LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Digitized by the Internet'Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil i 1 A BRIEF '^ RELATION O V TROtlBLES: WITH. The taking away of the Lands and CalUe O F SHERBORNE in D OR SET From Him and his Hcircs, being his |indu: biublc lahcritaacc. LONDON, Printed fot »". T; MDCIXIX^ ^>*v * • (1) > fTo the Right Honorabli "^ The C O M jyl O N S of England, affcmbled in Parliament. The Humble Petition of CarhwRalbgh Efqui-e^ oncly Son ol Sir Walter RalegHj late dcccaicd. HVMBLT SHEITeTH: Hat whereas your Petitioner con^ ceiveth^ That his late Father Sir Walter Ralegh^ wm mift unjujily and tliegallj Con-- demmd and Executed ; and his Lands and Cafile ^^ Sherborne wrtfvi fully fallen from him and ^ his^ Of may more at larfe affean ty thii hrief narrati'^e hereunto annexed-^ The paiticu*^ lars where df your Petitioner is upon due fnofes ready t§ makj ooid : Tour Petitioner therefore humbly fuhmtttim to thefreat Juflice and Integrity of this Houfe ( whuh is no way more manifefied thi n hy relielPtni the Offrejjed) humbly craVeth that hee miy receive Jueh far tjfaBion ^ for thife his freat opprejjions^ and lojjes , as ta the wifdum ana g/emency «f this honourable Houfe fh all feem fit ^ \ - And your Petitioner {hall hatnbly Pray,&^ t% ^^'\^; A BRIEEE RELATION OF SIR WaLTErRaLEGhV Troubles , with the takjna away of the Lands andCajlle e/ Sherborne ^» Dovkt,&f. Hen King I a m i s came into England , bee found Sir f^airer KjiUgh (by the favour of his late Miftrcffc Queen Elizabeth) Lord Warden of the Siannarics^'LoTd Lieu- tciant of 'Dever/fhtre afid CQr'r^wa^^ Captain ____ of the Guard, and Govcrnour of the I fle of Gerfey ; with a large PofTcirion of lands both in England and Ireland. The King^for fome ?reeks ufed him with great kind- nefs, and was ple:iifed to acknowledge divers Prcfents, which hcc had received from him being in Scotland, for which hec gave him thanks. But finding him ( as hcc faid himfelf) a Martial! man, addided to Forreigne affaires, and great a^i- ons. hce feared left he fhou'd engage him in a warre (a thing moft hated and contrary to the Kings nature) wherefore hce began to look upon him vrith a jealous eye , efpccially after he had prefentcd him. with a Booke, wherein with great ani- mofity he oppofcd the Peace with Sf^ine then in treaty, pcr- (wtding the King rather vigoroufly to profecutc the war with £b»t Prince then in hand,promi(ing (and chat with great pro- A I . bability) bility) within few yeares to reduce the Weftrl/^dies to his o^ bedicnce. But Sir n^alter \*fegb\ enemies foon difcovcring tbe Kings humour, refolvcd at once to rid- the King of this doubt and trou!:flCj &tocnr:ch themfclvcs with the laads and O.iices of Sx.Waber Ralegh.Whtt^ott they plotted to accufe hinij and the Lord Co^ham ( a fimplc paflfionate raan but of very Noble birth and great polleflions ) of high trcafon. 1 he particulars of their accufation I am utterly ignorant of ( and I think all men both then and now living) only i find in genc- call terms , they were accufed for plotting with the Spaniard to bring in a forreigne Army, and Proclaimc the Jnfanta of S^Atne Quccne of ^/»^/i»^ ; but without any Proofcs, and the thing it lelf as ridiculous as impoffible. How ever Sir falter RsUgb was condemned without any witnes brought in againft him, and the Lord C$hham^ who was pretended to have tccufed him barely in a letter^in another letter to S^JVait,RMlegh upon his falvatioa cleercd him of all treafon cr treafonable ai^ions either againft King or ftatc to his knowledge, ?rhich original letter is now in the hands o^^tXdrevt Rsi^h {on o^SxJf^dlter to b.'e produced at any time. Upon this Condemnation, all his lands and ofhccs were icazed, and himfelf committed clofe prifoner to the TQr9er^ but they found his Cflftle of Shtrhorne^ andthehnds thereunto belonging to be long before entailed on hh children, fo that hee could not forfeit k but during his, own life. And the King Hading in himfelf the iniquity of Sir fyahers condemnation, gave him all what hee had forfeited ag^ain, bur ftill kept him clofe Prifocer, fevenyeers after his imoriroament, be enjoyci Sherhem at vvbich time it fell our^ that one bAv.Rohrt Cav^-k voung Scotch Gent .« grew in great fivor with the King, and having no fortune, they contrived to lay the foundation of his future greatncffc ui)On the ruines of Sir '*'*/'er Rah^h, Wherupon they called tbeconvey^nrc ©( J^^/^©/^/^ ill (^ueHion in the Exchccquei; chamber , and for want 6f one finglc wotd ( which word was found not with-" 'ftandiflgin the Paper -book and was ©nely the ovcrfightof a Clerk) they pronounced the Conveyance invalide , and Sherhf'H forfeited to the crown,a judgement cafily to be fore- fecn mthout witchcraft, fincc his chicfcft judge was his grca- teftenemic, and the cafe argued between a poore friendleffe Prifoner anda Kinff of Endand. .. , , r» r ,^, *f »" • r>- ane was the onely Daueli'* Thus was Sberbirm given to Sir ter ef Sir Nicholas Thmk- Rohrt Car (after Earl of Somerftt • j mortsnt who was anaigncd in the i4rf> Aj./«j|. with her Children, ii^^^::iZ^ humbly and eirncflly Petitioning the mcnts. King for con[ipaflion on her and hers,couid obtaine no other anfwer from him, but that hee mun have the land, hee mun have It for Car, She being a woman of a very high fpirit, and Noble birth and breeding, fell downe upon her knees with her hands heaved ap to heaven, and in the bitternefTc of fpirit bcfeechcd God Almighty to look upon the jufticc of her caufe , and puaiHi thofe who had fo wrongfully expofed her and her poorc children to ruine and bcggcrya What hath happened iincc to that royall Family is too fad and difaflrous for me to repeat, and yet too vifible not to bedifcerncd. But to proceed : Prince Henry hearing the King had given Sher- h%rn to Sir %jib9rt Cat^ came with fome anger to hrs Father, dcfiring hee would be pleafed to bcftoy^ Sherburn upon him^ alledging that it was a Place of great ftrength and beauty, which bSc much liked, but indeed with an intention to give it back to Sir W*her %AUgh^ whom hee much cftcemed. The King who was unwilling to refufe any of that Princes dcfires, ( for indeed they were raoft commonly delivered in fuch language as founded rather like a demand then an inrrea- ty) gratited his requeft^ and to fatisfie his Favorite gave him five and twenty Thoufand pouads in ready money ^ fo farrc was (8) was-thcKifig or Crown from gaining by this Purchafe. But that Excellent Prirxe within a few Moneths was taken away, how and by what means is fufpctflcd by all , anci I fear was then too well known by many. After his death the Kirg gave Skerhorn ggaine to Sr.^o6ert Car^ who not mw.y yecfs after by the name of Ejrle o(Somerfet vvas arraigned and coi.dtm- Bed for poyfoning Sir ihom&s Over^uryoLndlod^W his lands. Then Sr. Joh^s 'Dlohte no v Earl of i^r^ro^ begged Siitr^ornt of theKT.gandhad it. S:r ^*^ter Rale^^hhcip^ of a vigorons conftitution , and perft^^ health, had row wornc out fixrccn ycers Imprifonmcnt, and had fecn the diGftrous end of all 1 is grcatcftenctiiies- lb that new p for Sir Walter Ralegh was condemned for be- ing a. friend ro t+ie Spanyard, and Jo/l his life for being their utter eiieaiic. TPiUs Kings,\vhcnthey will doe what tl ev plc^fe, • pleafenothim they rhouJd,God,and having mide their power ihbfervicnt to their vvill,dcprivc themfclves of tkat juft power whcrby others are fubfervient to tl cm. To proceed; Mr. ^iis 5 the King was refolute in his denyall, and {o left hint, AticT wJiich Sir lames Fuderfon ufcd many arguments to ^'criwade fubmiflioato the Kings wil],as the Jmpoffibilirie of coarclHng with Kingly power, the not being reftored in blood, which brought along with it fo many inconveniences, that it was not polTible without ic to polTLlFe or enjoy any lands or eftate in this KiQgdom,The not being in condition,if his clokc were taken from his back, or hat from his head, to fuc for rc- llitutioa. All which things being confidered, together with fpler.did promifcs of great preferment in Court,and[ particular favors trom the King not improbable, wrought much in the mindofyGun^ Mr.^tf/^^^> who being a pcrfon not full cwcn- tie yeers 0!d,left fricndlelTe and fortunc-leflc, prevailed fo far that hee {ubmirred to the Kings vrilL Wherupon there was an A^^ pa fled for his reftauratlon,aad together with it a fettlemenr otshethr^ to the Earl oiir^fitl^ and in fhew offomc kind of recompenfc,four hundred pounds a yeere pcnfion during life granted to Mr, Rdlfgh after the death of his Mother , who had tliat fum paid unto her during life in lieu of jointure. Thus have J with as much bre- .;. ^X':^w^ ct:^, vity, humility, aud ca>,dor. (», the whicu c«':t I'hn 4COOO Pounds. nature ot the ctfe will permit) re- He vas.rbe firft o^ »aa^g— M— — gaaa— Bsaarta*)' " ' ' ■' "j g=»i^.a8a3egp» #" I %