. 0. \M1.LL iMS, ^: G. ^^■. wiLLiAiiif'. Vx. MURr •"TS(.N^ D. E. MUKCflltSO- ill m 1 1 hi' im, WHOLESALE GROCERS A N r iiimis ill) ii j^t' ereliaiif s ift % A.G^JL]> . S FOR Express Steamboat Co'z Line to Fayetteville, N. C, ALSO, AGENTS FOR Steamship and Sailing Lines of /'^ssels to New York, Agent> !■ r the followin,u Factoi u ,r^ and Sheeting ; '.ITTLERFER fl'UMEAVER CEEER .. . 'J 'ND RANDOLPH M'LLS. tjlUR' ^TgoN ^ OQ^ 251 F"Cir Blreti; NewYork. J. r r-LF'-^s a CO. rd:.ucvme, n. c. he Old M> ■ '. ? i f..'' Life ' isuranoe Co., Front St, between C'lesi-ut a:.d 1 rincoss, ENERAL AGENT Hjr NORTH CAROLINA.^ Libert' rrangementb made wi h active canvassing Agents. ic 3 Adver- lement Payes 21 ^ ?20 and 2?^ 2rijE Ititirarp of tfje ®[mbers;itp of iSortf) Carolina Collection of ilortfj Caroliniana AN Works, 7th Sts., ER & Co., ERS OF:! h^k)&.fyjLWiJkm&j eks^\ PBrtaMe ENGINES and BOILERS, Sav.Brisi, Plaster asiBarl! Mills, CASTINGS OF BRASS AND IRON, Forcings, Bridge Iron, Freight Cars, &c. Repairs of all kinds promptly done, and new macliinery of every description designed and biiilt. Agents in the South- ern States for BLAKE'S PATENT STONK BRAKE, An invaluable instrument to those having any kind of stone or ore to break into fragments. Send for circular. W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANET. POPULAR I^o. 38 Market Street, WILMlIif il, 1. ^. We guarantee to give perfect satisfaction, both in quality and prices of our goods. ©AVI 77ii5 book must not be taken from the Library building '^•«^'3/S Clothing* and Of every d Piece Goods, 1 r.liB, AND Blank Book Manufacturer, AND DEALER IN Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, GUITARS, VIOLINS, GHROMOS, ALBUMS, &G. Of every description, promptly executed at low rates. HADDOCK'S WILMINGTON, N. C, DIKECTORY, General Advertiser, CONTAINING A GENERAL AND BUSINESS DIEECTORY OF THE CITY, fflSTORICAL SKETCH, STATE, COUNTY CITY GOVERNMENT, &c., &c. COMPILED BY T. M. Hi^DDOOK J, A. ENGELHAKD, STEAM POWER PEES3 PRINT, P. HEINSBERGEE, Publisher. 1871. Enteeed according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by T. M. Haddock, IN THE Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTORY. In presenting the first edition of our work to the public, we do so with the hope that our friends and patrons will overlook any sHght errors we may have committed. Those who are conversant with the toils, trials and labors incident to a work of this character, are well aware that perfection is impossible — the very nature of the work precludes the idea. The many classes to be dealt with in obtaining the desired information, embraces the weU informed and ignorant—; with the latter class we are thrown upon our own resources for the best infor- mation possible; at times we have been compelled to resort to the force pump until quite exhausted. We have endeavored to meet the want so long felt in our city, and have devoted our whole time, care and attention with that end in view, and trust that our patrons, who have been so hberal towards us, (for which they have our sincere thanks,) will approve our humble efforts. Our familiarity and experience with our first effort in this city, we trust will enable us to render the future editions of our work more acceptable. We cannot close without expressing our gratitude and renewed thanks for the many favors and kindnesses received from the merchants, manufacturers and citizens of Wilmington, so essential to the completion of our work; also to our patrons abroad are we indebted for their encouragement. Trusting for a continuance of your favors in our future efforts, and hoping wo may improve sufiiciently to merit the same, We are fraterually yours, T. M. HADDOCK, Compiler. aEISTERi^L INDEX. The City of Wilmington, N. C, Sketch 9 Business Directory of North Carolina 29 General Directory 41 Government of North Carolina 240 Government of New Hanover County 259 Govenrment of Wilmington, N. G 260 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ACADEMIES AND SEMINABIE8. Academy of the Incarnation 215 Eansom, Mrs llobert 171 APOTHECARIES AND DRUGGI8T8. Green & Flanncr 181 Lippitt, Jas W & Co 93 Mebane, J A 189 Wright, Dr A E 199 ATTORNEYS. Abbott & CantweU. . . . , 55 Bellamy, Marsden 55 Hobnes, John L 75 London, Alex T 75 Meares, T D 43 AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BRO- KERS. James & Meares. 83 BANKS. Dawson, James 193 First National 189 National Freednian's 85 BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. Lessman, A 187 Mayer, CK 197 BARBERS. Carraway & Cleapor 71 & 187 Powell, BJr 185 BOOK BINDERIES. Bernard. Wm H 61 Grady. Chas 1 129 Heinsberger, P 79 BOOK STORES. Heinsberger, P, Fron Title Page & 155 Love, John D 167 BOOTS AND SHOES. Finkyson & Bro 121 Shutte, Henry 179 PRODUCE BROKERS. Shaw, William H 89 BUILDERS AND BUILDING MATERIALS. -Bladen Land Co, outside back cov- er and 179 Cape Feiir Building Co, inside back, cover and 153 BUTCHERS. Johnson, T H & Bro 181 King, James J 125 Klein, Daniel 165 Mote, TJ&Bro 199 Bappler, George P 8 CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. Heyden, PH 195 Lowery, James A 227 CLOTHING. David & Weil 1 & 147 ShrierBros 101 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Adrian & Toilers 51 Anderson, James & Co 241 Barker, Geo G & Co 53 Chadbourn, James H & Co 65 Fairly, Mclver & Co 29 Gxi-rell & Stanaland 44 Hart, Godfrey 243 & 93 Kerchner, F W, outside back cover and 151 Manning, SH 93 Martin, Alfred 81 Monroe, WM 157 Murray, E&Co... 183 Northrop & Cumming 81 Spnmt & Hinson 89 Vick & Mebane 89 WilUams & Murchison, outside front cover and 115 Worth & Worth 87 Woody, JD 43 COOPERS. Craig, WmE 81 DOLLAR STORE. Keyes, H&Co 149 DRY GOODS, ETC. Bear, Sol & Bros 245 Duw.;on, John 71 Eitiuger, Wm 103 Fishblate & Bro 1 & 147 Hart, Godfrey 93 Katz, MM 149 INDEX. DKY GOODS, ETC — CONTINUED. Louis, Davis & Co 1 Macks, Isaac 91 & 139 Posner, E 225 Solomon, L & Co 101 WeiU, B&L 209 FERTILIZERS. Buie, DrD M 71 ■Carolina Fertilizer (DeEosset&Co, Agents) 201 Navassa Gnano Company 95 Kerchner, F W . . . . Outside back cover Fairly, Mclver & Co 44 Mui-ray, E & Co 183 Vick & Mebane 89 FUBNITTJEE, PAPER HANGING AND UP- HOLSTERY. Grant & Cowau, 261 Schutte, FA 137 Smith, DA 47 Zimmerman & White 211 FOUNDRIES, IRON AND BRASS, MA- CHINERY. Hart & Bailey Ill Hall, Jos & Co, Kichmond, Va. . . . 127 Tanner, Wm E & Co, Eichmond, Va, inside front cover and 161 Snyder & Irby, Eichmond, Va 235 Sei-voss, T C, Manf rs Agency 135 GE AN ARIES. Cape Fear Flour and Pearl Homi- ny Mills, last page and 175 GROCERS. Adrian & VoUers 51 Fairly, Mclver & Co 29 Kerchner, F W, oiitside back cov- er and 151 Lewis, Thomas C 119 Manning, S H 93 Myers, Charles D & Co 169 Peschau, E 7 Eunge, G H W 165 Stevenson, Jas C 125 Williams & Murchison, outside front cover and 115 GUN AND LOCKSMITHS. Craig & Perdew 157 HARDWARE. Neff, AH 48 Dawson, Teel & Henning 63 HAIR, WIGS, BRAIDS, TOUPEES, &0. Wildt, William & Sou, Eichmond, Va 145 & 231 HARNESS AND SADDLERY. Jfewell, GA&Co 191 HATS, CAPS, ETC. Yf right, Thomas H 117 EJDES ANDl'LEATHER. Falconer & Son 43 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Grant & Cowan 261 Neft; AH 48 HuTELS. Burnett House 248 Clifford House 67 National Hotel 77 Purcell House 57 Gurley House, Petersburg, Va . . . . 97 Chiton House, Eichm'd, Va. .59 & 163 Emory House, Weldon, N C 47 INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AGENCIES. DeEosset & Co (Fire & Life) 73 New York Life (Jno A Byrne) out- side front cover and pages 219, 220 & 221 Wilmington Life Ins Co of N C . . . 45 Wihnington North Carohna Life. . 45 JEWELER**. Brown & Anderson 55 Wildt, Wm & Son, Eichmond, Va, (Hair) 145 & 231 LAND AGENCIES. Bivens, WJ 123 Brink, Ed E 130 & 131 Price, George W, Jr 113 LIQUOR DEALERS. Adrian & Vollers 51 Brtmhild, H 181 Mayer, Nathan 119 & 177 Myers, Chas D & Co 167 Peschau, E 7 Weill, L&Co 241 LIVERY STABLES. Currie, S A 141 Pomeroy, Edward 173 Southerland & SteagaU 247 manufacturer's AGENCY. Servoss, T C 135 marble W0RK8. Walker, James 183 I MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Flanagan, L 185 Lumsden, E A 205 Katz, MM 149 NEWSPAPERS AND PRINTING OFFICES. Morning Star and Carohna Far- mer (Wm H Bernard) 61 Post (C I Grady) 105, 107 & 129 Journal (J A Engelhard) front of Title Page. PAINTER. John A Parker 262 PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERIES. VanOrsdell, CM 121 Yates, CW 103 INDEX. paperTstock and metals, oakum, AC. Falconer & Sou, with W J Pen- ton 43 IIANO DEALERS. Heinsberger, P 155 Kuivbe, Wiu & Co, Baltimore, .... 40 POULTRY RAISERS. Schenck, J W, Jr 103 RAILROADS. Wilmington, Char & Euth 207 Wihiiington, Col & Augusta. . .7 & 229 "Wilmington & Weldon 7 & 2C1 SALOONS ASD RESTAURANTS. Brocket Webb 75 Clarendon Bar (Walker Moore) ... 67 Chfford House G7 Burnett, RB 248 Dew Drop Saloon (Rob't J Scarbo- rough) 67 DeumeLandt, Aug 248 Marcus, H 217 National Saloon 99 Wilmington Gardens 243 & 166 Nicholas, Thos H, Richmond, Va . G9 SAW MILLS. Chadbourn, Jas H & Co 65 Colville & Taylor 65 Kidder, Edw'd & Sons 65 Northrop & Gumming 81 Parsley, OG 197 6E■^\^^'0 MACHINES. Florouco'(D Anderson) 239 Singer's (G A Newell ^Eump & Meyer, 14 N Water. Sampson, Joseph E, 4th, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Sauls, Scipio, Gth, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Schulken, E, Front, cor Red Cross. Schulkeu, Engelhard, Front, cor Eed Cross. Schulken, Henry, 4th, cor Walnut. Schulkin, Martin, agt. Dock, cor Water. Shulken, Chas, Water, bel Mulberry. Sliutte, Geo L, 4th and Bladen. Steenken, George, 2d, cor Hanover. ^ Steljes, Deiderick, Gth, cor Queen. Stevenson, James C,. Market, bel 2d. > Stolter, Henry, Front, cor Ann. Strauss, John W, 2d, bet Hanover and Brunswick.^ Strauss, J W, 56 N Water. Smith, Thomas H, 30 Market. Smith & Strauss, 28 S Front. '/^Tidjen, Charles, 3d, cor Orange. -^Ulrich, William, Front, cor Church. ^VoUers, Louis, 48 Market. Wallace, Lewis, Market, cor 2d, and 4th, cor BruusAvick. 35 Willard Bros (wholesale), Water, cor Oliesnut. Williams & Murcliison (wholesale), 6 and 7 N Water. YTiUilagton Co-operative Store, Water, nr Mulberry. O-uii and locksmiths. Craige & Perdew, 19 S Front. Polly, H N, Princess, bet Front and Water. Hard-ware- Dawson^ Teel & Henning, 19 Market. Jacobij Nathaniel, 9 Market st. Nefif, A H, 19 S Front. Peck, George A, 15 S Front. Newell, George A & Co, 7 S Front. Topham, J S & Co, 8 S Front. Eats aad Oa-os. Wright, Thomas H, 9 N Front. Hides aad Lsatlisr- Falconer & Son, Water, nr Mulberry, Semay Sylills— Pearl- Oldham, Alexander, Nutt, cor Walnut. Hotds- Burnett House, 40| N Water. Clifford House, Front, bet Market and Princess. Farmer's House, Water, ab Mulberry. Cape Fear, Chesaut, bet Front and 2d. National, Front, bet Market and Princess. Purcell House, Front, bet Market and Princess. EousQ Furnishis^j Goods- Stevenson, W M, 32 Market- Sc3 Dsalsrs- Lippitt, J E & Co, Dock, nr W ater, and Front, bet Walnut and Mulberry. lasumacs Ag^sats- Atkinson, John Wilder, Front, ab Market. Barry Bros, Water, cor Chesnut. Byrne & Hall, Front, bet Princess and Chesnut. 3G Cameron, Francis H, 6 N Water. Crow, J E, Priness, bet Front and 2d. Davis, Horatio, 2d bet Market and Princess. DeRosset & Co, 5 N Water. George E P, 4 N Water. James, Jolin C, Front, ab Market. Manning, E W, 4 N Water. Moore, Roger, Water, cor Cliesnut. Smith, William L & Co, Front, bet Market and Princess. Turner & Cowan, Princess bet Front and 2d. Wallace, Stephea D, Front, ab Market. Lawyers. Abbott & Cantwell, Princess bet Front and 2d. Ashe, Samuel A, 2d bet Princess and Market. Bellamy Marsden, 45 Market. Cutlar, DuBrutz, Princess, bet Front and 2d. Davis George, Princess, bet Front and 2d. Davis Junius, Princess bet Front and 2d. Devane, W S & D J, 20 Market. Empie, Adam, Princess^ bet Front and 2d. Empie, Willie R, Princess, bet Front and 2d. French, Robert S, cor Front and Princess. Fowler, John J, Princess, bet 2d and 3d. Holmes, John L, Princess, bet 2d and 3d. London, Alex T, 2d bet Market and Princess. London, Mauger, 2d, bet Market and Princess. McRee, Griffith J, 2d, nr Princess. Meares, P, Market, bet 2d and 3d. Meares, Thomas D, Market, bet 2d and 3d. Moore, Benjamin R, Princess, nr 3d. Murphy, Patrick, Princess, bet Front and Water. Poisson, Frederick D, Princess, between 2d and 3d. Smaw, Frank D, Jr, Princess, bet Front and 2d. Strange, Robert, Market, bet 2d and 3d. Waddell, H & A M, Market, nr 3d. Wright cl- Stedman, Princess, bet Front and 2d. 57 Leather Dealers asid Findings- French, George R & Son, 29 N Front. Newell, George A & Co, T S Front. Lig^Mermen- Lemmerman & Coney, S side, foot of Market. Orrell, J B, foot of Market. Liquor Dealers. Adrian & Vollers, wholesale, cor Front and Dock. ■ Beauman, John G, Front, cor Market. Brunhild, H, wholesale, 2 N Water. Clifford, Joseph A, 13 N Front. Fincke, Herman, Id, nr Dock. Gerken, W H, agent, wholesale, 11 S Front. Haar, John, Walnut, bet 2d and 3d. Hottendorf & Hashagan, 10 S Front. Metts, J I, wholesale^ 57 Market. Mohr, Christian H, 2d, nr Market- Myers, Chas D & Co, 7 N Front. Myers, George, wholesale, 11 and 13 S E'ronL Neauman, Philip, Water, cor Chesnut. Peschau, E, wholesale, 36 N Water. Rump & Meyer, 15 N Water. Schulken, Martin, Dock, cor Water. Smith & Strauss, 28 S Front. Tietjhen, Chas, 3d, cor Orange. Vollers, Louis, 48 Market. Weil, L & Co, wholesale. Water, cor Market, Lumber. Bowden, L H, Water, cor Chesnut. Chadbourn, James H I FAIRLEY, MclVER & CO., ftencral loimiuljioit flf(r([Itimti'i, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCEES, AND DEAnLunS I?» Naval Stores, Cotton, Produce, Liquors, &c., NORTH WATER, BELOW MULBERRY STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments solicited. 6ARRELL & STANALAND, S, [. Corner Waler and Princess Streel-Op Stairs, hm\ Immm Merchanis, Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and Country Produce generally is respectfully solicited. Particular attention given to the sale of Beef Cattle and Live Stock of every description. Liberal advances made on consignments. We have secured the services of Mr. M. U. Finlayson, -who •\^•ill bo pleased to see his old friends and customers. Kefer to : Sheriff V. V. Eichaedsox, of Culumbus Co. ; Col. L. A. PowET., Clinton, N. C,; E. E. Bukkuss, President of First Na- tional Bank, Wilmington N. C. WIIi!lIW«T#ll NOKTH CAEOLINA DIRECTORS: JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Jr., A. Jolinson & Co ISAAC B. GRAINGER, Cashier Dawson's Banking House GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, Williams & Murcliison JOHN DAWSON, .Merchant C. T. MURPHY, State Senator H. B. EILERS, Merchant T. H. McKOY . , Merchant F. W. KERCHNER, Merchant OFFICERS: JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President JOHN DAWSON, Vice President S. D. WALLACE, Treasurer ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Secretary The Principal office of this Company is located in Wilmington, E". 0., Fo. 5 North Front Street. Insnre in t&e Wilmington Life Company, FIRST — Because it is a Home institution and makes its in- vestments at home. SECOND — It oflers every inducement afforded bj any other first class Company and is second to none in re- sponsibility. THIRD — It places no restriction on residence or travel in the Southern States, FOURTH — Its Policies are non-forfeitable after two years, and incontestible after five, except for fraud. FIFTH — It declares an annual dividend. 46 WW. WWAW MAN GRAND, SQl MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT WAREROOMS; No. 350 W. Baltimore St., Near Eutaw St. Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7 N. Eutaw St., near Baltimore St. FACTORIES. The Knabe Piano has been awarded no less than I'IFTY GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, the highest award over all competition at different State Fairs throughout the -country, besides numerous other First Premiums at different country and other Fairs, in competition with tlie best factories in the country. Wo would call special attention to our New Patent Concert Grand Pianos, whsch are, by the liesl jedges, acknowledged to surpass anything heretofore made. Our Patent Rnuare Grti ids as near an approach in power and quality of tone to a Full (irand Piano as can possibly be attained in a square case. All our Square Pianos have the full agraff^^ treble, full iron frame, double braced overstrung bass, and all the latest improvements. Special attention is called to our New Improved Upright Piano. By a number of iu:\\- and valuable improvements, we have entirely obivated all •objections heretofore urged against the Boudoir Piano, the tone being full and sonorous, of fine singing quality and perfectly even — the touch being easier than in -i.ny Square Piano, and stand in tone as well as the best Grand Piano.^ This style being the fashionable Piano of Europe, is fast gaining in favor in our ^country. EVERY PIANO IS FULLY WARRANTED FOR F!?E YEARS, 47 D. A. SMITH, Dealer in, avd Manufacturer of. GRANITE BUILDINGS, South Front St., lE-MIIfei^'PHf ® AGAI . OFFERS TO THE CITIZENS OF THE CAROLINAS a le; exsed and largely increased sto k of all the ates' ('esigus of Furniiure, at grewly re- iduced prices Bern ' inter, s ed in the mam facture of Furniture, and using casli as a basis fur all of our oper • ion , we can put goods in this mar ket at Northern j^rices. Parties in want of Furniture wovild do ■well to examine our stock and prices. Dealers are cordially invited to examine our wholesale pric s and terms before purchasing. 11 WELDON, N. C. [ 1 This house has been recently re-opened with entire new furniture THROUGHOUT, THE TABLE SUPPLIED WITH EVERY DELICACY THE MARKET ATFORDS, and no effort will be spared to make it rank with the first class houses of the South. The traveling public are cordially invited to give ns a call. Polite and attentive servants will be ready to wait upon them and every effort made by the proprietor, personally, to render them comfortable. Proprietor. 48 4. a "f^V 9) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cooking, Parlor & Office STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, AND House Pufnisfiiog Goods GENERALLY; JRER OF X.::r;:.; \vi ^J \j ^xv..t-l kT:„.^ Vtse^ yk And sold at Manufacturers' Prices to Dealers. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL; Tin and Galvanized Roofing, Spouting and Guttering, done in the best manner and on Reasonable Terms. Brass and Iron strainers. Dippers^ Skim- mers, and oilier Turpentine Dis- tillers' Fixtures, always on hand. Agent for FAIRBANKS' SCALES. 19 South Front Sti-eet, Wilmf iiMtoa« W* ©* HADDOCK'S DIEECTORY, ^ILMINQTON, J4. ;p., 18'rO-'71. A. Aaron, David, of Aaron & Rheinstein, r Philadelphia. Aaron & Eheinstoin, (D. Aaron and F. Eheinstein), dry goods and clothing, 25 Market. ABBOTT, JOSEPH C, of Abbott & Cantwell, U. S. Senator, and President Bladen Land Company and Capo Fear Building Company, r Purceil House, ABBOTT & CANTWELL, (Joseph C. Abbott and Edward Cantwell), lawyers, Princess, bet Eront and Second. See adYo , Academy of the Incarnation, 4th, bet Orange and Ann. Adams, Geo H, P O rout agent W, & A R R, r 9th, cor Swann. Adkins, Sarah E, wid Edward N, r 4th, bet Ann and Nun^ ADRMN & yOLLERS,(A Adrian and H Yoll6rs),Com Mer's, wholesale groceries and liquors, S E cor Dock and Front. See adv. ADRMJjf, ALLRICH, of Adrian & Voliers, r 3d, bot Wal- nut and Red Cross. Agostini, F M, fraits, confectionery and groceries, 16 Mar- ket, r 7th, cor Dock. Agostini, Francis M, Jr, clerk with F M Agostini, r 7th., cor Dock. Ahrens, Benj H, r cor Market and 7tk. AHRENS, NICHOLAS, grocery, 7th, cor Market, a 50 Alderman, A, of Player, Alderman & Co, produce broker, r 4tli, cor Mulberry. Alderman, Allison, clerk with Alex Oldham, r 4th, cor Mul- berry. Alderman, Ai'chie, r 5th, bet Walnut and Eed Cross Alderman, Cornelia, r 4th and Mulberry. Alderman, G F, of Player, Alderman & Co, r 2d, bet Mul- berry and Walnut. Alderman, I T, Ass't Sec'y and Treas'r Eastern Div W, C & E R K, r Front, cor Mulberry. ALDERMAN, JAMES, produce broker, Water, cor Ches- nut, r 2d, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Alderman, Senney, wid David, r Dock, bet 5th and 6th Alderman, W H, clerk with Player, Alderman & Co, r 4th, cor Mulberry. Alexander, J, lab with W v n ^ Kjtijiipii' A^^,,^., EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, fi@^ Largest Daily Circulation in the State. THE CAROLINA FARMER, A rirst-Class EiiM-Paje Airlcnltnral and Family feekly, One of the Best Advertising Mediums in the South, having a large and growing circulation in the two Carolinas. P"gBLISEED AT $3.00 TEiE YSA^, WM. H. BIRNAED, Editor and Proprietor. wiLMiFaTOST, sr. c. Plain, Fancy and Ornamental BOOK AND JOB PRINTER Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, DAWSON BANK BUILDINGS, Every variety of Printing, Euling and Binding executed in the highest style qI the art. 62 BIYINS, W J, Register of Deeds, Court House, r Lilliugton, Blackman, E, engineer, W & W R R, r 2d, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Blake, Henry D, Rev, superintendent Wilston School^ 7tli, cor Nunn. Blake, Hajinali E, teacher, Wikton School, r Tth, cor Nunn. Blaney, Elizabeth, Mrs, r Campbell, bet 3d and ith. Blaney, Mary M, r Campbell, bet 3d and 4th. Blocker, J C, of Love & Blocker, r Cumberland Co. Blomme, Peter, baker and family groceries, 4th, cor Red Cross. Bloom, H H, family groceries, 5th, cor Chesnut. Blossom, Fannie, r cor Tth and Castle. BLOSSOM, J R and EVANS, (J R Blossom and Thos Evans), distillers of turpentine, works Front, from Cowan to Parsley, office Water,, cor Princess. Blossom, J R, of J R Blossom & Evans, r New York. Blossom, Samuel, Family Grocer, r 7th Castle. Blumenthal, Hannah, Mrs, wid of Jacob, boarding-house 47 Market. Blumenthal, S, dry goods, clothing, &c, 40 Market, r 4th, nr Mulberry. Boatwright, Alice L, r 2d, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Boatwright, Ann, wid Dr John, r Front, cor Princess. Boatwright, J, Hal, cl'k W, C & A R R, r d2, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Boatwright, John L, packet clerk Phila & So steamship line, r Market, bet 3rd and 4th. Boatwright, Mary, r Front, cor Princess. Boatwright, Mary A, v^id of Dr J H, r 2d, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Bocher, John, shoemaker, 4th, cor Harnett, r Nutt, cor Walnut. Boggoln, C F, clerk with Adrian & Vollers, r Mulberry, bet Front and Water. Bogard, Minnie E, r Dock, bet 7th and 8th. BOHLING-, MARTIN, Grocer, Front, bel Castle. Boland, J, lab with W & W R R. Bond, Annie, r 4th, bet Castle and Church. BoQne, Bennett, well-digger, r Bladen, cor 6th. 63 JOHN DAI SON, GEORGE TEEL, ROBERT HENNING.. mm, mi i Mmi!, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Agricultural Implements, ERON AND I^AiLS, Also in Millers', House Oarpeaters', Ship* Carpenters', CaTjinet Makers', Ma- sons', Saddlers', Wheelwriglits', Curriers', Blacksmiths', Ma- chinists', Coopers' Turpen- tine Makers', Shoe Makers', Builders' and Under- takers' Tools ; Rope, Twine, Fishing Tackle, Cotton Gins and Presses, Wine and Cider Mills and Presses, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Wll«lait@ffi8, M* @6 64 Boone, Laipjhton L, clerk ^vitll J B Orrcll, Hanover, bet 2a ami 3(1. Boone, Mary C, r 6th, cor Bladen. Boone, Owen H, Tvell-diggor, r 6th, cor Bladen. Borden, J C, conductor, "^Vil & W R R, r Purcell House. Borneraann, Hanrich, elk vrith Deumelandt, r 4th, cor Brunswick. Bosch, Henry, clerk with L AVallace, r 4th, cor Brunswick. Boskowtz, Cliarles, clerk with J & H Sampson, r 45 Market. Bostick, Bryant W, butter eggs, &c. City Mkt, r Duplin Co. Bowden, Caroline P, r Chesnut, cor '^d. Bowden, H M, book-keeper 1st Nat Bk, "Wilmington, r Red Cross, nr 2d. Bowden, James 0, turpentine distiller, r Red Cross, bet 2d and 3rd. Bowden, John, r Chesnut, cor 2d. Bowden, Joseph J, cl'k with W H Moore, r Chesnut, cor 2d. Bowden, Joseph N, conductor AY, C & A R R, 4th, cor Princess. Bowden, J 0, supt distillery of Theo Denike & Co. Bowden, Julia, cor 4th and Princess. BOWDEN, L H, Com Mer and lumber, Water, cor Chesnut, r Princess, bet 5th and 6th. Bowden, Lany, 4th and Princess. Bowden, L T, r Red Cross, bet 2d and 3d. Bowden Sarah, wid of Jesse, 4th and Princess, BoAvden, W B, cl'k, r Chesnut, cor 2d. Bowden, W^illiam N, book keeper, W, C & A R R, r 2d, cor Chesnut. Bowden, W S, lab with A H Ncff, r 2d, cor Chesnut. Bowers, Bettie, 4th, bet Church and Castle. Bowen, Samuel, machinist, with W, C & A R 11, r Front, bel Dock. Bowers, S M, machinist, r 2d, bet Nunu and Church. Boyd, Ann and B, dressmakers, r Front, ab Dock. Boyat, , driver with G Parsley, Sr., r Harnett, bet 3d and 4th. Boyett, Rebecca, wid Henry, r 5th, cor Bladen. Boyett, Wm R, Harnett, bet 3d and 4th. 65 E. KIDDER. C. W. KIDDER. G. P. KIDDERc OWaRD KIDOER & SONS, PROPRIETORS COWAN STEAM SAW AND WiLMIJETON, N. 0. JAS. H. CHADBOURN, GEO. OHADBOURN. JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO., AND PEOPEIETORS OF AND PLANING MILLS, COLVILLE & TAYLOR, PROPRIETORS OF AND NORTH WATER STREET, Foot of WalxLut. Every description of Lumber on liaud, and Sawed to order. Black Walnut, Asb, Poplar, Juniper and Cypress, and Seasoned Pine Lumber always on hand. 66 Bradley, Amy M, Supt Union Grammar School and Countj Examiner, r Red Cross, bet Front and 2d. Bradley, A 0, Jr, elk with Barry Bros, r Mark3t,het 2d & 3d. Bradley, Chas, of G & C Bradley, r New Haven, Conn. Bradley, Geo, of G <^J C Bradley, r New Haven, Conn. Bradley, G & C, (Geo and Chas Bradley), hoots and shoes, 41 Market. Bradley, James A, boots and shoes, 24 Market, r 4th, nr Walnut. Bradley, John, machinist, W & W R R, r Hanover, bet 2d and 3d. Bradley, Sarah, wid James, r 5th, cor Wooster. Bradley, Saml J, elk with G & C Bradley, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. Brahmer, Henry, machinist, with Hart & Bailey, r 3d, bet Queen and Wooster. Brazeal, Kate, wid, r 4th, cor Wooster. BREMER, HENRY, grocer and liquors, Dock, cor Front, and Market, cor 2d, r 2d, nr Mulberry. Bremer, Lina, wid Nicholas, r 5th, cor Castle. Bremer, Mary, wid H M, r 3d, cor Nunn. Bremer, Neta, r Market, bet 'Tth and 8th. Brewer, A, carpenter with W & W R R. Briant, Wm, painter, r Wooster, nr 5th. Brickhouse, Nancy, wid Nathan, Front, cor Church. Brickhouse, Nathan A, r Front, cor Church. Brickhouse, Marion G, messenger Telegraph office, r Front, cor Church. BRIDGERS, R R, Pres Navassa Guano Co, Pres of W & W R R, and Pres of W, C & A R R, Water, bel Chesnut, r Chesnut, cor Front. Brierstring, Albert, r Walnut, bet 10th and 11th. Briggs, Mary J, wid Wm H, r 3d, cor Queen. BRINK, ED R, Postmaster, r Front, bet Princess & Chesnut. Britt, Mary Eliza, r 4th, bet Queen and Wooster. Britt, William, moulder at W, C & A R R, r 4th, bet Queen and Wooster. ^7 CLIFFORD HOUSE, FRONT, BETWEEN MARKET AND PRINCESS STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Eooms by the Mght, Week or Month. His Sample Booms cannot be excelled iu Choice Wines, Liquors, &c. The finest Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco to be found in the city. DEW DROP SALOON, NO. 5 SOUTH FKONT ST., WILMIFG-TON", ST. G. ROBERT J. SGARBOROUSH Would laform Ills old friends and customers that he has recently renovated and refitted the above Saloon, and would be pleased to receive a coutinuace of their patronage. His BAR is always supplied with the best of LIQUORS. OYSTEMS In Season, reecived almost daily from New River, of best quality, and furnished in any quantity or style desired. OLD CLARENDON BAR, Has recently thoroughly renovated and refitted the OLD CLARENDON BAR, and is prepared to meet his iriends and furnish them at his BAR with the best quality of LIQUORS \VINE3, &c., in quantities to suit. ISTE^^ JIIVEE, OYSTERS, In any style desired, and of best quality, furnished on short notice. The patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited at the old stand on Market Street, 68 BROCK, HENRY C, of Brock & Webb, r Front, bet Princess and dies nut. BROCK & WEBB, (H C Brock and H Webb), Globe Saloon Restaurant, billiards, &c, Front, bel Market. See adv\ Brooklyn Hall, 4th, cor Hanover. Brooklyn Market, 4tli, cor Brunswick. Brooks, E H, P rout agt W, C & A R R, r Front, bet Mar- ket and Princess. BROOKS, GEO W, Judge U S District Court N C, r Eliza- beth City. Brooks, Jane W, Queen, bet 4th and 5th. BrookSj Martin C, carpenter, Queen, bet 4th and 5th. Brooks, Wm, r cor 3d and Campbell. BROWN, A D, Millinery and Fancy Goods, hoop skirts, &c, S E Market, cor Front. Brown, James, plasterer, r Dawson, bet 4th and 5th. Brown, John, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. Brown, John H, dep weigher of rosin, r Brunswick, cor 4th BROWN, JOHN K, of James & Brown, r Mulberry, bet Front and 2d. Brown, John W, Insp Naval Stores, 22 N Water, r 8th, nr Hanover. BROWN, LAWRENCE, boots and shoes and wood wharf, 3 N Water, r Farmer's Hotel. Brown, Lou, Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, Maria A, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, Mary B, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, Milbra, wid of Wiley. Brown, Robert W, clerk, r Nunn, bet 5th and 6tii. Brown, Sarah, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, S F, clkwith Brown & Anderson, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, Thomas A, elk with J Lyons, r Cape Fear House. BROWN, THOS W, of Brown & Anderson, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Brown, Wm G, foreman Navassa Guano Co, r 2d, cor Castle. BROWN & ANDERSON, (Thos W Brown and W S Ander- son), watches and jcAvelry, 37 liTarket. Sec adv. 69 THOS. H. NICHOLAS, ISTE, COEISR MilK SIESET, Opposite Capital Sq^iare. RICHMOND, VIRGmiA. OHSMB WIMBSp Whiskies, Brandies, A.LES, &c. His Bar is stocked with the finest LIQUOKS that can be produced, both of Imported and Donaestic Brands. OYSTERS In season and furnished in every stylo to Families, Parties., &c, in quantities, large or small. Also the choicest of by the Bottle, Dozen, Gallon or Barrel. The attention of the trade is called to his old RYE WHISKIES, Pure and Unadulterated, of which he keeps a large Stock always on hand, and which cannot be excelled in quahty, in this or any other market. Also, And Choice Brands of ■VIRG-IlSriA. TOBA.COO. His facilities for obtaining the finest of Liquors are equal to any house in the trade, and his prices cannot fail to prove satisfactory. Country orders promptly filleS M, lab with W & W R R. Brunhild, H, elk with II Brunhild, Market, bet Front and 2d. RUN'lIILD, H, whol and ret liquor, tobacco and cigars, 2 N Water, r Market, bet Front and 2d. Brunson, Frances M_, watchman, W, C & A R R. Brunson, Frank M, Castle, bet 7th and 8th. Brunson, Isaac N, carpenter, W, C & A R R, r Castle, bet 7th and 8th. Bryant, Alfred D, carpenter with W & W R R. Bryant, B F, conductor, W, C & A R R, cor Mulberry & 4th. Bryant, Lewis, r 6th, bet Ann and Nunn. BRYANjB G, cashier National Savings Bank, r 7th, cor Nunn. Bryan, Henry, elk with H Hutof, r 40 N Water. Bryan, Robt K, Associate Ed Carolina Farmer, r Scott's Hill. Bryan, Sylvester, painter with J A Parker, r Wooster, cor 6th. Bryan, Sylvester, W J, painter with J A Parker, r Wooster, cor Gth. Buggeln, Fred'k, elk with Adrian & Yollers, r Cape Fear House. BUIE, DUNCAN M, Dr, manufr of Fertilizers and Chem- ist, foot of Castle, r 2d, bet Ann and Nunn. See adv. Bunn, Mary S, r Market, bet 8th and 9th. Bunting, Robt, Market, bet 6th and 7th. Bunting, Samuel R, r 2d, bet Walnut and Red Cross. Bunting, T 0, elk with B & L Weill, Chesnut, bet 3d & 4th Bulcken, John J, grocer, Water, bet Chesnut and Mulberry, r Orange, nr 3d. BURCII, JOHN B, city ag't for Morning Star, r Walnut, bet 3d and 4tb. Burgess, J W, carpenter with W & W R R. Burgwin, Sallie P, r Market, bet 2d and 3d. BUKKHEIMER, HENRY, whol and ret Tobacco, Snuff, &c, 6 Market, r 4th, cor Ann. See adv. BURKHEIMER, HENRY B, r Front, bet Walnut and Mul- berry. BURKHEIMER, W^ASHINGTON, cigar manuf, r Front, bet Walnut and Mulberry. n CHEiliST ^ HAMUFACTURER OF THE CAPE FEAR GUAIO AND SPECIAL FERTILIZERS, FOOT OF OASTLE STREET, THIS OAPB FEAK GOANO Contains BONE and MEAT in such proportions as the Soil aad Crop may require, yielding seventeen per cent. Ammonia. Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS, And every article to be fonnd in a First-Class Dry Goods House. Also of tthe House of DAWSON, TEEEL & HENNING, dealers in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Guns, &c. 19 AND 31 MARKET STREET, WXLMiyCTOF, ST. G. SHAviHo, MiB mmm, haie dressing AND Under Purcell House, WILI^TTNGTO:^, N. C. A fall and efficient Corps of Accomplished Artists will always be found in readiness, ShaviDg- and Hair Dressma executed in the most fashionable Style of the art. The Gentlemen of the city and Strangers are invited ot call. An Experienced Artist will execrate m orders from the Ladies at their residence. 72 Burnett, J, lab with W & W R R. Burnett, Richard B, saloon, r C^!urch, Let Gth and 7th. Burnett, Thomas, B, hunter, r 5th, bet Castle and Queen. Burr, Charles, painter, W, C & A R R, r 49 Market. Burr, Emily, Mrs, wid of Talcott, r 49 Market. Burr, Horace, salesman with M M Katz, r Dock, bet Front and 2d. Burr, Henry B, pastor Seaman's Home, r 3d and Parsley. Burr, Horace, elk with M LI Katz, r Dock, bet Front and 2d. Burr, Jane, 49 Market, BURR, J D, cashr Bank Cape Fear, r Front, cor Nunn. Burr, Kate, r 49 Market. Burr, Marg't Julia, r Dock, bet Front and 2d. Burr, Sarah A, wid of Thomas^ r Church, bet 4th and 5th. Burr, Mrs Talcott, r cor Market and 2d. BURRUSS, E E, Pres of First Nat Bank of Wilmington, r Front, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Burroughs, , carpenter, r 7th, cor Church. Burtt, Lemuel R, elk with Geo Honnet, r Dock, bet 5th & Gth. Burtt, Samuel, blacksmith, Mulberry, nr Water, r Dock, bet 5tli and 6th. Burtt, S H, elk with A D Brown, r Dock, bet 5th and 6th. Butscharof, Fred, elk with G L Shutte, 4th, cor Bladen. BYRNE, JOHN A, Genl Agt N Y Life Ins Co, and of Byrne & Hall, r Front, bet Princess and Chesnut. BYRNE & HALL, (J A Byrne and E D Hall), General Insu- rance Agents, Front, bet Princess and Chesnut. G. Cagan, John J, millwright, Navassa Guano Works, r Gth, bet Bladen and Harnett. Cagan, Lumford C, diver, r 6th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Calais, Luela F, r 4th, bet Orange and Ann. Calais, Wm J, master carpenter, W, C & A R R, r 4th, bet Orange and Ann. Calder, R E, cashr wii^ F W Kcrchner, r 3d, bet MulbeiTy and Walnut. Oalder, Wm, book keeper with F W Kerchner, r 3d, bet Mul- berry and Walnut. THE OLDEST AGENCY. DeROSSET & CO., W^. € Wmth Wfit^g Bin WILMINGTON, N. C. USOERIITERS' AGENCf, (FIRE AIID MAlii), OF NEW YORK, NETT ASSETS, $3,000,000.00, M (Firs) kmm Compaiifp OF HARTFORD, CONN., NETT ASSETS, $5,530,006.25. Ml Muiual Life Imraiiee Imfi OF NEW YORK, NETT ASSETS, $400,000.00. 74 Callahan, Annie, witli J H ChacTbonrn, Callmau, Morris, caslir with Wm Ettinger, r National Hotel. Calloway, Robert E, supt Planning Mill at J H Chadboum & Co's, r 4th, bet Bladen and Harnett. CAMERON, FRANCIS H, Genl Snpt of North America Life Ins Co, U N Water, r National Hotel. Cameron, Joseph, watchman with Willard Bros, r Queen, bet 4th and 5th. Cameron, Julia, wid James, Queen, bet 4th and 5th. Cameron, W W, printer, Morning Star, Queen, bet 4th & 5th. Campbell, A R, elk with "Willard Bros, r 6th, cor Orange. CANADAY, DAVID R, family grocery, 4th, cor Church. Canaday, William, painter with J A Parker, r Wooster, bet 6th and 7th. CANADAY, W P, City Marshall, office City HaU, r Walnut, cor 3d. Cannon, Alfi'ed, lab, r 5th, cor Wooster. Cannon, Mary, wid Charles, r 4th, cor Wooster. Cannon, Saml, of Cannon & Oldham, r Orange, cor 3d. Cannon, Sol, lab, r Wooster, nr 5th. CANNON & OLDHAM, (Saml N Cannon and C W Oldham), Whol Gro and Com Mers, 5 S Water. CANTWELL, EDWARD, Judge of Special Court of Wil- mington, and of Abbott & Cantwell, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. Cantwell, Edward P, elk with Dr Wright, r Red Cross, bet od and 4th. Cantwell, Ellen L, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. Cantwell, John L, of Cantwell, Rankin & Co, r Princess, bet 8th and 9th. Cantwell, Kate T, r Princess, bet 8th and 9th. Cantwell, LilHan P, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. CANTWELL, RANKIN & CO, (John L CantweU, John T Rankin, and W H Kelley), Com Mer's, Water. CAPE FEAR BUILDING CO, office Princess, bet Front and 2d. CAPE FEAR CLUB HOUSE, Front, bet Market & Princess. CAPE i^ EAR FERRY, FOOT OF MARKET. Cape Fear House, Prigge, Gevcrt, propr, Chesnut, bet Front and Water. 75 JOHN L. HOLIES, TToeiiEY MO mmmim at law, :p:E^II^TCESS sts-set, Oppoislto Coxinty Coxii't; House, WILMIFGTOJJf, F. G. Prompt attention given to the Collection of Claims in bII parts of the State. Attorney at L'AW, OFFICE SECOND, BETWEEN MARKET AND PRINCESS STREETS, Will attend to the Collection of Claims in all parts of the State. OilfEB STATES COMIISSIOISER. H. C. BROOK, H. WEBB. BROCK & WEBB, RESTAUIIJIIT ilO SALOON, 13 South Front, near Market Street MEALS AT ALL HOTOS. The Restaurant always supplied with every luxury in the market. Oysters inseasoa served in every style. The Bar contains none but the best of muprs. Charges raoderate. 7C Cape Fear River Improvement, U S Engineer's Office, Prin- cess, bet Front and 2d. Caplej, J L, engineer, witli W tt W R R. Capps, Annie, with T> Stolje, Gtli, cor Queen. Capps, Burneta, wid Thomas, r 5th, cor Queen. Capps, Catharine, r cast side 7th, bet Church and Castle. Capps, Columbia, r 5th, cor Queen. Capps, Francis, butcher stall 7 CityMarket,r 5th, cor Queen. CAPPS, F D, butcher stall 10.^ City Market, r 5th, cor Queen. Capps, Julia, r 2d, bet Church and Castle. Capps, Laura, r 8th, cor Castle. Capps, Thos J, carpenter, r 7th, bet Church and Castle. Capps, Robert McD, r 7th, bet Church and Castle. CAROLmA FARMER, Weekly, W H Bernard, Ed and Propr, Front, bet Market and Princess. Carpenter, Alfred, with J S Topham & Co, r 5th, bet Nunn and Castle. Carpenter, J H, engineer, with W & W R R. Carr, Nicholas, of Sellars &, Carr, r 5th, bet Campbell and Hanover. Carr, Thos B, dentist, 38 Market. Carraway, J H, (c), of Carraway & Cleapor, r 2d, bet Mul- berry and Walnut. CARRAWAY & CLEAPOR, (c)— J H Carraway and Chas E Cleapor — barbers, under Purcell House. See adv. Carroll, Ellen, with Geo D Fleck, r 3d, bet Church & Castle. CarroU, John, P O route agt W & W R R, r Front, bet Mar- ket and Princess. CARROLL, MARTIN, paper stock, rags, Ac, 4th, cor Camp- bell. Carroll, Michael, lab with W & W R R, r 3d, cor Brunswick. Carrow, Samuel T, U S Marshall N C, r Raleigh. Carter, B S, cooper with A H Yan Bokkelen, 5th, bet Daw- son and Queen. Carter, James, tinner, with A H Neff, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. Carter, Minnie E, r Front, cor Red Cross. Carter, Robert, engineer, W, C it A R R, r Swann, bet 5tL and 6 th. 77 REDBEN JONES Front, between Market and Princess Streets, -Lwmmm, i. €. SPLENDID MODERIT IMPEOVEMENTS have recently been added, which places it on a par with any Hotel in the South. Ik has been THOROUGHLT REFITTED, from top to bottom, and NEWLY FURNISHHED. FOR COMFORT, GOOD FARE AND MODERATE CHARGES, it stands A. NO, 1, and I intend it ahall remain the PIRM^ eXsABm H©WSB OF NORTH CAROLINA. Conveyances for Guesta always ready to and from all the Kaih-oads .and Steamboats, 78 Carter, William, cooper, with A H VanBokkelen, r 5th, bet Dawson and Queen. Casej, Eichard, engineer, W & W R R, r 4th, bet Brunswick and Hanover. Cash well, David, r Dock, cor 6th. Cason, Sarah J, wid of Isaac, r 2d, cor of Walnut. Cassidey Brothers, (F A L and H C Cassidey), Ship Carpen- ters and Propr's Wilmington Marine Railway, foot of Church. Cassidey, F A L, of Cassidey Brothers, r Front, bet Church and Castle. Cassidey, Henry C, of Cassidey Brothers, r Front, bet Castle and Church. Cassidey, Sophia W, wid of James, r Surry, cor Church. CATHOLIC CHURCH, (St Thomas), Dock, bet 2d and 3d. CAZAUX, A D, Ship and Com Mer, and agt Bait and Wil Steam'p Line, Water and Mulberry, r 3d, S of Orange. Cazaux, John M, elk, F W Kerchner, r 3d, bet Orange & Ann. Cazaux, Rosa, r 3d, bet Orange and Ann. Cemetery Co, Oakdale, office Princess, bet Front and 2d. Certain, Fanny, r 5th, cor R R. CHADBOURN, GEORGE, of James H Chadbourn & Co, r Ann, cor Front. Chadbourn, James, r Front, bet Ann and Nunn. CHADBOURN, JAMES H, of James H Chadbourn & Co, r 3d, bet Dock and Orange. CHADBOURN, J H & CO, (James H and George Chad- bourn), Steam Saw and Planing Mills, foot of Harnett, office Dock, cor Water. See adv. Chadwick, R W, U S Dep Col'r Customs, Walnut, r cor 6th. Chapman, Richard, chemist, with Navassa Guano Co, r Water, bel Chesnut. Chapman, Sarah, wid of Joseph, r Church, bet 2d and 3d. Chesnutt, C L, cashr, Williams & Murchison, r Market, bet 2d and 3d. CHILDS, JESSE, stoves, tin ware, &c., 2d, bet Market and Princess, r Church, nr 6th. Childs, Tripler, tinner, 2d, bet Market and Princess. Chilsou, Henry E, P O route agt, W, C & R R R. Y9 ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHES p. HEiNSBERGER, TIBBI . ^ ..V D)i ii, M la Jn AND Ml mi mEE, No. 39 Market Street, ^Ji/rr'Wffji f Ave "9^9 ACCOUNT BOOKS, Xffade of the Best Linen Paper, Ruled and Bound to any Pattern Desired. LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY, DOCKET, and al! kinds of BLANK BOOKS, Law Books, Music, Periodicals, &c., &c., &c.. Bound in the Best Manner. miM OF EYERY BESCRIPTIOH PROMPTLY EXECUTED, ALSO, GILDINQ NAMES, AND ALBUMS REPAIRED, 80 Cliriver, Olaiis, grocery, 4th, cor Harnett. CITY HALL, cor 3d and Princess. Clark, Benjamin E, r Market, cor 7th. Clark, Hourj, elk at So Express Co, r 2d, cor Ann, Clark, John M, -vrith A Johnson, Jr, r National Hotel. Clark, William, carpenter, with W & W R E. Clarkson, Joseph, elk with Brock & Webb, r Front, bel Market. Cleapor, Chas E, c, of Carraway and Cleapor, r 7th, nr Eed Cross. CLIFFORD HOUSE, FRONT, bet MARKET & PRINCESS. CLIFFORD, JOSEPH A, Clifford House, tobacco, cigars and liquors, 13 N Front, r 4th, nr Princess. See adv. Clowo, Annie M, r 4th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Clowe, C R, master carpenter with W & W R R. Clowe, Harrison L, millwright and pattern maker, r 4th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Coffin, Elizabeth, Mrs, wid Charles, r Red Cross, bet 4th and 5th. Coffin, Mariah, 3d, bet Church and Nunn. Cogden, Caisen, machinist, W, C ools. street. 82 Condon, D, lab with W .= . G. WORTH. WORTH & WORTH, GENERAL siiir»i>inNrc3r AIJD COMMISSION MEHCIimS. AGENTS PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. AGENTS CAPE FEAR STEAMBOAT CO. DEALERS IN Fertilizers, Lime, Molasses, Salt, Cutlar, F J, physicifui, Princes'^, bet Front aiul ^d, r 2d, cor Mulberry. Cutlar, Jennie F, r.2d, cor Mulberry. Cutlar, James K, insp naval stores, 22 N Water, r 6th, cor Queen. Cutlar, Jas T, r Dudley, bet Newsoni and Anderson. Cutlar, William, day janitor City Hall. Cutlar, W, r 4tb, bet Ann and Oranjjje. Cutts, A H, conductor W & W R R, r 5th, cor Red Cross. D. Dabney, Geortijiana E, r 4th, cor Chesnut. Daggett, William T, of Hancock & Dagi^'ett, r Ann, bet Front and 2d. Dahmer, Margaret, vvid Peter, boarding house, r Nutt, ab Walnut. Danby, John W_, carjienter, r Bladen, bet 4t}i and oth. Danfortli, James, Jr, elk, r 7tli, cor Nun. Daniel, Harriett, wid Green, r Front, bel Ann. Daniel, Mary 0, vvid John, r Front, bel Ann. DANIEL, WILLIAM T, news and periodical dealer, 2d, ab Market. Daniels, Stephen, shoemaker, oth, cor Princess, r Princess, cor 13th. DARBY, JAMES, supt of gas works, r Church, cor Surry. Darby, Thomas A, elk with Cape Fear Building Co, r Church, cor Surry. Darden, John, elk with Harriss & Howell, r Front, cor Daw- son. Darden, J S. lab with W & W R R. Dart, David M, gas fitter with W H Dart, r Front, cor Church. DART, W H, steam plumbing and gas fitting, Front, bet Dock and Orange, r Front, cor Church. Dartin, John, with Dr Harriss, r Front, ab Dawson. Davis, Alfred, carpenter, r Church, bet 8d and 4th. 89 S. W. VICE. C. P. MEBANE. AND jj^^ Liberal advancea mads. jB@^ Consignments of Collon, Naral Stores and Country Prtducs, and orders for the purchase of same solicited. ^lUxnnder Sprttnl, JTno. IT*. Bi»»0H, Jamts Sprunl, British Vice Consul. Late Sheriff Duplin. Of Wilmington SPRUNT & HINSON, IND Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, ]^To. 33 ISTorth 'Water- St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Eesitlenoe Eeil Cross Street, beween Third and Fourth. 90 Davis, Annie E, wid , r 2(i, bet Chesnut & Mulberry. havis, Ann S, wid of Junius, boarding house, r Front, ab Princess. Davis, A R, elk with Jno C Heyer, r Swann, bet 6tli and 7th. Davis, Duke R, r Front, bet Wooster and Dawson. Davis, Edward, timber inspector, 23 N Water, r 6th, nr Church. Davis, Eli H, foreman of cooper shop with A H VanBokkelen, r 6th, bet Dawson and Wooster. Davis, Miss E S, milliner with A D Rrown, r 3d, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Davis, Eugenia W, r Princess, bet Water and Front. Davis, George, r Front, ab Princess. DAVIS, GEORGE, lawyer, Princess, bet Front and 2d, rt 2d, bet Red Cross and Walnut. Davis, G W, r 4th, bet Hanover and Brunswick. DAVIS, HORATIO, agent for NationaLif e Ins Co, 2d, be. Market and Princess, r 2d, bet Chesnut and Mulberry Davis, James, (c) vegetable store and police, Dock, nr Front, r Wooster, cor Front. Davis, James N, r Front, bet Wooster and Dawson. DAVIS, JOHN R, proprietor Purcell Hotise, r Purcell House. See adv. Davis, John T, elk with Rourke & Rivere, r Princess, bet Water and Front. DAVIS, JUNIUS, lawyer, Princess, bet Front and 2d, r 2d, bet Red Cross and Walnut. Davis, Josephine, r Front, cor Princess. Davis, Laura M, r 5th, bet Queen and Castle. Davis, Lewis, carpenter, r Church, bet 3d and 4th. Davis, Margaret Y, wid of Geo W, r Princess, cor Front. Davis, Mary, r 4th, cor Castle. Davis, Seth W, elk with J & H Samson, r 3d, cor Campbell. Davis, Thomas J, carpenter W, C & A R R, r 4th, cor Han- over. Davis, W A H, bag agt W, C & A R R, r 3d, bet Red Cross and Campbell. 91 ITo. 11 Marlset Street, WILMINGTON, N. G.; BRANCH OF 149 GAY St., BALTIMORE. CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, Trunks, Valises, Notions, &c. THE COUNTRY TRADE ia invited. An examination of th« Stock will be sufficient. Yoa will be dealt with at our Branch House in Wilmington on the same liberal terms as if you went in person to Baltimore. Don't forg:et th.e ITuna-ber, 11 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C, Branch of 149 Gay Street, Baltimore. :92 DAVIS, WILLIAM E, butcher, stall 9 city market, r Mar- ket, cor 15tli. Davis, Wtn J, printer at Morning Star, r :3d, bet Red Cross and C'ampbell. Davis, Wm 0, printer at Morning Star, r 3d, bet Ked Cross and Campbell. DaSILVA, W H, book-keeper with Sol B -ar & Bros, r Front, nr Walnut. DAVES, GtiAHAM, of DeRosset & Co, r Market, bet 2d & 3d. DAVID, ABRAH \M, of David & Weil, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. DAVID & WEIL, (Abrm David and S Raj Weil) mer tailors and clothiers, 27 Market, See adv. DAWSON, JAMES, banker, Front, bet Market and Princess, r Front, cor Chesnut. DAWSON, JOHN, dry goods, and of Dawson, Teel & Ken- ning, and Fres Wil N C Life Ins Co, 19 and 21 Market, r 2d, near Dock. See adv. DAWSON, TEEL & HENNING, (John Dawson, Geo Teel and Robt Henning) hardware and agricultural imple- ments, 19 Market. See adv. Deal, Mary, wid of Evan, r Bladen, bet 6th and Tth. Deal, Mary E, r Bladen, bet 4th and 5th. DEANS, JAMES, book-keeper with Edward Kidder & Sons, r 5th, bet Orange and Ann. DeForrest, Blanch, r 4th, cor Castle. De JASSIENSKI, J, prof music, and prof at Mrs Ransom's Seminary, r 6th, cor Dock. Delane, Riper, P O route agt W, C «fe A R R, r Grist Station. Delaney, Dennis, tailor with Sol Bear , or •WILMHTGTOIT. MANUFACTURERS OF ACIDS, AND OF THE Patent hum Ammoniated Solutile Pliospliate, ITorth. Water Street. SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO, MANUFACTURED BY THE NAVASSA GUANO GOMPT, OE WILMISTGTOSr, F. G. It has given entire satisfaction on COEN, COTTON, TOBACCO, and all small grain, root crops and vegetables, t a which it has been applied. For its merits we refer to all planters who have used it. >^* Send for Circulars. R R. BRIDGERS, President. D, MaoRAE, Treasury and Sec'y. C. L. GRAFFLIN, Superintendent. DIKECTORS : EDWARD KIDDER, J. ELI GREGG, F. W. KERCHNER, W. E. LAWTON, GEO. W. GRAFFLIN, JNO. C. GRAFFLIN. 9C Doares, William H, engineer, r 4th, bet Queea and Wooster. Dolan, Wm, canlker, r Nutt, ab Walnut. DOLLAR STORE, KEYES, H & CO, Front, bet Dock and Orange. See adv, last paoje. Donlan, Margaret, r Princess, bet 0th and 10th. Donlan, Patrick, r Princess, bet 9th and 10th. Donlan, Timothy, siipt Oakdale Cemetery, r Princess, bet 9th and 10th. DOSHER, DIEDRICH, family groceries, 3d, cor Walnut. ' Dosher, Elizabeth, r 5th, cor Princess. Dougherty, Ann, wid Daniel^ r 5th, bet Castle and Queen. Doughty, Henry IS, carpenter, W & W R R, r Campbell, bet 3d and 4th. DOUGLASS, THOMAS J, butcher, stall 12 city maiket, r 5th, bet Queen and Castle. Dove, James, carpenter with W & W R R. Doyle, Geo W, elk with Harriss & Howell, r 2d, nr Nun. Drane, Henry M, builder and contractor, r 5th, cor Chesnut. Dray, James D, with Joseph H Neff, r 5th, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Drew, Alfred B, elk with S Blossom, r tth, cor Castle. Dudley, Fannie W, r Market, bet 4th and 5th. DUDLEY, G L, Auditor W & W R R, r Market, bet 4th & 5th. DUDLEY, JOHN L, inspector of lumber with G Parsley, Sr, r 6th, bet Mulberry and Walnut Dudley, Mary A, r 6th, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Dudley, Robert, elk with Cape Fear Fibre Co, r Front, bet Wright and Dawson. Duguid, Laveuia L, r McRae, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Duguid, Mary E, r McRae, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Duguid, Wra H, carpenter, r McRae, bet Mulberry and Wal- nut. Duke, Mrs Elizabeth, wid of John, r 2d, nr Market. Duls, Catharine, r 2d, cor Hanover. Dunham, Eliza J, r 4th, cor Ashe. Dunham, Jane H, r Walnut, bet 3d and 4th. Dunham, Minnie, r Walnut, brt 3d and 4th, 97 Comer Sycamore and Bank Streets, Single Meals, - Board Per Day, Board Per Week, - 50 cents, $1 75 " $10 00. The TABLE will be supplied with the best the Market affords. Liberal Terms by the Month. J. N. JUDKINS, PROPRIETOR. I cm oii'y say to my old friends from North Carolina, where I have so long been a citizen among them, that in my new calling, ius Proprieror of the GURLEY HOUSE, t'ley will be graciously received and ent'^rtaioed second to no hotel in the United States. L 98 Duuhani, Satijiiel \V, inspector of tiinber with G Parsley, Sr, r 4tli, cor AhHc. Dwioelle, Isabella C, r Red Cross, cor 2d. Dwinelle, Justin, physician, and saw mill, Yorkville, i Red Cross, cor 2d. Dyer, John, cutter witii Mun.son & Co, r Market, bet Dth and 10th. B. tankman, A, lab, r cor Front and Church. Karly, Maria M, wid Moses, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Ebeck, R, special U S asst assessor, r Piircell House. Kbert, Mary S, r 7th, bet Church and Castle. Eden, Ellen, wid of William, r Dock, bet 6th and 7t]>. Eden, Margaret, r Dock, bet f'.th and 7th. EDWARDS, J J, of Edwards cl' Hall, 4tl), bet Red Cross & Walnut. EDWARDS & HALL, (J J Edwards and B F Hall) whol & ret grocers and com mers, 3 S Water. Egan, Edward J, book-keeper, r Church, cor 2d. EUrbeck, Henry, cigar maker, r 2d, bet Church and Castle. Eilers, E H, book-keeper with H B Eilers, r oth, cor Orange. EILERS, H B, com raer, 2 S Water, r 5th, cor Orange. Eilers, Lilian J, r 5th, cor Orange. Eilers, Matilda A D, r 5th, cor Orange. Eilerby, Benj, (c) boot and shoe maker, Ann, bet 6th nry, Jr, of J & H Haar, r 2(1, cor Princess. HAAR, HENRY, Sr, grocer and liquor dealer, r 7th, cor Chesnut. HAAR, JOHN, Sr, grocer, r Walnut, bet 2d and 3d. Haar, John, Jr, of J Wood and Willow Ware; CITY HOTEL BUILDING, Market street, 2d door below Second. WILMISTGTOSr, N. G. JAMES J. KING, [Successor to Jere. J. King,] Stall No. 8 Market House. WILMINGTON. N. G, Beef, Mutton, Pork and Sausages of best quality always on hand. Shipiaing supplied on reasonable terms. 12G Hewett, Elizabetli, wid of Matthias, r 7th^ bet Queen and Wooster. Hewett, Viola, r 4tli, bet Brunswick and Hanover. Hewlett, Aaron, miller, r Church, bet 5th and Cth. Hewlett, A T, miller with Mitchell & Hu^jgins, r Church, bet 5th and fith. HEWLETT, EDWARD D, of Hewlett & Forrest, and coro- ner New Hanover county, N Water, r 3d, cor Wooster. Hewlett^ Louis M, engineer with A Oldham, r Castle, bet 4th and 5th, Hewlett, Marin., wid of Alex, r 4th, bet Hanover and Bruns- wick. Hewlett, W S, elk with Mitchell & Huggins, r Ann, cor 5th. HEWLETT & FORREST, (Edward D Hewlett and John Forrest, restaurant, W^ater, bet Market and Princess. Heyer, F W, clerk with John C Heyer, r cor Front and Red Cross. HEYER, JOHN C, grocer. Princess, cor Water, r cor 4th HIATT, CHRISTOPHER G, painter, 3d, bet Castle and Church, r 4th, bet Nun and Ann. and Red Cross. Hibhard, Ezekiel B, millwright with A Oldham, 5th, bet Princess and Chesnut. HIBERl^^IAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, (Hall,) Market^ bet Front and Water. Hicks, Hardy, machinist W & W R R., r 3d, cor Campbell. Hicks, James, drayman, r 2d, bet Queen and Wooster. Hicks, Rufus W, clerk with E Murray & Co, r 5th, bet Mar- ket and Princess. Hicks, Thomas, hostler with Soutlierland & Steagall, r 3d, cor Princess. Hidcn, Rev J C, Pastor l.st Bai)tist Church, r 7th, cor Chesnut. Higglcty, Dorothy, r Dawson, bet 4tl' and 5th. Highsmith, John Her.rv, blacksmith, r 4th, bet Queen and Castle. Highsmith, William N, black.sniith, r 4tl), bet Queen and Castle- 12' RICtlM^OlSrD JOSEPH HALL & Co, Corner of Ninth and Canal Steets, south side Basin, MGHMOFB, VA. MILLS AND MILL MACHINERY. We are pr> paretl to furnish at short notice, FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, For Grinding Wheat or Corn ; yCSOPUS, for Grinding Corn ; BEST BOLTING CLOTHS, Anker Brand. ALSO, SUPERIOR SEPARATOR and SCOURER, For Cleaning' "Wlieat. Mill Gearing. Smut Machines, Flour Packers, Mill Picks, Iron and Brass Castings and MILL MACHINERY IN GENERAL. PLiANS, -wltU I>aAW!i\a anrt - PKCIFHJ \ riuv S Of MILLS of any ca- pacity jpropelled by eitlicr steam f>r ■watrr po-wcr^ fartilhhed, PORTABLE MILLS, for Grinding Wlieat or Corn ; SUMAC MILLS ; KILNS for Kiln- drying GRAIN. REPARING of all kinds promptly and satisfactori'y done. 1-JS Higli. VV H, conductor W, C & A R E, r Pincoll House. Higsbie, J S, China glass, &c, 25 S Front. Hill, Annie, 4th, bet Church and Castle, Hill, Charles E, watchman, W, C & R R R, r 2d; bet Hanover and Brunswick. Hill, Frederick C, r 3d, bet Market and Dock. Hill, James H, frgt agent W, C & A R R, r Market, bet Front and 2d. Hill, John P, clerk with Abraham, B Cook, r Church, cor Vth. Hill, Josci)b C, constable, 3rd, bet Market and Princess, r 4th, cor Wooster. Hill- Mrs, cor 4th and Cottage Lane. Hill, W E, elk with Edward Kidder & Sons, r Castle, nr 2d. Hines, Bettie E, r 3d, cor Campbell. Hines, Clarence, carpenter with W, C & A R R, r Swaun, bet 5th and Gth. Hines, E J, carpenter with W cl- W R R. Hines, Eli W, car[)enter with W & W R R, r Swann, bet 5tb and Gth. Hines, Enoch, J, machinist Avith W & W R R, r 3d, cor Cami)belL Hines, John W, drayman with Yick t^' Mebane, r Market, cor 7 th. Hines, Louisa, r Swann, bet 5th and Gth. Hines, Lucy J, r Campbell, bet 3rd and 4th. Hines, Mrs Mary Ann, r Market, cor 7th. Hines. Mary C, r Swann, bet 5th and Gth. Hines, Sarah A, r Swann, bet 5th and 0th. Hines, Sarah M, r Market, cor 7th. Hinnegan, .Annie, chambermaitl at Pureell Hnuse. HINTOX, J M, principal Wil Hi.-h Scho..l, r 5tl!, bet Ann and Nun. Hinson, Jolui W, of Sprunt ^ ;S is In H H .3 O He 01° I O z < CD 140 Jobson, William A, car-builder, with W, C & A R B, r Nun, bet 5th and 6th. JOHNSON, ANDREW J, of T H Johnson g WILMINGTON, N. C. g ^ i u o s < 05 FOR S LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ^ I LIGHT DOUBLE TEAMS & BUGGIES. ^ CLOSE AND OPEN CARRIAGES, &Cm FOR HIRE ON REASONABLE TERMS. 142 Jones, Maggie, r 5th, bet Dock and Orange. JONES, KEUBEN, PKOP'K NATIONAL HOTEL, Front, bet Market and Princess. See adv. JONES, BICHAPvD J, Sec'y and Treas Wilmington Gas Light Co, and Oakdale Cemetery Co, Princess, bet Front and 2d, r Market, bet 8th and 9th. Jones, Eichard, (c), policeman, r Castle, bet 3d and 4th. Jones, Mary E, r Market, bet 8th and 9th. Jones, WilUam G, machinist with O G Parsley, Sr, r 4th, bet Parsley and Davis. JOURNAL, THE DAILY AND WEEKLY, Princess, bet Front and 2d, Engelhard & Price, Editors and Propr's. Joyce, Piichard, lab with W ct W R R, r Mnlberry, bet Front and Water. Joyner, David J, carpenter, r 2d, bet Ann and Nun. Joyner, Edwin, policeman, r 2d, bet Ann and Nun. K. Kalish, A, clerk with Wm Ettinger, r National Hotel. KATZ, M Mj dry goods, clothing, millinery goods, &c., 3C Market,, r 4th, cor Market. Kavauaugh, John, head waiter, r Purcell House. Keathley, EH, watchmaker and jeweler, Front, bet Market and Dock, r 3d, bet Red Cross and Campbell. Keathley, John, brick-layer, r Wooster, bet 6th and 7th. Keef, Ann, chambermaid, Purcell House. Keen, J L, builder and contractor, r 5th, cor Princess. Keen, John, clerk with C R Banks, r Princess, cor 5th. Kecnan, Peter, boiler maker, r Water, bet Orange and Dock. Kecter, Elijah W, carpenter, r Dawson, bet 5th and 6th. Kehr, August, with Aaron & Rheinstein, r National Hotel. KEITH, EDWIN A, com mer, n Water, r 3d, S of Market. Keith, Frances, wid of W P, r Hanover, bet 5th and 6th. Keith, J, carpenter, with W & W R R. Kelley, Adelade H, r 2d, cor Walnut. Kelley, Augustus H, clerk W & W R R, r 2d, cor Walnut. Kelley, Bartholomew, carpenter W, G &IA R R, r Church bet 4th and 6th. 143 Kelley, George C, clerk with G. A. Peck, r 2d, cor Walnut. Kelley, George H, flour dealer, r 2d, cor Walnut. Kelley, Julia I, r 2d, cor Walnut. Kelley, Oliver, clerk W, C & R R R, r Walnut, cor 7tli. Kelley, Wm H, of Cantwell, Rankin & Co, r 2d, cor Mul- berry. Kellog, William, (c), wheelwright and turning, 4th^ bet Bladen, and Brunswick, rod, bet Brunsv/ick and Bladen. Kellog, Wm J, (c), wheelwright, Nutt, ab Walnut, r 3d, cor Bladen. Kendrick, James, foreman at Morning Star office, r 2d, bet Ann and Nun. KENNEDY, CATHARINE G, wid of Rev W^m, Pres Ladies Benevolent Society, r 3rd, cor Market. Kennedy, Daniel, brick mason, r 2d, bet Nun and Church. Kennedy, Frank, v/ith W H Dart, r Front, cor Orange. Kennedy, John R, cooper with A H VanBokkelen, r Daw- son, bet 6th and Tth. Kennedy, Joseph, watchman, r Wooster, bet 5th and 6th. Kennedy, Kate M, of Misses Kennedy and Hart, (school), r 3cl, cor Market. Kennedy, Robert, printer at the Post, r Dudley, bet MacRae and 9th. Kenyon, Thomas, carpenter, W, C & A R R, r 5th, cor Ches- nut. KERCHNER, F W, Wholesale Grocer and Com Mer, and dealer in fertilizers, and Pres People's line Steamboats, 27, 28 and 29 N Water, r Front, bet Ann and Nun. See adv outside back cover. KEYES, HARRIE, of H Keyes & Co, Dollar Store, r Front, bet Dock and Orange. KEYES, H & CO, (Harrio Keyes and R S Waldron, The DoUar Store, Front, bet Dock and Orange. See adv, last page. Khul, Henry, policeman, r 6th, cor Harnett. KIDDER, EDWARD, of Edward Kidder & Sons, and Pres Wilmington Gas Light Co, r Dock, cor 3d. KIDDER, EDWARD & SONS, (Edward, Geo W, and G P Kidder), Steam Saw Mills and dealers in lumber, 22 S Water, cor Dock. See adv. 144 KIDDER, G P, of Edward Kidder £ s Q^ ^ UJ i tf ^ 'bJ) O Ul = h P^ O u. o "£ W O p^ g g ^ ^ o 0> ft s ? UJ ^ 2 Ej S o ikf 0^ < < « S s3 M ^ DESIGN. m^im MANTELS Tombs, '^^^^ Sfa^e Slones, GARDEN STATUAEY, &c., Of tho Latest and Most Approved Designs. OFFICE, S. E. COR. FRONT AND WALNUT STREETS., WILMINGTON, N. C. 184 PARSLEY, O G, Jr, of O G Parsley ct Co, r Pted Cross, bet 2d and 3d. PARSLEY, O G ct CO, (O G Parsley, Jr,', Sliippiug'and Com Mers and coal dealers, Water, bet Dock and Orange. Pato, Jolm, with Anderson & Jones, r Front, ab Castle. PATTERSON, GEORGE, Rev, Priest of St. John's Cath- olic Episcopal Chnrch, r rear of Clinrch, Red Cross, cor 3d. Patt(?rsoi], ^^' A, elk ^\-itli W H IVlcRary A-. Co, r 3d, cor Mar- ket. Patten, William, baker, Uh Market. Pearsall, E D, elk with Vick & Mebano, r Chesnut, cor 2d. Pearsall, Oscar, elk with Edwards S: Hall, r 3d, bet Walnut and Red Cross. Peck, Emily T, r 3d, bet Orange and Ann. PECK, (tEO a, hardware, agricnltnral imps, paints, oils, glass, «tc, 15 S Front, r 3d, bet Ann and Nnn. Peck, Mary B, r 3d, bet Orange and Ann. Peck, T F, inspector, r 3d, bet Orange and Ann. Pelkoy, Peter, weaver, r Castle, bet 4th and 5th. Pennypacker, Ed J, naval inspector, 22 N Water, r Princess, bet 2d and 3d. Penny, Henry W, P O ronte agt, ^^\ C S: A R R, r Chesnut, bet 5th and 6th. Penny, Samuel H, with William .1 Penny, r Dock, bet 7th and 8th. Penny, William J, slioemaker, Orange, cor 3d, r Dock, bet 7th and Sth. PENTON, W31 J, of W J Penton ct Co, r cor 7th and Church. PENTON,W J ifc CO, dealer in old metals, paper stock, oakuro, &c, Water, bet Chesnut and Mulbeny. PERDEW, JOHN W, gunsmith, at A H Neil's, r 7th, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Perricn, Henry R, r (Chesnut, cor 2d. Person, J E, elk with Bass & Scott, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. PESCHAU, E, wholesale and retail grocer and liquor dealer, 36 N Water, r Sth, bet Market and Dock. Peterson, Andrew, watcliman with Hart & Bailey, r 4th, bet Castle and Queen. 185 L. FLANAGAN -DEALER IN- MILLINERY -^- urn GOODS, H!S, FROITS ^^m^^ fiabf Caffiagei AND FFM CoilftCliOlierie^, ^-^^^^- Lunch Baskets, And a General Assortment of Small Wares, ITOTIOITS, t&c, cfeo., ¥IBIETY STORE, MO. 42 MARKET STREET, \V1LMIFGT0¥, Jf. G. im^ A iiood assortment of FIEE WOEK.S always on hand, B. POWELL, JR., 49 MA.E3KET STREET, "W'lLMI^GTOF, N. G., ARTISTICAL BARBER, Skampooing and Hair Dressing Saloon^' SHADING, HAIK DRESSING aud every thing done ia a Fim^- OlaSB Saloon esecakd with promptness and dispatch A corps of Fiiet Class Artists in the Profession always ready to exe- ■K,V:.ic orders from Ladies and Gcatlemen at their residences. 186 Peterson, C W, tel operator, Wil a' W B. E, r olI bet Eed Cross and Campbell. Peterson, Emma, r 4tli, bet Dock and Market. Peterson, George A, tinner, with William Sutton, r Gtii, cor Churcli. Peterson, George M, tinner, witli J Ciiilds, r Cliurcli, co^r 6>tk. PETTEWAY, J T. of Pettewav ct Moore, r Ctb Jx-t- Princess and Chesnut. Pettewaj, Wm H, engineer, W, C & A E E, r Market, bet 6th and 7th. PETTEWAY & MOOEE, (J T Petfceway and Eoger Moo.-e), Gen Com Mers, Water, bet Chesniit and Princess. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHEEN MAIL STEAMSHIP' CO, WOETH & WOETH, agts. Water, cor Mulberrj. Pickett, Isaac J, cik with Williams & Miirchison. r Eed Cross,, bet 5th and 6tli. Pickett, Marv P. wid Thomas 8, I'cmrding honsr, Front, cor Eed Cross. PIGOTT, DAVID, tol-aceonist, 12 Marker, r NaUonal Hoiel. Piner, Betsey, wid Lawrence, r Sth, nr Meares. Piner, Sallie, r Front, bel Dock. Pipkin, Archibald T, elk with A Oldham, r FroM't, bet Mul- berry and Walnut. Pishon, Annie M, teacher in Hemmcnway Free School, r Eed Gross, bet Front and 2d. Pittman, James, cooper with A H Yan Bokkclen, r 6tli, fcst Queen and Dawson. Pittman, Eansom, carpenter, r Seaman's Home. Pittman, Geo E, printer at JoTiA^nal Office, r^d. I^rt Eed Cress and Campbell. Pittman, Jos C, printer. Morning Star, r od, bet Eed Gi'osS' and Campbell. Pitts, Mary J, Miss, boarding house, o-i Market. Piver, Thomas, fisherman, r Dawson, nr od. Plate, John H, gardener, r 25 S Front. Piatt, J T, machinist, r Mulberry, bet Gth and 7th. PLATT, SAML P, Capt steam tng Alpha, r Ann, cor Ejfo.'i.;, Piatt, Henry L, mate of steam tug Alpha, r SmithTille. 187 A. LESSMAN, BAKERY .^ AND Confeclionefyi^^^^w No, 11 Sontli SecoiH St., ktween MM ami Docli Sts,, WILMI]&fGTOSf. ¥. C, \ LABGE SUPPLY OP FRESH BREAD, CAKES. CRACKERS, PILOT BREAD, Fruits, Confectioneries, &c., OF ALL KINDS, ALWAYS ON HAND. All orders for Cakes, plain and ornamental, and baking of all kinds for weddings, parties, &:c., promptly executed at the lowest rates. GARRAWAY & GLEAPOR, TJ n d e 1^ F la r c e 1 1 EC o n s e, ARTISTS IN THE TONSORIAL ART. THE LEADING BARBERS IN WILMINGTON. Orders from Ladies and Gentleracn promptly executed at tlieir j-esidenccs. 188 Playov, Alderman & Co, (T W Player, A Alderman, and G F Alderman), grocers, 38 N Water, Player, T W, of Player, Alderman Sc Co, and produce broker, r 3d, nr Castle. Pliec, Henry, clli with George Steenken, r 2d, cor Hanover. Plien, John H, elk vdth J C Koch, r Front, cor Orange. Plumbe, Charles, conductor sleephig car, TV ^^^^ W K E, r Front, cor Eed Cross. Piunlrett, John, blacksmith, r Nun, bet 5th and 6th. Poisson, Eliza E, wid of Dr Louis J, r 2d, bet Walnut and Eed Cross. POISSON, FEEDBEICK D, Attorney at Law, Princess, bet 2d and 3d, r 2d, bet Princess and Chesnut. Poisson, J D, passenger dept agt, W X. E. Cor. Secoiid and Princess Umi>, WILMINGTON, N. C. METALIC BUHiAL CASES, All Sizes, AlAvays on Fljiiid, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND VARNISHED^ 200 Eiidiif, \V John, tinner, v\-ith A H Neff, r 3d, bet Red Cross and Walnut. Eiidinan, Adolph, elk with N Gottberg, r Princess, cor 2d. Eiilfs, Jolm F, retail grocer, Nutt, cor Walnut. BUMLEY, DENAED, U S Collector of Port, r Front, cor Cliesnnt. Eiimp, Charles, of Eump ct Meyer, r Baltimore. Eiimp & Meyer, (Charles Eump and John Meyer), groceries and lifjuors, M N Water. EUNGE, G H W, family groceries and saloon. Front, bet Dock and Orange, and 20 N Front, r 5th, bet Ann and Xun. Sec adv. Eiish, Martha, r Red Cross, bet -Ith and oth. Eusli, Martha A K, teacher Union Grammar School, r Red Cross, bet 5th and Gth. E'lsmeyer, Metta, with Silas N Martin, r Market, bet 2d and od. Eass, Claudia, r 4:th, bet Kun and Church. Eussel, Amanda S, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. Enssoil, Chas D, elk with'O G Parsley & Co, r 2d, nr Ann. Enssell, Daniel L, Sr, planter, r Front, bet Mulberry and Walnut. EUSSEL, DANIEL L, Jr, Judge of Superior Court, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. Eassell, David S, r Front, bet Mulberry and Walnut. Enssell, Henry K, Mrs, r 2d, bet Orange and Ann. Eussell, John McE, elk, G G Barker & (Jo, r 2d, bet Orange and Ann. Russell, Joseph B, elk with F W Kerchner, r 4:th, cor Nun. Eussell, Lizzie, r 4th, cor Nun. Enssell, Sallie E, r 2d, bet Orange and Ann. Euss, Nancy, Mrs, wid Caswell, r Dock, cor 6th. EYAN, JOHN, elk Special City Court, r Blower's alley, bet Market and Princess and Gth and 7th. s. Sadbury, John, carpenter, r 8th, cor Castle. Salmon, Joseph, watchman, r Walnut, bet 5th and 6th. Sampson, John, lab at Gas Works. 2ai. RICH AND VALUABLE ARTICLE! ISrOT INFEJEHOR TO IN ITS FERTILIZING PROPERTIES Made from tlie rich Phosphate Deposits of South Carolina, and pro- Eouneed by various Chemists one of the BEST MANUEES KNOWN. LOOK AT THE ANALYSIS, £j Prof. C. U. SHEPHERD, Jr., of tiis Medical CoUege of SoutlsL Carolina. Sample selected by himself. . Moifitui-e expelled at 212 de;;. T 16.07 'Organic Matter, with some water of combiuitiou expelled at a low red beat.. 16.15 JFited ingredients 66.08 JlEimonia 2.60 Pioephoric Acid— Soluble 6.96 Equivalent to 11.27 Soluble Phoephata of Lime, raeoluble 6.17 Equivalent to IS.iS Insoluble (bone), I.S.IS 24.75 Phosphate of Lime, Slilphurio Acid 11.01 Equivalent to 23.65 Sulphate of Lime. gdphate of Potash C8 Stilphate of Soda 3.05 yand ll.OG The Professor writes : " On the strength of these results I am glad to certify to tie anperiority of the OAKOLINA FEKTILIZER examined." USED SAME AS PERUVIAN GUANO. tlfS° Certificates of its value as a manure can be had o n anolication. DeROSSST & Co.. AGENTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, N. C, 1870. 202 Sampson, Jolm W, house carpenter, r 2d, bet Churcli and Castle. Sampson, Joseph E, family groceries, 4th, bet Mulberiy and Walnut. Sampson, Julia A, r 2d, bet Courch and Castle. Samson, Herman, of J & H Samson, r Market, nr Front. Samson, Julius, of J & H Samson, r New York. Samson, J & H, (Julius and Herman), dry goods, clothing, &c, 43 Market. Sanders, Alice, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. Savage, Alice J, r Church, bet 6th and 7th. Savage, D F, engineer, with W & W R E. Savage, Eliza J, wid Francis W, r Church, bet Gth and 7th. SAVAGE, HENRY R, propr Hilton rice mill, 4th, nr Ashe, r 3d, bet Dock and Orange. Savage, John H, carpenter, r 8th, cor Dawson. Sauls, Anna E, wid of Wm M, r Red Cross, bet 5th and 6tli. Sauls, Scipie, famil}^ groceries, Gth, bet Hanover and Bruns- wick. Sauls, William J, elk, r Red Cross, bet 5th and fith. Saunders, Mary F, r 2d, bet Market and Dock. SCARBOROUGH, R J, saloon, r S Front, near Market. See adv. Scarborough, Samuel, blacksmith, with O G Parslej'-, Sr, r Gth, bet Nixon and Taylor. Scarborough, Virginia Francis, r Ca.stle, bet Gth and 7th. SCHENCK, JAMES W, Jr, of Schenck & Lowi'ej, and Sheriff New Hanover Co, r New Berne road. See adv. SCHENCK & LOWREY, (James W Schenck, Jr, and James H Lowrey), agts Wm McCann, Baltimore camages, Princes.s, cor 2d. Schmidt, B, barkeeper with Henry Breamer, r Princess, cor 2d. Schoenmyer, Jolm, r Nixon, bet 5tli and Gth. Schonwald, Alice M, r 2d, cor Churcli. SCHONWALD, JAMES T, physician and apothecary, Prin- cess, ab Front, r 2d, cor Church. Schonwald, John T, r 2d, cor Church. Schonwald, Kate, r M, cor Church. 203 RAIL ROAD. Office Chief Engineer and Gen. Superintendent. } Wilmington. N. C, AuoTist 1311^ 1870. f Change of Seliedule* On and after Monday, the 15th inst, Trains on tlusBoadw-ill leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 9:30 P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 6:30 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:0(» A. M. and 7:35 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 4:00 A. M. and 6:45 P. M. The day train will not run on Sundays. Morning train North will leave Union Depot at G:15 o'clock. NigiiS train North will leave Union Depot at 9:50 o'clock. An Accommodation and Freight Train will leave Wilmington at 10:30i A. M. daily, (Sundays excepted,) Passenger train leaving Wilmington Hi A, M. makes connection at Goldsboro' i'or Raleigh. Eeturning, leave Goldsboro' at 6:00 A. M. and arrive at Wilmiugton at 2 P. M. The day trains leaving Wilmington at 6:15 A. BI. and Weldon at 10:00 A. M,, connect closely with the Tarboro' Branch train. Night Passenger Trains, leaving Wilmington and Weldon on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, also connect closely with the Tarboro Branch train, and with steamers to Washington, N, C. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. 204 Sciiulken, C H_, elk with Adrian & VoUers^ r 4th, cor Walnut. Schulken, Charles H, 4th, cor Walnut. Schulken, Chas, ret groceries and liquors, Water, bel Mul- berry. Schulken, Engelhard, family groceries. Front, cor Ked Cross. Schulken, Helena R, r 4th^ cor Walnut. Schulken, Henrietta, r 4th, cor Walnut. SCHULKEN, HENRY, family groceries, 4th, cor Wal- nut. Schulken, H F, with M Schulken, Dock, cor Water. SCHULKEN, MARTIN, agt ret gros and liquors. Dock, cor Water, r Dock, cor Water. Schulken, Matilda A, r 4th, cor Walnut. Schulken, W E, elk with M Schulken, r Dock, cor Water. SCHUTTE, FRED H, furniture, upholsterer and paper- hanger. Front, bet Dock and Orange. See adv. SHUTTE, HENRY, boot and shoe maker. Market, ab 2d. See adv. Scott, James J, of Bass & Scott, r Fremont. SCOTT, J J, of Bass & Scott, Commission Mers, North Water. Scull, Daniel S, house carpenter, r 5thj cor Red Cross. Seaman's Bethel, Dock, bel Front. SEEDERS, THOMAS T, foreman Journal Office, r Chesnut, bet 8th and 9th. Sellers, R L, of Sellars & Carr, r 6th, bet Mulberry and Chesnut. Sellers, William E N, r 6th, bet Mulberry and Chesnut. Sellers & Carr, (R L Sellers and Nicholas Carr), independent detectives, Princess, bet 2d and 3d. ^Servoss, Agnes H, r 5th, nr Orange. Servoss, Courtney S, inspector of customs, r Dock, bet 3d and 4th. Servoss, C S, elk, Custom House, r 5th, cor Orange. Servoss, Ellen C, r 5th, nr Orange, 20S " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. " French Bonnets. HATS, Pl^^Kp EIBBONS, And invite your inspection of them, confident that styles and price? mil both suit you. DRESS MAKINGr, PATTERNS, STAMPING, &c., of the first order. E. A. LUMSDEN, NO. 40 N. FRONT STREET. AGENT -FOE- 0OVER& BAKER'S SEWING MACHIlS/^-^^^yigg^^Q^g^^ ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 206 SERVOSS, HENRY S, of Cape Fear Building Co, and Al- derman, r 5th_, nr Orange. Servoss, Robert D, r 5tb, nr Orange. SERVOSS, T C, city clerk, treasurer and collector, and agt for machinery, belting, &c, office City Hall, r Sth, bet Orange and Ann. See adv. SHAW, WM H, produce broker, 22 N Water, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. Shaw, Wm Wallace, elk with J S Williams, r Red Cross, bet 3d and 4th. Sheno, H W, elk, W & W R R, r Purcell House. Sheppard, J, lab with W «& W R R. Sheppard, John, painter, r Walnut, bet 5th and 6th. Shepperson, A B, of A B Shepperson & Co, r Market, cor 4th. SHEPPERSON, ALFRED B & CO, Gen Com Mers and Shippers, Water, bet Princess and Chesnut. SHEPPERSON, E, insurance agt, Water, cor Chesnut, r National Hotel. Sheridan, Joseph, plumber with W H Dart, r Dock, cor Front. Sheriff's Office New Hanover Co, Princess, bet 2d and 3d. Shields, Gr C, elk with Sol Bear & Bros, r Red Cross, bet Front and 2d. Shoemaker, E M, of Shoemaker, Green & Co, and County Commissioner^ r Princess, bet 2d and 3d. Shoemaker, Green & Co, (E M Shoemaker, Wm A Green, Amos Galloway, and Duncan Holmes), inspectors of pro- visions and forage. Water, cor Princess. Sholar, A M, pattern-maker with W, C & A R R, r 5th, bet Church and Nun. Sholar, E A, wid of H B, r 5th, bet Churcli and Nun. Sholar, Elizabeth, wid John, r Front, bel Ann; Sliolar, Hattie J, r cor Dock and 8th. SHOLAR, JOHN, builder and contractor, r Market, bet Sth and 6th. 81iolar, Lillie, r 5th, bet Church and Nun. Sholar, Wm H, brick mason, r cor Dock and 8th. 207 KASTSRN DIVISION. H'Miik CliaMe 1 1 1 H. COMPANY. OPEICE CHIEF ENGINEER AND GEN. SUPEEINTENDENT, ) Wilmington, N. C, October 28, 1870. \ Cliange of Schedule. On and after November 1st the Passenger Train will ran the following schedule : Leare Wilmington at 7 o'clock A. M., and arriye at the head of the Eoad at 4 o'clock P. M. Leave the head of the Eoad at 6 A. M., and arrive at Wilmington at 3:30 P. M. daily, (Sundays excepted.) Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington at 6 A. M., en Tuesdays and Fridays, and arrive at Wilmington on Mondays and Thursdays at 5 P. M. Thrcngh Tickets to Charlotte $10 GO. V/KSTZSRN DIVISION. Arrival and Departure of Trains. Wilmington, Clurlotte Ss Hutlierford Railroad. Leaves Charlotte, daily, at 8:30 A. M. Arrives at " " " 5:30 P, M. SILAS N. MAETIN, Pres't. S.* L. FREMONT, Chief Eng. and Sup't. 208 fSHRIER, ABR']\I, of Shrier Bros, r 4th, cor Market. SHRIER BROS, (A J and L Shrier), clothing and gcnt'g^ furnishing goods, 3 S Front.' See adv. SHRIER, ISAAC, of Shrier Bros, r 4th, cor Market. SHRIER, LOUIS, of Shrier Bros, r New York. Shutte, Geo L, famil}^ groceries, cor 4th and Bladen. Sikes, Mildred E, wid Thomas J, r 5th, cor Bladen. Sikes, Thomas P, r 6th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Silva, Emanuel, seaman, r 7th, cor Castle. Silver,, Joseph, lab with Willard Bros, r 5th, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Silver, Joseph, carpenter, r 4th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Simon, Lena, r Orange, cor 4th. Simpson, Annie, r Hanover, bet 5th and 6th. Simpson, Catharine, wid William, r 3d, cor Wooster. Simpson, Thomas, watchman, W & W R R, r 6th, cor Han- over. Singletary, F 0, elk with Finlayson & Bro, r 6th, cor Dock, Singletary, Ed F, elk with T C Lewis, r Dock, cor 6th. Singleton, Horace, Rev, pastor Firijt Presbyterian Churcli; Orange, bet 2d and 3d. Singletary, Sarah J, wid William, r Dock, cor 6th. Singletary, V C, Mrs, r cor Dock and 6th. Skipper, Alfred, baker with R Thorburn, r Brooklyn. Skipper, Archibald, copper smith with Hart & Baily, r Queen, bet 4th and 5th, Skipper, Charlotte, wid of Wm A, r 6th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Skipper, Fred T, tinner with A H Neff, r 4th, bet Red Cross . and Campbell. Skipper, Henry, cooper with Blossom & Evans. Skipper, Ira, with W & W R R, r Walnut, bet 4th and 5th. Skipper, J, greaser, with W & W R R. Skipper, Margaret, wid James, r Queen, cor 4th. Skipper, Eyer, cooper with Blossom & Evans. Skipper, Thomas E, printer, Star Office, r 4th, bet Red Cross and Campbell. Skipper, T, cooper with Blossom «fe Evans. 209 B. & L. WEILL, "Wholesal© ^md. ULetail Dealers I X N"OTIONS, READY MADE eiOTHINS, HATS, TRUNKS, Our Established Reputation is sufficient gua- antee in filling orders. REPEESEKTED BY A. WEILL, Agent, AND CoL JOHN J. HEDRICK, Sup't. ISTo. 17 Market Street, WILMX¥eTOSF, 5f. C. 210 Sledge, , engineer, W & W R R, r 4th, bet Bnmswick and Hanover. Sloan, George, chief elk with E Murray ct Co, r 4th, bet Dock and Orange. Sloan, Hannah, r 4th, bet Dock and Orange. Sluby, (c), pastor African Methodist Church, r 5th and Red Cross. Smallbones, H G, elk with Barry Bros, r 2d, bet Bladen and Harnett. SMAW, FRANK D, Jr, lawyer, Princess, nr 2d, r plank road, bel toll gate. Smith, Ada, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Smith, Ann, wid 'William, r 5th, cor Bladen. Smith, Ann, r Anderson, nr Grimes. Smith, Catharine, r Mulberry, bet 4th and 5th. SMITH, D A, furniture and upholstery. Front, ab Dock, r Market, bet 5th and 6th. Smith, Florence L, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Smith, James E, r Church, ab Front. Smith, Jas C, Com Mer, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Smith, Jefferson, engineer, W, C & A R R, r Dock, eor 7th. Smith, Jeremiah, fisherman, r 3d, nr Dawson. Smith, Julia A, Mrs, r Church, nr Front. Smith, Katie A, r cor 2d and Church. Smith, Louisa B, r Red Cross, cor 2d. Smith, Mary A, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Smith, Mary, wid of Wm, r 55 Market. Smith, Mary E, r Red Cross, cor 2d. Smith, Miles C, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Smith, Peter A, r 4th, nr Campbell. Smith, R W, engineer with N E R R, S C, r Mulberry, bet 4th and 4th. Smith, Sarah K, wid Isaac H, r Church, cor Surry. Smith, Susan A, wid Joseph, r 6th, bet Bladen and Harnett. Bmith, Thomas, r Front, cor Red Cross. Smith, Thomas G, N E cor Red Cross and 2d. Bmith, Thomas H, grocer, 30 Market, r 2d, cor Castle. Smkh, W V B, of Smith & Strauss, r Bladen. ^mith, W, machinist, W & W R R. 211 i I WHl MARKET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS, H^lPMSfPSllB MMB BlAMli IN FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERING PAPER HANGING. OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE & PAPER CANNOT BE EXCELLED- REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. 212 fc'mith, Wm, Master trausportion, Wil d- W R Pi, r N W cor 5tli and Cliesnut. Smith, William S, rigger, Churcli, bet Front and 2d. SMITH, WM L, of J "W Lippitt & Co, insurance agt and cashr Bank of Wilmington, r 2d, cor Chesnut. SMITH, WI^I L & CO, (Wm L Smith, M P Taylor, andKor- ■wood Giles), insurance agts. Front, bet Market and Prin- cess. Smith & Stt'auss, ( WVBSmithand John H Strauss), grocers and liquor dealers, 28 S Front. SDeeden. Hester, house-keeper, rSd^ cor Orange. Sneeden^ Rebecca, Mrs, r Front, bel Dock. Solomon, Emma M, Mrs, wid Jacob, r Dock, cor Tth. Solomon, Joseph, watchman at Berry & Bros, r Front, bet Walnut and Pied Cross. SOLOMON, L, of L Solomon iL- Co, r 2d, nr Market. SOLOMON, L & CO, (L Solomon and S Solomon), dry goods, clothing, &;c, 22 Market. See adv. SOLOMON, S, of L Solomon & Co, and salesman for Jacob Lyon, r 2d, nr Market. Scutherland, Charles, inspector naval stores, 22 N Water, r "Ith, nr Castle. Southerland, C G, book-keeper with Moffitt & Co, r 5th, bet Dock and Orange. SOUTHERLAND, JOHN B, Com Mer, W^ater, cor Chesnut, r 3d, bet Red Cross and Campbell. Southerland, J AV, co'^fhictor street railway car, r 3d, cor Princess. Southerland, Thomas J, of Southerland & Steagall, r 4tb, cor Chesnut. Southerland, Yivona, r 3d^ bet Red Cross and Campbell. SOUTfiERLANDi& STEAGALL, (T. J. Southerland and R Steagall), livery and sale stables, S W cor 3d and Princess. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, Front, bet Market and Princess. Spalding, J, r Front, bel JDock. Spaulding, J W, elk at Post Office, r Front, bet Princess and Chesnut. OT CHILD, ^4 AND DEALEK IN -^I^^SS!',^'*^^^ STOYES And^evcrj thing necesssary in this line to furnish n FIRST CLASS EOTJSS. KEROSENE OIL, LAMPS, &c. The COUNTRY TRADE are specially invited to inspect my a,s- sortttieiit of f 4Mi» #«. Make^to [order any thing required in the line of TIN WARE, STOVES. ILAMPS, &e. Second,! ! Between Market and Princess, WILMISTGTOF. ]Sr. G. 214 Bpeiglit, John T, driver, Spooner, "Wm, cooper, r 4th, nr Wooster. Spooner, Wm T, cooper with J Wilder, r Wooster, bet 5th and 6th. Springer, Clara A, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. Springer, Horace P, postal elk, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. Springer, James A, elk at post office, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. SPEINGEE, JAMES H, shingle manufacturer, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. Springer, John C, elk, post office, r Dock, bet 4tli and 5th. Springer, Wm E, elk with Dawson, Teel & Henning, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. SPPvUNT, ALEXANDER, (of Sprunt & Hinson, and British Vice Consul), r 9th, cor Princess. SPEUNT, JAMES, of Sprunt & Hinson, r 9th, cor Princess. Sprunt, Maggie T, r Princess, cor 9th. Sprunt, Mary K; r Princess, cor 9th. SPEUNT & HINSON, (Alex Sprunt, John W Hinson, and James Sprunt), Shipping and Com Mers, Water, cor Chesnut. See adv. STAEBUCK, D H, U S Dist Atty for N C, r Salem. STAE, MOENING AND WEEKLY, W H, Bernard, Editor and Propr, Front, bet Princess and Market. Steam Eire Engine Adrian, 4th, bet Market and Dock. Steam Fire Engine John T Eankin, Princess, cor 4th. Steagall, Eaibon, of Southerland & Steagall, r Paris, Ey. STEDMAN, CHAS M, of Wright & Stedman, r 3d, bet Ann and Nun. Stedman, J C, elk with E E Heide, r Orange, cor 8d. STEENKEN, GEOEGE, family groceries, r 2d, cor Hanover. Steinhart, N, elk with D & J Newman, r Orange, cor 2d. Stephenson, E T, r 4th, cor Dock. Stephenson, J W, r 4th, cor Dock. Stephenson, M, wid Martin, r 4th, cor Dock. Steljes, Dederick, family groceries, 6th, cor Queen. Sternberger, B, Mulberry, bet 3d and 4th. Sternberger, Henry, of Bear & Sternberger, r Princess, bet 4th and 5th. 215 icaleiif of tlie Incarialioii, wiMiw#t#ii, at. c. THE ACADEMY OF THE INCARNATION has opened its Second Annual Session for Young Ladies, ON FOURTH STREET, between Orange and Ann (premises formerly owned by "Wm. N. Peden, Esq.,) and it has proposed to enter on all the highest branches of Education and to rank itself, in worth and ability, with the Academies of Charleston and Sumter, S. C. tEmmB m ^mMmm. English Primary Class $10 00 Per Quarter. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Classes 20 00 " " Foreign Languages, each 10 00 " " Crayon Drawing andlPainting in Water Colors 10 00 " " Oil and Pastel Painting 12 00 " Music at Professor's charges. BOOKS, ^vrc, &c., will be furnished ill the Institution at moderate rates. SISTERS OF MERCY. 21G Sternberger, Josei^li, dry goods, Market, bet Front and 2d, r Mulberry, bet 3d and iih. Stern, Henry, elk with Aaron & Rheinstein, r Dock, bet 2d and 3d. Stevens, Ella, wid Arcliibald, r Wooster, bet 3d and 4tli. Stevenson, Christiana E, wid of James M, r 2d, bet Market and Dock. Stevenson, Daniel S, elk with J C Stevenson, r 2d, bet Mar- ket and Dock. Stevenson, Ellen R, r 2d, bet Market and Dock. STEVENSON, JAMES C, family groceries. Market, nr 2d, r 2d, bet Market and Dock. See adv. Stevenson, W M, elk -with WUlard Bros, r 4tli, cor Dock. Steward, Ann R, r Queen, bet 4th and 5tli. Steward, Irene, wid of Dock, r Dock, bet 6th and 7th. Stewart, John, supt distillery Blossom & Evans, r od, bet Cowan and Davis. Stewart, J S, carpenter with W & W R R. Stewart, Mary, milliner with A D Brown, r Ann, cor 2d. St James' Home and School, under the auspices of St James' Episcopal Church, Miss Emma Tracy, teacher, r Orange, bet 8th and 9th. St John's School, (Episcopal), Red Cross, cor 3d. STOCKWELL, L A, salesman with Godfrey Hart, r 7 Mar- ket. Stoldey, Hester J, r 3d, cor Church. Stokley, Lauretta, r 3d, cor Church. Stokley, TVilham H, r 3d, cor Church. Stokley, Mildred A, wid James, r 3d, cor Church. Stolter, Fredk, r Front, ab Dock. Stolter, Henry, family grocery, Front, cor Ann. Story, E F, jeweller with Brown & Anderson, r Orange, bet Front and 2d. Stout, George, tailor with Joseph Meir, Princess, bet Front and Water, STRANGE, ROBERT, lawyer, Market, bet 2d and 3d, r Market, cor 6th. Strauss, Alexander, Inspector Customs, r Nun, cor 3d. Strauss, Caroline, r 2d, bet Hanover and Brimswick. 217 DAVID PIGOTT, Sticcessoi- to VanSICKLE. The Old and Well Known Tobacco Empofium, NO. 12 MARKET STREET, WILMIFCTOSr, 3sr. G. CIGARS, IMPORTED HAVANAS AND DOMESTIO. AT,T, THE CHOICE BEANDS OF Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, LEAF TOBAGCO^ &c. The Wholesale and Ketail Trade supplie d upon liberal tei-mg. H. MiRCUS, Saloon and Restaurant, CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STS., WILMI¥GTOF, 5f. G. LAGER BEER, ALES, WHISKIES, WINES, Cigars, &c., of best quality. LUNCH at all Hours. 218 Strauss, J H, of Smitli & Strauss, r Hanover, bet 3d and 4tli. STEAUSS, J W, groceries and proyisions, 2cl, nr Hanover, r 2d, nr Hanover. STKAUSS, WILLIAM H, elk with John W Strauss, r 2d, bet Hanover and Brunswick. STEAUSZ, ALEXANDEE, of Strausz & Eice, and Cape Fear Building Co, r 3d, bet Church and Nun. STEAUSZ cnd Alfred M Waddell), attoraeys at law, Market, bet Sd and 3d. 229 SCHEDULE OF THE W\4% Umk I L I I Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. K. Comp'y, ) Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 5, 1S70. f Passengers fo; tr;^ wv i.jViLu^x,».wns v^-v^iu.nwia and A*Q^:is:a Bailroacl •will take the Train at the Union Depot and the ioh lowing schedule will be run : DAY EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily.) LeaTe Wilmington (W. & W. R. E. Depot) 4:30 1. M. Arnre at Florence 11:03 A. M. Arme at Kingeville , 2:50 P. M. LeaTQ Kingsvilie 11:4:0 A. M. Ai^ive at Florence 3:15 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 9:50 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily.) Leare Wilmington 7:10 P. SI!, Arrive at Florence. 1:43 A. M. Arrive at Kingsvilie 9:00 A. If; Leave Kingsvilie 3:i5 P. M. Arrive at Florence 11:05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 6:10 A. M. JHO. C. l^imBKR, Gmeral Superintendent, 230 Waddell, Mary A, r 5th, cor Nun. Waddell, W A, r 4th, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Waddell, W H, night Janitor City HaU. Wade, Emeline, r 4:th, cor Church. Wade, William, P O route agt W, C & A E E, r Front, bet Princess and Chesnut. Wadsworth, Emily M, wid E M, r 5th, bet Princess and Chesnut. Walcott, Sarah O V, Mrs, milliner, r Front, bet Dawson and Wooster. Walcott, O F, policeman, r Front, bet Dawson and Wooster, WALDEON, EOBEET S, of H Keyes & Co, r Front, cor Chesnut. WALKEE, A K, cashier First Nat Bank of Wilmington, i Market, cor 6th. Walker, Alice L, r Front, cor Chesnut. Walker, Eliza M, wid of Maj John, r Orange, bet 4th & 5th. WALKEE, GAEEET, supt at IT S Marine and City Hos- pital, 8th, cor Nun. WALKEE, JAMES, marble works, and contractor and bnild- er. Front, cor Walnut, r Purcell House. See adv. WALKEE, JAS A, conductor sleeping car, W, C & A E E, r Orange, bet 4th and 5th. Walker, J C, r Market^ cor 6th. Walker, Maria G, r Front, cor Chesnut. Walker, Mary O, r Front, cor Chesnut. Walker, Mary D, Mrs, wid Thomas D, r Front, cor Chesnut. Walker, M E, policeman, r Brunswick, bet 5th and 6th. Walker, Virgil, (c), cooper, r Church, bet 7th and 8th. WALKEE, WILLIAM A, treasr W, C & A E E, r Market, cor 6th. Wallace, Alice, r Eed Cross, cor 4th. Wallace, Emily, r Eed Cross, cor 4th. WALLACE, LEWIS, grocer. Market, bet Front and 2cl, and 4th, cor Brunswick. Wallace, Mary E, r Church, bet 4tli and 5th. Wallace, Neppie, r Eed Cross, cor 4th. Wallace, Sarah C, r Church, bet 4th and 5th. Wallace, S D, Jr, conductor, W cfe W E E. 231 327 Broad St. 327 Broad St. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. Wigs, Braids, Toupees, ManulacUirer aiul Impoiier of every Description of FOR i-ADlES AND GENTLEMEN. Tne on'T place in tlie city v;here a .«p;eialtj is made in HAIR WORK IN' GOLD, Hair Chains. Rings, Breastpins, &c. Ali orders filled at prices which defy competition. Orders by mail promiitly filled and .sati,sfaction guavanteed. 232 WALLACE, STEPHEN D, treasr Wil N C Life Lis Co, and Com Mer, r Red Cross, cor 4tli. Walsli, David H, elk T\'itli Jamos A Bradley, 24 Market. Walton, Willie, apprentice at Journal Office, r 2cl, cor Bnms- Tvick. Ward, Edward, carpenter, r 9th, cor Queen. Ward, Hester, wid of John, r Orange, cor 2d. Ward, Unie/ v.dd of Edward, r Hanover, bet 6tii and 7tli. Warner, Esther A, teacher W F S, Knn, cor 7th. Warrock, W S, foreman Morning Star job printing office, r 9th, cor Mulberry. Watkins, Bunyon, carpenter, W, C & A E R, r 6th, bet Bla- den and Harnett. Watson, Alfred A, j)astor St James' Episcopal Church, r Mar- ket, bet 3d and 4th. Watson, A W, printer at Journal Office, r 4th, bet Market and Princess. Watson, Benjamin O, upholsterer Vvdtli Zimmerman & White, r 6th J cor Swann. Watson, Charles D, farmer, r 6th, cor Swann. Watson, Henry M, engineer with In avassa Guano Co, r 4tli, bet Queen anrl Wooster. WATSON, JOHN, upholsterer with F A Schutte, r 5th, nr Castle. Watson, John Pi, upholsterer with F A Schutte, r het 5th and 6th. WATSON, THOMAS A, of Hays & Yf atson, r Little Bridge road, nr bridge. Watson, Sarah A, Mrs, wid John C, r 4th, bet Queen and Wooster. Watters, Joseph H, elk Avith Cronly and Morris, r Front, nr Princess. Weaten, Robert, policeman, r Front, bet Dawson & Wooster. Webb, C, wid Wm G, r Red Cross, bet 4th and 5th. WEBB, H, of Brock & Webb, r Market, ab 7th. Webb, Kezia, r Market, bet 7th and 8th. WEILL, A, agt for B & & L Weill, r 4th, cor Orange. WEILL, B, of B & L Weill, r 4th, cor Orange. 233 SFOTSWOO BOAED S3 00 PER DAY. The Undersigned havin.%' leased this the only PIEST-OLASS HOTEL located on Main Street, and within one sqiiare o£ the Capitol, Postoiiice, Custom House, Theatre, and the great Northern and Southern Eaih-oad Depots, respectfully inform the public that it is novr open, thoroughly renovatefl aud refurnished. ^Hi» mmwMEM . Is TTorld-renowned as the headquarters of the President and Cabinet officers of the late Confederacy, it also contains the historical suit of rooms occupied by Presidents DAVIS, JOHNSON and GEANT and Chief Justice CHASE. The Traveling Public are cordially invited to make the SFOTSIOOD THEIR HOIE, where they will find every comfort and delicacy that this and other markets can afford. S^^ Southern Express and Telegraph ofaces in the building. ..^gr JAMES M. SUBLETT, C. B. LUCK, WM. B BISHOP, Proprietors. 234 WEILL, B «fe L, (B and Louis Weill), wliol and ret dry goods, clothing, &c, 17 Market. WEILL, LOUIS, of B & L Weill, r 4tli, cor Orange. WEIL, S KAY, of David & Weil, r National Hotel. Weng, David, baker, with C K Mayer, r 32 Market. Wenzel, William, cutter with David Sc Weil, r 4th, bet Mnl- /7 berry and Chesniit. i^ Wescott, Ephraim, elk with G G Barker & Co, r 3d, bet Church and Castle. Wessell, A D, of Wessei & Oldenbuttel, r 2d, cor Market. Wessell & Oldenbuttel, (A D Wessell and John G Oldenbut- tel), saloon, 2d, cor Market. WESTERMAN, HENEY, book-keeper with Adrian Sc Tol- lers, r Dock, bet 4th and 5th. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, office Front, bet Market and Princess. West, George H, elk, r 3d, bet Chesnut and Princess. W;est, Henry P, elk witli S M West, r 3d, bet Princess and Chesnut. West, Lizzie P, r 3d, bet Princess and Chesnut. West, Mary Anna, r 3d, bet Chesnut and Princess. West, Samuel James, r 3d, bet Chesnut and Princess. WEST, S M, auctioneer and real estate broker, 9 S Water, r 3d, bet Princess and Chesnut. Wheeler, C F, carpenter with W & W R R. White, Andrew, mate steamer Washington, r Niitt, ab Wal- nut. White, Benjamiuj farmer, r Market, extended. WHITE, BENJAMIN F, of Zimmerman & White, r Market, extended. Whitehead, James, book-keeper, r Front, bel Nun. Whitehead, James I, r Front, bet Nun and Church. Whiteman, John II, timber inspector, 23 N Water, t 7th, nr Church. WHITEHEAD, WM A, Port Warden, 16 N Water, r Front, bet Nun and Church, Whitehouse, Miles S, teacher Union Grammar School, r Red Cross, bet Front and 2d. 235 ESTABLISHED IN ls51. RICHMOND STOVE AND 41011fl©fSlAi IRON ^V^ORKS, Woa ijOOO Cai?^ Street^ EICHMOND, VA, ASA SNYDER, Riclimoncl Stove Work- RICHARD IRBY, Petersburg Iron Works 1^- EHoWH OQOonO First Pramium on our COOKING-STOVE at the Virginia State Fairs of 1869 and 1ST9. First Premium on same at the North Carolina State Fairs of 1869 and 1870. Premiums awarded after tests were actually made on the grouuds. T'riOusands can testify that the Premiums were well deserved. First Premium given at the same Fairs for best Heating-Stove. First Premium for best COFFEE-ROASTER, a very important adjunct to the cooKing-stove. O "^ M O ^ « S f S I?; ts -J tiS S ri- fe! t> ^ g w ^ ■71 W In WE MANUFACTURE l^HI^JW P^ AT THESE WORKS Of most approved patterns, all warranted to be durable and aScient. Some have been ia constant use in this City lor over Twelve Years, and are now good. Also, HEATINO STOVES for both Wood and Coal, HOLLOW- WARE in sn-eat variety and of superior qnality. One Branch of our Works is devoted to IRON FRONTS FOR STORES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, of which many beautiful specimens may be seen in this City and Norfolk. In this department are also made, FRONTS, GRATES, FENDERS, VERANDAHS, P.AJL.^ ING, CAST IRON PIPE, STENCH TRAPS, &c. T^- Agents for Scotch and American Pig irons. 23G White, Susan, r Market, extended. "White, Wm L, with W L Beeiy, r 2d, bet Market and Dock. Whitfield, John, elk, r Surry, nr Castle. Whiting, Kate D, wid Gen W H C, r Orange, bet 4th & 5th. Whitney, Carrie V, r Princess, bet Water and Front. Whitney, Emily C, wid of Alex, r Princess, bet Water and Front. Wilder, Abram, coojier with J Wilder, r Nutt, iDet Hanover and Brunswick. Wilder, Jesse, turpentine distiller, l\utt, bet Hanover and Brunswick, r 4th, bet Walnut and Eed Cross. Wilder, Virginia C, r Orange, bet 5th and 6tli. Wiley, Claudia C, r 9th, bet Dudley and Chesnut. WIGGINS, JAMES T, manufr of bitters and ointments, Dock, bet Front and Water. Yv'^iggins, Octavius A, sawyer with G Parsley, Sr, r 4th, nr Ashe. WITHY, WM H, tinner, r 2d, bet Queen and Wooster. Wiliston-Free School, 7th, bet Ann and Nun. Wilkins, B W, Eoad Master, W, C & A E E. Wilkins, J E, with C W Yates, photographer, r Front, nr Chesnut. Wilkinson, J Frank, driver. So Express Co. Wilkinson, John E, tinner with W & ^Y E E, r 4th, bet Han- over and Brunswick. Wilkinson, Eichard J, stall 22 City Market, r Brunswick Co. WILLAED, A A, of Willard Bros, r 6th, cor Orange. WILLAED BEOS, (A A Willard, James A WlUard, and Wm H Willard), whol gros. Com Mers, and fertilizers. Wa- ter, cor Chesnut. WILLAED, JAMES A, of Willard Bros, r 3d, cor Mulberry. WILLAED, WM H, of Willard Bros, r Ealeigh, N C. Williams, A, painter with W & W E E. Williams, Annie E, r 6th, cor Brunswick. Williams, B W, engineer with W & W E E. WiUiams, C C, blacksmith, W ct W E E. WiUiams, Daniel, hostler with S A Currie, r 2d, cor Princess. Williams, E D, mate steamer A Oldham, r on steamer. Williams, Fanny E, r 5th, cor Orange. 237 GEORGE P. LAMB, 1 1-2 Miles from Foot of Market St.; WILMI¥G-TO¥, F. C. SEEDS, BOQUETS, lEE&THS, Floral Baskets, Crosses, — AMD OTHER Wlm^ ®^mmm^> He claims, tliat with au experience of thii-ty-two years, twelva of ■which were devoted to Lis profession in Europe, and -witli a natural taste for the beautiful iu this art, to be able to give general satisfaction, and at prices as reasonable as any one in the line North or South. PLANTS AND SHEUBBERY, CEMETERY LOTS laid out, LANDSCAPE, LAWN and all sorts of gardening. Refers to Mr. P. and Dr. C. T. Murphy, Sampson County ; Messrs. W. A. and A. M. Faisou ; Dr. George Cosby and Lott Humphrey, Esq., Goldsboro'. Orders from all sections promptly and satisfactorily filled. ~ W. F. GRABAU, Fi^ofesssor of Mueic ORGANIST OF ST. JOHNS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Teacher Piano. Organ and Vocal Music. STRICT ATTENTION PAID to tllG CULTIVATION Cf ttie VOICE. Having had many years of experience as Organist enables him to ofifei- peculiar advantages to ladies or gentlemen who wish to atud/ musij. PTANQ^ TUNED AND REPAIRED AT LOW PRICES. Orders left J* E^nsberger's Bookstore will receive prompt ftttention. 238 WILLIAMS, G W, of Williams & Murchison, r 5th, cor Orange. Williams, Isabella, r 4tli, cor Cottage lane. Williams, James H, elk -witli Joseph A Clifford, r Front, bet Market and Princess. Williams, James S, watchman with J H Chadbonrn & Co, r Front, bet Walnut and Eed Cross. Williams, Jamison, P O messenger, river mail. WILLIAMS, J D, of Williams & Murchison, r Fayetteville. Williams, J M, lab with W ct W K E. WILLIAMS, J S, dry goods and carpets, 3 N Front, r 4th, bet Dock and Orange. Williams, Leu M, with Sprunt & Hinson, r 3d, cor Campbell. Williams, Mollie, r Castle, bet 4th and 5th. Williamson, George, watchman, W, C & A E E. Williams, S G, wid of George W, r 5th, bet Church and Nun. Williams, Susie A, r 4th, cor Castle. Williams, T D, elk with J B Orrell, r 4th, bet Brunswick and Bladen. Williams, Wiley, engineer, W, C & A E E, r 4th, bet Nun and Church. Williams, William, painter with J A Parker, r Market, bet 8th and 9th. Williams, William A, Com Mer, Princess, bet Water & Front, r 4th, cor Cottage lane. Williams, William Arthur, elk with Worth & Worth, r 4th, cor Cottage lane. Williams, Wm T, elk with H Brunhild, r 6th, nr Princess. WILLIAIVIS & MUECHISON, (J D and K W Williams, and K M and D E Murchison), whol grocers, Com and Ship- ping Mers, and agts for Little Eiver, Beaver Creek, and Eandolph Mauuf Co's cotton yarns and sheeting. Seo adv. Willis, Charles T, undertaker and cabinet-maker, Toomer's alley, rear Purcell House, r 4th, bet Nun and ^Church. Willis, Elijah, with Jas W Lippitt . They have been thoroughly aud extensively tested for a long lima m all parts of the world, in every department of PAMILY SEWINa, aud iu many branches of manufacturing they have proved superior to all others. They have been carefully simplified and improved, from time to time, to meet all conceivable requirements, A CHILD CAN USE THEM. The complete success attending these effotts has firmly established the FLOEEISrCE to rank as the best iu the world. 240 Wilmington Male and Female Seminar}', Chesnut, cor 2d. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD, Nutt, bet Harnett and Bladen. See adv. Wilmington Co-operative Store, J W Macumber, supt, gro- ceries, Water, bel Mulberry. Wilmington Gas Light Co, works foot of Castle, office Prin- cess, bet Front and 2d. Wilmington Male and Female Seminary, Ciiesaut, cor 2d. Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance Co, John Daw- son, President. WILMINGTON AND CAPE FEAR STEAMBOAT CO, Worth & Worth, agts. Water and Mulberry. Wilmington & Weldon R R freight depot, Nutt and Camp- bell. Wilmington & W R R Co's shops. Front, bet Red Cross and Campbell. Wilmington & Weldon R R ticket office and passenger de- pot, 8th, bet Bladen and Brunswick. Wilson, E R, r Campbell, bet 4th and 5th. Wilson Free School, (c), 7th, bet Ann and Nun. Wilson, J, moulder, W & W R R, r 4th, bet Hanover and Brunswick. Wilson, J A, sergeant police, r Gth, bet Swann and Nixon. Wilson, William, supt yard with J H Chadbourn & Co, r Harnett, bet 3d and 4th. Wilson, , watchman with H R Savage, r 5th, bet Tay- lor and Harnett. Winants, Elizabeth, Mrs, r Market, bet 6th and Tth. Winants, J E, physician and Marine and City Hospital, and Examr of Pension Bureau, r Market^ bet Gth and 7tli. Winants, J 0, planter, r Market, bet 6th and 7th. Winants, Lizzie P, r Market, bet 6th and 7th. Wines, Kate C, wid of William B, r Market, bet 5th & 6th. Winder, Aaron L, carpenter, r Castle, bet 6th and 7tli. Winder, Hopy, r Castle, bet 6th and 7th. Winder, John C, supt W, C & A R B, r 2d, betChesnutan^ Mulberry. Winder, John H, carpenter, r Castle, bet Gth and 7th. 241 L. WEILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers In LiaUOES AND CIGARS, No, 2 Market Street, aiJ No, 1 Sontl Water Street, Wll«lait@ffi8 if» ®» WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ALL KINDS OF Rum, Gin and Schnapps, Stoughton Bitters and Ales. JAMES ANDERSON. J. LOEB, C. LUCIA N JONES French Vice Consul. JAMES ANDERSON & CO., AND DEALERS IN Naval Stores, Cotton, AND OTHEE PEODUOE, South. "Water Street, 24S Wolffiohn, Miss Louise, teacher of French, and ornamental work at Mrs Eobt Kansom's Seminary, r 2d, bet Dock and Orange. Wood, Alfred V, elk with Sprunt & Hinson^ r Princess, cor 9th. Wood, Francis H, Eev, pastor 5th st Methodist Church, r 5th, cor Nun. Woodford, Evelyn, inspector, r Mulberry, bet 6th and Tth. Woodford, D S, timber inspector, 23 N Water, r Mulberry, bet 4th and 5 th. Woodford, Mary A, r Mulberry, bet 6th and 7th. Wood, John C, r 3d, bet Church and Nun. Wood, Kezzio F, Miss, r cor 9th and Princess. Woodliff, Wm T, carpenter, W & W R R, r Harnett, bet 3d and 4th. Wood, Lydia S, r cor 9th and Princess. Wood, Mary A, r cor 9th and Princess. Wood, Mary A, wid James, dress-maker, 3d, bet Market and Princess. Wood, Mary F, r cor 9th and Princess. Wood, R B, Jr, depy register of Deeds, County Court House, r Princess, cor 9th. Woodsum,^Maria B, teacher Hemmenway Free School, r Red Cross, bet Front and 2d. WOOD, THOMAS F, physician, 47 Market, r 9th, cor Prin- cess. Woodward, J F, carpenter with W & W R R. Woodward, J H^ coopersmith W & W R R. WOODY, JOHN D, grocer and Com Mer, 37 N Water. Wooten's Express to Wadesboro', office National Hotel, Wooton, F M, conductor and express agent., r National Hotel. WORTH, B G, of Worth & Worth, r 4th, cor Nun. Worth, Cornelia M, r 4th, cor Nun; WORTH, D Q, of Worth & Worth, r Front, bet Nun and Church. Worth, Eunice V, r 4th, cor Nun. 243 Witaimg til feiiiis^ DANIEL KLEIN, - ^ - Proprietor. A Splendid Bowling Alley on the Place. BETWEEN RANKIN AND MULBERRY, JLSSB 10th A^B lltk STI&E12TS. GODFREY HARTs Auction & Commission Merchant, ■AND DEALER IJf DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, KEROSENE OIL, &c. IsTo. 7 Market Stre«et, WILMINGTON. Sr. G. R. L. HARRIS, Undeftaler aod Cabinet Mal(er, GENERAL JOB SHOP. Located immediately in rear of PURCELL HOUSE ON TOOMER'S ALLEY, Between Front and Second and Market and Princess Streets. A speciality made of RESEATING CHAIES. 241 ^ Worth, Mary J, r 4tli, cor Nun. Worth, Wm E, elk with Worth & Worth, r Nun, cor 4th. WORTH & WORTH, {B a & D G Worth), Shipping and Com Mera, and agts Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co, and Cape Fear Steamboat Co, Water and Mulberry. See adv. WOOLVIN, J W, of Yopp & Woolvin, r Chesnut, bet 5th and 6th. Wooster, J L, r 3d, bet Market and Dock. WRIGrHT, A E, physician, and dealer in drugs, medicines, &c, N W cor Market and Front, r Orange, cor 2d. See adv. Wright, Mrs Florence M, r S W cor Market and 8th. Wright, J G, asst freight agt Wil & W R R, r Market, cor 8th. Wright, J H, r 4th, cor Campbell. Wright, John H, policeman, r 5th, bet Castle and Church. WRIGHT, THOMAS H, hats and caps, canes, umbrellas, &c, 9 N Front, r 4th, bet Chesnut and Princess. See adv. Wright, Wm, house carpenter, r Front, cor Church. WRIGHT, WM A, of Wright and Stedman, and Prest Bank Cape Fear, r 3d, bet Market and Dock. WRIGHT & STEDMAN, (Wm A Wright and Chas M Sted- man), Attorneys at Law, Princess, bet Front and 2d. Wronski, Ab'm, of A & J Wronski, r Market and Front. WRONSKI, A & J, (Abrm and Jacob Wronski), dry goods and clothing, 61 Market. Wronski, Jacob, of A & J Wronski, r New York. Wyatt, L B, tailor with Munson & Co, r 7th, nr Dock: Y. Yarborough, O F, inspr naval stores, 22 N Water, r 3d, nr Wahiut. YATES, C W, photographer, 34 Market, r Front, cor Ches- nut. See adv. YOPP, ANDREW J, Commercial Editor DaHy Journal, r 5th, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. 245 CONSTANTLY AERIVfflG. SOL. BEAR & BROS. KEEP ON HAND 300 CASES OF BOOTS & SHOES, Bought direct from Eastern Manufacturers, which they guarantee to sell as low as any Jobbing House North. Also, a very large and well selected Stock of Por tibe SPRING, SUMMER, FALL AND WINTER TRADE, of which they have manufactured a large portion themselves. They defy competition. ALSO, 100 CASES OF FINE Which they offer at great indui eraents to purchasers. Their etock of DOMESTICS AND NOTIONS cannot be surpassed in the State by any Jobbing House. OUR WHOLESALE TRADE. We occupy THREE STORIES exclusively for our WHOLE- SALE TRADE DEPARTMENT. OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Is Composed of a First-Class Stock of GENTS' CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, City Made Boots and Shoes. We beg our old friends from the city and country to give us a call and examine our STOCK, which they will find complete. We will take great pleasure in exhibiting to them our large and well-selected Stock. We tender our thanks to our friends for their liberal patronage bestowed upon us for the past eighteen years, and beg them still to Continue. SOL. BEAR & BROS. 246 Topp, Alfred P, machinist, W & W R E, r 5tii, bet Chesnut and Miilberry. Yopp, C M, blacksmith, W & W R E, r 5th, bet Princess and Chesnut. Yopp, G W, painter with W & W E E. YOPP, F V B, brick mason, r Chesnut, bet 8th and 9th. Yopp, W J, asst freight agt Wil & W E E, r 5th, bet Princess and Chesnut. Yopp, W H, elk with Thos H Smith, r 5th, bet Chesnut and Mulberry. Yo]3p, Wm W, pattern maker, r 5th, bet Princess and Ches- nut. Yopp, S F, cabinet-maker with Yopp & Woolvin, r 7th, bet Walnut and Mulberry. YOPP, S L, of Yopp & Woolvin, r 7th, bet Wahiut and Mul- berry. YOPP & Woolvin, (S L Yopp and J W Woolvin), undertakers and cabinet-makers, N E cor 2d and Princess. See adv. Young, Armond D, planter, r N W cor Market and 8th. Young, Celeslenia, r N W cor Market and 8th. Young, Jennie L, r N W cor Market and 8th. Zimmerman, George H, plumber with A H Meff. Zimmerman, John W, of Zimmerman & White, r 2d, bet Mar- ket and Dock. ZIMMEEMAN & WHITE, (J W Zimmerman and Benj F, White), furniture, upholsterer and paper-hanger, Market bet 2d and 3d. 247 T. J. SOUTHERLAND. * R. StEAGALL* SOUTHERLAND & STEAGALL, Livery and Sales Stables, South West Corner Princess and Third Sts., WILimGTON, N. c. On arrival of the Cars, Hacks will be in attendance to conTey Passengers 'to any part of tlie City. The Public can be accommodated at aU hours with HORSES, BUGGIES and CAR- ^^^ RIAGES, on reasonable terms. HORSES boarded by the Day, Week or Month. HORSES and MULES always on hand and for Sale. A SPECIAL CITY OMNIBUS Win be run to and from Union Depot, and all parts of th© City, to coJiYey Passengers and JBaggage. 248 Ofsteis, or a Good Oriok or a Place to Sleep, R. B. BURNETTS, NO. 401-2 NORTH WATER STREET, Wll»lagt@a8 M. ©ft }^ n g3-9jn)nj ui I ij iM OS 1 S9 A AUGUST DEUMELANDT, 19 NORTH WATER STREET; wmmmmmh m. s. The finest of LIQUORS in the city, consisting of WINES, BRANDIES, ALES, BEER, OIDER, &c.. In fact every thing to be found in a First-Class Saloon of the best quality. The choicest brands of TOBACCO and CIG-ARS always on hand. NEW RIVER OYSTERS served in season. Satisfaction guaranteed ; none shall go away dissatisfied. GOVEENMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, of Wake, Governor. J B Neathery, Private Secretary. Tod R Caldwell, of Burke, Lieutenant Governor and President of Sen- ate, ex officio. Henry J Menninger, of Craven, Secretary of State. Henderson Adams, of Davidson, Auditor. David A Jenkins, of Gaston, Treasurer. Donald W Bain, of Wake, Chief Clerk to Treasurer. Kev S S Ashley, of New Hanover, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. C L Harris., of Rutherford, Superintendent of Public Works. Wm M Shipp, of Mecklenburg, Attorney General. Abiel W Fisher, of Bladen, Adjutant General. W C Kerr, of Mecklenburg, State Q^eologist. James H Moore, State Printer. T H Hill, of Wake, State Librarian. Patrick McGowan, of Wake, Keeper of the Capital. GENEEAL ASSEMBLY. The General Assembly commences its annual session on the third Monday in November, in each year, and is composed of fifty Senators and one hundred and twenty Representatives, biennially chosen, by ballot, on the first Thursday in August. SENATORIAL DISTEICTS AND SENATORS. TOD R CALDWELL, Lieutenant Governor and ex officio President of Senate. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimous, Chowan and Gatep, Rufus K Speed and J C Skinner, d's. Martin, Washington and Tyrrell, L C Latham, d. Beaufort and Hyde, E J Warren, d. Northampton, Jesse Flythe, r. 250 Bertie and Hertford, J W Beasley, r. Halifax, Henry Eppes, colored, r. Edgecombe, N B Bellamy, r. Pitt, Jacob McCotter, r. Nash and Wilson, Lawrence F Battle, d. Craven and Carteret, L J Moore, R F Lehman, r's. Jones and Lenoir, R W King, r. Duplin and Onslow, Wm A Allen, d, ^ New Hanover and Brunswick, Charles W McClammy, d ; Gr W Price, colored, r. Bladen and Columbus, J C Currie, d. Robeson, R M Norment, d. Cumberland, Harnett and Sampson, "W C Troy and T C Murphy, d's. Johnston, L R Waddell, d. Greene and Wayne, C H Brogden, r, Franklin and Wake, L P Olds and P B Hawkins, r's. '- Warren, John Hyman, colored, r. Granville and Person, L C Edwards, d ; J C Barnett, r. Orange, John W Graham, d. Chatham, W Gaston Albright, d. Caswell, L Brown, d. Rockingham, J T Morehead, d. Alamance and Guilford, John A Gilmer and J A Graham, d's. Randolph and Motgomery, Dr J M Worth, d. Moore and Richmond, R S Ledbetter, d. Anson ancl Union, A J Dargan, d. Mecklenburg, H C Jones, d. Cabarrus and Stanly, Valentine Mauney, d. Davie and Rowan, W MRobbins, d. Davidson, F C Robbins, d. Forsyth and Stokes, S Adams, d. Surry and Yadkin, Andrew C Cowles, d. Alexander and L-edell, Romulus Z Linney, d, Catawba, Gaston and Lincoln, E Crowell, d. Cleaveland, Polk and Rutherford, G M Whitesides, d. Alleghany, Ashe and Wilkes, C L Cook, d. Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania, James Merrimon, d. Burke, Caldwell and Watauga, W B Council, d. Madison, Mitchell, McDowell and Yancey, W W Fleming, d. Clay, Cherokee, Haywood, Jackson and Macon, W L Love, d. ^51 Democrats 36 ; Kepublicans 14 . D designates democrat, and E, republican. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. THOS J JAR VIS, of Tyrrell, Speaker. Alamance, J C McAllister, d. Alleghany, Robert Gambrel, d. Ashe, Dr S Wilcox, d. Alexander, J I\I Carson, independent. Anson, "William E Smith, d. Beaufort, Thomas Sparrow, d. Bertie, Parker D Robbins, colored, r. Bladen, A W Fisher, r. Brunswick, John A Brooks, r. Buncombe, E D Johnston, d. Burke, J C Mills, d. Cabarrus, J L Henderson, d. Caldwell, Edmond Jones, d. Camden, John L Chamberlain, d. Carteret, L W Martin, d. Caswell, E W Withers and M Pay lor, d's. Catawba, R B B Houston, d, Chatham, R J Powell and J A Womack, d's. Cherokee, B K Dickey, d. Chowan, John Page, colored, r. Clay, Mr. Anderson, d. Cleaveland, L M McAfee, d. Columbus, C C Grore, d. Craven, Richard Tucker, E R Dudley, George B Willis, all nnl'd X-: nil r'« Cumberland, C W Broadfoot and J H Currie, d's. Currituck, Mr. Woodhouse, d. Davidson, Jacob Clinard, d ; J T Brown, independent. Davie, James A Kelly, d, Duplin, J D Stanford and N E Armstrong, d's. Edgecombe, R M Johnson and Willis Bunn, colored, r's. Forsythe, John P Nisson, r. Franklin, J H Williamson, colored, and J T Harris, r's. Gaston, J G Gulick, d. Gates, Riddick Gatling, independent. Granville, E B Lyon, T T, TTm-r^rnve nnd WH Reavis, colored, all r's. Greene. Mr. F-ivfl-ISTHICT. Ashe county, first Monday in April and September. Wautauga county, third Monday in April and Septeitiber. McDowell county, on the second Monday after the third Monday in April and September. Mitchell county, fourth Monday after the third Monday in April and September. Yancey county, sixth Mooday after the third Monday in April and September. Madison county, eighth Monday after the third Monday in April and September. Buncombe county, tenth Monday after the third Monday in April and September. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Cherokee county, first Monday in March and August. Clay county, on the third Monday in March and August. Macon county, 2nd Monday after the 3rd Monday in March and August. Jackson county, fourth Monday after the third Monday in March and August. Haywood county, sixth Monday after the third Monday in March and August. Transylvania county, eighth Monday after the third Monday in March and August. Henderson county, tenth Monday after the third Monday in March and August. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Justices— H L Bond, of Maryland ; IHstrict Attorney, D H Star- buck, of Forsythe ; Clerk, N J Riddick ; Marshal, S T Carrow. Time of holding Courts the first Monday in June, and fourth Monday in No- vember, at Ealeigh, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Judge — George W Brooks, of Pasquotank The United States District Courts are held at Elizabeth City, sec- ond Monday in April and October. Samuel T Bond, Clerk Newbern — Fourth Monday in April and October. C Hibbard, Clerk, Wilmington — First Monday after the Court at Newbern. "William Larkins, Clerk. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor— SILAS N MARTIN. € iTY Marshal— W P C AN AD AY. Treasurer— T G SERVOSS. Judge op Special City Court— EDWARD CANT WELL BOARD OF ALDERMEN. 1st Ward — Wm Kellogg and Owen Burney. 2d do D Rumley. 3d do R P Barry and J E Sampson. 4th do George Chadbourn and H S Servoss. 6th do Anthony Howe and William H Thurber. T C Servoss, Clerk ; Silas N Martin, Mayor, ex officio Chairman. CHIEF ENGINEER OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Perry M Rice, POLICE. John Fitzgerald, Captain. Lewis Nixon, Assistant Captain. N A VanSoulen, 1st Sergeant. J J Wright, 2d do. Stephen Walcott, od do. PRIVATES, Toney Ashe. John A Wilson. Robert Wheaton. William Brooks. James H Harris. Richard Fitzgerald. Edw'd Byrd. J M Johnson, a W Green. Ellis White. W H Howe. N Williams. H Kuhl. Charles Taylor. E Joyner. Josh Meares. Lewis Bryan. John Evangelist. E J Jones. Eli Hyatt. G E Burton. Lawrence Allen. D K Davis. Joe Mosely. J W Nash. Joe Green. Fred Williams. Robert McKensie. 'Daniel Haynes. J Scott. New Hanover County Government. Judge of Superior Court — Dan'l L Russel, Jr. Clerk Superior Court and Judge of Probate— J C Mann . Deputy Clerk of Superior Court— George D Flack. Sheriff — J W Schenck, Jr. Deputies — Thos M Gardner and Jasper Bishop. Jailor— Sol W Nash. Register — J W Bivens. R B Wood, Jr, Deputy. COMMISSIONERS. Silas N Martin, Chairman ; E M Shoemaker, A R Black, John C Heyer, James R Lowery. J W Bivens, Clerk ; Robert B Wood, Jr, Deputy. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Wilmington — Anthony Howe, E H McQuigg, Wm H Merrick, Wm M Harriss, George Hooper, Edward Cantwell. Federal Point — Solomon Reeves and Anthony A Hause, Masonboro' — Elijah Hewlett and John G Wagner. Harnett — Daniel C Davis and Delaware Nixon. Cape Fear— Henry E Scott and Murphy Ward. Grant — George W Pollock and Stokely Atkinson. Holden — James Hill and James S Hines. Lincoln — William J Bivens and F H Bell. Caswell — George W Corbett and J F Simpson. Franklin — Elijah J Anders and William Robinson. Union — Hanson F Murphy and Rufus Garriss. Holly — Christopher Rowe and George Page. Columbia— C W Galloway and C F Walker. 261 R. H. GRANT. R. H. COWAN, Jr- New Funiture Store, AND ® onse J! Diusung Hmm GRANT & COWAN, Front between Princess and Market Streets, WILMINGTON, N. C, Are constantly in receipt of the latest and most approved designs and larsrest assortment of ever brought to the Southern market. Our facilities for obtaining goods are such as to enable us to sell at prices that ;,cannot fail to prove satisfactory. In quality we cannot BE EXCELLED. We also keep a large and general stock of A visit to our extensive show rooms, the largest and most complete m the city, will satisfy the most fastideous, that for good goods and reasonable prices we cannot be excelled. We are making arrangements to keep on hand a large assortment of CURTAINS, SASH AND BLINDS, In fact, every thing necessary for house furnishing of the best quality and at the lowest i^riccs. 262 liBBiil' FPlTlIIlTlj ANTI SMUT, AND Fertilizer. This compound lias been extensively and thoroughly tested throughooit the South and West, the ii#§t &st#alsMmg Sn't^^g® Attending it, proving a SURE PREVENTIVE of RUST AND SMUT In WHEAT, OATS, RYE and SMALL GRAINS of aU kinds, ^Ip© mmM ©prate W©pme In QORN and ROT in POTATOES. Thousands of testimo- nials as to its efficacy, from the Most Reliable PLANTERS and GARDENERS Can be shown. In addition to its WONDERFUL AND NEVER FAILING PROPERTIES as a PREVENTIVE of DISEASE IN GRAIN, &c., it possesses immense (Concluded on Page 2 Go,) (Continued from Page 262.) HADDOCKS PREVENTIVE, &c. Its application to the seed gives a healthy geowth and LARGE YIELD witli one-lialf the nourishment from the soil required under ordinary circumstances. A single trial will convince the most skeptical. It is put up in packages of about one pound each. A single package is sufficient for from four to five bushels of &eed wheat,