is n's, 9 avs Asheville De eM ROW IAT ED ak Pate Paka l Remi Le ha ake oe a Ue Charlotte DORCAS Hem AINDEROON'S tserte o's ¢.0.6 hc msajsncs.aie s sledbl 664 alee sie bases Statesville Mer ewss2O Th. LAUGHINGHOUSE...«.. + s's sa.saaube's OR nies tee bag Greenville ee eC a LL) yn: PAI a ae ane ates ee ie ce aN FRR tei ae Roxboro “Cie IRS VE ah yas is SIS i ee aM Atri Ai deci Henderson ey BU PELOMPESON: tie ks tt es oe alse ea Oe one RRMA Oe, o. Jacksonville Dr. W. S. RANKIN, Secretary State Board of Health and State Health Officer, Raleigh, N. C. UPGRMALCTIC CIRCE Petites Ss PEGS os. oie ea ees oe acs L. B. McBrayer, M.D., F.A.C.P. IGS IAtaAlt OU perinleNOeNnt sees. ead ee we P,P. McCain, A:B.,. M.D. Pimiciansanemwirector Uaboratory «..../.<..4 56 R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D. PRI EMBER VSECIAN cates a. dic ive c's cree 40° Gores S. M. Brrrinerr, M.D. Private Secretary to Superintendent.......... A. W. SNow UCM UME SO SMES eo" re lard. cpa: a foie Geel Gs alenacod a sve! ve Miss ELIZABETH CONNOLLY PPOaOMNUIT SO, PA SSIGLAIIL. .oe wee aids ls Sie vlale swe MISs GRACE APPLE COE SSID SS ae I aM Pigiee ae ee ee eS er J. M. CLARK EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS DIVISION OF TUBERCULOSIS, STATE BoARD OF HEALTH Bele Ol ya LV ISON. coe eae Ce rs ee stapes tee esate) oa L. B. McBrayer,, M.D.,.F:A.C.P. Assistant) CHichyor eOUGGaWarwvrrs sas eidie o!ece io. ae P, Pi MeCar,, As:ByuM.D. OTTCOTSOCLrelLARY saeco RA) eR Olas Sale dee olted A, W. SNow Seno srapnor: sO Iel ep ee envetsienhe «aves o babe uiaiete Mrs. H. O. SINK POTIOS Te DIVO core ee otetitedec ena lohee & wakeus use elas Wes Miss GRADY INGLE SLOMOSTUDILOL sctey ho ca screen bes tie Ba Werfa’s Gan RIS, Miss Mary SNEAD SCCTLOST a LCT e- totedeca oie ru auade Suva cit hub ae tele: earch ae Miss SIBYL BRABBLE Stenographer and X-ray Technician......... Mrs. J. Li. SPRUILL CULT reua eine er AMER AUT a tiay SIO We! check arasane ROM’, Blue sie HO3- Sin ® COLO LNG We ss shame te re erae Me coll grata: whole MehROAS a Adaieg Bike LEAMON REDD Director Health Education Among the INGOT OCS 5). esters errors boc siete s lahaieval d's alete ecalete Mrs. F. C. WILLIAMS [5] SUL Geny. > b Poe as Eye, ear, nose ang throaty... oe Genito-urinary Pathology Pharmacology.... eoeeee CONSULTING STAFF Dr. GEO. W. PRESSLY ah Dr. J. F. HIGISMITH. Dr. M. LER. Smoort.. ) Dr. A. J. CROWELL... Dr. JAS. Dr. WM. S. JORDAN... Dr. J. D. HIGHSMITH. Tue Nortu CaroLtina SANATORIUM oe ee weoee ees ee eee eereerne eee Dr: Jas. MOCEnIEoyeer es ce ee eee eer eee eee ee coerce eee ee er ee eoeeceer eer ee eee Dr. WM. DEB, MAGNipeR? >. 2002). 3 Charlotte Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Charlotte Fayetteville Chapel Hill Chapel Hill NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION, INC. DIRECTORS Mrs. Gorpon FINGER, President Charlotte, N. C, Hendersonville, N. C. Sanatorium, N. C. Mrs. CHARLES R. WHITAKER, Vice-President Dr. L. B. MCBRAYER, Managing Director Dr. OTHO ROSS Charlotte, N; Gs Mrs. CUTHBERT MARTIN Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. W. N. Hutt Southern Pines, N, C. Mrs. T. D. JONES * Durham, N. 6. Dr. C. L. MINOR Asheville, N. C. Mr. R. B. WILSON Raleigh, N. C. Dr. R. L. CARLTON Winston-Salem, N. C. Dr. J. DONNOLLY Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. C. C. Hook Charlotte, N. C. Dr. W. L. DUNN Asheville, N. C. Colt. J,ti LUDLOW Winston-Salem, N. C. Mrs. MARK QUINNERLY Greenville, N. C. Mrs. S. H. Brown Oxford? Nac Mrs. J. L. WETMORE Arden, N. C. Mr. HAMILTON C. JONES Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. R. C. WARREN Gastonia, N. C. Mrs. Howarp RoNDTHALER Winston-Salem, N. C. Mrs, C, J. TINSLEY Greensboro, N. C. Mrs. Max T. PAYNE Greensboro, N. C. Mrs. M. E. Rospinson Goldsboro, N. C. A. W. Snow, Assistant Director J. L. SpRuILL, M.D., Clinic Physician Dr. E. T. Ransom, Moving Picture Exhibitor and Health Lecturer LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dr. W. S. Ranxtn, Secretary State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C. My Dear Doctor: I hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and the General Assembly, a report, being the eighth annual report of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis for the year 1921. Very respectfully yours, LL. B. McBrayrr, Superintendent. 7] ie init suet ee ¥ a per teins iM aa Bes, Lol a ae ay ec a ney ¥ Cn ai i hi ; alii: ee iv i tines i Gy sont his we Neb ee bee a rT bis 7 * vi hana Peepeae ats bs oy xo .% ai sane \ A Bet ee te 2 oun bj a ea ray Or ied ry ; = bis ar penis Ne ‘ue ; em ae } ' Reread il TS baie sites + : . sig ite 4, ae ne Pa i y : j y ‘ e 4 et = Pp , Ws : a ; PEs Fj . nt) ee 17, , as bees oe Z Ny e vr i wae ; | Pad a a per oe he * 7 es el pen s q oF 4 Paes eae | | to 7. — =h 1} i A ay et Pa) ww! le om ; ey , ido . ‘ ‘ p Ty) ia 1% *, ; | oh , thes : e ’ i * i | 1 Rr i. ’ Fi na a * aly ' ' poe ; vd 7" t * i Ms le we ¢ f ay ae: § , Vv te LU di g y4y wae Fi Sasa a acs cee ae Sri ee trae ae ra pt. see at ee NP ” ols y e joie eas ie on nes eo | ‘ i i] ie - be har Pe ; eed ' 4 rh f * id ; . 5 As | . , a a y re nx ae i diane OA Se eae, acti ot 3 hed ka Fh ; ures aM th aie a Lv t GA Ae.7' ar 2 in Od ' po cel Fe ae ah See Wess As ve eae ol , Pe . re Z Fs ae E i $2 b ; EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS UNDER CONTROL OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SANATORIUM, N. C. We feel more encouraged with the work at this time than at any time in the history of the eight years of our connection with the Sanatorium. NEW BUILDING The building known as the main building and infirmary has been completed and we moved into it during October. This not only gives us additional room for patients, but also gives us the proper offices in which to do our medical work. The building is the equal of any sanatorium building anywhere and is better than most. It has every convenience that will make the patients’ stay here more pleasant and beneficial as it relates to the patients’ quarters, and that will enable the medical and nursing staffs to give the patients the proper attention. LABORATORY For the first time since the Sanatorium has been opened we have sufficient facilities for bacteriologic, serologic, pathologic and chemical laboratories. This has been greatly enlarged and improved under the direction of Dr. R. McBrayer, both in the scope of the work and in the efficiency of the work, since we have gotten into the new building. The laboratory work at this time is the equal of that done in any sana- torium—barring only a few that could be counted on the fingers of one hand—to the great benefit of the patients. X-RAY LABORATORY The laboratory floor of the new building also gives us sufficient space for the X-ray,laboratory, and when we moved in our equipment was brought up to date by the expenditure of some $1,800, and our thanks are due the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association for this, [9] 10 AnnvaL Report, 1921 as well as the original installation of the X-ray laboratory. The X-ray has become more and more useful in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, particularly over the period of the last four years, due to constant study of this subject by physicians, and we are making con- tinual use of the X-ray both in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. MEDICAL SERVICE Our medical service has been improved, the additional facilities for work being a greater incentive as well as opportunity to find out, first, whether or not the patient has tuberculosis, and, second, to find out about any and every other disease that is affecting and interfering with his getting well of tuberculosis. The staff has accepted the opportunities and worked energetically and enthusiastically for long hours every day, much to the benefit of the patients who come here. A ease in point: A young man was sent here for treatment by a physician who had made a diagnosis of tuberculosis. The patient was emaciated, with a sallow complexion, and at first glance looked a typical case of tuberculosis. On examination it was found that he didn’t have tuberculosis at all. We felt it our duty to find out what he did have. The bowel contents were examined in the laboratory, as is done in all cases who come here, and a negative report made. An examination of the blood was done in the laboratory and this examination indicated an intestinal parasite. The intes- tinal contents were examined repeatedly with a negative report. A sample was sent to the State Laboratory of Hygiene and a negative report returned. Many other examinations were conducted—all negative. The blood picture continued the same. After the administration of certain medicines an- examination of the intestinal contents revealed the fact that the patient had hookworm, which was properly treated and he has been restored as a useful citizen, when otherwise he would have been a total economic loss and total expense to the State and the community in which he lived, until the day of his death. CO-OPERATION OF THE PATIENTS Jt is very obvious that the patients enter more into the spirit of the work—the end to which everything drives being getting the patients well—than ever before in the history of the institution. This is greatly to be desired and enables us to do much more for them than formerly. FOOD With the decline in prices of foodstuffs we have been able to serve a greater variety of food, prepared in a greater variety of ways than heretofore, and we are having a great deal less complaint in regard to the food than we have had in the past. In fact, it is very seldom that we have a complaint. DAIRY The dairy continues to furnish us an ample supply of as good milk as is produced in the State or in the South. Great care is taken in its production and in the handling of it. It is served to the patients in Tue Nortu CaroLtiIna SANATORIUM iil individual half-pint bottles. We are endeavoring to build up the dairy to a point where it will continue to furnish all the milk needed as our capacity 1s increased, and we hope when the division for negroes is opened we will be able to furnish sufficient milk to supply that also. During the last year we have put up an additional silo which will probably take care of our needs in this line for several years to come. We did not have sufficient funds left to build the cow barn unit, so instead we put up ten maternity pens and six calf pens. These have concrete floors, but the remainder is of very cheap construction, con- sisting of rough wood with shed roof covered with rubberoid roofing. We will need an additional dairy barn unit next year. We have several very fine Jerseys producing 10,000 pounds of milk and above per year and one of these cows averaged 61/4,% butter fat last year for the entire year and has this official record with the American Jersey Cattle Club. We have five or six heifer calves out of these cows at this time and hope in the course of a few years to have a herd of this kind of cattle without any additional expense. HOGS Three years ago we purchased three Berkshire hogs at the Southern Berkshire Congress at Pinehurst. From these, without additional expense, we have developed a very fine herd of Berkshire hogs. A year ago we leased our boar to Mr. Leonard Tufts in exchange for one from him. Mr. Tufts exhibited this boar at the State Fair and he took the Grand Champion Prize. We supply the table with all the pork that is needed. FARM The farm has been greatly improved in the last two years. Some additional land has been put in cultivation. We have been able to supply the table with a large amount of fresh vegetables, supply the dairy with all the ensilage needed and make sufficient feed to take care of the mules. The farm has also done some construction work, par- ticularly the laying of a water line from the present Sanatorium to the site for the negro division—the first half of the line at a cost 50% less than the lowest bid and the last half at 75% lower than the lowest bid. GROUNDS AND PARKS We never had an appropriation for roads, walkways, grounds and parks. This is very greatly needed. All the roads and walkways that we have were built by the farm force. During the last year the farm force did considerable work on the grounds and we were able to get several acres around the buildings cultivated sufficiently to put inrye. We need very badly a liberal appropriation for the improvement 12 AnnvuaL Report, 1921 of the grounds, parks and roadways. The location of the Sanatorium is very beautiful indeed, both in the immediate and remote outlook. The grounds and parks around the buildings, consisting of some forty to seventy-five acres, lend themselves wonderfully well to beautifying, and it isn’t fair to the patients for them to remain in their present unkempt state. A liberal appropriation is respectfully requested. SUNDAY SCHOOL SERVICES These services continue a source of much pleasure and profit to both the patients and the staffs. Sunday school has been better attended by the patients during the last year than. ever before. It is run by the patients. As a rule the officers are supplied from among themselves and oftentimes the teachers. The various staffs of the Sanatorium give any help needed, and usually attendance among these is very good. Occasionally visitors to the institution or to some of the residents teach the Sunday school lesson. For several years Miss Grace MacKinnon of Bennettsville, South Carolina, a graduate nurse who is interested in the work of the Sanatorium, has been sending the Sunday school a check for five dollars each quarter, which amount practically supphes the Sunday school with the literature needed. This liberal contribution is very much appreciated. OTHER RELIGIOUS SERVICES The ministers of the various denominations near the Sanatorium have been very kind during the last year and we have averaged about two to three services a month, usually on an afternoon of a week day. Our thanks are especially due to the following ministers: Mr. Keller and Mr. McWhorter of Aberdeen and Mr. Alexander of Raeford. ENTERTAINMENTS The good ladies of Pinehurst and Southern Pines have for some time taken an interest in the social welfare of the institution and have on different occasions provided us with many delightful forms of entertain- ment. On one occasion Mr. Edgar Guest, while on a visit to Pine- hurst, came over and gave us a reading from his works. Miss Annie Oakley (Mrs. Butler) has not only given us exhibitions of her wonder- ful marksmanship, but has also contributed liberally to the pleasure of the patients in many other ways. The patients themselves occa- sionally get up an entertainment and these are always greatly enjoyed. The Woman’s Club at this place has taken a great deal of interest in furnishing entertainment for the patients and has given many general entertainments, such as seeing that the holidays are properly observed. As an example, a hen’s nest was found on each patient’s table at break- fast on Easter morning, filled with various colored Easter eggs. These entertainments have given much pleasure to the patients and to the different staffs as well. Tur Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 13 DONATIONS The people throughout the State continue to show a personal interest in the Sanatorium and the patients who come here. As evidence we can say that no patient has ever had to leave the Sanatorium for lack of clothing or funds, if the reason for leaving was made known When such matters have been brought to the attention of various and sundry clubs and people throughout the State, these things have been provided: As concrete examples: the State Federation of Women’s Clubs have been supporting a bed here in memory of Mrs. Cordie D. McBrayer; the United Daughters of the Confederacy have also been supporting a bed here. In addition to this the fattondig have made donations, together with many others whose names we were not always able to secure: Henderson County Tuberculosis Association (furnishing of one room). Federal Board for Vocational Education (books). All Souls Church, New York City (Mrs. F. C. Brush, Chairman, Cheerful Letter Committee). Metropolitan Church Association, Waukesha, Wisconsin. The Would-be-Wise Club, Fayetteville, N. C. Miss Annie Oakley (Mrs. Butler), Pinehurst, N. C, Miss Grace MacKinnon, Bennettsville, S. C. Mrs. M. E. Baxter, Seattle, Washington. Miss Rebe Hill Shields, Scotland Neck N. C. Miss Georgie Hicks, Faison, N. C. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, Jacksonville, N. C. Mr. J. E. Blaisdell, Southern Pines, N. C. Mr. E. E. Bickford, Southern Pines, N. C. Mrs. Shopwell, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Mrs. G. R. Wittle, Southern Pines, N. C. United Daughters of the Confederacy, Leaksville, N. C. ($5.00). SANATORIUM CLINIC This clinic continues to be of great service to the medical profession and people of the State. Of course, it takes a good deal of the time of the medical staff, but we consider it time well spent and we feel that it is furnishing to the profession and the people a very valuable and much needed thing. We are assured in various ways at various times that this clinic has the hearty approval, as well as support, of the medical profession of the State. EXTENSION WORK AMONG THE NEGROES This is perhaps the largest and best piece of health work that has ever been done among the negro population of our State, or any state, and is showing splendid results. We believe that the negroes are more 14 ANNUAL Report, 1921 than ready to use the negro division of the Sanatorium, which will be ready to open when an appropriation is made for its maintenance. The statistical data on this work is found in the statistical section of the report. DECLINE IN DEATH RATE—A WINNING FIGHT It is a great pleasure to note that in the eight years that the State Board of Health has been conducting the Sanatorium and in the seven years that appropriations have been made to the Extension Department, which is the Division of Tuberculosis of the State Board of Health, that the actual number of deaths in the State has been reduced 50% in round numbers, the deaths for 1913 being given at 4,800 and for 1921, 2,546. This means that there were 2,300 people alive at the end of 1921 that would have died during that year, had the same number of deaths taken place from tuberculosis as did in 1913, This is indeed great cause for encouragement. However, tuberculosis con- tinues to be a greater economic loss to the people of the State than all other preventable diseases put together, and the accomplishments thus far should only serve to encourage the people of the State, as well as those engaged in tuberculosis work, to greater effort. THE NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION We wish to express our appreciation for the hearty and close codp- eration of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association in the State- wide campaign against tuberculosis. Without the aid of this Associa- tion and without the money it has spent, the accomplishments could not have been so great. The funds of the Association are raised each year by the sale of Tuberculosis Christmas Seals at Christmas time. AS OTHERS SEE US The medical profession and the people in this and other states show continued appreciation of the character and amount of work being done here, but perhaps the greatest compliment that we have had was the following: The Medical Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance (now the United States Veterans’ Bureau) requested the National Tuberculosis Association and the American Sanatorium Asso- ciation to appoint a joint committee to consider and report on rules of discipline and treatment for War Risk Insurance beneficiaries. Doctors G. Walter Holden, Denver, Colorado; Henry D. Chadwick, Westfield, Massachusetts; Walter J. Marclay, Minneapolis, Minnesota; David R. Lyman, Wallingford, Connecticut; and Martin F. Sloan, Baltimore, Tuer NortH Carotina SANATORIUM 15 Maryland, composed the committee. In the report of this committee, October 1, 1921, which was approved by Dr. James Alexander Miller, President of the National Tuberculosis Association, and Dr. Lawrason Brown, President of the American Sanatorium Association, the following statement was made: “Take sanatoriums handling principally ‘State’ patients, such as Gaylord Farm, Maryland State, North Carolina State, Massachusetts State, Agnes Memorial, Eudowood and numerous others where the,authority of discharge is vested in the superintendent, and you will find that order and discipline are maintained and that the sanatorium results obtained are among the best in the country. Their methods have produced excellent results and civilians are glad to have the benefit of treatment in these sanatoriums.” ‘SUMMARY OF YEAR’S WORK OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM (INCLUDING THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT), 1921 ‘ Lettersvand “postals *recelved? tn.) 14). .8e ae reek eeeeeneneee teen ee erences ts teen 25,365 Letters Written: Individual iwicoe re is SO RE a ee 16,646 Multigrapneg ) vos aii io seyee sheronehlen conser eens 50,726 POCA Lic sb Sse cs io’ w w'leveleititioce #46 Le 0) acoyhy otal Canta Ean ie eee cece a ee 67,372 Articles Written (Approx. No. Words): NG WSDADEC? 2's Sue ecnliichc lls weceum 5 eaten ene 22,350 Bullets re ee esc kis Alare wlan Wala wept ne. 4 ss alee Cea 47,160 Other” Publications "Fs 2 2c scree sca ce eee eee 3,700 Articles * ‘copied 225) cea a ee ee 293,305 Total » acerwiere eed ick as ar'eltahs lol 0m ato aie, cil acorn oR Lem ea 366,515 Forms. and. Placards’ prepared... os). 2) os ae Pee eee ee 170 Total Number of copies of Forms and Placards)... eass +e sears i 137,624 Blank Cards Mailed for Reporting Cases of Tuberculosis........ 4,082 Number Cases Reported: WC oie ee ccc Re a a tee et 1,433 Colored. vow trea oo Pas a eee eee 1,090 Totaly es cb Ch ae ag ee ee ee Ce eee 2,523 Literature: Pieces ‘Sent: te «Reported fi \ne eens 6,531 Other. Citerature (Sent. out... «ccs. sc eiee Dee 32,969 Total ove RAIPUR, ON ROO O00 Samples. of,.Crusade: Literature |Senti cic ames eee ceed ere 668 Crusade ‘Literature Sent) to “Pupiley >) ai. ee ee eee eee ne 66,002 Sputum Cups “Distributed 9. 0 eee ee ee ree 142,120 Tuberculin Sent Physicians for Von Pirquet Diagnostic Test..... 226 Blanks for Reporting Results of Von Pirquet Diagnostic Test .... 226 Patients’ Histories Written (484). Approx. No. Words.......... 400,400 Cards and: Envelopes Addressedu. ia) icc weiss cieebe neste nee tees 116,964 Hnclosureés SSenes i yicc w civic bis io ios obs 4 oe ork ee ot Ee Detect ereoe 32,588 Total Number Reached by Mrs. F. C. Williams and Supervisors in Addresses on Health and Sanitation ~~. <2... see ee 224,089 Total Number Reached by Dr. E. T. Ransom by Health Moving Pictures. and | Tsecturess sane Speke satel o's ate thts ie epee ea rel wena ere eee 79,900 Number of Lanterns and’ Slides. Loaneds.5). ou ne senreeenene speneneenaiee 19 Number of Ulustrated Lectures = 25% 25%. oleta ele ns eles eine erento 86 Number -Present, at .Dllustrated (Lectures ...%.. 0. stash ss eee 33,270 Dr. L. B. MCBRAYER: Addresses delivered: ...55 bye ouelelhs cue o))s \e eons orekene a) op Geka pnest npr aee! casein 23 TOCA AUCTION COV iiie dh atiot in) i daiaer eas occu ie opie reas RP peer ta AMeTGA sa 2,505 Conferences attended 3%. 0.4 SEW GF ate oe vise erahetene.sftote at omen) gitar teenen ar aan 365 Consultations) Waa ite wisi tke omeeye Uist ec 6 Mie oya ue pete oie Bete carci raion Rea 370 Days out-of OFICe or ass ec narath ers cae, Wate a he tottatels ietebatan et ckc tie! 5 ete emer 55 Tue Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM aly; Dre le MCcCAN: BC CEEE TOS SC CMCC LEC TuCN ama ntl ina cs dt dwt ahd Saeed ental cal Bac MaPGe ceo ve tia 6 TOCA IE ULC LCT COME si ORE Mad. Sie ER MMI BALA ch WORE ER uns celal S elas 600 CeO REN CCCMRALUOTI OU abies tak cia) x oe MARE Cet oe is. se kl carte where ahteae ag 6 CSS MESS: to) «spi Sa SA ae ces slp Rd a i eS 0 Da SmO LL COLO ll COmmmAS “© aha Vans @ Meera okt «as hoa OMS vl ce crane 40 Dr. R. McBRAYER: Pane Se Sma TONT OVO ey ci, a0 aleve ate sasha tock wereld oo othe eLiiate Meee 4 eee ETUC TIGO Me Mote Cee cota. Wo.g ee Ws eich othe ¢ o'a shibg. dbo cae, hea Boe, 400 Reem POTICOS MEAL LOT U Clase ac vat sie ive einwinibie aero. ale oven cy 6 asa bitdesslaeisi wae 53 OE Gey el OLR te eh ete yon ale, ENG Weigh ae lly oo inZald CS wsete eee) are eee ans 10 TOREP ORS, OOD A By of Bh og 0 AUGER ea LATO GARE Tia ARSC a RNR aes © aR UTE oA FTC nL ad DEP Ls OPRUILL: Pre VemCIITI TOs aril eT UMeteen erste ite earl eet cleats PRM Nand SST. Dino 6 cia acellanate 22 USUAL CTR YSIS ic OMEN MIR SEH iy SY 0 1 in te ili: Se mg A SG UR I CD 74 eer LCN LI tame ara cee ais ie ve Reamscay sions ick Mastal.clieleheda asics a sieie 6 silage bas 11,110 emer DCT TIOSIUT VO CASES ten roa oe erect Fe hee aie Cw « mnie al enetere nk mlacd 465 it Mim NIISD CLOUS CACO ee: 2 n't ER High Mo's osc bce ose a i ow eee we oes aes 172 Tim eneTTe ATTY, CASES, its. eee ish Wiel es ot cots see ee boule elma 1,487 MiG eran DEP —Ol CX AIDINALIONS! oy of eu cincanten wipinces| exe-nieheliestipinieims AM 2,124 re TMC ROCCO Me er toro cloth otals bo Seanet byaraicl sbaeke ele died alece, +s) one, dd meek 28 168 Number of school children examined. Inspection, Von Pirquet, etc).... 178 MEDICAL REPORT STATISTICAL Number patients to be reported loner 3000 a. . a2 Bee ee ee eee ail Number patients not tuberculous), 2.025. ooo ee ee 30 Number patients not classified 22 2230.2 va ss ee re 7 Number patients in Sanatorium Decen Wer iil O20 ote eee rere ee ere ere ee eee eee 114 Number patients tréated during year 0.0.2 5.2 Joke a ea ee ee ee ee eee 462 40 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission |— idea A tl § im- : Arrested Neetea Quiescent | Improved een Died Incipienttass-ce eee 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 Moderately advanced-___12 0 0 0 11 1 0 Far advanced_-_-__------- 25 | 0 0 0 10 9 6 Acute tuberculosis...__- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average stay, 18.3 days. Longest stay, 29 days. Shortest stay, 4 days. Number gained weight, 23. Number lost weight, 6. Averaive paint, Scene 2 3:2 Lbs; “Average oscesi es eee nee ee 3.4 Lbs. Lh gare myrea sy Le ach eine A es 29.0 Lbs. |argcestilogsease os ease arene nee ee eee 9.5 Lbs. Sinallest vainiweese oor eee ara oe bo) Bb: ol Smallest losses a eee ne Rete Sie dbl eh: Sta tiorien ry elecl loa ll Rane, 2 le Leger 0 0. Not werehedi aa. ee eee eee 11 93 PATIENTS WHO STAYED FROM 30 TO 89 DAYS. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested ee Wan) Quiescent | Improved Beaeel Died Incipient lesa ae 27 0 1 13 13 0 0 Moderately advanced ....21 0 0 5 15 1 0 Far advanced.._.......-.44 0 0 3 12 25 4 Acute tuberculosis ....._- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Average stay, 59.7 days. Longest stay, 89 days. Shortest stay, 30 days. Number gained weight, 64. Number lost weight, 20. Averacergsin 2 ii. Sie iy aie aes, 8.8 Lbs: | Average? loss: gee see le eee eee 4.9 Lbs. atcest vain +! 5 vested ee 26.0 Lbs. || Largest loss_.-- 2582-22 eo eee 15.0 Lbs. mmnallest: oan yo ae em eet ke te Byfay dbo. IlmsvaaeWikecie Worcien 1 Poe tm .25 Lh. PLC RAUS) AYR mide) nn Wyalerrein TO meray sek UG el ea a 4 + Not: weighed. UU ae 5 [18] Tue Nortn Carorina SANATORIUM 19 178 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE. Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested eee Quiescent | Improved bees Died Aincipientss e208 43 3 23 16 0 1 0 Moderately advanced ...-80 0 1 Al 20 1 Far advanced_.......-.- 55 0 0 10 21 14 10 Acute tuberculosis.....__- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average stay, 183.4 days. Longest stay, 647 days. Shortest stay, 90 days. Number gained weight, 144. Number lost weight, 27. PeUPIAGE PANTY Sons send oceeeetce TORIC Sa AV era oot LOSS ae meee 1 mene ie keene 7.7 Lbs. PeeRCCRU TORING... oko oe cheek bS.O ups Wuareeat loss wees ee oe ee Poe 39.5 Lbs. Pipette! a ce OLD. homatiest losses eaiye ase as ivi a 0.25 Lb. PtRLIp nary es ek ek SeleNov weighedt tthe 0 yae Sa oe ees 4 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS ee OM OTEATO SDL ino cd dow acc sche thala eh eree e binie o a \elatera eaten 127 Positive— PON IMEERCHLEL LEAD Eibewnr et A cee on cher ca Nt ey DENS Waals G5. oo atlet UPA a Betusy BE i 2 Pee SPOR ICL OM CC a,c wail Pte fin sey MM paen tie tales Galt, 4 lo Scan 155 SLY TOSSA SEN ee aa RL RIN Cr Ta HAS Spr, eR 139 SUED ETL, of eset eel A ale Hf a RR lp PRT Co Se I ae Aa all 593 HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE TU SE Se AO oo eal a ea ae Sg A ara oN le a Uae ea de 195 Positive— CO VAOTISPOLL Vie ete A ots Tk CRN Wich teensy Ae Peace alae Mebeod okey’ Se 93 PreVvViOUsStAnG GUPiIDSeresitlen ce wei. i.) .fso cles im cee. die cles 17 HUTT eT esiG C1COe Oy ie ate aa es ies bogs, cute .4. ad ove: ere ease suet’ 6 OLE AGE Civ1t CoNnDITION SEX aa 20-29 | 30-39 40-49 | 50-59] 60 Single | Married | Widowed ee | | |] | | ‘ 20 ANNUAL Report, 1921 COMPLICATIONS Alveo0laris: (252 Wis aie ccc eee eer ee 1... Malaria tet aess. spots eee pets APVENGICICIS® Ooo. nie so eee an. lL Miscarriage] .),. mcr reine recess Bronch i Ctasis yi meee. ee onetime ee 1 Meningitis,” ..: jee ee ee Bronchial) asthma ch. ete eee eee 8 So vbitral sreeureitation.. wen cs. ce Broncbiti Sams Gere een pee ee 12, . MYOGATOM IS ee ee Bronchopneumoniar .. wees: 1 Nephritigawed .c earcemcte at Gc omit reer CardiaG .HyDErtropu Via. ieee. 1 |: OSteCltiQOeye ieee emer tert: GCHOTOLCTLIUS eo oes Bs ae eee L. Otitis 360d Ria oes ee es COXxa@l 21a. t. cy aerate eet ae 1; ‘Prolapse ekidney eae nc an tes Cold abscess on sternum........ 1) Pharyngitis ae per ee eee oak. ee HMNGCLEGLS. 4h guage wavs heie ties stake aie? LS. 5, BRG@SIEINCNe a oracle eae arate aaeda teed e Eiistile.. Game hl ceaeenre cote nase cnee 4” “PyG lige Ber een eens ee, tee ernst Gonorrlicamitiin woes cerry see anes l ‘“Pyorniesd evadenliianw. . grace, Sirs eee a OCCUPATIONS AUTOM eChairies tig..42 8. steers 2. Bookkeepers or re crwad. os oe 2 ee. Banko Peller circle a's tee wee nee LS Carpenter sr mtr. agin acute at Clerks i Des LOLe oiteeese es es ee eee 10! MeércHa tit sie ieee crete ee eae Coachaibuilderviuut cee. soe L .NUPSESigis aie oe ts per eee COO Kast tis Riviere et ee crs me ge 1 + Paintere, cos eee elas cee Cotton Mill Employees.......... ib: - “Pieteghauhart a. eae eee Coumty; Superintendent :Welfare.. 1 Physician: (r.9- eo) eaee Detectives yikes nists tence mune 1 Postmaster, JASSistant i. octane < Dressma ker ? si: hicieron 1. Postmastetp Cleve d.: 3.6.5. ee HCitG BA aoe eee OR ee 1 ‘Ratlroad BmployéesvG..4.-..5...% Hlectriciang? b.'.0%7.7.1.ckense ease ere 2. Saléslndiss ieee wise... se sean fies ig 8 01) fs tera tatiana Lg aE ete man) 8. 50! Sales eniieermencsgesegn ee eens GlaSSTRW OV KOR TP ye wcthe ts on a eta 1.) Saw- Milnes eee eee FIOUSCK CC DOTS as ence one icieheinceney pon mary 2 2Seamatresse ceca eee er HOUSE WIV CS inide Case oe en ee on 115 “Soldiers 23.2 eee eee Hotel’ Clerk wrt cnt ae eon een 1” *Stenographertw ae eh eee Insurance Agent<0 seh res 1. “Studentethvsch2 eo ee ae tee Laborers) .i22.4. SW Hat) Gotta 2: oDeailorot fda. eer Cee ele eran: LA WV.OT:! ineeivep eset dean odiaua ohcleiatnetic taadatest 1 Teachers WE Rae eA OR EEE Machinists )) thing tie oeaane eae 9." Telégraphers } a. cue ere ee ree Chautleursiraerctanee ra. we ht eee % © ‘Fobaceonises. gaiigeee ee ste Manager Merchandise Store..... L Pravélinge ‘Saleemen «<2. .s.5sceee MASON VEDTICK uote oi ceiien eens to No Occupation .2.. eee TOWNS FROM WHICH THE PATIENTS CAME ATOSKI ORR cirs Tata aee a ae one 1 PALOT UE tele Gi alata is @ Giseeaeeu tens eam Eee, CR, 1 BA TR CTIO€ Worse 5.5 eter eee arene RMN uae re eet ie 2 Asheville: (i tisgerresm aeewee rhe one re 2 ATKINSON hein sr tele eee ret rote nar aN PA VOLO aetiders tence serena eta cu Tati 1 Bakersville Bathe Belmont... Penson. Brinkleyville Pentonville 4 eececvoeeeeerer ee eee ee ee @ eoceseevcereee eee ee eee eo @ oseereeererere eee ewer ee eee ee 6 @ ee ¢ © 6 © @ © © 6 6) Ce) ee sie Tur Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM Black SCreeli: cet cher oP Vee. dee Bladenboro Blount Creek) Uae vescsnace PlVeues Boomer .. Boone ... Booneville Bosley ... Brevard . Burlington Buxtoiw °°. Calypso .. Cameron . Carpenter AP y nee ts eoeoeerereree eo eee eet Peeve ee @ eoocereveer eee eee eee se 8 oe oo Oo oeoeoseeoeer ee eee eee ee ee eee eosoeeeeeee ee ee 2 © © © 8 © 8 oO @ oe er eee see ee eee ee ee eee eoeoewer ere wr eee eee eee se eo oe ose eee eee eee see ee emo oe ecveevsevee ees ee ese ee ee 8 oe oo eoceoererereoer eee Peewee ert eee POPP ORMOLOLO Foleo alete storetetetenete 0023 eS ETT tr Aenea ea ae aielae'ele' so 6 9s Charlotte ‘Claremont Glraton” ~2. Colerain . COMO e.. Corapeake Woncord). Conover . Cove City Creston .. ‘Currituck Diver. Stine a0. raper. wa. Hast Bend Edwards . eoeeerere eee eee eee ee ee ee O SCC HO HCCC CHC HEM HO He ee eee eeoereer eee eee eee ee eee ee @ ia, 6, & ee ee 6) 0 ee 6 6)"e 8 6) 8 8 0,6 oeoeeec ee ee ee ee ee ee ew ww Ow eeceeereere et © ee eee eee ee eo e) algtalsreate. the 1 StU Py Fr OFM tele ee as fetes obskabe fo pK PAD OT reeks ererecteta elots cl Siete s onan 1 Tar bOLOotteaw ok Sr an cee aah Calg atch 5 TRHOMBSV UIC wes ie letars ols ate a ene 1 Tim DOPIANG Se ticatereshe tla auarcelee vena 1 TYrONLOD Wide ol toteroretels! ol Hiccae rae if LOY Gere hse re aie alate ts eo teaize ‘ appt V aATieme rawness terete eta etedias ghee te 1 V in Gland faour. Suess oe bias oie lelis uk WadesbDOripn cite cits anol eetete siaboeneree 1 WarrenePiginserct er totshcceteteaes 1 IWATLTSAW 2 rue T aati teins ere elas ie aims I Wash imctor i oer. cists eket renee MA e "Wa x hia Wie mic stelniets eehaeat cca anaes eee a | Weond ell Mal setercra. yese ces trea Setar teas 1 Whitakers oi) eet is core ator ik W Ihitmel pumice cl gctstetetataatus vcore 1 Whitsattams tue «i aul eoteraece al Williametonsnee. «ots aia ta 2 Wilmin ston ae. ae cey are eter ace gs 1 WILSON REGS Cece e tite srerie aemeee 2 Wingate are carrie atk ements it W inStORs Salen ee crn are isles: o WIintOl orci eke eee ae ee dae 1 Yad Kin ville potas cab sce trae i WY UTE phe Re ote otc, eed Me Liga 1 DAT SPs ratte ote afeest eho ae GAT oie Davidson’. \.t.>.' Athewtaeietatde 6 tee FIGS Davies As cede hrs ie ere é 2 Duplin eo oie cE Sree een 3 Durham * sie o2 Res eee s wees AAS aT Hdgecombe’ ew alters wee 7 Forsyth® (Ai secs ares womens ae S Franklin? }s seas ae ee eee ‘aa Gaston 6) 3 6 oc OP SPSS At Oe ces 9 Gates.) d8 Fe Shea ee Peto Granville«/ 3.5 fae.) eee eee 4 Guilford © hoa Peateeels! caeeeeeene 12 Halifax dead catia d Osea at eee 10 Flarnett::s oe feaw ¢ bee3s eee 7 Henderson) +0050 50s 105 Senne 4. Hertford: ¢:..ce0) .. > 5 Hoke: nsw vere dred fet dens Meee 2 Iredell ie seis cee: oh doe 5 Tuer Nortru CaroLtina SANATORIUM OOS LOL Pats chu hoe eee AMPEG wai 's, 8 56 6 AIST Be Bei be CRU, ES 80 1 EYES ge, ayia ft 1s ind Ue Sig 30 ae 4 LLEVR TORO ED Sh tpl ail hth ale aa. nae a 3 BE TLOOPIUE Bet tah eich. is. ohade Alcea tee so 6 ve ww ton 4 COTE Be oh BE irae ws "soe 8 ane oes uy DYER EOL a oii abet tue: ote ata lee ae e's “6. 2 UPS STG aly ual Ak aA 3 OT OT a te a nla lstece ia! sc ajeie woe a Wes PM I tore cic CA's) ceoh ate: Osco «6's 8 hse 2 PATEL TTC LY OAs alate pha cat sich ote a ble 40 « 3 TS Gaal ne 3 et ATMO PEG) chee valet a cos fede So: oe + 0-4 12 ree ELT OATTOVEI 3 ied 05. o's e's as oleie as 1 BOP al LORS Ose Segoe dss 5 OS LOSRER Oe ee els. 8 in Se EWE E98 UI ae ac ne A a iE Pe eran > Ps a eek pe ss 0 os 2 (CEASE (LS |e a 2 ELC be Stel PIR NE I et ea 2 ge CUT ORES 1 Raut ete ot ok at scy hd hele cai oun e'o.> 5 23 Ban dolphsy:. socc ais Weert tai 5 FLCOIMONG © ie ary Ree Cee alter ees 7 EVO DESO a sts aie clatees Seen ee eae 9 FROCKID STAIN Mieco Renee ana chee 3 FRO WAI cars. soe hielo a reineats tare 2 SALUD SOM Gay erty: akatie ee ee ate aie oc 4 POOLIATICU Hes tee on Geren piane eb ce stat aia 1 RUC ELLDL Vane rere Grete ae ects ara rene RY oF ae 1 MUO GSR ead etcetera coiaierare eats te conan 4 SOUL LCVi tise cites hehe aia teeta mea ete caal at oes 4 SOT Ma WD ttt eM Be ora sith Oe PTA ae a. a ELHUSVLVATNS. &. sretviictre-ctate aes oe 1 LVTOTOLE Wiale tts do tekars eemktia ocaha eee rl ae 4 ec TLC Ole deaercatey vier wiunduaveta le cols eet ee terera ee 3 WRK Gp GES eral GRAAL DRIES fe 8 WW ET OTIBE, ewe Otte wt oe ven aber eeetereee 2 Wi SEUITY St Oteno 5 errs, fers otlry Mote ateme 3 VV LGU SEL mere, th ater eee Od cca wo hcceaee eer pene 2 VV ELV ELE eA ees ear aRe ats (Ls i eee tae 10 WY 1 kee eer icercc eater. tors echo shis'iay seas tenatees 2 WilSOM peat ilce eravccuad eteteacnelae, Seen 4 BY cl ATMO ees Ace sian a, ea, er ere 5 OUTSIDE PATIENTS EXAMINED FOR DIAGNOSIS AND CONSULTATION LS GNSYC ITTY SB oe ya eel a rr af) July PAS RT SORPER ToT ca Wie Metts h G 81 PINT EVAR E TESS IR, Ge oh s.5 as ic 6s wes Oe oA ULE U Stns ee wus acacia eet are cee 105 DOA SEE ESV)" au A DS a 26 ew Senco Nor. er eg Oty ect tee totes toe 85 EYL LIC eee ha Sok ack kstay elaidelade.'us ohe's 49° -Oetabeny. ov. Ceooareey ok sae ae 87 FONT By se ea go 60 TOVELI DOR, Oh ee ae we ee 50 VEC VARESE arr ole oS US od w tial ww ws 60 pees | NOMEN eens oe ce oh eae eee. 80 POTS ARORA AM es Gale eine Sotee 751 Classification: Eix-patients Examined .......... 204 FOSIMYVOs DIaSNOSis.y Fama s est aire 206 INerative dt Diaan Osistyeaiiher as tie 341 ROWE: Lgetln od he ate VS pn pein So alae age Mage ede LOL SUMMARY MEDICAL REPORT DECEMBER 1, 1920, TO NOVEMBER 30, 1921 Patients Admitted: Dh alehyets: okay Pret h ea Pwo ME ee A eee ae Aa Sa ae A nL RD 70 Moderately «Advanced nikon m adh ihe See AS Aa we ime etal ete ee 124 War ACVANGCOG Casi Norske. ton heh tear ahe Aeon or ala Meee 8 eee ea ee 129 NOG OGIABSITCT ect ets Mace a te eranedbbe ss eget e EME REE ee ena) > SEC end we 12 MOU ILOGTICU LG UG meee rer erils tar niu dens, are Wie ahaa ame Winete amen: silat cai-ailare as Aanewentne aaa 13 MOR DIBENOSIS «4255 weeks be ispe FP brech 54. oid TR gees RARE Bea HBB. akbnt dole tan 3 dW) 02 NS aa BOS, GeO MRD or ROLE eh UMMC PNA Peak MR Sa ec Adie 351 Patients, Discharged: RET CSUCTIMRE Matar hee Grats oe ee Ges od aan es eelats eee ee ead ol rte aepetie arene 3 PANPATOUULY Ee TT CSCEUL« sare ya titetdtanue tale al ten enche nee Maedn fe erate tccnt ae omen peters 35 QUT GS COTE are ees re ee oe che clean te tet OmIee Oe rch cataract ster ote atts ean ame 88 PAI DTOVG Ceeetecatete tse ae ere ee eters acento to ae Were ann tet ar at aih, eal a a etek OMe eae 105 LGC Viet vn em eae ie sine re ok aie Sci ee F olatose'e gee date eue le/'a bop arehena ocarayenetee rene 21 TUE POVOC te teres, te eRe MEM ne nk RR EP POE NS, oS or ew ne 59 24 Not Classified Not Tuberculous Annvuat Report, 1921 oeoeweereececevr eee sea e eee ee ere ee ee eee eee ee ese ee eee eee oo © @ © Ge PD & Om Be © © Cw Oe, © © eo) 1G) C0) (6) 2, eee) ened el) eelelsteperes le TOC, coc ss: te'lncte 4 rie uk el we wick wh pha lke AONE baMua ets ne SuPer tre Se 348 Hospital, Days i cini. DOMOR SE eee ee ewer ee eee 40,047 Number Patients, December 1, 1920............... 111 Number Patients Admitted?) .oo eee eee eee 351 Number Patients Discharsed 29 7 eee 348 Number Patients, Decenaber 11921. eee eee 114 state Appropriation, Maintenance... eee $85,000 Cost per Patient: per day 10 Slate... eee eee $2.12 STEREOROENTGENOGRAMS of Chest Sanatorium Patients Outside Patients 455 118 Other Parts of Body 20 — Therapy 45 — Total 520 118 LABORATORY REPORT Sputum: CMICTOS.)) 0 sss. sca 2 a. 8 ook epieng a teeeee 1,714 (Chemis) © ane oan Fs oc atoms, & eee eee IE, Tae 164 Total... sedradhye® « «ERs ceeete eee Ee ene oe ee ee 1,878 Urinalysis: CNGCTOS!) ales RIT OED 0 eas rancher homens a eae ee 803 ( Chem, ) eye Mehler CS oa epee oe eee 1,362 (Special-Studies): 0.0.40 2 eee 12 (Phthalein Functional Tests) <4 eee ee eee 201 Wc) 02) Seren MPU wr einer SS ae Re 2,018 Blood: Re Be Geese olen Re co ne ew ad to a, 0: ae 86 A! (Qe ee Omer rey Rene meer emer SO se Ries 105 Dife Wy GBo Gian bce 0% 6 ain ee «eel oe: Coals occ) cee ne ilo Hemoglobinw:s3 cgi 22 Saige ce 5s ee ee ee 66 Color Index 3. Pete ee eee eee 63 ATI OE Day se oes bs Saw svopsaietiy ep ad ere Dolan g oe ister lee ee ine GAIL Rn na 10 Malaria. cots 6s ake cocaca slave Gale, oo 5, Src aR SHA ULcee nie) cna Cen ce 18 "WaSSeCrmanns orc c i Be ee re Snare ee ot recalls Cone eno re iN iy SSUSAN / 5% sso seve Cece: Blais BG al oh coats ce oles CORE etree ais ree ore re ec an 221 Lf gt; ne Ae a PORT CAPER MIR CT OO Athenee 40 GHIOrIdes | oo ye ose ww 8 ew cew wise wate uhsae are et ae ee ‘ oR Onilture (State Tabs). ois dacs a is ects se genome 2, peacoat sells nee 5 @oagulation Determination —o0..4.. .ssenn see. oe . 208 Total: a errs cid wie are oe big eee ae ak eee ns et 1,031 Basal*-Metabolismis {29.8503 20.0 2% Sine ace a wee oscar eteerana ce OPTIC a ne 182 Fratttonal. hwald Meals «ogiew s 920.00 UCU LD ITTCILGlIM re sk Otter ere tence cc eek aese eee 21.00 STELDITCS Fenner tae ete tee ra tt aerea a cl 6 84 PPOUEL go Rtiietaks ovare to cia 2 Hee SE ee ees $ 6. 5 411.8 4 Farms: PiLoive Stock...) OR IOS pepe ser Pye ere ek Repairstort building sic wee on iets 53.75 WEA CTIALCT Va 201) Cy UO GUS me aenvevttenuntey sas ane nar0 1,653.16 Seedvandafertilizers: i... /ceaeies 1,178.29 Ue veye en i i a Ae ep 640.44 12, O pee ee eae sebon tile: ccs’ ee cece ache’ 4,006.86 MOS COLLIS TN CONSA ture ot osc amscla tetas: eres eee 37.49 AWUTHW DS ek Sle ee SRY iar leah ied aie $ 7,569.99 Sanatorium Fund $ Odea 186.38 $ 563.51 $ 157.90 51.33 43.14) 36.00 $ 288.34 $ 52.00 9,971.64 $10,023.64 $ 10.20 $ 10.20 $ 50.82 $ 50.82 $ 10.41 15.00 306.35 $ 331.76 $ 4.92 $ 4.92 $ 15.65 44.64 273.46 2,620.23 351.38 1,473.07 81.89 $ 4,860.32 $ 33 Total 847.25 19,819.47 874.44 842.77 1,202.31 546.76 12,430.31 34 AnnuaL Report, 1921 DISBURSEMENTS—ContTINUED State Sanatorium Fund Dairy: Repairs to. barn and) silos... 3.3. 2% S een Lives Stock. his ee kee cee ee eee 290.55 Fixtures so, sta oe eee ee oe ee 123.39 Supplies es ee rere er eee ee eee 245.49 Peed £2 Axis see eet cee 4,717.38 DTG et NOME ts as atl eee tho el 1,639.43 Miscellanéous ice: a xcl). se) senor TOCA TL De et ae ee ee $ 7,016.24 Miscellaneous: *TOANUSGATIC. lace ete ee otteeee core ee ee She ee, Ti DOT ere an eet cole eee nti ee renee 206.50 Traine aChooM veiw ee cee 115.20 Telegraph and telephone .......... 1,167.22 TiSALTV OT Vip ec siecle eee aioe eeeieerett eee 2,272.19 Transter fand deliveryer. fee. cia eet DTD, Refunds Brvand. -Ti5 Ree eee i eee 825.98 Freight, and express) 22.8.8) 7 ence 2,164.84 HOf ACCOMUH Gace ot aeabestem pe oan eee 424.99 DE it a Pee oh sg nt Ron ihe Oh Prd | Boe 1,213.62 Total Nee 3 Oe RPP ee setae $ 9,588.49 Total Disbursements os 2. oes S Soe eee GENERAL SUMMARY Balance December Ist, 1920: Casandra were cae ese Gul tees $ 1,988.12 ee a SOs LEU Su eC Osme Bie te ee 16,375.14 © 7?) ~ pa A VOLO Gaetan eevee occas 2,265.70 TOGATAR. 2%. wher pee Anaalaen etutie tetas Outstanding Vouchers, Page Trust Co.....$ 11,917.41 7 Bankiopt1oke ce sie. see eeees 2,0Ddeat Totalourstandinges ans ss ee True balance Dec. ist, 1920.... Received from State Appropriations ....$234,821.15 i. i Sanatorium earnings .... 69,598.23 Intertrading Accounts ... 6,637.04 ” ” Md Weyer W ER iiirrs ars ee mie ny IM hI te loasdecti sho te Total “to. accounitmiOne.. satanic oreo eee DISBURSEMENTS Permanent improvements .............. $115,642.32 HIMCENSION TUM Ate. at chee see es ee ale 15,000.00 Maintenance ey ialk Parc ie ane fa ale A rene 85,000.00 Total Appropriation expenditures . Maintenance from earnings<- Totala: Disbursements. | .72salitt saa ee eons Balan-cevony band Pare we. ee ies onde sei eee Fund ah Sie 180.41 96.9% 718.13 4,403.78 106.79 3.00 $ 5,519.76 oe ee eee 183.29 2,145.79 2,431,81 3,956.26 386.€2 220.42 513.84 9,889.34 eooceerereee eee $ 20,628.96 14,468.68 $ 6,160.28 311,056.42 $215,642.32 67,775.58 eeeerecereee ee eeeceoeeereevee Total $ 12,536.00 19,477.83 $283,417.90 $317,216.70 283,417.90 $ 33,798.80 Tur Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM 35 Cash eile OMCs mere sel tan ie a, Ae let lete ere 1,583.02 Cache ee aror Prust CO. sites 45,392.69 Cash imepanksonmwoKey.... eee. 9,176.58 PEO Coe etal PER 8. ia arutas teen erate Ua UP ee) oe $ 56,152.29 Less outstanding vouchers: ea SGae TITS bie (Oeste ters tata hs ad ata lanets 21,756.13 EA ee LABEL ORK Ot orale acd gl ate ater eteleS"s 597.36 SIREN We ON het On INT a Rr Al ae ARE 22,353.49 VExed We gives 2 ub intive Ail piled wl PARMA ORES ILA BBE Seta let Ph pram GU A pal $ 33,798.80 RECONCILIATION OF CASH ACCOUNT RECEIPTS 1920 eT ME EM a Cesc BL AG aie ele aioe ards sled oes af sl oreseae hele 1921 Sa ea rat en ME 0 3) NE es), «Vad, home 4) 9.4) ale as WG b> 10,158.94 aR A Era cA Zig a. ss nuh p Re Baia oR wR 5,914.04 Og le ee, A el eis Baran 6,784.82 Deiat a cy -arely as gp sp arg o asd REMIT VN 5,609.29) ee re Be Re othe se Meas liens ey ate os se 8 6 bale ob aes 6,984.30. ee ee re Ge aks cha A, ws syle! iyi & ies viel ads © 9 4 ae dine Male 6,054.49 hye? dketan yb et Ea Of 4A A Ret Be Os ORE BOR OR EE 5,572.98 ma eh teeta Me Marcha a'as pac te sais, Vh5, Ki6 eit ssh Guar aiiwl's ies -aini ere nw a4 5,171.18 SISTINE, 2052 IRIE NO ip ee 5,827.07 RPE OC Fairies ST «oo. othe ous ee 8s a woven bes as a OPIN Oe ae 5,105.76 ETI TIT Olt MEMMMEMENEE,. cS ia ha lela ai, fs /6ohy yeh old culda eilene nie Ghacaule wa 5,234.49 OREM ECO COLIC GEMS CONT cas ss! erctate Eats tee teaie eae ce 8 dec dag ouaae Casta Oicespecember: 18st, 1920.6 00. bev le ee bee nee Palghat CUR te MeO Tee BOA GAL Sop #5 crs. Me 5 Fels eda ach Na late Mla vite starellelin, ay Obes Niet ele DEPOSITS BANK oF HOKE 1920 Ber C eames Ree hn I's, Seat Fn

7.60 ip LGD, St sited he SR Ree Le a rat cease i MO de a 3.63 Me RP Fe ye se te Oe eich wit ep thio eis folly te ake. oe vad _ ACNE Ve ER AR SR Re a oa Rae Pa eat 7.45 % i Ce PORN rel oe 17s nctans Cie ete ANGE S Na Tale se oe Salk 17.00 SME dara i toa, gta i's! aha. < vas ges tars es > bed cane aatncg SARS Abe ost £58.91 re RUM eee eal de aia § uel gi aie whee we ib cn NSS $597.36 RECONCILIATION OF BANK BALANCES December 1st, 1920, to November 30th, 1921 Pace Trust ComMPANyY, ABERDEEN, N. C. PalanCesit DanKmWecemoer DLO 20 oi siure owsysiene. @osi seas, 21s $ 16,375.14 Deposited by State Treasurer 2... cee eee ee ieiee 234,821.15 OD Ly ee iced MOINS HGH chahat hat aN ePabalie! efor s) oh etal oho ols tenthe Pron & aproty $251,196.29 Outstanding vouchers December 1, 1920.............. $° 11,917.41 NIOTLENers Ula wietliiminer DOLLOG fe. i lamas + etme peeks 215,642.32 FTO EAL Mae PR Mar ch aera Ne aetlpulere Velle'ia/ aie. gtar'g ailouste eb hiave re ae eee, beac SoG) 221.004 to Balance Decem Pere Ly LO 21a eters nn chops craks ene: os aibbiah Whee ieh yecee el $ 23,636.56 BANK RECONCILIATION Balance December 1, 1921 ark « sce a crsde ares = orete ouoleaie ¥, 0° $ 45,392.69 Less outstanding: vouchers... ....0.. 220 e see cee he tees 21,756.13 Balan Cem ree wie: oss seeie a clelgale Be We ton FT Oreo w tive eee at ee 5 23,636.56 Notal- amount outstanding checks.............. $21,756.13 38 ANNUAL Report, 1921 TRIAL BALANCE DECEMBER 1, 1921 Dw Surplus sissies Soa bie oheveual c euake home. iedeln inline erate Soa mete ecient Real Estate: Hospital sGrounds. 2a oii ee ae ee ee $ 20,000.00 Administrations Building sen pea en eee 6,100.00 Negro :Samatoriuimt) (i). \s eke qegelies istics. se eee 5,553.48 Nurses” Home® (225. cS Oey ae 10,200.00 Superintendent’s “Residence -).).c0i5. 20 eee 7,150.00 Assistant Superintendent’s Residence ........... 2,260.50 Assembly and Dining Halls and Kitchen ........ 8,500.00 New. Wel ives sak se ae thie Siete a se ae 7,922.17 THETA Pee oii sie bea tices eeu. ie eee enn 260,550.10 Open Air: Cottage (No.! Load. oii sks Ya. eee 3,700.00 OpenVAirwCottage "NO. .2 ae ens claps eee 6,731.84 New Powers Plant}, 2s vote tie cn eee 557.44 Servants’ ‘Quarters. 3.) : 7S Sa ee 6,253.65 Snow Hill Cottage. 2... ose eri a 1,750.00 Physicians sResidence ck 06 as Sal c oeetaee oe eee 3,500.00 Repairs to, OlduBuildines 7) .cse +. tscseaecee ee ee 13,752.71 Farm Stppliesiand. Expense 2.20). ss. eee 878.75 PRAY TS ele le eee aoteshseloe hel alice i aaeh Geeohts vote ra lea ee 34,750.00 Farm Machinery and: Equipment ’..4°47- eee 2,902.65 Farm ‘GiveyStock 4d aces ate pie ounce conse Sheets ene ee 900.00 Farm. “Resideénce:. 74.5 4a. sien ahr eee ee 3,804.03 Dairyapupplies and Expense..4.> .- ns oc oe ee 7,129.15 Barns, Silo, Bottling Plant and Equipment ...... 26,205.08 DairvyelivesStock’' |. catieaus ie ccc stro te teen 13,763.36 F028 WACCOUNG Re aus isos seenuhs sususls oblate oa ake hae See 2,889.40 Furniture and Fixtures: EFOSDALA a ie Wer gota tows eter e alae cvacetehe .<... «ciereiauhs oadellanaws)» ws teen 4S 42;662:78 a MME (OG UMPIRE TE TIVOTY can 's 4. ina !G..c sin H's) do ocx On Las soko ce 30,284.68 Pe Oemio VECO LO MOem@ ital CINE . itis seach ss can to esas ae a as Cale a 5,810.51 Sold by PEPE. SUS od CR ea ee A Re Sei a 6,557.54 $ 42;652.73 Sire PE TOMO UMC CALS SOL. cis ous ascchinc ic chk coe deca. d NSighea 6,557.54 $$ 22,158.65 Preceunesmet SOCULI VG OLIICEy or uleee © clea atest sists sie cele ees Albis seiner axes 0s % 22,155.00 Expenses: Se ecu s Cee WALES hake Pats ald Paup thie eee sa unrilal s Siena OO Go Stationery, literature, seal suppliesi. vi. ..0....- 2,979.04 EO SUELO Coe i ree Seen tas Meee RE NR oh c Pacot ene ae oat a leee. cae aaeear ees D2 Ok PVM OLRER? OX PCNSess Ashes fF ead ee alee ods 75.00 $ 6,943.30 57> due National: Association: 4:2. gi acss ri bcs eee ewe. 2,132.69 9,075:o9 Net ‘Receiptsy DPxrecutive -Ofices,. 12sec here nnd ec 0. I $ 13,082.66 receipts Lode. ref x. $5,253.07 Receipts Ex. Office $ 1,613.22 Exp. $ 696.81 4 TOLER RA ae 6,745.22 1 e f AL G0:0 jae 1,235.72 A ODE Sek kl ome 8,033.86 oy % a 2.63050 tee 1,590.43 st LO LGueeees. 12,078.74 fy i ae ATSOf00 eo 2,750.56 e Oi eeeereae Veer soa 02 oS ig f $, 03643007 el bee de LOT So 42,407.18 a A 23,408.53” 8,528.18 a LOZ0 Ree ee 36,728.38 3 ” i 18,062.81 ” 7,774.04 $4 LOD LER tileree 42,652.73 “ 4 i 22,158.65 ” 9,075.99 46 AnnvuaL Report, 1921 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 19, 1922 RECEIPTS Balance on hand as per report submitted at Annual Meeting Febrtrarys 28, 192070 7 eke La eee $ 4,380.27 Received from sale of ‘Crusade supplies 2. a.m oie eee ee ee ee 627.57 Receipts. colored) chairmen (2%... .2.... 1 2 hte eee if SELES ees Se es 5,810.51 Receipts, white: chairmen = cc. yews teus ow Nee eee ee tee 9,790.60 Receipts mail ‘sale wo. ese os. Fea dale a ence eee eee te cane eee 6,557.54 Commission: from ‘sale*of scales: 225k eee eee 3.00 Framsferred) from Savingspaccount.0 ‘ 5 ‘ ; ~ A ay ‘ - ’ 1 \ > * a” { ' oe? * +4) a f i aby aw ‘ . %3 epi » ae A Cie eee von .* > we ea ~ + we (anise = oie 4% opp Shares ry 7 ab aed . awe , et ‘hP LETTER OF TRANS MITTAL Dr. W. 8S. Rangin, Secretary, State Board of Health, Fialeigh, N.C. My Derar Doctor:—I hereby transmit to you, and through you to the State Board of Health and the Governor and General Assembly, a report, being the ninth report of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, for the period from December 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922. Very respectfully yours, Dobe VMcbRaven.. MD. BIA.C.E:, Superintendent. (5) NINTH REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM, N. C. UNDER CONTROL OF THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH We are pleased to report continued improvement and progress. MEDICAL WORK Our medical work has expanded and improved steadily, as our facili- ties for doing good work has been increased. Every member of the staff keeps fully abreast of the advances in medicine generally, because often a patient does not die from tuberculosis alone, but from any one or several of the many diseases that afflict mankind, which diseases, if cured, would leave the patient ‘‘free to get well of tuberculosis.”’ Our laboratory has increased in usefulness as facilities for work have been provided in the completion of the main building, and our routine laboratory work is in a general way equal to the best. Our X-ray laboratory has continued to extend its usefulness and we are now doing much X-ray therapy in addition to the diagnostic work. The opening and furnishing of our operating room has added greatly to the thorough- ness of our work. Our patients seem more contented and happier since our buildings are more modern and more comfortable. We are looking forward with much pleasure to the completion of our new auditorium, dining rooms, kitchen, bakery, cold storage, etc., which are now rapidly taking form. Religious services have been conducted on an average of twice a month by nearby ministers. We are especially indebted to Rev. O. A. Keller, of the Baptist Church, Aberdeen, Rev. Eugene Alexander, cf the Presbyterian Church, Montrose, and Rev. Euclid McWhorter, of the Methodist Church, Aberdeen. In addition, Sunday School is held every Sunday evening and other services at intervals. Many entertainments and recreations of various kinds have been 20t- ten up by the patients or the patients in collaboration with some one or 7] 8 Report, 1922 several members of the staff—the woman’s club of Sanatorium having frequently been the promoter of such entertainments. The attitude of the people of the State generally toward the tuber- culosis problem is more and more showing an intelligent interest in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, which is due in large measure to the educational work of the Extension Department and the State Tuberculosis Association, which association works in codperation with us along the same general lines. FARM, DAIRY AND HOGS Our farm is in very much better shape than ever before and will continue to improve. Our methods of bookkeeping enable us to show a profit and loss account on the farm, and for the past few years the farm always shows a nice profit, and, 1oo, furnishes fresh vegetables and fruits in season that for the most part could not be had until from a few to ten or twelve days old. Our dairy plant and herd continue to be models for the State and furnish a quality of milk that could not otherwise be had. The dairy is the most profitable part of the entire farming operations. The herd of hogs, now numbering more than one hundred, has been built up from one herd sire and two matrons, and in addition furnishes the table with from two hundred to four hundred pounds of pork every week in the year, and can be easily increased to take care of any increased number of patients. We are using the Berkshire breed. We leased our herd sire to Pinehurst Farms, in return for a similar favor from Mr. Tufts, and while Mr. Tufts was the temporary owner of our herd sire, he won Grand Champion Prize with him at the State Fair, 1921. At the Southern Berkshire Congress, at Pinehurst, 1922, we won some forty-five dollars in premiums on six of our hogs with.only two days preparation. | NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS Under the Control of the State Board of Health PERSONNEL MEMBERS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH eM BELGVHGL WAY, PTESiGeiisl.. ccs ok clei sc vic ln oll dhl ale cele va ces Waynesville rn Come mrin anise ws Mrmr ral try. OPN ely he yo Raleigh EM Gace RE ici kc eee sf ae ed Sages woke s Asheville a ee T a hay c's se gg sh oe pig ee a ol Re Pe ere Ua Charlotte ME EA NDI SON |. 2s os ooy-5 5's cule ek as ROR hehe Lele idl Statesville ee ere) HL AWUGHINGHOUGBES ¢ .bives Gale v's db Pak eaeala Lo ule lwislece Greenville ee mA OG) LYS Cs) 2 04186, 5's gy gs) Scag MRL OEM, ce ce Mala Wilmington STH SL) A) yc ia8 Geis eo ka here ss onc oo AE Res eae § Roxboro RE Ue Bee POON oh le a adudbn ni.) ate Nuala source Ges Lh, she eg Jacksonville Dr. W.S. Rankin, Secretary and State Health Officer, Raleigh SUS OUAN jp. 07 L. B. McBrayzmr, M.D., F.A.C.P. Apeistanigoupermiendent, .....6.. 6585665 eas v3 P. P. McCain, A.B., M.D. MieristonGe Mme... is de lee hes S. M. Birrrncrr, M.D. VCC ORME IOUREOTICS. feiss ake sk sv la ek R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D. ICOM POGCMC LEIS oo. cv beh eves ba aee’s A. W. Snow Private Secretary to the Superintendent.......Mrs. H. O. Sinx Pe econicinnen went a bee a es J. Warp Hicks Pe etaNGeNOCUMCIAN..... 0... eis sda sas ele ees Miss Maupr Mann Superintendent of Nurses.............../....Muiss E. Connouiy Assistant Superintendent of Nurses........... Miss Mattizr YATES Bea NOM od ay kas sibld Hada vn haves « L. Repp DCE EPI sine. cc huge PU Sia REE RS J. B. WEBSTER PAPI EMAGeRe ay oun oe VA Wace a ck ee L. B. McBrayer, Jr. EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIU *i FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS Bureau or TuBERcuLosis, STATE BoarRpD or HEALTH PreccomOl bullet ene eee til VLC DRAV ER UV: Dir ARG Pres stant CML OL DUTCAU eaiec cielnc tice ds et asete P. P. McCain, A.B., M.D. BTCC CLOUAEVigem tke Uae cena ceeded, te mate eats A. W. SNow PPEOOSTADUCT gLLCAG colo miwick 4 oa alae acres Mrs. H. O. SInK aD ERAT) Ole Creare et se vou. tWatils ac eaten iatsta a i Miss Mary SNEAD BOSE CVAD UCIT met ee dei aatad ph fs 2 ay Meee ete! Miss Grapy INGLE ST GtO UTA OL ame A facia ss 'ah 5 Siciets ida DR sé Miss Srpyu_ BRABBLE SEMOULADCT Teen tere cer ctte hat pen vei Mrs. J. L. SpRUILu RO Cr ee wee ot eet ens 8 ya Sek aes ey Rare H. O. Sink Director Organization and Education Among LC ANCPTOCS SR tmrmate tes, «eid Bice ge arn ee FLORENCE C. WILLIAMS 9] 10 Report, 1922 CONSULTING STAFF {Dr Geo. We PRESSLY 22-2) 2 te Charlotte , Surgery........ \Dr.iJ) F. HigHsmrra at. 24, Pie eee eee Fayetteville Dr. Jas. MM. Emu. iu oh ee ee Fayetteville liye, eis, NG Dk. MM. LER! Smoor: 502) eee ene eee Fayetteville QO CT OO 83.) TYR Wat hod ORDANG se oe te ne Fayetteville IS (Deo A.J. CROWELL... sce. e See eee Charlotte Genilonmni nary) Tyre, JD: Higksmrper 77 es pets eee ener eee: Fayetteville — Pathologysi.¢% 4 DR Jas. Bo BULLITT,.. 2. icece ee ee reee e Chapel Hill Pharmacology... .DR. WM: DEB. MACNIDER (2) o ean ee Chapel Hill PERSONNEL NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Mrs: Gorpon. FINGER, Presidentas oc... 72. We ee ee Charlotte Mrs: Caas. R.. WHITAKER, Vice-President ..\:4) dana eee tt Ae 3 Hendersonville Dr. L. B. McBrayir, Managing Director and Secretary-Treasurer.. . .Sanatorium Dr. Ji LwSrrorun, Clinic Phystetvanse NY o) as ee ee ee Sanatorium A. W.. Snow, Assistant Secretary: ean. hGe owe eee nes Sanatorium Dr. E. T. Ransom, Moving Picture Exhibitor and Lecturer........... Sanatorium DIRECTORS Dr. OTHO "ROSSi te ee Ee ae pee. 6 lead a ee Charlotte MreeCurapirt MaARriniiga (aie al, 2 eee Wilmington Mss WiiNs Suara esis oo id Se eee er Southern Pines Mrs: T.D. JoNpe beeches DEV 4 ee Durham Dr. Gi Li. MINORD (bes RE ee eee Asheville MRR: Bas WILSON 4: oes ies shia Keen Mow co welase dO eae a ane Raleigh Dae Rei CAR PON eiey ce on Bat we cAu an ot A aio 5a ha ee NE Winston-Salem Dr. J. DONNOLLY Agee ae Re Na Charlotte Mras.. Cy Gy) HOOK anid ourcieis Sead tbe eb wate ble Charlotte Dri iW. Lo. DUNN aod ba eel SO Oe le, Ce Asheville Cot: J. Lo Loprowe Sige ite Gee. RO eee Winston-Salem M rss MARK QUINNERUY o-7 qectia SP apie. seri pei er Greenville Mrs..8.°H- BROWN. - ian sea detonate Oxford Mr. HAamitton.@: Jonns ior. uae ie ee Charlotte Mrs. HowarD, RONDTHALER 4.045. ob lek ce ee Winston-Salem Mrs. ©..J. TINSLEY. 5 oreo + abies ale ee Greensboro Mrs. MiaxT. Payne, oni Ca) ae Le Greensboro Mrs. M. E. Rostnson..... i partee PIMPIN ier ec oe et ee Goldsboro NINTH REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM, N. C. UNDER CONTROL OF -: THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SUMMARY OF SEVEN MONTHS WORK December 1, 1921—June 30, 1922. Letters and postals received................ Pai OS EEE PNA Fe vita cu Seng joss 26,262 Letters written: TSO CCT SAI oS ge ONG es ee PR ae SAE Ae 8,660 BE Oat ay at hia hp A oA ita! his Dt Ee Oeics ORE LMR dose oie 57,273 SERGE, 0 Rice UUM: CaS aan se eR SEG an >. UC a oa RR 65,933 Articles written (approximate number of words): ey ocr ene a aco ia i alete wn x wiwlwlbye ueslahe 4 Mints ai eta ee 20 11,050 BET Re URN face aietste es oe ial Raye tates We al a 750 eer US Leyes ce sees teas WN he Pw la ie so 16,000 Be MT OM OTOL oy th oy ck) eee ed akce aries atau ery SRM GRD s la o's 126,550 . JUSYEW R R RENAE YS ROO He Ear ge Re men ey Soe 154,350 Articles copied (approximate number words).................200 ee eeues 596,960 Serre OD acHeea PLCDATCC 2 iGo. 42), ance ns wi says aaplldlee ce ON eee we ews 80 fava) number copies of forms and-placards. (0... ve ce ee 24,002 Blank cards mailed for reporting cases of tuberculosis..............:.... 2,817 Number of cases reported: Sante mE enc WN Le AY Moe (Soto partir inae aks: a ee oie ae Maelo 705 COOLERS 0 2 TR ae a Pa sa emer dalic sc. sake ake a Goes 651 Eee UPReETIUAR ER fiee we titew es hh arate ey iteuiee ute arama acy v are te. 1,356 Bee era urea i COsCON OLE CABCAWa aies urs icant ote gly uldie Seas ha: she calnialiot ies opt 2,857 EEG NVR OVE Js hPMET SHAT g 0] CG ea ec aiibeg Mann la” GABE Mh A Me PRA RON Me ue a 15,624 TEESE GE wine NETS ROIS A VARS Ria eR i vr ih Ci, Na Da Ml a a 24,045 PA PDIEVEPUSHUS MICETA LUNG. mii vale bureeraner rou lori a Nala ee aS Lana ate 38 Boneom cups: Gistribited stu Tee i res cd MCT ig arene EON i gates 104,100 Tuberculin sent physicians for von Pirqt et diagnostic test............... 224 Blanks for reporting results of von Pirquet diagnostic test............... 224 aarti s NISLOTICS WLILLRH cars bic We fh crctctals wate ee tava enc ae apy pate ya ia a tw scoaseidt tae 375 Approximate number of words in patients’ histories...................4. 376,200 ier ODES COT ERSECE ae Ve thas We et Ae wiettee tivee Fis RRR cL eg tue hic Raat 72,101 SE ORTINCRSE ILC OU Te 7 tent ORES URE Rae ek Oc Pet oot ete CAN ee a urna ern 169,010 SO TPES Gy PAPIENTSIOS ATO ITO CENA ys Serre cc aieea hae ni ieee aR cue ah saelan AEE wh ens 440 } Report or L. B. McBrayer, M.D., F.A.C.P. POW EMO ROL OL C Ome ittern 2) ni stabs shale ocierizenel Sur Aeetan at W peatay GARR Ste) dec aller as an ae 32 Be esses ACLIVCLC OM woe ao hn, sis: Sitti ante cae 30 ca nia kane aAW Weel -\~ tare nda 12 BGs Tithe DU CIOM CORT vig sis pucks ante Pace nbaian a my oer ate Mabie eicae “Sh or ge poke AU lanai 1,100 12 | Report, 1922 Report oF P. P. McCain, A.B., M.D. Days out/of offices... cantata owe ee ee ict os An ie eae Papers read fc. As: fae PMI ANI ee ee 5h Oe on Number mm audiencess.. ©. 53. ce eee 1 tice Cjaheh ea een ee Report oF R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D. Days-_out. of ‘Offices. 0. 32 hoes aw aja s aeiee ow ee = eee Papers readies. vga) Adige sah. Wo aee ah. ag/epes wee aneti gina Number in audiencess:..4 usc. «0a ss cutee eh ec ee Conferences adcnu steer seer Aner A Bop Ee Ma og tnd EXTENSION WORK SUMMARY OF WorK AMONG THE NEGROES December 1, 1921—June 30, 1922 Number reached by Mrs. Williams and colored supervisors in health Number resolied by DF WD: Rauaom by leet ages ee eee MOVING PLCCULES. Ae sx Mow eredietas alt 5 ah Wis ea eee REPORT OF X-Ray LABORATORY Stereoroentgenograms of chests (Sanatorium patients).......... 305 Stereoroentgenograms of chests (outside patients)............... 227 Flat plates.ef other parte of body 2. 232... pias eee ee rv Total ii eu al ea) oS I X-fay therapy oS sae ee kde ee cl cr Gastro-intestinal-studies.:: .\.... 2. 4... 2 =. besbaoeae cece ea are TUBERCULOSIS CLINICS J. L. Sprumy, M.D., Cirnicran December 1, 1921—June 30, 1922 Number of"days in‘ clinics: (0) 90. <. S| oko 6 ce ae Number addresses given... ..52 fais ce «ics soon Mite ena Total atidiencess. 9 ea Sh mete ss oe ce nee Number of positive cases. . Om. cee 4. «c's ss tee eo eer 328 Number of negative eases. 255.5 2050.20: 2s oe eee 665 Number of suspicious Cases. 2 7 05. soc et la eee ete 105 Total numberof éxaminations. 2. 022..0ca. ene ee Examinations by inspection, 2.022.225. cuter teeter SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS OF CHILDREN Number éxamined st. 00. is i ee en ie) oo Nuutber given von Pirquet test, 7. (50s 40.1.0: . sae omen ne Positive to von Pirquet test... 25 22 Po rn ee Negative to von’ Pirquettést..20% ec 00.5. ek een Oe Questionable: is.5 Je ae Pos so Uhedle » dacee Re ee ee 20 290: 19 130 ie 171,485 12,054 609 15 Tue Norte CaroLtina SANATORIUM 13 MEDICAL REPORT, 1922 STATISTICAL ee Oussseli LS 00 WG TEDOLLCQ Os s/c). <. 5c cha eee ay se whe dts sage ee be 6 201 Number not classified........ 18a hE Se hy OUD RN SER Ce: Sc se AN) Ce Seri: Eee R MTU TCU AC hau ae. Ai Niigls siig, i TORRE OD «Gk lel asic, sare § s Rue tga inte 19 Mien oro ents in Sanatorium, July1, 1022) oo ee ees wk 151 Total number patients treated during the seven months................. 379 30 Patients WHo StayEep Less THAN 30 Days Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Appar- 4 4 = . Unim- . Arrested OE ae Quiescent|Improved proved Died Incipient. . 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 Moderately advanced 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 Haredvancedy: ..... 17 0 0 0 6 9 2 Acute tuberculosis... 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTP eet fet, 0) Totat Numper Days, 507. Averaacn Stay, 16.9 Days. Loneust Stay, 29 Days. SHortTest Stay, 3 Days. Number Gained Weight, 17 Number Lost Weight, 5 AmeUAe GAIT), si. as.. a ceo so POEMS PVA VORA LOSS oc oi cia. ook ys wns ondale 2.7 Lbs. SS Ee 10, Och bee it Largest dosti eo kes LA 5.0 Lbs SPS eSUeP AIT, ceo. Secs hs» 003 .5 Lb Srmalldsttoss.i22 3 8. tas oi. Ale .5 Lb SPOUT SV Mayas, ai. chs Gs 2 wate «+ BY imN obeweighed3.7) hee an 3 41 Patients WHo STAYED 30 To 89 Days Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission ® rare 0 , : iene rrested/ently Ar-|Quiescent| Improve Died rested proved emeipreies aah Sonik 7 0 0 2 4 1 0 Moderately advanced 7 0 0 3 4 0 0 Far advanced....... 27 0 0 1 10 14 2 Acute tuberculosis... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PPOtAls tet ye th lo eee 14 Report, 1922 Tota, NUMBER Dee 2,417. AveracE Stay, 58.9 Days. Lonezst Stay, 89 Days. SHORTEST Sray, 30 Days. Number Gained Weight, 25 Number Lost Weight, 13 Average gain... ..i0.60.. ss Od Libs. |\ Average ilice sane ener 5. Lbs: leargpestseamigite a. ieee 24;" Lbs: || Latvest-ldse ene no ee eee cre sae Smallest gain. 2... iws ee. st 00 Lee esmaallostiocess sme ee .50-Lb. SEALIONar yy by hace Late Ge nm ae 2‘ | ANot weighed yaece-, a.m een 1 130 Patients WuHo Stayep 90 Days or More Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Appar- Tene Arrested jently Ar-|Quiescent| Improved a Died rested Sa he Tnempien til are eect 34 2 19 12 1 0 0 Moderately advanced 47 0 2 34 10 1 0 Far advanced....... 48 0 0 10 17, 18 3 Acute tuberculosis... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Totals yh eet Lot) Toran Numper Days, 22,733. AvERAGE Stay, 174.8 Days. Lonerst Stay, 464 . Days. SuHortTsst Stay, 90 Days Number Gained Weight, 107 Number Lost Weight, 21 Average, gaim.....5 06. .\e0 et. 1402) Lbst ) AveragelGesieuaas. )sqmnue 8.01 Lbs. Lar gestiralns Wiese 2 sceay 45.50 Lbs. | Largest loss. . Ks Feta ees Oe GRS ORS: Smoallestigaing. vcd, 1h. waekee one Smallest loss................. 1 Lb. Sha tiger vite is cuir Midle..0 ieaereeme 2 Negative ee oe Se Ae a a arr e c 126 Previous only.s.< ne ask Oe 68 Positive; Previous and during residence............ 5 During residence onty.e. sve ae eee 2 “DO taL sco tie ale see pete te oe ne a 201 RESULTS OP SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS Negative or'no, Sputum... 2eo4he ce ata ice eee 90 On-admission,’) 4). Bo ce ee 106 Positive, During residence, 2ia ds Reese ae ee ceaenee 90 LOn- dis¢harge sti. vee nee ERM Vet 76 Tur Norte Carorina SANATORIUM': 15 COMPLICATIONS INCeTtIS A See era see uals 2 Elenvornioldsten cee ee 3 Oaphoritisi te: say |e 1 Alveolar abscess.:.......... 5 ELO OK W OMIA Wueerareen a ener 3 Oech Tig. 25 Ae Wena! arene 1 Pare ots tar ak, Jans ooh ead Waele AoW Wyperthyroidisny. 42. 2.8 us Peritomrtig. ssh 0 le llaereny 1 Oe PETICLETUIS 5-5) dattacn ets 2 TAY TOS Sala buen aed ee 39 Potts disease soi 0.0 a0 ae 1 PREP PITIS Fpl io nispvore onus ok ena 3 BLO S Wee Aeneas, oenseelaieihcrs su cate 4 IPE OMAN GYAi5 os. spats sets Ree 1 ES Lod 6: GA ae ae A 2 IM GIN ILISe tonaeteas dns kee il Py Orr eau, aa ileus tae 1 HELOMEMMUIS ee Meet. we stsaraet tia 3 MelanchOli, uo ean aa ek 1 Spontaneous pneumo-thorax 1 Broncho-Pneumonia ....... 4 Mitral regurgitation......... 1 Tibsalitracture:s yee ie 1 BESO VOLL eter inci sricas eid 2 15 Oro bINISM (es dcesle oes 1 monet tige, Vcr. 2 aa eae eae 4 Gall Bladder Disease....... 1 IN GD ITEIey <7, cuanto alee 8 Uleerated cervicitis.......... 1 ACCC COA Re ear neane a Gi Mils MCCA ters aa ott See Varicocele Jia.) oe eee 1 SEX, AGE AND CIVIL CONDITION AGE Crvin ConpDi1TION SEX 8-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-70 | Single | Married |Widowed PaCe mets he. ask 80 12 26 29 11 2 0 3D 42 3 Memale ul! 0 16 55 27 14 9 0 A4 61 16 Ebvo tallies. he 201 28 81 56 25 Vi 0 79 103 19 NATIONALITY AMBRICAN, 201 _ OCCUPATIONS Auto salesman.............. 1 Employees, cotton mill..... 16 IMaMISGED hye seer Meee 1 1 ENE SY Cen ate SA A ee 1 Employees, hosiery +e Uy, 5 Nurse, practical: 2i99. .ons. 1 Bilaekemith s2:<.: elects. 1 Employees, tobacco factory 1 Painterncen sy iicaioonnes Lael Bookkeepers’ (ae0 Ci ..k se es 2 Harner s esis itl. i oekitne ae 19 Policemany tcc: see 1 CAT DENLEIS es os hou eioes ee 5 Classiloweranwaecese tae: 1 Railway conductors......... 2 Ob aidteure mane Yo pe ee eee 1 Housekeepersieiicn.Qieth ees 13 Railway brakeman......... 1 GChildreneir aun te ie eee 2 Housewlvesweaateeaee eee . 64 Stenographers............... 7 lenis: 1M OlnCees py, a5s eee 11 Matlecarriers\aieecuen cay 2 Studemtan we wien ae 13 Glsrks imvshores.4 viaass ss 00. 4 Merchants. svakeae. sue a Teacherss vam. oe eee 6 Wawelab Orers.cus acsdscatse ons B Malliioremameennen at eon 1 Telephone operators........ 2 IDSs bevel Wake wane ae oe 1 Womens ape weir ® fonts cep ees i Traveling salesmen......... 4 16 Report, 1922 COUNTIES FROM WHICH 201 PATIENTS CAME Gartereti ear nace Meee Gaswellititwacnw rer nee Gataw b dakar ianterae semen Ghathami t.tcnecentoe ete Cleveland icneyieteidacetents Hdgecombem ewncca tee ceniens Franiclinaemcasracker nee Anilanidens; asia cpmmtinere tek Belmon teenth ese eee Benson ise ee eee BiSCOG Weis x-fi srs. Aeterna Blowing Rock.s one. eaeneer Boardman aun, soesrse ae Brey ardss.cictre ie eee Burlington cae mene cir Cad, Kop, Sas Ot ni een Cardenaszcansce snes cme eee Campo Bello.......... 5 atsge eg Ghapel- Hill A ieaeeaeee seed Charlotte.) tesgepemere Gakic Bray City 00) Saat) ik, ee Par areilic Hiram isapee urate Bavetteville; <.)) osu weeeeien HP OWUMOBKS cle) wee eens Huquay Springs ee GArvVsbUrg see, hielo aerate SF OLISDOLTO, cvs Akasa ees Forsyth Gaston, er Guilford. Woh eee eee Bealifax. cecdtynccsss eee Hoke... Tredell.. Orange Hickory ee Oe eC ee Y Pe ee Mecklenburg soscee eee MeDowella.. sae = 0 eos bie 6 6 06 6.5 6 © a me eneie a 0: 0 06 0 0 00) e 9 a0 Vanes we ® pe © 26,.0 0. .9:\s. eS ef¥ 918 16. thie) 0) latallo Cle pre 8 @ 0 96 0:61) © bw miele a (ere High Points scccag sede See sen Hope: Milis o9) crea. cee JamesvVilleuS staan ee Kinston FIOM sagan: snes ee Laurinb Lenoir. ULT $20, i ieliok tekeuauelio lene, oheketeie i exingtonl eh wares hee eee iM emtOrd Aaeaien eee caer Mebane eet w ere ese seer ese see ee Ce Se Oe ed Morehead City. ..ceneaees Morganvon cen eesti Morrisville. 305707, thc earns MEOUUNIE CALTAV age eee WU iroypnanH OMB. bina s ccab Goo oc Morven Raeford Raleigh ey ee ee ed Ce RIAmseurinecceheeeee eee ete PersO les Geren ene ares 1 Patti ee ene eee 1 Pole: “Rees See 2Z Raridolphe rs... oe sera eeen 4 Rich mondueccrcic 1 Mente 5 RODESOD) w.cecoe cite cai eae 3! SAMPSON yasneRek eee eee 1 PCOTANG wij mnicnkisina Heemaead Stan Vise Melee eee 7 SULT EY eee eeasvars weenie era ere 7 Dransvlvaiielene se eee ie ee i) RR yrrellsco tee cen cc Ee 1 UNTO Re ore eee ee one 1 SVieill COM St tay ae Hin ete 8 WiRIKORS oc St ties senor em meters 11 Warrenton srr L ere 1 Watauga snap nc amis nana 5 Wainer. sas amet eine arate 12 Wilson 325 one ace 3 YAU COV epee pariaehinae ae 1 Ria ndlemia piensa ante 1 RGVETE sO), vas aracatenteaieee i 5) 086) FUE Rosh). a gt ae 2 ROanokepl. api Ss sees 1 Robersonvilless sede cscs cw 1 Rockingham ss...eee tee ae 2 Rock yahloOun tae eae 2 IOSCIMAT YY. aon th Uae 1 VOXDOLOs rasta cui ace 1 Sanlorcdien maser tae eee 3 Scotland gNeck eat ee eneee 3 SGVETE ODL ES somes en ane 1 Bhelby i. ass ac tate 1 paler City occheeas «egies cian 1 SrMithneld sO... dasbinees 3 Seutherny biNeses)-eeemrene 1 Spring Hope 2.2 o. eeaseae 1 State Road.to2).2 a. sceaeeere 1 PIROCIND TY ot old werasia gees 1 Statesville... °. «semeaepaed 1 ‘Parboro. i, oc. .c etaen eke 1 Wineland ie, <.:..05,cumewwn ede 1 Wadeville.2) . 05.4 Sean eas 1 Wake Horeste secrete mae. 2 Warrenvoliser. cates cen cans 1 Weldon 22-.eee oeehe ch aoe 1 White Plainsiscere see. hee | Whitsett? ay Aten ter cae ce 1 Willow Springst 4. .gesseee 1 Wilson's Mills sate ene 1 Wilmington <...scenee ee 1 Wilsons... eee eset 2 Winston-Salem.............. 3 Yancey villest..0 renee ce 1 1 Zebuloh yy. nese ee eee 1 Tue Norta Carorina SANATORIUM Live LABORATORY REPORT 0 STS 2 CUO MMS RESP MARR ct) 8 AR aS 1,309 egg (Chem ee eels tA pea WAM eRO AS udibiny aa CAR ke hy 20 : p VOD Soe RRS SAS AE ge RRR Or) PE a i ODE OE ee ae 553 Urinalyses: iho mre ere te ee Bas Spee TREE es ain a as os DROS ew tph Rid awe smn nla saeesew cole 1,596 a Me OC SS oe fe hack es ve lidlujaiea df o's BONA! One eee wee as 299 fee Ine Cre Cee ee ts eee paid OMI hele Llores Fi3 IE PM eb Cok A a. ny adel oaeaemuaa dc Eo tid’d etd 48 NNR eee ec nah. ca Mb gilaigy e sinha wid adedarelgbarehGels a Aw anol dare 207 ee POE oe es le cclale ns alely soe octAtuetbesoe.b0 oqnaraa 4 24 2 AIO B.S, ARES RA aU 40 Fee 6 sone: viewed eaten Ble cht Agha MIs case Sec odie'e 1 eT eg oe ogc hss SByoc ee anata edge HUT ee be Wie sa wal 38 Re ONE e EECA OCU I oa g 6 lcke eck 4 ps 4 cn euayn s wielie ea sueseebs dow ei gie 38 als ogee ties 5 Fee ee 0g ace kb Soe ed OL Ak Ba sled hes AWA wk g Sle clase ade 6 Su Ge, OER TERE OCU (26, Ai oa Pe 5 IE ee MM OG Ce so oa ak Sleponedld vue Gh ayayadeemioss elk dea e avalerd Didier ame 70 SVS UKE Ro 8. 5 RRS te 2 SRP Lok AST) GAC. Ac eR PR d e y tc gy 1 eee i 0AM Se a as ek ce ee es elke ale Sink oid witels ewe baw wee 8 se een tah tt ME aig EG alg avid older dicdd sce DSc bee aweleae. 2 RO re a tes OOP. 2G iheie lac sb Riv die a sce dle dele ote eawalw eapeie cies 2 Peeieecomunciefor¢rieninblls @piralign joie a bleiaaaile hide dae cgdak ea. i! SM IOLA PAINE oko. Th dG ls he Peek Sl beac a 8 wl oa vg Odd als 5,480: LITERATURE OF THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH TritLEeE oF BULLETIN Bulletin No. 61. How to Care for a Tuberculous Patient. Bulletin No. 70. Tuberculosis: (A. M. A. Bulletin.) Bulletin No 92. An Act to Prevent the Convicts or Prisoners of North Carolina from Contracting Tuberculosis. Bulletin No. 129. County Tuberculosis Problem. Bulletin No. 1000. If There is to be Democratic Equality of Opportunity, There must be an Equal Opportunity for Health. Bulletin No. 1001. Murder! (Perfectly Legal.) Bulletin No. 1003. Fundamental Principles of Public Health Nursing. The Next to Go. The Story of Four Generations. Is Your Muffler Working or Your Cut-out Open? They Are Dead. The Incidence and the Importance of Pleurisy in Early Tuberculosis, by Dr. P. P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C. PERSONS FROM WHOM DONATIONS WERE RECEIVED Magazines and Clothing... MissH.M.Curip........ Amesbury, Mass. Vike. F.C, BRUSH) ae Chairman, All Souls Church, Montclair, N. J. MR. Net Coin ne eee Raeford, N.C. Children’s Clothing. ...... Mrs. J. D. Armstrone....Pinehurst, N.C. Victrola Repairs, ... 3.5.2. Mrs. WM. B. Marri. ...Pinehurst, N.C. Sunday School Literature... Miss Gracr McKinnon... Bennettsville, 8. C. Piano sree eee: Miss JoSEPHINE E. Cuapin, Chairman of Committee, Pinehurst, N.C. Mrs. W.B. Merritu......Pinehurst, N.C. MrJ1cC: SLEDGR Ss ee Pinehurst, N.C. Mr. Leonarp Turts......Pinehurst, N.C. OVS. NMaDkes Vea suet ener Mrs. Reps Hitt Surerps. .Scotland Neck, N. C. {18] ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTING PATIENTS No. of Patients MUbereulosic AssOcIaAtiON......... 6. <0. 60: Eendersonie Nei Gc ene, 2 Ret mre ue) Pu. ae ya dey « Kuiistonia i: Ore eit cc 1 ienomocia Association...) 22/548...) Goldsboro,"N. Of) 0 0... .. 6. 5 Presbyterian Orphanage................. barium. pprings INC). a: 2 Red Cross..... st) Shae akis ATO Naas i erelerson, NY Cre. y). SA en 1 RIPEN tated is 5 ew aacecn a + Wallace iN. Ogee ies tie 1 Tuberculosis Association. . : awa keomeord, NS Girth rat res 2 United Daughters of the @ontaleraee daw coe SHR Pe Cac tingal 8 iks 1 ey O00 OOS ep TARE ODay cine ee ale Ae eur 1 Board of County Commissioners.......... Pasquotank County, N.C.... 1 pM POO COMPANY 0: .6 cc. sce es eo Wananish,sINinGeieek 6 vc ace des ik Seo Ta AGC bso) hl ll Burlington, Ny Cees kak as: 1 POPE MOEMNA A eas. eo a ee vs Roanoke Rapids) NOx... 1 Tuberculosis Association......:..........Burlington, N.C... t i peeemlonia e-cgeieion:.... 2) ..41...../Hiekory, N. Ginn. . ce... 1 Board of County Commissioners.......... Richmond County. i... Me 1 PE mereniocise eset an. oo... Ss. vas. -Statesvillé, Ne Ciegy 6. 1 Tuberculosis Association....... Beaded el 0 ANY fea Oza h de id Re ey teal 1 Golden Belt eee turins Goinianvs! merely Chee nw hese goss 1 Red Cross and Tuberculosis ees eo OUIE LAITY. Nein ile wigs tears | Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Com- pany, Tuberculosis Association....... Rosemary, Nie See aoe 1 phim eu ei rensirer. 6.) a. ki es... eel: Church of Oxford, N. C...... , 1 ERE RO Me CUT drab. i Ee so Gi sland be Dtatilys COUNT tase eee 1 Pine eOOL (Or: WIE os. ws oes as alee win. Olea 7 ne: 1 MW ulercmiosic Association... .. 7.i)..neo.s 2. Greenville; N. Coo. od. iL Popular Fund..... ne Oe ED rN SSlisbtey ye N Ol, bu.) eatin i Public Health Department......:........ Wiliramneton Na Orc arenes 1 Pema zom Coutom..WULUSi Se cede ie k's ‘Chotmae ville Nea) ke ok 1 Petar Ol Ol) OWEN. S\C1UDS.. 8 i wet ee he ate a hs he Mele adele ep a 1 1 Stanly County. AER ee RE) EEO a ol A Arc a ins URE PRR Re yy eA {19} FINANCIAL STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET, JUNE 30, 1922—ASSETS AND LIABILITIES $60,395.02 167,358.65 652,422.13 $880,175.80 850,793.45 $880,175.80 $125,833.33 48,656.88 ASSETS Cash in)Drawer? . 5.2.0. URS. A ee $ 2,420.45 Cash in Page Trust: Co.) (A berdeen)..’. Sa5 se ee 46,768.20 Cash in. Page ‘Trust'Gow (Raeford)? . 922.55) eee 11,206.37 Balance due State appropriations, permanentimprovement............ Inventories, Schedule 3... U7, oy ov ee eee $85,656.45 Fixed Properties,’/Schedule 2-00.) 5) eee 566,765 68 Total assets.u).... 5 sack 2 A ee LIABILITIES Overdratt, extension’ fund > 00.002...) ee ie ee BOY Outstanding vouchers, Page Trust Co. (Aberdeen)........ 26,025.24 Outstanding vouchers, Page Trust Co. (Raeford)......... 3,159.61 $29,382.35 excess of liabilities... 7s. 0, 0 eee RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Seven Months Ending June 30, 1922 RECEIPTS Stare APPROPRIATIONS Permanent improvement 1und.{s<4:. ye) ee $85,833.33 Default of contractors. 1.3306 eee. eee 40,000.00 Total... fos) eee ne ne eee SANATORIUM EARNINGS Board and treatmeént..,..30. DNA... sea = eee $47,501.38 X-ray exarninations.. 7008 fee eee Cee ee 1,155.50 Wotal ee. cen od ou Oa a ca ss a4 ale See ee INTERTRADING ACCOUNTS Transportation ‘and! drayages.. nee 9 15110 Laundry. 3 Pshire alts SR ie ace ree 1,025.99 . Hospital:supplies. 1 s..2/5.4 one 1,038.17 Telephone and telegraph<.7 794 scien | ee ee 93.79 PrOvisionsay, Peg hid ee one ee 494.71 TTS vesicle suede saa avede paalae shetall ce Gee eee eh eee een ee 273 10 Dairy 2 ahs nite Gia gdactateamend bat ce hob: bot i Mme Cenc eee 1 et een 124.85 Miscellanicous, oan cc... ae ae te ee eee 536.68 Total 2 8 (OS (er 6) © (aie: 6 8; fe'8) @ '0 fe: & fe a0 je 6) @ Te 6's (ene) © (0, 0,10) 6) (6 0) 08) Ob 96lle) bee Sse) lene sre me lnieme OCDE ©. Oe 6 O86 one © ww) ‘ey (0; 6) Tele: Te ie tee 6, 0) e) e107 18) 6 16) oO 10:18) 656: +6, 6) 01) on He ela om eee [20] 3,738.39 $178,228.60 Tue North Carorina SANATORIUM a1 DISBURSEMENTS State Sanatorium Total PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Fund Fund Equipment and repairs, old buildings. 0S. $ 19,031.37 NEEL 20) S35 800) GL) 40 a a 1102130 Dining malwend Kipchen. (NCW )% vécsas o..s(cs sa. 17,475.91 Assistant superintendent’s residence.......... 8,245 99 meroweriouse apd laundry. 2... ca. ee ea ecole 4,897 41 Te 8 UT ee ten 0 Py So Si aces a re 2,154.17 Be PMN E EM CTO Sten ela Si wet esse vi acs o's 5's eee 1,821.10 Servants’ quarters and equipment........... 5,746.35 “SURI Sen DENS ge RRO ie ae pn «... $70,393.60 EXTENSION FuND PS 8th th 0 9 ee er oe a ar ar $ 5,980.00 PtaWe NOL CXPORECS cach oc Fu eet ve be ees 1,493.96 Peer rern Ma iXtUTes, a sieht... cs we eee 108.57 Peter Ses onery <. 4) Oe Reece ok ea een 667.98 BE hee re Fae, Orie 486.29 CONE Feo iy 0 Ds cs Dh ee oe 13.20 UTM 20 cee gmk Bp ILE th alee a ei es 8,750.00 MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION SALARIES: BAGG Slee 6s Wena. Genie Sieuethe' a «ae $ 4,814.78 $ 18.30 POUL te... ad ais Laon: 1 Oho Ra gl habe Ween wes Aa Nurses and attendants........ 3,141.01 Boeke Cooks and servants........... Tr 158.64 SINS ESP Seeiters Cae $ 16,727.45 $ 206.11 16,733.56 Suppris: Bec OIng ANG JINEN. dark use oes $4556.93 $1 M3315 Crockery and silver........... 213.47 725.20 Drugs and medicine........... 300.02 1,208.48 WAR SCOUGTYCOUS ssh hci loa.g Caverhisie te 1,927 44 2,309.25 ote sina. hie ORL ee $ 3,033.66 $ 5,574.08 8,607.74 OV ISTONGG TUMOR LGme ig Nt Fe Mc uihy wk ay aaek 3 ag $ 2,605.66 $ 4,184.13 BG plete Ee: hn is ate 713.94 | 968.53 LP Ced Piel OU oo a ee ae aw 1,316.60 3,559.95 Vegetables and fruits.......... 1,031.13 1,178.64 (GPOCETIES ett 46 ois ae GANT oe 2,488.59 8,657.94 MArSCStlaneOis tari: Seek ee Cee ese 14.25 SUL 1 ec Re ee a eR aa $ 8,155 92 $ 18,563.44 26,719.36 Equipment: Furniture and fixtures......... $ 1,041.74 $ 749.30 IVigtrUIMenteene 7 snp te Sets 657.93 94.76 Nigécellan Cougs tee since ed pact a ts 46.47 22.11 LOCALS hla IORE EERE 8 $ 1,746.14 $ 866.77 2,612 91 Carried forward =. 25... : CW os ymin Reg, oa eet ee $134,017.17 22 Report, 1922 DiIsBURSEMENTS—Continued State Sanatorium Fund Fund Amount brought forwards: ehres0s Guce ee eee OR pn” fr OME SN Te: OFFICE: Equipment, 6 wane.) 0 «sn isa kee ee 2.14 Books and stationery.......... $ 19.48 177.90 SUES Ae ea Res us ee 22.00 272 10 Miscellaneotisiis. he scuns sions 223 92 48 04 GIES. Fo cate: Sane Cae Nea $ 265.40 $ 500.18 POWER AND. Labotee.. | se tee eee $ 1,139.25 $ 9.06 HEat: DUDPHOS. 5c. s/s cae hs ae eee 4,856.32 7,060.05 OCALCE ht sy ueerian 2) ean aaeme $ 5,995.57 $ 7,069.05 Laur: Labor. Menor: cea ota $ 345.00$ 4.00 Sup OMe Oy HOE aes anes aaa 476.10 ~~ 186.10 POGELES. Sete yedicitean to ee $5 S2E10.9$ 190.10 WATER: ABA 3) eee pn NE) Ire eb, ae $$ 345.00 $ 50.65 Equipment....... oem 330.90 66.75 Supplies... 6. Ve cera) ee 2 40 AGE AD bons rcas chinensis a eme $2 B7O90 LS ar ALSO REFRIGERA-: Doaborewean che als ee ee $ 34500 $ 4.00 TION: SHUDDER Ae. Susie wane tan rae, 168.38 79.63 POUAN aro a oie oe .. $ °2618.88.9 83.63 PLUMBING Ta OP acini « cle ear aean tem $ 345 00 $ 400 - AND Equipments ico aes ch). mieten de ake 13 22 SEWER: SUPDieS. cre areal ete hee eee 3.98 1.64 d OlGlLate caieal Oepenna alae $ 348.98 $ 18.86 FArRMs: Repairs to\buiuldings.; 72.00 jas 49.30 $ 190.67 Live {stack in, wheat eee eee 4.00 32.00 Machinery and tools.......... 334.23 568.87 Seed and fertilizers............ 2,622.79 651.99 Heed, ak See a ee ee eee 61.62 449.55 Re BOR. eRe tate de ea ci are noe LA 204U7 2,820 33 Miscellaneoue sen Wr ris yt eee eee eee 91 50 LALO naib ee eke . & 4,201.11 $ 4,804.91 Datry: Bepairs to buildings)... 0.03. $ 3.00 $ ° 0.60 awe stocked iia Wes a tee noe 167.88 1,192.18 PAX tree alah". eee tae step, 94,72 50.70 ReLENO, GENS CMa wh Mouoh CUMadM 5 Sy Et laNradd 3 457.64 342.04 COREE iN art ie hae ee eee 780.06 2,910.68 Labor. oe tes ria Sete nes 91136 90 90 LOLS ee gi 0 A aly ae RP ae $ 2,414.66 $ 4,587.10 Amount carried forward...) * cAteaan ta. Cee ere nee oe a A Total: $134,017.17 765.58 13,064.62 1,011.20 795.70 597.01 367.84 9,006.02 7,001.76 $166,626.90 Tur Nortu CaroLtina SANATORIUM 23 DISBURSEMENTS—Continued State Sanatorium Total Fund Fund PIN GOULG LOE Nb FOL Wat Chrerd ware 2 yee ks bis. 58 dine a «wae: if east oh ipegee "er $166,626.90 Miscellaneous:—Training school books..... ere, $ 11,24 Telephone and telegraph .. 94.70 236.98 GUM Gyan oh giecits 66 oe 1,351.47 1,844.59 Transportation and drayage 983.54 1,008.37 ARvevi i sate Me is here BA led ata eee 186.59 943.64 Freight and express........ 185.70 1,142.90 OP AC COUL Ts ceetsn ot ee co 161.14 759.22 TAY SO eta Mey. Rene 1,235.18 284.30 THAGGA De Tema ener ait ewe etc elas 16.25 Egboratoryen.cueee : fee 485.74 99.27 UNCUT oN 4G 8 Gets SaaS a $4,684.06 $6,346.76 $ 11,030.82 Moa MeIsOUTSCIMENLS. .. 6 6 oie Pans dc kn leek deny des » Dd 177,657.72 GENERAL SUMMARY Balance December 1, 1921: Sees MBI ee rs ss Ste ioe eb ae bake $ 1,583.02 Cash in Page Trust Co. (Aberdeen)............. 45,392.69 Cash in Page Trust Co. (Raeford).............. 9,176.58 MN ee Sa reds a eee $ 56,152.29 Outstanding: Page Trust Co. (Aberdeen)..... $21,756.13 Page Trust Co. (Raeford)...... 597.26 ee a ee 22,353.39 iiespalantestseccmier 1, 1921) ok. ee es stare eee ese $33,798.90 RECEIPTS POGOe a tOUSs Ma vateiue od Bifghidiee Mile tbh ya toe $125,833.33 POatanatcistreauinent:.. ot cata kye od Tae yee 47,501.88 Pritcroracding accounts, . Ay feeds. Si cain 4,898.89 178,228.60 SOE OLN CCOUI) U LO lege Seer eh Mle De Pan tans OU NR, Syn ey Set rg $212,027.50 DISBURSEMENTS Permanent improvements..................- $ 00,393.60 Pees OLV PME MS for on es Pamir fae Saeade ek Uk 8,750.00 EAU TOLLATICS oot oee Riera ee nt c oes Cesta ea 49,583.33 Total appropriation, expenditures................... $128,726.93 Wrenn LOnance [TOM scariMugGer ss <2 wee: os wey lah os AG saree 48,930.79 OTA CISOUISRINCILSA. Ate + fae nin cst coe ate eee 177,657.72 “Sy iced buat deals ae Once aE Nad RRS i $34,369.78 24 Report, 1922 Cash In" OFGCe .)5. cc's sc oe 5 5 SUR teem ae ete $ 2,420.45 Cashin Page’ Trust:Co; (Aberdeen) )..c@. (ue eee 46,768.20 Cash in, Page ‘Trust. Co. (tactord) a... ee a eee nes 14,865.98 Total Oe eer eee rere Li 2 She Sey $63,554.63 Less outstanding vouchers: Page ‘Trust Co. (Abertieen).. 7.75.02 ¢- $26,025.24 Page Trust.Go (Raeford): sa..05 werent 3,159.61 29,184.85 BSTaTiCe oe. 5 cece ae ce be do 0h 0 oe ee $34,369.78 RECONCILIATION OF CASH ACCOUNT Seven Months Ending June 30, 1922 RECEIPTS December; 1921 c-rereey ve Bose Tee.) ee $5,811.55 Jamuary,) | I22snen OS 2. ce DSRS. cca eee 6,743.20 February, LO QQ ere ses ve oes BEE hed ee 6,900.86 March, 1922 ceiy alc y ts eden on 4 6 hoo en 9,055.60 April, 1922 Riis co via oe whe eed eile es 7,475.93 May, 14! 7). A CR RUM ee 8,606.05 June, 1922) We gence a ble sGs Beles one ae ar 7,802.08 Total recetptsics 6. sc. oo ck aan Oi, Se $52,395.27 Cash; December 1, 19212...7... 22s 5 1,583.02 Total... Saab. on ks da Was 8 0's a ee $53,978.29 Deposits, Pack Trust Co., Rarrorp, N. C. December, 1008 ae00.. ois kak en ae os Oe ee $5,000 00 January," 192200... SRR es" cies < 6,504 37 February, 1922. tiv.0.0 bebe Sada} non 6 ie 7,000.00 March, 1922 oss e sa e E ee ale, eee ee 6,500.00 April, TORS COO ooo decks Sinn. oul cel er 9,900 May, 19D mtorr Fe a oe rl 7,400.00 June, LORE gee 1k doa tans Woe bn ed se Oh 9,253.47 Total: deposits. cisicie én o-+ aue sete vias) ee ee 51,557.84 Balance in drawer, Jumei30, 4022). ...2 135.00 FO TIC OLED Des MOLISIN ORS aan, btrin Acer eae aks oat ioe Treen 237.00 GCereaiPIMiOlG (DUSINESS) a. tertis Sak ee ciel hc wie doers ee 392.00 OMCo DV OS A CXCENSION) Cio. akincecn Hue A eek Re we ANT Cie ICE eOUIDIN ENO eS LCD SIO} )4 10 mere ek etre ove has Rn ke 4,095.68 Laboratory and medical office equipment................ 11,265.46 PUTAUSDOLLALOl ANCLOAEA AGE) fe. ccetcea eet 4 clot etre ok 1,504.10 PEGIODMOUELSVSLEU wre ein ee gemini eee ee Maen Caan ne 1,500.00 $566,765.68 25 $54,750.00 512,015.68 $85,656.45 26 Report, 1922 RECONCILIATION OF BANK BALANCES December 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922 Pace Trust Co., Razrorp, N. C. Balance in bank as per pass book Deposited during period Total to account for Vouchers outstanding, December 1, 1921 Vouchers drawn during period Total disbursed Balance, June 30, 1922 Balance as per pass book OOO 0 Oe le VS He ).6 0) 10 CP HOO, BO) LO RO Eee a ee) elnelbe Ns Cielo! ag © 8 (0 V6 Je 18) ps We We (0b 0 oe (eum UO jeige Ke wee) bel ue) de ge \isive Ee sane Leu ok oh 6) sur came lam ene 2 5 STR ee ee $ a ee ee ee Cr ry ee ye se te Ce BRS 00 © © ee 0 6 0 6 e © 0 1e £6. Je joe). 6) Ker, 6y oF 0) @ 0) Le) RAN eMe dw) eur enie le ne) 6) 10 PP ce eA $ 9,176 58 51,557.84 597.26 48,930.79 a O10 eo ©) 6 0 0. t,o) 0 6 Ke Us le (6 se, fo .o ee ke Me isihe U6 ge jo deme ie Wel he, 4e Os Pe hes en of (6) sae 6 50 CO $ 14,315.83 50.15 Returned check charged in error, June 13, 1922...... stint Total @ 1p) Jekjet ‘as &. Pe. 0: 0 eo 8 oe 6 Ie: eS Oe te le 10) ve Tate fe) © 6.0) 'e) ore mp) ele) ieee) 6/0) 0s: 10 e.0e melee.) (oe) esate 6) oe is) (ee Kelle Ma ots wells, 6 @).e 6) eB OF 0G pet 0 le, 0! i ie fe: nen alle) «etal 6!) ie): “ey 6) 6 <8 O10) opel Te 5) 1, vie) vel Penieu ner ek we) ©) se "9) fe a) 916)" @ le, 6 30) ef see. Xe. fog eu emt) le 6) a 6 belie efejre' fe (6 56) ol ¥e4 ie Pomel ose ae! te Al a in’ 10s, @ ‘ea ho! je. es ghegie ie deijen ion 8) -'8) 6: 0/0) 'o, 9 2 0°16 |e |e “el 6meieeyietaaas 20.0! wie 6 0.0 © 0 8) 6m Oe fe) et ie lee lee Fe ie 0 © ¢ 0 8 & 9: O16! ele We Ree Aone gob ve S81. '6: Vis) Le) neh 6 ©) @i:0 0) @ (0 shel be) login waten(e, © eel 10) ee ©) iO) 0 ce, Ow) oh TOE io Tel ‘gs vere senior 'e @) 0) fe se Sp .0) sO “ey folr'e ey fel ie, bP gentet oc be’ (ee) ania) 0 ne ©) 0! Gi (0 Fe! 0: Ast tale We aie? fom ele. (a 6) ) ielurl se io fe 's .6) 0) 8 hen femiey g0unel Vem 160 9 | eel elite me Amount Gia a7280 3.53 a7 7.45 5.35 5.48 3.69 7.95 1,443.08 27.81 18.18 226.53 56.75 6.99 37.50 5.15 785.53 3.37 © jee oe 9 eo we bps Bein Tate i/o Je iu: cshaaeseaes Bade so we sin whe edn «ot ee RR hea es 3,159.61 © apie (e) 6-0 We) d, fo. Ge. 50 ya Te ee Mele (6 8) «© @ <6, “op iso aw Ze) (Fe) ihe) SS) @, fe) 5) 10 (6! 0 ee O56, by 00) "eh 21s Darter iy Joule. auuergenieure is be, eo $ lel fe eb felis. Gene ite ee Sone pe hey ies 0) tet ene Bye Ce 0 50, 6 (eres [ed Te Miel Ta die, ce? ttle ey ie) 16) 8.6 Oi,o Lei Je as ve Ue! (6) bv 8 ehep ohadeaa mt, Cepia © ge) felons, We Suere ae we Gal lel or Js) Senge 30 Je enieuie @ fe bho wee hah Se ress Fe, belo oho! Ieee wisins Ce) fe) (o5 BASE (Suis) 29-0) 8) w.16 o6 ge” eshe. fe) a: eee, o MON e Leer 6 era 6 (6 "8:9 0, \e| ae) Le Few) erie h @ esi ie esr eee! tel fe) ele 6 e seuhe a), wbivaysl ce ya pecans Us eM aph a) I Mevismie Ret aiieo to ee ue #16 |. eel epee eine) oA w lelietge: else) Sere 6». 0. @ (0 30 ae Loylemie: Se he Re welga wiege & $ 60,734.42 49,528.05 $ 11,206.37 4.45 44,79 55.30 18.95 3.48 33.87 62.11 4,42 $3,159.61 Tue Norte Carotina SANATORIUM 27 RECONCILIATION OF BANK BALANCES—Continued Pace Trust Co., ABERDEEN, N. C. Balance m bank Désamber 31, 1921...00......... ud wh $45,392.69 Deposited Dy atate Wi reasurer.... oc... ee je hoe been 125,833.33 Sie EMMETT COT oo) oe oy. /0/5,008 Co,0,0'0 + nk oak hk oe AMEE SOOT 8 ; . $171,226.02 Outstanding vouchers, December 1, 1921................ $21,756.13 Vouchers drawn Gurine period.....osaiils eds be wees 128,726.93 eer BCs es 8 ciara) i ish ova, aves ote wleciicae ose ds, 4, 6 Se RR EAE . 150,483.06 Beem 30 1099. kha su, oe anaeneaites a iter’ baie Vaten asiesth "$20,742.96 BanK RECONCILIATION oe a eT fo ds coo c eres o oye tcdse odo WO gly eed 4 $46,768.20 Wes OUIS(AO GMO NDUCHCTS. «occ de css s oso sas olen ogibenieee 26,025.24 ? Ere ec ee ws, ace oe, 3c, 5, «a ¢ RISEACDEN G1) Bild PAB GLTIND Bles $20,742.96 28 | Report, 1922 ean oh 8 -- TRIAL BALANCE JUNE 20, 1922 -. Cr $712,619 65 167,358 65 197.50 eee Surplus... esc Ween toys wr biel er oa bce ean te shelly Oe) 5 gee eT Real Estate:—Hospital grounds.......... i& ee Pode $20,000.00 Cordon cottage: vee ue pape RMT S00 00 ~Negro sanatorium: i. :...05 sto eee 16,574.78 Nurses Dome. toi 4.0 can ncaa Hig 42s, Aalenes 12,000.00 - Superintendent’s residence................ 10,000.00 | Assistant superintendent’s residence........ 10,506.49 © Assembly, dining hall and kitchen......... | 5,006.00 Dining hall and kitchen (new)2u.en omen 14,183.91 Well-NO.-2..054 404 445 00 ee eee aoe a aed tate 2,000,002 2 Administration and infirmary building 5) Paar 260,550 10 Power plant and laundry. (new).........0--+-- 8,746.85: Flanagan: cottage. @... 05,2. s2 eee ane eens 15,000 00 Servants’ quartefs oi! #22 :a eee oa Gets. ae 2, 000-00 Nurses” annex.) 2 >>... dace ee 3,500.00 _-Physician’s- residence... 0 eee ratetatate -.-- 3,600.00 - Sunshine cottage...... tna Os WET Ae DASA «f= 43,500.00 Repairs to old buildings ¥a-gr ancemeen ae 32,784.08 . Farm, operating account. ....... tatets fete tate tetetes oot + ALONSO Farm, real-estate: os)... Seo ee 34,750.00 Farm, machinery and equipment........... 2,468 45 Farm, live stock. ce )0). cia ee 1,050.00 Farm, residences 22.5 i wv ee sie ee ee 1,500.00 Dairy, operating a¢count.A nae eee 2,112.65 Barn, silog’and bottling planti eee eee 28,175 20 Dairy, live stock. os... 7.3). eee 15,450.00 Hog hecottit:) eyes cadet ane 3,257.25 Furniture and fixtures—Hospital. .. 5. )-2%swes eee eee 11,240.50 Dining hall-and‘kitchensg3 aa 3,451.35 Superintendent’s residence....... 1,986.74 Nurses’ home... > Pot. ae ee 1,050.00 Linen and bedding. 4a%2)....c2k dae i eee 6,786.17 © Crockery and silverware CMs be Vdo vn es be Cate . 895.73 Drugs and medicme..ikk'.. +... ees |e Bee 2,449.50 Hospital supplies. ness 00. oo ee se 7,631.83 Provisions, i, iinrcah siete Se Oe en 2,568.85 Training school books:.¢4. 7) eee eee 198.16 Power, heat, light, water, etc..(old).. ©. 44.cun ate ee 49,007 90 Telephone system bE lew Punic PRG otk 1,500.00 Dibrary. oi ore) sae are Oe eee 135.00 Office—Supplies* (business)... 2... 2) ee oe eee 237.00 Equipment (business) ..*. 7: ) 70a. eee 392 00 Supplies (extension)... .4/sh50. 6 eee ee 1,111.05 Hquipment(extension). 0.77... )0. 4. ee ee 4,095.68 Laboratory and medical office equipment................ 11,265.46 Sewer system and disposal plantiv, /...,. (oo ee 11,483.15 Transportationand drayave.. ieee. oo eee 1,504.10 Landscape! i). 5 es ee A Ee ee 1,896 35 Appropriations wok 8b se sakes! 40! 4 lene 0, Suge, 4 ALOCHRAL ale Aiden iee ne Seana nr Permanent improvements sew. tse kiee tae 167,358.65 Pxtension. 0.05.7 Ae le eee eee ee ‘Page’ Trust Cosy Raetordweo.5ee oe oe ee 11,206.37 Page Trust Cos, Aberdeen? abe. de. seu 0 ee 46,768.20 Cash. 42 enue yh LE cc Sise et he Ned Makeha taal Chae ae 2,420.45 Totals. cote te teat ann Lice se nee eee $880,175.80 $880,175.80 TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis SANATORIUM, N. C. FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1922, TO JUNE 30, 1923 RALEIGH EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRINTING COMPANY 1924 Weal Ns 4 al ea Ave nity Ant oc Matisse” ping 13 ; 3) eae PA eth oz : : aa rey a yo iv ehy eh RGR og? oS oe ae aya ih teal! Te aa oe = desicen c.5 o> E Th vse fed) “eae bela eae "ee ~~ a « a ae ay 4 wh Sap erme ¢ ; ks he 4 sar ~ ae = hy . ie ane nein Puyals ® Ne) re +) =< ‘ge Nag Saaptsy, ¢oed, Re Oe - Re ae hiv igo ce Keep aaes oe BU | and, By ASR TN | : 5 ‘ea me io : pt ee fate tea Bi oe ieee lien | ] Oe i ve i cere 5 wit potato nae: h 2 Hite ‘7 Pahy ney ee es i ie Wecpliake i i billy ee + SR Ae eh a pigs Wins ; oat wt ra j sh ” Vibe" se Pa ee ; bibs a eae The : " £- » sme icistaktl ints Oe a sgh . Tie ek gh an ie ae ne ene ite hares ‘ hig MUM he: COTE Be ies’ deta sie Li toa ' dt ey! or er oy ee ea - wit A . Beis. Ne Pas teh ’ i: , » com *, Ric r ; aT aha ede ME @ ae +f Sah ee TABLE OF CONTENTS Personnel: PAGE Ror ICCC OG rane) eee eee eae cee eee 2 Sen oek 5 Pee beisinommepariment. 9 so. 22.8 2 ee ee ee Le en ete ORL wes hcl {© 5 oaiiogte: ETO] SUMING Ee iy 06 Sg) RM ot Ql a eee a RR Nic Ok il Pee i 6 Directors: North Carolina Tuberculosis Association..._-_-_..---.------ 6 Me memes bolle oo Ce Sek ee oka sl Be ke BP. Sear r eer ae yee eee re ee he eR PO 2 he ewe ee 9 en mm Crt sa VOT Kes Lo. te eh oe Pine, eae 17 Procieal sHeporhe 22-2. -- 220 feel Ee ales An ae MOON BY MMPS th fi tS Ta 19 Mees heroureau of luberculosiss. 120.5220. 2020-0 ob ee 30 Persons tronmmwhom: Donations were received_.. ........2.-.-_215--L.4---- 30 Pacamivamoven-uoporine Patients. 22 202.) le Mss deee k e 31 Report mn mn he Sea eer eS ee ee be et ee a8 rnin @ertemient ot hire Loses c<252 ese 284 SO UU ee a2 NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS PERSONNEL BOARD OF DIRECTORS eet LONG AC RGU Marek es aoa eS ke Roanoke Rapids Memo, spence, Vice-Chairman. -...2..22--- AG Ns. Gp Oe ae Carthage eG rete rLARRISON, SECrelari/ere mia oeee tty ooo a Rockingham See Chere lOUT a ola. oo owe doe. oe eek Duke Meee en ASAVIEITS ose cet SAK nt SAR Oo SOE -_...Whitakers Ae E MOM AS ye ae eek ae ek __Raeford Nitta SH JONES... .. hE LYE), AIAN Te as A) ese Sanford Mita aus ORTTINGER 0.2.30. 0..-- Wa EES Sg AMER ee Wilson RIPE treme ee ee Charlotte ee rrre Nel tar ee 0 ee L. B. McBrayer, M.D., F.A.C.P. Assistant Superintendent and rictGn Viemicnl oervice:. 2. 2 2b) fo ke PO Py McCain: -A.B,, M.D, Piper \esistanu bnyercian: 22.022. cell sll 8. M. Brrrincer, M.D. Clinician and Director of Laboratories___._-_._--_R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D. eetoeuet yeleriiee. ot SE al. J. H. Witirams, A.B., M.D. ern lor nee eee ne ead HERBERT QO. SINK Private Secretary to the Superintendent_____.___Mrs. H. O. Sinx os gcc DUPE pi i ie (0 a AL hee Miss Loris HuNEyYcuTr ee aie GCurciniy ss) £ O72 See oe ee ok Miss MaupE MAnn Pipemnienuent. Of NUTSeS. 22 S22 SSR wa. wl bo Miss E. ConNOLLY Assistant Superintendent of Nurses. ________-_- Miss Kate SATTERWHITE ( CONSU CIE aL), & ins AS 2 amg i enka SD F. L. EUBANKS AOS WE Coe, cteng til SIRS Se Ee ete nC A ale F. D. Crirr Pe ria LAT Oer eae irene eee USI Te On Sd L. B. McBrayrer, JR. EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS PP IRC CLO EN wee PAG Ree ee aes, Semis I.. B. McBrayer, M.D., ¥.A.C.P. ert cee ee ek ear ea rn SNe. Dai G Arn pAn Berea Berra er uigame so oo See a a ee oo et Hersert O. SINK Pnar CAD iCl sab rentnk: shai eae ie ee Rel Wh 8 Mrs. H. O. Sink ey WSO ON OLIN “nae se. oP A Rog a EMER Se Oto CSA Dr ke eve A Mrs. C. W. CoviIneTton TOU TAG) mite eee ot AN oe ee eke Mrs. J. H. WILLIAMS SP LeTOUTA DUC! s theree tae ee ONS al ei ae Ot Miss Srpyu BRABBLE Stenographer and X-ray Technician-_----------- Mrs. J. L. SPRUILL Director Organization and Education Among the Negroes--_-----. ha i aa eae ees eae FLORENCE C, WILLIAMS 6 AnnuaL Report, 1923 CONSULTING STAFF L.Dry,Gio:W .PRESSUY. 2 22 acu) see ae ee Charlotte Surgery. ----2 UDri J. BP sHicnswirn ve ae eee eee Fayetteville Eye, ear, nose;) DR. Jas) MVLILiyi St 152 oa eee ee Fayetteville and throaé: ..\ DR. WMsS./ JORDAN) [22 2 eee Fayetteville G ato Tuy Yr fDr. A. Je CROWELL ee ec ne ee ee Ses OR eee ee Charlotte 7 ONO INET) Tyne dL), LLIGHEMY tH Vpn Mey ue eee be Fayetteville Pathology -_-- Dr. Jas: Bo BULLIT?. 2. 2222 ee Chapel Hill Pharmacology -Dr. WM. DEB: -MIAGNIDERC. = eee ee Chapel Hill PERSONNEL NORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Mrs, Gorpon FINGER; President, 20.2) Jone Charlotte Mrs. Cuas. R. WuHirTaker, Vice-President... ____- ba ke ind ote nb Southern Pines Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Managing Director and Secretary-Treasurer__Sanatorium Dr...) In Sprura,-Chinie Physician so. foe tise Pager Sanatorium HERBERT QO Sinke Clerk :4 ee eee Sept ee eres att _Sanatorium DIRECTORS Dr. Orno. ROSS... 24. eke en eee Charlotte Mrs, CorepenTy MARTIN: ge.600 2 lon ery ee Wilmington Mine Wiel Er ee eas pecs wae Lt eed rns Southern Pines Mrs.f.,.). JONES. 2 wi eye ee ee SS Durham DEG ls MINGRE kee ee be ieee | ot ee Asheville Mra BB SWitsonee oo coh eee oe Peeeerenare re ee Raleigh DroR. GaCanig@ONepe ace eee Pe oe a Oe Winston-Salem Droid: (DONNOLLYS vs co) ea ee So ee ee at Charlotte Mrs. C; COR OOK aie hae ees Rar eI mt oo TD Ove Charlotte Dr. WL. DUNN 2 ees ee Asheville Cone. cL: Lepiow 26 pk eee ee Winston-Salem Mrs. S. H. BROWN. 2 3 22 Gee ok Oxford MrsiJ.MiVGupein.l mie oe! gee ee faceted eee Asheville Mrs, HowArp RONDTHALER.. 6. 50002 0a ee Winston-Salem Mars: GJ} a0 INGE Y2 =e eee, oe oe ee METI ce a Greensboro Mrs iMAx, Ti, PAYNE: LOne) ECC 2S So 2a Greensboro Poubese 2 TL EV eT ae ee Goldsbore LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Excellency, GOVERNOR CAMERON MorRISON, Raleigh, N.C. Sir :—I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the Super- intendent of the operations of the North Carolina State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923. The report of the Superintendent is accepted as the report of the Board of Directors. The board requested the State Auditor to install a unit of cost system for the Sanatorium, but the same was not done. However, the same will be carried out in our future operations. Respectfully submitted, T. W. M. Lone, M.D., Chairman, Board of Directors. « ri ACT oh Nit a TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS Dr. T. W. M. Lone, Chairman, Board of Directors of the North Carolina Sanatorium, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. My Dear Doctor:—I beg to hand you herewith annual report of the North Carolina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, for the year ending June 30, 19238. The outstanding loss during the year was the burning of the kitchen, dining-room, storerooms, etc., on the morning of January 12, 1923, at 3a.m. The beautiful conduct of the patients and the splendid fire fighting of the employees to prevent the burning of the infirmary were remarkable indeed. ‘The fire companies from Aberdeen and Southern Pines. came out to help us, which was greatly appreciated. The fire, however, was practically under control when they reached here. For- tunately, our water did not give out until the fire was well under control, though there are many times when we do not have sufficient water to begin fighting a fire. Too much praise cannot be given Mr. F. D. Chiff, the steward, for the serving of meals without let-up. When you consider the fact that the fire was not under control until 4:30, and that all cooking utensils, all the supplies for breakfast, and all the dining- room and kitchen equipment were destroyed, and yet breakfast was served only twenty minutes late, you are led to say, “‘Remarkable, indeed!’’ Our thanks are also due to Mayor 5S. B. Richardson and Mr. Buchan of Southern Pines for their kindly assistance, and to General Bowley, Commandant, Fort Bragg, for lending us two field kitchens and equipment. Elsewhere in the report will be found a statement of the loss, as nearly as could be estimated. As noted in the body of the report, we are indebted to many friends for donations and kindnesses which have added much to the pleasure of the patients. Dr. R. McBrayer, clinician and director of laboratories, left us on August Ist to take up the practice of internal medicine in Shelby, North Carolina. Too much cannot be said of his work, both clinical and laboratory, which latter he built up to where it was second to none anywhere. 10 ANNUAL Report, 1923 During the late summer we moved into our service building, contain- ing auditorium, dining-rooms, kitchen, storerooms, cold storage, bakery, ete. This has long been needed, and is entirely adequate for our needs. The Negro Division of the Sanatorium was opened October 10th. It is on the same general plan as the infirmary building for whites, and has a capacity for sixty-four patients. In addition, it has ample room for administration to increase from four to six times the present patient capacity. It might not be out of place at this time to contrast the Sanatorium and the tuberculosis work throughout the State with the conditions as they were when we took up the work here April 2, 1914. This, of course; is not intended as a criticism or reflection upon anybody who had been engaged in tuberculosis work prior to that time, because they had been laying the foundation for the work that has been done since. The foundation is always the first step in construction. In 1914 the buildings were of the very cheapest and crudest kind. The shower bath was on the porch and not heated in any way. The only method of heating the buildings was by fireplaces. ‘There were no lights except lamps and lanterns. The Superintendent, medical staff, and nurses ate in an improvised dining-room that was a closed-in porch, without any heat, for two winters. It was necessary to house the other members of the medical staff in the home of the Superintendent, which was heated by only one fireplace. There were no proper medical offices nor were there any laboratory facilities. There was a small dairy barn, which was a part of the horse barn, and which housed about twelve or fifteen cows; they gave ample milk, however, for the thirty patients who were here at the time. On account of the many changes in personnel, the medical and other records were so poorly made, and kept by so many different systems or lack of any system, that it was impossible to get records of any kind of any considerable number of patients that had been treated here, and therefore it became necessary for us to begin numbering the patients over again, so that our records start with number one. When it was learned that fresh air was a good thing for the treat- ment of tuberculosis, we went to the extreme, as we often do in many things, and thought that the more fresh air we could give the patient the better it would be; and therefore sanatoria were built of the cheapest possible construction and did not confine the admission of air to the doors and widows. ‘This was one reason for the type of building erected in the beginning, and the other was that funds were not sufficient to erect any other kind. The first building erected after 1914 was the left wing of the present main building, which on account of lack of funds at the time of building is a brick-wood and slate-roof construction. So far as we know, it was the first building ever constructed for the treatment of tuberculosis that had in mind the comforts and conve- nience of the patients and the nursing as well. This building was built with a main corridor and, opening off the corridor, on either side, rooms with bath between each two rooms; a diet kitchen and nurses’ office on Tue Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM ain! each ward; a common sleeping porch extending along the sides and end of the building with doors sufficiently wide to allow the rolling of beds into or out of the rooms; and all the rooms, corridor, bath, etec., being steam heated. Since that time the main building has been completed, giving another infirmary wing, which is fireproof with tile floors, etc., the central por- tion being administration and furnishing ample offices for the present, from the laboratories of all kinds on the basement floor to the operating, metabolism, and light treatment rooms on the fourth floor. A small steam and electric light plant was installed at the time of the completion of the left wing. A modern power house, power plant and laundry have just been completed, which will take care of the needs of the institution for some time to come. The medical work has been improved until it is the equal of any sanatorium anywhere and superior to most. We may perhaps be pardoned for making record here that the main building, particularly the infirmary wings, has been copied in toto by some states, has been copied with slight changes by many others, and its general plan is used by the United States Government in its Veterans’ Bureau, with the exception that the baths are all massed in one room. Perhaps we may also be pardoned for saying that the plans for this building were worked out wholly by the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of the institution, as testified to on one oceasion by Mr. C. C. Hook, the able architect who worked out the details and prepared the plans for us. We have treated up to the date of this writing, December 31, 1923, 3,254 patients. The results have been the equal of the best sanatoria in the United States. Since we have had the equipment and personnel 1o make it possible, we have followed the plan in our medical department of ascertaining all the diseases or conditions that may interfere with the patient’s getting well of tuberculosis, relieving the complications where possible, as well as treating the tuberculosis itself. This should be the ideal toward which every sanatorium should strive, because many times a patient fails to get well of tuberculosis for the reason that some other disease or condition prevents it. Our diagnostic clinic held here every morning in the year except Sunday has been very popular and has been of great help to the physi- cians and the people of the State. We have examined about 7,000 patients in this clinic. The extension work of the Sanatorium has carried instructions on the care and prevention of tuberculosis into many, many thousands of homes in the State. The patients who have been treated here have gone away to practice and preach the gospel of prevention and cure of tuberculosis. As an example of the changed attitude of the people, it 12 AwnuaL Report, 1923 was doubtful in 1914 if a sleeping porch could have been found in the State, outside of health resort towns, while at this time the dwelling that is built without a sleeping porch is the exception rather than the rule. When we came to the Sanatorium there were thirty patients, as mentioned previously, and three graduate nurses, the latter drawing salaries of $5 per day each, and expenses. As soon as possible the training school for nurses was organized and was later duly incorpo- rated by the State of North Carolina through its General Assembly. This training school for nurses is an important part of the Sanatorium organization; it has been a success from the beginning. The teaching is done by the head nurse and her assistant, the medical staff, and the laboratory staff. So there is no extra expense connected with the teaching except that the teachers work overtime, the classes usually being held at night. The course given is the equal, so far as it at- tempts to go, of the best hospitals inthe State, and admits our gradu- ates to the third year of these hospitals, and our graduates always find themselves fully prepared to take up the third-year work. In addition to carrying on the nursing of the Sanatorium, these girls, practically all of them having had tuberculosis, are given an opportunity to be- come professional women when they are not physically able to take up the more strenuous work in a general hospital or in other fields. Too much praise cannot he given to our superintendent of nurses, Miss Elizabeth Connolly, for her ability and her patient and untiring efforts with the pupii nurses, as well as the splendid care that she gives to the patients through her nursing staff. We have also from time to time given post-graduate training in tuberculosis nursing to ‘nurses in this and other states who desired to perfect themselves in this work. We have allowed physicians to come here and spend from one to two or more weeks studying tuberculosis. This is and should be an im- portant work of the Sanatorium. The medical schools do not even yet teach a physician how to make a diagnosis of an early case of tuberculosis, and it is not only the privilege but the duty of the Sanatorium to teach any and all physicians who desire to come here for that purpose. This, of course, takes some time upon the part of the medical staff, but it is time well spent. It is always necessary to add to our staff medical men who do not know tuberculosis, and teach them. When they have learned well the work, they can command much more money somewhere else, and the process has to be repeated. We are unable to obtain competent men, men who are able to join with us in the kind of work that is being done here, unless there is some other reason besides the salary offered to bring them here. Usually it is a man who has tuberculosis and cannot do the hard work required in general practice or even in a gen- eral hospital. Then we must needs take him on and treat him until he is able to work, probably for only part time, and perhaps always give him rest hours in the middle of the day. The only other man who Tue Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 13 comes is the man who is sufficiently interested in the line of work or some particular line of work we are doing to be willing to come and work with us until he has perfected himself in the particular thing de- sired. The board should look very carefully into the matter of salaries paid assistant physicians here, and satisfy themselves as to whether or not the salaries should be increased. The North Carolina Tuberculosis Association has been a great ally in the extension work of the Sanatorium. The National Tuberculosis Association was endeavoring to extend its organization and its in- fluence to all the states, and in so doing was organizing state associations or local committees, and was featuring as a matter of education and finance the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal, which was at that time called the Red Cross Christmas Seal. In the spring of 1915 the directors of this association in North Carolina, without the knowledge or consent of your Superintendent, elected him managing director, and he has continued to conduct the work of this association in connection with the Sanatorium and its extension work since that date. From an as cia OS EYR ERED 2. "ASRS IRIS ete tes Can pe SE ee ee 922 ris ti ih dtp dedades Literature sent to Bee en CaseS seine cu nce tro mee <7 SUE ENE Uimemincracure sentoute...0 008 et US Tee eee ee mee eat Lah ae 10,585 Orr ae osrentOued et fe Vad GUE DARA see Ni co Se MN EN 44 285 peer mirer autres 6 Ue ete ee ire Ol a es 1,939 Meeremectitedgomtrentolled. 00 oo a ee 8,879 Sputum cups distributed__ _-_-__ Nay ra Lo Na 2m thrown ine We toe Lk ue _.120,410 Tuberculin se1.t physicians for von Pirquet Les treet ramen: Sb Cy Neer 194 Blanksifor reporting results of von Pirquet test. _.___{_......-..-._.-.-- 194 fee me echo mec ati uten «eset Ot SP Oe ee 447 Approximate number of words in patients’ historiesee secre et een hin eer 670, 500 Special X-ray histories written (Gastro-intestinal studies).______________- Approximate number of words in X-ray histories. _____.__.----_-.------ 6,750 PUREMELG OSI ACI CSCO C Satie icc ts ending wee a a ee Se ed heroin leap i be BE et 113,726 Av MICs CrmOtL eee ee anc te ee ee le POOR Te i ee _. 46,539 Outside patients examined________- Loa Her GM usw abe emma yg rene! See 823 Report or L. B. McBraysr, M.D., F.A.C.P. fe mel OLLICe Manama See ete eR big Pee 2 a to al ek ws 60 PLOGTeSseS \OCILVeGTEC! 2. eels want Lee Reel a Nin BM a2: Pe ee Mee EC, lee: 29 Miumper in audiences. 22 $2 4. bo. Ne UN OIE iellel Pea At Sky iene 3,055 ret Fa lonsyaAncNconieren Ces. vs a5 Beet ean ee eh) FE ee 1,342 Report oF P. P. McCain, A.B., M.D. aan Ol OLLLCC ras rita ek Me Ns) as kee Ee Wee ene he 9s 2 Sela 39 AIG R RSTO ACL hr Sickel gd Peete NO RASS at net ye erin St ee SE 5 RD Se PRI LIVa UICICN COs Sr amore ert Pe porns ro I rere eee al an ee 585 Report oF R. McBrayer, A.B., M.D Mey S-OUULOl: OLIGO memimree str eS er to 7 oe fy ee ee AS RRS Biol. 19 PO DETBENCAG ons tr Sue iee en eh ge ee os yO RN AEE efor aN el 5 Number in audiences_-_-_._____--_- i lie © Scene Bille Mt a st a 400 OTOL ETC CS aia mone Skee ws Nt Mi Ra Eee i Mag SS ere 30 18 ANNvuAL Report, 1923 TUBERCULOSIS CLINICS | (North Carolina Tuberculosis Association) J. L. Spruit, M.D., Clinician July 1, 1922—June 30, 1923 Number of days in clinics. 2) 25s 22 2.) ee 193 Number‘of- addresses given’. 2225 e/s25_ eee ee re ee 73 Total audiences 2. oooe LL eee 2S eee ee 14,500 Number of positive cases 2.2 2u.5.21 cee ee 685 Number of negative cases_.___.._ --_J ) Use eee ee 1,158 Number ‘of suspicious cases_.c2.. . Ls ee 225 Total number of examinations. ... 222 ee ee ee 2,068 | SrEcIAL EXAMINATIONS OF CHILDREN | Number examined by inspection (adenoids and tonsils) 2 _ oe civerc Bite cesael Tie 102 Summary or Worx AMONG THE NEGROES Number reached by Mrs. Williams and colored supervisors in health lecturefic® - 2020 sys. 2 el es ee ee eee 155, 886 Number reached by Dr. E. T. Ransom by iectures and health educational 920 moving pictures.) Se eels oe ee Jeatacetr th dane 28 ; MEDICAL REPORT 1923 STATISTICAL be reportedyon. 2 2.200 oo wi eet es SN ge HI Bi a ge 359 INTIMmDeren Otro lASsitiedl aan meee et eens iS Se Sneed Spear ee oi 13 IND CTE ObEL Der CULOUS yt seein ay seni ke aU) Me Ua ee elas aE ORT SEM aks) adem ile 64 NGM ETO AtIENtsHl Sanatoriun? July 1) 1923) Ue ween seme ee ee ee te ee ees 153 ' Total number of patients treated during the twelve months_- __________.__________________- 589 46 PATIENTS WHO STAYED LESS THAN 30 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested pupeTaay Quiescent | Improved ee Died ENCIplEntee see Sees 7 0 0 0 7 0 Moderately advanced___12 0 0 0 11 1 0 Far advanced___.______- 27 0 0 0 10 14 3 Acute tuberculosis. - ___- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Otal= os ee e 46 Total number days, 842. Average stay, 18.3, Longest stay, 29. Shortest stay, 7. Number gained weight, 29. Number lost weight, 13. Average gain___....__...__--.- oe Noe 3.8 lbs. | Average loss_________ LR TO Ml Ome A 2K 1.9 lbs Warcestac nine von se ee Ue TOJOR DsarlarrestylOsa secs eta rulycu Ue ey WOE il wales dy Se ne 5.0 lbs Pimallecteralnssee ese ewe eee see oe RY DRL DSaE SMa LESt LOS eee ee els Moet ae nu Eh es ae .5 lbs SUALLONALY Seen ee ee ee Oe tbe Bee AGN OURWELe NOC auc lane. See ean ert UP rk SI 2 0 81 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 30 TO 89 DAYS Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested pane Quiescent | Improved ees Died HinCiplenteass =o aww t 22 0 0 oi 13 0 0 Moderately advanced_-_-_22 0 0 6 15 2 0 Far advanced_..___.__-- 37 0 0 2 15 15 4 Acute tuberculosis----_- uy 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLOta Vee ee epee 81 Total number days, 4,938. Average stay, 60.9. Longest stay, 89. Shortest stay, 30. Number gained weight, 70. Number lost weight, 11. AV CTAR GALI aoe ne eee ote ee a Ora spa Awera COR OSS meres aea\ ua sare lee ee a eS 4.6 lbs. Warcestroor (ts Sale ee a wmeee Bees SO.ONDSe le leareestrlossaae cr. 01s cee See ant nee ome 10.05 Ibs. Smiallesttsai neice eee eer Oko EDEL DSap Teles Gel Ossi oat ure mies echo .25 Ibs. SS EADIOUALY 2a tee eames Soret ed. Sakis A INTOGR WEIS LOC Sewers cre PAR ccs ea a, ei tye RU Beas 20 ANNUAL Report, 1923 232 PATIENTS WHO STAYED 90 DAYS OR MORE Condition on Discharge Condition on Admission Arrested en Quiescent | Improved Sracca Died Tneipient sae =. yeaa 73 3 38 Se Bye 0 0 0 Moderately advanced___82 0 6 46 22 8 0 Far advanced_-.._-.---- Ge 0 0 23 32 17 5 Acute tuberculosis.__._. 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 LOG a Speers Bie 232 Total number days, 42,724. Average stay, 184.1. Longest stay, 790. Shortest stay, 90. Number gained weight, 212. Number lost weight, 18. Average\galnl a.) (0) See a eerey sl ee Meee 16.0 lbs?) pAverdseqlossaeees an ees aeee re eee ere ere 6.54 lbs. Rargest ig ans a0 Gl esse bape peas eS 69:5 lbs. | Largestslosstuu = oo eee re eee 12.00 Ibs. Smiallestega rns seeing ae mlm nets te ee ee 6. Ibs |Smallestelosse yeens eae eaeeee eee ae = eens .25 Ibs. Station anys sles eb ees Ni) 2) Not: weighed Rosie e eee ys ee 6 HISTORY OF HEMORRHAGE Negative... of. eu6e eeen! e223 22 oe 206 Previous only. .22..._-- (02) ee 132 Positive « Previous and durmg residence. 22. as eee 5 During residence; onlyo22 2 40 2 a 16 RESULTS OF SPUTUM EXAMINATIONS Negative.or no sputum. 22.205 3 ere On admission eee ee sah mich can ahaa bam ie ge 2m 2a 116 Positive « During residence ----_--_--- pane Eee eben mr Mays see 1S erat g Le 142 On discharges 92) 12. 2.4 noo | ee 100 SEX, AGE, AND CIVIL CONDITION Age Civil Condition Sex he = Se SE ee ee ee ee 8-19 | 20-29 | 30-89 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-70 | Single | Married | Widowed] Divorced Male______146 49 133 100 64. 15 5 133 201 21 4 Female____213 Total_ _ .359 NATIONALITY: Americans, 358; Syrian, 1. Tue Nortu CAroLtina SANATORIUM 21 COMPLICATIONS ED yperthyroldisin ee. ae ae eee 9 PR CleTLGEG fester SU ety NE Nuiwoenty Pola) 9 PNCLOTIOLUS = 2 Sea MnO) Teerliynothyroidism=.. .27.cn8 Lae 1 Alveolarvabscess2 .. 22). | evils Stem VSLCTICN Sack Reon a ck, soe ee 1 Amebic dysentery... 2.seeuievies is-welschio-rectal abscesses. 223s sGrs Ue 2 Amenorred e. 6 eee aac ke LPR VDIOSIS rete Senne tea te cor 1 Peremnesuroee ee hal 11 Laceration of COLrVIxX. 2. eens 19 Prriimtisttiicme 2 eS oetuving 119 )shaceration of perineum: .. 2 sce 10 ey Osos o.oo dag ioe 2 . Laryngitis (tuberculous) ____ 252252) 45 Antifiexed uterus. . 2ovseuu! scuu Winhy LL POI. ce vie van ates eee salreyy*s | Antrum infection. 2. e222. sek ee By eieletiee ule sti i irl Bal pis ee 5 Aortic regurgitation_-_._.- phe ls. si) 3 Pr wevialaria (2 ooo So) a) Oey Syettah Ome ns 1 POO PeneClbIs. eins Slee wig tars Pam BTAING oor Cu OU" oe aaa 1 Perermecierosis. 2) a 3 Mitral insufficiency 4, coe aaa 14 me miemrseptic). oo 22 DRemeLILT AL StCDOSIS Sar Je Uk Fane el mepimaoronchial). 2.8452 2.2 TPE EVOCALC IIS nana.) Cn lmketic 8 a ee 1 Premmnine tnmitiso22 2. fos DeeeVeyOUDTOMAa Olu ters... ee 1 emerson eee a eee Nasal POlypl.oo3.-..2 ee ae 1 mremenieciwisisr: Sh dips Sap THMENCDULM pews 205) ee thes Fae ae 22 Seer a eee ee DU) RN CLITL CSc eetel ae sah! merle ote ea Avil Broncno-pneumonia (tuberculous): 4 Orchitis._2-_~_.__-._-_/___ 4k al Renee TRAC) LMS MCC ae op eo ee 9 OP RGIET REL aes Gingell hae Tee cllagiiac arweeen os. albu are, a eae 1 OL MOSES IGT TE 2 oR Aaa 4. Perforated nasal septum___..___._- 4 Berriciiviniemiecrt a DPRRECOVLCONIL ES ania d se ae a lie Breer UenOm ae et eo iwesPes planiidamee obo ae Pes 1 hy SUNS ae = 2 ee ea D IN OSIS Senet eee = als cies ea 1 USACE wa ose alg by (ea CULUABY CUSEASE, 92 BVIsceroptOsisa 224. a eae eee 4 OCCUPATIONS PAT CTs ee ee ee Lee ene: 1 Employees in tobacco factory~ - --.-- 8 BND Clo ee ee ee ee A» An gineersu eo. Sool ee eee 2 PSIG SING oe nz sta ee ev logs ATIMOOLS eran a Sel ig EL POOL RECTCI Sue seat Ske = oe ree 8) «Glassiworkers2 3.02 uo eee 1 15-08 PAR ET SS RUDRA Oe ORO eens Sl Sake nie 2a OUSEWOTK See Le a ae eee eee 133 Saterowner 22 nee. wos ie ete d eee LUSUbANCesAgeN these ee ee 1 Se ALDELLUCISo ee me go ae ee OP RRL TeCSS aeenies pd et eee eee F APTN CTOT seed te Meee fn dy PE a Quem limber DUsiINnessae 0 2) ea. a eee 1 Srlerks ese A oe eee (0g ROPERS FORE Sk. wMieilteartercc. 0 1 eC ae 1 Employees in cotton mill_________- 22 eaNT ech anicss).. 2. Jn eh er a 2 Employees in hosiery mill_________- PueeVierchants. 2.0 22) OCee lee eeee 12 22 ANNvUAL Report, 1923 Mall foremani 0) ere Lee) Rubber; workers. 2 eee 3 Mill’workers (9302275 eee eons 4° Sawmill worker222%e- see eee Miner. con coe ee ed Geb 1 ‘Séanistressi eras ee ae | Ministers 22222. 5. Dee re 3. - Sheet: metalsworker2_ 2 aoe 1 Niirsesd(aLe goto 2 2 eae ae oP Steam i tier eee “gemra hice Ta 1 Office worker... 2 ee ie 1. Stenographers=2) ae ee 7 Painters Ob bi a be) aoe eee eee 1 Street car conductor. 2..05.232 ee! +3 Rhysiiane ne sa ass per y dooney how tl 1 Students ee. wo. ees 540) Plasterer... vuuuetedoa. mae oe coal 1 . Meacherstes oes 33065 wee Tsee b2 Policeman... 2.40 Geese) ee 1. ‘Yelegraph operators. 2.4. eS 1 Printers Ae G2 es 1 ‘Telephone business_-_-22012 L222 1 Railway car repairer.__.--------22 1. “Telephone operatorsl.i24l U5 Uae 6 Railway ‘conductor.22_ 2 ¥:_ See 2 -Wrainidispatcher {2 00) eee 1 Railway brakeman. 2._._.-_ See 1 ‘Traveling salesmen =2— 0 eee 5 Railway fagman 22 site ae 1 COUNTIES FROM WHICH 359 PATIENTS CAME Alamancese. 33S et eee 6. Johnstone ees ee oe ree ee nh Anson Pies 464 cee Be ead VN eee 1, “Leeye get oy haces Mew reer ee 6 Beautortees ss 022 oe see oe ee 3 'Lenoirless sess we eee J Bertie. ares ss S eho Se eee G ‘Dancolntczesas ts ao i ee 3 Bladen yeg 2852s ei > a) Se 3 .'Madisanesie are) tee eee ee ee 1 Brunswick 22s ees et gis MD 1 ‘Martine haere es sore Wee ee 3 Buncombe. sss 42 awe: oes 2 MeDowells- 25:22 622.-5 2 4 Burkege 2. 7 Dae ae ee eee 1 \Mecklenburgeseee. S20 eee 6 Cabarrus irs) 25. aps bor i) a 20' JMooresees rates Naat eee oe HS ork oh 5 Caldwells. 22 32 ame eee ied aie li 1 3 ‘Nagh rte secs oe ten areny sarees i Camden #7 gh reo so a 1. WNew, Hanoverstw 2) eee 5 Carteretc22 Vege er Oe eee 4° ‘Northampton. aes ee eee 1 Cates bacciuck > x: St Seeker nee 3 ‘Onslow .riieas eee ee 2 Chatham. saa shinee cies. Wee nenene eee 1 Orange se Sep ae ee 4 eects 0h SN ale aie he ok 1. Pamheoloseeee sae ys eae eee 1 Gleveland:: 4 ahevege see ee ee 1 ‘Pasquotank 23a ea ee ee 1 Colimbusio. 4s hee oe Hoo eee G6 ‘Person .22 eee ae peal Gravett. 20 2 2an seeded ence Te SPIO ee ee ee 3 Curnberland 6-5 2 Ve Seo. ene 4.” -Randolpnw tae paar ea . B DA VIGSOT MES ee Uo certs ool annem ees 12. ‘Richmond2355 eer tee ee ’ Davie i 2s ait SoZ ta Tee Ao 1 -Robesontkessee oer eee 7 Dirplini ii: it eae ee 2. “Rockin ghana: pence oo ee 6 Durham 2 22k Ae aw ee ee 18 OWRD are ee ery I ee 10 Edgecombe: a2 ee fe 0) Pee 5 . Rutherford aes te eee “JI Horsy this ui Uta, MaMa einai RE 14 . Sampson sce), eee) Tees 3 Franklin 3022 .sta' nbn Ba he ee eee 1° Scotlands. s See la eee Gaston 22 oss UM Se ee eee 4° --Stanly 25 aa eee 10 Gates occ cede Pasa ee 1 Stokés2.235 eee Bg Mig hao! 2 Gira an tes 2 eh Sac pes le 1» (Surry iw oie eae nee 10 Granvillesson S200 Sete ele v. TLransylvaniaes se see RE ee ini Guilford 2w4. 525 ess eee 17°. "Pyrrellaee ree eres 1 Halifaxecns eo Roane Shir ee 12¢ | Union 2232 spake ee ee 3 Farnetted ues 2 7hc We (i eee 774) Wake sc <2. aie ae ee ee eee ees 21 Haywood . ce a ae oe oe Ll Warren? on ei eee een eee 1 /fHendersoncwiil? scnduint W wesuien 3 Wayne.) 22 Se ae a!) Hertford ciao. fo eee 2: 2 Wilkesot 2. ee eee “4 Ok es 2 Sie GI ae ieil. ~ Wilsoniwoo sos eee ee eee 12 Hredell ek Be os Se ae 15 wl TOWNS FROM WHICH 359 PATIENTS CAME 6 Aloskie. < oa: 15s a eee Soe LiRD Ashevillesui2ec0 2 oe eee t Albemarlenc 2 iu Aiwa ie eee 3 Atlantic. o> Ne ide Altamaha wesw fo vie eae PO 1. Auroras osco0 JES SO ee RDO Sor peice kis 2 Cad) oP ne 2. ‘Badine 2 22220 _ ee eee Msheboross 2c Jac eee ones : -] Barium Springs... : eee Tuer Nortu CaroLtina SANATORIUM 23 SOOT Leen a Se eres sa tara eye): | 2 DOIG Oss see ne ee HN hee il Prone Ve we ee nee, ales, 1 PSEUISOI eee Mee eer eRe NY TY i, 1 ESO UN OI Mey he Ag aneteae. Cor city Del) 1 MSR TOOICN Bree ee ogee te 1 PisckeViountain.. 1 Boiling oprings od Seip 1 cera ere ie NS tet tee 2 Prices Ve ee 1 imieemerecim er i et Sanayi 1 Burlington... 2... SRT ee 1 CLOTS BC Ns A OT 1 SeaeeroreinVviieG ss. Or tO ore eg 1 "OSN 04540 lg ls ne OD le Pad Faek 1 ert OLd Oe dll § ae. 1 Meee CAT Tr ee yO ah eed il Peeeer tg lal 3 BeINeIYOVEG lL. oo cc 8 on Neh 2 Meee ee eee Se tral 4 DATA Rec e oee e e tid 1 LE EN ly ge bet ee po 1 ena ee el ne 1 TeUIPC Peer | Say A} eOrn inte lo itielay 2 Dry ete ee I (Or iteteh fe (Geta oe) a oa aa alt ee 16 ere re wee te tA 1 pin an 2 SS aa ices here | OSE NCELS 4 7 ON AO 0S 1 Davidson_______ 2 err 1 TMOG UC! oo ees a ea 1 Seem re, 3 Ries 1 Riri eee ey oy TS Pov lonopiimiceser wee he 1 PrasteOUriiniie es MoE ee yet ee oy 2 Pee Cee IL Very Bee es a | WADE ILOWO eet. aot ee eS 1 PAR Ree ere es Sil tee ete eee 1 RNIN] Sree Reka ee 1 [ELD WE'C 0 7 ag 0 try lylekll REI SC 5) aS 1 PIV ESTES Me Castes secu) lil Ae AM Be eid eae nO ee 1 Torlianger sa. aeons nk Pal eb 2 28) 2 Fayetteville_______- LAT SE 2 MOTOR beILV ware ate eee ee 1 CLopeurata FEY ali (OS toh leg Sh i aa a oe re aa | SSCL eee ee aN NT A eit eS Da STIS ILV ILO eee ee eee rest 2 ACM Od S010 Name nag eg ee De Seah a ede Be 1 SOTO ae et ald Fe Ee 6 CCN oC) LYSE a0) 0 gga 9 ley te te 7 PLAIGIO LOT retest ares k Wiel der 2 LEE ONS) Re leding telnpetd ad eRe eer anata Be ae 1 RENE CL atte ek ee et eres allen c oes 1 Ea vea VL ee Storie Fel Sb Bey aie 1 Ter meee ge eee ns SN A 1 ELeGHeIsOn (be oan Be) FL EATS & 3 TARO 0 ee te te reat AO EF 2 oe OUI teeter meee as eth A 7 6 AI IBDOLOe =o a ee te ee oe Sh 1 POP OUC eh te tent aie a 8 os ers 1 Gt DTD a ewes © an Bebe ro ih Propet Viilis tuias. vests kc oe eRe ae 1 Hamtersvilles = 2 gt oe eee 1 Jacksonvilles.24.0)22 220.25 il aeee 2 Jomeshorose se ois see eae 1 Kannapolis ic. 3.2 be tate 2 FRISCO Belt ee see one ae 1 i phies A ike Weld eee es Day 1 EIOT CLR Ales 10 eo ie a eh 1 ask enie ior: Ch Oe isa See ey ae 1 TERUITIN UTE? se ye ee ae 1 eNOIPLY See ce: WD a Ve RON 8 25 Rs 1 GXINT TOM: oo cee hol een Vea ae 4 Real Hatori aes pst Ak PRN ln a nes 2 Hincomtoneeses lo eee WORE 3 LAN WOOL ee ue. OR ea 1 Littleton oe es FO a eae, 2 LOUISPUT Geos eee, clone eae 1 McAdenville a, ee Soe as ee teh 1 INLD CISON me sake ce 2 DR nc a 2 IMATION eee 3 ST He Sane eo 1 EVER UOT 2 lic nets Oe 1) Se aa ahaa 2 Mavodans iii ia 6 50 ara 1 Mebane _ - 1 Ver sl at ae bD Middlesex! is Py Sk uo eli 1 Moceksville________. STNG Same, 1 NLOTTOG) ote Utter Clie eee tents |. bie 2 Mooresville___.___. NP RPTES here gene 5. 2 Morehiesd*Qityoeo. Soccer ems 1 IVE OV AT TOT: van. ae oe ye ee eee ae 1 Mount AIT Yu eaten RCSD ae 6 Mount, Ol Ve mmear che Ne aaa ae OUD Dea Laie ery ine mee PRIA AE? WN CLS) VLE Gee aaa de of ee La 3 EN ZAP O UI Cee ee as ye See ea ee Nealsville_______. BANE OP Pe 8 1B 1 New Bern Nes SCA eine AY Ii Pie a opt cee 2 New London__..__ bb sO ee aoe AL psa = Newton waroves. o.oo ake SA INGLE Ree abe eet en ee ke Suen ce Ce aD North Side__ far Venriae ene tyne ye | North Wilkeshoro.._...__......-.. 1 INGESDOC eet as yer ENE: Ke CA DOL aie seam R Mee Lilac eta bean IE CLINE ae Be ee) ee ey eR TA OT KUL acter ose ws ee ee ee ike er a ar | COXTOLG auteet Acres 1 yi Set ev ewesy ok ee ri PInehiirstat ase. icine) ete hake i! Pinnacles e geese = 2 ay ope OR te thes 2 Bittohen Bieter as we anne ee ee 1 Rroctorvilleseeee) Se ee eet 1 Proximity yp ecal hohe Neale sthll Smee 8 EG eLOnCeen meee naga MPA ane wala ol yer ae 1 Raleigh coat ees Or hee. ae Sean es Red:Springsiens Cae ee Pek a Mite mnie Richfield Pete ee caper. Ue Oe, 1 Roanoke Ra nidsset 2-0 ae eee 3 Rockin gnarieie tion Stee erent os 1 RockyeMountest teas jee Wid Som 3 Rondacereinss tee eee De Roses Gill Waees = he eet Soe ere 1 Rosemary_ SER NS yee ee ey Rounds Penis: Stk se ee ee ae 1 Roxboro eee Bap pana me fal So Salen NE SY 1 24 oo “AnwnuaL Report, 1923 Moxobel 2c. 52. Je se eee uuenil Saint) Pauls) 20-0.) cere eee eee 2 Salisbury 222.0. -.22-08 eee 5 Manford sete. 5 eee BRUNE NEA un ate) Scotland Neck_ - --- ode ORE 1 Delma ses Lo Ae ee 71 Seven Springs). 2.5. Uli eee i Shosles 2 772 bao ee ee eee eee 2 Diler City S:guc cs oS ae geen By im Mss. 0-2 es Se eee me Smithfield__.______- oe see 1 BOpN arc oe eee AER 00) Spencer _ - - - - 2 Sere the oe ee Lal ples 222 88 oe SPINS PELODES cee soe been Stantonsburgec ia. snk eee 1 Statesville ei ee. Saas ED Stedman. Jee ee. ee 1 S Lenses Ee ae 1 Stokes etpe 5) eee. ee er 1 Stokesdales.- be. 722 eee 1 Stonevilles.... 4. gsc. 24 Se eee 2 Up plyeee lin cae tho. 3 oy oe 1 HL arhoro 2600 2 lh eee) 2 ‘Thomasville. 47223). |.) ee 4 ‘Lobaccoville,o see) see eee 1 Traphill > (22. Vspeeaae ee ee ae 1 Prinity.—. 22... es ee 1 ‘Troutman’. 9226s eee 34 Wadesbords2 oo. ee ee eee 1 AEE a 2h 01 Pees Poin, Cece MAME Ss 3 LE fe Sy 7 1 Wallacec wees oO ee, ae 1 Wananish..o. ... Ae ae 1 Washinrton Gen 2a do. 2. eee 1 Watsons oe ati one aioe, ool a 1 WW Ox Ss Were coe ee oe i BOD See 1 Waynesville.:.2......... 0feeeut 1 Weldon. 26 satus es 1 Wendell 3.7) oe eee 2 Weentworthiuc en i 1 West) Durham... 5500 ee ee i Whitevilloise bias ee ee 1 Williamston. 22) 2022s. ae ee 3 Wilmimeton sa 552550 5 see ae 4 iWalsonsers S22 5 of2% 2 ee eee 8 Windsor ee Sl a eee 2 Winston-Salem >o2 224.22 oe 12 Winterville: i545 oo 2S) Bae 1 W oodleafuccter es ois panes ene 2 WoodVille 2a torso a eee 1 Nttly2 22 ee Be ee oe eee O7 . ‘February 22 oe 2 ee 32 v2 Kea <1 gpa ERED (5 ee eMayh oir yc a 14.” "March 27 aa oe eee eee 60 september. 42 9 2ae en es ke eee ee 05 © “April eka” So res orl se eee eee ee 66 October___---- ha a eo em GB 7M Bye Ait ge el eet nee 61 Novemberg. 2 tiaras oe h rene es 64 . Junes stews see ee ee ee eee 86 Wecembervn) 2 Sete Niee Oc ee ee 57 — PANULATY Se ee ee ae a ee eee 63 Tota. ater 3 28-5 arpa emer 823 Classification : Eix-pa tients: oc ae) ee eee 223 Positive didgnosts tase soe 178 Negative diagnosis___________- 422 Total. 42 eee 823 SUMMARY MEDICAL REPORT JULY 1, 1922, TO JUNE 30, 1923 Patients Admitted: Incipient. 222 2.0 0 2 ee 6 ee ie 100 Moderately advanced________~_- onc Ds Og, Cee eee 122 Far advanced oo. ek oe oe ee See 162 Not classified 2.2) 2 2° cag Bee ae 39 Not tuberculous... _. ob eee ee 33 ' Totaled ee 456 ‘Patients Discharged: Arrested. a et ee 3 Apparently arrested. .7. 3 4s =.) ee 44 Quiescento. ol 20 LP Ne 123 Improved3 oc 8 ee a ee 131 Unimproved [222 a ee ne 58 Died 22 eee a tee veces nee eh 13 Not classified 23220 oe ee ee ee ee Ts Not: tuberctilous? 2 22200 > So a 60 Tue Nortu Carotina SANATORIUM 25 LLOSDItAa VS alos 2 es 3) | SE See R rte eee ey 62,873 Number patients, July 1, 1922_________- shel nidaeo ve 151 Numbermpatients admitteds 22304202 6) is. | ee 456 Number patients discharged. 2+ so) lecucge {iy a} 445 Number patients: June'30, 1923 2¥ 2420 2a. BOON VY) Bs 162 State appropriation, maintenance_____...._________ $85 , 000 ‘TOste per Datient Der Way. ss sere Bees sob eee 2.94 Costper patient per. day, state. 2.224. .-452h222- boa REPORT OF X-RAY LABORATORY Stereoroentgenograms of chest (Sanatorium patients)____.__-_____________. 495 Stereoroentgenograms of chest (outside patients)_______.22__22_-_-____)__.- 186 Seemeries other parts o1bodycceg 2660) em: 2k ii cn ee 106 pee a ey dee tee Ot PRE HEy uer rs re De ee oe 787 ements ne ee tg ee eee EN ee es oe a 50 Pomme ciieetlICiCe as en et Ae ie ok ae ey A 23 oy LABORATORY REPORT Sputum: ONIClOst cree. 2 Aaa: 3 oe Lie Ape: AGE BUSAN, pe, (2 RRS Ne ha Cane E 1,877 eaten NPE tte tm ee VOR A lis ee SEW A oe eee ah ac 593 SOU MPR oo Sele oe Bue ee AY COE PSE IEES «2 yt Main Sy oc denis ote One 2,470 Urinalyses: CSSEIGIRGL: J), SARIN SSSI SE em) re DOD eh Nn 1,262 ce hcl Tee Riera NAc ys ete ae Py Ae Ue Prout | ie meter BO aye et) Ye Ne er 2,633 Blood UR 1B, MCh, 2 ote aE tl) ae ys es Qo ee a es 398 YA TE (Cae SAR SS A eae atl ah eR 853 Peer am ID. Co, ee Be ek ee Mee eae Oe et 394 PD erentalayysctios Cy Cee Sak MEM eAN SR crets ae Auta aii 708 PPCUROCLODIieetewe Ske ee eet ok VER Oy Ge BUN NE Vea Si 2nd Pea, ar 393 SecuiMleY? Vina LESS ay eo lee tin Se OI dean ene i A NE AGRI Stee esi OREM RSS er ty a DREN IE Cl 389 [as COREL LS, al tc Se ie SCN cy ace en PI an UN ae 435 UNS M TORN D kre S teraction ae Se A a a RT SA SRR Se a ai slit 5 508 CG RESDe 2 Dyke 0 oe bbc ly SE ae eee ae lt MONE La OE cole OVD Se ONE OL Me 186 ulturest( Grater male re eee a) eee ee mn Ok PT ey i en Sk ad ae 9 one atl OlICeLOrinina ti Olieeee) tes ulunts aoe oer 0c ate eter) Wee boll eee 39 SOET U1 el sae ene ed cn Mion mimi mraeler «(i alt eave A. Sat ly er ok A Ty Aes Ne ae 26 Ele USL, Sete 2 oy ot ee oo ne Cay amon Core ait Pe ee ghee hn Se 4,338 LPverereate iB coset 2 A J Oe pg SRD SRT ey Sa Pe Na ALLL ie ae eh Re ee ER Dt) EER IE Se? 760 PITeC COU AE RAV ALIS Ui Mba ee Mes es ee Wie 08, Win Na ey eran oP lat 7 Byes ate reece eres 268 SC ag CEM A ST ea Tape yet, OC he Ri, 03 ies MN A gal RAN St ete RRR Ane cee. SBE ST co RE Ae ye EDR ee” 99 PEPE el TS eer eee eee ene ae ee Me ae! VAR AR enn 2tky tO Rk ie ee 320 MING TDP MINOCUIALIONS sheet eet ee ee aN OR Se os ee ea ae 27 Serined) DIS AULODSV eat eee ees ee ie FE, ms SRT RL Se ENE BA. - 26 UAT OCULATIONS” ace heya une Se ecm! ie ee Oe es Vi cu es 87 as Lt ant ODS Vee ies oe) eee ee Cee NN cee Met Ast re 8 ee eae 11 orp ntialeins: weeks 22 SAG ANE ee Le Nd rem ce a SA as ee a 2 Gra OOGLUTCApE enema 2 yi ls Mais ee a eR 6 POCRUIPIN DL VSCa =< eli tet ey Nhs gle Ne Oe eae ee So 7 ee eee 2 DO PRULIN ALY Ses VIETOS So tele tee n We ys Vay Re eee SO ae 2, Wem OCUlNtIOl ome eee hu Ante ds ockeelN Peat eae Jy Ue eels ee 6 RAAT LOTS Vee eee at oe ms Phas woe eats tall gee ek Ae Pe aa 1 26 ; AwnnuaL Report, 1923 COs tension 3& 682s 0 oe oe As Boeri Sn pi 31 Basal metabolism determinations... -_ eu) GUNES sei ere 71 Additional air analyses... -20 02 oi Lo oe bea Hs od 8 22 Gastricsanalyses HCL only_.___ 2-2-1 ee en 29 Pus from lymph node in neck: 20. eee ete ee aoe ee ie 1 Spinal fluidss. 22.00. So 0222 22 Sk ae See ee 4 Pleural: fluide.2. 02. 2 LoL Le eh ere ee 19 Milk culture: o. So a ee eee ee 3 Water. culture. 2220 2 2 3 Culture from throat._.._.__--- RE et aes en EY ee oe Soe 1 Smear from throat .f2fi024 Se UE re ee ee aoe creel oul Saliva test for acid and free’ HCL... (Se 5s ee eee Sy aeons 2 Glucose tolerance: 22. 220: SS 1 Naliva reaction. [oui 020i ee ee Rie kt ie eth mice x 4 Scales from‘skin eruption: 022222002 2 eee Tego: Bek i, oe Rae 1 Discharge from ear 2)... 3 ee 1 Pus from axillary abscess... 2. DoS 2 See 1 Pus from abscess) 50.) 20 a ee Ps Si tow, a a 2 Total examinations and ‘testSoo 2!) ot ee ee al hy 209 Tae Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 27 PRESENT CONDITION OF ALL INCIPIENT PATIENTS DISCHARGED FROM THE SANATORIUM PREVIOUS TO JUNE 30, 1922 Year Discharged Condition on Condition June 30, 1923 ee, LA crete vie Ae ES aE RE eek ae MU Discharge To- 1914)1915}1916)1917/1918}1919)1920 1921/1922 tal hivingsand sw orkingse! 262 eae ees OF eon Orem Oe LOS Dsl 2nd 5 aa Living and not working_-________- OF ROS ee On an Ome Ou OS (ee OitnO 7 DSA eee ess Bee a 2 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0} O 0 0 POS sree ewaene eric Vt a ee OF OF Omen ELON lai On Olin 0 y aparently Living and working... --..---.... PUG ober sin ls) 15 190/18) 1 12 4-158 eee Living and not working_.________ 1 1 2 3 3 De ae Sao ae2O 210 Veer ty hla! SLAP ta Wal Ee set sk cbt One ta roriaan: (Ob Bi Bala tet Qi Ts Ost tee a UNS ele! a MAGS 2 Dee eee 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 Living and working..--_-.-._____ 3 3 8) MAE So PANNA RP AUS || E 9 | 97 Quiescent Living and not working. -________ 1 0 1 0| 0 EHSL OS eee Varese Ls 141 DD Gad tag Seis PUN Tak oe ws Se 1 6] 3 OO Olin 2 | Le ee On ee Onna tet JECTS BL Se cele gia, Sem. L/h Perea ANE a a 0 1 3 1 1 1 | 2 3 1 13 Living and working..--_-________ 0 Aa eh One ta ANE SM Otis U4 Gl Improved Living and not working.-________ CSO ee te Ole See dea ep 1g. - 93 iE) eer Cer ales Wey eniee aerate Week Lo ea A 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 6 ROS Gomer eee tile Ari ee Love a lh) NE eae il 1 2 4 0 | Reali atk 0 0 10 Living and working___.-.___-____ 0} O 1 1 LP OM Ole Oia 1 4 Unimproved Living and not working.-_______- TO Gel Ok sO tOetio elec Qe ox 0 5 VD LeFee fee DALI Cee ie ety ale ae ated 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 MOSt ee ete ete sae, cos be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0} 0 0 Living and working.--__--______- 5 | 18 | 54 | 65 | 60 | 87 | 52 | 46 | 28 | 365 Total Living and not working.-_______- 2 1 6 3 iS Sab e tS i OO 508 BD Pees by Ne No psdsies Seay = lalesete cai oe EL LRP SY hac OW mere | leo weiner mamta eae (ose ey TE OSE Mere Mee ene: noe cere a EAL Eman 1 3 7 SS 2e DAT Se ea Tae Se 28 ANNvuAL Report, 1923 PRESENT CONDITION OF ALL MODERATELY ADVANCED PATIENTS DISCHARGED FROM THE SANATORIUM PREVIOUS TO JUNE 30, 1922 Year Discharged Condition on Condition June 30, 1923 Discharge | | To- 1914}1915]1916]1917|1918|1919|1920,1921,1922 tal A Av Living and working!) = —) 22 pease 0 4 7 0 1 1 2 0 0 15 ‘ps ti Living and not working_-_________ 0; 0 1 0 0 Os ORO mianO) 1 Dead. 3p ee ae ee Op OR OM Os sc On i Os) 2 On| ae OmianO 0 ThOSt ind: a ae 2 Ona 1 OPE ON Ons ONO 1 x tl having and working 22s) sss ssse 3 0 4 Oni le pa & 1| 40 earn Living and not working_________- 0 1 1 0 2 ONG Salero man Os m2 as ‘: Dead.) te a tt ete dle do ki 030s Oa Oh aan MVORU AK bp Be nl ee Oy Os 1 OF OF Ose OneeO 1 hivano and working sat =a ene See ala eOom ele POOL OM avelnolMe LOS Quiescent Living and not working. ______ teal OE BE Oe LOE 4 a TO Soar Lone 410 BBY: \e eee OMe Sl aes A oT. IS e20e SOR 25e eGR Blogads om mnt SS OR Ges ee Ee ee 0 2 2 2 3 2 1 0 13 siya 2 van Gow. O7 kc eee 5 Gal LOM el Sale ZAG lStie loa Om me oe Improved Living and not working- -________ 04.0 ty 25) eo tletel) ach Lhe Ba 4010236 260 DD Gadecat. § Math ao ne ee eee PA ave Re PAO) | PAD aR Ap ail TE 8 We y¢ Tyostiet) S282 eile Lat TOR 0}; 0} 0 1 1 ee oe) kaa xe 5 ivin gan awonkin gees ae eee 0} 0 1 0 0 108) toa 3 Unimproved Living and not working_-_______- Op Os mOsm 1 Oss eee 0 7 58 Desa se hoe Pas Meee pee oe eee 1 Gi eves De Sy a USS Pari a BT 3 i Ieee 1 lyost sec ent kod ee ane ee Oe Oe OP Oe Oy | ZuieORanO 2 Living and working_-__-________-_- 13 | 19 | 39 | 51 | 52) | 44 | 37 | 47 | 31 | 333 Total Living and not working_-________ OM tap OU 2 Lae Sal One eoe ja lon e122 803 Dead ce Se See ee 38 | 45 | 65 | 59 | 45 | 33 | 22 | 16) 8 | 326 Tue Nortrn Carortina SANATORIUM 29 PRESENT CONDITION OF ALL FAR ADVANCED PATIENTS DISCHARGED FROM THE SANATORIUM PREVIOUS TO JUNE 30, 1922 Year Discharged Condition on Condition June 30, 1923 1 bo a) ee oe NDS Sa ites Per LE Lo Discharge To- 1914] 1915)}1916}1917)1918}1919}1920| 192111922 tal ILiniouayen yay! Synove Wave 2 | OT OG |) Oh OOP ho) aw 0 Arrested Living and not working.________- 0}; 0 0 0 0 OF OTR OO 0 0 HB YSTE To ee tees gob PE ye, ec i OF OF Os Oe Ost On| Onin Onin O 0 OS Ua ey seat seme Re ie a oe OF Oe BeOS ee Ome Ont Om ec Onviars Ostaen 0 Popatently Living and working.. bse Adih hele Onl Ooi Ormnusy 2 0. Ost Ose O16 0 ae Living and not working--_______- Oy Mie Onl 0 1 OFF Oe 20) 1 IB Yenve Se? ES ee ae eae ae 8 0 2 OF OF SOR On 0 vhaeO. lee On| Onan 0 } LOSE 2p hs Ce ee Oo WD Oah OU SOR Oar Mey alo 0 Mivnro and oworkingees 2) seen. 0 4 093 5 5 5 4} 4 (AN wet Quiescent Living and not working._________ 0 0 1 1 3 2 4 7 oi) Pal 117 1 OYeao fs PSE eee Coy eee eae) SRL LOR ore eeStienO! Sea RO! eno TEBE a Na Ss ae ee Ree OD eel Te Sie a yh Oa AO 6 Pivaneeand. workings: 222.) --_o-- 0 2 2 3 3 AS Anne 24 Improved Living and not working_-________ 0 2 2 1 2 1 2 8112) 30 228 1D Yee Se Se aa ep ee ee Ee ZO MeLOPy 183 SOM OM teiledise leZonlie ta) 168 MOS tee Ae Perk BUA A Re ae ett OA A a TAOS elle We) Pasa 6 elvan Cea OW OF Kill oes eae ae ee Oe “Ot 1 1 On OMe 0 3 Unimproved Living and not working. -_-_-_.____- OP Oe Oa TO OA OT eS eee ee 9 235 IDYehie to, Rea as SS Ree ae TOME UGs eS elGeimoon | aomle2s. etn eo telmaoe NG fot ee CC SE eget ed ee OO HO Oy Oe ae al ag 1 Living and working. 2). 2622 222.4 OSV Gn tome 9; 8} 8}| 9] 10] 64 Total Living and not working---_-______- Opes 3 2 5 4/ 81] 18} 19 61 581 WYSE Ne Wt Es), Bales te ed er 42 | 46 | 41 | 58 | 58 | 46 | 40 | 74 | 38 | 448 Bo ee ee = Ee ARE ED ee eee De Vet rol fuera sec Teh GocrecQ! ie 2ele dah ds LITERATURE OF THE BUREAU OF TUBERCULOSIS Bulletin No. 61: Tuberculosis—Its Cure and Prevention. Bulletin No. 92: An Act to Prevent the Convicts or Prisoners of North Carolina from Contract- ing Tuberculosis. Bulletin No. 129: County Tuberculosis Problem. Bulletin No. 202: Tuberculosis—a Lecture for Teachers. Bulletin No. 1000: If There is to be Democratic Equality of Opportunity, There Must be an Equal Opportunity for Health. Bulletin No. 1003: Fundamental Principles of Public Health Nursing. The Next to Go. The Story of Four Generations. Is Your Muffler Working or Your Cut-out Open? They are Dead. Résumé of the Survey of a Silk Mill Village in North Carolina. The Tuberculosis Clinie. The Incidence and the Importance of Pleurisy in Early Tuberculosis, by |. Dr. P. P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C. Health Bulletins of the State Board of Health for November 1920, November 1921, and December 1922. PERSONS FROM WHOM DONATIONS WERE RECEIVED Sunday-school literature: Miss Grace MacKinnon, Bennettsville, 5S. C. Magazines: St. Peter’s Parish House, M. D. Strong, Librarian, Morristown, N. J. Mrs. J. R. Page, Aberdeen. St. John’s Church, Mrs. E. W. Norris, Librarian, Hampton, Va. Mrs. G. R. White, Southern Pines, N. C. Church Periodical Club, Mrs. Emma H. Carroll, Chairman, Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Mary Keller; Southern Pines, N. C. Candies, nuts, apples, etc.: Southern Pines Civic Club, Southern Pines, N. C. Mr. John T. Thorne, Farmville, N. C. Miss Emma Dale, Farmville, N. C. Pinehurst friends, Mrs. W. B. Merrill, chairman of committee. Clothing: . Pinehurst friends, Mrs. W. B. Merrill, chairman of committee. Potted plants and flowers: J. J. Fallon Company, Fayetteville, N. C. Scholtz, the Florist, Charlotte, N. C. EK. Morrelle, Florist, Southern Pines, N. C. ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORTING AND ASSISTING IN THE SUPPORT OF PATIENTS Pivencas hedsCroce Davidson... = 22) toe. 2 el BM mH ea ore 5.0 HUD MET Pierce nited-@ ross, Gastonial «90 ee MR ae Bee Om heey vac ieee American Red Cross, Goldskoro________-----_.- ST ate haakel BO eat tee Mp al American Red Cross, Greenville. ______ 22.220 222k Boa) Nispeig edt Apa a American Red Cross, Guilford: County... cee ee ea ety cada Raps Lilies American Red Cross, Henderson__-_-__-_. hed eed 8 Hel ugh deo L225 i LMR Purerican red Cross, Hickory 20. * 20 22 eee AIR Ge MCR as plan Se ss American Red Cross, Kinston__________ RR SG TSE NOR NEE! # Lal) Ae OMG amd Se. td maneetCanrat ed ross: Maxton (oO Ed, GAM yy Te ADS Apne A Poe Mi minertcan Red Cross» Salisbury. oo). Ve vie mses a at ok be Ta American Red Cross, Sandhill Chapter, Aberdeen________- Fi Ae es i a Pericaimied (ross, Raleigh. wet ea ieee ey FRAN AP Lier SNS Altamahaw Cotton Mills, Altamahaw_.____- eich Mace eal [| 2 ee TAele saloehine BUI, okay ree ECO CONC a ty) Le Sag TR eS Pe STR A ea 3g Board of Commissioners, Mecklenburg. __ _- Esai NYT OP abs ila eet, alee Board of Commissioners, Stanly__._._____... shee WA ag) Pa Biot SAPS ag ate Board of Commissioners, Surry____________- ns MER he ei, Ren ae ae Board of Commissioners, Wislanwa.) eee Meek Seem ta eens Es va Centre Brick Warehouse, Wilson.__.________ pie: Ae NCA lig =. 81 Be Rebs Ho Council Tool Company, Wanantish Jala youd ye oe ae yet 9 ae Benge JOA District Nurse and Relief Society, Greensboro._._._____-- tyke tale Pepa Durham Hosiery Mills, Durham_---_..____-- MUP yt 0-hy STORIE Peps tS OSIM Erlanger Cotton Mills, Erlanger. __________- WR ag nF. iu ia ON Bena a say a ae Health Department, Charlotte_______.____- LU AR ET Le oS PENNA: Mn Ne SAA PeaitneDepaniments Durham) sc 0b a oo geeks. slate) 2h et Mine eeL Health Department, Winston-Salem____________.-___-_- By i eer cee 2 Ae Perea ia SON ee pug et Bae ey as tea ee ne Lawrence S. Holt & Sons, Burlington____________-_- C4) nee 5 Japan Le ee he NS -Loray Emergency Association, Gastonia___..__-.-.____-- MAES RON EO Gre diel ameercumirerecnipaty «G@harlottecin eer eh Us ee a ae Nieshodisu Churchsepenceren a. Seas feeb. eck clewec eels Nene, emcee nent Missionary Society, Roars (LG hUrCh ee atiril DUO mss er te eee gees kee cua Mutual Building and Loan Association, GiHarlotientee so eau acre toe Perr Merce Dirhams Oe OI a Te Sve seek ee Norwood Manufacturing Company, IN Gr w 00d Sater cao tar ar he es eae N. C. Federation of Women’s Clubs, NCES ete Memorial Bed Fund_---------- [cycle LE everdhied BYTE ia Reie ialeie CLG URE Le bec ue Ree, 0 2 2 aye Oc nr a a Rae ape rare een Popular Fund, 1 VUE Ay See CTA 9 00 UR. Fo i cae a ea ap aa me cl EEN Popular Fund, PRR OTISSV le emer ae ee DE Lee Cee anata Pa md ioe hee ee re Popular Fund and Public Welfare, Boone. _-__- Fisrie epee cit Wit iatt sore eye oeee Presbyterian Sunday School, Charlotte. _______.____- ileal el eral aes cco tae are Presbyterian Orphan’s Home, Berit Oi ties tke rei aman be Cir ene se ee Mublic-Welrare.C)mtUon gs 22.42 ee Fig RN mad 4 eieimed fy AU Mem nae Mo Public Welfare, Greenville. ___- Rewari Aan a Pee Nan CAN Pave emer. ApS Tc WWelare, LLICKOLy Gina la eel “Etna A OS te fs 2 a AOR A ETERS Pop icavvelare, eichy Pointy b packe Seie gt: Dieters eel oot 1 lh Boe areal UE WieliAre | KINGLON Ss cits dul ates ie DAA Soh ie ee le be ie Cee Pe pe CLOTS SEL Vel O ye artes See eo 8 cae) sae te Meme mI es ES SMA 9.8 i hus PLICAVY CLIATE ML DOMaAsV Ile a e ne ot eee ele oh ea a ae TN yea Ba eh! see Roanoke Mills ‘Company, adr oketRapids:, ces cuut sme nen ea edt 2 ier Rosemary Manufacturing Company, Rosemary Soule 6 ee lay ied Achy) 4 ban guts at Se aaa te etree C libandwopulay bund, malishury.c. wr eee ethos. 7a so elle Peo e PCH av Bs008y Greens DOlOg als cae sone ia Pace on. a sae ee Ne LE mOrOLGruoodmmaleigh Wd Sk eee bee ae ee Oe ee St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Gharlotteéwa:ws #3 vhs tae hina cis Beedle es Salisbury Cotton Mills, Salisbury EA RRA ae a A ML ORE ST ge oe ee he Sieve COCLOME VM lemolell We... a Oke me aes NR ua. siete Shean ee State School for Blind, Rakeight here Ol oe Pee ee wee ales Pe SR er eee Philathea Class, Brown Memorial Baptist Church, Winston-Salem --------. ---- 32 ANNUAL Report, 1923 Tuberculosis Association,..Bburlington _. 3.9.5. 2. ae ee Tuberculosis Association, Cabarrus County Tuberculosis Association, Concord. _______-_-----.--- Tuberculosis Association, Davidson 22221 0h. 32 ne eee Tuberculosis Association, Greensboro Tuberculosis Association, Raleigh. _— 24-2. ae ee Tuberculosis Association, Roanoke Rapids Tarboro Knitting Company, Tarboro Woman’s Club, Raleigh. 002222. 5 3.22 ee United Daughters of the Confederacy, Free Bed Fund_._...._--.---_--=_---- Young Men’s Christian Association, Kannapolis-_ ______- at eee S SAY clekstee Young Women’s Christian Association, Durham... ee eeee sees ae eee REPORT OF AUDIT RaeiaH, N. C., November 14, 1923. Hon. Baxter Doruam, State Auditor, Raleigh, N.C. Dear Sir:—In accordance with your instruction, we have audited the records and accounts of the North Carolina Sanatorium of Sanatorium, N. C., for a period beginning July 1, 1922, and ending June 30, 1923; and herewith submit the following report as a result of said audit. We made our first trip to said institution during the month of May to check out the retiring bookkeeper, and then during the month of October to complete the audit. In most of our North Carolina institutions the books are kept purely on a receipt and disbursement basis, and our audit shows that the books are neatly and accurately kept and all funds received properly accounted for, though in many instances the expenditures are erroneously classified, and without a reclassification it is impossible to make an accurate operating cost statement, and to attempt this at this late date would consume too much time and would not justify the expense. We cite the following instances for your information: In Schedule 8 there appears an item of $4,700.89, classified as miscellaneous expense. This was for equipment of various kinds for the different departments of the institution and was paid for from maintenance fund and receipts - from patients. Schedule 7 shows miscellaneous expenditures amount- ing to $11,857.24. Transportation and drayage and freight and ex- press show large amounts. These accounts should be thoroughly classified and charged to specific accounts. We call special attention to the operating cost shown by Schedule ~ 8, which shows only cash expenditures and transfers from dairy, farm and hoggery, and does not include anything for depreciation of the fixed assets, which is a legitimate part of the operating and maintenance expense. Our reason for not including this charge in our statement. is because it was impossible to ascertain the exact amount that should be charged to the period under review on account of the fact that during this period the old power plant had become useless and was discarded and it would have been unfair to have this period bear this full amount ($65,344.84). There was also charged off during this period repairs to old buildings amounting to $32,991.08. For these reasons we have made a statement of expenses and transfers, but have instructed the new bookkeeper what will be necessary for the future. I regard the present system as thorough and complete as is used in any State institution that I have seen, and I believe is entirely adequate to the needs of this institution, when a thorough classification is made of all receipts and expenditures and definite instruction has been given by the proper authorities as to what part of the equipment should be 34 AnnvuaAL Report, 1923 charged to maintenance and what part to permanent improvements. The present bookkeeper is competent and interested in his work and has improved the classification. I realize the fact that being many miles from any bank and the necessity of having a large amount of cash on hand to buy judiciously of country produce or to meet any immediate needs that the institu- tion has, that a large amount of cash purchases have been made, but the receipts reconciled with the bank balances and the cash on hand; but I believe a better plan would be to run a petty cash account, drawing a voucher for a sufficient sum to meet the monthly needs, to keep said amount in a separate drawer, and to make the deposits agree with the daily receipts. . I desire to call your especial attention to a matter that needs to be adjusted with the State Treasurer: The appropriations for the past year were as follows: Permanent improvements, $199,500, extension fund, $15,000, and maintenance, $85,000, making a total of $299,500. The State Treasurer has deposited in ‘the Page Trust Compny of Aber- deen to the credit of the institution the sum of $290,550.58, leaving a balance of $8,949.42. The Treasurer’s books show that this balance is due on maintenance, which if not spent during the period reverts to the State,. while permanent improvement appropriations remain still due. It is claimed at the institution that they had no notice as to what the amount sent covered, and they show that this amount is due on permanent improvements. I have not used this amount in my list of assets, as I thought best to wait until the matter was adjusted. During my examination every courtesy was extended me and every facility offered to secure the information desired. Respectfully submitted, J. J. BERNARD, Certified Public Accountant. Exhibit Schedule FONE og ee (a9 ] ” A a ‘ae EF Be Sie ay toe iy ee, 66Q7) NO eka ae (a3 ee? nye? Cy phe INDEX TO AUDIT Balance Sheet—Assets and Liabilities. Receipts and Disbursements. Reconciliation of Cash Account. Fixed Assets. Inventories. Reconciliation of Bank Balances. Accounts Payable—Unearned Receipts. Trial Balance. Summary of Disbursements. Operating Cost of Institution. Dairy—Profit and Loss Account. Hogs—Profit and Loss Account. Farm—Profit and Loss Account. Recapitulation of Milk Production. Monthly Salaries. BALANCE SHEET, JULY 1, 1923 Exareir “A ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ASSETS Cash in drawer oo. So S220. 2 os cee $ 2,662.80 Cash in Page Trust Company, Aberdeen, N. C._____--- 12,964.68 Cash in Page Trust Company, Raeford, N. C._____-_-- 28,156.93 Fixed Assets, Schedule:2.2. 2s)" 3 eee 690, 567.35 Inventories, Schedule. 3:2. 2520 5) 3 ee 95,800.29 Total ‘assets oo se Ue ee eee LIABILITIES Outstanding vouchers, Page Trust Company, Aberdeen, (N.C... 22002 2 eee $ 12,554.55 Outstanding vouchers, Page Trust Company, Raeford, N. G.22. 20... og ee 26,570.18 Accounts payable, Schedule 5_______.. JUL 2 Sees 15,575.26 Unearned receipts; Schedule Sale22 Ves) Dee 2,700.00 Total liabilities. — i207 i eg ee Balance, net worth July 1, 1923 Exureit “B” RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Fiscat, YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1923 RECEIPTS STATE APPROPRIATIONS Permanent improvement Jund? 26.24 2. ieee $190, 550.58 Extension fund 2 ced 3-22 foe 15,000.00 Maintenance! 22. Sats a ey 85,000.00 Totalvicec. occ Sa eee SANATORIUM EARNINGS Board and ‘treatment..22 o/s Se ee $ 96,569.79 X-ray examinations: 4.24. Ss ee 1,899.50 Totalos 20 22 bo og nk INTERTRADING ACCOUNTS Laundry-- _._- ma wr ot ee ea ces Hospital supplies-_ _____- ee arena Doe ae ae ae 1,729.09 Telephone.and telegraphs 2.5... see eee oe cks coe ee 386.57 Parnis.¢ cio 2 eh Se ioe 0 Paty ere Mee ek Nar Dies pe Aa) 1,762.87 Provisions - jel a a ae ae ee ee 440.52 Dairy einb oe eI 6.25 Eransportation and drayage: 5 oo) oe 19.02 Reirigeration Ao le ee eee se 115.00 ORB SIE er RO iy Sa ane 72.00 Old laundry machinery) s,.00 ne Geeeenee AOE ie Se aN, | 500.00 Miscellaneous !sic ghee 187.30 Total es $830, 152.05 57,399 .94 $772,752.11 $290 , 550.58 98, 469.29 7,316.10 —_— $396 , 335.97 Tue Nortu Caroitina SANATORIUM DISBURSEMENTS PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS State Fund Repairs and equipment, operating room ACOIME REN rh oe ee ee eh § 197.52 Neero canatorilm oo. ...0-.-.. 2 68 , 484.90 Dining-room and kitchen___.__________ 72 918.10 Assistant Superintendent’s residence____ 1,819.96 Repairs to Flannagan Cottage.________- 1,394.18 Hrrenem equipment)... 62 ee 10,569.39 Power-house and laundry_______:._-__- 30,488.46 Light equipment and power--,-.-- aA ine 566.58 Pee MON ce ee 13,050.00 ee ar rma eanee ene A ik ST aE 235555 21:7 Paporatory equipment .2.....4.5-....._- 270.00 Povepatrneand silogy 2200262 Lf L ba c00 Negro physician residence____..._______- 7,856.50 ne Ieee eee eh ae Sk $210,883.41 EXtTrension Funp LS LE MGore PRS 8 |S) Sa ee ae ee be Pe $ 9,175.00 ieravenung expenses #2500 al iUL 2,288.47 Premuroand wires... 22.0... ..2 2 525.86 Books and Sia OMe fact leer eet SL DAA AEA WES) TC oe ES 3 SS ee a 621.35 Pisce llonogUsme gute Qe 139.27 ANP ACES aC ol 0 a a tes nS Be ee $ 15,000.00 MAINTENANCE Salaries ' Cae SH AUS Oe, Esa ee PT $ 9,183.80 PROC emacs. oe Bx oo nO4 Nurses and attendants__________-__ 4,573.95 (Wooketandsserval tsar no eae 2 12,698.16 IIISCCUANEOURS = suK Soe te tas DION REN SrtA eC Ah ae on a Te ag a a $ 30,178.45 Supplies: PBCOCINOTAN GELINer 21 = ease eee $ 1,962.02 Crockervmancd.silyCla. cpamurg-s i bee ee 797 .00 Prue erea noe ied (Cl NGos ha eee em 1157-15 DiiscellaneouUcessaue 25h eae s, panes 4,963.77 SOR perc. era em RA ee $ 8,879.94 Provisions: Pe barre meee ee ae a ee $ 6,289.05 BUGLE A ea ee noes 2A We ee 834.13 ig ote te etn et | eG eas 2,230.71 mar table PDRLEUL ties, oan ks eh ene 15851.38 TOCCTIOS ae Ae PE he. ce Spey te 5 , 342.34 Totaisuemmhmeas eaten. (0%) $ 16,547.61 Sanatorium Fund © $ 1,388.23 961.66 574.00 334.12 960.00 $ 4,218.01 Cp EBs: 2,359.18 1,554.27 2,927.09 $ 9,373.87 $ 12,491.23 1,897.42 4,242.60 3,853.89 14,046.92 $ 36,532.06 37 Total $ 210,883.41 15,000.00 34,396.46 18,253.81 53 ,079 .67 38 ANNUAL Report, 1923 State Fund Equipment: Furniture and fixtures__.......---- $ 125.46 Instruments.) ese - eee 80.63 Miscellaneous :2-3---- oo se eece oe 193.06 Lotalice Sew eee oe $ 399.15 Office: Equipments". 3 2 s2) eee eee $ 28.31 Stationery and books_...._-.------ 91.99 Stamps-. 22 soe ee ee 36.50 Miscellaneous: {222 ogee 158.98 ‘Total. - pean eee ee ee $ 315.78 Power and Heat: Labor oS Se ee $ 1,601.75 Supplies. 722. | eee 4,876.49 Total se. (eee eee $ 6,478.24 Light: Labotsc. see eo52. eee ee $ 500.50 Supplies. 23.2 20s 2 ene 60.86 gquipinent 2... ee eee ee Totals sss a ee eee $ 561.36 Water: aborts ahh eee 2 5 eee $ 499.00 FUQUIDMENL es ee ee oe 344.55 Supplies 2 22 seeee ea oes eee 29.72 Total ck SNe a 8 ee ln $ 873..27 Refrigeration: Laborsc acento a. oh eee cee eee $ 498 .00 Hquipment2 see sac oo ee ee 14.80 Shipplies@ 2 a ae Lotale eee a ee ee ee $ 512.80 Plumbing and Sewerage Laboraee ae eee. hae eee eee $ 498 .00 Equipment 222 oe eee 21.00 Stppliess* Sas 2 + Sees 47 .04 Tilesep cee ON nent Miscellaneousiae ie 2.1, 2 aan Lotals.222) 422 7) ee ee $ 566.04 Farms: Buildings ge taevc oor nee Lae $ 81.24 Live-stock seater’ ues ee ie 450.00 Machmerveand tools Jt ee eee 625.23 needs and) fercilizers2s.. naeeee anes _ 2,592.33 Feed ogee = A ee est og teen ee 030.14 Labor ces peta en: in eee ee 1,687.22 Miscellancousie ant 0. go ae Lotalar 2.2207 ee $ 5,971.16 Sanatorium Fund $ 11,680.38 317.04 $ 11,997.42 $ 28.74 186.61 499.00 5.96 Soe 720. 51 $ 168.37 9,456.18 $ 9,624.55 $ 45.00 214.44 111.84 yonehey alors $ 47.40 4.00 109.52 $ 160.92 $ 45.00 70 25.70 $ 71.40 $ 47.00 33.87 6.25 350.40 29.25 $ 466.77 $ 1,703.63 275.00 771.20 604.97 3,187:75 4,054.51 59.63 $ 10,656.69 Total $ 12,396.57 1,036.09 16,102.79 \ 932.64 1,034.19 584.20 1,032.81 16,627.85 Tue Nortu Carorina SaAnaToRIUM 39 State Sanatorium Fund Fund Total Dairy: Repairs , buildings and silos_______- eee ey $ 137.00 Pive-clOCKeir ts. 2 eee 2 ENS 961.48 446.31 Pitesti ase Ve 462.74 222.12 Buppiicaemmarter titer 2 ceed ido bo 425.69 696 .05 [PSG0la.o 5 oo ee ee ye ee 1,015.16 8, 742.60 US) TYG al a aR tly Bs Sea 2,108.09 345.44 VISCO ANOCOUS fens. oR 9.00 27.78 SMG ited ae bad ee a ae ie $ 4,982.16 $ 10,617.30 $315,599.46 Miscellaneous NATE. 1G lS et as a $ (ieee) 491.64 fr ainimoecchools ea. 2.002... 208 52.57 259.68 Telephone and telegraph._________- 867 .68 443 .00 Settee eee A ee 2,568.26 4,348.57 Transportation and drayage__.-_-_-_- 1,409.44 1,516.22 featieliie rerund 22. ee eo 374.68 2,247.35 Pireight-and express. |... 2.2. 152.59 1,639.92 nye eee SN ee 53.25 1,101.41 “UNTO SCOR) foe ae eee ee D2 SO Maes a ee RIEL ca, SEI ae ae et a 1,104.95 1,094.22 HESISOC LOR ee 238.64 258 .29 Ey C25 OG ee eh ot 254000 Bireee LS ec! ee DenvicenVyetOlUe oli. lee le lee DAS VAG gpa e cos Soe Furniture “and fixtures, Superin- tendent’s residence____-_-_--_--- LAG PDO ee 320 ee iimectorsaexpense.... 2. -----+ TAD ee 20 ey rae Repairs moprun, Cottage) 222. 202 Te Ome erate. oe Extra employees’ house____ .____- cod ph laeetnty AS 975.70 Be ereUm ann Oee et che A Pe 709.24 Ov taGlisemen Scene 2S oT 3,211.42 RUCICO UO mV See Sat Cee US bee 1,489.47 Awnings for lama PINS Mao a Ae i Aine ae 566.00 LG AE hs, eed Oe 2 ee $ 8,734.04 $ 20,352.03 29,086.07 sea mts OL SCIONS ure e nek et et ee eo eee $426 , 046.02 GENERAL SUMMARY Balances July 1, 1922: ‘Cash in Bice re reteset ee ee te os on 420045 Casb in Page Trust Company, Aberdeen_-__-___-_ -_- 46, 768.20 Cash in Page Trust Company, Raeford___._-._. _-_ 14,365.98 ist a er eee Mere ee eS pee Aon gs $ 63,554.63 Less Outstanding Vouchers: Page Trust Company, Aberdeen ___.$ 26,025.24 Page Trust Company, Raeford._... | 3,159.61 ‘lotaloutstancding aa eee tee ee ee 29,184.85 True balance JUV O27 eee ee es 2 ee % 34,369.78 40 ANNUAL Report, 1923 RECEIPTS From State of N. C.: Permanent improvements- - - - - pecs $190,550.58 Pixtensioniee Gees a2 Uae ae ee 15,000.00 Maintenancenhei oe 28 aie ape ce) 85 , 000.00 Oo Potaliy boa 2.00. eo wee $290, 550.58 Sanatorium earnings. ___._---_---- $ 98,469.29 Intertrading ‘accounts.L.UG 2.2. eee ome — Totalieseol ue. ak ee be! 105 , 785.39 Total to-account fors..-Je.2.. ee ee $430, 705.75 DISBURSEMENTS Permanent improvements____________-- $210,883.41 Pixtensioticd (242 eaee ay Coe een 15,000.00 Maintenance cea eee 2200 sie e es 85,000.00 Total appropriation expenditures____._.-_.._... $810,883.41 aintenance from earnings. .2 8. 22. 2 ee 115,162.61 Total disbursements... - 22205 2..2 2 2s 426,046.02 Balance on: hand, July. 1j49282° . Cols $ 4,659.73 BANK RECONCILIATION Cash invoffice. 20a UU Pe $ 2,662.80. Cash in Page Trust Company, Aberdeen__---------- 12 , 964.68 Cash in Page Trust Company, Raeford_-_-_-._..-__-_- 28 , 156.93 Dots ot iia inet at ble ante ae eae $ 43,784.41 Outstanding Vouchers July 1, 1923: Page Trust Company, Aberdeen__._-$ 12,554.55 _ Page Trust Company, Raeford. _ -__- 26,570.13 Wotal ws. isk el a 39,124.68 Balance as above...) ) 2.) ae _--$ 4,659.73 SCHEDULE ‘‘T’’ RECONCILIATION OF CASH ACCOUNT Fiscan YEAR ENpING JUNE 30, 1923 RECEIPTS 1922 July cl AY oy Rea eee! 2 1 ES 8129805 AUCUSt 2s feu te een 5 Sy te ee 9,850: 72 peptemberdd 2s sae nl, Sal aie eee Oe October ___ _- Pallet 2) ‘yA kMew tee 8 ap 10,044.99 November ae see dine eavear ee Sena 8,265.01 December! 02.0 mee 0 oar ease 8,610.17 1923 UENAV) EN ia gle ai inte rea eh, 8c 2 ene Peek SC 10,545.00 eUriary i. oe ie So) ee ae ae 7,780.65 Vie re bits 900. rd Rae ie nt oa, ee Ree 9,197.01 Tur Nortu Carorina Sanatorium ESR, oP AS Ubi Se Shae RGN ha a Jaros $ 8,189.68 DRI Un Met Rees CML ee a 8 Lee gee 7,612.38 PIDSLEM DR PGRST a 1S son san psd Mala gS Aa DN a ee $105,785.39 Meeoriiicew UL O22 ra eee 2, 420,45 ca AC COUG LORE s ee i) ue Rilke: | oa oy $108,205.84 Deposits Pace Trust Company, RArFrorD 1922 , ee eee ey. bie ee ee BY 8, 400.00 Pee em, BAN ee a ea 8,406.04 eeIN Der ier aay a ae a 9,698.21 NSCS ME“ Tes 2 Uae hg Mee a LOVOTORET Beretibete ae iia eo Ae ee 6,306.82 COM peters une U2 ee ee _. 10,474.97 1925 pnb uVemerermb ee ee 11,122.80 CED) OS Se 8,696.36 ee eee en Lae 8, 356.00 (ig) se es a LR TR 2 Ree an Us 9,174.62 Dil Ane i eh pape 6 00.7. 200 i ee ae ee ee NOR 85098 arlegdeposivs tor Year... 62.0062. Sok eos eee 105 , 543.04 Baancemircasn drawer July 1) 1923s. ke eo pe Ma SCHEDULE ‘‘2”’ FIXED ASSETS JULY 1, 1923 41 $ 2,662.80 Pee em Ae Orouniinmmter Leo les USE ie ed $ 20,000.00 Pie eeeen mee Ua el ON ge ea 34,750.00 Administration building and:infirmary 2... 122.2222. 248,000.00 retro es uOrtiii ay. a cere tL SIT aA ek 85,768.92 POemIo ro Ara romeuchenet 030 bo ee 99,213.37 Peereen Ome baer Wie oer ol ee Ne 7,125.00 OPE MARGE GR” Gee Su AMO Ke SE St ai is. ese aamene RR at Ce 11,400.00 Hapenmtendent,s residence. Su. 020. uVe_ 21 eet eee 9,500.00 Assistant Superintendent’s residence_ _ _ _ __- PEER Ceasar 11,800.00 Pret Da niealan AunGryusseyus ie SO. ee 42,000.00 Pile MISA eCOULAC Or ert Ses ts Ob rk kr Day i ee 16,000.00 Sunshine cottage_____._._-_-- SUCRE Ria WOR RAE NO MAAN | 3,150.00 Taw Clatt s TES OD Cx 2 ius ae ae. 2s Sole SRNR pak een 4,165.00 Negro physician s.residences2 Vat slimes vex am ol 8,832.20 Deva Se (UArtcl suas. ewe, te me ee 2) PATE iia 10,800.00 Buinees - annexe tates boo oes fol eee Eto it B 3,197.00 eran CCTICORANG ere kote EO ee SLL Ca ERNE NR 3,000.00 LEE SONG RST Ri tant, gd cape =A Ie LD ko UE ey WN eh Ra 30, 184.96 Meemerwnamya lel, Dian tsk. s kee ae ek So BN | 16,299.00 RUIN Ci) eee ieee NC Sd yin Nee apie a So Ce ae 7,000.00 PROTO MOI GLCl sinus eer lek om en. a Stone 1,500.00 ey LS SST si eh RR ee ANA ORG ADEM SEO a Cea: EA 14,000.00 ‘beyedhe CL Ge: 1 Ns. Ses a ang Rai ee Oe Ans SS aE cats Oe 2,881.90 AEA oo 2S. ek RR ITE Sed Sein. CPMRANISD ND. NAL Whe a ge a In RIE oN $690 , 567.35 SCHEDULE ‘‘3”’ INVENTORIES JULY 1, 1923 Farm: Sup Dice mae eee. eee Sh My ee eet Bo C2442 Machinery, tools and equipment. -___----_-------- 3,068.75 Hive-stock 0. see ER Ree SPRUE pian all (Cals ae ARR ged de “49 ANNUAL Report, 1923 Dairy: Supplieshad So" 98 =.= 2 yee Reo toe. $ 5,985.15 Herd oiscgh 7 el Ae ea 14,735.00 Hogs: eo ae a eee -- 5,253.00 Furniture and fixtures: Hospital oe. sas ete oe 3 ee 14,621.75 Dining hall and:kitchen’ 22 = 23 eee 3,366.00 Superintendent’s residence. 2-4-2. eee 653 .00 Nurses’ home- - - - - - goo eee 1,200.00 Bedding and ‘linen. 22203. eee Sr 6,957.89 Crockery: and silver. =_=2 2 Vee 2,721.41 Drugs and medicine{22 2°22 eae 2,899.50 Hospital supplies 2 233 24 ee 6,608.86 Provisions: se oo STE a Si, ete, 3 Jk. 2 4,712.68 Trainme School books. 2 -_ - 222 a2 226.81 Patients’, Library 222.2222 1,135.00 Business office, supplieéss__ 222. 2. 3. eee 203 .30 Business office, equipment._.- —.-- 5 __) 376.15 Extension office, supplies. 2_.._.-2- -_-- i) eee 2,355.82 Extension. office, equipments 2220. 2c eee 4,058.82 Laboratory and medical, equipment___.__.___...-_--- 10,492.65 Transportation and drayage, equipment_____________- 670.00 Totalio. fo: eit ete. oe ee ne $ 95,800.29 . SCHEDULE ‘4” RECONCILIATION OF BANK BALANCES Fiscan YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1923 PAGE TRUST COMPANY, ABERDEEN, N. C. Balance in bank July( 191922... 4.22 $ 46,768.20 Deposits by State Treasurer_....______- 290, 550.58 Totaliite’ 29 Sa ee $337 ,318.78 Vouchers drawn during period____.____- $310,883.41 Vouchers outstanding June 30, 1922_____ 26,025.24 Totals ee ba Sag ee 336 , 908.65 Balance June:30; 1923). 95005 ee $ 410.13 BANK RECONCILIATION Balance as per statement, July 1, 1923__.____________ $ 12,964.68 Outstanding vouchers, July 1, 1923) _>_____1._ 110 12,554.55 ‘Balance’as above) sulci... Ae ee 410.138 Deposits: Seiad a 1922 July i 2c2 i Poa one eS $ 25,000.00 Septemiberae eee ne eee i So eee ee ee 36, 666.66 October pie! se eds She 1 Seer 36 , 666.67 Novemberiz gs i en 22,000.00 Decembers og a i oe 25,166.67 F 1923 ANUATY wre els et ale 4" ah etn, ae 9 le ie : ie iven: 12 333.33 Reg Se eres im = Gin he ake ea ee 16 , 666.67 Tue Nortu Carorina SANATORIUM 43 Nach rie Seiten nn ener emanate Neer $ 25,000.00 PWV Md Ns, Me Sel NE SO Pale ee a Sa Sie Oe Oa Aa 33 , 333.33 YT 9 yecaren een re Sa eM PS 50 ,000.00 JUNG See eee en ne es. dere A eel AHNG 20 reece Cpa APs Mi Otaleeres Sen ewe Om pS ie $290, 550. 58 PAGE TRUST COMPANY, RAEFORD, N. C. Balance in bank July 1, 1922__________- $ 14,365.98 Deposits during period_____.__-._____-- 105 , 543 .04 ERR ag I Scare oe so. a» a $119,909.02 Vouchers drawn during period_._______- $115,162.61 Outstanding vouchers July 1, 1922______ 3,159.61 See eee re etre Se 118,322.22 atAnCen) Ulver GLO23.-. = SER oe eae he Rina i ek a $ 1,586.80 BANK RECONCILIATION Balance as per statement July 1, 1923_______________- $ 28,156.93 Vouchers outstanding July 1, 1923______._.-_-.-__--- 26,570.13 Pa CCHB DOVE. eee tee Pan OCs Cee oh) a $ 1,586.80 OUTSTANDING VOUCHERS, JULY 1, 1923, PAGE TRUST COMPANY ABERDEEN, N. C. Number Amount Number CSS Res Ee re $ 223 re Uae Do ee aac os ey 6 hd DASA Ses ESS ee eee Lt SSS 1 Be as Se eee Me eta ee fet PS Tae Se a eer Ae teh al 4) ca a oo ean ley JIN ES a eee O20 Set 420 ft oe ee oe aN PNET Pe ere re Oe OU) Stee AGE ee Aly ss eh ey ees as KUO. ee ee AQ) SOON Ge U4 ees ae 2s are oe ee 6 EN Oa a es BOS O tae LA 4s sees ln ee ae ADS 2 i ene wa ree te nf C2200 tL 44.0 Seay cl ok ae eee ETO oe er a ee. Use GOT OOM: 14 ieee ie ee on) eee ee eee Ay: BY 0 ie Pine Oak ee La yn ee AA OO ge AO eee a on ve eee oe 5 DA eS OO 0 a LOO: OU aes B45 2 eG een ee rey ae Amount 150 45 .00 140. .00 100. 100. 325. 61. 100. 75. 110. 195. 459. 1B i, 368 . PA: 24. 122. 237. 44 Number 13. ae 205. 50. 13. .O1 23. 4 93 ANNUAL Report, 1923 Number Amount IAT Ao See eee $ 62.69 14780 ee ee ees 48 .24 1479. A a ee eee oe 203 .00 1480... Ae eee 60.00 14813 - Se oe oe one, Ce 14.97 1482 3 ees See ena ne ae ee 5iT4 L433: Lee ee ee, 8.56 L484 er ee eee 4.20 1485s oo A ie eee tga 84235 1486... éehe Ieee ae 81.59 14892 ee Se ee eo 17.00 1490 2 ae a? oe speg al) 149 Lig iiel As re ee eee ooe2e 1492.) See Beer errr) eee as 61.34 1493 SMA 2 2h Pe 4.69 14904. 2s re tee ee 54.00 14.95 a rae Ser oe cee 100.00 1496 Se Tee ee 41.90 1497. cg 3 Se Ey LT, fe 94.25 L498 nes eee Bt eae) See 65 .67 149090 ape > ee 31.00 150 Ost e Ss: ee ee 94.35 Totalhae S160 seid $12 ,554.55 OUTSTANDING VOUCHERS, JULY 1, 1923, PAGE TRUST COMPANY, RAEFORD, N. C. Number Amount Number Amount BA 1b pact ea Cee ae Ae ene $ 86.25 GAD et eee a oe 1.96 G43 04 bans Ss erie: Gores Jone 88.61 GAA eA ss aes ae eed 3.03 G45 22% a ee Soe 2628 646 ae ae 622.67 GAT cc cigli te seen men oe. 6.91 G48 - wick Be eee eee 12.89 GAG or aes ce rere oe ae fe dy) 5 26.46 Gini ae ae Ee eee Fy ee 10.30 GL Re ae ie aa ai al bd 29.24 G52 ech Tete ren) Ge Sua 87.41 G53) liie 2 eae ee od nae 14.00 G42 a cs Say brs 11.58 Sith) eRe eer eL ye, San ae ol 960.00 GOGW 8 2 eee ee 133.00 - GOT wiks tes eee ere ve are 45.41 GDS - ls See ee a 55.49 Go9 sh ee ee ee 108.58 66005 0 1 Se ee 71.28 Amount lorward cess. $ 9,446.83 Tue Nortru CaroLtina SANATORIUM 45 Number Amount Number Amount Amount. forward. - .. 2See2 oy DAG Sota reDS Laue SERIAL ew ee $ 16.56 6105 Cat SE - ei eStart 162.45 OM yeah taereus ome Cease Se Souk Ge ee ecco ot Gant ANS NF op Pe Sy Gs SY A a lad age ee a 152225 iB cial OG Sach te kegel ang SOW De OS te ee eg ie ie Se 118.10 DO Asae ee en ene rs o ey M Wade ic Oath Canc aed ll aalpesordiek oth Sg. a edad 300.00 (AGL 0 fos ATES agli lio a a SOFC Tee OG0l eee ee kere 108.00 HOOmameee secre Pa a WA C'S us fhe Y Ena aah et Manet nA tet bl 600.00 SAT ol! Boy Tat gic sea aae 106.75 SS oe ry oe NT deer nea 1,790.54 H\Gle (Ls ain Seiad saad 11339 CN ee ree en Lees me 4 2,174.49 TONY My Je to ie at Be pl 122.67 GO0S 26 Soe ere ie aye ae 47.46 EAE Tg OR GEER Sige Aa halp a Sen 7.14 OD Liter ee ira Qe oe Dheco te pe laec te eee Me ob 122.41 8 el Pe hans ae dolled Mea PODER RY om Fey fo MD. * 266 .00 re eee ee te dye ie LOS eo Cer UO eee. bal) oe ome ee 2,500.00 Beige Camere yet NINE Lee) Le 95.62 CO CRS ot). SPN ce 55 (57 EMR 2 SSG Rae aE MLC Men Ou puaneme tans, beer ae 313.68 © Cn ie ee eet fe EE 15.04 UG See hearer Le ee ae 5,126.95 Sele ba eee Oa A ODL BOT MRO. Cee LR re AP 1,422.76 PES © EES ATS e: Ae so See 4.90 GUS re ore ed ai he aS 2 a ae 36.72 Percos cnrameie ys meng Yt SRE A 423.00 —_—_—_— ASIST 2 ewe ela ae 136.09 Ota tere lo amen $26,570.13 Sret ae Meee fe 504.00 “eS SCHEDULE ‘5” ACCOUNTS PAYABLE JULY 1, 1923 Hopkins Bargain, House: IVE aver rs acid CWE 925 pea la lt te ip Saba ae hee a $ 1,100.00 50 dozen linen crash towels @ $1.50. -___________--- 75.00 20 dozen slipover mattress protectors @ $12.00__-__- 240.00 —_—— ———-$ 1 ,415.00 Pomona Terra-cotta Company, 2 cars sewer tile__ __- Pes de ty SUE 665 .00 Pi LOm mene rOOM\CUC,e 2 Joe ob le oe lel 6,331.95 Rimi O ro maMeleOUlUIl 02), 22s a ke og tk ce ei laden 600.00 mevoite y Garnitity Cothage-(estimated).. 2-5 oo 0 bbe ee 1,500.00 Pineneaiectesancdipitiowcases. = 2.2.2 0 2 ook SPS Ss 1,000.00 TSR 1 ESS ORE SS ae ape Ree aR Sa ated ed Cpa atte pe por, 680.31 Say TEE a 2s SS RO ei gaa ee iy Se RAT. : 252 .00 Electric fixtures: , Ceiling fans for dining-room_-________- Br GE eh $ 842 .00 Hixaures Ton OMiINe-TOOmMs woe he a ee ae 894 .00 Negro Sanatorium: cottage: 24 222.26. le uvs ee 842 .00 oe 2,578 .00 Screens: Dining-room - - - - -- \ INGEST om RITA POPLIN we Ait thee IO Mae Pe ee ee Oa Cid Reh Ae 553 .00 Negro cottage -_ _--- it fabbesietieg 2S) f° | BO LAU resem uiemcbrn ts hc wentta ni Cre aor ees em eV ep ee, $15,575.26 TETOATNECITOCEI Uber Cou led yim came Seton el ea bigeye Sea $ 2,700.00 es ee eee eee eee 46, AnnuaL Report, 1923 SCHEDULE ‘677, 4.) : TRIAL BALANCE JULY 1, 1923 Dr. Surplus. 2. [loa ae a ee ee ee Syne ee ee Real estate, hospital grounds ?2°- 3 e.) = ae eee see 19,944.74 Gordon cottage [oi l2. . 22 os eee 2 eee 7,500.00 Negro SanatoridM.a.) 2222 20. = eee ee 85,768.92 Nurées’? home! 4) D2 ee eee 12,000.00 Superintendent's residence_— = _ = 52406 eee 10,000.00 Assistant Superintendent’s residence-_--_-_-----.------- 12 3826.45 Dining hall andikitcheno_—= 2. 22— ees oe 99 , 213.37 Well No: 2.02022 022220) JS See: 25 2 ee 7,000.00 Administration: building: 22 2) 2a ee 260, 756.12 Power plant and -laundrys\.2 2 002 eee 42,446.73 Flannagan cottage. 9222. . 2 See 16,847.18 Servants’;quarters (colored) 2-3 a ee 12,000.00 Nurses’ annex 222102 22. 4 ae 3, 502.00 Physicians’ residencé220. o: 2 25 Ge 4,516.30 Sunshine cottage._2 0252.23.50. 22-42. eS 3, 500.00 Farm/operating account... 2 eee ee 713.80 Repairs old building» 20-2. a 32,991.08 Real estate-—-Parms: — ©)... 235.3... S222 ee 34,831.24 Farm machinery and equipment... 2-225 ___ > eee 3,864.88 Farm. live-stock 1. 9 ee ee OU Farm residence. =... 2g42+5---4. ¢a443 Sees ee 2,996.63 Dairy operating, accoUnts.2 222.0 6-2) -- Dairy barns and silos22220-2.._ 32a oe ee 30,184.96 Dairy live-stockitne Sie 6 44 jo eee eo ee 16,572.83 LO gSteeo. Gin ee ee ate ee ene — oo 3,213.21 Furniture and fixtures-—Hospital..2 = = ee ee 17,744.87 Furniture and fixtures—Dining hall and kitchen_-_-_-__-- 8,974.00 Furniture and fixtures—Superintendent’s residence__-. _- 1133235 Furniture and fixtures—Nurses’ home-_--------------- 1,050.00 Bedding ‘and linen. 3a. Seer eee eee DF, Ste Rene de 11,279.52 Crockery and silverwaree: sss_e oe" 4,051.91 Drugs and medicine: 22: 5282-4 = tees cee ee eee 5,160.92 Hospital e528 8) eS een hie ees ete a 11,790.60 Provisions 2422.2) eee ee Set cep oy) oie ea 81,109.89 Training school books #28. <0 = Se ae en eee 510.41 Power, heat, light and water. =o). ees 81,643.84 Telephone. systems. 20 oo. ee ee 2,424.11 Patients’, libraryeese aoe oe. ee 135.00 Buisness office—Supplies____.._...-._----- 5 See eee 1,210.00 Business office—Equipment____..._.....-.-.-----.26 449.05 Extension. office—Supplies: ._._ +422. 550.0262 ee a oa a Br Extension office—Equipment..._....-.---..-.------- 4,621.54 Laboratory and medical office equipment__.___..-_--- 12 ,649.10 Sewer systeme yee ee Oe eee ee ee 14,467.59 Transportation and drayage equipment_______.__-__-- 4,696 .13 Landscapes. eee ee gee eee oh 2,881.90 Permanent improvements... .l2 24. 2 ee ee 2,078.01 Appropriations #22 6 5e 7 js Us eo ieee a Patients’ board:and treatment. +22 ees eee ee Page Trust Company, Raeford balance___.___-.-_---- 1,586.80 Page Trust Company, Aberdeen balance____....------ 416.13 Salaries and :wages See ee yo 46 , 427.92 Laundry, accounts oie eae ee 4,819.35 Patients’ refund "eee ae eo, eee 9°62 1-98 Hreiehtvand expreses- ves. en eee 1, (925.01 paleloldlaundrymachinery se = soe eee ae eee Negro physicianisi residence. 92. =. ae sun eee 8 832.20 Cassin, Crawers.« .) ee OO abe oe oe ie ae oe 2,662.80 Cr; $971,637.48 77.25 2,078.01 96,569.79 500 . 00 Potale sO css 3 eeert tek thn ean ae ae $ 1,070,852.53 $1,070,352.53 47 Tur Nortu Carortina SANATORIUM 20 9F0 ‘9ZF $| €8°8ZS‘LT $] 6L°998'% $] 18°266‘E $) So°sZz¢'EG $] SF'°980‘'Sh $| F9°9ZT ‘LT $] 29°620‘'SS $| 00°000‘ST $| 08 P89 ‘STZ$l~ ~~~ “s[BIO., ASIA Pe Mog eo ae 00 “P&Z $9 GCL °T CT 169 ‘T 69 PFS ‘T LOQ0O0c Ce ite. pe ae ome orca Wee HSE002 Pen s| eek Sia prec cours SnooUs][I0SI J Ig TFT LGU PL epee ates et fn | ghee CR en le OS i a ei ge a am nc | 8104091Ip JO pavoq sosuodx iy 08 °G¢ OS CS ee ie NS ah cy bc ome Re Reem | or a rman Rages NNN nek Sl ican edvospuey 99 PSI 'T OOPS eC re eed SS cae cecgene [oc ae aes IE fey cae me ee ge | ager Ss0F] TS °62‘T TS SZOL TA oe ee ol epee ime tang ene eS ae pe mace eae | ee rea sso1dxe puv 4YSIOT £6 129 °% (ili Ao ee ae Maia beieiaa bes wearers Pied bela mike, seas bee ela) eerie, Sao ye ne I Sak Se gas ee eek 2a “-- --punjer ,s7ue8 J 99 S26 'Z OOSGEOKG aie [Ce cs fe renee Cu mec | rie yal oe peeing ca ae eel ai) gmc ee esvAvIp pus UOl4eIOdsueIy, €8 916 ‘9 SSO1G Oe fc a ie as Of MMe Pt deges | oe reaea ae gi uan gee a ac anagem re ae ee ee - AIPUN’'T 89 OIE ‘T SOO Ger lesces: - SR oe | MR eek cl cen ete | orp tae | ene re aan | eer ieee | eee aie as ydeizejoq pus ouoydeay, G2 CIE 96:0 | BAM ee see ee | A eae” Epes ing alee a nee ite couche ae a DSI eR Goel ee | ee | aie AL coe Ea MneaGes tae [OOYOS SurlurleLy, OF OG oleae! ie 62 °20F‘T 00 “L&T 82916 ‘OT | So Esh‘z OS PSO) Tia rte so | peek eg ee ee a | pea ee eee ee ae eee Areq Co COLO Lees ae a 00 “EL 18 °F8L‘T 68 "616 ‘9 GL TPL‘ SPOGS LT er ee aes ea esr | eee) eo ae eee eget -UlIB,T FE Cele leer oe a | kc ee OF “OSE FS 78 00 "SF¢ Pes pty eae Rape le ed ge eae bret er eco terre esviomos pus Surquin,[g UCTS epee AM ens n. |: hee abode apeaye eas OL SZ 00 $F OO ST nc SES ee SP aces | ees ele eae | Sei oR) une Sa eee UOTZVIOSIIJOY Gh VEG Sera wen gin Re awe |b Be err #0 681 OF OFS GOTORG [oF ep eae eae Sl agp a ge ng ere eee a Se 1078 M GI Sill RO Res en Sie Re ey ae eae eae 0€ “SLE 0¢ “FS POUR ee ge ae tea tee ek ect ed | ae ee ec ke Dee cn ol -4y43ry CLECs Ole Ole ge were Clb ees ste re eees LO COCR esitGL COLE kt) ok ae eee | coer eae eS Sr gee en ce | aa oe, ooo ee eee ae yeoy pus JeMog OUSOCONL SME | Serpe oe. | cea ee oe eg ne eee 70 6L6-— Slee ea CO 7LG eee Se ee | | gee > cs ee eg ene - 200 PSCOGIES Wael dares cen! a canes. ricee +... Me TSi2GS"SL ie KOPF COGS PE Ste7S “OGE! CI ae O20 20. eee cee | ok ce a | ee ee te eydso xT TVaCSS.SCCS anaes oe Sala ae ae. ¢ | a oars |e me, oe eee eo | ho grant $}00-000°ST $| TF -S88‘0Te$|=" ~~ aed T osed ..‘q,, Wqrqxg 1890. ora ed carn suredoy serjddng eniereris g quewdinbry | SuOIsIAOIg | UOISU94xXT oe dae p i -BULIOdg aly) AAAATHOG EZ6I ‘Of ANOL ONIGNY UVAX IVOSI SLNGWASANESIC AO AMVINIOS 48 ANNuAL Report, 1923 SCHEDULE ‘'8” OPERATING COST OF HOSPITAL FiscaL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1923 — Provisions purchased: i... 500 oe Be eS HOO ae, Dairy: translerseh sense eo TD oles lee 20,890.04 Farm transters: Su 2a epee eee 3,328.65 Hoggery transierss nae See ere 1,683.20 a a cd ns ee $ 78,981.56 Less sale of provisions...__-.2--.+.4-.- yh 440.52 Totals 220822 2 Se ose ae ee $ 78,541.04 Salary. and wages... 2o100. 7 0 2 a Bs Be ee 39,891.17 Supplies). bie Bes irae. Al ee na $ 35,679.45 Less: sales fz. to -pok |: Sere che ee ee ore 1,729.09 otal. gece. ae eee ‘oan Jee ae to 33 , 950.36 Repaits 2. Geo es Hears Se a Re eRe oy: ee 2,075.94 Training Schools. . See ak. oy Sale Bee 312.25 Telephone and telegraph_.___________---- $ 1,310.68 Less: collectéditolisc a iee pt 4. bi uae ha 386.57 Totals sb. go a regeek seek Bett cr 924.11 Layundrys 250 eae A es ne eee $ 6,916.83 Less collected from patients.__.__._____-_- 2,097.48 Total. | 0, 4 ie mee) Vig ee =o 4,819.35 Transportation and drayage__-..._..-.---_- $ 2,925.66 Less collected from patients_____________- 19.02 Dota 2 foe 2 es ae lle Soe 2,906.64 Freight ang exptesss "Ger Se ee 1,792.01 Expenses Boardsof: Directoral 4.4524 2 ee 141.51 Miscellaneous__________ zie eos (eae ea $ 4,700.89 Less miscellaneous sales_-____ __ te sy by aoe 187.30 —_—_— Total: ce a oe ee 2B ps bd 359 Total operanneg costes ss ee ie peo Gad $169 , 868.47 Average number patients __ ___ Pierre re A tags ee OY Average daily cost per patient... 2 ane $2.79 Average number employees__ 5.02 32g ane ee 63 SCHEDULE ‘9” DAIRY—PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT JuLy 1, 1922, ro Junz 30, 1923 Gross.sales.0u w/a laW Sh $ 20,611.33 Inventory: July 1,'192320 30) het ee Sis abd 2 6 Expenditures. 22u 29 stein | os i ee 18,421.43 $ 20,534.08 Wess inventory June 30) 11029) an ae es eee 5,985.15 14, 548.93 pe Gross profit: on Operation. oc. Goa ue eee ee ag ae -$ 6,062.40 Mive-stock——expensen ik pry eu Ue Sa ge a $ 1,837.83 Net fain |. Joc y EO CORE ENE arth PA OR ALD EY, Tbe 0) 4 224.57 $ 6,062.40 $ 6,062.40 Tue Nortru Carortina SANATORIUM 49 SCHEDULE ‘‘10” HOGS—PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SURE ENTER Seon: ey 2 oso fl ISIS ok Oh ae re aOR hg $, 1, 450.20 POvetugt Wd Ulva Ole Ua) Mo Male eae oe ote Sh A gseD Wee TOSI NAVI SL ca Ragen iedigaelay 21 6 SN Ae a ie eae ma Tel Tek 4 $ 4,968.41 Mecsmtnvenrory June 50, 19280222 5,253.00 ea OC CPPEN On ee SRERM Gia gi oe ee at aes $ —284.59 NR EG NVTEG L8 a E , ae 2,039.79 $ 1,755.20 $- 1,755.20 ScHEDULE “11” FARM—PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Cree nal oameumere week Ne Sy Rigel id Saleh peeing ts ie $ 13,090.64 Pep tte yet O22 2c eS Re? $ 475.85 LSC EGC HUNTS: aks Diels 2a fs OR tl TOUR ER gl 13 , 328.59 “hag MIE EU Ce ae one ae eS amER EY a & 13,804.44 Maren LObyeoie line or 1925. 0 rey ay tai 1,624.25 12 ,180.19 POssmeOMmmOOLODETAULOD. . od. 22ee uote i $ 910.45 Pees Nie memes Si IN Be ee $ 81.24 Pec mervsamameduipments. o.oo 796.13 ee | mere 5 DY A ee. oe 160.00 eee eae eee ro Sr ee er 3.37 Seaternt meee eR cet ee 136.45 $ 61,013.82 $ 1,013.82 SCHEDULE ‘12”’ , | RECAPITULATION OF MILK PRODUCTION JULY 1, 1922, TO JUNE 30, 1923 Month Pounds 1922 Produced i er eR EER eer A eh ee eee ee OL a ea 26,157.30 I ee O US. GERMANS ye on a eR pe ea pi oe Anan ae SOR ep a aes 8 SU ote Sar 2OAOOLED 2 re ibecii rete. ore men te eens ne Sha 12 Ls Beeps bs SR I IE OE aa 21,865.56 USED) SRE ce cag SR Nia a Tagan JP SEIN aia sO Up of 07 Ley ARs 2 a 25,366.51 WOU EPO A REE TaN 5. LE LY Swe Bs tg ats GOES. «4 ae aan Be Rear ape 20,623.70 Apel eto 08. eeces rit EON RN, Seay Elle up Andy 1 Pastas be a: 21.980.50 1923 s EVO ENA, SO SOS IR OC SR ats i eee are enemies © ead Lees Mean Aes 20,169.70 cic] icyeaer ae ae een meee Te Prey PR Sige eo ep eae ee Ee Le 20,107.70 AUSTIN ies AD me Rohs, Ss SB Cale ee 2 8) eel, ape Gees, 08 Maen ieee! 19,810.00 ENOTES OS NG 5 Ee Relieve 8 ie cs See an en ae. Oro. Sen pC ana gad ane 22,275.10 IN CORE Tee So ect Baa Soe Rte hs eee Ea gs”. ea hee _.. 24,563.60 AMO, LSE le ROO SI NE I ae a 2S tea ay age Rye | <7, RRS oe 23 ,414.30 HR LATe OUI Sie reeks edt eesete oun Ge. see 7s GUN oa eo 271,886.49 or BOLO ES Uig TuOUSs (OU Celiter ie ose sete Pee a eee ey eI ee 20 oO P48 50 ANNUAL Report, 1923 ScHEDULE 13” MONTHLY SALARIES EXECUTIVE: Total Extension Maintenance Dr. L. B. McBrayer, Superintendent $ 333.383 $ 250.00 $ 83.33 Dr. P. P. MeCain, Asst. Supt.2 _ -_- 250.00 250.00 Dr. R. McBrayer, Physician - - - - --- 200.00 200.00 Dr. S. M. Bittinger, Physician - _---- 200.00 200.00 Dr. J. H. Williams, Physician. - -- -- 150.00 150.00 Dr. J. W. Walker, Col. Physician -_ -- 200.00 200.00 Bas Wo 9 bigtan ieSn eR he =. lw $1 ,333 .33 $ 450.00 $ 883.33 OFFICE: ¥, L. Eubanks, bookkeeper -_--_---- $ 100.00 $ 100.00 BH} Orsink; chietcterk 00 eee eee 100.00 $ 100.00 Mrs. H. O. Sink, stenographer-- - - -- 100.00 100.00 Mrs. C. W. Covington, stenographer 100.00 Pa LU CA) Mrs. J. H. Williams, stenographer - - 50.00 50.00 Miss Sibyl Brabble, stenographer- - - 50.00 £400.00 Miss Mary Bulla, stenographer- - --- 25.00 25.00 P. A. Fore, assistant clerk____-.---- 75.00 75.00 (Potaliss 2a De ee $ 600.00 $ 500.00 $ 100.00 LABORATORY: Miss Lois Hunnicutt, technician_.._. $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Miss Maude Mann, technician, clerical | .GeNs eet Clown eS 40.00 40.00 Lota 2: Seca eee a ee $ 140.00 ¢ 100.00 NURSES: Miss E. Connolly, head nurse - - - - -- $- 125200 $ 125.00 Miss Sue Burton, graduate nurse---- 60.00 60.00 Miss K. Satterwhite, graduate NUPSO he eatin eae ated oie erste 60.00 60.00 Miss’ H.Dardenenulse. oe see oes 10.00 } 10.00 Miss V. Lancaster, nurse---------- 10.00 10.00 Miss Sadie Wagner, nurse__-_------- 10.00 10.00 Miss Della Vestal, nurse_-_.-------- 10.00 10.00 Miss Nauva Cherry, nurse__-- ----- 10.00 10.00 Miss Ethel Smithy, nurse__-.------- 10.00 ~ 10.00 Miss Margaret Darden, nurse- - ---- 10.00 10.00 Miss Bessie McGinnis, nurse - - - - --- 10.00 10.00 Miss Willie Askew, nurse__-..------ 10.00 10.00 Miss M. McAdams, nurse__-_------- 10.00 10.00 J. Wi Reece; attendant... ccauees- 10.00 10.00 Tie W bite, attendants ve. eae 10.00 10.00 Total ue: et cae iy Sua eae $ 365.00 $ 365.00 ATTENDANTS: E. B. Satterwhite, telephone.....-. $ 40.00 $ 40.00 Miss M. Flanagan, housekeeper - - - - 40.00 40.00 ee ee —- TOta lice oe Ret eee ee ee es ¢ SS0 000s $ 80.00 Tue Nortru CaroLtina SANATORIUM 51 DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN: Total Extension Maintenance Tier OLS COW al Guat Sunt sete te $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Monroe Rowland, cook___________- 100.00 100.00 TE ramee Vy Leva COOK soo WL aucun 100.00 100.00 Gilbert McGregor, cook_______.__- 50.00 50.00 Jee asbe navn wellerae ec. 2 oe 30.60 30.00 Nathan Patterson, waiter.____.___- 30.00 30.00 Namie oialiis WaALLer s.r OLS 30.00 30.00 Frank Harrison, waiter... -- |... -- 45.00 45.00 Clarence Fowler, waiter__-----.__- Seo 37.50 Prot arrison., orderly. 4s. ou!) 50.0€ 50.00 Arthur McGregor, waiter_-__._-__- 30.00 £0.00 Henry McEachin, waiter__________- 30.06 30.00 (sey Hieriwallers sper 2 45.00 45.60 Tinsie Fowler, waiter_____-___.___- 2.00) 25.00 Wievitnhlolmes) servants’. 2 oe a PAO) 25.00 McKinney Patterson, servant_______ 25.00 25.00 R. McLoughlin, servant..-________- 25.00 25.00 James McPhaul, servant._2______-_- 25.00 25.00 Leroy Sorrell, servant.......2. 2... 2500 25.00 DOME avis ser vanto i of os oY 25.00 25.00 Jouneiecves, servanten oss kee 25.00 25.00 JOuMeoralk servant loo 25.00 25.00 nee avis, servant.) ol 20.06 20.00 Tsetse 2c 22 eo OAs 17.50 17.50 Wii Oa wie wri day ey) ee 17.50 17.50 Hie mrOuaealNaMaids 2 jo le 17.5 17.50 ipo biamison aides oe eu ou ys 3 17.50 17.50 NolarVielachine maid 2.20) 0... 17.50 17.50 LL ytenmmreeeys er EE a tr $1,060.00 $1,060.00 GENERAL SERVANTS: Nn yerendersOn. 2 vag eo 2 es $ 30.00 $ 30.00 ames wlene.. 2 252 wig Le Oe 45.00 45.00 HloWwardenowler.) 260 250501 1 ile 45.00 45 .00 ap OL anemnee ho teas Sa A Sots $ 120.00 $ 120.60 s MISCELLANEOUS: Frank Mizzell, superintendent building construction____-..____- $ 240.00 $ 240.00 I. E. McAnulty, engineer.._______-- 150.00 150.00 A. B. Freeman, assistant engineer___ 150.00 150.00 Werte, Y OUND, SITCIN AT eters le 75.00 75 .00 Robert Peebles, fireman___._____-_- 75.00 75.00 T. H. Redmond, laundryman_-_-_-___- 100.00 100.00 8 Wie) 24 oa See eta ce yd Meco sik pai $ 790.00 $ 796.00 FARM AND Datry: L. B. McBrayer, Jr., superintendent. $ 100.00 $ 100.00 _ Regan Byrd and family, dairyman__ 150.00 150.00 Hotowler laborer site bt. oN 45.00 45.00 WV ELOWICT, a DOTCI ao ae eee 30.00 30.00 Peaiowes aborers: -o) en er es 45.00 45.00 Pehicharosonslaborers.- eee eo 40.0vu 40.00 M. Cunningham, laborer__...-.---- 40.00 40.00 Cr.Gunningham, laborer..c2_ 2-2 28s. 40.00 40.00 RACunningham, laborers. .3.-22-. 40.00 40.00 UO Weyl See Sree ge raha at Pe ee $ 530.00 $ 530.00 Total salaries of institution.... $5,018.33 $ 950.00 $4,068 .33 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF FIRE LOSS AT THE NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, SANATORIUM, N. C. Loss by fire: Old dining-room#kitchen, and equipment. 3 ee $20, 683 .00 New building... 22.00 200 2 2 2 Se eee 23 , 401.00 Food:supplies. 4 22. ae ee ee 2 a ea Pare, a a came 750.00 Total loss......22525.-.-4--15L- err $44 , 834.00 Replacement cost: New building. [250s 2 aon eee ee meena as | $23 , 401.00 Equipment.0 0 222 cei Pe 2 10,683 .00 © Food supplies. = 22.6 ee 750.00 Total cost: of replacement. .______ eee $34 , 834.00 Omit rebuildmg old kitchen. U2 2240 Se. ee 10,000.00 $34 , 834.00 By reference to replacement statement, it is noted that the cost of reconstructing old kitchen has been omitted, as the institution at this time does not consider this necessary, which leaves a total net loss of $34,834. This amount is needed at the earliest possible moment to provide for replacing the damaged building and equipment. Fire insurance on the above loss is partially covered through policy issued with the Insurance Commissioner, which amounts to approxi- mately $4,550. Such part of it that may ‘be recovered will be credited to the total cost of replacement. ,, An itemized statement in detail covering all items upon which this statement is based is on file with the Superintendent of the Sanatorium, and with Mr. H. A. Underwood, engineer, Joint Building Committee. % Respectfully submitted, NorTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM, By L. B. McBrayer, Superintendent. JOINT BUILDING COMMITTEE, By H. A. UNpDERWoop, Engineer. Raeicu, N. C., January 15, 1923. am “a Y OPT LAS Ps SN WEE wom ld S as a FF; | Pee a COLLEt baw? i aS y* REPORT OF THE STATE SANATORIUM.EOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BY DR. J. E. BROOKS, SUPT. o TO HIS EXCELLENCY, THE GOVERNOR AND THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA:— In response to a eall, the Board of Directors of the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis met April 24, 1907, at Jackson Springs, N. C. The said Board organized by electing Dr. J. R. Gordon, Chairman and Dr. M. Eugene Street and Mr. J. R. Blair, as members of the Executive Board. At the suggestion of Dr. R. H. Lewis, Dr. J. E. Brooks was elected Superintendent of said Institution. This was deemed necessary in order that the Superintendent might have constant charge and oversight of the work from the beginning. The Superintendent with the Executive Committee were authorized by the Board to investigate locations in the deep sand hills. This the Superintendent and the Execu- tive Committee did immediately, which investigation in this section resulted in the purchase of two or three sites which were finally rejected because of some irregularities in titles. A location was finally decided upon in Cumberland County close to Moore County line and about 12 miles from Pinehurst, in what is known as the long leaf pine and deep sand hill section of North Carolina. This location is an ideal one The scenery is magnificent; the air is pure and free from humidity; no malaria, drainage perfect; with a Sanatorium site extensive enough to build’ an institution to take care of a thousand patients. The Committee was looking more to the future than to the present in this se- lection. This tract contains 936 acres with a water power in addition containing 15 aeres about 2% miles distant. This . ater power will be sufficient for all purposes necessary to develop the institution. This tract of land contains a site for the Sanatorium as beautiful as can be found in the State of North Carolina. It has 200 acres of farming land, good water power, and a natural park around the Sanatorium with a good farm house. aud ry -_ . eed ba ae te "1 oe ‘wee ne = - a : t ‘ yy ts i ' | 4 Z “t " ee “ay Bf: Sa WP y <— A: ‘ iy ¥v , = A hy eae : D £ as “ae ee The Sanatorium building is 68x46, and has room enough to accommodate forty patients. This institution was open- ed November 1, 1908, and up to November 30th had five patients. ‘hese patients are charged a dollar a day, which about pays for the food they eat. No extra charge is made. The General Assembly appropriated $15,000.00 for this building, to be expended $7,500.00 in the year 1907 and $7,500.00 in the year 1908. In addition to that, there is $5,090.00 annual maintenance. None of this maintenance was used in the year 1907. DISEURSEMENTS FROM APPROPRIATION: PI MVOC ASE | ooh icc ce he ee dla a eb eee $ 7,750.00 eae ree WO TB ISOATC lp Kit. oie edits cote ee «ss be a gets 626.44 Petigommeecard Warrants 20.6. bee kes ewee cae os 3.00 Pvotuevemmicc, Abstract. of) Title. 0.0 0.8500. 52.25 Se MG 25 12; 0 a os, Binal ene s Sore See W's wus a lend eae 2.00 Smoak and McCreary, 1 pair of mules and 1 horse 625.00 Commercial Bank of High Point, interest........ 165.00 J. KH. Brooks, salary for May 1, 1907 to Nov. 30, URETIUGS AL St IRs CORA Se a a a a ee oc 1,800.00 Pomehomeaud Kitchen Wurniture. i265... 04.6.2. 446.24 retiree ices and sLADOT. fs. 0... 0688 2. eee ke. 577.52 Incidental Expenses, Stamps and Stationery...... 17.50 PWM eee LT OCS. ocd Gist. 0m ues cleeele cae Siete sear de ates’ « 10.00 LUD Gas) 2 NRA Si eae Pea ee 2,702.08 Sia RRS aS oy oan foci a 6's she halons =e Hem ae By 7.90 Farm Equipment, including $350.00 for fencing... 1,077.68 Bie rem EGG MEER Sts Siete rece gS a) vais sa os RM cara aetis « €1.25 Cash on Deposit, Commercial National Bank, High EOD ome Minehead ek ora, toh ai Re ALAS aural SU 13. SHON RCW Ny GR te SOE age ae AE SAE Sed On eRe A Lee Sn $15,936.17 VALUE OF CROP RAISED ON FARM IN 1908 ie meets tic ies OGM OL Tee itt erate te.) clalaycs bees abe = $552.50 eet MOCO APPEL Verte co stdere'. ac oA ck ac oie es eget Se 240.00 TEGOYWRE CEG. 0-38 here, Ai cr ig Ree an PP ae 100.00 Meo PMU iLa eo omer ae LO Gil Cin erie reo hy-).0 eee coals SNe NG 100.00 ISIE MER Ome OND ON Nas Patt. MA ens, op DN Sore, 5s Woe OM ela 59.00 $1,042.50 iii gh af; ) sli 7 " i at ie oul a ea ee OTN 1 hi i ‘ $ vi ¥ a i Biv eS a NRA TOL ee tL ‘ 7 Ny 7 1 lana foto n> det) pepe bowen ih. “% : a, Paso le ed ay ie t 1 te MELT? ees SLURRY AF ali " hit ray aT 3 AL rays My) A rk ot a ie aher raat St ay x , Bi.) y Se . ed SA Oe et SSSiSS eee = = = = sees SoS Soe =e == pie = Sat =k eS = nese TEU ALR Sa nt i Aye all ts iia HY hd ane Ti ce Nas ag Huguet Pa ndate! a igi adil beta e tt ANE Shai get a eNO Ei a on ne 7 tet iit ae : i i pine ie i it i ee tne hth j a ane heathen | Hi hy Aart ertanetae ws 3 ie ie ate i a ine 4 Ba URL ‘ iy eit Mi 3 7 Se oe ee 2a i= — eS aaeo me SoS Bae: = ss So = Pg es eae ase pe ee ee Sa Se. 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