THE REM fym WTN- Y J ijt; mKs* r ISITYOF (arolina UNIVERSITY OF NC AT CHAPEL HILL 00022226814 Tf'-iA,; "^ , ~ 23c ?°0 ffothei lo The real Mot] 1 m This book must not be token from the Library building. I Vo. 47! THE REAL MOTHER GOOSE JUNIOR EDITION RAND MQNALLY & COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO / r- From The Real M othe r Goo se Copyright 1016 by Rand M^Nally & Company All rights reserved Printed in the U.S.A. B-M E A LIST OF THE RIMES Little Jack Horner _The Blacksmith Sing a Song of Sixpence Qne, Two, Buckle My Shoe ■The Tarts Pease Porridge Banbury Crqss ^'Old Mother Goose - Jack' and Jill The Ten O'Clock Scholar - Little Boy Blue —Pins " Simple Simon The Man in the Moon Three Wise Men of Gotham Young Lambs To Sell Hush-a-Bye To Babylon -Handy Pandy Bobby Snooks Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary ,_Sulky Sue - Jack Sprat ^ Hot-Cross Buns The Pumpkin-Eater \ Pat-a-Cake The Flying Pig Baa, Baa, Black Sheep -Baby, Dolly The Hobbyhorse The Mouse-and the Clock JTommy Tittlemouse The Old Woman Under a Hill Poor Old Robinson Crusoe! Christmas If Wishes Were Horses The Crooked- Sixpence Pussycat and Queen -Doctor Fbster Barber - - Little Bo-Peep - -Little Fred Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son Jack Jelf "^ The Cat and the Fiddle The Little Bird Bobby Shaftoe Jack • -Willy Boy X Old Mother Hubbard Georgy Porgy * Miss Muffet \ Humpty Dumpty Comical Folk The Robin One Misty Moisty Morning Little Girl' and Queen Dance to Your Daddie "^Wee Willie Winkie The Old Woman from France ABC i A Sure Test Caesar's Song- Five Toes o Sing, Sing A Candle •> Ma'rch Winds ^T-he Man in Our Town THE REAL MOTHER GOOSE JUNIOR EDITION Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil LITTLE JACK HORNER Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner, Eating of Christmas pie; He put in his thumb, And pulled out a plum, And said, "What a good boy am I!" SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE Sing a song of sixpence, The king was in his countinghous* A pocket full of rye; Four -and -twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie! When the pie was opened The birds began to sing; Was not that a dainty dish To set before the king? Counting out his money; The queen was in the parlor, Eating bread and honey. The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes; When down came a blackbird And snapped off her nose. THE TARTS The Oueen of Hearts, She made some tarts, All on a summer's day; The Knave of Hearts, He stole the tarts, And took them clean away. The King of Hearts Called for the tarts, And beat the Knave full sore; The Knave of Hearts Brought back the tarts, And vowed he'd steal no more. BANBURY CROSS Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross, To see an old lady upon a white horse. Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes. JACK AND JILL Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down, and broke, his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. Then up Jack got and off did trot, As fast as he could caper, To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob With vinegar and brown paper. LITTLE BOY BLUE Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn ! The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. Where's the little boy that looks after the sheep? Under the haystack, fast asleep! SIMPLE SIMON Simple Simon met a pie man, Going to the fair; Says Simple Simon to the pie man, 'Let me taste your ware." Says the pie man to Simple Simon, 'Show me first your penny." Says Simple Simon to the pie man, ''Indeed, I have not any." -i<—