m.A.0ie tflKKRAOiC BVSlSfESS.) /H±Xi e> x^X' ""'■ XiSsie: -PXjA-OJt . 8 .V,' C/l *i*l» MA T , A r jEir EX&IjJ. .VU, XORTIlEItN JKAK J^ifi OF illlilMlllllllillMillitlllllfUlinHllllllillillMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHItillllllllllllllllllllHHIIIIUIIillllillilllii lllllllilllllHillllllllllirillllllllllKllllillllllllllll-. .** ^ ^Utis** «<>*< ***** ^S^' *»"-«5fr Cortland Bros »j BROKERS, Investment Agents. mil., Loans securely Placed at 8 >/< Interest, 24 & 2(j Patton Ave. Asheville Fnruiture k Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Walnut, Oak and Cherry PURNITURE^ BAND SAWED POPLAR, LUMBER A SPECIALTY. General Office: ashevii.le, st. c. F, REAL ESTATE, «?//> I ,::M % ■*4a TX. JS. DEPOSITORY! ^CAPITAL, $15.0,0004- OFFICERS D. C. W'AD'DELL, President. W. W. BARNARD, Vice-President. LAWRENCE PULLIAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS Richmond Pearson. Geo. A. Shuford. J. L. Carroll. D. C. Waddell. J. P. Sawyer. T. W, Patton. W. W. Barnard. die r ■ 45 Patton Avenue, ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, -DEALER IN- jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiii:iiiiiiii!i[iii!iiii!iiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii]iiiAiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii • Standing Timber, Manganese • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIMllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKl! -AND- IRON ORE AND LANDS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN LOCUST INSULATOR PINS^TREENAILS, Attention is called to the fact that Locust Insulator Pins last 20 times as long as Oak, and are twice as strong. P. A. GUMMINGS, Pttowe/y at f§uwS|^'bcw^ IpuMic, No. 12 McLOUD BUILDING, ASHl¥IliliI v m.: C DEEDS PROBATED AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TAKEN. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DEPOSITIONS. Abstracts and Titles made, and Real Estate Sold and Bought on Commission. SPECIAL ATTENTION TC ALL BUSINESS. WILL GIVE YOU PROTECTION FOR DEATH, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, Combined in one Certificate in the Mutual Union Association. Home Office, - - ROCHESTER, X. Y. 1 also represent the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of New York. Its cash Reserve Surplus is $ 2,668.108 Paid in Death Claims 9.000.000 Insurance in Force, over 185,000.000 The Central Trust Fund of New York is the Trustee of its Reserve Fund. The American Loan and Trust Company, of New York, Trustee of Special Emergency Fund. The Preferred Mutual Accident and Piovident Fund Society, of New York, is two of the best Companies there ate anywhere. CAM.AM) SEE WE BEFORE TAKING Ol'T INSURANCE. Respectfully, g ft f BRIGHT, Dr. BATT-LE OFFICE, Johnston Building. -cT8<*= «i- FINE MEDIUM AND INDIFFERENT BETTER, ^nsro BEG ;'rj^i 'y&,^^ 9—i <^W^' PRICES. COMMENSURATE WITH QUALITY. lO ZP-^TTOZDsT AYENTJB. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture I Carpets I Etc, Etc. <3KJ V* cw 16 PATTON AVENUE. Artistic Furniture, DAVIS^NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. Kstafolished 1832-58 Years ago Our Specialty is : Everything fine, good and lasting in Bank and Commercial Stationery. No slop-shop work about us. Full value given and fair prices asked. In Binding and the Manufacture of Blank Books : Our work is the very strongest and best, and our Patent Flexible Back Binding for all Full Bound Books, is the strongest and freest opening Binding in the world. In Printing: We have all the improved facilities in type, presses and stereotyping, which this pro- gressive age demands. In Stationery, Paper, Etc. Our stock is the largest and in the greatest variety of any in the South. Anything in demand by our trade we have. In Lithographing: We have the best arrangements for furnish- ing first-class Commercial and Bank work at the very lowest living prices. Uialket*, Evans and Cogswell Company, 3 and 5 Broad and 117 East Bay Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C ENGLISH AND FRENCH imniiiiiiiiiitimiiiimmisiniisi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiini Boarding and Day School IIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlinilililiHIECEIEigtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliEllillBllllllilillllinilSEIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllDlllllllllll For Young Ladies and Little Girls. No. 4.0 French Broad Avenue, ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. Mrs. BURCWYN M AIT LAND, Principal. (For many years Associate Principal Mount Vernon Institute, Baltimore.) The Course of Study includes the usual English branches, with Latin, French, German, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Drawing and Art Embroidery. The School offers special advantages to delicate girls who wish to pursue their studies while benefiting by the salubrious climate of Asheville. Apply to the Principal for circulars containing terms and references. liWt*fii$ -' DIRECTORY -AND- Business Reflex. # 1890 & WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY __J2^z-£-£-^ ^X\ ^j^-c€.-/^z.i.c^e.-c-i^e.d.. PUBLISHED NOV. 1890. CHARLESTON, S. C. Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., Printers, 3 and 5 Broad and 117 East Bay Streets. 1890. TO THE PUBLIC, GREETING : Herewith is presented The Asheville City Directory and Business Reflex ; descriptive and illustrative of its representa- tive business men, together with an epitome of its manufacturing, commercial and industrial progress, including its natural and ac- quired attractions as a health and pleasure resort. In presenting this issue to the public, the writer, sensible of the encouragement and support he has received in a work of this character, occupying nearly four months of continuous labor, takes this opportunity to acknowledge his indebtedness to those who in any way assisted him in compiling and publishing it ; and to the public for their very generous and hearty support. To the whole-souled Mayor of Asheville, and to its business men, unequalled in any city of its size for energy and audacious enterprise and broad liberality, to the prosperous up-builders of its splendid schools, manufactories, mercantile establishments, charming health resorts and beautiful homes, and to the daily and weekly press, whose kindly words of cheer and encouragement have given impetus to the enterprise, and to our friends and patrons at large, this' work is respectfully dedicated. /is^eville, i^opff) vfjen?0lir)< ■i The Queen City of the Mountains, and Beyond Peradventure the Gem City and Metropolis of this Great, Charming Combine— A Domain of Fashionable People, Social Culture and Refine- ment—A City of Magnificent Resources, Natural and Acquired Advantages as a Health and Pleasure Resort. An impulse of energy and capital from the North and East along the highlands of the Southern region, marks the closing years of the ninth decade of the century of progress, which is re- markable not only because of its spontaniety, but because also it has been so long deferred. That favorite field of exploitation, the boundless West, has of late years exhibited reactionery tendencies. It no longer yields its un- failing tribute of profit to the confident investor and thus of thou- sands of those who have suffered the rigors of its prolonged winters are held simply by their inability to convert their hard won posses- sions into portable shape. There is an overplus of cereals and under supply of metals. So it comes that the vast repositories of ores and coals in the mountains of the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, Georgia and Alabama long since known to the world, at least by rumor, are now laid under tribute. The bearer of the theodolite are busy striking lines of approach for numerous rail- roads athwart the broad areas known to be rich in workable ores. For the first time in thirty years the balance of railroad construction has been during the year just passed, in favor of the Southern States Almost forgotten schemes for connections, extensions and terminals of long existing lines have been revived and put under way There is in brief, activity everywhere — hence these remarks by way of pre- lude, in which we will outline many of the advadtages of our sec- tion which should stimulate workmen, business men and capitalists to a more liberal policy of treatment upon the attractions of our beautiful City and Queenland, Asheville, combined with her surrounding mountain attractions and acquired resources, is destined in a few years to contrast and outrival in popularity all the natural grandeur or acquired beauty of Switzerland. Standing pre-eminent in comparison with the Eiffel 6 tower, of national fame, and as grand and undulating as the foam- ing splendor of the beautiful and billowy waves of the broad At- lantic, thence we gather upon the threshold of this mighty city of education and modern civilization, commanding from its towering and lofty peaks the dazzling and enchanting view of the chain of the grand Southern Appalachian range, among whose majestic mountains stands Asheville, the Queen City of the Mountains, the proud and advancing city of this Southland, and the admiration of a multitude of shrewd and progressive people of this distended, far- seeing, ingenious and united kingdom. We are unable — surely it is inadequate— to rightly portray with human tmigue or pen the mauifold attractions she proclaims, which challenge comparison for inducements to capitalists, manufacturers, health and pleasure seek- ers, and for diversity of mountain grandeur and picturesque sub- limity, with the indescribable beauteous presentation of river and valley scenic attractions is not surpassed in the world. Less than two decades ago Asheville, unknown, inert and isolated, now repre- sents one of the most popular and widely known cities of its size in the United States, whose climatic conditions outrules and surpasses for general healthfulness the European resorts of Genoa, Milan. Turin and glorious Vienna, and any atmosphere yet explored or an- alyzed by strategic research or in the scale of human development. TVuly this is the place for gods and divines to luxuriate within by enhancing their longevity in breathing pure air, feasting upon couches of delicious splendor, feeding upon choice and dainty viands, which stands meet and irresistible to all good and cultured people. Hence we say, come with us, invest in our city, buy property, build you a home, co-operate with us in goodness, probity and justice. To all this, with our combine of advantages, we will make you rise to affluence, and dispel your intention of gathering fortune and fame from the occidental region which offers less solid inducements than our proud and sunny Southland. Come to our electric city, for it is folly to search elsewhere for greater treasures than ours. Wealth, progress, success, power and riches all stand open and eager to be grafted and handed down to those of energy and "ambition to win. To repeat, the attractions offered to the health and pleasure seeker are not surpassed in America. The ever-changing scenery and beautiful driveways from one to twenty miles are, without question, noticeable— some of the most peerless in the world — and our healthful suburban homes here at the close of the day's business and worry. Wearied humanity, longing for quiet and undisturbed repose from care and toil, can find that soothing rest that restores mental tranquility, invigorates the system and places it in a condition to withstand the cares and ceaseless annoyances of everyday life. To repeat, the romantic river and mountain scenery of this section are without rivals in the world. For instance, the views obtained between the Metropolis and Hot Springs, a distance of perhaps forty miles over the Rich- mond and Danville Railroad traveling all along the waters' edge or the beautiful French Broad is a scene of rare delight, royal grandeur, and matchless panoramic beauty. In the valley the swift flight of trains coming and going can be traced the advanc- ing and receding columns of steam and smoke lingering in their wake. These, with a thousand other attractions, combine to swell the heart and soul with awe and enchantment. Asheville stands amidst the summits of the grandest mountain range in the world, and so far removed from all other cities of its class to be outside the pale of rivalry and jealousy. Asheville's su- perior attractions are everywhere admitted, occupying an elevated plateau of nearly 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, its air is always pure and bracing, giving it the rightful reputation of being the most healthful place in America, yet the chief glory of Asheville is not her climate or locality, but the enterprise and public spirit of her business men, absolutely outrivalling any city of its size in the world. In every period of the city's development these men of foresight, enterprise and liberality have stood with open purses ready to pro- mote every scheme likely to contribute to the prosperity of Asheville, and it is to them the city owes its greatest debt. No means of judi- cious advertisement of Asheville's greatness- has ever been rejected or neglected by them, and prosperity has neither chilled their ardor or warped their judgment nor tightened their purse strings, and such men as we here have will soon quadruple the enumeration of our population to what it now stands, hence we proclaim her business men legion and her many attractions unfaltering. Asheville, North Car lina, the capital of Buncombe County, is on the Western No. Ca. Railroad, (a branch of the famous Kichmond and Danville Railway Systems), and is delightfully situated in the valley of the beautiful French Broad River at the confluence of the Swannannoa. It is surrounded by some of the grandest and most romantic mountain scenery anywhere to be found. The elevation is 2H50 feet above the level of the sea, its high and healthful location and charm- ing views have made it a favorable Summer and Winter resort. The natural products are principally the growing and manufac- ture of tobacco, which is an item of great magnitude ; also, extensive deposits of iron and manganesiate ores in this vicinity, (together with the statement from a well known scientist of the country that Western North Carolina contained the hard wood with which the world was to be supplied in the next fifty years. It abounds in that most valuable timber, poplar, now growing so greatly in favor in the Northern markets, and also the oak, hickory, ash, black walnut, cherry, locust, pine, &c.) Extensive gardens and truck farms, stock raising, dairying, and every choice vegetable that is suitable to the taste of the most epicurean and Cosmopolitan class who dwell con- stantly with us in this attractive city of the mountains. North Carolina is noted for its mountains. In this State the Appalachian system attains its greatest height. There are twenty-four peaks which are higher than Mount Wash- ington, in New Plampshire, no less than sixty which are over 6,000 feet high. The principal mountain range, as we pass to the westward are the Blue Ridge and the Great Smoky. These lie nearly parallel to one another. , The Blue Ridge crosses the vicinity in a southwesterly direction. It contains many peaks of considerable elevation, and reaches its greatest height in Grandfather Mountain, 5,897 feet above the sea. It is the great Water Shed of the State. The great Smoky range extends all al.mg the western border of the State, and separates it from Tennessee. It is known under various local names, such as the Iron Moun- tains, in the North, and the Smoke, in the South. The great Smoky range is the master link of the whole Appalachian system. Its highest peak is Clingman's Dome, 6,69.) feet above the sea, but a number of other summits exceed 6,000 feet. Between these two ranges are numerous high peaks and massive spurs rising from the plateau ; of these, the loftiest are the Black Mountains, which are so named from the forests of dark balsam firs that crown their summits. One of this group, Black Dome or Mit- chell's High Peak is the culminating point of the Appalachian Mountains, and the highest land east of the Rocky Mountains. It attains a height of 6,688 feet above the sea level. (This peak was named in honor of Dr. Mitchell, a distinguished professor in the University of North Carolina, who perished June 27th, 1857, while exploring this region, and was buried on the summit of the moun- tain.) The mountain region of North Carolina is one of the most beautiful portions of the United States. The mountains are fertile to their summits, and are clothed with magnificent forests. Nothing can surpass the picturesque loveliness that bursts upon the traveller, and objects of interest to tourists and pleasure seekers in this mountain region is daily gaining fashionable and pleasing notoriety. It would require a vast field of language to describe the 9 great attractions of this majestic country, and we proffer to the world, in this feeble writing, the advantages of coming among us with your capital, energy and enterprise. We promise you, at a near day, the proof of all we say. In this city now are represented some of the noted millionaire kings of the country, and monied indi- viduals and corporations are fast discovering the right field for such embarkation. Apropos, one of the old and savage divines of the Cal- vinistic order of the seventeenth century, has a dictum of the last great judgment day to be held in some vast valley, and surrounded with a complete circuit of impassable mountains, which preclude escape on all sides. He must have had in mind some conception of the great Smoky Range vale, with Mitchell's high peak and Cling- man's Dome, and all the cloud and sky-tall range that completes the mighty parapet. Western N. C. to-day, with its lovely climate, clear streams, pure springs, in many places gushing out in great volumes of curative chemical mixtures of salts and alkalies at a temperature of 140 degrees. So that these rivers which run through the valleys never have a film of ice on their surface.and the vast sweep of amphitheatrical rock and hill-sides. These points, and many others the pen can not portray, combine to make Asheville the drinking cup, theatre dome, or punch bowl for "the play of the gods." Whatever figure you liken the place to, you will not find another place just like it on the round globe. At least so say the best travelled tourists who visit here from Summer to Winter. Out of the rocks forming the walls of the canyons through which we ride, at a dizzy height above the valley below, the art of the skilled engineer has hewn and blasted magnificent rock beds for travel, and as we wind the pass on the decline the scene that bursts upon the snow-capped peaks that glitter in the blue sky, down, down, down, to the beautiful vision of Round Knob, it is one of the grandest and sublimest of descriptions. In fact, many other points of interest, including the mountain hamlets which are seen in a sur- vey of this divine work of nature. The natural fountains, in close proximity, divide and sends a crystal stream each to the broad At- lantic on the east and no less majestic gulf on the southwest, and ever spraying the atmosphere, making it, in its entirety, the sublimest description the eye and soul can conceive. The most vivid imagina- tion cannot conjecture it, unless seen, and when seen, a sense of its immensity is overpowering. In these mountains we have the mostawe-inspiringand scenic gran- deur on the Continent, and alone worth a trip from the Old World to the New to see. But Asheville has the most positive and extensive sanitary attractions in her mountain homes only equalled east of 10 Denver, and very much resembling Italy and Southern France, and if she had been advertised one-fourth that those world-famous re- sorts her hotels might now be double in size and quadruple what they are in numbers. But rapid increase of tourist and regular sea- son visitors is sure to come as individual advertising by those who have been here, and is sure to be given and will induce great num- bers to pass the hot summer months and mild winter ones in a mountain winter and summer retreat, so refreshing to our jaded nerves, weak lungs and torpid liver, which is more potent than the zephyrs that classical liars attribute to the mythological " Vale of Tempe." As a residence city Asheville has no superior in the United States or in the world. It is practically a city of homes, with all the ad- vantages that may be found anywhere, together with many that ex- ist nowhere but in the delightful health-giving climate of North Carolina. In general beauty and attractiveness there are no cities of its size that compare with Asheville. The beautiful situation of the various residence portion, with the grand mountain scenery always in view, sometimes as exquisite vistas at the end of a street, and again rising up as a background to the valley beyond. The cleanli- ness and complete drainage of the streets, the bright sunshine and pure air, the peculiar beauty and taste of the city itself, with all its home-like aspect, combine to make it attractive. Add to this its superb school system, musical and literary culture, pure water and a thousand other advantages that combine to perfect a pabulum of nutriment and delight. To repeat, Asheville is a city of homes, and among them are many which would be considered models of beauty and elegance wherever found. It is also the architects paradise as there are so many beautiful sites to build upon. The styles mostly in favor in Asheville now are the English and Romanesque which are now used almost entirely throughout all the cities of notable advancement. There are no pilasters or columns, but the Roman arch is everywhere. Another style those who build now are running to, is the modern Gothic, which is ex- tremely picturesque and pleasing. It would not be possible in this article to do full justice to this feature of Asheville. Numbers of their fine homes are set down in the midst of magnificent lawns and surrounded by pieces of statuary, fountains and other accessories in ornamentation. In and about Asheville are all the inducements of beauty and loveliness that could be wished for. Truly this is now the veritable Poet's Corner of the earth and whoever can and would flee the " maddening crowd," will find here indeed sure rest to his weary soul and glad rejuvenation to the body if it can be 11 secured below the skies. To conclude, Asheville is the Electric City, the Gem City, the Crown City, the Queen City, the Altitude City of the South, and is destined in a few years to be the largest business centre in the State, most fashionable health and pleasure resort in the world. An index estimate to her present possessions as a metropolis would give her credit for : Population in 1880 2,610 Population in 1890 11,913 Number of manufactories in 1890 22 Employees of manufactories 1,415 Capital invested in manufactories $1,107,000 Value of product 2,073,000 Annual general merchandising, about 6,000,000 Real estate transfers over 2,000,000 Banking capital, about 500,000 Banking deposit, (average,) about 1,000,000 Internal revenue collections, Western district, of which this is a large part, over 2,000,000 Asheville is the most progressive city in the South. Asheville is the healthiest city in the world. Asheville has fifteen miles water mains. Asheville has the finest climate in the world. Asheville has more beautiful residences than any other city of its size. Asheville is building a $100,000 Postoffice. Asheville has five miles Electric car line and two miles more under active consideration. Asheville will sr>on have a twenty mile suburban Electric railway. Asheville is building three immense hotels, the aggregate cost of which will be $l,5u0,000 Asheville has more wealth than any city of its size in the South. Asheville has the cheapest priced real estate for its growth of any city in the Union. Asheville has the finest grazing, dairying, stock raising and vege- table growing section in the South. Asheville has 32 churches and societies, prosperous and represent- ing all denominations. Asheville has -47 hotels and boarding houses, majority of them elegant, and complete in all appointments. Asheville has the finest building sites in America. Asheville has a new Light Heat and Power Company. Asheville has a Park and Hotel Company, capital $1,000,000. Asheville has a new Opera House, costing $60,000. 12 2 Shoe Factories, employing 100 hands. 16 Wood Working Establishments. 18 Lumber and Manufacturing Co's. 2 Foundry and Machine Shops. 3 Sanitariums. 2 Daily, 6 Weekly, 2 Monthly Newspapers. 8 Public Schools. 6 Private Schools. 2 Industrial Schools. Immense Building Improvements. 400 Houses in course of erection. 3 Tobacco Factories. 1 Ice Factory. 1 Flouring Mill. 200 Mercantile Stores. 150 Contractors and Builders. I Cigar Factory. Splendid Paved Streets. 1 Broom Factory. 1 Furniture M'fng Co. 1 Soda Water and Bottling Factory. 2 Complete Electric Light Systems. 1 Telephone System. 1 Public Library. 1 Gamewell Fire Alarm System. Large Gas Works. 2 Fire Companies. 3 Social Club Houses. Y. M. C. Association. 50,000 Visitors, annually. CHARLES D. BL ANTON & CO. Charles D. Blanton & Co., Clothiers and Gentlemen's Furnishers, No. 9 W. Court Place. It is the province and intention of this work to give a comprehen- sive idea of Asheville's business at present, and by sketching the prominent enterprises within her gates, which point distinctly to the conclusion that Avhile now, comparatively a small city, we are assured that at the present degree of advancement the time is not far distant when she will compete with others of a greater magni- tude and be rightly called one of the great cities of the South. 14 In this connection we call attention to the' firm's prominence who head these remarks, and as a dealer in such a line none takes precedence of C. D. Blanton & Co. The business premises of this firm are very centrally located, and virtually in the very heart of the city, and perhaps nowhere else in Asheville can be found a stock so complete which is sold at such reasonable prices. This stock em- braces a full assortment of Men's ami Boy's Clothing in all the latest styles and patterns, Gent's Furnishing Goods, containing absolutely all the articles necessary for the toilet of the most fastidious gen- tleman, and always being of the newest and latest styles. This house requires the services of a large number of salesmen to transact its large patronage which is constantly increasing purely on its own merits. The gentlemen comprising this firm are Charles D., Wm. M. and Joseph Blanton ; Corps of assistants are Mr. Max Marcus, Colonel W. R. Young and John S. Stephens, all of whom are competent and affable gentlemen. Mr. Charles D. Blanton, the senior member of the firm and at present the mayor of Asheville, has been interested in her progress for a number of years, and during his administration as City Gov- ernor has shown his ability and efficiency in a remarkable degree, in- augurating iu many instances substantial improvements, and has failed only in a very few cases to prove the right clay in the right place. Mr. Blanton is one of those business men who conducts his affairs on a principle of strict justice and fairness to all, which prin- ciples, coupled with his indisputable integrity and broad liberality, have won for him large friendship and much success in the commu- nity and commercial world. Mr. Blanton is also largely interested in various estates in this section, and as true physiognomists would put it, his face reveals those generous characteristics both of purse and of heart. F. P. MIMNAUGH, F. P. Mimnaugh, Dry Goods Emporium, Fashion Bazaar and rare display of the richest fabrics in the market. No. 11 Pattern Ave. " This in the nicest place in Asheville to trade." The speaker was a lady, and the place she referred to was F. P. Mimnaugh's splendid Dry Goods Emporium, No. It Patton Ave " He keeps an excellent line of goods, and sells them at reasonable prices," continued the lady, who is a resident of Chestnut street. This observant and strictly critical lady simply voiced the senti- 15 merit of every one of the thousands who monthly crowd this ele- gant store. The class of goods carried in stock embrace every con- ceivable article tbat a first class dry goods house can be expected to carry. The finest domestics and imported silks and satins are found upon the shelves and counters of Mr. Mimnangh. They are there in endless profusion, wonderful variety of color and various designs. The interior display is a model of artistic ar- rangement, and nearly an exhibition of fine art. There is scarcely an hour in the day that crowds of ladies cannot be seen standing in front of these counters trading, discussing and admiring the beau- ties of the rare fabrics displayed so lavishly to view. The store of Mr. Mimnaugh during the fine mornings and after- noons so peculiar to Asheville's beautiful climate, presents a most charming and ever shifting scene. The large, airy and attractive store room is ever crowded with gaily attired ladies, whose varied and beautiful costumes and bright, pleasant faces lend a fascinating charm to the place, giving it the semblance of a beautiful Bazaar. The delicate fabrics displayed so lavishly attract the eye and de- light the soul of those who love the beautiful. The store has a splendid frontage, and tbe interior dimensions are commodious, well lighted and amply convenient for such a large patronage as he receives. Also, a chief adjunct to this business is a first class millinery de- partment, in charge of competent and experienced ladies from Bal- timore, and nothing in this department is incomplete, but includes everything fashionable and artistic. In addition to the large class of dry goods and notions carried by this gentleman, is a complete stock if carpets, rugs and matting, of endless grades and prices. The entire establishment, in point of, attractive appearance, taste of display, certainly leads all the dry goods stores of Asheville. This firm employs a large force of clerks and attachees, to whom he is liberal and considerate if faithful assistants, and in consequence every person in his employ is zealously loyal to the interests of the firm, and feels an interest in the high reputation it enjoys among its numerous patrons. There are numerous elements entering into the popularity of this noted firm, chief among which are the following facts : They are liberal advertisers and carry a stock of first class goods, which they sell at reasonable prices, and fulfilling every promise advertised and are keenly alive to the requirements of Asheville trade, which they thoroughly understand. They know the value of courtesy, and all patrons receive the most considerate and polite attention, and nine cases out of ten, persons 16 who trade once with this firm usually return, for it matters not whether the customer is a resident of Battery Park or a denison of " Cripple Creek." They all are treated with uniform courtesy by the proprietor and employees, and every effort made to render a visit to his store pleasant and agreeable. Their trade is of the most de- sirable class, and their goods of that quality and design that at- tracts and captivates at once those who visit this splendid establish- ment. Go and see if we have not given them deserved praise. A. D. COOPER A. D. Cooper, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Confections, Canned Goods, Condiments, Cigars and Tobacco. Main and College streets, Tel. No. 6. At a casual glance or a passing thought it seems remarkable how rapidly some firms or individuals will acquire a large and lucrative trade, but when the motto is investigated it is easily explained. As nothing is so successful in a business as energy and enterprise, coupled with industry and honorable dealings, hence we cannot w E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions, We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 17 make mention of Asheville's prominent industries without bringing into prominent notice the establishment of A. D. Cooper, among the largest and oldest dealers in this line in the city. Whose location is one of the most central and stock the most complete of any firm in Western North Carolina. Whether it is a correct criterion or not, it is very often that the importance of an industry is measured by the number of people who use it, and in the matter of the grocery business it must be conceded that the rule applied to this instance is emphatically true, and pre- eminently among these establishments this firm takes the highest rank. They carry constantly in stock a mammoth assortment of groce- ries, including coffees, spices, teas, sugars, imported and domestic, and canned goods, condiments of all kinds— in addition to an immense retail business. They do considerable jobbing in this line and make a specialty of selling feed, hay, bran, and all kinds of food for cattle, which will, upon investigation, command the attention of the trade at home and elsewhere. Mr. Cooper personally courteous, genial and is ever interested in the progress and advancement of this the " Queen City of the Mountains." BATTERY PARK HOTEL. A Retreat for Health and Pleasure Seekers, in whose abode bringeth forth soothing balm to one's jaded nerves, together with those luxuries which, in everyway, satiates the wants of a fashionable and fastidious commonwealth. On the crest of a romantic and elevated range of the great Southern Appalachian system, just far enough removed from the city's centre to escape the din and confusion of a busy throng of cosmopolitan people, and offering enjoyment, to its fullest extent, and all desirable metropolitan privileges and comfort, which tend to fulfill the wishes and complete the pleasures of a society and health seeking public, and commanding a view of mountain scenery with metropolitan elegance, and unsurpassed in the country is located the Battery Park, which, from innumerable points of vantage, renders it a most attractive hotel, and coming in comparison with the well equipped hotels of the South. Battery Park is a spot of historical interest, and widely popular, not only for its beautiful views, (being one hun- dred feet above the highest streets of the city,) and commanding a o 18 stretch of country in some directions of sixty miles distant, but as having been the location selected during the war by the Confede- rates as the defence to the city. Here a battery was planted and maintained till near the close of the war. The mighty breastworks still remain, and are preserved as flower beds. The view from the hotel is said by tourists and visitors to be unsurpassed in beauty in the world, the eye discerning 1,000 square miles of the sublimest and most awe-inspiring mountain grandeur to be found on this globe. The owner, Col. FrankCoxe, is a native of this State, but now re- siding in Philadelphia, who represents an enormous amount of capi- tal, and is one of the leading railroad magnates of the country. The doors of the Battery Park were thrown open to the public on the 12th day of July, 1886, and since that time it has enjoyed almost a monopoly of the principal travel through this country. It is four stories in heigbt above the basement and contains about 250 rooms, single and en suite. The architecture is of modern Queen Anna style, and tbe structure masonic and solid in its character. It has a frontage of 325x175 feet. It is one of the most thoroughly appointed and perfectly equipped hotels of any pleasure and health resort, both winter and summer. Its location is one of beauty and picturesqueness that cannot be appreciated until seen. Every modern improvement and invention having been used for the comfort and convenience of its guests, and every rule observed which will at unce commend itself to the atten- tion of tbe health and pleasure seeker. The entire building is heaied by steam and lighted by Electric light and gas. All the apartments in addition are provided with commodious fire places. Particular attention has been given to the Sanitary conditions of the entire building, and all the modern safeguards have been intro- duced so as to insure pure air throughout. The building is absolutely fire proof. The floors generally being laid in cement, preventing a fire from spreading from one floor to another, and every appliance, including stand pipes for the purpose of subduing fire, are available on each floor, and in addition making a serious conflagration impos- sible, and here may be seen throughout the year men from all portions of the United Slates. Wealth, together with fashion and culture, represented in various ways of social pursuits peculiar to an elegant metropolis and all the year round pleasure resort. But aside from the advantages enumerated the wise and liberal policy in the management of this institution employed by Mr. Steele has given great care to the table, to have it at all times fully supplied with every luxury of the home market, and every department is under the 19 direction of experienced and skillful assistants. Thus in serving guests a bill of fare unexcelled and the service of the very best. The first floor includes drawing room, private parlors, office, grand dining room, with ladies' ordinary, rotunda, reading rooms, tele- graph office, ladies' billiard parlor, news and cigar stand, stenogra- phers and typewriters conveniently located. The second floor, which is connected with the rotunda by several convenient stairways, con- tains barber shop, bar and billiard hall, gentlemen toilet and wash rooms. The former apartments in every particular are comfortably furnished. The upper floors, in many of the apartments, have bath rooms, and are provided with every convenience desired for the comfort of guests. One of the features of the Battery Park's management pro- vides itself is the fact that no perceptible difference in the furnish- ing of the lower and upper floors. A ball room 50x150, which is exceedingly well fitted and arranged for such amusements in an all-the-year-rouud resort. This includes a ten-pin alley underneath, which is calculated to please the most fastidious During the colder portion of the winter the verandas are enclosed by glass, and many of the private suites of rooms have .glass bow-windows. By this arrangement invalids can enjoy a sun bath without leaving their rooms. First-class livery accommodations are easily accessible ; also, in addition, a private motor car line is conducted, and by a gradually circuitous ascent of this interesting hotel, the summit is reached, and relieves a long and tedious walk, which is, in itself, a mammoth enterprise. Good table conveninces and service has won the confidence and patronage of the best class of our people of the land, and thus has not only received the admiration of every person of note who comes to our city, but that of her citizens and the best business men from every part of the country. H. REDWOOD & CO. H.Redwood & Co., Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Carpets, One Price System. Nos. 7 and Patton Ave. Among the largest merchants longest resident of Asheville are H. Redwood & Co., who first embarked in business in this city in 1881, under style of Graham & Redwood, Mr. Graham retiring two years later. For a long time this handsome establishment has controlled a most 20 flattering trade and attracted unusual attention on account of the mammoth stock carried and the rare bargains offered. Mr. Redwood is a native of the " Monumental City " of Baltimore and has successfully mastered all the intrinsic details of the busi- ness. ^Shortly after coming South he recognized in Asheville an ex- cellent opening, although the field was occupied at that time by strong competitors having strong priority of occupancy and exten- sive capital. Happily the firm possessed considerable means, with experience and indomitable pluck, those essentials which enter largely into success in the commercial world. Their business education ac- quired among the shrewdest merchants in the North and in this community also, peculiarly fitted them for the task before them, and with every confidence in their ability filled their store with a stock of goods to suit all classes First of all, however, they recognized the value of judicious adver- tising, and one of their first acts was to herald to the trade through various advertising mediums the bargains they proposed to offer. They knew their stock would bear close scrutiny and marked all ar- ticles at plain figures calculated to invite trade. They did not lay in a stock of shoddy stuff's and advertise them as first-class goods. They attempted no deception, but, on the contrary, sold the best at prices that permitted a reasonable profit and at ab- solutely one price. The fame of such honorable dealing characteristic of this firm, with the excellence of goods handled soon gained circulation among people— and in an inconceivably short time their store was daily thronged with the best class of cash customers, which is the basis governing at present the rules of this establishment, as they keep no accounts whatever. For nearly two years the active partners have been Messrs. H. Redwood, John H. McDowell and P. I. Love. The premises occu- pied by this firm are about 48x100 feet. The interior is divided by a shelf construction which forms a divide of the different lines handled and gives it the semblance of a mammoth concern, with its several departments as it stands to-day under the management of competent men. This immense area is stored with a stock of goods scarcely second to any south of Richmond, in which city Mr. Redmond is also a partner in a generally similar business. Here can be purchased anything from a paper of pins to a com- plete costume for a lady, or outfit for a gentleman. A visit to this establishment will repay any one having an eye for the beautiful. 21 The ample show windows fronting on Patton Avenue command the attention of all passers by. A most gratifying feature of the display is that every article ex- hibited in the windows has the price plainly marked upon it. In this mammoth store room is presented a most interesting appearance eliciting favorable comment from all who visit it. The most delicate and beautiful fabrics are found in bewildering confusion and the scene is captivating in its beauty and mag- nificence, accentuated by the business stir almost ever present. The stock of goods carried embraces every desirable grade of goods, from fine velvets and silks which only the wealthy can hope to buy, ♦ and goods of more ordinary kinds within the reach of those of really slender means. The kindly relations existing between this firm and their numer- ous employees are shown by the loyalty of the latter to their em- ployers interest. Without exception they are courteous and in every sense obliging ; it is a genuine pleasure to trade at this splendid Emporium. The secret of the success of this firm is the fact, that the goods offered for sale are first-class and are sold at fair prices and that customers are treated with pleasing courtesy and every possible effort is made to protect the customers, real interest and thereby to merit patronage. J. S. GRANT, J. S. Grant, Ph. G. Pharmacist and Prescriptions a Specialty, 24 South Main. Tel. Store, 10. Res. 94. To win success in the drug business one must not possess only business ability— but must have also a large amount of specific pro- fessional knowledge in regard to articles handled. A gentleman possessing to a marked degree the above requisites is the subject of tbis consideration, and is entitled to very prominent mention in his especial line. Mr. Grant embarked in this business in Asheville four years ago, and by the utilization of his naturally fine business qualities has succeeded in building up a trade second to none. He carries a splendid stock, consisting of the very purest drugs . chemicals, toilet requisites, fine perfumeries, patent medicines of known merit, druggists' sundries, while especial care is given the prescription department, in fact such has been the care in this de- 22 partment that mistakes are foreign to it — while nothing is used but absolutely pure drugs and chemicals. Mr. Grant is a druggist of long experience, and fully knows how to cater to the wants of this multifarious public which is evidenced daily by the large patronage he receives, and his knowledge shows what untiring energy of well directed efforts will prove. The premises occupied by this firm are centrally located and fitted up in an attractive manner. We must admit the city is fortunate in the possession of a number of competent druggists, and among them stands pre-eminently this establishment. Mr. Grant makes also a specialty of several proprietary articles, including a tasteless emulsion of cod liver oil and pepsin, which has attracted much attention at home and elsewhere. It is a great flesh producer, and the most delicate stomach can digest it. Also sole agents for Humphries Homeopathic Remedies, known all over the world, in fact the visitor will find every article belong- ing appropriately to tbis branch of the trade, and also a well selected stock of imported and domestic drugs, cigars and every department receives the careful attention of the proprietor, thus ensuring satisfac- tion to any and all. Mr. Grant personally is courteous, most agreeable, and occupies a splendid position in the commercial world, while so- cially he enjoys the esteem and respect of all who have been thrown into private or business relationship with him. JOHN BAXTER BOSTIC. A Sketch of one of Asheville's prominent citizens.— A career that savors of Romance, intermingled with Bold Success and Pros- perity. Not the least of the high privileges accorded the writer is that of recording a very few of the more prominent acts of North Carolina's business men. The gentleman whose portrait we furnish, first saw the opening of day in Rutherford County, March 30th, 1853, and has, since the present writing, been reared and nurtured principally in the good old Commonwealth of his nativity. His father, a farmer of very limited means, at an early age assigned him to the vocation of farm life. Its toils and hardships soon began to grow distasteful to him, and he made various fruitless attempts to escape the un- pleasant environments that so closely surrounded his career ; but, as a result of energy and perseverance which has of late years char- acterized his every-day life, at the age of even 18 he was not classed 23 JOHN BAXTER BOSTIC. among the "tenderfoots," having tramped from his father's home to Georgia, a distance of three hundred miles, after an unsuccessful attempt to stow himself away in a wagon, where he was discovered by the wagon master, which, we believe, is the only venture in his somewhat eventful life that be has not met with perfect success. Through the various misfortunes of the poverty of strangers in a strange land, he failed to secure a position in keeping wiih his love, and, as a last resort, was again subjected to the inevitable and stormy hardships of farm life. He braved this, however, for three years, and by a very necessarily economical policy of treatment upon the question of high life and luxuries, he accumulated the price of a ticket back to his native domain. In 1874 Mr. Bostic conceived the idea of entering the mercantile business, although possessed of only $100, and less knowledge of the commercial world. He had confidence in his pluck. However, he at that date opened in a small way at Shelby, North Carolina, and was soon associated with his brother, Joseph T., under the firm name of Bostic Bros., both of whom manifested an aptness for mercantile pursuits, and by close attention to business, and a careful study of their patrons' interests, they were soon enabled to enlarge their busi- ness, thus also strengthening their credit. In 1881 Mr. E. H. Wright, of the same place, became a member of this firm, which continued to advance, and in a short space of time this firm entered into the 24 manufacture of tobacco, and various other trades in that town, which continued with happy results until 1.888, when several changes were made, and in 1887 Mr. Bostic came to Asheville. and since then has prospered to a remarkable degree. Mr. Bostic is now a large dealer in real estate in this city, wherein probably no calling or pursuit re- quires such keen foresight, thorough knowledge and intimate ac- quaintance with values as does that of the real estate dealer, and to successfully handle property and place loans in a constantly growing city one must possess those qualities named, and, besides, should have business ability of a high order and standing in a community that will inspire confidence towards him. In real estate transac- tions there are many points of vital character to consider, if a dealer would be honest with his customers and places any valuation upon his own character. Values may be inflated, property grossly mis- represented and titles imperfect, which the investor may have no knowledge of at the time of the purchase, but which cannot be hidden from him ; and so the necessity of seeking out the dealer who has all the virtues of an honest business man, and is above the petty trickery by which many men rise to affluence and power at the sacrifice of honor, and entail loss upon their confiding customers. Mr. Bostic is a conservative business man, and fully acquainted with every detail of his business. He is also a member of the Arm of Bostic Bros. & Wright, and has, within a few years, figured in some lar^e transactions, and has gained the confidence of a large circle of friends and the entire business community. In addition to the above he was the chief designer in organizing the Asheville Loan and Construction Company, in which he is a large owner ; also prominently identified with the Asheville Ligtr Power and Heat- ing Company, a director in the Craggie Heights Electric Car Railway Company, and corresponding member of the American Real Estate Association, whose main office is at Memphis, Tenn., together with a large interest in the West Asheville Improvement Company. Having faithfully performed his various stations in the past, Mr. Bostic has succeeded in acquiring possibly over a hundred thousand dollars. He takes an active interest in the Church, and, a.-ide from these, his acts of charity since coming to Asheville has clearly demon- strated his tender sympathy for the unfortunate and poor, and he is public spirited and forward in every movement for the general good * \K-K are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated »» Fire and Burglar Proof .Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or deatli in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. \\JK are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated " Fire Mild Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or .death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford. Conn." JENKS &. JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 25 J. F. WOODBURY. Leading Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, College Square, Tele- phone No. 1. Among the numerous and various enterprises that go to make up the commercial whole of a city, none perhaps attract more uni- versal attention or is of more general concern than the livery business, as it is of more or less concern and utilization to the entire com- munity, hence it is in summing up the resources and industries of a city — important that representation should be made of the leading stables, among such, undoubtedly is that of Woodbury. This ex- ceedingly creditable enterprise had its inception three years ago and by reason of most superior management and excellent equipment it has throughout this time done a lucrative trade and present for its numerous patrons the most fashionable and elegant teams, turnouts, magnificent riding and driving horses in the State. The location of these stables at College Square are in all respects eligible while the barn is of a large brick and holds every con- venience for the light, ventilization and comfort necessary for the healthful keeping of its large number of fine horses. The stock consists of one hundred fine horses, twenty-five different styles of rigs, embracing a specialty in mountain double and single seated buck boards. T. Carts buggies, petite busses, landaus, dog carts, coupettes, and every conceivable livery conveyance known to the conduct of a modern and fashionable commonwealth and cosmo- politan pleasure resort like this the " Queen City of the Mountains." This establishment is the largest in the State and gives employ- ment to twenty-five or thirty hands, including a large number of experienced drivers, footmen and attendants in full livery costumes of the most fashionable and splendid styles Mr. Woodbury is a native of the " City of Notions," and came to Asheville in 1887, and by pursuing a careful study of the wants of a fashionable people he surely beyond peradventure takes the lead 26 in this line of industry. He is a gentleman of large natural ability and his success is the natural result of energy and enterprise tempered with honesty, intermingled with the essence of courtesy and stands monarch in this vicinity in his particular line. N. W. GIRDWOOD. N. W. Girdwood, Proprietor Model Steam Laundry, No. 17 Patton Avenue. The modern well equipped Steam Laundry is a great convenience to any city or locality, and should be patronized by all those requir- ing laundry work done, instead of aiding to pave the streets of China with American gold, hence get your work done at the Model Steam Laundry. This business was opened to the public about two years ago and meets a long felt want, for nothing perhaps is more productive of profanity than a dress shirt indifferently washed or poorly ironed, and if only from a moral point of view it is a duty for a man to patronize an establishment which will do him satisfactory work. This establishment is a first class, well equipped and managed one, and employs ten or twelve hands and the running of one wagon in collecting and delivering in the city, and the gentlemen at the head of the business are well versed in the work, and have the vim, dash and energy sufficient to continue their success. They superintend the work of the house and nothing but first class work is allowed to go out to its customers. Their prices are low for good work, with calls and deliveries made to any part of the city. The proprietor, Mr. Girdwood, is one of the city's representative business men, and this industry can not be overlooked by any family or citizen of Asheville, hence we say patronize your own people and let the almond-eyed peregrine with his pig-tail hair and wooden shoes, slide 27 J. M. ALEXANDER. J. M. Alexander. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Saddles, Whips, Harness, &c, &c. Asheville, N. C. No. 4 North Court Place- As pursuing a very important branch of industry bearing upon the general commercial prosperity of and paramount proposal to add to the growth and interest of a city is the representative leading firm in its line. We are in a work of this nature pleased to chronicle facts concern- ing it of interest to all. This prosperous enterprise was commenced by Mr. Alexander in 1879, where he has continued by the strictest integrity and equitable dealing to all, built up a large and remunerative patronage, and car- ries a fine and diversified assortment of harness of superior finish, both single and double, light and heavy ; also, whips, collars, pads, horse equipment of all kinds and of the most durable make, and sold at the lowest living prices. Mr. Alexander is a native North Carolinian and has been for a number of years prominently identi- fied with the substantial growth and prosperity of Asheville, and has ever shown that enterprise and integrity which never fails to bring success and compensation to those who use and manifest at all times, with close attention to business and fair dealing alike to all. Mr. Alexander has in his employ a number of thoroughly skilled workmen, and enjoys every facility known to this line of industry, to successfully conduct and complete it in every detail, hence we commend him as most worthy your patronage and liberal support. MANN, JOHNSON & CO. Mann, Johnson & Co., Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, No. 37 Patton Avenue. Tel. 48. One of the chief and most highly developed industries of the South, is the furniture business, and especially in a live and growing city like Asheville. Very conspicuous among such includes the above extensive and thoroughly stocked establishment of Mann, Johnson & Co., who occupy handsome and commodious quarters on Patton Avenue, and several large wareroomsin addition are utilized for storage purposes. A stock of furniture is carried that beyond all doubt takes precedence in size and prices of any in Western North Carolina, comprising everything called for by the needs of the artisan 28 or the luxuries of a millionaire, or that is necessary to furnish every class of dwelling or mansion, from basement to attic, and classed as a necessary adjunct to business interests and the people in general, is that of the undertaker and an essentially representative exponent in this line, this firm offers superior inducements. This stock of goods is large and in all modern styles ; caskets of metalic, marble and wood, and cloth covered in all the newest designs and finish and everything connected with this branch of their business is com- plete. This firm is composed of Messrs. E. B. Mann, R. G. Johnson, and W. W. Avery, the latter a principal owuer in a large furniture man- ufactory of this city, which has an immense trade in this and all adjoining territory. All of these gentlemen, are in possession of ample financial matters to transact the large and increasing patronage which they are daily receiving. J. W. SCHARTLE, Merchant Tailor. Attention to dress in the matter of well fitting garments has be- come a subject of more than passing notice, because of its relation to society and refined tastes,, and with the growth and development of the city must receive, year after year, the attention of business men as well as gentlemen of wealth and leisure. In this connection it is highly suitable to refer to the high class of workmanship and well recognized skill as a, cutter of gentlemen's garments, manifested by Mr. Schartle, whose thorough business knowledge, excellent taste and popular requirements have received the recognition and patronage of our best and most substantial citizen. This firm has been in the merchant tailoring trade in this city for a long time, during which time they have, by honest and upright dealings, secured a large and lucrative patronage This well ar- ranged establishment is located in an eligible block, and Mr. Schartle carries in stock constantly a large assortment of imported and domes- tic fabrics of the newest and nobbiest styles and to suit the most fas- tidious gentlemen. This business will compare favorably with the best in the South, and in all the essentials which are requisite to meet the wants of a fashionable Commonwealth. 29 THE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. S. R. Chedester & Sons, Proprietors. Tel. 47. One of the best managed hotels in the South, and operated and owned by the " Old Reliable, '■' who is universally pro- nounced one of the most public spirited citizens in Western North Carolina, and beyond pre-eminence the pioneer of Patton Avenue. There is probably not in these whole .Southern States a man more widely known than the proprietor of this splendid hotc-l, and most assuredly he justly deserves the prominence he has gained, not only in this section but throughout a contiguous terri- tory. Mr Chedester came to Asheville from East Tennessee about sixteen years ago, when Asheville was then a crude mart, isolated and unknown mountain town. But he was clever enough to discern for it a prosperous and rapid growth, consequent upon which he made a start in various pursuits and under the most trying circum- stands but combining pluck, vim, push, and conservatism wbich are his own peculiar specialties, now represent one of our foremost citi- zens and holds a splendid reputation in the financial world. The Grand Central ranks among the $2.00 hotels of the country, and in a great many respects the cuisine and comfort of this estab- lishment will exceed those of larger pretensions and higher rates. Mr. ' Chedester neither spares money or energy to enhance the value and attractiveness of his hotel. The old or first part of this large building was erected several years ago, but finding his patron- age steadily increasing and the demands of the traveling public and pleasure seekers assuming such proportions made an addition to his premises of a large and magnificent structure which stands opposite the original connecting the two by means of a private viaduct, com- bining a most commodious building and furnished throughout with 30 all the modern comforts and appointments of a strictly good hotel. The registry of the Grand Central will show a larger number of arrivals within the past two or three years tban any hotel in the country of Asheville's population, which is indisputable proof of its popularity. The proprietors of this hotel is ever wide-awake and keenly alive to the interests of tbis growing Metropolis, and has beyond a question done more for her rapid growth and improvement tban any other firm of the city. In addition to the successful conduct of the hotel, for sixteen years, they carry on the largest general merchandising business in Western North Carolina, and their daily sales in this line exceed those of any similar institution in the State, frequently footing up fabulous and incredible sums. Mr. Cbedester is a large owner of Asheville real estace and takes an active interest in public affairs. He is a veteran in his various fields, and his friends and customers are legion, and in the strictest sense of the word he represents the "Old Reliable and Pioneer" of Patton Avenue. T. P. HAMILTON & CO. Big "22" Patton Avenue. Staple and Fancy Groceries and Fine Condiments. As a very important branch of the commercial industries of Asheville the grocery business is entitled to a large share of con- sideration, and in this connection we direct attention to the grocery store of T. P. Hamilton & Co., 22 Patton Avenue. The business premises occupied are well fitted up for the successful pros- ecution of such a trade. Messrs. Hamilton & Co., established them- selves in this business only a short while ago, since which time they have by energy and ability, of the management, been steadily and constantly increasing. The stock carried is a choice and well selected one, embracing a full and complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, including coffees, black and green teas, sugars, spices, pickles, &c, a great variety of canned goods and condiments. We have no hesitation in recommending those in need of such articles to this establishment as all goods sold are pure and fresh, and the honorable and upright, and strightforward manner of doing business, used by this firm, deserves a patronage second to none in the city and richly merits the splendid trade controlled by them, Mr. Hamilton has proven himself to be a man possessed of fine busi- ness and executive qualities, and is highly esteemed by those who know him. 31 JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Avenue. One of the most enterprising Real Estate firms in the city, is composed of Messrs. Arthur E. & Charles N. Jenks, two young gentlemen well known throughout the social and business circles of Asheville. These gentlemen are front in realty matters, and their judgment in present or prospective values of real estate is generally referred to by even their contemporaries. They transact a general business, and make renting, collecting and nego- tiating loans a specialty. They have at all times bargains in residence sites, residence and business chances of all kinds. They have a large list of vacant lots in all parts of the city varying at prices from §50.00 upwards. They also give attention to Fire and Life Insurance and represent some of the most substantial compa- nies in the world, and consummate trades of all kinds to the satis- faction of each party. Money is loaned by these gentlemen on good security, at reasonable rates, and in unlimited quantities and altogether transact one of the most extensive businesses in the city. To outsiders desiring a paying investment in real estate, there is no firm in the city on whom they may more safely rely. They are worthy gentlemen and display much vim, push, and go-aheadative- ness. This firm are natives of Massachusetts, and have been in business in this ''Altitude" city for the past year, with a previous experience of over five (5) years in the timber, mineral and farming districts in western and joining counties. Their trading embraces also some of the finest poplar and hard wood lumber and logs, including corundum, gold, manganese, mica, and iron lands that are worthy of investigation, and are not to be surpassed anywhere in the country. JESSE RUSSELL STARNES, Undertaker and Arterial Embalmer, No. 27 North Main Street, Tel. 51. Beyond contradiction, the representative embalmer and funeral director of the city of Asheville is the urbane gentleman whose card heads this notice, who established himself in business in 1881, with a very limited amount of cash capital, but with an experience gained by eight or ten years service in the foremost undertaking establish- 32 ment of the South, and the unlimited amount of energj* and discre- tion with marked business ability Mr. Starnes has succeeded in gaining rank in this line by contrasting and outrivalling all com- petitors in this section. The premises of Mr. Starnes are peculiarly fitted for his line of business, and at all times, when emergency de- mands, skilled workmen and attaches of this institution will respond quickly to calls when devolving work or aid of any character em- bracing this branch of industry, and we might add, that it is not only to his fine ability as to a sympathetic funeral director, but to his long capability as a business man an unusual competency as an embalmer. It is scarcely meet to mention in this connection the mercantile trade with which this gentleman is associated. However, we are reviewing Asheville's resources strictly from a business standpoint : so we refer also to Mr. Starnes prominence as a general merchant, which additional line includes one in general tone of excellence and diversity of assortment in dry goods, notions, hosiery, boots, shoes, hats, caps, and all articles rightly belonging to a general dry goods store of first-class in the vicinity, and to be disposed of at the lowest living prices. Mr. Starnes is a uative of this good "old Tarheel" State, and is a gentleman of pleasing characteristics, large financial standing, and justly merits the lucrative patronage he enjoys. AUGUSTUS J. LYMAN. ■ l&O %A/V>f^t^4 Attorney at Law, Real Estate and Loans, Legal Building. In these days when the rate of interest is steadily decreasing, and capital is becoming more productive, since the West has been over- stocked with eager capitalists, the South furnishes the oidy outlet for this accumulated unproductive capital. North Carolina least of the Southern States has been sought out by the capitalists, so that it presents a new untrodden field to the man with brains and energy. Here he can invest either in the soil and reap the advantages of the wonderful advance in values which has so transformed other parts of the South, or lend his money on first-class securities at eight per cent., a rate of interest which can only be obtained ata'great risk to the investor elsewhere. Of all the cities in this State Asheville affords the best field for in- vestment. Not only do the main home industries and manufacto- ries hasten its growth, but the floating population has become a steady and important element in the building up of this city. ft jTE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w JE can Sell vuiir Real Kstate at a higher price, can purchase tor you at a lower figure, and charge vim less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Uooms 9 and 10 .lie A ice Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Ashevilleisa health resort. It has 60,000 visitors, annually. Many of these men are compelled to remain here on account of their health. The result is the erection of many fine residences, and the necessary enhanced value of the surrounding property. The investor, however, must be careful to place his money in right hands. What he wants is a firm possessed of great business sagacity, a thorough knowledge of the relative values of real estate in different sections of the State, gained by years of experience, and a reputation for fair and honest dealings. Such a firm is that of A. J. Lyman, a pioneer in the real estate business in Asheville, who for eight years or more has watched the rise and fall of values, and noted the direction in which the city has grown and towards which it now tends. Mr. Lyman is a man of independent means and is prominently identified with the interests of the city. The best and choicest property in the city, which is on the market, is always found in his hands for sale. His judgment on prospective values is worth tak- ing, as many of his clients can testify. For example, in 1887 one of his clients purchased a piece of land by his advice for $3,000 and in 1890 parted with the same property for $20,000. Mr. Lyman is always affable and courteous to all with whom he comes in contact, and is as prominent a factor in social as commer- cial circles, in both of which he possesses an enviable reputation. This gentleman is the son of that eminent divine, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Theodore B. Lyman D. D., whose name is a household word throughout North Carolina and the entire South, where he is uni- versally beloved and esteemed. The office of A. J. Lyman is situated in the Legal Building, rear of the First National Bank, where he may be found during business hours ready to negotiate loans, collect rents, sell or buy real estate and look after the interests of his clients, both resident and non-resi- dent. THE "METROPOLITAN." No. 29 North Main Street, Hampton & Featherstone, Proprietors. The transactions in the wine and liquor traffic, in its various forms, has assumed such proportions in this city as to entitle those engaged in it to conspicuous mention. Messrs. Hampton & Featherstone, the subjects of our sketch, have been engaged in this business for a long time, and have covered a vast field of experience and have done great good for the advancement and progress of this " Queen City of the Mountains." 3 34 • These gentlemen commenced business in a small way, but as a con- sequence of energy, probity and hard licks, have succeeded in taking the front rank in this city in this particular line, in which is in- volved large capital and labor. This establishment was opened to the public sixteen years ago, but in consequence of a large increase in their sales and that of business transacted, it became necessary to secure more commodious quarters, and are now located in the very heart of the business center and occupy premises in every man- ner worthy of the most fastidious and cosmopolitan people who daily visit this pleasure and health resort, and all lovers of a nice place to visit with superior quality of goods obtained are readily real- izing the most elegant place to be found in this section, consequent upon which this firm are daily gaining popularity and patronage over all competition. It is with sincere pleasure we call attention to the splendid appointments constituting this establishment, and from the superior attractions of these premises, together with a high grade of goods carried, it receives a most desirable and lucrative patronage. The fixtures are elegant, and perhaps surpass anything of the- kind usually found in a city of this size, and in a point of artistic and tasteful arrangement will compare with any similar institution in the South. This wine and whiskey emporium is, in the strictest sense of the word, elegant and complete in every detail, and has, since its incipiency, been most ably managed, resulting in a steady increase of business and most satisfactory gain to the proprietors until at present a trade is enjoyed second to none. This firm are also jobbers of fine cigars, champagnes, native and im- ported brandies and wines of every description, including fine and medium rye and corn whiskies, and every article belonging to this line of mercantile industry. Parties residing at a distance can rely upon the strictest purity and high class of goods handled by these gentlemen, who will give all orders extended them every possible attention. The gentlemen composing this firm are Messrs. J no. G. Hampton and A. A. Feath- erstone, who hold a solid position in the financial world. Their assistants, Messrs. Lancaster, Featherstone and Gooch, are artists in their chosen profession, and will treat you with courtesy, while the proprietors are worthy, honorable men, and propose to re- main a fixture in this prosperous city. 35 BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE, Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Slate and Tin Roofing, Ready Mixed Paint, Window Glass, &c , No. 11 West Court Place. Tel. 17. The character of the men engaged in the above business consti- tute no inconsiderable factor in the progress and growth of this city. Hence it is that Asheville is forcunate in having engaged in this line a number of able and excellent business men. Among them are Messrs. W. H. Ballard, J. R. Rice, and W. A. Boyce, who are old residents of this place, and who possess a minute and intimate knowledge of this particular line, which is one of the largest in Western North Carolina. The premises occupied is one of the most commodious in this section, being 30x200 feet in dimensions, and containing a mammoth stock ot stoves, tinware, house furnishing goods, plumbing, gas and steam fittings, slate and tin roofing, and all kinds of iron pipe and fittings, galvanized iron cornices and window caps, and a specialty in ready mixed paints, brushes, putty, knives, and all painters' supplies, &c. This firm commenced business in 1881, under the style name of Ballard Bros., which continued until 1887. Since then the present proprietors, with ample capital and business ability, have succeeded in building up a trade that will compare with many similar institu- tions noticeable in larger cities, and in a historical review no branch of trade will so universally attract the attention of the public than the large business transacted by this firm. 36 Attendant upon, and co-extensive with, the progress of a city is its commercial importance and growth of private enterprises and industries. Hence we find this rapidly growing and beautiful city is attributable to her mercantile fraternities, of which this firm is one of the largest and most prominent. These gentlemen individually possess no ordinary ability, and as a firm combines one of the most solid enterprises of this, the attrac- tive "Queen City of the Mountains." FTTZPATRICK BROS. Wall Paper and Decorations, Contractors and Dealers in Mixed Paints, Leads, Oils and Varnishes, also Artists' Materials and Painters' Supplies, No. 30 North Main Street. Among the most prominent business men and dealers exclusively in Wall Papers and Decorative Material is that of Messrs. Fitzpat- rick Bros., who are natives of Tennessee, came to this city in 1880 and established themselves in this line of business some five or six years ago, and have by energy and continuous attention to business and a thorough knowledge of what they are about built up a trade in this metropolis of no secondary proportions, and we might add that from the time that Moses built the Ark of the Covenant and the walls of the Tabernacle, which were frescoed and covered with fig- urative paper now, in this day and time it seems to require, whether of machinery or mental adaptability, a peculiar fitness for this line of business, which appears to be rife in the atmosphere of Asheville's progress, and significant in a similar case with this wide-awake and enterprising firm, whom we have previously mentioned. For this trade to materialize to everyone's satisfaction it demands no ordinary amount of skill, good taste and sound judgment, and such principles tbese gentlemen employ and conduct their business accordingly. Messrs. Fitzpatrick are gentlemen of splendid ideas in this partic- ular line and we commend them as most worthy of patronage. Tbey sell also Butcher's Wax Polish, Brushes, Artists' Materials, Grate Polish, Zinc Gloss, Alabastine, &c, together with an extensive stock of Wall Paper in great variety and ornamental design both in modern and antique finish, that excels any other concern in this vicinity, and by which we suggest you can make comfortable and beautify your homes at a moderate expenditure. 37 THE OAKS,'' ASHEVILLE, N. C. One of the Best Family Hotels in the South. To those the nature of whose business necessitates, constant travel and the casual health and pleasure seeking public whose name is legion, no feature of modern progress possesses more interest than good hotel accommodations, and therefore it is that the "Oaks" is fast gaining patronage and popularity by the splendid adaptability and admirable conduct which is plainly noticeable as a dual quali- fication of its new management. This hostelry offers peculiar at- tractions to that discriminating class of travelling public, and health and pleasure seekers. This hotel is fast becoming the centre of genuine interest and con-' cern, whose patrons find the comforts and accommodations the very best, most substantial in this salutary mountain resort. In fact very much better in every respect, than to be found in establishments here when terms and pretentions were much higher. The "Oaks" hotel though of recent inception, is an elegant and well conducted hotel, and is considered a model of architectural design and thoroughly appointed in every detail. The building of which we find a cut is one of splendid equip- ments, and is situated in a large oak grove with fine shade and 38 beautiful grass lawns, only four blocks from the centre of tbe city, electric street cars pass the doors every ten minutes. The house is furnished with all modern improvements and ac- cessories known to a successful prosecution of this line of business. The house is furnished with gas, electric bells, hot and cold baths, city hydrant and cistern water from the finest system of water works in the South. The " Oaks " is a large and commodious hotel five stories high which includes large office, grand dining room, ladies' ordinary, large parlors and additional accommodations necessary for the comfort and convenience of guest. The hotel contains about one hundred guest rooms and is one of the leading establishment of this section. A large and well mounted telescope with an elevation of eighty feet, from which the views of tbe city and mountains are grand. Asheville is already the " drinking cup " of a ' fashionable domain, and aided by a beautiful mountain scenery is calculated to draw hundreds of health and pleasure seekers, in addition to the 50,000 she entertains now annually. This hotel is the enterprise of Prof. H. G. Greenewell, and for a representative of the solid Blue Grass State who for fifteen years was president of a Eardstown, Ky., Collegiate Institute. He is a gentleman of culture and education. Mr. A. B. Sites, a clever and experienced hotel man has been en- gaged as manager, and also Mr. A. E. Reading, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, as clerk and soliciting manager. The situation of the " Oaks " is one of its features, and is derivatively surrounded by majestic oak trees and attached to it are the line grounds of the College Campus, comprising thirteen acres of cool and delightful terraqueous soil, hence guests of the hotel may enjoy the ozone sweetness and sanitary attractions of the dry climatic conditions of this splendid mountain region. The hotel is well ventilated and airy bed rooms with a cuisine which is beyond a doubt as good as can be had anywhere without exception. The table being provided with each and every delicacy of a home market, together with all the delicacies the mind of an expert " Chef" can devise and served by a corps of polite and courteous waiters — in fact, the service being throughout perfect in every detail. This is undoubtedly one of the prominent hotels of the " Queen City of the Mountains," as is abundantly attested by the large and steadily increasing patronage the house enjoys. The " Oaks " was built within the past year and has since passed into the proprietorship of " mine " host, that genial and enterprising Boniface Greenwell, since which date he has conducted it with emi- nent satisfaction to himself and the most entire success to the public. 39 MAGNOLIA HOUSE. Formerly "Carolina House," newly Carpeted, Repainted and Re- furnished Throughout. W. A. James, Jr., Proprietor. In a city, while not so largo but so Cosmopolitan in its character, as Asheville, the need of good accommodations are even of more necessity than in larger cities because of the fact that much time is needed for the masses of the people to become settled in home life. The city of Asheville has just reason to be proud of her hotels which take rank with the best in the land. In addition to the settled population Asheville has a very large transient class of people who come from every portion of the United States, and the.se are most wholly dependent upon the hotels for board and accommodation during their stay in the city, and it is, therefore, another source of congratulation that the hotels are of such high standard of excellence. Prominent among the well equipped hotels of this city is the'' Mag- nolia House." which is conveniently located on iJSTorth Main street, near Woodfin. This hotel is now under the management of Mr. W. A. James, Jr. who is a gentleman thoroughly familiar with the hotel business and knows how to cater to the wants of the traveling public. The Magnolia House is one of the old and reliable hotels of this city, and was for a long number of years conducted by Mr. Blair, but since the change of proprietorship this house has been subjected to many improvements and ranks with the best of the country. This hotel contains 40 or 50 nice rooms, all of which are tastefully furnished and supplied with all the comforts necessary for the accom- modation of its numerous patrons. The table is a distinctive feature of this house, and is abundantly supplied with everything the market affords, and every article is cooked and served in the best manner possible. The proprietor has adopted popular rates $1.50 and $2.03, and the board and accommodations are equal to those of many houses who charge very much higher prices. The aim of the new management of Mr. James is to give entire satisfaction to their large and increasing patronage. The Electric cars pass this hotel and we recommend the pleasure seekers and others who come to the "Future City of the Mountains" to stop at the Magnolia House. Mr. James personally is a most courteous and agreeable gentleman, and all those who stop at this house will receive in every detail most satisfactory treatment. 40 J. H. WOODCOCK. Prescriptionist and Apothecary. No. 272 Patton Avenue. Tele- phone 37. If there is one branch of industry throughout the catalogue of mercantile life in which the natural ability and requirements are greater on the operator, then we unhesitatingly pronounce that one the drug business, herein a vast field must be covered that requires a large fund of specific knowledge, and among the many druggists of this city none possess these requisites to a greater degree than Mr. Woodcock, whose premises are located in the west end and are fitted up attractively, containing all conveniences necessary to conduct a successful business. This business was established in 1887, but while not as centrally located as some others still from its incipiency has worked up a lucrative patronage, particularly in that section, which has been won strictly by close attention to the wants of the people who never fail to appreciate fair and equitable treatment. We might add that the business of Mr. Woodcock has been of late under the supervision of Mr. H G. Chandler, who is an old and experienced pharmacist of methodical habits and undoubted busi- ness ability. This store has enjoyed a large patronage, and in every detail noth- ing is wanting to properly class it as one of the most reliable of the kind in the city, compounding prescriptions of which this firm make a specialty is given always the utmost care, involving as it were such a delicate and responsible duty. Mr. Woodcock graduated some years ago from the Baltimore Col- lege of Pharmacy, and since his residence in Asheville has made many friends, both of a business nature and in the social circles of the city. He is also frequently numbered among the progressive business transactions relating to other achievements, and during his career has been a successful one and deservedly so in many respects. He is young and personally generous and companionable, and we predict for him a prosperous business career. E can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 38 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. H WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. I 41 MISS N. LaBARBE. No. 9 North Court Square, Modiste and Fine Millinery. In this progressive age the beautiful has been made to join bands with nearly all that is practical and attractive in daily life, and in no sphere has the progress been more remarkable than with reference to dress. The gentler sex are more conspicuously prominent in this move- ment, as by nature they should be, and hence the advancement and improvement in the millinery trade. In this respect there is no place in the city that deserves more prominent mention than the one conducted by Miss LaBarbe. This business was established about two years ago ; it is most de- sirably located in Court Square, and is elegantly fitted up and reflects great credit upon the good taste and judgment of the proprietress. The stock carried is a large one and embraces the finest quality — most fashionable articles belonging to this branch of mercantile im- portance. Miss LaBarbe is a native of this State, and has been a resident of Asheville for seven years. She is a most courteous and pleasant lady and is highly esteemed by all her friends and acquaintances, and from the inception of her business to tbe present day it has enjoyed a continuous and uninterrupted career of prosperity. Miss LaBarre also has a branch office at S. W. Bailey and Patton Ave. NATT ATKINSON & SONS. Real Estate, No. 5 North Main Street. Telephone 74. There is no financial interest of such direct importance as that in- volved in real estate, and the great demand for eligible realty, cou- pled with a steady rise of value, is the best evidence of Asheville's growing wealth and prosperity Among the most prominent real estate firms of this city is that of Messrs. Natt Atkinson & Sons, No. 5 North Main. They have been established in this business since 1883, during which time they have effected sales of gigantic sums. They transact a general Real Estate business, buying and selling realty of every de- scription, and gives special attention to the management of estates, securing tenants, collecting rents, maintaining all property at the highest standai'd of productive efficiency. 42 Mr. Natt Atkinson, Si\, was for a long time publisher and propri- etor of the "Asheville Citizen also Land of the Sky.'''' The superior facilities of this Company enables them to offer especial advantages to customers and to cover every branch of the business in the promptest and most satisfactory manner. This firm are all natives of Tennessee, have long since established an excellent reputation for sterling integrity and honorable dealing, and have achieved a well-merited success. The banks and business men of Asheville will tell you about them among whom are our oldest citizens. BATTERY PARK HOTEL, Livery and Sales Stables J. V. Sevier, Proprietor, No. 83 South Main Street. Tel. 25. In a metropolitan city like Asheville there is no line of industry that affords such pleasure and enjoyment, particularly to the visiting populace, than a well conducted and thoroughly equipped Livery Stables, and one contributing, in a large and conspicuous degree. We mention the Battery Park Stables, owned and operated by Mr J. V. Sevier, who is a native of Tennessee, and came to this city a number of years ago, and is now thoroughly identified with the interests and development of this rapidly advancing city. In a city affording such interesting scenic attractions as Asheville, make this line of business one of unusual proportions, and we make men- tion of the peculiar adaptability and long experience with which this gentleman operates his business. Since the inception of. this business, about six years ago, by a splendid knowledge of its duties and superior equipments employed by Mr. Sevier, there is, perhaps, no stable in this section with such ample facilities as we notice in this establishment. Mr. Sevier is an exceedingly fine judge of what constitutes elegant 43 riding and driving horses, and is in a position to offer to his many patrons splendid rigs, which include many fine, plain and fancy turnouts, such as phaetons, carriages, victorias, landaus, brettes, buggies, T-carts, &c, of all the latest styles and to suit the most capricious fancy. These stables are commodious, large and well ventilated, and con- sists of thirty to forty horses, necessitating a force of fifteen to twenty hands to properly meet all the wants of the community. This is one of the most popular stables in the " Queen City," and is a conjoint arrangement of the Battery Park Hotel. Mr. Sevier, personally, is a pleasant gentleman, and enjoys the confidence and patronage of a large class of our citizens and visiting populace in general. F. E. MITCHELL, Dealer in Gentlemen's fine Furnishings, Footwear, Hats, &c. Also, Agent Wanamaker & Brown Clothing to Order, No. 28 Patton Avenue. The changes in the styles and fashions of dress are almost as rapid as those of the Kaleidescope, requiring in those who are engaged in it the possession of peculiar faculties and adaptabilities to win emi- nent success, and to attain the prominence which this firm has whose card heads this article. Mr. Mitchell established himself in business in this city about one year ago, during which time he has carefully studied the wants of a fashionable public and catered to a high class of trade which *is evi- dent from the splendid patronage he receives. His stock embraces an elegant line of Men's Furnishings, including neck wear, underwear, neglege shirts, under garments, &c, &c, of the latest styles and in great variety. Also, Men's fine Footwear and Hats, in all the latest styles and shapes, and of such embellish- ments that ought to command the attention of all well dressers, of which the "Queen City of the Mountains" are noticeable. There is no line of industry that is of more importance to a fash- ionable public than that of those who know how to carry a class of goods that will in every respect meet the wants of the people, and as such Mr. Mitchell exercises the utmost taste and selects his stock with great care as to elegance and the desires of the most fastidious. Mr. Mitchell is also agent for Wanamaker & Brown, custom clothiers, of world-wide renown, and you will do well to consult him 44 when you contemplate buying a nice fitting suit. Satisfaction, price and fit guaranteed. " Mr. Mitchell is a native of Louisville, Ky., and in addition to a thorough knowledge of his business takes an active interest in tbe growth of Asheville and deserves your liberal support. GRAVES & THRASH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise. No. 19, South Main Street. Another of the well-appointed Dry Goods Houses is tbat of Messrs. Graves & Thrash, whose premises are well adapted to their large trade, and are located at 19 South Main Street. For the past year these gentlemen have been identified with the mercantile interests of Asheville, and have since their residence in this city been recognized as business men of most sterling qualities. The inception of this splendid dry goods house took lpace in 18S9, during such a period, these gentlemen, by their extensive knowledge, of, and thorough acquaintance with the details of the dry goods business, renders them valuable auxiliaries in a growing community like Asheville, which is assuredly calculated to invite trade, hence the success and popularity of this establishment, fully warrants the assertion tbat this house has deservedly won its way into public favor. The patronage having increased in extent and permanence every where since its commencement. Tbe store is* central and eligible in its location, and consists of a building 40x125 feet in dimensions. Tbe articles handled comprises a carefully selected and varied assortment of good-, in fact everything to be found in a thoroughly equipped, general merchandising establishment ; and itgoes without saying that this concern is one of the leading in this section. Mr. Graves, the managerial member of this firm, was five years or more, a traveller for a prominent Baltimore firm, and is known over a vast territory as a gentleman of fine executive ability, and with such an experience no one is in a position to secure closer trades which benefits his customers in a large measure. They are in a position also which warrants the attention of the jobbing trade in this line, as by a special arrangement with the manufacturers of the North, with some of whom Mr. Graves is inti- mately acquainted. This firm will save you freight on a great many articles belonging to this department of merchandise. They adver- 45 tise nothing which can not be clearly proven, and guarantee the fulfillment of every proposal to the trading public to be legitimate, hence this course being pursued by them in every possible code has inspired confidence in their many customers, and they realize a'feel- ing of absolute genuiueness in tne fairness and integrity of these men whose operations enhance the growth and prosperity of Ashe- \ille and her kindred territory. The gentlemen composing this firm are Messrs. J. F. Graves and J. M. Thrash, both of whom first opened their infant eyes on the green and rugged hills of this royal old Carolina. J. M. HESTON, Plain and Fine Confectioneries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Fine Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, 56 South Main Street. The subject of our sketch, Mr. J. M. Heston, is a native of the " Key-stone State," and is one of the pioneer business men of this, the metroplis of the mountains, having established himself in the above business thirteen years ago, and it is a pleasing satisfaction to deal with those who have for a number of years conducted their business with that integrity, honesty and fairness which is thecorner- stone of success. We thereby not only have the material advantage of many years' experience, but also that laudable quality, stability, which is fully represented in the proprietorship of this establish- ment. This gentleman carries the largest stock of tropical fruits, plain and French candies, smoking and chewing tobacco, and every arti- cle embracing the interests of such a trade to be found in the city. Also a large dealer and manufacturer in all kinds of fruit, ices and creams, including many dainties and delicacies for home, table and party use, which is supplied in any quantity, upon short notice, and commensurate with prices and pureness to meet all competition. Mr. Heston is a man of ability, and is well and favorably known, possessing not only that integrity and honesty of purpose that is always crowned with success in private business, but also that vim, push, energy and broad public spiritedness that builds cities, and makes communities progressive and prosperous. 46 W. 0. MULLER, Rear Grand Central, College and Water Streets. Dealer in all kinds of Domestic and Imported Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey, Apple and Peach Brandies a Specialty, Agent and authorized Bottler of the Celebrated Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Pale Lager Beer and Original Budweiser Export Beer. The old established liquor House of W. O. Muller, is one of the representative business houses of Asheville, its inception dating back to 1879, and was then begun in a modest way more than eleven years ago, and it has grown and developed until its annual sales rank with those of the largest kind in the city. The stock consists of the largest line of native and imported wines, old Kentucky bourbon rye and sour mash, whiskies, brandies, gin, &c. Mr. Muller was the first to in- troduce Anheuser-Busch lager beer and also bottled be'er — this is re- ceived in car load lots in a refrigerator. This establishment does both a wholesale and retail trade, but a special department is devoted to family supplies in quantity and its bottled goods are of the finest quality, some of which have not seen the light of day for many years, but have lain mellowing under the kindly tread of time. Mr. Muller handles only the purest brands of liquors and cigars and a specialty of which they are sole agents is strictly pure " golden grain rye and Bourbon." He holds a large percent, of the trade of a wide contiguous territory. Five or six men 'are given steady employment in the work of this house. AH of whom are polite, courteous and attentive gentlemen, and the work of this house continues to increase. Mr. Muller is a man of excellent business ideas, and his house is a model in its arrangement of stock. He is an honest, reliable mer- chant, and as such is recommended unhesitatingly to the trade. A splendid Billiard and Pool Hall in connection with his Saloon, with tables and accessories of tbe newest designs. W. G. PERRY, * Ice Cream Parlor, Leading Baker and Confectioner, Groceries, Fruits, &c, 26 South Main Street. Those searching for the freshest and most desirable goods in this line should examine the splendid assortment kept by Mr. Perry, who occupies now hli new premises at 26 South Main, which is 47 fitted up with much neatness, in a manner of convenience for his line of business. Although this gentleman has only been established since 1887, he enjoys a large patronage, mainly owing to the fact that first class goods can be had at the lowest possible prices, and that combined with the accommodation and courtesy of this gentleman, with his several assistants has no doubt a great influence upon the community. One delivery wagon is kept to facilitate the execution of all orders and all such will receive prompt attention. A large stock of goods are carried comprising everything connected with the staple and fancy goods trade and every convenience and arrangement for the carrying on of the bnsiness in a satisfactory manner to all of his customers. In addition to the above he makes a specialty of Huyers & Roy- sters candy, and in this line you will find at all times a fresh supply. The bakery is a chief adjunct in which branch he has almost a mo- nopoly of the trade throughout this city. A large stock of holiday goods are being received, which includes toys, fireworks of every description. Mr. Perry is a native of this State, highly respected, has won the confidence of all with whom he has had dealings. ASHEVILLE DRY GOODS COMPANY. J. 0. HOWELL, Manager. General Merchants, and Dealers in Home-made Shoes for Men, Women and Children a Specialty. No. 31 North Main Street. One of the most solid additions to the mercantile industries of this city is the Company whose card heads this article. For some time past this store has been opened to the general trade, and forming a distinct commercial feature of Asheville. This enterprising Company's management has made rapid strides in commercial ranks, and stands abreast any similar institution in the city. This establishment occupies a large, airy salesroom, finished in excellent taste, embracing everything in dry goods, no- tions, millinery supplies, dress novelties, and ladies' fine furnishing goods. The salesroom is dressed in a most appropriate style, and the window displays at all times some rare bargains. The long experience of this Company's management has taught it 48 the secret of bargain purchases. With this inside track they are prepared to undersell all rivals in their line. Since this firm's inception it has attracted a wide patronage and established an excellent reputation of more than a local savor. Honorable and upright in its dealings, it has the confidence of a host of friends, and a steady, increasing trade. This Company comprises Messrs. R. "L. Graham, M. S. Howell and J. O. Howell as manager, whose long experience in the dry goods business is a sure index of the lucrative patronage controlled by them. The Asheville I)ry Goods Company will make special prices to any and all Farmers' Alliances in Western North Carolina. In this business these gentlemen are in possession of the necessary requi- sites and financial ability for the successful conduct and completion of all they offer ; and every transaction is stamped with that integ- rity and honorable dealing that characterizes the personal life of these wide-awake citizens. They also carry the largest stock, and make a specialty of fish hooks, tackle and angling complements. McKINNON & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, Cleaning and Repairing properly attended to No. 58 South Main Street. Old P. 0. Building. The subject of dress is one of perennial interest, and there is no one at all solicitous of his outward appearance but will be pleased to obtain a few facts in regard to an establishment which has within a comparatively brief period attained the lead in fine tailoring. We refer to the popular concern of which Messrs. McKinnon & Petrie are proprietors who opened business in this city about one year ago, and have already become the representative headcmarters for the finest class of custom made garments. Their parlors are elegantly stocked with an endless variety of imported and domestic fabrics which are made up in the most fashionable and latest styles. This firm's reputation as skilled and stylish cutters is proverbial, and they employ only the most competent and experienced workman, so that in fit, finish and workmanship, all garments leaving their establishment is standing proof of their excellent taste, sound judg- ment, and conscientious care. This firm though established about one year ago are doing a nice business and are ever enjoying an increasing trade. They make a specialty of gentlemen's fine fitting garments and WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. specialty ot Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Bloclt, 28 Patton Ave., Asneville, N. C. 49 also do cleaning and repairing at prices in keeping with good work and a high class of goods turned out. Messrs. McKinuon & Petrie are progressive business men and since their residence in Asheville have made many friends and won the reputation of being honest and reliable in every respect, and we take great pleasure in recommending them to the attention of all well dressers of which the " Queen City of the Mountains " is famous. THE ASHEVILLE LOAN OFFICE. In every city, as one walks along the public thoroughfares, he will constantly be reminded by the signs of the three balls, (which means two to one the investor will not return,) that he there and then may replenish his purse, should occasion demand, by leaving some article of jewelry of value, or anything in the line of goods hereafter mentioned. In Asheville, Mr, Schiffman, manager, has recently opened a pawn-broker's establishment, and is an experienced man in the business. Money is advanced at this house on personal property, such as diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clothing and all valuable articles. Also, this concern keeps constantly on hand a large stock of diamonds, watches, and a great variety of jewelry of all grades. All business transacted strictly private. Mr. Schiffman is a good, responsible man, having been in this business a long time in many large Eastern and Western cities, and any person leaving goods or jewelry of any kind in his care can be assured it will be well taken care of, and we commend him to the public as deserving your patronage, when you have collaterals and no money and wish to invest such to best advantage. At this establishment the rate of interest is minimum to what it is in cities of larger population, and every gain possible in a trans- action of this kind will be properly allowed the patrons of the insti- tution. Mr. Schiffman is at present on North Main street, but has the promise of more eligible premises, which will be given clue notice of upon removal. If you get "crowded," hunt this gentleman up. We've been there. 4 50 " GLEN ROCK" HOTEL, A. G. HALLYBURTON, Owner and Proprietor, opposite Pass. Depot, Telephone 76. There cannot be a more attractive feature about a city, especially like Asheville, than first-class hotels ; and it is surprising with what rapidity a city acquires a reputation, either good or indifferent, in regard to her hostelries. Possibly no health or pleasure resort of its size is as well supplied with superior places for the public entertainment and amusement of an army of people than Asheville, and it is most important in sum- ming up such enterprises, that a conspicuous mention be given of her first-class and leading hotels. This house was built within the past twelve months by the present proprietor, Mr. Hallyburton, and opened to the public in the early part of this year. The location of this splendid hotel is one of the most desirable in this mountain resort. No more suitable place could have been chosen for a building of this kind. The edifice is one of the most attractive in this section. While possibly not so large as others, ic has been designed and especially constructed with an eye of com- 51 bining comfort with convenience, and since having been completed within the past year, its service and cuisine stands in competition with the larger institutions of this kind in the city. In connection with this hotel, Mr. Hallyburton conducts a first- class sample and billiard room, which, when taken into considera- tion that he keeps nothing but the finest brands of cigars and whis- kies, both imported and domestic, adds greatly to the comfort and wants of his numerous guests. The location of this hotel is one of the finest in the city, commanding, as it does, one of the most charming and beautiful views of the Southern Appalachian range. This hotel is a splendid 'structure, 'three stories high, and containing guest accommodations for two hundred or more. The service of the house is complete ; a corps of twenty-five to forty persons are employed in different capacities, and the guests at this modern hostlery will find comfort that in all respects are equal to the first-class ones of the country, it being the aim of the pro- prietor to make the Glen Rock thoroughly homelike and comfortable in every detail. Kind attention is devoted to guests at all times, and nothing is omitted necessary to their comfort. Particular care is given to the kitchen. Substantials and well cooked meals are generally prpvided for. Passengers arriving on the late trains may rely upon receiving polite and careful attention. Mr. Hallyburton has a wide range of practical experience, and is thoroughly educated in the art of hotel keeping, and represents one of our most substantial citizens ; while the location of his house is surrouded bythe matchless panorama of the mountains of Western North Carolina, in all the varying aspects of atmospheric change peculiar to this health-giving locality. CORTLAND BROS, Notaries Public, Real Estate Brokers and Investment Agents, 24 and 26 Patton Avenue, Second Floor. Throughout the various line of progress and improvement to Ashe- ville none have been more imperative and marked than the pro- visions made for the convenient and prompt transaction of real estate matters, so essential to the commerce and business transac- tions of this city, and among those as an auxiliary of great impor- tance is the firm of Messrs. Cortland Bros. The nature of whose business we proclaim in the caption of this article. 52 These gentlemen are originally from the " Monumental City," and came to Asheville about twenty years ago and have been engaged in the real estate and investment business in this and adjoining territory during a great portion of that period. The real estate man is strictly an American institution. The word " Boom " is not understood across the water and in this great country, the two are so clearly allied as to render the one impossible without the other. In most business it is generally conceded that it is a point requi- site in trade that a purchaser knows what he wants, but with the real estate man his peculiar knowledge and qualifications renders such ideas redundant. He must know exactly what his customer wants, and moreover must have at least a half dozen places that will suit him. In connection with the business of buying and selling real estate, they make a specialty of negotiations, collecting rent and taking charge of the property of customers generally. These gentlemen solicit orders to buy and sell property of all kinds which will be given the closest attention, also investments security placed on real estate at eight per cent, interest per annum. Messrs. Cortland are gentlemen of sound judgment in realty matters and also experienced civil and mining engineers, having learned its rudimental principles in the " Royal Academy of Mines," Frieberg, Germany, and the energy and pluck exhibited in the several lines in this community and the success they have achieved is a guarantee that all business left in their hands will be carried to a successful issue. B. H. COSBY, Successor to A. Cowan, Fine Jewelry and Optical Goods, No. 27 Patton Avenue. A fact that is of universal knowledge, and one possibly that will be of surprise to many, is that the value of gold and silver plate, in- cluding articles of adornment, under the comprehensive title of "Jewelry," exceed by more than 50 per cent, of the coin of the various nations of the earth. In view of this fact it becomes evi- dent that the sale of those articles embraced under the title of jewelry becomes an important factor in the commerce of the world. To successfully conduct this business it requires ability of a high order and artistic taste, such as are requisite in the few industrial pur- suits. The establishment conducted by Mr. Cosby had its inception in this city about thirty-five years ago, but has, for the past few- years, been operated by its present owner to the satisfaction of a large number of patrons. This firm carries a splendid assortment of diamonds, watches of all grades, fine solid and plated silverware, cutlery, knives and jewelry of every description, and also artistic engraving and re- pairing promptly attended to. At the same time any article not in stock will be furnished on short notice. We notice among his assortment many stylish pieces in solid silver and gold, which are exceedingly popular with the more cul- tured and intelligent people ; but all parties are enabled to select from his stock according to the caprices and capacities of their purses, thus ensuring to his patrons the most perfect satisfaction, which is highly worthy the attention of all admirers of the 'beau- tiful in art. Mr. Cosby personally is obliging and courteous, and in every in- stance fulfils all promises made to his patrons. THE ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND MF'G CO. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Manufacturers of Build- ing Material of all kinds. Office and yards at Old Passenger Depot, near C. E. Graham Mf'g Co. Telephone 9. The rapid and almost unparallelled amount of building in this city and suburban towns within the past few years has made the lumber and building material business one of the most important in the community, and large shipments of Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds are daily received from the lumber districts, which are often inadequate to supply the demands. A majority of the buildings are of the best class, requiring a high grade of material in their con- struction. The Asheville Lumber. Mf'g Co., composed of President W. B. Marx, Manager E. S. Clayton have been engaged in the lumber business for a long time, and occupy extensive yards near the C. E. Graham Mf'g Co. Their carefully selected stock embraces a full line of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Ceiling and all kind of building material known to this very important line of industry, in- cluding everything that enters into the building business and is of the .finest grades to rneet the demands for first-class material. Their stock is undoubtedly one of the largest and requires an outlay of a large amount of capital. 54 Their line of building material is extensive and complete, and using a force of 25 hands with numerous wagons constantly employed in carrying on the business, which is daily increasing in extent. The Company is well known and enjoy the confidence of the builders and architects of our city. Mr. Marx, president, devotes his entire attention to this business, and their aim is to retain the reputation they have succeeded in building up, and in every particular with completion of stock the highest grade of material carried. Mr. W. B. Marx, the corner-stone of this establishment and general facto- tem of the business, is a native of the splendid old State of Pennsyl- vania and came to Asheville about three years ago and immediately entered into the lumber business, during which time he has shown a thorough knowledge of his particular line, and enjoys the entire confidence of the business community, and by energy and executive ability has aided this establishment in building up trade that is a credit to the city and an eminent pride to themselves, hence further comment would be superfluous. JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, Liquor, Wine and Cigar Merchant and Proprietor of the only strictly White Man's Bar in the State Main and Eagle Streets, Down Stairs. What ever views may be entertained relative to the use of alco- holic malt beverages it is generally conceded by both high and low that wherever used it is an important and essential desideratum, that they should be pure and free from adulterations, hence, in this connection it is but fitting that we give this firm pre-eminent men- tion for a special brand of goods of this class, which they name, "Standard Old Corn," which is most carefully yeasted, mashed, fermented and distilled from the invaluable health giving chaly- beate waters and choice corn peculiar to the famous mountain districts of this splendid old State, and ripened in heated ware houses and aged by the latest and best process. The tonic properties of the oxide of iron and their allied salts formed in the water from this liquid which distilled render it unequaled as a rejuvinator and strengthener to the debilitated and the weak. It is absolutely pure and free from fusel oil and is recommended as safe and beneficial as a medicinal agent in the various lung and pulmonary troubles and is prescribed frequently by leading physicians of the State. It is highly colored, which is due to the presence of iron from the mineral 55 waters, and this special braud i# worth your attention and is sold only by Mr. Longhran. In addition to the above leading brands this house keeps constantly in stock, fine Champagnes, Cliquots, Rhoderers, Piper Heidsick, Mumm's plain and Extra Dry Claret, Port, Dry Sherry for family use, also pure Sacramental Wine, Imported and domestic Brands Gins, Rums, Cordials, and pure old Sour Mash, hand made and Bourbon Whiskies, Havana and domestic Cigars. The premises occupied by this gentleman with tbe goods carried combines one of the most attractive saloons in the City. The char- acter of this establishment's proprietor stands surety for the satis- faction of its customers and a constantly increasing patronage is evidence of its growing popularity, aad the strict attention to business in all its details. With the name implied "The White Man's Bar" allows this concern an enviable position among its compeers. Mr. Loughran personally is genial, generous and genuine. A. R. COOLEY- Grocer, Fresh Meats and Country Produce. No. 45 South Main Street. (Tel. 70.) In our review of the resources and mercantile interests of Ashe- ville the grocery and meat business is entitled to special mention owing to its general magnitude in supplying the daily wants of the community, with goods essential to life and its preservation. Among the livest grocers and produce men on the South Side is that of Mr. Cooley who is a native of the good old Yankee State of Michigan, but came to Asheville about seven years ago and estab- lished himself in business and has by his methodical habits, courtesy and genial manner particularly adapted to the business in which he is engaged, succeeded in building up a patronage that is well worthy his strenuous efforts to please and satisfy a cosmopolitan commu- nity. This gentlemen carries constantly in stock the most desirable articles for table use including a splendid grade of fresh meat of all kinds and kept in one of the most convenient and improved refrig- erators. Mr. Cooley's stand is within easy access to all parts of the City, and any orders left with this house will receive prompt and imme- diate attention. 56 Including a first class grade of goods previously enumerated Mr. Cooley has on hand the choicest line of green and black teas, coffees, spices, pickles, canned goods of all kinds, and domestic and imported cigars. This gentleman runs two delivery wagons, employs a num- ber of clerks, and no where in the city can one find a more desirable stock from which to select. Personally Mr. Cooley is highly esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintances, and by a fair and honorable manner of conducting his business he is justly entitled to the large patronage he receives. GEORGE A. SORRELLS, Proprietor 'Eagle" Saloon, Popular Dealer in Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ale, Porter, Beer, Cigars and Tobacco, &c, 23 South Main Street. Occupying a very important and prominent place in the extensive catalogue of wine and whiskey dealing, and recognized as one of the most desirable places to obtain requirements of this kind, embracing a line of superior wine and liquor distillments, we unhesitatingly pronounce that of Mr. Sorrells, in his new and handsomely fitted up premises on South Main street, as the place to visit and receive any article in this line your sociability, constitution or imagination may call for. It has been frequently said and generally reputed to be a genuine fact, if there is a class of people who are ever generous, both in heart and purse, it is truly that of the saloon dealer, and very much like many drummers who lug a grip from year to year, gets nothing and pays well for it. Tbis gentleman commenced business in Asheville some seven or eight years ago, and has, from close attention to business and fair dealing to all, succeeded in establishing himself well in the high opinion of his friends and patrons generally. The importance of the liquor trade in our city can hardly be over- estimated, employing as it does hundreds of dollars, and occupation to many deserving men, and should be appreciated, which shows by a clientage of some of our most influential and wealty citizens. This establishment, which is one of the most inviting in the city, IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate of any description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or Property, make no mis cake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate ot any - description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or Property, make no mistake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Pattern Ave., Asheville, N. C* 57 carries constantly in stock a great variety of whiskies, brandies, both foreign and domestic, wines, ale, porter and beer on draught and also in bottles, for family use, including choice brands of cigars and making a specialty of L. Weiss & Co.'s fine rye, also McBrayer and " Old Charter," either of which brands are guaranteed as abso- lutely pure. Mr. Sorrells is a gentleman of the strictest probity, and will insure all patrons of his establishment most kind and courteous treatment. His assistants, Messrs. Jno. Young, and others, are jolly, good fellows, and will be sure to treat you with courtesy and hospitality. T. J. REVELL, Dealer in Groceries, Hay, Grain, Feed, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Cigars and Provisions, No. 38 North Main Street. Probably no one thing would more impress on the public mind an adequate idea of the importance and size of Asheville than the enumerations of our retail trade, under the comprehensive title as given above. The subject of this sketch, Mr. T. J. Revell, who is a native of the " Crown City of the Mountains," started in this line of business less than one year ago, and though a young man, is gradu- ally taking rank in business ability with some of our more aged and experienced business men, and the exigencies of this a modern civil- ization calls for the services of men of aptitude and energy, which is readily perceived in the course pursued by this gentleman, who is highly honored for his good business sense and unwavering in- tegrity. Mr. Revell has in stock a grade of goods which go to make up its particular line, necessary comforts, both for the human and animal kingdom. The business premises occupied by this establishment are well arranged, and contain a large stock of groceries, hay, grain, feed, &c, including a large and varied assortment of wood and willow- ware, cigars, tobacco, &c, which will be sold in competition and prices to meet the times and changes of dealers in a similar line. Mr. Revell is a pleasant and courteous gentleman, and we take pleasure in recommending him to your kindly consideration when wanting any article in this line. 58 UNION TEA COMPANY, Importers of Tea, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ornamen- tal and useful Japanese Work, GIBSON & CONWAY, Proprie- tors, 52 South Main Street. It is one of the features of a metropolitan city to have each line of enterprise, or those that, by their very production, uses and nature are similar, conducted separately, being in diverse ways an improve- ment on the old-fashioned medley system, while its decidedly noticeable that from these houses that only handle distinctive arti- cles we get much purer and nicer goods. Among the houses of recent establishment, it is our pleasure to call attention to this Company, whose name is the caption of this article. The firm has recently undergone a change, and is now composed of Mr. D. E. Gibson, formerly of the Keystone State, and Mr. A. W Conway, who is a native of the Old Dominion State of Virginia/who are doubtless gentlemen of clever discernment and business ability. The premises occupied have been newly refitted and refurnished with expensive and complete machinery for the successful conduct of this line of trade. The stock embraces the very highest grades of teas, spices, coffees , green and roasted, baking powder, which, for purity and excellence of quality, cannot be excelled in this section. They make also a specialty of both ornamental and useful Japanese work of all kinds, which are groupe'd in iigures and arranged side by side in artistic and bewildering confusion. We call particular attention to the latter named articles, of which they have gone to much pains and expense to putting before the trade, an exceptionally beautiful line of goods suitable for the holi- day season, which are calculated to meet the wants of all classes of people. This house, while only of recent inception, has already, through a system of perfect representation, and selling superior goods, a trade of no ordinary dimensions. We predict for this house a prosperous career, knowing the strict code of equity and honorable dealing upon which they will operate. Messrs. Gibson & Conway are winning many patrons by their attractive premises and many superior goods in this the •' Gem City of the Mountains." They offer to their many customers a superior quality of fresh roasted coffee every Monday morning. This is a special feature of their line, and for deliciousness of flavor is unsur- passed. In addition to this they have recently received a large im- portation of the celebrated Ceylon tea, a trial of which will prove a 59 potent elixir to the jaded nerves, and will bring exhilaration and succor to the impoverished body, together with that Elysian balm whose soothing effect makes one forget one's future cares. THE P. A DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO. Near Passenger Depot, Asheville, N. C. Telephone No. 26. The magnitude of the interests involved in this branch of in- dustry have an important bearing upon the welfare of a community, and are well illustrated in Asheville. In this city thousands of dollars of capital are invested. Expensive buildings are erected, expensive machinery put in them, and steady employment is given to a large number of hands. In this connection, special mention is made of this Company, who began active operations in this city about one year ago. The works of the Company are located about one mile from the city, and are manufacturers of and large dealers in all kinds of dressed lumber, doors, sash, blinds, mouldings, stair work, mantels, bank and bar fixtures, and all kinds of building material— making a specialty of hard wood lumber work. The code by which this business is transacted is one of equity and integrity. Some idea of the importance and extent of this business can be seen from a concise mention of these works. The Company is composed of P. A. Demens, President ; F. S. Chapman, Secretary and Treasurer. Few establishments, similar to this, surpass it in proportions and completeness of its process and arrangement. The gentlemen representing this enterprise possess superior finan- cial and executive ability and are well versed in their business, while each department is carefully looked after by those in direct charge of this establi>hment, and are not only a source of credit to the city, but a monument to the ability of its officials and management. WENCESLAUS TAUCHEN. Fine Merchant Tailoring. 65 South Main Street, under Swannannoa Fotel. Among those industries that always keeps pace with the progress of the times and seasons, there are none more worthy of liberal notice than the gentleman whose card forms the caption of this article, 60 At the present day, no one who has a proper regard for neatness of style and perfectly fitting clothing, will not fail to patronize those whose experience and adaptation is to merchant tailoring. In this connection, we refer to the establishment, of recent in- ception, of W. Tauchen, who is a Bohemian by birth. Mr. Tauchen speaks fluently, six different languages, which are. Bohemian, German, English, French, Italian and Spanish, and, doubtless, will score a success in his new domain. He came to this country about a year ago from Buenos Ayres, Argen- tine Republic, where he was employed as cutter from Paris, and landing at Philadelphia, he immediately secured a position as leading costume cutter in the famous establishment of Wanamaker & Brown, but finding a change of climate necessary, he was advised to come to Asheville ; in consequence of such he decided to embark into his present business, where he is conveniently located at 65 South Main Street. Mr. Tauchen constitutes one of our new additions to the mer- cantile trade, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronage. As a proof of his ability in this line, he holds letters of recommendation for his efficiency from the famous Parisian establishments of John Hendrey and Robert Cumberland. His stock embraces the newest fall styles of clothes, direct from the looms of London, Paris and Berlin, which he is prepared to sell by the piece or make to order in the last styles, guaranteeing in every case a perfect fit ; also, repairing and cleaning neatly and quickly done. This gentleman displays superior workmanship, and by close attention to business and fair dealings to all, he is fast establishing himself in the good estimation of every patron who favors him with a call. REVELL & WAGNER, Successors to Kopp & Lichtenberger, Staple and Fancy Groceries, No. 28 Patbon Avenue. Possibly there cannot be found in a city anywhere, the size of Asheville, wherein so much energy and enterprise is manifested in this line of business. It would be at this time difficult to conjecture fate of nucleus de- signed to a citv, if the irrepressible groceryman should not be fos- tered within her gates. But he is a fixture within the gates of all powerful cities, and for all times. 61 Messrs. Re veil & Wagner are young men of fine business ability, ample means, and are recent additions to this essential line of mer- cantile progress. These gentlemen have been engaged in various pursuits in this city for a number of years, and their conduct in the commercial world has been of such a tenor as to place them in the front rank of importance to the welfare of the community, and are fully alive to the interests of edibles for the table use. The firm com- prises Messrs O. D. Revell, for some time past a resident of this city, but whose nativity is recorded in the Palmetto State, and Mr. J. L. Wagner, who represents, originally, Tennessee, but has also resided in Asheville for several years past. These gentlemen are steadily nurturing large friendships and a splendid patronage, and we desire to call the attention of our readers to the large stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries carried by this house, which includes sugar at re- finery prices, coffee of superior flavor, roasted on the premises daily and ground for every customer, which is an important feature of their business. They also carry a large stock of fancy pickles, con- diments, spices and various kinds of table supplies, making a spe- cialty of choice imported goods, and are sole agents for superlative flour, the "premium brand of America;" also, Skillman's fine cakes and crackers, and many other delicacies belonging to this line of business, and regarding the quality, prices and splendid induce- ments offered by this energetic Arm, we are pleased to mention them. Their house is located at 28 Patton Avenue, the line of goods carried is comprehensive and complete, and the firm deal both at whole- sale and retail, and customers will find in many cases, goods often being obtained cheaper here than elsewhere, and we feel justified in saying that those who form trading relations with this house will feel no cause for regret. E. F. HINES, Successor to C. F. Penniman & Co., also, Successor to E. V. Jones, Esq., Deceased. P. 0. Box 536. The line of trade prosecuted by Mr. Hines has, within a few years, reached a phenominal development. Men of capital, and rare good business judgment early embarked in this department of commercial life, and having an unusually excellent field, took hold in earnest. They were not content to occupy the narrow scope of a limited trade, but with true Southern energy are pushing the widening circle of their commerce far out into the adjacent territory. 62 Among the representative men engaged in the manufacturing and wholesale and retail dealing in harness, saddles, blankets, lap covers, and being well thought of in commercial circles as an upright business citizen, we bespeak for him a continuation of such well merrited success. This restaurant also furnishes regular board by the week or month, and at prices commensurate with well prepared food, and at all hours, day and night. J. E. REED & CO. Fresh Meat of all kinds, Game, Poultry &c. North Court Square. Telephone No. 66. Among the reliable and energetic firms engaged in the meat and provision business of this city, none are deserving of more personal mention than that of Messrs. Reed & Co , whose centrally located business is at North Central Square. They carry constantly in stock a splendid line of meats, fish, game and poultry, and all such articles of supply belonging to the table The inception of this firm in business took place about one year ago, and has succeeded by utilizing natural ability and a system of honesty and integrity, in building up a trade of no mean propor- tions. This firm is composed of Wm. M. Hill and James Alexander, who are both men of long experience in this business, and by that enterprise and exhibit of those sterling qualities, which distinguish business men, Messrs. Reed & Co. have succeeded admirably in gaining a large and influential patronage. We unhesitatingly commend to the public as worthy of your con- fidence and attention when in need of anything in the above line. A.11 orders promptly and quickly attended to. 71 P. C. McINTIRE & BRO , Wholesale and Retail Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Oysters, Game, &c. No. 18 North Court Place. In review of the resources and industries of this city, it is of para- mount importance that the leading and foremost firms representing the lines in different sections of the city should receive mention commensurate with the magnitude and scope of their business, hence it is with pleasure we chronicle the advantages and facilities of the business controlled and owned by Mess. Mclntire Bros., whose large and well fitted up business premises are located at 18 North Court Place, where at all times can be found positively one of the largest and best assortments of fresh and salt meats to be had in this section of the State, while oysters, fish, poultry and game of all kinds are constantly kept on hand, Messrs. Mclntire having an enviable repu- tation for the freshness and excellence of their goods. Throughout the five years they have been engaged in the above- named business there has been a steady, constant incz'ease in their trade until at present they control a patronage second to none. They give employment to several men, and keep constantly on the run two wagons in delivering goods to their numerous patrons. These gentlemen are old residents of Atlanta, Ga , and since their business inception here this firm has been identified with the pro- gressive spirit of the "Gem City" for five years. Messrs. Mclntire are industrious, and possess fine business ability, and hold a solid position in business circles throughout this section. This firm makes a specialty of fine sausage meat and operate the largest lot of machinery in this State, thereby enabling them to ful- fil all requirements akin to their trade. THE "BOSTON" SALOON. Jno. O'Donnell & Co., Proprs. 39 South Main St. Among the firms of recent establishment in the "Electric City of the Mountains," and one fast achieving a splendid trade, is owned and operated by Messrs. Jno. O'Donnell & Co., two popular young men who have during a short residence in our city made many friends and are much esteemed by a large circle of patrons and ac- quaintances. These gentlemen opened this business to the public only a short 72 time ago; however, they needed no large recommendation as for some time past they had been connected with the enterprising "Carolina" Saloon, which gave them ample field fur showing their ability and making friends, which is especially demonstrated by a large and con- stantly growing trade contracted by them in their new premises, which are centrally located at 99 South Main street, whose stock con- sists of choice foreign and domestic whiskies, wines, ales, porters, cigars and tobaccos, also fine champagne, Claret, Rhine and Dry Wines of all the leading brands. If there is one branch of business that goes to complete the indus- tries of a cosmopolitan city like Asheville, it is that of a wine and liquor dealer, and in expatiating upon the usefulness and prosperous enterprises of this city, we call especial attention to the sample room conducted by these gentlemen. These young men have been in the saloon business for a number of years, and if there is one firm in the city who merit success and popularity, it is these young men. There is no branch of mercantile life in which such great energy, patience and superior knowledge of how to conduct a successful business is involved than that of a sa- loan dealer, in consequence of which we unhesitatingly pronounce these gentlemen artists in this particular line. Messrs. O'Donnell personally, manifests much consideration for their patrons, and are polite and obliging, and we bespeak for this house a prosperous trade and a successful business career. Trade at a distance solicited and given every possible care. J. N. MORGAN & CO. Book Sellers, Stationers and News Dealers, also Dealers in Period- icals, Pictures, Frames, Toys, Chromos, Gold Pens, Pencils &c. No. 3 Court Square. As an enterprise tends to enlighten and the disemination of knowledge together with amusement none takes rank with the vocation of the periodical and news dealer, a leading establishment of this kind is that conducted by Messrs. Morgan & Co., whose business premises are well adapted to the purpose for which they use thein when for five years they have with prominent success conducted this business. This firm carries in stock all the leading dailies and periodicals, works of fiction, especially the German Illustrated Magazines and Ladies' Works, histories, etc., stationery pens, ink, notions, &c. Y\ JK are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated »' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of JSTew York. We can insure you against accident or death in the •'Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ll/E are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co. 's celebrated '*' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insnrance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or deatli in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 73 Employment is given to several persons, among them is Mr. P. B. Scruggs, a most courteous and affable gentlemen. Messrs. Morgan & Co., are gentlemen of more than ordinary ability as business men and .have a thorough knowledge of the profession, occupying in the commercial world an enviable position of honor and esteem. • It is not our mission to institute comparisons, but to present a picture of this array of their chosen profession, hence we predict for them a liberal and equitable system of dealing towards mil patrons of their establishment. ASHEVILLE CIGAR CO. 33 Patton Ave, Make a specialty of Special Goods. Third Floor. The manufacture of fine cigars is an industry of vast importance, and has engaged in it large capital and much skilled labor. The Asheville Cigar Co. form an important item in this line in Asheville. This enterprise was established about two years ago by Mr. R. R Porter, and has already built up a fine trade and a reputa- tion for fine goods of strictly first-class quality. In the manufac- ture of their goods they use stock from Havana, Cuba and Sumatra, and both for aroma and flavor the goods obtained here cannot be beat. This company gives employment to 10 or 15 skilled workmen, and are turning out a class of goods that cannot be exceeded any- where. Among the favorite 10c brands is the "Cappelia," one of superior quality, which is amply tested by experienced judges, and among the other specialties in the 5c. rank are the "13," "Time" 74 and "Warrantee," goods of unusual fine quality, and well sustains their popular favor. This is the only institution of the kind in this section and fully warrants the attention of all dealers and consumers. Mr. Porter is a native of this State and a gentleman of business ability, and also has for a number*of years past represented "on the road" the reliable hat house of C. W. Thorn & Co., Richmond, Va., and is highly regarded by a large circle of business men and social friends. J. L. L. SLAGLE, Proprietor, Stagle's Hotel, No. 91 Patton Ave. As a pioneer and experienced hotel man it gives us pleasure to make prominent mention of Mr. Stagle, who conducts a nicely equipped and thoroughly ordered hotel at No. 91 Patton ave. The premises occupied are in every sense of the word well suited for the purposes for which they are used. Throughout the entire working of this establishment can be seen the efficient management of the proprietor. The tables at all times are supplied with the best the market can afford in the matter of delicacies and substantiate, while patrons receive from polite and courteous waiters the very best attention. Mr. Slagle is a native of Tennessee, but has resided in this State a long time, so much so tbat he is thoroughly imbued and identified with North Carolina ideas, and knows how to conduct a hotel on modern principles. This hotel has long enjoyed a lucrative trade, and is well and fa- vorably known throughout a large territory. The splendid patron- age of this house is appreciated from the fact that this hotel is in a position to accommodate many people who come to this metropolis and can not afford to put up at the more expensive houses. This house is commodious and will accommodate 25 to 40 guests, and the rates are popular and within the reach of all visitors, which this hotel names at $1 per day and upwards. As an important feature to the hotel Mr. Slagle is also a prominent dealer in genex*al merchan- dise and produce where he is enabled at all times to supply his hotel with all necessary articles for table use, thereby giving his patrons the benefit of substantial edibles when not procurable from sources which other hotels are dependent upon. Mr. Slagle personally is courteous and obliging, and always looks after the comfort of his guests and accommodation of his numer- ous patrons, and is also the possessor of valuable property here and elsewhere. 75 BURNETT & HOWARD, Blacksmithing and Woodwork, No. College Street. Horse- shoeing a Specialty. A beautiful subject for romance and poetry is the hardy black- smith's chorus of the sledge hammer and anvil, and in no line of in- dustry is there greater necessity for skill and experieuce than in the above, and possessing these qualities in a marked degree is the ver- dict of all who are acquainted with the work of Messrs. Burnett & Howard. Uniting the two very important enterprises we have a trade prominent and useful and whose universal value can not be overestimated and in a historical work similar to the present de- serves extended reference. This dual enterprise was established in August last, and for thor- oughness of equipment, excellence of workmanship, together with a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the intricacies attending the important business of horseshoeing and blacksmithing, this shop is beyond peradventure one of the most complete, and the work most satisfactory in the city. The premises occupied by this firm are elligibly located at College street, near Spruce. Tbe building was recently built, and is of brick 30x60 feet, commodious and well constructed for the pur- pose for which it is used. The firm is composed of Messrs. B. Burnett, of Missouri, and H. M. Howard, of North Carolina. The latter named gentleman has been in business in this city on South Main street for about six years, where he controlled a splendid trade. Mr. Burnett is also an experienced workman in this line, and in forming a copartnership under the present firm name these gentlemen represent tbe leading establishment of tbe city. Thev make a specialty of horseshoeing and buggy repairing. The firm takes front place among its many competitors and for the honest and trusty manner in which their business is con- ducted can be unreservedly commended to tbeir increasing popular- ity. M. SWARTZBERG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods and General Merchan- dise, and making a Specialty of Clothing and Gentlemen's Fur- nishing Goods, No. 10 Patton Avenue. After Adam and Eve's miserable failure to cover their shame with fig leaves, it is recorded that the Master of Heaven and earth con- descended to fashion their garments, and make them coats of skins 76 with which to be clothed. This is high dignity for the clothing trade, but certain it is that the fashions of that trade rules the world of civilization to-day. No feature of modern progress in the scale of human development is more marked than the matter of raiment. Lord Chesterfield it was who held that correct taste in wearing ap- parel was a sure index to high mental development, and if this be so then Asheville is surely the centre of intelligence, for no city in the South of its size has more complete clothing establishments than Mr. M. Swartzberg in his splendid emporium at 10 Patton Avenue, who will set the styles also for the lesser lights in this line. Mr. Swartsberg receives goods daily from New York auction houses, and carries constantly in stock a class of goods that cannot be duplicated, as to styles and prices, in this section. This gentleman goes early to market, and thereby secures the first selection of goods which are always the newest, and in consequence of which he is in a position to offer inducements to a great many buyers which should attract your attention at once. Mr. Swartzberg came to this city about two years ago and opened a business at North Main Street, but finding his trade largely increas- ing he at once sought more commodious quarters, and is now located at No. 10 Patton Avenue, with greater facilities for a more lucra- tive trade. In his present premises we will call attention, in addition to his splendid line of clothing, a complete stock of Dry Goods and No- tions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, of the newest importation, and in styles that should at once command the attention of all fas- tidious people. This gentleman is a native of Germany, and was formerly in this line of business at Anderson, S. C, where he was regarded in com- mercial circles as a gentleman of business ability and integrity. He makes also a specialty of Gents' and Ladies' Underwear, which, when compared with other prices and considering the qual- ity, are not to be rivalled in this city. Personally Mr. Swartzberg is a nice gentleman to deal with, and we can assure the public of his representations, as being unimpeach- able and worthy the full confidence of the community. T. N. HYNDMAN, Fashionable Boot and Shoemaker, No. 18- North Main Street. Prominent among elegance in wearing apparel, none is more deserving of especial mention than a manufacturer of perfect fitting boots and shoes ; and conspicuous in this branch of industry, we 77 notice the methods employed by Mr. Hyndman, whose comfortably located premises are at No. 18 North Main street, who is a gentle- man thoroughly conversant with the making of boots and shoes of every description, which enterprise adds largely to the comfort and convenience of humanity : and it is on this principle, an impression of the foot is taken, and a last made to an exact mould. The shoe is made to this last, and fits the foot as the glove does the hand, thus avoiding unpleasant pressure, corns and other inconveniences. Mr. Hyndman has been a resident of this city for two years, and has been engaged in his present business for seventeen years, and in this line of work his long experience warrants the assertion that he is master of his vocation ; and we heartily commend him as worthy your most liberal support. This firm makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine riding boots and shoes ; also repairing neatly done. His success is a fore- gone conclusion ; for many of us who stand all day upon our feet would be glad of any possible comfort that could be added. tf'r/br/hf/' WILLS BROTHERS. Architects, Asheville, N. C, Knoxville, Tenn. Asheville architecture, in many cases, is the pride of North Carolinians, and they love to see throughout many of the large cities of the country, pictures of her splendid buildings and to hear well- 78 traveled critics declare Asheville to be the crown jewel for good art in many of the public and private buildings over all cities in the United States her size. But such praise cannot be given without recognizing that Asheville has been exceptionally blessed with the presence and work of a number of intelligent and practical architects, who have, by their thoroughly planned and beautiful designs, given our well skilled contractors and builders a basis on which to construct the splendid residences of our city and public buildings of inland commerce which line our streets. Among others we find the New City Hall and Fire Department and Market House, cut of which is displayed; also, the New First Baptist Church, corner of College and Spruce Streets; residence of Lieut. A. H. Cobb, Academy street, and other works of minor interest. All these monuments of art are materializations of the deft pencil and clear architectural conceptions of the enterprising Messrs. Wills Brothers, who have been operating in this city for some time past, and the humble scribe of this business reflex is but too happy to pay such tribute of the pen to the pencil, and even intensify it, by saying it is the work of such citizens (our architects) as justify the verse of one of our local bards, running thus wise: "All hail to the city of Asheville ! Bright gem of this Appalachian State; Thy history brief, yet as brilliant, As the health from thy mountains so great. The range of the Blue Ridge engird thee, Their snow peaks like sentinels stand ; The air from pinnacles nerve thee To destiny loft and grand." Here nature's book opens her oldest And most brilliant pages to man, And human art fashions its boldest Of works for ages to scan. C E. ECKELS & CO., Exclusively Boarding and Sale Stables, No. 76 South Main Street. Among those stables of excellent location and superior equipment, together with all the necesary conveniences for this class of accom- modation in boarding and selling horses, none are more deserving of extended reference than that owned and conducted by Messrs. Eckels & Co. Particular attention is given at these stables to the boarding of 79 horses, and for ventillation and splendid accommodations, together with constant and careful attention, they are not surpassed by any in the city . This firm receive regularly every thirty days a car-load of West- ern ponies, Kentucky thorough breds and other animals for sale or ex- change, and are always open for trades in anything of this char- acter. These gentlemen are exceedingly fine judges of horse flesh, and consequently the sale department at all times contains some very valuable riding and driving horses, selected by them with especial care. United with long experience in this business, these gentlemen are in possession of the necessary requisites and financial ability for its successful conduct. They are always ready to further any work that will redound to the improvement and welfare of this growing me- tropolis, and their stables would do credit and honor to any city, and every transaction is stamped with that fairness and faithful dealing that characterizes the general conduct of these progressive and wide- awake business men. In addition, we call attention to the splendid riding and saddle horses for ladies and gentlemen, of which this firm make a specialty, and keep some of the most stylish and spirited riders in the city. G. W. JENKINS & BRO. Fine and Fancy Groceries, Country Produce, Cigars and Tobacco. No. 34 South Main Street. The natural and acquired advantages of Asheville have been em- ployed with avidity by many houses that have risen to deserved prominence and which must be claimed that G. W. Jenkins & Bro., whose business has flourished with perennial vitality for the past three years, wbich dated its commencement, and was founded upon a scale far from the extensive, but the energy and discernment with which the trade has been prosecuted, has proven effective, and pro- duced in building up a trade most satisfactory. The business premises are situated at No. 34 South Main Street, under the personal and regular attention of the proprietors, whose firm composes Messrs. G. W. & J. H. Jenkins, originally from this state, and men of intelligence and a thorough knowledge of the useful business in which they are engaged. These gentlemen do a large business in the grocery line, and have constantly in stock a large supply of fine and fancy groceries, cigars, 80 tobacco and country produce, including chickens, fresh butter and eggs — the latter named articles they make a specialty of, and receive them from a source that is 'always a guarantee of their freshness and acceptability. This firm ranks among the most prominent grocery establish- ments of the city, and while possibly not as large, are always in a position to furnish goods including this branch, at prices and quality to meet any and all competition. Messrs. Jenkins & Brother are men of business integrity, and we commend them to your kind consideration when in want of any- thing in their line, as they are conferring an incalculable benefit upon all who look for something good to eat. Dr, J. W. ROLLINGS, Veterinary Surgeon. Special Course Ontaria, (Can.) Veterinary College. Office and Infirmary 78 South Main Street. For several years this gentleman has administered relief to suffer- ing horses throughout the country, and has been located in Ashe- ville about one year, during which time he has saved the lives of many valuable animals and has profited by the best training in the North and East. During the last generation veterinary surgery has made rapid strides, and in this profession Dr. Rollings takes a leading rank wherever he is called upon to administer such a treatment. He makes a specialty of the manifold diseases of that noble and faithful animal, the horse, and in treatment has been so successful tbat he has lost but few cases entrusted to him in several years. The principal cause of lameness in this city results in many cases from excessive dryness of the hoof produced from concussion, and for this Dr. Railings' " hoof lotion ' ; is a prompt and reliable remedy. w JE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w JK can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, ana charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asneville, N. C. 81 He has in addition several remedies for horses which are effica- cious, and has applied for letters patent, and these medicines he has on sale at his office. To all owners of horses suffering from any disease Dr. Rollings is recommended unhesitatingly as a practitioner worth your confidence and consultation. In addition Dr. Rollings is an industrious and loyal citizen and takes an active interest in his profession, in such being well in- formed, devoted and deserving of every success. STRAUSS EUROPEAN HOTEL. 26 and 28 South Main Street. A much needed hostelry and one that bids fair to secure a large patronage. A really good hotel of this kind is so rare, that when one is found that is as near perfection as long experience in the hotel busi- ness can make it, it certainly deserves liberal notice in a work of this nature. Asheville, generally, is abundant with first-class hotels, conducted on the American plan, but an acquisition that has long been felt for a thoroughly equipped and managed European restaurant is that which has recently been opened by Mr. E. Strauss, of this city, and marks an epoch of the rapid growth of this city's progress. Mr. Strauss had, for a long time past, operated a restaurant in this city, but the extensive patronage controlled by him was of such a nature as to make it imperative for more extensive accommodations; accordingly, the owner of this property, Mr. T. D. Johnston, set to work in removing the old building, which is occupied now by an ornate structure of three stories and will accommodate about one hundred lodgers,' and is arranged with all modern improvements and accessories for conducting a first-class and attractive hotel. The location is a central one. The first floor contains main dining room, office and water room. There is a ladies' front entrance; also, a second entrance to gents' rooms from main dining room, which is connected by means of elegantly carpeted stairway. The second and third floors are utilized entirely for sleeping apartments, which are furnished in an elegant and comfortable manner, in oak, walnut, and cherry; the greater part of the furniture, carpets and fixtures which were furnished by Asheville merchants, deserve special men- tion, and in every manner pertaining to the completeness of this hotel, 6 82 Nothing is wanting in it to meet the requirements of the residents and traveling public. Both gas and incandescent lights are used; and, also, a chief feature of this restaurant will be a ladies' ordinary and private dining room for the accommodation of parties, which are so arranged as to fulfill every possible convenience. The most pronounced epicure can here obtain anything his fancy may crave, as well as the man of moderate means and simple tastes, and all upon terms in keeping with a first-class European hotel. The management has taken particular pains to employ qnly com- petent cooks and waiters, and possessing all the elements of a business man, industrious, enterprising and honorable in all his dealings, his future prosperity seems doubly assured. THE ASHEVILLE INVESTMENT CO., South Side Court Place, next door to First National Bank, Real Estate Dealers and Financial Agents. One of the direct and incontrovertible evidences of the rapid and substantial growth of this city is the mammoth proportions of some of her real estate companies. Among those of recent inception is the Asheville Investment Company, which betokens for the future, prosperity and success. The gentlemen composing the company include some of our old citizens, together with business men from a distance, who have lately added their business abilities and energies to this constantly growing city, and represent officially Messrs. R. B. Hilliard, Presi- dent, and C. F. Griffing, General Manager. The Directors are, O. S. Causey, R. B. Hilliard, C. F. Griffing, Jno. N. Ramsey, Geo. I. Parmley, in whose names are represented business integrity, and combining a company strong in every detail. As a matter of profitable and substantial investment, no Company in the city of Asheville offers advantages that perhaps would be dif- ficult, if at all possible, to duplicate elsewhere, and this fact alone, if no other existed, would be sufficient to enlist in the business of handling these lucrative investments, which consist of a large num- ber of city and suburban improved and unimproved lots, located in the most attractive parts of Asheville, and which should command the attention of all shrewd investors, and in no other direction can be found so many advantages which combine to make a perfect loca- tion for a suburban home. 83 Particular attention is called to the choice business and residence lots throughout all portions of the city. Quite a number of beautiful homes will soon be under way, and easy terms with special advantages offered those desiring to make good improvements. The facilities of this company meet the requirements and are all that could be expected from a modern Investment Company. IDLEWILD GREEN HOUSES AND FLORAL GARDENS, No. 324 Charlotte Street ; The Idlewild Greenhouse Co, Proprietors. Telephone 99. There is probably nothing so beautiful or with a more elevating tendency than flowers. Asheville is well abreast with the times in almost every line. Especially is it true of Floral culture. A leading and widely known representative of this branch, and situated at 324 Charlotte street, is the Idlewild Greenhouses and Floral Gardens, in charge of Mrs. J. B. Deake, formerly of Tennessee. This firm deals at wholesale and retail in cut flowers of all kinds, making a specialty of roses, the latter of which is one of larger proportions than possibly any other similar branch in this section. This enterprise was established in 1885, and occupies the large area of twenty acres, having three or four greenhouses and many hot-beds and cold frames. Employment is given to several practical and experienced florists, and everything in the line of flowers can be obtained on short notice and at reasonable prices, including bouquets, cut flowers, for funerals, weddings, parties, &c, at all seasons of the year, and packed to carry with safety. All orders, whether by mail or otherwise, will receive prompt attention. The owners, the Messrs. Deake family, are natives of New York and Tennessee respectively, and in every sense of the word, fully posted on all matters related to floral culture, and are worthy expo- nents of the industry they so ably represent, and are numbered among our most valuable citizens and business men. 84 HENSLEY & WILD, Family Groceries and Provisions, 23 North Main Street. Among those industries that go .to make up the material wealth and necessities of a city, there is probably no branch of business that contributes so largely to the fund than the grocery men. We desire in this connection to call particular attention to the estalish- ment of Hensley & Wild, whose nicely stocked premises are located in a prosperous district, 23 North Main street. This house carries one of the choicest stocks of fine family groce- ries and country produce to be found in the city. While not possibly so large as others, it is, in assortment and quality, not surpassed by any similar house in tbis section. The store is under the manage- ment principally of Mr. Wild, who is thoroughly experienced in the grocery business, and has a host of friends and acquaintances. The members of the firm are Messrs J. B. Hensley and W. B. Wild, native North Carolinians, who opened this business to the public about a year ago. Everything common to a first-class grocery may be found in this establishment, and at prices to suit the times- These gentlemen are excellent business men, and deserve the un- stinted patronage of the people. J. G. QUEEN, D. D. S., Dentist. Success in every department of learned profession depends, to a very great extent, upon the intelligence, proficiency and ability which are brought to bear upon it. This is more particularly true as ap- plied to that important branch of science which is comprehended in the practice of dental surgery. The dentist of to-day stands second in importance only to the medical practitioner, in alleviating or attend- ing to those wants of the community which come within the scope of his avocation, and in no branch of the profession has more im- portant advances been made. Dr. Queen is a young man deserving of much success, and we be- speak for him a liberal patronage in this line of work. The doctor has been, for the past year or two, somewhat at a dis- tance from the regular practice of his profession, but has made arrangements to resume this work in its every active branch, and is now ensconced in comfortable quarters at his office, where he will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, and, with first-class in- 85 struments and equipments of the newest and most improved styles, he is now prepared to compete with any one in satisfactory work in this section. This gentleman has been a resident of Asheville for several years past, and has, unaided, succeeded in making a start as a man of business, ability and plenty of pluck. He has also of late been making some lucrative deals in realty matters, and has now on hand some splendid property, located in a desirable part of the city, which he is prepared to sell on easy terms or rent to responsible parties. The doctor is genial, courteous and obliging, and is always at his post of duty, and ever ready to serve his numerous patrons in the dental profession, or sell or lease them desirable residence property. F. N. CARRINGTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Coal. Office North Court Place, near Postoffice. There is no question but the distribution of this great article of commerce from and about Asheville has been a great factor in her rapid growth, as in many cases it is controlled and handled by some of the most enterprising business men of our city, which statement is verified by the manner in which Mr. Carrington supplies the trade of this and contigious territory. This gentleman deals at wholesale and retail, and is in a position to offer you coal in any quantity and at prices that probably can not be duplicated by any dealer in the city. The coal handled by this firm is of a superior quality, and has long been one of the most popular fuels in the market, both for steam, manufacturing and domestic purposes. The facilities for the prompt delivery of coal by Mr. Carrington are unsurpassed, giving employment to a number of hands an J all orders are promptly filled, and is the earnest desire of this gentlemen to merit by the strictest principles of mercantile probity the continuance of the large and liberal support already eDjoyed. All coal purchased of this gentlemen is guaranteed to maintain the highest standard of excellence, and justly holds the first rank in this line of trade. Mr. Carrington is successor to Atkins & Carrington and is origi- nally from Virginia, having been a resident of this city for the past six years. Personally Mr. Carrington is a most genial gentleman, and highly esteemed both in the commercial and social circle of this "Future City " of the mountains, and justly merits the success achieved by hie industry and close attention to business, 87 ASHEVILLE'S PRIDE AND HONOR. A Magnificent Buiiding, Superior Teachers, and Modern Appliances Supplemented by a high order of Educational Facilities. On the preceding page we furnish a cut of the Asheville Female College, as Prof. B. E. Atkins, A. M., President, and without fear of contradiction we pronounce this institution without a compeer in South. Combining as it does the beautiful location, with the healthful climate of Asheville is nowhere equalled in the world, which fact has long since been decided by the most eminent physicians in the country. The faculty of the institution as will be proven by inves- tigation represents the talent and long training of a complete staff of educational giants where work is so cleverly systematized, the wheels of the machinery run so smoothly, and the results are so excellent that the public does not always stop to consider the im- mense force which must be brought to bear by officers and teachers who in their several departments are superior and experienced edu- cators and are making rapid strides in the march of progress. Asheville is justly proud of the achievements of this splendid institution, not only do her educational methods stand out boldly in the world of schools and school men, but her buildings can not be excelled. •| iThe percentage of improvements made within the past five years has been phenominal. New schools houses have risen as if by magic, and the high school buildings are almost perfection. When one compares these lofty modern structures, with the origi- nal log school houses which but a few years since were Asheville's centre of learning, he realizes more than ever how swift and strong have been her strides of progress, and how great a factor of civiliza- tion are these institutions. To the invalid who approaches the meridional in quest of health or the fountain of youth, Asheville's crowning glory is her perfectly delightful climate, to the man of business, it is the push and pluck, the vim vigor and vivacity of her citizens, besides the many fields open for the profitable investment of capital ; to the tourist it is the grand and glorious mountain scenery, constantly standing in full view ; to the lawyers, it is the immense amount of litigation, arising from her large and numerous business transactions ; but to the man with a family it is her superb schools equalling any system in the South and far surpassing anything east of the Mississippi. Asheville is particularly fortunate in this respect for many reasons ; in the first place the energy and enterprise, the progressive spirit, 88 the ambition and pride of the North always gravitate toward the Southerly region, leaving the lazy, indolent, phlegmatic material behind. In the second place owing to her grandeur of scenery, the wealth of our mountains, the salutary effects of our climate, we find tourists> speculators, invalids and professional men of all classes flocking here from all parts of the globe. Asheville is full of high school and normal graduates from almost every State in the Union, as well as by much of the mental products of Europe. The result is, the mar- ket is glutted. The supply is much greater than the demand ; the best is then selected and our schools are supplied with corps of instructors unsurpassed in the South. The truth that "natures latest products are her best," was never more satisfactorily illustrated than it is in the schools of Asheville. The teachers here have built an empire for themselves, peculiarly their own They have culled from the effete monarchies of Europe from their Northern and Hesperian brothers all that is good and have dropped all the dry rot of antiquity, and, with "excelsior" for their motto are proudly pressing on to the grandest consummation of the human intellect. Nor are we proud alone of the surpassing excellence of our teachers. The educational edifices, too, are worthy the praise, the admiration and the delight which they excite in the minds of all who behold them. In consequence of which we mention this institution as one deserving of especial reference to its architectural grace and beauty and being surrounded by eight acres of the most beautiful shade trees and grassy lawns to be found anywhere. In addition it has all the modem appliances and facilities for heating, lighting, seating, accoutre and instruction. As with teach- ers, so with the buildings, the best have been selected from all the past and the errors of the past avoided. In this institution the course of studies include preparatory of four grades, Collegiate in Reading, English, Latin, Mathematics, Geog- raphy, Natural Science, History, Philosophy, Fi'ench and German, also complete department in Music, Art, Modern Languages, Relig- ous Government and Social Culture, including a summer art and boarding school of splendid advantages, with type writing, stenog- raphy, book keeping, &c. In future the College will be under the immediate management of Prof. B. E. Atkins who has been in active schoolroom for twenty- two years, aud in this institution for eleven consecutive years. Rev. J. D. Arnold graduate of the Randolph, Macon class of 1860 and for several years a Professor in the Danville, Va., Female College and WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE can Injure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms o and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville. N. C. 89 now a member of the North Carolina Conference will be a member of the faculty of this institution in the future. This school can easily accommodate two hundred boarding and day pupils. WILKIE & ATKINS, Successors to B. A. Wilkie, formerly South Main. Candy, Cigars, Fruits and Confectionery of all kinds, 12 Patton Avenue. In summing up the popular enterprises of this metropolis, none are more deserving of eulogistic and praiseworthy notice than that of Messrs. Wilkie & Atkins, who represent the leading establishment in this city in this particular line. This industry was opened to the people of Asheville about four years ago, by Mr. Wilkie, who has lately associated with him Mr. W. J. Atkins, a popular young man of business ability, and as a close attention to business and fair and equitable dealing to all, these young men have succeeded in building up a patronage of no mean proportions. The premises occupied include one of the most popular in the city. The s f ock comprises «very kind of foreign and domestic fruits, confectionery and cigars, the latter of which they make a specialty, and carry constantly in stock a full 'line of these goods, both im- ported and domestic, and in this enterprise is represented two of the young and progressive business men of the " Crown City "—Messrs. Wilkie & Atkins are young men of pleasant bearing, and justly merit the splendid patronage they receive. They are careful buyers in their line and display much ability in the selection of fruits and confectionery of the nicest quality, guar- anteeing at all times satisfaction to their numerous patrons. In this conntction we pronounce them in every sense worthy gentle-' men, and should meet with the encouragement of a large and lucrative trade. This firm are now receiving a well selected stock of holiday goods, which includes fire works and toys of every description, and will show you many pretty novelties in this line, suitable to all classes of customers. They receive, also, on consignment, of any articles in their line, which will be given prompt attention, and prompt returns, at the highest market prices. 90 KELLEY & STRACHAN, Practical Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 28 Patton Avenue, Down Stairs. One of the various contributions which require inventive skill and mechanical operations and have contributed to the health comfort and convenience of the present day, perhaps none have more distinctive features than such as relate to the heating and lighting, ventilation and drainage of our beautiful homes, business houses, public buildings, and for the perfection attai ned in this line we are peculiarly indebted to the scientific plumber. Among those who have attained a high standard none are more deserving of prominent mention than Messrs. Kelley & Strachan, who have by energy and industry that knows no failing, together with close at- tention to business, established themselves in a short time firmly in the estimation of our people for their quick and reliable work and which stands proof of this assertion upon investigation. The prem- ises occupied are commodious, being centrally located, and are stocked with a large assortment of fine gas fixtures, pumps, hy- drants, hose, &c. The facilities enjoyed by this firm are unexcelled, while the excellence of the work is vouched for by the scrupulous and personal attention given by each member of the firm, who have always maintained a solid reputation for honorable and up- right dealing, and are enterprising and public-spirited gentlemen. THE MODEL CIGAR AND NEWS STORE. No. 17 Patton Avenue, L. BLOMBERG, Proprietor. This general sketch and review of the principal business enter- prises of the " Gem City'' would be incomplete and greatly remiss in duty, did it not contain appropriate mention of the attractive * stock and premises operated by tbe courteous and obliging pro- prietor of the Model Cigar and News Stand, for perhaps, in the whole category of commercial pursuits, there is probably none that affects the public with more importance than a dealer in the above line, which includes also the news of the day by the products of the press throughout the leading eities of the country. It is a great pleasure, in summing up the industries of any city, especially so when we are so frequently shown examples of what pluck and energy will accomplish, as is distinctly evidenced in the subject of this review, 91 Mr. Blomberg is a young man who established this business about two years ago, and if there is any enterprise in this section deserving of success it is this gentleman. Mr. Blomberg keeps the most attractive store of the kind in the city, and to those who use any article belonging to this class of trade, we unhesitatingly commend him to his establishment. This gentleman keeps a full line of cigars, both imported and domestic, including all the reliable brands of tobacco, cigarettes, pipes of all grades, cigar holders, the latest styles in walking canes, and many fancy articles belonging to such a line. In addition, you can get any of the leading newspapers of the country, magazines periodicals, books of facts and fiction, and is nothing without to class this the most complete stock of goods herein named in the city. Mr Blomberg. personally, is courteous and obliging, and is much admired in the community for pluck and energy. THE ASHEVILLE NEW OPERA HOUSE. A Gem of elegance, a magnificent structure and a model of artistic arrangement. It has been truly said, that in the building up of a city, the character of her business men is of more importance than her natu- ral advantages of situation. The magnificence and pride of Asheville is her new opera house, which is in point of construction, convenience and architectural design, unrivaled in the South — the one building of this city that bids fair to afford ample amusement to the average resident and visitor is the inception of this beautiful edifice, which is without question, an acquisition to our people's charms, that has long been needful. It is a mighty monument to the progress and energy of Messrs. J. W. Spears and W. T. Reynolds. This splendid building, situate on Patton Avenue, is destined to attract and delight Asheville audiences in future. Thegeneral management of this operahouse is under the supervision of Messrs. Reynolds, Spears & Sawyer, and while the amusement feature for the season is in charge of the latter, Mr. James P. Sawyer, a gentleman whose acquaintance in the theatrical world is very extensive, and doubtless his management of this opera house will be marked by a most gratifying successs. Mr. Sawyer's long and varied experience in the theatrical busines has thoroughly familiarized him with its minute details and general trend. 92 The foregoing facts, associated with the addition, that the opera house is one of the handsomest furnished in the South, will render it unusually popular with the amusement public. A visit to Asheville is never complete until the visitor has passed an evening at this grand house and viewed its wonderful beauty and looked upon its vastness. The Asheville opera house is owned by Mrs J. C. Spears, and was opened to the public in August last, costing $60,000. The properties, accoutre, and the equipage throughout, completes one of the most beautiful and modern arranged opera houses to be found in the South. Three hundred gas and electric lights shine forth with beauty and incantation. The center chandelier, which is of ham- mered brass and warranted not to corrode or oxidize, has one hundred and fifty additional lights. There are twelve sets of scenery, four dressing rooms, four proscenium boxes, stage 39x51, height to gridiron thirty-live feet, height to grooves sixteen feet; procenium opening 24x30 feet, with a seating capacity of nearly 1,200, and is heated throughout by steam, while both gas and incandescent lights are employed, and additional properties, which ranks this in in every detail perfect and elegant. Mr. Eugene Cramer, a southern gentleman, possessing artistic ability to a marked degree, painted the sceuery, which is strikingly effective and beautiful. The frescoe work was executed by Mr. F. A. Grace, of Detroit, Mich., and proves him eminently qualified for his particular line, while the entire auditorium is without a fault, consisting of modern accoutre for the amusement and comfort of both actors and patrons. The paintings are after the style of the early French renaissance, with allegoric and statuesque detail and consisting of portraits of classical composers, re-touched with effective coloi's. The interior is perfect in every sense and presents a scene of dazzling splendor. The season just opened will present one of beauty and attractive- ness, as many of the famous stars, composing the brilliant constella- tion of the theatrical world, have been engaged and will appear at the grand opera house the coming season. Please see New York Mirror and Dramatic News; also, article on first page. 93 THE ASHEVILLE TRANSFER COMPANY AND GENERAL LIVERY OFFICE, No. 68 South Main. Telephone No. 7. F. STIKELEATHER, Manager. Riding and driving is a pleasure in which Americans revel and at all seasons, especially in a popular resort like Asheville, perhaps more so than any like citj r of the nation, hence the demands for liv- ery accommodations must be peremptory to supply the large wants of the fashionable bealth and pleasure-seeker, and if we were called upon to name a business wherein competion is greater and sharper we would be hardly able to do so. An establishment that has long met these requirements and one that bids fair to pale rivalry and stay competition is that of the Asheville Transfer and General Livery office,where well equipped sta- bles are located at 68 South Main street. The premises occupied is a splendid structure, built and designed especially for this line of industry, and includes 25 to 30 of the most desirable riding and driving horses in the city, also every style rig belonging to a thoroughly appointed stable. The building is one of the most conveniently arranged in this sec- tion for the health and comfort of their stock, and well ventilated. A leading adjunct to this business is the buying and selling and boarding of horses, wbile these gentlemen are thoroughly conver- sant with this, and we predict for them a lucrative trade and a satis- factory business career. Messrs. Stikeleather Bros, constitute the proprietorship of this es- tablishment, and are among our most solid and progressive business men. This firm also does the principal baggage transfer of the city, and are prompt in this line on all occasions Telephone call No. 7. THE BURNETT HOUSE FORMERLY " EAGLE HOTEL," Remodeled, Refurnished and Refitted Throughout. Mrs. L. J. BURNETT, Proprietress. Among the hotels of much needed improvement, and one that is destined to succeed and gain popularity is the Burnett House, lo- cated on South Main street and under tbe experienced management 94 of Mrs. L. J. Burnett, latterly proprietress of the Central Hotel at Hot Springs, N. C. For a long time past this house had been poorly managed, and in fact was at a very low rating, but under its new management we predict for it a successful career and large patronage. This hostlery has about 20 guest rooms, and we can not say too much in its favor. The proprietress, Mrs. Burnett, is a lady of pluck and energy, which is amply attested in her manner of taking hold of this house and bringing it up to such a standard of excellence. The Eagle Hotel was in former days one of the finest conducted hotels in this section and enjoyed a most flattering custom, but for some cause or other it fell into bad hands and having frequently changed management, we were sorry to note the stagnant condition of late years which has characterized this once famous hotel. Mr. Robert Johnson, of this city, the owner of this splendid structure, has gone to much expense in the improvement of this house, and it now stands in competition with the popular and well appointed hotels of this mountain resort, having been lately thoroughly renovated, cleaned, kalsomined and refurnished with first-class ac- coutre and convenience necessary for the comfort of guests. This house has 25 light and well ventilated rooms newly and elegantly arranged and offers splendid attractions for both resident and pleas- ure-seeker. The rate of charges stipulated by this hostelry range from $1.50 per day to $5 to $S per week. The table is laden with substantial and delicate edibles and everything good the market affords. The hostess, Mrs. Burnett, is a lady of pleasant and affable bear- ing, and is thoroughly deserving of a large patronage. ASHEVILLE WOOD YARD. Asheville Cement and Plaster Works. Asheville Artificial Stone and Tile Works. C. E. Moody. Prop'r, Office 30 Patton Avenue. Tel. 73. These important branches of industry are in their very nature of material concern to the community at large ; hence it claims most prominent mention. This gentlemen being the operator of this combination, which represents one of the most important concerns in this section, the offices of the company being located at No. 30 Patton Avenue^ while the large, commodious yards and warehouses are very con- 95 veniently located in the western part of the city, near the Depot. While this company has not been in operation as long as some others in the same line, yet they have, by superior facilities and the hand- ling of first class line of products, succeeded in building a large pa- tronage. This company handles, in both wholesale and retail lots, fire wood, all sizes and lengths, cut, split and delivered, ready for use, cord wood of all kinds, charcoal ; also coke, crushed to various sizes for stoves, ranges and furnaces. Also a representative adjunct of this house is English, German, Portland and Domestic Cements, Calcined Plaster, Lime and Roof- ing Material. Also, artificial stone and tiling work, such as side- walks, walks in yards, offices, halls, floors for stoves, basements, hearths, and carriage blocks, of various colors and designs. Also, lay concrete sidewalks and similar work. Mr. C. E. Moody, the efficient manager and proprietor of these several industries, is a native of England, and has been operating in Asheville for nearly two years, and taking into consideration the prominence already gained by him, we predict for this establish- ment a continuation of prosperity and increasing popularity. Samples of work can be seen at Raysor & Smith's drug store, Na-, tional Bank of Asheville, also Carmichael's drug store. T. W. & A. M. TRIPPLETT BROS. Fine Family Groceries and Provisions, near Old Passenger Depot, corner Robert and Buxton Streets. These are young men full of grit and enterprise, fostered and developed in the old commonwealth of North Carolina. They have been established in business about two years and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, secured among the large patronage of the house. They carry a fine stock of family and staple groceries, confection- ery, cigars and tobacco, including a full line of glass and crockery- ware, chickens, butter and country produce- and nowhere in this section can a nicer stock be found from which to select. These gentlemen occupy a nice storeroom, and enjoy the confidence of the community. Every attention is given their customers and they are obliging and courteous to all. The management of this house is prosecuting in a straight-forward manner, and their trade is steadily increasing— the result of energy and enterprise— and we commend the people, where in need of groceries of any kind, by all means call on Messrs. Triplett Bros. 96 HARE BROTHERS. Fresh Family Groceries, No. 17 South Main Street. Those branches of trade which are more especially related to home and table comforts, bring into requisition the shrewdest ability to meet the strong competition with which it must contend. These qualifications are apparent, at the same time energetic business management, associated in the transactions of Messrs Hare Bros. In the purchase of their supplies they are careful to secure, first, the best grade of goods for their trade; and second, to secure from good and reliable sources, upon such terms as will enable them to give to their numerous patrons, the advantage of the choicest and most desirable goods in the city at the lowest prices. The premises occupied by these gentlemen are conveniently located at No. ] 7 South Main street, and they make a specialty of selling fresh vegetables from the large country farms every morning, including butter, chickens, eggs, and in this particular line they have to offer something choice on all occasions, including every article belonging to the family grocery business. * The three Hare Brothers are progeny of " Tar Heel " flesh and blood, and individually, and as a firm, represent our best citizens. Personally, the-e gentlemen are polite and obliging, coupled with unimpeachable methods of conducting all business affairs, justly meriting the large trade of which they are recipients, and are highly regarded by their many patrons and acquaintances. THE STEVENSON HOUSE, Transient and Regular Board, southwest corner Patton Avenue and Church Street, Mrs. S. Stevenson, Proprietress. The boarding accommodations of Asheville are superior to cities of much larger population, and in this connection we desire to call the attention of our many readers to the well known house con- ducted by Mrs. Stevenson, southwest corner Patton Avenue and Church street, within easy access to the postoffice, Court house, theatre, &c. Electric cars from the depot and all other sections of the city pass the doors ; hence it is at once seen that the location is a very favorable one. It is a well built structure, containing about twenty large and light bed-rooms, hall and dining room, and, in fact, everything that would tend to the benefit and comfort of the W E J E make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w E make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 97 guests, which are at all times numerous, owiug to the good accom- modations which are fully commensurate with the prices charged, " The proprietress, Mrs. 8. Stevenson, a lady of long practical ex- perience, and well worthy of the large measure of regard in which she is held, together with the heavy show of public patronage she enjoys. The table here is at all times laden with fresh and wholesome edibles, which are cooked and served in a careful manner, and the guests are attended to with politeness and promptness by the waiters. The rates of this house are : Transient, §1 per day, and $5 to $7 per week, according to location of room ; and those sojourning in this city will do well to call and register at the Stevenson House. H. T. SCOTT, Hatter and Tailor, Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, Patton Avenue and Water Street, under Fulenweider Bros ' Shoe Store. Among the factors that form a part of the immense whole of the industries of a city, and an establishment of prominence and one deserving of mention in our business review, is that of H. T. Scott, who recently established himself in Asheville, and since that time has enjoyed a growing and profitable trade. He makes a specialty of cleaning and remodelling ladies' and gentlemen's hats, clothing, kid gloves, ribbons and kid shoes, and work of every description in this branch of mercantile industry, having every facility for doing such work in the latest and most improved methods. He is not surpassed in the excellence of his work, while he also handles a fine assortment of hats and caps. Mr. Scott is a gentleman of strict business ability, and his repre- sentations can wholly be relied upon. His trade is steadily increas- ing, and gentlemen needing silk hats ironed and polished up will secure satisfactory work from this house. Mr. Scott is a native ot North Carolina, and is a gentleman of obliging and courteous training. Parties desiring work from a dis- tance can send such per express, in which case charges for same will be allowed. M. ELLICK, Taxidermist and Manufacturer of Fancy Fur Goods, and Buyer of Raw Fur. There are few persons for whom taxidermy has not a decided charm, presenting, as it does, the rarest specimens of animal life. Among the popular taxidermists of this section is Mr. M. Ellick, whose card we give this prominence. 7 98 Mr. Ellick is a native of Germany, and a graduate of the College of Taxidermy in the city of Shreem, (Province of Poson). This gentleman has had, in addition to a full apprenticeship to the trade, the advantage of twenty years' practical experience in the profession, and has resided in Asheville for the past six or eight years, during which time he has uninterruptedly followed his present business. He occupies a roomy building, and carries the finest line of furs, mounted heads, antlers and mineral specimens ever seen in the city. His line of native birds, animals, &c, is very complete. Mr. El- lick does an excellent business, and his work warrants the attention of all lovers of this art. He makes a specialty of mounting pet ani- mals in life-like manner, guaranteeing in every case life-life pose. He personally superintends this business, and the rarest specimens of animals are produced, if in good condition, at fair prices ; and his work is as represented in every case. Also, old fur garments worked over, so they look like new. W. TURNER, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Groceries, and Country Produce a specialty. No. 315 Haywood Street, West end. Without fear of contradiction in a general write up of Asheville's representative business men and an establishment deserving of prominent mention, is the general merchandise house of Mr. Turner, who is an old and reliable merchant, formerly of London, England, who has catered to a class of appreciative patrons of the west end for the past two years, and there is no firm whose career has been more prosperous than this dealer. His line embraces a carefully selected stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing and gentlemen's furnishing goods, with every article belonging to this line of mercantile industry. This storeroom is neatly fitted up, being well adapted to the trade in which he is pursuing. His location being also somewhat distant from the centre of Asbe- ville's main business portion incurs less expense in the matter of rents, &c, which gain is invariably bestowed upon his numerous patrons, and at prices that would be difficult to duplicate anywhere in the city. Mr. Turner gives employment to several clerks, displaying through- out a vast amount of energy, enterprise and business ability, never 99 forgetting to be truly successful, equity niust characterize all deal- ings by understanding fully how to conduct a paying business. This firm continues to enjoy an increasing patronage, and the business of the present year will double that of its predecessors, and its condition meets the expectation of a large number of friends and well-wishers of high standing. In addition to a large trade in the dry goods line, he deals largely in country produce and provisions of all kinds to meet the wants of many of our most prominent citizens, whose requirements he fully understands. In fact the entire departments are complete, and in commercial circles this firm is recognized by an esteemed constitu- ency for his commendable and auspicious mode of transacting business, manifesting at all times kind, and the most courteous treatment, to all. JAMES WOLFE. Fresh Meats and Provisions, No. 260 Patton Avenue. Including the prominent and pioneer leaders in this line of mer- cantile trade, none takes precedence of Mr. Wolfe, who is an old and experienced man in the meat and provision business and has long been identified in the commercial circles of this city as a gentle- man of fair and honorable dealings with his numerous patrons and acquaintances. This gentleman occupies convenient quarters at 260 Patton Avenue, and keeps continually on hand all the fresh meat required by a fastidious public. We noticed his large and splendid air-tight refrigerator, which insures, at all times, well-preserved meats of the most desirable class. Mr. Wolfe is a native of " Key Stone " State, and is well known in this city, an experienced caterer of large ability and is' heartily supported by remunerative patronage and steadily increasing trade. ROBERT H. LEE & CO., House Painters, and also make a Specialty of Putting in Plate Glass Fronts, No. 83 Bailey Street. It has been our constant care in this work to speak of individuals, firms and enterprises strictly upon their merits ; hence, it is with pleasure we call attention to the vocations of the gentlemen whose card forms the subject of our editorial. 100 In a growing city like Asheville this is an enterprise that com- mands the attention of a large number of people, who contemplate improvements in beautifying their houses and adding to the attrac- tiveness of their business premises. There is no branch of mercantile progress in which is represented such a field for natural ability and adaptability as in the house painter and decorator. Messrs. R. H. Lee & Co., whose premises are located at 83 Bailey street, carry constantly on hand the usual equipage for the conduct of this line of trade. The gentlemen comprising this firm are Messrs. Robert H. Lee, a native of South Carolina, who has managerial charge of the busi- ness, while P. J. Perkinson, of this State, is a gentleman of long experience in tbis line. The inception of this business took place about five years ago, during wnich time, by close attention to business and a fair dealing to all, these gentlemen have won the confidence and favor of a large circle of patrons and friends. As an evidence of the superiority of this firm's work, we call attention to the elegant finish of the Pack residence, also Judge Moore's new residence and the Battery Park Hotel. Personally, these gentlemen are courteous and pleasant, and with long experience and a thorough knowledge of the complexities of this line of work, they justly merit the large patronage and confidence they receive. THE J. B. COLE. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, Butterick, near terminus Patton Avenue. There is no class of business houses that constitute a more impor- tant and valuable branch of our commercial establishments than the manufactories. A prominent industry in this line is J. B. Coles's Foundry and Machine Shops, located on Butterick street, near ter- minus of Patton avenue. At these works are done all kinds of iron and brass castings, turning and all kinds of machine work, repair- ing of all kinds of farming and factory machinery, and for this pur- pose a number of skilled and competent workmen are employed. Mr. Cole is also agent for new and second hand engines and all kinds of machinery, and manufactures saw mills, cane milk, gudgions, sash weights and casting of every description. Mr. Cole is a native of Buncombe County, and has been engaged 101 in the above business seventeen years, which has steadily increased until his house is known throughout a large territory. He is a gen- tleman of extended experience and ability, and possess superior facilities for the execution of this work, and is prepared to offer special accommodations to all those who patronize this business, as the proprietor is a courteous gentleman, and is highly regarded in commercial circles. T. W. NORVILL, Manufacturer of Fine Boots and Shoes, 18 Patton Avenne. In a review of the mammoth enterprises summed up in this growing city we must not fail to pay tribute to those of lesser magni- tude which form a part of the progress of this " Gem City of the Mountains." Mr. T. W. Norvill, a representative business man of this city, is entitled to mention, and it is with pleasure we direct your attention to the vocation which has employed his well directed efforts for the past twenty years. This gentleman has been engaged in the manufacture of boots and sboes in this city for the past 18 years, and has established himself well in the confidence of the en- tire community, and by fair and honorable dealing has succeeded in building up a lucrative trade. He served his apprenticeship in Knoxville, Tenn., and has been a resident of this city since 1872. His shop is located in Fulenweider & Bro's shoe store, 18 Patton avenue, contains all necessary convenience for doing business in his Jine, and he is worthy of popular favor and encouragement. He makes a specialty of fine shoemakingand also does all kind of repairing quickly and satisfactory to all patrons. Personally Mr Norvill has a host of friends, and is much admired as a skillful workman. 102 J. H. WOODY & CO., Dealers in Carriages and Harness, No. 68 South Main. Telephone Call No. 7. The wonderful growth in this city in the last decade is in a meas- ure without a parallel in the history of the advancing South, and within her gates are some establishments that have made equal strides with her in this unparallelled growth. Among the foremost of these is the establishment whose card forms the caption of this article. For some time past these gentlemen have been engaged in this business, and are fast establishing a trade which is worthy of more than passing notice, because the manufacture and sale of Carriages, Harness and Saddlery have become essentially an important factor in the commercial aggregate of a city's business, and in Asheville we find a number of enterprising firms engaged in this line. The premises occupied by Messrs. Woody & Co., are at 68 South Main, and they carry constantly in stock all the latest styles and de- signs in carriage harness and saddlery and represent some of the largest manufactories in the West, and this is probably one of the most desirable places in Asheville to visit when contemplating a purchase of anything in this line. These gentlemen have long been identified with Asheville's pro- gress, and none are more worthy a liberal patronage than Woody & Co. The firm is composed of J. H. Woody and F. Stikeleatber. The latter named gentleman is also manager of the Asheville Transfer and Livery Company, with office at 08 South Maine, and in tins line is prepared to meet all requirements in the matter of stylish rigs and fashionable riding horses, together with prompt attention to baggage and parcel transfer to any part of the city. Personally these gentlemen in trade and social circles are liberal and popular, and individually are respected by a large number of friends and citi- zens. 103 "MARBLE HALL," Hammershlag & Whittlock, Propr's, 32 South Main Street. The most conspicuous sign, and one beyond a possibility calculated to attract unusual attention, is that of " Marble Hall," proclaiming strictly and metaphorically not a " dream/' but a realization of start- ling truths, which include the leading haberdashers of this metrop- olis. By reference to this popular establishment we recall to beautiful memory the enchanting operatic air by Monsieur F. Beyer, "I dreamed I dwelt in Marble Halls," &c; hence it must needs be if those were pleasant inspirations, we can readily comprehend how interesting it would be to find one's self in a genuine marble hall and veritable clothing palace, surrounded by all the elegant and fashionable rai- ment and such requisites known to this cultured and progressive age. Accordingly as the man who works must eat, so also must he be clothed. The outer man this day and time constitutes, in many cases, something greater than the inner man ; and truly ample pro- vision for such has been made him in Asheville. The clothing firms of this splendid city forms a solid and substantial part of its busi- ness population. Our clothiers are men of wealth and influence, and of thorough acquaintance with their business. Prominent among the leading retail establishments should be men- tioned Messrs. Hammershlag & Whittlock. These gentlemen carry continually in stock at their attractive establishment a full line of clothing, in the prevailing styles. In addition they carry gentlemen's furnishing goods, which line is conspicuous for its taste- ful and fashionable assortment, and also make a specialty of the the latest shapes and styles of hats and caps This firm employs several courteous gentlemen of wide experience to wait upon their numerous customers. This is one of the most successful of our mercantile establishments, and fully deserves the patronage of a discriminating and fastidious public. It is a pleasant place to trade, and while all the gentlemen are courteous, they never try to force one to buy. This firm made its inception about a year ago, whose member* are Messrs. Hammershlag, a prosperous mer- chant of this city, and Adolph Whittlock, lately of Richmond, Va. Personally, these gentlemen are thorough going business men, and highly regarded in the commercial world. 104 THE ASHEVILLE PRESS. Iu no other country is the newspaper so widely circulated as in the United States. To the large portion of business rnen it consti- tutes the greater portion of the matutinal meal, and in many fami- lies it forms the only literature accessible to them. This extensive patronage places a responsibility upon the publisher and editor, which cannot be easily expressed in words, for the newspaper, con- trolling as it does the power to yield its influence for right or for wrong, may for the time sway the multitudes to either extreme. Its influence in moulding the popular thought and fearless discussions of public questions have made it a powerful factor in the civilization of a nation, and being perfectly untrammelled iu its utterances, it may discuss with the greatest freedom questions involving the gravest issues and matters pertaining to the civil, the religious or the political world. Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the American press is that, with its unrestricted right of free speech, it does not abuse the power accorded it, but, on the contrary, uses this mighty influence in advocating the right and in disseminating its opinions in the good and honest government for the people without fear or prejudice. Asheville is extremely fortunate in having a daily press, of whose influence is thrown in the upbuilding of the city and the elevation of its citizens. The Daily Citizen, four pages, and Weekly, eight pages, is the leading newspaper of Western North Carolina. Democratic always. It covers the news of its field thoroughly, and comments on it freely and vigorously as the oldest paper in its section. The Daily Citizen enjoys a patronage accorded to no other paper, while the Weekly's circulation is constantly growing. The Evening Journal, a spicy and newsy daily, devoted to local interests and the upbuilding of Western North Carolina. Edited and published by Messrs. Clegg & Donohue. The Democrat, a large eight-page weekly, by Messrs. R. M. Fur- man and David M. Vance. The Asheville Baptist Weekly, Rev. E. A. Brown ; business manager. The Asheville Methodist, Rev. J. F. Austin. The Lyceum, monthly, Tilman R. Gaines, 7;'> North Main. The Country Homes, monthly, Messrs. Tomlinson. The Farmer and Mechanic, weekly, Messrs. Stansill & Morris. The Medical Journal, monthly, Drs. Taylor and Merriweather. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF THE CO City of Ashevillej FOR 1890-1891. si With the annexment of a Revised City Map, showing Location of H Streets, Course of the Motor Car Lines, Public Buildings 53 and Hotels, including other Points of ^ Noteworthy Attraction ' O O "PRICE - - ----- $5.00. gj ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DIRECTORY ab above acct account adv...; advertisement A F C Asheville Female College ag'l imp'l.ag'l implements agt agent al alley asst assistant assoc association atty ..attorney bds boards bet between bkpr bookkeeper bl'd'g building carp carpenter c colored co company coDd conductor cor corner ct pi court place ch md chambermaid elk clerk c h court house dep deputy desc arte. ...descriptive ar- ticle dist district E or e east eng engineer Kch Brd French Broad es east side gen'l mdse.... general mer- chandise H I School. ..Home Indus- trial School ins agt insurance agent ins insurance la lane lab laborer mi miles mkr maker mnir manufacturer mfy manufactory mngr manager mtn mountain no north ne northeast nvv northwest opp • opposite P O postoffice pt pfesident ptr painter prof. professor prin principal pubr publisher H or r residence ret retail K& 1_>... Richmond & Dan- ville St or st street So or s south sw southwest se southeast supt superintendent secty or secy secretary treas treasurer telopr. telegraph operator wid widow whol wholesale wks works ?5 ►3 CD 51 CO Co O "> a £ co O ABE 105 ACH ABERNETHY HAYWOOD, c, brakeman, bds Haywood Acheson Nina Miss, bds 87 Bailey 342 s§? gee o O The ~l .. k H. Loughran's "lite Man's k,t Have been recommended bv the leading physicians of the State for medicinaf § purposes. €or, South Slain antl Eagle, Down Stairs, » Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankirf, Cashier. Capital, ^ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. as •a j^* ACH • 106 ALL ■££* — _ . . "** Acheson Blanche Miss, bds 87 Bailey § Ackland Harry, decorative sign ptr, office 29 North Main, r same g Adams Lula Miss, pupil H I School J£ Adams Eugene, eng R&D R'y, bds 452 South Depot § Adams Charles, railroader, bds 60 Depot "e« Adams D D, brickmason, r 384 W Haywood r- Adams Julia W Mrs, r 384 VV Haywood j Adams J S, atty, office Legal bldg, r near Richmond Hill j Adams Cordelia Mrs, wid Stephen, r near Richmond Hill -25 Adams T S Mrs, r near Richmond Hill •e" Adams Lena, c, laundress, bds Cripple Creek £&• ■ • =- C T. E1WLS Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ©£> Adams, c, cook, 27 N Walnut g| Adams Emily, c, house maid, r Walnut, near N Main ~§Adt Rosa Mrs, bds 47 Walnut Adt H J, 1st cook Battery Pk, bds 47 Walnut „Ahl W F, drug elk Grant's, 24 S Main, r 14 S Spruce OAhl W F Mrs, r 14 S Spruce ^ Aiken Lavinia. c, laundress, r 149 Beaumont ..Aiken Minnie, c, ch maid, r 149 Beaumont §Aiken Will, foreman Citizen office, N Ct PI, bds 60 Depot SAiken Nannie Mrs, bds 60 Depot jxjAker Mollie Miss, modiste, r Woodfin and Charlotte £> Allen W M, c, lab, r rear 263 Bailey § MfjKinntiji ft PefriB ^ erc ^ ^ ors> ^ ^ ^ m ~ fc^ ' Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Stock of B fk at \ I I ^ Me Drags, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines fl&VSOfw MSlltll Si.gi 31 l'a It n Ave. ALL 107 ALE Kb So Allen Pink, c, cook, 86 Woodfin Allmon Minnie Miss, r 54 Mtn h| Allison Julius, carp, r Bailey, bet Blanton and Church S° Allison Ervin, fireman, bds Jeff Drive near frt depot -"S Allison J W, flagman, bds Jeff Drive near frt depot p° : Allison Ervin, fireman, bds 298 Depot |c Allford Tim, lab, bds Cripple Creek g§- Alford Ella McD Miss, teacher A F College, r same 5' Allred E H, carp, r 350 Haywood Allred A H Mrs, r 350 Haywood Alexander Ida H Miss, pupil A F College HH Alexander Rebecca Mrs, r 265 S Main The Sunset Mnuntainland Co. CWYN & WEST AGENT ,g JS. £3. Court Square. HDOIOIN UUIUIMIU UUNI\J dent j R Kankin, Cashier. Capital, c| $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- im 2 est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. If. ALE 108 AMB .^Alexander H., c, waiter Battery Park ^"Alexander Cora, c, nurse 452 So Depot ^'lAlexander Mandie, c, laundress, 96 Church 00 o°.Alexander Alex, c, wks R. & D. Depot, r near Philip ^Alexander Addie, c, laundress, rne.ar Philip ^Alexander Lavinia, c, cook, 173 Haywood ■|| Alexander J. L., steward Battery Park, r same ^-"Alexander Frank, c. fruitman, r 50 Poplar ^Alexander Kate, c. r 50 Poplar -^Alexander Jordan Rev., c, r 142 Pine tis Alexander Jane, c, laundress, r 142 Pine «| Alexander Sallie, c, waitress, r 137 Valley « «. — — 4X Fattoxi Ave p. «, - ThilTtoU Keeps everything 1 in the House I Furnishing- line, as well as a large o i line of China, ©lass, Lamps, «fcc. I^Allen James, lab., r near Cotton Factory ^a Allen Lillie, r near Cotton Mills 55 1 Allen William, lab, r near Cotton Factory J^Allen Martha J., r near Cotton Mills a a Allen P. H., harnessmaker, bds Roberts, near Cotton Factory H^Allen E. M., c, plasterer, r near 263 Bailey q5 Allen Angeline, c, r near 263 Bailey •|Aldridge Millie, cook, 160 Bailey 5 Aldridge Lock, engineer, r bet Hill and Haywood WAldiidge Edith Mrs, r bet Hill and Haywood g Ambler C P, asst physician Winyali House, ne cor Pine and pr4 Baird, r same £ Andrews C T, r 35 west Haywood H° Andrews Allie, r 105 Cleveland W5 Andrews J B, carpenter, bds Carolina House "* Andrews Lucy Mrs. bds Carolina House ^Andrews H J, r 105 Cleveland a Anthony John r, lab, bds 18 Bearden ave jg. Anthony Emma, c, laundress, bds Cripple ck Appling John, c, wks Battery Park qq Arnold Virginia Miss, pupil A F College ^ Arnold Lillian Miss, pupil A F College f* ARNOLD Rev J D, prof A F College, r same Jjj Arnold Pearl Miss, pupil A F College Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, AKHEVILLfi, N. C. WNo. 43 Patton Avenue, under Grand Opera Wiajiuij uuuio (y uiuiiiciiuiij HO use. "woodlawn" Thomas, Roberts. Stevenson Stoves & Ranges, [WOOD] COOK SXOVES. Also, Bridgeford & Co.'s Steel Ranges. Specialty Made of Hotel Rauges. ^j Arnold Hugh, telegraph operator R&D Depot, bds 45 2 So Depot £■4 Artis Mahala, r Church between Bailey and so Main £H Arthur J P, attorney, r 324 College ijj Arthur J P Mrs, r 324 College fe Arthur F B Miss, r 324 College ARRINGTON Dr B F, dentist, office 31 Patton ave, 2d q floor, R Woodfin & Locust. (See adv) •+3 Arrington B F Mrs, r Woodfin and Locust 03 Arrington Mary Miss, r Woodfin and Locust jU Armstrong J L Mrs, r 45 Bridge P^ Armistead Will, c, driver, bds 16 Short "3 McKINNON & PEINE, Mmi Tailors - 58 Soiltl1 M *'" Stat, (^ Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Our SODA. WATER and other Mountain Drinks arc conceded theW> best. The only place where whites alone are served. a ft RAYSOR & SMITH'S, fl Sl^attonjflLvenue.H | "ASH 111 ASH Ja — — — — — g» Asheville Baptist The, Rev E A Brown, bus mngr ?= Asheville Methodist The, Rev J F Austin |^ ASHEVILE MILLING CO, office 30 Patton ave, Tel|| 36, E E Eagan, W E Collins cl ASHEVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Oak st bet Wood- II fin and College, Prof B E Atkins, Pres and Treas, £■•§_ J D Arnold, Secty. (See descriptive article) 3q Asheville Tobacco Woiks, So Main, Frederick Hull, mngr i'o Asheville Street Car Co, office, So Main, (Tel i6,)ThosWS< Patton, supt " ASHEVILLE CIGAR CO, 33 Patton ave, R R Porter, § 1 ' *^ ft) mngr 2-« _ .|.g Real Estate and Fir e Insurance, !! 111 iiniMin 11 mill M G.T.RAWLS, No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. C. m ASHEVILLE HOMESTEAD LOAN ASSOC, S Ham- ^ mershlag, pres; A A Gudger, v pres ; E J Holmes, ^ secy and treas • © ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO, office 30 Patton ave, ^ (Tel 40); H T Collins, pres; E E Eagan, secy and treas 2 ASHEVILLE LUMBER AND MNFG CO, West End, © (Tel 9), W B Marx, pres; E S Clayton, mngr -^ ASHEVILLE ICE FACTORY, "West End," Tel 67 _ ASHEVILLE FURNITURE AND LUMBER CO, © A W Butt, pres, Springfield, Ohio; W H Young, ' vice pres, Kenton, Ohio; W VV Avery, treas; Wm *» Edmiston, secy and gen'l mngr; G H Walker, supt. **" PURITY, ) -ft-ses: otrsa specialties. SS- romptnI1s and i Jag. B. Loughra&'s i; White Han's Bar.'E- Qor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs.] V* Oj (DO «f IS •0 = OO •^ «» £«= H Q. »-.2 -85 Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, §50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- ral Banking Business Transacted. ASH 112 ATK Asheville Shoe Co, Patton ave, (Tel 34,) R L Graham, pres; M D Long, v pres; Jno Y Jordon, secy and treas. ASHEVILLE MINING AND MINERAL CO, office 5 No Main, Nat Atkinson, A M Stoner, F L Dortch, (Tel 74) Askew Lydia, c, r 109 Beaumont Aston E J, insurance agt, r 63 Church Aston Cordelia G, r 63 Church Aston Anna Miss, c, bds 63 Church Aston Mildreth Mrs, r 112 Charlotte Aston Edward, r 112 Charlotte Athletic Club, S Main J5 cS Sri Hi SB* OP w M o o 11 Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas, W. B. Gwyn, President. Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk Atk ! ns Otho, bds 146 S Main ns Prof B E, Pt A F College, r same ns B E Mrs, r A F College ns Emmett D, r A F College ns Jas W, r A F College ns Mary F Miss, r A F College ns Lilian J Miss, r A F College ns Berni W Miss, r A F College ns Wm, painter, r 165 Church ns Sarah, r 165 Church ns T W Jr, bds 146 so Main ns Eugene, bds 146 so Main PETME Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. w 'E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w : E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantiee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. , §>£ Rayssr la Smith's Drug Store, 31 Pattan k. ■•'■<■"•<" "-»'* mvsct w !iiu.ui * uiuu 1 Abulia ui ta^.u avy. a? a customer at Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. | 2. . : 42 » ATK 113 ATK og . .go. Atkins wid Thos, r 146 so Main §" P Atkins Jas, bds 146 S Main || Atkins Isaac, painter, bds 16? Church = 3 Atkins Andrew wks A Fur Factory, r near Cotton Mills So Atkins Sue Miss, r 214 Chestnut - 01 ® Atkins Bertha Miss, r 214 Chestnut oS Atkins W J, traveling salesman, -Knoxville, Tenn, r 2i4 i " < !l Chestnut »§■ so a Atkins T S, lumber dealer, r 214 Chestnut p g ATKINSON NAT & SONS, real estate, office 5 N §| Main, (tel 74) ?~ Atkinson Nat Tr, real estate, office N Main, r 211 Haywood S-S? H • always buy your commencing ■""'"■ ■* ■ ■ ■■■»»•■ " " ' _ ~ *>*< outfit from us. Every article at our store is new, neat and handsome, and a NH first-class store in every respect. £^ Atkinson Mary Miss, r Pa Ave, N Asheville ^ Atkinson Mrs Natt Sr, r Pennsylvania ave, N Asheville O Atkinson Nat, real estate office, 5 N Main, r Pennsylvania w ave, N Asheville go Atkinson N B Mrs, r 211 Haywood <^ ATKINSON N B, real estate, Nat Atkinson & Son, P office 5 N Main, r 211 Haywood. (See desc article) § Atkinson Julia Miss, bds 50 Chestnut t^ Atkinson E B Mrs, r 50 Chestnut 55 Atkinson B M Mrs, wid M D, mnfr pickles and condiments, ^ r 303 College |g Atkinson Roy D, tinner, r 305 College P 3 Jas, i Loughran's "White Man's Bar," 0or - n So - Mai,&Eagk f 1 O ' Donn Stairs. ^-< HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly, jg* S~~ M W. tali & Co., Cf 7 8ttl hla "' ; h Western Carolina Bank, ps;YKr"S «s ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, | S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your o z Correspondence solicited. ti ATK 114 AVE llATKINSON E B, Nat Atkinson & Sons, real estate and loans, office 5 N Main, r 50 Chestnut orjAustelle Isaac W, night watchman Street Car Shops, r 20 iS Mulberry o . J >,^Austelle Mary H, r 20 Mulberry Q .ujAutrey Mattie Mrs, r 22 Bearden o-gAutrey R J, mngr Singer Machine Co, office 62 S Main, r 4,«» 22 Bearden Ave IJAustin Mrs, r 160 Bailey ^SAiistin Fletcher, carpenter, r 160 Bailey ^uAustin F, carpenter, r Peachtree "2'i Austin Mary, r Peachtree a a c.2 -1 as Walter 5. teta Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, No. 30 Patton Ave nue, Asheville, flf. V. ' Specialties: Real Property and Conyeyancing. fcflAust y£ Aust 5^Aust SaAust n J F, telegraph lineman, r 45 Bridge n J F Mrs, r 45 Bridge n Ellen, c, cook, r 1 1 Hiawasse Place n Frank, c, blacksmith, r nr 160 Sycamore n Delia, c, r nr 160 Sycamore » AVERY W W, treas A F & L Co, bds Battery Park tt.2 Avery Frank, c, r 4 Madison w Avery Tempie, c, sick nurse, r 4 Madison Ave fyfAverv Matilda, c, nurse, Hiawasse Place MAvery Emma, c, house maid, 95 Charlotte p^Avery Lizzie, c, cook Mission Hospital, 17 Charlotte * McKlNNQN & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 Sonth Main St. S Cleaning and Kepairing Promptly attended to. B P n r P n I nT | f| M C fll I Cfl D»y •' Night by competent Apothecaries ; CD rnLuUlUri lUllU I ILLlU delivered free to any part of the City. 2C m Rajrsor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. 3 BAD 115 BAI 'S ADGER T W. wks Asheville Shoe Factory, bds 47 f^ Walnut CD SO Badger Charles L., mngr King Pub Co, office McAfee build- m ing, Patton ave, bds 122 Blanton ,. Badger Mamie L Mrs, bds 122 Blanton • Bailey Katie Mrs, Cotton Mills, r near same • £ti Bailey Pollie Mrs, Cotton Mills, r near same S Bailey Nancy, r near Cotton Factory ii Western Carolina Bank, SaSS M^vSfes « i ' dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, g-S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room ©z and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. eg _ ?Z ' BAI 116 BAI a:£ 0> 3 ■ " ■ ■ •§« Bailey Lee, c, wks Park, r 40 Poplar 5 Bailey Clara, c, cook College, near Asheville Female College w « g= Bailey Nancy, c, cook, r 142 Pine ^ Bailey George, c, lab, r 142 Pine Q* Bailey Nelson, c, janitor Legal Bldg, r Mountain and Pine •2«; Bailey Nancy, c, laundress, r Mountain and Pine £= Bailey Carrie, c, nurse Oks ilotel, r Mountain and Pine Hi Bailey George, c, lab, r Mountain and Pine &| Bailey William Rev, c, r Mountain and Pine ^!? Bailey Andy, c, shoemaker, r Mountain and Pine gjj Bailey Fondra, c, lab, r 160 Sycamore |g Bailey Rebecca, c, r 160 Sycamore -£• — — f§ fl HI P AWT ^ Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 5 s U . 1 . llli ff h ? No 5 Patton Ave ^ Asheville N c >** Bailey C B, c, head waiter Swan Hotel, r same I Baird, wid A E, r 136 Broad £| Baird Dr E, r 55 Pine no. _._ .-. — — ...J, House-Furnishing Ojoods. «s — — GAb FITTING"— —HEATING and cooking stoves.— C ui- ;,alBassett Albert, carpenter, bds 117 S French Broad •5»Basscoe Bill, c, wks Freight Depot, r 371 Haywood ■ ziBatton L H, bds Patton Ave and Church, sewing machine gl agent ^Battle S W Mrs, bds Battery Park Hotel . gJBattle S W, physician, office Johnston Building, S Main, bds Battery Park, (tel 3s) ai-^Batson Lewis, sewing machine agent, bds 31 French Broad % "BATTERY PARK HOTEL, bet Patton Ave, Haywood frf and French Broad, Jno B Steele, mngr, (tel 35) WBearden W R, r 15 Bearden Ave prJBearden W R Mrs, r 15 Bearden Ave a a, The 'Whiskies, I n 1 I J //I I Bl li II p a JllFa Jas. I. Ifl^iu'i "White Man's Bar,'! ,v, b;.„:;l„, Jas, n. ij0ugara.11 s waits man ear, k Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State tor medicinal?*© purposes. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Down Stairs. g- 9 Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Viee-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, m $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. BEL 122 BER •j|ce — — -SBell G U, grocer, 62 Charlotte, r .same fag b ' ■ --/jgBellew Wm P, r 123 Roberts o z Bellew J R, railroader, r 123 Roberfs IgBellew M J Mrs, r 123 Roberts .i>Belote Tracy, plasterer, bds Flint 4=Belote Lillie Miss, bds fllint IgBelote Kate Mrs, r Flint ^«,Belote V T, plasterer, r Flint °3Belmore Bert, c, wks Carmichael's so Main, r 82 Valley ^gBelmore Jane c, r 82 Valley .sSBenson Hy, laborer, r so Main J, -Benson Lizzie, r so Main .T. it fl T 15 II lin 5 Real Estate and Fire Insurance, ■ 7 No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. •^Benson E A, painter, r near 50 Bailey 2 ^Benson L Ada, r near 50 Bailey. £|Beuson Ro, bds near 20 Bailey fc SBenson Abe, c, r near Broom Factory ^Benson Mary, c, wks Battery Park, r near Broom Factoty gj|Berry J J, foreman Coal Schute, r near French Broad Lum- M ber Yards J-oBerry Clara E, r near French Broad Lumber Yards % ''Berry Eliza, r Jefferson drive near freight depot IvjBerry Liney, r Jefferson drive, near freight depot ftJBerry James, r Jefferson drive near freight depot —jBerry Hattie, c, laundress, r Madison ^ MgKiDDDD & Pfltril! Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street , O ' Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Stock of Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines EajrfHi's.ij 31 Pattou Ave. * ° BEE 123 BIX Xa Beernacker Frieda, bds 4 Spring Bernacker Julius, carpenter, r 4 Spring h -~o *E Bernacker Francis, 4 Spring p^ Best Wm, c, lab, r 31 Valley *g Best Nellie, c, r 31 Valley j»£- Bert Carrie Miss, pupil H I School |c Bevel Francis, c, cook, 130 Valley Beval James, c, porter, r 130 Valley Biddle Pearl Miss, pupil A F College Bies Catherine, r Baptist Hill Biggs Julia Miss, modiste, bds 159 Patton ave Bigelovv Maj Allen G, r Victoria, ij4 miles south Main o z. eg. 5' era w D. Is now the leading place in Asheville to buy |_J 1 Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Rogers Cutlery, PI ft ft ft ft House Furnishings, Tinware, Stoves, &c, at^j , , Qi ,'4iU tl prices that will astonish you. Store very neat. □ I MflHie THAD. W. THRASH & CO., ^ 41 Patton Ave., Under Grand Opera House. x Blackburn Stella, bds 31 Grove :§ = Black Will, bricklayer, bds Buck Tavern g» Black T P, bricklayer, r 32 Davidson t,™ Black T P Mrs, r \2 Davidson g.J Black Will, engineer, bds 452 S depot "I Black Wm, c, lab, bds 39 Hill Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, „ So. 30 Pat ton Avenue. Asheville. Jf. C. specialties : Real Property and Conveyancing. — s- „ , o"-e Blairsdell V C, modiste, 23 Depot ^ Blanchard J C, carp, r nr Bridge and Woodfin ^sBlanchard Loula, r nr Woodfin and Bridge ^ BLANTON, W. P. & CO., Livery, Feed, and Sale a Stables, Water nr Patton ave (Tel 50. See descrip- H^- tive article.) 0- Blanton J, C D Blanton & Co, clothiers, s \v court place, bds 3-3 Swan Hotel 1 ^Blanton Rosa Miss, pupil H I School gBLANTON C D, mayor of Asheville, C D Blanton & Co, clothing and gents' fur goods, sw court place, P5 bds Battery Park Hotel <3- o &P[TR|E Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. Stock of DRUGGISTS* SIXDRIES is the OO o c p ~t most varied and eoin- nfllOUii 6/ Omlln most varied and com- 01 D-j[f, Lpmip j... plete of any house in Asheviile. *™ -*■"""■ — «^— . g ?r BLA 125 BOB" : ' — » o Blalock Mary, cook, 68 Depot -"j Blalock C H, plasterer, bds 72 Depot go Blalock — , lather, bds 33 Butterick -"§. Blandy J B, bds Ravenscroft School f g Blair Addie Miss, pupil H I School Blair W A Mrs, r Penland g£ BLAIR W A, Blair & Brown, furniture and under- f g takers Patton ave (tel 75), r Penland £" j?/ Blair William P, r 48 Spruce 5| Taylor, Boais & Brotherton, ASHEVILLE, N. C. By 43 Patton Avenue, under Grand Opera House. m I . BOG 126 BOR || . ^sBoger Mary c, cook, 25 Bailey gSBolt Selma Miss, pupil, H I School Bollinger R C, tailor Schartle's, N Main, r 39 Penland -"^Bollinger R C Mrs, 39 Penland "it Boiling Jno, bkkpr, r 25 Bailey 1«Boling BE, carp, r Hill pBolingT A Mrs, r Hill JtgBootger Chas, bds Magnolia House ■£g Booker Pollie c, ch maid, 24 Bailey ^ Boone SJ Mrs, Cotton Factory, r near Ice Factory |«s Boone Hattie, house maid, Flint -"i Boone Amos, lab, r near Ice Factory C.T. HAILS. Estate and Fire Insurance, sI Ul1 ' "" " " M ? No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Ed .Siu ^^ _ ■s'?. Boone Vic, r near Ice Factory o-J Bonanza The, 43 S Main, J A Marquardt mngr ^1 BON MARCHE, 30 South Main, Lipinsky & Ellick, 5°° proprs, (See adv side lines) * f Borders Jno P, clerk, bds Magnolia House Z | Borders Mamie P Miss, removed to Shelby, N. C C^ Borders J S Mrs, removed to Shelby, N. C o° Borders R S, elk Mimnaugh's u .Patton ave, bds Magnolia House Ex] Borders Alphonsus, elk Williamson & Co, Patton ave, bds O Magnolia House P* Borders J S, bds Magnolia House ■ & PETME, Mercliant Tailors, 58 Soul Main Street, g Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Onr SODA. WATER anil other Fountain Drinks are conceded the S> RAYSOR & SMITH'S, best. The only place where whites alone are served. g s & SMITH'S, . S'ji BOR 127 BOW ■£« Borders Helen, removed to Shelby, N C £2, Boss Margaret c, waitress, 87 Bailey f^ Bostic Sadie Miss, pupil A F College §» Bostic J T Mrs, r 1 17 Chestnut eg Bostic William, r 117 Chestnut g" a BOSTIC J T, Bostic Bros & Wright, dry goods and h notions, 11 N Main, r 117 Chestnut, (See desc art) 3q Bostic P L, elk Bostic Bros & Wright, 1 1 N Main, r same $0 Bostic Sallie, bds nr 255 Grove %< Bostic Robt, bds nr 251; Grove " Bostic Jno, bds nr 255 Grove §3 Bostic Geo, bds nr255 Grove g-i" . O hj GWYN & WEST, |l The Sunt Mountain Land Co. ^ ente ., ; S- IE. COTJ-JBT SQTJ\A_:R:E. M ■ ■ ■ ~" ■ ~~~ ■ • Bostic Wm, carp, r nr 255 Grove ^ Boslic Susie, r nr 255 Grove nh Bostic B P Mrs, r 65 S French Broad ave © BOSTIC JNO B, real estate, office 11 N Main, r 65 S ^ French Broad ave, (See desc art) 5 Bostic Lou c, laundress, r bet Valley and Eagle y BOUIS S G, Taylor, Bonis & Brotherton, house fnrn- ^ ishing goods and plumbers, Patton ave, r 176 Merri- man ave, (see adv) ^ Bouis S G Mrs, r 176 Merrimon ave Bowcock Jas S, flagman, bds Depot nr freight depot ^» Bovven Lawson,lab, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing- Mills " = *" PURITY, ) -A-^E OTX.E3. SFECIAIiTIES. P" ROMPTNils AND j Jas. H. Lougkran's "Whits Kan's Sar,"s Cor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs-] «* k Western Carolina Bank $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. O* ral Banking Business Transacted Organized May, 188S ; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, State, County and City Depository. Gene- BOW 128 BOY |S Bowen Mary, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills 3 "Bowen Alfred c, wks Steam Laundry, r Pine and College |= Bowen Loula c, laundress, r Pine and College e Jas A, elk Redwood & Co, Patton ave, r g Flint e Janie Mrs, r g Flint e Jas, bds g Flint e Alex, bds g Flint e Eliza Miss, bds g Flint eCL, bds Patton ave and Church e D L, bds Patton ave and Church e Janie Miss, bds 5 Jef Drive ^'|Boyden Dick c, lab, r 283 Depot O O ©^ Bow b* Bow xBoyd Cora, c, house maid, 452 So Depot ^Boyce W C, r Victoria, i}4 mi South Main £5 P3 & PETRI F Merchant Tailors, d8 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TTfE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w JK can Sell your Real Kstatc at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, aM diaure you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Ton will nev regret becomi a customer at = Eijstr & Mi tag Stesjljitok I Your trade an»i>reciated. Your interest studied. § 2. .q8 BOY 129 BRA eg .§0. BOYCE W A, Ballard, Rich & Boyce, House Pnr-&g nishing Goods and Plumbers, svv cor Court Place, r ^2 29 Bailey, (see desc art Tel store 17) Boyce Sallie R Mrs, r 29 Bailey Boyce Maria, c, r Baptist Hill *f Bradshaw Sallie, £, laundress, r 55 Depot S3 Bradshaw Emma Miss, pupil H I School - M ^. Branch S M, wks fur factory, bds 8 Buttrick £§■ Branch T W Mrs, r 137 Chestnut p § Branch vV J, bkkpr 1st Natl Bank, r 137 Chestnut *§ Branch T Wiley, ins agt, office 30 Patton ave, r 137 Chestnut pg- Branch Patrick H, elk Battery Park, r 137 Chestnut |3 •II I M M I Attorney at taw, COMMISSIONER of M lK/« IIIH V IIHHIMAM * D EEDS, and. Notary Public, * VV Um dCT Ml JllSflj il3jIl- XO ' 3 ° Patt ° n Ave »" (> - Asheville, N. V. M rai vmmihimii; SDeciallles . Real Propert7 aM conveyancing. g Branch Elvira C Miss, r 137 Chestnut ^ Branch Mrs. vvid Jordan, r 137 Chestnut © Branch Martha, c, laundress, r 96 Baird m Branch Jno, c, lab, r 96 Baird gs Branch Eva Miss, r 137 Chestnut C$ Branch Louise Miss, r 137 Chestnut Brady T M, bds 163 So Main Bradley W S, foreman st opening Brand Mrs, wid X, bds 147 No Main Brackston Ida, c, servant, r Victoria Brandon Jno, c, carp, r 64 Poplar Brandon Ella, c, laundress, r 64 Poplar © 1-0 gg pa P=> Cor. So. Main & Eagle, f £ §5 Jas. H, Louffhran's "White Man's Bar, O Down Stairs. ^* HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged a ccordingly g tf u ill I PI' n I. Organized Mav, 1888; Lewis Maddux, II Western Carolina Bank, i^x^^^Xi eg SoO.OOO, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your o z Correspondence solicited. •o * _ . S" BRA 130 BRE -„! . ^"Branan Mary, c, laundress, r Pearson ave ^"Brannan Allen, c, lab, r Pearson ave ■g=Bradburn Fannie, c, laundress, r 180 Pine o^Brank A V, carp, Depot, near Patton ave £<*Brank R A Mrs, r Depot, near Patton ave ■M^Bramlett Laura, r near Cotton Factory Bradford C A, Bradford & Baker, No Main, r Bridge, near ;_§ Wood fin g« Bradford C A Mrs, r Bridge, near Woodfin ^Bradford Lizzie, c, cook, 9S Park ave ^.fBracey Geo, c, lab, bds 371 Haywood |'§Bracey Ella, c, laundress, bds 371 Haywood fl Taylor, Bouis & Brothsrton, 43 F ,^I^!i±t^b P ^ ^ a" 'SSAOI3 OJiTrai^'SH House. •2g •saicjjsr'v"^: cnjsrv - sa:_A.OiiiS -O-Cseiscooc) II '8JU^-M0|Sj/yv pus poofli 'spoog Bujqsiujnj-asnoH jo aun II "J o-a Bradley J M, butcher, r near Woodfin and Bridge .* Bradley H Rebecca, near Woodfin and Bridge S| Bradley Sallie Mrs, r Jeff Drive, near frt depot w-Bradley Jno, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near frt depot _j| Brevard Thos, c, lab. r 137 Valley £&Brem N L, bds 105 So Main J| Brem M S, bds 105 So Main o'3 Breese Wm E Mrs, r So Asheville " -BREESE WM E, First National Bank, W E Breese, Pt , Dr Geo W Fletcher, Fletcher's, N C, Vice Pt ; W H Penland, Cashier; r So Asheville (Tel 13) ^Breese W C Mrs, r 38 Penland „ & PETR1E, Merchant Tailors, 58 Sonth Main St S Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. nnrPpDIDTinWQ Cll I Tfl Day or NI 8' ,lt h * T competent Apothecaries: I IILOlHlr I \UnO iILLLU delivered tree to any part of the City. Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. BRE 131 BRI " Breese Julian C, bkkpr Lst National Bank, r 38 Penland Breese M C Miss, r38 Penland Breese R E, wks Evening Journal, r 87 Bailey Breese Mary J Mrs, r 87 Bailey . ^ Breese E, r College and Spruce • Breese E Mrs, r College and Spruce £d Briddle Jno, c, wks Battery Park, r 17 Peachtree g Briddle Cornelia, c, bds 17 Peachtree ^j Briddle Spartan, c, bds 17 Peachtree O Briddle Jno A, c, drayman, bds 17 Peachtree Briar Bryan, c, coachman, 119 S French Broad Briggman vvid Dan'l, r 165 Church 69 ■H O SO © C.T.RAWLS, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, - No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. C. Briggman B M, bds 165 Church Briggman Eddie, bartender, bds 165 Church " . Briggman Louis, lab, bds 165 Church v ~ Brittain Frank, bds 179 S Main e-g Brittain Susan, c, cook, 49 Academy §§ Bridgewater — , carp, r 41 Seney *t* Bridgewater Georgia, r 41 Seney °q BRIGHT B F P, insurance agent, office Johnston || Building, bds Magnolia House. (See adv) - j?^ Bright E S, eng, bds Jefferson Drive nr Frt Depot » X Bright B F P Mrs, bds Carolina House Britt Melvin, carp, r 405 Bailey S DO ce C 2 ° 3 a 0) (n The Neatest and most Quiet Place in Town to spend an hour or two at »q BILLIARDS or POOL, and at the same time " smile," is at 1) Cor. South Main g q and Eagle. ? § (Down Stairs.) ft JAS. H.-LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR/ Organized May, 1888 ; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, e| 850,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room az and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies, ■a* , «f BRI 132 BRO g _ ■ |« Britt Sallie, r 405 Bailey ■.JJ Britt Warley, carp, r 128 Bailey |l Britt Mary, r 128 Bailey ^ Brouse E, bds Spring nr Broom Factory q* Bryant Mamie, c, bds nr Broom Factory %i BROTHERTON W L, Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton house-furnishers and plumbers, Patton Ave, r 163 Haywood. (See adv. Tel store 95.) £1 Brotherton L V Mrs, r 163 Haywood .5!? Broyles B E Miss, pupil A F College || Broyles I M Dr, r 8 Spruce |l Broyles I M Mrs, r 8 Spruce tin SB 8| Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx, President £h — _2 Broyles Anna Miss, r 8 Spruce a Broyles Delia Miss, r 8 Spruce fc£ Broward Maggie Miss, bds 318 Haywood Jja Brooks Alex, carp, bds Academy nr Hill Ujjj Brooks Jno, r Academy nr Hill H& Brooks Julius, carp, r Academy ©! Brooks T L Mrs, r Academy Q S Brooks Jno, c, wks City Fire Department, r 46 Pine ' Brooks Ellen, c, r 46 Pine W Brooks Martha, c, cook, r 267 Valley £j Brooks Stuart, c, cook Battery Park, r 267 Valley P_ Broughton Piny,r, laundress, bds 156 Church „ McKINNON & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South lain Street, g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, ^ OMIE.VESS TO I ITSTOJIERS, and * ROMPTNESS WITH ORDERS AM> PRESCRIPTIONS o? o 2. RAYSOR c*3 ©IMITH, 31 Patton -A.T7-©. £ g BRO 133 BRO |l i" 03 tdS' Broughton Emily, c, laundress, 156 Church p^ Broughton Bud, c, driver, bds 156 Church h| Brookman H, c, mdsing, r 23 Valley §| Brookman Sarah, c, r 23 Valley ™-g Brown Liney Mrs, r 149 Haywood S°- Brown Waltei, bds 149 Haywood S3 Brown Frank, merchant, Brown, Gudger & Co, Patton Ave, r gg. 149 Haywood g- Brown Alma May Miss, pupil H I School Brown James U, plumber, r nr Peachtree Brown B T, brickmason, r nr Peachtree p»< Brown Mary E, r nr Peachtree Jri All mail orders for China, Glassware, Lamps, House Fnriiishings, ^^ Ac, are treated with care and promptness. Send theni to uspj when you can't come yourself. Respectfully, lad TH E CRYSTAL PALACE. J^ ^ J^ J J J| f^ £„ W % Brown Louis V, hdw merchant, r (99 Haywood Q Brown L V Mrs, r 199 Haywood Q Brown Carrie May Miss, bds 199 Haywood kaJ Brown T E W, bds 199 Haywood Brown Albert H, bds 199 Haywood ^ Brown Sallie, c, r 27 Valley ^ Brown T C, Brown, Gudger & Co, dry goods and notions 33 a Patton ave, r 19 Academy » Brown Loula Mrs, r 19 Academy Brown C N, r 19 Academy ~ l - p - McL ° ud - vice-presi. s YYWWiM VWtWiilit* Uttiiii. dentj j E Kankiri) Cashier. Capital, w $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. t>. BRO 136 BRO '=oc ' ~ " ^2 Brown Thos E, r 78 Park ave |! Brown E W Mrs, r 78 Park ave Cz Brown J C, plumber, r Fch Brd and Patton ave i!5 Brown M E Mrs r Fch Brd and Patton ave ■~Z Brown Evilin, tinner, bds 28 Depot Jl Brown Lilla, bds 28 Depot |§ Brown Martha, bds nr 85 Park ave 5* Brown Bertha, bds nr 85 Park ave z^ Brown Jennie, laundress, 96 Church ICT.BAWLS. Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. i^ Brown Menerva, house maid, bds Grove "f g Brown Harriett c, cook, 318 Haywood £.2 Brown Hattie c, house maid, 318 Haywood SJ-Brown — c, lab, r 27 Valley 5- « Brown Ellen c, cook, 21 Haywood B'l Brown Chas c. brkmason, r Buttrick &'= Brown Tas M, lab, r 120 Academy *H Brown Callie c, r 120 Academy M Brown Wm r, lab, bds 59 Hill W Brown Harriett c, cook, r Madison M Brown Maria c, ch maid, r Madison pj Brown Hattie c, ch maid, Madison Jj PETRIB Me rchnt Tailors, 58 "cuth Main Street, g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS &, JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAVOflD OMITUIO stock of nitvcicisTS' svkdries m (he nfliMJn & oMI I n o 31 Patton Ayenne. gg mosi varied antl com- plete of any house in Asbeville. ™«i«^ ■ -^ SO BRO 137 BRY S Brown Sarah c, house maid, r 212 Riverside Park __g Brown Alice c, house maid, r 211 Academy Q Brown Lizzie £, cook, 27 Spruce m Brown Anna r, laundress, r 130 Valley Brown Will c, lab, r 109 Beaumont J^ Brown Harrison r, teacher, r 194 Pine £d Brown Rachael c, laundress, r 194 Pine Browne Miss, r Valley and Aiken nrS Beaumont Broun Robt, architect and civil engineer, r S Main <^ Broun Mrs, r S Main © Bruce Maggie Miss, pupil H I School Bruce L Miss, bds 16 Bearden Ave Gwyn & West, E ^1i^| . Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. |g Bruce James, lab, r 436 North £« Bryson Maude Miss, pupil H I School Bryson Annie Miss, bds Spring nr Broom Factory g. Bryson Eliza, c, laundress, r 83 Beaumont o-o Bryson Simeon, c, lab, r 83 Beaumont g£ Bryan W S P Rev, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Church *<£■ street, r 9 Hiawasse Place §q Bryan A R Mrs, r 9 Hiawasse Place £| Bryan J A, merchant, bds Magnolia House g'jj Bryan Jno S, first clerk, Glen Rock Hotel, r same »S Bryan Justice, c, coachman, r 15 S Water ^-™ Bryan Ida, c, housemaid, r 9 Valley | 5 . , 3 CO "* ™EBl., Jas. S. Loiighti's "White Man's Bar,'| Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State for medicinal o purposes. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Down Stairs. §, IO Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, w $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. S> -- BRY 138 BUN ■go| , , J^Bryan Sam, c, bds 9 Valley |«Bryan Julius, c, coachman, r 9 Valley ^Bryan Mattie, c, r 9 Valley ^zBuchannan J S, propr Buck Tavern, N Main, r same -.gEBuchannan Callie, r Buck Tavern 'j.oBuchannan White, r Buck Tavern, N Main IzBuchannan Bud, equestrian Reynolds & Spears, Water and wa Pulliam ^{Buckler R D, dry goods clerk, N Main, r East nr Seney ^"Buckler A J Mrs, r East nr Seney ^^Buckner J G, carp, r 27 Silver £ujBuckner Nancy M, r 27 Silver £3: P T RAWL^l & ea l Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. "jjSiBuckner Cora, bds 27 Silver "fsBuckner Bell, bds 27 Silver ^.sBuckner Jas, bds 27 Silver £jBuckston Hattie, c, r 50 Pine ggpuel D H Rev, r Church bet S Main and Bailey B'fBuel Mary A Mrs, r Church bet S Main and Bailey &|Buel Hillhouse, bds Church bet Bailey and S Main J^Bullno Jno, r 43 Chestnut «« Bullno Jno Mrs, r 43 Chestnut p£|P>ullard — , c, tobacco wks, rnr 11 Chestnut fnBumgartner — , farmer, bds Depot nr Frt Depot pc^Bunn Wm, r 23 Clayton McKinnonSs Fotric, Merchant Tailors, \\ Joutl Main Street, S ■ *-> ' Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Stock or Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals ana Patent Medici I; I s. 31 Patton Ave. OS a 2. So BUN 139 BUR Bunn A, contractor, r 23 Clayton Bunn A Mrs, r 23 Clayton Burrows Jno, elk Laws, S Main, bids 78 Cherry Burns wid Thos, r 73 N Main Burns J N, r 73 N Main Burks C E Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 55 College, r same Burks Agnes L Miss, bds 55 College Burks Lizzie C Miss, r 55 College Burnes Jane, c, laundress, r 132 Valley Burnham George H, cigarmaker, r 1 1 Buttrick Burnham Carrie E, r 1 1 Buttrick Burting Harriett, c, laundress, r 174 Pine The Cry* mk 11 D Is now the leading place in Asheville to buy 7. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Rogers Cutlery, Hj House Furnishings, Tinware, Stoves, Ac, at .. prices that will astonish you. Store very neat. Pn TUAD. W. THRASH & CO. 41 Patton Ave., Under Grand Opera House. * Burroughs J A Mrs. r 88 no Main Q Burroughs Dr James A, physician office, Patton ave and NoQ Main, r 88 No Main. (Tel office 15, r 14.) H Burkhammer L, bds 155 No Main Burkin Laura, c, laundress, r bet Valley and Eagle ffi Burger Peter, cabmkr, bds Patton ave and Church *** Burnside Cora Mrs, Cotton Factory, r near same Burnside James, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Burnside B F, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Burnside Flora, r near Cotton Factory Burnside Alice, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Burgin , driver, bds Jeff Drive near freight depot The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an bonr or! two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at O k H. Loughran's "White Mao's Bar, Cor. South Main & Eagle, ! (Down Stairs.) S*~ ■~ III 1 PI' n I. Organize 1 May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, 5* WfiMfiffl liRm irir) KM, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- * s iiooiom omumiu uuni\| dent x E Rankin Cash ' ier Capitali eg S-50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- C z est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. S* BUR 140 BUR - SS t£ = . a ="Burgin Mira, £, laundress, r 142 Pine ^wBurgin Wm, c, carpenter, r 139 Valley e^Burgin Annie, c f r 23 Valley 3 -Burge Laurence W, bds 2 Blanfon p^Burge Walter L, bds 2 Blanton •g^-Burge W P, farmer, r 2 Blanton ^xBurge Nancy T, r 2 Blanton I^Burge Maggie L, bds 2 Blanton If Burge Hicks W, bds 2 Blanton |^Burge Bertie R, bds 2 Blanton % J Burton S P, wks A fur factory, bds 28 Patton ave || Burton Lucy, c, cook, 155 N Main •c|- 2 Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of IMlftMftii A An Aft m in DEEDS, and Notary Public, s I ™ '' * - specialties : Real Property and Conveyancing. ®H 0-3 Burton Caroline c, laundress, r 14 Hilterbrand »Burlyson Lou Miss, pupil H I School £|3 Burminter Martha Miss, teacher A F College JS BURKHOLDER E W, architect, office S3 Patton ave, B2d floor, r No Main and Cherry. (See adv outside top.) H»Burkholder Minnie Mrs. r No Main and Cherry O^Burkhardt Jake, r, lab, r 19 Clements ©a Burkhardt Julia, c, r 19 Clements ^Burnett Ola, r 140 Church g] BURNETT B, Burnett & Howard, horseshoers and woodwork, College, r near 125 Broad (See descrip- Pj tive article) a, o L 1 W Burnett B Mrs, r near 125* Broad Burnett Beulah Miss, r 64 So Main So BURNETT LOULA J Mrs, proprietress Burnett House, £| 64 So Main, r same (See desc arte) ?3 Burnett Mollie J Miss, r 64 So Main |g Burnett Minnie, r Victoria • %* Burnett Beulah Miss, bds 64 So Main f = Burnett Clara B Miss, bds 64 So Main |£ Burnett Jesse E Miss, bdsf>4 So Main S| Burnett Louie, r Victoria, 1*4 mi So Main Butts W M, c, bell boy Battery Park- Butler Wm, clerk R&D Depot, bds 452 So Depot p a Taylor, 8ouis & Brotherton Fine Sanitan PImMm aud House Heating ASHEVIL.LE, N. C. g$ 43 Patton Avenue, under Grand Opera House. v£ ?cr Specialty made of STEAM HOT WATER AND est 2. HOT AIR. fl" Butler Raymond, clerk, R&D Depot bds 452 So Depot §£ Buxton Rev Jarvis, r 157 Church NH Buxton Anna N Mrs, r 157 Church 5"* Buxton Mary R Miss, r 157 Church £d Buxton Fannie Miss, r 157 Church S Buxton Lillie M Miss, r 157 Church ^ Buxton Margaret H Miss, r 157 Church q Byers Stephen, c, lab, r Madison 2 Byers Sarah, c, r Madison Bynum D, wks Battery Park, r same Bynum Martha, c, r Madison ^ Bynum Henry, c, lab, r Madison . _ , , — .,_.. , . . _ - , . _ 1 — , , — — , *6 ^^StSTffiiS Ja s, H, Lmgfra'i "White Man's Ear," f { on exhibiton to attract the ^ attention of the lower trade. r «j.„ + i, tut,:_ ,„j ra^ia /«.-. «.<.. \ % But First-Class Goods only at Cor - Scratl1 Main and Ea 2 le ( Dtm Zi *to.) » Organized May, 1888 ; Lewis Maddux . President, L. P. McLoud, Yice-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, | $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money ^ loaned on Real Estate on long time. tx _ . ____ , BYN 142 ~ CAL •g* ■ ■ fajgBynum David, c, waiter Battery Park cSBynum E, c. waiter Battery Park ^Byrd VV H, bds 283 S Main l^Byrd Hattie M, bds 283 S Main ■So CABINASS MOLLIE MRS, saleslady Big Racket, bds 35 Woodfin a-Cabinass B Miss, saleslady Big Racket, bds 35 Wcodfin j'j Caesar J, plumber, bds Western Hotel £" Cagle Carrie Miss, pupil H I School !», Cain Win, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ,guj „ . J 1 ^ Cain -Dukes, elk Heston's S Main, r 10 Spruce £J Calvert W M, r 69 Logan „■§ Calvert Ellen Mrs, r 60 Logan ;*<* Calvert Elizabeth, sewing teacher H I School E&Calvert Pink, c, section hind R and D, r nr Fch Brd lumber g I yards ^h Callis — , carp, r 173 Haywood e a Calkerell Virgie, wid, r 260 Patton ave „ Caldwell George, c, lab, r nr St Car junction, Southside ave [H Caldwell Jacob, c, lab, r nr Academy ^3 Caldwell Sallie, c, r nr Academy P* Caldwell Mollie, c, laundress, r Baptist Hill best. The only place where whites alone are served. § B RAYSOR & SMITH'S, fl 31 Fattoii Avenue. £2 ' a £. CAL 143 CAM Jfe • . q o Calloway Will, lab, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills £2, Cameron Livia G, teacher H I School g?^ Camp R F, wks R and D Ry Co, bds College and Valley g» Camp Rebecca Miss, pupil H I School o CO Campbell Francis, c, carp, r 186 Pine S Campbell J M, carp, r 41 Seney Sg Campbell H B Mrs. r 41 Seney Bq Campbell G T, carp, r 69 Seney 3© Campbell G T Mrs, r 69 Seney Campbell J M, elk 67 N Main, r same Campbell S C, elk 67 N Main, r same Campbell Mrs, bds 294 N Main a3 Bo O? Co. >c 2. 2.=n w CWYN & WEST, || -A.grea.ts- B - M S- IE. COURT SQ,TJA.I2,B. |jj Campbell Milton, grocery elk, bds 59 N Main !_, Campbell Shofner, grocery elk, bds 59 N Main ZZ Campbell Montgomery, bkkpr Asheville Lumber and Mnfg © Co, r 24 Cherry ^ Campbell M E Miss, bds 24 Cherry ^ Campbell John M, real estate office Patton ave and Main, r (^ Hill nr terminus Patton ave «_ Campb:ll John M Mrs, r Hill nr terminus Patton ave Campbell R E L, cab maker, r Hill nr Buttrick O Campbell T E Mrs, r Hill nr Buttrick Campbell J C Mrs, r 135 Haywood s» Campbell Thomas, bds 135 Haywood * = ^ P URITY, ) -ft-saE ottzz specialties. 1 OLITENESS AND \ , - ' , . (;,„, ,. .. , - ..: romptness .1 Jas. H. Loufhran 2 Whits Man s Bar, ■ Cor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs. A I Western Carolina Bank, P?*?% L^ZL^^p. •^* ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, t 8 §50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- £ . Everybody trades with ns because we have the largest and best S m» line of Crockery, Glassware, House Furnishings, Tinware, Ac, a-g in Asheville. a? 2 — '*" ' >^ Campbell Kate Mrs, r 36 Depot ^5 Campbell Lizzie, <:, cook, 105 S Main ££ Campbell Esteile, c, waitress 211 Patton ave ^r, Campbell Lydia, c, laundress, r 105 Beaumont I Cameron Col'n Jno D, r 163 Chestnut i*£ Cameron Mary R Miss, r 163 Chestnut q.S Cannon T S. c, plumber, r near 64 Poplar *-g Cannon Mary, c, r near 64 Poplar * Cannon Hannah, r 6 Valley W Cannon Joesie, wid Jas, r 31 Bridge ^Cannon Bessie W Miss, bds 250 Patton ave pcJCANNOM GEO W, Postmaster, r 250 Patton ave <- ! — _■ S McKlNNON & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Stre et, § Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. Ihad. T, Thrash & Co,, Crystal Palace, II Fatten Ave, WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 23 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. == hp I Mi Drug S Wtokl a customer at CD 3j a! Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. a g- , . ^ g CAN 145 CAR og §* Cannon Cordia Mrs, r 250 Patton ave »s Cansler Elsie, r, laundress, r Cripple Creek g'S Cansler Pink, c, railroader, bds Cripple Creek £3 Carver Maggie Miss, bds 52 Clayton Carr Lina, c, cook, 133 So Main Carr Ella, bds 133 So Main S3 Carland — ,wid L B, r 132 Hill . f" Carson Blanche Miss, pupil H I School gg 1 Carson Irene Miss, pupil H I School p g Carson James, died Oct. 9, '90 ^S Carson Kate Miss, r 153 Charlotte pjj Carson Matilda Miss, rK 1 , Charlotte g.£? Attorney at taw, COMMISSIONER of f^ DKEDv and Notary Public, Patton Avenue. Asheville, Snftnialtifis : Rfial Prrnifirtv anil nnnvRvanniiur. S WiltGrS. yusliiiiM,^ 3 Specialties : Real Property and Conveyancing. Carson O M, R R service, r 153 Charlotte ^S Carson T C, R R service, r 153 Charlotte O Carson J McD Mrs, 153 Charlotte § Carson J McD, r 1 5 3 Charlotte gp Carson Jerome, r 36 Depot ^ Carson Mrs, r 36 Depot ^ Carson Alice, e, cook, r rear 14 Philip ^ Carpenter Alice, e, laundress, r bet Cherrv and Starnes ^ ave 5g Carpenter Eliza, c, r bet Cherry and Starnes ave ^2 Carroll Rev Jno L, pastor 2d Baptist Church, French Broad g and Patton ave, r 193 Merriman ave f* 3 Jas. H, Louffhran's "White Man's Bar I) Cor. So. Main & Eagle. I g Down .Stairs. >*"| HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS,* and prices charged accordingly ? i • M/*Al A » n Pn»«l!«A D*J« Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, ri western Lara na oank, p^w 7 , , p m,.,,,,,,, vi,,,^ kJ ' dent, J. h. Rankin, Cashier. CaT'ilal, = "| $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your e> z Correspondence solicited. *C u CAR 146 CAR ~ tt Carroll Jno L Mrs, r 103 Merriman ave i3« Carroll Jno L Jr, elk Thrash & Co, Patton ave, bds 103 Mer- ■cl riman ave C o o" Carroll A Mitchell, r 103 Merriman ave £* Carolina Mnfg Co, South Side ave, W B Williamson, pt ^""i Carroll Eugene, r 103 Merriman ave || CARMICHAEL W C, druggist, 20 Main, r 1 39 South -= Main (See desc art) || Carmichael Rachael J Mrs, r 139 So Main. ■SwCarmichael Mattie E Miss, bds 139 So Main &S Carmichael Nell Miss, bds 139 So Main 3% Carmichael Anna Miss, bds 139 So Main S a> C Taylor, Bonis & Brotherton, ^vJS^S^LSb^ " a 'SSAOI3 -©JSErai-srairEI House. ■5 a -s.ac-ojNC vsa: crjsr"v sezaois -oinsooo J a 'aJB^-MOiJij^ piiE pooift 'spoog 6uiijs;u.!nj-9snoH jo au;i |jnj 15 CARTER E D, Carter & Craig, Att'ys, r 3 Tennent *J Bldg (Seeadv) £ § Carter Maggie, c, cook, Western Hotel, r same 2§_j Carter Mary c, cook, 95 College. m a Carter H B Mrs, r Charlotte, near Madison ""CO £» Carter H B, Gudger, Carter & Martin, Attys, office Legal Building* r Charlotte, near Madison ave 0'! Carter M E, atty, r 32 French Broad ave ^Carter S R Mrs, bds 32 French Broad ave PjCarter Fannie Miss, bds 32 French Broad ave CjCarter Mary R Miss, bds 32 French Broad ave K Carter Susie D Miss, bds 32 French Broad ave S McKIHNON & PETBIE, Me rchant Tailors, 58 Sonth Main St. q-j Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. PRRPRIPTIflhK Fll I Fll nny ° r jst8ht by com P eteil< Apothecaries; i rriLobnlr I lUllO NLLlU delivered Irec to any pail of Hie titj . Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. CAR 147 CAT Carter J H, tobacconist, r 25 Bailey Carter Annie L«Miss, r 25 Bailey ® Carter Robt, bds 25 Bailey m Carter Mary W, bds 63 Church Carter Max H. bds 25 Bailey Carter Bob, c. r 255 So Main W Carter Hy, c, lab. r Depot, near 421 Bailey S Carter Eliza, c, r depot, near 421 Bailey ^ Carter E J Rev, c, r 1 1 Clement O Carter Mary J, c, r 1 1 Clement Carter Jos, cblksmith, r So Beaumont Carter Jane, c, laundress, r So Beaumont SO m CO S C.T. BAILS Real Estate and Fire Insurance, © • J No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. C. §» . ■§, GAXtRINGTON F N, coal dealer, No Ct Place, r 24 f • Academy (See desc art) ' ^ Carrington A G Mrs, r 24 Academv • p g- ' CO Carrington Fannie, c, r near broom factory & g Carrington J C, c, harness maker, r near broom factory gg Casselman A B, U S Inspector Pensions, bds Swan Hotel Case C, elk Estabrook S Main, bds 27 Spruce §£ Case R S, elk Westn. Hotel, r same »| Cash John, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 266 Patton ave * = Cathey Sallie c, laundress, r 1S6 Pine » X Cathey Jno c, carp, r 186 Pine |"-f Catholic Church, Haywood and Flint gg" r_ . 3 to „ - . : . , _i , J,, ,yj The Neatest and most Quiet Place in Town to spend an hour or two at " O BILLIARDS or POOL, and at the same time "smile," is at "§<<; JAS. H. IMURAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," ;>X" a '" H 1 (Down Stairs.) 5r Organized May, 1888 ; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- • dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, co $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room c== and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. 1* CAU 148 ~CHA «g . ■ ;|o Cauble — .painter, brls 27 N Main 41 Cauble D W, blksmith, r 430 N Main f| Cauble D W Mrs, r 430 N Main o« Central Methodist Church, Church st, nr Patton ave £<* Center Alex, lab, r nr Fitch's Planing Mills m% Center Alice, r nr Fitch's Planing Mills |i Center Jno, r nr Fitch's Planing Mills 2 = Champion Israel, r 261 Chestnut |l Champion I Mrs, r 261 Chestnut «• CHAMBERS E C, Chambers & Weaver, livery, feed and sale stables, rear Swannanoa Hotel, bds 53 Col- «.-s lege, ( see a ^v) £f a g 8 J Wji. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. B S-. l-d Chambers Susie c, house maid, Hiawasse PI and Penland . fc* Cliambers Thos c, brkman R & D, r 1 17 S French Broad fcl Chambers Emma c, laundress, r 117 S French Broad ^Z Chambers Elizabeth c, cook, Grove g | Chambers Walters, section hand R & D, r nr Fell Brd Lum- S« ber Yards g~ Chappell Bernice Miss, pupil H I School ®a Chappell John, shoemkr, bds 161 Bailey w Chappell J, c, waiter Battery Park , pq Chamberlain C A, pr Chamberlain House, r 57 Church M Chamberlain Susan Mrs, r 57 Church pj Chamberlain Mille Miss, bds 57 Church ^ McKINNON & PETR1E MercW ' TailofS , 58 Srt Mai " st[Eeti Jz; I g GLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Our Motto: KOMTKNESS TO CUSTOMERS, and URITT OF OOOOS, om i i:\ass to KS" og. P en Chapman Ella Miss', r 54 Mountain Chapman F S Mrs, r near Richmond Hill h| CHAPMAN FRANK S, timber and mineral lands, §g office 43 Patton ave, r near Richmond Hill (See adv)-"g Chamberlain Maggie, c, nurse, 65 So French Broad $% Chambers Martha, c, cook, 169 Chestnut S| Chambliss W H Miss, r foot Baird Chambliss Annie Miss, r foot Baird Charles George, blacksmith, r 431 So Main Charles Sarah, r 431 So Main Chandler Henry G, drug clerk J H Woodcock, r 272 Patton ave j. All mail orders for China, Glassware, Lamps, House Furnishings,^* «fcc, are treated with care and promptness. Send them to "*P3 when you can't come yourself. Respectfully, U THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Jjj^ ^ Jjjj^jj J [^ fl f^QJJ £„ W Chandler P E Mrs, r 272 Patton ave Q Chestnut Wm, c, cook, Glen Rock Hotel, r same Q Chedester W R Miss, r Grand Central Hotel Q CHEDESTER N P, propr Grand Central Hotel, r same (See desc arte) f^P Chedester S R Mrs, r Grand > Central ^ Chedester S H, S R Chedester & Son, gen'l merchandise, 18 ^ to 23 Patton ave, r Grand Central Hotel • Chedester Hugh, elk S R Chedester & Sons, r Grand Cen- tral ""■ Chedester E J Miss, r Grand Central Hotel H- Chedester Laura F, r Grand Central Hotel . "^ ™r JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR/1 BRANDIES AT BE « Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State i for medicinal-,^ purposes, COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. -=- Western Carolina Bank, Organized May 1888; Lewis Maddux, President- L. P. McLoud, Vice-President, J. K. Rankin' Cashier. Directors— Lewis Maddux, Geo. S* Powell, J. K. Rankin, C. M. McLoud, J. E. Ray ^ S. H. Reed, M. J. Bearden, J. K. Reed, M. J. Fagg. Capital, 850,000; Surplus, | $20,000. State, County and City Depository. » CHI 150 CHU ^2 Childers D W, carp, bds 309 College |g Children's Home, 17 Charlotte, Miss Mary Sharp, matron «1 Childers W M, carp, bds Hill nr Buttrick «* Childers L J Mrs, bds Hilt nr Buttrick ^Ico Child Herbert D, bds Van Gilder House "1= Child Arthur Steele, architect and draftsman, bds Van Gilder go House t* Child Jno Mrs, bds Battery Park J-3 CHILD JNO, real estate and loans, Legal Building, bds Battery Park Hotel. (See adv. outside front) is Childs M B Mrs, wid W S, r 50 Baird fc^ Childs Margie, bds 50 Bailey Walter S. Cnslimaa Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, Jf o. 30 Patton Avenue, Asheville, Jf. C- . '! specialties: Real Property and Conveyancing. £oi 1% Childs Ro, lumberman, bds 50 Bailey I jj Churchill J S, bds Cosmopolitan Club £.2 Church Westley, carp, bds Spring nr Broom Factory £ J- Churchward Harry, bds 199 Haywood g ,; Churchward H Mrs, bds 199 Haywood S"| Chunn Chas H, carp, bds 90 East pc Chunn Nannie, bds go East BD-g Chunn Elizabeth, r 90 East « Chunn J S, carp, r 165 Haywood (xf Chunn Sarah j Mrs, r 165 Haywood M Chunn Etta L Miss, bds 165 Haywood pj Chunn Ernest, carp, bds 165 Haywood IDS I PETEIE, Mercha ^ ai & 58 South CLEANING AtfD REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, o RAYSOR & SMITH'S, The Most Complete Stock of §g Pure Drugs. Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines! o ~t "W£ 51 Patten «A.-veaa."u.e. CHU 151 CLA Chunn Malcolm, carp, bds 165 Haywood Chunn Leona, bds 165 Haywood Cheeseburough Edith Miss, r 66 Baird City Pump House, tel 102 Clayton Annie, c, laundress, r Eagle nr Valley Clayton C N Mrs, r 413 No Main Clayton Claude, r 413 No Main %m Clayton W B, carp, r 42 Woodfin ^Sf Clayton Ellen Mrs, r 42 Woodfin 3^ Clayton Rutledge, r 413 N Main Clayton Fannie, c, servant r Victoria, I ]^ mi south Main Clayton Dora, c, r Cripple Creek Ma 2.P S3 p < p- Tailor, Bonis I Erotlrtn, ± CD 43 Patton Ave. under Grand Opera Houses ^ SANITARY PLUMBING, ROOFING, Ste*m-Hot Wat« and Hot a,„ Heat.ng. gg" - ^ . .-^ .-■-!--■- ■ m^ _ Houst-FUHMSHING GoOUS. m ^ •(jAl> l-l I I IINU"— —HEATING AND COOKING STOVES.— ««S £ ________________ , K ™ Clayton Laz, c, r 425 S Main s° m Clayton Maria, c, r 425 S Main Clayton Alice, c, r 425 S Main Clayton Ella, c, r 425 S Main ££ Claxton P P Mrs, r Hia^vasse Place 2 Claxton P P Prof, supt City Graded Schools, r Hiawasse ^ Place O Clark S E Mrs, r 125 Broad Clark T L, contractor, r 103 Broad Clark Jeff, coachman, r 83 S Main Clark T L Mrs, r 103 Broad £5 Clark Virginia r, Buttrick O attention of the lower trade. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Town Stairs. % ' But FirsNCIass Goods only at ? 5 ... _ ,, « . Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, | Western Carolina Bails, s^^irsSJXS I $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. 6 CLA 152 CLO t2 Clark John, engineer, bds 452 So Depot lo Clark Cain, fireman, bds 552 So Depot ^ z Clark Agnes E, 452 So Depot f^ Clark C D, transfer clerk R&D Depot, r 452 So Depot ^jf Clark Benj, freight conductor R&D Ry, bds Depot near ^g freight depot Ij Clark W M, R R ticket broker, office Grand Central, r 116 tg So Main 2-3 Clark Mrs W M, r 1 16 So Main |S Clark Marie, r 116 So Main : S 5 Clark Adline, c, cook, r 176 Pine IjtjJ 7 1 I ^ uj Clark Green, c, drayman, r 176 Pine |C.T. RAILS, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. jSiClegg Emma Miss, r near 50 Bailey ||CLEGG W E, Clegg & Donohue, proprietors and pub- lishers Evening Journal, office No Court Place, r 50 Bailey ggjClements Lidia, c, cook, 122 Blanton M| Clements Jacob, brakeman S & A R, bds 122 Blanton ^^Clide James, c, vvks R&D Depot, r 283 Depot *|Clide Mary, c, laundress, r283 No Depot ! jCliff T A, manager laundry department Battery Park, r same ffjCline Geo, freight conductor R&D, bds 452 So Depot gClodfelter J A Mrs, bds Glen Rock Hotel PiClodfelter W C, wks Motor Car Line, bds 136 Bailey Jj PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, j ______ _________————-— _ g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate of any description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or ,'■$ Property, make no mistake, you can do so to the A best advantage with us. A JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. TF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate oi any description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or roperty, make no mistake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. nHlOUtl & ulVII H U mwtt VRrlod nail com- 01 Dottnij AV^DUC S plete of any house fn AsKevillo< -^f, ~CLO . 153 COB m Close Elizabeth Miss, bds Atkinson _^ Cooley Lawrence, bds 153 S Miin CD Cooley Fred A, bds 153 S Main m COOLEY A R, groceries and provisions 45 S Main, r w 153 S Main. (See disc article) . T^ Cooley Adaline M Mrs, r 153 S Main £j Cooley Z A, bds 153 S Main ^ Cocke W M, real estate office, n court place, r S French ^ Broad q Cocke W M Mrs, r S French Broad © Cocke William J, bds S French Broad w Cocke Nellie A Miss, bds S French Broad *P . q Gwyn & West, "^^S^S-l^ i>tai>iisho«i i^si. S. E. Court Square. 2 3 Cocke Philip C, bds S French Broad £« Cochrane Lydia, c, cook 64 N French Broad Cobb Lottie Miss, bds Academy g, Cobb A H, stenographer, r Academy cLf Cobb Minnie Mrs, r Academv g£ Cobb E M, r Academy Cobb James, fireman, bds 452 S Depot COBB, T. H, Cobb & Merrimon attorneys, office John ston bldg, S Main, r Bartlett & Adams ?! Cobb T H Mrs |"a Cobb Ellen Y Miss, bds Bartlett & Adams Cobb R M, painter, bds 27 N Main Oo o -*> OQ o 3 ^kl. k H, Leagki's "Whits Man's Bar,'!! Have been recommended by Hie leading physicians oftlie Slate lor medicinal' o purposes, it Cor; South Main mid Raffle, Down Stairs. §■ iii i PI' n I Organized May, 18^8: Lewis Maddux, A western Larolina tJank, e rt l v% L v V'lrfi v, t pr -z % v ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital. I $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. H a h COF 154 COH Coffin E, real estate agt and loan broker, office 3 N Main, r 97 Hillside Coffin E Mrs, r 97 Hillside Coffin Fannie Miss, r 31 Haywood • Coffin Sallie Miss, r 31 Haywood Coffin Mary Miss, r 31 Haywood Coggins John, wks Motor Car Line, bds 37 Blanton Cook J T Mrs, r 72 Woodfin Cook J T, confectioneries No Main, r 72 Woodfin Cook Daniel, shoemaker, r 31 Bridge Cook George, shoemaker 31 Bridge Cook Taitha, bds Bridge O o 05- « PI ff aCT. 15 Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 2 Cook Julia, r 31 Bridge ^ Cook H R, teamster, r 31 Bridge rj Cook II R Mrs, r 3 I Bridge r^ Cook Alexander, teamster, r 31 Bridge ^4 Cook' John, shoemaker, r 31 Bridge t— Cook T L, shoemaker, r 31 Bridge " Cook J H, wagoner, r nr Ice Factory . • Cook M A, r nr Ice Factory ^Cook VV H, fish dealer, r "W P Blanton & Co's stables, 15 •+3 c3 S Water "♦^ Cook Charlotte, c, cook, 76 Haywood H Cohencius A, removed to Johnson City, Term Ills! Honon S Feirie Merchant Tailors, S3 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Stock of 'Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines IkprSi Smith's :il I'.-tirnii Ave. §2. B«ra c9 COL 155 COL Cole G M, r 59 North Main ^ Cole A T Mrs, r 59 North Main || Cole Oscar, printer, Citizen office, North Court Place, bds 59 £ = North Main -™g Cole Alice, bds 59 North Main ?5? Cole Robt, tobacconist, bds 59 North Main |_s Cole Chester, lab, bds 59 North Main g | COLE J B, Foundry and Machine Works, No 8 But- | trick, r same Cole Eddie, bds 8 Buttrick. Cole A A Mrs, r 8 Buttrick PQ Cole Dorcas Miss, r 8 Buttrick W TF YOU want to make your -*- newly married life happy and your dear home neat, always buy your com in en ci n g outfit from us. Every article at our store is new, neat and handsome, and a first-clais store in every respect Cole Jno D, r 8 Buttrick Q Collins Mattie, c, r 50 Pine Q Collins Ben, c, lab, r 50 Pine M Collins Jerome, c, r 50 Pine Collins Josephine, c, cook, 50 Pine (3P COLLINS W E, Asheville Milling Co, E E Eagan, WEq Collins, r near Park ave a Collins D C, r Turner, near Buttrick • Collins Mrs, r Turner, near Buttrick COLLINS H T, Asaeville Ice and Coal Co, H T Col- — lins, Pt ; E E Eagan. Secy and Treas, r 421 West «=■_ Haywood «» . , . »T» The. Seatest and Most Qniet place in Town to spend an hour or ■-» two at Billiard** or Pool, and at the same, time 'smile," is at J^ Jas. H. Loughran's "lite Man's Bar, Cor. South Main & Eagle, , (Down Stairs.) i Organize 1 May. 1888 •" Lewis Maddux, President, L. I'. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, •!. K. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, z'2 $30,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ■| r est paid "ii - ! f j •< >^i t s of four months or longer in Savings Department. COL 156 COL c — ' 06 =5,; Collins Harriet, r 421 West Haywood Collins Geo R, elk Ashville Ice and Coal Co. bds 421 West Haywood S3 Coll Coll Coll Coll Coll Coll Coll Coll Coll ns Mary J Mrs, r near Park ave ns Helen R Miss, bds 421 West Haywood ns C A, bkkpr, bds 451 Haywood ns Benj, bds 60 Depot ns Ophia Miss, r 60 Depot ns Willford, c, coachman, 78 Bailey ns Etta, c, r Cripple Creek ns Pink, c, lab, r Cripple Creek ns Mary Miss, bds 60 Depot < falter J. $u Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, j| ISn. :tO Patton Ay chiip. Awhcvillr. X. < . specialties : Real Property and Conveyancing. CO 1— I — I Collins M A, No 3 police force, bds 60 Depot CoUins Rosa, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills Collins T C, farmer, r 60 Depot Collins Mary A Mrs, r 60 Depot Collins Lelia Miss, bds 5o Depot Collins Cora Miss, bds 60 Depot Collins Jerry, lab, bds McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills Coleman Cordin c, r nr Phillip Coleman Jno, r Academy and Hill Coleman Mary J Mrs. r Academy and Hill Coleman Julius c, waiter, r nr Phillip Colinsky Louis, elk Swartzberg 10 Patton ave, r same & pfm^ Murliani Tailors, fl Smith Main Street. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. D A VOn D OUITUIO stock ° f nHUGHlSW SUNDRIES is Uieao Mm & ™ S • ■ 31 Patton kmtM plele or any house in Aftbeville. ■ ££ COL 157 CON |g Colter Jas, r 44 Phillip Colter Susie c, house maid, 57 Church go Compton Wid M, r 118 Roberts #| Compton W P, wks Cotton Factory, bds 1 18 Roberts f 3 Compton Carrie, wks Cotton Factory, bds 118 Roberts |S Compton B T, bds 118 Roberts 5~ Compron Mattie, bds 118 Roberts |fi Commons Margaret c, cook, Park ave nr Haywood &•* Condrey Mary, bds 27 N Main if 2? Condrey Wallace, lab, 'bds 2 Blanton &£ Condrey Thad, lab, bds 2 Blauton gg> Condrey R L, lab, bds 2 Blanton f § — . — : . • B re Taylor, Boris & Brotherton, ^-"^Mfa 0p 4| Thomas. Roberts. Steven6on Stoves & Ranges. [WflOU] ( uok stOYl s » 2. Also, Bridtfeford* Co. s Steel Ranges. Specialty JVlade of Hotel lUuires. « . — » Conger Emma Miss, pupil H I School . jf jj" Conway A W, bds 64 S Main Connolley F E Miss, pupil A F College I"" 1 Connelly Maria c, r 53 Hill £j Connelly Peter, r 211 Haywood W Connelly W L, train des R & D, r Oakland ave nr Glen Rock 2 Connelly Walter, master trains R & D, r Oakland ave nr 2j Glen Rock Hotel © Connelly Julia Mrs, r Oakland ave nr Glen Rock Hotel Connally Alys K Miss, r Fernihurst 2 miles S Main Connally Lillie M Miss, r Fernihurst § CONNALLY, JAS K, r Fernihurst * 8p 1 Sf£2$%srZ2L& Jas. I Lnrbn 1 . "Whits Man's Bar,' h on exhibitor, to attract the -- p >f attention of the lower trade. _ ** ® But Fint-Class Goods only at Cor. South Main and Ea?le (Down Stain.) ? Organized May, 1888 ; Lewis Maddux . President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- ■ dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, i» $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money ►,£ loaned on Real Estate on long time. us * s . _ *| CON 158 COR jf- . ^JjjConnally Mary Miss, r Fernihurst S'Connally Mary W T Miss, r Fernihurst * Connally Alice T Miss, r Fernihurst * Conelly Ivory c, cook, 56 Bailey .Cooper H G Mrs, r 39 Haywood ^COOPER A D, groceries, North Court Place, r 39 Hay- ^ wood, (see desc art) gjj- Cooper Ann, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills j=a Cooper Lee, bds McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills GO I ' & ^Cooper Jas, quarryman, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills Is Cooper Ed c, waiter Glen Rock Hotel S Copening Larina c, house maid, N Main and Starnes ave IC.T.RAWLS, Real Estajte and Fire insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. OS P=S „ . JJ^Copening Mamie c, r Depot q Copening Hamp c, r Depot 9£k Copening Mary c, cook, bds Depot nr French Broad Lumber Yards ^5 Copening Harvey c, r Depot g Copening Mary Ac, rS Main Q Cope Caroline c, r 5S Poplar (A Cope Mat, lab, r 58 Poplar S* Copeland Anna c, wks 64 S Main Copcland Kittie c, cook, 261 Bailey *♦* Corpening Florence, pupil at A F College ™ Cortland S C Mrs, r 125 Chestnut .JON 6 PETRIE, ] ]mki Mm - 58 Mi Mai " stfcet - a Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Our s«»l>i WATER and other Fountain Drinks are conceded ihejE> best. The only place where whites alone are Nerved. § " RAYSOR & SMITH'S, || 31 Patton Avonue.ES . *g. COR 159 COW 5g CORTLAND S C, Cortland Bros. S C and J W, real p estate and loans office, Patton ave, r 125 Chestnut (Sec ^^ descriptive article) gg CORN N P, contractor, bds 124 Woodfin (See adv) || Corn Sidney, carpenter, bds 124 Woodfin g* Corn Milford, c, coachman, 2^0 No Main £g -005" Corn GW, carpenter, bds No Main 3q Corill Susan, c, r near Phillip %q COSBY B H, jeweler, 27 Patton ave, r 54 Depot || (See descriptive article) * Cosby L E Mrs, r 54 Depot §1 Coston S C Mrs, bds 58 Haywood aj» «« er 33 P. CWYN & WEST, "' -A-g^exita/ ~ S. £3. GOITRT 3QITABE. S Coston O M, clerk J P Sawyer, 15 Patton ave. bds 58 Hay- wood ZX Cosmopolitan Club, So Main near Swan Hotel © Country Homes The, Messrs Tomlinson, editors ^ Coulling Louise T Miss, teacher A F College, r same ® Courtney Ettie C Miss, bds 36 Philip y Courtney Jas R, bds 36 Philip Courtney Martha J Mrs, r 36 Philip 8P Courtney Cora Dell, bds 36 Philip <^> Courtney J H county treas, r 36 Philip Cowart Delia Miss, pupil H I School *, Cowan Win, carp, bds 35 Seny *** — m PURITY, ) A-^E OTT^ SgESiALTIfiS. £i- OLITENESS AND f I ~ . , ,S romptness J Jag, H. Loughran s Whits Man 8 Bar,'E- Cor. Soirth Main and Eagle [Down Stairs.] ™ °l Western Carolina Bank, pf^^v'p^'y"^- uJ i dent. J. L. Rankm, < ashler. < apital, A9 $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- 'S ral Banking Business Transacted. COW 160 CRA H a k| Cowan Jesse, carp, r 58 Hill W* Cowan Mary M, r 58 Hill jjjg Cowan W R C, bds 58 Hill ® S(llltl1 >lain M > gg Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TT7E offer for sale choice Ileal Estate of all descrip- V V tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers; interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w r E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Your trade .ippi «•< iaicil. Your interest studied. s=^ CRA 161 CRA B£ 75 M o o CD 3 ."TO CO CD CD P-3 Q» Cranford Wilson, wks Cotton Mills, r nr same Cranford W M, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr same Crawford Hugh, stone cutter, bds 17 Bridge |™ Crawford J W Mrs, r 208 Woodfin |£ Crawford J W, photographer, Patton Ave, r 208 Woodfin Crawford Z V, wks A Fur Factory, bds 167 Hill Crawford Dicey, r nr Cotton Factory Crawford Sallie W Miss, bds 58 Grove §?| Crawford Anna L Miss, 1-58 Grove Crawford Lucy L, r 58 Grove Crawford A Dr, r 58 Grove Crawford Winslow, bds 311 S Main fo ■ ■ : » £2 ■■I I ft ft 1 Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of ' £XJ UWlrflllMl ^llSlMlSilli * ' 3 ° I * atto '" Aveime'l'.4whe"ille! X. C. £d ' Specialties : Real Property ana Conveyancing:. H Crawford J H Dr, occulist, office 28 Patton Avenue, r <8 ^ Grove q Crawford Annie, c, r 18 Mulberry g Crawford Elvira, c, r 18 Mulberry ? Crawford Jno, c, r 18 Mulberry ^ Crawford Frank, r, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same © Crawford Lola, c, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same g Craton Elizabeth, r nr 32 W Haywood * Craton Jennie, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr 32 W Haywood Craton William P, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr 32 Haywood Craton Thomas J, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr 32 Haywood Craton Lucy, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr 32 Haywood Jas.'H. Loughran's "White Man's &ar, MCt>rS,>Maill&Eagle l ° Itoim Stairs. ^ HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly % " U^km Pn»nl!«n Di>nl/ Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, «- Western Carolina Bank, zm~£JFsh?&, qT $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County fend City Depository. Your ■"E* Correspondence solicited. Jf CRA 162 CRO oCraton U S, wks Cotton Mills, r nr 32 W Haywood cSCrarey T B Jr, r nr Peachtree J^SCrarey W A, brick mason, r nr Peachtree t _ H Crarey T B, bricklayer, r nr Peachtree 2>Crarey M E, r nr Peachtree P?Craig Charles, carp, r 32 Short oCraig Ida, r 32 Short .gCRAIG LOCKE, Carter & Craig-, attys, r 3 Tennent § J3 building. (See adv) ■^•Creeseman Bred, carp, r S Main r-*Creeseman Jennie, c, r 27 Valley p. Creese man John, c, lab, 27 Valley tr-i ' ' I Taylor, Bouis'&Brotherton, vSSrSr S » " ROYAL »» OAS MACHINE. f~\ Used exclusively by Penn. R. R. a Several now in Operation in this City. ■^Creeseman Susan, r S Main HCreeseman David, brick mason, bds nr Cotton Factory pSCreeseman Manley, carp, r East bet Beaver Dam and West '"Creeseman Mrs, r East bet Beaver Dam and West tfjCreeseman James, lab, r College nr Pine ^Creeseman James Mrs, r College nr Pine fi Crook John, drayman, r nr Ice Factory (fl Crook William, drayman, r nr Ice Factory Crook Jane, r nr Ice Factory " "m Crook Sephrona, r nr Ice Factory 4>' competent Apothecaries; rntOunlr 1 1 U ll O l ILL LU delivered tree to any pari of the City. Raysor & Smith, 31 Patten Ave. CRO 163 ~CUM Crook Lou, painter, bds nr Cotton Factory Crook Tilda, r nr Ice Facto rv 2 Crosby Frank, c, coachman, r 29 Woodfin m Crump Henry, c, coachman, r nr 1 1 Clements ,. Crump Richard, c, grocer 23 Valley Crump Nanny, c, r 23 Valley &ti Cronley Eliza, r Haywood nr Ice Factory S Cronley Will, ^. barber, r Haywood nr Ice Factory ^j Crovvell Mary M, 1 Crowell F K, cook, r Phillip Crowell Joseph, brick mason, r Seney and East Crowell Joseph Mrs, r Seney and East Cruise John, teamster, r 28 Davidson p- Cruise John Mrs, r 28 Davidson > a p - a o o a Cruise Delia Miss, seamstress, r 28 Davidson V5?r Cruise Katie Miss, saleslady Mimnaugh's Patton ave, r 28 § Davidson |g Cruise Kirby, bds 318 Haygood ? = CUMMINGS P. A., atty, office 12 Legal Block, r 24 |« Bailey. (See adv.) ?5 Cummings Sallie, <:, laundress, bds 200 Patton ave »Q 0) l« in B* o o 3 Q The Neatest and most Quiet Place in Town to spend an hour or two at »0 BILLIARD* or POOL, and at the same time " smile," is at "=<< JAS. i. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," e °'*™ H ) (Down Stairs.) g* -• UJ««i..« Po.o!! rt « PL J, Organized May, 18S8; Lewis Maddux. i Western Larohna Hank, f«f «"V P vw vi 'r p Ti- r i dent, J. J--. Rankin, < ashier. Capital, > 550,000, Surplus, S=2(),000, State, County and City Depository. A Room ,,*■ and Teller's Window Cur the exclusive use of the Ladies. •- — CUN 164 CUS r Z ■ ■ *■ Cunningham S C, bartender, r 43 S Main ®° Cunningham S E Mrs, r 43 S Main - Cunningham E L, carp, r 23 Orange Cunningham E F Mrs, r 23 Orange . Cunningham J F, carp, r 201 Merriman ave - Cunningham K C Miss, r 201 Merriman ave < _£- Cunningham Chas, wagoner, Fernihurst s Cunningham Eliza, c, servant, Fernihurst -S Cunningham Becca, c, laundress, r 40 Mountain ^Curtis Zeb, elk, Register Deeds, bds Western Hotel 1 Curtis Eugene, plumber, Ballard, Rich & Boyce, bds West- ern Hotel pci THE ASHBVILLE AND CEASGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPAHY Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. \V. B. Gwyn, President. ■v. Curtis E Mrs, bds Western Hotel fl Curtis G W, r 381 S Main -9 Curtis Mattie E, r 381 S Main *■ Curtis Lester, bds 381 S Main £j{ Curtis Ada, r 381 S Main H Curtis T S, r 381 S Main g Curtis Etta Mrs, r 381 S Main jq CUSHING C D, Cushing & Chapman, Timber and £1 Mineral Lands office, Patton ave, bds Van Gilder House 3 CUSHMAN W S, Atty at Law, Com'r Deeds and Notary Public, office 30 Patton ave, r 163 Chestnut (See adv; 1S4 Cushman S S Mrs, r 163 Chestnut £ McKINNON .& PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, iS CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Purity or noons, 3 OM IEXI.SS TO CUSTOMERS, Ml«l C o ROMPTXKSK WITH ORDERS AX1> PRESCRIPTION'S g g* &«' RAYSOR cfc SMITH, 31 DF»£vttoix -A-VO." 72 2. 95 CUT 165 DAV Cuthro Jas, machinist, bds 6o Depot £ Cutts Jos, carp, r 161 Bailey h§ Cutts Hattie, r 161 Bailey s| DAILY CITIZEN THE, Randolph-Kerr Co, publishers, l| North Court Place jg*? Daganhardt W L, bds 177 So Main gg. Dake Novella, o,onO; Surplus 2„ 820,000. .state, County and Cit v Depository. DAV 166 DAV a p *% Davenport J A, division engineer R & D R R, r Rollins Davenport H L Mrs, Rollins jj= Daviason Cora, c, cook, 96 Church = » Davidson H M Mrs, wid W E, r College and Valley o< Davidson Mary E Miss, r College and Valley S° Davidson A T, r 50 Broad * Davidson A T Mrs, r 50 Broad C_> Davidson Addie Lee Miss, r 50 Broad y^, Davidson F H, r Hill near Buttrick w Davis Lovada Miss, pupil H I School w-4 Davis Anna, pupil H I School "^ Davis Fannie Miss, housekeeper Grand Central, r same — r^J ■■■ 1 m m 1 Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, SO Patton Avenue. Aalieville. >'. <' . CO Walter 2. Cushman. ^~ ^ n niwii »i vn«»mwnp specialties: heal Propeny and Conveyancing. CO Davis W C, plumber Ballard, Rich & Boyce, bds Western 4$ Hotel 3C Davis J Robt, drug clerk Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton ave bds 16 Charlotte 3C Davis C J, painter, r near 139 Beaumont ££ Davis C J Mrs, r near 139 Beaumont *X Davis J N, lab, r near 139 Beaumont I * Davis Tom, carp, 139 So Beaumont h- Davis E A Mrs, r 139 Beaumont •y Davis J M, carpenter, r 35 Seney . Davis J M Mis, r 35 Seney Davis Wm, carp, r 35 Seney to ™ Mm & m Mercha linlSt 58 South 5* CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. RAYSOR & SMITH'S The Most Complete Stock of 6 c O 1 Bun • Pure Drugs. Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines,* as 31 IPattcaa. Aveime. DAV 107 DAV oa ST " H ffl p w So 75 O Si* "is S3 Davis Jesse Mrs, r 35 Seney Davis Thomas, contractor, r cor Seney and Centre Davis Thomas Mrs, r cor Seney and Centre Davis John, lab, r 60 Seney Davis Mrs, r 60 Seney Davis Loula M Miss, r 42 Academy g"® Davis A B, bds 42 Academy |gc Davis Grace O Miss, bds 42 Havwood ^S Davis C B, auctioneer, r 42 Academy q^ Davis E B, auctioneer, r 42 Academy g.% Davis P F Mrs, r 42 Academy |o Davis S A Mrs, r Riverside Park > 9! Tftvlor, Bonis k Brotlicrton, ** p *« m **•»»•' m * « *™* »»« h °»«- |g ^ Specialty made of 5 j* Fine Sauitari Plambmj ui Honse Heaticg, STEAM SkBff" A Bl ™ Davis Mattte, r Riverside Park g| Davis Edith Miss, removed to Summerville, S C ^ Davis Geo, r VV Haywood • Davis Flora, r \V Haywood ?C Davis S P, wks R & D Ry Co, r 124 Roberts § Davis Minnie Mrs, r 124 Roberts ^ Davis Jas, carp, bds 346 Haywood O Davis Rachael Mrs, r nr French Broad Lumber Yards 2 Davis R.S, engineer (stationery,) r nr French Broad Lumber Yards , Davis B P, engr R & D Ry, r 80 Depot <£> Davis Spencer, engr. bds 80 Depot : ■ * f n °/a L o?w?fdT„f^ Jas, H, Loughran's "White Man's Bar," If on exhibition to attract the , >~ attention of the lower trade. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Down Stairs, i But First-Class Goods only at Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vlce'-PresU * dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital == $50,000, Surplus, 120,000. .State. County and City Depository. m DAV 168 DAV •+* <3 tn I— I CL> o CO c3 Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav s B P Jr, mach, bds 8o Depot s S N, mach, bds 8o Depot s Frank A, bds 8o Depot s J D, engr, bds Depot nr freight depot s J D Mrs, bds Depot nr freight depot s Lucy, housekpr, 34 Grove s Geo W, r 162 S Main s Julia, r 162 S Main s VVm A, bds 162 S Main s Addie, bds 162 S Main s Minnie, r 1 59 S Main s Chas, r 159 S Main IC.T. t/3 J-i r— ■* d CL> Dav J^Dav ODav (fl Dav Dav Dav & Dav S Dav H Dav ■H Dav jjj Dav *rfDav « Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. « Maggie, r 388 S Main Monroe, lab, r 388 S Main Sarah, house girl, r Victoria A C, r 84 Bailey Linie Sr, r 84 Bailey Era rna, bds 190 Bailey Harry, bds 190 Bailey Robt, bds 190 Bailey Jno, lab, bds 190 Bailey Maggie, r 190 Bailey Rosa c, laundress, Glen Rock Hotel Laura c, cook, 266 Patton ave Si Merchant Tailors, 53 South Main Street, g S [CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. \kJW> are State Agents for X. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated W pi rt > anc ^ Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or deatli in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Y\ J hi are State Agents for N. C. Inland A: Co. 'e celebrated *' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or deatli in the "Travel-era Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS &. JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAVOflD 9 PyiTUJP Rt!>oU ° r 1>,u J««I»TS' SIXDRIES is IhnQ nnluUn fii uiVI! H U mo*t varied ami com- Oj potjnjj Ayp{1|lP m plcle of any house in Ashevillo. ■ ■ i i J* DAV 169 DEI m Davis Caroline c, laundress, r 22 Hilterbrand S3 Davis Joe c, butcher Reed & Co, N Court Place, r 22 O Hilterbrand m ■ Davis Loula c, laundress, r 167 Valley Dardy Clara c, cook, 87 Bailey ™ Darby Frank, elk R & D Depot, bds 452 S Depot £d Darkins Joe c, wks Vanderbilts, r 167 Valley g Darkins Jane c, laundress, r. 167 Valley ^j Day Jno P, pupil A F College ^ Day S W Mrs, matron A F College, r same © Day Mattie Miss, pupil A F College Day Jno, c, carp, r 147 Valley Gwyn & West. Established 1881. S . E. CoURT SQUARE. |g Day Callie, c, r 147 Valley Dean Jack, c, lab, r Baptist Hill Dean Bettie, c, nurse, 42 Haywood Deaver W H, detective, r 25 Pine Deaver W H Mrs, r 25 Pine f| Deaver Clara, r 2X Water ^k ' J Co Deal Hy, wks coUon factory, r near same g^ DEAKE C T C, florist, green house, 324 Charlotte, r || same (See desc article) g\g Deake J W C, letter carrier, r 324 Charlotte 5" a Deake Mrs, r 324 Charlotte Deitz Jacob, lab, bds Cripple Creek *r w cr O O Th ' ' s £2i. .. k I Lnghno't "White Man's k,"jf Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State (or medicinal" ® purposes. , ~ Cor, South .Mniii ami K-tjrle, ilow m Stairs. go (j in i PI' n I Organized May, 1838; Lewis Maddux, A Wesiein Carolina Bank, ^fTr'«\"ln l Vi r 1,r r;" J3 , ' dent, J. h. nankin, Uasnier. Capital, J 150,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. DeK 170 DIC d; » . HgDeKeysur Hy, r bet Chestnut and Merriman ave [q^Delany Paul, carp, bds 117 So French Broad 9=: Democrat The, Furman & Vance eds, North Court Place ^Deinens R S Mrs, r Park ave •Domens C A Miss, r Park a/e ^Demens H B Miss, bds Park ave ©DEMENS WOOD WORKING Co, near pass depot, P A Tfl Demons, Pt ; S F Chapmaa, Sec'y and Treas uDEMENS P A, r Park ave ^Denney Will, painter, bds y^ N Main ^Denton Sallic Miss, pupil H I School rtDenison T R, r 44 Grove 101 m lj T R A WIS % ea l Estate and Fire Insurance, \4 * No, 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C, BTjDenison Roy T, wks Citizen office n Court Place, bds 44 ^ Grove •Denison Mary J Miss, r 44 Grove ^Denison Mary L Miss, 1-44 Grove ^Denison Burt, ins agt, r W Asheville r**Devons Reed, stick maker, r Eagle nr Valley ^Devons Lou, c, laundress, Eagle nr Valley .Devine Hattie Miss, bds 34 Hill QjDickerson Joseph E Mrs, r Vance and College *|DICKERSON JOSEPH E, Joseph E. Dickerson & Co, +2 hd'vv, S E Court Place, r Vance and College ^Dickerson Harriet, c, laundress, r 34 Madison c3 Merchant Tailors, S3 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Stock of Pare Drugs, Bart Cbeinicals am Patent Medicines Mime s BaysorS Smith s, §1 * an DIC 171 DIN 31 I'ut ton Ave. i"» ^3* Dickerson Amos, c, lab, r 34 Madison v^ - c Dickerson Etta, c, r 34 Madison Dickerson H, c, lab, r 34 Madison « gjj pr- Dickerson James, c, lab, r 34 Madison -"g Dickson Jessie Miss, bds nr Buxton «£- Dickson Allen, wks Graham's Factory, bds nr Buxton Dickson Jennie Miss, bds nr Buxton Dickson N S, night watchman Graham's Factory, bds nr Buxton Dickson Carl, c y coachman, Church bet Bailey and S Main Dickson Anna, c, cook, Church bet Bailey and S Main Dickson Annie, c, r nr 58 Mulberry l r Z^£&K£U£Z fU ffl % m \ h h Crystal Palace, W and your dear homo neat. J^ill Wl ttllibSIl W UOll M always buy your commencing 7 Va*' outfit from us. Every article at our store is new, neat and handsome, and a flrnt-clais store in every respect. * Dickson Mary J, c, r 139 Valley Q Dickson Carl, c, waiter, r 139 Valley Q Dickson Isaac, c, r 139 Valley M Dickson Delia, , attention of the lower trade. - , ,,, , . _, . But First-Class Goods only at * or ' "OUtn Main and ha?Ie (Down Stairs.) 4 $ llf AA U, n P«.Jl«„ D«J, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, I . Western Carolina Bank, i^r^J^J^: p» $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money ^.- loaned on Real Estate on long time. •| DRA 174 DUN ^J Drake J L, r 338 S Main ^•Drake Hattie, r 338 S Main * Drake Carrie Miss, pupil H I School * Dubard Pearl Miss, pupil H I School .Dubard Mattie Miss, pupil H I School -Duck Mary, c, laundress, r bet Valley and Eagle .Duckworth Revel S E, bds 255 Grove ^Duckworth N J, carp, bds 255 Grove JSDiichein Annie Miss, bds 31 Grove "•^Duckett Jas, bds French Broad and Patton Aves g Duffy R S, bartender Jas H Loughran, White Man's Bar, 46 S Main, bds Neville House pa CT3 OS pes C.T. RAILS Real Estate and Fire Insurance, ' No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ■fDuffield S E Mrs wid C B, r 56 Spruce J* Dukes T C H, bookkeeper Battery Park, r 33 Short ■jk Dukes D J Mrs, r 33 Short Dukes Mary L Miss, r 33 Short Cq Dukes Eliza C Miss, r 33 Short at Dukes Margaret Miss, r 33 Short QDun Katie Miss, r 152 Chestnut MDun R G, r 152 Chestnut fiDun Mrs R G, r 152 Chestnut MDun Hattie Miss, r 152 Chestnut 5» Dun Nannie Miss, r 1 52 Chestnut ^ Dunn John, shoemaker, bds 73 No Main $ McKINNON & PFTRIF, Merchant Tailors. 58 SoutlTTldiTstreet, & Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Our HAD.4 W.1TEK »ml other Fountain Drinks are eonceued the^jj. best. Ttie only place where whiter alone are served. & RAYSOR & SMITH'S, 3 31 Fattou iLveuue. ~?r DUN 175 EAR 'g . . « a> Dunigan Eliza, r near Cotton Factory £g, Dundrant Lila Miss, pupil A F College gr^ Duncan J L, night watchman Battery Park, r same g® Duncan D, carpenter, bds 309 College eg Duncan S K Mrs, wid Charles, r 27 Spruce 5* Durham Berry, r, lab, r 283 North Depot ~£ Durham Lottie, c, laundress, r 283 No Depot 3q Duvall Gertrude Miss, bds 28 Penland 30 Duvall Lucinda Mrs, r 28 Penland 3< Dvvight Anna B, teacher Chapel Day School (H I) Dyer Mary, c, r 157 Hill op Go. IIU UO. CWYN * WE ilL ts . «< cr JO jy I§ 3 en S. 352. COTJ*.R,T SQ,XJ^iaE!. £H EAGEN E E, Sec'y and Treas Asheville Ice and " Coal Co, r 421 West Haywood Zl Eagen C C Mrs, r 421 West Haywood © Earl Lizzie, c, cook, r 95 Pine ^ Earl Carrie, c, laundress, r near 64 Mountain 8P O o Earle Anthony, c, wrks frt depot, r 371 Haywood ^ Earle Jane, c. laundress, r 371 Haywood Earle Sarah, c, bds 371 Haywood Earle Emanuel, c, bds 371 Haywood <$ Earwood W R, carp, bds 300 Bailey Earwood Ellis, bds 307 Bailey , Earwood W R, carp, r Hill, near Buttrick PURITY, ) -A-SSE OTT^ SPECIALTIES. « OLITENESS AND \ ••.,,, i-im-i 11 1 * J romptness J Jag, 8. Loughraa s whits hi s Bar, ; Cor. South Main a-nd Eagle [Down Stairs.] « o' . U/n«l rt .„ P„.rvl!«« [LJ, Organized May, 18§S; Lewis Maddux i western Urolina bank, r™*°\^\^ r a -^ ? \. u- ' dent, J. K. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, fl« $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- .- nil Banking Businesi Transacted EAR 176 EDW H-3 H [>f Earwood Ella, r Hill, near Buttrick WS Eaton Saml, r Buttrick, near Haywood $« Eaton Julia L Mrs, r Buttrick, near Haywood t Eaton Jno, plasterer, r 53 Atkinson t^Eaton Lizzie, r 53 Atkinson pTEast Edine H Miss, pupil A F College jS: Eaves Carrie, c, cook, Vance and College • Eaves Emmerson, elk T J Revel, North Main, bds Western Jg Hotel ECKLE & CO, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, South Main, opp Swan Hotel (See desc article) WEckert Alfred, bartender, Glen Rock Hotel, r same w ■ £5! ■! I ■■■ mi 1 a m "*3L Patton ^A.x7-o SMW.ThsliSIIo.s= »l»s everything in the llou-r ruisiiiii- line, as well as a larg-e ^jkj line of China, Glass, Lamp*. Ac. {^ ^ Edney, wid W L, r 318 Patton ave Edmondson Theo, pupil H I School £■4 Edwards Monroe, wks Fur Factory, r near Broom Factory {■4 Edwards Maggie, r near the Broom Factory •^ Edwards J M, Police Force, r 86 Cherry Jg Edwards Mattie, r 86 Cherry Edwards Cora, c, laundress, r 35 Woodfin mZ Edwards Sallie, c, laundress, r Sorrels, near Beaumont +3 Edwards M, foreman Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, 43 Patton Cv ave, r 163 Merriman U Edwards LB Miss, milliner, Mimnaugh's, Patton ave, r 35 PI Woodfin "3 McK'NNON & PETRIF. ^ Tililors < ? Soii Mm street, Qg Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TTfE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, ahel charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Pattern Ave., Asheville, N. C. w JE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge yon less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 IHLcAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. You v rejcret U custom rS 5 Rayssr & Smith's Drug Store, 31 Patisn A?s, f I Your trj»ile apprec Luted. ^ our Intel •est Nlmlieil. EDW 177 ELL Edwards Geneva, r 86 Cherry J»b Edwards Alice, bds 86 Cherry |'E Edwards Carrie, bds 86 Cherry !=S Egerton Lula Miss, pupil H I School 2Jo Egerton Sallie Miss, pupil H I School - S ? Egerton B T, wks C E Moody 30 Patton ave, bds 124 g's Roberts - s « Egerton Eliza, bds 84 Depot »% Egerton John, 6-, wks Battery Park, r nr Hill p § Egerton Patsy, c, r nr Hill ^| Eichelberger W H, C E and Mech D'n, r Magnolia House 555- N Main Is Walter 1 Cushman,^ Attorney at Law. COMMISSIONER of W DEEDS, ami Notary Public, SO Patton Avenue. Asheville, X. <'. ^ Specialiies : Real Property anil Coaveyancing, W 9 Eichelberger carp, bds 59 N Main ^ Emerson P F Mrs, r 47 Walnut © Emerson P F, wks Asheville Shoe Factory, r 47 Walnut m Embler Lillie Miss, pupil H I School go Ellis Millie F, c, r 263 Bailey ^ Ellis Lelia, c, r 263 Bailey © Ellis .Mary, c, laundress, r 263 Bailey § Elllis Henry, c, baker, r 263 Bailey — \ Ellege John, wks Graham's Factory, bds Green nr Park ave 55 Ellege Henry, wks Graham's Factory, bds Green nr Park ave Ellege Frank, wks Graham's Factory, bds Green nr Park Ave k H, Loughran's "White Man's Bar, O Down Stairs. ^ — HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and price? charged accordingly |* Cor. Si). Main & Eagle. |? cJ U/„«i«.„ P«;«l!«« (l««l» Organize.! May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, « Western Larohna Dank, r^^v-^w- Vk r Presi r "^ ' dent, J. h. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, oa* $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your .-=3 Correspondence solicited. ^ ELL , 178 ERW QjEllege Willie, wks Graham's Factory, bcb Green nr Park Ave pqEUege J W wid, r Green nr Park Ave ,_ lEllege Emmie, r Green nr Park Ave G>Elliotte W F, contractor, r 351 Haywood P^Elliotte Hattie Mrs, r 351 Haywood oElliotte Hannah, c, cook, 84 Bailey ^jElse Hy, wks Asheville Fur Factory, r nr same .HElse Emma, rnr Asheville Fur Factory ■^Ellar carp, bds 234 Patton Ave •^SEngle S F, r nr Cotton Factory pjEngle Lee, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same ASHEVILLE, BT. C. No. 43 Paitoi Aye. under &rand Opjera House 1 1 Steam Fitting, Gas Fitting, O * " ROYAL" «.\S MACHINE. f~\ Used exclusively by Penn. R. R. " Several now in Operation in this City. ■Jingle R J, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same J*Engle Lou, bds 289 S Main MhEngle Chas A, bartender Muller's Exchange, College and Water, r same CpEpps C F, painter, bds 72 Depot wEpps R L Mrs, bds 72 Depot QErvin Rachael, c, bds 326 Haywood flJErvin Henry, c, shoemaker, r 326 Haywood fiErvin Jno, wks Asheville Shoe Factory, bds nr Broom Fac- M tory *HErwin Will, bds 351 S Main ^Erwin Buell, bds 351 S Main t McKINNON & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 Sontk Mail St. I Taylor, Bonis SDroMos. a Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Day or Vi^lil by competrn t ApollnH-nrie s : delivered tree tu any purl of I lie City. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. ERW 179 EVA Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw Erw CO n Ella, r 351 S Main n M K Mrs, removed to Davidson and College O n Mollie, bds 351 S Main m nSB, r 351 S Main "L n Nannie T, bds 35 1 S Main • n Hattie, c, waitress, 24 Grove £d n Walter, c, coachman 71 Liberty S n Helen, c, r4i Pine ^j n Julia, c, nurse, r 5 Mountain O n Rachel, c, laundress, r 5 Mountain n Virgil, c, lab, r 5 Mountain n M K Mrs, wid M, r 57 College © C.T. RAILS Real Estate and Fire Insurance, • > No. 5 Patton Ave, Ash&ville. N. C. •4 eg b5 Erwin Hannah Miss, r S7 College ««® Erwin M D, c, wks City Water Works, r 41 Pine Eastabrook H T, books and stationery 11 S Main, r same Evans Jesse, engineer, bds 452 S Depot Eastabrook H T Mrs, r 1 1 S Main »S" ;o » BO Evans Hester, bds 179 S Main *X* Co o "> °o &2 02 o p 2 Evans Florence, bds 179 S Main Evans S J R, r 179 S Main Evans Mary E, r 179 S Main ?| Evans Ella, c, laundress, r nr 109 Mountain wS Evans Sol, c, porter, r 109 Mountain 5"-f* Evans Jesse, c, drayman, r 180 Pine %% _ 3 G> . j, ,j. The Neatest and most Quiet Place in Town to spend an hour or two at » O BILLIARDS or POOL, and at the same time "smile." Is at "°^ JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR." c ".Xr H ' (Down Stalr».) g" - UiVlnrn Porn'mi Dnnl/ Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, ■i western uaroiina BanK, ^tw * Hh* vu ?; p ™i- s ' dent, J. E, Rankin. Cashier. Capital, .» 150,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room and Teller's Window tor the exclusive use of the Ladies. It EVA 180 FAR £*• Evans Lucy, c, r 180 Pine t. 9 Evans Pollie, cook 24 Davidson EVENING JOURNAL, daily, Clegg & Donohue edi- • tors, N Court Place - T^AIN N W, taxidermist, r 73 Academy aS - L Fain M E Mrs, r 73 Academy S3 Falk Prof C, Music House 35 N Main, bds College and ^ bpruce "^Fant — , vvid James, bds 3 [8 Haywood §3 Fant Mary, c, house maid, r 234 N Main S Fanders Rosa, c, cook, r Philip S Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx, President Q=S . . . _ ■^ Fanning Frank, travelling salesman Richmond, r 39 Patton ave fl Fanning H M, Mrs, r 289 S Main .jl Fanning F A, commercial traveller, r 289 S Main "* Farnham Ida Miss, r Merriman ave C|K Farmer Tina, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same ^ Farmer John, lab, r nr Cotton Factory ► £ Farmer Caroline, wks Cotton Factory, bds nr same Ifi Farmer Eliza, bds nr Cotton Factory Farmer and Mechanic The, Stansill & Morris, editors M Farmer J S, brickmason, r nr Cotton Mills «H Farmer Sarah A, r nr Cotton Factory C^ Farral A J, tobacconist, r 35 Woodfin S McKINHON & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, f>| CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PrRiTY or noons. ^ OMTEXERR TO CUSTOMERS, and * ROMPTNENS WITH ORDERS AM> PRESCRIPTIONS og" o 2. jEtAITlSOXl. cfc ISMITK, 31 Fatton. Ave. -™ g FAR 181 FEE II Farral A J Mrs, r 35 Woodfin Farral L Lillian Miss, bds 35 Woodfin Farrar Sallie Mrs, housekeeper, bds 159 Patton ave £0 w ; Farrell J H, wks Cotton Factory, r 30 W Haywood - M g K^ Farrell Theresa, bds 30 W Haywood Farrell Mary, r 30 Haywood 2^ Farrell Emma, r- 30 Havwood og. Farnsworth Mary, housemaid 53 Bridge g- Farr Ella, c, cook 130 Valley Farr Napoleon, c, r 130 Valley Featherstone Mamie E Miss, bds 47 Depot p*4 Featherstone Emma Miss, bds 47 Depot fepssy. W. Itaiih Si El™ ™g 0,000; Surplus, ■~ o $20,000. State, County and City Depository. §£ FEL 182 FIS g£ ; . . jja Felder Jane, c, r 130 Hill § Felder B F, c, barber, r 130 Hill •|| Felthams Anton, plumber, r 94 Cherry = » Felthams Lillie F Mrs, r 94 Cherry $< Feltsburg George, musician at Battery Park, bds 38 Bailey e° Field Martha Miss, r 35 Spruce 23 Field Jacob, c, bds 211 Patton ave C> Field Arthur M, jeweler S Main ^ Fincke C L, r se cor Merritnan ave and Hillside ^Fincke C L Mrs, r se cor Merritnan and Hillside r-H Finley Robert, Finley & Nelson N Main, r 71 Orange *Cj Finley Robert Mrs, r 71 Orange . __ _ — ■^t? 111 1 m m 1 Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of x/1 i Walter S, UM' DEEDS, and Notary Public, O Pntton Avenue. AMln-ville, '? Specialties: Heal Property and conveyancing. CO Finney A, c, driver, r 27 Gudger C$ Finney Julia, c, laundress 27 Gudger 2E First Baptist Church, new Spruce and College, old Spruce and Woodfin Ej First Presbyterian Church, Church bet Patton ave and Willow Jf FIRST NATIONAL BANK, S E Court Place, (Tel. 88 ;) ^ Wm E Breese, prest ; Dr G W Fletcher, vice prest, |JJ Fletcher, N C ; W H Penland, cashier W m Fisher T L, railroader, r 500 S Depot -jf Fisher Sallie Mrs, r 500 S Depot .Fisher W M, c, bell boy Battery Park -i-> Fisher Mary, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same I Mil Im, MerCha liain a Stee S et 58 *"* ™ CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. The Most Complete Stock of %§ >■ Pure Dugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines!! MHiOUn & ulYII PI Oi Pnrfi Tlrnirs RarR nhPinlnals and Patpnt Mpfiirinpsls u r o ■Hg, —AT — 31 3?a.tt©». ^.rreaa.\3.s. 3* cro fct FIT 183 FLE z* 1st ~3 Fitch H W, r 6 Spruce Fitch Dr H W Mrs, accoucher, r 6 Spruce Fitzpatrick Nannie Miss, r io Bridge •"§ Fitzpatrick T W Mrs, r io Bridge Fitzpatrick Pearl Miss, r io Bridge Fitzpatrick R L Mrs, r 24 Orange g*® FITZPATRICK T W, Fitzpatrick Bros, wall paper, || decorative material N Main, r 10 Bridge. (See desc ^s article) qg FITZPATRICK R L, Fitzpatrick Bros, wall paper, || decorative material 30 N Main, r 24 Orange. (See «%> desc article) jgS 02 ASHEVIIXE. M. C. g- M Tavlor, Bouis & Brotherton, * *«.„*, -.;,,„ », a™* oper.^,..^ " Specialty made of n^ Fine Sanitan PlniuDiue and Bocsc Heating, STEAM ssra™ ' 2 5' X Fitzgerald J, lab, r 72 Cherry Fitzgerald Ella, bds 72 Cherry Fitzgerald Will, drayman, bds 72 Cherry Fitzgerald Dora, bds 72 Cherry X Flack Charles, lab, c, bds Madison Flacks Jos, barber, r Buttrick X Flax Ida, c, ch maid A F College, r 14 Hilterbrand © Flax Wm, c, drayman, r 176 Pine g Flax Anna, c, laundress, r 176 Pine Flemming Callie, c, r 24 Hilterbrand Flemming Charles, c, coachman, r 24 Hiterbrand © Flemming Loula, c, r 24 Hilterbrand -\ Ztffo'SSiraSS Jas, H, Loughian's "White Man's Bar,"!! tin exhibition to attract the — -—^——— ———-————-— --^--— «—-«—- >~ attention of the lower trade. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Down Stairs. % * But First-Class Goods only at iWaton Sink But I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux. President LP McLoud Vice-Presi- lent, J. h. Rankin, Cashier. Capital == $00,0011, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository.. FLE 184 FOR *CJ , o^ Fletcher John, conductor motor car line, bds43 So Main "£$ Fletcher W E, conductor motor car line, r 43 So Main to Fletcher Dr M H, physician, office So Main, r 24 Penland (Telephone 43.) ;:i(.(JISTS' KCNDRIFJ is theO moM vs,rio " an " eott " 31 Patton Ayeooe. ™ plete of nn.v house in Ashevillcu ** 09 FOR 185 FOR Forney Thomas, exporter, r Clements near Mountain Forney Julia, c, laundress, r Clements near Mountain O Forney Melinda, c, laundress, r bet Valley & Eagle m Forney Lou, r 391 So Main Forney Mira, c, laundress, 261 Bailey . Forney Stanley, c, carpenter, r 261 Bailey |pd Forney Abe, c, lab, r 391 So Main « Forney Millie, c, cook Gano House, Haywood and French *** Broad avenue £ Forney Mattie, c, house maid, 21 1 Patton avenue O Forney Jolin, c, servant, Chestnut Head Bridge Forney Charles, c, bds 35 Hill 8P :r,:e.a.Xj estate, Gwyn & West r..t.Mi,h,.i is»i. S. E. Court Square. I; Forney Brooks, c, lab, r 3? Hill £« Forney Amelia, c, 35 Hill Forney T L, c, bds 35 Hill ^g, Forney John, c, bds 35 Hill ° I Forney Jule, c, lab, r Madison g 3- Forney Hester, c, laundress, r Madison ^ & Forney Jim,c, coachman, r 250 College §3 Forney Margaret, c, r 250 College ££ Fortune R G, elk Falk Music House, N Main, bds Western ~i Hotel £a = g Fortune A B, R R contractor, r 1 12 College f> Fortune AB Mrs, r 112 College § £f "Eir..., Ju. H. Longhiu'i "Whits Man's Bar,1f Have been recommended by tbe leading physicians oft.be State for medicinal = purposes. [5 lot*. South JIulii »n. . & Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of J2 flf.U.M fl Att.t1»m* w DEEDS, and Notary Public, **3 W<l [J. TjuJj|lItHn. >"«. SOPntton Avenue. Asheville. X. < *! Specialties : Real Properly and Conveyancing. ^Francis Maggie Miss, bds Jeff Drive nr Frt Depot cJjFrancis Sam'l bds Jeff Drive nr Frt Depot -•Francis Callie Miss, bds Jeff Drive nr Frt Depot OFrancis M S Mrs, r Jeff Drive nr Frt Depot ^Francis Robt, engineer, r Jeff Drive nr Frt Depot ijjFrank C F, printer, r 278 College JjFrank Maggie Miss, r 278 College • Frank Ro. C, printer, r 278 College I^Frank Wm, printer, r 278 College ^Frcck Adolph, r 159 S Main Freck Carrie, r 159 S Main ^Freeman Katie, r 270 N Main w McKINNON & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 Soiilh Main Street, g Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. DAVOflD 9 OMITU'O Sto ' k or ' nitre CIST* : SI'XDBIES Is the z~ nMloUH 4 OlYII I [I iuo«t varied aud com, jjl p-Kpn Aupnyp |» ~l»lete «i anj bouse In Astaeville. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmm l. _ /^ _____ ?2, FRE 189 FUL |g Freeman J W, wks Cotton Mills, r 34 W Haywood i°» Freeman Sallie, r 34 W Haywood go Freeman B B, route agent R & D, 1-94 Depot -*1 Freeman Julia, r 94 Depot _pg Freeman Minnie, bds 94 Depot Freeman Edgar, telegraph operator, bds 94 Depot Freeman Geo, bds 94 Church f"'- 2.3 !=3 o-S. CD « o?r 3 3" £5 0> Taylor, Bonis _ BrotMoo, Freck Ernest, bds 159 So Main S1 - £^r&"____ Jas. B, Uwbi'i "W__ Mil's Bar," 1= on exhibiton to attract the 1 1 >Z attention of the lower trade. , . .. „ . , _ , % But First-Class Goods only at . cor - SOUtn Main and _a|le (Dowa Stairs.) • Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux. President, L. P. MeLoud, Vice-Presi- d -nt, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. (Capital, > $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money to j? loaned on Real Estate on long time. Sft FUL 190 FUR nt - £8Fuller J M, bds 21 1 Patton ave S^Fullwood Emma, c t cook, 157 Church 9 Fulp Edna Miss, pupil H I School ,4 Fulmer Jno A, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near Frt Depot Fullmer Jacob, engnr, bds 84 Depot i^ullam A W, farmer, r 5 10 VV Haywood JC ' ul lam J S, Barker & Fullam, fruits and confectioners, So •3 Main, r 43 Pine jjaF ullam Annie, r 5 10 W ITa} r wood •^Fullam Jerrie, bds 510 W Haywood S3 ? ullam Fannie, r 510 W Haywood "fjjl^ullam Lelar, bds 510 W Haywood I CT. RAILS, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. as PCS- ■Fullam Geo W, lab, r 73 Depot HFullam Ellen Mrs, r 73 Depot ■SFulenweider H E Mrs, r Jj Bailey r'ulenweider H W, compiler of commercial and industrial wq works, office 28 Patton ave, r yy Bailey gFULENWEIDER H E, Fulenweider & Bro, HE&C, boots and shoes, 18 Patton ave, r JJ Bailey (See adv) ^Fulenweider C, & H E, bds jy Bailey fiFulenweider Callie, r, laundress, r 96 Chestnut 3 Fur Chas, wks Cotton Factory, bds 38 W Haywood Fur Rena, wks Cotton Factory, bds 38 W Haywood ^Furgerson Alice Miss, pupil H I School .&PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Maia Street, 85 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. • Onr SOI>4 WATER and other Fountain Drink? are conceded t4»e,_, best. The ouly place where whiter alone are served. p ~. RAYSOR & SMITH'S, || . 5-b FUR - 191 GAI *« ■ ■ ■ B m Furguson Lillie Miss, pupil H I School £2, Furman R B, elk, Williamson & Co, Patton ave, r 95 Pine |r^ Furman R R Mrs, r 95 Pine g» FURMAN RO. M, Furman & Vance, props and publish- cs ers Asheville Democrat, office N W Court Place, r 95 g"^ Pine £g Furman Ro M Mrs, r 95 Pine 3q FURMAN D W, Furman Printing Co, N Court fo Place, r 95 Pine g| Furman Carrie Miss, r 95 Pine " Furman Ro M Tr, r os Pine »i Furman Wm H, r 250 N Main gJ» 1 ' ml Co CWYN & west j |! S- IE. COTJBT _SQtJjA.-iaBS. m , # Fvle Jas, wks A shoe factory, bds French Broad and Patton ,, • aves ^ Fvle Ada Mrs bds French Broad and Patton aves O GABRIELS ROBERT, carp, bds 117 So French Broad g ave. y Gadick Woodfin, lab, r near Woodfin and Bridge jw Gadick Pollie, r near Woodfin and Bridge Gaines W H, c, Gaines & Washington, Billiard Hall, 41 So Q T\ IT * Main, r same Gaines T R, publisher " Tiie Lyceum," office 73 N Main, r^ same "^ PURITY, ) A-^&E OT3~^ SPECIALTIES. J romptneIs and j Jag, H. Loughran's ''Whits Kan's Bar,] Cor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs. J , o' . \1L«1«»« P«. A l!«« n A n |. Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux ' i Western Larol ma blank, ^r'-v"/-^^!'- Vic ^fi- l'J ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, Hg $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Uene- ,t: ral Banking Business Transacted. fl* _ GAI 192 GAR [>! Gaines Julia E Mrs, r 73 N Main H© Gaines L R, painter, bds 73 N Main ia{i Gaines Rowland, bds 73 N Main ** Gaither Rufus, Rev, c, r 22 Mulberry i^Gaither Sarah, c, r 22 Mulberry 2 Gaither Hattie, c, housemaid, 31 Penland JSj Gaither Alfred, c, waiter Grand Central, r 50 Pine Gaither Allie, c, r 50 Pine qX Gaitlier Horace, bds 31 Grove . Gaither Mary, bds 31 Grove rH Gaither Dock, c, lab, r near 263 Bailey W Gaither Martha, c, cook, r nr 263 Bailey 05 — _\W t m\ I ■■■ hi 1 _ m 41 Patton Ave. H M Thad.W.ThrashaCo.- Keeps everything In the Hounc rnishing' line, as well as a large |ij line of China, Ciiuus, Lamps, «i«. fr _ _____ ^ Gaither March, c, lab, r near 263 Bailey Gaither Noah, c, horseshoer, r Fernihurst £■4 Gaither Rose, c, cook, Glen Rock (■HI Gaither James, c, yardman Glen Rock Hotel ^ Gaither Lucy, c, cook, 70 Park ave bg Gambol Rufus, r, r near 263 Bailey GANO C M MISS, prop Gano House, Haywood and A? French Broad ave, r same +3 Garmon Caroline, c, r near Hill ft! Gannon Alfred, c, lab, r near Hill A* Garmon Loula, c, r near Hill U Garmon Bud, c, r near Hill "3 McK'NNOI & PETRIE, Mmi Mm > ® Soilth Mai " stfCet < • *° »'»"<>» ^V' • AsuevlUe. X.< ■ & 1 1 miii it 1 vN«nm»iii Spectaltles . Real prflBert7 aM conveyaacin^ tt __ : _ — . . — 9 Garland D H, painter, r 32 Buttrick 5* Gardner Maria, r. r 200 Patton ave © Gardner Alexander, c, lab, r 200 Patton ave — Gardnei Mary L, c, bds 200 Patton ave g^ Gardner Maggie, c, laundress, r Baptist Hill ^ Gardner Sarah, c, chambermaid, College and Valley Garron Charles, bds Cripple Creek Garron L. bds Cripple Creek Garron Lee, lab,, r Cripple Creek Garron Jane, bds Cripple Creek Garron Laura, bds Cripple Creek Garron Anna, bds Cripple Creek © )) Cor. So. Maiu& Eagle. £1 ©2 Jas, H. Louffhran's "White Man's Bar, D Down Stairs. ^ HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and price s charged accordingly %' qj' $50.000. Surplus. $20,000. ^ Correspondence solicited. Organized May, 188S; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- ' dent, J. K. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, State, County and City Depository. Your GAR 194 GIB <^jarron l)ol'ph,lub, bcls Cripple Creek pfjrarron Furman, bds Cripple Creek p&rarron Abner, carp, bds 69 Seney r-^arrell J L, bnlcher, bds 155 N Main abarren E A, bds 48 N Main barren LD, bds 48 N Main cGarrison Allie, housek.-epjr 163 Haywood t^jash Wm D, r Victoria I x / 2 mile south Main .JJraston Rose, c, housemaid 76 Haywood ^Gates — , wid J W, r 257 College "Spates E L. bds 420 S Main pupates Annie, bds 420 S Main CO J— I Taylor, Bonis & Brotliertan Used exclusively by Penn. R. R. — — o ASIIKVILLlv. X. C. No. 43 Patton Ave. aader Grand Opera House Steam Fitting, Gas Fitting, 7 " BOY .41. »• GAS iHArHIXK. Several now in Operation in this City. "Gaze John, mechanic, r 20 Buttrick jfcaze Nannie W, r 20 Buttrick Mpibbs R S, elk 5 5 S Main, r same Ajibbs Rufus, lab, bds 112 Roberts CJjJ^ibbs Robert, elk Bearden, Rankin & Co S Main, bds 59 N j- Main S^iibson Mary, cook 6 Spruce jjJGibson E J, carp, bds N Main ftjibson Lottie, c, chamber maid, r Phillip ribson John,*:, brakeman, r Phillip rIBSON D E, and A W Conway proprs Union Tea Co, 52 S Main. (See desc article) McKINNDN & PETRIE. Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main St. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. c» rrlLuLrliniUIlO lILLLu delivered tree to any part ol the t'lty. J Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. J GIG 195 GIL Gignilli t Mrs, removed to Macon, Ga Gilliam Robert, coachman 35 Spruce G> Gilliam Laura, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills m Gilliam Andy, painter, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills Np- Gilliam G W, bds Patton ave and Church • Gilliam Mollie, c, bds Patton ave and Church £d Gilland James, carp, r 136 Church S Gilland Mary, r 136 Church ^gj Gilland Fannie, r 136 Church ^ Gilliard A, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel 2 Gilliard J A, drug elk Pelham's, Patton ave, bds 5 Flint Gilbert Willie, bds 47 French Broad 8p © C.T. RAILS Real Estate and Fire Insurance,' J No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. C. sj = = Gilbert M R Mrs, r 47 French Broad Gilbert Cora L, bds 47 French Broad Gilbert S M, foreman Buncombe Shoe Factory N Main, r 47 v %. French Broad e-S" Gilkey E P, drug clerk, 272 Patton ave, r same g§ Gilreath C H, r Turner near Buttrick • 1 W Co Gilreath Mrs, r Turner near Buttrick So Gilreath Miss, bds Turner near Buttrick p^ Gilreath Willie, bds Turner near Buttrick ?=' Gilmer Emma, wks Cotton Factory » S Gillan Alex, carpenter, bds Southside ave, near Cripple Creek |"-? Gillespie J D, c, r 46 Madison gg" 3 a — . , u m The Neatest and most Quiet Place in Town to spend an hour or two at « O BILLIARD* or POOL, and at the same time "smile." is at "5^ JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," >-;."'" H ' (Down Stairs .; g" - Ul rt «i rt m Pnro'! rt n D«r,l/ Organized -Slav, 1SSS; Lewis Maddux. i Western larowia Uank, v****^;*.**** xu T ^. 3 ' dent, J. E, Kankin, Cashier, Capital, t» $50,000. Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room fcii and Teller's Window tor the exclusive use of the Ladies. t? . _^____„ *§ GIL 100 GOE Bt. . : . 5£ Gillespie W R, wks Union Tea Co, 52 So Main |° Girkins M J, r 437 No Main * Gird wood L A, Mrs, r 37 French Broad ave I GIRDW00D N W. proprietor Model Steam Laundry, r ^ 17 Patton ave, r T,y French Broad ave (See descrip- ^z tive article) o^ Glasco John, c, head waiter Battery Park, r 200 So Main -"g^ Glasco Mary, c, r 200 So Main i=g Glasscock Carrie Mrs, r 23 French Broad ave _ Glasscock Charles, bartender, r 23 French Broad ave II GLEN ROCK HOTEL, near Passenger Depot, A. G Hallybnrton, proprietor, (Telephone 76.) (See desc arte) CO CT3 CO 0=; War. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. »> Glenn , grocer, N Main, r 22 Bridge 5 Glenn Mrs, r 22 Bridge © • u Glenn E R. carpenter, r 15 Depot. W Glenn E L, Mrs, r 15 Depot *Q Glenn Maggie, bds 15 Depot « Glover A, c. waiter.Batterv Park I Gobler John, c, r Depot, near 421 Biiley 5/J Gobler Mary, r, r Depot, near 421 Bailey M Goertz Henry, r 122 Haywood M Goertz Sophie Mrs, r 122 Haywood *H Goertz Leuchen Miss, bds 122 Haywood ^1 Goertz Amelia Miss, bds 122 Haywood t McKINNON & PETRI E, Mefctot Tail °M 8 M ^ street, jg| CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PFRITT OF GOODS. $• t OLITENESS TO ( I'STOJIERS, nn* Goodwin Sandy, c, coachman, bds 109 Mountain 5< Goodman P M, mechanic, bds Roberts and Buxton |v* Broad ave P| — Grant H F Mrs, r 71 Liberty {JGrant M R Miss, r 71 Liberty O Grant R I, r Hillside and West W Grant R I Mrs, r Hillside and West «u Grant J Rogers, dairyman, r Charlotte Grant J Rogers Mrs, r Charlotte fl GRAHAM A S Dr, dentist 57 S Main, bis Neville House 46 S Main j* Graham R L, Asheville Shoe Co, R L Graham, pres; M D Long, vice pres ; John Y Jordan, sec and treas, r iS Bearden ave (rf Graham R L Mrs, r 18 Bearden ave \ PETEIB Merchant Tailors, 58 "cuth Main Street, > I CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IF you wish to Buy or Sell Keal instate Aj description, Rent your House, Insure your Li Property, make no mistake, you can do, so to best advantage with us. R JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C 1 u wish to -buy or "Sell Heal Estate oi any script-ion, Rent your House, Insure your Life or -ertv, make no mistake, you can do so to foe advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 8 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAMOnn O PMITUIP * tork of nnrGciaTS' si > dries t* th«0 nAioUn 1st olVlllH 5 mo^«ri W i»nd f Qm. jl f^^ Ay82U6 m pleta of any Uouiie in Aitlieville. •— -"-«"«™™- ^^— - ■■ GRA 201 ~~ GRE m Graham C E Mrs, r Park ave nr Haywood 53 GRAHAM CE,CE Graham Mnfg CO, M H Cone, g Balto, Md, Pt ; C E Graham, Sec and Treas, r Park m ave, near Haywood Grand Opera House, Patton Avenue, Jas P Sawyer, mngr f^ C- 1 Graded Schools, City, Prof P P Claxton, supt ; Orange Street, £jj white, E P Mangum, prin ; Academy, Street, white, g E B Lewis, prin ; Mountain Street, colored, Edward ^ Stevens, prin £ GRAND* CENTRAL HOTEL, Patton ave and Water, O S R Chedester & Son, props ™ Graham Jos, wks city paving, r near 176 Pine ^ © Gwyn & West, T^E^-Xi ESTATE, Z!l>T3-Cr:R,A2>TC:E- 3 Estobitaheu last. S. E. Court Square. |g Graham M B, bag agt R&D depot, r McDowell, near South £« Side ave Graham Ada Mrs, r McDowell, near South Side ave « Graham Reuben, bds McDowell, r near South Side ave ' a§- ^Greene Blanche Miss, r 2? Pine gs ■ J go Greene S C R, r Victoria, 1 14 mi Main South <<& Oo Green Nora Miss, r Western Hotel %"2 c.— Green Lucy, c, r Baptist Hill £2 Green Geo, r, waiter, A F College, r same jj= GREENWELL PROF. H J, Greenwell & Sites, proprs |ac Oaks Hotel, r same (See desc article) ^F Greenwell H J Mrs, r Oaks Hotel || 1 : . _ 3 a> a» » 6 TV,?™ ami .Jaj ft Uuflikf aV EaysorS Smith's. 3 2. 09 B Green Jas, c, coachman, 58 Haywood s»q Green J M, r Roberts and Buxton h| Green Laura Mrs, r Roberts and Buxton § = Green Nat, tel opr, bds Roberts and Buxton - W S Green Gay, wks Asheville Citizen, bds Roberts and Buxton jT„- Green Otis, bkkpr, bds Roberts and Buxton § s Green Walter, elk Glen Rock Hotel, r same g~- £3" GRIFFING C F, real estate and loans, also gen'l mngr B" Asheville Investment Co, office S E Ct Place. (See adv) Griffin Sallie, c, chambermaid, r 73 Depot HN Griffin Pink, c, wks Battery Park, r Ji Depot j£ All mall orders for China. Glassware, Lamps, Hoai« FnrnishlDfi, N4 Ac, are treated with care and promptness. Send them to u* «| when you can't come yourself. Respectfully. \J THE CRYSTAL P^Cl. ^ ft fl^fe | ^ fl fr^ ^ ^ Griffin William, bds 516 Haywood Q Griffin Pink, <:, waiter Battery Park Q Grimes William, c, drayman, r 64 Mountain W Grimes Louisa, r, laundress, r 64 Mountain Griggs Mamie Miss, pupil H 1 School (X Griggs William M, r Grove a Griggs Laura T, r - — Grove a Griggs Rachael A, r Grove • Griggs James, carp, r 309 College Griggs James Mrs, r 309 College "-* Gross Marks Father, bds 159 Patton ave &. Groves David, wks Cotton Factory, bds near 32 Haywood * c * . "t^ The Neatest and Most Quiet place In Town to spend an hour or m-m two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at ^» Cor. South Main & Eagle. __ Jas, H. Loughran's "Khite'Man's Bar, (Down Stairs.) Organize*! May, 1888; Lewis. Maddux, President, L. P. McLond. Vice-Presi- ' dent, .T. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, |3 $"'0,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Intel- 's g .est paid o n deposits of four months or longer in Saving s D epartment. Sj GRO 204 GUT §5 Grogan Alexander, lab, bds 167 Hill |« Gudger FT, Martin Gudger & Carter, attys, office Legal Bldg, a £ r College near Oak g-p Gudger H Mrs, r College near Oak 3-g Gudger Walter, Police Force, bds Ruck Tavern f* Gudger J M, attorney, office Patton ave and Main.r 20 Bear- 's ^ » den ave K . Gudger Sallie Mrs-, r 20 Bearden ave *-* Gudger Eugene, bds 20 Bearden ave £5 Gudger Frances Miss, bds 20 Bearden ave ^Gudger H L, Brown Gudger & Co, d\y goods and notions, 35 £n Patton ave, r Academy I ■ ; — ~ — ; — r* Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of °i 'WmUmm. fli fl .. * L «» « » DEEDS, and Notary Public, < WUlffl Se P|4|J3in, y " SO Patton Avenno. AHheyUle. X. C ^ " ' " " specialties: Real Property and Conveyancing. O Gudger Alice Mrs, r Academy Gudger Maria, c, cook, 39 Haywood * Gudger Thomas, brickmason, bds 1 17 So French Broad S Guest James, blacksmith, bds 167 Hill •^ Guest William, night watchman Marx Factory, r 167 Hill — - Guest Cathrine, r 167 Hill K- Gu,est W M, lab, bds 167 Hill ^ Guest Lucinaa, r 167 Hill H» Guischard G L, foreman Ballard, Rich & Bovce, bds French .<( Broad ave 3EGunn Sallie Miss, bds 117 Chestnut f£ Guthrie Becca Jane Miss, pupil H I School -+-> - — — ' » McKENNQN & PETRIE Mlmi Mm ' s Soiltl1 )lain Stet ' Hagins Hattie E, r 300 Grove . O Hagins Jack", lab, r near Ice Factory Hagins Sarah, r near Ice Factory Haigler James, carp, bds Depot near Patton ave ^ Hall Lee, c, coachman; r 15 So Water No Free Lunches served, or any kind of Wild Animals on exhibiton to attract the attention of the lower trade. Jas, H, LougWs "White Man's Bar," |» But First-Class Goods onl, at Cor - Soil tn Maln ani Ea 2 le ( B5 * E stlir »-> £. f Western Carolina Bank, ^^^vSS^J^i^a: Jj ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, j* $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money £,£ loaned on Real Estate on long time. • K, = . — _ *| HAL 206 HAM at jS^Hall, Oliver, c, lab, r near Phillip •^HTall Felix, c, house boy, 42 Haywood ® Hall , lab, r Baird near Charlotte J Hall Mrs, r Baird near Charlotte * Hall A B, elk, r East near N Main C ^iall A B Mrs, r East near N Main "^JHall Pink, carp, r near 357 N Main : =jHall Sarah A, r near 357 No Main J==sHally burton Fannie Mrs, bds 181 Patton ave ^rlallyburton Minnie Miss, r Glen Rock Hotel grlallyburton A G Mrs, r Glen Hock Hotel HHallyburton W E, 313/ So Main i C. T. RAILS as Real Estate and Fire Insurance, J No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ■HALLYBURTON A G, proprietor Glen Rock Hotel. 2 near passenger depot, r same (Telephone 76) See •a descriptive article Hamlin Levi, elk N Main, r East near Seney \pHamlin Ida, r East near Seney -aHamlin elk Ray & Davenport, N Main, bds 59 N Main q Hamilton Clara Miss, 211 Riverside Park S Hamilton Julia, c, laundress, r near Academy Hamilton Fate, c, blacksmith, r near Academy 3 Hamilton Joseph Rev, c, r 9 Valley '♦'Hamilton Fannie, c, rg Valley "Hamilton, Charles, wks A fur factory, bds 266 Patton ave , & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, a Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Our soil V WATER and other Fountain I>rlnk» are conceded ttte^ best. The only place where whites nlono are served. gP RAYSOR & SMITH'S, || 31 Fatton Aveuue.?n »g. " HAM 207 HAM ?~ ■ ■ 3 • Hamilton Mrs, wid S P M, bds 87 Bailey £2, Hamilton Blanch Miss, bds 87 Bailey $$ Hamilton Annie, c, r 2&y So Main g$ HAMILTON T P, T P Hamilton & Co, Groceries, 22 Si Patton ave, bds 9 Flint (See descriptive article) g*^ Hamilton T P Mrs, bds 9 Flint ^g Hamilton James, £, r 287 Main |Q Hamright Silvia, <:, cook, Bartlett and Adams 3 g Hamright Peter, r, butler, bds Bartlett and Adams %< Hampton Winnie Miss, bds 42 Haywood " Hampton John E Jr, bds 42 Haywood <»£ Hampton Ralph B, bds 42 Havwood ~F 2» CWYN & WEST, & Hampton George W, carp, bds 140 Bailey HS Hampton T C. cab mkr, bds 2 Blanton tog Hampton Sallie M,"bds 2 Blanton * Hampton Tim, c, r Depot HpHammett Mary, r nr Cotton Factory pjHammett A B, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same l^jHamniett Charles, wks Ice Factory, bds 120 Roberts Hammett Clancy, wks Ash'e Far Factory, bds 120 Roberts oagHammett John, mechanic, r 120 Roberts .Hammett M S Mrs, r 12c Roberts ^Hamlet Mrs, r 234 Patton ave WHammerslilag S Mrs, r q6 Spruce 00 g The Crystal Palace & Is now the lending place in Asheville to buy "rockery. Glassware, Lamps, Rogers Cutlery, ouse Furnishings, Tinware, Stoves, Ac., at icHrt that will astonish von. store very neat. tUAl). W. 1 IS HASH A CO., 41 Patton Ave.., Under-Grand Opera House- ^JHAMMERSHLAG S, Hammershlag & Whitlock proprs Marble Hall 32 S Main, r 56 Spruce £s| Hammershlag Hannah Miss, r 56 Spruce ^HHammershlag Rachel Miss, r 56 Spruce ^Hammershlag L, r 56 Spruce JgHamrick Plaiau, house boy, r 199 Chestnut Hamrick Frank, wks Daily Citizen N Court Place, bds 2 Q East ^aHanie S B Mrs, bds 42 Haywood wHann Eliza, laundress, r 46 Madison g*Hannei" D A, wks Cotton Factory, bds 36 W Haywood p^Hare S A Mrs, wid F, r 216 College a McKINNON & PETRIE hnM Tailors ' 58 Soiltl1 }lai " street > n£ Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. w r E offer tor sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w : E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. You will neve regret becoming- » customer at : Raystr I kill's Drag Store, 31 Path kM Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. p-"° . : | 1 HAR 209 HAR &§ . go. Hare Emma Miss, r 216 College » B HARE J R, Hare Bros, grocers 17 S Main, r 216 gf College p. Hare T C, Hare Brothers, Grocers 17 S Main, r 216 College, ge (See desc article) ■*"* Hare Patrick E, Hare Brothers, T C, J R and P E 17 S Main, |3 r 216 College -!§. Harilson William, wks R and D Ry Co, bds 78 Park ave p| Harrellson Thomas, freight conductor R and D Ry Co, bds p g Depot nr frght depot ^S Harvey Albert, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 120 Roberts £-• Harper Elizabeth, r 69 Logan £? Walter S. Cushman.^ Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of ), DEEDS, and Votary Public, SO Patton Avenue, Asheville, S. V. DEEDS, and Notary Public, 7* w. v. <, '' " Specialties : Real Property and Conveyancuig. Harb Harb Harb Harb Harb Harb Hard Hard n William L, tel opr, bds 57 Cherry O n Ella K Mrs, bds 57 Cherry § Harper James, carp, r 69 Logan ^ Hardi Hardi Harry George, c, plasterer, r 186 Pine j^, n T L, carp, r64 Pearson ave £"5 n S S, r near Ice Factory ® n J D, lab, r 14 Philip § n Katie, r 14 Philip ^© * go n Henry, r 14 Philip 25 n James, bds [4 Philip &e ng Sallie Miss, r 93 Bailey «| ng Emmie Miss, r 93 Bailey ™ Jas. H, Louffhran's "White Man's h, O Down simii'm. & HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly ^ I) Cor. So. Main & Eagle.!? =-= \ILJ rt ,„ P«.«l!«« D«J, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, ^ Western Carolina Bank, ^f^\\ l \^ ic ^- Vice r Pre8i •^ ' dent, J. B. Rankin. Cashier. Capital, ,22~$50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your •1=3 Correspondence solicited. 03, , 3 HAR 210 HAR QjHarding Nannie E Mrs, r 93 Biiley [arding Milton, architect, r 93 Bailey Hareld M ittie, bds Bailey, near Cripple Creek iHareld Karo, bds Bailey, near Cripple Creek Hareld Jno, carp, bds Bailey near Cripple Creek SH; ■Hartweil Jas, c, waiter Glen Rock oHardy Anna E, bds 429 So Main ^Hlardy Janette, c, chambermaid, 31 Grove ,£jHardy Carrie, c, housemaid, 31 Haywood •^Ilardy Bell, c, cook, 31 H lywood £Ji~ays Mrs, widow Ridley, r 272 Patton ave pjHarrison Martha Miss, pupil H I School *+ IDjlOF, ijOUlS (X DrOIllBrlflll, No. 43 Patton! Ave. under Grand Opera Hou se. •3 SANITARY PLUMBING, ROOFING, Stcam-Hot Wat« * N0 Hot Am HUat.hq. 5J? ^C- ft *•* fiTTimw - — nOUS|-pURNI8MmO GoOUS. *»* -^vano ri 1 1 inu- —HEATING AND COOKINO STOVES.— ■Harkins Wesley, carp, r 9 Blanton "Harkins Nancy L, r 9 Blanton ■JkHarkins Flora V, bds 9 Blanton ^Harkins Jno W M, bds 9 Blanton CyHarkins H S, bds 9 Blanton JIartlow Mary, bds 159 Patton ave ^Hartshorn Chas H, Lumber Dealer, Gano House, HayMood tt and French Broad ave HHartshorn Chas H Mrs, r Gano House, Haywood and French Broad ave 53Hargan Dr T J, (Specialist,) office 29 Patton ave, 2d floor, r ^ Pearson ave, end Academy £ McKINNON & PETRIE, Mercian Tailors, 58 Sooth Main St. fc Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. PRRPRIPTIfllirc Fll I Ffl 1> " y °* Sieht by «* m P«*««« A|»othec»rl«#i| delivered tree to any part of the City. Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. HAR 211 HAR Hargan Mrs T J, r Pearson ave end Academy Hargan Stella E Miss, r Pearson ave end Academy Hargan Guy C, r Pearson ave end Academy 09 Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Hair s David, bds 94 Cherry ^ s Theo, mfgr, r 142 Hill • s Florence Mrs, r 142 Hill £ti s Rufus, c, driver, bds 10 Irvin u s Fannie, c, cook, 30 Orange ^j s J C, wks cotton mills, r near same O s R T J, r near cotton mills s Annie, wks Cotton Factory, r near same s Mira, r near Cotton Factory © C.T. RAILS Real Estate and F ire Insurance,- J No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville. N. C. |~ H Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr s S A Mrs, bds French Broad and Patton ave <® s Mary, house girl, bds 307 Bailey ' > s Nancy, c, r 261 Bailey p & s Kate, c, cook, 5 Jefferson Drive ■ s J C Mrs, r 9 Pine s J C, travelling salesman Cinti, r 19 Pine s J H, clerk G A Mears, r 33 S Main ngton J B Mrs, r 50 Liberty ngton Geo W, C E Corps, r 50 Liberty ngton Hattie B Miss, r 50 Liberty ngton J B, merchant, East Court, r 50 Liberty 9 - re a Per ai5 Hartley Bill, c, cook, 21 Mulberry CD yi "> 5 o O 3 a> The Keatest and most Quiet. Place in Town to spend au hour or two at 5*0 ssx BILLIARDS or POOL, and at the same time " smile." is at JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," W »| / (Down Stair*.,) 7 '-* \M nn | n .n P«»nl!«« DaJ, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux. t Western larona Bank, j.-^ **.«£»«. vj*** J 'dent. J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, * $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room £K and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. *•; *a HAR 212 HAT K Hart Wm, r 6 Valley | Hart Rosa A, r 6 Valley n Hart J L Mrs, r 120 Charlotte £ Hart J L, tobacconist, r 120 Charlotte cj Hasty Alice, wks Cotton Factory, r near same P^; Hasty Hugh, wks Cotton Factory, r near same <_THaskeIl S H Mrs, r Hill and Gudger •g Haskell H S, wks Soda Water Factory 217 Haywood, r Hill "§§ and Gudger ^^Jiasty Julia, wks Cotton Mills, r nr same J3 Hasty Jno, wks Cotton Mills, r nr same CO °| Hasty Susan P, r nr Cotton Factory PS LIN RAILWAY COMPANY . Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas, W. B. GLwyn, President. "-Hasty S H, r nr Cotton Factory Jj Ha'sty J M, elk Mimnaugh's 11 Patton Ave, r same Mi Hastings Maria, c, cook, Penland Haskins Annie Miss, pupil A F College 8y Hatch L H, contractor, bds 64 S Main rt Hatch Susan E, teacher, r 98 Bailey q Hatch Emily E, r 98 Bailey ft Hatch Emily Julia, librarian, bds 98 Bailey fl Hatch L M, collector, r 98 Bailey 2j Hatch W N, r 86 Bridge ■H Hatch VV N Mrs, r 86 Bridge < - 4 McKINNON & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 5B South Main Street, S CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. p 1TRITV OF OOODK. -. . i-OMTKSESSTO (IISTOJIFRS, and ©g, IKMI P TX ESN WITH ORDERS AX I> PRESCRIPTIOXS § 2. Co RAYSOPl <*? SMITH, 31 Fatton A ve. »» HAU 213 HAY " || Haughton \V G, agent So Ex Co, office North Court Place, s=^ bds Graii;! Central ^S- Havener R H, carp, r 94 Cherry g|' Havener J M, carp, r 37 Seney - M 2 Havener J M Mrs, r U Seney j?°- Hawk F, elk Music House, Patton Ave, bds College and 8^ Spruce o5. Hawkins M C, r 53 Atkinson ~ Hawkins Jno, conductor, Motor Car Line, r 3 1 5 Haywood Hawkins J L, train despatcher R & D, r Oakland Ave, nr Glen Rock pCj Hawkins Addie, c, laundress, r Biiley nr Cripple Creek - -. ... — — — # Everybody trades wfth n* becanse we have the largest and bestpj line of Crockery. Glassware* House Furnishings, Tinware, mu °" Av * nn d HOI & IETI Merchaat Tailors * South JS CLEANING AND BEPAIRING PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. w Main Street, RAYSOR & SMITH'S The Most Complete Stock of §§ ' Pure Drugs. Bare; Chemicals and Patent Medicines, £1 — — ^— — — — — ^— — — m « a * 31 Fattoaa. .A.-veaa.\xe. g. c t" 1 w «£, HEM 215 HEN Hemphill Ester, r, house maid, 261 Chestnut Hemphill Robt, c, coachman, r 127 Valley Hemphill Cecelia, c, sick nurse, r 127 Valley- Hemphill Emma, hds Cripple Creek ?** Hemphill Rufus, c, railroader, r 47 Pine eg Hemphill Alice, c. r 47 Pine S" ; ; ; Henderson, J D, carp, r 285 College H Henderson J D Mrs, r 2S5 College Q Hess L VV, painter, bds Valley Ifl Hess Walter S, ptr, bds Valley Hess Jos, ptr. bds 73 North Main , Heston Sarah Miss, bds 56 Bailey g Heston Mary W Mrs, r 56 Bailey O Heston Win R, elk, hds 56 Bailey gHESTON J M, r 53 Bailey, fruits and confectionery , ■H 36 South Main (See desc art) A Heston Mamie Mrs, bds 50 Bailey -a| Heston Allie, postal elk, bds 50 Bailey * McKINNON Ii PETEIE Me rchant Tailors, 53 Seuth Main Street", g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. « \\J& are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated *' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. II7-E are State Agents lot 3S 1 . G. Inland & Co. 's celebrated *' Fire and Burglar- Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can Insure you against accident or deatli in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAVOflD rii|Tij)o ! * ,ook of l>Rrr " f;,STS ' sr>I>FIF - !% u ,h i tiAioUn & oNII rt o moM v«ri«*t «nd «»•.. 3] patton Ay6Dnei plel* of ad) house in A»u«>ville. —————J HES 217 HIL CO m Heston Allie Mrs, r 50 Bailey Hicks H T, elk, Carmichael's, 20 South Main, r same Higgins Claude, machinist, bds Hill, near Buttrick Higgins Neal, ptr, bds Hill, near Buttrick Highsmith Mittie Miss, pupil H I School High Louisa, c, laundress, r 109 Mountain £CJ Higgins, wid T M, r Hill, near Buttrick £2 Hillbanks — , fruitman, r 136 Valley ^ Hiller Amelia, r Hill, near Buttrick ^ Hilderbrand E S Mrs, .vid G A, r 9 Pine O Hilliard Margaret Mrs, r 105 South Main Milliard Howard, bds 105 South Main 9p Gwyn & West, IR-E-A-Xj estate, O 13^-STJI^-A-iTCEt Established 1881. S. E. Court Square. j» Hilliard W L Jr, bkkpr Nat Bank of Asheville, bds 105 South « « Main ? > Milliard W L Dr, physician, dud Oct it. iSqo . a Hilliard Dr Chas, physician, office over 1st Natl Bank, se o-l Court Place, 1-41 Patton ave gs. Hilliard Dr W D, physician and surgeon, office over 1st Natl^S- Bank, r 57 Spruce, (Tel 52) || Hilliard Love Miss, r 105 South Main £§ Hilliard W D Mrs, r 56 Spruce j*|" Hill C P, tel opr, r 33 Academy 5" a Hill Mary L Mrs, r 33 Academy J? Hill Lizzie, c, laundress, r bet Engle and Valley g % . ' ' ' * _ 3 (t> " ; ' — ■ " » a> ^3S~« fa- B. Iflgtoai'i "White Man's kjf Ruve been recommended by the leading physicians of the State for medicln8l£ purpose*. Cor. South Muiu aud Eagle, Down Stairs. & " ill ' I n 1 1 n I Organized" Mav, 188S;' Lewis M add n*. i Wfi^ifirn Lamina HanK. Presideut - L - p - MtLoud - ^wi«- ^ ncMCiii uaiuiina uaiiN, dent x E RttnkiDi Cashiei , capital, J §50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. ' HIL 218 HIN. if — W=H i H H tin gH *H 11 Ed, c, lab, r near ice factory 11 M W, wks cotton factory, r near same II M E, r near cotton mills 11 W L, carp, bds 72 Depot 11 R M, lab, r 64 Pearson ave 11 J R, r 240 Bailey 11 Johanna, r 240 Bailey 11 Mat, bds 240 Bailey 11 Mary, c, cook, r Church bet Bailey and S Main 11 Ed, c, carp, r Church bet Bailey and S Main 11 Joseph, c, lab, r 261 Bailey 11 Lizzie, r 261 Bailey 05 , Real Estate and Fire Insurance, SILT. V No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w £4 HILL W M, restaurant College and N Main, r same ^ Hill Gussie Miss, r 94 Hillside # Hill R R, real estate, olfice College, r 94 Hillside HHill J J Mrs, r 94 Hillside HHill Virgie Miss, r 94 Hillside ^(J Hill J J, gen mngr N C B and L Association, main office 525 Charlotte, N C, r 94 Hillside Hinton Sam, c, night porter Glen Rock rtjHinton Cracy, c, cook 29 Woodfin "4*Hindman E K, bds 420 S Main gHINES E F, harness and saddlery N Main; also wag- fl5 ons,and agr'l implements rear Grand Central, r 53 Bridge d K v Merchant Tailors, 58 ^outh Main Street . " Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. Tlic 3I«x*t Complete SIOf!t of ■* tk J I I Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines US. §2. 31 Patton Ave. « 3 o £ HIN 219 HOL 1 1 Hines E F Mrs, r 53 Bridge » Hines Eugene, c, coachman 169 Chestnut h| Hines Eugene, <:, coachman, r Hill nr terminus Patton ave Hines Addie. c, cook, r Hill nr terminus Patton ave "S Hines Charles, c, coachman, r Hill nr terminus Patton ave Hitt B H, carp, bds 47 Bailey Hobson Thomas, c, drayman, r 117 S French Broad Hobson Josephine, c, r 117 S French Broad 5' Hocking Ellen, bds 83 Bailey Hockney George L, bkkpr Cole's Foundry, bds 8 Buttrick Hodge Lula Miss, pupil H I School PS Hodge R C, elk Grand Central, r same £J All maO <*r«ier» for China. Glassware, Lamp*. Home Fnrnishingi.kd Ac, are treated with care and promptness. Send them to tts^j^ when yon can't come yourself. Respectfully. THE . CRYSTAL PAIACE. fl^ ff ^ fr ^ fl ^ j^ Hodge Sallie, c, cook 19 Academy ft Hoey Flora, c, r Hill and Buttrick Q Hoey Agnes, c, r Hill and Buttrick M Hoey Fannie, c, house maid 174 Haywood Hoey Callie, c, cook 48 Grove (X Hoey Mittie, c, nurse, bds Hill and Buttrick a Holderby Mrs, modiste, r 60 Charlotte q Holderby J C, tobacconist, r 60 Charlotte • Holmes D, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel Holmes Mary, c, housemaid 24 Grove — ™ Holmes K I, tobacco mnfr Church, r 66 Baird gL Holmes E 1 Mrs, r 66 Baird *" . _ j . -t* The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an honr or^| two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time Smile." is at c=> |) Cor. South Main Hollaman — , elk surveyor's office R and D Ry, bds 452 S || Depot iroHollingsworth R T, blksmith, r 52 Clayton § Hollingsworth R F Mrs, r 52 Clayton •Hoi lings worth G C, tel opr, bds 52 Clayton ^Hollingsworth C vV, tel messenger, bds 52 Clayton feEHollingsvvorth J B, elk Jos E Dickerson & Co, S E Ct PI, o> bds 52 Clayton rzjHollanger E J, r Victoria, i 1 /^ miles so Main Attorney at Law,' COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, Jjj No. SO Pattou Avenne. Awheville. X. <'. specialties : Real Property and ConTeyanciiic. <«, . . SHollinger Sadie, r Victoria, 1 *^ miles so Main j^HolIificld, carp, r 1 12 Charlotte Hollifield Mrs, r U2Charlotte oii« [olland Ada May Miss, pupil H I School ^Holland Mattie Miss, modiste, near 1 10 Cherry ^Holland Mrs, wid, 32 Chestnut H"Holcomb J H, grocery elk, r 47 West J-Jolcomb J H Mrs, r 47 West l"Holcomb L C Mrs, r Haywood ^Holcomb, J T. shoemkr, r Haywood Holcomb W H, carp, r near Ice Factory oHolcomb S E, r near Ice Factory «r & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, g Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. BJkYSOR & SMITH'S Stock Of MlU'tt«ISTf*♦ SVNDRIKS is tho oc mctTariedandcom. Jj p^gr, Jyg^y^ || pie te of any houie In Aahevllle. —————— y.^. "* HOlT 221 HOR |! fco Holcomb L F, drayman, r near Ice Factory Holcomb Mattie, r near Ice Factorv So rp o Holcomb William, wks Asheville Fur Factory, r near Ice -™| Factory ?2 Holcomb A J, bricknvtson, r near Ice factory ^g Holcomb M A, r near Ice Factory go? Hole rub Thad, carp, r rear 348 Haywood c = P Pi Holcomb Josie, r rear 348 Haywood ■^-™ Holcomb N M, lab, r near Cotton Factory q2. Holcomb Florence, r near Cotton Factory §£ HOME INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, Victora, V/2 mileff south Main, Rev L M Pease, supt %% Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, 45 P iSSMi 'S3C.A.O.XS -O^tXiX-VarK: House. 3JBM-mo||!M pue pooM spoog OmqsjUjnj-asnoH jo aun linj 3 (K Opera <& ' Holcomb Calvin, carp, r 10 Silver 3,^ Holcomb Keturh, r 10 Silver H ^ Hood Wm Mrs, bds Glen Rock Hotel r 1 Hood Nannie, c. nurse. Glen Rock Hotel £d Hooper Beauregard, wks Asheville Furniture Factory, r nr £j same ^j Hooper Julia, r nr Asheville Furniture Factory £j Hooper Mahaiey, laundress, r 29 Hill 2 Home VV M, carp, r 307 Bailey Home Mission Industrial School, c, 249 College Hornn Callie Miss, dressmaker, r Grand Central Hotel q Horton Hattie, c, r 58 Poplar a^TfeTK&S Jas. H, Longba's "Whits Man's Bar," | on exbibiton to attract the ■" ■"■"- " >^* attention of the lower trade. «„„ c*.,*v m,;, »j r«„u ,« « » , 1 But FlfSt'Class Goods only at Cor ' »Wtn Man ftBl Eajie (S:wa Stain.) ? I Western Carolina Bank, gs .* *•/< AAA #-, » rt>nA AAA Ox_A_ i"t_. Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, "'resident, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, £ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. 8tate, County and City Depository. Money *£ loaned on Real Estate on long time. II HOR 222 ~HOW P g •fc Horton Lou, carp, bds 309 College j? Hose House, tel 103. 9 Hostre Thos, c, coachman, 5 Jeff Drive I Houston Jas L, drug elk Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave, r same ^ Houston Sallie, c, r nr Phillip !aR Houston Pete, c, lab, r nr Phillip ==3 Houston Mary, r, laundress, r bet Poplar and Hilderbrand Q3 House Geo, c, stonecutter, r 120 Academy ^ House Mary Jane, c, r 120 Academy g2 House Martha, .", cook, 47 Woodfin •^3 Houghtling W D, bds, Cosmopolitan Club IC.T.1MS PC Real Estate and Fire Insurance, ' No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville. N. C. Hough J C, wks Graham's Factory, bds 353 Haywood £ Hough Sue Mrs, r 353 Haywood © Hough W J, merchant, r 353 Haywood w* Houge Columbus, c, lab, r S French Broad fltf Howie T A, clerk, bds 353 Haywood Howard Leanna, c, cook, 46 Bridge J Howard Robert, c, hostler, r 105 Beaumont Q • Howard Matilda, c, laundress, r 105 Beaumont fj Howard Jennie, c, laundress, r 46 Pine ■Jj Howard Nancy, wks Cotton Factor)', bds 35 West Haywood 53 HOWARD H M, Burnett & Howard, Blacksmiths $A and woodworkers, College, r Valley (See desc arte) £ McKINNON & PETBIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, tj Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Oar NODi WATER fturt Other Fountain Prinks arc conceded the ^ best. The only place where whites Hlonc are served. ?: RAYSOR & SMITH'S, || 31 Fatton -A. -coax**©. Ss HOW 223 HUF 3.5 Howard H M Mrs, r Valley near College Howell Lucy, c, r 27 Valley p? " 0. 55 Howell Noah, c, r 27 Valley gf Howard Sim, r, janitor Asheville Club, r 265 College og Howell Sallie, c, r 265 College Howell Emma, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Howell Minnie, wks Cotton Mills, r near same |CJ Howell T W, r near Cotton Factory %Q Howell S S, r near Cotton Factory %< Howell Abbie, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Howell Hy, wks A fur factory, bds near Cotton Factory Howell Charles A, r Bailey near Cripple Creek 02 Thi Sunt HonUta Uai Co. CWYN ^ w i s JL, ., 8 e.coi:rtsqtjaee. - 71 c ».2 Howell Benj, r Bailey near Cripple Creek .. Howell Alice, r Bailey near Cripple Creek ZZ Howell J O Mrs.r [36 Broad • © HOWELL J 0, manager Asheville Dry Goods Co, ^ 31 N Main, r 136 Broad (See descriptive article) X Howell Frank, carpenter, r 36 Short . ^ Howell Frank Mrs, r 36 Short gp Hudson Berry, coachman, bds 19 Academy Hudson Bcttie, c, r 82 Valley O Hudson Hv, c, grocery man, r 82 Vallev Huff=tickler S M, r near Cotton Factory *» Huffstickler Julia, r near Cotton Factory * = *" PURITY, ) -&J&E! Ot^-E^ [SgESIALTIES. g^ romptnI1s and j Jas. B. Loughran's "White Kan's 8ar,"~ Cor South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs-] S O' UJ««i«.* P«.«l!JI« Ik J, Organized May, J888; Lewis Maddux- ,i Western Larol na Hank, f r T d rv\ p u McL r ud h. Vic r Pr f i* L« ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital. A g $50,000, Surplus. $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- . t. ral Banking Business Transai-ted. *0- i A* ; PS Huffstickler A, wks Cotton Mills, r near same Hg Huffstickler Jas, wks Cotton Factory, r near same W= Huffstickler John, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Hughes Jennie Miss, bds y6 Haywood Hughes John Mrs, bds j6 Haywood £25 Hughes Ro, r near Ice Factory Q Hughes Nancy, r near Ice Factory CO HUF 221 HUM g The Crystal Palace Is now the leading place in Asheville to buy Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Rogers Cutlery, House Furnishings, Tinware, Stoves, Ac., at prices that will astonish you. Store very neat. 1 HAI>. W. THRASH A €©.. 41 Patton Ave, Under. Grand Opera Hotm " Hughes Alice, r near Ice Factory ^ Huges Ro, Jr, r near Ice Factory •^ Hughes Mrs, cook, 60 Depot r^ Hughes — , asst supt Electric Light Co, r 48 Clayton Hughes Mrs, r 48 Clayton y£ Hullett Norah, r Victoria, 1% mi South Main " Hullett M L, r Victoria • Hullett E A, r Victoria 2 Hull Fredk, tobacco mnfr, r 105 South Main rS Hull Fredk Mrs, r 105 South Main «*■> Humphrey Johnson, c, barber, r 58 Mulberry Humphrey Clem, c, r 58 Mulberry ** m W •3 McKINNON & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, rg Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TTfE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, X. C. \\Jti <"iu Sail your Real Kstatr at a higher price, VV (ran purchase foT you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and iu McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Yon will never regret becoming a customer nt Rayssr I Smith's kg Store, 31 Pa,ttsn k o o eg a 71 oo P B Your trade appreciated: ' Your interest studied. HUM 225 HUN Hume — , c, engnr, r 42 Patton ave Hunnicut Geo, r 184 South Main g'E Hunnicut Laura, r 184 South Main Hunter — . tailor, McKinnon's, South Main, bds 24 Depot Hunter Bell, c, cook, 500 South Depot Hunter Alice Miss, pupil H I School Hunter Minnie Lu Miss, pupil H I School Hunter Thomas F, No. 4 Police Force, r 50 Academy Hunter Eva Mrs, r 50 Academy- Hunter Adline, r, laundress, r Academy »§ Hunter Mose, t, carp, r Academy gg- Hunter Horace, miner, r 25 Mulberry S-S 1 J J _ m »><< ■II li ft M I Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of ^ lA/flliaaV PllMHtMaH DEEDS, and Notary Public, * W ttlLGr U Ull lfliD, ^ 0, 8 ° PattOM Avenn<, < Attheville, n.ii. h^ mmiiii -i wNiuuimi; specialties ; Real Property and conveyancing. td . — — J '— . 1_ . - S Hunter Clarasy, c, r 25 Mulberry :5» Hunt T E, bds 33 Buttrick O Hunt America, <:, laundress, r 7 Sorrels ~ Hunt Perry, c, lab, r 7 Sorrels gp Hunt L V Miss, r S3 Buttrick ^ Hunt H H, painter, bds 33 Buttrick & Hunt R M Miss, r 33 Buttrick g Hunt Pearl Miss, bds 33 Buttrick -« Hunt II D, carp, r 33 Buttrick 55 Hunt E A Mrs, r ^ Buttiick ^ Hunt L V Miss, r 33 Buttrick || Hunt H H Miss, r 33 Buttrick P 3 k H, Loughran's "White Man's Bar, HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly % I! Cor. So. Main & Eagle. I, Down Stair*. >** « U/««ta,« P«,J!«a Dnnl* Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - WfiSlfirn L3r0 Da HanK. President, L. P. .McLoud, Vice-Preai- ae; HUOIOIII UQIUIIIIU IfUIIIVf denfc j » E Rankin, Cashier. Capital, as " $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your •"jS Correspondence solicited. ■ 55 3 HUN 226 HUN Q Hunt James C, latherer, r 318 Patton ave «5 Hunt Mira E Mrs, 1-318 Patton ave r"j3 Hunt Kittie Miss, bds Gano House, Haywood and French ,^4 Broad 2 Hunt Mollie Miss, bds Gano House, Haywood and French W Broad o Hunt Zietter, c, r 283 Depot Hunt Frederick, bds Gano House, Haywood and French . Broad ave Hunt William, bds Gain House, Hay woo J an J French •3 Broad ave j-j Hunt. Jasper, c, lab, 263 Bailey Oa mntrliMi Timlin T«— _ notise-rgRNisHiNO Goods. •U«S rl I I INU" • _ MEATIN No. 5 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. C. |> Ingle Lorina L Mrs, r 01 Havwood Ingram Will, engineer, bds 452 S Depot ' > Ingram Sallie, c, r 263 B.iiley p g- c o Ingram James M, c, r 263 Bailey & g Ingram Mary, c, cook, r 263 Bailev b| Inszram Hattie, c, r 26; Bailey ^ ^ 02, Inloes W H, real estate, r 99 Chestnut So Inloes W H Mrs, r 99 Chestnut £§ Irby J L, lab, r nr Cotton Factory ? = Irby Loula, r nr Cotton Factory £"S' Iredell Marv Mrs, r .College near Asheville Female ?-*• College gg" ; ' 3 M - r . ex' Tbe Neatest and most Quiet Place In Town to spend an hour or two at » O BILLIARDS or POOL, and at the same time " smile," is at "5^ JAS.H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," ^SE 1 * lll AA l M . n P*.J:*« D«J, Organized Mav ; 1838; Lewis Maddu*, - WBStern Lsro ins odnki *****«*. l - p - M ^o U d, vie**** j. huoiuiii uuiuiiuu uuimj dent j K R ankin) Cashier. Capital, > $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room **, and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. it . : : , Zv IRW 228 ISA CJ5 •*• Irwin Ella, c, chamber maid Gano House, Haywood and *° French Broad ave » Irwine Win, c, plasterer, r 22 Mulberry m « Irwine Hellen, c, laundress, r 22 Mulberry Irwine Louisa, c, laundress, r 15 Hilterbrand Irwine Theo, c. r I c Hilterbrand a ^- Irvin Dolph, c, bricklayer, r 10 Irvin -gS I rvin Matilda, c, r 10 Irvin •eg Irvin Benjamin, r, liveryman, bds 35 Hill ^ Irvin Ella, c, r 35 Hill §3 Isom Rachel, r, cook N Main and Starnes ave Israel j M Jr, printer, r 86 Woodfin g . Wm.W. West, See. and Tre&s.- - W. B.-Gwyn, President. PCS M Israel Sudie E Miss, r 86 Woodfin Israel C W, plumber, r 86 Woodfin Israel Ernest, plumber, r 86 Woodfin Israel J M, r 86 Woodfin Israel J M Mrs, r 86 Woodfin Israel Frank, r 324 S Main Israel Nolan, bds 324 S Main Israel James W, bds 324 S Main Israel W A, r 324 S Main Israel M A, r 324 S Main * McKMNON & PETRIE. Uant Tailors, 5& South Main Street, ss CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, 2 OMTE.VENN TO CVSTONERK. and ££ ROMPTSESS WITH ORDERS A5TD PRESCRIPTION^ 5 RATSOR dh SMITH, 81 Patton. Av©^ JAC 2 29 JAQ~ "H ACOBS F L, Secy and Treas N C Society for the pre- g. Q vention of cruelty to animals, r ? N Main and Patton * H | Ave If Jackson Mariori Miss, pupil H I School - m g J Kg r* Jackson Carrie Miss, pupil H I School Jackson Dora, c, nurse, r Victoria, 1*4 miles south Main 8£ Jackson Jesse, c, lab, r Cripple Creek Jackson Willie, c, houseboy 266 Patton Ave Jackson Maria, c, laundress, r 174 Pine Jackson Loula, c, seamstress, 9 Mountain Jackson Ben, c, waiter Battery Park, r 9 Mountain pQ Jackson Laura, c, cook, r 109 Beaumont __ gj Everybody trades with' ns because we have the largest and bested line of Crockery. Glassware, House Furnishings, Tinware, Ac-. M . W, thrash & Co,, Crystal Palace, 41 Tattoo Avu Jakeworth — , foreman street paving, bds 6 Spruce ft Jamison Bessie, bds 87 Bailey Q Jamison Rosa, c, cook, r Merriman Ave nr Chestnut hat JAMES W A Jr, propr "Magnolia House," 79 N W Main, r same. (See desc art) ^P James Mary E Mrs, r Magnolia House ^ James Cairie A Miss, r Magnolia House a James J Sam'l, bds Magnolia House *^ James Mary Mrs, r Rector nr Depot James F E, carp, r Rector nr Depot ~^" James Hy, c, waiter Battery Park 1=L Jaquith F, supt Street Paving Works, bds Western Hotel ™r JAS. i. IMURAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR.s BRANDIES AT -^ Have been recommended by the leading Dhysiclans of the Ktate for medicimE^ purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs, f* 33 it Western Carolina Bank. Organized May 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud. Vice-President, J. E. Rankin. Cashier. Directors— Lewis Maddux, Geo. S. Powell, J. K. Rankin, C. M. McLoud, J. K. Ray. S^ 8. H. Reed, M. J. Bearden, J. K. Reed, M. J. Fagg. Capital, SoO.OOO; Surplus, ~ „ 820,000. State, County and City Depository. si ■Hi. 3| 53 JAR 230 JEN S< O o Jarvis M A, r 59 North Main Jarvis W E, elk Bearden, Rankin & Co, South Main, r 59 North Ma'in Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv Jarv s Matilda Mrs, r 120 Cherry s VV C, r 120 Cherry s W C Mrs, r 120 Cherry s Rody, bds 234 Patton ave s Matilda, r 234 Patton ave s Selena, r 2^4 Patton ave s John A, r 234 Patton ave s Elizabeth, r 234 Patton ave s, Jos, bds 240 Bailey i Walter S. Cushman Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, So. 30 Patton Avennc A.oheville, X. C. J Specialties: teal Property and Conveyancing. CO Jarvis Maggie, bds 240 Bailey, C$ Jarrett W H, carp, r Southside ave, near Cripple Creek JJCjarrett Hattie, r Southside ave, near Cripple Creek Jjjarrett J A, bds 195 South Main 3EJ arrett Viola, bds 369 South Main jjj Jarrett O R, r 369 South Main ^atjarrett Martha C, r 3(59 South Main ■ ■Jensen Anna M, r 88 Bailey »— JENKS A E, Jenks Bros, Real Estate and Insurance office, 28 Patton ave, bds Battery Park (See desc art) .JENKS CHAS N, Jenks Bros, Real Estate and Loans office, 28 Patton ave, r 115 Chestnut (See desc art) o w-t d CD P4 Merchant Tailors, 58 South J Main Street, CLEANING AND SEPAISTNa PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . Si D A VCflD P ClillTN'C The Most Complete Stock of l\ nAloUn & ONII I H Oi ? m Drugs. Rare cnemicals and Patent Medicines*; 31 :Fa.ttcx>. ^.-vesa.\s.e- g-o O * c JEN 231 JEN Jenks Chas N Mrs, r 115 Chestnut Jennerett Wm Mrs, r 257 College Jennerett Wm, jeweller, 27 Patton ave, r 257 College Jenkins Clida Miss, pupil H I School F^ Jenkins Mossie Miss, pupil H I School s2 Jenkins Sabina Miss, pupil H I School STl JENKINS G W, G W Jenkins & Bro, groceries and t\ provisions, S Main, r 31 Bridge. (See desc art) ?;% Jenkins M A. r 106 East |£ Jenkins Nancy Mrs, r 106 East |£ Jenkins A J, r 106 East |o Jenkins Agnes Miss, r 106 East Si. Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, «^»» ASHETIM-F.. H. C. »» Patton Avenue, under Grand Opera House. >e ^ Specialty made of g'tr Fine Mar* PlmMiig and flense HeaticE, STEAM "«&«£"* ANI S| JENKINS J H, G W Jenkins & Bro, groceries and §£ feed, S Main, r ic6 East. (See desc art) '■£_, Jenkins Jno, r, houseboy, 34 Flint r Jenkins M L Mrs, r 33 Academy ?* Jenkins Mollie, r Peachtree L» Jenkins E vV Dr, bds 69 Bailey '^ Jenkins Sarah A, bds 69 Biiley O Jenkins A E, lab, r Bailey nr Cripple Creek 2 Jenkins Sarah A, bds Bailey nr Cripple Creek e Jenkins Carrie, bds 29 Bailey Jenkins Jennie, music teacher, bds 29 Bailey O Jenkins Pleas, c, lab, r Depot nr Frt Depot _ ■ ■ 5 ■^WJtfrWHftS Jas, H.Looghran's "White Man's Bar,'|| on exhibition to attract the -—----------—-—----—«-—--— -^— — — ^~ attention of the lower trade. Cor. South Main and Eagle, Down Stairs, % ® But First-Class Goods only at cJ ... . i| m \ Organized May, 1888; Lewie Maddux, ^^fliiWIli \tm\iiUm tftfUiM dent> j E> Rftnkin> Cashier. Capitai ~ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. -S3 JEN 232 JOH ■■S3 Jenkins Emma, c, r Depot nr Frt Depot ^Jenkins VV K, elk Big Racket, 15 S Main, r same tojeter Wm, c, waiter, bds 10 Irvin "^Jimison Arthur, r Jail Building cojimison W H, jailor, r same pjjimison W H Mrs, r Jail Building *gJoiner Mary Miss, pupil H I School eafohnston Eugenia Miss-, bds Grove and Phillip pjjohnston Lelia Miss, bds Grove and Phillip ^Johnston Thomas D, ex-mem Congress, r Grove and Phillip f-jlohnston Thomas D Mrs, r Grove and Phillip •Johnston Wm Jr, bds 58 N Main C.TMLS, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville. N. C. Johnston R P, West Point Cadet, bds 58 N Main fljohnston R B, r 58 N Main «ohnston R B Mrs, r 58 N Main ohnsou Mary Miss, pupil H I School fohnson J F Mrs, housekeeper Battery Park, r same lohnson S A, wagoner, bds College nr Pine fohnson wid Hugh, r Charlotte and Woodfin TOHNSON R G, Maun, Johnson & Co, furniture and undertakers, Patton Ave, (tel 48,^46 Bridge. (See desc art) fohnson R G Mrs, r 46 Bridge Johnson Bertha Miss, r 46 Bridge * IMIiM k PBTEIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Strwt, gj CLEANING AND REP AIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAVOHD PMITLIIO Stock of ORUGOI8TS* RCXniUEH ii «ho| IT A loUli (t OlVII I fl U mo*t varied and com- j| pgjjgjj AygflQgj plete of nny bonne in Asheville. ■■ — ■ — ■—■ ■— ^^^— ■ , JOH 233 JOH m Johnson Julius, c, coachman, r 63 Merriman Ave __■ Johnson Paul, printer Citizen, office North Court Place, rO Magnolia House rn Johnson Noble, elk Powell & Snider, bds Magnolia House ^ Johnson Chris, tailor, bds Magnolia House 7 s Johnson Chas M, elk 46 N Main, r same ££ Johnson Ernest, elk 46 N Main, r same P^ Johnson Ida Miss, r 46 N Main ^ Johnson F M, merchant, 46 N Main, r same ^ Johnson F M Mrs, r 46 N Main © Johnson Martha, c house maid, 9 Flint Johnson R J, plumber, bds 120 Cherry ■ C5 Gwyn & West, ^E-AuX-. estate, I* Established 18*1. $. E. CoURT SQUARE. ©g ► . Johnson D A, r 24 Academy £« Johnson R M, contractor, r Turner, near Buttrick Johnson Fannie Miss, bds Turner, near Buttrick „ « Johnson Annie Miss, bds Turner, near Buttrick as Johnson Richd, bds Turner, near Buitrick gg- Tohnson Frk A, r Buttrick, near Haywood ^& Tohnson Annie W Mrs, r Buttrick, near Haywood g£ Johnson T G wks cotton factory, r 35 W Haywood Johnson Wm. bds 216 Haywood Oo o ~* 00 x O =aB 2. Johnson Mattie Miss, bds 216 Haywood »S 3 sr Johnson E. T, r 35 W Haywood Johnson Thos E, c, lab, r 56 Roberts rjSSa.- Jas. S. Lnghni'f "lit? Man's Bar,'ff Have been recommended by the leai WP<\ TPrn Lam Ilia KaflK President, L."p. NIcLoud, Vice-Presl- jjj ncMCiii bdiuiiua oaiiNi (lent h E Rankin Cashier CapitsU I $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, Count v and City Depository. H- . . . . _ 3l JOH 234 JOH Ht — — , t>§ Johnson T H, c, r 56 Roberts Johnson J B, furniture dealer, r 28 Depot 1 Johnson Laura, r 28 Depot Johnson Julia Mrs, bds 24 Depot .^Johnson, wid Josia, r 24 Depot 2 Johnson Jas L, wks A shoe factory, bds French Broad and *■£ Patton ave *" Johnson Major, night elk Glen Rock Hotel ^Johnson Alice, c, r South French Broad Johnson Jack, c, barber, South French Broad ^Johnson Lizzie, c, house maid, 40 French Broad O Johnson Dick, plasterer, bds 72 Depot (ft BC.T. Real -Estate and Fire Insurance . ■ ^ v 1 ii mi f ! Biv 1 ^ 5 patton Ave ^ Askeville, N. C. "^Johnson Mary V Miss, bds Bartlett and Adams ^Johnson Ada D Miss, bds Bartlett and Adams rjjohnson Ludie, bds Bartlett and Adams c^Johnson Mattie, c, cook, r Jonesboro ^4 Johnson J W, c, lab, bds Cripple Creek ^Johnson Mary, c, bds Cripple Creek Johnson Mollie, house girl, bds 63 Church •Johnson Anna, c, nurse, bds 95 Bailey ^Johnson Julius, c, butler, bds S French Broad gjjohnson Georgia, c, house maid, r S.French Broad "♦■•Johnson Amy, c, laundress, r S French Broad rjjohnson Anna, c, r S French Broad "3 McKinnon & PolriG ^^ Tailors ' 5S ' M ^ Main street > K Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. * The Hwit Complete Stork of m A m 111 Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines ii^VSOF W mIuIuI Si 31 Pattou Ave. §2. sff B" - 5' id JOH 235 JON ■ pja Johnson Wm, c, coachman, bds 08 Park ave So J* 5" Johnson Andrew, c, butler, r 34 Depot h£ Johnson Emma J, c, bds 56 Roberts S^ Johnson Harriet C, c, cook, r 34 Depot ^ Johnson Lucinda R, c, bds 34 Depot p. » Johnson Otis, Jones Grace M Miss, r 26 Clayton r^J Jones W E, cabinetmaker, r 112 Charlotte •>. * Cj , Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER & '°1 YflNUmt A«nkw^w DEEDS, and Notary Public, i* " t r Specialties : Real Property and Conveyancing. ^j Jones W E Mrs, r 1 12 Charlotte ^ Jones W W Mrs, r College near A F College _ Jones Chas E, r College near Asheville Female College O JONES W W, Jones & Shuford, attorneys, office, John- ston Building, rooms 5 and 6, r College, near A F 2 College. (See adv) ^T Jones Will, printer Citizen office, N Court Place, bds Mag- a nolia House %Z Jones — , bds 88 N Main ^ Jones Wiley, drayman, r 90 Cherry Jones Lucyntha, r 90 Cherry <§Jones Lucy, bds 90 Cherry w McKliON & PETRIE Merchant-Tailors, 58 South Main Street, g Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR & SMITH'S Stock of PRlTtiGISTS' SUNDRIES is the £C most varied and com. j| p^ j^y^ " - o ft 2. plete of any house in Ashevllle. a JON 237 JON Jones Daniel transferman, bds 90 Cherry 2 s» Jones Henry, transferman, bds 90 Cherry .go Jones A S, wid, r 40 Short « "^E. Jones A V, elk James Carson, N Court Place, bds 40 Short p .3 Jones A S, elk, r 40 Short cj Jones Abram, lab, bds 79 Academy g'S' Jones May, r 79 Academy §' = Jones wid Dr LA, r 79 Academy ^ Jones Alexander, r 79 Academy .3 2. Jones Claude, bds 50 Academy |Jr Tones Paul, bds =;o Academy "op Jones Emma C Mrs, r 163 Haywood %% Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, 43 P ^^SS^iw. if 'SSAOIrS SJSIiVair House. fl^ •sai-DJsr^r^i ausrv szhtaoj^s -ojsciaiooo aj6M" Mo ll!M P UB P°°M 'spoog Bujqsmjn j-asnoH jo sun ||nj • . ' ! . g % Jones Thomas A,, foreman Asheville Shoe Factory, r 1633^ Haywood ^ Jones Emma B, bds 163 Haywood f* Tones Mary, r Peachtree £d Jones J E, lab, bds near Cotton Factory . S Jones George C, fireman, r 298 Depot . ^j Jones George, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near Freight Depot ^ Jones James, lab, bds 417 Bailey jP Jones Thomas, lab, bds McDowell, 'near Fitch's Planing Mills ^ Jones Hattie, bds 146 So Main ^ Jones W C, r 323 So Main » 2. 00 OJ 5*J :^%/Sl!5SrK&S Jas. fi, luibi'i "Whits Man's Sir," on e^hibiton to attract tlie ' ' ^' attention of the lower trade. -. , A ,. ..,. « •. r --r a ,* »• v *' But Fint.Cla«s Goods only at Cor - South- Mala aad Ea^le (Djwn Stain.) » I Western Carolina Bank, ^^ B H^ k , |^^^^ : J ' d«nt, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ■*■ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money fe^r loaned on Real Estate on long time. *? : ~_ . ll JON 238 JUS g 9- . ©{Jones Lucy M, r 333 So Main * ©Jones James R, bds 323 So Main 3 Jones Mary, c, cook 57 Church \ Jones Mary, c, r 283 N Depot ' Jones Addie, c, laundress, r 342 Haywood c "^Jones Fortune, c, lab, r 27 Gudger !S ^Jones Retta, c, r 27 Hill ===Jones Eliza, c, cook 50 Academy g^Jones Rose, c, housemaid 35 Spruce <£3jones Annie, c, r 15 Clement j£*Jones Charles H, c, lab, r 267 Valley *c3jones Sarah, r, laundress, r 267 Valley it MAILS, Real Esta te and Fire Insurance, No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. PC- .Jones Edward, c, wks Battery Park Bjordan John Y, Asheville Shoe Co, R L Graham, pres ; M D y T Long, v-pres ; John Y Jordan, secy and treas, r 26 W Flint fljf Jordan R H, wid, bds Park ave, near Haywood Jordan S E, r 351 So Main 5 Jordan Albert, c, lab, r 53 Hill Hijordon Louisa, c, r 53 Hill Jj Jordan Geo, c, carp, r 130 Valley "Ej Jordan Dr Chas, physician, r Park ave, near Jeff Drive 5p Justice Sallie Miss, pupil H I School ^Justice Dr J C B, physician, office and r7 North Main % McKINNON & PEIRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, {gg Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Onr «itn»l WATER and other Fountain Drinks are conceded the X> best. The only place where whites alone are aerved. D *" RAYSOR & SMITH'S, || 31 Fatton Avenue. 5§ JUS 239 JUS Ji ■ ■ g* Justice J T, teamster, r Clayton, near Charlotte ?2, Justice J F Mrs, r Clayton, near Charlotte ^^ Justice Saml, teamster, r Clayton, near Charlotte g». Justice W D, mechanic, r 394 North Main q§" Justice W D Mrs, r 394 North Main |*^ Justice Thos, ptr, r 394 North Main ~§ Justice Bessie, modiste, r 394 North Main |q Justice Loula, modiste, r 394 North Main 3j"o Justice Loula Miss, r 357 North Main §| Justice Etta Miss, bds 357 North Main " a . Justice Hattie Mrs, r 357 North Main S| Justice Geo, carp, r 357 North Main 2.S" ■ -2W Ths lm& itatiin id Co. CWYN & WEST, S B. COURT SC^TTA-IRE. Justice Vern, carp, bds 357 North Main Justice A B, bds 344 South Main ZZ Justice Lucinda, bds 344 South Main ~ Justice R B, surveyor, bds 344 South Main ^ Justice Clara D, bds 344 South Main 2 Justice W T, farmer, r 60 McDowell y Justice Catherine, c, r 60 McDowell «w Justice G B, bds 60 McDowell ^ Justice G H, bds 60 McDowell O Tustice Yerba, bds 60 McDowell Tustice Claudie D, bds 60 McDowell s» Justice Queen, c, laundress, Glen Rock " = *" PURITY, ) -A.^3£ QTTS3. 'SgESI.A.ljTIES. K-; ROMPTNlis AND l Jag, B. Loughran's "Whits Kan's Bar,'fL Cor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs.] » 3 ° W O' . Uf AA tA.n Pa.aIIaa D„J, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux i Western Larolina Hank, r^fV^V^- Vice r" Pr f r |JJ ' dent, J. E. Kankin, Cashier. Capital. rtg $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- .£ ral Banking Business Transacted. KAU 240 KEN i-o . M I Kesler Nellie, c, r 66 Mountain P 3 JasTlTloughranT^niiurMan's Bar," Cor f • M ™* E ^fi D Down Stairs. . — HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly j c " ll/ rt «l ft -« P«-«|!«« D«J, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, « Western Larohna Bank, m^vv^w Vic ? p Tv ^* ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ,22* $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your =gS Correspondence solicited. KIL 242 KIN •^ ojKilpatrick J C Mrs, r Pine nr Woodfin ciKilpatrick J C, teamster, r Pine nr Woodfin toKilpatrick John, railroader, r 56 Roberts Kilpatrick J M, carp, bds 34 Silver •^Kilpatrick C C, carp, r 34 Silver P^Kilpatrick Rachel E, r 34 Silver *oKilpatrick W P, carp, r 24 Silver toKilpatrick Sarah C, r 24 Silver gKilgo Mary, c, cook 50 Bailey «**JKilgore Mary, c, r 29 Riverside Park JllKilgore Squire, c, plasterer, r 29 Riverside Park ^Killiarn Mary, bds 62 Hill Jt» 13]10r, U0D1S tt brOmenOD, *<>• *3 Patto" Ave, under Grand Opera Hom e. •4 SANITAEY PLUMBING, BOOFINa, Stia«.Hot Watm aao Hot a« Hmtino. 55 mC ft ^ "TTnirt . HouSE-pURNISHIKO GoODS. *±* — ^W«D n I I irMU- —HEATING AND COOKING STOVES.— ^Killiam Carrie, r nr Peachtree fiKilliam John, bds nr Peachtree ^Killiam M A, carp, r nr Peachtree WKilliam F A, r nr Peachtree jMKimber George, brick mason, r cor East and Seney Kinkaid George, c, coachman, r 29 Riverside Park JJKinkaid Lizzie, c, r 29 Riverside Park SKing Emma Miss, pupil H I School King, wid Massey, r nr Cotton Factory "flKing W R, C E, U S A, bds Cosmopolitan Club JJJKing Jerry, carp, bds 165 Church rfKing Pinckney, bds Bailey nr Cripple Creek sMJlf & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main St. 1m Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. P n r p n I pT I fl || C C|| | Cf| Da y * r Xi S h * b > competent A|>othec«rl«*: rtiLOl;niri lUHO I ILLlU delivered lr««« to any part of the City. Raysor & Smith, 31 Pattern Ave. KIN 243 KUY King William W, bds Bailey nr Cripple Creek «_| Kirby Ed, c, brick mason, r 31 Grove ® Kirby Lou, c, cook, r 31 Grove rn Kirby Mar)', c, nurse, r 31 Grove ^ Kirby Sis, c, chambermaid, r 178 Bailey • KNERINGER PROF H, music teacher and organist, M r 38 Charlotte § Kneringer Maggie Miss, music teacher, r 38 Charlotte ^j Knight Sadie Mrs, r 260 Patton ave O Knight St Clair, r 260 Patton ave 2 Knight Amanda, c, cook Woodfin and Locust ■ Knowles William Mrs, bds 76 Haywood Real Estate and Fire Insurance, ; i No. 5 Patton Ave. Asheville. N. C $> . . ^ Koonts E W, freight conductor R and D, bds 123 Roberts g® Kopp C R, Kopp & Lichtenberger, mnfg chemists, r Park ' i ave nr West Haywood p & BO. Kopp C R Mrs, r Park ave nr West Haywood £*g Kroger Wm, bds 53 College §| Kuanstim Ernest, gardener, r Fernihurst 2 miles south Main^ Kuba Frederick, bes 64 S Main So Kuykendall J C, farmer, r 294 N Main p| Kuykendall, wid Will, r nr 294 N Main ?|j Kuykendall A, r near 294 N Main ^W Kuykendall Emma, bds 14 Phillip Kuykendall John, farmer, bds 14 Phillip CT.BAWLS _ p tit M o O 3 SMITZX, 31 Fatton -A.xro.-™* LAN 245 LAU ~ff K.-2 — p,. = . Lang J J, bartender Muller's Exchange, College and Water, g^ r same ni Lang Lawrence, bds 173, Haywood §j= Lance Nettie Miss, dressmkr, 323 Haywood, r same Lance Pink Miss, milliner, 323 Haywood, r same Lance Wm, r 179 So Main Lance Mrs, r 179 South Main Lance Jno, carp, bds 24 Silver Lance Mollie, bds 24 Silver Laning Loretta, bds 95 East Laning Ritta, c, cook, 36 Clayton Landrum Martha, sick nurse, r near 49 Davidson Everybody trades with ns because we have the largest and best fad line of Crockery. Glassware. House Furnish ins**. Tinware, Ac.** in Asheviiie: jy^ j^i^ CpjiUl PaUoB, JlhttwAw ^ LandfordS P, ptr, r near 139 Beaumont Q Landford S P Mrs, r near 139 Beaumont #** Lane Rachael, c, r 198 South Main bmA Lane Olive, r 198 South Main Lane Thos, c, r Sycamore, near '/alley ffi Lane Ritta, c, r Sycamore, near Valley Lane Anna Bell, c, ch maid, Atkins and Edge Hill Lansford Hy, waiter, Battery Park Landreth A C Mrs, broom factory, bds 167 Hill Landreth C A Mrs, cotton factory, r near same Landreth L D, wks cotton factory, r near same Laughter Sallie, r Bailey, near Cripple Creek O JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S 'WHITE MAN'S BAR/'S The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended bv the leading t>hY6icinns of the State for medietna purposec. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. S*=- i Western Carolina Bank, Organized May 1888; Lewis Maddux. President. L. P. McLoud, Vice-President, J. K. Rankin, Cashier. Directors— Lewis Maddnx, Geo. 8. g« ' ""' Powell, J. K.Rankin, C. M. McLoud, J. E. Ray. ®3 S. H. Reed. M. J. Bearden, J. K. Reed, M. J. Fagg. Capital, 860,000; Surplus, ■5 m $20,000. State, County and City Depository. s! «£ _____ _S LAU 246 LAW op 5§ Laughter Benj, lab, r Bailey, near Cripple Creek pj . LaPierre Anna E Mrs, r 362 W Haywood |= LaPierre A N, elk Crystal Palace, r 362 W Haywood =| Lancaster Luke, bartender " The Metropolitan " 29 N Main, S* r same Larkus S, c, cook 99 Wood fin LaRoche Edith Miss, bds 69 Bailey O Largent Lucinda, c, nurse, bds 371 Haywood kJ Latta Thomas, c, coachman, r near 1 1 Clement » Latta Emma, c, r near 1 1 Clement o £3 Latta Jane, c, laundress, r 53 Mountain o to ii, mm I Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of * lA/n Iim V PilMAMAM DEEDS, and Notary Public, *W_iL_i!_ UUu lIH_li. Xo - 30PaUon Avenue. AwhevHle, X. C . __* 11 -■»■■ »i «viiiiii-iii SpeclalIies: ^ propeny ^ conTeyancing. *^ Lattimore John, r, coachman 120 Haywood **» Lattimore John, c\ cook Swannanoa Hotel, r near Freight Depot 49 Lattimore Nellie, c, r near Freight Depot Z Lattimore Annie, c, laundress, r near Freight Depot P^ Lattimore Charles:, c, lab, r near Freight Depot ^ Lather G .orge, c, lab, r near Cotton Factory j-^ LAW J H, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Queensware, JJ 57, 59,61 S Main. (See adv) ac Laws Luther, lab, bds 27 N Main . Laws wid Armony, c, r 29 Hill ■*£ Lawrence Sue, c, cook, r 132 Valley I ir ah 1 ra, Mercha 5Si ai fet 5S SouUl .2 CLEANINQ AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. RAYSOR & SMITH'S The Most Complete Stock of gc 1 Pure Dregs, Rare: Chemicals and Patent Medicines, 1 1 31 2?a.ttos3. JLveauo. B o-o ^-1 ^ LAW 247 LEE Lawrence Fred, cook, r 132 Valley- Lawrence — , c, barber, r Buttrick Lawrence P M Mrs, bds 119 So French Broad Lawrence O H, cook, bds 255 Grove Leach Dr W Stuart, physician, office 28 Patton are, (Tel 47) || bds Grand Central »» Leach Adolphus, c, waiter 211 Haywood §g League A C, railroader, bds 28 Depot *|f Leary J S, eng, r 331 Haywood %$ Lea ry Lucy M, r 331 Haywood || Lee Sam, Chinese Laundry, 12 N Main, r same §0 Lee Jane, c, laundress, r 8 Sorrels g ASH EVIL I.E. X. C. =-■ Patton Avenue, und er Gr and Opera House. ® 3 Specialty made of SS M HOT WAT — I HOT AIR. Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, « Fine Sanitary PlniMm and Hcosc Heating, s Lee Henry, c, lab, r 8 Sorrels =| Lee B M. C E, bds 67 College ffi Lee B M Mrs, bds 67 College • Lee Pope, bds 102 Chestnut ?tf Lee J H, Buncombe Brick & Tile Co, r 102 Chestnut u Lee J H Mrs, r 102 Chestnut jH Lee D U, r52 Hillside O Lee Niel, No 2 letter carrier, r 52 Hillside Lee Niel Mrs, r 52 Hillside Lee Mrs, wid Charles E, r 26 Flint O Lee Hart, carp, bds nr Broom Factory q Lee Flora, c, cook 13 Grove &WffitrZ3S£ Jas, H.Loughran's "White Man's Bar," f e on exhibition to attract the — — •— — — — — . _• — — __ _ — _~_~_ -2 attention of the lower trade. c r. South. Main and Eaele. Down Stairs <» But First.Class Goods only at ° ' -t r- -' ... j '■,' ■ i Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, ** wsstern Cs.ro m Ml president > l - p - McL ° ud ' ▼«***■* ^__liy»yWM UNiVUUtt urnm* dentj j E< R ankin( Cashier. Capital =3 $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. ■m LEE 218 LEN -3- _ ^LEE R H, painter, r 83 Bailey. (See desc article) "*"j Lee Eliza E Mrs, r 83 Bailey "J^ Lee Emma, c, cook Ravenscroft School "Lee Benjamin, c, coachman Ravenscroft School «$ Ledford William, lab. r nr Academy p* Ledford Ollie, r nr Academy *++ Ledford Mary, wks Tobacco Factory, r nr Academy i/5 Ledford Allie, wks Tobacco Factory, r nr Academy p3 Ledford, vvid Daniel, r nr Academy jy Ledford Bettie, r nr Academy *^J Ledbetter Delia Miss, pupil H I School ** Ledbetter Kelley Miss, pupil H I School C4- — ■■-« ^ H m TJ i 1ITT fl Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 75 U. 1 . Ililn LIU, N . 5 patt A Asheville, N. C. PI- Ledbetter Jennie, c, r 147 Valley J* Ledbetter Rufus, c, r 147 Valley Ledbetter Alt", c, coachman, r S Beaumont Hi Ledbetter Alfred, c, coachman 95 Charlotte *a Leonard C B, contractor, r 192 S Main Leonard Lizzie, r 192 S Main fl Leonard Margie, bds 192 S Main 2 Leonard Lucile, bds 192 S Main ••Leonard Caleb, No 8 police force, r 273 S Main ■Hj Leonard Mary Mrs, r 273 S Main ■flEemons R H, c, waiter, Battery Park (rfLenons Jno, c, brakeman R&D R'y, r near Phillip $ MsKIIlI I PETRIE Merchant Tailorc, 58- South Main Street. CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. a DAUODD CMITUIP Sto ** k of i>ri;goists' kckdhien » the tlnlOUn ft OlVII II nio««t varied and com- 01 pottnjl AyojjTJP pleto of huj house in Abbeville. n ■■ i— — — — — LEM 249 UN CO Lemons Hattie, c, r near Phillip Lewis, Pass, en"-, bds 120 Roberts O Levi Thos. c, railroader, r near 35 Hilterbrand m Levi Eliza, c, r near 35 Hilterbrand Levi Hannah, c, r Church, bet Bailey and South Main 1"^ Levi Bertha, c, r Church bet Bailey and South Main p* Levi Plum, c, barber, Church, bet Bailey and South Main j^ Levering Elma C Miss, teacher H I School for colored, 249 ^ College q Levering Mary Miss, r 112 Charlotte O Levering — , r 112 Charlotte ^ Levvton D P Miss, bds French Broad, near Haywood ^ Guuyn molest, REA ^S^c7 f Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. r» . . 3 I Lewton G M Mrs, r French Broad, near Haywood £« Lewis E B, prin Academy Street Graded School, bds 1 37 " Chestnut Lewis Sarah, c, laundress, r 88 Gudger Lewis D, e. lab, bds 88 Gudger Lichtenberger Geo, r 7 Jeff Drive Lichtenberger Matilda Mrs, r 7 Jeff Drive §o Lidey Riley, c, lab, r South French Broad Liley Dillie, r McDowell, near Fitch Planing Mill Liley Jno, ptr, r McDowell, near Fitch Planing Mill Lillington Pattie, c, cook, 92 Woodfin Lingelbach Mrs, wid P F. bds i59Patton ave 95 3" B O OO- ^Ssl- Jas. I LoDghmi's "White Man's Bar/ff Have been recommended by the leading physiclnns of the State lor medicinal g purposes. Cor. South .tin in and Eagle. Donu Stairs. & 17 * w ... . 1' n I Organized Mav, 1888; Lewis Maddux. -> Western laroma BanK,^ w r t ; L - p L M r°r' Vi T p ri" gj ' dent, J. L. Kankin, Cashier. Capital, r£ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository- % LIN 250 LIN ac" Lingelbach Walton, bds 159 Patton ave __- Lineberry — , wks Asheville Shoe Co, r 29 North Main ! Lineberry Jno, carp, bds Roberts and Buxton * Linebaugh M J Mrs, r 88 Charlotte : Linebaugh Annie Miss, r 316 North Main "f Lindau Miss, bds 88 North Main J| Lindau Clem Miss, bds 88 North Main s2 Lindau Max, merchant, r 70 Park ave *? Lindau S J, elk, bds 70 Park ave k Lingle — , carp, bds 95 Depot < m . Lingerfelt Laura Miss, pupil H I School 5J Lindsey H A, No Ca Curios, ne Court Place, r 290 College uj _ P T RAWL^ ^ ea * Estate and Firs Insurance, "NTrt R PsT+nn Atro AcViottiIIo "NT fl No. 5 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. o^' Lindsey H A Mrs, r 290 College || LINDSEY T H, Lindsey & Brown, Photographers, se Court Place, r 178 Charlotte § Lindsey T H Mrs, r 178 Charlotte ^Lindsey Ada L Miss, r 178 Charlotte q Lindsey F M, merchant, bds 294 N Main ^ Lindsey J G, r 294 N Main «£ Lindsey Martha A, r 294 N Main £5 Lindsey T H, grocer, r 294 East O Lindsey H M Mrs, r 294 East }25 Lindsey Mrs, r nr Broom Factory Sfi Lindsey — , gunsmith, r nr Broom Factory O IS \i *\ a Merchant Tailors, SB ^outh Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. The Most Complete Mock of Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals anil Patent Medicines i, \ n, 31 Paltou Ave. LIN 251 LIT ca w 2, Lindsey L O, wagoner, r 34I Haywood J?* Lindscy M L Mrs, r 341 Haywood ^| Lindsey Hy, carp, bds 341 Haywood §=' Lindsev E F, bds Glen Rock Hotel -"g Lindsey Thomas, bds 146 Church pj Lindsey A J, lab, r Church bet Bailey and S Main |s Lindsey Mary E, laundress, Church bet S Main and Bailey g| Lipscomb E H Prof, teacher Colored Graded School, r II? 3" J TO Mountain Lipscomb Lizzie, c, r 115 Mountain LIPINSKI S L, " Bon Marche" 30 S Main, Lipinski & W Ellick proprs, r Academy. (See adv side lines) fe-liiaSM t Thrash Si Co... CBYSTAL mcEi 8 4c. lor their clear ones, ■■•■« " "»" « •»"| 11 Patton Ave. ^ should give us a call before you buy. We are the Leade: s. ^n Lipinski S L Mrs, r Academy Q Little A, plumber, bds Western Hotel Q Littles Lizzie, c, cook 44 Walnut W Littlefield John, c, tobacco roller, bds 156 Church Littlejohn Lovicie, i Littlejohn Mary, housemaid 40 French Broad a Littlejohn T A, c, cook, r 148 Academy a Littlejohn Wade, c, fireman, r 148 Academy • Litteral Jno, shoemaker, r 190 Bailey Litteral Alice, r 190 Bailey —^ Litteral Horace, bds 190 Bailey £L Litteral Mattie, bds 190 Bailey C£ " The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an hour or ■-■ two at Billiards or l'ool, and at the same time 'smile," is at 22 Jas, H, Loughran's "lite Man's Bar, I) Co^So gth Main & Eag le, (Down Stairs.) Organize \* May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, itfnKi President, L P. McLotid, Vice-Presi- uim ' dent. .1. K. Rankin. Cashier. Capital, _i $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- •— est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. J LOC 252 ~LON ^£. Lockman Mira, c, laundress, r I 17 South French Broad — • Logan Ella, c, housemaid, r Victoria, I y> mi South Main ^- Logan Annie, c, nurse, 48 Grove 2s Logan Wm, r, driver, bds 48 Grove ^ Logan Geo, c, wks Vanderbilt's, r 41 Hilterbrand "* Logan Bill, c, r 41 Hilterbrand :*| Logan Mary, c, nurse, r 41 Hilterbrand *Z Logan Sam, c, coachman, 1 18 Woodfin ** Logan Mary Mrs, nurse, r Hill, near terminus Pattonave k Logan Randolph, c, r 19 Valley < i Logan Lizzie, c, r 19 Valley S^ Logan Thos, c, driver, r 19 Valley Z £, - — : ■ Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of )EEDS, and Notary Public, Patton Avenue. Awheville. X. V. Specialties : Eeal Pioperty and Conveyancing. o| Logan Eliza, c, r 19 Valley ee I Logan Harry, c, servant, 105 South Main i London Mollie, r 474 W Haywood London Emma, wks cotton factory, bds 474 W Haywood ^ London Lee, bds 474 W Haywood O Long Robt, hdw elk, r 284 College ^ Long Robt Mrs, r 284 College ^ Long Maggie, c, cook, r 284 College ^ Long Thos, c, lab, r Madison S Long M D, r 70 Park ave, Asheville Shoe Co, R L Graham Pt, M D Long Vice-Pt, Jno Y Jordan Sec and Treas §5 Long M D Mrs, r 70 Park ave Z McKINNON & PETRIE M] m[ Wm - 5S Wl1 Mai " Stet - -*-- Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. Stock of nitlGWlSTM' SUNDRIES 1st the QC 5 ~- RAYSOR & SMITH S , pleie of uuy house in Asheville. LOR 253 LOV £§ Lord Mose, r, head waiter, Grand Central, r same Lorick J M, teamster, r 22 Academy go Lorick Clara C Mrs, r 22 Academy "§, Lorick J M, r 1 1 1 Merrimon ave f g Loomis Asa, bds Cosmopolitan Club Looper Fanny, r, r near 106 Roberts Looper Frank, c, lab, r near 106 Roberts LOUGHRAN J H, Propr White Man's Bar, 46 South \ Main, r 58 South Main (See desc art) 5» Loughran Frank, bds Hickory No Ca Inn . £i WATUlt and other Fountain Drinks are conceded then^ best. The only place where whites alone are served. 2" RAYSOR & SMITH'S, f| 31 Fatton Avenue. c» LUS 255 LY T Tiie Snssot Mountain M Co. CWYN & WEST, IE. COURT SQUABE3. J? ^ "^2 0*0 Lusk Mamie E Miss, r 199 College Lusk James, r 413 N Main g$ Luther J H, farmer, bds 510 VV Haywood g® Lyceum The, T R Gaines, editor, 71 N Main cS Lyerly Marcellus, railroader, bds near Cotton Factory 2" Lyerly Willie, railroader, bds near Cotton Factory -S Lyerly Mertie A, bds near Cotton Factory |j? Lyerly Charles B, bds near Cotton Factory Jo Lyerly W R, blksmith, r near Cotton Factory Lyerly Laura N, r near Cotton Factory Lyle S H, tobacconist, bds 35 Wood fin Lyles Lewis, c, r 143 Hill |F 2» So 3 2 Lyles Pricilla, ankin Cashier- Capital, S $50,000, Surplus, §20.000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- *P ral Banking Business Transacted. 3' LYT 256 MAG §Lytle W O, bds 182 S Main •sLytle J B. bds 182 S Main ^-Lytle F E, bds 182 S Main iLytle Z C, bds 182 S Main iLytle Margaret, bds 182 S Main B Lytle James H, bds 182 S Main ^Lytle John, r 182 S Main ^Lytle Nancy A, r 182 S Main **Lytle Joseph, c, servant HIS J Lytle Bob, c, coachman, r 15 S Water *iLytle Caroline, c, cook 261 Bailey J.B • 00 Xu. . 2 z> ►- .0 "* S T* 1 YOU want to make your ■e § newly married life happy C-c and your dear home neat, j t^ always buy yourcominencinsj 7 eg outfit from us. Every article at our store is new, neat and handsome, and a ■J-. first-class store in every respect ^1\7T ACNAUGHT0N PETE ' bds 57 Church hi ^*^ Macher Jno, carp, near 4 Spring 2 g.Macher Amelia, bds near 4 Spring i Mackey J J, Register Deeds, r 157 Haywood «■ Mackey Clias, bds 157 Haywood —JTVIackey Sue C Mrs, r 157 Haywood <-> MADDUX LEWIS, The Western Carolina Bank, Lewis °3 Maddux, Pt; Lawrence P McLoud, vice Pt ; J E Ran- S^i kin, Cash ; r Merriman ave, near Chestnut (See adv. C/3 top lines.) ^Maddux Lewis Mrs, r Merriman ave, near Chestnut ^Maguire Mary, nurse, bds 87 Bailey g MdlNNON & PETRIE Merchant T ailo rs, 58 South Main Street, S Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. : ' Thsbd. W. Thrash Si Co, Cr?8tal falac6 ' w 'E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. G. w : E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Yon will never regpret becoming * eustoiiier at Bijur li Mi Drag Stars, 31 Pattan k| Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. £ 3. . : q I MAG 2-57 MAN eg O Q, MAGNOLIA HOUSE, 79 North Main, near Woodfin, Is W A James Jr, propr. (See de.se arte.) |-'E MAITLAND'S SCHOOL, 40 French Broad ave, Mrs %% Eurgvvyn Maitland, prin. (See adv) £c Maitland Frances L Miss, r 40 French Broad ave "S CO® Maitland Emily A Miss, r 40 French Broad ave §"g Maitland L Isabel Miss, bds 40 French Broad MAITLAND BURGWYN Mrs, Prin Mrs Maitland's School, 40 French Broad ave, r same (See adv) p g Mallory F L Mrs, removed to Macon, Ga ^S Mallette H A, bds Glen Rock Hotel gg- Mallette Eugenia Miss, bds Glen Rock Hotel &5 III 1 1 m U I Attorney »t Law, COMMISSIONER of£^ TJWAIftaMY PliaHlMAH DEEDS, »nd Notary Public, nilyyiU ullSIlI luill. >0 - *" 1>atto " Avenu *' Aan<>vil1 ^ *• <■• £j if »ivii mi vwwmiiBm 8pecialtles ; RBal property and ConveyancliE. fed : — . a Malone Fannie, c, cook, 193 Patton ave ^ Malone C W, Dept Clk Supreme Court, r 68 Woodfin O Malone C N Mrs, r 6S Woodfin § Malone Addie, bds 38 Bailey g^ Malone Albert, bds 38 Bailey O Malone Mamie, r 3S Baily P Malone Bettis, P O elk, r 38 Bailey . § Mann Israel, bds 10 Patton ave ^ Manney Finley, r 127 Beaumont 55 Manual Ruth, c, cook, 37 Grove & Mangum B E, r s8 W Haywood ^ Mangum Bell, wks cotton factory, bds 38 VV Haywood 5 s Cor. So. Main & Eagle. ? Jas. H. Louffhran's "lite Man's Bar, D ' Down Stairs. ^ HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly % — ll/A«l rt ,r, P«» rt l!«« D«J, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - Western larolina Bantj^^v-^ 1 ^-^ ?^ ' dent, J. K. Kan km, Cashier. Capital, =S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Your *g Correspondence solicited. ^ MAN 258 MAR GO ' *"*" Mangum Fletcher, wks cotton factory, bds 38 W Haywood ^ Mangum Neiley, wks cotton factory, bds 38 W Haywood " Mangum Loulie, wks cotton factory, bds 38 W Haywood I Mangum E P, prin City Graded Schools, Orange, bds 137 .g Chestnut o Marina Wm, c, porter Battery Park i| Marseller J S, gunsmith, 34 South Main, r same ^1 Marseller J S Mrs, r 34 South Main / Marquardt J A, bartender, r j6 Depot Marquardt A H Mrs, r 76 Depot «| Marr T VV, Druggist, r Blake and Academy | J Marr M Mrs, r Blake and Academy AKHEVILLE, If. C. No. 43 Pattm Ave. under Grand Opera House Steam Fitting, Gas Pitting, ROYAL," GAS VL WHISK, iiTqlor, Bonis SlrothsrloB,! $■£ Used exclusively by Penn. R. R. o Several now in Operation in this City. «: fi>, Marlow W B, butcher, r 31 Bridge Si Marlow W B Mrs, r 31 Bridge S& Marable Benjamin, fireman, bds Jeff Drive nr freight depot b Mtircus Max, mngr C D Blanton & Co, 9 W Court Place, bds 53 College O Marcus M Mrs, bds 53 College J MARX W B, The Asheville Lumber and Mnfg Co, W B Mrux pres and treas, Haywood and Riverside, r Starnes ave and N Main gj Marx W B Mrs, r Starnes ave and N Main j Marx Mary E Miss, r Starnes ave and N Main O Marx Joseph P, bds N Main and Starnes g McKlON & PETRIE. Merchant Tailors, 58 Sonth Main St. ^j Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. DDCCrDlDTIflMC t n ** n;v or ^iff* 1 ' "».T comix-tcnl Apothecaries :^J rrlLOunin lUWu iILLlLI delivered tree to any part of the .<- lime " smile," is at "?"< JAS. H, LOLGHRANS "WHITE MAN'S BAR," ™r H i (Down Stairs.* '- Organized May, 1888 ; Lewi? Maddux. President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent. .1. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, .£ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository- A Room •a and Tellers Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. MAS~~ 200 ~McA ««*■ Massot Jane Ann Mrs, r 137 Bailey- 's Mastin David, carp, bds French Broad and Pat ton ave — ' Massage J F, carp, r 299 Orange a Massage Sue S, r 69 Orange ; Maschker Margaret, housemaid, r Atkinson m Mattair Mrs, bds 318 Haywood I Mathewson M J Mrs, wid N, r 95 Pine ^ Mathews Christiana, bds Riverside Park *? Mathews D C, r 107 Cleveland Mathews William, plasterer, bds 167 Hill S.S Mathews Annie, bds 31 Grove g^ Mathews Medora, bds 31 Grove 3.0 __ . S 2;- 3 * Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. u,^ Mathews Ann, bds 31 GroVe 2 J- Mauldin Mar)', r near Cotton Factory Mauldin Rebecca, wks Cotton Factory, r near same Mauldin Lenora, v/ks Cotton Mills, r near same I Mauldin D U, wks Cotton Mills, r near same § Maw G, painter, bds Magnolia House Mayo VV H, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near Freight Depot Mayfit-ld Hettic, c, cook 29 Biiley g May II P, wks Graham's Factory, bds Buxton QC May Sallie S Mrs, r Buxton 2 Mayes Addie Mrs, bds 47 Woodfin O McAfee Cora Miss, bds 87 Bailey to to - CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. McKINNOK & PETRIE, faw Tallore, 58 South Main Street, PURITY OF COODH, C OEITE.VESS TO CUSTOMERS, and c ^ ROMPTXESS WITH ORDERS AVI) PRESCRIPTIONS g'g RAYSOR eft? SMITH, 31 Fatton ^flLvo. McA 261 McC .|| lb McAfee W L. bds 87 Bailey McAfee Cornelia Mrs, bds 87 Bailey McAfee Mollie, r near Ice Factory McBEE V E, Sup W N C Div R & D Ry, bds Swan nannoa Hotel McBee V E Mrs, bds Swannannoa Hotel McBee Rosa Miss, bds Swannannoa Hotel g|. McBee V E, Jr, bds Swannannoa Hotel g- McBee — , drayman, r East bet West and Beaver Dam McBrayer L F, r 174 Haywood McBrayer P^vans, bds 174 Haywood £Ej McBraver Kathleen Mis >, bds 174 Haywood I ^ Ave — S3 TflQfl W Phffl^ 1 5& Plfl K °*»* everything in the Hon., H I JlWHI II I I III NfU Vf V ■ I ^urni<«liin(f line, as well as a larjcW line of China, Glass, Lamps, Ac, ^g McBrayer Agnes L Miss, bds 174 Haywood - Q McBRAYER R COL, attorn ey-at-law, office McAfee Q Bldg, Patton ave, r 174 Haywood (See adv) k»i McBrayer R Mrs, r 174 Haywood McBRAYER L B. physician, office and r Western ft 5 Hotel, W Court Place. (See descriptive article) ^ McBrayer L B Mrs, r Western Hotel, W Court Place 2 McCarty C C, tobacconist, r 34 Flint • McCarty C C Mrs, r 34 Flint McCard Bettie, cook no Cherry ^" McCampbell J J, drug elk, Worthen & Co, No 17 No. Main.lL bds 30 Phillip **» JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR,"I The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading nhysicians of the State for medicinal*^ purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. ^j t Western Carolina Bant ffi Organized May 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, 'IcLoud. Vice-President. J. E. Rankin, Directors— Lewis Maddux, Geo. S. Powell, J. fcJ. Hankin, C. M. Mcl.oud, J. E. Ray, M. H. Reed, M. J. Bearden, J. K. Reed, M. J. Fagg. Capital, $50,000: Surplus 520,000. State, County and City Depository. McC , 262 McC «*< McCandless Lou; r near 122 Blanton : McCandless S A, photographer, r near 122 Blanton McCandless Mary C, r near 122 Blanton I McCandless D M, r 71 Hill J McCandless S J Mrs, r 71 Hill — McCape C J, propr McCape House 24 Grove £g McCape Emma L Mrs, r 24 Grove ' McCarson J T, carp, r 408 So Depot McCarson Mary E, r 408 So Depot McCarson D R, bds 408 So Depot !* McCarson Erastus, lab, r near 357 N Main %r. McClaudy Jasper, c, plasterer, r Madison Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, Xo. 3Q Patton Avenue. Asheville, X. <'■ J Specialties : heal Property and Conveyancing. "2 2 S3 * s a VMGutai g~ McClaudy Julia, c, r Madison »| McCollum M A Mrs, r 511 Haywood i McCollum E D,wks Cotton Factory, r 51 1 Haywood McCollum Jennie, r 36 W Haywood '*• McCollum J R, wks Cotton Factory, bds 36 W Haywood ^ McCollum Thomas, wks Cotton Factory, r near same *-* McCollum Delany, wks Cotton Miils, r near same °** McCollum G A, wks Cotton Factory, r near same 3 McConaha Lawson, c, section hand R & D, r near French c/> Broad Lumber Yards 5f3 McConley Will, bds 27 N Main q McConnell J H Jr, room night clerk Battery Park, r same S McEIII \ PETRIE, Mercha S ai Sk 58 "^ ^ CLEANING* AND EEPAiEINQ PEQMPTLY ATTENDED TO. QAVCflQ^P ^li/IITI4'9 The Most Complete Stock of §§ HAioUH & olVII W Oi pn re D rngSi Rare Chemicals and Patent MediciRgs|| 33. Fattcaa. ^.ven- cro McC 263 McC a 3 en ;j " n> p 0! CO c 3a McConnell M A, wid C A, r 124 Woodfin McConnell Ida Miss, r 124 Woodfin McConnell J H, fruit clerk, N Main, r 70 Seney McConnell J H Mrs, r 70 Seney £JJ McConnell Robt, carp, r 70 Seney |f McConnell Will, groceryman, 26^ N Main, bds 94 Cherry §"» McConnell Abbie, bds 94 Cherry §«• McCoy Columbus, brickmason, bds " Buck tavern " *£ McCoy Nannie Miss, bds 181 Patton ave %$ McCoy Sallie Mrs, r 181 Patton ave |5 »s as McCoy Thomas C, traveling salesman Philadelphia, r 181 |"q Patton ave Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, 0% ASHEV1LLE, X. C. Ba No. 43 Patton Avenue, under Grand Open'n H OUSe "WOODLAWN" H Thomas. Roberts. Stevenson Stoves & Ranges, [WO«M>] COOK STOVK8. » 2. Also, Bridgeford & Co.'s Steel Ranges. Specialty Made oi Hotel Ranges. 3 g. McCoy Mack, painter, bds 1 17 S French Broad g| McCorkle James, c, bds 342 Haywood ^ McCorkle Martha, c, seamstress, r 342 Haywood McCorkle Calvin, c, railroader, bds 342 Haywood ?C McCreary Mardie Miss, bds 52 Woodfin 2 McCreary Frank, elk Estabmoks', r 52 Woodfin •■gj i McCreary Mary, r 52 Woodfin O McCrarySol, carp, r [65 Church McCrary Julia, r 165 Church McCrae Mrs, r Chestnut and Merrimon ave O 8p McCumber H W, r 184 S Main O McCumber Mary, r 184 S Main - "8 S^i^wndT^I Jas, H.Lo ughfan's " Wh iie Mao's Bar/'fg on exhibition to attract the *..i..,n ..,,.!..— .,.—....■, ... a attention of the lower trade. c r. South Main and. Eagle, Down Stairs. < * But Flrst'Class Goods only at ? w ... f) li HI Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - Wesiern Carohni link. president - l - * p - McL ° nd - vi <*- p «* 1 * ^ YYSBViiN viiUMittl Utifiiii* dentj j E> Rankin? Cashier. Capital S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. t McD 264 McD «« McDanicl Samuel, . C. Inland & Co. 's celebrated '*' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford. Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asneville, N. C. DJIVODD P OHillTU'O s,ooU of i>r1 ^«*sts' sundries is tbog rlnlulin 01 UlVII II O most varied and torn- 01 DnHrm AyDJinp 5 Jhcte of any house in A-heville. ^O McD 265 McG m McDonald Jno A, elk Bostic, Bros & Wright, North Main, 53 % bds Magnolia House O McDonald R, head master Ravenscroft School m ■ McDonald G L, r 50 Bailey McDonald Mary P Mrs, r 50 Bailey F McDuffie H S Rev, c, r Valley and Beaumont £tf McDuffie Dollie, r Valley and Beaumont £5 McElreth J W, carp. Orange near Bridge ^ McElreth J W Mrs, r Orange near Bridge £ McElroy D J, wks Asheville fur factory, r near cotton © factory ^ McElroy L A, bds near cotton factory , ^ Guiyn^CUest, REAL IN Tu A R I E NCE ,f Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SqUaRE. fjs , 3 3 McElroy D G Mrs, r 9 Centre $Z McElroy J G, blaster, r 9 Center McFee Tanie, r Hill, near Buttrick . _ McFee A W, butcher, r Buttrick g.| McFee L A Mrs, r Buttrick • || McFee C M, butcher, r Hill, near Buttrick *& McGallard L A Mrs, cotton factory, bds 122 Roberts McGill R, bds Glen Rock Hotel || McGregor Jas Mrs, bds Gano House, Haywood and French =? = Broad ave . £"2 _■ S McGregor Lillie Miss, bds Gano House, Haywood and ^F French Broad g g" . 3 (D Th ' ?£_sl « Ju. S. Lough?an's "White Man's Bar, If Have been recommended i>v the lending physicians oftlie State tpr medlcinaf § purposes, tor. Sunt a Statu and Eagle, Donii Stairs, g- xJ ... . -j ., n I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux. - Western Carolina Bank, ^*\Z£S%J*££, := $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. ■a; McG 266 Mel 2? McGregor Helen Miss, bds Gano House, Haywood and —3 French Broad ^ McGregor J A C P, bds Gano House, Haywood and French § Broad « McGregor W A, bds near Buxton ^ McGwynn Josephine, wks Graham's Factory, bds near Bux- :}S ton •a °- McGynn, VV D, bds near Buxton ** McHenry Virginia Miss, pupil A F College g MchKar Minnie Miss, bds 12 Jeff Drive <; MchKar Ellie, bds 12 Jeff Drive gc£ MchKar Chas, carp, r 12 Jeff Drive 3.0 a 5 fj fl 'B itfff 5 Real Estate and Fire Insurance, Is ' ' J No. 5 Pattern Ave., Asheville, N. C. < ^ of MchKar Clair Mrs, r 12 Jeff Drive Si MchKar Margarett, bds 12 Jeff Drive 5 Mclntire S C, c, bds 60 Academy g Mclntire J P, r Spring, near Broom Factory ,. Mclntire Angie, r Spring, near Broom Factory O Mclntire Clarence, bds Spring, near Broom Factory 5 McINTIRE P C & BRO, Meats and Provisions, N Court Place, r 58 Woodfin (See desc art) ^ Mclntire Pat, bartender r 19 North Main 5j Mclntire Mary E Mrs, r 58 Woodfin JC Mclntire, wid B, r 58 Woodfin 5 Mclntire M E Mrs, r 58 Woodfin 5*5 Merchant Tailors, 58 louth Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. : __ R&ysorSs Smith s« Ef 3.3 2p The Most Complete Stocli of Pure Drugs, Rare Chemicals and Patent Medicines —at— 31 Pattou Ave. g-y Mcl 207 McL Jb , . g a, Mclntire F R, brickmason, r 27 Short ^"2, Mclntire Jane E, r 27 Short ^ Mclntire Josephine, <:, cooks 145 South Main g<2 Mcjnturf M L Mrs, r 27 Spruce £* MclnturfF Maggie Miss, r 27 Spruce g" Mclnturff Ella Miss, r 27 Spruce Mclnturff Fred, cig makr, r 27 Spruce Mclnturff M B, wks A shoe factory, r 69 Orange Mclnturff Alice, r 69 Orange %$ Mcintosh Lizzie, cook, r 30 Philip " Mcjinsey Neeley, c, bds 23 Hill a,z McKissick Anna, f, r Baptist Hill 2F should give us a call before you buy. We are the Leadets. ^^ H McKesson Ann, c, cook, 95 Charlotte McKinney J M, r 48 N Main g McKinney Nancy L, r 48 N Main © McKINNON D R, merchant tailor S Main, r S French ^ Broad. (See adv and desc article) X* McKinnon Mary Mrs, r S French Broad y McKee J L, bkkpr A D Cooper N Court Place, bds 39 Hay- ^ wood McLean Martha D Mrs, bds 5 Flint O McLean Nannie Mrs, bds 76 Haywood McLelland R L, fireman, r 18 Rector s» e=» McLelland Lizzie Mrs, r 18 Rector * = *" [ <£» The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an hour org. two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile." is at S~ Cor-Jonth Main 8c Eagle. ** (Down Stairs.,- £2 k H, Loughran's "White Man's Bar, * Western Carolina Bank, j^'f [ v\^^^"^ri : ' dent, J. L. Kiinkm. ( ashler. Capital, JE $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- •=j est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. McL 268 McL Se^McLoud Laura E Miss, teacher A F College ^ McLoud C M, r 234 N Main. (Tel 55) £",McLoud Ella S Mrs, r 234 N Main cMcLOUD L P, The Western Carolina Bank, Lewis Maddux, pres ; L P McLoud, vice pres ; J Eugene Rankin, cashier, West Court Place, r 234 N Main. (See ^ adv) ef McLoud Irene R Miss, bds 234 N Main So McLoud Norman C, city editor Daily Citizen, r 234 N Main £ McLoud Laura E Miss, teacher A F College, r 234 N Main JJ.McLure H S, freight conductor, bds 327 Haywood S'jMcLure Ida Mrs, r 327 Haywood % I'ste j. §w\m% * Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, and Notary Public, a. 30 Patton Avenne. A*lu>vllle. \. <'. specialties : Eeal Property and Conveyancing. g^McLure Lau»"a, c, house maid, r 327 Haywood g'ijMcMickles A, c, lab, r Madison I^McMickles Ellen, c, r Madison § McNeely Fanny Miss, bds 78 Park ave McNeely T C, private sec'y V E McBee, office R and D Ry q Co, bds 78 Park ave S McNair Will, bds 3 1 1 S Main <* MeNAMEE CHARLES, 2 miles S Main. (Tel office 68 >gr McNamee Charles Mrs, r Victoria 2 miles S Main O McQueen A M, drayman, r 30 Pine §5 McQueen A M Mrs, r 30 Pine SC McTurk Jennie Miss, bds 190 Haywood O ■ ~ ■ & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street , **> Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. D A VOfl Q OMITUlO Stofk ,kf nutKJoisTX'suNftRiEs u ih<> oc HAljUil & OlVII fl U mo*t varied and com- 01 D^p JLnnnp || pleif of any house in Astaeville. "™ ~ ■— — — ■ — -• — K2. -i ^ MEAT 2G9 MEL~ I! t*S Means Josie, r West bet East and N Main Means J H, mechanic, r West bet N Main and East go J mo Mears G A, dry goods 33 So Main, r 145 So Main -j"| Mears C.L, bds 145 So Main ? 3 Mears C E, bds 145 So Main || Mears Mary, c, r tf Clayton %% Mears R L, bds 145 So Main t» Mears Gaston, trav salesman N Y, r Atkins and Ed<*e Hill ^' /: ave 3 £ Mears Gaston Mrs, r Atkins and Edge Hill ave £f Mears J J, wks 33 So Main, bds 145 So Main || Mears Nannie Miss, bds 145 S Main li- re Taylor, Bouis L Brothsrton, 43 ^^^±S^S.b^ 'SZAOIS SHIIVaH House. •scK-D-isr va ausrv ssao.is 0^:13:000 3JBM- M3 1!!M pus pooyvi 'spoog Buiiisjiunj-asnou. jo sun ||nj rt> " Mears S P, wks 33 So Main, bds 145 So Main 2 Mears Ella F Miss, bds 145 So Main N- Mears F A, bds 145 So Main T* Mears W N, bds 145 So Main £d Medical Journal The, Drs Taylor & Merriwether, Patton ave 3 Meadows J F, r 129 N Main ^ Medley Sallie, c, laundress, r 267 Valley q Melton AS, plasterer, r near Chestnut and Main O Mellichamp Rosa Miss, pupil H I School Melmeth James, photographer, r nr 122 Blanton bet Bailey and Grove Melmeth Louisa, r nr 122 Blanton bet Bailey and Grove o I* ^S^tZH^Z Jas. H, LoupWi "Whits Man's Bar," h on exhibiton to attract the < attention of the lower trade. - „ ., ,, . , _ , But Ftr»t-Class Goods only at * or - SOUtn Mam ana Eagle (Dswn St»ir«.;> >. * Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- d-nt, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Money loaned on Real Estate on long time. MEL 270 MES Meldau T B. wks Cotton Mills, bds 34 W Haywood Meldau Ida, r 34 W Haywood Mellis, wid Jno, r 112 Roberts Mellis H A, wks Cotton Factory, bds 112 Roberts Merrick Duff, atty and notary public, office Legal building, bds Cosmopolitan Club Merrimon Eliza Miss, r 116 Merrimon ave Merrimon Martha Mrs, r 1 16 Merrimon ave Merrimon Mary Miss, r 116 Merrimon ave Merrimon J G, Cobb & Merrimon attys office Johnston bldg, bds Hiawassa Place and Penland u a ii'f Merrimon Lalien Miss, bds 300 S French Broad ave -I CI BAILS, =£ Estate and Fire Insurance, . 5 Patton Ave., Asheville. N. C. «c : . Q>. Merrimon E H, collector National Bank of Asheville, bds 300 S French Broad ave |£ Merrimon J H, r 300 S French Broad ave a Merrimon A J Mrs, r 300 S French Broad ave ^Merriweather F T Mrs, r N Asheville O Merriweather F T Dr, physician, office Johnston building S Main, r N Ashe/ille Merrill E W Mrs. r Starnes ave and N Main q Merrill Win, electrician, r Starnes ave and N Main Jg Merrill W W, bds Cosmopolitan Club t-H Messner Mrs, r Winyah House Pine andBaird Q Messner Fred, r Winyah House Pine and Baird § McKINNON & PETRIE. Merehant Tailors - Dl SQutb Main street > ^ Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. Our SoI>\ WATER ami Other Fountain Drinks are conceded the best. The only place where whites alone are served. RAYSOR & SMITH'S, 31 Fatton iLvetxue. j" CD §8. MIL ' 271 MIL Millard D T Dr, r 58 Orange §0 Millard D T Mrs. r 58 Orange "£§ Millard Katie Miss, teacher City Graded Schools, bas 103 ~| Merrimon -*S Mills Ida D, bds 112 Roberts f % Mills S EMiss, music teacher, bds 112 Roberts g= Mills Lizzie Miss, bds bet Hill and Haywood gg- Mills Ellen, c, laundress, r Clement near Mountain Mills vvid W B, r 29 W Haywood Mills Lillie, vvks Cotton Factory, r 29 W Haywood Mills Willie, wks Cotton Miils, bds 29 W Haywood K Mills Mattie Miss, teacher City Graded Schools, bds 9 Flint K CWYN & WEST, ft ■ ■" -A-^exvts. y s. ie. court sq,tt.a.:r,:e. 3 Mills Susan, c, waitress, r Fernihurst 2 miles S Main Q Mills Lizzie, c. cook 63 Merrimon ave Q Mills Henry, r, lab, r Clement near Mountain M Milliken Jasper, wks Cotton Mills, bds River Milliken Sallie, wks Cotton Factory, bds River (^ Milliken Hayne, wks Cotton Mills, bds near same a Millikin Milton, brickmason, bds 120 Cherry q Milford Ella, r Fernihurst 2 miles S Main • Milford R G, r Fernihurst 2 miles S Main Miller Frank, c, wks A F College, r same ~~* Miller Sallie Miss, pupil H I School §L Miller George W, carp, r 34 Hill m£M I !S?SCIALtISfe. I romptnIIs and j Jas. B. iougta's "White HanVBar," Cor. South Main and Eagle [Down Stairs.] v 111 I I; „ n I, Organized May, 1888'; Lewis Maddux ~ Western Larolina BaiiKr r^rs,^ p - fc ? ftcI ? n i:--a Vio ?: p T 1 ,- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, =■ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- 'S ral Banking Business Transacted.; MIL 272 ~ MIL S Miller C E Mrs, r 34 Hill ■S Miller J H, r 26 Buttrick w Miller Kittie Mrs, r 26 Buttrick § Miller J M,lab,r Hill I Miller Sarah E, r Hill = Miller Carrie Miss, bds 26 Buttrick if Miller Addie Miss, bds 26 Buttrick " Miller Charles, machinist, bds 26 Buttrick ? Miller Willie, bds 26 Buttrick I Miller J B, elk A D Cooper N Court Place, bds 39 W Hay- Ji wood Sk Miller Charles, wks A Fur Factory, bds 7 Jeff Drive V u , , m o ' - h S Thai W. Thrash & Co., Cr?iU1 hb Bg TF YOU want to make your ■B § -*- newly married life 2£ and your dear home uwt, | <8° always buy yourconimenclng " «2 out-tit from us. Every article at our store is new, neat and handsome, and a *■-- first-class store in every respect. §J Miller Claudian R Mrs, r 7 Jeff Drive *| Miller George M, elk Revell & Wagner 28 Patton ave, r 7 || Jeff Drive *. Miller — , hostler, r near French Broad Lumber Yards '* Miller Miss, r near French Broad Lumber Yards c £ Miller — , lab, r near French Broad Lumber Yards *-* Miller — Mrs, bds Gano House, Haywood and French Broad °*» ave 52« Miller F M, city elk, r 270 College S Miller F M Mrs, r 270 College £J Miller Joseph, tel opr, r 270 College q Miller Frank, tel opr, r 270 College g McKINNON 6 PET.RIE ] Mmi Mm < ® Soiltl1 Main street ' ^ Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TT/"E can Sell your Real Estate at a mgner price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, arid charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. i \jK can Sell your Keal bstate at a higher price, VV can purchase for yon at a lower figure, and charge yon less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. You Will never rejjret becoming- it customer itt Rayscr Ss Smith's Drug Store, 31 Paltsn Avs. || Your trade appreciated. Your Interest studied. g^j. . 1 1 MIL 273 . MIL oi Miller Carrie Miss, r 270 College »S Miller Robert, printer, r 270 College g"§ Miller C H, elk H Redwood & Co, 7 and 9 Patton ave, r 24 || bpruce % o Miller C H Mrs, r 24 Spruce - S * Miller R V Mrs, r 270 College |g Miller P A, tinner, r 285 College % Miller P A Mrs, r 285 College »| Miller Stella M Miss, r 72 Woodfin ~§ Miller John, tailor, bds 17 Bridge ^| Miller G F, carp, East near Seney t g?g- Miller G F Mrs, r East near Senev 2-5 '_ j t»<<3 ■■■ I fl til I Attorney at Law, COMMISSIONER of jjj IA/aIiiBhV 'llMIIMBH DEEDS, and Notary Public, VV HI .OF U. JU mil Xo. »0 g«ttou Avenue. Asheville, N. 1. m if ■■*■■ it i v-mim«m Specialtles; Real property and Conveyancing, a , . . W Miller Julius, elk Baltimore clothing store Patton ave, bds /S Z* Cherry ' . O Miller VV A, teamster, bds 117 Cherry M Miller T R, teamster, bds 1 17 Cherry g^ Miller — , Miss, bds Gano House Haywood and French ^ Broad ave ^ Miller — Miss, bds Gano House Haywood and French ^ Broad ave ^3 pa Miller — , Miss, bds Gano House Haywood and French 55 Broad ave op Miller D H, watchman, r Victoria, 2 miles south Main Miller Charles, bds 307 Bailey go r*5 k H, Loughran's "We Man's Bar," ^T;^ h O Down Stairs. ^ — HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly j* 7 ■■ * $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. Correspondence solicited. Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, . President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital. State, County and City Depository. Your « ■•* — fa g SI II fa - £&, «._ fi>> BS *ft fl» fa e MIL 271 MIT Miller Jerry, c, lab, r 333 Bailey- Miller Robert, c, coachman, bds 58 Grove Miller Albert, c, coachman 34 Grove Miller Alice, c, cook, r Oakland ave nr Glen Rock Hotel Miller Joseph, c, coachman 53 Haywood Miller Carrie, c, r nr Hill Miller Sam, c. gardener, r nr Hill Miller Hannah, c, r nr Hill Miller Leander, c, wks tobacco factory, r S Beaumont Miller Marinda, c, laundress, r S Beaumont Miller James, c, brickmason. r S Beaumont Miller Violet, c, laundress, r S Beaumont Taylor, Bouis SbBrothertoii Used exclusively by Penn. R. R. o ASnEVILLF.. ET/C. No. 43 Patton Ave. under Brand Opera Honse Steam Pitting, Gas Pitting, 7 " ROYAL." GAS MACHINE. Several now in Operation in this City. o & o xn o MIMNAUGH FRANK P, dry goods and fashion bazaar n Patton ave, bds Spruce and Woodfin. (See desc article) Mims Kate Miss, pupil A F College Mints Richard, c, waiter, r 157 Valley Mission Hospital 17 Charlotte, Miss L E Walton matron Mischer Henrietta, c, laundress, r Baptist Hill Mischer Laura, c, laundress, r Baptist Hill Mischer Ida, c, r Baptist Hill Mitchell — , elk A D Cooper N Court Place, bds 39 Haywood Mitchell Hattie Miss, r Glen Rock Hotel Mitchell Mary, chambermaid, Oaks Hotel, r same & PETRI E, Mercian Tailors, 58 South MainS Cleaning and Repairing Promptly attended to. «5 pnrPpnipTinUP ril I rn Day orlBTlght by competent Apothecaries: CC rriLOUniri IUnO IILLlU delivered tree to any part or the City. §J Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton Ave. || MIT 275 MOL |& Mitchell — , harness maker, r 40 Seney i»g Mitchell Mrs, r 40 Seney §* Mitchell Mary Mrs, bds 59 N Main Mitchell Bertie Miss, saleslady " Bon Marche " S Main, bds ? 59 N Main || Mitchell O H, artist, r 274 N Main g| Mitchell O H Mrs, r 274 N Main %%_ Michael J M, carp, r 56 Centre *£ Mitchell Charles, carp, bds 78 Cherry q^ Mitchell Fayette, c, r Depot || Mitchell Hannah, c. cook 210 Haywood £%, Mitchell Amy, c, cook, 136 Bailey t't • § P T fiAWI ^ Real Estate an( * Fire Insurance, II u. 1 . 1111 ff Lu, No 5 Patton Ave A8heville N c 11 . 11 Mitchell A P, mngr W U T Co, office over First National If Bank, bds 32 Bailev J, MITCHELL F E, gentlemen's furnishings, shoes and • hats 28 Patton ave, bds 59 Church. (See desc article) Pt Mitchell Rachel Mrs, bds 57 Church S Michael J M Mrs, r 56 Centre ^ Michael John, carp, r 56 Centre Q Mitchell L, carp, bds jS Cherry O Mobley John, c, bell boy Battery Park Modlin J C, lab, r nr Cotton Factory Modlin Mary, r nr Cotton Factory q Moll Hy,bds 44 Phillip ■ ■ * The Neatest and most Quiet Place In Town to spend an hour or two at Z^ BILLIARD* or POOL, and at the same time " smile." is at eg JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," ™r \% ' (Down Stairs.) « • Western Carolina Bank ' President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ^ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •^ and Teller's Window for the exclusive use use of the Ladies. •^ MON 276 MOO -*■ Mousey Cordia Miss, pupil H I School 2* Monroe Flora Miss, pupil A F College Monroe Will, vvks Cotton Factory, r nr same J Monroe E D, insurance agent, bds Swan Hotel J- Monteath, wid Wm, r 30 Blanton Monteath Archibald, bds 30 Blanton ■tf Monday L Mrs, r 16 Bearden ave !>. Monday C S, broker, office N Main, r Bearden ave j E . R ankin) Cashier. Capital := $50,000, Surplus, §20,000. State, County and City Depository. MOR 280 MOR~~ 5T Morrison T S Mrs, r-Pearson ave, I mile northwest Asheville ^ MORRISON THEODORE S, merchant, r Pearson ave, I mile northwest Asheville. (See descriptive article) « Morrison Henrietta Miss, prof nurse, bds Atkinson & Morrison James, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 6o Depot * .Morrison J W, bds Gano House, Haywood and French -+S Broad ave o- Morrison J W Mrs, bds Gano House, Haywood and French «* Broad ave « Morrison Mary, c, cook 474 W Haywood < i Morrison Tom W, removed to Atlanta, Ga 5*2 Morris Daisy Miss, bds 348 Haywood t v _ : . . . S{ is fl I Tl A HFT P Real Estate and Fire Insurance, C.T.RAWLS ' No. 5 Parton Ave., Asheville, N. C. at Morris R T, shoemkr, r 348 Haywood !'| Morris D A Mrs, r 348 Haywood 5 Morris Eva Miss, r 53 College ce £ Morris Faburn, carp, bds 42 Woodfin ..Morris Alta Mrs, r 42 Woodfin O Morris C F, carp, bds 78 Cherry Morris A E, carp, bds 78 Cherry ^Morris Lettie L, bds 78 Cherry £5 Morris A F, farmer, r 78 Cherry ^Morris A F Mrs, r 78 Cherry ^Morris T H, tobacconist, bds 155 N Main £ Morris Emma, c, cook, r 156 Church i M&KUM Si PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 Ml Main Street, CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS &, JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Cstate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave,, Asheville, N. C. DAVCDD 9 OMNTUIO stock of »r^««ists' sckdries is ti»«.i flnluUn & ulVII I II O most varied anil com- 01 DnjfnTi iypiinp j pleto of any house in Ashe villi*.. — — — ' MOR 281 ' MOR m Morris Henry, c, barber, r 156 Church , 22 Morris Julia, c, cook 90 Patton ave CD Morris James, c, porter " White Man's Bar " 46 S Main, r 127 m Vallev Morris Mattie, c, laundress, r 25 Ililterbranci ?* Morris Louisa, r 25 Hilterbrand ££ Morris William, c, wks Hampton and Featherstone, N Main, ^ r 25 Hilterbrand 5 Morris Ella, c, cook Atkins and Edge- Hill ave £ Morris Thomas, c, waiter Battery Park, r 134 S Pine © Morris Mary, c, r 134 S Pine ^ Morrow John, bkkpr French Broad Lumber Co,bds 68 Depot ^ Guiyn^CHest, "™X;:E~| Established 1SS1, S. E' CoURT SQUARE. f» * ____ s? Morrow Thomas, vice pres French Broad Lumber Co. r 68 £« Depot Morrow Eliza Mrs, r 68 Depot ..a Morrow W H, bds 6S Depot • If Morrow Charles T, lumber inspector French Broad Lumbers 2 Co, bds 68 Depot <«£ Morgan Sallie Miss, pupil H I School g£ Morgan Daniel, bds 7$ Academy *£ MORGAN J N, J N Morgan & Co, booksellers andp stationers, 3 N Main, r Raymoth 2 miles north Merri- „ ffi mon ave. (See adv) ^ ^F Morgan J N Mrs, r Raymoth 2 miles north Merrimon ave gg _ = rt> EL* The Neatest and Most (feniet place in Town to spend an hour o«Te two at Milliards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at ^q Cqr.jouth Main fffiglgp g iDowu Stuns.) & ■9 " Jas, H, Louffhran's "We ManVfiar, ' IQ -O * 2 Western Carolina Bank, s?^^-I^^^rv ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ~ $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- 't£ ral Banking Business Transacted. ' % . . . MOR 282 MOR ^ Morgan D Charles, r Raymoth 2 miles north Merrimon ave g Morgan J P, elk Bostic Bros & Wright n N Main, r 205 Woodfin §j Morgan Willis, r 205 Woodfin J5 Morgan J P Mrs, r 205 Woodfin o Morgan Cassius, elk Asheville Dry Goods Co, N Main, r ^ 205 Woodfin £l Morgan J M Mrs, r 36 Pine . Morgan Jesse M, elk Swatzberg Patton ave, r 36 Pine Morgan Eva Miss, saleslady Mimnaugh Patton ave, r Grove, $i bet Bailey and French Broad ave «§<£ Morgan Richard, r Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave S2 CWYN & WEST, 11 tim Sunset Mountain Land Go. ^ ffeats . C >. Morgan E, bds Ravenscroft School 23 Morgan Bettie Miss, r Grove bjt Bailey and French Broad ave 2* Morgan Walter, bds Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave s Morgan Ella miss, saleslady '' Bon Marche," r Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave O Morgan Annie, r Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave Morgan E, c, fruit man, r 130 Valley Morgan Harriet, c, laundress, r 130 Valley q Morgan Will, c, whitewashes r 283' Depot ^ Morgan Ella, c, r 283 Depot in Morgan George B, carp, bds 2 Blanton O Morgan Berrenice, r Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave g McKINNQN & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 Sooth Main Street, 2 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR & SMITH'S Stoek of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES is th«» n,o S tv«riedHadcon,. 3] PattOTI kiTO |g plete of any house In Ashevllle. mm mmm —~ m "^ * 2 re 3" CD . 5-g MOR 283 MUL §= — . g (B Morgan George W, tobacconist, r Grove bet Bailey and %2, French Broad ave g^ Moss C A Miss, bds Van Gilder House g» Moss Hattie, bds 192 S Main £g Moss Susan Miss, r n.6 Church gr Mosher Frank, elk Battery Park Hotel, r same -£ Mosher Frank Mrs, r Battery Park Hotel |q Motz Carrie, c, chambermaid Battery Park Hotel, r Eagle nr £o Valley Z< Mowbray Anna Miss, bds 120 Haywood " Mun Charlie, wks Chinese laundry 12 N Main, r same §'.3 v 2, Mulwee John, lab, bds 234 Patton ave -2-F »2 The Snosei Mount&ia U&d Co. 0WYM * W _£_ H ■ • Murray J L Mrs, r 445 S Main SO Murray J L, city supt water works and streets, r 45 S Main *_. Murray Lem, c, r 137 Va'ley © Mullinax Gaston, lab, r near 436 North Main ^ Mull Willie, drayman, bds 300 Grove 2 MULLER W 0, Propr Muller's Exchange, cor College y and Water, (Tel 20), r 16 Charlotte (See desc art) «_ Muller W O Mrs, r 16 Charlotte Muller J D, r 16 CJiarlotte O Muller J 1) Mrs, r 16 Charlotte Muller Mattie, r, cook, 118 Woodfin ^ Muller M'Liss, c, cook, 58 Poplar ~" £&HrfeSTS!«£. Jas. H, Itubu'i "We Mai's Bir.f on exhibiton to attract the ' 1 r-» attention of the lower trade. «. 8 «.*i. v.i- ..j v. -1* ,* - . ?5~ But First-Class Goods only at w0r ' SOUtn Mam ana Sagie (S»ws Sulri. _ Organizel May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, . President, L. P. McLoud, VicePresi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin. Cashier. Capital, jj[ $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- •— est' paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. MUL~ ~ 284~ MYE gTMuller Andy, c, lab, 58 Poplar It Murphy Clarence W, wks R&D R'y Co, bds Van Gilder fc^, House ^Murphy Fredk, eng, bds 452 South Depot 1 Murphy J L, bds 182 South Main ■* Murphy R M, c, bds Patton ave & Murphy Ellen, c, laundress, r 35 Gudger aj Murphy Geo, c, railroader, r 35 Gudger §? Murphy Albert, c, waiter, 35 Gudger £ Murdock Ella Miss, pupil A F College' 2 JVIurdock Maggie Miss, saleslady, Perry's South Main, bds S-i South French Broad ave i3 The Sunset Mountain Land Co. CWYM & WEST AGENTS. 2'i S». 3E3. Court- &c±ia*&xrle>. _j c — _ . gjMurdock Agnes Miss, saleslady at T C Smith & Co's, South S'S Main, bds South French Broad .t w Murrougli Ola, c, housemaid, ne cor Merrimon ave and Chest- 5 nut ik. * Murrousjh Mary, c, laundress, r Hill and Buttiick ^Murrough Logan, c, waiter, r Hill and Buttrick £>Murrough Hettie, bds Hill & Buttrick ^MURROUGH NOAH, Restaurant and Short Order gpr House, Patton ave (See desc art) . OMyer D M, wks cotton factory, bds near same j^Myer Bettie, wks cotton factory, r near same ESS Myers Wm, machinist, bds near cotton mills & PETRIE MerehMt Tailoi ' s ' 5ij s "" th Mai " strcpt - ** Cleaning' and Repairing Promptly Attended to. HA I dUn & Omlln U most varied and com. jjj P^g^ AvenilBi *I plete of any house In Asheville. g *" MYE 285 " NEI |g ■ — — ~o Myers J N, Weaver & Myers, The Shoe Store, 39 Patton-" 3 ave, r 24 Davidson «o ■ tl> o Myers J N Mrs, r 24 Davidson "™| Myers Wm, bds 162 South Main PS N ASH MARY MRS, bds 76 Haywood Naylor Laura J, 163 S Main - §n Naylor W W, merchant, r 163 S Main |^ Neal Joseph, vvks Cotton Factory, r near same q~ Neal John, wks Cotton Factory, r near same • jjsr Neal Furman, c, lab, r near street car junction, South Side §p ave Co. w GWYN & WEST, -A-grexita. S-..-H!- COTJET SQJT^LlREi. Neal Myra, £, r near street car junction, South Side ave Neal David, r, lab, r Madison Neeley J W, clerk H Redwood & Co, 7 and 9 Patton ave, r same bad Neeley John, clerk Redwood & Co, 7 and 9 Patton ave, bds S 27 Spruce • "_g| Neil Henry, r, lab, r Baptist Hill O Neil Julia, ... -»»i« ,„ „* . , S But Flrst-Ciass Goods only at Cor. bOttt- Main and Eagle i»ot. Stabi.) ? • Wfifltfini MM Rfl RRnk. President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- w* uooioiii umuima uai^i dent/ T E Kankin Cash - ieri Capital% jg $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ^ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Dep ar tment. % NEL 286 NIC -* . . . ^Nelems Sol, c, coachman, 64 N French Broad ave , Nelson Dr M L, physician, r 71 Woodfin, office same g£ Nelson M L Mrs, r 71 Woodfin .Nelson, Charles, Nelson Bros, grocers, r7i Woodfin g Nelson Rev Dr W A, pastor First Baptist Church, Woodfin J£ and Spruce, r 2J Charlotte § Nelson WA Mrs, r 27 Charlotte IS Nelson W A, grocer, N Main and Chestnut street, r same r- Nelson Mattie Mrs, N Main and Chestnut — — g McKINNON & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Streetr g| Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. ' WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ■SriF fyw k Smith's hg StoJlMtsnkf Your trade appreciated. Your lntere»t studied. O'CO 289 O'NF p' O'Connor John, wks Cotton Factory, r 516 W Haywood &S". O'Connor Annie, r 516 W Haywood "|'E O'Connor Jack, bricktnason, bds Buck Tavern %\ • O'Donnell Condv, John O'Donnell & Co, propr " Boston 2-c . 9 Si Saloon" 39 S Main, r same -°°® O'DONNELL JOHN, John O'Donnell & Co, propr || " Boston Saloon " 39 S Main, r same. (See descriptive"'*. article) s?| Odam Maggie, wks Cotton Factory, r 82 Haywood p g Odam Annie, wks Cotton Factory, bds 32 Haywood &S ' Odam J M, stonecutter, r 32 Haywood . gj-g- Odom Lou, r 32 Haywood £0 THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY ^ Wm. \V. Wasty Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. ^ Odom Paul, c, brickmason, bds 16 Short ^1- Ogdin Hatfield, r 38 Short O Ogdin Isabella Mrs, r 38 Short 2 Ogburn A'R, collecting agent, bds Western Hotel a© Olive Percy, tel opr, bds 32 Bailey ^ Oldham John, wks A Fm Factory, r near Broom Factory ^ Olney George Mrs., bds 55 College ijg Olney George R. cik, bds 55 College Olney Dan, bkkpr, bds 55 College Oetzel VV J, bkkpr, Swannanoa Hotel, r same O'Neal Sidney, c, horseshoer, r 15 Water O'Neil Emma, c, cook, Cherry, near North Main go II Cor. So. Main & Eagle. SJ Jas, H.louahran's "White Man's Bar, O ' Down Stairs. ^ — HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly < y w |||' . ■ * li a I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, -; Western Carolina Bank, f£¥*SZ££z?& := $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. ORP 290~ OWE £? Orpin P C, carp, r 1 16 Cherry __. Orpin Rebecca H, r 116 Cherry ^ Orpin Annie B Miss, r 116 Cherry ^ Orr Annie Miss, pupil H I School g Orr wid Marshall, r 42 Woodfin ■* Orr Thos, r 42 Woodfin jg Orr Marshall, r 42 Woodfin (2 Orr Adeline, prof nurse, r Victoria, 1*4 mi South Main 99 Orr wid Wm, r Fernihurst, 2 mi South Main £ Orr Mary, c,x 168 Baily 52 Orr Clara, c, laundress, r 120 Academy £« Orr Green, c, lab, bds 120 Academy 5o . THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY £"* Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx, President. -I c <•- — SjrOsborne Florence, c, cook, r Hill, near Buttrick g'| Osborne James, elk Theo S Morrison, genl merchandise, W, t t" 5 Haywood, bds Roberts & Buxton g Osley Jas, bds 29 W Haywood ^Osley Mrs, bds 29 W Haywood ^ Oseby Will, ptr, bds near cotton factory ^ Oseby Lou, bds near cotton factory <$ Overman E R, bkkpr R & D R'y Co, r 28 'Vance J23 Overman E R Mrs, r 28 Vance ^ Owens J L, elk Big Rackett, 15 South Main, r same }^ Owens Maggie, bds 25 North Main W Owens T R Mrs, 25 North Main g McEINNON Si PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 53 South Main Street, g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 99 PURITY OF GOODS, . § S OLITENESS TO CUSTOMERS, »tid %& ROMPTXESS WITH ORDERS AND PRESCRIPTIONS M 8 nAYS OR «t> SMITH, 31 Fatton Avo . |2, OWE 201 - P AR |f 5' 3 Owens Marion, ptr, bds 25 North Main • Owens Robt, ptr, bds 25 North Main Owens Ja.nes, tinner, bds 25 North Main -^8 Owens R T, bds 25 North Main Owens L A Mrs, r 348 Haywood Owens W E, sign painter, 348 Haywood Owens T VV, sewing mach agt, bds Patton ave and Church egg Owens Jno, sewing mach agt, bds 31 French Broad ^£ Owenby Lila Miss, pupil H I School 4» Owenby Ro L, groceryman No 5 College, r 117 Cherry |» Owenby Herbert, bds 333 South Main |o Owenby R L Mrs, r 1 17 Cherry Moo £) 01 o." 2.P ro l i Gwyn & West, 3RE-A.JL. estate, p ©J? P co Established 1SSI. S. E. CO URT SQUARE. Owenby P A, r 333 South Main « Owenby M A^nes, r 333 South Main P ACK GEORGE W, r Merrimon ave & Pack George W Mrs, r Merrimon ave — Pack Beuhh B Miss, r Merrimon ave ^ Page Columbus, carp, bds Southside ave nr Cripple Creek O Page G W, butcher, r 270 N Main Page G W Mrs, r 270 N Main Palmer J C, groceryman, r 76 Charlotte Palmer J C Mrs, r 76 Charlotte © Parish Laura Miss, pupil H I School ■ ■ »o I* O JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR/'il Th« WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State for medicinal* • purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE. Down Stair*. ? - Western Carolina .Bank, fs^ ^v^:^»: ' dent, J. E, Rankin. Cashier. Capital,. JL $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •5: and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. PAR . 292 ~ PAR~ 0m OE'H es . 2S PARMLEY GEORGE I, Asheville Invsstmeat Co se "S cor Court Place, r opposite Oaks Hotel '*-'• Parmley George I Mrs, r opposite Oaks Hotel s Parmley Grace M Miss, r opposite Oaks Hotel £ Park James Dr, bds 63 Church Parks Ava Miss, pupil H I School Parks James, c, lab, r Depot nr freight depot Parks Jennie, c, r Depot nr freight depot Parker Laura, c, laundress, r Cripple Creek Parker Alexander, c, lab, bds Cri>ple Creek Parker M T, c, shoemaker, r 157 Valley Parker Lucinda Miss, r 250 N Main B O rl 2-J """ 3* Wm. W, West, Sec. and Treas, \V. B. Gwyn, President. uiT , * * __ 2 w ."a Parker George A, carp, r nr Hill || Parker M E Mrs, r nr Hill 1 Parker Mary A, bds 429 S Main 2 Parker H N, bds 429 S Main : Parker James, brickmason, bds 510 VV HiyvvooJ ^ Parker Elizabeth, r nr Cotton Mills Parker Abbie, wks Cotton Mills, r nr same Parker Jennie, wks cotton mills, bds near s.imj * S Parker Mollie, wks cotton factory; bds near sain.' Parker M M, drayman, r near cotton miils ^ Parker Mosetta, c, bds Roberts McKINNDU & PETBIE, faw ^ 58 Srt M^ln Street; g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS. - © OEITEXESS TO CUSTOMERS, and jgg ROMPTXESS WITH ORDERS AXD PRESCRIPTIOXSg g RAYSOR cfc SIVEITiat, 31 Fattott -A.xr© wis - PAR 293 PAT _f§ Parker Willie, wks a fur factory, bds 266 Patton ave Patton Ed, bds 311 S Main || Patton Annie, c, cook, 32 Bailey ej Patton J Mont,' carpenter, bds 300 Grove gg Patton Nancy A, r College near N Main Patton John, lab, r College near N Main || Patton Pink, r near 139 Beaumont f| Patton Mrs, r near 139 Beaumont • Patton John, r near 139 Beaumont Patton Ester Mrs, r near 139 Beaumont _^ Patton Cipt Thomas VV, superintendent Electric Street Ry,W office S Main, r 95. Charlotte (Telephone 56) Gwyn & West, "^S^S^B Established isSi. ' S'."E. ; Court Square. S Patton Mrs, wid James W, r 95 Charlotte Q Patton T L Miss, r 95 Charlotte Q Patton Thomas VV Mrs, r 95 Charlotte M Patton Frank, C E, r Hillside near East Patton Frank Mrs, r Hillside near East . £* Patton Hester, c, laundress, r 27 Gudger **> Patton West, c, coachman, r 27 Gudger a Patton Mans, carpenter, bds Madison '• Patton Robert H, carpenter, r 24 Blanton Patton Mary M, r 24 Bailey ^" Patton Laura, c, nurse, r Yarboro Place, South Asheville *i. Patton O A, lab, Yarboro Place, South Asheville ^ •^S* JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR,! BRANDIES AT -„> Have been recommended by the loading phyaicianR of the state for medicinuCs- parposes. ' COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. W ~ li/nnlnrn Pornlinn Donl/ Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, « western uaroiina BanK, r re » ide T n v L p * ***»& vic ^fi- ' dent, J. L, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, £: $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room *5 and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. PAT 294 PAY 4 ^ Patton Martha H Miss, r 309 S Main g Patton Jessie, bds 429 S Main ^Patton John, bds 429 S Main g Patton Kate Miss, r 429 S Main 45 Patton Annie D Miss, r 429 S Main S Patton J W, r 309 S Main S Patton Bertie A Miss, saleslady Mimnaugh's Patton ave, bds Cm ° t>- 309 S Main vj Patton C C, r 309 S Main 5/ Patton Sephrona, bds 311 S Main S-f Patterson Lottie L Miss, r 20 Charlotte « ShPatterson VV R, r Alexanders, N C 5 „ Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. g * _ _ K? Patterson J R, Clerk Criminal Court, r 20 Charlotte fcv» Patterson John, c, waiter Battery Park 5 Patterson D H, r East and Hillside Patterson D H Mrs, r East and Hillside • Patterson H D, wid, r East and Hillside ^Patterson F2va Miss,r Hill nr terminus Patton ave ^g Patterson John, bds Slagle House 90 Patton ave Patterson Sarah, c, cook, r nr 263 Bailey ^ Patterson Fannie, c, r nr 263 Bailey * 2^ Patterson Amos, c, lab, r nr 263 Bailey ff< Paulisch Frank, musician at Battery Park, bds 38 B;iiley O Payne Jane, c, cook, bds 224 Cripple Creek g McKINNON & PETRIE r Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, S CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Tj»« will n«v«»r regret becoming: • customer at Rays:r Si Smith's Drug Store, SI Pattsn k: Your trude appreciated. Your Interest studied. ^O PAU ' 295 PE1 ~m Pau Mary Miss, pupil H I School ^ Pearson Richmond, atty at law, office Legal building. (Tel CD 97.) r Richmond Hill. (Tel 71) m Pearson Richmond Mrs, r Richmond Hill ^ Pearson Hy, c, bds 104 S Main Pearson Julia, c, nurse, 104 S Main 5» Pearson RG Rev, r Victoria 1^ miles south Main m Pearson Mary B Mrs, r Victoria i l / 2 miles south Main ^ PEASE L M REV, supt Home Industrial School, dis- © tance 1^ miles south Main 2 Pease Anna E Mrs, r Home Industrial School Peirce Bessie Miss, pupil H I School O THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY, Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. S^ ■ "- ■ j^~ Peeler Samuel, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 266 Patton av «• Peeler Maggie, c, bds Cripple Creek ^ Peeler Rufus, c, gardener, r 224 Cripple Creek Peeler Nancy, c, chambermaid, bds 224 Cripple Creek Peeler Sallie, c, cook 109 Beaumont Pegram Wm, elk Theo Morrison, genl merchandise. West Haywood, bds Roberts and Buxton Peigler G W, shoemaker, r 43 Depot Peigler M A Mrs, r 43' Depot Peigler Etta, r43 Depot Peigler Commodore, bds 43 Depot Peigler J E, supt ice factory, r 195 Roberts c c 02, 3 S !) Cor. So. Main& Eagle. »o Jas. H. Loughran's "White Man's Bar, _,„„.. |f HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly • §, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - Wostsrn Carolina Sink. president > l - p - McLoud - vi< t^ ^ VYi»Uiili \tm\iUm UttUOf dent) j. E . R an kin, Cashier. Capital S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. «> — PEI • 296 PEN STPeigler Martha Mrs, r 195 Roberts _j PELHAM SAML D, Mngr Pelham's Pharmacy, 24 ^ Patton ave, (Tel 49) r 42 Patton ave g PENNIMAN & CO, W K Sr &WT, Hardware Mer- chants, 13 North Main (Tel 53) (See adv) * Penniman W R, r 34 Starne's ave ^| Penniman W R Mrs, r 24 Starne's ave <2 Pennimafi VV T, r 104 South Main •* Penniman W T Mrs, r 104 South Main « Penniman Mary G Miss, r 104 South Mam «.5Penniman Susan W Miss, r 104 South Main g^Penniman W T Jr, r 104 South Main gJS- — So THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY <«.= 5 1 - Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyk, President. oJTPennel Fannie, r near cotton factory S=jJPennel Jones, r near cotton factory i Pennel T L, teamster, r near cotton factory £ Penner Angus, bds South Main ■tPenlahd NAL, groceryman, South Main, r 82 Orange O Penland H L Mrs, r 82 Orange Penland J C, bartender r 29 North Main * Penland, wid M. P, r 32 Penland . ^Penland Mary Miss, r 32 Penland §B Penland M B Mrs, r 73 Haywood ^ Penland VV PL, cashr 1st Natl Bank, r 75 Haywood 5T Penland R H, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near Frt Depot *-6 ' " ' ? MUM Si PETHIE Mercbnt Tailors, 58 South Main Street, ^ CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ^3 IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate of any description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or Property, make no mistake, you can do so to tho best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate of any - description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or Property, make no mistake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C, DAVOflD OMITUIP S,ock of ttWUGGISTS' SGKDRIES Is tho Q flAlOUn & OlVII flO moNtvnrlfdamlcoui. 31 PfittOfl AV^DG S plete of any house in Asbevllle. ^— — — ^^ PEN 297 PET S Penland Mary, c, laundress, r 73 Depot J2 Penland Hattie, >ntest mid Mom Pinkins Carrie c, r 168 Bailey •^JPinkins Rosa c, r 178 Bailey S^Pinkins July, r 178 Bailey 1/jPinkins Maria c, r 168 Bailey 5f5Pinkins Pressly, lab, bds 168 Bailey §Pinkerton J E Rev, r nr 357 N Main *-> " — — ' g McKINNQN & PETRIE MM Tailors » 58 Soiltl] Main Stet > ^ %> : a RAYSOR & SMITH'S - 31 Patton Avenue most viiritMl nui\ eoui- Gj Patfnn ftwoniio 5 ^ plete of any bouse in Ashetille. -s 2. PIN 299 POE r3 d3 Pinkerton Julia N Mrs, r nr 357 N Main £2, Pinners Jas, carp, 1-32 Short 5^ Pinners Texanna, r 32 Short g» Pitts Davids, merchant, r 42 Haywood q« Pitts Elizabeth, d2 Haywood 2" Pitts Minnie bds 42 Haywood -S Pitts Julia, bds 42 Haywood |q Pitts Win, fanner, bds Depot nr Freight Depot 30 Pitt M B Miss, bds 72 Depot Pitcher — , painter, bds 17 Bridge Pixley H L, mechanic, bds 318 Haywood £q oO ■a iui Gl cwyn & y o Piatt J M, carp, r 94 East 2.« EST, "i! -A.gf©nts. 3 J ■ • Piatt Annie J, r 94 East Piatt C M, lawyer, r Van Gilder House g Piatt C M Mrs, propr Van Gilder House U Pleasant, wid John L, r 119 S French Broad ^ Pleasant Ava L Miss, bds 1 19 S French Broad X Pleasant Mary M Miss, r 119 South French Broad y Pleasant Alice L Miss, bds 1:9 South French Broad ^ Pleasant John S, clerk at Heston's, S Main, bds 119 South French Broad ^ Pleasant Annie L Miss, bds 119S French Broad Podwell Cal, bds 12 Jefferson Drive *» Poe , carpenter, bds 73 N Main **" S^ffSSfEfeJE Jas. H, Loughran's "White Man's Barf on exhibiton to attract the *"" attention of the lower trade. - 5..,iv «„■« »,; r.»u ™ ~« 52" But Flrst-Class Goods only at Cor - South Maln and Ea 2 le W™ stalrs - ' ~ Western Carolina Bank, lWf\^KH ' dent. J. Jb. Eankin, C; Lewis "Maddux, joud, Vice-Presi- I'ashier. Capital, jS $o0,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- •— est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. POE 300 POR «s i ^Poe W N, fireman, bds Jefferson Drive near freight depot __. Poor Anna Mrs, r 278 College 5-« Poor Geo, printer, r 278 College ^ Poindexter Bud, engineer, bds Jefferson Drive near freight depot «£ Polley H E Mrs, wid G W B, r 244 Chestnut J| Polley Marian Miss, r 244 Chestnut £ Polley Bessie N Miss, r 244 Chestnut gr Pollard John H,c, bds Cripple Creek «j Pollard James, c, bds Cripple Creek * Polk Rebecca E, bds ;i Grove oel Ponaer Frank, tobacconist, r 255 Grove ^ZE^-IL. ESTATE, I3ST3TJK<^-2Nr03E. si Gwyn & West S| u>tuM issi. S. E. Court Square. 1X1 _, c 2^.Ponder Amnions, C E, r 255 Grove ujS.-Pope Maggie Miss, pupil H I School I^Pope Mattie Miss, pupil H I School _ Pope T W, lab, r 32 Davidson Pope T W Mrs, r 32 Davidson ^ Poole Ro, c, bds Patton ave and Church w> Poole Josephine, c, cook, Patton ave and Church ^ Portner M H Mrs, r j6 Haywood l_ Portner Mary Miss, bds j6 Haywood O Portner Ro P, bookkeeper Asheville Shoe Co, bds 76 Hay- ^ wood 55 Portner Ettie Miss, bds 76 Haywood C- ■ Z McKINNON & PETRIE, M]mi Tailors » f)8 Sonlh Main stre ^ 5 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. sto<-k of urn <; o en O " Q, Mm- i P 2.B ^3 ct£ a » 2. o © © Jas, B, Louriws "Whits Man's Bar,' 5 Cor. South Main and Eagle (Down Stain.) :• a3 til 1 PI 1 n I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, WRKlfiM Lam da HailK. President, L. P. Mcloud, Vice-Presi- w II001QIII UUIUIIIIU UUIII\| deut y £ Rankjn Cashier. Capital. _*f $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository, lnter- J~ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. POW 302 PRE •*£ , — — . ^Powell Mary, r 160 Sycamore * Powell M'Liss,cook 88 N Main £ Powell Britt, c, yard boy, S8 N Main . Powell Annie, c, cook Academy | POWELL GEORGE S, Powell & Snider, Groceries and £k Feed, Patton ave and S Main % Prather Mary, c, laundress 29 Clements Je Prather Margaret, r 174 Pine £5 Pradey Tilda, c, chambermaid, Patton ave and Church Pressley Hester, cook 29 N Main ^Pressley Adline, r near Cotton Factory Pressley D M, wks Cotton Factory, bds near same ^Pressley Nannie L, wks Cotton Factory, bds near same ^Pressley Frank, farmer, bds near Cotton Factory ^Pressley Caroline, bds near Cotton Factory *5 ="1 o 2 & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. nHUOflO OMIITUIO Stock of 1»HEGGISTS' SUNDRIES ill the g nftloUll & olVII H moat varied and com- Jj p^ ^ygj]^ ? | §9. plete of any house in Asheville. ■—■■»»—■ &£ . .£§, PRE 303 PRU 1 1 Pressley Thorrlas, wks Cotton Factory, r near same p Pressley Mary, r near Cotton Mills ~^g Pressley T N, bds S Main % |" Prisehof Sallie, r, cook 69 Bailey -*S Priesley John, c, wks Battery Park, bds 13 Peachtree Price Julia, c, chambermaid Swan Hotel, r same Price Lottie W Miss, bds Church Price H L, bds 141 Haywood Price H L Mrs, bds 141 Haywood Price Larkin, lab, bds nr Cotton mills Price Bettie, c, cook 119 S French Broad Prince Adline, c, cook 26 Flint ^3 « Guiyn^UUest, real ,J^ a ra e n CE | Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SqUARE. ^A Pritchard Mary M, bds Cripple Creek Q Pritchard John C, farmer, r Cripple Creek ft Pritchard M, R Roman, bds Cripple Creek NH Pritchard Alice, r Cripple Creek Pritchard Sallie, r Cripple Creek Qi Proffitt H B, elk Asheville Dry Goods Co N Main, r 82 q Woodfin q Proffitt «H B Mrs, r 82 Woodfin • Proffitt Sallie, r 340 N Main Propst Robert, c, wks Patton ave and Water, down stairs "-■ Proctor James, c, coachman, r 83 S Main S- Pruett M'Liss, r McDowell nr Fitch planing mills *^ The Neatest and Most 58 Soiltl1 Main street > ^3 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. w 'E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w r E offer for sale choice Ileal Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Pat ton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 5ysL=E lm Ji Satfs Drug Store, 21 Patten Ave. ^ a customer at J ^ W 7 . _ |_j Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. J^J QUE~ 305 RAM ■ — £ij Queen Dr J G Mrs, r 140 Hill neai Buttrick i^ Quinn Katie, cook 353 Haywood &* RAGLE H A, fireman, bds Jeff" Drive near Freight $?» Depot O Ragsville Randall c, lab, r 175 Sycamore Ragsville Mahaley c, r" 175 Sycamore s Ragsvilie ] Ac, janitor Cemetery, r 60 Academy Ragsville F L c. r 60 Academy 8.2 Ragsville Enoch r, lab, S Asheville, Ragsville Place Raines Jim, lab, r 95 East Raines Pollie, r 95 East THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY. COMPANY Q 9 SB Ha Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. VV. B. Gwvx. Presideut. £;; , an on P. Ramseni Ida "^/;^I L J O Down Stairs. HIGHEST' QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly ?" ^J ,__ ■ li « l Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, ~ Western C&rolini Bank president > l - p - McL ° ud > vice-pre-i- ^ VVWWiii VHHWMMtt ■«""< dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital 3 $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. RAM 306 RAN 2£ Ramsey P C, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same — Ramsey A, wks Cotton Mills, r nr same w- Ramsey Bessie I, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same § Ramsey Albert A, wks Cotton Factory, r nr same I Ramsey S E, r nr Cotton Factory _, Ramsey Rich'd, brick mason, r nr Cotton Factory :£ Ramsey Lewis, r nr Cotton Mills *- Ramsey J J, brickmason, r nr Cotton Factory *J Ramsey M E, r nr Cotton Factory _ Ramsey Elizabeth, r nr Cotton Factory 5 1 Randall Hester, wks Cotton Factory, Uds 5 1 1 Haywood _J Randall James, bartender Glen Rock, r same is THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY 5*% Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx. President. -i c «•- ____ UJ j. _ 1 — ■ °.|. Rankin Rev G C, removed to Mo Conference, r Kansas £'| City f" RANKIN J EUGENE, The Western Carolina Bank, oc Lewis Maddux, pres, Lawrence P McLoud vice pres, j E Rankin, cashr, (Tel bank 79), r 63 Merrimon ave O Rankin T E Mrs, r 6t, Merrimon ave Rankin Clarence, bkkpr The National Bank of Asheville, bds 63 Merrimon ave *B Rankin W E, elk Hammershlag & Whitlock S Main, r 63 3£ Merrimon ave £5 Rankin A E, r 63 Merrimon ave 5 Rankin J G, r 63 Merrimon ave »■* ' * McKINNON li PETEIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main' Street, ^ CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS. !g* OM J KMSS TO CUSTOMERS, and J^. ROMPTXESS WITH ORDERS AXD PRESCRIPTION'S *_j H.-A.Y®0:FL c*> SMITH, 31 Patton -A.ve. fe* RAN 307 RAY o o o Rankin Grace A Miss, r 63 Merrimon ave Rankin wid W D, r 235 N Main Rankin Betsy, c, bds 53 Mountain Rankin Alonzo, merchant Bearden, Rankin -fe Co S Main, r Cherry and Flint Rankin Carrie Mrs, r Flint and Cherry Rankin Ciella, c, laundress, r 168 Bailey \. Rankin Pink, c, r 168 Bailey £, Rash S Jane, bds Riverside Park «;: Rash W C, r Riverside Park || Ravvls Dr B F, bds 32 French Broad ave '"*? Ravvls B F Mrs, bds 32 Broad ave ^y The Sunset Mountain Land Co CWYN & WEST 3S 1 AGENTS. |ej <» s 33. Court Square. lift 3D* S 1 RAWLS RR&CT, late Propr'sSwan Hotel, r same Ravvls R R Mrs, r Swan Hotel RAWLS CHARLES T, Real Estate and Insurance 5 Patton ave, bds Swan Hotel. (See adv centre lines) RAYSOR C A, Raysor & Smith, Druggists 31 Patton g£ ave, (Tel 5), r 88 N Main. (See adv top lines) 3 Ray ford Jessee, c, wks 104 S Main Ravenscrofc Theological School, bet Church and Bailey- Ray John, c, porter 56 Bailey y _ s Ray Celia, c, laundress, r near Phillip a. Ray Bessie Miss, r foot Baird *~ Ray Edward, teamster, r West andSeney AT JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I AT / -. The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the state for medicinal purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. Organized .May. 1888; Lewis Maddux. President, L. 1'. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, _i 5)50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •5. and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. * * RAY 308 REA " -"*■ Ray Edna Mrs, r West and Seney g Ray S W, elk Penniman & Co, 13 No Main, r 105 Hillside ^RayS W Mrs, r 105 Hillside g Ray Avon O, r 105 Hillside J Ray H B, elk E F Hines, College, r 382 N Main a Ray H B Mrs, r 382 N Main -Jf Ray Laura, c, laundress, r 1 Beaumont t ^ Ray Isaac, c, tobacco pekr, r 1 Beaumont J Ray William, wks Cotton Mills, bds 29 W Haywood I Ray — Mrs, r 165 S Main £ I Ray T B, r foot Baird 1't Ray T B Mrs, r foot Baird 3J5 6 O 5 CWYN & WEST, : IflUlUUUlllin&llJMCo. E. COJJJRT SQUAEE. V jrKay C F, real estate and ticket broker opo Swan Hotel S ui-| Ray Young, coachman, r 83 S Main t | Main iX. Reading A E, elk Oaks' Hotel, r same ? Reagan Arthur, tobacconist, bds 169 Chestnut ^j Reagan Arthur Mrs, bds 169 Chestnut ^ Reagan Carrie Miss, bds 47 Woodfin Rea Alex, c, coachman, bds 31 1 Sonth Main ^ Rea Alfred, carp, r 31 1 South Main 5£ Rea Lillie, r 31 1 South Main Jj; Reavis Annie, r 161 Bailey O Reavis Jos, shoemaker, r 161 Bailey ^ \ McKINHON k PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 5a South Main Street < — ~ CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, ggj OI.ITEXESR TO CUSTOMERS, and •>> ROMPTXESN WITH ORDERS AXD PRESCRIPTIONS gL HAYSOR cfo JS3VEITI3C, 31 I»atton Axre. isj ~REC 309 RED ^ Rector Mitchell, teamster, bds 155 North Main Rector Lila Miss, 155 North Main t/i Rector J S. elk A D Cooper's, North Ct Place, r 155 North g Main Rector L M Mrs, r 155 North Main Rector Bessie Miss, bds 155 North Main Rector W G, electric worker, r 24 Rector " ^ Rector R G Mrs, r 24 Rector Rector Maggie L Mis, bds 24 Rector f p Reese Naomi Miss, nurse Mission Hospital, 17 Charlotte Redford Geo, fireman, bds Jeff Drive, near frt depot Redwood Hy W, bds 70 Bailey ^~ ~ i The Sunset Mountain Land Co St. 152. Court Square O CWYN & WEST || I AGENTS. !<■ © S si — ** r 5£ Redwood Helen T Miss, bds 70 Bailey Redwood Sue T Mrs, r 70 Bailey Redwood Wm M, bds 70 Bailey REDWOOD H & CO, Dry Goods, Notions and Cloth- ing, H Redwood, P I Love, — McDonald, 7 and 9 'Patton ave (See adv side lines) Redwood H, r 70 Bailey Redmond Willis R, janitor Bank of Asheville, r 82 Valley Redmond Maria, c, r 82 Valley Redmond Lizzie, housemaid, 146 Chestnut Redmond C C, r 80 Seney Redmond J D, r 80 Seney JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State for medicinal r purposes, COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Do*n Stairs. REI 311 REY Reid Lola c, ch maid, 1 15 Haywood W RE VELL T J, groceries and feed, N Main, bds West- c/a ern Hotel. (See desc article) m Revell A W, ptr nr 255 Grove ^ Revell Catherine S, r nr 255 Grove <^ REVELL & WAGNER, family groceries, Patton ave, f> [Tel 69], (See desc art) ^ REYNOLDS W T, Clerk County Court, also Reynolds, Spears & Sawyer, mngrs Grand Opera House, r 22 "gS Woodfin, (See desc art) £3 Reynolds W T Mrs, r 22 Woodfin f J Reynolds Alice Mrs, r 48 Spruce *i| . . . |3 |S Wm. W. West, See. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn. President. *b GO* THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY Reynolds D L, sheriff Buncombe Co, bds 67 College £? Reynolds D L Mrs, bds 67 College Reynolds N A, city tax collector, r 52 Woodfin Reynolds Carrie K Miss, r 88 N Main Reynolds Ada B Miss, r 88 N Main S Reynolds C V, bds 88 N Main i Reynolds T E Mrs, wid Jno E, r 88 N Main Reynolds Ora L Miss, r 88 N Main Reynolds Maggie c, cook, 116 Cherry ^-^ Reynolds Jos, bds 77 Hill . 5? Reynolds Jennie c, cook, 78 Park ave *» Reynolds Matties, house maid, 78 Park ave __, ^» •Jas, H, Loughran's "We Man's fiar," Cor - SoJlai ° &Eagk I D Down Stairs. HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly S" m? ___ - ., ■ i Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux. - WssLern Cud mi ml president > l - p - McL ° ud > vice-presi- ^ YVIBVIUM VUiVhMto tftti»M dent) j E . R ankiri) Cashier. Capital S $50,000, Surplus, §20,000. State, County and City Depository. ~REY 312 RHO ac Reynolds Kate, bds 50 Bailey _ • Reynolds Mary, bds 50 Bailey ■ &, Reynolds Mary, r 134 Bailey * Reynolds J K, liveryman at Battery Park, r 134 Bailey S Rhineheardt E T, contr, r 49 Chestnut "* Rhineheardt E T Mrs, r 49 Chestnut ^ Rhinehart L' F, carp, r Depot nr Freight Depot o- Rhinehart K G, carp, r Depot nr Freight Depot ** Rhinehart O V, bds Depot nr Freight Depot Rhinehart Edgar, bds Depot nr Freight Depot «*.•£ Rhinehart Cora Miss, bds Depot nr Freight Depot S'C Rhinehart Hester Miss, bds Depot nr Freight Depot |.g . . P THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY 5^- W-m. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwvx, President. <■- ___^___ . — — — — — — °|' Rhinehart F M. carp, r Depot nr Freight Depot *! Rhinehart L A Mrs, r Depot nr Freight Depot i Rhimer Jno R, carp, bds 346 Haywood £ Rhodes — . carp, bds 69 Seney , I Rhodes Olivia B Miss, bds 79 Academy w> Rhodes Lonie R, bds 79 Academy Rhodes C E, r 79 Academy Rhodes A, mechanic, r 79 Academy £SE Rhodes Donie Miss, bds 348 Haywood ^r Rhodes Jno, Plumber, r 348 Haywood g Rhodes Nancy, r 348 Haywood ^ Rhodes Frank, wksAsheville Fur Factory, bds 266 Patton ave i MsEHM Si FETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, — CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. \17B are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated »» Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. tlfB arc State Agents for X. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated " Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of Mew York. We can insure you against accident or death in the •' Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.*' JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. k H, loupjiran's W h ite'Man 1 s=B ar. tlA lull II Si ulVII II U mo«* varied and com- Oj pattnij AyPTlTJP £*" plete oT any house in tslievillt*. i ^ RHO 313 ~RI C~ " O ■ — ■ ■ — ■ ■ x Rhodes Lizzie, bds McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills ^ Rhodes Caswell, lab, bds McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills g Rhodes Jno, drayman, r McDowell nr Fitch's Planing Mills ^ Rhodes Elizabeth, r McDowell, near Fitch Planing Mill g_, Rhodes James, farmer, McDowell, near Fitch Planing Mill -^ Richmond H F, coachman, r 125 Broad O Richmond Mrs, r 125 Broad *• RICH JOHN R, Ballard, Rich & Boyce, Stoves, Tin- | ware arid plumbing, W Court Place, (Tel 17) r 95 College. (See descriptive article) Rich John P Mrs, r 95 College Rich Theo E Mrs, r 95 College GLuy n * CUest, •""^SJEk.. Established ISSI. S*! E- CoURT SQUARE. Rich J L, bookkeeper Ballard, Rich & Boyce, bds 95 College Rich Charles, carpenter, bds 27 North Main Ricker W C, carp, r 419 N Main Ricker Nancy Jane, r 419 N Main Rickman Murry, wks cotton factory,, r near same Rickman Manley, wks cotton factory, r near same Rickman J C, lab, r near cotton factory Rickman A C, r near cotton factory Rickman John M, r 338 S Main Rickman Mattie A, r 338 S Main Rice Artie Miss, pupil A F College Rice Grace Miss, r Charlotte and IVoodfin The Xeatest and Host Quiet place in Town to spend an hour or two at Billiards or l'ool, and at the Maine time *%i»iile.'* in at 3 e» a -_■ o 3 ere |) Cor. South Main & Eagle, ■? •- 1 Down Stairs.; 2I U - Western Carolina Bant ^p^ 1 ^^^^ ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, e| 150,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- "^ ral Banking Business Transacted. M . • . -3 RIC 314 ROA 2£ Rice John S, r 234 N Main •33 Rice Noah, c, lab. r 105 Beaumont ." — ' Rice Ben, c, r 105 Beaumont % Rice Cordelia, c, r 60 Academy S3 ^ S Rice Emanuel, ■ — ■ ■ ■ g McKINNON l PETR1E Merchant Tailors, 08 South Main Street, t-J Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. r»i\/r>m r, nlliTlin Stoek of DRUGGISTS' SIM>RIES is the RAYSOR & SMITH'S .«n. M ..d<«. 3j p a (J 0|) H, e|)1]e| plete oJ' any house iu Abbeville. ROB 315 ROB Robinson Ella, c, cook 142 Hill Robison Clara M Mrs, 1 122 Blanton Robison Mattie, r 122 Blanton Robison K W, route agt R and D, r 122 Blanton Robinson Julius, c, lab, r 109 Beaumont Robinson Frank E, abstract, office C H bldg, r Atkinson n\v Asheville Robinson Mary L Mrs, r Atkinson Robinson. Sarah E, cook, bds 82 Park ave Robinson Sam, c, butler Gano House Haywood and French Broad ave 53 O . j^j Robbins Mont, railroader, bds 500 S Depot m Roberts Victoria Miss, r W Haywood C/5 Roberts H M, expressman, bds Van Gilder House ' ^j Roberson J D Rev, pastor M E Church cor Haywood and ^ Buttrick, r bet Hill and Haywood Roberson Mary E Mrs, r bet Hill and Haywood Roberson Clara, c, cook 158 Chestnut Robertson JD,r 11 Hiawassa Place Robertson J D Mrs, r 1 1 Hiawassa Place Robertson Violet, c, cook 95 Bailey Robertson Hy, bds 57 Church No Free Lunches served, or !.. H f «„«,V..J. fiUflil* M»J« Q«. " any kind of Wild Animals on exhibiton to attract the attention of the lower trade. ,,„„ ., ,. M . . «, w1 , ,_ .. . , But First-Class Goods only at Cor - South Maln an * Ea 2 le ( Do,ro 8t»ln.) o S 1 <<5 S f Robertson Mary, bds 57 Church 5" The Svaset Mountain Land k CWYN & WEST, 3 -A-g'erxts. S-G IB 5 S. E. COTTJRT SQUABE. £» . . ___ S H Robinson Anna, c, r bet Starnes ave and Cherry 3 Jas. H, Loughran's "White Man's Ear," | Organize 1 May. 18S - Maddux. President, L, "P. Mclioud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, .» $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ~ est paid on deposits of 1'uur muniiis ■ r lender in Saving Department. ROB 316 ROL 5T Robinson Pink, r, shoemaker, r 314 Bailey- Robinson Phillis, laundress, r 314 Bailey =^ Robinson Elbert, c, butler 24 Grove -■. Robinson Violet, c, cook, r nr Phillip p Robinson Wm, c, lab, r nr Phillip '~ Robison Annie, bcls 122 Blanton » Rochester Thomas, lab, r Madison " 3* Rochester Lizzie, r Madison gr Rockholder I Miss, housekeeper Oaks Hotel, r same <*- Rockoe — , r Seney and East oc L ^ Rockoe Mrs, r Seney and East £ = Roddicks Ella, c, cook 44 Phillips IRIE^Z-. ESTATE, I3>TSTJIS,^L.2SrCE. II Gwyn & West, g.| Established ls&i. S. E. Court Square. MJ . S '" Rodgers Wiley, carp, r nr Woodfin and Bridge IU 1 Rodgers Mary, r nr Woodfin and Bridge = r Rogers — , r 169 Chestnut v Rogers Mrs, bds 169 Chestnut Rogers Rufus, carp, r 69 Seney J^ Rogers Elizabeth, wks Cotton Factory, r same j ROLLINGS Dr J W, V S Infirmary, S Main, opp Swan ^g Hotel, (See descriptive article) Rollins Wallace E, r 175 Chestnut q Rollins T S, r 175 Chestnut ^ RoUins Emma Miss, r 175 Chestnut 22 Rollins Carrie Miss, r 175 Chestnut & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 Sonth Mm Street, '5 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. a (HAITI]) ^ Stock of I>RUG_GISTS- SUNDRIES is the 15 (x OSVIi I I mo«t varied nn<1 com- 01 DoHnn Aupni 1 P plcte ul any bouse in \shcvillc. Ills Sunset Ma M k CWYM & w i s Jl s . S. IK. COURT SC^TT^DREi. ROL 317 RUS — p* Rollins IV W, tobacconist, r 175 Chestnut 5^ Rollins W N Mrs, r 175 Chestnut • g Rollins Greene, c, coachman 175 Chestnut S2{ Rollins C H, elk, r 5 Spring £» Rollins Mary A Mrs, r 5 Spring £* Romeo Henry, r Grove bet Bailey and French Broad ave -I Romeo Lena Mrs, r Grove bet Biiley and French Broad ave Romeo John, bartender, r Grove bet Bailev and French x 3 Broad ave . Ross Grace, c, cook yj Bailey :S* Ross Zero, c, butler JJ Bailey Rosenbaum Leo, bds 199 Haywood 0» ■'ft. Rosbrough James, c, section hand, r near French Broad Lumber Yard 2 Rosenbury Charlotte S, r Victoria, 1 % miles S Main Rosenbury Charles W, r Victoria, 1% miles S Main * Rudy Simon P, bds 24 Bailey Ruff Ada Miss, pupil H I School . Rumley R P Rev, c, janitor Graded School, r 16 Short Rumley Dora, c, r 16 Short Rush Anna, c, cook, r 180 Pine ^ Rush Henry, c, r 180 Pine ■s - " Ruscher W T. car inspector, r Jeff Drive near Freight Depot Ruscher Sallie Mrs, r Jeff Drive, near Freight Depot » y F S L of n tSTESU to l tnjhs'i ' ' White Mi Bar," § on exhibiton to attract the — »— « — .. . . .n. . - attention of the lower trade. . •, .,„■ . _ , p 8 But First-Class Goods only at Wr - 5011W1 kam ana Ea^le (Eows Stairs. 1 ^ Western Carolina Bank, p^p^-'^fy^^ ' dent. J. E. Rankin, ' ashier. Capital, .2 $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Int»>r- ^ est paid on deposits of four months or longer iu Savings Department. 3 RUS 318 ~~ SAN ^"Russell Alice Miss, pupil A F College ^ Russell Ella Miss, pupil A F College ^ Russell F B Miss, teacher H Ind School for colored 249 «r College g Rutherford Maria, c, r 212 Beaumont * Rutjes A J Mrs, housekeeper Swan Hotel, r same .3 Ryder Mary D Miss, r 244 Crestnut "13 " S3 CiAB/N W IV, died September jth, 1890 '£ ^"^ Sabin Genivieve Mrs, r 69 Academy * ^Sabin W F, bds 69 Academy «.|Sabin G E, bds 69 Academy O J _— . ^E^Xj ESTATE, 11 Gwyn & West S J uomimihi g; E. Court Square. _l s„ , , g ^Sadler A J, tailor, r 8 Jefferson Drive ^gSadler A M Mrs, r 8 Jefferson Drive Example Lillie Miss, pupil H I School § Sams John B, carpenter, r 323 Bailey jSams Margaret S, r 323 Bailey ^Sampson Walter, wks 337 S Main OSandford Alexander, c, sexton 1st Baptist Church, r near 19 «*8 ^Clements ^Sanders Alice, wks cotton mills, bds 122 Roberts OSanders Joseph, wks cotton mills, bds 122 Roberts an . ^Sanders B G, r Bailey near Fitch Planing Mill SSanders Heiter, r Bailey near Fitch Planing Mills S UdMM ft PFTRIF Merchant Tailors, ~>S South Main Street, ZJ. Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. DAUODD OMITLDO stooU of » I>RrGO,! * TS ' si^dkies is the g II A I OU H 4i OlVII fl most varied and com- jj pgj|g|| ^YSIlllG. fe plete of any house in Asheville. — >^— ^— ^^™ 5? SAN 319 SCH o ■ X Sanders, wid David, r 254 N Main ^ Sanders Lavinia, c, r near cotton factory g Sanders Butler, c, lab, r 156 Church -^ Sanders Rita, £, laundress, 156 Church gp Sandifer Graham, printer, bds 55 College j^ Sarratt o> ?m GouynaiUest, real , n e ^ a r Inc E , Established 1881. S. E- CoURT SqUaRE. Sawyer Jamie, bds 58 Haywood Sawyer Mary Miss, r 94 N Main Sawyer Ellen Miss, r 94 N Main «o Saville Prof, dancing master, bds Magnolia House Scales Rebecca, c, cook, 78 Bailey ^ S3 Scalp Alice, cook, 27Shoit ^ SCHARTLE J W, Merchant Tailof, 42 N Main, r 30 g Orange (See desc art) -P* Schartle J W Mrs, r 30 Orange ^ Sbhartle Linda Miss, r 30 Orange # r ~" Schartle Willie Miss, r 30 Orange Schartle Leon L, telegraph operator, bds 30 O/ange s* The Neatest and Jlost ffcniet |>laee in Town to spend an hour or ^ two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile." is at S> Cor. South Main & Eagle, * Jas. H, Louffhran's White'Man'rBar," - (Down Stairs.) « III I p I; n I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Mad, lux - WBSiGrn Laro na banki *«»««*, l. f. ^lm„,i. vice-presi- ■S IIUOIUMI UUIUINJU UUMIX! (Jent j ,, Rankill) Cashier . Capital. =s $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. .State. County and City Depository. Cene- "S ral Banking Business Transacted. SCH "~ r ~ 320 SCO S£ Schartle Fred, tailor, wks J W Schartle, N Main,r College, -S near Pine w Schartle Fred Mrs, r College near Pine b Schencke Frederick J, c, servant, bds Bartlett and Adams % Schmidt Walter, assistant cook Battery Park, r same C3 Schiller Alix, tailor, bds 12 Jefferson Drive |SCHIFFMAN S, Pawnbroker, N Main, bds College and Spruce (See descriptive article) w Scott Walter c* tailor, r Water and Patton ave \ Scott Anna L Mrs, r 56 French Broad ave giiScott Hattie M Miss, r 56 French Broad ave txScott Annie L Miss, r 56 French Broad ave tj THE ASHEVILLE AND CHAGQY MOUNTAIN EMLWAY C0M? £ j.= Wji, W. Wkst, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwvx, President. — — s a ~Scotl Sadie E Miss, r 56 French Broad ave fcisScott Gace L Miss, r 56 French Broad ave 2^Scott.Edw F, master, r 56 French Broad ave U Scott Helen A Miss, bds 56 French Broad ave fe Scott Jno c, bell boy Battery Park ^Scott Susie, r 136 Church OScott John, r 136 Church °^Scott Dora c, cook, Atkinson S^iSCOTT H T c, hatter, cleaner, and repairer, Patton ave t c/3 and Water, r same, (See desc art) §Scott Jennie c, cook, 216 Haywood oScott Peggie c, f 25 Mulberry &PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 Smith Main Stat, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TTfE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w JE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. M fiiNloinor zztlsz kwt & kill's Im Stsn, 31 Fatten k £ Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. *2{ SCO 321 .SEV <3 W SCOTT GEO F, lumber, sash, doors and blinds, office jj* College and Pulliam, [Tel office 60, yards 61,] r 56 g French Broad ave £2$ Scripture R P Mrs, bds 78 Park ave go Scripture Lilian E Miss, r 78 Park ave O Scruggs Sarah Miss, pupil H I School * Scruggs Dora Miss, pupil H I School Scruggs Butler, elk J N Morgan & Co, N Main, r Davidson s Jj S'econd Baptist Church, Rev J L Carroll pastor, French Brd 2 s 2-5 and Patton ave ~* 5-8 Self Perry, vvks A fur factory, bds Spring, near broom factory Sentles James, lab, r near street car junction, South Side ave 3? THE ASBEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY II a 9 t Wm. W. Wkst, Sec. und Treas. W. B. Gwyn. President. •» • » CI r Sentles Johnnie, r near street car junction, South Side ave Setzer, Katie, c, laundress, bds Cripple Creek Sewel Thos, wks cotton factory, bds 39 -W Haywood «« Sevier Edwd, contractor, v 77 Hill >-o Sevier Sallie Miss, bds 77 Hill ^ Sevier Jos, carp, bds 77 Hill t Sevier James, bds 104 Hill Side Sevier Danl, private secretary City Tax; Collector, r 104 Hill g Side . -^ Sevier Joseph, corresponding secretary Register Deeds SEVIER JAS V, Livery and Sale Stables, 83 South jg Main, (Tel 25) r 104 Hill Side ' ■ ^ Jas, H, loughfanVfiitelan's Bar," ^t;t!! sk I HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, anljm«ces_chaji^^ * Organized May, 1888; Lewi^ Maddux. -; Western Euok Bank, ^r^^^:.^ « $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. as SEV 322 SHE or Sevier Jas V Mrs, r 104 Hill Side -£ Sexton Lizzie, bds Cripple Creek r Sharp — , lab, bds 16 Buttrick § Sharp Mattie Miss, r 17 Charlotte * Sharp Mary Miss, Matron Children's Home, No 17 Charlotte g Shank R H, bricklayer, r 5 Spring ±1 Shank W H, bricklayer, r 5 Spring ^ Shank Emma Miss, r 5 Spring Shank Laura E Mrs, r 5 Spring 5 Sharpless T W, r 64 North French Broad ave 2-g Sharpless T W Mrs, r 64 French Broad ave ou Shavis Mary, c, ch maid, r 27 Valley S-o __ , N THE ASBEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY CO c £=" Wm,.W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. -I c «•- ui ^ — • °-g Shalfont Frank, bds 120 Cherry ■ II Shaw T C, bds 146 Church I Shell Fredk, bds near- 14 Phillip "- Shell Azor, mechanic, r near 14 Phillip r Shell Mattie Mrs, r near 14 Phillip § Shelton Sallie, c, laundress, r 40 Mountain Sheddrick Thos, c, wks Battery Park, r 342 Haywood Sherrill Fannie, wks cotton mills, bds near same g Sherrill Jno, wks fur factory, bds near cotton factory 5© Sherrill Angeline, c, laundress, r 34 Madison — Sherrill Dick, c, lab, 34 Madison O Sherrill Bell, c, bds 157 Hill *t g McKINNON Si PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, j2j OMIKXESS TO CUSTOMERS, and J^. ROMPTXE&S WITH ORDERS VXD PRESCRIPTIONS *^ RAYSOR efts SMITH, 31 Patton *A^~v&. tz% SHE 323 SHO Sherrill Sarah J, wks cotton mills, bds near same Sherrill Minnie, wks cotton mills, bds near same g Sherrill, wid J D, r near cotton factory \&+ Sherrill R J, genl mngr electric street cars, office South Main, ^ r Bridge, near Woodfin CI C2 Sherrill R J Mrs, r Bridge, near Woodfin Sherman F R, bds 420 South Main J Sheppard Charles, lab, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills ^J Sheppard Gillie A, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills Shepard Walter, mechanic, bds Roberts and Buxton Shepard F R Rev, r 36 Depot Shepard G J, r 36 Depot The Sunset Mountain Land Co E. Court Square. CWYN & WEST f| 1 AGENTS. |fl c n si Shepard M H Mrs, r 36 Depot . -*& * c* & Sheppard — R-?v, bds 11 1 Academy 5 Shidles Lou, bds 423 S Main Shipman Burnett, housemaid 91 Woodfin Shipman Mary L, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills Shipman W P, carp, r McDowell nr Fitch Planing Mills Shipman Thomas, wagoner, bds 48 N Main Shipman Minnie, c, laundress, r 29 Hill Shope Will, traveling salesman Baltimore, bds Grand Central Shook L F, wks Asheville Fur Factory, r 307 Bailey Shook Lorania, r 307 Bailey Shook A G, bds 307 Bailey JAS.B.LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR,"! The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended bv the leading physicians of the State lor medicinal purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Preai- ' dent. J. !•>, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ;± S.")0,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •S and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. » ' ■^ SHO~~ 324 " SIM >*" Shook Neni, bds 307 Bailey ^ Shook Oscar, bds 307 Bailey ~Shrier Mrs, r 11 Pine §»Shuford Joseph, flagman, R and D Ry, bds 92 Cherry ^Shuford F L, brickmason, r 92 Cherry oShuford R, Mrs, r 92 Cherry ^Shuford W E, flagman R and D Ry, bds 92 Cherry ^.Shuford Lula, c, cook 217 Haywood ^ Shuford King, lab, r 27 Sycamore 3 SHUFORD GEORGE A. Judge inferior court, Jones & Se| Shuford attys at law, office Johnston buildino- S Main, bds Swan Hotel. (See card) WStlloufllMLiniJlo, CWYN&W T' t S. IE. .COURT SQUARE. e O 2 m.|Shuler Jane, seamstress, r 31 Grove 6J& is e s gs «Jg s o s ^s jXjS cs egler J B, merchant, r 266 Patton ave egler J M, merchant, r 266 Patton ave egler J M Mrs, r 266 Patton ave gmon Burrell, c, r 1 Beaumont Iver Delia, c, servant, r Victoria, 1^ miles S Main lver America, c, laundress, bds Cripple Creek monton, wid J B, r 73 Depot monton Silas, c, tanner, bds Walnut nr N Main monton Elsie, c, bds Walnut nr No Main ms Westley, c, eating house, r Pine and College ms Lemie, c, waitress, r Pine and College E McKIHNON & PETRIE. MercM Iailo[S , 58 Sou " ain street, ^ _ — . — _ — - CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF OOOnS, J2* OUIEXKSSTO CUSTOMERS, and J^. ROMPT.NESS WITIlbKOERS AND ■>■'"< «nni«*« I PKFA( RIPTIOXS ,. RAYSOR «*? SMITH, 31 I=>£»,ttc3ix -A.ve>. »2J O SIM 325 SIS Simpson James, tailor, bds 17 Bridge Simpson W J, machinist, r 90 East t/5 Simpson W J Mrs, r 90 East , ^j Simons C W, carp, bds 146 Roberts Simons F E, bds 14^ Roberts Simmons G H, carp, r near 341 Haywood O Simmons Mattie, r near 341 Haywood Simmons Eugenia Miss, bds near 341 Haywood Simmons Charity, c, cook 58 Haywood Simmons Henrietta, c, cook, r Depot near 421 Bailey Simmons T, brickmason, r near 14 Hilterbrand Simmons Mary M, r near 14 Hilterbrand , ^~ , . | 3 CWYN & WEST 33. Court Square ■e The Sunset Mountain Land Co 1 'agents. |e s 5 Sinclair Mary Miss, teacher City Graded Schools, bds 103 s? Merrimon ave Singleton S W R, 1-41 Haywood Singleton Rosena, r 41 Haywood Singleton Manual, c, r Madison Sircy Julia, bds Riverside Park Sircy William M, r 537 Haywood Sircy A S, r 537 Haywood Sircy M D, r 537 Haywood Sircy W G, r 537 Haywood Sircy Mary, cook College and Valley Sisk Cinda, e, cook, r 5 French Broad JAS. B. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I The WHISKIES WINE* AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of t)u> State for medicinal ?* purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. ~ 2 Western Carolina- Bank, l&W^i^ ' dent. J. J.. Rankin, ( ashier. Capital, & $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •~ and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. OS % SIS 326 SLU~ 2? Sisk Sarah, c, laundress, r 157 Valley -~ Sitilinsky T N Miss, bds Park ave near Haywood - SITES A B, Greenewell & Sites, Propr Oaks Hotel, r g same. (See descriptive article) I Sites A B Mrs, r Oaks Hotel sa Sitton Dove Miss, pupil H I School £| Slade Lizzie, c, cook 109 Beaumont ^3 Slagle Winnie Mrs, r Slagle House 90 Patton ave \* Slagie Jolin, elk bds 90 Patton ave 5 Slagle J H, medical student, r 7 N Main [| SLAGLE J L L, Propr Slagle House, 90 Patton ave, r o^ same. (See descriptive article) The Sunset Mountain Land Go. GWYN & WEST, .^ greets. £5 S. IE. COURT SQTJAEE, , g* ; ' uj.'s Slack Jessie B, bds 63 Church gJ-Sloan Julia C, wks Cosmopolitan Club I Sloan Mat, bds 159 Patton ave . Sloan Mrs, bds 159 Patton I Sloan John, bds 159 Patton § Sloan Andy, c, r 198 S Main ■^_ Sloan Sarah, c, r 198 S Main Sloan J B, elk Mimnaugh's Patton ave, r same ^ Sluder Charles, elk Brown, Gudger & Co Patton ave, bds 149 Haywood £ Sluder Maggie Miss, bds 74 N Main O Sluder Mrs wid Erwin, r 74 N Main McKINNON & PETRIE, MercW T-allora, 58 South Main Street JK CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. szjZjsz Hays:r Si Smith's Drug Slow, 31 F&tisn k % a customer at J a » 7 j » Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. J^J ' SLU 327 SMI Sluder Joseph W, Receiving Teller National Bank of Ashe- ville, bds 74 N Main t/i Sluder Jos W Mrs, r 74 N Main § Sluder Erwin, bds 74 N Main g^ o o 52J Slyvert W A, r 28 Penland Slyvert W A Mrs, r 28 Penland Smalley W T Miss, bds 44 Grove Smalley Margaret A Miss, bds 44 Grove SMATHERS J L MRS, boarding, 318 Patton ave, r fs same, (See adv) Smathers Ed E, bds 318 Patton ave 1% N v 9 Smathers J L, trav salesman, Balto, r 318 Haywood B ■" 5* THE ASHEV1LLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY ft 3 c Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwy.n. President. *j[ 0Q» C 1 Smathers Eva Miss, pupil A F College ?g, Smathers Jno, elk Bostic Bros & Wright, 1 1 N Main, bds j 149 Haywood - ^ Smathers Jno W, drug elk, Carmichael's, S Main, bds 16 ^ Charlotte |£ Smathers J E, elk Bostic Bros & Wright, N Main, r same Small Jessie, bds 3 1 1 S Main g Smith Juda, cook, 139S Main § Smith Grace L, house maid, 300 S French Broad ave Smith Marcus, fireman, bds Jeff Drive nr Freight De;>ot Smith Margaret c, waitress, 64 N French Broad ave Smith L W, wks Asheville Shoe Factory, bds 76 Depot k tUougkn's "While Man's Bar," 1 *.* t*"'* 1 O Down Stairs. - HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly ?* ._. ft II It I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, WBiiBIB WWL Ml Pre8ident ' L - p - McLoud > Vice - Pr «si- TTWVytM UUiWMUfe tfUHM; dent> j E . K ankin, Cashier. Capital $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. SMI ~328~~ ~ SMI Smith Maggie, r nr 421 Bailey Smith E M Mrs, bds 76 Depot Smith J C. wks Shoe Factory, bds 76 Depot Smith J C, bds 179 S Main Smith F'P, bds 179 S Main Smith P N, r 82* Park ave *| Smith Sue C Mrs, r 82 Park ave Smith Stevens, drayman, r 36 Depot Smith Susan Mrs, r 36 Depot SMITH Dr T C, T C Smith & Co, Druggists, 13 S Main (Tei 3), r Chest, head Bridge Smitl) John Stacy, bds Chestnut head Bridge ri 5 r ~ THE ASHEV1LLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY «5.E £*- Wm. W. Wkst, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Ghvn. President. «r-~ , Ul . °-f Smith A E Mrs, r Chestnut head Bridge UJ'o §& Smith Alice A Miss, r Chestnut head Bridge Smith Daisy M Miss, r Chestnut head Bridge 2 Smith Gussie Miss, r Chestnut, head Bridge ? Smith T C Jr, r Chestnut, head Bridge ^ Smith Frank S. drug clerk T C Smith & Co, 13 S Main, bds Chestnut, head Bridge Smith'Shop, architect, bds 50 Bailey- ^ Smith Bertha, bds 50 Bailey 3C Smith Julia, bds Southside ave, near Cripple Creek 2 Smith Laura, c, cook, 35 Woodfin q Smith Julia, c, nurse, 35 Woodfin J McKINNON li PEM Merchant Tailors, 58 South. Main Street, u CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, ^S Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE can Insure your Life or Property in the best Companies in existence and at the lowest rates. We can rent you a house of any description. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. " Stock of DRUGGISTS' Sl'XDKIES is the MnluUri & ulVII 1 most varied and coin- 01 Dn+j J Ayg}]]]P ^ plete of any house in Aslieviile. — — — — 25 SMI 329 ~~ SMI " © Smith W E, bricklayer, r 316 N Main § Smith Mattie E, r 316 N Main g Smith H K Mrs, r42Penland 2$ Smith Dr H K, Reeves & Smith, dentists, office Patton ave, r 42 Penland Smith Maggie Miss, bds 32 Penland © Smith Will, r Riverside Park "* Smith Jane, r Riverside Park 3 Smith Martha, cook, r Academy 5 Smith Wm, barber, r \6\ Havwood ^S Smith Rev J R, bds 115 Haywood sL'o Smith J R Mrs, bds 115 Haywood 5? Gcuyn ^Olest, REAL , E ^ A BA E NCE , Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm th Dennis, wks cotton mills, r near same th Anna, wks cotton mills r near same th Mary L Miss, bds 8 Park ave tli Sallie S, bds Park ave th N H, wks cotton Factory, bds near same th Susan, r 34 W Haywood th J B, tvks cotton factory, r 34 West Haywood th Jerry, lab, r near Ice Factory th Tina, c, nurse, Park ave, near Haywood th Silas, c, lab, r 27 Valley th Ester, c, cook, 27 Valley th Lizzie, c, r 35 Valley k H, Louehran's liie s Man's : k a ^9 ©9 The Neatest and Host Quiet place in Town to spend an honr or 2? two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile,'" is at =: Cor. South Main Sc Eagle, * 1 town Stairs, i 22 " a-; ill I P I' n I. Organized May, 1888: Lewis Maddux. • WPmPM \,M MR KHflK. President, L. P. McLoud. Vice-Presi- « nooiGiii uaiuima uoiin, dent T E Rankin (ashier Capitali .£ $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ~ est ])aid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department- SMI 330 SMI ^Smith Lizzie, c. waitress, 31 Grove Smith Elizabeth, c, bds 426 Bailey =^Smith Dock, c, r 426 Bailey ^jSmith Cattie, c, r 426 Bailey §Smith Ellen, c, cook, r 23 McDowell -^Smith Chas, c, lab, r bet Bailey and Church j»Smith Maggie, c, laundry woman, r bet Bailey and Church "e^Smith Hy, c, butler, r bet Bailey and Church grSmith Amber, c, gardener, r 156 Church «; Smith Jim, c, lab, r 156 Church £ Smith Louisa, c, laundress, r 156 Church JjfSmith Annie, c, bds 156 Church REAL ESTATE, I3STSTJR,^^2SrOE. 3 Gwyn & West, £.| E>tai>ii»bed issi. g. E. Court Square. U) Z TSmith Delia, c, nurse, bds 69 Bailey m^Smith James, c, waiter, Glen Rock ={J5mith Martha, c, r 169 South Main « Smith Wilson, c, r 169 South Main *" Smith Thos T,c, v 169 S Main ^•Smith Willie, c, bds 169 S Main ^Smith Addie, c, bds 169 S Main ^Smith Beulah, c, bds 169 S Main Smith Jack, lab, bds near Cotton Factory OSMITH WHITE G, Raysor & Smith, Druggists 31 Pat- 523 Sz; ton ave (Tel 5), bds VanGilder House, (See adv right top lines.) & PETR1E MerclMU|t TailQrs ' ^ Ml] M] stmt 5 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. < Stock of DKl'GOISTS' SCXDKIES la the r* plete of any house in Abbeville. — — — — ^ O w 9 HAluUri ft ulVII f| U most varied and com- | Dntj 1 AVGC ^*" SMI 331 SMI Smith L H, Depty Sheriff, bds College and Valley Smith Finley, motorman Asheville St Ry, bds 43 S Main Smith John, elk Powell & Snider, r 43 S Main Smith Edith Miss, r 61 Bridge Smith Sallie Miss, r 61 Bridge Smith J M, mngr Farmer's Warehouse, r 61 Bridge Smith J M Mrs, r 61 Bridge Smith Louisa Mrs, nurse Mission Hospital 17 Charlotte Smith E A Mrs, wid W W, r 24 Spruce Smith G A, lab, r 348 Haywood Smith Mary Jane Mrs, r 348 Haywood Smith F L Miss, r 348 Haywood Jas. H, Louehran's MelfeVIk © ■a » 5 m GLuyn ^C0est, REAL ,^r NCE , Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. Smith Richard, wks foundry, r Valley Smith Amelia, c, laundress, r Valley Smith Silla,-r»f1aundress, bds 156 Church Smith C A, engr Electric Plant, r 294 N Main Smith C A Mus, modiste, r 294 N Main Smith Genie Miss, r ill Merrimon ave Smith Frank, r 1 1 1 Merrimon ave Smith wid Owen, r ill Merrimon ave Smith Berta Miss, r in Merrimon Smith wid C A D, r 69 Orange Smith Sarah Miss, r 270 N Main Smith Geo E, r 270 N Main The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an honr or two at Milliards or fool, and at the same time 'smile," is at Cor. jjpu t h Main 8s Eagle, (Down Stairs.) 5'» o> as Organizer! May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L, P. McLoud, Vice-Pre&i- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier, Capital, j& $.')0,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ^ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. SMI SNI _: Sm HSm = Sm -*Sm «a e SSm «Sm -a Sm •X. x Sm th Thos J Sorrels Nancy L, r Hill, neir Buttrick — Sorrels Tames T, clk,r Hill, near Buttrick ?£ Sorrell T D, wks cotton mills, r River Sorrells Mary J, wks cotton mills, r River Sorrells Minnie, wks cotton factory, bds River Sorrells W T, wks cotton factory, r River - — - Sorrels S E, wks cotton factory, r River p- Sorrels Loula wks cotton factory, bds River gg Sorrells Will, c, coachman, r 15 S Water ^ m , . . _____^____ o* J^'STSsraSi* k S, Lngtai'i "lite Man's Bar," | on exhibiton to attract the -■-■ ™ ■■■- - attention of the lower trade. - - ,. ,. . , _ , =** But First-Class Goods only at cor - SOUtn Mam ana Eagle (Sows Stairs.) . Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, pj ?50,000, Surplus, 520,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- s' ral Banking Business Transacted. jez _ . ■* SOR 334 SPE oc Sorrels Alfred, elk, r 16 Sorrels 2 Sorrels Lillie Mrs, r 16 Sorrels "" Sorrels Lillie Mrs, r 16 Sorrels I SORRELS GEO A, Proprietor " Eagle " Saloon, 23 S Main, r Broad near, Charlotte (See desc art) e| Sorrels G A Mrs, r Broad, near Charlotte il Southern Building and Loan Association of Knoxville, Tenn, VV H Webb, general State agent ofNQHD Child, local secretary, Asheville, N C t Southern Express Co, N Ct PI, W G Haughton, manager $i (Telephone 83) h 3 « •_ g <0 . . &f V «'- IS Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. 3a . . B >. South worth Wm B, manager Winyah House, ne cor Pine and uS, Baird, r same S&Sowell T W Rev, c, r 64 Poplar p Sowell Julia E, c, r 64 Poplar Sparrow Sam, c, coachman, bds 82 Park ave O Spain Maggie, chambermaid, Oaks hotel, r same Spain Emma, chambermaid, Oaks hotel, r same Spain Edward, carp, r 88 Charlotte §Spain E Mrs, r 88 Charlotte ^Speights Charles H, cotton buyer C E Graham Mnfg Co, bds Park ave near Haywood oSpears J C Mrs, wid Geo T, r 2 Woodfln near N Main g McKINNON & PETRIE ]knM TililQfS ' 58 Soiltl1 Mai " Stet ' 23 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. ^ DUVOnn O PMIITUIP st «>« k oI * dk,TC5G1rts ' scxdries is the fc^ llniuUil 6! ulVIIInO ,,,«st varied ami com- 01 D.jf™ Lpmip **> plete of any honso i;i Ashoville. — -^— -^^^^— — ^^ SPE 335 STA " O trj Spears J, liveryman, r Woodfin near N Main ^ Speaks W T, patent medicine dealer, r near 421 Bailey Speaks Alice M, r near 421 Bailey fej Speaks Maggie R, bds 340 Baile y fco Speaks Flora E, bds 340 Bailey CI Speaks J L, lab, r 340 Bailey ^ Speaks Mary A, bds 340 Bailey- Speaks Allison S, bds 340 Bailey Spencer Benjamin, c, r 27 Valley Speigle Jane, r 108 Cleveland ~® Spiilers Mary, bds 265 S Main eg Spivey Minnie Miss, pupil H I School . . 5* fl. CWYN & WEST, s "2 5 §8 '"*■■ ■'»■■"■"■« ■■«■ ■■■ _^_grezvts. re - S- E. COURT SQ,TJ^iiE!. «• ■ " ™ *•■ Spivey Leicle, wks soda water factory, 217 Haywood, r Hill J |> and Gudger 2 Spivey Annie Miss, pupil H I School so Spivey Ollie, r Hill and Gudger -^ Spivey T L, wagoner, r Peachtree Spivey E M, r Peachtree Sprouse David, lab, r 30 Blanton ' Sprouse Susie, r 30 Blanton Sprinkle Cora L Miss, pupil A F College ^ Sprinkle Minnie G Miss, pupil A F College ?- Stansill Florence Miss, r 9 Pine Stansill G S Mrs, r East nr Seney a- Jas, H, Lottghran's "White Man's Bar," § No Free Lunches served, or f.. fj I ,„«.L.,J, lifflL'i* M«J« B«« " any kind of Wild Animals on exhibiton to attract the attention of the lower trade. - ?,„ t v w,i^ ,^ !?,»)« m «■ , But First-Class Goods only at Cor - Soil «l Mam an! Ea»le (Down Stair:. ^ III I 1' n I Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux mk WBSTfirn LarO (13 BailK. President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- --- IIUOIUIII UUIUIIIIU UUIIIVj dent j E Rankin Ca8hie r. Capital. — : $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- ff ral Banking Business Transacted. STA 336 STE 2£ Stansill G S, publisher 'Farmer and Mechanic,' r East near •«j Seney * — Stamper Candy, r Bridge nr Woodfin ~" Starr L M Mrs, wid Wm M, r 24 Davidson §: Starnes Dr E C, physician, office West End Pharmacy, 272 s Patton ave, bds Roberts and Buxton :§ Starnes J R Mrs, r 27 N Main " Starnes G H, real estate, office and r 27 N Main ** Starnes T C, tobacconist, r 24 Cherry I Starnes S M Mrs, r 24 Cherry |i Starnes Jno W, r 147 N Main tx Starnes Mary J Mrs, r 147 N Main ■o; sU lua iioiia 1 ■■■■ sia •i«ii««i ■iiiiniimi ■»■■ So ,..2 Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. G^'YN, President. to ■ " £~ Starnes Fulton, real estate, r Cherry nr Flint JJ« Starnes Anna Mrs, r Cherry nr Flint jjl. Starnes Alice, bds Cripple Creek j' STARNES JESSE R, genl mdse, undertaker and li- censed embalmer, 27 N Main, [Tel 51], r same, (See q desc art) "^Steele J F, bds 179 S Main ^Steele Jno B Mrs, r 71 Pine gSTEELE JNO B, mngr Battery Park Hotel, (Tel 35,) l/l (See desc art, page 17,) r 71 Pine {"^Steele Delia c, laundress, r nr 263 Bailey ^Steele N c, waiter, Battery Park § McKINNON & PETRIE ]hxM Tailo|,s ' 58 South Main Street, 2j Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. WE make a specialty of Mineral and Timber Lands, and have at all times such properties on hand. We are in direct communication with capital seeking such investments. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ssjtlxS lm Si Smith's Drug Store, 21 Patloa k ^ H fllotdllKT lit J W ' . . . J—J Your trade appreciated. Your Interest studied. >2j STE " 337 STE " o — — W Stepp M Lizzie Miss, pupil A F College J2» Stepp Lula R Miss, pupil A F College g Stepp A D, r Riverside Park *z% Stepp Jos, r Riverside Park £o Stepp J H, machj r 64 Pearson ave C! Stepp E K, lab, r 64 Pearson ave Stewart Mira A Mrs, r 42 Bailey Stewart R S, tailor, 42 N Main, r 42 Bailey Stewart Jno c, coachman, bds Park ave Stewart Jackson c, lab, r Depot nr Freight Depot Stewart Eliza c, r Depot nr Freight Depot Stelling J H Mrs, r 44 Walnut 2» THE ASHEV1LLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY CD n m C? §* ej Wat. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwy.v. President. «B 019 an Stelling J H, bartender Battery Park, r 44 Walnut Stephens Charity, cook, Fernihurst § Stevens Sue Miss, copying elk office Reg Deeds, bds 35 c# Woodfin «-b Stevens SamI, carp, bds 36 Short Stevens Pinckney, surveyor, bds 36 Short Stevens J E, carp, bds North Main - S Stevens Jno, elk C D Blanton & Co, North Court Place, bds j§ 1 1 1 Academy ^ Stevens Hy, atty, bds ill Academy — - Stevens Etta, c, cook, 50 Baird o£ Stevens Jacob, c, bds Creek ^ Jas. H. Loughran J s "While Man's Bar/' *^J£* - i HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly r* 9» c^ 111 1 I' n I. Organized May, 1888'; Lewis Maddux, • WfiMPM Lflrn 103 KM, President, L. P. McLoud, vice-Presi- de iiGdiom umuima uaim) dent j K Rankin (asllier . rapituli .2 $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room '■^ and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. STE 338 STI ^ Stevens Edward, prin Colored Graded Schools, bds 38 Pine "^ Stephenson Florence, r H I School -STEPHENSON SALINA MRS, Propr Stephenson House, Patton ave and Church (See desc art) » Stephenson Rachel Miss, pupil H I School Stephenson — , bds 179 South Main Stephenson Lenia, bds Patton ave and Church Stephenson James, bds Patton ave and Church I Stephenson A F, ptr, r Patton ave and Church £ Stevenson Chas, tinner, bds 27 Silver gjj Stevenson Royal, bds 27 Silver g^ Stevenson M E, r College, near Pine 6

58 M Mai0 sw -^ * — , — . — , — ~ CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Yon will never regret becoming: a customer at hp Si Smith's Dng Stirs, 31 Pato Ave, g Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. S3 STI 339 STR ' o w Stinnett Nora Mrs, r 348 Haywood G Stotier Wm, c, porter, bds. Oakland ave, near Glen Rock- Stone R K, vvks Asheville Shoe Factory ^ Stone W A, wks Asheville Shoe Factory, bds Magnolia House £0 Stone Louisa, c, laundress, r near Phillip Stover, Martha, c, seamstress, r 7 Sorrell Stover Jas, c\ wks R'y Co, bds 7 Sorrell Stokeley R J Mrs, r 1 1 Centre Stokeley R J, Dept Reg Deeds, r 11 Centre Stockard Jno, bds Stephenson House, Patton ave and Church j Stockton Lizzie C Miss, bds < Flint -8 Stockton M E, printer, bds c Flint SS r ' J £■■« o cog. a — » THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY fl I" Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas * W. B. Gwyn, President. 1 5 n a. s a _» c 1 Stockton Maggie Miss, bds 5 Flint " ?| Stockton Sallie C Miss, bds 5 Flint | Stockton A L, bds 5 Flint Stockton, wid A H, bds 5 Flint Stockton Joseph W, groceryman, bds 5 Flint STRAUSS E, propr Strauss European Hotel, S Main, r same. (See desc article) Strauss Carrie Miss, r Strauss Hotel S Main Strauss Mary Miss, r Strauss Hotel S Main Strauss J Mrs, r Strauss Hotel S Main Strauss H Miss, r Strauss Hotel, S Main Strieker Addie Mis?, pupil H I School ^ Jas, H, Louffhran's "While Man's Bar. n ^^™±M | O Down Stairs. - HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly 3" »* »-a Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President. L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, _i $50,000, .Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room 'S and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. STR 340 SUM ** Strieker Sallie Miss, pupil H 1 School !? Stroup Mrs, r Southside ave rur Cripple Creek — Stroup Edgar, plumber, bds Southside ave nr Cripple Creek = Stroup Maggie, house girl, bds in Academy Jj; Stroud Rhody, c, cook 44 Grove = Strudwick E Mrs, bds j6 Haywood ■t| Straub Phillip, carp, bds 2 Blanton ^ Stratford John, wks Cotton Factory, bds 511 Haywood b? Stradley S Miss, bds 49 Academy £ Stradley Ruth Mrs, r Spring nr Broom Factory £ I Stradley W C, grocer, r Spring nr Broom Factory \ Street J J, mngr R R Walker 64 Grove, bds 35 Woodfin CWYW & WEST, -A.g'eri.ts. S. IE. aOTTIRT SQTJAEE. The Snust Mounts Land Co. w.| Street Toab, c, lab, bds nr 263 Bailey t£ Street Thomas, cond Motor car Line, r 82 S Main 1 Stuart Thomas Mrs, r 82 S Main Suddreth Katie, Woodworking Co, r nr Demens ^ Suddreth Cornelia, Woodworking Co, r nr Demens ZJ Suddreth James, Woodworking Co, r nr Demens ^g Suddreth Martha, wid, Woodworking Co, r nr Demens . Suddreth Jos, watchman Woodworking Co, r nr same % Suddeth P F, r Battery Park Hotel ^ Suit James, wks Cotton mills, bds River ffi Suit Martha, wks Cotton Factory, bds River ' Sumner Nora A Miss, r Hill nr Buttrick g McKINNON & PETRIE, fcW Iailo[S , 58 Srt to Stet - ^ ^ g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, ^ OMTKVKSS TO CUSTOMERS, and Jj,. RO.MPTXESS WITH ORDERS A.VD PRESCRIPTIONS ^ SUM 341 SUL " " ^ ___ t-H Sumner Theo, elk Glen Rock Hotel, r same Sumner Florence A Mrs, r Hill nr Buttrick Sumner B H, elk Glen Rock Hotel, r same Sumner F A, real estate, office 5 Pattern ave, r Hill nr But- trick £-j Summers Oliver, machinist, removed to Kentucky Summers Daisy, c, laundress, r 314 Bailey ^ Summers Tames, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds Spring nr Broom Factory SUMMEY E T, trial justice, U S commissioner, chm'n |j Co Board Education, office W Court Place, r 115 ?» Haywood ^* S3 CWYN & WEST i| " AGENTS. iC S3 JS. DE3. Court Square. The Sunset Mountain Land Co, Summey Laura, bds 34 Silver Summey K L, carp, bds 167 Hill Summey Albert, tobacconist, bds 121 Haywood Summey Sefrona, r nr Ice Factory Summey Etta Miss, bds 115 Haywood Summey Alice, cook, bds Jeff Drive nr freight depot Summey Will, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel, r 134 Valley Summey Harriet, c, v 134 Valley Summey A T Mrs, r 115 Haywood Sullivan Hez, farmer, bds Depot near Freight Depot Sullivan Herbert, farmer, bds Depot near Freight Depot Sullivan P R. c, porter Swan Hotel, r same JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," i The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the Ktate lor medicinal r"* purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. ~ , ■ i, m . Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, tern Ciro ti Bunk president - l - p - McL 0U d, vke-presi- y.iii d*uj,u um< dent> j E# Rankin> Cashier Capita , rg $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. j SUT 342 SWE~ ^Sutson Edward, c, lab, r S Main _• SiKson Jane, c, r S Main ^.Suttles Jane, bds n Short «r Suttles Joseph, r Oak and Woodfin » Suttles Pink, m Oak and Woodfin * Suttles Fannie Miss, r Oak and Woodfin S3 ' 3§ Suttles Emma Miss, r Oak and Woodfin £ Suttle D D, r Oak and Woodfin » Suttle D D Mrs, r Oak and Woodfin j Sutphin John D, cabntmaker, bds 2 Blanton <5Suthers Edward, bds 179 S Main g^ Sutherly Piney, bds 35 W Haywood z jsj . . U THE ASBEV1LLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY o S to Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwvx. President. -I c <•- 1 °|'Swartzherg M Mrs, r 10 Patton ave |JSWAI?-TZBERG M, Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Gents Fur Goods' 10 Patton .ave, r same. (See ? descriptive article) : SWANNANNOA HOTEL, South Main, Howell Cobb, O Propr. (Commencing Jan '91) Swepson William, c, janitor Graded Schools, bds 35 Gudger ^ Swepson Laura, c, r 9 Valley 5 Swepson Robert, lab, 9 Valley r/j Swepson Pink, c, lab, bds 38 Hill ^Swepson Calvin, c. lab, r 38 Hill q Swepson Dollie, c, r 38 Hill ►t' ; ; ■ g MUM Si PETRIE MeriAant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, — ; CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOO ON. *B* OEITENESS TO CUSTOMERS, and ^ ROM PTXESS WITH ORDERS AXD PRESCRIPTIONS J^ RAYSOR %Se SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. »^| AVE 343 TAL o !2S Svv Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw o n Swepson Maggie, c, bds 38 Hill Swepson Callie, c, bds 38 Hill SWICEGOOD L, Decorative Sign Painter, 13 Willow r 173 S Main. (See descriptive article) cegood Carrie B, r 173 S Main cegood L Mrs, r same O ney Mack, lab, r 46 Madison ^ ney Mary Jane, r 46 Madison nk Laura, bds 169 S Main -§5 nk J C, blksmith, r 188 S Main nk Jane L, r 188 S Main %9 nk Lena, bds 188 S Main ^ Bjj The Sunset Mountain Land Co CWYN & WEST II AGENTS. 33. Court Square. Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw Sw §3 "a C * nk Robert, painter, 40; l / 2 Southside ave nk Susan Mrs, r 405^ Southside ave nk L V Miss, removed to Concord, N C nk J L, tob roller, South Depot near terminus Bailey nk Susan E, r South Depot near terminus Bailey nk Joseph, lab, South Depot near terminus Bailey nk Lillie, r South Depot near terminus Bailey nk John, bds South Depot near terminus Bailey TAFF R A, painter, bds 27 Spruce S- TafT Lawrence, printer, bds 2J Spruce Talley Charity c, seamstress, r Baptist Hill JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State lor medicinal ^ purposes- COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. A zj ... . •, ■ i Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - Wesiepn Cud mi Sink. president > l - p - McL ° ud - vice-pre* ^ YYWWiii WWiWiHiMr tJ^iiU; dent> j E Rankin, Cashier. Capital S $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. % ~~TAL 314 TAY 25 Talley Giles - - Taylor Lou B, bds 70 Bailey ~ Taylor Thos, bds 146 Church g£ Taylor Morgan, r 431 S Main j^ . _ — , __ . ( The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an hour or ^ two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at =: k H, Loughran's Wh iieltanW £2i ~~7~^ £ t» 111 l I! , Fl I. Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux * Western Lara na Bank, ^ re t d r%\\^& Vic c Pr r v ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, ~ $50,000, Surplus. $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- '£ ral Banking Business Transacted. ^_ ° TAU 346 TEN igTAIJCHEN WENCESLAU, Merchant Tailor, 65 S Main, bds Grand Central (See desc article) ^league Robert, lab, r 6o Seney ^Teague Mrs, r 6o Seney «Teague A H, carp, r near 47 West "^Teague Mattie, r near West tfTebbets Hannah E Mrs, bds 13 Grove '^Telephone, Southern Bell Telephone Co, .office N Court Place ^Telephone 100) I Templeton Lida Miss, bds 117 S French Broad •JjTempleton Lutie Miss, bds 117 S French Broad £.|Templeton W C, carp, r 117 S French Broad l| THE ASHBVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY fc.S Wm. W, West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx. President. *Ji4 ' __ J-Jempleton C E Mrs, r 1 17 S French Broad «^emp!eton Maggie Miss, bds 117 S French Broad £ pennant Dr G B, physician, r Charlotte near Clayton C^ennant G B Mrs, r Charlotte, near Clayton g h Tennant J A Mrs, r 199 Chestnut 3!ennent J A, contractor, r 199 Chestnut CXennent Sam, travelling salesman, r 151 Charlotte ©3Tennent Sam Mrs, r 151. Charlotte ^*ennent Annie Miss, bds 103 Academy ^jennent Wm, bookkeeper Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, Pat- ^ ton ave, bds 1 1 1 Academy Pjennent ChaYles, r in Academy *-i ■■ — '- ■ g McKINNQN 6 PETRIE, Merchant TaUors, 58 Sooth Main" Street, fct Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR & SMITH'S Stock of OKI AGISTS* sf.vdries Ik the limit v ,a,ieda„«. plete of any house in Asheville. __—__— _____ — ^^^ TEN 347 THO . 53 Tennent Julia Miss, r in Academy . ^| Tennent Gaillard, surveying corps, bds 1 1 1 Academy Terry Mrs, 88 N Main SzJ Terrell Theo, bookkeeper C E Graham Mnfg Co, bds Park f>o ave, near Haywood O Thiker Hy J, millwright, bds 44 Phillip j Thiker Loula, bds 44 Phillip Thompson Wm, c, bell boy Battery Park Hotel Thompson S, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel Thompson Annie, c, chambermaid Swan Hotel, r same - % Thompson Ophelia, c, school teacher, r 147 Valley Thompson Julia Miss, bds 46 S Main The .nasot Mountain Land k CWYN & WEST, _A_.g-en.ts. Thompson 0, bkkpr Judge Aston's rear 20 S Main, bds' 67 Thompson John, 8 Sl)lllli )lai ° strCft ' 2 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended tp. DAUOnn O PIMITLIIP Stock ot ntUGOtSTK' SlT*I»RtES is tW fc^ ♦ tlftlOUil & olVIIInO mos t varied and com- 01 Dgjlnn Lpniip !> plete of auy house in Aslievllle. ^— — — — «=— . . ^_^ TIL 349 TRE . fcj Tiller Max, jeweler Cosby's 27 Patton ave, bds 5 Flint Timms Kizzie Miss, pupil H I School Tino Julius, lab, r 419 N Main fej Tino Susan F, r 419 N Main fco Tinslev Violet, c, cook 211 Patton ave CI O Tomkins Laura Mrs, bds 250 Patton ave J Tomlin Alvin, c, teamster, r 40 Poplar Tomlin H L, railroader, bds 500 S Depot 'Tomlinson T F, editor Country Homes, office and res 11 N Main Toole Sidney, c, barber, r Buttrick Tow Johanna Miss, seamstress, r 72 Mountain The Sunsst Mountain Land Do. ™™ &WEST - _«£k.g-en.ts. s a .1 a m S. IE- COTTJRT SQTJABB. J.r r Townsend M L, r 127 Beaumont Townsend Mrs, r 127 Beaumont 3 Townsend Geo K, wks Tobacco Factory, r 127 Beaumont Townsend VV A, shoemaker, r 87 Hill »■© Townsend'F K, Mrs, r 87 Hill Townes Sid, c, coachman, bds 48 Grove Trale Andy, c, carp, r 83 Beaumont Treece Dr J F, physician and surgeon, bds 64 South Main Trentham Chas, wks cotton mills, bds 33 W Haywood Trentham G W, cooper, r 33 W Haywood Trentham Lucinda, r 33 W Haywood Trentham Willie, bds 33 W Haywood No Free Lunches served, or f„„ f„,«U»Jii llfflliiid MaJ« flan " any kind of Wild Animals on exhibiton to attract the attention of the lower trade. -„„ m'x\. •»•_ .- 3 w«li« ,„ „. . But First-Class Goods only at Car - Soilth Main ana Ea 2 le < DoTO stal "' -» Jas. H, Loughran's "White Man's-Bar," | ^ ill I PI 1 [1 L Organize! May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, • WRMprR ifirfl flR MWL President, T, P. McLoud, Vice-Presif K HGdiGin uaiuima uaii^ dent T E Rankin (ashier Cftpita j .2 $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ^ est paid on deposits of four montlis or longer in Savings Department. jf " TRE 350 TRI £T Trenholm A M Mrs, r icn Academy _. Trenholm Helen Miss bds 103 Academy fc^ Trenholm Savage E, r 103 Academy ^ Trexler B L, railroader, V 88 Depot I Trexler M E Mrs, r 88 Depot «■= Trexler Clarkey, r 172 South Main 3 Trexler David, bds 172 South Main s2 Trexler B C, r 172 South Main !^ Tresnon Jas, wks Electric Light Co, r 43 South Main » Trezevant R G, ticket agent R&D R'y Co, r 95 Bailey Tredaway, Jas, elk J R Starnes, North Main, bds 59 North Main I Gwyn & West, ""^EEESS^ g| Established 1881. g £. CoURT SQUARE. ui • _i e ■ ■ 3 >. Trezevant Mamie Mrs, r 95 Bailey ui| Trinity Episcopal Church, Church, bet Willow and Patton ave. Rev. McNeely DuBose Rector, 2= Trice Annie Miss, bds 176 Merrimon ave Trivett W W, carp, bds 123 Roberts ^ Trivett Laura Mrs, bds 123 Roberts w> Triplett Geo W, real 85 Park ave <5g Triplett Mary L Mrs, r rear 85 Park ave ^ TRIPLETT T W, Triplett Bros, Groceries, Roberts, r O near 85 Park ave ^ Triplett A M, Triplett Bros, groceries. Roberts, near 85 Park S ave ■^ ■ . Z McKINNON & PETBIE, MM Tailors ' ;18 Soilth >l;li " strwt ^J Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. liflloUn & OlVII || most varied and com- 3} PattOIl AV6BTie. fe 2_| pleie of any house in Asheville. ___■___ ^5 .in TRI 351 TUR . _. _ H Triplett M T, carp, bds rear 85 Park ave ^ Triplett O W, wks Graham's Factory, bds near 85 Park ave q Triplett C C, drayman, bds near 85 Park ave Triplett Creed, bds near 85 Park ave gp Trotter Bettie, c, laundress, r 130 Valley <__> Trotter Chas, c, r 130 Valley O Troy W C, contractor, r 57 .Cherry Troy L E, Mrs, r 57 Cherry Troy Chas W, r 57 Cherry 3 Troy R H, r 57 Cherry |S TROY W B, Contractor, office 5 Patton ave, bds Vanfg Gilder House (See adv front cover) 5'w Gcuyn^tfiest, ■ 1Afc _S-_So_ I ft Established 1881. S. E- CoURT SQUARE. "5 =.50 Troy W B Mrs, bds Van Gilder House "I Tuc Rhoda, c, laundress, r near French Broad and Haywood £ Tucker Zilla, c, laundress, r near 64 Poplar __ Tugman Effie, bds near Asheville Fur Factory Tugman J M, wks Asheville Fur Factory, r near same Tugman Alice, r near Asheville Fur Factory ;»■ Turner Willis, c, yard boy 278 Chestnut Turner Edward, c, shoemkr, r near Academy Turner Mary, c, r near Academy ^ Turner Perry, c, butler 58 Haywood Turner Ella, wks Cotton Factory, bds 474 W Haywood Turner Gerald, bds 396 W Haywood The Neatest and Jfost Quiet place in Town to spend an I.onr or * two at Billiards or Pool, and at the saute time 'smile," is at K_ Jas. H. Loughran's VManVfiar," ^r.'S ff * - ** \l/n«i«.« P«- rt l!« rt D«J, Organized May, 1888; Letfis Maddux m Western Larol na Bank, ^tvsv ,,I ; uu !' vi, r Pr fv 1 dent, J. h. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, p 150,000, Surplus, $20,000. State. County and City Depository. Gene- 4 £ ral Banking Business Transacted. TUR 352 VAN a$ • ■ ""*" Turner Frank, r 396 W Haywood J2 Turner James, bds 396 W Haywood • ~ TURNER W, Merchant 315 W Haywood, r 396 W Haywood. (See descriptive article) JZ Turner Winifred Miss, r 396 W Haywood § Turner Lillian Miss, bds 396 W Haywood ^i Turner Elizabeth Mrs. r 396 W Haywood i~ Turner Harold, merchant, bds 396 W Haywood- : Twitty Charles, c, bell boy Battr.y Park I Twitty Clara, c, nurse 39 Haywoyd u fa Wm. W, West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President a>»T TTLEY LILLIE, wks Cotton Factory, r near same g! ^^ Utley Lacy, wks Cotton Factory, r near same ifUtley W F, blacksmith, r near Cotton Mills s Utley N A, r near Cotton Mills m o\ TALENTINE WILL, c, lab, r 9 Valley ' ^ Vance David M, The Asheville Democrat, Furman & Vance editors and proprs North Court Place, r 57 q College P^Vance Lizzie, c, r 255 S Main H-jVance Robert D, r near McDowell's Fish Pond 3Vanderver Z W, wks Cotton Factory, r 122 Roberts jg IMINN1H & PJTRIF Merchant Tail ors, 58 South Main Street, S Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. w E offer tor sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. :s--2j=s w r Si Sift Drug Sta, SI Pafa k ^ a customor at 1/ V 1 fel Your trade appreciated. Your Interest studied. VAN 353 VON Xm Vanderver Mary, wks Cotton Factory, r 122 Roberts fej Vanderver Beulah, wks Cotton Mills, r 122 Roberts g Vanderver Loula, wks Cotton Factory, r 122 Roberts S^ VANDERBILT GEOEGE, capitalist, Biltmore South f>o Asheville £5 Van Gilder House, College and Davidson, Wm Piatt, propr j Van Gilder Mamie Miss, bds 56 Bailey Van Voorhis Miss, teacher C D S H I School Van Zandt F, r Witchwood, 1 mile North of Asheville Van Zandt F Mrs, r Witchwood 1 mile North of Asheville ~® Vaughn W W, carp, bds 34 Hill ~g Vaughn Herbert, c, bds near Philip - s n 9 v\ al* THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. 0» P"S 2- - - "•S. 00 ft c >» ST? • r A Vaughn Caroline, <:, laundress, r near Philip Verga Charles, wks Cotton Factory 2 Vest William, farmer, r near Cotton Mills Vest Ron hYa, r near Cotton Factory Vesey F W, florist, r East and Hillside Vesey C L Mrs, r East and Hillside Vesey Frank W, florist, bds East and Hillside Voelzel Louis, asst cook Battery Park, r same Von Ruck Calla Miss, r Winyah House, ne cor Pine and Baird Von Ruck Silvio, r Winyah House, ne cor Pine and Baird Von Ruck D Mrs, r Winyah House, ne cor Pine and Baird g- Cor. So. MainA Eagle. S & 00 k H. Louehran's "White Man's Bar, Mown Stairs. HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly «i? ... , . ., ■ I Organized Mav, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - WestBPn Cub 1111 Bank president > l - ~ p - McL ° ud > vice-pred. ^ YYtiktVWHI \tm\HM* UHfMtt* dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital rg $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. ■as 3 VON 354~ WAG ST Von RUCK Dr KARL, Propr Winyay House, ne cor -S Baird and Pine, (Tel 58), r same I TX7ADDELL F N MAJOR, r 209 Chestnut * * Waddell F N Mrs, r 209 Chestnut Waddell Chas E, r 290 Chestnut Waddell Kate S Miss, r ne cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut Waddell Mary W Miss, ne cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut Waddell D C Mrs, r ne cor Chestnut and Merrimon ave Waddell D C Jr, paying teller National Bank of Asheville, r ne cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut Waddle Frk B, bds 179 S Main THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY £ fc Wii. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. -* e <•- *• f f. WADDELL D C, The National Bank of Asheville, D C Waddell, pres, W W Barnard, vice pres, Lawrence Pulliam, cashr, r ne cor Merrimon ave and Chestnut, "■ . (Tel 93) (See adv, page 2) r Waddle Laura W, bds 170 S Main Waddle Chas, bds 179 S Main Wadsworth W D Mrs, bds 63 Merrimon ave WAGONER JAMES, Revell & Wagoner, grocers, Pat- ton ave, (Tel 69), r 67 Woodfin (See desc arte.) 0© Wagner J A, supt construction U S P O, r 67 Woodfin m Wagner Carrie Miss, r 67 Woodfin O Wagner Lillie Miss, r 67 Woodfin -t ■ — • g McKIIIIlI Si PETEIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, j2 CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, OMTE.VESS TO CUSTOMERS, and ROM [ ORDERS VM> PRESCRIPTIONS £^ 52i RA.YSOR cto SMITH, 31 Fatton ^.-v&. t?\ WAG 355 WAL £{ ■ H Wagoner J A Mrs, r 67 Woodfin G Wagoner John, elk, bds 67 Woodfin r/j Waitt Maud Miss, r West End bet Hill and Haywood §J Waitt M E Mrs, r West End bet Hill and Haywood Waitt T K, frt cond R&D R'y, r West End bet Hill and ^ Haywood • ^ Wakefield T A, flagman, bds 123 Roberts ^ WaldrufTSaml, plasterer, r Clayton WaldruffS Mrs, r Clavton f S Walsh Mary Miss, bds 159 Patton ave £3 Walton Margurette c, cook, bds 181 Patton ave a 9 Walton L E Miss, matron Mission Hospital, 17 Church $% GWYN & WEST =rf s ft The Sunset Mountain Land Co, JS. El. Court Square. Jft — . . C* Walton Mary c. sick nurse, r 27 Valley f* Walton Loula c, r 27 Valley Walk Henry c, lab, r nr 7 Sorrels ^ Walk Hester c, laundress, r nr 7 Sorrels »^ Walke Lena Miss, r 158 Chestnut Walke Myrtle Miss, r 158 Chestnut Walke Pearl Miss, r 158 Chestnut Walke K G Mrs, r 158 Chestnut . I Walke Carter, lumber dealer, r 158 Chestnut Walker Charlotte c, cook, 20 Oak 2- WaVker W L, tobacconist, bds 35 Woodfin .gg Walker P R Mrs, r 35 Woodfin ^ '"S ., J ^. H ' LOUGHRAN'S 'WHITE MAN'S BAR," I Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the State for medicinal •** purposes. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. ,— , ~ Western Carolina Bank, ] 1 dent, J. I'.. Rankin, Cashier. Capital _x" 850,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •^ and Teller's Window lor the exclusive use of the Lj Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President. L. 1'. .McLoud, Vice-Presi- ' dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, >ep adies. WAL 356 WAR ***■ Walker Jno c, waiter Fernihurst ">• Walker Eliza c, cook, Victoria, \y 2 mile S Main -Walker Charlotte, r 88 Bailey I Walker C P, r 88 Ba'ilev Jjj Walker James, c, lab, r Cripple Creek e Walker Amanda, c, laundress, bds Cripple Creek ■+| Walker Manlie, c, cook, 106 Roberts t ^ Walker G L, bds 5 Jefferson Drive ^ Walker Mary Mrs, bds 5 Jefferson Drive £ Walker Lizzie P Mrs, r 5 Jefferson Drive £.J Walker G H, supt Asheville Fur Factory, r 5 Jefferson it Drive II The Sunset Mountain Land Co. CWYN&WE 1I_ 2~ s. e. cotji^t sq,tj^:r,:e]- a>._ : . w. 2 Walker Charles S, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 5 Jefferson |£ Drive 5 Walker J L, r Jefferson Drive, near freight depot Wallace E, c y waiter Battery Park Z Wallace Jane, c, r 36 Brick Z^j Wallace Maria, chambermaid, r 24 Grove ^ Wallace Katie, c, cook, 65 S French Broad Ward John, lab, bds Cripple Creek ^ Ware Nora Miss, r 46 Broad ^ Ware Dr A B, r 46 Broad. •Ej Ware A B Mrs, r 46 Broad O Ward Martha, r Sycamore % McKMNON & PETR1E, faw Iailo[S , 68 s - rt Main Stef ' ^ ^ — ^ — — gs CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PURITY OF GOODS, * !§* OLITENESS TO (U8TOMERS, and i^. KOMPTXESS WITH ORDERS AXD PRESCRIPTIONS *_". H -A. Y SOU. «*• SIVCIT^, 31 Patton -A_v«e. *2J WAR' • 357 WAS " £j ■ — jjj Ward Caroline, r Sycamore S Ward William, janitor YMC A, Patton ave, r 15 Short Ward E F, r 15 Short S Ward Kissie, wks cotton factory, bds 39 W Haywood _ CI Ward L M, wks cotton factory, bds 39 W Haywood Ward Edith Miss, bds 15 Short Warner Ella Mrs, nurse, Chestnut and Merrimon ave ^ Warner Jessie E Miss, pupil A F College Warson Jeff, c, plasterer, r 180 Pine Warren Mask, lab. r near cotton factory a 12 Warren Dollie, c, r 326 Haywood Ijjf Warren Sarah R. c. bds 326 Haywood ^- ■ ' — la "* s. B 1 The Sunset Mnuntain Land Co. CWYN & WEST St. 23. Court Square. Warren E Miss, bds 211 Patton ave Warren T Miss, bds 211 Patton ave 2 Washington Aaron, c, porter W O Muller's, r 131 Valley Washington Loula, c, r 131 Valley 3^ Washington Sonnie, c, wks White Man's Bar*, S Main, r 137 !■£ Valley Washington Rachael, c, r 129 Valley Washington Eddie, c, porter, r 130 Valley Washington Janie, c, r 130 Valley ,— v Washington , c, lab, r 157 Hill 2. Washington Mollie, r 157 Hill gj Washington Annie B, r 198 S Main p*™*n JAS. H. LOUGBRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I The WHISKIES WINES AND BRANDIES AT Have been recommended by the leading physicians of the suite- for medicinal purposes, COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. 2 Western Carolina Bank, SK«» ' dent, J. L, Rankin, ( ashler. Capital, -2= 850,000, Surplus, $20,000, .State, County and City Depository. A Room •5: and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. -S WAS 358 • WEA : 3Washington Wm, waiter, r 198 S Main "^Waters Lucy B Miss, bds 104 S Main ^WATSON D S, Real Estate and Loans, Office N E Court Place, r Sunset Drive (See adv back cover) SWatson D S Mrs, r Sunset Drive aWatson C G, freight conductor R&D, bds 12 j Roberts 3-fWatson Arabella T Mrs, r 13 Grove i~\Vatson Dr J A, physician and surgeon, r 13 Grove, office, ^ same (Telephone 42) £ Watkins Flora Miss, pupil H I School £§A/atts Thomas, wks A fur factory, r near cotton factory i^Vatts Armanda, c, cook, 363 W Haywood li The Sunset Mountain Land Co. cw ™*west, S.S S- S- COTJET SQTJABE. Q g . . . w^Vay Lillie Miss, pupil AF College t^\ r ay Annie, c, nurse, 278 Chestnut 5 Way C B, supt County Schools Weaver W T, real esta'te, r 216 Havwood JVeaver Annie L Mrs. r 216 Haywood Veaver Maria, c, bds 421 Bailey (j^Veaver George, c, bds 421 Bailey ^Veaver Alfred, c, brickmason, r 421 Bailey J^Veaver Wilkie, r 421 Bailey ^Veaver Sophie, c, school teacher, r 421 Bailey jSj-Veaver Rufus, c, lab, r 421 Bailey OkVeaver Sallie, c, r 421 Bailey s % McKINNQN & PETRIE. fcw Mm , ® Mi Main street <4 ' — a CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. You will never J i||Mi J, ^\\ fl t „ M ^ „ M IJj ^^ N fl^ g regret becoming- a customer lit Rays:r & Smith's Dng Store, 31 Patton k Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. WEA 359 WEB CI o Q Weaver C L Mrs, r 47 Woodfin H Weaver J H, Weaver & Myers, the Shoe Store 39 Patton ave, c/3 r 47 Woodfin. §-^ Weaver H B Mrs, r 169 Chestnut Weaver Blanche Miss, r 169 Chestnut Weaver Dr H B, physician, office 10 S Main, r 169 Chest- nut. (Tel 8) ■ % Weaver Alice, c, laundress, r 15 Mountain Weaver John, c, railroader, r 15 Mountain Weaver William, cooper, r 127 Beaumont pS Weaver Susan Mrs, r 127 Beaumont 1% Weaver Emma Miss, r 1-27 Beaumont . . g 3 trH "- - |3 Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwy.v, President. %\ THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY r » 3 Co Weaver Joseph X, trav salesman, bds Western Hotel Weaver Joseph Mrs, bds Western Hotel Webb Charles A, teacher City Graded Schools, bds 234 N > Main Webb Annie, cook 24 Water Webb Louise Miss, bds 103 Academy Webb Fake, c, lab, r Madison Webb Ella, c, laundress, r Madison Webb J A, elk Dickerson, hardware, r 31 French Broad ave Webb M E Mrs, r 31 French Broad ave Webb Emma Miss, bds 31 French Broad ave Webb David H, r Victoria, 1^ miles south Main klloufhranV'lile Man's Bar," c ii^|^ O Down Stairs. HIGHEST QUALITY. ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, President. L. P. McLoud, Vice-Preei- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital Wssiorn Cirolim Bank rg . 550,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. •3 WEB 360 WES qo Webb Wilhemmina, r Victoria, i*£ miles, south Main -i Webb Estelle Miss, bds 31 French Broad ave ^ Weeden Lou, c, waitress Fernihurst * Weldon S, bds S Main . . I Weldon R, bds 130 S Main "* Weldon Mabell, bds 130 S Main ^ Weldon Norah, bds 130 S Main • a- Weldon SG,r 130 S Main «^ Weldon Hattie A, r 130 S Main g Welburn J M Rev, r 310 N Main «.§ Welburn C A Mrs, r 310 N Main |f Welburn J O Miss, r 310 N Main . Qi SO 1? THE ASHEV.1LLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAICWAY COMPANY VVm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. Welles Edward F Miss, bds I Rollins I Welles J E B, bds 1 Rollins j| Wells Lottie M Miss, bds 1 Rollins £ Wells Daisy Miss, pupil A F College ~ Wells Lena Miss, pupil A F College O Wells Zora Miss, pupil A F College Welles E B, rnngr Southern Imp Co, r I Rollins *** Welles Sarah F Mrs, r I Rollins g West C O, bkkpr J H Woodbury, bds 55 College §2 WEST W W, Gwyn & West, real estate and loans, se cor Court Place, r 278 Chestnut. (See adv centre lines) 3 West L M Miss, r 278 Chestnut i McKINNON Si FETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, —. CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. \\Jft are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated *' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. \\JE> are State Agents for N. C. Inland & Co.'s celebrated '' Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. We represent the Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Company of New York. We can insure you against accident or death in the "Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn." JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. DAI/ODD 9 OMITLHO s,ock of nRrcG,J * TS '* si::5 > TI>KI]|::s |s tn ° ^ flnluUn Qi ulVII II U most varied and com- 01 Dnttnn & yoniip ^* plete of nny housi> in Asheville. __*»»_«—*_<_*„— ^ WES 361 WES © West E N Miss, r 278 Chestnut § West E A Mrs, wid Charles W, r 278 Chestnut West W W, Mrs, r 278 Chestnut § West J B, dept revenue col, r 23 Bridge 3p W T est J B Mrs, r 23 Bridge West H, r in N Main © West Z C Mrs, rinN Main West H A, grocery clerk, bds in N Main • 3 West Lillia, r 1 1 1 N Main 1 West E R, newsdealer Battery Park Hotel, bds 9 Flint West James S, bkkpr Grant's Pharmacy S Main, bds 102 eL'o Academy ' 5-? Gttiyn ^Olest, "".ESSE;,.. " Established 1S81. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. West Sarah T Mrs, r 102 Academy Western Dressed Beef and Provision Co. (Tel 4) WESTERN CAROLINA BANE THE, Lewis Maddux, pres ; L P McLoud, vice pres ; J Eugene Rankin, cashier; sw Court Place. (Tel 79.) (See adv top lines) Western Union Telegraph Co, over First National Bank. A P Mitchell mngr. (Tel 89) West Lola A, bds 283 S Main West Bertha E, bds 283 S Main ^ West Ben F, bds 283 S Main ^" West Cornelia E, r 283 S Main .0© West A G, carp, r 283 S Main sg. The Neatest and Host Quiet place In Town to spend an hour or 5? two at Billiards or Pool, and at tlae samo time 'smile,'" is at SZi Jas. H.Loughran's Whiie'Man's^ar," c - £ ™™~™^" ~ 24 n ss Organize-] May. 1888; Lewis Maddux. President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin. Cashier. Capital, j£ $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ~ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. WES 362 WHE ^TWest W R Jr, machinist, r 132 Hill ^ West M C Mrs, r 132 Hill ^West Matilda, c, cook, r nr Broom Factory ^Wescott R T, railroader, bds 60 Depot =■ Wescott Nannie Mrs, bds 60 Depot ■S WESTERN HOTEL, W Court Place, DrLB McBrayer & Mother, proprs. (See desc article) £ Westall T C Maj, contractor, r 206 Chestnut £; Westall T C Mrs, r 206 Chestnut »» Westall T C Jr, elk, r 206 Chestnut I Westall H G, r 206 Chestnut « IWestall E C, postal clerk, r 206 Chestnut Gwyn & West, Established 1881. $. E. CoURT SQUARE. REAL ESTATE, ISSTSTTjR-AItTCE. uj >,Westall Tames, r 201 Merrimon ave wa Westall Tames Mrs, r 201 Merrimon ave 2 W Westall W H, sash, doors and blinds, r Bridge and Clayton ^ Westall W H Mrs, r Bridge and Clayton Westall James, contractor, r 201 Merrimon ave ^Westall James Mrs, r 201 Merrimon ave 3 Westall, wid Scott, r 418 N Main ^Westall Wm, r 418 N Main ^ Westall Thadius, carp, r 418 N Main O Westall Lena, r4i8 N Main ^ Wheeler Oris, supt Tile Wks, Vanderbilt's, bds 55 College ~ Wheeler Oris Mrs, bds 55 College 2 MnKINNON ft PFTRIF. Mcrohaat Tailors, 58 South Main Sfawt, 3 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. DAUODD OR il IT U ) s,ock of l>RLGOISTS ' sundries in the g* nAlOUri 4i OlVII H moNtvariedandcom. 31 PattOIl AVSCH6 ^ plete of any bouse in Asheville. — — ^^— ^^ WHE 363 WHI © a Wheeler Flora, wks Cotton Factory, bds 39 Haywood Wheatstone Mrs, bds Gano House, Haywood and French 5C Broad ave ^ Wheatstone — , bds Gano House, Haywood and French #w Broad ave _ Whitehead L L, bkkpr, r 16 Sorrels © Whitehead L L Mrs, r 16 Sorrels Whitehead Bettie, cook, nr Glen Rock Hotel 2 Whiten E B Mrs, r Buttrick | Whiten F M. shoemkr, r Buttrick *f» Whittenburg Tillie c, laundress, r 168 Bailey Eo Whitted Estalena Miss, pupil H I School 5? GLuyna^rxtest, REA ^ A RA E NCE , J" Established 1881. S. E. CoURT SQUARE. "g v?m ■ ^.30 Whitteraore Hester Miss, pupil H I School Whittemore Minnie Miss, pupil H I School 3 Whitly Hampton, c, cook, 294 North Main ©» Whitaker Harriett c, cook, 300 S French Broad Whittaker Benj c, servant, HIS ^P Whittaker Jeff, r 311 South Main Whittaker Lillie, r 3 1 1 South Main g Whittaker Mary Mrs, r 120 Beaumont Whittaker M L, c, sick nurse, r 88 Gudger -^ Whittaker Mitchell, c, lab, r 88 Gudger Whittaker Alfred c, bds 88 Gudger Jg Whittington Sue Mrs, r 30 Phillip u- • — — = ; — — — — * »■ The Neatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an liour or S two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at =-: Cor. South Main & Eagle, & ""■ ™ =a (Down Stairs.) » O Jas, H. Louchran's White'Wlan's-Bar, c^ lit I P I 1 fl I. Organized May, l'S8S : Lewis Maddux. • WfiMfirn Larni ma km. president, l. p. m, l u C i. vice-pred- se HOOlUlll UUIUIIIIU Utlll\| dent j E Rankin cashier. Capital, .2 $50,000; Surplus, $L'0,OoO. State, County and City Depository. Iiiter- v? est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. S2 , WHI 364 WHI g, Whittington Dr W P, physician and surgeon, (Tel 22) office -^ Patton ave, McAfee bldg ^Whitesides Rhoda Miss, pupil H I School •^Whitesides E C, printer, Daily Citizen office Northeast Court Place, bds Western Hotel * Whitesides Annie, c, r 23 Valley S Whitesides W R, carp, 25 Hill Side and West 2 Whitesides W R Mrs, r 25 Hill Side and West ^» Whitesides J B, carp, r 15 Seney £* Whitesides, Mary C, r 15 Seney % ■ Whitesides Jno K, carp, bds 15 Seney S-l Whitesides S Kate, bds 15 Seney I Gwyn & West, XBJ £Z£££=. g| Established!**!. , S. E. CoURT SQUARE. .j c I ^Whitesides Alice c, housemaid, 155 North Main g'gWhittamore T J, r 50 Peachtree t^AVhittamore Jane, bds Peachtree 5 Whitlock Adolph Mrs, bds 56 Spruce \ WHITLOCK ADOLPH, Hammershlag & Whitlock, proprs Marble Hall, 32 South Main, r 56 Spruce (See ^ desc art) 33 Whitlock A, dry goods and clothing, 48 and 50 South Main, ^ r 29 Woodfin ^Whitlock Victor E, r 29 Woodfin '^Whitlock B, r 29 Woodfin S Whitlock F D Miss, r 29 Woodfin Z J MMM Hi PFTRIF r MercHant Tailors, Si South Main SJrei, 2 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. HfllOUn fii O I VI llnO monvaricdandtom- Dgj| plete of any house in Asneville. ' " q—j Stoek of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES is the most varied and com- S3 WHI 365 WHI o Whitlock A Mrs, r 29 Woodfin Whitlock Rebecca, r Roberts C/5 Whitlock Amanda, r Roberts *2j VVhitlock Tabitha, r Roberts ^» Whitson J McD, atty, office North Court Place, room I, r 146 Chestnut Whitson Felix, c, lab, r Baptist Hill Whitson Ella, c, r Baptist Hill Whitson Kate, c, laundress, r Roberts The Sunset Mountain Land Go, CWYN & WEST, B eg Whitson Addie, c, cook, 112 College • £<» Whitson W R Mrs, r 146 Chestnut Whitson W R, atty, office North Court Place, r 146 Chestnut 22 k a. 3 s. :e. cotjet sqtjabe. J« White F C, elk Mimnaugh's n Patton ave, r same White E S, bds Swan Hotel White Fanny Miss, bds Swan Hotel ^ White Mary, c, laundress, r 267 Valley mo White J R, carp, r 37 Spruce . g£ White J R Mrs, r 37 Spruce White Sallie Miss, r 37 Spruce .S White Mattie c, r 2 Woodfin. White Herbert c,r2 Woodfin White Martha c, r 47 Walnut White Jas c, coachman, r 47 Walnut g£ White Annie M, r 366 S Main ^ . . J&^SlTSiTSi* k H, kjWs "White Man's Bar," | on exhibiton to attract the ' ■■-" M ' ' attention of the lower trade. ButF^sV-Class Goods onlVar- Cor. South Main and Eagle (Do*n Stairs.) i Western Carolina Bank, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, = $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State. County and City Depository. Gcne- "i^ ral Banking Business Transacted. WHI 366 WHI White Cassi, wks 420 S Main White Mina, wks 420 S Main White Willie, bds 311 S Main White Hy c, coachman, r 158 Water White Hardy H, No 6 police force, r 150 Church White Ernest L, bds 150 Church White Cornelius F, bds 150 Church White Eugene T, r 146 Church *? White Martha, r 150 Church I White Clay E, plumber, r 150 Church &i White Chas D, drayman, bds 146 Church tr. White Sidney L, 146 Church •e ?. s- "11 Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyx, President e g| White |§White 17 White o O White "White •3 White gjjWhite o c/3 White jfjWhite oWhite D R, carp, r 146 Church Alice W, r 146 Church Jos c, coachman, y$ Haywood J B Rev, pastor St Lawrence Catholic Church, Hay- wood and Flint, r 95 Haywood Hy c, r Old Depot nr R & D Ry shops G L, merchant, r 72 Depot M J Mrs, 72 Depot Maria c, nurse, bds 64 N French Broad ave J B, bds 72 Depot J A, bds Cosmopolitan Club J J, brick mason, r 366 S Main & PETR1E Merchnt Tailor s, 58 South Main Stint, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR & SMITH'S Stock of DRUGGISTS' SFXHRIES is the Is* most varied »ud com- J| p^jj Jy^y^ pletc of any house in Aslievillc. > ^ . C_, WIG 367 WIL . K Wiggins Jno A c, wks Penniman & Co, N Main, r Sycamore jgj Wiggins Mary c, r Sycamore q Wilbur Gertrude Miss, pupil A F College fej Wilbur, wrd Geo G, r 132 Bailey ^» Wilburn M T Miss, bds 23 Depot Wilfong Julius T, carp, r 277 S Main Wilfong Hattie, r 277 S Main WILLS A J. Wills Bros, architects) office Patton ave, C5 O J. — bds 9 Flint, (See desc art) Willis Jas, lab, r near Woodfin and Bridge I® Willis Elbert, wks Steam Laundry, bds Buck Tavern Willis M C, trav salesman, bds 115 Haywood The Sunset Mountain Land Do. « WYM *- w ^T^ te . § s. E. court sq,tj^:r,:ei. «? c 1 Willis Julia Mrs, lids 115 Haywood ^r Willis John, wks Cotton Mills, bds near same I Willis Laura, wks Cotton Mills, bds near same Wilkins Daniel, c, lab, r 249 College ^ je Wilkins Kazar, c, r 249 College Wilkins William, bds 333 S Main ^, Wilkie L N, bds 420 S Main Wilkie M A, bds 420 S Main * Wilkie Ocie Miss, r 188 Woodfin ^ WILKIE B A & Atkins J W, Fruits and Confec- tionery 12 Patton ave, r 188 Woodfin (See desc arte) J» Wilkie Lavinia E, r near 14 Phillip ZtStiTftSrZ&S. fc H, Lngbaa'i "Whita Man's Bar," I on exhibiton to attract the ^ZS^l^lSrS*- Cor. South Main and Eagle u,™ st.tr.,) " Organized May, ]888; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Yice-Presi- ' dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, jS $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- '£ ral Banking Business Transacted. WIL 368 WIL S? Wiley A L, elk Grand Central, r 85 Park ave *3 Wiley Emma Mrs, c, r 85 Park ave w Wiley Florence M Miss, bds 85 Park ave _= Williman John, S Mach Agt, bds 31 French Broad ave » Williamson Charles, <:, porter Battery Park b Williamson George J, elk Penniman & Co N W Court Place) r 20 Oak " Williamson Coin W E, r 20 Oak ? WILLIAMSON W B, W B Williamson & Co, Furni- ture and Carpets 16 Patton ave, r 20 Oak. (See adv, *S Wilkinson M B, supt French Broad Lumber Co, bds Battery el Park I J TSE ASHEVILLE AHD CEAB&Y MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY -5 Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. «** _ %~ Williamson W B Mrs, r 20 Oak 2.1 Wilsoti Zilla Miss, pupil H I School .5 a Wilson Nannie, c, mngr laundry Swan Hotel, r same Wilson Daisey Miss, r 54 Mountain >* Wilson Mollie, c, laundress r Sorrels near Beaumont ^-£ Wilson Alexander, c, coachman, r 109 Beaumont *-* Wilson Martha, r 125 Beaumont °^ Wilson Charles, teamster, r 125 Beaumont 5^ Wilson Nellie W Mrs, r 32 Bailey l/i Wilson Luther, bds 32 Bailey J^- Wilson James, bds 177 S Main q Wilson Samuel, teamster, bds 125 Beaumont g McKIINON & PETR1E, ]Mml T " iks - 58 Sullt)l Mili|1 Stet > 3 Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. TTjTE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, VV can purchase for you at a lower figure, and charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w fE can Sell your Real Estate at a higher price, can purchase for you at a lower figure, anfl charge you less for the transaction than anyone in the city. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block. 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. isjzjxz lm Si Smith's Dni Store, 31 Patten k g a customer at 4 '. - • ' "—■ — ■ — e; Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. J^S WIL ~ 309 WIL " £j W 52J Wilson James, c, lab, r 1 19 Beaumont Wilson Emma, r, laundress, r 119 Beaumont CO Wilson S C Mrs, pat med vender, r 4 Valley- Wilson W M, c, teamster, r near Poplar Wilson W M Mrs, c, dressmkr, r bet Poplar and Hilder- brand 5^ Wilson Sallie, c, laundress, r 96 Baird ^ Wilson W A, carp, r near 106 East Wilson Relia, r near 106 East «» Wilson Alexander, carp, bds 59 N Main Wilson John W, r 23 Water ?§? Wilson Lucy, c, r 36 Mulberry ^f . : e g o THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY f c? 3- Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas W. B. Gwyn, President. •§ "ft c •» Wilson John, c, lab, r 36 Mulberry f? Wilson Marion, carp, r 1 1 Short Wilson L E, r 1 1 Short Wilson W M, removed to Winston No Ca Wilson W M Mrs, removed to Winston No Ca Wilson Wid Thos, r Gay ° Wilson J B, r Gay Wilson George W, carp, r Southside ave near Cripple Creek g Wilson Sallie r Eernihurst 2 miles S Main ^-v Wilson George, bds 32 Bailey 2- Wilson Frank, bds 32 Bailey Wilson Katie, r Southside ave nr Cripple Creek k H.Loughran's "White Man's Bar,' "*-*™"'* I O Down Stairs. - HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly '?* Organized May, 18SS ; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, Jz $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •rr and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. WIL 370 WIL 2? Wilson Nettie bds 30 W Haywood -S Wilson J S, physician, bds 115 Haywood "-'Wilson Lucy W Mrs, bds 1 15 Haywood s Wilson A L, r nr Cotton Factory » Wilson Gussie Miss, bds Slagle House, 90 Patton ave Wilson Mary Miss, bds Slagle House, 90 Patton ave Wilson Mary, waitress, 318 Haywood Wilson Brooks, wks French Broad Lumber Co, r nr same Wilson Louisa Mrs, r nr French Broad Lumber Yards Williams Willie, r 198 Chestnut Williams ] M, broker, bds 169 Chestnut Williams Lizzie c, cook, Fort Baird as UJCO a . \ Tiie k&l Mountain Land Co. CWYN & WEST. uj3 Williams Joe, teamster, r Bridge and Clayton fcJ-Williams Joe Mrs, r Bridge and Clayton 5 Williams Peter c, coachman, ne cor Merritnon ave and Chest- rwiii § Will -Will Will §Will jgWill §WilI O Will nut ams wid W M,bds 58 N'Main ams L J Miss, bds 58 N Main ams Geo W c, bricklayer, r 10 Irvin ams Lillie c, r 10 Irvin ams Thos, bds 161 Bailey ams Geo, shoemkr, bds 161 Bailey ams Viola, bds 161 Bailey ams Wm, shoemkr, bds 161 Bailey & & ^ S & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 5 hp Si kill's tog Store, 31 Patten k Yon will ncv< regret becomlu B a customer at Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. ^ WIL 371 WIL <3 92 a. Williams Jas, shoemkr. r 161 Bailey fej Williams Walter, shoemkr, bds 161 Bailey J^ Williams Geo A c, bds Cripple Creek nr Bailey fe{ Williams Hy o Williams Jnor, coachman, 87 Bailey Williams Goldier, r 35 Valley >: Williams Nannie c, r 9 Valley J Williams Mary c, house maid, 199 Haywood W S Williams Margaret Mrs, r 53 Haywood Williams Hy S, druggist, r53 Haywood J* Williams Annie C Miss, bds 53 Haywood p§ Williams Wm H. bds 53 Haywood ~| THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY j War. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. $« wo _ : . |1 Williams Golden, c, coachman, r Merrimon ave, nr Chestnut ! Williams Silas, c, r 101 Beaumont 3 Williams Nellie, c, cook, r 101 Beaumont 23 Williams W T H A, c, upholsterer, r 115 Mountain 2? Williams Diana, c, r 1 15 Mountain Williams Annie, c, teacher, r 139 Valley ^ Williams Miles, c, coachman, r Pine, near Hilterbrand Williams Susan, c, laundress, Pine, near Hilterbrand Williams Sol, c, plasterer, r Valley ^ Williams W S, plumber, r 17 Bridge Williams W S Mrs, r 17 Bridge & Williams Phillip, motorman, Electric Cars, r 10 Clayton g» Jas, H. Loughran's "White Man's i Tl!^ f HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, and prices charged accordingly ^ Western Carolina Bant Organized May. 18SS ; Lewis Maddux, President. L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, .J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital. §50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. WIL 372 WIN Williams Edwards, r to Clayton Williams C M Mrs. r io Clayton Williams Jessie Miss, r io Clayton Williams Jno A, elk, a 198 Chestnut Williams Jno A Mrs, elk, r 198 Chestnut Williams Geo, bds 53 Haywood Williams Roy, bds 53 Haywood Williams Dr Jno Hey, physician, r 53 Haywood, office same, (Ttl 46) Williams G N, farmer, r near otton factory Williams E H, r near cotton factory Williams Wm, c, day porter Glen Rock The Sunsst Mountain Land Co. cwyn &WE st, s. :e. cotj:r,t sq,tt.a.:r,:el E 5 - *-T. 2 © © Williams Thos, c lunch house, r near freight depot Williams Edie, c, r near freight Depot Williams Marshall, brickmason, bds 37 Blahton Williams Branch, r 179 South Main Williams Mrs — , r 179 South Main Williams Reginald, c, coachman, r Victoria, 2 mi South Main Williams W H A, mattress maker and upholsterer, Valley, near Electric Light Plant (Tel 84) WILD H B, Henseley & Wild , Family Groceries, 23 North Main (See desc art) Winston P O, bds 420 South Main Winston H B, bds 420 South Main & PETRIE, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTEN0E0 TO. PURITY OF GOODS. £=J OLITENESS TO (USTOMERS. and »j> ROMPTZS ESS WITH ORDERS AND PRESCRIPTIONS g, HAYSOR cfc? SMITH, 31 Fatton ^±^re>. *2{ WIN 373 WOL Winburn Pearl Miss, pupil H I School *z{ Winburn Daisy Miss, pupil H I School Winburn Annie C Mrs, bds 82 Park ave !2J Winburn W A, Div P and F agt R and D Rv, bds 82 Park £, ave Winslow W E, railroader, bds 60 Depot ,; Winslow Thos W, removed to Norfolk, Va * S Wingate F C, r 118 Woodfin Winyan Sanitarium, Dr Karl Von Ruck propr, Pine and Baird (Tel 58) Winfrey Wm, collar maker, bds 161 Bailey Winfrey Mary, bds 161 Bailey 1— — ■ — — — " m * S3 TheSunsetMnuntainlandCo. OWYN&WEST ,_ f 1 a 5 -■a 3D* S. IE. Court Square. . ~ — — Witherington Jas, wks A shoe factory, bds French Broad and .*» Patton ave 2 Witherington Robt, wks # A shoe factory, bds French Broad o» and Patton ave £? Witheringtoa Maria Mrs, bds French Broad and Patton ave Witherspoon Rev, c, r near 19 Clement Wo Hop, Chinese laundry, 12 North Main, r same Wolf Annie Miss, pupil H I School. Wolf W E plasterer, r. 36 Clayton "^ Wolf W E Mrs, r 36 Clayton Wolf W E, marble wks Southeast Court Place, r 92 Woodfin Jg Wolf W E Mrs. r 92 Woodfin "£! "WSS JAS. B. LODGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," BRANDIES AT Have been recommended bv the leading physicians of the stiite for medicinal purpose*. COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. , ■ ii a i Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, LGffl WML S&Hk Pre8ident > L " P - McLoud, Vice-Presi- * m UilW ""« »™1 dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital rg $50,000, Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. -3 WOL 374 WOO Sg WOLF JAMES, Meat Market, 260 Patton ave, r -S same (See desc art) (Tel 23) «-> Wolf Josephine Mrs, r 260 Patton ave g Wolf Harry, r 260 Patton ave g Womack W L, undertaker, r 38 Short "^ Womack Mrs, 38 Short tl Woodfin Lou Miss, pupil H I School ^ Woodfin Anna Mis^, r 26 Clayton J WOODBURY J H, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables College, r same, (See desc art) (Tel 1) 2-s Woods Julia, Miss, pupil H I School qj Woodward E Miss, pupil H I School i5-o . _____ !» THE ASHGVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY f>._ 5^ Wm. W.West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. <•- °| Wood, wid A W, r 286 North Main 5 S. Wood Pleas, c, section hand R and D, r near French Broad Lumber Yards # 2 Wood Myrtle Miss, pupil A F College r Wood Gertrude Miss, pupil H I School § Wood Ida Miss, pupil H I School ^ WOODCOCK J H, druggist, 272 Patton ave, bds Swan Hotel, (Tel $j) (See desc art) ^ Woodcock Johnston, bds 98 Patton ave _3 Woodcock Julian A, bds 98 Park ave M Woodcock Mrs, wid Dr J A, r 98 Park ave O Woodcock Mary Miss, r 98 Park ave 1-9. i 2L .. g McKINNON Si PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, g CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. P1TRITY OF fiOOBS, ^J OMTENESS TO CUSTOMERS, and . j^. ROMPTSESSWITII ORDERS AND PRESfRIPTIOXS j^ RAYSOR «fc SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. Ife* O w WOO 375 WOR Woolsey Charles, r Witchwood N Asheville Woolscv Charles Mrs, r Witchwood N Asheville Woolsey Alice Miss, r Witchwood N Asheville Woody Lizzie, cook, 22 Woodfin «>, Woody J H-Mrs, r 44 Clayton Woody Burnett, dry goods clerk, bds 1 1 1 N Main WOODY J H & CO, Harness, Saddlery, Carriages, S Main, (Tel res 54), r 44 Clayton Woodruff Julia, c, chambermaid, 63 Merrimon ave Wootin Emma, bds Grove near Silver Wootin Joe, bds Grove near Silver _£ Wootin Salina, wks Cotton Mills, bds 35 W Haywood . | 3 GWYN & WEST %\ ! AGENTS. |C The Sunset Mountain Land Co 23. Court Sci.-ULA.x-e. O "1 »£ if X* e ^ Wootin A J, lab, bds 35 W Haywood iff Wootin W P, wks Cotton Factory, bds 35 W Haywood Wootin W T, r Grove near Silver ^ Wootin Webster, painter, r Grove near Silver m ^ Wootin Rebecca, cook 172 S Main ££ Woodridfje T J, bds Hfawassa Place and Penland Woodson Carrie, c, cook, r 298 Depot Woodall B C, harnessmkr, bds Depot near Freight Depot Woodward Victoria, c, laundress, r Pearson ave >— *. Woodward Henry, c, carp, r Pearson ave £. Worsley J B, No 5 Police Force, r 76 Charlotte Worsley J B Mrs, r 76 Charlotte ^ -"'- JAS. H. LOUGHRAN'S "WHITE MAN'S BAR," I BRANDIES AT ' ~ Have been recommended by the leading physic-inns of the State for medicinal r* 8 purposes, COR. SOUTH MAIN AND EAGLE, Down Stairs. <-s ks ... , ■ ii ■ i Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux, - WsstBrn - DapQiins, Bank president > l - p - McL ° ud > vice-presi- ^ YYUBVUHi VtViUUUtti tfttifflf dentj j E< RankiD) Cashier. Capital r= $50,000, Surplus, 120,000. State, County and City Depository. WOR 376 WYL -*■ Workman Alice, r 76 S Main -® Workman Noah, r 76 S Main ^ iVorley^John, driver, bds Buck Tavern a Worth Edward, wks Graham's Factory \ Worthen B S, Worthen & Co druggist 17 N Main, bds 53 ea College *f Wrenn G W, carp, r 23 Depot c ^ Wrenn Florence Mrs, r 23 Depot j Wrenn Annie Miss, bds 23 Depot . Wright Eva M Miss, teacher A F College, r same kJ Wright Jesse, c, porter Swan Hotel gjj Wright J E, r 57 College 4 THE ASHEVILLE AND CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILWAY COMPANY V 5 E Wm. W. West, Sec. and Treas. W. B. Gwyn, President. ml Wright J E Mrs, r 57 College II WRIGHT E H, Bostic Bros & Wright. Dry Goods and Notions 1 1 N Main, r Oak and Woodfin. (See desc artic) Wright E A Mrs, r Oak and Woodfin £ Wright Hattie, r 255 S Main V Wright wid George A, r Blake and Academy RIi;s is the ^ most varied and com- 3J Patfijll AyBBBe. £j plete of any bouse in Asheville. i^a__. ^ © w YAN 377 YOU YANCY SARAH, c, laundress, r 35 Hilterbrand Yancy W A, c, waiter Battery Park Hotel, r 35 Hil- .terbrand Yarboro Taylor, r nr Tee Factory Yarboro Eliza, r nr Ice Factory Yarboro Ellen, r nr Ice Factory Yarboro Loula, r nr Ice Factory Yates W B, carp, r 133 N Main Yates Laura, 133 N Main Yeatman T R, r 27 Bearden ave Yeatman C H, sewing machine agent, bds 27 Bearden ave Yeatman John P, r 2J Bearden ave Jas. H. Loughran's White'Man'A, © © a C/> <~>5 Gcuyn molest, """.JSKUfc.. . Established 1881. S. E. Court Square, qi . ?! Yeatman John P Mrs, r 27 Bearden ave Yeatman Susan M Miss, bds 27 Bearden ave Young Susan Mrs, r nr French Broad Lumber Yard Young Fred W, B & saw filer, r nr French Broad Lumber Yards 3^ Young Sarah M, r Cripple Creek Young Albert G, lab, bds Cripple Creek Young Lillie, bds Cripple Creek Young Mary, bds Cripple Creek Young P M B, master St Paving Co, bds Battery Park Hotel — ^ Young S L Miss, r 26 Charlotte Young Thomas B, r 26 Charlotte • g£ Young L C Miss, r 26 Charlotte . . — . . — The STeatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an honr or 5 two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time 'smile," is at ss; Cor. South Main & Eagle. * (Down Stairs. 25 " ^ til 1 OP n I Organized May, i888; Lewis JMaddui • WfitffiM I.RrnlinR KariK. President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- w If GOIOI II UQIUIIIIQ UQIIIV| dent j fc,. Rankin, Cashier. Capital, :=f $50,000, Surplus, §20.000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- '£ ral Banking Business Transacted. «> ^ ° YOU 378 ZEA 2? Young W R, elk C D Blanton & Co, sw cor Court Place, r "5 26 Charlotte ^ Young W R Mrs, r 26 Charlotte g Young L M, bartender G A Sorrels S Main, r 80 Cherry * Young Alice Mrs, r 80 Cherry e Young J M, elk Powell & Snider Patton ave and S Main, :§ bds 155 N Main cw Young Robertson Mrs, bds 155 N Main Young Perry, c, brickmason, bds 16 Short 5 Young Hy, c, brickmason, bds 16 Short *S Young Martha, c, r 58 Mulberry »w Young Arthur, c, bricklayer, bds 10 Irvin as -S a ^ i^^77l^«l, REAL ESTATE, li Oitiyn^ uuest, insurance, £ a Established 1881. S. E- CoURT SQUARE. » 5fe « a ' *- Young, wid W H, r nr Broom Factory ••5 Young Eva Miss, bds nr Broom Factory 5 1 Yo'ung J M P, carp, bds 341 Haywood Young Mattie Mrs, r 341 Haywood £ Young Charles, wks Asheville Fur Factory, bds 60 Depot 3 ^ACHARY EDDIE, clerk, bds 38 Bailey °?J • Zachary R H, lumber dealer, bds 38 Bailey $25 Zachary W J, cattle dealer, r bet Centre and West t/5 Zachary W J Mrs, r bet Centre and West #2« Zachary Mary, c, housemaid. 88 N Main *r* Zeager B, bds 66 S Main. *-> \ ~ § McKINNON & PETR IE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, ^ Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR 4 SMITH'S Stock oi DRKiOlSTK' SFXHRIKS Is tho UlONt V l»l*t« of nay house lu Abbeville. '" , " d "•- 31 Patton Avenue. % ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY BMBBAoiira-- A CLASSIFIED LIST OF PROFESSIONS, MANUFAC- TORIES, TRADES AND PURSUITS OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, EACH CLASSIFICATION ALPHA- BETICALLY ARRANGED, THUS EXHIBIT- ING THE FULL ADDRESS AND SPECIAL BUSINESS OF THE CITIZENS. ACA 379 ADV O W S3 c/i o S3 So O . a "£* Ss E2 d se c 1 9 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. (See also Private and Kinder- gartens) Asheville Female College, Oak, bet Woodfin and College. Prof. B. E. Atkins, President and Treasurer, Prof. J. D. Arnold, Secretary. (See descriptive ar- ticle) Asheville Graded Schools, Prof. P. P. Claxton, Supt. Academy Street, (white,) Prof. E. B. Lewis, Prin. Mountain Street, (colored,) Prof. Edward Stevens, Prin. Orange Street, (white,) Prof. E. P. Mangum, Prin. Horns Industrial School, Vic- toria, S Main 1$ miles, Rev. L. M. Pease, Superintendent Mrs. Mainland's for Young La- dies and Little Girls, 40 French Broad ave, Mrs. Bur- gwyn Maitland, Principal. (See adv.) Ravenscroft for Young Men, bet Church and Bailey, Principal. . ' ADVERTISING AGENT. FULENWEIDER. H. W., Mc- J» Afee Block, 28 Patton ave, 2d . floor. JSo free Lunches served, or any kind of Wild Animals on exh'ibiton to attract the Attention of the lower trade, lut Flrtt-Class Goods only al Ju. B, Lou^hm's "While Man's Bar," w — — — — ■ i i i . i ._ Cor. South Main and Eagle (Down stairs.) « Western Carolina' Bant Organized May. 1888; Lewis Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent. J. E. Kankin, Cashier. Capital. _2 $50,000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository.' Inter- ^ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. ' AGR 380 BOA 25 AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS. (See Hardware) ARCHITECTS. « Broun Robert = Burkholder E W, (See adv back S (outside) "* Child Arthur Steele 5 Milton A L 2| Wills Brothers. (See adv out- eS side back) £ ARTISTS (PHOTOGRAPHIC.) ] Crawford J W , McAfee Block, 28 * Patton ave, 3d floor [ a Lindsey & Brown, S E Court PI w^ 2d floor S^McCandless & Brother, Patton 3 -£ ave and Haywood 5g ARTISTS' MATERIALS. * I Fitzpatrick Bros, North Main- oe£ (See adv.) j 2 Swicegood L, Willow Street. 2 >, (See adv.) AUCTIONEERS. ?§J.Barber J Y, Buncombe Ware- 5 house « Davis & Son, EB&CE. Farm- "■ ers' Warehouse ATTORNEYS. (See lawyers.) BAKERS. Perry W G, Johnston Building, 3J 26 South Main. (See adv) BANKS. 2 First National, S E Ct PI, Wm 5s E Breese, president, Dr G W g Fletcher, Fletcher's N C, vice S president, W H Penland, W Cashier The National of Asheville, N W Cor Patton ave and No Main. DC Waddell, president, W W Barnard, vice president, Lawrence Pulliam, cashier. (See adv First fly) The Western Carolina, S W Court Place, Lewis Maddux, President, L P McLoud, vice president. J Eugene Rankin, cashier. (See adv top lines) BARBERS. Martin W H, 60 So Main, (see disc art'cl) Sumner T J, 6 Patton ave Abram Bias, 16 Patton ave Brown Geo W, 39 Patton ave McInturfTB. 18 N Main Fearington Frank, 9h Patton ave Hicks Charley, Glen" Bock Hotel Battery Park BOARDING HOUSES. (BY permission.) Atkinson N B, 211 Haywood Anderson R W Mrs, 20 Bearden ave Adams J S Mrs, 41 Spruce Baker Mrs, 31 Grove Bowie Mrs 9 Flint Baird Miss, S Main 1 mile out Breese R E, Mrs, 87 Bailey Burnett L J Mrs, 64 S Main Burks C E Miss, 55 College Cushman W S Mrs, 163 Chestnut Coffin Misses, 31 Haywood Chamberlain Mrs, S E Church nr Patton ave Carson T C, "Barrett PI" 122 Patton ave Cole Mrs, 59 N Main Erwin Mrs, College and David- son k5 J p[JH|E Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Stat, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. RAYSOR & SMITH'S Ktook of DRIOG1STN' SUNDRIES is 3 "ft C 1 r 9 ¥ Goode M C Mrs, 53 College Howell J 0, 136 Broad Inloes W H, 99 Chestnut Jarvis & Campbell, 63 N Main LaBarbe A P Mrs, Patton ave and Bailey McDowell Jno, McDowell McDowell W W Maj, 420 S Main McDonald G L, 50 Bailey McCape C J, 24 Grove Nowell Jonathan, 73 N Main Portner H M Mrs, 76 Haywood Polley Mrs, 77 Charlotte also Charlotte & Chestnut Rector T S, 155 N Main Reeves Mrs R H, Spruce Reynolds T E Mrs, S8 N Main Reynolds W T Mrs, 22 Woodfin Reynolds Alice Mrs, 48 Spruce Summey A T Mrs, 115 Haywood Smathers J L Mrs, 318 Patton ave (see adv) Stevenson Mrs S E, Patton ave and Church (See desc art) Van Gilder House, Mrs Piatt, Proprietress, College and Da- vidson Way Mrs, "Dell Rosa," 2 miles N Asheville BEER AND ALE. (See Saloon) BLACKSMITHS. Howard & Burnett, College Place (See desc arte) Woody, J H & Co, Willow (See desc arte) BOOK BINDERS BLANK BOOK MNFS & PRINTING COS. D W Furman Printing Co North Court Place Randolph — Kerr Printing Co North Court place BOOT AND SHOES. Fulenweider & Bro, 18 Patton ave (See adv) Weaver & Myers, 39 Patton ave BOARD OF TRADE Geo S Powell Pres W B Gywn Secty BRICK DEALERS Asheville Brick Works Wm R Penniman, & Co office 3 North main Works, Emma, N C. Girdwood & Lee Works, near Smith Bridge West Asheville Hilderbrand & David office Works Terminus Camp Patton S C line North Asheville BOTTLERS. (See Soda Water Factors & Sa- loons) CHEMICAL (See also Druggists) Kopp Lichtenberger Park ave near Haywood CHINA & GLASSWARE. J H Law, 57-61 South Main Thad VV Thrash & Co 41 Patton ave CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SUR- VEYORS. Broun, Robt Bomar, T H Brooks, J H Child, Arthur Steele Eickleburger, W H Harrington, Geo W Hume, W L CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (See also Grocer and Saloon.) Blomberg L, 17 Patton ave Ko«Free Lunches served, or any kind of Wild Animals on exhibiton to attract the attention of the lower trade. But First-Class 'Goods only at k H, Loughran's "White Man's Ear, Cor. South Main and Eagle iptm stairs... !! 3 Western Carolina Bant Organize! May, 1888; Levis Macidtix'. President, L. P. McLoud. Vice-Presi- dent. J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital. jS $50»000; Surplus, $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Inter- ^ est paid on deposits of four months or longer in Savings Department. CEM 382 EMB 2? CEMENT AND PLASTER. _• Moody C Fj, 30 Patton ave (See w adv) — Morrison T S, 531 West Haywood ^ (See descriptive article) CLOTHING. S Asheville Dry Goods Co, 30 N Main (See descriptive article) § Blantou C D & Co, West Ct Place £~ (See descriptive article) £ Hammershlag & Whitlock, 32 S ^ Main ** Redwood H & Co. 7 and 9 Patton " ave (See adv) 5 Sawyer Jas P, 15 Patton ave ^CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. £j?Corn N P, (See adv) £ -Troy W B, Stone Grading Work, a | (See adv) pi CARRIAGE DEALERS AND MAKERS. ^ a Hines E F, College St, rear Grand " fc Central <-S Woody J H & Co, 68 S Main COAL DEALERS. ' £ '^Carrington F N, West Ct Place 2c£ (See descriptive article) I Collins Ice and Coal Co, 30 Patton 5 ave * COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. ^Walter S Cushman, 28 Patton W ave, 2d floor COTTON MILLS. C E Graham Mnfg Co, West **& Asheville, M H Cone president, ^. Baltimore, Md ; C E Graham S Sec and treas ^ CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT £5 Heston J M, Eagle Block S Main *- Perry. W G, 26 S Main J2 Wilkie & Atkins, 12 Patton ave CARPETS & RUGS. Mimnaugh F P, 11 Patton ave (See descriptive article) Redwood H & Co, 7 and 9 Patton ave (See adv) Williamson W B & Co, 16 Patton ave DAIRIES. J Rogers Grant, Charlotte DRUGGISTS. Carmichael W C, 20 S Main. (See adv) Grant J S, 24 S Main (See adv front cover) Pelham's Pharmacy, 31 Patton ave Raysor & Smith, 31 Patton ave Smith T C & Co, 13 S Main Woodcock J H, 272 Patton ave Worthen & Co, 17 N Main DENTISTS. (Represented only by patrons) Arrington I)r B F, 31 Patton ave, 2d floor Graham Dr A S, 57 S Main Queen Dr J G, office , (See desc art) . DRESSMAKERS. LaBarbe Miss Nellie, 9 N Main, (See desc art) DYERS AND SCOURERS. Scott W T, Patton ave and Wa- ter, down stairs, (See desc art) DIAMONDS. ' Cosby B H, 27 Patton ave, (See desc art) EMBALMERS. Blair & Brown, 32 Patton ave, (See des art) £3 & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. & SMITH'S plete of any house iu Asheville jA Slock of DRUGGISTS' Sl*\DR)KS is (he fc^ ,no ' ,v,,rio,,amle,m " 31 Patton AT6DH6. ^ D00 GRO Mann, Johnson & Co, 37 Patton ave, (See adv bottom lirres) Starnes J Russell, N Main DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Demens Wood Working Co, nr Pass Depot, (See desc art) Asheville Lumber & Mnfg Co, West End [Tel 9], See desc art) Scott Geo T, College Place, [Tel office .60, Tel yard 61] ENGINES AND BOILERS. See Founders and Machinists, also Hardware FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (See Grocers and Confectioners) FURNITURE. Blair & Brown, 32 Patton ave, (See desc art) Mann, Johnson &• Co, 37 Patton ave (See adv) Williamson W B&Co, 16 Patton ave, (See adv) FLOURING MILLS. Asheville Milling Co, W Ashe- ville, [Tel 36] office 30 Patton ave FEED STORES. Cooper A D, North Ct Place and N Main (See adv) Revel T J, North Main (See de- scriptive article) G \V Jenkins & Bro, So Main Powell & Snider, So Main and .Patton ave FLORAL GARDENS. MessDeake Family, Green house 324 Charlotte (See descriptive article) FOUNDERS . & MACHINISTS. Cole J B, Works Buttrick, near Terminus Patton ave (See descriptive article) GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. (Represented only by Patrons ) Asheville Dry Goods Co, 31 N Main, (See descriptive article) Blanton C D & Co, West Court Place (See descriptive article) Graves & Thrash, 19 South Main (See descriptive article.) Hammershlag & Whitlock, 32 S Main (See descriptive article) Mitchell F E, 28 Patton ave (See descriptive article) Lipinsky & Ellick, 30 S Main (See adv side lines) Redwood H & Co, 7 and 9 Patton ave (See adv side lines) Balto Clothing House, M Swartz burg, Propr, 10 Patton ave (See descriptive article) Bostie Bro & Wright. 11 N Main (See descriptive article) GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS. Ballard, Rich & Boyce, West Ct PlclCG T C Smith & Co, 13 So Main GROCERS. (Represented only by Patrons.) Cooley A R, 45 S Main, (See de- scriptive article) Cooper A D, N Main and N Ct Place (See adv) Chedester & Son S R, Patton ave (See descriptive article) Hamilton Thomas P & Co, "Big 22" Patton ave (See descriptive article) Hare Brothers, 17 S Main (See descriptive article) Hensley & Wild, 23 N Main (See descriptive article) Jenkins & Bro G W, S Main (See descriptive article) O X o 3 •jie •O SB 2 m 3 E.30 The Weatest and Most Quiet place in Town to spend an hour o- two at Billiards or Pool, and at the same time -smile." is at Jas. H, Loushran's White'Man's Bar, Cor. So uth Main & Ea gle. (Down Stairs.) Western Carolina Bank, Organized May, 1888; Lewis Maddux President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. Capital. -3 §50,000, Surplus. $20,000. State, County and City Depository. Gene- 's^ ral Banking Business Transacted. GUN 384 INC ea i 55 fa s «so 2.5 S*. Si pg £& 8=0 fa P Sfc O Powell & Snider, S Main and Patton ave Triplett Brothers, West Asheville Revell & Wagener, 28 Patton ave (See descriptive article) Morrison T S GUN AND LOCKSMITH. Lindsey A W, 25J North Main Penniman & Co, 13 North Main (See adv) HORSE SHOERS. (See Blacksmiths.) HARNESS MAKERS. Alexander J M, North Ct Place (See descriptive article) Hines E F, North Main (See de- scriptive article) Woody J H & Co, 68 South Main (See descriptive article) HIDES AND FUR. Ellick M, N Main (See descrip- tive article) HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Rich & Boyce, W Ct 59 and 61 S Main Ballard Place Law J H, 57, (See adv) Thrash, Thad W & Co, 41 Patton ave (See adv) Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, 43 Patton ave (See adv) HOTELS. c£ Batterj r Park, Jno B Steele, mngr (See descriptive article) £5 Burnett House, Mrs L J Burnett, O propr, 64 S Main (see descrip- Y* tive article) P5 Glen Rock, A G Hallyburton, [T| propr, near Pass Depot j Kennilworth Inn, Dr Browning *-* manager < Magnolia House, W A James Jr, propr, N Main, (see descriptive article) Neville House, O Neville, propr, 46 S Main, Oaks The, Greenewell & Sites, proprs, (see descriptive article) Strauss European, 26 and 28 S Main, (see descriptive article) Swannanoa, So Main, Howell Cobb propr, (See adv) Stevenson House, Mrs S Steven- son, propr, Patton ave and Church, (see descriptive article) Slagle House, J L L Slagle, propr, 90 Patton ave, (see descriptive article) Western, Dr L B McBrayer and mother, props, West Ct Place, (see descriptive article) Winy ah House, Dr Karl Von Ruck, propr, Pine and Baird ICE MANUFACTURERS. Asheville Ice & Coal Co, office 30 Patton ave INSURANCE AGENTS, FIRE AND LIFE. (Represented only by patrons) B F P Bright, Dr Battle's office Jenks & Jenks, Johnston Build- ing, 28 Patton ave, 2d floor Lawrence Pulliam, National « Bank of Asheville Rawls C T, 5 Patton ave JEWELERS. B H Cosby, 27 Patton ave INCORPORATED COMPANIES (Consult also Index.) The People's Light, Heat and Power Co, A J Lyman, presi- dent, W W Barnard, treasurer, & PETRIE Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, Cleaning and Repairing Promptly Attended to. Yon w rog-ret M custom ~- ^P * Smith's Brag Store, 31 Pattsn k Your trade appreciated. Your interest studied. LAN 381 LUM o M CO o CI o Jos E Dickerson, secretary pro tern, C E Ross, superintendent. Asheville Investment Co, R B Hilliard, president, A W Con- way, secretary, C F Grifflng, treasurer and general manager. Asheville Park & Hotel Co. V E McBee, president, Dr S W Bat- tle, vice president, T C Mc- Neely, secretary, D C Waddell, treasurer Asheville Electric Light and Power Co, John G Martin, president, Dr S W Battle, vice- president, Thomas W Patton, superintendent, B M Jones, secretary and treasurer Southern Improvement Co, ' A W Bronsou, president, New York, E N Swan, secretary, E B Welles, manager. Asheville Cemetery Co, Thomas W Patton, secretary LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS. Parker Sevier P Ed Troy W B LAWYERS. Adams & McElroy, Legal Build- ing Atkinson C B, Legal Building, 28 Patton ave • Cushman W A, 28 Patton aAe Carter & Craig, Legal Building (See ad) Cobb & Merrimon, Johnston Buil- ding Carter E D, Legal Building Carter and Carter, Legal Build- ing Cummings P A, Legal Building Davidson A T, Legal Building Davidson, Martin & Jones, Legal Building Gudger, Carter & Martin, Legal Building Jones & Shuford, Johnston Building Lyman A J, Legal Building McLoud C M Malone Wm H, Legal Bl'dg McBrayer R, 28 Patton ave (See adv) Merrick Duff, Legal Bl'dg Moore Chas A, Legal Bl'dg Pearson Richmond Legal Bl'dg Sondley F A, Legal Bl'dg, Whitson, North Court Place Wolfe LAUNDRIES. Model Steam 15 Patton ave (See adv) LIQUORS & WINES. (See Saloons) LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES. Battery Park. 83 South Main Blanton W P, & Co Water near Patton ave Brown & Co, Water near Patton ave • Chambers & Weaver Willow, Eckle & Co South Main opp Swan Hotel Green Ben rear Grand Central Hotel Stikeleather Bros 68 South Main Woodberry J H, College Sq Reynolds & Spears, Water and College LUMBER. Asheville Lumber and Mfg Co, west Asheville, W B Marx president. (See adv) *5. ■?" I" $9 ?l 2? ® * crB » B 009 2 Jas. H, Loughran's "He HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS, J) Cor. So. Main & Eagle, g: Down Stairs. AND PRICES CHARGED ACCORDINGLY * Western Carolina Bant Organized May, 1888; Lewie Maddux, President, L. P. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, _£=* $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room •r; and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. MIL 386 PHY UjC* 5?Demeus P A, Wood Wk'g Co, . near pass depot. (See adv) ^ Scott G F, College and Pullian MERCHANT TAILORS. § McKinnon & Petrie58 So Main gSchartle J W North Main jgTauchen \V, South Main MILLINERY. 23 (Represented only by patrons) oSLaBarbe Miss N Mimnaugh F r— P, 11 pat ton ave MACHINE SHOPS. 5 (See Founders and Machinists) *S MACHINE DEALERS- 5«E F Hines rear Grand Central, g- Water MUSIC TEACHERS ^neringer N, 38 Charlotte Kneringer Miss Maggie 3S Char- ' lotte ^.Falk C, North Main ui^VVilliams G A, 37 Patton ave NOTABLES. iX'ortland Bros 26 Patton av % Cushman Walter S, 28 » NEWS DEALERS .Blomberg L, 15 Patton :ive ^Morgan & Co 3 North Main O NEWSPAPERS. ^Asheville Baptist ,Wkly, N Ct dg Place Asheville Methodist, Wkly, N Ct ^5 Place OCountry Homes, Monthly, 11 QC Ct Place S^Jaily Citizen, N Ct Place JCpemocrat, YVkly, N Ct Place ^Cvening Journal, Daily, N Ct H3 Place 5*3 Farmer & Mechanic- N Ct Place Lyceum Monthly. 73 N Main Medical Journal Monthly, Opera House block PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS, Fitzpatrick Bros, 30 N Main Lee Robt H & Co, S3 Bailey Swicegood L, 2 Willow PHOTOGRAPHERS. (SEE artists photogeaphio) PHYSICIANS. Battle Dr S W, office Johnston b'ld'g, r Battery Park Hotel Burroughs Dr Jas A, office Bar- 1 nq,rd b'ld'g, r 88 N Main Ballard Dr A M, office 28 Patton ave, r Haywood near Academy Baird Dr H L, office and r 39 Patton ave Burgin Dr R, office and r Bilt- . more S Asheville Bryant Dr R H c, office 21 S Main Crawford Dr J H, (occulist), office 28 Patton ave, r 48 Grove Fletcher Dr H M, r 23 Penland Hilliard Dr AV D, office over 1st Nat'l Bank, r 57 Spruce Hilliard Dr Chas, office over 1st Nat'l Bank, r 39 Patton ave Hargan Dr T J, (specialist) office 29 Patton ave, r Pearson ave and Academy • Justice Dr J C B, office and r Barnard B'ld'g Leech Dr W Stuart, office 28 Patton ave, r Grand Central Meriweather Dr Frank T, office Johnston B'ld'g McBrayer Dr L B, office and r Western Hotel Nelson Dr, office and r 71 Wood- fin & PETRIE, Me[cW Tai|ofS > 5B Soutn Main sw CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. E. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER Real Estate Agent Loan Broker. AUCTIONEER Real Estate Agent Loan Broker. Ton will noTcr regret h-eroming- *» cntitoni <>r at Er.-.:: Si Smith's Drug Store, 3] Pation Ave. Your irsulo iipprccintNl, Your iuSorewt sdulicd. PLU 387 STE o en o 5z5 *° o fi i! p» S» §3 a a, *? » B COO C 1 » Purefoy Dr G W, office 24 S Main, r 27 Charlotte Starnes Dr E C, office 272 Patton ave, r Buxton and Roberts Taylor Dr H L, office Opera House block, Patton ave Thrash, Dr. Geo, res 52 Haywood Treese Dr. J .F, r 64 South Main Tennent Dr. G. B , office and r Charlotte nr Clayton Williams Dr Jno Hey, office and r 53 Haywood Weaver Dr H B, office 24 S Main, r 169 Chestnut Webb Dr DeWitt, office 2S Patton ave, r Oaks Hotel Watson Dr J A, office and r Pat- ton ave and Grove Whittington Dr W P, office 26 Patton ave, r 30 Phillip "Whittaker D, r Biltrnore S Ashe- ville Von Ruck Dr Karl, office and r VVinyah House, Pine and Baird PLUMBERS STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. Ballard Rich and Boyce, West Ct Place Kelley & Strachan, 26 Patton ave Taylor, Bonis & Brotherton, 43 Patton ave PRINTING- COMPANIES. D W Furman Co, North Ct Place Raixlolph-Kerr Co, North Ct Place PROVISIONS, HAY AND GRAIN. (See also Grocers.) Cooper A D. North Ct Place Jenkins G W & Bro, South Main Mclntire P C & Bro, N Ct Place Powell & Snider, So Main and Patton ave Reed J E & Co, N Ct Place Revell T J, North Main RESTAURANTS. Murrough N. 9 Patton ave Strauss European, 26 and 28 So Main R AILROADS— R &"D SYS- TEM AND STREET RAIL- WAYS Asheville and Spartanburg Murphy Branch Western N C Hot Spring's Division Asheville Electric Street Ry SALOONS. The Battery Park, Battery Park Hotel The "Boston," 39 South Main The "Bonanza," 43 South Main The "Carolina." 19 North Main The "Eagle," 25 South Main The 'Glen Rock," near Pass Depot The "Metropolitan," 29 North Main "Muller's Exchange," Water and College "The White Man's Bar," 46 So Main STENOGRAPHERS Cobb, Legal Building Stevens, Johnston Building SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. (Represented only by Patrons. Asheville Lumber Manufactur- ing Co, West End Demens P A. Woodworking Co, near Pass Depot Scott Geo S, College and Pulliarn k H. Loughran's "White HIGHEST QUALITY ALWAYS 3 Cor. So. Main <8f Eagle, » Down Stairs. AND PRICES CHARGED ACCORDINGLY Organized May. 1888 ; Lewis Maddux, President, L. I'. McLoud, Vice-Presi- dent, J. E, Rankin, Cashier. Capital, JS $50,000, Surplus, $20,000, State, County and City Depository. A Room 'S and Teller's Window for the exclusive use of the Ladies. SHO WOO 2.5 fcv> 8 O 53 © ►ft S3 SHOEMAKERS. (Represented by Patrons only) Hyndman Thomas L, 18$ North Main Novill T W, 18 Patton ave SEWING MACHINES. The Singer, 62 South Main The Davis and New Home, 16 Patton ave The Domestic, S E Ct Place The American, 91 Patton ave STATIONERS AND BOOK- SELLERS. (Represented by Patrons only.) J N Morgan & Co, 3 North Main L Blomberg, 17 Patton Ave SILVERWARE. Law J H, 57, 59, 61 S Main Thrash Thaddeus W & Co, 41 Patton ave SURVEYORS. (See Civil Engineers and Sur- veyors) SODA WATER AND BOT- TLERS. (See also Saloons,) Charles A Campbell, 217 Hay- wood TRIAL JUSTICES. A T Summey, Patton ave. and 2nd floor, West Court Place UPHOLSTERERS. Brown Richard, 100 Patton ave Williams W H A, Eagle and Val- ley UNDERTAKERS. Blair & Brown, Patton ave Mann Johnston & Co, Patton ave Starnes J R, North Main Williamson W B & Co, Patton ave VETERINARY SURGEONS. Dr J W Rollings, South' Main, opposite Swan Hotel WOOD DEALERS. C E Moody, 30 Patton ave THE DEVIL'S COURT HOUSE. From Lindsey's Guide Book by permission. & PETRI E, Merchant Tailors, 58 South Main Street, CLEANING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. EXPLANATORY. ♦ In the political domain we are just upon the brink of a complete transformation scene— hence statistics concerning the present year's municipal and governmental reign would prove as inert information, consecpuently we are unable to furnish with this publication any- thing that would be of practical value to our patrons and readers. The officers elected by the people of the City of Asheville and the County of Buncombe have exhibited in the past administration of its affairs much ability and enterprise, and with the advent of a new regime we wish the succeeding power much success in their new field and a continuation in the up-building of a city, which in the past few years has made such rapid strides in this age of modern progress and improvement. aneous Directory. OF ASHEVILLE. CITY GOVERNMENT. MAYOR- CHARLES D BLANTON. Aldermen — W E Wolfe, J Hamp McDowell, F M Miller, Charles B Leonard, R L Fitzpat- rick. City Clerk— F M Miller. City Attorney— T H Cobb. City Tax Collector— N A Rey- nolds. City Treasurer— J E Rankin. Chief of Police— A H Baird. Chief of Fire Department— J P Sawyer. Superintendent of Waterworks — J L Murray. Superintendent of Schools — P P Claxton. Sanitary Inspector — D H B Weaver. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Sheriff— D L Reynolds. Register of Deeds— J J Mackey Superintendent of Schools— C B Way Treasurer — John H Courtney Attorney — M E Carter. Coroner— W D Hilliard Surveyor— A H Starnes. Clerk -W T Reynolds. Deputy Clerk— Chas W Ma- lone. County Commissioners— J E Rankin, Chairman; J C Curtis, Levi Plemons, Dr J A Reagan, W T Porter. Board of Education— A T Sum- mey, B G Gudger, LeRoy H Sams. STATE LEGISLATURE. Representatives of Buncombe County — Melvin E Carter, Dr J S T Baird. Senator 42d District, Buncombe and Madison Counties— Virgil S Lusk. . BROTHERHOOD OF ST. AN- DREW'S. Trinity Chapter No 1 10, F L Ja- cobs, Sec'y. 390 MASONIC LODGES. Mount Hermon Lodge- No 118, A F and A M, T V Terrell, Sec Asheville Lodge No 410, A F and A M, F L Jacobs, Sec Asheville Chapter No 25 R A, S Hammershlag, Sec Cyrene Commandery No 5 K T, W T Randolph, Rec KNIGHTS OF LABOR. G H Burnham M W, Saml Waldrop Sec CARPENTERS' UNION, W B Clayton — . N P Corn, Rec Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Pisgah Lodge No 32 P A Cum- mings K R and S Buncombe Div No 1, U R, P A Cummings Rec ODD FELLOWS. Swannanoa Lodge No 56, S II Chedester, Sec A. 0. U. WORKMEN, J B Worsley, Recorder KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Swannanoa Lodge 046. P A Cummings, Reporter ROYAL ARCANUM. French Broad Council No 701, S Lipinski, Sec SONS TEMPERANCE. Asheville Division, No 15, F A Ham rick Secy W. C. T. U. (Meetings held in Y M C A Bldg) monthly, Miss M E Brown Secy Y. W. C. T. U. Meetings monthly, Y MCA Bldg, Miss Alice Smith Secy FLOWER MISSION. Mrs Jas A Burroughs See CHURCHES. • Central Methodist, (South)— Church Rev Sam Milliard, pas- tor pro tern. Divine worship, Sundays, morning and evening. Sunday-school, 9.30 A M ; HA Gudger, superintendent. Catholic — Haywood near Flint. Rev Father White. Low mass during week 7.30 P M; High mass Sunday 11 A M. First Baptist— Spruce and Woodfln. Rev Dr W A Nelson, pastor. Divine worship, Sundays, morning and evening. Sunday- school, 9 A M. Dr D T Millard, superintendent. Second Baptist— French Broad and Patton ave. Rev Dr J L Carroll, pastor. Divine worship, Sundays, morning and evening. Sunday-school" 9.30 A M. A N LaPierre. superintendent. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Kahl of Asheville, S Lipinsky, secretary: First Presbyterian — Church, Rev W S P Bryan, pastor. Di- vine worship, .Sundays, morning and evening. Weekly Lectur,e, Wednesday evening. Sunday- school 9 AM. H Lockwood, superintendent. Young men's Prayer Sunday evening. Trinity, Episcopal — Rev Mc- Neely DuBose, Rector. Services : Sundays, Holy Communion, ex- cept on first Sundays, at 7.3,0 A M, and on first Sundays at 11 A M. Sunday-school and Bible Class at 9 30 A M. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 A M ; Evening Prayer and Lecture at 4.30 P M. Wednesdays, Morning Prayer and Litany at 10 A M. Fridays, Evening prayer at 5 P M. Ploly Days' services announced on Sun- day previous. Meetings, Woman's Guild on first Wednesday each month at 4 P M. Woman's Aux- iliary, Fridays of each Ember season at 4 P M. Choral Society, third Friday in each month at 4 P M. Sunday-school Teachers, second and fourth Fridays in each month at 4 P M. Vestry, Tues- day after each first Sunday at 8 P M. St Andrew's Brotherhood, second and fourth Tuesdays at 8 P M. Practices : Sunday-school, each Wednesday at 4 P M; Choir, each Friday at 7.30 P M. All seats TT7E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all clescrip- V V tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. w 'E offer for sale choice Real Estate of all descrip- tions. We loan money in sums to suit. We Care for Estates and guarantee protection to own- ers interest in same. We invest trust funds carefully. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. 391 are free, and strangers are cor- dially invited to attend and take part in the services. The Rec- tor's study is in the Rectory, one door south of the church. Methodist Episcopal, (South) — North Asheville. Rev C M Campbell, pastor. Divine services every Sunday morning and eve- ning. Sunday-school at 9 A M. Jno H Wheeler, superintendent. Christian Church — Church. Divine worship every Sunday morning and evening. Sunday- school by Frank McCrary at 9.45 A M. ("Regular pastor not yet assigned.) Methodist Episcopal — Hay- wood and Buttriek. Rev J D Robertson, pastor. Divine wor- ship, Sunday morning and eve- ning. Sunday-school at9.30 A M ; Elmo Rhinehardt, supt. Riverside Methodist Episcopal, (South) — Divine services Sunday morning and evening. Rev C M Campbell, pastor. Sunday-school at 3 P M ; Wm Turner, supt. No. Asheville Methodist Epis- copal, (South') — Divine worship Sunday morning and evening ; Rev C M Campbell, pastor. Sun- day-school 9.3U A Mf J H Weaver, superintendent. Baptist — West end Mission Praver-meeting Saturday even- ings at 7.30, by Rev W P* South- ern. Sunday-school at 3.30 P M. Academy Hill Baptist Mission. Praver-meeting Thursday, 7.30 P M, by Rev W P Southern. Sunday-school 3.30 P M ; George H Burnham, superintendent. COLORED CHURCHES. Nazareue First Baptist — Pine and Beaumont. Rev S H With- erspoon, pastor. Divide services, Sunday 11 A M and 8 P M. Sun- day-school 2 P M. Prayer-meet- ing Wednesday 8 PM. Mount Zion Second Baptist- Bailey and Patton ave. Rev R P Burnley , pastor Pro tern. Divine worship Sunday 11 A M and 3 and 8 P M. Sunday-school 12 M. Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 8 P M. A M E Zion— College and Pine. Rev E J Carter, pastor. Divine worship, Sunday HA M and 8 PM Class-meeting 3 P M. Sun- day-school 9 A M. Trinity Episcopal Chapel — , Valley and S Beaumont. Rev H" S McDufry, pastor. Divine ser- ' vices, 1 1 A M and 8 P M. Sun- day-school afternoon. Methodist Episcopal— College. Rev W W Pope, pastor. Divine worship, 11 A M anu8PM. Sun- day-school 3 P M. A M E Church— Hilterbrand near Pine. Rev F W Sorrell, pastor. Preaching HAM and 3 P M. Sunday-school 9 AM. The North Carolina Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals. Organized April 1st, 1890. Asheville, N. C— Officers : W H Inloes, president ; J L Carroll, 1st vice-president ; C J McCape, 2d vice-president; F L Jacobs, secretary and treasurer ; F L Jacobs, superintendent ; T A Jones, counsel. Board of Mana- gers : J P Sawyer, W S Cushman, W T Penniman, C M McLoud, W F Randolph, T W Patton, J E Rankin. Finance Committee : \V S Cushman, J P Sawyer, J E Rankin. DEPARTMENT OF CHARI- TIES. Children's Home, Charlotte and Woodfiu, Miss Mary Sharp, matron. Mission Hospital, 17 Charlotte street. MissL E Walton, matron. Children's Free Kindergarten and Aid Society. Riverside, near cotton factory; also, 11 Patton ave, 2d floor. POSTAL INFORMATION. G W Cannon, Postmaster; E E Hetson, M O department; V O Harkins, mailing department; E C Westall, stamp department; H 392 B Malone. general delivery de- partment. CARRIERS. JWC Deake, No 1, Neil Lee 2, J M Case 3, J C Heninger 4. S F Harmon 5, T J Loftin 6, C B Deaver, Special Delivery Dep't. Office Hours : General Deliv- » ery— Opens 7 a m to 7 p m. Sun- day 9 to 9 30 a m ; Sunday 6 to 6 30 p m. MO dep't opens 9 a in to 4 p m. Northern mail ar- rives 8 a m, 5 p m ; South 7 30 p m : West 2 15 p m, 8 00 a m ; East 5 p m, 8 a m. Horse Mails leave for Weaver- ville daily, except Sunday 12 30 p m ; arrives from Weaverville 12 00 m ; leaves for Liecester 12 m; arrives from Liecester 11 am; leaves for Vanceville 9 a m; ar- rives from Vanceville 8 30 a m, leaves for Brevard 7 00 a m ; ar rives from Brevard 6 pm; leaves for Rutherfordton 6 am; arrives from Rutherfordton 9 p m. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO- CIATIONS. Asheville Branch of the Southern Buil dinar and Loan Association, Knoxville, Tenn. — H H Heeb, General State Agt, N. G, H D Child, Local Secre- tary, Citizen Office. Officers and Directors : T S Morrison, presi- dent, G W Cannon, vice-presi- dent; L P McLoud, treasurer; H D Child, secretary ; Cobb & Mer- rimon, attorneys. Directors : J E Rankin, H D Child, J S Grant, W F Randolph, John Child. Home Building and Loan As- sociation of Asheville, N C. — Office No 5 Patton Ave. Frank Coxe, president ; T J Hargan, vice-president; CT Bawls, finan- cial secretary ; C C McCarty, treasurer; R-McBrayer, attorney. Directors . Frank Coxe, C E Graham, T C Starnes, S F Chap- man, C T Rawls, T J Hargan, J H Loughran, C T McCarty, H T Collins. Asheville Homestead Loan Association : Officers — S Ham- mershlag, president; H AGudger, vice-president; E I Holmes, sec- retary and treasurer. Directors : S Hammershlag, H A Gudger, A R Cooley, W E Wolf, R L Fitz- patrick, J B Bostick, A Freck. SOCO FALLS. „ From Lindsey's Guide Book by Permission, ROUND KNOB HOTEL AND FOUNTAIN. From Lindsey's Guide Book by Permission. I INDEX DESCRIPTIVE ARTICLES. Page. Atkinson Nat. & Sons, real estate.. 41 Alexander J. M., harness and saddlery 27 Asheville Dry Goods Co = 47 Asheville Wood Yard 94 Asheville Tile and Stone Co 94 Asheville Cement and Plaster Depot 94 Asheville Opera House 91 Asheville Transfer Co •. 93 Asheville Cigar Co 7.3 Asheville Female College 87 Asheville Investment Co 82 Asheville Lumber and Manufacturing Co 3 Asheville Loan Office „ 41 Asheville Press 104 Asheville, North Carolina 5 Battery Park Hotel 17 BosticJno. B 22 Bostic Bros. & Wright, dry goods 65 Blair & Brown, furniture .' 62 Ballard, Rich & Boyce, stoves and plumbing 35 "Boston" Saloon The 71 Burnett & Howard, boarding 75 Blantou W. P. & Co., livery stables 63 Burnett House, boarding 93 Battery Park Livery Stables 42 Cooper A. D., groceries '. 16 Cosby B. H, diamonds '. 52 Cooley A. R., groceries. 55 Cortland Bros., real estate 5i Cole J. B., foundry 100 Campbell Charles H, bottler 67 Carrington F. N., coal 85 Demens P. A., woodworking 59 ''Eagle" Saloon The, wines and liquors 56 Eckles & Co., livery stables 78 26 Page. Ellick M., taxidermy 97 Fitzpatrick Bros., wall paper 30 Grant J. S., drugs 21 Graves & Thrash, dry goods 44 Grand Central Hotel : 29 Glen Rock Hotel 50 Hare Bros., groceries 9G Hamilton T. P. & Co., groceries 3D Heston J. M., fruit and confectionery 45 Hyndmau T. L , shoemaker 76 Hensley & Wild, groceries 84 Hines E F., wagons, machinery and harness 61 Idylewild Green Houses and Floral Gardens 83 Jenkins G. W. & Bro., groceries 79 Jenks & Jeriks, real estate and insurance 31 Kelley & Strachan, plumbing 90 Lee R. H. & Co., painters 99 Lyman A. J., real estate 32 Loughran Jas. H., wines and liquors 54 LaBarbe Miss N., millinery 41 Model Cigar Store -. 90 Martin W. H., barber 65 Morrison T. S., general merchandise 69 Murrough Noah, restaurant 69 Marble Hall Haberdashers 103 Melntire P. C. & Bro., meats an 1 provisions 71 Magnolia House 39 " Metropolitan" Saloon The 33 Muller W. O., wines and whiskies 46 Mitchell F. E, gents' furnishing 43 McKinnon & Petrie, tailors 48 Model Steam Laundry 26 Mann, Johnson & Co., furniture 27 Mimnaugh F. P., dry goods 14 Morgan J. M. & Co., news dealers 72 Moodey C. E., lime, cement, plaster and tile works 94 NovillT. W., shoemaker 101 OaksHotelThe 37 Perry W. G., baker and confectionery 46 Queen Dr. J. G., dentist 84 Railings J. W., veterinary surgeon 80 Reed J. E. & Co., meats and provisions 70 Revel) & Wagner, groceries 60 Redwood H. & Co., dry goods and clothing 19 TF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate of any 1 description, Rent your House, Insure your Life <>r Property, make no mistake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS&JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. IF you wish to Buy or Sell Real Estate ot any . description, Rent your House, Insure your Life or Property, make no mistake, you can do so to the best advantage with us. JENKS & JENKS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Rooms 9 and xo McAfee Block, 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Page. Revell T. J., groceries and feed 57 Swartzberg M., clothing 75 Swicegood L., wall paper 64 Slagle Hotel 74 Strauss' Hotel, European 81 Schartle J. W., tailor .7. 28 Starnes J. Russell, embalmer and general merchandise "1 Scott W. T., scour and dyer 97 Stevenson House /. 96 Triplett Bros., groceries ./ : 05 Turner N\, general merchandise..^. 98 Tauchen W., tailor 59 Union Tea Co 58 Woody J. H. & Co., carriages and harness 102 Wills Bros , architects 77 Wilkie & Atkins, fruits and confectioneries 87 Western Hotel....: 68 Woodbury J. H-, livery stables 25 Woodcock J. H, druggist 40 Wolf James, meats 99 ADVERTISERS. Atkinson Nat. & Son, real estate, outside lines, also page 4L Arrington Dr. B. F., dentist bottom case inside Asheville Furniture and Lumber Co 1 Burkholder E. W., architect bottom case outside Bon Marche dry and fancy goods side lines Bright B. F. P., insurance white and black inset Cummings P. A., attorney at law white and black inset Child John, real estate top front case Cooper A. D., groceries side edge, also page 16 Chambers & Weaver, sales stables 1 Chapman S. F., timber and mineral lands third fly Carter & Craig, attorneys and counsellors 1 Cushman W. S., commissioners of deeds centre lines Carmichael W. C, drugs : bottom inside case Courtland Bros., real estate pages 1 and 51 Corn N. P., contractor pages 1 and 51 Griffing C. L., real estate pages 1 and 82 Grant J. S., drugs top front case, also page 21 Gwyn & Wesc centre lines Jenks & Jenks, real estate colored inset, also page 31 Jones & Shuford, attorneys 1 Page. Law J. H., china and glassware 1 Loughran Jas. H., whiskies and wines... bottom right lines, also p. 54 McBrayer R.. attorney at law bottom case inside Morgan J. N. & Co., stationers bottom edge and page 72 Mann, Johnson & Co., furniture side lines and page 27 MeKinnon & Petrie, merchant tailors, left bottom lines and page 48 Maitland Mrs. B., boauding and day school second fly Muller W. O., wines and liquors pages ] and 46 Moody C, E , lime, cement and plaster..bottom cover outside and p. 94 National Bank of Asheville The first fly Pulliam Law T renoe, insurance top front cover Penniman & Co., hardware bottom cover inside Rawls C. T., Are insurance and real estate centre lines Redwood H. & Co sidelines and page 19 Raysor & Smith right top lines, also page 1 Smathers Mrs. J. L boarding 1 Swannannoa Hotel bottom cover inside Thrash Thad. W. & Co centre lines and page 1 Taylor, Bouis & Brotherton, house furnishing goods and plumb- ing v • centre lines Wills Brothers, architects bottom cover outside and page 77 Williamson VV. B. & Co., furniture fourth fly Watson D. S., real estate bottom cover outside GENERAL INDEX. Page. Abbreviations 105 Business Directory 379 Explanatory 389 General Directory of Names 105 Miscellaneous Directory 389 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00030756174 This book must not be taken from the Library building. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iii(iiiiiH^iniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitTiiiiitiiiiMiiiifiiiiuiiifiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiifiiiiniitfifiifi»mi& W R. Mc^RAYER, OFFICE: 28 PATTON AVENUE, SECOND FLOOR. Dr. B. F. ARRINGTON, SUrgeoq Dentist, BILLING TEETH A SPECIALTY. Also, Treating Diseased GUMS AND ALL DISEASES PERTAINING TO THE DENTAL STRUCTURE, OFFICE ROOMS: 31 PATTON AVENUE, (Second Floor.) Over Raysor & Smith's Drug Store. j^g*"" In Medicines quality is of the 1st Importance." W. C. CARMICHAEL, Henimfaf an 'y~r <#*<#2B ft Prompt Attention to Prescriptions Lay and Nignt, 20 SOUTH MAIN. TELEPHONE 19. \V. T. Penniman. W. R. Penniman. PENNIMAN & CO., JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN •<&>&= ««« 13 No. MAIN, P. 0, M P. ASHEYILLE, I, C. m & s C=3 ©1 €*!> -k £> €^» £ o ^ i- o ^ fl- ea 3 "* § K cm " 5 ^> -j Eh »» > M B I ;-:.! FOB SIDEW kLIiS> WALKS IN fARDS, P^O^BI BTHS'i ALSO, (^irrRJA^E-BL'OCKS, "WINDOW-SILLS. kViil«Kr.C!OPlNSS>>;W.A LB i Telepliom Teleialioan