Dante By Benjamin Louis Paul G-odard >-.''.-7!r'.:'T'7>W'tfT: ":'■.'>/ Illilililliilllliii 00022967461 EDITED BY M. "XT'a.rlOl, 40 BOURRON ST. Mme. C. SAMSON, 15T - CANAL STREET - 15'7 KINEST GOOnS. . — ÎK*— LATEST 8TYI,E9. Specialty of Fine 3IIlIlner> only. MOQUETTES LAID at $1 10 Ê $1.25 PER YARD INGRAIN CARPET, 25 Cents a Yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 25 Cents a Yard. K I BROUSSESU'S i SON, ^3 cf 25 CKcLTtres Street, The only strictly Oarpet House in the City. — The Finest Line in the Latest Designs and Coloring in MOQUETTES. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, WITH BORDERS TO MATCH. ^CorttcerLe, Oil ClotA, Zjirzoleizm.'^ Sole Agent English Cortieene Company. COCOA MATTING, IN tklAi WIDTHS, liAID AT FACTORY PRICES. FURNITURE GOODS, I WINDOW SHADES, ery E«iaaUrat aad VERT LOW. A.t the LOWK8T FRIOXS. ■*-:j«LACE curtains and CHINA MATTINQi^^- AT PRICES NOT TO BE EQUALED THE ' SINGER IS THE WORLD ACKNOWLEDGED SUPERIOR OF ALL SEWING MVCHINKS. -THE- OEYPERFECTSETnf ATTACHMENTS HXMUi « MACIlINËii -HAVE BEEN SOLD FOR FAMILY USE- Sold on the Most Liberal and Easy Terms. ^ ^ ,, . ,. t^„^^^t^^A Full Instruction giyen and Satisfaction Guaranteed. HAS BEEN BEFORE THE PEOPLE FOR 4=0 YEARS, BEST AND LIGIITKST RUNNING SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. NEEDUES ""^" ^'■""' "' '"''"^** MACH1N..S at .5 .0 una « y-'-g^^-iJ,;;--. TAÎITS AND ATTACHMENTS FOR THK SINGER. Office — No. 185 CANAL STKEET, N ew Orlean s, La. ^=M ASTER PI EC ES :)OF THE(: pRE]MCH * Opera. Illustrated and Musical. ■^^iSi Lvrical Drama in 4 acts. Text b}- Edouard Blau. Music by Benjamin Godard. First rei>reseiited at tlie Opera Comique, Pitris, in 1888. Heals with tlio war between Giielfs and Gliibelins, and makes Dante a young an. 'u-tive ])articipaiit. Beiijauiiu Godard whose Dante, is the first work ever ■•esented before aa ameriean imblic, was bom in Paris, AngnstlS, 1840, and is stib viug. Mr. B Godard besides being one of tbe most notewoith;\ representatives g the young french composers, of the tendency inaugurated L\ Berlioz, is also tinguishtd violinist and a pupil of Vieuxtemps. Th^t breathes upon a bed of Violets, Stealing* and giving* odor. The most delightful perfumes made aud by their delicacy and lasting fragrance reminding one of the Sunny South. SWEET SOUTH, EDEN BOÏÏQÏÏET. LYS DES INCAS. MANDAEIN OEANGE BLOOM, IMPEEIAL PINK, DOÏÏSSAN VIOLET, PICCIOLA, JAPAN HYACINTH, LOUISIANA MAGNOLIA OEIENTAL EOSE EOUSSEL EOSE, PEESIAN HELIOTEOPE. Eor sale by all Druggists, and Doussan Frencli Perfumery COMPANY, 46 CHARTRES ST., New Orleaus • îii til liitmi îfiim umii Established 1842. 91 and 93 Chartres Street, Corner Conti, NEW ORLEANS, LA. J.P.SamziûTobaeeoGo -(limited; — MANUFACTUUKKS OF- TobaGGQ, Snuff, Gigarà and Cigarettes*- AM) DEALEKS IN COPIPES, SMDKER'S ARTICLES, &C,CyO Leading Brands of FINE CUT SMOKING : Texas Bright, Picayune, Deligiit, Old 76, Pelican, Bombshell, Reliance, Sensation, Barrel. CIGARS— Belle of Orleans, Silver Mine, Trade Index, &c. SNUFFS — Virginia, Macoboy, Rose and Perique. Havana m Perique Fine Cuts a Specialty. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. THu; mum picture frame house in the south. 'î^sfe^' Alphonse fDat^x 459 DRYADES STREET. THE LARGEST ASSORTMEMT OF Engraving^s, Etchings, Artist's Proofs, Cheap Engravings, Chromos, Oliographs, Paintings, Etc. Mouldings in all Styles, from the Cheapest to the Finest. Frames f*'^ '^i^ styles of Pictures, made to ox'der. The Choapost House in the City for the Largest Assortment of Aiiists' MateHals, Silver I'lated It'are and Utatioiteri/. MARX'S 459 DRYADES STREET. (ESTABLISHED 1817) DEALERS IN- Oo. Watches, Diamonds, Fine Gold Jeuielry . Spectacles, Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses and Opera Giass Holders, SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. A. B. ams^^^ojLD & CO 119 CANAL STKEET. NEW OKLKANS, LA. ijilieUD M Isnirdiil |iiiÉ # Season of 1890-91. CATALOGUE OF OPERAS TO BE PUBLISHED. Jewess. Roland à Roncevaux. Faust . Le Dante, i^t time iu tMa Oity. Huguenots. iratrie, ist «me in tUs city. La ïraviata. lia Cigale et la Fourmi, lât time iu thia City. Eavorite. Mignon. Carmen . Jerusalem. Prophet. Il Trovatore. William Tell. Romeo et Juliette. Lucie de Lammermoor. L'Africaine. Aida. Hamlet. Gillette de Nar bonne, i^t time m this city Rigoletto. • La Muette de Portici. IVlirelle, i^t ^ime in this City. Robert the Devil. PEaSOHMGES. Dante Alighieri, le Poëte Florentin. Béatrice Portarini, liancée à Bardi. Gemma, confitlenfe de Béatrice. Simeone Bardi, gentilhomme Florentin. Vieri, gentilliomme Florentin. Chefs Guelfes et Gibelins. Hommes et Femmes du Peuple. Ecoliers. Religieuses, etc. PERSONNAGES DU EEVE. Dante. L'ombre de Virgile . 1 TJgolin. . ... ! Paolo et Francesca. Apparitions > . „ „ * ^ j Anges. 3 Damnés - Le ler^et 2e actes se passent h Florence. Le 3e acte au tombeau de Virgile. Le 4e acte dans un Couvent de Naples. CHABACTEHS. Dante Alighieri, the Florentine poet. Beatrice Portarini, engaged to Bardi. Gemma, confident of Beatrice. Simcone Bardi, Florentine nobleman. Vieri. Florentine nobleman. Gnelfs and Ghibelline chiefs. Men and women of the people, stu- dents, nuns, etc. Persons of the dream. Dante. The Shade of Virgil. Spirits— Ugoliu. Paolo. Angels. Damned. The 1st and 2ud arts arc located at Florence. The 3rd act at the grave of Virgil. The 4th act in a convent of Naples. 572106 MJÏHORIZED CAPITAL 50,000,000. SHARES $100 EAuE. NEW 58ÏÏTH lalldinQandlioanflssoeicition OF P^ES^W" r->-F i T . tt; /k ivr^g^ ILmj^. Board of Directors. 11E^'RY GARDES rresidtnt American National Bank. GEORGE K. PRKSTON rie.-iduiit Hibernia National Eank. STANLEY O. THOMAS ...• President Citizens' Bank of Louisiana. JOS. A. SHaKS 'EaKE MayorCity of New Orleans. HENRY I.INDEK of A. B. Giiswold & Go. James S. IMCUARDSON of Rlcbaidsou & May. JULES A BLANC ...Capitalist. J. M. LKWIS, ofTalladifia, A hi Capitalist. JOHN HANSON KENN ARD Attorney at Law. E. U. PO ,', ER OFFICEKS. HENRY GARDES President JOS. A. SUAKSPEARE Vice President JULES A. BLAND - - Treasnrer HENRYGINDER Secretary JOHN HANSON KKNNAR;) - - - General Attorney E. IL POWER G uncial Manager A tlior.iuglily solid and will inaiiaged Co-operative Association, Avliich (;itVrs unsurpassed advantages for the investment of mouey, as also for loaning money at unnsually low rates of interest, and for li- quidation of same by easy moiillily payniiiuLs. For information write to, or call at the Association's Oificc. 4G Camp Street, Corner of Gravier, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Address " New South Luilditig and Loan Association." AN UNPARALLELED DISPLAY -OF THIS -;- SEflSOI^l'S -:- flOVEliTIES M* ^* 1"*^ Our aim lias bccti, ami wo think ve luivc succeeded, iu placing on our counters a stock of Dry Goods, Isolions, Gents' Fupnish« ing Goods, Etc , ecjual to any in New Orleans, l)olh in rei^ard to Quality and Lowness of Price. .^^ ■VCrOH.ID .Ai^OTJT Carpets, Mattings, Shades, Etc, Etc. We know liow dn'ai) some of these are advertised, but wlien you wa'.it real facts you'll tiiul them with us. Yoii will do yourself an inju.stice if you buy without st'eiug OUR ASSORTIVÏENTS AND PRICES, LOOK AND JT^DGE! YOU WILL BE FREELY SHOWN. J, A. BRASELMAN & CO., THE (ÎREAT UP-TOWX STOKE 586, 583 L 590 MAGAZINE ST, Cor. St. Andrew. A. BALDWIN, President. WM. PALFKEY, Cashier. S. KATZ, Vice President. D. G. BALDWIN, Assistant Cashier. NEW 0RLE1ÎNS nmTED STATES DEPOSITORY. Camp St. Cor. Common NEW ORLEANS, LA. CAPITAL $200,000 SLKPLIS.-..' 600,000 UNDIVIDED PKOFITS 129,303 mRECTORS $929,303 SIGilTJîTD KATZ. A. BALDWIN, JOHN H. HANNA, E. E. CRAIG, SAM'L 1 )ELGADO, D. C. McUAN. ' CHAS H. HECK, ROBERT MAXWELL, FRANK T. HOWARD, CHAS. CHAFFE, A. B. WHEELER. A. p. 8t J. SObARl, Cor. Royal and Customhouse Streets, -IMPORTERS OF- S,'^' ■<«&■ P Irai f iirit©m -(:o:) -JU-IiTSS AITD LIQITORS (:o:) L.Roeâerer-CMiDpapelGr^^ Carte Blanche ich and Fruity. Grand Vin Sec. Very I)ry. J. L. Eerst & Cû.--01ive 0» This Oil is Warrauted Pure aud of Very Beat Quality. Before making purchases, please call and si EXAMINE OUE STOCK and yoii will be CONVINCED th:it it is the f FINEST AND LAKGEST IN THE SOUTH. And at Reasonable Prices, i^ AH Goods are Warranted. No Charge for^ Packing nor Cartage. e- J. iM AlilJlliE, rirsid.tit. ALKnrrMACKiE, Vice riTeident W. H BOFINGEE, TiTflsnior. "W. W IIUCK. Sprrotary. WALTER L. Saxon Cliairnmn Finance Cora. Gen. .T. B VI net, Cliairiuan Real i^atate Com. Homestead Society, Shares $500, payable $2,50 monthly. Til is Sdci. (y (fsfalilisîica Jiiiiuavy 1, 18S5,) is a purelv local or- «raiiizatii.u. is sliictly iiniliial and co-operative, and posi^esses every )iT(i;.:icssivc and lihtn-al i'cature consistent with absolute security. 'jlic K! IJKIv.V IIOMESTKAD SOCIETY lias no superiors; its pn •,n;-t and ((inilaldc niotliods, its eminent success, its establisbed repu!;.ticin fm- scm uiiiy ard prv^S:o BaFton & GQRStieF's ^^^^^^^i^f^ wines. Uartigae & Bigo grdap's ^^^a^^^^f gVmEs fi. G. ISeokOffl'S FINEST COGNAC BRANDIES -^>i< PEMARTIN SHERRIES, GRAHAM Ports, MAREY LIGER-BELAIR Burgundy Wines, S. A. M A AS' Steamboat Gin, Sir R. BURNETT'S Old Tom Gin, EDOUARD PERNODS Absinth & Kirsch MARTINI & ROSSI Vermouth, NOILLY PRAT & Co. Vermouth, D. FINZI'S Jamaica Rum. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Fiiliwrs.WiniiFiC! Grins, ALSO Wholesale Agents for tlie Celebrated CHOCOLAT MENIER. PAUL GELPI & BRO., 43 DECATUR STREET. New Orleans. DIEFENTHAL & SALOMON, and Dealers in All Kinds of Provisions, MAGAZnSTE MARKET, Telephone 3»0. NEW ORLEANS, LA. ACTE I. SCENE I. 1* ih(':1trc M pr(^seufo Inplaco ]iiibli(|ne :\rioren- 00. All fond lo iiahiis du goiiveriieineiit. A droite rentri'^o iVii. o chajullp. An lever tin ri- deau, deux fjrouiwa de (.aicllcs rt do CiUeliiis conduits, l'un p;ir ' orso < t l'aiitic par Vieri so d<'fient ct se nu'uai i nt. I'Saint-Siè!;e est notre protecteur. Les ''iiefs Ghîei.ixs. Qnand Floi'cneo aujourd'hui va nounner lePrieur, Le (ionf.-ilo iiiior de justice ]'ensez-\ (tus itious to the friends of the Church Ghibelliues! 'I'he Holy !^ee is our protector. The Ghihei.i.i.ne Chiefs. When rioreuce, to-ilay, names the prior, The Gonfalonier of Justice, Do you think she will choose Gutside of our party ? The Ghei.1'11 Chiefs. Tlie i>r'or comes from tln^ ranks of the I'ounti. To(J1;thi;k. De.ith to you whom, etc. SCENE II. Vreit and Cantilene. DANTE, the same. DANTE: Guelphs or (ihibelines what matter the banner. While or black, ingrate sous, you strike your [in other The country is in danger when you combat. (iEXEKAI, Ciiouus. It is Dante Alighieri, it is tho master here. DANTE. My brothers, my friends are you demented Heaven is so blue over Floreuce Its azure is so sweet That a song of love and hope Should arise from all hearts But the treniblirg breeze ^r^ J. KRANZIilBRO., 203 - Canal St. - 203 NEW ORLEANS, LA. G-ents' FixT-rLislxe-rs ^- HatteTs. N'cmpoito aux clairs firuiameuts Quo la viimiMir {>iaudi.ssaute li'cteiuuls ïcsocutiuieuts Ze« Clicfa Guelfes et Cihelins aceiieHlenf ces 2'"''0^''^ arec des {/estes rfe th'duin et de eulire, mais ceux qui les entourent haisseut la tête; queUpies-una remel- tnent leur epee au fiiurreuu. Le peuple a entendu les paroles de Dante arec émotion. Chœur du Peuple. Il a raison . l'onr(iuoi (loue taut do lialue ? Kous pourrions être liriiieux eu nous teudant la Les Chefs Gibelins. [ukum La politique ost notre affaire, l'otite passe tou cliemiu. Les CiiKF'ï Guelfes. I>oute nu avis tout contraire! llu Prieur on va faire chois, Mets-toi doue sur les raugs Je te i>rouiets ma voix. Cii'EUit General. Les collèges du Peuple an Palais se rasseniljleut. Chefs Guelfes. Voyez couinio ils ont peur, A^ainqùeurs ce soir, maîtres demain. Chefs Gibelins. Regardez connue ils Iremblcnt, Vaiuiiiieurs ce soir, maîtres demain. Chœur General. Pourrinoi donc tant de haluc. Nous pourrions être licuroux, etc. . . . 'J'ous entrent au J'aliiis ejcepté Dante. SCENlî III. DUO. DANTE, B.VRDI. l)>N"rF,. Ali ! pui.«se la vjiix populaire Choisir pour INeuvre tnti laire ITu homme ([ui la comprendra ! {liévant) i.e fardeau sera lourd à qui l'acceptera. Simeone Hardi parait. Il fuit f/neh/ues ]nis dans la direction du Palais, mais il roit Jianic, s'appraihe et le r< connaît . HARDI. A'oMs! (lier Dante, c'est vous. DAXTK. Siuuîoue. BARDL Plorenre retrouve enfin A]ircM si longue absence, ,^on lils très onlilienx l'oiirtant Très regretté. DANTE. A Bologuo .... à l'adone. . . . l",t il.-ins tonte cité Dont j'allais l'onsnltaiit I'li'-^toiro et le génie, .lamais de la terre b'iiii^. 1.0 souvenir ne m'.i quitté. li.VRDt, nr'c. eriuinsion. •l'aurai dime pour t -moin île ma félicùté 1,'ami de ma Jeunesse. liante Vinlerrngc du (/este et du ri'jard. On me donne pour femme Carries to the c ear lirmameut But the swelliug rumor Of eternal reseutmeuts. Tlie Gnelphsnud Chihelliue chiefs reecire these words uith sirins of dixduin, but thouc surrounding them hoic their head; some sheathe their uorda. Tin people hare heard the words of Dante leiih emo- tion. Chorus of the People. He is right,. Why then so much hate? Wo might bo happy did we join hands 'I HE (iiiibELi.iNK Chiefs Politics are our atlair. Pool, go your way. The GtELiMi CriiEFs. Hear a (|iuto contrary advice A ])rior is to be ehosi-n, Eeter then the list > I promise thee my vote. General Chorus. Tho coUegesof the people are assenibliug at the (iUELi'H Chiefs. [palace. See how they are [ifraiil, Victor this eveuiug, masters to-morrow. Giiibelline Chiefs. Look how they tremble, Victors this evening, masters to-morrow. General Cnor.us. Why then so nnich, etc. Jll enter the palace except Dante. SCENE III. Dfo. D.AN'TE— BARDL DANTE. -Mil may the popidar voice I lioose fertile («rotecting work A man who will understHUd it! (Drcamiuij) Tlie task will bo heavy, for wlioever [may accept it. Sinieone Bardi apjienrs. He aArance tawardi the pala.e, but sees Dante, approaches and recognize» hi 111 ,B.\R1)I. You! Hear Dante, itisvouf DANTE. Simeoue ! n.\RDi. Florence at last linds again, After so long an alisence. Her very forgetful son. Who is nev.rihelcss mm h ri'grettoil. D\VTK. At I'olo'jna at Padua, ,\nd in all cities (If whicli I consulted the history and the goulus. The sacred renicnibrance of my country has not [left me. P \T^DI— n'ith expression . I shall then liave as a wituess of my felicity. The friend of my youth. ( Dauie looks askance at him.) I am soon lo \v.:d PEÏElî BLAISK, PrcK...OL.. I'll. \V. DIKLMANX, \ i.-e rrcRidMit. EUNKSl" l'KACST, S.-crrtarv. NEW BRMO!) Brewing «Assedatien. Office; 194 Gerrirnen Street mm GRliEANS, liA. Peter Blnise, Pli. W. Dielniann, Théo. Brummer, H. Lochte, J. Langles, Albt. P. Noll, Geo. Faehnle. M . 1RS 1^ ¥11^ m ^ Bakery* and^Eerifediericry. 437 DRYADES STREET TEA ip COFFEE STOl^E, Spices, FrericK cnxd AmeTican Clxoco- Icute, Fies, Calm es, J fiiie Candy, Soda WcLter". ^^edding Parties Orders attended to ON SHORT NOTICE. Bread delivered twice a day. lt#^Goods delivered fn-e of cliavge to any part of the]^City. ^N■D 07HE\ PIAM0<5. 5TÛT^YA,ni GLAXK Ol^jUfô, «5 2^ ho DO X91 GSLTOLGLl No More Dandruff, No More Bald Heads, No More Wigs. THE CELEBRATED fll^TI CHflUVE. -^-3= -X— c. ■^=^ — »<— c-=e-<^ From last certificates received'wo extract^theTollowing': New^Orleans, September 3(1, 1890. To the Anti-Chauve Co., loi Caual Street, wp*.* î^r^s? "iS GenHemen — Six mouths ago, my luiir, tliroiij;h some unknown cause, was falling rapidly and none of tlio ingredients I used was of any avail, until I heard of your preparation. > » After a few applications of tho Aiiti-Cltsllivo a light dawn appeared on tha bald spots of my head which are now covered by a strong and healthy growth of hair. In witness of such a result it affords mo the greatest pleasure to reconnnond tho Anti-Cllillivc to all persons similarly all'ccted. — Yours, truly, GAZELLES, [^ Résissour Gén6ral du Tlicâtru do l'Opéra' i-'ranyais, Direction": A.'.DUIUEU, Saison 1890-91? -. \ '^yc ^ Shorthand ^ and # T^YP6 writing * T^aaght#- Eeminqton (Polyglot) Machine, writes All Modern Languages, for Foreiga ytiuleits. Lady teaclier iu either biaucli wljeu desired. All kinds of Shorthand 01 Tyi)c\vi itiiig Work Solicited. 234 ST. CHaUI.Kn «TKEKT, near Loe lircl'. New 0' leans, La. DANÏE. '' 5~ Celle que f^^s loiijitenips, r.t (le touti' mciii âme J'adoi'ilis tu Mcret! L'AXTE, en eoiiriaiit, TA la fpiuine, il paraît, Kii iiniM puiuts est parfaitef BAKDI. I'oiir lii II la (li^jieimlvi', ô ])oi'te. C'est ton langajte (jn'il f:niu l'arracher aux mains des Douati. DANTE, arec amertunu: L'eufaut est le prix du service, (àj)art.) O Béatrice, Pourquoi suis-jo parti ? BARDI, s'aâressaiit à Dante en noiiriaiil. Mais en étant aniaut fidîlo Ou )ieut rester bon citoyen. Pardonnez-moi, jo vais oh le devoir m appelle. Il rentre au J'alaia Dante reste attéré sur le devant de la Scène DANTE, arec dénespoir. Ail! de tous mes espoirs il ne me reste ]dus lieu ! En vaiu l'avenir rayonne, Qu'importe uu nom glorieux! De ([uoi seraije envieux Quand mou amour m'abandonne ! (avec uccuhlemeiit.) Tout est fini Ponr moi sur la terre ! Comn;e un l>;nini .Te fuirai solitaire. Par les chendus où je marchais vain<]neur Plus de bonheur, D'ivresse promise : Mou triste cœur A jamais se brise! Rêve menteur. O teudresse (^phéra^re. £nvoles-toi d'uu éternel essor! 'l'iie oiie whom long Auil \, ilh i.il ni\ biMil 1 ailuied iu Kecrel ! DANTE— SBiifJHj. And the woman, it seems, Js jieifeet in allimiiis? BAKDI To Weil deiiict her, oli. jinet, 1 sliouM borrow your laiij^uage I would not know w hat things Here below to c(mipare her to, If God had not made the roses, If the lily did nut exist! So much innocence and race Illiniiinates her tit'teeu years. All smile wiirn Khe]i;isses Asone smiles to children. And \vhoe\traî>]>roache.s her JSometiiue» tremlile To see her open her wings To fly away lii-e a:i angel! DANTE. Tell me her name! KARDI. Formerly you must have known her! She is the daughter of master Portinari DAXTE — Aside, with sorrow. "What did 1 hear, ( )h Lord. Beatrice \. . ..(To Siineone) Ah ! this heart. How didst thou wiu it? BARDi. Through gratitude; To that powerful party, which reign overFlorenco Her father had done some olfense. But I saved him from the hands of the Donati, DANTE— nilh bittcrnesn. The child is the price of the service. {aside) Oh Beat ieil bliss My sad heart BrealiH forever ! Lying dream Ephemeral tenderness, Ely a way with an eternal flight! t-^r^TV^USICKL- MRT.^^tr "59—3 ->♦<-' iist^ Jmw @f Fil©l©^'i Simile ©f Mmii®, 259 CARONDELET STREET, Opposite Temple Sinai. Music taught in all its branches. Able professors in each department Six free scholarships are offered students showing extraordinary talent, as follows : Two for piano and four for vocal music. WILIAM H. PILCHER, Director of Music and Organist of the Grand Organ at the Jesuit also, Temple Siua Circulars and Catalogues eent on application. s Chiirih, t; DANTE. Tout est fini Pour moi sur la terre Ilrlas! Mais non ! Je ne vliix pas di'scsjn rcr enror ! 11 faut que je la voie, il fautquoju lui parle! A m'eutundre va tressaillir son cceur ; Ali ! je saurai reprendre il qui l'osait ravir ce cœur, Mon seul trésor! // eorl firvnifitl. SCENE IV. BEATRICE, GEMMA. {Ik'atrice et Gemma sortent de la ehapelle, Beatrice s'avance la première, la tête inclinée arec un air d'accablement profond. ) GEMMA. Courage Bi^atrice, Celui que nous venons de ])rier tontes deux Saura te soutenir au jour du saciihee. BEATRICE. Si le ciel exauçait mes vœux, Lorsque Tiendra ce jour je franchirais ces portes Avec le voile blanc qu'on met au front des mortes. GEMMA. Ah! tais-toi, c'est afifreux ! BEATRICE. Tu sais bien, chi"^re confidente, Que j'aimerai toujours celui qu'on nomme Ali- gne moi j'appelais: Dante. [ghieri, GEMMA. Qne cet amour soit loin de toi comme de lui. BEATRICE. Il n'était qu'un enfant, j'i'tais toute petite Lorsque je l'ai connu pour la premiere fois. 8auB doute plus heureux, il oublia plus vite. . . . Ce temps loin de sou cœnr, toujours je le revois ! Comme deux oiseaux que leur vol rassemble Nous allions ]iar le grand jardin Sans savoir pour(pu)i, joyeux d'être ensemble. Mais i)arfoi8 au.ssi rougissant sondaiu, Et juiis je venais, sons les lauriers roses. Près de lui m'ass(M)ir atiii d'écouter Les récits chariiKiiits et les douces choses Qu'il savait déjà si bien lacouter. Ensemble. BEATRICE. Nous allions tous deux par le grand jardin, etc. GEMMA. Qne cet amour soit loin de toi comme de lui. Jlêalrire baiKse le front; Gemma l'attire tendrement sur sa poitrine. Ah! pleure librement, plenre, et de ta «ouffranco Verse ou nu)U âme le secret. Qui doue, mieux c|'de luui, hélas, la comprendrait! SCENE V —Final. BEATRICE, GEMMA, D.\.NTE, BARDI, Guel- fes KT (illîKLlNS. Des elamenrs sortent du Palais; de tous côtés sur la place arrivent de» groupes animés. Ail is finished Ir'or me ou earth Alas! l)nt no I will not vet despair! 1 must see iicr I must speak to her! Her heart will oofteu at hearing me. Ah I shall know how to win back that heart From the one who (hired ravish itfrommc. My ouly treasure ! ( He ijoes out rapidly.) SCENE IV BEATRICE, GEMMA. lieairieeand Gemma i.tsitc from the chapel. Beatrice approaehn.'i Jirst, her head boieed, \eith an air of profound discouraijment . GEMMA. Courage, Beatrice. The one whom we both prayed just now Will know how to siistaiu thee ou the day of the [sacrifice . BEATRICE. If heaven heard my prayer When this day shall come I should issne from [these gates With the white shroud put on the dead. GEMMJi^. Ah! silence, this is awful! BEATRICE. Thon knowest well dear confident. That I shall ulwavs love the one they call Whom I tailed Dante, [Alighieri. GEMMA. Let this love be far from thee, as from him. BEATRICE. He -was but a child, I was quite small When 1 first kueAv him. Without doubt, bciug more happy, he forgot more quickly. That time which is far from his heart. I still forever see it Like two birds united by their flight We went through the great garden, Without kuowiug why, joyous to be together, But souietiines also suddenly blushing. .\nd then 1 used tocoiuc in the rosy laurels, To sit near him so as to hear His charming tales and the sweet things He knew already so well how to tell. TOGETHEK. BEATRICE. We both wont through the great garden .... GEMMA. Let this love be far. etc. Beatrice botes her head, Gemma rfrdir.i her tenderlg to her heart. Ah! weep freely, weep in thy distress. Pour iuto my heart thy secret. Who better than iue, alas, would uuderstandit. SCENE v.— Final. BEATRICE, GEMMA, DANIE, BARDI, GuKLPii.s and GimiKLLlSES Chorus are heard from the fialace From all sides animated groups arrive vn the square. BQUBHe eXT^A SEC GHAHIPpiGI^e. i jliOllERg Distillers and ImpoPtcPs, ^41 DECATUR STREET,^^ FINE -!^ WHISKIES. SOLE AGENTS: LaiToncle frères, Clarets and White Wine. E. Cusenier fils Aimé & Oie., Orême de Menthe, Liqueurs. Genuine Vichy Waters, (French Government). Clement, Marot & Cie., Clarets and White Wine* Fornet, Pillvard & Cie., Cognacs. Koger, Gallier & Cie., Fine Cordials. Columbia Stomach Bitters. Celebrated Ruthland Whisky. OPTICIAN. 161 CANAL STREET, New Orleans. Optical, Surveying, Nautical and Mathematical Instruments, Sugar and Vacuum Pan Thermometers and Saccharometers. Repairing of all Instruments a Specialty. Waltham and Elgin Watches, Marine and Opera Glasses, Eye Glasses and Spectacles. kst/l» Oculist's Prescriptions filled at short notice. Drawing Instruments, Paints and Drawing Materials. Chronometers Rated, and Watches R^^aired. (Established in 1846 by Dan'l Edwards) CO CO 7—1 pas CO CO CO 22 to 32 FRONT & 21 to 32 DELTA STS. New Orleans. ENGINEERS', PLANTATION, STEAMBOAT & STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES -SOLE AGENTS FOK- Knowles' Steam Pumps, Hepworth's Latest Improved Centrifugal Machines, Jewel's Water Purifiers. DIFFUSION BATTERIES , DOUBLE AND TRIPLE EFFECTS, AXD ALL OTHKR KINDS OF STTGAll APPARATUS, Appraisers and Experts in Machinery of All Kinds. Special Altontiou Given (o Estiniatt s on Sngar House Mat'liiuery. Pressure Gauges for nicDoiiald's Ilydraallc Rams, DEALEKS IN Iron PipcH, and Fittiiujfi, Iron ami Brats Valves, Olass Tubes, Packing, Stentn, Viwunm and ^yater Gauges, etc. puopuiirrous oi-' the CRESCENT CITY CORNICE WORKS, ANCHORS, BOLTS, WASHSHS, Etc., For Building; Purposes' EstiiiMtcs riuni-luMl on Apiiliealiuii fur All Kiiul.sot' GALVANIZED SHEET IRON CORNICE. WINDOW CAPS, FINALS, ETC. Copper, Br^ss, Iron an.i Sheet '.fcn Work for» Hotels, Buildings, Refineries, Breuieries, Ete. LIGNE FRANÇAISE DU HAVRE. Les magailiques paquebots de cette ligue favorite pour le coutiueut partiront i peux l'avoir; Vas sans regrets, sois s.ius faiblesse. Pour être aimé fais ton devoir. CUORUS OF TiiK in:oi'LK The people has given its verdict. Hail to Dante Alighieri! BEATRICE. {tremblintj) Gemm.T, vvhosename! What are they saying? GEMMA. It is Dante who is elected! Ciiouus. The people has given its verdict. Hail, honor, glory to Dante Hail, honor, glory to the prior. Dante appears o» the square, Hcatrice sees him. BEATRICE. He! Bardi ijoes to meet Dante and leads him lu the scene, BARDI. Hear the people of Florence . DANTE. Oh people! What dost thou want of me t Chorus. In thee we h.ave confideu(^c. Command and we will follow thy law. DANTE. What! you want that I should throw myself Into the battle and the storm. Into the bosom of the furious parties ! No! No! I a quiet dreamer, who knows Only to walk along, reading Virgil, By the paths tilled with mysterious melodies. Chorus Oh Dante, save us from the furious parties, etc. BARDI. Hear this people wliicli begs thee It puts all its hojio in thee. Florentine, def