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Johnson, It more than twenty had ever been slaves. They were joined by other slaves who ran away as chance permitted. The neigh- boring slave-holders attempted to capture these people but failed. They finally called on the Presi- dent of the United States for aid. General Jack- son, then commander of the Southern militia, dele- gated Lieutenant Colonel Clinch to take the fort and reduce these people to slavery again. His sympathies being with the refugees, he marched to the fort and returned, reporting that "the fortifica- tion was not accessible by land." Commodore Patterson next received orders. He commanded the American fleet, then lying in Mobile 52 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Bay. A " sub-order was given to Lieutenant Loomis to ascend the Apalachicola river with two gun- boats, to seize the people in Blount's Fort, deliver them to their owners, and destroy the fort." At early dawn on the morning of September the 17th, 1816, the two boats, with full sail catching a gentle breeze, moved up the river towards the fort. They lowered a boat on their arrival and twelve men went ashore. They were met at the water's edge and asked their errand by a number of the leading men of the fort. Lieutenant Loomis informed them that he came to destroy the fort and turn over its inmates to the "slave-holders, then on board the gun-boat, who claimed them as fugitive slaves." The demand was rejected. The colored men re- turned to the fort and informed the inmates. Great consternation prevailed. The women were much distressed, but amid the confusion and excitement there appeared an aged father. He assured the people that the fort could not be taken, and ended his speech with these patriotic words: "Give me liberty, or give me death." A shout went up from the entire fort as from one man, and they prepared to defend themselves. The Gun-boats Soon Opened Fire. For several hours they buried balls in the earthen walls and injured no one. Bombs were then fired. These had more effect, as there was no shelter from them. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 53 All this seemed little more than sport for the in- mates of the fort, who saw nothing but a joke in it after shelter had been found. Lieutenant Loomis saw his failure. He had a consultation, and it was agreed to fire "hot shot at the magazine." So the furnaces were heated and the fiery flames began to whizz through the air. This last stroke was effectual; the hot shot set the magazine on fire, and a terrible explosion covered the entire place with debris. Many were instantly killed by the falling earth and timbers. It was now dark. Fifteen persons in the fort had survived the explosion. The sixty sailors and ofi&cers now entered, trampling over the wounded and dying, and took these fifteen refugees in handcuffs and ropes back to the boats. The dead, wounded and dying were left. As the two boats moved away from this scene of carnage the sight weakened the veteran sailors on board the boats, and when the officers retired these weather-worn sailor veterans " gathered before the mast, and loud and bitter were the curses uttered against slavery and against the officers of the gov- ernment." The Dead Remained unburied in the fort. The wounded and dying were not cared for, and all were left as food for vultures. For years afterward the bones of these brave people lay bleaching in the sun. 54 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Having briefly considered the establishment of slavery in the colonies, where the Negro slave was employed mainly in menial occupations and where he accepted the conditions imposed upon him with a full knowledge of the wrong done, but still jubi- lant with songs of hope for deliverance, and trust in God, whose promises are many to the faithful, let us turn to the war of tlie Revolution. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XI. HABITS AND CUSTOMS OF THE SOUTH- ERN COLONIES. Barnes gives the following account of the habits and customs of the Southern colonies during the days of slavery: "The Southern Colonists differed widely from the Northern in habits and style of living. In place of thickly-settled towns and villages, they had large plantations, and were surrounded by a numerous household of servants. The Negro quarters formed a hamlet apart, with its gardens and poultrj^ yards. An estate in those days was a little empire. The planter had among his slaves men of every trade, and they made most of the articles needed for com- mon use upon the plantation. There were large sheds for curing tobacco, and mills for grinding corn and wheat. The tobacco was put up and con- signed directly to England. The flour of the Mount Vernon estate was packed under the eye of Wash- ington himself, and we are told that barrels of flour bearing his brand passed in the West India market without inspection. "Up the Ashley and Cooper (near Charleston) were the remains of the only bona fide nobility ever 66 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE established on our soil. There the descendants of the Landgraves, who received their title in accord- ance with Locke's grand model, occupied their manorial dwellings. Along the banks of the James and Rappahannock the plantation often passed from father to son, according to the law of entail. " The heads of these great Southern families lived like lords, keeping their packs of choice hunting dogs, and their stables of blooded horses, and roll- ing to church or town in their coach of six, with outriders on horseback. Their spacious mansions were sometimes built of imported brick. Within, the grand staircases, the mantels, and the wainscot, reaching in a quaint fashion from floor to ceiling, were of mahogany elaborately carved and paneled. The sideboards shown with gold and silver plate and the tables were loaded with the luxuries of the Old World. Negro servants thronged about, ready to perform every task. "All labor was done by Slaves, it being consid- ered degrading for a white man to work. Even the superintendence of the plantation and slaves was generally committed to overseers, while the master dispensed a generous hospitality, and occupied himself with social and political life." We must not give this picture of life in the Southern Colonies too wide afi application. While it is true as to many families, it is to be remembered that vastly more persons owned but few slaves, and still NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 57 more owned none. Therefore a large majority of the families could not and did not live in any such style, and they did labor themselves, frequentl}' along with their slaves, and they were not considered degraded thereby. Labor was not considered degrading by the great body of the Southern people. SLAVERY INTRODUCED IN THE COLONIES. In Virginia, the last of August, 1619. In New York, 1628, or earlier. In Massachusetts, between 1633 and 1637. In Marj^land, 1634, or earlier. In Delaware, between 1636 and 1639. In Connecticut, between 163 1 and 1636. In Rhode Island from the beginning, 1647. New Jersey, not known ; as early though as in New Netherlands. South Carolina and North Carolina from the ear- liest days of their existence. In New Hampshire, slavery existed from the beginning. Pennsylvania doubtful. In Georgia, 1750. A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XII. NEGRO SOLDIERS IN REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. Objections lo Enlisting Negroes caused much dis- cussion at the beginning of the Revolutionary war. The Northern colonies partially favored their enlist- ment and rightly reasoned that if the Negroes were not allowed to enlist in the Colonial ami}', where their sympathies were, they would accept the propo- sitions of the British, who promised freedom to ever}' slave who would desert his master and join the English arm3^ Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, and the other British leaders, saw a good chance to weaken the strength of the colonies by offering freedom to the slaves if they would fight for England. They knew that the slaves would be used to throw up fortifications, do fatigue duties, and raise the provi- sions necessary to support the Colonial army. So Lord Dunmore issued a proclamation offering free- dom to all slaves who would join his army. As the result of this, Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying that 30,000 Negroes from Virginia alone joined the British ranks. The Americans became fearful of the results that NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 59 were sure to follow the plans of Lord Dunmore. Sentiment began to change in the Negro's favor; the newspapers were filled with kind words for the slaves, tr^ang to convince them that the British Government had forced slavery upon the colonies against their will, and that their best interests were centred in the triumph of the Colonial arm}^ A part of an article in one paper, headed "Caution to the Negro," read thus: "Can it, then, be supposed that the Negroes will be better used by the English, who have always encouraged and upheld this slavery, than by their present masters, who pity their condition; who wish in general to make it as easy and comfortable as possible, and who would, were it in their power, or were they permitted, not onl}- prevent an}^ more Negroes from losing their freedom, but restore it to such as have already un- happily lost it They will send the Negroes to the West Indies where every year the}' sell many thousands of their miserable brethren. Be not tempted, ye Negroes, to ruin yourselves by this proclamation!" The colonies finally allowed the enlistment of Negroes, their masters being paid for them out of the public treasury. Those slaves who had already joined the British were offered pardon if they would escape and return, and a severe pun- ishment was to be inflicted on those who left the colony if they were caught. 60 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE To OfTsel the Plans of Lord Dunmore, the Ameri- cans proposed to organize a Negro army, to be com- manded by the brave Colonel Laurens ; and on this subject the following letter was addressed to John Jay, President of Congress, \>y the renowned Alex- ander Hamilton. This letter also shows in what esteem the Negro slave of America was held by men of note: "Headquarters, March 14, 1779. " To John Jay. "Dear Sir: — Col. Laurens, who will have the honor of delivering you this letter, is on his way to South Carolina on a project which I think, in the present situation of affairs there, is a very good one, and deserves every kind of support and en- couragement. This is, to raise two, or three, or four battalions of Negroes, with the assistance of the government of that State, by contributions from the owners in proportion to the number they pos- sess. If 3^ou think proper to enter upon the subject with him, he will give you a detail of his plan. He wishes to have it recommended by Congress and the State, and, as an inducement, they should en- gage to take those battalions into Continental pay. " It appears to me that an experiment of this kind, in the present state of Southern affairs, is the most rational that can be adopted, and promises very NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 61 important advantages. Indeed, I hardly see how a sufficient force can be collected in that quarter without it, and the enemy's operations are growing infinitely more serious and formidable. I have not the least doubt that the Negroes will make very excellent soldiers with proper management, and I will venture to pronounce that they cannot be put in better hands than those of Mr. Laurens. He has all the zeal, intelligence, enterprise, and every other qualification necessary to succeed in such an under- taking. It is a maxim with some great military judges that, "with sensible officers, soldiers can hardly be too stupid;" and, on this principle, it is thought that the Russians would make the best troops in the world if they were under other officers than their own. I mention this, because I hear it frequently objected to the scheme of embodying Negroes, that they are too stupid to make soldiers. This is so far from appearing, to me, a valid objec- tion, that I think their want of cultivation (for their natural faculties are probably as good as ours), joined to that habit of subordination from a life of servitude, will make them sooner become soldiers than our white inhabitants. Let officers be men of sense and sentiment, and the nearer the soldiers approach to machines perhaps the better. "I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. 62 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience, and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice. But it should be considered that if we do not make use of them in this way the enemy probably will, and that the best way to counteract the temptations they hold out will be to offer them ourselves. An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets. This will secure their fidelity, animate their courage, and, I believe, will have a good influ- ence upon those who remain b}- opening a door to their emancipation. This circumstance, I confess, has no small weight in inducing me to wish the suc- cess of the project, for the dictates of humanity and true policy equall}' interest me in favor of this un- fortunate class of men. With the truest respect and esteem, I am, sir, " Your most obedient servant, "Alex. Hamilton." George Washington, James Madison, and the Continental Congress gave their consent to the plan of Col. Laurens, and recommended it to the South- ern Colonies. It was resolved by Congress to com- NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 63 pensate the master for the slaves used by Col. Lau- rens at the rate of $i,ooo apiece for each "able- bodied Xegro man of standard size, not exceeding thirt\'-five 3'ears of age, who shall be so enlisted and pass muster. That no pay be allowed to the said Negroes, but that they be clothed and sub- sisted at the expense of the United States; that ever}' Negro who shall well and faithfully serve as a soldier to the end of the present war, and shall then return his arms, shall be emancipated and receive the sum of fifty dollars." Congress commissioned Col. Laurens to carry out this plan. "He repaired to South Carolina and threw all his energies into his noble mission." The people of the States of Georgia and South Carolina refused to co-operate with him. A Letter from General Washington will help us to understand the condition of aifairs in South Carolina and Georgia. He wrote to Col. Laurens as follows: "I must confess that I am not at all astonished at the failure of your plan. That spirit of freedom which, at the commencement of this contest, would have gladly sacrificed everything to the attainment of its object, has long since subsided, and every selfish passion has taken its place. It is not the public but private interest which influences the generality of mankind, nor can the x'Vmericans any longer boast an exception. Under these cir- 64 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE cumstances it would rather have been surprising if you had succeeded, nor will you, I fear, have better success in Georgia." Col. Laurens was killed in battle, but he had not entirely abandoned his plan of enlisting the slaves. But in spite of the recommendations of Congress, he could not succeed, for the States of South Caro- lina and Georgia coveted their slaves too much to allow this entering wedge to their ultimate freedom. Had his plan been carried out, slavery would prob- ably have been abolished as soon at the South as at the North. The Negroes who would have come out of the war of the Revolution would have set themselves to work to relieve the condition of their brethren in shackles, Connecticut Failed to endorse the enlistment of Negroes by its Legislature, but Mr. Williams in his history gives the roster of a company of Negroes in that State, numbering fifty-seven, with David Hum- phreys, Captain. White officers refused to serve in the company. David Humphreys continued at the head of this force until the war closed. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 65 CHAPTER XIII. NEGRO HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION. Among Those whose blood was first shed for the cause of American liberty was the runaway slave, Crispus Attucks. Having escaped from his master, William Brown, of Framingham, Massachusetts, at the age of twenty-seven, being then six feet two inches high, with " short, curled hair," Attucks made his way to Boston. His master in 1750 offered a reward of ten pounds for him, but Crispus was not found. When next heard from he turns up in the streets of Boston. THE LEADER WHO FEEL IN THE FAMOUS BOSTON MASSACRE. Attucks had no doubt been listening to the fiery eloquence of the patriots of those burning times. The words of the eloquent Otis had kindled his soul, and though a runaway slave, his patriotism was so deep that he it was who sacrificed his life first on the altar of American Liberty. General Gage, the English commander, had taken possession of Boston. Under the British flag gaily dressed soldiers marched the streets of Boston as through a conquered city ; their every act was an 66 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE insult to the inhabitants. Finally, on March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks, at the head of a crowd of citizens, resolved no longer to be insulted, and de- termining to resist any invasion of their rights as citizens, a fi^-ht soon ensued on the street. The Crispus Attucks at the Boston Massacre. troops were ordered to fire on the "mob,'' and x\ttucks fell, the first one, with three others, Cald- well, Gray, and Maverick. The town bell was rung, the alarm given and citizens from the country ran into Boston, where the greatest excitement prevailed. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 67 The Burial of Allucks, the only unknown dead, was from Faneuil Hall. The funeral procession was enormous, and many of the best citizens of Boston readily followed this former slave and un- known hero to an honored grave. Many orators spoke in the highest terms of Crispus Attucks. A verse mentioning him reads thus: " Long as in freedom's cause the wise contend, Dear to your country shall your fame extend ; While to the world the lettered stone shall tell Where Caldwell, Attucks, Gray and Maverick fell." Peler Salem shoots Major Pitcairn at Bunker Hill. Bunker Hill was the scene of a brave deed by a Negro soldier. Major Pitcairn was the commander of the British forces there. The battle was fierce ; victory seemed sure to the English, when Pitcairn 68 A SCHOOL HISTOR Y OF THE naounted an eminence, shouting triumphantly, "The day is ours." At this moment the Americans stood as if dumfounded, when suddenly there rushed forth Peter Salem^ who fired directly at the officer's breast and killed him. Salem was said to have been a slave, of Framingham, Massachusetts. General Warren, who was killed in this battle, greatl}^ eulo- gized Crispus Attucks for his bravery in Boston, and had he not been stricken down so soon, Peter Salem would doubtless also have received high enco- miums from his eloquent lips. Five Thousand Negroes are said to have fought on the side of the colonies during the Revolution. Most of them were from the northern colonies. There were, possibly, 50,000 Negroes enlisted on the side of Great Britain, and 30,000 of these were from Virginia. SOME INDIVIDUALS OF REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. Primus Hall was body-servant of Colonel Picker- ing in Massachusetts. General Washington was quite intimate with the Colonel, and paid him many visits. On one occasion Washington continued his visit till a late hour, and being assured by Primus that there were blankets enough to accommodate him, he resolved to spend the night in the Colonel's quarters. Accordingly two beds of straw were made NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 69 down, and Washington and Colonel Pickering re- tired, leaving Primus engaged about the tent. Late in the night General Washington awoke, and seeing Primus sitting on a box nodding, rose up in his bed and said : " Primus, what did you mean by saying that you had blankets enough ? Have you given up your blanket and straw to me, that I may sleep comfortably while you are obliged to sit through the night?" " It's nothing," said Primus, "don't trouble yourself about me, General, but go to sleep again. No matter about me; I sleep very good." "But it is matter; it is matter," replied Wash- ington, earnestly. " I cannot do it. Primus. If either is to sit up, I will. But I think there is no need of either sitting up. The blanket is wide enough for two ; come and lie down here with me." " O, no, General," said Primus, "let me sit here; I'll do very well on the box." Washington said, " I say, come and lie down here ! There is room for both, and I insist upon it." And, as he spoke, he threw up the blanket and moved to one side of the straw. Primus hesitated, but Washington con- tinuing to insist, Primus finally prepared himself aud laid down by Washington, and on the same straw, and under the same blanket, where the General and the Negro servant slept till morning. Washington is said to have been out walking one day in company with some distinguished gentle- 70 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE men, and during the walk he met an old colored man, who very politely tipped his hat and spoke to the General. Washington, in turn, took off his hat to the colored man, on seeing which one of the com- pany, in a jesting manner, inquired of the General if he usually took off his hat to Negroes. Where- upon Washington replied: "Politeness is cheap, and I never allow any one to be more polite to me than I to him." %.Q Brave Colored Arlilleryinai Judge Story gives an account of a colored artil- leryman who was in charge of a cannon with a white soldier at Bunker Hill. He had one arm so badly wounded he could not use it. He suggested to the white soldier that he change sides so as to use the other arm. He did this; and while thus NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 71 laboring under pain and loss of blood, a shot came which killed him. SAMUEL LATHAM. New London, Connecticut, was taken by the British under command of Arnold, the traitor, in 1 78 1. The American troops retreated to Fort Gro- ton, where the American commander, Ledyard, was in command. The British came up and overcame the Americans after a bold resistance. The British officer vainl}' strode into the ramparts and said, " Who commands this fort ?" Ledyard replied, " I once did ; you do now," handing the Briton his sword at the same time, which he took and ran through Ledyard up to the hilt. Samuel Latham, a Negro slave, stood near the American. Scarcely had the British officer'' s hand left the murderous hilt when Latham ran him through with his bayonet. The enemy rushed on him, and after a most daring fight he fell, not till pierced by thirty-three bayo- nets. Latham had been left at home by his master to care for the stock when the latter left to help defend the fort; but as soon as he could un- hitch his team he too made haste to the scene of the fra}^, and the above bold deed shows how deeply he felt moved to give his life in defence of his country. 72 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE John Freeman pinned Major Montgomery to the ground while he was being lifted upon the walls of Fort Griswold. Samuel Charlton was in the battle of Monmouth and several others. Washington complimented him for his bravery. He returned to his master in New Jersey after the war, and at his master's death Charlton, with the other slaves, was set free and given a pension during his life. James Armislead acted as scout for LaFayette in the Virginia campaign. He returned to his master after the surrender of Cornwallis, and was set free by a special act of the Virginia Legislature. Negro Soldiers in the North enlisted with the colo- nies so that they might thus get their freedom from their Northern masters, while Negro soldiers in the South enlisted with the British, who promised free- dom to all who would join their ranks. Did the Negro Soldiers get their freedom after the war of the Revolution was over ? We may say yes, so far as the Northern colonies are concerned, but not without much opposition in the courts and legislatures. Virginia also passed an act in 1783 emancipating the slaves who had fought in the Revolution. Many individual slaves were eman- cipated by special acts of the legislatures for their courage and bravery. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 73 George Washington set his slaves free by bis will, and many slave-owners did tbe same. Tbe slaves who joined tbe British army were subjected to all sorts of horrors. Thousands died with small-pox and other contagious diseases. A great number were sent to the West Indies in exchange " for rum, sugar, coffee and fruit." LAFAYETTE AND KOSCIUSKO. LaFaj^ette, the brilliant j^oung Frenchman, and Kosciusko, the generous Pole, volunteered their ser- vices in behalf of freedom for the Americans during the Revolution. They fought, though, for the free- dom of all Americans. LaFayette said in a letter to a Mr. Clarkson : "I would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America if I could have conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery." While Visiting America in 1825 he expressed a warm desire to see some of the many colored sol- diers whom he " rem^embered as participating with him in various skirmishes." -He believed in free- dom to all men, and to put in practice his anti- slavery ideas he bought a plantation in French Guiana. There he collected all the "whips and other instruments of torture and punishment, and 74 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE made a bonfire of them in the presence of the assembled slaves." He Gave One Day in each week to the slaves, and as soon as one could earn enough he might pur- chase another day, and so on until he gained his freedom." Kosciusko Expressed great sorrow to learn that the colored men who served in the Revolution were not thereby to gain their freedom. He left $20,000 in the hands of Thomas Jefferson to be used in educating colored children. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. lb CHAPTER XIV. THE WAR OF 1S12. The War of the Revolution ended in 1781 at Yorktown. Many of the brave Negroes who shed their blood and helped to win America's liberty from England were, as soon as the war closed, put back into bondage. They were in the " Land of the Free," but themselves slaves. Other troubles arose very soon between England and America. England still kept standing armies in America, and claimed the right to search American vessels for British sailors who had deserted. They often took off American seamen. One Negro and Two White sailors were taken from the American man-of-war " Chesapeake " after she had been fired upon. Canada gave arms to and incited the Indians in the Northwest against the Americans. Finally, in 181 2, war was declared, during Madison's administration. . Negro Troops were very much needed, as the Americans had a very poor navy, and England, having whipped the French, was now ready to turn all her forces against America. A Call for Volunteers from the Union was issued, and many thousands of free Negroes answered the 76 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE call. The slaves were not allowed to enlist in the militia. Gen. Jackson thus spoke to his colored troops : " To the Men of Color — Soldiers : From the shores of Mobile I collected you to arms. I invited you to share in the perils and to divide the glory with your white countrymen. I expected much from you, for I was not uninformed of those quali- ties which must render you so formidable to an invading foe. I knew that you could endure hun- ger and thirst and all the hardships of war. I knew that you loved the land of your nativity, and that, like ourselves, you had to defend all that is most dear to man. But you have surpassed all my hopes. I have found in you, united to these quali- ties, that noble enthusiasm which impels to great deeds. " Soldiers, the President of the United States shall be informed of your conduct on the present occasion, and the voice of the Representatives of the American nation shall applaud your valor as your General now praises your ardor. The enemy is near. His sails cover the lakes ; but the brave are united, and if he finds us contending among ourselves, it will be for the prize of valor, and fame, its noblest reward." The Battle of New Orleans, we will remember, ended in defeat for the British. Over two thousand NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 77 were lost to the British, while the American loss was seven killed and six wounded. There were over four hundred Negroes in this battle, and ihey occupied " no mean place and did no mean service." The British had a battalion of Negroes from the Island of San Domingo in this battle. The idea of fortifying the city with cotton is said to have been the suggestion of a slave who was a native African, and learned this mode of defence from the Arabs. Mr. D. Lee Child, in a letter to a friend, states that the famous coitori breastzvorks, recognized the world over as a stroke of genius on the part of Gen. Jackson, was the suggestion of a colored man, a native African. He gives some data from a Por- tuguese manuscript to prove that this mode of de- fence is in practice among the native Africans, who thus defend their wives and children against the Arabs. NEGROES IN THE NAVY OF l8l2. There seemed to be no discrimination against any class of citizens joining our navy ; nor is there now. About one-fifth of the marines were Negroes. That they did valuable service is testified to by numerous commanders. Read what Commander Nathaniel Shaler of the "private armed" schooner "Gover- nor Tompkins " says, in a letter as follows : — 78 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE " At Sea, Jan. i, 1813. "My officers conducted themselves in a way that would have done honor to a more permanent ser- vice The name of one of my poor fellows who was killed ou^ht to be registered in the book of fame^ and remembered with reverence as long as bravery is a virtue. He was a black man, by the name oi John Johnson. A twenty-four pound shot struck him in the hip and took away all the lower part of his body. In this state the poor, brave fellow lay on the deck, and several times exclaimed to his shipmates, ^ Fire aivay^ my Iwys ; 7io haul a color down .f The other was a black man by the name of John Davis, and was struck in much the same way. He fell near me, and several times re- quested to be thrown overboard, saying he was only in the way of others. While America has such tars, she has little to fear from the tyrants of the ocean." Captain Perry had command of the American fleet on Lake Erie. He objected to recruits sent him, and described them in a letter to Commodore Chauncey as "a motley set — blacks, soldiers and boys." Commodore Chauncey replied: "I regret that you are not pleased with the men sent you. .... I have yet to learn that the color of the skin, or the cut and trimmings of the coat, can affect a man's qualifications or usefulness. I have fifty NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 79 blacks on board this ship, and many of them are among my best men." Usher Parsons, Surgeon of the "Java," under Commodore Perry, wrote that the whites and blacks of his ship messed together, and there seemed to be no prejudice. The End of the War of 1812 meant victory for America, and the Negro had scored a telling point in behalf of his recognition as an American citizen. But still many were in slavery. Major Jeffreys, a " regular," during the engage- ment of Major-General Andrew Jackson at Mobile, mounted a horse and rallied the retreating troops to victor}^ against the British, when the white com- manders were forced to retire and defeat seemed certain. Gen. Jackson gave him the title of Major, which he bore till his death in Nashville, Tenn. He was much respected by all classes. On one occa- sion a white ruffian insulted him. Words ensued, and Major Jeffre3's was forced to strike the white man in self-defence. For this, at the age of seventy years, this veteran, who had won a victory for his country on the battle-field, was ordered to be given "nine and thirty lashes with a raw hide." He did not recover from the effects of this treatment, and soon died of a broken heart. Jordon Noble was among the colored veterans of the War of 1812. For a long time after the war 80 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE he lived in New Orleans, where he was brought out on every great occasion to give enthusiasm. Jor- don Noble's name appearing in connection with any great occasion was sufficient guarantee of a tremendous crowd. He was drummer to the First Regiment Louisiana Volunteers in the Mexican War of 1846, and led the attack against the British in the Battle of New Orleans under Jackson in 18 14. He was known as the "matchless drummer." NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 81 CHAPTER XV. EFFORTS FOR FREEDOM. The War of 1812 was now over. America re- mained at peace with other nations about thirty-two years, when the Mexican war broke out in 1846. During this interval a war of words between Amer- icans themselves was waged ; and there were heroes in this contest, many of them Negroes and former slaves, and some of them women, who merit equal rank with the brave heroes of former battles. The Abolitionists, who were opposed to slavery, furnished many brave hearts and strong minds from their ranks. Their work began very early in the history of the colonies; it continued with slow growth for awhile, but, nevertheless, certain and effectual. The Quakers of Pennsylvania were fore- most in the work of abolition. They set nearly all their slaves free. Anti-slavery societies were formed in nearly all the Northern States. Benjamin Lundy is mentioned as tlie earliest leader of the Abolitionists. He published a paper called. 77?^ Genius of Universal Emancipation. He visited nineteen States of the Union, travelled upwards of five thousand miles on foot, and more than twenty thousand in other ways, and held more 82 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE thau two hundred public meetings. Lundy's paper was not regarded as very dangerous to the institu- tion of slavery ; but "CVi^ Journal of the Tivies^ pub- lished first at Bennington, Vermont, in support of J. Q. Adams for the Presidenc}^, became the invet- erate foe to slavery under the editorship of William Lloyd Garrison, who was mobbed in the streets of Boston, and imprisoned for libel in the city of Bal- timore for denouncing the crew of the ship "Francis Todd," on board of which were many ill-treated slaves bound for the slave marts of New Orleans. Garrison and Lundy united in getting out The Gejuns of Universal Emancipation at Baltimore. Arthur Tappan paid Garrison's fine, and the enemy to slavery commenced his war with more vigor and zeal than before. In 1831 The Liberator v7?iS first published by Garrison, and, as was his desire, it continued till "everj^ slave in America was free." A "Colored Wan," James Forten, sent fifty dollars among the first twent3'-five subscriptions that came to The Liberator. Garrison thought it his duty to obey God rather than man, and he denounced the Constitution of the United States as being a "Cov- enant with death and an agreement with hell," because he held that it supported slavery. The National Anti-Slavery Convention, white, was held in 1836; it had delegates from ten States, NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 83 and 1006 anti-slavery societies existed in the differ- ent States. The Free Colored People of the North had also held an anti-slavery convention in 1831, Their first work was to get recognition from the white organi- zations, who shut them out. The "Anti-Slavery Free Women of America" organized in 1837, in New York. Mary S. Parker was President, Ange- lina E. Grimkie, Secretary. Miss Sarah Forten addressed the following verses to her white sisters in behalf of co-operation : "We are thy sisters. God has truly said That of one blood all nations he has made. O Christian woman! in a Christian land, Canst thou unblushing read this great command? Suffer the wrongs which wring our inmost heart, To draw one throb of pity on thy part? Our skins may differ, but from thee we claim A sister's privilege and a sister's name." Soon after this the free Negroes of the North acted together with the whites in the great fight against slavery. Negro orators told in eloquent st3^1e the sad story of the bondage of their race. Frederick Douglass, once a slave in Maryland, electrified the whole country with his eloquence. He stood then, and stands now, as a living, breathing, convincing argument against the claim that the Ne- gro's intellectual capacities fit him only for slavery. Mr. Douglass visited Europe and was received there 84 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE with an ovation, for the cause of the slave had leaped across the Atlantic and touched a sympathetic chord in many a British, heart. Many Books were written by Negroes, as well as whites. Frederick Douglass wrote " My Bondage and My Freedom ;" Bishop Loguen, " As a Slave and as a Freeman ;" other works were written by Rev. Samuel R. Ward, Rev. Austin Stewart, Solo- mon Northrop, Dr. Wm. Wells Brown, and others. William Whipper edited an abolition paper, known as the National Reformer. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, was the most read, and the most effectual work against slavery. Mrs. Stowe desired to arouse the people to see the wrong of slavery, to the end that it might be speedily abolished. The book was a success in the accomplishment of the object aimed at. While some of her characters were described as kind and humane in the treatment of their slaves, the book so portrayed the hardships necessarily inci- dent to slavery in the separation of families, etc., and the cruelties which could be practiced under it, that it, in a special manner, arrested the atten- tion of the people, and was very widel}^ read. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 85 CHAPTER XVI. FREDERICK DOUGLASS. This great man is well known to the world. He is a conspicuous representative of the talents and capabilities possessed by the colored race. Born a slave on a plantation in Maryland, he has gradu- ally, by industry and patient labor, worked himself to a high rank of honor, both in America and Europe. When Frederick Douglass speaks the world listens. The first ten years of Mr. Douglass' youth were spent on one of the many plantations of a rich planter named Lloj^d, in the State of Maryland. He was separated from his mother, who saw him only at long intervals. He and other little slave boys grew up almost from infancy in their tow shirts, with their ash-cake rations and frequent beatings given them by a certain "old Aunt Kate," who had charge of the children on the plantation. In this wild wa}^ young Fred was left to grow up as best he could among the rough farm hands and without a mother's care. He describes his mother to have been a noble-looking woman, with the deepest of motherly affection and very fond of him, 86 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE as shown by her running dangerous risks and often walking many long miles to see him. ^# ");. ^ At the age of ten years he was sent by his "Old Master" to live with his young mistress, in Balti- more, who was connected with the Lloyd family. This young lady became attached to him, and NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 87 taught him to read. He learned to read the Bible and made such rapid progress that the young lady, feeling very proud of her work, told her husband. When he found it out he forbade her teaching him au}^ further, saying it was unlawful, " could only lead to mischief," and, "if 3^ou give a nigger an inch he will take an ell." Nevertheless, Fred soon became proficient in reading, and he learned to write by the models in his young master's copy- book. He bought a book called the Columbian Orator, in wliich he found speeches from Sheridan, Lord Chatham, William Pitt, and Fox. These he read many times and gained much mental help from them. Finally, young Fred, whose mind now was en- lightened, became so dissatisfied with his position as a slave that he grew morose and gloomy. His \^ouug mistress chided him for this conduct, and it finall}'' became necessary to hire him out. He soon found a good opportunity and ran away to New Bedford, Mass. Here he found emplo3mient and spent his leisure time in study. He read Scott's "Lady of the Lake," and there came across the name of Douglass, which he for the first time as- sumed. He attended church ; was surprised to see the colored people transacting their own business. Some of the first money he earned in New Bedford was invested in a snbscription to lyie Liheralor. 88 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE He was not long in coming to the front. His story of escape from slavery was told in the various churches, and the year 1841 found him on the stage before an anti-slavery convention at Nantucket. A tremendous crowd was present, and the wildest enthusiasm prevailed. Mr. William Lloyd Garri- son followed Mr. Douglass with a strong speech for the abolition of slavery. Mr. Douglass' career thus begun, continued ; he spoke often and mightily for the cause of freedom. He became a leading orator of the time, and his presence was sufficient to draw a crowd in the bitterest pro-slavery com- munity. Since freedom, Mr. Douglass has held several important positions under the National Govern- ment. He was once Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia, and Minister to the Haytian Republic. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 89 CHAPTSR XVII. LIBERIA. The Republic of Liberia was founded in 1816, by the American Colonization Society as a place of refuge and safety to the colored people of America who, before the abolition of slavery in the various States, had been set free by their masters, or, through industry, had purchased their liberty them- selves. It is located on the West Coast of Africa, south of Sierra Leone, and is very productive of rice, coffee, indigo, peanuts, arrowroot, sugar, pep- per, logwood, palm-oil, and cotton. Gold and other minerals are found in considerable quantities. The climate seems ill-adapted to the American Negro. Mr. Jehudi Ashmun was the pioneer in planting the colony, assisted by Lott Carey. The natives resisted the settlers, and for the first six years there were continual attempts to drive them out. Mr. Ashmun's health finally failed, and he was compelled to leave the colony, now numbering 1,200 free Americana, to themselves in this new and wild land. They shed bitter tears on his departure, some clinging even to his garments. But, left to them- selves, the Negroes did not lose all hope. They set about to found a government similar to that of the 90 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE United States. They elected their first President, Joseph J. Roberts; organized a cabinet, established schools, made labor obligator}-, and their flag is now recognized by the nations of Europe and the United States. Its population is now over 20,000 Negroes who went from America, or who are the descendants of American Negroes. The influence of Liberia is exercised over a million of people along the West Coast of Africa. They speak English, and from them many tribes have learned our language and the arts of civilization. Tlie United States has sent six Ministers to represent her at Monrovia, the Liberian capital, viz. : from North Carolina, Messrs. J. H. Smythe, Moses A. Hopkins, and F,. E. Smith ; from New York, Henry H. Garnet; Alexander Clark, of Iowa, and C. H. J. Taylor, of Kansas. The exports of Liberia aggregate about three- quarters of a million dollars annually. Success has thus far attended the country, though the climate, atmosphere, and the surroundings are most unfavorable and not stimulating. The fact that these colored people have succeeded shows what the race can do under favorable cirAimstances. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XVIII. NAT. TURNER AND OTHERS WHO "STRUCK" FOR FREEDOM. Nathaniel Turner is well reiiienibered by many of the older people of Southampton, Virginia, as being the leader of the famous " Nat Turner Insur- rection" of that county. He was an unusually bright child, having learned to read and write with such skill and rapidity that his own people and the neighbors regarded him as a prodigy. It is said that his mother predicted in his presence one day that he would, be a prophet, and he remembered her prediction till he grew older. Turner devoted himself to the study of the Scriptures and the con- dition of his people. He believed his lot was to set them free. He said he had visions of white and black spirits fighting in battle. He imagined a voice spoke thus to him in a vision : "Such is your luck ; such you are called to see ; and let it come rough or smooth you must bear it." He thought, while laboring in the fields, "he discovered drops of blood on the corn, as tliough it were dew from heaven," and he thought he saw on the leaves of trees pictures of men written in blood. A Plan of Insurrection was devised in the month 92 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE of February, 1831. Nat, together with four of his friends, Sara Edwards, Henry Porter, Nelson Wil- liams, and Hark Travis, held a council of war, as it were, in some lonely, desolate spot in the woods, where they discussed the project of freeing the slaves. Nat said, in his speech, that his purpose was not to shed blood wantonly ; but in order to arouse his brethren he believed it necessary to kill such of the whites as would be most likely to give them trouble. He, like John Brown, expected his slave brethren to join him. The Fatal Stroke was given in the month of August, 1 83 1. The first house visited was that of a Mr. Joseph Travis. While on the way, a slave from this plantation joined Nat's party. He was a giant of a man, athletic, quick, and " best man on the muscle in the county," and was known as " Will." The slaves were armed with axes and knives, and they killed, indiscriminately, young and old, fifty-seven white persons, before they them- selves were killed or captured. Several Artillery Companies from Richmond, Pe- tersburg, Norfolk and Portsmouth, with one cavalry company, were ordered out to take Nat and his fol- lowers. In a hand-to-hand struggle "Will" fell. His last words were : "Bury my axe with me." Nat escaped with some others to the swamps, where he eluded the whites for nearly three months. After NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 93 surrendering, he was brought into court, and an- swered Not Guilty to the inquiry of the judge. The trial was gone through with. Nat was con- victed and condemned to die on the gallows. He received the sentence with total indifference, but made a prophecy that on the day of his execution unusual occurrences would appear in the heavens ; the sun would be darkened and immense clouds would appear, and threatening lightning. Many of the people believed it. The sheriff could find no one willing to cut the rope ; but a drunken sot, crazed by liquor, did the act for pay. The day of the execution, strange to say, as Nat had prophesied, was one of stormy and gloomy aspect, with terrible thun- der, ram and lightning. Nat kept up his courage to the last; and his neck in the noose not a muscle quivered, or a groan was uttered. He was, undoubt- edly, a wonderful character. Knowing, as he did, the risk he ran, what an immense courage he must have had to undertake this bold adventure. He was thus spoken of by a Mr. Gray, who interviewed him: "It has been said that he was ignorant and cowardly, and that his purpose was to murder and rob. It is notorious that he was never known to have a dollar in his life, to swear an oath, or drink a drop of spirits. He can read and write, and for natural intelligence and quickness of appre- «4 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE hension is surpassed by few men I have ever seen."* Avery Watkins, a colored preacher of Rocking- ham, North Carolina, is said to have been hanged in Rockingham, North Carolina, charged with endorsing the Nat Turner insurrection, because in a private conversation with his family he related to them something of what Nat Turner was doing in Southampton, where he had lately been on a visit to his grandmother. According to the account of Mr. W. H. Quick, he was taken by a mob at a camp-meeting, and tried and hung in the same month, in the year 183 1. IVIadison Washington was the name of a brave slave who, being a part of a cargo of 135 slaves en route to New Orleans from Virginia, when Oie boat was eight days out organized the slaves, made an onslaught on the officers, took possession of the boat and carried it to Nassau, an English posses- sion, where England gave them protection, refusing to surrender them as "murderers and mutineers to perish on Southern gibbets." The Kindness of Washington in dressing the Cap- * One author says : " Upwards of one hundred slaves were slaugh- tered in the Southampton Tragedy, many of them in cold blood while walking in the streets, and about sixty white persons. Some of the alleged conspirators had their noses and ears cut off, the flesh of their cheeks cut out, their jaws broken asunder, and in that con- dition they were set up as marks to be shot at." NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 95 tain's wounds and protecting and caring for his wife and children, marked him as a most magnani- mous foe. Only one white man of the twelve com- manding the ship was killed. He having fired into the slaves came at them with a pike ; thereupon he was stabbed by one of Washington's men, who wrenched a bowie-knife from the hands of the cap- tain. Washington's only wish was, not blood, but freedom, which he gained. "the VIRGINIA MAROONS." The Famous Dismal Swamp, some fifty miles long, extending from Norfolk, Virginia, into North Carolina, was a noted rendezvous for runaway slaves before tlie civil war. It is estimated that the slave propel^' in this swamp was worth a million and a half dollars. The}^ carried on a secret trade with the Virginia merchants, but any merchant caught fostering these people by trading with them was punished severely by law. The traders who were pursued found shelter among the maroons of the swamp. The chivalry of the Old Dominion never dared to venture into this colony, and blood-hounds sent in came out no more. The Dismal Swamp colony continued from generation to generation, defying and outwitting the slave-owners right in the midst of one of the strongest slave-holding communities in the South. 96 a school history of the "the amistad captives." Fifty-four Africans on board the Spanish slave- schooner "Amistad," under Captain Ramon Ferrer, on June 28, 1839, sailed from Havana, Cuba, for Porto Principe, another place on the island of Cuba, about three hundred miles distant from Havana. The fifty-four slaves were just from Lemboko, their native country in Africa. Joseph Cinquez, son of an African prince, vi^as among them. He was shrewd, brave and intelligent. He looked on with disgust at the cruel treatment given him and his fellow-slaves, some being "chained down between the decks — space not more than four feet — by their wrists and ankles; forced to eat rice, sick or well, and whipped upon the slightest provocation Cin- quez witnessed the brutality as long as his noble nature would allow, and when they were about five nights out from Havana, he chose a company of confederates from among his brethren and made an assault on the captain of the boat, and took him and his crew prisoners. Two sailors struck out for land when they found their captain and cook in chains, and left the boat in full possession of the Negroes. The man at the helm (Montes) was ordered to steer direct for Africa, under pain of death. This he did by day, but at night would make towards the coast of America. Finally, after continual wandering, NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 97 the vessel was cited off the coast of the United States in August. All the ports were notified, and a num- ber of revenue cutters were dispatched after her. She was finally captured on the 26th of August, 1839, by Lieut. Gidney of the United States Navy, and the " Amistad " and her fifty-four Africans were landed in New London, Connecticut. The two Spaniards found on board the vessel were examined by the United States officials, and the whole num- ber of Africans were bound over to await trial as pirates. They being unable to give bond of course went to prison, but not to stay long. Public senti- ment was everywhere aroused in their favor. The anti-slavery friends organized schools among them; the Africans learned rapidl}' and soon told all the details of the capture of the "Amistad " in English from their own lips without an interpreter. The trial occupied several months, during which they busied themselves in cultivating a garden of fif- teen acres in a most skillful and intelligent man- ner. Their grievances were told all over America, and aroused the sympathies of the people. Finally, the court decided that the "Amistad captives " were not slaves but freemen. A thrill of joy passed through many an American heart, as well as their own, and when the news of this decision spread abroad, subscriptions began to come in. Mr. Lewis Tappan took a lively interest in the Africans, and 98 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE in one way and another soon got together enough money to send them home to Africa, where they so much wanted to go. " If 'Merica men offered me as much gold as fill this cap," said one, "and give me houses, land and everything, so dat I stay in this country, I say No! No!! I want to see my father, my mother, my brother, my sister." One said, "We owe everything to God; He keeps us alive, and makes us free. When we go home to Mendi, we tell our brethren about God, Jesus Christ and Heaven." One was asked, if he was again captured and about to be sold into slavery, would he murder the captain and cook of another vessel, and if he wouldn't pray for rather than kill them? Cinquez heard it and replied, shaking his head, "Yes; I would pray for 'em and kill 'em, Too." These people were sent to Sierra Leone in Africa in company with five sainted missionaries. Great Britain sent them from Sierra Leone to their homes, and thus their efforts for freedom were successful. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 9« CHAPTER XIX. ANTI-SLAVERY AGITATION. Slavery or No Slavery was the question now before the American people. Millions of tracts, pamphlets, circulars and newspapers, besides the ministers and orators of the North, were now making sentiment against slavery. The people of the North were aroused. The Census of 1850 gave a population of three and one-half million slaves in America, and they lived in the States of Delaware, New Jersey, Mary- land, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Utah Territory, Kentucky, Mis- souri and Tennessee. Soon after this New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland freed their slaves. The Political Parlies were forced to take up the slavery question. The politicians were wily, and yielded to both sides for polic3^'s sake. The South opposed every legislative act that favored the abo- lition of slavery. The great Daniel Webster hesi- tated to take a decided stand either way, and in 1858 Charles Sumner, a staunch anti-slavery man, came to the Senate from Massachusetts in Webster's place. Mr. Sumner said more and did more for the 100 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE freedom of the slave than perhaps any of the great statesmen of his time. He offered no compromise, and asked only for liberty to the slaves. The Fugitive Slave Law allowed masters to cap- ture their slaves in any State of the Union. Hence arose the underground railroad, which was a secret system for transporting runaway slaves into Canada. Some slaves were sent in boxes, and some carried in the night from one person to another until they reached the Canadian line. A great many runaway slaves made good their escape through this system. New States coming into the Union caused great discussion as to whether they should come in as free States or slave States. Civil war broke out in Kansas between the inhabi#nts of that Territory who wanted, and those who did not want, slaves. The anti-slaver}' people were led b}' John Brown, afterward the leader in an attempt to capture the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and arm the slaves. He was hanged as an insurrectionist. Opposition in the North to the Abolitionists was manifested by many of the commercial people, who saw nothing in the whole question but the dollars and cents which they hoped to make out of the slave's products of cotton, tobacco, sugar and rice. But the agitation continued. Abraham Lincoln, endorsed by the anti-slavery people, was proposed as the Republican candidate NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 101 for President in i860, whereupon South Carolina declared if Lincoln was elected she would secede from the Union. Lincoln was elected, and accord- ingly South Carolina seceded, and was soon followed by the other slave-holding States. 102 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XX. EXAMPLES OF UNDERGROUND RAIL- ROAD WORK. William and Ellen Craft were slaves in the State of Georgia. Their hearts 3/earned for freedom. Their minds were at once set to work to formulate some plan of escape. It was at last settled. Ellen being very fair, while William was dark, was to pass for a young invalid planter, William being her slave and servant. Not being able to write, and without beard, she put her hand into a sling and tied her face up; after putting on male attire they were ready to start out. William attended to all the business, such as registering at the hotels and buying tickets. They stopped at a first class hotel in Charleston, and also in Richmond, finall}^ reach- ing Philadelphia safely. Ellen gave up her male attire, untied her face, released her arm from the sling, and her speech came to her. They put them- selves under the care of the Abolitionists, were sent to Boston, but after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Bill, attempts were made to capture and put them back into slavery again. They were at last sent to England, where they remained for nearly twent}^ years; then they returned and made their home in Savannah, Georgia, where, we learn, they are still living. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 103 CHAPTER XXT. THE SLAVE POPULATION OF i860. In the sixteen slave States there were 3,950,000 slaves in i860, and 251,000 free colored people. Nearly 3,000,000 of the slaves were in the rural districts of the South ; and the slave products of cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar-cane, hemp, and molas- ses amounted to about $136,505,435. These prod- ucts, made by slave labor, formed the basis of Southern prosperity. The civil war which com- menced in the following yeai , was destined to shake the very foundation of Southern civilization. From a people unaccustomed to hard work, it was to take away those who worked for them, and those same people who were to be taken away were to receive the priceless boon of citizenship. Let us now study some of the efforts of Negroes in helping to achieve this citizenship, after which we shall see how well they deserved to be citizens. 104 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXII. THE CIVIL WAR. ENLISTMENT OF NEGROES. The Secession of South Carolina and the other Southern States was the signal for war. True to its declaration to do so, this State seceded when Lin- coln was inaugurated in 1861. Forf Sumter was fired on by the Confederates and captured. The North was divided on the question of slavery, and the Government at Washington was slow in mak- ing any efforts to forcibly resist the secession of the Southern States. A few troops were sent into the field with the hope of frightening the South. The Battle of Bull Run was fought, and dis- gracefully lost to the Union. It took some losses and failures to make the North believe the South would fight. Finally, after the defeat at Bull Run, Lincoln issued a Proclamation for 75,000 volun- teers. But the motto was, no blacks need apply. There was great prejudice in the North against the Negro's enlisting to fight for his freedom, and the President was also opposed to it. The Confederates used Negroes in building fortifi- cations and in performing various kinds of labor. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 105 General Hunter, stationed at Port Royal, South Carolina, did not agree with the Federal Congress nor President Lincoln. When he succeeded Gen- eral Sherman, instructions from the Secretary of War to "accept the services of all loyal persons" were handed him, and he seized this opportunity (there being nothing said about Negroes) to enlist a Negro regiment of fugitive slaves. His conduct was inquired into by Mr. Wickliffe, a Congressman from Kentucky, and a resolution of censure was offered. Major-General Hunter replied to the inquiry made in Congress as to his enlisting slaves, that the Negroes seemed to be the only loyal people in that locality, and they were anxious to fight for their freedom, and gave every evidence of making "in- valuable auxiliaries." They knew the country and were accustomed to the climate. General Phelps, stationed in Louisiana about this time, was making a bold fight for the enlistment of Negroes in and around New Orleans. He was opposed by General Benj. F. Butler, who protested so strongly against it that finally General Phelps was forced to resign and return to his home in Ver- mont. The sentiment of the Northern army seemed to have a conspicuous leaning towards admitting the right of the South to hold slaves. General Butler refused the runaway slaves quarters in his 106 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE headquarters. General McClellan said, with others, that if he thought he was fighting to free the "nig- gers " he would sheath his sword. He soon failed in the Virginia campaign and was forced to resign. Mr. Stevens proposed a bill in Congress author- izing the President to " raise and equip 150,000 sol- diers of African descent." Meanwhile, Col. Thos. W. Higginson and Col. Montgomery, with a com- pany of Negro troops were ascending the St. John River, in Florida, where he captured Jacksonville, which had been abandoned by white Union Troops. Among those who favored Mr. Stevens' measure were Horace Greeley and Edwin M. Stanton, who seemed to have been convinced t)f the worth of the colored troops from the testimony of such men as Phelps, Higginson, Hunter and Montgomer}^, who had already seen what Negro troops could accom- plish. Public Sentiment was being aroused on the sub- ject. The newspapers discussed the matter. The New York Tribune said : " Drunkenness, the bane of our army, does not exist among the black troops." " Nor have I yet discovered the slightest ground of inferiority to white troops." Mr. Lincoln very soon changed his mind, Congress gave its consent, and the order went forth to enlist Negroes in defence of the Union. The Right to Fight for what they thought would NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 107 ultimately end in their freedom was hailed with shouts of joy wherever the tidings reached the Negroes. At Newbern, N. C, they made a great demonstra- tion. The enlisting places at New Orleans and other Southern cities then in the hands of the Fed- erals were the scenes of the wildest confusion in the mad rush of the colored people to register their names on the army records. A Difficulty arose in getting sufficient arms for all the colored troops ; and a further difficulty was to be met in selecting white officers who had the courage to brave public sentiment and take the command of Negrb troops. Negro daring and ex- cellency on the battle-field soon broke down these flimsy weaknesses of the white officers, and the sum- mer of 1863 found over 100,000 Negroes in the Union ranks, and over 50,000 armed and equipped on the fields of battle. Their Pay was seven dollars per month, with board and clothing. The whites received thirteen dollars per month with board and clothing. Thus the former slave went forth to meet his 'master on the battle-field, sometimes to capture or be captured ; sometimes to fall side by side, one piercedlwith the Southern, the other with the Northern bayonet. 108 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATIONS. Two Proclamations were issued by Mr. Lincoln. The first, on the 22d of September, 1862, defined the issue of the war to be "for the object of prac- tically restoring the constitutional relation between the United States, and each of the States, and the people thereof." It offered, first, to pay the masters for their slaves and colonize them in America or Africa. Second, it proposed to free the slaves of those persons and States then engaged in actual rebellion. Third, it offered to pay from the Federal treasury loyal masters who had lost their slaves in and during the rebellion. The Second Proclamation was issued January i, 1863, and is the one we celebrate. This measure was urged upon Mr. Lincoln by the Abolitionists and those who wished the Negro free. Though the Abolitionists saw in the proclamation the consumma- tion of their prayers and hopes, Mr. Lincoln and his Cabinet regarded the proclamation as a war measure, very necessary under the circumstances to shorten the war. The South would have surrendered in half the time had not a large number of slaves re- mained on the plantations raising supplies for the Confederate army, and supporting and protecting their masters' families. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 109 CHAPTER XXIII. EMPLOYMENT OF NEGRO SOLDIERS. Mr. Williams Says : "All history, ancient and modern, Pagan and Christian, justified the conduct of the Federal Government in the employment of slaves as soldiers. Greece had tried the experiment, and at the battle of Marathon there were two regi- ments composed of slaves. The beleagured city of Rome offered freedom to her slaves who would vol- unteer as soldiers, and at the battle of Cannae a regiment of Roman slaves made Hannibal's cohorts reel before their unequalled courage. Negro offi- cers, as well as soldiers, had shared the perils and glories of the campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte; and even the Royal Guard at the Court of Imperial France had been mounted with black soldiers. In two wars in North America, Negro soldiers had fol- lowed the fortunes of military life and won the ap- plause of white patriots on two continents. So, then, all history furnished a precedent for the guid- ance of the United States Government in the civil war of America." Just How Well the Negro Soldiers Behaved may be gathered from a description of 110 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE SOME FAMOUS BATTLES IN WHICH NEGROES FOUGHT. Port Hudson, May 27, 1863. The Negro regi- ment under Col, Nelson was assiged the difficult task of taking this fort, which seemed almost im- pregnable. It was situated on a high bluff over- looking the river in front. Around the sides and rear, close under the bluff, ran a bayou twelve feet deep and from fifteen to twenty feet wide. Looking out from openings in the embankment were the grim mouths of many deadly cannon. They were arranged so as to make a straight raking charge on the front of any approaching force, while a score and a half of heavy guns were to cut down the left and right wings with grape and canister. Having Marched AH Night, the "Black Regi- ment" stacked arms at 5 A. m. One hour was given for rest and breakfast. Many, completely overcome by the enervating heat and dust, sank down "in their tracks" and slept. The Officers received their instructions at 5.30, and at 6 o'clock the bugle sounded. " Fall in !" was heard ringing out among the soldiers ; and the scene reminded one more of a holiday party than a march to death. The troops seemed anxious to fight. The white troops looked on with uneasiness and doubts concerning the Negro's courage. The Confederates in the fort ridiculed the idea that Negroes were to charge them. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. Ill The Negro Regiment moved towards the fort. There was death-like silence, save the tramp of sol- diers and the tap of drum. " Forward ; double- quick, march !" rang out along the line ; not a piece was fired. Now the Confederate guns open on the left ; one shell kills twelve men. " Right aboutP'' was the command. The regiment wheeled to the right for about three hundred yards, then coolly and steadily faced the enemy again by companies. Six Deathly charges were thus made, when Col. Nelson reported to Gen. Dwight his inability to take the fort because of the bayou being too deep for the men to wade. Gen. D wight replied : "I shall consider that he has accomplished nothing unless he takes those guns." The soldiers saw it was impossible, as well as Col. Nelson, yet " again the order to charge " was obeyed with a shout. Captain Andre Callioux commanded Company E in the next charge. He marched his colored breth- ren over the dead bodies of their comrades, crying, " Follow me !" and while flashing his sword within fifty yards of the belching Confederate guns, he was smitten down in front of his company by a shell. Color-Sergeant Anselmas Planciancois said to Col. Nelson before the fight : " Colonel, I will bring back these colors to you in honor, or report to God the reason why." It was now between ii and i2; 112 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE o'clock in the morning. The fight began at 7 A. M. The gallant Callioux was lying dead on the field. His men now charged almost in the mouth of the Confederate guns. Planciancois bore the flag in front. A shell strikes the staff and blows off half of the brave sergeant's head ; he falls, wrapped in the folds of his nation's flag, his brains scattered amid them, but still his strong grip holds the staff even in death. Corporal Heath catches it up to bear it to the front again. Pierced b}^ a musket-ball, which split his head, he, too, falls upon the body of the brave Planciancois. Still another corporal lifts the flag and bears it through the fray. And thus the Negro troops, on almost their very first trial, silenced all clamors as to their bravery. Port Hudson was not taken then, but the reason for defeat lay not in a lack of unrivalled daring and heroic courage on the part of the Negro troops. The loss was 37 killed and wounded, and 271 missing. The- New York Times says of this battle : " Gen. Dwight, at least, must have had the idea not only that they (Negro troops) were men, but something more than men from the terrific test to which he put their valor. The deeds of heroism performed by these men were such as the proudest white men might emulate. Their colors are literally bespat- tered with blood and brains. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 113 "The color-sergeant of the ist Louisiana, on being mortally wounded, hugged the colors to his breast, when a struggle ensued between the two color corporals on each side of him as to who should have the honor of bearing the sacred standard. One black lieutenant actually mounted the enemy's works four times Although repulsed in an attempt which, situated as things were, was all but impossible, these regiments, though badly cut up, were still on hand, and burning with a passion ten times hotter from their fierce baptism of blood." General Banks wrote, concerning the " Black Regiment" at Port Hudson: "It gives me pleasure to report that they answered every expectation. Their conduct was heroic," The success of the Negro troops at Port Hudson rang in the halls of Congress, in the lecture-room, in the pulpit, in the newspapers; poets sang of it, and Northern orators vied with each other in eloquent pictures of the scene of that great fight which settled the question as to the Negro's fitness for the army. Milliken's Bend, 6th of June, 1863. The Confed- erates came up from Louisiana, about 3,000 strong. They rested over night, while the Federals were collecting at the temporary fort in the bend of the Mississippi. The Union men-of-war, " Choctaw " and " Lexington " appeared, coming up the river before daylight, on the morning of the 6th of June. 114 ^ SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE The Negro troops were without training, being lately recruited, but they fought like veterans. The Confederates fell back under their heavy fire in front, and charged the Union flanks. Upon this the Union troops found shelter from the gun-boats, and broadside after broadside made the Confederates hasten away. An Eye Witness' Description : "As before stated, the Confederates drove our force towards the gun- boats, taking colored men prisoners. This so en- raged them that they rallied and charged the enemy more heroically and desperately than has been re- corded during the war. It was a genuine bayonet charge, a hand-to-hand fight. Upon both sides men were killed with the butts of muskets. White and colored men were lying side by side pierced by bayonets, and in some instances transfixed to the earth. One brave man took his former master pris- oner, and brought him into camp with great gusto. A Confederate prisoner made a particular request that his own Negroes should not be placed over him as a guard. "Union loss one hundred killed, five hundred wounded, mostly Negroes. Confederate loss two hundred killed, five hundred wounded, two hundred taken prisoner, and two cannon." The battle of Milliken's Bend, and of Fort Pil- low which is referred to on succeeding pages of this NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 115 book made many friends for the colored soldiers. Their soldierly qualities were on trial ; the experi- ment of arming Negroes to fight for the Union was being tried. This the colored troops seemed to realize, and it stimulated them to do their very best. They fought courageously, and fully satisfied all doubts concerning their valor. The Draft Riot broke out in New York in July, 1863. An order came from Washington authoriz- ing soldiers to be drafted in New York City. The Democratic newspapers ridiculed the idea of the people's being drafted into service " to fight the bat- tles of 'niggers and Abolitionists.' " General Wool finally put down the riot after killing thirteen of the rioters, wounding eighteen and taking twenty- four prisoners. "They had burned the Colored Orphan's Asylum, hung colored men to lamp-posts, and destroyed the property of this class of citizens with impunity." The 54th Massachusetts was the first colored regiment organized in the free States, Colonel Shaw commander. It played a prominent part in the attempt to take Fori Wagner near Charleston, S. C. It marched two days and nights through swamps and drenching rains to be in time for the assault. Soaking wet, muddy, hungry and fatigued, they reached the field in time and gladly accepted the "post of honor and danger," immediately in 116 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE front. After a five minutes' rest they double- quicked a half-mile to the fort, where, after a most gallant and desperate fight. Sergeant William H. Carney planted the regimental flag on the works. Nearly all the officers of the regiment were killed, and it was led off by a boy — Lieut. Higginson. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 117 "Sergeant Carney," says an eye-witness, "re- ceived a severe wound in the thigh, but fell only upon his knees.. He planted the flag upon the parapet, lay on the outer slope, that he might get as much shelter as possible; there he remained for over half an hour, till the second brigade came up. He kept his colors flying till the second conflict was ended. When our forces retired, he followed, creep- ing on one knee, still holding the flag." When he entered the hospital (bleeding from one wound in the head and another in the thigh) "his wounded comrades cheered him," and he said, ^''Boys^ the old fla^ 7iever touched the ground?^ The sentiment against the Negro soldiers at the North had somewhat abated in the face of the irre- sistible bravery as exhibited by Negro troops at Wagner and Port Hudson. The North saw that wonderful results could be achieved by Negro soldiers. The Confederates exchanged before this some Union ofiicers, but refused to exchange Negroes. 118 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXIV. FCRT PILLOW. This fort is located on the east bank of the Mis- sissippi, about fifty miles above Memphis, in Ten- nessee. It crowned the top of a steep bluff, covered with trees and shrubbery. Major L. F. Booth was in command with a garrison of 557 men, 262 of whom were colored. There were six artillery pieces. Gen. N. B. Forrest, commanding a large force of Confederate cavalry, appeared at the fort at sunrise on the 13th of April, 1864, and demanded its sur- render. Major Booth drew up his force in the in- trenchments around the parapet. Thus a contin- ual firing was kept up till the afternoon, during which Major Booth was killed. Major Bradford took command. The firing ceased for the guns to cool off and to be cleaned. Meanwhile, under a flag of truce, Gen. Forest demanded the surrender of the fort. The Confederates, taking advantage of the truce, were hiding in the trenches from which Major Bradford had withdrawn his men into the fort. A few moments later they rushed in. The Union troops offered stubborn resistance, but, with superior numbers crowding in from front, rear and sides they were overcome and surrendered. The War in the West was now about at an end. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 119 Sherman set out upon his famous march through Georgia ; Grant, having opened up the Mississippi, marched on Richmond, which had now become the strategic point of the war. McClellan, Hooker, Meade, and Burnside had failed in their assaults on this the Confederate capital. All hopes were now centred on Grant. To him was assigned the task, and this brings us to the CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA, 1 864. Twenty Thousand Strong marched the Negro troops into the campaign of Virginia. On their way they passed through Washington. Mr. Lin- coln, with General Burnside and friends, reviewed the long line from the balcony of Willard's Hotel. As the long, heavy columns filed past, the Presi- dent acknowledged their almost continuous " Hur- rah for Lincoln !" He was deeply touched by the spectacle ; there were tears in many eyes that saw the brave thousands of sable sons, but a little while ago slaves, now gallantly marching to defend the Union. It was a scene never forgotten by those who saw it. With Equal Pay, a recognition as soldiers b}^ President Davis, and a brilliant record, marched the Negro troops into the Virginia campaign. Gen. Butler, who was now convinced by the scenes at Port Hudson, Forts Pillow and Wagner of the 120 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Negro's capacity for fighting, was stationed at Ber- muda Hundreds with a large corps of Negro troops. General Grant Threw his Forces across the Rapi- dan, and met the Confederates in The Wilderness. He left Gen. Ferrero, with his colored troops, to pro- tect his wagon train in the rear. General Ewell^ with the Confederate cavalry, whipped around in search of these supplies. Gen. Ferrero, with his Negro troops, met Ewell. The Confederates made a bold charge, and captured twenty-seven wagons. The hungr}^ soldiers prepared to feast on their plunder. General Ferrero opened fire. The Confederates charged again, giving the colored troops their very best, but the Negro regiments did not budge. Gen. Ferrero then ordered his troops to charge, and, in this, the first fight between Negro troops and Vir- ginians, the Confederates were driven from the field. "It was the first time at the Hast," says General Badeau, in his Military History of Grant, " when the colored troops had been engaged in any impor- tant battle, and the displa}^ of soldierly qualities won a frank acknowledgment from both troops and commanders, not all of whom had before been will- ing to look upon Negroes as comrades. But after that time, white soldiers in the Army of the Poto- mac were not displeased to receive the support of the black ones ; they had found the support worth having." NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 121 CHAPTER XXV. AROUND PETERSBURG. Here it was that Negro soldiers covered them- selves with merited glory in the presence of white troops on both sides; surprising in their daring to officers trained at West Point, and that, too, on the very soil where slavery first made its appearance in this country. The City of Petersburg lies on the Appomattox, river near the James, and not far from Richmond, with which it has railroad connection, and it formed the base of supplies up the James for the troops in defence of Richmond. It therefore became an im- portant point to reduce. It was strongly fortified on all sides for miles out. The Task of Taking the "Cockade City," as it was called, fell to Gen. Smith, assisted by Gen. Kautz, coming up on the east, Brooks following Kautz; Martindale, who was to move up the Appo- mattox, and Hinks, who moved between the two. The Black Brigade was under Gen. Hinks, who discovered a Confederate battery on a knoll six miles out from the city. Under range of the Con- federate guns he formed his line for a charge. The battery must be taken at the point of the bayonet. 122 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE "Forward!" rang out along the line, and as the troops cleared the woods, the enemy opened a raking fire with canister, siege-gun and musket. But away swept the black brigade, their ranks shattered with deadly shells. As they closer came, a fusilade of musketry came down upon them; a hundred men fell; but leaping and dashing, with a wild cheer, they burst over the breastworks, drove the enemy from their guns, and instantly turned them on their scattered ranks beating a hasty retreat towards Petersburg— and the colored troops had won the day. Brooks and Wlartindale were now in front of the Confederates' main line near the river. Hinks, with his Negro corps of 3,000, was ordered towards "Dunn's House," three miles from the city on the road leading east. To Reach His Position it was necessary to cross an open space in full reach of the sharpshooters and artillery of the enemy. They crossed this space by moving forward a few paces and then lying down ; at every quiet moment they would steal for- ward; they thus reached their position under the most trying test. But on reaching their post, so thick and deadly was the firing from all sides that they dared not rise; so thus they lay from one till five o'clock P. M., while torrents of lead whizzed over their heads. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 123 "Dunn's House" was defended by three forts, one in front, one north, and another south. Deep ravines lay in front, while an almost impassable abatis of trees impeded the wa}/ to the forts. Seven hundred yards in front lay Hinks' black troops in deep suspense, anxious for orders to go forward. Meanwhile, shells plowed the earth around them for four long hours, which seemed to them like days. At five o'clock the command "Forward!" was greeted with a rush and a shout. The brave Negro troops went forward at a double-quick ; the skir- mishers were the first to reach the embankments, and were greeted with a shower of bullets which tumbled man}- headlong and lifeless into the pits. But on came the main body ; they swept into the midst of the enemy, grabbed their guns and fired them upon them as they " ran for their lives." Three hundred Confederates were taken prisoners, and several pieces of artillery were captured. Smith Had Petersburg now at his mercy. Brooks and Martindale had swept the enemy in front of them simultaneously with Hinks, and the way was open to march immediately into the city. Gen. Smith, however, decided to wait for the arrival of Gen. Birney with the Second Corps — and this delay caused the loss of many thousand lives. Next Morning, as the sun peeped up over the 124 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE yellow waters of the Appomattox, the condition of things had changed. The flower of Lee's army had come up in the night-time, and Grant was com- pelled afterwards to lay siege to the city, under which it finally surrendered. Secretary Stanton was wild with delight over the valor of the colored troops at Petersburg. Said he : " The hardest fighting was done by the black troops. The forts they stormed were the worst of all. After the affair was over. Gen. Smith went to thank them, and tell them he was proud of their courage and dash. ' He says they cannot be excelled as soldiers, and that hereafter he will send them in a difficult place as readily as the white troops." NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 125 CHAPTER XXVI. THE CRATER. Petersburg was now surrounded b}- the Union army. There was continual skirmishing. Burnside commanded the Ninth Corps, composed partly of Negro troops. By fierce fighting he made his way up to within a hundred and fifty yards of the Con- federate batteries. Projecting out in front of them was a strong fort. After consultation a trench was dugout some hundred and fifty yards long, branch- ing off in two directions at the end under the fort. It was packed with powder and explosives, the design being to blow the place up. As arranged, on the 30th of July, 1864, the match was applied. Dampness prevented an explosion. Lieut. Jacob Douty and Sergeant Henry Rus volunteered to go into the trenches and ascertain and remove the difficulty, and very soon after they came out, at 4:45 A. M., the match was again applied, and — read the result, by Gen. Badeau : "The mine exploded with a shock like that of an earthquake, tearing up the Confederates' works above them, and vomiting men, guns and caissons two hundred feet into the air. The tremendous mass appeared for a moment to hang suspended in the heavens like a huge in- 126 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE dented cone, the exploding powder still flashing out here and there, while limbs and bodies of muti- lated men, and fragments of cannon and wood- work, could be seen. Then all fell heavily to the ground again, with a second report like thunder. When the smoke and dust had cleared away, only an enormous crater, thirty feet deep, sixty feet wide, and a hundred and fifty feet long, stretched out in front of the Ninth Corps, where the Confed- erate fort had been." At the moment of the explosion the Union bat- teries belched forth from one hundred and ten deadly cannon and fifty mortars, and verily the earth seemed to tremble from the shock. The Plan was to follow the discharge of the bat- teries with a charge. Gen. Burnside had arranged his Negro troops for the post of honor. A dispute arose between him and Gen. Meade as to the wis- dom of this plan. The whole matter was referred to Gen. Grant, who ordered iofs to he draivn by the different Generals as to " who should go into the crater." The lot fell on Gen. Ledlie. Gen. Ledlie accordingly endeavored to draw up his troops into the mouth of the crater. The Tenth New Hamp- shire faltered and broke ranks. Generals Potter and Wilcox marched their troops into the dreadful hole, where the}^ halted long enough for the Con- federates to make an attack. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. \Tl Gen. Potter Struggled out with his division and charged the enemy, but had to retire. Gen. Burn- side now ordered his colored troops around the edges of the crater ; the Confederates were now gathering around from all sides, and under a heavy fire drove the colored troops into the deadly hole, from which they continued to rally until nightfall. A Ridiculous Mistake was made by the Federals in not marching into the city immediately after the explosion, when the Confederates were nonplussed and breaking away in mad confusion. Gen. Grant says of this disgraceful affair : " The four divisions of his (Burnside's) corps were commanded by Generals Potter, Wilcox, Ledlie and Ferrero. The last was a colored division ; and Burnside selected it to make the assault. Meade interfered with this. Burnside then took Ledlie's division." Before the committee that investigated the affair Gen. Grant said : " General Burnside wanted to put his colored division in front ; I believe if he had done so it would have been a success." Four Thousand Four Hundred Union soldiers perished through the mistake then of not allowing the colored troops to take the Confederate works which Gen. Grant says they would have taken. Some of the Confederate Commanders also gave strong testimony to the bravery of the Negro sol- diers as they fought in the crater. 128 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE " Encouraged, Threatened, Emulating the white troops, the black men fought with desperation. Some Confederate soldiers recognized their slaves at the crater. A Captain of the Forty-first Virginia gave the military salute to ' Bob ' and ' Ben,' whom he had left hoeing corn in Dinwiddie." Petersburg being Captured, the siege of Rich- mond was begun with a vigor and determination such as only a Grant could command. Meanwhile, a lively discussion was going on at the Confederate capital as to the proposition of Mr. Benjamin to arm the slaves in defence of the city. Gen. Lee and President Jefferson Davis favored this plan, and recommended that such colored people as would join the Confederate ranks should be set free, but the Confederate Congress refused to allow the slaves to be armed or to be used in any way except as laborers. Gen. Lee was now employing his best troops and military manoeuvres to keep Grant out of the Con- federate capital. His retreats and skirmishes, ex- ecuted with genius and tact, delayed the event; but opposed by superior numbers, his army half- starved, and the Confederacy subjugated in the Southwest, he saw the uselessness of a further hopeless sacrifice of his men, and surrendered ac- cordingly at Appomattox, on the 9th of April, 1865, " his army, numbering only 27,516." NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 129 When the Union Army marched into Richmond they found the city burning, which was due to the careless firing by the retreating Confederates of the abandoned army supplies. There was great con- fusion and destruction of property. The colored troops were organized into fire brigades, and soon extinguished the fires. 130 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXVIl. INCIDENTS OF THE WAR. Rodman's Point, N. C, was the scene of a brave deed by a Negro. A flatboat full of troops, with a few colored troops among them, tried to land at this place. The Confederate soldiers were lying in wait for the boat, and the soldiers in it could only save themselves by lying flat on the bottom out of reach of their deadly guns. But if the boat re- mained where it was very long it would be sur- rounded and captured. One of the colored soldiers saw the danger, and knowing the boat must be pushed off or all would be killed, suddenly rose up and said: "Somebody got to die to get us all out dis 'ere, and it mout jes as well be me as anybody!'" Saying this he deliberately stepped on shore and pushed the boat off. The men in the bottom were saved, but the Negro hero's body " fell forward into the end of the boat pierced by five bullets." He had done what no other of them dared do to save the lives of his comrades. A Negro Established a Clothes-line Telegraph in the Falmouth camp on the Rappahannock in 1863. The Confederate and Union armies occupied oppo- site sides of the river, and used every means of NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 131 gaining knowledge of each other's movements. The colored attendant in the Union camp proved ver}' valtiable here as elsewhere during the war. Pi. colored man named Dabney drifted into the Union lines one da}^ from a neighboring farm, and soon proved very useful because of his full know- ledge of the topography of the country. He was given employment as " cook and body servant." He became much interested in the system of army signals employed, and begged to have them ex- plained to him. This was done, and he learned them readily. His wife soon came over, and after staying awhile was allowed to return as servant to a " secesh woman " whom General Hooker was about to send to her friends on the other side. She \^nt over and took a place as laundress at "the headquarters of a prominent reber-'' General." Dab- ney, her husband, was on the Union side, and soon began to know all about what was to take place in the Confederate camp. An hour or two before any movement took place he could tell all about it, and it always turned out as he said. The wonder and puzzle to the Union men was how he got his infor- mation, as he didn't seem to neglect his work to go off for any information, and he did not converse with the scouts. After numerous questions and many requests he finally took one of the officers to a prominent point near by, and pointed out a cabin on 132 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE the banks of the river, in the suburbs of the enemj^'s camp. He asked the officer if he saw a clothes- line with clothes hanging on it. The officer replied "Yes," whereupon Dabney said : "Well, that clothes- line tells me in half an hour just what goes on in their camp. You see, my wife over there, she washes for the officers, and cooks and waits around, and as soon as she hears of any movement or anything going on she comes down and moves the clothes on that line so I can understand it in a minute. That there gray shirt is Longstreet, and when she takes it off it means he's gone down about Richmond. That white shirt means Hill, and when she moves it up to the west end of the line Hill's Corps has moved up stream. That red one is Stonewall. He's down on the right now, and if he moves she wnl move that red shirt." One morning Dabney came in and reported a movement over there, but said it " Don't mean anything, the}^ are only making believe." An officer went out to look at the clothes- line telegraph through his field-glass There had been quite a shifting over there of the army flannels. "But how do you know but there's something in it ?" " Do you see those two blankets pinned together at the bottom ?" said Dabney. " Yes, but what of it ?" said the officer. " Why, that's her way of making a fish-trap ; and when she pins the clothes together that way it means that Lee is only trying to draw NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 133 US into his fish-trap." As long as the two armies lay watching each other on opposite banks of the stream, Dabney, with his clothes-line telegraph, continued to be one of the promptest and most reliable of General Hooker's scouts. — {Taken fro7n Civil War — Song and Story.) William Staines, Hero of the Fight at Belmont, was servant to General McClernand. He was close by his employer during many an engagement. On one occasion, in the course of the fight, a captain of one of the companies was struck by a spent ball, which disabled him from walking. Staines, the colored servant, rode up to him and shouted, " Cap- tain, if you can fight any longer for the Stars and Stripes take my horse and lead your men." He Wen dismounted and helped the wounded officer into his saddle, and, as he was walking away, a rebel dragoon rushed forward at the officer to take him prisoner. The brave Staines did not flinch, but drew his revolver and put a ball through the rebel's'^'" head, scattering his brains over the horse's neck. {Revised froin Civil War — Song and Story.) *Iu this and other quotations in this book the word "rebel" is used. The usual definition of this word is, one ivho takes up artns against the lawful authority of the government under which he lives — one who opposes lawful authority. The Confederate soldier did not recognize the word "rebel" as applicable to himself. From his standpoint he was not o'p-pos'in^ lawful authority, but resisting ww/aze/- ful invasion. He did not think that under our Constitution there 134 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Hon. Robert Small was the pilot and captain of the steamer " Planter," and also a member of Con- gress from South Carolina after the Civil War. Moving from Beaufort, South Carolina, to Charles- ton in '51, he was employed as "rigger," thereby getting a knowledge of ships and the life of sailors. His greatest work was with the "Planter," a Confed- existed any authority on the part of the Federal Government to send armed troops to invade the territory of any one of the States. As he looked at the great conflict, he was fighting for great and vital principles of government, viz. : the right and duty of a sovereign State to defend her sovereignty, and to have her citizens protected in their property and other rights in accordance with the Constitution of the United States as Interpreted by the Supreme Court. From the begin- ning of the United States Government, the centralizing tendency and the strict construction and State's rights views contended with each other until the arrayed forces met in the late war in deadh' c^ flict on fields of battle. These forces were contending on both for what they believed to be right, or allowed by the written Constitu- tion. On the part of the Federal Government, the efficient war-cry was, save the Union; on the part of the Confederate Government, drive the invading armies from the Southern sovereign States. Slavery was simply the exciting cause over which the great principles con- tended for were fought out. As President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation shows, the freedom of the Negroes was proclaimed not as a constitutional right, but as a military necessity. Uppermost in Mr. Lincoln's mind was the saving of the Union, to which result the freeing of the slave was an incidental consequence. The original cause of the civil war is to be found in the fact that a difference of opinion existed from the beginning of the Republic as to the inter- pretation of the powers conveyed by the Constitution to the Federal Government. In this great war, the great question at issue was the relation between the States and the General Government under their written Constitutions. Amid this conflict, happily, the slaves obtained their freedom. c^- iiWs NEGRO RACE IN THE UNilED STATES. 135 erate transport steamer in 1861 afterwards used as a dispatch boat. The officers retired from the boat on the night of May i 3, 1862, and left eight colored men on watch, Small being one of the number. He s::r;^"..'v Robert Small. was only called a wheelman then, but in reality was a pilot. He, with the others on board, con- ceived the risk}^ plan of giving the boat over to the Federals. Everything being ready, and after taking on Small's wife and three children, they started out at 2 o'clock. In passing out of the harbor and by 136 ^ SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE each fort the steamer gave her signals as though the Confederate captain was on board, and every- thing was all right. The dangerous plan, which, if it had been found out would have ended in instant death, was a success. The boat was given over to the Federal Captain Nichols, who found her quite an additional help to the Union. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 137 CHAPTER XXVIIT. THE END OF THE WAR. For four years the American people had been fighting among themselves. At the outbreak of the struggle the freedom of the slaves was not looked for by many. But the Abolitionists, who grew stronger as the war progressed, pressed their views upon the leaders of the country. They took every advantage of every opportunity to make the freedom of the slaves the main issue of the war ; and their efforts, coupled with the desire of the Union leaders to weaken the Confederacy by employing Negro troops, to whom they offered freedom, caused the final proclamation of Mr. Lincoln in 1863, giving freedom to the slaves. In this war there were employed on the Union side more than 186,000 colored soldiers, whose bravery stands vouched for by every Union and many Confederate generals, who saw them as dar- ing in the face of death as their fellow white sol- diers. On the Confederate side the Negroes were not armed, but many of them were employed as labor- ers in the armies. But all over the South, while their mastef-s were away at war, the Negro men and 138 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE women were enlisted in the ranks of the private duties of the Southern soldiers' homes, which, ever be it remembered to the honor and credit of the Negro race of America, they protected faithfully and industriously. The opportunity for outrage and plunder was open on every side, but not a hurt- ful hand was laid on the thousands of white widows, orphans, and aged, who lay defenceless in the Negroes' power. This action on the part of the slaves proves that the race is not fond of bloodshed, and is kind even to its foes. Some Plantations, on the contrary, were found in better trim on the return of the masters from the war than when the}^ left them. Negro Body-servants accompanied their masters into the war, shared the roughs of camp-life, aiiTl often were the last to minister to their wants in the hospital, and the first to bear the tidings home to the anxious family after death, taking with them sometimes the treasured watch or ring. Mr. James H. Jones/'' of Raleigh, N. C, served as messenger to Mr. Jefferson Davis during his Presi- dency of the Confederacy at Richmond. He was with him when captured by the Union troops in *He emphatically denies the assertion that has gained currency to the effect that Mr. Jefferson Davis, while escaping from the Union forces, was attired in female clothes. Mr. J. states that the Confed- erate President used a large cloak, which he usually wore indoors, to disguise himself w'ith. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 139 southwest Georgia, and was also confined with him in the "Rip-Raps," at Hampton Roads, Virginia. After the war Mr. Jones kept up a correspondence with Mr. Davis until his death, and received a new photograph whenever Mr. Davis had a new one taken. Mr. Jones is now an honored citizen of Raleigh. He was lately presented with a gold- headed cane by Mrs. Davis in token of her regard for him in view of his devotedness to her husband. 140 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXIX. RECONSTRUCTION, i865-'68. After the Surrender of Lee at Appomattox, the question arose as to what should be done with the Southern States that for four years had contended against the flag of the Union, and had set up a flag of their own. The Southern flag was now con- quered ; and the plan of the North was to restore these conquered States to the Union. Amnesty was offered all those who desired it. A Ptovisional Government was first established in North Carolina, with W. W. Holden at its head ; other States were organized in the same way. Conventions were called by the Provisional Governors of the several States, and new constitutions adopted in conformity with the Constitution of the United States. The Right to Vote During Slavery was denied the colored people. Exclusion from public places was established by law. Thirty-nine lashes was the punishment for keeping firearms. When white persons were implicated, colored people could not testify in the courts. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, making the race citizens, was not favorably received by the legislatures of the reconstruced States. So NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 141 The Civil Rights Bill was passed by Congress, giv- ing the colored people the right to enter public places, and ride on first-class railroad cars. This bill has been declared unconstitutional by r ir Su- preme Court. The colored people were considered not well qualified to vote and there was opposition to their exercising this right, so the fifteenth amend- ment was passed guaranteeing to them the right to vote and to have their votes counted. Thus, the eleven Southern States were reconstructed on a basis of universal suffrage, and the colored race began to develop statesmen, orators, lawyers, judges, teachers of various kinds, ministers, and discreet, far-seeing business men. THE freedmen's bureau. The design of this institution was to educate the newly emancipated colored people in all the ways of freedom. Schools were opened, to which there was a general rush, so great was the thirst for knowledge. Many gray heads could be seen among the children, and the " Blue Back Speller " was often to be seen even in the Sabbath-schools. Such an ardent desire for knowledge was, possibly, never witnessed anywhere before. Many very old people learned to read the Bible, and the joy they seemed to get from this long coveted privilege was often poured out in thankful and fervent prayer. 142 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Gen. 0. 0. Howard was a leading spirit in the establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau. His de- sign was to make the colored people better citizens in every respect. With him was associated a saintly corps of devoted missionary-inclined white men and women, who planted school-houses and churches for the Negroes in many a hamlet in the former slave States. Many of These People came from the best fami- lies of the North, were well educated, refined and cultured. Their pupils were not slow in catching the beautiful graces of these instructors, and their extra qualities are demonstrated in the wonderful educational progress the race has made within only twenty-six years of actual freedom. The Plan was to locate schools at central points where teachers and preachers might be trained to go out into the rural districts in which the majority of the race lived. The money was contributed by benevolent people of the North, and a wiser invest- ment, both for God and humanity, was never made. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 143 CHAPTER XXX. PROGRESS SINCE FREEDOM. Through More Than Two Centuries we have now traced our ancestors' history. We have seen how they performed the hard tasks assigned them by their masters : following the hoe and the plow with a laugh and a song ; making magnificent estates, building mansions, furnishing them with the splen- dor of the times ; so eager in patriotism as to be the first to shed their blood on the altar of their coun- try's liberty. All this they did with no other reward than a slave's cabin and a life of bondage for themselves and children. Scarcel}^ have they ever sought revenge in riot or bloodshed. Stolen from a home of savage freedom they found them- selves slaves in America, but the greatness of the Negro's nature crops out plainly in the wonderful way in which he adapted himself to his new conditions. The fact that he went to work willingly, worked so long and faithfully, and rebelled so little, marks him as far superior to the Indian, who never accepts the conditions of labor, either for himself or another ; and universally enjoys the rank of a savage rather than that of a civilized being. A plant placed in the window of a dark chamber gradually bends its 144 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE foliage toward the sunlight; so the Negro, surrounded by the darkness of slavery, bent his life toward the light of his master's God. He found Him. In Him he trusted, to Him he prayed, from Him he hoped for deliverance ; no people were ever more devout according to their knowledge of the word ; no people ever suffered persecution more bravely ; no people ever got more out of the few talents assigned them ; and for this humble devotion, this implicit trust and faithfulness, God has now rewarded them. The race comes out of slavery with more than it had before it ivent in. Bnt there was no need of any slavery at all. Virginia.^ New England, and the other colonies might have held the Negro long enough to serve out his passage from Africa, and then given him his freedom, as they did their white slaves imported from England, or they might have forbidden him to be sold to the colonists as a slave. The mistake was made then ; the mistake became a law which the people were educated to believe was just. Many did not believe in slavery, and most slaveholders sought to make the condition of their slaves comfortable. The affection arising between the slave and his master often governed the treatment. The Negro being largely endowed by nature with affection, affability, and a forgiving spirit, generall}^ won for himself good treatment. Then, too, the master had some soul, and where NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 145 that ingredient of his make-up was deficient, a self- ish interest in the slave as his property somewhat modified the spirit that might have more often visited itself upon the unfortunate slave in lashes and stripes. Many Affections and Friendships formed between master and slave exist to the present day. Some slaves are still at the old homestead, conditions entirely reversed, voting differently at the polls, hut friends at home ; and in death the family of one follows that of the other to the grave. When the War Ended, the whole South was in an unsettled condition — property destroyed, thousands of her sons dead on the battle-field, no credit, con- quered. But if the condition of the whites was bad, that of the blacks was woi'se. They were with- out homes, money, or learning. They were now to feed, clothe and protect themselves ; and, as free citizens, the}^ were required to support the govern- ment, and obey its laws, which they could not read. It was Natural that they should make mistakes. But the\^ made less mistakes than the bummers who came South for plunder during reconstruction times, and with the false promise of " forty acres and a mule" led the unlettered race into a season of idleness and vain hopes. But this condition did not last. The Negro inherited the ability to work from the institution of slaver3^ He soon set about to 146 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Utilize this ability. I ask what race could have done more ? And this the Negro has done, though vir- tually ostracised from the avenues of trade and spec- ulation. His admission to a trades-union is the exception rather than the rule in America. A col- ored boy taking a place as porter in a store at the same time with a white boy, may find the white boy soon promoted to a clerkship, then to a partnership in the firm, if he is smart ; but the colored boy remains, year after year, where he first commenced, no matter how worthy, no matter how competent. His lot is that of a menial ; custom assigns him there, and in looking for clerks and partners he is not thought of by the white business man ; and thus, by the rigid laws of custom, he has continually lost golden opportunities to forge his fortune ; yet he has prospered in spite of this, and it bespeaks for him a superior manhood. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 147 CHAPTER XXXr. RELIGIOUS PROGRESS. Before the war, the colored people of the South worshipped mainly in the white churches, or in sep- arate churches usually ministered to by white pas- tors. But the colored people, naturally inclined to religion, soon developed preachers of their own. They composed their own music, which expressed, in their own way, thanks and petitions to heaven. Their music is original, entertaining and pathetic — and the only original music of the American Con- tinent, when we remember that other than Negro techniques and melodies are all borrowed from the masters of Europe. Debarred of the Privileges of schools, it is not surprising that the religion of the slaves should be otherwise than somewhat twisted from the cultured tone of the Bible to suit the whims of an unlettered race. It can be truly said though, that, considering the circumstances, they did not bury the talents given them. But the religious progress since free- dom is so marvellous as to completely overshadow much of the darkaess of the past. Let us notice briefly several of the great religious denominations of the race. The colored people produce fewer infi- 148 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE dels than auy other similar number of people in America. They are proverbially religious and God- fearing. The A. W. E. Church, founded by Rev. Richard Allen, of Philadelphia, Penn., because of the spirit of caste and race feeling of the Methodist Episco- pal Church during and after the American Revolu- tion, has exerted abroad and unmeasured influence upon the Negro race. From a meeting held in 1816, at Rev. Allen's private house, has sprung sur- prising results. The denomination has more than 4,000 churches valued at over $5,000,000 ; more than 660 parsonages valued at near $500,000. It has a publication department, which sends out the Chris- tian Recorder and the A. M. E. Review to thousands of people. The salaries of the editors of these papers amount to over $10,800. In 1887 tbe money raised for all purposes was about $1,000,000. Wil- berforce University is a noted institution controlled by the A. M. K. Church. The influence of this church for good among the people cannot be meas- ured. The bishops are an extraordinary set of learned men, many of whom are self-made, but yet are authors, orators, linguists, theologians and scholars that will compare favorably with the best theological brain of America. The Baptist denomination was founded by Roger Williams. The church ofi&cers derive their power NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 149 from the members. In the beginning, Roger Wil- liams' influence had a tendency to keep down race prejudice. But from the rapid increase of slaves, the feeling grew until self-interest demanded a sep- aration. The Baptists form a body of useful and intelligent people. The South has a host of Bap- tists, who own much valuable property. There are more Baptists in Virginia than in any other South- ern State. Some of the churches have very large congregations. There are a large number of Bap- tist churches in the District of Columbia, some of which have interesting histories. There are among the noble, true and faithful workers of the Baptists many men who have consecrated their lives to their church in the spreading of the Gospel. The Baptist denomination exercises a religious and educational influence over more colored people than any other denomination in America. We gather from the minutes of their National Convention of 1887, that they had a total membership in the United States of 1,155,486; and that they had 6,605 ordained ministers, 3,304 Sabbath-schools with 10,- 718 teachers and officers and 194,492 pupils. They owned $3,056,571 worth of church property, since 1887 the increase has been very large. They main- tain a large number of colleges and seminaries, in which are annually taught more than 3,609 pupils. The A. M. E. Zion Church is another of the pow- 150 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE erful religious denominations among the colored people, and it is everywhere urging the race to a higher standard of living in all respects. Their membership is in the neighborhood of 500,000. They support and control, entirely, Livingston Col- lege, of Salisbury, N. C, a progressive and well- manned institution, and the Star of Zion is the church organ. The Livingston College Faculty is all colored, and it has property valued at over $100,000. The Methodist Episcopal Church North supports many churches in the South ministered to by colored pastors. There are several schools supported by them, prominent among which is Bennet College of Greensboro, N. C, which is controlled entirely by a colored Faculty. Other schools of this denomi- nation, manned by white Faculties, are, with Ben- net College, doing a most necessary and beneficial work among the colored people, among which are Claflin University, Orangeburg, S. C, and Clark University, Atlanta, Ga. The American Missionary Association is doing a great work among the colored people of the South along the lines of education and church work. The Congregational churches of the South are, to a great extent, assisted by this Society. Many large schools are under its care, such as Atlanta Univer- sity (originally) ; Fisk University, Nashville, Ten- NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 151 nessee ; Straight University, New Orleans; Howard University, Washington, D. C; Hampton Insti- tute (originally) . The estimated daily expenditures of this Association in the South for Negro schools and churches is $1,200. It is accomplishing a great work. The Baptist Home Mission Society reaches as many colored people through its church work and schools as au}/ of the many Northern benevolent institu- tions. Its schools are distributed throughout the South, and it would be hard to estimate the good they are accomplishing. Some of the schools aided in whole or in part b}^ this Society, are : Wayland Seminary, Washington, D. C Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C. Hartshorn Memorial College, Richmond, Va. Spellman Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. Benedict College, Columbia, S. C. State University, Louisville, Ky. Atlanta Baptist Seminary. Roger Williams University, Nashville, Tenn. Jackson College, Jackson, Miss. Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock, Ark. Leland University, New Orleans, La. Howe Institute, New Iberia, La. Selma University, Selma, Ala. Missouri College, Macon, Mo. Bishop College, Marshall, Texas. 152 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Hearne Academy, Hearne, Texas. Guadalupe College, Seguiu, Texas. Indian University, Muskogee, Indian Territory. Atoka Academy, Atoka, Indian Territory. "The Christian Church" maintains an excellent educational and church work among the colored people, and the work of this denomination is grow- ing rapidly. The Franklin Institute is one of the schools of this denomination and is located at Franklin, N. C. It is supported mainl}^ by North- ern contributions. The Episcopalians are also supporting several schools and doing an effective church work among the colored people. One of the oldest and best in- stitutions of this denomination is the St. Augus- tineh School., Raleigh, N. C, at which many useful men and women have received their training. Some of the Northern societies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on Negro edu- cation and religion in the South. The Presbyterian Church has not spread as rap- idly among the Negroes as some others, and yet within the past twenty-five years that Church has taken a strong hold among them, chiefly in Vir- ginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida and Tennes- see. Within the territory embraced in these States there are 2 Synods, 10 Presbyteries, about 200 min- isters, 250 churches, 18,000 communicants, and NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 153 15,000 Sabbath-school scholars. Except twelve or fifteen ministers, and a few score members, these synods are composed of Negroes, who control the affairs of the churches and schools. They are in ecclesiastical fellowship with the Northern Presby- terian Church. Their organ is the Africa- American Presbyterian^ published at Charlotte, N. C, by the Africo-American Presbyterian Publishing Com- pany. This journal has a wide circulation. Educational Work of the Presbyterians.— Under the auspices of the Presbyterians are Lincoln Uni- versity, Oxford, Pennsylvania, which is their lead- ing institution for educating colored men, and from which more Negro graduates have gone out, into all the professions and as ministers and teachers, into the different denominations, than from any similar school in the country ; Biddle University, Charlotte, N. C, ranking among the first in the South, which has an able Faculty of white and colored men ; and the far-famed Scotia Seminary, at Concord, N. C. Scotia Seminary has done, and is doing, much for the education of colored girls, and ranks second to none of the seminaries of its kind. 154 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXXII. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS. Can the Negro learn anything? was the first question he had to answer after schools were estab- lished for him. He has answered this question satisfactorily to the most incredulous in every in- stance where brought to a test. The fact that all the slave States had laws against his being taught before the war, and that they opposed it afterwards, ought to be a sufficient answer. There are several individuals of the race who have written valuable text-books.* WHAT THE SOUTH IS DOING FOR NEGRO EDUCATION. It would be a serious error to omit, in speaking of the educational progress of the Negro since free- dom, what has been done to help him by the South- ern States. Though at first bitterly opposed to Negro education, there has been a wonderful change of sentiment on this subject. They made laws against Negro education before the war, now they make laws for it. In the more liberal portions of *See Johnson's Illuslrated History of Uie Negro Race. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 155 man}' Southern States, good schools are provided for the colored children. vSome States have asylums for the deaf, dumb, blind and insane. The South spends annually about $6,000,000 on Negro public schools, and this sum will soon be increased. Some of the States have Normal Schools, Universities and Training Schools for the colored youth. There are some who oppose Negro education on the ground that the whites pa}^ two thirds of the taxes. A false position this — the laborer and consumer pa}^ the taxes on capital. The Negro is the laborer of the South, and a large consumer. He produces more than a bilhnu dollars woytli of farm prodticls annu- ally^ wol estimating other products; and it is his toil, his muscle that makes a large part of the School fund. The High Schools, Seminaries, Colleges and Pro- fessional Schools for the colored people number several hundred. Many of them are controlled entirely by colored Faculties. IMau}^ schools have mixed Faculties of colored and white teachers. Dr. H. M. Tupper inaugurated this movement b}' putting young colored men at work in Shaw Uni- versity, which has been followed by many of the other schools supported b}' donations from white friends in the Nortii. The plan works admirabl}- well, and, besides teaching the race to confide in the ability of its own educated men and women, it 156 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE affords lucrative employment to many who are by nature and choice fitted for the work of teaching. A Self-made Man is a worthy description when applied to a Saxon. But a knowledge of the facts will teach us that nine-tenths of all the leading Negroes were and are self-made. The royal road to knowledge is beyond question closed to the young colored man. There is no Large Estate to draw on for school bills ; no rich uncle or kinsman to foot the bill, and wait till success in after years for a settlement. His own brawu}^ muscle is usually the young col- ored student's means of support. Many of them work in school between hours. In fact, most of the schools for colored people in the South assign cer- tain hours each day in which the students are to labor. Some institutions do not spend one cent for domestic labor during the whole of the school terms. Yet they, in some instances, raise quite enough faf m and garden products for their tables, and sometimes make brick enough to put up extra buildings. The fact that in none of the colored schools the expense for tuition, board, lodging, laundry-work and inci- dentals is over $12 per month (and in some cases it is as low as $6), is a strong argument in favor oF the help the Negro youth furnishes towards his own education. People with such a love for knowledge NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 157 that they are willing to thus toil for it may be relied upon to use that knowledge properl3^ When the War Closed there were about four mil- lion colored people in the United States. Very few of them could read. Now they number about eight millions, and nearly half of them can read. There are about 1,200,000 colored children in the schools, annually taught by 27,000 Negro teachers. The colored people of the South have made more prog- ress in education since the war than in anything else ; and they are still thirsty for knowledge. The schools everywhere are crowded The love of know- ledge seems to be instinctive, and thousands of faithful mothers spend many weary nights at the ironing-board and wash-tub in order to get money to help their children obtain an education. With the start the}- now have, twenty-five years more of earnest work will show marvellous changes in the educational condition of the race. No people ever learned more in so short a time. ^lUSICAL PROGRESS. The Fisk Jubilee Singers have sung the fame of the Negro in all America, much of Europe and Australia. The slave music is said to be the only 158 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE original music of America.'^' The Indian has none, and white Americans have borrowed from the mas- ters of Europe. Negro melodies are now a part of the classical music of this country. The peculiarity of Negro song is its patlios and trueness to nature. It stirs the soul and revives a sunken hope. Travel- lers describe the music of the native African as sung in a major key, which key characterizes the *DR. DVORAK'S INNOVATION. The following official announcement will awaken the keenest interest in every reader of 7 he Colored American : "The National Conservatory of IMusic of America, " 126 AND 128 East 17TH St., New York, May 16, 1893. " The National Conservatory of Music of America proposes to enlarge its sphere of usefulness by adding to its departments a branch for the instruction in music of colored pupils of talent, largely with the view of forming colored professors of merit. The aptitude of the colored race for music, vocal and instrumental, has long been recognized, but no definite steps have hitherto been taken to develop it, and it is believed that the decision of the Conservatory to move in this new direc- tion will meet with general approval and be productive of prompt and encourag- ing results. Several of the trustees have shown special interest in the matter. Prominent among these is Mrs. Collis P. Huntington. Tuition will be furnished to students of exceptional talent free of charge. Two young but efficient colored pupils have already been engaged as teachers, and others will be secured as cir- cumstances may require. " Application for admission to the Conservatory classes is invited, and the assign- ment of pupils will be made to such instructors as may be deemed judicious. " Dr. Antonin Dvorak, Director of the Conservatory, expresses great pleasure at the decision of the trustees, and will assist its fruition by sympathetic and active co-operation. " :\Iay I ask you to place these facts before your readers, and in favoring a worthy cause once again oblige yours, very truly, '■JEANNETTE M. Thurber, President." This is the result of some observations Ijy Dr. Antonin Dvorak, the foremost figure among living composers and the acknowledged leader of the dramatic school. He believes thoroughly that Negro melodies will form the basis for a truly original American music. He is quoted as saying: "lam now satisfied that the future music of this country must be founded upon what are called the Negro melo- NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 159 songs of a conquering people. Slaver}'- has not extracted this characteristic totally from the Ameri- can Negro's songs. While he sings not the con- quering major of battle, he thrills you with the pleasing minor of hope. Dr. Talmage says : "Everybody knows the natural gift of the African for singing. No singing on this continent like that of the colored churches in the South. Everybody going to Richmond or Charleston wants to hear the Africans sing." dies. This must be the real foundation of any serions and original school of composition to be developed in the United States. When I first came here last year I was impressed with the idea, and it has developed into a settled conviction. These beautiful and varied themes are the product of the soil. They are American. These are the folk-songs of America, and your composers must turn to them. In the Negro melodies of America I discover all that is needed for a great and noble school of music. They are pathetic, tender, passion- ate, melancholy, solemn, religious, bold, merry, gay, or what you will. It is music that suits itself to any mood or any purpose. There is nothing in the whole range of composition that can not be sup- plied with themes from this source." " Many of the Negro melodies— most of them, I believe — are the creations of Negroes born and reared in America. That is the pecu- liar aspect of the problem. The Negro does not produce music of that kind elsewhere. I have heard the black singers in Hayti for hours at the bamboula dances, and, as a rule, their songs are not unlike the monotonous and crude chantings of the Sioux tribes. It is so also in Africa. But the Negro in America utters a new note, full of sweetness, as characteristic as any music of any country." This is a most delicate tribute from an authority so eminent and discriminating as Dr. Dvorak. He is profoundly impressed with the possibilities of Negro melody, and delights to dwell upon it by the column. He has studied the field very closely, and expresses a con- viction that must be highly interesting to the .American Negro. 160 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXXIII, FINANCIAL PROGRESS. The Freedmen's Saving Bank, though it failed, furnishes a strong argument in favor of the thrift and industry of the recently emancipated slaves. In this bank the colored people deposited during the years between 1866 and 187 1, about $57,000,- 000. The original design of this institution was doubtless good, but it fell into bad hands, and the consequence was a most disgraceful failure. The Negro's Confidence in banks was, on his first trial of them, badly shaken. He has not recovered yet. Many colored people who would deposit their money now, are reluctant to do so when they re- member the " Freedmen's Bank failure." The branch offices of the bank in the different States were placed in the hands of colored men who worked for salaries under instructions from the home office at Washington, D. C. To this day sentiment at- taches blame on these colored bank officers, who themselves were as much deluded as the depositors. It was a sad and disgraceful piece of legalized rob- bery. But the Negro is putting his money in other enterprises^ and though unsuccessful in his first, his last efforts at economy are bearing rich fruit. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 161 The property owned by the colored people now is computed at the following figures : Twenty-five Years' Accumulations: Alabama, $9,200,125; Arkansas, $8,010,315; Florida, $7,- 900,400; Georgia, $10,415,330; Kentucky, $5,900,- 010; Louisiana, $18,100,528 ; Mississippi, $13, 400,- 213; Missouri, $6,600,343; North Carolina, $11, - 010,652; South Carolina, $12,500,000; Texas, $18,010,545; Tennessee, $10,400,211; Virginia, $4,900,000. The Colored Churches in the United States own $16,310,441 ; the total amount of property owned by the colored people in all the States is rated at over $263,000,000. Much Properly is owned by the colored people of the North and West. Some of their estates run high into the hundred thousands. Many of them, though shut out almost entirely from the trades and business avenues, have accumulated handsome homes, and live in elegance and refinement. All the States have numbers of colored individ- uals whose wealth is rated between five and ten thousand dollars. In closing these chapters on t\\^ progress of the race since the war, we desire to say to you, our young readers, that much has been done to raise the race in the estimation of the world, but much more remains to be done. What has been said is 162 .-/ SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE not to make you content and satisfied, but rather to inspire new zeal and fresh courage, that each one of you may add something^more to what has already been accomplished. You can, you must, and we believe you will. Do not falter on account of diffi- culties. Set your standard high and go to it, remem- bering that labor, coupled with a strong devotion to integrity, will surely conquer. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 163 CHAPTER XXXTV. SOME NOTED NEGROES. Hon. Hiram R. Revels, a native of North Caro- lina, graduate of Knox College, 111., A. M. E. min- ister, President of Alcorn University, Mississippi, elected to the State Senate, Mississippi, was the first Negro to hold the position of U. S. Senator, elected to fill the place of Jefferson Davis in 1869, to the wonder and surprise of all America. ROBERT B. ELLIOTT. On the pages of history the name of Hon. Rob- ert B. Elliott shines forth with lustre. He was one of earth's sons, plucked too soon to reap the harvest which was in store for him. This eloquent orator and distinguished lawyer was a graduate from an* English college. After finishing there he studied law under Fitz-Herbert, of the London bar. He then came to the United States, and began his brilliant and successful career. It was in the Forty-second Congress, while a repre- sentative of South Carolina, that he impressed him- self indelibly upon the country as a man of giant intellect and rare oratorical ability. Alexander 164 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Stephens of Georgia, Beck of Kentucky, Harris of Virginia, had severely assailed the constitution- ality of the Civil Rights Bill, after which Mr. Elliott arose and addressed the House as follows, an effort that bespeaks the ability of the man : " Mr. Speaker, while I am sincerely grateful for the high mark of courtesy that has been accorded me by this House, it is a matter of regret to me that it is necessary at this day that I should arise in the presence of an American Congress to advocate a bill which simply asserts rights and equal privileges for all classes of American citizens. I regret, sir, that the dark hue of my skin ma}/ lend a color to the imputation that I am controlled by motives personal to myself in my advocacy of this great measure of natural justice. Sir, the motive that impels me is restricted by no such narrow boundary, but is as broad as your Constitution. I advocate it, sir, because it is right. The bill, however, not only appeals to your justice, but it demands a response to your gratitude. In the events that led to the achievement of American independence the Negro was not an inactive or unconcerned spectator. He bore his part bravely upon man}/ battle-fields, although uncheered by that certain hope of polit- ical elevation which victory would secure to the white man. The tall granite shaft which a grate- ful State has reared above its sons who fell in NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 165 Bishop D. A. Payne. 166 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE defending Fort Griswold against the attack of Ben- edict Arnold, bears the name of Jolm Freeman and others of the African race, who there cemented with their blood the corner stone of your Republic. In the State which I have had the honor in part to represent, the rifle of the black man rang out against the troops of the British crown in the dark- est days of the American Revolution. ""' '^' '•' '^ The Negro, true to that patriotism that has ever characterized and marked his history, came to the aid of the Government in its efforts to maintain the Constitution. To that Government he now appeals ; that Constitution he now invokes for protection against unjust prejudices founded upon caste." Rev. D. A. Payne, D.D., LL.D. was the most noted bishop of the A. M. E. Church, also its true and tried friend. He was a great educator, and liad the Negro's best interests at heart ; many generous and noble deeds he did for liis race ; he was the scholar and reverenced father of the A. M. E. Church. William Wells Brown was bom of slave parents ; he escaped to the North and so improved his time from then on, until lie was known to the world as a competent physician ; a historian of tlie Negro race, a lecturer and an author. Senalor B. K. Bruce is another son of the Negro race. Though he did not receive his privilege as a man until 1865, when he had attained to the age NEGRO RACE IN THE UNTIED STA TES. 167 of 24, the intellectual fires then burning in his soul were no longer smothered. Though a Virginian, he entered into public life in Mississippi. Much B. K. Bruce. useful knowledge he gathered wliile sergeant-at- arms of the State Seriate of Mississippi, which helped him to admirably fill his place as U. S. Sen- ator. It was, also, his honor to hold the position of Register of the U. vS. Treasury. 168 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE Rev. J. C. Price, D. D., the well-known temperance orator and educator, lives in the hearts of many- people. His clear and distinct voice, fascinating manner and excellent ability to handle a story, gave him a hearty welcome in every place to which he went. He was the first colored preacher to stand in the pulpit of Henry Ward Beecher. With the sympathy and love of a parent for his pupils, he with honor held until his death the position of President of Livingston College, North Carolina. He was a native of North Carolina. EDMONIA LEWIS. The subject of this sketch, by the diligent use of the powers God gave her, has done much to demon- strate to the world what genius exists in the race she represents. Left an orphan in early life, she was not educated according to her desire, but was conscious of a power and a burning zeal to make herself felt in the world. Her first visit to Boston proved the turning point in her life. When she for the first time saw the statue of Franklin her soul was touched. While the dull stone seemed cold to others, there was a chord in her 3^oung soul which the cold lineaments played upon, and she exclaimed exultingly, " I can make a stone man." Wm. Lloyd Garrison, always NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. ready to help the race, introduced her to a leading Boston sculptor. He gave her some clay and a model of a human foot, saying, "Go home and J. C. Price. make that ; if there is anything in'you it will come out." Her first effort was brought to the teacher, who examined it, then broke it to pieces, telling her to try again. She did so, and succeeded. Her 170 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE achievements since have placed her among the prominent artists of the world. She now resides at Rome, where her studio is the famed resort of art- lovers the world over. Some of her works are, busts of Charles Sumner, Lincoln, HiaM^atha's Woo- ing, Forever Free, Hagar in the Wilderness, Ma- donna with Infant Christ, and two Adoring Angels. She was patronized by the leading Englishmen, such as D'Israeli, and others. Rev. W. J. Simmons, A. M., D. D., was, beyond question, one of the strongest characters of the race. He was the President of the Normal and Theological Institute at Louisville, Ky. At one time he was editor of the American Baptist^ and did a telling work in that position by his strong edito- rials and telling points in behalf of the interests of the race. But Dr. Simmons is better known as an educator. He took charge of the Institute at Louis- ville when nothing but failure seemed to stare it in the face ; and from an appearance of hopeless ruin he worked it up to a point of great excellency. It now stands as one of the most important factors of Negro education in the South, and its success is due to the indomitable energy, force, and brain of Dr. Simmons. He also furnished the literature of the race with a valuable work known as " Men of Mark." In it you will be pleased to read elegant sketches of many of the race's best men. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 171 " BlindTom," the Negro Musical Prodigy, isknown as well in Europe as America. His correct name is Thomas Bethnne. He was born May 25, 1849, at Columbus, Georgia. When a babe he seemed totally blind, but in later years he could see a little. Blind Tom. His memory of dates, persons and places seems almost perfect. Shake his hand to-day and speak to him, tell your name, and ten years after he will recall your voice and name. He is uniformly and studiously polite, and entertains the highest regard f )r truth in all things. At four years of age he found his way to his master's piano for the first 172 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE time. He had attempted to use his voice in imi- tating the piano and other sounds before this. He imitated all the sounds he knew on the piano, and when his supply was exhausted he began to com- pose for himself. He would play, as he would remark, " what the windsaid^^'' or the " birds said^'' or the " trees saidy When five years old, during a thunder-storm, he composed his " Rain Storm^'' which is so true to Nature that one imagines, on hearing it, that he can hear the thunder roar, and " looks for the lightning to flash." One author says of him: "I can't teach him anything; he knows more of music than we know, or can know. We can learn all that great genius can reduce to rule and put in tangible form; he knows more than that. I do not even know what it is; but I feel it is something beyond my comprehension. All that can be done for him will be to let him hear fine playing ; he will work it all out for himself after awhile." He plays the most difficult classical music of Mendelssohn and Beethoven, and cannot read a note. His marches include " Delta Kappa Epsilon," by Peace ; " Grand March de Concert," by Wallace. He imitates as perfectly as if natural, " Battle of Manassas," " Douglass' Speech," guitar, banjo, church organ, Dutch woman and hand-organ, a harp, Scotch bagpipe, and a music-box — all on the NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 173 piano. His equal, if it ever existed in the world, has not been known. He stands out as a phenom- enon, a genius, a prodigy in black. He still lives, and is constantly improving and adding to his large stock of musical achievements. Toussainl L'Ouverture. — It is supposed that L'Ouverture was born in 1743, in San Domingo, on " All Saints' Day," from which he was named Toussaint. The name L'Ouverture (which means the conqueror) was given him after he had won a high place in the army b}^ man}^ brilliant con- quests. He was born a slave, and was said to be a direct descendant of an African king. He was educated by his god-father, Pierre Baptiste. Later he had an interesting family, and was as happy as a slave could be. He believed himself destined to lead his race out of bondage. Having access to his master's librar}^, he read much ; and it is recorded that he always mastered whatever work he under- took to study. It is generally conceded b}^ his ene- mies that he was honest, honorable and just. On the night of August 21, 1791, the revolution which was destined to free the blacks of Hayti be- gan. It was, really, the culmination of a series of political struggles which had been waged with fury between the government of France, the white plant- ers, and the mulattoes who thought that they were entitled to equal political privileges with the whites. 174 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE This point was bitterly contested by the whites of the colony, until the mulattoes succeeded in incit- ing the blacks to murder and pillage. Toussaint took no part in the murderous proceedings of this Toussaint L'Ouverture. Too'saN' loo'ver'tlir'. 'Soldier— Statesman— Martyr."— Wendell Phillips. night, and did not leave the plantation until he had safely provided for all the whites thereon, whom he afterwards had conveyed to Baltimore. He was NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 175 always opposed to a general massacre of the whites, and throughout his career, as a commander, exerted his influence to preserve their lives. Upon enter- ing military life his promotion was rapid, as he pos- sessed all the requisites of a great commander and leader. Having risen to a generalship, because of his many successes, France acknowledged his rank and tendered to him a commission as commander- in-chief of the armies of San Domingo in 1797. There followed three j^ears of unparalleled pros- perity, during which time L'Ouverture's ability as a statesman and ruler was shown to great advan- tage. Napoleon, however, became jealous of L'Ou- verture's power, and the old troubles in Hayti being renewed, they declared their independence in 1801. Napoleon sent large armies to the island, but they all failed to conquer the brave band of blacks under their indomitable leader, Toussaint. Finally, they resorted to stratagem. They pretended to make peace, after which Toussaint was invited on one oc- .casion to dine on board a French man-of war, and there he was captured, sent to France, confined in a dark, damp dungeon, and allowed to die of hun- ger. He died in 1803, heroically proclaiming that though the French might murder him, the tree of libert}^ would still grow in San Domingo; how un- like Napoleon, the author of Toussaint's torture, who ended his existence in writhing and fretting on 176 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE the island of St. Helena, in similar confinement, a just retribution, it seems, in atonement for the wrong he had done L'Ouverture! " His life lay in thought and in action rather than in words. Self-contained, he was also self-sufficing. Though he disdained not the advice of others, he was, in the main, his own council-board. With an intense concentration of vitality in his own soul, he threw into his outer life a power and an energy which armed one man with the power of thousands, and made him great alike in command of others and in command of himself. He seemed created for government by the hand of Providence. That strength of soul and self-reliance which made him fit to rule, also gave him subjects for his sway. Hence it was, that he could not remain in the herd of his fellow-slaves. Rise he must, and rise he did ; first to humble ofiices, then to the command of a regiment, and then to the command of the armies of San Domingo." EXTRACT FROM AN ADDRESS ON TOUSSAINT L'OUVER- TURE BY WENDELL PHILLIPS, i860. "Some doubt the Courage of the Negro. Go to 50,000 graves of the best soldiers France ever had and ask them what they think of the Negro's sword. And if that does not satisfy you, go to France to the splendid mausoleum of the Counts of Rochambeau, and to the 8,000 graves of Frenchmen who skulked home under the English flag, and ask them. And if that does not satisfy you, come home, and if it had been October, 1859, you might have come by way of quaking Virginia, and ask her what she thought of Negro courage. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 177 You also remember this, that we Saxons were slaves about four hundred years, sold with the land, and our fathers never raised a finger to end that slavery. They waited till Christianity and civiliza- tion, till commerce and the discovery of America, melted away their chains. Spartacus in Italy led the slaves of Rome against the Empress of the world. She murdered him and crucified them. There never was a slave rebellion successful but once, and that was in St. Domingo. Every race has been, some time or other, in chains. But there never was a race that, weakened and degraded by such chattel slavery, unaided, tore off its own fetters, forged them into swords, and won its liberty on the battle-field, but one, and that was the black race of St. Domingo. God grant that the wise vigor of our Government may avert that necessity from our land ; may raise into peaceful liberty the four million committed to our care, and show, under democratic institutions, a statesmanship as far-sighted as that of England, as brave as the Negro of Hayti ! So much for the courage of the Negro. Now look at his endu- rance. In 1S03, he said to the while men: "This island is ours; not a white foot shall touch it." Side by side with him stood the South American Republics, planted by the best blood of the coun- trymen of Lope de Vega and Cervantes. They topple over so often that you could no more daguerreotype their crumbling fragments than you could the waves of the ocean. And yet, at their side, the Negro has kept his island sacredly to himself It is said that, at first, with rare patriotism, the Haytien Government ordered the destruc- tion of all the sugar plantations remaining, and discouraged its cul- ture, deeming that the temptation which lured the French back again to attempt their enslavement. Burn over New York to-night, fill up -her canals, sink every ship, destroy her railroads, blot out every remnant of education from her sons, let her be penniless, with nothing but her hands to begin the world again— how much could she do in sixty years? And Europe, too, would lend her money, butshe will not lend Hayti a dollar. Hayti, from the ruins of her colonial dependence, is become a civilized State, the seventh nation in the catalogue of commerce, with this country, inferior in morals and education to none of the West Indian Isles. Foreign merchants trust her courts as willingly as they do our own. Thus far she has foiled the ambition of Spain, the greed of England, and 178 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE the statesmanship of Calhoun. Toussaint made her what she is. In this work, there was grouped around him a score of men, mostly of pure Negro blood, who ably seconded his efforts. They were able in war, and skilful in civil affairs, but, not like him, remarkable for that rare mingling of high qualities which, alone makes true greatness and insures to one leadership among men, otherwise almost his equals. Tous.saint was indisputably their chief. Courage, purpose, endurance — these are the tests. He did plant a State so deep that all the world has not been able to root it up. I would call him Napoleon, but Napoleon made his way to empire over broken oaths and through a sea of blood. This man never broke his word. "No Retaliation" was his great motto and the rule of his life ; and the last words uttered to his son in France were these : " My boy, you will one day go back to St. Domingo ; forget that France murdered your father." I would call him Cromwell, but Cromwell was only a soldier, and the State he founded went down with him into his grave. I would call him Washington, but the great Virginian held slaves. This man risked his empire rather than permit the slave trade in the humblest village of his dominions. You think me a fanatic to-night, for you read history, not with your eyes but with your prejudices. But fifty years hence, when truth gets a hearing, the Muse of History will put Phocion for Greek, and Brutus for the Roman, Hampden for England, Fayette for France, choose Washington as the bright consummate flower of our earlier civilization, and Fremont the ripe fruit of our noon-day — then dipping her pen in the sunlight, will write in the clear blue above them all the name of the soldier, the statesman, the martyr, Toussaint L'Ouverture." "Sleep calmly in thy dungeon tomb, Beneath Besancon's alien sky. Dark Haytien ! — for the time shall come, Yea, even now is nigh — When, everywhere, thy name shall be Redeemed from Color^s infamy : And men shall learn to speak of thee. As one of earth's great spirits, born In servitude, and nursed in scorn, NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. \'i Casting aside the weary weight And fetters of its low estate, In that strong majesty of soul Which knows no color, tongue or clime, Which still have spurned the base control Of tyrants through all time ! " John G. Whittier. 180 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XXXV. CONCLUSION. Up to the present time the Negro has been a suc- cess in every avenue of life. As a soldier and citi- zen, he has always been faithful to his country's flag. He has filled successfully many honorable positions, from that of town constable to the Regis- try of the Treasury of the United States, and the United States Senatorship ; he has been a legisla- tor. State and National, a judge, a lawyer, a juror, a successful business man, and has won honor, respect and confidence in every such position, and all this in thirty years. Almost every conceivable hindrance has been overcome, and he continues to rise in the scale of advancement, not by efforts of disparagement of others, but by encouraging to give and receive, and to help as will best promote the elevation of his race. It is an erroneous view of education which assumes that books and schools, useful as they are, do the whole work. The child is educated by what he sees, hears and does. The educating value of NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 181 work has never been fully appreciated. Labor compels one to think, it awakens consciousness and self-reliance, and develops mental power. It is very often the case that a degree of foresight, practical wisdom, and executive ability are shown in the management of commercial or agricultural inter- ests. Every child's education is deficient who has not learned to work in some useful form of indus- try. Labor aids in disciplining the intellect and energizing the character. Especially does farm work task and test the mind by leading a boy to plan and contrive, and to adapt means to ends in a great variety of ways. The necessities and strug- gles of the farm demand patience and persever- ance, develop force of character and energy of will, and teach the needful lesson that " Where there is a will there is a way." How many of the leading men of our country, like Washington, Clay and Lincoln, grew up on a farm, and gained the invaluable discipline for the conflicts of life. The business of the farmer varies with the sea- sons, and, as is often the case, he is remote from villages, and his inventive genius makes him a car- 182 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE penter or blacksmith — a man-of-all-work, " handy at anythiug." With all our improved gymnastics none is better than manual labor, when it is intelligently directed and cheerfully performed, and especially farm work. Studying nature in any one or more of its varied forms, each so fitted as to charm children, refreshes their minds as well as recreates their bodies, and stimulates that curiosity which is the parent of interest and memory. Nature, being the great teacher of childhood, may we not suggest, at least, that this daily contact of the Negro child with facts and objects which sur- round him have been the instrument for his devel- opment, and of his continued progress ; the very stimulus, however unconscious it may have been, of his future ambition and possibilities. Industry is essential to thrift and virtue, to the culture of mental and moral nature. Men of mark are men of work. In whatever land man can sub- sist in indolence, he droops in intellect. Man rises in the scale where his necessities compel constant industry, which not only supplies necessities but stimulates demands above absolute wants. NEGRO RACE IN THE UNITED STATES. 183 A scholar, thinker and worker once said : " The fine arts do not interest me so much as the coarse arts, which feed, clothe, house and comfort a people. I should rather be a great man as Franklin than a Michael Angelo ; nay, if I had a son I should rather see him a mechanic who organized use than a great painter who only copied beauty." And, for further encouragement, it will not be out of place to add that an able minister said : " It is not work but worry that kills men. Work is healthy. ^ You can hardly put more on a man than he can bear. It is not the revolution that destroys the machiner}^, but the friction." Increased effort and energ}- of mind must be bal- anced by proper activit}^ of the body. The mind was made for work. It can gain strength only by spending it. Grumblers make poor scholars, and the curse of Heaven rests on laziness. The colored man should, therefore, take encour- agement, keeping in mind that, " He that is sloth- ful in his work is brother to him that is a greater waster," and " Be of good cheer," which is a wise prescription. 184 A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE NEGRO RACE. BE TRUE. " Be true to right : let justice still Her even balance claim ; Unawed, unbribed, through good or ill, Make rectitude your aim." " Be true to truth : the proudest name That sterling worth may win Is soiled and tarnished past reclaim Where falsehood enters in." " Be true to reason : let her light Be ever glorified, And make through life her beacon bright A fixed, enduring guide." " Be true to self-respect : the world May judge thy motives wrong, And slander's poisoned shafts be^hurled Where virtue moves along." "These are the virtues, these the ways That bring their own reward ; And to observe them all thji-'days Keep constant watch and guard. He who from these his guidance takes Gives to the race the hope that makes The march of man sublime ; And each good deed, each wrong withstood, Lives in its influence for the good, Throughout all coming time !" INDEX Abolitionism, growth of, 8i, 82 Abolitionists, opposition to' Northern, 100 work of the, 81, 82 African cities, ancient, S, 9 \ Africans, native, present condition of racial traits of, 10, 11 Africa- American Presbyterian, 153 Allen, Rev. Richard, 148 Almanac, Banneka's, 36 — 39 Amendment, Constitutional, thirteenth, 140 fifteenth, 141 A. M. E. Review, 148 Amistad Captives, the 96 Anti-slavery agitation, 99—101 books, 84' conventions, 82, 83 " Anti-slavery Free Women of Amer- ica," 83 Armistead, James, 72 Army, colonial, slaves in the, 60, 61 compensation for, 63 (See Soldiers, Troops.) Ashmun, Jehudi, 89 Association, Missionary, American, 150 Asylum, Colored Orphans', burning of, 115 Attucks, Crispus, patriotism of, 66, 67 Bank, Freedmen's Savings, 160 Banks, General, on the conduct of Ne- gro troops, 113 Banneka, Benjamin, attainments of, death of, 39 Jefferson's letter to, 38 Robert, 36 Baptists, colored, extent of, 149 Battle of Bull Run, 104 of Bunker's Hill, incident of, 67 Negro's heroism at, 67, 6S Peter Salem at, 68 of Milliken's Bend, Negro troops at, 113 of New Orleans, cotton breastworks at the, 77 of Petersburg, Negro troops at, 121-129 of Port Hudson, Negro troops at, iio- 113 of the Wilderness, Negro troops at, 120 Bethune, Thomas ("Blind Tom"), 171 Bill, Civil Rights, 141. 164 "Black Brigade," Hinks', 122 " Blind Tom," 171 Brown, John, insurrection of, 100 William Wells, 166 Bruce, Senator B. K., 166 Bunker Hill, incident of battle, 67 1 Bureau, Freedmen's, design of, 141 Burnside, Genl., at Petersburg, 126, 128 j Butler, B. F., opposition to Negro enlist- ! ment, 105 j Callioux, Capt. Andre, ni ' Canaanites, the, 12, 13 Carej', Lott, S9 Carney, Sergeant, heroism of 117 Charlton, Samuel, bravery of 72 j Chauncey, Com., retort to Capt. Perry, ,78 Chavers, Rev. John. 44-46 I Children, school, colored, numberof, 157 Christian Recorder, 148 Church. A. M. E.. influence of, 148 Ziou, 149 Baptist, founded, 149 influence of the, 149 Methodist Episcopal, 150 j Presbj'terian, 152 Episcopalian, 152 I Christiaa church, 152 Churches, colored, property owned by, : 161 Cinquez, Joseph, 96 Cities, ancient African, S, 9 Civil Rights Bill, 164 "Cockade City," 121 College, Livingston, 150 Clarke, Alex, 90 Colonies, slavery in the beginning of, 19 dates of introduction, 57 Southern, habits and customs of, 55 Colonists, Southern, habits and cus- toms, 55 Colored schools in the South, 154, 155 j Convention, Anti-slavery, National, 82 of free colored people, 83 Cotton plantations, Georgia, 50 ! Crandall, Prudence, Negro school of, I 32-34 I Crater, the, at Petersburg, 125 ! Curtis, Thomas J., 46 Dabney's CLOTHES-LiNEtelegraph, 130, 131 Davis, Jefferson, capture of, 138 (n) John, bravery of, 77 Deeds of daring, Negro, 66, 71, 72 Disfranchisement of the Southern Ne- gro, 140 Dismal Swamp, slave property in, 95 Dodge, Caleb, slave test-suit of, 27 Douglass, Frederick, biography of, wri- tings of, 85-8S 186 INDEX. Dunmore, Lord, enlistment of Negroes by, 5S Dunn's house, Negro corps at, 123 Education, Negro in the South, 154-160 self-help in, of Southern Negroes, 156 Elliott, Robert B. (orator), 163 Emancipation for military service, 63 in Virginia, 72 of New England slaves, 26, 27 Proclamations, 108 Enlistment (see Soldiers, Troops). Explosion, mine, at Petersburg, 125 Families, Southern, habits and cus- toms, 55. Fisk Jubilee Singers, 157 Fort, Blount's, refugees in, 50-54 Griswold, incident at, 72 Groton, incident at, 71 Pillow. Negro troops at, 118. Sumter, capture of, 104 Wagner, Negro troops at, 115 Forten, James, 82 Miss Sarah (poetess). 83 Freedmen's Bureau, design of, 141 Savings Bank, 160 Freedom, Negro, efforts for, 81, 96, 97 Freeman, John, heroism of, 72 Friends, the, opposition to slavery, 41 Fugitive slave law, 100 Fugitives (see Slaves). Fuller, Thomas, 22 Garnet, H. H., 90 Garrison, William Lloyd, 82, 168 Genius ofEmavcipation, The, 82 Government, Provisional, first, at the South, 140 Grant, Genl., at Petersburg, 127, 12S Habits and Customs of Southern colo- nists, 55 Hall, Primus, incident of, 68 Ham, descendants of, 13 Hamilton. Alexander, letter of, 60 Harris, Sarah, 33 Haygood, Bishop, 17, 18 Heath, Corporal, bravery of, 112 Heroes, Negro, 22 of the Civil War, in, 112, 133 of the Revolution, 65 Holbrook, Felix, petition of, 27 Hopkins, M. A., 90 Horton, George M. (poet), 43 Howard, Genl. O. O , 142 Hunter, Genl., enlistment of Negroes by, 105 Incidents, 66, 70, 130-136 Institute, Louisville, 170 Insurrection, John Brown's, 100 Nat Turner's, 90-94 Jamestown, Negroes at, first, 19 Jeffreys, Major; bravery and treatment of, 79 Johnson, John, bravery of, 78 Jones, James H., 13S Journal of the Twies, 82 Jubilee Singers, Fisk, 157 Kosciusko's aid for the education of colored children, 74 Labor, slave, in South Carolina, 47 La Fayette, Genl., anti-slavery ideas of, ^ 73, 74 Latham, Samuel, braverj' and death of, 71 Laurens, Col., death of, 64 enlistment of Negroes by, 60-64 Law, slave, fugitive, 100 Lee, Genl., surrender at Appomattox, 128 Lewis, Edmonia (artist), 168 Liberator, The, 82 Liberia, colonization of, 89-90 Lincoln, Abraham, election of, 100, loi proclamation for volunteers of, 104 Proclamation, Emancipation, 108 opposition of, to colored troops, 104-10S review of colored troops by, 119 L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 173 Loomis, Lieut., attack and capture of Blount's fort by, 52-54 Lundy, Benjamin (abolitionist), 81 Maroons, the Virginia, 95 Massacre, Boston, Crispus Attucks at, 66, 67 McClellan, Genl., 106 Milliken's Bend, Negro troops at, 113 Music, Negro, 157 originality of, 84 " My Bondage and My Freedom," 84 National Reformer, The, 84 Navy, Negroes in the, of 1S12, 77 Negro, the, freed, ostracization of, 145,146 origin of, 7-13 writings on, quotations from, 9 Negro education in the South, 154 heroes, 22, 65, 72 refugees, Blount's Fort, 50 massacre of, 53 soldiers, conduct of, 109 employment of, 109 enlistment of, 105 opposition to the, 105 first regiment of, 115 troops at Petersburg, 121 in Virginia, 119 Negroes, Americati, ancestors of, 7-1S Colonial, e*ilistment of, 60-64 British, 58, 68 Hamilton's letter on, 60 objections to the, 58 Washington's letter, 63, 64 enlistment of, war of the Rebellion, 104 re-enslavement of, after the Revolu- tion, 75 some noted, 163, 179 INDEX. Nelson's colored troops at Port Hudson, 110-113 Kew London, Conn., capture of, 71 Noah, curse of, not divine, 12-13 sons of, 13 Noble, Jordan (veteran soldier), 80 Pastorious,, Francis Daniel, 41 Payne Rev D. A. (bishop), 165 Petin, William, 41 Perry, Capt., retort of Com. Chauacey to, 7S Petersburg-, attack of Negro troops in, 121-124 Phelps, Genl., 105 Planciancois, Anselmas, bravery of, III, 112 " Planter," the surrender of, 134-136 Plantations, cotton, Georgia, 49 Population, Negro, in 1850, 99, and i860, 103, at the present time, 157 Port Hudson, Negro soldiers at. 110-113 Presbyterians, educational work of, 153 Price. Dr. J. C. (orator), 169 Proclamations, emancipation, 104 Progress from slavery to freedom, 15. of Negro culture, 142, 151 educational, 154, 157 financial, 160-162 musical, 157 religious, 147-153 Prophecy, Noah's, not divine, 12 Providence in the Negro problem, 17 Quakers, Penna., abolitionism of, 81 Race, colored, progress of, since free- dom, 143-146 Races, primitive, progenitors of, 9 colors of, 13 Railroad, underground, the, 102 civil war, 104 Reconstruction of Southern States, 140 rebel Southern view of, 133 Refugees, Negro. Georgia, 50-51 Regiment, first colored, 115 Revels, Hon. Hiram, 163 Revolution, American, Negro heroes of, 65-68 soldiers of, 58, 65, 67 Richmond, siege and fall of, 129 Riot, draft. New York, 115 Negro, in New York (1712), 25 slave (174S), in South Carolina, 47 Salem, Peter, bravery of 67 School, colored, first, in New England, 32 Schoolchildren, number of, 157 teachers, colored, number of, 157 Schools, colored, establishment of, 141 Southern, educational expense, 156 expenditure on, 155 Seminary, Scotia, 153 Senator,"u. S., first Negro, 163 Serfdom, 15 Sewall, judge Samuel, 27 Sheldon, Mrs. Frank, 7, 11 Simmons. Rev. W. J. (educator), 170 Singers, Jubilee, Fisk, 157 Slave and master, affection between, 144. 145 law, fugitive, 100 population in 1850, 99 in i860, 103 Slavery existed by custom (see Negro), 14 general view of in the world ; always existed in some form in Greece and Rome, 14 in Connecticut, introduction of, 32 in Delaware, 41 in Georgia, 49 in Jamestown, Va., 19 in Maryland, 35 in Massachusetts, existence of, 26 in New Hampshire, introduction of, 35 in New Jersey, introduction of, 52 in New York colony, 25 in North Carolina, 42 in Pennsylvania, 41 in Rhode Island, introduction of, 26 in South Carolina, 47 in Virginia, introduction of, 19 Slaves, American, ancestors of, 21 condition, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 35, 42, 47 Slave trade, beginning of, abolition of, 14-16 Slaves, colonial, compensation of mas- ter for enlisted, 63 emancipation of, for military ser- vice, 63 emancipation of, in Massachusetts, 27 in Virginia, 72 faithfulness of during civil war, 138 freed, condition of, at close of the Civil War, 145 fugitive, 100 enlistment of, 104-109 at Blount's Fort, 50-54 importation of, in America, 20 introduction of, ig runaway, in South Carolina. 47 white, in Maryland, 36 New F;ngland, emancipation of, 27 Small, Hon. Robert, 134 Smith, Geul., at Petersburg, 123 Gov. John, edict of, 22 Prof E. E., 90 Societies, anti-slavery, formation of, number in 1836, 82, 83 Northern, for the education of South- ern Negroes, 150-151 Society, colonization, American, 89 Soldiers, Negro, colonial, compensation of 63 enlistment of, 64, 76, 77 in Revolutionary times, 48, 65 in 181 2, Jackson's address to, 76 of the Civil War, conduct of, 109, no first regiment of, 115 prejudice to, 104 public sentiment against, 104, 105 change of, 117 INDEX. Soldiers, Negro, Stevens' bill to enlist, 1 06 Smythe, J. H., 90 Staines, "William, bravery of, 133 Stanton, encomium of, on Negro troops, 124 Star of Zion, The, 150 States, admission as free or slave, agi- tation, TOO Southern, reconstruction of, 140 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 84 Suffrage, universal, effect of Southern , 140-141 Sumner, Charles, 99 Tappan, Arthur, 82 Lewis. 97 Taylor, C. H. J., 90 Teachers, colored school, number, 157 Telegraph, clothes-line, Dabney's, 130- 133 Troops, Negro, as soldiers, 106 bravery of, 124 first regiment of 115 pay of the, 107 Troops. Negro, Colonial (see Soldiers) at Fort Pillow, u8 at Milliken's Bend, 113 at Petersburg, 121- 124 at Port Hudson, no at the Wilderness, 120 in Confederate army, 104 in ITnion army, 107, 137 in Virginia campaign, 119 (see Army, Soldiers.) Tupper. Dr. H M., 155 Turner, Nathaniel, execution of, 93 Turner, Nathaniel, insurrection of, 91-92 " Uncle Tom's Cabin," 84 Underground railroad, 100 work of the, 102 University, Alcorn, 163 Biddle, 153 Lincoln, 153 Selma, 151 Shaw, 151, 155 Wilberforce, 148 Virginia Calculator, the, 22 War, Civil, American, 104 Mexican, outbreak of the, 81 of 1812, 75 enlistment of free Negroes for, 75, 76 Negroes in the navy of, 77 of the Civil War, 104 incidents of, 130 Revolutionary, end of the, 72 Negroes in the, 65-72 Washington, George, freedom of slaves by, 73 incidents of, 69 Madison, freedom of, 94 Watkins, Avery (preacher), 94 Frances, Ellen, 39, 40 Webster, Daniel, 99 Welsh, Molly, 36 Wheatley, Phillis, culture of, 28 death of, 32 Washington, s letter to, 30 Whitfield, George, 49 («) Williams, George W. (author), i»9 Roger, 148 This book is due at the LOUIS R. WILSON I IRR a d v u last date stamped under "Date Due "If not on hnM, °" 'u' renewed by bringing it to the l.brary. °" '°" '^ ""'' *'^