UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA School o f Library Science . £ ■■/■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ^c '$£ s*m~^ UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00022092389 ( '..'•- ( ■ a., HARPLR \ BROTH E R - HISTORY KING CHARLES THE FIRST ENGLAND, BY JACOB ABBOTT. f ftf) SEnjrabinjjs. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 82 CLIFF STREET. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, by Harper & Brothers, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. The history of the life of every individual who has, for any reason, attracted extensively the attention of mankind, has been written in a great variety of ways by a multitude of au- thors, and persons sometimes wonder why we should have so many different accounts of the same thing. The reason is, that each one of these accounts is intended for a different set of readers, who read with ideas and purposes wide- ly dissimilar from each other. Among the twenty millions of people in the United States, there are perhaps two millions, between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, who wish to become acquainted, in general, with the leading events in the history of the Old World, and of ancient times, but who, coming upon the stage in this land and at this period, have ideas and concep- tions so widely different from those of other na- tions and of other times, that a mere republica- vi Preface. tion of existing accounts is not what they re- quire. The story must be told expressly for them. The things that are to be explained, the points that are to be brought out, the com- parative degree of prominence to be given to the various particulars, will all be different, on account of the difference in the situation, the ideas, and the objects of these new readers, compared with those of the various other classes of readers which former authors have had in view. It is for this reason, and with this view, that the present series of historical narratives is presented to the public. The author, having had some opportunity to become acquainted with the position, the ideas, and the intellect- ual wants of those whom he addresses, presents the result of his labors to them, with the hope that it may be found successful in accomplish- ing its design. CONTENTS. Chapter Page I. HIS CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 13 II. THE EXPEDITION INTO SPAIN 34 III. ACCESSION TO THE THRONE 58 IV. BUCKINGHAM 81 V. THE KING AND HIS PREROGATIVE 107 VI. ARCHBISHOP LAUD 131 VII. THE EARL OF STRAFFORD 155 VIII. DOWNFALL OF STRAFFORD AND LAUD 177 IX. CIVIL WAR 203 X. THE CAPTIVITY 234 XI. TRIAL AND DEATH 261 ENGRAVINGS. Page portrait of hampden Frontispiece. illuminated title tower of london „ 1 charles i. and armor bearer 10 queen henrietta maria 11 windsor castle 22 the escurial 55 st. Stephen's 76 lambeth palace 133 westminster hall 187 strafford and laud 199 the king's adherents entering york 221 the landing of the queen 228 NEWARK 236 CARISBROOKE CASTLE 254 RUINS OF CARISBROOKE CASTLE 265 Chai.les I. and Armob. Bearek. QCEEN H.ENBIETTA MaeIA. KING CHARLES I. Chapter I. His Childhood and Youth. Born in Scotland. The circumstance explained T/^ING CHARLES THE FIRST was born -i-m. i n Scotland. It may perhaps surprise the reader that an English king should be born in Scotland. The explanation is this : They who have read the history of Mary Queen of Scots, will remember that it was the great end and aim of her life to unite the crowns of England and Scotland in her own family. Queen Elizabeth was then Queen of England. She lived and died unmarried. Queen Mary and a young man named Lord Darnley were the next heirs. It was uncer- tain which of the two had the strongest claim. To prevent a dispute, by uniting these claims, Mary made Darnley her husband. They had a son, who, after the death of his father and mother, was acknowledged to be the heir to the English throne, whenever Elizabeth's life 14 King Charles I. [1600. Princess Anne. Royal marriages. should end. In the mean time he remained King of Scotland. His name was James. He married a princess of Denmark ; and his child, who afterward was King Charles the First of England, was born before he left his native realm. King Charles's mother was, as has been al- ready said, a princess of Denmark. Her name was Anne. The circumstances of her mar- riage to King James were quite extraordinary, and attracted great attention at the time. It is, in some sense, a matter of principle among kings and queens, that they must only marry persons of royal rank, like themselves ; and as they have very little opportunity of visiting each other, residing as they do in such distant capi- tals, they generally choose their consorts by the reports which come to them of the person and character of the different candidates. The choice, too, is very much influenced by politi- cal considerations, and is always more or less embarrassed by the interference of other courts, whose ministers make objections to this or that alliance, on account of its supposed interference with some of their own political schemes. As it is very inconvenient, moreover, for a kin? to leave bis dominions, the marriage cere- 1600.] His Childhood and Youth. 15 Getting married by proxy. James thwarted. mony is usually performed at the court where the bride resides, without the presence of the bridegroom, he sending an embassador to act as his representative. This is called being married by proxy. The bride then comes to her royal husband's dominions, accompanied by a great escort. He meets her usually on the frontiers ; and there she sees him for the first time, after having been married to him some weeks by proxy. It is true, indeed, that she has generally seen his picture, that being usu- ally sent to her before the marriage contract is made. This, however, is not a matter of much consequence, as the personal predilections of a princess have generally very little to do with the question of her marriage. Now King James had concluded to propose for the oldest daughter of the King of Denmark, and he entered into negotiations for this pur- pose. This plan, however, did not please the government of England, and Elizabeth, who was then the English queen, managed so to embarrass and interfere with the scheme, that the King of Denmark gave his daughter to another claimant. James was a man of very mild and quiet temperament, easily counter- acted and thwarted in his plans ; but this dis- 16 King Charles I. [1600. Jaines sues for Anne. Their marriage. appointment aroused his energies, and he sent a splendid embassy into Denmark to demand the king's second daughter, whose name was Anne. He prosecuted this suit so vigorously that the marriage articles were soon agreed to and signed. Anne embarked and set sail for Scotland. The king remained there, waiting for her arrival with great impatience. At length, instead of his bride, the news came that the fleet in which Anne had sailed had been dispersed and driven back by a storm, and that Anne herself had landed on the coast of Norway. James immediately conceived the design of going himself in pursuit of her. But knowing very well that all his ministers and the officers of his government would make endless objec- tions to his going out of the country on such an errand, he kept his plan a profound secret from them all. He ordered some ships to be got ready privately, and provided a suitable train of attendants, and then embarked with- out letting his people know where he was going. He sailed across the German Ocean to the town in Norway where his bride had landed. He found her there, and they were married. Her brother, who had just succeeded to the throne, having received intelligence of this, in- 1600.] His Childhood and Youth. 17 James in Copenhagen. Charles's feeble infancy. vited the young couple to come and spend the winter at his capital of Copenhagen ; and as the season was far advanced, and the sea stormy, King James concluded to accept the invitation. They were received in Copenhagen with great pomp and parade, and the winter was spent in festivities and rejoicings. In the spring he brought his bride to Scotland. The whole world were astonished at the perform- ance of such an exploit by a king, especially one of so mild, quiet, and grave a character as that which James had the credit of possessing. Young Charles was very weak and feeble in his infancy. It was feared that he would not live many hours. The rite of baptism was im- mediately performed, as it was, in those days, considered essential to the salvation of a child dying in infancy that it should be baptized be- fore it died. Notwithstanding the fears that were at first felt, Charles lingered along for some days, and gradually began to acquire a little strength. His feebleness was a cause of great anxiety and concern to those around him ; but the degree of interest felt in the little suf- ferer's fate was very much less than it would have been if he had been the oldest son. Ho had a brother, Prince Henry, who was older 2 18 King Charles I. [1600. Death of Elizabeth. Accession of James to the English crown. than he, and, consequently, heir to his father's crowns. It was not probable, therefore, that Charles would ever be king; and the import- ance of every thing connected with his birth and his welfare was very much diminished on that account. It was only about two years after Charles's birth that Queen Elizabeth died, and King James succeeded to the English throne. A messenger came with all speed to Scotland to announce the fact. He rode night and day. He arrived at the king's palace in the night. He gained admission to the king's chamber, and, kneeling at his bedside, proclaimed him King of England. James immediately pre- pared to bid his Scotch subjects farewell, and to proceed to England to take possession of his new realm. Queen Anne was to follow him in a week or two, and the other children, Henry and Elizabeth ; but Charles was too feeble to go. In those early days there was a prevailing belief in Scotland, and, in fact, the opinion still lingers there, that certain persons among the old Highlanders had what they called the gift of the second sight — that is, the power of fore- seeing futurity in some mysterious and incom- prehensible way. An incident is related in the 1603.] His Childhood and Youth. 19 Second sight. Prediction fulfilled. old histories connected with Charles's infancy, which is a good illustration of this. While King James was preparing to leave Scotland, to take possession of the English throne, an old Highland laird came to bid him farewell. He gave the king many parting counsels and good wishes, and then, overlooking the older brother, Prince Henry, he went directly to Charles, who was then about two years old, and bowed be- fore him, and kissed his hand with the greatest appearance of regard and veneration. King James undertook to correct his supposed mis- take, by telling him that that was his second son, and that the other boy was the heir to the crown. " No," said the old laird, " I am not mistaken. I know to whom I am speaking. This child, now in his nurse's arms, will be greater than his brother. This is the one who is to convey his father's name and titles to suc- ceeding generations." This prediction was ful- filled ; for the robust and healthy Henry died, and the feeble and sickly-looking Charles lived and grew, and succeeded, in due time, to his father's throne. Now inasmuch as, at the time when this prediction was uttered, there seemed to be little human probability of its fulfillment, it attracted 20 King Charles I. [1603. An explanation. Charles's titles of nobility. attention ; its unexpected and startling charac- ter made every one notice and remember it ; and the old laird was at once an object of inter- est and wonder. It is probable that this desire to excite the admiration of the auditors, mingled insensibly with a sort of poetic enthusiasm, which a rude age and mountainous scenery al- ways inspires, was the origin of a great many such predictions as these ; and then, in the end, those only which turned out to be true were remembered, while the rest were forgotten ; and this was the way that the reality of such pro- phetic powers came to be generally believed in. Feeble and uncertain of life as the infant Charles appeared to be, they conferred upon him, as is customary in the case of young prin- ces, various titles of nobility. He was made a duke, a marquis, an earl, and a baron, before he had strength enough to lift up his head in his nurse's arms. His title as duke was Duke of Albany ; and as this was the highest of his nominal honors, he was generally known under that designation while he remained in Scotland. When his father left him, in order to go to England and take possession of his new throne, he appointed a governess to take charge of the health and education of the young duke. This 1603.] His Childhood and Youth. 23 Charles's governess. Windsor Castle. governess was Lady Cary. The reason why she was appointed was, not because of her pos- sessing any peculiar qualifications for such a charge, but because her husband, Sir Robert Cary, had been the messenger employed by the British government to communicate to James the death of Elizabeth, and to announce to him his accession to the throne. The bearer of good news to a monarch must always be re- warded, and James recompensed Sir Robert for his service by appointing his wife to the post of governess of his infant son. The office un- doubtedly had its honors and emoluments, with very little of responsibility or care. One of the chief residences of the English monarchs is Windsor Castle. It is situated above London, on the Thames, on the southern shore. It is on an eminence overlooking the river and the delightful valley through which the river here meanders. In the rear is a very extensive park or forest, which is penetrated in every direction by rides and walks almost innu- merable. It has been for a long time the chief country residence of the British kings. It is very spacious, containing within its walls many courts and quadrangles, with various buildings surrounding them, some ancient and some mod- 24 King Charles I. [1610. Journey to London. A mother's love. Rejoicings. ern. Here King James held his court after his arrival in England, and in about a year he sent for the little Charles to join him. The child traveled very slowly, and by very easy stages, his nurses and attendants watch- ing over him with great solicitude all the way. The journey was made in the month of October. His mother watched his arrival with great in- terest. Being so feeble and helpless, he was, of course, her favorite child. By an instinct which very strongly evinces the wisdom and goodness which implanted it, a mother always bestows a double portion of her love upon the frail, the helpless, and the suffering. Instead of being wearied out with protracted and incessant calls for watchfulness and care, she feels only a deep- er sympathy and love, in proportion to the in- firmities which call for them, and thus finds her highest happiness in what we might expect would be a weariness and a toil. Little Charles was four years old when he reached Windsor Castle. They celebrated his arrival with great rejoicings, and a day or two afterward they invested him with the title of Duke of York, a still higher distinction than he had before attained. Soon after this, when he was perhaps five or six years of age, a gentle- 1610.] His Childhood and Youth. 25 Charles's continued feebleness. His progress in learning. man was appointed to take the charge of his education. His health gradually improved, though he still continued helpless and feeble. It was a long time before he could walk, on ac- count of some malformation of his limbs. He learned to talk, too, very late and very slowly. Besides the general feebleness of his constitu- tion, which kept him back in all these things, there was an impediment in his speech, which affected him very much in childhood, and which, in fact, never entirely disappeared. As soon, however, as he commenced his stud- ies under his new tutor, he made much great- er progress than had been expected. It was soon observed that the feebleness which had attached to him pertained more to the body than to the mind. He advanced with consid- erable rapidity in his learning. His progress was, in fact, in some degree, promoted by his bodily infirmities, which kept him from playing with the other boys of the court, and led him to like to be still, and to retire from scenes of sport and pleasure which he could not share. The same cause operated to make him not agreeable as a companion, and he was not a favorite among those around him. They call- ed him Baby Charley. His temper seemed to 26 King Charles I. [1616. Charles improves in health. Death of his brother. be in some sense soured by the feeling of his in- feriority, and by the jealousy he would natural- ly experience in finding himself, the son of a king, so outstripped in athletic sports by those whom he regarded as his inferiors in rank and station. The lapse of a few years, however, after this time, made a total change in Charles's position and prospects. His health improved, and his constitution began to be confirmed and estab- lished. When he was about twelve years of age, too, his brother Henry died. This circum- stance made an entire change in all his pros- pects of life. The eyes of the whole kingdom, and, in fact, of all Europe, were now upon him as the future sovereign of England. His sister Elizabeth, who was a few years older than him- self, was, about this time, married to a Ger- man prince, with great pomp and ceremony, young Charles acting the part of brideman. In consequence of his new position as heir-ap- parent to the throne, he was advanced to new honors, and had new titles conferred upon him, until at last, when he was sixteen years of age, he was made Prince of Wales, and certain rev- enues were appropriated to support a court for him, that he might be surrounded with external 1618.] His Childhood and Youth. 27 Charles's love of athletic sports. Buckingham. circumstances and insignia of rank and power, corresponding with his prospective greatness. In the mean time his health and strength rapidly improved, and with the improvement came a taste for manly and athletic sports, and the attainment of excellence in them. He be- came very famous for his skill in all the exploits and performances of the young men of those days, such as shooting, riding, vaulting, and tilting at tournaments. From being a weak, sickly, and almost helpless child, he became, at twenty, an active, athletic young man, full of life and spirit, and ready for any romantic en- terprise. In fact, when he was twenty-three years old, he embarked in a romantic enter- prise which attracted the attention of all the world. This enterprise will presently be de- scribed. There was at this time, in the court of King James, a man who became very famous after- ward as a favorite and follower of Charles. He is known in history under the name of the Duke of Buckingham. His name was origin- ally George Villiers. He was a very hand- some young man, and he seems to have attract- ed King James's attention at first on this ac- count. James found him a convenient attend- 28 King Charles I. [1618. Buckingham's style of living. Royalty. ant, and made him, at last, his principal favor- ite. He raised him to a high rank, and con- ferred upon him, among other titles, that of Duke of Buckingham. The other persons about the court were very envious and jealous of his influence and power ; but they were obliged to submit to it. He lived in great state and splendor, and for many years was looked up to by the whole kingdom as one of the greatest personages in the realm. We shall learn hereafter how he came to his end. If the reader imagines, from the accounts which have been given thus far in this chapter of the pomp and parade of royalty, of the cas- tles and the ceremonies, the titles of nobility, and the various insignia of rank and power, which we have alluded to so often, that the mode of life which royalty led in those days was lofty, dignified, and truly great, he will be very greatly deceived. All these things were merely for show — things put on for public dis- play, to gratify pride and impress the people, who never looked behind the scenes, with high ideas of the grandeur of those who, as they were taught, ruled over them by a divine right. It would be hard to find, in any class of society except those reputed infamous, more low, gross, 1620.] His Childhood and Youth. 29 True character of royalty. The king and Buckingham. and vulgar modes of life than have been ex- hibited generally in the royal palaces of Europe for the last five hundred years. King James the First has, among English sovereigns, rath- er a high character for sobriety and gravity of deportment, and purity of morals ; but the glimpses we get of the real, every-day routine of his domestic life, are such as to show that the pomp and parade of royalty is mere glitter- ing tinsel, after all. The historians of the day tell such stories as these. The king was at one time very de- jected and melancholy, when Buckingham con- trived this plan to amuse him. In the first place, however, we ought to say, in order to il- lustrate the terms on which he and Bucking- ham lived together, that the king always called Buckingham Steeny, which was a contraction of Stephen. St. Stephen was always repre- sented, in the Catholic pictures of the saints, as a very handsome man, and Buckingham being handsome too, James called him Steeny by way of compliment. Steeny called the king his dad, and used to sign himself, in his letters, " your slave and dog Steeny." There are extant some letters which passed between the king and his favorite, written, on the part of the king, in a 30 King Charles I. [1620. Indecent correspondence. Buckingham's pig. style of grossness and indecency such that the chroniclers of those days said that they were not fit to be printed. They would not "blot their pages" with them, they said. King Charles's letters were more properly expressed. To return, then, to our story. The king was very much dejected and melancholy. Steeny, in order to divert him, had a pig dressed up in the clothes of an infant child. Buckingham's mother, who was a countess, personated the nurse, dressed also carefully for the occasion. Another person put on a bishop's robes, satin gown, lawn sleeves, and the other pontifical ornaments. They also provided a baptismal font, a prayer-book, and other things necessary for a religious ceremony, and then invited the king to come in to attend a baptism. The king came, and the pretended bishop began to read the service, the assistants looking gravely on, until the squealing of the pig brought all gravity to an end. The king was not pleased ; but the historian thinks the reason was, not any objection which he had to such a profana- tion, but to his not happening to be in a mood for it at that time. There was a negotiation going on for a long time for a marriage between one of the king's 1620.] His Childhood and Youth. 31 James's petulance. The story of Gib. sons, first Henry, and afterward Charles, and a princess of Spain. At one time the king lost some of the papers, and was storming about the palace in a great rage because he could not find them. At last he chanced to meet a cer- tain Scotchman, a servant of his, named Gib, and, like a vexed and impatient child, who lays the charge of a lost plaything upon any body who happens to be at hand to receive it, he put the responsibility of the loss of the papers upon Gib. "I remember," said he, "I gave them to you to take care of. What have you done with them?" The faithful servant fell upon his knees, and protested that he had not re- ceived them. The king was only made the more angry by this contradiction, and kicked the Scotchman as he kneeled upon the floor. The man rose and left the apartment, saying, "I have always been faithful to your majesty, and have not deserved such treatment as this. I can not remain in your service under such a degradation. I shall never see you again." He left the palace, and went away. A short time after this, the person to whose custody the king had really committed the pa- pers came in, and, on learning that they were wanted, produced them. The king was asham- 32 King Charles I. [1620. The king's frankness. Glitter of royalty. ed of his conduct. He sent for his Scotch serv- ant again, and was not easy until he was found and brought into his presence. He then kneel- ed before him and asked his forgiveness, and said he should not rise till he had forgiven him. Gib was disposed to evade the request, and urged the king to rise ; but James would not do so until he had said he forgave him, in so many words. The whole case shows how little of dignity and noble bearing there really was in the manners and conduct of the king in his daily life, though we are almost ready to over- look the ridiculous childishness and folly of his fault, on account of the truly noble frankness and honesty with which he acknowledged it. Thus, though every thing in which royalty appeared before the public was conducted with great pomp and parade, this external magnifi- cence was then, and always has been, an out- side show, without any thing corresponding to it within. The great mass of the people of England saw only the outside. They gazed with admiration at the spectacle of magnifi- cence and splendor which royalty always pre- sented to their eyes, whenever they beheld it from the distant and humble points of view which their position afforded them. Prince 1622.] His Childhood and Youth. 33 The appearance. The reality. Charles, on the other hand, was behind the cur- tain. His childhood and youth were exposed fully to all the real influences of these scenes. The people of England submitted to be govern- ed by such men, not because they thought them qualified to govern, or that the circumstances under which their characters were formed were such as were calculated to form, in a proper man- ner, the minds of the rulers of a Christian people. They did not know what those circumstances were. In their conceptions they had grand ideas of royal character and life, and imagined the splendid palaces which some saw, but more only heard of, at Westminster, were filled with true greatness and glory. They were really filled with vulgarity, vice, and shame. James was to them King James the First, monarch of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and Charles was Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and heir-apparent to the throne. Whereas, within the palace, to all who saw them and knew them there, and really, so far as their true moral po- sition was concerned, the father was " Old Dad," and the son, what his father always called him till he was twenty-four years old, " Baby Charley." 3 34 King Charles I. [1623. The Palatinate. Wars between the Protestants and Catholics. Chapter II. The Expedition into Spain. IN order that the reader may understand fully the nature of the romantic enterprise in which, as we have already said, Prince Charles embarked when he was a little over twenty years of age, we must premise that Frederic, the German prince who married Charles's sister Elizabeth some years before, was the ruler of a country in Germany called the Palatinate. It was on the banks of the Rhine. Frederic's title, as ruler of this coun- try, was Elector Palatine. There are a great many independent states in Germany, whose sovereigns have various titles, and are possessed of various prerogatives and powers. Now it happened that, at this time, very fierce civil wars were raging between the Cath- olics and the Protestants in Germany. Fred- eric got drawn into these wars on the Protest- ant side. His motive was not any desire to promote the progress of what he considered the true faith, but only a wish to extend his own 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 35 Frederic dispossessed of his dominions. Flees to Holland. dominions, and add to his own power ; for he had been promised a kingdom, in addition to his Palatinate, if he would assist the people of the kingdom to gain the victory over their Catholic foes. He embarked in this enterprise without consulting with James, his father-in- law, knowing that he would probably disapprove of such dangerous ambition. James was, in fact, very sorry afterward to hear of Frederic's having engaged in such a contest. The result was quite as disastrous as James feared. Frederic not only failed of getting his new kingdom, but he provoked the rage of the Catholic powers against whom he had under- taken to contend, and they poured a great army into his own original territory, and made an easy conquest of it. Frederic fled to Holland, and remained there a fugitive and an exile, hop- ing to obtain help in some way from James, in his efforts to recover his lost dominions. The people of England felt a great interest in Frederic's unhappy fate, and were very de- sirous that James should raise an army and give him some efficient assistance. One reason for this was that they were Protestants, and they were always ready to embark, on the Protestant side, in the Continental quarrels. 36 King Charles I. [1623. Elizabeth. James's plan. Donna Maria. Another reason was their interest in Elizabeth, the wife of Frederic, who had so recently left England a blooming bride, and whom they still considered as in some sense pertaining to the royal family of England, and as having a right to look to all her father's subjects for pro- tection. But King James himself had no inclination to go to war in such a quarrel. He was inac- tive in mind, and childish, and he had little taste for warlike enterprises. He undertook, however, to accomplish the object in another way. The King of Spain, being one of the most powerful of the Catholic sovereigns, had great influence in all their councils. He had also a beautiful daughter, Donna Maria, called, as Spanish princesses are styled, the Infanta. Now James conceived the design of proposing that his son Charles should marry Donna Maria, and that, in the treaty of marriage, there should be a stipulation providing that the Palatinate should be restored to Frederic. These negotiations were commenced, and they went on two or three years without mak- ing any sensible progress. Donna Maria was a Catholic, and Charles a Protestant. Now a Catholic could not marry a Protestant without 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 37 Negotiations with Spain. Obstacles and delays. a special dispensation from the pope. To get this dispensation required new negotiations and delays. In the midst of it all, the King of Spain, Donna Maria's father, died, and his son, her brother, named Philip, succeeded him. Then the negotiations had all to be commenced anew. It was supposed that the King of Spain did not wish to have the affair concluded, but liked to have it in discussion, as it tended to keep the King of England more or less under his con- trol. So they kept sending embassadors back and forth, with drafts of treaties, articles, condi- tions, and stipulations without number. There were endless discussions about securing to Don- na Maria the full enjoyment of the Catholic re- ligion in England, and express agreements were proposed and debated in respect to her having a chapel, and priests, and the right to celebrate mass, and to enjoy, in fact, all the other privileges which she had been accustomed to exercise in her own native land. James did not object. He agreed to every thing ; but still, some how or other, the arrangement could not ,be closed. There was always some pretext for delay. At last Buckingham proposed to Charles that they two should set off for Spain in per- 38 King Charles I. Buckingham's proposal. Nature of the adventure. son, and see if they could not settle the affair. Buckingham's motive was partly a sort of reck- less daring, which made him love any sort of adventure, and partly a desire to circumvent and thwart a rival of his, the Earl of Bristol, who had charge of the negotiations. It may seem to the reader that a simple journey from London to Madrid, of a young man, for the purpose of visiting a lady whom he was wish- ing to espouse, was no such extraordinary un- dertaking as to attract the attention of a spirit- ed young man to it from love of adventure. The truth is, however, that, with the ideas that then prevailed in respect to royal etiquette, there was something very unusual in this plan. The prince and Buckingham knew very well that the consent of the statesmen and high offi- cers of the realm could never be obtained, and that their only alternative was, accordingly, to go off secretly and in disguise. It seemed, however, to be rather necessary to get the king's consent. But Buckingham did not anticipate much difficulty in this, as he was accustomed to manage James almost like a child. He had not, however, been on very good terms with Charles, having been accus- tomed to treat him in the haughty and imperi- 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 39 Buckingham's dissimulation. Charles persuaded. ous manner which James would usually yield to, but which Charles was more inclined to re- sist and resent. When Buckingham, at length, conceived of this scheme of going into Spain, he changed his deportment toward Charles, and endeavored, by artful dissimulation, to gain his kind regard. He soon succeeded, and then he proposed his plan. He represented to Charles that the sole cause of the delays in settling the question of his mar- riage was because it was left so entirely in the hands of embassadors, negotiators, and states- men, who involved every thing in endless maz- es. " Take the affair into your own hands," said he, " like a man. Set off with me, and go at once into Spain. Astonish them with your sudden and unexpected presence. The Infan- ta will be delighted at such a proof of your ar- dor, courage, and devotion, and will do all in her power to co-operate with you in bringing the affair at once to a close. Besides, the whole world will admire the originality and boldness of the achievement." Charles was easily persuaded. The next thing was to get the king's consent. Charles and Buckingham went to his palace one day, and, watching their opportunity when he was 40 King Charles I. [1623. James's perplexity. He reluctantly yields. pretty merry with wine, Charles told him he had a favor to ask, and wanted his father to promise to grant it before he knew what it was. James, after some hesitation, half in jest and half in earnest, agreed to it. They made him promise that he would not tell any one what it was, and then explained their plan. The king was thunderstruck ; his amazement sobered him at once. He retracted his promise. He never could consent to any such scheme. Buckingham here interposed with his aid. He told the king it was perfectly safe for the prince to go, and that this measure was the only plan which could bring the marriage treaty to a close. Besides, he said, if he and the prince were there, they could act far more -effectually than any embassadors in securing the restoration of the Palatinate to Frederic. James could not withstand these entreaties and arguments, and he finally gave a reluctant con- sent to the plan. He repented, however, as soon as the con- sent was given, and when Charles and Buck- ingham came next to see him, he said it must be given up. One great source of his anxiety was a fear that his son might be taken and kept a prisoner, either in France or Spain, and de- 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 41 James's fears. Royal captives. tained a long time in captivity. Such a cap- tive was always, in those days, a very tempt- ing prize to a rival power. Personages of very high rank may be detained as captives, while all the time those who detain them may pre- tend not to confine them at all, the guards and sentinels being only marks of regal state, and indications of the desire of the power into whose hands they have fallen to treat them in a man- ner comporting with their rank. Then there were always, in those days, questions and dis- putes pending between the rival courts of En- gland, France, and Spain, out of which it was easy to get a pretext for detaining any strolling prince who might cross the frontier, as security for the fulfillment of some stipulation, or for do- ing some act of justice claimed. James, know- ing well how much faith and honor were to be expected of kings and courts, was afraid to trust his son in French or Spanish dominions. He said he certainly could not consent to his going, without first sending to France, at least, for a safe-conduct — that is, a paper from the government, pledging the honor of the king not to molest or interrupt him in his journey through his dominions. Buckingham, instead of attempting to reas- 42 King Charles I. [1623. Buckingham's violence. Angry disputes. sure the king by fresh arguments and persua- sions, broke out into a passion, accused him of violating his promise not to reveal their plan to any one, as he knew, he said, that this new op- position had been put into his head by some of his counselors whom he had made known the design. The king denied this, and was terrified, agitated, and distressed by Bucking- ham's violence. He wept like a child. His opposition at length gave way a second time, and he said they might go. They named two attendants whom they wanted to go with them. One was an officer of the king's household, named Collington, who was then in the ante- room. They asked the king to call him in to see if he would go. When Collington came in, the king accosted him with, "Here's Steeny and Baby Charley that want to go to Spain and fetch the Infanta. What think you of it ?" Collington did not think well of it at all. There followed a new relapse on the part of the king from his consent, a new storm of an- ger from Buckingham, more sullen obstinacy on the part of Charles, with profane crimina- tions and recriminations one against another. The whole scene was what, if it had occurred any where else than in a palace, would have been called a brawl. 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 43 James's distress. Charles and Buckingham depart It ended, as brawls usually do, in the tri- umph of the most unreasonable and violent. James threw himself upon a bed which was in the room, weeping bitterly, and saying that they would go, and he should lose his Baby Charley. Considering that Charles was now the monarch's only child remaining at home, and that, as heir to the crown, his life was of great consequence to the realm, it is not sur- prising that his father was distressed at the idea of his exposing himself to danger on such an expedition ; but one not accustomed to what is behind the scenes in royal life would expect a little more dignity and propriety in the mode of expressing paternal solicitude from a king. Charles and Buckingham set off secretly from London ; their two attendants were to join them in different places — the last at Do- ver, where they were to embark. They laid aside all marks of distinction in dress, such as persons of high rank used to wear in those days, and took the garb of the common people. They put on wigs, also, the hair being very long, so as to shade the face and alter the ex- pression of their countenances. These extern- al disguises, however, were all that they could command. They could not assume the modest 44 King Charles I. [1623. Charles and Buckingham's boisterous conduct. Arrested at Dover and quiet air and manner of persons in the or- dinary walks of life, but made such displays, and were so liberal in the use of their money, and carried such an air and manner in all that they did and said, that all who had any inter- course with them perceived that they were in disguise. They were supposed to be wild blades, out on some frolic or other, but still they were allowed to pass along without any molestation. They were, however, stopped at Dover, where in some way they attracted the atten- tion of the mayor of the town. Dover is on the Channel, opposite to Calais, at the narrow- est point. It was, of course, especially in those days, the point where the principal intercourse between the two nations centered. The mag- istrates of the two towns were obliged, conse- quently, to be on the alert, to prevent the es- cape of fugitives and criminals, as well as to guard against the efforts of smugglers, or the entrance of spies or other secret enemies. The Mayor of Dover arrested our heroes. They told him that their names were Tom Smith and Jack Smith ; these, in fact, were the names with which they had traveled through England thus far. They said that they were traveling 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 45 .Arrival at Paris. Princess Henrietta. for amusement. The mayor did not believe them. He thought they were going across to the French coast to fight a duel. This was often done in those days. They then told him that they were indeed persons of rank in dis- guise, and that they were going to inspect the English fleet. He finally allowed them to em- bark. On landing at Calais, they traveled post to Paris, strictly preserving their incognito, but assuming such an air and bearing as to create the impression that they were not what they pretended. When they reached Paris, Buck- ingham could not resist the temptation of show- ing Charles a little of life, and he contrived to get admitted to a party at court, where Charles saw, among other ladies who attracted his at- tention, the Princess Henrietta. He was much struck with her beauty and grace, but he little thought that it was this princess, and not the Infanta whom he was going in pursuit of, who was really to become his wife, and the future Queen of England. The young travelers thought it not prudent to remain long in Paris, and they accordingly left that city, and pressed forward as rapidly as possible toward the Spanish frontier. They 46 King Charles I. [1623. Bourdeaux. Entrance into Madrid. managed, however, to conduct always in such a' way as to attract attention. Although they were probably sincerely desirous of not having their true rank and character known, still they could not resist the temptation to assume such an air and bearing as to make people wonder who they were, and thus increase the spirit and adventure of their journey. At Bourdeaux they received invitations from some grandees to be present at some great gala, but they de- clined, saying that they were only poor gentle- men traveling to inform their minds, and were not fit to appear in such gay assemblies. At last they approached Madrid. They had, besides Collington, another attendant who spoke the Spanish language, and served them as an interpreter. They separated from these two the day before they entered Madrid, so as to attract the less attention. Their attendants were to be left behind for a day, and afterward were to follow them into the city. The name of the British embassador at Madrid was the Earl of Bristol. He had had charge of all the negotiations in respect to the marriage, and to the restoration of the Palatinate, and believed that he had brought them almost to a success- ful termination. He lived in a palace in Mad- 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 4? Bristol's amazement. Charles's reception. rid, and, as is customary with the embassadors of great powers at the courts of great powers, in a style of the highest pomp and splendor. Buckingham took the prince directly to Bris- tol's house. Bristol was utterly confounded at seeing them. Nothing could be worse, he said, in respect to the completion of the treaty, than the prince's presence in Madrid. The intro- duction of so new and extraordinary an ele- ment into the affair would undo all that had been done, and lead the King of Spain to begin anew, and go over all the ground again. In speaking of this occurrence to another, he said that just as he was on the point of coming to a satisfactory conclusion of his long negotia- tions and toils, a demon in the shape of Prince Charles came suddenly upon the stage to thwart and defeat them all. The Spanish court was famous in those days — in fact, it has always been famous — for its punc- tilious attention to etiquette and parade ; and as soon as the prince's arrival was known to the king, he immediately began to make prep- arations to welcome him with all possible pomp and ceremony. A great procession was made through the Prado, which is a street in Madrid famous for promenades, processions, 48 King Charles I. [1623. Grand procession. Spanish etiquette. and public displays of all kinds. In moving through the city on this occasion, the king and Prince Charles walked together, the monarch thus treating the prince as his equal. There was a great canopy of state borne over their heads as they moved along. This canopy was supported by a large number of persons of the highest rank. The streets, and the windows and balconies of the houses on each side, were thronged with spectators, dressed in the gay and splendid court dresses of those times. When they reached the end of the route, and were about to enter the gate of the palace, there was a delay to decide which should enter first, the king and the prince each insisting on giving the precedence to the other. At last it was settled by their both going in together. If the prince thus, on the one hand, derived some benefit in the gratification of his pride by the Spanish etiquette and parade, he suffered some inconvenience and disappointment from it, on the other hand, by its excluding him from all intercourse or acquaintance with the Infan- ta. It was not proper for the young man to see or to speak to the young lady, in such a case as this, until the arrangements had been more fully matured. The formalities of the 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 49 The Inftinta kept secluded. Athletic amusements. engagement must have proceeded beyond the point which they had yet reached, before the bridegroom could be admitted to a personal in- terview with the bride. It is true, he could see her in public, where she was in a crowd, with other ladies of the court, and where he could have no communication with her ; but this was all. They arranged it, however, to give Charles as many opportunities of this kind as possible. They got up shows, in which the prince could see the Infanta among the specta- tors ; and they arranged tiltings and ridings at the ring, and other athletic sports, such as Charles excelled in, and let him perform his ex- ploits in her presence. His rivals in these con- tests did not have the incivility to conquer him, and his performances excited expressions, at least, of universal admiration. But the prince and Buckingham did not very willingly submit to the stiffness and for- mality of the Spanish court. As soon as they came to feel a little at home, they began to act with great freedom. At one time the prince learned that the Infanta was going, early in the morning, to take a walk in some private pleas- ure grounds, at a country house in the neigh- borhood of Madrid, and he conceived the de- 4 50 King Charles I. [1623. Charles steals an interview. Irregularities. sign of gaining an interview with her there by stealth. He accordingly repaired to the place, got admitted in some way within the precincts of the palace, and contrived to clamber over a high wall which separated him from the grounds in which the Infanta was walking, and so let himself down into her presence. The accounts do not state whether she herself was pleased or alarmed, but the officer who had her in charge, an old nobleman, was very much alarmed, and begged the prince to retire, as he himself would be subject to a very severe punishment if it were known that he had allowed such an inter- view. Finally they opened the door, and the prince went out. Many people were pleased with this and similar adventures of the prince and of Buckingham, but the leading persons about the court were displeased with them. Their precise and formal notions of propriety were very much shocked by such freedoms. Besides, it was soon found that the charac- ters of these high-born visitors, especially that of Buckingham, were corrupt, and their lives very irregular. Buckingham was accustomed to treat King James in a very bold, familiar, and imperious manner, and he fell insensibly into the same habits of intercourse with those 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 51 Delays and difficulties. Letters. The mas»ic picture. about him in Spain. The little reserve and caution which he manifested at first soon wore off, and he began to be very generally disliked. In the mean time the negotiation was, as Bris- tol had expected, very much put back by the prince's arrival. The King of Spain formed new plans, and thought of new conditions to impose. The Catholics, too, thought that Charles's com- ing thus into a Catholic country, indicated some leaning, on his part, toward the Catholic faith. The pope actually wrote him a long letter, the object of which was to draw him off from the ranks of Protestantism. Charles wrote a civil, but rather an evasive reply. In the mean time, King James wrote childish letters from time to time to his two dear boys, as he called them, and he sent them a great many presents of jewelry and splendid dresses, some for them to wear themselves, and some for the prince to offer as gifts to the Infanta. Among these, he describes, in one of his letters, a little mirror, set in a case which was to be worn hung at the girdle. He wrote to Charles that when he gave this mirror to the Infanta, he must tell her that it was a picture which he had had im- bued with magical virtue by means of incan- tations and charms, so that whenever she 52 King Charles I. [1623. The pope's dispensation. The treaty signed. looked into it, she would see a portrait of the most beautiful princess in England, France, or Spain. At last the great obstacle in the way of the conclusion of the treaty of marriage, which con- sisted in the delays and difficulties in getting the pope's dispensation, was removed. The dispensation came. But then the King of Spain wanted some new guarantees in respect to the privileges of Catholics in England, under pretense of securing more perfectly the rights of the Infanta and of her attendants when they should have arrived in that country. The truth was, he probably wanted to avail him- self of the occasion to gain some foothold for the Catholic faith in England, which country had become almost entirely Protestant. At length, however, all obstacles seemed to be re- moved, and the treaty was signed. The news of it was received with great joy in England, as it seemed to secure a permanent alliance between the two powerful countries of England and Spain. Great celebrations took place in London, to do honor to the occasion. A chapel was built for the Infanta, to be ready for her on her arrival ; and a fleet was fitted out to con- vey her and her attendants to her new home. 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 53 Buckingham is hated. He breaks off the match. In the mean time, however, although the king had signed the treaty, there was a strong party formed against the marriage in Spain. Buckingham was hated and despised. Charles, they saw, was almost entirely under his influ- ence. They said they would rather see the In- fanta in her grave than in the hands of such men. Buckingham became irritated by the hostility he had awakened, and he determined to break off the match entirely. He wrote home to James that he had no idea that the Spanish court had any intention of carrying the arrangement really into effect ; that they were procrastinating the affair on every possi- ble pretext, and that he was really afraid that, if the prince were to attempt to leave the coun- try, they would interpose and detain him as a prisoner. King James was very much alarmed. He wrote in the greatest trepidation, urging " the lads" to come away immediately, leaving a proxy behind them, if necessary, for the sol- emnization of the marriage. This was what Buckingham wanted, and he and the prince began to make preparations for their departure. The King of Spain, far from interposing any obstacles in the way, only treated them with greater and higher marks of respect a a the 54 King Charles I. [1623. Festivities at the Escurial. Taking leave. time of their separation from his court drew nigh. He arranged great and pompous cere- monies to honor their departure. He accom- panied them, with all the grandees of the court, as far as to the Escurial, which is a famous royal palace not far from Madrid, built, and furnished in the most sumptuous style of mag- nificence and splendor. Here they had part- ing feasts and celebrations. Here the prince took his leave of the Infanta, Bristol serving as interpreter, to translate his parting speeches into Spanish, so that she could understand them. From the Escurial the prince and Bucking ham, with a great many English noblemen who had followed them to Madrid, and a great train of attendants, traveled toward the sea- coast, where a fleet of vessels were ready to receive them. They embarked at a port called St. Andrew. They came very near being lost in a storm of mist and rain which came upon them while going out to the ships, which were at a dis- tance from the shore, in small boats provided to convey them. Having escaped this danger, they arrived safely at Portsmouth, the great landing point of the British navy on the south- ern shores of England, and thence proceeded to 1623.] The Expedition into Spain. 57 Return to London. The Spanish match broken off. London. They sent back orders that the proxy- should not be used, and the match was finally abandoned, each party accusing the other of duplicity and bad faith. King James was, however, very glad to get his son safe back again, and the people made as many bonfires and illuminations to celebrate the breaking up of this Catholic match, as they had done before to do honor to its supposed completion. As all hope of recovering the Palatinate by negotia- tion was now past, the king began to prepare for the attempt to reconquer it by force of arms. 58 King Charles I. [1625. James prepares for war. He falls ilL Chapter III. Accession to the Throne. T/TNG JAMES made slow progress in his J-V_ military preparations. He could not raise the funds without the action of Parlia- ment, and the houses were not in very good humor. The expenses of the prince's visit to Spain had been enormous, and other charges, arising out of the pomp and splendor with which the arrangements of the court were maintained, gave them a little feeling of discontent. They had other grievances of which they were dis- posed to complain, and they began to look upon this war, notwithstanding its Protestant char- acter, as one in which the king was only striv- ing to recover his son-in-law's dominions, and, consequently, as one which pertained more to his personal interests than to the public welfare of the realm. While things were in this state the king fell sick. The mother of the Duke of Buckingham undertook to prescribe for him. It was under- stood that Buckingham himself, who had, in 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 59 Suspicions. Death of James. Accession of Charles. the course of the Spanish enterprise, and since his return, acquired an entire ascendency over Charles, was not unwilling that his old master should leave the stage, and the younger one reign in his stead ; and that his mother shared in this feeling. At any rate, her prescriptions made the king much worse. He had the sac- rament administered to him in his sick cham- ber, and said that he derived great comfort from it. One morning, very early, he sent for the prince to come and see him. Charles rose, dressed himself, and came. His father had something to say to him, and tried to speak. He could not. His strength was too far gone. He fell back upon his pillow, and died. Charles was, of course, now king. The theory in the English monarchy is, that the king never dies. So soon as the person in whom the royal sovereignty resides ceases to breathe, the principle of supremacy vests im- mediately in his successor, by a law of trans- mission entirely independent of the will of man. The son becomes king by a divine right. His being proclaimed and crowned, as he usually is, at some convenient time early in his reign, are not ceremonies which make him king. They only acknowledge him to be so. He 60 King Charles I. [1625. Different ideas of the nature and end of government does not, in any sense, derive his powers and prerogatives from these acts. He only receives from his people, by means of them, a recogni- tion of his right to the high office to which he has already been inducted by the fiat of Heaven. It will be observed, thus, that the ideas which prevailed in respect to the nature and province of government, were very different in England at that time from those which are entertained in America at the present day. With us, the administration of government is merely a busi- ness, transacted for the benefit of the people by their agents — men who are put in power for this purpose, and who, like other agents, are responsible to their principals for the man- ner in which they fulfill their trusts. But gov- ernment in England was, in the days of the Stuarts — and it is so to a great extent at the present day — a right which one family possess- ed, and which entitled that family to certain im- munities, powers, and prerogatives, which they held entirely independent of any desire, on the part of the people, that they should exercise them, or even their consent that they should do so. The right to govern the realm of Great Britain was a sort of estate which descended to Charles from his ancestors, and with the pos- 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 61 Hereditary succession illustrated by an argument. session and enjoyment of which the community had no right to interfere. This seems, at first view, very absurd to us, but it is not particularly absurd. Charles's lawyers would say to any plain proprietor of a piece of land, who might call in question his right to govern the country, The king holds his crown by precisely the same tenure that you hold your farm. Why should you be the ex- clusive possessor of that land, while so many poor beggars are starving ? Because it has de- scended to you from your ancestors, and noth- ing has descended to them. And it is precise- ly so that the right to manage the fleets and armies, and to administer the laws of the realm, has descended, under the name of sovereignty, to him, and no such political power has de- scended to you. True, the farmer would reply ; but in mat- ters of government we are to consider what will promote the general good. The great ob- ject to be attained is the welfare and happiness of the community. Now, if this general wel- fare comes into competition with the supposed rights of individuals, arising from such a prin- ciple as hereditary succession, the latter ought certainly to yield. 62 King Charles I. [1625. Property and prerogatives. Hereditary succession an absolute right. But why, might the lawyer reply, should rights founded on hereditary succession yield any more readily in the case of government than in the case of property ? The distribution of property influences the general welfare quite as much as the management of power. Sup- pose it were proved that the general welfare of your parish would be promoted by the division of your land among the destitute there. You have nothing to oppose to such a proposition but your hereditary right. And the king has that to oppose to any plan of a division of his prerogatives and powers among the people who would like to share them. Whatever may be thought of this reasoning on this side of the Atlantic, and at the present day, it was considered very satisfactory in En- gland two or three centuries ago. The true and proper jurisdiction of an English monarch, as it had existed from ancient times, was con- sidered as an absolute right, vesting in each successive inheritor of the crown, and which the community could not justly interfere with or disturb for any reasons less imperious than such as would authorize an interference with the right of succession to private property. In- deed, it is probable that, with most men at 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 63 Three things hereditary in England. The Stuarts. that time, an inherited right to govern was regarded as the most sacred of the two. The fact seems to be, that the right of a son to come into the place of his father, whether in respect to property, power, or social rank, is not a natural, inherent, and indefeasible right, but a privilege which society accords, as a matter of convenience and expediency. In En- gland, expediency is, on the whole, considered to require that all three of these things, viz., property, rank, and power, in certain cases, should descend from father to son. In this country, on the other hand, we confine the he- reditament to property, abrogating it in the case of rank and power. In neither case is there probably any absolute natural right, but a conventional right is allowed to take its place in one, or another, or all of these particulars, according to the opinion of the community in respect to what its true interests and the gen- eral welfare, on the whole, require. The kings themselves of this Stuart race — which race includes Mary Queen of Scots, the mother of the line, and James I., Charles I., Charles II., and James II. — entertained very high ideas of these hereditary rights of theirs to govern the realm of England. They felt a 64 King Charles I. [1625. Parliament The Legislature in the United States. determination to maintain these rights and powers at all- hazards. Charles ascended the throne with these feelings, and the chief point of interest in the history of his reign is the con- test in which he engaged with the English peo- ple in his attempts to maintain them. The body with which the king came most immediately into conflict in this long struggle were the two houses of Parliament. And here American readers are very liable to fall into a mistake by considering the houses of Parlia- ment as analogous to the houses of legislation in the various governments of this country. In our governments the chief magistrate has only to execute definite and written laws and or- dinances, passed by the Legislature, and which the Legislature may pass with or without his consent ; and when enacted, he must be gov- erned by them. Thus the president or the governor is, in a certain sense, the agent and officer of the legislative power of the state, to carry into effect its decisions, and this legisla- tive power has really the control. By the ancient Constitution of England, how- ever, the Parliament was merely a body of counselors, as it were, summoned by the king to give him their advice, to frame for him such 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 65 The nature of Parliament. The nobles. laws as he wanted to have framed, and to aid him in raising funds by taxing the people. The king might call this council or not, as he pleased. There was no necessity for calling it unless he needed more funds than he could raise by his own resources. When called, they felt that they had come, in a great measure, to aid the king in doing his will. When they framed a law, they sent it to him, and if he was satisfied with it, he made it law. It was the king who really enacted it. If he did not approve the law, he wrote upon the parchment which contained it, " The king will think of it," and that was the end. The king would call upon them to assess a tax and collect the mon- ey, and would talk to them about his plans, and his government, and the aid which he wanted from them to enable him to accomplish what he had himself undertaken. In fact, the king was the government, and the houses of Parliament his instruments to aid him in giv- ing effect to his decrees. The nobles, that is, the heads of the great families, and also the bishops, who were the heads of the various dioceses of the Church, formed one branch of this great council. This was called the House of Lords. Certain repre- 5 66 King Charles I. [1625. The Hou9C of Commons. Its humble position. sentatives of the counties and of the towns formed another branch, called the House of Commons. These delegates came to the coun- cil, not from any right which the counties and towns were supposed to possess to a share in the government, but simply because they were summoned by the king to come and give him their aid. They were to serve without pay, as a matter of duty which they owed to the sov- ereign. Those that came from counties were called knights, and those from the towns bur- gesses. These last were held in very little es- timation. The towns, in those days, were con- sidered as mere collections of shopkeepers and tradesmen, who were looked down upon with much disdain by the haughty nobles. When the king called his Parliament together, and went in to address them, he entered the cham- ber of the House of Peers, and the commons were called in, to stand where they could, with their heads uncovered, to hear what he had to say. They were, in a thousand other ways, treated as an inferior class ; but still their coun- sels might, in some cases, be of service, and so they were summoned to attend, though they were to meet always, and deliberate, in a sep- arate chamber. 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 67 The king's power over Parliament. His responsibility. As the king could call the Parliament to- gether at any time and place he pleased, so he could suspend or terminate their sittings at any time. He could intermit the action of a Par- liament for a time, sending the members to their homes until he should summon them again. This was called a prorogation. Or he could dissolve the body entirely at any time, and then require new elections for a new Parliament whenever he wanted to avail himself of the wisdom or aid of such a body again. Thus every thing went on the supposition that the real responsibility for the government was with the king. He was the monarch, and the real sovereignty vested in him. He called his nobles, and a delegation from the mass of the people, together, whenever he wanted their help, and not otherwise. He was responsible, not to them nor to the people at large, but to God only, for the acts of his administration. The duty of Parliament was limited to that of aiding him in carrying out his plans of gov- ernment, and the people had nothing to do but to be obedient, submissive, and loyal. These were, at any rate, the ideas of the kings, and all the forms of the English Constitution, and 68 King Charles I. [1625. An illustration. James's message to Parliament. the ancient phraseology in which the transac- tions are expressed, correspond with them. We can not give a better proof and illustra- tion of what has been said than by transcrib- ing the substance of one of King James's mes- sages to his Parliament, delivered about the close of his life, and, of course, at the period of which we are writing. It was as follows : ' : My Lords spiritual and temporal, and you the Commons : In my last Parliament I made long discourses, especially to them of the Lower House. I did open the true thought of my heart. But I may say with our Savior, ' I have piped to you and ye have not danced ; I have mourned to you and you have not lamented;' so all my sayings turned to me again without any success. And now, to tell the reasons of your calling and of this meeting, apply it to yourselves, and spend not the time in long speeches. Consider that the Parliament is a thing composed of a head and a body; the monarch and the two estates. It was, first, a monarchy ; then, after, a Par- liament. There are no Parliaments but in monarchical gov- ernments; for in Venice, the Netherlands, and other free governments there are none. The head is to call the body together ; and for the clergy the bishops are chief, for shires their knights, for towns and cities their burgesses and citi- zens. These are to treat of difficult matters, and counsel their king with their best advice to make laws* for the com- monweal ; and the Lower House is also to petition the king and acquaint him with their grievances, and not to meddle with the king's prerogative. They are to offer supply for his necessity, and he to distribute, hi recompense thereof, * Meaning advice to him how he shall make laws, as is evident from what is said below. 1625.] Accession TO THE Throne. 69 James's message to Parliament. Its high tone. justice and mercy. As in all Parliaments it is the king's of- fice to make good laws, whose fundamental cause is the peo- ple's ill manners, so at this time. " For a supply to my necessities, I have reigned eighteen years, in which I have had peace, and I have received far less supply than hath been given to any king since the Con- quest. The last queen had, one year with another, above a hundred thousand pounds per annum in subsidies ; and in all my time I have had but four subsidies* and six fifteens.* It is ten years since I had a subsidy, in all which time I have been sparing to trouble you. I have turned myself as nearly to save expenses as I may. I have abated much in my household expenses, in my navies, and the charge of my mu- nition." After speaking about the affairs of the Pa- latinate, and calling upon the Parliament to furnish him with money to recover it for his son-in-law, he adds : " Consider the trade for the making thereof better, and show me the reason why my mint, these eight or nine years, hath not gone. I confess I have been liberal in my grants ; but if I be informed, I will amend all hurtful grievances. But whoever shall hasten after grievances, and desire to make himself popular, he hath the spirit of Satan. I was, in my first Parliament, a novice ; and in my last, there was a kind of beasts, called undertakers, a dozen of whom undertook to govern the last Parliament, and they led me. I shall thank yon for your good office, and desire that the world may say well of our agreement." This kind of harangue from the king to his Parliament seems not to have been considered, * Species of taxes granted by Parliament. 70 King Charles I. [1625. Privileges of the House of Commons. at the time, at all extraordinary ; though, if such a message were to be sent, at the present day, by a President of the United States to the houses of Congress, we think it would make a sensation. Still, notwithstanding what we have said, the Parliament did contrive gradually to attain to the possession of some privileges and powers of its own. The English people have a great deal of independence and spirit, though Ameri- cans traveling there, with ideas carried from this country, are generally surprised at finding so little instead of so much. The knights and burgesses of the House of Commons, though they submitted patiently to the forms of degra- dation which the lords and kings imposed upon them, gradually got possession of certain pow- ers which they claimed as their own, and which they showed a strong disposition to defend. They claimed the exclusive right to lay taxes of every kind. This had been the usage so long, that they had the same right to it that the king had to his crown. They had a right, too, to petition the king for a redress of any grievances which they supposed the people were suffering under his reign. These, and certain other powers and immunities which 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 71 The king's prerogatives. Charles's contest with Parliament. they had possessed, were called their privileges. The king's rights were, on the other hand, called his prerogatives. The Parliament were always endeavoring to extend, define, and es- tablish their privileges. The king was equally bent on maintaining his ancient prerogatives. King Charles's reign derives its chief interest from the long and insane contest which he waged with his Parliament on this question. The contest commenced at the king's accession to the throne, and lasted a quarter of a cen- tury : it ended with his losing all his preroga- tives and his head. This circumstance, that the main interest in King Charles's reign is derived from his con- test with his Parliament, has made it necessary to explain somewhat fully, as we have done, the nature of that body. We have described it as it was in the days of the Stuarts ; but, in order not to leave any wrong impression on the mind of the reader in regard to its present con- dition, we must add, that though all its ex- ternal forms remain the same, the powers and functions of the body have greatly changed. The despised and contemned knights and bur- gesses, that were not worthy to have seats pro- vided for them when the king was delivering 72 King Charles I. [1625. Present condition of the Commons. Its vast influence. them his speech, now rule the world ; or, at least, come nearer to the possession of that do- minion than any other power has ever done, in ancient or modern times. They decide who shall administer the government, and in what way. They make the laws, settle questions of trade and commerce, decide really on peace and war, and, in a word, hold the whole con- trol, while the nominal sovereign takes rides in the royal parks, or holds drawing-rooms in the palaces, iii^ empty and powerless parade. There is no question that the British House of Commons has exerted a far wider influence on the destinies of the human race than anj* other governmental power that has ever existed. It has gone steadily on for five, and perhaps for ten centuries, in the same direction and toward the same ends ; and whatever revolutions may threaten other elements of European power, the British House of Commons, in some form or other, is as sure as any thing human can be of existence and power for five or ten centuries to come. And yet it is one of the most remarkable of the strange phenomena of social life, that this body, standing at the head, as it really does, of all human power, submits patiently still to 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 73 Old forms still retained. Will probably be changed. all the marks and tokens of inferiority and deg- radation which accompanied its origin. It comes together when the sovereign sends writs, ordering the several constituencies to choose their representatives, and the representatives to assemble. It comes humbly into the House of Peers to listen to the instructions of the sover- eign at the opening of the session, the mem- bers in a standing position, and with heads un- covered.* It debates these suggestions with forms and in a phraseology which imply that it is only considering what counsel to give the king. It enacts nothing — it only recommends ; and it holds its existence solely at the discre- tion of the great imaginary power which called it into being. These forms may, very proba- bly, soon be changed for others more true to the facts ; and the principle of election may be changed, so as to make the body represent more fully the general population of the empire ; but the body itself will doubtless continue its action for a very long period to come. According to the view of the subject which * Even in the case of a committee of conference between the two houses, the lords have seats in the committee-room, and wear their hats. The members from the commons must stand, and be uncovered during the deliberations • 74 King Charles I. [1625. Effects of a demise of the crown. All offices expire. we have presented, it would, of course follow, as the real sovereignty was mainly in the king's hands, that at the death of one monarch and the accession of another, the functions of all officers holding their places under the authority of the former would expire. This was actually the case. And it shows how entirely the Par- liament was considered as the instrument and creation of the king, that on the death of a king, the Parliament immediately expired. The new monarch must make a new Parliament if he wished one to help him carry out his own plans. In the same manner almost all other offices ex- pired. As it would be extremely inconvenient or impossible to appoint anew all the officers of such a realm on a sudden emergency, it is usual for the king to issue a decree renewing the appointments of the existing incumbents of these offices. Thus King Charles, two days after his father's death, made it his first act to renew the appointments of the members of his father's privy council, of the foreign embassa- dors, and of the judges of the courts, in order that the affairs of the empire might go on with- out interruption. He also issued summonses for calling a Parliament, and then made ar- rangements for the solemnization of his father's funeral. 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 77 Westminster. The Strand. Temple Bar. The scene of these transactions was what was, in those days, called Westminster. Min- ster means cathedral. A cathedral church had been built, and an abbey founded, at a short distance west from London, near the mouth of the Thames. The church was called the West minster, and the abbey, Westminster Abbey. The town afterward took the same name. The street leading to the city of London from West- minster was called the Strand ; it lay along the shore of the river. The gate by which the city of London was entered on this side was called Temple Bar, on account of a building just within the walls, at that point, which was call- ed the Temple. In process of time, London ex- panded beyond its bounds and spread westward. The Strand became a magnificent street of shops and stores. Westminster was filled with palaces and houses of the nobility, the whole region being entirely covered with streets and edifices of the greatest magnificence and splen- dor. Westminster is now called the West End of London, though the jurisdiction of the city still ends at Temple Bar. Parliament held its sessions in a building near the shore, called St. Stephen's. The king's palace, called St. James's Palace, was near. 78 King Charles I. [1625. Somerset House. James's funeral. The old church became a place of sepulture for the English kings, where a long line of them now repose. The palace of King James's wife, Anne of Denmark, was on the bank of the river, some distance down the Strand. She called it, during her life, Denmark House, in honor of her native land. Its name is -now Somerset House. King James's funeral was attended with great pomp. The body was conveyed from Somerset House to its place of repose in the Abbey, and attended by a great procession. King Charles walked as chief mourner. Two earls attended him, one on each side, and the train of his robes was borne by twelve peers of the realm. The expenses of this funeral amounted to a sum equal to two hundred thou- sand dollars. One thing more is to be stated before we can consider Charles as fairly entered upon his career, and that is the circumstance of his mar- riage. His father James, so soon as he found the negotiations with Spain must be finally abandoned, opened a new negotiation with the King of France for his daughter Henrietta Maria. After some delay, this arrangement was concluded upon. The treaty of marriage 1625.] Accession to the Throne. 79 Marriage of Charles. Imposing ceremonies. was made, and soon after the old king's death, Charles began to think of bringing home his bride. He accordingly made out a commission for a nobleman, appointed for the purpose, to act in his name, in the performance of the ceremony at Paris. The pope's dispensation was obtain- ed, Henrietta Maria, as well as the Infanta, being a Catholic. The ceremony was perform- ed, as such ceremonies usually were in Paris, in the famous church of Notre Dame, where Charles's grandmother, Mary Queen of Scots, had been married to a prince of France about seventy years before. There was a great theater, or platform, erect- ed in front of the altar in the church, which was thronged by the concourse of spectators who rushed to witness the ceremony. The beautiful princess was married by proxy to a man in another kingdom, whom she had never seen, or, at least, never known. It is not probable that she observed him at the time when he was, for one evening, in her presence, on his journey through Paris. The Duke of Buckingham had been sent over by Charles to conduct home his bride. Ships were waiting at Boulogne, a port nearly opposite to Dover, 80 King Charles I. [1625. Arrival of the bride at London. Her residence. to take her and her attendants on board. She bade farewell to the palaces of Paris, and set out on her journey.* The king, in the mean time, had gone to Dover, where he awaited her arrival. She landed at Dover on the day after sailing from Boulogne, sea-sick and sad. The king received his bride, and with their attendants they went by carriages to Canterbury, and on the follow- ing day they entered London. Great prepara- tions had been made for receiving the king and his consort in a suitable manner ; but London was, at this time, in a state of great distress and fear on account of the plague which had broken out there. The disease had increased during the king's absence, and the alarm and anxiety were so great, that the rejoicings on account of the arrival of the queen were omit- ted. She journeyed quietly, therefore, to West- minster, and took up her abode at Somerset House, which had been the residence of her predecessor. They had fitted it up for her re- ception, providing for it, among other conven- iences, a Roman Catholic chapel, where she could enjoy the services of religion in the forms to which she had been accustomed. * See portrait at the commencement of this volume. 1625.] Buckingham. 81 Charles's accession. Leading events of his reign. Chapter IV. Bucking ii a m. CHARLES commenced his reign in 1625. He continued to reign about twenty-four years. It will assist the reader to receive and retain in mind a clear idea of the course of events during his reign, if we regard it as di- vided into three periods. During the first, which continued about four years, Charles and the Parliament were both upon the stage, con- tending with each other, but not at open war. Each party managed, and maneuvered, and struggled to gain its own ends, the disagree- ment widening and deepening continually, till it ended in an open rupture, when Charles aban- doned the plan of having Parliaments at all, and attempted to govern alone. This attempt to manage the empire without a legislature lasted for ten years, and is the second period. After this a Parliament was called, and it soon made itself independent of the king, and be- came hostile to him, the two powers being at open war, which constitutes the third period. 6 82 King Charles I. [1625. Buckingham. His influence over the king. Thus we have four years spent in getting into the quarrel between the king and Parliament, ten years in an attempt by the king to govern alone, and, finally, ten years of war, more or less open, the king on one side, and the Parlia- ment on the other. The first four years — that is, the time spent in getting really into the quarrel with Parlia- ment, was Buckingham's work, for during that time Buckingham's influence with the king was paramount and supreme ; and whatever was done that was important or extraordinary, though done in the king's name, really origi- nated in him. The whole country knew this, and were indignant that such a man, so un- principled, so low In character, so reckless, and so completely under the sway of his impulses and passions, should have such an influence over the king, and, through him, such power to interfere with and endanger the mighty in- terests of so vast a realm. It must not be supposed, however, in conse- quence of what has been said about the extent of the regal power in England, that the daily care and responsibility of the affairs of govern- ment, in its ordinary administration, rested di- rectly upon the king. It is not possible that 1625.] Buckingham. 83 General system of government. any one mind can even comprehend, far less di- rect, such an enormous complication of inter- ests and of action as is involved in the carry- ing on, from day to day, the government of an empire. Offices, authorities, and departments of administration spring up gradually, and all the ordinary routine of the affairs of the empire are managed by them. Thus the navy was all completely organized, with its gradations of rank, its rules of action, its records, its account books, its offices and arrangements for provi- sionment and supply, the whole forming a vast system which moved on of itself, whether the king were present or absent, sick or well, living or dead. It was so with the army ; it was so with the courts ; it was so with the general ad- ministration of the government at London. The immense mass of business which consti- tuted the work of government was all system- atized and arranged, and it moved on regular- ly, in the hands of more or less prudent and careful men, who governed, themselves, by an- cient rules and usages, and in most cases man- aged wisely. Every thing, however, was done in the king's name. The ships were his majesty's ships, the admirals were his majesty's servants, the 84 King Charles I. [1625. His majesty. Every thing done in the king's name. war was his majesty's war, the court was the King's Bench. The idea was. that all these thousands of officers, of all ranks and grades, were only an enormous multiplication of his majesty ; that they might do his will and carry on his administration as he would himself carry it on were he personally capable of attending to such a vast detail ; subject, of course, to cer- tain limits and restrictions which the laws and customs of the realm, and the promises and contracts of his predecessors, had imposed. But although all this action was theoretically the king's action, it came to be, in fact, almost wholly independent of him. It went on of it- self, in a regular and systematic way, pursuing its own accustomed course, except so far as the king directly interposed to modify its action. It might be supposed that the king would certainly take the general direction of affairs into his own hands, and that this charge, at least, would necessarily come upon him, as king, day by day. Some monarchs have at- tempted to do this, but it is obvious that there must be some provision for having this general charge, as well as all the subordinate functions of government, attended to independently of the king, as his being always in a condition to ful- 1625.] Buckingham. 85 The Privy Council. It represents the king. fill this duty is not to be relied upon. Some- times the king is young and inexperienced ; sometimes he is sick or absent ; and some- times he is too feeble in mind, or too indolent, or too devoted to his pleasures to exercise any governmental care. There has gradually grown up, therefore, in all monarchies, the custom of having a central board of officers of state, whom the king appoints, and who take the general direction of affairs off his mind, except so far as he chooses to interfere. This board, in England, is called the Privy Council. The Privy Council in England is a body of great importance. Its nature and its functions are, of course, entirely different from those of the two houses of Parliament. They repre- sent, or are intended to represent, the nation. The Parliament is, in theory, the nation, as- sembled at the king's command, to give him their advice. The Privy Council, on the other hand, represents the king. It is the king's Privy Council. They act in his name. They follow his directions when he chooses to give any. Whatever they decide upon and decree, the king signs— often, indeed, without any idea of what it is ; but he still signs it, and all such decrees go forth to the world as the king's or- 86 King Charles I. [1625. Constitution and functions of the Privy Council. ders in council. The Privy Council, of course, would have its meetings, its officers, its records, its rules of proceeding, and its various usages, and these grew, in time, to be laws and rights ; but still it was, in theory, only a sort of expan- sion of the king, as if to make a kind of artifi- cial being, with one soul, but many heads and hands, because no natural human being could possibly have capacities and powers extensive and multifarious enough for the exigencies of reigning. Charles thus had a council who went on with every thing, except so far as he chose to interpose. The members were gen- erally able and experienced men. And yet Buckingham was among them. He had been made Lord High Admiral of England, which gave him supreme command of the navy, and admitted him to the Privy Council. These were very high honors. This Privy Council now took the direction of public affairs, attended to every thing, pro- vided for all emergencies, and kept all the com- plicated machinery of government in motion, without the necessity of the king's having any personal agency in the matter. The king might interpose, more or less, as he was inclin- ed; and when he did interpose, he sometimes 1625.] Buckingham. 87 Restrictions on the royal power. A new Parliament. found obstacles in the way of immediately ac- complishing his plans, in the forms or usages which had gradually grown into laws. For instance, when the king began his reign, he was very eager to have the war for the re- covery of the Palatinate go on at once ; and he was, besides, very much embarrassed for want of money. He wished, therefore, in order to save time, that the old Parliament which King James had called should continue to act under his reign. But his Privy Council told him that that could not be. That was James's Parlia- ment. If he wanted one for his reign, he must call upon the people to elect a new Parliament for him. The new Parliament was called, and Charles sent them a very civil message, explaining the emergency which had induced him to call them, and the reason why he was so much in want of money. His father had left the government a great deal in debt. There had been heavy ex- penses connected with the death of the former king, and with his own accession and marriage. Then there was the war. It had been engaged in by his father, with the approbation of the former Parliament ; and engagements had been made with allies, which now they could not 88 King Charles I. [1625. The new Parliament meets at Oxford. honorably retract. He urged them, therefore, to grant, without delay, the necessary supplies. The Parliament met in July, but the plague was increasing in London, and they had to ad- journ, early in August, to Oxford. This city is situated upon the Thames, and was then, as it is now, the seat of a great many colleges. These colleges were independent of each other in their internal management, though united together in one general system. The name of one of them, which is still very distinguished, was Christ Church College. They had, among the buildings of that college, a magnificent hall, more than one hundred feet long, and very lofty, built in a very imposing style. It is still a great object of interest to all who visit Oxford. This hall was fitted up for the use of Parlia- ment, and the king met the two houses there, and made a new speech himself, and had others made by his ministers, explaining the state of public affairs, and gently urging the houses to act with promptness and decision. The houses then separated, and each com- menced its own deliberations. But, instead of promptly complying with the king's proposals, they sent him a petition for redress of a long list of what they called grievances. These 1625.] Buckingham. 89 Difficulties commence between the king and Parliament. grievances were, almost all of them, complaints of the toleration and encouragement of the Catholics, through the influence of the king's Catholic bride. She had stipulated to have a Catholic chapel, and Catholic attendants, and, after her arrival in England, she and Bucking- ham had so much influence over the king, that they were producing quite a change at court, and gradually through all ranks of society, in favor of the Catholics. The Commons com- plained of a great many things, nearly all, how- ever, originating in this cause. The king an- swered these complaints, clause by clause, prom- ising redress more or less distinctly. There is not room to give this petition and the answers in full, but as all the subsequent troubles be- tween Charles and the people of England arose out of this difficulty of his young wife's bring- ing in so strong a Catholic influence with her to the realm, it may be well to give an abstract of some of the principal petitions, with the king's answers. The Commons said That they had miderstood that popish priests, and other Catholics, were gradually creeping in as teachers of the youth of the realm, in the 90 King Charles I. [1625. Demands of Parliament, and the king's answers. various seminaries of learning, and they wanted to have decided measures taken to examine all candidates for such stations, with a view to the careful exclusion of all who were not true Prot- estants. King. — Allowed. And I will send to the archbishops and all the authorities to see that this is done. Commons.- — That more efficient arrange- ments should be made for appointing able and faithful men in the Church — men that will really devote themselves to preaching the Gos- pel to the people, instead of conferring these places and salaries on favorites ; sometimes, as has been the case, several to the same man. The king made some explanations in regard to this subject, and promised hereafter to com- ply with this requisition. Commons. — That the laws against sending children out of the country to foreign countries to be educated in Catholic seminaries should be strictly enforced, and the practice be entire- ly broken up. King. — Agreed ; and he would send to the lord admiral, and to all the naval officers on 1625.] Buckingham. 91 Demands of Parliament, and the king's answers. the coast, to watch very carefully and stop all children attempting to go abroad for such a purpose ; and he would issue a proclamation commanding all the noblemen's children now on the Continent to return by a given day. Commons. — That no Catholic (or, as they called him, popish recusant, that is, a person refusing to subscribe to the Protestant faith, recusant meaning person refusing) be admit- ted into the king's service at court ; and that no English Catholic be admitted into the queen's service. They could not refuse to al- low her to employ her own French attendants, but to appoint English Catholics to the honor- able and lucrative offices at her disposal was doing a great injury to the Protestant cause in the realm. The king agreed to this, with some condi- tions and evasions. Commons. — That all Jesuits and Catholic priests, owing allegiance to the See of Rome, should be sent away from the country, accord- ing to laws already existing, after fair notice given ; and if they would not go, that they should be imprisoned in such a manner as to be 92 King Charles I. [1625. The king and the Commons both in the wrong. kept from all communication with other per- sons, so as not to disseminate their false reli- gion. King. — The laws on this subject shall be enforced. The above are sufficient for a specimen of these complaints and of the king's answers. There were many more of them, but they have all the same character and end, namely, to stop the strong current of Catholic influence and as- cendency which was setting in to the court, and through the court into the realm, through the influence of the young queen and the per- sons connected with her. At the present day, and in this country, the Commons will be thought to be in the wrong, inasmuch as the thing which they were contending against was, in the main, merely the toleration of the Cath- olic religion. But then the king was in the wrong too, for, since the laws against this tol- eration stood enacted by the consent and con- currence of his predecessors, he should not have allowed them to be infracted and virtually an- nulled through the influence of a foreign bride and an unworthy favorite. Perhaps he felt that he was wrong, or per- 1625.] Buckingham. 93 The king promises every thing. His insincerity. haps his answers were all framed for him by his Privy Council. At all events, they were entirely favorable to the demands of the Com- mons. He promised every thing. In many things he went even beyond their demands. It is admitted, however, on all hands, that, so far as he himself had any agency in making these replies, he was not really sincere. He himself, and Buckingham, were very eager to get sup- plies. Buckingham was admiral of the fleet, and had a great desire to enlarge the force at his command, with a view to the performing of some great exploit in the war. It is under- stood, therefore, that the king intended his re- plies as promises merely. At any rate, the promises were made. The Commons were called into the great hall again, at Christ Church, where the Peers assembled, and the king's answers were read to them. Bucking- ham joined in this policy of attempting to con- ciliate the Commons. He went into their as- sembly and made a long speech, explaining and justifying his conduct, and apologizing, in some sense, for what might seem to be wrong. The Commons returned to their place of de- liberation, but they were not satisfied. They wanted something besides promises. Some 94 King Charles I. [1625. Commons not satisfied. Parliament dissolved. New one called. were in favor of granting supplies " in grati- tude to his majesty for his gracious answer." Others thought differently. They did not see the necessity for raising money for this foreign war. They had greater enemies at home (meaning Buckingham and popery) than they had abroad. Besides, if the king would stop his waste and extravagance in bestowing hon- ors and rewards, there would be money enough for all necessary uses. In a word, there was much debate, but nothing done. The king, after a short time, sent a message to them urg- ing them to come to a decision. They sent him back a declaration which showed that they did not intend to yield. Their language, how- ever, was of the most humble character. They called him " their dread sovereign," and them- selves " his poor commons." The king was displeased with them, and dissolved the Parlia- ment. They, of course, immediately became private citizens, and dispersed to their homes. After trying some ineffectual attempts to raise money by his own royal prerogatives and pow- ers, the king called a new Parliament, taking some curious precautions to keep out of it such persons as he thought would oppose his plans. The Earl of Bristol, whom Buckingham had 1628.] Buckingham. 95 Subterfuges of the king. Parliament again dissolved. been so jealous of, considering him as his rival, was an influential member of the House of Peers. Charles and Buckingham agreed to omit him in sending out the royal writs to summon the peers. He petitioned Parliament, claiming a right to his seat. Charles then sent him his writ, but gave him a command, as his sovereign, not to attend the session. He also selected four of the prominent men in the House of Commons, men whom he considered most influential in opposition to him and to Buck- ingham, and appointed them to offices which would call them away from London ; and as it was the understanding in those days that the sovereign had a right to command the services of his subjects, they were obliged to go. The king hoped, by these and similar means, to di- minish the influence against him in Parliament, and to get a majority in his favor. But his plans did not succeed. Such measures only irritated the House and the country. After another struggle, this Parliament was dissolv- ed too. Things went on so for four or five years, the breach between the king and the people grow- ing wider and wider. Within this time there were four Parliaments called, and, after various 96 King Charles I. [1628. The breach between the king and the Parliament widens. contentions with them, they were, one after an- other, dissolved. The original subject of dis- agreement, viz., the growing influence of the Catholics, was not the only one. Other points came up, growing out of the king's use of his pre- rogative, and his irregular and, as they thought, illegal attempts to interfere with their freedom of action. The king, or, rather, Buckingham using the king's name, resorted to all sorts of contrivances . to accomplish this object. For instance, it had long been the custom, in case any member of the House of Peers was absent, for him to give authority to any friend of his, who was also a member, to vote for him. This authority was called a proxy. This word is supposed to be derived from procuracy, which means action in the place of, and in behalf of, another. Buckingham induced a great num- ber of the peers to give him their proxies. He did this by rewards, honors, and various other influences, and he found so many willing to yield to these inducements, that at one time he had thirty or forty proxies in his hands. Thus, on a question arising in the House of Lords, he could give a very large majority of votes. The House, after murmuring for some time, and ex- pressing much discontent and vexation at this 1628.] Buckingham. 97 Impeachment of Buckingham. The king interferes. state of things, finally made a law that no mem- ber of the House should ever have power to use more than two proxies. One of the Parliaments which King Charles assembled at length brought articles of impeach- ment against Buckingham, and a long contest arose on this subject. An impeachment is a trial of a high officer of state for maladministra- tion of his office. All sorts of charges were brought against Buckingham, most of which were true. The king considered their inter- fering to call one of his ministers to account as wholly intolerable. He sent them orders to dis- miss that subject from their deliberations, and to proceed immediately with their work of lay- ing taxes to raise money, or he would dissolve the Parliament as he had done before. He re- minded them that the Parliaments were entirely " in his power for their calling, sitting, and dis- solution, and as he found their fruits were for good or evil, so they were to continue, or not to be." If they would mend their errors and do their duty, henceforward he would forgive the past ; otherwise they were to expect his irrec- oncilable hostility. This language irritated instead of alarming them. The Commons persisted in their plan 7 98 King Charles I. [1628. Another dissolution. Buckingham's reckless conduct. of impeachment. The king arrested the men whom they appointed as managers of the im- peachment, and imprisoned them. The Com- mons remonstrated, and insisted that Bucking- ham should be dismissed from the king's serv- ice. The king, instead of dismissing him, took measures to have him appointed, in addition to all his other offices, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, a very exalted station. Parlia- ment remonstrated. The king, in retaliation, dissolved the Parliament. Thus things went on from bad to worse, and from worse to worse again ; the chief cause of the difficulties, in almost all cases, being trace- able to Buckingham's reckless and arbitrary conduct. He was continually doing something in the pursuit of his own ends, by the rash and heedless exercise of the vast powers committed to him, to make extensive and irreparable mis- chief. At one time he ordered a part of the fleet over to the coast of France, to enter the French service, the sailors expecting that they were to be employed against the Spaniards. They found, however, that, instead of going against the Spaniards, they were to be sent to Rochelle. Rochelle was a town in France in possession of the Protestants, and the King of 1628.] Buckingham. 99 The Round Robin. Return of the English fleet. France wanted to subdue them. The sailors sent a remonstrance to their commander, beg- ging not to be forced to fight against their brother Protestants. This remonstrance was, in form, what is called a Round Robin. In a Round Robin a circle is drawn, the pe- tition or remonstrance is written within it, and the names are written all around it, to prevent any one's having to take the responsibility of being the first signer. When the commander of the fleet received the Round Robin, instead of being offended, he inquired into the facts, and finding that the case was really as the Round Robin represented it, he broke away from the French command and returned to En- gland. He said he would rather be hanged in England for disobeying orders than to fight against the Protestants of France. Buckingham might have known that such a spirit as this in Englishmen was not to be tri- fled with. But he knew nothing, and thought of nothing, except that he wanted to please and gratify the French government. When the fleet, therefore, arrived in England, he peremp- torily ordered it back, and he resorted to all sorts of pretexts and misrepresentations of the facts to persuade the officers and men that they 100 King Charles I. [1628. The officers and men desert. Expedition to Spain. were not to be employed against the Protest- ants. The fleet accordingly went back, and when they arrived, they found that Bucking- ham had deceived them. They were ordered to Rochelle. One of the ships broke away and returned to England. The officers and men deserted from the other ships and got home. The whole armament was disorganized, and the English people, who took sides with the sailors, were extremely exasperated against Bucking- ham for his blind and blundering recklessness, and against the king for giving such a man the power to do his mischief on such an extensive scale. At another time the duke and the king con- trived to fit out a fleet of eighty sail to make a descent upon the coast of Spain. It caused them great trouble to get the funds for this ex- pedition, as they had to collect them, in a great measure, by various methods depending on the king's prerogative, and not by authority of Par- liament. Thus the whole country were dis- satisfied and discontented in respect to the fleet before it was ready to sail. Then, as if this was not enough, Buckingham overlooked all the officers in the navy in selecting a commander, and put an officer of the army in charge of it ; 1628.] Buckingham. 101 Buckingham's egregious folly. The expedition ends in disaster. a man whose whole experience had been ac- quired in wars on the land. The country thought that Buckingham ought to have taken the command himself, as lord high admiral ; and if not, that he ought to have selected his commander from the ranks of the service em- ployed. Thus the fleet set off on the expedi- tion, all on board burning with indignation against the arbitrary and absurd management of the favorite. The result of the expedition was also extremely disastrous. They had an excellent opportunity to attack a number of ships, which would have made a very rich prize ; but the soldier-commander either did not know, or did not dare to do, his duty. He finally, however, effected a landing, and took a castle, but the sailors found a great store of wine there, and went to drinking and carousing, breaking through all discipline. The commander had to get them on board again immediately, and come away. Then he conceived the plan of going to intercept what were called the Spanish galleons, which were ships employed to bring home sil- ver from the mines in America, which the Span- iards then possessed. On further thoughts he concluded to give up this idea, on account of the plague, which, as he said, broke out in his 102 King Charles 1. [1628. Buckingham's quarrel with Richelieu. He resolves on war. ships. So he came back to England with his fleet disorganized, demoralized, and crippled, and covered with military disgrace. The peo- ple of England charged all this to Buckingham. Still the king persisted in retaining him. It was his prerogative to do so. After a while Buckingham got into a per- sonal quarrel with Richelieu, who was the lead- ing manager of the French government, and he resolved that England should make war upon France. To alter the whole political position of such an empire as that of Great Britain, in respect to peace and war, and to change such a nation as France from a friend to an enemy, would seem to be quite an undertaking for a single man to attempt, and that, too, without having any reason whatever to assign, except a personal quarrel with a minister about a love af- fair. But so it was. Buckingham undertook it. It was the king's prerogative to make peace or war, and Buckingham ruled the king. He contrived various ways of fomenting ill will. One was, to alienate the mind of the king from the queen. He represented to him that the queen's French servants were getting to be very disrespectful and insolent in their treat- ment of him, and finally persuaded him to 1628.] Buckingham. 103 The French servants dismissed. War declared against France. send them all home. So the king went one day to Somerset House, which was the queen's residence — for it is often the custom in high life in Europe for the husband and wife to have separate establishments — and requested her to summon her French servants into his presence, and when they were assembled, he told them that he had concluded to send them all home to France. Some of them, he said, had acted properly enough, but others had been rude and forward, and that he had concluded it best to send them all home. The French king, on hearing of this, seized a hundred and twenty English ships lying in his harbors in retaliation of this act, which he said was a palpable viola- tion of the marriage contract, as it certainly was. Upon this the king declared war against France. He did not ask Parliament to act in this case at all. There was no Parliament. Parliament had been dissolved in a fit of dis- pleasure. The whole affair was an exercise of the royal prerogative. He did not dare to call a Parliament to provide means for carrying on the war, but set his Privy Council to devise modes of doing it, through this same preroga- tive. The attempts to raise money in these ways 104 King Charles I. [1628. Expedition to France abortive. Another projected. made great trouble. The people resisted, and interposed all possible difficulties. However, some funds were raised, and a fleet of a hun- dred sail, and an army of seven thousand men, were got together. Buckingham undertook the command of this expedition himself, as there had been so much dissatisfaction with his ap- pointment of a commander to the other. It resulted just as was to be expected in the case of seven thousand men, and a hundred ships, afloat on the swelling surges of the English Channel, under the command of vanity, reck- lessness, and folly. The duke came back to England in three months, bringing home one third of his force. The rest had been lost, with- out accomplishing any thing. The measure of public indignation against Buckingham was now full. Buckingham himself walked as loftily and proudly as ever. He got up another fleet, and was preparing to set sail in it himself, as com- mander again. He went to Portsmouth, ac- cordingly, for this purpose, Portsmouth being the great naval station then, as now, on the southern coast of England. Here a man named Felton, who had been an officer under the duke in the former expedition, and who had been ex- 1628.] Buckingham. 105 Assassination of Buckingham. The king not sorry tremely exasperated against him on account of some of his management there, and who had since found how universal was the detestation of him in England, resolved to rid the country of such a curse at once. He accordingly took his station in the passage-way of the house where Buckingham was, armed with a knife. Buckingham came out, talking with some Frenchmen in an angry manner, having had some dispute with them, and Felton thrust the knife into his side as he passed, and, leaving it in the wound, walked away, no one having noticed who did the deed. Buckingham pulled out the knife, fell down, and died. The by- standers were going to seize one of the French- men, when Felton advanced and said, "I am the man who did the deed ; let no man suffer that is innocent." He was taken. They found a paper in his hat, saying that he was going to destroy the duke, and that he could not sacri- fice his life in a nobler cause than by delivering his country from so great an enemy. King Charles was four miles off at this time. They carried him the news. He did not ap- pear at; all concerned or troubled, but only di- rected that the murderer — he ought to have said, perhaps, the executioner — should be secur- 106 King Charles I. [1628. Buckingham's monument the universal execration of his countrymen. ed, and that the fleet should proceed to sail. He also ordered the treasurer to make arrange- ments for a splendid funeral. The treasurer said, in reply, that a funeral would only be a temporary show, and that he could hereafter erect a monument at half the cost, which would be a much more lasting me- morial. Charles acceded. Afterward, when Charles spoke to him about the monument, the treasurer replied, What would the world say if your majesty were to build a monument to the duke before you erect one for your father ? So the plan was abandoned, and Buckingham had no other monument than the universal detesta- tion of his countrymen. 1628.] The King's Prerogative. 107 Difficulty in raising funds. The king's resources. Chapter V. The King and his Prerogative. FT1HE great difficulty in governing without -*- a Parliament was how to raise funds. By the old customs and laws of the realm, a tax upon the people could only be levied by the ac- tion of the House of Commons ; and the great object of the king and council during Bucking- ham's life, in summoning Parliaments from time to time, was to get their aid in this point. But as Charles found that one Parliament after another withheld the grants, and spent their time in complaining of his government, he would dissolve them, successively, after ex- hausting all possible means of bringing them to a compliance with his will. He would then be thrown upon his own resources. The king had some resources of his own. These were certain estates, and lands, and other property, in various parts of the country, which belonged to the crown, the income of which the king could appropriate. But the amount which could be derived from this source 108 King Charles I. [1628. Modes of raising money. Parliaments abandoned. was very small. Then there were certain other modes of raising money, which had been resort- ed to by former monarchs, in emergencies, at distant intervals, but still in instances so nu- merous that the king considered precedents enough had been established to make the pow- er to resort to these modes a part of the prerog- ative of the crown. The people, however, con- sidered these acts of former monarchs as irreg- ularities or usurpations. They denied the king's right to resort to these methods, and they threw so many difficulties in the way of the execution of his plans, that finally he would call another Parliament, and make new efforts to lead them to conform to his will. The more the experiment was tried, however, the worse it succeeded ; and at last the king determined to give up the idea of Parliaments altogether, and to compel the people to submit to his plans of raising money without them. The final dissolution of Parliament, by which Charles entered upon his new plan of govern- ment, was attended with some resistance, and the affair made great difficulty. It seems that one of the members, a certain Mr. Rolls, had had some of his goods seized for payment of some of the king's irregular taxes, which he 1628.] The King's Prerogative. 109 The government attaches the property of a member of Parliament. had refused to pay willingly. Now it had al- ways been considered the law of the land in England, that the person and the property of a member of Parliament were sacred during the session, on the ground that while he was giving his attendance at a council meeting called by his sovereign, he ought to be protected from molestation on the part either of his fellow-sub- jects or his sovereign, in his person and in his property. The House of Commons considered, therefore, the seizure of the goods of one of the members of the body as a breach of their priv- ilege, and took up the subject with a view to punish the officers who acted. The king sent a message immediately to the House, while they were debating the subject, saying that the officer acted, in seizing the goods, in obedience to his own direct command. This produced great excitement and long debates. The king, by taking the responsibility of the seizure upon himself, seemed to bid the House defiance. They brought up this question : " Whether the seizing of Mr. Rolls's goods was not a breach of privilege ?" When the time came for a de- cision, the speaker, that is, the presiding officer, refused to put the question to vote. He said he had been commanded by the king not to do 110 King Charles I. [1628 Confusion in the House of Commons. it ! The House were indignant, and immedi- ately adjourned for two days, probably for the purpose of considering, and perhaps consulting their constituents on what they were to do in so extraordinary an emergency as the king's com- ing into their own body and interfering with the functions of one of their own proper officers. They met on the day to which they had ad- journed, prepared to insist on the speaker's putting the question. But he, immediately on the House coming to order, said that he had re- ceived the king's command to adjourn the House for a week, and to put no question what- ever. He then was going to leave the chair, but two of the members advanced to him and held him in his place, while they read some res- olutions which had been prepared. There was great confusion and clamor. Some insisted that the House was adjourned, some were determ- ined to pass the resolutions. The resolutions were very decided. They declared that who- ever should counsel or advise the laying of tax- es not granted by Parliament, or be an actor or instrument in collecting them, should be ac- counted an innovator, and a capital enemy to the kingdom and Commonwealth. And also, that if any person whatever should voluntarily 1628.] The King's Prerogative. Ill The Commons refuse to admit the king's officers. Members imprisoned. pay such taxes, he should be counted a capital enemy also. These resolutions were read in the midst of great uproar. The king was in- formed of the facts, and sent for the sergeant of the House — one of the highest officers — but the members locked the door, and would not let the sergeant go. Then the king sent one of his own officers to the House with a mes- sage. The members kept the door locked, and would not let him in until they had disposed of the resolutions. Then the House adjourned for a week. The next day, several of the leading members who were supposed to have been active in these proceedings were summoned to appear before the council. They refused to answer out of Parliament for what was said and done by them in Parliament. The council sent them to prison in the Tower. The week passed away, and the time for the reassembling of the Houses arrived. It had been known, during the week, that the king had determined on dissolving Parliament. It is usual, in dissolving a Parliament, for the sov- ereign not to appear in person, but to send his message of dissolution by some person commis- sioned to deliver it. This is called dissolving 112 King Charles I. [1628. Dissolution of Parliament. The king in the House of Lords. the House by commission. The dissolution is always declared in the House of Lords, the Commons being summoned to attend. In this case, however, the king attended in person. He was dressed magnificently in his royal robes, and wore his crown. He would not deign, however, to send for the Commons. He entered the House of Peers, and took his seat upon the throne. Several of the Commons, however, came in of their own accord, and stood below the bar, at the usual place assigned them. The king then rose and read the following speech. The antiquity of the language gives it an air of quaintness now which it did not possess then. " My Lords, — I never came here upon so un- pleasant an occasion, it being the Dissolution of a Parliament. Therefore Men may have some cause to wonder why I should not rather chuse to do this by Commission, it being a general Maxim of Kings to leave harsh Commands to their Ministers, Themselves only executing pleasing things. Yet considering that Justice as well consists in Reward and Praise of Vir- tue as Punishing of Vice, I thought it neces- sary to come here to-day, and to declare to you 1628.] The King's Prerogative. 113 The king's speech on dissolving Parliament. and all the World, that it was merely the un- dutiful and seditious Carriage in the Lower House that hath made the Dissolution of this Parliament. And you, my Lords, are so far from being any Causers of it, that I take as much comfort in your dutiful Demeanour, as I am justly distasted with their Proceedings. Yet, to avoid their Mistakings, let me tell you, that it is so far from me to adjudge all the House alike guilty, that I know there are many there as dutiful subjects as any in the World ; it being but some few Vipers among them that did cast this Mist of Undutifulness over most of their Eyes. Yet to say Truth, there was a good Number there that could not be infected with this Contagion. " To conclude, As those Vipers must look for their Reward of Punishment, so you, my Lords, may justly expect from me that Favor and Protection that a good King oweth to his loving and faithful Nobility. And now, my Lord Keeper, do what I have commanded you." Then the lord keeper pronounced the Par- liament dissolved. The lord keeper was the keeper of the great seal, one of the highest offi- cers of the crown. Q 114 King Charles I. [1628. The king resolves to do without Parliaments. Forced loans. Of course this affair produced a fever of ex- citement against the king throughout the whole realm. This excitement was kept up and in- creased by the trials of the members of Parlia- ment who had been imprisoned. The courts decided against them, and they were sentenced to long imprisonment and to heavy fines. The king now determined to do without Parliaments entirely ; and, of course, he had to raise money by his royal prerogative altogether, as he had done, in fact, before, a great deal, during the intervals between the successive Parliaments. It will not be very entertaining, but it will be very useful to the reader to peruse carefully some account of the principal methods resorted, to by the king. In order, however, to diminish the necessity for money as much as possible, the king prepared to make peace with France and Spain ; and as they, as well as England, were exhausted with the wars, this was readily effected. One of the resorts adopted by the king was to a system of loans, as they were called, though these loans differed from those made by governments at the present day, in being appor- tioned upon the whole community according to their liability to taxation, and in being made, 1630.] The King's Prerogative. 115 Monopolies of the necessaries of life. in some respects, compulsory. The loan was not to be absolutely collected by force, but all were expected to lend, and if any refused, they were to be required to make oath that they would not tell any body else that they had re- fused, in order that the influence of their ex- ample might not operate upon others. Those who did refuse were to be reported to the gov- ernment. The officers appointed to collect these loans were charged not to make unneces- sary difficulty, but to do all in their power to induce the people to contribute freely and will- ingly. This plan had been before adopted, in the time of Buckingham, but it met with little success. Another plan which was resorted to was the granting of what was called monopolies : that is, the government would select some import- ant and necessary articles in general use, and give the exclusive right of manufacturing them to certain persons, on their paying a part of the profits to the government. Soap was one of the articles thus chosen. The exclusive right to manufacture it was given to a company, on their paying for it. So with leather, salt, and various other things. These persons, when they once possessed the exclusive right to man- 116 King Charles I. [1630. Tonnage and poundage. ufacture an article which the people must use, would abuse their power by deteriorating the article, or charging enormous prices. Nothing prevented their doing this, as they had no com- petition. The effect was, that the people were injured much more than the government was benefited. The plan of granting such monopo- lies by governments is now universally odious. Another method of taxation was what was called tonnage and poundage. This was an ancient tax, assessed on merchandise brought into the country in ships, like the duties now collected at our custom-houses. It was called tonnage and poundage because the merchan- dise on which it was assessed was reckoned by weight, viz., the ton and the pound. A former king, Edward III., first assessed it to raise money to suppress piracy on the seas. He said it was reasonable that the merchandise protect- ed should pay the expense of the protection, and in proper proportion. The Parliament in that day opposed this tax. They did not ob- ject to the tax itself, but to the king's assessing it by his own authority. However, they grant- ed it themselves afterward, and it was regu- larly collected. Subsequent Parliaments had granted it, and generally made the law, once 1630.] The King's Prerogative. 117 Ship money. Origin of these taxes. for all, to continue in force during the life of the monarch. When Charles commenced his reign, the Peers were for renewing the law as usual, to continue throughout his reign. The Commons wanted to enact the law only for a year at a time, so as to keep the power in their own hands. The two houses thus disagreed, and nothing was done. The king then went on to collect the tax without any authority ex- cept his own prerogative. Another mode of levying money adopted by the king was what was called ship money. This was a plan for raising a navy by making every town contribute a certain number of ships, or the money necessary to build them It originated in ancient limes, and was at first confined to seaport towns which had ships. These towns were required to furnish them for the king's service, sometimes to be paid for by the king, at other times by the country, and at other times not to be paid for at all. Charles revived this plan, extending it to the whole country ; a tax was assessed on all the towns, each one being required to furnish money enough for a certain number of ships. The number at one time required of the city of Lon- don was twentv. 118 King Charles I. [1636. John Hampden. He refuses to pay ship money. There was one man who made his name very celebrated then, and it has continued very- celebrated since, by his refusal to pay his ship money, and by his long and determined contest with the government in regard to it, in the courts. His name was John Hampden. He was a man of fortune and high character. His tax for ship money was only twenty shillings, but he declared that he would not pay it with- out a trial. The king had previously obtained the opinion of the judges that he had a right, in case of necessity, to assess and collect the ship money, and Hampden knew, therefore, that the decision would certainly, in the end, be against him. He knew, however, that the attention of the whole country would be attracted to the trial, and that the arguments which he should offer to prove that the act of collecting such a tax on the part of the king's government was illegal and tyrannical, would be spread before the country, and would make a great impres- sion, although they certainly would not alter the opinion of the judges, who, holding their offices by the king's appointment, were strong- ly inclined to take his side. It resulted as Hampden had foreseen. The trial attracted universal attention. It was a 1636.] The King's Prerogative. 119 Hampden's trial. Ha is compelled to pay. great spectacle to see a man of fortune and standing like him, making all those prepara- tions, and incurring so great expense, on ac- count of a refusal to pay five dollars, knowing, too, that he would have to pay it in the end. The people of the realm were convinced that Hampden was right, and they applauded and honored him very greatly for his spirit and courage. The trial lasted twelve days. The illegality and injustice of the tax were fully ex- posed. The people concurred entirely with him, and even a part of the judges were con- vinced. He was called the patriot Hampden, and his name will always be celebrated in En- glish history. The whole discussion, however, though it produced a great effect at the time, would be of no interest now, since it turned mainly on the question what the king's rights actually were, according to the ancient cus- toms and usages of the realm. The question before mankind now is a very different one ; it is not what the powers and prerogatives of government have been in times past, but what they ought to be now and in time to come. The king's government gained the victory, ostensibly, in this contest, and Hampden had to pay his money. Very large sums were col- 120 King Charles I. [1638. A fleet raised. • Its exploits among the herring-lmsses. lected, also, from others by this tax, and a great fleet was raised. The performances and ex- ploits of the fleet had some influence in quiet- ing the murmurs of the people. The fleet was the greatest which England had ever possessed. One of its exploits was to compel the Dutch to pay a large sum for the privilege of fishing in the narrow seas about Great Britain. The Dutch had always maintained that these seas were public, and open to all the world ; and they had a vast number of fishing boats, called herring-busses, that used to resort to them for the purpose of catching herring, which they made a business of preserving and sending all over the world. The English ships attacked these fleets of herring-busses, and drove them off; and as the Dutch were not strong enough to defend them, they agreed to pay a large sum annually for the right to fish in the seas in question, protesting, however, against it as an extortion, for they maintained that the En- glish had no control over any seas beyond the bays and estuaries of their own shores. One of the chief means which Charles de- pended upon during the long period that he governed without a Parliament, was a certain famous tribunal or court called the Star Cham- 1636.] The King's Prerogative. 121 Court of the Star Chamber. Its constitution. ber. This court was a very ancient one, hav- ing been established in some of the earliest reigns ; but it never attracted any special at- tention until the time of Charles. His govern- ment called it into action a great deal, and ex- tended its powers, and made it a means of great injustice and oppression, as the people thought, or, as Charles would have said, a very efficient means of vindicating his prerogative, and pun- ishing the stubborn and rebellious. There were three reasons why this court was a more convenient and powerful instrument in the hands of the king and his council than any of the other courts in the kingdom. First, it was, by its ancient constitution, composed of members of the council, with the exception of two persons, who were to be judges in the oth- er courts. This plan of having two judges from the common law courts seems to have been adopted for the purpose of securing some sort of conformity of the Star Chamber decisions with the ordinary principles of English juris- prudence. But then, as these two law judges would always be selected with reference to their disposition to carry out the king's plans, and as the other members of the court were all members of the government itself, of course the 122 King Charles I. [1636. Trial by jury. No jury in the Star Chamber. court was almost entirely under governmental control. The second, reason was, that in this court there was no jury. There had never been ju- ries employed in it from its earliest constitu- tion. The English had contrived the plan of trial by jury as a defense against the severity of government. If a man was accused of crime, the judges appointed by the government that he had offended were not to be allowed to decide whether he was guilty or not. They would be likely not to be impartial. The ques- tion of his guilt or innocence was to be left to twelve men, taken at hazard from the ordinary walks of life, and who, consequently, would be likely to sympathize with the accused, if they saw any disposition to oppress him, rather than to join against him with a tyrannical govern- ment. Thus the jury, as they said, was a great safeguard. The English have always at- tached great value to their system of trial by jury. The plan is retained in this country, though there is less necessity for it under our institutions. Now, in the Star Chamber, it had never been the custom to employ a jury. The members of the court decided the whole question ; and as they were entirely in the in- 1636.] The King's Prerogative. 123 Crimes tried by the Star Chamber. Origin of the term. terest of the government, the government, of course, had the fate of every person accused under their direct control. The third reason consisted in the nature of the crimes which it had always been custom- ary to try in this court. It had jurisdiction in a great variety of cases in which men were brought into collision with the government, such as charges of riot, sedition, libel, opposi- tion to the edicts of the council, and to proc- lamations of the king. These and similar cases had always been tried by the Star Chamber ; and these were exactly the cases which ought not to be tried by such a court ; for persons ac- cused of hostility to government ought not to be tried by government itself. There has been a great deal of discussion about the origin of the term Star Chamber. The hall where the court was held was in a palace at Westminster, and there were a great many windows in it. Some think that it was from this that the court received its name. Others suppose it was because the court had cognizance of a certain crime, the Latin name of which has a close affinity with the word star. Another reason is, that certain documents, called starra, used to be kept in the hall. The pret- 124 King Charles I. [1636. Immense power of the Court of Star Chamber. tiest idea is a sort of tradition that the ceiling of the hall was formerly ornamented with stars, and that this circumstance gave name to the hall. This supposition, however, unfortunate- ly, has no better foundation than the others ; for. there were no stars on the ceiling in Charles's time, and there had not been any for a hundred years ; nor is there any positive evidence that there ever were. However, in the absence of any real reason for preferring one of these ideas over the other, mankind seem to have wisely determined on choosing the prettiest of them, so that it is generally agreed that the origin of the name was the ancient decoration of the ceilinsr of the hall with gilded stars. However this may be, the court of the Star Chamber was an engine of prodigious power in the hands of Charles's government. It helped them in two ways. They could punish their enemies, and where these enemies were wealthy, they could fill up the treasury of the govern- ment by imposing enormous fines upon them. Sometimes the offenses for which these fines were imposed were not of a nature to deserve such severe penalties. For instance, there was a law against turning tillage land into pastur- age. Land that is tilled supports men. Land 1636.] The King's Prerogative. 125 Oppressive fines. King's forests. that is pastured supports cattle and sheep. The former were a burden, sometimes, to land- lords, the latter a means of wealth. Hence there was then, as there is now, a tendency in England, in certain parts of the country, for the landed proprietors to change their tillage land to pasture, and thus drive the peasants away from their homes. There were laws against this, but a great many persons had done it notwithstanding. One of these persons was fined four thousand pounds ; an enormous sum. The rest were alarmed, and made com- positions, as they were called ; that is, they paid at once a certain sum on condition of not being prosecuted. Thirty thousand pounds were collected in this way, which was then a very large amount. There were in those days, as there are now, certain tracts of land in England called the king's forests, though a large portion of them are now without trees. The boundaries of these lands had not been very well defined, but the government now published decrees specify- ing the boundaries, and extending them so far as to include, in many cases, the buildings and improvements of other proprietors. They then prosecuted these proprietors for having en- 126 King Charles I. [1636. Offenses against the king and his lords. croached, as they called it, upon the crown lands, and the Star Chamber assessed very heavy fines upon them. The people said all this was done merely to get pretexts to extort money from the nation, to make up for the want of a Parliament to assess regular taxes ; but the government said it was a just and legal mode of protecting the ancient and legitimate rights of the king. In these and similar modes, large sums of money were collected as fines and penalties for offenses more or less real. In other cases very severe punishments were inflicted for various sorts of offenses committed against the personal dignity of the king, or the great lords of his government. It was considered highly import- ant to repress all appearance of disrespect or hostility to the king. One man got into some contention with one of the king's officers, and finally struck him. He was fined ten thousand pounds. Another man said that a certain arch- bishop had incurred the king's displeasure by wanting some toleration for the Catholics. This was considered a slander against the arch- bishop, and the offender was sentenced to be fined a thousand pounds, to be whipped, im- prisoned, and to stand in the pillory at West- 1636.] The King's Prerogative. 127 A gentleman fined for resenting an insult. minster, and at three other places in various parts of the kingdom. A gentleman was following a chase as a spectator, the hounds belonging to a noble- man. The huntsman, who had charge of the hounds, ordered him to keep back, and not come so near the hounds ; and in giving him this order, spoke, as the gentleman alleged, so insolently, that he struck him with his riding- whip. The huntsman threatened to complain to his master, the nobleman. The gentleman said that if his master should justify him in such insulting language as he had used, he would serve him in the same manner. The Star Chamber fined him ten thousand pounds for speaking so disrespectfully of a lord. By these and similar proceedings, large sums of money were collected by the Star Chamber for the king's treasury, and all expression of discontent and dissatisfaction on the part of the people was suppressed. This last policy, how- ever, the suppression of expressions of dissatis- faction, is always a very dangerous one for any government to undertake. Discontent, silenced by force, is exasperated and extended. The outward signs of its existence disappear, but its inward workings become wide-spread and dan- 128 King Charles I. [1636. Murmurs silenced. The kingdom of Scotland. gerous, just in proportion to the weight by which the safety-valve is kept down. Charles and. his court of the Star Chamber rejoiced in the power and efficacy of their tremendous tri- bunal. They issued proclamations and de- crees, and governed the country by means of them. They silenced all murmurs. But they were, all the time, disseminating through the whole length and breadth of the land a deep and inveterate enmity to royalty, which ended in a revolution of the government, and the de- capitation of the king. They stopped the hiss- ing of the steam for the time, but caused an ex- plosion in the end. Charles was King of Scotland as well as of England. The two countries were, however, as countries, distinct, each having its own laws, its own administration, and its own separate dominions. The sovereign, however, was the same. A king could inherit two kingdoms, just as a man can, in this country, inherit two farms, which may, nevertheless, be at a dis- tance from each other, and managed separately. Now, although Charles had, from the death of his father, exercised sovereignty over the realm of Scotland, he had not been crowned, nor had even visited Scotland. The people of Scotland 1633.] The King's Prerogative. 129 The king visits Scotland. He is crowned there. felt somewhat neglected. They murmured that their common monarch gave all his atten- tion to the sister and rival kingdom. They said that if the king did not consider the Scot- tish crown worth coming after, they might, perhaps, look out for some other way of dispos- ing of it. The king, accordingly, in 1633, began to make preparations for a royal progress into Scotland. He first issued a proclamation re- quiring a proper supply of provisions to be col- lected at the several points of his proposed route, and specified the route, and the length of stay which he should make in each place. He set out on the 13th of May with a splendid reti- nue. He stopped at the seats of several of the nobility on the way, to enjoy the hospitalities and entertainments which they had prepared for him. He proceeded so slowly that it was a month before he reached the frontier. Here all his English servants and retinue retired from their posts, and their places were supplied by Scotchmen who had been previously appointed, and who were awaiting his arrival. He enter- ed Edinburgh with great pomp and parade, all Scotland flocking to the capital to witness the festivities. The coronation took place three 9 130 King Charles I. [1633. The kin? returns to London. Increasing discontent days afterward. He met the Scotch Parlia- ment, and, for form's sake, took a part in the proceedings, so as actually to exercise his royal authority as King of Scotland. This being over, he was conducted in great state back to Berwick, which is on the frontier, and thence he returned by rapid journeys to London. The king dissolved his last Parliament in 1629. He had now been endeavoring for four or five years to govern alone. He succeeded tolerably well, so far as external appearances indicated, up to this time. There was, how- ever, beneath the surface, a deep-seated discon- tent, which was constantly widening and ex- tending, and, soon after the return of the king from Scotland, real difficulties gradually arose, by which he was, in the end, compelled to call a Parliament again. What these difficulties were will be explained in the subsequent chap- ters. 1633.] Archbishop Laud. 131 Archbishop Laud. The Church. c ii after v i. Archbishop Laud. IN getting so deeply involved in difficulties with his people, King Charles did not act alone. He had, as we have already explained, a great deal of help. There were many men of intelligence and rank who entertained the same opinions that he did, or who were, at least, willing to adopt them for the sake of office and power. These men he drew around him. He gave them office and power, and they joined him in the efforts he made to defend and enlarge the royal prerogative, and to carry on the government by the exercise of it. One of the most prominent and distinguished of these men was Laud. The reader must understand that the Church, in England, is very different from any thing that exists under the same name in this coun- try. Its bishops and clergy are supported by revenues derived from a vast amount of prop- erty which belongs to the Church itself. This property is entirely independent of all control 132 King Charles I. [1633-6. System of the English Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury. by the people of the parishes. The clergyman, as soon as he is appointed, comes into posses- sion of it in his own right ; and he is not ap- pointed by the people, but by some nobleman . or high officer of state, who has inherited the right to appoint the clergyman of that particu- lar parish. There are bishops, also, who have very large revenues, likewise independent ; and over these bishops is one great dignitary, who presides in lofty state over the whole system. This officer is called the Archbishop of Canter- bury. There is one other archbishop, called the Archbishop of York ; but his realm is much more limited and less important. The Arch- bishop of Canterbury is styled the Lord Pri- mate of all England. His rank is above that of all the peers of the realm. He crowns the kings. He has two magnificent palaces, one at Canterbury and one at London, for his resi- dences, and has very large revenues to main- tain a style of living in accordance with his rank. He has the superintendence of all the affairs of the Church for the whole realm, ex- cept a small portion pertaining to the archbish- opric of York. His palace in London is on the bank of the Thames, opposite Westminster It is called Lambeth Palace. 1633-6.] Archbishop Laud. 135 Canterbury. The Cathedral. Officers. The city of Canterbury, which is the chief seat of his dominion, is southeast of London, not very far from the sea. The Cathedral is there, which is the archbishop's church. It is more than five hundred feet in length, and the tower is nearly two hundred and fifty feet high. The magnificence of the architecture and the decorations of the building correspond with its size. There is a large company of clergymen and other officers attached to the service of the Cathedral. They are more than a hundred in number. The palace of the archbishop is near. The Church was thus, in the days of Charles, a complete realm of itself, with its own prop- erty, its own laws, its own legislature, and courts, and judges, its own capital, and its own monarch. It was entirely independent of the mass of the people in all these respects, as all these things were entirely controlled by the bishops and clergy, and the clergy were gener- ally appointed by the noblemen, and the bish- ops by the king. This made the system almost entirely independent of the community at large ; and as there was organized under it a vast amount of wealth, and influence, and power, the Archbishop of Canterburv, who presided 136 King Charles I. [1633-6. Laud made archbishop. His business capacity. over the whole, was as great in authority as he was in rank and honor. Now Laud was Arch- bishop of Canterbury. King Charles had made him so. He had ob- served that Laud, who had been advanced to some high stations in the Church by his father, King James, was desirous to enlarge and strengthen the powers and prerogatives of the Church, just as he himself was endeavoring to do in respect to those of the throne. He ac- cordingly promoted him from one post of influ- ence and honor to another, until he made him at last Archbishop of Canterbury. Thus he was placed upon the summit of ecclesiastical grandeur and power. He commenced his work, however, of strength- ening and aggrandizing the Church, before he was appointed to this high office. He was Bishop of London for many years, which is a post, in some respects, second only to that of Archbishop of Canterbury. While in this sta- tion, he was appointed by the king to many high civil offices. He had great capacity for the transaction of business, and for the fulfill- ment of high trusts, whether of Church or state. He was a man of great integrity and moral worth. He was stern and severe in manners, 1633-6.] Archbishop Laud. 137 Laud's character. Episcopacy in England and the United States. but learned and accomplished. His whole soul was bent on what he undoubtedly considered the great duty of his life, supporting and con- firming the authority of the king, and the pow- er and influence of English Episcopacy. Not- withstanding his high qualifications, however, many persons were jealous of the influence which he possessed with the king, and murmur- ed against the appointment of a churchman to such high offices of state. There was another source of hostility to Laud. There was a large part of the people of England who were against the Church of England altogether. They did not like a sys- tem in which all power and influence came, as it were, from above downward. The king made the noblemen, the noblemen made the bishops, the bishops made the clergy, and the clergy ruled their flocks ; the flocks themselves having nothing to say or do but to submit. It is very different with Episcopacy in this coun- try. The people here choose the clergy, and the clergy choose the bishops, so that power in the Church, as in every thing else here, goes from below upward. The two systems, when at rest, look very similar in the two countries ; but when in action, the current of life flows in 10 138 King Charles I. [1633-6. Opposition to the Established Church. contrary directions, making the two diametri- cally opposite to each other in spirit and power. In England, Episcopacy is an engine by which the people are ecclesiastically governed. Here, •it is the machinery by which they govern. Whatever the forms are, the fact must be that the people govern here. Now in England there was a large and in- creasing party who hated and opposed the whole Episcopal system. Laud, to counteract this tendency, attempted to define, and enlarge, and extend that system as far as possible. He made the most of all the ceremonies of worship, and introduced others, which were, indeed, not exactly new, but rather ancient ones revived. He did this conscientiously, no doubt, thinking that these forms of devotion were adapted to impress the soul of the worshiper, and lead him to feel, in his heart, the reverence which his outward action expressed. Many of the people, however, bitterly opposed these things. They considered it a return to popery. The more that Laud, and those who acted with him, at- tempted to magnify the rites and the powers of the Church, the more these persons began to abhor every thing of the kind. They wanted Christianity itself, in its purity, uncontaminat- 1633—6.] Archbishop Laud. 139 The Puritans. Disputes about the services of the Church. ed, as they said, by these popish and idolatrous forms. They were called Puritans. There were a great many things which seem to us at the present day of very little conse- quence, which were then the subjects of endless disputes and of the most bitter animosity. For instance, one point was whether the place where the communion was to be administered should be called the communion table or the altar ; and in what part of the church it should stand ; and whether the person officiating should be called a priest or a clergyman ; and whether he should wear one kind of dress or another. Great importance was attached to these things ; but it was not on their own ac- count, but on account of their bearing on the question whether the Lord's Supper was to be considered only a ceremony commemorative of Christ's death, or whether it was, whenever celebrated by a regularly authorized priest, a real renewal of the sacrifice of Christ, as the Catholics maintained. Calling the communion table an altar, and the officiating minister a priest, and clothing him in a sacerdotal garb, countenanced the idea of a renewal of the sac- rifice of Christ. Laud and his coadjutors urged the adoption of all these and similar usages. 140 King Charles I. [1633—6. Controversy about amusements on Sunday. The Puritans detested them, because they de- tested and abhorred the doctrine which they seemed to imply. Another great topic of controversy was the subject of amusements. It is a very singular circumstance, that in those branches of the Christian Church where rites and forms are most insisted upon, the greatest latitude is al- lowed in respect to the gayeties and amusements of social life. Catholic Paris is filled with the- aters and dancing, and the Sabbath is a holi- day. In London, on the other hand, the num- ber of theaters is small, dancing is considered as an amusement of a more or less equivocal character, and the Sabbath is rigidly observed ; and among all the simple Democratic churches of New England, to dance or to attend the the- ater is considered almost morally wrong. It was just so in the days of Laud. He wished to encourage amusements among the people, particularly on Sunday, after church. This was partly for the purpose of counteracting the efforts of those who were inclined to Puritan views. They attached great importance to their sermons and lectures, for in them they could address and influence the people. But by means of these addresses, as Laud thought, 1633-6.] Archbishop Laud. 141 Laud's contention with the judges. they put ideas of insubordination into the minds of the people, and encroached on the authority of the Church and of the king. To prevent this, the High-Church party wished to exalt the prayers in the Church service, and to give as little place and influence as possible to the ser- mon, and to draw off the attention of the peo- ple from the discussions and exhortations of the preachers by encouraging games, dances, and amusements of all kinds. The judges in one of the counties, at a regu- lar court held by them, once passed an order forbidding certain revels and carousals connect- ed with the Church service, on account of the immoralities and disorders, as they alleged, to which they gave rise ; and they ordered that public notice to this effect should be given by the bishop. The archbishop (Laud) considered this an interference on the part of the civil magistrates with the powers and prerogatives of the Church. He had the judges brought be- fore the council, and censured there ; and they were required by the council to revoke then- order at the next court. The judges did so, but in such a way as to show that they did it sim- ply in obedience to the command of the king's council. The people, or at least all of them 142 - King Charles I. [1633-6. Severe punishments for expression of opinion. who were inclined to Puritan views, sided with the judges, and were more strict in abstaining from all such amusements on Sunday than ever. This, of course, made those who were on the side of Laud more determined to pro- mote these gayeties. Thus, as neither party pursued, in the least degree, a generous or con- ciliatory course toward the other, the difference between them widened more and more. The people of the country were fast becoming either bigoted High-Churchmen or fanatical Puritans. Laud employed the power of the Star Cham- ber a great deal in the accomplishment of his purpose of enforcing entire submission to the ecclesiastical authority of the Church. He even had persons sometimes punished very se- verely for words of disrespect, or for writings in which they censured what they considered the tyranny under which they suffered. This se- vere punishment for the mere expression of opinion only served to fix the opinion more firmly, and disseminate it more widely. Some- times men would glory in their sufferings for this cause, and bid the authorities defiance. One man, for instance, named Lilburne, was brought before the Star Chamber, charged with publishing seditious pamphlets. Now, in all 163-3—6.] Archbishop Laud. 143 Case of Lilburne. His indomitable spirit. ordinary courts of justice, no man is called upon to say any thing against himself. Unless his crime can be proved by the testimony of others, it can not be proved at all. But in the Star Chamber, whoever was brought to trial had to take an oath at first that he would an- swer all questions asked, even if they tended to criminate himself. When they proposed this oath to Lilburne, he refused to take it. They decided that this was contempt of court, and sentenced him to be whipped, put in the pillory, and imprisoned. While they were whipping him, he spent the time in making a speech to the spectators against the tyranny of bishops, referring to Laud, whom he considered as the author of these proceedings. He continued to do the same while in the pillory. As he passed along, too, he distributed copies of the pamph- lets which he was prosecuted for writing. The Star Chamber, hearing that he was harangu- ing the mob, ordered him to be gagged. This did not subdue him. He began to stamp with his foot and gesticulate ; thus continuing to ex- press his indomitable spirit of hostility to the tyranny which he opposed. This single case would be of no great consequence alone, but it was not alone. The attempt to put Lilburne 144 King Charles I. [1633-G. The young lawyers' toast. Ingenious plea. down was a symbol of the experiment of coer- cion which Charles in the state, and Laud in the Church, were trying upon the whole na- tion ; it was a symbol both in respect to the means employed, and to the success attained by them. One curious case is related, which turned out more fortunately than usual for the parties ac- cused. Some young lawyers in London were drinking at an evening entertainment, and among other toasts they drank confusion to the Archbishop of Canterbury. One of the wait- ers, who heard them, mentioned the circum- stance, and they were brought before the Star Chamber. Before their trial came on, they ap- plied to a certain nobleman to know what they should do. "Where was the waiter," asked the nobleman, "when you drank the toast?" "At the door." "Oh! very well, then," said he ; " tell the court that he only heard a part of the toast, as he was going out ; and that the words really were, ' Confusion to the Archbishop of Canterbury's enemies.' " By this ingenious plea, and by means of a great appearance of humility and deference in the presence of the archbishop, the lawyers escaped with a repri- mand. 1633-6.] Archbishop Laud. 145 Laud's designs upon the Scotch Church. Laud was not content with establishing and confirming throughout all England the author- ity of the Church, but he wanted to extend the same system to Scotland. When King Charles went to Scotland to be crowned, he took Laud with him. He was pleased with Laud's en- deavors to enlarge and confirm the powers of the Church, and wished to aid him in the work. There were two reasons for this. One was, that the same class of men, the Puritans, were the natural enemies of both, so that the king and the archbishop were drawn together by having one common foe. Then, as the places in the Church were not hereditary, but were filled by appointments from the king and the great no- bles, whatever power the Church could get into its hands could be employed by the king to strengthen his own authority, and keep his sub- jects in subjection. We must not, however, censure the king and his advisers too strongly for this plan. They doubtless were ambitious ; they loved power ; they wanted to bear sway, unresisted and un- questioned, over the whole realm. But then the king probably thought that the exercise of such a government was necessary for the order and prosperity of the realm, besides being his 146 King Charles I. [1633-G. Motives of Laud and the king. The Liturgy. inherent and indefeasible right. Good and bad motives were doubtless mingled here, as in all human action ; but then the king was, in the main, doing what he supposed it was his duty to do. In proposing, therefore, to build up the Church in Scotland, and to make it conform to the English Church in its rites and ceremonies, he and Laud doubtless supposed that they were going greatly to improve the government of the sister kingdom. There was in those days, as now, in the En- glish Church, a certain prescribed course of prayers, and psalms, and Scripture readings, for each day, to be read from a book by the minister. This was called the Liturgy. The Puritans did not like a liturgy. It tied men up, and did not leave the individual mind of the preacher at liberty to range freely, as they wished it to do, in conducting the devotional services. It was on this very account that the friends of strong government did like it. They wanted to curtail this liberty, which, however, they called license, and which they thought made mischief. In extemporaneous prayers, it is often easy to see that the speaker is aiming much more directly at producing a salutary ef- fect on the minds of his hearers than at simply 1633-6.J Archbishop Laud. 147 Laud prepares tliem a Liturgy. presenting petitions to the Supreme Being. But, notwithstanding this evil, the existence of which no candid man can deny, the enemies of forms, who are generally friends of the largest liberty, think it best to leave the clergyman free. The friends of forms, however, prefer forms on this very account. They like what they consider the wholesome and salutary re- straints which they impose. Now there has always been a great spirit of freedom in the Scottish mind. That people have ever been unwilling to submit to coercion or restraints. There is probably no race of men on earth that would make worse slaves than the Scotch. Their sturdy independence and determ- ination to be free could never be subdued. In the days of Charles they were particularly fond of freely exercising their own minds, and of speaking freely to others on the subject of reli- gion. They thought for themselves, sometimes right and sometimes wrong ; but they would think, and they would express their thoughts ; and their being thus unaccustomed, in one par- ticular, to submit to restraints, rendered them more difficult to be governed in others. Laud thought, consequently, that they, particularly, needed a Liturgy. He prepared one for them. 148 King Charles I. [1637. Scenes of tumult. Treacbing to an empty church. Tt was varied somewhat from the English Lit- urgy, though it was substantially the same. The king proclaimed it, and required the bish- ops to see that it was employed in all the churches in Scotland. The day for introducing the Liturgy was the signal for riots all over the kingdom. In the principal church in Edinburgh they called out " A pope ! A pope /" when the clergyman came in with his book and his pontifical robes. The bishop ascended the pulpit to address the peo- ple to appease them, and a stool came flying through the air at his head. The police then expelled the congregation, and the clergyman went through with the service of the Liturgy in the empty church, the congregation outside, in great tumult, accompanying the exercises with cries of disapprobation and resentment, and with volleys of stones against the doors and windows. The Scotch sent a sort of embassador to Lon- don to represent to the king that the hostility to the Liturgy was so universal and so strong that it could not be enforced. But the king and his council had the same conscientious scruples about giving up in a contest with sub- jects, that a teacher or a parent, in our day, 1637.] Archbishop Laud. 149 The Scotch rebel. The king's fool. would feel in the case of resistance from chil- dren or scholars. The king sent down a proc- lamation that the observance of the Liturgy must be insisted on. The Scotch prepared to resist. They sent delegates to Edinburgh, and organized a sort of government. They raised armies. They took possession of the king's castles. They made a solemn covenant, bind- ing themselves to insist on religious freedom. In a word, all Scotland was in rebellion. It was the custom in those days to have, con- nected with the court, some half-witted person, who used to be fantastically dressed, and to have great liberty of speech, and whose province was to amuse the courtiers. He was called the king's jester, or, more commonly, the fool. The name of King Charles's fool was Archy. After this rebellion broke out, and all England was aghast at the extent of the mischief which Laud's Lit- urgy had done, the fool, seeing the archbishop go by one day, called out to him, " My lord ! who is the fool now?" The archbishop, as if to leave no possible doubt in respect to the proper answer to the question, had poor Archy tried and punished. His sentence was to have his coat pulled up over his head, and to be dis- missed from the kind's service. Had the arch- 150 King Charles I. [1637. A general assembly called in Scotland. bishop let it pass, it would have ended with a laugh in the street ; but by resenting it, he gave it notoriety, caused it to be recorded, and has perpetuated the memory of the jest to all future times. He ought to have joined in the laugh, and rewarded Archy on the spot for so good a witticism. The Scotch, besides organizing a sort of civil government, took measures for summoning a general assembly of their Church. This as- sembly met at Glasgow. The nobility and gentry flocked to Glasgow at the time of the meeting, to encourage and sustain the assem- bly, and to manifest their interest in the pro- ceedings. The assembly very deliberately went to work, and, not content with taking a stand against the Liturgy which Charles had imposed, they abolished the fabric of Episcopacy — that is, the government of bishops — altogether. Thus Laud's attempt to perfect and confirm the system resulted in expelling it completely from the kingdom. It has never held up its head in Scotland since. They established Presbyterianism in its place, which is a sort of republican system, the pastors being all offi- cially equal to each other, though banded to- gether under a common government adminis- tered by themselves. 1639.] Archbishop Laud. 151 The king's expedition to the north. The king was determined to put down this rebellion at all hazards. He had made such good use of the various irregular modes of rais- ing money which have been already described, and had been so economical in the use of it, that he had now quite a sum of money in his treasury ; and had it not been for the attempt to enforce the unfortunate Liturgy upon the people of Scotland, he might, perhaps, have gone on reigning without a Parliament to the end of his days. He had now about two hund- red thousand pounds, by means of which, to- gether with what he could borrow, he hoped to make one single demonstration of force which would bring the rebellion to an end. He raised an army and equipped a fleet. He issued a proclamation summoning all the peers of the realm to attend him. He moved with this great concourse from London toward the north, the whole country looking on as spectators to be- hold the progress of this great expedition, by which their monarch was going to attempt to subdue again his other kingdom. Charles advanced to the city of York, the great city of the north of England. Here he paused and established his court, with all pos- sible pomp and parade. His design was to im- 152 King Charles I. [1639. The army at York. The oath. press the Scots with such an idea of the great- ness of the power which was going to over- whelm them as to cause them to submit at once. But all this show was very hollow and delusive. The army felt a greater sympathy with the Scots than they did with the king. The complaints against Charles's government were pretty much the same in both countries. A great many Scotchmen came to York while the king was there, and the people from all the country round flocked thither too, drawn by the gay spectacles connected with the presence of such a court and army. The Scotchmen dis- seminated their complaints thus among the English people, and finally the king and his council, finding indications of so extensive a disaffection, had a form of an oath prepared, which they required all the principal persons to take, acknowledging allegiance to Charles, and renouncing their having any intelligence or cor- respondence with the enemy. The Scotchmen all took the oath very readily, though some of the English refused. At any rate, the state of things was not such as to intimidate the Scotch, and lead them, as the king had hoped, to sue for peace. So he concluded to move on toward the borders. He 1639.] Archbishop Laud. 153 The king's march. Artifice of the Scots. went to Newcastle, and thence to Berwick. From Berwick he moved along the banks of the Tweed, which here forms the boundary between the two kingdoms, and, finding a suitable place for such a purpose, the king had his royal tent pitched, and his army encamped around him. Now, as King Charles had undertaken to sub- due the Scots by a show of force, it seems they concluded to defend themselves by a show too, though theirs was a cheaper and more simple contrivance than his. They advanced with about three thousand men to a place distant perhaps seven miles from the English camp. The king sent an army of five thousand men to attack them. The Scotch, in the mean time, collected great herds of cattle from all the coun- try around, as the historians say, and arranged them behind their little army in such a way as to make the whole appear a vast body of soldiers. A troop of horsemen, who were the advanced part of the English army, came in sight of this formidable host first, and, finding their numbers so much greater than they had anticipated, they fell back, and ordered the ar- tillery and foot-soldiers who were coming up to retreat, and all together came back to the en- campment. There were two or three military 11 154 King Charles I. [1639. The compromise. The army disbanded. enterprises of similar character, in which noth- ing was done but to encourage the Scotch and dishearten the English. In fact, neither offi- cers, soldiers, nor king wanted to proceed to ex- tremities. The officers and soldiers did not wish to fight the Scotch, and the king, know- ing the state of his army, did not really dare to do it. Finally, all the king's council advised him to give up the pretended contest, and to settle the difficulty by a compromise. Accordingly, in June, negotiations were commenced, and be- fore the end of the month articles were signed. The king probably made the best terms he could, but it was universally considered that the Scots gained the victory. The king dis- banded his army, and returned to London. The Scotch leaders went back to Edinburgh. Soon after this the Parliament and the General Assembly of the Church convened, and these bodies took the whole management of the realm into their own hands. They sent commission- ers to London to see and confer with the king, and these commissioners seemed almost to as- sume the character of embassadors from a for- eign state. These negotiations, and the course which affairs were takins: in Scotland, soon led 1639.] Archbishop Laud. 155 The king's difficulties. He thinks of a Parliament. to new difficulties. The king found that he was losing his kingdom of Scotland altogether. It seemed, however, as if there was nothing that he could do to regain it. His reserved funds were gone, and his credit was exhausted. There was no resource left but to call a Par- liament and ask for supplies. He might have known, however, that this would be useless, for there was so strong a fellow-feeling with the Scotch in their alleged grievances among the people of England, that he could not reasonably expect any response from the latter, in what- ever way he might appeal to them. 156 King Charles I. [1621. The Earl of Strafford. His early life. Chapter VII. The Earl of Strafford. |~~\URINCt the time that the king had been -*-' engaged in the attempt to govern En- gland without Parliaments, he had, besides Laud, a very efficient co-operator, known in English history by the name of the Earl of Strafford. This title of Earl of Strafford was conferred upon him by the king as a reward for his services. His father's name was Went- worth. He was born in London, and the Christian name given to him was Thomas. He was educated at the University of Cam- bridge, and was much distinguished for his tal- ents and his personal accomplishments. After finishing his education, he traveled for some time on the Continent, visiting foreign cities and courts, and studying the languages, man- ners, and customs of other nations. He return- ed at length to England. He was made a knight. His father died when he was about twenty-one, and left him a large fortune. He was about seven years older than King Charles, 1621.] The Earl of Strafford. 157 Strafford's course in Parliament. His opposition to the king. so that all these circumstances took place be- fore the commencement of Charles's reign. For many years after this he was very exten- sively known in England as a gentleman of large fortune and great abilities, by the name of Sir Thomas Wentworth. Sir Thomas Wentworth was a member of Parliament in those days, and in the contests between the king and the Parliament he took the side of Parliament. Charles used to main- tain that his power alone was hereditary and sovereign ; that the Parliament was his coun- cil ; and that they had no powers or privileges except what he himself or his ancestors had granted and allowed them. "Wentworth took very strong ground against this. He urged Parliament to maintain that their rights and privileges were inherent and hereditary as well as those of the king ; that such powers as they possessed were their own, and were entirely in- dependent of royal grant or permission ; and that the king could no more encroach upon the privileges of Parliament, than Parliament upon the prerogatives of the king. This was in the beginning of the difficulties between the king and the Commons. It will, perhaps, be recollected by the reader, 158 King Charles I. [1628 The loaders removed. The opposition still continues. that one of the plans which Charles adopted to weaken the opposition to him in Parliament was by appointing six of the leaders of this op- position to the office of sheriff in their several counties. And as the general theory of all monarchies is that the subjects are bound to obey and serve the king, these men were oblig- ed to leave their seats in Parliament and go home, to serve as sheriffs. Charles and his council supposed that the rest would be more quiet and submissive when the leaders of the party opposed to him were taken away. But the effect was the reverse. The Commons were incensed at such a mode of interfering with their action, and became more hostile to the royal power than ever. Wentworth himself, too, was made more de- termined in his opposition by this treatment. A short time after this, the king's plan of a forced loan was adopted, which has already been described ; that is, a sum of money was assessed in the manner of a tax upon all the people of the kingdom, and each man was re- quired to lend his proportion to the government. The king admitted that he had no right to make people give money without the action of Parliament, but claimed the right to require 1628.] T he Earl, of Steaffoe d. 159 Wentworth imprisoned. His return to Parliament. them to lend it. As Sir Thomas Wentworth was a man of large fortune, his share of the loan was considerable. He absolutely refused to pay it. The king had him brought before a court which was entirely under his influence, and he was condemned to be imprisoned. Knowing, however, that this claim on the part of the king was very doubtful, they mitigated his confinement by allowing him first a range of two miles around his place of confinement, and afterward they released him entirely. He was chosen a member of Parliament again, and he returned to his seat more power- ful and influential than ever. Buckingham, who had been his greatest enemy, was now dead, and the king, finding that he had great abilities and a spirit that would not yield to in- timidation or force, concluded to try kindness and favors. In fact, there are two different modes by which sovereigns in all ages and countries en- deavor to neutralize the opposition of popular leaders. One is by intimidating them with threats and punishments, and the other buying them off with appointments and honors. Some of the king's high officers of state began to cul- tivate the acquaintance of Wentworth, and to 160 King Charles I. [1628. Wentworth is courted. He goes over to the king. pay him attentions and civilities. He could not but feel gratified with these indications of their regard. They complimented his talents and his powers, and represented to him that such abilities ought to be employed in the serv- ice of the state. Finally, the king conferred upon him the title of baron. Common grati- tude for these marks of distinction and honor held him back from any violent opposition to the king. His enemies said he was bought off by honors and rewards. No doubt he was am- bitious, and, like all other politicians, his su- preme motive was love of consideration and honor. This was doubtless his motive in what he had done in behalf of the Parliament. But all that he could do as a popular leader in Par- liament was to acquire a general ascendency over men's minds, and make himself a subject of fame and honor. All places of real authori- ty were exclusively under the king's control, and he could only rise to such stations through the sovereign's favor. In a word, he could ac- quire only influence as a leader in Parlia- ment, while the king could give him power. Kings have always, accordingly, a great con- trol over the minds of legislators by offering them office ; and King Charles, after finding 1628.] The Earl of Strafford. 161 The king appoints Wentworth to office. that his first advances to Wentworth were fa- vorably received, appointed him one of his Privy Council. Wentworth accepted the office. His former friends considered that in doing this he was deserting them, and, betraying the cause which he had at first espoused and defended. The country at large were much displeased with him, finding that he had forsaken their cause, and placed himself in a position to act against them. Persons who change sides in politics or in religion are very apt to go from one extreme to another. Their former friends revile them, and they, in retaliation, act more and more ener- getically against them. It was so with Straf- ford. He gradually engaged more and more fully and earnestly in upholding the king. Finally, the king appointed him to a very high station, called the Presidency of the North. His office was to govern the whole north of En- gland — of course, under the direction of the king and council. There were four counties under his jurisdiction, and the king gave him a commission which clothed him with enor- mous powers — powers greater, as all the peo-, pie thought, than the king had any right to be- stow. 162 King Charles I. [1628. Wentworth is appointed President of the North. Strafford proceeded to the north, and entered upon the government of his realm there, with a determination to carry out all the king's plans to the utmost. From being an ardent advocate of the rights of the people, as he was at the commencement of his career, he became a most determined and uncompromising sup- porter of the arbitrary power of the king. He insisted on the collection of money from the people in all the ways that the king claimed the power to collect it by authority of his pre- rogative ; and he was so strict and exacting in doing this, that he raised the revenue to four or five times what any of his predecessors had been able to collect. This, of course, pleased King Charles and his government extremely ; for it was at a time during which the king was attempting to govern without a Parliament, and every accession to his funds was of ex- treme importance. Laud, too, the archbishop, was extremely pleased with his exertions and his success, and the king looked upon Laud and Wentworth as the two most efficient sup- porters of his power. They were, in fact, the two most efficient promoters of his destruction. Of course, the people of the north hated him. "While he was earning the applause of the arch- 1632.] The Earl of Strafford. 163 Wentworth appointed to the government of Ireland. bishop and the king, and entitling himself to new honors and increased power, he was sow- ing the seeds of the bitterest animosity in the hearts of the people every where. Still he en- joyed all the external marks of consideration and honor. The President of the North was a sort of king. He was clothed with great pow- ers, and lived in great state and splendor. He had many attendants, and the great nobles of the land, who generally took Charles's side in the contests of the day, envied Wentworth's greatness and power, and applauded the energy and success of his administration. Ireland was, at this time, in a disturbed and disordered state, and Laud proposed that Went- worth should be appointed by the king to the government of it. A great proportion of the inhabitants were Catholics, arid were very little disposed to submit to Protestant rule. "Went- worth was appointed lord deputy, and after- ward lord lieutenant, which made him king of Ireland in all but the name. Every thing, of course, was done in the name of Charles. He carried the same energy into his govern- ment here that he had exhibited in the north of England. He improved the condition of the country astonishingly in respect to trade, to 164 King Charles I. [1632. Wentworth's arbitrary government He is made an earl. revenue, and to public order. But he governed in the most arbitrary manner, and he boasted that he had rendered the king as absolute a sovereign in Ireland as any prince in the world could be. Such a boast from a man who had once been a very prominent defender of the rights of the people against this very kind of sovereignty, was fitted to produce a feeling of universal exasperation and desire of revenge. The murmurs and muttered threats which filled the land, though suppressed, were very deep and very strong. The king, however, and Laud, considered Wentworth as their most able and efficient co- adjutor ; and when the difficulties in Scotland began to grow serious, they recalled him from Ireland, and put that country into the hands of another ruler. The king then advanced him to the rank of an earl. His title was the Earl of Strafford. As the subsequent parts of his history attracted more attention than those preceding his elevation to this earldom, he has been far more widely known among mankind by the name of Strafford than by his original name of Wentworth, which was, from this pe- riod, nearly forgotten. To return now to the troubles in Scotland 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 165 Laud's administration of his office. The king found that it would be impossible to go on without supplies, and he accordingly con- cluded, on the whole, to call a Parliament. He was in serious trouble. Laud was in seri- ous trouble too. He had been indefatigably engaged for many years in establishing Epis- copacy all over England, and in putting down, by force of law, all disposition to dissent from it ; and in attempting to produce, throughout the realm, one uniform system of Christian faith and worship. This was his idea of the perfection of religious order and right. He used to make an annual visitation to all the bishoprics in the realm ; inquire into the usages which prevailed there ; put a stop, so far as he could, to all irregularities ; and confirm and establish, by the most decisive measures, the Episcopal authority. He sent in his report to the king of the results of his inquiries, asking the king's aid, where his own powers were in- sufficient, for the more full accomplishment of his plans. But, notwithstanding all this dili- gence and zeal, he found that he met with very partial success. The irregularities, as he call- ed them, which he suppressed in one place, would break out in another ; the disposition to throw off the dominion of bishops was getting 166 King Charles I. [1640. Defense of Episcopacy. Progress of nonconformity. more and more extensive and deeply seated ; and now, the result of the religious revolution in Scotland, and of the general excitement which it produced in England, was to widen and extend this feeling more than ever. He did not, however, give up the contest. He employed an able writer to draw up a de- fense of Episcopacy, as the true and scriptural form of Church government. The book, when first prepared, was moderate in its tone, and al- lowed that in some particular cases a Presby- terian mode of government might be admissi- ble ; but Laud, in revising the book, struck out these concessions as unnecessary and danger- ous, and placed Episcopacy in full and exclu- sive possession of the ground, as the divinely instituted and only admissible form of Church government and discipline. He caused this book to be circulated ; but the attempt to rea- son with the refractory, after having failed in the attempt to coerce them, is not generally very successful. The archbishop, in his report to the king this year of the state of things throughout his province, represents the spirit of non-conformity to the Church of England as getting too strong for him to control without more efficient help from the civil power ; but 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 167 A Parliament called. Strafford appointed commander-in-chief. whether it would be wise, he added, to under- take any more effectual coercion in the present distracted state of the kingdom, he left it for the king to decide. Laud proposed that the council should rec- ommend to the king the calling of a Parlia- ment. At the same time, they passed a resolu- tion that, in case the Parliament " should prove peevish, and refuse to grant supplies^ they would sustain the king in the resort to extraordinary measures." This was regarded as a threat, and did not help to prepossess the members fa- vorably in regard to the feeling with which the king was to meet them. The king ordered the Parliament to be elected in December, but did not call them together until April. In the mean time, he went on raising an army, so as to have his military preparations in readiness. He, however, appointed a new set of officers to the command of this army, neglecting those who were in command before, as he had found them so little disposed to act efficiently in his cause. He supplied the leader's place with Strafford. This change produced very exten- sive murmurs of dissatisfaction, which, added to all the other causes of complaint, made the times look very dark and stormy. 168 King Charles I [1640. Meeting of Parliament. The king's speech. The Parliament assembled in April. The king went into the House of Lords, the Com- mons being, as usual, summoned to the bar. He addressed them as follows : "My Lords and gentlemen, — There was never a King who had a more great and weigh- ty Cause to call his People together than my- self. I will not trouble you with the particu- lars. I have informed my Lord keeper, and now command him to speak, and I desire your Attention." The keeper referred to was the keeper of the king's seals, who was, of course, a great officer of state. He made a speech, informing the houses, in general terms, of the king's need of money, but said that it was not necessary for him to explain minutely the monarch's plans, as they were exclusively his own concern. We may as well quote his words, in order to show in what light the position and province of a British Parliament was considered in those days. " His majesty's kingly resolutions," said the lord keeper, " are seated in the ark of his sa- 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 169 Address of the lord keeper. cred breast, and it were a presumption of too high a nature for any Uzzah uncalled to touch it. Yet his Majesty is now pleased to lay by the shining Beams of Majesty, as Phoebus did to Phaeton, that the distance between Sover- eignty and Subjection should not bar you of that filial freedom of Access to his Person and Counsels ; only let us beware how, with the Son of Clymene, we aim not at the guiding of the Chariot, as if that were the only Testimony of Fatherly Affection ; and let us remember, that though the King sometimes lays by the Beams and Rays of Majesty, he never lays by Majesty itself." When the keeper had finished his speech, the king confirmed it by saying that he had exag- gerated nothing, and the houses were left to their deliberations. Instead of proceeding to the business of raising money, they commenced an inquiry into the grievances, as they called them — that is, all the unjust acts and the mal- administration of the government, of which the country had been complaining for the ten years during which there had been an intermission of Parliaments. The king did all in his power to arrest this course of procedure. He sent 12 170 • King Charles I. [1640. Messages. Parliament dissolved. them message after message, urging them to leave these things, and take up first the ques- tion of supplies. He then sent a message to the House of Peers, requesting them to inter- pose, and exert their influence to lead the Com- mons to act. The Peers did so. The Com- mons sent them back a reply that their inter- ference in the business of supply, which be- longed to the Commons alone, was a breach of their privileges. " And," they added, "therefore, the Commons desire their lordships in their wisdom to find out some way for the reparation of their privileges broken by that act, and to prevent the like infringement in future." Thus repulsed on every hand, the king gave up the hope of accomplishing any thing through the action of the House of Commons, and he suddenly determined to dissolve Parliament. The session had continued only about three weeks. In dissolving the Parliament the king took no notice of the Commons whatever, but addressed the Lords alone. The Commons and the whole country were incensed at such ca- pricious treatment of the national Legislature. The king and his council tried all summer to get the army ready to be put in motion. The great difficulty, of course, was want of 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 171 The Scots cross the borders and invade England. funds. The Convocation, which was the great council of the Church, and which was accus- tomed in those days to sit simultaneously with Parliament, continued their session afterward in this case, and raised some money for the king. The nobles of the court subscribed a considerable amount, also, which they lent him. They wanted to sustain him in his contest with the Commons on their own account, and then, besides, they felt a personal interest in him, and a sympathy for him in the troubles which were thickening around him. The summer months passed away in making the preparations and getting the various bodies of troops ready, and the military stores collect- ed at the place of rendezvous in York and New- castle. The Scots, in the mean time, had been assembling their forces near the borders, and, being somewhat imboldened by their success in the previous campaign, crossed the frontier, and advanced boldly to meet the forces of the king. They published a manifesto, declaring that they were not entering England with any hos- tile intent toward their sovereign, but were only coming to present to him their humble pe- titions for a redress of their grievances, which they said they were sure he would graciously 172 King Charles I. [1640. March of the Scots. The king goes to York. receive as soon as he had opportunity to learn from them how great their grievances had been. They respectfully requested that the people of England would allow them to pass safely and without molestation through the land, and promised to conduct themselves with the ut- most propriety and decorum. This promise they kept. They avoided molesting the inhabi- tants in any way, and purchased fairly every thing they consumed. When the English offi- cers learned that the Scotch had crossed the Tweed, they sent on immediately to London, to the king, urging him to come north at once, and join the army, with all the remaining for- ces at his command. The king did so, but it was too late. He arrived at York ; from York he went northward to reach the van of his army, which had been posted at Newcastle, but on his way he was met by messengers saying that they were in full retreat, and that the Scotch had got possession of Newcastle. The circumstances of the battle were these. Newcastle is upon the Tyne. The banks at Newcastle are steep and high, but about four miles above the town is a place called Newburn, where was a meadow near the river, and a con- venient place to cross. The Scotch advanced 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 173 Defeat of the English. Perplexities and dangers. in a very slow and orderly manner to Newburn, and encamped there. The English sent a de- tachment from Newcastle to arrest their prog- ress. The Scotch begged them not to inter- rupt their march, as they were only going to •present petitions to the king I The English general, of course, paid no attention to this pre- text. The Scotch army then attacked them, and soon put them to flight. The routed En- glish soldiers fled to Newcastle, and were there joined by all that portion of the army which was in Newcastle in a rapid retreat. The Scotch took possession of the town, but con- ducted themselves in a very orderly manner, and bought and paid for every thing they used. The poor king was now in a situation of the most imminent and terrible danger. Rebel subjects had got full possession of one kingdom, and were now advancing at the head of victo- rious armies into the other. He himself had entirely alienated the affections of a large por- tion of his subjects, and had openly quarreled with and dismissed the Legislature. He had no funds, and had exhausted all possible means of raising funds. He was half distracted with the perplexities and dangers of his position. His deciding on dissolving Parliament in the 174 King Charles I. [1640. The king calls a council of peers. Message from the Scots. spring was a hasty step, and he bitterly regret- ted it the moment the deed was done. He wanted to recall it. He deliberated several days about the possibility of summoning the same members to meet again, and constituting them again a Parliament. But the lawyers insisted that this could not be done. A disso- lution was a dissolution. The Parliament, once dissolved, was no more. It could not be brought to life again. There must be new orders to the country to proceed to new elections. To do this at once would have been too humili- ating for the king. He now found, however, that the necessity for it could no longer be post- poned. There was such a thing in the En- glish history as a council of peers alone, called in a sudden emergency which did not allow of time for the elections necessary to constitute the House of Commons. Charles called such a council of peers to meet at York, and they immediately assembled. In the mean time the Scotch sent embassa- dors to York, saying to the king that they were advancing to lay their grievances before him ! They expressed great sorrow and regret at the victory which they had been compelled to gain over some forces that had attempted to 1640.] The Earl of Strafford. 175 The king compromises with the Scots. Opposition of Strafford. prevent them from getting access to their' sov- ereign. The king laid this communication be- fore the lords, and asked their advice what to do ; and also asked them to counsel him how he should provide funds to keep his army to- gether until a Parliament could be convened. The lords advised him to appoint commission- ers to meet the Scotch, and endeavor to com- promise the difficulties ; and to send to the city of London, asking that corporation to lend him a small sum until Parliament could be assem- bled. This advice was followed. A temporary treaty was made with the rebels, although making a treaty with rebels is perhaps the most humiliating thing that a hereditary sov- ereign is ever compelled to do. The Earl of Strafford was, however, entirely opposed to this policy. He urged the king most earnest- ly not to give up the contest without a more decisive struggle. He represented to him the danger of beginning to yield to the torrent which he now began to see would overwhelm them all if it was allowed to have its way. He tried to persuade the king that the Scots might yet be driven back, and that it would be possible to get along without a Parliament. 176 King Charles I. [1640. Strafford desires to return to Ireland. The king's promised protection. He dreaded a Parliament. The king, however, and his other advisers, thought that they must yield a little to the storm. Strafford then wanted to be allowed to return to his post In Ireland, where he thought that he should prob- ably be safe from the terrible enmity which he must have known that he had awakened in En- gland, and which he thought a Parliament would concentrate and bring upon his devoted head. But the king would not consent to this. He assured Strafford that if a Parliament should assemble, he would take care that they should not hurt a hair of his head. Unfortu- nate monarch ! How little he foresaw that that very Parliament, from whose violence he thus promised to defend his favorite servant so completely as to insure him from the slightest injury, would begin by taking off his favorite's head, and end with taking: off his own ! 1640.] Strafford and Laud's End. 177 Opening of the new Parliament. Chapter VIII. Downfall of Strafford and Laud. rilHE Parliament assembled in November, -*- 1640. The king proceeded to London to meet them. He left Strafford in command of the army at York. Active hostilities had been suspended, as a sort of temporary truce had been concluded with the Scots, to prepare the way for a final treaty. Strafford had been en- tirely opposed to this, being still full of energy and courage. The king, however, began to feel alarmed. He went to London to meet the Parliament which he had summoned, but he was prepared to meet them in a very different spirit from that which he had manifested on former occasions. He even gave up all the ex- ternal circumstances of pomp and parade with which the opening of Parliament had usually been attended. He had been accustomed to go to the House of Lords in state, with a numer- ous retinue and great parade. Now he was conveyed from his palace along the river in a barge, in a quiet and unostentatious manner. 178 King Charles I. [1640. The king's speech. Attacks on Strafford and Laud. His opening speech, too, was moderate and conciliatory. In a word, it was pretty evident to the Commons that the proud and haughty spirit of their royal master was beginning to be pretty effectually humbled. Of course, now, in proportion as the king .should falter, the Commons would grow bold. The House immediately began to attack Laud and Strafford in their speeches. It is the the- ory of the British Constitution that the king can do no wrong ; whatever criminality at any time attaches to the acts of his administration, belongs to his advisers, not to himself. The speakers condemned, in most decided terms, the arbitrary and tyrannical course which the gov- ernment had pursued during the intermission of Parliaments, but charged it all, not to the king, but to Strafford and Laud. Strafford had been, as they considered, the responsible person in civil and military affairs, and Laud in those of the Church. These speeches were made to try the temper of the House and of the country, and see whether there was hostility enough to Laud and Strafford in the House and in the country, and boldness enough in the ex- pression of it, to warrant their impeachment. The attacks thus made in the House against 1640.] Strafford and Laud's End. 179 Speeches against them. Feelings of hostility. the two ministers were made very soon. With- in a week after the opening of Parliament, one of the members, after declaiming a long time against the encroachments and tyranny of Archbishop Laud, whose title, according to En- glish usage, was "his Grace," said he hoped that, before the year ran round, his grace would either have more grace or no grace at all ; " for," he added, " our manifold griefs do fill a mighty and vast circumference, yet in such a manner that from every part our lines of sor- row do meet in him, and point at him the cen- ter, from whence our miseries in this Church, and many of them in the Commonwealth, do flow." He said, also, that if they must submit to a pope, he would rather obey one that was as far off as the Tiber, than to have him come as near as the Thames. Similar denunciations were made against Strafford, and they awakened no opposition. On the contrary, it was found that the feeling of hostility against both the ministers was so universal and so strong, that the leaders began to think seriously of an impeachment on a charge of high treason. High treason is the greatest crime known to the English law, and the punishment for it, especially in the case of 180 King Charles I. [1640. Bill of attainder. Mode of proceeding. a peer of the realm, is very terrible. This pun- ishment was generally inflicted by what was called a bill of attainder, which brought with it the worst of penalties. It implied the perfect destruction of the criminal in every sense. He was to lose his life by having his head cut off upon a block. His body, according to the strict letter of the law, was to be mutilated in a man- ner too shocking to be here described. His children were disinherited, and his property all forfeited. This was considered as the conse- quence of the attainting of the blood, which ren- dered it corrupt, and incapable of transmitting an inheritance. In fact, it was the intention of the bill of attainder to brand the wretched ob- ject of it with complete and perpetual infamy. The proceedings, too, in the impeachment and trial of a high minister of state, were al- ways very imposing and solemn. The im- peachment must be moved by the Commons, and tried by the Peers. A peer of the realm could be tried by no inferior tribunal. When the Commons proposed bringing articles of im- peachment against an officer of state, they sent first a messenger to the House of Peers to ask them to arrest the person whom they intended to accuse, and to hold him for trial until they 1640.] Strafford and Laud's End. 181 Proceedings against Strafford. should have their articles prepared. The House of Peers would comply with this request, and a time would be appointed for the trial. The Commons would frame the charges, and ap- point a certain number of their members to manage the prosecution. They would collect evidence, and get every thing ready for the trial. "When the time arrived, the chamber of the House of Peers would be arranged as a court room, or they would assemble in some other hall more suitable for the purpose, the prisoner would be brought to the bar, the com- missioners on the part of the Commons would appear with their documents and their evi- dence, persons of distinction would assemble to listen to the proceedings, and the trial would go on. It was in accordance with this routine that the Commons commenced proceedings against the Earl of Strafford, very soon after the open- ing of the session, by appointing a committee to inquire whether there was any just cause to accuse him of treason. The committee report- ed to the House that there was just cause. The House then appointed a messenger to go to the House of Lords, saying that they had found that there was just cause to accuse the Earl of 182 King Charles I. [1640. Arrest of Strafford. Usher of the black rod. Strafford of high treason, and to ask that they would sequester him from the House, as the phrase was, and hold him in custody till they could prepare the charges and the evidence against him. All these proceedings were in se- cret session, in order that Strafford might not get warning and fly. The Commons then nearly all accompanied their messenger to the House of Lords, to show how much in earnest they were. The Lords complied with the re- quest. They caused the earl to be arrested and committed to the charge of the usher of the black rod, and sent two officers to the Com- mons to inform them that they had done so. The usher of the black rod is a very import- ant officer of the House of Lords. He is a sort of sheriff, to execute the various behests of the House, having officers to serve under him for this purpose. The badge of his office has been, for centuries, a black rod with a golden lion at the upper end, which is borne before him as the emblem of his authority. A peer of the realm, when charged with treason, is committed to the custody of this officer. In this case he took the Earl of Strafford under his charge, and kept him at his house, properly guarded. The Commons went on preparing the articles of im- peachment. 1641.] Strafford and Laud's End. 183 Laud threatened with violence. This was in November. During the winter following the parties struggled one against an- other, Laud doing all in his power to strength- en the position of the king, and to avert the dangers which threatened himself and Strafford. The animosity, however, which was felt against him, was steadily increasing. The House of Commons did many things to discountenance the rites and usages of the Episcopal Church, and to make them odious. The excitement among the populace increased, and mobs began to interfere with the service in some of the churches in London and Westminster. At last a mob of five hundred persons assembled around the archbishop's palace at Lambeth.* This palace, as has been before stated, is on the bank of the Thames, just above London, op- posite to Westminster. The mob were there for two hours, beating at the doors and windows in an attempt to force admission, but in vain. The palace was very strongly guarded, and the mob were at length repulsed. One of the ring- leaders was taken and hanged. One would have thought that this sort of persecution would have awakened some sym- pathy in the archbishop's favor ; but it was too