BY AUTHORITY, THE STATUTES AT LARGE Confederate States of America, PASSED AT THE SECOND SESSION OF THE FIEST CONGEES8; 1862. (Sarcfttllii to Ha t eti raitli tl)c ©riginals at 1a. t c l> m a u tt EDITED BY JAMES M. MATTHEWS, ATTORSKY AT LAW, AND LAW CLERK IS THB PEPARTMKXT OF JCSTICJi. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLf . RICHMOND: R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. 1862. PUBLIC LiL'WS CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, PASSED AT THE SECOND SESSION" FIRST CONGRESS; 1862. i'&itfuUq mllabft fflitlf tjj* (DrigiHflls ui EirjjnianL EDITED BY JAMES M. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAW CLERK IS THE DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE. TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY, RICHMOND: R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. 1862. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill LIST PUBLIC ACTS AND EESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Sits of fitf /irsl CnngrrsH nf iljt €mftkmk States. STATUTE 11—1862. PAGE. Appropriation to pay Choctaw Nation interest due by State of Virginia. An Act making appropriations to comply with the provisions of certain acts of Congress, &c. September 10, 1S62, ch. 1 57 Additional officers of Artillery for Ordnance duties. An Act to authorize the appointment of additional offi- cers of artillery for ordnance duties. September 16. 1362, ch. 2 57 Public Defence. An Act to amend An Act entitled '-An Act to provide for the public defence. September 18, 1862, ch. 3 53 Issue of bonds to pay for iron-clad vessels of war, §'c. An Act to authoiize an issue of Confederate States b mds to meet a contract male by the Secretary of the Navy for six iron-clad vessels of war and steam engines and boilers. September 19, 1862, ch. 4 53 Transfer of Troops. An Act in relation to the transfer of troops. September 33, 1832, ch. 5 53 Further issue of Treasury Notts. An Act to provide for the further issue of Treasury Notes. September 23, 1862, ch. 6 59 Payment of Officers and Soldiers in Missouri belonging to C. S. service. An Act to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri. September 23, 1S62, ch. 7. . .. 59 Rank of Officers of the Provisional corps of Engineers. An Act to regulate the rank of officers of the Pro- visional corps of Engineers. September 23, 1362, ch. 8 63 Marine corps increased. An Act amendatory of " An Act to reorganize the Marine Corps." September 21, 1862, ch . 9 60 Time for assembling of Congress changed. An Act to change the time for the assembling of Congress for its next regular session. September 25, ch. 10 60 Rewards for the apprehension, etc , of persons engaged in forging or uttering counterfeit Treasury Notes. An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to offer a reward for the apprehension and conviction of persons engaged in forging or uttering counterfeit Confederate Treasury Notes. September 26, 1862, ch. 1 1 .' 61 When Chief Clerk of Patent Office may be. dispensed with. An Act to amend An Act entitled "An Act to es- tablish a Patent Office, and to provide for the granting and issue of Patents for new and useful discove- ries, inventions, improvements and designs," approved May 21, 1351. September 26. 1862, ch. 12 61 Pay of Engineer-in-Chief and passed Assistant Surgeons of the Navy. An Act to determine the annnai pay of the Engineer-in-Chief and passed Assistant Surgeons of the Navy. September 26, 1362, ch. 13 Gl Signal Corps increased. An Act to increase the Signal Corps. September 27, 1862, ch. 14 61 Conscription Act amended. An Act to amend An Act entitled : ' An Act to provide further for Che public de- fence," approved April 16, 1862. September 27, 1862, ch. 15 Gl Payment for Postal services. An Act to provide for the payment of sums ascertained to be due for postal service to citizens of the Confederate States by the Postmaster General. September 27, 1862, ch. 16 62 Provision for the sick and wounded of the army in hospitals. An Act to better provide for the sick and wounded of the army in hospitals. September 27, 1862, ch. 17 63 Eastern District of T?xas enlarged, and Marshal to be appointed. An Act to amend An Act entitled "An Act to divide the State of Texas into two Judicial Districts, and to provide for the appointment of Judges and Officers in the same." September 30, 1862, ch. 18 65 Time for payment of taxes, etc., extended. An Act to amend Acts Nos. 223 and 211 of the Provisional Con- gress so as to authorize an extension of the time for selling property for taxes in default. September 30, 1362, ch. 19 6-5 Construction of railroad authorized between Blue Mountain, Alabama, and Rome, Georgia. An Act to ena- ble the President of the Confederate States to provide the means of military transportation by the con- struction of a Railroad between Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and Rome, in the State of Georgia. October 2, 1S62, ch. 20 .' 66 34 5> (I Cl4p iv LIST 0? THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. Adjutant of the grade of subaltern for independent battalions. An Act to amt>nd An Act entitled " An Act providing- for the appointment of Adjutants of regiments and legions, of the grade of subaltern, in ad- dition to the subalterns attached to companies," approved August 31, 1861. October 2, 1S62, ch. 21 66 Soldiers transferred to be furnished with transportation. An Act supplemental to "An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to grant transfers," approved September 23, 1862. October 2, 1862, ch. 22, 65 Oath required to enable soldiers to receive their pay , before whom to be taken. An Act to empower certain persons to administer oaths in certain cases. October 2, 1862, ch. 23 67 Enlistments in the Navy and Marine Corps. An Act to permit enlistments in the Navy and Marine Corps. October 2, 1862, ch. 24 67 Payment of claims of deceased officers, non-commissioned officers and privates. An Act supplementary to " An Act concerning the pay and allowance due to deceased soldiers," approved February 15, 1862, and to provide for the prompt settlement of claims fo arrearages of pay, allowances and bounty due deceas- ed officers and soldiers. October 2. 1862, ch. 25 , 67 Organization of Array Corps. An Act to provide for the organization of army corps. October 6, 1862, ch 26. 68 When the places for holding the District Courts may be changed. An Act to Authorize the Judges of District Courts to change the place of holding court in certain cases. October 2, 1862, ch. 27 63 Special Agents to superintend transportation of mails across the Mississippi river. An Act to authorize the Postmaster General to employ certain agents to superintend and secure the certain and speedy transpor- tation of the mails across the Mississippi river, in the Confederate States. October 6, 1862, ch. 28 68 Establishment of Camps of Instruction. An Act to authorize the establishment of Camps of Instruction and the appointment of officers to command the same. October 8, 1S62, ch. 29. 69 Clothing to soldiers to be furnished in kind. An Act to repeal the law authorizing commutation for soldiers' clothing and to require clothing to be furnished by the Secretary of War in kind. October S, 1S62, ch. 30 69 Manufacture of Clothing and Shoes for the Army. An Act to encourage the manufacture of clothing and shoes for the Army, October 8, 1862, ch. 31 .- 69 Excess of War Tax paid by State of Lousiana to be refunded. An Act to refund to the State of Louisiana the excess of the war tax overpaid by her. October 8, 1862, ch. 32 69 Excess of War Tax paid by State of North Carolina to be refunded. An Act to repay to the State of North Car- olina the excess over her quota paid by her into the Treasury of the Confederate States on account of the war tax. Octobers, 1862, ch. 33 70 Enrollment of Conscripts. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to further provide for the public defence," approved 16th of April, and the Act to amend the same, approved September 27th, 1862. Oc- tober 8, 1862, ch. 34 70 Assistant Adjutant General added to the Adjutant and Inspector GeneraVs Department. An Act to amend an Act entitled •■ An Act for the organization of the staff departments of the army of the Confederate States of America," approved March 14th, 1861. Octobers, 1832, ch. 35 70 Organization of Military Courts. An Act to organize military courts to attend the army of the Confederate States in the field, and to define the powers of said courts. October 9, 18132, ch. 36 71 Shoes for the Army. An Act to provide shoes for the army. October 9, 1862, ch. 37 72 Appropriations for the support of the Governm nt for the month of December, 1862. An Act making appro- priations for the Executive,' Legislative and Judicial expenses of the Government for the month of De- cember, 1862. October 9, 1862, ch. 33 72 Certain Regiments or Battalions heretofore raised may be accepted and placed in the service. An Act to au- thorize the President to accept and place in the service certain regiments and battalions heretofore raised. October 11, 1862, ch. 39 74 Pay and Mileage of Delegates from Indian Nations. An Act to fix the pay and mileage of the delegates from the several Indian nations, authorized to have delegates under their respective treaties. October 11, 1S62, ch.40 75 Places of Rendezvous for enrolled men. An Act to establish places of rendezvous for the examination of en- rolled men. October It, 1862, ch. 41 75 Payments to be mide to District Collectors of the War Tax in certain cases, etc. An act supplemental to an Act entitled " An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasu/y to pay district collectors in certain cases," approved April 11, 1362. October 11, 1862, ch. 42 76 President may accept the services of volunteers in those States and Districts in which the Conscript acts are superseded ; and may also appoint officers of Regiments, etc., before the same are organized. An Act to amend an Act entitled " An Act to raise an additional military force to serve during the war," approved Sth May, 1S6I. and to provide for the raising of forces in the States of Missouri and Kentucky. October 11, 1812, ch. 43 .-•-■ 76 Bounty secured to soldiers and officers, though dead or discharged. An Act amendatory of an Act entitled "An Act provi'ling for the granting of bounties and furloughs to privates and non-commissioned officers in the Provisional Army," approved December eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one October 11, 1862, ch. 44 77 Persons Exempt from Military duty. An Act to exempt certain persons from military duty, and to repeal an Act entitled " An Act to exempt certain persons from enrollment for service in the army of the Confed- erate States," approved 21st April, 1862. October 11, 1862, ch. 45 77 Term of office of certain War tax Collectors extended. An Act to extend the term of office of certain war tax collectors. October 13, 1862, ch. 46 80 Pay of certain officers and employees in the Executive and Legislative and Executive departments^ increased. An Act to increase the pay of certain officers and employees in the executive and legislative depart- ments. October 13, 1832, ch. 47 80 Appointment of Naval Storekeepers. An Act to authorize the appointment of naval storekeepers. October 13. 1862, ch . 43 80 Importation by our enemies of spurious Treasury notes, punished and repressed. An act to punish and repress the importation by our enemies, of notes purporting to be notes of the Treasury of the Confederate States. October 13. 1862, ch. 49 •.•• 80 Appropriations for the support of the Government for the month of January, 1S63. An Act making appropria- tions for the support of the Government for the month of_ January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and fir certain deflcieuces and other purposes therein mentioned. October 13, 1862, ch. 50 81 Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended. An Act authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Octo- ber 13, 1862, ch. 51 81 Commutation in lieu of quarters allowed Superintendent of Army Intelligence Office and his clerks, and pay of clerks increased. An act. to grant commutation for quarters to the Superintendent of the " Army In- telligence Office," an 1 his clorks, and to increase the compensation of said clerks. October 13, 1362, ch. 52 81 President authorized to make certain appointments during recess of the Senate. An Act to authorize the Pre- sident to mike certain appointments during the recess of the Senate. October 13, 1862, ch. 53 85 Pay or Cadets. An Act to regulate and fix the pay of Cadets in the service of the Confederate States. Octo- ber 1 3, 1862. ch . 5 ! 85 Salary of Assistant Attorney General increased. An Act to equalize the salary of the Assistant Attorney General with that of other Assistant Secretaries and the chiefs of Bureaus. October 1.3, 1862, ch. 55. . 85 Vict President, may employ a Secretary. An Act to authorize the Vice President of the Confederate States to employ a secretary, October 13, 1852, ch. 56 85 LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. v Rtli'f of the Army of disqualified, disabled and incompetent Officers. An Act to relieve rhe army of disqual- ified, disabled and incompetent officers. October 13, 1S62, ch. 57 85 Interest on funded, the debt reduced. An Act to reduce the rates of interest in the funded debt of the Confed- erate States. October 13, 186-2, ch. 58 87 Public Printing. AnActtoamend "An Act in relation to public printing," approved February 27, 1S61. October 13, 1862, ch. 59 87 Post Routes established. An Act to establish certain post routes therein named. October 13, 1862, ch. 60 87 Medals and Badges oj distinction. An Act to authorize the grant of medals and badges of distinction as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of battle. October 13, 1SG2, ch. 61 89 Protection to Slave owners. An Act to protect the rights of owners of slaves taken by or employed in the army. October 13, 1862, ch. 62 89 PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. No. 1. Thanhs of Congress to Semmes and his command. Joint resolutionof thanks to Captain Ra- phael Semmes, officers and crew of the steamer Sumter. September 9, 1362 91 No. 2. Thanks of Congress to Conmander Far rand and Captain A. Drevjry and their command. Joint reso- lution of thanks to Commander Farrand of the Confederate Navy, senior officer in command of the naval and military forces, and Captain A Drewry, senior military officer, and the officers and men under their command at Drewry's Bluff, on the 15th May, 1832. September 16, 1862 91 Ko. 3. Alterations in building occupied by the Post Office department. Joint resolution to authorize the Postmaster General to cause certain alterations to be made in the building now occupied by the Post Office Department. September 27, 1862 91 No. 4. Thanks of Congress to Lieut. J. N. Brownand his command. Joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. J. N. Brown and all under hi3 command. October 2, 1862 91 ERRATUM. Page. Ck. Sect. Line. 71, 36, 4, 1, For "officers'' read "offences/ PUBLIC ACTS OP THE FIRST CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the City of Richmond, in the State of Virginia, on Monday, the eighteenth day of August, A. D., 1S62, and ended on Monday, the thirteenth day of October, A. D., 1S62. Jefferson Davis, President. Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-Pre- sident, and President of the Senate. Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chap. I. — Jin Jlct making appropriations to comply with the previsions of certain Acts of Con- Sept. 10, 1852. gress, |*c. ' The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Appropriation to the sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars be and the same are Fnterest°due™/stai8 hereby appropriated cut of any money in the Treasury not otherwise of Virginia. appropriated, to pay the Choctaw nation of Indians the interest due July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, by the State of Virginia, upon four hundred and fifty thousand dollars invested* in the Choctaw General Fund, which interest has been placed by the said State in the Treasury of the Confederate States, in trust for said Indians. Approved Sept. 10 ; 1862. Chap. II. — Jin Jlct to authorize the appointment of additional officers of Cfrtillery for ordnance Frpt. 16, lff.3. duties. " The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That Appointment of ad- the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, may £Sn"Sf^rtoan« appoint seventy officers of artillery in the Provisional Army, for the duties, performance of ordnsnee duties, in addition to those authorized by the Act entitled " An Act to authorize the appointment of officers of ar- tillery in the Provisional Army," approved .April twenty-first eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and that from the whole number of artillery officers appointed to discharge ordnance duties, there shall be one with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel for each command composed of more EaDk- than one army corps, one with the rank of Major for each army corps 58 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 3 ; 4, 5. 1862. composed of more than one division, and the residue with the rank of Captain and of First and Second Lieutenant in such proportion as the President shall prescribe. Approved Sept. 16, 1862. Sept. 18, 1865. Chap. III. — An Act to attend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the public defence." 1861, March 6 7y, e Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Act proviuin ,r ror . ■/ •/ * the public defence the sixth section of the Act to provide for the public defence, approved amended. on ^ ne s j x th f March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be amended by adding after the words "brigades into divisions, " the words " and divisions into army corps," and each army corps shall be commanded by a Lieutenant-General, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall receive the pay of a Brigadier-General. Approved Sept. 18, 1862. Sept. 39, 1862. Chap. IV. — An Act to authorize an issue of Confederate States bonds to meet a contract made ly the Secretary of the Navy for six iron-clad vessels of war and steam engines and boilers. Further issue of The Congress of the Confederate States cf America do enact, That bo^s^uthoriz^to tne Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized to issue, payforiron-ciadves- in addition to the amounts heretofore authorized to be issued, three constructed abroad, millions five hundred thousand dollars of Confederate States bonds, under the provisions and conditions of the Act entitled " An Act to authorize the issue of Treasury notes, and to provide a war tax for 1861, Aug. 19. their redemption," approved August nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and by the further supplemental Act to the above cited i86i 3 Dec. 19. Act, approved December nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, to meet a contract made by the Secretary of the Navy for six iron-clad vessels of war aud six steam engines and boilers complete, to be constructed abroad, and said bonds, when issued, shall be delivered to the persons entitled to them under the above recited contract. Approved Sept. 19, 1862. <-. nn io,-> CriAr. V. — An Act in relation to the transfer of troops. Sept. 23, 1%2. j j Transferof privates The Congress of the Confederate States of JJmerica do enact, That and iioiieommis- it shall be the duty of ihe Secretary of War to transfer any private or sioacd officers. .. j^r 1 u • • ^ e a± *. r non-commissioned omcer who may be in a regiment Irom a State of this Confederacy other than his own, to a regiment from his own State, whenever such private or non-commissioned officer may apply for such transfer, and whenever such transfer can be, made without injury to the public service; and the Secretary of War shall make regulations to facilitate such transfer : Provided, that this act shall not apply to any one who has enlisted as a substitute. Approved Sept. 23, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 6, 7. 1862. 59 Chap. VI. — An Act to provide for the further issue of Treasury notes. Sept. 23, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Secretary of the the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized, from w make' further issue time to time, to issue, in addition to the bonds, certificates of stock. °f bonds, certificates ii i-iii i • • ot su,c 'k and I rea- and treasury notes already authorized by law, such additional amount sun- notes. of the same as may be required to pay the appropriations made by Congress, at its last and present sessions, to be issued under the same forms, conditions and restrictions as are or may be provided by the first section of the act entitled "An act to provide further means for the support of the Government," approved April eighteenth, eighteen 1862, April 18. hundred and sixty-two; the bonds and certificates of stock to be issued in preference in all cases where the} 7 ' can be used ; and where they cannot, the deficiency to be supplied by Treasury notes. Sec. 2. That the. authority given to the Secretary of the Treasury, , n £, ct °f A P ril 18: , h > J *> J J ' 1862, authorizing the in the second section of an act entitled "An act to provide lurther issue, in exchange means for the support of Government," approved April eighteenth, o^bond^ &c y , rec™' eiehtcen hundred and sixty-two, to issue in exchange for Treasury vertibie in the same, " ° J extended notes, bonds or certificates to be inconvertible in the same, at the iss:2. April is. pleasure of the holder, shall be extended from fifty millions to one hundred millions of dollars; but the said authority shall be exercised under all the conditions and limitations prescribed in the said act. Sec. 3. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to pay annually interest to be paid ,i • , . • l\ c L c r ii • i 4 i • annually on ail inter- tne interest accruing, on the first ot January, on all interest-bearing est -bearing Treasury Treasury notes, and to make all proper regulations in relation to such Ii0tes- payment : Provided, that until six months after a treaty of peace, such Proviso. payment shall be made in Treasury notes not bearing interest. Sec. 4. The issue of Treasury notes under the denomination of five Is?ue "f Tr . past,! r j ,, . ... . - . .... „ , ., notes under §5 ex- doliars is authorized to be extended to ten millions of dollars. tended to $10,000,- Approved Sept. 23, 1S82. o0iJ - Chap. VII. — An Act t) provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate States in Sept. 23, 1863. the State of Missouri. The Confess of the Confederate States of America do enact, That I . 0ffi ?^ r . and .? 0? - v? «/ »' */ * cIIpi's in Missouri, bt*- all officers and soldiers belonging to the Confederate States service who longing toe. s. ser- were enrolled into said service under the command of Major General uioeonimandofMa- Sterling Price, in the State of Missouri, shall be allowed bv the quar- j° r General Price , t;. termasters of the respective corps in the Confederate Arm} 7 to which such officers and soldiers may belong, compensation according to the laws of the Confederate States for that period of their service between the time of such troops having been actually enrolled in the Confede- rate service and the time of their regular acceptance by the proper authorities as Confederate troops. Sec. 2. All officers and soldiers of the Missouri State Guard, called A,i0 ; officers and ■ . , . c ,, „ „ , _, i.i i c soldiers of the. Mis- mto the service oi tne Ccniederate States by the order ot any com- souri state Guard in manding officer of the Confederate Army, and rendering service to thesa "' oscrvice - the Confederate States under any agreement made between the authori- ties of the State of Missouri and those of the Confederate States, shall receive the same pay for the time during which such officers and sol- diers may have been in such service as they would have been entitled to receive if belo; ging to the Confederate Army; Provided, however, Proviso. That all staff officers belonging to said Missouri State Guard shall only receive for their services the same compensation with staff officers dis- charging like duties in the Confederate Army. GO FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gs. 8, 9, 10. 1862. Certificate of vice required. Affidavit. Sec. 3 Before any officer or soldier shall be entitled to receive pay under the provisions of the two preceding sections, he shall present to the officer to whom he may apply for payment a certificate signed by the comma-ndant of the division, brigade, regiment or battalion to which he may have belonged at the time of the rendition of service, which 5er - certificate shall state the precise period during which such officer or soldier was in actual service, as contemplated in the first and second sections of this act : And provided, further, That the said officer or sol- dier shall file with the disbursing officer with whom his applica 4 ion for payment may be made his affidavit that the period stated in said cer- tificate is the true and correct time of his actual service as aforesaid, and that he is not indebted to the Confederate States on any account whatever; and thereupon it shall be the duty of any officer charged with the payment of troops to pay such claim. Approved Sept. 23,1862. Sept 53.1862. Chap. VIII. — Jin Act to regulate the rank of officers of the Provisional Corps of Engineers. wimtrar.krmiybe j$ e Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That ofthe Engineer corps the officers of the Engineer corps of the Provisional Army may have Armydurai^bTwar! ran ^ conferred on them during the war, equal to that authorized by law for the Engineer corps of the Confederate States Army : Provided. Number of officers Xhat the number of officers in each °;rade be limited to one colonel, in eacb grade limited. ,. . . ° r ...... ; three lieutenant colonels, six majors, forty captains, thirty first lieuten- ants and twenty second lieutenants. Approved Sept. 23, 1862. Sept. 24, 1862. Chap. IX. — An Act amendatory of "An Jlct to reorganize the Marine Corps Marine corps in- creased. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be allowed to the Ma- rine corps, in addition to the number of non-commissioned officers and musicians allowed by the first section of the act of Congress approved May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, twenty sergeants, , „ twenty corporals, twenty drummers, twenty titers and two principal Pay and allowance . J . > ' . . •> ..' J . , j l of principal musi- musicians, each principal musician to receive the pay and allowance eian " of a sergeant major. Afpkoved Sept. 24, 1862. Sent. 25.1862. Chap. X. — .In Act to change the time for the assembling of Congress for its next regular session. The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That Time for as=em- ^ e Congress of the Confederate States of America, for its next regu- Mingof Coneres.? for ]ar session, shall assemble on the second Monday in January, eighteen sion^cba 1 !) 1 ^''. a ' &6S hundred and sixty-three, and not on the first Monday in December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Approved Sept. 25, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 11, 12, 13, 14 15. 1862. Gl Chap. XI. — An Act authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to offer a reward for the apprehension Sept. 23, 1362. and conviction of persons engaged in forging or uttering counterfeit Confederate Treasury notes. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Rewards author the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized to offer Lension, &c, ot P per- a reward, not to exceed five thousand dollars, for the apprehension and sons engaged m for- . . . - ,.-.' ' ' . _ sing Treasury notes. conviction of any person engaged in lorgmg cr uttering counterfeit Con- federate Treasury notes. Approved Sept. 26, 1862. Chap. XII. — An Act to amend an Act entitled ''-An Act to establish a Patent Office, and to provide Sept. ~i. » .. for the granting and issue of patents for new and useful discoveries, inventions, improvements and designs^" approved May 21, 1S61. When chief clerk the Patent Oflic The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That f the clause of the second section of the above recited act, which re- may he dispensed quires the appointment of a chief clerk of the Patent Office, shall not W1 be held obligatory if the current business of said office shall not require .the services of such an officer; and that the Commissioner of Patents may, in his discretion, with the approval of the Attorney Gene- ral, dispense with a chief clerk for such cause, or whenever the revenue of the Patent Office is insufficient to enable it to be self-sustaining. Approved Sept. 26, 1862. Chap. XIII. — An Act to determine the annual pay of the Engineer-in-chief and passed assiitant Sept. 2G, 1862. Surgeons of the navy. — " The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That . P ^X ° f f E ,?% xnc „ er ~ o j 'j _ j » m-chief of the navy the annual pay of the Engineer-in-chief of the navy, and passed as- and passed assistant sistant Surgeons shall be as follows : Engineer-in-chief three thousand bur s eon3 ' dollars ; passed assistant Surgeons, for service afloat, seventeen hun- dred dollars ; for shore or other duty, fifteen hundred dollars ; when on leave or waiting orders, twelve hundred dollars. Approved Sept. 28, 1862. Chap. XIV. — An Act to increase the Signal corps. Sept. 27. 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Signal corps in- the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, may appoint one major, ten first and ten second lieutenants, in the Signal corps, and that the Secretary of War may appoint twenty additional sergeants in the said corps. Approved Sept. 27, 1862. Chap. XV. — An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide further for the public defence,' 1 Sept. 27, 1862. approved April 16, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That All white men, re- the President be and he is hereby authorized to call out and place in federate states t>"- the military service cf the Confederate States for three years, unless tweenthe ages of 35 62 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gte. 16. 1862. fn d ttl- mu?ar Pla ser d ^ e war S ^ 0U W have been sooner ended, all white men, who are resi- vice. ^ ' dents of the Confederate States, between the ages of thirty five and forty-five years, at the time the call or calls may be made, and who are not, at such time or times, legally exempted from military service, or such part thereof as, in his judgment, may be necessary to the public defence, such call or calls to be made under the provisions and accord- ing to the terms of the act to which this is an amendment ; and such Also all persons authority shall exist in the President during the present war, as to all who now are or may persons who now are or may hereafter become eighteen years of age, Siereatler become 18 ' ■■ , 11 i n i ± ,i ' c • i i l years of age. and when once enrolled, all persons between the ages or eighteen and forty-five shall serve their full time : Provided, That if the President, in calling out troops into the service of the Confederate States, shall first call for only a part of the persons between the ages hereinbefore stated, he shall call for those between the ages of thirty-five and any "Whcrp rtll "\yg not • • * required, who to be other age less than forty- five : Provided, That nothing herein contain- Sm called out. ec j s hall be understood as repealing or modifying any part of the act to which this is amendatory, except as herein expressly stated : And Provided, further, That those called out under this act, and the act to which this is an amendment, shall be first and immediately ordered to Disposition made ^ *° their maximum number the companies, battalions, squadrons and ofpersons called into regiments from the respective States at the time the act to the military s en ;e. f^^g,. provide for the public defence, approved sixteenth April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, was passed, and the surplus, if any, shall be assigned to organizations formed ' from each State since the passage of that act, or placed in new organizations to be officered by the State having such residue, according to the laws _ ., thereof, or disposed of as now provided bylaw: Provided That the President ir ny ?';;?- ' i •* . , pend the execution President is authorized to suspend the execution of this act, or the act Set of Amii 16 d i863 to which this is an amendment, in any locality where he may find it in certain localities' impracticable to execute the same, and that in such locality, and during pension"ma S yrecei've said suspension, the President is authorized to receive troops into the u-oops therefrom. Confederate service, under any of the acts passed by the Confederate Congress prior to the passage of the act to provide further for the pub- lic defence, approved sixteenth April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Approved Sept. 27, 1862. S ept. 37, 1 852. Chap. XVI. — An Act to provide for the payment of sums ascertained to be due for postal ser- vice to citizens of the Confederate Stales by tlie Poshriader General. Postmaster Gene- The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That the fmnuUue to persons Postmaster-General of the Confederate States do proceed to pay to the se- ^ce^end'ered'ur^r vera ^ persons, or their lawfully authorized agents or representatives, the contracts or appoint- sums respectively found due and owing to them for postal service render- u e 8! S Go\ a c d rnment thS e ^ m any of the States of this Confederacy, under contracts or appoint- ments made by the United States Government, before the Confederate States Government took ciiarge of such service, as the said sums have been audited and ascertained by him under the provisions of an Act entitled " An Act to collect for distribution the moneys remaining in the several post-offices of the Confederate States at the time the postal service was taken in charge by said Government," approved the thirtieth 1861, Aug. so. August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one ; but the sums authorized by this Act to be paid are only the balances found due after all proper deductions shall have been made on account of previous payments made by the United States, or any of the States, or of available provisions made in whole or in FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 17. 1362. 63 part for such payment by. said Government, or of any of the States, and after making all proper deductions for failures or partial failures to per- form the service according to their several contracts or appointments during the time for which they claim pay : Provided, That the provi- sions of this Act shall only extend to loyal citizens of the Confederate States. Approved Sept. 27, 1862. Proviso. Chap. XVII. — An Act to letter provide for the side and wounded of the array in hospitals of Ike Confederate States of America do enact, That Commutation value J , c l' c • i ''i v ui i u- • iU nxedjOt rationsof sol- value ot raaons ot sick and disabled soldiers, in the diers in the hospitals.* The Congress oj the commutation value of rations of sick and disabled soldiers, in the uicrTuuhc hospitals. hospitals of the Confederate States, is hereby fixed at one dollar, in- stead of the commutation now allowed by law, which shall constitute the hospital fund, and be held by the commissary, and be paid over by w! " 7cm 'am ted 5 by him, from time to time, to the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in charge whom held, and how of the hospital of which the soldier, whose ration was commuted, is an pl^'"^ ° orappro ~ inmate, upon the said Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon's requisition, made in writing, when necessary to purchase supplies for said hospital : Pro- Pr0Vls0 - tided, however, when said fund for anyone hospital shall increase over and above the monthly expenditures of the same to an amount exceed- ing the sum of five thousand dollars, the said commissary shall be re- quired to deposit the said excess over and above the said five thousand dollars, in the Treasury of the Confederate States, or such other place of deposit where Government moneys are ordered to be kept; which said deposits, when so made, shall be passed to the credit of the said Confederate States, and be liable to draft as other public moneys are ; and all such funds shall be accounted for by the said commissary Commissary to ae- ••it i count lor funds. in his monthly report aud abstract as now required by law: And pro- vided further, That all such Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons who shall M ^ ik l^anT g Su°- receive from the said commissary any part of said hospital fund, to be geons. expended for the use of hospitals, shall be held liable for a faithful ap- plication of it, and in a weekly account and abstract, to be made out and forwarded to the office of the Surgeon-General, to be verified in Account to be ver- i i i ii i i i- • ■ i i ined by vouchers. every instance by vouchers, shall show What disposition has been made of it, which account, abstract, and accompanying vouchers, shall be placed on file. m Sec. 2. That the Secretan ? of War is hereby authorized and directed Pl ippiies P fo'r ho'spitais to make a contract with the several railroad companies and lines of by railroads & boats, boats, for the speediest practicable transportation of all supplies pur- chased for the use of hospitals by agents accredited by the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in charge for that purpose, or donations bv individu- als, societies, or States; and it shall be lawful for the Quartermaster- General to furnish general transportation tickets to such agents upon all railroad trains and canal boats, when engaged in the actual service of said hospitals upon the request of the said Surgeon or Assistant Sur- geon. Sec. 3. That there shall be allowed to each hospital of the Confede- Clothing allowed rate States, suits of clothing, consisting of shirts, pantaloons and draw- ' ^ ers, equal to the number of beds in the same, for the use of the sick while in the hospitals, when so ordered by the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in charge, which said clothing shall be drawn upon the written requisition of said Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon, and shall be receipted U FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. U. 1862. for and kept as hospital clothing, and be accounted for by him as other public propertj'. . aie U i r i 0n ^es a iiKi aT Sec. 4. That there be allowed to each hospital, with rations and tendants allowed. suitable places of lodging, the following matrons and female nurses and attendants, viz : Two matrons, to be known and designated as hospital matrons in chief, at a salary not to exceed forty dollars per month each, • whose general duties shall be to exercise a superintendence over the entire domestic economy of the hospital, to take charge of such delica- cies as may be provided for the sick, to apportion them out as required, to see that the food or dist is properly prepared, and all such other du- ties as may be necessary. Two matrons, to be known and designated as assistant matrons, whose general duties shall be to superintend the laundry, to take charge of the clothing of the sick, the bedding of the hospital, to see that they are kept clean and neat, and perform such other duties as may be necessary, at a salary not to exceed thirty-five dollars per month each. Two. matrons for each ward, at a salary not to exceed thirty dollars per month each, to be known and designated as ward-matrons, whose general duties shall be to prepare the beds and bedding of their respective wards, to see that they are kept clean and in order, that the food or diet for the sick is carefully prepared and fur- nished to them, the medicine administered, and that all patients requir- ing careful nursing are attended to, and all such other duties as may be Purgeons and As- necessary. And all Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in charge of a employ o™h^r°nurso/ hospital are hereby authorized to employ such other nurses, either male cooks and ward-mas- or female, as may be necessary to the proper care and attention of the sick, at a salary each not to exceed twenty-five dollars per month, and also the necessary cooks, at a salary not to exceed twent} r -five dollars each per month, and one ward-master for each ward, at a salary not to exceed twenty-five dollars per month each, giving preference in all cases to females where their services may best subserve the purpose ; When soldiers in an( J in the event a sufficient number of such nurses and ward-masters assigned as nurses cannot be employed, not liable to military service, and it shall become' and ward masters, necessary to assign to this duty soldiers in the service, then, upon the requisition of such Surgeon or Assi-tant Surgeon in charge of such hospital, the soldier or soldiers so assigned, who are skillful and com- petent, shall be permanently detailed to this duty, and -shall only be re- movable for neglect or inattention by the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon Proviso - in charge: Provided, In all cases, that all other attendants and servants, not herein provided for, necessary to the service of said hospital, shall be allowed, as now provided by law. Hospitals to lie Sec. 5. That the hospitals of the Confederate States shall hereafter tais of a particular be known and numbered as hospitals of a particular State ; and in all State - cases where the same can be done without injury to the patients or great inconvenience to the government, all sick or wounded soldiers, Sick or woumied being citizens or residents of such particular State, shall be sent to soldiers to be sent to , °. . , . , l , . . , D . , hospital representing such ho.spital as may represent the same, and to such private or fetate they reside in W '' ich hospitals representing the same, which may be willing to receive them. Nurses, cooks, ju-., «Sec. 6. That all persons authorized to be employed by section fourth by whom" anid how! ' of this act, who are not -engaged in the military service, and whose pay is not now provided for by law, shall be paid monthly by any quar- termaster or other person authorized to pay troops in the military ser- vice, upon a muster or pay roll, to be made out and certified to by the surgeon or assistant having in charge the hospital or hospitals in which said persons have been employed. Secretary of War Sec. 7. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, in such certelnarrangementa wa y an( ^ manner as he may deem best, and under such rules and regu- tor the transportation lations as he may prescribe, to enter into and perfect some suitable ar- FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cii. 18, 19. 1862. 05 rangement with the railroad companies, their officers or authorized °" d ra ^ r u u a ,ij C d f soi- agents, whereby seats in one or more cars of each railroad train, as the diers. necessities of the case may be, shall'be reserved for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers who may desire transportation on any such rail- road, and that no person not sick or wounded, and not an attendant upon the sick and wounded, shall be permitted to enter any such car or cars so reserved until the said sick and wounded and their attendants shall first have obtained seats ; and, also, shall perfect some arrangement with the said railroad companies, their officers or agents, whereby all conductors having in charge any such traius shall be required to pro- And also for a suf- vide, for the use of the sick and wounded in the cars so reserved, a suf- ^re^aSto their cient quantity of puve water. use in the ears. Sec. 8. That all surgeons and assistant surgeons in charge of a hos- pital, having in his or their charge any sick or wounded soldier, desiring transportation as aforesaid, shall, in all cases, detail some competent Surgeons to detail 1 . .... . . -. -tiii persons to accom- person, acting under his or their authority, w T hose duty it shall be to pany the sick and accompany all such sick and wounded to the depot of any such rail- ^""f" 1 t0 railro:id road, to see that all such are properly cared for, and that they obtain Their duties, scats on the said car or cars so reserved. Approved Sept. 27, 1862. Chap. XVIIT. — An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to divide the State of Texas into two Sept. 30, 1862. Judicial Districts, and to p>rovidefor the appointment of Judges and officers in the same." ' ■ The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Eastern Districtof the counties of Matagorda, Wharton, Colorado, Washington and Burle- ai£e son are hereby attached to the Eastern District of Texas, and all suits hereafter instituted against persons residing in any of said counties shall be instituted in the court of said district held at Galveston, until otherwise ordered by the judge of said district : Provided, however, Proviso. That all suits and other proceedings instituted against persons or pro- perty in any of said counties shall be prosecuted to final judgment and execution under the laws now in force. Marshal to be ap- ^ -i mi • ini-Tiri t\- • „ pointed for the court Sec. 2. that there shall be appointed a Marshal for the District of held at Galveston. Eastern Texas, for the court held at Galveston, and the Marshal fpr dE^oi- pastern the District of Eastern Texas shall be the Marshal for the court held Texas to be ttie Mar- , m i shal for the court at lyler. held at Tyler. Approved Sept. 30, 1862. Chap. XIX. — Jn Act- to amend Acts Kos. 223 and 311 of the Provisional Congress so as io au- Sept. 30, 1862. thorize an extension of the time for selling property for taxes in default. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That The time for the whenever the Secretary of the Treasury may have found it necessary seinnj^VV^ty 8 in' to extend the time for making the assessments aad returns provided for default of payment, by said acts, he shall have authority, at his discretion, to make an ex- i86i,Aug. 19. tension of the time fixed by said acts, for the payment of the tax, or 1861, Dec. 19. for the sale in default of said payment, and otherwise to provide as may be necessary to render efficient the execution of the said acts, not- withstanding such extension. Approved Sept. 30, 1862. 66 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. IJ. Ch. 20, 21, 22. 18S2. Oct. 2, 1S63. Chap. XX. — An Act to enable the President of the Confederate States to provide the means of ..military transportation by the construction of a railroad between Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and Rome in the State of Georgia. Preamble. Whereas, The Confederate States are engaged in a war, the extent of which has no parallel in modern history, and the President, by his message of the twenty-fourth of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to the Congress, has recommended the importance of constructing a railroad between Blue Mountain, in Calhoun county, Alabama, and Rome, in the State of Georgia, as a means of transpor- tation needful for the public defence, and the construction of which is also strongly recommended by the General in command of the military district in which said road is situated : Therefore, Construction of rail The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That tw^en U Biue Z Moun- the President be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to make tain, in caihoun eo., a u contracts, embracing such terms and provisions as he may deem ex- ' ' pedient, to effect a speedy construction and completion of the link of railroad aforesaid, with the several railroad companies whose charters extend over said line, in the manner he may think best calculated to promote the public interest and provide for the public defence. Appropriation for Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That to enable the President to accom- this purpose. plish the object Herein contemplated, the sum of one million one hun- dred and twenty-two thousand, four hundred and eighty dollars and ninety-two cents, in the bonds of the Confederate States, is hereby ap- propriated, to be issued and applied by the order of the President, at such times and in such sums as he may deem proper ; and that the Mortgage on the President be directed to take a mortgage on said road and its appurte- road to be taken. nances f or the ultimate repayment of the money so expended, with interest at eight per centum per annum, in aid of its construction. Approved Oct. 2, 1-862. Oct. 2, 1862. C::ap. XXI. — An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act providing for the appointment of Adju- tants of regiments and legions, of the grade of subaltern, in addition to the subalterns at- tached to companies," approved August 3lst, 1801. Act of August 31, The Congress of the Confederate States of Ameaica do enact, That ti»r ap^ntm'ent f of tne provisions of said Act shall be extended so as to apply to indepen- Adjntantsofregm't3, dent battalions, and that on the recommendation of the commander of subaltern, 6 extended an 7 s\.\ch. battalion, an Adjutant of the grade of subaltern may be ap- Bo as to apply to in- pointed by the President for said battalion, who is not attached as sub- dependent battalions ' * . 1 .1 . "I A V L . 1 ' i J 1 11 altern to said battalion, and that said Adjutant, when so appointed, shall Rank, pay and ai- have the same rank, pay and allowance as are provided by law for Ad- lowance. jutants of regiments. Approved Oct. 2, 1S62. Oct. 2. ISfi^. Chap. XXII.— An Act supplemental to "An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to grant 1 ransfers,-" approved September -2 r M, 1S62. soldiers transfer- The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That wnhua^ P oSn 6d whenever the Secretary of War shall grant transfers agreeable to the above Act to any soldier now in the service, he shall furnish transpor- tation also. Approved Oct. 2, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 23/24, 25. 1S62. 67 Chap. XXIII. — An Act to empower certain persons to administer oaths in certain cases. Oct. 2, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That oath required to the oath required to enable sick, wounded, or other soldiers to receive cefve^heirTavTbo" their pay, may be taken before any Quartermaster, who is hereby au- forewiiom to be ta- thorized to administer the same, or before any Justice of the peace hay- ing jurisdiction, or any other officer having the right by the laws of the State to administer oaths. Approved Oct., 2, 1882. Chap. XXIV. — .in Act to permit enlistments in the A'avy and Marine corps. Oct. 2, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Persons subject to r i Vi a „ e if 1 .1 _ u - ij 11 enrollment for mili- lrom and alter the passage or tnis Act, any person subject to enroll- tar y service may en- ment for military service under the Acts of Congress providing for the list in the Marine public defence, shall be permitted to enlist in the Marine corps at any time prior to being mustered into the Army of the Confederate States : Provided, That the number of men so enlisted does not increase the Proviso. Marine corps beyond the strength authorized by law. Sec. 2. That if any person who has been or is about to be enrolled May be enrolled for for service in the Army shall, at any time before being assigned to any or^MaVniVeorp^at company, declare to the enrolling or commanding officer that he pre- any time before as- c t • 11 j r ii l v ,1 i\,t • -i 1 11 l signmenttoany com- iers being enrolled lor service in the Navy or the Marine corps, it shall be p any. the duty of the said officer to enroll such person for the service which Pay of sailors and r -1 , , -i . ,1 o , c 1 ^t i- . „ marines increased. he may prefer, and to transmit to the Secretary ot tne Navy a list of the persons so enrolled. Sec. 3. That from and after the passage of this act, the pay of sail- Duty of enrolling ors and marines shall be increased four dollars per month. officer. Approved Oct. 2, 1862. Chap XXV. — An Act supplementary to '■''An Act concerning the pay and allowance due to de- Oct. 3, 186 2. ceased, soldiers," approved February \5th, 1862, and, to provide for the prompt settlement of claims for arrearages of pay , allowances and bounty due deceased officers aud soldiers. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That When claims due , . i i i i • • i re i t° deceased n o n - claims due to deceased non-commissioned officers and privates ior pay, commissioned om- allowances and bounty, may be audited and paid without the necessi- cer t an ?, P ri ™ te8 i , , J ■, iii- • any be paid without ty ct the parties entitled producing a pay roll from the captain or producing pay roil. commanding officer, when there is other official evidence of the amount due satisfactory to the second auditor, under such regulations as he has or may prescribe, with the approval of the Secretary of War. Sec. 2. The claims of deceased commissioned officers shall be paid Claims of deceased , ., • i ■ , ,• ■ ,. ..,,*. commissioned offi- to their heirs or representatives in tne same manner as similar claims C ers paid in same of non-commissioned officers and privates are now or may be directed manner as claims of u i i u -j j i ■ ,iL i im. • xi- x u non-commissioned by law to be paid ; and to assist the second auditor in more erxectually officers and privaies. carrying out the provisions of this act and other pressing business of his office, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint an ex- perienced accountant who, with the chief clerk, shall have authority Experienced ac- to sign and attest such official business as said auditor shall approve ported" t^'aJsis't se- and direct. cond auditor. Sec 3. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereb}' authorized to em- ploy in the office of the second auditor as many additional temporary Also, additional clerks as he may think necessary, to assist said auditor in the settle- ten, P° rar y clerks. 68 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cm 26, 27, 28- 1862. ment of the claims of deceased officers and soldiers, the compensation Compensation. f ga j c j c l e rks { be four dollars per day, and without any addition what- ever, for every day they shall be so actually engaged, except one, whose annual compensation shall be fifteen hundred dollars, the others to be paid weekly at the Treasury, upon a certificate of service of said audi- tor. Commencement of Sec. 4 This act shall take effect from its passage, and the third sec- t^^o-ithm-'i'nibice' *' on shall continue in force for twelve months and no longer. Approved Oct. 3, 1862. Oct. 6. 1852. Chap. XXVI.— An Act to provide for the organization of army corps. President author- The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That visions ot ? the Z pro l - the sixth section of an Act to provide for the public defence, approved visional Army into March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, be so amended as to au- appoin't officers thorize the President to organize divisions of the Provisional Army of the Confederate States into army corps, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint officers to the command thereof. Approved Oct. 6, 1862. Oct. 6, 1853. Chap. XXVII. — An Actio authorize the judges of District Courts to change the place of hold- iag court in certain cases. when the peaces j 1 ^ Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That for holding the Dis- ° •'« . . J J ' met courts may ; be where the place of holding any district court of the Confederate States changed. j g established by law, and such place shall be in the occupation of, or in danger of attack by the enemy, or when any contagious or epidemic disease may prevail at such place, the judge of the district may change the place for holding the court to some other convenient point in the district, by causing the marshal to give public notice for twenty days of such change, order making the Sec. 2. The order making the chancre of place for holding court shall chanjre may be re- , i j u ,. ,i ? in voked. be revoked whenever the cause therefor shall cease. Commencement of SeC. 3. Th act. Approved is act shall take effect from its passage, Oct. 6, 1862. Oct 6. 1853. Chap. XXVIII. — An Act to authorize the Postmaster General to employ special agents to super- intend and secure the certain and speedy transportation of the mads across the Mississippi River, inlhe Confederate States. Postmaster Genera! The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Mentsufsuperinterfd 1 tne Postmaster General be and he is hereby authorized to employ such transportation of special agents as he may deem necessary to superintend and secure the mails across the Mis- i , . - , -~- ... '- and command the same. Approved Oct. 8, 1862. Chap. XXX. — An Act to repeal the law authorising Commutation for Soldiers' Clothing, and October 8. 1862. to require Clothing to be furnished by the Secretary of War in kind. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That secretary of War so much of the existing law as provides commutation for clothing to Ashing clothes to me the soldiers in the service of the Confederacy, be and the same is so!di « s - hereby repealed ; and hereafter the Secretary of War shall provide in kind to the soldiers, respectively, the uniform clothing prescribed by the regulations of the army of the Confederate States; and should any soldiers to be paid balance of clothing" be due to anv soldier at the end of the vear. the th< L mon ? y v , aiue " f i 11 -i ii- i- clothing due mem at money value ot such balance shall be paid to such soldier, according the end of the year, to the value of such clothing fixed and announced by order from the War Department. Approved Oct. 8, 1862. CnAP. XXXI. — An Act to encourage the Manufacture of Clothing and Shoes for the Army. October 8, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That . 7 f resideilt au; h° r - the President is hereby authorized to import, duty free, cards or card free, machinery or cloth, or any machinery or materials necessary for increasing the man- n^faiture^of^eioth- ufacture of clothing for the army, or any articles necessary for supply- ing, shoes, &c, for ing the deficiency of clothing or shoes, or materials for shoes for the "^ !IUi ' army. Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That any machinery, or parts of ma- m f C MM™ at may S be chinery or materials imported as aforesaid, may be worked on govern- worked on Govern- i. j. i i u a ii j- i- c ii Ti -j j. meat account, or ment account, or leased or sold, at the discretion ot the President. leased or sold. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the President may extend the The privilege of privileges of this Act to companies or individuals, subject to such regu- tende^to^ompanies lations as he may prescribe. or individuals. Sec. 4. That the clothing required to be furnished to the troops of Clothing for the ,!-[->•• ia j -i- i i c i_ i • j armvmavbeofsuch the Provisional Army under any existing law may be ot such kind, as c0 | O v aaA quality as to color and quality, as it may be practicable to obtain, any law to the may be obtained. contrary notwithstanding. Approved Oct. 8. 1862. Chap. XXXII. — An Act to refund toihe State of Louisiana the excess of the War Tax over- October 8, 1862. paid, by her. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That pa -^ p /^f ™ ou o the sum of seventy thousand dollars be and the same is hereb} r appro- mana the excess of 70 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 33, 34, 35. 1862. the war tax overpaid priated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to the state of Louisiana, the same being the estimated ex- cess of the war tax overpaid by her ; the said payment to be made to the governor of the state of Louisiana or his authorized agent, subject to a final adjustment whenever the assessments and returns of the war tax for said state shall be completed. Approved Oct. 8, 1862. October 8, 1862. Chap. XXXIII. — An Act to repay to the State of North Carolina ike excess oner her quota paid by her into the Treasury of the Confederate States on account of the War Tax. Appropriation to The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That North Carolina the the sum of one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and seventy- fax overpaid by her! f° ur dollars and sixty-nine cents, be paid to the state of North Carolina, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same being the excess over her quota paid by her into the treasury of the Confederate States on account of the war tax. Approved Oct. 8, 1862. October 8, 1S52. Chap. XXXIV. — An Act to amend an act entitled " An Act to further provide for the public defence?' approved 15th April, 1862, and the Act to amend the same, approved September 27th, 1863. Persons subject to The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That eiliro 'Wed 1 wherever a ^ persons subject to enrollment for military service may be enrolled found. under instructions from the War Department, and reported by the en- rolling officer wherever found, whether within the state or county of their residence or not ; and when so enrolled, shall be subject to the provisions of law as fully as if enrolled within the county and state of Tin; act not to ex- which t.iey may be residents : Provided, That this act shall not extend tend to members ot j. Q an „ member of a military organization under any state law while he III 1 1 1 13.13 Ol {•All lZd- y . • • . • • tions under State remains in actual service within the limits of his state: And provided, '"president author- further , That the President is authorized to suspend the execution of izedto suspend this this act as regards the residents of any locality where he may find it dents of certain To- impracticable to execute the act entitled " An Act to further provide tal i862 April 16 ' or tne Public defence," approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and the act to amend the last mentioned act, approved 1862, Sept. 27. September twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Approved Oct. 8, 1862. October 8 1862. Chap. XXXV. — .In Jlt:t to amend an art entitled " Jin Act for the organization of the Staff Dc- partments of the Army of the Conjederale States of America," approved March Hi/;, 1861. Act of i soi, March The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact,. That the first section of the act entitled " An Act for the organization of the Staff Departments of the Army of the Confederate States of America," approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be toeSwS amended by adding to the Adjutant and Inspector Generaf's Depart- (Vdjiitantandlnspec- m ent one Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of colonel. ;or General's Depart- . J G Adj tor General's Depart ,ue "t- Approved Oct. 8, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Oh. 36. 1862. 71 Chap. XXXVI. — An Art to organize military courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States in the field, and to define the powers of said courts. Oct. 9, 1662. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That . *SSK.? nr,B to courts shall be organized, to be known as military courts, one to at- tend each army corps in the field, under the direction of the President. Each court shall consist of three members, two of whom shall consti- To consist of three tute a quorum, and each member shall be entitled to the rank and pay m Rankandpay?™p^ of a colonel of cavalry, shall be appointed by the President, by and poimment. with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his office during the war, unless the court shall be sooner abolished by Congress. Term of office. For each court there shall be one Judge Advocate, to be appointed by Judge Advocate for the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, with and' pay!" Term of the rank and pay of a captain of cavalry, whose duties shall be as pre- ° ffii;e . scribed by the rules and articles of war, except as enlarged or modified by the purposes and provisions of this act, and who shall also hold his office daring the war, unless the court shall be sooner abolished by the Congress ; and in case of the absence or disability of the Judge Ad- vocate, upon the application of the court, the commander of the army When commander i. i • i i i • i ^ • i ii-i az of tlie arn) y cor P 3 corps to which such court is attached may appoint or detail an officer ma y detail an officer to perform the duties of Judge Advocate during such absence or disa- ^ 5^eAdvocate M bility, or until the vacancy, if any, shall be filled by the President. Sec. 2. Each court shall have the right to appoint a Provost Marshal, t0 b^appointeTfor to attend its sittings and execute the orders of the court, with the rank e ach court. His j c Y • c i i i l l l u i rank and pay. and pay of a captain of cavalry; and also a clerk, who sbail have a Also, aci«rk. His salary of one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month, who shall saIary auddu:ies - keep the record of the proceedings of the court, and shall reduce to writing the substance of the evidence in each case, and file the same in court. The provost marshal and the clerk shall hold their offices Term of office of during the pleasure of the court. Each member and officer of the c i r t °rk. = court shall take an oath well and truly to discharge the duties of his Oath of members office to the best of his skill and ability, without fear, favor or reward, ^ lri rt officers of U ' e and to support the Constitution of the Confederate States. Each mem- ber of the court, the Judge Advocate and the clerk, shall have the power to administer oaths. Sec. 3.' Each court shall have power to adopt rules for conducting Rules of court. business and for the trial of causes, and to enforce the rules adopted, and to punish for contempt, and to regulate the taking of evidence, Punishment for i r ' o o ' contempt. and to secure the attendance of witnesses, and to enforce and execute Taking of evidence, its orders, sentences and judgments, as in cases of courts martial. nesse^and enforce- Sec. 4. The jurisdiction of each court shall extend to all officers now ment of orders, &c. cognizable by courts martial under the rules and articles of war and the customs of war, and also to all offences defined as crimes by the laws of the Confederate States or of the several States, and when beyond the territory of the Confederate States, to all cases of murder, man- slaughter, arson, rape, robbery and larceny, as defined by the common law, when committed by any private or officer in the army of the Con- federate Stales, against any other private, or officer in the army, or against the propetty or person of any citizen or other person not in the army : Provided, Said courts shall not havejurisdiction of offenders Proviso, above the grade of .colonel. For offences cognizable by courts martial the court shall, on conviction, inflict the penalty prescribed by the rules infliction of penai- and article.- of war, and in the manner and mode therein mentioned; ti6i ' and lor offences not punishable by the rules and articles of war, but punishable by the laws of the Confederate States, sa d court shall in- flict the penalties prescribed by the laws of the Confederate States ; and for offences against which penalties are not prescribed by the rules 72 FIRST CONGRESS. Sbss. II, Ch. 37, 38. 1862. and articles of war, nor by the laws of the Confederate States, but for which penalties are prescribed by the laws of a State, said court shall inflict the punishment prescribed by the laws of the State in which the Proviso. offence was committed : Provided, That in cases in which, by the laws of the Confederate States, or of the State, the punishment is by fine or by imprisonment, or by both, the court may, in its discretion, inflict any other punishment less than death ; and for the offences defined as murder, manslaughter, arson, rape, robbery and larceny, by the com- mon law, when committed beyond the territorial limits of the Confede- rate States, the punishment shall be in the discretion of the court. That when an officer under the grade of brigadier general or private shall be put under arrest for any offence cognizable by the court herein when notice of provided for, notice of his arrest and of the offence with which he shall fence tcTbe given the be charged shall be given to the Judge Advocate by the officer order- judge Advocate. in g sa {& arrest, and he shall be entitled to as speedy a trial as the busi- ness before said court will allow. arSrh tS ave a ap e p n rop t r , i: Sec - 5 - Said courts sha11 attend the arm J, shall have appropriate quar- ate quarters, and to t ers within the lines of the army, shall be always open for the trans- be always open. Fi- ,. c i J ,-1 n i j • - i . c ■ 1 i nai decisions subject action ot business, and coe nnai decisions and sentences ot said courts to review. on convictions shall be subject to review, mitigation and suspension, as now provided by the rules and articles of war in cases of courts mar- tial. President may ap- Sec. 6. That during the recess of the Senate the President may ap- courts^anoWudges point the members of the courts and the Judges Advocate provided for Advocate during re- m t ne previous sections, subjectto the confirmation of the Senate at its cess ot the Senate. ' . ' -> . session next ensuing said appointments. Approved Oct. d, 1862. Oct. 9,1862. Chap. XXXVII.— An Jlctto provide shoes for the army. from the armyfor the The Congress nf the Confederate Stales of America do enact, That manufacture of shoes ^ e p re «iclent be and he is hereby authorized, on the requisition of the fur the army. „ ^ , . , . .. J r ,, 1 , .„ . . ■ . Quartermaster (jenera!, to detail from the army persons skilled in the manufacture of shoes not to exceed two thousand in number; and it shall be the duty of the Quartermaster General to place them, without delay, at suitable points in shops under proper regulations prescribed by him, and employ them diligently in the manufacture of shoes for the army. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That soldiers detailed under the pro- visions of this act shall be entitled to receive pay for extra duty, and Theirpay. also thirty-five cents perpair for shoes manufactured by them severally, in addition to regular pay and rations. Approved Oct. 9, 1862. Oct. 9, 1862. Ghap. XXXVIII. — Jin Jlct making appropriations for the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Ex- penses of the Government for the month of December, 1862. Appropriations for rpj Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the support ot the .ft J J J ' Government for De- the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated for the cember, 1862. objects hereafter expressed for the year ending the thirt} r -first of De- cember, eighteen hundred and sixty-two : — Executive. — For compensation of the President of the Confederate i iun r vlc^resi- States, six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 33. 1862. 73 For compensation of the Vice-President of the Confederate States. aent,Prirate seere- iu i. J J J '■■ * J 11 i • i i tary, and Messenger. three hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. For compensation of the Private Secretary and Messenger of the President, fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents. For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assistant Sec- Offiee of Secretary retaty, Comptroller, Auditors, Treasurer and Register, and Clerks and ° ie rt -'~ u ' > ' Messengers in the Treasury Department, fifty-three thousand five hun- dred dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, 6ix thousand dollars. For compensation of the Secretary of War, Chief of Bureau, and of Secretary of War; Clerks and Messengers in the War Department, thirteen thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses of the War Department, five thousand dollars. For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, Clerks and Mes- of Secretary of the sengers, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars and ninety * av> ' cents. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Navy Department, one thousand dollars. For compensation of the Postmaster General, Chiefs of Bureau, and of Postmaster Gene- Clerks and Messengers in the Post-Office Department, seven thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-one cents. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Post-Office Depart- ment, one thousand dollars. For compensation of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney Gen- of Attorney General; eral, and Clerks and Messengers in the Department of Justice, one thousand and two dollars and thirty cents. For salary of Superintendent of Public Printing, and Clerks and Printing. Messengers in his office, three hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty-three cents. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Department of Jus- tice, five hundred dollars. y For printing for the several Executive Departments, ten thousand four hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. Territorial — For salaries of Governor and Commissioners of Indian Territorial: Affairs, and Secretary, Judges, Attorney and Marshal of Arizona Ter- Arizona Territory, ritory, eight hundred and eight dollars and seventy-one cents. For contingent expenses of Arizona Territory, forty-three dollars. Miscellaneous. — For light and fuel for the public buildings, six thou- Miscellaneous: „„.-,,) j„i|„. Liijht arid fuel for Band dollars. _ _ _ public buildings. For engraving and printing Treasury notes, bonds, and certificates of Tr ^ ea * ur y no ' es > stock, and for paper for the same, two hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars. To supply deficiencies in the revenue of the Post-Office Department, Deficiencies in the one hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and seven dollars and gee Department." thirty-nine cents For preparation of copies of the Journal of the Provisional Congress Conies of the Jour- iip I oi *V" Pp 'Virion- and of the Convention that formed the Provisional and Permanent ai Congress and Con- Constitutions of the Confederate States, to be disbursed by the Presi- ventl0n - dent of the Provisional Congress, two thousand dollars. For the pay of officers and privates of the army, volunteers and Officers,&c.,ofthe militia, and for Quartermaster's supplies of all kinds, transportation, otuerex^se's. 3 a " and other necessary expenses, fifteen million six hundred and thirty- eight thousand and forty-nine dollars. For support of prisoners of war and for rent of necessary guard- Prisoners of war. houses, &c, two hundred thousand dollars. 6 71 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 39. 1862. Bounty. For bounty, fifty dollars to each non-commissioned officer, musician and private in the service for three years, three million dollars. Subsistence stores For purchase of subsistence stores and commissary property, twenty. p?r t y 0mmissarypro ~ two million five hundred and ninety-eight thousand forty-one dollars and thirty-six cents. Ordnance service. For the ordnance service in all its branches, two million two hun- dred thousand dollars. Engineer service. For the engineer service, two hundred thousand dollars. Medical and nos- For medical and hospital supplies, four hundred thousand dollars. p! Wurses P and cooks. For pay of nurses, cooks other than enlisted men or volunteers, forty-eight thousand dollars. Physicians. For services of physicians to be employed in conjunction with the medical staff of the army„ thirty thousand dollars. Military hospitals. For the establishment and support of military hospitals, fifty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. Detection of per- For traveling and other expenses incidental to the detection of per- sons passing, &c, sons employed in preparing and passing forged Treasury notes, thirteen forged notes. , i j n thousand dollars, iron and coal. To make advances on contracts for the production of iron and coal, two million dollars. Winter quarters To erect winter quarters for officers and seamen of the navy at Drew? y C 's r Biufir * Drewry's Bluff, eleven thousand dollars. and for marines at To erect winter quarters for the mariners stationed at Drewry's Bluff, same place. fifteen thousand dollars. Ordnance service, For ordnance service in all its branches, including the purchase of including ordnance ordnance and ordnance stores imported, four million dollars. and ordnance stores. _' > Members and offi- hor pay ot members ot Congress and officers ot Congress, thirty- eers of Congress. g ve thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Members of the For pay and mileage of the members of the Senate, twenty-five Senate. thousand dollars. officers of the Sen- For paying salaries of officers of the Senate, three thousand two hundred dollars. Contingent ex- j?ov contingent expenses of the Senate, two thousand dollars. pensesot the senate. . . e> r _ ' Contingent and For contingent and telegraohic expenses of the Executive office, two 5H!™!a"offl£? thousand five hundred dollars. Treasury notes, For engraving and printing Treasury notes, bonds and certificates of stocks, and for paper for the same, two hundred and ten thousand dol- lars. Deficiencies in the To supply the deficiencies in the Engineer appropriations for engi- Engineer appropna- ' • J . j j n ttons. neering purposes, eight hundred thousand dollars. Claims for vessels To pay claims upon the Confederate Government for vessels seized by the naval and military authorities for the use of the Government, ten thousand two hundred and thirty-seyen dollars and fifty cents. Flour. For the purchase of flour for the Confederate States army, six mil- lion eight hundred and twenty-three thousand eight hundred dollars. Redemption and The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, from any mo- cancellation of Trea- . ,, m , ,, . . , , ,. :. , j i sury notes, and issue neys in the 1 reasury not otherwise appropriated, to hike up and redeem ofothemotes in their suc h Treasury noles as may from time to time be called in for the pur- stead. J -' , ' pose of being cancelled, and in place of such Treasury notes so can- celled other Treasury notes to the same amount may be issued. Approved Oct. 9, 18132. Oct. It 1850. Chap. XXXIX. — Jin Jlct to authorize the President to accept and place in the service certain regiments and baztalions heretofore raised The Congress of the Confederate States of Jlmerica do enact, That the President be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, when- FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 40, 41. 1862. 75 ever in his opinion the public good would be promoted thereby, to , Regiment* or bat- J , . r . D ,. r , . , . i talions organized pn- receive into the service regiments or battalions wcich have been or- or to the 1st of Oct. ganized in good faith prior to the first day of October, eighteen hun- P ®Kn%°artV>«- dred and sixty-two, under authority or by direction of the Secretary of «>ns between the tit 1 m e il rt iii 1 ■ j ■ a?«s of 18 and 35 War, or any general officer or the Lrovernment. although said regi-. y ears, may be re- ments or battalions may be composed in part of persons between the ceived into service. c • i i • r- ti mi i • i • Those organized ages or eighteen and thirty-five years: Provided, That this authority after that time not to shall not extend to regiments or battalions organized after the said first ^states'^tc., where day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, except in those States tne conscript u w J . , . ii • j i i in i» a y °e suspended. and locations where the conscript law may be suspended. Regiments or bat- Sec 2 That the President be and he is hereby authorized and em- SiSSijSJto'S} of powered, whenever in his opinion it would promote the public good, the states west of , •■, • • , i ,, i- i-uu u i the Mississippi riyer. to receive into service regiments or battalions which have been here- authorized to here- tofore organized of conscripts by a general officer in any of the States ceived into service, lying west of the Mississippi river. Sec. 3. i hat all companies, battalions and regiments of infantry President may ae- raised or organized before the first day of December next within the onnt^iTrvTaked'h^. limits of middle and west Tennessee, to be composed of residents of fore the 1st Decem- ..,.,.. , iji ,i n - i i l • u* •■ ber, 1862, within the said districts, may bo accepted by the President, when, in his opinion, limits of middle and the public interest will be promoted therebv, and said troops shall be west Tennessee. hi i ■ rr- r i /• i ■ c i-in Election ol otacera. allowed to elect their own officers lor the first election, alter which all vacancies fiiie'dbjr vacancies shall be filled by the President, under the act, and the acts thc Prcsldent - amendatory of the same, providing for the public defence, passed six- teenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and also such coun- Also from certain ties in North Carolina lying east of the line of the Wilmington and ^aroima'L^sedw Weldon railroad as are beyond the lines of the army and exposed to the incursions of tj» ,, • • c ,, enemy. the incursions ot the enemy. Approved Oct. 11, 1832. Chap. XL. — ~1n Ad to fix the pay and mileage of the delegates from the several Indian Nations, <">i-t. 11. IPfS. authorized to have Delegates under their respective treaties. The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That the delegates from the several Indian Nations authorized to have dele- Pay and mileage of gates under their respective treaties, shall be paid the same salary and dian Nations^" 1 ' " mileage that i- paid to members of the House of Representatives under the law now in force. Approved Oct. 11, 1862. Ciiap. XLI. — An Act to establish places of rendezvous for ike examination of enrolled men. Oct. 11, 1SC3. The Congress of the Co federate States of America do enact, That there shall be established in each county, parish or district, and in any places of rendez- city in a county, parish or district in the several States, a place of ren- vous *°l,. e ™°} le . A ip I ■ •, .- ■ i • men, established in dezvou^ lor the persons in said county, district, pasish or city, eniolled each city, county, for military duty in the field, who shall be there examined by one or P arish01 dlttriCt - more Surgeons, to be employed by the Government, to be assigned to that duty by the Piesident on a day of which ten days notice shall be given by -aid Surgeon, and from day to dav next, thereafter, until all , Persons enrolled b .' n ' _ j "... to be examined hy a who shall be in attendance for the purpose of examination shall have surgeon; surgeon been examined ; and the decision of said Surgeons, under regulations time! 6 nouce o1 to bi' established by the Secretary of War, as to the physical and men- Decision of s u r- tal capacity of any such person for military duty in the field, shall be s? 01 ,' ta , ken M u finai - 1 , J J , , ' . , i ,. ,• ■■■ i ■ Onlv those who are final ; and tho>e only thus ascertained to be fit lor military duty in the fit for military duty field shall be required to assemble at camps of instruction. S^Sm. ' 1 "' 111 ' •76 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Oh. 42 3 43. 1862. Three Surgeons Sec. 2. There shall be assigned to each Congressional District in the Con|?e e s d sionai e Di C st- several States, three Surgeons, who shall constitute a Board of Exam- net; to constitute a ination in such district for the purpose specified in the forep-oina: sec- Board of Exaniina- .• p t , . , r tion in such District. "° n . an j one or more of whom may act at any place of rendezvous in said district. Provision as to Sec. 3. When it shall appear to any Surgeon attending such place Mwndpiacefofren- of rendezvous by the certificate of a respectable physician resident in dezvouson account that county, district, parish, or city in a county parish or district, that of sickness. u j A - - 11 ■ ,. , „ . , any enrolled person therein is unable to attend on account of sickness, it shall be the duty of said Surgeon to file said certificate with the com- mandant of the nearest camp of instruction; and if the person named a^a^eilr'tuhout tnere ' n > shail not within a reasonable time report himself for ex - «<-'ave. amination at said camp of instruction, or his continued disability certi- fied by the certificate of a respectable physician of his county, city, district or parish, he shall be held liable as absent without leave of his commanding officer. Approved Oct. 11, 1862. Chap. XLIL— An Act supplemental to an Act entitled " An Act to authorize the Secretary Oct. 11, lfG-2. of the Treasury to pay District Collectors in certain cases," approved April 11th, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the secretary of t h e Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to pay the Treasury authorized sum f four hundred dollars to the several district collectors of the war lectors of the war tax, authorized by the act entitled "An Act to authorize the issue of l^ichhawassumed Treasury notes and to provide a war tax for their redemption," ap- ihy payment of said proved August nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in those X 'proviso. fctates which have assumed the payment of said tax : Provided, The Secretary of the Treasury shall be satisfied that all the duties which fairly devolved on said collectors by the law under which they were" appointed, have been faithfully performed by them: And provided fur- ther. That if said collectors have received compensation under the act fore™ u" n them"co et be to which this is supplemental, the sum so received shall be deducted deducted. from the amount specified in this act. Sec. 2. The chief collectors shall receive a proportional amount of receive" quarterly *a tne salary fi xe( ' D ) law, for each quarter in which they sha'l be actual- proportion a hie ly and in good faith en ApriI 1G - eighteen hundred and sixty-two, while such troops shall be in active service under State authority : Provided, That this exemption shall not apply to any person who was liable to be called into service by virtue of said act of April the sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-tivo; all pilots and persons engaged in the merchant marine service ; the president, superintendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to 78 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 45. 1862. each section of eight miles, and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers, porters and messengers; the president, general superintendent and operators of telegraph companies, the local superintendent and operators of said companies, not to exceed four in number at any locality, but that of the seat of Government of the Confederate States; the president, superintendents, captains, engineers chief clerk and mechanics in the active service and employment of all companies engaged in river and canal navigation, and all captains of boats and engineers therein em- ployed ; one editor of each newspaper now being published, and such employees as the editor or proprietor may certify, upon oath, to be in- dispensable for conducting the publication ; the public printer, and those employed to perform the public printing for the Confederate and State Governments; every minister of religion authorized to preach accord- ing to the rules of his sect and in the regular discharge of ministerial duties, and all persons who have been and now are members of the society of Friends and the association of Dunkards, Nazarenes and Mennonists, in regular membership in their respective denominations: Provided, Members of the society of Friends, JNazarenes, Mennonists and Dunkards shall furnish substitutes or pay a tax of five hundred dollars each into the public treasury ; all physicians who now are, and for thelast five years have been, in the actual practice of their profession ; all shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, millers and their engineers, millwrights, skilled and actually employed as their regular vocation in the said trades, habitually engaged in working for the pub- lic, and whilst so actually employed: Provided, Said persons shall make oath in writing that they are so skilled and actually employed at the time as their regular vocation in one of the above trades, which affidavit shall only he prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated: Provided, further, That the exemptions herein granted to persons by reason of their peculiir mechanical or other occupation or employment, not connected with the public service, shall be subject to the condition that the products of the labor of such exempts, or of the companies and establishments with which they are connected, shall be sold and disposed of by the proprietors at prices not exceeding seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production, or within a maximum to be fixed by the Secretary of War, under such regulations as he may prescribe : And it is further provided, That if the proprietors of any such manu- facturing establishments shall be shown, upon evidence, to be submitted to, and judged of, by the Secretary of War, to have violated, or in any manner evaded the true intent and spirit of the foregoing proviso, the exemptions therein granted shall no longer be extended to them, their superintendents or operatives in said establishments, but they and each and every of them shall be forthwith enrolled under the provisions of this act, and ordered into the Confederate army, and shall, in no event, be again exempted therefrom by reason of said manufac- turing establishments or employment therein; all superintendents of public hospitals, lunatic asylums, and the regular physicians, nurses and attendants therein, and the teachers employed in the institutions for the deaf, dumb and blind ; in each apothecary store, now established and doing business, one apothecary in good standing, who is a practical apothecary ; superintendents and operators in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, and superintendents and managers of wool carding ma- chines, who may be exempted by the Secretary of War : Provded, The profits of such establishments shall not exceed seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production, to be determined upon oath of the parties, subject to the same penalties for violation of the provisions FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cn. 45.. 1862. 79 herein contained as are herein before provided in case of other manu- factories and mechanical employments ; all presidents and teachers of colleges, academies, schools and theological seminaries, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years previous to the passage of this act ; all artizans, mechanics, and employees, in the establishments of the Government for the manufacture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores and other munitions of war, saddles, harness and army supplies, who may be certified by the officer in charge thereof, as necessary for such establishments ; also, all artizans, mechanics and employees in the es- tablishments of such persons as are or may be engaged under contracts with the Government in famishing arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other munitions of war : Provided, That the chief of the ordnance bureau, or some ordnance officer authorized* by him for the purpose, shall approve of the number of the operatives required in such estab- lishments , all persons employed in the manufacture of arms or ord- nance of any kind by the several States, or by contractors to furnish the same to the several S'ate Governments, whom the Governor or Secretary of State thereof may certify to be necessary to the same ; all persons engaged in the construction of ships, gunboats, engines, sails, or other articles necessary to the public defence, under the direc- tion of the Secretary of the Navy ; all superintendents, managers, mechanics and miners employed in the production and manufacture of salt to the extent of twenty bushels per day, and of lead and iron, and all persons engaged in burning coke for smelting and manufactuie of iron, regular miners in coal mines, and all colliers engaged in making charcoal, for making pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, mes- sengers, wagoners and servants, unless employed at works conducted under the authority and by the officers or agents of a State, or in works employed in the production of iron for the Confederate States; one male citizen for every five hundred head of cattle, for eveiy two hun- dred and fifty head of horses or mules, and one shepherd for every five hundred head of sheep, of such persons as are engaged exclusively in raising stock ; Provided, There is no white male adult not liable to do military duty engaged with such person in raising said stock ; to secure the proper police of the country, one person, either as agent, owner or overseer on each plantation on which one white person is required to be kept by the laws or ordinances of any State, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to do military service, and in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner or overseer, on each plantation of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to military service: And furthermore, For additional police for every twenty negroes on two or more plantations, within five miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to military duty, one per- son, being the oldest of the owners or overseers on such plantations ; and such other persons as the President shall be satisfied, on account of justice, equity or necessity, ought to be exempted, are hereby ex- empted from military service in the armies of the Confederate States ; and also a regiment raised under and by authority of the State of Texas, for frontier defence, now in the service of said State, while in such ser- vice : Provided, further, That the exemptions hereinabove enumerated and granted hereby, shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. . Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the act entitled : 'An act to exempt Exemption act of certain persons from enrollment for service in the armies of the Con- t,lfi ~? st , A P ri! > ls6 -> federate States," approved the twenty-first of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, is hereby repealed. Approved Oct. 11, 1862. 80 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 46, 47, 48, 49. 1802. October 13, 1S62. Chap. XL VI. — An Act to extend the term of ojice of certain war tax collectors. certain war tS c co°- -^ e Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, lectors extended. That in those States wherein the chief collectors of the war tax have not been able to complete the duties of their office within the year for which they were appointed, the Secretary of the Treasury shall be authorized to extend the term of their offices, respectively, for such ad- ditional period as may be required to complete the said duties, and pay Pay for additional them for such additional term a proportional rate of the annual salary term. j> j , , * x J fixed by law. Approved Oct, 13, 1862. October 13. 186-2. Chap. XLVII. — An Act to increase the pay of certain officers and employees in the Executive and Legislative Departments. ficefJand^mpiOTefs The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, in theEsecutive'and That on the salaries or compensation of all officers and employees of men^iuc V reased Pau the several Executive and Legislative Departments, appointed under any law of Congress and employed in the city of Richmond, whose salaries or compensation shall not now exceed one thousand dollars, there shall be added, for the period of one year, fifty per cent., and for the period of one year the salaries or compensation of all such officers and employees now receiving not less than one thousand dollars and under fifteen hundred dollars, shall be fixed at fifteen hundred dollars, and all now receiving fifteen hundred dollars shall receive seventeen hun- dred and fifty dollars. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Oct. 13 , 1803. Chap. XL VIII. — An Act to authorize the appointment of Naval Storekeepers. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Appointment of r.a- .i_ r> • 3 a l. j \ ■ l. l , t • *i ■. • ± i i 1 vai storekeepers, the "resident be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint three naval store-keepers; whose duties shall be performed under the direction of Compensation. th e Secretary of the Navy. The compensation of such officers shall not exceed seventeen hundred dollars per annum, and before entering Bond. upon the duties of their offices, each of them shall give a bond, in such form and penaltv as the President may prescribe. Approved, Oct. 13, 1862. Oct.. 13, 185?. Chap. XLIX. -An. Act to punish and. repress the importation, by our emmies, of notes pur porting to be notes of the Treasury of the Confederate States. Whereas, Manifestly with the knowledge and connivance of the Federal Government, and for the purpose of destroying the credit and circulation of the Treasury notes of this government, immense amounts ot spurious or counterfeit notes, purporting to be such Treasury notes, have been fabricated and advertised for sale in the enemy's country, and have been brought into these States and put in circulation by per- sons in the service of the enemy: The Congress of the Confederate States [of ' Amcrica\ do enact, [That] every person in the service of, or adhering to, the enemy, who shall persons ta'tbe ser- P as >s or offer to piss any such spurious or counterfeit note or notes, as FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 50. 1862. 81 aforesaid, or shall sell or attempt to sell the same, or shall bring any v n ice °f si ^, e ^June such note or notes into the Confederate States, or shall have any such etc., of counterfeit note or notes in his possession, with intent to pass or sell the same, be te Tre P a U sur y U note^ shall, if captured, be put to death by hanging; and every commis- of the Confederate sioned officer of the enemy who shall permit any offence mentioned in punishment o f this section to be committed by any person under his authority, shall of^hi^neniy^for be put to death by hanging. Every person charged with an offence permitting such of- punishable under this act shall be tried by a military court in such [f^ G t0 be commu - manner, and under such regulations as the President shall prescribe ; . Perso j? 3 charged in - i T-i • i i i ■ i j. a Wltn offences under ana, after conviction, the President may commute the punishment to this act, to be tried imprisonment in such manner, and for such time, as he may deem %Vesi t dTnTmay proper, and may pardon the offender on such conditions as he may commute pun isn- d l v.. n ment or pardun ths eem proper, or unconditionally. offender. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Chap. L. — An Act making approp nations for the support of the Government for the month of Oct. 13. 185-3. January, eighteen hundred and sixty three, and for certain deficiencies and other purposes therein mentioned. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That , , -ijj-j.r -iirp , Appropriations for there be appropriated and paid out or any money in the Ireasury not the support of Go- otherwise appropriated, the following sums of money and for the fol- ^otiS 6 o*f f January* lowing purposes, viz : 1833. For expenses of the month of January , eighteen hundred and sixty-three, in the War Department. — For compensation of the Secretary of War, office of Secretary Assistant Secretary of War, Chief of Bureau, Clerks, Messengers, etc., 0l War " twelve thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, seven thousand dollars. Ordnance Bureau. — For ordnance service in all its branches, two 0r etc - and harness, the purchase of lumber, nails, iron and steel, for erecting store houses, quarters for troops and other repairs, hire of teamsters, laborers, etc., seven million four hundred and sixty-four thousand and seventy-five dollars. For pay for horses of non-commissioned officers and privates killed, Horses. in battle, under act number forty-eight, section seven, and for which provision is to be made, twenty-five thousand dollars. For pay for property pressed into service of the Confederate Slates Property impress- under appraisement, said property having been either lost or applied to the public service, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. For the subsistence of prisoners of war, under act number one huu- Prisoners of war. dred and eighty-one, section first, and the hire of the necessary prisons, guard houses, etc , for the safe keeping of the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, two hundred thousand dollars. For the bounty of fifty dollars to each non-commissioned officer, Bounty. 82 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 50. 1S62. musician and private now in service for three years or for the war, to be paid at the expiration of the first year's service, on the basis that sixty thousand will have to be paid, three million dollars, officers on duty in For the pay of officers on duty in the offices of the Adjutant and In- certain offices. spector General's Department, the Quartermaster General's, Medical, . Engineer, Ordnance and Subsistence Departments, sixty-four thousand six hundred and seventy dollars. Private physicians Medical Department. — For pay of private physicians employed by contract, from the first to the thirty-first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty thousand dollars. Nurses and cooks. For pay of nurses and cooks, not enlisted or volunteer, from the first to the thirty-first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, forty- eight thousand dollars. Hospital stewards. For P a y or " hospital stewards, from the first to the thirty-first Janua- ry, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, twelve thousand dollars. Hospital laundresses For pay of hospital laundresses, from the first to the thirty-first Jan- uary, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. Medical and hos- For medical and hospital supplies of the army, from the first to the pitai supplies. thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, four hundred thousand dollars. Military hospitals. For the establishment and support of military hospitals, from the first to the thirty-first January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty- seven thousand five hundred dollars. Department of State. — For the compensation of Secretary of State, Office of feeerctary . . l •> , , , ' , , . , , J , , ' •f state. clerks, messenger and laborer, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-four cents. Diplomatic books. For purchase of diplomatic books, one thousand five hundred dollars. Deficit in Post-Of- Post- Office Department. — To pay deficit in the Post-Office Depart- fice Department. ment, under the provisions of " An Act to provide for the payment of sums ascertained to be due for postal service to citizens of the Con- federate States by the Postmaster General," approved September twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eight hundred thou- sand dollars. Deficiencies in the For deficiencies in the Quartermaster's Department for nine months partinent! aster s De *° January first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty-nine million dollars. foreign intercourse. For foreign intercourse, i. e., salaries of commissioners and secreta- ries for three months from January first, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, twelve thousand dollars. Deficit in appro- For medical and hospital supplies, to supply deficit in appropriation EKpfii s™p P ite a s ^r the period extending from April first to December first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, one million five hundred thousand dollars. and for private physi- For pay of private physicians employed in conjunction with the cia "' ; - medical staff of the army, to supply deficit in the appropriation for the period extending from April first to December first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, fifty thousand dollars, interest on money To pay interest on five hundred thousand dollars borrowed by Cen- to Branch Bank of era ] Hindrnan from Branch Bank of Tennessee on the twenty-eighth May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and returned July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, four thousand one hundred and nine dollars, office of Secretary Navy Department — For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, •f the Navy. Clerks and Messenger, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven dollars and seventy-seven cents. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Navy Department for FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 50. 18C2. # 83 the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty -three, one thousand dollars. Executive Department. — For compensation of the President, Vice- President, Vice- President. Private Secretary and Messenger, for three months from secretary 11 and "aies- January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, seven thousand nine hun- senger. dred and twenty dollars. For contingent and telegraphic expenses of the Executive office for Contingent and the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, five hundred ec £ !a P iK dollars. For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assistant Sec- Office of the Sec- i j j ' rctfiry of the Xr£«t- retary, Comptroller, Auditors, Treasurer and Register, Clerks and sury. Messengers of the Treasury Department, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasury Department for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, live thou- sand dollars. For compensation of three Commissioners, appointed under the Se- d e^^equeTtrauoB questration Act, and for clerk hire and contingent expenses for the Act. month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand four hundred dollars. For eno-raving; and printing Treasury notes, bonds and certificates of Treasury notes, • bonds &c stock, and for paper for the same, for the month of January, eighteen ' hundred and sixty-three, one hundred thousand dollars. Rent of Executive buildings and of the President's house for three Rent of Executive months from January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, six thousand four hundred and thirty-eight dollars and forty-five cents. For interest on the public debt for the month of January, eighteen , T b ntcrest on pubHe hundred and sixty-three, two million five hundred thousand dollars. For the Choctaw general fund, being amount of interest due on ac- ta ^g^erai P ftjnd h ° 8 count of said fund, and paid into the Treasury by the State of Virginia, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For pay of members and officers of the Senate, and for the contin- ce^"" uTserite^ gent fund, from the twenty-first December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to first February, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. Attorney General's Department. — For compensation of Attorney G Offi0 ? of Attorne y General, Assistant Attorney General, Clerks and Messenger, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-seven cents. For compensation of Superintendent of Public Printing;. Clerk and Superintendent ° f i i o j Public Pnntins Clerk Messenger for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty- and Messenger.' three, three hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty-three cents. For compensation of Governor and Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory. the Secretary, Judges, Attorney and Marshal of Arizona Territory, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, eight hun- dred and eight dollars and seventy-one cents. For contingent expenses of Arizona Territory, to be expended by the Governor, for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, forty-three dollars. Commissary General's Department. — For the purchase of subsistence Subsistence forth* for the army for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty- a ' my ' three, six million five hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred and seventy-two dollars and ninety-one cents. Post -Office Department. — For compensation of Postmaster General, office of Postmas- Chiefs of Bureaus, Clerks, Messengers, &c, for January, eighteen terGeneral - 84 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 51, 52. 18G2. hundred and sixty-three, seven thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-one cents. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Post-Office Depart- ment for January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand dol- lars. Deficiencies in re- To supply deficiencies iu the revenue of the Post-Office Department Depaxtment St "° ffiCe ^ or ^ e montn °f January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one hun- dred and thirty thousand six hundred and seven dollars and thirty-nine cents. Alterations in For alterations made in building occupied by the Post-Office De- buiiding. partment, two thousand five hundred dollars. Special Agents. For compensation of two Special Agents of Post-Office Department from tenth October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to first January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand and fifty-three dollars and seventy-four cents. Members and offi- For pay of members and officers of the House of Representatives re e 3 r e S n°4uves. eofIlep " for ths month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty- five thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Oct. 13, 1862. Chap. LI. — An Act authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus.^ The Congress of the Cmfederate States of America do enact, Tha* suspensionof writ during the present invasion of the Confederate States, the President of habeas corpus, shall have power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in any cit}', town, or military district, whenever in his judgment the public safety may require it; but such suspension shall apply only to arrests made by the authorities of the Confederate Government, or for offences against the same, investigation of Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the rested° f persons ar ~ cases of all persons so arrested; in order that they may be discharged, if improperly detained, unless they can be speedily tried in due course of law. Continuance of act. Sec. 3. This Act shall continue in force for thirty days after the next meeting of Congress, and no longer. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Oct. 13 1862. Chap. LII. — An Actio grant commutation for quarters to the Superintendent of the' ( Army - — ! — Intelligence Office" and his clerks, and to increase the compensation of said clerks. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, iieu°of m qu a arters I" That commutation in lieu of quarters, be, and the same is hereby al- lowed superinten- lowed to the Superintendent of the "Army Intelligence Office," and ligence office 'Vnd his clerks, at the discretion of the Secretary of War, and under such his clerks. regulations as may be prescribed by him, and that the extra pay al- Extra pay allowed lowed said clerks, shall be, and is hereby increased from twenty-five clerks, increased. tQ fifty cents per day> Approved Oct. 13 ; 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 53, 54, 55, 56. 1862. 85 Chap. LIIL— An Act to authorize the President to make certain, appointments during the recess Oct. 13, 186-"2. of the Senate. ~ The Congress of the Confederate Slates of America do enact, That the President 'be, and he is hereby authorized to fill by appoint- u 2tKwL!SKta ment, all offices created, and all vacancies which may have occurred appointments during , ■ ,i . • c r< Ti ■ j j rru t • l • * recess of the Senate. during the present session or Congress: Provided, 1 hat said appoint- proviso, ments shall, at the next session of Congress, be submitted to the Sen- ate for its advice and consent: And provided, further, That said ap- When appoint- pointments shall expire, unless confirmed, during the next session of the raems t0 e ~P' rt; - Senate. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Chap. LIV. — An Actio regulate and fix the pay of Cadets in the service of the Confederate Oct. 13, 1802. States. — The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the pay of Cadets in the service of the Confederate States shall Pay of Cadeu. be the same as Second Lieutenants of the arm of service to which they are attached. Approved Oct. 13, 1S62. Chap. LV. — An Act to equalize the salary of the Assistant Attorney General with thai of other Oct. 13, 1S62. Assistant Secretaries and the Chiefs of Bureaus. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the salary of the Assistant Attorney General shall be the same as Salary of Assistant that of other Assistant Secretaries and the Chiefs of the several creased! Bureaus. Approved Oct. 13, 1S62. • Chap. LVI. — Jin Act to authorize the Vice-President of the Confederate States to employ a Oct. 13, 1860. Secretary. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That v i c e - President from and after the passage of this act, and during the continuance of |"^ employ a secre- his term of service, the Vice President of the Confederate States shall be authorized to employ and appoint a Secretary, at an annual salary Salary of Secretary. of a thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly. But the said Secretary shall hold his place at the pleasure of the Vice-President. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Chapj-LVII. — -Jin Act to relieve the army of disqualified, disabled and incompetent officers. ■ ' ^'° ~ k The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Examining Boar • to (K*t( 1 *"P 1 LUG t \\ whenever in the judgment of the general commanding a department, qualifications of oj the good of the service and the efficiency of his command, require it, fiecrs of the ar!11 >- be is authorized, and it is hereby made his duty, to appoint an Exam- ining Board, to be composed of officers of a rank at least as high as 86 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 57. 1862. Of what officers [fo^ f t} ie officers whose qualifications it is proposed to inquire into, which board shall immediately proceed to examine into the cases of such officers as may be brought to their attention for the purpose of Duties - determining their qualifications for the discharge of the duties properly appertaining to their several positions. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever such examining board Decisions and pro- shixll determine that any officer is clearly unfit to perform his legitimate ecedingsoi the Board , ... J , , . „• ., . V, . ,. , ° ., to be communicated and proper duties, or careless and inattentive in their discharge, then to the General com- ^g sa ^ Doarc | shall communicate their decision, together with the full raanriing the depart- . 1 ■■ nient. report or tneir proceedings in the case, to the general commanding the un°ub"Iis p°"uo < r 1 < ! Department in which the examination shall have been held, who shall, may be suspended if he approve the finding of the board, be authorized to suspend the ProceediligTin such officer who has been pronounced unfit for his position, and shall imme- ted e to°SecretatJ ni of diately transmit to the Secretary of War, the decision and proceedings War. of the Examining Board with its own action and opinion endorsed thereon: Provided, That such officer shall be entitled to be heard and m 25d5ta£e! Ied l ° t0 caI1 witnesses in his defence. if appproved by Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War. if he ap- u"e"pre3ide'nt d bel ° rC P rove tne finding of the board and the action of the general command- ing the department, shall lay the same before the President, who is President may re- authorized to retire honorably, without pay or allowances, or to drop ftom?he?ruiy°the r ot- fro ra the army, as the circumstances of the case may warrant, and the ficer found unfit. good of the service require, the officer who has been found unfit for his position. Officers command- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That in order to secure ie!iab!e infor- r«e r batta1ions, S & > tf a mation of the efficiency and competence of officers, it is hereby made to make monthly re- the- duty of each officer commandino a regiment, separate battalion, ports ot the conduct J . , p ~ . ' F . ' of commissioned of- company, battery or squadron, to .make to his immediate commanding 8pecti7e d commandT °ffi eei '> wri ° shall transmit the same to the brigadier-general command- ing, a monthly report in tabular form, a copy whereof shall be retained by the reporting officer, subject to the inspection of all officers inte- rested therein, containing a list of all commissioned officers of such regiment, separate battalion, company, battery or squadron, in which shall be stated the number of days each officer has been absent from his command, with or without, or on sick leave ; the number of times each officer has been observed to have been absent from his command when on march or in action ; when and when; each officer has been observed to have performed signal acts of service ; when and where negligent in the performance of duty and inattentive to the security Secretary of War and economy of public property ; printed blank forms of which said SSSnD« U afnUdrepSru! reports shall be furnished by the Secretary of War for the use of the officers whose duty it is made to make such reports. Promotions to fill Sec 5. Be it further enacted, That whenever any officer of a com- office""^ 8 dropped « P ;in .v> battalion, squadron or regiment shall have been dropped or hon- honorably reured. urably retired, in accordance with the provisions of this act, then the officer next in rank shall be .promoted to the vacancy, if competent, Competency of of- such competency to be ascertained as provided in the first and s, cond ',]', i,' .."'.. ,'.'' ; ' sections of this act, and if not competent, then the next officer in rank provided for in the shall be promoted, and so on until all the commissioned officers of the 1st and 2d section i. , ,. , . . ,, . . . , company, batta ion, squadron or regiment shall have been gone through if no officer be with ; and if there be no officer of the company, battalion, squadron a^y P fiii P thI' P vaca^cy " r ''egimetit competent to fill the vacancy, then the President shall, by by appointment. ' and with the advice and consent of the Senate, fill the same by ap- Proviso. pointment : Provided, i hat the officer appointed shall be from the same State as th t to which the company, battalion, squadron or regi- Purther proviso, merit belongs : Jj \ad, provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the power heretofore conferred upon the FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Oh. 58, 59, GO. 1862. S7 President by existing laws to fill any vacancy by the promotion of offi- cers or the appointment of privates "distinguished in the service by the exhibition of extraordinary valor and skill :" And provided farther, Vacancies under mi j ■ • • i ji x- c j i • m. • • j "lis act in resritnents, that vacancies arising under the operation or this act, in regiments or &c, organized under battalions which were organized under the laws of a State for the war, state laws, how fill- . ed. or for a period not yet expired, shall be filled as in case of death or resignation. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Chap. LVIII. — An Act to reduce the rate of interest on the funded debt of the Confederate States . Oct. 13. 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, S ued e afterthTistDeI That all Treasury notes issued after the. first day of December next {■f mber ? 188 ~' fund *- iiii i e j Li i-i ii • • i c ble onl -'' ln bonds shall be made tundable only in bonds bearing interest at the rate oi bearing seven per seven per centum per annum, but in all other respects similar to the cent ' interest - bonds bearing eight per cent, interest. Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury shall have authority, by pub- sury notes may^be lie notice duly advertised, to require the holders of Treasury notes to re< i uiredt0 fund toe i A i i • » ■ i i ■ i • Same ln eiffht P sr come in and fund the same in eight per cent, bonds, or stocks, within cent, bonds or stocks. six months after the date of such notice; and all notes which s ft a n Notice to be given, not be presented for funding within the said time shall thereafter be such notes °to P be entitled to be funded onlv in the bonds or stock which shall thereafter l™L a r blfJ ft**?"*' " . , en per cent, bonds or be issued under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, bearing stocks. interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed Proviso. to revoke the authority heretofore given to issue six per cent, incon- vertible bonds. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. Chap. LIX. — An Act to amend " An Act in relation to public printing," approved Ftbruanj Oct. 13. l.n-— ■2'ith, 1861. Actof Feb. 27,1861, The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, amended. That the ninth section of the above-recited act be so amended as to rai to contract tor the authorize the Postmaster General to contract for the printing of post ^ndbimk/for fli'ep" bills and blanks for the Post-Office Department, at rates of compensa- o. Department. .• .. ,i i-i . i • j . u • i c • x- Rate of compensa- tion not exceeding those which are authorized to be paid tor printing t ion. for the other Executive departments of the Confederate Government. Approved Oct. 13, 18G2. Chap. LX. — An Act to establish certain post routes therein named. October 13, 1862. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, v J x fl routes estab " That the following post routes be and the same are hereby established : From Centre, in the State of Alabama, by Hanneganand Rio Grande, to Cave Spring, in the State of Georgia. From Cave Spring, in the State of Georgia, by Kirk's Grove, Howell's Cross Roads and Osceola, to Center, in the State of Alabama. From Hampton, in the State of Arkansas, by Little Bay, Fremont, to Eldorado in said State. 88 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 60. 1862. From Champagnolle, in the State of Arkansas, by Fremont and Buf- falo, to Camden in said State. f J a > form part of such States or districts, may volunteer and iorm part or such companies so companies. long as such suspension may continue : Provided, That no person shall become a member of said company until he shall have first taken the Oath. oath of allegiance to the Confederate States of America in writing, a copy of which shall be filed with the muster roll of said company as above prescribed. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. I October 1.1, 1862. Chap. LXIV. — Anklet to increase and regulate the appointment of general officers inthe Pro- visional Army. President author- 7$ e Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That appointments of gen- the President be and he is hereby authorized, by and with the advice era! otik-ers in the an( j CO nsent of the Senate, to appoint twenty general officers in the Provisional Army. . . > . i r , to • • Provisional Army, and to assign them to such appropriate duties as he may deem expedient. Approved Oct. 13, 1862. FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Res. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1S62. 91 RESOLUTIONS. [No. 1.] Joint resolution of thanks to Captain Raphael Semms?, officers and crew of the steamer Sept. 9, 1862. Sumter. steamer Sumter. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That Thanks of congress the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby presented to Captain semm^Indafloffi- Raphael Semmes, and the officers and crew of the steamer Sumter, cers and crew of the under his command, for gallant and meritorious services rendered by them in seriously injuring the enemy's commerce upon the high seas, thereby setting an example reflecting honor upon our infant navy, which cannot be too highly appreciated by Congress and the people of the Confederate States. Approved Sept. 9, 1862. [No. 2.] Joint resolution of thanks to Commander Far rand, of the Confederate Nary, senior offi- Sept. 16,1862. cer in command of the naval and military forces, and Captain Jl. Drenry, senior military officer, ' and the officers and men under their command at Drewry's Bluff onthe loth May, 1862. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That Thanks of congress the thanks of Congress are eminently clue, and are hereby most cor- FarramTan^CaptaEi dially tendered to Commander E. Farrand, senior officer in command A - Drewry, and the r ,, , . i : i •.-, c , , ,-, . • a officers and men un- ot the combined naval and military forces engaged, and Captain A. der their command. Drewry, senior military officer, and the officers and men under their command, for the great and signal victory achieved over the naval forces of the United States in the engagement on the fifteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, at Drewry's Bluff; and the gallantry, courage and endurance in that protracted fight, which achieved a victory over the fleet of iron-clad gunboats of the enemy, entitle all who contributed thereto to the gratitude of the country. Resolved further. That the President be requested, in appropriate President to eom- ij. ± .i p • i ,• . . .! ic municate this resolu- general orders, to communicate the foregoing resolution to the officers t ion. and men to whom it is addressed, Approved Sept. 16, 1862. [Vo. 3.] Joint resolution to authorize the Postmaster General to cause certain alterations to Sept. 27, 1362. be made in the building now occupied by the Post-vflicz Department. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate Slates of America, That Alterations in buiid- the Postmaster General be authorized to cause such alterations to be pos^offlce* Depan- made in the building now occupied by the Post-Office Deptirtment, as IIKUt - may in his opinion be necessary : Provided, The cost shall not ex- ceed two thousand five hundred dollars. Approved Sept. 27, 18G2. [No. 4.] Joint resolution of thanhs to Lieutenant 1. N. Broicn and all under his command. Q ct o isg^. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That Thanks of Congress the thanks of Congress are hereby cordially tendered to Lieutenant Brown. 1 "' Isaa ° ' 92 FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Res. 4. 1862. Isaac N. Brown, and all under his command, for their signal exhibition of skill and gallantry on the fourteenth day of July last, on the Missis- sippi river, near Vicksburg, in the brilliant and successful engagement of the sloop-of-war "Arkansas," with the enemy's fleet. Approved Oct. 2, 1862. TO THE FOREGOING PUBLIC LAWS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. A. Accounts, surgeons and assistant surgeons to render weekly accounts of hospital funds received, to be verified by vouchers, Agents, appropriation for special agents of post-office department, Appropriations, to pay Choctaw nation interest due by State of Virginia. to pay for construction of railroad between Blue Mountain, Alabama, and Rome, Georgia to refund to Louisiana the excess of the war tax overpaid by her, 69- to refund to North Carolina the excess of the war tax overpaid by that State, for the executive, legislative and judicial ex- penses of the government for the month of De- cember, 1S32, executive, president vice-president, private secretary, messenger, treasury department. secretary's office, incidental and contingent expenses, war department, secretary's office, incidental and contingent expenses nav)" department secretary's office, incidental and contingent expenses, post-office department, postmaster general's office, incidental and contingent expenses, justice department. attorney general's office, office of superintendent of public'printing, incidental and contingent expenses, printing for the several departments, Arizona territory, governor commissioner of Indian affairs, secretary, judges, attorneys, marshal, contingent expenses, miscellaneous, light and fuel for public buildings, treasury notes, bonds, etc., 73. deficiencies in the revenue of the post- office department copies of the journal of the Provisional Congress and convention, officers, etc., of the army, supplies and other expenses, prisoners of war. Approjiriations. (continued.) bounty, 74 subsistence stores and commissary pro- perty, 74 ordnance service, 74 engineer service, 74 medical and hospital supplies, 74 nurses and cooks, 74 physicians, 74 military hospitals, 74 detection of persons passing, etc., forg- ed notes, 74 iron and' coal, 74 winter quarters for officers, etc., at Drew- ry's Bluff, .' 74 for marines, 74 ordnance service, including ordnance and ordnance stores, 74 members and offiers of Congress, 74 members of the Senate, 74 officers of the Senate, 74 contingent expenses of the Senate, 74 contingent and telegraphic expenses of the executive office, 74 deficiencies in the engineer appropria- tions, 74 claims for vessels seized, 7t flour, 74 redemption and cancellation of treasury notes and issue of other notes in their stead, 74 for the support of the government for the month of January, 1833, SI war department, 81 secretary's office, 81 incidental and contingent expenses, 81 ordnance bureau. 81 ordnance service, 81 engineer service, 81 iron, 81 nitre, 81 quartermaster's department. 81 pay of the army, 81 transportation of troops, stores, pur- chase of horses, lumber, etc.,. 81 pay for horses killed in battle, St for property pressed into service, 81 prisoners of war, 81 bounty, 81 deficiencies in, 82 officers on duty in certain offices, 82 medical department 8*2 private' physicians, 63 nurses and cooks, 82 hospital stewards, 82 hospital laundresses, 82 medical and hospital supplies, 82 military hospitals, 82 deficit in appropriation for medical and hospital supplies and for private physi- cians, 82 a INDEX. Appropriations, (continued). state department, secretary's office, diplomatic books, foreign intercourse, post-office department, deficit in, navy department, secretary's office, incidental and contingent expenses,.. 82 executive department, president, vice-president, private secretary, messenger, contingent and telegraphic expenses,... rent of executive buildings, treasury department, secretaay's office, incidental and contingent expenses, commissioners under sequestration act, treasury notes, bonds, etc., interest on public debt, interest on money of Branch Bank to Ten- nessee, interest on Choctaw general fund, justice department, attorney general's office superintendent of public printing, clerk and messenger, Arizona territory, governor, commissioner of Indian affairs, secretary, judges, attorney, maishal, contingent expenses, commissary general's department, subsistence for the army, post-office department, office of postmaster general S3 incidental and contingent expenses, deficiencies in revenue of, alteration in building occupied by, special agents. legislative, senate, house, Arizona Territory, appropriation for, legislalive, executive and judicial officers, 73, contingent expenses 73, Army — (see Compensation, Enrollment, Officers.) appointment of additional officers of artillery for ordnance duties, organization of divisions into army corps, each army corps to be commanded by a Lieu- tenant General, transfer of privates and non-commissioned offi- cers, rank conferred on officers of the engineer corps, number of officers in each grade limited, all white men. residents of the C. S., between the ages of 35 and 45 years, placed in the mili- tary service, 61- also all persons who now are or may hereaf- ter become 18 years of age, to serve their full time, where all are not required, who to be first called out, disposition made of persons called into the military service, suspension of conscript acts in certain local- ities, 62, when soldiers in the service may be assigned as nurses and ward-masters appointment of adjutant of the grade of subal- tern for independent battalions, rank, pay and allowance, soldiers tranferred to be furnished with trans- portation, camps of instruction for enrolled persons, soldiers to be provided with clothing to be paid the money value of clothing due 1 hem at the end of the year, machinery or materials for the manufacture of clothing and shoes for, may be imported duty free, may be worked on government account, or leased or sold, 53 Army, (continued). privilege of this act extended to companies or individuals, clothing for the, may be of such color and quality as may be obtained, assistant adjutant general added to the adjutant and inspector general's department, as to organization of military courts to attend the army into the field, see title Military Courts, and 71- persons may be detailed from, for the manufac- ture of shoes for the army, their pay, appropriations for, 73,81- regiments or battalions organized prior to Oct. 1, 1862, though composed in part of persons between the ages of IS and 35 years, may be re- ceived into the service, 71- those organized after that time not to be re- ceived, except in States, etc., where the conscript law maybe suspended, regiments or battalions organized of conscripts of any of the. States west of the Mississippi river, may be received, president may accept companies, etc., of infan- try, raised before Dec. 1. 1862, within the lim- its of middle and west Tennessee, . , election of the officers, vacancies filled by president, may also accept companies, etc., from certain counties in North Carolina exposed to the in- cursions of the enemy, act of May 8, 1861, authorizing the president to accept the services of volunteers without re- gard to the place of enlistment, &c, to have full effect in certain States and districts, president may appoint major and brigadier gene- rals, with their staffs, and the field, company and staff officers to regiments, etc., before the same are organized, 76- commissions of the officers may be vacated, if regiments, etc., not completed within a reasonable time, pay of the officers, for what time, of what number companies of the different arms of the service to consist, bounty secured to soldiers and officers, thiugh dead or discharged, to be paid as other arrear- ages, persons exempt from military duty 77- as to proceedings to determine the qualifications of officers of the army, and the filling of va- cancies where any officer is dropped or re- tired, see title Examining Boards, and S5 bestowment of medals and badges of distiction as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of battle how soldier best entitled to receive such dis- tinction to be chosen, his name to be communicated to the presi- dent, how badge disposed of when the award falls on a deceased soldier, as to protection of the rights of owners of slaves taken by or employed in the army, see title Slaves, and 8! formation of volunteer companies for local de- fence, such companies considered as belonging to the provisional army, president authorized to increase the appointment of general officers in the provisional army, Army Corps, president authorized to organize divisions of the provisional army into army corps, and to ap- point the officers thereof, when commanders of, may detail an officer to perform the duties of judge advocate for mili- tary courts, Army Intelligence Office, commutation in lieu of quarters allowed super- intendent (jf, and his clerks, extra pay allowed clerks, increased, Arrests, when notice of, to be given judge advocate, president to cause proper officers to investigate the cases of all persons arrested, irtillery. appointment of additional officers of, for ord- nance duties. Assistant Attorney General, salary of, increased, INDEX. in Attorney General, appropriation for his office, 73, salary of assistant, increased, „ t . . . Badges and Medals, of distinction ; bestowment of, as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of bat- tle, how soldier, best entitled to receive such dis- tinction, to be chosen, his name to be communicated to the presi- dent, how badge disposed of, when the award talis on a deceased soldier, Banks, appropriation to pay interest to Branch Bank of Tennessee, Battalions, adjutant of, of the grade of subaltern, may be appointed for independent battalions, his rank, pay and allowance, Board of Examination, of enrolled men, to be established in each con- gressional district, Bonds, to be issued to pay for iron-clad vessels of war, etc., to be constructed abroad required of naval store-keepers, Bounty, appropriations for, 74 secured to soldiers and officers, though dead or discharged, to be paid as other arrearages, .... Branch Bank of Tennessee, appropriation to pay interest to. Brown, Lieutenant Isaac jV., resolution of thanks of Congress to. and to all under his command, .' 91- c. Cadets, pay of, Camps of instruction, to be established for enrolled per- sons, officers to be appointed to superintend the same, their rank and pay, .' only those who are fit for military duty to at- tend, Choctaws, appropriation to pay interest to, 57, Claims, d ib to deceased non-commissioned officers and privates may be paid without producing pay- roll, of deceased commissioned officers paid in same manner, clerical force in second auditor's office increased, for the adjustment of such claims, . ... 67 appropriation to pav claims for vessels seized,.. Chris, additional temporary clerks may be appointed in second auditor's office, their pay,. 67 to be appointed for military courts salary.. Clothing allowed for the use of the sick while in hospi- tals, , to be drawn upon the written requisition of the surgeon and kept for the use of tTre hospital, surgeon to account for. as for other public property, to be furnished to the soldiers. soldiers to be paid the money value of, due them at the end of the year, "... repeal of law providing commutation for machinery and materials for the manufacture of, for the army, may be imported duty free, may be worked on government account, or leased or sold, privilege of this act extended to companies or individuals, may be of such color and quality as may be ob- tained , Coal, appropriation for, - Collectors, secretary of the treasury to pay district collect- ors of the war tax in States that have assumed the payment thereof, 76 amount heretofore paid to be deducted, 75 chief collectors to receive quarterly a pro- portionable amount of their salaries 76 term of office of certain war tax collectors extended, 80 pay for additional term, 80 Commissary Property, appropriation for, 74, 83 Commissions, of officers of certain regiments, etc., may be va- cated, if regiments, etc., nut completed with- in a reasonable time, 77 Commutation, law providing commutation for clothing repeal- ed, 69 in lieu of quarters, allowed superintendent of army intelligence office and his clerks, 64 Compensation, of lieutenant general of army corps, 58 of officers and soldiers in Missouri in the C. S. service, 59-60 of principal musician of marine corps, 60 of engineer-in-chief and passed assistant sur- geons of the navy 61 of matrons, nurses, cooks and ward-masters of hospitals, 61 of adjutants for independent battalions, 6f> of sailors and marines increased, 07 of additional temporary clerks in second audi- tor's office, 67-G3 of special agents to superintend transportation of mails across the Mississippi river 68 of officers appointed to superintend camps of m- s ruction, 69 of members and officers of military courts to at- tend army corps in the field, 71 of person's detailed from the army to manufac- ture shoes for the army, 72 of delegates from Indian nations, 75 of district collectors of the war tax in certain States, 76 amounts heretofore paid to be deducted, 76 chief collectors to receive quarterly a propor- tionable amount of their salaries 76- of officers of regiments, &c, appointed before the same are organized, 77 of certain war tax collectors for their extended term, 80 of officers and employees in the executive and legislative departments, increased. 80 of naval storekeepers, fcO of clerks in army intelligence, office, increased,. 80 of cadets, 85 of assistant attorney general, increased, 85 of secretary of vice president, 85 Congress, time for assembling of, for its next regular ses- sion, changed, . 60 appropriation for copies of the journal of tho provisional congress and convention, 73 for members and officers of two houses of, 74,83,84 for contingent expenses, 74 pay and mileage allowed delegates from Indian nations, 75 1 [Conscription — v see Army, Enrollment). ' '■'.Contempts, punishment for, by military court's, 71 °°[ may be employed for hospitals, 64 their pay, 64 appropriations for, 74,82 Courts — (see Military Courts). marshal to be appointed for the court held at Galveston, 65 marshal for the district of eastern Texas to be the marshal for the court held at Tyler, 65 when the places for holding the district courts may be changed, 68 order making the change may be revoked, 68 Crimes and Punishments, punishment of contempts by military courts,.. .. 71 of persons in the service of the enemy for pass- ing, selling, etc., of counterfeit treasury notes SO-81 of commissioned officsrs of ihe enemy for per- mitting such offence to be committed, 81 trial to be by a military court, 81 president may commute punishment, or pardon, 81 89 IV INDEX. D. Deceased Soldiers and Officers, claims due to deceased non-commissioned offi- cers and privates may be paid without pro- ducing pay roll, ' C of deceased commissioned officers paid in like manner, 6 Departments — (see several heads). pay of certain officers in the executive and legis- lative departmeats, increased, SO Depots, for re-captured slaves, to be established, 89 public notice to be given of the places selected, 89 list of the slaves in, to be published, SO employment of slaves, 69 when they may be removed,.. S9 their subsistence to be provided for by the president, 90 Drewry, Captain A., resolution of thanks of Congress to, and to the officers and men under his command 91 president to communicate this resolution, .. .. 91 Drewry's Bluff', appropriation for winter quarters for officers, etc., 74 Duties, machinery or materials for the manufacture of clothing and shoes for the army, may be import- ed duty free, ". 09 E. Engineer Corps, rank conferred on officers of, of the provisional army, during the war, 60 number of officers in each grade limited, 0U Engineer Service, appropriations for, 74, §1 Enrollment, of persons under the amended conscription act, 01-6-2 persons subject to, may enlist in the marine corps 07 may be enrolled for service in the navy or marine corps at any time before assignment to any company, 67 duty of enrolling officer, (i camps of instruction for enrolled persons, 69 persons subject to, may be enrolled wherever found, 70 act not to extend to members of military organi- zations under State laws, ' suspension of aetas to residents of certain local- ities, 70 places of rendezvous for enrolled men establish- ed, 7." persons enrolled to be examined by a surgeon... 7° surgeon to pt 39, If 62. Chap I. — An Act to amend the "Act to authorize payment to be made for certain horses curckaxtd for the Army, by Col. A. W. McDonald.'' Approved. August 21st, 1-861. 1862, AugustST. The Conjress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Donald to bo' paid the above recited act be amended so as to insert after the word "horses," for c ' a y all 7, e( ] u 'i'~ ... . ' merits furnished tor wherever it occurs in :>aid act, the words "ana cavalry equipments,'' the Army. Approved Sept. SO, 1862. Ciiap^ II. — Ac Act j or the relief of John Hunter, Collector of Customs and. Agent of the Marine October 8, 1865. Hospital, at the Port of Natchez, Mississippi. The Congress of the Confederate States cf America do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to audit the account jnhn^Hnxfter^Coi- of John Hunter, Collector of Customs, at the Port of Natchez, Miss- lector of the Customs issippi, for money expended by him subsequent to the thirtieth of arfdited at the Treas- April, eighteeh hundred and sixty one, on account of the Marine Hos- ury- pital at that place, and allow so much fhereof'ias may be shown to have been expended to meet the usual and proper charges of said hos- pital. Approved Oct. 8, 1862.