FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION /rucy Oft loa- Hon. John C. Breckinridge, ^ Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate. 2 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. Washington, December 30, 1858. Sir: In obedience to your order of the 21st of July, appointing a commission, to consist of myself, Chief Engineers Henry Hunt and D. B. Martin, and Naval Constructor S. M. Pook, to make a thorough examination of the Deep river country in the State of North Carolina, and to report upon the expediency of establishing, at some point in that State, machine and work shops for the construction of engines, boilers, 20 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. trict, or the ways and means of transporting its materials to the markets of the world. — (See map.) The first which claimed my attention was the slack-water naviga- tion of the Cape Fear and Deep rivers. This is effected through the construction of nineteen dams and locks, from Jones' Falls, on the Cape Fear, to above that at Evans' bridge, the pool of which latter reaches the Woomble branch of the Deep river. The whole distance is ninety-eight miles, and the height overcome 204 feet. The locks are 115 feet in length and 18 feet in width, and boats carrying from 100 to 120 tons, drawing six feet water, may navigate and reach the upper part of the coal field, passing close to the various coal and iron properties. The outcrop of the coal along this line is not elevated more than 100 feet; and, if mined from below, it can be taken out above the water level, so that the conveniences for the shipment of the production of this region will be very great when this work is finished. Had the dams and locks been properly and faithfully con- structed, the economical geology of the Deep River district would have been long ere this developed, and the great and valuable in- terests in the production of coal and the manufacture of iron received a stimulous which would have added to the wealth of the State and of its inhabitants. But this work has been procrastinated; the liberal appropriations of the State so lavishly squandered in the construction of inefficient dams and insecure locks, which were found inadequate to bear their oivn weight without the force of the water. It was, indeed, a great misfortune to this district, and, combined with the arguments relative to the existence of a coal basin by scientific gentlemen of high char- acter and learning, tended to create prejudice and produce almost a total apathy on the part of the legislature towards making further appropriations or receiving subscriptions from individuals for finishing this great and useful work. Fortunately, by the well directed efforts of Mr. McClane, in sinking the shaft at Egypt, the truth of the ex- istence of large quantities of coal was established beyond a doubt, and added much to the reputation of Professor Emmons, the State geologist, who had manfully persisted in maintaining what the result has proved. It was a great satisfaction to perceive that this important work had fallen into better hands, and to learn from Major Morrell that the slack- water navigation would soon be in use.* It is to be regretted, however, that the locks will be but temporary and require renewing. It is hoped that the legislature of the State will render some assistance in erecting permanent stone locks, to replace these wooden ones, and without loss of time. As far as my own observation went, and from the report of others who are well acquainted with these structures, I should suppose that they might last some time. Some apprehensions are entertained rela- tive to the two lower dams, which are built on the soft sandstone <* 1 hear, as this report is beiDg handed in, that the first boats have passed, loaded with coal and iron ores, and some with cotton and flour. EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. 21 rock, known by the name of "hard pan;" but I think without cause, if proper precautions are taken to prevent the undermining of the dams consequent upon the attrition of the rock by stones and gravel, which finally wear through it, exposing the sands beneath to the action of the water. Should this take place it would soon overtopple the dam. But, as the engineers are well aware of this defect in the rock on which they are built, I have no doubt they will take every precaution and keep the dams in good repair. Below Fayetteville, some eight miles, the shoals of the Cape Fear river are encountered. When drought prevails there is not a suffi- ciency of water over these shoals to float a steamer drawing more than eighteen inches water. Mr. Pook reports that he was detained there some hours, and, in consequence, was thirty hours from Fayette- ville to Wilmington on a small steamer. These shoals it is thought could be avoided by a canal around them or deepened by a sluice. The river is navigable for ten months in the year, and boats used on the river and slack-water navigation can then pass free from all detention. It is desirable that this work should be accomplished, as great detriment must result to the trade when the western railroad and slack-water navigation are completed, particu- larly during the season of greatest activity, as this river below Fayetteville is the common outlet for all the internal trade towards Wilmington and the Atlantic. Steamboats ply daily between Wil- mington and Fayetteville, a distance of 100 miles, in twelve hours, and those of small size will be employed to tow the barges on the slack- water navigation. Besides their slack-water navigation, the citizens of Fayetteville have undertaken to construct a railroad direct to the coal fields, with the intention of carrying it on to the junction with the Central road, near High Point, and have pushed its structure with great energy and perseverance. The whole route has been surveyed, and the road located the entire distance of fifty miles, a fourth part of which is now completed and in use. It is confidently believed that they will be able to finish the whole in a year. Having done thus much without any assistance, they hope to get some aid from the State, and of which their project is deserving. There need be no apprehension as to its detracting from the slack-water navigation, for there will be abundance of traffic for both. The one will assist the other, and both are essential for the conveyance of passengers and freight. I see every reason to anticipate the influx of a large population, with an abundant capital, to mine and manufacture the raw material, in which case all the routes of transportation will receive as much encouragement as will satisfy the most sanguine expectations that may be entertained by the projectors. The cheaper and more certain the conveyance of the productions and manufactured articles the greater will be the benefit to both projector and State. Other improvements are projected; among them a railroad from the coal fields to Raleigh, a distance of some thirty miles. The route is a most favorable one, and will make another connexion with the 22 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. Central road, also with the Gaston and Raleigh, and through it with the Seaboard and Roanoke, which will place the coal fields into direct communication of a few hours with Norfolk. Besides the above, there will be a connexion with the harbor of Beaufort, by the Central road to Goldsboro 7 , and thence, by the Newberne and Morehead City, to that point. The distance of both the above routes is less than 200 miles. There is also a connexion talked of betwen Fayetteville and Warsaw, on the Wilmington and Weldon, and from the latter, by a branch road, at Kingston, which will give another route. Deeming it a part of my duty, after I had completed the examina- tion of the Deep River district, I passed over these routes, and to the seaboard at Beaufort harbor. That of Wilmington I was personally well acquainted with, and also with Beaufort, through the surveys. I need not, however, offer any remarks on either of these places, as they are too well known to require any description. Wilmington has a large and increasing trade, with an enterprising community. Beau- fort is looking forward to becoming, at no distant period, a point of shipment for the productions of the State to the northern ports, and several distinguished individuals have embarked in the improvements with capital and energy. Whilst speaking of the individual exertions made in the State, I should refer to the projects entertained in South Carolina of directing some of her lines of internal improvements towards those leading to the coal fields of the Deep river. Surveys have been made from Camden, by the route of Carthage, but I have some doubts of this being pushed forward with the energy that I found existing among the citizens of North Carolina, and the determination to carry on the works now constructing or about to be undertaken. I cannot speak with any certainty of the improvements having begun in the Deep River district itself. A few years ago many com- panies were organized, and property purchased on speculation; but many projectors became disheartened, finding there would be no means of getting these raw materials to market, in consequence of the failure to establish the slack-water navigation ; but as this event is at last consummated, they are about to be re-established and put in operation. The property has passed out of the hands of speculators into those who intend to adapt its natural advantages to useful and profitable ends. With the opening of the routes I understand many will com- mence operations, and I make no doubt they will produce, in a few years, such changes in the district as will fully establish what is now only conjecture. On leaving the Deep River district I took the plank road from the Gulf to Fayetteville, a distance of fifty miles, in a southerly direction. The country is very sparsely settled, and is generally covered by the virgin forest of long leaf pine. But few of the trees have been " boxed. n The country rises until the plantation of A. Schermer- horn is reached, where it is four hundred feet above the level, and forms the dividing line of waters flowing north and south. Here the EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. 23 Gulf plank road joins that from Fayette ville to Ashboro', in Randolph county. From Schermerborn's to Wilmington there is a regular series of undulations, not unlike the ground-swell of the ocean, extending to within a few miles of Fayetteville, and these undulations tend east and west, and appear to extend over this whole section of country; lie directly across the line of railroad, running nearly north and south ; consequently require heavy, deep cutting. In one of these, about ten miles from Fayetteville, the substratum has been reached, corre- sponding to the surface undulations, and exposing to view the tena- cious and unctuous blue clay of which it is composed. I regret that my time did not permit my delaying to examine it carefully. The country, to within a few miles of Fayetteville, con- tinues to be Avell wooded with the long leaf pine; the soil is sandy, though occasionally we passed over some of the sandstone, or the "hard pan rock," of the country, (and which frequently caps the undulations spoken of above.) It is of a dark brown or reddish color, is used in building, and is a cheap and easily wrought material, but cannot bear exposure to heat. Fayetteville is well situated on the north side of Rockfish creek, some 72 feet above the level of the Cape Fear river, when at its lowest stages. During freshets the river rises 50 feet, but these pass off rapidly. On the Rockfish creek and the streams there is excel- lent water power, on which a number of mills have been established for the manufacture of cotton, paper, &c. I was exceedingly gratified with my visit to the United States arsenal, in charge of Captain Bradford, of the army. Few establish- ments will compare with it for the arrangement of the buildings and proper adaptation to their uses. Every department of the army implements are here stored in a state for immediate use, and the good •order, cleanliness, and system prevailing, show unceasing attention to the duties assigned him. I understood that the whole had been under his direction from the commencement, except for a short time during the war, when he was employed in Mexico. A range of workshops have lately been added, and the machinery is being put up, to make it a manufacturing estab- lishment as well as a depot. It is situated upon the high bluff over- looking the town, and commands one of the finest views in the country. To Captain Bradford I desire to return my thanks for his attentions to myself and other members of the commission; and to the citizens also, all of whom united to afford me every facility in their power. I may make mention here, that I visited the "workshops" of the North Carolina Central Railroad Company, situated 16 miles east of Greensboro', where they have it in contemplation to manufacture all the machinery of the road. The shops are extensive, well arranged, and admirably adapted for the purposes intended; but I was disap- pointed in learning that all the iron used was imported from other States, and therefore I had no opportunity of seeing the iron of the State in use, or employed in the construction of machinery of any kind, as I had been led to anticipate; affording another proof that 24 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. the valuable productions of North Carolina are unknown, and conse- quently uncalled for. Desirous of comparing the relative values of the iron ore of the Deep River district with those of the western part of the State, I made a visit to the "High Shoal falls," to inspect some of the forges which are now in operation at that place, and on the south fork of the Catawba, taking with me specimens of those of the Deep river, to compare them with similar kinds of ore which I understood was now being produced in blooms or loups from the Calatan forge in that part of the State. I was disappointed in finding the iron works at the "High Shoal" discontinued, and the water power exclusively applied to the reduction of gold ores. I saw, however, many speci- mens of the peroxide and argillaceous ores from which iron had been made, and which strongly resembled the specimens I had with me. I found several forges at work on the south fork of the Catawba, forging blooms, which they assured me were of the best kinds of ore that could be procured; but they were not comparable to the speci- mens I showed them, which they considered to be of the best kind. These forges were small and rudely constructed; the trip-hammer was worked by water power, which also gave the blast. They seldom pro- duce over 350 pounds in a day, with two forges and three workmen,, for which they obtain four and a half cents per pound, equal to about $100 per ton. The fuel used was charcoal. Having given the details of the examination of the Deep River country, its coal, iron, and timber, I shall consider that part of the resolution of the Senate relative to the "expediency of establishing, at some point in the State, machine and workshops for the construc- tion of engines, boilers, &c, &c, for naval vessels." The contents of this report fully establish the fact that there is an abundance of the raw materials for the manufacture of iron of the very best description for use in the construction of engines and boilers for naval vessels; that, with the exception of the largest size of timber, there is also an abundance of that material for use in the construction of the implements of wood employed on board naval vessels, and there is no doubt that all these materials can be obtained at less cost and of superior quality than elsewhere in the eastern section of the United States. This could be accomplished either by the government erecting furnaces for the reduction of the ores, or by encouragement offered for the best kinds of iron, &c, for these purposes. There can be no doubt of the expediency of having the indestruc- tible materials used in our steam navy of the very best kind constantly on hand, to meet the wants of the steam service; and I can see no difficulty in the government establishing machine and workshops for the construction of all the parts of the engines and plates for boilers, as well as workshops for the making of implements required, of wood r in the naval service. As to the expediency of establishing these at some point in the State of North Carolina, you will be able to come to a correct con- clusion upon the subject now that all the facts are laid before you. Our attention being specially directed to the Deep River country EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. 25 we have a better knowledge of it than any other part of the State; and we believe that no other portion of North Carolina can offer so many advantages for the manufacture of iron as the Deep River dis- trict. Besides an abundance of raw material, there is both water and steam power at command. The climate is salubrious and the country healthy; all kinds of provisions abundant and cheap. The agricultural products consist of wheat, corn, rye, and oats. Vegetables and fruits are to be had in their season, in plenty and of fine kinds. The great advantages it offers to the miner and manufacturer of iron will insure a large population of those engaged in these pursuits. It is also desirable for the agriculturist; finer crops are seldom seen than those which fell under our observation on the bottom lands, bordering the ravines and creeks, and they seldom fail. The temperature neither partakes of the extremes of winter or summer; and those who have passed many years there enjoyed ex- cellent health. Although constantly exposed during the months of August and September, in the hottest weather I felt little inconveni- ence and no debility from the effects of heat after I reached this dis- trict. The navigation of the river is never closed by ice, and travel on the railroads rarely interrupted. The distance frcm Washington is less than 24 hours by rail, and when the contemplated improvements are finished there will be means of transportation north, south, east, and west. I herewith submit copies of the reports of Chief Engineers Hunt and D. B. Martin and Naval Constructor S. M. Pook to me, relative to the fulfilment of the duties assigned them in the examination of the Deep River district. It affords me pleasure to state that their duties were performed to my entire satisfaction. I annex a map of the Deep River district, prepared by myself, to which reference has been made in the body of this report. I have the honor to be, with great respect, CHARLES WILKES, Captain United States Navy, Chief of ComH n. Hon. Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Washington, D. C, December 4, 1858. Sift: Herewith enclosed you will please find our report on the ex- amination of the iron, (ore,) coal, and timber of the Deep River country, in the State of North Carolina, as per orders of the Navy Department of the 21st of July last. First, we would please state that this report has been delayed, waiting for samples of minerals to be sent from the Deep River country to be analyzed, as we wished to give the analysis in this report; but as they have very lately arrived, and it requiring con- siderable time to make the analysis, which is being done under your 26 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. directions, and as you informed us you would state the analysis in your report, we concluded it unnecessary to wait longer for that purpose. As our orders referred particularly to the examination of iron, coal, and timber, we think it proper here to state, that in consequence of there not having been any furnaces in operation, or, as yet, no iron made in that section of country, we cannot report what will be the quality of iron made, should furnaces ever be put in operation, as that will depend almost as much on the manufacturing as on the raw material; even a chemical analysis showing the component parts of an ore will not determine the quality of the products of a furnace. But from the great quantities of ore we saw in different localities, together with the various kinds and qualities — some exceedingly rich — we have no hesitation in saying there is in the Deep River country almost inexhaustible quantities of ore, from which, by a proper selection and mixing, the very best quality of pig or wrought iron can be made. Of coals, as you are aware, there are two kinds. We shall speak first of the bituminous, which appears to be the general product of that coal field. A sample, sent on, was tried in the smith shop in the Washington navy yard, and compares well with the Cumberland coals used there. It appears quite free from sulphur or slate, and leaves very little earthy matter. Though we do not believe that the average produce of the mine will compare in quality with the small sample sent for test, (as that is contrary to our former experience,) yet we have no doubt that, by careful mining, the coals of the Deep River valley will compare well in quality with any bituminous coals in market, and will ever find ready sale either for smith' s use or for making gas, and with properly constructed ovens it will make a good coke for the manufacturing of iron. For steamers it is not as good as Pennsylvania anthracite. The seam of semi-bituminous coals discovered in the Deep River val- ley containing, as it does, so little volatile matter, it nearly approaches anthracite. In our opinion it can never have much local value so long as good coals are so abundant; and we think it is of too poor quality to pay transportation and compete with the poorest quality of anthracite now- in market. The extent of the Deep River coal field, or the probable supply contained therein, is a question more properly belonging to geologists, and we presume will be given in your report, as far as could be ascer- tained, though we trust it will not be improper for us here to state that the slopes, shafts, and pits which we were shown, prove a con- tinuous seam of coal on the northern outcrop, from Mclvers 7 planta- tion, proceeding up the river eighteen or twenty miles; and Professor Emmons, in one of his reports, says: "Its outcrop of coal, or line upon which it has been proved to exist, is about thirty miles." That being the case, and there being two or three seams of coal, one of which is six feet thick, we think there can be no doubt there will be an abundant supply for a long period, either for commercial or manu- facturing purposes. EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. 27 The Deep River country abounds in a variety of timber, though as far as we saw we should judge there is but little which will answer for ship building, even if there were means for transporting it to the seaboard. The long leafed or yello w pine is most abundant, and forms almost interminable forests on the south side; while on the north and west there is a variety of oak, intermixed with hickory, ash, elms, and short leafed pines. Should it ever become a manufacturing country, there will be found a plentiful supply of good timber for all local purposes. But in a country where good iron ore is so plentiful, the otherwise useless forests of timber might be profitably used in the manufacturing of iron, as charcoal pigs, or blooms, find a much more ready sale, and bear a higher price than iron made with mineral coals. Although our orders clo not call for information on the following subject, yet we deem it our duty to state the fact, that whatever may be the natural resources or mineral wealth of the Deep River country, they are as yet, in a commercial or manufacturing point of view, of but very little value, as there is no way or means of transporting them to market, either by water or railroad. What maybe done hereafter we know not; that is the present condition. We are, respectfully, your obedient servants, H. HUNT, Chief Engineer United States Navy. DAN. B. MARTIN, Chief Engineer United States Navy. Captain Charles Wilkes, United States Navy. Westervelt Ship Yard, New York, September 6, 1858. Sir: In obedience to your order I have examined the timber lands in Deep River country, and respectfully report that I first took a course through the woods from Haywood to Egypt, between Deep river and Lick creek. I found the pines decayed for about one-third the distance, and the balance well timbered with the long leaf pines, but they are generally too small to be useful for naval purposes, being under 16 inches in diameter, although there are a few from 20 to 24 inches. I then returned to Haywood from Mr. Mclvers', to Captain Bry- ant's, turning down the road from Fayette ville towards Lick creek, and then to the Cape Fear .river, keeping along the creek and cross- ing the road into the low grounds of the creek and Cape Fear river until we came on the land of Dr. McCoy, and then back to Bryant's. From Bryant's we again took a course towards Egypt, keeping along the Deep river, and about half a mile distant from it, turning down into the low grounds at various points, examining for the white oaks. There are many oaks of the smaller growth, from 16 inches and less 28 EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP EIVER COUNTRY. diameter at 25 to 30 feet above the ground, but very few of suitable size for naval purposes. The largest I saw was on Dr. McCoy's plan- tation, where there is a small tract of uncleared land (about two miles by a half mile) of the white oaks and overcup oaks, but very few that would work more than 12 or 14 inches square 40 feet above the ground. Similar timber grows from Lick creek to below Buckhorn falls, but there is no large tracts of white oaks suitable for naval pur- poses, although there are a few, scattered here and there, which would answer. I then visited the Crab tree and White Oak creeks, where there are white oaks of a larger growth, and some of them suitable for naval purposes, for planks, stocks, &c. ; but no large tracts of un- cleared land between Haywood and the New Hope, and but a small number of trees of the larger growth in this vicinity. On the New Hope, from Farrington's to Chapel Hill, there are some of the largest trees I have seen, but they are principally of the overcup and chestnut oaks, which are not considered so good for naval purposes as the white oaks which grow upon higher ground. But few of the white oaks of sufficient size are found upon the high grounds, although there are many trees on this section suitable for plank, stocks, &c. I would here remark that the roads are very bad, the country un- dulating, and it would be very difficult to transport timber of the large size any distance. From New Hope creek I proceeded back to Egypt, and from thence took the road to McLendon's creek and to Tyson's creek, and in this vicinity the timber is similar to that found at New Hope, but the lands are generally cleared where the large timber has grown, except on this creek. We proceeded southwest from Tyson's to Richland creek, passing some pine woods, of small size, on Harrington's land; from thence to Carthage we saw some pine woods, which have not been cut into, where the land is uncleared and covered with long leaf pines suitable for plank stocks for naval purposes; but, so far as I examined, large trees are fewer in comparison with those of smaller size. From Car- thage we took a northeast direction through the woods to the head of Cowley and Governor's creeks to the branch plank road leading to Carbonton and the Gulf, striking the plank road near Mcintosh's and Kiddle's, towards Eli Craven's; I saw no timber of suitable size for naval purposes on this route until we came to the pine wood between the plank road and the Little Pocket; from this point towards Buffalo Church are some of the large pines on the uncleared lands, but no large quantities of the trees of the larger growth, the majority of them being small in diameter. In passing through the woods from the Buffalo Church on to the plank road leading to Fayetteville, I saw very few trees of the larger size, although there are an abundance of small trees from twelve to sixteen inches in diameter. There are no roads or means of transportation for large timber, and the country is much broken. I visited the arsenal at Fayetteville, and saw suitable workshops EXAMINATION OF THE DEEP RIVER COUNTRY. 29 with steam engine and timber sheds, where may be manufactured all articles required for army or naval purposes. I also visited Rock Fish mills, where there is a paper mill and cotton factory, with abundance of never-failing water power, avail- able for any purpose. The railroad, in course of construction from Fayetteville to the coal fields, is finished about eight miles from there. It is supposed it will be entirely finished by next spring. It is also in contemplation to connect this road with the North Carolina road at Warsaw, which intersects the Wilmington and Weldon road about forty-eight miles from Wilmington. The distance from Fayetteville to Wilmington by the Cape Fear river is said to be 120 miles. I was thirty hours going the distance in the steamer. We grounded about eight miles from Fayetteville, although drawing only eighteen inches. I am told that from four to five feet water may be depended upon for ten months in the year. Respectfully yours, S. M. POOK. Captain Charles Wilkes, United States Navy. I 3.>*Corta. 2 ? Jess. Senate Kv. Doe .y??6. IB- 1 IS 3 ' v '""~ : Character ...Sail 3hwk slide nilh cytlierc- .-- Calcareous sholes without fossils Black slates mtit cylherc, Posidan. __ Green adcarrmus shales no fossils .3lxick bituminous sixties wifJi fbssils - Calccweous shales ru> fi>ssils - Black biiujranovjs slates with fbssils -Iron, balls Jjlack slates with loss Us . CaJLrareous shales no ( fossils .Hard Hack slate. . .BUu-k slates, rirort batiks . Sparry calcareous shales qreeu. a>lor . Black slate with fbssils - Tron balls. ,, j . SarvdstoTiy JiUzck slate, fire clav, iron bolts .Black slates, beds of argillaceous iron (met balls. BUu-k state iron balls. -Black slate iron balls ^l^^HLA'l".Lshcte.coal "Black bilarrnnoiu slides, iron balls -Gray sandstone and lire clay -Black band. . (y )a i .Black band mack Sin 1* S e ct ion of the E gy p t Shaft 4 60 fe et d e e p C M. Gra ham , bth. V