L A W S OF THE ^f^te ^^a^^ UNIVERSITY OF jaorti?=Caroitna: ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AT THEIR SESSION IN DECEMBER, 1799- ?~—^sa&&)0^ gF»^ * RALEIGH; FRINTED BY J, GALES, i I r VC 57 LAWS O F T HE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. SECTION I. Of the Faculty. 1. The Faculty of the Univerfity of North* Carolina {hall be compofed of the Prefident, Profeflors and Tutors, a majority of whom being aflembled after due notice given by the Prefident, or prefiding Profeflbr, to all the members, fhall be competent to the per- formance of bufmefs. 2. Every matter brought before the Faculty', mail be decided by votes, and it (hall be the additional privilege of the Prefident, or pre^ (iding Pro fe (Tor, to give a calling vote, where there would otherwife be a tie. 3. The opinion or voteof any member of the Faculty fhall not be made known to the flu- dents, diretlly or indirectly, except when exprefs order (hall be given to that effect by an unanimous vote of the Faculty. 4. A member of the Faculty fhall not be a. , fitting member of any fociety of ftudents, nor i fhali he ever be prefent at the meetings of a fociety. * 4 £. It fliall be the duty of each member of the Faculty to enforce the laws of the Uni- verfity, to prevent or put a flop to the violation of them, and to report to the Prefident, or to the Faculty, fuch tranfgreffions of them as ought to be punifhed by that body. 6. The Faculty fliall keep a book of re- cords, or minutes, and appoint a clerk, who ihall enter, therein a fair flatement of their tranfa£lions, refolutions and determinations ; which book (hall be laid before the Tiuftees at each of their dated meetings. The clerk of the Faculty* (hall be allowed a compenfation for his fervices. 7. No aft bf the Faculty which is not recorded bylheir order fhall be confidered as valid. 8. There fhall be monthly meetings of the Faculty, at which every Profeffor and Tutor ihall make a report on the conduct and fcho- larfhip of the fludents, and particularly of thofe who are under his charge. And the opinions which the Faculty fhall thenJorm, ihall be regiflered in a book kept by them for that purpofe, which fliall be a hiflory of the character and fcholarfhip of every fludent to his parent or guardian, and to the Truftees. 9. The Prefident fhall read or fay public prayers every evening, in the Chapel, at five o'clock, except on Saturday evening, and in b his abfence, one of the ProfeiTors cr Tutors, (hall perform that duty. In the morning, prayers mail follow after the reading of a chapter, or part thereof, in the Old or New Teilament, by the ProfeiTors and Tutors in turn. SECTION II. Of Admifjion in the Univerfity. 1. All examinations for admiflion into the Univerfity, {hall be in prefence of the Faculty ; and no perfon (hall be admitted but by a vote taken by them for that purpofe after his exa- mination, 2. Every perfon, on admiflion into the Univerfity, (hall pay the Steward's demand, and the tuition money for the feflion, in advance. 3. If a ftudent (hall arrive to begin bufinefs before the feflion fhall be half expired, fas fhall pay for the whole feflion ; but if he fhall come at the middle of a feflion, or after it, he fhall pay for half the feflion only: but room- rent (hall always be paid for the whole feflion. 4. Every ftudent, on being admitted into the Univerfity, fnall obtain a copy of the laws from the Pi efident or prefiding ProfefTor^ containing a certificate, with the nume of the Prefident, or prefiding Profeffor, figned by A 2 6 himfelf, of the faid fludent's regular admiffion into the Univerfity, for which he ihall pay twelve and a half cents; and thefe fhall be at all times a fufficient, and a necefTary teftimony of his being a fludent of the Univerfity; to be fhewn when called for, to any member of the Faculty. SECTION III. Collegiate Duties and Rcftridions. i. The hours of fludy fhall be from the time of morning prayers til! eight o'clock, from nine till twelve in the forenoon, and from two till five in the afternoon ; and at all other times the ftudents fhall obferve a proper filence and a refpe£tiul deportment. 2. Every fludent fhall regularly and punc- tually attend the recitation of his clafs at the place appointed by his inflru&or, and at the time when the bell fhall be rung to give him notice. His Profeffor or Tutor fhall call him to an account for abfence or delay, in the prefence of his clafs, and fhall be the judge of hisexcufe; and if a good reafon be not fhewn for his delinquency, he may be ordered at any time before the Faculty to anfwer for it. 3. The progrefs of a diligent fludent fhall not be retarded by the indolence of others of the fame clafs; therefore no one fhall be re- 7 quired againft his inclination to continue the fhidy of any book on which he has palled an approved examination; but after a ftudent has entered a clafs, or a courfe of fiudy, at the beginning of the feiTion, he ihall not, without completing the fame, forfake it to enter ano- ther during that feflion, unlefs with parti- cular permiffion from the Faculty. 4. For the improvement of the ftudents in public fpeaking, two or more of them fhali each deliver an oration of their own fele£ling every evening immediately, after prayers, on the flage in the public hall; and to this duty they mail be called in alphabetical rotation, that all may have the benefit of this exercife; nor (hall any ftudent be exempted from it, except on account of natural impediments, or other difqualifications, of which the Faculty or Prefident may judge. 5. On Saturday forenoon, all the ftudents (hall recite grammar or paffages in the Latin or Greek dailies, or read pieces of their own compofition, as the Faculty fhall conceive to be moll ufeful ; and Englifh Grammar fhall invariably be a fubje£f on which every clafs fhall be examined at every femi-annual examination. 6. There ihall be one public examination in each year ; which fhall commence on the 2 2d of June annually, unlefs that day fhall happen on Sunday. s 7. Should any Undent be abfent from exa- mination, he may be fummoned before the Faculty to fheiv the reafons of fuch abfence;: and he fhall be examined publicly by the Fa- culty before he (hall be permitted tojoin his clafs* 8. No ftudent (hall abfent himfelf from the Univerfity during the feffion,. without per- mifTion firft obtained from the Prefident, or in his abfence, from the Faculty; but leave of ab fence from recitation may be granted to 1 fludent by his Profeilbr or Tutor. 9. If any ftudent Giall be habitually indo- lent or inattentive to bufmefs, or (nail be abfent from prayers, from recitation, or public wor- fhip, or at any othei time when it fhall be his duty to attend, he (hall be puniflied according to the aggravation of his offence. 10. If a ftudent, at an examination, be found deficient, he may be publicly mentioned as a bad fcholar by the Faculty or Tru flees, admonifhed to greater diligence, or put into fuch a clafs as ihall fuit his [landing. It. On the day of commencement, the candidates for degrees fhall perform fuch ex- ercifes as Chdli be appointed them, and no candidate fhall refufe the exercife afligned him, underpenalty of being refufed his diploma. 12. N -thing indecent, profane or immoral, lhall at any time be delivered on the public 9 ftage, under penalty of fuch cenfure as the Faculty or Truflees fliall judge proper. And with a view to preferve all the public exercifes of the ftudents from impropriety of any kind, every ftudent, during the whole of his fenior year, and previoufly to his commencement performances efpecially, fhall fhew to the Prefident, or prefiding ProfefTor, the whole of what he propofes to fpeak, and fhall not fail to obferve fuch corrections as (hall be made of his performances ;• and if any ftudent pro- nounce any thing in public of a cenfurable nature, in contradiction to the directions or corrections of the officer to whom he has fhewn his piece, the Prefident or prefiding Profeflbr is requred to flop him on the public flage, and he fhall be otherwife cenfured as the Truftees or Faculty fhall determine. 13. There fhall be a Monitor to each clafs, or to as many claffes together as the Faculty fhall find convenient, who fhall mark theabfentees from prayers, or from public worfhip on Sun- day, and who fhall alfo note all pro fane fvvearing or grofs and vulgar language, and prefent an account of thofe who offend to the Prefident or prefiding Profeffor at prayers on Monday even- ing. If any Monitor fhall fail in performing thefe duties, he fliall be confidered as betraying the trufl confided to him in the Univerfi'y. 10 SECTION IV,. On the moral and religious Conduct of the Students,. and their ConduB towards the Faculty, 1. Every ftudent, whether in the College or in the village, fhall attend public prayers morning and evening in the Chapel, and during the worfhip, fhall refrain from all noife, conducting himfelf with fuch decorum and: reverence as is fuited to thefe folemn fervices.. J^ On Sunday it (hall be the duty of every flu-. I dent to be prefent at the reading or delivery of a fermon in the Chapel, at the hour ap- pointed by the Faculty for that purpofe. No whifpering, talking, laughing, or indecent be- haviour of any kind, fhall be manifefled or* fuch occafions. 2. The lludents fhall attend fuch inftruc- tions in morals and religion,,, as their ProfefTors. and Tutors, or the Faculty jointly, fhall ap- point on Sunday. And if any ftudent abfcnt himfelf, or evade fuch inftruclions, or conduct himfelf indecently while attending them, he mall be punifhed by his inftruclion, or by the Faculty, ac cording to the nature of his offence,, due regard being paid in this as well as in all. other cafes to the rules hereafter prefcribed, pointing out the different degrees or. grades of punifhment which the Faculty fhall be at, liberty to inflicl.. II 3- At all times the ftudents fhall conduct and exprefs themfelves refpeclfully towards the Faculty, and towards every member of it. And any deficiency in thefe refpecls fhall be confidered as effential departures from the laws and principles on which the inflitution is founded, and by which it mull be governed, and they fhall be punifhed accordingly. 4. No infult fhall be offered by a ft udent, or by any number of fludents, to the people of the village or of the country around the Uni- verfity, or of any other place. No attack fhall be made upon property to its injury or *deftru£Hon, or in any way to deprive the owner of his exclufive and rightful ufe of it. But if any fludent fhall commit depredations ordeftructive attacks upon property, on com- plaint being made to the Faculty by the owner, or by any.other perfon, and on fuch proof being adduced as fhall be fatisfaftory to the Faculty again ft the ftudent accufed, he and the owner," with the confent of the latter, fhall each choofean indifferent perfon, not belonging to the Univerfity, and the Faculty fh
comply with the decifions of the Faculty, he ihall be admonifhed, fufpended or expelled,, as the nature of the cafe may require. 7. The Librarian fhall keep a book, in which he fhall have a catalogue of all the books of the library. And if any book {hall be prefented to the Univerfiry, the name and place of re- fidence of the donor fhall be recorded. 8. The Librarian fhall appoint a day and hour forgiving books out of the library, and he fhall attend once a week at the time ap- pointed, for that purpofe. 9. If books be hired from the library, -the price to be paid mail be fixed by the Fa- culty, and the perfon who obtains the book ihall pay in advance. APPENDIX, 3n #rtrtnance Appointing Vijitors of the Univerfity, Whereas between the teachers and flu. ^ents of the Univerfity of North-Carolina, and between them and officers of faid Uni- verfity, controvcrfy may hereafter arife, and a competent authority to fettle the fame is proper to be efiablimed, Be it therefore ordained, That fix members of the Board of Truftees, exclufive of the Prefident, who (hall always be confidered as one, be appointed Vifitors of the Univerfity. And be it further ordained, That on com- plaint made to the Prefident, by any teacher ox officer of the Univerfity, or fludent (whofe H complaint fhall always have been made to the Faculty in the fir ft inftance) the faid Vifitors, or any three of them, if the complaint mall be deemed worthy of enquiry, fhall have power and authority, and they are hereby authorized to hear and determine, on vifi- tations to faid Univerfity, all fuch complaints and controverfies; and their judgment, fen- tence or decree thereon, fhall be decifive, until the general Board of Truflees fhall otherwife direct and deteimine: Provided, That nothing herein contained, fhall afFecl the powers of the Faculty to punifh, agreeably to the laws of the Univerfity. And b tit further ordained, That the Vi- ctors of the Univerfity fhall be appointed by ballot, at each annual meeting of the Board of Truflees. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Prejident, : W. E. Webb, Secretary,