PCi^C A H^^a^/ 3 ^/*^ ^rv^% ^§^^g^^-- ■ ^ SkM..IT'H '. 1 vrr ;|^v ^m w-y 3®D> »■»** !*YM"s \C^r°>r\ .^ ^/^<~\r rv ^r\nrf \ T\ ^%iPis ^'. .'V'~ rv-f .: ® ^ :^^^^?^ o T^wm ,, e>:q,^^i t j^mm ^v^^^hWH^I^.'^r^ ^^^ lis? it iSlliSSSSps;?^^-" "- r ^^, 1&p SSRBmv^^ INU tt~t V.'K - . ■ //*£ x y^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/principalnavigat1and2hakl PRINCIPAL NAVI- GATIONS, VOYAGES, TRAFFIQVES AND DISCOVE^ ries of the Englifb Oration 3 made by Sea or ouer- land , to the remote and farther!: diftant quarters of the Eai th,at any time within the compaffe of thefe 1 600 yeres: Diuided into three feuerall Volumes,accordingco the pofitions of the Regions , whercunto they were directed. The firft Volume containeth the worthy Difcoueries, dec. of the EngUjh toward the North and Northeaft by Sea, as of Lapland,Scrikjinia, Corelia,thc Baie ofS. Nicolas ,the Ifles of Co!goietie,Vaigatz, and Nona Zembla,x.ovi2iTd the greatRiuer 0£,with the mighty Empire or %ujfia, the Cafpian Sea,G 'aorgia, Arme»ia,Media, ?erfia?Bogb*r in BaBria, and diucrs kingdomes oiTartana: Together with many notable monuments and teflimonies of the ancient forren trades,and of the warrelike and other Shipping of this Reakne of England in former ages, Wlweunto is annexed a briefe Qommentary of the truejlate o/Ifland, and of the Northren Seas and lands fituate that way : As alfo the memorable defeatoftheSp«ni[?)huge.<<™M